WANTED. BRANCH MANAGER WANTED. A LEADING PIANO and MUSIC BUSINESS wants immediately an Experienced Branch Manager for important town in New Zealand. Apply in confidence, stating previous career, to—“ACUMEN,” The Charles Haines Advertising Agency, Care G.P.O. Box 10Uo, Christchurch.
WANTED- —Teamster* for 6-Horse Team.—H. Bonifant, Wakanui. WANTED —Plain Sewing, by day or at home, moderate charges.— Apply Mi's Miles, Willow St. 2 280 WANTED Known —Clearing Sale, at Cost Price, of all Furniture, to make room for Increasing Repair Work.!—H. Davis, Upholsterer, Triangle. 2 281 WANTED —3-4 Passengers, Week’s Carnival, Ist March: NelsonBlenbeim Races. For particulars apply E. E. Bell, Taxi. 2 321 WANTED to Buy Second-handi Seagrass Pram, on good order. State price.—Apply Box 106. 2 318 WANTED to Buy—Lady’s Secondhand Cycle; will pay cash. — “Cycle,” Guardian Office. WANTED Known—The New Cord Cycle Tyres made by .special process. Fully guaranteed 17s 6d each. Obtainable from Len Hopkins, Somme Cycle Works, the Value Spot for Cyclists, Tancred St. 2 332 WANTED Known —A Fine Light is better than a Light Fine. Oil Lamps from 3s 6d, Gas lamps from 10s 6d. Great Value. Best Quality Burning Oil and Carbide in stock.— Len Hopkins, Somme Cycle Works, Tancred St. The Shop for Lamps. WANTED, immediately—Married Teamster; must be competent and thoroughly understand all farm work Apply at once, W. C. Smith, Fanners’ Co-op. 2 304 WANTED Known.—£l Reduction off Men’s Box Suits. —Prices from 59s 6d.—Hefford’s. HARLEY Outfit, in good! order; 1918 Model, £ss.—Victoria Garage, Triangle. 2 328
WANTED Known—3oo Cycle Tyres just landed. Price absolutely right, 8s 6d! each. Fitting and postage free. ’Phone 247. Len Hopkins, Somme Cycle Works, Tanored St. WANTED Known.—Boys’ College Grey Sports Suits from 40s. — Hefford’s. BRIGHT, Refined Young Lady, with Nursing Experience, requires Position Nurse-Companion or in Private Hospital. Address at Guardian Office. 2 322 BRICK Car, E.L., S.S., just overhauled throughout, repainted, New 1 Hood; Price £220. Ford taken in part payment.—Victoria. Garage, Triangle. WANTED Known Have your Pictures Framed or Reframed by J. Cullen, at Donn and Son’s, East Street. Pictures called for and delivered. ’Phone 241. 2 240 WANTED Known. —Men’s _ Band Shirts, all sizes. Sale Price, 6s fid.—HeffonFs. WANTED Known—Clients are requested to send along Horse Covers for Repairs; also, any Class of Harness Repairs. Now is the time to place your orders for New Horse and Cow Covers, together with sizes you may require. Best Value offering in Heavy Green and Long Flax Canvases Well made and heavily stripped. Inspection invited. Prices on application. ’Phone 65. —T. J. DOWLER, Saddler, Rakaia.
BAND Contest, Dunedin. Extra Copies of “Otago Daily Times” and “Witness” available at the Railway Bookstall and Somerset Shop.— N. C. Jones. 2 331 KITCHEN UTENSILS. FLETCHER BROS, are Selling Kitchen Utensils of all kinds at Greatly Reduced Prices. For instance: Universal Food Choppers from 9s each, Enamel Kettles from 4s 9d, Steven’s Enamel Saucepans from 5s 6d, Boilers 19s 6d, National Meat Safes 16s, Flour Bins 7s 9d, Clotheis Baskets 10s 6d'; also, all other lines at equally low prices at FLETCHEJt BROS. PRESERVING JARS, JAM JARS, ETC. Fletcher bros. have now Full Stocks of all kinds, such as Wide Mouth Jars, in Pints, Quarts, and Halfgallons, Narrow Mouth in Quarts and Half-gallons; 1 and 21b. Tie-Over Jars; 1 and 21b. Tin Top Jars; Jelly Jars and Jelly Tumblers;! also, Rubber Ri gs to Fit Narrow and Wide-moutl Jars; also for French Jars. SAVE on Electric Lamps.- Best qualities at lowest prices at R. P. M. Manning Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch. All c.p. and voltages. Half-watt and metallic filaments. PRESERVING JARS, JAM JARS, ETC. FLETCHER BROS, have just received their Second Shipment of the above, comprising Pints, and Half-gallon Wide Mouth Jans, at 8s 6d and 15s a do'zen; Quarts and Half-gallons in Narrow Mouth at 10s 6d and 14s 6d dozen. One and 21b Tie-Over Jars, also a Small Lot of 1 and 2!b. Tin Top Jars; also, Jelly Jars with Tin Tops, at 5s and 7s 6d doz.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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