BUSINESS NOTICES. PREMIER WILL NOT RESIGN. PREMIER WILL NOT RESIGN. PREMIER WILL NOT RESIGN. We are the Premier Mercers in Ashburton, and we have no intention of resigning. Our Friends and Supporter* constitute a BIG MAJORITY, BIG MAJORITY, BIG MAJORITY, Aijd in order to sustain our prestige, we are making ' A STARTLING OFFER A STARTLING OFFER A STARTLING OFFER —of—--50 TRAVELLERS’ SAMPLE SUITS At the Ridicuously Low Price of 59s 6d and 69s 6d. These Suits, which usually sell at from £4 15s to £6 6s, are all cut to Latest Style Models from High-quality Light and Dark Grey Tweeds. The Trousers have cuff bottoms, raised seams, and hip pockets. This is the most startling’ offer wo have yet had the pleasure of extending to our Customers, and it will remain open, for the month of FEBRUARY ONLY. Remember there are only 50 of these Samples to clear, so call in early, and secure one of these Really Smart Suits at the Bargain Price of 59s 6d and 69s 6d. *
T. A. BRYANT, THE MEN’S STORE, Burnett Street, Ashburtor. TO THE RESIDENTS OF ASHBURTON AND DISTRICT. I HAVE Purchased the TOBACCONIST and HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS lately carried on. by Mr R. Galbraith, and hope by strict attention to Business and by Stocking only the Best Grades of Smokers’ Requisites, to merit a fair share of the public patronage. The Hairdressing Saloon will be under* my supervision, and all patrons can rely on the very best attention. arthurTjarnett. Tobacconist and Hairdressing Saloon, Burnett Street. A 1 LAUNDRY, WILLS STREET EAST. (Next Theatre Royal). PRICE LIST— Collars washed and Starched, 2s dozen; Collars, starched only, Is 9d dozen; Soft Shirts 4d, Starch Shirts Bd, Soft Collars Is 6d dozen, Pyjamas 4d, Singlets 4d, Sox 2d pair, Sheets 6d, Trousers Cleaned and Pressed 2s, Blankets 2s pair. Other Work equally reasonable.. INTRODUCING PERMANENT HAIR WAVE. MRS HERMANN MONSEN; Ladies’ Toilet Rooms, Burnett St. ‘Scalp and Face Massage, Manicuring, Shampooing, Cremola Massage, cream 3s 6d jar. |»adies own combings made to order.
'*ACKETS Safeties Is, / 12 Cakes Sand Soap Is, 3 Tins Lighthouse Cleaner Is, Large Tin Salmon is, 4 packets Quick Set Jellies Is, 4 Tins Wyndotte Cleaner Is, .8 packets Washing Powder Is, ? Tins Quickshine Is, 3 Tins Sardines, with keys, Is, 2 packets Dried Apples Is, 6 packets Gravy Salt, Is, 5 Gorgon or Flibans Is. i ' f BUXTON AND THOMAS, Triangle Stores. FOR the Farm! A “Best” Stormproof Lantern is indispensable.. Defies wind and rain. Makes night like day. Safe to use. Particulars from R. P. M, Manning Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch. UNIVERSAL Mincers, No. 1 Ift* 6d, No. 212 s 6d, Enamel Plate* Is, Enamel Mugs Is, Aluminium Mugs Is, Tin Billies, 6 pint 2s 6d, 8 pint 3s 3d, 10 pint 3s 9d, 12 pint 4a 6d, Jam Covers 6d packet, Wood Spoons 6d, 8d and lOd, Jam Jar Rings 6d and 9d dozen, Meat Safes 16s 6d and 19s 6d. BUXTON AND THOMAS, Triangle Stores. TEA SETS AND TEA WARE. FLETCHER BROS, have a. Fine Window Display of English Te* Sets in the latest and daintiest designs:—2l Piece Sets from 15s 6d Set to 65s pen Set; English Earthenware Large Size, Cups only, at 3s lid half dozen Cups and Saucers ditto at 6s 3d half dozen, Royal Staffordshire Chin* Cups and Saucers, 3 gold line, at 8a 9d per half dozen, White and Gold ditto at 8s 6d per half dozen. See our Window Display.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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