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Showing results 1-100 of 1,000

9:40PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:40PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:40PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:39PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
Maliakipawa .... 0 0 2 0 0 24
Mahakipawa .... 0 0 2 0 0 24
M a h a k i p a w a
9:39PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:38PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:38PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:38PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:37PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
9:37PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:37PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:36PM, 28 March 2025 AJRobinson edited COMMERCIAL.
M a h a k i p a w a
9:24PM, 28 March 2025 Daza edited A BUSY NEWS ROOM
produce it An item might
produce it. An item might
it Ntfw there are sub- •
it Now there are sub- •
8:37PM, 28 March 2025 suzijin edited WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 186Unknown
40th Eegt. under the command of Colonel
40th Regt. under the command of Colonel
to the defender* of the Orakau pa. ; we believe
to the defenders of the Orakau pa ; we believe
belvue; and whatever we may think of their
behave ; and whatever we may think of their
cause, they deceived to escape. We would
cause, they deserved to escape. We would
prai?e. We withold censure until we can
praise. We withold censure until we can
+ Show full correction
which snatched a crow ning victory from the
which snatched a crowning victory from the
wise than w e have done. In yesterday's issue
wise than we have done. In yesterday's issue
staff xrcre in front at the right angle, from
staff were in front at the right angle, from
England, it would appear, is arming. "Wo
England, it would appear, is arming. "We
know that while slow to* do Ibis, she h of all
know that while slow to do this, she is of all
does bo. She certainly is nottnw arming with-
does so. She certainly is not now arming with-
out some fived intention of doing more than
out some fixed intention of doing more than
PrusM.i. At any time, and under any circum-
Prussia. At any time, and under any circum-
joy »nd the lorrow of the parent country, which
joy and the sorrow of the parent country, which
moro than all constitution! and artificial liga-
more than all constitutions and artificial liga-
ment?., shows the mity, between the mother
ments, shows the unity between the mother
country and its dependflncies. -At the present
country and its dependencies. At the present
time, however, aird under existing circum-
time, however, aud under existing circum-
soldiers. .Now, although the ordinary establish-
soldiers. Now, although the ordinary establish-
- Hide full correction
8:33PM, 28 March 2025 suzijin edited WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 186Unknown
tion at Orakau. It is throe miles from Kihikihi
tion at Orakau. It is three miles from Kihikihi
in .1 south-westerly direction, and ihe miles
in a south-westerly direction, and five miles
from Eangiawhia in a north-westerly direction :
from Rangiawhia in a north-westerly direction :
in other words, taking Kilnkihi and Eangia-
in other words, taking Kihikihi and Rangia-
whia as> the base of a mangle, Orakau would be
whia as the base of a triangle, Orakau would be
+ Show full correction
the apex. 'Iheie is a road from Eangiowhia,
the apex. There is a road from Rangiawhia,
and there is also a road from Ivihikihi. Ihepa
and there is also a road from Kihikihi. The pa
is a square sroel-adcd redoubt, rifle-pitted
is a square stockaded redoubt, rifle-pitted
small sv.amp in the rear, which extends towards
small swamp in the rear, which extends towards
Eangianhia and is sheltered on the south by a
Rangiawhia and is sheltered on the south by a
travelled from Maungatautan, and doubt-
travelled from Maungatautari, and doubt-
and the natural cover. When Rugadier-
and the natural cover. When Brigadier-
General Carey took up a positiou in front, of
General Carey took up a position in front of
ground favoured this disposition of thealtack-
ground favoured this disposition of the attack-
ng force ; nud to all appearance tlie native*
ing force ; and to all appearance the natives
had got themselves into a tra-p from which
had got themselves into a trap from which
escape was impossible But surrounded as they
escape was impossible. But surrounded as they
war.they did notyield, but as our correspondent
war, they did not yield, but as our correspondent
writes to di'y, they were determined to light it
writes to day, they were determined to fight it
out to the very List. They were also w ithout
out to the very last. They were also without
mu'-t have appeared certain ; yet they rejected
must have appeared certain ; yet they rejected
tpruis of peace, and so the sap was pushed
terms of peace, and so the sap was pushed
vigorously up to within fie yards of the pa,
vigorously up to within five yards of the pa,
hand grenades were pitched in, and the si-
hand grenades were pitched in, and the six
p-mnd r guns sent grape shot amongst tl em ft
pounder guns sent grape shot amongst them at
a r.inge of twent) yaids. They could not hoM
a range of twenty yards. They could not hold
out auainst such fenrful odds, but neither d d
out against such fearful odds, but neither did
they die.mi of a Hag of tiuce. At the ci isis of
they dream of a flag of truce. At the crisis of
their fate they buist from the pa, on the
their fate they burst from the pa, on the
- Hide full correction
8:30PM, 28 March 2025 gaddman edited MARRIAGE.
Harold T. Teat, Phyllis Mary, elder
Harold T. Peat, Phyllis Mary, elder
or Hamilton, to Frank, elder son or Mr
of Hamilton, to Frank, elder son of Mr
8:06PM, 28 March 2025 John A edited A STOVE WHICH TELLS TIME
broiling, toasting, pouching, roasting,
broiling, toasting, poaching, roasting,
8:04PM, 28 March 2025 John A edited A STOVE WHICH TELLS TIME and marked it as complete
set on- sturdy legt,! .After food is pre-
set on sturdy legs! After food is pre-
broiling, tousling,-..pouching, roasting,
broiling, toasting, pouching, roasting,
slewing, frying—it lias only to bo placed
stewing, frying—it has only to be placed
cloak set for the particular hour when
clock set for the particular hour when
Hie-'process should be complete. The
the process should be complete. The
+ Show full correction
hind in tact and thought, and, 10. when
hind in fact and thought, and, lo, when
the! current. The idea resembles that of"
the current. The idea resembles that of
the'fu-oless cooker. Heat is supplied not
the fireless cooker. Heat is supplied not
appcl'isiiii?ly, and which when turned
appetisingly, and which when turned
ovw becomes a frying pan or toaster.
over becomes a frying pan or toaster.
- Hide full correction
Andrew and llonora Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Geoige
Andrew and Honora Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Geoige
3:50PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited THE WANGANUI CLUB. and marked it as complete
l '
s The establishment of the Wanganui
The establishment of the Wanganui
Club is now, thanlcs mainly to the excr-
Club is now, thanks mainly to the exer-
etions of Mr W. Powell, an accomplished
tions of Mr W. Powell, an accomplished
c fact. The handsome building in Victoria
fact. The handsome building in Victoria
+ Show full correction
' Avenue which has been in course oi
Avenue which has been in course of
- erection for some time past, is now com-
erection for some time past, is now com-
d ploted, and without indulging in cx-
pleted, and without indulging in ex-
c travagancy, we may with, safety saj
travagancy, we may with, safety say
o that it reflects great credit upon all wlu
that it reflects great credit upon all who
>t wore connected with it. The design!
were connected with it. The designs
d wore prepared by Messrs Eoss auc
were prepared by Messrs Ross and
a Wright, and fhe building was ercctcc
Wright, and the building was erected
i- by Mr F. M. Spurdlo. Of the building
by Mr F. M. Spurdle. Of the building
a itself wo need only say that the plan ap
itself we need only say that the plan ap
Is appears to be very suitable for the pur-
appears to be very suitable for the pur-
i^ n uy^i f» 7*^i-^-^^irrrrri urn n niiiiiiiiiiiiii
and the builders' work lias been finished
and the builders' work has been finished
in a inauner which admits of no hostile
in a manner which admits of no hostile
is ft spacious billiard-room, furnished
is a spacious billiard-room, furnished
some in the house The furniture was
some in the house. The furniture was
tho dining-room, kitchen, and pantry.
the dining-room, kitchen, and pantry.
The dining-room is furnished with iwo
The dining-room is furnished with two
dimensions, and with tho conveniences
dimensions, and with the conveniences
usually to bo found in kitchens of this
usually to be found in kitchens of this
kind. Upstairs there is a readiug-
kind. Upstairs there is a reading-
and sombre, -and. light colours would,
and sombre, and light colours would
room is, however; in excellent taste, and
room is, however, in excellent taste, and
- Hide full correction
3:39PM, 28 March 2025 Nikki Mac edited CRAVE SOCIAL DANGER.
There arc three methods <> lire- no-
There are three methods of preven-
tion —moral, administrative, am. medi-
tion —moral, administrative, and medi-
cal.. He placed the moral and reli-
cal. He placed the moral and reli-
most natural. No doubt nothing o»' d
most natural. No doubt nothing could
be nobler than the extincii.m m syph-
be nobler than the extinction of syph-
+ Show full correction
ilis by purification of morals and uy
ilis by purification of morals and by
early marriage, and -nothing conks he
early marriage, and nothing could be
more radical—at least theoretically
more radical—at least theoretically
for it was ouite certain that -'f it ied
for it was quite certain that if it led
.to the return of humanity L wards in-
to the return of humanity towards in-
nocence and the golden age, the u:-ys
nocence and the golden age, the days
tion had 'been shown by a series of
tion had been shown by a series of
greater than, contaminating the great-
greater than contaminating the great-
est 'number of their fellow citzens. To
est number of their fellow citzens. To
say that regulation only gave illusory
say that regulation only gave illusory
To him, the .liberty to give syphilis
To him, the liberty to give syphilis
- Hide full correction
3:38PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN VICTORIA AVENUE. and marked it as complete
ing a fire was discovered on Mr A. H-
ing a fire was discovered on Mr A. H.
Woolley's premises in the Avenue^ The
Woolley's premises in the Avenue. The
- ' alarm was at once rung from the big bell,
alarm was at once rung from the big bell,
and the Fire Bngade.under Captain Ferry,
and the Fire Brigade under Captain Ferry,
weie soon on the spot, and before the
were soon on the spot, and before the
+ Show full correction
flames had got, anything like a hold they
flames had got anything like a hold they
fcere extinguished. Mr Woolley ib nn-
were extinguished. Mr Woolley is un-
awaSmedby the smell. Mrs Vooley, we
awakened by the smell. Mrs Wooley, we
' believe, was away from home at the time.
believe, was away from home at the time.
' The ehop x aud parlour were both gutted,
The shop and parlour were both gutted,
' bakehouse are uninjured. The insurances
bakehouse are uninjured. The insurances
£250 on the house. '
£250 on the house.
- Hide full correction
3:35PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
usual promptitude and were quiokly on
usual promptitude and were quickly on
tli a scene— the bakehouse of Mr Kraus,
the scene— the bakehouse of Mr Kraus,
control, but not before the inside had >
control, but not before the inside had
says he is particularly careful in guard- .
says he is particularly careful in guard-
+ Show full correction
ing against fire, cannot ia ; 'any way
ing against fire, cannot in any way
pleted a new policy over his etock-in-ttade,
pleted a new policy over his stock-in-trade,
- Hide full correction
3:31PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
miees oppu-ite the Catholic Church owned |
mises opposite the Catholic Church owned
by Mrs M. Bate, and occupied by W. H.
by Mrs M. Bates and occupied by W. H.
McKay, restaurant keeper ; A, Oliver and
McKay, restaurant keeper ; A. Oliver and
Son, tailow; and Ching Chow, green-
Son, tailos; and Ching Chow, green-
Lieutenant Powell, were quickly a_ work,
Lieutenant Powell, were quickly at work,
+ Show full correction
but the strong hold obtained by Ihe
but the strong hold obtained by the
flsuneß, fanned as they were b.y the heavy
flames, fanned as they were by the heavy
J compelled strenuous efforts to be made in
compelled strenuous efforts to be made in
direction wore thoroughly successful, and
direction were thoroughly successful, and
the fire wai prevented from spreading,
the fire was prevented from spreading.
Q'he building in which it had originated,
The building in which it had originated,
however, waa completely gut. d.
however, was completely gutted.
the properly at _1300, was insured for
the properly at £1300, was insured for
JB7OO, divided as follows-_250 in the
£700, divided as follows-£250 in the
New Zealand, _250 iu the Noith German
New Zealand, £250 in the North German
and _200 in the Norwich Union.
and £200 in the Norwich Union.
Meßrrs Oliver and Son's stock, which
Messrs Oliver and Son's stock, which
was more damaged by Bmoke and water
was more damaged by smoke and water
' "than fire, was insured for £ 'CO ia the Sua
than fire, was insured for £100 in the Sun
office. The firm estimate the valuo of the
office. The firm estimate the value of the
stcck at _200.
stock at £200.
Mr McKay's f arniture and effects were
Mr McKay's furniture and effects were
insured for 3300 in the Alliance office
insured for £300 in the Alliance office
and the billiard table wa3 separately
and the billiard table was separately
covered for JBIOD. Mr McKay estimatts
covered for £100. Mr McKay estimates
his lots at _100 over and abovo insur-
his loss at £100 over and above insur-
BJr Ching CJiow'a Btock was valued at
Mr Ching Chow's stock was valued at
.£BOO, and was insured for '_ 1.5 in -the
£300, and was insured for £175 in the
The fire ia supposed to have originated
The fire is supposed to have originated
Je or ne.r the kitchen jn McKay's place.
in or near the kitchen in McKay's place.
- Hide full correction
3:24PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
. O i
At about 10.30 o'clock la^t night an
At about 10.30 o'clock last night an
i a'arm of fire was giveu, the oultraak
alarm of fire was given, the outbreak
proving tfi bo at Miss O'Sbanneey'.;
proving to be at Miss O'Shannessey's
Adelaide Tea Booms, next to Mr Keesing'a
Adelaide Tea Rooms, next to Mr Keesing's
+ Show full correction
auction mart, in the Avenw. The fire
auction mart, in the Avenue. The fire
| had a very- strong hold before the alarm
had a very strong hold before the alarm
I was given, ono of 'hu first to hrtine it
was given, one of the first to notice it
being Mr Montgomery, of Upikongaro,
being Mr Montgomery, of Upokongaro,
who at the time was standing near Koss'
who at the time was standing near Ross'
stables. However, wi'hin a vory few
stables. However, within a very few
moment^sfcer the bells rangout o. Eof the
moment after the bells rang out one of the
raels fnm the St. Hill-street station was
reels from the St. Hill-street station was
on the BCPnP, the others, including tho
on the scene, the others, including the
Keith-street continpeut,fcllo wing quickly.
Keith-street contingent, following quickly.
The flamed were soon under control, bat
The flames were soon under control, but
not; before they had broken through i&t)
not before they had broken through into
Mr J. H. Keeping's premises, and charred
Mr J. H. Keesing's premises, and charred
the whole of the dividing w-<ll. The
the whole of the dividing well. The
upstairs portion of the tea rooni3 was
upstairs portion of the tea rooms was
daluged with >vater. The damage to Mr
deluged with water. The damage to Mr
KessiDg's ftock must hnve been considsr-
Keesing's stock must have been consider-
but of cour-e no estima'e cou'.d be
able, but of course no estimate could be
made Ust night. Appearances after the
made last night. Appearances after the
fira indicated that tho outbreak had
fire indicated that the outbreak had
started in an upitairs budroom at the
started in an upitairs bedroom at the
back of MUs O'Shannessey's premises.
back of Miss O'Shannessey's premises.
Captiin Powpll and the officers and man
Captain Powell and the officers and men
of "the Fire B;i;ade deserve p.aiso fr. r
of the Fire Brigade deserve praise for
their rrjroptitude, and there u»n bo no
their promptitude, and there can be no
doubt that had the ahrra been g<voa at
doubt that had the alarm been given at
lan earlier tti fi e th 9 damage would have
an earlier stage the damage would have
been t-)flinff. Sei.' Uullen and a
been trifling. Sergeant Cullen and a
stfff of officers facilitited the working; of
staff of officers facilitited the working of
the br'gide by keeping '-all clear" in
the brigide by keeping "all clear" in
tho vicinity oF tho premispp.
the vicinity of the premises.
/ Ihe insuianceo on Mr Keesiog's sttic l !
The insurances on Mr Keesing's stock
are X!soia the London and liincoshire
are £250 in the London and Lancashire
and .£i!so in tlio Commer.iial Uaion, the
and £250 in the Commercial Union, the
New Zsaland Office holding a risk for
New Zealand Office holding a risk for
.£3OO on the building, including the ai-
£300 on the building, including the ad-
joining ehf.p.
joining shop.
- Hide full correction
3:21PM, 28 March 2025 Nikki Mac edited VENEREAL DISEASES.
land were, quoted by the Hon. Colonel
land were quoted by the Hon. Colonel
cil on Friday afternoon- during; a dis-
cil on Friday afternoon during a dis-
cussion on the .Social Hygiene .Rill. He
cussion on the Social Hygiene Bill. He
been set up to report on tire disease at
been set up to report on the disease at
+ Show full correction
two years 1288 eases of primary syphilis
two years 1288 cases of primary syphilis
had boon attended in two years. As
had been attended in two years. As
11883 eases of syphilis had boon treated
3882 cases of syphilis had been treated
in two yents. Gonorrhea was four times
in two years. Gonorrhea was four times
more prevalent than syphilis, .so it could
more prevalent than syphilis, so it could
bo. said that 15,524 cases of venereal
be said that 15,524 cases of venereal
in two years. 'This, thought Colonel
in two years. This, thought Colonel
Collins, was a. low estimate. Then,>
Collins, was a low estimate. Then,
again, those figures would ho greatly
again, those figures would be greatly
strated Hie great necessity for dealing
strated the great necessity for dealing
effectively with Hie. disease. Doctors
effectively with the disease. Doctors
did not know, however,' where they
did not know, however, where they
special hoards of balloted men. Dp
special hoards of balloted men. Up
till Juno, 1917, out of 40,773 men ex-
till June, 1917, out of 40,773 men ex-
amined thord were 550 cases of venereal
amined there were 550 cases of venereal
During twelve months at the Wel-
During twelve months at the Wel-
lington Hospital 70 venereal eases had
lington Hospital 70 venereal cases had
patients’. department. The latter total
patients’ department. The latter total
was incomplqio.
was incomplete.
- Hide full correction
3:15PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
At 930 o'clock 01 Saturday night the
At 9 30 o'clock on Saturday night the
bolls rang out an alsrm of firo, JK'o 2
bells rang out an alarm of fire, No 2
Ward being sounded as tho scene of the
Ward being sounded as the scene of the
+ Show full correction
outbreak. Tho bright reflection soon
outbreak. The bright reflection soon
Trinity Chunh, wliere a large two stoioy
Trinity Church, where a large two storey
Mrs Austin was found to be in flames,
Mrs Austin was found to be in flames.
promptness, and, under Captain F.wry,
promptness, and, under Captain Ferry,
soon had tho wator playing on the burn-
soon had the water playing on the burn-
obtained such aEtcong hold that no hope
obtained such a strong hold that no hope
was entertained of raving the building,
was entertained of saving the building,
protecting|Mr Hughes' shop cn tho one
protecting Mr Hughes' shop on the one
aide and tho cottage occupied by Mr
side and the cottage occupied by Mr
Mackenzie on the other. Both of theso
Mackenzie on the other. Both of these
places were slightly damaged, hut their
places were slightly damaged, but their
piano and soveral articles of furniture
piano and several articles of furniture
from tho doomed house, but the greater
from the doomed house, but the greater
part of its contents wero of course des-
part of its contents were of course des-
troyed. The houso was owned by Mr
troyed. The house was owned by Mr
Hughes, was valued at £3CO, and insured
Hughes, was valued at £300, and insured
for that amount in tho London and
for that amount in the London and
Lancashire. Mrs Austin had no intur-
Lancashire. Mrs Austin had no insur-
acce on hor furnitur., and will therefore
ance on her furniture, and will therefore
be the unfortunato loser of proporty
be the unfortunate loser of property
valued at betweon _U5O and _5200. Mr
valued at between £150 and £200. Mr
.hop and stock he will suffer a loss of
shop and stock he will suffer a loss of
about £50. Sergeants Cullon and Villars
about £50. Sergeants Cullen and Villars
and the whole of 1 the local constables
and the whole of the local constables
wer6 in attendance and rendered
were in attendance and rendered
valuablo help, as did a'so some
valuable help, as did also some
cause of tho outbreak is that it was due
cause of the outbreak is that it was due
'to a defective chimnoy at thebsck of the
to a defective chimney at the back of the
houso. Wo understand that tho lodgers
house. We understand that the lodgers
staying at tho place lo3t tho whole of their
staying at the place lost the whole of their belongings.
- Hide full correction
3:09PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE AVENUE FREEHOLD.
3:08PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE AVENUE FREEHOLD. and marked it as complete
:.;.-. 4 /The attention; of inyesbbrs,
The attention of capitalists, investors,
<and others is di^awii to the.auctiori sale
and others is drawn to the auction sale
-; .-of-that.-..valuable .business gite in V:c-
of that valuable business site in Vic-
. ~toria-cAv>e'BUte.^.n^s^ ..ythie-. .Newmarket
toria Avenue, next the Newmarket
.. jdCofeli bei.o^^i^sFlannary.
Hotel, belonging to the Misses Flannary.
+ Show full correction
Th'a cpmj)?iis§^ SQjjM&rches,: and
The property comprises 20 perches, and
has .a, frontage ipf-,.50' liriks^fby a depth
has a frontage of 50 links by a depth
j01250 jinks.,,, Victpna^yen^ie s'tes are
of 250 links. Victoria Avenue sites are
t '.'now .very hard to. obtain,' 'jand great in-
now very hard to obtain, and great in-
. .'^s'l^tj^vjllv attach 'to. i thiS;.oppbHumty Xp
terest will attach to this opportunity to
a seetion,jn the,mps,t coveted part
secure a section in the most coveted part
... -or onir. rapidly; Jiapg 'rtx)wn r i. The pro-
of our rapidly rising town. The pro-
/ party ;is .^pr.^retail shops,
perty is very suitable for retail shops,
. which 1 will return an a^ur^d and, hand-
which will return an assured and hand-
' sbmo i-etiirn on th^e, ca,p|^gJ, Tgayestsd. We'
some return on the capital invested. We
ijtieed.hai'dl.yire.ferLtp tjie o,erji:ain and ek-
need hardly refer to the certain and ex-
:.... /tensive^mcrease in,. vfijues that must
tensive increase in values that must
; attach tp^Tii^ >.lo ( cajity^j'£. the near^ fu-
attach to this locality in the near fu-
;ture. The >^^>^will ", b^./condueted by
ture. The sale will be conducted by
. ; C,,-I^..Duigan, J a'^^^p;^the well
Messrs. C. L. Duigan and Co., the well
Imo'wn'.aiictioiieers. aiidvl^ndj'agents, and..
known auctioneers and land agents, and
as the pTFners fr ha,V;e7"purchased another
as the owners have purchased another
' pfi-opertjV
property and are determined to realise,
< ."' -Xhis is. a bona'^d^;"c^^ce'jt;o-;i.nv^t6rs.
this is a bona fide chance to investors.
;i <:;.W^^ejiic%^ha^'^h^:^fe;;Bf^s
We predict that the sale of this valu-
[^. a^V^re^ol§|r^liL.;b^mg*^6^^^
able freehold will bring together a crowded attendance at Messrs. Duigan and Co.'s auction rooms next Saturday
afternoon. Full particulars will be
~-' f^und'^a^i: .^a^rtisino cblumris. '."''"-"-.'v
found in our advertising columns.
- Hide full correction
2:59PM, 28 March 2025 CJNZ edited DEATH
loved daughter of -Mary and the
loved daughter of Mary and the
late Walter Rogers^of Wellington:
late Walter Rogers of Wellington;
aged 19 years. Pv.T.P.
aged 19 years. R.I.P.
So loyed so mourned.
So loved so mourned.
Interred July oth, at 10 a.m.
Interred July 5th, at 10 a.m.
2:54PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited THE EMPIRE'S CALL
his father when ho enlisted. He was a
his father when he enlisted. He was a
member of the Kaikorai Football Olub, and
member of the Kaikorai Football Club, and
2:52PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited THE EMPIRE'S CALL
of Mr James A. boreham, the ex-cham-
of Mr James A. Boreham, the ex-cham-
2:51PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited THE EMPIRE'S CALL
of Mr James A. Roreham, the ex-cham-
of Mr James A. boreham, the ex-cham-
came to Dunedin with his and was
came to Dunedin with his parents and was
dementia, paralytica, imbecility, fits and general debility ... all caused by a disease which is prevalont
dementia, paralytica, imbecility, fits and general debility ... all caused by a disease which is prevalent
In a lengthy report on tho ravages of venereal disease recently presented to tho Wellington
In a lengthy report on the ravages of venereal disease recently presented to tho Wellington
Hospital Board, tho medical superintendent (Dr. Hardwick Broith) stated: "In Wellington incomplete statistics
Hospital Board, the medical superintendent (Dr. Hardwick Smith) stated: "In Wellington incomplete statistics
compared to tho total number who contracted this disease. , . . Syphilis was the cause of GO per cent of
compared to tho total number who contracted this disease. , . . Syphilis was the cause of 5O per cent of
mental defectives. .... In Infantile mortality syphilis provides premature births, still births, death m early
mental defectives. .... In Infantile mortality syphilis provides premature births, still births, death in early
infancy. Amongst tho serious effects of congenital syphilis are blindness, deafness, stunted growth, paralysis,
infancy. Amongst the serious effects of congenital syphilis are blindness, deafness, stunted growth, paralysis,
+ Show full correction
dementia, parulytica, imbecility, fits and general debility ... all caused by a disease which is prevalont
dementia, paralytica, imbecility, fits and general debility ... all caused by a disease which is prevalont
and should' be-atarnped oovat — a disease far moro fatal m its results than is tuberculosis or cancer."
and should be stamped out — a disease far more fatal in its results than is tuberculosis or cancer."
- Hide full correction
2:44PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited DEATHS.
of Jaraea A. Boreham, of No. 1 Speight's
of James A. Boreham, of No. 1 Speight's
2:42PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited POVERTY BAY
point out that even were the Council arid
point out that even were the Council and
powerless to, carry it out, the utmost they
powerless to carry it out, the utmost they
Liamint praying that a bill he introduced to
liament praying that a bill be introduced to
do so—and there, unless I jam very much
do so—and there, unless I am very much
rhbtokeri, the mutter would rest. 1 wonder
mistaken, the matter would rest. I wonder
+ Show full correction
if any of your correspondents-have paused
if any of your correspondents have paused
would ensure if every iocai body throughout
would ensure if every local body throughout
the world were at. liberty to alter the names
the world were at liberty to alter the names
boumUiriesV Have they thought of the
boundaries? Have they thought of the
morns b.v which theft- momentous decision is
means by which their momentous decision is
to bit broadcast to the world? Do they
to be broadcast to the world? Do they
realise that to give effect tc any such altera-
realise that to give effect to any such altera-
tion every book—historical or geographical—-
tion every book—historical or geographical—
treating of New Zealand- every " encyclo-
treating of New Zealand; every encyclo-
the map of New Zealand throughout tlm
the map of New Zealand throughout the
world would have to he altered before a new-
world would have to be altered before a new
should ho done that every publisher of such
should be done that every publisher of such
change? One of your correspondent;, stated
change? One of your correspondents stated
that trie Herald had led the way when it,
that the Herald had led the way when it
"Gisborne.hut that was merely a personal
"Gisborne,but that was merely a personal
matter and simply given effect to by In-
matter and simply given effect to by in-
: ire .ting a compositor to alter its title be-
tructing a compositor to alter its title be-
tween two issues, bpi, to change such a his-
tween two issues, but to change such a his-
toriiul place-name ns Poverty Bay—by which
torical place-name as Poverty Bay—by which
o.i 200 years is an entirely different matter
on 200 years is an entirely different matter
(The changing of the name of any com-
[The changing of the name of any com-
dent suggests.—Ed., idefald.]
dent suggests.—Ed., Herald.]
Sir, —I was asked this question only the
Sir,—I was asked this question only the
ether day: Vhat are the duties of a cham-
other day: What are the duties of a cham-
ber of commerce?" I '"replied, "Oh, any-
ber of commerce? I replied, "Oh, any-
- Hide full correction
2:42PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited Page 4 Advertisements Column 4
J? The Friends of Mr JAMES A. BORE-
The Friends of Mr JAMES A. BORE-
Speight's terrace. Maclagsan street, TO-
Speight's terrace, Maclaggan street, TO-
MORROW (WEDNESDAY). 20th inet., at
MORROW (WEDNESDAY). 20th inst., at
2:39PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited SERIOUS FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
of Messrs. Esau arid Co.'s establishment.
of Messrs. Esau and Co.'s establishment.
! evening, locked up, and left himself at
evening, locked up, and left himself at
a. fe wminutes to 6, everything being
a few minutes to 6, everything being
i the: -alirm. His loss, we understand,
the alarm. His loss, we understand,
and £2000, and considerably less.-" than
and £2000, and considerably less than
+ Show full correction
not ascertainablo last evening.
not ascertainable last evening.
daughter of the late Dr. Harvey,, one,
daughter of the late Dr. Harvey, one
tihie (principal of the .Collegiate School;.
time principal of the Collegiate School;
and the'shops- occupied' by Messrs.'
and the shops occupied by Messrs.
Thompson and Nosworthy are the pro,-
Thompson and Nosworthy are the pro-
perty of Mr. Shields, .who is also Absent"
perty of Mr. Shields, who is also absent
from the colpnyi.' " " -
from the colony.
': '--. '-.;- -':_- ; : :; >; :, Later.
: An- examination of tlie scene.,'of the.
An examination of the scene of the
fiiia at an early "hour I this;* morning"
fire at an early hour this morning
igihop suffered to a great extent, the dam-
shop suffered to a great extent, the dam-
age was mostly by. waiter.
age was mostly by water.
- Hide full correction
2:39PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited DRAUGHTS.
It. 13 with very sincere regret we have to
It is with very sincere regret we have to
announce the death of Mrs J. A. B«reham,
announce the death of Mrs J. A. Boreham,
working, arid) word might not have- reached
working, and word might not have reached
him until Monday. The Joss of a wife and
him until Monday. The loss of a wife and
mother out of a homo cannot be measured
mother out of a home cannot be measured
+ Show full correction
by words. W© can but extend the deepest
by words. We can but extend the deepest
ness ; and in doing so we know wo are ex-
ness ; and in doing so we know we are ex-
- Hide full correction
2:36PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited SERIOUS FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
most at the; fame* time Fireman Halli-
most at the same time Fireman Halli-
gan, who'yasyin St. Hill -street, saw a
gan, who was in St. Hill street, saw a
glow in thfibacli'windows. "He watched
glow in the back windows. He watched
for a monfieift-Or two, and having satis-
for a moment or two, and having satis-
fied himself, tiiat;the,plaos' was on fire,
fied himself that the place was on fire,
+ Show full correction
ran down to'"the "station to give the
ran down to the station to give the
The fim evidently started: in one of/the
The fire evidently started in one of the
stair-weli.'to tlie shop. Her© the natur-
stair-well to the shop. Here the natur-
aided its progress, and the Avhole ulterior
aided its progress, and the whole interior
no BriSS: parting walls to hinder the
no brick parting walls to hinder the
spread of the fire. The first -length of
spread of the fire. The first length of
Chavannes.' cornea", and run, in at the
Chavannes' corner, and run in at the
men, however, were.not long in forcing
men, however, were not long in forcing
water to" good effect. Meanwhile two
water to good effect. Meanwhile two
front verandah. Tlie greatest difficulty
front verandah. The greatest difficulty
flames. Tlie fire crept over the ceilings
flames. The fire crept over the ceilings
and worked down into they,rooms on the
and worked down into the rooms on the
first floor. To meet this,, and. to .save
first floor. To meet this, and to save
mien .had to tackle the first floor win-
men had to tackle the first floor win-
dows, out of which',thick- masses of smoke
dows, out of which thick masses of smoke
were:pouring. They succeeded in gain-
were pouring. They succeeded in gain-
three; or four times. Skill they si:iick<
three or four times. Still they stuck
bravely to their- task, and finally gained
bravely to their task, and finally gained
tho mastery, taking the water right
the mastery, taking the water right
©sen that a. splendid "save" had been
seen that a splendid "save" had been
sign of fire in the shops immediately ad- <
sign of fire in the shops immediately ad-
—the' walls and ceiling^ of one room in
—the walls and ceiling of one room in
Of course the stocks iai the four shops,
Of course the stocks in the four shops,
especially of Messrs. Grove Bros,, and
especially of Messrs. Grove Bros. and
paarance of a waterfall, the water pour-
pearance of a waterfall, the water pour-
Once again the engine was brought
Once again the engine was brought
up to the average. -..
up to the average.
- Hide full correction
2:36PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited MRS BROWN’S LETTERS HOME.
Non bx thx Sortos/ Whilst endeavouring
[Note by the Editor.] Whilst endeavouring
Wonder and bewilderment saw an elderly
wonder and bewilderment saw an elderly
female enter to whom the description of “ fair
female enter to whom the description of “fair
tat and forty-five ’’ would have well anplied.
fat and forty-five’’ would have well applied.
u Madame prafr ba seated , said we, offering
Madame pray be seated” said we, offering
+ Show full correction
exchanges. " Young man, said she “do you
exchanges. "Young man, said she “do you
- Hide full correction
2:35PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
suddenly at the residence of friends in-
suddenly at the residence of friends in
2:35PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
age, was the wife of Mr J. A. Bore-.
age, was the wife of Mr J. A. Bore-
2:34PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia marked Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 as complete
2:34PM, 28 March 2025 Mamma Mia edited Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
A woman named Ida'. Bp/reham j died
A woman named Ida Boreham died
suddenly .at" the residence' of friends in-
suddenly at the residence of friends in-
Trent Street yesterday morning,'; Mrs,'
Trent Street yesterday morning, Mrs
Boreham, who was fifty : 6ne yeatt| of:
Boreham, who was fifty-one years of
age, was' the .wife of. Ur';J. /AV-.Bpre-i'.
age, was the wife of Mr J. A. Bore-.
+ Show full correction
ham', of Dunedin; It-j9 iot knofil'
ham, of Dunedin. It is not known
.whether-an inquest will'fy : necessary; ''[
whether an inquest will be necessary.
- Hide full correction
2:30PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited AQUATICS. and marked it as complete
Thx topic of aquatics ought to be a congenial
The topic of aquatics ought to be a congenial
Mr F. Cassia writes:—
Mr F. Cassin writes:—
money .promised or handed over. I, as
money promised or handed over. I, as
mation in my power. I was one of the pro
mation in my power. I was one of the pro-
+ Show full correction
motors, and at a meeting was appointed
moters, and at a meeting was appointed
rests, as I have troubles enough outside of this
rests, as I have troubles enough outside of this
at present. If “ Aquatic ” will meet me any
at present. If “Aquatic” will meet me any
Gisborne, I will give him all ieformacion, and
Gisborne, I will give him all information, and
easily pick up the running where I. through
easily pick up the running where I, through
We can admire Mr Cassia’s good sense and
We can admire Mr Cassin’s good sense and
allowed to lapse ? As the breakwater pier
allowed to lapse? As the breakwater pier
must know that the greatness ot New Zealand
must know that the greatness of New Zealand
which is shown by Its people. The Samoan
which is shown by its people. The Samoan
a regatta or ysohting club in Gisborne?
a regatta or yachting club in Gisborne?
Bay that no olub of the kind mentioned exists
Bay that no club of the kind mentioned exists
- Hide full correction
2:30PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited TUAPEKA COUNTY
the settlors of an outlet towards their
the settlers of an outlet towards their
Councli’s views on the subject.—Charles
Council’s views on the subject. —Charles
Board’s 'scheme nothing has been done,
Board’s scheme nothing has been done,
and men living hereabouts- are expected
and men living hereabouts are expected
road open.”—-Cr Simpson said that the
road open.” —Cr Simpson said that the
+ Show full correction
position arose through 'the failure of the
position arose through the failure of the
stated that the-road would cost over £2OOO
stated that the road would cost over £2000
to replace,-—lt was decided to investigate
to replace, —lt was decided to investigate
the possibilityiof using the Unemployment
the possibility of using the Unemployment
Board’s No. 5 scheme for the reconstruc-
Board’s No. 5 scheme for the reconstruc-
tion of "the road.,
tion of the road.
- Hide full correction
2:26PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited The Approaching Election.
[to thx BDITOB.] »s
[To the EDITOR.]
Sir,—l regret that any obscurity in the la?A
Sir,—l regret that any obscurity in the last
I pointed ont that under tbe olroum.
I pointed out that under the circum-
stances ” Mr V. L. Rees should be asked to
stances” Mr W. L. Rees should be asked to
represent the district ia P.rll.msnt, at the
represent the district in Parliament, at the
+ Show full correction
whose unerring judgment in regard to Mr.
whose unerring judgment in regard to any
schemes he may have embarked upon hw
schemes he may have embarked upon has
ever failed to result in unparalleled inooess.
ever failed to result in unparalleled success.
upon this point there can be no doubt, how*
upon this point there can be no doubt, how-
ever ill judged or ill advised may have been
ever ill-judged or ill-advised may have been
community as a whole. Mr P* i (
community as a whole. Mr Rees is
years sgo “ hu main object in jetting into the
years ago “his main object in getting into the
Haute ” was to promote the private interesce
House” was to promote the private interests
of private individuals. As to Mr Roes being
of private individuals. As to Mr Rees being
responiible, as you to some extent imply, for
responsible, as you to some extent imply, for
any individual in particular. It i« tbe Native
any individual in particular. It is the Native
L<nd laws neither Mr Rees nor anyone else
Land laws neither Mr Rees nor anyone else
oould have prevented the district being more
could have prevented the district being more
prosperous than It is now, although he and
prosperous than it is now, although he and
others might have contributed materially tn
others might have contributed materially to
enhance the general prosperity. 7
enhance the general prosperity.
But the main questioi at the present time
But the main question at the present time
is what are tbe electors going to do ia retard
is what are the electors going to do in regard
going once again to repeat the binnders ot
going once again to repeat the blunders of
the past ? Are they going to be led by a
the past? Are they going to be led by a
been hitherto? Jt is to be sincerely honed >
been hitherto? It is to be sincerely hoped
Mt. Surely the recent lamentable exposure
not. Surely the recent lamentable exposure
a representative oan bo made than Mr W. L,
a representative can be made than Mr W. L.
Rees,—l am, etc.,
Rees.—l am, etc.,
________ Jk-tCTUR,
- Hide full correction
2:23PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited CENTRAL OTAGO. TUAPEKA COUNTY.
The monthly meeting of . the Tuapeka
The monthly meeting of the Tuapeka
Countyj Council was held at > Lawrence
County Council was held at Lawrence
. C. F. Adams, John Dorren, W. Waide,
C. F. Adams, John Dorren, W. Waide,
N. Hunter, C. Madden, j. Madden, W.
N. Hunter, C. Madden, J. Madden, W.
Meyers, .and B. -Meyers settlers Craig
Meyers, and B. Meyers settlers Craig
+ Show full correction
they..-had- decided to resist any claim for
they had decided to resist any claim for
rates _in the civil courts with a view to
rates in the civil courts with a view to
full knowledge of : the, public. -Nothing
full knowledge of the public. Nothing
to the' east side of the Molyneus for the
to the east side of the Molyneux for the
passing on the railway line at a dangerous,
passing on the railway line at a dangerous
corner, but could not obtain .the services
corner, but could not obtain the services
of a chaffcutter or grain thresher,—Cr
of a chaffcutter or grain thresher. —Cr
the engineer'should inspect that roadway
the engineer should inspect that roadway
and submit a full report to the council.—
and submit a full report to the council.
was being built. The, Railways Depart-
was being built. The Railways Depart-
ment, had promised to put the road in
ment had promised to put the road in
order after therailway was completed,
order after the railway was completed,
but had neglected to do so.—The chair-
but had neglected to do so. —The chair-
man-said that in any case the work could
man said that in any case the work could
account.—lt was decided to defer the
account. —lt was decided to defer the
could be present at the .meeting.
could be present at the meeting.
- Hide full correction
2:06PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
At 2 pjn. '
At 2 p.m.
have received instructions from Mi
have received instructions from Mr
His fine Farm of 456 acres, situated a(
His fine Farm of 456 acres, situated at
Tarras, with all stock (including 45(
Tarras, with all stock (including 45
+ Show full correction
sheep, horses, etc., and splendid
sheep, horses, etc., and splendid
There are growing crops, as under, al
There are growing crops, as under, all
40 acres turnipe
40 acres turnips
2£ acres potatoes.
2 1/2 acres potatoes.
This Farm is well known as one of th<
This Farm is well known as one of the
best in the district, and noted for fine crop:
best in the district, and noted for fine crops
of wheat, oats, and barley, and it is a ran
of wheat, oats, and barley, and it is a rare
If not disposed of in one lot, the land wil
If not disposed of in one lot, the land will
Further particulars vrill be supplied oi
Further particulars will be supplied on
8d Auctioneer.
8d. Auctioneer.
- Hide full correction
1:41PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited BIG FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
brobenglass and cryingof children attrac-
broken glass and crying of children attrac-
who hastened to the Bpot, by which time
who hastened to the spot, by which time
The Chbonicle men having taken the
The Chronicle men having taken the
two email reels to the scene of the fire,
two small reels to the scene of the fire,
+ Show full correction
the members of tho Brigade quickly fol-
the members of the Brigade quickly fol-
lowed, and every effort wai made to stop
lowed, and every effort was made to stop
the progress of the fUinos, which by that
the progress of the flames, which by that
timb had got aat rone hold: Indeed, in a
time had got a strong hold. Indeed, in a
until a Eimbtr ot buildings had been
until a number of buildings had been
completely destroyed, By well directed
completely destroyed. By well directed
efforts, however. Captain Ferry and
efforts, however, Captain Ferry and
his men had got tho fire well
his men had got the fire well
not until the premises of Moasrs Fenton
not until the premises of Messrs Fenton
and Tuatin largely damaged, while Mr
and Tustin largely damaged, while Mr
suffered slightly , but as much ly water
suffered slightly, but as much by water
At the hour at which the firs occurred
At the hour at which the fire occurred
- Hide full correction
1:36PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
who aß3isfed l ' : nim' v witk |the plant.
who assisted him with the plant.
The Fire Police; under Mr Foster, also ,
The Fire Police, under Mr Foster, also
turned up, and at once began -removing
turned up, and at once began removing
whon they saw the "ffdmes'"Bubdued.
whon they saw the flames subdued.
the fire was.l'our'.relpresentatiyfe ia of
the fire was, our representative is of
+ Show full correction
opinion that' the flames .originated from
opinion that the flames originated from
some loose wrapping paper on tho floor,
some loose wrapping paper on the floor,
but how the. ignition occurred it is im-
but how the ignition occurred it is im-
possible to- a'ay, for the' last 'person to
possible to say, for the last person to
leave the premises was' the manager, Mr
leave the premises was the manager, Mr
Flyger, wlio left'at 'a'quarter'ptet six in
Flyger, who left at a quarter past six in
the evening, at which' time' ; theref was no
the evening, at which time there was no
appeararice of ; ( fire. The premises, we
appearance of fire. The premises, we
believdy belong' 6) -Mr Bain, but we have
believe, belong to Mr Bain, but we have
not heard whether tho' building or stock
not heard whether the building or stock
were insured. At- any rate very little
were insured. At any rate very little
damage wns done to either./ttwing to the
damage was done to either, owing to the
prompt'jniethoas tak^n byithose men-
prompt methods taken by those men-
tio'ned'aWve.*'' sajl. l i6;jiQt ; flgea»for tha
tioned above. Had it not been for the
very prompt and clear tiatm given by'
very prompt and clear alarm given by
Mr E. E. Ward; the results' must have
Mr E. R. Ward the results must have
beonvery ser,;ou!J, and probably more
been very serious, and probably more
.than onejShqp would have,, beep, burnt to
than one shop would have been burnt to
the ground. - ,.,; tvutuhl '
the ground.
- Hide full correction
1:33PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
1 ' About' a quarter 'to twelve 'last' nigbt
About a quarter to twelve last night
ari.alarmof "fire!" "fire I" was heard
an alarm of "fire!" "fire!" was heard
had elapsedcrowds 'w,ere running to the
had elapsed crowds were running to the
spot. The alarm' came from Mr Ei K.
spot. The alarm came from Mr E. R.
Ward, whopri passing Messrs Flygerand
Ward, who on passing Messrs Flyger and
+ Show full correction
Co.'s premises, 1 'noticed a bright glara
Co.'s premises, noticed a bright glare
and on looking, through ,the- glass door
and on looking, through the glass door
say' flames' Arising ."' frqifl^ Behind the
saw flames arising from behind the
counter. The .CibsbijicJißJtaff having
counter. The Chronicle staff having
ceeding, to, the premises;' the . door of
ceeding to the premises, the door of
which; was at once i. broken open. On
which was at once broken open. On
entering the shop. the flames appeared
entering the shop the flames appeared
to have got a fair, bold, several boxes of
to have got a fair hold, several boxes of
woollen stuffs on the; shelves behind the
woollen stuffs on the shelves behind the
counter, being well ablaze. Mr B. Leys,
counter, being well ablaze. Mr R. Leys,
and Mr Ayes began .beating-/ out the
and Mr Aves began beating out the
flames' with coats and other articles of
flames with coats and other articles of
clothing. . A young man named Sebultze,
clothing. A young man named Schultze,
then discovered some' blankets, which
then discovered some blankets, which
Leys and Ayes immediately used for
Leys and Aves immediately used for
smothering pho fire. , They were luckily
smothering the fire. They were luckily
successful- in- '.putting '|out the'; flames,
successful in putting out the flames,
notwithatiindingthe'blihdin'f; smoke, and
notwithstanding the blinding smoke, and
before^ the'Koses of th"c 'Fire Brigade were
before the hoses of the Fire Brigade were
unrolled. -allQanger' 'of a serious con-
unrolled all danger of a serious con-
flagration wss'passe y d : '' The" Brigade,
flagration was passed. The Brigade,
were very soon! *6n' the 'splat; 1 in fact they
were very soon on the spot, in fact they
put in' aa 'appearance 1 in'a'iHarvelloua
put in an appearance in a marvellous
short time after' 1 the Eidgway'bell had
short time after the Ridgway bell had
rung out, but owing to the 'alarm! of Mr
rung out, but owing to the alarm of Mr
E. X.' Ward' having" beeri 1 heard, those
E. R. Ward having been heard, those
first 'on tne"s«me Were' WM'td' 'prevent
first on the scene were able to prevent
the services' of 'the 1 Bri^ade'tleing neces-
the services of the Brigade being neces-
sary. "We^inay-ntentibi'thtt^ the firet
sary. We may mention that the first
reel was brought "round" bjJ !s Fir«man
reel was brought round by Fireman
Battlei'wh'dJ as tisoal/was'the first of the
Battle, who, as usual, was the first of the
corps at the 'he was met
corps at the station, where he was met
by two' v otb'ers of ' the ' <shr6niclb staff,
by two others of the Chronicle staff,
- Hide full correction
1:23PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
Roberts and Mrs Strueter havo suffered
Roberts and Mrs Streeter have suffered
heavy loss in the destruction by both firo
heavy loss in the destruction by both fire
furniture, in the upper parts of thoir
furniture, in the upper parts of their
promises, Mr Low's building was' also
promises, Mr Low's building was also
Mr Spriggon's stock was completly do-
Mr Spriggen's stock was completly de-
+ Show full correction
stroyed, and his loss must be very sovore.
stroyed, and his loss must be very severe.
an examination, and found' that Sprig-
an examination, and found that Sprig-
gons' shop was thoroughly gutted,
gens' shop was thoroughly gutted,
in Spriggons' boot shop, and when dis-
in Spriggens' boot shop, and when dis-
separating the shop from a small roomat
separating the shop from a small room at
tho back of the building, whore wo under-
the back of the building, where we under-
up his accounts. -
up his accounts.
As far as jvecan-gleaii,~the building—
As far as we can glean, the building—
jcomprisiug'tlie four shops — was insured
comprising the four shops — was insured
office for J575J), whilo Spriggens' stock
office for £750, while Spriggens' stock
was covered for .£7OO in another office.
was covered for £700 in another office.
Mr Robert Low, cabintmakor informs
Mr Robert Low, cabintmaker informs
us that ho was at work making up
us that he was at work making up
to go into Mr Sprig-gens' to ask for
to go into Mr Spriggens' to ask for
some pens, he having run short of thorn.
some pens, he having run short of them.
He found Mr Spriggens at work in tho
He found Mr Spriggens at work in the
lend him some pens. Mr Spriggons
lend him some pens. Mr Spriggens
then wont up-stairs to' get what was
then went up-stairs to get what was
wanted, and whilo ho was away, Mr Low
wanted, and while he was away, Mr Low
heaed somebody knocking at tho door
heaed somebody knocking at the door
and calling put " Fire !" Ho at once
and calling out "Fire !" He at once
unlocked tho door between tho back room
unlocked the door between the back room
to bo on fire. -Mr Low says he then got
to be on fire. Mr Low says he then got
Cottle's, and then wont back to the burn-
Cottle's, and then went back to the burn-
Mr Cotfclo, who lives noxt door to the
Mr Cottle, who lives next door to the
alarmed by somebody calling out " Fire!"
alarmed by somebody calling out "Fire!"
j and at once looked and smelt burning
and at once looked and smelt burning
wood. He wont to the back of Spriggens'
wood. He went to the back of Spriggens'
and thero found Mr Low, and thoy at
and there found Mr Low, and they at
| When ho entered, Mr Dottle opened tho
When he entered, Mr Cottle opened the
door and discovered the place to bo. on
door and discovered the place to be on
citement wo were unablo to glean from
citement we were unable to glean from
have been ablo to give as to tho caijse of
have been able to give as to the cause of
Co.'s stock of Ladies' and Gonts' Tan
Co.'s stock of Ladies' and Gents' Tan
Shoos, also Gonts' Tan Boots — really
Shoes, also Gents' Tan Boots — really
first-class linos for this present season.
first-class lines for this present season.
Tennis Shoes, which aro first-class value.
Tennis Shoes, which are first-class value.
Wo havo also Ladies' and Gents' Boots
We have also Ladies' and Gents' Boots
and Shoes in great v.irioty ; also, Boys'
and Shoes in great variety ; also, Boys'
serviceable amongst which aro thosowith
serviceable amongst which are those with
Hannah and Co.'s Patont Indostructiblo
Hannah and Co.'s Patent Indestructible
wear. Wo. can also supply the trade
wear. We can also supply the trade
with all kinds of. Leathor and Grindory
with all kinds of Leather and Grindery
Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, in tho
Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, in the
courso of an interview, said he was coiv
course of an interview, said he was cer-
separate from England,
separate from England.
- Hide full correction
1:16PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
About twonty minutes past 12 o'clock
About twenty minutes past 12 o'clock
the Chronicle Office, he observod a
the Chronicle Office, he observed a
at once knocked at tho door and gave tho
at once knocked at the door and gave the
voice from inside, saying, "Oh! tho
voice from inside, saying, "Oh! the
+ Show full correction
place is on firo." Mr Carson continued
place is on fire." Mr Carson continued
calling out and hammering at tho door,
calling out and hammering at the door,
" Yes." Mr Carson said, " What can we
"Yes." Mr Carson said, "What can we
do ? " Shall I ring tho bell ? " Low re-
do ?" Shall I ring tho bell ?" Low re-
then ran down the street, crying " . Fire !"
then ran down the street, crying "Fire !"
but instead of making for tho big firo-
but instead of making for the big fire-
bell, he ran to St. Hill-street to°rouso
bell, he ran to St. Hill-street to rouse
for tho night, and as ho could get no re-
for the night, and as he could get no re-
the Chronicle Office and gavo tho alarm
the Chronicle Office and gave the alarm
to tho men. The staff turned out and
to the men. The staff turned out and
ceeded with a reel to tho scono of the
ceeded with a reel to the scene of the
outbroak. In tho maantimo tho Sisters
outbreak. In the meantime the Sisters
of tho Convent rang their bell in alarm,
of the Convent rang their bell in alarm,
Eidgway-streot bell and gavo tho alarm
Ridgway-street bell and gave the alarm
to the night watchman, who at onco
to the night watchman, who at once
communicated with Ccxptain Cummins,
communicated with Captain Cummins,
Brigade wore on the spot. In the mean-
Brigade were on the spot. In the mean-
time, however, much had boon dono by
time, however, much had been done by
tho firo in giving the alarm to
the fire in giving the alarm to
ing Spriggens', and Mossrs Carson and
ing Spriggens', and Messrs Carson and
Ayes were just in time to arouse
Aves were just in time to arouse
Mrs Roborts, her daughter, and a young
Mrs Roberts, her daughter, and a young
them out of the building, the smoko
them out of the building, the smoke
more they would havo been suft'ocatod.
more they would have been suffocated.
The Brigade soon got to work, but tho
The Brigade soon got to work, but the
fire had assumed by this timo large pro-
fire had assumed by this time large pro-
building; To give praise where it is due
building. To give praise where it is due
staff got tho first jefc on the burninw
staff got the first jets on the burning
mass, one of our men (Mr R. R. Leys')
mass, one of our men (Mr R. R. Leys)
was the first of the Brigade on tho spot
was the first of the Brigade on the spot
to say that owing to tho energy of the
to say that owing to the energy of the
saved, but not beforo considerable dam-
saved, but not before considerable dam-
age had been done to it. Mrs Streoter's
age had been done to it. Mrs Streeter's
stock of confectiouary and fruit, was de-
stock of confectionary and fruit, was de-
more or less a severo one. Both Mrs
more or less a severe one. Both Mrs
- Hide full correction
1:13PM, 28 March 2025 AlexL edited His Motto and marked it as complete
C4TTE who would be free, must him-
HE who would be free, must him-
-11 self strike the blow." Nowa-
-self strike the blow." Nowa-
m Auckland.
in Auckland.
This was his slogan, however, m the
This was his slogan, however, in the
force m the Socialist Democratic
force in the Socialist Democratic
+ Show full correction
room with/ the idea of
room with the idea of
preventing- a hungry or
preventing a hungry or
though he toiled m a
though he toiled in a
m the Auckland City
in the Auckland City
Born m Benalla, Victoria, "Mick"
Born in Benalla, Victoria, "Mick"
He came to New Zealand m 1907 and
He came to New Zealand in 1907 and
- Hide full correction
1:09PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
o'clock) an alarm of fire was rung out at
o'clock an alarm of fire was rung out at
tho Keith-street station, which awoke the
the Keith-street station, which awoke the
ing into toira from Aramoho, and who
ing into town from Aramoho, and who
gave the alarm. Tho house in flames was
gave the alarm. The house in flames was
+ Show full correction
tho well-known "Battlo Abbey," lately oc-
the well-known "Battle Abbey," lately oc-
forte tuner, who had boon for some timo
forte tuner, who had been for some time
living thoro by himself, but was last
living there by himself, but was last
week joined by his wifo and family from
week joined by his wife and family from
awakened by ono of his children calling
awakened by one of his children calling
out and coughing, and ho noticed at once
out and coughing, and he noticed at once
to tho door, lie found that his passage was
to the door, he found that his passage was
tho top of tho porch on to the ground
tho top of the porch on to the ground
tho burning house in tho same manner.
the burning house in the same manner.
There was so little timo in which to save
There was so little time in which to save
and consequently they ar<» now possessed
and consequently they are now possessed
; of nothing bnt what they left tho house
of nothing but what they left the house
1 in. The Keith-streot contingent of the
in. The Keith-street contingent of the
j Fire Brigade wcro first on the spot, and
Fire Brigade were first on the spot, and
; soon had two streams of water on to the
soon had two streams of water on to the
I burning mass, but could do nothing more
burning mass, but could do nothing more
| than put the fire outj as by the timo they
than put the fire out, as by the time they
'. arrived tho house was completely gutted.
arrived the house was completely gutted.
| Captain Cummins, together with Sergt.
Captain Cummins, together with Sergt.
, Anderson, nindo an inspection of the
Anderson, made an inspection of the
ruins, and, from what they saw, camo to
ruins, and, from what they saw, came to
tho conclusion that the iiro had probably
the conclusion that the fire had probably
the floor through till tho draught created
the floor through till the draught created
a iiamo, which soon demolished the struc-
a flame, which soon demolished the struc-
ture. Mr Burton istatcs that ho estimates
ture. Mr Burton states that he estimates
his loss at .£l5O, and that ho was not in-
his loss at £150, and that he was not in-
sured. Ho also lost a valuable watch
sured. He also lost a valuable watch
which hud boon presented to him, as well
which had been presented to him, as well
not Ijg roplaccd out hero. Great kindness
not be replaced out here. Great kindness
v:is shown to the unfortunate family by
was shown to the unfortunate family by
Mrs Siovers, Miss Blytho, Mr Haokctt,
Mrs Sievers, Miss Blythe, Mr Hackett,
and Mr and Mrs Cremor, who did all they
and Mr and Mrs Cremer, who did all they
could to alleviate their distress iv their
could to alleviate their distress in their
homeless condition, Mrs Burton was
homeless condition. Mrs Burton was
later on taken up to Mr Peter Boll's. ',
later on taken up to Mr Peter Bell's.
Among oilier things lost;, was a piano be- :
Among other things lost, was a piano be-
unfortunately had not insured it. The '
unfortunately had not insured it. The
for =£200.
for £200.
- Hide full correction
1:02PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
given, and it was found to be in 8 four-
given, and it was found to be in a four-
room bouse in tbe Avenue, almost im-
room house in the Avenue, almost im-
Piper, lamplighter. The Fire Brigade ;
Piper, lamplighter. The Fire Brigade
were quickly on the spot, but when they i
were quickly on the spot, but when they
reaohed tbe place the fire bad so far
reached the place the fire had so far
+ Show full correction
advanced that their efforts oould be of '
advanced that their efforts could be of
no avail. It was evident that it had '
no avail. It was evident that it had
been burning for some time before the J
been burning for some time before the
alarm wns sounded, and had nearly I
alarm was sounded, and had nearly
done its work of destruction before any
done its work of destruction before any
effort oould be made to save the build- J
effort could be made to save the build-
ing. 'I'ho house was old and must have i
ing. The house was old and must have
burnt very rapidly f.s soon as the fke i
burnt very rapidly as soon as the fire
got hold. ft 11 ihe family were absent 8
got hold. All the family were absent
at Ike tinia of cathreok, ana nothing t
at the time of of outbreak, and nothing
jf, ltDDwvi of tho origin oi ths nro. The 6
is known of the origin of the fire. The
k'juac ,ia<l iti coateuia were comoletely i
house and its contents were completely
jset.ayifi, Mr Ffpfer suffering theloas of 1
destroyed, Mr Piper suffering the loss of
a ij his furniture-. t
all his furniture.
- Hide full correction
12:59PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited Does the Boot Pinch ? and marked it as complete
Does the Boot Pinch ?
Does the Boot Pinch?
Sib,—Not being a shareholder of the South
Sir,—Not being a shareholder of the South
Pacific Oil Co,, I may be excused f- r expressing
Pacific Oil Co., I may be excused for expressing
made, and at the prospect at it having actually
made, and at the prospect of it having actually
+ Show full correction
ratification of Cha votes of oenfllence, etc,, of
ratification of the votes of confidence, etc., of
rnakin. the nail. All this will read very
making the call. All this will read very
It iq the course to turn the tables at
It is the usual course to turn the tables at
every meeting, Wit how is it gojng to be
every meeting, but how is it going to be
done this time ? Whose turn is it now P
done this time? Whose turn is it now?
Seriously speaking. I would like to know
Seriously speaking, I would like to know
how much longer this agony is to be con
how much longer this agony is to be con-
feeling of loyalty towarde the place in which
feeling of loyalty towards the place in which
in < dilly-dally, which, however amusing or
ing dilly-dally, which, however amusing or
os residents bf the district to get this un-
as residents of the district to get this un-
- Hide full correction
12:56PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited Gambling among Maori's. and marked it as complete
Gambling among Maori's.
Gambling among Maoris.
Thxbr was a good attendance at the meeting
There was a good attendance at the meeting
MS. _ Magazine was presented, read, and
MS. Magazine was presented, read, and
criticised, The Mazagtne was up to the
criticised, The Mazagine was up to the
+ Show full correction
at the present time, It is deserving of wider
at the present time. It is deserving of wider
putting it in print, It is entitled—
putting it in print. It is entitled—
Haira to Piri has been found guilty ol a
Haira te Piri has been found guilty of a
on the head of ths condemned mbn, in his
on the head of the condemned man, in his
history of his crime, one bitter lezson which
history of his crime, one bitter lesson which
of Haira's race, arid indeed by every race
of Haira's race, and indeed by every race—
directly traceable to gambling. It is onques-
directly traceable to gambling. It is unques-
and in allowing tha gambling spirit to take
and in allowing the gambling spirit to take
possession of him we discern bia first step
possession of him we discern his first step
towards the gallows, Wa have it upon clear
towards the gallows, We have it upon clear
and unoontradioted evidenoo that Haira
and uncontradicted evidence that Haira
Not only did be lose his own money, but
Not only did he lose his own money, but
deeply. “It ia the first step that costs,” and
deeply. “It is the first step that costs,” and
in hia anxiety to hide one crime we find the
in his anxiety to hide one crime we find the
gambling purposes. This makes it tolerabl y
gambling purposes. This makes it tolerably
say to his race, “ Beware of gambling 1
say to his race, “Beware of gambling!
resident in Gisborne oinnot of course judge
resident in Gisborne cannot of course judge
of Haira te Piri ? The lives of three persons
of Haira te Piri? The lives of three persons
his Almighty wisdom saw fit to a'low the
his Almighty wisdom saw fit to allow the
victims of this terrible tragedy to be out off
victims of this terrible tragedy to be cut off
will profit by it,
will profit by it.
" Reminiscences of a Reporter,” the title of
"Reminiscences of a Reporter,” the title of
which suggests the subject matter; “ A morn-
which suggests the subject matter; “A morn-
during the Te Kooti massacre; “ Recreation
during the Te Kooti massacre; “Recreation
quate provision for anything of the ulnd in
quate provision for anything of the kind in
Gieborne; and "Our Women, by a woman,"
Gisborne; and "Our Women, by a woman,"
an interesting selected article, Tha last
an interesting selected article. The last
taper was not read, because of insufficient
paper was not read, because of insufficient
- Hide full correction
12:56PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
origin of the fire, whicb commenced at
origin of the fire, which commenced at
12:55PM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
Avenue. The Ghronioxb employes,
Avenue. The Chronicle employes,
stable McLennagban and Mr Gavin,
stable McLennaghan and Mr Gavin,
to saving the vehicles, iv which they
to saving the vehicles, in which they
The Fire Police also were on £he spot.
The Fire Police also were on the spot.
By this time it was evident that, -under
By this time it was evident that, under
+ Show full correction
water - had got the mastery, and
water had got the mastery, and
ther was coon at an end. A rather
ther was soon at an end. A rather
serious accident o ;curred to Mr Davey,
serious accident occurred to Mr Davey,
of the dewing Machine depot, who,
of the Sewing Machine depot, who,
Btite he lay for some time in (Jhava.nne's
state he lay for some time in Chavanne's
derstand that Mr Davey hag sustained
derstand that Mr Davey has sustained
iujuries to his head and shouldar. The
injuries to his head and shoulder. The
origin of the fire, whiob commenced at
origin of the fire, whicb commenced at
tfie back of hay loft, i 3 unknown, but it
the back of hay loft, is unknown, but it
is believed to have resulted fr^m the
is believed to have resulted from the
we understand, ia covered by insur-
we understand, is covered by insur-
- Hide full correction
the Patriotic Society in reference to the,
the Patriotic Society in reference to the
nmch-disqussed question of issuing, civi-
much-discussed question of issuing civi-
tion -were quite in accord with Waira-
tion were quite in accord with Waira-
Watt, Scrgt. Grahame Heard, Privates
Watt, Sergt. Grahame Heard, Privates
W. Drummond, A. E- Rees and «T. J.
W. Drummond, A. E. Rees and J. J.
+ Show full correction
Laing, Scrgt. W. Waldegrave, Privates
Laing, Sergt. W. Waldegrave, Privates
bons, Y. Jewell, G. E. Fitzpatrick, F.
bons, V. Jewell, G. E. Fitzpatrick, F.
for the children: —Mr A. Sutherland £o,
for the children: —Mr A. Sutherland £3,
Messrs .T. H. Bamicoat and W. P. Hen-
Messrs J. H. Brnicoat and W. P. Hen-
derson til each, Mr S. Jickell £1 Is, Mrs
derson £1 each, Mr S. Jickell £1 1s, Mrs
H. McGregor 10s, C.2 ss, Messrs Gold-
H. McGregor 10s, C.2 5s, Messrs Gold-
10s, A Friend £9, Mr J. McGill £l, A
10s, A Friend £9, Mr J. McGill £1, A
from a friend towards tho purchase of a
from a friend towards the purchase of a
In connection with the present appeal,
In connection with the present appeal
suberiptions and gifts: Anonymous
subcriptions and gifts: Anonymous
£2O, ditto £l, Mr McHardy £5, Miss
£20, ditto £1, Mr McHardy £5, Miss
Collins £1 Is, Goldingham and Beckett
Collins £1 1s, Goldingham and Beckett
Klein each ss, Mr and Mrs Hubbard
Klein each 5s, Mr and Mrs Hubbard
ing memo from Hon. G. "W. Russell,
ing memo from Hon. G. W. Russell,
Minister of Internal Affairs: I hae
Minister of Internal Affairs: I have
of the War Funds 'Act and tho rules
of the War Funds Act and the rules
made by tho Society, the funds at the
made by the Society, the funds at the
on tho excellent work done by your-
on the excellent work done by your-
- Hide full correction
12:47PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited Local and General.
Lu the House yesterday the Premier
In the House yesterday the Premier
Registration Bill. —P.A.
Registration Bill.—P.A.
held on the-Racecourse at To Hapara
held on the Racecourse at Te Hapara
on October 22 and 29.
on October 22 and 23.
The “Sfiibad the Sailor" Company
The “Sinbad the Sailor" Company
+ Show full correction
and will appear in the southern cen-
and will appear in the southern cen-
Replying tq MV Payne in the House
Replying to Mr Payne in the House
introducing a Bill to provide lor (5
introducing a Bill to provide for 6
days a. week for hotel and restaurant
days a week for hotel and restaurant
past year numbered 1002-
past year numbered 1062.
Jurors summoned to arm-ear at the
Jurors summoned to appear at the
Supreme Court; on September 2J will
Supreme Court on September 23 will
not ho required to attend.
not be required to attend.
The popular Mr. “Pip”, Powell, of
The popular Mr. “Pip” Powell, of
the Ib'lut-omLime, Company, is enamored
the Pantomime, Company, is enamored
that he would liave liked to have
that he would have liked to have
various topics arc- held over, and will
various topics are held over, and will
ke’s Bav Rivers Bill (Mr- Ormond)
ke’s Bay Rivers Bill (Mr. Ormond)
The Births and Deaths Registration
The Births and Deaths Registration
plan*-, for the new railway bridge
plans for the new railway bridge
across the Waipaoa River., near Patu-
across the Waipaoa River, near Patu-
tahi on the Gisborne-Napier rail-
tahi, on the Gisborne-Napier rail- will be put in hand as soon as
way, will be put in hand as soon as
pleted a contract will he prepared ioi
pleted a contract will he prepared for
op m Thev spent the extra hours
2 p.m. They spent the extra hours
in town, after “counting cut” the
in town, after “counting out” the
shinning company responsible for
shipping company responsible for
ing one to nine and out.
ing one to nine and out.
commended that the Bill he mlowed to
commended that the Bill be allowed to
vides that- finger-print records of per-
vides that finger-print records of per-
criminal offence- and other records, the
criminal offence and other records, the
i The District Commissioner of Crown
The District Commissioner of Crown
I Lands (Mr. R. T. Sadd) informed a
Lands (Mr. R. T. Sadd) informed a
! “Times” reporter that there wa~ a
“Times” reporter that there was a
; great shortage of surveyors thxough-
great shortage of surveyors through-
! out the Dominion. This was being
out the Dominion. This was being
! felt in the Hawke’s Bav land district,
felt in the Hawke’s Bay land district,
i and with an increased number of
and with an increased number of
! areas to subdivide and -lay out, with
areas to subdivide and lay out, with
! the acquisition of land fer closer set-
the acquisition of land for closer set-
vices of another surveyor lx*fore long.
vices of another surveyor before long.
tawiiero yesterday afternoon, when a
tawhero yesterday afternoon, when a
ployed by Mr J. Clark. Opou Station,
ployed by Mr J. Clark, Opou Station,
lmd one of his legs broken and a
had one of his legs broken and a
pole of the waggon when lie suddenly
pole of the waggon when he suddenly
where Ins injuries were attended to.
where his injuries were attended to.
at the request cf the Royal Commis-
at the request of the Royal Commis-
sioner of Empire- Trade, to visit the
sioner of Empire Trade, to visit the
or use to the Commissioner he col-
of use to the Commissioner be col-
Tim Board has decided to call a meet-
The Board has decided to call a meet-
A res'tectable looking young woman
A respectable looking young woman
site arrived in Napier from Gislxnne
she arrived in Napier from Gisborne
on Monthly morning and got in touch
on Monday morning and got in touch
with a number of moil at the Port.
with a number of men at the Port.
had l>eon sent on by steamer. Taking
had been sent on by steamer. Taking
River Board, Mr H. M. Porter the
River Board, Mr H. M. Porter, the
jun., and I). Kirknatriek. After a
jun., and D. Kirkpatrick. After a
Messrs H. debaut-our t and (roo. Ait -
Messrs H. deLautour and Geo. Wit -
themselves to be nominated, and thev
themselves to be nominated, and they
noon to-dav, and the election takes
noon to-day, and the election takes
Ralph Joseph Aliddleton, whose ad-
Ralph Joseph Middleton, whose ad-
ventures as related by Detective Alit-
ventures as related by Detective Mit-
c-heii were enumerated in these col-
chell were enumerated in these col-
umns last week and showed the mini
umns last week and showed the man
ia- in travelling by sea without a
ner in travelling by sea without a
ing. and purchasing a property worth
ing, and purchasing a property worth
hi 125 without the necessary finance,
£4125 without the necessary finance,
was again arraigned before Air AV. A.
was again arraigned before Mr W. A.
Barton, S.AL, yesterday on a charge
Barton, S.M., yesterday on a charge
of vagrancy, to which he tins time
of vagrancy, to which he this time
guilty to having stolen a cheque hook,
guilty to having stolen a cheque book,
valued at Is 7d, the property of AY.
valued at 1s 7d, the property of W.
.1 Pttehell. His AA'orship remarked
J. Patchell. His Worship remarked
tences to he concurrent.
tences to be concurrent.
will he occupied to-day in hearing the
will be occupied to-day in hearing the
ease of the Tyser Line, Ltd. and John
case of the Tyser Line, Ltd. and John
Ahum Hart, master s.s. Star of Can-
Mann Hart, master s.s. Star of Can-
fendants, claim for £5824 3s 2d aiid
fendants, claim for £5824 3s 2d and
interest at G per cent, from August
interest at 6 per cent. from August
with the -salvaging of frozen meat and
with the salvaging of frozen meat and
£2539 16s -Id, the amount which it
£2539 16s 4d, the amount which it
any legal consideration. Air Skerrett
any legal consideration. Mr Skerrett
and Air Spoule will appear for the
and Mr Spoule will appear for the
Air Stock for defendants.
Mr Stock for defendants.
- Hide full correction
ing in camp bo provided with some
ing in camp be provided with some
donations: Borough Council £lO,
donations: Borough Council £10,
Working Men’s Club £lO 10s, Mana-
Working Men’s Club £10 10s, Mana-
watu Club £l2.
watu Club £12.
had from the racecourse on race days
and from the racecourse on race days
+ Show full correction
must go by way of Foxtou Line aud re-
must go by way of Foxton Line and re-
pairs were plaved. Messrs J. A. Hash,
pairs were played. Messrs J. A. Nash,
E. Michie and M. Galvin (2 points) 19.
R. Michie and M. Galvin (2 points) 19.
andra ’s Regimental Band in the Opera
andra’s Regimental Band in the Opera
House on Boxing Hight. Tickets will
House on Boxing Night. Tickets will
the College Street school pupils tor
the College Street school pupils for
their donation of £l3 6s, contributed to
their donation of £13 6s, contributed to
the society’s fund, £lO being devoted
the society’s fund, £10 being devoted
If you are at al[ in doubt about the
If you are at all in doubt about the
pare values. The “C. M. Boss” Co.
pare values. The “C. M. Ross” Co.
win every time on comparison, Boscos
win every time on comparison, Roscos
arc not'at all reassuring for the Christ-
are not at all reassuring for the Christ-
Featherstou Camp, died in the Taihape
Featherston Camp, died in the Taihape
Miss Rubie Curran, the clever young-
Miss Rubie Curran, the clever young
Lysaght, C. J. Harwkcn, J. Blair and
Lysaght, C. J. Harwken, J. Blair and
A. Hunter, were each lined £2O for
A. Hunter, were each lined £20 for
October. 1917, was being presented to
October, 1917, was being presented to
(Yesterday afternoon a motor lorry
Yesterday afternoon a motor lorry
belonging to Mr S. T, Hunt was pro-
belonging to Mr S. T. Hunt was pro-
ceeding up the hill at Fitzhcrbert to
ceeding up the hill at Fitzherbert to
the residence of Mr Keillor with a
the residence of Mr Keiller with a
- Hide full correction
12:39PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited BANKRUPT ESTATE.
| £5000) ; deficiency, £1358. Stock-in-
£5000) ; deficiency, £1358. Stock-in-
trade was set down at £IOO, leaving a
trade was set down at £100, leaving a
The secured creditors were:—Estate
The secured creditors were:— Estate
, of James Black (Messrs Sidey and Col-
of James Black (Messrs Sidey and Col-
' lier), £280; James Goodger, £SOOO.
lier), £280; James Goodger, £5000.
+ Show full correction
The unsecured cdeditors were:—Geo.
The unsecured creditors were:— Geo.
Waide (Beaumont), £160; D.1.C., £200;
Waide (Beaumont), £160; D.I.C., £200;
rick (Cromwell), £SO; Logan (Lug-
rick (Cromwell), £50; Logan (Lug-
£3O; J. Richardson (Tarras), £10; W.
£30; J. Richardson (Tarras), £10; W.
£3B; Ninimo and Blair, £4O; V. Shieb
£36; Nimmo and Blair, £40; V. Shieb
(Cromwell), £ls. The amounts due
(Cromwell), £15. The amounts due
his brother a property for £ISOO, which
his brother a property for £1500, which
ont the exact position. Bankrupt had
out the exact position. Bankrupt had
burned out in 1024, and from that time
burned out in 1924, and from that time
paid about £2OOO in interest during the
paid about £2000 in interest during the
Mr Thompson said they were now tak- :
Mr Thompson said they were now tak-
Mr Payne said that Mr Thompson's J
Mr Payne said that Mr Thompson's
client was not entiftSd to possession unlil !
client was not entitled to possession until
he had satisfied tho assignee that the
he had satisfied the assignee that the
I enter up judgment for possession how.
enter up judgment for possession how.
I Mr Payne said if the assignee were
Mr Payne said if the assignee were
.satisfied with the books he would advise
satisfied with the books he would advise
I Waide to give up possession at once.
Waide to give up possession at once.
| The bankrupt said if the assignee were
The bankrupt said if the assignee were
sale of the property. Tho property had
sale of the property. The property had
The bankrupt said he bad no offer to
The bankrupt said he had no offer to
Mr Thompson said he would prodnco
Mr Thompson said he would produce
then adjourned to Tuesday, at 2#o.
then adjourned to Tuesday, at 2.30.
- Hide full correction
12:24PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited DISTRICT NEWS. and marked it as complete
RAKAHROA, Sept. 17.
RAKAUROA, Sept. 17.
At a mooting of the Waikohu Valley
At a meeting of the Waikohu Valley
answer to- a request to have all the
answer to a request to have all the
that he- had given instructions loir
that he had given instructions for
to be proceeded with early in October.
to be preceeded with early in October.
+ Show full correction
0,000 acres between Tahora and Rak-
6,600 acres between Tahora and Rak-
aimia is to he reserved for timber.
auroa is to be reserved for timber.
be greatly appreciated bv settlers
be greatly appreciated by settlers
tlers, who have ' been going 12 miles
tlers, who have been going 12 miles
'the Public Works Department is
The Public Works Department is
lasting the line from Otokb to Rakau-
lasting the line from Otoko to Rakau-
roa by decidedly in,sufficient haulage
roa by decidedly insufficient haulage
power, and the local stall are to bo
power, and the local staff are to be
tile grass growing at present.
the grass growing at present.
from the Motu and Rakauroa. -Sev-
from the Motu and Rakauroa. Sev-
eral interesting races ami exhibitions
eral interesting races and exhibitions
graceful skater was non by Miss Hilda
graceful skater was won by Miss Hilda
th - first, prize for the prettiest fancy
the first, prize for the prettiest fancy
.Miss A. Roythorae. Motu (Harem
Miss A. Roythorne, Motu (Harem
Girl), Mrs Loam? (Winter), and sev-
Girl), Mrs Loane (Winter), and sev-
eral Other very effective and pretty
eral other very effective and pretty
costumes. The hrst prize for gents’
costumes. The first prize for gents’
fancy eostunio was won by Mr J. Har-
fancy costume was won by Mr J. Har-
ris (Mephistopholes) and the jiali-milo
ris (Mephistopheles) and the half-mile
Mr A. Neal won the first prize tor
Mr A. Neal won the first prize for
presented by Mr Walter Ktan-Hor-on
presented by Mr Walter Kean-Horton
orv enjoyable dance, which ran on
very enjoyable dance, which ran on
untii the ear.y hours, tv lien all . d
until the early hours, when all and
sundry dragged their weary way mua;
sundry dragged their weary way home
(From our own Corrospowlont.)
(From our own Correspondent.)
MOTl', Sept. 17.
MOTU, Sept. 17.
The Settlors’ Association is trying
The Settlers’ Association is trying
to got more mails despatched from
to get more mails despatched from
following morning, not giving settlors
following morning, not giving settlers
As the daily Otoko-Motu roach will
As the daily Otoko-Motu coach will
bo running in a few weeks’ time, it
be running in a few weeks’ time, it
an extra two mails a week, to como
an extra two mails a week, to come
liv that route.
by that route.
(By Our Travelling* "Reporter-)
(By Our Travelling Reporter.)
The' usual monthly meeting of the
The usual monthly meeting of the
Makaraka. and Matawhero School
Makaraka and Matawhero School
Committee was hold on Monday even-
Committee was held on Monday even-
In the unavoidii-ble absence of the
In the unavoidable absence of the
chairman (Mr. Bfcscll), Mr. H. D.
chairman (Mr. Bissell), Mr. H. D.
Messrs IT. lilooro, TV. Gedyef T. Nx-h-
Messrs H. Moore, W. Gedye, T. Nich-
---01, and If vans, and the Rev, Blair
ol, and Evans, and the Rev. Blair
The ini mites of the previous meet-
The minutes of the previous meet-
()u the motion of Mr- Niebol, sec-
On the motion of Mr. Nichol, sec-
onded bv Mr. Blair, it was decided
onded by Mr. Blair, it was decided
that a map of the world, forwarded by
that a map of the world forwarded by
Accounts amounting to about ~
Accounts amounting to about £4
wore missed for payment.
were passed for payment.
The visiting committee lor the
The visiting committee for the
month are Messrs. H. Macro and Ev-
month are Messrs. H. Moore and Ev-
ans who wore also appointed to at-
ans, who were also appointed to at-
with- _u- horse straying on the school
with a horse straying on the school
grounds. . , , .
The /meeting terminated with a vote
The meeting terminated with a vote
- Hide full correction
12:24PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited THE RABBIT ACT.
The hearing of tho cases was con-
The hearing of the cases was con-
12:23PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited THE RABBIT ACT.
her in past years that the runbolders
ber in past years that the runbolders
now bad altogether changed. Run-
now had altogether changed. Run-
nothing ai d large cheques were made
nothing and large cheques were made
in many instances out of the rabbits
in many instances out of the rabbits.
instanceI, 1 , rahbiters off-red bonuses for
instances, rabbiters offred bonuses for
+ Show full correction
hlneks to trap. In the cases before
blocks to trap. In the cases before
once of skins. The steps that were
price of skins. The steps that were
according to law They had a duty to
according to law. They had a duty to
form that duty with tbe least possible
form that duty with the least possible
44 rabbit farming ” was going on, and
"rabbit farming” was going on, and
these Central O ago districts would
these Central Otago districts would
Referring to tbe Mt Pisa case, the
Referring to the Mt Pisa case, the
had infloted a fine of £4O on the defen-
had inflicted a fine of £40 on the defen-
It was a case for tbe maximum
It was a case for the maximum
penalty. In the oth*>r oases he would
penalty. In the other cases he would
the f&ot that there were no previous
the fact that there were no previous
to the Prime Minister :— Rabbit Act,
to the Prime Minister :— Rabbit Act,
voiCH and landowners’ evidence has no
voice and landowners’ evidence has no
- Hide full correction
12:18PM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited MARION BOROUGH COUNCIL
Mr J, A. Wilson, foreman, re-
Mr J. A. Wilson, foreman, re-
ported for month of January The
ported for month of January :The
on both sides hare been tarred to
on both sides have been tarred to
week,"aud I have issued to date 4G
week, and I have issued to date 46
to the .filters at the septic tank as
to the filters at the septic tank as
12:16PM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited MARION BOROUGH COUNCIL
nan, Upper Tutaenni, to connect
nan, Upper Tutaenui, to connect
uower to insist on connections.
power to insist on connections.
From Heury Shepherd, caretaker
From Henry Shepherd, caretaker
Demonstration. —Ors. Read —Hilton,
Demonstration. —Crs. Read—Hilton,
that £5 be^granted.
that £5 be granted.
+ Show full correction
From Marten District High
From Marton District High
water in old reservoir on Saturda} 7
water in old reservoir on Saturday 7
to nressure of other business.
to pressure of other business.
month, £448 9s Id, be approved ami
month, £418 9s 1d, be approved and
that accounts and salaries, £312 las
that accounts and salaries, £312 15s
sd, on loan account be passed for
5d, on loan account be passed for
Ors. Sutcliffe —Hilton —That £1203
Crs. Sutcliffe—Hilton —That £1202
ISs Id standing to credit of gas
18s 1d standing to credit of gas
That £485 15s 2d,, standing to
That £485 15s 2d, standing to
Mayor—Or. Hilton—That connec-
Mayor—Cr. Hilton—That connec-
tion he made with filters.
tion be made with filters.
Mayor—Or. Hilton, That all
Mayor—Cr. Hilton, That all
Or. Wilde—Hilton, That Council
Cr. Wilde—Hilton, That Council
pay up to £IOO for 10ft. extra front-
pay up to £100 for 10ft. extra front-
to Messrs Gihhous and Hatrick
to Messrs Gibbons and Hatrick
Mayor—Cr Ingle, that iu future
Mayor—Cr Ingle, that in future
the Town Hall he not let per-
the Town Hall be not let per-
showed receipts £250 3s id, and ex-
showed receipts £250 3s 4d, and ex-
penditure £193 17s id.
penditure £192 17s 1d.
- Hide full correction
12:13PM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited THE RABBIT ACT.
Indignant Farraero.
Indignant Farmers.
The operation of the latest ame> d
The operation of the latest amend
rnent to the Rabbit Act is ctmsinr
ment to the Rabbit Act is causing
quite »s ranch indignation locally a
quite as much indignation locally as
in other ct ntres, and after attendou-
in other centres, and after attending
+ Show full correction
what >e ; " » hj termed afi Id day h'
what might be termed a fieId day at
C- ! 'h'or* O T! ursduy hi-'
Cromwell Court on Thursday last in
(>; n 'v I ui s'. F, e' - -•
Otago '. F, e' - -•
owners were charged wit", f i ing l<
owners were charged with failing to
da-troi rabbits The>>x ;r o o nnnrail
destroy rabbits. The>>x ;r o o nnnrail
eluded on Friday All the defendants
cluded on Friday. All the defendants
Pass (19,450 acres). £4O; Charles
Pass (19,450 acres), £40; Charles
Watkins, Hawea Flat (3490 acresl,
Watkins, Hawea Flat (3490 acres,
£10; Mrs H. H Cowie.Nichols, Mfc
£10; Mrs H. H Cowie-Nichols, Mt
Pisa (147,000 acres). £IOO ; Wm W.
Pisa (147,000 acres). £100 ; Wm W.
Waide, Linais Pass. (9750 acres), £ls ;
Waide, Lindis Pass. (9750 acres), £15 ;
John Little. Lindis Pass (5320 acre?),
John Little. Lindis Pass (5320 acres),
£ls ; John McLean, Bendigo (12 900
£15 ; John McLean, Bendigo (12 900
(8640 acres), £lO. A case against L.
(8640 acres), £10. A case against L.
- Hide full correction
12:11PM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited MARION BOROUGH COUNCIL
At: the ordinary monthly meeting
At the ordinary monthly meeting
last Hight there wore present the
last night there were present the
Correspondence was .received—
Correspondence was received—
From Win. Milne, agreeing to re-
From Wm. Milne, agreeing to re-
+ Show full correction
newal of £ISOO loan for further term
newal of £1500 loan for further term
of seven years at shi preceni; per
of seven years at 5½ precent per
annum.—Mayor—Cr. Head, Council
annum.—Mayor—Cr. Read, Council
agree to renewal.-
agree to renewal.
spector, ami also that he be allowed
spector, amd also that he be allowed
usual fee. of £5 for keeping and re-
usual fee of £5 for keeping and re-
Sutcliffe—lngle, that 'requests be
Sutcliffe—lngle, that requests be
stating that grant of £lO made by
stating that grant of £10 made by
Council towards Marion Technical
Council towards Marton Technical
ten Technical School purposes aloue.
ten Technical School purposes alone.
From E. W.' Mills and Go., for-
From E. W. Mills and Co., for-
warding quotation for new sot of
warding quotation for new set of
Prom Miss Barker, M.A., prin-
From Miss Barker, M.A., prin-
for leave to use'town water supply
for leave to use town water supply
- Hide full correction
12:08PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited THE GOST OF KERBING. and marked it as complete
and channeling- as carried on at Gis-
and channeling as carried on at Gis-
cently paid a visit t-o Hastings, and
cently paid a visit to Hastings, and
had made inquiries as to tho cost of
had made inquiries as to the cost of
that tho cost of putting in T~iuoh
that the cost of putting in 15-inch
+ Show full correction
bv day labor in the Hawke’s _ Bay
bv day labor in the Hawke’s Bay
costing at the least £6 here,, and he
costing at the least £6 here, and he
wanted to know whero the difference
wanted to know where the difference
Cr. Bright asked if it would not he
Cr. Bright asked if it would not be
Hastings Borough Council, on the
Hastings Borough Council on the
"paying more than they should for
paying more than they should for
'Hie Mayor said, as far as be could
The Mayor said, as far as he could
- Hide full correction
12:05PM, 28 March 2025 klib edited PERSONAL NOTES. and marked it as complete
The Government- has decided to
The Government has decided to
by and Ton- (Wairoa) are in Napier
by and Torr (Wairoa) are in Napier
the local technical college, lias been
the local technical college, has been
Svnioii: Mesdames Moon. Butcher,
Symon; Mesdames Moon, Butcher,
Major-General Robey, tho well-
Major-General Robey, the well-
+ Show full correction
kiwivn Maori war veteran, was knoc-
known Maori war veteran, was knoc-
lias since been in hospital. He expects
has since been in hospital. He expects
ted notaries miblic for the Dominion
ted notaries public for the Dominion
of New Zealand by the' Commissary
of New Zealand by the Commissary
for faculties, and have been sworn in
for Faculties, and have been sworn in
before His Honor Sir Robert Stout.
before His Honor Sir Robert Stout,
- Hide full correction
11:56AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
ley, on behalf of the Transatlantic In-
ley, on behalf of the Transatlantic Insur-
surance Company, and Mr A A. Brown
ance Company, and Mr A A. Brown of
of the Royal, in both of which office
the Royal, in both of which offices
taken over all the damaged stock,
taken over all the damaged stock, and
the shop will require repairing and
the shop will require repairing and reno-
+ Show full correction
renovating, the proprietor proposes to em-
vating, the proprietor proposes to embrace
brace the opportunity of holding a clearing
the opportunity of holding a clearing
which effect will be found in our to-
which effect will be found in our to-day's
supplement. Mr Spriggens is utter
supplement. Mr Spriggens is utterly at
a loss to account for the origin of the
a loss to account for the origin of the fire.
having been used in the shop the pre-
having been used in the shop the previous
vious evening—may have burnt into the
evening—may have burnt into the
paper under the counter and smoul
paper under the counter and smoulder
throughout the hours of the night.
throughout the hours of the night. Wher-
ever it originated, it is a matter
ever it originated, it is a matter of
thankfulness that the consequence
thankfulness that the consequences are
- Hide full correction
11:52AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
At. 6y o'clock on Friday morning, Mr
At 5 o'clock on Friday morning, Mr
Spriggens, of the boot and shoe establuhJ
Spriggens, of the boot and shoe establish-
m»nt, situated between. Mr Hugh Rossi
ment, situated between Mr Hugh Ross,
the baker's shop and- Barlow's boarding!
the baker's shop and Barlow's boarding
establishment, in the Avenue, awoke put
establishment, in the Avenue, awoke out
+ Show full correction
of an uneasy, oppressed alumber,and rising
of an uneasy, oppressed slumber, and rising
was startled by a glare of light apparently-
was startled by a glare of light apparently
proceeding from the front shop. Y'Ai
proceeding from the front shop. A
moment's investigation was sufficient to 1
moment's investigation was sufficient to
disclose to him the alarming fact thk all:
disclose to him the alarming fact that all
the material, consisting'' of a supply ofi
the material, consisting of a supply of
brown wrapping paper, together with a|
brown wrapping paper, together with a
miscellaneous collection of boots and shbe- ;
miscellaneous collection of boots and shoe-
maker 'a material, under the counter at the
maker's material, under the counter at the
right-hand f rom t}ie front entrance, waa oni
right hand from the front entrance, was on
fire. Quick as thought he roused Mr H.j
fire. Quick as thought he roused Mr H.
N. Brown,' who resides ia the house with'
N. Brown, who resides in the house with
him, and then the neighbours on either!
him, and then the neighbours on either
side, by alarming cries of fire. Mr Brown
side, by alarming cries of fire. Mr Brown,
with moet*comfne_d&_le presence of mind '
with most commendable presence of mind,
thought, at once of Mr Ross's little-hand
thought at once of Mr Ross's little hand
hose, aud in double quick time, with the?
hose, and in double quick time, with the
assistance of the man at the bakery J
assistance of the man at the bakery,
carried it throngh the back window of!
carried it through the back window of
the house, and poured such, a stream ofi
the house, and poured such a stream of
Westmere -Water upon the fire as to!
Westmere Water upon the fire as to
frighten it out of existence. Had there!
frighten it out of existence. Had there
been a minnte's delay, or had Mr Sprig- j
been a minute's delay, or had Mr Sprig-
gens not _ happened to wake at the very;
gens not happened to wake at the very
nick of time, the Bhop would have been ;
nick of time, the shop would have been
one mass of flames, and nothing could!!
one mass of flames, and nothing could
have saved the building. As. 'it is, thei
have saved the building. As it is, the
floor of ahe shop is very much charred and j
floor of she shop is very much charred and
burntd, the coimtw dtitroyed, tin pajryj
burned, the counter destroyed, the par-
stock and material, estimated at tb;
stock and material, estimated at the
f £26, destroyed and damaged. M
of £25, destroyed and damaged. Mr
, on behalf of the Transatlantic
ley, on behalf of the Transatlantic In-
ahfce C^pjpany, and Mr A A. Br<.»
surance Company, and Mr A A. Brown
the jwjfal, in both of which offi
of the Royal, in both of which office
Sn^gens holds policies of insurant
Spriggens holds policies of insurance
I M_en ovur all the dnmaged stock,
taken over all the damaged stock,
will be disposed of by auction ; |
will be disposed of by auction ; and
the shop will require repairing anj
the shop will require repairing and
vatinn, the proprietor proposes to eg
renovating, the proprietor proposes to em-
the opportuuity of holding a clearii
brace the opportunity of holding a clearing
sale of his large stock, a notifies
sale of his large stock, a notification
which effect will be found in our to-
supplement. Mr Spriggena is uttei
supplement. Mr Spriggens is utter
a, I^BB to account for the.origin.of ti
a loss to account for the origin of the
The only feasible theory he can nm
The only feasible theory he can suggest
that a . -spark^rom a candle-^
that a spark from a candle-
having beep used in the shop the pt,
having been used in the shop the pre-
evening—^may have burnt into tLe |
vious evening—may have burnt into the
paper under the counter and »moq|
paper under the counter and smoul
tlico.ughoutjhu hours of tha'ijhighfi
throughout the hours of the night.
ever it originated, it is a mattei
ever it originated, it is a matter
thankfulness thatj the consequence
thankfulness that the consequence
- Hide full correction
11:41AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE.
At eleven' o'clock last night, a fire
At eleven o'clock last night, a fire
11:41AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 8 Advertisements Column 5
Agency, Eancitikei Street.
Agency, Rangitikei Street.
11:41AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 8 Advertisements Column 5
the Conservative member f o r Old-
the Conservative member for Old-
son of the late Hight Hon. Lord
son of the late Right Hon. Lord
pondent for the London. Morning.
pondent for the London Morning.
sational escape after being1 nearly
sational escape after being nearly
W. T Wood, " H a
W. T Wood,
+ Show full correction
M.H.B. H O §
.m « §
OOOK §£ ° «
.^ p
F. E. Watson §
F. E. Watson
S a
Worcester at. "A
Worcester St.
H-rpfQ'ri St.
Hereford St.
Dr. Wilson .
Dr. Wilson
1 This land suitably sub-divided. Easy
This land suitably sub-divided. Easy
BAERYS, Cheapside. .
BARRYS, Cheapside.
T LAWEENCE, Ashhurst, is pre,-
J LAWRENCE, Ashhurst, is pre-
---" pared to undertake Mowing in any
pared to undertake Mowing in any
*>. 10.0. F., M.U.,
I O.O.F., M.U.,
rt. J. WrtTSON.^errn'ment
S. J. WATSON. Perm*nent Sec.
- Hide full correction
11:40AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN THE AVENUE. and marked it as complete
At eleven' o'clock' hist uighfc, afire
At eleven' o'clock last night, a fire
first alarm of fire, the JFire Brigade
first alarm of fire, the Fire Brigade
spot, and with, , the help of a copious
spot, and with the help of a copious
Lake, in n veiy brief space the fhmes
Lake, in a very brief space the flames
not in a position to speak. The first
not in a position to speak. The first
+ Show full correction
alarm was given by' Mr Ford er, who
alarm was given by Mr Forder, who
was driving up the Aveuue, and im-
was driving up the Avenue, and im-
rneciiately' r Mr' Wall, and two members
mediately Mr Wall, and two members
of the staff of this journal, 1 who were
of the staff of this journal, who were
into the s-trec-t, from whence thej
into the street, from whence they
proceeding from the office.* above Mr
proceeding from the offices above Mr
Levy's room fronV the passage leading
Levy's room from the passage leading
to tHe New Zealand Insurance Office.
to the New Zealand Insurance Office.
successful, and in a few moim-uts the
successful, and in a few moments the
parently been, got completely under,
parently been got completely under,
inquiry will be mado into the circum-
inquiry will be made into the circum-
have to express onr appreciation of the
have to express our appreciation of the
Fire Brigade, aud to tender our thanks
Fire Brigade, and to tender our thanks
- Hide full correction
11:38AM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited LOCAL AND GENERAL
liam David AlcLeod, 25 acres near the
liam David McLeod, 25 acres near the
William Weston Waide, 1£ acres,
William Weston Waide, 1 1/2 acres,
11:36AM, 28 March 2025 sfrj edited KUROPATKIN AN OLD KORU SETTLER.
It may, interest the local public to
It may interest the local public to
kiujv, mat General Ivuropatkin va.
know that General Kuropatkin was
originally a Koru boy.. We have
originally a Koru boy. We have
knowD sottlei", on that point. He ways
known settler, on that point. He says
who is trying to reack his base, is a
who is trying to reach his base, is a
+ Show full correction
nephew of a Iir_ Monahan, since fie- j
nephew of a Mr Monahan, since de-
ceased, vh,o for many years resided in
ceased, who for many years resided in
as Kurow Pat, One day while, out
as Kurow Pat, One day while out
lishing- -his boat was blown to sea,
fishing his boat was blown to sea,
and he was picked up by a passing-,
and he was picked up by a passing
sia, where he joined the army, and|
sia, where he joined the army, and
soon attained eminence, becoming:
soon attained eminence, becoming
ed 3lr Raill if the General had learn-
ed Mr Raill if the General had learn-
ed his early lighting experience round
ed his early fighting experience round
'the negative. "He is a born sold-
the negative. "He is a born sold-
the bea. I have received a letter
the sea. I have received a letter
falling hack on his bane. A decisive
falling back on his base. A decisive
battle will be fought at Mukden, j
battle will be fought at Mukden.
Then Ivuropatkin will have 730,000
Then Kuropatkin will have 730,000
.men. and the Japanese u ill bo able to
men, and the Japanese will be able to
oppose him with only about 2C0.000.
oppose him with only about 200,000.
Ba wants to entice the Japanese a»
He wants to entice the Japanese a-
fin them and crush them. They will
on them and crush them. They will
liot be able to beat an orderly re-
not be able to beat an orderly re-
cpunt for , their warships and trans-
count for their warships and trans-
ports, which . will endeavour to res-
ports, which will endeavour to res-
ciie the survivors." That, is, says
cue the survivors." That, is, says
'Sly Raill, Kuropatkin's plan of cam-
Mr Raill, Kuropatkin's plan of cam-
qbviotis reasons (doubtless the main
obvious reasons (doubtless the main
one being to keep the Russian f-la:>
one being to keep the Russian plan
the ears "of tiie enemy) J am not at
the ears of the enemy) I am not at
liberty anything more."
liberty to disclose anything more."
MV Raill, has, however, said enough
Mr Raill, has, however, said enough
tb prove that Kuropatkin has a lot
to prove that Kuropatkin has a lot
i^p his alrevo, if he is only able to got
up his sleeve, if he is only able to get
itf down again.
it down again.
- Hide full correction
11:35AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Monday, Nov. 30-Race Hight,
Monday, Nov. 30-Race Night,
Tuesday, Dec. I.— Race Nights,
Tuesday, Dec. 1.— Race Nights,
+ Show full correction
Same old price— Ba, ' 2s, Is Same
Same old price— 3s, 2s, 1s Same
half price to first aud second seats.|
half price to first and second seats.
Advance Manager,
Advance Manager.
iiggSP^r m HE Fort-
THE Fort-
'"^^ f^^^-o^. _L nigh tly
Nomiautiou of Officers.
Nomination of Officers.
THURSDAY, December 8.-3 80 p.m.,
THURSDAY, December 3.-3 30 p.m.,
Confirmation at Eangiwabia by
Confirmation at Rangiwahia by
the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. .
the Lord Bishop of the Diocese.
FRIDAY, December 4.— 11 a m,* Con*
FRIDAY, December 4.— 11 a m., Con-
secration of St. Barnabns', Church.
secration of St. Barnabus' Church.
- Hide full correction
11:34AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited MOUTOA GARDENS. and marked it as complete
the Market Square to that of the " Moutoa
the Market Square to that of the "Moutoa
of the entrance gates with the name " Moutoa
of the entrance gates with the name "Moutoa
being declared " it would be exceedingly nice
being declared" it would be exceedingly nice
takes place I am, &0.,
takes place. I am, &c.,
11:30AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN WILSON STREET. and marked it as complete
At about 10.45 on Satnrday night an
At about 10.45 on Saturday night an
, alarm of flee in No' 3 ward was given from
alarm of fire in No 3 ward was given from
th« central watch tower. The outbreak
the central watch tower. The outbreak
i proved to b§ in a fite roomed house at tbe
proved to be in a five roomed house at the
+ Show full correction
upper end of Wilson-street, on the liduß-
upper end of Wilson-street, on the Indus-
tria! school eifca. The property n&a leased
trial school site. The property was leased
by Mrs A. Atkins, and occupied by Mr W,
by Mrs A. Atkins, and occupied by Mr W.
Hogg, cwpenter. The town reel?, under
Hogg, carpenter. The town reels, under
dance, «nd the Keith-street continent
dance, and the Keith-street contigent
followed promptly, but the fl»mes had
followed promptly, but the flames had
obtained toe great a hold to permit »f the
obtained too great a hold to permit of the
building being saved, arid it was therefore"
building being saved, and it was therefore
1 completely gutted; Mr Hogg left home
completely gutted. Mr Hogg left home
at; about 8 o'elooli. leaving Mr Walter
at about 8 o'clock, leaving Mr Walter
1 Ellis, who boarded with him, in the houne.
Ellis, who boarded with him, in the house.
1 There was a fire in the kitchen when he
There was a fire in the kitchen when he
Hveß close by, and then noticed smoke
lives close by, and then noticed smoke
' ,Mrs Hogg back to some friends Mr
Mrs Hogg back to some friends Mr
Hogg went into the house, which wafl
Hogg went into the house, which was
and a few^ small articles. Mr Ellis left
and a few small articles. Mr Ellis left
the house at 8.16, when there was a little
the house at 8.15, when there was a little
was insured in the Phconis for £100, and
was insured in the Phoenix for £100, and
ineured for either JU'.OO or £150 in the
insured for either £100 or £150 in the
water wBS very poor, and elicited many
water was very poor, and elicited many
BtandVe. Sergeant Villars and all the
standers. Sergeant Villars and all the
morning the bells again rang cut, whtn it
morning the bells again rang out, when it
- Hide full correction
11:24AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited FIRE IN WILSON STREET. and marked it as complete
bsllß rang out an alarm of fire, sounding
bells rang out an alarm of fire, sounding
No. 2 Ward ns the eceno of the outbreak.
No. 2 Ward as the scene of the outbreak.
Tbo burning building proved to bo the
The burning building proved to be the
house occupied by Mr John Birr and
house occupied by Mr John Barr and
family in Witson-skoot. The Brigade
family in Wilson-street. The Brigade
+ Show full correction
the fire hid obtained too big a hod and
the fire had obtained too big a hold and
they were unable to pr?vent its total dia-
they were unable to prevent its total dis-
truotion, Mr Mark Darr was tho first to
truction, Mr Mark Barr was the first to
notice the outbreak, which etarfcd in the
notice the outbreak, which started in the
sitting-room, but ho could not say
sitting-room, but he could not say
whether there had been any fl'.Q left in
whether there had been any fire left in
the fire-place after the inmat?s had re-
the fire-place after the inmates had re-
tirpcf for t&e night, asheariived home
tired for the night, as he arrived home
after the othors had gone" id bed, -He
after the others had gone to bed. He
however, considors that the fire was
however, considers that the fire was
caused through a fqul chimnoy C3U!>
caused through a foul chimney caus-
and finally to ignite. The house'
and finally to ignite. The house
sured for ,£2OO in the London, Liverpool,
sured for £200 in the London, Liverpool,
and Globe Oiliue, The furniture, with
and Globe Office. The furniture, with
the exception d few Email articles, was
the exception of few small articles, was
uninsured, the estimated- loss being £400.
uninsured, the estimated loss being £400.
father wore in attendance and rendered
father were in attendance and rendered
- Hide full correction
11:22AM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited Magistrate's Court.
(Alexandra), £2 10?. Judgment by
(Alexandra), £2 16s. Judgment by
Brodrick for plaintiff', Mr Ilutton for
Brodrick for plaintiff, Mr Hutton for
traps, two tents and Hies. Part of
traps, two tents and flies. Part of
ltst court day,
last court day,
station. Ido not see how he could
station. I do not see how he could
+ Show full correction
had. Ido not remember telling him
had. I do not remember telling him
W. Waide, defendant, said f—" I
W. Waide, defendant, said : —" I
Judgment for palaintiff for £& 14s,
Judgment for plaintiff for £4 14s,
with 27s costs. Solicitor's fee 265.
with 27s costs. Solicitor's fee 26s.
- Hide full correction
11:13AM, 28 March 2025 jb284 edited OTAGO LAND BOARD.
Consideiul inn va- _'iveu to the applica-
Consideration was given to the applica-
tion by Tonkin and i'). I'm- grazing
tion by Tonkin and Co. for grazing rights
Consideration was takpn of reports from
Consideration was taken of reports from
Ranger Mackenzie on the, following hoi 1-
Ranger Mackenzie on the, following hold-
jngs taken, up under occupation lease under
ings taken up under occupation lease under
+ Show full correction
the Mining Districts Land Occupation A:-.,
the Mining Districts Land Occupation Act,
.!894 : —Charles Waldo., jun.. section 5, block
1894 : —Charles Waide, jun., section 5, block
12, Ta.rras district; Charles Vaid< sen,
12, Tarras district; Charles Waide, sen.,
section 6, block 12, Tarrax district ; William
section 6, block 12, Tarras district ; William
Waide. section 15, block 12, Tairas 'dis-
Waide, section 15, block 12, Tarras dis-
trict; Roderick Poison, section, 11, bioc'v
trict; Roderick Polson, section, 11, block
3, Tan-as district; Richard George Red-
3, Tarras district; Richard George Red-
—The first three to show cause, why th-.'if
—The first three to show cause, why that
residence; the remaining two eases werj
residence; the remaining two cases were
- Hide full correction
11:11AM, 28 March 2025 CSmith edited Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
PARR.—On May 15, 1928, at Waikato
FARR.—On May 15, 1928, at Waikato
.MRS. W. H. BROWN and Family wish
MRS. W. H. BROWN and Family wish
*RS PRANK MYERS and Famiyl, also
MRS PRANK MYERS and Famiyl, also
OODS ancl Family, of Ham-
MRS. C.WOODS ancl Family, of Ham-
11:08AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
All thin km go wroi'K* the babies howl
All things go wrong, the babies howl
you c nmol <lo you woik ;
You cannot do you work ;
The father sturta to K ruW '»
The hungry father starts to growl,
duty you muat ahiik.
As duty you must shiik.
(jive them lJjrr.'.cl.uKl.'a Soofh.nß
Give them Barraclough's Soothing
+ Show full correction
Syrup. What Chouu .. I Oh ! W.
Syrup. What Chemist.? Oh ! W.
i'm vUUdtuu'e hitskiutf «» ll ti h *1 hight
For children's hacking cough at night
- Hide full correction
11:08AM, 28 March 2025 CSmith edited WEDDINGS.
sonby, to Mr. J. Knowles, of Point Chava*
sonby, to Mr. J. Knowles, of Point Chava-
crepe de chine" with scalloped hems and
crepe de chine with scalloped hems and
11:05AM, 28 March 2025 CSmith edited FEMININE—= REFLECTIONS
11:04AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
THE WEATHER affords tl'e ijest intrnducUon for these. NlgMs are chi ly eaongh
THE WEATHER affords tl'e ijest intrnducUon for these. Nights are chilly eaongh
HIGHT BUYING LEADS TO EIGHT SELLING., Wo buy, for Cash and get .
11:04AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited DISASTROUS FIRE IN CAMPBELL PLACE.
tact in about 10 minutes from when the
fact in about 10 minutes from when the
11:03AM, 28 March 2025 teedee edited DISASTROUS FIRE IN CAMPBELL PLACE. and marked it as complete
The copstant stream of water played 1 . .
The constant stream of water played
on the doomed structure now began to .
on the doomed structure now began to
get the mastery of the flames; and from
get the mastery of the flames, and from
this out all danger of the ; fire, spreading
this out all danger of the fire spreading
to the adjacent buildings was over.' , A .
to the adjacent buildings was over. A
+ Show full correction
little, past 2 o'clock— just an hour frofn.-
little past 2 o'clock— just an hour from
the ringing of the bell— rthe Brigade had
the ringing of the bell— the Brigade had
tion, though a* volume of flame from the
tion, though a volume of flame from the
siatedin raging despite a jet .of .water
siatedin raging despite a jet of water
being played upon it for nearly an hoar.
being played upon it for nearly an hour.
It eventually proved to be coming- from '
It eventually proved to be coming from
where the gas meter was located, jand'
where the gas meter was located, and
which had been destroyed i 1 conse-
which had been destroyed and conse-
quently ignited the. gas itself. One of
quently ignited the gas itself. One of
the Gas Company's workmen,- Mr John--'
the Gas Company's workmen, Mr John-
thing to rights. " : : ''
thing to rights.
The Fire .Police was represented
The Fire Police was represented
ton, Lieutenants Foster and J. Anderson,:
ton, Lieutenants Foster and J. Anderson,
Keen, Hurley, Tingey, Perrett, fioundy,
Keen, Hurley, Tingey, Perrett, Roundy,
E. E. Ward, and several others, who
E. R. Ward, and several others, who
materially assisted the Brigade in keep-;
materially assisted the Brigade in keep-
ing the streets clear for the Tatter's opera-
ing the streets clear for the latter's opera-
tions. ' ' ' ' ' ' . ,
- The insurances on the stock and furni- -
The insurances on the stock and furni-
ture' amounted to £700, covered with the '
ture amounted to £700, covered with the
New Zealand 1 Insurance i Company, 'i£2QO
New Zealand Insurance Company, £200
of which is ro-iuaured in the London,
of which is re-insured in the London,
Liverpool; and Globe office. The build-.-
Liverpool, and Globe office. The build-
last year Mr Laird kept a' policy- upon
last year Mr Laird kept a policy upon
will-be very, heavy indeed. (- ,. >
will-be very, heavy indeed.
Kenny (who had been employed for some,
Kenny (who had been employed for some
mises as a -man of all work) upon sus-
mises as a man of all work) upon sus-
picion of having set fire to the hotel. .
picion of having set fire to the hotel.
The circumstanoesC-whicb/Jed td his
The circumstances which led to his
arrest are, briefly these; At about 12.30;
arrest are briefly these. At about 12.30
o'clock on Sunday ' morning. Constable
o'clock on Sunday morning. Constable
Maokle, who was then on duty in the
Mackle, who was then on duty in the
vicinity of the Fountain, saw, a man. re-
vicinity of the Fountain, saw a man re-
clining against one of the pillars in [front
clining against one of the pillars in front
went over to him and found itto'ibe'the'
went over to him and found it to be the
several young fellows et the time, and
several young fellows at the time, and
appeared to hayp had some liquor. Con-
appeared to have had some liquor. Con-
stable Mackle told him lie had better go
stable Mackle told him he had better go
and turn in. The man took, his advice,.,
and turn in. The man took his advice,
and the young men and Kenny moved off :"
and the young men and Kenny moved off
along Eidgway-street. During a conver-
along Ridgway-street. During a conver-
versatiqn with the young fellows the sus-
versation with the young fellows the sus-
pected man informed them that' there
pected man informed them that there
c vning at the hotel, Kenny, when convers-
evning at the hotel, Kenny, when convers-
asked her the question if, supposing there '
asked her the question if, supposing there
was a fire there, he should hare to get the
was a fire there, he should have to get the
ladder and rescue them, or should he haye
ladder and rescue them, or should he have
together with his eccentrio behaviour,
together with his eccentric behaviour,
lirn. '
Mrs Laird's statement 'regarding, the
Mrs Laird's statement regarding the
affair is as follows:— .lust before 1 o'clock
affair is as follows:— Just before 1 o'clock
Bhe heard some slight noise in the yard
she heard some slight noise in the yard
is apart from the main portion of tho
is apart from the main portion of the
building, and consists' of only one floor.
building, and consists of only one floor.
time was quite low down, and as far as.
time was quite low down, and as far as
she could judge it was coming from the '
she could judge it was coming from the
turned to the hotel to see if tne lodgers
turned to the hotel to see if the lodgers
tlien standing at the foot of th 9 Commer-
then standing at the foot of the Commer-
cial stairs, singing out " Where's No. 5,"
cial stairs, singing out "Where's No. 5,"
police arrested Kenny, who was placedin
police arrested Kenny, who was placed in
the cells at the station, and will be>
the cells at the station, and will be
brought up at the B.M. Court to-day at
brought up at the R.M. Court to-day at
lOtfolook. Since his arrest he has been
10 o'clock. Since his arrest he has been
almost 'sulkily reticent.
almost sulkily reticent.
Btreet, in a buggy, thoughtfully procured
street, in a buggy, thoughtfully procured
for 1 her by Mr Hogg,
for her by Mr Hogg.
in.their, night, clothes, the family and ser-
in their night clothes, the family and ser-
vants, losing overy stitch of clothing and
vants, losing every stitch of clothing and
all their personal belongings. '
all their personal belongings.
remained on 'duty all night, in case of the
remained on duty all night, in case of the
fire sjarting again :— Sharpe, McGonagle,
fire starting again :— Sharpe, McGonagle,
fresh 'outbreak occurred. _
fresh outbreak occurred.
Large crowds' of people visited the
Large crowds of people visited the
scene ef the fire during yesterday .'
scene of the fire during yesterday.
- Paraekarelu when the fire occurred, but
Paraekaretu when the fire occurred, but
a messenger was despatehedyesterday to
a messenger was despatched yesterday to
acquaint aim Vitti the sad tidings.
acquaint him with the sad tidings.
- Hide full correction
11:02AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
J ' V
+ Show full correction
EGGS i* anjj quantity,
EGGS in any quantity,
At High««t Market Rate*.
At Highest Market Rates.
- Hide full correction
11:00AM, 28 March 2025 Sweetpea64 edited Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
(Lath Hart & Kb _le.q).
(Late Hart & Keeling).
- grubber stamp Makers
rubber stamp Makers
. paper rulers.
paper rulers.