AMUSEMENTS AND FUNCTIONS. A Striking, Bold, and Startling Development in the Art of Telling Stories Through the Motion Picture, at— IS MAJESTY’S THEATRE. H 1 TO-NIGHT ONLY. TO-NIGHT ONLY A Powerful Illumination of Life, Destiny, and Death, in 7 Acts. “EARTHBOUND.” “EARTHBIQUND.” The play preaches a definite lesson, i.e., that each of us is here for a definite purpose, which must be wanked out hereafter if not in this life. The perfectly Extradrdinary Photography is flawless?’ The denouement is outside all experience in Screen Drama, j Topical and 2 Reel Comedy. Children—Circle Is, Floor 6d. SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY. Matinee as usual at 2.30. Sumptuous, Magnificent, Intense. From the Story by Countess Barcynska. “ROSE OF THE SEA.” Starring the Beautiful ANITA STEWART. Geongetfus . . . ANITA STEWART. Settings. Beautiful Frocks. Also, —• LARRY SEMON in: The dizziest stunts in laughterdom, mirthquakes, and mirthshakes. “THE BELL HOP.” The Comedy King’s Greatest Yet.
THE above Business is for Sale as a going concern. Full particulars on application to— W. BIRNIE (Trustee), C/o Russell and) Co., Ltd., 2 249 Ashburton. FOR Sale—Ford, \ repainted, New Hood, Willard Battery, De Luxe Pistons; guaranteed throughout. £l2o.—Victoria Garage, Triangle. TO Let—Two Unfurnished Front Rooms, fireplace in each; use Gas Stove; all Conveniences. —Apply M.D., Guardian Office. 2 327 MUSIC. MISS GLADYS GALBRAITH, A.T.C.L., Registered Teacher of Pianoforte and Harmony, resumes teaching Saturday, February 10, 1923, at 69 Cameron Street West. Telephone 188. MUSIC. MR DAVID GILLIES, # Music Teacher (Registered with the Minister for Education), will receive intending Pupils at his residence, 68 Wills Street West. Pupils prepared for examinations in all grades, including A.T.C.L. and L.A.B. Telephone 147. OF MUSIC. MISS CLARIDGE, Organist of St. Stephen’s, Pianoforte, Organ, Singing. Studio: St. Stephen’s Schoolroom. / MISS ETHEL CLARIDGE, Violin, Pianoforte, 81 Cox Street. Resume Teachiong MONDAY, January 29th. PIANOFORTE AND THEORY. MISS MARIE MEEKING, A.T.C.L. resumes Teaching on the 6th Feb ruary, 1923. Pupils prepared for Examinations. Postal Address : 7 West Belt, Ashburton. Telephone 445. Engagements received for Concerts, Dances, etc. Terms on application on aad after 26th January, 1923.
BUSINESS NOTICES. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I HAVE taken over the Steam- • Hauling Plant from Mr B. Kenny, and intend to work in the Ashburton District. Orders left with the undersigned at the Corner East and Burnett Streets will receive prompt attention. 2 15 J. McELHINNEY. SMITH AND SON, East Street. ARE now Selling the Famous “Speedy” Racing Cycle at £2l 10s. The best for the best is the best for yon. B.S.A. Pattern Roodster (Gent’s) for £l2 10s. Gents’ Second-hand Roadster, 24-inch frame, new tyres and! tubes, new pedals, new chain, and mudguards for £6 10s, guaranteed. All the best makes of tyres to choose from, at bedrock prioes. All Repairs absolutely guaranteed. H. R. SMITH AND SON, EAST STREET. PRESERVING JARS—Wide-mouth —(Pints 8s 6d, Quoad® 10s 6d, Half Gallons 15s per dozen; also, Extra Quality,. American' Wide-mouth Preserving Jars—Quarts 11s 6d dozen. Five per cent. Coupon for Cash.— John Orr and Co., Grocers and Hardware Merchants, East Street. Fly-proof, sanitary meat SAFES. Keep your meat and other food safe during the hot weather. These Safes will last ,a lifetime, and save much waste. Prices from 16s 6d.— John Orr and Co, Hardware Importers, East Street.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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