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I AMUSEMENTS AND FUNCTIONS. We are proud] to be able to present to tbe People of Ashburton and District, THE GREATEST PICTURE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Tbe Gigantic Spectacle and Story of tbe World’s Greatest Love. HIS MAJESTY’S THEATRE. NEXT/MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHTS ONLY. Marvellous, Gorgeous, Fascinating, Enchanting. The Love Romance of the Most Beautiful Woman the World has ever known. QUEEN OF SHEBA. QUEEN OF SHEBA. QUEEN OF SHEBA. QUEEN OF SHEBA. “Queen of Sheba” of Araby, blessed daughter of a hundred kings, ruled 1 the hearts of men, and was impervious to the appeals of all until finallyshe met the supreme love WHICH DOMINATED HER WHOLE LIFE THE GREAT KING SOLOMON. YET ON THE VERY STEPS OF THE THRONE SHE REJECTED HIS KINGDOM. THE GREAT CHARIOT RACE. Six great chariots, each drawn by four horses, plunging madly around the arena—a smash, an axle breaks, a chariot overturns, the driver thrown to the ground—then riglit over the driver, and the wreckage of the chariot, four horses and another chariot plunge madly on to victory. A This is the world’s greatest and most thrilling film episode shown upon the screen—the plunging horses seem to come head on to the audience. It is one of the big vital punches of the world’s greatest motion picture. PRICES—Circle and Stalls, -2s 9d; Back Seats, Is Bd. Plan now Open at The Bristol. Seats should be Reserved without delay.
T lEATRE R O Y A L, Season Tickets: SATURDAY, 17th to 21st. Single Admissions: Adults 6s 6d. sth ANNUAL SEASON. Adults (plus tax) 3s 6d Students (tax free) 4s Children (plus tax) Is 6cl Children (tax free) 3s. CHAUTAUQUA. CHAUTAUQUA. TO-MORROW, FORMAL OPENING OF CHAUTAUQUA. SATURDAY, PRELUDE —“The Harmonists” (Operatic Quartette) At 8p m LECTURE— ‘ ‘A Night in the Orient” Julius Caesar Nayplie ' (A Wonderful Spectacle). MONDAY PRELUDE—“The Mollusc” The Western Players. (Delightful English Comedy). ~ At-8 mm. LECTURE—“Sidelights and Snapshots of the North Pacific ‘ F (A tour of the East with beautiful pictures) Drew Pearson. TUESDAY PRELUDE—The Colonial Concert Co'. (New Zeajrtnd’s Trio) At 8 p.m. LECTURE—“The World and Ourselves” Dr. Frank Bohn. WEDNESDAY, PRELUDE—Junior Play—“ The Treasure Chest of Elves” , IectURETTE —‘‘Hawaii” James Pickard. At 8 p m CONCERT Tlie Royal Hawaiian Quintette. JUN HoSce^tSriiy ( lLA.O.U. Season Ticket holders admitted Cape Kidnappers and The 7•30 • \ Gannet Nursery. Day Sales, 7.45. His Worship the Mayor will welcome the Members of Chautauqua at 8 Carson’s Garage will remain open each evening for Convenience of ' P Tickets can be purchased on SATURDAY AFTERNOON at the TheaChildren for Junior Chautauqua meet at 4 p.m. Saturday, at Theatre Royal. ’ E G CRAIGHEAD, Secretary.
PUBLIC NOTICES. TO TOWN AND COUNTY RESIDENTS. MR H. J. CONSTABLE’S IMPENDING DEPARTURE. IN order to suitably recognise the very fine services which Mr H. J. Constable, Editor of the Ashburton “Guardian,” has rendered to the Town and County, I hereby convene a Public Meeting, to be held in the Borough Council Chambers, at 8 p.m., next TUESDAY EVENING, February 20th. Mr Constable is leaving shortly for Great Britain, and his services to this community in so many different directions—Education, Municipal Matters, Sport, Bandl, Farming Community, Town Improvement, etc., have earned fori him the goodwill and approbation of very many people. This will be an opportunity to acknowledge what he has done for the District. I cordially invite residents of Town and' County to attend. ROBERT GALBRAITH, Mayor. MEETINGS AND EVENTS. PICNIC TO TIMARU. THE Allenton School and Ashburton Woollen Mills Employees Combined Excursion to Timaru will take place on SATURDAY, 17th February. Hot Water and Milk Supplied Free. Good! Sports Programme arranged. Fares—Adults 3s lid; Children under 15, 2s. f .Train departs Ashburton 8.30 a.m., Timaru 6 p.m. Pipe Band in Attendance. Tickets will be on Sale on the Platform at 7.45 a.m., or may be obtained from Woollen. Mills Employees, Allenton School, or from— E. C. BATHURST, Hon. Sec. Excursion Committee.
PUBLIC NOTICES. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given that the Several Parcels of Land hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions of The Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged'forbidding the same on or before the 16th day of March, 1923: — No 13089. Maurice Henry Watts—- ’ p a rt of Rural Sections 7822, 7823, 7824, and 7825, Block 1., Waltanui Survey District, and Block IV., Hinds Survey District, Lot 1, Deposit Plan No. 6408. Occupied by applicant. Diagrams may bo inspected at this Office. Dated this 13th day of February, 1923, at the Land Registry Office, Christchurch. F. W. BROUGHTON, 2 283 District Land Registrar. LONGBEACH ROAD BOARD. Notice is hereby given that all Rates unpaid after February 23rd 1923, will be charged 10 per cent! additional, and sued for without further notice. A. A. FOOKS, Clerk, Longbeach Road Board.
ASHBURTON TRADES PICNIC. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th. THE Business People of Ashburton will observe a Holiday on the above date. Tickets are now available, and can be obtained from Hefford and Co.’s Clothing Department. Admits 4s: Children 2s. A. E. CLARKE, Hon. See. MAYFAIR STUDIO. M ISS EMILY COX Will Resume Classes in Ballet, Highland, and Modern Ballroom Dancing, about the First Week in March. NATIONAL AND HIGHLAND DANCING. CLASS Commences February 24 in Victoria Hall, at 2.30 p.m. GLADYS BUSHELL.
MAYFIELD A. AND P. ASSN. Annual show, SATURDAY, 24th MARCH. Entries close 10th March. Highland Dancing. ■ Schedules on application to— E. O. D. WITHELL, 2 324 Secretary. - F. BUXTON. I AM now Booking Orders for Freestone Peaches and Nectarines. On Sale—Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Apples, and Tomatoes. * F. BUXTON, ’Phone 425. THE Jolly Fishing Season. Those with fishing Huts should invest in a Storm-proof Petrol Lantern. Better and cheaper than electric light, 350 c.p. Burns 15 hours on one filling. 70s, postage free.—R. P. M. Manning Co., 6 Bedford Row, Christchurch.
ISS TUPfPY SUTHERLAND will Resume Teaching National andl Fancy Dancing in the Victoria Hall on MONDAY NEXT, 19th Instant, 4 2 330 BOILER Attendants! Use “Stopskal” Boiler Compound. Death to scale, oil, and greases. Prevents it reforming. More power, less fuel. R. P. M. Manning Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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1,014Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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Ashburton Guardian Ltd is the copyright owner for the Ashburton Guardian. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Ashburton Guardian Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.