BUSINESS NOTICES. CANTERBURY FLOUR MILLS CO. “SUPREME” FLOUR. BUYERS OF MILLING WHEAT. Office in Arcade—2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. Gr SELDON BROS., rain merchants. District Agents— Yorkshire Insurance Company. Stocks of CORNSACKS, TWINE, ETC., held at our LYNDHURST STORES.
MURDOCH BRUCE, GRAIN AND SEED MERCHANT. I AM a Buyer of:—Chaff, Wheat, Oats, -.Ryegrass, Cocksfoot, Peas, Linseed, etc. Highest prices given. Stocks of Cornsacks, * Seaming Twine, Petrol and Oils, and all Farm Requisites on hand.' Agent for:— Insurance* Office of Australia, Ltd. Fairfield Manures. ' MURDOCH BRUCE, P.O. Box 4, West St., Ashburton. tenders. TENDERS FOR LEASES. In the Estate of John Stalker, late of Maronan, Farmer, Deceased. SEPARATE TENDERS are invited for the Leases for Five Years from Ist April, 1923, of DOT No. 1.—243 Acres 3 Roods 3 Perches, situated Hinds Swamp Road, Maronan. DOT No. 2.-595 Acres 1 Rood 22 Perches, situated Boundary Road, Ealing. > Tenders close 10th March, 1923. Terms and conditions may be* seen'at my Office. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. BOWDEN, West Street, Ashburton.
TENDERS. Alternate tenders in Bnck and Concrete for the Erection of Offices for the Ashburton Power Board are invited up to 10 a.m. MONDAY, February 26, 1923. E. M. GABITES, Registered Architect, 2 262 Burnett Street. CONVEYANCES. ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. Ashburton, methven, via lyndhurst. Car leaves Ashburton Daily at 10.55 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. Car leaves Methven Daily at Noon, and; 5 p.m. . _ Connecting with North and feoutn Express. BOOKINGS: — J. S. YEOMAN, Proprietor. Care “Lyttelton Times” Agency, Burnett Street; And M. A. STONE, Methven. Parcels may be left at “Guardian” Office for delivery en route. BUSINESS NOTICES. NOTICE. WE are Cash Buyers of Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, Ham, Rabbit Skins, Beeswax, etc. Consignments by rail promptly attended to. HENRY McELREA, ’Phone 111Havelock Street.
HALMA’S STUDIOS. Saunders’ Buildings, Asliburton. FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR PORTRAITURE. An Enlargement with Each Dozen Bromide. For particulars call at STUDIO. INFANT Cough Remedy—especially prepared for Babies and Young Children. Simple, safe and always effective. Procurable at Bonnington’s, Chemist.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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