PROFESSIONAL. F A. HICKMAN. A.P.A. (N.Z.), A-I.A. (N.Z.) IUBLIC Accountant, Auditor, and Company Secretary. ANDPRSON AND HICKMAN, Burnett St, Ashburton. money to lend. We have Two Sums of £3OOO and £2OOO respectively for immediate -Investment on approvedsecunty WILDING, ACLAND, AND W MURCHISON, Solicitors. MONEY TO LEND. I HAVE Several Special Sums of Money, varying from £IOOO to £3OOO available for upon First-class Freehold Security, at 6 per oent V R u KENNEDY, Solicitor, Ashburton. MONEY. ► A '7E have various Sums for InvestW ment on Town and Country Securities at Current Rates of Inter*t. 1 eorge harper, pascoe, and BUCHANAN, Solicitors, West Street, Ashburton.
SHIPPING. N THE EW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED. Direct Line to the United Kingdom. LARGE MODERN TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER STEAMERS, WITH UNSURPASED ACCOMMODATION ; Steamer. Tons. From About Ruapehu Remuara Paparoa Ruahine Rotorua 8,881 11,276 7,697 10,758 10,758 Well’tn Feh. 21 Well’tn Feh. 23 mid. March Well’tn Apr. 21 Well’tn June 2 Proceeding via PANAMA CANAL. Return Tickets are interchangeable with P. and O.S.N. Co. or Orient Line via Suez, C and A. Lme via \ 'ancouver, or U.S.'S. Co. of N.Z., Lt ~ via San Francisco. L For further particulars apply— THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING . CO., LTD. NICOLL BROS., District Agents. J. H. C. BOND, Dominion Superintendent.
s HAW, SAVILL AND CO., LTD. ALBION THE LARGEST passenger STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEATRADE. THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS ' JO ENGLAND via PANAMA. ALL TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, _ j-i.iT rr\9 PATENT FIRE EXfitted with CQ2 FA^ax TINGTJISHER AND WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. .... v ; SAILINGS (circumstances permitting) Steamer! Tons About Final p’t *• „ 11 570 Feb. 17 Well’tn 'iSS. 12,366 Mar. 7 WellHn «Gorinthio 12,367 Early Apl. Well tn 'Tainui 11,020 Early May Well tn Accommodation for First, Second, and Third Class Passengers. Passages from London can be arranged here. ... For full particulars and Sailing Dates, apply to DALGETY AND CO., LTD. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO., LTD. Joint Agents. BUSINESS NOTICES. ■“PAVIS” BREAD—- , The Great Health Renewer. After trials and tests extending over some weeks, we can thorough y recommend “Pavis” Bread. It is the best “health-bread” wo have yet seen or made. “Paris” is not a brown or wholemeal bread, but a scientifically -prepared “vitamine” bread. _ Brown and wholemeal bread® contain but a ■small proportion of vitamines (1.5 per -oent), and also contain much indigestible fibre. “Pavia” is just right. “Pavis” is a scientifically prepared Thread made from the finest white flour, plus 20 per centum of the eerm -of the wheat (life sustaining vitamine element), plus a rightly balanced pro--portion of finest barley malt flour. It is easily digested, and is extremely -nourishing and most palatable, and •quite unlike any of the so-called “hygienic” breads. , We prepare •“Pavis” in our bakery in the exact manner that produces perfect “Pavis.” BUY A LOAF AND SEE HOW GOOD IT IS. ■ s. MADDEN. Pastrycook and Confectioner, East Street. ’Phone 167. FORD Owners! Look to your lubricating. A “King” Automatic Oiler ensures evenly balanced ration, and prevents burnt-out bearings. Write R. P. M. Manning Co., 5 Bedford- Row, Christchurch.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 1
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