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No. 1.


TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1356. 1. Present-Thomas Beckham Eeq Francis Lillon Bell, Esq., Dingley Askham Brittin, Esq., Walter Brodie Esq., Charles Brown, Esq., John Logan Campbell, Esq., Hugh Carleton, Esq., Charles lifford, Esq, John Cuff, Esq., William Crush Daldy, Esq, Alfred Domett, Esq., Alfred William Last, Esq, Charles Elliott, Esq., Isaac Earl Featherston, Esq., William Fitzherbert, Esq. William Fox, Esq., Robert Graham, Esq., John Hall, Esq, Thomas Henderson, Esq Walter Lee, Esq., Alfred Ludlam, Esq, Frederick Ward Merriman, Esq., Christopher William Richmond, Esq., Henry Sewell, Esq, John Valentine Smith, Esq, EdWard William Stafford, Esq,, Charles John Taylor, Esq, Charles Dudley Robert Ward, Esq, William W ells, 1 sq, John Williamson, Esq. 4 Absent—John Cargill Esq., William Cargill, Esq, James Edward Fitzgerald, Esq, Joseph Greenwood, Esq, James Macandrew, Esq, Charles Parker, Esq, William Thomas Locke I ravers, fc-sq. 2. Swearing of Members -.—The House met pursuant to Proclamation by his Excellency the Governor bearing date the 9th day of February, 1856 ; His Honour Chief Justice Sidney Stephen Esq, being in atendance, presented to the Clerk of the House a Commission from his Excellency the Governor, authorising him to administer to the members of the General Assembly rr, ° r prescribed by the 46th and 47th clauses of the Constitution Act. lhe Commission having been read by the Clerk, the members present were then duly sworn and his Honour the Chief Justice withdrew. 3. Election of Speaker :—The Proclamation convening the Assembly having been read by the Clerk Mr. Campbell moved, That Charles Clifford, Esq, do take the Chair of this House as speaker. The motion having been seconded by Mr. Sewell, and no other member been proposed as Speaker, Mr. Cliffoi d stood up in his place, and expressed his sense of the honour proposed to be conferred upon him, and submitted himself to the House, whereupon his proposer and seconder took him out of his place and conducted him to the Chair, when he again expressed ins true sense of the high hoi. our the House had been pleased to confer upon him, and took his seat as Speaker elect. Mr. Ludlam moved, 1 hat Mr. Speaker elect, with his proposer and seconder, do wait upon Hons * V Governor, requesting his confirmation of the election of Speaker of this Question put and passed. 4. Adjournment : Mr. Campbell moved, That the House do adjourn for an hour. Question put and passed.

5. The House met pursuant to adjournment. <• Confirmation of Election of Speaker :—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 1. Governor. Governor Las much pleasure in confirming the choice made by the House of Representatives oi Charles Clifford, Esquire, to be the Speaker of the House. Government House, Auckland, loth April, 1856. I. Opening of the Session:—Mr. Speaker read prayers, after which, accompanied by the members, ><e proceeded to the Chamber of the Legislative Council to attend the opening of the Session by liis Excellency the Governor. On


On tlie return of the members to their own Chamber, Mr. Speaker reail a copy of the address delivered 10 the Assembly by His Excellency the Governor : — Honourable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Refee" SENT ATI VES 3 1. Various causes prevented the last Assembly from legislating on many subjects materially affecting tlie welfare of the Colony, and it has been reserved for vou to undertake that important duty. 2. Questions involving numerous conflicting interests remain for your consideration and adjustment, and in the solution of these difficulties an arduous task awaits you. 3. To enable me tcr call to my councils advisers possessing the confidence of the General Assembly, is naturally a subject which will engage your ear'iest attention. This may be considered the corner stone on which all other legislation should be built; and I now repeat, in the most explicit terms, the assurance which I gave on the prorogation of the last Assembly, that I would give my confidence to tlie gentlemen who possess that of the Legislature, and that whenever changes become necessary, I would allow no personal feelings to influence my public conduct. 4. I doubt not that the gentlemen who accept from you a responsibility conferring such an honorable distinction on themselves will consign to forgetfulness all of the past which has no reference to the future ; that they will arm themselves a ith a determination to disregard all private interests, and, devoting themselves heart and soul to those of New Zealand, they will declare what ought to be enacted for the welfare of the Colony at large. 5. Such conduct will ensure respect from opponents and the esteem of Englishmen, not only in this Colony but throughout the Empirenot only at the present time, but in the future, when part / feelings and local interests have been obliterated or forgotten, and history records the strength or weakness of those who guided the infant steps of a great country. 6. If, on the contrary, the men chosen for this honorable trust should prove unequal to it, looking for the applause and preferring the interests of a party or a Province to that "of the Colony at large, then will the power they are unable to wield remain but a moment in their nerveless grasp, and, once released, it will oscillate backward and forward until seized on by some statesmen worthy of their adopted country, strong in the rectitude and integrity of their intentions, and regardless of all considerations which can in any way hinder the progress of the public weal. 7- Such are the men whose counsel I desire and by whose advice I hope to be guided. 8. I rely entirely on your patriotic aid, and feel assured that, however divided you may be by political or party feelings, your best efforts will always be directed to secure the interests of the inhabitants of this country, mindful that their welfare depends on our efficient and faithful exercise of the powers vested in us by the Imperial Government. 9. My recent visit to the different Provinces has enabled me to bear testimony to their general prosperity, and to the evident signs of progress and improvement in each and all of them. 10. I have witnessed with great satisfaction the strong feelings of attachment and loyalty entertained throughout the Colony to the throne and person of our Gracious Sovereign, and I feel deeply grateful for the cordial reception every where accorded to myself as her Majesty's Representative. 11. Information has been prepared on various subjects, with a view to enable the gentlemen honored by your confidence to lay before you certain measures of importance :—among them I may mention a proposal to extinguish the claim of the New Zealand Company on terms which are therein explained ; another for an uniform postal communication with the Mother Country; the improvement and extension of our own overland posts; and an alteration in the Customs Laws ; and I trust you will lose no time in authorising the formation of a Commission with full powers to settle the many vexed questions connected with Land Claims, and for the quieting of disputed titles. 12. Another subject will I trust engage your early attention, namely, the propriety of adopting some plan of final audit for the accounts of the General Government, which will be more satisfactory to the Assembly than the one at present in force. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,— ]3. The utmost economy has been practised in the expenditure of the funds placed at my disposal by the late House of Representatives. Ihe fullest accounts shall be submitted for your approval, and the most complete information afforded to your enquiries. 14. I have to request you to make an early provision for the repayment of 114,080 I Is. 5d., advanced by the Union Bank of Australia, beinj part of a sum of thirty thousand pounds obtained under sanction of a resolution of the late House of Representatives. Gentlemen of the Assembly,— 15. Your deliberations will he viewed with interest in the Mother Country ; for whether in Great Britain or the Colonies, Englishmen watch the proceedings of their legislative bodies with the greatest attention. 10. But the Legislature of this Colony has no reason to shrink from such a scrutiny, for while adopting all that is good in the laws and usages of our Native Land, it has a cause for congratulation of which few other lands colonized b ' Europeans can boast. IT- In order to lorm this flourishing and rapidly increasing Colony, no property has been wrested from its Native owners ; no hospitality has been violated; no laws of humanity or justice have been trampled underfoot. The land enriched by the sweat of our brows has been honestly acquired and is rightfully enjoyed. Nor, when we consider that in place of a dreadful form of idolatry, we have communicated 10 the Natives a knowledge of the blessings of Christianity, and of the arts and appliances of civilization, c;in it be urged that the advantage has been exclusively on the side of those who gave money and received land alone in exchange for if. 18. These are considerations which make England proud of her youngest Colony—and she has reason to be so. Situated in the same relative position in the Southern Hemisphere, similar in size to Great Britain, like her separated from other lands by broad seas, possessing the same natural advantages and colonized by the same hardy race, New Zealand cannot fail to become the Britain of Australasia. 19. Free


10. Free institutions, deeply graven in the hearts of Englishmen, the glory of the British Nation, — framed, amended, and maintained by the wisdom and perseverance of successive generations,—have devolved on you as ail inheritance. To tliem we owe much of that enterprize and independence which have been and are the characteristics of our nation in all parts of the world. Tliey have been transplanted for you in their maturity, and their broad shadow spreads already over this favoured land. 20. The history of the growth of these institutions during a thousand years in our native country would be but a tale that is told, and the retrospect of the past but an idle dream if they teach us no lessons of wisdom. May we profit by them; and when time has consigned all who now hear me to the stillness of the grave, and children's children have succeeded to the inheritance of their fathers, may those who will then review the acts of this Assembly feel for you that admiration anil esteem which we cannot withhold from the time-honored men to whom we owe our origin and our laws. THOMAS GORE BROWNE. Auckland, April 15, 1856. Mr. Sewell moved, That his Excellency's address be printed. Question put and passed. 8. Adjournment-.—On motion of Mr Sewell (who informed the House that lis had been requested by his Excellency the Governor, to form a Government on the principle of Ministerial Responsibility) the House adjourned until Thursday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. Thursday, April 17, 1856. 1. Mb. Mkrriman to move, That a Committee be appointed for the Session, to be called the t-tanding Orders Committee, to prepare such Standing Orders as they may from time to time deem advisable to be adopted by the House; that the Committee do report on such day as the House may appoint, and from time to time as they may see occasion, or be required by lh. j House; that the Committee be authorised to communicate with any Committee appointed by the Legislative Council with a view to the adoption of Standing Orders to regulate the mode in which the House and Legislative Council may confer, correspond, and communicate with each other. The Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Sevvell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Fox, Mr. Domett, and the mover. 2. Mr. Stafford to move. That his Excellency be requested to issue a new Writ for the election of a Member for the Motueka and Massacre Bay District, in the room of Charles Parker, Esquire, resigned. 3. Mr Daldy to move, That the honorable member for the Bay of Islands be Chairman ot Committees. 4. Mr. Hall to move for copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury respecting an alleged over-payment from the Land Fund to the Provincial Treasury of that Province (,in continuation of correspondence already presented to the House). CHARLES CLIFFORD, Spcafccr.

No. 2.

THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1850. 1. [louse met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-seven members present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Messages:—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (1.) Commission of his Excellency as Governor and Vice-Admiral. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 2. Governor The Governor transmits, for the information of the House of Representatives, the accompanying copies of his Commission as Governor of New Zealand; of the Royal Instructions issued to him; and of his Commission as Vice-Admiral of the same. Government House, Auckland, 17th April, 1856. (2.) Disputed Elections. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, ' Message No. 3. Governor. In conformity with the 54th clause of the Proclamation dated 4th March, 1853, prescribing certain regulations, amongst others, for determining the validity of all disputed returns of elections, the Governor refers to the House of Representatives the accompanying petitions (as specified below) received hy him against the return of certain members of that House :— Pelirion of James O'Neill against the return of Thomas Beckham, for the City of Auckland. Petition of Daniel Pollen against the return of Walter Brodie, for the Suburbs of Auckland. Petition of Walter Brodie against the return of Frederick Ward Merriman, for the Suburbs of Auckland. Petition of certain electors of the Northern Division, in the Province of Auckland, against the return of Walter Lee, for that district. Petition of James Farmer against the return of Joseph Greenwood and John Williamson, for the Pensioner Settlements District, in the Province of Auckland. Petition of William Buckland against the return of Charles John Taylor, for the Southern Division, in the Province of Auckland. Government House, Auckland, 17th April, 1856. On motion of Mr. Sewell, consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 3 ordered to stand an order of the day for a future clay. o. Land Fund, Province of Canterbury:—Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed to him by the Speaker of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, enclosing copy of resolutions-passed by the Council on the subject of the appropriation or the Land Fund of that Province. Letter and enclosure ordered to be laid on the table. 4. Leave of Absence :—Mr. Richmond, with leave of the House, moved, That leave of absence be granted to Mr. East until his recovery from illness. Question put and passed. 5. Standing Orders Committee:—Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, in theabsence of Mr. Merriman, and pursuant to notice given, moved, That a Committee be appointed for the sessions, to be called the standing Orders Committee, to prepare such Standing Orders as they may from time to time deem advisable to be adopted by the House; that the Committee do report on such day as the House may appoint, and from time to time as they may see occasion, or be required by the House; that the Committee be authorised to communicate with any Committee appointed by the Legislative Council with a view to the adoption of Standing Orders



Orders to regulate the mode in which the House and Legislative Council may confer, correspond, and communicate with each other. The Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Fox, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Merriman. Question put and passed. 6. Postponement:—Mr. Stafford, with leave of the House, postponed to a future day the motion standing in his name second on the notice paper of this day. 7. Select Committees Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, moved, That leave be given to Select Committees to continue their sittings during the contemplated adjournment of the House for one week. Question put and passed. 8. Chairman of Committees :—Mr. Daldy, pursuant to notice, moved, That the honourable member for the Bay of Islands be Chairman of Committees. Mr. Lee moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the words " honourable member for the Bay of Islands," with a view to insert in lieu thereof the name of ''Mr. Merriman." Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 21. Noes, 5. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Lee, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Smith, Mr. Ward, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Sewell (teller), ; Mr. Hall, Mr. Fox, Mr. Graham, Mr. Wells, Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Bell (teller). Whereupon original question put and passed. 9. Land Fund Province of Canterbury :—Mr. Hal!, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will cause to be transmitted to this House, copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury respecting an alleged over-payment from the Land Fund to the Provincial Treasury of that Province (in continuation of correspondence already presented to the House). Question put and passed. 10. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Sewell, the House adjourned at half-past one o'clock until to-morrow, at noori.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Friday, April 18, 1856. 1. Mr Sewkm, to move, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report as to the nature and amount of Land Scrip issued within the Colony, and already satisfied ; and of the amount of all such Land Scrip remaining unsatisfied, and of all outstanding and unsatisfied Land Orders. That such Committee do consist of Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Hall, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Wells, and the mover. 2. Mr. BelL to move, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report upon the state of the account between the New Zealand Company and the Colony in respect of their charge on the


the Land Fund of the Colony under the Constitution Act. The Committee to consist of Mr. Fox, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Brown, Mr. Featherston, and the mover. 3. Mr. Sewell to move, That the Standing Rules and Orders of the House adopted in the last session be adopted during the present session. 4. Mr. Elliott to move, That a Committee be appointed to superintend the printing for the House during the session, and the preparation of the votes and proceedings of the House. The Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Fox, and the mover.

ON A FUTURE DAY. I. Mr. Stafford to move, That his Excellency be requested to issue a new writ for the election of a Member for the Motueka and Massacre Bay District, in the room of Charles Parker, Esquire, resigned. ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Message, No, 3CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 3.

FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1856. 1. House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-seven members present; Mr. Speaker i\ ad prayers and took the Chair. 2. Adjournment (special) : —Mr. Sewell moved, That this House, at its rising, do adjourn until Friday next, the 25th instant. Question put and passed. 3. Land .Scrip: —Mr. Sewell pursuant to notice, moved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report as to the nature and amount of Land Scrip issued within the colony, and already satisfied; and of the amount of all such Land Scrip remaining unsatisfied, and of all outstanding and unsatisfied Land Orders. That such Committee do consist of Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Hall Mr Richmond, Mr. Wells, and the mover. The report to be brought up on the "2nd May, 185(). Question put and passed. 4. New Zealand Company's Debt: —Mr Bell, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report upon the state of the account between the New Zealand Company and the Colony in respect of their charge upon the Land Fund of the Colony under the Constitution Act. ihe Committee to consist of Mr. Fox, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Brown, Mr. Featherstou, and the mover. The report to be brought up on the 2nd of May, 1856. Queston put and passed. 5. Motion withdrawn: —Mr, Sewell withdrew the motion standing in his name, third on the notice payer of this day. 6. Printing for the House : —Mr. Elliott, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Committee be appointed to superintend the printing for the House during the Session, and the preparation of the votes and proceedings of the House, the Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Carleton, and the mover. Question put and passed. 7. Disputed Election Returns Mr. Fox moved the suspension of Standing Order, No. 29. Question put and passed. Mr. Fox then moved, That a Select Committee be appointed, to which shall be referred all the petitions against the return of any member of this House, with power to call for witnesses and papers. The Committee to consist of Mr. Brittin, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ward, and the mover. To report on this day fortnight, i ay the 2nd, 1856. Question put and passed. 8. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Sewell, House adjourned at a quarter past one o'clock, until Friday next, the 25th instant, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. Friday, April 25, 185 G. 1. Mn. Stafford to move, That until the House shall have adopted new Standing Ouleis, Mi. Speaker shall decide, adopting for his guidance the Rules and Orders ot the last House ot Representatives. o



2. Mr. Hall to move, That leave of absence be granted to J. E. Fitzgerald, Esq., for three months from this date. 3 Mr. Stafford to move, That his Excellency be requested to issue a new writ for the election of a member for the Motueka and Massacre Bay District, in the room of Charles Parker, Esq , resigned. 4. Mr. Stafford to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to furnish, for the information of this House, a return of all lands purchased, or agreed to be purchased from the Natives, since the first day of January, 1851 ; shewing the Province and District where situated ; the extent in acres ; distinguishing the level or agricultural land from hilly, mountain, or waste; the amount in cash and scrip, paid or payable; with the dates of all payments made or agreed to be made, and the name of the tribe or tribes from whom such lands have been purchased ; and the amount paid, or agreed to be paid, to each tribe on account of any such purchase. 5. Mr. Stafford to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to furnish to the House a return of all scrip receivable in the purchase of Crown Lands, issued since the first day of January, 1851, the persons to whom, and by whom, and the authority under which any such scrip was issued. 6. Mr. Fitzherbert to move, That his Excel'ency be requested to furnish the House with a copy of the Secretary of State's despatch, dated "27th November, 1855, respecting the position and right of precedence of Superintendents of Provinces. 7. Mr. Stafford to move, That leave of absence for one month be given by this House to William Thomas Locke Travers, Esq., one of the members for the Waimea District. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 4.

FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-three members present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Members Sworn The Clerk, by order of Mr. Speaker, read a Commission from his Excellency the Governor, directed to him as Speaker of this House, authorising him to administer to certain members of this House, the Oath prescribed by the Constitution Act. John Cargill, Es-., Captain Cargill, Joseph Greenwood, Esq., and James Macandrew, Esq., were then duly sworn and took their seats. 3. Petition from Lazarus Berlowitz -. — Mr. Fitzherbert presented a petition from Lazarus Berlowitz, late of Nelson, praying for indemnification for losses sustained bv him, in consequence of an alleged illegal seizure of his property by Custom House officers at "Nelson. Petition received and read. 4. Messages -.—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read • (1.) Postal Communication. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 4. Governor The Governor transmits for the information of the House of Representatives n Circular Despatch dated 30th of November, 1855, upon the subject of Postal Communication by Steam, between Great Bntain and the Australian Colonies, and requests the attention of the House to the subject, in order that His Excellency may forward an answer to the Imperial Government. Government House, Auckland, 25th April, 1856. (2 ) Financial. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 5. Governor. The Governor transmits for the information of the House of Representatives Financial statements, for the periods included between the first of January, 1853, and the 31st December, 1855. Ihese have been prepared in accordance with the Resolution of the House of Representatives, which required the whole of the Land Deposits received in each period, to be treated as revenue, and distributed among the several Provinces, as Surplus Revenues. _ The whole of the arrears of Expenditure have been shewn as charges on the Revenues of the period when the expenses were actually incurred, and the moneys issued for the purchase of Lands, have been a charge on the Land Revenues of the period during which they were issued. The balances in the public chests on the Ist of January, 1853, are shown at the bead of the Financial Statement for the nine months ending 30th September, 1853, and they are charged with the arrears of expenditure belonging to the period prior to the Ist of January, 1853. The exctss of these arrears over the balances in hand, is exhibited as a charge on the revenues of the period ending 30th September, 1853, and will be found included in the unappropriated balance of that period. Government House, Auckland, 25th April, 1856. (3.) Land Fund—Province of Canterbury. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 6. Governor. In conformity with the request contained in the address No. 1. of 17th April, 1856, from the House of Representatives, the Governor transmits to that House the accompanying copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury, respecting an alleged overpayment from the Land Fund to the Provincial Treasury of that Province, in continuation of correspondence already presented to the House. Government House, Auckland, 25th April, 1856. (4.) Pensions Bill.



(4 ) Pensions Bill. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message o. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives for their consideration, the draft of a Bill to nrovide for the retirement of certain officers of the Executive Government. The object of this Bill is to prepare the way for the introduction of Responsible Government, bv nrovidine for the retirement of the gentlemen who now hold the offices of Colonial Secreta \, Attorney General, gftcl Colonial Treasurer, and who were appointed on the tacit understanding that ' lie^rnj° U Q o ygrnoVdoes'iiot propose any specific amount of Pensions, but trusts that the House of Representatives will adopt a scale of compensation somewhat similar to that which has been adopted and annroved in other British Colonies. . . Should the Bill pass into law, no time shall be lost in carrying it into effect. Government llouse, Auckland, 25th April, 1856. 5. Improvement of accommodation in the House :-Mr. ElHott moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 29. • select Committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred alienators pertain in"' to the comfort and necessities of this House. The Committee to consilt of Mr" Speaker, Mr. Hell, Mr. Hall, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Macandrew, and the mover. Question put anil passed. • XS2W -»*• and Orders of the last House of Representees. Question put and passed. 7 Leave of absence :-Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved that leave of absence be granted < . E. Fitzgerald, Esq., for three months from this date. Question put and passed , . o v w > Mr Stafford pursuant to notice, moved, That his Excellency be requested to issue 8 - N rJw wVitfor\he election of a member for the Motueka and Massacre Bay D.stnct, ,n the room of Charles Parker, Esquire, resigned. Question put and passed. _ 1D Kncocfrnm the Natives •—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended ) notice, moved, That a f). Land 1 urchas n ,- e sented to his Excellency requesting him to furnish for the information oflS«" he purchased tram the natives since 1 -,v l vof Inlv 18 )0 shewino- the province and Tistrict where situated; the extent in the oth day ot July, ■>< , she win i moun tain, or waste ; the amount acres dates of all payments made, or agreed to be made, in cash and scrip pa , , h j , 8 have been purchased ; the amour.t St.SL'bep"Jl account of any such pun hie ; and the amount o incidental* expenses in each case, specifying the names ot the Commissioners, oi c lei pers by whom such purchases have been negotiated ' Question put and passed. It) t .nd Serin :-Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to furnish to the House a return o a se"P Livable in the purchase of Crown Lands, issued to Europeans or natives since the oth y July, 1850, the persons to whom and by whom, and the authority under w lie i any scrip was issued. Question put and passed. . T , 1 I Superintendents of Provinces; —Mr Pitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice moved 1 hat his 1 S?» ill •» " kh » «<W f > h » of'S n-' dated 27th of November, 1855, respecting the position and right ot precedence of Super.n tendents of Provinces, together with all the correspondence relative thereto. Question put and passed. 19 Leave of absence-—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to amended notice, moved, That leave of absence for one month be given by this House to William Thomas Locke Travers, Esquire, one ot the members for the Waimea District, on the ground of urgent private business. Question put and passed. 13 Tensions Bill Mr. Sew ell moved, That Mr. Speaker, do now leave the chaff, andl theiHous resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration ot his Lxcellency 0 » No. 7, transmitting the Pensions Bill. Debate ensued. ... .. 14. Adjourment (special): — Mr. Carleton moved, That this House at its rising do acjourn un i Monday next at noon. Question put and passed. 15. Pensions


S3. Pensions Bill:—Debate on Mr. Sewell's motion resumed. Mr. Campbell moved, That this debate be now adjourned until Monday nextQuestion put. House divided. Ayes, 19. ! Noes, 14. Mr. Carleton, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Graham, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Bell, Mr. Henderson, Major Greenwood, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Smith, Mr. Beckham, Captain Cargill, Mr. Brown, Mr. Lee^ Mr. Brodie, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Richmond, Mr Elliott, , Mr. Fox, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Ward, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Featherston, Mr, Brittin, Mr. Domett, Mr. Stafford (teller). Mr. Wells, Mr. Cuff, Mr Hall, Mr. East, Mr. Daldy (teller). 16, Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Sewell the House adjourned at forty-five minutes past four o'clock, until Monday next, at noon.

NOTICES OE MOTION AND ORDERS OE THE DAY. Monday, April 28, 1856. 1. Mr. Brown to move as a Resolution, That the question of pensions to the old officials will not be entertained by this House until due inquiry shall have been made into the state o t e public accounts and other matters. 2 Mr. Cableton to move, That an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he will be pleased to cause to be laid on the table of this House copies of the following instruments, namely,— ]. Royal Warrant for the appointment of William Martin, Esq., to the office ot Chiet Justice of New Zealand. 2. Commission appointing the said William Martin to that office. 3. Commission appointing the said William Martin to the office of Judge for the Northern District of the said Colony. 4. Commission empowering the said William Martin to hold Circuit Courts within such district. 5. Commission empowering F.Fisher, Esq., or any other person, to hold a County Court. 6. Commission empowering T. Beckham, Esq., or any other person, to act as a Resident Magistrate within the said Colony, or any partthereot. 7. Letters patent appointing William Hobson to the office of Vice-Admiral of the said Colony. 8. Commission appointing Henry Samuel Chapman, Esq,, to the office of a Judge ot tie Supreme Court ot such Colony. 9. Commission appointing the said Henry Samuel Chapman to the office of Judge for the Southern District of such Colony. 10. Commission empowering the said Ilenry Samuel Ch.pman to hold Circuit Courts within such district. _ . 11. Commission appointing Sidney Stephen, Esq., to the office of Ciiiet Justice oi Jui 0 e the said Northern district. 12. Commissions appointing William Swainson, Alexander Shepherd, and Andrew ? incla . ir > Esquires, to the respective offices of Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, and Goloma Secretary of the Province of New Ulster.


13. Commissions appointing the said William Swainson, Alexander Shepherd, and Andrew Sinclair, after the passing of the Constitution Act for the said Colony in 1852, to the respective offices of Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, and Colonial Secretary of and for such Colony. 3. Mr. Fox to move for leave to bring up the Report of the Committee on disputed Election on the next sitting day. 4. Me. Fitzherbert to move, That the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz be printed and referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Mr. Wells, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Richmond, Mr. John Cargill, and the mover. 5. Mr. Bell to move, That Mr. Macandrew and Mr. Brittin be added to the New Zealand Company's Debt Committee. 6. Mr. Brodie to move a respecful address to his Excellency the Governor, requesting return of all correspondence relative to Captain Salmon's land claim at Waranakai, and to his exchange of land at Waranakai for land at the Wairoa, and whether a Crown Grant has been issued for the land at the Wairoa, and by whom. 7. Mr. Brodie to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, how many Crown Grants have been cancelled, by whom cancelled, and to whom made. Also, whether such cancelled Grants have been attached to the Grants which have been issued in lieu of them, or destroyed. The above from the foundation of the Colony.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 4 in Committee of Supply. 2. Adjourned debate on question that his Excellency's Message No. 7 be considered in Committee of the whole House. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 5.

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1856. 1. The House rret pursuants to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-three members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Native Feud at New Plymouth Mr. Richmond presented a petition from certain inhabitants or the Bell a „d Hua Blocks in the Province of New Plymouth, stating the existence ot serious hostilities amongst the natives in that district; the danger of the European settlers being drawn into collision with the natives ; and praying the house to cause enquiry to be made into the nature and extent of these feuds. Petition received and read. 3 " P Srfmm rh r maS MC , DO, r"' Co ™ mander in the R °y al Nav )' ••-Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Commander McDonnell, R. N„ praying for indemnification for losses sustained by 1830 conse l uence ot the depredations of the natives on his property, purchased in the year Petition received and read. 4. Petition of James Busby Mr. Daldy presented a petition from James Busby, prayin<r the House not to decide on any measure, having for its object the provision of retiring pensions for certain officers of the Executive Government, until his, and other evidence has been taken relative to alleged malversion of office on the part of such retiring officers. Petition received and read. Message The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read (1.) Returns, being answers to addresses. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 8. Governor. In conformity with the wish expressed in various resolutions of the late House of Representathrfollowing'returns^" 8 "" 18 ' information of tlle P resen t House, tile accompanying copies of Correspondence relative to the exportation of gunpowder from New South Wales. e Ul . a s 'jwing expenditure on account of Surveyor General's Department during the financial yeai ending ,30th June, 1855, and part of the current financial year up to the 31st March, 1856. Correspondence relative to certain pre-emption and old Land Claims. Correspondence relative to Dr. Bacot's claim to house and land at Howick. Correspondence relative to the final settlement of Captain Salmon's land claim at Wananake. Correspondence relative to the land claim of the widow Meurant. Government House, Auckland, 28th April, 185 C. 6. Pensions Bill Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved as a resolution, That the question of pensions to t le old officials will not be entertained by this House until due enquiry shall have been made into the state of the public accounts and other matters. Mj-Hall moved that the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the ■vvou that, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof:—" this House is prepared to admit the expediency of granting to the principal officers of the Government the retring alow ances. which are required by the Imperial Government as a condition of the removal of t lose officers, and that this House is prepared to assent to a legislative measure having that object in view. But that inasmuch as serious charges of misconduct are now pending against the abovementioned officers, any measure of the nature above alluded to shall contain a proviso, that t e payment of such retiring allowances shall in no case commence until the charges above referred to have been satisfactorily disposed of." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and On the original question being put, House divided. Ayes, 13.



Ayes, 13. Noes, 2fr. Mr. Fox, Mr - Brittin, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Fitzherbert, Major Greenwood,. Mr. Graham, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Lee, Mr. Beckham, Mr- Williamson, Mr. Brodie, Mr- Hall, Mr. Featherston t Mr. Smith, Mr. Ward, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Carleton, Mr. hast, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Richmond', Mr. Taylor, Mr. Wells, Mr. Brown (teller), Mr. Elliott, Mr. Sewell, Mr B ell, Mr. Domett, Mr. Stafford, Mr. J. ( argill, ( aptain Cargill, Mr. Maeandrew (teller). 7. Orders of the day :—lt being past three o'clock, the House proceeded to the consideration oir the orders of the day. 8. Postal Steam Communication -.—On the motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr.. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself a Committee of the whole for the consideration ot his Excellency s Mes-age, No. 4. _ , r On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman of Committees reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House, —" 1 hat this House having taken into consideration, his Excellency's Message transmiting the Despatcn tiom the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated the 4th of December last, upon the subject ot the re-establishment of postal communication by steam between the United Kingdom and the Australian Colonies, is of opinion that it is expedient that the proposal therein contained shoul be accepted upon the part of the Colony of New Zealand Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 9. Pensions Bill-.—On motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Speaker le;'t the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of his Excellency's Message N0.,7On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman of Committees reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House, —" lhat this House o make provision for the services expressed in his Excellency's Message No. 7Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. Mr. Sewell moved the suspension of the Standing Orders relative to public bills. Question put and passed. . , On motion of Mr. Sewell, the Pensions Bill was then read a first and second time, and e consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow The House resumed consideration of the notices of motion on this day s paper. ]0. Motion withdrawn i—Mr. Carleton ■withdrew the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day. 11. Report of Committee on Disputed Elections Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring up the report of the Committee on Disputed Elections on the next sitting day o e House. Question put and passed. 12. Petition of Lazarus Berlowitz :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, the petition or Lazarus Berlowitz be printed, and referred to a ."-elect Committee, to consist o Mr. Wells, Mr Brodie, Mr. Maeandrew, Mr. Richmond, Mr. John Cargill, Mr. Domett, an the mover; and, with a view to the information of such Committee, that copies ot all conesporidence b tween the General Government and the Collector of Customs at Nelson, and copies of the informa ion and evidence upon which the Resident Magistrate, and othir Justices a Nelson, acted in this case, be laid upon the table of the House; and that the repoit be no brought up until such correspondence and evidence be obtained, unless the latter should no be received on the return of the " Zingari." Question put and passed. 13. New Zealand Company's Debt Committee -.—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice moved, That Mr. Maeandrew and Mr. Brittin be added to the New Zialan-i Company's Debt Committee. Question put and passed. 14. Motions withdrawn -.—Mr. Brodie withdrew the motions standing in his na», sixth and seventh on the notice paper of this day. 15. Adjournment


55. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at six o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. . Tuesday, April 29, 1856. Mr. Macandrew to move for leave to bring in "a Bill to provide for the establishment of Banks in New Zealand." 2. Mr. Carleton to move, That the petition of Thomas MacDonnell, Commander R. N., be printed. 3. Mr. Fox to rr.ove for a return of the names of all existing officers of the General Government within the Colony whose official duty involves the receipt or custody of any part of the Revenue, either by way of collection or imprest. Also the amount for which such officers have personally given security ; the names of their sureties; and the amounts for which they are bound. Also, a return ot any surcharges or defalcations against or by any officers of the General Government which have occurred since the foundation of ,the Colony; and shewing whether and from whom such have been recovered. Also, for copies of all correspondence between any departments of the General Government, or between such departments and the Provincial Government of Nelson, relative to a recent defalcation in the chest of the Sub-Treasurer of the General Government in that Province. 4. Mr. Fox to ask Mr, Sewell, whether, and, if so, when, he intends to move an address in reply to the speech delivered by his Excellency the Governor to the General Assembly on the 15th of this month. 5. Mr Hall to move for a return of the number of acres of waste lands sold in the several Provinces of New Zealand in each quarter since the sth July 1850, and of the sums of money received on account of such sales. Also, return of the number of acres of waste land in each Province remaining unappropriated and open for sale, at the present date. €>. Mr. Hall to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be transmitted to this House copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury, relating to the power of the Provincial Legislature to authorise the diversion of existing lines of road, and the construction of embankments on river l>eds in that Province. 7. Mr. Macandrew to move, That it is expedient to repeal the Bank Charter Ordinance, Sess. 11, No. i; also the Paper Currency Ordinance, Sess. 8, No. 16, and the Paper Currency Amendment Ordinance, Sess. 11, No. 14— To empower the Governor to grant charter of incorporation for the establishment ot Banking Companies throughout New Zealand; such Banking Companies as well as any other Companies incorporated by her Majesty, or by Act of the Imperial Parliament to have power to issue notes payable to bearer on demand; subject to the following general conditions, viz. 1. 1 hat the amount of such issue shall not exceed the amount of the Bank paid up capital. 2. That the note shall be payable in coin at the place of issue only. ii- I hat every Bank issuing notes shall keep in reserve an amount of coin equal to one-third of notes in circulation. 4. That every Bank issuing notes shall make monthly returns to the Governor, shewing the average amount of its circulation, and the amount of coin in reserve. 1 hat the Governor shall have the power of inspection in order to verify such returns. 0. That the name and designation of the copartnery of every such Bank shall be published annually in the " The New Zealand Government Gazette," and in the local papers. 7. That ary person or persons issuing notes payable on demand, contrary to the foregoing provisions shall be subject to a penalty. lhat the Government be requested to prepare and bring in a Bill embodying the foregoing general principles.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on disputed Elections. 2. Pensions Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 6.

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1356. 1. House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Edward Catchpool :—Mr. Fitzherbert presented a petition from Edward Catchpool, an officer of Customs at Wellington, praying the House to cause inquiry to be made into the truth of certain grievances set forth in the petition. Petition received and read. 3. Petition of I ide-waiters, Wellington:—Mr. Fitzherbert presented a petition from certain tidewaiters at Wellington, complaining of arbitrary treatment on the part of the Collector of Customs in dismissing them the public service, and praying for compensation. Petition received and read. 4. Standing Orders : —Mr. Stafford, on behalf of the Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee, and with the leave of the House, brought up the report of the Standing Orders Committee. Report ordered to be laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Stafford, consideration in committee of the whole House of the report of the Standing Orders Committee, ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 5. Bank of Issue :—Mr. Macandrew moved the suspension of Standing Order, No. 29. Question put and passed. Mr. Macandrew then moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to take further evidence on the subject of the Bank of Issue; report to be brought up on Friday next. Committee to consist of Mr. Fox, Mr. Stafford, Mr, Hall, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Sewell, and the mover. Question put and passed. 6. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Macandrew withdrew the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day. 7. Petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N.:—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved that the petition of Thomas McDonnell, Commander R.N., be printed. Question put and passed. 8. Returns :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved for a return of the names of all existing officers of the General Government within the colony, whose official duty involves the receipt or custody of any part of the revenue, either by way of collection or imprest. Also, the amount for which such officers have personally given security; the names of their sureties ; and the amount for which they are bound. Also, a return of any defalcations by any officers of the General Government which have occured since the foundation of the colony ; and showing whether, and from whom, such have been recovered. Also, for copies of all correspondence between any departments of the General Government, or between such departments and the Provincial Government of Nelson, relative to a recent defalcation in the chest of the Sub-Treasurer of the General Government in that province. Question put and passed. 9. Waste Lands, sales of:—Mr. Hall, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved for a return of the number of acres of waste lands sold, or otherwise disposed of in the several provinces of New Zealand, in each quarter since the sth July, 1850; and of the nature and amount of payment or other consideration received. Also, a return of the number of acres of waste land in each province remaining unappropriated and open for sale at the present date, distinguishing unsurveyed from surveyed lands. Question put and passed. 10. Message: —



TO. Message The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read Aborigines. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 9. Governor . . The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of letters,, together with their translation, from the W"aikato Native Iribes, addressed to the Governor and the General Assembly, praying the enactment of a law for the prevention of the sale of spirits to* to the Natives. Government House, Auckland, 29th April, 18PG. Message and enclosures ordered to be printed. 11. Roads:—Mr Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be transmitted to this House copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury, relating to the power of the Provincial Legislature to authorise the diversion of existing lines of road, and the construction of embankments on river beds in that province. Question put and passed. 12. Postponement:—Mr. Macandrew postponed the motion standing in liis name, seventh on the notice paper of this day, until Friday next. 13. Disputed Election Returns Mr. Fox, Chairman of the Committee on Disputed Election Returns, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 14. Pensions BillOn motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into committee of the whole for consideration of the Pensions Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 15. Compensation to retiring Officers :—Mr. Daldy moved the suspension of Standing Order, No. 29. Question put and passed. Mr. Daldy then moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of supply for consideration of the question of compensation to retiring Officers of the Executive Government. Ques i >n put and passed. On JMr. Speaker resuming the chair, the chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolutions for adoption by the House :—l. " That it is the opinion of this House that it is expedient that a fixed sum should be paid to the officers retiring under the first clause of tiie Pensions Act, in preference to a pension or annuity." 2. " That the House considers three years purchase of the present salaries as an equivalent commutation for two-thirds ot the present amounts of salary in the way of pensions. Question, That the foregoing resolutions be adopted by the House, put and passed. 16. Adjournment: —On motion of Air. Bell, the House adjourned at five o'clock until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, 30th April, 1856. 1. Mr. Sewkj.i, to move a reply to his Excellency's address on opening the session. 2. Mr. Brown to move f or a Select Committee to inquire into the administration of Sir George Grey's Land Regulations of the 4th of March, 1853, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Cargill, and the Mover, and to report to this House thi9 day week. 3. Mr. Fitzherbert to ask the honorable member for Christchurch (Mr. Sewell) whether any reply has been received from the Secretary of Mate for the Colonies to the Resolutipns passed by this House on 17th August, 1854. 4. Mr- Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying for a return of the names of those pensioners who have either paid or are paying their passages from England to this Colony, together with the amounts already paid, and whether the sums so paid, become funds of the Colonial or Imperial Treasury.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of the Committee on Standing Orders, to be considered in Committee of the whole House. 2. Pensions Bill—to be further considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, speaker.

Ko. 7.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 33.50. 1. I lie House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Mr East presented a petition from Richard Kingdon, a doctor of medicine, residing at New Plymouth, praying for indemnification for losses sustained by him in consequence of his having been compelled to attend a session of the Supreme Court in Auckland, as an evidence in a trial for murder. Petition received and read. 3. Postponement:—On motion ofMr.Sewell, the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, ordered to be postponed until after consideration of the remaining notices of motion. 4. Regulations of Sir George Grey: — Mr. Brown, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to enquire into alleged malpractices connected with the administration of Sir George Grey's Land Regulations of the 4th March, 1853, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr Ludlam, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Cargill, and the mover; and to report to this House this day week. Question put and passed. 5. Resolutions adopted by the House on the 17th August, 1854:—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, asked the honourable member for Christchurch (Mr. Sewell) whether any reply has been received irom the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the resolutions passed by this House on the 17th of August, 1854. Question answered in the negative. 6. New Zealand Fencibles : — Mr. Lee, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying for a return of the names of those Pensioners who have either paid, or are paying, their passages from England to this Colony, together with the amounts already paid; and whether the sums so paid become funds of the Colonial or Imperial Treasury. Question put and negatived. /. Reply to the address of his Excellency:—Mr. Sewell moved, That the motion standing in his name, No. 1 on the notice paper of this day, be ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. Question put and passed. 8. Postponement:—On the motion of Mr. Fox, consideration of order of the day No. 1 postponed until after consideration of order No. 2. 9. Pensions Bill;— The second order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair and the House, in committee of the whole, resumed consideration of the Pensions Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. '0. Standing Orders : —On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the report of the Committee on Standing Orders. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Standing Orders with amendments. Report adopted by the House, and the Standing Orders, as amended, ordered to be printed. 11. Adjournment : —On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at half-past nine o'clock, until to-morrow, at noon. Notices


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Thursday, May 1, 1856. ] Mr Stafford to move, That a Select Committee be appointed to prepare a congratulatory address to Her Majesty on the achievements of Her Majesty's forces, and those of Her Allies, in the present war. Such Committee to consist of Mr, Speaker, Captain ( argill, Mr. ( arleton, Mr. Domett, Mr. Featherston, Major Greenwood, Mr. Hail, Mr. Richmond, and the Mover. 2. Mr. Carlkton to move. That in the event of his Excellency's suggestion that the Pension Bill should be passed, leaving the disputed question of amount to the decision of the Home Government, it is expedient that a copy of the resolutions agreed to by this House on the 17th day of August, 1854, but never yet communicated directly to the Home Government, be transmitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies : that his attention be also invited to the condemnatory tone of those resolutions, and more particularly to resolution No. <>, —" That this House do forthwith address her Majesty, praying her forthwith to remove the present Executive Officers, being members of the Executive Conncil, from their officesalso, that this House do express their hope that the Home Government will not award a higher amount than Engish Officials, of the same salaries and length of service (the time being calculated from the date of the New Zealand appointments) would be entitled to ; nor burden a young I olony with a heavier incumbrance than in a similar case would be imposed upon the mother country. :}. Mr. East to move for a Committee to examine the petition of Richard Kingdon, M.D , and his claim for compensation. Committee to consist of Mr, Brown, Mr. Richmond Mr. Featherston, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 4 Mr. Fitzherbhrt to move, That the petition of the Tidewaiters at the Port of Wellington and * also that of Kdward Catchpool be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Mr. Daldy, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Domett, and the mover. 5. Mr. Charles Brown to move for a Select Committee to lake into consideration the petition presented by the Member for New Plymouth from certain settlers in the Hua and Bell Blocks, relative to the renewal of Native Disturbances in New Plymouth j with power to c 11 for persons and papers. Such Committee, to consist of Mr. 1). Bell, Mr. Richmond, Mr. East, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Cargill. and the mover.

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Pensions Bill—to be further considered in committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.



THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1856. 1. The House tret pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair, 2. Congratulatory address to her Majesty :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select (. ommittee be appointed to prepare a congratulatory address to her Majesty on the achievements of her Majesty's Forces, and those of her Allies, in the present war. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Captain Cargill, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Domett, Mr. Featherston, Major Greenwood, Mr. Hall, Mr. Richmond, and the mover. Report to be brought up on the 15th instant. 3. Compensation to retiring Officers :—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That in the event of his Excellency's suggestion, that the Pensions Bill should be passed—leaving the disputed question of amount to the decision of the Home Government—being adopted by this House, it is expedient that a copy of the resolutions agreed to by this House on the 17th of August, 1854, but never yet communicated directly to the Home Government, be transmitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies; that his attention be also invited to the condemnatory tone of those resolutions, and more particularly to resolution No. 6 :—" That this House do forthwith address her Majesty, praying her forthwith to remove the present Executive Officers, being members of the Executive Council, from their offices also, that this House do express their hope that the Home Government will not award a higher amount than English officials of the same salaries and length of service (the time being calculated from the date of the New Zealand appointments) would be entitled to; nor burthen a young Colony with a heavier incumbrance than in a similar case would be imposed upon the mother country. Question put and negatived. 4. Petition of Dr. Kingdon:—Mr. East, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to examine the petition of Richard Kingdon, M.D., and his claim for compensation. Committee to coniist of Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr, Featherston, Mr. Lee, ana the mover. Committee to report this day week. Question put and passed. 5. Petition of Custom House Officers at Wellington :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the petition of the tide-waiters at the port of Wellington, and also that of Edward Catclipool, be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of Mr. Daldy, Mr. Macandrew, Air. Cuff, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Domett, Mr. Ludlam, Mr, Hall, and the mover ; report to be brought up on the 10th instant. Question put and passed. 6. Hostilities amongst the Natives in New Plymouth :—Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for a Select Committee to take into consideration the petition presented by the member for New Plymouth, from certain settlers in the Hua and Bell Blocks, relative to the renewal of native disturbances in New Plymouth, with power to call for persons and papers. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr. Richmond, Mr. East, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Cargill, and the mover; the report to brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 7. Postponement: —On the motion of Mr. Bell, leave was given to postpone the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt to this day week, and the report of the Land Scrip Committee to this day fortnight. 8. Pensions Bill:—The order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Pensions Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee desired to re-commit the Bill. Leave



Leave given ; and on the motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House lesolved itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments. . Sewell moved, That the Pensions Bill be re-committed, and its further consideration ill Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. Question put and passed. 9. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Carleton, the House adjourned at half-past five o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, May 2, 1856. 1. Mr. Macandrew to move for leave to bring in "a Bill to confer certain powers upon Justices of the Peace, and to provide for the more effective administration of justice." 2..]\lr. Macandrew to move, That it is expedient to repeal the Bank Charter Ordinance, Sess. 11, !><o. (3; also, the Paper Currency Ordinance, Sess. 8, No. 16, and the Paper Currency Amendment Ordinance, Sess. 11, No. 14 To empower the Governor to grant charter of incorporation for the establishment of Banking Companies throughout New Zealand; such Banking Companies as well as any other Companies incorporated by her Majesty, or by Act of the Imperial Parliament to have power to issue notes payable to bearer on demand: subiect to the following general conditions, viz. : — 1. Ihat the amount of such issue shall not exceed the amourt of the Bank paid up capital. 2. That the notes shall be payable in coin at the place of issue only. 3. Ihat every Bank issuing notes shall keep in reserve an amount of coin equal to one-third of notes in circulation. 4. That every Bank issuing notes shall make monthly returns to the Governor, shewin" the average amount of its circulation, and the amount of coin in reserve. •J. That the Governor shall have the power of inspection in order to verify such returns. 6. That the name a:,d designation of the copartnery of every such Bank shall be published annually in the " The New Zealand Government Gazette," and in the local papers. 7. That ary person or persons issuing notes payable on demand, contrary to the foregoing provisions shall be subject to a penalty. Ihat the Government be requested to prepare and bring in a Bill embodying the fore oin< r general principles. 3. Mr. Campbell to move, by way of amendment, That the following words be omitted from the proposed reply to the Governor's speech-.—" Fully sensible of the duty which devolves upon the General Legislature of the Colony, of maintaining unimpaired the authority and functions which are reserved to the Genera] Government by the Constitution ; it will be our earnest endeavour, as one of the branches of that Legislature, to join in exercising those functions in cordial co-operation with the Provincial authorities, and with as little interference as possible in all matters within their own Municipal sphere."

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Committee on Bank of Issue. 2. Mr. Sewell to move a reply to his Excellency's address on opening the session. 3. Pensions Bill—to be recommitted. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


FRIDAY, MA5f 2, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-nine members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Motion withdrawn • —Mr. Macandrew withdrew the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day. 3. Banking Companies :—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That it is expedient to repeal the Bank Charters Ordinance, Session 11, No. 13; also the Paper Currency Ordinance, Session 8, No. 16, in so far as it prohibits the use of private paper money ; and the Currency Amendment Ordinance, Session 11, No. 14. To grant Charter of Incorporation for the establishment of Banking Companies throughout New Zealand; such Banking Companies as well as any other Companies incorporated by her Majesty, or by Act of the Imperial Parliament, to have power to issue notes payable to bearer on demand; subject to the following general conditions, v:z. : — 1. That the amount of such issue shall not exceed the amount of the Bank paid up capital. 2. That the notes shall be payable in coin at the place of issue only. 3. That every Bank issuing notes shall keep in reserve an amount of coin equal to one-third of its notes in circulation. 4. That every Bank issuing notes shall make monthly returns to the Governor, shewing tK u average amount of its circulation, and the amount ot coin in reserve. That the Governor shall have the power of inspection in order to verity such returns. C. That the name and designation of the copartnery of every such Bank shall be published annually in the " The New Zealand Government Gazette," and in the local papers. 7. That any person or persons issuing notes payable on demand, contrary to the foregoing provisions shall be subject to a penalty. Question put and passed. 4. Bank of Issue Mr. Fox, Chairman of Committee on the Bank of Issue, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read, and ordered to be printed. 5. Postponement:—Mr. Sewell moved, That order of the day No. 2 be postponed. Question put and passed. 6. Pensions Bill: —The third order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of re-committing the Pensions Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments. Mr. Sewell moved the suspension of Standing Orders relating to Public Bills. Question put and passed. Mr. Sewell moved, That the amendments to the Pensions Bill, as reported, be now adopted. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, the Pensions Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Sewell moved that the following be the title of the Bill, "A Bill to provide for the retirement of certain Officers of the Executive Government.' Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr Campbell, Mr. Ludlam, and the mover were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 7. Reply to his Excellency's Speech • —The second order of the day having been read, Mr. Sewell moved the following reply to his Excellency's speech on opening the session ■■ — " We, the Commons of New Zealand, assembled in their House of Representatives, acknowledge with sentiments of deep respect, the address delivered by your Excellency at the opening of the present session.



We desire to convey to your Excellency the expression of our gratitude for tlm manner in which you have given effect to the principle of ministerial resnondhil't • .P "P 1 duct of the Executive affairs of Government. ministerial responsibility in the con\Y e entertain no doubt that the relations proposed to be established , lency and your responsible advisers will ensure the efficient carrying out of that- J . X " V Fully sensible of the duties which devolve upon the Jf the'co'lT, C ' f maintaining unimpaired the authority and functions which are reserved the P.h TA vernment by the Constitution; it will be our earnest endeavour, as one of theTrJnZl 2°" Legislature, to join m exercising those functions in cordial co-operation with tK • sphere!' 168 ' " "** interference as P° in all matters" withinth£ ™ n Tuncs " Whatever measure may be submitted to us through vour mi , . shall receive our best consideration ; and we pray you to accept 2s 6 ad T e . rs ' to co-operate with your Excellency in whatever may promote the welfare of the Col"" i maintain the public credit." Colony, and Mr. Campbell moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the following words- ' Fully sensible of the duty which devolves upon the General Legislature of the Colonv „f„ ■ taming unimpaired the authority and functions which are reserved trf i'o ' men, by the Cons.itntion; it Jill be on, earneat .»di™o",Ton e of't tan*hL Legislature, to join in exercising those functions in cordial co-operation with th P P • ! sphere!" 68 ' interference as P° ssible in all matters within their own municipal Debate ensued. Q^dCtlTpiS:' thU H °" Se ' "to *> « noon. Qne sib"'p„Tan7p e .ied Th " "" del *" e n ' he "hU be now ad8' "OS?* '" 0n mo,i ° n ° f U ' ' Campbe "' ,he H °" Se ad -i oUrl,eil *' until to-morrow

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Saturday, 3rd May, 1856. h M .d.p^tf,eH™L e : ThalSOme •* WoMI St * n<lins o ' d '" * P r ' nte d. with those already 2. Mr. Lee to aslc the hon. member at the head of the Government wWW e 1 , • has been lodged by Mr. M. Nolan, Command® of complaint kaipara, against the Pilot of that port for derelection of his nublio ,lf,t i v any step has been or is about to be taken to the J " hether to the public service by that public officer. rOSS ne £l ect anc * ln jury

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Adjourned debate on the reply to the sneech of Fv™n„™ .-i, n session. 1 ' P S - hxcellen cy the Governor on opening the CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker. %


SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1856. 1( pi ! rsuant , t0 adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Improvement of accommodation in the House :-Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the House Committee, obtained leave ot the House to bring up the report of the Committee on Tuesday next. 3. Standing Orders Mr Stafford pursuant to amended notice, moved, That the following proposed Standing Orders be referred to the Standing Orders Committee to report thereon,—"At the time giving notices of motion, questions are permitted to be put to Ministers relating to public attairs and to other members relating to any bill, motion, or other public matter connected with the business of the House, in which such members may be concerned. . . , P uttul S' any such question, no argument or opinion is to be offered, nor any facts stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain such question. refer" anSwenng any such f l uestion > a member is not to debate the matter to which the same %'he indulgence of the House, a member may explain matters of a personal nature, although there be no question before the House; but such matters may not be debated. A reply is allowed to a member who has made a substantive motion" to the House, or moved an order or the day, but not to any member who has moved an amendment, or an instruction to a befect Committee. Question put and passed. 4. Pilot at Kaipara Mr. Lee, pursuant to notice, asked Mr. Sewell whether any formal complaint had been lodged by Mr. Nolan, commander of the " Prince of Wales," now lying at Kaipara against the pilot of that port for dereliction of his public duty ; and if so, whether any s ep las been, or is about to be taken, to investigate the charge of gross neglect and injury to the public service by that public officer. & => ; Sewell re P lle(l . l) y stating that no communication on the subject had been received at the Colonial Secretary's Office. 5. Message . The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read : Returns, in answer to addresses. - THOMAS GQR.E BROWKE, Message No. 10. Governor. In conformity with the wish expressed in resolutions Nos. 5 and 12, dated 25th and 29th of April, respectively, the Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of correspondence. J ° ■ ® e jP a ' c h from Secretary of State respecting- the position and right of precedence of Superintendents or 1 rovinces, and the correspondence relative thereto. Correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury relative o the power of the Provincial Legislature to authorise the diversion of existing lines of road and the construction of embankments on river beds in that Province. Government House, Auckland, 3rd May, 1856. C. Addiess in reply to his Excellency's speech :—The order of the day having been read, the debate on the reply to his Excellency Speech resumed. Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 15.


Ayes, 15. j Noes, 17. Mr. Lee, I Mr. Brown, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Brodie, Mr Merriman, Mr. Fox, ' Mr. Brittin, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Smith, < aptain Ccrgill, Mr. Bell, Mr. fargill, Mr. Wells, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Major Greenwood, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Ward, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Domett (teller). Mr. Daldy, Mr Hall, Mr. Campbell (teller). Whereupon question, as amended, put and passed. 7. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Fox, the House adjourned at half-past eight o'clock, until Tuesday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Tuesday, May 6, 1856. 1. Mr. Macandhew to move, That it is expedient that an Act shall be passed to confer certain powers upon Justices of the Peace, and to provide for the more effective administration of justice, that is to say,— ].- To empower the Bench to appoint officers of Court for serving summonses and other writs issuing from the Court. 2. To empower the Bench to fix rates of charges to be paid to those officers. 3. To empower the.Bench to fix rates and order payment by either party, to witnesses tor attendance in Court. 4. To empower the Bench to imprison or fine at their discretion in cases of aggravated assault similar to the power exercised by Police Magistrates in London. 5. To empower the Bench to prohibit gambling in licenced public houses, to fine gamblers, and the owners or holders of licenced houses in which gambling is permitted. 6. To enable the Bench to hold quarterly Courts in such districts as they may appoint for the hearing and decision of ordinary cases, civil or criminal, at which Court the locai Justices or Resident Magistrate shall sit. That the Government be requested to introduce an Act embodying the foregoing propositions. 2. Mr. J. Cargill to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor to grant certain propertbs to the Superintendent of Otago, as a corporation, in trust for certain public purposes, which properties were heretofore selected and set aside by the New Zealand Company, for the estate of a future Municipality.

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Report of House Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 11.

TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1856. There being only two members present, exclusive of Mr." Speaker, on the door being opened after prayers, viz., Mr. Merriman and Mr. Lee, Mr. Speaker took the chair, and declared the House adjourned until to-morrow at five o'clock, p.m. *

ORDER OFTHE DAY. Wednesday, May 7, 1856. 1. Report of House Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 12.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-six members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Postponement:—Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the House Committee, obtained the leave of the House to postpone the report of the Committee until to-morrow. 3. Address in reply to his Excellency's Speech:—The Colonial Secretary, with the leave of the House, moved, That Mr. Speaker, with as many members as may wish to accompany him, do present to his Excellency the Governor the address adopted by this House on Saturday, 3rd instant. Question put and passed. ■£, Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the House adjourned at half-past five o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND OIIDER OF THE DAY. Thursday, Bth May, 1856.. 1. Mb. Brittin to move for a Select Committee totake into consideration the petition of Thomas McDonnell, Commander R. N., with power to call for persons and papers. Such Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, and the mover. 2. Mr. Charles Brown to move for leave to br:ng in a bill to alter the name and boundaries of the Province of New Plymouth. 3/ Mr. Ciiarlfs Brown to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the death, absence or resignation of any Superintendent of a Province. 4. Mr. Merrtman to move, That the Standing Orders recommended for adoption to the House in the supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee, dated the 7th ot May, be adopted as Standing Orders of the House. ,5. Mr. Macandrew to move, That it is expedient that an Act should be passed to confer certain powers upon Justices of the Peace, and to provide for the more effective administration o justice, that is to say,— 1. To empower the Bench to appoint officers of Court for serving summonses and other writs issuing from the Court. 2. To empower the Bench to fix rates of charges to be paid to those officers 3. To empower the Bench to fix rates $nd order payment by either party, to witnesses foi attendance in Court. 4. To empower the Bench to imprison or fine at their discretion in cases of aggravated assault, similar to the power exercised by Police Magistrates in London 5. To empower the Bench to prohibit gambling in licensed public houses, to fine gamblers, and the owners or holders pf licensed houses in which gambling i s permitted, p. To



6. To enable the Bench to hold quarterly Courts in such districts as they may appoint, for the hearing and decision of ordinary cases, civil or criminal, at which Court the local Justices or Resident Magistrate shall sit. That the Government be requested to introduce an Act embodying the foregoing propositions.

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the House Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1856. LTh L^T e M™V Ur L Uam tO , adjoUl ' nmCnt , ; Mr " Speaker and twenty-nine members being piesent, Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2 ' S^h,l e H Cy the , G ° Vernor Speaker announced that, in accordance with unon h fCI! IT' ' ? CCo,t ;P anled b y several members of the House, had waited nn tl i I ? ? y the Governor, and presented to him the address agreed to by the House on the 3rd instant, and that his Excellency had been pleased to make the following reply,"Mr Speaker axd Gentlemen op the House of Refkejentatives,— R.spo"" 3 < h * i-trodu«io„ „f " I rejoice to find that you approve the relations proposed to be established between mvself wkh nfeTnTr, eadV,SerS; and 1 you for theLurance of your desire Jco-operate with me in whatever may promote the welfare of the Colony, and maintain the public credit " 8 , 1856." 3 ' Fini qZSZ pifa^rpls^ 0 ' 0 "" 1 Treasnrer " ,oVe<l the *"P~ ° r Order No. 56. the reasllrel then moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider of Mr fn 1 „ an ,T B T nt , ° public finances of the Colony. The Committee to consist Mr Mr " ' Stafford ' Mr - C - Brown, Captain Cargill, Mr. Sewell, Oof an , d Mr - Macandrew. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. (Question put and passed. or jo 4. Petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N.:-Mr. Brittin, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, at n 3 Lomml I ttee appointed to take into consideration the petition of Thomas p° onne 5 ommander R.N., with leave to confer with a Committee of the Legislative council, appointed for a similar purpose, and with power to call for persons and papers. Such Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, and the mover, io report this day fortnight. Question put and passed. ges The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (1.) Pensions Act, 1856. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 11. '°, i n f orm the House of Representatives that he has assented to the "Pensions Government House S ex P ress ' lls thanks for their ready acquiescence with his suggestion. Auckland, 7th May, 1856. (2.) Supreme Court Procedure of in Civil Cases. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 12. (governor. a id.n! le |<vi?Z e o" 0r i t oS SI ?' ts to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a letter, dated c !-■ Chief Justice Martin covering two Reports on the Procedure of the P , OUI I in Civil cases, and a Supplement containing general rules of procedure in such GoVeraVent e House° PieS 3 Supreme Court P™edure Bill and a Law Amendment Bill. Auckland, Bth May, 185 G. (3.) Receivers



(3.) Receivers of Public Revenue. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 13. Governor. In compliance with the request contained in Resolution No. 10, dated the 29th April, 1850, the Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the following Returns. A return of the names of all existing officers of the General Government within the Colony whose official duty involves the receipt or custody of any part of the Revenue, either by way of collection or imprest. Also the amount for which such officers have personally given security, the names of their sureties, and the amounts for which they are bound. Also a return of any defalcations by any officer of the General Government which have occurred since the foundation of the Colony, and showing whether and from whom such have been recovered. Also copies of all correspondence between any departements of the General Government or between such departments and the Provincial Government of Nelson, relative to a recent defalcation in the chest of the Sub-Treasurer of the General Government in that Province. Government House, Auckland, May 8, 1856. (4.) Pensions Bill, THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 14. Governor In accordance with what he understands is the wish of the House of Representatives, the Governor transmits for their information his Memorandum in reference to the " Pension Bill." Government House, Auckland, Bth May, 1856. Memorandum. I have read Mr. Sewell's speech carefully (as reported in the Southern Cross) ; it accurately represents my views on the subject of the Pensions. Since the meeting of the House, I have for the first time, heard definite accusations which oould be recognised against the gentlemen whose retirement is in question. I have no desire to shield them, if they have been guilty of any malversation of office, and if the House will furnish me with sufficient proof thereof, I will recommend the Secretary of State to remove them summarily and without pension. Failing any proof of mis-conduct, I revert to the terms stated in Mr. Sewell's speech. Having reference to what has been done in other Australian Colonies as stated by Mr. Sewell, and remembering that these gentlemen are called on to retire, not for their own convenience, but for of the public, I am of opinion that their retiring Pensions should not be less than two-thirds ot their salaries. The House is of opinion it should be one half. The time has therefore arrived for a reference to Her Majesty's Government. I will give my assent to the " Pension Bill" if it assigns Pensions to be fixed by Her Majesty's Government, not exceeding two-thirds of their present salary. If I have mistaken my instructions, the error will thus be rectified. If I have understood them correctly, an unconditional acceptance of other terms would be a dereliction of duty on my part, Thomas Gore Browne. Government House, Auckland, May, 2nd, 1856. 6. Supreme Court Procedure Bill On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, this Rill was read a first time, and ordered to be referred to a Select Committee to be moved for by him to-morrow. /. Law Amendment Bill :— On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, this Bill was read a first time and ordered to be referred to the Committee to be appointed to consider the Supreme Court Procedure Bill. 8. New Plymouth, Bill to alter boundaries of: —Mr. C. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the name and boundaries of the Province of New Plymouth. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Brown, this Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for this day fortnight. 9. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. C. Brown, with the leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day. 10. Standing Orders :—Mr. Merriman, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, that the supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee, dated 7th Mav, 1856, be adopted ; and that the Standing Orders therein recommended be adopted as Standing Orders of this House. Question put and passed. 11. Motion withdrawn .—Mr. Macandrew, with the leave of the House, withdrew the motion it mding in his name, fifth on the notice paper of this day. 12. Papers : —I lie Colonial Secretary laid on the table an extract from a despatch from his Excellency to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated 25th September, 1&55, relative to the power of the General Assembly to make alteration in the Constitution. K5. Report ot Home Committee :—Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the House Committee, brought up the report of this Committee, which was read. 14. Petition of Dr. Kingdon :—Mr. East, Chairman of the Committee to which this petition was referred, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 1 5. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr Carleton, the House adjourned at liaJf-past two o'clock, until to-morrow at noon. Notices


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Friday, May 9, 1856. 1. Mr. Macandrew to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the establishment of Banks in New Zealand. 2. Mr. Fitzhbhbrrt to move for copies of all correspondence between the Collector of Wellington^ the first Landing Waiter, and the Colonial Secretary, on the subject of the appointment of Captain Sharp, instead of Mr. Catchpool, to the office of Deputy-Collector at the Fort of Wellington. 3. Mr. C. Brown to ask the honorable member at the head of the Government, if_ there is any intention to issue a new Commission of the Peace for any Province, in substitution ot tle present Commission. 4. Mr. ISrodie to ask the honorable member for Christchurch whether any steps have been taken by the Government for the recovery of 4300 lbs. of powder stolen from the Island of Kawau by the natives ; and, also, whether any steps are to be taken for the removal of 4400 lbs. ot sporting powder in the magazine on the North Shore. 5. The Colonial Secretary to move, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report as to th<; changes which it may be desirable to make in the Constitution Act, and the best mode of effecting the same, with power to confer with any Committee appointed for the like or similar purpose by the Legislative Council. Such Comm-ttee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Fox, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Mernman, Mr. Brittin, and the mover. v{s. Mr. Elliott to move, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the most efficient mode of maintaining a rapid and frequent communication between all the Provinces of the Colony, and that such Committee consist of Mr, Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, Mr, Macandrew, Mr. Brown, Mr. Giaham, and the mover. 7. The Colonial Secretary to move the appointment of a Select Committee to consider and report as to the nature and extent of outstanding Land Claims, and the best means ot finally disposing of the same. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Carleton, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Richmond, and Mr. Domett. 8. Mr. C. Brown to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will be pleased to direct a copy to be supplied to this House, ot the , lespatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in reply to the memorial from the superintendent and Provincial Council of New Plymouth, on the native disturbances in that Province. 9. The Colonial Treasurer to move, That a Committee be appointed to consider the Message of his Kxcellency the Governor (No. 12) with the Judge's reports and otlher documents accompanving the same The Committee to consist ot Mr. Merriman, Mr. tox, Mr. \vard, iI . Brittin, Mr. Domett, and Mr. Richmond. 10. Mr. Macandrew to move, That the subject of the resolution proposed by him (on the notice paper of yesterday), together with the power conferred by the Resident Magistrate Ordinance, be submitted to the consideration of a select Committee ; report to be brought up on Thursday next. Committee to consist of Mr. Ward. Mr. Richmond, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Sewell, ]\lr. Fox, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Merriman, and the mover. 11. Mr. Stafford to move, That a comparative statement be laid upon the table of this House shewing, under the respective heads, the expenditure in detail on each branch of the putv with the amount voted for the same, for the nine months ended the 30th Septem ler, Also, a similar statement for the I' 2 months ended the 30th June, 1833. 12. Mr. Elliott to move the adoption of the report of the House Committee. * < >VT 13. Mi- E-vis- to r> the in'option of :ie rrpori of t&e Coi .mittee ■ thepf-'-i' ORDER OF THE DAY. I. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey s Land RegulationsOn a Future Day. 1. Ma. Li-.Etom -ve for leave to bring in a bill intituled "The New Zealand Provincial \\ aste I' a "d® Empowering Bill," in order to give full and practical effect to the Provincial \\ aste mantis c of 1834. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker<

No. 14,

FRIDAY, MAX" 9, 1856. 1. The House meet pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair, 2. Postponement:—Mr. Macandrew postponed the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of to-day, until Tuesday next. 3. Deputy-Collector at Wellington ••—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of all correspondence between the Collector of Wellington, the first Landing Waiter, and the Colonial Secretary, on the subject of the appointment of Captain Sharp instead of Mr. Catchpool to the office of Deputy-Collector at the port of Wellington, be ordered to l>e laid upon the table of this House. Question put and passed. 4. Commission of the Peace : —Mr. Charles Brown, pursuant to notice, asked the Colonial Secretary if their is any intention to issue a new Commission of the Peace for any province in substitution of the present Commission. The Colonial Secretary answered the question in the affirmative as regards the province of Wellington. 5. Gunpowder stolen by Natives;— Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, asked the Colonial Secretary whether any steps have been taken by the Government for the recovery of 4,500 pounds of powder, stolen from the Island of Kawau by the natives ; and also whether any steps are to be taken for the removal of 4,400 pounds of sporting powder in the magazine on the North Shore. The Colonial Secretary answered both questions in the affirmative. 6. Constitution Act:—The Colonial Secretary moved the suspension of the standing order limiting the number of members to serve on any Select Committee. Question put and passed. The Colonial Secretary then moved, pursuant to (amended) notice, That a Select Committee be appointed to conskler and report as to the changes which it may be desirable to make in the Constitution Act, and the best mode of effecting the same, with power to confer with any Committee appointed for the like or similar purpose by the Legislative Council. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Domett, Mr, Fitzherbert, Mr. Fox, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Stafford, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 7. Naturalization Bill:—A Deputation from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, was introduced, and presented to Mr. Speaker the Naturalization Bill, which had passed the Council. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Naturalization Bill was read a first time. 8. Inter-Provincial Communication :—Mr. Elliott, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the most efficient mode of maintaining a rapid and frequent communication between all the Provinces of the Colony ; and that such Committee consist ot Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Charles Brown, Mr. Graham, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 9. Land Claims ;—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report as to the nature and extent of outstanding land claims, and the best means of finally disposing of the same. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Richmond, and Mr. Domett. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 10. Native



10. Native Hostilities at New Plymouth:—Mr. Charles Brown, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will be pleased to direct a copy to be supplied to this House, of the reply from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the memorial to her Majesty from the and Provincial Council of New Plymouth on the native disturbances in that Province, Question put and passed. 11. Supreme Court:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the Message of his Excellency the Governor (No. 12), with the Judges reports, and other documents accompanying the same. The Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Fox, Mr. Ward, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Domett, and Mr. Richmond. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 12. Resident Magistrate's Courts:—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notice, moved, That the subject of the resolutions proposed by him (on the notice paper of yesterday), together with the power conferred by the Resident Magistrates' Ordinance, and the expediency of establishing new Provincial Courts, possessing a limited civil and criminal jurisdiction, be submitted to the consideration of a Select Committee ; report to be brought up on Thursday next. Committee to consist of Mr. Ward, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Merriman, and the mover. Question put and passed. 13. Financial Returns :—Mr. Elliott (in the absence of Mr. Stafford) pursuant to notice given, moved, That a comparative statement be laid on the table of the House showing under the respective heads, the expenditure in detail on each branch of the public service, with the amount voted for the same, for the nine months ending 30th September, 1853 ; also, a similar statement for the nine months ended 30th June, 1854, and for the twelve months ended 30th June, 1855. Question put and passed. 14. House Committee:—Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the House Committee, withdrew the motion standing in his name, No. 12 on the notice paper of this day, the Committee desiring to reconsider their report. 15. Petition of Dr. Kingdon :—Mr. East, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the recommendations contained in the report of the Committee on Dr. Kingdon's petition be adopted by the House. Question put and passed. 16. Adjournment (special) :—The Colonial Secretary moved, that this House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next at noon. Question put and passed. 17- Sir George Grey's Land Regulations:—On motion of Mr. Charles Brown, Chairman of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, the report of the Committee was postponed until this day fortnight. 18. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Elliot* House adjourned at half-past four o'clock, until Monday next at noon.

NOTICE™ OF MOTION, Monday, May 12, 1856. 1. The Colonial Treasurer to move ,1 hat a Committee be appointed to consider and report upon the proceedings prescribed by Governor sir George Grey under the Constitution Act, for the registration and revision of Lists of Electors, for the appointment of returning officers, for the issue and return of Writs, for determining the validity of disputed returns, and otherwise for the general conduct of Elections, with a view to the amendment of the same. The Committee to consist of Mr. Daldv, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. John Cargill, Mr. Hall, Mr. Elliott, and the mover. Report to be brought up on the 22nd day of May. 2. Mr. C. Brown to move the addition of the following names to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, viz.—Mr. Henderson, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Hall.

On a Future Day. ]. Mr Lee to move for leave to bring in a Bill intituled " The New Zealand Provincial Waste Lands Empowering Bill," in order to give full and practical effect to the Provincial Waste Lands Act of 1854. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 15.

MONDAY, MAY 12, 1856. There being only thirteen members present, exclusive of Mr. Speaker, on the door being opened after prayers—viz., Mr. Williamson, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Wells, Mr. Fitzherbert, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Richmond. Mr. Smith, Mr. East, Mr. Ludlam, and Mr. Ward; Mr. Speaker took the chair, and declared the House adjourned until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION. Tuesday, 13th May, 1856. 1. Mk. Macandeew to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the establishment of Banks in New Zealand. 2. Mr. East to ask the lion, member at the head of the Government (Mr. Sewell) whether it is the intention of the Government to order a Session of the Supreme Court to be heffl at least once a year in the town of New Plymouth.

On a Future Day. 1. Mr. Lee to move for leave to bring in a Bill intituled " The New Zealand Provincial Waste Lands Empowering Bill," in order to give full and practical effect to the Provincial Waste Lands Act of 1854. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.



TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present • Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Alexander Brown :—Mr. Lee presented a petition from Alexander Brown, showing how he had served as a volunteer with H. M. Troops during the conflicts with the natives in the North of New Zealand, that he had been severely wounded, the effects of his wound incapacitating him from gaining a livelihood, and praying the House to take his case into its favourable consideration. Petition received, read, and ordered to be printed. 3. Messages .-—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read (1.) Botany of New Zealand. rHOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 15. Governor. J . J!''/ e , Gov "' nol i^ ranS , mit i 9 to the H ? usc of Representatives, copy of a letter dated 23rd August, '' Wln ' Aroher > * mem a« f the Legislative Council of Van Diemens Land calling attention to the new Botanical Work Flora Nov® Zealandise" published by Dr. J. D. Hooker under the sanction of the British Government, and suggesting a contribution from the New Zealand Legislature similar to that given by the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land in the case of publication I 'of that Work. ° f C ° J ° n7 ' olde3? t0 meet Lis P ersonal expenditure in the Government House, Auckland, 12tli May, 1856. (2.) Scrip. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 16. Governor. At 9, overnol ' transm 't s to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a letter from Mr, K. Lager dated Ist April, 1856, on the subject of certain Special Scrip being part of that issued by Governor Sir George Grey in or about September, 1853, of the value of fifty pounds sterling, to each of the fifteen Native Chiefs named in the Schedule annexed to the enclosed copy of a Circular, from the Civil Secretary to Commissioners of Crown Lands dated 12th September, 1853. Government House, Auckland, 12th May, 1856. (3.) Financial. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 17. Governor. In accordance with the 65th clause of the New Zealand Constitution Act, the Governor transmits for the information of the House of Reprsentatives the undermentioned accounts of Disbursements. Sums paid for defraying the expenses of the services mentioned in Schedule to the New Zealand Constitution Act from the period of the last account furnished, to the 31st December, 1855. Government House, Auckland, 13tli May, 1856. Sums paid for defraying the expenses cf the the services mentioned in Schedule to the New Zealand, Constitution Act, from the period of the last account furnished to the 31st December, 1855. £ s. d. £ s. d. Governor ...... 1808 0 0 Chief Justice 708 6 8 Puisne Judge - 666 13 4 Establishment



** • . ® STABLISHMENT 0F the General Government. £ s. d. £ s. Colonial Secretary and Clerks .... 1087 10 0 Governor's Establishment .... 544 8 0 Colonial Treasurer ..... 525 0 0 Attorney-General ..... 300 0 0 Auditor-General and Clerk .... 487 10 0 Contingencies - - . . -11200 305 C 8 0 . Native Purposes. Educational purposes ..... 4(500 0 0 Resident Magistrate, Auckland - - . 225 0 0 New Plymouth - - J5O 0 0 " " Rotorua - - - - 131 5 0 " Waikato - - - . 93 15 0 " " Hawke's Bay - 200 0 0 Pensions . . . . . . 87 10 0 5487 10 0 Total - - 11,626 18 0 . ... _ _ Charles Knight, Audit Office, Auditor- General. May 12, 1856. 4. Papers The Colonial Secretary laid upon the table the undermentioned Papers : — (x.) Correspondence, also, the informations and evidence in the case of Lazarus Berlowitz. as called for in resolution of the House No. 12, of 28th April, 1856. (2.) Correspondence relative to the appointment of Captain Sharpe to the office of DeputyColleetor at the Port of Wellington, as called for in resolution of the House, No. 14, of the 9th May, 1806. (3.) Financial Memorandum by the Auditor-General, dated 10th May, 1856. 5. Finance Committee Mr. Stafford moved the suspension of Standing Orders Nos. 56 and 97. Question put and passed. Mr. Stafford then moved that the following names be added to the Finance Committee, viz., Mr. Hall, Mr. Elliott, and Mr. Brodie. Question put and passed. 6. Standing Orders :—Mr. Carleton, with leave of the House, brought up a supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee. Report read. Mr. Carleton moved the suspension of the Standing Order No. 56. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton then moved that the recommendation contained in the report of the Standing Orders Committee be adopted, and the following stand as a Standing Order of this House :— " No proposal for altering or annulling any standing order or orders of this House shall be entertained except when two-thirds of the whole number of members are present, and when notice extending over at least four sitting days shall have been also given." Question put and passed. . Bank Charters Bill :—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal the Bank Charters Ordinance, No. 13 of Session 11, of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, and to make other provision in lieu thereof. 1 eave given ; and on motion of Mr. Macandrew, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. i>. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. East withdrew the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day. 9. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Carleten the House adjourned at one o'clock until to-ir.orrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND OKDEIIS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, May 14, 1856. 1. Mr. Hall to move for a return of the cost of all returns furnished to the Legislative Council and to the last House of Representatives. Also, a return of the expense incurred in printing for the House of Representatives and the Legislative Council. 2. Mr. Fox


2. Mr. Fox to movs, That the returns laid on the table relative to defalcation of public officers, and the amount of security given by officers receiving the public revenue, be referred to the " Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations and other matters.'' 3. Mb Fox to move the adoption of the following Resolutions : — ( I.) That this House is of opinion, that in apportioning the Customs Revenue of the Colony, not less than two thirds of the net receipts ought to be secured by appropriation to the Provinces; and, with that view, the appropriations of the General Assembly ought to be limited as much as possible, consistently with the efficient exercise of the legitimate functions of the General Government. (2) That so long as the appropriation of two-thirds of the Customs Revenue shall be - secured to the Provinces, the General Government should receive a contribution of two siiillii!:.: and sixpence per acre, and no more, on all lands sold within the Colony. (3.) That the over-ruling Legislative power of the General Assembly, and the veto of ill. 'Governor on Provincial Legis'ation, should remain as at present provided by the Constitution Act, and should neither be extended nor limited. (4.) That the General Assembly ought to define any of the 13 subjects specified in the 1 Oth section of the Constitution Act, on which it may be of opinion that the Provinces ought to legislate; and also to define any other subjects on which legislation ought to be uniform ; and should by enactment reserve to itself the exclusive ri<rht of legislation on such last mentioned subjects ; but, that until such definition, the powers of the Provincial Councils ought to continue as at present. (5.) That the relations of the Superintendents towards the General Executive, and their responsibility to the electors of the several Provinces, ought to continue as defined by the Constitution Act. 4. Mr. C. Bhown to move the addition of the following names to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, viz—Mr. Henderson, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Hall, •5. Mr. Brodie to ask ihe hon member at the head of the Government for a return of all fees received by the Receiver of Intestate Estates for the Northern Division of the Colony of New Zealand (Province of Auckland), and the amounts of such estates, whether by cash in the Union Bank of Australia, or debts for collection, or sale of lntestator's property. ■6. Mr. Macandbew to move for leave to bring in a " Bill to repeal certain sections of the Paper Currency Ordinance, No. 16 of Session 8, and the Paper Currency Amendment Ordinance, No. 13 of Sess. 1 I, prohibiting the making and issuing of Paper Money by private individuals."

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt. 2. Report of the Committee on the petitions of Custom Housa Officers

On a Future Day. 3. Mr. Lee to move for leave to bring in a Bill intituled " The New Zealand Provincial Waste Lands Empowering Bill," in order to give full and practical effect to the Provincial Waste Lands Act of 1854. CHAIILES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


WEDENSDAY, MAY 14, 1856, 1. The House rret pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-three members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Returns, expense of furnishing :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved that a return of the cost of all leturns furnished to the Legislative Council and to the last House of Representatives ; also, a return of the expense incurred in printing for he House of Representatives and Legislative Council, be laid upon the table of this Hcuse. Question put and passed. 3. Receivers of Tublic Revenue: Mr. Fox pursuant to notice moved that the returns laid upon the table relative to the defalcation of public officers, and the amount of security given by of-i fleers receiving the public revenue, be referred to the " Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations and other matters." Question put and passed. 4. Message : The following Message from his Excellency the Governor, received and read:— (1.) Native Disturbances at New Plymouth. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 18. Governor In accordance with the wish expressed in resolution No. 16, dated the 9th May, 1856, the Governor transmits for the information of the House of Representatives copy of the reply from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Memorial to Her Majesty from the Superintendent and rrovincial Council of New Plymouth on the native disturbances in that Province. Government House, Auckland, 14th May, 1856. 5. Powers of General and Provincial Governments:—Mr. Fox pursuant to notice moved the adoption of the following resolutions:— (1.) That this House is of opinion that in apportioning the Customs Eevenue of the Colony, not less than two thirds of ihe net receipts ought to be secured by appropriation to the provinces, and with that view, the appropriations of the General assembly ought to be limited as much as possible, consistently wilh the efficient exercise of the legitimate functions of the General Government. (2.1 That so long as the appropriation of two thirds of the Customs Revenue shall be so secured to the Provinces, the General Government should leceive a contribution of two shillings and six pence per acre, and no more, on all lands sold within the Colony. (3.) That the over-ruling Legislative power of the General Assembly, and the veto of the Governor on Provincial Legislation, should remain as at present provided by the Constitution Act, and should neither be extended nor limited. (4.) That the General A ssembly ought to define any of the 13 subjects specified in the 19th section of the constitution Act, on which it may be of opinion that the provinces ought to legislate ; and also to define any other subjects on which legislation ought to be uniform; afid should by enactment reserve to itself the exclusive right of legislation on such last mentioned subjects , but that until such definit.on, the powers of the Provincial Councils ought to continue as at present. ('>■) That the relations of the Superintendents towards the General Executive, and their responsibility to the electors of the several Provinces ought to continue as defined by the Constitution Act. Mr. Seweil moved as an amendment that the consideration of the first and second resolutions as moved by Mr. Fox be postponed until after the financial statement of the Government be laid before the House. Debate ensued. Question



Question put, That the consideration" of the resolutions proposed to be postponed be so postponed. House divided. Ayes, 15. ' Noes, 17Mr. Stafford, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Graham, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Brodie, The Colonial Treasurer Mr. Ward, Mr. East, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Domett, Captain Cargill, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Wells, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hall, The Colonial Secretary (teller). Mr. Brown, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Fox (teller). Debate continued. Mr. Williamson moved that the question be amended by the addition of the following •words — " That it is just and expedient that some immediate arrangement should be made, either by loan or otherwise,'for thej)urchase of land from the natives in the Northern Island during the next twelve months." Question, That the words proposed to be added do stand part of the question, put and passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. (5. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Charles Brown the House adjourned at ten minutes past twelve o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Thursday, May 15, 1856. 1. Mr. Fox to move, That this House considers the policy indicated by the Resolutions proposed to this House by Mr. Fox, is not identical with the policy proposedby the Member for Christchurch (Mr, Sewell), in his speech on assuming office ; and that this House has not confidence in his Excellency's present advisers, for the purpose of carrying out tbe policy of Mr. Fox's Resolutions. 2. The Colonial Treasurer to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise a Loan, for the redemption of the New Zealand Company's Debt and other purposes. 3. The Colonial Secretary to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to empower the Superintendents and Provincial Councils to enact laws for regulating the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown. 4. Mr. J. Cargill to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he may be pleased to inform the House whether or not the records of the late Government of New Munster, and the books, papers, correspondence, and other documents connected with the Colonial Secretary's Department of the said Province, are in safe keeping, and whether they are in a condition to be referred to. 5. Mr. Macandrew to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting that he may be pleased to transmit to this House, copies of all correspondence which has taken place between the Government and the Collector of Customs at Wellington, relative to the establishment of British authority in the Chatham Islands. Also, copies of correspondence between the Government or the Collector of Customs at Wellington, and Mr. Archibald Shand, since the official appointment of that gentleman at the Chatham Islands.


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 2. Report of the Committee appointed to prepare a congratulatory address to Her Majesty on the recent achievements of Her Majesty's Forces and those of Her Allies. 3. Report of the Committee on the Native Disturbances in New Plymouth, 4. Report of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates' Act. 5. Report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt. 6. Report of the Committee on the petitions of Custom House Officers. J. Bank Charters Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 18.

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1850. ] . The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Motions withdrawn (1.) The Colonial Secretary having stated that the Ministry had resigned, Mr. Fox withdrew the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day. (2.) Ihe Colonial Treasurer withdrew the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day. (3.) The Colonial Secretary withdrew the motion standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day. 3. Records of Government of New Munster Mr. Cargill, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he may be pleased to inform the House whether or not the records of the late Government of New Alunster, and the books, papers, correspondence, and other documents connected with the Colonial Secretary's Department of the said Province are in safe keeping, and whether they are in a condition to be referred to. Question put and passed. 4. Chatham Islands:—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he may be pleased to transmit to this House, copies of all correspondence which has taken place between the Government and the Collector of Customs at Wellington, relative to the establishment of British authority in the Chatham Islands ; also, copies of correspondence between the Government or the Collector of Customs at Wellington and Mr. Archibald Shand, since the official appointment of that gentleman at the Chatham Islands; Question put and passed. 5. Postponements:— (I.) Report of the Committee on Land Scrip postponed, on the motion of Mr. Sewell, until this da_y week. (2.) Report of the Committee appointed to prepare an address to her Majesty postponed, on motion of Mr. Sewell, until this day week. (3.) Report of the Committee on the Native Disturbances in New Plymouth, postponed on motion of Mr. Charles Brown, to this day fortnight. (4.) Keport of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates' Ordinance postponed, on motion of Mr. Macandrew, until this day week. (5.) Report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt postponed, on motion of Mr. Bell, until this day week. (6.) Report of the Committee on the petitions of Custom House Officers postponed, on motion of Mr. Fitzherbert, to this day week. 5. Bank Charters Bill:—Mr, Macandrew moved that the Bank Charters Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 17. Noes, 12. Mr. Lee, Mr. Wells, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Graham, Mr. Smith, Ayes, 17.



Ayes, 17. Noes, 12. Captain Cargill, Major Greenwood, Mr. Hall, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Ward, Mr- Richmond, Mr. Fox, Mr, Bell, Mr. Beckham, Mr. East, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Domett, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Sewell (teller). Mr. Cuff, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Macandrew (teller). Whereupon Bill read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Macandrew, the consideration thereof in Committee, ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 7- Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Fox, the House adjourned at half-past two o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Friday, 16th May, 1856. 1. Mr. Brodie to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government for a return of allfees received by the Receiver of Intestate Estates for the Province of Auckland, and the amounts of such estates, whether by cash in the Union Bank, or debts for collection, or sale of intestate property. 2. Mr. Brodie to move, as a resolution, That in the opinion of this House it is expedient that Auckland should continue to be the seat of Government. 3. Mr. Fitzherbert to move for all correspondence and documents relative to the dismissal of the tide waiters at Wellington, on or about 17th September last. 4. Mr. Macandrew to move for leave to bring in a " Bill to repeal certain sections of the Paper Currency Ordinance, No. 16 of Session 8, and the Paper Currency Amendment Ordinance, No. 13 of Sess. 11, prohibiting the making and issuing of Paper Money by private individuals."

ORDER OF THE DAY. I. Bank Charters Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 19.

FRIDAY, MAT 16, 1856. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-eight members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Message: — The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— Records of New Monster. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 19. Governor. In reply to the address from the House of Representatives, dated the 35th May, 1856, asking whether or not the records of the late Government of New Munster, and the books, papers, correspondence, and other documents connected with the Colonial Secretary's Department of the said Province are in safe keeping, and whether they are in a condition to be referred to, the Governor begs to inform the House that those records, &c., are still in the cases in which they were packed on their transmission from Wellington, and are kept in a guard-room formerly used by the Military, but now in charge of the Government. In consequence of the defective state of office accommodation, and the absence of any place wherein the assortment and deposit of those records could be effected, it has not hitherto been thought advisable to take them out of those cases, and thereby increase the risk of their loss or injury. Government House, Auckland, 16th May, 1850. 3. Adjournment (special):—Mr. Carleton moved, that this House, at its rising, do adjourn until to-morrow at noon. Question put and passed. 4. Intestate Estates : —Mr. Erodie, pursuant to notice, asked Mr. Sewell for a return of all fees received by the receiver of intestate estates for the Province of Auckland; and the amount of such estates whether by cash in the Union Bank, or debts for collection, or sale of intestates property. Mr. Sewell replied, by stating that the return asked for should be laid before the House. 5. Postponement:—Mr. Brodie postponed the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, until Tuesday next. ■6. Custom House Officers at Wellington -Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of all correspondence and documents relative to the dismissal of the Tidewaiters at Wellington, on or about the i 7th of September last, be laid on ihe table of this House. Question put and passed. 7- Private Paper Money Bill :—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal certain sections of the Paper Currency Ordinance, No. 16, Sess 8, and the Paper Currency Amendment Ordinance, No. 13, of Sess. 11, prohibiting the making and issuing of paper money by private individuals. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Macandrew, the Bill was read a first time,ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 8. Bank Charters Bill: —Mr. Macandrew moved the suspension of Standing Orders Nos. 56 and 97. Question put and passed. Mr. Macandrew then moved, That the Private Paper Money Bi l and the Bank Charters Bill be referred to a Select Committee, with power to call for papers and persons; report to be brought up on Thursday next. Committee to- consist of Mr. Richmond, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Fox, Mr Cargill, Mr. Hall, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ludlam. Mr. Henderson, and the mover. Question put and passed. 9. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Carleton, the House adjourned at one o'clock until tomorrow at noon. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 20.

SATURDAY, MAY 17,1856. 1. The House rcet pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-nine members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair, 2. Inter-Provincial Communication On motion of Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the Committee on inter-provincial communication, authority was given to that Committee to call for witnesses and papers. 3. Messages The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read (I.) Standing Orders. * THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 20. Governor, The Governor begs to communicate to the House of Representatives his assent to the Standing Orders passed by the House during the present Session, and enclosed in a letter addressed on the 16th May, 1856, by the honorable the Speaker to the Governor. Government House, Auckland, 17th May, 1856. (2.) Steam Communication. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 21. Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copy of a letter dated 16th April, 1856, from the Colonial Secretary of New South Wales enclosing copy of a correspondence between the Government of New South Wales and Victoria, respecting the re-establishment of steam communication between England and the Australian Colonies. Government House, Auckland, 17th May, 1856. 4. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Carleton, the House adjourned at one o'clock until Tuesday next at noon.

NOTICES OE MOTION. Tuesday, May 20, 1856. 3. Mr. Brodie to move, as a resolution, That in the opinion of this House it is expedient that Auckland should continue to be the seat of Government. 2. Mr. Richmond to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency requestinohis Excellency to inform this House of any suggestions which may have been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, respecting the desirability of a revision of the Rules of the Supreme Court, regulating the admission of Practitioners in that Court. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


So, 21,

TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1856. 1. Hie House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-nine members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Message :—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor, received and read:— Land Scrip. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 22. Governor. In accordance with the wish expressed in Resolution No. 4, dated 25th April, 1856, the Governor transmits for the information of the House of Representatives, a return of all scrip receivable in the purchase ot Crown Lands, issuse to Europeans and Natives since the sth July, 1850, the persons to whom, and by whom, and the authority under which any such scrip was issued. Government House, Auckland, 20th May, 1856. 3. Papers : —The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (i.) Report of the Church of England Board for native education in the Northern Division of New Zealand for the year 1855. (2.) Return showing the cost of returns furnished to the Legislature; also the expenditure on account of printing, as called for in a resolution of the House of the 14th inst. 4. Motions withdrawn •. —Mr. Erodie and Mr. Richmond withdrew the motions standing in their names respectively, first and second on the notice paper of this day. 5. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Carleton, the House adjourned at one o'clock until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICE OF MOTION. Wednesday, May 21, 1856. 1. Mr. Carleton to move for copies of all correspondence witli the General Governmen concerning the proceedings of the Returning Officer at the Bay of Islands during the late elections. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 22.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1356. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-one members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the folowing papers :— Comparative Statements showing the expenditure on each branch of the public service, with the amount voted for the same, for the nine months ended 30th September, 1853 ; for the nine months ended 30th of June, 1854 ; and for the year ended 30th June, 1855, as called for in a resolution of the House of the 6th May, 1856" 3. Policy of the Government: — Mr. Stafford, with the leave of the House, asked the hon. member at the head of the Government (Mr. Fox), whether and when he will be prepared to make a full statement of the proposed policy of the Government, and what measures he proposes to introduce with reference to the settlement of the many questions of urgent importance which are pending. Mr. Fox at once proceeded to answer the question put to him by Mr. Stafford, and specified in detail the various measures which he proposed to indroduce during the present session. 4. Returning Ofßcer at Bay of Islands :—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of all correspondence with the General Government concerning the proceedings of the Returning Officer at the Bay of Islands during the late elections, be laid upon the table of this House > Question put and passed. 5. Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary the House adjourned at half past six o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, 22nd May, 1856. ]. The Colonial Secretary to move, That the comparative Statements of Estimate and Expenditure for the financial periods ending 30th September, 1853, 30th June, 1854, and 30th June, 1855, be printed. Also, that the returns of the cost of furnishing returns and printing for the General Assembly be printed. 2. Mr. Lee to move for a Select Committee to take into consideration, and report to this House, on the petition of Alexander Browne, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist of Mr. Smith, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Elliott, Mr. East, and the mover. 3. Me. Fitzhhrbert to move. That the basis on which the payments made to members of this House are at present calculated, is unsound, and ought to be altered. That with this view, the honorarium payable to members for their sessional attendance, should be fixed at one uniform sum, and ought not to be made dependent upon the duration of each particular session.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of Finance Committee. 2. Report



2. Report of the Committee on the petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N. 3. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 4. Report of the Committee appointed to prepare a congratulatory address to her Majesty on ths achievements of her Majesty's Forces and those of her Allies. 5. Report of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates Act. 6. Report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt. 7. Keport of the Committee on the petitions of Custom House Officers. 8. Report of the Committee on the Bank Charters, and Private Paper Money Bills. 9. Province of Taranaki Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ko, 23.

THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr; Speaker and thirty-three members being present ; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Superintendent of New Plymouth:—Mr. East, by leave of the House, asked the Colonial Treasurer (Mr. Chas. Brown) whether he has resigned, or intends to resign, the office of Superintendent of the Province of New Plymouth, in consequence of having accepted the office of Colonial Treasurer, which will require his presence at the seat of the General Government. Mr. Brown replied by stating that he did not intend to resign the office of Superintendent of New Plymouth until the close of the present session, and that in the meantime he would not draw the salary attached to the office of Colonial Treasurer. 3. Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill :—A deputation from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, was introduced, when the Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill was presented to Mr. Speaker as passed by the Council, and to which they prayed the assent of this Hoase. On motion of Mr. Merriman, the Bill was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. 4. Financial Returns:—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the comparative statements of estimate and expenditure for the financial periods ending 30th of September, 1853, 30th of June, 1854, and 30th of June, 1855, be printed and referred to the Finance Committee ; also, that the returns of the cost of furnishing returns and printing for the General Assembly be printed. Question put and passed. 5. Petition of Alexander Brown :—Mr. Lee, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to take into consideration and report to the House on the petition of Alexander Brown, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist ot Mr. J>mith, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Cuff, Mr Elliott, Mr. East, and the mover. Report to be brought up on the 10th of June. Question put and passed. 6. Payment of Expenses of Members :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That the basis on which the payments made to members of this House are at present calculated is unsound, and ought to be altered. That, wiih this view, the honorarium payable to members for their sessional attendance should be fixed at one uniform sum, and ought not to be made dependent upon the duration of each particular session. Mr. Stafford moved, That the qnestion be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " calculated," with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, —" is sound, provided that a maximum sum be fixed, so as to remove any inducement unnecessarily to protract the sessions. Debate ensued. Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be inserted, be so inserted, put and passed ; whereupon question, as amended, put and passed. 7. Postponements :— (1.) On motion of Mr. Bell, the report of the Finance Committee postponed to this day week (2.) On motion of Mr. Domett, the report of the Committee on the petition ot Commander Macdonnell, R.N., postponed until to-morrow. (3.) On motion of Mr. Sewell, the report of the Committee on Land Scrip postponed to, this day week. „ ' (4.) On



(4.) On motion of Mr. Macandrew, the report of the Committee on the trates' Ordinance postponed till Tuesday next. (5.) On motion of Mr. Bell, the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt postponed until Tuesday next (6*.) On motion of the Colonial Treasurer the second reading of the Province of Taranaki Bill postponed to this day fortnight. (7.) On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations postponed to Tuesday, the 3rd of June. (8.) On motion of Mr. Fitzherbert, the report of the Committee on the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz postponed till Tuesday the 3rd of June. 8. Congratulatory Address to her Majesty :—Mr. Stafford, Chairman of the Committee appointed to prepare a congratulatory address to her Majesty on the achievements of her Majesty's Forces and those of her Allies in the present war, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 9. Custom House Officers at Wellington :—Mr. Fitzherbert, Chairman of the Committee to whom the petition of Fidewaiters at Wellington, and also the petition of Edward Catchpool had been referred, brought up the reports of the Committee which were read and ordered to be printed, (Appendix to the report on the Tidewaiters' petition ordered to be printed). 10. Bank Charters :—Mr. Macandrew, Chairman of the Committee on the Bank Charters and Private Paper Money Bills, brought up the report of the Committee which was read and ordered to be printed. 11. Improvement of accommodation in the House:—Mr. Bell, for the Chairman of the House Committee, brought up a report of the Committee which was read. 12. Adjournment:—On motion of the Attorney-General, the House adjourned at half-past five o'clock, until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, May 23, 1856. 1. Mr. Williamson to ask the honorable member for Whanganui (the Attorney General) whether, and, if so, when, he intends to take the opinion of the House on the subject of a pledge given by him to Electors of the Province of Wellington, that the General Assembly must in future meet at the City of Wellington, and that there also must be the seat >f the General Government ? 2. Mr. Sewell to ask the honorable the Attorney General, whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce during the present Session, any measure with reference to the Customs Administration or Tariff ? Also, to ask, whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce any measure with reference to the Settlement of Old Land Claims ? 3. Mr. Fitzherbert to move for a nominal Return of the Magistrates of the Celony, specifying the dates of their commisions. i. Mr. Sewell to move, That the order for the Committee on Old Land Claims be discharged ; if the House shall refuse to discharge the order, then to move an extension of time for the Report till Tuesday week. Also, to move that the order for the Committee on change in the Constitution Act be discharged; or, if refused, then to move an extension of time for the report till Tuesday week.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. J. Report of the Committee on the Constitution Act. Report of the Committee on Inter-provincial Communication. 3. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. 4. Report ot'the Committee on the Supreme Court Law Procedure. 5. Report of the Committee on the petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 24,

FRIDAY, MAT 23, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Papers:—The Colonial Treasurer laid on the table the Estimates of the Receipts and Expenditure for the year commencing July Ist, 1856 ; also the proposed application of the civil list for the same period. 3. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Bell moved that this House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next at five o'clock. Question put and passed. 4. Motion withdrawn : —Mr. Williamson withdrew the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day. 5. Customs :—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General, whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce during the present session, any measure with reference to the Customs administration or tariff. The Attorney-General answered the question in the negative. 6. Question -withdrawn Mr. Sewell withdrew the second question standing in his name on this day's notice paper. 7. Magistrates: —Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved that a nominal return of the Magistrates throughout the Colony, specifying the dates of their commissions or appointments, be laid upon the table of thi« House. Question put and passed. 8. Old Land Claims:—Mr Sewell withdrew that part of the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day, for the discharge of the Committee on Old Land Claims; and on motion of Mr. Sewell the time for the report of the Committee was extended till Tuesday, the 3rd of June. 9. Constitution Act: —Mr. Sewell withdrew that part of the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day, for the discharge of the Committee on changes in the Constitution Act; and on motion of Mr. Sewell the time for the report of the Committee was extended till Tuesday, the 3rd of June. 10. Inter-Provincial Communication Committee: —On motion of Mr. Elliott, Chairman of this Committee, the time for the report of the Committee was extended to this day fortnight. 11. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill : —Mr. Ward, Chairman of the Committee to whom this Bill had been referred, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. Cn motion of Mr. Ward the second reading of the Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Monday next. 12. Petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N.: —Mr. Domett, Chairman of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read, and on motion of Mr. Domett, referred back to the Committee for amendment. 13. Adjournment:—On motion of the Attorney-General the House adjourned at quarter-past seven o'clock until Monday next at five o'clock. Notices



NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Monday, May 26, 1856. 1. Mr. Sewell to move for returns of the gross Customs Receipts for the Province of Auckland for the last three months, distinguishing the Receipts week by week. 2. Mr. Campbell to move, That the agitation of the question as to the removal of the Seat of Government from Auckland during the present session would be detrimental to the interest of the Colony. 3. Mb. Campbell to move, That it is the opinion of this House the next meeting of the General Assembly should beheld in Auckland. 4. Major Greenwood to ask the hon. member for Wanganui (the Attorney-General) whether it is the intention of the Government during this session to take any, and if any, what steps to adjust the representation of the various Provinces in this House, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution Act. 5. Mr. .Elliott to move, That the recommendations contained in the the Report of the House Committee be adopted by this House. 6. Mr. Stafford to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, whether it is his intention to introduce a bill to declare that the Customs Revenue received under the existing Customs Ordinances, shall be deemed to be her Majesty's Revenue, to be subject to the provisions of the Constitution Act. , . Also, to define what Revenues, of those received under various existing laws of the late General Legislature, shall be her Majesty's Revenue, and what shall be Provincial Revenue7. Mr. Stafford to move, That not only with a view to economy, but from every motive of humanity, it is expedient that one general asylum be established for the reception and treatment of persons of unsound mind from every part of the Colony. 8. The Colonial Secretary to move, That the name of the Colonial Treasurer be added to the Committee on Land Claims. 9. Mr. Merriman to move, That the second reading of the Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill stand as an order of the day for Wednesday next, the 28th inst.

ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker*

No. 25.

MONDAY, MAY 26, 1856. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Members sworn :—The Clerk, by order of Mr. Speaker, read a Commission from his Excellency the Governor, directed to him as Speaker of this House, authorizing him to administer to certain members of this House, the oath prescribed by the Constitution Act. Hebert Evelyn Curtis, Esquire, and William Thomas Locke Travers, Esquire, were duly sworn and took their seats. 3. Petition of James Busby :—Mr. Williamson presented a petition from James Busby, Esq., of Victoria, in the Bay of Islands, relative to his claim to land at Wangarie. Petition received and read, and ordtred to be referred to the Committee on Old Land Claims. 4. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— Correspondence with the General Government concerning the proceedings of the Returning Officer at the Bay of Islands during the late elections, being return to an order of the House of the 21st May, 1856. 5. Customs Receipts:—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved for a comparative return of the Gross Customs Receipts for the Province of Auckland_for the four months ended 30th April, 1855 and 1856, distinguishing the receipts week by week. Question put and passed. 6. Seat of Government:—Mr. Campbell, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the agitation of the question as to the removal of the seat of Government from Auckland, during the present session, would be inexpedient. Debate ensued. House divided. Ayes, 23. Noes, 11. Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cuff, Captain Cargill, Mr, Bell, Mr. Travers, Mr. Ward, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Smith, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Domett, Mr. East, Mr. Hall, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Lee, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Fox (teller). Mr. Richmond, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Wells, Major Greenwood, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Campbell (teller). 7. General Assembly, place of meeting of:—Mr. Campbell, pursuant to notice, moved as a resolution, That it is the opinion of this House, the next meeting of the General Assembly should be held in Auckland, Mr, Fitzherbert



Mr. Fitzherbert moved that the question be amended by the omission of the word " Auckland,'' with a view to add at the end thereof the words " a more central position." Debate ensued. Question put, That the word proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 15. Noes, 18. Mr. Lee, Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Hall, Captain Cargill, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Cargill, Mr. CufF, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Domett, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Wells, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Travers, Mr. Brown, Mr. Elliott, Major Greenwood, Mr. Smith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Merriman (teller). Mr. Fox, Mr. Bell, Mr. Curtis, Mr. East (teller). Mr, Daldy moved the following amendment— That all the words of the question be omitted, with a -view to insert the following, That the Constitution Act imposing upon the Governor the duty of fixing the place of meeting of the General Assembly, this House does not feel called upon to interfere. Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 18. Noes, 15. Mr. Ward, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hall, Major Greenwood, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Henderson, Mr. CufF, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Domett, - Captain Cargill, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Brown, Mr. Wells, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Travers, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Fox, Mr. Merriman (tellei). Mr. Bell, Mr. Curtis, Mr. East (teller). Mr. Merriman moved that the question be amended by the addition at the end thereof of the word " Nelson." Question put, That the words proposed to be added be so added. House divided. Ayes, 12. ; Noes, 20. Mr. East, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Stafford, \ Mr. Featherston, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Ludlam, Mr, Wells, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Richmond, Mr. CufF, Mr. Travers, Captain Cargill, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Lee, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Domett, Mr. Maeandrew, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Ward, Mr. Merriman (teller). Mr. Brown, Mr. Hall, Mr. Smith, Ayes, 12.


A y es ' 12 - Noes, 20. Mr. Bell, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Fitzherbert, Major Greenwood, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cargill (teller). £2.tV B S™ ed """ the question be " na " Mby tl,e * ddition - ,he end tWf Question put, That the word proposed to be added, be so added. House divided. tvt 4 y6 !V 12 ' Noes, 21. U Mr " Brodie, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr . Curtis, Mr. Cuff, __ Mr. Richmond, Mr. Featherston, Maj , or Greenwood, *'• F°x Mr. Williamson, Smith, Mr. Domett, Mr. Brown, Mr EUiott Mr. Ludlam, Mr- Eastj f? a . '. Mr. Travers. ¥/• riUl "' Mr. Campbell, M'-Sewe ll Mr. Wells, Mr. Bell (teller). Mr . Beckham, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Daldy, Captain Cargill, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Maaandrew (teller). Major Greenwood moved that the question be amended by the addition at the end thereof of the following words, " such place as his Excellency the Governor may deem most convenient. Question put, That the words proposed to be added, be so added. House divided. A y es > 16. Noes, 18. Mr. Brodie, Mr. East, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brittin, Mr - Lee > Mr. Curtis, Mr. Cargill, Mr> Elliott, Captain Cargill, M r. Bell, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Travers Mr. Hall, Mr. Smith, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Wells Mr. Beckham, ! Mr'. Dome'tt, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Campbell, ; Mr. Stafford, Mr. Taylor, ] Mr. Fitzherbert, Major Greenwood, j Mr. Cuff, Mr. Williamson, ' Mr. Fox, Mr. Merriman, j Mr. Featherston, Mr. Brown (teller). Mr. Ward, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Sewell (teller). Mr. Sewell moved that the question be amended by the addition at the end thereof of the words, " such more central place as his Excellency may deem most convenient." Question put, That the words proposed to be added, be so added. House divided. Ayes, 19. Noes, 14. Mr. Brittin, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Fitaherbert, Captain Cargill, Mr. Travers, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Ward, Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox, Mr. Daldy, Mr. East, Mr. Henderson, Ayes, 19 >


Ayes, 19. Noes, 14. Mr. Curtis, Mr - Carleton, Mr. Hall, Mr - Campbell Mr, Bell, Mr - Brodie, Mr. Domett, Ma j or Greenwood, Mr. Smith, Mr - Merriman, Mr. Featherston, 1 aylor, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Brown (teller). Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Wells, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Sewell (teller). Whereupon, question as amended put and passed. Mr. Sewell moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the resolution as adopted by the HouseQuestion put and passed. 8. Adjournment :—On motion of Mr. Bell the House adjourned at twenty minutes past twelve o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, May 27, 1856. 1. Mr. Sewell to ask the Attorney General, whether it is the intention of the Government to prepare any supplementary estimates. 2. Mr. Stafford, To ask the honourable member at the head of the Government, whether he has any objection to lay upon the table any information which he may have received, relative to the obtaining of gold on certain Waste Lands of the Crown in the Province of Nelson, Also, to state what measures the Government proposes to adopt for regulating the working of such gold fields, and for the preservation of the peace throughout the same. 3. Mr. Sew ell to ask the hon. the Attorney-General, whether it is the intention of the Government to make any, and what provision for the following outstanding liabilities of the Government, viz.:— The advance from the CJnion Bank of Australia. Balance due to the Agent-General in England. Admitted balances due to Provinces, in particular to the Province of Auckland. 4. Me. Sewell to ask the hon. the Attorney-General, whether he is prepared to lay before the House the data of calculation on which the revenue of the ensuing year is estimated ; and whether such data have been furnished by the Auditor-General and Collector of Customs of Auckland. 5. Mr. Sewell to ask the hon. the Attorney-General whether it is the intention of the Government to bring the proposed changes affecting the la nd fund into immediate operation; and if so, what steps have been or are being taken with that object, or when it is proposed that such changes shall come into operation. 6. Mr. Sewell to ask the hon. the Attorney-General, what sum it is proposed to apply, in the ensuing financial period, towards the purchase of native lands; and from what source to be derived ; and the particulars of the proposed application thereof. 7. Mr. Sewell to ask the hon. the Attorney-General whether, failing the negotiation for a settlement of the New Zealand Company's Debt, or pending the same, it is proposed to make any, and what, provision for payment of the arrears of fourths of the land fund to the Company, due and accruing. 8. Mr. Sewell, to ask- the hon. the Attorney General, whether it is the intention of the Government to place on the Estimates, the sum ot £66.000, being two thuds of the Estimated net Customs Revenue for the service of the Provincial Governments. Also to move, that a lespectful address be presented to His Excellency praying him to place on the Estimates such a sum as he may be advised to be the probable amount of distributable Surplus during the ensuing financial period, in order that the House may, within prudent limits, make an appropriation thereof for the service of the Provincial Governments, and prescribe such mode of payment as may appear convenient. £). Mr. Macandiew


t). Mb. MACANDREwto move, That leave be given to bring in "a Chartered Bank of Issue Bill" as recommended by a Select Committee. 10. The Attorney General to move, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the estimates. 11. Mr. Stafford, on the motion that the House do go into Committee of Supply, To move by way of amendment — That this House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, in order to consider the estimated Revenue of the Colony, for the ensuing year ; and the general financial policy of the Government. In such Committee to move the following Resolutions— 1. That it would be inconvenient to consider Estimates based on the assumption of a Loan, until such Loan shall have been first sanctioned by the House, the terms thereof settled, and its intended appropriation defined. 2. That this House cannot enter upon the consideration of Estimates founded on an assumed contribution of 2s. 6d. per acre from the Land Fund, until some plan for exonerating the Land Fund from its existing charges had been first decided on. 12 Mr Mac/iNdrew to move, in Committee of Ways and Means, as an amendment on Mr. Stafford's motion, That this House, having already by an almost unanimous vote, agreed that 2s. 6d. an acre is a fair and equitable proportion, as a contribution for the Land Fund to the General Revenue; it is inexpedient and factious again to revive the discussion thereof. 13. Mr. Stafforo to move, That the House do consider his Excellency's Message No. 22, forwarding Returns relative to Land Scrip. 14. Mr. Richmond to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the law respecting the admission of Barristers and Solicitors of the Supreme Court. 15. Mr. Seweli., in Committee of Ways and Means, To move the following resolution— That this Committee do proceed to take evidence as to the probable Revenue Receipts for the ensuing financial period ; and that the Collector of Customs of Auckland, Surveyor General, Auditor General, and such other persons as the Committee may direct, be examined at the bar. 16. Mr. Swell, in Committee of Ways and Means, to move the following resolutions — That whilst this House disclaims the right to appropriate the Civil List, it nevertheless claims the riaht of declaring its opinion as to the proper application thereof. That in the judgement of this House, whatever may be the sum allocated from the Civil List towards the maintenance of Native Institutions established by Religious bjdies, ought to be equally apportioned amongst such institutions. And that the rule of apportionment ought to be a pari passu distributed according to the different sums promised by Government to the respective religious bodies. 17. Mr. S'ewell, in Committee of Ways and Means, to move, That under the existing circumstances of the Colony, it is not expedient that the aid hitherto afforded to the Religious bodies in their Educational Institutions should be suddenly withdrawn. 18. Mr. Traverse move, That Standing Order, number 115 be suspended, in order that the petition of the Reverend James Watkin and others for a Private Bill, may be presented to the House. 19. Mr. Seweli. in Committee of Ways and Means, to move the following resolution — That the charge of all Magistracies established and maintained for the service and Government of the Natives ought to be borne by the General Government. Then to move, if agreed to, the recommendation of an Address to the Governor founded ou such Resolution.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates' Act. 2. Repert of the Committee on the New Zealand Company s Deot. 3. Supreme Co.* La.v Procedure Bill-second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-three members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Papers : —The Colonial Secretary laid On the table the following papers :— (1.) Corrrespondence on the report respecting the discovery of gold at Nelson. (2.) Claim of S. E. Grimstone for compensation for loss of office on introduction of New Zealand Constitution. (3.) Correspondence respecting salary of Colonial Surgeon, Otago. (4.) Statement of amount of 5 per cent, due to the Natives at Wairarapa on proceeds of certain land sales. (5.) Correspondence respecting pecuniary allowance to Naval officers in New Zealand, similar to that given to Military Officers. (6.) Despatch from Secretary of State respecting Colonial Agent-General in London. (7 ) Application from Lieut-Colonel Campbell for a pension. (8.) Correspondence relative to Colonel Wynyard's lodging allowance while Governor of New Ulster. (9.) Application of William Guise Brittan, late Registrar of Deeds at Canterbury, for ar - rears of salary due to him. (10.) Despatch from the Secretary of State respecting the salary of the Bishop of New Zealand (in continuation of papers already presented to the House.) 3: Representation of the Provinces: —Major Greenwood by leave of the House, asked the Attorney-General the question standing in his name on the notice paper of yesterday, which had lapsed, viz., whether it is the intention of the Government during this session to take any, and if any, what steps to adjust the representation of the various Provinces in this House, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution Act. The Attorney-General replied that it was the intention of the Government to introduce a measure having for its object the purifying of the Electoral Rolls, but that such measure would not be introduced during the present session, 4. Supplementary Estimates :—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General whether it is the intention of the Government to prepare any Supplementary Estimates. The Attorney-General replied, that to-morrow a financial statement should be laid on the table in reference to this question, 5. Gold Fields at Nelson: —Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, whether they have any objection to lay on the table any information which they may have received relative to the obtaining of gold on certain Waste Lands of the Crown in the Province of Nelson. Also, to state what measures the Government propose to adopt for regulating the working of such Gold Fields, and for the preservation of the peace throughout the same Mr. Fox replied, it was the intention of the Government to convey to the Provincial Authorities the entire management and control of the Waste Lands, and he also proposed to refer the other question to the Provincial Government of Nelson. (j. Liabilities of the Colony :— Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General whether it is the intention of the Government to make any, and what provision for the following outstanding liabilities of the Government, viz., the advance from the Union Bank of Australia; balance due to the Agent-General in England; admitted balances due to Provinces, in particular to the Province of Auckland. Mr. Fox



Mr. Fox replied that the debt due to the Union Bank of Australia had been reduced to the amount £12,500, which it was intended to refund from a proposed loan ; that the AgentGeneral's account did not exceed £500 : and that there were at present no balances due to the Provinces. 7- Estimates:—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General whether he is prepared to lay before this House the data of calculation on which the revenue of the ensuing year is estimated, and whether such data have been furnished by the Auditor-General and Collector of Customs at Auckland. . Mr. Fox replied that the statements of the estimated revenue laid before the House had been chiefly based on accounts to 30th June, 1855. 8. Land Revenue:—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General whether it is the intention of the Government to bring the proposed changes affecting the land fund into immediate operation, and if so, what steps have been, or are being taken with that object, or when it is proposed that such changes shall come into operation. Mr. Fox replied that it was proposed to effect these changes as soon as possible, but that as yet no measure had been agreed to by the House to enable the Government to do so. i). Native Land Purchases:—Mr. Sewell pursuant to notice asked the Attorney-Generai what sum it is proposed to apply in the ensuing financial period, towards the purchase of Native Lands, and from what source to be derived, and the particulars of the proposed application thereof. Mr. Fox replied th-it the amount applied to this service would depend on the amount of land the Government should be able to purchase from the Natives ; the souree would be the proposed Loan; and he declined to answer as to the particulars of application. 10. New Zealand Company's Debt:—Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the AttorneyGeneral whether, failing the negotiation for a settlement of the New Zealand Company s Debt, or pending the same, it is proposed to make any, and what, provision for payment of arrears of fourths of the land fund to the Company, due, and accruing. Mr. Fox declined answering the question until after the report of the New Zealand Com - pany's Debt Committee shall have been laid upon the table. 11. Surplus Revenue: —Mr. Sewell, pursuant to notice, asked the Attorney-General whether it is the intention of the Government to place on the estimates the sum of £66,000, being two-thirds of the estimated net Customs revenue, for the service of the Provincial Governments. Mr. Fox replied that the real net revenue was to be treated in this manner, whatever it may be ; not the estimated revenue. Mr. Sewell then, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respeetful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates such a sum, or such reasonable quota of the revenue, as he may be advised to be the probable amounnt of distributable surplus during the ensuing financial period, in order that the House may, within prudent limits make an appropriation thereof for the services of the Provincial Governments, and prescribe such mode of payment as may appear convenientQuestion put and passed. 12. Bank Charters Bill:—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notiee, moved for leave to bring in a Chartered Bank of Issue Bill as recommended by a Select Committee. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Macandrew, the Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 13. Ways and Means; —The Attorney-General, pursuant to notice, moved,'l hat this House do resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the Estimates. Mr. Stafford moved that the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " that" with a view to insert the following, " this House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, in order to consider the estimated revenue of the Colony for the ensuing year, and the general financial policy of the Government." Debate ensued. . . Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be inserted do stand part of the question, put and passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. Mr. Speaker accordingly left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended the following resolution to the adoption of the House — " That it would be inconvenient to consider estimates based on the assumption of a loan, until such loan shall have been first sanctioned by the House, the terms thereof settled, and its intended appropriation defined." Question, that the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 14. Adjournment ".—On motion of Mr. D. Bell, the House adjourned at a quarter past two o clockNoticei


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, May 28, 1856. 1. Mr. Stafford to move, That this House, having heard the financial exposition of the Government, declares its want of confidence in the Government. 2. Mr. Travers to move that Standing Order No. 115 be suspended, in order that the petition of the Reverend James Watkin and others, for a private bill, may be presented to the House. 3. Mr. Hall to move, That the name of the Colonial Treasurer be added to the Committee on Land Claims. 4. Mr. Stafford to move, That the House do adopt the address to her Majesty on the achievements of her Majesty's Forces and those of her Allies in the present war, prepared by the Select Committee, and that it be transmitted to Her Majesty by Mr. Speaker; and a copy of the same presented to his Excellency the Governor. 5 Mr. Elliott to move, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the recommendations contained in the report of the House Committee. <6. Mr Williamson to move for copies of any returns which may have been sent in to the Government, showing the manner in which the grants of money made towards the maintenance of Native Educational Establishments in connection with the Roman Catholic and Wesleyan Missions, have been appropriated by those bodies; also, for copies of the latest reports of the Inspectors of Native Schools.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates Ordinance. 2. Report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt3. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill—second reading. 4. Law Amendment Bill—second reading. •5. Bank Charters Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 27,

WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1856. 1. The House iret pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-five members begin present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair^ 2. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid upon the table the following papers :■ Correspondencs relative to the establishment of British Authority in the C at am s lands ; also correspondence relative to the appointment of Mr. Archibald Shand, as Collector of Custom 3 and Resident Magistrate there. 3. Inter-Provincial Communication -.—The Colonial Secretary moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 56. Question put and passed. The Colonial Secretary then moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply. Question put and passed. i „ On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House • — _ . , , " That in the opinion of this House it is expedient to continue the existing contract With the owners of the steamer ' Zingari,' upon the present terms of that contract, for a penoc o six months from the Ist of July next; and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting him to place the requisite sum upon the estimates to cany into effect the foregoing resolution." Question put and passed. 4. Policy of the Government :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved, That this House having heard the financial exposition of the Government, declares its want of conndenct in tlie overnment. Debate ensued. Mr. Bell moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 62. Question put and passed, Debate on Mr. Stafford's motion continued. Question put. House divided Ayes, 18. Noes, 17Mr. Richmond, Mr. Graham, Mr. East, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Travers, Mr. Hall, Mr. Domett, Mr. Ward, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Wells, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Ludlam, Captain Cargill, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Beckham, Maior Greenwood, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr Lee r - Featherston, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Merriman, Mr - Henderson, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Macandrew (teller). Mr. Bell (teller). 5. Adjournment -.—On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at two o'clock. Notices



• -*■ NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, 29th May, 1856. 1. Mb. Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting he will furnish this House with copies of all correspondence from Sir George Grey to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, respecting the allocation of £7000 set apart on the Civil List for Native purposes. 2. Mil. Stafford to move, That not only with a view to economy, but from every motive of humanity, it is expedient that one general asylum be established for the reception and treatment of persons of unsound mind from every part of the Colony. 3. Mb. Richmond to move, That the order for the Report of the Committee appointed to inquire and report on the Native Disturbances in Taranaki be discharged. 4. Mr Elliott to move, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the recommendations contained in the report of the House Committee. 5. Mb. Travers to move, That Standing Order No. 115 be suspended, in order that the petition of the Reverend James Watkin and others for a private bill may be presented to the House.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on Native Disturbances at New Plymouth. 2. Report of the Finance Committee. 3. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 4. Report of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates Ordinance. 4. Report of the New Zealand Company's Debt Committee. 6. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill—second reading. 7. Law Amendment Bill—second reading. 8. Bank Charters Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 28.

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 185(3. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Papers:—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers: Reports of the distribution of the money grants in aid of education to the various religious denominations in the Northern Division. Report of the Church of England Board f, r Native Education in the Northern Division. 3. Resignation of the Government:—Mr. Fox, by leave of the House, stated that in consequence of the vote of the House on Mr. Stafford's moiion of yesterday, he and his colleagues in the Government had tendered the resignation of their offices to his Excellency the Governor. Mr. Stafford also, by leave of the House, stated that his Excellency had requested him to undertake the formation of a new Government, and that at the next meeting of the House he hoped to be able to state that he had succeeded in doing so. 4. Education of the Natives :—Mr. Lee, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting he will furnish this House with copies of all correspondence between k -ir <Teorge Grey and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, respecting the allocation of <=£7000 set apart on the Civil List for Native purposes. Question put and passed. 5. Motions withdrawn -.—Mr. Stafford and Mr. Elliott withdrew the motions standing in their names respectively, second and fourth on the notice paper of this day. 6. Native Disturbances at New Plymouth : — Mr. Richmond, pursuant to notice, moved, That the order for the report of the Committee appointed to enquire and report on the Native disturbances in Taranaki be discharged. Question put and passed. 7. Wesleyan Property Sale Rill:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved, That Standing Orders Nos. 45 and 1 15 be suspended, in order that the petition of the Rev. James Watkin and others for a private bill, may be presented to the Uouse. Question put and passed. 8. Postponements : — (1.) On motion of Mr. Bell, the report of the Finance Committee was postponed until Tuesday next. (2.) On motion of Mr. Sewell, the report of the Committee on Land Scrip was postponed until this day week. (3.) On motion of Mr. Bell, the report of the Committee on the New Zealand Company's Debt was postponed until Tuesday next. 9. Resident Magistrates Ordinance Mr. Macandrew, Chairman of the Committee on the Resident Magistrates Ordinance brought up the report of the Committee which was read and ordered to be printed. 10. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill:—On motion of Mr. Richmond, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order ol the day for Tuesday next. 11. Law Amendment Bill :—On motion of Mr. Richmond, this Bill was read a second time and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday nexr. 12. Bank harte s E ! .—On motion of Mr. Macandrew this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 13. Adjournment



13. Adjournment Special) -.—On motion of Mr. the House adjourned at quarter to eight o'clock until Saturday next at noon.

NOTICE OF MOTION AND OIIDER OF THE DAY. Saturday, May 31, 1856. ]. Mr. Brodxe to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to make any alterations in the present Gunpowder and Ammunition Ordinances of this Colony.

ORDER OF THE DAY, 1. Naturalization Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Koi 29.

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1856. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-five members being present; Mr. speaker read prayers and took the chair. 1 2. Lapsed Question : Mr. Brodie not being in his place, the question standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, lapsed. 3. Naturalization BillOn motion of Mr. Travers this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 4. Adjournment —On motion of Mr. Travers the House adjourned at half-past twelve o'clock until J uesday next at noon.

NOTICE OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, June 3, 1856. 1. Mb. Macandbew to move for leave to bring in « a Bill to establish District Provincial Courts, Ordinance 6nded ° f the SeleCt Comraittee on lhe Resident Magistrates' Courts

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 2. Report of the Committee on the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz. 3. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. 4. Report of the Constitution Act Committee. 5. Report of the Finance Committee. 6. Report of the New Zealand Company's Debt Committee. 7. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill—to be considered in Committee. 1 8. Law Amendment Bill—to be considered in Committee. 9. Bank Charters Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 30.

TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1856. 3. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. -2. Petition!of Wesleyan Methodists:—Mr. Travers presented a petition from the Rev. James VVatkin and others, accompanying a private bill, to enable them to dispose ot a certain piece of land, with buildings thereon, in uie town of Nelson, used as a chapel and school-house by Wesleyan Methodists, praying that the Bill may be passed. Petition received. 3. Postponements:— 4 f (1.) On Motion of Mr. C. Brown, leave was given to the Committee on Sir George Grey s Land Regulations to postpone their report to this day fortnight. (•2.) On motion of Mr. Bell, leave was given to the Finance Committee to postpone there report until to-morrow. _ , (3.) On motion of Mr. Sewell, leave was given to the Committee on Old Land Claims to postpone their report until Friday, the 13th inst. (4.) On motion of Mr. Sewell, leave was given to the Committee on Changes in the Constitution, to postpone their report until Friday, the 13th inst 4. Formation of a Ministry :—Mr. Stafford, in pursuance of the announcement made by him on Thursday last, stated to the House, that he had succeeded in the formation of a Ministry, and that the folowing gentlemen had accepted office, viz., Mr. Richmond as Colonial Si-cretary, Mr. Sewell as Colonial Treasurer, the hon. Mr. Whitaker as Attorney-General, and that Mr. Campbell and himself held unofficial seats in the Executive Council. 5. District Provincial Courts :—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a bill to establish District Provincial Courts. Leave given, and on motion of Mr. Macandrew, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 6. Lazarus Berlowitz, Petition of:—Mr. Fitzherbert. Chairman of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 7- New Zealand Company's Debt Committee :—Mr. Bell, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 8. Postponement :—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the consideration in committee of the Supreme Court Law Procedure was Bill ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 9. Law Amendment Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the with amendments, and on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 10. Bank Charters Bill: —On motion of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 11. Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary the House adjourned at half-past three o'clock until to-morrow at five o'clock. Notices



NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, June 4, 1856. 1. Mn. Carleton to move, That it be an instruction to the Select Committee on the Constitution, to consider and report upon Governor Grey's Electoral Regulations, and that in furtherance of such consideration, the correspondence laid on the table by the Colonial Secretary concerning the proceedings of the Returning Officer at the Bay of Islands during the late elections, be referred to them. . . • , V - . it's 2. The Colonial Treasurer to move, That Mr. Travers and Mr Curtis be added to the Land Scrip Committee; and that Mr. Travers be added to the Changfs of the Constitution Committee. 3. Mr. Travers to move for leave to bring, in a Bill to authorize the pie of certain lands in the Town of Kelson, and of buildings thereon, appropriated as a chapel and school house fur the use of the Wesleyari Methodists, and to provide for'the investment of the' proceeds of rale 'in the purchase of other lands and the erection of buildings, to be vested in trustees, and appropriated for the like purposes. 4. Mr. Fox to move for continuation of any correspondence between the General Government and other departments or persons relative to a defalcation of the Sub-Treasurer at Nelson. And at the same time to ask the member for Nelson (Mr. Stafford) whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his Excellency as to any, and what course in respect of such defalcation and the party guilty thereof.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Finance Committee. 2. Naturalization Bill —to be considered in Committee. ■ 3. Supreme Court Law Proeedure Bill—to be considered in Committee. 4. Law Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. 5. Bank Paper Currency Bill reported—adoption of the report. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 31.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Francis White Mr. Williamson presented a petition from Francis White, of Auckland, l elative to a claim to a block of 2560 acres of land on the Orira River. Petition received and read, and on motion of Mr. Williamson ordered to be referred to the Committee on Old Land Claims. .3. Petition of Charles, Baron DeThierry Mr. Merriman presented a petition from the Baron De 1 merry, relati e to a claim by him, No. 455b, to land at Waima. Petition received, and on motion of Mr. Merriman ordered to be referred to the Committee on Old Land Claims. *1. Papers The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers: Copies of papers respecting an increase to the salaries of the Judges'of New Zealand. 5. Elections Mr Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved, That it be an instruction to the select Committee on the Constitution, to consider and report on Governor Grey's Electoral Regulations, and that, in iurtheiance of such consideration, the correspondence laid on the table by the Ci lomal Secretary concerning the proceedings of the Returning Officer at the Bay of Islands during the late elections, be referred to them. Question put and passed. 6. Land Scrip Committee The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved that Mr. Travers and Mr. Curtis be added to the Land Scrip Committee. Question put and passed. 7. Constitution Act Committee : Mr. Stafford, by leave of the House, moved, That he be discharged from the Committee on Changes in the Constitution Act. Question put and passed. °" an Property Sale Bill Mr, Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a -Bill to authorize the sale of certain lands in the town of Nelson and of buildings thereon, appiopilated as a chapel and school house for the use of the Wesleyan Methodists, and to provide for the investment of the proceeds of sale, in the purchase of other lands and the erection of buildings, to be vested in trustees, and appropriated for like purposes. Leave given, and, on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time. 9. Defalcation of Sub- Treasurer at Nelson :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for continuation o any correspondence between the General Government and other departments or persons, relative to a defalcation of the Sub-Treasurer at Nelson. Mr. Stafford laid upon the table copies of the documents referred to. Mr. l<ox, pursuant to notice, asked Mr. Stafford whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his hxcellency as to any, and what course in respect of such defalcation, and the party guilty thereof. Mr. Stafford replied, that he was not at present prepared to say what course would be adopted in this matter, as he was informed that the late Sub-Treasurer at Nelson had left the Colony. 10. Finance Committee :—The Colonial Treasurer brought up a progress report of this Committee, which, with the evidence taken before the Committee, was ordered to be printed. 11. Bank Paper Currency Bill: —Mr. Macandrew moved that order of the day No. 5 be next considered. Question put and passed. Mr. Macandrew



~ . n p t i,; Q -RiH from the Committee of the whole Mr. Macandrew then moved that the report ot this Bin irom House be now adopted. Macandrew, the Bill was read a third time Question put and passed, and, on motion o • |)e the title of the Bill, « A Bill to and passed. Mr. Macandrew move ia Money." Question put and passed, and the Jp«»« Bill to the Legislative Council. 12. House Counted -.-Mr. Fitzherbert moved eleven members present The House having been counted, it was. found that there were, y w;| _ exclusive of Mr. Speaker, viz., Mr amp • D a My Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Cargill, liamson, the Colonial Treasurer, P ,,g er 'accordingly declared the House adjourned at Mr. Ludlam, and Mr. Macandrew. Mr, (speaker accoruuig y quarter past eight o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, June 5, 1856. ]. Mr. Bell to move, That the House go into Committee of Supply to consider the report of the House Committee, that an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he will be pleased to place on the estimates the sum necessary to carry into effect the recommendations of the Committee. 2. Mr. Fitzherbert to move, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place on le estimates the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds (£350) as compensation to Lazarus Lerlowitz, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee appointed by the House, to whom the petitioner's case was referred. Also, that his Excellency would be pleased to place on the estimates a sum equal to one month's pay each, as compensation to ttie Tidewaiters dismissed at Wellington, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee to whom the petition ot those officers was referred. 3. Mr, Fitzherbert to ask the hon member at the head of the Government, whether it is his intention to issue a commission of enquiry into the case of Edward Catchpool, 1* irst Landmg-waitei at the port of Wellington, in accordance with the report of the Select Committee to whom his petition to the House was referred; and if so, when it will be appointed, and whether the Government will have any objection to inform the House of the names of the persons composing the commission, so soon as it shall have been appointed. 4. Ma. Daldy to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is his intention to make any further development of the policy of his government beyond that given yesterday. 5. Mr. TRAVERsto move, That the Wesleyan Property Sale Pill be referred to a Select Committee consisting of Mr. Fox, Mr. Wells, Mr. Curtis, the Colonial Secretary, and the movei, G. Mr. Fitzherbert to move, That no Returning Officer is justified in refusing to record any vote that may be tendered to him by a person who is on the Electoral Roll, on the plea that such person is a member of a police force. And still further, that no Returning Officer is justified in refusing the vote of any such person, after he shall have tendered his resignation as member of any such police force.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Province of Taranaki Bill—second reading. 2. Naturalization Bill—to be considered in Committee. 3. Law Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. 4. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 32,

THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1856. 1* The House rcet pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-one members begin present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. House, improvement of accommodation in :—5l r. Hell, pursuant to notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to consider the report of the House Committee, and that an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that he will be pleased to place on the estimates the sum necessary to carry into effect the recommendations of the Committee. Question put and passed. On the Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House :— 1. " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to place a sum upon the Estimates, for the purpose of carrying into effect the recommendation of the House Committee for the purchase of the building annexed to the House. 2. " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to place such a sum upon the Estimates as will bs necessary to carry out the other recommendations of the House Committee.'' Question, That the resolutions recommended by the Committee be adopted by the House, put and past. 3. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill :—A deputation from the Legislative Council having been announced was introduced, and presented this Bill to Mr. Speaker as passed by the Legislative Council. On motion of Mr. Stafford the Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 4. Lazarus Berlowitz :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole to consider that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the Estimates the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds as compensation to Lazarus Berlowitz, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee appointed by the House, to whom the petitioner's case was referred. Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House : — " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to place upon the Estimates the sum of £350 as compensation \.o Lazarus Berlowitz." Question, That the resolution as recommended by the Committeee be adopted by the House, put and passed. 5. Suspension of Standing Orders :—Mr. Stafford moved the suspension of the Standing Order No. 62, requiring the House, at three o'clock, to proceed to the consideration of the orders of the day. Question put and passed. 6. Tidewaiters at Wellington:—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to amended notice, mived, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider that an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that he would be pleased to place upon the Estimates a sum equal to one month's pay each, as compensation to the Tidewaiters dismissed at Wellington, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee to whom the petition of those officers was referred. Question put and passed. On Mr.



On Mr. Speaker resuming the chuir, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended the resolution referred to them for adoption by the House. Question, ihat the resolution agreed to by the Committee be adopted bv the House put and passed. ' ' 7- Edward Catchpool:— Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, asked the hon- member at the head of the Government whether it is his intention to issue a commission of enquiry into the case of Edward Catchpool, first landing waiter at the port of Wellington, in accordance with the recommendation ot the select Committee to whom his petition to the House was referred, and it so, when it will be appointed, and whether the Government will have any objection to inform the House of the names of the persons composing the commission so soon as it shall have been appointed. Mr. Stafford replied, that a commission should be appointed in accordance with the recommendation ot the Committee, and that on a future day he would be prepared to state when tile commission should be appointed and who should compose it. 8. Policy of| the Government Mr. Daldy, pursuant to notice, asked the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is his intention to make any further development of the poiicy or his Government beyond that given yesterday. Mr. Stafford replied, that as the Government laid bills before the Hou3e, their policv should be more fully explained. 1 * 9. IVesleyan Property Sale Bill : Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved, That this Bill be referred to a select Committee, consisting of Mr. Fox, Mr. Wells, Mr. Curtis, the Colonial Secretary, and the mover. Question put and passed. 10. Returning Officers:—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That noEeturnin<r Officer is justified in refusing to record any vote that may be tendered to him by a person who is on the electoral 1011, oil the plea that such person is a member of the police force. And still further ttiat no Returning Officer is justified in refusing the vote of any such person, after he shall have tendered his resignation as memLer of any such police force. (Question put and passed. 11. Province of Taranaki I ill -On motion of Mr. Charles Brown the second reading of this Hill was postponed to this day week. b 12. Naturalization Bill -—On motion of Mr. Pell the consideration in Committee of this Bill was postponed until to-morrow. 13. Law Amendment Bill-.-On motion of the Colonial Secretary the report of the Committee of e whole House on this Bill was adopted, and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the Bill was read a tiird time and passed. The Colonial Secretary moved that the following be the eof the Bill, A Bill to amend the Law of Evidence and the Law of Del tor and Creditor 8 i T* ' C ° lonial hecretal 'y aild < Vlr - Ward were ordered to present tne x>ill to the Legislative Council. * 14 ' S t )ir p rL COU l t tV SW H Bi 1 11 . :_ 1 0n motion .of the Colonial Secretary 3lr. Speaker left this BUI resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of Oh Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and to morrow" C ™ttee was ordered to stand an order of the day for 15. Adjournment :-On motion of Mr. Ward the House adjourned at six o'clock until to-morrow <1L ilOOll*

NOTICES OF MOTION ANI) ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, June 6, 1856. L V™* th ° I }°T d ° adopt the address to Her Majesty on the nchieveSeleS ? ,iLT? T ■" " AUieB in the P resent war, prepared by the ©elect Committee, ami that it be transmitted to Her Majesty by Mr Speaker - and a eonv of the same presented to his Excellency the Governor. apeaKer , and a copy ot 2. The Colonial Tum,™, to move, Th.t Mr. Fox b. „]<M ,o the L.od Scrip Committee. 3 - 'zstszttsssz* *— «* ~ ">»•" " » «'• ■*,» *. 4. Mr. Fox


4 Mr. Fox to move, That although in the formation of a Ministry, and during the Session of the General Assembly, while under the immediate control of that body, it may be expedient that Superintendents of Provinces should be Members of the Executive Government of the Colony • yet this House is resolved that under any other circumstances an office in the Ministry of the General Government is incompatible with the office of Superintendent, necessarily involving any Superintendent holding such double office, in suspicion of Provincial partiality, as well as affording opportunity for the exercise of such feeling should it exist. And this House further resolves that any Superintendent who may, during the session, have taken office as a Responsible Minister, ought, at some reasonable time before the Assembly shall be prorogued, to announce to the House which of the two offices he will abandon at the close of the Session. 5. Mb. Wells to ask the hon. gentleman at the head of the Government if a Deputy-Registrar of Births and Deaths has been appointed for the Wairau district, Nelson Province, if so, the date of that appointment, and if the necessary books have been forwarded for said registration. 6. Mr. Fox to move, That the order referring to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Regulations, the correspondence on the Nelson defalcation, be discharged ; and that such correspondence, with' the further correspondence already laid on the table, be referred to a Committee consisting of the following members Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, Mr Cuff, Mr. Stafford, and the mover. And that it be an instruction to such Committee to consider any Report which may be brought up by the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations,and also the Report of the Committee on Lazarus Berlowitz's case : and also to receive and report on any other evidence tending to shew official misconduct on the part of the pensioned officials, and to report on such misconduct, if any, to this House, with the object of forwarding such Report to the Home Government with the Pension Act. 7. Mr. I 1 ox to move, That the names of Mr. Domett, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Featherston, and Mr. Sewell be removed ftom the Committee on the Constitution Act ; and that the name of Mr. Ward be added. 8. Mr. Travers to move, That in the opinion of this House it is expedient that a library should be at once formed for the use of the Assembly, and that the following gentlemen be appointed a Select Committee to consider Ihe best means of establishing such library, namely, the Hon. the Speaker, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Bell, and the mover/and that such Committee have power to confer with the Legislative Council on the subject. 9. Mr. Carleton to move for a return of all voting.papers rejected by Returning Officers in the Province of Auckland during the late elections for the Superintendency, the Provincial Council, aud the House of Representatives.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Naturalization Bill—to be considered in Committee. 2. Supreme Court Law Procedure Bill reported—adoption of the report. 3. Report of the Committee on Inter-provincial Communication. 4. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 5. District Provincial Courts Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1856, 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-one members present; Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of James Gilligan:—Mr Bell presented a petition from James Gilligan, stating that he had sustained considerable loss and inconvenience as a member of a small farm association, in consequence of its having been discovered on the eve of selection, that there was an unsatisfied native claim over half of the block of land placed at the disposal of the association, and praying the House to grant him redress. Petition received and read. 3. Petition of Staff-Surgeon Bacot:—Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Staff-Surgeon J T.W Bacot, stating that he had arrived in New Zealand in medical charge of pensioners, and considered himself entitled to the same advantages as other officers of pensioners, that the Colonial Government refused to issue him a Crown Grant for the House and Land he had occupied at Howick, and praying the House to take his claim into consideration. Petition received and read. 4. Congratulatory Address to Her Majesty :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved, That the House do adopt the address to Her Majesty on the achievements of Her Majesty's Forces and those of Her Allies in the present war, prepared by the select Committee, and that it be transmitted to Her Majesty by Mr. Speaker, and a copy of the same presented to his Excellency the Governor. Question put and passed. 5. Land Scrip Committee:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved, That Mr. Fox be added to the Land Scrip Committee. Question put and passed. H. Leave of Absence :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved, That leave of absence for one month be given to Mr. Elliott, on the grounds of urgent private business. Question put and passed. 7- Superintendents of Provinces :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That although in the formation of a Ministry, and during the session qf the General Assembly, while under the immediate control of that body it may be expedient that Superintendents of Provinces should be members of the Executive Government of the Colony, yet this House is resolved that under any other circumstances, an officer in the Ministry of the General Government is incompatible with the office of Superintendent, necessarily involving any Superintertdent holding such double office in suspicion of provincial partiality, as well as affording an opportunity for the exercise of such feeling should it exist. And this House further resolves that any Superintendent who may, during the session have taken office as a Responsible Minister, ought, at some reasonable time before the Assembly shall be prorogued, to announce to the House \yhich of the two offices he will abandon at the close of the session. Debate ensued. Motion by leave withdrawn. 8. Registration at the Wairau :—Mr. Wells pursuant to notice, asked Sir. Stafford if a DeputyRegistrar of Births and Deaths has been appointed for the Wairau District, Nelson Province, if so, the date ,of the appointment, and if the necessary books have been forwarded for said registration. Mr. Stafford replied, That Mr. Vickerman had been appointed Registrar on the 3rd of November last, but, that, though the attention of the General Government had been twice called to the neglect, no books had been forwarded, but the present Government would do so by the npxt steamer. p. Defalcation



9. Defalcation at Nelson Mr. Fox. pursuant to amended notice, moved, That the order referring to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations the correspondence on the Nelson Defalcation be discharged, and that such correspondence, with the correspondence already laid on the table, be referred to a Committee consisting of the following members : Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Brown. Mr. Cuff, Mr. Stafford, and the mover; and that it be an instruction to such Committee to consider any report which may be brought up by the Committee on Sir George (■ rey's Land Regulations, and also the report of the Committee on Lazarus Berlowitz's case; and also to receive and report on any other evidence tending to shew official misconduct on the part of the pensioned officials, and report on such misconduct, if established, to this House, with the object of forwarding such report to the Home Government with the Pensions Act. Mr. Travers moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " mover" in the fifth line, with the view to insert the following in lieu thereof ; "and that it be an instruction to such Committee to consider such correspondence, and also fiie report of the select Committee on Lazarus Berlowitz's case, with the evidence before that Committee, and to report whether any, and what misconduct be substantiated thereby against the pensioned officials." Debate ensued. Amendment by leave withdrawn. Mr. Williamson moved, as an amendment, That the Committee be appointed by ballot. The ballot having been taken, the following members were elected to serve on this Committee, viz , Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Fitzherbert. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 10. Constitution Act, changes in :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the names of Mr. Richmond, Mr. Merriman, Mr Featherstan, and Mr. Sewell be removed from the Committee on the Constitution Act, and that the name of Mr. Ward be-added. Question put and passed. IJ. Library:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved, That in the opinion of this House it is expedient that a library should be at once formed for the use of the Assembly, and that the following gentleman be appointed a Select Committee to consider the best means of establishing such library, namely, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Stafford, Air. Fitzherbert, Mr; Carleton, Mr. Bell, and the mover; and that such Committee have'power to confer with.the Ligrslative Council on the subject. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 12. Returning Officers Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved for a return of all voting papers rejected by Returning OtKcers in the Province of Auckland during the late election for the Superintendency, the Provincial Council, and the House of Representatives'; Question put and passed. 13. Naturalization Bill: —On motion of the Colonial' - ecretary, Mr. Speaker left the-chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole, for the consideration of this Bill. On Air. Speaker resuming the chair, the ( hairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 14. Supreme Court Law Proceduie Bill :— On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the report of the Committee of the whole House was adopted, and on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the Bill was read a third time and passed. The Colonial Secretary moved, Th'at the title of the Bill be—" A Bill for regulating the procedure of the Supreme Court in civil cases.'' Question put and past, and the Colonial Seceretary and Mr. Watd were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 15. Postponement .-'-On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the report of the Committee on Land Scrip was postponed to this day week. 10 Inter-Provincial Communication : Mr. Fitzherbert brought up the report of the Committee on Inter-Provincial Communication, which-was read and ordered to be printed, together with the evidence taken before the Committee. 17- District Provincial Courts Bill:—On motion of Mr. Watd, the second reading of this Bill was postponed until Thursday next." 18. Adjournment:—On motion of .Vlr. Travers, the House adjourned at half-past three o'clock, until Tuesday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, JUNE* 10, 1856-. 1. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend' and consolidate the law respecting the admission of Bairisters and Solicitors of the Supreme Court. 2. The


2. The Colonial Treasurer to move, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Government • and in such Committee to move resolutions embodying the financial policy of the Government! 3. Mb Bell to move, That the petition of James Gilligan be printed and referred to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 4. Mr. Bell to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the law relating to Building Societies 5. Mr. Carleton to move the appointment of a Select Committee to enquire into and report upon the statements contained in Dr. Bacot's petition concerning the refusal of the deeds for his house and land at Howick. Committee to consist of Mr. Domett, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Graham, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Ward, and the mover. Committee to have powef to call for persons and papers. Report to be brought up on Tuesday next. 6. Mr. Fox to move, That it is essential to the proper conduct of the business of this House that that the principal Law Officer of the Crown should be a person holding a seat in this House. 7. Mr. Brown to move, That the names of Mr. Featherston and Mr. Sewell be discharged from the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, and the following names added Mr Wells, Mr. Hall, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Fox.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. J. Naturalization Bill reported—adoption of the report. 2. Report of the Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown. 3. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1856. 1. Ihe Mouse met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Supreme Court, admission to practice in :—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend and consolidate the law respecting the admission of barristers and solicitors of the Supreme Court. Leave given; and on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the biil was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for this day week. 3. Papers:—The Colonial Treasurer laid on the table the following papers, which were ordered to be printed:— Financial returns relative to the assets and liabilities of the General Government. 4. Postponement:—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper, be postponed until alter the consideration of the remaining notices of motion on this day's paper. Question put and passed. 5. Petition of James Gilligan :—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, moved, that the petition of James Gilligan be printed and referred to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 6. Building Societies Amendment Bill:—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice moved for leave to bring in a biil to amend the law relating to building societies. Leave given, and on motion of Mr. Bell, the bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 7- Petition of Dr. Bacot:—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to enquire into and report upon the statements contained in Dr. Bacot's petition concerning the refusal of the deeds for his house and land at Howick. Committee to consist of Mr. Domett, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Graham, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Ward, and the mover. Committee to have power to call for persons and papers. Report to be brought up on Tuesday next. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton moved the suspension of Standing Order No. SG. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton then moved that the petition, of Dr. Bacot, be Lrdered to be printed. Question put and passed, 8. Postponement: —Mr. Fox postponed the motion standing in his name, sixth on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 9. Sir G. Grey's Land Regulations Committee :—Mr. Brown pursuant to (amended) notice, moved That the names of Mr. Featherston, Mr. Seweil, and Captain Cargill, be discharged from the Committee,on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, and the following names added, Mr. Wells, Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Cargill. Question put and passed. 10. Ways and Means :—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved, That the Spaaker do leave the chair and the House resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Government. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Stafford the debate was adjourned until Friday next, 11. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill •.—Mr. Travel's brought up the report of the Select Committee to whom the consideration of this bill had besn referred, and on motion of Mr. Travers, the second reading of the bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 12. Petition



12. Petition of Commander McDonnell:—Mr. Domett brought up an amended report of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred. 13. Bank Paper Currency Bill:—A message from the Legislative Council having been announc«d, was introduced, when this bill as amended in the Council, was presented to Mr. Speaker to which amendments the Council prayed the assent of this House. On motion of Mr. Macandrew the consideration of the amendments made by the Legislative Council to the Bank Paper Currency Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next 14. Naturalization Bill: —On motion of the Colonial Secretary the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Fill was adopted. The Bill was then read a third time and passed. The Colonial Secretary moved that the title of the Bill be, —" A Bill for the Naturalization of certain persons in the Colony of New Zealand." Question put and passed; and Mr. Stafford and Mr. Curtis were ordered to present the Bill, as amended, to the Legislative Council. 15. Petition of Alexander Brown:—Mr. Smith brought up the report of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred, which was read. 16. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts BillOn motion of Mr. Travers, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 17- Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Travers, the House adjourned at a quarter to four o'clock - ,' until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION. Wednesday, June 12, 1856. 1. Mr. Travers to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether copies of the Acts mentioned in the Schedules to the English Acts Act of 1854, and 1855, have been received by the Government, and whether the same will be forwarded to members of the Assembly. 2. Mr. Hall to move, That there be laid on the table of this House, a copy of the letter from the Superintendent ot Nelson to the Colonial Secretary, which was alluded to in the course of the debate on Friday last, by the hon. member at the head of the Government. .3 Mr. I ravers to move for leave to in a Bill for preventing frauds upon creditors by secret bills of sale of personal chattels. Also, for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent Bribery and Treating at Elections. Also, for leave to bring in a Bill to afford greater facilities for the establishment of Institutions for the promotion of literature and science and the fine arts, and to provide for their better regulation. Also, for leave to bring in a Bill to make further provisions for preventing Bribery and Treating at Elections. 4. Mr. Hai.l to move, That his name be discharged from attendance on the Committee appointed to enquire into the conduct of the pensioned Officials, and that the name of Mr. Curtis be added to the Committee. .">. Mr. Stafford to move, That Mr. Travers be added to the Committee on the Constitution. I). The Colontal Treasurer to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor of New Zealand to raise a loan not exceeding £100,000 by the issue of Debentures. Also, to move for leave to bring in a Bill for raising a loan of £500,000 for the public service of the Colony of New Zealand. 7- Mr. llall to move, 1 hat a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will cause to be furnished to this House a copy of a report from Mr. McLean, dated 29th April, 1<!56, upon the state of the Native Land purchasing operations throughout the Colony, together with an annexed Memorandum shewing the probable quantity of Land which may be purchased from the natives in the year 185(5. Also copy of a further Memorandum, dated 2nd May, 1856, shewing the Lands which are more immediately required to be purchased. 8. Mr. Hall to move for copies of correspondence respecting the payment of the cost of the b>ui vey Instruments, Maps, and other stock of the Land Office in Chri9tchurch. J. x '° wove, I hat a Sppcial Committee be appointed to prepare a case raising the question' whether a seat in the Executive- Council is, or is not incompatible with the office of Superintendent


tendent of a Province, and whether the acceptance of the former does or does not ipso facto vacate the latter; in order that on such case being prepared, an address may be presented by this House to His Excellency the Governor, requesting him to ask Mr. Justice Stephen to assist him with his opinion thereon. Such Committee to consist of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ward, Mr. John Cargill, Mr. Brittin, and the mover. 10. Mr. Fitzherbert to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency praying him to cause to be placed on the Estimates the sum of 8000 Z. for the purpose of carrying out the recommendation of the Select Committee on Inter-Provincial Steam Communication. 11. Mr Bell to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he will cause to be laid on the table any reply which may have been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the memorial of the Provincial Council of Wellington, relative to a difference between a member of that Council and the Officer commanding H. M. Troops in the Southern Division. 12. Mr. Ward to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Marriage Act of 1854. 13. Mr. Travers to move, That a copy of an Ordinance passed by the Provincial Council of Otago, intituled " The Provincial Council Ordinance, 1856.' : And of any opinion of the Law Officer of the Government in relation to such Bill, be laid on the table of the House. 14. Mr. Hall to move for copies of correspondence respecting conditions of services cf Staff Officers of Pensioners. 15. Mr. Fox to move, That it is essential to the proper conduct of the business of this House that the principal Law Officer of the Crown should be a person holding a seat in this Douse. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-nine members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. English Acts Act:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, asked the hon. member at the head of the Government, whether copies of the Acts mentioned in the Schedules of the English Acts Act of 1854 and 1855, have been received by the Government, and whether the same will be forwarded to the members of the Assembly. Mr. Stafford replied that 200 copies of the Acts mentioned in the Schedule to the English Acts Act of 1854 had been received, and had been distributed throughout the Colony, and that copies should be forwarded to the members of the Assembly. 3. Registration at the Wairau :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That there be laid upon the table of this House a copy of the letter from the Superintendent of Nelson to the Colonial secretary, which was alluded to in the course of the debate on Friday last by the hon. member at the head of the Government. Question put and passed. 4. Bills of Sale Registration Bill:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent frauds upon creditors by secret bills of sale of personal chattels. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 5. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 1,1856 :—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent bribery and treating at elections. Leave given; and on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an arder of the day for Tuesday next. 6. Postponement:—Mr. Travers postponed, until to-morrow, the motion standing in his name for leave to bring in a Bill to afford greater facilities for the establishment of Institutions for the promotion of literature, science, and the fine arts. 7- Bribery and Treating Bill No, 2, 1856:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to make further provisions for preventing Bribery and Treating at Elections. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday, June 19. 8. Postponement:—Mr. Hall postponed the motion Standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 9. Constitution Act Committee :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved, That Mr. Travers be added to the Committee on the Constitution. Question put and passed. 10. New Zealand Debentuie 1 ill:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor of New Zealand to raise a loan not exceeding £100,000 by the issue of Debentures. Leave fiiven ; and on motion of the Colopial Treasurer, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and ordered to be read a second time. 11. New Zealand Loan Bill:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for raising a loan of £500,00j for the public service of the Colony of New Zealand. •71 Leave given ; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Bill was read a first time, ordeied to be printed, and ordered to be read a second time. r ' 12. Land



12. Land Purchases from Natives: — Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will cause to be furnished to this House, a copy of a report from Mr. McLean, dated 29th of April, 1856, upon the state of the Native Land purchasing operations throughout the Colony, together with an annexed Memorandum shewing the probable quantity of Land which may be purchased from the natives in the year Also copy of a further Memorandum, dated 2nd May, 1856, shewing the Lands which are more immediately required to be purchased. Question put and passed. 13. Land Office, Christchurch Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved for copies of correspondence respecting the payment of the cost of the Survey Instruments, Maps, and other stock of the Land Office at Christchurch. Question put and passed. 14. Superintendents of Provinces, Office vacated:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Special Committee be appointed to prepare a case raising the question, whether a seat in the Executive Council is, or is not incompatible with the office of Superintendent of a Province, and whether the acceptance of the former does, or does not ipso facto vacate the latter, in order that on such case being prepared, an address may be presented by this House to His Excellency the Governor, requesting him to ask Mr. Justice Stephen to assist him with his opinion thereon. Such Committee to consist of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ward, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Brittin, and the mover. Debate ensued. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 9. i Noes, 20. Mr. Daldy, Mr Brown, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Lndlam, Mr. Maeandrew, Mr. Smith, Captain Cargill, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Henderson, Mr Lee, Mr. Fiizherbert, Mt\ Hrittin, Mr. Hall, Mf. Bell. Mr. Feathetston, Mr. Ctiftis, Mr. Fox (teller). Ml". Wells, Mr. Trarers, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Domett, Mr. Carleton, Mr Cuff, Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Williamson, Mr- Brodie, The Colonial Secretary (teller). 15. Inter Provincial Steam Communication :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to cause to I'e placed upon the Estimates a sum sufficient for the purpose of carrying out the recommendation of the Select Committee on Inter-Provincial Steam Communication. Question put and passed. 16. Memorial of Provincial Council of Wellington :—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice moved, That a lespectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he will cause to be laid on the table any reply which may have been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to the memorial of the Provincial Council of Wellington, relative to a difference a mem her of that Council and the Officer commanding H. M. Troops in the Southern Division. Mr. Fitzherbert moved, That the question be amended by the addition of the following wou s . Together with the whole of the correspondence and enclosures forwarded by the Speaker of the Provincial Council of Wellington to the Officer administering the Government of ihe Colony. Question, That the words proposed to be added do stand part of the question, put and pas Question as amended put. House divided. ™ o y t S,l °- Noes, 11. Mr. Stafford, M r . Featherston, Mr. Domett, - Mr. Brodie, Mr. Mernman, Mr. Henderson, Mr - Smith > Mr. Cuff, Aves, 10


Ayes, 10. I Noes, 11. Mr - Lee > ! Mr. Fox, Mr. Bell, j Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Ludlam, Captain Cargill, Mr. Williamson, j Mr. Cargill, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Macandrcw, Major Greenwood (tellei). Mr. Hall, Mr. Brown (teller). 1/. Postponement Mr. Fox, in the absence of Mr. Ward, postponed the motion standing in Mr. Ward s name, No. 12 on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 18. Otago Provincial Council Ordinance Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved, That a copy of an Ordinance passed by the Provincial Council of Otago, intituled the Provincial Council Ordinance, 1856. and of an opinion of the Law Officer of the Government in relation to such Bill, be laid on the table of the House. Mr. Hall moved, 1 hat the question be amended by the addition of the following words after tl' 6 ST." " ne > " the opinion of the Provincial Solicitor accompanying Question, That the words proposed to be added do stand part of the question, put and passed Whereupon question as amended, put and passed. 19. Staff Officers of Pensioners:—Mr. Hall, pursuant to amended notice, moved for copies of correspondence in possession of the Colonial Government, respecting conditions of service of Staff Officers of Pensioners, and Pensioners of the New Zealand Feneible Force, in relation to claims to grants of land. Question put and past. 20. Motion withdrawn Mr. Fox, withdrew the motion standing in his name, No. 15 on the on the notice paper of this day. 21. Adjournment : On motion of Mr. Travers the House adjourned at a quarter past eight o clock, until to-niorrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION ANI) ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, June 12, 1856. 1. Mr. Fitzherbert to ask the lion the Colonial Secretary, whether the return of the nominal lists of Magistrates, moved for at a previous date, may be expected to be shortly laid on the table. 2. Mr. I to move for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal an Ordinance to provide for the Registration of Deeds and instruments affecting Real Property, and to substitute other provisions in lieu thereof. 3. Mr. f ravers to move for leave to bring in a Bill to afford greater facilities for the establishment of Institutions for the promotion of literature and science and the fine arts, and to provide for their better regulation. 4. Mr. llai.l to move, That his name be discharged from attendance on the Committee appointed to enquire into the eonduct of the pensioned Officials, and that the name of Mr. Curtis be, added to the Committee. 5. Mr. Ward to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Marriage Act of 1854. 6. Mr Fitzherbert to move, That in the opinion of this House, it is essential to the effectual working of the system of Responsible Government in the Colony, that some means should be adopted to secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and aiguments of the speeches made by hon. members of the House of Representatives in their places in that House. That accordingly, a suitable annual grant should be voted by the House, to be applied either in aid of the existing reporting power of the Colony, or in some other way calculated to secure the attainment of the above object.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. }. District Courts Bill—second reading. 2. Consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council to the Bank Paper Currency Bill. 3. Province of Taranaki Bill—second reading. 1 4. Building Societies Amendment Bill—second reading. 5.. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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THURSDAY, JUXE 12, 1856. It The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-one members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Licensed Victuallers of Auckland : —Mr. Merriman presented a petition from the Licensed Victuallers of the City of Auckland, complaining of undue competition on the part of the wholesale dealers in wines and spirits, and praying that the minimuin quantity to be' sold by the wholesale dealer may be much increased. Petition read and received. 3. Petition of Alexander Brown :—Mr. Lee, by leave of the House, moved, That the report of the select Committee on this petition may be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. 4. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers : — (1.) A return of the Magistrates throughout the colony, specifying the dates of their commissions or appointment; being return to an order of the House of the 23rd ultimo. (2.) Otago Provincial Council Ordinance 185(5, assented to by his Excellency the Governor, together with the opinion of the Attorney-General; being return to an order of the House of yesterday. 5. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Fitzherbert withdrew the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, the document in question having been laid on the table. 6. Deeds Registration Bill :—Mr Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal an Ordinance to provide for the Registration of Deeds and Instruments affecting real property, and to substitute other provision in lieu thereof. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Travers., the Bill was read a first time, and ordered to be printed. 7. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill :—Mr, Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to afford greater facilities for the establishment of institutions for the promotion of literature, science, and the fine arts, and to provide for their better regulation. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 8. Nelson Defalcation Committee Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That his name be discharged from attendance on the Committee appointed to enquire into the conduct of the pensioned Officials, and that the name of Mr. Curtis be added to the Committee. Mr Speaker having ruled, that Mr. Hall having been elected by ballot to serve on the Committee, could not be discharged; the motion was by leave withdrawn. 9. Marriage Act Amendment Bill : —Mr. Ward, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Marriage Act of 1854. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Ward, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday, June 19. 10. Law Amendment Bill: —A message from the Legislative Council having been announced, was introduced, and informed Mr. Speaker that the Law Amendment Bill had passed the Council ■without amendment. 11. Reporting Debates:—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That in the opinion of this House, it is essential to the effectual working of the system of Responsible Government in the colony, that some means should be adopted to secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and arguments of the speeches made by honorable members of the House of Representatives



preservatives, in their places in that House. That accordingly a suitable annual grant should be voted by the House, to be applied, either in aid ot the existing reporting power of the colony, or in some other way calculated to secure the attainment ole a ove o j Debate ensued On motion of Mr. Sewell the debate was adjourned until Saturday nest. J2. District Courts Bill :-On motion of Ward this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Saturday next. 13. Bank Paper Currency BillOn motion of Mr. Cargill the amendments made to this Bill in the Legislative Council were read and agreed to; and Mr. Cargill and Mr. Macandrew were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 14. Province of Taranaki Bill Mr. Brown moved that this Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. . , „, Question put and passed, and Bill read accordingly ; and on motion of iVr. Brown the fol - lowing Committee was appointed to consider and report upon the Bill, viz.- Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Graham, Captain Cargill, Mr. 1 aylor, and the mover. The report to be brought up on Thursday, June 19. 15. Postponement :—On motion of Mr. Stafford the reports of the Committees on Changes in the Constitution; Land Scrip; and the Nelson Defalcation, were postponed until Thursday, June 19. 16. Building Societies Amendment Bill-.-On motion of Mr. Bell this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order ot the day for to-morrow. 17. Postponement: —On motion of Mr. Travers the second reading of the \Y esleyan Property Sale Bill was postponed until to-morrow. 18. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Stafford moved that this House at its rising do adjourn until Saturday next at noon. Question put and passed. 19. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Wells the House adjourned at six o clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Saturday, June 14, 1856. 1. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in a Bill to empower the Superintendents and Provincial Councils'o enact Laws for regulating the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown. 2. Mr. Hall to move, That it be an instruction to the Library Committee to take the necessary steps for causing this House tj be supplied with copies of the Acts or Ordinances and the Gazettes of the several Provinces of New Zealand. 3. Mr. Hall to move for copies of correspondence respecting the payment of Post Office gratuities to masters of vessels on account of the conveyance of letters between New Zealand and the Australian colonies. 4. Mr. llall to move, That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the Governor praying that he will cause to be laid before this House copies ol any reports or other papers relating to an alleged promise made by Sir G. Grey to the Natives in the Wairarapa, for the erection of a mill in that district. Also, a statement of the particulars of the sums which have already been expended upon such mill, and an estimate of the amount required to complete the same. 5. Major Giieenwood to move, That the House do go into Committee to consider a respectful address to be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to place a sufficient sum on the estimates to provide pensions for all volunteers and members of the Militia Corps, who were wounded during the native wars while gallantly co-operating with Her Majesty's Troops. 6. Mr, Brown to move, That a Map be ordered to illustrate the Taranaki Bill. 7- Mil. Brown to move for a return of the Magistrates appointed within the Colony, distinguishing those who have been included in a> Commission of the Peace from those who have not. 8. Mr. Ward to move for a Select Committee to consider the Marriage Act of 1854, and the amendments necessary thereto. The Committee to consist of Mr, Fox, Mr. Hall, Mr. Domett, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 9. Mr.


9. Mr. Fox to move, That the Bill for amending the Law of Registration be referred to a Select Committee, \v hich may consider and report on the best system of Registration to be adopted in the Colony of New Zealand. To consist of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Travers, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Macandrew, and the mover.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on old Land Claims. 2. Adjourned debate on the question, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Government. 3. Adjourned debate on the question. That in the opinion of this House, it is essential to the effectual working of the system of responsible Government in the Colony, that some means should be adopted to secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and arguments of the speeches made by hon. members of the House of Representatives in their places in that House. That accordingly, a suitable annual grant should be voted by the House, to be applied either in aid of the existing reporting power of the Colony, or in some other way calculated to secure the attainment of the above object. 4. District Courts Bill—to be considered in Committee. 5. Building Societies Amendment Bill—to be considered in Committee. 6. Wesley an Property Sale Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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SATURDAY, JUN-E 14, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-one members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Adjournment (special) Mr. Travers moved that this House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next at noon. Question put and passed. 3. Postponement : —On motion of Mr. Domett the report of the Committee on Old Land Claims was postponed until Tuesday, 24th June. Provincial Waste Lands Bill:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to empower the Superintendents and Provincial Councils to enact laws for regulating the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 5. Gazettes and Ordinances, Provincial:—Mr. Hall, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That, in the opinion of this House, Mr. Speaker should take the necessary steps for causing this House to be supplied with copies of the Acts or Ordinances, and Gazettes of the several Provinces of New Zealand. Question put and passed. 6. Post Office : —Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved for copies of correspondence respecting the payment of post office gratuities to masters of vessels on account of the conveyance of letters between New Zealand and the Australian colonies. Question put and passed. 7. Mill at the Wairarapa : —Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that he will cause to be laid before this House, copies of any reports or other papers relating to an alleged promise made by Sir G. firey to the natives in the Wairarapa for the erection of a mill in that district. Also, a statement of the particulars of the sums which have already been expended upon such mill, and an estimate of the amount required to complete the same. Question put and passed, 8. Lapsed Question . —Major Greenwood not being in his place, the motion standing in his name, fifth on the notice paper of this day, lapsed. 9. Province of Taranaki Bill: — Mr. Brown, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a map be ordered, in illustration of the Province of Taranaki Bill. Debate ensued. Motion by leave withdrawn. 10. Magistrates :—Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for a return of the Magistrates appointed within the Colony, distinguishing those who have been included in a Commission of ihe Peace, from those who have not. Mr. Fitzherbert moved, That the question be amended by the omission of ail the words after the word "for," in the first line, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, "an address to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to obtain, for the information of the Bouse, the opinion of the Attorney-General as to whether persons appointed Magistrates, and not included in a Commission of the Peace, can legally act as Justices ot the Peace. Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question put, That the words proposed to be inserted, be so inserted. House



House divided. Ayes, 12. Noes, 11. Mr. Domett, M r • Cuff, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Williamson., Mr. Ward, Mr. Wells, Mr. Fox, Mr. Travers, Mr. Brown, Mr. Curtis, ® Mr. Lee, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Sewell,. Mr. Carleton, Mr. Bell (teller).. Mr. Hall (teller). Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 11. Papers : —The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Returns of the Gross Customs Receipts of the Province of Auckland for the four months ending 3oth of April, 1855, and 1856, distinguishing the receipts, week by week, being return to an order of the House of the 26th of May, 1856. ('2.) Copy of an unsigned memorandum accompanying the Otago- Provincial Council Ordinance, in continuation of a return to an order of the House of the llth June, 1856. (3.) Return of the number of acres of Waste Land sold or otherwise disposed of in the several Provinces of the Colony in each quarter since the sth of July, 1850. Also, a return of lands unappropriated at the present date, being return to an order of the House of the 29th April, 1856. (4.) Copy of a letter from the Superintendent of Kelson to the Colonial Secretary, whicli was alluded to in the couse of tlie debate on Friday, the 6th inst. 12. Marriage Act, 1854:—Mr. Ward, pursuant to amended notice, moved for a Select Committee to consider the Marriage 4ct of 1854, and the amendments necessary thereto. The Committee to consist of Mr. Fox, Mr. Hall, Mr. Domett, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Carleton, Mr; Lee, and the mover. Report to be brought up on Thursday next. Question put and passed. 13. Registration —Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the Bill for amending the Law of Registration be referred to a select Committee which may consider and report on the best system of registration to be adopted in the Colony of New Zealand, to consist of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Travers, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Ward and the mover. To report on Tuesday, 24th of June. Question put and passed. 14. Postponement:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the adjourned debate on the financial policy of the Government was postponed till Tuesday next. 15. Reporting Debates : —Debate resumed on the question, That in the opinion of this House it is essential to the effectual working of the system of Responsible Government in the Colony, that some means should be adopted to secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and arguments of the speeches made by hon. members of the House of Representatives in their places in that HouseQuestion put and passed. 16. District Courts Bill:—On motion of Mr. Ward, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again on Monday next. 17. Adjournment: —On motion of Mr. Macandrew, the House adjourned at half-past six o'clock until Monday next at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Monday, June 16, 1856. 1. Mr. Bell to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether there will be any objection to lay before the House, a copy of the report lately made to his Excellency by the Commission appointed by him at Wellington, to enquire into certain subjects connnected with the disposal of land. 2. Mr. Travers


2. Mr. Travers to move for leave to bring in a Bill for the regulation and management of friendly societies in New Zealand. 3 Mr. Fox to move, That the papers now on the table of this House, relative to a land claim of Captain Salmon's, be referred to the Committee on the Nelson defalcation and other matters.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. District Courts Bill—to be further considered in committee. 2. Building Societies Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. 3. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of George Owen Ormsby :—Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Mr. G. O. Ormsby, a pre-emptive land claimant, stating that he had purchased one hundred and seventeen acres from the natives at Onehunga ; that on preferring his claim before the Commissioner appointed in that behalf, he was awarded thirty acres out of his claim, and that ultimately he only received a grant from the Crown for five acres, and praying the House to take his claim into consideration. Petition read and received. 3. Postponement Mr. Bell postponed the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 4. Friendly Societies Bill:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the regulation and management of Friendly Societies in New Zealand. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 5. Nelson Defalcation :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the papers now on the table of this House relative to a land claim of Captain Salmon's be referred to the Committee on the Nelson defalcation and other matters. Question put and passed. 6. Postponement:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer the adjourned debate on the financial policy of the Government was ordered to be postponed from to-morrow until Thursday next. 7- Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2 :—On motion of Mr. Travers the second reading of this Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow, instead of Thursday next. 8. District Courts Bill:—The first order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. - On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 9. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Macandrew the House adjourned at half past five o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, June 17, 1856. t. Mr. Bell to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether there will be any objection to lay before the House, a copy of the report lately made to his Excellency by the Commission appointed by him at Wellington, to enquire into certain subjects connected with the disposal of land 2. Mr. Williamson to ask the hon. member at the bead of the Government whether there will be any objection to lay on the table of the House, a copy of the circular addressed by the Governor to Superintendents of Provinces, requesting them to recommend persons to be placed on the Commission of the Peace, together with copies of lists returned by Superintendents in reply to such circular. 3.. The



3. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to remove doubts as to the validity of the appointment of certain Justices of the Peace. 4. Mr. Hall to move, That the Ordinances passed in 11th Session of the Legislative Council of New Zealand be reprinted. 5. Mr. Fox to move, That in the opinion of thi3 House it is not necessary for the Government to remit any further sums of money on account of the New Zealand Company's Debt. 6. Mb. Fox to move, That in raising any loan to extinguish the financial burdens of the Colony, the amount necessary to extinquish the New Zealand Company's Debt, ought to be raised by a separate act, and as a separate transaction in every respect, from any other loan /• Mr. Fitzherbert to move for the appointment of a Select Committee to consider and report upon the best mode of carrying out the resolution adopted by the House on the l4Ui inst. relative to the securing correct reports of the speeches made by hon. members of this Mouse. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Bell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, and the mover. 8. Mr. Carleton to move, That the petition of George Owan Ormsby, concerning his land claim at Onehunga, be referred to the Select Committee on Old Land Claims. 9. Mr. Lee to move, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply, to t&ke into consideration the report of the Select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, with a view of introducing a short Pension Bill, to prevent sueb pension awarded, being subjected to an annual vote of this House, 10. Mr. Travers to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the Regulation by specific appropriation, of the costs of collection and management of the Customs and Land Revenues.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of the Committee on the petition of Dr. Bacot. 2. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 3. Adjourned debate on the question, That the House do resolve itself into a committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Governmeut. 4. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to he considered id Committee. 5. Bills of Sale Registration Bill—second reading. 6. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 7. Bribery and Treating Bill No 2—second reading. 8. District Courts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 9. Building Societies Bill—to be considered in Committee: 10. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill—second reading. 11. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill—second reading. CHAItLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 39,

TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-eight members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Discharged Pensioners:—Mr. Fox presented a petition from five discharged pensioners of the New Zealand Fencible Corps, in which they refer to their petition presented to the House in the last session, and the report of the select Committee thereon ; that they had laid such report, together with other petitions, before his Excellency the Governor; that the wrongs they complain of are still unredressed, and praying the House to take their case into consideration Petition read and received. 3. Postponements :— ( 1 ) Mr. Bell postponed the question standing in his name, first on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. (2.) Mr. Williamson postponed the question standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, until to morrow. (3.) Mr. Fox postponed the motions standing in his name, fifth and sixth on the notice paper of this day, until Thursday next, 4. Resident Magistrates Court Amendment Bill : —On motion of Mr. Ward the second reading ot this Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 5. Naturalization Bill. —A deputation from the Legislative Council having been introduced, announced to Mr. Speaker that the amendments of this House to the Naturalization Bill had been adopted by the Council. 6. Disqualification Bill:—The deputation also presented this Bill to Mr. Speaker, which had passed the Council, and to which they prayed the assent of this House. On motion of Mr. Bell the Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 7- Magistrates Indemnity Bill: —The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to introduce a Bill to remove doubts as to the validity of the appointment ot certain Justices ot the Peace. t _ „ Leave given; and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order ot the day for 1 riday next. 8. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Hall withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. 9. Reporting Debates :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved for the appointment of a select Committee to consider and report upon the best mode of carrying out the resolution adopted by the House on the 14th instant, relative to the securing correct reports of the speeches made by honorable members of this House; such Committee to consist of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Bell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, and the mover ; to report this day week. Question put and passed. 10. Petition of George Owen Ormsby :—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved that the petition of George Owen Ormsby, concerning his land claim at Cnehunga, be referred to the select Committee on Land Claims Question put and passed. 11. Lapsed Motions :—Mr. Lee and Mr, Travers not being in their places, the motions standing in their names respectively, ninth and tenth on the notice p3per of this day, lapsed 12. Postponement



12. Postponement:—On motion of Mr. Stafford the order of the day for the adjourned debate on the Financial Policy of the Government was postponed until Thursday. 13. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Cuff withdrew the motion, notice of which he had given for Wednesday the 18th instant. 14. Petition of Staff-Surgeon Bacot:—Mr. Carleton, Chairman of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 15. Sir George Grey's Land Regulations Committee:—On motion of Mr. Fox the report of this Committee was postponed until this day week. 16. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill :— On motion of Mr. Merriman the consideration of this liill in Committee was postponed until Friday next. 17- District Courts Bill:—Mr. Bell moved, That orders of the day Nos. 8, 9, and 10 be next considered. Question put and passed. The eighth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee ot the whole for further consideration of the District Courts Bill. On Mr, Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and that the Committee asked leave to recommit the Bill. Question put and passed ; whereupon Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the further consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and on motion of Mr. Ward, the Bill as amended was ordered to be printed, and oidered to be recommitted. 18. Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bill : —A deputation from the Legislative Council having been introduced, presented to Mr. Speaker a Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bill, as passed by the Council, and to which they prayed the assent of this House. On motion of Mr. T; avers the Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 19. Building Societies Bill:—On motion of Mr. Bell Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendments, and, on motion of Mr. Bell, the Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. I!ell moved the following be the title of the Bill, " A Bill to amend an Ordinance of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, Session xi. No. 11, intituled an Ordinance for the regulation of Building and Land Societies." Question put and passed; and Mr. Domett, Mr Macandrew, and Mr. Bell ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 20. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill:—On motion of Mr. Travers this Bill was read a second time, and \ir. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bil!. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption ot the report ot the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 21. Postponement:—Mr. Bell moved that the remaining orders of the day be postponed until tomorrow. Question put and passed. 22. Adjournment: On motion of Mr. Carleton the Hcuse adjourned at quarter to six o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OP MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, June 18, 1856. J. Mr. Bell to ask the lion, member at the head of the Government whether there will be any objection to lay before the House, a copy of the report lately made to his Excellency by the Commission appointed by him at Wellington, to enquire into certain subjects connected with the disposal of land. 2. Mr. Williamson to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether there will be any objection to lay on the table of the House, a copy of the circular addressed by the Governor to Superintendents of Provinces, requesting them to recommend persons to be placed on the Commission of the Peace, together with copies of lists returned by Superintendents in reply to such circular. 3. Mr.


3. Mr. J. Cargill to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, what is the amount of cash in the chest of the Bank of Issue, and what the Government are going to do with it. 4. Mb. Fox to move, That there be laid on the table of this House, any correspondence which may have occurred between the Government of this Colony, and any Government or individuals in Canada or other British possessions, relative to any proposed immigration into New Zealand from such Countries. 5. Mr. Fox to move, That the correspondence between Dr. Stratford and the Government, and between the Government and the Chief Nopara, respecting the purchase of the Victoria Valley in the district of Monganui, be laid on the table of the House. 6. The Colonial Treasurer to move for leave to bring in a Bill for the management of lands set apart for the benefit of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand. 7. Mr. Travers to move for copies of all instructions transmitted to the Superintendents of Provinces for their guidance in assenting to, or witholding assent from Bills, or reserving the same for the signification of the Governor's pleasure thereon. 8. Mr. Hall to move, That a Select Committee be appointed for the purpose of considering what Acts, Ordinances and other public documents should be repiinted. That the Committee do consist of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Domett, Mr. Bell, Mr. Carleton, and the mover. The report to be brought up on the 24th instant. 9. Mr Bell to move, That the Clerk of the House do in future forward to the Clerk of the Legislative Council, for distribution among the hon. members of that Council, copies of all papers printed for the House ; and that Mr. Speaker be requested to communicate with the Speaker of the Legislative Council, with a view to the Council papers being distributed to members of this House.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—second reading. 2. Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill—second reading. 3. Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bill—second reading. 4. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill—second reading. 5. Bills of Sale Registration Bill—second reading. 6. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 7. Bribery and Treating Bill No 2—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 40.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-four members being present: Mr. .Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Thomas Duder and Wm. Oliver:—Mr. Williamson presented a petition from Thomas Duder and William Oliver, formerly seamen in H.M.S. " Buffalo," stating that when that vessel was lost in Mercury Bay, they had been induced to remain in the Colony by a promise of a grant of land from Governor Hobson, that effect had never been given to that promise, and praying the House to take the case into consideration. 3. Land Sales:—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice asked Mr. Stafford whether there will be any objection to lay before the House, a copy of the report lately made to his Excellency by the Commission appointed by him at Wellington to enquire into certain subjects connected with the disposal of land. Mr, Stafford begged to defer answering the question until to-morrow. 4. Commission of the Peace : —Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, asked Mr. Stafford whether there will be any objection to lay on the table of the House, a copy of the circular addressed by the Governor to Superintendents of Provinces, requesting them to recomuiend persons to be placed on the Commission of the Peace, together with copies of the lists returned by Superintendents in reply to such circular. Mr. Stafford begged to defer answering the question till to-morrow. 5. Bank of Issue:—Mr. Cargill, pursuant to notice, asked Mr. Stafford, what is the amount of cash in the chest of the Bank of Issue, and what the Government is going to do with it. Mr. Stafford replied, that the amount of cash in hand was £20,f>97> and that the Government proposed to introduce a Bill to enable the Government to wind up the affairs of the Bank. t?. Immigration :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That there be laid on the table of this House any correspondence which may have occurred between the Government of this Colony and any Government or individuals in Canada, or other British possessions, relative to any proposed immigration into New Zealand from such countries. Also, that the correspondence between Dr. Stratford and the Government, and between the Government and the Chief Nopara respecting the purchase of the Victoria Valley, in the District of Mongonui be laid upon the table of this House. Question put and passed. 7. Native Reserves Bill:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to b ing in a bill for the management of lands set apart for the benefit of the aborigind inhabitants ot New Zealand. Leave given ; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Bill was read a first time order d to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for i uetday next. 8. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Travel's, with leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day. I). Reprinting Acts, Ordinances, &c- :—Mr. Fitzherbert, for and in the absence of Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice given, moved, That a select Committee be appointed for the purpose of considering what Acts, Ordinances, and other public documents should be reprinted. I hat the Committee do consist of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Domett, Mr. Bell, Mr. Carleton, and the mover. Report to be brought up on the 24th ins'. Question put and passed. 10. Motion



10. Motioi withdrawn :—Mr. Bell, withdrew the motion standing in his name, ninth on the notice paper of this day. 11. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Return of all lands purchased or agreed to be purchased from the natives from the sth clay of July, 1850, to the 31st of March, 1856, being a return to an order of the House of the 25th of April. (2.) Correspondence respecting the repayment of the cost of the survey instruments, &c., in the land office at Christchurch, being return to an order of the House of the 11th June, 1856. (3.) Memorandum by the Colonial Secretary relative to the names of those Magistrates who are included in a Commission of the Peace, in continuation of the papers laid on the table on the 12th of June. 12. Provincial Waste Lands Bill:—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That this Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Motion by leave withdrawn ; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the second reading of the Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 13. Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill :—Mr. Ward moved that this Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed, and Bill read accordingly ; and on motion of Mr. Ward, Mr. Speaker li ft the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Bill On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order ot' the day for Tuesday next. 14. Postponements :— (1.) On motion of Mr. Domett, the second reading of the Nelson Trust Funds Amendment till was postponed until Tuesday next. (2.) On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the second reading of the Supreme Court Practitioners Bill was postponed until Tuesday next. 15. Bills of Sale Registration Bill:—Mr. Travers moved, That this Bill Le now read a second time. Question put and passed, and Bill read accordingly ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, Mr. .Speaker lift the c'.iair the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the bill On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again on Friday next. 16 Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Travers the House adjourned at half-past eight o'clock until to morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, June 19, 1856. J. Mr. Erodie to ask whether the hon. member at the head of the Government intends to make any alteration in the present Gunpowder or Ammunition Ordinance. 2. Mr. Hall to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, what steps the Government intend to take for the purpose of providing a residence for his Excellency the Governor. 3. Mr. Williamson to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, th it in the event of the entile management of the Waste Lands being transferred to the Provinces, what course the Government intend to take with regard to the officers connected with the Survey Department whose services will be no longer required by the General Government. 4. Mb. Brodie to move, That in the opinion of this House, other measures than those already resorted to, should be taken by the Government for the recovery from the Natives of the powder stolen Irom the island of Kawau, and whether Teraia the chief of the said tribe of natives, has upon any occasion received any perquisites from the Government, as a guarantee or otherwise for the delivery of the same. 5. Mr. Williamson to move,'l hat the Petiton o f the " Buffalo" seamen be referred to a Select Committee to consider and report on the prayer of the petition. Committee to consist of Mr. Merriinan, Mr. East. Mr. Cargill, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover.

6. Mr.


6. Mb. C. Brown to move. That the Select Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill be discharged, and that a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report on the Province of Taranaki Bill with power to call for persons and papers, such Committee to consist of Captain Cargill, Mr. Macandrew, Mr, Hall, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Wells, and Mr. Curtis; the Report to be brought up this day week.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 3. Report of the Committee on changes in the Constitution. 4. Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation. 5. Report of the Committee on the Marriage Act. 6. Adjourned debate on the question, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Government. 7. Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 8. Marriage Act Amendment Bill— second reading. 9. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 10. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaktr.

No. 41,

THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-eight members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Lapsed Questions Mr. Brodie not being in his place, the questions standing in his name, first and fourth on the notice paper of this day. lapsed. 3. Residence for his Excellency the Governor Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, asked Government what steps the Government intend to take for the purpose of providing < S 'lticoloniial* Treasurer laid on the table a correspondence between the PrQvinaal Govßrnment of Auckland and the General Government on this subject and _ stated that the Government were not at present prepared to say what course they would ultima y- P • 4. Postponement Mr. Williamson postponed the question standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 5 Petition of Thomas Duder and William Oliver Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, moved That the petition of the " Buffalo" seamen be referred to a select Committee, to consider am report upon the prayer of the petition; Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Last, Mr. Cargil!, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover; report to be brought up this day week. Question nut and passed. 6. Motion withdrawn: —Mr. Brown, by leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing m his name, sixth on the notice paper ot this day. 7. of the Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill was postponed, on motion of Mr. Brown, until Wednesday next. . • p ivjr Fox (•2.) The report of the Committee on Land Scrip was postponed, on motion ot Mr. *ox, (3.) The report of the Committee on changes in the Constitution Act was postponed, on motion of Mr. Fox, until Thursday next. _ n f (4.) The Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation was postponed, on motion ot Mr. Fox, until Thursday next. n Mr. (5.) The report of the Committee on the Marriage Act was postponed, on motion Ward, until Thursday next. _ 8. Land Sales and Commission of the Peace Mr. Stafford in pursuance of a promise ™ a de by him yesterday, and in answer to questions then put to him, stated that the docume for should be laid on the table of the House. 9. Financial Policy of the Government :-The adjourned debate on the question That the ouse do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose ot considering tne financial policy of the Government, resumed. , c , .. t ; nn i,p Mr. Featherston moved the following amendment, That all the wore so q . . omitted, with a view to insert the following ; That this House is of opinion ia enera i scheme proposed by the Government is unsatisfactory, as throwing the expenses leaving Government exclusively on the customs'revenue and a few incidental receip , J , the Provinces almost entirely to the uncertain resource of the lane rev [ e ""® ' ntr jbution scheme of finance will give satisfaction to this House which does notprovu from the land fund towards the expenses of the General Government, in acco 1 principle embodied in the resolutions adopted by the House on the 14th o i aj Debate continued. p ox



Mr. Fox moved, That the debate be adjourned for an hour-and-a-half. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at five o'clock until half-pas 1 , six o'clock. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Eebate resumed. Mr. Lee moved, That the debate be now adjourned until to-morrow. Question put and passed. 10. AdjournmentOn motion of Mr. C. Brown the House adjourned at quarter-past ten o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OE THE DAY. Fbiday, June 20, 185j?. 1. Mr. Travers to ask the Colonial Secretary whether any and what steps are being taken to carry out the decision of the Chief Justice on the award in favour of George Duppa, of lands in the Province of Nelson. 2. Mp., Williamson to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, that in the event of the entire management of the Waste Lands being transferred to the Piovinces, whit course the Government intend to take with regard to the officers connected with the Survey Deparment whose services wUI be no longer required by the General Government, 3. The Colonial Treasurer, To move foe leave to bring in a Bill for enabling the affairs of the Bank of Issue to be wound up. Also, A Bill to alter the provisions of the New Zealand Constitution Act so far as lelatcs to the distribution of the Surplus Revenue of the Colony. 4. Mr. Travers to move, That, in the opinion of this House, the assent of the Governor to Acts or Ordinances of the Provincial Councils, particularly in cases where the same are reserved for such assent, which contain provisions repugnant to the Constitution Act, or illegally interfering with the civil lights of members of the community, is inconsistent with right constitutional practice. 5. Mit Fox to wove, That the petition of McCormick and other members of the Pensioner Force be taken into consideration. 6. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to remove doubts as to the legality of certain provisions of Acts passed by the Provincial Councils and assented to by the Governor, and to confer on such C ouncils power to pass acts altering the criminal law of New Zealand, within certain limits to be prescribed thereby, and to indemnify all persons who may have incurred any liability by reason of acting under such acts of doubtful legality. 7- Mr. Carlfton to move, That the Report of the Select Committee on. Dr. Bacot's petition be adopted by the House. 8. Mr. Travers, To move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the Regulation by specific appropriation and the audit of the costs of Collection and management of the Cusioms and Land Revenues. 9. Mr. Lf.e to move, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to take into consideration the report ol the select Con mittee on the petition of Alexander Brown, with a view of introducing a short Pension Bill, to prevent such pension awarded being subjected to an annnal vote ol' this House. 10. Mr. Curtis, To move that the Speaker be requested to order that a copy of the Blue Book be forwarded to such Libraries in each of the Provinces as are supported by a grant from the General oi Provincial Funds. 11. Mr Curtis, To move, on the re-committal of the District Courts Bill, that clause 26 shall be amended to provide for the unanimity of the Jui;y. Also, I hat clause 20 shall be amendtd so far as it gives to the Recorder a casting vote. 12. Mr. Hall to move, That there be laid on the table a Return shewing the expenditure in detail on account of the department of Customs during the year ending 30th June, 1856; the actual ev-pendi ure to be returned where possible; and an estimate of the probable expenditure where the actual expenditure cannot yet be stated. Also,


Also, a Return showing the probable receipts from duties of Customs during the year ending 30th June, 1856, at each of the following places, viz., Auckland, Russell and Hokianga, Mongonui, Wangarei and Kaipara, Kawhia, New Plymouth, Wellington, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay Nelson, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Otago, Bluff, Chatham Islands. 13. Mr. Bell to move. That a Return be laid on the table, of the quantity of land in acres sold in all the Provinces, for the twelve months ending 31st December, 1855, distinguishing the quantities respectively sold for cash and scrip.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Library Committee. 2. Adjourned debate on the question, that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the Financial Policy of the Government. 3. New Zealand Debenture Bill—second reading. 4. Disqualification Bill—second reading. 5. Magistrates' Indemnity Bill—second reading. G. Religious, Charitable and Educational Trusts Kill—to be considered in Committee. Mr. Merriman. in Committee on the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill', to move the insertion of the following clauses : — Whereas certain grants of land in the Colony of New Zealand have been made and issued to the Rev. Walter Lawry, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions and his successors : And.whereas doubts have arisen as to the Estate which in law-has been granted to the said Walter Lawry by the said grants, and it is expedient to set the said doubts at rest, Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand as follows,*--1. That the said grants shall be deemed and taken to have conveyed to the said Walter Lawry, his heirs and assigns, the fee simple in the said lands, subject, nevertheless, to the trusts in the said grants respectively set forth or implied concerning the same. And whereas with regard to the said Lands, and also to the site of Chapels and Ministers' Dwellings and Schools of the religious societies denominated Wesleyan Methodists, it is expedient to make provision for creating a succession of properly qualified trustees according to the usages of the said Society, and for defining the manner in which the Trusts upon which they are respectively held shall be fulfilled, Be it tlieiefore further enacted by the said General Assembly,—■ 2. It shall be lawful for the person or persons to whom any land or hereditaments have been or shall or may be he'eafier granted, or conveyed by the Crown, or by any person or persons whomsoever for any estate or interest upon trust for the said religious society denominated Wesleyan Methodists, and for the survivors or survivor of such persons, or their or his heirs or assigns, and he and they ate hereby authorized and required at any time upon the request in writing of any three or more of the members of the said Society, to convey the said Trusts, premises, la: ds, and hereditaments to any number of Trustees to be nominated and elected according to the usages of the Society, not being less than thtee, and to their heirs and assigns, in older that the said Trust, Premises, Lands, and Hei editamen ts may be fully and completely vested in such Trustees, their heirs and assigns, upon the Irusts and for the ends, intents, and purposes, and with, under, and subject to the powers, provisions, agreements, and declarations mentioned, expressed, and declared in a model deed of the people called Methodists, late in connection with the Reverend John Wesley, to be enrolled in Her Majesty s Supreme Court of New Zealand within days after the passing of this Act, after proof shall have been made to the satisfaction of his Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council, that the same is a deed recognized as a model deed of the said Society, such proof to be certified U P ie bal deed by indorsement to be made by the Clerk of the said Executive Council. Provided always, that it shall he lawful for any one or mote person or persons, to whom any such lands shall nave been originally granted or conveyed upon Trust for the said Religious Society, to act as new 'J'lustees or Trustee if and when ouly nominated and elected as aforesaid for that purpose, an the said Trust, premises, lands, and hereditaments may be re-vested in or retained by lnm or them either alone or in conjunction with another Trustee or other Trustees, in the same manner a» i he or they had not been originally a Trustee or Trustees of the said land so required to be conveyed as aforesaid. Mr. Tkavers to move, in Committee on the " Religious Chaiuable and Educational Trust Bill, the following clause in lieu of clause 1:— " Whenever


"Whenever the conveyance, assignment, or other assurance of any freehold or leasehold property, which now is or hereafter may be acquired by or on behalf of any religious denomination, congregation, or society or of anv body of persons associated for religious, charitable or educational purposes, has been or hereafter may be made to or in favour of any person or persons as trustee or trustees, subject to any trusts for the behoof or benefit of such denomination, congregation, society, or body of persons as aforesaid or of the individuals composing the same, the freehold or leasehold property comprised in any such conveyance, assignment, or other assurance as aforesaid shall devolve by way of succession U pon the successor or successors in office of the trustee or trustees for the time being, either jointly with any continuing trustee or trustees, or solely as the case may require, upon such successor or successors bein" duly chosen and appointed in the manner provided or referred to in or by such conveyance, assignment or other assurance as aforesaid, or in or by any separate deed or instrument declaring the trusts of such freehold or leasehold property, or if there be no power of appointing new trustees contained in any such conveyance, assignment or other assurance, or in any such separate deed or instrument as aforesaid, then upon such successor or successors being chosen and appointed in such manner as shall be agreed upon by such denomination, or by any body duly constituted to represent them, or by the major part in number of the adult male persons, forming any such congregation, society, or body of persons as aforesaid, who shall be present, and qualified under or by virtue of any rules or regulations for the time being in force in the government of any such congregation, society, or body of persons, to vote at any meeting thereof, at a meeting to be specially held and convened for that purpose, and that without any conveyance, assignment, or other assurance whatsoever of such freehold or leasehold property." 7. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill reported—adoption of the report. 8. Bills of Sale Registration Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 9. Friendly Societies Bill—second reading. 10. Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 11. Marriage Act Amendment Bill—second reading. 12. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 13. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ko. 42.

FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of John Brigham :—Mr. Merriman presented a petition from John Brigham, a preemptive land claimant, complaining of neglect and mismanagement on the part of the Government in not placing him in possession of his land, and praying the House to take his case into consideration. 3. Adjournment (special) . —Mr. Travers moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until tomorrow at two o'clock. Question put and passed. 4. George Duppa, Crown Grant to: —Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, asked the Colonial Secretary whether any and what steps are being taken to carry out the decision of the Chief Justice on the award in favour of Mr. G. Duppa of lands in the Province of Nelson. The Colonial Secretary replied that instructions had been issued to the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Nelson in April last, to prepare a Crown Grant in favour of Mr. Duppa. 5. Survey Department :—Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, that in the event of the entire management of the Waste Lands being transferred to the Provinces, what course the Government intend to take with regard to the Officers cohhected with the Survey Department whose services will no longer be required by the General Government. Mr. Stafford stated in reply, that it was the intention of the Government to transfer the entire management of the Waste Lands to the Provinces ; that then the control of the Survey Department would naturally belong to the Provincial Governments ; arid that notice had been given to the Officers of the Surveyor-General's Department; that after the Ist of May the question of their further employment and remuneration as Officers of the General Government would depend upon the views of the expected Responsible Ministry. 6. Bank of Issue : —The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for enabling the affairs of the Bank of Issue to be wound up. Leave given ; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 7- Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill: —The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a bill to alter the provisions of the Constitution Act so far as relates to the distribution of the Surplus Revenues of the Coltftiy. Leave given ; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Bill was read q first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 8. Assent of Governor to Acts of Provincial Couucils:—Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved that in the opinion of this House the assent of the Governor to Acts or Ordinances of the Provincial Councils, particularly in cases where the same are reserved for such assent which contain provisions repugnant to the Constitution Act, or illegally interfering with the civil rights of members of the community, is iricofisistant with tight constitutional practice. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr, Sewell, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday next. 9. Postponement:—Mr. Fox postponed the motions standing in his name fifth and sixth on the notice paper of this day until Tuesday next. I#. Motion withdrawn Mr. Cafleton withdrew the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day. 11. Revenues



10. Revenues Bill Mi. Travers, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the regulation by specific appropriation of the audit of the costs of collection and management of the Customs and Land Revenues. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 12. Postponement -.—Mr. Lee postponed the motion standing in his name, ninth on the notice paper of this day, until Wednesday next. 13. Votes and Proceedings of the House -.—Mr. Curtis, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved that Mr. Speaker be requested to order thata copy of the Blue Book be forwarded on application, to all libraries throughout the Colony to which the public have right of access j also to all Literary and Scientific Institutions. Question put and passed. 14. English Acts BillA deputation from the Legislative Council having been introduced, presented to Mr. Speaker an England Acts Bill as passed by the Council, and to which they prayed the assent of this House. On motion of Mr. Bell, the Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 15. Customs Departments :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That there be laid on the table of this House a Return shewing the expenditure in detail on account of the department of the Customs during the year ending 30th June, 1856; the actual expenditure to be returned where possible; and an estimate of the probable expenditure where the actual expenditure l cannot yet be stated. Also, a Return showing the probable receipts from duties of Customs during the year ending 30th June, 1856, at each of the following places, viz., Auckland, Russell and Hokianga, Mongonui, Wangarei and Kaipara, Kawhia, New Plymouth, Wellington, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay Nelson, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Otago, Bluff, and Chatham Islands. Question put and passed. 16. Land Sales Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Return be laid on the table, of the quantity of land in acres sold in all the Provinces, for the twelve months ending 31st December, 1855, distinguishing the quantities respectively sold for cash and scrip. Question put and passed. 17- Library Committee :—On motion of Mr. Bell, leave was given to this Committee to postpone their report until Thursday next. 18. Financial Policy of the Government:—Adjourned debate resumed. Question put, that the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. Debate continued. On motion of Mr. Fitzherbert, the debate was adjourned at half-past six o'clock, until eight o'clock this evening. On motion of Mr. Ward, the House adjourned until eight o'clock. The House resumed. Mr. Fitzherbert moved that the debate on the financial policy of the Government do stand adjourned until to-morrow. Question put and passed. 19. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Fitzherbert, the House adjourned at 8*35 o'clock until tomorrow at two o'clock.

NOTICES OP MOTION AND ORDERS OP THE DAY. Saturday, June 21, 1856. I. Hall to move, That it be an instruction to the Committee on the reprinting of Acts and tiveCounciT entS ' C ° nfer an y Committee appointed for a similar object by the Legisia-

ORDERS OF THE DAY. debate on the question, that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways eans 01 tle purpose of considering the Financial Policy of the Government, The


Th tions°- NIAL TKEASURER ' in Committee of Ways and Means, to move the following ResoluMl!t'; c That ll r| lS expedlel ? t without delay to make provision for all ascertained outstanding liabilities , and permanently to adjust the public burdens of ths Colony; which adjustment oueht Zea, ™ d - 1 ■ J L » d ® That • S P art of s " ch arrangement it is necessary to make provision by loan for sums absoimli i f naUV f • d P urchases for ensuing financial year, and to make permanent provision lor the same object. amongst the liabilities to be provided for by the Colony this House recognises the Balance due to the Union Bank of Australia estimated at . . .. Deposit Accounts Arrears of Forrths due to the New Zealand Company Balance due to Provinces Outstanding liabilities on contracts for purchase of Native Lands 4. That as a ptovisional arrangement for satisfying immediate liabilities, providing for the purchase of Native Lands, and for general services, it is desirable to raise upon Debentures a oan not exceeding £100,000, at interest not exceeding 10 per cent., payable off, at the option of t e colony in one or two years. The portion of such loan which shall be expended in the purchase of native lands to be repaid with interest out of the loan of o£lßo,ooo to be provided for that purpose. r 5. That it is expedient, as part of a general and permanent arrangement to redeem the New Zealand ( ompany's charge on the Land Fund upon the terms offered by the Company, and assented to by the Imperial Government, viz., that payment be made to them on the Ist April, 1857 of a sum of £200,000, towards which, all monies in their hands at that date in excess of the interest, shall be applicable by way of reduction, the Imperial Government guaranteeing a loan able ° CCt to be obtained in England upon the most favourable terms practic- , further part of such general and permanent arrangement, it is expedient to exonerate e and 1< und from its liability for the purchase of Native Lands, and to provide a Capital Fund lor carrying on such purchases ; with which object it is expedient to borrow a sum of £180,000 to form such Capital Fund ; such Sum to be raised and made available as circumstances tnay require in such manner, and subject to such conditions as to the application thereof, as the Legislature may direct ; and that it is expedient to make application to the Imperial Government for a guarantee for a loan for such purpose of £180,000, to be raised in Eng'and upon the most favourable terms practicable. /. That as further part of such general permanent arrangement in order to liquidate all outstanding pecuniary debts and liabilities of an immediate nature, including the before mentioned Provisional Loan and old Debentures, but exclusive of land scrip, it is expedient to make application to the Imperial Government for its guarantee for a further loan to be raised in England upon the most favourable terms practicable, 8. That the agsregate of such loans ought not to exceed £500,000. And that such loans should be secured on the General and Territorial Bevenue of the Colony. 9. That the ground on which this House conceives itself intitled to claim the guarantee of the Imperial Government for the required loans is, that burdens have been imposed on this Colony by the Imperial Parliament, greatly dis-proportioned to its Revenue, and which without such aid must prove deeply injurious to its progress and prosperity. 10. That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, and in order to adjust equitably the public burthens, the New Zealand Company's debt be borne by the Provinces of i e Middle Island in equal proportions, and the charge of purchasing Native Lands by the Provinces respectively within which such purchases shall be male. 11. That, in accordance with a former resolution of this House, the Province of Auckland be relieved, retrospectively as well as prospectively, from the New Zealand Company's debt; and that after payment of the sum due to the Company on the sth of April, 1857> the balance of the loan of £200,000 be made applicable to that purpose, leaving any deficiency or excess to be adjusted when the same be ascertained. 12. That this House is of opinion that the administration of the Waste Lands of each Province should be transferred to the Provincial Government of such Province, and the Land Revenue thereof made Provincial Revenue, subject to the following charges :— The Province of Nelson to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent., with a sinking fund of 2 per cent, I he Province of Canterbury to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d, to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent with a sinking fund of 2 per cent, The


The Province of Otago to be subject to a charge of £66,666 3s. 41. to bear interest at the like late with a sinking fund at the like rate. The respective Provinces of Auckland and Wellington to be subject respectively to charges, equal to the proportion of the permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native Jam's in sttch Provinces respectively, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per an mm, and a sinking fund of 2 per cent. The Ptovinca of New Plymouth to be subject to a charge equal to the pioportion of permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native lands in such Provinces with interest at the like rate and with the like sinking fund, but after allowing the sun of £20,030 as a first outlay to be made in that PrOvmee in the purehase ot Native Lands, without charge to such Province. 13. That until the said sum of £20,000 shall have been paid to the Province of New Plymouth, the Colony do. guarantee that the Revenue to be paid over by the General Oovernment to that Province, shall, togethei with the gr<sspr6ceeds of the Laud Sales, be not less than £4,000 in any one year. 14. That the foregoing arrangement and adjustment be cariied into effect on the Ist July next* as far as possible, and that steps be taking to obtaitt the a°seni of Parliament to the same . 2. New Zealand Debentures Bill—secohd reading. 3. Disqualification Bill—second reading. 4. Magistrates' Indemnity Bill —second reading. 5. Religious, Charitable and Educational Trusts Bill—to be considered in Committee. Mr Committee on the Religious,-Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, to move the insertion of certain' clauses -.— (see notiee paper of Friday, June 20, 1856 ) Mft. Travers to move, in Committee on the " Religious Chari'.able and Educational Trust Bill, 1856," the insertion of a clause in lieu of clause 1 (see notiee paper of Friday, June 20, 1856.) 6. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill reported—adoption of the report. 7- Bills of Sale Registration Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 8. Friendly Societies Bill—second reading. 9. Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 10 Marriage Act Amendment Bill—second reading. 11. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 12. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 43

SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Adjournment (special) Mr. Travers moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next, at two o'clock. Question put and passed. ;j. Reprinting Public Documents -.—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That it be an instruction to the Committee on the re-printing of Acts and other Documents to confer with any Committee appointed for a similar object by the Legislative Council. Question put and passed. 4. Financial Policy of the Government: —The adjourned debate on the question, That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering the financial policy of the Government, resumed. Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 24. Noes, 10. Mr, Bell, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr.Wells, Captain Cargill, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Brittin, Mr - Cargill, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Fox, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Domett, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Lee Mr. Graham, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Ward (teller). Mr. Beckham, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Smith, Mr. East, Mr. Brown, Mr. C'arleton, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Travers, Mr. Taylor, Major Greenwood, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Hall, The Colonial Secretary (teller) Whereupon Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. . , . On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leav to sit again on Monday next. 5. Postponement:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer the second reading of the New Zealand Debentures Bill was postponed till Tuesday next. <3. Disqualification



6. Disqualification Bill:—On motion of Mr. Macandrew this Bill was read a second time. Mr. Macandrew moved that the Disqualification Bill be ordered to be committed. Question put and negatived. 7. Magistrates Indemnity Bill The Colonial Secretary moved, That the Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed, and the Bill read accordingly, and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment, and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the third readjng of the Lill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 8. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill -.—On motion of Mr. Hall the consideration of this Bill in Committee was postponed until Thursday next. 9. Wesley an Property Sale Bill:—On motion of Mr. Williamson the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the third reading was ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 10. Bills of Sale Registration Bill, to be further considered in Committee :—The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House, in Committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of this Bill. On Mr Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Monday next; the further consideration of the Bill to stand as the last order of the day. 11. Adjournment: —On motion of Mr. Wells the House adjourned at half-past six o'clock until Monday next at two o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Monday, June 23, 1856. 1. Mr. Merriman to move, That the House do resolve itself into Committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the propriety of presenting a respectful address to his Excellency the Governor praying him to place upon the Estimates a sum of money to meet the reduced value of the salary of the Acting-Chief Justice an 1 his increased duties from the time of his appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court at Wellington, viz, from January 1852. 2. Mr. Travers to move, That Standing Orders should be framed to prevent petitions on private grievances from being received after the first month of any session, and providing that all such petitions should be preferred to one Committee, to be called the " Committee on Private Grievances." 3. Mr io move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he may be pleased to transmit to this House, copies of any correspondence that may have been received Irom the Home Government on the subject of the erection of Light Houses. 4. Mr. Macandrew to move, That the question of the Financial policy of the Government, together with the estimates, do take precedence of all other business on the orders of the day, until finally disposed of. 5. Mr. Smith to move, That before the Report of the Committee on Dr. Bacot's petition be adopted, there be laid on the table, copies of any correspondence between Major Kenney and the Colonial Secretary, and of any letter or letters which the Petitioner may have received from the Secretary-at-War in reference to his claim. 6. Mr. Fox to move, That in the opinion of thi3 House it is not necessary for the Government to remit any further sums of money on account of the New Zealand Company's Debt. 7- Mr. Fox to move, That in raising any loan to extinguish the financial burdens of the Colony, the amount necessary to extinquish the New Zealand Company's Debt, ought to be raised by a separate act, and as a separate transaction in every respect, from any other loan. 8. Mr. Lee to move, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply, to take into consideration the report of the Select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, with a view of introducing a short Pension Bill, to prevent such pension awarded, being subjected to an annual vote of this House, Orders


ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday last)—tb be further considered in Committee of Ways and M eans. 2. Friendly Societies Bill—second reading. 3. Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 4. Marriage Act Amendment Bill— second reading. 5. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 6. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading. 7. Bills of Sale Registration Bill—to be further considered in Committee. CHARLES CEIFFORD, Speaker,

Ho. 44.

MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present: Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Merriman, with the leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name first on the notice paper of this day. •j. Private Grievances :—Mr. Travers, pursuant to (amendedl notice, moved, That it be an instruction to the Standing Orders Committee to frame Standing Orders to prevent petitions on private grievances from being received after the first month of the session, and providing that all such petitions should be preferred to one Committee, to be called the " Committee on private grievances." Question put and passed. 4. I.ight-houses : —Mr. Ludlam, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor praying that he may be pleased to transmit to this House copies of any correspondence that may have been received from the Home Government on the subject of the erection of light-houses. Question put and passed. 5. Order of Business:—Mr. Macandrew, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the question oi the financial policy of the Government, together with the Estimates do take precedence of all other business on the orders of the day until finally disposed of, and that the orders of the day, be called on not later that six o'clock on Wednesdays, and two o'clock on other days. Question put and passed. 6. Dr. Bacot's Petition :—Mr. Smith, pursuant to nof'ce, moved that before the report of the Committee on Dr. Bacot's petition be adopted, there he laid on the table copies of any correspondence between Major Kenny and the Colonial Secretary, and of any letter or letters which the petitioner may have received from the Secretary at War in reference to his claim. Question put and passed. ' • Motions withdrawn : —Mr. Fox withdrew the motions standing in his name, sixth and seventh op the notice paper of this day. 8. Postponement:—Mr. Lee postponed the motion standing in his name, eighth on the notice paper of this day, until Wednesday next. 9. Ways ana Means : —The first order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again at half-past seven o'clock this evening. On motion of Mr. Travers, the House adjourned at six o'clock until half-past seven. The House resumed. The order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 10. Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the House adjourned at half-past ten o'clock, until to-morrow at noon. Notices



NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, June 24, 1856. 1. IMb. J. Cargill to ask the lion, member at the head of the Government, what steps have been taken upon the reports of the Acting Commissioner of Crown Lands in Otago, to the effect " of an illegal sale havingjbeen attempted by Mr. Commissioner Mantell, of fiftv acres of land in the centre of a town site, taking in payment for the same a land order for fifty acres of lural land." 2. 11k. Smith to ask the lion member at the head of the Government whether any, and if so, what opinion has been received from the Crown Lawyers in England, as to whether the Debentures Debt amounting to £3,673 lGs., incurred in satisfaction of land claims in the Province of Wellington, should be borne by that Province or by the New Zealand Company 3. Mr. Travfrs to move That it is expedient that instructions should be issued by the Governorto Superintendents of Provinces, for their guidance in assenting to, or withholding assent from Bills or reserving the same for the signification of the Governor's pleasure thereon. 4. Mr. Bell to move, That in the opinion of this House ihe salaries of the officers of this House ought not to be subject to annual vote, but should be settled by permanent appropriation. 5. Mr. Bfix to move, That the " Resident Magistrates' Amendment Bill" be re-committed for the purpose of adding a clause. 6. Major Greenwood to move, That the House do go into Committee to consider a respectful address to be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to place a sufficient sum on the estimates to provide pensions for all volunteers and members of the Militia Corps, who were wounded during the native wars while gallantly co-operating with Her Majesty's Troops. 7. Mr. Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that he will be pleased to p'ace a sufficient sum on the Estimates to provide for the salaries of all Resident Magistrates. 8. Mr. Fox to move, That the decision of Mr. Justice Stephen, relative to a Land Claim on behalf of Mr. Duppa, referred to him under the Land Claimants' Ordinance, be laid npon the table. 9. Mr.Cari.eton to move, as a resolution, That this House, having considered the report of the select Committee on Dr. Bacot's petition, concur in the views expressed therein. 10. Mr Fox to vnove, That the petition of McCormick and other members of the Pensioner Force be taken into consideration. 1). Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to remove doubts as to the legality of certain provisions of Acts passed by the Provincial Councils and assented to by the Governor, and to confer on such ( ouncils power to pass acts altering the criminal law of New Zealand, within certain limits to be prescribed thereby, and to indemnify all persons who may have incurred any liability by reason of acting under such acts of doubtful legality. 12. Mr. Daldv to move, That returns be laid on the Table of this House showing the present position of the Grammar School Trust ; names of trus'.ees ; property held in tiust ; amount received, how expended, and sums now due. 13. Mr. 1 ravers to move, That on Thursday, orders of the day do take precedence of notices of motion. 14. Mr. C Brown to move, That this House is of opinion no detention of the " Zingari should take place on her arrival, so as to derange the line of communication maintained by that steamer and the "William Denny."

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. 2. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 3. Report of the Committee on Reporting Debates. 4. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 5. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 6. Report of the Committee on Re-printing Public Documents. i. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday last)--to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. The


The OoTjONial Treasurer to move, In Committee of Ways and Means on the Resolutions embodying the Financial policy of the Government, the following Resolution after Resolution 13— " That, if the before mentioned loan of £500,000, or any part thereof, shall be required to be raised at a higher rate of interest than 4 per cent., a pro rata increase of the late of interest shall be charged against all the respective Provinces in respect of the principal sum with which they may be respectively chargeable. 8. Native Reserves Bill—second reading. 9. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—second reading. 10. Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill—second reading. 11. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill—second reading. 12. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 13. New Zealand Debentures Bill—second reading. 14. Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. 15. Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bill—second reading. Mr. Travers to move, in Committee on the " Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Act, 1856," a clause providing that the meetings of the Trustees should be open to the electors under the Act of 1854. 16. Friendly Societies' Bill—to be considered in Committee. 17- Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 18. Marriage Act Amendment Bill—second reading. 19. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 1. —second reading. 20. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 2.—second reading. 21. Bills of Sale Registration Bill—to be further considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No, 45,

TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1856. L pi \ rsuant adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2 ' P ! t ' t l°" °/- I> r io l^ Unr ° Ma J or Greenwood presented a petition from Daniel Munro, late a ~K|a r| in M'htia, stating that he had been severely wounded at Ruapekapeka, from v,c e wou <be partially disabled for life ; that he had for some years received a small pension rom tie Government, but which had lately been withdrawn, and praying the House to take rs case into favourable consideration. Petition read and received. 3. Postponements :— ('•) Mi• 1 ravers postponed the notice standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day, until Friday next. r 1 (2 ) Mr. Fox postponed the motions standing in his name, tenth on the notice paper of this day until to-morrow, and the eleventh until a future day. (3.) On motion of Mr. Domett leave was given to the Committee on Old Land Claims to postpone their report to this day week. (4.) On motion of Mr. Fox leave was given to the Committee on the Registration Bill to postpone their report until this day week. (5.) On motion of Mr. Fitzherbert leave was given to the Committee on Reporting Debates to postpone their report to Friday next. (6.) On motion of Mr. C. Brown leave was given to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations to postpone their report until Friday ne..t. (7.) On motion of Mr. Fox leave was given to the Committee on Land Scrip to postpone their report until to-morrow. (8.) On motion of Mr. Hall leave was given to the Committee on Re-printing Public Documents to postpone their report until this day week. 4. Motions withdrawn :—(t.) Major Greenwood withdrew the motion standing in his name, sixth on the notice paper of this day, on receiving an assurance from the Government that the cases therein referred to should receive the attention of the Government. d (2 .) Mr. Lee withdrew the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of tWs •). Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Conditions of service of Staff' Officers and Pensioners of the New Zealand Fencible Force, being return to an order of the House of the 11th of June, 1856. (2 ) Correspondence relative to the erection of colonial lighthouses, being return to an address to his Excellency the Governor, dated 23rd instant. (3 ) A file of the " Maori Messenger." 0. Petition of Commander McDonnell, R.N :—On motion of Mr. Domett the report of the Com* piittee to whom this petition had been referred was ordered to be printed. 7. Crown Lands, Otago :—Mr. Cargill, pursuant to notice, asked the Government what steps have been taken upon the reports of the acting Commissioner of Crown Lands in Otago, to the effect of an illegal sale having been attempted by Commissioner Mantell of fifty acres of land, in the centre of a town site, taking in payment for the same a land order for fifty acres of rural land. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government required further information on this subject before any steps could be taken in the matter, 8, Debentures



8. Debentures Mr. Smith, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether any, and if so, what opinion has been received from the Crown Lawyers in England as to whether the Debenture debt, amounting to £3675 165., incurred in satisfaction of land claims in the Province of Wellington, should be borne by that Province or by the New Zealand Company. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government was not aware that any such opinion had been received in the colony. 9. Salaries of Public Officers Mr. Bell, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That in the opinion of this House, the salaries of public officers of the Legislature, and of the high Executive officers of the General Government, as also the allowances, if any, to the members of the Legislature, should not be provided by annual vote, but ought to be settled by permanent appropriation. Question put and passed. 10. Mr. Duppa, Land claim of:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the decision of Mr. Justice Stephen relative to a land claim on behalf of Mr. Duppa, referred to him under the Land Claimants' Ordinance, be laid upon the table of this House. Question put and passed. 11. Bacot, Staff-Surgeon, Petition of :—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved, as a resolution, That this House, having considered the report of the select Committee on Dr. Bacot's petition, concur in the views expressed therein. Debate ensued. 12. Sanding Orders:—lt being now two o'clock, the further consideration of Mr. Carleton's motion was adjourned until to-morrow, and the House proceeded to the consideration of the orders of the day. • 13 Ways and Means:—The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 14. Suspension of Standing Order:—Mr. Ludlara moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 56, in order that he might give notice of a resolution to be moved by him to-morrow in committee of Ways and Means. Question put and passed. 15. Adjournment:—Mr. Fitzherbert moved, That this House do now adjourn until eight o'clock this evening. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 18. Noes, 4. Mr. Brodie, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Cargill, Mr. East, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Domett, Mr. Filzherbert, Mr. Bell (teller). Sir. Campbell, Mr. Travers, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Ward, Mr. Fox, Mr. Curtis, Mr.Wells, Captain Cargill, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Brown, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Macandrew (teller). The House adjourned accordingly.

The House resumed at eight o'clock. J6. Native Reserves Bill:—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That this Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed, and the Bill read accordingly; and on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-monow, 17- Postponement


17- Postponement:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the second reading of the Provincial Waste Lands Bill was postponed until Thursday next. 18. New Zealand Debenture Bill:—Mr. Stafford moved, That the House do proceed to the consideration of order of the day No. 13. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Stafford, the New Zealand Debenture Bill was read a second time, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee desired to recommit the Bill to-morrow. Ordered to be recommitted. 19. Bills of Sale Registration Bill :—Mr. Stafford moved. That the House do now proceed to the consideration of order of the day No. 21. Question put and passed. The 21st order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House, in Committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 20- Supreme Court Practitioners Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 21. Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Fill:—On motion of Mr. Wells this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment, and on motion of Mr. Wells, the Bill was read a third time and passedMr. Wells moved, That the following be the title of the Bill "A Bill to alter and amend the Nelson Trust Funds Act, 1854." Question put and passed, and Mr. Curtis and Mr. Wells were ordered to announce to the Legislative Council that the Bill had passed the House without amendment. 22. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Wells, the House adjourned at '20 minutes before 11 o'clock until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, June 25, 1856. 1. Mb. Brodie to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is his intention to make any alteration in the Gunpowder or Arms and Ammunition Ordinance, during the present Session. 2. Adjourned debate on the question, That in the opinion of this House, the assent of the Governor to Acts or Ordinances of the Provincial Councils, particularly in cases where the same are reserved for such assent, which contain provisions repugnant to the Constitution Act, or illegally interfering with the civil lights of members of the community, is inconsistent with right constitutional practice. 3. Adjourned debate on the report of the Committee on the petition of Dr. Bacot. 4. Mr. Brodie to move, That it is the opinion of this House that immediate action be taken for the recovery of the powder now in the hands of the Natives of the district of Coromande], which powder was stolen from the island of Kawau. 5. Mr. Brodie to move, That it is the opinion of this House, that immediate action be taken by the Government for the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Blackmore, late Collector of Customs and Treasurer of Nelson, for his late defalcation, whether he be in the Colony of New Zealand or in any of the Australian Colonies. < . Mr. Lee to move, That the Honse resolve itself into a Committee of Supply to take into consideration the report of the select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, with a view of introducing a short Pension Bill, to prevent such pension awarded being subjected to an annnal vote of this House. 7. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners now on the table of this House, be referred to a select Committee, to report on the claims of the Petitioners, and to recommend the manner in which


which those claims, if established, should be satisfied. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Henderson, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Lee, Mr. Williamson, and the mover. 8. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of McCormick and other members of the Pensioner Force be taken into consideration. 9. Mr. Travers to move, That on Thursday, orders of the day do take precedence of notices oZ motion. 10. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That this House is of opinion no detention of the " Zingari" should take place on her arrival, so as to derange the line of communication maintained by that steamer and the "William Denny."

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on Land Scrip. 3. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday last) —to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. The Colonial Treasurer to move, In Committee of Ways and Means on the Resolutions embodying the Financial policy of the Government, the following Resolution after Resolution 13— " That, if the before mentioned loan of £500,000, or any part thereof, shall be required to be raised at a higher rate of interest than 4 per cent., a pro raid increase of the late of interest shall be charged against all the respective Provinces in respect of the principal sum with which they may be respectively chargeable. Mr. Fttrherbert, in Committee of Ways and Means, to move, as resolutions, That the sum already contributed by the different Provinces towards the New Zealand Company's debt, but not yet remitted home (amounting to £27 000 more or less), and which the Committee of the House have determin.d shall be considered as a debt of the Colony, and be provided for accordingly, shall be ultimately refunded to the various Provinces in the proportions of their several original contributions thereto. Ist. Should the New Zealand Company not demand the remittance of this sum, then the aforesaid lefund shall be made immediately after advices to that elfect shall have been received by the Government of the colony, such payment being made out of the sum authorized to be raised as a national loan. 2nd. But, should the Company require the remittance of the said sum, then an immediate refund shall be made to the respective Provinces of the Northern Isiand, by the Provinces of the Middle Island, of such a propoitionof the compounded debt of the Company as shall correspond to the further reduction of that debt occasioned by the remittance of the Northern Island contribution of the aforesaid £27,000. That regard should be also had to the claims of such Provinces as have absorbed New Zealand Company's Scrip, with the view of crediting such Provinces with such sums as they may be found entitled to in respect thereof. Mr. Ludlam, to move, in Committee of Ways and Means, That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, it is expedient that the interest on the floating debt, and also the charges of the General Government be borne upon the Revenues of the whole Colony, and that the Land Revenue should contribute an equal quota with the Customs Revenue to such interest and charges. 4. District Courts Bill—to be recommitted. Mr. Ward, in Committee on the District Courts Bill, to move the insertion of certain clauses (See notice paper of yesterday.) 5 Wesleyan Property Sale Bill—third reading. 6'. English Acts Bill—second reading. 7- Native Reserves Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 8. New Zealand Debentures Bill—to be re-committed. 9, Bills of Sale Registration Bill reported—adoption of the report. 10. Bank


10. Batik of Issue Winding-up Billisecond reading. 11. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading; 12. Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. Mr. Bell to move that the Bill be re-committed fur the purpose of inserting a clause. 13. Friendly Societies Bill—second reading. 14. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—second reading. 15. Marriage Act Amendment Bill—second reading. 16. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. I,—second reading. 17. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 2.—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 48.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 185 G. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Papers : —Mr. Stafford laid on the table the following papers : — (1.) Correspondence relative to the proposed immigration into the Colony from Canada or other British possessions; also, correspondence respecting the purchase of Victoria Valley, in the district of Monganui, being return to an order of the House of the 1 8th of June, 1856. (2.) Report made to the Governor by the Commission appointed by his Excellency at Wellington, to enquire into certain subjects connected with the disposal of land, being return to an order of the House of the 18th of June, 1856. (3.) Return of the quantity of land sold in acres in all the Provinces of the Colony for the twelve months ending 31st of December, 1855. (4.) Return of outstanding loans to Aboriginal Natives in the Province of Auckland. 3. Arms and Ammunition Ordinance Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is their intention to make any alteration in the Gunpjwde" or Arms and Ammunition Ordinance during the present session. Mr. Stafford replied, that the Government did not intend to propose any alteration in the Gunpowder or Arms and Ammunition Ordinance during the session, and promised that the Government would consider the subject with the view of modifying the provisions of the Ordinance. 4. Motion withdrawn: —Mr. Brodie withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. 5. Defalcation of Collector at Nelson Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved, That it is the unanimous opinion of this House, that immediate action should be taken by the Government for the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Blackmore, late Collector of Customs and Treasurer at Nelson, for his late defalcation, whether he is in the Colony of New Zealand or in any of the Australian Colonies. Debate ensued. It being now six o'clock, the debate was adjourned until to-morrow, the House proceeding to the consideration of the orders of the day. 6. Postponement: —On motion of Mr. Brown, the report of the Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill was postponed until Tuesday, July Ist. 7. Land Scrip : —Mr. Fox, Chairman of the Land Scrip Committee, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 8. Ways and Means :—The third order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 9. Wesleyan Property Sale Bill:—Mr. Travers moved, That oiders of the day Nos. 5, and J -jC first considered. Question put and passed. . , ? On motion of Mr. Travers, the Wesleyan Property Sale Bill was read a third time and passed. _ . . » Mr. Travers moved the following be the title of the Bill, — " A Bill to authorise the sale c certain land in the Town of Nelson, and of buildings thereon, appropriated as a C hapel ant School House i'or the use of the Wesleyan Methodists, and to provide for the investment ol



the proceeds of sale, in the purchase of other lands, and the erection of buildings to be vested in trustees, and appropriated for like purposes." Question put and passed; and Mr. Curtis, Mr. Stafford, and Mr. Travers were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 10. Native Reserves Bill -.—The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further considerotion of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the a Joption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 11. Bills of Sale Registration Bill:—On motion of Mr Travers, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Travers moved, That the following be the title of the Bill, —" A Bill for preventi'nofrauds upon creditors by secret bills of sale of personal chattels." Question put and passed; and Mr. Ward and Mr. Travers were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 12. District Courts Bill:—The fourth order of the day having been read., Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 13. English Acts Bill :—On motion of Mr Travers, this Bill was read a second time, and Mr Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment ; and on motion of Mr. Travers, the Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr, Travers moved, That the following be the title of the Bill, —" A Bill for bringing into operation w thin the Colony, certain Acts of the Imperial Parliament." Question put and passed, and Mr. Ward and Mr. Travers were ordered to announce to thp Legislative Council that the Bill had passed the House without amendment. 14. Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill:—On motion of Mr. Bell, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments, and the adoption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 15. Friendly Societies Bill: —On motion of Mr. Travers, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 16. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill:—On motion of Mr. Travers, this Bill was read a se~ cond time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 17. Adjournment: -On motion of Mr. Travers, the House adjourned at twenty minutes to one o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, June 26, 1856. 1. Mr. East to ask the honorable member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to direct that the Supreme Court shall hold a session at New Plymouth at least once a year. 2. Mk. Daldy to move, That returns be laid on the table of this House, showing the present position of the Giammar School Trust; Copy of Trust Deed ; property held in Trust; amounts received, how expended, and sums now due. 3. Mr. Fox to move for the production of any correspondence between the Pilot or Harbour Master of Auckland and the General Government, in reference to the gunpowder stored on the North fchore, and which has been stolen by certain aboriginal Natives. 3. Mr.


4. Mr, Lee to move, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of Supply, to take into consideration the report of the Select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, with a view of introducing a short Pension Bill, to prevent such pension awarded, being subjected to an annual vote of this House. 5. Mr. Travers to move, That on Thursday, orders of the day] do take precedence of notices of motion. 0. Adjourned debafe on motion, That it is the unanimous opinion of this House, that immediate action be taken by the Government for the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Blackmore, late Collector of Customs and 'I reasurer of Nelson, for his late defalcation, whether he be in the Colony of New Zealand or in any of the Australian Colonies. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the petition of the seamen of the " Buffalo." 2. Report of the Committee on changes in the Constitution Act, 3. Report of the Committee on the Marriage Act. 4. Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation 5. Report of the Library Committee; 0. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday last) —to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. The Colonial Treasurer to move, In Committee of Ways and Means on the Resolutions embodying the Financial policy of the Government, the following Resolution after Resolution 13— " That, if the before mentioned loan of £500,000, or any part thereof, shall be required to be raised at a higher rate of interest than 4 per cent., a pro rata, increase of the tate of interest shall be charged against all the respective Provinces in respect of the principal sum with which they may be respectively chargeable. Mr. Fitrherbert, in Committee of Ways and Means, to move, as resolutions, That the sum already contributed by the different Provinces towards the New Zealand Company s debt, but not yet remitted home (amounting to £27,000 more or less), and which the Committee of the House have determined shall be considered as a debt of the Colony, and be provided for accordingly, shall be ultimately refunded to the various Provinces in the proportions of their several original contributions thereto. 1 st. Should the New Zealand Company not demand the remittance of this sum, then the aforesaid refund shall be made immediately after advices to that effect shall have been received by the Government of the colony, such payment being made out of the sum authorized to be raised as a national loan. 2nd. But, should the Company require the remittance of the said sum, then an immediate refund shall be made to the respective Provinces of the Northern Is and, by the Provinces of the Middle Island, of such a proportion of the compounded debt of the Company as shall correspond to the further reduction of that debt, occasioned by the remittance of the Northern Island contribution of the aforesaid £27,000. That regard should be also had to the claims of such Provinces as have absorbed New Zealand Company s Scrip, with the view of crediting such Provinces with such sums as they may be found entitled to in respect thereof. Mr. Ludlam, to move, in Committee of Ways and Means, That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, it is expedient that the interest on the floating debt, and also the charges of the General Government be borne upon the Revenues of the whole Colony, and that the Land Revenue should contribute an equal quota with the Customs Revenue to such interest and charges. Mr. Fox to move, in Committee of Ways and Means, That the debts of New Zealand, viz., the amount of loan to be raised to pay off the New Zealand Company's Debt; £200,00t) to effect purchases from the Natives in the Northern Island ; and the amount necessary to be raised to meet the floating debt of the Colony, say £100.000, be consolidated, and charged together with the expenses of the General Government, on the General Revenue (Customs and Territorial) ; the Territorial Revenue to consist of 2s. 6d. an acre and no more, on all lands sold or alienated, except on mere pastoral licences within the Colony (not including those disposed of in satisfaction of scrip now in existence.) 7- Religious, Charitable and Educational Trusts Bill—to be considered in Committee. Mr- Merriman and Mr. Trweks, in Committee on the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, to n.ove the introduction of certain clauses. (See notice paper of Monday, June 23rd.) 8," Revenues


8. Revenues Bill—second reading. 9. Magistrates' Indemnity Bill —third reading. 10. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—second reading. 11. New Zealand Debentures Bill—to be re-committed. 12. Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill—second reading. 13. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 14. Marriage Act Amendment Bill—second reading. 15. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second reading. 16. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speake?-.

Ko. 47.

THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. Petition Henry Deery :—Mr. Williamson presented a petition from Henry Deery, an enrolled Pensioner, complaining of unjust treatment at the hands of his Officers, in having been deprived ° _ > lls ,cottage and land, and praying the House to take his case into consideration. Petition read and received. 3. Supreme Court:—Mr. East, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to direct that the Supreme Court shall hold a session at New Plymouth at least once in the year, Mr. Stafford replied that one session, and he hoped two sessions of the Supreme Court should be in each year at New Plymouth. 4. Grammar School, Auckland Mr. Williamson, for Mr. Daldy, and pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the Government be requested to obtain the following returns to belaid on the table of this House, showing the present position of the Grammar School Trust, copy of Trust Deed, Property held in Trust, amounts received, how expended, and sums now due. Question put and passed. Motions withdrawn Mr, Fox, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Travers withdrew the motions standing in their names respectively, third, fourth, and fifth on the notice paper of this day. G. Defalcation of Collector at Nelson :—Debate resumed on the question, That it is the unanimous T*T° n £ ti' Souse > that immediate action should be taken by the Government for the arrest ir i • Blackmore, late Collector of Customs and Treasurer at Nelson, for his late c efalcation, whether he be in the Colony of New Zealand, or in any of the Australian Colonies. Mr. Rrodie, by leave of the House, amended the question by the omission of the word "unanimous." Debate continued. It being now two o clock, the debate was adjourned until to-morrow, the House proceeding to the consideration of the orders of the day. 7- Postponements:— (1.) On motion of Mr. Pox, leave was given to the Committee on changes in the Constitution Act to postpone their report to this day week. (2.) On motion of Mr. Fox, leave was given to the Committee on the Nelson Defalcation to postpone their report to this day week. (3.) On motion of Mr. Travers, leave was given to the Library Committee to postpone their report to Tuesday next. 8. Seamen of H. M. S- " Buffalo" :—Mr. Williamson, Chairman of the Committee to whom the petition ot the seamen of the " Buffalo" had been referred, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 9. Marriage Act:—Mr. Ward, Chairman of the Committee on the Marriage Act of 1854, brought up their report which was read and ordered to be printed. 10. Ways and Means : —The sixth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. , C> n • Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-morrrow. 11. Adjournment



11. Adjournment: —Mr. Stafford moved that this House do now adjourn until seven o'clock this evening. Mr. Merriman moved, That the Question be amended by the omission of the words " seven o'clock this evening," with a view to add at the end thereof the word " to-morrow." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the word proposed to be inserted be so inserted, put and passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed ; and the House accordingly adjourned at twenty minutes past five o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, June 27, 1856. 1. Mr. Taylor to ask the honourable member at the head of the Government whether the Government considers the house and land lately in the occupation of Dr. Hacot, Staff Surgeon of Pensioners, to be the property of the Imperial Government or as belonging to the Colony; if the property of the Imperial Government, when and how it was so created. 2. Mb, Merriman to ask the honorable member at fhe head of the Executive, whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce in the present session, and endeavour to pass, a measure for the settlement of outstanding land claims. 3. Mr. Brodie to move for a copy of the peiition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, transmitted to the Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate at Auckland on tlie 9th of April, 1856, together with all the correspondence and minutes connected therewith. 4. Mr. Travers to move That it is expedient that instructions should be issued by the Governorto Superintendents of Provinces, for their guidance in assenting to, or withholding assent from Bills, or reserving the same for the signification of the Governor's pleasure thereon. 5. Mr. Brorie to move that an account of all monies received, and the appropriation thereof, by Mr. M*Lean, the Commissioner for the purchase of Native Lands, be laid before this House. 6. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That this House is of opinion that no detention of the " Zingari" should take place on her arrival, so as to derange the line of communication maintained by that steamer and the "William Denny." 7. Mr. Williamson to move, That the Petition of Henry Deery be referred to the Committee on Pensioners' Petitions. 8. Mr Hall to move, 1 hat the detailed Returns relating to the purchase of Lands from the Natives, laid on the table on the 18th instant, be printed. 9. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to enable Provincial Councils to enforce order and punish contempts. 10. Mr. Fox to move for the production of any correspondence between the Pilot of Auckland or the Superintendent of that' Province and the General Government, relative to the storage of gunpowder, either under Sir George Grey's administration or subsequently. 11. Adjourned debate on the motion, That it is the opinion of this House that immediate action should be taken by the Government for the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Hackmore.late Collector of Customs and 1 reasurer at Nelson, for his late defalcation, whether he be in the Colony of New Zealand or in any of the Australian Colonies.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1- Report of the Committee on Reporting Debates 2. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 3. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday last) —to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. 4. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill—to be considered in Committee. 5. Native Reserves Bill reported—adoption of the report. 6. District Courts Bill reported—adoption of the report. 7. Resident


7. Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. Mr. Cargill to move, on the re-committal of the Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill for leave to introduce a clause, enabling Magistrates at discretion to imprison instead of fine in cases of assault. Mr. Beckham, on the recommittal of the Resident Magistrates' Courts Amendment Bill, to move the introduction of the following clauses, viz. :— That all Process from the said Court shall be served by the Bailiff or his assistants when the person upon whon the process is to be served shall reside within a radius of twenty miles from the said Court, and the said Bailiff or his assistants shall be entitled to receive the fees specified in Schedule A to this Act annexed, which fees shall be accounted for to the Clerk of the said Court, who shall pay the same to the Colonial Treasurer of the Colony for the time being or his deputy, for the public uses of the Colony. Provided always, that all such fees shall be prepaid. Provided further, that it shall be lawful for the said Resident Magistrate to refund to the said Bailiff or his assistants, any amount actually expended by him or them in serving such process as aforesaid. _ . . , Every person who shall be summoned, and who shall appear as a witness, shall be entitled to an allowance or compensation for expenses and loss of time, according to the scale contained in Schedule B to this Act annexed. Schedules referred to. A Table of Fees to be paid to Bailiff or his Assistants for serving Process. Serving Summons or Subpaena, if within one mile of the Court House •. 3s. For every extra mile (one way) .. ... •• •• # •• ' s - For executing Warrant beyond one mile from the Court House, per mile (one way) Is. B Allowance to Witnisses. For every Witness residing within one mile from the Court House For every extra mile (one way).. .. .. •• *• 8. Friendly Societies' Bill—to be considered in Committee. 9. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Revenues Bill—second reading. 11. Magistrates' Indemnity Bill—third reading. 12. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—second reading. 13. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 14. Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill—second reading. 15. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 16. Marriage Act Amendment Billisecond reading. 17. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—second1—second reading. 18. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICES. 1. Major Greenwood to move the following Resolution, viz., that it is not only desirable, but absoluiely necessary for the furtherance of business in this House, that no member snould occupy the attention of the members of it, for a longer period than one hour, excepting in the cases of Honorable Members r presenting the Government, when making Ministerial or Financial Statements 2. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to remove doubts as to the legality of certain provisions of Acts passed by the Provincial Councils and assented to by the Governor, and to en fer on such Councils power to pass acts altering the criminal law of New Zealand, within certain limits to be prescribed thereby, and to indemnify all persons who may have incurred any liability by reason of acting under such acts of doubtful legality. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Adjournment (special) ;—Mr. Travers moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next at noon. Mr. Fitzherbert moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the words " Monday next at noon," with a view ta substitute the words " to-morrow at noon" in lieu thereof. Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and passed. Whereupon original question put and passed. 3. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) The decision of Mr. Justice Stephen relative to a land claim on behalf of Mr. Duppa, being return to an order of the House of the 24th of June, 1856. (2.) Copy of the Attorney-General's opinion respecting the validity of appointments of of Justices of the Peace, being return to an order of the House of the 14th of June, 1856. 4. Suspension of Standing Orders :—Mr. Travers moved, That Standing Orders be suspended in order that the notices of motion standing first, second, and ninth, on the notice paper of this day, be only considered before proceeding to the orders of the day. Question put and passed. 5. Bacot, Staff Surgeon :—Mr. i'aylor, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it considers the house and land lately in the occupation of Dr. Bacot, Staff Surgeon of Pensioners, to be the property of the Imperial Government or as belonging to the Colony ; if the property of the Imperial Government, when and how it was so created. Mr. Stafford begged to defer answering the question until Tuesday next. 6. Land Claims:—Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is their intention to introduce in the present session, and endeavour to pass, a measure for the settlement of outstandixig land claims. Mr. Stafford replied, that it is the intention of the Government to do so, and that they were only delaying the introduction of such a measure until the report of the Committee on Land Claims was laid upon the table of the House. 7- Provincial Councils Privileges Bill:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to introduce a Bill to enable Provincial Councils to enforce order and punish contempts. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Fox the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 8. Postponements •— (1.) On motion of Mr. C. Brown, leave was given to the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations to postpone their report until Monday next. (2.) On motion of Mr. Fitzherbert, leave was given to the Reporting Debates Committee to postpone their report until Tuesday next. 9. Ways and Means :—The third order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again on Tuesday next. 10. Native Reserves Bill:—Mr. Stafford moved that orders of the day No. 5 and 6 be next considered. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Stafford the report of the Committee of the whole House on the Native Reserves Bill was adopted, and the Bill was thea read a third time and passed, Mr. Stafford



Mr. Stafford moved that the following be the title of the Bill—" A Bill for the management of Lands set apart for the benefit of the Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand." Question put and passed, and Mr. Stafford and Mr. Domett were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 11. District Courts Bill:—0n motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the Committee on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the following be the title of the Bill, —" A Bill to e tablish District Courts within the several Provinces of New Zealand. Question put and passed, and Mr. Ward and Mr. Brittin were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 12. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill; —On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for Monday next. 13. Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment Bill :—On motion of Mr. Cargill, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Monday next. 14. Friendly Societies Bill:—On motion of Mr. Cargill, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Monday next. J5. Religious, Charitable, and Kducational Trusts Bill •.—On motion of Mr Cargill, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On X.r. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chaiiman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Monday next. 16. Postponements • —On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the second reading of the Revenues Bill, the second reading of the Provincial Waste Lands Bill, and the re-committal of the New Zealand Debenture Bill, were postponed untd Tuesday next, and the second reading of the Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill was postponed to Wednesday next. 17. Magistrates Indemnity Bi"l:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, this Bill "was read a third time and pas°ed Mr. Stafford moved that the following be the title of the Bill,—" A Bdl to remove doubts respecting the yalidity of the appointment of certain Justices of the Peace." Question put and passed, and Mr. Bell and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 15. Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill :—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the d .y for Tuesday next. 1 £). Marriage Act Amendment Bill:—On motion of Mr. Cargill, this Bill was read a second time, and Mr, Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bdl without amendment; and on motion of Mr. Cargill, the Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Cargill moved, That the following be the title of the Bill, '' A Bill to amend the Marriage Act, 1854." Question put and passsed ; and Mr. Ward and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 20. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 1 On motion of Mr. Cargill, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Monday next. 21. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2 ; — Ori motion of Mr. Fox, this Bill was read a second time' and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Monday next. 22. J- J. Piercy, Petition of :—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved for a copy of the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy transmitted to the Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate at Auckland on the 9th of April, 1856, together with all the correspondence and minutes connected therewith. v Question put and passed. Lapsed motion : Mr. Travers not being in his place, the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper, lapsed. A 4. Native Land I urchases: — Mr. Brodie, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That an account of all monies received, and the appropriation thereof, by Mr. M'Lean, the Commissioner for the


the purchase of Native Lands, in addition to accounts already furnished, be laid before thiHouse. Question put and passed. 25. Motions withdrawn :— (1.) Mr. C. Brown, by leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, sixth on he notice paper of this day. (2.) Mr. Williamson withdrew the motion standing in his name seventh on the notice paper of this day. 26. Native Land Purchases--Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That the detailed Returns relating to the purchase of Lands from the Natives, laid on the table on the 18th instant, be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. 27. Gunpowder, storage of-.—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for the production of any correspondence between the Pilot of Auckland or the Superintendent of that Province and the General Government, relative to the storage of gunpowder, either under the administration of Sir George Grey or subsequently. Question put and passed. 28. Defalcation at Nelson:—Debate resumed on the motion, That it is the opinion of this House that immediate action should be taken by the Government for the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Blackmore, late Collector of Customs and Treasurer at Nelson, for his late defalcation, whether he be in the Colony of New Zealand, or in any of the Australian Colonies. 29. Adjournment : Mr. C. Brown moved, That the House be counted. On the House being counted, it was found that the following members only were present, viz.— Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Williamson, the Colonial Treasurer, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Hall, Mr., Mr. Macandrew, and Mr. Fox. Mr. Speaker, accordingly quitted the chair, and the House stood adjourned until Monday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Monday, June 30, 1856. L Mr, Fox to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether his Excellency has communicated to his responsible advisers, his intentions in reference to the next meeting of the Assembly, and, if so, what those intentions are. 2. Mr. Fitzherbert to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is his intention to place on the estimates a sum recommended by the House, as compensation to Lazarus Berlowitz. And, also, whether it is his intention to place on the estimates a sum equal to one month s salary each, tor the Tidewaiters at Wellington, in accordance with the recommendation of this House. 3. Mr. Fx to move, That the tenure of office in a Responsible Ministry by a Super nendtnt, is incompatible with the impartial performance of his duties, and calculated to give an undue weight in the counsels of the General Government, to the interests of the Province of which he is Superintendent. 4. Ma. Fox to move, That the decision of Mr. Justice Stephen on the Land Claim of Mr, Duppa, now on the table of this House, be ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. J. Report of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. 2. Supreme Court Practitioners' Bill reported—adoption of the report. 3. Resident Magistrates' Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 4. Friendly Societies Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 5. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee6. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—to be considered in Committee 7- Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 49.

MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of G. Coates :—Mr. Travers presented a petition from G. Coates, relative to the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz, and praying the House to consider the same, before granting any compensation for the losses alleged to have been sustained by Lazarus Berlowitz. Petition read and received. 3. Member sworn :—The Clerk, by order of Mr. Speaker, read a Commission, addressed to him as Speaker of this House, authorizing him to administer the Oath prescribed by the Constitution Act, to James Edward Fitzgerald, Esquire, member for the Town of Lyttelton. Mr. Fitzgerald was then duly sworn, and took his seat. 4. Supreme Court:—Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed (o him by the Speaker of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, enclosing Resolutions of the Council in reference to the inconvenience sustained by the Province, in not having a Session of the Supreme Court held there. Resolutions read and ordered to be printed. 5. General Assembly, place of meeting:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether his Excellency had communicated to his responsible advisers his intentions in reference to the next meeting of the Assembly, and if so, what those intentions are. Mr. Stafford, in reply, stated, That his Excellency had not communicated to his responsible advisers his intentions on this subject. 6. Lazarus Berlowit:—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is their intention to place on the estimates a sum recommended by the House as compensation to Lazarus Berlowitz ; and whether it is their intention to place on the estimates a sum equal to one months salary each for the Tidewaiters at Wellington, in accordance with the recommendation of this House. Mr Stafford answered both questions in the affirmative. 7. Superintendents of Provinces -.—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the tenure of office in a Responsible Ministry by a Superintendent is incompatible with the impartial performance of his duties, and calculated to give an undue weight in the counsels of the General Government to the interests of the Province of which he is Superintendent. Mr. C. Brown moved, That the question be amended by the insertion of the following words after the word " That," " the presence of a Superintendent in this House and." Question, That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted, put and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the question be further amended by the insertion of the following ■words between the words "Superintendent" and "in," "Provincial Secretary, Provincial Solicitor, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Resident Magistrate, Speaker of Provincial Council, or Members of Provincial Executives." Debate ensued. It being now two o'clock the debate was adjourned until to-morrow, the House proceeding to the consideration of the orders of the day. 8. Sir George Grey's Land Regulations Committee Mr. C. Brown, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 9, Supreme



9. Supreme Court Practitioners Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary this Bill was renl third time and passed. ' a The Colonial Secretary moved that the title of the Bill be, " A Rill to amen d an 1 consolidate the Law respecting the admission of Barristers and Solicitors to nnnti™ the Supreme Court." 1 °e m Question put and passed ; and Mr. Travers and the Colonial Secretary were ordeal present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 3 ordered to 10. Messages -.—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read — (1.) Collection of Revenue. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 23 Governor. * In conformity with the provisions of the 62nd clause of the New Zealand Constitution Act tho Governor transmits to the House of Representatives detailed accounts of the expenditure on awonnt of the Survey and management of the Waste Lands of the Crown, and of the expenditure incurred in the management and collection of the Customs Revenue for the latest periods to which account, have been received. 13 Government House, Auckland, 30th June, 185 G. (2.) Estimates of Expenditure. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 24. Governor. The Governor, hy the advice of his responsible Ministry, transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying Estimates for the ensuing financial year ending 30th June 1857 and recommends the House to make provision for the specific public services referred to therein. ' Government House, Auckland, 30th June, 185 G. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer the consideration of the estimates in committee of Supply was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 11. Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill :—The third order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported, that a division having taken place in the Committee, he had ascertained that there was not a quorum in the House. On the House being counted it was found that there was now a quorum in the House. On motion of Mr. Beckham Mr. Speaker again left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 12. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Travers the House adjourned at twenty minutes past five o'clock until seven o'clock this evening. The House resumed at seven o'clock. 13. Friendly Societies Bill :—The fourth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment; and, on motion of Mr. Williamson, the Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Williamson moved that the title of the Bill be, " A Bill for the regulation and management of Friendly Societies in New Zealand." put and passed; and Mr.Travers and Mr. Williamson were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 14. Adjournment:— On motion of Mr. Wells the House adjourned at twenty minutes to eight o'ctock until to-morrow at nooi).

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OE THE DAY, Tuesday, July 1, 1856. 1. .Yn. Cargill to ask the lion, member at the head-of the Government whether or not the steamer Zingan will go on to Otago next trip in the event of the members for that Province being desirous of proceeding home by her ; and what will be the cost of such extra service. 2. Mr.


2. Mr. Fox to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to take any steps towards providing His Excellency the Governor with a residence. 3. Mr. Domett to move, That the Report of the Committee to inquire into and report upon the Petition of Captain McDonnell, R.N., respecting certain land claims at Hokianga, be referred to the Committee on Old Land Claims. 4. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That the Committee on the Taranaki Bill be discharged. 5. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. 6. Adjourned debate on the question, That in the opinion of this House, the assent of the Governor to Acts or Ordinances of the Provincial Councils, particularly in cases where the same are reserved for such assent, which contain provisions repugnant to the Constitution Act, or illegally interfering with the civil rights of members of the community, is inconsistent with right constitutional practice. 7. Adjouned debate on the report of the Committee on the petition of Dr. Bacot. 8. Me. Williamson to move, that the recommendation of the Committee on the petition from certain persons, formerly seamen of H.VI.S. " Buffalo," be adopted by the House, and that a respectful address be presented to His Excelleney the Governor requesting him to give effect to that recommendation. 9. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House, be referred to a select Committee, to report on the amount of compensation due to the petitioners. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 10. Mr. Travers to move, That the memorial of John Sharpe and David Johnston, of Nelson, relative to the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz, be laid on the table of this House. 11. Mr. Henderson to move, that the report of the select Committee on the " Buffalo" seamen's petition L e referred back to the Committee for consideration of the cl .im of another applicant. 12. Mr. Brodie to move, That it is the opinion of this House that Mr. Commissioner Mantell ought to have been suspended as soon as the Government became aware of the serious charges against that officer. 13. Adjourned debate on the question, That the tenure of office in a Responsible Ministry by a Superintendent is incompatible with the impartial performance of his duties, and calculated to give an undue weight in the counsels of the General Government, to the interest of the Province of which he is Superintendent.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on re-printing Public Documents2. Report of ths Committee on 0!d Land Claims. 3. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 4. Beport of the Library Committee. 5. Report of the Committee on the Province of Taranaki Bill. 6. Report of the Committee on Reporting Debates7. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of Saturday, June 21st,) — to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. The Colonial Treasurer, in Committee of Ways and Means, to move the following Resolutions :— _ '4. That the loan to be obtained for fresh purchases of Native l?nds be distributed in the following proportions :— 5-lOths to the Province of Auckland £90,000 3-loths do. Wellington. 54,000 Oth 3 I l ' o. New Plymouth, without interest 20,000 ) do. do. with interest 16,000 180,000 15. That


15.. That the scheme qf arrangement and adjustment embodied in the, foregoing Resolutions be brought into operation on and from the Ist day of July, 1856, and the Revenue of the Colony distributed and appropriated on that basis on and from that day ; the contributions from the Land Fund to the New Zealand Company's Debt ceasing on and from that day, and the purchase of Native lands being thencefoith provided for out of the before mentioned loans. 16. That such scheme of arrangement arid adjustment fye effectuated by an Act pf the Imperial Parliament to be applied for forthwith, the guarantee of the Home Government for an aggregate loan of £500,000, being an essential condition of the same. 17. That, failing such Act of Parliament and guarantee, the entire scheme be open to revision by the General Assembly; and that this House guarantees to the Provinces all monies which may be received by them under the foregoing arrangement without liability to future account. 18. That the proposed transfer to the Provinces of the administration of the Waste Lands is to be deemed an essential part of such scheme, and is to be dependent on the same conditions ; and that, pending such transfer, the practical administration of the Waste Lands ought to be governed as nearly as may be in accordance with the spirit and intentioa of such scheme. And this House relies on the Executive Government for giving practical effect to the same as far as can be. That application be made to Parliament forthwith for effecting the before mentioned objects. 8. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be considered in Committee. ; 4 . 9. Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill—to be considered in Committee--10. New Zealand Debentures Bill—to be re-committed^ 11. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—second reading. 12. Revenues Bill—second reading. 13. Provincial Council Priviliges Bill—second reading. 14. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 15. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be considered in Committee-. 16. Bribery and I'reating Bill No. I—to be considered in Committee. 17. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—to be considered in Committee.

On a Future Day. 1. Mr, Fox to move for ieave to introduce a Bill to remove doubts as to the legality of certain provisions of Acts passed by the Provincial Councils and assented to by the Governor, and to confer on such C ouncils power to pass acts altering the criminal law of New Zealand, within certain limits to be prescribed thereby, and to indemnify all persons who may have incurred any liability by reason of acting under such acts of doubtful legality. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

KOi 50,

TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-five members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Margaret Forbes -.—Mr. Carleton presented a petition from Mrs. Margaret Forbes, relative to a land claim at Onehunga. Petition read and received. 3. Petition of David Johnson and others r—Mr. Travers presented a petition from David Johnson, John Sharp, and Thos. Fagan, complaining of misstatements in the petition of Lazarus Berlowitz. Petition read and received. 4. General Assembly place of meeting Mr. Fox moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 56. Question put and passed. 7 _ Mr. Fox thep moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency tpe Governor requesting him to imform this House, at as early a period as may be convenient to him, whether he has determined on the central place at which the Assembly shall be summoned to meet at its next session, and if so, if he will be pleased to communicate the same to this House. Question put and passed. 5. Postponements:— . , _ . (1.) On motion of Mr. Domett, leave was given to the Committee on Old Land Claims to postpone their report to this day week. . , (2.) On motion of Mr. Fox, leave was given to the Committee on the Registration Bill to postpone their report until Friday next. , . (3.) On motion of Mr. Travers, leave was given to the Library Committee,to postpone their report until Thursday next. 6. Contempt: Mr. Cargill moved, That the hon. member for Christchurch Country District (Mr. Brittin) is guilty of a contempt of this House in his letter printed in the Lyttleton Times ot the 18th of June. , ( - Mr. Merriman moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words alter the word " That," with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, " this House do now proceed to the consideration of the orders of the day." Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Fox, the debate was adjourned until to-morrow. 7. Papers:—Mr. Stafford laid on the table, returns showing the receipt and expenditure of the Customs Department in the several Ports of the Colony, being return to an order of the House of the 20th June, 1856. 8. Reprinting Public Documents Committee : —Mr. Hall, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 9. Taranaki Bill:—Mr. C. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved, That the Committee appointed to consider and report upon the Province of Taranaki Bill be discharged. Question put and passed. 10. Reporting Debates Committee:—Mr. Fitzherbert, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report which was read and ordered to be printed. 11. Ways and Means:—The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On



On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again this evening. On motion of Mr. Stafford, the House adjourned at 10 minutes past five o'clock, until seven o'clock this evening. The House resumed at seven o'clock in Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow, 12. Estimates of Expenditure :—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 13. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at twenty minutes past twelve o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. . Wednesday, July 2, 1856. 1. Mr. J. Cargill to the hon. member at the head of the Government whether or not the steamer Zingari will go on to Otago next trip, in the event of the members for that Province being desirous of proceeding home by her ; and what will be the cost of such extra service 2. Mr. Brodie to move, as a resolution. That it is the opinion of this House that immediate action should be taken by the Government (if practicable) lor the arrest of Mr. E. H. E. Blackmore, late Collector and Sub-Treasurer of Nelson, for his late defalcation. 3. Mr. Macandrew to move, That an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he may be p'eased to give the necessary instructions to the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Otago, to pay over to the Trustees for religious and educational uses of that Settlement the balance accruing to said trust, under the late terms of purchase of land within the Otago block. 4. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise the sub-division of the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. 5. Mr. Carleton to move, That the Petition of Margaret Forbes, concerning her land claim at Onehunga, be printed ; also that the said petition be referred to the select Committee on Land Claims. 6. Mr. Travers to move, That in any alteration in the Constitution Act, it is expedient that the power of fixing by way of specific appropriation the co3ts, charges, and expenses, of and incidental to the collection, management and receipt of duties of import and export, and of the revenue arising from the disposal of Waste Lands of the Crown, and of the revenue arising from taxes, duties, rates, and imposts levied under any act or acts of the General Assembly, and the power of providing by law for the regulating and auditing the costs charges and expenses, of, and incidental to the collection, management, and receipt of duties of import and export, should be forthwith given to the General Assembly. 7. Mr. Bell to move, That leave of absence be granted to the hon. member for the Hutt, Mr. Ludlan, for the remainder of the session, from Thursday nsxt. 8. Mr. Henderson to move. That the report of the Select Committe on the " Buffalo'' seamen's petition be referred back to the Committee for consideration of the claim of another applicant9. Adjourned debate on the question, That the honourable member for Christchurch Country District (Mr. Brittin), is guilty of a contempt of this liouse, in his letter printed in the Lyttelton Times of the 18th of June. 10. Ma. Fitzherbert to ask leave of absence for the remainder of session. 11. Mr. Hall to move, That in the event of the financial scheme of the Government failing from inability to obtain the necessary loan of £500,000, the loan of £200,000 ottered by the Home Government for liquidation of the New Zealand Company's Debt, shall be raised on the terms proposed, and the mode of payment shall stand over for adjustment amongst the several Provinces at a future period. 12. Mr.


12. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House, be referred to a select Committee, to report on the amount of compensation due to the petitioners. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 13. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. - ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Resolutions proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (on the notice paper of June 21st and July Ist) —to be further considered in Committee of Ways and Means. 2. Estimate of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 3. Resident Magistrates' Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill reported—adoption of the report. 4. Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill—to be considered in Committee. 5. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 6. Provincial Waste Lands Bill— second reading. 7. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 8. Revenues Bill—second reading. 9. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—second reading. 10. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 12. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 1,—to be considered in Committee. 13. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 2.—to be considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Major Greenwood, when in Committee on the Estimates, to move, That this House, being of opinion that all expenses incurred in the support of the Establishments of Resident Magistrates throughout the Colony, (not already provided for on the Civil List) should be borne by the General Government, and that his Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates, to give practical effect to such principle. his Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates to reimburse the Officer lately administering the Government to the extent of the amount of loss of Lodging Money actually sustained by that Officer, in consequence of the stoppage of his Military Allowances, during his Administration of the Civil duties, which his position entailed upon him. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 51.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-two members being present: Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. \V esleyan Chapel Sale Bill:—A deputation from the Legislative Council having been introduced, presented to Mr. Speaker the Nelson Wesleyan Chapel Sale Bill, and the Bills of Sale Registration Bill, as amended in the Legislative Council. On m»tion of Mr. Merriman the amendments in the Nelson Wesleyan Chapel Sale Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and Mr. Travers and Mr. Merriman were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 3. Bills of Sale Registration Bill:—On motion of Mr. Merriman the amendments by the Legislative Couneil in this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and Mr. Merriman and Mr. Travers were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 4. Papers : Mr. Stafford laid on the table the following papers (1.) Petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, together with the correspondence and minutes connected therewith, being return to an order of the House of the 27th of June, 1856. (2 ) Correspondence between the Pilot of Auckland or the Superintendent of that province, and the General Government, relative to the storeage of gunpowder, being return to an order of the House of the 27th of June, 1856. 5. Messages : The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read (1.) Supplementary Estimates. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 25. Governor In accordance with the request contained in addresses from the House of Representatives, the Governor transmits the three enclosed additional Estimates for the following services, and recommends the House to make provision for them. For purchase of a building attached to the House of Representatives ... £380 0 0 ror carrying into effect certain recommendations of the Building Committee 300 0 0 lor one months pay to the Tide-waiters dismissed at Wellington on 19th September, 1855 ... ... ... ... ... S3 6 8 Compensation to Lazarus Berlewitz... ... ... ... ... 350 0 0 Government House, Auckland, 2nd July, 1856. Ordered to be considered in Committee of Supply. (2.) General Assembly. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 26. Governor. In reference to the resolution of the House of Representatives dated Monday, 26th May, 1856, informing him " That it is the opinion of this House the next meeting of the General Assembly should be held in such more central place as his Excellency may deem most convenient," the Governor thinks the amount of population at Wellington, which is the next greatest to that of Auckland, entitles that settlement to a preference. He learns, however, that by successive votes, the House has decided that the next session shall neither be held at Wellington or Nelson. The Governor, therefore, requests the House to give him some more distinct indication of their wishes. Should the Assembly hold its next session in another Province, it will be necessary to consider and provide for the removal of all the establishments, without which members could never be supplied with the information they will require, If the measure is only temporary the expense will be considerable. Difficulties



Difficulties among tlie Natives are of frequent occurrence in the neighbourhood of Auckland, and if the Governor is obliged to be absent some person to whom he ir.ay delegate his powers, should he present in Auckland. The Governor, therefore, trusts that this subject will be considered if the House resolves on requiring his presence, and that of his advisers, in any of the Southern I rovinces. Government House, Auckland, 2nd July, 185 G. On motion of Mr. Stafford the consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 26 was ordered to stand first order of the day for to-morrow. 6 Zinsari, steamer Mr. Cargill, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether or not the steamer Zingari will go on to Otago the next trip, in the event of the members tor that Province being desirous of proceeding home in her, and what will be the cost of such extra seivice. Mr. Stafford replied, That the expense on account of such extra service would be £200, and that if it was desired, an arrangement to that effect could be entered into with the agents of the steamer. 7. Bacot, Staff Surgeon Mr. Stafford, in reply to a question put to him on Friday last, in reference to a claim alleged by Dr. Bacot to a house and land at Howicli, stated, That by the instructions to the Governor dated 1846, in reference to the Waste Lands of the Crown, authority was given him to make reserves for specific purposes, especially for the purposes of military defence j that accordingly a block ot land was set apart on which to locate the pensioners, and that those lands thus appropriated, ceased to be crown lands of the colony. 8. Defalcation at Nelson Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved as a resolution, That it is the opinion of this House that immediate action should be taken by the Government (it practicable) for the arrest of Mr. E 11. E. Blackmore, late Collector and .-üb-Treasurer at Nelson, for his late defalcation. The Colonial Secretary moved the previous question. Question, That this question be now put, put and negatived. 9. Leave of Absence- —Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, moved, That leave of absence be granted to the honorable member for the Hutt (Mr. Ludlam) for the remainder of the session, from Thursday next. Question put and passed. Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, asked for leave of absence for the remainder of the session. Question put and passed. It being now six o'clock the House proceeded to the consideration of the orders ot the day. 10. Ways and Means :—The first order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair the House resolving itself into a Committee of Ways and Means. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolutions for adoption by the House : — , 1. That it is expedient, without delay, to make ptovision for all ascertained outstanding liabilities, and permanent!y to adjust the public burdens of the Colony, which adjustment ought to embrace a settlement of the New Zealand I ompany's Debt, and the charge on the Land l und for the purchase of Native lands. 2. That as part of such arrangement, it is necessary to make provision by loan for sums absolutely required for Native land purchases for the ensuing financial year, and to make permanent provision for the same object. 3. That amongst the liabilities to be provided for by the Colony, this House recognizes the following :— Balance due to the Union Bank of Australia. Deposit accounts. Arrears of fourths due io the Nen Zealand Company. Balances due to Provinces. Outstanding liabilities on contracts for purchase of Native lands. 4. That as a provisional arrangement for satisfying immediate liabilities, providing for the purchase of Native lands, and for general services, it is desirable to raise upon debentures a loan not exceeding £100,000, at interest not exceeding 10 per cent., payable off at the option of the Colony, in one or two years. Any portion of such loan, which, in excess of the amount required to complete existing contracts, shall be expended in the purchase of Native lands, to be repaid with interest out of the permanent loan of £180,000, to be provided for effecting such purchases. 5. That it is expedient, as part of a general and permanent arrange nent, to redeem the New Zealand Company's charge on the Land Fund upon the terms offered by the Company, and assented to by the Imperial Government, viz.—that payment be mide to them on the sth April, 1857, of a sum of £200,000, towards which all monies in their hands at that date in excess of the


the interest, shall be applicable by way of reduction, the Imperial Government guaranteeing a loan for that object of .£200,000 to be obtained in England upon the most favourable terms practicable. 6. That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, it is expedient to exonerate the Land Fund from its liability for the purchase of Native Lands, and to provide a capital fund for carrying on such purchases ; with which object it is expedient to borrow a sum of £l 80,000 to form such capital fund ; such sum to be raised and made available as circumstances may require, in such manner, and subject to such conditions as to the application thereof, as the Legislature may direct; and that it it expedient to make application to the Imperial Government for a guarantee for a loan for such purpose of £180,000, to be raised in England upon the most favourable terms practicable, 7- That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, in order to pay off the before mentioned provisional loan and the old debentures, but exclusive of land scrip, it is expedient to make application to the Imperial Government, for its guarantee for a further loan to be raised in England upon the most favourable terms practicable. 8. That the aggregate of such loans ought not to exceed <£500,000. And that such loans should be secured on the General and Territorial Revenue of the Colony. 9. That the ground on which this House conceives itself entitled to claim the guarantee of the Imperial Government for the required loans is, that burdens have been imposed on this Colony by the Imperial Parliament unjust in themselves, and greatly disproportioned to its Revenue, and which, without such aid, must prove deeply injurious to its progress and prosperity. 10. That as further part of such general and permanent arrangement, and in order to adjust equitably the public burdens, the New Zealand Company's Debt be borne by the Provinces of the Middle Island in equal propoitions, and the charge of purchasing Native lands by the Provinces respectively, within which such purchases shall be made--11. That, in accordance with a former resolution of this House, the Province of Auckland be relieved retrospectively, as well as prospectively, from the New Zealand Company's Debt; and that, after payment of the sum due to the Company on the sth of April, 1857, the balance of the loan of £200,000 be made applicable to that purpose, leaving any deficiency or excess to be adjusted when the same be ascertained, the Pcovince of Auckland on its part, bearing the sum of £911 Bs. 9d. under the Land Claim&nts' Ordinance, New Ulster, as a debt incurred for its exclusive advantage. 12. That this House is of opinion that the administration of the Waste Lands of each Province should be transferred to the Provincial Government of such Province, and the Land Revenue thereof made Provincial Revenue, subject to the following charges :— The Province of Nelson to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent., with a sinking fund of 2 per cent. The Province of Canterbury to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d-, to bear interest at the like rate, with a sinking fund at the like rate. The Province of Otago to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the like rate, with a sinking fund at the like rate. The respeetive Provinces of Auckland and Wellington to be subject, respectively, to charges, equal to the proportion of the permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native lands in such Provinces respectively, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and a sinking fund of 2 per cent. The Province of New Plymouth to be subject to a charge equal to the proportion of permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native lands in such Province, with interest at the like rate, and with the like sinking fund, but after allowing the sum of £20,000 as a first outlay to be made in that Province, in the purchase of Native lands, without charge to such Province. 13. That until such outlay of £20,000 shall have been made in the Province of New Plymouth as aforesaid, the Colony do guarantee, out of its General Revenue, to make up any deficiency in the gross proceeds of land sales within such Province, so that the sum derivable from such gross proceeds be not less than £2,200 in any one year. 14. That the loan to be obtained for fresh purchases ot Kative lands be distributed in the following proportions : — 5-10ths to the Province of Auckland .. .. .. £90,000 3-10ths ditto Wellington .. .. 54,000 2-10thcf New Plymouth, without interest .. 20,000 £ ditto ditto with interest .. •• 16,000 £180,000 15. That the scheme of arrangement and adjustment embodied in the foregoing resolutions be brought into operation on and from the Ist day of July, 1856, and the Revenue of the Colony distributed


distributed and appropriated on that basis on and from that day ; the contributions from the Land Fund to the New Zealand Company's Debt, ceasing on and from that day, and the purchase of Native lands being thenceforth provided for, out of the before-mentioned loans. 16. That such scheme of arrangement and adjustment be effectuated by an Act of the Imperial Parliament) to be applied for forthwith, and that an appeal be made to the Home Govern.nent for its guarantee for an aggregate loan of £500,000. 17. That, failing such Act of Parliament and guarantee, the entire scheme be open to revision by the General Assembly ; and that this House guarantees to the Provinces all monies which may be received by them under the foregoing arrangement, without liability to futuri account. 18. That application be made to Parliament forthwith for effecting the before mentioned objects. Question put, That the foregoing resolutions be adopted by the House. House divided. Ayes, 19. Noes, 10. The Colonial Treasurer, Captain Cargill, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Hall, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fox, Major Greenwood, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Lee, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Travers, Mr. Smith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Ward (teller). Mr. East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Ludlam, Mr, Carleton, Mr. Brittin, The Colonial Secretary (teller). Mr. 'Fitzherbert moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 56 in order to enable him to propose a resolution -without notice. Question put and passed. Mr. Fitzherbert then moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of Ways and Means for the purpose of considering a resolution to be then proposed by him. Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House :— " That in the event of the Financial scheme of the Government failing from inability to obtain the necessary loan of £500,000, the loan of £200,000 offered by the Home Government for liquidation of the New Zealand Company's Debt, shall be raised on the terms proposed, and the mode ot payment shall stand over as part of a general adjustment of the public burdens, it being an essential part of such adjustment that the Land Fund shall be exonerated from its special liability to the purchase of Native Lands, as well as from the New Zealand Company's Debt, and that in accordance with a former resolution of this House, the Province of Auckland shall be relieved retrospectively, as well as prospectively, from any contribution towards the liquidation of that Debt, the purchase money of Native Lands being provided for either by a scheme of consolidated burdens, or by a distinct appropriation of specific portions of such burdens to the respective Provinces, upon the principles affirmed in former resolutions of this House." Question, lhat the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 11. Estimates of Expenditure:—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. Mr. Bell moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " That, with a view to insert the following—" the House do now proceed to the next order of the day." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted, put and negatived. Mr. Stafford moved, as an amendment, That the House do proceed to consider order of the day No. 9. Question put and passed. 12. Provincial


12. Provincial Councils Privileges Bill:—On motion of Mr. Fox, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 13. Tostponements:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, orders of the day Nos. 10, 11,12, and 13 ordered to be postponed until to-morrow. 14- Resident Magistrates Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be —" A Bill to amend an Ordinance to provide for the establishment of Resident Magistrates Courts, and to make special provision for the administration of justice in certain cases, passed by the General Legislative Council of New Zealand, Sess. 7> No. 16." Question put and passed ; and Mr. Bell and Mr. Stafford weie ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council as amended in this House. 15. Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the chairman repotted the Bill without amendment, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. The Colonial Treasurer moved, That the title of the Bill be—" A Bill for enabling the affairs of the Bank of Issue to be wound up." Question put and passed, and Mr. Campbell and the Colonial Treasurer were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 16. Provincial Waste Lands Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, this Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed to-morrow. 17. House counted :—Mr. Fitzherbert moved, That the House be counted. On the House being countecl. it was found that the following members only were present, viz.—Mr. Carleton, Mr. Wells, the Colonial Secretary, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Fox, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Macandrew, and Mr. Henderson. Mr. Speaker accordingly quitted the chair, and the House stood adjourned at five minutes past twelve o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, July 3, 1856. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 26, relative to the next session of the General Assembly. 2. Mr. East to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether or not it is the intention of the Government to take any steps towards altering the penalties imposed on persons selling spirits to natives. 3. Mr. Featherston to ask for leave of absence for the remainder of the session. 4. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Government to prevent communication with certain districts in which native offenders are received or harboured. 5. Mr. Travebs to ask for leave of absence during the remainder of the session. 6. Mr. J. CAkGiLL to move for leave of absence for the member for the Town of Dunedin and the two members for the Dunedin Country Districts for the remainder of the session. 7. Major Greenwood to move, That all correspondence relative to disallowance of military emoluments to the Officer lately administering the Government, while in the execution of those civil duties which his position entailed upon him, be laid upon the table of this House. 8. Mr. Fitzherbert to move, That the opinion of the Attorney General respecting the illegality of the appointment of certain magistrates, already laid on the table of the House, be printed. 9. The


». The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise the sub-division of the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. 10. Mr. Carleton to move, That the petition of Margaret Forbes, concerning her land claim at Onehunga, be printed; also, that the said petition be referred to the select Committee on Land Claims. 11. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House be referred to a select Committee, to report on the amount of compensation due to the petitioners Such Committee to consist of Mr, Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. J. Car<nll Mr Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 12. Mh. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. 13. Mr. Williamson to move, That the recommendation of the Committee on the petition from certain persons, formerly seamen of H.M.S. " Buffalo," be adopted by the House and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to sive effect to that recommendation. ° b

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Constitution Act. 2. Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation. 3. Report of the Library Committee. 4- Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857— to be further considered in Committee. 5. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 6. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered in Committee. 7- Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 8. Revenues Bill—second reading, 9. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 11. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—to be considered in Committee. 12. Bribery and Ireating Bill No. 2—to be considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OP MOTION. ]. Major Greenwood, when in Committee on the Estimates, to move, That this House being of opinion that all expenses incurred in the support of the Establishments of Resident Magistrates throughout the Colony, (not already provided for on the Civil List) should be borne by the General Government, and that his Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates, to give practical effect to such principle. Also, 1 hat his Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates to reimburse the officer lately administering the Government to the extent of the amount of loss of Lodging Money actually sustained by that Officer in consequence of the stoppage of his Military allowances, during his administration of the Civil duties which his position entailed upon him. 2. Mr. Hall, in Committee on the Estimates, to move that the estimated balance of the Postal Revenue co ected in each Province, after defraying the cost of the Establishments required for maintaining t e external Postal communication of the Province, should be expended on Local Posts within the rovince, in such manner, and in such proportion as may be indicated by the Provincial Government, That


That if, after the Postal Revenue of any particular Province has been expended in the manner above mentioned, the Provincial Government undertakes to defray the cost of further measures of internal Postal communication, such measures should be carried into effect by the Post Office authorities. 2. Mr. Lee, in Committee of Supply, to more, That as a means whereby to secure the recommendation contained in the Report of the Select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to place the sum of two shillings per diem, and a bonus of fifty pounds on a Supplementary Estimate, until such time as his Excellency shall be pleased to make permanent provision by means of a Bill. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 52.

THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty-five members being present; Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Officers of Survey Department t—Mr. Williamson presented a petition from Officers of the Surveyor-General's Department, praying for compensation for loss of office, consequent on the management of the waste lands being transferred to the Provincial Governments. Petition read and received. 3. Sale of Spirits to Natives :—Mr. Stafford moved, That notices of motion Nos. 2 to Bbe first considered. Question put and passed. Mr. East, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether or not it is their intention to take any steps towards altering the penalties imposed on persons selling spirits to natives. Mr. Stafford replied, That this subject was under the consideration of the Government, and that they might, possibly during the present session, introduce a measure for that purpose. 4. Leave of Absence :—Mr. Featherston, pursuant to notice, asked for leave of absence during the remainder of the session. Question put and passed. Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice, asked for leave of absence during the remainder of the session. Question put and passed. Mr. Cargill, pursuant to notice, asked for leave of absence during the remainder of the session for Captain Cargill, Mr. Macandrew, and himself. Question put and passed. 5. Postponement:—Mr. Stafford postponed the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. 6. Allowances to Officer administering the Government;— Major Greenwood, pursuant to notice, moved, That all correspondence relative to disallowance of military emoluments to the Officer lately administering the Government, while in the execution of those civil duties which his position entailed upon him, be laid npon the table of this House. Question put and passed. 7. Magistrates :—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to amended notice, moved, That the opinion of the Attorney-General respecting the illegality of the appointment of certain Magistrates, already laid on the table of the House, be printed. Question put and passed. 8. Messages :—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (1.) Supplementary Estimates, THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 27. Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying Supplementary Estimates, marked A and B, for the financial year ended the 30th June, 1856, and recommends the House to make provision for the services mentioned therein. Government House, Auckland, 3rd July, 1866. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer his Excellency's Message No. 27 was ordered to be considered in Committee of Supply, (2.) Aborigines



(2.) Aborigines. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 28. Governor. In transmitting the accompanying estimate for additional Native expenses, the Governor trusts the House will place confidence in his anxiety to reduce all expenditure within its narrowest limits ; that it will consider the importance of his having at command certain sums of money applicable to' various purposes, the expenditure of which will be subject to the scrutiny and approval of the House. For presents and food, the sum of £300 only has been placed on the estimates, which is far less than the expenditure in any one year, and far less than will meet the most urgent demands. On the importance of a judicious liberality in these matters the Governor will not dilate, as it is well known to many of the honorable members. Loans to Natives have been found to act most beneficially, and have been paid with great punctuality. The property obtained in this manner may be considered as security given by the borrower for peaceful habits. The Governor desires to extend this system, and for this purpose requests to be enabled to make use of a capital sum of £-3000, in addition to the sums now outstanding. As payments and repayments on this account will be fluctuating, a loan, sanctioned by the House for this account, might be negotiated with the Union Bank, thus diminishing the annual expenditure to a very small sum. The Governor finds it absolutely necessary to give additional pensions to various Natives who have rendered important services to the Government, and for this purpose he requests to have an additional sum of £000 per annum placed at his disposal. For reasons which will be apparent to the House, it is not advisable to specify the names of the individuals whom he desires to reward. It is admitted by all persons who are conversant with the Natives, that political agents, who should if possible be medical men, and in some cases may be invested with the powers of Native Magistrates, should be appointed to certain places ; and for this purpose the Governor has placed the sum of £600 on the estimates. The usual amount appropriated for vaccination lias been omitted, but he considers that it should be replaced. It will be seen by the annexed schedule that the Governor desires to be enabled to make use of a capital sum of £3000, the disposition of which will be accounted for periodically; that an outlay of £500 is required for a hostlery at Wellington, and that for other services explained, above he desires an annual grant of £2200. Documents elucidating the above remarks are forwarded with this Message. Government House, Auckland, 3rd July, 1850. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer his Excellency's message No. 28 was ordered to be considered in Committee of Supply. 9. General Assembly, meeting of: —Mr. Stafford moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of his Excellency's Message No -26, relative to the next session of the General Assembly. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House :— That this House concurs in his Excellency's opinion, that, in adopting the resolution of this House that the next session should be held in a more central place, Wellington is the preferable place for the purpose, and it recommends his Excellency to summon it to meet at that place; and this House pledges itself to make the necessary arrangements in the interval, to enable the session to be held there without detiiment to the public service ; also, that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the foregoing resolution, and that Mr. Speaker do present the same to his Excellency. Question put, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House. House divided. Ayes, 18. Noes, 15. Mr. Brittin, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Beckham, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Lee, Mr. East, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Cargill, Major Greenwood, Mr. Fox, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Fiizgerald, Mr. Graham, Mr, Bell, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Smith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Maeandrew, Mr. Curtis, Captain Cargill, Mr. Wells, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Domett, Mr. Brown, Mr. Taylor (teller). Mr. Hall, The Colonial Secretary Mr. Ward, (teller). 10. Postponements


10. Postponements On motion of Mr. Fox leave was given to the Committee on Changes in the Constitution Act, to postpone their report until Tuesday next. On motion of Mr. Fox leave was given to the Committee on the Nelson Defalcation, to postpone their report until this day week. 11. Library Committee:—Mr. Travers, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 12. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Stafford moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until to-morrow at six o'clock. Question put and passed. 13. Estimates of Expenditure :—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, for further consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow ; also, that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House :— " That the rule of payment to members of this House for expenses, be one pound per day; also, that the salary of Mr. Speaker should be ±'400 per annum." Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 14. Adjournment: —On motion of Mr. Stafford the House adjourned at five minutes to seven o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, July 4, 1856. 1. Mb. Merriman to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to take any steps with a view to equalize the representation of the several Provinces, in this House. 2. The Colonial Secretary to move, That in any alteration in the Constitution Act, it is expedient that the power of fixing by way of specific appropriation the costs, charges, ancl expenses, of, and incidental to the collection, management, and receipt of duties of import anil export, and of the revenue arising from the disposal of Waste Lands of the Crown, and of the revenue arising from taxes, duties, rates, and imposts levied under any act or acts of the General Assembly, and the power of providing by law for the regulating and auditing the costs charges and expenses, of, and incidental to the collection, management, and receipt of duties of import and export, should be forthwith given to the General Assembly. 3. Mr. East to move, That in the opinion of this House it is essential to the interests of this Colony, that, during the recess, a revision of the Customs Tariff be made by the Ministry ; the same to be submitted to this House at the earliest opportunity after its next meeting, for its approval. 4. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House, be referred to a select Committee, to report on the amount of compensation due to the petitioners. Such Committee to consist of Mr, Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 5. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. 6. Mr. Williamson to move, That the petition of the officers of the Surveyor-General's Department be referred to a select Committee to enquire and report upon the prayer of the petitioners. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr. Smith, Mr, East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Ward, and the mover. 7. Mr. Carleton to move, That an address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to lay before the Home Authorities the report of the select Committee of the House of Repiesenatives appointed to consider the case of Dr. Bacot, in reference to a house and land at Howick, and to recommend the re-consideration of Dr. Eacot's case at the War Office. 8. Mr. Travers to move, That the petition of John Sharpe, David Johnson, and Thomas Fagan be printed with the papers of the House. 9, Mr.


9. Mr. Brodie to move. That the petition laid on the table yesterday, relative to Mr. J. J. Piercy be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of the following members; Mr. Heckham Mr. Lee Mr. Curtis, Mr. Cuff, and the mover. 10. Mr. Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting he will be pleased to communicate with her Majesty's Government, recommending and setting forth the desirability that the Imperial Parliament should constitute the Province of Auckland into a separate colony, with a separate constitution and Legislative Assembly, in consideration of which the Auckland Legislature will guarantee to provide for a Governor appointed by the Crown, in a manner compatible with the dignity of such an officer.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 2. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 3. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 4. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered id Committee. 5. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 6. Revenues Bill—second reading. 7- Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considared in Committee. 8. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to bs further considered in Committee. 9. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 1. —to be considered in Committee. 10. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 2.—to be considered in Committee. CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mjijor Greenwood, in Committee on the Estimates, to move, That hi 4 Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates to reimburse the Officer lately .-idministering the Government, to the extent of the amount of loss of Lodging Money actually sustained by that Officer, in consequence of the stoppage of his Military Allowances, during his Administration of the Civil duties which his position entailed upon him. 2. Mr. Hall, in Committee on the Estimates, to move that the estimated balance of the Postal Revenue collected in each Province, after dtfiaying the cost of the Establishments required for maintaining the external Postal communication of the Provinee, should be expended on Local Posws within the Province, in such manner, and in such proportion as may be indicated by the Provincial Government. I hat if, after the Postal Revenue of any particular Provinca has been expended in the manner above mentioned, the Provincial Government undertakes to defray the cost of further measures of internal Postal C ommunication, such measures should be carried into effect by the Post Office authorities. 3. I\lr. Lee, in Committee of Supply, to move, That as a means whereby to secure the recommendation contained in the report of the/select committee on the petition of Alexander Brown, that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to place the sum of two shillings per diem, and a bonus of fifty pounds on a supplementary estimate, until such time as his Kxcellency shall be pleased to make permanent provision by means of a hill. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ko. 53,

FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1856. There being only thirteen members present, exclusive of Mr. Speaker, at the conclusion of prayers, viz., Mr. Merriman, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Car'.eton, Mr. Featherston, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wells, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Hall,' INIr. Smith, and Mr. Ward; Mi*. Speaker declared the House adjourned.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, July 8, 1856. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. ■3. Report of the Committee on Changes in the Constitution Act. 4. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 5. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 6. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered in Committee. 7. Surplus Revenues distribution Bill—second reading. S. Provincial Council Priviliges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 9. Revenues Bill—second reading. 10. Literary arid Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 12. Biibery and Treating Bill No. I—to be considered in Committee. 13. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—to be considered in Committee. CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION 7 . 1. Major Greenwood in Committee on the Estimates, to move, That his Excellency the Governor be requested to place a sufficient sum on the Estimates to reimburse the officer lately administering the Government, to the extent of the amount of loss of Lodging Money actually sustained by that Officer, in consequence of the stoppage of his Military allowances, during his administration of the Civil duties which his position entailed upon him. 2. Mr.



2. Mb. Hall, in Committee on the Estimates, to move, That the estimated balance of the Postal Revenue collected in each Province, after defraying the cost of the establishments required, for maintaning the external Postal communication of the Province, should be expended on Local Posts within the Province, in such manner and in such proportion as may be indicated by the Provincial Government. That if, after the Postal Revenue of any particular Province has been expended in the manner above mentioned, the Provincial Government undertakes to defray the cost of further measures of internal postal communication, such measures should be carried into effect by the Post Office authorities. 3. Mr. Lee, in Committee of Supply, to move, That as a means whereby to secure the recommendation contained in the report of the select Committee on the petition of Alexander Brown that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to place the sum of two shillings per diem, and a bonus of fifty pounds on the Supplementary Estimate, until such time as his Excellency shall be pleased to make permanent provision by means of a Bill. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 54.

TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-eight members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Reader Gillson Wood:—Mr. Beckham presented a petition from Mr. Reader Gillson Wood, Treasurer of the Waste Land Fund, relative to his loss of office in consequence of the transfer of the management of the Waste Lands of the Crown, to the Provincial Governments: Petition read and received. 3. Petition of Auckland Farmers' Club : —Mr. Williamson presented a petition from Henry Matson, President of the Auckland Farmer's Club, praying that Guano, and other manures may be allowed to be imported into the Colony free of duty. Petition read and received. 4. Papers : —The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— Return of the expenditure of money grants to Roman Catholic and Wesley an schools at Wellington, in continuation of former papers. 5. Postponements :— (1.) On motion of Mr. Fox, the reports of the Committees on the Registration Bill and changes in the Constitution Act were postponed until Thursday next. (2.) On motion of Mr. Domett, the report of the Committee on Old Land Claims was postponed until Tuesday, July 15. 0. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced and introduced, the following bills were presented to Mr. Speaker:— Ihe Supreme Court Procedure Bill, as amended by the Council. 'Ihe Native Reserves Bill, as amended by the Council. The Building Societies Amendment Bill, as amended by the Council. The Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Act was presented to Mr. Speaker as passed by the Council. Ihe Deputation also announced to Mr. Speaker, that the Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-Bp Bill had passed the Council without amendment. /. Supreme Court Procedure Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the consideration of the amendments by the Legislative Council to this Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 8. Native Reserves Bill :—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the consideration of the amendments by the Legislative Council to this Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. J. Building Societies Amendments Bill :—On motion of Mr. Bell the amendments by the Legislative Council to this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and the Colonial Secretary and Mr. Bell were ordered to announce the same to the Council. 10. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill :—On motion of Mr. Bell this Bill was read a first time, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 11. Estimates of Expenditure :—The fourth order of the day having been read Mr. Speaker left the caair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of' the Estimates. Or Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 12. Adjournment



12. Adjournment Mr. Fox moved, That this House do now adjourn until to-morrow at twelve o'clock. Mr. Merriman moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " adjourn." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question, put and negatived. Whereupon the question as amended was put and passed, and the House adjourned accordingly at five minutes past six o'clock, until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, July 9, 1856. 1. Mr. V. Smith To ask the hon. member at the head of the Government what answer is proposed to be given to the Memorial from the Settlers at Hawke's Bay, praying for Government protection in consequence of threatening native disturbances in that district. 2. Mr. Fox To ask the Government whether they have appointed a Commission to enquire into the complaints preferred by Mr. Catchpool against the Collector of Customs at Wellington, and if so, who the Commission are. 3. Mr. Fox to move, That the judgment of Mr. Justice Stephen on Mr. Duppa's claim be printed. 4. Mr. Hall to move, That in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on the reprinting of Public Documents, the following Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand should forthwith he reprinted, viz. : — Writ of Arrest Ordinance, Session XI, No. I Interpretation Ordinance „ ~ „ 3 Duties of Customs Ordinance „ ~ ~ 5 Building and Land Societies Ordinance „ „ 11 Licensing Amendment Ordinance,, „ „ 16 That copies of these Ordinances, as well as the Acts of the General Assembly, should be forwarded to all Justices of the Peace throughout the Colony. 5. Mr. Williamson to move, That the recommendation of the Committee on the petition from certain persons, formerly seamen of H.M.S. " Buffalo," be adopted by the House, and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to give effect to that recommendation. 6. Mr. Williamson to move, That the petitions of officers of the Surveyor-General's Department be referred to a select Committee to enquire and report on the prayer of the petitions. Committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr. Smith, .Mr. East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Lee, and the mover, 7. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House, and the report of last session, be referred to a select Committee. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 8. Mr. Fox to move, for leave to introduce a Bill to carry out the recommendation of the Scrip Committee. Also, a Bill to indemnify parties who have acted under certain Acts and Ordinances of Provincial Councils. Also, a Bill to enable Provincial Councils to alter the Criminal Law within certain limits. 9. Mr. Fox to ask leave to lay on the table, for the adoption by the House, o c certain proposed Standing Orders, relating to the proceedings on Private Bills and other private matters. ]0. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise the division of the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. 11. Mr. Carleton to move, That the petition of Margaret Forbes, concerning her pre-emption land claims at Onehunga, be printed ; also, that the said petition be referred to the select Committee on Land Claims. 12. Mr. Lee tomove, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Gjvernor, lequesting he will be pleased to co umunicate with her Majesty's Government, recommending and setting forth the desirability that the Imperial Parliament should constitute the Province of Auckland into a separate colony, with a separate Constitution and Legislative Assembly;in consideration of which, the Auckland Legislature will guarantee to provide for a Governor, appointed by the Crown, in a manner compatible with the dignity of such an officer. 13. Mr.


13 ' praying him to ~y t.ves appointed to consider the cufof Dr. °' Re P resentand to recommend the re-consideration of Dr. Bacot's case at the War Office at H ° Wi( *' 14. Mr. Fox to move, That Mr. Cargill's letter to Mr. Fox be laid on the table and printed.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. '■ E CoSmi«ee f &pen<li,ure "> c ""'"'B «Hh June, 1867-to be farther considered in 2. Supreme Court Procedure BM-comider.tion of amendment, by the Legislative Conncil. 3. Native Reserves Bill-consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. 4. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 5. Provincial Waste Lands Bill-to be considered in Committee. 6. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill— second reading. 7- Provincial Council Privileges Bill-to be considered in Committee. , 8. Revenues Bill—second reading. 9. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill-to be further considered in Committee. 11. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 1-to be considered in Committee. 12. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2-to be considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1 ' 11 Committee on the Estimates, to move that the estimated balance of the Postal Rovenno Promo,, such mauoer, „„d in such proportion « ms; be Moated P^L7 That if, after the Postal Revenue of any particular Provinca has been exnendod Jn fl lo manner above mentioned, the Provincial Government undertakes to defray the cost of fnrtW PoTrOfficfauTorkies? 8131 CornmUnication ' such mea ™ <*ould be carried into effect by the 2 " m Co f m . mit , t ! e °[ Su to move, That as a means whereby to secure the recom sferisa a? - £ CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 55.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Message .—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read Native Affairs. Message No. 29. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, * The Governor°transmits to the House of Representatives, a copy of the Report of the Board of Enquiry into Native Affairs, together with copies of sundry letters, abstracts, and papers (enumerated or referred to in the enclosure marked 1) affording information on the same subject. Government House, Auckland, 9th July, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the consideration of his Excellency s Message No. 29, was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 3. Papers :-The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers ,1 Nt) pnort of the central Board of Vaccination of the Natives. [A Correspondence relative to disallowance of Military Emoluments to the Officer lately administering the Government, while in the execution of those civil duties which his position l l on him lipinp- return to an order of the House of the 3rd inst. 61 (3 ) Documents from D. Johnson, Landing Waiter and Tide Surveyor at Nelson, respecting seizure of jewellery from Lazarus Berlowitz. , tu.. mirsnant to notice, asked the Government what answer is 4 ' settlers at Hades' Bay, p.ylngfcrGovern. Cn nrotcction in consequence of threatening native disturbances in that district. Mr Stafford replied, that it was not the intention of the Government to request the Military Authorities to detach any troops to Hawkes' Bay, but that if the settlers there wished to enroll themselves for the purpose of mutual protection, the Government would afford them all the assistance it its power. Frhvard Catch nool —Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether they haveW Minted a commission to enqiije into the complaints preferred by Mr. C.tchpool aga.nstthe Collector of Customs at Wellington, and if so, who the commission are. Mr Stafford replied, that such a commission had not yet been appointed, but that it was the intention of the Government to do so ; and, in pursuance of a former promise, the House should be informed as to who composed such commission. GMr Duppa's Land Claim Mr. Fox, pursuant to noti«e, moved, That the judgment of Mr. Justice Stephen on Mr. Duppa's claim, be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. IRe nrintinff Public Documents Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That in accordance with ' the recommendations of the Committee on the Re-printing of Public Documents, the following £Xan"es of tL Legislative Council of New Zealand, should forthwith be re-printed viz Writ of Arrest Ordinance, Sess. 11, No. 1, Inte, pretation Ordinance. Sess. 11, No. 3, Duties of Ordinance Sess 11, No. 5, Building and Land Societies Ordinance, Sess. 11, No. Ame'ndm'nt Ordinance, Sess. U, No. 16. That copies of these Ordinances as well as the Acts of the General Assembly, should be forwarded to all Justices of the Peace throughout the Colony. Question put and passed. g geamen



8. Seamen H.M.S. " Buffalo" :—Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, moved, That the recommendation of the Committee on the petition of certain persons, formerly seamen of H M S " Buffulo," be adopted by the House, and that a respectful address be presented to his' Excellency the Governor, requesting him to give effect to that recommendation. Mr. Henderson moved, That the question, be amended by the addition of the name of Robert Williamson to those contained in the report. Question, That the name proposed to be added be so added, put and passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 9. Survey Department Mr. Williamson, pursuant to amended, notice moved, That the petitions of Officers of the Surveyor General's Department be referred to a select Committee to enquire and report on the prayer of the petitions. Committee to consist of Mr. Smith Mr East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Lee, and the mover. Debate ensuedi On motion of Mr. Stafford the debate was adjourned until to-morrow. 10. Supreme Court Procedure Bill Mr. Stafford moved, That Orders of the day Nos. 2 and 3be first considered. Question put and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That a conference be requested with the Legislative Council on the amendments by the Council to the Supreme Court Procedure Bill, and that the managers of such conference on the part of this House, be the Colonial Secretarv, Mr. Ward, and Mr Tr avers. Question put and passed. 11. Native Reserves Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford the amendments by the Legislative Council to this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and the Colonial Secretary and Mr. Campbell, were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 12. Estimates The first order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, for further consideration of the Estimates. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to morrow. 13. Adjournment: —On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the House adjourned at five minutes to eleven o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, July 10, 1856. J. Mr. Bell to ask the honorable member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of Government .to make .any provision for completing the investigation into titles under contracts of the iN'evv Zealand Company, some time since devolved upon the Crown, and tor the issuing of grants pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf. 2. Mr. Beckham to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to take steps with reference to the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, forwarded to the Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate, on the 9th day of April, 1856, and it so, what those steps are. 3 " T r' a , reSpeClful address be P resent ed to His Excellency, praying that His J S™ ft 6 » P tto communicate with the Home Government, in order to ascertain tI,P ?„tr >d , „ f' r?' of small arms, which may have been thrown out of service by the !nf r "fh T " 3be pl '* Ced at the dis P°sal of the Colonial Government for the purpose of arming the local Mil,t,a. And also, whether any guns can be obtained, to be f war with aV T ° Colon y> 80 as to be available for defence in the event of a war with any foreign power extending to these seas. 4 ' M nriftP,?wti°thrr', That ' h f f P^ ition of John Sharpe, David Johhiriti, And Thomas Fagan, be printed with the papers of the House. fo 5 That ® ameS ° f Mr; Hall and Mr - Domett be added to tkt Printing Charged raOV6 ' C ° mmittees 011 Registration and on the Constitution Act be disMr, Hall ,to moye, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be communicated to this House, copy of a despatch to the Secretary of Stat dated


dated 16th June, 1853, with its enclosures, relative to the appropriation of the sums devoted to the purposes of education among the Natives. Also, a copy of the Secretary of State's answer to that despatch. 8. Mr. Wells to move for leave of absence during the remainder of the session. 9. Mr. Stafford to move, That a select Committee be appointed to enquire and report as to the practicability of meetings of the Assembly being held away from the Seat of Government, and as to the means of reconciling the difficulties relating to the question of the Seat of Government, and the place of meeting of the Assembly. The Committee to consist of Mr. Carleton, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, the Colonial Secretary, the Colonial Treasurer, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day week. 10. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor to prevent communication with certain districts in which Native offenders are received and harboured. 11. Mr. Brodif, to move, That the copy of the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, with the minutes attached thereto, be referred to a select Committee to report upon the amount of compensation the petitioner (Mr. J. J. Piercy) is entitled to. The Committee to consist of Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Hall, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 12. Mr. Tiiavers to move, That the recommendations of the Library Committee be adopted by the House. 13. Adjourned debate on the question, That the petitions of officers of the Surveyor-General's Department be leferred to a select Committee, to enquire and report on the prayer of the petitions. Committee to consist of Mr. Smith, Mr. East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 14. Mr. Fox to move, That the petition of the Pensioners, presented by him to this House and the report of last session, be referred to a select Committee. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Merriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, and the mover. 15. Mr. Fox to move for leave to introduce a Bill to carry out the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. Also, A Bill to indemnify parties who have acted under certain Acts and Ordinances of Provincial Councils. Also, a Bill to enable Provincial Councils to alter the Criminal Law within certain limits. 16. Mr. Fox to ask leave to lay on the table, for the adoption by the House, of certain proposed Standing Orders, relating to the proceedings on Private Bills and other private matters. 17. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise the division of the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. 18. Mr. Fox to move, That Mr. Cargill's letter to Mr. Fox be laid on the table and printed.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. I ]. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on Changes in the Constitution Act. 3. Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation. 4. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 29. 5. Estimates of Expenditure for'the year ending 30th June, 1857—to be further considered in Committee. 6. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 7. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered in Committee. 8. Surplus Revenues distribution Bill—second reading. 9 Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Revenues Bill—second reading. 11. Literary arid Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 12. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 13. Bribery and Treating Bill No. I—to be considered in Committee. 14. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ko. 56.

THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1856. There being only fifteen members present, exclusive of Mr. Speaker, at the conclusion of prayers, viz., Mr. Taylor, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Campbell, the Colonial Secretary, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ward, Mr. Hall, Mr. Bell, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Brodie, and Mr. Cuff; Mr. Speaker declared the House adjourned.

NOTICE OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Fkiday, July 11, 1856. 1, Mr. Bell to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the vesting of Legal Estate to Land in Grantees under Crown Grants. 2. Mr. East to move, That in the opinion of this House it is essential to the interests of this Colony, that, during the recess, a revision of the Customs Tariff be made by the Ministry ; the same to be t submitted to this House at the earliest opportunity after its next meeting, tor its approval.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Registration Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on Changes in the Constitution Act. 3. Report of the Committee on the Nelson defalcation. 4. Consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 29. 5. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Com.riittee. 6. New Zealand Debenture Bill—to be re-committed. 7. Provincial Waste Lands Bill —to be considered in Committee. 8. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 9. Superintendents' Vacancy anil Temporary Absence Bill—second reading. 10. Provincial Council Priviliges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Revenues Bill—second reading. 12. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—-to be considered in Committee. 13. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 14. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 1,—to be considered in Committee. 15. Bribery and Treating Bill, No. 2.—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.


No. 57.

FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-four members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Fox moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until tomorrow at noon. Question put. House divided Ayes, 13. Noes, 8. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Williamson, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Curtis, Mr Lee, Mr. Smith, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ward, Mr. East, Mr. Graham, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Bell, Mr. Domett (teller). Mr. Brown, Mr. Hall, Mr. Daldy, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Fox (teller). ' 3. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, moved fpr leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the vesting of legal estate to land in grantees under Crown grants. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Eell, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 4. Custom's Tariff :—Mr. East, pursuant to notice, moved, That in the opinion of this House it is essential to the interests of the colony, that, during the recess, a revision of the Customs Tariff be made by the Ministry ; the same to be submitted to this House at the earliest opportunity after its next meeting for its approval. Mr. Fox moved, That the question be amended by the insertion of the words " published and" between the words " be' and " submitted." Question, That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted, put and passed. Mr. Daldy moved, That the question be further amended by the insertion of the following words between the words "and" and "submitted," in the third line, "forwarded to the different members of this House at least three months before the next session and." Question put, That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted. House divided. Ayes, 8. ] Noes, 14. Mr. Ward, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. East, Mr. Smith, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Graham, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Fox (teller). The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Lee, Mr. Domett, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bell, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Curtis (teller). Whereupon question put and passed. 5. Message



5. Message :—The following Message from his. Excellency the Governor received and read : — Steam Communication and Magistrates. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 30. Governor. The Governor recommends the House of Representatives to authorize the Government to take such steps as may appear expedient, for the maintenance of an efficient steam service between the Provinces for a period of three years, at a cost not exceeding £'10,000 a year, with power to extend such service to the Australian Colonies. The Governor further recommends the House of Repretentatives to authorize the Government to make the necessary advances for maintaining the several Resident Magistrates' Departments, not placed on the Civil List or General Estimates, pending arrangements with the Provincial Governments for taking charge of those Departments. Government House, Auckland, 11th July, 1856. On motion of Mr. Stafford his Excellency's Mestage No. 30 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply, 0. Paper :—The Colonial Secretary laid 011 the table the following paper :— (1.) Circular letter to Commissioner of Crown Lands respecting the disposal of the land fund ; and transfer of the administration of the Crown lands to the Provincial Governments. 7- Postponements : -On motion of Mr. Fox the reports of the Committees on the Registration Bill, and changes in the Constitution Act, were postponed until Thursday next. 8. Nelson Defalcation Committee:—Mr. Fox, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which, with the evidence of Mr. Sinclair, taken before the Committee, was ordered to be prin ted. 9. Native \ffairs : —On motion of Mr. Stafford the message of his Excellcncy the Governor No. 29, enclosing the report of a Commission appointed by his Excellency to inquire into the state of natie affairs in the colony, was ordered to be printed. 10. Estimates:—The fifth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left- the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 11. New Zealand Debenture Bill :—On motion of Mr. Stafford Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of re-committiii"- this Bill. 0 On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 12. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Act: —On motion of Mr. Stafford this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 13. Revenues Bill: On motion of Mr. Stafford this Bill was discharged from the notice paper 14. Adjournment: On motion of Mr. Stafford the House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past six o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF TIIE DAY. Saturday, July 12, 185 G. 1. Mil, Beckham to .ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the inte ition of the Government to take steps with reference to the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, forwarded to the Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate of Auckland, 011 the 9th of April, 1856 ; and if so, what those steps are. 2. Mr. East toast the hon. msmber at the head of the Government if it is the intention of the Ministry to advise his hxcellency the Governor to fill up the vacancies in the Legislative Council, in order that the whole of the Colony may be represented in that Assembly. 3. Mr. Fox to ask leave to lay on the table, for the adoption by the House, of certain proposed standing Orders, relating to the proceedings 011 Private Bills, and other private matters. 4. Mr. Fox


4 - J tStter Ve ' forleaVetointrodUCea Billt ° the recommendation of the Scrip vinc'ia"'CounciK in(kmnif > P arties wh ° have acted under certain Acts and Ordinances of Prorii A L S °' 9Bm l ° e "!!; le Provillcia l Councils to alter the Criminal Law within certain limits the t C rett n to' H ° use ' Mr v Merriman, Mr. Williamson, M, East, Mr. Taylw^Mr. to the purposes of education * appr ° pnatlon of the sums de voted Also, a copy of the Secretary of State's answer to that despatch. ■ tX;hT^ l s i ejL rf,ohnB,tt,B DaVld John -' a " d Thomas Fagan, 9 ' TJS * move ' That leay e of absence be granted to Mr. Wells during the remainder of 10 ' ?£rST ;eWd e 'tl r a a s t eSc e t C r Py P etiti °« ° f Mr. J. J. Piercy, with the minutes attached Beckham. Mr. Cuff. Mr. Hall, MrTe"and '' C ° mmittee t0 ° f Mr ' ,L

ORDERS OP THE DAY. '' Expenditure for the y e„ ending 30th June, 1857 _.0 b. further considered in 2. Provincial Waste Lands Bill-to be considered in Committee. 3. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 4. New Zealand Debenture Bill reported-adoption of the report. 5. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 6. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill-to be considered in Committee. 7- Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill-to be considered in Committee 8. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill-to be further considered in Committee. 9. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 1-to be considered in Committee JO. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2-to be considered in Committee. CHARLES' CLIFFORD, Speakor,

No. 58,

SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-seven members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. New Zealand Loan Bill: —On motion of Mr. Stafford the second reading of this Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 3. Petition of Mr. J. J. Piercv :—Mr. Beckham, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to take steps with reference to the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, forwaided to the Colonial Secretary by the Resident Magistrate of Auckland, on the 9ih of April, 1856, and, if so, what those steps are. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government could not comply with the prayer of Mr. Piercy's petition, as the House in its last session had only voted half salary to Mr Piercy &s Clerk to the Resident Magistrate's Court in Auckland ; but that the Government had determined that the rule, that no Government officer should draw full salary, for two offices should apply equaily to all Government officers. 4. Legislative Council -.—Mr. East, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, if it is their intention to advise his Excellency the Governor to fill up the vacancies in the Legislative Council, in order that the whole of the Colony may be represented in that Assembly. Mr. Stafford replied, That there were in reality only two vacancies in the Council, and that the Government would hpve no objection to advise his Excellency to request authority to enlarge the Council. 5. Standing Orders Mr. Fox, pursuant to amended notice, moved, That it be an instruction to the Standing Orders Committee to prepare Standing Orders relating to the proceedings on private Bills, and other private matters. Question put and passed. (5. Scrip Restriction Hill :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to introduce a Bill to carry out the recommendations of the Scrip Committee. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 17- Noes, 2. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lee, Mr. Bell (teller). Mr. Brodie, Mr. Ward, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Carleton, Mr, Williamson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Domett, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Cuff, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Fox (teller). On motion of Mr. Fox the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 7. Provincial



7. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to introduce a Bill to indemnify parties who have acted under certain Acts or Ordinances of Provincial Councils. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Fox, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 8. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to introduce a Bill to enable Provincial Councils to alter the Criminal Law within certain limits. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Fox, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 9. New Zealand Debentures Bill:—It being now two o'clock the House proceeded to consider the orders of the day. Mr. Stafford moved, That order of the day No. 4 be first considered. Question put and passed ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the Committee of the whole House on the New Zealand Debenture Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to enable the Governor of New Zealand to raise a loan not exceeding £100,000 by the issue of Debentures." Question put and passed ; and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the bill to the Legislative Council. 10. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill:—Mr. Stafford moved, That order of the day No. 6 be next considered. Question put and passed ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 11. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 1 :—On motion of Mr. Stafford Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the ('hairman reported that the committee had resolved to recommend the House to refer the consideration of the Bill, to the select committee on Changes in the Constitution Act; Question, That the resolution of the committee be adopted, put and passed. 12. Bribery and Treating Bill No. 2 :—On motion of Mr. Stafford the consideration of this Bill was referred to the select committee on Changes in the Constitution Act. The House resumed the consideration of the motions on this day's notice paper. 13. Pensioners :—-Mr. Fox, pursuant to amended notice, moved, That the petitions of the pensioners presented to this House during the session, and the report of the committee of last session, be referred to a select committee, to consist of Mr. Metriman, Mr. Williamson, Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Henderson. Mr. Lee, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Hall, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day week. Question put and passed. 14. Native Offenders' Bill:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor to prevent communication with certain districts in which Native offenders are received and harboured. Debate ensued. Question put and passed; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 15. Words taken down :—On motion of Mr. Daldy the following words, spoken by Mr. Curtis in the debate on the Native Offenders' Bill, had been ordered to be taken down : — lhat within the last six months, life had been sacrificed within the Province of Auckland, to popular fear of the natives." Mr. Curtis having declined to withdraw the words complained of. Mr. Hall moved the following resolution, —" That this House having taken into consideration the following words spoken in debate by Mr. Curtis, viz., ' That within the last six months, life nad been sacrificed within the Province of Auckland to popular fear of the natives,' and having understood that they refer to the execution of Charles Marsden, declare the assertion to be, in their opinion, without a shadow of foundation, and emphatically condemn the use of those words." Mr Curtis stated, in explanation, lhat he wished to be understood as not attributing undivided responsibility to any one, especially to his Excellency the Governor, and that he had arrived at his conviction on this subject, chiefly from reports' in the Auckland newspapers. Mr. Curtis then withdrew. Debate ensued. Question


Question, That the resolution as moved by Mr. Hall be adopted by this House, put and passed. Mr. Bell moved the following resolution, " That the honorable member for Motueka (Mr. Curtis), be ordered to attend in his place, and that Mr. Speaker do communicate to him the resolution come to by this House with regard to him, and <Jo reprimand him/' Question put and passed. Mr. Curtis being in attendance, Mr. Speaker communicated to him the resolutions adopted by the House in regard to him, and reprimanded him accordingly. Whereupon Mr. Curtis submitted himself, and bowed to the decision of the House. 16. AdjournmentOn motion of Mr. Carleton the House adjourned at twenty minutes to seven o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, July 15, 1856. 1. Mr. Merriman to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to take any steps with a view to equalize the representation of the several Provinces in this House. 2. Mr. Bell to ask the honorable member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of Government to make any provision for completing the investigation into titles under contracts of the New Zealand Company, some time since devolved upon the .Crowe, and for the issuing of grants pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf. 3. The Colonial Secretary to move for leave to bring in a Bill to authorise the sub-division qf the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. 4. The Colonial Treasurer to move for a return of all persons who have given due »otice to the Colonial Secretary of claims, required under the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants' Ordinance. 5. Mr. Bell to move, That if, on Mr. Speaker concluding prayers, there be not a quqrum of members present, the names of the members absent without leave of the House shall be taken down by the Clerk, and posted in some conspicuous place in the House, there to remain during the session. And that all members so absent shall forfeit, the amount of expenses for that day, the same to be deducted from the amount receivable by them at the end of the session. 6. Mr. C. Brown to move, That this House is of opinion that any works offered to the Government of this colony, for the cost of transmission of the same, ought to be accepted with the least possible delay. 7. Mr. Bell to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to communicate witli the Home Government, in order to ascertain whether a sufficient number of small arms, which may have been thrown out of service by the introduction of the Minie rifle, can be placed at the disposal of the Colonial Government for the purpose of arming the local Militia. And also, whether any guns can be obtained, to be deposited in the several ports of the Colony, so as to be available for defence in the event of a war with any foreign power extending to these seas. 8. Mr. Hall to move, That the resolution passed by this House on the 23rd June last, respecting the order of business in this House, be now rescinded. That on Tuesdays and Thursdays Standing Order No. 59 be suspended, and that on those days orders of the day do take precedence of notices of motion, until the conclusion of the present session. 9. Mr. Hall to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be communicated to this House, copy of a despatch to the Secretary of State, dated 16th June, 1853, with its enclosures, relative to the appropriation of the sums devoted to the purposes of education among the Natives ; also, a copy of the Secretary of State's answer to that despatch. 10. Mr. Brodie to move, That the copy of the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, with the minutes attached thereto, be referred to a select Committee to report upon; the Committee to consist of Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Hall, Mr. Lee, and the mover; with leave to call for persons and papers. 11. Mr. Curtis to move, That the petition of John Sharpe, David Johnson, and Thomas Fagan, be printed with the papers of the House. 12. Mr.


12. Mr. Curtis to move, That leave of absence be granted to Mr. Wells during the remainder of the session. 13. Mr. Carleton to move, That the petition of Margaret Forbes, concerning her pre-emption land claims at Onehunga, be printed; also, that the said petition be referred to the select Committee on Land Claims. 14. Mr. Carleton to move, That an address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to lay before the Home Authorities the report of the select Committee ( f the House of Repiesenatives appointed to consider the case of Dr. Bacot, in reference to a house and land at Howick, and to recommend the re-consideration of Dr. Eacot's case at the War Office. 15. Adjourned debate on the question, That the petitions of officers of the Suiveyor-General's Department be referred to a select Committee, to enquire and report on the prayer of the petitions ; Committee to consist of Mr. Smith, Mr. East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Williamson.

ORDERS OF THE DAY, 1. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. 2. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 3. New Zealand Loan Bill—second reading. 4. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered in Committee. 5. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 6. Scrip Restriction Bill—second reading. 7. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 8. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in Committee9. Literary arid Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 11. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill —second reading. 12. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—second reading. 13. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—second reading, CHAKLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 59.

TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-two members being present; Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Representation of the Provinces :—Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, asked the Government ■whether it is the intention of the Government to take any steps with a view to equalize the representation of the several Provinces in this House. The Colonial Secretary replied, That the Government would not be pledged on this subject, but it was the intention of the Government to cause an enquiry to be made into the state of the Electoral Rolls with a view to their purification ; and that if returns showed that the number of representatives was disproportioned to the number of electors, it would then be the duty of the Government to take action in the matter. 3. Land Claimants, New Zealand Company:—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to make any provision for completing the investigation into titles under contracts of the New Zealand Company, sometime since devolved upon the Crown, and for issuing of grants pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf. Mr. Stafford replied, That he understood from Mr. Bell himself, that there were very few of these claims that had not been investigated and reported on; that on the transfer of the management of the Waste Lands of the Crown to the Provinces, the Government proposed to delegate to the Provincial Governments the authority to complete these investigations ; if this should be declined, then it would remain the duty of the General Government to do so. 4. Counties Bill:—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to notice, asked for leave to introduce a Bill to authorise the division of the Provinces of New Zealand into Counties, Hundreds, and Townships. Leave given ; and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 5. Land Claimants, New Zealand Company :—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved for a return of all persons who have given due notice to the Colonial Secretary, of claims, required under the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants' Ordinance. Question put and passed. 6. Absence of Members :—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, moved, That if during this session, on Mr. Speaker concluding prayers, there be not a quorum of members present, the names of the members absent, without leave of the House, shall be taken down by the Clerk, and posted in some conspicuous place in the House, there to remain during the session. And that all members so absent, shall forfeit the amount of expenses for that day, the same to be deducted from the amount receivable by them at the end of the session. Debate ensued. Mr. Merriman moved the previous question. Question, Shall this question be now put, put and negatived. 7. Works of Art and Literature -.—Mr. Brown, pursuant to (amended 1 ) notice, moved, That this House is of opinion, that any works of art or literature offered to the Government of this Colony for the cost of transmission of the same, ought to be accepted with the least possible delay. Question put and passed. 8. Militia : —Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, mdved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to communicate with the Home Government, in order to ascertain whether a sufficient number of small arms, which may have been thrown out of service by the introduction of the Minie rifle, can be placed at the disposal of the Colonial Government, free of cost, for tile purpose of arming the Local Militia



Militia. And, also, whether any guns can be obtained to be deposited in the several ports of Colony, so as to be available for defence, in the event of a war with any foreign power extending to these seas. Question put and passed. 9. Order of Business •. —Mr. Hall, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the resolution passed by this House on the 23rd of June last, respecting the order of business in this House, be now rescinded. Question put and passed. 10. Education of Natives :—Mr Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be communicated to this House, copy of a despatch to the Secretary of State, dated 16th of June, 1853, with its enclosures, relative to the appropriation of the sums devoted to the purposes of education amongst the Natives ; also, a copy of the Secretary of State's answer to that despatch. Question put at»d passed. 11. Petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy :—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved, That the copy of the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy, with the minutes attached thereto, be referred to a select Committee to report thereon. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Hall, Mr. Lee, and the mover, with leave to call for persons and papers ; to report this day week. Question put and passed. 12. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Curtis withdrew the motion standing in his name, eleventh on the notice paper of this day . ] 3. Leave of absence : —Mr. Curtis, pursuant to notice, moved, That leaye of absence be granted to Mr. Wells during the remainder of the session. Question put and passed. 14. Petition of Margaret Forbes : —Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notiee, moved, That the petition of Margaret Forbes, concerning her pre-emption land claims at Onehunga, be printed. Question put and passed 15. Petition of Staff-Burgeon Bacot:—Mr. 'Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved, That an address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to lay before the Home Authorities the report of the select Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed to consider the case of Dr. Bacot, in reference to a house and land at Ho wick, and to recommend there-consideration of Dr. Bacot's case at the War Office. Question put and passed. 16.' Surveyor-General's Department:—Debate resumed on the question.That the petitions of officers of the Surveyor-General's Department be referred to a select Committee to enquire and report on the prayer thereof. Committee to consist of Mr. Smith, Mr. East, Mr. Wells, Mr. Wm d, Mr. 'Beckham, Mr. Lee. and Mr. Williamson ; to report this day week. Mr. Williamson moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the name of Mr. Wells, with a view to insert that of Mr. Brown in lieu thereof. Amendment agreed to, and question as amended put and passed. 17. Message : — The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read : — Chart of New Zealand. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 31. Governor. The C4overnor bejs to transmit to the House of Representatives, the accompanying Admiralty Chart of New Zealand, containing the surveys of H. M. ships " Acheron" and *' Pandora," from 1848 to 1855. Government House, Auckland, 14th July, 1856. IS. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Bill, the Marriage Act Amendment Bill, and the Magistrates Indemnity Bill, had passed the Council without amendment. The Friendly Societies Bill was also presented to Mr. Speaker, as amended in the Council, in which amendments they prayed the concurrence of the House. On motion of Mr. Stafford, the consideration of the amendments in the Friendly Societies Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 19. Standing Orders :—-Mr. Fox, for the Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee, brought up a supplementary report of the Committee, recommending the adoption of certain Standing Orders in reference to private Bills, and other private matters. 20. Pensioners' Petitions Committee :—Mr. Fox, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read, and ordered to be printed. 21. Postponement -—On motion of Mr. Domett, the report of the Committee on Old Land Claims was postponed until to-morrow. 22. Estimates


22. Estimates of Expenditure :—The second order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 23. New Zealand Loan Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 24. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Council had agreed to a conference on the amendments in the Supreme Court Procedure Bill. Also, that the Council request a conference relative to the amendments made by the House of Representatives in the Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill, and that managers had been appointed on behalf of the Council. 25. Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill : —On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ward and Mr. Domett were appointed managers on behalf of this House, to conduct a conference with managers on behalf of the Legislative Council, on the amendments made by the House in this Bill. 26. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill :—Mr. Stafford moved, That this Bill be re-committed. Question put and passed ; and Sir. Speaker accordingly quitted the chair, the House resolving itself hito a Committee of the whole for further consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments, and on motion of Mr Stafford, the adoption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 27- Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill :—On motion of Mr. Stafford, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next, 28. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill ; —On motion of Mr. Stafford, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 2-9. Adjournment :—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the House adjourned at twenty minutes to six o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, July 16, 1856. 1. Mr. Stafford io move, That a select Committee be appointed to inquire into, and report, as to the practicability of meetings of the Assembly being held at other places than the seat of Government, and the question of the position of the seat of Government: with power to conduct its proceedings in conjunction with any Committee of the Legislative Council appointed for a similar purpose, and to make either a joint or separate report. The Committee to consist of Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hall, and the mover. 2. Mr. Williamson to move, That the names of Mr. Hall, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Merriman, and Mr. Bell, be added to the Constitution Committee. 3. Mr Brodie to move, That it is the opinion of this House, that no officers in receipt of pay Irom the General Government, should be allowed to have more funds under their control than the amount of their several securities, and should any officers under the General Government become defaulters without giving the necessary security, that the Ministers who placed those officers in power, or did not ascertain that proper securities were given, should be held responsible for finy loss to the Colony for any defalcations. 4. Mr. Fox to move, That the report of the Committee on the pensioners' petition be adopted. 5. Mb. Fox to move the adoption of the Standing Orders recommended in the supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee in reference to private Bills and other private matters. *5. Mr. Fox to move, That the Committee on the Registration Bill be discharged. 7- Mr.


7. Mb. Fox to move, That the Committee on the Constitution Act be discharged.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of the Committee on Old Land Claims. 2. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 3. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill—to be further considered in Committee. 4. New Zealand Loan Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 5. Provincial Waste Lands Bill—to be considered in Committee. 6. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill—second reading. 7. Scrip Restriction Bill—second reading. 8. Superintendents' Vacancy and Temporary Absence Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 9. Provincial Council Priviliges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 10. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 12. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—to be considered in Committee. 13. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—to be considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 60.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1856. : 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty members being present: Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. General Assembly meeting of:--Mr. Speaker having ruled that the motion standing in Mr. Stafford s name, first on the notice paper of this day, was not in order, as the House had already come to a resolution on the same subject; Mr. Stafford, by leave of the House, amended his motion as follows:—That a select committee be appointed to enquire into and report as to the most practicable manner of carrying out the resolution of this House as to t e meeting of the next session of the Assembly, and the question of the position of the seat of Government; with power to conduct its proceedings in conjunction with any committee of the Legislative Council, appointed for a similar purpose, and to make either a joint or separate report. The Committee to consist of Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hall, and the mover; the report to be brought up this day week. ® r Mr : moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the words " and the question ol the position of the seat of Government." Debate ensued. Amendment by leave withdrawn. Debate continued. Mr. Fox moved, That the question be amended by the addition of the following members to serve on the Committee, viz., Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brown, Mr. Curtis, and the Colonial Treasurer. Question put, That the names proposed to be added, be so added. I he House divided. „ es > 3 - Noes, 10. r - * ox > Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brown, M r. Domett, Mr. Ward (teller). Mr< Cu ff, Mr. Lee, Mr. Merriman, Mr.. Williamson, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Carleton, The Colonial Secretary, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Beckham (teller). Mr. Stafford moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the words "the Colonial Secretary ' with a view to insert the words « the Colonial Treasurer" in lieu thereof, passed the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and Debate continued. Mr. Fox moved, That the House be counted, The



The House having been counted, it was found that there was a quorum of members present. Debate continued. Mr. Fox moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " the," in the fifth line, to the word " The," in the ninth line, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, "preparations to be made for the next meeting of the Assembly, in conformity with the previous resolution of the House." Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. The House divided. Ayes, 15. I Noes, 5. Mr. Stafford, | Mr. Brown, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Smith, Mr, Merriman, Mr. Ward (teller) s Mr. Domett, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Taylor, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Daldy, The Colonial Secretary (teller). Whereupon original question put and passed. 3. Constitution Act Committee :—Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, moved, That the names of Mr. Hall, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Merriman, and Mr. Bell, be added to the Constitution Committee. Question put and passed. 4. Receivers of Public Revenue :—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved, That it is the opinion of this House, that no officers in receipt of pay from the General Government should be allowed to have more funds under their control than the amount of their several securities, and should any officers under the General Government become defaulters without giving the necessary security, that the Ministers who placed those officers in power, or did not ascertain that proper securities were given, should be held responsible for any loss to the Colony for any defalcation. Motion by leave withdrawn. 5. Postponement:—Mr. Fox postponed the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 6. Standing Orders :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved the adoption of the Standing Orders recommended in the Supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee, in reference to private bills and other private matters, and that they be printed with the report. Question put and passed. \ 7. Registration Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the Committee on the Registration Bill be discharged. Question put and passed. 8. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Fox, withdrew the motion standing in his name, seventh on the notice paper of this day. 9. Old Land Claims Committee :—Mr. Dometl, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was ordered to be printed. 10. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill :—The second order of the day having been read. Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments, and the adoption of the report of the Committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 11. New Zealand Loan Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That tha title of the Bill be, " A Bill for raising a loan of ,£500,000 for the public service of the Colony of New Zealand." Question put and passed, and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Campbell were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 12. Provincial


]2. Provincial Waste Lands Bill :—On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left thq chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 13. Postponements: —On motion of Mr. Stafford, the second reading of the Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill was postponed; and the second reading of the Scrip Restriction Bill was postponed until Friday next. 14. Superintendents' Deputy Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the third reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 15. Adjournment-.—On motion of Mr. Stafford the House adjourned at forty-five minutes past nine o'clock.

NOTICES OE MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, July 17, 1856. 1. Ma. Curtis to move, That Mr. Speaker be requested to order that the report of the trial of Charles Marsden, as it appeared in either the " New Zealander" or the "Southern Cross'** be printed with the papers of the (louse. 2. Mr. Fox to move, That the report of the Committee on the pensioners' petitions be adopted.

ORDERS OP THE DAY. I. Report of the Committee on the Constitution Act. 2- Native Offenders' Bill—second reading. 3. Counties' Bill—second reading. 4. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 5. Superintendents' Deputy Bill—third reading. (!. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—to be further considered in committee. 7. Scrip Restriction Bill—second reading. 8. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in committee. 9. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill— to be considered in committee. 10. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 11. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—to be considered in committee. 12. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—to be considered in committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 61.

THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1856. 1. The House rret pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and eighteen members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Charles Marsden, trial of: —Mr. Curtis, pursuant to notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker be requested to order that the report of the trial of Charles Marsden, as it appeared in either the " New Zealander" or " Southern Cross" newspapers, be printed with the papers of the House. Debate ensued. Motion by leave withdrawn. 3. Pensioners' Petition : —Mr. Fox, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the recommendations contained in the report of the committee on the pensioners' petition, be adopted. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Ward the debate was adjourned until after the printing of the report of the committee. 4. Papers : —Mr. Stafford laid on the table the following papers : — (1.) Copy of a letter from Mr. Walter Taylor, respecting emigration of persons from Victoria into New Zealand, in continuation of papers laid on the table on the 25th of June, 185 G. (2.) Copy of Grammar School Trust Deed ; also, returns showing the present position of the Trust, &c., being return to an order of the House of the 26th of June, 1856. 5. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Fox moved, That this House at its rising, do adjourn until to-morrow at two o'clock. Question put and passed. 6. Postponement:—On motion of Mr. Fox leave was given to the committee on the Constitution Act to postpone their report until this day week. 7- Native Offenders' Bill: —Mr. Stafford moved, That this Bill be now read a second time. Mr. Daldy moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the word " now," with a view to add at the end thereof the words " this day six months." Debate ensued. Question put, That the word proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 13. Noes, 7. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Cuff, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Beckham, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Brown, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Hsnderson, Mr, Curtis, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ward (teller). Mr. Domett, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Lee, Mr. Smith, Mr. Merriman (teller). Whereupon question put and passed, and the Bill read accordingly; and the consideration thereof in committee ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 8. Adjournment: —On motion of Mr. Stafford the House adjourned at five minutes to five o'clock.



NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, July 18, 1856. 1. Counties Bill—second reading. 2. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 3. Superintendents Deputy Bill—third reading. 4. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857 —to be further considered in committee. 5. Scrip Restriction Bill—second reading. 6. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in committee. 7. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in committee. 8. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill—second reading. 9. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—to be considered in committee. 10. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—to be considered in committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Stafford, on the third reading of the Provincial Waste Lands Bill, to move the addition of two clauses in that Bill, which will be printed for the information of members'. 2. Mr. Campbell, on the resumption of the debate on the report on the pensioners' petition, to move, That this House, having considered the petition of sundry pensioners, alleging grievances in respect of non-fulfilment of engagements by the Imperial Government, is of opinion that the case of the petitioners deserves consideration ; but, inasmuch as the compensation recommended will have to be made out of the Waste Lands of the Province of Auckland, this House is of opinion that the case of the petitioners ought to be considered by the Provincial Government and Council of that Province. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 62.

FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1856. There being only four members present, exclusive of Mr. Speaker, at the conclusion of prayers, viz., Mr. Brown, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Carleton, and Mr. Campbell; Mr. Speaker declared the House adjourned.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE |DAY. Tuesday, July 22, 1856. 1. Mr. Mkrriman to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether any, and if any, what steps have been taken with a view to carry into effect the resolution of the House passed on ihe 30th August, 1855, on the motion of Mr. Merriman, requesting his Excellency the Officer administering the Government to send down a supplementary estimate to defray the expenses of scrutinizing the Electoral Rolls of the several Districts, and for other purposes mentioned in the resolution, and for which purpose a sum of £500 was voted by this House. 2, Mr. Brown to move for a statement of the grounds on which the sentence of death has not been can led into effect on the prisoner Cassidy.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the petition of Mr. J.J. Piercy. 2. Report of the Committee on the petition of officers of the Surveyor-General's Department. 3. Provincial Waste Lands Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 4. Friendly Societies Bill—consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. ■5. Counties Bill—second reading. 6. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 7- Superintendents' Deputy Bill - third reading. 8. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857 —to be further considered in committee. 9. Scrip Restriction Bill—second reading. 10. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 12. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill —second reading. 13. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—to be considered in committee. 14. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—to be considered in committee.



CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION- . ... , of the Provincial Waste Lands Bill, to move the addition of .. f th dpbate on the report on the pensioners petition, to 2. Mr. House having considered the petition of sundry pensioners, alleging grievances move, lh ® t ) h n l ® "Xl'ment of engagements by the Imperial Government, is of opinion that he in respect of non-fulnlm ;,w>tinn • hut inasmuch as the compensation recommended t , s « of the petitioners „„ f A „ k P larf> thl , H o«,e i, of of the petitioners ought to be cohered b, the Pro.i.oi.l Government and Council of that Province. , CIURLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ro. 63

TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-two members being present; Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Leave of absence : —On motion of Mr. Daldy, Mr. Graham was excused from attendance on his duties in the House in consequence of illness. 3. Papers :—The Colonial Treasurer laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Detailed Estimates of Expenditure on account of the Land Purchase Department. Ordered to be printed. (2.) Copy of a letter from officer commanding pensioners, relative to leasing pensioners' cottages. 4. Electoral Rolis :—Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether any, and if any, what steps have been taken with a view to carry into effect the resolution of the House, passed on the 30th of August, 1855, on the motion of Mr. Merriman, requesting his Excellency the Officer administering the Government to send down a Supplementary Estimate, to defray the expenses of scrutinizing the Electoral Rolls of the several districts, and for other purposes mentioned in the resolution, and for which purpose a sum of £500 was voted by this House. Mr. Stafford, in reply, laid on the table a correspondence between the General Government and the Superintendents of Provinces relative to a scrutiny of the Electoral Rolls, and stated that the subject should receive the earnest attention of the Government during the recess. 5. Cassidy, Joseph : —Mr. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved for a statement of the grounds on which the sentence of death has not been carried into effect on the prisoner Cassidy. Mr. Stafford having laid on the table, documents tending to prove the insanity of Cassidy previous to the commission of the murder of which he was convicted, the motion was by leave withdrawn. 6. Postponement: —On motion of Mr. Brodie, time was given to the Committee on the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy to postpone their report to this day week. 7. Surveyor-General's Deparatment Committee Mr. Williamson, Chairman of the Committee to whom the petition of officers of the Surveyor-General's Department had been referred, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 8. Provincial Waste Lands Bill •• —On motion of Mr. Carleton, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of re-committing this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow.. 9. Message -.—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— Native Education. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 32. Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives, as requested by the Resolution of the House, No. 19, dated the 15th instant, the enclosed copy of a Despatch to the Secretary of State, dated 16th June, 1858, with its enclosures, relative to the appropriation of the sums devoted tothe purposes of education among the Natives. Government House, Auckland, 22nd July, 1856.10. Friendly



10. Friendly Societies Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the amendments by the Legislative Council to this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and Mr. Cuff and Mr. Curtis were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 11. Counties Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 12. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill On motion of Mr. Hall, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Hall moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to render more simple and effectual the titles by which property is held for religious, charitable, and educational purposes in New Zealand." Question put and passed; and Mr. Williamson, Mr. Merriman, and Mr. Hall, were ordered to present the Bill, as amended, to the Legislative Council. 13. Superintendents' Deputy Bill:—On motion of Mr. Hall, this Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Hall moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to make provision for the performance of the duties of Superintendents during the temporary absence of such Superintendents, and duirng the vacancies in the office." Question put and passed; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the Bill, as amended, to the Legislative Council. 14. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the New Zealand Debenture Bill had passed the Council without amendments. Also, that the Council had adopted the report of the committee of conference on the Supreme Court Procedure Bill. The Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill was also presented to Mr. Speaker as passed by the Legislative Council, and to which they prayed the assent of this House. 15. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill: —On motion of Mr. Bell, this Bill was read a first time, and the second reading thereof was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 10. Scrip Restriction Bill :—Mr. Fox moved, That this Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Question put and passed, and Bill read accordingly; and, on motion of Mr. Fox, the consideration of the Bill was referred to the following select committee to report thereon, viz., the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Bell, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Brown, Mr. Ward, and the mover; to report on Tuesday next. 17. Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the House adjourned at forty-five minutes past five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, July 23, 1856. 1. Mr. Stafford to move, That the constituent powers vested in the General Assembly by the Constitution Act, are inconveniently restricted, and that it is desirable to obtain lrom Parliament the largest possible measure of constituent powers for the said General Assembly. 2. Mr. V. Smith to move for a return of the blocks of land in the Hawkes' Bay district, describing their situation and estimated quantity in acres, for the purchase of which the Government is at present in negociation with the natives of that district. And to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, when such purchases will be finally completed. 3. Mr. Merriman to move for copies of all correspondence between Captain J. C. Johnson and the General Government,.relative to his purchase of land at Whangaroa, and a claim for compensation made by him. 4. The Colonial Treasurer to move, that it be an instruction to the Select Committee on the Scrip Kestnction Bill to consider the following Resolutions :— 1. That it is expedient to ascertain and define by law, the rights of claimants under land Orders issued by the New Zealand Company, and under Government Scrip issued in lieu of such Land Orders under the New Zealand Land Claimants Ordinance. 2. That


2. That notwithstanding the provisions of the New Zealand Land Claimants Ordinance, all unexercised Land Orders issued by the New Zealand Company, entitling the holders to select a definite quantity of rural land within any of the Company's Settlements, ought to be made capable of being exercised in the selection of an equal quantity of rural land out of the Waste Lands of the Crown already acquired from the Natives within the Province in which such Settlement is situated, but not elsewhere, subject to the ordinary regulations imposed by law as regards shape, frontage, and other rules of selection. But such Land Orders may not be exercised over lands hereafter to be acquired from the Natives. 3. That where selection has been heretofore made by virtue of any such Land Orders, of lands over which the Native title is not extinguished, such Land Orders shall not entitle the holders to claim such lands when the Native title may hereafter be extinguished, except with the express sanction and consent of the Government of the Province within which such lands are situated ; but the same shall be deemed to be unexercised Land Orders, and exercisable as such. 4. That the commutation of the said Company's Land Orders for Government Scrip, under the provisions of the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants Ordinance, shall in all cases be deemed to have been valid up to this date, but no such commutation shall be further permitted. 5. all such Government Scrip remaining unexercised, may be exercised within the Province in which the Settlement is situated, in respect of which such Scrip was issued, and not •elsewhere. 6. In the Province of Wellington such Land Orders and Scrip may not be exercised over or in agricultural and small farm Settlements, established under the Land Regulations of that Province, or over any town or suburban lands set apart in connection therewith; nor in any Province shall such Land Orders or Land Scrip be exercised within the limits of any township or small farm Settlement established under a special scheme limiting the application of the proceeds of lands sold within such limits to the benefit of such Settlements. 5. Mr. Stafford to move, That, in the opinion of this House, the salary of the Governor of New Zealand ought to be £3500 per annum. And that a proportionate increase ought to be made in the Civil List. And that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency praying him to take the necessary steps for effecting such increase. 6. Mb. Stafford to move, That, in the opinion of this House, the tenure of office of Judges of the Supreme Court ought to be assimilated as nearly as may be to that of Judges in England. That there ought to be a Chief Justice, and two Puisne Judges of such Court. That the salary of the Chief Justice ought to be £1400 per annum. And that of the two Puisne Judges £1000 each per ann. That a proportionate increase ought to be made in the Civil List. That the appointment of Judges should be with her Majesty, but to be exercised on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench in England. That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency praying him to take the necessary steps towards effecting the above object. 7. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That the letter of the Resident Magistrate of New Plymouth, of 7th April, 1855, reporting the inquiry on the sanity or insanity of Joseph Cassidy, be printed.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Meeting of the General Assembly. 2. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in Committee. 3. Provincial Waste Lands Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 4. Counties Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 5. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee. 6. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill—second reading. 7. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be considered in Committee. 8. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in Committee. 9. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill —second reading. 10. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill—to be considered in Committee. 11. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill—to be considered in Committee. Contingent


CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. ] Mr. Stafford, on the third reading of the Provincial Waste Lands Bill to move the addition of two clauses in that Bill, which will be printed for the information of members. 9 aTr Campbell on the resumption of the debate on the report on the pensioners' petition, to 2. Mr. Camfbel , P considered pet j t it>n of sundry pensioners, alleging grievances in°respect of non-fulfilment of engagements by the Imperial Government, is of opinion that the iase of the petitioners deserves consideration , but, inasmuch as the compensation recommended wtl haveto P be made out of the Waste Lands of the Province of Auckland, this House is of opinion that the case of the petitioners ought to be considered by the Provincial Government and Council of that Province. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

Ko. 64,

WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-three members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Motions withdrawn Mr. Stafford and Mr. Smith withdrew the motions standing in their names, respectively, first and second on the notice paper of this day. 3. Captain J. C. Johnson:—Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of all correspondence, between Captain J. C. Johnson and the General Government, relative to liis purchase of land at Whangaroa, and a claim for compensation made by him, be laid on the table of this House, Question put and passed. 4. Scrip Restriction Bill:—The Colonial Treasurer, pursuant to notice, moved, That it be an instruction to the select committee on the Scrip Restriction Bill, to consider'the resolutions standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. Question put and passed, 5. Salary of his Excellency the Governor : —Mr-Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole to consider the following iesolution :— " That in the opinion of this House the salary of the Governor of New Zealand ought to be £3,500 per annum, and that a proportionate increase ought to be made in the Civil List; and that a respectful address be presented to Her Majesty, praying Her to allow the necessary provision to be made." Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported that the committee recommend the resolution referred to them, for adoption by the House. Question, That the resolution recommended in the report of the committee be adopted by the House, put and passed. 6. Judges of Supreme Court:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and that the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the following resolutions - " That in the opinion of this House, the tenure of office of Judges of the Supreme Court ought to be assimilated as nearly as may be to that of Judges in England. That there ought to be a Chief Justice and two Puisne Judges of such Court. That the salary of the Chief Justice ought to be £1,400 per annum ; and that of the two Puisne Judges £1,000 each, per annum. That a proportionate increase ought to be made in the Civil List. That the appointment of Judges ought to be with Her Majesty, but to be exercised on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench in England. That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to take the necessary steps towards effecting the above object." Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 7. Postponement:—On motion of Mr. Stafford leave was given to the committee on the Meeting of the General Assembly, to postpone their report to this day week. 8. Native



8. Native Offenders' Bill -.—The second order of the day having been read, the Colonial Treasurer moved, as an amendment, That the Bill be referred to the following select committee, to consider and report thereon, viz., Mr. Daldy, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brown, and the mover; the committee to be authorised to take evidence, and to report on Tuesday next. Question put and passed. 9. Waste Lands Bill: —On motion of Mr. Stafford the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to empower the Superintendents and Provincial Councils to enact laws for regulating the sale, letting, disposal, or occupation of the Waste Lands of the Crown." Question put and passed ; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 10. Counties Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. The Colonial Secretary moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to authorise the division of the Provinces of the Colony of Mew Zealand into Counties and Hundreds." Question put and passed ; and Mr. Stafford and the Colonial Secretary were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 11. Postponement: —On motion of Mr. Stafford the consideration of order of the day No. 5 was postponed. 12. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill -.—On motion of Mr. Campbell this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again ; and, on motion of Mr. Campbell, the Bill was ordered to be re-committed tomorrow. 13. Provincial Council Privileges Bill: —On motion of Mr. Stafford Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was ordered to be re-committed to-morrow. 14. Postponement:—On motion of Mr. Stafford the consideration of order of the day No. 8 was postponed. 15. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill :—On motion of Mr. Bell this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 16. Provincial Councils Acts Indemnity Bill ••—On motion of Mr. Hall Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments; and the adoption of the report of the committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for tomorrow. 17- Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill :—On motion of Mr. Fox Mr. Speaker left the chair the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 18. Estimates of Expenditure :—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That the House do now consider order of the day No. 5. Question put and passed • and, on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 19. Adjournment;—On motion of Mr. Bell the House adjourned at five minutes to one o'clock. Notices


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, July 24, 1856. 1. Mr. Williamson to move, That the recommendations contained in the report of the select Committee on the petitions received from certain officers of the Surveyor-General's Department, be adopted by the House. 2. Mr. Fox to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his Excellency to summon the General Assembly to meet within a period not exceeding one year from the prorogation of the present session. 3. Mr. Hall to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will recommend this House to make provision for the arrears of salary due to Mr.VV. G. Brittin, formerly Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Canterbury. 4. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in a Bill to give, for a limited time, the validity of Acts of the General Assembly, to laws made by the Superintendents and Provincial Councils of the several Provinces of New Zealand. 5. Mr. Domett to move for leave to bring in a Bill for the final settlement of Old Land Claims. (5. The Colonial Secretary to move, The adoption of the amendments in the Supreme Court Procedure Bill, 1856, agreed to in conference between the Legislative Council and House of Representatives. 7. Adjourned debate in Committee on the question, That in the opinion of this House, the tenure of office of Judges of the Supreme Court ought to be assimilated ,as nearly as may be, to that of Judges in England, That there ought to be a Chief Justice, and two Puisne Judges of such Court. That the salary of the Chief Justice ought to be £ 1400 per annum. And that of the two Puisne Judges £1000 each per aim. That a proportionate increase ought to be'made in the Civil List. That the appointment of Judges should be with her Majesty, but to be exercised on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench in England. That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency praying him to take the necessary steps towards effecting the above object.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the committee on the Constitution Act. 2. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857 —to be further considered in committee. 3. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be re-coramitted. 4. Provincial Council Privileges Bill—to be re-committed. 5. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill—to be considered in committee. G. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill—to be considered in committee. 7. Provincial Laws Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 8. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill, reported—adoption of the report.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Bi 11, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the following resolutions, — That, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropropriation in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. That


That it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in March, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July 1853 been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has of his own authority, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony. That inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer bad been virtually made as aforesaid before the passing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same mav be done without Act of Parliament,) that the Lords of the Treasury should issue directions to the Governor,' requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. ' That, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced ab solutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department with the" regulation and audit of the costs and charges thereof. That pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act this House do, by resolutions, determine what, in its opinion, ought to be the nature and amount of the said costs and charges; and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that his Ex eellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Govern ment. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker*

NO. 65.

THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-two members being present : Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of Richard Chilman : —Mr. C. Brown presented a petition from Mr, R. Chilman, of New Plymouth, relative to land purchased by him from the Agent of the New Zealand Company, and of which he has been dispossessed by the natives. Petition read and received. 3. Lapsed question:—Mr. Williamson not being in his place, the question standing in his namei first on the notice paper of this day, lapsed. 4. Meeting of General Assembly :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his Excellency to summon the General Assembly to meet within a period not exceeding one year from the prorogation of the present session. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government intended to adhere to the custom of an annual session; but that they proposed to insert a clause in the Appropriation Bill, to be introduced in the present session, authorising the expenditure for a period of fifteen months, if necessary, in order that the Colonial Government should be in possession of the views of the Imperial Government, relative to the proposed loans, and the financial scheme of the Government, previous to the next meeting of the Assembly. 5. Postponement:—Mr. Hall postponed the motion standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day, until to-morrow. 6. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Stafford withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. 7. Old Land Claims:—Mr. Domett, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the final settlement of old land claims. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Domett, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Wednesday next. 8. Supreme Court Procedure Bill:—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the amendments in this Bill, agreed to in conference between the Legislative Council and House of Representatives. Question put and passed ; and Mr. Ward and the Colonial Secretary were ordered to signify to the Legislative Council that the House concurred in the amendments to the Bill. 9. Judges of the Supreme Court:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the resolutions standing seventh on the notice paper of this day. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had adopted the following resolutions, and recommend the same to the House :— That in the opinion of this House, the tenure of office of Judges of the Supreme Court ought to be assimilated, as nearly as may be, to that of Judges in England. That the Judges of the Supreme Court ought not to be removable except by her Majesty, on an address from both Houses of the General Assembly; and should only be liable to suspension by the Governor on a like address. That their ought to be a Chief Justice, and two Puisne Judges of such Court. That so soon as Judges shall be appointed in accordance with these resolutions, the salary of the Chief Justice ought to be £1400 per annum, and that of the two Puisne Judges <£1000 each per annum. That



That a proportionate increase ought to be made in the Civil List; but no second Puisne Judge ought to be appointed, till this House shall have resolved that the said appointment is necessary. That the appointment of Judges should be with her Majesty ; but to be exercised on the recommendation of some one of the Judges of the Superior Courts in England, who mav be from time to time designated in that behalf by the Colonial Government on behalf of the Colonv That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying him to take the necessary steps towards effecting the before named objects. Question, That the foregoing resolutions be adopted by the House, put and passed. 10. PostponementOn motion of Mr. Fox, leave was given to the Committee on changes in the Constitution Act, to postpone their report until Tuesday next. 11. Provincial Laws Pill On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to give, for a limited time, the validity of Acts of the General Assembly to laws made by the Superintendents and Provincial Councils of the several Provinces of New Zealand." Question put and passed; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. ]2. Privileges Bill On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the third reading of the Bill was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 13. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 14. Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill On motion of the Colonial Secretary, this Bill was referred to the following select committee to report thereon, viz., Mr. Stafford, Mr. Hall Mr. Bell, Mr. Williamson, and the mover. The report to be brought up this day week. 15. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill Mr. Bell, moved, That this Bill be now committed. The Colonial Secretary moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the word " now," with a view to add at the end thereof the words " this day six months," Question, That the word proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be added, be so added, put and passed. "Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 16. Estimates of Expenditure On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 1/. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Henderson, the House adjourned at a quarter past six o'clock.


Friday, July 25, 1856. 1. Mr. Ijell to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to take any steps for carrying out the recommendation of the Committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations, upon the petition of James Gilligan. Mr. >rAFFoi?n to move, That the constituent powers vested in the General Assembly by the Constitution Act, are inconveniently restricted, and that it is desirable to obtain from Parliament the largest possible measure of constituent powers for the said General Assembly. And in particular, that the Genera! Assembly should be empowered to alter the provisions of the said Act,except the provisions contained in the following clauses, viz.— I, 2, -3, 18. 25, 28, 29, 32,. 44, 4;>, 46, 47, 53. 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 71. 80, and so much of clause 40 which does not relate to the number of members of the House of Representatives. Also the Schedule of the said Act. But


But that every Bill for making such alteration should be reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. 3. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That the letter of the Resident Magistrate of New Plymouth, of '7th April, 1£55, reporting the inquiry on the sanity or insanity of Joseph Cassidy, be printed. 4. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That the petition of Richard Chilman be printed, and referred to a select Committee, consisting of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Smith, Mr. Cuff, and the mover; with power to call for persons and papers ; and to report on Wednesday next. 5. Mr Bei,l to move, That a copy be laid on the table of any memorial to his Excellency the Governor from Mr. S. E. Grimstone, with regard to the loss of his office, consequent on the changes introduced by the Constitution Act. 6. Mb. Hall to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will recommend this House to make provision for the arrears of salary due to Mr.W. G. Brittin, formerly Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Canterbury.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. J. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 2. Privileges Bill—third reading. -3. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 4. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. 3. Mr. Bell, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the following reso* lutions, — That, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropropriation in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. That it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in \larch, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, 1853, been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has of his own authotity, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony. That inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer had been virtually made as aforesaid before the passing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the l ords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same maybe done without Act ot Parliament,) that the Lords of the Treasury should issue directions to the Governor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature, in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. That, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and audit of the costs and charges thereof. I hat pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act, this house do, by resolutions, determine what, in its Opinion, ought to be the nature and amount ot the said costs and charges; and do respectfully address the Governor, pra)ing that his Excellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Government. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 66.

FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. James Gilligan :—Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, whether it is their intention to take any steps for carrying out the recommendation of the committee on Sir George Grey's Land Regulations upon the petition of James Gilligan. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government had been unable to take any steps in the matter, as the committee had not specified the amount of compensation to be awarded ; but, that if the petition and report were forwarded to the Government, they would take the case into consideration. 3. Constitution Act:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole, for the purpose of considering the resolution standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day. Question put and passed. Un Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had adopted the following resolution, and recommend the same to the House :— " That the constituent powers vested in the General Assembly by the Constitution Act are inconveniently restricted, and that it is desirable to obtain from Parliament the largest possible measure of constituent powers for the said General Assembly; and in particular that the said General Assembly should be empowered to alter the provisions of the said Act, except the provisions contained in the following clauses, viz., 1, 3, 18, 25, 28, 29, 32, 44, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 50, 57, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 71, 80 ; so much of clause 40 which does not relate to the number of members of the House of Representatives, and so much of clause 64 which does not relate to the manner of accounting to her Majesty for the sums specified therein. But that every Bill for making such alteration should be reserved for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure thereon/' Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 1. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Stafford moved, That this House, at its rising, do adjourn until to-morrow at two o'clock. Question put and passed. 5. Joseph Cassidy :—Mr. Charles Brown, pursuant to notice, moved, That the letter of the Resident Magistrate of New Plymouth, of the 7th April, 1855, reporting the enquiry on the sanity or insanity of Joseph Cassidy, be ordered to be printed. Deb ite ensued. Mr. Brown moved, That the debate be now adjourned. Question put and negatived ; and, it being now three o'clock, the House proceeded to the consideration of the orders of the day. 6. Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to amend an Ordinance to provide for the management of Savings Banks." Question put and passed; and Mr. Cuff and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill, as amended, to the Legislative Council. 7. Privileges



7- Privileges Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, this Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to declare certain privileges of Legislative Bodies and Officers of the Government of the Colony and Provinces of New Zealand; to confer certain powers on the said Legislative Bodies, and to give protection to persons employed in the publication of papers under the authority of same." Question and passed; and Mr. Cuff and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 8. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill:—On motion of Mr. Brown, Mr. Speaker left the chair and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with further amendments ; and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for tomorrow. 9. Estimates of Expenditure :—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June 1857. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Tuesday next. 10. Papers •. —The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Correspondence between Captain J. C. Johnstone and the General Government, relative to his purchase of land at Whaingaroa ; being return to an order of the House of the 3rd instant. (2.) Return of fees received by the Receiver of Intestate Estates for the Northern District of the Colony. (3.) Return of all voting papers received by Returning Officers, in the Province of Auckland, during the late elections ; being return to an order of the House of the 6th June, last. 11. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Stafford the House adjourned at ten minutes to six o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND OltDEll OF THE DAY. > , Saturday. July 26, 1856. 1. Mr. Charles Brown to move, That the petition of Richard Chilman be printed, and referred to a select Committee, consisting of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Smith, Mr. Cuff, and the mover; with power to call for persons and papers, and to report oil Wednesday next. c 2. Mr. Fox to move the adoption of the report of the Committee on the petition of the Pensioners 3. Mr. Lee to move, 1 hat a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the.Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to place on the Supplementary Estimates the sum of two shillings'per diem as a pension to Alexander Brown (volunteer at the late war in the North), and a bonus of fifty pounds'(£s )) in lieu of arrears of pension since the year 1845. 4. Mr. Stafford to move, That the House be called over on Friday, August Ist. Tuesday, August sth, and Wednesday, August 6th. '! ' y. „ . .

ORDER OF THE DAY. 14. Piovincial Councils Criminal Law Bill, reported—adoption of the report. Contingent


CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. li Mr. Bell, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the following resolutions, — That, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropropriation in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. That it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in March, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, 1853, been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has of his own authority, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony, That inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer had been virtually made as aforesaid before the passing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same may be done without Act of Parliament,) that the Lords of the Treasury should issue directions to the Governor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature, in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. That, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and a udit of the costs and charges thereof. That pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act, this House do, by resolutions, determine what, in its opinion, ought to be the nature and amount of the said costs and charges; and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Government. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker \

No. 67,

SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty members being present; Mr, Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Postponements :— (1.) Mr. Williamson postponed the motions standing in his name, upon the notice paper of Monday, until Tuesday next. (2.) Mr. Fox postponed the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, until Monday next. 3. Richard Ohilman, petition of : —'Mr. Chas. Brown, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the petition of Richard Chilmanbe printed, and rfeferred to a select Cortimittee, consisting of the Colonial Secretary Mr. Carleton, Mr. Curtis, Mr. V. Smith, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Fox, and the mover; with power to call for persons and papers ;to take evidence as to the alienation of public lands; and to report on Wednesday next. Question put and passed. 4. Alexander Brown, petition of:—Mr. Lee, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole, for the purpose of considering the resolution standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day. Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to place on the Supplementary Estimates the sum of two shillings per diem as a pension to Alexander Brown .(a'volunteer at the late war in the North), and a bonus of fifty pounds (£5O) in lieu of arrears of pension since the year 1845." Question, That the resolution as recommended by the Committee be adopted by the House, put and passsed. 5. Call of the House:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the House be called over on Friday, August Ist, Tuesday, August sth, and Wednesday, August 6th; and that such members, not having leave of absence, as shall not then attend, shall be sent for in custody of the Sergeant-at-Arhis. ' 1 Question put and passed. 6. Message :—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— Native Reserves Bill. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 33. Governor. On the recommendation of his responsible advisers, the Governor proposes the following amendment in the Bill which has been passed by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives, and presented to his Excellency for the Royal assent, entitled the " New Zealand Native Reserves Act, 1856." ,2. The amendment which his Excellency proposes is, that at the end of clause 17 the following words be added, "Provided always, that whenever such assent shall have been ascertained as aforesaid, the land to which the same shall relate shall be conveyed to her Majesty, her heirs, and successors, and shall then become subject to the provisions of this Act." Government House, Auckland, 26th July, 1866. Or and proceedings OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.


On motion of Mr. Stafford, the consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 33 was ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 7- Adjournment (special) :—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That this House, at its rising, do adjourn until Monday at two o'clock. Question put and passed. 8. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill:—On motion of Mr. Hall, the report of the Committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Hall moved, That the title of the Bill be, "A Bill to enable the Superintendents to make Laws altering the Criminal Law of New Zealand in certain cases." Question put and passed; and Mr. Hall and Mr. Carleton were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 9. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at ten minutes to four o'elock.

NOTICES OF MOTION; Monday, July 28, 1856. 1. Mb. Eox to move, That the report of the Committee on the pensioners' petition be adopted. 2. Mil. Cableton to move, That the report of the Library Committee be adopted ; also (if adopted) to move that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to place the sum of 100/. on the supplementary estimates, in order to carry out the recommendations of the Committee. 3. Mh. Daluy to move, That leave of abssrice be extended to Mr. R. Graham, member for Southern Division, it unable to attend from sickness.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mb. Bell, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the following resolutions :—■ lhat, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges ot collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropriation, in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. I hat it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in March, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, 1853, been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has, of his own authority, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony. That,inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer had been virtually made, as aforesaid, before the passing of the Act, the regulation and audit ol the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same may be done without Act of Parliament), that the Lords of the Treasury shall issue directions to the Governor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature, in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. I hat, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be Submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and audit of the costs and charges thereof. That, pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act> this House do, by resolutions, determine what, in its opinion, ought to be the nature and amount ot the said costs and charges, and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Government, 2. Mr.


2. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land Purchase Department, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorised to expend such amount as may be requisite for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners, working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should, if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connection with the purchases of Native Lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be laid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

Mo. 68,

MONDAY, JULY 28, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and eighteen members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Scrip Restriction Bill:—Mr. Fox, Chairman of the Committee to whom this Bill was referred, brought up their report, which was read ; and, on motion of Mr. Fox, the consideration of the Bill in committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 3. Pensioners :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the recommendations contained in the report of the Committee on the Pensioners Petition, be now adopted. Mr. Campbell moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " That," with a view to insert the following words in lieu thereof, "this House, having considered the Petition of sundry Pensioners, alleging grievances in respect of non-fulfilment of engagements by the Imperial Government, is of opinion that the case of the petitioners deserves consideration; but, inasmuch as the compensation recommended, will have to be made out of the Waste Lands of the Province of Auckland, this House is of opinion that the case of the petititioners ought to be considered by the Provincial Government and Council of that Province." Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be inserted, be so inserted, put and passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 4. Library:—Mr. Carleton, by leave of the House, divided the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day, and pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the recommendations contained in the report of the Library Commitee be now adopted. Question put and passed. Mr. Carleton then moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the remainder of the motion standing in his name on this day's paper. Question put and passed. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House : — "That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to place a sum of £100 on the Supplementary Estimates, in order to carry out the recommendations of the Library Committee." Question, That the resolution, as recommended by the Committee, be adopted by the House, put and passed. 5. Adjournment -.—On motion of Mr. Carleton, the House adjourned at twenty minutes to three o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. , Tuesday, July 29, 1856. 1. Mr. Merkiman to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his Excellency the Governor to recommend the House to make provision for the claim of Mr. Justice Stephen to an amount of money in lieu of any increase of salary promised by Sir George Grey to the Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court. 2.



2. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor to sell certain reserves in the Town of Auckland, and to expend the proceeds in building Government otfices. Also, a Bill for declaring certain portions of the Revenue raised within the Colony of New Zealand to be Revenue of the Colony, and certain other portions of such Revenue raised within each Province, to be Revenue of such Province. Also, a Bill to enable the Superintendent and Provincial Council of any Province to establish Postal Communication within the Province. Also, a Bill to vest in the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, certain reserves in that Province, heretofore granted as endowments for Hospitals and Grammar Schools. 3. Mr. Chas. Brown to move, as a Resolution of this House, That, having regard to the number and importance of the interests which may be affected by the alteration of the existing boundaries of Provinces, no question of altering any such boundaries be entertained by the Assembly until certain preliminary steps have been taken for ensuring a due publicity, with respect to the nature of the proposed alteration, and the causes which may appear to render it desirable; and that it is expedient that the aforesaid preliminary steps should be defined in the present session. 4. Mr. Hall to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will recommend this House to make provision % the arrears of salary due to Mr. W, G. Brittin. formerly Registrar of Deeds for the. Provin.ce of Canterbury. 5. Mr. Williamson to move, That the recommendations contained in the report of the select Committee 011 the petitions received from certain officers of the Surveyor-General's Department, be adopted by the House. C. Mr. Williamso.n to n\ove, That a respectful address be presented to the Governor, requesting his Excellency to cause to be placed on the Estimates the sum of £4!)00 for the encouragement of the preparation of Nevy Zealand flax as. an article of export. 7. Mr. Lee to move, That all sums of money voted by this House under the head of " Native Expenditure" in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed under the control, and disposed of under the immediate supervision, and with the consent of the Responsible Ministers of this House.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1» Report of the Committee on the petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy. 2. Native Reserves Bill—consideration of amendments proposed by his Excellency the Governor. 3. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857 —to be further considered in committee. 4. Scrip Restriction Bill—to be considered in Committee. Mr. Fox to move, in Committee on the Scrip Restriction Bill, the consideration of the amendments suggested by the Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. J. Mr. Bfll, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the follpwing resolutions, — That, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropi opriation in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. That it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in March, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, 1853, been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has of his own authoiity, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony, That inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer had been virtually made as aforesaid before the parsing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same may be done without Act of Parliament,) that the Lords of the Treasury should issue directions to the


the Governor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature, in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. That, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly, the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and a udit of the costs and charges thereof. That pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act, this House do, by resolutions, determine what, in its opinion, ought to be the nature and amount of the said costs and charges ; and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Government. "2. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land Purchase Department, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorised to expend such amount as may be requisite for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners, working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should, if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connection with the purchases of Native Lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be iaid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker,

No. 69.

TUESDAY, JULY 29, 185 G. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty membeis being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Constitution Act Committee Mr. Fox, Chairman of this Committee, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 3. Salary of Puisne Judge •• —Mr. Merriman, pursuant to notice, asked the Government, whether it is the intention of the Government to advise his Excellency the Governor to recommend the House to make provision for the claim of Mr. Justice Stephen to an amount of money in lieu of an increase of salary promised by Sir George Grey to the Puisne Judge ot the Supreme Court. Mr. Stafford, in reply, laid on the table a memorandum from Mr. Justice Stephen on this subject, for the consideration of the House. 4. Sale of Public Offices Bill:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor to sell certain reserves in the City of Auckland, and to expend the same in building Government Offices. Leave given ; and on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 5. Revenues Bill Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for declaring certain portions of the revenue raised within the Colony ot New Zealand, to be revenue ot the Colony, and certain other portions of such revenue raised within each Province, to be revenue of such Province. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 6. Provincial Postage Bill Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Superintendent and Provincial Council of any Province, to establish postal communication within the Province. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 7• Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Endowment Bill:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to vest in the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, certain reserves in that Province, heretofore granted as endowments for hospitals and grammar schools. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Thursday next. 8. Boundaries of Provinces :—Mr. Chas. Brown, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, as a resolution of this House, That, having regard to the number and importance of the interests which may be affected by the alteration of the existing boundaries of Provinces, no such question of altering any such boundaries be entertained by the Assembly, until certain preliminary steps have been taken for ensuring a due publicity with respect to the nature of the proposed alteration, and the causes which may appear to render it desirable; and that it is expedient that the aforesaid preliminary steps should be defined in the present session. Question put and passed. 9. Mr. W. G. Brittan, arrears of salary to :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, rhat Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee ot the whole, for the purpose of considering the resolution standing fourth on the notice paper of this day. Question put and passed.



On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the resolution had been ■negatived in committee. 10. Papers Mr. Stafford laid on the table the following papers : — (I.) Return showing the expenditure by Mr. Commissioner McLean in the purchase of native lands. Ordered to be printed. (2.) Return showing the extent of land, the purchase of which from the natives is now under negotiation. 11. Officers of Surveyor-General's Department-: —Mr. Williamson, pursuant to (amenled) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the resolution standing fifth on the notice paper of this day. Question put and passed. On Mr- Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the resolution had been negatived in committee. 12. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Legislative Council had agreed to the amendments made by this House in the Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill. The New Zealand Loan Bill, and the Counties Bill, were also presented to Mr. Speaker, as amended in the Legislative Council. 13. New Zealand Loan Bill -.—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the amendments made by the Legislative Council in this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and Mr. Campbell and the Colonial Secretary were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 14. Counties Bill: —On motion of Mr. Stafford, the amendments made by the Legislative Council in this Bill were read and agreed to by the House, and Mr. Campbell and the Colonial Secretary were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 15. Mr. Piercy's Petition Mr. Brodie, Chairman of the Committee to whom this petition had been referred, brought up their report, which was read and ordered to be printed. 26. Native Reserves Bill: -On motion of Mr. Stafford, the amendments in this Bill, proposed by his Excellency the Governor, were read and agreed to by the House, and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the Bill, as amended, to the Legislative Council. 17. PostponementOn motion of Mr. Stafford, the further consideration of the Estimates was postponed until to-morrow. 18. Land Orders and Scrip BillOn motion of Mr. Fox, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 19. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Hall, the House adjourned at half past six o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, July 30, 1856. 1. Mr. Ward to move the adoption of the amendments in the Resident Magistrates Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill, agreed to in conference between the Legislative Council and House of Representatives. 2. Mr. Fox to move for leave to bring in a Bill for securing the purity of elections. 3. Sir. Brodie to move, That the report of the select Committee on Mr. Piercy's petition be adopted, and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency, requesting him to place upon the supplementary estimates, the sum of forty-three pounds fifteen shillings, in accordance with the resolution of the Committee contained in that report.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the meeting of the General Assembly. 2. Report of the Committee on the Native Offenders Bill. 3. Report \


3. Report of the Committee on the petition of Richard Chilman. 4. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill—second reading. 5. Land Orders and Scrip Bill—to be further considered in Committee. C. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land Purchase Department, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorized to expend such amount as may be requisite for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands, is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should, if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connexion with the purchases of Native lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be laid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 70.

WEDNESDAY, .JULY 30, 185 G. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-two members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Petition of James Busby : —Mr. Campbell presented a petition from Mr. Busby, praying that he may be heard at the Bar of the House on the subject of Land Claims, prior to the passing of the Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill. Petition read and received. 3. Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill: —Mr. Ward, pursuant to notice, moved the adoption of the amendments in the Resident Magistrates Courts' Ordinance Amendment Bill, agreed to in conference between the Legislative Council and House of Representatives. Question put and passed ; and Mr. Ward and Mr. Domett were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 4. Purity of Elections Bill :—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill for securing the purity of Elections. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr. Fox, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 5. Postponements :— (1.) On motion of Mr. Stafford, leave was given to the Committee on the Meeting of the General Assembly to postpone their report until to-morrow. (2.) On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, leave was given to the Committee on the Native Offenders Bill to postpone their report until Friday next. (3.) On motion of Mr. Cuff, leave was given to the Committee on the petition of Richard Chilman to postpone their report until Friday next. 6. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill : —On motion of Mr. Domett, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for Friday next. 7. Land Orders and Scrip Bill :—The fifth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House, in committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of this Bill, On Mr, Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 8. Estimates of Expenditure : —The sixth order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the further consideration of the Estimates On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 9. Adjournment : — On motion of Mr. Lee, the House adjourned at five minutes past ten o'clock.

NOTICES OE MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, July 31, 1856. 1. Mr. Bell to call the attention of the Government to the correspondence laid on the table on the subject of the Lodging Money of the officer lately administering the Government, and to ask whether it is the intention of the Government to place a sum on the Estimates for the purpose of reimbursing to that officer the refund demanded by the Military Authorities. 2. Mr.



2. Mr. Campbell to move, That the prayer of the petition of James Busby, Esq., to be heard at the Bar of the House, on the subject of the old Land Claims, be granted, on the House goin>r into Committee on the old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill. 3. Mr. Brodie to move, That the report of the select Committee on Mr. Piercy's petition be adopted, and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency, requesting him to place upon the supplementary estimates, the sum of forty-three pounds fifteen shillings, in accordance with the resolution of the Committee contained in that report. 4. Mr. Lee to move, That the appendix to the report on the Old Land Claims be printed for the information and guidance of members, before the consideration of the Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Meeting of the General Assembly. 2. Land Orders and Scrip Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 3. Purity of Elections Bill—second reading. 4. Sale of Public Offices Bill—second reading. 5. Provincial Postage Bill—second reading. 6. Hospital and Grammar School Endowments Bill—second reading. 7- Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—to be further considered in committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land Purchase Department, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorised to expend such amount as may be requisite for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners, working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should, if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connection with the purchases of Native Lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be laid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. 2. Mr. Lee to move, on the House going into Committee on the Estimates, That all sums of money voted by this House under the head of " Native Expenditure" in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed at the disposal of his Excellency, with the advice and consent of the responsible Ministers 3. Mr. Willtamson to move, in Committee of Supply, the following Resolution, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, authorising his Excellency to grant a bonus of £ to such person or persons as shall prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered a means whereby Flax can be prepared in Such quantities as will render it an article of general export. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

No. 71,

THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1856. L The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Lodging Allowance Mr. Bell, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether it is the intention of the Government to place a sum upon the estimates, for the purpose of reimbursing the officer lately administering the Government, the refund of Lodging money demanded by the military authorities. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government were not in possession of sufficient information on this subject, but would take the case into consideration. 3. Land Claims :—Mr. Campbell, pursuant to notice, moved, That the prayer of the petition of James Busby, Esq., to be heard at the Bar of the House on the subject of Old Land Claims, be granted on the House going into committee on the Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill. Question put and passed. 4. Petition of Mr. J. J. Piercy:—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the following resolution :— "That the report of the select Committee on Mr. Piercy's petition be adopted, and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to place upon the supplementary estimates the sum of forty-three pounds fifteen shillings, in accordance with the resolution of the Committee contained in the report." Question put. House divided. Ayes, 13. Noes, 7. Mr. East, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lee, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Williamson, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Campbell, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Ward, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Fox, Mr. Brown (teller). Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Hall (teller). On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Tuesday next. 5. Message -.—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— Supplementary Estimates. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 35. Governor. On the recommendation of his responsible advisers, the Governor transmits the following additional Estimates to the House of Representatives. £ s. d. Governor's Department ... ... ... 14 10 0 Land Purchase Department ... ... ... 512 9 6 General Assembly ... ... ... 37 10 0 Registrar of Deeds, Wellington ... ... ... 38 17 3 Miscellaneous



Miscellaneous ... ... ... 156 10 11 Gratuity to Alexander Brown ... ... ... 50 0 0 Pension to ditto ... ... ... 36 10 0 846 7 8 The Governor recommends the House to make provision for the services above specified. Government House, Auckland, 31st July, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 35 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. 6. Motion withdrawn :—Mr. Lee withdrew the motion standing in his name, fourth on the notice paper of this day. 7. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Council had agreed to the amendments proposed by his Excellency the Governor in the Native Reserves Bill. Also, that the Legislative Council request a conference with the House of Representatives on the subject of the amendments made by the House in the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill. On motion of Mr. Hall, Mr. Ward, Mr. Williamson, and the mover, were appointed managers to conduct a conference with the Legislative Council on the subject of the amendments made by the House in the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill. 8. Meeting of General Assembly Committee : —Mr. Stafford, Chairman of this committee, brought up their report, which was read, and ordered to be printed. I). Land Orders and Scrip Bill:—On motion of Mr. Fox, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Fox moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to define and settle the rights of holders of Land Orders and Scrip." Question put and passed ; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 10. Purity of Elections Bill:—On motion of Mr. Fox, this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow, 11. Resignation of Mr. Brittin : —Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed to him by Dingly Askham Brittin, Ksquire, notifying his resignation of his seat in this House as a member for Christchurch Country District. 12. Public Offices Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford this Bill was read a second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments, and the adoption of the report of the committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 13. Provincial Postage Bill : —On motion cf Mr. Stafford, this Bill was read a second time, and the consideration thereof in committee was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 14. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford this Bill was read a second time, and referred to the following select committee to report thereon, viz., Mr. Campbell, Mr. Daidy, Mr Brodie, Mr. Williamson, and the Colonial Secretary. The report to be brought up to-morrow. 15. Estimates of Expenditure :—The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the estimates. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 16. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Bell the House adjourned at five minutes to six o'clock. Notices


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, August 1, 1856. Call of the House. 1. Mr. Stafford to move for extension of leave of absence for the remainder of the session for Mr. Elliott, one of the members for the Waimea District. 2. Mr- Carleton to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Lunatics Ordinance, 3. Mr. Fox to move, That the letter cf Mr. John Cargill to the mover, already read to the House, be entered on the minutes. 4. Mr. Brown to move, That the Auditor General be surcharged with the excess he may have received as Manager of the Bank of Issue,over and above half the amount of salary voted by this House for that office. 5. Mr. Hall to move a respectful address to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause a new Writ to be issued for the election of a member to serve in this House for the Christchurch Country District, in the room of Mr. Brittin, resigned. 6. Mr. H all to move, That the amendments in the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts JBill, agreed upon in conference with the Legislative Council be adopted by this House.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on the Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill. 3. Beport of the Committee on the Native Offenders Bill. 4. Report of the Committee on the petition of R. Chilman. 5. Purity of Elections Bill, reported—adoption of the report. <5. Public Offices Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 7- Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill—to be considered in committee. 8. Revenues Bill—second reading. 9. Provincial Postage Bill—to be considered in committee. 10. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—to be further considered in committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land Purchase Department, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorised to expend such amount as may be requisite for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners, working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connection with the purchases of Native Lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be laid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. 2. Mr. Lee to move, on the House going into Committee on the Estimates, That all sums of money voted by this House under the head of " Native Expenditure" in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed at the disposal of his Excellency, with the advice and consent of the responsible Ministers, 3. Mr.


3. Mk. Williamson to move, in Committee of Supply, the following Resolution, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, authorising his Excellency to grant a bonus of £ to such person or persons as shall prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered a means whereby Flax can be prepared in such quantities as will render it an article of general export. 4. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seeking at present to disturb the existingrelations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Goverrimei.t were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the 15th April, 1836, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received." CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

NO. 72.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-five members being present ; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Call of the House :—On Mr. Speaker directing the Clerk of the House to call over the names of the members, pursuant to the order of the day for a call of the House, Mr. Stafford moved, That the said order be now discharged from the paper. Question put and passed. 3. Leave of Absence :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for extension of leave of absence for the remainder of the session, for Mr. Elliott, one of the members for the Waimea District. Question put and passed. 4. Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill :—Mr. Carleton, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Lunatics' Ordinance. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Carleton, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for Tuesday next. 5. Mr. J. Cargill ■ —Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That the letter of Mr. John Cargill to the mover, already read to the House, be entered on the minutes of proceedings. Debate ensued. Question put and negatived. G, Manager of Bank of Issue :—Mr. C. Brown, pursuant to notice, moved, That the Auditor General he surcharged with the excess he may have received as Manager of the Bank of lesue, over and above half the amount of salary voted by this House for that office. Motion by leave withdrawn. 7■ Resignation of Mr. Brittin :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will cause a new writ to be issued for the election of a member to serve in this House, for the Christchurch Country District, in the room of Mr. Brittin, resigned. Question put and passed. 8. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill:—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That the amendments in the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, agreed to in conference with the Legislative Council, be adopted by this House. Question put and passed; and Mr. Hall, Mr. Merriman, and Mr. Williamson, were ordered to notify the same to the Legislative Council. 9. Postponements: — (1.) On motion of the Colonial Secretary, leave was given to the committee on the Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill to postpone their report to this day week. (2.) On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, leave was given to the committee on the Native Offenders Bill to postpone their report until to-morrow. (3.) On motion of Mr. C. Brown, leave was given to the committee on the petition of Richard Chilman to postpone their report until Monday next. 10. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Legislative Council had adopted the amendments in the Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, as agreed to in committee of conference of the two Houses. 11. Auckland



21. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill The Colonial' Secretary, Chairmanof the committee to whom this Bill had* been referred, brought up their report, which was read; and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the consideration ot the Bill in committee wasordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 12. Purity of Elections Bill:—On motion of Mr. Fox, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Fox moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill for securing the purity of Elections." Question put and passed; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Cuff were ordered to present the Bill tO' the Legislative Council. 13. Public Offices Bill:—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be; " A Bill to enable the Governor to sell certain allotments of land in the City of Auckland, and to apply the proceeds towards erecting public offices." Question put and passed ; and Mr-. Curtis and Mr. Campbell were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 14. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill The order of the day having been read for the consideration of this Bill in committee, Sir. Stafford moved; as an amendment, That, previous to the Bill being committed, and irv pursuance of the resolution adopted by the House yesterday, Mr. Busby be heard in supportof his objections to the Bill, and that Mr. Busby be admitted within the Bar of the House. Question put and passed,. Mr. Busby was then introduced by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and proceeded to address the House. On the conclusion of Mr. Busby's address, Mr. Stafford moved that the House do now adjourn until seven o'clock this evening. Question put and passed ; and the House adjourned, accordingly, at quarter-past, fiveo'clock.

The House resumed at seven o'clock;. The seventh order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left : the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Old Land Claims FinaL Settlement Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and that the committee desired to re-commit the Bill. Ordered to be re-committed on Monday next. 15. Adjournment (special) :—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the House adjourned at eleven o'clock', until Monday next, at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Monday, August 4, 1856; 1. Mr. Fox to move, That a humble address be presented by this House to her Majesty,, praying that her Majesty will be pleased to command that all Military and Naval Officers within the Colony shall submit ihemselves to the provisions of the Privileges Act, passed by this House, s> far as the same require the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers belore Committees of the General Assembly (unless expressly prohibited in any case as it may, arise by the Officer Commanding the Forces in the Colony for the time being). Such Commands not to extend to officers while engaged on active military service,

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Native Offenders Bill. 2. Report of the Committee on the petition of R. Chilman. 3. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill—to be considered in committee. 4. Old


4V Old' Land Claims Final Settlement Bill—to be re-committed 1 . 5. Revenues Bill—second reading. 6. Provincial Postage Bill—to be considered in committee. 7. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 he further considered! in committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. li. Mr. Taylor to move, on the House proceeding to consider the expenses of the Land PurchaseDepartment, That it is the opinion of this House, 1. That the Government should be authorised to expend such amount as may be requisite' for the establishment of the Land Purchase Department. 2. That the present system of Sub-Commissioners, working under a Chief Commissioner in purchasing lands is unsatisfactory, and that the Government should, if possible, make all Commissioners directly responsible in effecting purchases in the districts where they may be employed. 3. That all surveys in connection with the purchases of Native Lands should be made with the cognizance of the Provincial Governments. 4. That accounts of all expenses incurred in accordance with the above resolutions should be laid on the table of this House as soon as possible after its next meeting. 2. Mr. Lee to move, on the House going into Committee on the Estimates, That all sums of money voted by this House under the head of " Native Expenditure" in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed at the disposal of his Excellency, with the advice and consent of the responsible Ministers. 3. Mb. Williamson to move, in Committee of Supply, the following Resolution, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax- as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, authorising his Excellency to grant a bonus of £ to such' person or persons as shall prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered a means whereby Flax ean be prepared in such quantities as-will render it an article of general export. 4. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seeking at present to disturb the existing relations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion,, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Governmerit were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so mnch of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the 15th April, 1856, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible ad--visers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advioe, but when he differs from them in opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State,,adhering, to his own until an answer is received." CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.-

Ko. T3,

MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1850. }. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Clerk of the House having read a letter addressed by Mr. Speaker to the Chairman of Committees, stating his inability to attend to his duties in the House, in consequence of illness ; Mr. Stafford moved, That the Chairman of Committees do take the chair. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair and read prayers. 2. Privileges Bill : —Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That an humble address be presented by this House to Her Majesty, praying that Her Majesty will be pleased to command that all military and naval officers within the colony shall submit themselves to the provisions of the Privileges Act, passed by this House, so far as the same require the attendance of witnesses, and the production of papers, before committees of the General Assembly (unless expressly prohibited in any case, as it may arise, by the officer commanding the forces in the colony for the time being) ; such commands not to extend to officers while engaged on active military service. Debate ensued. On motion of Mr. Fox, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday next. 3. Native Offenders Bill: —The Colonial Treasurer, Chairman of the Committee to whom the Native Offenders Bill had been referred, brought up their report, which was read, and ordered to be printed. 4. Richard Chilman's Petition:—Mr. Charles Brown, Chairman of the committee to whom this petition had been referred, brought up their report, which was read. Mr. Brown moved, That the report be ordered to be printed. Mr. Bell moved, as an amendment, " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that he will be pleased to refer the report of the select committee on the petition of Richard Chilman, just received, to his Honor the Superintendent of New Plymouth, and to request his Honor to take such steps as may be necessary to carry into effect the recommendation of the committee for further enquiry by the Provincial authorities." Amendment put. House divided. •Ayes, 9. Noes, 8. Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Lee, Mr. Smith, Mr. Graham, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Brown, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Daldy, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, ]\l r . Brodie, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Ward (teller), Mr. Bell (teller). Messages '•—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read — (1.) Resident Magistrates' Courts. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 36. Governor. On the recommendation of his responsible advisers, the Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying estimates, for the several Resident Magistrates' Courts, for six months commencing from the Ist of July, 1856. The Governor recommends the House to make provision for the above mentioned service. Government House, Auckland, 4th August, 1856. On



On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 36 was ordered to b considered in committee of supply. (2.) Travelling expenses of Governor and suite. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 37. Governor. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying supplements estimates for the expense, incurred under a resolution of the late House of Representative* in t\ visit of the Governor to the various Provinces of the Colony—£ll94 3 11. The Governor recommends the House to make provision for the above named expense. Government House, Auckland, 4th August, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 37 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. <>• Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves BillOn motion of the Colonial Treasurer Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. Oil Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments and the adoption of the report was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 7. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Public Offices Bill had passed the Council without amendments. Also, That the Waste Lands Bill, and t'.ie Privilege? Bill, had passed the Council with amendments, in which amendments the Council prays the concurrence of the House. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, consideration of the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Waste Lands Bill, and the Privileges Bill, were ordered to stand as orders of the day for to-morrow. 8- Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill : —On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the of re-committing this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 0. Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the House adjourned at half-past six o'clock until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, August 5, 1856. Call of the House. 1. Mr. Hall to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, what steps the Government intend to take with reference to the amount claimed to be due to the Province of Canterbury on account of the Land Office and the Survey Maps in that i'rovince. 2. Mr. Stafford to move for leave to bring in « A Bill to alter the Civil List so far as relates to the salary of the Governor." Also A Bill to enable the Governor of New Zealand to appoint a deputy on certain occasions." 3. The Colonial Ireasurer, To move for an Address to the Governor praying him to place on the Estimates the sum of 7501. for furniture of Government House. Also, For leave to bring in an Appropriation Bill. 4. Adjourned debate, in Committee, on the question, That the report of the select Committee on Mr I iercy petition be adopted, and that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to place upon the supplementary estimates the sum of forty-three pounds fiiteen shillings, in accordance with the resolution of the Committee contained in that report. Mr. P itzgerald to move for leave to bring in a Bill to extend'the jurisdiction of the Resident Magistrates' Courts in Civil cases. Orders


ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill, reported—adoption of the report. 2. Waste Lands Bill—consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. 3. Privileges Bill—consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. 4. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—second reading. 5. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in committee. <>. Old Land Claims Pinal Settlement Bill—to be further considered in committee. 7. Revenues Bill—second reading. 8. Provincial Postage Bill—to be considered in committee. 9. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Willtamson to move, in Committee of Supply, the following Resolution, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, authorising his Excellency to grant a bonus of £ to such person or persons as shall prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered a means whereby Flax can be prepared in such quantities as will render it an article of general export. 2. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seeking at present to disturb the existing relations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Government were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the 15th April, 1856, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received." •3. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 28, the sum of £1500 be granted to his Excellency for general contingencies ; such sum to be expended at his Excellency's absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such expenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly. 4. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, on consideration of his Excellency's Message, recommending the expenditure on the Native Land Purchase Department, That, having reference to former resolutions of this House, according to which the Land Fund became Provincial Revenue from the Ist instant, the Governor be authorized, during the ensuing year, to provide from time to time out of the temporary loan of £100,000 whatever may be required by him for payment of charges incidental to the purchase of Native lands. I hat, during the ensuing year, the Governor be authorized to provide out of such temporary loan, whatever sums may be required for the puichase of Native lands, not exceeding £40,000, including the above mentioned charges of departments ; such sums to be expended in accordance with the terms of relation settled between the Governor and his responsible Ministers, and the Financial Resolutions adopted by the House on the 2nd July. 5. Ihe Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply, That the Civil List be read. Also, in Committee of Supply, That the proposed Expenditure for Customs be read. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.

No. 74.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 185 G. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-five members being present ; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. New Zealand Company's Debt :—Mr. Speaker read the following letter, addressed to him by Mr. Adderley, M.P., which, on motion of Mr. Stafford, was ordered to be entered on the journals of the House. " House of Commons, ® IR >~ " February 21, 1856. 1 beg to acknowledge your letter, dated 15th September, 1855, containing copies of resolutions passed by the House of Representatives, relative to the debt claimed by the New Zealand Company and of a report of a select committee. I fear there is little chance of my hearing the result of the' consideration by the Legislature of the terms which I have transmitted as the offer of the New Zealand Company for a final settlement, before this Parliament will have terminated its present session. " I have also been informed from the Colonial Office of the resolutions of both Houses of Legislature, and of a payment of Five Hundred Pounds, which, in accordance with those resolutions, I am authorized to expend in defraying expenses of agency. " I beg to repeat, as I said before, that I must decline availing myself of such authority. It -will not be required, and my own time and attention are quite at the service of the Colony of New Zealand. " I shall be happy, when Mr. Sewell arrives, and further news renders any proceedings possible in reference to the settlement of the debt, to consult with him in taking the steps necessary. " I am, your obedient servant, " C. B. Adderley." 3. Call of the House :—The order of the day for a call of the House having been read, Mr. Stafford moved, That, pursuant to such order, the names of the members of this House be now called over. Question put and passed. Whereupon the Clerk of the House called over the names of members not having leave of absence, and all those members answered in their places. 4. Suspension of Standing Orders:—Mr. Stafford moved, That Standing Orders Nos. 55, 56, 59, 62, 69, 71, 72, 76, 77, and 86, be suspended for this day, and during the remainder of the session, for the purpose of allowing motions to be made -without notice, and Bills to be passed through this House, in all their stages, in one day, if necessary.* Question put and passed. 5. Land Office, Canterbury :—Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, asked the Government what steps the Government intend to take with reference to the amount claimed to be due to the Province of Canterbury on account of the Land Office and Survey Maps in that Province. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government would not make any exception in favour of the Province of Canterbury on this subject; that, on the transfer of the management of the Waste Lands to the Provincial Governments, all the Provinces should be treated in a uniform manner.

* Note. Mr. Speaker doubted the power of the House to suspend the Standing Orders for more than one day at a time, but would put the question, ordering a note to be made on the journals to the effect, that this occasion was not to form a precedent. 6, Governor's



6. Governor's Salary Bill:—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Civil List, so far as relates to the salary of the Governor. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, the Bill was read a first time. Mr. Stafford moved. That the Governor's Salary Bill be now read a second time. Mr. Daldy moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the word " now " with a view to add at the end thereof the words " this day six months." Question, That the word proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and passed. Whereupon the original question put and passed, and Bill read accordingly ; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments • and on motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of the whole House was adopted, and' the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to alter the Civil List granted to Her Majesty by the Constitution Act, so far as the same relates to the salary of the Governor." Question put and passed; and Mr. Bell and Mr. Lee were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 7. Messages :—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read : (1.) Library of General Assembly. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 38. Governor In accordance with the request of the House of Representatives, the Governor transmits to that body the accompanying additional estimate, and recommends the House of Representatives to make provision for the service specified. Books for Library aud Reading Room of the General Assembly £100. Government House, Auckland, sth August, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 38 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. (2.) Standing Orders. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 39. Governor. The Governor begs to communicate to the House of Representatives his assent to the additional Standing Orders passed by the House during the present session, and enclosed in a letter addressed on the Ist August, 1856, by the honorable the Speaker, to the Governor. Government House, Auckland, sth August, 1856. (3.) Fortification of Mechanics' Bay, Auckland. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 40. Governor. On the recommendation of his responsible advisers, the Governor transmits the following additional estimate to the House of Representatives. Fencing, Earthwork, commanding Mechanics' Bay ....£l7 8 8. Government House, Auckland, sth August, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 40 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. 8. Governor's Deputy Bill :—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Governor of New Zealand to appoint a deputy on certain occasions. Leave given ; and, on motion of Mr, Stafford, the Bill was read a first time, ordered to be printed, and the second reading ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 9. Postponement:—The Colonial Treasurer postponed the motion standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day. 10. Petition of Mr Piercy:—On motion of Mr. Brodie, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resoived itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the question standing fifth on the notice paper of this day. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting him to place upon the supplementary estimates the sum of forty-three pounds fifteen shillings, in accordance with the resolution of the committee on Mr. Piercy's petition." Question, That the resolution as recommended by the committee be adopted by the House, put and passed. 11. Resident


11. Resident Magistrates Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill:—Mr. Hall, for Mr. Fitzgerald, and pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to extend the jurisdiction of Resident Magistrates Courts in Civil C2ses. Leave given; and, on motion of Mr. Hall, the Bill was read a first and second time, Mr. Hall moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into •a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the Resident Magistrates Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill. The Colonial Treasurer moved, as an amendment, That the House do now proceed to the consideration of the orders of the day. Amendment put. House divided. Ayes, 12. Noes, 8. The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Hall, Mr. Brown, Mr. Ward, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bell, Mr. Smith, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Taylor, Mr. CufF, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox (teller). Mr. Carleton, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Merriman (teller). 22, Provincial Laws Bill:—A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, this Bill, as amended in the Council, was presented to Mr. Speaker. On motion of Mr. Stafford, the consideration of the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Provincial Laws Bill, was ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 13. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves BillOn motion of the Colonial Secretary, the report of the committee of the whole House on this Bill was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. Hie Colonial Secretary moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to vest in the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland certain Lands, heretofore granted to trustees, as reserves for a Hospital, and for Grammar Schools." Question put and passed; and Sir. Merriman and Mr. Lee were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 14. Waste Lands Bill -.—On motion of Mr. Stafford, the amendments by the Legislative Council in this Bill were read and agreed to by the House ; and Mr. Fox and Mr. Hall were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 15. Privileges Bill On motion of Mr. Fox, the amendments by the Legislative Council in this Bill were read and agreed to by the House,- and Mr. Fox and Mr. Hall were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 16. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill -.—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That the House do now proceed to consider order of the day No. 6. Question put and passed; and, the order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Old Land Claims Finrl Settlement Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. 17. Illness of Mr. Speaker :—Tlie Colonial Treasurer moved, That the Chairman of Committees do take the chair, in consequence of the illness of Mr, Speaker. Question put and passed; and Mr. Speaker retired, the Chairman of Committees taking the chair. 38. Customs Duties Bill -.—Mr. Stafford moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Duties of Customs. Debate ensued. , Question put and passed; and, 011 motion of Mr. Stafford, the Customs Duties Bill was read a first and second time ; and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again at seven o'clock this evening. 19. Adjournment: —On motion of Mr. Ward, the House adjourned at half-past five o'clock until seven o'clock this evening, The


The House resumed at seven o'clock. 20. House Accommodation Committee:—Mr. D. Bell, Chairman of this committee brought i a further report, which was read ; and, on motion of Mr. Bell, the report was ordered to be considered in committee of supply on Friday next. 21. Customs Duties Bill: —On motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of the whole House was adopted and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. ' Mr. Stafford moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to alter the Duties of Customs " Question put and passed ; and Mr. Campbell and Mr. Stafford were ordered to nr«pnt'th 0 Bill to the Legislative Council. present tne 22. Customs Duties :—Mr. Stafford moved the adoption of the following resolution " That the duties made payable by the second clause of the Customs Duties Act 1856 be authorized to be charged on and after this date." Question put and passed. 23. Resident Magistrates Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill:-On motion of Mr. Hall Mr Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments ■ and, on motion of Mr. Hall, the report of the committee of the whole House was adopted' and the third reading of the Bill ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 24. AdjournmentOn motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at twenty-five minutes to three o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, August 6, 1856. Call of the House. 1. Mr. Brodie to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will cause this House to be provided with the dates of expenditure of the various items as mentioned in the account current of Mr. Commissioner McLean, with H. M. Colonial Government of New Zealand, lately laid upon the tabic of the House of Representatives; more especially as to advances made to Natives, amounting to 3699/. 18s. 6d., as well as a more satisfactory return of nearly 3000/. placed as contingencies, 2. Mr. Brodie to move, That, in reference to the correspondence laid on the table on the subject of the lodging money of the Officer lately administering the Government, this House is of opinion, that no such lodging money ought to be allowed during the time that elapsed between Governor Grey's departure from the Colony, and Col. Wynyard's resignation of the Superintendency. And, also, that this House is of opinion, that, under clause 423 of the Code of Regulations from the War Office, or Commissariat Office, the Officer lately administering the Government, holding a civil appointment, is not entitled to any lodging money allowances. 3. Mr. Graham to move, That a letter addressed by Dr. Stratford to the mover, relative to Immigration, be laid on the table. 4. Mr. llall to move, That the copies of correspondence relative to the appropriation by certain religious bodies, of a portion of the sum reserved for Native purposes in the Civil List, be printed. 5. Mr. Hall to move, That this House will not agree to any further votes of public money until there are placed before it by the Government the following statements, viz.— (1.) An Estimate of the Gross Revenue for the financial year commencing Ist instant, calculated upon the basis of the new Tariff. (2.) A Statement of the items of Expenditure, additional to the General Estimates, which have either already received the sanction of this House, or have yet to be submitted to it by the Government. (3.) An Estimate of the amount of public Revenue which, after providing for the above votes, vtill remain for distribution among the Piovinces. 6. Adjourned


'6. Adjourned debate on the question, That a humble address be presented by this House to her Majesty, praying that her Majesty will be pleased to command that all Military and Naval Officers within the Colony shall submit themselves to the provisions of the Privileges Act, passed by this House, so far as the same require the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers before Committees of the General Assembly (unless expressly prohibited in any case as it may arise, by the Officer Commanding the Forces in the Colony for the time being). Such commands not to extend to officers while engaged on active military service.

ORDERS OP THE DAY. 3. Resident Magistrates' Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill—third reading. 2. Governor's Deputy Bill—second reading. 3. Provincial Laws Bill—consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. 4. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—second reading. 5. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in committee. 6. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill—to be further considered in committee. 7. Revenues Bill—second reading. 8. Provincial Postage Bill—to be considered in committee. •9. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr. Wn.LtAMSoN to move, in Committee of Supply, the following Resolution, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, authorising his Excellency to grant a bonus of £ to such person or persons as shall prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered a means whereby Flax can be prepared in such quantities as will render it an article of general export. 2. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seeking at present to disturb the existing relations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Governmer.t were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the 15th April, 1856, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in. opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received." 3. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 28, the sum of £1500 be granted to his Excellency for general contingencies ; such sum to be expended at his Excellency s absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such expenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly. 4. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, on consideration of his Excellency's Message, recommencing the expenditure on the Native Land Purchase Department, That, having reference to former resolutions of this House, according to which tfce I,and Fund became Provincial Revenue liom the Ist instant, the Governor be authorized, during the ensuing year, to provide from time to time out of the temporary loan of £100,000, whatever may be required by him for payment of charges incidental to the purchase of Native lands. That, during the ensuing year, the Governor be authorized to provide out of such temporary loan, whatever sums may be required for the puichase of Native lands, not exceeding £40,000, including the above mentioned charges of departments ; such sums to be expended in accordance with the terms of relation settled between the Governor arid his responsible Ministers, and the Financial Resolutions adopted by the House on the 2nd July. 5. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply, That the Civil List be read, Also, in Committee of Supply, That the proposed Expenditure for Customs be read. 6. Mr


6, Ms, Fitzgerald to move, in Committee of Supply, That an humble address be presented to his Excellency, praying his Excellency to cause a sum, not exceeding the sum of six thousand pounds, to be placed on the Estimates to defray the cost of the Land Office and Maps of the Province of Canterbury. 4. Mr. Daldy to move, on going into Committee of Supply, That no further supplementary votes be taken into consideration until the Government are prepared to state that no more money votes will be asked. ' HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence > for the day.

80. 75,

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1856. ]. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty-three members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in this House, the Chairman of Committees do take the chair for this day. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Call of the House :—On Mr. Speaker directing the Clerk of the House to call over the names of the members, pursuant to the order of the day for a call of the House, Mr. Stafford moved, That the said order be now discharged from the paper. Question put and passed. *> 3. Land Purchases from Natives:—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying that he will cause this House to be provided ■with the dates of the expenditure of the various items in the account current of Mr. Commissioner McLean with the Colonial Government, lately laid upon the table of this House; more especially as to the advances made to Natives, amounting to £3699 18 6, as well as a more satisfactory return of the expenditure of nearly £3000 placed as contingencies. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 11. Noes, 6. Mr. Henderson, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Daldy, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Beckham, Mr. East, Mr. Ward, Mr. Merriroan, , Mr. Graham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Brodie, The Colonial Secretary (teller). Mr. Fox, Mr. Hall, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Taylor (teller). 4. Disorderly Conduct:—Mr. Bell moved the adoption of the following resolution :— " That, when Mr. Speaker has declared that an expression used by an honourable member is improper, this House will require the honourable member who has used such expression to withdraw and apologize for the same." The Colonial Treasurer moved, as an amendment, That the resolution be referred to the Standing Orders Committee to report thereon. Amendment put and passed. 5. Immigration :—Mr. Graham, pursuant to notice, moved, That a letter, addressed by Dr. Stratford to the mover, relative to immigration, be laid on the table. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. t>. Education of Natives: —Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of correspondence relative to the appropriation, by certain religious bodies, of a portion of the sum reserved for Native purposes in the Civil List be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed, 7. Financial



7. Financial Returns : -Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved the following resolution « That this House will not agree to any further votes of public money until there are placed before it by the Government the following statements, viz. An estimate of the Gross Revenue for the financial year commencing the Ist July, calculated on the basis of the new Tariff. . „ . . ~ , , A statement of the items of expenditure, additional to the General Estimates, which have either already received the sanction of this House, or have yet to be submitted to it by the G An of the amount of public Revenue which, after providing for the above votes, will remain for distribution among the Provinces. Question put and passed. 8. Postponement:-On motion of Mr. Fox, consideration of the resolution standing sixth on the notice paper of this day, was postponed until Friday next. 9. Resident Magistrates Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill:—Mr. Hall, moved the insertion of the following words, to stand as clause No. 18 of the Bill :— . . « The term Governor shall mean the person for the time being lawfully administering the Government of New Zealand." Question put and passed. Mr. Merriman moved, That the Bill be re-committed. Question put. House divided. Ayes, 6. £ oes > 14 - Mr. Campbell, Mr - Henderson, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Dak !y. Mr. Williamson, Curtis, Mr. Lee, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brown, Mr. tox, Mr. Merriman (teller). r * r, >. Mr. Broche, Mr. Graham, Mr. Ward, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Bell, Mr. East, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hall (teller). On motion of Mr. Hall, the Bill was read a third time and passed ........ . Mr. Hall moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to extend the jurisdiction of Resident Magistrates Courts in Civil cases." Question put and passed ; and Mr. Bell and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 10. Provincial Laws Bill Mr. Stafford moved, That the House do proceed to consider order of the day No. 3. Question put and passed. . . .. , Mr. Stafford moved, That a conference be requested with the Legislative Council on the amendments made by the Council in the Provincial Laws Bill; and that Mr. Fox, Mr. Ward, and Mr. Hall, be the managers of such conference on the part of this House. Question put and passed. 11. Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill:—On motion of Mr. Beckham, this Bill was read a second time ; and the consideration thereof in committee ordered to stand an order ot the day for to-morrow. ]2. Postponement :-On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the consideration of the Native Offenders Bill was postponed, and ordered to stand first order of the day tor to-morrow. 13. Old Land Claims Final Settlement Bill :-The sixth order of the clay having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for con On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments and, on motion of Mr. Hall, the report of the committee was adopted, and the lii w read a third time and passed. Mr. Hall moved, " That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to provide for the settleme of claims arising out of dealings with the aborigines of New Zealand." , , . Question put and passed ; and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Daldy were ordered present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 14. AdjournmentOn motion of Mr. Eell, the House adjourned at ten minutes past twelve ° clock. Notices


NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OP THE DAY. Thursday, August 7, 1856, 1. Mr. Fitzgerald to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to appoint a Commissioner to act in concert with a Commissioner to be appointed by the Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, to enquire into the nature of the claim made by the Province of Canterbury for the payment, by the General Government, of a portion of the debt incurred by the Provincial Government, in respect of the over expenditure of the Canterbury Association in the Land Department, and to enquire into the mode in which such payment (if any should prove to be due) ought to be charged and payed. 2. Mr. Fox to move, That a return be laid on the table of this House of all spirits, and other goods, wares, and merchandize, which have been taken out of bond at Auckland, during the four weeks ending 7th August instant, specifying the description of goods, names in which bonded, and names of parties taking same out of bond.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in committee. 2. Provincial Postage Bill—to be considered in committee. 3. Governor's Deputy Bill—second reading. 4. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. ■5. Revenues Bill—second reading. 6. Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1857—to be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. The Colonial Treasißfr to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 28, the sum of £1500 be granted to his Excellency for general contingpncies ; such sum to be expended at his Excellency's absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such expenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly. 2. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, on consideration of his Excellency's Message, recommending the expenditure on the Native Land Purchase Department, That, having reference to former resolutions of this House, according to which the Land Fund became Provincial Revenue from the Ist instant, the Governor be authorized, during the ensuing year, to provide from time to time out of the temporary loan of £100,000, whatever may be required by him for payment of charges incidental to the purchase of Native lands. 'I hat, during the ensuing year, the Governor be authorized to provide out of such temporary loan, whatever sums may be required for the purchase of Native lands, not exceeding £40,000, including the above mentioned charges of departments ; such sums to be expended in accordance with the terms of relation settled between the Governor and his responsible Ministers, and the Financial Resolutions adopted by the House on the 2nd July. ■3. '1 he Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply, That the Civil List be read, Also, in Committee of Supply, That the proposed Expenditure for Customs be read. 4. Mr. Daldy lo move, on going into Committee of Supply, That no further supplementary votes be taken into consideration until the Government are prepared to state that no more money votes will be asked. 5. Mr. Lee to move, on the House going into Committee on the Estimates, That all sums of money voted by this House, under the head of " Native Expenditure," in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed at the disposal of his Excellency, with the advice and consent of the responsible Ministers, HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.

NO, 76

THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty-two members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, attending on his duties in the House, the Chairman of Committees do take the chair for this oay. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Land Department, Province of Canterbury:—Mr. Fitzgerald, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to appoint a Commissioner, to act in concert with a Commissioner to be appointed by the Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, to enquire .into the nature of the claim made by the Province of Canterbury, for the payment by the General Govern,ment, of a portion of the debt incurred by the Provincial Government, in respect of the over expenditure of the Canterbury Association in the Land Department, and to enquire into the. mode in which such payment (if any should prove to be due) ought to be charged and payed. Debate ensued. ; Question put and passed. 3. Customs:—Mr. Fox, pursuant to notice, moved, That a return be laid on the table of this House, of all spirits and other goods, wares, and merchandize, which have been taken out of bond, at Auckland, during the four weeks ending 7th August instant; specifying the description of goods, names in which bonded, and names of parties taking same out ot bond. Question put and passed, 4. Message :—The following Message from his Excellency the Governor, received and read Salary of Mr. Piercy. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 41. Governor. In accordance with the recommendation of the House of Representatives, the Governor to that body the accompanying additional estimate, and recommends provision to be made for the sum specified. Mr. Piercy, Clerk and Interpreter Resident Magistrates' Court, Auckland £43 15 0. Government House, Auckland, 7th August, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 41 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. {». Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers : — (1.) Return of votes rejected by the Returning Officer at the elections for the House of Representatives, Superiutendency, and Provincial Council of Auckland, in October, 1855, in continuation of former papers. (2.) Return of the number of acres of Waste Lands sold, or otherwise disposed of in the Provinces of Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth, from the sth day of July, 1850, to to the 31st March, |856 ; in continuation of former papers. Ordered to be printed. 6, Provincial Postage Bill :—Mr. Hall moved, That the consideration of order of the day No. 1 be postponed until after order No. 4. Question put and passed. On motion of Mr. Hall, Mr. Speaker left the cbair, and the House resolved itself into p committee of the whole for consideration of the Provincial Postage Bill. On



On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments • and, on motion of Mr. Hall, the report of the committee of the whole House was adonter? » the Bill read a third time and passed. auoptea, and Mr. Hall moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A Bill to enable Local Posts to be establish within the several Provinces of New Zealand." Question put and passed; and Mr. Stafford and Mr. Hall were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 7. Local Posts : —Mr. Hall moved the following resolution :— " That the balance of the postal revenue collected in each Province, after defraying the cost of the establishments required for maintaining the external postal communication of the Province, should be expended on local posts within the Proving, in such manner and in such proportions as may be indicated by the Provincial Government." Question put and passed. 8. PostponementOn motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the consideration of orders of the dav Nos. 3 and 4 postponed. * 9. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced Mr Speaker was informed that the Council had agreed to a conference with the House' on the amendments made by the Council m the Provincial Laws Bill; and that managers had been appointed on behalf of the Council. Also, that the Duties oF Customs Bill had passed the Council without amendment. Also, the Governor's Salary Bill was presented to Mr. Speaker, as amended by the Council. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Governor's Salary Bill were read, and the consideration thereof ordered to stand an order of the day for to-morrow. 20. Native Offenders Bill The Colonial Treasurer moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of thp Native Offenders Bill. Mr. Fox moved, as an amendment, That the Native Offenders Bill be ordered to be committed this day six months. Debate ensue<l. Amendment put. House divided. On the division lists being handed to Mr. Speaker it was ascertained tfyit there was not a quorum in the House, the following members only being present, viz., Mr. Williamson, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. D- Bell, Mr, Hall, Mr. Brown, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford,' the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Domett, Mr. Lee, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Merriman. Mr. Speaker accordingly quitted the chair, and the House stood adjourned.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Friday, August 8, 1856. 1. Mr. East to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government, what steps the Ministry intend, to take to carry into effect a resolution of this House, which had for its object the revision of the Tariff during the recess, and which revision was to be laid before the House for i- s approval next session, and which revision was to be previously printed. 2. Mr. Hall to move, That it is desirable that the Deputy-Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, throughout the Colony, should be allowed to retain the fees received by them on account of the General Government, as an acknowledgment for their services. 3. Mr. Brodie to move, That a return be printed in the ""Government Gazette,'' as speedily as possible, of all spirits, wines, and other wares and merchandize which have been taken out of bond at Wellington, Nelson, and Christ-church, during the five weeks ending 7th August instant, specifying the description of goods, names of parties who bonded the same, and the names of patties taking the same out of bond. 4. Adjourned debate on the question, That a humble address be presented by this House to her Majesty, praying that her Majesty will be pleased to command that all Military and Naval Officers within the Colony shall submit ihemselves to the provisions of the Privileges Act, passed by this House,so far as the same require the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers belore Committees of the General Assembly (unless expressly prohibited in any case as it may arise, by the Officer Commanding the Forces in the Colony for the time being). Such commands not to expend to officers while engaged on active military service. Orders


ORDERS OP THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill. 2. Supplementary Report of House Committee to be considered in Committee of Supply. 3. Govemoi s Salary Biil consideration of amendments by the Legislative Council. 4 " Expenditure for the y ear endin g 30th June, 1857—t0 be further considered in Governors Deputy Bill—second reading. 6. Revenues Bill—second reading. /. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. 8. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 28, the sum of £1500 be granted to his Excellency for general contingencies ; such sum to be expended at his Excellency's absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such exoenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly. " 2. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply on the Estimates, on consideration of his Excellency's Message, recommending the expenditure on the Native Land Purchase Department, lhat, having reference to former resolutions of this House, according to ivhich the Land Fund became Provincial Revenue from the Ist instant, the Governor be aU inn riZed ' c ' ur ' n £ ensu ing year, to provide from time to time out of the temporary loan of £100,000, whatever may be required by him for payment of charges incidental to the purchase of Native lands. That, during the ensuing year, the Governor be authorized to provide out of such temporary loan, whatever sums may be required for the puichase of Native lands, not exceeding £40,000, including the above mentioned charges of departments ; such sums to be expended in accordance with the terms of relation settled between the Governor and his responsible Ministers, and the financial Resolutions adopted by the House on the 2nd July. 3. The Colonial Treasurer to move, in Committee of Supply, That the Civil List be read. Also, in Committee of Supply, That the proposed Expenditure for Customs be read. 4. Daldy to move, on going into Committee of Supply, That no further supplementary votes e taken into consideration until the Government are prepared to state that no more money votes will be asked. 5. Mr. Lee to move, on the House going into Committee on the Estimates, That all sums of money voted by this House, under the head of " Native Expenditure," in the Supplementary Estimates, be placed at the disposal of his Excellency, with the advice and consent of the responsible Ministers. 6. Mr. Bell to move, in Committee of Supply, That the recommendation of the Committee on Sir George Greys Land Regulations, on the subject of James Gilligan's petition, be taken into consideiation. 7. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seekingat present to isturb the existing relations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Government were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the ljth April, 1856, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received." 8. Mr. Bull, on going into Committee of Supply on the Estimates, to move the following resolutions :— lhat, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropriation, in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom, That


That it appears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instructions dated in March, 1852, have virtually transferred the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, 1853, been under those instructions, audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has, of his own authority, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony. That, inasmuch as by the 63rd clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer had been virtually made, as aforesaid, before the passing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this House to be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same may be done without Act of Parliament), that the Lords of the Treasury shall issue directions to the Governor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. That, in the opinion of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a clause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and audit of the costs and charges thereof. That, pending such instructions by the Treasury, or such alteration in the Constitution Act this House do, by resolutions, determine what, in its opinion, ought to be the nature and amount of the said costs and charges, and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that his Excellency will be pleased to adopt such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive Government. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.

No. 77.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1856. I. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty-two members being present. House Ai at 'r. M r S P ea^ er . bein S Prevented from attending on his duties in this Th !n f ' J r ' Carleton, Chairman of Committees, do take the chair for this day. t . e ,. having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, Mr. Carleto'n look me chair, and read prayers. 2 " G movP,° r i S Sakry BiU T Mr ' Stafford moved > Th at Mr. Campbell, Mr. Fitzgerald, and the mpnt«'m managers of a committee of conference with the Legislative Council, on the amendments proposed by the Council in the Governor's Salary bill. Question put and passed. 3. Messages The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read (1.) Proclamation of Peaqe with Russia. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 42. Governor. J « F v^r rnor A to the H ° us e of Representatives a New Zealand Government, Gazette M»- al 7' August 4th, 1856, containing the copy of a proclamation by Her Most nf tllT ije y ' f u "° 1 unc,ll f that the ratifications of a definitive Treaty of Peace with the Emperor inviolably inlir kces 6611 exchiin S ed i and commanding that the said Treaty be observed Government House, Auckland, Bth August, 1856. (2.) Customs Duties Bill. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 48. Governor. • rirtj?provisions of the 56th clause of the Constitution Act, the Governor has to P™, P ?r! the amendments to the Bill which has been passed by the Legislative Council alter P resented t0 for the Royal assent, entitled "An Act to -f TJ le ®™ e " dments which the Governor proposes are, that in the sub-sections of the Ist clause ' the words " Agricultural Implements of all sorts" be omitted. Also, that in the same - nS ' 3 f a r - f- WOrd " Mac hinery," the words "of all sorts" be omitted, and the following c? 111 tllereof > viz -> " Briok and Tile Making, Draining, Flax, Hay and Wool iS' 0^ raw and Turnip Cutting, Reaping, Thrashing and Winnowing Machines, Steam Engines, and apparatus for ditto, and Machinery for Mills, including Hand Flour Mills." l«tVl tUat . tlle following words, with the corresponding numerals, be added as sub-sections of the l V , ,Z -> pricks, Slates > and Stones for building purposes, and Mill Stones also, the 41 ♦w • e, "P ty 5 also ' the words " Iron Pi S i" also the words " Ploughs and Harrows." fJt i» ? 111 • sub-sections °f the 2 nd clause after the word "Iron," the word "unmanuri cif , omi tted, and the following words be inserted in lieu thereof, " Rod, Bar, Bolt, Hoop " ot oth ® rwlse manufactured." Also > that in the same sub-sections, after the word .JIS i W -Ir? nd ?» ures " Board > Plank ' and Scantling, per 100 feet, 1 shilling, Cedar 2 be omitted, and the following words and figures, "of all kinds not manufactured into nf cubic foot, 2 pence" be inserted in lieu thereof. Also, that, in the 12th sub-section , F f ~ n , section, after the word " Manufactures," the words " except Corn and Gunny Bags, and " at° lns ® l 't e d. Also, that, in the 13th sub-section of the 2nd section, after the word Merchandize, the words "measuring outside the packages" be inserted. so, that the said sub-sections of the Ist and 2nd clauses be arranged alphabetically, and numbered accordingly. r Goyernment House, Auckland, Bth August, 1856, 4, Duties



4. Duties of Customs Bill :—Mr."Stafford moved, That the amendments proposed in the Duties of Customs Bill by his Excellency the Governor, be considered forthwith. Question put and passed; and, on motion of Mr. Stafford, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the proposed amendments. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committtee recommended that the amendments proposed by his Excellency be adopted by the House. Report of the committee adopted ; and Mr. Campbell and Mr. Stafford were ordered to present the Bill as amended to the Legislative Council. 5. Tariff, alteration of:—Mr. East, pursuant to notice, asked the Government what steps the Government intend to take to carry into effect a resolution of this House, which had for its object a revision of the Tariff during the recess, and which revision was to be laid before the House, for its approval, next session, and which revision was to be previously printed. Mr. Stafford replied, That the Government intend to carry out that part of the resolution relative to a revision of the Tariff during the recess, and that the result of that revision should be laid before the House in its next session. 6. Motion withdrawn:—Mr. Hall, by leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, second on the notice paper of this day. 1- Customs: —Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, moved, That a return be printed in the Government Gazette, as speedily as possible, of all spirits, wines, and other wares and merchandize, which have been taken out of bond, at all the Ports of Entry in New Zealand, during the five weeks ending the fith of August instant; specifying the description of goods, names of the persons who bonded the same, and the names of persons taking the same out of bond. Also, a similar return for the period between the sth of August and the Ist of September next. Question put and passed. 8. Privileges Bill : —The adjourned debate on the question standing fourth on the notice paper of this day was resumed, and the following (amended) resolution was put and passed : — " That a humble address be presented by this House to her Majesty, praying that her Majesty will be pleased to command that all Military and Naval Officers within the Colony shall submit themselves to the provisions of the Privileges Act passed by this House, so far as the same require the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers before Committees of the General Assembly (unless expressly prohibited in any case, as it may arise, by the Officer commanding the Forces in the Colony for the time being.)" 9. Postponements:— On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the report of the committee on the Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill was postponed. On motion of Mr. D. Bell, the consideration of the supplementary report of the House committee was postponed until the House shall resolve itself into committee of supply. JO. Papers :—The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers :— (1.) Estimated Ordinary Revenue and Expenditure of the Government of New Zealand for the current year 1856-57. (2.) Estimated Expenditure of the Government of New Zealand for the current year 1856-57, chargeable on the Temporary Loan. (3.) Additional Estimates of Expenditure of the Government of New Zealand for the current year 1856-57, chargeable on the Ordinary Revenue. (4.) A return of all spirits, and other goods, wares, and other merchandize, which have been taken out of bond at Auckland during the four weeks ending 7th August instant. Ordered to be printed. 11. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Bill had passed the Council without amendment. Also, That the Legislative Council had agreed to a conference with the House of Representatives on the amendments made by the Council in the Governor's Salary Bill, and that managers had been appointed on behalf of the Council. 12. Adjournment (special):—The Colonial Treasurer moved, Tfyat this House at its rising do adjourn until to-morrow at noon. Question put and passed. 13. Leave of Absence:—Mr. Henderson, member for the Northern Division, Province of Auckland, moved, That leave of absence be granted to him, after Monday next, during the remainder of the session. Question put and passed. 14. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Bell, the House adjourned at quarter to six o'clock until seven o'clock this evening, The


The House resumed at seven o'clock. 15. Governor's Salary Bill:—Mr. Stafford brought up the report of the committee of conference on the Governor's Salary Bill. On motion of Mr. Stafford, the report of the committee of conference was read and adopted by the House, and Mr. Campbell and Mr. Stafford were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 16. Estimates of Expenditure .:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had adopted the following resolutions, and recommended the same to the House. j(l.) Supplementary Estimates for Excess of Expenditure for years 1854-55 and 1855-56 :—That this House defers the consideration of the following items of expenditure, for which provision is recommended by his Excellency in Message No. 27, on account of excess of expenditure for the years 1854-55 and 1855-56, being of opinion that such recommendation should be made on the responsibility of Ministers, and accompanied with explanatory information justifying such expenditure, which information is not now before it, viz. :— Colonial Secretary's Department £28 4s 6d. Colonial Treasurer's Department £21 13s 4d. Auditor-General's Department £1 15s Id. Registrar General under Marriage Act £105. Native Secretary's Department—Presents to Natives £426 17s Bd. Resident Magistrates' Departments £417 0s 4d. Miscellaneous £18 8s 6d. Registration of Deeds at Nelson £33 13s 6d. Total £1052 12s 1 Id. Additional Buildings outside of the military Fort at Porirua, which, under an engagement made by the Governor in the year 1848, were taken at a valuation when the Fort was given up by the Ordnance Department in June 1852, £250. Postage stamps and iron printing press, &c., £522 3s. Passage of Officer administering the Government to New Plymoutli per H.M.S. " Pandora" £105 ss. Thrashing machine, ordered from England for the use of the aborigines of the Rangiawhia District, £58 4s 6d. Total £935 12s 6d. Governor's Department—Extra clerk from 11th August 1855, to 31st January 1856, at 10s. per diem £87- Furniture for Government House, sanctioned by Resolution of the House of Representatives No. 50, £500. Rent of House in the Karangahape road, engaged as a residence for the Governor £150. Total £737Colonial Secretary's Department—One extra clerk, at 10s. per diem, from Ist August to 30th September 1855, £30 10s. One extra clerk, at 4s. per diem, from Ist August to 31st January 1856, £36 16s. One extra clerk from 9th October 1855, to 31st January 1856, at ss. per diem £28 15s. Three extra clerks, at 7s. 6d. per diem, from Ist January to 30th June 1865, £204 15s. Assistant messenger from Ist Juiy to 30th November 1855, £7 13s. Office rent for three months, from Ist July to 30th September 1855, £34 lps 6d, and from Ist April to 30th June, 1856, £13 13s, £48 12s 6d. Total £357 Is 6d. Resident Magistrate's Department, Wangan.ui—Office rent £12. Post Office, Auckland—For village Postmasters and letter carriers appointed subsequently to July 1855, and for increased pay to letter carrier at Russell £63. Sub-Tieasury, Russell—Clerk at £150 (half salary paid by Customs Department) from 28th November 1855, to 30th June 1856, £39 3s Bd. Elections, Auckland —Hustings £6 13s 4d. Returning Officers (being one-third of the whole expense, two-thirds having been borne by the Provincial Treasury) £2J7 10s. Total £224 3s 4d. Resident Surgeon, Otago—Salary for one year £120. Repairs of Supreme Court at Auckland £80 6s. New Plymouth, Registrar of Dee;ds, at £200 per annum from 30th September 1855, £50. Total £130 6s. Governor's Department—Extra clerk for the month pf February, 1856, 10s. per diem, £14 10s. Land Purchase Department—Contingencies defrayed by Mr. Commissioner McLean out of advances issued to him from the Land Fund —Extra clerical assistance at Wellington and Auckland £r2B lis. Extra messenger at the South £10. Offipe rent at "Wellington £.3 3s, Office fittings at Auckland £13 14 s 3d. Copying deeds at Wellington £21 17s 6d. Paid for Court House at Hawke's Bay, £30. Interpreter at Ahuriri, £36 6s. Native Secretary's Department—Presents to Natives, £258 12s Cd. Contingencies £10 ss. Total £512 9s 6d. General Assembly—Extra clerk employed in the Audit Office in the preparation of returns, &c„ from 11th April to i Ith July, 1856, £37 10s. Registrar of Deeds, Wellington—Official books, &c., £38 17s 3d. Miscellaneous


Miscellaneous—Clerk preparing store accounts £23. Repairs to Resident Magistrate'sOffice and Court House, Auckland, £38 13s 9d. Partition in Council Chambers for the accommodation of the Colonial Secretary's Department, £22 ils6d. Repairing guard room £22 Ids 4-1. Eipenses in connexion with the Commission on Native affairs, £49 15s 4d. Total £156 10s- lid. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (2.) Supplementary Estimates:—That this Committee do report to the House that they are unable to entertain the Supplementary Estimates referred to in the preceding resolution, by reason of the want of information before them, information which it was the duty of'the Auditor General to have either annexed in writing to the proposed Estimates, or to have been prepared to give, in the fullest manner, in evidence before the Committee. And they deem it right to call the attention of the House specially to the unsatisfactory nature of the AuditorGeneral's evidence, because unauthorised expenditure, proposed to be sanctioned by Supplementary Estimates, requires to be even more jealously watched than any expenditure for which the House has made due provision. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (3.) Auditor General :—That in the opinion of this House the office of Auditor-General is unnecessary, under the present monetary arrangements of the Colony, and ou<rht to be omitted from the Civil List. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (4.) Audit of Accounts .-—That in the opinion of this House, the present arrangements for the Audit of the Accounts of the Colony, is in the highest degree unsatisfactory. 7 hat this House trusts that the attention of the Executive Government will, at the earliest possible period, be directed to the establishment of an efficient and independent Audit of the public Accounts. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (o.) Government House That the House be recommended to refer the following resolution to a select Committee to report thereon. That, in the opinion of this House, the building built by the Provincial Government of Auckland for the Government House, is not suitable for the residence of the Governor. '1 hat the building being built on Crown Land, is the property of the General Government and not of the Province, but that the Province has an equitable claim for the repayment of the cost of the building, in the event of its being taken possession of by the General Government. That, in the opinion of this House, the building iri question is suitable for the Housesof Assembly, and for the offices of the General Government, and that it is very desirable that Jt should be occupied for that purpose. That, in order to repay the Province of Auckland for the cost of the building, the present Government offices, and the building of the present Houses of Assembly, together with the lands on which those buildings are situated, be given up to the Province, if the Province willaccept such a proposal. That, in the opinion of this House, wholly independent of the question of the Seat' of Government, it is proper that a suitable building for the residence of the Governor should be~ built in the Government Domain. Mr. Campbell moved that the consideration of the foregoing resolution be referred to the' ™H°wing select Committee to report thereon, viz., Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Dillonell, Mr. Ward. Mr. Williamson, Sir. Daldy, Mr. Domett, Mr, C. Brown, and the mover. Ihe report to be brought up on Monday next. Question put and passed. (6.) Furniture for Government House:—That a respectful address be presented to hisExcellency the Governor, praying him to place on the Estimates the sum of J,750 for furniture for Govfinment House, to be chargcd on the temporary loan of JL 100,000. Question, ihat the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (/.) Miscellaneous Estimates:—That his Excellency the Governor be authorised to pay out of the temporary loan of J. 100.000 the following sums voted by this House, viz., Compensation to Lazarus Berlowitz =£350. Purchase of building for Library, Reading Room, &c. for General Assembly £580. Gratuity to Alexander Brown £50. One month's pay to Tidewaiters dismissed at Wellington £33 6's Bd. Surcharge to be re-paid to Mr. Piercy £43 15s. Fencing earthwork in Mechanics' Bay £17 8s Sd. Total £1074 10s 4d. Question, lhat the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (8.) Customs Department-.—That, in the opinion of this House, the time has arrived when it is necessary that the costs and charges of collection and management of the Customs Revenue should be regulated and audited by the General Assembly, and that the same be brought into annual votes of appropriation, in the manner now adopted in the United Kingdom. s That,


i ™ a PP ears the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by instruction# mmttotheCol'oin r Vlrt " all y the whole control of the Customs Department to the Colonial Government, and that the accounts of that Department have, since July, Jo.j3, under those instructions, been audited and passed by the Auditor-General, while the Governor has, of his own authority, determined the nature and amount of the various charges incident to the collection of the import duties of the Colony. g aS hy i the 63 J d clause of the Constitution Act, notwithstanding such transfer of the <■ 7 T a< , 'as alor "f ld ' before the pacing of the Act, the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges is still reserved to the Lords of the Treasury, it appears to this [T °be necessary, in order to carry into legal effect such transfer (so far as the same may be done without Act of Parliament), that the Lords of the Treasury should issue directions to overnor, requiring him to be guided in the regulation and audit of the said costs and charges, by the.concurrence with his Excellency of the other branches of the Legislature, in order to the same being brought into the Appropriation Act. < l !le °P'"' on of this House, it is highly advisable that in any measure proposed to be submitted to Parliament for altering the Constitution Act, a elause should be introduced absolutely transferring to the General Assembly the control of the Customs Department, with the regulation and audit of the costs and charges thereof. t i,S if 1 ' P endln S such instructions by the Treasury,, or such alteration in the Constitution Act, . ± U^°'b^ reSolUt,o f', <,etermine What ' in its opinion, ought to be the nature and r? ?f the sald costs and charges, and do respectfully address the Governor, praying that W P leased to ado P t such resolutions for the guidance of the Executive ■n ° rder e " abl ® this House to exercise such control over the said costs and charges,it ment , ,!! y ° • * es P° ns i. bl . e Ministers to take steps for placing the Customs Department upon an economical and efficient footing, and to lay before the Assembly, in its next session, full and detailed statements of such costs and charges, in order that the House may exercise a proper control over the same. xiouse may thp !ir t « UP °? the u ". derstandirl B tbat such course will be taken, this House does not object to proposed expenditure on the Customs Department, amounting to £13,240 3s. Question, I hat the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed, (9.) Harbour Department, New Plymouth —That the sum of £300 be paid to the month? f Urer ' Tt . thB 6Xpenses of the HarboUr Department of New Plythat Departrnent^ rall ° n ff ° m tHe Customs establishment there, from Question, that the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. at °r ing u ent ex P endi ' ure on Natives.—That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message 28, the sum of faOO l.e granted to his Excellency for general contingencies sufh sum to be expended at his Excellency's absolute discretion for Native purposes, subject only to an account of such expenditure being laid before the Houses of Assembly. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. l 7' o'ffiT eDt '~° n m ° tion ° f Mr - Bell the House ad j° urned at twenty minutes past one

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Saturday, August 9, 1856. ORDER OF THE DAY. E roMriiteef E * penditUre the year ending 30th June, 1857-to be further considered it*

NOTICES OF MOTION. 1. Mr Fox to ask the Govjynment whether any instructions have been given to the Resident agis ra eat elhngton, to pay . over to the Provincial Government certain arrears of fees leceivect in his Court, in accordance with the instructions of the Geneial Government in force at se ime of their receipt. And, also, whether the Government has instructed that officer to nay over such fees accruing for the future. V y 2. Mr,


2. Mb. Stafford to move an address to her Majesty the Queen, congratulating her Majesty on th« re-establishment of peace. 3. Mr. Lee to move, That an humble address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, assuring him that this House, recognizing, as it does, the importance of the Native question as one immediately connected with the present and future prosperity of this Colony, and that, unless approached with great caution and prudence, is likely to bring about hostilities which may lead to the extermination of the Native race ; this House, therefore, begs to assure his Excellency of its anxiety to co-operate in carrying out any measure that may be considered calculated to remove present difficulties (should any exist) or prevent future discontent; and humbly submit that it is the opinion of this House that " The Native Offenders Bill" was not of that character, or likely to secure the object desired. This House, therefore, request that his Excellency will, during the recess, fall back on the provisions of the 71st clause of the Constitution Act, and, under its provisions, project some scheme of a safer and less coercive nature, whereby an importance of character and status will be given to the Native race, in the shape of municipal corporations, by instituting Native courts in Native districts, with European Magistrates, in which a system of Native juries shall exist, the qualification of such jurors to be chieftainship. The franchise for Native electors to be registration ; some such measure being likely to secure the attachment of the Native race to European institutions and customs, as well as provide a system to secure a census of the Native population. i. Mr. Daldy to move, I hat a respectful address be presented to the Governor, infoiming his Excellency that, in the opinion of this House, it is highly desirable that as early as possible, the Law which prohibits direct purchases of land from Native owners thereof, should be so far modified as to admit of direct purchases being made through the agency and with the sanction of the Government.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. 1. Governor's Deputy Bill—second reading. 2. Revenues Bill— second reading. 3. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. 4. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in committee. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence fpr the day.

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty-two members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in this House, the Chairman of Committees do take the chair for this day. Ihe Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Petition of Benjamin E. Turner Mr. Daldy presented a petition from Mr. B. R. Turner, on lehalf of himself and others, relative to loss of property sustained bv them at the sacking; of Kororareka. ' ° Petition received, read, and ordered to be printed. 3. Address to her Majesty on the re-establishment of Peace —Mr. Stafford, by leave of the Houseand puisuant to notice, moved the adoption of the following address : . To the Quceiis Most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign,— your Majesty s faithful subjects, the Commons of New Zealand, in their House of Representatives assembled, desire, upon the occasion of learning from your Royal Proclamation, that the War with Russia has been brought to an honourable conclusion, to approach your Majesty with lenewed assurances of our attachment to your Royal Person and loyalty to the Throne. From this remote part of the Empire your Majesty's subjects have watched with the keenest interest the progress of the great struggle in which Great Britain has been engaged, have sympathised with the sufferings of their fellow-countrymen, and have rejoiced at the repeated and glorious triumphs of your Majesty's arms. We would add our congratulations to those which will be tendered to your Majesty from every pait o your gieat Empire, that your Majesty lias been able to obtain an honourable Peace, attaining those objects tor the sake of which the War was undertaken. ... ? earnestly pray that this Peace may be stable and permanent, that it may establish the liberties ot Europe and the happiness of its various Inhabitants, and that, by the favour of Almighty God, your Majesty may long reign to witness and rejoice at the blessings which it may ue the means of securing to your Majesty's faithful subjects and to the rest of the civilised world. Question, That the foregoing address be adopted by the House, put and passed. Mr. Stafford moved, That the address be signed by Mr. Speaker, and by him presented to nis Excellency the Governor, with a request that his Excellency will procure that the same be laid before Her Most Gracious Majesty. Question put and passed. 4. Message The following Message from his Excellency the Governor, received and read r urniture for Government House. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 44. Governor. In accordance with the request contained in a resolution of the House of Representatives of this day s date, the Governor transmits to that body, additional estimates for the sum of £750 for unii ure or Government House, and recommends the House to make provision for the same. Government House, Auckland, 9th August, 1850. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No, 44 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. 5. Estimates of Expenditure :—The order of the day having been read, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for further consideration of the Estimates. On,



On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again, and also that the conimtttee had adopted the following resolutions, and recommended the same to the House :— (1.) Native Land Purchase Department: —That, on consideration of his Excellency's Message, recommending the expenditure on account of the Native Land Purchase Department, That, having reference to former resolutions of this House, according to which the Land Fund became Provincial revenue from the Ist July last, the Governor be authorized during the ensuing year to provide from time to time, under the advice of his responsible ministers, out of the temporary loan of _£ 100,000, whatever may be required by him for pay. ment of charges incidental to the purchase of Native Lands. That, during the ensuing year, the Governor be authorized to provide out of such temporary loan whatever sums may be required for the purchase of Native Lands, not exceeding £40,000, including the above mentioned charges of Departments ; such sums to be expended in accordance with the terms of relation settled between the Governor and his responsible ministers, and the financial resolutions adopted by this House on the 2nd July ; the definition of the particular lands to be purchased to be under the advice of responsible ministers. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. , (2.) Land Purchases and Surveys :—That, in the opinion of this House, in reference to the last resolution, the final decision upon any such new purchases should not be taken without previous communication with, and as far as possible, the concurrence of, the Superintendent of any Province in which such purchases are made. That, in the opinion of this House, it is not expedient to attach a surveying staff to the Native Land Purchase Department, but that the necessary surveys should, as far as practicable, . be effected by, or in conjunction with, the respective Provincial authorities. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. (3.) Houses of Assembly:—That the Governor be authorized to pay the sum of fifteen pounds, the charges for fencing and enclosing the land on which the General Assembly buildings stand. Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by this House, put and passed. 6. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Air. Speaker was presented with the Resident Magistrates' Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill, and the Local Posts Bill, as amended in the Legislative Council. 7« Resident Magistrates' Courts Extentision of Jurisdiction Bill :—On motion of Mr. Hall, the amendments by the Legislative Council in this Bill weie read and adopted by the House, and Mr. Hall and the Colonial Teeasurer were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 8. Local Posts Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the amendments by the Legislative Council in this Bill were read and adopted by the House, and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Beckham were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 9. Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1856-7 On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for the further consideration of the original, supplementary, and additional Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1856-57. 1 On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had gone through the various items in the supplementary Estimates for the year 1855-56, and in the original and revised Estimates for the year 1856-57, as well as the additional items proposed by his Excellency the Governor in Messages ftos. 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, and 46, to De appropriated for the service of the year 1856-57, and brought up the following resolutions : — (1.) Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1856-57: — 1. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £4782 Is be appropriated to defray the salaries, allowances, and contingencies of the Executive Dapartment of the General Government for the year 1856-57, being £888 16s for the establishment of his Excellency the Governor, £993 5s for the Colonial Secretary's Department, £250 for the Colonial Treasurer's Department, £350 for the Auditor-General's Department, £300 for extra clerical assistance for the three last above-named Departments, £1500 for the Native Secretary's Department, and ±'500 for the Registrar-General's Department. 2. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £6029 be appropriated to defray the salaries and allowances of the Legislative Department of the General Government for the year 1856-57, being £329 for the establishment of the Legislative Council, £4200 for the Establishment of the House of Representatives, and £1000 for printing and general contingencies for both Houses. 3. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £700 be appropriated to defray the additional salaries and allowances of the Judges of the Supreme Court for the year 1856-57. 4 Resolved, that a sum not exeeeding £1375 be appropriated to defray the salaries and contingencies of the Departments of the several Registrars of the Supreme Court for the years 1856-57,


1856-57, being £550 for Auckland, £35 for New Plymouth, £550 for Wellington. £105 for Kelson, £100 for Canterbury, and £35 for Otago. 5. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £882 be appropriated to defray the salaries, allowances, and contingencies of the Resident Magistrates' Courts in the several Provinces, for the year 1856-57, being £5 for Mongonui, £142 15s for Russell, £231 12sfor East Cape, £175 for Hawke's Bay, £125 for New Plymouth, and £202 Jss for Wanganui. 6. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding <f3148 be appropriated to defray the salaries, allowances, and contingencies of Post Office Departments in the several Provinces for the year JBo6-07, being £1210 for Auckland, £156' for New Plymouth, £645 for Wellington, £445 for Kelson, £430 for Canterbury, and £262 for Otago. /. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £900 be appropriated to defray the cost and charges of Inter-Provincial Mail Communication for the year 1856-57, being £600 for the overland mail between Auckland, New Plymouth, and Wellington, and £300 for the mails between Nelson, the Wairau, and Wellington. 8. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £7500 be appropriated to defray the cost and charges for Steam Communication, Inter-Provincial and Inter-Colonial, for the year 1856-57-9. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £2540 be appropriated to defray the expense of the several Hospitals in the Provinces for the year 1856-57, being £450 for New Plymouth, £630 for VV hanganui, £60 for Otaki, and £1400 to defray the expenses of treating Native patients at Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago. 10. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £250 be appropriated to defray pensions to Natives for the year 1856-57-11. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £300 be appropriated to defray the expense of entertainment of Natives for the year 1853-57. 12. Resolved that a sum not exceeding £600 be appropriated to defray the expense of the Government Domains at Auckland and Wellington for the year 1856-57. 13. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £3175 be appropriated to defray the expense of the undermentioned miscellaneous services for the year 1856-57, viz. :—£2s as final payment of pension to Bernard Gapper, £1000 for printing and stationery for the General Government, £150 for firewood at Auckland, and £2000 for general contingencies. 14. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £294 be appropriated to defray the interest on 8 percent, debentures, issued at Wellington for the year 1856-57. 15. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £2337 7 s 6d be appropriated to defray the additional expense of the undermentioned services for the year 1856-57, viz.:—£soo for additional Native expenditure, and £1837 7s 6d for the expense of the several Resident Magistrates' Courts, for six months from Ist day of July, 1856. (2.)]Add o itiO) nal Estimates for the year 1856-57 (chargeable against the temporary loan of 1. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £40,000 be appropriated to defray the expenditure on account of the purchase of Native lands, together with the expense of the Land Purchase Department for the year 1856-57. 2. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £595 be appropriated to defray the additional charge of the establishment of the General Assembly for the year 1856-57, being 380 for the purchase of building for committee rooms, £100 for carrving into effect certain recommendations of the Building Committee, £100 for carrying into effect report of Library Committee, and £15 for fencing, enclosing the land around the Houses of Assembly. 3. Resolved, that a sum not £ 1244 10s 4d be appropriated to defray the additional expense of the services for the year 1856-57. viz.:— £33 6s 8d for one month's pay the tidewaiters dismissed a Wellington on the 19th of J"eptember, 1855 ; £43 15s for of salary to Mr. J. J. Piercy; £50 as gratuity to Alex. Brown ; £178s8d for fencing earthwork at Mechanics' Bay ; £350 for compensation to Lazarus Berlowitz ; and £750 for furniture for Government House. (3.) Supplementary Estimates for the year 1855-56 (also chargeable against the temporary loan of £100,000) 1. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £1021 15s be appropriated to defray the supplementary charge of the Resident Magistrates' Courts for the year 1855-56, being £142 15s for Russell, £5 tor Mongonui, £64 for Howick, £90 for Onehunga, £125 for New Plymouth, £100 for Nelson, £155 for Akaroa, £290 for Otago, and for sundry expenses £50 at New Plymouth. 2. Resolved, that a sum not exceeding £150 be appropriated to defray the supplementary charge of an interpreter for the Land Purchase Department for the year 1855-56. 3. Resolved, that? sum not exceeding £1194 3s lid. be appropriated to defray the supplementary charge of his Excellency's visit to the Southern Provinces, for the year 1855-56. Moved


Queslo b nVu^anfpiir eaSUrer ' resol,ltions be by this House. 10. Postponements:— Mr. Lee and Mr. Daldy postponed the motions standing in their names lespectively, third and fourth on the notice paper of this day, until Monday next. 11. Orders of the day discharged On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the orders of the dav ISos. 1 and 2, viz.. the second reading of the Governor's Deputy Bill, and the Revenue-- Rill were discharged from the paper. ' Also, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the committee appointed to report on the Literarv and Scientific Institutions Bill was discharged. 12. Returns printed •. —Mr. Hall moved, That the return of the expenditure on account of the department of Customs for the year ending 30th June, 1857. Also the return show-inn- the piobable receipts from Customs Duties during the same period at the various Ports of the Colony be ordered to be printed. Question put and passed. 13. Adjournment (special) :—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the House adjourned at twenty minutes past five o clock until Monday next at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OP THE DAY. Monday, August 11, 1856. 1. Mr. Fitzgerald to move, That an hutnb'e address be presented to Iler Majesty, j raying Her Majesty to be graciously pleased to cause instructions to be issued to the Governor of New Zealand, directing his Excellency to advise with his Executive Council upon all matters connected with the aboriginal Natives, in the same manner as upon all other affairs of tie Colony. 2. Mr. Williamson To move, That with a view to encourage the preparaiiors of New Zealand Flax as an article of Export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor informing his Excellency that, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that some reward should be held out to persons who may prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered any efficient means whereby fl.,x can be prepared in such qualities as will render it an artice of general export, and that should the Government deem it prudent to pay any such reasonable reward, that this House undertakes to make provision for the same. 3. Mb. Williamson to move in Committee of supply, That the House do address his Excellency the Governor, informing him that, pending the enactment of some measure by the General Assembly to require the Provincial Governments to make provision for the salaries of Resident .Magistrates, his Excellency may continue to pay such salaries., and this House undertakes to make provision for the same. 4. Mr. Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellencv the Governor, assuring him that this House, recognizing, as it does, the importance of the Native question as one immediately connected w th the present and future prosperity of this Colony, and that, unless approached wnh great caution and prudence, is likely to bring about hostilities which may lead to the extermination of the Native race; this House, therefore, begs to assure his Excellency of their anxiety to co-operate in carrying out any measure that may be considered ca (ii ated to remove present difficulties (should any exist) or prevent future discontent; and numbly submit that it is the opinion of this House that " The Native Offenders Eill" was not of that character, or likely to secure the object desired. This House therefore, request that his -bxcelleiicy will, during the recess, fall back on the provisions of the 71st clause of the Constitution Act, and, under its provisions, project some scheme of a safer and less coercive nature, whereby an importance of character and status will be given to the Native race, in the shape of municipal corpoi atlons, by instituting Native courts in Native districts, with European Magistrates, in which a system of Native juries shall exist, the qualification of such jurors to be chieftainship. The ranchise for Native electors to be registration ; some such measure being likely to secure the attachment of the Native race to European institutions and customs, as well as provide a system to secure a census of the Native population. 5. Ma. Daldy to move, That a respectful address be presented to the Governor, in oimmg his hxcellency that, in the opinion of this House, it is highly desirable that as early as possible, the Law which prohibits direct purchases of land from Native owners thereof, should be so tar modified as to admit of direct purchases being made through the agency and with the sanction of the Government. 6. Mr.


6. Mr. Hall to move, on the consideration of the Civil List, That the House, not seekingat present to disturb the existingrelations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers, as to the management of Native affairs, (pending reference to the Home Government) is nevertheless of opinion, that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony, if all departments of Government were placed under the ordinary control of Responsible Ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's Memorandum of the 15th April, 1856, establishipg the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, " That on matters affecting the Queen's prerogative and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in opinion, be will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received."

ORDERS OP THE DAY. 1. Report of the Committee on the new Government House. 2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in Committee. 3. Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in Committee. 4. Native Offenders Bill—to be considered in Committee. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.


MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 185 G. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in this House, the Chairman of Committees, do take the chair for this day. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Native Affairs:—Mr. Hall, for Mr. Fitzgerald, and pursuant to notice given, moved, That an humble address be presented to her Majesty, praying her Majesty to be graciously pleased to cause instructions to be issued to the Governor of New Zealand, directing his Excellency to advise with his Executive Council upon all matters connected with the aboriginal Natives, in the same manner as upon all other affairs of the Colony. Question put and passed. 3. Flax, Exportation of:—Mr. Williamson, pursuant to notice, moved, That, with a view to encourage the preparation of New Zealand Flax, or other fibrous plants indigenous to this Colony, as an article of export, a respectful address be presented to the Governor, informing his Excellency that, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that some reward should be held out to persons who may prove to the satisfaction of the Government that they have discovered an efficient means whereby flax, or such other fibrous plants, can be prepared, in such quantities and at such a cost as will render it an article of general export; and that, should the Government deem it prudent to pay any such reasonable reward, this House undertakes to make provision for the same. Question put and passed. 4. Motion withdrawn:—Mr. Williamson, by leave of the House, withdrew the motion standing in his name, third on the notice paper of this day. 5. Native Affairs :—Mr. Lee, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, assuring him that this House, recognizing, as it does, the importance of the Native question, as one immediately connected with the present and future prosperity of this Colony, and that, unless approached with great caution and prudence, is likely to bring about hostilities which may lead to the extermination of the Native race, begs to assure his Excellency of their anxiety to co-operate in carrying out any measure that may be considered calculated to remove present difficulties (should any exist) or prevent future discontent, and humbly submit that it is the opinion of this House that "The Native Offenders Bill was not of that character, or likely to secure the object desired. This House, therefore, requests that his Excellency will, during the recess, fall back on the provisions of the 71st clause of the Constitution Act, and, under its provisions, project some scheme of a safer and less coercive nature, whereby an importance of character and status will be given to the Native race, in the shape of municipal corporations, by instituting Native courts in Native districts, with European Magistrates, in which a system of Native juries shall exist, the qualification of such jurors to be chieftainship, the franchise for Native electors to be registration ; some such measure being likely to secure the attachment of the Native race to European institutions and customs, as well as provide a system to secure a census of the Native population. Mr. Cuff moved, as an amendment, That all the words after the word " That," in the first be omitted, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof:— " ihis House is deeply sensible of the importance and necessity of organizing some system _ government for the aboriginal Natives adapted to their circumstances ; and declares its opinion that it will be the duty of the responsible ministers, during the recess, to devise some system for that object." Question



Question, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question, put and negatived. Question, That the words proposed to be inserted do stand part of the question, put ancl passed. Whereupon question as amended put and passed. 6. Messages .-—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (1.) Expenditure for Native purposes. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 45. Governor. Having been informed of the vote of the House of Representatives relating to certain objects of expenditure recommended by the Governor for the benefit of the Natives, he begs again to bring the subject under the consideration of the House. There are some expenses connected with the management of the Native race which cannot be retrenched without inconvenience and probable danger to the peace of the Colony. The Governor trusts, therefore, that the House (taking into its consideration the difficulties connected with the management of the Natives) will not object to reconsider its vote, and grant a further sum in aid of the above object for the present year. Government House, Auckland, 11th August, 185 C. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer his Excellency's Message No. 45 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. (2.) Meeting of General Assembly. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 46. Governor. In reference to resolution No. 15 of the House of Representatives, the Governor requests that the House will make provision for the expenses necessarily attendant on the next meeting of the General Assembly being held at Wellington. Government House, Auckland, 11th August, 1856. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, his Excellency's Message No. 46 was ordered to be considered in committee of supply. 7. Land Purchases from Natives :—Mr. Daldy, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved the following resolution:— " That it will be the duty of the Government to consider whether the law which prohibits purchases of Land from Native owners thereof, may not be so far modified as to admit of purchases being made through the agency and with the sanction of the Government.'' Question put and passed. 8. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was presented with the Land Orders and Scrip Bill as amended in the Legislative Council. 9. Land Orders and Scrip BillOn motion of Mr. Fox, the amendments in this Bill by the Legislative Council were read and agreed to by the House, and the Colonial Treasurer and Mr. Fox were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 10. Native Affairs: —Mr. Hall, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That the following resolution, recommended to this House by the committee of supply, be now adopted by this House " That this House not seeking at present to disturb the existing relations between the Governor and his responsible ministers, as to the management of Native affairs (pending reference to the Home Government), is nevertheless of opinion that it would greatly conduce to the peace and good government of the Colony if all departments of Government were pieced under the ordinary control of responsible ministers, subject to so much of the rule laid down in the second paragraph of the Governor's memorandum of the 15th April 1856, establishing the relations between the Governor and his responsible advisers, as declares, ' That on all matters affecting the Queen's prerogative, and Imperial interests generally, the Governor will be happy to receive their advice, but when he differs from them in opinion, he will (if they desire it) submit their views to the consideration of her Majesty's Secretary of State, adhering to his own until an answer is received.' " Question put and passed. Mr. Hall moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, embodying the foregoing resolution. Question put and passed. 11. Provincial Laws Bill:—On motion of Mr. Hall, Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed an additional manager on behalf of this House, to confer with the Legislative Council on the amendments in the Provincial Laws Bill. 12. Governmi :t House: —Mr. Campbell. Chairman of the committee to whom was referred the consideration of the transfer by the Provincial Government of the building lately erected as a Government House at Auckland to the General Government, brought up their report, which ■was read, ; nd ordered to be printed. 13.. Postponement


13. Postponement: On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the consideration of orders of the dav Jylos. 2 and 3 was postponed. " 14. Native Offenders Bill .—The Colonial Treasurer moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Native Offenders Bill. Mr. Fox moved, That the question be amended by the omission of all the words after the word " -That, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof,—" this House whilp guarding itself against any approbation of the Native Offenders Bill, is of opinion that the powers proposed to be conferred by it ought not to be exercised except on the advice of responsible ministers of the colony." Debate ensued. neXtived"' pr ° poSed t0 be omitted do stan(l part of the question, put and Question, That the words proposed to be inserted in lieu thereof be so inserted nut and passed. ' " H hereupon question as amended put and passed. Mr Fox moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor embodying the foregoing resolution. 9 Question put and passed. 15. Native Expenditure :_On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of his Excellency's Message No. 40. J On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 16. Post Office -.—Mr. Hall moved, That there be ordered to be laid on the table of the House in its next session; Ist, A return showing the number of letters, newspapers, and other printed papers conveyed month by month, for twelve months, by the Nelson, Wairau,and Wellington mail; distinguishing those conveyed between Wellington and the Province of Nelson from those conveyed between places in that Province; also, the amount of postage collected on each class of correspondence. 2nd, A similar return, so far as circumstances will permit with regard to the correspondence conveyed by the overland mail between Wellington New Plymouth and Auckland. J ' Question put and passed. 17- AdjournmentOn motion of Mr. Merriman, the House adjourned at six o'clock.

NOTICE OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Tuesday, August 12, 1856. 1. Mr Brodie to ask the hon. member at the head of the Government whether any means have been taken, and what those means have been, for the recovery of the JO7 barrels of gunpowder latelv stolen from the Island of Kawau. or j

ORDERS OF THE DAY. i. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 45 and 46. -Mr. 1 itzgeram) to move, That the following resolutions, adopted by the select committee on the new (<overnment House, be adopted :— " l h;;r * ln . tlle °P lnl °" ofthl * H° use > the building in question is suitable for the Houses of Assent y and tor the offices of the general Government, and that it is very desirable that it should be occupied for such purposes. " ! hat, in order to repay the Province of Auckland for the cost of (he building, the present " rJV . '• "• , au " the Gilding* of the present Houses of \ ssembly, together with the land on winch those lings are situated, and any other public r.-serves in.the Town of Auckland ~nch aVa tliat P ur P ose > be given up to the Province, if the Province will accept " 'I Mat, as part of the arrangement, it will be proper that a suitable building for the residence of the Governor should be erected on the Auckland Government Domain, for which it will be necessary to make prevision during the present session. 7 ' '2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in committee. Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.

no. so,

TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty-five members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in this House, the Chairman of Committees do take the chair for this day. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Gunpowder stolen by Natives:—Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, asked the Government whether any means have been taken, and what those rr.eans have been, for the recovery of 107 barrels of gunpowder lately stolen from the Island of Kawau. Mr. btafford, on the part of the Government, declined answering the question. 3. Privileges Bill :—Mr. Fox moved the adoption of the following address to her Majesty the Queen :— To Her Most Gracious Majesty, Victoria, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen., Defender of the Faith, tic., die., &c. The humble address of the Commons of New Zealand Respectfully sheweth, — That the General Assembly of New Zealand have passed an Act declaratory, among other things, of the privileges of the House of Representatives, and particularly as to the power of that House to examine witnesses, and call for the production of papers, but has exempted from the operation thereof all persons serving in your Majesty's army and navy on full pay. That many questions may arise which may require information relating to the Civil Government of the Colony, which it is only in the power of such officers serving in the Colony to give. That the Commons of New Zealand are of opinion that it would contribute to the efficiency of the public service, if all such persons were required to submit themselves to the inquiries of the Houses of Assembly, in the same manner as other persons are required to do by the Act above referred to. The Commons of New Zealand, therefore, humbly present the premises to your Majesty, and pray that your Majesty will be pleased to command all such persons to submit themselves as aforesaid, unless expressly prohibited by the Officer commanding your Majesty's forces in New Zealand for the time being. Question, That the foregoing address be adopted by this House, put and passed. 4. Native Affairs: —On motion of Mr. Fox, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering an address to her Majesty the Queen, on the subject of the relations between the Governor arcl his responsible ministers in the management of Native affairs. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. 5. Meeting of General Assembly : —On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering his Excellency's Message No. 46. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported, that a division having taken place in the committee, he had ascertained that there was not a quorum present. 6. Adjournment: —The House having been counted, by order of Mr. Speaker, it was found that the following members only were present, viz., Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Brodie, Mr. D. Bell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Curtis, and Mr. Hall. Mr. Speaker accordingly declared the House adjourned. Orders



ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, August 13, 1856. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 45 and 46. Me. Fitzgerald to move, That the following resolutions, adopted by the select committee on the new Government House, be adopted :— " That, in the opinion of this House, the building in question is suitable for the Houses of Assembly, and for the offices of the General Government, and that it is very desirable that it should be occupied for such purposes. That, in order to repay the Province of Auckland for the cost of the building, the present Government offices, and the buildings of the present Houses of Assembly, together with the land on which those buildings are situated, and any other public reserves in the Town of Auckland which may be available for that purpose, be given up to the Province if the Province will accept such proposal. " That, as part of the arrangement, it will be proper that a suitable building for the residence of the Governor should be erected on the Auckland Government Domain, for which it will be necessary to make provision during the present session." 2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in committee. 3, Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; ten members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in the House, the Chairman of Committees, do take the chair for this day. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. House Counted :—At the conclusion of prayers the following members only were present, viz., Mr. Stafford, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Lee, the Colonial Secretary, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr, Fitzgerald, Mr. V. Smith, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Curtis. Mr. Speaker accordingly declared the House adjourned.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. Thursday, August 14, 1856. 1. Consideration of his Excellency's Messages Nos. 45 and 46. Mr. Fitzgerald to move, That the following resolutions, adopted by the select committee on the new Government House, be adopted :— " That, in the opinion of this House, the building in question is suitable for the Houses of Assembly, and for the offices of the General Government, and that it is very desirable that it should be occupied for such purposes. That, in order to repay the Province of Auckland for the cost of the building, the present Government offices, and the buildings of the present Houses of Assembly, together with the land on which those buildings are situated, and any other public reserves in the Town of Auckland which may be available for that purpose, be given up to the Province, if the Province will accept such proposal. " That, as part of the arrangement, it will be proper that a suitable building for the residence of the Governor should be erected on the Auckland Government Domain, for which it will be necessary to make provision during the present session." 2. Appropriation Bill—to be considered in committee. 3. Adjourned debate, in committee on the address to Her Majesty, on the subject of the relations between his Excellency the Governor and his responsible Ministers on the control of Native affairs. 4 Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill—to be considered in committee. HUGH CARLETON, Chairman of Committees. Acting during the Speaker's temporary absence for the day.


No. 82.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; twenty members being present. Mr. Stafford moved, That, Mr. Speaker being prevented, through illness, from attending on his duties in the House, the Chairman of Committees do take the chair for this day. The Clerk having put the question, and it having been carried in the affirmative, the Chairman of Committees took the chair, and read prayers. 2. Expenditure on Natives On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering an address in reply to the Message of his Excellency the Governor, No. 45. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had adopted the following address, and recommend the same to the House:— May it please your Excellency,— The House of Representatives has taken into its respectful consideration your Excellency's Message No. 45, desiring that the House would reconsider its recent vote on the subject of Native expenditure. The House begs leave to assure your Excellency of its earnest desire to respond with proper liberality to requests from your Excellency for the grant of money required to make due provision for the public service. At the same time, when this House remembers that the sum of £7000 which Parliament had specially placed at the disposal of the Governor of the Colony for Native purposes, has been, without the sanction of the House, and contrary to its wishes, appropriated to objects over which it has no control; that, by maintaining that appropriation upon the Civil List, the fund properly applicable to the services referred to in your Excellency's message is still withdrawn from your hands; that a total sum of £14,872 has been devoted, partly by the Civil List and permanent appropriations, and partly by grants of the House to Native services, including the interest upon a capital sum of £3000 placed at your Excellency's disposal for Native loans; above all, that the further sum now proposed to be granted would not be expended under the direction of your Excellency's ministers, this House feels that it would fail in its duty to the country were it, in the present state of the finances, to place a further sum for Native services upon the estimates of the present year. At the same time, this House recognizes the difficulties connected with the management of the Natives, to which your Excellency has again called its attention ; and when your Excellency is pleased to assure the House that, in your judgment, the expenditure for which the additional grant is asked cannot be retrenched without probable danger to the peace of the Colony, this House will not refuse, not an appeal to its liberality, but a reference to considerations of such paramount duty as the one of relieving your Excellency from serious embarrassment and risk. If, therefore, circumstances should arise involving the maintenance of peaceful relations between the races, and your Excellency should, in consequence, feel it imperatively necessary, before the next session of the Assembly, to expend upon Native purposes a sum, not exceeding £1000, in addition to the amounts already granted, this House respectfully begs to assure your Excellency that it will make good the same in the supplies of the year 1857-8. Question, That the foregoing address be adopted by this House, put and passed. 3. Messages :—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (1.) Appropriation Bill. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 47. Governor. The Governor, on the recommendation of his responsible advisers, transmits the accompanying Appropriation Bill for 1856, and recommends the House of Representatives to make provision for the services therein specified. Government House, Auckland, ]4th August, 1856. On r- the Colonial Treasurer, the Appropriation Bill was read a first and second time, and' r>e considered in committee. (2.) Assent



(2.) Assent to Bills. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 48. Governor. The Governor begs to inform the House of Representatives that, on behalf of her Majesty, he ahs assented to the following Acts passed during the present session : The Pensions Act, 1856. The Naturalization Act, 1856. The Law Amendment Act, 1856. The Bank Paper Currency Act, 1856. The Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Act, 1856. The English Acts Act, 1856. The Nelson Wesleyan Chapel Sale Act, 1856The Bills of Sale Registration Act, 1856. The Building Societies Amendment Act, 1856. The Magistrates Indemnity Act, 1856. The Marriage Act. Amendment Act, 1856. The New Zealand Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Act, 1856. The New Zealand Debenture Act, 1856. The Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act, 1856. The Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment Act, 1856. The Superintendents Deputy Act, 1856. The New Zealand Native Reserves Act, 1856. The Resident Magistrates Courts Ordinance Amendment Aot, 1856. The Counties Act, 1856. The New Zealand Loan Act, 1856. The Supreme Court Procedure Act, 185 G. The Public Offices Act, 1856. The Customs Duties Act, 1856. The Privileges Act, 1856. The Auckland Hospital and Grammar Schools Reserves Act, 1856. Government House, Auckland, 14th August, 1856. 4. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was presented with the Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill as amended in the Council Also, the Land Claims Settlement Bill as amended in the Council. Also, a Scotch Law Practitiuners Bill as passed by the Council. Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill -.—air. Hall moved, That a conference be requested with the Legislative Council on the amendments made by the Council in the Provincial Councils Criminal Law Bill, and that Mr. Ward and the mover be appointed managers on behalf of this House. Question put and passed. (>. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Council had adopted the amendments in the provincial Laws Bill as agreed to in committee of conference. 7. Provincial Laws Bill :-('n motion of Mr. Ward, the amendments in this Bill as agreed to in committee of conference, were read and adopted by the House, and Mr. Ward and Mr. Hall were ordered to signify the same to the Legislative Council. 8. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Council had adopted the amendments in the Provincial Councils Powers bill as agreed to in committee of conference. 9. Provincial Councils Powers Bill On motion of Mr. Hall, Mr. D. Bell and the mover were ordered to signify to the Legislative Council that the House adopted the amendments in this Bill as agreed to in committee of conference. 10. Resignation :—Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed to him by Mr. Charles Brown, member for the Grey and Hell Districts, resigning his seat in the House. The Colonial Treasurer moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleased to cause a writ to be issued for the election of a member to serve in this House for the Grey and Beil Districts, in the room of Charles Brown, Esquire, resigned. Question put and passed. 11. Appropriation Bill : —On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill with amendments. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the report of the committee on the Appropriation Bill ■was adopted, and the Bill was then read a third time and passed. The Colonial Treasurer moved, That the title of the Bill be, " A 1 ill to provide for the appropriation of the public Revenues of New Zealand." 11 1 Question


Question put and passed ; and Mr. Stafford and Mr. Campbell were ordered to present the Bill to the Legislative Council. 12. Land Claims Settlement Bill:—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the amendments made in the Legislative Council in this Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee recommend the House to request a conference with the Legislative Council on the amendments in the Lnnd Claims Settlement Bill. Report of the committee adopted; and, on motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Williamson, Mr. D. Bell, Mr. Daldy, and the mover, were appointed managers on behalf of this House. 13. Kdward Catchpool : —Mr. Stafford, in pursuance of a promise made by him in his place in the House on the 9th of July last, stated, That Mr. Tancred had been appointed a Commissioner to enquire into the allegations contained in the petition of Edward Catchpool, presented to the House on the 29th April. 14. Scotch Law Practitioners BillOn motion of the Colonial Secretary, this Bill was read a first and second time, and Mr. Speaker left the chair, the House resolving itself into a committee of the whole for consideration of the Bill. On Vlr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported the Bill without amendment ; and, on motion of the Colonial Secretary, the Bill was read a third time and passed. The Colonial Secretary moved, That the title of the Bill be, " a Bill to enable persons qualified to practise in the Sheriff Courts of Scotland, to be admitted to practise in the Supreme ( ourt. Question put and passed ; and Mr. D. Bell and the Colonial Secretary were ordered to signify to the Legislative Council that the Bill had passed the House without amendment. 15. Supplementary Expenditure On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Speaker left the chaii\ and the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering his Excellency's Message No. 35. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee recommend the following resolution for adoption by the House :— " That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, praying him to cause to be paid the following amounts, omitted from the Appropriation Act, viz., Pension to Alexander Browne £3f> JOs. And also, to cause to be defrayed, the charges of maintaining Local Posts in the Provinces for six months from this date. And that in such address, the House do respectfully assure his Excellency that they will make good such expenditure in the votes of the next session." Question, That the foregoing resolution be adopted by the House, put and passed. 16. A Message from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, Mr. Speaker was informed that the Appropriation Act had passed the Council. Also, That the Legislative Council had agreed to a conference on the amendments made by the Council in the Land Claims Settlement Bill, and that managers had been appointed on behalf of the Council. ]/. Government House:—Mr. Fitzgerald, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of supply, for the pui pose of considering the resolutions standing in his name on the notice paper of this clay, as adopted by the select committee on the Government House. Question put. House divided. A yes, 16. Noes, 3. Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Hall, Mr. Stafford, Mr . Be]l ( te H er \ Mr. Domett, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Brodie, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Graham, Mr. East, ' Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, * Mr. Daldy, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson (teller). Oh


On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported that the committee had adopted the following resolutions, and recommend the same to the House : — " That, in the opinion of this House, the building in question is suitable for the Houses of Assembly, and for the offices of the General Government, and that it is very desirable that it should be occupied for such purposes. . That, in order to repay the Province of Auckland for the cost of the building, the present Government offices, and the buildings of the present Houses of Assembly, together with the land on which those buildings are situated, and any other public reserves in the Cijy 0 f Auckland which may be available for that purpose, be given up to the Province if the Province will accept such proposal. " That, as part of the arrangement, it will be proper that a suitable building for the residence of the Governor should be erected on the Auckland Government Domain, and that a sum not exceeding £SOOO be appropriated out of the Debenture Loan of £100,000. Question, That the foregoing resolutions be adopted by this House, put and passed. 18. Adjournment (special) :—Mr. Stafford moved, That this House at its rising do adjourn until Saturday next at noon. Question put and passed. 19. Land Claims Settlement Bill: —The Colonial Treasurer reported, That the committee of conference on this Bill had agreed to the amendments made in the Kill by the Legislative Council, and recommends the House to adopt the same. Question, That the report of the committee be adopted by this House, put and passed. 20. Adjournment -.—On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the House adjourned at ten minutes to seven o'clock. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-three members being present ; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair. 2. Resignation of a Member:—Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed to him by Mr. Ludlam, member for the Hutt District, resigning his seat in the House. Mr. D. Bell moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor requesting that he will be pleased to cause a writ to be issued for the election of a member to serve in this House, for the Hutt District, in the room of A. Ludlam, Esquire, resigned. Question put and passed. 3. Land Claims Settlement Bill.—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Daldy were ordered to signify to the Legislative Council, that the House had adopted the amendments agreed to in Committee of conference on the Land Claims Settlement Bill. 4. Messages :—The following Messages from his Excellency the Governor received and read :— (I.) Meeting of General Assembly. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, " Message No. 49. Governor. In reference to the place where the next meeting of the Assembly should be held, the Governor observes that the Resolution of the House dated 26th May expresses an opinion " That the next meeting of the General Assembly should be held in such more central place as His Excellency may deem most convenient." In reply to this Resolution the Governor, in a Message, No. 26, alluded to certain difficulties, and requested a more definite opinion. This Message was answered in a Resolution of the House dated 3rd July, slating, "That this House concurs in His Excellency's opinion that in adopting the Resolution of this House that the next Session should be held in a more central place, Wellington is the preferable place for the purpose, and it recommends His Excellency to summon it to meet at that place. And this House pledges itself to make the necessary arrangements in the interval to enable the Session to be held there without detriment to the public service." The question would then have been settled, but that on the next day the Governor received a Resolution fiom the Legislative Council declaring " That, in the opinion of this Council, great inconvenience and mischief to the public service will result from any change being made in the place of meeting of the General Assembly." It thus became the Governor's duty to enquire what was the state of opinion in the two Houses, and he is informed that in the House of Representatives the Resolution of the 3rd July was carried by a majority of two, thiry five members being present; and that in the Legislative Council, the vote was unanimous, seven members being present. Feeling, however, great anxiety that his decision should meet with general approval, and hoping that some compromise might bemade with the Legislative Council, the Governor brought the subject more distinctly under the consideration of the House of Representatives in his Message No. 46, but having failed in his object, he appealed to his Executive Council, in which the members were equally divided in opinion, it remains for him therefore again to consider the subject, and he will not shrink from expressing his own opinion as it has now become a matter of duty. He sees difficulties and advantages on both sides of the question, and he is aware that it will be impossible to reconcile conflicting interests. Earnestly desiring the welfare of the Colony, and entirely free from prejudice in favor of any particular part of it, he considers that in the absence of any provision for a Lieutenant-Governor at Auckland, the balance rests in favor of Auckland being the place at which the Assembly should hold its next Session. In coming to this conclusion, the Governor desires to add, that concurring with his advisers and the House of Representatives in its opinion relative to the Seat of Government, he will solicit Her Majesty's Government to enable him to appoint a Lieutenant Governor during his absence at a future time, should the House consider it advisable to provide for the necessary expenditure. The Governor has no hesitation in saying, that unless otherwise advised, he will, if then honoured with the



the Commission he now holds, summon the Assembly to meet at Wellington at its sixth Session and continue to summon it alternately at that place and Auckland. He trusts the Assembly will consider the subject in all its relations during the next Session and will then arrive at a decision admitting of no dispute. Government House, Auckland, 15th August, 1856. (2.) Assent to Bills. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 50. Governor. The Governor begs to inform the House of Representatives that, on behalf of her Majesty, he has assented to the following Acts passed during the present session:— The Friendly Societies Act, 1856. The Resident Magistrates Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Act, 1856. The Waste Lands Act, 1856. The Local Posts Act, 1856. The Land Orders and Scrip Act, 1856. The Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856. The Scotch Law Practitioners' Act, 1856. The Provincial Laws Act, 1856. The Governor has reserved the Provincial Councils Powers Act, 1856, and The Governor's Salary Act, 1856, for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure thereon. Government House, Auckland, 16th August, 1856. 5. Native Affairs :—Mr. Fox moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into committee of the whole for the purpose of considering an address to her Majesty the Queen, on the subject of the relations between the Governor and his Responsible Ministers in the management of Native affairs, adjourned from Tuesday last. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported, That the Committee had resolved to recommend the House to present an address to her Majesty, embodying the resolution adopted by the House on Monday last, on motion of Mr. Hall, relative to Native affairs. Question, That the resolution of the Committee be adopted by the House, put and passed. (). Resignation of a Member:—Mr. Speaker read a letter addressed to him by Mr. Sewell, njember for the Town of Christchurch, resigning his seat in the House. The Colonial Secretary moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will cause a writ to be issued for the election of a member to serve in this House, for the Town of Christchurch, in the room of Henry Sewell, Esquire, resigned. Question put and passed. 7. Business of the Session : — Mr. Speaker announced, that of fifty-four Bills introduced during the session, thirty-three had passed and been assented to ; two had been reserved for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure thereon, and one was under consideration of his Excellency ; three had been negatived on committal; seven had lapsed in select committees; two had lapsed in the House; three had been discharged from the paper ; and three had lapsed in the Legislative Council. 8. Summons from his Excellency the Governor:—His Excellency's Private Secretary having been introduced, presented to Mr. Speaker the following summons :— THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Governor. In the name of her Majesty, the Governor desires the House of Representatives to attend upon him in the Legislative Council Chamber, to hear the reading of his speech on proroguing this session of the Assembly. 16th August, 1856. 0. Appropriation Bill:—Mr. Speaker and the members of the House of Representatives having assembled in the Legislative Council Chamber, Mr. Speaker presented to his Kxcellency the Appropriation Bill as passed by the two Houses of the Legislature, and to which his Excellency was pleased to give the Royal assent. JO. Prorogation : — His Excellency then read the following speech :— Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,— I am happy to be able to release you from the duties of a protracted and laborious Session. The zeal and assiduity which you have displayed in the consideration of the various questions of importance which have come before you, deserve and will, I feel assured, obtain the approbation of the Colony. It was but reasonable to expect that the introduction of the system of Responsible Government would, at the commencement of the Session, for some time engage the attention of the Legislature to the exclusion of ordinary business, I have now to congratulate you that that form of Government has been so successfully established, to the promotion of the practical Legislation, of which the Colony stood £0 much in need. The


The measures which you have passed relate to important questions which have for some time past engaged the attention of the Colony, and with respect to which Legislation could not have been deferred without detriment to the public service. Amongst the most important measures of the Session are those financial arrangements by which it is proposed to provide for the debts and liabilities of the Colony, and equitably to apportion the Public burdens. The confirmation of these measures by the Imperial Government will, it may be expected, wholly remove a most serious cause of discontent and mutual jealousy amongst the Provinces. Measures passed during the present Session have vested in the Provincial Authorities the administration of the Waste Lands and Land Revenue. It cannot be doubted that a judicious and economical application of the Territorial revenue to works of Public utility in the districts where it arises, and under the supervision of those most interested in its proper application, must tend to accelerate the settlement of the country. Such will, I trust, be the result of the prudent exercise by local bodies of these large powers. For many years past the numerous unsettled Land Claims have been a source of serious embarrassment. I entertain a strong expectation that The Land Claims Settlement Act, will be found to provide a mode of determining these claims with equity to the claimants and without prejudice to the Public interest. In transferring to the Provinces the management of the Waste Lands it was essential that the rights of the holders of Scrip and unexercised Land Orders should at the same time be defined and secured. The settlement of this question also has been effected in such a manner as not undulv to impede the administration of the Public Lands but with just regard to the vested rights of individuals. The nature of the Customs Tariff had long given rise to general complaint. Amongst other grounds of objection, its minute enumeration of articles subject to duty was vexatious alike to the Revenue officer and the Importer, occasioning great loss of time, expense and other inconvenience. The alteration now made, will, I hope, be received with general satisfaction, based as it is on a recognition of the principle that Revenue should be raised in the most simple and inexpensive manner, and as far as possible from those articles of luxury which are the most legitimate subjects of taxation. In dealing with this most important branch of Revenue, it was at the present time, an obvious duty to avoid impairing the Public Income. The new Tariff secures this object without curtailing the comforts of the people. During the present Session the Assembly has given legislative sanction to a body of Rules respecting the Pleadng and Practice of the Supreme Court, which constitute a complete cade of Procedure in Civil cases. For this valuable accession to the Laws, the Colony is mainly indebted to the labours of Chief Justice Martin, who aided by the present acting Chief Justice, has devoted several years to the completion of this important work. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,— I thank you for the liberal provision which you have made for the public service, and especially I have to acknowledge the additional provision for the maintenance of the office I have the honor to hold. The supplies which you have granted will be applied with a due regard to economy in the public expenditure. The sums voted for Steam Communication will not only effect the establishment of a rapid and regular Postal service in this Colony, but, in connection with the recent arrangements entered into by the Imperial Government and the Australian Colonies, will probably secure communication by steam between Great Britain and New Zealand. honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,— The relations established at the commencement of the Session between my Responsible Advisers and myself with reference to the Government of the Aborigines still subsist. It is my intention, however, to refer this important question for Her Majesty's consideration and decision: meantime those relations will continue unaltered. The Session now about to close furnishes an additional instance of the vigour and success with which a free Legislature is enabled to act when assisted in its deliberations by Ministers of the Crown possessing the confidence of the people; and gives earnest of the good results to be expected in this Colony from that form of Government. That valued Constitutional practice of which this is here our first experience, by increasing the power and usefulness of the General Government, and especially by harmonizing its action for the common good with that of the other institutions of the country, may, I trust, secure to the Central Executive the respect, attachment, and cordial support of all classes of Her Majesty's subjects throughout these Islands ; may preserve the unity of the Colony; and finally, by God's blessing, may raise its scattered settlements from small beginnings, into a happy, wise, and virtuous nation. I do now prorogue the General Assembly of New Zealand, to Wednesday, the Ist day of July, 1857,. and it is hereby prorogued accordingly. THOMAS GORE BROWNE. Auckland, lfith August, 1856, Kis Excellency then retired, and the General Assembly stood prorogued accordingly to Wednesday the Ist day of July, 1557CHARLES CLIFFORD, Speaker.

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VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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