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No. 14,

FRIDAY, MAX" 9, 1856. 1. The House meet pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and thirty members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the chair, 2. Postponement:—Mr. Macandrew postponed the motion standing in his name, first on the notice paper of to-day, until Tuesday next. 3. Deputy-Collector at Wellington ••—Mr. Fitzherbert, pursuant to notice, moved, That copies of all correspondence between the Collector of Wellington, the first Landing Waiter, and the Colonial Secretary, on the subject of the appointment of Captain Sharp instead of Mr. Catchpool to the office of Deputy-Collector at the port of Wellington, be ordered to l>e laid upon the table of this House. Question put and passed. 4. Commission of the Peace : —Mr. Charles Brown, pursuant to notice, asked the Colonial Secretary if their is any intention to issue a new Commission of the Peace for any province in substitution of the present Commission. The Colonial Secretary answered the question in the affirmative as regards the province of Wellington. 5. Gunpowder stolen by Natives;— Mr. Brodie, pursuant to notice, asked the Colonial Secretary whether any steps have been taken by the Government for the recovery of 4,500 pounds of powder, stolen from the Island of Kawau by the natives ; and also whether any steps are to be taken for the removal of 4,400 pounds of sporting powder in the magazine on the North Shore. The Colonial Secretary answered both questions in the affirmative. 6. Constitution Act:—The Colonial Secretary moved the suspension of the standing order limiting the number of members to serve on any Select Committee. Question put and passed. The Colonial Secretary then moved, pursuant to (amended) notice, That a Select Committee be appointed to conskler and report as to the changes which it may be desirable to make in the Constitution Act, and the best mode of effecting the same, with power to confer with any Committee appointed for the like or similar purpose by the Legislative Council. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Domett, Mr, Fitzherbert, Mr. Fox, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Stafford, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 7. Naturalization Bill:—A Deputation from the Legislative Council having been duly announced, was introduced, and presented to Mr. Speaker the Naturalization Bill, which had passed the Council. On motion of the Colonial Treasurer, the Naturalization Bill was read a first time. 8. Inter-Provincial Communication :—Mr. Elliott, pursuant to notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the most efficient mode of maintaining a rapid and frequent communication between all the Provinces of the Colony ; and that such Committee consist ot Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Charles Brown, Mr. Graham, and the mover. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 9. Land Claims ;—The Colonial Secretary, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report as to the nature and extent of outstanding land claims, and the best means of finally disposing of the same. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Richmond, and Mr. Domett. Report to be brought up this day fortnight. Question put and passed. 10. Native