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No. 12.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1856. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Speaker and twenty-six members being present; Mr. Speaker read prayers and took the Chair. 2. Postponement:—Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the House Committee, obtained the leave of the House to postpone the report of the Committee until to-morrow. 3. Address in reply to his Excellency's Speech:—The Colonial Secretary, with the leave of the House, moved, That Mr. Speaker, with as many members as may wish to accompany him, do present to his Excellency the Governor the address adopted by this House on Saturday, 3rd instant. Question put and passed. ■£, Adjournment:—On motion of the Colonial Secretary, the House adjourned at half-past five o'clock, until to-morrow at noon.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND OIIDER OF THE DAY. Thursday, Bth May, 1856.. 1. Mb. Brittin to move for a Select Committee totake into consideration the petition of Thomas McDonnell, Commander R. N., with power to call for persons and papers. Such Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, and the mover. 2. Mr. Charles Brown to move for leave to br:ng in a bill to alter the name and boundaries of the Province of New Plymouth. 3/ Mr. Ciiarlfs Brown to move for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the death, absence or resignation of any Superintendent of a Province. 4. Mr. Merrtman to move, That the Standing Orders recommended for adoption to the House in the supplementary report of the Standing Orders Committee, dated the 7th ot May, be adopted as Standing Orders of the House. ,5. Mr. Macandrew to move, That it is expedient that an Act should be passed to confer certain powers upon Justices of the Peace, and to provide for the more effective administration o justice, that is to say,— 1. To empower the Bench to appoint officers of Court for serving summonses and other writs issuing from the Court. 2. To empower the Bench to fix rates of charges to be paid to those officers 3. To empower the Bench to fix rates $nd order payment by either party, to witnesses foi attendance in Court. 4. To empower the Bench to imprison or fine at their discretion in cases of aggravated assault, similar to the power exercised by Police Magistrates in London 5. To empower the Bench to prohibit gambling in licensed public houses, to fine gamblers, and the owners or holders pf licensed houses in which gambling i s permitted, p. To