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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 11 (2) of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Amendment Act, 1936.

g IBj Wellington, 10th August, 1942. I have the honour, by direction of the Board of Trustees, to submit to you herewith, pursuant to section 11 of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Amendment Act, 1936, their report for the year ended 31st March, 1942, together with a copy of their accounts for the year, certified by the Audit Office. I have, &c., The Hon. W. E. Parry, F. H. Bass, Secretary. Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Chairman : The Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Peter Fraser, P.C., M.P. Deputy Chairmen — The Mayor of Wellington (T. C. A. Hislop, Esq., C.M.G.). The Minister of Internal Affairs (Hon. W. E. Parry, M.P.). Members — Ernest W. Hunt, Esq., J.P., F.C.A. (Aust.), F.C.I.S. (Eng.). The Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs (J. W. Heenan, Esq., C.8.E., LL.B.). Representative of the Maori Race ; Sir Apirana Ngata, Kt. The Royal Society of New Zealand — Dr. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.N.Z. Professor W. P. Evans, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.N.Z. Wellington Harbour Board — W. H. Price, Esq. (Chairman). C. M. Turrell, Esq. New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts — D. A. Ewen, Esq., M.B.E. G. G. Gibbes Watson, Esq., M.A., LL.B. Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects (Stanley W. Fearn, Esq., A.R.1.8.A., F.N.Z.1.A.). Wellington City Council (Councillor Malcolm Fraser, C.V.0., 0.8. E.). Chairman of the Wellington War Memorial Carillon Society (Lieut.-Colonel A. Cowles, V.D.). Local Bodies' Representative : The Mayor of Palmerston North (A. E. Mansford, Esq., A.P.A.N.Z.). Secretary : F. H. Bass, Esq., F.P.A.N.Z., Chartered Secretary (Eng.). Treasurer : J. R. Deal, Esq. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. The Board met formally on three occasions during the year, and were called together on several occasions for conference on special matters connected with the building. The Building and Finance Committee held five meetings. Obituary. The Board sustained two severe losses in the deaths of Sir George Shirtcliffe on 20th July, 1941, and Sir George Troup on 4th October, 1941. Both these gentlemen had taken a keen interest'in the activities of the Art Gallery and Museum from the earliest stages, and the following resolutions were passed at meeting of 7th November, 1941 " That the Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum place on record their sense of the great loss sustained not only by the Board, but by the community generally, by the passing away of their late esteemed colleague and friend, Sir George Shirtcliffe, whose advice and assistance were at all times gladly placed at the Board's disposal, and express their appreciation of the services rendered by him to the Board from the commencement of the Board's activities until the date of his death. Also that the Trustees extend their sincere sympathy to Lady Shirtcliffe and family in their bereavement."


" That the Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum desire to place on record their sense of the great loss that has been sustained by this Board in the passing away of their late esteemed colleague and friend, Sir George Troup, and their appreciation of the services rendered by him to the Board, and the community of Wellington generally, and particularly in relation to his interest in the National Art Gallery and the inauguration of the building scheme at Mount Cook. Also that the Trustees extend their sincere sympathy to Lady Troup and family in their bereavement." Changes in Personnel. Mr. W. H. Price, as Chairman of the Wellington Harbour Board, became a member of the Board in July, 1941, and Mr. W. L. Fitzherbcrt (former Chairman of the Wellington Harbour Board) retired. General. The operations of the three institutions under the control of the Board have been carried on under difficult conditions during the year, owing to the situation caused by the war. The reports of the three Management Committees are attached hereto. Attendances at both the Art Gallery and Museum were maintained, but visitors to the Carillon were insufficient to warrant keeping the tower open. The activities of the Art Gallery and Museum are being continued as far as conditions will allow. Part of the National Collection has been transferred to a country district as a safeguard. A number of valuable gifts of pictures and exhibits were received by the Art Gallery and Museum during the year, and the Board extends its grateful thanks to the donors. The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts presented further pictures to the Art Gallery. A grant was received from the T. G. Macarthy Trust for purchase of pictures and for furtherance of educational work in both institutions. Contributions from local bodies have been maintained, and their support is much appreciated. The Board records its appreciation of continued assistance from the New Zealand Government, Carnegie Corporation of New York, T. G. Macarthy Trust, New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, the Royal Society, and others; also the press and Broadcasting services for valuable publicity. The staffs of the Art Gallery, Museum, and Carillon have rendered valuable service under difficult conditions. The audited annual accounts and balance-sheet, with Treasurer's report, are appended hereto, and show a healthy state as regards linance. After providing for appropriations of £1,000 for Renewals, Repairs, and Extension Fund, £200 for educational purposes, and £114 for special purposes in connection with the Art Gallery, there remains a credit balance of £122 to be carried forward to next period. P. Fraser, Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Committee of Management of the National Art Gallery. D. A. Ewen, Esq., M.B.E. (Chairman); Mrs. M. Murray Fuller; Messrs. A. D. Carbery, C.B.E. ; Nugent Welch; W. S. Wauchop, M.A. ; *G. G. Gibbes Watson, M.A., LL.B.; Stanley W. Fearn, A.R.LB.A., F.N.Z.I.A. (Wellington); Richard Gross, C.M.G. (Auckland); and Archibald F. Nicoll (Christchurch). Sub-committees : National Art Gallery. Architectural. —Stanley W. Fearn (Convener) and William Page. Sculpture.—Richard Gross (Convener) and F. H. Shurrock. Educational.—W. S. Wauchop (Convener), A. F. Nicoll, A. D. Carbery, and Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. Hanging. —Mrs. M. Murray Fuller (Convener), Nugent Welch, and A. D. Carbery. Finance.—D. A. Ewen (Convener) and Stanley W. Fearn. Management Committee Meetings. Three meetings of the Committee of Management wore held during the year, and the various sub-committees met from time to time as required. Obituary. The Committee has sustained a severe loss during the year through the death of Sir George Troup, Kt., C.M.G. The Committee desires to record its great appreciation of the outstanding services rendered by him to the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum and to the cause of art generally during his lifetime. The late Sir George Troup was chairman of the Committee from the time of its inception until ill health compelled him to relinquish the position in 1938. He continued as a member of the Committee until the time of his death. The Committee desires also to record its appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. Joseph M. Ellis, whose death occurred during the year. He was one of the original members of the Committee, and at the time of his death was a member of the Sculpture Committee. He was closely connected with the art activities of Wellington both on the administrative and teaching sides and as a practising artist over a period of thirty years. General. War conditions inevitably have affected the activities of the Art Gallery very considerably. Unlike the Museum Committee, the Committee of Management of the Art Gallery has not a large staff at its disposal. The staff was further depleted during the year owing to the war. The work of the Art Gallery is carried on largely by voluntary efforts of enthusiastic members of the Committee of Management whose time has been taken up lately in other activities in connection with the war effort. * Mr. G. G. Gibbes Watson was appointed to the Committee during the year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir George Troup.



In addition, owing to the Art Gallery being commandeered in progressive stages by the Government for other purposes during the year, it has been necessary to make hurried rearrangements of exhibits and storage. Work has been done in connection with the safeguarding of the exhibits in the event of an emergency. Exhibitions of art collections from overseas which have been a feature of past years have had to be discontinued temporarily. All these adverse circumstances have interfered seriously with the normal activities of the Gallery, and consequently it has not been possible to make much progress with educational work. The Committee feels strongly that it is important that the work of the Art Gallery should be continued during the war period. The many thousands of visitors to the Art Gallery during the year is an indication that the public requires the educational and recreational facilities offered by the Gallery. In these troubled times they afford necessary spiritual relief from worry and stress and assist in maintaining public morale. In England, exhibitions and other art activities have been continued throughout the war even during the worst months of the " blitz." Exhibitions. An exhibition of reproductions of the French, British, Dutch, and Flemish schools was held in the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Gallery during December and January. The exhibition created much interest and was well attended. The thanks of the Committee are due to the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts for the use of its Gallery. Proposed Exhibition of Work from New Zealand Schools of Art. During the year the Committee has considered a proposal to organize an exhibition of the work of students of New Zealand art schools. It is felt that such an exhibition representing the art efforts of the students of the Dominion would be of great interest and of considerable value educationally. The art schools in the four main centres have agreed to co-operate, and it is hoped that it will be possible to proceed with arrangements for holding the exhibition in the near future. Carnegie Grant for Reproductions. Previous annual reports have given full details regarding the grant of £2,000 made by the Carnegie Corporation of New York for the purchase of facsimile reproductions of pictures to be used for art education in New Zealand. A copy of the agreement drawn up between the New Zealand Council for Educational Research, acting for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Committee of Management of the National Art Gallery, covering the use of the balance of the Carnegie grant and the future control of the reproductions, was published in last year's report. Out of a further selection of seventy reproductions ordered last year, fifty were received in March, 1942, the balance being now unobtainable. Those received comprised reproductions printed in Holland, England, Austria, and Germany. The number of prints now in the collection housed at the National Art Gallery is 445. Under the agreement, £100 was to be made available to each of the other three centres —Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin--for purchasing subsidiary collections of reproductions to be used for educational work in their centres. These collections will be administered by the Auckland Society of Arts, the Canterbury Society of Arts, and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society respectively. They have been ordered, and some of the reproductions have been received. During the year, framing of further reproductions has been carried out and a catalogue has been prepared. Funds were made available from the Carnegie grant for the construction of travelling-cases for the reproductions, and some of these cases have been made at the Art Gallery. Owing to the difficulties due to the war it has not been possible to carry out a full programme of educational work with the reproductions. It is hoped, however, that it will be possible to increase this work in the coming year. Safeguarding of National Collection Pictures. During the year, on account of the increased danger of loss or damage of the pictures in the Art Gallery through enemy action, the Committee had to consider the question of safeguarding them. It was decided to send a large proportion of the works in the National Collection away from Wellington for storage where they are considered to be in a safer place. This has been done. Art Gallery Accommodation. During January the west wing of the Art Gallery and the tea-rooms had to be given up to be used for Government purposes. This necessitated a rearrangement of the exhibits on the east wing. Later the east wing of the Gallery was required also, and it was necessary to remove the exhibits from this wing. As practically the whole of the National Art Gallery was taken over by the Government, an arrangement was made with the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts under which selections of the pictures from the National Collection could be exhibited in the Academy's gallery when it was not being used by the Academy. The Committee desires to record its appreciation of the willing co-operation of the Council of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts in this connection. Co-operation between Art School and Art Gallery. In continuance of the scheme commenced four years ago, pupils of most of the Wellington secondary schools visited the Gallery in the early part of the year for the art appreciation classes taken in the Gallery on two mornings of the week by art teachers provided by the Wellington Technical College, it is regretted that the Education Board decided not to allow the fifth and sixth standards of the primary schools to participate, as it felt that the time occupied in travelling to and from the Gallery could be better occupied. Owing to the disorganization of the Gallery in the latter part of the year, it was not possible to continue the classes.



Acquisitions. The Committee has no endowment available at present for purchasing pictures. The Gallery will benefit later on from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Endowment Fund (now £14,161), the interest on which will be available for the purchase of pictures when it reaches £15,000 ; under the late Sir Harold Beauchamp's will a further fund of £5,000 for a like purpose will be available in five years' time ; the Ellen Eames Collection Fund, estimated to realize at least £20,000 ; and the Thomas Lindsay Buick Bequest, estimated to realize over £10,000. The following is a list of the pictures acquired during the year : — " Wellington in 1870 " and " A South Island Scene " (water-colours), by C. D. Barraud. Presented by Sir James and Lady Leigh Wood, London. " Portrait of the late Right Honourable Neville Chamberlain " (mezzotint), by H. Macbeth Raeburn. Presented by the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Peter Fraser. " Tranquillity at Polperro " (oil painting), by H. Davis Richter, R. 0.1., R.B.A. Presented by Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. " Heathcote River and Plains from Hills at Mount Pleasant " (oil painting), by Cecil F. Kelly Purchased by the Committee. " Maori Girl" and " Head of an old Man " (coloured drawings), by H. Linley Richardson, R.B.A. Purchased by the Committee. The following pictures presented by the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts :— " Portrait of my Uncle " (oil painting), by Edith Collier. " Self Portrait" (oil painting), by the late Raymond Mclntyre. " The Road to Arthur's Pass " (oil painting), by the late M. E. R. Tripe. " Ohau River " (tempera), by Esther Hope. The thanks of the Trustees are due to the donors for their generous and public spirited gifts. Press. The Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation for the valuable support and publicity given by the press in connection with exhibitions and other activities. D. A. Ewen, Chairman. E. D. Gore, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DOMINION MUSEUM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Committee Meetings. Seven meetings of the Committee were hold during the year. Maori Collection. During the year special attention has been directed to the reference collection of Maori material. The work of classifying and entering all items on specimen schedules with descriptive details is being carried out. Owing to war conditions, all valuable and irreplaceable material has been removed from the exhibition cases and stored. By exchange we have received a number of carved slabs of the Hocken pataka from Otago Museum. Other important accessions include adzes from Manganui presented by Mr. F. M. Begley, and four cloaks presented by Sir H. Lindsay. The following publication has been issued by Mr. W. J. Phillipps : " Maori Carving," Avery and Co., New Plymouth. Reptile Collection. Shelving has been provided in the reptile room and has enabled the collection of reptiles to be classified. A paper recording the " Recent Occurrence of Pelamis platurus Linn, in New Zealand " was published by Mr. W. J. Phillipps in Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 23, 1941. Fish Collections. The fish collection has been augmented by a remarkable collection of deep-sea fish from Cook Strait belonging to the following genera : Crytosparus, Maurolicus, Phosichthys, Lampanyctus, Diaphus, and Bathytroctes. These were presented by Mr. A. C. Kaberry, District Inspector of Fisheries, Island Bay, most being previously unknown in New Zealand seas. Other important accessions include the paratype of Retropinna obtusirostris, presented by Mr. G. Stokell, Scorpis violaceus from Wellington Harbour, presented by Brian Phillipps, and jaws of Carcharinus brackyurus from the Ninety-mile Beach, presented by Mr. F. M. Begley. Publications by Mr. W. J. Phillipps are as follows :— (1) " The Occurrence of Cryptosparus carunculatus from Cook Strait." Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 160, 1941. (2) " New or Rare Fishes of New Zealand." Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 241, 1941. Entomological Department. The rearrangement in the new cabinets of the collections of New Zealand Lepidoptera now has been completed and a start made on the sorting-out of other orders. This latter work, however, still is severely handicapped by lack of cabinet space. Accessions for the year include—By gift: 148 specimens of Australian beetles from Mr. J. Formby ; five tubes of South African termites, including a queen specimen, from Mr. J. H. Crowe, Managing Director, Boracure Ltd., Wellington ; 167 tubes of New Zealand spiders from Mr. Frank A. Bodley.



By exchange: 148 specimens of New Zealand beetles, insects, including termites, diptera, and hymenoptera, from D. F. Spiller, Plant Diseases Division, Auckland. A further paper on the New Zealand Collembola, entitled " The Genus Ceretrimeria Borner in New Zealand, and A New Genus Novacerus to replace the Genus Neocerus (Pre-occupied) " was published by Mr. J. T. Salmon in Vol. 71, Part 4, of the Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z. Botanical Department. The chief addition to the herbarium during the year was a donation by Mr. W. Martin of ninety-one mounted specimens of Marlborough plants. The types in the Colenso collection have been identified and separated out by Mr. V. D. Zotov. Work has been carried out on the collection of algse, lichens, and exotic plants, making them now available for reference. Exchange material was forwarded to Melbourne National Herbarium, Pomona College, and Victoria College. Two large exhibits, one on plant nutrition and one on sugar-production, were completed and placed on view during the year. Table cases were utilized for exhibits of vegetable dyes, economic seaweeds, and ergot. Most of the Peat collection of kauri-gum was removed from the show-cases and stored in a safer place for the duration of the war. Routine work included the revision of library reference cards, classification of botanical pamphlets, and fumigation of the collections. Photographic Department. With the obtaining of a special import license for the Museum's photographic supplies, a return to more normal photographic activity has been possible during the past year. Considerable numbers of prints, enlargements, and lantern-slides have been produced for educational and exhibition work. Of the back negatives, 1,186 have been printed, and the permanent negative collection increased by 312 negatives. The standard-size lantern-slide collection now contains 2,380 slides, an increase of 426 during the year, while the miniature slides now number 1,344. Library. Altogether, sixty-three books were added to the library during the year. Of these, thirteen were received from the Auckland University College and five from Otago University under the library exchange scheme. There were presentations from Messrs. Alan Sutherland and G. Walker and the South Australian Museum. Several volumes were received from exchange institutions. The purchases include some important works, of which the following may be mentioned : South Australian scientific handbooks (nine volumes); " Economic Botany," by A. F. Hill; " Index Londonensis" (two volumes); " Trees of New South Wales," by R. H. Anderson ; " Furred Animals of Australia," by E. Troughton ; " Text-book of Zoology," by Parker and Howell (two volumes); " Commercial Timbers of U.5.A.," by Brown and Panshin; " The Moths of South Africa," by A. J. T. Janse (two volumes). Education Service. In 1942 important changes were made in the conduct of the education work at the Museum. This year the children are given the opportunity of joining one of the following clubs : Maori, Animal, Insect, Plant, Birds, Sun and Stars, Life in other Lands. The child comes to the Museum for five visits at fortnightly intervals and does work connected with his club on each visit. In addition, he is supplied with a manila folder in which he keeps the leaflets and pictures he is given on each visit. In this way be builds up a booklet about his own club. This reorganization has proved most popular both with children and with teachers. In addition, a large number of exhibits has been prepared for teachers who wish to follow up the club work in their school teaching. The number of classes coming to the Museum has been increased and an average of four hundred children pass through the Museum daily. There has been a greatly increased demand from secondary schools for lectures by the Education Officer on an historical survey of life in the past. The series of lectures to primary schools this year has been concerned with the lives of primitive peoples of the present day. The circulation of cases to country schools has continued, and more exhibits have been added to those available for Wellington schools. Attendances by schools during 1941 were over thirty-four thousand. Film Evenings. The screenings of films held in the evenings during the winter months have continued to be an outstanding success, both in Wellington and in Palmerston North. Six evenings were held in each place. On all occasions the Museum's Lecture Hall has proved too small to accommodate the numbers desiring to attend; while in Palmerston North the Little Theatre proved hopelessly inadequate, and a change was made to the Opera House. On the final evening in Palmerston North the largest audience (amounting to over five hundred persons) so far to attend a Museum screening was obtained. Valuable help given by Mr. H. Greenwood, Palmerston North Municipal Librarian, whose work has contributed in many ways to the success of the Palmerston North screenings, is very much appreciated by the Museum. Press, Radio, and Trams. The thanks of the Museum Management Committee are tendered to the press, the National Broadcasting Service, the National Commercial Broadcasting Service, and the City Tramways Department for assisting in directing public attention to the Museum and its activities.



WELLINGTON WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON SOCIETY (INC.): ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. The Carillon Committee has met from time to time as required. An expert survey of the mechanism revealed that repairs and replacements would have to be made in order to continue the operations of the Carillon. As the necessary expert labour was not available, the Carillon has not been in operation for the past few months. Arrangements, however, have been made for the care of the equipment to prevent further deterioration. Alfred Cowles, Chairman, Carillon Management Committee. TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. To the Chairman,— I beg to submit the following financial statements relating to the year ended 31st March, 1942 :— (1) Receipts and Payments Account. (2) Main Income and Expenditure Account. (3) Tea-rooms Income and Expenditure Account. (4) Balance-sheet. Matters of interest are : — Tea-rooms. The credit balance at the beginning of the period under review has, as a result of a loss of £27 during that period, been reduced to £75. T. G. Macarthy Trust. Last year the T. G. Macarthy Trust's grant amounted to £500, as against £400 in the previous year, and was allocated by the Board as follows: Picture Purchase Reserve .. .. .. .. .. 100 Education Purposes ReserveArt Gallery . • • • • • • • • • • • 200 Museum .. .. • • ■ ■ • • • • • • 200 J. R. Deal, Treasurer. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1942. (Figures to nearest pound.) Receipts. . . Payments. £ Balance at beginning of period— £ £ Advertising .. .. . . . . . . 27 In hand.. , , Audit fees 19 Tn bank .. •• ■■ 3 > 135 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 3,163 Educational services .. .. .. .. 390 Carillon-lift takings 45 Exhibitions in Art Gallery (excluding Centennial Art Cloak-room receipts .. . • • • ■ • • • „a t? i°" M " " " " r Film-lecture receipts 98 Exhibitions in Museum 6 Government grants for maintenance .. .. .. 8,000 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. .. 30 Hire of Lecture Hall ® Fuel, light, power, and water 476 Imprest advance refunded 50 Insurances 173 Local bodies: Contribution for maintenance .. .. 2,970 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 1 Macarthy Trust grant 500 Office expenses 24 Miscellaneous receipts .. V 7 Photographic supplies 109 New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts : Contribution towards Postages, telegrams, and toll calls 59 salary &c • • • • • • 225 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 123 New Zealand Returned Services Association : Contribution Repairs and maintenance of buildings and equipment . . 571 towards cost of Jellicoe portrait .. .. •• | 1 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. ~7,605 Rental for occupation of portion of buildings .. .. 114 Specimens and pictures, preparation of .. .. 182 Subscriptions towards Building Fund 23 Subscriptions to societies 31 Tea-room takings 38 6 Te^ r0 , OI fV lfi4 Capital: Museum exhibits sold 5 foodstuffs 154 Wages .. .. .. . • .. • ■ 226 Telephones and fire-alarms .. .. .. . • 86 Travelling-expenses .. .. . ■ .. • • 61 Uniforms .. .. .. . • ■ • • • 23 Centennial Art Exhibition : Miscellaneous .. .. 60 Capital: Cinematograph equipment .. . . . . 21 Exhibits— Art Gallery . . .. .. .. ■ • 307 Museum . . .. .. . • • • • • 10 Furnishings .. .. . • • • • • 421 Library— Art Gallery .. .. .. ~ • • 28 Museum .. . . .. . • • • • • 92 Miscellaneous equipment .. .. . . . • 82 Photographic apparatus .. .. .. . • 27 Publications: Stock.. .. .. •• •• 4 Scientific apparatus .. .. .. • • ■ • 38 Tools 18 Balance, end of period— £ In hand .. .. .. ■• • • 191 In bank .. .. .. •• ..4,335 4,526 £16,!32 £16,132



Main Income and Expenditure Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1942. (Figures to nearest pound.) Expenditure. £ Income. Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 27 Contributions— £ Audit fees .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 New Zealand Government .. .. .. .. 8,500 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 Local bodies— £ Educational services .. .. .. .. 387 Wellington City Council .. .. .. 1,700 Exhibitions in Art Gallery (excluding Centennial Art Wellington Harbour Board .. .. 500 Exhibition) .. .. .. .. .. 12 Lower Hutt City Council.. .. .. 300 Exhibitions in Museum .. .. .. .. 6 Palmerston North City Council .. .. 190 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. . . 30 Petone Borough Council .. .. .. 140 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. 468 Hutt County Council .. .. .. 40 Insurances .. .. .. .. .. .. 192 Eastbourne Borough Council .. .. 30 Office expenses .. .. .. .. .. 24 Horowhenua County Council .. .. 15 Photographic supplies .. .. .. .. 115 Masterton County Council .. .. 15 Postages, telegrams, and toll calls .. .. .. 59 Wairarapa South County Council .. .. 15 Printing and stationery . . .. .. .. 125 Levin Borough Council .. .. .. 10 Repairs and maintenance : Buildings and equipment .. 571 Masterton Borough Council .. .. 10 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,669 Foatherston Borough Council .. ' .. 10 Specimens and pictures, preparation of .. .. 182 2,975 Subscriptions to societies .. .. .. .. 31 Carillon-lift receipts .. .. .. .. .. 45 Telephones and fire-alarms .. .. .. .. 90 Cloak-room receipts . . .. .. .. .. 20 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 61 Film-lecture receipts.. .. .. .. .. 98 Uniforms .. .. . . .. .. .. 23 Hire of Lecture Hall.. .. .. .. .. 7 Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 1,815 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 3 Rental for occupation of portion of building .. .. 114 Salaries, &c., contribution towards, by New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts .. .. .. .. 225 £11,987 £11,987 £ £ Capital purchases from revenue .. .. .. 688 Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 1,815 Appropriations — Accumulated surplus (general) .. .. . . 134 Repairs, Renewals, and Extensions Reserve .. .. 1,000 Interest on investments .. .. .. .. 170 Educational Purposes Reserve— Sale of assets .. .. .. .. .. 5 Art Gallery .. .. .. .. .. 50 Museum .. .. .. .. .. 150 Art Gallery Special Purposes Suspense Account .. 114 Balance carried forward .. .. .. .. 122 £2,124 £2,124 Tea-rooms Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1942. (Figures to nearest pound.) Expenditure. £ Income. £ Stock of consumable stores on hand at beginning of period .. 8 Receipts, afternoon teas, and functions .. .. .. 386 Foodstuffs .. .. .. .. . . .. 152 Balance carried down . . .. .. .. 27 Wages of manageress and service staff .. .. .. 226 General expenses, laundering, gas, flowers, &c. .. .. 27 £413 £413 £ £ Balance brought down .. .. .. 27 Accumulated surplus beginning of period .. .. 102 Balance carried forward .. .. .. 75 £102 £102 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1942. (Figures to nearest pound.) Liabilities. £ £ | Assets. Capital: Balance as at Ist April, 1941 .. .. 338,684 I Land, buildings, improvements— £ £ Add— £ Land .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 Capital purchases from revenue .. 688 Buildings .. .. .. .. 195,414 Capital purchases from reserves .. 367 Approach steps and terrace .. .. 4,300 1,055 Ground improvements .. .. .. 6,185 Floodlights .. .. .. .. 482 339,739 236,381 Less — Exhibits— Transfer to Buildings Fund Reserve 685 Museum .. .. .. .. 50,621 Sale of assets .. .. .. 5 Art Gallery .. .. .. .. 29,267 690 79,888 339,049 Furnishings and equipment— Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 130 Cinematograph equipment .. .. 826 Special reserves— Furnishings .. .. .. .. 19,004 Buildings Fund Reserve .. .. .. 422 Library .. .. .. .. 1,107 Centennial Art Exhibition Reserve .. .. 610 Mechanical appliances .. .. .. • 174 Educational Purposes Reserve— Miscellaneous equipment .. .. 218 Art Gallery .. .. .. .. 1,350 Photographic apparatus .. .. .. 531 Museum .. .. .. .. 750 Scientific apparatus .. . . .. 88 Picture Purchase Reserve .. .. .. 386 Tea-rooms equipment .. .. .. 695 Museum Exhibits Purchase Reserve .. .. 300 Tools .. .. .. .. . . 137 Repairs, Renewals, and Extensions Reserve .. 4,750 — 22,780 8,568 Publications (stock) .. .. .. .. 14 Art Gallery Special Purposes Suspense Account .. 114 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 64 Centennial Art Exhibition Suspense Account .. .. 637 Investment with Public Trustee .. .. .. 5,032 Accumulated surplus— Imprest advances .. .. . . . . 10 General .. .. .. .. .. 122 £ Tea-rooms .. .. .. .. ~ 75 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 191 Cash at bank, less unpresented cheques .. 4,335 4,526 £348,695 £348,695 J. R. Deal, Treasurer.

The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct.—C. G. Collins, Controller and Auditor General. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, net given ; printing (608 copies), £12 10s

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 942,

Price 6d.~\


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NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, H-21

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NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, H-21

NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, H-21

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