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Acquisitions. The Committee has no endowment available at present for purchasing pictures. The Gallery will benefit later on from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Endowment Fund (now £14,161), the interest on which will be available for the purchase of pictures when it reaches £15,000 ; under the late Sir Harold Beauchamp's will a further fund of £5,000 for a like purpose will be available in five years' time ; the Ellen Eames Collection Fund, estimated to realize at least £20,000 ; and the Thomas Lindsay Buick Bequest, estimated to realize over £10,000. The following is a list of the pictures acquired during the year : — " Wellington in 1870 " and " A South Island Scene " (water-colours), by C. D. Barraud. Presented by Sir James and Lady Leigh Wood, London. " Portrait of the late Right Honourable Neville Chamberlain " (mezzotint), by H. Macbeth Raeburn. Presented by the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Peter Fraser. " Tranquillity at Polperro " (oil painting), by H. Davis Richter, R. 0.1., R.B.A. Presented by Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. " Heathcote River and Plains from Hills at Mount Pleasant " (oil painting), by Cecil F. Kelly Purchased by the Committee. " Maori Girl" and " Head of an old Man " (coloured drawings), by H. Linley Richardson, R.B.A. Purchased by the Committee. The following pictures presented by the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts :— " Portrait of my Uncle " (oil painting), by Edith Collier. " Self Portrait" (oil painting), by the late Raymond Mclntyre. " The Road to Arthur's Pass " (oil painting), by the late M. E. R. Tripe. " Ohau River " (tempera), by Esther Hope. The thanks of the Trustees are due to the donors for their generous and public spirited gifts. Press. The Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation for the valuable support and publicity given by the press in connection with exhibitions and other activities. D. A. Ewen, Chairman. E. D. Gore, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DOMINION MUSEUM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Committee Meetings. Seven meetings of the Committee were hold during the year. Maori Collection. During the year special attention has been directed to the reference collection of Maori material. The work of classifying and entering all items on specimen schedules with descriptive details is being carried out. Owing to war conditions, all valuable and irreplaceable material has been removed from the exhibition cases and stored. By exchange we have received a number of carved slabs of the Hocken pataka from Otago Museum. Other important accessions include adzes from Manganui presented by Mr. F. M. Begley, and four cloaks presented by Sir H. Lindsay. The following publication has been issued by Mr. W. J. Phillipps : " Maori Carving," Avery and Co., New Plymouth. Reptile Collection. Shelving has been provided in the reptile room and has enabled the collection of reptiles to be classified. A paper recording the " Recent Occurrence of Pelamis platurus Linn, in New Zealand " was published by Mr. W. J. Phillipps in Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 23, 1941. Fish Collections. The fish collection has been augmented by a remarkable collection of deep-sea fish from Cook Strait belonging to the following genera : Crytosparus, Maurolicus, Phosichthys, Lampanyctus, Diaphus, and Bathytroctes. These were presented by Mr. A. C. Kaberry, District Inspector of Fisheries, Island Bay, most being previously unknown in New Zealand seas. Other important accessions include the paratype of Retropinna obtusirostris, presented by Mr. G. Stokell, Scorpis violaceus from Wellington Harbour, presented by Brian Phillipps, and jaws of Carcharinus brackyurus from the Ninety-mile Beach, presented by Mr. F. M. Begley. Publications by Mr. W. J. Phillipps are as follows :— (1) " The Occurrence of Cryptosparus carunculatus from Cook Strait." Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 160, 1941. (2) " New or Rare Fishes of New Zealand." Trans. Royal Soc. of N.Z., Vol. 71, p. 241, 1941. Entomological Department. The rearrangement in the new cabinets of the collections of New Zealand Lepidoptera now has been completed and a start made on the sorting-out of other orders. This latter work, however, still is severely handicapped by lack of cabinet space. Accessions for the year include—By gift: 148 specimens of Australian beetles from Mr. J. Formby ; five tubes of South African termites, including a queen specimen, from Mr. J. H. Crowe, Managing Director, Boracure Ltd., Wellington ; 167 tubes of New Zealand spiders from Mr. Frank A. Bodley.