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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, Section 9, and the Trade-unions Act, 1908, Section 16.

The Registrar of Friendly Societies to the Hon. the Minister. Sik '~~ Wellington, Ist July, 1940. I have the honour to submit the annual report of this Office for the year ended 31st December 1939, in accordance with the provisions of the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, section 9, and the Tradeunions Act, 1908, section 16. I have, &c, R. Sinkl, Registrar of Friendly Societies.

REPORT. PART I.—FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. General. Owing to necessary economies due to the war, the report this year is confined to the following statistical tables and returns. Registrations. There were registered during the past year five new branches, as follows—l.O.O.F. : Wairere Lodge, Star of Te Puke Lodge, Ethel Rebekah Lodge, and Kaimai Rebekah Lodge. H.A.C.B.S. : St. Paul's Branch (Dallington - New Brighton), (New Zealand District). There were registered also one working-men's club—The Dunedin Working Men's Social Club— and one specially authorized society —Eastbourne Municipal Employees Benefit and Provident Society. The following registrations were cancelled by request—l.O.O.F. : Maori Hill Lodge, Broadwood Lodge, Huangarua Lodge, and Star of the South Rebekah Lodge. A.O.F. : Court Royal Oak (Auckland District). H.A.C.B.S. : St. Benedict's Branch (Auckland), (Northern (N.Z.) District). The following isolated friendly society was dissolved by instrument—Lewis Pass Maruia Road Medical Association. The following amalgamation was registered—N.l.O.O.F. : " Auckland Pioneer Lodge " with " United Brothers Lodge " (Auckland Provincial District). The following change of name was approved- I.F.S. : " Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund " to " State Collieries Accident Relief Fund."

1-H. 1.


The position of the Orders in respect of registrations is shown by the following summary as at the beginning and end of 1939.

Rules. The rules of sixty-three societies and branches were amended during 1939 :— Complete Amendments of Rules registered. Complete amendments for the following were registered during the year, viz. :— M.U.I.O.O.F.—LoyaI Raetihi Lodge (Wanganui District). I.F.S.—- State Collieries Accident Relief Fund ; The Masterton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary. Partial Amendments of Rules registered. Partial amendments for the following were registered during the year, viz. : M.U.I.O.O.F.—New Zealand; Wellington District; Loyal Rose of Sharon Lodge, Loyal Antipodean Lodge, and Loyal Rose of the Valley Lodge (Wellington District) ; Nelson District; Loyal Meeanee Lodge, Loyal Clive Lodge, Loyal Hastings Lodge, Loyal Woodville Lodge, Loyal Napier Lodge, Loyal Ruahine Lodge, and Loyal Te Reinga Lodge (Hawko's Bay District) ; Auckland District; Loyal Good Intent Lodge (Auckland District) ; Motueka District; Loyal Excelsior Lodge, Loyal Waitara Lodge, Loyal Union Lodge, Loyal Egmont Lodge, Loyal Manaia Lodge, Loyal Stratford Lodge, and Loyal Kaponga Lodge (Taranaki District) ; Loyal Manawatu Lodge, Loyal Apiti Lodge, Loyal Rangitikei Lodge, Loyal Wanganui Lodge, Loyal Foxton Lodge, and Loyal Kimbolton Lodge (Wanganui District) ; North Canterbury District; Loyal Sister Pearce Lodge (North Canterbury District) ; Otago District. I.O.O.F.—The Grand Lodge of New Zealand. A.O.F.—Auckland District; Taranaki District; Court Taranaki, Court Inglewood Forest, and Court Waireka (Taranaki District) ; Canterbury United District; Court Pride of Dunedin (Court out of district). U.A.O.D.—Grand Lodge of the North Island ; Grand Lodge of Canterbury ; Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland. I.O.R.—New Zealand District. H.A.C.B.S.- New Zealand District. I.F.S.—Widow and Orphans' Society, Wellington District, M.U.1.0.0.F. ; The Huntly Collieries and District Medical Association; The Auckland Transport Club ; The Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Association ; The Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electric Lighting Friendly Society ; Grey Valley Coal Miners' Medical Fund Society; Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society; The Fountain of Friendship Lodge Friendly Society; The Devonport United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; Nelson United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; The Mokihinui Valley Medical Association; Wharerata Medical Association. W.M.C.— The South Waixarapa Working Men's Club ; The Petone Working Men's Club and Literary Institute. S.A.S.- Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary.


Registrations Registrations NameOfOrder - 1st January, Established. Cosed. aM 1039. 1989. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows .. 271 .. .. 271 Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. .. 223 4 4 223 National Independent Order of Oddfellows .... 3 .. 1 2 British United Order of Oddfellows .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Ancient Order of Foresters .. .. .. .. 165 .. 1 ]Q4 United Ancient Order of Druids .. .. .. 148 .. .. 148 Independent Order of Reehabites .. .. .. (i!) .. 09 Order of Sons of Temperance .. .. .. .. 10 .. 10 Sons and Daughters of Temperance ...... 1 ,. 1 Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society .. .. 93 1 1 93 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia .. 14 .. ., 14 Grand United Order of Oddfellows .. .. .. 14 .. \ , 14 Isolated friendly societies .. .. .. .. 78 1 77 Working-men's clubs .. .. .. .. .. 13 1 j4 International Order of Good Templars .. .. .. 11 .. '' H Specially authorized societies .. .. .. .. 15 1 . _ l(j Totals .. .. .. .. 1,129 7 8 1,128


Annual Returns of Receipts and Bxpendituee, etc. The Friendly Societies Act requires these returns to reach me on or before the 31st March in each year. The number outstanding at that date in the respective societies was as follows :— Annual Returns outstanding at 31st March, 1940. Name of Society. Bodies 1 Branchea - M.U.1.0.0.F.— Auckland District .. .. ~ .. .. ~ 4 Wellington District .. .. . . .. .. .. J 2 Motueka District .. .. . , .. ~ .... 1 South Canterbury District . . . . .. .. .... 1 Otago District .. .. .. .. ~ .. 1 37 Southland District .. .. .. ~ .. .... 5 I. 0.0. F. of New Zealand.. .. .. .. .. .... 24 A.O.F.— Auckland District .. .. ~ .. .. .... 1 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. .. ..1 11 Taranaki District .. .. .. .. ~ .... 2 Wellington District .. .. . . . . .. .... 7 South Canterbury District .. .. . . .. . . 1 1 Courts out of District .. .. .. .. .... 3 U.A.O.D.— Grand Lodge of North Island. . . . . . .. .... 2 Grand Lodge of Canterbury . . . . . . .. .... 1 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland . . . . .. .... 2 O.S.T. : National Division .. .. .. .. .. 1 8 H.A.C.B.S.— Northern (N.Z.) District .. .. .. .. .... 7 New Zealand District .. .. . . . . .... 4 P.A.F.S.A l 2 G.U.0.0.F 2 1.F.5..&C. .. 26 6 153 159 Statistics of Membership and Funds. The following table shows the membership of 964 lodges* of the Dominion for the year 1939 :— Number of members, Ist January .. . . . . .. 113,709 Number admitted by — Initiation, &e. .. .. .. .. .. 2,622 Clearance . . .. .. ~ .. ], 244 3,866 117,575 Number who died .. . . .. . , 1,060 Number who left by — Clearance . . .. .. .. ~ . . 1,302 Arrears, &c. .. ~ .. .. .. 6,154 8,516 , Number of members, 31st December .. .. .. 109,059 The above figures show a decrease in membership equal to 4-09 per cent., as compared with an increase of 0-73 per cent, for 1938. The total funds of the societies and branches as at the 31st December, 1939, amounted to £5,407,601, made up as follows : Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £4,964,846 ; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £442,755. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year it is found the average capital per member is now £49 11s. Bd.

*The word "lodge" when applied to all societies is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court " " tent," &c, as used in the various orders



Taking the several years 1930-39 the number of lodges whose returns were tabulated, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each year were as under :—

These sums are, of course, held against the societies' liabilities under their sickness and funeral insurances, and the actuarial reports issued from time to time indicate how far they are sufficient or otherwise. The above figures include the latest statistics received from lodges. The following statement shows the disposal of the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as at the 31st December, 1939 :—

_ The next table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member in each of the Australian States according to the latest received statistics and in the Dominion of New Zealand as at the 31st December, 1938, arranged in order of membership : —

Sickness. The number of members sick during 1939 was 25,677, equal to 24-2 per 100 members at risk The sickness experienced during 1939 was 311,595 weeks, equal to 12 weeks 1 day per sick member and 3 weeks for each member at risk. Mortality. A statement of the average mortality experienced during the years 1935-39 is given below but it takes no account of age incidence :—


Y car Number of Lodges Number ,„ , , _ tabulated. of Members. 'iotal Funds. Average Capital. }930 906 107,167 4,130,117 38 10 9 1931 912 105,660 4,277,715 40 9 9 }932 912 102,052 4,398,158 43 1 11 J9J3 918 100,237 4,538,095 45 5 6 J 9 '* 4 929 100,708 4,676,427 46 8 9 936 103,612 4,812,787 46 9 0 "IS 945 108,059 4,956,948 45 17 5 J987 960 112,888 5,120,125 45 7 1 | ( J6« 113,709 5.280,472 46 8 9 1939 •■ •• ■ ■• 964 109,05!) 5,407,601 49 11 8

Funds - Assets. £ j „ Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. 4,392,753 ] Investments at interest 4 741504 Surplus Appropriation I< T unds, &o. .. . . 572,09:! Value of land and buildings '474' 188 Management Funds, goods, &o. .. .. 239,348 Cash not bearing interest 135*042 Widow and Orphans' Funds .. .. 30,288 Value of goods .. ''o'eeS Distress, Benevolent Funds, &c. .. .. 167,119 Other assets .. 30*87(5 Owing by Management Funds .. .. 5,300 Total Total £5,407,601

State or Dominion. Date of Beturn. *"$" "T" I Lodges. Members. J'unds. Member. New South Wales 30th Juno, 1938 .. 2,430 212,136 4 876 924 22 19 10 Victoria „ .. 1>478 199,647 8, 30 18 5 ? eW .w f r 31st Dec, „ .. 966 113,709 5 280 472 46 8 9 South Australia 30th June, „ .. 885 90,717 2,893 328 3117 11 Queensland i 936 .. 603 69 333 1<S 18,U5 27 1 1 Western Australia .. .. .. 30th June, 1938 .. 362 26 675 644 397 ?4 3 2 Tasmania 31st Dec., 1937 .. 191 25,441 479,'276 18 16 9

Members, Wives. Year. ~~ L .,-. ™'who died. JgS&'SiSg «'who died. gg£»j&£> J^ , •■ ■• 887 8 -«4 364 3-55 J"" 951 8-05 373 &•« 19,,7 •■ •• •■ •■ ■• 1,007 9-07 403 i «« }"g '.108 9-73 Io2 ':53 1986 1.060 9.47 411 3-67


Sick and Funeral Funds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1939 amounted to £196,450. Divided by the mean number of members, the average for 1939 was £1 15s. 3d., as asrainst £1 16s. 10d. for 1938. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £194,600 in 1939 equal to £1 14s. lid. per member, as against £1 13s. Bd. for 1938. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £190,149 in 1939, equal to £7 Bs. Id. per member sick and £1 14s. 2d. per member, as against £6 11s. od. and £1 13s. 2d. respectively for 1938. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 12s 2d in 1939, as against 12s. 4d. for 1938. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £51,068 in 1939, equal to 9s. 2d. per member as compared with 9s. 4d. for 1938. i The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds at the beginning of 1939 was £4 396 280 and at the end of the year £4,392,753. Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1939 amounted to £194,600, the average rate being £4 10s. 7d. per cent., as against £4 10s. 2d. in 1938.

Table Showing the Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds as at the 1st January, 1939, and 31st December, 1939, inclusive of Accumulations held by Central Bodies, also Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

PART lI.—TRADE-UNIONS. One new trade-union was registered during the year—viz., The New Zealand Iron and Steel Works iimployees Union. The registrations of four trade-unions were cancelled during the year—viz., Amalgamated Society ot Railway Servants of New Zealand ; The Marlborough Stock and Station Agents Grain and Seed Merchants Clerical and Allied Employees Union; Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa Public Accountants' and Shareholders Employees' Guild ; The Westland Stock and Station Agents Grain and Seed Merchants Clerical and Allied Employees' Union. One partial amendment of rules was registered : The New Zealand Iron and Steel Works Employees Union. There were five unions on the register at the end of the year.


Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Same of Society. Amount Average Rate of Interest. per Cent. January 1, 1939. December 31, 1939. J 1 - 1, ;. 1 -,?- 0 - 1 ''- ■ 1,500,657 1,460,809 67,407 4*66 WTnnV ■' '■ ■' •■ 421 ' 032 410 > 178 18 > 286 4 ' 50 BTTnOTRi 5 ' 248 5 ' 078 231 4 ' 58 ?^' 0J 6.355 6,364 269 4-32 f/7nn 791,223 804,995 35,358 4-53 fnl? 1,152,418 1,177,150 49,994 4-39 215,013 222,276 9,732 4-55 "£%{, 32,486 33,308 1,651 515 If a r mi n ' 979 12 ' 052 575 4 ' 90 daw of" 135,534 141,182 5,745 4-24 annnw 56,923 58 ' 202 2 - 886 4 ' 14 °-« ■ 6 ' 467 7 ' 007 318 4-83 Other sooietoB 61i 045 54,152 2,698 4-80 Totals 4,396,280 4,392,753 194,600 4-53


APPENDIX A. A List of Public Auditors of Friendly Societies.


[Published for the information of societies.] Name. Place, Name. Place. Algie, R. F. .. .. .. Waimate. Jennings, E. B. .. .. Palmerston North. Anderson, A. M. .. .. Wellington. Jordan, N. V. R. .. .. Timaru. Angus, J. M. .. .. .. Hastings. Johnson, G. .. .. .. Timaru. Austin, F. 0. .. .. .. Wellington. Keating, M. .. .. .. Greymouth. Bamfield, F. W. .. . . Dunodin. Kelleher, H. W. .. .. Wellington. Barnett, J. H. .. .. .. Wellington. Kollow, E. W. A. .. .. Wellington. Bellringer, N. B. .. . . New Plymouth. Kember, 0. G. .. .. Wellington. Berry, G. Y. .. .. . . Wellington. Lawton, F. H. .. .. . . Gisborno. Bolton, H. .. .. .. Wellington. Litchfield, F. C. .. .. Palmerston North. Booth, C. H. .. .. . . Auckland. Low, A. D. .. .. .. Masterton. Borne, G. E. .. .. . . Invercargill. Mackley, G. .. .. .. Auckland. Brett, R. A. E. .. .. Auckland. Masters, W. H. .. .. Dunedin. Brown, A. M. . . .. .. Wanganui. Maxton, M. .. .. .. Greytown. Brown, D. . . .. .. Petone. Meltzer, I. .. .. .. Auckland. Buddie, J. H. .. .. .. Rotorua. Menzies, D. R. .. .. Wellington. Bull, H. .. .. .. Napier. Messenger, W. B, .. .. Inglewood. Burdekin, H. B. .. .. Wellington. Morrison, L. A. .. .. Christchurch. Bush, E. G. .. . . .. Wellington. Morrison, W. F. .. .. Wellington. Carlaw, J. .. .. .. Auckland. Mullaney, H. W. . . .. Palmerston North. Carter, G. A. .. .. .. Stratford. McDonald, C. P. .. .. Auckland. Cooke, F. .. .. .. Balclutha. McKeefry, J. H. A. .. .. Dunedin. Cork, G. G. .. .. . . Auckland. MoKenzie, A. G. .. .. Stratford. Cox, C. T. .. .. . . Wellington. Nealo, J. B. .. .. .. Christchurch. Davidson, G. .. .. . . Dunedin. Nicholls, T. C. H. .. .. Inglewood. Davis, R, .. .. .. Palinerston North. Nielsen, N. I. .. .. Palmerston North. Dearing, C. G. .. .. .. Devonport. Patterson, J. G. .. .. Dunedin. Dillon, G. W. .. .. .. New Plymouth. Perkins, C. 11... .. .. Christchurch. Dobson, W. . . .. .. Dannevirke. Perry, W. .. .. .. Auckland. Dorinan, G. E. T. .. .. Invercargill. Petherick, A. J. .. .. Wellington. Duff, V. .. .. .. New Plymouth. Phillips, C. E. .. .. .. Auckland. Edgar, G. S. . . . . .. Dunedin. j Pike, A. L. .. .. .. Auckland. Ellis, R. .. .. .. New Plymouth. | Pinker, E. G. .. .. .. Auckland. Foist, F. E. .. .. .. Wellington. Priest, P. J. .. .. Hastings. Finlayson, II. M. .. .. Wanganui. Reid, W. E. C. .. .. Dunedin. Fippard, N. B. . . .. Hastings. Reynolds, T. G. .. .. Hamilton. Fleming, G. . . ■ • .. Otahuhu. Robertson, A. .. .. .. Nelson. Fraser, A. .. .. .. Foxton. Rose, G. .. .. .. Dunedin. Frear, J. G. .. .. .. Auckland. Ross, R. C. .. .. .. Wellington. Gay, W. E. L. .. .. .. Westport. Sandtmann, J. W. .. .. Napier. Gentles, J. A. ... .. .. Auckland. Seaman, A. M. .. .. Auckland. Glendinning, K. S. .. •• Palmerston North. Sellar, W. R. .. .. .. Dunedin. Grater, 0. • • • • • • Dunedin. Shenkin, C. . . .. .. Auckland. Gray, A. L. .. . . .. Christchurcli. Smart, L. H. .. . . .. Carterton. Gribble, C. R. . . .. . . Auckland. Smoaton, J. W. . . . . Dunedin. Griffin, J. L. .. . . .. Wellington. Smith, E. W. .. .. . . Christchurch. Grocott, H. .. .. .. Oamaru. Smith, W. A. .. .. .. Christchurch. Gunn, F. L. . . .. .. Whangarei. Stichbury, C. P. .. .. Auckland. Hall, R. H. D. .. .. Wellington. Suisted, C. H. .. .. .. Wellington. Harding, J. W. J. .. .. Hawera. Talbot, W. G. .. .. .. Wellington. Harker, H. L. .. .. . . Wairoa. Taylor, G. G. .. .. . . Pahiatua. Harpor, C. B. .. .. .. Waihi, Thomas, W. L... .. .. Christchurch. Harvey, E. J. . . .. . . Blenheim. Thomson, E. H. .. .. Nelson. Harvoy, H. P. .. .. . . Dunedin. Thomson, V. E. D. .. .. Dunedin. Haworth, A. .. .. Wanganui. Tosswill, R. T. .. .. Christchurch. Heath, J. .. .. .. Nelson. Tunbridge, A. J. .. .. New Plymouth. Hobbs, S. M. .. .. .. Wellington. Walton, 0. .. .. .. Eketahuna. Hogg, S. G. H. .. .. Wellington. Wanden, R. .. .. .. Blenheim. Holland, L. H. .. . . Wanganui. Watters, F. R. .. .. Napier. Hoskins, S. F. . . .. .. Wellington. Watts, W. G. .. .. New Plymouth. Hunt, E. W. .. . . .. Wellington. Webloy, N. .. .. .. Dannevirke. Hunter, J. . . .. . . Nelson. White, W. R. T. .. .. Blenheim. Hutchison, G. W. .. . . Auckland. Whitton, T. E. .. .. Auckland. Hyde, A. 0. A. .. .. Hastings. Wicks, H. J. F. .. .. Greymouth. Ivory, H. .. .. .. Wellington. Wilson, CD... .. .. Napier. Jackson, C. A. .. .. .. Auckland. Wise, F. H. .. .. .. Wellington. James, G. D. .. .. .. Wellington. Young, W. A. .. .. .. Dunedin.


APPENDIX B. Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1939.


[ISLB. These figures refer to Sick and Funeral Funds only, and do not include Management and other Funds.] I 5 Rate of _. .... . =: ?T' i Interest. Liabilities. Assets. 3 g s - —: — rz : ■ j? 5 5 ; I Present Value ol |g= = s ° fi Xame of Society or District . ~ Z « '5 . OS o°° -S - and Branch. Location. „ D | » & J s*J §~ §. o -I •- -a .2 Contribu-j Total. >-3S Total. >; fstt o g "5 -= gtS Sickness Funeral tion to =5 . « g 8 ■ | ° 31 a -I r= s S-i Liabilities. Liabilities. Funeral 3 «'S'S=-S3 3 5 3 § Court City of Auckland, A.O.F. (as at 31st December, Auckland.. 1863 254 f« 8 10' 4° 10,959 2,943 & . 13,902 13,759 4,811 18,570 4,668 j & . *"..*" Court Pride of Parnell, A.O.P. (as at 31st December, Thames .. 1864 " 69 119 12 Tm .. 1,553 ; 7,68e" ~ T~ Court Blenheim, A.O.F. (as at 31st December, 1936) Blenheim .. 1869 I 193 378 13 10 3-94 ~4 .. sTTsTloTesi" '. Court Clarendon, A.O.F. (as at 31st December, 1936) Picton .. 1874 1 117 ~~182 14 6 3-77 j 4 ' 4,752 oTIS :. 2,725 13,111 ~ \ Grand Lodge of the Xorth Island of New Zealand, ~ I ■ U.A.O.D. (as at 31st December, 1936) — SSSiSSSo 1,' ■■ % SI K'S 'n 2 }'£ J «« »■« ■• 82S.878 57e.515 377.2.1 L.776 128,898 .. "• j J • • •• ■• •• -■ •■ 105,554 E ti n st T D?c P e e mb n er! SSf* Frien<Uy 3 ° Clety (&S "* PameU " W 10 13 8 1,275 1,779 .. ! 3,054 133 2,557 | .. ~ Canterbury (XZ.) Ltd., Employees' Sick Christehureh 1922 32 148 17 0 4-30 4 2,669 .. . ~ ~ 538 and Benefit Fnendly Society (as at 31st December • -,vva ocso -,j.od _,0J4 /S 1936) j Auckland Transport Club (as at 31st December, 1937) Auckland .. 1904 1,065 1,153 15 0 Ts6 4~ 38,727 .. 47,189 417 18,466 18,883 7. 28 306 "s^O Auckland City Council Employees' Voluntary Sick Auckland .. 1927 184 412 12 10 2-71 7 490 3U fi q9Q j ,. s . >fi , A . Q I „ . and Accident Society (as at 31st December, 1937) "■ ' b ' 4 49, 6 ' 329 I 6 ' 826 ■■ 1 ' 0is 17 4


TABLE I .—Number of Benefit Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds as at the 31st December, 1939, of all Friendly Societies and Branches according to the Latest Statistics received.


Number of slck mi Management Name of Society. Members at Total Worth. I'uncral Fund. and Q 1q t !-.„„ iaQQ Including other Funds, Bist Dec, 1939. Surplus. Cloods, Ac. M.U.I.O.O.F.— £ £ £ Now Zealand, Central Body .. .. .. 201,548 198,860 2,683 Auckland District .. .. .. .. 9,706 213,944 176,872 .37,072 Hawko's Bay District .. .. .. 2,569 120,128 110,591 9,537 Taranaki District .. .. .. 2,386 88,503 84,573 3,930 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 1,704 74,602 68,274 6,328 Wellington .. .. .. .. 3,210 211,997 199,253 12,744 Marlborough District .. .. .. 274 18,022 12,050 5,072 Nelson District .. .. .. .. 810 69,612 45,361 24,251 Motuoka District .. .. .. .. 319 27,258 14,411 12,842 United Wcstland District .. .. .. 504 30,262 30,015 247 Asliley District .. .. .. .. 1,620 65,897 63,383 2,514 North Canterbury District .. .. .. 3,085 141,270 127,166 14,104 Ashburton District .. .. .. 1,366 49,989 45,830 4,159 Total, M.U.I.O.O.F. (N.Z.) .. .. 27,553 1,313,022 1,176,639 136,383 Districts separately registered— Lyttelton District .. .. .. 998 41,200 40,172 1,028 South Canterbury District .. .. 747 38,984 37,349 1,635 Otago District ' .. .. .. 6,474 463,741 412,169 51,572 Southland District .. .. .. 1,747 89,979 86,372 3,607 Total, separately registered .. .. 9,966 633,904 576,062 57,842 Total of Order .. .. .. 37,519 1,946,926 1,752,701 194,225 I.O.O.F. of New Zealand .. .. .. 13,470 559,282 487,966 71,316 N.T.O.O.F.— Auckland Provincial District .. .. 198 5,292 5,078 214 B.U.O.O.F.— Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. .. 78 7,219 6,997 222 A.O.F.— New Zealand Auckland District .. .. .. .. 2,993 92,167 75,570 16,597 Hawko's Bay District .. .. .. 958 55,211 52,535 2,676 Taranaki District .. .. .. .. 2,750 92,203 85,936 6,267 Wellington District .. .. .. 3,290 232,252 221,081 11,171 Nclson'District .. .. .. .. 638 52,667 51,318 1,349 Canterbury United District .. .. .. 1,839 108,369 104,926 3,443 South Canterbury District .. .. .. 765 48,900 47,702 1,198 United Otago District .. .. .. 4,849 191,530 181,368 10,162 Courts out of District .. .. .. 1,331 92,363 88,899 3,464 Total of Order .. .. .. 19,413 965,662 1)09,335 56,327 U.A.O.D.— Grand Lodge of North Island of N.Z. .. 13,508 908,429 853,618 54,811 Grand Lodge of Canterbury, N.Z. .. .. 4,527 193,944 187,406 6,538 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, N.Z. .. 8,945 201,929 193,747 8,182 Total of Order .. .. 21.980 1,304,302 1,234,771 69,531 I.O.R.— New Zealand District .. .. .. 1,400 77,911 73,035 4,876 New Zealand Central District .. .. 4,126 163,622 157,511 6,111 Total of Order .. .. .. 5,526 241,533 230,546 10,987 O.S.T.— National Division of N.Z. .. .. .. 604 38,139 34,932 3,207 S. and D.T.— Antidote Division .. .. .. .. 135 14,153 12,950 1,203 H.A.C.B.S.— Northern (N.Z.) District .. .. .. 364 19,718 .17,248 2,470 New Zealand District .. .. .. 4,348 140,922 127,115 13,807 Total of Order .. .. .. 4,712 160,640 144,363 16,277 P.A.F.S.A.— Grand Council of New Zealand .. .. 904 61,128 59,167 1,061 G.U.O.O.F.— New Zealand .. .. .. .. 576 8,295 7,019 1,276 Other societies .. .. .. .. 3,944 95,030 79,021 16,009 Grand total .. .. .. 109,059 5,407,601 4,964,846 442,755


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Sickness, and Mortality for the Year 1939.

2—H. 1


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. Admitted by Left by M "gg Same of Society and Branch. ! .4. I jjj At End Sick TotaI ! First Second After f| .1-3 S led Total. Total. •&£ of during «2, Six Months. Six Months. Months. S.% Pj gjjf Death. Clearance *™». «~ Tear. Year! 5 fWeeta, (Weeks.) (Weeks.) (Weeks.) fl f ' « I ! ! i M.U.I.O.O.F. New Zealand, Central Body. Auckland District .. .. .. 316 227 543 52 253 886 1,191 10,354 9,706 2,343 22,428 10,340 j 1,702 10,386 i 32 Hawke's Bay District .. .. 46 4 50 24 i 7 110 141 2,660 2,569 512 6,769 2,521 j 475 3,773 | 9 Taranaki District .. .. .. 68- 4 72 13 5 183 | 201 j 2,515 2,386 428 4,058 2,156 I 412 1,490 ; 2 Wanganui District .. .. .. 26 11 37 15 I 2 97 114 1,781 1,704 383 I 4,336 1.522 j 375 ; 2,439 j 4 Wellington District .. .. .. 42 12 i 54 36 6 157 199 3,355 i 3,210 769 j 10,910 3,477 756 | 6,677 16 Marlborough District .. .. 2 j 2 4 6 1 11 18 288 274 66 j 940 366 j 92 482 1 Kelson District .. .. .. 19 2 21 13 3 56 | 72 861 810 245 4,236 1,193 458 2.585 2 Motueka District .. .. .. 9 9 10 18 28 338 319 108 | 2,646 537 316 1,793 2 United Westland District .. .. 17 3 j 20 9 3 47 59 543 504 142 1,913 810 74 1,029 3 Ashley District .. .. .. 11 .. 11 25 .. 50 75 1,684 1,620 366 : 5,119 1,739 ! 408 2,972 9 North Canterbury District .. .. 59 18 77 40 9 116 165 3,173 3,085 670 9,367 3,324 • 783 5,260 15 Ashburton District .. .. .. ! 21 1 22 11 3 . 42 56 1,400 1,366 249 2,430 1,267 222 941 ! 2 Total, M.U.I.O.O.F. (N.Z.) .. 636 284! 920 254 292 1,773 2,319 28,952 27,553 6,281 75,152 29,252 6,073 39,827 j 97 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. .. .. 24 24 10 2 21 33 1,007 998 263 2,775 1,193 272 1,310 3 South Canterbury District .. .. 12 1 ! 13 7 2 28 37 771 747 167 2,427 680 86 1,661 5 Otago District .. .. .. 147 25 172 64 30 319 413 6,715 6,474 1,523 I 22,579 7,604 | 1.977 12,998 28 Southland District .. .. .. 34 .. 34 I 17 10 91 118 1,831 1,747 357 6,242 1,752 606 3,884 I 16 ; Total, separately registered .. 217 26: 243 98 44 459 601 10,324! 9,966 2,310 34,023 11,229 I 2,941 19,853 i 58 Total of Order .. .. 853 310! 1,163 352 336 2,232 j 2,920 39,276 '■ 37,519 8,591 109,175 40,481 j 9,014 59,680! 149 I.O.O.F. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of 407 ! 318 I 725 ! 91 ! 329 891 1,311 14,056 13,470 ; 2,876 28,990 13,823 2,195 12,972 29 New Zealand \ ! N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. .. 3 .. 3 9 1 5 14 209 198 '■ 69 918 332 52 534 : 4 ■ B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. .... .. .. 1 | 1 2 80 78 22 504 73 ! 68 j 363


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Sickness, and Mortality for the Year 1939— continued.


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. Admitted by Left by ~l Name of Society and Branch. ~~ ~ " "~~ — ~~— - _ -p a . +i a 3. a At End Sick Total. First Second After Twelve a g A.O.P. I I I f T~" "j J 1 Auckland District .. .. .. j 92 ! 61 153 31 68 258 357 ! 3,197 ! 2,993 822 10,043 3,793 894 ! 5,356 12 Hawke's Bay District .. .. 25 j 4 29 16 11 43 70 I 999! 958 245 3,717 1,267 188 2,262 5 Taranaki District .. .. .. 71 j 71 11 .. 122 ! 133 i 2,812: 2,750 598 6,856 3,197 j 696 2,983 9 Wellington District .. .. .. 38 2 40 63 .. 134 197 ' 3,447 3.290 835 1 12,285 4,335 1,359 6,521: 25 Xelson District .. .. .. 4 .. 4 8 1 17 26 660 638 i 187! 3,980 932-i 373 2,675 8 Canterbury United District .. .. 30 3 33 20 2 64 86 1,892 1,839 411 5,285 2.017! 375 2,893 \ 12 South Canterbury District .. .. 7 .. 7 2 9 8 19 777 765 154 2,707 850 ! 193 1,684 5 United Otago District .. .. 114 j 17; 131 51 18 369 | 438 5,156 4,849 1,021 14,531 5,263 1,210 8,058 13 Courts out of District .. .. j 12 j 12 32 .. 66 98 1,417 1,331 352 | 5,866 1,913 419 3,534 10 Total of Order .. .. 393 87 ! 480 234 109 j 1,081 1,424 I 20,357 19,413 4,625 65.250 23,617 5,707 35,926 99 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Sorth Island of Sew 216 289 : 505 i 143 ; 289 618 \ 1,050 14,053 13,508 3,579 43,694 17,172 4,058 22,464 48 Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury, Sew Zealand '105 8 113 j 44 14 ' 188 246 4,660 4,527 968 11,305 4,545 1,064 5,696 16 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, 52 28 . 80 51 24 133 208 4,073 3,945 952 13,448 4,489 1,222 7,737 21 5ew Zealand ! I Total of Order .. .. 373 325 698 1 238 327 939; 1,504 22,786 21,980 5,499 68,447 26,206 6,344 35,897 85 Sew Zealand District .. .. 41 15 56 j 11 17 73 101 j 1,445 1,400 328 3,267 1.355 202 1.710 | 4 Sew Zealand Central District .. .. | 84 68 152 27 62 j 175 : 264 ; 4,238 4,12(5 838 i 10,112 j 4,270 922 I 9 Total of Order .. .. 125 83 208 ! 38 I 79 248 365 5,683 i 5,526 , 1,166 ■ 13,379 i 5,625 1,124 ! 6,630 | 13 ■ : ; r . I ; O.S.T. j National Division of Sew Zealand .. 9J 1 j 10 12 2 11 25 619 604 127 1,961 681 135 1,145 3 ! : : ! ! . : S. and D.T. Antidote Division .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 j 2 | 6 141 135 37 751 209 92 ! 450 1 H.A.C.B.S. Northern (S.Z.) District .. . . 6 12 4 j 2 62 68 i 420 364 ! 99 980 526 64 390 ! 1 Sew Zealand District .. .. 132 107 239 j 23 ! 112 351 j 486 j 4,595 4,348 991 9,831 | 4,444 806 j 4,581 j 15 Total of Order .. .. 138 113 251 27' 114 413! 554 5,015 4,712 1,090 j 10,811 4,970 870! 4,971 16 P.A.E.S.A. ' I i I ' Grand Council of Sew Zealand .. 7 5 12 15 3 46 j 64 956 I 904 i 228 I 3,405 1,007 347 2,051 3 : ■ ■ ! ! ! i G.U.O.O.F. Sew Zealand .. .. . . 24 2 26 2 3 66 71 621 ! 576 ; 177 951 ; 681 j 82 188 1 Othee Societies .. .. .. 290 .. 290 j 37 .. 219! 256 < 3,910 3.944! 1 170 7.053 5,043 470 1,540 8 l ' ! l ! ' ' i ! ; Grand total .. „ .. j 2,622 1,244' 3.866 I 1,060 j 1,302 6,154. 8,516 |113, 709 109, 059 : 25,677 311,595 122,748 26,500 162,347 i 411


TABLE III. —Sick and Funeral Funds: Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1939.


Receipts. Expenditure. « ° e « » S » g I # § -# -I «1 • Mine of Society and Brand, ||| | £g | g | j| | g || || || gjg r* r 11 g| n 'I Ij g I ' * ji M.U.I.O.O.F. ££££'££££££ £ New Zealand Central Body .. .. 8,445 .. 4,919 .. .. .. .. 13,364 .. 195,701 Auckland Distriot .. .. 19,333 7,136 6,249 .. 16,474 1,761 0,268 10,950 32,740 35,453 162,432 Hawke's Bay District .. 4,907 4,427 830 38 4,240 070 1,053 4,852 10,202 10,815 90,101 Taranaki District .. .. 3,594 3,348 360 36 2,059 330 908 2,809 7,338 7,006 71,028 VVanganui District .. .. 2,905 2,426 350 5,834 3,000 390 604 1,447 11,515 5,501 61,571 Wellington Distriot .. .. 4,492 7,053 1,080 368 6,843 1,100 1,508 8,409 12,993 17,860 143,935 Marlborough District ., .. 427 316 170 4 670 150 103 396 917 1,319 9,403 Nelson District .. .. 1,378 1,730 390 2 2,787 410 372 .. 3,500 3,569 35,825 Motueka District .. .. 524 (MX) 168 31 1,426 224 148 115 1,323 1,913 14,41] United Westland Distriot .. 784 1.209 1,213 11 1,251 186 845 435 3,217 2,717 25.0-16 Ashley District .. .. 2,647 2,224 1,920 .. 3,039 760 18 1,757 6,791 3,574 53,497 North Canterbury Distriot .. 5,600 4,165 1,120 5,437 5,501 1,130 1,341 1,374 Hi, 322 9,346 86,628 A si) burton District .. .. 2,374 1,459 318 333 1,560 250 915 4,484 2,725 33,172 'Total, M.U.I.O.O.F. (N.Z.) 48,967 44,558 14,168 i7,0K; 49,750 7, 361 14,143 32,544 124,706 03,798 982,750 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. .. 1,609 1.800 283 120 1,794 285 405 2 3,814 2,486 36,456 .South Canterbury District .. 1,262 1,429 270 .. 1,139 270 273 1.8 2,961 1,700 33,042 Otago District .. .. 10,198 16,396 2,447 5,33] 14,783 2,45'! 1,962 79,508 34,372 98,710 331,828 Southland Distriot .. .. 2,579 3,224 680 193 3,925 710 881 67 6,676 5,583 76,733 Total, separately registered 15,648 22,849 3,682 5,644 21,641 3,722 3,521 79,595 47,823 108,479 478,059 Total of Order .. .. 64,615 67,407 17,850 22,657 71,391 11,083 17,664112,139 172,529212,2771,460,809 I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. of New Zealand .. 23,420 18,286 21,908 348 17,894 3,156 24,670 29,096 63,962 74,816 410,178 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. 369 231 .. .. 498 272 .. 600 770 5,078 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. 91 269 .. 201 50 .. 100 360 351 6,364 A.O.F. New Zealand Auckland District .. .. 5,523 3,256 1,528 .. 4.827 633 1,433 100 ]0,307 6,998 75,570 Hawke's Bay District .. 1,594 2,127 1,534 .. 2,435 505 50 1,457 5,255 4,447 41,116 Taranaki District .. .. 3,256 3,740 .. .. 3,799 375 .. 2,427 6,996 6,601 79,772 Wellington District .. .. 4,728 9,963 2,777 123 6,575 3,660 1,616 1,891 17,591 13,742 208,555 Nelson District .. .. 830 1,853 480 50 1,959 460 290 241 3,213 2,950 50,041 Canterbury United District .. 3,052 3,631 760 23 2,831 760 604 385 7,466 4,580 79,919 South Canterbury Distriot .. 839 1,822 260 246 1,284 304 457 2,800 3,167 4,845 43 898 United Otago Distriot .. 6,498 6,272 7,756 .. 7,163 1,795 5,596 2,212 20,526 16,766 158,625 Courts out of District .. 2,074 2,694 .. 219 3,029 1,080 .. 703 4,987 4,812 67,499 Total of Order .. .. 28,394 35,358 15,095 661 33,902 9,572 10,046 12,216 79,508 65,736 804,995 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of 39,381 35,810 22,859 .. 26,553 17,471 18,991 7,347 98,050 70,362 853,618 New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New 7,173 6,147 1,345 .. 6,147 1,345 1,410 14,205 14,665 23,107 129,785 Zealand Grand Lodge of Otago and 8,272 8,037 5,439 .. 6,999 3,820 2,987 2,456l 21,748 16,262 193,747 Southland, New Zealand Total of Order .. .. 54,826 49,994 29,643 .. 39,699 22,636 23,388 24,008 134,463 109,7311,177,150 I.O.E. New Zealand District .. 2,249 2,733 719 .. 2,195 281 443 284 5,701 3,203 65,756 New Zealand Central District .. 4,867 6,999 2,862 759 5,853 981 3,885 3 1:5,487 10,722 156,520 Total of Order .. .. 7,116 9,732 3,581 759 8,048 1,262 4,328 287 21,188 13,925 222,276 O.S.T. National Division of New Zealand 704 1,651 998 .. 1,064 470 157 840 3,353 2,531 33,308 S. and D.T. Antidote Division .. .. 106 575 .. . . 388 220 .. .. 681 608 12,052 H.A.C.B.S. Northern (N.Z.) District .. 498 694 240 .. 607 90 2.1 125 1,432 843 17,215 New Zealand District .. 6,662 5,051 1,498 10,754 5,825 830 12,251 .. 23,965 18,906 123,967 Total of Order .. .. 7,160 5,745 1,738 10,754 6,432 920 12,272 125 25,397 19,749 141,182 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand. . 1,593 2,336 766 19 1,681 720 501 533 4,714 3,435 58,202 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. 1,518 318 195 38 1,226 75 226 2 2,069 1,529 7,007 OTHER SoOIBTHS .. .. 6,538 2,698 .. 419 7,725 632 .. 8,191 9,655 16,548 54,T52 Grand total .. 196,450 194,6()( 91,774 35,655 190,14! 51.068 93,252 187,537 518,479 522,001 4,392,753


TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Funds: Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1939.


Roceipts. Expenditure. I J . Name or Society and f g S ■§ | J £ § Sg s | |f g| 880 1|| II I! if fa i! H i H i j; H M.U.T.o.O.F. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £ A:iS« BlB °" y . leioM 319 753 5,912 2,344 362 28,018 28,317 25,009 "eVBay District .. 7 174 120 1,021 5,322 1,980 468 326 8,315 8,096 3,608 Taranaki District .. 6,725 14 286 4,418 1,560 497 264 7,025 6,738 1,93 Wanmtnui District .. 4 132 150 439 2,634 1,035 260 60 4,721 3,989 3,877 WelZTton IMstriet .. 7303 166 748 5,836 1,876 422 376 8,217 8,510 4,239 Maryborough District . . 667 161 432 146 45 17 828 640 188 Nelson District .. .. 1,272 14 39 794 424 166 22 1,325 1,406 843 Motueka District .. .. 613 .. 139 369 157 105 2 752 633 170 United Westland District .. 1,119 2 14 651 286 185 81 1,135 1,203 70 Ashlcv District 2,831 3 23 2,123 792 258 3 2,857 3,176 1,166 NorthCanterbmy District 7,411 308 179 5,169 1,781 544 270 7,898 7,764 8,637 AsMmrton District .. 2,547 43 31 2,061 9_ 1,277 Total, M.U.I.O.O.F. (N.Z.) 68,740 1,146 3,833 49,508 16,450 5,546 1,799 73,719 73,303 j 51,122 I tlHTHHITS SEPARATELY LytteltoBwSt™" .. 1,329 15 166 816 580 167 32 1,510 1,595 725 South Canterbury District" 1701 28 10 1,275 399 60 1 1,739 1,786 839 Otago District .. .. 11889 1,058 4,152 8,272 3,929 517 17,099 12,718 27,313 Southland District .. 2,903 33 181 | 2,325 761 320 36 3,117 3,442 J.86 Total, separately regie- 17,822 1,134 4,509 12,688 5,669 547 586 23,465 19,490 29,563 Totefof Order .. Te,562 8,342 62,196 22,119 6,093 2,385 97,184 92,793 80,685 I.O.O.F. of New Zealand .. 32,638 512 . 592 22,422 8,175 2,404 1,169 33,742 34,170 19,750 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 485 26 .. 363 89 38 40 511 530 ■• Aomngi Lodge" .'." .. 123 2 .. 86 80 „ 125 168 A.O.F. A»ddand a District'' '.'. 91 169 MM 530 'S2 9,089 4,074 Hawke's Bay District .. 3,238 10 39 2,254 653 367 55 3,287 3,329 521 Taranaki District .. 5,388 82 383 3,659 1,305 318 127 5,853 5,409 3,273 Wellington District .. 8,062 81 285 5,840 2,471 410 62 8,428 8,783 2,53 Nelson District 1,356 3 71 913 360 84 80 1,430 ,4 7 569 Canterbury United District 4,248 11 143 3,005 1,075 282 128 4,402 4,490 1,681 South Canterbury District.. 1,685 3 70 1,292 335 59 .. 1,758 1,686 607 United Otago District .. 8,473 86 470 6,372 1,971 518 406 9,029 9,267 3,067 Courts out of District .. 2,394 54 508 2,064 938 115 2,956 3,117 1,042 Total of Order .. 43,648 421 2,138 32,166 10,818 2,568 1,055 46,207 46,607 17,317 Grand Lodge" of North Island 35,808 490 569 25,869 8,963 1,641 656 36,867 37,129 24,589 Grand Zdgt of Canterbury, 10,263 85 147 7,427 2,375 602 114 10,495 10,518 3,181 New Zealand , „__ Grand Lodge of Otago and 7,996 162 56 5,563 1,826 506 376 8,214 8,271 4,675 Southland, New Zealand Total of Order .. 54,067 737 772 38,859 13,164 2,749 1,146 55,576 55,918 32,445 1 O R Now Zealand IMstriet .. 3,218 112 223 2,436 492 301 67 3,553 3,296 3,521 New Zealand Central District 7,890 93 470 5,309 1,741 812 197 8,453 8,059 _Jj_®® Total of Order .. "l 1,108 205 693 7,745 2,233 1,113 264 12,006 11,355 7,101 (\ T 1 National Division of New 1,136 107 41 787 247 149 71 1,284 1,254 2,113 Zealand S. and D.T. Antidote Division.. .. 173 40 31 127 107 244 234 842 H A (' R K Northern (N.Z.)'District .. 855 1 120 980 183 91 6 976 1,260 273 New Zealand District .. 10,614 126 293 7,386 2,233 1,102 202 11,033 10,923 3,939 Total of Order .. 11,469 127 413 8,366 2,416 1,193 208 12,009 12,183 _4. 2 i 2 P A F S A Grand Councii of New Zealand 1,973 30 138 1,233 620 ■ 243 20 2,141 2,116 707 NewZealami '.. ' .. 1,504 17 152 709 366 325 124 1,673 1,524 1,058 OniEE Societies.. .. 497 119 6,404 2,265 .. 807 9,884 9,476 12,399 Grand total .. .. 254,154 5,001 13,431 181,463 62,699 16,875 7,291 272,586 268,328 178,645


TABLE V.—Disposition of Funds as at 31st December, 1939.


Value of Investments Value of Cash Goods Name of Society and Branch. Total at Land and not bearing Furniture, .°" ! f r Interest. Buildings. Interest. and Assets Regalia. j— __ M.U.I.O.O.F. £ £ £ £ £ £ New Zealand, Central Body .. .. 201,543 169,042 30,324 2,003 .. 114 Auckland District .. .. .. 213,944 140,022 00,259 11,176 1,611 876 Hawko's Bay District .. .. .. 120,128 105,981 10,636 2,75!) 195 557 Taranaki District .. .. .. 88,503 83,496 3,269 1,480 27 231 Wanganui District .. .. .. 74,602 58,703 13,924 1,582 233 160 Wellington District .. .. .. 211,997 172,039 34,688 3,570 372 1328 Marlborough District .. .. .. 18,022 16,971 200 551 81 219 Nelson District .. .. .. 69,612 66,608 1,791 1,059 .. 154 Motneka District .. .. ... 27,253 24,926 1,835 213 47 232 United Westland District .. .. 30,262 25,287 2,898 1,734 .. 343 Ashley District .. .. .. 05,897 02,149 1,778 1,441 " 154 375 North Canterbury District .. •• 141,270 125,421 10,301 4,830 338 380 Ashburton District .. .. .. 49,989 47,792 170 1,897 73 57 Total, M.U.I.O.O.F. (N.Z.) .. .. 1, 313,022 1,098,437 172,073 34,355 3,131 5,020 DlSTlUCTS SEPARATELY REGISTERED Lyttelton District .. .. .. 41,200 37,188 2,952 818 67 175 South Canterbury District .. .. 38,984 36,236 1,841 775 7 125 Otago Distmiot .. .. .. .. 463,741 429,316 13,780 13,711 800 6,134 Southland Distriot .. .. .. 89,979 77,879 9,180 1,093 234 1,587 Total, separately registered .. .. 633,904 580,619 27,759 10,397 1,108 8,021 Total of Order .. .. .. 1,946,926 1,079,050 199,832 50,752 4,239 13,047 LO.O.F. I.O.O.F. of New Zealand .. .. 559,282 510,601 28,915 12,201 4,501 3,004 N.I.O.6.F. Auckland Provincial Distriot .. .. 5,292 4,587 177 124 159 245 B.TT.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. .. 7,219 6,243 800 76 100 A.O.K. New Zealand Auckland District .. .. .. 92,167 9,503 78,548 1,976 ' 110 Hawko's Bay District .. .. .. 55,211 44,725 8,989 700 194 003 Taranaki District .. .. .. <»2,203 85,534 5,425 700 184 360 Wellington District .. .. .. 232,252 213,472 8,800 0,830 1,70! 1,446 Nelson District .. .. 52,667 48,216 2,332 2,039 13 67 Canterbury United District .. .. 108,369 98,658 5,620 3,155 560 370 South Canterbury District .. .. 48,900 43,568 4,558 484 242 48 United Otago District .. .. .. 191,530 177,520 1,264 7,935 221 4,590 Courts out of District .. .. .. 92,363 82,053 5,832 1,984 114 2,380 Total of Order .. .. .. 905,002 803,249 121,374 25,803 5,202 9,974 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge ofNorth Island of New Zealand 908,429 863,746 29,084 12,261 2,056 1,282 Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand .. 193,944 182,941 3,892 6,637 380 ' 94 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New 201,929 191,217 3,423 5,998 408 883 New Zealand Total of Order .. .. .. 1,304,302 1,237,904 36,399 24,896 2,844 2,259 I.O.R. New Zealand District .. .. .. 77,911 67,835 9,450 025 .. 1 New Zealand Central District .. .. 163,622 143,006 13,484 6,665 116 351 Total of Order ,., .. .. 241,533 210,841 22,934 7,290 116 352 O.S.T. National Division of New Zeala, d .. 38,139 34,457 1,750 1,494 345 93 S. and D.T. Antidote Division .. .. .. 14,153 13,808 .. 77 268 H.A.C.B.S. Northern (N.Z.) District .. .. 19,718 16,225 2,315 655 264 259 New Zealand District .. .. .. 140,922 121,396 0,136 0,313 1,645 5,432 Total of Order .. .. .. 160,040 137,621 8,451 6,968 1,909 5,091 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. .. 01,128 50,891 1,025 1,974 447 791 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. 8,295 5,058 931 1,632 .. 74 Other Societies .. .. .. 95,030 40,588 51,000 1,755 703 384 Grand total .. .. .. 5,407,601 4,741,504 474,188 135,042 20,085 36,182


Table VI.—Investments at Interest as at the 31st December, 1939.


Deposited with > GovernMortgages I men™and Other Name of Society or Branch. Total. Post Freehold Munil;i P al InvestOfflce Other p™irltv Deben- : ments. Savings- Banks. P">pevty. tmm bank. M.U.I.O.O.F. £ £ £ £ £ £ New Zealand Central Body L69.042 2,071 163,651 1,920 1,400 Auckland District .. ' 140,022 3,959 1,221 125,488 7,800 1,469 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. •• 105,981 1,175 1,005 94,655 6,630 3,516 Taranaki District 83,496 1-403 1,228 58,402 17,608 4,855 Wanganui District 58,703 4,654 1,250 41,776 8,8(59 2,154 Wellington District 172,039 5,405 .. 159,533 4,134 2,967 Marlbor 1, District 18,971 28 .. 16,416 500 28 Nelson District «M08 1.350 .. 45,513 15,425 -1,320 Motueka District 24,926 203 .. 17,255 7,468 United Westland District .. .. ■• •• 25,287 288 24,999 Ashley District 62,149 2,763 loo 54,576 2,810 1,900 North Canterbury Distriot 125,421 1,319 .. 120,020 664 2,818 Ashburton District 47,792 3,770 .. 31,112 1,310 11,600 Total, M.U.I.0.0-.F. (N.Z.) .. .. •• 1,098,437 28,388 4,804 953,990 74,228 37,027 DlSTBIOTS SffiPABATElT) BBGI9TEBBD. Lyttelton District 37,188 13!) .. 36,399 660 South Canterbury District 36,236 1,137 32,697 2,315 87 Otaeo Distriot ' 429,316 2,093 30 412,316 12,807 2,010 Southland Distriot 77,87!) 4,262 30,038 30,257 9,081 Total, separately registered 580,619 7,631 4,271 511,450 45,439 11,828 Total of Order.. .. .. .. ■• 1,679,056 36,019 9,075 1,405,440 119,067 48,855 1:0.0. F. I.O.O.F. of New Zealand 510,001 7,429 5,673 494,131 1,400 1,968 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. .. .'. 4,587 510 213 3,159 576 129 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 0.243 433 5,200 610 A.O.F. New Zealand Auckland District 9,503 1,728 502 6,673 500 100 Hawke's Bay District 44,725 10 .. 42,821 1,745 149 Taranaki District 85,534 5,407 1,225 76,992 1,710 200 Wellington District 213,472 4,405 .. 202,111 6,253 703 Nfelson District . . ■ •■ 48,216 875 2,050 9,433 32,630 3,228 Canterbury United Distriot 98,658 4,962 .. 83,909 6,863 2,864 South Canterbury District 43,568 894 1.00 29,908 5,900 0,760 United Otago District 177,520 284 1,017 173,728 1,980 541 Courts out of District 82,053 1,269 273 69,475 9,271 1,765 Total of Order.. .. .. .. ■• 803,249 19,834 5,167 095,110 00,822 10,310 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand .. 863,746 4,239 2,820 848,902 5,110 2,075 Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand .. .. 182,941 4,847 50 103,351 10,605 4,088 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New Zealand .. 191,217 1,813 1,798 173,270 13,535 795 Total of Order .. .. .. .. 1,237,904 10,899 4,668 1,185,529 29,250 7,558 l.O. It. New Zealand District 67,835 232 1,009 64,414 1,400 180 New Zealand Central District 143,006 1,411 304 139,352 1,710 229 Total of Order .. .. .. ..210,841 1,643 1,913 203,766 3,110 409 O.8.T. National Division of New Zealand .. .. .. 34,457 964 .. 33,093 .. 400 S. and D.T. Antidote Division 13,808 149 3 13,019 .. 37 H.A.C.B.S. Northern (N.Z.) District 16,225 89 1,552 13,767 580 237 New Zealand District 121,396 3,361 459 111,275 5,065 1,236 Total of Order .. .. .. .. 137,621 3,450 2,011 125,042 5,645 1,473 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 56,891 2,555 1,306 47,050 4,906 1,074 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand 5,658 73 210 5,375 OTHJSJi Societies 40,588 770 5,198 20,935 13,181 504 Grand total .. .. .. .. ■■ 4,741,504 84,728 35,437 4,297,449 245,167 78,723




Nnmber of Amoun * °' NtSSbe? Name of Society. Place of Member, at $ffiff£ Ana ol Year. cember)1939 Isolated Friendly Societies. £ 24 Widow and Orphans' Society, Wellington District, Wellington .. 1849 78 4,372 M.U.I.O.O.F. 338 Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society .. Dunedin .. .. 1880 106 5,313 18:! BrunnerMiners' Siot Fund .. .. .. Brunnerton .. 1881 320 268 335 Grey Valley Coal-miners'Medical Fund Sooiety „ .. 1881 356 1,326 310 Kaitangata and District Miners' Benefit Sooiety Kaitangata .. 1887 256 417 277 Denniston Collieries Medioal and Acoident Relief Denniston .. 1891 440 1,998 Association 279 United Fire Brigades' Aocident Assurance Sooiety Auckland.. .. 1891 1,831 3,209 of New Zealand 307 Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Millerton .. .. 1899 .. 811 Association 306 Huntly Collieries and District Medical Association Huntly .. .. 1900 300 3,212 313 Auckland U.F.S. Dispensary.. .. .. Auckland.. .. 1903 6,617 7,241 316 Auckland U.F.S. Medical Institute .. .. „ .. .. 1903 4,102 152 319 Christohuroh U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Christchuroh .. 1904 .. 10,040 323 State Collieries Accident Relief Fund .. .. Runanga .. .. 1904 .. 11 327 Nightcaps, Wairio, and Ohai Collieries' Medioal, Nightoaps .. 1909 385 2,255 Sick, and Accident Relief Association 328 Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Hector .. .. 1909 320 1,502 Association 336 North Otago U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Oamaru .. .. 1911 1,928 10,382 337 Hawora U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Hawera .. .. 1912 .. 1,265 341 Wanganui U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wanganui.. .. 1913 1,875 6,776 345 Pabnerston North U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Palmerston North .. 1914 1,355 8,795 346 Ash burton U.F.S. Association .. .. Ashburton .. 1914 .. 124 348 Syrian Benevolent Society .. .. .. Wellington .. 1915 27 178 351 Te Akatea Miners'and Settlers'Medical Assooia- GlenMassey .. 1916 !52 139 tion 352 Pukemiro Medioal Society . . .. .. Pukemiro .. .. 1916 350 579 357 Masterton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Masterton .. 1916 794 5,142 358 Wellington U.F.S. Medioal Institute .. .. Wellington .. 1917 2,892 3,739 361 Milton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Milton .. .. 1918 .. 1,772 359 Hastings Distriot U.F.S. Association .. .. Hastings .. .. 1917 .. 4,778 363 Petone U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Petone .. .. 1920 1,092 8,327 364 Palmerston U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Palmerston South .. 1920 280 1,098 366 Bluff U.F.S. Dispensary .'. .. .. Bluff .. .. 1920 175 959 368 Wyndham U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wyndham .. 1920 .. 1,604 369 Hamilton U.F.S. Dispensary. . .. .. Hamilton.. .. 1921 .. 3,863 371 Marlborough U.F.S> Dispensary .. .. Blenheim .. .. 1921 874 4,352 370 Blackball Medical Club .. : .. .. Blackball.. .. 1921 34 3 374 Bullet-U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Westport .. .. 1.922 177 2,933 376 South Canterbury U.F.S. Council .. .. Timaru .. .. 1922 .. 364 377 Waiuta Miners' Medical Association .. .. Waiuta .. .. 1923 191 133 378 Devonport U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Devonport .. 1924 678 1,143 379 Hikurangi and Wilson's Coal-miners' Medical Club llikurangi .. 1.924 209 404 381 Ashburton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Ashburton .. 1925 2,054 5,784 382 Wellington F.S. Jubilee Commemoration Fund.. Wellington .. 1926 .. 3,070 383 Taumarunui U.F. Benefit Society .. .. Taumarunui .. 1926 458 1,833 384 Pouatu District Medical Association .. . . Tangarakau . . 1926 .. 249 385 Karamea Medical Association .. .. Karamea .. .. 1926 .. 350 386 Okaihau Medical Association .. .. Okaihau .. .. 1926 . . 12 387 Dannevirke U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Dannevirkc .. 1927 701 1,045 388 Port Chalmers U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Port Chalmers .. 1927 694 602 391 Taranaki Hospital District F.S. Association .. Now Plymouth .. 1928 3,178 68 392 Nelson U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Nelson .. .. 1928 1,214 1,233 393 Denniston Collieries Sick Benefit Fund .. Denniston .. 1 929 430 376 396 Paparoa Miners'Medioal Club .. .. Roa .. .. 1.929 61 193 400 Mokihinui Valley Medical Association .. Soddonvillo .. 1929 70 171 398 Waimate U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Waimate .. .. 1930 530 1,058 399 Temuka U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Temuka .. .. 1930 224 1,717 401 Blackball District Coal-miners' Medioal Club .. Blackball.. .. 1931 .. 224 103 South Otago F.S. Hospital Benefit Association .. Balolutha .. .. 1933 1 ,3(52 678 404 Huntly and Renown Distriot Coal-miners'Medical Huntly .. .. 1933 -157 1,253 Club ■106 Wairarapa Distriot Friendly Society Hospital Masterton .. 1935 760 182 Association 407 Millerton Colliery Employees'Benevolent Society Millerton .. .. 1935 120 197 408 Wellington District 'M.U.I.O.O.F. Hospital Wellington .. 1935 1,597 1,041 Association 409 Inangahua Valley Medical Association .. Inangaliua Junction 1936 217 .169 410 Wharerata Medioal Association .. .. Gisborne .. . . 1936 250 239 411 Buller Medical Association .. .. .. Westport .. . . 1936 808 276 ■113 Lewis Pass Maruia Road Medioal Association .. Reofton .. .. 1937 65 6 414 Publio Service Emergency Aid Society .. Wellington .. 1937 14,807 1,080 415 New Zealand Medioal Benevolent Fund Society Wellington .. 1937 .. 9,995 416 South Westland Medioal Association .. .. Wataroa .. .. L937 .. 122 417 Blackball Amalgamated Medical. Association .. Blackball . . .. 1938 261 82 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 144,233 Juvenile Fbiendly Societies. 288 Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F. .. .. Dunedin .. .. 1893 10 1.15 290 Court Pride of Invorcargill, A.O.F. .. .. Inveroargill .. 1894 22 133 329 Juvenile Council, Otago, A.O.F. .. .. Dunedin .. .. 1895 537 31 314 Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. .. .. Napier .. .. 1903 59 1,226 329(1) Court Pride of the Port, A.O.F. .. .. Port Chalmers .. 1904 31 230 354 Court Hope of Green Island .. .. .. Green Island .. 1915 31 54 389 Hastings Juvenile Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F. .. Hastings .. .. 1926 57 136 412 Court Lindsay, A.O.F. .. .. .. Waipukurau .. 1936 33 25 Total ., ,. .., .. .. .. .. 1,950


TABLE VII— continued.

EXPLANATORY NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.O.F. .. .. .. • • ■ • Ancient Order of Foresters. b'u.O.O.F. .. .. ■• •■ British United Order of Oddfellows. G.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. . • Grand United Order of Oddfellows. H.A.C.B.S. .. • ■ • ■ • • Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. IJ.S. .. • • • • • ■ • • Isolated Friendly Society. 1.0. G.T. .. .. ■. • • • • International Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F. .. .. .. • • • • Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1.0. R. .. . • • • ■ ■ • • Independent Order of Reehabites. M.U.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. • ■ Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. • • ■ • • • National Independent Order of Oddfellows. O.S.T. .. .. ■ ■ • • • • Order of Sons of Temperance. P.A.K.S.A. .. •• ■■ •■ Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. S.A.S. .. •• •■ •■ ■• Specially authorized society. S.D.T. .. .. • • • ■ • • Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Q.A.O.D. .. .. .. ■• •• United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C. .. .. • • • • • ■ Working-men's Club.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Report by the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year ended 31st December, 1939— pa«s PART I.—Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 PART ll.—Trade-unions .. .. . . ■ • .. ■ • • • .. 5 Appendix A. —A list of Public Auditors of Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. <> Appendix B. —Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1939 .. .. .. .. 7 Table I. —Membership and Funds of Friendly Societies and Branches as at 31st December, 1939 .. 8 Table II. —Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1939 .. .. .. .. i) Table 111. —Sick and Funeral Funds : Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1939 .. .. ..11 Table IV. —Medical and Management Funds : Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1939 .. .. 12 Table V. —Disposition of Funds as at 31st December, 1939 .. . . .. .. .. IS Table VI. —Investments at Interest as at 31st December, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. 14 Table VII. —Membership and Funds as at 31st December, 1939 — Isolated Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. .. . • .. 15 Juvenile Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. .. •• ..16 Working-men's Clubs . . .. .. .. • • • • • ■ ..10 Specially Authorized Societies .. .. .. .. .. • • ..16 Explanatory Note of Terms used in Report .. .. .. .. •■ •■ ..Hi Approximate Cod of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (f>Bs copies), £32

By Authority: E, V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. 1940.

Price 6d.]


Number of Amount of Number Name of Society. Place of Establishment. 6s JXcu. JWmit SfDeitnaor Year. cen , bl , ril9 3 fl . WOBIUNG-MEn'h CLUBS. LSI Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Wellington .. 1877 1,271 26,072 Institute 186 South Wairarapa Working-men's Club .. Greytown .. 1878 298 3,083 215 Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Auckland.. .. 1879 1,-400 17,962 Institute 162 Christeburch Working-men's Club and Mutual Ohristohurch .. 1880 1,569 22,854 School of Arts . 202 Club Garibaldi .. .. .. .. Wellington .. 1882 220 1,128 231 Kaiapoi Working-men's Club .. .. Kaiapoi .. .. 1885 876 8,106 271 Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts .. Ashburton .. 1886 914 15,982 238 I'etone Working-men's Club and Literary In- Petone .. .. 1886 1,303 12,621 stitute 305 Oxford Working-men's Club and Mutual School East Oxford .. 1887 287 2,906 of Arts 272 Blenheta Working-men's Club .. .. Blenheim.. .. 1888 804 0,315 264 Richmond Working-men's Club and Mutual Richmond, C h r is t- 1889 757 0,995 School of Arts church 267 Palmcrston, North Cosmopolitan Club .. Palmerston North .. 1899 871 11,594 418 Dunedin Working-men's Social Club .. .. Dunedin .. .. 1939 171 91 Total •• •• 136,369 Specially Authobized Societies. 223 Invercargill U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Invercargill .. 1884 .. 11,181 229 Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Sydenham .. 1885 1,765 127,215 Club 251 New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association Christchurch .. 1886 .. 4,472 242 Dunedin U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Dunedin .. .. I8S7 8,513 21,960 248 Timaru U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Timaru .. .. 1887 .. 8,109 257 Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve- Opotiki .. .. 1888 .. 500 ment Society 241 New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Wellington .. 1887 .. 9,722 Guarantee Association 275 Linwood Co-operative Money Club .. .. Christchurch .. 1889 94 7,131 276 Waimate Silver Band .. .. .. Waimate .. .. 1892 .. 095 283 Hawke's Bay U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Napier .. .. 1892 1,290 3,296 284 Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Christchurch .. 1892 1,658 108,182 Club 294 Wellington U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wellington .. 1894 5,317 4,096 339 Hawke's Bay A.O.F. Small Savings Society .. Napier .. .. 1913 .. 4,130 402 Auckland Co-operative Money Society .. Auckland.. .. 1933 74 419 Eastbourne Municipal Employees' Benefit and Wellington .. 1939 51 285 Provident Society Total •• •• ... 311,048

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