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Sick and Funeral Funds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1939 amounted to £196,450. Divided by the mean number of members, the average for 1939 was £1 15s. 3d., as asrainst £1 16s. 10d. for 1938. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £194,600 in 1939 equal to £1 14s. lid. per member, as against £1 13s. Bd. for 1938. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £190,149 in 1939, equal to £7 Bs. Id. per member sick and £1 14s. 2d. per member, as against £6 11s. od. and £1 13s. 2d. respectively for 1938. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 12s 2d in 1939, as against 12s. 4d. for 1938. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £51,068 in 1939, equal to 9s. 2d. per member as compared with 9s. 4d. for 1938. i The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds at the beginning of 1939 was £4 396 280 and at the end of the year £4,392,753. Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1939 amounted to £194,600, the average rate being £4 10s. 7d. per cent., as against £4 10s. 2d. in 1938.

Table Showing the Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds as at the 1st January, 1939, and 31st December, 1939, inclusive of Accumulations held by Central Bodies, also Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

PART lI.—TRADE-UNIONS. One new trade-union was registered during the year—viz., The New Zealand Iron and Steel Works iimployees Union. The registrations of four trade-unions were cancelled during the year—viz., Amalgamated Society ot Railway Servants of New Zealand ; The Marlborough Stock and Station Agents Grain and Seed Merchants Clerical and Allied Employees Union; Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa Public Accountants' and Shareholders Employees' Guild ; The Westland Stock and Station Agents Grain and Seed Merchants Clerical and Allied Employees' Union. One partial amendment of rules was registered : The New Zealand Iron and Steel Works Employees Union. There were five unions on the register at the end of the year.


Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Same of Society. Amount Average Rate of Interest. per Cent. January 1, 1939. December 31, 1939. J 1 - 1, ;. 1 -,?- 0 - 1 ''- ■ 1,500,657 1,460,809 67,407 4*66 WTnnV ■' '■ ■' •■ 421 ' 032 410 > 178 18 > 286 4 ' 50 BTTnOTRi 5 ' 248 5 ' 078 231 4 ' 58 ?^' 0J 6.355 6,364 269 4-32 f/7nn 791,223 804,995 35,358 4-53 fnl? 1,152,418 1,177,150 49,994 4-39 215,013 222,276 9,732 4-55 "£%{, 32,486 33,308 1,651 515 If a r mi n ' 979 12 ' 052 575 4 ' 90 daw of" 135,534 141,182 5,745 4-24 annnw 56,923 58 ' 202 2 - 886 4 ' 14 °-« ■ 6 ' 467 7 ' 007 318 4-83 Other sooietoB 61i 045 54,152 2,698 4-80 Totals 4,396,280 4,392,753 194,600 4-53