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Mr. Speaker,— In submitting the fifth of the Railways Statements it has been my pleasure and privilege to present, I am fortunate in being able to report that New Zealand's -Centennial year has also proved to be a year of notable achievement in the railway history of this country. The financial year which commenced on the Ist April, 1939, promised to be one of rejoicing, with patriotic displays and demonstrations of achievement and progress in the arts of peace throughout the country. Accompanying this, considerable augmentation of inward overseas tourist traffic was expected, as well as a great additional volume of trade and travel within New Zealand because of the many Centennial functions planned for every district of the Dominion. But the outbreak of war in September called for an immediate recasting of plans in every part of the Empire. It saw an almost complete cessation of New Zealand's overseas tourist traffic and demanded a first call on national resources for the most effective prosecution of the war. Faith was kept with those engaged in Centennial undertakings and all commitments were met, but no activity of the Railways Department in this or any other direction was permitted to interfere with the special transport needs created by the war situation. In this respect it was particularly fortunate that, in addition to the Government's long-range programme of railway rolling-stock improvement, substantial additions to the numbers, power, and carrying-capacity of locomotives, cars, and wagons had been planned and provided to meet the anticipated requirements of Centennial year. Without these special additions to the normal developmental programme the Department would not have been so well placed at the outset to assist the war effort (transport of troops, &c.). RECORD REVENUE. The gross revenue, £10,199,070, is the highest amount ever earned in one year by the railways. It is pleasing to observe that whereas in 1935 the gross earnings amounted to £6-6 millions, the figures, in millions, for the succeeding years have been £7-0, £7-8, £8-6, £9-3, and £10-2. An increase in railway earnings from £6-0 millions to £10-2 millions in five years would be notable under any conditions ; certainly there is nothing proportionately comparable with it in any previous quinquennial period since the railways were unified under one control, seventy years ago. I must say here that this phenomenal rate of increase cannot be expected to continue, as there will be a number of factors which will operate to curtail railway traffic ; the chief of these will be the decrease from the peak created by the special traffic associated with Centennial year, while the war must cause a dislocation of normal trade.

I—D.1 —D. 2.


Both revenue and expenditure were also adversely affected during the final six weeks as a result of the heavy floods experienced in February. Despite these setbacks, the financial result of railway operations for the year was distinctly satisfactory in that the net revenue reached to within £11,000 of the Budget estimate of £1,200,000. Something approaching a maximum use of the Department's facilities helped to make possible the 69|-per-cent. increase in net revenue from £701,063 in the financial year 1938-39 to £1,189,031 in 1939-40. There was some assistance, also, from the 10-per-cent. increase in railway charges, an increase which, in 1938-39, operated only during the last four months ; but this benefit was largely counteracted by the increased cost of stores and some readjustment in wages. The result is a vindication of the Government's general transportation policy, which, recognizing the railways as the most vital of the country's means of internal transport, has made them more serviceable to the public, protected them against uneconomic competition, and improved the standing and usefulness of related auxiliary services. PASSENGER TRAFFIC. The passenger revenue for the year amounted to £2,119,335, an increase of £333,689 over that for the previous year. Factors assisting this substantial increase were the heavy traffic in connection with the Centennial celebrations and the Centennial Exhibition at Wellington, the transport of soldiers, the restrictions on the use of petrol, and the fact that there were two Easter holiday periods during the financial year. Making full allowance for the special features of Centennial year, it is still clear that there has been a general upward movement of passenger traffic for several years past, particularly during the last five, indicating the increasing popularity of rail travel. GOODS TRAFFIC. Goods revenue amounted to £6,312,278, an increase of £427,035 over that for 1938-39. In 1933 the goods revenue amounted to £3,847,957. The goods revenue for the year just ended is therefore £2,464,321 (or 64 per cent.) in excess of 1933. These figures indicate the very heavy increase in business handled by the railways following the emergence of the Dominion from the depression period. The increase in the General Scale of Charges operated for the full financial year 1939-40 and for the latter portion (sixteen weeks) of the year 1938-39. This had an important bearing on the increased revenue from goods traffic in 1940 as compared with .1939 ; nevertheless the volume of business has been very well maintained, despite a heavy decrease of 433,512 in the number of sheep carried. RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME. I am pleased to be able to state that the improvement programme of the Working Railways, undertaken when the present Government came into office, is now approaching completion. The depression years prior to 1935 and the railways policy then operating interfered with the general progressive development of the railways, and this leeway had to be made up before the system could, be brought to the stage where it could give that modern quality of service which changing times demanded. While the war is with us, the task remaining, and it is no small one, is to conserve the Department's resources and use its services to the utmost extent, and at the same time to maintain existing standards as far as the inevitable restrictions of this difficult period permit. I feel sure that in these efforts I can count upon the co-operation of staff and public alike. ROLLING-STOCK POSITION. The rolling-stock position continued to show a marked improvement during the year. Seven electric locomotives, 56 steam locomotives (including 40 imported from Britain), 56 carriages, 1 rail car, and 1,779 wagons were placed in commission. Apart from the imported locomotives, the above figures represent the largest output of rolling-stock from the Dominion's railway workshops since their reorganization was completed in 1929.



Notwithstanding these substantial additions to the Department's rolling-stock, (-here were periods during the year when traffic conditions were such that acute shortages in both locomotive power and wagon stock were felt. To meet traffic requirements and to provide for the retirement of obsolete stock, 2 electric and 45 main-line steam-locomotives are under construction, or on order, in the Department's workshops. Of this number, the 2 electric and at least 15 of the steam locomotives will be completed and placed in service during the current year. The completion of the balance of this programme is contingent on the importation of raw materials from overseas. In pursuance of a long-range policy, I have under consideration the development of a secondary type of locomotive suitable for replacing certain obsolete engines now in service, and in all probability the commencement of construction of these engines will coincide with the completion of the present orders. In addition to the locomotive-building programme, 56 passenger-carriages (including 6 sleeping and 4 combination day-sleeping cars), 91 brake-vans, and 2,555 wagons of various types are under construction or on order in the Department's workshops, and I anticipate that about 40 per cent, of these will be completed during the current year, the rate of expenditure having to be reduced on account of existing war conditions. During the years 1936 to 1940 a total of 1,799 wagons were retired owing to obsolescence, but 4,445 new wagons were placed in service. This performance is even better than the figures indicate as, particularly in the case of general-merchandise wagons, the new units have a greater carrying-capacity, individually, than the stock retired. As stated in my report for 19.39, the introduction of multiple-unit electric tj-ains on the Wellington-Johnsonville line lias given a. pronounced impetus to suburban settlement in the area served, and the volume of traffic handled during the past year, particularly during the peak hours, has clearly indicated that the existing services must be augmented at the earliest possible moment. WORKSHOPS. Besides producing during 1939-40 the largest output of new railway rollingstock ever achieved in one financial year and carrying on its regular maintenance work upon engines, cars, and wagons, the railway workshops in the past twelve months have done much work for the Defence Department and other Government Departments. In these circumstances it is not surprising that the record number of 7,209 workshops employees was reached in September last. The manufacture of small engineering tools, formerly imported, is now undertaken in the workshops, the facilities of which are being used in many other ways to help in making the country increasingly self-supporting. The functions of the various workshops staff committees have been extended during the year for the purpose of securing greater co-operation in the work of production. The range of work undertaken may be judged from the fact that while some unusually large bridge-girder work was carried out, including spans for the Rangitikei, Rakaia, Buller, and Clarence River bridges, the shops also prepared the Railway Radio Broadcasting Station, SZB, and made all rolling-stock models (excepting locomotives) used on the miniature railway at the New Zealand Centennial Exhibition. SIGNAL, COMMUNICATION, AND ELECTRICAL POWER DEVELOPMENTS. Further extensions have been made in the use of modern signalling appliances, which have helped to expedite traffic and to maintain the safety factor of the railways system. The first major section of a centralized traffic-control system has been installed between Wellington and Paekakariki, and its use has proved conclusively that the extension of the system will result in more efficient and economical working of traffic, thus confirming the results obtained in other countries. The use of teletype and carrier systems of telephony is extending the use of modern communication, having proved to be an important factor in carrying on the business of the Department.



I lie use of electric power for lighting and services is being extended as opportunity permits, for it is generally recognized that this is of benefit to passengers, gives increased transport output, and also provides better facilities for the staff, resulting in economy in operation. The Johnsonville electrification has shown how popular multiple-unit electric traction is with the travelling public, and extension of this system of traction oil suburban areas must be given careful consideration in the future. It may here be pointed out that, with electrification, power is drawn entirely from the hydro-electric supply, with a consequent conservation of coal and oil for other purposes. STANDARD OF SERVICE. One of the most important features of railway administration—that associated with the standard of service rendered—has been given special attention in all its aspects. The conditions of employment have been improved, and members of the Department have been encouraged to take a keen interest in their work by such means as correspondence and special tuition classes in the various phases of railway working, by improved facilities for recreation in railway centres, and by the widespread dissemination of railway infoimation upon staff matters, as well as by the institution of Staff Tribunals to investigate matters affecting the welfare of members. CO-ORDINATION OF ROAD AND RAIL SERVICES. The co-ordination of road and rail services for the transport of passengers, commenced in a small way fourteen years ago, and greatly accelerated during my term of office, is reaching a point of stability, with the almost complete cessation of competitive running on parallel routes between principal centres, and a consequent over-all reduction in the cost of transport operation along the routes affected. The Department has recently purchased the Rotorua Motor Transport Co.'s plant, and lias taken over its Rotorua—Opotiki and Rotorua—Wairakei routes, as well as the local sight-seeing services previously operated by that company. This purchase completes the Department's passenger connections with railheads serving the important Rotorua tourist area in which the Government is directly interested, and eliminates some wasteful local competition. The goods traffic operations of the Department have been further extended during the year by the purchase of services operating on the following longdistance routes : between Auckland and Morrinsville ; Wellington and Martinborough ; Christchurch and Nelson ; Christchurch and Kaikoura ; Christchurch and Timaru; Timaru, Waimate, and Oamaru; and Dunedin-Oamaru-Kurow and Ilakataramea. The effect has been to facilitate better co-ordination and interlocking of goods-services as between road and rail in those areas. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS. Improvement-works upon the railways have been prosecuted vigorously on a carefully arranged plan designed to keep each progressive development in any phase in step with the forward movement required under the Government's policy for modernizing the whole system. The sequence of requirements following the initial proposal to introduce heavier locomotives —e.g., stronger bridges, heavier rails, longer sidings, larger turn-tables, quicker and more ample coal and watering facilities—has its counterpart in the range and variety of improvements called for when more, larger, and better passenger-cars and goods-vehicles are provided. Thus the year has seen expenditure approved upon a wide range of works coming under these categories. TRACK IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. The railway policy of track improvements and additions has been vigorously continued during the past year under considerable difficulties. Exceptionally severe weather conditions caused flooding, washouts, and erosions in every district to a quite unusual degree, particularly during July and August of last year and in February of this year. Another handicap was the necessity for carrying on repair and improvement works and at the same time facilitating the running of the many additional trains required to handle Centennial traffic.



Special work had to be undertaken to overcome the effect of slips and flooding in the Manawatu Gorge, on the Stratford-Okahukura line, on the Napier-Wairoa line, the Foxton and Wairarapa lines, and at various points on the Main Trunk Hail way in the North Island. In the South Island, flood conditions caused damage on the Picton and Nelson Sections, and on the Canterbury, Westland, Dunedin, and Invercargill portions of the South Island Main Trunk line. Several snowstorms in the South during July were particularly severe and caused considerable interference with traffic. A total of 54j miles was relaid in new rails and 344,242 new sleepers were used in connection with track maintenance. Several new bridges were completed, including those at Waipawa in the North Island and at Rakaia and South Rangrtata m the South Island. Bridges Hearing completion are those over the Rangitikei (North Island) and at Waiau and Wairau (South Island). During the current financial year work is being undertaken 011 the Opawa Bridge (north of Blenheim), the Waitaki Bridge, and Clutha Bridge (Dunedin district). Ihe year has seen further progress in the elimination of level crossings by overbridges, by subways, and by deviations. North of Auckland. An important development north of Auckland, affecting the whole of the North Island railway system, was the linking-up of the rails to connect tlie Dargaville (Kaihu) Section with the North Island system. Thus I was able to arrange, from the 13th May, 1940, for bulk goods traffic (carried in four-wheeled goods-wagons), such as coal, fertilizers, live-stock, and timber, to be accepted for transport between stations 011 the Dargaville Section and the rest of the North Island Main Line and Branches. The line between Tangowahine and Dargaville, a distance of 10 miles, had been well advanced prior to, but was suspended during the depression, and its completion, which will bring the whole of the area centering on Dargaville into the main stream of Dominion railway traffic, is an important development in the national transport field. I anticipate further accretions of passenger traffic by railway, between the rest of New Zealand and. the interesting portion of the northern peninsula radiating from Dargaville, when the new line has been completed, and all classes of traffic, including passengers, can lie carried by rail over the connecting link between Tangowahine and the Dargaville branch. Good progress had been made in main-line grade easements and deviation between Newmarket and Waitakere, and this will further facilitate the working of traffic north of Auckland. • North Island Main Trunk Line. Duplication work between Tawa Flat and Porirua, between Plimmerton and Paekakariki, and between Levin and Koputaroa has been in progress, and now the whole of the distance between Plimmerton and Paekakariki has been duplicated, with the exception of the tunnel section of If miles. 1 lie scheme of duplication and grade easement also provided for the rearrangement of the Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay and Paekakariki Station yards and for the erection of modern station buildings at Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay to provide up-to-date facilities for the anticipated increase in passenger traffic consequent on the development of the locality 111 connection with the inauguration of electric traction between Wellington and Paekakariki. The new station at Plimmerton was completed during the year and the old station was dismantled. The platform fronts at Pukerua Bay were completed, and the erection of the new station is in progress. Three miles of the deviation at Palm erst on North have been completed. Steady progress has also been recorded on the Papakura-Horotiu deviation.



South Island Improvements. Good progress litis been made on the Picton Section in preparation for the completion of the Christchurch-Picton Main Trunk Railway. At Christchurch the preliminary work in connection with the provision of the new station has progressed substantially. Repairs and additions have been made to the Oamaru foreshore works and substantial progress has been made in the grade easements at Bushey and Clarendon, and on the duplication works in the vicinity of Dunedin. General. A further 80 new dwellings were completed during the year, and 167 additional railway houses were provided with liot-water services. There have been many improvements to station buildings, particularly at Wellington Station, where a new wing was added and increased accommodation provided for refreshment purposes. The new building for the Stores Shipper at Wellington is now practically completed. Preliminary work was undertaken for the building of a new outward-goods shed and an extension of the inward-goods shed at Auckland, and for the reorganization of the station-yards at Otahuhu and Westfield. NEW LINES OPENED. The Parnassus—Hundalee section (12 miles) on the South Island Main I runk Railway was taken over by the Railways Department on 27th November, 1939, for goods traffic, and on the 11th December, 1939, it was opened for passenger traffic. Work on the remainder of the connecting section to Wliaranui is proceeding satisfactorily. The Napier-Wair oa-Waikokopu (97 miles) portion of the East Coast railway, opened on Ist July, 1939, has been doing satisfactory business. EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL. Since my last Statement a number of executive and administrative officers have retired on superannuation, including Mr. G. H. Mackley, C.M.G., General Manager, and Mr. H. Valentine, Second Assistant General Manager. Other executive officers who retired from the Service during the year were : Mr. G. T. Wilson, Transportation Superintendent; Mr. A. Urquhart, Staff Superintendent and General Inspector ; Mr. A. S. Wansbrough, Designing Engineer ; and the following District Traffic Managers : Mr. A. Clark (Dunedin), Mr. W. Rodgers (Christchurch), and Mr. W. M. Cole (Wanganui). I wish to place on record my appreciation of the excellent service rendered to the country by these officers through a lengthy and vital period of the Dominion's transport development. As from the Ist February, 1940, Mr. E. Casey (Assistant General Manager) was appointed General Manager, and Mr. J. Sawers (District Traffic Manager, Auckland) was appointed Assistant General Manager. CONCLUSION. I wish, in conclusion, to express my warm appreciation of the efficiency with which the management and staff of the Department have performed their duties during the past exceptionally busy and trying year, and my thanks to the public for the support they have given the Department's services. Large numbers of railwaymen have already answered the call to arms, and more enlistments during the current year will still further deplete the staff of trained men. This adds to the burdens of those remaining in the Department, but I know that the staff are in good heart and the organization in good condition to face whatever demands may be made upon them by the stark realities ol the present wax. There has been splendid co-operation throughout the Department with every branch of the country's fighting Forces, and this has been, and will continue to be, of vital importance in New Zealand's war effort.



RESULTS OF WORKING. The following is a statement of the results of working for the past five years:—

For the current year it is anticipated that the revenue will reach £10,174,000 and the expenditure £9,024,000.


Year ended 31st March, Pabttculaks. 1940. 1939. 1938. | 1937. j 1936. Total miles open for traffic .. .. 3,390 3,319 3,323 3,320 3,320 Average miles open for year.. .. 3,371 3,319 3,322 3.320 3,320 Capital cost of opened and unopened lines £71,087,455 £67,075,908 £63,189,260 £60,659,783 £59,611,834 Capital cost of open lines .. .. £63,059,188 £58,676,608 £56,065,187 £54,696,437 £54,253,059 Capital cost per mile of open lines .. £18,602 £17,679 £16,872 £16,475 £16,341 Gross earnings .. .. .. £10,199,070 £9,345,387 £8,634,186 £7,790,651 £7,004,316 Working-expenses ., .. .. £9,010,039 £8,644,324 £8,001,389 £6,886,793 £5,952,839 MET EARNINGS .. .. .. £1,189,031 £701,063 £632,797 £903,858 £1,051,477 Interest charges .. .. .. £2,575,196 £2,418,116 £2,335,808 £2,309,754 £2,300,051 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL WORKINGEXPENSES TO GROSS EARNINGS 88*34 92 50 92-67 88 40 84 99 PERCENTAGE OF NET EARNINGS TO CAPITAL INVESTED .. .. 196 1-23 1*15 1*65 1-94 Railway operating earnings .. .. £8,761,637 £8,005,059 £7,591,825 £6,903,604 £6,243,519 Railway operating expenses .. .. ! £7,943,120 £7,663,632 £7,291,785 £6,338,385 £5,523,193 NET RAILWAY OPERATING EARNINGS £818,517 £341,427 £300,040 £565,219 £720,326 PERCENTAGE OF RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES TO EARNINGS .. 90*66 95-73 96-05 91-81 88-46 Operating earnings per average mile open £2,599 £2,412 £2,285 £2,079 £1,881 Operating expenses per average mile open £2,356 j £2,309 £2,195 £1,909 £1,664 NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER AVERAGE MILE OPEN .. .. £243 £103 £90 £170 £217 d. d. d. d. d. Operating earnings per train-mile .. 157-31 146-96 142-59 139 61 135-60 Operating expenses per train-mile .. 142*62 140-70 136*95 128-18 119-96 NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE .. .. .. 14*69 6-26 5-64 11-43 15*64 Passengers, ordinary .. .. 8,283,067 7,813,436 8,069,018 8,284,956 7,963,824 Season tickets .. .. .. 972,769 888,844 750,497 513,063 482,146 Total passenger journeys .. .. 24,454,014 23,265,768 22,441,212 21,235,428 20,358,524 Goods tonnage .. .. .. 7,077,298 6,917,257 6,847,974 6,212,907 5,618,477 Live-stock tonnage .. .. .. 590,652 621,755 668,075 600,333 570,328 Train-mileage .. .. .. 13,366,798 13,072,615 12,777,852 11,868,083 11,050,376 Engine-mileage .. .. .. 18,199,622 17,817,799 17,312,921 15,984,782 14,923,175



New Zealand Government Railways Department, Head Office, Wellington, 28th June, 1940. The Hon. the Minister of Railways, Sir, — I have the honour to submit my report on the working of the New Zealand Railways for the financial year ended 31st. March, 1940.

WORKING RESULT (Whole Undertaking).

Revenue. —The net revenue for the year amounted to £1,189,031, compared with £701,063 last year, an increase of £487,968 (69-60 per cent.). Operating revenue was adversely affected by the slips, floods, and washouts which occurred on various sections of the system in February, 1940, and by the severe snowstorms experienced in the South Island in July, 1939. But for the disruption of services and consequent loss of traffic resulting from these occurrences and to the fact that the trading operations of the Department were overshadowed, and as a result somewhat curtailed, by the war with Germany during the last seven months of the financial year, there appears little doubt that the estimate of a net revenue figure of £1,250,041 would have been fully realized. The gross revenue earned, £10,199,070, was a record and exceeded the previous record figure established only last year by no less a sum than £853,683. Factors contributing to the substantial increase in revenue were the stimulating effect on passenger traffic of the Centennial Exhibition at Wellington, the diversion of traffic from road to rail arising from the restrictions imposed on road-users in the matter of the use of petrol, and the falling of two Easter holiday periods in the financial year just closed. A full year's operations of the 10-per-cent. increase in fares and freights, which became operative as from 11th December, 1938, was also an important factor bearing on the increased revenue. Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year amounted to £9,010,039, and exceeded last year's figure by £365,715. Increased wages-costs, amounting in all to £241,637, was the principal cause of the heavier expenditure. Of this sum £84,576 represents the cost of concessions granted to the staff, while the remainder, £157,061 was absorbed in connection with the handling of increased traffic, additional maintenance expenditure, and expansion of subsidiary services. Other major items of increased expenditure were the increased amount expended on materials due to the extension of subsidiary services and in connection with the heavier volume of traffic handled, £65,527 ; increased cost and consumption of coal, £32,152 ; and miscellaneous expenditure, £26,399. Detailed comment on the variations in revenue and expenditure will be made in this report under appropriate headings. MILEAGE OF LINES OPEN FOR TRAFFIC. The mileage of lines open for traffic at 31st March, 1940, was 3,389 miles 74 chains, being an increase of 71 miles 16 chains over the figure for the preceding year. The increased mileage is due to the Working Railways Department taking over completed portions of the Napier-Gisborne and South Island Main Trunk Railways. Details of the additions and adjustments made during 1939-40 are shown hereunder: — M. ch. Mileage of track open for traffic, 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. 3,318 58 Mileage opened for traffic during 1939-40 — M. ch. Putorino-Raupunga .. .. .. .. ..1317 Raupunga-Waikokopu .. .. .. .. 44 18 Parnassus-Hundalee .. .. ..' • • .. 11 68 69 23 Less mileage Egmont Branch line lifted .. .. 1 36 67 67 Adjustments : Wellington Yard and Eyreton Branch Railways .. 3 29 Mileage of line open for traffic as at 31st March, 1910 ~ 3,389 74


Actual. ES 1940 te ' Variation 194.0 with 1939. 1940. 1939. Per Cent. Revenue .. £10,214,700 £10,199,070 £9,345,387 +£853,683 9.13 Expenditure .. .. £8,964,659 £9,010,039 £8,644,324 -f £365,715 4.23 Net revenue .. .. £1,250,041 £1,189,031 £701,063 +£487,968 69.60 Return on capital, per cent. 1.96 1.23 + 0.73 37.24 Interest charges £2,575,196 £2,418,116 +£157,080 6.50 Excess of interest charges (at 4} per £1,386,165 £1,717,053 —£330,888 19.27 cent.) over net revenue


CAPITAL ACCOUNT. On the 31st March, 1940, the capital invested in the lines for traffic, including the steamers and plant on Lake Wakatipu and other subsidiary services, was £63,059,188. This represents an increase of £4,382,580, as compared with the previous year. The principal additions to capital during the year were on account of the following major works :— £ Additions and improvements to rolling-stock .. .. .. 1,591,878 Improvements to stations and miscellaneous works .. .. .. 44,540 Extensions and improvements to station yards .. .. .. 64,439 Additions to workshops buildings .. .. .. .. .. 40,834 Additions to workshops and locomotive depot machinery and plant .. 65,366 Construction, purchase, and improvements to dwellings .. .. 79,655 Stratford-Okahukura automatic and power signalling .. .. 5,134 Wellington new station and yard .. .. .. .. .. 68,901 Christchurch new station and yard .. .. .. .. 63,795 Papakura-Horotiu duplication .. .. .. .. .. 211,207 Plimmerton-Paekakariki duplication .. .. .. .. 102,790 Wellington-Paekakariki electrification .. .. .. .. 17,886 Turakina-Okoia deviation .. . . . . . . .. 107,268 Palmerston North deviation .. .. .. .. .. 59,866 St. Leonards - Sawyers Bay duplication .. .. .. .. 51,810 Miscellaneous grade and curve easements .. .. .. .. 96,827 Otira substation .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,850 Eliminations of level crossings .. .. .. .. .. 11,500 Oamaru foreshore protective works .. .. .. .. 10,000 Miscellaneous communication circuits ~ .. .. .. 17,202 Napier-Gisborne Railway— Putorino-Wairoa section .. .. .. .. .. 1,569,385 Napier-Putorino additions .. .. .. .. .. 23,279 RENEWALS, DEPRECIATION, AND EQUALIZATION RESERVE FUNDS. The position with regard to the renewals, depreciation, betterments, and equalization accounts is as under : —

RAILWAY OPERATION. The results of railway operation (excluding subsidiary services and miscellaneous non-operating revenue) on the varipus sections for the year ended 31st March, 1940, were as under :—•

2—D. 2.


Credit Balance ,, ,, Credit Balance Account. broughtforward ,' X iqoq dl) ' at 31st March, from 1939. 194 o. £ £ £ £ Renewals (track) .. .. .. 700,333 211,190 328,815 582,708 Depreciation 673,482 739,700 274,937 1,138,245 Betterments 3,248 1,500 1,084 3,664 Slips, floods, and accidents .. .. 668 19,839 9,813 10,694 Workers' compensation .. .. .. 39,863 69,415 58,085 51,193 Insurance 104,248 6,665 8,350 102,563 1,521,842 1,048,309 681,084 1,889,067

Section. Revenue. Expenditure. ' Net Revenue. £ £ £ North Island Main Line and Branches .. 5,493,475 4,774,382 719,093 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 3,086,845 2,971,928 114,917 Kaihu .. .. .. •• •• 3,127 9,915 - 6,788 Gisborpe .. .. •• 28,037 32,527 — 4,490 Westport 97,098 81,822 15,276 Nelson . .. .. .. .. 10,015 23,517 - 13,502 Picton 43,040 49,029 - 5,989 total .. .. .. 8,761,637 7,943,120 818,517



The following table shows the operating revenue under the main headings, together with appropriate comparisons with the previous year's figures. Information regarding receipts from subsidiary services and miscellaneous non-operating revenue appears later in this report.

With the exception of parcels traffic, which shows a small decline, the revenue under all heads has again shown a satisfactory increase, the variations compared with the previous year beingPassenger, 18-69 per cent, increase ; parcels, 1-24 per cent, decrease; goods, 7-28 per cent, increase ; and miscellaneous, 6-66 per cent, increase. The operating earnings per average mile open and per train-mile were as follow Per Average Per Mile open. Train-mile. £ d. 2,599 157 *31 The operating earnings for the last three years for the North and South Island Main Lines and Branches per average mile open and per train mile were as follow :—



Amount, j ft Pe J. Ce " > t - of Operate Revenue. Variation 1040 ReVenUP - , with 1939. 1940. | 1939. I 1940. 1939. I I ! £ £ £ Per Cent. Passengers, ordinary .. .. 1,844,789 1,538,881 +305,908 19-88 21-05 19-22 Season tickets .. .. 274,546 246,765 + 27,781 11-26 3-13 3-08 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 330,024 334,170 — 4,146 1-24 3-77 4-17 Goods .. .. .. 6,109,293 5,694,936 +414,357 7-28 69-73 71-15 Labour, demurrage, &c. .. 202,985 190,307 + 12,678 6-66 2-32 2-38 Total operating .. 8,761,637 8,005,059 +756,578 9-45 100-00 100-00

North Island Main Line and Branches. South Island Main Line and Branches. Per Average Mile j Per Train . mi]e . Per Average Mile j Per Train . mile . £ d. £ d. 1940 •• •• •• 3,544 151 - 41 1,934 166-66 1939 .. .. .. 3,287 140-48 1.841 156-94 1938 3,086 137-13 1,778 150-12

1940. 1939. Variation. Passenger journeys— Number. Number. Number. Per Cent Ordinary 8,283,067 7,813,436 + 469,631 6-01 Season 16,170,947 15,452,332 + 718,615 4-65 T °tal 24,454,014 23,265,768 +1,188,246 5-11 Revenue— £ £ £ Ordinary 1,844,789 1,538,881 + 305,908 19-88 Season .. .. .. .. 274,546 246,765 + 27,781 11-26 Total 2,119,335 1,785,646 + 333,689 18-69 Passenger train-miles .. .. 5,902,332 5,551,026 + 351,306 6-33 vehicle-miles .. .. 43,622,010 42,767,572 + 854,438 2-00 Revenue— Per mile of line operated .. .. £629 £540 + £89 16-48


Compared with the year 1938-39, the variations in passenger traffic, other than season tickets, were as follow : —

The variations in ordinary passenger traffic were distributed between first and second class as follow :—

In comparison with the preceding year the revenue derived from passenger traffic during 1939-40 increased by £333,689, while passenger journeys during the same period rose by 1,188,246 to 24,454,014. This pleasing result can be ascribed as being due, in a large measure, to a series of unusual circumstances which had favourable repercussions on passenger traffic generally during the course of the year. Of major benefit to passenger revenue was the 10-per-cent. increase in fares which was operative throughout the whole of the financial year, compared with only four periods of the previous year. The fact that two Easter holiday periods fell in the present year and that considerable additional revenue was produced as a result of the holding of the Centennial Exhibition at Wellington were two further factors which materially assisted in augmenting passenger revenue in 1939-40. The influence of conditions arising from the outbreak of war, such as the restrictions placed on the use of petrol by road-users, and defence activities, including the mobilization of the fighting Forces, week-end leave from camps, and final leave of units going overseas, was not without its beneficial influence on passenger revenue also during the last seven months of the year. On the other hand it is generally recognized that the international situation deterred many people from journeying to Wellington to view the Centennial Exhibition, and much potential revenue was lost to the rail as a result. An analysis of standard-fare traffic shows that the average distance travelled per passenger in 1939-40 was 77-27 miles, compared with 73-36 miles last year, an increase of 3-91 miles, or 5-33 per cent. The actual journeys travelled for the year increased by 5-79 per cent., while the revenue increased by 19-08 per cent. The increase of 70,121 journeys in ordinary suburban issues is almost wholly due to the additional business arising from the operation of multiple-unit electric services on the Wellington-Johnsonville line for a full twelve months, whereas the figures for the previous year included the returns from this service for nine months only, the service having been inaugurated on 4th July, 1938. Day and special excursion and other reduced fares showed an increase of 7-66 per cent, in number and 25-77 per cent, in revenue. Revenue from these classes of traffic was £311,196, or £63,763 higher than last year. Local events throughout the country associated with the Dominion Centennial Celebrations, together with special excursion traffic to and from Wellington in connection with the Centennial Exhibition, had a favourable influence on excursion issues generally and substantially account for the increases recorded above. A distinct fillip to excursion traffic was also occasioned by the holding of the National Eucharistic Congress in February last, large numbers of visitors from outside centres travelling to Wellington for that important event. The revenue from season tickets (all issues) was £274,546, and exceeded that of the previous year by £27,781. Passenger journeys increased by 718,615. The whole of this substantial increase was obtained in suburban season ticket issues, which increased by £27,867 to £195,582 in revenue and by 743,242 to 13,206,492 in passenger journeys compared with last year. These figures may be taken as indicative of the continued popularity of the new issues of six-trip bearer and suburban twelve-trip tickets first introduced in suburban areas in May, 1937. Both issues and revenue from all lines and sectional annual season tickets show a small decline, war conditions having adversely affected issues in these classes.


Description. 1940. 1939. j Variation. Journeys. Number. Number. Number. Per Cent. Standard fare .. .. .. 3,627,763 3,429,365 +198,398 5-79 Suburban .. .. .. 1,828,697 1,758,576 +70,121 3-99 Day and special excursion and other re- 2,826,607 2,625,495 +201,112 7-66 duced fares Total .. .. .. 8,283,067 7,813,436 +469,631 6-01 Revenue. £ £ £ Per Cent. Standard fare .. .. .. 1,464,612 1,229,908 +234,704 19-08 Suburban 68,981 61,540 + 7,441 12-09 Day and special excursion and other re- 311,196 247,433 + 63,763 25-77 duced fares Total 1.,844,789 1,538,881 +305,908 19-88 _

First Class. I Second Class. j Total. 1 II Number. Per Cent. Number. Per Cent. Number. Por Cent. Journeys .. .. -32,130 8-68 +501,761 6-74 +469,631 6-01 £ £ £ Revenue .. .. + 30,723 10-98 +275,185 21-86 +305,908 19-88


PARCELS, LUGGAGE, AND MAILS. 1940. 1939. Variation Revenue. £ £ £ Per Cent. Panels .. .. .. .. .. 161,883 162,302 - 419 0-26 Excess luggage .. .. .. .. 5,865 7,240 - 1,375 18-99 Left luggage, luggage checks, bicycles, dogs, newspapers, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 61,440 59,400 +2,040 3-43 Mails .. .. .. .. .. 100,836 105,228 - 4,392 4-17 Total .. .. .. .. £330,024 £334,170 -£4,146 1-24 Revenue from parcels traffic declined during the year, notwithstanding that rates have been higher by 10 per cent, throughout. The falling-away of parcels traffic has been due primarily to conditions arising from the war and to general trading conditions, both these factors having had an adverse effect on parcels traffic generally and on the carriage of travellers' samples in particular, as is indicated by the figures shown above under the heading " Excess luggage." Some diversion of parcels traffic to goods sheds has also resulted in various areas due to the introduction of the new revised railway tariff in July, 1939. Whilst general parcels traffic has substantially declined at Wellington Station, this has been more than offset by the greatly increased quantities of milk now railed from Otaki and Levin to Wellington in connection with the milk-in-schools movement. The increased numbers of passengers carried this year is reflected in the higher receipts from checked and left luggage, and the carriage of bicycles, &c., the revenue from these sources being £61,440, or £2,040 higher than last year. The following table shows the variation in revenue under the heading of " Mails " :— 1940. 1939. Variation £ £ £ Per Cent. Railway travelling post-office service .. .. 31,180 28,676 + 2,504 8-73 Mails in guards'vaifis at half pai-ca rates .. .. 56,269 58,782 — 2,513 4-28 Mails carried in wagons .. .. .. 13,387 17,770 — 24-67 Total .. .. .. .. £100,836 £105,228 -£4,392 4-17 GOODS AND LIVE-STOCK. The revenue and tonnage of goods and live-stock for 1940 compare with the previous year as follow:— 1940. 1939. Increase. Per Cent. Revenue .. .. £6,109,293 £5,694,936 £414,357 7-28 Tonnage .. .. 7,673,950 7,539,012 134,938 1-79 The receipts from the conveyance of goods and live-stock were the highest ever recorded in the history of the system, the increase for the year being £414,357, or 7-28 per cent. The upward trend in respect of the tonnage of goods carried, which has been so notable a feature of the Department's operations in recent years, has also been well maintained in the twelve months under review, an increase of 134,938 tons (1-79 per cent.) having been recorded compared with the preceding year. The tonnage of goods carried was, however, 1-48 per cent, below the peak year of 1930, although iii this connection it is interesting to note that the net-ton mile figure for 1939-40 was 13-47 per cent, higher than that for 1930. The average haul for the year was 75-68 miles, which is 0-52 miles below the figure previous year, but is higher by 9-97 miles when a comparison is made with 1930. The year's operations in respect of goods traffic may be regarded as satisfactory, traffic having been uniformly buoyant throughout the greater portion of the year. Some loss of traffic was brought about as a result of conditions arising from the war and also by the disruption, and in come cases complete suspension, of train services in various parts of the system due to floods and extensive sftowstorins making large sections of the track unworkable. On the other hand, additional traffic has accrued to the rail as a result of the restrictions placed on road-users in the matter of the use of petrol. In respect of goods revenue the influence of the 10-per-cent. increase in rates (operative from December, 1938) is indicated by the figures giving the percentage increases in traffic shown above. A detailed analysis of the fluctuations in traffic under the main headings for the year as compared with 1938-39 is as under:— Tons. Per Cent. Revenue. Per Cent £ Live-stock .. — 25,103 4-04 — 9,114 1-34 Timber .. .. + 17,296 3-48 + 49,083 9-70 Coal.. .. — 8,804 0-50 + 66,255 7-45 Other goods .. .. +151,549 3-26 +308,133 8-51 Total .. +134,938 1-79 +£414,357 7~^28 The variation in the numbers of cattle and calves carried does not call for detailed comment In respect of cattle, the opening of the through line to Wairoa has tapped new traffic and has brought about a small increase in the number of head forwarded, but this, however, has been more than offset by reduced traffic in other parts of the system due to the stoppage of the chilled-beef industry as a war measure.



Sheep decreased by 433,512 head (4-59 per cent.), the figures for the year being noteworthy by reason of the substantial decrease in the number forwarded by rail in the South Island—viz., 619,923— as opposed to an increase of 224,265 head in the North Island. An unfavourable lambing season, together with increasing competition from road-transport operators for this class of traffic, are the main factors responsible for the reduced returns from the South Island. The number of pigs carried during the year shows a decrease of 135,801 head (20-57 per cent.) compared with the preceding year. Of the total traffic in this commodity 92-46 per cent, was produced in the North Island. Summarizing the position in respect of the total live-stock traffic carried the following disappointing result emerges : — Total number carried, decrease 582,840 (5-17 per cent.). Revenue decrease, £9,114 (1-34 per cent.). Fimber traffic continues on the up-grade, this commodity having made an improved showing on last year s figures of 17,296 tons with a revenue increase of £49,083. As in the previous year, the increase has been confined to the North Island only, and is directly due to the increased demand for timber brought a,bout as a result of the continuance of the Government's large-scale housing scheme. The quantities of native and imported timber carried were as follows 1940. 1939. Variation. „ , , Tons - Tons. Tons. Per Cent. New Zealand .. .. 499,848 476,187 +23,661 4-97 Imported .. .. 19,092 25,457 - 6,365 25-00 Traffic in coal shows little movement compared with the previous year, the comparative figures being as follow :— 1940. 1939. Variation. , Tons - Tons. Tons. Per Cent. N.I.M.L. and Branches.. 600,816 590,226 +10,590 1-79 S.I.M.L. and Branches .. 732,034 732,381 — 347 0-05 Westport .. 416,223 435,437 —19,214 4-41 Small Sections .. 6,463 6,296 + 167 2-65 Total .. 1,755,536 1,764,340 -8,804 0-50 Grain traffic shows an increase of 51,709 tons and £30,404 revenue, the greater portion of the increase being confined to the South Island. Fruit traffic shows a decrease of 4,864 tons and £7,288 in revenue, the reduced traffic in the North Island having adversely affected the receipts from this commodity. Revenue from the carriage of root crops shows little variation. Ei ozen meat for export increased by 17,525 tons and £22,738 in revenue, a substantial improvement of 28,755 tons and £32,672 in revenue having been recorded in respect of frozen mutton and lamb. This, however, was offset by a reduced return from the carriage of chilled beef and frozen pork. Butter showed a decrease of 16,368 tons and cheese an increase of 1,618 tons. Revenue, however, increased by £5,120 and £7,048 respectively. Practically the whole of the decreased tonnage in butter was in the North Island. Wool traffic declined by 4,246 tons, but made an improved showing in respect of revenue to the extent of £3,523. The average haul for all wool decreased from 59 miles in 1938 to 56 miles in 1939 and to 53 miles for the year under review. The decreased tonnage in the North and South Islands was 2-53 per cent, and 3-36 per cent, respectively. The large decrease recorded in 1938-39 in respect of the conveyance of artificial manures has this year been more than offset by a very substantial increase in both tonnage and revenue. No less than 1,036,730 tons of artificial manures were conveyed by rail during the present year, this figure being a record. The increase over the previous year was 162,051 tons and £86,536 revenue. The tonnage of agricultural lime forwarded in 1939-40 was 393,117 tons, an increase of 13,613 tons. The quantity of benzine conveyed in tank-wagons shows a decrease of 1,027 tons. Benzine in drums, &c., and gasolene, kerosene, and lubricating oils show increases of 7,648 tons and £16,179 in revenue, traffic in benzine and gasolene, when packed in cases, drums, &c., having improved since the imposition of restrictions on the sale of petrol. Traffic in general lines of merchandise continues to be satisfactory, the returns showing an improvement of 24,255 tons and £117,975 revenue in the North Island, while a decreased tonnage of 26,558 and a reduced revenue return to the extent of £4,234 was registered in the South Island. GOODS AND LITE-STOCK STATISTICS. I he principal statistical figures dealing with the operation of goods traffic are shown below : „ , . 1940. 1939. Goods-tram mileage .. .. .. .. 7,464,466 7,521,589 Goods earnings .. .. .. .. £6,109,293 £5,694,936 Revenue goods tonnage .. .. .. 7,673,950 7,539,012 Average haul (miles) .. .. .. .. 75-68 76-21 Average revenue per ton-mile .. .. .. 2-57 d. 2-43 d. Average revenue per ton .. .. .. 15 s , lij. 15 Si Average revenue per goods-train mile .. .. 16s. 4d. 15s. 2d.



The increases in revenue shown above are due mainly to the operation of the increased tariff for the full year compared with only sixteen weeks of the previous year. 1940. 1939. Total gross ton-miles revenue freight .. 1,859, 268,934 1,843,765,273 Goods-vehicle miles (loaded) .. .. 137,173,797 136,305,330 Goods-vehicle miles (empty) .. .. 66,081,034 68,360,728 Total goods-vehicle miles .. .. 203,254,831 204,666,058 Net ton-miles increased by 1-10 per cent, and were the highest yet recorded. The percentage of empty to loaded vehicles again showed an improvement, being 48-17 per cent, this year, as compared with 50-15 per cent, last year. Averages: Revenue, Freight Traffic. Per mile of line— 1940. 1939. Goods revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,812 £1,721 Total tonnage .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,276 2,278 Net ton-miles .. .. .. .. .. .. 172,286 173,613 Gross ton-miles .. .. .. .. .. .. 551,548 557,197 Per train — Gross load (tons) .. .. .. .. .. .. 249-08 245-13 Net load (tons) .. .. .. .. .. .. 77-81 76-38 Number of vehicles (loaded) .. .. .. .. 18-38 18-12 Number of vehicles (empty) .. .. .. .. 8-85 9-09 Per 1,000 gross ton-miles — Revenue .. .. .. . • .• •• £3,285 £3,089 Net ton-miles .. .. .. .. .. .. 312 312 Per train-mile — Revenue .. .. .. .. •• •• 196-43 d. 181-71 d. Wagon user — Revenue per four-wheeled goods vehicle .. .. .. £204 £198 Revenue per four-wheeled live-stock vehicle .. .. .. £163 £174 Average wagon-load (tons) .. .. .. .. 4-23 4-21 Average miles per wagon per day .. .. .. .. 24-13 25-63 Average net ton-miles per wagon per annum (ordinary goods) .. 20,010 20,707 Average net ton-miles per wagon per annum (live-stock) .. 11,473 12,889 The revenue increases in all cases, except per four-wheel live-stock vehicle, are the result of the increased tariff. Revenue from live-stock again showed a decrease due to a further decline in this class of traffic. Other items, " Per mile of line," show decreases due to the opening during the year of a section of the Napier-Gisborne Railway (57 miles), and also a section of the south Island Main Trunk Railway (12 mile.-) which lines have not yet been developed to potential capacity. The net load per train increased by 1-87 per cent., while the gross load increased by 1-61 per cent., due to the improvement in the percentage of loaded to empty vehicles and to the increase in wagon loads. OPERATING EXPENDITURE. The following table shows the operating expenditure under the main headings, together with appropriate comparisons with the previous year's figures : —


Amount. „ rercentage 01 Operating Expenditure. Variation 1940 with 1939. Operating 1940. 1939. Revenue. Maintenance — £ £ £ Per Cent. 1940. 1939. Way and works .. 1,468,268 1,375,829 -|- 92,439 6-72 16*76 17• 19 Signals .. .. 197,949 186,546 + 11,403 6-11 2-26 2-33 Rolling-stock .. 1,896,366 1,832,615 + 63,751 3-48 21-64 22-89 Examination, lubrication, 88,272 85,482 + 2,790 3-26 1-01 1-07 and lighting of vehicles Transportation— Locomotive.. .. 1,802,990 1,727,375 + 75,615 4-38 20-58 21-58 Traffic .. .. 2,250,905 2,208,310 + 42,595 1-93 25-69 27-58 General charges .. 238,370 247,475 — 9,105 3-68 2-72 3-09 Totals .. 7,943,120 7,663,632 + 279,488 3-65 90-66 95-73


MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS. I he sum of £1,468,268 was expended under this head during the year, an increase over the expenditure for the previous year of £92,439 (6-72 per cent.). Included in the expenditure this year is an amount ol £4j,253 covering the cost of labour engaged in order to assist in relieving unemployment. Last year expenditure of this nature was recovered by way of a subsidy which was not available this year. Increased expenditure was incurred in the year under review in connection with repairs to damage caused by unprecedently heavy flooding on various sections of the system. Taking 1926 as the standard, and fixing the index figure for that year at 100 for the expenditure on maintenance of way and works and the average mileage of line maintained, the following summary shows the position over the past five years :— rn , n . 1928. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. total expenditure ..100 94 102 112 120 128 Average mileage of line .. 100 104 104 105 105 107 MAINTENANCE OF SIGNALS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. 1ll<! expenditure amounted to £197,949, as against £186,546 last year, an increase of £11,403 (>• per cent.). The transfer of stalf from capital works to maintenance duties, increased depreciation charges, and the _ carrying-out of special work in connection with the Department's exhibit at the Centennial Exhibition were the principal reasons for the increased expenditure. MAINTENANCE OF ROLLING-STOCK. The expenditure under this head amounted to £1,896,366, an increase of £63,751 (3-48 per cent.) ( o.fipare with, the pievious year. The increase is mainly due to heavier engine-repair charges and increased rates of pay to tradesmen. n . R Locomotive Repairs.—Expenditure on locomotive repairs was £822,598, an increase of £57,097 j ? er co ? t -)- tlu 3 increase, workshops repairs accounted for £23,283, depot repairs for £10,054, and depreciation charges for £18,463. The following table shows the cost of maintenance per locomotive and per locomotive-mile over a period of five years :—•

Maintenance of Carriages, Vans, and Wagons.—The maintenance of carriages and vans entailed an expenditure of £363,452, an increase of £12,649 (3-61 per cent.) compared with the preceding year Increased depreciation charges largely account for the increased expenditure. The following table shows the cost of maintenance of cars and vans per vehicle and per vehiclemile over a period of live years :—

_ The total cost of repairing wagons was £684,219, compared with £689,495 last year, a decrease of £5,276 (0-77 per cent.). The following table shows the number of wagons repaired in' Workshops compared with the preceding year : — TT . 1940. 1939. Heavy repairs .. .. .. .. ..14,342 15 158 Light repairs 5>371 5163 Total •• •• •• •• .. 19,713 20,321 The cost of maintenance per vehicle and per vehicle-mile for wagons was as under (five-vear period)^


Cost per Locomotive. Cost per Locomotive-mile. 1936. 1937. | 1938. 1939. | 1940. 1936. | j 1938. | 1939. 1940. £ £ f £ £ <1- d. d. d. d 1,016 1,117 1,228 1,350 1,312 9-42 9-61 9-82 10-31 10-85

Cost P er Vehicle. Cost per Vehicle-mile. 1936. | 1937. 1938. | 1939. 1940. 1936. | 1937. | 1938. | 1939. " 1940. r £ £ £ £ £ d. d. d. d. d 139 156 184 175 181 1-70 1-82 2-06 1-95 2-00

Coat per Vehicle. Cost per Vehicle-mile. 1936. | 1937. | 1938. | 1939. 1940. 1936. 1937. | 1938. J 1939. 1940. £ £ £ £ £ (1. d, <] j J 20 22 26 24 23 0-09 0-72 0-77 0-75 0-75


EXAMINATION, LUBRICATION, AND LIGHTING OF ROLLING-STOCK. Additional examination of rolling-stock resulting from increased traffic was the main factor in respect of the increase shown under this heading, the expenditure for the year being £88,272, an increase of £2,790 (3.26 per cent.) compared with the preceding year. LOCOMOTIVE TRANSPORTATION. The expenditure under this head was £1,802,990, an increase of £75,615 (4.38 per cent.) compared with 1938-39. Increased cost and consumption of fuel (coal, benzine, dieseleine), increased cost of electric power, and additional cost of wages together account for £59,671 of the increased expenditure. Higher expenditure was also necessary in respect of stores and water charges. The quantity of coal consumed during the year was 492,456 tons, as against 484,423 tons last year, an increase of 8,033 tons. This was due to an increase of 381,823 engine-miles (2-14 per cent.). The total consumption and cost of coal during the last three years is shown as under: — 1938. 1939. 1940. Tons. Tons. Tons. Consumption .. .. .. 473,233 484,423 492,456 £ £ .£ Cost .. .. 690,029 738,991 780,686 The average consumption of coal and cost of same per engine-mile, per engine-hour, and per 1,000 gross ton-miles for 1940 as compared with 1939 were as follows : —

The following table furnishes statistics of locomotive operation for the last five years:— 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. d. d. d. d. d. Cost per engine-mile .. .. 18-40 20-23 22-52 23-27 23-78 Cost per train-mile .. .. •• 24-51 26-84 30-04 31-00 31-58 Cost per engine-hour .. .. 19-3-42 212-03 233-26 239-93 245-28 Cost per 1,000 gross ton-miles .. .. 117-09 128-24 141-43 147-25 149-87 Number. Number. Number. Number. Number. Engine-miles per engine-hour .. .. 10-51 10-48 10-36 10-31 10-32 Gross ton-miles per engine-hour 1,652 1,653 1,649 1,629 1,637 TRAFFIC TRANSPORTATION. This item of expenditure shows an increase of £42,595 (1-93 per cent.), the total amount expended being £2,250,905, as against £2,208,310 last year. The increased expenditure was due to the regrading of clerical positions, the employment of additional staff, and the running of additional train services in connection with troop movements and the Centennial Celebrations. The following analysis shows the increase in various statistics of traffic transportation for 1940 over the previous year:— Increase. Per Cent. Man-hours .. . • • • • • 302,528 2• 05 Train-hours .. •• •• •• 14,878 1-64 Train-miles 328,818 2-46 Gross ton-miles (thousands) .. .. 71,868 2-56 Net-ton miles (thousands) .. .. .. 13,982 2-03 The cost of traffic services per train-hour increased by l-66d. (0-29 per cent.); per train-mile decreased by 0-20 d. (0-60 per cent.) ; and per thousand gross ton-miles decreased by l-15d. (0-61 per cent.). Taking 1926 as the standard, and fixing the index figure for that year at 100, the following table shows the position in respect of traffic transportation expenditure over a period of five years : — 1926. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. Total expenditure ~ 100 84 103 120 127 129 GENERAL CHARGES. Expenditure under this head was lower by £9,105 (3-68 per cent.) in 1940 as compared with the preceding year. The reduction in expenditure was brought about by reduced Head Office charges and by a lowering of the subsidy payable in respect of the Superannuation Fund.


Consumption. Cost. 1940. 193!). 1940. 1939. lb. lb. d. d. Per engine-mile .. .. ■■ ■■ •• 64-63 63-91 10-98 10-45 Per engine-hour 650-55 649-40 110-50 106-14 Per thousand gross ton-miles .. •• 390-02 392-12 66-25 64-09


SUBSIDIARY SERVICES. The following table shows the variations in revenue and expenditure for the year as compared with 1938-39 :—

The particulars of revenue and expenditure in connection with subsidiary services over a period of three years are as follow 1939-40. 1938-39. 1937-38. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. ..1,437,433 1,340,328 1,042,361 Expenditure .. .. 1,066,919 980,692 709,604 Net revenue .. .. £370,514 £359,636 £332,757 LAKE WAKATIPU STEAMERS. 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 7,362 7,168 +194 2-71 Expenditure .. .. 11,120 11,313 —193 1-71 Loss .. .. .. £3,758 £4,145 -£387 9.34 The slight improvement in the returns from the Lake Wakatipu service is due to an increase in goods traffic. Passenger revenue shows a decline of £528, weather-conditions in the lake district having been unfavourable to passenger traffic in the late summer and autumn months.


Au analysis of receipts discloses the following position:—

3-D. 2.


Revenue.. Expenditure; Subsidiary Services. — — — ————— Amount, Variation. Amount, Variation. 1940. 1940 with 1939. 1940. 1940 with 1939. £ £ Per Cent. £ £ Per Cent. Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 7,362 + 194 2-71 11,120 — 193 1-71 Refreshment service .. 200,871 + 33,161 19-77 186,628 -f- 23,439 14-36 Bookstall service .. .. 112,855 -j- 20,251 21-87 106,241 + 18,097 20-53 Advertising service .. 36,417 — 3,654 9• i2 34,061 — 1,073 3-05 Dwellings .. .. 141,889 + 7,944 5-93 204,175 + 16,982 9-07 Other buildings .. .. 31,435 + 7,547 31-59 21,196 -j- 5,551 35-48 Road services;—Passengers.. 363,899 + 17,396 5-02 347,670 -|- 24,845 7-70 Road services—Goods .. 148,859 — 10,250 6-44 155,828 — 1,421 0-90 Miscellaneous revenue (non- 393,846 + 24,516 6-64 operating) 1,437,433 + 97,105 9-13 1,066,919 + 86,227 4-23

1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 200,871 167,710 +33,161 19-77 Expenditure .. .. .. 186,628 163,189 +23,439 14-36 Net revenue .. 14,243 4,521 + 9,722 215-04

1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Pfer Cent Dining-room .. .. .. 42,083 36,378 + 5,705 15-68 Counter .. .. .. 155,570 127,767 + 27,803 21-76 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 3,218 j 3,565 — 347 9-73 Total.. .. .. 200,871 167,710 +33,161 19-77 Number. j Number. Number. ' Per Cent. Total meals sold .. .. 469,701 407,549 + 62,152 15-25 Meals sold at Wellington .. 287,638 253,618 + 34,020 13-41


The excellent showing made by the Refreshment Service during the year is attributable to a number of factors, all of which had a favourable effect on the provedoring and other services controlled by this Branch. National and local celebrations in connection with the Dominion's Centenary resulted in increased patronage of the departmental catering services. This was particularly the case at Wellington during the period the Centennial Exhibition was open. Other factors which favourably affected the turnover for the year were troop movements, the falling of two Easter holiday periods in the financial year under review, and the adding as from June, 1939, of the Waipara refreshmentrooms to those under departmental control and the opening of new rooms at Napier. The refreshment and other facilities provided at Wellington station continue to command substantial patronage, the turnover representing 21-41 per cent, of the total turnover from all rooms in the financial year just closed. The actual return to the Department from the operation of the Refreshment Branch for selected years since 1930 is as under : —

BOOKSTALL SERVICE. 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 112,855 92,604 +20,251 21-86 Expenditure.. .. .. 106,241 88,144 +18,097 20-53 Net revenue .. .. £6,614 £4,460 +£2,154 48-30 The number of bookstalls (18) at present being operated by the Department is the same as during the previous year. The advance in receipts shown by the bookstall service reflects the favourable conditions under which the whole of the operations of the Refreshment Branch, including the bookstall service, and to which reference has already been made, have been carried on during the year. ADVERTISING SERVICE. 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 36,417 40,071 -3,654 9-12 Expenditure .. .. .. 34,061 35,134 — 1,073 3-05 Net revenue .. .. £2,356 £4,937 -£2,581 52-27 Conditions arising from the outbreak of war and in connection with the general trading conditions have adversely affected the trading operations of the Advertising Branch, the revenue from which shows a decline of £3,654 (9-12 per cent.) compared with the previous year. An analysis of the revenue for the year under review is as under:— 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Outdoor advertising .. .. .. 28,499 31,172 — 2,673 Publications.. .. .. .. 4,830 5,220 — 390 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 2,656 3,316 — 660 Buses .. .. .. .. 432 363 + 69 Total .. .. .. .. £36,417 £40,071 -£3,654


1930. 1932. 1934. 1935. j 1936. 1937. 1938. ! 1939 1940. 1 I ! . £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Rent .. .. .. 11,170 9,100 9,230 9,230 9,230 9,219 9,817 10,309 11,837 Commission on cash col- 970 715 620 667 742 842 1,130 1,327 1,584 lections Rail fares .. .. 1,287 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 1.125 Rail freights .. .. 3,234 2,349 1,818 1,825 1,790 2,084 2,443 2,423 2,554 Interest .. .. 1,099 1,291 1,124 1,102 1,108 1,111 1,230 1,465 1,638 Net profit .. .. 6,981 1,681 785 2,132 4,156 2,226 1,849 4,520 14,243 Total .. .. 24,741 16,202 14,643 16,022 18,092 16,548 17,535 21,110 32,981


The total return to the Department in respect of operations of the Advertising Branch for selected years since 1930 is as under : —

DEPARTMENTAL DWELLINGS. 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 141,889 133,945 +7,944 5-93 Expenditure .. .. 204,175 187,193 + 16,982 9-07 Loss.. .. .. £62,286 £53,248 +£9,038 16-97 The increase in revenue is due to the additional number of houses in occupation, while the factors responsible for the increased expenditure are higher wages and other costs, particularly of materials. In addition to ordinary maintenance and repair work during the year, some 167 dwellings were equipped with hot-water services, while 185 houses had electric-lighting equipment installed. Eighty new houses were constructed during the year in accordance with the Department's housing programme. ROAD PASSENGER AND GOODS SERVICES. 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Revenue .. .. .. 512,758 505,612 + 7,146 1-41 Expenditure .. .. 503,498 480,074 + 23,424 4-88 Net revenue .. .. £9,260 £25,538 —£16,278 63-74 After providing for interest on capital and for writing down capital by way of depreciation, the operations of the road passenger services showed a net revenue of £16,229, as compared with £23,678 last year, a decrease of £7,449. This result is regarded as satisfactory, having regard to the greatly increased cost of petrol, tires, and other materials, and to the fact that the 10-per-cent. increase in railway fares, which became operative as from December, 1938, has not been applied in respect of the fares schedule applicable to departmental road passenger services. Revenue from the operation of road passenger services continues on the up-grade, the increase this year being £17,396 (5-02 per cent.) compared with 1938-39. This gratifying result can be attributed very largely to the marked improvement in the receipts from Wellington suburban traffic during the Centennial Exhibition period, the diversion of traffic to public transport services following the imposition of restrictions on the sale of petrol to private-car users, and to the fact that two Easter holiday periods fell within the financial year under review. The absence of cruise ships and the curtailment of tourist traffic following the declaration of war were, however, two by no means unimportant factors which adversely affected the revenue position during the latter half of the year. Mileage run increased by 39,492 (0-64 per cent.) and passenger journeys by 933,717 (16-29 per cent.) compared with the preceding year. As compared with 1938-39, expenditure increased by £24,845 (7-70 per cent.). Increases of wages to drivers, higher cost of fuel, tires, and materials, and additional costs as a result of the increased mileage run were the principal items making up the increase in expenditure. Twenty-one new omnibuses were placed in service during the year, thus bringing the number of such vehicles in service to 111. One hundred and thirty-eight service cars were also in service at the end of the year. Reference was contained in last year's annual report to the policy of the Government of co-ordinating the long-distance road and rail units operating over the principal routes throughout the Dominion and to the savings in transport costs which had been effected following the acquisition by the State of road freight services previously operated under private control, and the diversion to rail of traffic which, in other circumstances, would have gone forward to destination by road. Further substantial progress has been made in this direction during the year and will be continued as and when circumstances permit.


1930. 1932. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1938. 1939. 1940. I Rent— ££££££££ Land and buildings .. .. 1,000 1,000 800 797 800 800 1,240 1,240 Advertising-sites .. .. 10,390 8,741 7,890 7,259 8,325 10,066 10,260 9,341 Commission on cash collections .. 1,458 960 786 737 728 901 1,052 910 Interest .. .. .. 2,335 1,697 1,261 1,017 889 761 697 680 Railage .. .. .. 323 293 390 357 373 217 231 228 Net profit .. .. .. 381 2,898 2,548 2,088 2,383 4,770 4,937 2,356 15,887 15,589 13,675 12,255 13,498 17,515 18,417 14,755


With the outbreak of war the position in respect of the road freight services owned and operated by the Railways Department has undergone a complete change, the great majority of these services, particularly those which were running over routes substantially served by rail, having been suspended in October-November, 1939. This action was taken as a war-emergency measure in order to conserve petrol-supplies and to make available suitable road vehicles urgently required for the purposes of the Defence Department. Until such time as hostilities cease and conditions are again normal it is not contemplated that circumstances will arise which will render it necessary or desirable for the railwayOwned road services to again take up the long-distance carriage of freight traffic. In certain isolated instances, however, it is possible that for reasons of purely local significance or importance it will be ■necessary for the Department to continue operating road goods services or seek to re-establish services which are at present suspended. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (NON-OPERATING). The revenue under this heading comprises miscellaneous non-operating revenue such as land and siding rentals, commission, deed fees, advertising rights, interest on investments, and internal interest charges. The total revenue this year was £393,846, as compared with £369,330 last year, an increase of £24,516. An increased debit against the Stores Branch in respect of internal interest charges due to an expansion of the average value of stores stock in 1939-40, as compared with the previous year, was the primary cause of the variation. RAIL-CAR SERVICES. As at the 31st March, 1940, rail-car services were being operated on five routes, particulars of the routes and date of commencement of the services being as follow : — Route. Commenced running. Christchurch-Greymouth-Hokitika .. .. .. sth August, 1936. Wellington - Wairarapa - Palmerston North ».. .. 17th September, 1936. Wellington - New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 16th April, 1939. Napier-Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. 3rd July, 1939. Wellington-Wairoa (week-end service only) .. .. Bth July, 1939. The following statement shows the results of the operation of all five services for the year 1939-40 as compared with the preceding year : — 1940. 1939. Variation. Revenue— £ £ £ Per Cent. Passenger .. .. 56,394 28,070 +28,324 100-90 Parcels, mails, and newspapers .. .. 3,008 2,843 + 165 5-80 £59,402 £30,913 +£28,489 92-16 Expenditure .. .. £50,166 £27,437 +£22,729 82-84 Net revenue .. .. £9,236 £3,476 +£5,760 165-71 Mileage .. .. .. 542,549 393,129 +149,420 38-01 The rail-car services operating in various parts of the system have functioned satisfactorily and, generally speaking, have been well supported by the travelling public. All rail-car services combined earned a net revenue of £9,236 during the year, as compared with £3,476 in 1938-39, an increase of £5,760 (165-71 per cent.). In addition, the services operating on the Wairarapa route made a saving of £9,937, representing the direct cost of steam-train miles replaced during the year (43,680 at 4s. 6-6 d. per mile), the net gain from the operation of rail cars on this route during the twelve months under review being £13,640. The comparable figure for last year was £7,656. Of the fifteen rail cars now in service, four are petrol-engined and the remainder Diesel-engined, two petrol units having been converted to Diesel operation during the year. SICK BENEFIT FUND. The result of the year's operations of the New Zealand Government Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Fund was a deficit of £2,554, compared with a deficit of £1,696 last year. The receipts and sick-benefit payments were as under :— 1940. 1939. Variation. £ £ £ Per Cent. Income .. .. .. 37,819 36,694 +1,125 3-07 Expenditure .. .. 40,373 38,390 +1,983 5-17 Deficit.. £2,554 £1,696 +£858 50-59 Receipts include £8,000 annual subsidy from the Working Railways Account. The total membership on 31st March, 1940, was 17,632, compared with 16,954 in 1939, an increase of 678, due to an increase in the number of staff employed. The accumulated fund is now £43,141 and the investments £43,898.



BRANCH LINES. The operating revenue from branch lines amounted to £407,920, as against £379,911 last vear an increase of £28,009 (7-37 per cent.). Goods revenue shows a substantial increase of £26,161, compared with 1938-39, whilst passenger revenue increased also to the extent of £1,670. The increase in revenue from passenger and goods traffic is primarily due to the 10-per-cent. increase in fares and rates. ~ Compared with the preceding year operating expenditure increased by £17,468 (3-13 per cent ) the total expenditure for the year amounting to £575,282. Increased costs in connection with the maintenance ot way and works, and locomotive-running were the main factors responsible for the increase m expenditure. T*? HnC " feeder V i alue "° f branch - lille traffic > the operating loss on branch lines was £103,802. Interest charges amounted to £387,026, making a total loss of £490,828, as against a loss of £541,405 for the previous year, a decrease of £50,577. Of the total revenue of £407,920, the South Island branches earned £273,818, or 67-13 per cent Jhe increase over the previous year in the South Island was £12,839, or 4-92 per cent while the improvement in the North Island amounted to £15,170 (12-76 per cent.). ISOLATED SECTIONS. The results of operations of isolated sections were as follow :— Kaihu. Revenue amounted to £3,127, a decrease of £867 compared with 1938-39. Expenditure decreased by £2,851, making the operating loss on the section for the year £6,788, as against £8 772 last year. Goods traffic shows a sharp decrease of £1,068, due to a decline in log traffic. Other classes ot traffic show small increases. Gisfcorwe.—Revenue amounted to £28,037 and expenditure to £32,527. These figures show a decrease of £2,913 and £1,046 respectively compared with the previous year. Reduced metal traffic also reduced receipts from passenger and parcels traffic, were the main causes of the decreased revenue.' decrease in expenditure was brought about by lower locomotive transportation charges. the operating loss on the section for the year was £4,490, as compared with £2,623 last year hv rr 3 t0 £10 ' 015 ' as againBt m ' l43 last y° ar - Expenditure increased i 'id • . ■ decrease in revenue was brought about by the less quantity of wool carried w ne the increase m expenditure was primarily due to heavier way and works maintenance charges.' the operating loss on the section for the year was £13,502, compared with £11,130 last year • tot,ltr/4™ VenUe amounte „ d to £43,040, an increase of £6,374 (17-67 per cent.). Expenditure totalled £49,029, an increase of £4,776 compared with 1938-39. With the exception of parcels, all classes of traffic contributed to the increase in revenue. The principal increases in expenditure were in respect 01 locomotive and traffic transportation charges. tiJ"' °P era ti n g I° BB 011 the section was £5,989, as compared with a loss of £7,587 in 1938-39 • : of f, - r;?® ven V o amounted to £97,098 and expenditure to £81,822. These figures show an increase of £2,870 and £2,593 respectively compared with the previous year. Improved coal and timber traffic was responsible for an increase of £2,116 in goods traffic. Miscellaneous revenue also shows an increase. An increase in way and works maintenance charges was the main item responsible tor the increased expenditure. I he operating profit on the Westport Section for the year was £15,276, compared with £14 999 in the previous year, an increase of £277. STORES BRANCH. An analysis of the amount expended in connection with the purchase of stores during the vear is as under:— b •>

The decreases enumerated above are chiefly due to a diminution in the quantities of materials purchased tor use in connection with construction programmes. The main reductions are in respect ot purchases made within the Dominion and in imported materials from the United Kingdom and Australia.


I Value of Purchases Variation, j made, Year 1940. 1940 with 1939. To merchants, manufacturers, and others in New Zealand .. 1,056,529 6 9 -201 497 17 u Through Trade Commissioner in Australia .. .. 93,938 14 6 - 85'904 9 7 through High Commissioner in London .. .. .. 1,211,419 12 11 —609 218 1 2 Material manufactured in Railway Workshops .. .. 397,252 11 9 — 2 957 14 1 Coal and coke. 721!827 17 10 - 15,' 631 19 6 ivianutactured and used material received from other branches, 114,518 19 0 + 45 741 14 8 &c. Timber from railway sawmill and stores used .. .. 51,806 8 2 + 2,676 10 0 Totals •• •• •• -• •• £3,647,293,10 11 -£872,791 17 7* * Net decrease.


For the year ended 31st March, 1940, the amount paid by the Department for exchange on purchases made through the High Commissioner, London, was £236,162 os. Id., a decrease of £132,878 Bs. 6d. compared with the previous year. The total issues to all branches (including coal) for the year amounted to £4,644,117 2s. 3d., as against £3,628,487 15s. sd. last year, an increase of £1,015,629 6s. lOd. A summary for six years showing the value of purchases and issues of stores (exclusive of coal), together with the value of stocks on hand (stores and coal) at the close of each year, is as under : —

It will be observed from the above that issues of stores (exclusive of coal) in 1939-40 reached a new high level of £3,827,494. This was due to the issue during the year of materials specially purchased in previous years for capital programme works, also that forty J class locomotives, valued at £647,978, were imported and issued during the year under review. In regard to stores stock, it is anticipated that this will be substantially reduced during 1940-41, as programme stocks now on hand will be to a great extent drawn out while the fulfilment of overseas orders now being placed is likely to be delayed as a result of war activities in Great Britain and elsewhere. COAL-SUPPLIES. The following return shows the purchases of coal made during the last six years Tons. Tons. 1934-35 422,334 1937-38 .. .. .. 544,222 1935-36 437,959 1938-39 .. .. ..505,189 1936-37 .. .. •• 433,795 1939-40 .. .. .. 490,350 Only New Zealand coal is used by the Railways Department, which has imported no coal during the last eight years. Of the purchases of coal made in 1940, 287,401 tons were hard coal and 202,949 tons soft coal. The average consumption of coal per week during the year was 10,184 tons, an Increase of 284 tons per week compared with the previous year.' This reflects the large increase in engine-miles due to the heavy traffic handled during the year. TIMBER-SUPPLIES. During the year the Department's supplies of native timber have been drawn from Mamaku Sawmill. At Maroa the Department's new sawmill has been brought into operation. The Department's timber area at Pokaka has throughout the year been operated under license to private interests under the oversight of officers of the Department's Forestry Branch. FORESTRY BRANCH. The tree-planting and other work of the Forestry Branch has been carried on with satisfactory results during the year, the weather-conditions experienced having been particularly favourable to planting operations. Close attention continues to be given to the consolidation and maintenance of areas already established as forestry reserves, while the output from the tree-nurseries at Athenree and Woburn has been fully maintained, some 180,273 trees having been raised at the nurseries and made available for distribution during the year. In order to control sand-drift and also prevent sea erosion in the district north of the Clarence River on the route of the new South Island Main Trunk Railway, arrangements have been made for the area to be planted with suitable trees which will be raised in the Railway Department's nurseries. The planting operations, in which the Railways and Public Works Departments will collaborate, will cover 1,600 acres and will commence in May-June, 1940. The major activities of the Branch during the year may be summarized as follows: — Tree planting and blanking : 172,367 trees. Nursery output, Athenree : 149,720 trees. Nursery output, Woburn : 30,553 trees. New crop, estimated, Athenree and Woburn nurseries : 405,000 trees. Six miles of fire-breaks cleared. 100 acres land cleared at Matata and 5 acres at Lower Hutt. Oversight and control of Pokaka Bush operations. Investigation of lire claims. General maintenance-work in connection with established forest reserves.


Stocks on Hand. Year. Purchases. Issues. Stores. Coal. Total. . - — — £ £ £ £ £ 1935 . .. .. 1,269,171 1,136,243 584,611 160,177 744,788 193 6 .. 1,436,696 1,400,858 622,899 144,888 767,787 1937 .. .. 1,971,314 1,719,414 874,800 107,653 982,453 1938 .. 2,662,302 2,082,195 1,107,653 167,347 1,275,000 1939 .. 4,001,478 2,854,721 1,907,113 153,128 2,060,241 1940 3,165,437 3,827,494 1,881,948 93,906 1,975,854 I


SUGGESTIONS AND INVENTIONS COMMITTEE. During the year a total of 478 suggestions and inventions were dealt with, as compared with 471 during the previous year. Fifty-six suggestions and inventions were recommended for adoption in whole or part; 98 were referred to heads of branches for consideration, were already in operation, or related to matters of policy; 287 were not recommended for adoption; while 37 were under trial or investigation at the end of the financial year. The suggestions recommended for adoption included seven in connection with rolling-stock eleven connected with workshops practice, five connected with way and works, nine in connection with traffic working, four in connection with road transport activities, four related to refreshment services, and sixteen were connected with railway working generally. WORKSHOPS. The locomotives, rolling-stock, machinery, and tools have been maintained in good working-order during the year. Locomotives. As at the 31st March, 1940, there were 627 locomotives in service—6oB steam and 19 electric. The above figures do not include electric-battery shunting-engines employed at workshops. New locomotive stock placed in service during the year included 7 class Ed electric, 10 Ka and 6 Kb steam classes, and 40 J class imported from England. At the close of the year a total of 47 locomotives were on order or under construction in workshops, made up of 25 class Ka steam and 2 class Ed electric which are intended for service in the North Island and 20 class J to be placed in service in the South Island. Three locomotives were written off. Two class Wg locomotives were converted to class Ww during the year, and five locomotives were equipped with electric headlights, bringing the number of steam-locomotives so equipped to 539 Four hundred and thirteen engines passed through the workshops for repairs during the twelvemonths under review, and of these, 224 received a thorough overhaul. Four new boilers were built in workshops during the year, with 19 still under construction. Miscellaneous shunting and other stock in service at the close of the year includes 32 petrol shunting-units, 5 electric-battery shunting-units used in workshops, and 6 electric motor-coaches and 6 trailer coaches. The tractive effort of the locomotives in service during the year, compared with the two previous years, is as follows : — 1940. 1939. 1938. Number of locomotives in service .. 627 567 570 Total tractive power, in pounds .. 12,261,578 10,610,108 10,684,559 Average tractive power per locomotive, in pounds .. .. .. 19,555 18,713 18,745 Carriages. New carriages built in workshops and placed in service during the year totalled 56, made up of the following classes : 8 first class, 7 first class with coupe compartment, 40 second class, and 1 staff and dining car for Vice-Regal use. Four cars were written off and 11 were converted to sleeping, store and work vans for departmental purposes. Six sleeping-cars, 4 combination day-sleeping cars! 12 first-class cars with coupe compartment, 7 first-class and 19 second-class cars, and 8 " compo cars, making 56 units in all, were on order and under construction in workshops at the close of the year. During the year 1,546 carriages passed through the workshops, and of these, 1,163 received heavy repairs. Seven hundred and forty-six carriages are now equipped with electric lighting. Brake-vans. On the 31st March, 1940, there were 471 brake-vans in service, with 91 building or on order. During the year two brake-vans were written off, one break-down van was converted to ordinary use and one ordinary van was converted to break-down van. Four hundred and eighty-seven brake-vans passed through the workshops during the year, and of this number 330 received heavy repairs. The number of postal vans in service at the close of the year was 9, as against 11 in the preceding year. The reduced number in service is due to the conversion of two postal vans to breakdown vans for use by the Maintenance Branch. Rail Cars. At the close of the year 16 rail cars were in service, 1 of these being retained for departmental inspection purposes only. One standard rail car was constructed in workshops during the year, and a further 10 are being imported from England. Wagons. The number of wagons in service at the close of the year was 30,008. A total of 1,779 wagons were placed in service during the twelve months under review, made up of the following classes : 30 platform wagons, 1 special wagon Ud class for over-gauge loads, 15 horse-boxes, 22 chilled-beef wagons, 57 cattle-wagons, 181 sheep-wagons, 22 frozen-meat wagons, 86 cool-ventilated wagons, and 1,365 wagons of the general-utility class. In addition, 2 Uc bogie-tank wagons were built to the order of outside parties.



Wagons written off during the year numbered 186, while 12 wagons previously written off were returned to service. Twelve obsolete wagons were sold in the course of the year. The number of wagons that passed through the workshops was 19,713, and of these, 14,3.42 received heavy repairs. Wagons of all types, totalling 2,555 in all, were on order and under construction at the close of the year; of this number, 1,484 will be placed in service in the North. Island and 1,071 in the South Island. Tabpaulins. At the close of the year 24,138 tarpaulins were in service. Tarpaulins repaired in workshops numbered 19,253, while 3,859 new tarpaulins were issued as replacements. Cbanes. Six new cranes were placed in service during the year, 4 of these being imported from England, while the remaining 2 were constructed in the workshops. TRANSPORTATION BRANCH. The train-mileage for the year (exclusive of shunting and departmental mileage) was 13,366,798, as compared with 13,072,615 for the previous year, an increase of 294,183 train-miles,. The passengermiles run were 5,902,332, compared with 5,551,026, an increase of 351,306. The goods and mixed train-miles were 7,464,466, compared with 7,521,589 for the previous year, a decrease of 57,123. The particulars of revenue train-mileage run in the various sections are as under

Train Seevices. The following table shows the average late arrival of express, mixed and suburban trains for the year : —

Average Late Arrival of Trains, Year ended 31st March, 1940.

These figures include delays arising from all causes, including slips, floods, washouts, engine and other mechanical failures, and traffic delays at stations. Slips, floods, washouts, and other line interruptions were very severe during the year and reflected upon the normal timekeeping of the train services, particulars of these interruptions being as under On 15th May, 1939, a slip occurred near Greymouth on the Runanga line as a goods train was passing, derailing eight empty wagons and blocking the line for several hours., A slip between Paekakariki and Pukerua Bay on 23rd June blocked the line for approximately three hours, buses being used to convey passengers between Paekakariki and Paremata. On 7th July as the result of a heavy southerly storm, only one line could be used on the doubleline section between Ngahauranga and Petone, this causing heavy delays to trains from early morning until mid-afternoon. On 17th July the Napier-Wellington express ran into a slip in the Manawatu Gorge, the engine being partially buried. During the last week in July a heavy snowstorm occurred in the South Island. On the 24th July heavy delays occurred owing to both ends of the Otira Tunnel being snowed in. The following day snow in Dunedin and Invercargill districts disorganized traffic, and no trains could be run on 26th or 27th. The Kingston line remained blocked for several days. Washouts also rendered the Little River


Section. 1939-40. 1938-39. Variation. Kaihu .. .. •• 12,720 13,488 - 768' Gisborne .. .. •• •• 51,469 59,624 — 8,155 N.I.M.L. and Branches .. •• •• 8,707,798 8,361,257 +346,541 S.I.M.L. and Branches .. •• •• 4,445,163 4,486,925 41,762 Westport .. .. .. •• 68,134 69,883 1,749 Nelson .. .. .. •• 38,373 39,218 - 845 Picton .. .. •• •• 43,141 42,220 + 921 Totals .. .. ■■ ■■ 13,366,798 13,072,615 +294,183

Period ended Average for Year ended ■ Year, in April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. March. Minutes. Express and Mail Trains. 1940 I 3-77 I 5-20 I 3-84 I 4-62 | 9-41 I 9-46 I 3-35 ! 2-80 I 3-12 I 6-29 I 5-42 112-43 112-27 I 6-31 1939 113• 38 111-05 I 7-01 | (5-03 I 6-14 | 7-08 I 4-58 I 4-35 | 3-00 I 7-99 | 7-38 I 5-79 [ 4-83 I 6-81 Long-distance Mixed Trains. 1940 .. ..I 8-01 I 7-60 I 4-87 I 4-53 I 5-86 I 5-80 I 4-29 I 4-90 I 4-62 I 5-98 I 5-46 110-81 112-91 I 6-59 1939 . ] .. 110• 94 | 9-55 I 8-55 | 5-42 | 6-38 [ 5-86 | 4-00 I 5-24 | 4-94 I 6-12 I 6-38 | 8-26 | 8-62 | 6-94 Suburban Trains. 1940 I 0-63 I 0-45 I 0-61 I 0-59 I 0-63 I 0-45 I 0-31 | 0-38 I 0-35 I 0.-69 1 0-65 I 0-94 I 0-90 I. 0-58 1939 " | 1-24 I 1-09 | 1-14 | 2-04 I 0-93 | 0-82 | 0-41 | 0-42 | 0-35 | 0-52 | 0-71 I 0-62 | 0-74 I 0-85


line unfit for use on 26th and 27th July. Normal services were resumed between Christchurcsh and Dunedin on 28th, and between Dunedin and Invercargill on the day following. On the afternoon of 31st July and the morning of Ist August further falls of snow took place, and all traffic between Arthur's Pass and Otira was suspended owing to deep snow on the line in that area. Heavy local rain on 11th August caused flooding over the line north of Te Horo for a considerable distance, causing disorganization of train services. On 14th and 15th August snow blocked the line between Rock and Pillar and Hyde, all trains in this area being cancelled. Storms on 17th August caused washouts and slips in the Ohingaiti -Mangaweka-Utiku area, roads also being blocked. These slips and a washout at Rata seriously delayed main-line express and other trains. A slip in the Manawatu Gorge necessitated transhipping by road between Ashhurst and Whakarongo. The same day snow interfered with services between Christchurch and Arthur's Pass, and the uprooting of power-poles caused a failure of the automatic signalling system in this area, with resultant delays to trains. On 18th August a slip between Mataroa and Ngaurukehu, and another at Turakina, caused heavy delays to trains. On the same day flooding over the line between Shannon and Koputaroa necessitated transhipment of passengers by road until the morning of 20th idem. Goods-trains conveying perishable traffic, also the Napier-Wellington expresses, were worked via the Wairarapa line during this period. On 21st August a track subsidence, due to the blockage of a culvert, occurred between Te Kuiti and Puketutu, rendering the line unfit for traffic for approximately twenty-four hours. On 4th September a boulder 14 ft. in diameter fell on to the line between Kakahi and Owhango, delaying trains whilst the line was rebuilt round the obstruction. Owing to heavy flooding, train services on the Kingston Branch were suspended from 12th to 14th September. A slip between Mangatainoka and Pahiatua early on the morning of 14th September blocked the line for twelve hours. From 25th to 27th. September all services on the Outram-Mosgiel line were cancelled due to heavy floods. On 23rd November a washout between Aratika and Kaimata caused the engine of a west-bound goods-train to derail and fall into the river, resulting in the engine-driver being killed and the fireman injured. A passenger-car next the engine was also derailed, but the passengers escaped injury. The line was reopened for traffic next day. On 30th November train services were seriously interrupted on the Westport, Nelson, and Picton Sections due to floods, the services on the Picton Section not resuming till 4th December. On 11th December river erosion washed out a power-pole near lielmont and disorganized the Wellington - Hutt Valley services, whilst washouts and slips between Kaitoke and Summit on the Wairarapa line caused a cessation of services until midday on 13th December. Further river erosion north of Melling on 12th December delayed trains and necessitated the realignment of the line at this point. As a result of this erosion groynes had to be built, and speedrestrictions in the locality were in force for over four months. This being a single-track sector, delays were occasioned to opposing trains, particularly at peak hours, due to extra time being required to run through the section. On 27th December the electric services on the Johnsonville line were suspended for over an hour due to a slip near Ngaio. On the same day a fall of rock between Ferniehurst and Parnassus blocked the line for several hours. On Ist and 13th January, 1940, slips blocked the line between Dunollie and Rewanui. Floods and washouts on the Nelson Section rendered portion of the line north of Glenhope unfit for use from 25th January to Ist February. On 26th January torrential rain in the Wellington district caused flooding and slips and disorganized morning services on the Hutt and Manawatu lines. Heavy rain on 29th January caused a large number of slips blocking the line between Tahora and Mangaparo resulting in no trains passing over this section for approximately thirty-six hours. On 22nd February a large slip occurred in the Manawatu Gorge, derailing the engine and nine wagons of a passing goods-train ; this slip increased in size next day, and the line was completely blocked for a week. Traffic to and from Hawke's Bay was accordingly worked via the Wairarapa line over the Rimutaka incline, resulting in considerable delays to trains. For approximately two months subsequently trains were allowed through the Gorge in daylight only. On 24th February very heavy rain over the middle portion of the North Island caused many slips, floods, and washouts. The Stratford-Okahukura line was so seriously blocked that two months elapsed before it was possible to resume through services, and then only one through goods-train each way daily was permitted. Normal train services are not likely to resume for some little time to come. The closing of this route necessitated the diversion of the Auckland-Taranaki traffic to via Marton, with resultant very heavy congestion in the Main Trunk area and delays in goods transit and in wagon turnover. On the Main Trunk the line was blocked in several places between Te Kuiti and Ohakune Junction, and traffic was unable to proceed until the 26th. Fourteen through express trains were seriously delayed ; the most serious blockage was due to a track subsidence between Piriaka and Kakahi, and passengers had to be transhipped by road vehicles between Taumarunui and Kakahi. It is anticipated that for some months trains will be able to negotiate this portion of the track only at reduced speed. Torrential rain in the South Island West Coast area on 26th February (and the following week) caused numerous slips between Otira and Stillwater and a serious washout between Aickens and Jackson. All traffic was suspended in this area for three days, except that some transhipping was possible on the 27th. On the 2nd March the line was reopened from Greymouth to Jackson, but the

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line between Jackson and Otira remained closed until the 6th March. On the 29th February the Blackball Bridge was found seriously out of alignment as a result of floods, and train services were suspended on the Blackball line till 4th March. A large slip at the Reefton tunnel and serious washouts at Ahaura and near Matai caused a cessation of services between Ngahere and Reefton on the 29tli February and Ist March. The following is a resume of the more important alterations to the train services : —- On 16th April, 1939, a rail-car service with new standard type twin-engined cars was inaugurated between Wellington and New Plymouth with three trips each way per week. These services have functioned satisfactorily, and the speed and comfort of the new units, together with the general excellence of their appointments, have been the subject of very favourable comment. On 3rd July regular services were commenced on the Napier-Wairoa-Waikokopu line, standardtype rail cars being utilized for passenger traffic between Napier and Wairoa. Coincident with the above, a week-end rail-car service was instituted between Wairoa and Wellington. In September adjustments were made to the schedule of the New Plymouth-Wellington express, resulting in improved timekeeping. As from sth November a considerably augmented time-table for passenger services in the Wellington district was brought into operation to cater for traffic in connection with the Centennial Exhibition. Additional late night trains from Wellington were provided on all suburban lines, also a Saturday morning train from Levin to Wellington and a Saturday night train from Wellington to Palmerston North. Goods-train services in the Wellington and Hawke's Bay areas were reorganized as from sth November in order to make provision for the heavy seasonal traffic. The line between Parnassus and Hundalee, on the South Island Main Trunk line, was opened for goods traffic on 27th November, 1939, and a fortnight later for passenger traffic. Passenger-trains now run between Christchurch and Hundalee linking at the latter station with departmental road motor services to and from Blenheim. General. The goods and live-stock traffic for the year was 7,673,950 tons, as compared with 7,539.012 tons for the previous year, an increase of 134,938 tons. Some 1,365 new general-utility wagons were placed in service during the year, thus assisting materially in meeting the difficulties from time to time experienced in the matter of wagon-supply during the peak season of the year. Unfortunately, in late February the disruption of services following the closing of both the Stratford-Okahukura line and the Manawatu Gorge route as a result of slips and washouts caused by flooding, with subsequent restriction in the latter area to daylight operation of services, caused serious congestion on the Main Trunk line, these conditions being aggravated by the necessity of diverting Auckland-Taranaki traffic to the longer route via Marton. As a natural corollary to these developments delays occurred in transit to both loaded and empty wagons which militated against the Department securing the best possible turnover of the available rolling-stock, this in turn resulting in wagons being in short demand in certain areas at the height of the autumn peak traffic. The cessation of the overseas chilled-beef traffic following the outbreak of war, together with the introduction of the system of " telescoping " mutton carcasses intended for export, thereby increasing the carrying-capacity of the special type of railway wagons used in connection with the meat-export trade, has been of considerable assistance to the Department in meeting the abnormal demands made upon it in the matter of the supply of special meat-wagons of the type referred to. Especially has this been the case during the unprecedently heavy loading periods occasioned by the concentration of shipping loading for overseas ports as a result of the convoy system. Additional new live-stock wagons to the number of 238 were placed in service during the year. In pursuance of the policy of improving the standard of passenger accommodation, fifty-five new carriages of the most modern type (including fifteen with pressure-ventilation) were placed in service, being allocated to the North and South Island Main Trunk express services. The reallocation of the cars thus superseded enabled a progressive improvement to be made in the matter of passenger accommodation on various services in other parts of the system. The adoption in the Wellington district last year of one-class travel on suburban services having proved successful, the system was extended on Ist November to the Auckland suburban trains. As in Wellington, greater flexibility in car movement was achieved. During the year considerable attention has been given to the matter of improving the seating, lighting, and heating of the carriage stock. The use of shunting tractors at principal country stations has been continued and extended, resulting in considerable time-saving in respect of the working of goods and mixed trains. During the year further sections of the Papakura -Horotiu duplication scheme were brought into operation, double-track operation of trains between Ohirtewai and Huntly and between Papakura and Paerata being commenced in December, 1939. The main line between Plimmerton and Paekakariki (except for a short section of track through difficult country and in which five tunnels are located) has been duplicated, double-line working between the points named having been brought into operation as from the 25th February, 1940. Coincident with the opening of the double-line section, centralized traffic control was introduced in this area, the main-line points and signals at the stations and junctions between Plimmerton and Paekakariki being controlled from Wellington. Considerable improvement in the timekeeping of trains has resulted from these improvements. A deviation of the line with grade easement has been carried out between Maewa and Halcombe, enabling heavier loads to be taken over this section.



Oil 3rd December, 1939, tablet-working between Te Kuiti and Puketutu was replaced by automatic signalling, and a new intermediate crossing-station opened at Waiteti. This station is unattended, the points and signals being operated from Te Kuiti under the centralized traffic control system. The division of the long Te Kuiti - Puketutu section by the new crossing-station at Waiteti has greatly facilitated the movement of trains. On "14th December the installation of automatic light signals on the Stratford-Okahukura line was completed, the final section, between Whangamomona and Okahukura, having been brought into use on that date. On 2nd March a new siding named " Afforestation Siding " was opened between Putaruru and Bartholomew Timber Co. Siding to deal with timber from the Government reserve in that area. ! Due to the use of heavier engines drawing longer trains and to the general increase in business, it has been necessary to provide more siding accommodation at many stations. Crossing-loops have also been lengthened at some stations and motor points provided to expedite the crossing of trains. War conditions have made it necessary to provide a considerable number of special passengertrains in connection with the assembly and embarkation of troops, also for the conveyance of men on leave. PUBLICITY BRANCH. Centennial year has been one of greater activity in the Publicity Branch on account of the many special excursions arranged, particularly in relation to the New Zealand Centennial Exhibition and Celebrations. The Branch co-operated with Centennial House and with the Exhibition Company in the preparation of suitable publicity matter, in newspaper advertising, in show-window displays, and in the distribution and exhibition of posters and transfers at stations and booking-offices. The Branch was also actively associated with other Branches of the Service in the planning and arrangement of the Department's exhibit at the Centennial Exhibition. As in past years the public have been kept well informed regarding the travel and other facilities made available by the Department, and all features of service and improvements to same introduced during the year have been given adequate publicity. As a result of co-operation received from the newspapers and principal periodicals in keeping the railway position fairly stated regarding transport matters, there has been very little criticism of railway operations, either through the press or in correspondence. Any query in regard to the work of the Department is given a full reply, and should it appear that the inquiry arose from a genuine desire for information upon some point of interest, special steps have been taken, by advertisement and otherwise, to make the facts more generally known. The policy of using only sound and proven media for its advertising activities has been carefully maintained by the Department, and various checks have been applied to ensure the efficiency of any publicity placed. There has been throughout the year constant co-operation with other branches of the Service in the preparation and distribution of advertising for their respective purposes. Good use continues to be made of the advertising facilities of the broadcasting services. The Department co-operated with the National Commercial Broadcasting Service in placing the mobile railway broadcasting unit, Station SZB, in the Exhibition grounds and using it throughout the period of the Exhibition. A new publicity film of the New Zealand Railways was prepared and released for general distribution ; an improved map was prepared for inclusion with the Railways Pocket Guide ; and several new railway publications were prepared and issued, including a second edition of " The Case for the Railways," a newly-designed time-table display card for hotels, and souvenir post-cards and leaflets for distribution at the Exhibition. Further developments took place in combined advertising campaigns with travel and tourist interests, including the Group Travel Association, the Government Tourist Department, and the Mount Cook Co. Much work has been done in preparing special articles for release through the press and in supplying information for schools and other organizations interested in matters relating to the railways and transport generally. The principle of supplying useful information, helpful both to the public and the railways, has been closely followed, and in this respect the Railways Magazine has been used by the press, from time to time, as a source of information suitable for reprinting. The Photographic and Plan Printing Section had its most successful year of operation, showing a good net profit and giving satisfaction to the large numbers of Departments which find occasion to use its modern facilities for photostat, dylinator, and blue-printing work. The Photographic Division has also been used extensively for departmental publicity display purposes as well as for recording important technical developments within the Department. The war conditions, which have greatly reduced the opportunities of New-Zealanders for touring in other countries, are widening the scope of the Publicity Branch in promoting travel by individuals or groups within the Dominion. For this purpose the Branch will be increasingly active as a single unit in some cases and as a co-operator with other organizations which are interested in the development of tourist traffic. The success of this kind of co-operation in the past justifies an expectation that it will be extended to the advantage of the whole community as well as to the Department. Various factors to-day are strengthening the " Back to the Rail " movement, and are inducing an increasing number of people to appreciate the services of the railways. The activities of the Publicity Branch will be of great assistance in holding the ground that has been gained and in making further gains in this connection. COMMERCIAL BRANCH. In the report submitted last year reference was made to pending important alterations to the railway scales of charges, the revision of which was at that time nearing completion. The new scales were brought into operation on Ist July, 1939, with a minimum of disturbance to the interests mainly affected.



In the passenger section the new measure providing for the issue of bulk travel vouchers has already established itself in public favour in. the comparatively short time that has elapsed since the revised scales of charges were issued. The vouchers represent the application of an entirely new principle to passenger travel in New Zealand in that they contemplate the sale of travel by rail and departmental road services on a bulk basis according to the individual requirements of purchasers. In the goods section of the new scales, which was mainly affected by the revision, the measures taken to achieve a more equitable distribution of the incidence of the freight rates, as they had developed during a period of intense road competition, have been well received by all sections of the community. The lowering of the rate standard resulting from the elimination of the two highest-rate classes, synchronizing as it did with a period of marked industrial development, has been particularly beneficial to manufacturers by facilitating usage of the railways for the wide-range distribution of their products. Already there is abundant evidence that the modified merchandise freight rates have been instrumental in attracting to rail important lines of traffic, particularly of a long-distance character which did not have the capacity to bear the higher freight rates previously ruling. Calculated on the basis of the established tonnage handled at the time the decision to adopt the lower freight standard was taken, the estimated revenue loss incidental to the adjustment amounted to a substantial sum. It is therefore satisfactory that the present trend in the direction of increased rail usage should indicate that the position will shortly be reached where the revenue return from the greater volume of goods carried will exceed the previous level by a considerable margin. The complications which in normal circumstances could be expected to arise during the process of transition from an established method of charging to one incorporating fundamental alterations have been greatly minimized by the measures of simplification which are incorporated in the revised tariff. The substitution of standard charges for the many differential local rates previously in operation and the reduction in the number of standard rate classes are the more important features which have resulted in a marked simplification of the process of calculating freight charges, while the adoption of a modified and universal small-lots scale has also met with very general approval. The services of the Department's Business Agents have been made freely available to the trading aud industrial community to assist and advise them on any matters arising from the change-over, and it is due largely to this personal contact that the interests mainly affected have so readily and smoothly adapted themselves to the new conditions. Inter-Island Traffic. The acceptance of goods and parcels for transport by rail and sea between any two points in the North and South Islands has become a well-established feature of the Department's operations, and the volume of parcels and small packages handled under this inter-Island service has shown a progressive growth since the system was established. In order to cater more efficiently for the business, provision was made during the year for sufficient hampers to be made available to accommodate all through-booked parcels for the sea portion of the journey between Lyttelton and Wellington. With the co-operation of the shipping company and the Harbour Boards concerned, the system of hampering parcels traffic has been successfully established. As a consequence the risk of loss or damage arising from the many handlings of individual packages involved under the old conditions has been reduced to negligible proportions. New Zealand Centennial Exhibition. The special facilities provided by the Department for the conveyance of passengers from all parts of New Zealand during the Exhibition period provided opportunity for all sections of the community to visit the Exhibition at a cost commensurate with their individual circumstances. Parties of school-children, in particular, received favoured treatment in the matter of cheap fares and special train services, with the result that approximately 10,000 pupils and teachers from more distant points were conveyed by train to Wellington for extended visits, in addition to many thousands making shorter one-day trips. During the month of February, when special concession fares were made available to the public, a total of 17,500 ordinary passengers, excluding school parties, was carried to Wellington. This number represents an increase of over 11,000 passengers as compared with normal bookings. The Department's Business Agents were successful in organizing a large number of parties comprising members of various organizations to visit Wellington for the purpose of viewing the Centennial Exhibition. Bulk Tonnage Rates. The term " bulk tonnage rates " has been applied to a system of charging recently introduced primarily as a measure of co-ordination of rail and road services. The elimination of competitive road services, arising from their acquisition by the Government, or their temporary suspension on account of the restriction placed on petrol-consumption, has provided opportunity on routes where the conditions are favourable for the established organizations of the operators concerned, working in association with the rail, to be retained for the purpose of providing a complete door-to-door service of transport between the points which they previously served. Under the arrangements concluded in respect of those routes where the bulk tonnage system has been introduced, the operators are required to furnish a minimum quantity of goods per week and to load wagons up to a prescribed minimum standard. The loading and unloading of goods to and from railway wagons is performed by the operators, who are also responsible for delivering the goods to the consignees in the same good, order in which they accepted them at the point of origin. The rail rate charged to the operator is based on the standard rate for general merchandise goods, less allowances to compensate him for his services in providing a door-to-door service and as a set-off against the savings effected by the Department in being relieved of all handling costs.



WAY AND WORKS BRANCH. The following are the principal features connected with the operations of the Way and Works Branch during the year : —• Permanent-way. —The relaying of track carried out was as follows :—• Main Line and Branches— M- C- L< 70 lb. rails relaid with 85 lb. new rails .. .. .. ~ .. 31 51 60 53 lb., 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. rails relaid with 70 lb. new material .. 15 12 22 55 lb. rails relaid with 55 lb. new material .. .. . . .. 0 00 23 Relaid with 53 lb., 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. second-hand material . . .. 7 40 06 Total .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 54 24 11 Sleepers and Ballast. —During the year 344,242 new sleepers were laid (including 18,234 used on the Plimmerton- Pukerua Bay duplication and 7,817 on the Palmerston North deviation). A total of 263,419 cubic yards of ballast was placed on the track during the year. Protective Works- -Extensive repairs and additions to the protective works on Oamaru foreshore have been carried out during the year, and 31,310 cubic yards of stone from Sawyers Bay and Enfield Quarries were used in this work. Fifty concrete blocks, which were held for use in emergency, were also placed in position to repair the damage caused by heavy seas experienced between 17th and 20th June, 1939. River-protection work at Melling, necessitated by erosion of the Hutt River, was completed. Fences, Gates, and Cattle-stops- -General repairs have been effected as required. Boundary fences have been erected and renewals carried out. A number of casual workers were employed during the year on fencing work. Level Crossings, &c. —During the year 18 main-highway level crossings were eliminated. Existing level crossings have received attention and a number have been tar-sealed during the year. Bridges.- -A considerable number of bridges have been renewed or strengthened during the year. The work of renewing the Waipawa, South Rangitata, and Rakaia bridges has been completed. Construction work is proceeding on the Rangitikei, Wairau, and Waiau bridges. Water Services and Appliances.—All water services and appliances were maintained in good order. 1 Vharvss.—All wharves have been maintained in an efficient manner. Platforms and Cattle-yards.—Platforms and cattle-yards have been maintained in good order. Alterations to several cattle-yards have been carried out. Several pig-pens and stock-yards have been concreted. Buildings.-—All buildings have been maintained in good condition. Alterations and additions to numerous buildings have been effected during the year. The programme of painting of buildings has been fully maintained in the year under review. Sewerage facilities have been installed at several stations. A hut and nine other departmental buildings were damaged by fire during the year. Dwellings. -Repairs and painting of dwellings have been carried out as deemed necessary. Bathrooms and porches have been provided at several dwellings. During the year, 167 dwellings were equipped with hot-water installations. A total number of 80 houses were constructed during the year. Of these, 50 were erected in the North Island and 30 in the South Island. One dwelling was totally destroyed by fire during the year. New Works.—Duplication of the line between Papakura and Horotiu has progressed during the year, and further portions of double line between Huntly and Ohinewai and between Papakura and Paerata, a total mileage of 13 miles 55 chains, were brought into use during the year. Operations in connection with the St. Leonards-Sawyers Bay duplication scheme have proceeded steadily during the year. The heading through the tunnel was pierced on 15th March, 1940, and the opening-up of the full section of the tunnel put in hand. The south and north portals and 64 ft. of concrete lining in the tunnel have been completed. The duplication of the track from Plimmerton to Paekakariki (with the exception of approximately If miles, where five tunnels are situated) was completed and brought into operation on Sundav 25th February, 1940. The Plimmerton-Paekakariki duplication scheme makes provision for the rearrangement of the Plimmerton, Pukerua Bay, and Paekakariki station yards and for the erection of modern station buildings at Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay in order to make available up-to-date facilities for coping with an anticipated increase in passenger traffic consequent on the development of the localities named following the inauguration of electric traction between Wellington and Paekakariki. During the year the new station at Plimmerton was completed and the old station dismantled. At Pukerua Bay the platform fronts were completed, and the erection of the new station is in progress. Satisfactory progress continues to be made with the Tawa Flat-Porirua and Levin-Koputuroa deviations. Work in connection with the Palmerston North deviation is being steadily pushed on by the Public Works Department. During the year 2 miles 77 chains 89 links of track were laid at the south end of the deviation, but further platelaying has been suspended on account of the shortage of materials. The restoration work undertaken in connection with the damage to the track caused by slips and floods between Napier and Putorino was sufficiently advanced to permit of the reopening of this portion of the line, but further work is still required. A further section of the Napier-Gisborne railway between Putorino and Waikokopu (44 miles 18 chains) was taken over from the Public Works Department and opened for traffic on Ist July, 1939. The portion of the South Island Main Trunk Railway between Parnassus and Hundalee (11 miles 68 chains) was taken over from the Public Works Department and opened for traffic on 27th November, 1939".



During the year the ground and first and second floors of the left wing of the Wellington new station were extended, the work being undertaken by the Fletcher Construction Co., Ltd., under contract. A rearrangement of the accommodation allocated to the Traffic (Coaching) and Refreshment Branches has been made following the completion of the new wing. Further progress has been made with the preliminary works associated with the scheme for the provision of a new station and yard at Christchurch, and in that connection the following new works were brought to completion during the year:— New Signal Branch depot buildings and sidings. New car and wagon shed. New car yard connected to Waltham yard. Falsgrave Street subway (opened for traffic on 22nd December, 1939). Boiler-house, linen-store, yard staff quarters. Bicycle-stands, car-washing stands. The contract for the erection of a building for the new omnibus station and social hall at Dunedin was satisfactorily completed during the year, and these buildings are now in occupation. Unemployed Relief. —During the year an average of 1,017 casual workers have been employed on earthworks for grade easements, deviations, improvements to track, cutting noxious weeds, repairing fences, &c. Mileage of Track.- The total mileage of track open for traffic on 31st March, 1940, was 3,389 miles 74 chains. SIGNAL AND ELECTRICAL BRANCH. The main activities of the Signal and Electrical Branch during the year were as follows : —■ Papalcura-Horotiu Duplication.—Automatic signalling on the duplicated sections of line between Papakura and Paerata (8 miles 45 chains) and between Ohinewai and Huntly (5 miles 10 chains) were brought into use during the year, superseding the existing single-line automatic signalling. Coincident with the above, power-interlocking apparatus was brought into use at Ohinewai. Te Kuiti - PuJcetutu. —Centralized traffic control has been installed and brought into use between Te Kuiti and Puketutu (8 miles 2 chains). The new apparatus permits of the signals and points at the crossing-loop at Waiteti and the departure signals at Puketutu being controlled from Te Kuiti signal box. Stratford-Okahukura- The remaining section of the Stratford-Okahukura single-line automatic signalling between Whangamomona and Okahukura (51 miles 52 chains) has been brought into use. Wellington-Porirua-Paekakariki Centralized Traffic Control.—Automatic signalling (7 miles 11 chains double line and 1 mile 63 chains single line) between Plimmerton and Paekakariki and operated by Centralized Traffic Control from Wellington was brought into use. The now installation includes electric interlocking at Plimmerton. Napier-Gisborne Automatic Signalling.- The overseas material to be used in connection with the above has arrived, and the pole-line work has been completed between Napier and Wairoa, and mechanical work has been commenced at Putorino. Rolleston-Dunsandel Automatic Signalling.—An order has been placed for the necessary materials required for this installation. Lower Hutt.-■ The installation of power-interlocking apparatus to allow of a rearrangement of the station yard at Lower Hutt to accommodate the new western highway is in hand. Frame-levers. —Frame-levers and facing-points locks have been installed at fourteen stations. General. —Works of lesser importance carried out during the year include alterations and additions to existing signalling and interlocking apparatus at many stations, the provision of motor points at fourteen stations, and the installation of track circuiting at Paekakariki, Greymouth, Blackball, and Invercargill. The transfer of the Signal and Electric Lines Inspector's depot from Christchurch to Addington was completed during the year. A Signal and Electric Lines Inspector's depot was provided at Napier. Switch-locked points interlocked with the automatic signalling were provided at Panmure, Drury, Niho Niho, Toi Toi, and Pukerua Bay. Switch-locked points were dispensed with at Opaheke and power interlocking at Panmure was removed. The following additional automatic crossing-loops were installed during the year : Tuhua, Matiere, Ohura, Mangaparo, Tokirima, Heao, Tangarakau, Tahora, and Kohuratahi. Tablet locks (interlocking points with the tablet system) have been installed at Mangatera and also at several service sidings in both Islands. Tablet-locked points were removed from Piripiri, and Mangatera was closed as a fixed signal station. With the installation of automatic signalling between Whangamomona and Okahukura the fixed signals at Ohura, Tangarakau, and Whangamomona have been superseded. Fixed signals have been provided at Gowers Cutting, Piripiri, Te Apiti, Omakau, and Wairio. The total number of signalling installations is as follows : — m. ch. Number. Miles of single-line automatic signalling . . .. . . 273 30 Miles of double-line automatic signalling . . . . 120 12 Automatic crossing-loops .. .. . . . . . . . . 44 Automatic switch-locked sidings . . . . . . . . . . 46 Power interlockings .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 Mechanical interlockings .. .. .. .. .. . . 108 Interlocked tramway crossings . . ". . . . . . . . 7 Fixed signals and. Woods' locked stations .. .. .. .. 288 Tablet-locked sidings .. .. .. .. .. .. . 282 Tablet-working.—Gowers Cutting, Piripiri, and Te Apiti were opened as switch-out tablet stations. Pukerua Bay was closed as a tablet station, and Mangatera and The Gorge were closed as switch-out tablet stations.



Makotuku and Kopua were converted from ordinary to switch-out tablet stations. The tablet on the Te Kuiti - Puketutu and Paekakariki-Plimmerton sections were superseded by automatic signalling. The present position with regard to tablet working is as follows :— Total mileage equipped with tablet instruments .. 1,577 Number of tablet instruments in use .. .. . . ~ 893 Number of tablet stations .. .. .. . . 359 Number of tablet exchangers .. .. .. .. 317 Telegraph and Telephone Facilities.—During the year 603 miles of copper wire were erected in new circuits. Preparatory work for the South Island main trunk communications has continued, and the poleline and iron wire renewed with copper between Parnassus and Waipara, and a new circuit provided. Between Christchurch and Dunedin a second circuit is being provided and will be completed within three months of delivery of materials on order. Technical improvements were made to the Christchurch-Greymouth lines, and a switchboard from Dunedin installed at Greymouth. In the North Island the long-distance telephone channels were increased and improved by the installation of a three-channel carrier system between Wanganui and Ohakune, a single-channel system from Ohakune to Frankton Junction, and the transfer of a single-channel system from this area to Wanganui - New Plymouth. The communication system between Wellington and Palmerston North was improved by the full loading of the Wellington-Paekakariki telephone cable. The Napier train-control circuits were brought into operation as far as Waikokopu 011 the Gisborne line and Palmerston North to the south. A commencement has been made to improve the condition of the telephone-lines south of Auckland, and work in this connection has been commenced in conjunction with the Public Works Department between Penrose and Henderson. An eighty-line automatic-telephone exchange with a two-position switchboard and two-cord-circuit repeaters was installed at Frankton Junction. This board connects with the Post and Telegraph service and provides a combined Railway and Post and Telegraph service and efficient long-distance communications. The board released was overhauled and installed at Ohakune to replace an obsolete board. The statistics of communication facilities are as follows : Morse instruments .. .. .. . . .. . . 148 Telephones . . . . .. . . , . .. 3 539 Miles of wire .. .. . . . . , , 19 195 Miles of poles .. .. .. .. . . _ , 3 178 Railway exchanges, automatic .. .. .. .. 10 Railway exchanges, manual .. . . . , .. .. 12 Public-exchange connections . . . . . . .. ggj Level-crossing Alarms. —Flashing light signals have been installed as follows : Mair, Kamo "Road • Wairoa, Frasertown Road ; Port Ahuriri, Taradale Road; Gisborne Line, Taradale Road. Crossing-alarm bells have been installed at Tawhiti Road, Hawera. The wig-wag crossing signal at Feilding Road, Ashhurst, has been removed following the construction of an overbridge. Flashing lights were added to the bells at three crossings at Featherston (Revan, Fitzherbert, and Bell Streets). Flashing lights replaced wig-wags at Glandovey Road, Bryndwyr. The total number of level crossings now fitted with automatic warning-devices is 123. Traction. Christchurch-Lyttelton.—The overhead catenary system between Wilson Road and Waltham Road has been shifted to suit the new alignment of permanent way. Otira.—The glass-bulb mercury arc rectifier substation equipment for the Otira electrification has come to hand, and has been stored pending the completion of the substation building at the Otira portal of the tunnel, the building of which has been delayed by wet weather. It is anticipated that the substation will be ready for use by November. During the year the renewal of the Otira Tunnel catenary system and the relocation of the positive feeder has been completed. Wellington-Johnsonville Suburban Line.- The substations and the overhead equipment of this section have continued to function satisfactorily without interruption. Wellington — Paekakariki. A number of steel structures were erected to replace cross - wire suspension in connection with the duplication works on this sector. Main Workshops. The usual maintenance of the substations attached to the main workshops has been carried out during the year, together with that of the other electrical appliances, including motor generators, motor alternators, rotary converters, and switchgear. Considerable additions and structural alterations, particularly at Hutt Valley shops, has made necessary a large amount of electrical reticulation work involving alterations and additions to existing layouts. This work is still in hand. It is proposed to change over the 11,000-volt supply to the Hutt Valley Workshops from the Public Works Department's substation at Khandallah to that Department's substation at Mellin<> and the preliminary survey of the route has been completed and arrangements made for the delivery of the necessary materials.



General. A floodlight tower, the first of three, has been erected in Christchurch for the illumination of the new sidings between Waltham and Wilsons Roads. Lifts and cranes under the control of the Department have been regularly inspected and, where required, repairs have been carried out. Additional pumping-plants, electrically equipped, have been installed at various stations to take the place of windmills and oil-engine-driven plants where these have come to the end of their useful life. A few domestic pumping-plants have also been installed for water-supply to departmental dwellings. Motor installations completed number 23. During the year electric lighting was installed in the stations and yards at Opua, Kawakawa, Otiria, Kaikohe, Okaihau, Taipuha, Paparoa, Kaiwaka, Te Hana, Rangikura, Bonnygleri, Wairoa, Poukawa, Opapa, Pukehou, Birchfield, Moana, Culverden, Henley, Kingston, Greenhills, and Kakariki. In addition, 185 houses have been equipped with electric lighting. Statistics of electrical equipment are as follows : — Number of houses electrically lighted .. .. .. •• 3,176 Number of stations electrically lighted .. .. .. •• 431 Number of substations .. . • • ■ • • • • • • 23 Total capacity of substations .. . . •• •• •• 15,890 kVA. Number of station yards flood-lighted .. .. .. •• 15 CENTENARY OF THE DOMINION. On the 6th February, 1940, New Zealand celebrated its centenary, and to mark this and other important events associated with the founding of New Zealand appropriate celebrations were held in various parts of the Dominion. The chief centre of interest in connection with the celebrations was the Centennial Exhibition which was located at Wellington for a period of six months extending from Bth November, 1939, to 4th May, 1940. The Government Railways Department was represented at the Exhibition by a display fully worthy of the historic occasion and of the notable part played by the Dominion's railways in the development of the resources of the country during the last threequarters of a century. It is pleasing to record that the Department's exhibit, throughout the whole period of the Exhibition, attracted a great deal of attention and interest, and was the subject of much favourable comment. WAR CONDITIONS. The outbreak of war has added to the ordinary activities of the Railways, and already the Department has been called upon to provide a considerable measure of transportation in connection with the movement of troops and military stores and equipment. In other directions also the Department has contributed to the Dominion's war effort, the manufacture of a large volume of materials for war purposes having been undertaken by the Workshops Branch, while the services of a considerable number of the Railway staff have been made available to the fighting services for specialized war work. As at the 31st March, 1940, some 858 employees had enlisted for overseas service with the defence forces. TRACK, PLANT, AND ROLLING-STOCK. The track, bridges, structures, signalling-appliances, rolling-stock, locomotives, and other plant are in good order and efficient for the work required of them. STAFF. The average number of persons employed in the Department throughout the year ended 31st March, 1940, was 25,710, compared with an average of 24,342 for the previous year. The average number of men engaged exclusively on works chargeable to capital was 2,932, compared with 2,419 during the previous year. The total number of staff employed at the 31st March, 1940, including those on works chargeable to capital, was 25,855. This figure does not include 424 permanent employees and 434 casual employees'who as at 31st March] 1940, were serving with the armed Forces of the Dominion. The total number of employees as at the end of the previous financial year was 25,138. Of the total staff as at 31st March, 1940, excluding those serving with the armed Forces, 15,583 were permanent and 10,272 Avere casual employees. During the year 335 members of the permanent staff resigned, 248 retired on superannuation, 60 died, and 76 were dismissed or paid off. Employees to the number of 1,099 were engaged for employment on the permanent staff. Ninetv-four members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division. A total of £58,085 was paid under the Workers' Compensation Act during the year to members of the Second Division of the Service who suffered injury in the course of their employment. I desire to record my thanks to all members of the staff for their support and co-operation in assisting the Department to meet its obligations and responsibilities in the busy and difficult year just concluded. General Manager.





5-D. 2,

Statement ... numbered Description. 1 Capital Account and General Balance-sheet. Income and Expenditure Accounts:— Whole Undertaking— 2 Net Revenue Account. 3 Railway Operation— Abstract A—Maintenance of Way and Works. Abstract B —Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances. Abstract C —Maintenance of Rolling-stock. Abstract I) —Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting of Vehicles. Abstract E —Locomotive Transportation. Abstract F—Traffic Transportation. Abstract G —General Charges. Summary of Expenditure Abstracts. 4 Lake Wakatipu Steamers. 5 Refreshment Service. 5a Bookstall Service. 6 Advertising Service. 7 Departmental Dwellings. 8 Buildings occupied by Refreshment Service, Bookstall Proprietors, &c. 9 Road Servicos. Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Society— 10 Balance-sheet. 11 Losses on Developmental Branch Lines and Isolated Sections. Cash Receipts and Payments—Working Railways Account:— 12 Reconciliation Statement. 13 Renewals, Depreciation, and Equalization Reserve Accounts:— General Reserve Account. Insurance Reserve Account. Workers' Compensation Reserve Account. Slips, Floods, and Accidents Equalization Reserve Account. Betterments Reserve Account. Renowals Reserve Account. Depreciation Reserve Account. Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, &c.:— 14 Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines. 15 Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund. 16 Season Tickets issued. 17 Operating Traffic and Revenue : — (1) Operating Traffic. (2) Operating Revenue. 18 Traffic and Revenue for each Station. 19 Classification of Goods and Live-stock Traffic and Earnings by Commodities. 20 Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Operating Revenue, and Operating Expenditure. 21 Number of Employees. 22 Aeoidents. 23 Carriago and Wagon Stock and Tarpaulins. 24 Locomotive Stock. 25 Locomotive-running Costs.


STATEMENT No. 1. Capital Account as at 31st March, 1940.


Total to 31st March, Year ended Total to 31st March, Total to 31st March, Year ended Total to 31st March, 1939. 31st March, 1940. 1940. 1939. Slst March, 1940. 1940. Expenditure. £ s. cl. £ s. d. £ s. d. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Permanent-way —Works, buildings, ma- 52,467,785 9 8 2,921,965 16 4 55,389,751 6 0 ; Capital included in public debt .. 59,838,110 4 8 4,584,090 11 3 64,422,200 15 11 chinery, plant, and dwellings Other capital .. .. .. 9,033,902 6 6 .. 9 033 902 6 6 Rolling-stock, lake steamers, and road 13,776,877 15 4 1,451,862 10 8 15,228,740 6 0 ' motors 68,872,012 11 2 4,584,090 11 3 73,456,103 2 5 .Lines closed for traffic .. .. 362,662 9 4 .. 362,662 9 4 Deduct accrued depreciation and 10,400,000 0 0: .. 10,400,000 0 0 other losses of capital written off 66,607,325 14 4 4,373,828 7 0 70,981,154 1 4 in accordance -with subsection (2) Dsduct accrued depreciation on exist- ; 8,604,200 12 6 456,009 18 11 9,060,210 11 5 section 23, of the Government I ing assets Railways Amendment Act, 1931 58,003,125 1 10 3,917,818 8 1 61,920,943 9 11 Add unexpended balances: Deprecia- 673,482 13 3 464,762 3 10 1,138,244 17 1 58,472,012 11 2 4,584,090 11 3 63,056,103 2 5 tion Fund Outstanding liabilities .. .. 204,595 3 11 Dr.201, 509 19 4 ' 3'085 4 7 '£58,676,607 15 1 £4,382,580 11 11 £63,059,188 7 0 £58,676,607 15 1 i £4,382,580 11 11 £63,059,188 7 0 I I I •Note.— Unopened lines are under the control of the Public Works Department, and all expenditure out of the Public Works Fund in connection therewith is included in the accounts of that Department.


STATEMENT No. I—continued. General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1940. Liabilities. a Sundry creditors- £ e. d. £ a . d. £ „,, „ , uZt d. 0 ™? (i " cludi "f Sawmills, bush areas, and stocks unpaid, wages) and credit of timber .. 109 21 ■! 18 8 balances 743,138 9 8 Stores and materials on hand- 199,213 18 8 Government Departments .. 23,461 6 2 Stores Branch .. ..1,975,853 15 8 Collections for refund to- 766,599 15 10 Subsidiary Services .. ' 22,'640 13 0 Harbour Boards, shipping Sundry assets— 1,998,494 8 8 carriers" 16S ' 900091/, n Advertising Branch .. 14,539 18 11 /, , J-. V , " 29,902 15 9 Refreshment Branch .. 38 537 8 4 Government Departments .. 280 12 1 _ Housing improvements .. 9 ,152 1 7 Items to be written off on 3 °' 183 7'° Sundry debtors— " 02,229 810 lu?hnwL Pa Government Departments .. 98,359 4 4 authority .. .. .. 5,720 17 7 Advances: Housing scheme General Reserve .. 1,144,552 17 8 under Government RailDepreciation Reserve Account 1,138,244 17 1 ways Amendment Act Renewals Reserve Account .. 582,707 16 11 1927, section 15 (5), RaiL Insurance Reserve Accounts- ways employees .. 142 0 1 itt i , •* •• 102,563 2 4 Work in progress, sundry Equalization Account .. 10,693 16 _ Employment Promotion Fund: ' 321 ' 249 13 2 ™ i 1 •»-* 3,029,955 5 1 Subsidized works .. 480 909 11 in Employment Promotion Fund: Subsidy on Outstanding at stations- " " 4-89,232 11 10 woi 8• • •• .. .. 489,232 11 10 Cash in hand .. .. 30 238 4 0 Betterments Reserve Account: Refreshment Freights, &c„ owing by Goi V 'n' C an j" " 3,663 17 6 vernment Departments .. 89 765 6 5 Sick Benefit Fund 43,156 9 1 Freights, &c, owing by sundry debtors .. .. 190,273 11 5 o. ,T, a n , 310,277 110 Sick Benefit Fund investments .. .. 43,898 10 8 Cash in Working Railways Account .. .. 11 1 £4 ' :i68 _' 512 4 9 £4,368,512 4 9 W. Bishop, A.R.A.N.Z., Chief Accountant. •4-1 1 ereb y ® ertl { y t l hat tJ l e Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly set out the position as disclosed thereby subject to the above departmental note, and to the exception that the cost of exchange in respect of interest payments made in London during the year for the purposes of this account has not been charged to the account but has been borne by the Consolidated Fund.—Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



STATEMENT No. 2. Income and Expenditure of the Whole Undertaking for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.

Net Revenue Account.


Year 1939-40. Year 1938-39 I Statement No.; r Gross Revenue. Expenditure. Net Revenue. Gross Revenue. Expenditure, Net Revenue. I I I U I I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Railway operation .. .. .. .. 3 8,761,637 7 7 7,943,119 18 1 818.517 9 6 8,005,0*9 7 10 7,663,632 4 9 341,427 3 1 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .. 4 7,362 0 0 11,119 19 8 Dr. 3,757 19 8 7,167 13 0 11,312 14 5 Dr. 4,145 1 5 Refreshment service.. .. .. .. 5 200,870 18 4 186,628 1 7 14,242 16 9 j 167,709 16 6 163,188 12 1 4,521 4 5 Bookstall service .. .. .. .. 5a 112,855 1 1 106,240 13 5 6,614 7 8 : 92,603 19 3 88,143 12 6 4,460 6 9 Advertising service .. .. .. .. 6 36,417 1 5 34,061 1 6 2,355 19 11 40,070 13 8 35,134 2 10 4,936 10 10 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 7 141,888 14 8 204,174 12 5 Dr. 62,285 17 9 133,945 11 2 187,193 1 1 Dr. 53,247 9 11 Buildings occupied by refreshment service, book- 8 31,434 13 0 21,196 2 2 10,238 10 10 stall proprietors, &c. 23,888 18 10 15,644 18 4 8,244 0 6 Road motor services .. .. .. 9 512,758 10 4 503,498 2 1 9,260 8 3 505,611 11 3 480,074 12 2 25.536 19 1 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. .. 393,845 10 7 .. 393,845 10 7 369,329 16 7 .. 369,329 16 7 10,199,069 17 0 9,010,038 10 11 .. 9,345,387 8 1 8,644,323 18 2 Total net revenue to Net Revenue Account.. .. .. .. 1,189,031 6 1 .. .. 701,063 9 11

Dr. 1939-40. 1938-39. Cr. 1939-40. 1938-39. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest charges .. .. .. .. 2,575,195 10 11 2,418,116 9 6 Net earnings before charging interest on capital .. 1,189,031 6 1 701,063 9 11 Reduction on account of interest charges, vide 1,386,164 4 10 1,717,052 19 7 section 14, Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) | 2,575,195 10 11 2,418,116 9 6 ! 2,575,195 10 11 2,418,116 9 6 '


STATEMENT No. 3. Income and Expenditure in respect of Railway Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


o /-» so j Per Cent, of Expenditure § 2 iqqq 40 iopr-qq Operating Revenue. Operating Revenue. 02-£ 1939—40. 1938-39. Revenue. g-g 1939-40. 1938-39. < 1939-40. 1938-39. £ £ 1939-40. 1938-39. Maintenance of way and worts .. . . A 1,468,268 4 11 1,37-5,829 2 6 16-76 17-19 Passengers, ordinary .. .. .. 17 1,844,788 19 6 1,538,881 17 0 21-06 19-22 aiiiLenanee of signals and electrical appli- B 197,949 1 8 186,546 6 10 2-26 2-33 Passenger, season tickets .. .. 17 274,545 13 2 246,764 13 9 3-13 3-08 ances Parcels, luggage, and mails .. .. 17 330,024 8 6 334,169 8 8 3-77 4-17 Mamtenance of rolling-stock .. C 1,896,366 6 6 1,832,614 13 7 21-64 22-89 Goods 17 6 109 293 6 0 3 694 935 13 9 69-72 71-15 10n ' n0atl011 ' a lighting of D 88,271 17 9 8-5,481 12 7 1-01 1-07 Labour, demurrage, &e. .. .. 17 202'985 0 5 190,307 14 8 2-32 2-38 Locomotive transportation .. .. E 1,802,990 0 10 1,727 ,374 16 10 20-58 21-58 Traffic transportation .. .. .. F 2,250,905 7 6 2,208,310 7 6 25-69 27-58 General charges .. .. .. G 78,266 15 2 82,236 1 10 0-89 1-03 £ s. d. Superannuation subsidy 186,601 19 11 Less amount allocated to subsidiary services, &0. .. .. 26,499 16 2 .. 160,102 3 9 165,239 3 1 1-82 2-06 Total operating expenses .. .. 7,943,119 18 1 7,663,632 4 9 90-65 95-73 Net operating revenue .. .. .. 818,517 9 6 341,427 3 1 9-35 4-27 .. £8,761,637 7 7 £8,005,059 7 10 100-00 100-00 .. £8,761,637 7 7 £8,005,059 7 10 100-00 100-00



North Island South Island Kaihu. Gisborne. Main Line and Main Line and Westport. Nelson. licton. lotal. Branches. Branches. Item. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Total, of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Rail- Rail- Hail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bailway. way. way. way. way. way. way. way. Abstbact A. —Maintenance of Way and Wobks. General expenses— £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ £ £ £ Branch .. .. 5 0-2 36 0-7 6,502 4-2 3,717 2-3 120 3-3 13 0-2 55 1-0 10,448 3-1 District . ..274 11-4 346 7-1 29,869 19-3 17,407 10-9 484 13-5 239 4-0 490 8-7 49,109 14-6 Road-bed .. 1,414 58-9 2,758 56-3128,841 83-0 97,896 61-3 3,105 86-2 2,815 46-9 3,833 68-5 240,662 71-4 Track-renewals .. 1,884 78-5 4,746 96-8 329,337 212-4 275,707 172-8 5,935164-9 3,479 58-0 4,972 88-8 626,060185-7 Ballasting .. 1,358 56-6 58 1-2 45,374 29-3 10,772 6-7 1,599 44-4 69 1-2 1,759 31-4 60,989 18-1 Slips and floods .. 23 1-0 555 11-3 74,714 48-2 39,208 24-6 297 8-3 418 7-0 410 7-3 115,625 34-3 Fences, gates, cattle- 7 0-3 1,313 26-8 22,567 14-6 19,607 12-3 1,725 47-9 1,117 18-6 897 16-0 47,233 14-0 Roads, level - crossings, 15 0-6 119 2-4 4,946 3-2 3,872 2-4 73 2-0 30 0-5 84 1-5 9,139 2-7 Bridges°,"viaducts, cul- 482 20-1 2,097 42-8 77,129 49-7 62,005 38-9 1,202 33-4 1,547 25-8 1,336 23-9 145,798 43-3 Water-services, cranes, 3 0*1 178 3*6 15,536 10-0 8,140 5-1 3,287 91-3 121 2*0 229 4-1 27,494 8*2 Wharves r ' dgC S' & °' 1,452 1-0 .. .. 1,550 43-1 .. .. 86 1-5 3,088 0-9 Cattle - yards, loading- .. .. 160 3-3 11,878 7-7 6,320 4-0 13 0-4 87 1-4 214 3-8 18,672 5-5 banks, platforms, .. 79 3-3 708 14-5 65,026 42-0 44,546 27-9 1,805 50-1 438 7-3 1,349 24-1 113,951 33-8 5,544 231 ■ 0 13,074 266 • 8 813,171 524 • 6 589,197 369 • 2 21, • 8 10,373|l72 • 9 15,714 280 • 6 1,468,268 435 • 6 Per cent of operating 177-29 46-63 14-80 19-09 21-83 103-57 36-51 16-76 rovenue , ., Per cent, of operating 55-92 40-19 7-03 19-83 25-90 44-11 32-05 18-48 Per train-mile (pence) 104-60 60-96 22-41 31-81 74-66 64-88 87-42 26-36 Abstract B. —Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances. £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ ££££££ £ £ General expenses .. 6 0*3 49 1*0 8,618 5*6 4,967 3*1 170 4*7 16 0*3 71 1*3 13,897 4'1 Signals and interlocking .. .. 10 0*2 22,122 14*3 13,369 8*4 195 5*4 26 0*4 21 0-4 35,743 10*6 Automatic and power .. .. .. .. 27,118 17-5 15,606 9*7 .. .. .. .. •• •• 42,724 12*6 signalling Level-crossing signals.. .. .. .. .. 2,369 1*5 1,347 0-8 .. .. .. .. •• •• 3,716 1*1 Instruments, block- .. .. 10 0*2 14,990 9*7 8,568 5*4 181 5*0 14 0*2 6 0*1 23,769 7-1 working, tablets, &c. Overhead lines, block- 31 1-2 63 1-3 17,738 11-4 13,238 8-3 36 1-0 60 1 1 45 0-8 31,211 9-3 working, tablets, &c. „ Overhead lines, auto- .. .. .. .. 3,937 2*5 3,694 2*3 .. .. .. •• •• •• 7,631 2-3 matic signalling , _ Electric lighting used .. .. 17 0*3 8,551 5*5 5,209 3*3 151 4-2 20 0-3 34 0-6 13, 4-1 in operation Overhead electrification .. 8,670 5*6 9,517 6-0 .. .. .. •• •• •• 18,187 5*4 and bonding A Electric - power appli- .. .. .. .. 2,111 1-4 919 0*6 175 4*9 13 0-2 2 0*0 3,220 1-0 ances « , , Buildings 2,864 1-8 1,005 0-6 3,869 M 37 1-5 149 3-0119,088 76-8 77,439| 48-5 908 25-2 149] 2-5 179 3-2 197,949 58-7 Per cent, of operating 1*18 0*53 2*17 2*51 0*94 1*49 0*42 2*26 revenue Per cent, of operating 0-37 0 • 46 2-49 2*61 1*11 0 • 63 0-37 - • 49 expenditure , _ „ Per train-mile (pence) 0*70 0*69 3*28 4*18 3-20 0-93 1*00 3*55



North Island South Island Kaihu. Gisborne. Main Line and Main Line and Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total Branches. Branches. [tern. — — Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total Trainmile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. Abstract C. —Maintenance op Rolling-stock. General expenses— £ d. £ d. £ j d. I £ d. I £ d. £ d. £ d £ d Branch .. .. 9 0-2 68 0-3 12,008| 0-3| 6,937 0-4| 240 0-8 23 0-1 99 0-5 19 384 0-3 District .. 3,600[ 0-lj 3,113 0-2 6' 713 q.j Locomotives .. 243 4-6 1,706 8-0 510,981; 14-2298,335 16-0 5,754 20-3 2,319 14-6 3,260 18-1 822'598 14-8 Cars •• •• 12 0-3 346 1-6 206,960, 5-7108,678 5-9 806 2-8 307 1-9 430 2-4 317'539 5-7 Vans and postal vans 8 0-1 107 0-5 29,636 0*8j 15,518) 0-8 309 1-1 179 1 1 156 0-9 45 913 0-8 Wagons •• 236 4-4 2,534 11-8 368,813 10-1242,065 13-1 11,628 41-0 736 4-6 1 970 11-0 627*982 11-3 Service vehicle 28 0-1 8-058 0-2, 8,343 0-5 108 0-4 3 .. 249 1-4 16'789 0-3 Tarpaulins, rope, and .. .. 67 0-3 25,897 0-7 13,170 0-7 192 0-7 30 0-2 92 0-5 39'448 0-7 nets ' 508 9-6 4,856 22-61,165,953 32-lj696,159| 37-619,037 67-1 3,597 22-5 6,256 34-81,896,366 34-0 Per cent, of operating 16-25 17-32 21-22 22-55 19-61 35-92 14-54 21-64 revenue Per cent, of operating 5-12 14-93 24-42 23 -42 23-27 15-30 12-76 23-87 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 21-17 99-10 752-23 436-19 528-81 59-95 111-71 562-63 Abstract D.— Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting op Vehicles. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d Examination and lubri- 39 0-7 86 0-4 26,133 0-7 19,038 1-0 924 3-2 128 0-8 148 0-8 46 496 o'-8 cation of cars, vans, and wagons Ga.s lighting of vehicles 2 0-1 44 0-2 10,308 0-3 4,338 0-2 137 0-5 46 0-3 72 0-4 14 947 0-3 Electric lighting of 14,809 0-4 6,499 0-4 21*308 0-4 vehicles Depot expenses .. 2 0-0 5 0-0 3,424 0-1 2,089 0-1 1 0-0 5,521 0-1 43 0-8 135 0-6 54,674 1-5 31,964 1-7 1,062 3-7 174 1 1 220 1-2 88,272 1-6 Per cent,, of operating 1-38 0-48 1-00 1-04 1-09 1-74 ! 0-51 ~ Mjj revenue Per cent, of operating 0-43 0-42 1-15 1-08 1-30 0-74 0-45 Ml expenditure Per mile of railway £ 1-79 2-76 35-27 20-03 29-50 2-90 3-93 26-19 Abstract E.— Locomotive Transportation. General expenses— £ I d. £ d. £ ) d. £ d. £ d. £ i d. £ d £ d Branch •• •• 4 0-1 29 0-1 5,051! 0-1 2,915 0-2 100 0-4 10 0-1 41 0-2 8 150 o'-l District .. .. .. 6,640 0-2 4,800 0-3 .. ll'440 0-2 Depot supervision .. .. j .. 9 0-0 30,549; 0-8 19,655 1-1 272 1-0 5 0-0 68 0-4 5o'558 0-9 Wages, allowances, and 749 14-1 2,608 12-2 445,274 12-4251,429 13-5 5,706 20-0 1,970 12-4 4 292 1 23-9 712'o'>8 12-8 expenses | I ' - Fuel .. .. 921 17-4 4,54.6 21-2 589,183 16-2224,068 12-1 3,125 11-0 1,872 11-7 3,993 22-2 827 708 15-0 W ater •• •• 29 0-5 124 0-6 18,721 0-5 8,191 0-4 139 0-5 52; 0-3 105 ! 0-6 27 3611 0-5 Stores .. .. 9 0-2 149 0-7 19,009 0-5 9,792 0-5 168 0-6 63! 0-4 162 0-9 29 352' 0-5 Shed expenses .. 296 5-6 485 2-3 84,387 2-3 48,487 2-6 1,785) 6-3 199) 1-2 754 1 4-2 2-4 2,008 37-9 7,950| 37-1 1,198,814 33-0569,337 30-711,295 39-8 4,171 26-1 9,415 52-41,802,990 32-4 Per cent, of operating 64-21 28-36 21-82 18-44 11-63 41-65 21-87 20-58 revenue Per cent, of operating 20-25 24-44 25-11 19-16 13-80 17-74 19-21 22-70 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 83-67 162-24 773-43 356-73 313-75 69-52 168-12 534-85

D. —2.


North Island South Island > Kaiho. Gisborne. Main Line and i Main Line and Westport. Nelson. Plcton. Total. Branches. j Branches. | em * p er p er p er Per ! Per Per Per j Per Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Trainmile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. ; I 1 1 —f Abstract F. —Traffic Transportation. General expenses— £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. | £ d. I £ j d. £ d. £ d. Branch .. .. 21 0-4 158 0-7 27,580 0-8 15,825 0-9 521 1-8; 55 0-3, 226 1-3 44,386 0-8 District .. .. 48 0-9; 1,243 5-8 79,081 2-2 53,430 2-9 1,189 4-2 1,013 6-3! 1,438 8-0 137,442 2-5 Station expenses— Supervision and office 885 16*7 1,567 7*3 310,002 8*5235,146 12*7 3,706 13*1 1,898: 11*9 3,353 18*7 556,557 10* 1 Platform.. .. 49 0-9 96 0-4 121,272 3-3 52,753 2-8 574 2-0 45 0-3 318 1-8 175,107 3-1 Signalling I 226 1*1 140,362 3-9 68,191 3-7 1,198 4-2 2 .. j 41 0-2 210,020 3-8 Shunting and marshal- 49 0-9 402 1-9 164,499 4-5114,175 6-0 3,810 13-4 312 2-0' 876 4-9 284,123 5-1 ling yards Goods - sheds and 49 0-9 105 0-5 141,556 3-9140,043 7-6 1,375 4-8 301 1-9 1,348 7-5 284,777 5-1 goods-yards Wharves .. 26 0-5' .. .. 30,232 0-8107,902 5-810,814 38-i| .. j -.14,169 23-2 153,143 2-7 Fuel, water, station- 74 1-4; 421 2-0 21,080 0-6 13,040 0-7| 255 0-9 265 1-7 286: 1-6 35,421 0-6 ery, and other oxpenses Train expenses—• Running.. .. 431 8-2 1,125 5-2 159,104 4-4 88,220 4-8 1,811 6-4 614 3-8, 952 5-3 252,257 4-5 Cleaning and heating 25 0-5 105 0-5 57,035 1-6 28,011 1-5 242 0-9 222 1*4 334 1-9 85,974 1-5 vohioles Sleeping-cars 15,067 0-4 999 0-1 16,066 0-3 Miscellaneous .. 3 .. 45 0-2 7,240 0-2 5,560 0-3 28 0-1 35 0-2 2,721 15-0 15,632 0-3 1,660 31-3 5,493 25-61,274,110 35-1923,295 49-825,523 89-9 4,762 29*8jl6,062 89-4 2,250,905 40-4 Per oont. of oporating 53-09 19-59 23*19 29-91 26-29 47-55 37-32 25-69 revenue Per cent, of operating 16*74 16*89 26*69 31*07 31*19 20*25 32*76 28*34 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 69*17 112-10 822*01 578*51 708*97 79*37 286*82 667*72 Abstract G. —General Expenses. fi d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. HeadOffioe.. .. 22 0*4 160 0*7 27,297 0*8 15,531 0*8 515 1*8 54 0*4 217 1*2 43,795 0*8 Appeal Board .. I 0*0 10 0*1 1,635 0*0 930 0*1 31 0*1 3 0*0 13 0*1 2,623 0*1 Chief Accountant .. 14 0*3 107 0*5 18,319 0-5 10,424 0-6 345 1*2 36 0*2 146 0*8 29,392 0*5 Training School .. I 0*0 9 0*0 1,532 0*0 872 0*0 29 0*1 3 0*0 12 0*1 2,458 0*0 38 0*7 286 1*3 48,783 1*3 27,757 1*5 920 3*2 96 0*6 388 2*2 78,268 1*4 Per cent, of operating 1*22 1*02 0*89 0*90 0*95 0*96 0*90 0*89 revenue Per cent, of operating 0*38 0*88 1*02 0*93 1*12 0*41 0*79 0*99 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 1*58 5*84 31*47 17*39 25*56 1*60 6*93 23*22 £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. fid. fid. £ d. £ d. Superannuation subsidy 77 1*4 584 2*7 99,789 2*7 56,780 3*1 1,882 6*6 195 1*2 795j 4*4 160,102j 2*9 Summary of Expenditure Abstracts. North _ South Abstract and Item. Kaihu. Gisborne. Is }™eand" ! Wcst P ort - Nelson. Plcton. | Total. Branches. Branches, j ££££££££ A.—Maintenance of Way and Works .. 5,544 13,074 813,171 589,197 21*,"l95 10,373 15,714 1,468,268 B.-—Maintenance of Signals and Electrical 37 149 119,088 77,4,39 908 149 179 197,949 Appliances C.—Maintenance of Rolling-stock .. 508 4,856 1,165,953 696,159 19.037 3,597 6,256 1,896,366 D.—Examination, Lubrication, and Light- 43 135 54,674 31,964 1,062 !74 220 88,272 ing of Vehicles 13.—Locomotive Transportation .. 2,008 7,950 1,198,814 569,337 11,295 4,171 9,415 1,802,990 F -Traffic Transportation .. .. 1,660 5,493 1,274,110 923,395 25,523 4,762 16,062 2,250,905 0.-—General Expenses .. .. 38 286 48,783 27,757 920 96 388 78,268 Superannuation Subsidy .. .. 77 584 99,789 56,780 1,882 195 795 160,102 Total .. .. .. | 9,915 32,527 4,774,382 2,971,928 81,822 23,517 49,029 7,943,120 Por cent, of operating revenue .. 317-08 116-01 86-91 96-28 84-27 234-82 113-91 90-65 Per mile of railway . .. £ 413-12 663-82 3,080*25 1,882*10 2,272*83 391*95 875*52 2,35.6*30 Por train-mile .. .. pence 187-08 151-67 131*59 160*46 288*22 147*08 272*76 142*61 I


STATEMENT No. 4. Income and Expenditure in respect of Lake Wakatipu Steamers.

STATEMENT No. 5. Income and Expenditure in respect of Refreshment Service.

STATEMENT No. 5A. Income and Expenditure in respect of Book-stall Service.

G--D, 2.


Per Cent, of I Per Cent, of Revenue. Revenue EXPENDITURE. 1930-40. 1938-30. j REVENUE. | 1939-40. 1938-39. , 1939-40.j 1938-39. | | 1939-40. 1938-39 \ £ ' £ \ £ , £ Salaries and wages, shore staff .. 11,483 1,528 20-14 21-32 Ordinary passengers .. 2,115 2,621 28-73 36-58 Salaries and wages, steamer staff J 4,148 4,351 56-34 60-70 \ Season tickets .. .. 12 34 0-18 0-47 Coal and stores .. ..1,898 1,695 25-78 23-65 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 450 493 -6-10 6-87 Repairs, stoamers .. .. 692 1,068 9-40 14-90 Goods .. .. .. 4,728 3,990 64-21 55-66 Repairs, wharves, &c... .. | 618 197 8-39 2-75 Miscellaneous .. .. 57 30 0-78 0-42 Insurance, depreciation, &e. .. | 949 932 12-90 13-00 \ Motor-lorry expenses .. .. 529 712 7-19 9-93 |j 10,317 10,483 140-14 146-25 7,362 7,168 100-00 100-00 j Operating loss .. .. 2,955 3,315 40-14 46-25 10,317 10,483 140-14 146-25 10,317 10,483 140-14 14,-25 Operating loss .. .. 2,955 3,315 40-14 46-25 Payments to railway revenueInterest on capital .. .. 803 830 10-91 11-58 Net loss .. .. .. 3,758 4,145 51-05 57-83 3,758 4,145 ■ 51-05 57-83 3,758 4,145 51-05 57-83

Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE, 1039-40. 1938-39. REVENUE. 1939-40. 1938-39 1939-40. 1938-39. £ £ £ Salaries and wages .. .. 59,564 55,012 29-65 32-80 Receipts from Refreshment-rooms .. 200,871 167,710 Provisions used .. .. 90,069 76,770 44-84 45-77 Light, fuel, and water .. 4,763 3,393 2-37 2-02 Renewals and depreciation .. 6,621 4,008 3-29 2-93 Insuranco and miscellaneous .. 8,457 7,841 4-21 4-68 169,474 147,924 84-36 88-20 Oporating profit .. .. 31,397 19,786 15-64 11-80 200,871 167,710 100-00 100-00 200,871 167,710 Payments to railway revenueInterest on capital .. .. 1,638 1,465 0-83 0-87 Operating profit .. .. .. 31,397 19,786 Rent .. .. .. 11,837 10,309 5-89 6-14 Freights and fares .. .. 3,679 3,491 1-83 2-09 Net profit .. .. ..14,243 4,521 7-09 2-70 31,397 19,786 15-64 | 11-80 31,397 19,786

Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1939-40. 1938-39 * REVENUE. 1939-40. 1938-89 1939-40. 1938-39. £ £ £ £ Salaries and wages .. .. 9,924 9,543 8-79 10-30 Receipts .. .. .. .. 112,855 92,604 Stores .. .. .. 84,125 68,675 74-54 74-16 Miscellaneous.. .. .. 1,527 1,240 1-36 1-34 95,570 79,458 84-09 85-80 Operating profit .. .. 17,279 13,146 15-31 14-20 112,855 92,604 100-00 100-00 112,855 92,604 Payments to railway revenue— Rents .. .. .. 10,313 8,490 9-14 9-17 Operating profit .. .. .. 17,279 13,146 Rail freights .. .. 352 196 0-31 0-21 Net profit .. .. ,. 0,014 4,460 5-86 4-82 17,279 13,146 15-31 14-20 17,279 ! 13,146


STATEMENT No. 6. Income and Expenditure in respect of Advertising Service.

STATEMENT No. 7. Income and Expenditure in respect of Departmental Dwellings.

STATEMENT No. 8. Income and Expenditure in respect of Buildings occupied by Refreshment Service, Book-stall Proprietors, etc.


Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1939-40. 1938-39. REVENUE. 1939-40. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1938-39. . £ £ £ £ Salaries, wages, and allowances 7,979 8,243 21-91 20-57 Advertising-signs, publications, &c. .. 36,417 40,071 Stores and materials .. .. 1,396 2,293 3• 83 5-72 Insurance and depreciation .. 8,970 7,966 24-63 19-88 Office and genoral expenses .. 3,317 3,153 9-11 7-87 21,662 !21,655 59-48 | 54-04 Operating profit .. .. 14,755 \l8,416 40-52 \ 45-96 36,417 j40,071 100-00 j100-00 36,417 40.071 Payments to railway revenue— Interest on capital .. .. 680 697 1-87 1-74 Operating profit .. .. . 14,755 18,416 Rent of premises and sites .. 10,581 11,500 29-05 28-70 Commission .. .. 910 1,051 2-50 2-62 Freights .. .. .. 228 231 0-63 0-58 Net profit .. .. .. 2,356 4,937 6-47 12-32 14,755 j 18,416 40-52 45-96 14,755 18,416 I

Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1930-40. 1038-39. REVENUE. 1939-40. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1938-39. £ £ £ £ Wages and charges .. .. 63,451 58,668 44-72 43-81 Rentals .. .. .. ..141,889 133,916 Materials .. .. ..27,467 26,272 19-36 19-61 Insuranco .. .. .. 355 324 0*25 0-24 Depreciation .. .. 42,315 37,504 29-82 28-00 133,588 122,768 94-15 91-66 Operating profit .. .. 8,301 11,178 5-85 8-34 141,889 133,946 100-00 100-00 141,889 133,946 Payments to railway revenue— Operating profit .. .. .. 8,301 11,178 Interest .. .. .. 70,587 64,425 49-75 48-10 Net loss .. .. .. .. 62,286 53,247 70,587 64,425 49-75 48-10 70,587 64,425

Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1939-40. 1938-39. REVENUE. 1939-40. 1938-39, 1939-40. 1938-39. £ £ £ £ Wages and charges .. .. 5,452 4,022 17-34 16-84 Rentals .. .. .. .. 31,435 23,889 Materials .. .. .. 1,164 1,083 3*70 4-53 Insurance and depreciation .. 5,269 3,674 16-77 15-38 i 11,885 8,779 37-81 36-75 Operating profit .. .. 19,550 15,110 62-19 63-25 31,435 23,889 100-00 100-00 31,435 23,889 Payments to railway revenue — Interest .. .. .. 9,311 6,866 29-62 28-74 Operating profit .. .. .. 19,550 15,110 Net profit .. .. .. 10,239 8,244 32-57 34-51 19,550 15,110 62-19 63-25 19,550 15,110


STATEMENT No. 9. Income and Expenditure in respect of Road Services.

STATEMENT No. 10. Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Society.


Per Cent, of Per Cent, of Revenue. Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1989-40. 1938-39. : REVENUE, 1939-40. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1938-39. 1939-40.J 1938-39 £ £ & £ Superintendence — Salaries and 61,678 60,852 12-03 12-04 Passengers.. .. .. 304,925283,546 59'47 56-09 office expenses Goods, parcels, mails, &c. .. 205,976 220,295 40-17 43-56 Maintenance charges .. .. 79,839 78,918 15-57 15-61 Miscellaneous .. .. 1,857 1,771 0-36 0-35 Running-expenses .. .. 270,698 248,601 52-79 49-16 License fees .. .. .. 17,015 15,301 3-32 3-03 Insurance and depreciation .. 61,683 64,126 12-03 12-68 490,913467,798 95-74 92-52 Operating profit .. .. 21,845 37,814 4-26 7-48 512,758 505,612100-00 100-00 512,758 505,612 100-00 100-00 Payment to railway rovenuc— Interest on capital .. .. 12,585 12,277 2-45 2-43 Operating profit .. .. 21,845 37,814 4-26 7-48 Net profit .. .. .. 9,260 25,537 1-81 5-05 21,845 37,814 4-26 7-48 21,845 37,814 4-26 7-48

Income and Expenditure. EXPENDITURE. 1939-40. 1938-39. j INCOME. 1939-40. 1938-39 I £ £ £ £ Sick benefits paid to members .. .. 40,374 38,390 Contributions .. .. .. .. 28,034 26,071 Entrance fees .. .. .. .. 266 360 Interest on Investments .. .. .. 1,520 1,663 Subsidy as per section 5, subsection (1), of 8,000 8,000 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1928, charged to Working Railways Account Balance being excess of expenditure over income 2,554 1,696 for the year 40,374 38,390 40,374 38,390 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 2,554 1,696 Accumulated funds brought forward on 1 st April 45,696 47,392 Balance accumulated funds as at 31st March .. 43,142 45,696 45,696 47,392 45,696 47,392 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ £ Assets. £ £ Accumulated funds .. .. .. 43,142 45,696 Investments .. .. .. .. 43,898 49,379 Sick pay due not paid .. .. .. 47 41 Cash in Working Railways Account Working Railways Account .. .. 742 3,695 Contributions outstanding at 31st March .. 33 53 43,931 49,432 43,931 49,432 i


STATEMENT No. 11. Statement of Losses on Developmental Branch Lines from 5th March, 1939, to 2nd March, 1940, and Isolated Sections from 1st April, 1939, to 31st March, 1940.

STATEMENT No. 12, Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments.—Working Railways Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance brought forward .. .. .. 72,199 14 6 Wages and vouchers .. .. .. 11,005,048 11 3 Revenue receipts.. .. .. .. 10,452,363 14 10 Refunds to Harbour Boards, shipping com- " Credits-in-aid" (Working Railways expendi- panies, and other carriers .. .. 517,944 16 1 ture) .. .. •• .. 2,961,914 17 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. 1,189,031 6 1 Contributions to Sick Benefit Fund.. .. 4-3,472 2 9 Payments from Sick Benefit Fund .. .. 31,683 18 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 7,674 13 2 Balance as per General Balance-sheet .. 943,916 11 1 Investments realized . . .. .. 150,000 0 0 £13,687,625 2 9 £13,687,625 2 9 Reconciliation Statement. £ s. d. Credit balance in Working Railways Account as per Treasury figures .. .. 930,385 15 2 Add imprests outstanding .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,270 9 9 Cash in transit .. . . .. .. •. • • .. .. 260 6 2 Credit balance as per above statement .. .. .. .. £943,916 11 1


Average per Mile of Line operated. u » Mileage Loss on Feeder Total Net & § go _ s Bra ~ A operated. Working. Value. Lo 93 . ? §S || |g 3 3 g I » | && & *£ It _J £ £ £ £ ££££££ Kaikohe .. .. .. .. 25 9,095 5,588 3,-507 18,306 '292 224 516 656 592 732 Kirikopuni .. .. .. 14 6,841 2,500 4,341 48,576 247 179 426 735 3,160 3,470 Waiuku .. .. .. .. 13 6,024 2,572 3,452 11,837 478 198 676 942 645 911 Taneatua .. .. .. .. HI 25,759 21,742 4,017 117,285 986 196 1,182 1,219 1,020 1,057 Opunake . .. .. .. 23 5,147 3,875 1,272 19,181 314 168 482 538 779 834 Groytown .. .. .. .. 3 2,876 847 2,029 2,509 130 282 412 1,089 160 836 North Wand totals .. .. 189 55,742 37,124 18,618 217,694 710 196 906 1,004 1,053 1,152 Eyrcton-Oxford .. .. .. 43 4,496 564 3,932 7,874 116 13 129 220 92 183 Cheviot .. .. .. .. 44 6,919 2,453 4,466 19,131 509 56 565 666 333 435 Little River .. .. .. 23 8,934 333 8,601 13,227 360 14 374 748 201 575 Southbridge .. .. .. 26 2,887 1,182 1,705 5,459 754 45 799 865 144 210 Whitecliffs .. .. .. .. 12 839 838 1 657 229 70 299 299 55 55 Mothven .. .. .. •• 23 2,212 2,034 178 3,628 430 88 518 526 150 158 Springburn.. .. .. •• 28 1,204 795 409 2,781 162 28 .190 205 85 99 Eairlie .. .. .. .. 36 1,180* 1,765 2,945* 2,863 466 49 515 434 161 80 Waimate .. .. .. .. 13 5,647 1,606 4,041 6,067 197 124 321 632 156 467 Kurow .. .. .. .. 37 3,080 1,042 2,038 5,933 279 28 307 363 105 160 Ngapara .. .. .. .. 15 1,813 834 979 4,486 359 56 415 480 234 299 Waihemo .. .. .. .. 9 302 1,170 868* 441 324 130 454 324 145 49 Otago Central .. .. .. 147 34,787 2,199 32,588 94,761 730 15 745 967 423 645 Outram .. .. .. .. 9 2,868 251 2,617 4,151 132 28 160 451 170 461 Roxburgh.. .. .. .. 61 15,109 1,105 14,004 43,928 227 18 245 475 491 720 Catlins River .. .. .. 43 5,874 2,335 3,539 22,935 359 54 413 496 451 533 Tapanui .. .. .. .. 27 5,503 1,630 3,873 8,873 248 60 308 452 185 329 Waikaka .. .. .. .. 13 1,438 616 822 3,610 159 47 206 269 214 278 Switzers .. .. .. .. 14 2,939 467 2,472 .5,502 99 33 132 309 216 393 Wyndham .. .. . . .. 4 661 787 126* 487 245 197 442 410 153 122 Seaward Bush .. .. .. 34 3,495 799 2,696 9,882 296 24 320 399 211 291 Orawia .. .. .. .. 9 393 411 18* 4,387 106 46 152 149 489 487 Forest Hill . . .. .. 13 372 741 369* 525 176 57 233 204 69 40 Mararoa .. .. .. .. 12 1,028 479 549 1,546 94 40 134 179 83 .129 South Island totals .. .. 695 111,620 26,436 85,184 273,134 394 38 432 555 270 393 Totals, both Islands .. 884 167,362 63,560 103,802 490,828 461 72 533 651 438 555 Isolated Sections. Kaihu .. .. .. .. 24 6,619 .. 6,619 13,499 .. .. 147 423 287 562 Gisborne .. .. .. .. 56 4,223 .. 4,223 37,359 .. .. 534 610 592 667 Nelson .. .. .. .. 64 13,269 .. 13,269 35,032 .. .. 176 383 340 547 Picton .. .. .. .. 56 4,951 .. 4,951 30,069 .. .. 835 924 449 537 Totals .. .. .. 200 29,062 .. 29,062 115,959 .. .. 457 603 434 580 Grand totals .. .. 1,084 196,424 63,560 132,864 606,787 * Indicates profit.


STATEMENT No. 13. \ RENEWALS, DEPRECIATION, AND EQUALIZATION RESERVE ACCOUNTS. General Reserve Account. I £ s. d. j Balance .. .. .. .. £1,144,552 17 8 i ' ' ■ Insurance Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Losses .. .. .. .. .. 4,704 9 10 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 104,248 1 7 Upkeep railway lire brigades and firo appliances.. 3,645 7 4 Premiums debited to working-expenses .. 6,664 17 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 102,563 2 4 £110,912 19 6 £110,912 19 6 Balance .. .. .. .. . . £102,563 2 4 Workers' Compensation Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Accident payments .. .. .. .. 58,085 6 0 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 39,863 10 9 Balanoe .. . , .. .. .. 51,192 14 5 Premiums debited to working-expenses .. 69,414 9 8 £109,278 0 5 £109,278 0 5 Balanoe .. .. .. .. .. £51,192 14 5 Slips, Floods, and Accidents Equalization Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Repairs to bridges, track, &c... .. .. 9,813 3 6 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 668 0 2 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 10,693 16 8 Contributions debited to working-expenses .. 19,839 0 0 £20,507 0 2 £20,507 0 2 Balance .. .. .. .. .. £10,693 16 8 Betterments Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Refreshment Branch .. . . . . 1,084 4 6 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 3,248 2 0 Balance .. .. ~ .. 3,663 17 6 Contributions debited to working-expenses, Refreshment Branch .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 £4,748 2 0 £4,748 2 0 Balanoe .. .. .. .. .. £3,663 17 6 Renewals Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Relaying of track .. .. .. .. 328,723 8 2 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 700,333 6 9 Refreshment Branch .. .. .. 92 1 8 Contributions debited to working-expenses .. 211,190 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 582,707 16 11 £911,523 6 9 £911,523 6 9 ■ = Balanoe .. .. .. .. .. £582,707 16 11 Depreciation Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Way and works and bridges .. .. 113,089 11 3 Balance from previous year .. .. 673,482 13 3 Operating buildings .. .. .. 1,584 1 9 Contributions— Signalling and interlocking .. .. .. 9,157 13 5 Way and works, bridges, wharves and plant 77,320 9 8 Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. 99,928 15 4 Operating buildings .. .. .. 42,021 0 0 Locomotive running and car and wagon depot Signals, interlocking, and eleotric. traction .. 62,891 2 6 plant .. .. .. .. .. 3,705 11 9 Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. 397,159 4 5 Dwellings .. .. .. .. 7,963 4 2 Locomotive running and car and wagon depot Refreshment, advertising, road service and stores plant .. .. .. .. 3,268 0 0 buildings .. .. .. .. 36,996 5 5 Dwellings .. .. .. .. 43,260 0 0 Workshops buildings and plant .. .. 2,512 3 5 Head Office buildings and plant .. .. 3,916 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,138,244 17 1 Refreshment, advertising, road service, and stores buildings .. .. .. 7,872 0 0 Workshops buildings and plant .. .. 43,798 0 0 Lake Wakatipu steamer servioe .. ... 664 0 0 Road services .. .. .. .. 57,529 13 9 £1,413,182 3 7 £1,413,182 3 7 Balance .. .. .. .. ..£1,138,244 17 1



STATEMENT No. 14. Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, etc., to 31st March, 1940; Net Revenue and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.


Opened Lines. tt j \t « Kate of Seotlon of Railway. Lines' 6 Revenue Interest Lines and Rolling- T , lt „, Mne8> earned. Works. stoek. iocal - £ £ £ £ £ £ s. d. Kaihu .. .. .. •• •• 159,654 586 160,240 .. -6,788 Gisborne' .. -4,490 2,897,126 North Island Main Line and Branches .. 32,089,411 6,493,131 38,582,542 .. 719,093 1 18 11 1,547,047 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 16,418,844 3,291,666 19,710,510 114,917 0 11 10 1,239,607 Wostnort " .. ■■ 313,841 45,054 358,895 .. 15,276 4 5 3 ..... .. .. 1,061,361 Nelson " .. •• •• 497,242 9,898 507,140 .. -13,502 256,209 Pioton '! " 596,807 13,410 610,217 .. -5,989 97 1 ,390 50,823,233 9,874,585 60,697,818 .. 818,517 1 7 11 7,972,740 Lake Wakatipu steamer sorvico .. .. 20,396 .. 20,396 .. —3,758 Subsidiary services, &c. .. .. .. 2,331,078 .. 2,331,078 .. 374,272 In suspense— Surveys, North Island .. .. .. .. •• •• Surveys, South Island .. .. .. .. • • • • 5,94.! General .. .. .. ■■ 9,896 .. 9,896 10,337 P.W.D. stock of permanent-way .. .. .. •• 10,018 8,028,267 1,189,031 1 19 3 Total cost of opened and unopened lines at .. .. 71,087,455 31st Maroh, 1940 Note. —The amount stated in this return as the cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways. It also includes the Midland Railway and expenditure by the Greymouth and "Westport Harbour Boards on railways and wharves under the provisions of section 7 of the Railways Authorization Act, 1885, the information regarding the last-mentioned being furnished by the respective Boards. The rate of interest earned lias been computed on the average capital.


STATEMENT No. 15. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


Working ltaiiways i.™ lir , Way and Works Branch: Particulars of Works. Depreciation -Public Works T . j Fund. -Blind. £ £ £ Land • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 6,684 6,684 Grading and formation .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,013 246,558 262,571 Tunnels .. 13>707 13 , 7 67 Bridges (structures only) .. .. .. .. .. .. 98,975 18,507 117 482 Overbridges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7;2 49 7'249 Culverts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 380 7,804 8 184 Subways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,054 10,054 Fences, gates, and cattlestops .. .. .. .. .. 89 6 573 6 662 Permanent-way.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 2,368 193,'277 1.90/909 Station buildings and platforms .. .. .. .. .. 528 86,993 87 521 Oattleyards, loading-banks .. .. .. .. .. .. 5*282 5'282 Engine-sheds, car and wagon depots, and other operating buildings .. 1,056 31 584 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,963 80,771 88^734 Land for dwellings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,694 3 694 Huts Lake Wakatipu wharves .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 930 930 Water services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,906 2,906 Stores buildings.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 514 141 Cr. 373 Locomotive workshops buildings .. .. .. .. 1,859 36,552 38 411 Locomotive workshops plant .. .. .. .. .. ,. 957 ' gg 7 Locomotive depot plant .. .. .. .. .. .. 646 2 134 2 780 Refreshment, advertising, and bookstall buildings .. .. .. .. 8 006 8' 006 Road service buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. Or. 114 3l'660 31^546 Cranes, weighbridges, capstans, and turntables .. .. .. .. 6,537 6 537 Movable plant for Maintenance Branch .. .. .. .. .. 4 510 4 510 Miscellaneous (roads, sewerage, drainage, fire-fighting appliances) .. .. 12,956 12'956 Signalling and interlocking .. .. .. .. .. 3,054 7 578 lo'632 Tablet installations .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,204 'l24 1328 Automatic and power signalling .. .. .. .. .. 2,218 69 291 71 509 Electric lighting .. .. .. .. .. .. 244 5'1.73 Communication lines and apparatus .. .. .. ., 2,996 26 213 29 209 Level-crossing warning-signals .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 558 '3O6 Cr.' 252 Electric-power appliances .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 55 Overhead electrification .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. 41 223 41 223 Overhead wires for automatic and power signalling .. .. .. .. 9 103 9 103 Signal-cabins 133,671 983,852 1,117,523 Expenditure by Public Works Department— Turakina-Okoia grade easement .. .. .. .. .. H0 557 110 557 Tawa Flat deviation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J64 'l64 Plimmerton-Paekakariki duplication .. .. .. .. .. 18 807 18 807 Palmerston North deviation .. .. .. .. .. .. 46.311 46,311 Rimutaka deviation and tunnel .. .. .. .. .. 395 395 133,671 1,160,086 1,293,757

D— 2.

STATEMENT No. 15—continued. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1940 —continued. Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock.

£ £ £ Workshops equipment .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 653 63,534 64,187 Machinery and eqipmont for locomotive running, and car and wagon depots .. .. 3,060 1,832 4,892 Motor-buses and motor-lorries .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 37,624 Or. 26,994 10,630 Reconciliation Statement, Public Works Fund. Expenditure charged by £ s. d. £ s. d. Expenditure — £ S. d. Treasury .. .. 3,048,686 15 1 Way and Works Branch .. .. .. 1,160,085 5 2 Vouchers outstanding Locomotive Branch .. .. .. 1,657,244 3 3 previous year .. 204,595 311 Road services .. .. .. •• Or. 26,994 11 8 2,844,091 11 2 Less recoveries .. . . • • 62,046 19 0 2,782,044 12 2 Public Works Department: Administration charges .. •. •. ■. 5,205 0 0 Vouchers outstanding at 31st March, 1939 .. 3,085 4 7 £2,790,334 16 9 £2,790,334 16 9 ■■■~T~ — ' '


Number Number Number 6 ' Expenditure Description of Stock ordered. StS! SS" D »|n 1039. 1940. 1940. I £ £ £ Locomotives, Classes Ka, Kb .. .. 41 16 25 .. 329,777 329,777 Locomotives, Class J (imported) .. .. .. 40 .. .. 672,617 672,617 Spares for locomotives, Class J .. .. . • • • • • • • 5,828 5,828 Convert three Garrett locomotives to six G loco- .. .. •. 248 .. 248 motives Electric head and tail lights for locomotives .. .. .. ■ • 780 .. 780 Fit exhaust steam injectors to locomotives .. .. .. .. 2,977 .. 2,977 Fit superheaters to locomotives .. • • • • • • • • 64 .. 64 Fit speed recorders to locomotives .. .. .. •. • • 814 .. 814 Material for K locomotives .. .. .. .. •• •• •• Or. 94,501 Or. 94,501 Tractors .. .. • • •• •• 10 5 685 49,352 50,037 Electric locomotives .. .. •• 9 7 2 .. 128,745 128,745 Material for electric locomotives .. .-. .. .. .. Or. 119,435 Or. 119,435 Build three X boilers .. .. • • • • • ■ • • 136 .. 136 Build four Wr boilers .. • • • • • • • • • • 2,044 .. 2,044 Build four H boilers .. .. •• •• •• •• 3,475 .. 3,475 Build six Aa boilers .. .. • • • • • ■ • • 11 >443 .. 11,443 Rail cars 1 1 • • • ■ 2,505 2,505 Spares for rail cars .. .. • • • ■ • • • • • • 2,749 2,749 Multiple units, coaches and trailers .. . • .. ■ • • • • • 43 Spares for multiple units .. • • . • • ■ • • • • • • 3,029 3,029 Carriages, Class A .. .. .. .. 105 55 56 2,790 294,463 297,253 Carriage, one vice-regal .. .. •. 1 1 • • 6,967 .. 6,967 Fitting new and improving lavatories in existing .. .. .. 2,902 .. 2,902 carriages Fitting steam heat to carriages .. .. .. •• 2,144 .. 2,144 Improve seating in carriages .. •• •• •• •• 9,649 .. 9,649 Fitting electric light to carr'ages .. .. .. .. .. 1,118 .. 1,118 Roller-bearing bogies for carriages . . .. .. • • ■ • • • 917 917 Fitting Westinahouse brake to carriages .. .. .. 1,128 .. 1,128 Brake vans, Class F 81 .. 91 3,728 18,199 21,927 Wagons, Class G .. .. .. .. 15 .. 27 18 39,097 39,115 Wagons, Class H 222 57 265 36 23,780 23,816 Wagons, Class J .. . • • ■ 816 181 925 69 123,608 123,677 WaSons, Class La 1,700 1,365 465 Or. 3,387 406,545 403,158 Wagons, Class Mo .. .. .. .. 90 .. 170 .. 331 331 Wagons, Class Q .. .. .. 20 .. 43 1,970 93 2,063 Wagons, Class S .. .. •• •• •• 12 9 39 48 Wagons, Class T .. . • ■ ■ 10 .. 20 87 35 122 Wagons, Class Ub .. .. .. 137 30 143 316 25,990 2(>,306 Wagons, Class Ud .. . . .. . . .. 1 • • 970 .. 970 Wagons, Class Uo 29 15 17 8 9,553 9,561 Wagon , Class Vb 22 22 20 19,970 389 20,359 Wagons Class W . .. . . •• 102 22 90 1,569 12,852 14,421 Wagons, Class Xa 186 86 185 3,092 32,590 35,682 Wagons, Class Xb .. .. .. •• •• 8 13 .. 13 Wagons, Class Yb .. .. .. • • 70 .. 70 40 608 648 Wagons, Class Z .. .. .. 40 .. 95 26 17,108 17,134 Respringing wagons .. .. •• •• •• •• 8,218 .. Fitting Westinghouse brake to Yb wagons .. .. .. •• 3,137 .. 3,137 Fitting Janny-yoke drawgear to wagons .. .. .. .. 10,676 812 11,488 Material for cars, brake-vans,-and wagons .. .. .. .. •• Or. 405,756 Or. 405,756 Spare parts for rolling-stock.. .. .. .. .. •• •• Or 3,182 Or. 3,182 40-ton breakdown cranes .. .. 2 2 .. .. 12,723 12,723 10-ton steam-cranes .. .. •. 2 2 .. .. 375 375 3,701 1,913 2,734 99,929 1,591,878 1,691,807 Summary. Locomotives .. .. .. • • 50 63 27 Rail cars .. .. • • ■ ■ • • 1 1 Tractors .. .. .. .. • • • • 10 5 .. .. Carriages .. ■ ■ ■ • ■ • • • 106 56 56 Brake-vans .. • • • • •• 81 .. 91 Wagons, bogie .. .. .. .. 238 68 307 Wagons, four-wheeled .. .. 3,221 1,711 2,248 Cranes .. .. .. • • • • 4 4 3,701 1,913 2,734 ■■ | - Particulars of Workshop and Depot Machinery, Motor-buses, and Motor-lorries.


STATEMENT No. 16. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Years ended 31st March, 1937 to 1940.

7—l). 2.


1939-40. 1938-39. 1937-38. 1936-37. Description of Tickets. Number, Amount. Number. Amount. Number. I Amount. Number. Amount. I i | I £ £ £ £ Annual, all lines .. .. .. 5. 575 6 665 5 566 10 1,019 Annual, North Island.. .. .. 36 3,060 47 3,973 52 4,592 55 4,629 Annual, South Island.. .... 2 23 1 71 1 74 4 279 Sectional annual, North Island.. .. 172 10,660 169 10,478 ISO 11,106 191 11,240 Sectional annual, South Island.. .. 49 2,350 66 3,325 74 3,524 84 4,075 Reporters'annual .. .. .. 17 812 18 832 19 814 16 ' 679 Tourist, all lines .. .. .. 28 418 54 863 56 898 50 809 Tourist, North Island.. .. .. 124 1,231 168 1,565 209 1,909 206 1,995 Tourist, South Island.. .. .. 25 231 29 251 62 501 32 299 School .. .. .. .. 25,403 23.662 25,078 21,972 25,318 21,492 25,693 21,865 Bearer twelve-trip .. .. .. 47,756 9,133 56,649 10,099 62,969 11,246 72,920 15,741 Bearer six-trip .. .. .. 389,573 64,402 326,289 51,091 208,019 31,859 10,673 1,658 Weekly twelve-trip .. .. .. 55,377 10,323 58,512 10,066 69,391 11,601 110,844 21,252 Weekly workmen's .. .. .. 74,756 15,227 74,132 13,812 93,053 16,431 257,843 43,364 Suburban twelve-trip.. .. .. 319,715 66,083 291,715 56,091 245,342 45,542 All other season .. .. .. 59,734 66,356 55,911 61,611 45,747 60,036 34,442 60,768 Totals .. .. .. 972,769 274,546 888,844 246,765 750,497 222,191 513,063 189,672 Total passenger journeys .. 16,170,947 .. 15,452,332 j .. 14,372,194 .. 12,950,472


STATEMENT No. 17. Statement of Operating Traffic and Revenue for the Year ended 31st March, 1940. (1) OPERATING TRAFFIC.



Passengers i Live-stock. i Goods. .Length: . ° | | | Gross | Open | ; ; j j i t I | | | Total Traffic. First Class. Second Class. Total. Wesson Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Timber. Goods. | Total. Tonnage. Miles Number Number, i Number. Number. Number. Number. Number. Number. Number. | Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. v .. * 94' 170 13,059 ! 1.3,229 131 1 .. •. • • 1 .. 639 1,254 1,893 1,893 * al , hu 40 1 084 16 471 17,555 42 2,538 .. 98,363 .. 100,901 4,781 9,641 51,743 61,384 66,165 S .fw,™,, at; i„ T ine "and Branches " 1 561 183! 863 4,740,350 4,924,213 698,784 442,327 588,873 4,908,864 484,894 6,424,958 397,485 303,474 3,195,989 3,499,463 3,896,948 M T» S T f and Branches ' 1 604 149 319 3 062 634 3 211 953 272 205 91,787 24,088 3,846,509 37,162 3,999,546 .187,519 203,359 2,821,653 3,024,912 3,212,431 South Island Mam Lme and Branches .. l,W4 » 49 600 49 852 586 109 .. 64 .. 173 39 1,101 423,102 424,203 424,242 Westport a 8 , 5()6 8Q2 17j6g . 2rUg ; 21,251 1,029 68 17,926 17,994 19,023 Picton " " " •• 56 3,132 45 [860 48,992 489 914 88 137,193 40 j 138,235 j 5,799 658 ; 46,791 47,449 53,248 Total railway operation.. .. 3,390 338,055 7,945,012 8,283,067 972,769 [538,182 613,851 9,008,688 524,344 110,685, 065 596,652 518,940 6,558,358 7,077,298 7,673,950 T . ,,, , , . 11 530 11,530 .. 133 .. 7,594 .. 7,727 348 280 6,578 6,858 7,206 Lake Vakatipu steamers .. j •• I *>''

Revenue. Mileage. T o™n h r ° f Sectl0n ' Traffic Ordinary Season Luggage, Total G d Demurrage, Total Goods. Operating Train- (avenue) sh ™ tm S- Total. xramc. Pa3senge is. Tickets. ; and Coaching. &e _ 6 Hevenue. Annum mile. (JieYenue). &c. Mails. (Average). iirji £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ I £ d. Number. Number. Number. „ 24 6 90 333 1,153 2,106 845 176 1,021 3,127 130 59-00 12,720 3,997 16,717 a ' hu •' " " " Tq ! 055 634 991 2,680 24,799 558 25,357 28,037 572 130-74 51,469 10,824 62,293 WnrrtTJaTiH Main Line and Blanches " 1 561 192,695 231,799 1,698,783 3,686,490 108,202 3,794,692 5,493,475 3,544 151-41 8,707,798 2,861,337 11,569,135 Wh lln Man Ltoe and '' 604 561 194 78 131 94 316 733,641 2,270,801 82,403 2,353,204 3,086,845 1,934 166-66 4,445,163 1,847,428 6,292,591 South Island Main Line and Urancnes .. i,w ooi, » , g 92,881 97,098 2,697 342-02 68,134 51,804 119,938 5f t P° rt ■■ l'225 1 065 212 2,502 7.380 133 7,513 10.015 167 62-64 38,373 10,431 48,804 p? t S °" " " ;' g 6 3,'493 '909 1,028 5,430 31,581 6,029 37,610 43,040 j 769 239-44 43,141 47,003 90,144 Total railway operation .. 3,390 1,844,789 274,546 330,024 1~449,359~ 6,109,293 202,985 6,312,278 8,761,637 ; 2,599 I 157-31 ! 13,366,798 4,832,824 j 18,199,622 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. • - •• 2,115 12 450 j 2,577 4,728 57 4,785 7,362 .. .. .. j



STATEMENT No. 18. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.

8 —D. 2.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Traffic. Revenue. Tratfic. Stations. I ' Number of Passenger Journeys. Season CaUle Sheep Hundreds'of Other ° r j"n a ry Season Misoel . Total Cattle Sheep Hundreds of Other Krst- Second- Tota] ° Calves. Pigs. Goods. 8engers Tickets. G °° ds ' laneous. Calves. pTgs. Sup F e e r ® cial G ° 0dB - _J I | North Island Main Line and Branches— Auckland No. No. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ f No No Tons Coaching .. .. 19,967 479,947 499,914 30,852 .. .. .. 160 ,504 11,095 52,372 .. 1,200 225,171 . S "• •" '• •• •• •• 128 4,371 54,361 506,863 .. .. .. 502,530 12,447 514,977 385 1,226 69,908 279,070 Newmarket .. .. I' 003 72,321 11,594 22 .. 5,601 4,779 5,542 2,430 690 14,782 79 23,523 19 .. 102,197 17,724 Avondale n " " 9Qfi 'm kq'shq ooo 72 S 2 ? 2 ' 628 3 ' 208 864 514 3,357 102 8,045 163 50 65,020 59,143 Avonda e .. .. 296 53,512 53,808 25,741 289 .. 241 6,449 2,652 5,109 392 7,411 47 15,611 238 60 85,678 8,429 Henderson .. .. 4-3 70,371 70,794 14,674 10,890 15,261 34 7,214 2,923 3,853 764 8,204 29 15,773 1,469 5 254 4 858 9,500 Helens e " 443 33 , 500 33,943 278 21,056 65,561 1,577 10,917 3,763 203 252 13,425 132 17,775 4,721 2l'o42 33,673 Wellsford .. .. 261 5,755 6,016 33 13,915 46,741 8,730 9,854 1,648 36 223 12,565 88 14 560 1 920 6 013 2 893 15,154 Maungaturoto .. .. 304 12,248 12,552 .. 23,732 49,737 4 2,455 2,726 .. 117 8 167 17 11 027 943 5 529 1 479 12 427 •• •• 5 A I' 8 !? 2 ' 871 3 5 > 473 10,107 24 W "5 :: 121 3! 622 2 4! 520 463 t'.ni 825 2,M2 Waiolira .. .. 49 6,031 6,080 29 29,081 79,853 889 16,238 921 24 238 30 378 454 32 015 1 262 3 214 2 621 115 059 Whangarei .. .. 1,476 46,389 47,865 654 26,474 44,499 2,433 46,149 12,713 322 1,675 23',231 471 l'<)83 31^491 Otiria angi " " nMq- I'i] 5 . 10,823 12,1 I 4 82,095 1,293 110 165 28,386 50 30,004 639 5,041 1,113 8,187 Kawakawa " " 159 7'70! ! 8,244 8,796 976 2,074 4,885 41 399 4,602 20 9,947 606 1,204 1,030 8,618 Orjua " " 374 is'459 ll'affi Oft 1QQ ,fin o otn ' 1 ' 58 2 172 3,798 8 5,138 38 ,°1° 50,752 1,272 10,159 J 1 ", , „ •• '• 4 8 ' 45 ? ?' 826 96 133 160 3,259 231 3 > 213 67 200 797 206 4,483 2 12 598 7,856 Kaikohe .. .. 184 5,265 5,449 57 2,242 12,634 6,903 1,508 3,030 53 330 6 538 25 9 976 196 766 2 564 10 497 ° kalhau •• •• 39 7,734 7,773 2 1.607 13,016 6,273 M49 M63 1 150 M02 16 1$32 232 600 IMl MSI GrSnkne " " i|? i I'nli 2,183 406 98 8 45 I 29 360 40 I 7 4 550 510 624 38,516 529 Weenisne .. .. 121 18,796 18,917 5,962 .. .. .. 68 767 1,107 50 237 6 2,167 22 .. 4 374 2,992 LHers le •• 89 29,574 29,663 6,407 315 .. .. 74 877 1,306 122 1 613 6 3 924 279 543 582 OneWra " " 37 2 «'naQ 84 1 2 ' 971 00 So 137,903 509 5 93 222 82|743 67 84J34 277,799 l,08i,230 108,650 41,143 On hunga .. .. 37 6,046 6,083 3,944 1 .. 22,502 1,890 510 884 132 880 463 2,869 73 431 13,567 59,192 Papatoetoe " " 144 "a'So 1 ??'™ 25,247 1,724 16,307 . 102 192,937 4,293 6,399 356 115,453 88 126,589 84,451 207,218 29,748 196,651 Papakura " " 966 IOq'sqI lin'sw m ™ 708 1,043 . 906 2,255 3 > 386 l 06 1.225 11 7.073 3,694 10,229 24,507 8,430 Drurv " " 12 ?'q78 " oo ' 9 ' 5,383 334 1,960 34 16,865 4,074 12,135 15,877 11,814 Waiuku " " 64 n ata 9 o'?'~ 'H2 o ' 471 135 65 6,778 64 7,5 °1 372 2,908 900 8,029 ' 7,474 2 21' 973 9 > 857 2 230 954 2 118 1,783 6 2,863 1,848 11,125 8,141 30,660 Tuakavf 16 " " 1> 443 99'fos 99''-9? ® Jo'qI? J 4, 9 81 43 9 ,379 7 > 457 192 681 12,671 38 21,039 3,042 7,282 5,240 19,224 Pokeno " " pi fn'fisi in'Sci « ?'aq7 ? 5 ' 687 2,654 144 251 7,093 127 1°,269 1,803 20,522 3,848 14,958 Mercer " " 48Q Iq'990 Ha 1 8,971 898 58 66 3 ,949 3 4,974 1,838 5,564 2,270 10,650 rp i, x "* "* 19,229 19,718 114 414 8,403 35 19,147 1,816 96 94 8 247 119 10 372 179 1 611 3 671 4 144 leXauwhata .. .. 52 5,949 6,001 45 26,059 48,583 193 10,403 1,105 37 815 11 >1 16 13!464 1,638 lffi M18 10,'932 " " ? 26 iH?r 12,532 5,512 J 4,769 4 f 303 ,446 7,444 2,999 396 242,221 339 253,399 1,423 8,672 " 7,440 55,794 Taupiri " " 6Q 1,33 I ,nn 210,485 1,141 201 29 139,968 50 141,389 596 5,670 797 16,732 P •• 69 8,346 8,415 173 3,753 16,396 109 6,153 925 89 74 9 331 54 10 473 2 038 3 578 1 161 13 193 Ngaruawahia .. .. 851 33,988 34,839 2,469 1,627 5,862 36 71,003 7,658 491 281 6s'776 2 034 79240 163 114 57508 2 654 9 150 Frankton Junction .. 5,491 103,683 109,174 92 21,643 157,024 1,139 29,199 37,852 94 1,862 40,'694 ' 9 28 81!430 8,'258 n.M 42,631 58,737 Hamilton .. .. 2 ,691 60,138 62,829 873 13,766 25,108 2,047 21,117 16,312 866 4,282 33,850 400 55 710 1 562 5 293 44 343 41 834 am n ge .. .. 140 3,945 4,085 102 18,590 67,498 90 1,997 1,278 87 338 7,833 20 9*556 l'922 9 042 4 294 35' 107 Matamate " " 592 is'323 fa'qlfi 280 47,378 16,395 5,002 203 684 38,013 28 43^930 12,138 38;555 Putaruru " " SI will 9?'9rq ? 4,637 1 37 , 2 46 ,4,414 8,725 5,215 55 580 28,864 83 34,797 3,967 34,611 1,830 39,389 ~ 0,835 -1,263 495 12,674 51,401 166,001 4,553 4,927 412 543 53,058 121 59,061 2,92S 43,241 2,079 33,766 Mamaku .. .. 98 13,622 13,720 128 10,768 22,405 119,426 3,709 1,445 141 251 40 223 4 42 064 161 689 135 2 012 ItZ Passenger Road 81 '°$$ 1W 2 ' 1W 37 '° 24 072 118 1,415 241 2,Z 3 , 882 Service • • .. .. .. .. iui .. .. .. 101 .. " " 19'7?7 II 'o'!!! -- 0 7,362 5 S J 33 131 12,917 4 13,646 1,341 4,516 517 30.676 434 12,283 1-.717 53 5,772 8,722 3 1,519 3,123 46 489 2,089 28 5,775 1,030 4,447 4,688 16,399 Thames " " V?l m'oon 21,846 102 21,975 4,869 76 778 16,493 64 22,280 : 4,541 7,229 5,305 20,397 Waihi " " 445 }9'7A9 m %'lot 26 2,795 3,240 I 82 481 7,502 36 11,441 1,610 3,883 4,336 11,945 Katikati " " 70 I'lil 1 ?'i?7 J' 337 5,267 429 360 3,420 58 440 1,758 16 5,692 1,520 3,257 7,581 15,878 Katikati .. .. 73 4,838 4,911 243 16,587 17,709 16,416 1,873 1,103 209 183 9,784 8 11,287 1,702 9 184 388 6 891 ranga .. .. 954 38,855 39,809 12 6,413 55,718 4,256 20,474 7,144 18 1,064 18,832 63 27,121 1,453 4,785 1,962 15^550 Fdsecumbe " " I'7«b I'lfn 5 ° 5 ' 917 17 ' 356 4,843 2,321 3 299 22 ' 115 9 2 4, 7 47 2,132 9,945 452 10,781 Taneatua " " ,40 ,o'Io! , 3 '® 7 •• 27,999 49,336 59,499 6,659 1,815 .. 293 37,665 70 39,843 1,336 1,596 447 21,089 Taneatua .. .. 143 13,426 13,569 .. 22,076 59,297 594 891 4,309 .. 194 8,665 299 13,467 984 704 1,614 48,953 Ohaupo .. .. 41 1,723 1,764 119 1,792 6,662 .. 294 172 80 43 1,236 6 1 537 667 12 148 575 9 035 Otor^anea 11 " " 4fiT ir'q79 i%'aw 35,289 161,177 13,562 14,441 9,704 136 1,040 36,455 154 47,'489j 4.104 72,'l01 10,613 48^624 TeKuitf " " 9 f«7 ' 17,433 34 I 8,855 87,468 518 19,390 4,147 47 538 21,134 34 25,900 1,659 17,905 5,665 27,269 Onrarup " " fi9 , 2,45 'j 1° 8 1 2 >I 74 116,226 102,050 71,683 14,041 88 1,242 76,042 590 92,003 2,002 18.812 6,060 28,222 g •" "• 6 " 18,628 18,690 85 1,326 32,530 114,479 5,432 2,673 72 145 39,560 209 42,659 1,139 3,121 971 6,998 Okahukura .. .. 19 3,964 3,983 110 1,028 13,183 5,364 1,560 222 63 56 4,586 60 4 987 71 1 005 .. 920 National Park '' " ml 41 '! o' 668 69,494 66,794 15,533 17,160 374 1,506 45,276 326 64.'642i 2,712 11,'639 i0,044 19,347 Ohlknne " 1 J ' 18,510 217,211 7,268 4,677 2 412 76,937 44 82,072 1,697 4,542 6,204 11,621 Racier " " S I'rkk O'Sao ' 14 ' 793 71 ' 016 11,706 7,975 35 471 34,140 98 42,719 655 1,367 94 3,656 Ka6tlhl •• •' 54 2,655 2,709 •• 2 ,1 7 4 66,493 1,557 2,242 560 .. 134 8,458 11 9,163 1,085 4,397 456 4,256 Matn g rna Ua " " T 2 MS® 53 „ 634 21,848 15,743 6,678 1,629 19 1° 4 H ,67 5 9 13,436 418 5,189 181 6,970 Taihane " " ! Q97 9,'nn« 9"]' If 9 2,728 104,347 15,942 2,542 3 «1 8 H 4 16,447 J 16,951 389 1,605 1,329 5,092 Manraweka " " qs 24,935 4 i 2 ,928 135,736 160 9,232 9,023 26 1,326 16,015 116 26,506 2,087 3,968 1,607 11,530 . ngaweka .. .. 98 3,821 3,919 27 5,812 124,115 6,555 3,682 737 24 139 13,590 7 14,497 1,094 2,487 298 5,156 Hunterville .. .. 331 11,648 11,979 24 6,905 118,531 9,140 3,467 2,301 34 251 14,020 16 16,622 3,255 11,793 1,142 13,469 NewPl' ,,th"" 2,331 30,577 32,908 48 3,477 128,023 980 6,593 10,558 37 1,564 13,848 372 26,379 660 34,226 17,833 13,413 lymouth 2,738 55,076 57,814 220 501 890 6,790 138,118 25,354 387 1,517 57,921 7,857 93,036 2,277 10,628 50,006 114.563 in v " (breakwater) .. .. .. .. .. 3>2 9l 39,430 .. .. .. 11,348 .. 11.348 .. .. 4 951 32 133 Inelewood " " ?2'?nn tno 12,903 42 19,657 2,827 363 224 13,796 71 17,281 64,186 196,581 6',148 2l'o51 8 ' " "• | 322 12,868 13,190 278 21,150 41,769 96 47,594 3,026 210 194 28,940 10 32,380 817 11,072 2,983 63,506



STATEMENT NO. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1940—continued

OUTWARD. INWAED. Traffic. j Revenue. Traffic. Stations. . , Number of Passenger Journeys. „S'o f Seasoa « MiBCel . ™ —go, Other First- Second- CaWee. pTgs. 1 G ° 0(iB - senglrs. TioketB ' Ian60US ' forwarded. Calves. Pigs. S T™ class. class. Total. North Island Main Like Tons and Branches —contd. No. No. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ „ „ ' o'okq 91 q 3 ' r.74 Tariki .. .. 52 2,329 2,381 116 861 5,960 .. 765 249 83 14 822 2 1,170 54 2,259 219 3,574 Midhirst .. .. 16 4,393 4,409 214 5,393 1,356 .. 2,623 322 105 18 3,067 1 3,513 46 578 43b 7,8rfd Stratford .. .. 1,183 39,752 40,935 218 19,417 54,717 230 5,421 11,416 182 973 8,202 182 20,955 3,256 13,453 10,448 -0,-39 TeWera .. .. 6 658 663 2 746 10,288 .. 470 94 2 15 928 .. 1,039 1,055 5,595 56 4,007 Whangamomona .. 33 2,961 2,994 8 2,513 47,528 5,121 741 604 9 61 5,304 1 5,979 735 3,375 199 1,100 Ohura .. .. 115 6,186 6,301 6 4,679 39,713 23,408 590 1,444 8 153 11,454 6 13,065 1,471 5,121 458 5,858 Eltliam .. .. 616 22,666 23,282 350 45,934 46,296 129 12,215 4,990 276 292 15,098 35 20,691 2,753 26,587 11,056 27,020 Normanby .. .. 16 4,632 4,648 32 29,445 32,065 73 10,658 359 27 58 11,603 2 12,049 3,425 12,834 1,649 -4,548 Hawera .. .. 1,416 42,842 44,258 156 17,839 71,339 266 17,203 13,469 140 993 16,110 74 30,786 5,171 68,816 ll,8ol 3o,50o Patea.. .. .. 391 11,757 12,148 142 3,009 29,548 56 15,768 3,175 122 300 29,769 404 33,770 60,115 172,559 5,456 39,749 Waverley .. .. 179 9,720 9,899 83 7,594 74,497 262 19,150 2,059 64 171 13,232 25 15,551 4,637 35,410 2,121 9,555 Aramoho .. .. 793 21,650 22,443 23 5,536 47,687 438 78,641 5,155 20 420 38,860 32 44,487 1,388 11.0" 3,336 51,2o9 Wanganui .. .. 2,572 58,196 60,768 184 2,632 20,203 2,364 16,522 17,760 291 1,955 16,502 1,785 38,293 37,692 231,599 25,238 ,- ,, (Wharf) .. .. .! .. .. .. .. 1,919 55,478 16,457 7,981 24,438 .. •• •• Fordell .. .. 185 4,792 4,977 50 3,022 35,246 21 442 788 48 108 3,155 2 4,101 1,164 7,141 Turakina .. .. 63 5,952 6,015 52 2,358 23,062 156 1,101 694 45 115 2,580 7 3,441 617 17,698 905 15 Greatford .. .. 56 3,141 3,197 22 3,288 38,078 2,063 25,111 456 19 64 13,323 2 13,864 209 13,039 509 5, Halcombe .. .. 52 7,061 7,113 58 1,475 18,655 132 1,900 649 50 38 3,139 2 3,878 218 9,230 304 4,/SU Feilding .. .. 1,491 18,489 19,980 26 16,063 223,505 197 14,666 7,574 23 772 31,936 105 40,410 17,182 148,698 8,948 4 , Palmerston North .. 10,997 174,239 185,236 193 1,738 40,941 1,919 54,083 54,110 405 4,560 86,285 1,057 146,417 8,782 141,051 82 Ashhurst .. .. 40 7,302 7,342 .. 4,363 35,480 .. 922 664 .. 54 4,483 3 5,204 5,906 16,398 143 3,427 Longburn .. .. 183 11,137 11,320 64 5,137 49,244 55 13,559 463 22 56 26,307 3 26,851 9,825 92,454 1,279 7,71 Foxton 692 692 .. 150 1,453 1,226 5,727 36 .. 69 4,417 169 4,691 1,110 5,704 6,038 11,177 Shannon .. .. 259 30,991 31,250 301 8,544 57,801 .. 3,552 3,093 247 186 7,139 7 10,672 2,149 -7,1-4 966 Levin.. .. .. 1,166 50,706 51,872 142 12,773 55,891 81 3,688 10,585 112 1,322 6,937 85 19,041 6,028 Otaki .. .. 676 36,044 36,720 187 3,498 31,906 453 3,528 5,492 126 6,796 4,575 32 17,021 1,488 8,115 2,354 .J?',?? Paekakariki .. .. 1,132 73,100 74,232 15,513 789 31,239 1,388 1,793 6,119 4,978 3,361 3,129 73 17,660 584 3,660 3,57b 19, Johnsonville .. .. 20 35,454 35,474 35,684 573 10,203 40 86 1,330 7,250 43 660 14 9,297 15,915 89,002 1,388 Wellington— Bookings .. .. 36,616 812,953 849,569 240,542 .. .. .. .. 196,147 49,658 31,823 .. 836 278,464 .. ■■ •• •• . Goods ... .. .. .. .. 326 2,447 81,934 226,949 .. .. .. 340,244 3,895 344,139 697 6,594 80,688 193,778 Wharf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,180 .. .. .. 700 700 .. •• •• 41,964 Courtenay Plaice .. 1,762 25,094 26,856 2,071 .. .. .. .. 17,733 1,775 6,792 .. 25 26,325 Ngahauranga 1,829 1,829 1,072 112 270 .. 14,524 56 202 5 1,368 1 1,632 8,320 609,939 398 3,912 Petone .. .. 444 173,576 174,020122,473 50 5,202 1,007 38,767 6,261 24,961 408 67,260 230 99,120 8,149 475,128 73,999 16,227 ILower Hutt .. .. 354 47,282 47,636 38,162 158 69 17 9,577 3,506 8,372 706 10,231 174 22,989 142 5,193 42,942 3,145 Upper Hutf US .° !! 385 13M25 136,510 38,908 947 4,569 28 631 8,410 li,574 531 i,685 i56 22,356 l,i62 2,595 ii> 8 ?2 Featherston .. .. 434 28,540 28,974 154 8,284 166,049 5,261 7,665 4,109 123 376 17,922 38 22,568 618 1,965 4,745 13,533 ■Carterton .. .. 306 10,390 10,696 122 1,908 67,797 103 20,813 2,812 111 303 34,951 26 38,203 7,175 113,954 6.557 Masterton .. .. 1,390 38,772 40,162 40 7,096 142,364 4,762 8,698 10,947 61 878 18,681 77 30,644 2,084 12,429 11 .521 Mauriceville .. .. 21 1,998 2,019 52 748 5,269 .. 16,637 291 43 20 8,529 3 8,886 124 589 293 1,632 Eketahuna .. .. 141 6,464 6,605 55 5,480 37,188 .. 2,963 1,639 54 138 6,981 11 8,823 797 2,009 1,552 5,984 Hukanui .. .. 16 1,231 1,247 5 2,226 9,381 4 659 229 13 20 1,590 1 1,853 209 1,626 204 2,979 Pahiatna .. .. 271 6,598 6,869 26 9,991 87,494 47 3,242 2,169 8 221 10,783 13 13,194 520 937 3,097 7,855 Mangatainoka .. .. 23 1,328 1,351 1 1,302 27,402 .. 1,040 418 1 58 3,771 1 4,249 380 495 42 3,449 Woodville .. .. 575 23,802 24,377 31 13,168 191,218 .. 13,247 3,922 31 227 22,173 386 26,739 2,031 15,514 727 7,353 Dannevirke .. .. 979 25,479 26,458 164 9,521 105,701 2,328 5,019 7,540 164 810 13,355 83 21,952 1,899 11,067 5,322 25,298 Ormondville .. .. 95 9,207 9,302 34 5,608 84,401 162 2,149 1,236 34 87 8,309 2 9,668 659 3,340 1,111 6,721 Takapau .. .. 129 5,299 5,428 79 2,864 73,937 208 10,493 1,245 85 120 9,676 6 11,132 812 4,117 793 4,704 Waipukurau .. .. 802 16,024 16,826 26 7,042 143,897 55 4,929 5,379 38 444 10,408 37 16,306 1,536 9,117 2,966 13,121 Waipawa .. .. 282 11,260 11,542 49 2,327 45,396 93 8,187 2,633 15 246 7,484 20 10,398 512 582 540 6,843 Otane .. .. 98 7,441 7,539 110 5,691 44,335 .. 889 1,075 97 92 6,019 3 7,286 3,726 51,151 46/ 2,034 Eastings .. .. 2,384 37,970 40,354 119 1,289 21,740 2,836 28,956 21,021 98 1,569 45,841 204 68,733 5,186 58,535 3,927 vClive.. .. .. 5 413 418 1 123 2,895 .. 38,825 103 1 35 20,783 4 20,926 40,211 381,429 1,044 9,141 Napier .. .. 2,635 55,490 58,125 211 910 27,351 4,905 5,715 27,292 131 1,984 8,681 83 38,171 2,413 14,716 4,790 16,808 PortAhuriri .. .. .. 8 8 1,799 30,595 .. .. 12 22,848 831 23,691 1 18 3,179 56,509 Putorino .. .. .. 1,039 1,039 .. 5,776 51,876 5,111 996 159 .. 16 4,875 1 5,051 788 8,650 173 2,834 Wairoa .. .. 345 23,250 23,595 .. 11,305 61,353 3,262 32,478 10,019 .. 303 23,291 336 33,949 2,843 41,500 2,075 15,759 Nuhaka .. .. .. 3,451 38,291 40 2,895 .. .. 43 5,136 29 5,208 328 5,659 4,406 20,723 Chief Accountant .. 46,120 232,752 278,872 8,331 .. .. .. .. 284,245 27,713 72,142 207,480 57,256 648,836 .. .. •• • • Overseas traffic .. .. .. .. .. 494 1,219 16 6,870 .. .. .. 26,526 .. 26,526 494 1,219 16 6 ' 870 Totals .. .. 183,863 4,740,350 4,924,213 698,7841,031,200 5,393,758 1,365,634 3,195,989 1,274,289 192,695 231,799 3,686,490 108,202 5,493,475 1,031,200 5,393,758 1,365,634 3,195,989 "Kaihtj Section— Dargaville .. .. 170 12,487 12,657 131 1 2,876 1,101 3,014 107 1,097 512 25 4,755 1 .. 2,876 1,101 District Office .. .. .. 572 572 .. .. .. .. CV.2,394 226 56 23 152 Or. 1,937 .. .. •• Overseas traffic .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 165 .. .. .. 309 .. 309 .. .. • ■ 165 Totals .. .. 170 13,059 13,229 131 1 2,876 1,266 620 333 1,153 844 177 3,127 1 .. 2,876 1,266 Gisbobne Section— Gisborne .. .. 561 8,927 9,488 36 812 8,328 333 6,232 4,580 33 196 2,872 531 8,212 1,722 90,035 43,046 44,784 Motuhora .. .. 523 6,134 6,657 5 1,722 90,035 43,047 44,784 727 3 727 21,661 6 23,124 812 8,328 334 6,232 District Office .. .. .. 1,410 1,410 1 .. .. .. .. Cr.4,252 598 68 262 21 Or. 3,303 .. .. •• Overseas traffic .... .. .. .. 4 6 727 .. .. .. 4.. 4 4.. 6 727 Totals .. .. 1,084 16,471 17,555 42 2,538 98,363 43,386 51,743 1,055 634 991 24,799 558 28,037 2,538 98,363 43,386 51,743 — :



STATEMENT No . 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1940—continued.

9—D. 2.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Traffic. Revenue. Traffic. Stations. "* j ; Number of Passenger Journeys. T' h p ! Season Hundreds'of Other 0r p'" ary Season Luggage, r - Miscel- T ° tal Cattle Sheep Hundreds'of other First- second. Tl ° kete ' ***£?« =—■ Tickets. and Good* Ianeou , and Other class. class. lotai. • ieet. South Island Main Line and Branches — | No. No. No. Tons. ££££££ No. No. Tons Lyttelton .. j 24,859 113,842 38,701 40,007 213 21,727 36,946 355,248 7,142 7,346 6,571 175,151 22,429 218,639 913 18,182 8 102 244 875 (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,905 .. .. .. 2,444 .. 2,444 .. .. 3<>'o(V> Heathcote .. .. 671 39,606 40,277 8,385 .. .. .. 5,938 654 1,336 85 4,360 8 6 443 304 q'i : 'i Woolston .. .. 418 23,216 23,634 60,761 36 .. .. 4,307 565 1,712 115 2,309 .. 4,701 118 " 2 265 15 370 Opawa .. .. 222 16,756 16,978 5,999 .. .. .. .. 389 1,011 30 .. .. 1,430 1 .. „ Christchurch— Passenger and Parcels 46,912 601,093 648,005 43,273 .. .. .. .. 87,290 8,720 17,693 .. 507 114,210 Goods .. .. .. .. .. .. 279 48 3,002 109,915 .. .. .. 103,328 2,181 417 " 56 68 875 332 *99 Central Booking Office 12,050 49,168 61,218 107 .. .. .. .. 36,019 915 649 .. 30 37 613 .. .. . ' " Bus Office Addington .. .. 743 27,307 28,050 995 3,979 169,007 3,772 36,831 1,887 201 242 23,700 327 26,357 20,654 339,477 133 101 si Sfii Riccarton .. .. 139 2,000 2,139 377 .. .. 888 3,534 214 89 75 1,439 2 1,819 1 .. 17 625 Papanui .. .. 112 6,383 6,495 903 25 .. 1,028 6,855 457 276 121 4,705 8 5,567 78 .. ->6 963 q noj. Belfast .. .. 19 5,167 5,186 294 229 4,192 56 26,206 267 158 61 17,812 10 18,308 11,190 7111,927 6 040 11 938 Kaiapoi .. •• 69 9,816 9,885 809 396 4,001 117 18,365 936 385 129 10,475 40 11,965 272 219,151 4 453 T>'v?6 Rangiora .. . ■ 272 17,570 17,842 7,137 1,297 20,769 752 11,021 1,670 1,939 370 7,230 104 11,313 695 7,686 10!920 East Oxford .. .. 5 677 682 .. 483 31,916 .. 2,956 81 18 2,561 .. 2,660 77 13,759 422 fi -,sq Sefton .. .. 9 3,791 3,800 130 92 3,465 50 5,522 270 96 127 2,929 6 3,428 68 3,443 109 3' 1 86 Amberley .. .. 58 1,978 2,036 123 445 61,421 3 4,747 275 132 53 3,975 1 4,436 118 26,089 417 Waipara .. .. 101 2,832 2,933 12 1,859 140,388 1,987 5,765 360 14 259 9,330 7 9,970 275 6,528 559 l'iq5 Mina .. .. 45 1,008 1,053 24 854 58,538 2,019 3,197 350 20 291 5,543 2 6,206 380 8'548 2,390 5', 521 Parnassus .. .. 55 1,825 1,880 .. 3,136 45,710 60 1,814 538 .. 83 5,166 57 5 844 176 2 273 2 457 10 qafi Hundalee .. .. 21 1,201 1,222 .. 72 49,491 30 1,262 459 .. 17 4,141 63 4,'680 104 '935 f050 4358 Waikari .. •• 8 1,760 1,768 22 248 35,093 .. 18,252 244 18 62 8,816 5 9,145 66 3 867 '338 <>'847' Hawarden .. •• 2 1,040 1,042 .. 695 88,267 1,750 5,041 92 .. 169 7,254 5 7,520 155 5[608 845 2*594 Culverden .. .. 5 82 87 .. 1,544 72,419 2,280 5,725 31 .. 96 8,501 2 8,630 407 2,151 3 146 6'o25 Waiau .. .. 4 71 75 371 73,054 20 2,367 24 62 6,098 2 6,186 235 2,981 564 3,081 Kaikoura .. .. 20 164 184 .. .. .. .. .. 463 .. 72 .. .. 535 Hornby .. .. 49 7,203 7,252 109 1,133 870 .. 58,782 730 69 66 27,287 37 28,189 1,247 6,610 5 511 83 468 Lincoln .. .. 17 5,642 5,659 112 1,061 44,312 1 14,705 349 74 23 6,518 1 6,965 45 5,556 l'336 k'468 Leeston .. .. 66 4,130 4,196 85 1,575 20,296 65 5,845 571 90 58 3,261 12 3,992 360 23,079 7 504 Southbridge .. 10 4,719 4,729 20 133 27,325 4 10,289 553 26 429 5,866 4 6,878 92' 8 96] 768 t 000 Little River .. •• 14 5,458 5,472 110 6,847 1 34,292 1 1,452 891 106 304 6,266 10 7,577 816 21 531 1331 4'-■>«; Islington .. .. 4 4,317 4,321 342 31 1,274 65 17,829 302 83 83 9,741 .. 10,209 8,997 300,'717 3'244 1 1 ' Rolleston .. .. 920 97,130 98,050 34 409 28,061 306 5,581 6,603 30 228 3,447 21 10 329 119 10 043 '323 I Kirwee .. .. 12 716 728 24 93 9,018 .. 3,386 74 24 78 1,794 2 26 15*955 34 2 439 Darfield .. ..I 140 2,085 2,225 51 308 53,249 32 7,454 315 51 54 4,912 5 5,337 165 4,189 1 536 2 048 Ooalgate .. .. .. 123 123 .. 334 61,652 12 12,804 42 .. 35 9,654 12 9 743 146 5 228 l'o45 4' ,-,ia Sheffield .. .. 24 1,668 1,692 47 292 29,858 .. 3,234 263 44 275 2,913 5 3,500 69 5'619 'l41 1fieri Springfield .. .. 491 7,621 8,112 45 294 11,759 31 1,576 1,029 45 135 2,543 47 109 3'629 671 2'o84 Arthur's Pass .. .. 82 2,261 2,343 .. 17 3 174 365 43 195 1 6041 31 '96I 336 l'()85 Otira .. .. 510 16,249 16,759 5 1,081 6,346 81,474 1,102 2,314 4 221 25,557 24 28,120 250 418 580 3 180 Moana .. .. 81 3,960 4,041 45 939 1,753 59,547 888 807 38 343 13,646 3 14,837 242 2 608 340 l'mq Stillwater .. .. 180 12,231 12,411 34 6 9 89 18,701 88,431 1,938 26 122 33,350 7 3 5 443 158 1 389 9 fifil Ngahere .. .. 39 6,921 6,960 29 1,108 8,572 94,025 2,297 637 23 62 19,510 4 20 236 381 1 062 81 1 857 Blackball .. .. 29 4,253 4,282 186 .. .. .. 36,999 487 153 26 8 26,592 .. .. 627 {,'872 Ikamatua .. .. 139 4,936 5,075 34 335 5,820 37,351 5,375 1,276 28 121 15,367 4 16 796 221 3 165 173 * S7Q Reefton .. .. 333 11,119 11,452 47 1,203 5,093 2,690 50,150 3,004 38 201 46,144 429 49,816 838 1 591 99? , q Inangahua .. .. .. 775 775 3,975 2,284 4,416 3,204 215 .. 71 7,966 128 8,380 447 l'542 1 098 2W Greymouth .. .. 3,349 121,392 124,741 2,754 1,500 1,947 18,909 16,518 24,831 966 2,395 16,274 7,649 52 115 3 348 6 799 4 421 28'7on (Wharf) .... .. .. .. 1 23 349 3,720 2,926 .. 2,926 .. ..' 294,' 270 205,847 Runanga .. .. 4 47,701 47,705 1,907 14 .. 29 109,663 1,364 563 49 63,851 127 65,954 88 750 2 887 4004 Rewanui .. .. 2 4,966 4,968 10,300 14 7 126,103 201 2,146 2 68,965 227 71 541 15 V274 5>'fi9Q Kumara .. .. 127 5,724 5,851 62 1,458 2,442 112,319 1,492 702 43 58 17,228 31 18'o62 354 633 '216 o' 9^, Hokitika .. .. 777 29,747 30,524 127 2,833 7,785 106,697 2,725 7,494 107 697 27,638 289 36,225 685 3,187 6 809 15 252 „ (Bus Office) .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . # # ' Ross .. .. .. 42 17,175 17,217 6 3,392 21,203 126,914 4,956 1,435 5 74 33,180 20 34,714 173 626 248 4 919 Dunsandel .. .. 52 7,114 7,166 49 203 37,653 135 6,824 798 51 350 5,101 17 6,317 203 19 647 4 486 4 603 Rakaia .. .. 291 16,414 16,705 205 894 106,676 12,339 21,198 2,073 193 170 18,887 36 21,359 149 25'l58 '396 <s'is« Methven .. .. 11 4,759 4,770 9 1,051 62,282 20 11,909 775 n 52 12,946 30 13,814 253 22'l70 1 658 12'23» Chertsey .. .. 6 4,666 4,672 38 1,868 52,096 .. 13,045 352 30 40 19,043 1 19,466 252 24 289 ' 9 q'040 Ashburton .. .. 1,686 64,250 65,936 121 491 5,164 374 19,857 12,353 117 906 15,672 397 29,445 984 3L919 15,566 35,' 882 Tinwald .. .. .. 2,675 2,675 51 1,714 99,790 722 5,105 234 7 26 8,072 6 8,345 208 35 335 40 2 si-) Mount Somers .. .. .. 396 396 .. 992 11,992 36 5,716 45 12 4,485 48 4,59o| 242 3,034 1,014 Hinds .. .. 14 5,448 5,462 119 529 59,031 178 5,559 549 98 50 6,570 1 7,268 231 14 268 480 6 781 Rangitata .. .. 7 4,100 4,107 24 117 31,994 .. 3,915 423 20 22 3,509 1 3,975 140 4'l->9 ->86 1 QQ1 Orari .. ..j 274 9,899 10,173 65 467 54,255 41 2,732 2,064 72 158 3,995 4 6,293 291 2'oi8 1 661 5 066 Winchester .. .. | 55 3,798 3,853 86 137 5,756 .. 14,122 450 70 41 6,352 JB 6,914 51 1,257 16 2,417 TeMuka .. .. 456 27,995 28,451 68 2,550 45,177 77 6,236 4,784 62 319 6,327 37 11 529 773 3 360 -Uffl 1, «• Washdyke .. .. 16 2,895 2,911 11 1,101 20,620 .. 12,390 160 12 9 9,159 1 9'341 1 252 23'467 'v>\ Pleasant Point .. 4 3,630 3,634 42 716 57,668 26 14,839 392 38 41 7,701 4 8'l76 '754 6'843 784 s'fss Albury .. .. 9 1,035 1,044 32 344 32,821 .. 2,313 214 29 25 2,346 11 2 625 73 1 622 505 ' Fairlie .. .. 37 6,076 6,113 28 680 54,851 .. 3,924 1,242 33 98 4,975 3 6,351 242 1,475 1,099 7^06 1 " 3 ' 968 98 ' 7H 102 ' 679 168 164 5 > 457 2 > 186 72 > 265 25 > 78 1 112 2,201 30,223 4,942 63,259 131 268,003 21,031 166 03S >» (-Dus uince 1 ' „ (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,795 " " " '5,799 !! '5799 " " " 'A St-Andrews .. .. 28 5,621 5,649 20 1,024 22,164 58 15,701 403 23 31 7,599 2 8,'o58 271 84 828 " 571 7'it, Makikihi .. .. 11 1,597 1,608 54 399 14,902 20 3,626 185 63 16 1,963 .. 2 227 209 2 973 90S s'oqo Studholme .. .. 194 5,141 5,335 74 564 19,183 6 8,614 1,168 125 82 4,537 7 5',919 114 6'o45 170 2 956 Waimate .. .. 162 15,188 15,350 22 379 14,583 47 5,323 2,257 50 366 4,621 2 7 296 168 Sfifi , „ KO - Morven .. .. 38 4,051 4,089 94 50 8,805 139 7,366 384 154 28 3 921 1 4,488 5 3 607 2'TO Glenavy .. .. 11 3,051 3,062 43 188 11,209 4 2,495 264 42 36 1,577 1 1 920 21 3'244 m 13. Pukeuri .. .. 6 1,497 1,503 101 346 27,351 12 13,262 87 70 43 11,278 .. 11 478 455 140*506 154 5 fits Duntroon •• 10 1.092 1,102 34 366 43,727 .. 1,521 195 31 34 2,753 .. 3!oi3 139 S 102 3^78 JfUrow •• •• | 15 3,964 3,979 11 356 31,060 21 2,740 753 12 79 4,403 1 5 248 142 9 0 81 3 fiC4 Office) " 1,861 4 °' 281 51 ' 142 126 613 6 ' 139 5 " 23 ' 5 °° 15 ' 401 103 1,435 10,048 1,904 28 ' 891 571 3 ' 662 12^707 (Breakwater) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '.5,935 !! " '.! 1,444 " j 444 " " " 0 1r( faiareka 2 451 453 .. 216 27,198 .. 19,715 30 .. 7 8,850 29 8*916 '298 25 506 4S 'g a P ara 84 84 35 1,103 .. 6,707 24 .. 14 3 ; 6 60 2 1,700 230 S 1U 7,029 laheno .. .. 27 6,790 6,817 125 1,510 23,057 .. 5,123 442 74 451 4,655 8 5 630 310 6 962 194 fi lampden .. .. 74 3,638 3,712 45 536 22,270 .. 1,794 483 37 166 2,370 2 3 058 299 4 638 531 S'222 >almerston .. .. 456 25,672 26,128 58 761 63,905 .. 2,018 3,733 39 429 4,276 62 8 539 458 4 439 1 533 s'ooa Hakareao .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,539 u ' 299 408 4 >« 9 1> 53 3 5,008 .Vaikouaiti .. .. 62 5,583 5,645 185 902 27,768 .. 1,085 722 132 89 2,106 " 5 3,'o54 '798 5,287 597 2,'834 ■Seacliff .. .. 250 13,244 13,494 605 185 4,061 31 387 1,521 214 76 586 4 2 401 163 1 801 414 r •• •• 720 8,050 8,770 1,723 189 1,644 32 384 482 539 85 298 3 1*407 86 1 148 til 'M™ Port Chalmers, Upper .. 100 4,402 4,502 524 148 2,995 .. 27 253 94 107 115 1 '570 1 17a ' Sawyers Bay .. .. 173 14,702 14,875 5,992 45 87 106 344 1,178 13 34 2 1 571 31 317 " 57 6 5g

D.— 2.


STATEMENT NO. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1940—continued.

OUTWARD. I INWARD. Traffic. Revenue. Tbaffic. •" v Stations. , .,! ■ i I* • ' I • Number of Passenger Journeys. _. . J Season 6 ' S and P Hundreds'of Other 0r p^ ary Season Luggage, Gooaf . Miscel- valnl : Cat j Ie Sheep Himdredsof Other First- second- Tot , ~! CaTvt. pTgl Goods. <>oods. laneou* <«£.. and Other class. class. Aotal - . eei - ; I I | I 1 I _l - • • South Island Main Line and Branches—contd. No. No. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ £ No. No. Tons Port Chalmers .. 1,099 34,583 35,682 18,564 .. .. 155 33,827 1,619 4,261 103 12,613 1,771 20,367 1 67 4 056 53 687 St. Leonards .. .. 156 5,454 5,610 4,251 3 .. 2 167 772 5 1 1 946 13 '44 '231 Ravensbourne .. .. 631 27,156 27,787 5,796 .. .. .. 55,700 484 1,145 11 28,010 2 29,652 .. " 75 5 960 Dunedin .. .. 16,374 414,354 430,728 34,071 .. .. .. .. 91,480 7,289 11,535 .. 437 110,741 (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 786 187 14,251 122,804 .. .. .. 176,826 1,500 178,326 739 2,497 87,582 196 341 „ (Bus Office) .. 6 104 110 .. .. .. .. .. 22 .. .. .. .. 22 ... Caversham .. .. 248 20,112 20,360 1,513 .. .. 11 625 1,303 216 117 545 5 2,186 " ' 3,713 7,119 Burnside .. .. 218 12,158 12,376 4,822 2,719 15,506 .. 74,941 327 757 107 78,486 78 79,755 20,970 461,445 2 921 106 453 Green Island .. .. 637 19,730 20,367 10,579 .. .. .. 4,171 756 1,726 44 2,461 35 5,022 .. 24 664 s'983 Abbotsford .. .. 172 18,102 18,274 10,667 .. .. 7 1,479 540 1,786 26 1,484 18 3,854 .. .. 273 '312 Wingatui .. .. 66 10,699 10,765 3,165 1,019 27,038 20 1,936 605 709 64 4,647 11 6,036 529 1,063 1 765 1 451 Middlemarch .. .. 83 2,865 2,948 .. 934 '65,535 9 1,759 609 .. 393 6,119 4 7,125 468 5,605 '621 3,'l87 v Waipiata .. .. 68 2,566 2,634 .. 440 40,713 .. 673 800 .. 89 3,715 5 4,609 283 5,237 703 4 368 Ranfurly .. .. 175 3,396 3,571 4 442 42,516 4 1,191 1,245 3 184 4,555 7 5,994 176 3,464 1 046 3'599 Oturehua .. .. 27 1,156 1,183 .. 684 58,655 .. 1,794 376 .. 173 7,217 1 7,767 60 7,739 '363 l''674 Omakau .. .. 103 2,242 2,345 .. 570 66,075 24 1,191 935 .. 361 6,731 4 8,031 269 5,824 797 3*486 Alexandra .. .. Ill 2,651 2,762 4 288 11,315 51 2,809 1,553 25 266 5,386 16 7,246 174 3,329 3,186 5*808 Clyde .. .. 26 1,387 1,413 89 54 3,143 40 1,589 436 49 177 3,366 1 4,029 14 556 880 1 463 Cromwell .. .. 139 4,780 4,919 1 640 46,108 63 5,213 2,367 1 359 11,256 33 14,016 193 2,963 6,865 9'551 Mosgiel .. .. 1,278 45,378 46,656 19,411 263 3,768 84 2,275 3,062 4,501 233 1,817 56 9,669 360 4 642 4 774 4'369 Outram .. .. 5 3,941 3,946 254 126 2,478 .. 863 259 108 29 568 1 965 46 699 '608 5'o75 Allanton .. .. 254 7,847 8,101 405 1,059 14,978 5 2,853 558 155 77 2,247 1 3,038 1,182 14,870 516 2^992 Milburn .. .. 6 1,224 1,230 4 101 7,263 18 80,864 152 4 17 29,093 335 29,601 238 803 167 8 260 Milton .. .. 615 25,037 25,652 72 666 19,265 12 4,641 4,489 68 1,174 3,945 95 9,771 673 13,321 582 9'716 Lawrence .. .. 24 1,103 1,127 .. 458 15,464 105 993 212 .. 150 2,045 3 2,410 169 3,195 151 6*888 Miner's Flat .. .. 2 261 263 255 21,699 28 2,192 60 62 4,282 4 4,408 166 1,481 517 2'l02 Roxburgh .. .. 19 360 379 .. 32 12,621 .. 4,021 141 .. 68 7,501 2 7,712 15 530 704 2 366 Lovell's Flat .. .. 117 2,199 2,316 19 156 8,814 25 3,371 211 17 20 2,785 .. 3,033 80 989 227 3'871 Stirling .. .. 154 11,386 11,540 114 4,899 4,206 21 121,775 1,544 129 81 71,996 1,819 75,569 1,113 4,008 781 4*618 Balclutha .. .. 1,124 32,012 33,136 242 1,854 41,085 67 18,684 7,389 327 855 23,869 87 32,527 2,736 144,289 1 944 14*718 Owaka .. .. 7 4,971 4,978 5 950 20,662 42,108 5,337 1,072 5 206 15,117 10 16,410 434 8,101 457 7'964 Tahakopa .. .. .. 6,346 6,346 .. 129 3,160 18,661 545 900 .. 75 4,963 1 5,939 172 3,899 22 4,272 Waiwera .. .. 17 2,685 2,702 .. 148 8,922 273 1,637 326 .. 392 1,936 1 2,655 54 2,360 38 6 875 Clinton .. .. 206 14,640 14,846 74 429 31,386 6,364 832 2,311 85 87 3,971 19 6,473 37 1,386 166 6'233 Waipahi .. .. 170 7,479 7,649 1 1,351 50,220 26 2,711 1,600 1 130 4,997 2 6,730 443 2,707 185 lo'739 Tapanui .. .. 23 1,028 1,051 .. 300 37,718 957 2,299 548 .. 23 5,931 1 6,503 118 1,081 333 6/306 Heriot .. .. .. 144 144 .. 739 80,032 8 1,808 119 .. 75 7,092 .. 7,286 382 3,537 439 10 479 Gore .. .. .. 1,373 50,983 52,356 176 2,319 169,206 419 16,279 13,237 115 1,164 21,113 115 35,744 1,975 14,498 2,733 48'737 Riversdale .. .. 11 4,306 4,317 153 1,368 98,288 4 13,418 562 139 137 12,491 7 13,336 299 8,639 383 20*219 Mataura .. .. 309 28,227 28,536 485 483 20,168 510 19,313 3,653 370 141 28,080 13 32,257 464 85,014 363 2l'462 Edendale .. .. 209 14,495 14,704 181 1,808 34,563 31 4,900 2,879 153 158 7,210 62 10,462 788 25,620 441 17*895 Wyndham .. .. 285 285 493 6,048 592 2,681 110 .. 29 3,497 1 3,637 191 2,094 159 13 454 Woodlands .. .. 101 8,202 8,303 61 852 18,667 30 2,966 1,044 53 117 2,850 8 4,072 338 22,289 93 12*995 Invercargill .. .. 5,300 188,920 194,220 6,341 .. .. .. .. 48,495 2,500 2,559 .. 138 53,692 .. .. .. (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 5,393 45,524 8,849 67,615 .. .. .. 48,199 638 48,837 3,599 20,867 io,479 146 680 Waimahaka .. .. .. 9,970 9,970 60 2,638 40,022 4,791 1,911 637 51 189 5,696 2 6,575 879 7,268 218 21,040 Bluff.. .. .. 598 48,349 48,947 2,520 54 396 5,233 104,143 2,730 1,004 204 48,642 8,933 61,513 212 202,994 28,661 131214 Makarewa .. .. 2 4,822 4,824 366 1,489 25,974 .. 18,474 266 209 70 15,598 5 16,148 3,553 114,281 77 14*331 Thornbury .. .. 5 2,392 2,397 132 264 8,013 264 1,605 178 92 45 1,622 5 1,942 189 7,801 39 12'634 Riverton .. .. 72 5,878 5,950 85 410 7,075 16,652 2,143 814 71 148 6,955 6 7,994 273 536 13 5*749 Orepuki .. .. 5 3,823 3,828 61 456 15,710 1 1,452 526 50 57 1,859 1 2,4931 123 3,669 345 3 276 Tuatapere .. .. 7 11,139 11,146 34 988 9,478 48,333 13,732 1,235 30 246 22,423 3 23,937 437 2,077 578 4'oil Otautau .. .. 21 1,974 1,995 192 420 30,182 3,465 2,915 373 173 87 4,206 3 4,842 153 7,826 17 12*484 Wairio .. .. 7 3,069 3,076 24 419 6,185 .. 179,777 467 26 40 138,732 2,632 141,897 336 1,961 522 10'208 Winton .. 165 9,105 9,270 133 1,212 43,187 6,644 88,622 1,013 122 393 35,954 21 37,503 451 24,940 772 18'408 Lumsden .. .. 191 15,385 15,576 45 814 55,390 54 20,195 2,554 41 245 11,781 29 14,650 485 10,688 830 24 743 Kingston .. .. 1 590 591 .. 131 1,783 .. 262 172 .. 18 542 164 896 73 2,246 418 4^123 Through traffic (Lake .. .. .. .. 14 5,692 5 2,398 .. .. .. 3,972 .. 3,972 97 530 1,211 3,751 Wakatipu) Chief Accountant .. 11,236 103,649 114,885 204 .. .. .. .. 68,383 15,707 28,692 57,236 20,772 190,790 Overseas traffic .. .. .. .. .. 1,824 262 34 17,128 .. .. .. 58,831 .. 58,831 1,824 262 34 17,128 Totals .. .. 149,319 3,062,634 3,211,953 272,205115,875 3,883,671 915,116 2,821,553 561,194 78,130 94,317 2,270,801 82,403 3,086,845 115,875 3,883,671 915,116 2,821,553 Westport Section— Westport .. .. 226 14,992 15,218 146 76 .. 321 3,612 2,598 95 239 3,183 5,235 11,350 31 .. 2,644 417,140 Waimangaroa .. .. .. 11,154 11,154 160 .. .. ' 418 174,149 470 136 23 30,926 18 31,573 1 .. 1,660 3 036 Granity .. .. 26 22,442 22,468 280 31 .. 4,009 244,218 1,663 222 72 52,926 18 54,901 75 .. 444 1 803 District Office .. .. .. 1,012 1,012 .. .. .. .. .. Or. 1,818 325 192 8 213 Cr. 1,080 Overseas traffic .. .. .. .. .. 2 64 207 1,123 .. .. .. 354 .. 354 2 64 207 1,123 Totals .. .. 252I 49,600 49,852 586 109 64 4,955 423,102 2,913 778 526 87,397 5,484 97,098 109 64 4,955 423,102 Nelson Section— Port Nelson .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,072 .. .. .. 247 .. 247 .. .. .. 910 Nelson .. .. 232 10,559 10,791 507 10 70 184 7,313 2,166 482 48 2,657 63 5,416 1,163 17,732 83 8,398 Wakefield .. .. 3 4,543 4,546 25 1,109 9,199 38 5,389 315 6 51 2,731 1 3,104 17 333 78 5,636 Glenhope ... .. .. 430 430 .. 186 10,554 84 1,360 56 .. 17 1,046 .. 1,119 125 1,758 145 2,190 District Office .. .. .. 1,506 1,506 .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 1,312 577 96 329 69 Cr. 241 Overseas traffic .. .. .. .. .. 3 120 .. 792 .. .. .. 370 .. 370 3 120 .. 792 Totals .. .. 235 17,038 17,273 532 1,308 19,943 306 17,926 1,225 1,065 212 7,380 133 10,015 1,308 19,943 306 17,926 Picton Section— Picton .. .. 1,569 16,454 18,023 239 385 19,097 1,281 30,877 1,404 212 292 21,365 3,207 26,480 612 118,084 1,679 15,744 Blenheim .. .. 1,562 28,130 29,692 250 612 118,084 1,679 15,744 3,243 192 372 8,800 463 13,070 385 19,097 1,281 30,87"W District Office .. .. 1 1,276 1,277 .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 1,154 505 364 293 2,359 2,367 .. .. .. Overseas traffic .. .. .. .. .. 5 52 .. 170 .. .. 1,123 1,123 5 52 .. 17' Totals .. .. 3,132 45,860 48,992 489 1,002 137,233 2,960 46,791 3,493 909 1,028 31,581 6,029 43,040 1,002 137,233 2,960 46,791 Lake Whakatipu Steamers—• Totals .. .. .. 11,530 11,530 .. 133 7,594 1,259 6,578 2,115 12 450 4,728 40 7,345 133 7,594 1,259 6,578 I


STATEMENT No. 19. Classification of Goods and Live-stock Traffic and Earnings by Commodities.

10—D. 2.


Year ended 31st March, 1940. Year ended 31st March, 1939. Commodity. _ Ton3 Bevenne. Tons Revenue. Tonnage Per Cent. One sole Average I Tonnage Per Cent. One Mile Average i earned. of Gross. (000 Haul. Per Per carried. of Gross. (000 Raul Per Per omitted). Total. Cent. Per Ton. Ton omitted). Total. ! Cent. Per Ton. Ton of Gross. Mile. oj Gross. Mile. I j~~ ~ Products of Agriculture. Mites ! £ £ s. d. d. Miles £ £ s d d Grain .. .. .. 236,912 3-08 12,451 53 130,963 2-11 0 11 1 2-52 18-5,203 2-44 10,626 57 100,559 1-74 0 11 0 2-27 Meals .. .. .. 114,748 1-50 7,406 65 76,586 1-23 0 13 4 2-48 114,595 1-52 7,315 64 69 841 1-21 0 12 9 2-">9 Fruit and vegetables .. 54,118 0-71 10,363 191 90,279 1-45 1 13 4 2-09 56,737 0-75 11,728 207 93 751 1-62 1 13 0 1-92 Root crops and fodder .. 126,218 1-64 9,812 78 87,416 1-41 0 13 10 2-14 137,500 1-82 lo'594 ~77 87'094 1-50 0 12 8 1-97 Flax, green and pressed .. 5,979 0-08 579 97 6,102 0-10 1 0 5 2-53 6,249 0-08 '521 83 5 845 0-10 0 18 9 2-69 Seeds .. .. .. 17,686 0-23 1,225 69 16,668 0-27 0 18 10 3-27 | 16,346 0-22 1,212 74 14',149 0-24 0 17 4 2-80 555,661 7-24 41,836 75 408,014 6-57 0 14 8 2-34 516,630 6-83 41,996 81 371,169 6-41 0 14 4 2-12 Animals and other Products. Cattle, calves, horses .. 210,088 2-74 17,146 82 237,996 3-83 1 2 8 3-33 211,058 2-80 18,509 88 236 662 4-08 1 2 5 3-07 Sheep and pigs .. .. 386,564 5 04 29,873 77 431,065 6-94 1 2 4 3-46 410,695 5-44 31,821 77 441 479 7-61 1 1 6 3-33 Meat .. .. .. 281,984 3-67 9,385 33 268,107 4-32 0 19 0 6-86 262,954 3-48 9,501 36 239' 332 4-13 0 18 6 ■ 05 Butter .. .. .. 122,477 1-60 10,154 83 161,056 2-59 1 6 4 3-81 138,845 1-84 10,134 73 155 936 2-69 I 2 6 3-69 Cheese .. .. .. 73,412 0-96 4,018 55 76,379 1-23 1 0 10 4-56 71,794 0-95 3,684 51 (■9 331 1-20 0 19 4 4-52 Woo 1 .. .. .. 167,951 2-19 8,974 53 182,322 2-94 1 1 8 4-88 172,197 2-28 9,660 56 178 799 3-09 1 0 9 4-44 Dairy products .. .. 19,471 0-25 1,709 88 22,803 0-37 1 3 5 3-20 20,220 0-27 1,724 85 20 891 0-36 1 0 8 9-9 1 Fat, hides, and skins .. 40,804 0-53 2,203 54 46,692 0-75 1 2 11 5-09 45,300 0-60 2,188 48 47'449 0-82 7 7 0 5-2 0 Fish .. .. .. 10,476 0 14 2,078 198 18,978 0-31 1 16 3 2-19 10,171 0-13 1,901 187 16,828 0-29 1 13 1 2-11 1,313,227 17-11 85,540 65 1,445,398 23-28 1 2 0 4-06 1,343,234 17-79 89,122 66 1,406,707 24-27 ~1~~1~0 3-79 Products of Mines. Agricultural lime .. 393,117 5-12 23,019 59 146,419 2-36 0 7 5 1-53 379,504 5-04 23,033 61 132 518 2-2 S 0 7 0 1-38 Coal, imported .. .. 11,590 0-15 521 45 5,581 0-09 0 9 8 2-57 36,055 0-48 1,760 49 18 705 0-32 0 10 4 2-56 Coal, New Zealand hard .. 832,595 10-85 36,170 43 298,597 4-81 0 7 2 1-98 840,683 11-02 36,886 44 277' 098 4-,3 0 6 8 1-80 Coai, New Zealand brown .. 911,351 11-88 112,392 123 651,514 10-49 0 14 4 1-39 897,602 11-90 108 183 121 593 634 10-25 0 13 3 1 -39 Road-metal .. .. 93,524 1-22 3,664 39 36,114 0-58 0 7 9 2-37 169,938 2-26 5,816 34 48 374 0-83 0 5 8 2-00 Lime and coke .. .. 44,o07 0-58 3,447 77 28,047 0-45 0 12 7 1-95 40,936 0-54 3,328 81 24',5-56 0-42 0 12 0 1-77 2,286,684 29-80 179,213 78 1,166,272 18-78 0 10 2 1-56 2,354,718 31-24 179,006 76 1,094,885 18-90 0 9 3 1-47 Products of Forests. Timber, imported .. 19,092 0-25 1,192 62 21,645 0-35 1 2 8 4-36 25,458 0-34 1 993 78 30 688 0-53 1 4 1 3-70 Timber, New Zealand .. 499,848 6-51 59,944 120 533,255 8-59 1 1 4 2-14 476 187 6-32 57'618 121 475 129 8-20 1 0 0 1-Q>i Firewood and fencing .. 68,081 0-89 6,173 91 36,759 0-59 0 10 10 1-43 76',565 1-02 6',978 91 39,076 0-67 0 10 2 1-34 587,021 7-65 67,309 115 591,659 J 9-53 1 0 2 2-11 578,210 7-68 66,589 115 544,893 9-40 0 18 10 7^96 Manufactures, &c. Benzine, gasolene, kerosene 195,113 2-54 16,010 82 329,400 5-31 1 13 9 4-94 188 492 2-50 77 401 99 311 AQft 1 75 n a in Cement 91,078 1 19 11,641 128 108,734 1-75 1 3 11 2-24 87,044 1-16 10,324 119 94 485 1 63 1 1 9 ton Manure.. .. .. 1,036,730 13-51 68,466 66 561,626 9-04 0 10 10 1-97 874,679 11-62 65,356 75 475,090 8-20 0 10 11 1-74 1,322,921 17-24 96,117 73 999,760 16-10 0 15 1 2-50 1,150,215 15-28 93,081 81 881,071 15-20 0 15 4 2-2 V MisceUaneous .. .. 1,608,436 20-96 110,762 69 1,598,447 25-74 0 19 11 3-46 1,596,005 21-18 104,691 66 1,495,963 25-82 0 18 9 3-43 Total .. .. 7,673,950 100-00 . 580,777 76 6,209,550 100-00 0 16 2 2-57 7,539,012 100-00 \ 574,485 76 5,794,688 100-00 0 15 4 2-43


STATEMENT No. 20. Statement showing Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Operating Revenue, and Operating Expenditure of New Zealand Government Railways from 1st April, 1925, to 31st March, 1940. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.



Year. Miles. Capital Cost. Train-mlleage. | %££*£ *™g? 1 ££f i | TImb «- i _ _ i I ' I I 1 No. £ No. No. £ £ No. No. Tons. 1925-1926 .. 3,138 45,794,199 10,319,407 27,653,414 2,537,047 409,207 391,649 8,209,965 770,654 1926-1927 .. 3,164 47,195,948 10,723,864 26,002,137 2,304,180 377,367 391,062 8,902,511 663,442 1927-1928 .. 3,180 49,014,832 10,838,594 25,379,665 2,145,296 379,933 459,742 9,299,715 570,558 1928-1929 .. 3,287 54,210,139 11,113,482 25,574,843 2,124,746 378,141 634,394 9,685,374 568,026 1929-1930 .. 3,287 55,347,541 12,022,043 25,413,621 1,995,927 386,792 695,060 10,271,544 574,080 1930-1931 .. 3.322 58,076,236 11,281,898 22,813,708 1,778,725 359,276 729,567 10,279,407 403,095 1931-1932 .. 3,315 49,661,930 10,168,720 19,151,480 1,339,589 316,245 685.649 10,685,464 253,534 1932-1933 .. 3,315 49,744,744 9,828,853 18,366,654 1,207,296 283,822 687,027 10,550,860 253,633 1933-1934 .. 3,320 52,173.142 10,163,474 19,047,186 1,336,334 281,889 918,111 10,240,258 301,222 1934-1935 .. 3,320 52,352,985 10,626,400 19,654,467 1,368,688 292,096 821,015 10,909,065 368,417 1935-1936 .. 3,320 52,462,587 11,050,376 20,358,524 1,466,617 299,964 1,124,340 9,801,356 420,799 1936-1937 .. 3,320 52,905,965 11,868,083 21,235,428 1,611,305 305,526 1,130,722 10,325,490 452,375 1937-1938 .. 3,323 54,205,496 12,777,852 22,441,212 1,698,021 318,457 1,243,615 11,101,056 490,207 1938-1939 .. 3,319 56,413,304 13,072,615 23,265,768 1,785,646 334,170 1,165,560 10,102,345 501,644 1939-1940 .. 3,390 60,697,818 13,366,798 24,454,014 2.119,335 330,024 1,152,033 9,533,082 618,940 — . . -= . Miscellaneous I ttevenne Tier Year. Goods. j Total. i Goods Revenue. : Revenue, labour, Total llevenue. Trftin rnile | Demurrage, Ac. Tons. Tons. £ £ £ d. 1925-1926.. .. 6,028,959 6,799,613 4,499,160 143,861 7,589,274 176-51 1926-1927.. .. 6,161,706 6,825,148 4,596,166 145,759 7,423,472 166-14 1927-1928.. .. 6,276,525 6,847,083 4,680,135 138,481 7,343,845 162-62 1928-1929.. .. 6,509,978 7,078,004 4,846,125 175.852 7,524,864 162-50 1929-1930.. .. 6,649,114 7,223,194 4,904,324 186,949 7,473,993 .149-21 1930-1931 .. .. 5,998,562 6,401,657 4,487,357 156,029 6,781,388 144-26 1931-1932.. .. 5,018,719 5,272,253 4,019,600 I 113,531 5.788.965 136-63 1932-1933.. .. 4,691,959 4,945,592 3,745,777 1 102,180 5,339,075 130-37 1933-1934.. .. 4,792,174 5,093,396 3,911,245 99,367 5,628,835 132-92 1934-1935.. .. 5,076,560 5,444,977 4,138,434 108,846 5,908,064 133-44 1935-1936.. .. 5,197,678 5,618,477 4,359,750 117,188 6,243,519 135-60 1936-1937.. .. 5,760,532 6,212,907 4,846,417 140,356 6,903,604 139-61 1937-1938.. .. 6,357,767 6,847,974 5,411,297 164,050 7,591,825 142-59 1938-1939.. .. 6,415,613 6,917,257 5,694,930 190,307 8,005,059 146-96 1939-1940.. .. 6,558,358 7,077,298 6,109,293 202,985 8,761,637 157-31

,,f w««. «. n ,i Wnrto Maintenance of Signals and Maintenance of Locomotives, Maintenance of Way and Works. Electrical Appliances. Carriages, and Wagons. Year. Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Amount. of of Amount. of of Amount. of TrainIlevenue. Railway. Revenue. Railway. Revenue. mile. I £ £ £ £ £ d. 1925-1926 .. .. 1,144,385 15-08 368-80 105,064 1-38 33-86 1,311,317 17-28 30-50 1926-1927 .. .. 1,074,334 14-47 340-30 100,861 1-36 31-95 1,303,444 17-56 29-17 1927-1928 .. .. 1,147,067 15-62 360-94 102,871 1-40 32-37 1,380,727 18-80 30-57 1928-1929 .. .. 1,111,229 14-77 341-50 112,206 1-49 34-48 1,424,165 18-93 30-76 1929-1930 .. .. 1,146,014 15-33 352-19 117,577 1-57 36-13 1,680,919 22-49 33-55 1930-1931 .. .. 1,150,329 16-97 348-27 104,464 1-54 31-63 1,502.698 22-16 31-97 1931-1932 .. .. 997,629 17-23 300-94 107,584 1-86 32-45 1,270,585 21-94 29-99 1932-1933 .. .. 931,273 17-44 280-93 105,586 1-98 31-85 1,188,474 22-26 29-02 1933-1934 .. .. 993,207 17-65 299-16 110,298 1-96 33-22 1,220,102 21-67 28-81 1934-1935 .. .. 1,047,825 17-74 315-61 137,477 2-33 41-41 1,236,324 20-93 27-92 1935-1936 .. .. 1,070,085 17-14 322-31 147,442 2-36 44-41 1,406,685 22-53 30-55 1936-1937 .. .. 1,171,963 16-98 353-00 154,108 2-23 46-42 1,565,083 22-67 31-65 1937-1938 .. .. 1,278,980 16-85 384-89 178,892 2-36 53-83 1,792,562 23-61 33-67 1938-1939 .. .. 1,375,829 17-19 414-53 186,546 2-33 56-21 1,832,615 22-89 33-64 1939-1940 .. .. 1,468,268 16-76 4.35-56 197,949 2-26 58-72 1,896,366 21-64 34-05 Locomotive Transportation. Traffic Transportation. General Charges. Expendl- Expendij j i : Total tur0 ture Year ' ! Per ! c P e e n r t 1 Per Per Expenditure. jg". of Amount. n f I Train " Amount. of i Train- Amount. 0 f Train- mile. Revenue. Kevenue.j mile - Kevenue. mile " Kevenue. m " e " £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. 1925-1926 .. 1,636,620 21-56 38-06 1,743,641 22-98 40-55 223,543 2-94 5-20 6,164,570 143-37 81-23 1926-1927 .. 1,669,352 22-49 37-36 1,752,998 23-61 39-23 257,294 3-47 5-76 6,158,283 137-82 82-96 1927-1928 .. 1.662,074 22-63 36-80 1,760,459 23-97 38-98 248,921 3-39 5-51 6,302,119 139-55 85-81 1928-1929 .. 1.650,793 21-94 35-65 1,825,965 24-26 39-43 250,221 3-32 5-40 6,374,579 137-66 84-71 1929-1930 .. 1,755,208 23-49 35-03 1,883,918 25-21 37-61 264,389 3-54 5-28 6,848,026 136-71 91-62 1930-1931 .. 1,594,672 23-53 33-92 1,798,490 26-52 38-26 255,490 3-76 5-43 6,406,143 136-28 94-47 1931-1932 .. 1.254,770 21-67 29-61 1,424,520 24-60 33-62 246,565 4-26 5-82 5,301,653 125-13 91-56 1932-1933 .. 1,114,801 20-88 27-22 1,255,280 23-51 30-65 238,340 4-47 5-82 4,833,754 118-03 90-54 1933-1934 .. 1,064,827 18-92 25-14 1,253,833 22-28 29-61 234,879 4-17 5-55 4,877,146 115-17 86-65 1934-1935 .. 1,127,160 19-08 25-46 1,360,928 23-04 30-74 228,874 3-87 5-17 5,138,588 116-06 86-99 1935-1936 .. 1,201,636 19-25 26-10 1,465,052 23-46 31-82 232,293 3-72 5-05 5,523,193 119-96 88-46 1936-1937 .. 1,412,177 20-45 28-56 1,797,058 26-03 36-34 237-996 3-45 4-81 6,338,385 128-18 91-81 1937-1938 .. 1,703,110 22-43 31-99 2,090,471 27-54 39-26 247,770 3-26 4-65 7,291,785 136-95 96-05 1938-1939 .. 1,812,857 22-65 33-28 2,208,310 27-59 40-54 247,475 3-09 4-54 7,663,632 140-70 95-73 1939-1940 .. 1,891,262 21-59 33-96 2,250,905 25-69 40-41 238,370 2-72 4-287,943,120 142-62 90-66

STATEMENT No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Average Number of Employees for Years 1939-40 and 1938-39.

11—D. 2.

STATEMENT No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.



S S O -W o o © *§•§ *a# . § ©"> g>> -g Branch. § § "«§ g . H J® -Sac o _• g s»S a ! a a » » S m 3 -S la-o » Ji I -§ IS > « 3 3 .2 S«a ® I ® .3 2® ■§ o o W 3 a 03 § IS iZi CLi co H <! M R 1939^0. General.. .. .. 1 5 802 191 4 3 4 618 561 43 479 2,711 Traffic .. .. .. 7 28 3,910 2,891 58 12 39 6,945 Maintenance .. .. 20 38 3,037 2,111 57 25 87 5,375 Locomotive running (includ- 4 14 2,063 1,177 28 11 26 3,323 ing depot staff) Workshops .. 4,361 2,933 62 7,356 Totals .. .. 32 85 14,173 9,303 209 51 156 618 561 43 479 25,710 1938-39. General.. .. .. 1 4 792 183 4 3 4 579 529 45 441 2,585 Traffic .. .. .. 4 19 3,790 2,865 57 12 35 6,782 Maintenance .. .. 24 29 2,974 1,672 43 21 54 .. .. .. .. 4,817 Locomotive .. .. 4 15 6,090 3,954 63 10 22 10,158 Totals .. .. 33 67 13,646 8,674 167 46 115 579 529 45 441 24,342 Note. —For year 1938-39 locomotive running and workshops staff were combined under the title "Locomotive " except that figures for Westport Section represented workshops staff only, locomotive running staff being included in South Island Main Line and Branches. The total of 10,158 employees included 3,288 locomotive running and 6,870 workshops employees. For year 1939-40 separate statistics have been compiled for each section.

Train Accidents. Accidents on Lrne (other than Train shnnting Accidents. Employees Ac enujj. proceeding Persons -— 1 to or from killed or -p . , Duty within injured at -Looai. Section Passengers. Employees. Passengers. Employees. Persons Passengers. j Employees. Persons boundary 5 ' Crossings. • *2 . *5 . •© u* | . « T3 rs -o i -o -a a? 8 ' *2 £ *3 £ 'O g i T3 g T3 g T3 g tJ O rrj cJ TJ © — « » I. 1 = s s | g § .2 s ® s * s : I i s © s S § 5 I ° M 55 S" w S I - . Kaihu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. # # ,. I Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. 1 North Island Main Line and Branches .. .. 17 1 2 2 14 .. 11 2 6 .. 1 2 65 . . i . . . ! ;L7 3! 24 148 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 5 6 .. .. 2 3 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 58 1 2 .. 2 8 10 81 Westport .. .. .. .... .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. # # 2 3 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. # # 1 *" *' 2 Picton 1 Totals .. .. 5 24 1 3 4 17 .. 15 2 6 1 2 126 1 3 .... 19 39 34 234 ! Note. —This return includes only casualties in connection with train-working and the movement of rolling-stock.


STATEMENT No. 23. Statement of Carriage, Rail-Car, Multiple Unit, Brake-van and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


'd tj fl S rt I * « § 3 * , . § O 1 Description. . g 1 § J- § § d I ? g|S !§ 1-gS | | -2 1 5 W 0 03 g fc£ £ P4 H CAB Xstck S s 121 •■ H3 ■• •• 3 237 Second class" 2 576 ... 372 10 7 4 971 Composite X6 2 6 113 .. 7 5 293 Sleeping .. .. . • •• •• •■ 13 •• •■ •• •• ■• Combination day-sleeping .. .... .. 11 •• 5 .. Totals .. .. .... 2 883 6 603 10 14 12 1,530 RAIL-cabs .. .. .... .. 14 .. 2 <v 16 Multiple Units — „ Power units.. .. • ■ ■ • • • • • " Trailers .. .. .. 6 •• •• ■ • Totals .. .. 12 •• 'J Vans— _ , q Postal vans .. •• •• 5 •• „ Brake vans _• 2 258 4 193_ 7_ 3 4 471 Totals 2 263 4 197 7 480 WAG ONS — Special-purpose wagons .. .. E .. 882 .. 338 .. .. .. 1»220 Horse-boxes G .. 69 1 72 1 1 4 148 Cattle H .. 464 4 195 4 3 8 678 Sheep • .-J •• 1,477 37 1,222 .. 11 43 2,790 Covered goods K 1 263 2 152 5 6 3 432 Sleeping-vans . • • - ,. K .. 13 .. 10 1 1 . • - j,) High sides L 4 3,248 32 3,558 12 83 137 7,074 High sides La 5,035 .. 4,055 .. .. 9,090 High sides .. .. . • • • Lb • ■ 174 14 468 5 20 37 718 Low sides . . •• M 12 489 32 849 24 14 37 1,457 Work-train hopper M 33 33 Low sides, steel .. .. .. Ma .. 126 12 .. .. •• •• 138 Low sides Mb 7 12 16 .. .. 1 36 Timber N 39 100 124 32 8 12 315 Iron hopper.. .. .. .. O .. 7 .. .. .. • • • • 7 Iron hopper, for ballast .. Ob .. 9 .. .. •• •• ° Platform, coal P •• 196 196 Petrol inspection .. .. .. Pw .. .. .. 1 •• •• ' Movable hopper .. .. •• Q •• ■■ ■■ 456 7l,S .. .. '„V~ Frozen meat W .. 234 .. 67 .. .. .. 301 Frozen meat . . .. • • Wa .. 233 3 30 18 .. -.84 Covered goods .. .. •• X .. 133 .. 16 .. .. .. 149 Cool, ventilated .. .. .. Xa 3 426 .. 461 1 7 898 Cool, ventilated .. .. .. Xb .. 47 .. 31 .. .. .. 78 Work-train .. .. .. .. Y .. 62 .. 17 .. 10 89 Work-train.. .. .. Yb .. 258 .. 138 .. .. 10 406 Special-purpose wagons, bogie E 2 59 1 30 .. 1 High sides, bogie .. .. .. R 2 199 .. 80 High sides, bogie .. .. Rb 69 .. 25 .. .. J4 High sides, bogio .. .. .. Rd • ■ 3 .. .. .. . • • • 3 High sides, bogie .. .. .. Rn .. 19 .. .. . • • • • • 19 Sheep, bogie .. .. S .. 30 .. 37 .. .. 67 Cattle, bogie .. .. .. T .. 31 .. 19 .. ■■ Platform, bogie .. . ■ .. U .. 203 39 108 4 4 10 368 Gas-storeholder, bogie .. .. Ua .. 10 .. 4 Platform, bogie Ub .. 177 .. 267 444 Fuel oil, bogie .. ■. .. He .. .. . ■ 1 Platform, bogie .. .. .. Ud .. 1 .. • • • • • • • • 1 Horse-boxes, bogie .. .. .. Ua .. 59 .. 65 .. .. 1-4 Frozen meat, bogie .. .. .. V .. 52 .. 66 .. .. 118 Chilled beef, bogie .. .. .. V .. 6 .. .. .. .. •• 6 Frozen, meat, bogie .. .. .. Vb .. 137 .. 85 Chilled beef, bogie .. .. .. Vb .. 89 Covered goods, bogie .. .. Z .. 69 .. 44 .. .. .. 113 Covered goods, bogie .. Zp .. 76 .. 74 . . .. loO Totals .. .. •• •• 63 15,241 189 13,214 812 169 320 30,008 Tarpaulins .. .. .. .. .. 28 12,168 113 11,346 52 145 287 24,138


STATEMENT No. 24. Locomotive Stock, for Year ended 31st March, 1940.


I d 09 fl OT •£ V *2 2 I i| If £ "gs 'gs 3 T^e - |S a |S I rj M d B . H d R a 0 2 ,£303 o ,a cs +7 o o d =a Bs ■§ "SS 1 ~ I 3 o9 •-? n S £- i® th O 1*1 I r* ft H A Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) .. .. .. 18 ■ • 39 .. .. .. 57 A Tender (2-oylinder simple) .. . . .. .. • • • • 1 • • • • • • 1 Aa Tender .. .. .. . . . . . • 10 . . .. . • • • 10 Ab Tender .. .. .. .. . • • • 87 .. 54 .. .. .. 141 B Tender .. .. .. .. 8 8 Ba Tender .. . . .. .. • ■ • • • ■ • • 10 • • • • • • 10 Bb Tender .. . . .. .. • . • • 30 .. .. .. •. ■. 30 C Tender (shunting) . . .. . . .. • • 12 • • 12 .. .. .. 24 Ec Electric .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • ■ 0 • ■ • • • • 6 Ed Electric .. .. .. .. .... 6.. 2 .. .. .. 8 Eo Electric .. . . .. .. . • • ■ • • • • 5 • • • • • • 5 F Tank .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 19 .. .. 21 Ea Tank .. . . .. .. • ■ • • • ■ • • • • 2 .. .. 2 G Tender .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 6 .. .. .. 6 H Tank .. .. .. .. .... 6 6 J Tender .. .. .. .. .• ■ • 30 10 .. .. 40 K Tender .. .. .. .. •. • • 30 .. .. .. • • 30 Ka Tender .. .. .. .. .. • • 10 .. • • • • • • • • 10 Kb Tender .. .. .. .. . • • • • • • • 6 Q Tender .. .. . . .. ■ . • • • ■ • • 13 • • • • • • 13 U Tender .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • ■ 0 • • • • • • •' Ub Tender .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 7 • • • • • • 7 Uo Tender .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 7 • • • • • • 7 W Tank .. .. .. .. 2 Wa Tank .. .. .. .. 4 3 7 Wab Tank .. . . . .. .... 20 10 30 Wb Tank .. .. .. .. • • • • 4 • • • • 4 We Tank .. .. .. .. 2 Wf Tank .. .. .. .. .... 11 17 .. 4 5 37 Wg Tank .. . . .. .. • • ■ • 16 2 18 Ww Tank . . .. .. .. .... 49 .. 3 .. 52 X Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) .. .. .. 18 .. • • • • • • • • 18 Totals .. .. .. • • 2 353 6 248 9 4 5 627 Note.—Eb battery shunting-engines located at workshops have been omitted as they are shops equipment.


STATEMENT No. 25. ALL SECTIONS. Locomotive Running Costs, Year ended 31st March, 1940.


Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Number Details. Running. Repairs. Running. Section. L0C 0 0 f mc ,. Shunting, I MtaSSi, Wage,, Tom| Sertlon - tlvea * Train. Assisting,, Light,! Total . Locomotive. Coal. Oil. Store3 ' Fuel. Wages. Miscellaneous. Overhead. i Cwt. Quarts. £ £ £ £ £ N.I.M.L. and branches .. 348 8,283,572 ; 2,545,521 10,829,093 31,118 6,677,593 439,241 370,627 21,829 577,490 420,021 1,389,967 N.I.M.L. and branches. SJ.M.L. and branches .. 236 4,223,167 1,681,947 ; 5,905,114 25,022 3,024,937 261,265 228,162 12,139 195.439 234,916 670,656 S.I.M.L. and branches. Kaihu .. .. .. 2 13,986 2,731 ; 16,717 8,359 6,742 266 209 23 921 901 2,054 Kaihu. Gisborne .. .. 6 51,615 10,678 62,293 10,382 37,939 3,845 1,433 163 4,429 2,387 8,412 Gisborne. Westport .. .. 9 69.252 : 47,596 116,848 I 12,983 51,826 4,807 5,255 289 3,094 5,720 14.358 Westport. Nelson .. .. .. 4 38,788 10,016 48,804 12,201 18,211 1,768 2,091 79 1,872 1,815 5,857 Nelson. Picton .. .. .. 6 63,244 j 26,900 90,144 15,024 31,915 3,897 2,761 167 3,998 3,926 10,852 Picton. Total, steam .. 611 12,743,624 4,325, 3S9 17,069,013 27,936 9,849,163 715,089 610,538 34,689 787,243 669,686 2,102,156 Total, steam. Units. Electric locos., Eo. 2-6 .. 5 49,360 61,682 111,042 22,208 1,999,630 3,599 6,638 379 17,628 2,517 27,162 Electric locos., Eo. 2-6. Electric locos., Eo. 7-12 .. 6 117,798 j 24,666 142,464 23,744 2,296,190 ! 2,408 5,669 141 4,805 3,119 13,734 Electric locos., Eo. 7-12 Electric locos., E.T). 101-106 6 7,182 3.328 10,510 1,752 118,626 955 2,299 16 31S 755 3,388 Electric locos., E.D. 101-106. Electric locos., E.D. 109-110 12 .. .. ! .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Electric locos., E.D. 109-110. Multiple units, D.M. 1-6 .. 6 246,495 24,799 271,294 45,216 1,545,594 360 5,338 40 3,993 6,030 15,401 Multiple units, D.M. Gallons. 1-6. Petrol rail-cars .. .. 5 136,357 5,833 142,190 28,438 23,945 2,143 2,006 189 1,613 1,711 5,519 Petrol rail-cars. Diesel rail-cars .. .. 11 399,649 8,994 408.643 37,149 48,837 8,549 7,983 701 2,143 3,802 j 14,629 Diesel rail-cars. Tractors .. ..22 338 44,128 44,466 2,021 11,886 1,624 ; 675 117 1,277 1,266 j 3,335 Tractors. i I fct M Coat per Locomotive-mile. Jj Cost per Locomotive-mile. 8 ° g, § 5 „• ; « ~ I s Repairs. Running. f |!. 1 B - ; 1 go" T , . ajg; SeCtion - WiiST 1 j I 1 : a! I I S" l! I Cost! Steam. Sectlon - Mater- ! Total. & .2 w o ■§ .2 # o © — g : Q j © £ 7? 2 -2 m in n ° > §d?o | Stores. Fuel. Wages. A « g | £ gS 2 ~-g g g-g Over- | g g a g SB ; head. ! i - o - ® d. d. d. d. d. £ £ £ £ d. d. d. d. £ d. N.I.M.L. and branches .. .. 8-21 0-48 12-80 9-31 30-80 79,577 18,721 24,682 139,075 1-76 0-41 0-55 3-09 1,652,022 36-61 84,320 242 N.I.M.L. and branches. S.I.M.L. and branches .. .. 9-27 0-49 7-94 9-55 27-25 39,590 8,191 8,849 87,849 1-61 0-33 0-36 3-58 815,135 33-13 52,045 221 SJ.M.L. and branches. Kaihu .. .. .. .. 3 00 0-33 13-22 12-94 29-49 34 29 .. 142 0-49 0-42 .. 2-05 2,259 32-43 295 158 Kaihu. Gisborne .. .. .. 5-52 0-63 17-06 9-20 32-41 291 124 .. 873 1-12 0-48 .. 3-36 9,700 37-37 615 103 Gisborne. Westport .. .. .. 10-79 0-59 6-35 11-74 29-47 500 139 .. 1,967 1-04 0-29 .. 4-04 16,964 34-84 1,720 191 Westport. Nelson .. .. .. .. 10-28 0-39 9-20 8-93 28-80 227 52 .. 372 1-11 0-26 .. 1-83 6,508 32-00 494 124 Nelson. Picton .. ' .. .. .. 7-35 0-44 10-64 10-45 28-88 499 105 .. 1,290 1-35 0-28 .. 3-43 12,746 33-94 1,108 185 Picton. Total, steam .. .. 8-58 0-49 11-07 9-42 29-56 120,718 27,361 33,531 231,568 1-70 0-38 0-47 3-26 2,515,334 35-37 140,597 .. Total, steam. Electric locos., Eo. 2-6 .. .. 14-35 0-82 38-10 5-44 58-71 5,504 .. .. 1,083 11-90 .. .. 2-33 33,749 72-94 1,364 273 Electric locos., Eo 2-6. Electric locos., Ec. 7-12 .. .. 9-55 0-24 8-09 5-25 23-13 3,136 .. .. 925 5-28 .. .. 1-56 17,795 29-97 1,324 221 Electriclocos.,Ec.7-12. Electric locos., E.D. 101-106 .. 52-50 0-57 7-26 17-24 77-57 .. .. .. 227 5-18 3,615 82-55 321 54 Electric locos., E.D. 101-106. Multiple units, D.M. 1-6 .. .. 4-72 0-04 3-53 5-33 13-62 4,764 .. .. 1,136 4-21 .. .. 1-00 21,301 18-84 1,773 296 Multiple units, D.M. 1-6. Petrol rail-cars .. .. .. 3-39 0-32 2-72 2-89 9-32 5,041 .. .. 284 8-50 .. .. 0-48 10,844 18-30 1,161 232 Petrol rail-cars. Diesel rail-cars .. .. .. 4-69 0-41 1-26 2-23 8-59 14,044 .. .. 625 8-25 .. .. 0-37 29,298 17-21 1,932 176 Diesel rail-cars. Tractors .. .. .. 3-64 0-63 6-89 6-84 18-00 .. .. .. .. 3,335 18-00 2,250 102 Tractors. I 2,635,271 •< ># "


STATEMENT No. 25—continued. Performances of Locomotives for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


, I ~ J g Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Locomotive-mile. ° o *"* o I ® ® Hi Details. mteage Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. a g J „• Type. 'g — per g Type . ** ISSf' L ™ Wages, Total. Wages, Total. « o~J II Train. Light, ' Total Coal. | Oil. ' Stores. Fuel. ; Wages. Stores, I Fuel Wages. ~Z g&I andMis- nJSi „ i a ?. d j '• Sfi-3 £ cellaneous. Overhead. ! Overhead. | ■ « NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Cwt. Quarts. £ £ j £ £ £ a. ~~cL H (I <T A .. .. 18 421,102 101,915 523,017 29,057 284,429 25,357 21,166 1,215 26,626 19,508 68,515 9-71 0-56 12-22 8-95 31-44 4 343 242 I A Aa .. .. 10 260,642 63,963 324,605 32,461 237,724 14,832 14,314 708 15,319 12,794 43,135 10-58 0-52 11-33 9-46 31-89 2'438 244 1 AA. AB .. .. 87 3,485,273 550,485 4,035,758 46,388 2,204,447 144,764 114,368 7,417 185,699 127,612 435,096 6-80 0-44 11-04 7-59 25-87 24 658 283 AB Bb .. .. 30 299,483 385,225 684,708 22,824 446,860 34,029 29,336 1,607 32,015 39,935 102,893 10-28 0-56 11-22 14-00 36-06 7,608 254 BB. C .. 12 1,553 252,566 254,119 21,177 201,468 8,499 3,542 455 \ 17,931 18,543 40,471 3-35 0-43 16-93 17-51 38-22 3 326 277 i C. H ..6 12,780 29,417 42,197 7,032 48,923 5,250 8,417 220; 5,676 5,210 19,523 47-87 1-25 32-28 29-63 111-03 1,261 210 H. J .. -• 30 395,043 51,984 447,027 14,901 284,232 11,508 5,511 654 24,130 14,241 44,536 2-96 0-35 12-95 7-65 j 23-91 2 748 92 ; J. K .. .. 30 1,328,858 99,801 1,428,659 47,622 1,084,789 49,870 62,816 2,547 101,459 42,998 209,820 10-55 0-43 17-05 7-22 35-25 7 957 265 K Ka •• •• 10 242,104 14,763 256,867 25,687 152,924 6,757 1,467 374 17,491 7,294 26,626 1-37 0-35 16-34 6-82 24-88 1,372 137 i Ka. L .. ..1 2,211 1,449 3,660 3,660 895 36 211 4 104 141 460 13-84 0-26 6-82 9-25 30-17 76 76 1 L WAB .. 20 571,477 126,479 697,956 34,898 442,642 28,393 20,116 1,392 34,896 25,408 81,812 6-92 0-48 11-99 8-74 28-13 5 613 281 WAB. Wf .. .. 11 33,975 135,706 169,681 15,426 93,026 7,618 5,498 422 9,054 10,639 25,613 7-78 0-60 12-81 15-05 36-24 2,370 215 WF. Wo .. .. 16 84,320 257,405 341,725 21,358 205,164 16,725 12,867 797 16,705 21,710 52,079 9-04 0-56 11-73 15-25 36-58 4,391 274 Wo. Ww .. .. 49 657,070 409,908 1,066,978 21,775 596,802 46,213 39,060 2,290 53,690 52,001 147,041 8-79 0-52 12-08 11-70 33-09 11,929 243 Ww. X .. .. 18 487,681 64,455 552,136 30,674 393,268 39,390 31,938 1,727 36,695 21,987 92,347 13-88 0-75 15-95 9-56 40-14 4,230 235 X. Total steam.. 348 8,283,572 2,545,521 10,829,093 31,118 6,677,593 439,241 370,627 j 21,829 577,490 420,021 1,389,967 8-21 0-48 12-80 9-31 ; 30-80 84,320 i 242 Totalsteam.


STATEMENT No. 25—continued. Performances of Locomotives for the Year ended 31st March, 1940— continued.


—— — — — ~ t-l 1,1 rn«5t Ck>st per Locomotive-mile. ° S. | o | Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. u S I — 1 ®| ! | Details. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. g Jg| | i per —- — —' I " " j - I t Type. -3 j Shunting, | Locomo- i Wage3; I | j Total. Wages j Total. " g"g Train. A £i|£t, g ' Total. Coal. Oil. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Stores. Fuel. Wages. - S*J j 5I3 I and Mis- Overhead. Overhead. j fi j cellaneous. ! [ ! J i i I ! J SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. . — ' R, t OiifiTta £ £ £ £ £ d- d. d. d. d. :: :: S ,1K i$S fcgS Sffl d§;S Sf Sg *£ SB Sg S g j* « |f *S 5 L 5 •• ■' ,5 ™'is* 147'fifiq 220'?54 '2 015 126*482 ll'718 12 166 522 7.802 13,410 33,900 13-26 0-57 8-51 14-62 36-96 2,373 237 Ba. r H II II Si II *3 ~ n !':= &| ;1 «| % H II "E i I. G 4 - ' 153,0 2oX m',m 28:886 7,300 3,020 338 6,894 5,886 16,138 4-18 0-47 9-55 8-15 22-35 1,147 191 G. I " ■ " %% H'™ ,4'lli zMl tm 156 3.S! 2,919 8!o76 IS It ftS III S£ £ 10 1 Kb. r\ B 13 173 070 66539 939*609 18 431 135 014 12,563 14,833 21 8,478 10,933 34,265 14-86 0-02 8-49 10-95 34*32 187 Q. V •• " 9 145,951 42031 m,982 lo,Z 1&U6 s',740 391 6 ',065 7,432 22,628 11-16 0-50 7-74 9-49 28-89 ,995 222 U tt n m aac ax aoi iop fi97 1 r i -V< ft 53 479 4 758 1,442 228 3,o09 o,d40 10,/i9 3-19 0-o0 i,o 12---4 ~6 bs l,4oy zlo UB. K B •• •• n i2'22 tf'mi \Te OK 25I5I 84 954 5 737 5 016 299 5 490 6,423 17,228 6-84 0-41 7-48 8-76 23-49 1,800 257 Uc. i : i S : S 2 : K £ : S! i : SS 2 So i;S KB S3 S:S ?S £8 £S S IS & WIb" :: 1 3 ! ft 13 604 40',460 22,377 9,012 969 13,395 12 629 36,005 0-57 7-95 .49 21-36 2,875 288 W.B. ;; ;; jf wS Itm 12'jlo l 2 ',556 584 16,277 37,867 12-54 0-58 8-44 ie-26 37-82 3,467 204 WE. Total steam 236 4,223,167 1,681,947 5,905,114 25,022 3,024,937 261,265 228,162 12,139 195,439 234,916 670,656 9-27 0-49 7-94 9-56 27-26 52,045 | 221 j Total steam.


STATEMENT No. 25— continued. Performances of Locomotives for the Year ended 31st March, 1940— continued. SMALL SECTIONS.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1940.


g Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Loeomotive-miie. ° £ | - r & S Details. iofeage Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. g S J © Type. "5 —— per j j - | Type. Shunting, Locomo- „ T _ A m , » £• o ©» Assisting, live. Wages, | Total. Wages, Total. a © B 6 || Train. a^f d g^ s Tota1 ' Coal - oil - Stores. I Fuel. Wages. Stores. Fuel, Wages. gal ST cellaneous. Overhead. Overhead. g Kaieu Section. _ | [ 1 Cwts. j Quarts. [ £ £ 1 £ £ i £ d. d. d. * - 13,986 2,731 16,717 8,359 j 6,742 266 209 23 j 921 901 j 2,054 3-00 | 0-33 13-22 j 12-94 29-49 j 295 i 158 j F. Gisbobne Section. WA .. .. 4 22,730 4,572 27,302 6,826 15,844: 1,626 I 846 71 1,836! 1.014 3,767 7-44 0-62 16-14 8-91 33-11 269 67 Wa VG -- •• 2 28,885 6,106 34,991 17,496 22,095 2,219 587 92 2,593 1,373 4,645 4-03 0-63 17-79 9-42 31-87 346 173 Wg. 1 | Total -• 6 51,615 10,678 62,293 10,382 37,939 3,845 1,433 163 4,429 2,387 8,412 5-52 0-63 17-06 9-20 32-41 615 103 Total. ' I . 1 1 — Westport Section. •• 2 498 13,334 13,832 6,916 5,238 679 477 38 317 1,044 1,876 8-28 0-66 5-50 18-11 32-55 320 160 I FA. •• 4 20,098 24,976 45,074 11,269 20,806 1,837 3,029 112 1,240 2,523 6,904 16-13 0-60 6-60 13-43 36-76 699 175 Wb. VVw • - 3 48,656 9,286 57,942 19,314 25,782 2,291 1,749 139 1,537 2,153 5,578 7-24 0-58 6-37 8-91 23-10 701 234 Ww. Total, steam 9 69,252 47,596 116,848 12,983 51,826 4,807 5,255 289 3,094 5,720 14,358 10-79 0-59 6-36 11-75 29-49 1,720 191 Total, steam. Tractors .. 1 .. 3,090 3,090 3,090 454 48 I 2 3 33 130 168 0-16 0-23 2-56 10-10 13-05 72 72 Tractors. Nelson Section. Wf ■■ 4 38,788 | 10,016 , 48,804 12,201 j 18,211 1,768 J 2,091 79 : 1,872 1,815 j 5,857 j 10-28 j 0-39 j 9-20 | 8-93 28-80 494 124 Wl. Picton Section. -• I i 17,067 j 1,289 18,356 [ 18,356 4,860 826 | 87 37 617 805 j 1,546 j 1-14 0-48 8-07 10-53 20-22 241 241 Fa. Wf - • •• I 5 46,177 25,611 71,788 14,358 27,055 3,071 2,674 130 3,381 3,121 9,306 8-94 0-43 11-30 10-43 31-10 867 173 Wf. Total •• J 6 63,244 26,900 90,144 15,024 31,915 3,897 2,761 167 3,998 3,926 10,852 j 7-35 0-44 10-64 10-46 28-89 1,108 185 Total.



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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. D. G. SULLIVAN)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. D. G. SULLIVAN). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. D. G. SULLIVAN). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, D-02

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