WAY AND WORKS BRANCH. The following are the principal features connected with the operations of the Way and Works Branch during the year : —• Permanent-way. —The relaying of track carried out was as follows :—• Main Line and Branches— M- C- L< 70 lb. rails relaid with 85 lb. new rails .. .. .. ~ .. 31 51 60 53 lb., 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. rails relaid with 70 lb. new material .. 15 12 22 55 lb. rails relaid with 55 lb. new material .. .. . . .. 0 00 23 Relaid with 53 lb., 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. second-hand material . . .. 7 40 06 Total .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 54 24 11 Sleepers and Ballast. —During the year 344,242 new sleepers were laid (including 18,234 used on the Plimmerton- Pukerua Bay duplication and 7,817 on the Palmerston North deviation). A total of 263,419 cubic yards of ballast was placed on the track during the year. Protective Works- -Extensive repairs and additions to the protective works on Oamaru foreshore have been carried out during the year, and 31,310 cubic yards of stone from Sawyers Bay and Enfield Quarries were used in this work. Fifty concrete blocks, which were held for use in emergency, were also placed in position to repair the damage caused by heavy seas experienced between 17th and 20th June, 1939. River-protection work at Melling, necessitated by erosion of the Hutt River, was completed. Fences, Gates, and Cattle-stops- -General repairs have been effected as required. Boundary fences have been erected and renewals carried out. A number of casual workers were employed during the year on fencing work. Level Crossings, &c. —During the year 18 main-highway level crossings were eliminated. Existing level crossings have received attention and a number have been tar-sealed during the year. Bridges.- -A considerable number of bridges have been renewed or strengthened during the year. The work of renewing the Waipawa, South Rangitata, and Rakaia bridges has been completed. Construction work is proceeding on the Rangitikei, Wairau, and Waiau bridges. Water Services and Appliances.—All water services and appliances were maintained in good order. 1 Vharvss.—All wharves have been maintained in an efficient manner. Platforms and Cattle-yards.—Platforms and cattle-yards have been maintained in good order. Alterations to several cattle-yards have been carried out. Several pig-pens and stock-yards have been concreted. Buildings.-—All buildings have been maintained in good condition. Alterations and additions to numerous buildings have been effected during the year. The programme of painting of buildings has been fully maintained in the year under review. Sewerage facilities have been installed at several stations. A hut and nine other departmental buildings were damaged by fire during the year. Dwellings. -Repairs and painting of dwellings have been carried out as deemed necessary. Bathrooms and porches have been provided at several dwellings. During the year, 167 dwellings were equipped with hot-water installations. A total number of 80 houses were constructed during the year. Of these, 50 were erected in the North Island and 30 in the South Island. One dwelling was totally destroyed by fire during the year. New Works.—Duplication of the line between Papakura and Horotiu has progressed during the year, and further portions of double line between Huntly and Ohinewai and between Papakura and Paerata, a total mileage of 13 miles 55 chains, were brought into use during the year. Operations in connection with the St. Leonards-Sawyers Bay duplication scheme have proceeded steadily during the year. The heading through the tunnel was pierced on 15th March, 1940, and the opening-up of the full section of the tunnel put in hand. The south and north portals and 64 ft. of concrete lining in the tunnel have been completed. The duplication of the track from Plimmerton to Paekakariki (with the exception of approximately If miles, where five tunnels are situated) was completed and brought into operation on Sundav 25th February, 1940. The Plimmerton-Paekakariki duplication scheme makes provision for the rearrangement of the Plimmerton, Pukerua Bay, and Paekakariki station yards and for the erection of modern station buildings at Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay in order to make available up-to-date facilities for coping with an anticipated increase in passenger traffic consequent on the development of the localities named following the inauguration of electric traction between Wellington and Paekakariki. During the year the new station at Plimmerton was completed and the old station dismantled. At Pukerua Bay the platform fronts were completed, and the erection of the new station is in progress. Satisfactory progress continues to be made with the Tawa Flat-Porirua and Levin-Koputuroa deviations. Work in connection with the Palmerston North deviation is being steadily pushed on by the Public Works Department. During the year 2 miles 77 chains 89 links of track were laid at the south end of the deviation, but further platelaying has been suspended on account of the shortage of materials. The restoration work undertaken in connection with the damage to the track caused by slips and floods between Napier and Putorino was sufficiently advanced to permit of the reopening of this portion of the line, but further work is still required. A further section of the Napier-Gisborne railway between Putorino and Waikokopu (44 miles 18 chains) was taken over from the Public Works Department and opened for traffic on Ist July, 1939. The portion of the South Island Main Trunk Railway between Parnassus and Hundalee (11 miles 68 chains) was taken over from the Public Works Department and opened for traffic on 27th November, 1939".