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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave.

The Hon. E. Semple, Minister of Transport, Wellington. g IEj Transport Department, 14th August, 1936. Herewith I have the honour to submit the annual report of the Transport Department for the year ended 31st March, 1936. I have, &c, G. C. Godfrey, Commissioner of Transport.


Page 1. Introductory.. 2. Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Act, 1928 (a) Statistics re Premiums and Claims (b) Review of Premium Rates, &o. ... (c) " Hit and Run " Drivers 3. Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 (a) Registrations of Motor-vehicles, by Types of Vehicle, 1927-36 .. .. .. .. 4 (b) Registrations of Motor-vehicles, by Country of Manufacture, 1927-36 .. .. .. .. 5 (c) Motor-vehicles licensed at 31st March, 1936 (d) Motor-vehicle Registration-plates .. (e) Motor-vehicles actually on the Road (/) Petrol-consumption, by Motor-vehicles and otherwise 4. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 (a) Petrol-tax Yield, 1928-36 .. .. ■ • ■ • • • • • • ■ • • » (6) Distribution of Petrol-tax .. .. •• •■ •• •• •■ •• •* (c) Refunds of Petrol-tax .. .. • • • • • • ■ • • • • • ■ • 10 5. Special Mileage-taxation .. .. • ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • • ■ ™ 6. Road Finance .. • ■ • • • • • • • ■ • • - • • • " r: (a, Dominion's Road Bill, 1930-35 .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • W (6) Sources of Money expended on Road Bill, 1930-35 .. .. .. • • • • • • l^ (c) Annual Charges per Mile on Roads, Streets, &c, 1930-35 .. .. .. .. • • 13 (d) Motor-taxation 7. Heavy Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1932 .. . • • • • ■ • • • ■ ■ • ■ • |4 (a) Allocation of Heavy Traffic Fees .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • j■* (6) Limitation of Loads on Roads . . .. ■ • • • • • • • • • • • 14 I—H. 40.


8. Traffic Census T ]f (a) Introductory .. .. .. .. ~ , _ ,g (6) Traffic Density Maps .... ,» (0) Volume of Traffic .. .. .. ~ \[ " fg (d!) Distribution of Traffic over the Main Highways System .. . . ~ " 20 (e) Fluctuations in Traffic Density .... oo (/) Analysis of Traffic by Type of Vehicle ..'.'. " 2 5 (<?) Average Weight of Motor-vehicles on the Highway .. .. .. [[ 27 (h) Passengers and Goods Traffic .. .. .. .. ~ '' 27 (1) Effect of Traffic on Cost of Non-dustless Surfaces .. .. .. .. '' 28 (j) Non-motor Traffic ...... oq (h) Growth of Motor-vehicle Traffic .. .. .. .'.' '.' \\ '.', U 9. Transport Licensing Act, 1931 .......... oo A. Passenger-services— (a) Continuous Passenger-service Licenses, 1935-36 .. 33 (l>) Seasonal Passenger-service Licenses, 1935-36 33 (c) Temporary Passenger-service Licenses, 1935-36 33 (d) Traffic and Financial Statistics, 1935-36 .. 33 (i) Traffic and Operating Statistics ...... 33 (ii) Assets and Liabilities .... 34 (iii) Fare Schedules .... 34 (e) New Transport Districts ........ 34 (/) Inspection of Passenger-service Vehicles .. .. .. ~ 34 B. Goods-services— (a) Applications for Goods-service Licenses . . .. .. .. 35 (b) Financial and Operating Statistics ........ 3g (c) Assets and Liabilities ........ Oβ (d) Classification of Trucks according to Size of Truck .... 36 (e) Classification of Trucks according to Size of Fleet .... 36 C. Appeals .. .. .. .. ~ . _ _ _ „„ 10. Commercial Air Transport .......... or 11. Motor Accidents .... „- 01 12. Traffic Controlfa) Transport Licensing Act, 1931 ........ og (b) Motor- vehicles Act, 1924.. .... Oo (c) Traffic Offences .... ..' " "38 (d) Drivers' Hours .. .. .. .. .. ~ 00 13. Changes in Transport Laws and Regulations .... .. .. 09 14. Appendix— Statistical Tables— 1. Motor-vehicle Registrations by Highways Districts as at 31st December, 1935 .. 40 2. Motor-vehicles licensed as at 31st March, 1936 .. 40 3. Motor-vehicles licensed during years 1923-35 ...... 41 4. Distribution of the Petrol-tax to the Boroughs for Year ended 31st March, 1936 .'.' 4J 5. Lengths of various Classes of Roads, Streets, and Bridges during Years 1922 to 1935, inclusive' 42 6. Lengths of various Types of Bridges as at 31st March, 1923 to 1935, inclusive ' 42 7. Annual Yield from Taxation of Motor-vehicles, 1923-36 .... 43 8. Applications for Passenger-service Licenses for Year ended 31st March, 1936 .'.' '.' 44 9. Traffic and Financial Statistics of Licensed Passenger Services for Years ended 31st March 1932 to 1936, inclusive ...... _ _ 4 5 10. Average Operating Expenses and Revenue, in Pence per Vehicle-mile, of Licensed Passenger Services for Years ended 31st March, 1932 to 1936, inclusive .... 46 11. Assets and Liabilities of Licensed Passenger Services as at 31st March, 1932 to 1936, inclusive 47 12. Applications for Goods-service Licenses for Year ended 31st March, 1936 . . 48 13. Traffic, Revenue, Expenditure, and Capital Statistics of Licensed Goods-services' for Years ended 31st March, 1934 to 1936, inclusive .. .. .. .. 49 14. Classification of Goods-trucks licensed under the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, as at 31st May, 1935, according to Size of Truck .. 50 15. Classification of Goods-trucks licensed under the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, as at 31st May, 1935, according to Size of Fleet 50 16. Analyses of Data relating to Fatal Motor Accidents in the Dominion during the Years ended 31st March, 1930 to 1936, inclusive .. .. 5] Maps—■ 1. Map of North Island showing Transport Districts 59 2. Map of South Island showing Transport Districts ~ .. g.^ 3. Traffic Density Map of North Island .. .. '," 54 4. Traffic Density Map of South Island .. .. .. .. .'.' _" 53




1. INTRODUCTORY. The year 1935-36 has been one of outstanding events in the motor-transport industry. Both passenger and goods services licensed under the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, reflect expansion of business and increasing prosperity. New car registrations during the year were recorded as 19,469, only 1,400 behind the record figures for 1930. The registrations of commercial vehicles are the highest yet recorded. The quantity of petrol consumed by motor transport was just under 62,000,000 gallons, against 56,000,000 for the previous year and 63,000,000 gallons in 1929-30. The receipts from all classes of motor-taxation (including Customs duties in respect- of vehicles and parts) was just under £4,500,000, the highest figure yet recorded. The annual expenditure on roads, streets, and bridges was just under £7,300,000, an increase of £430,000 over the figure for the previous year. While expenditure on construction work dropped from £2,465,000 in 1933-34 to £2,361,000 in 1934-35, and interest and sinking-fund charges decreased from £2 ; 354,000 in 1933-34 to £2,303,000 in 1934-35, the expenditure on maintenance rose from £2,025,000 in 1933-34 to £2,608,000 in 1934-35. A further 1,300 miles of roads were classified according to load-limits during the year. Just over 88 per cent, of the main highways and 50 per cent, of the rural roads are now classified. Detailed results of the first national road-traffic census ever held in the Dominion became available during the year. Motor accidents caused 203 deaths during the year, an increase of 21 over the figure for the previous year. For the first time on record the claims paid under the third-party-insurance scheme were greater than the premium revenue, the figures being premiums £211,000 and claims £288,000. Far-reaching changes were made in the legislation relating to the licensing of motor transport. The more important of these were the introduction of the three-year, in place of the annual, tenure of licenses, the simplification of licensing procedure, the reduction in the number of licensing authorities from nine to four and the personnel of the licensing authorities from three persons to one person, the abolition of the Transport Co-ordination Board and the vesting of its functions in the Minister of Transport. 2. MOTOR-VEHICLES INSURANCE (THIRD-PARTY RISKS) ACT, 1928. (a) Statistics. The Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Act passed in 1928 compels every owner of a motor-vehicle to insure against liability to pay damages on account of the death or injury to another person caused through the use of a motor-vehicle. Payment of the insurance premiums is made annually to the Deputy Registrars of Motor-vehicles simultaneously with that of the annual license fee payable under the Motor-vehicles Act. Owners of motor-vehicles are required to nominate each year the insurance company with which the contract of insurance is to be made. For the year ended 31st May, 1935, forty-four insurance concerns gave the prescribed notice to undertake business under the Act, and carried on business accordingly. The following table shows the experience of the scheme during the six years ended 31st May, 1935. The figures for claims do not represent the amount paid during each year, but refer to accidents happening during each particular period.

(b) Annual Eevibw of Premium Rates. Section 16 of the Act provides that the amount of the premiums to be paid in respect of thirdparty insurance may be fixed from time to time by Order in Council. In accordance with the usual practice, the financial operations of the companies undertaking this class of insurance were carefully examined, and it was decided to make no alterations to the existing premiums.


Claims paid and EstiYear ended 31st May, "EXiT S3£ C '»« at 31st May. £ £ Per Cent. 1930 .. .. .. .. 235,007 202,380 86-12 1931 .. .. .. .. 242,864 186,379 76-74 1932 .. .. .. .. 233,731 161,352 69-03 1933 .. .. .. .. 229,133 151,095 65-94 1934 .. .. .. .. 221,734 198,614 89-57 1935 .. .. .. .. 211,709 288,554 136-30 Totals .. .. 1,374,178 1,188,374 86-48


(c) " Hit-and-Run " Drivers. Covering the period from 1932 to the present year, the table below shows the number of claims and the amounts paid out under the agreements relating to claims by victims of " hit-and-run " drivers for personal damages due to negligence of the driver. The Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, completely revolutionizes the responsibility at law of the driver who leaves his victim on the road unattended. In place of the former maximum penalty of £20 fine, the new legislation places this driver in the criminal class and makes the maximum penalty five years' imprisonment or £500 fine, the same as in the case of the negligent or intoxicated driver who causes death. It is hoped that this action will result in this type of offence being materially reduced.

Table of Claims.

3. MOTOK-VEHICLES ACT, 1924. (a) Registrations op Motor-vehicles, by Types op Vehicle. Under the Motor-vehicles Act a new vehicle is registered and simultaneously licensed for the ensuing year or part thereof. The license is renewable each year. If a license is not renewed, the registration is classed as " dormant," and after remaining " dormant " for two complete years is cancelled, the assumption being that the vehicle in question is permanently off the road. If, however, the vehicle is again brought into use after its registration has thus been cancelled, it is treated as a new registration. The registration figures set out hereunder, therefore, are not an exact record of the number of new vehicles introduced into our traffic system ; they include an unknown but probably small number of vehicles which have been out of commission for more than two years. The following table sets out the annual registrations since 1926 :—

The foregoing figures have' been incorporated in the following table, which shows the relative increase or decrease in the annual registrations measured according to the figures for 1926 :—


Amount paid Expenses incurred Year ending 31st May, which Claims ° ut to + by Underwriters in ma( j e Claimants. handling Claims. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1932 (five months only) .. .. .. 5 595 0 0 145 3 6 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 11 885 8 0 144 8 7 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 12 720 2 6 150 5 10 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 29 1,66111 4 324 5 10 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 38 1,058 7 6 295 10 1 Totals .. .. .. .. 95 4,920 9 4 1,059 13 10

I ' I I Year ended 31st March, Oars. jCommercial Vehicles. Cycles. Total Registrations. 1926 .. .. .. 18,811 4,409 5,130 28,350 1927 .. .. .. 16,439 4,692 5,464 26,595 1928 12,531 3,399 4,560 20,490 1929 .. .. .. 18,739 4,167 4,768 27,674 1930 .. .. .. 20,802 5,745 4,300 30,847 1931 .. .. .. 12,378 4,113 3,139 19,630 1932 .. .. • 6,151 2,656 2,058 10,865 1933 .. .. .. 4,716 2,640 2,072 9,428 1934 .. .. .. 5,551 3,339 1,956 10,846 1935 .. .. .. 12,895 5,011 2,233 20,139 1936 .. .. .. 19,469 6,445 2,421 28,335

Year ended 31st March, Cars. Commercial Vehicles.j Cycles. Total Registrations. 1926 .. .. 100 100 100. 100 1927 .... 87 106 107 94 1928 .... 67 77 89 72 1929 .. .. 100 95 93 98 1930 .. .. Ill 130 84 109 1931 - 66 93 61 69 1932 .. .. 33 - 60 40 38 1933 .... 25 60 40 33 1934 .... 30 76 38 38 1935 .... 69 114 44 71 1936 .. .. 103 146 47 100


An interesting feature of the above tables is the response shown by the car, as compared with the commercial vehicle, to conditions of trade boom or depression. The car was influenced earlier by the depression, and has been slower in reacting to the improved conditions. Motor-cycles are falling behind, due, no doubt, to the increasing numbers of small cars. The commercial vehicle was influenced to a relatively smaller degree by the depression, and its rate of entry into our traffic system, taken over a number of years, seems to be accelerating. (b) Registrations of Motoe-vehicles, by Country or Manufacture. The following table shows the country of manufacture and the number of motor-vehicles registered during the years ended 31st March, 1927 to 1936, inclusive : —


United States of Total Year ended 31st March, Great Britain. America or Other Countries. Registrations. Canada. ° Motor-cars. 1927 .. .. 2,185 13,623 631 ! 16,439 1928 .. .. 2,172 10,078 281 12,531 1929 .. .. 2,886 15,667 186 18,739 1930 .. .. 3,675 16,993 134 20,802 1931 .. .. 3,265 9,057 56 12,378 1932 .. .. 2,607 3,477 67 6;151 1933 .. .. 2,832 1,834 50 4,716 1934 .. .. 3,091 2,406 54 5,551 1935 .. .. 6,096 6,730 69 12,895 1936 .. .. 9,396 10,023 50 19,469 Totals .. 38,205 89,888 1,578 129,671 i Commercial Vehicles. 1927 .. .. 630 3,907 155 4,692 1928 .. .. 522 2,706 171 3,399 1929 .. .. 522 3,318 327 4,167 1930 .. .. 502 4,792 451 5,745 1931 .. .. 392 3,225 496 4,113 1932 .. .. 447 1,574 635 2,656 1933 .. .. 686 1,149 805 2,640 1934 .. .. 941 1,471 927 3,339 1935 .. .. 1,266 2,791 954 5,011 1936 .. .. 1,515 3,785 1,145 6,445 Totals .. 7,423 28,718 6,066 42,207 Motor-cycles. 1927 .. .. 3,851 1,592 21 5,464 1928 .. .. 3,479 1,067 14 4,560 1929 .. .. 3,794 949 25 4,768 1930 .. .. 3,486 802 12 4,300 1931 .. .. 2,581 548 10 3,139 1932 .. .. 1,567 483 8 2,058 1933 .. .. 1,515 545 12 2,072 1934 .. .. 1,428 514 14 1,956 1935 .. .. 1,669 542 22 2,233 1936 .. .. 1,897 486 38 2,421 Totals .. 25,267 7,528 176 32,971


The foregoing figures are expressed as percentages in the following table :—

The motor-cars show a steady growth of the share obtained by Great Britain up till the "depression year 1933, when 60 per cent, came from that source, and then a drop following upon the improving economic conditions. The same trend is noticeable in the case of the commercial vehicles ; in this case, however, Great Britain's share is now less than half that of the United States of America and Canada. It should be noted that the figures from " Other countries " have been omitted from the percentage table; this is because practically all of the figures under that heading refer to trailers, 1,121 of the 1,145 vehicles under this heading last year being for trailers. In the motor-cycle field the British entry continues to predominate. Interesting features are the slight swing-over to American machines during the depression years, probably due to firms using powerful American motor-cycles as delivery-vehicles in lieu of light vans, and the increased entry of other countries into the New Zealand motor-cycle market. Of the 38 registered last year, 29 were of one make from Germany.


r*™„+ United States of „_ Year ended 31st March, r^,forl America or ,, 0t} ' er „ Total jjritain, Canada. Countries. Eegistrations. Motor-cars. 1927 .... 13 83 4 100 I 028 • • 17 81 2 100 1929 .... 15 84 1 100 1930 .... 17 82 1 100 1931 .... 26 73 1 100 1932 .... 42 57 1 100 1933 .... 60 39 1 100 1934 .... 56 43 1 100 1935 .... 47 52 1 100 1936 .... 48 52 .. 100 Totals 30 69 1 100 Commercial Vehicles. 1927 .... 14 86 .. 100 1928 16 84 .. 100 1929 .. .. 14 86 .. 100 1930 .. .. 9 91 _ _ loo 1931 .... 11 89 .. 100 1932 .... 22 78 .. 100 1933 .... 37 63 .. 100 1934 .... 39 61 .. 100 1935 .... 31 69 .. 100 1936 .... 29 71 .. 100 Totals .. I 21 79 .. 100 Motor-cycles. 1927 .. .. 70 30 i 100 1928 .... 76 24 .. 100 1929 .... 80 20 .. 100 1930 .... 81 19 .. 100 1931 .... 82 18 .. 100 1932 .... 76 24 .. 100 1933 .... 73 26 1 100 1934 .... 73 26 1 100 1935 .... 75 24 1 100 1936 .... 78 20 2 100 Totals .. 76 23 1 100


(c) Motor-vehicles licensed as at 31st March, 1936. The appended figures show the number of motor-vehicles licensed for the year 1935-36 as at 31st March, 1936 (the licensing year expires on 31st May each year) :—

Table No. 1 of the Appendix shows the number of motor-vehicles registered as at 31st December, 1935, grouped according to highway districts. The number of motor-vehicles licensed as at 31st March, 1936, classified according to postal districts, are set out in Table 2. Table No. 3 of the Appendix sets out the number of motor-vehicles licensed each year since 1925. Since the system of registration was instituted there have been several changes, both in definition and in method of classification. An additional complication has been introduced by the fact that whereas since 1932 the number of vehicles " licensed " has been recorded, previously the number of vehicles " registered " was recorded. It is necessary to appreciate the distinction between these terms. When a new vehicle arrives it is registered by the owner and simultaneously is licensed for one year or lesser period. If the license is not renewed the next year the vehicle is classified as a " dormant registration." After a registration has been dormant for two years it is cancelled. If the vehicle is subsequently relicensed it is registered afresh as a new vehicle. Prior to 1932 the number of vehicles licensed was obtained by subtracting from the total registrations the number of dormant registrations. This method was not sound, however, because the date upon which the dormant registrations were totalled did not coincide with that on which the total registrations were ascertained. It has been found necessary to endeavour to arrive at a common basis whereby the growth of the motor-vehicle in New Zealand might be measured from year to year. Table No. 3 shows the result of this effort, but attention is directed to the fact that, owing to the differences of definition and classification, the figures other than the yearly totals cannot be taken as strictly comparable. This table shows the figures as at 31st December each year. The figures for trailers have been excluded from the totals. The chief feature of the table is the steady growth in the numbers of motor-vehicles in this country, interrupted temporarily during the depression years. The number of " dormant " registrations — i.e., vehicles which although registered had not been licensed for the current year —as at 31st March, 1936, were as under :—


Type of Vehicle. North Island. South Island. New Zealand iotal. Cars .. .. .. .. .. .. 97,630 52,274 149,904 Light trucks (2 tons and under laden) .. .. 15,974 8,132 24,106 Heavy trucks (over 2 tons laden) .. .. .. 11,585 5,604 17,189 Passenger trucks .. .. .. .. .. 614 289 903 Omnibuses .. .. .. .. .. 408 149 557 Taxis .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,111 621 1,732 Service cars .. .. .. .. .. 430 269 699 Rental and private-hire cars .. .. .. 251 163 414 Dealers' cars .. .. .. .. .. 908 427 1,335 Local-authority road vehicles .. .. .. 1,010 636 1,646 Government vehicles .. .. .. .. 1,151 492 1,643 Trailers .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,043 1,977 4,020 Dealers' motor-cycles .. .. .. .. 93 45 138 Motor-cycles .. .. .. .. .. 14,771 9,190 23,961 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 147,979 80,268 228,247

T^e0fVehicIe - j Renter. | Register. | T °^ Cars .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,931 4,874 7,805 Light trucks (2 tons and under laden) .. .. 1,754 2,632 4,386 Heavy trucks (over 2 tons laden) .. .. .. 741 1,199 1,940 Service cars .. .. .. .. .. 42 37 79 Taxis .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 57 78 Rental and private-Lire cars .. .. .. 1 22 23 Contract vehicles .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 42 Omnibuses .. .. .. .. .. 15 21 36 Traction-engines .. .. .. ' .. . . 33 .. 33 Trailers .. .. .. .. .. .. 492 746 1,238 Tractors .. .. .. .. .. Ill .. Ill Motor-cycles .. .. .. .. .. 2,603 3,904 6,507 Other motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 26 83 109 Totals .. .. .. .. 8,770 13,617 22,387


Section 10 of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1927, provides that after a registration has remained " dormant " for two complete years it is to be cancelled. The following sets out the 1932-33 registrations cancelled on Ist June, 1935, in accordance with this section: —

(d) MOTOB-VEHICLE REGISTRATION PLATES. The following classes of number-plates were assigned during the licensing year 1935-36 : — (1) For private cars, plates without initial letter 601-99999, inclusive, and with initial letter from XI onwards. (2) For " private-hire " and " rental " cars, plates without letter 1-600, inclusive. (3) Special plates for issuance to cycles. (4) Plates with initial letter " D " (both car and cycle) for dealers' vehicles. (5) Plates with initial letter " E " for vehicles exempted from payment of annual license fees. (6) Plates with the prefix " Govt." for vehicles owned by Government Departments. (7) Plates with initial letter " H " for heavy trucks. (8) Plates with initial letter " L " for light trucks. (9) Plates with initial letter " P " for omnibuses. (10) Plates with initial letter " R " for trailers. (11) Plates with initial letter " S " for service cars. (12) Plates with initial letter " T " for taxis. (13) Plates with initial letter " V " for passenger trucks and " contract " motor-vehicles. (e) Vehicles actually on the Road. The number of " live " registrations on the register kept in accordance with the provisions of the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, may be taken as a reasonable indication of the number of vehicles actually on the road. The numbers of these "live " registrations have been estimated for each month, and the monthly averages for the twelve-monthly periods ended on 31st March, 1932, to 31st March, 1936, are given hereunder : —

The number of motor-cars on the road shows an increase of 6,227, or 4-8 per cent., and trucks 2,759, or 8-3 per cent., while omnibuses and motor-cycles have continued to decline.


Type of Vehicle. Number. Cars 3,811 Light trucks .. .. .. . . .. 1,897 Heavy trucks .. .. .. .. .. 811 Service cars .. .. .. .. .. 50 Taxis .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 Passenger trucks .. .. .. .. .. 11 Rental and private-hire cars .. .. .. 6 Motor-buses .. .. .. .. .. 22 Traction-engines .. .. .. .. .. 22 Trailers .. .. .. .. .. .. 352 Tractors .. .. .. . . .. .. 69 Motor-cycles .. .. .. .. .. 2,812 Other vehicles .. .. .. .. .. 19 Total .. .. .. .. .. 9,898

Monthly Averages. Type of Vehicle. ■ ~ " 1932. ; 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. Number. Number. Number. Number. Number. Motor-cars .. .. 130,889 127,115 123,331 129,277 135,504 Trucks .. .. 26,232 26,907 29,863 33,314 36,073 Omnibuses .. .. 1,048 1,000 1,000 877 525 Traction-engines .. 123 136 140 140 160 Trailers .. .. 1,160 1,545 2,400 2,407 2,538 Tractors .. .. 426 561 600 600 800 Motor-cycles .. .. 23,487 21,995 21,171 21,110 18,431 Other motor-vehicles .. 441 421 420 400 400 Totals .. 183,806 179,680 ; 178,925 188,125 194,431


(/) Petrol Consumption. The following table shows a classification of the manner in which petrol was consumed in the Dominion during the last eight calendar years : — '

The total gallons are calculated from the quantity of motor-spirits on which motor-spirit tax was paid. In April, 1935, an arrangement was concluded between the Treasury and the Customs Department and the principal motor-spirit importers whereby the spirit might be taken from bond on condition that the tax would be paid within one month. This necessitated the figure for December, 1935, being estimated, with the result that the 1935 total figure is not exact, although it is considered sufficiently reliable for purposes of comparison. It will be observed that, although there was an increase of some 5,000,000 gallons consumed by motor-vehicles as compared with last year's figures, the peak year figures of 1930 have not yet quite been regained. 4. MOTOR-SPIRITS TAXATION ACT, 1927. The following data show the yield from and distribution of the petrol-tax for the year ended 31st March, 1936. The figures regarding the net yield for previous years are given for comparative purposes : — (a) Yield. £ Gross yield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,087,682 Deductions — Refunds and cost of making same .. .. .. 169,023 Net yield .. .. .. .. .. £2,918,659 Net Yield (i.e., Gross Yield less Refunds), Year ended 31st March. £ 1928 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 143,516* 1929 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 802,232 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 961,907 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,314,450f 1932 1,677,520$ 1933 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,865,762§ 1934 .. .. .. .. ..' .. .. .. 2,368,147 1935 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,610,607 1936 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,918,659 Total since inception of tax .. .. .. . . £14,662,800 * Part year only. f Increase from 4d. to 6d. per gallon as from 22nd July, 1930. % Increase from 6d. to Bd. per gallon as from 7th October, 1931. § Increase from Bd. to 10d. per gallon as from 9th February, 1933. (b) Distribution. The distribution of the net yield of the petrol-tax for the last five years ended 31st March was as follows :—

2—H. 40.


Consumption of Petrol. Calendar Year. By Motor-vehicles Other-i.e Engines,, j (i.e., Petrol on which Ae,op an f {V , etlo f l Total, all Duty was paid). °" w ' lleh Refunds of J r Duty were made). Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. 1928 .. .. .. .. 41,457,150* 2,057,940* 43,515,090* 1929 .. .. .. .. 56,575,840 3,650,040 60,225,880 1930 .. .. .. .. 62,821,479 3,907,900 66,729,379 1931 .. .. .. .. 55,203,252 5,286,000 60,489,252 1932 .. .. .. .. 49,861,449 5,495,479 55,356,928 1933 .. .. .. .. 51,262,371 5,400,000f 56,662,371 1934 .. .. .. .. 55,914,450 6,100,000f 62,014,450 1935 .. .. .. .. 61,744,902 6,483,600f 68,228,502f * Excludes an unknown amount of petrol on which duty was not paid. f Estimated.

—— 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. £ ! £ £ £ £ Main Highways Board .. .. .. 1,231,202 644,126 669,868 970,506 1,449,125 Boroughs (population of 6,000 and over) .. 107,061 99,489 101,728 L12,370 126,011 Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 321,685 1,105,182 1,579,965 1,511,499 1,326,261 Commission on collection .. .. 17,572 16,965 16,586 16,232 17,262 Totals .. ■■ ■■ jl,677,520 1,865,762 2,368,147 2,610,607 2,918,65,9


N.B.—The distribution of petrol-tax amongst boroughs in accordance with section 9 (1) (b) of the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927, for the year ended 31st March, 1936, together with cumulative figures showing the total distribution from the inception of the petrol-tax up to the 31st March, 1936, is given in Table No. 4 in the Appendix. (c) Refunds of Petrol-tax. Refunding of Duty on Motor-spirits. As is indicated by the figures appearing in the following table, the claims for refunds of duty on motor-spirits have had a rising tendency each year, the average number dealt with each quarter during the year 1935 being 13,862, as compared with 13,179 in the preceding year. The number of claims handled and the total amount refunded in terms of the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927, were as follows :—

The particulars of the claims paid during each of the quarterly periods in 1935 are as follows :—

During the calendar year 1935, 2,110 claims were made during the second month following the close of the respective quarterly periods, and they were subject to a reduction of 10 per cent, in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Finance Act, 1933 (No. 2). Refunds are made at the rate of 6d. per gallon on all motor-spirits consumed for purposes other than as fuel for motor-vehicles in respect of which annual license fees are payable. Section 13 of the Customs Acts Amendment Act, 1934, authorizes an additional refund of 2d. per gallon to be made on motor-spirits consumed in aircraft and in vessels used exclusively in the fishing industry for commercial purposes. The motor-spirit concerned in the foregoing refunds was consumed as under :—

5. SPECIAL MILEAGE-TAXATION. Mileage-tax is payable by owners of most vehicles which are not propelled exclusively by means of motor-spirits. The tax is also payable by owners of self-propelled well-boring, air compressor, saw-beneh, and crane plants, the owners of which are, in effect, exempted by the provisions of the Motor-vehicles (Special Types) Regulations, 1935, from the payment of all other forms of motor-vehicle taxation. The owners of the last mentioned vehicles are entitled to claim refunds of duty on all of the motor-spirits consumed in operating their contrivances. As the result of the amending legislation the number of vehicles subiect to the tax has increased from 96 to 142.


Year. Number of Claims. Amount refunded. £ 1928 .. .. .. .. .. 11,101 34,299 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 19,814 60,834 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 25,797 83,741 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 37,116 132,150 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 45,986 137,387 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 49,265 138,194 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 52,718 155,714 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 55,447 163,884

Quarter. Number of Claims. Amount refunded. £ s. d. March .. .. .. .. .. 14,898 48,011 17 2 June .. .. .. .. .. 13,676 45,027 0 8 September .. .. .. .. 12,416 36,143 17 4 December.. .. .. .. .. 14,457 34,700 19 5

How consumed. Gallons. Percentage of lotal. Motor-vehicle (farm tractor, mule, &c.) .. . . 1,945,080 30-0 Milking-machinery .. .. .. .. 1,536,613 23-7 Fishing and other vessels .. .. .. 890,848 13-8 Miscellaneous stationary machinery .. .. 824,714 12-7 Local-authority and other road vehicles .. 608,160 9-4 Lighting and heating plants .. .. .. 225,630 3 • 5 Manufacturing, cleaning, scientific, &c. .. 182,757 2-8 Shearing-machinery .. .. .. .. 138,750 2-1 Aircraft .. .. .. .. .. 131,048 2-0 Total .. .. .. 6,483,600 100-0


The figures for the last three years are as follows : —

6. EOAD FINANCE. (a) Dominion's Road Bill, 1930-35. The Department has investigated the numerous statistical data available from official sources and has analysed and classified them in order to show approximately what the roads, streets, and bridges are costing under the headings of construction, maintenance, and loan charges. The figures which have been analysed relate to the five years ended 31st March, 1935. The classification of the roads into main highways, urban roads and streets, and other roads has been carried out, as each class of road or street has differing problems attached to it. This classification has involved a certain amount of estimation, as also have certain aspects of the figures for the whole road bill. Any estimations have been made on a conservative basis, and the figures are sufficiently close to actual fact to form a basis for reliable broad conclusions. The following table shows the expenditure under the various headings for the five years ended 31st March, 1935 :—

The principal points emerging from the figures for the years ended 31st March, 1934, have been commented upon in previous annual reports. The figures for 1934-35, as compared with those of the previous year, are commented on below : — (1) Maintenance. (i) Main Highways. —The increase of approximately £350,000 is due to increases in the expenditure of the Main Highways Board in this direction and of counties out of ordinary revenue. (ii) Other Roads. —This increase of approximately £240,000 is due partly to a grant of some £178,000 made out of the Main Highways Account by way of subsidy on rates levied on farming land under the terms of section 28 of the Finance Act (No. 3), 1934, partly to an increase in the amount of the subsidy paid out of the Main Highways Account to local authorities under section 37 of the Finance Act, 1930, and partly to increases in the expenditure of counties on roads other than main highways out of ordinary revenue.


Year ended 31st March, Revenue. £ 1934 .. .. .. .. 269 2,016 1935 .. .. .. .. 96 1,594 1936 .. .. .. .. 142 2,360 Total . 5,970

_ . . . . : —— — 1930-31. I 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. I Maintenance—■ £ £ £ £ £ Main highways .. .. .. 1,326,372 1,202,343 858,577 919,194 1,268,610 Urban roads and streets.. .. 581,734 529,104 453,969 397,371 392,032 Other roads .. .. .. 1,130,811 1,009,702 763,648 708,424 947,057 Total .. .. .. 3,038,917 2,741,149 2,076,194 2,024,989 2,607,699 Construction — Main highways .. .. .. 838,477 540,841 261,602 275,676 406,562 Urban roads and streets.. .. 1,077,380 1,338,677 1,224,214 1,104,047 944,235 Other roads .. .. .. 1,656,395 1,489,127 1,122,145 1,085,672 1,010,182 Total .. .. .. -3,572,252 3,368,645 2,607,961 2,465,395 2,360,979 Interest and sinking fund charges— Main highways .. .. .. 595,845 635,930 622,128 632,846 612,129 Urban roads and streets.. .. 615,530 640,728 642,282 585,900 554,400 Other roads .. .. .. 1,125,027 1,198,786 1,129,482 1,136,070 1,136,515 Total .. .. .. 2,336,402 2,475,444 2,393,892 2,354,816 2,303,044 Total annual road bill— Main highways .. .. .. 2,760,694 2,379,114 1,742,307 1,827,716 2,287,301 Urban roads and streets.. .. 2,274,644 2,508,509 2,320,465 2,087,318 1,890,667 Other roads .. .. .. 3,912,233 3,697,615 3,015,275 2,930,166 3,093,754 Total .. .. .. 8,947,571 8,585,238 7,078,047 6,845,200 7,271,722


(2) Construction. There has been an increase in expenditure on main-highway construction, but decreases in the other two sections. The decrease of approximately £160,000 in the case of urban roads and streets is due to further reductions in the expenditure of boroughs on construction and maintenance. (3) Loan Charges. The slight decreases are due principally to a fall in the rate of loan charges against boroughs as compared with the previous year. (4) Total Road Bill. The following table, showing the percentages of the total expenditure on maintenance, construction, and interest and loan charges, is of interest: —

(b) Sources of Money expended on Road Bill, 1930-35. The Department has also analysed the expenditure on roads during the five years ended 31st March, 1935, in order to ascertain the sources from which the money expended has been derived. The following table shows, under five main headings, the sources of revenue expended on (a) main highways, (b) urban roads, (c) other roads, and (d) all types of roads :—

The principal points emerging from the 1934-35 figures as compared with those of previous years are as follows :— (1) Loan-money. This item shows an increase of £140,000 over the previous year's figure, and now represents 114 per cent, of the total money expended. This is still in marked contrast to the year 1930-31, when this item represented almost 30 per cent, of the total.


Maintenance. Construction. Interest and Loan Charges. PerCent. PerCent. PerCent. 1930-31 ........ 34 40 26 1931-32 ........ 32 39 29 1932-33 ........ 29 37 34 1933-34 ........ 30 36 34 1934-35 .. .. .. .. 36 32 32

1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. Main highways — £ £ £ £ i £ Loan .. .. .. .. 530,574 455,296 37,472 237,469 360,118 Local rates .. .. .. 591,618 494,341 428,998 431,262 471,851 Unemployment-taxation.. .. .. 55,073 60,259 53,032 42,586 General taxation .. .. 146,274 141,823 124,176 147,342 134,955 Motor-taxation .. .. .. 1,492,228 1,232,581 1,091,402 958,611 1,277^791 Total .. .- .. 2,760,694 2,379,114 1,742,307 1,827,716 2,287,301 Urban roads— Loan .. .. .. .. 450,885 330,114 122,417 70,291 71,307 Local rates .. .. .. 1,497,721 1,405,383 1,291,683 1,153,032 1,072,108 Unemployment-taxation.. .. 75,000 510,000 660,000 616,278 475,306 General taxation Motor-taxation.. .. .. 251,038 263,012 246,365 247,717 271,946 Total ■■ •• ■■ 2,274,644 2,508,509 2,320,465 2,087,318 1,890,667 Other roads — Loan .. .. .. .. 1,608,680 1,145,567 412,470 381,090 398,371 Local rates .. .. .. 1,121,923 841,313 798,805 734,844 781,010 Unemployment-taxation.. .. 39,102 281,242 677,227 675,524 587,469 General taxation .. .. 900,060 966,757 900,750 927.750 941'215 Motor-taxation.. .. .. 242,468 462,736 226,023 385' 689 Tot al 3,912,233 3,697,615 3,015,275 2,930,166 3,093,754 All roads— Loan 2,590,139 1,930,977 572,359 688,850 829,796 Local rates .. .. .. 3,211,262 , 2,741,037 2,519,486 2,319,138 2,324,969 Unemployment-taxation.. .. 114,102 846,315 1,397,486 1,344,834 1,105 361 General taxation .. .. 1,046,334 1,108,580 1,024,926 l'076J70 Motor-taxation.. .. .. 1,985,734 1,958,329 1,563,790 1,417,286 1,935 '426 TotaI - ■■ 8,947,571 8,585,238 7,078,047 6,845.200 7,271,722


(2) Local Rates. Local rates show a slight increase. This item remains the chief source of money for expenditure on the roads, this year's total comprising 32 per cent, of the total. (3) Unemployment Taxation. The amount expended this year again shows a decline, approximately £240,000, the proportion of the total now being 15-2 per cent. (4) General Taxation. This item has remained almost constant during the five years under review. This year's figure represents 14-8 per cent, of the total. (5) Motor-taxation. Motor taxation shows a substantial increase of almost £520,000 over the previous year. This reflects the increased revenue from motor-spirit taxation, while local-authority revenue from motordrivers' licenses and heavy-traffic fees has also increased. Details of this revenue are published elsewhere in this report. A noticeable feature is that this item is gradually approaching the amount provided by local rates. Whereas the amount expended from local rates in 1930-31 exceeded that from motor-taxation by some £1,200,000, the excess is now only £390,000. (6) General. The following table indicates the approximate percentages of the various sources of revenue comprised in the total expenditure on roads during the five years ended 31st March, 1935 : —

(c) Annual Chaeges pee Mile on Roads, Streets, etc., 1930-35. The following table shows the annual expenditure for the five years ended 31st March, 1935, on the various classes of roads, &c, computed per mile of road and/or street : —

Tables Nos. 5 and 6 of the Appendix show the lengths of various classes of roads, streets, and bridges during the years from 1922 to 1935 inclusive.


Item. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Loan .. ... .. 28-9 22-5 8-1 10-1 11-4 Local rates .. .. 35-9 31-9 35-6 33-9 32-0 Unemployment taxation .. 1-3 9-9 19-7 19-6 15-2 General taxation .. .. 11-7 12-9 14'5 15-7 14-8 Motor-taxation .. .. 22-2 22-8 22-1 20-7 26-6 Total .. .. 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0

Annual Charges per Mile of Road. PI ass of Road Year ended Length of — ot Koaa. 31st March, Formed Roads. T , , , Maintenance. Lo " n 6 Q^ a rges. TotaL Miles. £ £ £ Main highways .. .. 1931 10,420 127 57 184 1932 10,846 111 59 170 1933 10,878 79 57 136 1934 10,975 84 58 142 1935 11,176 114 55 169 Urban roads and streets .. 1931 4,055 143 152 295 1932 4,052 131 158 289 1933 4,106 111 156 267 1934 4,086 97 143 240 1935 4,035 97 137 234 Other roads .. .. 1931 35,103 32 32 64 1932 35,378 29 34 63 1933 35,909 21 32 53 1934 36,010 20 32 52 1935 36,947 26 31 57 Total, all roads .. 1931 49,578 61 47 108 1932 50,276 55 49 104 1933 50,893 41 47 88 1934 51,071 40 46 86 1935 52,158 50 44 94


(d) Motor-taxation. TabJe No. 7 shows an analysis of the revenue received from the various taxes and fees levied in connection with motor-vehicles, together with comparative figures for the previous thirteen years. The total amount for 1935-36 was £4,451,863, the greatest figure yet recorded. The increase of £549,311 over the previous year is mainly due to an increase of approximately £308,000 in motorspirits tax and £191,000 in Customs duties on motor-vehicles and parts. 7. HEAVY MOTOE-VEHICLE REGULATIONS, 1932. (a) Allocation of Heavy Traffic License Fees. The regulations provide that, where the local authorities in any heavy-traffic district are unable to agree as to the distribution of the heavy-traffic fees collected in that district they may apply to the Minister of Transport to apportion those fees. During the year several applications were received from various districts, but in each case agreement was finally reached as the result of negotiations. For the purpose of a Minister's allocation under the regulations it is necessary for the Department to investigate the road-expenditure figures in the heavy-traffic district. This involves a considerable amount of work, and the regulations were therefore amended to provide that in such cases there should be power to deduct one-half of 1 per cent, of the total amount of fees to be distributed and to credit this amount to the Consolidated Fund. Tentative proposals for amending the regulations with the object of simplifying the system of apportionment by Minister's order were submitted to all local authorities. The majority who replied expressed themselves in favour of the proposals, but a small number brought forward very definite and relevant objections to the suggested amendment. On the instructions of the Minister, the Department is at present carrying out investigations into the whole question of motor-taxation. This investigation will naturally cover the incidence and allocation of heavy-traffic fees. Consequently it appears undesirable that any major alterations should, at this stage, be made to the existing method of apportioning the fees by Minister's order. (b) Limitation of Loads on Eoads. Alterations in Axle Weights allowable. Experience has shown that in three-axled vehicles where one axle only is driven it is desirable that the axle-load of the driven axle be slightly greater than that of the trailing axle. To meet the position the regulations were amended to allow of an increase of approximately 15 per cent, on the maximum axle weights formerly allowed. No increase is allowed in the maximum gross weights nor is the condition affected whereby at least 18 per cent, of the total weight must be borne by the steeringaxle. The amendment does not apply to two-axled vehicles, and the new table of load limits is as follows :—

The Position regarding Road Classification. During the period under review 1,300 miles of main highways and other rural roads were classified. In the Hawke's Bay, Takaka, and Southland counties, where no roads were formerly classified, there is now a uniform classification of Class 111 over the main highways, except in the case of the higher types of road surfaces adjacent to Napier and Hastings. The existing position in regard to the classification of rural roads generally and of the main highway system is set out in the following tables : —

(i) Classification of Rural Roads.


Heavy Motor-vehicles other than ,, ... , , TT . ... multi-axled Heavy Motor-vehicles. Multa " axled Heavy Motor-vehicles. Classification of Roads. Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Gross Weight. Axle Weight. Gross Weight. Axle Weight. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Class II .. .. .. 8-0 6-4 12-0 5-5 Glass III .. .. .. 6-5 5-2 10-0 4-6 Class IV .-. .. .. 4-5 3-6 6-5 3-0 Class Y .. .. .. 3-0 2-4 4-5 2-1

l KoZ d | ClassIĪ - ClassIĪI - I ClassIV - | T tSf Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. North Island .. .. .. 26,025 313 4,551 8,469 3,197 16,530 South Island .. .. .. 21,929 811 4,848 2,250 312 8,221 Totals .. .. 47,954 1,124 9,399 j 10,719 3,509 24,751


(ii) Classification of Main Highways.

While a little over 50 per cent, of the total rural mileage of formed roads is classified, there is now 88 per cent, of the main highway system, which carries the greatest part of the traffic, classified in one or other of the four classes, and nearly 82 per cent, in Class 111 or lower. As the classification of a main highway or other key road has the effect of limiting loads also on the adjacent feeder roads, the load-limitations virtually cover a much greater proportion than 50 per cent, of the total rural mileage actually classified. In order to provide a reasonable degree of flexibility for road transport it is most desirable that there should be a uniform classification over a large area of country, unbroken by variations at county boundaries. Since its inception the Department has advocated and encouraged the general adoption of Class 111 as the maximum limit for all rural highways, except where such highways are surfaced with the higher types of pavement, or where special circumstances justify heavier loads, and this policy has been adopted by a steadily increasing number of local authorities. In certain areas Class IV has been generally adopted as a maximum, as, for example, in the North Auckland District, where road surfaces are comparatively weak, and also in the pumice areas of the North Island, where surfacing materials are costly. However, in several districts, and notably in Canterbury, there is as yet no uniform system of classification. The following table indicates to some extent this lack of uniformity of classification of main highways in certain of the highways districts, and also sets out the relation between the classification of the roads and the use of the respective classes by heavy-motor traffic : —

The proportions which require a higher classification than Class 111 are seen to be relatively small in most districts, and there seems no reason why this class should not be adopted generally as the maximum in rural areas. In the course of time as the heavier vehicles now on the roads complete their useful life they may be replaced with the multi-axled type which on a Class 111 road has a maximum allowable gross load of 10 tons.


TT-^ ain Class II. Class III. Class IV. Class V. Highways. ncation. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. North Island 6,447 199 2,618 2,894 412 6,123 South Island 5,202 559 3,428 152 32 4,171 Totals .. ■■ 11,649 758 6,046 3,046 444 10,294

Classification of Heavy Motor-vehicle Classification of Main Highways. Traffic' „ . „ Proportions conforming to the following Highways District. Total Road-classification =- (a) Unclassi- (6) c!assified (c) Classified (o) Unclassi- classified (c) Classified fiedorm ' n T TT m Classes fied or in \' t T T m Classes Class II. m Class 111. IV or V. Class II. m Class Lll. IV or y. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Auckland North .. .. 0-4 99-6 0-7 20-0 79-3 Auckland South .. 3-2 26-7 70-1 4-4 43-0 52-6 Tauranga .. .. 5-5 10-0 84-5 4-8 31-2 64-0 Gisborne .. .. 1*6 87 "5 10'9 3*8 45 • 8 50 • 4 Napier .. .. 12-4 81-3 6-3 9-4 41-2 49-4 King-country.. .. 6-4 .. 93 • 6 0-5 33-2 66-3 Taranaki .. .. 10-9 65*0 24-1 8 - 7 47•4 43-9 Wanganui .. .. 9-5 70-1 20-4 9-8 40-5 49-7 Wellington West .. 32-0 57-1 10-9 13-2 48-1 38-7 Wellington East .. 12-9 86-9 0-2 7-5 36-6 55-9 North Island .. 8-1 40-6 51-3 6-0 38-6 55-4 Nelson .. .. 12 • 6 78*1 9 - 3 12-5 31-2 56-3 West Coast .. .. 11-7 79-3 9-0 7-5 43-5 49-0 Canterbury North .. 43-6 49-7 6-7 14-0 34-2 51-8 Canterbury Central .. 79-6 18-9 1-5 12-5 40-2 47-3 Canterbury South .. 39-8 60-2 .. 6-2 45-3 48-5 Otago Central .. 33-2 61-4 5-4 3-8 38-5 57-7 Otago South .. .. 28-6 71-4 .. 4-4 42-1 53-5 Southland .. .. 0-9 99-1 .. 6-9 53-1 40-0 South Island .. 30-6 65-9 3-5 8-3 42-1 49-6 New Zealand .. 18-1 51-9 30-0 6-8 39-8 53-4


From inquiries made by the Department it is found that this type of vehicle provides generally a somewhat more economic means of transport than the ordinary two-axled machine and should be particularly well fitted for service on the well-aligned roads of Canterbury. Although it is claimed by various local authorities that owing to strong foundations, cheap gravel, and light maintenance-costs, there is no great advantage to be gained by limitation of loading, the time is rapidly approaching when all rural roads carrying a reasonable volume of traffic will be provided with some form of light-sealed surface. In order that these surfaces may be protected it is at present essential that unnecessarily heavy wheel-loads should be eliminated. As this end may only be accomplished by a comparatively slow process, there is a very definite need for effecting the classification now in order that all future replacements may comply with the desired load limits. In certain areas various local authorities have classified a number of their roads in Class V, and in certain counties north of Auckland practically the whole roading system is classified in this class. In some districts, in order to give all-weather access to certain areas, the local body has provided a very light road-surface which it is necessary to protect from heavy loads by the adoption of a Class V classification. Instances of this kind are, however, rare, and as a gross load-limit of only 3 tons restricts payloads to approximately 25 cwt., in general Class V should be applied only where absolutely essential. Otherwise the transport facilities will prove quite inadequate and it is inevitable that numerous permits will have to be issued by the road-controlling authorities to enable the load limit of 3 tons to be exceeded. This tends to defeat the object of the classification and creates irritating difficulties for road operators. For these reasons the Department discourages the adoption of Class V except under very special circumstances, and it is proposed to review all such classifications now extant. 8. TRAFFIC CENSUS. (a) Introductory. A comprehensive census of all traffic using the rural main-highway system was taken for the first time in New Zealand in 1934-35. Some 370 stations were selected at which all traffic was recorded. Although it would have been desirable to have increased the number of stations in order adequately to cover the whole of the highway system, the finances available rendered this impossible. Consequently it has been necessary to estimate the traffic on a number of sections of highway where no actual records were available. Traffic was recorded for two periods of seven consecutive days at each station. With the view of obtaining a reasonable measure of the winter and the summer traffic, the tallies were taken during seven days in August, 1934, and in January, 1935. The mean of the two records is taken to represent the average traffic passing each traffic station, and this figure is applied to the appropriate length of highway. In this manner the traffic over a great part of the highway system has been computed. In view of the estimates it has been necessary to make, the results presented in this report, while giving a reasonably close indication of traffic conditions, cannot be regarded as wholly accurate. In so far as comparisons are concerned, the figures would be fairly accurate, but from checks made upon the total use of the highway system by motor-vehicles it appears that the figures arrived at are somewhat higher than is actually the case. It is hoped that this traffic survey will be the first of a series to be taken at regular intervals, and the full value of this census will thus not be secured until further records are obtained. While detailed analyses of the use by motor-vehicles of the rural main-highway system are given by this and future traffic surveys, it must be remembered that this system represents only 21 per cent, of the total mileage of formed roads and streets throughout the Dominion. No comprehensive data is available regarding the traffic using urban streets or rural roads other than main highways. For a number of reasons it is most desirable that.some such data should be available whereby reliable comparisons may be made between the use of each of these divisions of the roading system. (b) Tbaffic-density Maps. A map of each Island showing the relative traffic densities throughout the rural highways system appears in the Appendix. The main traffic routes are readily identifiable, and it is noticeable that in general these parallel the Main Trunk Railway systems. The maps also show that the proportion of " through," or long-distance, traffic is small in comparison with the local traffic within a few miles of the boroughs and cities. Taranaki affords an apt example in this respect. Between Hawera and New Plymouth, where a succession of medium-sized boroughs occur at fairly close intervals, the traffic averages 663 vehicles daily. On the other hand, where the road is almost wholly arterial, as between Waitara and Te Kuiti, the volume decreases to a comparatively sparse figure. The actual traffic recorded at the Mokau Bridge, for example, averaged 141 vehicles per day. (c) Volume of Motoe Teaffic. Table A gives for each Island the total number of vehicle-miles per annum on the main-highway system and the average number of vehicles carried daily by each mile of main highway. From this table it will be seen that the average number of vehicles per mile of highway per day for the North Island is 167, as against 119 for the South Island. Also the North Island main highways constitute 56 per cent, of the total highway mileage, but carry 64 per cent, of the total traffic of the main-highway system of the whole Dominion. These comparisons between the two Islands are further illustrated by Figure 1.



Table A. — Comparing the Highway-mileage, Motor-vehicle Use, and Traffic Density on the North and South Island Main-highway Systems.

Fig. 1.-Comparison between the North and South Island Rural Highway Systems in respect of Mileage, Use by Motor-vehicles, and Traffic Density.

Figure 2 and Tables B and C afiord a comparison of the use of the main highways in each of the eighteen highway districts, the tables taking into consideration the area and population of each district, and the motor-vehicle registrations. It is noticeable that the use per head of population is fairly constant throughout, except in districts which include large urban population. Also in the districts containing relatively few or small urban centres, such as Auckland North, Tauranga, King-country, Canterbury North, and Otago Central, the use of the main-highway system per motor-vehicle is also fairly constant. It may be possible by further investigations to use this data to determine the approximate total use of all roads in the Dominion, whether main highways, urban streets, or other roads.

3—H. 40.


Main Highway Mileage. Annual Vehicle-mileage. 0 Highway System. " ~ ~ Miles. Percentage. Vehicle-miles. Percentage. M °p°r"i)ay? Ch North Island .. .. 6,206 55*53 377,439,930 63*57 166*6 South Island .. .. 4,970 44*47 216,267,245 36*43 119*2 New Zealand .. 11,176 100*00 593,707,175 100*00 145*5


Fig. 2.—Motor-vehicle Utilization and Main Highway Mileages in each Highways District, expressed as Percentages of New Zealand Totals.



Table B. — Area, Main Highway Mileage, Motor-vehicle Registrations, Vehicle-mileage, and Population.

Table C. — Daily Vehicle-miles on Main Highways per (i) Unit Area, (ii) Head of Population, (iii) Motor-vehicle, (iv) Mile of Main Highway; Population per Motor-vehicle.


Main Highway aStattonfat Daily Vehicle-miles Highways District. Area. Ma mĒS 31?t DecS'e?, on Main-highway Population. 2934 Dystem. No - Name - te. 6 Cent. Miles - centege Numlier - centage Vehicle " miIes - centage PersoIls - centage. 1 Auckland North .. 5,451 5-30 930J 8-33 7,251 3-62 111,961 6-88 69,497 4-48 2* Auckland South .. 6,217 6-04 1,022 9-14 45,747 22-81 246,062 15-13 362,093 23-37 3 Tauranga .. .. 8,111 7-88 680f 6-09 5,536 2-76 99,896 6-14 46,169 2-98 4 Gisborne .. .. 3,086 3-00 362f 3-25 4,036 2-01 48,252 2-97 34,020 2-20 5 Napier .. .. 5,070 4-93 702 6-28 12,211 6-09 128,923 7-93 78,582 5-07 6 King-country .. 3.912 3-80 652J 5-84 3,092 1-54 48,241 2-96 30,923 1-99 7 Taranaki .. .. 2,472 2-40 442| 3-96 11,254 5-61 93,837 5-77 67,425 4-35 8 Wanganui .. .. 4,104 3-99 483J 4-32 8,162 4-07 73,320 4-51 58,418 3-77 9* Wellington West .. 2,434 2-36 455 4-07 25,119 12-52 126,756 7-79 218,950 14-13 10 Wellington East .. 3,237 3-15 474J 4-25 6,516 3-25 56,834 3-49 34.289 2-21 North Island .. 44,094 42-85 6,206 55"53 128,924 64-28 1,034,082 63-57 1,000,366 64-55 11 Nelson .. .. 7,657 7-44 640J 5-73 6,782 3-38 61,160 3-76 49,719 3-21 12 WestCoast.. .. 8,913 8-66 519f 4-65 3,476 1-73 41,932 2-58 39,637 2-56 13 Canterbury North .. 4,225 4-11 330J 2-95 1,707 0-85 23,819 1-46 9,092 0-59 14* Canterbury Central .. 4,203 4-08 668 5-98 22,414 11-17 112,373 6-91 164,733 10-63 15 Canterbury South .. 7,548 7-33 737j 6-60 10,514 5-24 103,036 6-33 63,492 4-10 16 Otago Central .. 11,191 10-88 749| 6-71 5,568 2-78 72,931 4-48 38,411 2-48 17* Otago South .. 3,873 3-76 465| 4-16 11,144 5-56 82,398 5-07 112,011 7-23 18 Southland .. .. 11,195 10-89 859 7-69 10,048 5-01 94,864 5-84 71,810 4-65 South Island .. 58,805 57-15 4,970 44-47 71,653 35-72 592,513 36-43 548,905 35-45 New Zealand .. 102,899100-0011,176 100-00 200,577100-00 1,626,595100-00 1,549,271 100-00 * Includes large urban centres.

Highways District. Population Motor- Daily Vehicle-miles on Main Highway System. Persons vehicles per per Square q er Per Per Head Per Per Mile MotorNo. Name. Mile. 'Mae* 6 Square of Motor- of Main vehicle. Mile. Population, vehicle. Highway. 1 Auckland North .. 12-7 1-33 20-5 1-61 15-4 120-4 9-6 2* Auckland South .. 58-2 7-36 39-6 0-68 5-4 240-8 7-9 3 Tauranga .. 5-7 0-68 12-3 2-16 18-0 146-7 8-4 4 Gisbome .. 11-0 1-31 15-6 1-42 11-9 133-0 8-4 5 Napier .. .. 15-5 2-41 25-4 1-64 10-5 183-7 6-4 6 King-country .. 7-9 0-79 12-3 1-56 15-6 73-9 10-0 7 Taranaki ' .. 27-3 4-56 38-0 1-39 8-3 212-1 6-0 8 Wanganui .. 14-2 1-99 17-9 1-26 9-0 151-7 7-1 9* Wellington West .. 90-0 10-31 52-1 0-58 5-1 278-6 8-7 10 Wellington East .. 10-6 2-01 17-5 1-66 8-7 119-8 5-3 North Island .. 22-7 2-92 23-5 1-03 8-0 166-6 7-8 11 Nelson .. .. 6-5 0-89 8-0 1-23 9-0 95-5 7-3 12 West Coast .. 4-4 0 ; 39 4-7 1-06 12-1 80-7 11-4 13 Canterbury North 2-2 0-40 5-6 2-62 13-9 72-1 5-3 14* Canterbury Central 39-2 5-33 26-7 0-68 5-0 168-2 7-4 15 Canterbury South 8-4 1-39 13-7 1-62 9-8 139-6 6-0 16 Otago Central .. 3-4 0-50 6-5 1-90 13-1 97-3 6-9 17* Otago South .. 28-9 2-88 21-3 0-74 7-4 177-1 10-1 18 Southland .. 6-4 0-90 8-5 1-32 9-4 110-4 7-1 South Island .. 9-3 1-22 10-1 1-08 8-3 119-2 7-7 New Zealand.. 15-1 1-95 15-8 1-05 8-1 145-5 7-7 * Includes large urban centres.


(d) Distribution of Tkaffic on the Main-highway System. In order to indicate the extent to which traffic is concentrated on a relatively small proportion of the highway mileage the highways are classified hereunder according to the volume of traffic carried. Table D shows that 25 per cent, of the mileage carries less than fifty vehicles per day ; 54 per cent, carries less than one hundred ; and nearly 80 per cent, of the total highway mileage carries less than two hundred vehicles daily.

Table D. — Classifying Highway Mileage according to Traffic-density.

Figure 3 illustrates the concentration of the traffic in an even more striking manner. On studying this graph it is seen that 40 per cent, of the total traffic is carried by little over 10 per cent, of the highway mileage, and 80 per cent, of the traffic by only 45 per cent, of the mileage. The range of the actual traffic-density recorded is very considerable. This is illustrated by Table E, which gives the value of the highest and of the lowest average volumes recorded in each highway district. Some highways which were not covered by the census are estimated to carry less than the figure shown in certain districts, but this table purports to show only actual recorded tallies.



Table E. — The Range of Traffic-density in each Highways District.


Highways District. Highest Average Daily Density recorded. Lowest Average Daily Density recorded. Number of Point at which Traffic Number of . ... . Point at which No Name. Motor- Name of Main Highway. recorded Motor- Name of Main Highway. Traffic was recorded. vehicles. ' vehicles. 1 Auckland North .. 519 Lake Omapere-Maungaturoto . . Near Kamo. 18 Ivirikopuni-Parakao .. . ■ Parakao. 2 Auckland South .. 2,698 Great South Road .. .. Near Otahuhu. 4 Hikutaia-N etherton Ferry .. Netherton Ferry. 3 Tauranga .. 814 Rotorua-Whakatane .. .. Near Whakatane. 47 Rotoma-Matata . . .. .. Matata. 4 Gisborne .. 546 Gisborne-Napier .. .. South of Makaraka. 21 Gisborne-Wairoa via Hangaroa .. Near Timroto. 5 Napier .. .. 1,547 Farndon-Hastings .. .. Mangateretere. 20 Gisborne-Wairoa via Hangaroa .. Te Reinga. 6 King-country .. 329 Auckland-Wellington via Taranaki South boundary of Waipa 4 Okahukura-Ohura . . .. Okahukura. County 7 Taranaki .. 726 Auckland-Wellington via Taranaki Near Stratford. 43 Pembroke Highway .. . . At Cardiff Roacl. 8 Wanganui .. 686 Auckland-Wellington via Taranaki Near Wanganui. 48 Wanganui-Horopito .. .. At Horopito end. 9 Wellington West .. 1,167 Wellington-Napier via Wairarapa Silverstream. 29 Heatherlea-Foxton via Koputaroa . . At Foxton end. 10 Wellington East .. 771 Wellington-Napier via Wairarapa Near Greytown. 21 Martinborough-Masterton via Glad- Near Longbush. stone 11 Nelson .. •• 1,035 Nelson-Inangahua Junction .. Stoke. 12 Lindsay's-Clifton .. ■■ Lindsay s. 12 West Coast .. 283 Inangahua Junction- Weheka .. Kanieri. 7 Forks-Okarito . . .. . • The Forks. 13 Canterbury North 182 Waikari-Waitohi .. .. Waikari. 12 Puhipuhi Highway .. .. Near Kaikoura. 14 Canterbury Central 2,056 Christchurch-Dunedin .. .. Riccarton (ChurchCorner). 9 Upper Riccarton- Arthurs Pass .. Cass. 15 Canterbury South 1,140 Christchurch— Dunedm .. .. Near Timaru. 8 Lake Pukaki— Hermitage .. . • '' '' 16 Otago Central .. 637 Christchurch-Dunedin .. .. Near Oamaru. 9 Skippers Highway .. .. Queenstown end. 17 Otago South .. 1,045 J)unedin-Invercargill .. .. Near Mosgiel. 15 Dunedin-Highclifi .. •• Near HighciiG. 18 Southland .. 1,257 Invercargill-Tuatapere .. .. Lome. 27 Riversdale-Waikaia .. .. Waiparu.


(e) Fluctuations in Tkaffio-density. At a number of stations the traffic was tallied continuously over the whole week, while at the majority the count extended for daily periods of sixteen, hours, commencing at 6 a.m. and continuing until 10 p.m. The results of the former series, in addition to affording a factor for estimating the twenty-four-hourly traffic over all stations, were analysed into two-hourly periods of traffic. This data is presented in Fig. 4, which shows the distribution of traffic throughout an average twenty-four-hour period in the summer and in the winter (a) on a week-day (Monday to Friday inclusive) and (b) on a Sunday. In each case the traffic during hours of darkness is indicated by the shaded portions. It is estimated that 16-6 per cent, of the total movement of traffic on the highway system during the year takes place during hours of darkness. During the period of the summer tally 12-8 per cent, of the traffic was at night, while the August tally showed 21-4 per cent, at night. These proportions are fairly consistent throughout the whole of the Dominion.

Fig. 4.—Fluctuations in Traffic Volume according to Time of Day and the Season, with reference to Week-days and Sundays.



Fig. 5.—Daily Variation of Traffic throughout a Week.

Figure 5 shows the daily variations of traffic throughout a week (a) in the winter and (h) in the summer, based upon a fairly large number of tallies recording a considerable volume of traffic. It will be seen that in the summer the greatest volume of traffic is on a Saturday, which is slightly in excess of Sunday, but considerably greater than any week-day. In the winter the week-end traffic is less than on any day during the working-week, and the weekday traffic increases gradually from Monday until Friday. The actual relationship between the volume of traffic in the summer and in the winter is given in Table F and further illustrated by Fig. 6. This figure is based upon an average highway — i.e., a length carrying the Dominion average volume of 145-5 motor-vehieles daily. It shows how the winter and the summer volumes of 127-6 and 163-4 vehicles respectively are distributed throughout an average twenty-four-hour period.



Table F. — The Relation between Summer and Winter Traffic.

Fig. 6. —Comparison of Volumes of Summer and Winter Traffic on an Average Mile of Highway, showing the Distribution throughout an Average Day.

Abnormal peaks of traffic occur on various occasions due to special local events and holidays. This is exemplified by a tally taken at a station between Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt on the WellingtonNapier Main Highway. The average daily volume at this station throughout the year was found to be 1,167 vehicles, private cars numbering|B77 ; but on one particular day during the summer census, which happened to be race day at Trentham, the traffic amounted to 3,398 motor-vehicles, of which 2,900 were private cars or taxis.


Ratio of Winter Highways District. Average Density. Summer Traffic. Winter Traffic. to Summer Traffic. Motor-vehicles Motor-vehicles Motor-vehicles per Day. per Day. per Day. Per Cent. 1. Auckland North .. .. 120-4 134-3 106-5 79-2 2. Auckland South .. .. 240-8 276-8 204-8 73-9 3. Tauranga- .. .. 146-7 162-7 130-7 80-4 4. Gisborne .. .. 133-0 149-8 116-2 77-7 5. Napier .. .. .. 183-7 208-1 159-3 76-6 6. King-country .. .. 73-9 84-0 63-8 76-0 7. Taranaki.. .. .. 212-1 219-3 204-9 93-4 8. Wanganui .. .. 151-7 175-4 128-0 73-0 9. Wellington West .. .. 278-6 325-1 232-1 71-4 10. Wellington East .. .. 119-8 141-7 97-9 69-0 North Island.. .. 166-6 188-1 145-1 77-1 11. Nelson .. .. .. 95-5 106-1 84-9 80-0 12. WestCoast .. .. 80-7 88-8 72-6 81-8 13. Canterbury North .. 72-1 83-9 60-3 71-9 14. Canterbury Central .. 168-2 192-6 143-8 74-6 15. Canterbury South .. 139-6 153-0 126-2 82-5 16. Otago Central .. .. 97-3 113-3 81-3 71-8 17. Otago South .. .. 177-1 192-4 161-8 84-1 18. Southland .. .. 110-4 117-1 103-6 88-5 South Island .. 119-2 133-0 105-4 79-4 New Zealand.. .. 145-5 163-4 127-6 78-1


To present some idea of the extent to which this abnormal traffic may be concentrated over a short period the results of a further count taken on the same section of highway on a recent race day reveal that 1,604 motor-vehicles passed in the space of a little more than two hours. This was at the rate of 9-6 vehicles per minute, or equivalent to a daily volume of 13,749 vehicles. During this period there was a peak interval of twenty-six minutes when 559 vehicles passed the tally point — i.e., at the rate of 21-5 per minute, or equal to a daily volume of 30,960. During the densest one-minute interval thirty-three vehicles were recorded, this probably representing about the maximum traffic-capacity of the road.

(/) Analysis of Traffic, by Type of Vehicle. A further analysis discloses the relative use of the main highways by different types of motorvehicles.

Table G. —Analysis of the Vehicle-mileage according to Type of Motor-vehicle.

This table also afiords comparison between the two Islands of the relative use by each type of vehicle. Thus in respect of — (i) Private cars : The Noith Island highways carried 63-55 per cent, and the South 3645 per cent, (ii) Light trucks : The North Island highways carried 60-55 per cent, and the South 39-45 per cent, (iii) Heavy trucks : The North Island highways carried 67-97 per cent, and the South 32-03 per cent, (iv) Service cars : The North Island highways carried 64-26 per cent, and the South 35-74 per cent, (v) Omnibuses: The North Island highways carried 60-74 per cent, and the South 39-26 per cent, (vi) Motor-cycles : The North Island highways carried 59-80 per cent, and the South 40-20 per cent, (vii) Trailers : The North. Island highways carried 50-95 per cent, and the South 49-05 per cent, (viii) Miscellaneous vehicles : The North Island highways carried 56-24 per cent, and the South 43-76 per cent. Of all motor-vehicles : The North Island highways carried 63-57 per cent, and the South 36-43 per cent. The use of the main-highway system by different types of motor-vehicles is compared in Fig. 7 with, the proportions of each type registered in the Dominion at the end of 1934, 4—H. 40,


Annual Vehicle-mileage and Percentage of Total. Type of Vehicle. North Island. South Island. New Zealand. Percent- , -i Percent- TT , . , ' Percent-Veliicle-miles. ™e Vehicle-miles. age _ Vehicle-miles. Private cars .. .. 255,005,060 67-57 146,249,295 67-62 401,254,355 67-59 Trade motors — Under 2 tons .. 31,893,700 8-45 20,783,100 9-61 52,676,800 8-87 2 to 4i tons .. 29,146,710 7-72 11,803,735 5-46 40,950,445 6-90 4i to 6i tons .. 23,144,285 6-13 12,039,890 5-57 35,184,175 5-93 Over ef tons .. 4,077,415 1-08 2,716,695 1-26 6,794,110 1-14 Total trade motors 88,262,110 23-38 47,343,420 21-90 135,605,530 22-84 Public passenger vehicles — Service cars .. 8,116,870 2-15 4,514,320 2-09 12,631,190 2-13 Omnibuses.. .. 2,825,830 0-75 1,826,460 0-84 4,652,290 0-78 Total public pas- 10,942,700 2-90 6,340,780 2-93 17,283,480 2-91 aengerī- vehicles ~ Motor-cycles .. 20,145,445 5-34 13,540,770 6-26 33,686,215 5-67 Trailers .. 2,126,855 0-56 2,047,650 0-95 4,174,505 0-70 Miscellaneous.. .. 957,760 0-25 745,330 0-34 1,703,090 0-29 All motor-vehicles 377,439,930 100-00 216,267,245 100-00 593,707,175 100-00


Fig. 7. —Comparision of the Use of the Main Highway System by different Types of Motor-vehicles and the Proportions of each Type of Vehicle registered.



(g) Average Weight of Motob-vehicles on the Highways. The average weight of each type of motor-vehicle was estimated, and a comparison of the weight of the average motor-vehicle on the road in each highway district is afforded by Table H : —

Table H. — Comparison of Weights of Motor-vehicles in each District.

(h) Passengers and Goods Traffic. From the analysis of traffic according to types of vehicles it is possible to obtain some idea of the volume of passenger traffic and the movement of goods. These figures are based upon rather arbitrary assumptions which, however, were made after a careful study of all available data. In the case of passengers it was estimated that on the average 2-9 persons were carried per private motor-car; 4-0 and 7-0 passengers per service car and per omnibus respectively ; and 1-2 persons per motor-cycle. In regard to the average pay-loads of goods-vehicles, a reasonable allowance would probably be half the weight of the maximum pay-load available for each class of truck. The results obtained from this investigation are set out in Tables (I) and (J) below.

Table I. — Estimated Annual Passenger Traffic on Main-highway System.


. Average Daily Ton- Average Daily Number Average Weight per Highways District. miles Qn the System o£ Vehicle-miles. Vehicle, in Tons. Auckland North .. .. .. 175,540 111,961 1-57 Auckland South .. .. .. 396,703 246,062 1-61 Tauranga .. .. .. .. 163,128 99,896 1-63 Gisborne .. .. .. 82,614 48,252 1-71 Napier .. .. .. . • 215,569 128,923 1-67 King-country .. .. .. 78,615 48,241 1-63 Taranaki ' 145,026 93,837 1-55 Wanganui 113,519 73,320 1-55 Wellington West .. .. .. 207,568 126,756 1-64 Wellington East .. .. .. 96,722 56,834 1*70 North Island .. .. 1,675,004 1,034,082 1*62 Nelson .. .. .. •• 102,752 61,160 1-68 West Coast 77,189 41,932 1-84 Canterbury North .. .. .. 38,041 23,819 1-60 Canterbury Central .. .. .. 168,776 112,373 1-50 Canterbury South .. .. .. 153,303 103,036 1*49 Otago Central .. .. .. 109,716 72,931 1*51 Otago South .. .. .. 126,520 82,398 1*54 Southland .. .. .. .. 158,260 94,864 1*67 South Island .. .. 934,557 592,513 1-58 New Zealand 2,609,561 1,626,595 1*61

Annual Passenger Mileage. § -S §> "g B.3 a Highways District. Mileage. PuWic A11 »§303! Private Cars. Passenger Motor-cycles. Passenger S "§ | .9 a? Vehicles. Vehicles. > 3 o'iS <!£ |« Auckland North .. 930f 75,781,300 5,388,495 2,982,415 84,152,210 247-7 Auckland South .. 1,022 176,084,760 11,526,335 5,873,945 193,485,040 518-7 Tauranga .. .. 680f 71,369,545 5,126,060 1,395,760 77,891,365 313-5 Gisborne .. .. 362| 32,854,745 3,837,610 1,386,270 38,078,625 287-6 Napier .. .. 702 92,289,520 10,293,365 2,568,870 105,151,755 410-4 King-country .. 652J 33,098,200 1,915,520 910,675 35,924,395 150-8 Taranaki .. .. 442| 68,087,830 2,315,925 3,374,060 73,777,815 456-8 Wanganui .. .. 483J 55,963,990 2,125,395 1,771,710 59,861,095 339-4 Wellington West .. 455 95,419,395 6,130,175 2,713,410 104,262,980 627-8 Wellington East .. 474J 38,565,535 3,589,410 1,197,565 43,352,510 250-3 North Island .. 6,206 739,514,820 52,248,290 24,174,680 815,937,790 360-2 Nelson .. .. 38,596,195 4,720,545 1,854,200 45,170,940 193-2 West Coast .. 519f 23,254,150 3,005,775 1,334,440 27,594,365 145-5 Canterbury North .. 16,929,795 1,725,355 624,150 19,279,300 159-9 Canterbury Central .. 668 82,311,150 4,189,105 4,445,700 90,945,955 373-0 Canterbury South .. 7371 79,244,785 3,595,615 2,476,525 85,316,925 316-9 Otago Central .. 749| 54,755,110 3,614,960 1,745,065 60,115,135 219-7 Otago South .. 62,735,105 4,949,765 1,730,830 69,415,700 408-8 Southland .. .. 859 66,297,140 5,041,380 2,038,160 73,376,680 234-0 South Island .. 4,970 424,123,430 30,842,500 16,249,070 471,215,000 259-8 New Zealand .. 11,176 1,163,638,250 83,090,790 40,423,750 1,287,152,790 315-5


Table J. — Estimated Annual Movement of Goods on Main-highway System.

(i) The Effect of Traffic upon the Maintenance-cost op Non-dustless Surfaces. A comparison has been made of traffic densities and annual road-maintenance costs on nondustless sections of the main-highway system. While it was found that extremely wide divergences of cost occurred on roads carrying similar volumes of traffic, sufficient data is available to establish the fact that the volume of traffic has a definite effect upon maintenance-costs of gravel and other allied types of surfaces. It was not possible to analyse individual maintenance-costs according to the manner in which the expenditure was made, and hence the figure taken included, in addition to surface-maintenance, the cost of restoring damage from climatic causes and all other work undertaken under the description of maintenance apart from actual surface-maintenance. It was found that there was a probable cost of about £35 per mile annually irrespective of traffic, but that with an increase of traffic there was a corresponding increase in the total maintenance-cost due to surface-wear. This figure amounts to 0-224 d. per vehicle-mile in the North Island and 0125 d. per vehicle-mile on the South Island system. The figures must, of course, be applied with caution, as varying conditions apply in different districts and on individual roads even in the same district. Important factors influencing costs are topographical and climatic conditions, costs of road metal, and varying standards and methods of maintenance. The probable effect of traffic on the cost of maintenance of the North and South Island main highway systems is indicated by Fig. 8.


Average Ton-mileage of Goods Annually. Daily Tons Highways District. Mileage. carried by L Plate Classes Classes Classes A11 „ , MainTrucks. AtoE. F to I. J to K. All Trucks. highway by stem. j Auckland North 930f 1,725,355 4,978,600 2,232,340 106,580 9,042,875 26-6 Auckland South 1,022 3,960,615 5,930,155 8,846,505 1,361,450 ' 20,098,725 53-9 Tauranga .. 680f 1,747,255 3,044,100 2,903,210 657,730; 8,352,295 33-6 Gisborne .. 362f 532,535 1,342,470 2,290,375 298,570: 4,463,950 33-7 Napier.. .. 702 2,167,005 2,435,280 4,274,880 40-9 King-country .. 652J 688,390 1,884,130 1,857,120 37,960 4,467,600 18-8 Taranaki ' .. 442£ 1,484,455 1,468,395 3,320,040 840,230 7,113,120 44-0 Wanganui .. 483J 950,460 1,236,620 12,224,310 734,380 5,145,770 29-2 Wellington West 455 1,806,750 1,680,095 4,459,570 1,853,470 9,799,885 59-0 Wellington East 474| 884,030 1,504,165 2,308,260 663,570 5,360,025 30-9 North Island 6,206 15,946,850 25,504,010 34,716,610 8,154,830 j 84,322,300 37-2 Nelson.. .. 6401 1,321,665 1,355,610 2,003,850 1,146,830 5,827,955 24-9 West Coast .. 519f 824,535 1,369,480 2,659,390 646,780 5,500,185 29-0 Canterbury North 330| 309,885 325,580 774,165 427,780 1,837,410 15-2 Canterbury Central 668 1,658,195 1,691,410 2,556,825 1,266,550 7,172,980 29-4 Canterbury South 737£ 1,751,270 1,229,320 2,484,555 507,350 5,972,495 22-2 Otago Central .. 749| 1,295,020 1,147,560 1,728,640 256,960 4,428,180 16-2 Otago South .. 465| 1,418,025 1,354,515 1,861,500 346,750 4,980,790 29-3 Southland .. 859 1,812,955 1,854,930 3,991,275 834,390 8,493,550 27-1 South Island 4,970 10,391,550 10,328,405 18,060,200 5,433,390 44,213,545 24-4 New Zealand 11,176 26,338,400 35,832,415 52,776,810 13,588,220 128,535,845 31-5


Fig. 8. The Effect of Motor Traffic on the Maintenance Cost of Non-dustless Surfaced Main Highways.

(j) Non-motôē Traffic. Although the census was primarily for the purpose of measuring and analysing motor-vehicle traffic using the highways, the opportunity was taken of determining also the volume and nature of non-motor traffic. A comparison between motor and non-motor traffic upon a weight basis shows that 944 per cent, of the total ton-mileage consists of motor traffic and only 5-6 per cent, of non-motor traffic. Table K compares the respective volumes and densities of the two classes of traffic in each highways district. The non-motor traffic is further subdivided in Table L into two classes—viz., (i) vehicular traffic and (ii) horses, cattle, and sheep. The only method of comparison is by weight, suitable weights being adopted for each form of traffic recorded. Figure 9 illustrates various points of interest concerning the non-motor traffic which emerge from the investigation.



Fig. 9.—Non-motor Traffic. (i) Proportion of total traffic on main highway system; (ii) proportion carried by main highway system in each Island; (iii) analysis according to types of traffic; and (iv) daily density.

Table K. — Comparison of Motor and Non-motor Traffic.


Volume of Traffic Daily Density (Average Tonnage Proportion of Total carried). Traffic. Highways District. Mileage. ~~ Average Dailv Average Daily *£•"■> Total Daily Motor Non-motor Total Motor Non-motor Motor Traffic. Traffic Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Ton-miles. Ton-miles. Ton-miles. Tons. Tons. Tons. Per Cent. Per Cent. Auckland North .. 930f 175,540 9,220 184,760 188-6 9-9 198-5 95-01 4-99 Auckland South .. 1,022 396,703 14,089 410,792 388-2 13-8 402-0 96-57 3-43 Tauranga .. .. 680f 163,128 16,995 180,123 239-6 25-0 264-6 90-55 9-45 Gisborne .. .. 362f 82,614 11,534 94,148 227-7 31-8 259-5 87-75 12-25 Napier .. .. 702 215,569 14,677 230,246 307-1 20-9 328-0 93-63 6-37 King-country .. 652J 78,615 4,929 83,544 120-3 7-6 127-9 94-10 5-90 Taranaki .. .. 442| 145,026 10,936 155,962 327-7 24-7 352-4 92-99 7-01 Wanganui .. .. 483J 113,519 6,664 120,183 234-9 13-8 248-7 94-45 5-55 Wellington West .. 455 207,568 8,055 215,623 456-2 17-7 473-9 96-27 3-73 Wellington East .. 474£ 96,722 6,368 103,090 203-8 13-4 217-2 93-83 6-17 North Island totals 6,206 1,675,004 103,467 1,778,471 269-9 16-7 286-6 94-18 5-82 Nelson .. .. 640J 102,752 5,857 108,609 160-4 9-1 169-5 94-63 5-37 West Coast .. .. 519} 77,189 1,623 78,812 148-5 3-1 151-6 97-96 2-04 Canterbury North .. 330J 38,041 2,509 40,550 115-2 7-6 122-8 93-81 6-19 Canterbury Central .. 668 168,776 7,815 176,591 252-7 11-7 264-4 95-57 4-43 Canterbury South .. 737J 153,303 10,467 163,770 207-9 14-2 222-1 93-61 6-39 Otago Central .. 749f 109,716 4,172 113,888 146-3 5-6 151-9 96-31 3-69 Otago South.. .. 465J 126,520 6,351 132,871 271-9 13 - 7 285-6 95-20 4-80 Southland .. .. 859 158,260 12,647 170.907 184-2 14-7 198-9 92-61 7-39 South Island totals 4,970 934,557 51,441 985,998 188-0 10-4 198-4 94-78 5-22 New Zealand totals 11,176 2,609,561 154,908 2,764,469 233-5 13-8 247-3 94-40 5-60


Table L. — Analysis of Non-motor Traffic.

(h) G-BowTH of Motor-vehicle Tbaffic. Until 1934-35 only unrelated tallies, mostly lacking in details, had been taken on a few of the highways, while on the greater number no earlier data whatever is available. That there has been a rapid and fairly consistent growth of traffic due to the steadily increasing use of the motor-vehicle is well known. Some idea may be gained of the extent of this growth in past years from a study of the petrolconsumption figures and from the general increase in motor registrations. These are shown in the form of relative numbers in Table M and in Fig. 10. The number of motor-vehicles was not recorded prior to 1925, but the graph shows a fairly close connection between registrations and petrol-consumption since that date. Incidentally, it also shows to a marked degree the effect of the economic depression between 1930 and 1935.

Table M. —Showing the Increase in Petrol-consumption, 1915-1935, and in Registrations, 1925-1935.

It may be of interest to present here, as striking examples of the recent growth of motor-traffic. a comparison between traffic tallied on a few sections of rural highways during the recent census and the traffic on the same sections about ten years previously. The sections taken, as examples were selected solely by reason of being the only records available for this comparison. The decline of nonmotor traffic during the period is as marked as the advance in the motor-traffic.


Averase Dailv Ton-mileaee Density (average Tonnage Proportion of Total Average .Daily ion mneage. carried). Non-motor Traffic. Highways District. Mileage. ' , Vehicular. Stock. Total. Vehicular. Stock. Total. Vehicular. Stock. _____ g. | j Ton- Ton- Ton- Per Per miles. miles. miles. Tons. Tons. Tons. Cent. Cent. Auckland North .. .. 930| 1,733 7,487 19,220 1-9 8-0 9-9 18-8 81-2 Auckland South .. .. 1,022$ 5,100 8,989 14,089 5-0 8-8 13-8 36-2 63-8 Tauranga .. .. 680| 2.430 14,565 16,995 3-6 21-4 25-0 14-3 85-7 Gisborne .. .. .. 362f 1,361 10,173 11,534 3-8 28-0 31-8 11-8 88-2 Napier .. .. .. 702 2,436 12,241 14,677 3-5 17-4 20-9 16-6 83-4 King-country .. .. 652| 700 4,229 1.929 1 1 6-5 7-6 14-2 85-8 Taranaki.. .. .. 442J 7,688 3,248 10,936 17-4 7-3 24-7 70-3 29-7 Wanganui .. .. 483J 1,966 4,698 6,664 4-1 9-7 13-8 29-5 70-5 Wellington West .. .. 455 2,924 5,131 8,055 6-4 11-3 17-7 36-3 63-7 Wellington East .. .. 474J 2,101 4,267 6,368 4-4 9-0 13-4 33-0 67-0 North Island .. 6,206 28,439 75,028 103,467 4-6 12-1 16-7 27-5 72-5 Nelson .. .. .. 640£ 3,391 2,466 5,857 5-3 3-8 9-1 57-9 42-1 WestCoast .. .. 519| 591 1,032 1,623 1-1 2-0 3-1 36-4 63-6 Canterbury North .. .. 330J 1,016 1,493 2,509 3-1 4-5 7-6 40-5 59-5 Canterbury Central 668 4,783 3,032 7,815 7-2 4-5 11-7 61-2 38-8 Canterbury South .. .. 737J 5,150 5,317 10,467 7-0 7-2 14-2 49-2 50-8 Otago Central .. .. 749| 2,028 2,144 4,172 2-7 2-9 5-6 48-6 51-4 Otago South .. .. 465J 2,947 3,404 6,351 6-4 7-3 13-7 46-4 53-6 Southland .. .. 859 6,703 5,944 12,647 7-8 6-9 14-7 53-0 47-0 1 South Island .. 4,970 26,609 24,832 51,441 5-4 5-0 10-4 51-7 I 48-3 I I New Zealand .. 11,176 55,048 99,860 154,908 4-9 8-9 13-8 35-5 1 64-5

(Index numbers : Base year 1925 = 100.) Relative Numbers. Year. — , Petrol- Motor-vehicle consumption. j Registration. 1915 .. . . . . . . 21 1916 .. .. .. .. 28 1917 .. .. .. .. 25 1918 .. .. .. .. 32 1919 .. .. .. .. 27 1920 .. .. .. .. 54 1921 .. .. .. .. 57 1922 .. .. .. .. 50 1923 .. .. .. .. 61 1924 .. .. .. .. 87 1925 .. .. .. .. 100 100 1926 .. .. .. .. 134 125 1927 .. .. .. .. 144 138 1928 .. .. .. .. 157 152 1929 .. .. .. .. 170 172 1930 .. .. .. .. 189 183 1931 .. .. .. .. 166 184 1932 .. .. .. .. 149 181 1933 .. .. .. .. 154 152 1934 .. .. .. .. 167 162 1935 . 185 ■ 177


Table N. — Comparison of Traffic-density Ten Years Ago and at the Present Day.

By forecasting population and the increasing use of the motor-vehicle per unit of population based upon present trends it is possible to gain an approximate idea of the future growth of traffic. As a conservative estimate it has been calculated in this way that by 1945 the traffic on the roads of New Zealand will have increased by at least 30 per cent, since 1935. While such general conclusions may now be drawn concerning the future development of motor traffic, it will be possible at a later stage, when further records are obtained from traffic surveys similar to the one recorded in this report, to forecast the future traffic with some degree of accuracy not only on the reading system as a whole, but on individual routes.

Fig. 10.—Graph showing Increase in Petrol-consumption, 1915-35, and Increase in Motor-vehicle Registrations, 1925-35.


o Average Number of Motor- Average Number of MotorMam Highway. Section. v | Mcles and ve lfic le s and Date. Great South Road .. Papatoetoe-Manurewa 455 (January, 1924). (Also 37 2,232 (January, 1935). (Also 10 horse-vehicles and 25 horse-vehicles and 10 horsemen) horsemen.) Kopu-Hamilton .. Te Aroha -Morrinsville 190 (January, 1924). (Also 116 504 (January, 1935). (Also 24 horse - vehicles and 47 horse - vehicles and 5 horsemen) horsemen.) Welling ton-Auckland.. Sanson-Bulls .. 329 (February, 1924). (Also 28 577 (Average for 1934-35). horse - vehicles and 36 (Also 1 horse-vehicle and horsemen) 6 horsemen.) Wellington-Auckland.. Levin-Foxton .. 113 (February, 1924). (Also 25 444 (Average for 1934-35). horse - vehicles and 29 (Also 1 horse-vehicle and horsemen) 3 horsemen.) Wellington-Auckland.. Porirua-Paremata .. 147 (February, 1926). (No re- 982 (January, 1935). (Also 5 cord of non-motor-traffic) horse - vehicles and 1 horseman.) Wellington-Napier .. Rimutaka Hill .. 114 (January, 1926). (No re- 411 (January, 1935). (Also 4 cord of non-motor-traffic) horse-vehicles, nil horsemen.)


9. TEANSPOET LICENSING ACT, 1931. A. PASSENGER SERVICES, 1935-36. During the year under review the various licensing authorities considered applications for renewal of licenses which had expired, as well as a number relating to new services, and also a large number relating to temporary licenses for services running to race meetings, shows, &c. In order to spread the peak of work involved in dealing with these applications, the continuous and seasonal licenses in the South Island had been made to expire on 31st August, 1935, and those in the North Island on 28th February, 1936. Most of the continuous licenses in the South Island which were renewed as from Ist September last were extended for a three-yearly period expiring on 31st August, 1938, under the terms of section 2of the Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1935. It is probable that at the forthcoming hearings the renewed continuous licenses in the North Island will similarly be extended for three years ending 28th February, 1939. (a) Continuous Passenger-service Licenses. Table No. 8 of the appendix indicates that of the 738 applications heard, 669 were granted, 28 refused, 28 withdrawn, and 13 deferred. The corresponding figures for the previous year were 771, 720, 16, 30, and 5 respectively. (b) Seasonal Passengek-service Licenses. Only 28 applications were received for seasonal licenses, of which 24 were granted, 2 were refused, and 2 were withdrawn, as compared with 33 during the previous year, when 27 were granted, 2 withdrawn, and 4 deferred. (c) Temporary Passenger-service Licenses. Notwithstanding that arrangements were again made this year for operators running services on a more or less regular basis to race meetings, &c, to procure continuous or seasonal licenses in lieu of numerous temporary licenses, the number of applications for temporary licenses again showed a substantial increase, this year's figure being 3,200, as compared with 2,548 for the previous year. Of these, 64 were refused, as against 32 for the previous year, the remainder being granted. (d) Finances and Traffic Statistics. Tables Nos. 9, 10, and 11 set out respectively the following statements, in so far as they are available, for the five years ended 31st March, 1936 ; the figures for 1931-32 have been estimated, partly from the original returns received from operators, and partly from later returns and from other data, while the figures for the South Island, and hence for New Zealand, for 1935-36 are not yet available : — (1) Traffic and financial operating statistics. (2) Average operating expenses and revenue per vehicle mile. (3) Assets and liabilities, and depreciation written off vehicles. (i) Traffic and Operating Statistics. The most noteworthy feature of the latest figures is the much improved rate of profit for the services generally. The estimated loss for 1931-32, immediately prior to the Act coming into operation, was about £40,000. During the following three years the profits were £5,159, £38,246, and £65,393 respectively. The profits for the North Island only during 1935-36 were £57,345, as against £36,362 for the previous year. If this rate of increase is maintained in the South Island, the total profits for New Zealand will be approximately £103,000 for the year ended 31st March, 1936. The average seating-capacity of the vehicles used in the North Island during the three years ended 31st March, 1936, was 13-4, 13-5, and 15-4 respectively. The corresponding figures for New Zealand are not available, except for 1935, when the average was 13-5. Wages, plus drawings by working proprietors in lieu of wages, were as indicated by the following table : —

5—H. 40.


1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. Wages, plus drawings by working proprietors in lieu of wages :— Aggregate— £ £ £ £ North Island .. .. 158,444 156,825 | 160,849 163,479 South Island .. .. •• 61,025 58,815 55,605 New Zealand .. .. 217,850 219,664 219,084 Per vehicle-mile — d. d. d. d. North Island . . .. I 2-50 2-53 2-49 2-o7 South Island .. .. .. 2-21 2-19 2-15 New Zealand .. •• •• 2-43 2-40 2-31 Per vehicle — £ £ £ £ North Island . . .. 234 211 209 196 South Island . . . ■ • • 155 147 162 New Zealand . . • • • • 192 188 186


The following table shows the improved passenger loading per trip, and the profit per mile, as compared with previous years : —

(ii) Assets and Liabilities. Table No. 11 of the Appendix sets out the assets and liabilities of the industry, as far as they are available, for the four years ended 31st March, 1936. These figures must be interpreted with caution, as during the last two years greater care has been taken to exclude items not connected with the services, while some of the assets may have been depreciated below their real value. The figures, however, are considered to be sufficiently accurate to furnish a basis for comparison between the various years. They indicate a substantial scaling-down of the overcapitalization that previously existed in the industry. If the South Island figures are assessed at the same rate of reduction as for the North Island, the New Zealand total of capital employed is now approximately £727,000, representing just under 54 per cent, of the figure for 1932-33, or 48 per cent, of that estimated for the year immediately prior to the licensing system coming into operation. The following table sets out the relative proportions of capital plus reserves, and " outside " liabilities to the total assets employed : —

(iii) Fare-schedules. The licensing law requires the Licensing Authorities to consider, inter alia, the fares charged'by operators. _ The fares are reviewed each year, and it is open to interested parties to make representations m this connection. Last year qualified officers of the Department examined the accounts and records of licensees to ensure that their requirements as to keeping proper accounts and records were being complied with. A similar examination is proceeding this year. By this means the authorities are able to ensure that an equitable portion of the benefits of the licensing system are passed on to the users of the services in the form of reduced fares. (e) New Transport Districts. Two maps in the Appendix to this report show the boundaries of the new transport districts. (/) Passenger-service Vehicle Inspection. The number of applications for certificates of fitness or temporary permits received during the period Ist March, 1935, to 29th February, 1936, totals 1,998. Thirty-eight vehicles were condemned as unfit for service, while 104 were voluntarily withdrawn. Whereas prior to 1935 a certificate of fitness had a currency of one year, it now, under the provisions of the Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1935, continues until revoked.


. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. Passengers per journey— North Is 1 and .. .. .. 10-9 9-4 8-9 9-2 South Island .. .. .. .. 8-3 8-2 7-9 New Zealand . . .. .. .. 9-2 8-8 8-9 Revenue per vehicle-mile — d. d. d. d. North Island .. .. .. 9-95 9-58 9-14 9-26 South Island .. .. .. .. 10-03 9-65 9-31 New Zealand .. .. .. .. 9-72 9-29 9-27 Operating expenses per vehicle-mile— North Island .. .. .. 9-04 8-99 8-85 9-21 South Island .. .. .. .. 8-98 8-93 9-24 New Zealand . . .. .. .. 8-99 8-87 9-22 Profit per vehicle-mile— North Island .. .. .. 0-91 0-59 0-29 0-05 South Island .. .. .. .. 1-05 0-72 0-07 New Zealand . . .. .. .. 0-73 0-42 0-05

1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. Capital and reserves— Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. North Island .. .. .. 65-6 67-6 67-2 68-5 South Island .. .. .. .. 66-5 73-3 65-6 New Zealand . . .. .. .. 67-2 69-3 67-6 Other liabilities — North Island .. .. .. 34-4 32-4 32-8 31-5 South Island .. .. .. .. 33.5 26-7 34-4 New Zealand.. .. .. .. 32-8 30-7 32-4


Computed in the table below is the total number of vehicles covered by certificates of fitness or permits during the period under review :—

A study of the foregoing table indicates an increase in the number of omnibuses and service coaches, together with a reduction in the number of service cars and passenger-trucks. A statistical survey of the licensed passenger-services in the North Island indicates a definite trend in favour of the larger vehicles and the average seating-capacity per vehicle has increased from 13-5 to 15-4. Under the original Transport Licensing Act provision was made for the inspection of all public passenger-vehicles used in connection with passenger-services. For the past three years all these vehicles have been required to carry certificates of fitness, which are issued only to those vehicles which comply with the requirements set out in the regulations under the Act. As a result of this policy of inspection there has been a decided improvement in the design, comfort, and safety of the vehicles. The popularity of the streamline body design has been a feature of all service cars constructed during the past year, and these vehicles not only give a pleasing appearance, but also provide for the accommodation of luggage within the body itself. The standard of comfort lias been adequately provided for by the owners of vehicles and little or no encouragement in this direction is now necessary on the part of the Department. Under the last amendment to the Act provision is made for the inspection of goods-vehicles used under goods-service licenses. Draft regulations were submitted to the industry with the object of soliciting suggestions and comment. It is hoped to apply these regulations this year to all goodsservice vehicles. This work will embrace 5,000 vehicles, and it is the matter of safety which will receive the principal consideration. During the past year the rise in popularity of the Diesel omnibus has been very marked. With the Diesel engine is to be associated a negligible fire risk, and this is a desirable factor, especially with respect to passenger-service vehicles. B. GOODS-SERVICES, 1935-36. (a) Applications dealt with. Tables Eos. 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the Appendix set out the principal statistics of the licensed goods-services. Table No. 12, covering the number of applications for licenses dealt with, indicates that during the year ended 31st March, 1936, there were 2,080 applications for continuous licenses, of which 1,999 were granted, 56 were refused, 14 were withdrawn, and 10 were deferred. The following summarizes the figures during the last three years : —

The temporary-license figures again show a substantial increase as compared with the previous year.


District No. Omnibuses. Service Gars. trucks™" i Total. I 1 .. .. .. 13 37 5 55 110 2 .. .. 214 121 32 27 394 4 .. .. 78 143 36 1 258 5 .. .. 12 99 8 26 145 6 .. .. 120 136 8 30 294 7 .. .. 21 92 1 5 119 8 .. .. 56 51 10 6 123 9 .. .. 51 72 4 13 140 10 .. .. .. 24 27 4 8 63 Totals .. .. 589 778 108 171 1,646

1S Granted. Refused. Withdrawn. Deferred. Continuous — 1933-34 .. .. 2,146 1,898 118 43 87 1934-35 .. .. 2,146 2,016 91 25 14 1935-36 .. .. 2,080 1,999 56 14 11 Seasonal — 1933-34 .. .. 99 88 3 8 1934-35 .... 108 89 9 7 3 1935-36 .... 104 93 4 6 1 Temporary — 1933-34 .. .. 3,800 3,793 7 1934-35 .. .. 7,399 7,390 9 1935-36 .. .. 8,489 8,458 31


(b) Finances and Statistics. The figures in Table No. 13, which sets out the principal operating statistics for the goods-service industry, have been estimated on the basis of the proportion of vehicle authorities for which reasonably reliable financial and statistical returns were received. In each of the three years under review the satisfactory returns received represented just under 80 per cent, of the total vehicle authorities granted. The figures for the three years are not strictly comparable, as the returns for 1936 were examined more carefully than in the two previous years to exclude extraneous items such as the purchase and resale of goods, &c, from the revenue figures, and assets and liabilities not connected with the services from the balance-sheets. The figures, however, afford a reasonably accurate statement of the position. The chief feature disclosed by the table is the substantial increase in the profits earned by the industry, the net profits for the years 1933-34, 1934-35, and 1935-36 being £176,000, £215,000, and £265,000 respectively. The profit for 1935-36 represents a return of 20-56 per cent, on the operators' capital employed. | Wages and drawings by working proprietors in lieu of wages are set out in the following table, which also shows the depreciation written off the vehicles. Detailed figures for 1935 are not available :—

(c) Assets and Liabilities. The balance-sheet of the industry for the Dominion as at 31st March, 1936, shows a healthy position. Of the total assets employed (£1,350,000), £879,000, or 65 per cent., is represented by operators' capital and £471,000, or 35 per cent., by other liabilities. Vehicles comprise £876,000, or 42 per cent., of the total assets employed, the vehicles having an average value of £260 each. (d) Classification of Tetjoks according to Size. Table No. 14 shows an analysis of 2,684 of the 3,355 trucks for which vehicle authorities were granted as at 31st March, 1935, classified according to size of truck. The table indicates that the modal truck is a Class E (4-4J tons gross laden weight) vehicle. The arithmetic mean has been worked out, and shows that the average is a Class F truck (4-J-5 tons). (e) Classification according to Fleets. Table No. 15 sets out particulars of the average number of trucks operated by licensees. The figures cover only 1,412 of the 2,024 operators licensed during the year ended 31st May, 1935. The table shows an average of 1-9 vehicles for each licensed operator. Actually the total number of vehicle authorities granted represents an average of 1-7 vehicles per licensee. According to this table there is a steady increase of gross revenue with an increase in the size of the fleet; fleets containing ten or more trucks showed an average revenue of £914 per vehicle, while those operated by " one-truck " operators showed an average revenue of £533. Over 57 per cent, of the licensees under review operated only one vehicle, which indicates the predominance of the " owner-driver " in the industry. C. APPEALS. Under the Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1936, the Transport Co-ordination Board, one of the functions of which was to hear appeals from the decisions of Licensing Authorities, was abolished as from Ist April, 1936. From that date the Minister of Transport became the authority to hear and determine appeals. During the year ended 31st March, 1936, the Board heard 14 appeals relating to passengerservices. The decision of the Licensing Authority was upheld in 9 cases, modified in 3 cases, and reversed in 2 cases. Out of 37 appeals in connection with goods-services the decision of the Licensing Authority was upheld in 18 cases, modified in 11, and reversed in 6 cases. Ten appeals were withdrawn and 2 adjourned. 10. AIR SERVICES. Since the abolition of the Transport Co-ordination Board as from Ist April, 1936, the Minister of Transport has become the Licensing Authority for commercial air services. The Board's activities in connection with air services are covered in its annual report for 1936. As all the continuous licenses granted by the Board were for a period of four years, there has been very little administrative work involved in this phase of the Department's activities during the year under review. Following upon representations made by Cook Strait Airways, Ltd., the fare between Wellington and Blenheim was increased from £1 ss. to £1 7s. 6d. each way. Applications from two companies are now on hand for extensions cf existing services.


North Island. South Island. New Zealand. 1936. 1934. 1936. 1934. 1936. 1934. Total wages, plus drawings in lieu £ 433,000 329,000 159,000 123,000 592,000 452,000 of wages Wages, plus drawings, per vehicle- d. 3-69 3-04 2-85 3-72 3-42 2-94 mile Depreciation written off vehicles .. £ 151,000 132,000 54,000 50,000 205,000 182,000 Percentage written off reducing value 19-51 19-27 17-60 18-80 18-69 j 19-12


It is proposed to issue quarterly statistics showing the growth of commercial air transport in New Zealand. The first of these statements, covering the quarter ended on 31st March, 1936, is as under :— Number of licensees operating regular services . . .. .. 4 Number of machines in use .. .. .. .. . . 8 Number of miles flown . . .. .. .. . . .. 187,170 Number of passengers carried — Paying .. .. .. .. • • .. ■ 5,735 Non-paying .. .. .. .. .. • • 171 5,906 Weight of goods and excess baggage carried (lb.) .. .. .. 7,008 Weight of mails carried (lb.) .. .. .. '. . .. 6,485 Number of air-taxi licenses in operation .. .. .. .. 20 11. MOTOR ACCIDENTS. Statistics taken from the reports of coroners' proceedings, showing details of fatal road accidents during the seven years ended 31st March, 1936, are set out in Table No. 16 of the Appendix. The total number of deaths for the year 1935-36 — i.e., 203 —is the second highest yearly total yet recorded, being exceeded only in 1930-31, when 247 deaths were recorded. The following table shows the annual figures correlated to the average number of vehicles on the road : —

This table shows that there is an increase in the number of deaths per 10,000 as the number of vehicles on the road increases. Attention is directed to the fallacy of endeavouring, by considering the number of deaths per 10,000 vehicles, to compare the relative safety on New Zealand roads with that of countries overseas. In New Zealand, for instance, there are approximately seven potential victims to each motor-vehicle, while in Britain in 1934 there were twenty-five. It is difficult to arrive at a fair basis of comparison of the road-fatality statistics of several countries. Motorists were at fault in approximately 66 per cent, of the total fatalities, the chief factor being excessive speed in the circumstances, which was a feature in 18 per cent, of the total. It is a difficult matter to assess speed in every accident. Intoxication of the driver was a factor in only 2'5 per cent, of the fatalities. Eecent investigations made by the British Medical Association at the invitation of the Minister of Transport in Britain showed that the effect of alcohol taken in doses insufficient to produce a state of " inability to operate a motor-vehicle " was to impair drivingefficiency for several hours after the liquor had been consumed. Tests made in the United States of America showed that in 119 consecutive accidents investigated alcohol in excess of 0-02 per cent, was present in the blood of 74 of the drivers. There is, therefore, every probability that sub-intoxication was present in a much larger percentage of the cases in New Zealand than is stated in the statistics. The principal points emerging from a study of Table No. 16 are as under : — (1) Accidents due to motor-vehicles colliding with pedestrians have increased from 46 in 1934-35 to 56 in 1935-36. (2) Collisions between motor-vehicles increased from 36 to 45 during the same period. (3) Collisions between motor-vehicles and bicycles increased from 23 to 27. (4) Of the 191 fatal accidents, 43 occurred on Saturdays and 34 on Sundays. (5) Twenty-nine of the victims were under the age of fifteen years, as compared with 26 for the previous year. (6) Motor-cycles figured in an increased number of accidents, notwithstanding a reduction in the average number of motor-cycles on the road. (7) Driving on the wrong side of the road contributed to 22 fatalities, as compared with 16 during the previous year. (8) The motorist was at fault in 13 cases of collision with pedestrians, as against 7 last year. (9) Pedestrians crossing or on the road without care, or becoming confused, contributed to 25 fatalities, as against 17 last year. The prevention of motor-vehicle accidents has been the subject of much attention by the Department during the year. In July of this year the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, was passed. Its chief effects may be summarized as the provision of more substantial penalties for " hit-and-run " and drunken motorists, the unification of numerous local-body traffic by - laws into a single easily-understood code, and the restriction of speed in towns, boroughs, and other thickly populated areas to a maximum of 30 miles per hour. In the near future it is proposed to call a conference of bodies interested in this matter, with a view to organizing a wider and systematic campaign of


Year ended Average Number Deaths per 31st March, the Road Deaths. 10,000 Vehicles. 1930 .. .. .. .. 177,486 186 10-5 1931 .. .. .. .. 187,708 247 13-2 1932 .. .. .. .. 183.806 157 8-5 1933 .. .. .. .. 179,680 143 8-0 1934 .. .. .. .. 178,925 135 7-5 1935 .. .. .. .. 188,125 182 9-7 1936 •' 194,456 203 10-4


road-accident prevention. At present a number of gramophone-records of road safety lectures are being prepared for circulation amongst the schools. During the last seven years, approximately 12 per cent, of those killed have been children under the age of fifteen years ; 36 per cent, have been under twenty-five years of age. Although it is difficult to reduce the annual total of road accidents while the number of vehicles is increasing, it is not impossible. It has been done in several countries overseas. The following figures show the reduction in road accidents in Great Britain, following upon an energetic campaign by the Minister of Transport. During the year 1935 there were 160,000 more vehicles on the road than in 1934:—

It will be observed that the ratio, of persons injured to those killed in Great Britain is approximately 31 to 1. Similar figures have not been recorded in New Zealand, but negotiations are now proceeding with the Police Department with a view to having details collected of the number of persons injured in road accidents. 12. TRAFFIC CONTROL. (a) Transport Licensing Act, 1931, and Amendments. There has been no alteration in the policy adopted in supervising transport on the roads, and the Department still relies on the co-operation of local-body traffic officers to carry out this duty. This system was reasonably successful in the past when the legislation was not generally known by those most concerned, but some dissatisfaction has been expressed by both passenger and goods licensees that control by local-body inspectors is not adequate or satisfactory. Attention is at the present time being given to the question of improving the machinery for ensuring that the provisions of the transport legislation are reasonably observed. (b) Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, and Amendments. The very noticeable improvement in road safety which followed on last year's check on brakes and lights was not maintained, and clearly indicated that motorists were not giving these two items the necessary care and attention required by the regulations. Arrangements were made for a further check-up when 55,067 vehicles were stopped on the roads. Approximately 31,000 of this number were actually tested, and 12-3 per cent, had defective brakes and 7 per cent, defective lights. Much of the value of the check was lost through some local authorities failing to co-operate, but principally through the almost universal failure to institute Court proceedings. Although 6,327 vehicles did not comply with the requirements of the regulations, only 246 drivers were prosecuted. The Department now has under consideration the question of whether some form of periodical inspection should not be adopted to ensure that all motor-vehicles are maintained in a reasonably safe mechanical condition. (c) Traffic Offences. It is not generally realized that convictions for traffic oflences now represent approximately 30 per cent, of the total convictions in the Magistrates' Courts. For the calendar year 1930 the number of convictions for traffic offences numbered 18,145, but this number steadily declined for various reasons to 14,136 in 1933. The following summary shows the comparisons of the principal offences for which convictions were recorded during the last five years for which figures are available.

These figures give some idea of the magnitude of the problem of traffic enforcement in the Dominion. They also indicate that the number of registration, &c, offences shows an increasing tendency, while a disquieting feature is the increase in the number of convictions for negligent or dangerous driving.


Year. Persons killed. Persons injured. 1,00^Vehicles 1932 .. .. 6,667 206,450 4-06 1933 .. .. 7,202 216,328 4-15 1934 .. .. 7,343 231,603 3-92 1935 .. .. 6,521 218,798 3-21

Calendar Year. Class of Offence. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. . __ _ - - Registration, &c., of vehicles .. .. 3,678 4,184 4,521 4,337 4,460 Lighting of vehicles .. .. .. 3,965 2,557 3,406 3,661 3,234 Negligent or dangerous driving.. .. 3,923 3,109 2,693 2,314 2,429 Excessive speed .. .. 2,120 2,084 2,052 1,428 1,269 Parking regulations .. .. .. 1,836 1,049 949 694 1,326 Other 2,623 2,152 1,983 1,702 1,712 Totals .. .. .. 18,145 15,135 15,604 14,136 14,430


(d) Deivees' Houes. Standard hours for the drivers of licensed goods and passenger vehicles on lines similar to those adopted in Britain and elsewhere are now being introduced in the Dominion. Compliance with the new requirements is to be made a condition of each transport license. The payment of award wages is also to be made a condition of each license. The earnings of " owner-drivers " will require to measure up to the standard set by the awards. It is hoped that these two provisions will go a long way in eliminating some of the sweated conditions that exist in the industry at the present time. 13. CHANGES IN TEANSPOET LAWS. Legislation. During the period under review, two amendments have been made to transport legislation as follows : — (a) Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1935. This extends to three years the possible term of road-transport licenses and makes unnecessary the renewal of certificates of fitness. The latter are now in force until revoked, but periodical inspection of the vehicle is still carried out. As a desirable corrollary of the extension of term of the licenses, the Act provides also that Licensing Authorities may review a license during its term and may revoke it if changed conditions justify such course. This section has now been broadened in its effect. (b) Transport Licensing Amendment Act, 1936. This Act amends the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, and the Transport Licensing (Commercial Aircraft Services) Act, 1934, in various important directions. The main change is the abolition of the Transport Co-ordination Board, and the vesting in the Minister of Transport of the Board's powers as Appeal and Investigating Authority under the former Act, and Licensing Authority under the latter Act. In addition, the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, is amended by replacing the previous ten Licensing Authorities (exclusive ot the four Metropolitan Authorities) of twenty-eight members in all by four Licensing Authorities each of one member. The procedure for renewal, amendment, and transfer of licenses has been very much simplified, mainly by dispensing with the necessity of a formal sitting when advertisement brings forth no objections. The power of review of licenses contained in the 1935 Amendment and explained above has been made more elastic, and the review may take place under any circumstances and the license may be amended instead of being revoked. The Licensing Authorities are required to take evidence on oath; and the Minister's decisions are made absolute unless it is found by the Courts that he had no jurisdiction in the decision questioned. Definite protection is provided to the Railway Department's licensed road services by providing that without the consent of the Minister of Railways no new license may be granted having the same terminal points and routes as such services. Various minor amendments to both Acts have been effected chiefly to overcome points of difficulty which have arisen in administration. Regulations. As a result of these important changes in transport legislation, the respective regulations are being overhauled and reissued.




TABLE No. 1.—MOTOR-VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS, BY HIGHWAY DISTRICTS. Table showing the Number of each Type of Motor-vehicle registered in each Highway District, at 31st December, 1935.

TABLE No. 2.—MOTOR-VEHICLES LICENSED AS AT 31st MARCH, 1936. Table showing by Postal Districts the Number of Motor-vehicles licensed under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, as at the 31st March, 1936.


o 2 tio g aj g . **> . . ©5 25 o§s«ioI s B So$|<s 1, g ,i Highway District. .1 r " j |2 J » £ S H H |2|gl ? .„■§ Total. ■g cars - ! p a | | g> S t g Si M J si 5 I 3| I ® ! a I 5 s 1 ! CM P-t H North Island. Auckland North .. 1 5,259 27 3 84 52 10115 875 762 112 57 70 947 2 8,375 Auckland South .. 2 32,663 292144 434 96197 119 5,470 3,885 556 280 315 5,374 39 49,864 Tauranga .. .. 3 3,838 41 2 53 55 13 44 843 486 89 54 86 459 3 6,066 Gisborne .. .. 4 3,074 26 . . 42 24 23 30 306 345 60 36 38 392 3 4,399 Hawke's Bay .. .. 5 8,778 83 8 71 58 38 76 1,675 1,013 160 104 64 963 6 13,097 King-country .. .. 6 2,131 12 1 21 10 3 43 438 376 48 22 57 414 3 3,579 Taranaki .. .. 7 7,890 84 20 45 30 7 43 1,256 930 79 91 38 1,309 15 11,837 Wanganui .. .. 8 5,991 48 8 54 33 3 30 922 631 102 62 38 878 5 8,805 Wellington West .. 9 18,436 229 36 263 23108 38 2,392 2,051 387 150 403 2,598 16 27,130 Wellington East .. 10 5,071 41 5 20 40 7 33 886 503 137 108 6 511 2 7,370 Totals, North Island .. 93,131 883 2271,087 421409 571 15,063 10,9821,730 9641,11513,845 94140,522 South Island. Nelson .. ..11 4,516 36 12 54 72 10 26 863 523 115 47 49 848! 7 7,178 West Coast .. ..12 2,160 17 17 42 24 10 26 414 395 55 53 55 47o! .. 3,738 Canterbury North .. 13 1,159 2 9 4 18 .. 14 219 134 37 29 6 209 .. 1,840 Canterbury Central .. 14 15,877 146 41 198 29 38 45 2,005 1,393 599 170 196 3,190 19 23,946 Canterbury South .. 15 7,463 42 11 41 26 20 42 1,199 591 435 114 25) 1,043 5 11,057 Otago Central .. 16 3,727 23 16 40 32 10 26 569 360 95 39 24 523 .. 5,484 Otago South .. ..17 8,093 76 14 134 44 34 45 1,145 936 244 62 70 1,371 5 12,273 Southland .. ..18 7,362 68 25 72 26 28 45 1,204 824 190 68 55 896 7 10,870 Totals, South Island .. 50,357 410145 585 271 150269 7,618 5,1561,770 582 480 8,550 43 76,386 Grand totals .. 143,4881,293 3721,672 692 559 840 22,681 16,138 3,5001,5461,595 22,395137 216,908

I M "ôM S M I ... tiO v S "M 05 § ot £ 2 >»75 -2 m Ig |5 la I s . 5g 5 °s -3 a» •§ Postal District, Cars. S 5 J gj | 'S £ | g §£ „ ~ & Total il Sjs ! I Ā II I !i |& I • p3 2 > §3 to n ® « o o S as o .5 bD ' s5 oi OQ o as ► 5 a t_, a> g «3 i-l "OQ ft m * S North Island. Auckland .. .. ..I 27,847 142 4,422 3,441 175 169 409 115 509 1 242 216 263 33 ' 4,907 42,890 Thames .. .. ..I 5,367 .. 1,114 614 42 9 60 36 108 50 86 38 4 '723 8 25] Hamilton .. .. .. 12,259 24 2,442 1,742 117 50 125 70 319 88 123 227 7 1,883 19,476 Gisborne .. .. .. 3,776 .. 446 413 42 16 53 28 92 29 50 43 3 506 5^497 Napier .. .. .. 7,748 5 1,509 910 72 36 68 48 167 77 93 64 6 897 11,700 New Plymouth .. .. 8,347 20 1,346 963 48 6 45 28 95 86 100 46 15 1,414 12,559 Wanganui .. .. 5,870 8 946 646 31 3 54 32 120 49 64 41 5 910 8^779 Palmerston North .. .. 9,594 11 1,441 889 32 22 59 26 243 70 105 80 12 1 083 13 667 Wellington .. .. 16,822 41 2,308 1,967 55 97 238 47 390 217 173 349 8 2,448 25,160 Totals, North Island .. 97,630 251 15,974 11,585 614 408 1,111 430 2,043 908 1,010 1,151 93 14,771 147,979 South Island. Nelson .. ' .. 3,195 12] 614 409 15 10 35 59 64 23 24! 42 4 600 5,106 Blenheim .. .. .. 1,682 1 365 169 12 .. 23 12 65 14 28 9 3 360 2,743 Westport .. .. .. 569 3 136 114 10 10 7 25 5 18 4 115 1,016 Greymouth .. .. 1,738 19 306 293 22 10 37 17 40 12 35 51 389 2'969 Christchurch .. .. 20,249 64 2,754 1,918 84 39 214 50 927 167 284 205 21 3,858 30,834 Timaru .. .. .. 4,982 7 864 425 23 20 36 23 259 32 72 26 3 841 7,613 Oamaru .. .. .. 2,107 7 306 212 8 8 15 15 75 17 17 12 .. 295 3'o94 Dunedin .. .. .. 10,075 24 1,488 1,142 67 36 175 50 302 83 84 85 7 1,711 15,329 Invereargill .. .. 7,677 26 1,299 922 48 26 76 36 220 74 74 58 7 1,021 11,564 Totals, South Island .. 52,274 163 8,132 5,604 289 149 621 269 1,977 427 636 492 45 9,190 80,268 Grand totals .. 149,904 414 24,106 17,189 903 557 1,732 699 4,020 1,335 1,646 1,643 138 23,961 228,247


TABLE No. 3.—MOTOR-VEHICLES ACT, 1924. Comparative Table showing Number of Motor-vehicles licensed as at 31st December, 1925 to 1935, inclusive.

TABLE No. 4.—ALLOCATION OF PETROL-TAX. Table showing the Distribution of 8 per Cent. of the Petrol-tax to Boroughs with a Population of 6,000 and over in accordance with Section 9 (1) (b) of the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927.

6—H. 40.


$ -A 'O * i ' .A I . gp d » S o -2 £ S J3 a 8 „• . 18 ■ • . ' S I g -s I M'O 5R M J3 += ph d 3 m w 02 'd H O 73 Year § Ē f § H § 1 1 j 5 &» a » | J § §| i '•§ lain t ?■!§«! Ss « S| 52 gSS s S a I -i I -S 3 I 8 8 £■§ § «j £2 -s «■§ ►■§ ■§£, a i I B li I 8 is a .s» | o ° g<« s is 13 S o > I" s J .a j J" a •§ o B Q Hi W SS SHOBi» flfjap HP"Hf=i<lrtA40H 1925 .. 81,662 9,671 4,00225,3391,285 579 489 76 102 59 .. .. 132122,907 1926 .. 97,52612,300 4,862 28,2841,488 663 550 119 115 65 .. .. 146145,568 1927 .. 105,46414,501 5,693 27,792 978 574 629 408155,410 1928 .. 118,01715,604 6,398 28,9521,043 562 690 426171,002 1929 .. 132,59016,429 8,466 27,8231,076 483 801 456187,323 1930 .. 140,16616,463 9,786 26,8441,096 490 1,133 470195,315 1931 .. 135,90919,249 9,83225,7741,062 721 1,576 417192,964 1932 .. 123,637 20,217 13,697 23,500 .. .. 5281,568 1,1231,0051,1341,406 137 t 187,952 1933 .. 123,62321,521 14,24523,020 .. .. 5241,497*1,002 8501,1651,390 128 t 147 .. .. 189,112 1934 .. 131,17620,80414,943 22,913 .. .. 5221,573 *7101,0841,2331,485 1262,911 261 656 .. .197,486 1935 .. 143,48822,681 16,13822,935 .. .. 5591,672 *6921,2931,5461,595 1373,500 .. .. j .. 372 840 .. 213,948 * Service cars only. t Not available. For further information concerning this table, see page 7 of this report.

Year ended 31st March, 1936. Total since Inception of Boroughs, v Amount of Tax, Quarter ended Petrol-tax up to 31st March, 1936. June. September. December. March. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Wellington City .. 4,457 1 11 3,124 6 6 5,315 10 8 7,571 11 1 20,468 10 2 126,735 6 5 Auckland City .. 4,212 16 5 2,953 1 10 5,024 4 2 7,156 11 8 19,346 14 1 120,515 6 8 Christchurch City 3,602 2 6 2,525 0 2 4,295 17 11 6,119 3 2 16,542 3 9 103,017 11 0 DunedinCity .. 2,731 12 11 1,914 16 5 3,257 15 3 4,640 8 4 12,544 12 11 78,343 19 6 WanganuiCity .. 963 10 9 675 8 4 1,149 2 4 1,636 16 6 4,424 17 11 28,430 13 7 Palmers ton Nth. City 862 14 6 604 15 0 1,028 17 9 1,465 11 4 3,961 18 7 24,022 4 9 Mount Albert .. 827 16 7 580 5 10 987 5 5 1,406 5 9 3,801 13 7 23,526 7 1 Invereargill City .. 833 12 11 584 7 4 994 4 1 1,416 3 4 3,828 7 8 23,492 1 9 Mount Eden .. 796 16 2 558 10 11 950 5 6 1,353 11 10 3,659 4 5 22,871 11 11 Timaru .. .. 688 4 10 482 8 10 820 15 11 1,169 3 2 3,160 12 9 19,378 13 2 New Plymouth .. 651 8 2 456 12 5 776 17 4 1,106 11 8 2,991 9 7 18,246 4 7 Napier .. .. 641 14 3 449 16 7 765 6 1 1,090 2 4 2,946 19 3 18,548 12 7 Hamilton .. 622 6 6 436 4 9 742 3 9 1,057 3 8 2,857 18 8 17,599 8 7 Lower Hutt .. 581 12 3 407 14 0 693 12 8 988 0 6 2,670 19 5 15,578 5 10 Gisborne .. 569 19 7 399-10 11 679 15 2 968 5 3 2,617 10 11 16,230 10 5 Hastings .. 488 11 1 342 9 4 582 13 0 829 18 9 2,243 12 2 13,428 12 5 Onehunga .. 445 18 1 312 11 5 531 15 8 757 9 8 2,047 14 10 12,796 17 10 Nelson City .. 438 3 0 307 2 8 522 10 9 744 6 3 2,012 2 8 12,447 5 2 Petone .. .. 435 8 8 305 4 7 519 6 0 739 14 0 1,999 13 3 12,500 6 7 Devonport .. 407 2 7 285 7 9 485 10 10 691 12 4 1,869 13 6 11,846 19 7 Masterton .. 347 0 7 243 5 2 413 17 4 589 10 5 1,593 13 6 9,900 12 6 St. Kilda .. 325 6 4 228 0 10 387 19 5 552 12 8 1,493 19 3 9,433 1 10 One Tree Hill .. 319 17 9 224 4 8 381 9 11 543 8 3 1,469 0 7 7,345 7 11 Whangarei .. 310 3 11 217 8 9 369 18 9 526 19 2 1,424 10 7 8,656 4 4 Greymoutli .. 300 10 0 210 12 11 358 7 6 510 9 7 1,380 0 0 6,760 11 4 Oamaru .. .. 298 11 3 209 5 8 356 1 4 507 3 8 1,371 1 11 8,660 17 10 Takapuna .. 279 3 6 195 13 11 332 18 10 474 5 0 1,282 1 3 7,991 4 5 Totals .. 27,439 7 0 19,234 7 6 32,724 3 4 46,612 19 4 126,010 17 2 778,304 19 7

fī. —4o.

TABLE No. 5.—LENGTH OF ROADS, STREETS, AND BRIDGES. Table showing the Lengths of the various Classes of Roads, Streets, and Bridges in the Dominion at 31st March in the Years 1922 to 1935.

TABLE No. 6.—LENGTH OF BRIDGES. Table showing the Lengths of the various Classes of Bridges in New Zealand as at 31st March, 1922 to 1935, inclusive.


02 xf> •> tn Roads and Streets formed to not less than ° Dray-width, and paved or surfaced «"«'g with— £ g , > „ —i — 02 ft Total Tj^.,, Unformed Total ar " "Ritn ! n+i, °A-p Formed Legal of all minous'or Bitumen Metal or ' and Un- R ° adS - "" Cement or Tar. , Gravel. specified -fl fl s*' Concrete. | Material, o ? 3 pj M Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. v , 1922 •• 26,787!* 17,4561 44,244 5,0951 13,631§ 62,971 1923 •• 27,8154* 17,7911 45,607 5,3771 13,613" 64,597| 1924 .. 28,5531* 17,222f 45,776 5,218£ 13,630§ 64,624f f A _ 1925 .. 58f 639 28,243f 45S£ 16,748 46,147f 5,181§ 15,676| 67,006 1926 .. 97f 836 28,9811 3401 ] 1,521f 46,7771 5,009f 15,792-1 67,579A 1927 .. 133 1,012 29,726-1 3731 jr ); l07| 47,3521 5,093 15,795" 68,240| 1928 .. 217 1,262| 30,669f 1291 381| 47,659f 5,0401 15,6691 68,3691 1929 .. 254 1,472 31,334 125f 15,1351 48,321" 5,399f 15.1971 68,918i 1930 .. 306 1,724f 32,352| 83 14,6001 49,066i 5,375 16,506J 70,9471 1931 .. 3391 1,892f 32,8551 116 14.3741 49,578| 5,642! 16,9231 72,144 1932 .. 336f 2,1181 33,536| 88i 14,195| 50,276 5,808 16,418" 72,502 1933 .. 344 2,320 34,848 80f 13,3001 50,893 17,474 74,243| 1'934 .. 368 2,5441 35,952J 79J 12,698| 51,642f 5.878| 17,708J 75,2301 1935 .. 3791 2,819 36,721j 78| 12,160| 52,158| 5,871' 16,999 75,0281 * Note.—Figures for earlier years, particularly in regard to unformed legal roads, are not claimed to be entirely accurate.

Bridges, 25 ft. and over in Length constructed with — Year ended AU G '° ncrete or Steel and Steel, Concrete, Steel and Australian or w a ti VP Timbers Tota! Bri<i g e s •31-st March, Stone. Concrete. and Timber. Timber. other Hardwood. native limbers. 25 ft. and over. No t To S. No T Tota J jr 0 Total „ Total ~ Total „ Total „ Total Length. Length. 0 ' Length. 0 ' Length. No - Length. No ' Length. No - Length. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 1923 .. * * * * * * * * * * * * 2,955+328,766+ 1924 ..******** * * * * 3,297f362,034t 1925 .. 408 36,840 .. .. 205 28,916 .. .. 1,466 180,529 2,035 167,557 4,114 413,842 1926 .. 431 139,127 .. .. 258 34,883 .. .. 1,665 197,735 2,029 161,084 4,383 432,829 1927 .. 489 |42,804 .. .. 349 40,185 .. .. 1,850 217,600 1,959 148,427 4,647 449,016 1928 .. 545 47,833 .. .. 282 37,623 .. .. 2,013 229,208 1,994 153,078 4,834 467,742 1929 .. 608 [52,761 .. .. 324 38,679 .. .. 2,137 242,474 2,181 165,525 5,250 499,439 1930 .. 671 57,739 .. .. 270 37,777 .. .. 2,285 245,867 2,164 168,120 5,390 509,503 1931 .. 751 66,292 .. .. 295 38,995 .. .. 2,396 253,057 2,164 164,940 5,606 523,284 A 1932 .. 552 43,878 330 41,272 186 20,952 182 17,433 2,277 240,622 2,277 163,453 5,804 527,610 1933 .. 574 46,774 356 39,237 209 25,726 300 27,417 2,233 230,380 2,316 164,999 5,988 534,533 1934 .. 590 48,957 380 39,662 235 29,387 354 30,834 2,191 227,035 2,365 167,129 6,115 543,004 1935 .. 623 52,146 429 42,865 269 31,864 499 40,776 1,932 210,176 2,475 172,783 6,227 550,610 * Detailed figures not available. t 30 ft. and over in length.


TABLE No. 7.—TAXATION OF MOTOR-VEHICLES, 1923-1936. Table showing the Annual Yield for the Years ended 31st March, 1923 to 1936, in respect of (a) Customs Duties on Motor-vehicles and Parts; (b) Tire-tax; (c)Motorspirits Tax; (d) Fees, etc., under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924; (e) Heavy-traffic Fees; (f) Drivers' Licenses; and (g) Mileage Tax.


Customs Duties Mn+nr Fees, &c., „ Year ended in respect of T - t «nirits under Motor- *„,«£" Drivers' Mileage m . , 31st March, Motor-vehicles T » e " tax - s Pf ts vehicles Act, ™ Licenses. Tax. iotal " and Parts.* lax " 1924. * ees - 1923 .. 221,679 121,092 .. .. .. .. •• 342,771 1924 .. 621,470 123,568 .. .. .. .. •• 745,038 1925 .. 802,903 152,303 .. 257,500 ,. .. .. 1,212,706 1926 .. 1,007,641 228,711 .. 86,681f 114,009 33,162 .. 1,470,204 1927 .. 1,074,052 190,575 .. 395,797 220,616 50,650 .. 1,931,690 1928 .. 856,556 227,451 143,516 345,510 157,651 52,495 .. 1,783,179 1929 .. 1,045,635 196,747 802,232 244,598 190,789 36,830 .. 2,516,831 1930 .. 1,432,412 155,910 961,907 391,368 183,486 56,578 .. 3,181,661 1931 .. 828,878 130,4081,314,450 393,798 194,557 59,462 .. 2,921,553 1932 .. 272,992 85,4381,677,520 370,126 179,105 58,860 .. 2,644,041 1933 145,059 64,1771,865,762 352,561 178,183 57,132 .. 2,662,874 1934 .. 125,590 62,9792,368,147 346,249 171,503 60,358 2,016 3,136,842 1935 .. 539,951 92,587 2,610,607 391,661 204,767 61,385 1,594 3,902,552 1936 .. 730,877 94,0712,918,659 431,896 209,0002 65,000J 2,360 4,451,863 Totals up to 9,705,695 1,926,01714,662,8004,007,745 2,003,666 591,912 5,970 32,903,805 31st March, 1936 ____________ _____________ * Calendar year ending on previous 31st December. Includes primage and surtax on vehicles and parts also on all tires and tire-tax on tires attached to vehicles or parts. f Alteration in licensing period. J Estimated.

H,— 4o,

TABLE No. 8.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Table showing Details regarding Applications for Passenger-service Licenses during Year ended 31st March, 1936.


Number of Applications Number of Decisions given. Number of Applica- j Number of Decisions dealt with. tions withdrawn. deferred. Granted. Refused. Licensing Authority. I • £ 1 ! . fr i . £ 3 . b i . b S '03 £ £ Iô £ § 'cS ?! § 13 % g ce a -£ gee a ■+? gc3H-££côS-jfrto3s+= O © © C © (D CD O o © © O o © © O O © © O O GQ EH H O CQ Eh EH OCQEHEhomEHHOCCEHFH Auckland Metropolitan Licensing Authority .. .. 46 .. 612 658 28 .. 604 632 15 .. 7 22 .. .. 1 1 3 .. .. 3 Wellington Metropolitan Licensing Authority .. .. 12 .. 1 13 12 .. 1 13 Christcliurch Metropolitan Licensing Authority . . .. 10 1 .. 11 10 1 .. 11 Dunedin Metropolitan Licensing Authority . . .. 21 .. 3 24 21 .. 3 24 Central Licensing Authority .. .. .. 26 1 .. 27 '22 . . 22 2 1 3 2 .... 2 No. 1 District Licensing Authority .. . . 59 1 243 303 51 1 242 294 3.. .. 3 1 1 2 4.. .. 4 No. 2 District Licensing Authority .. .. .. 117 .. 544 661 107 2 526 635 5 . . 18 23 3 .. 3 2 .. 2 No. 4 District Licensing Authority .. .. ..109 2 192 303 93 2 192 287 1 .. .. 1 14 .... 14 1 .. .. 1 No. 5 District Licensing Authority .. .. 50 6 247 303 48 4 233 285 .. 1 14 15 2 1 .. 3 No. 6 District Licensing Authority .. .. 90 3 479 572 87 3 455 545 2 .. 18 20 1 . . 6 7 No. 7 District Licensing Authority .. . . . . 54 3 134 191 51 3 133 187 .. .. 1 1 3 .. .. 3 No. 8 District Licensing Authority .. . . .. 45 1 123 169 45 1 118 164 .. .. 5 5 No. 9 District Licensing Authority .. . . .. 51 8 130 189 47 7 129 183 .... 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 No. 10 District Licensing Authority . . . . 48 2 492 542 47 2 492 541 1 . . .. 1 Totals— 1935-36 .. .. .. .. 738 28 3,200 3..966 669 26 3,128 3,823 28 2 64 94 28 2 8 38 13 .. ..13 1934-35 .. .. .. .. 771 33 2,548 3,352 720 27 2,515 3,262 16 .. 32 48 30 2 .. 32 5 4 1 10 1933-34 .. .. .. .. 759 33 1,783 2,575 664 25 1,755 2,444 51 2 27 80 26 3 1 30 18 3 .. 21

H,— 4o,

TABLE No. 9.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Traffic and Financial Statistics of Licensed Passenger-services for Years ended 31st March, 1932 to 1936, inclusive (exclusive of Services licensed by the Four Metropolitan Licensing Authorities).


aSouth Island Totals for Year ended 31st March, North Island Totals for Year ended 31st March, Hew Zealand Totals for Year ended 31st March, Item. —— — — — — 1936, 1935. 1934. 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. plated).*'" Traffic statistics — Vehicle journeys .. .. .. .. 353,682 322,659 350,406 1,354,625 1,382,839 1,556,087 1,452,472 .. 1,736,521 1,878,746 1,802,878 2,560,000 Vehicle-miles .. .. .. .. 6,636,213 6,444,607 6,214,645 15,221,391 14.905,708 15,475,980 16,541,668 .. 21.541.921 21,920,587 22,756,313 32,000,000 Empty trips .. .. .. .. 10,502 11,207 8,624 41,123 38,316 46,175 42,810 .. 48,818 57,382 51,434 Passengers .. .. .. .. 2,921,847 2,647,146 2,753,926 14,828,996 13,053.489 13,901,571 13,311,746 .. 15,975,336 16,548,717 16,065,672 17,000,000 Operating expenses — £££££££ ££££ Vehicle-running costs (petrol, lubri- .. 136,138 133,718 141,102 308,296 298,475 305,387 339,625 .. 434,613 439,103 480,727 682,000 cants, tires, repairs, maintenance, and depreciation) Vehicle standing charges (license fees, .. 78,995 75,413 71,467 201,883 198,958 205,419 213,682 .. 277,953 280,832 285,149 409,000 wages, drawings in lieu of wages, insurance, garage fees) General overhead charges (manage- .. 33,250 30,739 26,787 63,634 60,923 59,619 81,452 .. 94,173 90,358 108,239 149,000 ment and office expenses, interest, advertising, &c.) Total .. .. .. .. 248,383 239,870 239,356 573,813 558,356 570,423 634,759 .. 806,739 810,293 874,115 1,240,000 Revenue — Passenger .. .. .. .. 231,837 217,158 205,051 557,420 521,588 519,372 564,035 .. 753,425 736,530 769,086 Mail-contract .. .. .. .. 11,382 13,596 10,322 21,143 19,730 21,581 20,851 .. 31,112 35,177 31,173 Newspaper .. .. .. .. 5,500 3,850 2,901 13,294 11,449 9,384 8,898 .. 16,949 13,234 11,799 Goods and parcels .. .. .. 26,408 18,994 17,206 31,592 31,049 25,898 26,658 .. 57,457 44,892 43,864 Other .. .. .. .. .. 2,287 5,411 5,650 7,709 10,902 13,253 17,738 .. 13,189 18,664 23,388 Total .. .. .. .. 277,414 259,009 241,130 631,158 594,718 589,488 636,180 .. 872,132 848,497 879,310 1,200,000 Profits .. .. .. .. .. 32,585 23,782 .. 59,627 41,819 28,699 .. .. 74,404 52,481 Losses .. .. .. .. .. 3,554 4,605 .. 2,282 5,457 9,630 .. .. 9,011 14,235 Net profit.. .. .. .. .. 29,031 19,177 1,774 57,345 36,362 19,069 3,421 .. 65,393 38,246 5,159 Net loss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . _ ., .. .. .. .. .. 40,000

H,— 4o,

TABLE No. 10.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Average Operating Expenses and Revenue per Vehicle-mile of licensed Passenger-services for Years ended 31st March, 1932 to 1936, inclusive (exclusive of the Services licensed by the Four Metropolitan Licensing Authorities).


South Island Averages for Year ended 31st March, North Island Averages for Year ended 31st March, New Zealand Averages for Year ended 31st March, Item. — j ~ : j ;— 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. j 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. Operating expenses — d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. VeJiicie-ruijning costs (petrol, lubricants, tires, .. 4-92 4-98 5-45 4-86 4-81 4-74 4-93 .. 4-84 4-81 5-07 5-11 repairs, maintenance, and depreciation Vehicle standing charges (license fees, wages, .. 2-86 2-81 2*76 3-18 3*20 3*19 3-10 .. 3*10 3*07 3-01 3-07 drawings in lieu of wages, insurance, garage fees) General overhead charges (management and 1-20 1-14 1-03 1 • 00 0-98 0-92 1-82 .. 1-05 0'99 1-14 1*12 office expenses, interest, advertising, &c.) operating expenses .. 8*98 8-93 9-24 9*04 8-99 8-85 9-21 .. 8*99 8-87 9*22 9*30 Revenue — Passenger .. .. .. .. .. 8-38 8-09 7-92 8-79 8-40 8-05 8-18 .. 8-39 8-06 8-11 Mail-contract .. .. .. .. .. 0-41 0-51 0-40 0-33 0-32 0-33 0-30 .. 0-35 0-39 0-33 Newspaper .. .. .. .. .. 0-20 0-14 0-11 0-21 0-18 0-15 0-13 .. 0-19 0-14 0-12 Gpods and parcels .. .. •• •• 0*96 0*71 0 - 66 0*50 0-50 0*40 0*39 .. 0*64 0*49 0*46 Otjier .. .. .. .. .. 0-08 0-20 0-22 0-12 0-18 0-21 0-26 .. 0-15 0-21 0-25 Total revenue .. .. .. .. 10-03 9-65 9-31 9-95 9-58 9-14 9-26 .. 9-72 9-29 9-27 9-00 Net profits .. .. .. .. 1-05 0-72 0-07 0-91 0-59 0-29 0-05 .. 0-73 0-42 0-05 Net losses .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • • • ■ • • • ■ • ■ . • • ■ .. 0-30


TABLE No. 11.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Statement of Assets and Liabilities of Licensed Passenger-services as at 31st March, 1933 to 1936, inclusive (excluding the Services licensed by the Four Metropolitan Licensing Authorities).


South Island Totals. North Island Totals. New Zealand Totals. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. 1 Sed)f" (a) Liabilities. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ • £ £ £ £ £ £ Capital and reserves .. .. .. .. 202,154 243,076 281,194 312,374 383,193 436,031 634,500 .. 585,347 679,107 915,694 Other liabilities .. .. .. .. .. 101,833 88,546 147,224 163,814 183,403 212,751 291,237 .. 285,236 301,297 438,461 Total .. .. .. .. .. 303,987 331,622 428,418 476,188 566,596 648,782 925,737 .. 870,583 980,404 1,354,155 1,500,000 (b) Assets. Passenger-service vehicles .. .. .. .. 121,461 129,566 136,776 225,078 238,164 267,140 356,907 .. 359,625 396,706 493,683 Other vehicles .. .. .. .. .. 27,408 24,263 35,071 12,747 23,752 23,779 27.907 .. 51,160 48,042 62,978 Stocks on hand .. .. .. .. .. 15,120 14,185 17,657 18,824 23,490 29,098 34,736 .. 38,610 43,283 52,393 Plant and machinery .. .. .. .. 12,886 10,889 12,595 18,049 18,636 22,277 33,692 .. 31,522 33,166 46,287 Land and buildings .. .. .. .. .. 61,709 61,078 117,428 96,262 112,487 131,638 145,110 .. 174,196 192,716 262,538 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 29,629 30,970 32,896 31,137 37,850 54,543 60,373 .. 67,479 85,513 93,269 Cash on hand and at bank .. .. .. .. 19,842 28,376 22,064 46,136 74,393 44,421 87,011 .. 94,235 72,797 109,075 Other assets .. .. .. .. .. 15,932 32,295 53,931 27,955 37,824 75,886 180,001 .. 53,756 108,181 233,932 Total .. .. .. .. .. 303,987 331,622 428,418 476,188 566,596 648,782 925,737 .. 870,583 980,404 1,354,155 1,500,000 Depreciation written off vehicles for year .. .. 29,851 31,205 36,198 65,314 63,522 62,122 75,105 .. 93,373 93,327 111,303 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Percentage of depreciation on reducing value .. .. 19-7 18-7 20-9 22-5 21-1 18-9 17-4 .. 20-7 18-8 18-4


TABLE No. 12.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Table showing the Position with respect to Applications for Goods-service Licenses for Year ended 31st March, 1936.


Number of Decisions given. Number of AoDlications Number of Number of dealt with. Applications Decisions Granted. Refused. withdrawn. deferred. Licensing Authority. . . " . sUs § B S S • SSo • !H O P< r ~5 *73 o ft --3 1 « P I a « a I -gga-S"gsasR§s-2 O <D <U O O CD O Oa^UOO^aiOOO^O o CO EH EH OcoH H O EG EH H OcoEHEHOcoEHEH No. 1 Licensing Authority .. 254 1 . . 255 241 I .. 242 6.. .. 6 5 .... 5 2.. .. 2 No. 2 Licensing Authority .. 450 2 380 832 430 1 349 780 18 1 31 50 2 .... 2 No. 4 Licensing Authority .. 255 39 1 295 250 32 1 283 .. 1 .. 1 3 6.. 9 2.. .. 2 No. 5 Licensing Authority .. 265 14 1 280 251 13 1 265 11 1 .. 12 2 .. .. 2 1 .. .. 1 No. 6 Licensing Authority .. 221 14 .. 235 213 13 .. 226 6 1.. 7 2 .. .. 2 No. 7 Licensing Authority .. 128 9 63 200 124 9 63 196 4 .. .. 4 No. 8 Licensing Authority .. 217 13 .. 230 212 13 .. 225 5 .... 5 No. 9 Licensing Authority .. 141 4 111 256 134 4 111 249 5.. .. 5 2.. .. 2 No. 10 Licensing Authority .. 149 8 .. 157 144 7 .. 151 1 .. .. 1 2 .... 2 2 1 .. 3 Post-offices .. 7,933 7,933 .. .. 7,933 7,933 Totals—1935-36 .. 2,080 104 8,489 10,673 1,999 93 8,458 10,550 56 4 31 91 14 6 .. 20 U 1 .. 12 1934-35 .. 2,146 108 7,399 9,653 2,016 89 7,390 9,495 91 9 9 109 25 7 . . 32 14 3 .. 17 1933-34 .. 2,146 99 3,800 6,045 1,898 88 3,793 5,779 118 3 j 7 128 43 8 .. 51 87 .. j.. 87

H— 40,

TABLE No. 13.— TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Traffic, Revenue, Expenditure, and Capital Statistics of Licensed Goods-services for Years ended 31st March, 1934, 1935, and 1936.

7—H. 40.


North Island Totals, Year ended 31st March, South Island Totals, Year ended 31st March, New Zealand Totals, Year ended 31st March, 1936. 1935. 1934. 1936. | 1935. 1934. 1936. 1935. 1934. Traffic statistics Total number of operators .. .. Number 1,390 1,405 1,311 614 609 593 2,004 2,024 1,904 Number of vehicle authorities issued.. Number 2,378 2,351 2,004 990 1,004 902 3,368 3,355 2,906 Average mileage per vehicle .. Miles 15,159 14,211 12,997 13,552 12,531 12,015 14,687 13,744 12,693 Total vehicle-miles run .. ..Number 36,049,000 33,410,000 26,048,000 13,416,000 12,581,000 10,838,000 49,465,000 45,991,000 36,886,000 Revenue and expenditure statistics — £ ££££££££ Total operating costs .. .. .. 1,308,000 1,313,000 1,028,000 497,000 509,000 435,000 1,805,000 1,822,000 1,463,000 Total revenue 1,490,000 1,456,000 1,160,000 580,000 581,000 479,000 2,070,000 2,037,000 1,639,000 Total profits .. .. .. .. 182,000 143,000 132,000 83,000 72,000 44,000 265,000 215,000 176,000 d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. Average operating costs per vehicle-mile .. 8-71 9-43 9-47 8-89 9-71 9-63 o-76 9-51 9-52 Average revenue per vehicle-mile .. .. 9-92 10-46 10-69 10-37 11-08 10-61 10-04 10-63 10-66 Average profit per vehicle-mile .. .. 1-21 1-03 1-22 1-48 1-37 0-98 1-28 1-12 1-14 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Percentage of profit to operators' capital .. 20-71 13-58 10-97 20-24 15-93 10-89 20-56 14-28 10-95 Percentage of profit to to'tal capital invested .. 13-48 9-05 7-11 14-46 10-96 7-72 13-77 9-61 7-25 Capital investment statistics — £££££££££ Total operators' capital .. .. ... 879,000 1,053,000 1,203,000 410,000 452,000 404,000 1,289,000 1,505,000 1,607,000 Total" outside" liabilities .. .. 471,000 527,000 654,000 164,000 205,000 166,000 635,000 732,000 820,000 Total capital invested 1,350,000 1,580,000 1,857,000 574,000 657,000 570,000 1,924,000 2,237,000 2,427,000 Average capital per operator .. .. 632 749 917 668 742 681 643 744 844 Average " outside " liabilities per operator .. 339 375 499 267 3-37 280 317 361 4ol Average total. capital invested per operator . . 971 1,124 1,416 935 1,079 961 960 1,105 l,27o


TABLE No. 14.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Table showing the Goods-trucks licensed for Year ended 31st May, 1935, classified according to Size of Truck.

TABLE No. 15.—TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT, 1931. Table showing the Numbers and Percentages of Goods-service Operators licensed at 31st May, 1935, classified according to Number of Trucks used.


Note.—The following figures have been assembled from the financial and statistical returns received from licensees; they are incomplete, covering only 2,684 out of a total of 3,355 vehicles for which vehicle authorities were granted. North Island. South Island. New Zealand Total. Class. ? r ° ss laden (Tons). Number. Percentage. Number. Percentage. Number. Percentage. i j j i A .. .. .. 2 - 2§ 27 1*4 i 14 1-9 41 1-5 B .. .. .. 2\- 3 111 5-7 40 5-4 151 5-6 C •• •• .. 3 - 3§ 189 9-8 55 7-4 244 9-1 D •• •• •• 3J- 4 229 11-8 | 93 12-5 322 12-0 E ... .. 4 - 4| 395 I 20-4- : 66 8-8 461 17-2 F •• •• 4|- 5 212 10-9 | 112 15-0 324 12-1 G ■■ •• 5 - 5j 170 8-8 60 8-0 230 8-6 H .. .. .. 5|- 6 163 8-4 96 12-9 259 9-6 1 6-6f 199 10-3 69 9-2 268 10-0 J ■■ •• 6|— 7 51 j 2-6 34 4-6 85 3-2 K .. .. .. 7 - 7| 38 j 2-0 21 2-8 59 2-2 L •• 7J- 8 41 2-1 31 4-2 72 2-7 M 8-8J 16 | 0 . 8 n j.g 27 j. 0 N 8J- 9 11 0-6 6 0-8 17 0-6 0 .. .. 9-91 8 I 0-4 4 0-5 12 0-4 P ■■ •• 91-10 20 1-0 13 1-7 33 1-2 Q .10-15 5 j 0-3 5 0-7 10 0-4 Light vans and cars .. .. 51 2-6 16 2-1 67 2-5 Motor-cycles .. .. .. 2 0-1 .. .. 2 0-1 Totals .. .. .. 1,938 | 100-0 , 746 100-0 2,684 ; 100-0 i i

Notk.—This table covers only 2,661 of the 3,355 trucks for which vehicle authorities were granted. Number of Operators Number of Percentages t> oto „„ Revenue per Number of Keveml e usmg Operators, of Operators. u revenue. Operator. Vehicles. TT ?? r , Vehicle. £ £ £ One truck .. .. 814 57-6 433,976 533 814 533 Two trucks .. .. 323 22-9 376,381 1,265 646 632 Three trucks .. .. 141 10-0 253,127 1,795 423 598 Four trucks .. .. 57 4-0 136,120 2,388 228 597 Five trucks .. .. 22 1-6 77,850 3,538 110 708 Six trucks .. .. 21 1-5 95,261 4,536 126 756 Seven trucks .. .. 15 1-0 80,830 5,388 105 769 Eight trucks .. .. 4 0-3 25,355 6,339 32 792 Nine trucks .. .. 5 0-4 41,352 8,270 45 919 Ten or more trucks .. 10 0-7 120,709 22,423 132 914 Totals .. 1,412 100-0 1,640,961 1,162 2,661 617


TABLE No. 16.—FATAL MOTOR ACCIDENTS. Table showing Analyses of various Data relating to Fatal Motor Accidents in the Dominion during the Years ended 31st March, 1930 to 1936.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,204 copies, including graphs and maps) £95.

Price Is. 6d.]

By Authority : G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 936.


Tear ending Slst March, Year ended 31st March, . I . . «3 dX •'••••••JSfl'm' cq co ■<* »0 CO"mS«2 O rH (M CO LO CD "12 © Fj Sosososo> o5o»o®s 2 2 2 2 2 2 PJS.® ,H rH rH r-t rH rH rH rH rH lH rH rH rH rH H 5£,J» 1. Number of Accidents. 2. Number oe Persons killed in Motor Accidents. (a) Classified according to Main (a) Classified according to Age of Causes. the Person killed. Collisions 0-4 years .. .. 10 7 4 5 9 7 8 50 Motor-vehicle with pedestrian .. 52 55 30 45 26 46 56 310 5-9 years .. .. .. 8981141111 62 Motor-vehicle with motor-vehicle 40 75 29 39 21 36 45 285 10-14 years .. .. .. 2 5 5 4 4 8 10 38 Motor-vehicle with train .. 7 11 8 3 9 10 4 52 15—19 years .. .. .. 17 24 18 17 13 27 18 134 Motor-vehicle with tram .. 1 1 1 1 .. 2 2 8 20—24 years .. .. .. 30 45 15 15 18 15 34 172 Motor-vehicle with bicycle .. 12 7 11 16 15 23 27 111 25—54 years .. .. 83100 81 60 56 88 67 535 Motor-vehicle with horse-vehicle 4 1 1 6 4 3 1 20 55 years and over .. .. 36 57 26 31 31 26 48 255 or horse under control Unspecified .. .. 7 7 Motor vehicle with fixed object 6 8 15 5 6 7 9 56 Motor-vehicle with straying stock 1 1 .. 1 2 2 3 10 Total deaths .. 186 247157143135182 2031,253 No collisions — . " Went over bank .. .. 27 29 22 9 18 22 18 145 (b) Classified according to the Location Otherwise . .. 22 33 31 15 24 23 26 174 of the Person hilled. Pedestrians .. .. .. 53 55 28 45 26 45 55 307 Total accidents .. .. 172 221 148140125174191 1,171 On motor-cycles .. .. 51 58 47 39 27 48 50 320 On other motor-vehicles .. 68119 72 38 64 66 70 497 On other vehicles or horses .. 14 15 10 21 18 23 28 129 (b) Classified according to Hour ~ of Accident. Total deaths .. .. 186 247157143135182 2031,253 Midnight to 1 a.m. .. ....442444 22 1 to 6 a.m. .. .. 7 8 3 5 5 8 11 47 3. Types of Vehicle involved. 6 to 7 a.m. .. .. .. 11.. 2.. 34 11 Motor-cycle .. .. .. 59 64 51 48 27 55 54 358 7 to 8 a.m. .. .. •• 17 54335 28 Private motor-car .. .. 105132 75 73 67 97109 658 8 to 9 a.m. .. .. •• 6512385 30 Taxi-cab .. .. .. 24115559 41 9 to 10 a.m. .. .. .. 4442697 36 Service-car .. . . .. 5 5 1 3 2 1 1 18 10 to 11 a.m. .. .. .. 5 10 6 11 8 3 3 46 Motor-omnibus.. .. .. 354.. 121 16 11 to noon .. • ■ 11 15 8 9 10 5 8 66 Motor lorry or van .. . . 39 46 29 44 38 45 62 303 12 to 1 p.m. . . .. .. 4 5 9 7 5 11 3 44 Bicycle .. .. .. 12 7 11 20 17 22 25 114 1 to 2 p.m. .. .. 10 4 9 8 4 5 6 46 Tram .. .. .. .. 2111.. 26 13 2 to 3 p.m. .. .. .. 8 13 8 4 6 14 8 61 Horse-drawn .. .. .. 4.... 5421 16 3 to 4 p.m. .. .. . • 2 16 8 9 8 8 15 66 Train .. .. . . .. 7 9 7 3 9 10 .. 45 4 to 5 p m. .. .. .. 24 18 14 12 10 14 16 108 Other vehicles .. . . .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 3 5 to 6 p!m. .. .. .. 23 20 17 15 17 22 23 137 6 to 7 p m . .. .. 23 24 18 16 8 20 18 127 Total vehicles .. .. 239 273191202170 242 2681,585 7 to 8 p.m. .. .. .. 11 16 9 15 14 10 20 95 8 to 9 p.m. .. ,. 12 20 4 8 4 8 6 62 4. Breaches of Law, and other Causes oe Fatal Motoe 9 to 10 p.m. .. .. 5 7 9 3 2 7 13 46 Accidents. 10 to 11 p.m. .. .. .. 8 14 6 4 4 5 9 50 Breaches of law — 11 to 12 midnight .. .. 7 10 6 2 4 7 4 40 Excessive speed in circumstances— Unspecified .. .. 3 3 ( a ) But not exceeding 20 miles 33 6 5 6 1 5 5 61 per hour Total accidents .. 172 221 148140125174191 1,171 (b) Exceeding 20 but not exceed- 35 25 19 16 15 21 20 151 ing 35 miles per hour fc) Classified accordinq to Day of (c) Exceeding 35 miles per hour 18 32 13 9 8 20 18 118 Week. O n wrong side of road .. 24 38 19 22 13 16 22 154 Sunday .. .. .. 26 33 24 22 17 24 34 180 Did not comply with" offside" rule 7 7 7 11 8 14 12 66 Monday .. .. .. 23 28 21 13 23 27 31 166 Passing standing tram .. 3 3 Tuesday .. .. . . 17 24 14 17 11 22 15 120 Other passing breaches .. 9421444 28 Wednesday .. .. .. 28 25 10 17 10 17 21 128 Failure of driver to signal— Thursday .. .. .. 21 23 13 20 15 21 23 136 Motor-vehicles .. .. 3.. 2 .... 3.. 8 Friday .. .. .. 22 33 27 19 13 26 24 164 Other vehicles .. .. 2.... 1.... 2' 5 Saturday .. .. .. 35 55 39 32 36 37 43 277 Breaches of law relating to railway- 711 7 3 8 10 4 50 intersections Total accidents .. 172 221 148140125174191 1,171 Vehicle without rear reflector or 2 2 1.. 13.. 9 with inefficient one (d ) Classified accordinq to Condition Faulty brakes .. .. 8967264 42 of Light. No lights or inefficient lights (in- 22 17 9 14 15 11 15 103 Daylight .. .. .. 86 89 93 80 72 91 93 604 eluding horse vehicles and bicycles) Dusk .. .. .. 19 34 13 4 12 23 23 128 Glaring headlights .. . . 4 10 2 4 2 10 11 43 Artificial lighting .. .. 22 20 12 3 12 14 11 94 Faulty steering-gear .. .. 3432242 20 Darkness or moonlight .. .. 45 78 30 53 29 46 64 345 Faulty tires or wheels .. .. 4841.. 24 23 Driver's mild intoxication a factor 12 26 7 6 2 12 1 66 Total accidents .. .. 172 221 148140125174191 1,171 in accident Driver's severe intoxication a factor 3744265 31 (e) Classified according to Nature of in accident Thoroughfare. Driver unlicensed or inexperienced 5272361 26 Intersection . . . .. 19 18 17 20 19 28 19 140 Straying stock .. .. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 10 Railway-crossing .. . . 7 9 7 3 9 10 4 49 Other breaches of law .. .. 5 2 1 12 3 8 5 36 Nature or condition of road (bad 48 51 27 12 18 32 55 243 Other causes— surface or bend, &c., contributed Bad weather conditions 19 4 3 1 911 6 53 to accident) Vehicle being reversed .. 3 2 .. 5 6 5 2 23 Road conditions not a factor .. 98143 97 105 79104113 739 Obstruction to view by parked 4 5 .. 1 .. .. 7 17 motor-vehicle Total accidents .. .. 172 221 148140125174191 1,171 Sun-dazzle .. .. .. 2 1 3 Driver's physical defect a direct 4.. 12121 11 (f) Classified according to Geographical cause Location. Motorist and pedestrian— (a) North Island Motorist at fault .. 17 9 1 13 5 7 13 65 Auckland City and environs 29 25 28 33 19 27 34 195 Pedestrian (not intoxicated) cross- 17 30 12 19 9 17 25 129 Wellington City and environs 16 19 15 8 13 14 20 105 ing or on road without care or Other towns .. .. 20 31 14 7 10 19 41 142 becoming confused Country .. .. .. 57 88 48 40 44 48 39 364 Pedestrian intoxicated .. 5532645 30 (b) South Island— Children on streets .. .. 2 7 7 6 2 10 6 40 Christchurch City and environs 13 14 9 16 10 15 21 98 Infant (under six) not under proper 9 1 1 5 3 3 7 29 Dunedin City and environs .. 4 8 4 2 6 7 12 43 control Other towns .. .. 8 11 11 14 7 9 11 71 Other causes of pedestrian accidents 6 1 4 .. 1 5 .. 17 Country .. .. .. 25 25 19 20 16 35 13 153 Causes not included under the above 4 22 34 17 13 16 30 136 headings Total accidents . ■ .. 1721221 148 140 125 174 191 1,171 1 Total causes .. .. 302 297185193 146 243 2401,606



H- 40






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TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, H-40

Word Count

TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, H-40

TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, H-40

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