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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1930.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Page Page 1. Report of the Chief Inspector of Secondary 2. Detailed Tables, etc. —continued. Schools .. .. .. .. 2 Secondary Schools—continued. „ _ K Ha. Statement of Affairs and Balanee2. Detailed Tables, etc. sheet of the Whanganui College K 1. Some Particulars relating to Board of Trustees .. .. 15 Secondary Education, 1927, 1928, K 12. Balance-sheets of Secondarv-sohool 1929, and 1930 .. .. 5 Hostels .. .. ..17 Secondary Schools— K 13. Incidental Expenses of Secondary K 2. Roll, Average Attendance, and Free Schools .. ..19 Pupils of Secondary Schools 5 Kl4. Lower Departments .. .. 19 K 2a. Ages of Pupils in Secondary Schools 6 K 3. Years of Attendance of Pupils and District Sigh Schools, Secondary Departments— Numbers commencing Post LI. Roll, Average Attendance, Free Pupils Primary Education .. .. 6 and Numbers of Teachers .. .20 K 4. Subjects taken by Pupils in Second- L la. Ages of Pupils in Seoondary Departary Schools .. .. .. 6 ments of District High Sohools .. 21 K5. National Scholarships .. ..7 L2. Years of Attendance of Pupils and K 6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 7 Numbers commencing Post Primary K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 8 Education .. ..22 KB. Payments of Secondary Sohools ..10 " K9. Income and Expenditure of Hostels 12 Schools .. .. .. .. 22 K 10. lucome and Expenditure of Hostels per Boarder .. .. .. 13 Registered Private Secondary Schools— Kll, Balances and other Monetary Assets Ml. Roll Number .. .. ..23 and Liabilities .. 14 M la. Ages of Pupils .. ~ .. 23

I—E. 6.


1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir, — Wellington, 12th June, 1931. I have the honour to present the report for the year 1930. With regard to the routine work of the Inspectorate there has been little deviation from the customary, practice. In the earlier part of the year eighteen departmental and eighteen private registered secondary schools were fully inspected, as well as the secondary departments of twentyfive district high schools. In the period following mid-July all the departmental schools were visited in connection with the annual classification of teachers and the award of senior free places and leaving certificates. The system of partial accrediting for free places that has been followed for several years past has been retained with slight modifications ; candidates who are not considered by the Inspectors ready to enter upon a senior course are allowed to sit the Intermediate Examination in November upon payment of a fee of 10s. During part of the year Mr. T. R. Cresswell, M.A., formerly Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools, was temporarily employed by the Department as an Inspector, chiefly in connection with Technical High Schools. " During his period of engagement he also inspected the West Christchurch District High School and four district high schools in the Hawke's Bay and Taranaki Districts. The number of departmental secondary schools has remained stationary at forty-four. The aggregate roll on the Ist March was 17,127. The corresponding numbers in 1928 and 1929 were 15,943 and 16,867 respectively. It is evident that the rate of increase in the secondary-school population has begun to be affected by the low birth-rate of the war period. Were it not for the disturbing effect of the present financial depression it is almost certain that the roll numbers for 1931 would have had difficulty in maintaining themselves at the 1930 level. When suitable avenues of employment are closed to so many of the boys and girls in our secondary schools it is only to be expected that many pupils will remain at school longer than they had intended to, and will so help to swell the roll of the upper forms. The tendency of pupils to remain at school was noticeable in the larger towns towards the close of the year, and, as a consequence, the big town schools maintained their end-of-year rolls at a higher level than was their custom. In country districts the opposite tendency was observed, boys being taken away from school to assist on the farms. During the year Dilworth School, Auckland, was added to the list of registered private secondary schools; these now number forty-eight, with an aggregate roll of 4,107, approximately 1,750 boys and 2,350 girls. Only two sittings of the Teachers' Appeal Board were necessary, one at Dunedin and the other at Hamilton. Five teachers appealed against their classification; three of the appeals were subsequently withdrawn, one was allowed, and the remaining one disallowed. The number of senior free places granted to pupils from departmental secondary schools on the Principals' recommendations remained almost stationary, 3,489 being granted, as against 3,448 in 1929. Pupils who fail to obtain these free places by accrediting may secure them by passing the Intermediate Examination ; in actual practice, however, only about 40 per cent, of the possible number of candidates think it worth their while to sit the examination. Of the 621 who actually did sit in November only sixty-two succeeded in passing. Higher leaving certificates, which entitle the holder to a University Bursary, provided he has not attained the age of nineteen years at the close of the year in which he qualifies for his certificate, were granted to 718 pupils from departmental and to 159 from endowed and registered private secondary schools on the recommendation of the Secondary School Inspectors. The corresponding numbers in 1928 were 674- and 104, and in 1929 they were 708 and 126. The remarkable increase in the numbers coming from Endowed and private schools is somewhat surprising. Lower leaving certificates, for which there is now a very limited demand, except from a few girls' schools, were awarded by a similar system of accrediting; only forty-two were granted, including ten to pupils in private secondary schools. In 1928 and 1929 there were awarded eighty-five and sixty-six respectively, ft is obvious, therefore, that under the present conditions of qualification and issue this certificate has outlived its period of usefulness. The general question of leaving certificates has again been considered by the Department during the year, and a conference was held with representatives of the secondary, technical, and registered private schools in December. The arguments submitted in my last report in favour of a school certificate examination to be held synchronously with the University Entrance Examination still appear to me as cogent as hitherto. There is no doubt that if the standard of the school certificate were once established at a satisfactory level by means of an independent examination, and if employers and the public generally were given the opportunity to learn to assess the certificate so obtained at its true value, the time would soon arrive, probably within three or four years, when a system of partial accrediting for the certificate could safely and profitably be introduced. There is a natural inclination to avoid the institution of an additional examination, even though its establishment would divert from another public examination scores of candidates for whom the latter was not intended, and whose school courses have been hampered or even mangled in an endeavour to prepare for it. In a time of unprecedented financial stress, moreover, the expense of conducting an additional public examination is not to be lightly undertaken by any public authority. A decision on the question of leaving certificates has for various reasons been postponed, but it is hoped that it will shortly be found practicable to devise some satisfactory solution, and so free many of our secondary pupils from the necessity of following the more or less rigid professional course based upon the requirements of the University Entrance Examination,



The introduction of a system of partial accrediting for University entrance is 110 nearer realization than it was a year ago. Enthusiasm for this reform appears to have waned considerably among secondary-school teachers, whilst the opposition that exists in certain quarters to any form of accrediting whatsoever is by no means quiescent. The position, so far as the Department is concerned, is that it has done all that it was required to do in connection with the initiation of the scheme. In May an additional Secondary Inspector was temporarily appointed in anticipation of the increased work that would devolve upon the Secondary Inspectorate and plans for the application of the scheme were worked out. A few weeks later, however, the Executive Committee of the University Senate, having discovered that certain Universities in England would not accept the Matriculation status of students from the University of Melbourne because this status was based on accrediting, decided that the scheme should, not be introduced in 1930 ; it further decided to ascertain from its agent in England whether the English universities would accept the New Zealand Matriculation if awarded by accrediting. The agent's reply was that as a result of his inquiries he considered that Matriculation by accrediting was not favoured by the English universities. It would appear, therefore, that the introduction of our proposed accrediting system must be postponed until such time as certain English universities come to realize that the safeguards attached to the system proposed in New Zealand differentiate it entirely from the systems in vogue in the United States and in Victoria. It is well to emphasize the point that in New Zealand only the best of the candidates for University entrance will be passed by accrediting ; others, about whose fitness either the Principals of the schools or the accrediting officers have any doubt at all, will be required to sit the public examination as heretofore. In other words, the accredited pass candidates will constitute a superior class of student, and not an inferior. For an outside university to refuse admittance to such a student, whilst admitting poorer students who have had to resort to examination to obtain their University Entrance pass, betokens an imperfect knowledge of the situation. In the meantime no definite progress may confidently be looked for. In anticipation of the introduction of accrediting the Department has for two years in succession enlisted the co-operation of the Principals of all secondary schools and of several other large postprimary schools in investigating the degree of correlation existing between their own estimate of the candidates' chances of success in the Entrance Examination and the actual successes obtained. Principals were asked to place their candidates in four groups : 1. Undoubtedly fit to pass and who would be accredited if a system were in operation. 11. Having a reasonable chance of passing. 111. Having only a poor chance of passing. IV. Almost certain to fail. Estimates were obtained in 1930 from seventy-one Principals, who reported upon 3,289 candidates ; of these 224 per cent, were placed in Group I (23-0 per cent, in 1929), 33-8 per cent, in Group II (35-0), 31-1 per cent, in Group 111 (27-6) and 12-7 per cent, in Group IV (14-4). Of the Group I candidates 12-8 per cent, failed, as against 9-9 per cent, in the preceding year. Of the forty-four departmental schools ten failed to pass 80 per cent, of their Group lor accredited " candidates (five mixed, three girls' and two boys' schools) ; in one girls' school only 58-3 per cent, -of them passed. In 1929 only three schools were in a like position. One boys' school had the unenviable distinction of appearing in this group two years in succession. On the other hand, the external examination was passed by 100 per cent, of the Group I candidates from twenty-three of the secondary schools in 1929 and from twentytwo in the following year. Twelve schools (four girls', four boys', and four mixed) appeared in the list both years. Two facts are apparent from a study of the detailed analysis of the results : one is that in any system of partial accrediting it would be unsafe to accredit on the average more than about 22| per cent, of the total number of candidates, and the other is that either the judgment of several Principals is still unreliable or the examination as at present devised and conducted does not select accurately the best candidates. It is admitted that the lack of the "examination temperament" or the effect of temporary disabilities may produce unexpected failures in the examination-room, but there should undoubtedly be a greater measure of correlation between the examination results and the Principals' estimates than has been revealed by the figures quoted above. Four years ago I drew attention to the unsuitability of the academic preparation of many of our younger secondary-school teachers, and pointed out that too many entrants into the service were obtaining honours in such comparatively unsuitable subjects as philosophy, economics, and education, and that there was a marked superabundance of teachers with honours in history. The position in district high schools is equally, perhaps even more, disconcerting ; instances are by no means rare where a teacher is attempting to teach all the usual secondary-school subjects after completing a degree course in philosophy, education, economies, history (pass and advanced), and one other subject. One feels that the English, science and mathematics, and the French or Latin of district high schools cannot be very efficiently taught by teachers equipped with such degrees. In the secondary schools the disadvantage to the pupil is not as a rule so pronounced, owing to the presence of a sprinkling of teachers who are specialists in various subjects ; but even here the position is far from satisfactory. In this connection a letter written by a Principal of a secondary school in April, 1930, is worth quoting ; his remarks undoubtedly compel attention : "I have been analysing the qualifications of the twenty-three applicants for a D position here. From the point of view of classroom equipment the results are ominous. Only three have taken science in any form for their pass degree, only five have taken mathematics, and only eleven have taken English. The other pass subjects are Latin (9), French (12), history (15), economics (10), education (18), philosophy (7), Greek art and literature (5), &c. For honours, out of fourteen no fewer than ten have taken history, one Latin, one education, and two English and French. Ido not know where we shall be in a few years if this trend away from science and mathematics continues. Moreover, English should be a compulsory subject for every graduate."



Prom time to time the Secondary Inspectors in their talks to Sixth Form pupils advise those who contemplate taking up secondary-school work to include as many teaching subjects in their degree course as possible, and to avoid advanced work in non-teaching subjects. It would be well, too, for Principals both of schools and of training colleges to give similar advice on appropriate occasions. It is pleasing to note that, except in Auckland, the heads of both boys' and girls' secondary schools have continued to co-operate with the Department in providing opportunities for observation and a little practice to those training-college students who definitely intend to take up secondaryschool teaching. The technical and district high schools in the four centres and the Kowhai Junior High School have also provided facilities for training young secondary-school teachers. The proportion of trained teachers among the entrants to the ranks of secondary-school teachers continues to be very high, especially among the men. Of the twenty-eight male entrants this last year twenty-three had taken a training-college course, and there were only three who had had neither previous teaching nor training-college experience. The position as regards the women was not so satisfactory ; there were thirty-one women entrants ; of these sixteen had passed through a training college, seven others had been given some practice in teaching during their home-science degree course, and five others had had previous teaching experience. Not many secondary pupils are given the opportunity to devote much time to geography during their school course, and the majority of them do not take the subject for the University Entrance Examination. As a consequence, their geographical knowledge on entering the training college has been in many cases extremely limited, and it has been found difficult to equip them as teachers of a subject which plays so important a part in the primary-school syllabus. Many women students, similarly, have learned no mathematics before entering the training college. It is for these reasons that both geography and mathematics have been made compulsory subjects in the recently instituted training college Entrance Examination. English, history, and drawing are also compulsory subjects, but French, Latin, and science are not included. As exemption from the examination in any subject may be obtained by qualifying in it for the higher leaving certificate, the institution of the examination has had a somewhat disturbing effect upon the programmes of Sixth Forms, especially in girls' schools, where there has been evident an inclination to drop science and foreign languages in order to concentrate upon the subjects required for the Training College Entrance. It is to be hoped that this tendency will not develop unduly, as our future secondary-school teachers cannot afford to leave school poorly equipped in either languages or science. With regard to the courses of study in secondary schools, the process of the liberalization of curricula referred to in a previous report continues at a steady pace. Woodwork, for example, in 1928 was taught in 50 per cent, of the schools attended by boys ; in 1930 this percentage had increased to 76, and one-third of all Third and Fourth Form boys in our secondary schools were being taught the subject. Bookkeeping was taught in forty schools and shorthand' and typing in twenty-eight; approximately one-fourth of all secondary pupils were learning these subjects. In two years the number of pupils learning Latin has fallen by 3 per cent.' and now only 43 per cent, of our boys and 31 per cent, of the girls take the subject. As regards agriculture the subject just holds its own ; probably that is as much as can reasonably be expected of it in a time when the primary industries of the country are so seriously affected by the prevalent depression. As part of vocational or semi-vocational courses, agriculture is taught in seventeen boys' or mixed secondary schools, as against sixteen two years ago ; the percentage of boys in these schools who take the subject has fallen, however, in the same period from 23 to 21-4. On the other hand, the proportion of all boy pupils learning agriculture has shown a slight increase, and stood at 9-9 per cent, on the Ist July, 1930. Among the notable progressive movements of the year have been, first, the purchase by the Rangiora High School of a block of 85 acres of high-grade farming-land near the school upon which dairy and general farming are being carried out on practical lines, and, secondly, the successful development at the Waitaki Boys' High School of the system of taking the agricultural classes regularly to " co-opted " farms where the boys are enabled to engage in such practical work as ploughing, the sowing of crops, the docking of lambs, drafting, dipping, and trucking sheep, classifying and judging stock, &c., under expert practical farmers. The district high schools chosen for inspection this past year were those of the Auckland Education District. It was the general opinion of the three Secondary Inspectors who visited the twenty-five schools in that area that the district high schools were an outstanding feature of the education system in the Auckland Province. In the main, considerable improvement was noted since the preceding visit in 1927. The length of the school week and of the lesson periods had been brought more into accordance with modern views on these points. More opportunities for specialization in teaching were being given to the staff, and in most cases more courses of study were being offered. The inclusion in the curriculum of the more aesthetic subjects has, however, not progressed to any great extent. This is due in part to the difficulty in finding teachers with special qualifications in the arts, but it appears mainly to arise from a reluctance to spare time for subjects which do not pay in examination. Any such misgivings on the part of the teachers are no doubt re-enforced by the views of many of the parents with regard to the money-earning value of secondary education. Another feature in district-high-school life which requires the development of a keen local interest for its success is the extension of library equipment. In conclusion, I have again to express my recognition of the earnest desire of secondary-school principals and staffs to attain a high standard of efficiency and of their willingness to work in harmony with the Department's officers. And again also I have to thank my colleagues for their zealous co-operation and assistance. I have, &c., E. J. Pare, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.



2.—DETAILED TABLES. Table K1.—Some Particulars relating to Secondary Education for the Years 1927, 1928, 1929, and 1930.

SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Table K2. —Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).—Average Attendance Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders.


— 1927. I 1928. 1929. 1930. Secondary schools — Number of Government secondary schools .. .. 41 .43 44 44 Number of endowed schools .. .. .. .. 2 2 2 2 Number of boys at Government secondary schools .. 7,306 7,808 7,924 8,340 Number of girls at Government secondary schools.. .. 6,337 6,654 6,981 7,212 Number of boys at endowed schools .. .. .. 547 576 593 597 Number of girls at endowed schools .. .. .. Nil Nil Nil Nil Number of free pupils at Government secondary schools .. 13,901* 14,931* 15,746* 16,056-j-Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. 5,582 6,037 6,044 6,134 Number of pupils leaving school .. .. .. 4,855 4,995 5,622 4,950 Secondary departments of district high schools — Number of secondary departments .. .. .. 79 79 79 81 Number of boys in attendance .. .. .. .. 1,719 1,889 1,937 2,100 Number of girls in attendance .. .. .. .. 1,724 1,784 1,932 2,015 Number of free pupils .. .. .. .. .. 3,746* 4,033* 4,436* 4,564-J-Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. 2,095 2,198 2,381 2,317 Number of pupils leaving school .. .. .. 1,566 1,596 1,937 1,621 Expenditure by Government in financial year — Payments to Education Boards for — £ £ £ £ District high schools —Secondary teachers'salaries .. 52,359 58,254 65,276 71,593 National scholarships .. .. .. .. 11,280 11,273 11,268 10,283 Payments to secondary schools and colleges for— Salaries and incidental expenses .. .. .. 248,790 267,282 276,969 285,472 Manual-instruction capitation .. .. .. 4,414 4,606 5,322 5,937 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. 2,018 1,750 3,670 1,745 New buildings, equipment, furniture, and sites .. 93,878 44,382 78,438 128,593 Maintenance of school buildings .. .. .. 1,131 1,453 3,654 1,235 Reserves revenue .. .. .. .. .. 8,280 10,556 12,280 11,709 Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools 7,887 8,618 11,783 8,945 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,570 3,949 2,801 1,120 * As at 30fch June in each year. t As a t 1st July, 1930.

Number of Holders of Roll Number, t, ,, Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1930. on Roll at 1st July, School Attendance, lgt 1930. 1 930. i r-i-. Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. 413 j 207 209 416 465 330 106 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. 893 890 .. 890 977 615 308 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School . . 599'6 617 .. 617 661 446 180 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. 570-3 .. 567 567 617 420 169 Epsom Girls'Grammar School .. .. 582-1 .. 581 581 642 430 182 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. 408 228 196 424 459 302 127 Thames High School .. .. -. 192 94 84 178 221 142 58 Hamilton High School .. .. 433 220 221 441 483 257 182 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 158 88 73 161 166 108 55 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. 451-5 436 .. 436 503 310 142 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 282-1 .. 283 283 318 231 70 Wanganui Girls' College . . .. 291 . . 291 291 314 185 97 Palmerston North Boys'High School .. 359 354 .. 354 393 257 115 Palmerston North Girls'High School .. 247-5 .. 251 251 278 198 56 Gisborne High School .. .. 416 242 163 405 455 299 133 Napier Boys' High School .. .. 251-7 262 .. 262 279 165 94 Napier Girls'High School .. .. 240-1 .. 245 245 270 153 96 Hastings High School .. .. 351-3 175 158 333 403 311 67 Dannevirke High School .. .. 183 1 86 93 179 200 137 47 Wairarapa High School .. .. 276-4 151 112 263 301 177 107 Hutt Valley High School .. .. 379-5 191 180 371 416 301 93 Wellington College .. .. .. 5!)7'5 608 .. 608 669 406 208 Rongotai Boys'College .. . . 229'6 227 .. 227 252 179 61 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 417 .. 424 424 466 312 126 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. 336-6 .. 342 342 367 238 110 Marlborough High School .. .. 222 114 102 216 260 179 53 Nelson College .. .. .. 395'6 381 .. 381 435 247 150 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. 304-7 .. 300 300 334 186 126 Rangiora High School .. . . 201 102 100 202 226 167 41 Christchurch Boys' High School . . 568 648 .. 648 694 437 214 Christchurch Girls' High School . . 433-8 .. 442 442 467 296 149 Avonside Girls' High School .. . . 252-3 .. 251 251 280 200 65 Ashburton High School .. .. 188'4 105 91 196 205 124 71 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. 412-4 406 .. 406 438 243 165 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. 309 .. 314 314 344 114 216 [Continued overleaf.']


Table K2. —Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments). —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders —continued.

Table K 2a. —Ages of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Schools and Endowed Schools at 1st July, 1930.

Table K 3.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 1st July, 1930, according to Years of Attendance at Post-primary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).

Table K 4.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Schools, 1930.


Number of Holders of Roll Number, « n Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1930. Jri on Roll at 1st July, School. Attendance, ». 1930. 19gQ Boys. Girls. ! Total. Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools—continued. Waimate High School.. .. .. 146-2 77 67 144 171 119 39 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. 326 308 .. 308 338 201 102 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. 208 .. 212 212 227 147 66 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 671 658 .. 658 717 425 251 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 432 .. 439 439 458 310 140 South Otago High School .. .. 126 67 69 136 138 88 49 Gore High School .. .. .. 221-5 114 106 220 251 170 63 Southland Boys' High School .. .. 278'6 284 .. 284 302 159 125 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 241 .. 246 246 267 180 81 Totals .. ... .. 15,496-4 8,340 7,212 15,552 17,127 10,901 5,155 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .; .. 276 j 269 j .. 269 282 I Christ's College .. .. .. 314-4 | 328 j .. 328 332 Totals .. .. .. 590-4 597 • • 597 614 j Grand totals .. .. 16,086-8 8,937 7,212 16,149 j 17,741 10,901 5,155

Ages of all Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1930. Under 13 Years and 14 Years and 15 Years and 16 Years and 17 Years Totals, all Number of Schools. 13 Years. under 14. under 15. under 16. under 17. and over. Ages. B. G. B. G. B. | G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary schools (44) 391 397 1,588 1,602 2,299 12,159 2,075 1,837 1,481 1,016 1,004 655 8,838 7,636 Endowed schools (2) .. 7 .. 28 .. 82 | 117 .. 128 .. 154 .. 516 All schools (46) .. 398 367 1,616 1,602 2,381 |2,159 2,192 1,837 1,609 1,016 1,158 655 9,354 7,636 |

Number of New* Number of Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1930. ~ Entrants in -g 1930 who had not , 2 : En previously Secondly liLhools. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year.j Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. Education*" Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. _ . ! __ ___ | 44 |3,O85j2,878 2,50O | 2,3O6 1,718 1,3361,007 758 387 312 81 48 8,838 7,636 16,474; 3,187 2,947 *Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 1st July, 1930, are of course included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First Year."

Number of Pupils Percentage of Number of Pupils Percentage of taking Subjects. Whole Number. taking Subjects. Whole Number. Subject. Subject. . Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. 8,824 7,534 99-8 98-7 Arts and crafts .. .. 332 482 3-8 6-3 History .. .. .. 8,255 7,442 93-4 97-5 Botany .. .. .. 120 347 1-4 4-5 French .. .. .. 7,756 6,566 87-8 86-0 Metalwork .. .. 418 .. 4-7 Arithmetic .. 6,622 7,470 74-9 97-6 Economics .. .. 298 60 3-4 0-9 Mathematics .. .. 8,530 5,436 96-5 71-2 Natural science .. .. 113 106 13 1-4 Geography .. .. 4,977 5,544 56-3 72-6 Mechanics.. .. .. 200 5 2-3 0-1 Physical science and chemistry 7,827 609 88-6 8-0 Home nursing and first aid .. .. 171 .. 2-2 Drawing .. .. .. 4,143 4,046 46-9 53-0 Dairy science .. .. 162 .. 1-8 Music and singing .. .. 3,075 4,791 34-8 62-7 | Wool-classing .. .. 161 .. 1-8 Home science .. .. 9 7,010 0-1 91-8 Workshop theory and practice 151 .. 1-7 Latin .. .. .. 3,785 2,330 42-8 30-5 Heat and light .. .. 77 11 0-8 0-1 Book-keeping and commercial 2,260 1,977 25-6 25-9 Motor engineering .. .. 85 .. 1-0 work Steam . . .. .. 42 .. 0*5 Needlework .. .. .. 3,340 .. 43-7 Building construction .. -17 .. 0-2 Shorthand and typing .. 128 1,861 1-4 24-4 Accountancy .. .. 10 .. 0-1 Woodwork .. .. 1,940 .. 22-0 .. Electrical engineering .. 8 .. 0-1 Cookery .. .. .. .. 1,751 .. 22-9 Technology .. .. 5 .. 0-1 Physiology and hygiene .. 16 1,453 0-2 19-0 Mercantile law .. .. 2 .. *• Electricity and magnetism .. 1,241 1 13 0 * Elocution .. .. .. .. 1,141 .. 14-9 Total roll at 1st July .. 8,838 7,636 Agriculture .. .. 871 .. 9-9 * No significant percentage.


Table K 5. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1930.

Table K 6.—Number of Pupils at 1st July, 1930, boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


Number held Number held j Number held Number Number Total Number. at Secondary at District | at Technical receiving receiving Education District Schools. High Schools High Schools. Boarding- Travelling. Education District. allowance allowance I j J (included (included m i m i i T ■ c. , T . i in Total in Total Hoys. (xirls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior j Junior. Senior. Number). Number). Auckland .. .. .. 128 95 223 101 68 27 9 )1 7 48 "0 Taranaki .. .. ..19 11 30 9 9 .. 2 .5 5 5 Wanganui .. .. ..19 21 40 14 9 3 4 7 3 7 " i Hawke's Bay .. ..25 16 41 31 7 3 11 S Wellington .. .. 47 31 78 41 31 4 2 8 7 Nelson ., .. 25 19 44 25 15 1 2 1 18 Canterbury .. .. 67 49 116 58 29 20 1 6 2 ?0 13 Otago .. .. 46 25 71 36 27 6 2 .. .. *8 2 Southland .. .. 13 11 24 15 7 2 3 2 Totals .. ..389 278 667 330 202 66 20 31 18 128 48~

Secondary Departments. "§"§ JjV Boarding at Total. g'g-g Sflhonl Boarding at Establishments Boarding School Hostels. approved by privately. Principal. ' <» o : ; ® pji & 3 o Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. t-3 A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 79 50 .. 16 27 95 77 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. 31 .. 51 Mount Albert Grammar School .. .. .. 57 .. 13 .. 26 .. 96 !! Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 , _ '39 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .5 .. g] _ j gg Takapuna Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 8 14 8 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 3 3 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. .. 9 } 0 9 g2 Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 g 7 ' g New Plymouth Boys'High School .. .. 153 .. .. .. 22 .. 175 .. 12 New Plymouth Girls'High School .. .. .. 49 .. .. .. ]g . 'g 7 g Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 102 .. .. .. 9 . . m ja Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. 48 .. .. .. 12 .. 60 Palmerston North Girls'High School .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. J8 .. 33 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 39 24 .. 17 12 56 36 i" Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. 49 .. .. .. .. 49 Napier Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 79 .. .. g _ 'gg ' j „ Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 7 10 7 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 15 .. 4 g 7 2 0 11 Wairarapa High School .. '.. .. 31 .. .. .. g lg 07 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 7 3 7 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 65 .. .. 6 71 Rongotai Boys' College Wellington Girls'College .. .. .. .. 19 __ 10 " '90 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ _ 10 '' 10 Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, 9 ] ] ' g j j Nelson College .. .. .. .. 174 ] 18 __ i 92 _ " j s Nelson Girls'College .. .. .. .. .. 54 27 81 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 8 9 .. .. 2 3 10 12 Christchurch Boys'High School .. .. 42 .. .. .. 28 . .' 70 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 33 .. .. .. 2 q '53 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. ., .. .. .. .. [[ J 1 " Ashburton High School .. . . .. .. .. .. ,. 4 13 ' 4 j <j Timaru Boys'High School .. .. 129 .. .. .. ]0 i«q ' °ô« Timaru Girls'High School .. .. .. .. go .. .. 'jg 'gg Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 g '7 g Waitaki Boys' High School .. ' .. .. 136 .. .. .. g _ _ 142 Waitaki Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 32 .. .. .. io " '42 Otago Boys' High School .. .. .. 46 .. .. ig gg Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. . _ _ 93 " ōq South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 '3 j Gore High School .. .. .. .. 19 26 " 4 4 03 30 " Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. .. ,. ,. , _ 3g _ 35 Southland Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. '29 ' '43 Total, A .. .. .. .. 1,090 600 33 9 332 j 438 1,455 1.047 1 114 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. .. 167 1 .. I .. 1 1 ig7 Christ's College .. .. .. .. 218 j .. j .J ! ] | | | 218 Total, B .. .. .. ,. 385 .. | . j .. j .. 385 ~ 77" Grand totals .. .. .. 1,475 600 | 33 9 j 332 438 1,840 1,047 114


Table K 7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1930.


Endowment Income Account. BBd0 ™count. aPital Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. i i "From TLeserves "Voluntary Board. Balance T Balance, Sales of Balance, Contribu- Transfers Balance, Balance, Boar<Mng Advances Transiers Janu- '•" Adminis- lDt yf 5t > 1st Janu- Endow- 1st Janu- mentGrants tions and from other 1st Janu- Fees. Sundries. 1st Janu- p 8 to Boarders and iy, 1930. Vested in tered by &c ' ary, 1930. ments. ary, 1930. Su S es . Mscel- Accounts, ary, 1930. ary, 1930. refunded. Sundries. | Boards. Land laneous. i Boards. « 1 t ! — — : ~ A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ | £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ , £ £ Whangarei High School .. 170 247 474 63 .. 3o7 45 •• •• •• - ' 7'>q Auckland Grammar School .. 8,122 10,679 2,221 421 831 -. 327 4,403 2,197 10 116 3,363 .. 729 Thames High School 772 121 31 .. .. .. 9 .. 751 .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton High School .. o5b .. Wo •• Eotorua High School .. 213 .. 249 .. .. •• 3() 2 gg 9 19 q @99 " 2,047 12,229 3,239 *75 New Plymouth High School .. 468 1,305 , . .. .. •• g29 g 2g % 135 Wanganm Girls College 301 971 302 .. ... .. 264 n2 Palmerston North High School .. ' r] 2 12s __ .. 98 385 9 794 4,247 952 26 mpS??sch c 0 0i° : :: "'654 948 m .. » ; . .. .. 1,786 532 45 o 20 3,079 8,032 1,217 102 Hastings High School .. .. 483 585 .. 1 • ■ j 0 33-. .. • • • • • • • • ■ • Dannevirke High School .. 316 .. 323 .. .. .. J •• " " " i 708 2 067 190 71 Wairarapa High School .. 235 .. 299 1 1,339* 6,102 127 1,708 .,067 190 71 :: 6,878 12,557 iJS 1,102 13 325 1$ 7.S " !! 2,i 95 5,479 " 313 Son 0 Cofcf ghSCh001 " !! 2 745 465 T " 588* 12,855 '61 j 322 119 857 " 2, 5 i 2 15,985 2,660 787 RarXora ffifh School" 280 I 64 3,646 2,075 i 736 305* 907 School 5,309 .. 5,739 556 .. ■ 100* 1,952 9,035 328 231* 2,111 .. Christchurch Girls' High School .. 528 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 11,755 .. .. .. •• •• Akaroa High School .. • - 1,841 262 .. 2 .. .. 23 .. . . • • • • • • • • ' Hokitika High School .. .. 2,977 123 86 160 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Ashburton High School .. 16 871 .. 86 70 .. •• .. •• •• •• •• - •• •• 6 „ Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,251 .. •• •• •• ' L Waimate High School .. .. 870 338 .. 26 .. •• 15 'H? " , " " " i 4Ô0 a ikq Waitaki High School .. .. .. 2,000 535 226 .. .. 1,982 354 .. , .. •• •• ' o'ivq Q7fi 204 Otago High School .. .. 4,294 4,222 722 192 .. .. •• •• •• •• 1,858 2,373 376 204 South Otago High School .. 121 .. 75 .. .. •• 170 .. •• •• •• •• •• •• Gore High School .. .. 80 .. 150 502 62 403* 34 369 105 1,692 6 Southland High School .. .. 2,317 315 .. -• 841* 688 •• 2 ' 038 •• " " " 567 19 057 Totals .. .. 36,497 44,265 17,054 3,488 1,423 829 5,811* 93,781 14,953 21,156 1,370 2,735 45 16,531 81,901 11,275 5,446 B. Endowed Schools. Wangaimi Collegiate Schoolf ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' * "" '' '' '' " "' |,, '' 132 Christ's College .. .. .. •• •• 3,090 Totals .. .. " ~ ~ •• •• " 19 ' 227 •• 132 » Account overdrawn. f Receipts and Payments Account for Wanganui Collegiate School not available, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11A.

E. —6.

Table K 7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1930—continued.

2—E. 6.


General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. x} nflr ri From Government. ,, . n Balance, Voluntary school Transfers mpnt" Transfers Balance, Mis Transfers 1st Janu- Contribu- Sundries, from other Sundries, from other 1st Janu- from other ary, 1930. Teachers' Incidental gubsi(Ues> tions. Accounts. ary. 1930. >"• Accounts. A. Secondary Schools. £ ££££££££££££££ Whangarei High School .. .. .. 240 11X815 1,461 54 .. 48 574 289 231* 278 37 .. 83 147 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 719 38,460 8,318 29 .. 766 .. 9,728 814* 2,086 .. .. 5,608 528 Thames High School .. .. .. Ill 3,830 553 .. .. 39 8 80 114 110 .. .. 57 29 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 1,490 7,200 1,208 .. .. 177 283 342 83 107 .. .. 305 530 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 91 3,460 551 .. .. 55 51 1,345 44 67 .. .. .. 937 New Plymouth High School .. .. 124 9,880 2,028 34 48 288 209 843 466* 685 .. . . 90 4 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. 1,080 3,810 759 13 .. 1,515 249 399 59* 198 3 .. .. 77 Palmerston North High School .. .. 449 10,170 1,673 .. 85 198 105 307 52 175 41 .. 550 26 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 203 3,540 1,138 75 185 107 112 3,727 5* 94 .. .. 65 53 4 Napier High School .. .. .. 3,285 10,800 1,462 .. 315 300 4,066 .. 227* 348 ... .. 11 Hastings High School .. .. .. 217 5,580 1,000 11 24 86 276 761 18 191 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 464 3,055 500 53 42 112 .. 461 10 75 8 .. 67* 101 Wairarapa High School .. .. ., 1,130 5,160 753 .. 188 19 29 235 40 139 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. 123 5,880 1,040 .. 54 63 74 183 7 262 .. .. 10 Wellington College .. .. .. 1,844* 22,416 4,515 55 107 370 436 7,562 111* 909 .. .. 629 937 Marlborough High School .. .. .. 103* 7,600 921 5 55 69 276 492 149* .. 578 Nelson College .. .. .. .. 1,606* 11,580 1,875 .. 517 252 1,733 853 198 515 .. .. 200 100 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 553 3,745 565 212 55 85 391 .. 39* 155 .. .. 10 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 329* 10,495 1,735 .. .. 157 19 763 125* 183 .. 114 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 1,404 5,740 1,167 .. .. 102 340 167 451 165 148 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. 551 3,880 700 .. 40 .. 84 552 36 167 49 Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hokitika High School Ashburton High School .. .. .. 51* 3,220 510 17 8 56 5 417 24* .. .. 57 49 50 Tirnaru High School .. .. .. 547* 9,320 1,958 .. 226 359 610 1,740 240* 403 .. .. 85 3 Waimate High School .. .. .. 368 2,380 428 6 43 21 26 419 4* 47 Waitaki High School .. .. .. 2,044 12,090 1.682 8 115 487 1,204 .. 360* 287 .. .. 101 205 Otago High School .. .. .. 3,596 13,450 2,893 19 13 220 1,132 4,833 388 705 .. .. 2,830 263 South Otago High School .. .. .. 43* 2,130 345 106 50 4 77 141 .. 61 Gore High School .. .. .. 704 4,325 628 186 .. 27 82 187 25* 72 .. 61 Southland High.School .. .. .. 1,621 9,130 1,418 56 219 164 205 199 152* 309 Totals .. 16,044 243,141 43,784 939 2,389 6,146 12,656 37,025 1,590* 8,793 864 171 10,677 3,990 4 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,061 1,560 10,303 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,061 1,560 10,303 I | » Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Accounts not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.


Table K 8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1930.


Endowments Income Account. Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Board. Office Expenditure Transfers eaIatipp P p™w-° f "RaianrP Expenditure on Interest Balance ™ , ® ala^ ce Salaries on to T?f' mSS Buildings, Sites, Loans on Loans tS Teachers' Incidental Miscel- 31st Deand Endow- other cember 15*0 Trld remhX l5u) Furniture, and repaid. and cember 1930 Salaries - Expenses, laneous. cember, Expenses. ments. Accounts. cember > U80. cember, 1930. Apparatus . sundry . cemDer, lwo. 19 3 0 . T j A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 12 86 413 442 .. 357 864 .. 125 Auckland Grammar School .. 511 3,257 9,559 8,117 .. 831 7,309 .. 263 634* Thames High School .. .. 102 9 812 .. .. . . 101 626 32 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 12 438 .. .. .. 125 Rotorua High School .. .. .. • • 462 .. .. . . 182 .. .. 12* New Plymouth High School .. 50 10 2,634 | 147 .. .. 1,565 1,629 362 .. 481 177 51 179 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 55 . • 575 944 .. . . .. 814 176 182 238 91 .. 462 Palmerston North High School .. .. •• 639 .. .. .. 1,598 ... .. 285 ■Gisborne High School .. .. 100 3 3,727 1,877 .. 7 2,167 .. .. 42* 325 /4 2 90 Napier High School .. .. .. •• 1,724 .. 85 .. .. 542 1,243 .. 606 96 .. 300f Hastings High School .. .. . • • • 761 307 .. . . 348 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. . ■ 461 178 .. . . 279 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 105 235 193 .. .. 6,146 .. .. 1,257* Hutt Valley High School .. .. 1 •• 183 382 .. .. 1,062 .. .. 3 Wellington College.. .. .. 354 146 14,678 7,219 335 4 46,381 4,182 2,924 3,519* Marlborough High School . . .. .. • • 399 202 .. . . 160 .. 93 Nelson College .. .. .. 40 48 1,122 .. .. .. 13,106 250 .. 705* 787 85 .. 105 Rangiora High School .. .. . • • • 280 . . .. .. 5,473 210 70 768 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 166 618 8,885 1,935 . . .. 3,535 9,188 35 1,543* Christchurch Girls' High School .. 26 335 167 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. . • •. • • 11,768 499 . . 36* Akaroa High School .. .. 30 50 .. 2,025 .. .. .. .. . . 23 Hokitika High School .. .. 22 537 154J 2,631 Ashburton High School .. .. 45 77 339 513 .. 70 164 Timaru High School .. .. 83 146 2,022 .. .. .. 58 495 202 688 Waimate High School .. .. 40 .. 479 715 .. .. 1,215 .. .. 1* Waitaki High School .. .. 100 884 1,777 .. .. .. 470 .. 28 329* Otago High School .. .. 238 119 4,885 4,187 .. .. 50 .. .. 50* South Otago High School .. .. .. .. 141 56 .. .. 263 Gore High School .. .. .. .. • • 187 42 21 543 Southland High School .. .. 80 315 2,237 .. .. .. 458 1,148 890 611* Totals .. .. 2,055 6,757 60,375 32,112 441 1,812 104,847 19,583 6,443 6,790* 2,437 523 53 1,136 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School§ .. .. .. Christ's College .. .. .. 120 220 2,744 Totals .. .. 120 220 2,744 * Account overdrawn. t As at 3rd February, 1931. i Includes sundry payments in respect to District High School, Hokitika. § Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.


Table K 8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1930— continued.


Hostels Account. General Account. Suctim AMoSnt. Special Acc011nts - Total 3®rt a De e : Teachers' Incidental TuMh^ ' g , Transfers Balance, Material, ?, al f^ ce ' Total ® al ? n ,f • Payments. cember _ 1980 . Salaries. Expenses. Rent, and <Sc. Payments. — . , J_ j A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ j £ I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. .. 6,572 748 10,978 1,564 ! 118 I 160 761 102* 434 350* 203 26 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 4,137 70 46,970 8,465 ! 1,427 152 1 006 944 328 337 5 799 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,844 426 239 8 19 85 99 125 ' 86 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 2,700 107 7,366 979 207 5 125 2,018 125 66 252 583 Kotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,102 615 191 218 276 149 25 85 937 New Plymouth High School .. .. .. 16,122 1,467 10,587 1,796 375 5 .. 689 450 232* 4 "90 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 7,774 1,110 4,071 977 100 1.781 .. 895 143 1* 77 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 3,890 219 10,387 1.502 330 56 40 672 184 83 26 550 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 5,132 887 7,180 1,104 i 215 403 .. 184 76 13 52 69 Napier High School .. .. .. .. 10,680 l,750f 11,057 .. .. 5,496 1,169 2,506f 121 11+ Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,122 1,030 112 559 .. 131 137 72 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 638 177 3,567 568 i 145 81 .. 325 93 . 94 59* Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 2,211 1,826 5,357 767 i 13 1 375 44 135 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.081 807 i 28 139 263 98 126 144 " 11 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 7,845 141 29,657 4.256 685 585 .. 1,566* 373 425 820 746 Marlborough High School.. .. .. .. .. .. 7,918 917 .. 495 .. 14* 336 92 Nelson College .. .. .. .. .. 17,829 4,115 11,927 1,742 ; 517 827 i85 7 380 334 300 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 922 320* 3,904 523 79 513 456 132 152 34* 10 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. 1,999 119* 10,727 1,688 92 5 .. 329 297 126* Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. 2,126 963 5,833 1,991 624 123 .. 348 297 468 " '.! Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 3,847 1,178 42 26 .. 714 64 188 !! Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. 144 1,899* Hokitika High School .. Ashburton High School ... .. .. .. 200 130 3,399 487 108 52 295 160* 71 39* "49 50 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. 461 745 11,263 2,035 416 176 .. 224* 310 147* 3 85 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,686 385 19 543 .. 58 22 21 Waitaki High School .. .. .. .. 2,330 1,277 12,641 1.706 629 849 20 1,784 355 429* 437 i31* Otago High School .. .. .. .. 2,419 j 2,392 17,951 2,755 528 726 .. 4,196 281 811 136 2 957 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. 2,382 339 19 .. 92 22* 50 12 Gore High School .. .. .. .. 1,487 107 4,387 546 ; 126 100 369 610 116 69* !! "61 Southland High School .. .. .. .. 1,681 37* 9,549 1,352 j 335 177 992 606 142 15 " Totals .. ... .. .. 99,299 | 15,856 275,740 42,500 | 7,706 14,273 5,062 16,829 6,247 1,990 lo7934~ B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School}; Christs' College .. .. .. .. .. 19,359 .. 9,840 3,272 3,026 2,335 3,451 .. '' " Totals •• •• •• 19,359 ! .. 9,840 3,272 | 3,026 2,335 3 451 I ! 1 * Account overdrawn. f As at 3rd February, 1931. $ Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet o{ the school is printed in Table K Hi.


Table K 9.—Secondary-school Hostels for Year 1930.—Income and Expenditure.


Expenditure. Hostel. Income. Rates, ntv , Profit. Loss. Expenses. Provisions. by Tea™ers. Wa S es " Light > &c " Eepairs - and | ExpeiSes. Depreciation. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 2,358 18 3 61 12 0 751 4 3 268 0 0 727 8 6 194 5 10 94 14 5 25 12 0 31 1 1 293 14 3 2,447 12 4 .. 88 14 1 Christchurch Girls' .. 2,011 4 3 53 19 6 464 12 10 57 0 0 622 6 4 89 13 4 103 0 11 36 19 0 28 6 10 251 15 0 1,707 13 9 303 10 6 Dannevirke Boys' .. 930 5 0 .. 395 2 4 120 0 0 158 2 6 42 8 11 .. 73 19 6 10 13 4 60 5 0 860 11 7 69 13 5 Gisbome Boys' .. 2,821 7 6 60 0 0 850 18 1 500 0 0 712 2 6 244 3 6 115 6 0 15 11 8 118 9 5 253 0 0 2,869 11 2 .. 48 3 8 Gisborne Girls' .. 1,932 13 9 45 0 0 558 19 1 180 0 0 578 5 0 185 1 8 142 7 3 14 10 9 67 12 4 197 0 0 1,968 16 1 .. 36 2 4 Gore High 1,798 15 6 40 0 0 512 16 8 .. 428 11 0 116 1 11 98 10 6 41 8 3 41 6 10 253 9 5 1,532 4 7 266 10 11 Hamilton Girls' 2,723 5 6 110 0 0 571 3 1 184 10 0 514 10 2 105 17 0 226 10 1 308 4 3 185 18 9 52 5 9 2,258 19 1 464 6 5 Mount Albert Grammar 3,537 8 6 108 0 10 882 8 3 160 10 0 600 6 9 274 4 11 15 19 3 48 4 2 409 3 5 190 15 11 2,689 13 6 847 15 0 Napier Boys'* Napier Girls'* Nelson Boys' 15,026 16 3 295 0 0 4,525 18 1 52 10 0 2,784 13 9 755 13 10 571 3 6 726 12 6 3,338 17 10 291 0 013,341 9 6 1,685 6 9 Nelson Girls' 4 022 5 7 195 0 0 1,761 17 9 .. 1,400 14 4 325 13 6 210 12 0 43 13 9 355 8 8 242 12 0 4,535 12 0 .. 513 6 5 New Plymouth Boys' 10,389 13 11 256 10 9 3.491 2 1 562 0 0 2,245 18 7 923 3 1 474 10 0 118 18 21,587 12 2 817 18 010,477 12 10 .. 87 18 11 New Plymouth Girls' 3,623 6 8 126 14 1 889 8 2 345 16 8 730 18 9 268 15 6 92 15 2 62 5 0 473 0 2 777 0 0 3,766 13 6 .. 143 6 10 Otago Boys' .. 3,238 3 3 84 17 6 554 8 0 350 0 0 721 3 10 181 4 11 177 7 0 119 19 7 576 2 11 282 12 0 3,047 15 9 190 7 6 Palmerston North Boys' 3,434 11 8 35 0 0 836 1 6 240 0 0 626 8 10 109 6 8 136 5 8 172 17 0 794 1 4 280 0 0 3,230 1 0 204 10 8 Palmerston North Girls' 998 15 0 15 0 0 207 10 7 100 0 0 282 7 10 38 8 8 50 17 8 24 13 5 25 7 3 .. 744 5 5 254 9 7 Rangiora Boys' .. 370 17 0 15 0 0 158 4 8 .. 189 9 4 48 13 2 4 10 4 0 14 2 10 3 2 40 16 9 467 11 7 .. 96 14 7 Rangiora Girls' .. 509 11 0 15 0 0 210 7 3 .. 181 10 8 53 10 11 4 9 6 1 6 3 12 18 5 49 17 0 529 0 0 .. 19 9 0 Timaru Girls' .. 3,565 5 8 119 6 7 989 0 9 .. 1,157 8 9 218 15 1 430 14 0 .. 201 6 9 295 12 7 3,412 4 6 153 1 2 Wairarapa Boys' .. 2.271 17 9 27 3 9 840 17 8 .. 614 5 0 251 4 2 110 9 5 17 1 9 274 16 0 450 12 0 2,586 9 9 .. 314 12 0 Waitaki Girls'" .. 18 0 60 0 0 872 9 7 156 0 0 575 16 1 148 19 7 59 3 1 19 19 11 244 4 1 221 2 0 2,357 14 4 .. 32 16 4 Wanganui Girls' .. 8,166 3 9 200 11 6 2,259 8 1 .. 1,470 17 10 776 12 2 130 4 4 13 14 62,390 15 11 .. 7,242 4 4 923 19 5 Wellington Boys' .. 4,644 15 8 193 18 1 1.276 8 10 330 0 0 1,386 13 1 321 3 11 48 2 6 .. 114 4 3 593 1 9 4,263 12 5 381 3 3 Wellington Girls' .. 1,247 11 8 72 10 7 347 4 1 50 0 0 448 3 0 108 10 1 232 16 7 .. 61 15 10 267 7 0 1,588 7 2 .. 340 15 6 Whang°arei Boys' .. 3,985 8 6 46 13 3 1,637 19 10 .. 843 17 6 188 8 4 187 3 6 10 4 4 196 17 11 563 4 8 3,674 9 4 310 19 2 Whangarei Girls' .. 2,637 7 6 27 5 6 879 16 3 .. 626 6 0 150 10 3 109 9 0 4 16 6 74 6 1 317 8 0 2,189 17 7 447 9 11 All schools .. 88,571 7 1 2,264 3 1126,725 7 9 3,656 6 820,628 5 11 6,120 10 113,827 1 81,901 6 5 11,624 10 97,042 9 183,790 3 1 6,503 3 8 1,721 19 8 * Income and Expenditure Accounts not available for Napier Boys' and Girls' Hostels.


Table K 10.—Secondary-school Hostels for Year 1930.— Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.


Expenditure. Number of Hostel. «MstTnfv Income. ' §j v j : j i .■■■ f« ~~ ( \ : Profit. Loss. 1930 - eSSs. byTeatSl Light,Fuel, & c. Repairs. • Bx °^ c , Depreciation. Total. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 42 11707 6 11 25 68 19 0 10 03 04 28 125 .. 0 10 Christchurch Girls' .. 33 13508 55 08 73 11 12 05 04 2 11 0 19 11 36 Dannevirke Boys' .. 15 13 10 .. 10 2 31 41 11 .. Ill 03 16 12119 Gisborne Boys' .. 48 1 2 706 6 10 40 58 20 0 11 02 0 11 20 130 .. 05 Gisborne Girls' .. 32 13306 69 22 6 11 23 19 02 0 10 24 138 .. 05 Gore High .. .. 45 0 15 504 45 .. 38 10 0 10 04 04 22 0 13 124 :. Hamilton Girls' .. 42 14 11 10 53 18 48 10 21 2 10 18 06 10843 Mount Albert Grammar 57 13 10 09 60 11 41 1 10 01 04 29 13 0 18 258 Napier Boys'* .. 49 Napier Girls'* .. 95 Nelson Boys' .. 192 1 10 1 07 91 01 57 16 12 16 68 07169 34 Nelson Girls' .. .. 54 188 15 12 6 .. 10 0 24 16 04 2 6 19 1 12 4 .. 38 New Plymouth Boys' .. 165 14307 82 14 53 22 11 03 38 111 145 .. 02 New Plymouth Girls' .. 55 1540 11 63 25 51 1 10 08 05 34 55 164 .. 10 Otago Boys' .. .. 46 171 09 48 2 11 60 16 16 10 4 10 2 4 156 17 Palmerston North Boys' 48 17603 68 111 50 0 11 11 15 64 23 15 10 18 Palmerston North Girls' 17 12704 48 23 65 0 10 12 07 07 .. 0 16 10 59 Rangiora Boys' .. 8 0 17 10 09 77 .. 91 24 03 .. 06 20 126 .. 48 Rangiora Girls' .. 9 11908 90 .. 79 2 3 02 01 07 21 127 .. 0 10 Timaru Girls' .. 57 1410 10 68 .. 7 10 16 2 11 .. 14 20 13110 Wairarapa Bovs' .. 31 182 04 10 5 .. 78 31 14 03 35 57 1 12 1 .. 311 Waitaki Girls'" .. 32 1 7 11 0 9 10 7 1 10 6 11 1 9 0 8 0 3 2 11 2 8 1 8 4 .. 0 5 Wanganui Girls' .. 112 18108 79 .. 51 28 05 01 83 .. 14 11 32 Wellington Boys' .. 65 176 12 77 111 83 111 03 .. • 08 36 153 23 Wellington Girls' .. 19 153 16 70 10 91 2 2 '4 9 .. 1 3 55 1 12 2 .. 6 11 Whangarei Boys' .. 79 0 19 5 0 3 7 11 .. 4 1 0 11 0 11 0 1 1 0 2 9 0 17 11 1 6 Whangarei Girls' .. 50 10303 6 9: .. 4 10 12 0 10 .. 07 25 0 16 10 35 All schools .. 1,497 15208 77 10 5 10 19 11 07 34 20 13 10 1 10 06 * Figures not available. Note. —This return is based on a fifty-two-week year, whereas the boarders are usually in residence for only forty weeks ; the average weekly cost of maintaining each boarder is therefore approximately 25 per cent, greater than the figures shown.


Table K 11.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools as at 31st December, 1930.


i i Assets. Liabilities. Secondary-school Boards. Balance 1st January, _ | Mjw, lyou. i)nTilf Ralflnpps gnH Aromint.ti owin<* to «slst December, 1930. Investments Board Total - Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. | y I A. Secondary Schools. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ g. d. Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 888 11 5 I 1,130 11 3 1,069 7 4 2,199 18 7 .. 2,215 1 9 2,215 1 9 Dr. 15 3 2 Auckland Grammar Schools.. . . Cr. 11,484 9 8 9,672 3 6 8,321 16 10 17,994 0 4 2,115 5 8 6,103 16 8 8,219 2 4 Cr. 9,774 18 0 Thames High School .. .. Cr. 852 9 1 295 7 11 3,539 11 6 3,834 19 5 1,825 5 1 85 18 4 1,911 3 5 Cr. 1,923 16 0 Hamilton High School .. .. Cr. 2,200 5 6 2,774 2 8 466 14 2 3,240 16 10 .. 291 3 2 291 3 2 Cr. 2,949 13 8 Rotorua High School .. .. Cr. 568 1 2 222 15 3 37 16 2 260 11 5 .. 134 9 1 134 9 1 Cr. 126 2 4 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 6,171 2 1 2,201 9 7 1,736 3 5 3,937 13 0 5,547 3 0 3,415 18 5 8,963 1 5 Dr. 5.025 8 5 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. Cr. 2,257 19 3 5,140 16 2 1,267 16 11 6,408 13 1 .. 2,304 1 6 2,304 1 6 Cr. 4,104 11 7 Palmerston North High Schools .. Dr. 99 8 9 2,064 6 6 1,697 1 10 3,761 8 4 300 0 0 1,998 18 8 2,298 18 8 Cr. 1,462 9 8 Gisborne High School .. .. Cr. 5,588 10 2 3,135 3 5 2,698 9 10 5,833 13 3 .. 381 16 5 381 16 5 Cr. 5,45116 10 Napier High Schoolsf .. .. Dr. 12,447 19 3 Hastings High School .. .. Cr. 266 17 10 518 5 5 278 15 9 797 1 2 .. 335 2 7 335 2 7 Cr. 461 18 7 Dannevirke High School .. Cr. 871 8 2 612 18 3 316 3 3 929 1 6 .. 1 0 6 1 0 6 Cr. 928 1 0 Wairarapa High School .. .. Cr. 2,142 2 9 2,272 8 3 1,231 12 5 3,504 0 8 .. 7,044 15 8 7,044 15 8 Dr. 3,540 15 0 Hutt Valley High School .. .. Cr. 667 15 10 637 12 11 41 11 11 679 4 10 .. 23 10 0 23 10 0 Cr. 655 14 10 Wellington College .. .. .. Dr. 13,994 16 5 5,614 2 2 3,598 9 9 9,212 11 11 37,790 18 5 541 6 7 38,332 5 0 Dr. 29,119 13 1 Marlborough High School .. .. Dr. 7 14 7 1,080 3 4 79 9 5 1,159 12 9 .. 1,001 19 4 1,001 19 4 Cr. 157 13 5 Nelson College .. .. Cr. 859 9 0 7,384 0 0 3,919 9 1 11,303 9 1 4,000 0 0 4,167 14 11 8,167 14 11 Cr. 3,135 14 2 Rangiora High School .. .. Dr. 758 13 1 545 10 11 216 4 2 1 761 15 1 839 15 0 1,366 14 4 2,206 9 4 Dr. 1,444 14 3 Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 46,017 8 0 476 17 3 1,801 7 10 2,278 5 1 47,000 0 0 119 2 10 47,119 2 10 Dr. 44,840 17 9 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 4,360 17 4 1.715 8 8 310 14 4 2,026 3 0 .. 69 11 0 69 11 0 Cr. 1,956 12 0 Avonside Girls' High School. . .. Dr. 304 3 3 865 19 11 14 15 8 880 15 7 .. 3 16 6 3 16 6 Cr. 876 19 1 Akaroa High School .. .. Cr. 136 5 8 149 1 11 27 14 7 176 16 6 .. .. .. Cr. 176 16 6 Hokitika High School .. .. Cr. 3,168 11 0 2,631 5 6 48 0 0 2,679 5 6 .. 37 10 0 37 10 0 Cr. 2,641 15 6 Ashburton High School .. .. Cr. 1,537 19 8 1,563 17 4 462 16 5 2,026 13 9 .. 206 15 6 206 15 6 Cr. 1,819 18 3 Timaru High Schools . . .. Dr. 1,613 14 10 1,848 17 11 1,931 16 6 3,780 14 5 3,216 18 4 1,103 12 4 4,320 10 8 Dr. 539 16 3 Waimate High School .. .. Cr. 539 17 4 792 17 5 70 10 9 863 8 2 .. 458 14 10 458 14 10 Cr. 404 13 4 Waitaki High Schools .. .. Cr. 2.194 19 4 2,759 16 0 2,104 7 1 4,864 3 1 .. 838 0 2 838 0 2 Cr. 4,026 2 11 Otago High Schools .. .. Cr. 10,548 19 7 14,493 6 5 876 4 4 15,369 10 9 .. 652 6 3 652 6 3 Cr. 14,717 4 6 South Otago High School .. Cr. 161 4 7 45 7 10 151 10 6 196 18 4 .. 79 16 9 79 16 9 Cr. 117 1 7 Gore High School .. .. . . Cr. 1,092 0 5 1,284 13 2 354 3 11 1,638 17 1 .. 81 4 6 81 4 6 Cr. 1,557 12 7 Southland High Schools .. .. Dr. 16,258 19 7 .. 1,286 4 2 1,286 4 2 17,003 12 4 716 1 5 17,719 13 9 Dr. 16,433 9 7 Totals .. .. Dr. 55,784 2 7 73,929 6 10 j 39,956 19 10 | 113,886 6 8 119,638 17 10 35,780 0 0 155,418 17 10 Dr. 41,532 11 2 B, Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School* .. .. .. i .. j Christ's Colleget .. .. .. • • . • j • • j .. * Balance-sheet for this school is published in Table K 11a. t Return not available.

E. —6.

Table KIIa. —Statement op Affairs and Balance-sheet of the Whanganiti College Board of Trustees for the Year ended 31st December, 1930. College Account (Collegiate School). Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Boarding Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Fees— Wages .. .. .. 3,904 18 4 Boarding .. .. .. 24,128 8 7 Groceries .. .. .. 1,540 7 4 Tuition .. .. .. 4,145 0 0 Dairy . . . . 1,194 2 3 Sundry school fees .. .. 883 0 0 Bread .. .. . . 604 17 1 Music fees .. .. .. 595 17 6 Pish .. .. .. 252 18 8 29,752 6 1 Fruit and vegetables .. 605 4 5 Scholarship funds .. .. .. 418150 Butcher .. .. .. 1,376 0 6 School prizes.. .. .. .. 86 8 7 Fuel and lighting .. .. 1,087 0 0 Laundry .. .. .. 811 1 8 Repairs and replacements .. 796 1 4 Matron's sundries .. .. 43 8 2 12,215 19 9 Less meals, &c., charged for 209 0 5 12,006 19 4 Sundry school fees .. .. .. 883 0 0 Trustees' exhibitions .. .. 282 0 0 Free places .. .. .. 115 0 0 Scholarships—Headmaster's funds 180 0 0 Scholarships—Endowments .. 238 15 0 815 15 0 School prizes.. .. .. .. 154 2 7 Salaries of masters .. .. 9,346 610 Salaries of visiting teachers .. 88 4 0 Allowances .. .. .. 50 0 0 9,484 10 10 Medical officer .. .. . . 376 19 0 Printing, advertising, telephones, &c. . . 265 3 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. 561 0 4 Insurances .. .. . . .. 136 3 9 Laboratory expenses .... 68 18 0 Repairs and maintenance, buildings .. 264 14 5 Entertainments .. .. . . 18 2 9 Sundrv school expenses .. .. 155 9 7 Rates" .. .. . . .. 241 19 7 Interest .. .. . . .. 4,000 0 0 Depreciation on furniture .. . . 212 11 6 Depreciation on pianos .. .. 85 13 7 39,731 3 3 Transfer to General Account .. .. 526 6 5 £30,257 9 8 £30,257 9 8 St. George's School Account. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. ToWages .. .. .. 471 13 9 By Fees .. .. .. 4,493 5 0 Fuel and lighting . . . . 243 17 6 Less free tuition, modified fees, Provisions .. .. .. 792 9 4 and fees remitted .. 142 2 0 Laundry .. . . . . 129 2 0 4,351 3 0 Music fees .. .. .. .. 100 16 0 1,637 2 7 Carpentry fees .. .. .. 43 11 6 Less meals charged for .. 198 1 0 1,439 1 7 4,495 10 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,483 13 8 Transfer to General Account .. .. 917 16 10 Medical officer .. .. .. 52 10 0 Books .. .. .. .. 48 12 1 Printing, advertising, &c. .. .. 151 19 6 Grounds .. .. .. .. 237 16 10 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,625 0 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 75 1 5 Rates . . .. .. .. 10 18 3 Insurance .. .. .. .. 24 7 5 School prizes .. .. . . 24 5 5 Repairs and maintenance, buildings .. 26 6 5 Sundries .. .. .. . . 139 9 0 Depreciation on furniture .. .. 74 5 9 £5,413 7 4 £5,413 7 4



General Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest .. .. .. .. 1,946 1 7 By Rents .. .. .. .. ..5,767 194 Rates .. .. .. .. .. 237 610 Bonus on endowment insurance policies .. 179 14 0 Salaries .. . . .. .. .. 934 0 0 Boys' extras —School .. . . .. 200 14 3 Audit fee.. .. .. .. .. 23 2 0 Boys' extras —St. George's . . . . . . 10 4 7 Management sundries .. .. .. 58 12 11 Office rent .. .. .. .. 115 0 0 6,158 12 2 Office sundries .. .. .. .. 96 8 5 Transfer from Collegiate School Account .. 526 6 5 Printing, advertising, &c. .. .. .. 90 15 11 Repairs and maintenance, estate .. .. 60 2 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 172 3 3 Office removal .. .. .. . ■ 61 15 6 Contributions to Provident Fund .. .. 645 7 9 Donation to Provident Fund .. .. 100 0 0 School-garden .. .. .. .. 102 0 1 4,642 16 3 Transfer from St. George's Account .. .. 917 16 10 Transfer to Balance Account .. .. 1,124 5 6 £6,684 18 7 £6,684 18 7 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Boys'accounts outstanding'— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance Account .. .. 4,284 12 7 Collegiate School .. .. 1,450 10 9 Plus transfer from Genera] Account 1,124 5 6 St. George's School .. .. 408 14 7 5,408 18 1 1,859 5 4 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 96 14 0 Rent accounts outstanding .. .. 1,456 9 7 Endowment funds — Scholarships .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 3,315 14 11 School prizes .. .. .. 511 14 0 Collegiate School— 3,511 14 0 Buildings .. .. .. 81,705 0 0 School funds .. .. .. .. 1,674 0 8 Furniture .. .. .. 4,038 19 2 Provident Fund.. .. .. .. 4,213 5 0 Pianos .. .. .. 771 2 7 Mortgages— 86,515 1 9 A.M.P. Society .. .. 80,750 0 0 St. George's— Less repayment, 1930 .. 850 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 23,481 9 0 Cost of grounds-formation .. 2,315 11 11 79,900 0 0 4.M.P. Society (St. George's) .. 25,000 0 0 25,797 011 , Furniture 1,411 10 10 104,900 0 0 27,208 11 9 Grey Street House .. .. 850 0 0 Estate buildings.. .. .. .. 2,650 0 0 Tayforth land .. .. 1,500 0 0 Roads .. .. .. .. 13,004 1 11 107,250 0 0 Section Ib, London Street .. .. 650 0 0 Temporary loans .. .. .. 7,236 811 Grey Street House .. .. .. 973 4 4 Suspense Account .. .. .. 1,982 19 7 Tayforth land .. .. .. .. 2,093 15 8 Bank of New South Wales .. 9,753 4 1 House, 317 Victoria Avenue .. .. 403 5 5 Plus unpresented cheques .. 68 0 10 Steward's stores on hand . . .. ~ 229 13 3 9,821 411 Sinking fnnd, St. George's School loan .. 2,402 9 0 Boys' extras paid, but not charged— Collegiate School .. .. .. 1,456 12 4 St. George's .. .. .. ■. 229 12 9 Sundry debtors .. .. .. . ■ 35 10 1 Cash on hand .. .. .. . • 27 12 0 £141,195 5 2 £141,195 5 2 I have audited the books and accounts of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the year ended 31st December, 1930, and certify that the foregoing statements are in accordance therewith, and that in my opinion the above Balance-sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit the true position of the affairs of the Trust as disclosed by the books at 31st December, 1930. —T. Ballingai-i., F.P.A. (N.Z.), Auditor. Wanganui, 25th February, 1931.


3—E. 6

E— 6.

Table K 12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Hostels as at 31st December, 1930. Liabilities.


Capital. I Hostel * Loans. Depreciation Other Liabilities Cash overdrawn Accumulated m , , From Government -p ,, 0 Reserve. uwier uasn overarawn. Profits Total. Grants.* From other Sources. Christchurch Boys' 319 11 *6 2,843 9 H 6,655 0 "o 8 8 51 2 "s 118 11 *7 " " 10 767 4 "i Christchurch Girls 4,766 11 2 6,891 3 0 .. 745 17 4 60 9 10 91 0 'l 7 t, Dannevirke Boys i, 464 0 0 .. 231 14 0 203 15 0 128 2 0 " 910 1 7 13,374 2 11 Gisborne Boys .. .. .. .. a 403 13 ll z Q n 7 K r» -iS /» *" *' 11 0 Gisborne Girls' .. .. .. 5'799 3 9 ' lfi ? \ ? ** 9,667 14 0 Hamilton 1 Girls' !! " " ** ° ° 156 MOW 0 52 " 5g * g » ' 13 1425 11 4 Mount Albert Grammar .. .. .. .. q 570 10 o nfi7 n fi „„5 n , 7 VqI S " 335 10 10 755 6 9 Napier Boys'f !! " ' 3 1U 7 134 17 4 .. 847 15 0 13,361 5 8 Napier Girls'f .. Nelson Girls' " " " " u'odl 2 3 " 4 ' 00 ° ° ° j'fS n īn I " 8,752 10 8 38,988*11 10 New Plymouth Boys' " 7 5 5,191" 7 9 1,400'0 0 15 10 239 2 2 ' lo'ls8 " 10 23'505 !o 0 Grfs :: :: :: - Ym I I 5 ' 535 7 6 450 0 0 l™ \ ? « ? \ 501 ' 19 0 Vm it $ IS u 0 Palmerston North Boys' .. 1 9 1,131 13 6 1,9« 0 0 '638 0 0 M 13 1 " 8 n'o38 i? 0 " !! " 1 ° ° M8B 7 ? " 170 ° ° 61911 " 13 4 'Ifsl "I 10 Rangiora Girls' .. .. .. .. j" 318 11 9 1,647 13 3 839 15 0 362 5 0 28 9 3 310 3 10 .. 3 506 18 1 Timaru Girls .. .. .. .. g >0 50 0 0 .. 2,902 5 4 896 18 11 208 7 0 2 028 8 5 11 085 1Q 8 :: :: :: :: ffl J J «„»»♦ 3I6 - 84 g» ? —» ' :• «IS S^SJ Wanganui Girls .. .. .. . 4 7qa q o R 797 no o .< A" i « '' •' ° Wellington Boys' .. .. 17123 10 5 ' 32 400*18 " «? ? iī "" 4,445 17 10 18,319 17 5 Wellington Girls' .. " 6 470 18 1 s'too 0 0 " f ' 43 1 2 234 9 9 49,863 4 8 Whangarei Boys' 11 495 10 1 " ' 1S1 7, o ? o , J 1 ? " 432 0 3 12,463 0 2 Whangarei Girls' 6 6 1,237 0 0 '863 19 7 7 2 10 " 18 9 AUschooIs 189 > 755 2 5 54,634 4 2 59,705 18 7 19,341 18 2 3,216 16 1 2~242 14 Ī 40,419 7 9 369^HTT~3 * Includes in some cases capital from other sources where this has not been shown separately. f Balance-sheets not available.


Table K 12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Hostels as at 31st December, 1930— continued. Assets.


I i » ' . ■ - - '1 - " Hostel. Hostel Site. Buildings. Furniture. TrteraUs°&c B0M dS? F60S 0tlier Deb t° rs - 0 ™'™ 8 011 Other Assets. Cash. | Total. ' ' Investment. j forward. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christehurch Boys' .. 2,632 4 0 5,843 12 0 676 18 2 363 17 4 40 0 0 .. 10 0 0 .. 70 0 0 .. 1,130 12 7 10,767 4 1 Christehurch Girls'.. .. 5,440 6 6 5,099 18 10 888 8 7 234 4 0 .. .. 33 10 0 693 7 6 21 13 4 962 14 2 .. 13,374 2 11 Dannevirke Boys' .. .. .. 1,464 0 0 196 14 4 99 11 6 13 0 0 .. .. .. 50 0 0 176 14 10 27 10 4 2,027 11 0 Gisborne Boys' .. .. 500 0 0 6,623 0 0 588 4 5 603 19 7 233 11 7 244 7 3 .. 417 7 11 .. 457 3 3 .. 9,667 14 0 Gisborne Girls' .. .. 350 0 0 3,612 0 0 508 13 3 494 14 0 260 2 5 242 15 0 21 0 0 281 12 7 .. .. 692 13 11- 6 463 11 2 Gore High .. .. 2,026 2 6 8,730 0 0 929 10 0 .. 185 16 0 .. 10 0 0 .. 596 17 1 107 1 4 840 4 5 11 4 Hamilton Girls' .. .. .. 50 12 7 475 13 2 .. 104 14 10 16 18 8 .. .. .. 107 7 6 .. 755 6 9 Mount Albert Grammar .. 5,500 0 0 5,692 8 8 1,251 7 1 203 0 11 .. 3 0 11 8 18 10 632 10 7 .. 69 18 8 .. 13,361 5 8 Napier Boys'* Napier Girls'* .... .. .. .. .. .. .. j Nelson Boys' .. .. .. 28,107 8 0 2,971 0 4 2,422 14 6 561 13 0 .! 40 0 0 !! 824 7 9 4,06l"8 3 ! 38 988 11 10 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. 13,983 6 6 1,826 17 4 1,078 17 2 388 6 4 .. 20 0 0 .. 71 11 1 53 15 4 .. 17,422 13 9 New Plymouth Boys' .. 1,831 4 0 14,226 0 7 3,410 16 1 962 6 3 280 6 1 294 11 0 4 7 1 .. .. 2,495 18 11 .. 23,505 10 0 New Plymouth Girls' .. 5,239 0 0 26,363 18 9 1,990 1 2 253 11 8 147 0 0 51 7 10 9 12 0 .. .. .. .. 34,054 11 5 Otago Boys' .. .. .. 9,130 0 0 352 0 7 342 12 5 133 5 0 180 5 5 24 0 0 2,140 0 0 250 0 0 2 3 2 .. 12'ō54 6 7 Palmerston North Boys' .. 626 0 0 13,626 0 0 1.279 4 0 143 7 9 374 2 0 223 2 4 24 6 10 i 638 0 0 .. 104 14 1 .. 17 038 17 0 Palmerston North Girls' .. 1,000 0 0 3,767 6 0 671 0 10 126 2 0 184 0 6 39 10 10 9 7 3 | 170 0 0 .. 114 13 5 .. 0 10 BaS|oīaGWs S ' } 250 0 0 1,140 0 0 563 7 6 104 6 8 43 17 6 11 5 0 .. .. .. .. 1,394 1 5 3,506 18 1 Timaru Girls' .. .. 628 9 6 6,815 10 0 1,557 2 7 .. .. 216 4 1 35 11 5 601 3 9 1 0 0 1,230 18 4 .. 11,085 19 8 Wairarapa Boys' .. .. 716 11 0 20,661 15 11 1,189 1 9 .. 122 8 8 .. 7 18 0 .. 2,235 3 0 26 0 0 .. 24 958 18 4 Waitaki Girls' .. .. 1,000 0 0 4,537 14 6 1,661 19 8 209 7 8 155 17 0 .. 35 0 0 .. .. 1,276 15 9 19 12 3 8'896 6 10 Wanganui Girls' .. .. 500 0 0 12,380 0 0 2,534 .14 1 1,340 18 6 143 0 3 281 6 5 30 0 0 I .. .. 1,109 18 2 .. 17 5 Wellington Boys' .. .. 5,000 0 0 39,768 1 5 2,379 3 0 161 0 2 242 13 11 .. 7 10 0 .. 168 8 6 2,136 7 8 .. 49*863 4 8 Wellington Girls' .. .. 5,024 0 5 5,475 3 10 897 17 4 71 3 11 0 0 6 2 17 6 10 0 3 .. 19 17 10 961 18 7 .. 12 463 0 2 Whangarei Boys' .. .. .. • 11,042 2 9 1,457 16 11 707 0 6 .. 225 14 0 6 6 10 .. 1,237 0 0 598 9 1 .. 10 1 Whangarei Girls' .. .. . . 3,642 18 7 715 6 10 775 11 10 .. 170 2 0 4 14 0 .. 0 3 1 149 11 4 .. 7 8 All schools .. 38,263 17 11 251,782 18 11 30,972 19 0 10,698 8 4 3,613 15 7 2,203 8 3 352 2 6 15,574 2 4 5,546 1 8 16,203 11 10 4,104 14 11 369,316 1 3 * Balance-sheets not available for Napier Boys' and Girls' Hostels.


Table K 13. —Incidental Expenses of Secondary Schools, 1930.

Table K 14. —Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1930. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


I! 1 II § j & i . School. Total Cost. j School. Total Cost. «I a »? a ! Oo S »"g 3 £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. 1,564-30 2-04* Wellington Girls' College .. 954-86 2-05 Auckland Grammar School .. 2,157-80 2-21 Wellington East Girls' College .. 983-63 2-68 Mount Albert Grammar School .. 1,245-50 1-88 Marlborough High School .. 916-93 1-76* Auckland Girls' Grammar School 1,730-60 2-80 Nelson College .. .. 1,072-20 2-46 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 1,404-03 2-19 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 669-45 2-00 Takapuna Grammar School .. 1,926-71 4-20 Rangiora High School .. .. 522-51 2-31 Thames High School .. .. 425-58 1-93 Christchurch Boys' High School 1,687-58 2-43 Hamilton High School .. .. 978-55 2-03 Christchurch Girls' High School.. 1,990-65 4-26 Rotoraa High School .. .. 615-39 2-04* ] Avonside Girls' High School .. 1,178-10 4-21 New Plymouth Boys' High School 1,146-83 2-28 ; Ashburton High School .. 486-53 2-37 New Plymouth Girls'High School 649-28 2-04 i Timaru Boys' High School .. 1,119-49 2-56 Wanganui Girls' College .. 977-31 3-11 I Timaru Girls' High School .. 915-07 2-66 Palmerston North Boys'High School 894-62 2-28 Waimate High School .. .. 384-74 2-25 Palmerston North Girls'High School 607-39 2-18 I Waitaki Boys' High School .. 931-80 1-87* Gisborne High School .. .. 1,103-90 2-43 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 774-30 2-13* Napier Boys' High Schoolf .. .. J Otago Boys' High School .. 1,613-09 2-25 Napier Girls'High Schoolf .. .. .. Otago Girls' High School .. 1,142-15 2-49 Hastings High School .. .. 1,030-16 2-55 South Otago High School .. 339-01 2-46 Dannevirke High School .. 568-31 2-84 Gore High School .. .. 546-16 2-18 Wairarapa High School .. 767-43 2-56 Southland Boys' High School .. 729-45 2-41 Hutt Valley High School .. 806-99 1-94 Southland Girls' High School .. 622-25 2-33 Wellington College .. .. 1,556-68 2-33 Rongotai Boys' College .. 760-55 1-78J All schools .. .. 42,497-86 2-40 * Includes incidental expenses of Junior High School. f Figures not available. J Includes incidental expenses of Junior department

■ Roll Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll o m • a Number at 1st July, 1930. g at 31st : : ; r ||£ School. S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - Form I. FormII. Totals. | fi g 8 ! : : ' : ' ' -s 03 ' ! I s £ fj B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. ■§ M. F. <1 WO H New Plymouth Boys'High .. 29-7 33 1 .. 3 .. 7 .. 4 .. 8 .. 10 .. 33 .. 33 1 .. New Plymouth Girls'High .. 30-6 .. 30 .. 8 ... ..... 4 .. 4 .. 6 .. 3 .. 9 .. 34 34 .. 1 Wanganui Girls' College .. 27 .. 25 2 .. 8 .. 3 .. 3 .. 10 .. 26 26 .. 1 Gisborne High ». .. 27-3 9 21 5 1 4 2 7 6 5 9 21 30 .. 1 Napier Girls' High .. .. 41 .. 44 2 .. 6 .. 4 .. 3 .. 12 .. 18 .. 45 45 .. 2 Nelson College .. .. 33-5 37 7 .. 4 .. 9 .. 18 .. 38 .. 38 1 .. Nelson Girls'College .. 44-9 48 3 .. 8 .. 7 .. 11 .. 19 .. 48 48 .. 2 Timaru Boys'High .. 52-1 52 .. 2 5 .. 9 .. 10 .. 9 .. 19 .. 54 .. 54 1 1 Timaru Girls' High .. 25 • 3 .. 26 2 .. 3 .. 3 .. 5 .. 7 .. 8 .. 28 28 .. 2 Totals .. .. 311-4179146 2 8 1 4 8 18 23 32 19 28 28 43 53 69134202336 3 10

E. — 6.

DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L 1. —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1930.


Number of Holders Roll Number, 31st December, „ „ „ ot Government Number of Assistants Average 1930 Free Places on Ro'l on Staff at Name of School. Attend- • Number, at 1st July, 31st December, 1930. once, 1st March, 1930. 1930. ; 1930. Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. M. F. Auckland Education District. Cambridge .. .. 91 39 46 85 97 77 16 2 2 Dargaville .. .. .. 124 50 61 111 128 106 22 3 2 Helensville .. .. .. 53 19 39 58 62 48 10 1 2 Huntly .. .. .. 31 15 17 32 36 34 1 1 j Kaitaia .. .. .. 33 12 21 33 36 26 6 Matamata .. .. .. 40 40 43 83 109 85 13 Morrinsville .. .. 71 43 30 73 82 53 '25 2 Ngatea .. .. .. 42 19 23 42 48 35 12 1 Opotiki . . .. 66 39 32 71 73 48 19 1 2 Otorohanga .. 40 23 20 43 47 36 7 1 ī Paeroa .. .. .. 67 40 26 66 78 59 11 2 Piopio .. .. 35 19 16 35 44 34 6 2 Putaruru .. .. .. 37 17 17 34 49 39 1 1 "j Rawene .. .. 21 11 7 18 24 16 5 Ruawai .. .. .. 21 12 8 20 22 19 1 Tau mar imui .. .. 153 68 74 142 176 122 37 4 3 Tauranga .. . . .. 98 49 41 90 108 78 24 2 2 Te Aroha .. .. ..71 40 33 73 80 64 13 2 1 Te Awamutu .. .. 70 26 40 66 85 63 13 2 Te Kuiti .. .. .. 85 48 28 76 98 66 23 2 2 Te Puke .. ".. .. 46 27 20 47 52 39 13 1 ] Waihi .. .. .. 131 72 60 132 151 116 25 3 2 Waiuku .. .. 48 25 20 45 59 53 2 1 1 Warkworth .. .. 39 25 20 45 45 39 5 1 Whakatane .. .. 49 26 19 45 59 54 4 2 Totals .. .. 1,562 804 761 1,565 1,848 1,409 314 41 30 Tabanaki Education District. Manaia .. .. .. 41 14 20 34 21 18 1 1 1 Ohura .. .. .. 18 9 9 18 47 40 6 1 Opunake .. .. .. 41 19 20 39 53 42 7 1 "1 Totals .. .. 100 42 49 91 12] 100 13 3 2~~ Wanganui Education District. Eoxton .. .. ..43 22 21 43 50 37 11 2 Marton .. .. .. 81 37 43 80 94 59 23 2 1 Ohakune .. .. 63 26 31 57 69 58 4 1 Taihape .. .. .. 47 20 26 46 56 43 4 Totals .. .. 234 105 121 226 269 197 42 6 ~3 Hawke's Bay Education District. Te Karaka .. .. 45 20 24 44 49 34 10 1 1 Tolaga Bay.. .. 29 17 10 j 27 33 27 3 Waipawa .. .. .. 62 35 22 j 57 71 47 17 1 2 Waipukurau .. .. 65 26 27 j 53 70 50 11 2 1 Wairoa .. .. .. 50 17 33 ' 50 58 46 12 1 Woodville .. .. .. 49 27 26 53 57 52 7 1 Totals .. .. 300 142 142 B 284 338 256 60 7 ~ Wellington Education District. Carterton .. .. .. 35 15 21 I 36 37 27 9 .. 2 Eketahuna .. .. .. 48 21 28 49 55 43 10 " 2 Featherston.. .. .. 32 17 13 30 32 19 12 1 1 Greytown .. .. 31 13 17 30 36 25 9 1 1 Levin .. .. .. 122 63 63 126 146 108 28 3 2 Martinborough .. 32 8 20 28 36 28 5 1 2 Pahiatua .. .. .. 38 19 21 40 44 35 7 Totals .. .. 338 156 183 339 386 285 80 7 ĪT~


Table L 1. —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1930 —continued.

Table L 1a. —Ages of Pupils in Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools at 1st July, 1930.


Number of Holders A vera ffp Eo11 «"umber, 31st December, _ „ _ of Government Number oi Assistants «If § 1930 e Places on Koll on Sta£f at Name of School. Attend- • Number, at 1st July, 31st December, 1930. ance, 1st March, 1930. 1930. : 1930. . Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. M. F. Nelson Education District. Denniston .. .. 19 8 11 19 21 17 4 1 Granity .. .. .. 37 15 21 36 43 29 11 1 "j Karamea .. .. 14 9 2 11 18 10 3 1 Motueka .. .. .. 62 31 27 58 67 55 12 2 1 Murchison . . .. 17 6 15 21 23 19 1 1 Reefton .. .. ..45 17 23 40 49 33 12 2 Takaka Lower .. .. 23 16 11 27 28 22 6 .. "l Totals .. .. 217 102 110 212 249 185 49 8 jT~ Canterbury Education District. Akaroa .. . . 32 19 14 33 37 24 10 ! 1 1 Christchurch West .. . . 277 185 93 278 313 237 65 5 5 Fairlie .. . . 35 14 11 25 37 31 4 1 \ Geraldine . . .. 57 24 33 57 64 50 12 2 Hawarden ...... 16 7 9 16 21 16 1 Hokitika .. .. .. 99 48 43 91 111 68 27 2 "2 Kaikoura . . .. .. 24 12 10 22 26 22 4 1 Lyttelton .. .. .. 38 22 17 39 45 31 12 "2 Methven .. . . .. 40 14 31 45 47 34 12 " 2 New Brighton .. ..30 19 11 30 31 31 1 Normal .. .. .. 35- 9 25 34 39 31 "5 1 "l Oxford ■ ■ • ■ 33 15 23 38 39 33 8 Pleasant Point .. .. 31 13 17 30 32 27 5 1 "1 Southbridge .. .. 44 23 22 45 51 36 11 "2 Sumner .. .. ..45 21 27 48 56 51 "2 Temuka .. .. .. 74 39 40 79 83 59 21 "2 1 Totals .. .. 910 484 426 910 1,032 781 196 I ~21 ljT~ Otago Education District. Alexandra .. .. ..46 23 15 38 47 29 19 1 1 Cromwell .. .. 31 18 14 32 37 28 7 Lawrence .. .. 29 8 16 24 29 22 6 Mosgiel .. .. .. 62 36 26 62 75 64 9 2 "l Normal .. .. 48 31 16 47 59 48 10 1 Owaka • • • ■ 30 20 15 35 34 28 6 1 1 Palmerston .. .. 51 21 31 52 62 39 17 Roxburgh ...... 39 19 16 35 43 38 6 Tapanui .. .. .. 32 19 13 32 38 32 3 Tokomainro .. .. 43 17 22 39 49 33 10 1 Totals .. .. 411 212 184 396 473 361 93 T[~ 9~ Southland Education District. Riverton .. .. ..67 16 11 27 79 53 17 1 2 Winton .. .. 38 18 17 35 46 28 12 Wyndham .. .. ..31 19 11 30 36 30 3 1 Totals .. .. 136 53 39 92 161 111 32 3~ 4~ Grand totals .. 4,208 2,100 2,015 4,115 4,877 3,685 879 107 78 "~

Ages of Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1930. 011 Under 13 Years - 13 t0 14 Years. 14 to 15 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years. Totals of all Ages. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Auckland .. 45 40 188 182 296 260 228 218 121 91 42 38 920 829 Taranaki .. 1 3 11 14 15 22 16 9 9 8 6 1 5« V7 Wanganui .. 4 11 32 37 40 34 24 27 8 19 7 4 115 iq2 Hawke's Bay 8 8 41 41 52 54 49 31 12 10 6 10 168 154 Wellington .. 11 11 44 46 49 65 37 44 23 19 8 13 172 98 Nelson .. 4 8 36 35 37 39 23 21 7 11 5 10 112 124 Canterbury .. 17 22 116 97 192 128 130 120 47 56 30 36 532 459 Otago .. 10 10 55 59 72 69 45 47 31 31 18 13 231 229 Southland .. 4 5 18 15 29 19 15 14 10 7 1 9 77 69 All districts 104 118 541 526 782 690 567 531 268 252 123 134 2,385 2,251


Table L 2. —Classification of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Departments of District High Schools at the 1st July, 1930, according to Years of Attendance.

Table L 3.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1930.


Number of New* Entrants in 1930 First Year. Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth T t i who had not preYear. Year. Year. Year. Year. xoc«ub. , viously received Education District. *-Sv ? i Secondary iotals * Education. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Auckland .. 436 404 281 253 144 113 47 42 12 16 .. 1 920 829 1,749 465 430 Taranaki .. 29 31 18 16 4 8 7 2 58 57 115 34 33 Wanganui .. 59 68 33 31 14 23 8 7 1 3 .. .. 115 132 247 63 74 Hawke's Bay .. 79 71 53 50 27 22 8 9 1 1 .. 1 168 154 322 82 75 Wellington .. 71 85 61 61 27 29 11 17 2 6 .. .. 172 198 370 74 92 Nelson .. 54 54 32 40 15 19 9 7 2 4 .. .. 112 124 236 61 56 Canterbury .. 273 206 141 148 88 64 24 27 6 12 .. 2 532 459 991 281 217 Otago .. 105 101 63 77 38 23 17 22 6 3 2 3 231 229 460 109 104 Southland .. 33 26 24 20 14 9 6 13 .. 1 .. .. 77 69 146 36 31 Totals .. 1,139 1,046 706 696 371 309 137 147 30 46 2 7 2,385 2,251 4,636 1,205 1,112 * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 1st July, 1930, are of course included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First Year."

Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. Number. j ; Subject. j j ' - • Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,385 2,251 100-0 100-0 History .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,356 2,216 '98-8 98-4 Arithmetic .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,319 2,160 97-2 96-0 Chemistry and physics .. .. .. .. 2,100 1,873 88-0 83-2 Geography .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,860 1,788 78-0 79-4 French .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,864 1,553 78-2 69-0 Mathematics .. .. .. .. .. 1,953 1,388 81-9 61-7 Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,816 217 76-1 9-6 Book-keeping and commercial work .. .. .. 7'.K! 1,026 33-2 45-6 Domestic science .. .. .. .. .. 2§ 32 1,608 1-3 71-4 Music and singing .. .. .. .. .. 650 702 27-3 31-3 Woodwork .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,277 .. 53-5 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 361 798 15-1 35-5 Cookery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,113 .. 49-4 Needlework .. .. .. .. .. 887 .. 39-4 Dairy science .. .. .. .. .. 624 197 26-2 8-8 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. .. 357 401 15-0 17-8 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 249 98 10-4 4-4 Physiology and hygiene .. .. .. .. 13 85 0-5 3-8 Botany .. .. .. .. .. ,. 24 17 1-0 0-8 Elocution .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 .. 1-6 Soripture .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 20 0-6 0-9 Arts and crafts .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. 1-5 Metalwork .. .. .. . . .. . . 21 .. 0-9 Economics .. .. .. .. .. ,. 9 2 0-4 0-1 Sheep-farming .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 0-2 Geology .. .. .. . . .. . .. 4 .. 0-2 Heat .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 0-1 Maori .. . . .. ... .. .. 1 .. "* Total numbers on rolls at 1st July, 1930 .. 2,385 2,251 100-0 100-0 . • ' * No significant percentage.


REGISTERED PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Table M 1. —Roll Number of Pupils at Registered Secondary Schools, 1930.

Table M 1a. Ages of Pupils on Roll of Registered Private Secondary Schools at 1st July, 1930.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (825 copies), £42.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93l. Price 9d."\


Roll Number, 31st December, 1930. Roll School. ——- ' — — Number, 1st March, Boys. Girls. Total. 1930. Dilworth School, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 26 .. 26 28 Auckland Diocesan High School, Auckland .. .. .. .. 164 164 182 St. Mary's Convent High School, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 37 37 43 Marist Brothers' High School, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 31 .. 31 3g King's College, Middlemore, Auckland .. .. .. .. 223 .. 223 237 St. Cuthbert's College, Auckland .. .. .. , , .. 215 215 239 Wesley Training College, Paerata, Auckland .. .. .. 57 .. 57 (54 Sacred Heart College, Ponsonby, Auckland .. .. .. 237 .. 237 298 St. Mary's Convent High School, Ponsonby, Auckland .. .. .. 81 81 80 Convent of the Sacred Heart High School," Remuera, Auckland .. .. 30 30 30 Sacred Heart Convent High School, New Plymouth .. .. .. 35 35 40 Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, Marton .. .. .. .. 108 108 110 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Wanganui .. .. .. .. 62 ' 62 78 " Iona " Presbyterian College for Girls, Havelock North .. .. .. 43 43 4g Woodford House, Havelock North .. .. .. .. .. 118 118 jjg Sacred Heart High School, Napier .. .. .. .. .. 32 32 33 Te Aute College, Pukehou .. .. .. .. ,. 79 .. 79 7g St. Mary's Convent High School, Blenheim .. .. ,. .. 31 31 34 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Island Bay, Wellington.. .. .. 47 47 50 Marsden Collegiate School, Karori, Wellington .. .. .. .. 144 I44 146 Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt, Wellington .. .. .. .. 47 47 46 St. Matthew's Collegiate School for Girls, Masterton .. .. .. 40 45 46 Scots College, Miramar, Wellington .. .. .. .. 49 ., 49 5j Solway Girls' College, Solway, Masterton .. .. ,. .. .. 52 62 52 Queen Margaret College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 77 77 79 St. Mary's College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 100 100 101 St. Patrick's College, Wellington.. .. .. .. .. 249 .. 249 250 Wellesley College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. 23 27 Sacred Heart High School, Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 33 33 34 Cathedral Grammar School, Christchurch .. .. .. 39 .. 39 40 Sacred Heart Girls'College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. 108 108 114 St. Andrew's College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 198 .. 198 211 St. Margaret's College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. 99 99 ng St. Mary's Collegiate School, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 40 40 50 Marist Brothers' High School, Greymouth .. 42 .. 42 48 St. Mary's High School, Greymouth .. .. .. .. .. 63 63 64 St. Bede's College, Papanui, Christchurch .. .. ... 110 .. 110 115 Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, Timaru .. .. .. 28 28 29 Craighead Girls' High School, Timaru .. .. .. .. .. 50 50 53 Archerfield School, Dunedin .. ., .. .. ,. ,, 35 35 gg Christian Brothers'High School, Dunedin .. . . .. 110 .. 110 107 John McGlashan College, Dunedin .. .. .. , . 80 .. 80 80 St. Dominic's College, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. ., 49 49 52 St. Hilda's Collegiate, Dunedin .. .. .. . . .. .. 52 52 52 St. Philomena's College, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 32 32 34 St. Kevin's College, Redcastle, Oamaru .. .. .. .. 77 .. 77 79 Columba College, Roslyn, Dunedin .. . . . . , . .. 106 106 109 St. Catherine's Convent High School, Invercargill .. . . .. ., 32 32 34 Totals •• •• •• •• 1,630 2,195 3.825 | 4,075

Ages of all Pupils on Boll at 1st July, 1930. Under 13 Years 18 ¥ears 14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years ' and under 14. and under 15. and under 16. and under 17. and over. Totals, all Ages. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Totals for all 59 70 | 266 327 441 535 378 565 318 384 232 322 1 694 2 203 schools I ' ' I

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1930.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1931 Session I-II, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1930.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1931 Session I-II, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1930.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1931 Session I-II, E-06

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