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E.- 7.


EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1927.]

Presented, to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. I. Detailed Tables : — P age Ml. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. ..2 M 2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. ..3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &o. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 M 5. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees .. .. .. ..4 11. Reports and Accounts of the University of New Zealand and of the Constituent Colleges :— 1. University of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5 2. Auckland University College .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 3. Victoria University College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 4. Canterbury College .. „. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 5. University of Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45

I—E. 7.




Table M1.—Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1927.

Table M2.—Courses taken by Students in 1927.

Auekla llnivers Colleg M. F. md sity !e. Viotoi Jniveri Colleg :ia sity ;e. 'anterbi Collegi * Otago University. T. M. ! F. T. M. Totals T. M. V. j T. M. F. F. T. ] I. Students attending lectures— Graduates .. .. 44 26 Undergraduates .. 730 280 Non-matriculated students 132 81 44 730 132 26 280 81 70 1,010 213 40 486 19 27 224 13 07 710 32 53 534 217 27 194 102 80 41 29 70 .178 728 619 316 935 2,369 319 99 29 128 467 80 728 319 41 619 99 29 316 29 109 1,014: 225 287 3,383 692 Totals .. .. 906 387 11. Exempt students not at- 119 43 tending lectures 906 119 387 43 1,293 162 545 127 264 39 809 166 1 t 804 97 i 323 24 1,127 759 3741,133 3,014 121 54 13 67 397 1,127 121 759 54 374 13 3,014 397 1,348 119 4.362 516 IT. Grand totals .. .. 1025 430 Totals, 1926.. .. 914 356 1025 914 430 356 1,455 1,270 672 630 303 1 300 975 | 930 901 909 347 320 1,248 813 387 1.200 3,411 1,229 865 3591,224 3,318 1,248 11,229 813 865 387 i 359 3,411! 3,318 11,467 ,1,335 4,878 i4.653 Difference .. .. Ill 74 HI 74 185 42 3 ; 45 -8 ; 27 19| 191-52 28 -24 93 —52 1 28 93| 132 1 225

Numbi er of Sti idents. Subject. Aucklai I nd Uni College. iversity Victoria University College. Cantci rbury O illege. Otagi Unive ersity. Totals. Arts Science Law Commerce Music Medicine Dentistry Engineering Agriculture Home science Architecture Journalism Forestry Mining M. 344 86 165 225 1 8 3 91 7 *■ 304 16 2 19 1 I T. 648 102 167 244 2 9 3 91 7 M. , F. T. ; I 1 261 | 259 520 99 i 17 116 201 6 207 66 9 75 1 1 2 2 .. 2 22 .. 22 12 .. 12 .. ' 3 3 M. 274 83 89 49 2 4 uji 5 F. 195 3 4 6 4 1 T. 469 86 93 55 6 5 121 5 1 M. 223 52 98 139 2 168 108 2 2 F 196 8 9 14 39 5 T. 419 60 98 148 16 207 113 2 2 tie M. F. 1,102 954 320 44 553 12 ! 479 43 ! 6 20 182| 41 111 5 236 .. 26 .. 120 43 2 26 16 18 1 19 .. 3,12111,258 I T, 2.056 364 565 522 26 223 116 236 26 120 45 42 19 19 2 13 1 i iif> 43 16 7 45 29 8 3 2 5 7 11 i 8 11 19 19 Total number taking definite courses 996 359 1,355 667 297 964 667 645 215 800 813 387 1,200 4,379


Table M3.—Subjects taken by Students in 1927.

Table M4. —Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Constituent Colleges in 1927.


umbel of Sti idents. u . . . Auckland Uni bllb,ea ' College, Iversity T. Victoria Uni\ College, /ersity T. Cantei rbury Jollege. Otagi M. University. Totals. F. T. M. ! F. T. I M. I F. M. F. T. M. F. English .. .. 156 147 Latin .. 124 56 Greek .. 15 10 French .. ..152 139 303 180 25 291 106 120 108 61 59 74 1 86 24 32 3 17 2 226 169 133 1 110 35 19 114 97 9 108 5 116 74 Ill 28 6 89 2 9 2 225 125 15 197 7 125 76 90 55 7 74 93 183 466 471 937 24 79 384 169 553 7 31 16 47 77 151 393 379 772 116 3 9 12 47 399 91 490 6 23 179 22 201 17 2 19 German Pure mathematics . . 162 46 Applied mathematics .. 56 11 Advanced and honours mathematics Eduoation .. .. I 132 109 Economics . . .. 175 54 Geography .. .. ■ 15 5 History ' . . .. ; 147 132 Philosophy . . .. j 63 16 Physics ' .. .. ! 101 15 Chemistry .. .. 90 6 Botany .. .. i 6 25 Zoology .. .. 24 5 Geology .. .. I 35 .12 Law subjects . . 148 2 Commercial subjects .. 119 1.8 Music .'. .. j 13 54 Engineering and mining I 91 Dentistry .. .. 3 Medicine .. .. 8 1 Home science Journalism .. . . 13 .1.6 Hebrew .. .. 3 Greek art, &c. Forestry .. Architecture .. .. 43 2 Political science Acoustics .. .. 2 15 Calculus Italian .. 208 67 241 229 20 279 79 116 96 31 29 47 145 137 67 91 3 9 76 77 89 29 13 6 74 77 81 64 9 61 69 15 13 15 11 27 12 1 195 7 69 9 153 118 19 151 145 70 84 28 38 13 202 78 98 103 2 123 54 83 133 17 20 55 96 66 19 234 2 67 35 133 42 6 9 10 5 3 4 15 78 1 165 138 : 2 256 96 89 142 27 25 58 100 si 97 235 2 35 17 80 99 53 55 96 122 5 68 26 98 139 2 21 108 168 75 155 386 328 714 15 114 466 133 599 30 II 41 54 107 397 396 793 17 72 253 139 392 70 1.66 289 152 441 45 167 | 414 75 489 7 12 j 41 57 98 13 81 I 123 50 173 5 31 128 21 119 98 532 13 545 9 148 i 393 51 444 14 16 I 34 146 180 21 I 346 I 347 5 113 < 113 5 118 39 207 176 40 216 116 116 .. 116 116 .. i 33 24 57 .. i 3 .. 3 11 9 20 18 .. IS 43 2 45 29 3 20 8 28 ii 9 20 is 18 45 J7 23 2 19 23 21 2 15 17 .. [ 23 .. 23 2 19 21 I

Scholarships, &e. Aucklan Univcrsl College M. | F. nd sity ;e. \ Ul ( M. niversi Dollege ia, ity 0. interbury College. Otago , r „ ia . University. 10tal - M. F. T. M. F. T. T. F. T. M. F. T. ~] ~ Junior University Scholarship University National Scholarship Taranaki Scholarships Senior University Scholarships University Bursaries Educational Bursary Koine Science Bursaries Other scholarships and exhibitions Training-college studentships 4 ! 1 5 5 5 .. 201 93 5 7 L 5 5 10 5 > 294 7 12 '■ 6 1 2 132 8 3 2 1 79 11 6 4 2 3 211 19 6 11 3 2 163 16 1 7 5 16 3 1 3 75 238 9 25 9 .. 9 25 2 27 14 5 19 31, 18 49 112 4 3 7 5 2 7 14| 4 18 188 82 270 684 329 1,013 7 .. 7 36 27 63 79 79 ..79 79 17 11 28 56l 14 70 84 146 230 335 414 749 325 326 651 1,185! 890 2,075 317 210 527 1,093 6571,750 8 116 124 92 ; 233 325 "5J "l 111 110 I 6 ) 221 6 62 2 86 8 148 28 78 ..28 72; 150 163 470 134 428 29 42 Totals for 1927 Totals for 1926 336J 217 2681 150 I 6S| 67 7 553 ) 418 217 214 184 163 401 377 307 294 651 527 Difference 7 135 3 21 24 13 124 116 I



M5.—Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1927.

In addition to these successes, 2,769 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions; 161 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 178 candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 36 gaining scholarships, 86 others passing the examination with credit, and 46 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the Matriculation Examination was 5,287, of whom 2,128 passed the whole examination and 435 completed partial passes.

(Total number of entrants, 6,371.) I University [JnSvmslty ®ry!nf5? ry Un?vera?tv Total - Degrees, 4c. _ C ° U <* e ' <» C °" ege ' Un,VMSlty - M. F. T. M. | F. [ T. M. F. | T. M. F. j T. M. F. T. . _ . . , Doctor of Science .. .. .... .. .. : .. .. 1 .. 1 1 1 .. 1 Doctor of Medicine .. .. !.. ..[ .. .. 1 1 .. 1 1 Doctor of Philosophy .. . . 1 .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. I Doctor of Dental Surgery 1 1 . . 1 I •. 1 Honours in Arts 7 2 9 9 3 12 10 7 | 17 5 2 7 31 14 45 Master of Arts .. .. 3 1:4 3 8 11 8 4 i 12 | 3 3 6 17 1# 33 Honours in Science . . .. 5 5 4 1 5 3.., 34.. 4 16 I 17 Master of Science . . . . 1 1 3 3 4 4 Honours in Law . . . . 3 3 . . .. . . 1 I 4 4 Master of Law. . .. . . I 1 2 2 ..... .. 3 3 Honours in Commerce .. . . 1 .. 1 .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 Master of Commerce .. . . I .. 1 I . . I Bachelor of— . Arts .. .. .. 34 36 70 41 27 68 j 25 20 45 28 22 '50 128 .105 233 Science .. .. 7 5 12 17 3 20 | 11 1 | 12 .11 . . j 11 46 9 55 Medicine and Surgery .. .. j .. . . 31 6 37 31 6 37 Dental Surgery .. ! 12 .. 12 .12 . . 12 Laws . . .. 5 .. 5 20 2 22 6 . . 6 6.. 6 37 2 39 Commerce .. .. 7 1 8 5 5 2 2 14 1 15 Engineering (Civil) .. 4.. 4 4.. 4 Engineering (Electrical) I j 12 .. 12 12 .. 12 Engineering (Mining) I 3 . . 3 3 .. 3 Science in H ome Science L .. .. .. 7 7 . . 7 7 Agriculture .. .. j! 2 . . 2 2 . . 2 Senior University Scholarships .. 5 1 6 6 2 8 L 2 2 3 3 16 3 19 John Titiline Scholarship . . .. 1 I . . .. .. .. 1 I Totals, 1927 .. .. 79 46 | 125 108 j 47 155 88 32 120 110 41 151 385 166 551 Totals, 1926 .. .. 88 j 48 j 136 | 80 j 47 127 j 97 36 133 1 100 45 145 365 176 541



11. REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF CONSTITUENT COLLEGES. I. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1927. Visitor.— His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor. —John Macmillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. Vice-Cha/ncellor. —(Vacant.) The Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council —T. R. Fleming, M.A., LL.H. ; the lion. ,1. A. Sanaa, M.L.C. ; T. H. Macky ; W. B. Montgomery, C.B.E. Appointed, by Councils of Constituent Colleges—H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; ll'. 11. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. ;A. E. flower, Esq., M.A., M.Se. ; the Hon. G. Eowlds, C.B.E. ; W. J. Morroll. Esq., M.A. ; T. X, Sidey, 8.A., L.L.8., M..P. ; the Right Hon. Sir R. Stout, P.C., K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.L.C. ; A. P. W. Thomas, Esq., M.A., P.L.S., F.G.S, Appointed by Academic Board—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.So.; .1. K. 11. Inglis, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. (N.Z.), li.So. (Eilin.), F.1.C.; 11. W. Segar, Esq., M.A. Hlooted. by District Courts of Convocation—F. A. de la Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ;C. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. ; F. Milner, C.M.G., M.A. ; W. Newlands, M.A., B.Sc, M.8., Ch.B., &o. ; T. U. Wells, M.A. Tho Director of Education—T. B. Strong, M.A., B.Sc. Appointed by the Council—The Hon. W. E. Collins, C.M.G., M.8., M.R.C.S. (Eng.). Registrar —E. T. Norris, M.A. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. In compliance with section 22 of the New Zealand University Act, .1.926, the Council makes the' following report to the Hon. the Minister of Education of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report:— The Council held meetings on the 24th June and the 21st October, 1927, for the purpose of considering the proposed amendments of the University Act, and at its meeting held in February, 1928, at Christchurch, affirmed decisions made at previous meetings. At that time the Council made or amended statutes respecting matters which had been considered by the Academic Board at its meeting in November, 1927. The Council decided to retain agriculture, but to reject physiology as a subject of the Matriculation. Examination ; Maori was made a subject of the B.A. degree, but it is not to be accepted as, a foreign language. The Council conferred degrees at each of the three meetings. It has expressed its desire for amendment of the Act so that the opportunity for conferring degrees shall not be restricted to meetings of the Council. The proposal to appoint a Principal was not accepted. The appointment of a pro-Chancellor as a paid officer has been suggested in connection with amendment of the Act which is contemplated during the 1928 session of Parliament.


STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1927. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1927 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand overdraft, Ist January, 1927.. 2,330 0 0 At Post Office Savings-bank .. 8,946 17 3 Administration expenses— £ s. d. Petty cash in hand .. .. 21 6 0 Office salaries .. .. .. 2,873 14 10 English Agency .. .. .. 4,853 0 1 Office salaries, English Agency . . 280 0 0 — 13,821 3 4 Auditor .. .. . . 100 0 0 Government grant — Rent .. .. .. .. 547 9 2 Statutory .. .. ■■ •• 3,845 0 0 Rent, English Agency .. .. 45 0 0 National endowment .. .. .. 4,310 8 0 Senate travelling-expenses .. 1,023 13 0 Admissions ad'enndem .. .. .. 54 12 0 4,809 17 0 Certificates . . .. .. .. 303 8 0 Examination expenses— Medical and dental registrations .. .. 193 4 0 Medical .. .. .. 1,189 6 3 Special .. .. .. 11l 14 4 Degree fees — £ S. d. November .. .. .. 7,681 10 4 B.A. .. .. .. •■ 175 7 0 November, English Agency .. 1,929 8 (i B.Sc. .. .. .. •■ 51. 9 0 December .. .. ..5,758 1.6 5 B.E. .. .. .. •■ HO 5 0 Dental .. .. .. 908 12 7 B.Agr... .. .. .. 14 14 0 17.579 8 5 LL.B. .. .. .. 191 2 0 Scholarships, English Agency .. .. 2,025 0 0 B.Com. . . .. ■ • 18 18 0 National endowment— M.B. and Ch.B. .. .. .. 505 I. 0 Auckland .. .. .. 1,077 Is 9 B.D.S. .. .. .. •• 110 5 0 Victoria .. .. .. 1,076 11 9 Mus.B. .. .. •• 15 15 0 Canterbury .. .. .. 1,077 18 9 M.A. .. .. ■• 322 7 0 Otago .. .. .. .. 1,077 18 9 Litt.D. .. .. •■ 10 10 0 4,310 s 0 M.Se. .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 Office furniture .. .. .. .. 626 3 3 D.Se. .. .. .. •• 31 10 0 Postages, &C, .. .. .. 26113 1 LL.M. .. .. .. .. 59 17 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 70 7 11 M.D. .. .. ■• ■• 36 15 0 332 I 0 Diplomas .. .. .. 38 17 0 Sundries, English Agency .. .. .. 157 3 8 1,745 2 0 Printing and stationery .. ..1.918 6 6 Examination fees — Printing and stationery, English Agenoy 18 14 6 Banking .. .. •• 361 14 0 1,937 I 0 B.A. •• •■ •■ 3,093 10 0 Carnegie Corporation grant and subB.Sc. .. .. •• .. 529 3 0 sidy (W.E.A.)— Home Science .. . . • • 152 5 0 Auckland . . . . .. 509 8 7 B.Agr... .. ■• ■• ill 6 0 Victoria .. .. .. 508.15 10 LL.B. and Law Prof. .. .. 1,694 17 0 Canterbury .. .. .. 509 S 7 B.Com. and Acct. Prof. .. .. 3,699 19 0 Otago ..' .. .. .. 509 8 6 M.B. and Ch.B. .. .. .. 1,207 19 0 2,037 I 6 B.D.S. anil CO.P. .. .. 754 19 0 Transfers to Ordinary Scholarship Account—Part Mus.B... .. •• ■• 38 17 0 statutory grant .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 M.A. .. •■ •■ •• 133 15 0 Transfer to Ordinary Scholarship Account —Interest 61 9 I B.E. .. .. • • 732 7 0 Miscellaneous. £s. d. Litt.D. .. ... •■ 5 5 0 Brokerage on debentures .. .. 15 0 0 LL.M. . . .. • • • • 28 7 0 Premiums on debentures . . . . 30 0 0 Diplomas . . .. .. 187 2 0 . Bank charges, &c. . . . . 1 10 0 M.D. .. . ■ • • • • 63 0 0 Removing furniture .. .. 30 17 6 Matriculation .. .. •• 8,730 0 0 Remuneration, extra services .. 28 3 0 Entranoe.Scholarships ~ .. 230 9 6 Audit fee .. .. .. 33 10 6 Accountants' Preliminary .. 1,741 12 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 7 2 6 Fine Arts .. .. .. 2 2 0 Travelling-expenses, selection Rhodes Certificates of Profloienoy.. .. 395 10 0 Scholars .. .. .. 63 19 8 Insurance . . ■ • ■ • 122 I 0 Travelling-expenses, Conferences .. 78 14 9 D.P.H. .. ■• •• 42 0 0 Telephone subscriptions .. .. 40 12 5 Ch.M. .. .. • • ' ■ • 15 15 0 Printing, cables, and sundries .. 336 17 10 D.D.S. •• •• •• 10 10 0 666 8 2 Medical Sciences .. ■ . 5 5 0 Investments— fh.D. .. •• •■ ■• 52 10 0 Wellington City debentures .. 5,000 0 0 M.Se. .. ■• ■■ •■ 34 18 0 Makerua Drainage Board debentures 2,000 0 0 M.Com. ■■ •• •• 15 l,r ' " Waitomo County debentures .. 1,000 0 0 Forestry ■• ■■ ■■ 56 14 0 Wanganui Harbour Board debentures 500 0 0 Architecture. .. .. •• 305 0 0 8,500 0 0 LL. I). . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • 10 10 0 Interest on investments purchased . . . . 62 2 9 M. Home Science . . • 5 5 0 Interest on overdraft . . .. .. 413 0 — Balance, 31st December, 1927— 24,570 1 6 Bank of Now Zealand .. .. 4,069 15 4 Less refunds .. .. •• 26 5 0 Post Office Savings-bank . . ..4,829 2 8 24,543 16 6 English Agenoy .. .. .. 397 13 5 Recount fees .. •■ •■ •• '76 19 0 English Agency, cash in transit .. 2,000 0 0 Mortgage repaid .. .. ■■ •• 3,650 0 0 Petty cash in hand ... .. 15 5 11 Interest .. •• •• .. 365 18 5 11,31117 4 30 10 0 18 0 0 414 8 5 Sale of office furniture .. . . . • ■ • 50 0 0 Deposit, repaid . . . . . . ■ • 610 0 0 Government subsidy on Macmillan-Brown Scholarship -. " 2,000 0 0 Refunds—December examinations . . .. 27 16 I Carnegie Corporation grant and Government subsidy (W.E.A.) .. . • • • •■ •• 2,037 1 6 Miscellaneous — Cost conducting Taranaki Scholar- [£{ s. d. ship Examination .. .. 48 7 0 Sales of Calendar .. •■ 127 611 Sales of examination papers .. 74 19 10 Sundries . • • • • • 82 12 0 Refund travelling-expenses .. 6 3 3 339 9 0 Refunds petty cash . . ■ • .. 6 0 11 Post Office Savings-bank interest to 31st March, 1927 .. .. ■• •• •• ks2 5 5 £58,310 14 2 £58,310 14 2




Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Senate expenses .. .. .. .. 1,023 13 0 Admissions ad eundem .. .. .. 54 12 0 Examination expenses .. .. .. 17,551 12 4 Degree fees .. .. .. .. .. 1,745 2 0 General printing and stationery .. .. 1,937 I 0 Certificates .. .. .. .. .. 303 8 0 Rent .. .. '. . .. .. 592 9 2 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 24,543 16 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 3,253 14 1.0 Recount fees .. .. .. .. .176.19 0 Part statutory grant transferred .. .. 1,500 0 0 Medical and dental registration .. .. 193 4 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 1,006 0 4 Miscellaneous .'. '.. .. .. 195 17 5 Depreciation, office furniture .. .. .. 107 13 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 413 0 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 193 17 6 26,976 16 8 Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 4,274 19 9 £31,251 16 5 £31,251 16 5 ordinary scholarship account. Statemknt of Receipts ani> Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1.927 — Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 3,340 0 2 Bank of Now Zealand .. 500 6 0 Waimarino debentures purchased .. .. 497 .10 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. 7110 6 Brokerage .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 0 571 j6 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 11 18 9 Transfer from General Account (statutory grant) .. 1,500 0 0 Bank charge .. .. .. .. .. 010 0 Transfer from Tinline Account .. .. . . 17 10 6 Prizes — £ s. d. Refund tuition foes .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 Cook .. .. .. 5 0 6 Part mortgage repaid .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 yon Haast .. .. .. 10 0 6 War-loan certificates repaid . . .. .. 500 0 0 Haydon .. .. .. 5 0 6 Interest — 20 1 6 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. 2,523 19 0 Balance— Maomillan-Brown Scholarship in Agriculture .. 180 0 0 Bank of New Zealand, 31st De-Macmillan-Brown Prize . . .. .. 20 8 2 oember, 1927 .. . . 479 4 8 Bowen Prize . . .. .. .. 1112 4 Post Office Savings-bank, 31st Habens Prize .. .. .. .. II 6 0 December, 1927 .. .. 1,577 12 6 Cook Prize .. .. .. .. .. 9 12 1 2,056 17 2 yon Haast Prize . . .. .. .. 38 0 6 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. . . .. 8 2 7 Christie Prize .. .. .. .. 6 16 3 Sir James G. Wilson Prize .. . . .. 9 8 10 Haydon Prize .. .. .. .. 0 2 10 Miscellaneous . . . . .. . . 0 16 4 Post Office Savings-bank ...... 6 2 0 Insurance .. .. . . .. .. 11118 £5,929 7 7 £5,929 7 7 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expen ditu re. I n Co me. Scholarships— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Junior .. .. .. 1,801 6 2 Interest on investments .. .. .. 3,880 9 2 Senior .. . . . . 1,261 8 0 Insurance premiums .. .. .. .. 11118 Medical Travelling .. .. 175 0 0 Grant, General Account .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Engineering Travelling . . 225 4 0 Post-graduate in Arts . . 1, 100 0 0 Post-graduate in Science . . 400 0 0 French Travelling . . . . 200 0 0 Law Travelling .. .. 200 0 0 — 5,302 18 2 Bank charge .. .. .. .. •. 010 0 Insurance premiums .. .. .. .. 11 18 9 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 16 13 11 £5,392 0 10 £5,392 0 10



TINLINE SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments.

Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Ist January, 1927 —Bank of New Zealand 28 6 6 Refund, Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. 17 10 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 103 9 3 Refund petty cash .. .. .. .. 5 7 5 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 818 3 Bank charge .. .. .. .. .. 0100 Balance, Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1927 117 <> 1 £140 14 0 £140 14 0

Statement op Expenditure and Income. Expenditure. £ s. d. I Income. £ s. d. Bank charge .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 i Balance, Ist December, 1926 .. .. .. 2,094 6 9 Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 2,162 11 4 i Interest .. .. .. .. .. 68 14 7 £2,163 1 4 : £2,163 1 4 ' i n ' ' ~

UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. £ s. d. Cash— £ s. d. Refund tuition fees .. .. .. .. 212 6 University of Otago .. .. .. 212 (5 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 2,018 7 6 Eduoation Department .. .. .. 2,018 7 6 Travelling-expenses of scholars .. .. 18 10 9 Education Department .. .. .. 18 10 9 £2,039 10 9 £2,039 10 9

NATIONAL RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. £ s. d. Cash— £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 425 7 6 Education Department .. .. .. 425 7 6 Apparatus .. .. .. .. .. 36 18 5 Education Depai'tment .. .. .. 36 18 5 £462 5 11 £462 5 II

TABANAKI SCHOLARS HIPS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. £4120 10 0 Cash, Public. Trustee .. •. ■ • • . £420 10 0

HA BENS PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance —Capital, 3 Ist December, 1927 .. .. 227 1 4 Balance, 31st December, I92*> .. .. .. 187 9 4 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 39120 £227 1 4 £227 1 4



YON HAAST PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Prize .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 6 Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 383 19 2 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 439 9 4 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 65 10 8 a £449 9 10 £449 9 10

ARNOLD ATKINSON PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. & s. d. Balance—Capital, 31st Deoember, 1927 .. .. 162 3 6 Balanoe, 31st December, 1926 .. ~ .. 131 2 5 Interest .. .. .. .. . • 3111 £162 3 6 £162 3 li

HAYDON PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. Prize .. .. .. .. .. 506, .Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. 47 7 4 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 42 12 3 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 0 5 5 £47 12 9 £47 12 9

MAOMILLAN-BROWN SCHOLARSHIP IN AGRICULTURE. £ s. d. £ s. (1. Balance—Capital, 31st Dooember, 1927 .. .. 4,516 1 4 Balance, 31st .December, 1926 .. .. .. 2,198 14 7 Government subsidy . . .. . . .. 2,000 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 317 6 9 £4,516 1 4 £4,516 1 4

MAOMILLAN-BROWN PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ ,-s. d. £ s. d, Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 428 99 | Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 372 9 3 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 56 0 6 £428 9 9 £428 9 9

BOWEN PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. [ £ s. d. Balance— Capita.!, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 223 04 j Balance, 31st December. 1926 .. .. .. 183 9 6 Interest .. .. .. .. . . 39 10 10 £223 0 4 £223 0 4

COOK PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Prize- .. .. .. .. .. 5 0 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. .. .. 175 15.10 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 207 910 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 36 14 6 £212 10 4 £212 10 4

2—E. 7.


CHRISTIE PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1927 .. 161 0 7 Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. 129 1 2 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 31 19 5 . • ' £161 0 7 £161 0 7

SIR .T. (i. WILSON PRIZE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. i £ s. d. Balance—Capital, ,'j Ist Beoember, .1927 .. .. 220 7 1 . Balanoe, 31st Deoember, 1926 .. .. .. 17(i 0 | Interest .. .. .. .. .. 44 ti 10 £220 7 1 £220 7 1

GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. Capital— £ s. d. £ s. <1. Bank of New Zealand-—■ £ s. d. £ a. d. General Account .. .. 12,766 11 10 General Account .. .. 6,674 0 3 Income and expenditure .. 4,274 19 9 Less unpresented cheques.. 2,604 10 II 17,041 11 7 4,009 15 4 Ordinary Scholarship Account 45,526 8 3 Ordinary Scholarship Account 500 9 7 Income and expenditure .. 16 13 II Less unpresented cheques.. 21 411 45,543 2 2 479 4 8 Macmillan-Brown Scholarship Account .. 4,516 1 4 Tinline Account .. .. .. ... 117 6 1 Tinline Scholarship .. .. .. 2,162 11 4 Post Office Savings-bank— £ s. d. Prize Accounts— General Aocount .. .. 4,829 2 8 Bowen .. .. .. .. .. 223 0 4 Ordinary Scholarship Account 1,577 12 6 Macmillan-Brown .. .. .. .. 428 9 9 6,406 15 2 Cook .. .. .. .. .. 207 9 10 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 15 5 11 Habens .. .. .. .. .. 227 1 4 Cash, English Agent .. .. .. .. 2,397 13 5 von Haast .. .. .. .. 439 9 4 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 3,143 0 3 Arnold Atkinson .. .. .. .. 162 3 6 Mortgages .. .. .. .. .. 16,100 0 0 Haydon .. .. .. .. .. 42 12 3 Municipal, county, and other trust debentures .. 22,182 8 3 Christie .. .. .. .. .. 161 0 7 New Zealand Government inscribed stock .. .14,249 8 3 Sir .T. G. Wilson .. .. .. .. 220 7 I Westport-Stockton Coal Company shares .. 50 0 0 Sundry debtors (accrued interest) .. .. 1,036 14 2 Post Office Savings-bank (accrued interest) . . 155 3 8 Insurance'premium .. .. .. .. 3 10 0 £ s. d. Office furniture .. .. 1,076 8 3 Less depreciation .. .. 107 13 0 968 15 3 £71,375 0 5 £71,375 0 5 Wellington, May, 1928. E. T. Noruis, Registrar.

The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.




2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—The Hon. George Fowlds, C.8.E.; .). Marsden Caughey, Esq. ; C. Rhodes, Esq. Appointed by the Professorial Board—Professor H. W. Segar, M.A. ; Professor E. P. Worley, M.A., M.Se, D.Sc, D.1.C., F.C.S. Elected by members of the Legislature—J. V. Hosking, Esq. ; G. H. Wilson, Esq. ; E. H. Northcroft, Esq., D.S.O. Elected by graduates—H. J. D. Mahon, Esq., B.A. ; Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., M.D., M.Ch., F.R.C.S. ; Dr. H. Ranston, M.A., Litt.D. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the, Auckland City Council—S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.N.Z.Sno.O.E. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—Archibald Burns, Esq. Registrar— -M. R. O'Shea, Esq., B.Com. Staff. Professors.—Classics—A. C. Paterson, M.A. English—C. W. Egertou, M.A. Mathematics—H, VV. Segar, M.A. Modern Languages—M. Walker, M.A., B.Com. Chemistry- F. P. Worley, M.A., D.Sc, D.1.C., F.C.S. Physics— P. W. Burbidge, M.Se, B.A. General Biology, Botany, and Zoology—J. C. Sperrin-Johnson, M.A., M.Se, M.8.," 8.Ch... Litt.D. Eoonomics—H. Belshaw, M.A. History—J. P. Grossmaim, M.A. Law— li. M, Algie, LL.M. Philosophy W. Anderson, M.A. Architecture—C. R. Knight, M.A., B.Arch., A.R.1.8.A., A.N.Z.I.A. .Forestry—H. H. Corbin, B.Sc. Education—A. B. Pitt, M.A., Ph.D. Music—W. E. Thomas, Mus. Doe. Lecturers, twenty-four. Demonstrators, six.

RiEPOBT (ArBIDGED). In pursuance of the provisions of the Auckland University College Act, .1.882, the Council has the honour to make the following report for the year 1927 :— Number of Students. —The number of persons who attended lectures during 1.927 was 1,293 (male 906, female 387) ; the number of students exempted from attendance at lectures was 162 (male 119, female 43) : a total of 1,455, being an increase of 185 students for the year. Staff. —Early in the year Professor Belshaw arrived from England and took over the work of the Chair of Economics, which Professor Grossmann had carried on until his arrival. It was also decided that assistant lecturers should be appointed to the Professors of Mathematics and Economics, and accordingly Mr. K. E. Bullen, M.A., and Mr. H. R. Rodwell, M.A., were appointed respectively. Professor Egerton (English) and Professor Fitt (Education) were absent on Sabbatical leave. Agriculture. —The Sir John Logan Campbell Chair of Agriculture was transferred to the Massey Agricultural College, which was opened for students at the beginning of March, 1928. Library. —Accessions amounted to 3,090 volumes. Among these were 1,200 volumes ordered by the various departments--the engineering and economics libraries in particular were largely added to ; 800 volumes were from the Fowlds collection, donated in 1926 ; 750 were admitted to the medical section of the College library. This medical library, established, through the generosity of the New Zealand Branch of the British Medical Association and Auckland Clinical Society, which contributed £1.40 for the year to its upkeep, is composed of new books purchased from the Medical Library Fund, together with works handed over by the British Medical Association, the New Zealand Institute and Museum, the Mental Hospital, and by various members of the medical profession. In addition, the St. John's College medical library, comprising some 400 volumes, has been deposited with the College medical library. Donations to the main library total some 230 volumes, among which were a valuable law library donated by Mr. Seth-Smith, and forty volumes purchased by the Auckland University College Economics Students' Association. Workers' Educational Association. —During 1927 the number of classes in the city was seventeen, together with three others controlled by the city organization. The classes controlled by the Hamilton tutor-organizer numbered one full course and ten short courses. Enrolments under the first heading totalled 1,135, with an average attendance of 706. Under the second heading the figures were 573 and 339 respectively. Total enrolments were therefore 1,708, and average attendance 1,045. Both these figures show an increase over those for 1926. Outside the formal class-work the activities of the Social and Field Clubs have again been important. The second summer school for the district, was held at Hamilton Technical School, and served as an inspiration to both old and new members. The merits of those who applied for University bursaries again made necessary an extra award. It may be noted that one of those awarded a bursary was from the Waikato district. The bursary system has received a notable recompense in the winning of the senior scholarship of the University in economics by one of the Workers' Educational Association bursars, Mr. J. 0. Shearer. The work in the Waikato district was for the first time organized from Hamilton, and the first experimental year has been promising. The problems before the movement are largely financial, the demand for the work far exceeding the available supply of tutors and equipment.

K. 7.



Payments. Receipts. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1927 - £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers,-&c. .. 24,141 1 2 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 2,193 2 6 Less special schools .. .. 5,394 0 8 Post Office Savings-bank .. 1 0 0 18,747 0 6 2,914 2 6 Cleaning and caretaking .. 722 15 6 Less School of Forestry Funds 330 0 3 Office .. .. 1,050 0 0 Less Medical Library Funds .. 375 7 5 Library .. .. . . 300 2 0 -— 7.14 7 8 Gardener .. .. . . 273 0 0 2,345 17 0 1,479 14 10 Government grants-— 21,092 18 0 Statutory— Office expenses .. .. .. .. 15 '2 11 New Zealand University Amend- Property expenses — ment Act, 1914 .. .. 5,000 0 0 General .. .. .. 44 16 8 New Zealand University Amend- Rates, Buckland property .. 91 9 3 . ment Act, 1919 .. .. 2,500 0 0 Rates, Whakatane property .. 415 7 141 1 6 7,500 0 0 Printing calendars, &o, .. .. 207 18 6 Less Public Expenditure Ad- Stationery .. .. .. 177 3 9 justment Act, 1921-22 .. 900 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. 12 15 6 397 17 9 6,600 0 0 Telephones, postages, and exchange 222 17 1 Auckland University College I Less refunds .. .. .. 16 10 9 Act, 1882.. .. .. 4,000 0 0 j 206 6 4 National endowment—New Zea- Insurance .. .. .. .. 86 7 7 land University Amendment Water .. .. .. .. .. 74 9 6 Act, 1914 .. .. .. 2,155 4 0 Power.. .. .. .. .. 4 9 3 — 12,755 4 0 Lighting .. .. .. 532 13 10 Salary— Less refunds .. . . . . 17 10 0 Professor of Education .. 637 10 0 515 3 10 Assistant to Professor of Eduoa- Heating . . . . . . .. 150 18 6 tion .. .. .. 300 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 28 11 4 ■ 937 10 0 j Material — Arts building —Subsidy and refund I Physics .. .. . . 697 12 4 architect's fees .. .. .. 352 5 2 Chemistry .. .. .. 516 6 11 General Endowment Fund- | Biology .. .. .. 162 13 7 Subsidies on donations .. 2,366 3 3 Geology .. .. .. 49 4 6 Donations to General Endow- I Other departments .. . . 33 9 0 ment Fund .. 115 8 0 I 2,481 11 3 1,459 6 4 Donations — Less refunds .. .. 58 17 4 New Zealand Society of Account- I .1,400 9 0 ants .. .. .. 100 0 0 i Equipment and apparatus — Sundries .. .. .. 13 0 0 J Physics .. .. .. 239 11 1 113 0 0 1 Chemistry .. .. .. 12 10 0 Subsidies on 1926 donations — , Biology .. .. .. 15 15 0 Dunsheath .. . . .. 30 0 0 267 16 I Commerce students .. .. 28 14 9 Arts building .. .. .. 1,283 6 6 Chamber of Commerce .. .. 20 0 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 0 10 0 Warehousemen's Association .. 20 0 0 1,282 16 6 98 14 9 j Students' building .. .. .. 215 16 10 University of New Zealand—. | Furniture — National-endowment revenue .. 1,076 17 6 | Arts .. .. .. 287 17 6 Less refund to University of New £ s. d. Zealand .. .. .. 0 5 9 Students .. 164 7 8 1,076 11 9 Less refunds 1 16 0 Endowment revenue— 162 11 8 Rents from properties — Science .. .. .. 76 2 9 Current .. .. .. 711 8 6 — 526 11 11 Arrears .. .. .. 89 7 5 Office equipment .. .. .. 105 18 3 800 15 11 LibraryEducation reserves .. .. .. 557 2 8 Books .. .. .. 409 13 1! Interest from endowment sales in- j Periodicals .. .. .. 236 5 3 vestment — j Maintenance .. .. .. 211 0 5 Auckland City Council debentures(£lo,2oo) .... 510 0 0 j 856 19 7 Auckland Electric-power Board Less refund—books .. .. 0 13 0 debentures (£300) .. 16 10 0 856 6 7 Fixed deposit (£34 12s. 7d.) .. I 11 6 Repairs .. .. .. 77 10 11. — 528 1 6 Less refunds .. .. .. 5 18 9 1 nterest from endowment royalties 7112 2 investment — Cleaning-material, &o. .. .. .. 118 910 Northcoto Borough Council de- j Grounds maintenance .. .. .. 65 I 6 bentures (£400) .. 24 0 0 ! Duplicating material .. .. .. 86 15 10 Waitemata County Council de- - General expenses .. .. .. 33 810 bentures (£100) 6 0 0 Appointments to staff .. .. ... 278 10 3 Auckland City Council deben- Physics notes expenses .. .. .. 10 18 3 tures (£100) .. .. 0 6 11 Temporary accommodation .. .. 72 17 6 30 6 .11 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 66 15 11 Endowment royalties .. .. 200 11 6 Audit expenses .. .. .. .. 36 0 0 Less expenses .. .. 121 I 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 018 9 79 10 4 Commission .. .. .. .. 6 9 4 Carried forward .. .. 21,290 9 1 Carried forward .. .. 28,216 19 10


Receipts and Payments Account— continued. Receipts —continued. £ s, d. Payments —continued. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 21,290 9 1 Brought forward .. .. 28,216 19 10 Student fees (lectures)—*- £ s. d. £ s. d. Currcnl .. .. .. 11,932 19 10 Premiums .. .. .. 16 5 Arrears .. .. .. 11 10 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 0 11 6 —, . 0 14 11 11,944 9 10 Lecturing expenses .. .. .. 12 16 2 Less refunds .. .. 117 9 (> Investments— Endowment royalties .. .. 100 0 0 11,827 0 4 General endowment .. .. 2,400 0 0 Less special schools .. .. 1,302 19 0 Depreciation and Endowment 10,524 I 4 Fund .. .. .. 400 0 0 College fees (including exempt fees). . .1,843 14 0 2,900 0 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 8 8 0 Auckland Savings-bank—Temporary Investments— 1,835 6 0 f General endowment .. .. 81 11 3 Less special schools .. .. 207 18 0 Engineering Building reserve .. 34 I 0 1,627 8 0 115 12 3 Laboratory deposits .. .. 57 0 0 W.E.A.—Share of national endowLess refunds .. .. .. 13 10 0 ment.. .. .. .. .. 360 0 0 43 10 0 Students' Association .. .. .. 911 16 0 Fines .. .. .. .. .. 43 13 1 Contra (Trust Suspense Accounts, &c.) .. 3,923 14 1 Sale of books, &c. .. .. .. 29 0 9 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Sales of physios notes .. .. .. 17 13 6 Commerce Scholarships .. .. .. 40 0 0 Duplicating .. .. .. .. 88 10 9 National Research Scholarship .. .. 25 II 0 Hire of rooms .. .. .. .. 99 17 0 Transfers from special schools — Interest— School of Architecture .. .. 063 2 4 Depreciation and Endowment School of Music .. .. 150 18 3 Fund investment— School of Engineering .. .. 2,179 II 2 Ellcrslic Town Board deben- 2,993 11 9 tures (£1,000) .. .. (io o o Balance, 31st Doember, 1927Auckland City Council deben- Bank of New Zealand .. .. 944 14 5 lures (£4oo)' .. .. I I 7 (i Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,626 7 0 Mortgages .. .. .. 161 10 2 — Bnekland property .. .. 41 5 0 £ s. d. 3,571 1 5 274 2 8 Less Forestry Funds 502 16 6 General Endowment Fund invest- Less Medical Library ment—Auckland City Council Funds .. .. 310 17 5 debentures (£2,400) .'. .. .. 9 10 3 813 13 II Engineering Building Reserve .. .. 34 1 0 2,757 7 6 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment (matured) . . . . .. 400 0 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund mortgage (repaid) .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Contra (Trust Suspense Accounts, &c.) .. .. .. .. .. 3,923 14 I Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Commerce Scholarships .. .. .. 40 0 0 National Researoh Scholarship . . .. 25 11 0 Student Association fee (collected) . . .. 91 116 0 John Court Scholarship for Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Brick-manufacturers' Scholarship . . .. 5 0 0 Journalism Prize .. .. .. • 10 5 0 Administration (special schools) — Logan Campbell endowment (agriculture) .. .. .. 150 0 0 School of Forestry .. .. 100 0 0 250 0 0 £42,298 3 6 £42,298 3 6




Income and Expenditure Account. L'&peiutUure. Income, Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. 1* s. d. Professors, lecturers, &o. .. 24,141 1 2 Statutory— Less special schools .. .. 5,394 0 8 New Zealand University Anicnilment Act, 1914 .. .. 5,000 0 ll 18,747 0 6 Now Zealand University AmendCleaning and earotaking .. 722 15 6 ment Act, .. .. 2,500 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,050 0 0 Library .. .. .. 300 2 0 7,500 0 0 Gardener .. .. .. 273 0 0 Less Public Expenditure Ad21,092 18 0 justment Act, 1921-22 .. 900 0 0 < )ffice expenses .. .. .. .. 15211 Property expenses — (j ( 600 0 0 General .. .. .. 44 16 8 Auckland University College Act, Rates—Whakatane .. .. 4 .1.5 7 1882 .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 49 12 3 National endowment -New ZeaPrinting calendars, &c. .. .. 207 18 6 land University Amendment Stationery .. .. .. 177 3 9 Aat, 1914 .. .. .. 2,155 4 0 Advertising .. .. .. 12 15 6 12,755 I 0 397 17 9 SalaryTelephones, postages, and exchange . . 206 6 4 Professor of Education .. 850 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 86 7 7 Assistant to Professor of EducaWater .. .. .. . . . . 74 9 6 tion .. .. .. 300 0 0 Power .. .. .. .. .. 4 9 3 1,150 o 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 515 310 Subsidies on 1926 donations— Heating .. .. . . . . L5O 18 6 Dunsheath .. .. .. 30 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 28 11 4 Commerce students .. .. 28 14 9 Material— Chamber of Commerce .. .. 20 0 0 Physics .. .. .. 086 .10 2 Warehousemen's Association .. 20 0 0 Chemistry .. .. .. 473 2 5 lis I I !i Biology .. .. .. 123 S 7 Donations — Geology .. .. .. 53 6 9 New Zealand Society of AcoountOther departments .. .. 90 5 10 ants .. .. .. 100 o o ■ 1,426 13 9 Sundries .. .. .. 8 0 0 Library— — [OH n n Periodicals .. .. .. 236 5 3 University of New ZealunilMaintenance .. .. .. 211 16 5 National-endowment revenue .. 1,076 II 9 448 1 8 Less share to Workers' EducaRepairs .. .. .. .. 71 12 2 tional Association .. .. 350 0 0 Cleaning-materials, &c. .. . . .. 118 910 720 II 9 Grounds maintenance . . .. .. 65 I 6 Endowment revenue— General expenses .. . . .. 35 I 1 Rents from properties .. .. .. 824 18 6 Appointments to stall' .. . . .. 280 4 3 Education reserves .. . . .. 557 2 8 Temporary accommodation .. .. 72 1.7 6 Interest from endowment> sales inLegal expenses .. .. .. .. 66 1.5 11 vestment— Audit expenses .. .. .. .. 36 0 0 Auckland City Council debenInterest .. .. .. .. 018 9 tures (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Commission .. .. .. .. 6 9 4 Auckland Electric-power Board Lecturing expenses .. .. .. 12 16 2 debentures (£300) .. .. 10 10 0 Premiums . . .. .. .. 014 1 1 Fixed deposit, Bank of New W.E.A. bursaries .. .. .. 12 14 0 Zealand (£34 12s. 7d.) .. I I I li Depreciation — 528 I li Science, equipmont .. .. 750 1 2 Interest from endowment royalties Engineering equipment.. .. 439 2 9 investment— Grounds equipment .. .. 13 3 9 Northcotc Borough Council deOffice equipment .. .. 18 13 8 benturcs(£4oo) .. .. 24 0 (I Science furniture. .. .. 44 12 3 Waitemata County Council deEngineering furniture .. .. 611 9 benturcs (£100)' .. .. (i 0 0 Students furniture .. .. 223 16 5 Auckland City Council debenArtsfurniture .. .. .. 282 4 9 tures (£100) .. .. 0 6.J] Engineering building . . .. 240 12 6 ;j() (i j j Library .. .. .. 236 II 7 Student fees .. .. .. 11,883 15 4 - 2,255 10 7 Less special schools .. .. 1,302 19 0 Transfers from special schools 10,580 16 4 Deficit— College fees .. .. .. 1,842 2 6 School of Architecture .. 680 8 0 Less special schools .. .. 207 18 0 School of Musio .. .. 178 9 3 — 1,634 4 6 School of Engineering .. 1,936 0 3 Fines .. .. .. .. .. 43 13 1 2,794 17 (i Sale of books, &c. .. .. .. 29 0 9 H ire of rooms .. .. .. . . 99 17 0 Duplicating .. .. .. .. 90 19 3 Interest— Depreciation Fund investment — Ellcrslic Town Board debentures (£1,000) .. .. .. 00 0 o Auckland City Council debentures (£400) .. .. II 7 (i Mortgages .. .. .. 132 15 11 Rent from Buekland property.. 41 5 0 245 8 5 General Endowment Fund investment — Auckland City Council debentures (£2,400) .. .. .. il 10 3 Administration (special schools) — Logan Campbell Endowment Funds (agriculture) .. .. 150 0 0 School of Engineering .. .. 150 0 0 School of Architecture . . .. 100 0 0 School of Forestry .. .. 100 0 0 School of Music .. .. 25 0 0 — 525 0 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 319 6 6 £30,356 16 2 £30,356 Hi 2



Income and Expenditure Account— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Tneome and Expenditure Account .. 319 6 6 Deficit, 1927 .. .. .. .. 3,520 6 6 Add capital purchases, 1.927 — £ s. d. Arts building .. .. .. 1,828 16 6 Students'building .. .. 215 16 10 Furniture — Arts .. .. .. 287 17 6 Students .. .. .. 162 11 8 Science .. .. .. 76 2 9 Architecture .. .. 12 19 0 Equipment— Office .. .. .. 105 18 3 Science .. .. .. 267 16 I Engineering .. .. 255 17 4 Library— General .. .. .. 409 0 11 Architecture .. .. 78 15 11 Engineering .. .. 45 15 4 3,201 8 1 £3,520 6 6 £3,520 6 6 Balance-sheet. Capital Statement as at Hist December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Fixed, Assets Capital balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 253,043 2 4 Buildings and equipment — £ s. d. Arts building .. .. .. .. 130,565 6 9 Furniture .. .. .. .. 11,007 9 3 Students' building . . . . .. 23,450 16 5 Furniture .. .. .. .. 2,014 7 10 Science building .. .. .. .. 24,931 1 3 Equipment .. .. .. .. 6,750 10 0 Furniture . . . . .. .. 550 4 0 Engineering building .. .. .. 1,684 7 6 Equipment .. .. .. .. 3,952 4 4 Furniture .. . . .. .. 81. 5 9 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 168 0 8 Grounds equipment .. . . 118 15 0 Library .. .. .. .. 4,848 13 7 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 12,500 0 0 Properties— £ s. d. Science building site . . 5,920 0 0 Arts buildings site .. .. 24,500 0 0 30,420 0 0 £253,043 2 4 £253,043 2 4



Balance-sheet— continued. Statement No. 2. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Endowment sales .. .. .. .. 10,534 12 7 Endowment Sales Investment — £ s. d. £ s. (I. Endowment royalties .. .. .. 71.0 2 8 Auckland City Counoil debentures, General Endowment Fund .. .. .. 2,481 II 3 5 per cent.' . . .. .. 10,200 0 0 Engineering building reserve .. .. .. 1,234 I 0 Auckland Electric-power Board Depreciation and Endowment Fund .. .. 5,165 4 0 debentures, 5J per cent,. .. 300 0 o Student fees in advance .. .. .. 2 10 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 34 12 7 Auckland Briok-manufacturers' Scholarship .. 130 0 0 10,534 12 7 Journalism prize .. .. .. .. 10 5 0 Endowment royalties investment. — John Court Scholarship .. .. .. .1,000 0 0 Northeote Borough Council deRevenue funds as at 31st December, 1927 .. 595 8 11 benturcs, 6 per cent. .. 400 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per cent. .. 100 0 o Auckland City Council debentures 5<J per cent,.. .. .. lot) o o 000 o o General Endowment Fund investment — Auckland City Council debentures, 5i per cent.. . .. .. 2,400 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank (temporary) .. .. .. 8.1 11 3 2,481 II 3 Engineering Building Fund investment — Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent... .. .. 1.200 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank (temporary) .. .. .. 34 I 0 1,234 1 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment — Mortgages .. . . .. 425 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures, 51 per cent.. . .. .. 400 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures, 6 per cent. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 War-loan certificates .. .. 5 4 0 Buckland property .. .. 1,735 0 o Post Office Savings-bank (temporary) .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 5,165 4 0 Physics notes in stock . . . . .. 28 3 5 Law notes in stock .. .. .. 13 10 0 Debtors — Endowment rent — Accrued .. .. .. 151 12 6 Arrears .. .. .. 162 0 0 3] 3 12 (i Mortgage interest accrued .. .. 6 18 2 Student fees .. .. .. .. 18 5 0 Grant, Professor of Education, due .. 2.12 10 0 School of Engineering— Capitation . . .. .. .. 87 10 0 Test fees 10 10 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. 998 3 7 Less unpresented cheques .. 53 9 2 944 14 5 Less School Forestry Fund, £502 16s. 6d„ and Medical Library Fund, £310 17s. sd. .. 813 13 I I 131 0 6 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank-General .. .. .. 26 7 0 John Court Scholarship .. 1,000 o o 1,157 7 6 £21,863 15 5 £21,863 15 5



SCHOOL OF FORESTRY. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in Bank of New Zealand, Ist January. 1927 .. 339 0 3 Salaries .. .. '.. .. .. 950 0 0 Government grant — Library .. .. .. 26 12 7 Annual .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Periodicals .. .. 319 6 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 349 9 9 30 12 1 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 55 0 0 Lecture requisites—Material .. .. .. 30 18 10 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 810 7 General expenses .. .. .. .. 20 19 7 Cottage (Swanson) .. .. .. .. 110 2 5 Share of administration .. .. .. 100 0 0 1,251 3 6 Cash in Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1927 502 10 6 £1,754 0 0 j £1,754 0 0 Income and Expenditure from 26th October, 1925, to 31st December, 1927. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries, 1925, 1926, 1927 .. .. .. 1,910 5 6 Government grant — £ s. d. Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 3196 Annual, 1925, 1926, 1927 .. .. .. 2.750 0 0 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 204 14 8 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Duplicating .. .. .. .. .. 10 14 4 Student fees, 1927 .. .. .. .. 55 0 0 Appointments to staff, 1925 .. .. .. 23 13 3 College fees, 1927 .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 109 11 4 General expenses .. .. .. .. 50 17 5 Share of administration, 1926, 1927 .. .. 200 0 0 2,513 16 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 910 14 0 £3,415 10 0 £3,415 10 0 Capital purchases— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ R. d. Library books .. .. 69 16 7 | Balance brought down .. .. .. 910 14 0 Furnituro and equipment .. 218 18 (i Cottage (Swanson) .. .. I 10 2 5 398 17 6 Cash at Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1927 502 16 6 £910 14 0 j £910 14 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. . . .. .. .. 398 17 6 Library .. .. .. .. .. 69 16 7 Revenue .. .. .. .. .. 502 16 6 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 218 18 6 Cottage (Swansonl .. .. .. .. 110 2 5 Cash, Bank of Now Zealand . . .. .. 502 16 6 £901 14 o £901 14 0 MEDICAL LIBRARY FUNDS. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts, £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Cash in Bank of New Zealand, Ist January, 1927 .. 375 7 5 Salary, Librarian .. .. .. 50 0 0 Donation— £ s. d. Library— £ s. d. Auckland Clinical Society .. .. 42 4 8 Books .. .. .. 59 3 0 British Medical Association .. ~ 100 0 0 Periodicals .. . . ■ • 60 13 7 142 4 8 Maintenance .. .. •■ 36 18 I 156 14 8 Cash in Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1927.. 310 17 5 £517 12 1 £517 12 1

3—E. 7.



Statement of Income and Expenditure for Period from Ist January, 1926, to 31st January, 1927. Expenditure. £ s. d Income. Library periodicals, 1926, 1927 .. .. .. 63 11 4 Donations— £ s. d. General maintenance .. .. .. 36 18 1 1926 .. .. .. .. .. 305 0 0 '.'Salary, Librarian .. .'. .. 50 0 0 1927 .. .. .. .. .. 142 4 8 Subsidy .. '.. .. .. .. 145 0 0 150 9 5 Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 441 15 3 £592 4 8 i £592 4 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital purchase—Library books .. .. .. 130 17 10 Balance brought down from Income and Expenditure 441 15 3 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 310 17 5 £441 15 3 £441 15 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 130 17 10 Library .. •• •• •■ .. 130 17 10 Revenue .. .. .. .. .. 310 17 5 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 310 17 5 £441 15 3 £441 15 3 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salaries .. . . . • . ■ .. 2,594 0 8 Capitation from Government . . .. .. 262 10 0 Lecture requisites— £ s. d. Student foes .. .. .. .. .. 807 4 0 Material .. . . .. .. 271 1 0 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 74 11 0 Apparatus .. .. .. 255 17 4 Testing fees — £ s. d. Sundries ...... 309 16 0 526 18 4 S.F.S. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 5 6 7 — 521 II 9 559 16 0 LibraryLoss share to staff .. 405 15 11 Books .. .. .. .. 45 15 4 154 o 1 Periodicals ... .. .. 14 6 6 Deficit transferred to Arts and General .. .. 2,17911 2 Maintenance .. . . .. 3 8 0 63 9 10 Gas .. .. .. . . .. 28 16 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 32 9 3 Power .. .. . . .. .. 25 12 5 Water .. .. .. .. .. 376 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 185 5 1 General Expenses .. .-. .. .. 11 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. . . .. 917 2 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. 267 £3,477 16 3 £3,477 16 3 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 2,594 0 9 Government grant .. .. . . .. Nil Lecture requisites—Material .. .. .. 271 16 2 Capitation from Government .. .. .. 350 0 0 Library— £ s. d. Student fees .. .. . . .. . . 807 4 0 Periodicals .. .. 14 6 6 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 74 11 0 Maintenance .. .. 3 8 0 Testing fees — £ s. d. 17 14 6 Sundries .. .. .. 309 16 0 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 28 16 0 S.F.S. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 32 9 2 Power .. .. .. . . 25 12 5 559 16 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 3 7 6 Less share to staff .. 405 15 11 Repairs .. .. . . .. .. 185 5 1 154 0 1 General expenses .. .. .. .. 11 0 0 1927 test fees duo .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 917 2 Deficit transferred to Arts and General .. .. 1,936 0 3 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. 267 Share of administration .. .. .. 150 0 0 £3,332 5 4 £3,332 5 4



SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. | Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil | Salary .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 108 0 0 Music examination expenses .. 63 10 9 College fees .. .. .. .. 70 7 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 15 0 Music examination fees .. .. .. .. 85 10 6 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 150 18 3 £414 15 9 £414 15 9 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salary .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Music examination expenses .. .. .. 63 10 9 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 108 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 15 0 College fees .. .. .. .. 70 7 0 Music scholarship .. .. .. .. 211 0 Music examination fees .. .. .. 85 10 6 Share of administration .. .. .. 25 0 0 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 178 9 3 £442 6 9 £442 6 9 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Donation .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 Lecture requisites—Material .. 117 0 3 Subsidy on 1.926 donation, Now Zealand Institute Less refunds .. .. .. 318 10 of Architects .. .. .. .. 665 0 0 113 1 5 Student feos .. .. .. .. .. 332 15 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 12 19 0 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 LibraryDeficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 663 2 4 Books .. .. .. .. 78 15 11 Periodicals .. .. .. 9 11 0 88 6 11 £1,714 7 4 £1,714 7 4 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .... .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. . Nil Lecture requisites—Material .. .. .. 113 1 5 Donation .. .. .. .. .. 100 Duplicating .. .. .. .. .. 9 0 7 Subsidy on 1926 donation, New Zealand Institute Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 9 110 of Architects .. .. .. .. 665 0 0 Share of administration .. .. .. 100 0 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 332 15 0 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 680 8 0 £1,731 13 0 £1,731 13 0 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. • £ s. d. Payments Balance at Bank of New Zealand, Ist January, 1927 .149 17 4 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s d. Statutory grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Staff .. .. .. .. 920 5 0 National-endowment grant .. .. .. 350 0 0 Lecturing .. .. .. 926 16 9 Donations, District Council .. .. .. 461 17 3 1,847 1 9 Subsidies— £ s. d. Library .. .. .. .. .. 43 I 7 Donations, 1926 .. .. 215 17 4 Office expenses .. .. .. .'.... 7 8 0 Donations, 1927 .. .. 326 17 3 Stationery .. .. .. 390 542 14 7 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 88 10 0 Carnegie gift (University of Now Zea- General expensos .. .. .. .. 0 5 0 land) .. .. .. 254 711 Balance, 31st December, 1927 — £ s. d. Subsidy .. .. .. 254 711 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 264 13 10 508 15 10 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 508 15 10 1— 773 9 8 £2,763 5 0 £2,763 5 0



Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,847 1 9 Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Office expenses .. -.. .. .. 780 National endowment from Auckland University Stationery .. ..- .-.- .. .. 3 9 0 College Council .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 88 10 0 Subsidies on donations— £ s. d. General exponses .. .. .. .. 0 5 0 Received .. .. .. 326 17 3 Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 77 0 9 Due .. .. .. 135 0 0 — 46.1 17 3 Donations, District Council .. .. . . 461 17 3 £2,023 14 6 £2,023 14 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. Capita] purchases—Library books .. .. 43 1 7 Balance from income and expenditure .. .. 77 0 9 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 33 19 2 £77 0 9 £77 0 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets, £ s. d. Carnegie Library Fund .. .. 254 7 11 Library .. .. .. .. .. 437 15 11 Subsidy .. .. .. 254 711 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 508 15 10 Subsidy due.. .. .. .. .. 135 0 0 Accumulated funds .. .. 761 9 0 £ s. d. Add excess of income over expend!- Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. 264 13 10 ture .. .. .. 77 0 9 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. 508 15 10 838 9 9 • 773 9 8 £1,347 5 7 £1,347 5 7 SINCLAIR AND GILLIES SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 January, 1927 .. .. .. 202 9 3 Investment surplus funds —Auckland City Council Balance in hand .. .. .. 6 0 0 debentures .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 208 9 3 General expenses .. .. .. .. 212 6 Interest — Cash at Auckland Savings-bank at 31st December, Soldier Settlement Loan—Government 1927 .. .. .. .. 93 2 7 bond .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 New Zealand inscribed stock .. 49 10 0 Auckland Electric-power Board de- ■ bentures ...... 33 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures 192 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 0 6 11. Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 6 18 11 — ■ 287 5 10 £495 15 1 £495 15 1 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Interest— £ s. d. Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 212 6 Soldier Settlement Loan —Government bond .. 510 0 Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 84 13 4 New Zealand inscribed stock .. .. .. 49 10 0 Auckland Electric-power Board debentures .. 33 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 192 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. .. 0 611 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 6 18 11 £287 5 10 £287 5 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. • Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 New Zealand inscribed stock (5 per £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. cent. (£900) .. .. .. 829 2 6 Accumulated income ' .. .. 1,937 11 9 New Zealand Government bond (Soldier Add excess income over expenditure Settlement Loan) .. .. 100 0 0 for period ending 31st December, 929 2 6 1927 ..' .. .. 84 13 4 Auckland Electric-power Board de2,022 5 I. bentures (5J per cent.) .. .. 600 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures (6 per cent.) .. .. .. 3,200 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures (5J percent.) .. .. .. 200 0 0 — 4,000 0 0 Cash, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 93 2 7 £5,022 5 1 £5,022 5 1 "Ti- —ttt—.t ■ ■■ sc^= =saaa= ,r.', ■ .111,111 |



SANDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1927.. 26 12 0 Scholarship .. .. .. .. ... 75 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Supervising .. .. .. .. .. 1.1 .0 Waitemata County Council debentures 126 0 0 Advertising .... .. .. .. .. 18 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 3 116 , Stationery .. .. .. ... .. 014 0 129 11 6 Investment —Auckland City Council debentures .. 100 0 0 From Auckland Savings-bank (Capital Fund) .. 79 5 3 Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, 1927 57 5 9 £235 8 9 £235 8 9 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Interest— Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 126 0 0 Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 51 8 6 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 311 6 £129 11 6 £129 11 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Investments — Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,179 5 3 Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per £ s. d. Accumulated funds .. .. .. 26 12 0 cent. .. .. .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Add excess income over expenditure • - Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent... 100 0 0 for period ending 31st Deeembor, Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .". 57 5 9 1927 .. .. .. .. 51 8 6 ——— 78 0 6 £2,257 5 9 £2,257 5 9 LISSIE RATHBONE SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist Scholarship .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 January, 1927 .. .. .. 162 3 5 Investment—Auckland City Council debentures, Balance in hand .. .. 12, 0 0 5J por cent .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 174 3 5 Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, Interest— 1927 .. .. .. .. .. 40 18 2 Northcote Borough Council debentures 180 0 0 Waitemata County Con noil debentures.. 30 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank debentures ~ 6 14 9 216 14 9 £390 18 2 £390 18 2 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 216 14 9 Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 166 14 9 £216 14 9 £21.6 14 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d< Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Northcote Borough Council debentures, 6 per cent. 3,000 0 0 £ s. d. Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per cent. 500 0 0 Accumulated funds. .. .. 174 .3.5 Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent. .. 300 0 0 Add excess income over expenditure . Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 40 18 2 for period ending 31st December, 1927 ...... 166 14 9 ■ 340 18 2 , . £3,840 18 2 £3,840 18 2


SIR JAMES GUNSON SCHOLARSHIP FOR AGRICULTURE. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist Jan- Investment of surplus funds in Auckland City Council vary, 1927 .. .. .. .. 34 15 7 debentures .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 66 2 9 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st Decembor, 1927 55 8 2 100 18 4 Inteest — Waitemata County Council debentures .. 78 0 0 Auckland Hospital Board debentures .. 74 15 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 0 6 11 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 1 711 154 9 10 £255 8 2 £255 8 2 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. .£ s. d. [ Income. £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 154 910 Interest— Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 78 0 0 Auckland Hospital Board debentures .. .. 74 15 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. .. 0 6 11 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 1 7 11 £154 9 10 £154 9 10 __. j ,-r Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities, £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets, £ s. d. £ s. d. Investments — Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,600 0 0 Waitemata County Council debonAccumulated funds .. .. 100 18 4 tures, 6 per cent. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Add excess of income ovor expondi- Auckland Hospital Board debenture, ture for period ending 31st De- 5f per cent. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 cember, 1927 .. .. .. 154 910 Auckland City Council debentures, 255 8 2 5£ per cent. .. .. .. 200 0 0 2,800 0 0 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 55 8 2 £2,855 8 2 £2,855 8 2 DUFFUS LUBECKI SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1927 84 14 3 Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest— £ s. d. Investment, surplus revenue—Auckland City Council Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. 120 0 0 debenture .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 4 310 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, 1927 818 1 124 3 10 £208 18 1 £208 18 1 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Scholarship .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest— £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure .. .. 24 310 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. .. 120 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 4 3 10 £124 3 10 £124 3 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures, 6 per cent. ..2,000 0 0 £ s. d. Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent. .. 100 0 0 Accumulated funds .. .. 84 14 3 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 818 1 Add excess income over expenditure for period ending 31st December, 1927 24 310 108 18 1 £2,108 18 1 £2,108 18 1 ■ rm ,-.-n,-,vir —— —■tjiii,.!, i ,■,■- iwj*




SMITH-WYLIE SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ a. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1927 106 10 9 i Scholarship .. .. '.. .. .. 460 0 0 Subsidy on 1926 donation .. .. .. 400 00 ! Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 118 6 Interest, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 614 2 Balance as at 31st December, 1927 .. .. 51 6 5 £513 4 11 I £513 4 11 LOGAN CAMPBELL ENDOWMENT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. cl. Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, Ist Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,104 3 4 January, 1927 ...... 304 12 2 £ s. d. Cash in hand, Ist January, 1927 .. 6 6 0 Library .. .. .. .. 116 6 0 310 18 2 Periodicals .. .. .. 22 13 6 Interest— 138 19 6 New Zealand Insurance Company .. 1,325 5 8 Administration .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Less commission .. .. 64 0 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 164 16 8 ■ General expenses .. .. .. .. 20 3 8 1,261 4 11 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 1116 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 13 1 8 Lecturing expenses .. .. .. .. 191 14 2 1 ; 274 6 7 Duplicating '.. .. .. .. .. 914 3 Government grant .. .. .. .. 525 0 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, 31st DecernRepayment of mortgages .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 ber, 1927 .. .. .. .. 2,629 I 8 £4,410 4 9 £4,410 4 9 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,104 3 4 Interest— £ s. d. £ s. d. Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 22 13 6 On investments .. .. .. 1,191 11 5 Administration .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Post Offico Savings-bank .. .. 13 1 8 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 164 16 8 1,204 13 1 Commission (New Zealand Insurance Company) .. 64 0 9 Government grant .. .. .. .. 525 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 20 3 8 Legal expenses .. .. .. ~ 1116 Lecturing expenses .. .. .. .. 191 14 2 Duplicating .. .. .. .. .. 914 3 Excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 0 15 3 £1,729 13 1 £1,729 13 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Mortgage investments .. .. .. 17,700 0 0 £ s. d. Library .. .. .. .. .. 231 0 9 Accumulated funds .. .. 822 15 5 Interest— £ s. d. Add excess of income over expendi- Accrued .. .. .. 227 18 3 ture for period ending 31 st Decern- Arrears .. .. .. 35 10 0 ber, 1927 .. .. .. 015 3 263 8 3 823 10 8 : Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 2,629 1 8 £20,823 10 8 [ £20,823 10 8



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The "Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman. —P. Lovi, M.A. .. Appointed by Governor-General in Council—A. R. Atkinson, 8.A., and D. M. Stout, M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation—C. Watson, B.A. ; P. Levi, M.A. ;A. Fair, LL.B. ;S. Eichelbaum, M.A., LL.B. Elected by teachers in primary schools—H. A. Parkinson, M.A., and F. H. Bakewell, M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards—P. J. H. White and R. MoCallum, Appointed by Wellington City Council—M. F. Luckie. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools —J. H. Howell, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools—T. Forsyth. Elected by the Professorial Board—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Se, and T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Se. Staff. Professors. —Classics—J. Rankine Brown, M.A. (St. Andrews and Oxford), Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews), (Dean of Arts Faculty). English—H. Mackenzie, M.A. Modern Languages—F. J. Boyd-Wilson, M.A. Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M:.Sc. History—F. P. Wilson, M.A., F.E.S. Economies—B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com'., F.E.S., F.S.S. Education—W. H. Gould, M.A. Mathematics—D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.lnst. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z.Tnst. Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.So. Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Se, Ph.D. (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc, A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law—J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Dean of Law Faculty); J. M.E. Garrow, 8.A., LL. ! B. Agriculture—G. S. Peren, B.S. Registrar. —G. G. S. Robison, M.A. Librarian. —B. H. Ward, B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED). Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1927 :— The number of students attending classes in 1927 was 809, an increase of sixty-four on the numbers for 1926. Under this head it is to be noted that this College still suffers from the policy of the Education Department in transferring many of our students to other University districts under the scheme for training colleges. Senior Scholarships were awarded as follows : Frances E. Rainforth (Latin), A. C. Keys (Greek), Jean H. Mather (English—Tinline), A. E. Campbell (Education), D. J. Donald (Philosophy), F. W. G. White (Physics), R. A. Robbie (History—special scholarship), I. J. Cunningham (Chemistry —special scholarship). A Cecil Rhodes Scholarship was awarded to J. F. Platts-Mills, LL.B. A National Research Scholarship was awarded to E. Beaglehole to undertake research in industrial psychology. E. Beaglehole and F. G. Spurdle were awarded Post-graduate Scholarships in Arts, and free passages were also awarded to E. Beaglehole and F. G. Spurdle. Jacob Joseph Scholarships were awarded to G. M. Richardson, M.Se, and C. E. Scott, LL.M. The Sir George Grey Scholarship was awarded to R. M. Dolby. The Lissie Rathbone Scholarship was awarded to Miss Peggie Metson. Miss Hilda G. Heine, M.A., Ph.D., has been awarded a Sarah Anne Rhodes Fellowship. The Work of the College. —Changes in staff : Dr. J. Sword of the University of Glasgow, who has been assistant and demonstrator in the Chemistry Department on exchange, has returned to Scotland. Mr. A. D. Monro has returned and has resumed his duties. Professor C. A. Cotton has left for a year's vacation in Europe. His place has been filled for the year by Dr. J. Marwick. Miss Marwick, assistant to the Professor of Physics, has been granted a year's leave in order to visit England. Temporary arrangements have been made to carry on during her absence. Librarian : The Rev. B. H. Ward has resigned after many years of useful service, and his place has been filled by the appointment of Mr. H. G. Miller, M.A., a graduate of the College. Honours : Professor J. Rankine Brown—Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews. Professor C. A. Cotton— Hector Medal and. Prize, 1927 (geology). Professor D. M. Y. Sommerville —Hector Medal and Prize, 1928 (mathematics). Library : There have been 924 accessions during the year, at a cost of £628 ss. 7d. Of these, fifteen were Carnegie publications, six were from New Zealand and other Governments, six were from learned societies, seven were from the Public Library, 200 were from Mr. W. J. McEldowney, and eight from other private donors. Psychological Clinic. —ln the beginning of 1927 a psychological clinic for backward and " problem " children was organized by the Department with the co-operation of the School Hygiene Section of the Department of Health and the College Department of Education. The clinic was held in the psychology laboratory on Saturday mornings ; over thirty cases were investigated and advice given. Bequests and Donations. —Valuable apparatus for the Physics and Biology Departments has been donated by William Watson and Sons and by Dr. W. P. Evans. Dr. W. P. Evans also made a donation of £25 towards the purchase of a microtome for the Biology Department. A fine addition to the library was due to the generosity of Mr. W. J. McEldowney, who gave some two hundred volumes. A set of linguaphone advanced French records was presented to the Modern Languages Department by Professor Boyd-Wilson. School of Agriculture. —The Council feels it is a matter for congratulation that the Massey Agricultural College has now made a beginning at Palmerston North. The Council has arranged to release Professor Peren from his duties at Victoria University College, and the whole of the teaching of agriculture will now be carried on at Palmerston North, except that for the first-year students, who will continue to take their pure-science classes in Wellington. Hostel-site, &c. —The Council has not been idle in connection with the question of the proposed hostel for men on the Salamanca Road site. A survey has been made of the site and a contour plan



prepared, while the architects have drawn up a scheme, which the Council has approved, for the general layout of the grounds in order to provide accommodation for the various proposed hostel buildings. As the Weir Bequest will not be available until late in 1929, the Council hopes that, the Government will provide temporary finance to enable it to proceed with the erection of the first of these buildings, to accommodate from eighty to ninety men students, as soon as the plans are ready. Grounds. —The Council is glad to be able to report that it has made, substantial improvements to the Salamanca Road site. By arrangement with the City Council, the unsightly clay bank at the corner of Salamanca Road was removed, and has given place to a fine sloping lawn and shrubberies, which we hope will in time greatly improve the appearance of the College. Conference of the Four Colleges. —ln December, 1927, a conference of the representatives of the four University Colleges was held in Wellington, and various matters of common interest were discussed. It was agreed that the salaries, both of the professorial staff and of their assistants, were too low, and that the Government should be approached for additional grants to enable them to be substantially increased. It was further agreed to adopt a higher scale of fees, to be uniform for all four Colleges. The new scale is now in operation. New Time-tables for Arts Classes. —During the year the Council approved of a suggestion of the Professorial Board for the introduction of a new time-table for classes in arts, so as to provide for partial daytime teaching. Arts subjects have been divided into two groups, which will be held in the daytime and in the evening in alternate years, so that in any one year roughly half of the arts classes are held in the daytime and half in the evening. By this arrangement students who can attend only in the evening will still be able to have their courses arranged for evening classes only ; but full-time students will gain a great advantage by being able to attend classes in the daytime. The new arrangement should prove of great benefit to the work of the College generally. Professor Grant's Lecture. —During the year the Council arranged for Professor Grant, of Leeds University, who had taken Professor Right's place at Canterbury College for the session, and who is a, recognized authority on history, to deliver a lecture on history to students of this College. The lecture, which was entitled " Revolutions in France and Elsewhere," wa.s delivered in September, and was largely attended by students and the general public. Workers' Educational Association. —Within the limits lixed by the available funds the work of the W.E.A. has developed satisfactorily during the year. There were eighteen tutorial classes (nine holding twenty-four meetings, and nine with fourteen to eighteen meetings) and thirteen study circles or short courses. The total number of students was 1,867, an increase of 110 for the year. Tn addition to the classes many public lectures were held under the auspices of the W.E.A. The meet the needs of the wide district served by the College, a new plan of organization has been adopted : Mr. Mander has been given charge of the whole of the northern area, and his courses are supplemented by classes under local tutors. A beginning has also been made with correspondence courses for small groups in isolated parts. The success of this work has been due to the energy and enthusiasm of Mr. Mander. The money given by the Carnegie Trust for the W.E.A. libraries has enabled us to add very considerably to our stock of books and to meet the requests of all. classes for boxes of books dealing with the subjects of study. Publications. —Pigott, Ellen —" Observations on Corynocarpus laevigata Forst. (the Karaka) " : Trans, N.Z. Inst., Vol. 58, p. 57. Sommerville, D. M. V. —(1) (With L. Shotlander, M.A.) " Some Approximate Circle-squarings " : Math. Gaz., Vol. 13, pp. 250-51, 1926. (2) " Homogeneity applied to Angles " : Math. Gaz., Vol. 13, pp. 281-83, 1927. (3) " The Relations between the Angle-sums and the Volume of a Polytope in Space of n Dimensions " : Proo. Roy. Soc, Lond., Vol. All 5, pp. 103-19, 1927. Fortune, R. ¥.—" The Mind in Sleep " : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co. ; pp. 10, 85. Hunter, T. A. —" Some Concepts in Relation to Social Science " (presidential address to the Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy) : Aust. Jour. Psy. & Phil, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 161-85. Sutherland, I. L. G. —" Maori Culture and Modern Ethnology—a preliminary Survey " : Aust. Jour. Psy. & Phil, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 81-93, and No. 3, pp. 186-201. Theses. —For Ph.D. Degree : " The Beef Cattle Industry in the North Island of New Zealand " I. W. Weston, M.Se. Jacob Joseph Scholarship : '* Industrial Arbitration in New Zealand " —R. M. Campbell, M.A., LL.B. Honours in Arts : " Commodity Control in New Zealand, 1914-1918 "—W. B. Sutch, B.A. " The Relation of New Zealand to the Pacific " —E. Pauline Hogarth, B.A. " Psychological and Social Aspects of Propaganda " —E. Beaglehole, B.A. " The Nature of Conscience " —I. W. Fraser, B.A. " Some Aspects of the Psychology of Colour " —Sophia R. Rubick, B.A. " Relative Spelling Efficiency of American and New Zealand Primary-school Children " —R. C. Bryant, B.A. " Point Halswell Borstal Institute "—Lilian Mitchell, B.A. " The Passage of the Education Act, 1877 "—Sarah Mulholland, B.A. " A Statistical Analysis of the Results obtained in the Junior National Scholarship as conducted in 1926 " —Constance Smith, B.A. " The Classification and Organization of the Newtown Public School " —G. F. Sleight, B.A. " The Provision for the Education of Subnormal Children New Zealand " —Alice R. Benbow, B.A.

4----E. 7.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1927. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 5,142 2 1 Salaries— £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 11,142 5 4 Staff and caretakers .. .. .. 18,1180 11 4 Government subsidies .. .. .. 70 0 0 Librarian and assistant .. .. .. 650 0 0 National endowment— Office .. .. .. .. .. 1,004 10 0 Government .. .. .. .. 2,155 4 0 Office expenses .. .. 54 4 4 New Zealand University .. .. .. 1,076 11 9 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 237 18 10 Rent, reserves .. .. .. .. 40 1 0 Calendars .. .. .. .. . . 84 6 6 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 8,569 6 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 54 13 6 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 493 9 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 68 16 10 Fees paid in error by Education Department .. 4 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 156 4 0 1 "terest . . .. .. .. .. 292 8 4 Water .. . . .. . . 43 0 0 Interest, T. G. Maearthy Account .. .. 547 10 0 Lighting and heating .. .. .. 687 3 4 Workers' Eduoational Association classes— Travelling-expenses .. .. .. . . 92 5 4 Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 26 9 (i Grants, local bodies .. .. .. 574 13 6 ApparatusCm eminent subsidies ~ .. .. 445 i 5 Psychology .. .. .. .. 66 11 o Grant, Pharmacy Board .. .. .. 12 15 0 Geology .'. .. .. .. .. 3 16 6 Grant, Dental Association .. .. .. 10 10 0 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 295 2 8 Grant, Student?' Association .. .. .. 30 0 0 Physios .. .. .. .. .. 171 14 4 Sale of calendars .. .. .. .. 22 10 4 Biology .. .. .. .. .. 112 17 10 Refnnd from Chair of Agriculture Account .. 19 0 Experimental pedagogy .. .. .. 611 11 Restitution-money .. .. .. .. 010 0 Greek art class . . .. . . .. 12 15 8 Payments for use of building . ... .. 36 19 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 684 6 3 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. .. 50 0 0 Maintenance .. .. .. .. 234 13 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 223 3 9 Examination expenses . . .. . . 23 17 2 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 85 10 11 Bonus, caretakers .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 43 10 0 Fees refunded to Technical College .. . . 4 0 0 Students' Hostel .. .. .. .. 702 0 0 Tutorial classes .. .. .. .. 1,741 18 7 Transferred to Memorial Window Account .. 68 15 9 S.A. Rhodes Scholarship Account .. .. 95 18 2 £ s. d. Balance at Bank of New Zealand 2,238 11 4 Less library deposits, £16 16s. ; T. G. Maearthy Account, lis. 4d, ; Bruce Dull Account, £2 15s. 6d. ; Maori students, £4 Is. 9d. ; Research Fellowship, £242 3s. Bd. ; Chair of Agriculture, £501 14s. 6d, .. 768 2 9 1,470 8 7 Post Office Savings-bank—General Account, £3,769 9s. lid.; Subsidy Account, £45 .. .. 3,814 9 11 5,284 18 6 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 £31,467 5 8 £31,467 5 8 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £ s . d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 11,142 5 4 Staff and caretakers .. .. .. 18,380 11 4 National endowment .. .. .. .. 2,931 15 9 Librarian and assistant .. .. .. 650 0 0 Rent, reserves .. .. .. .. 40 1 0 Office staff.. .. .. .. .. 1,004 10 0 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 8,569 (i 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 64 9 4 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 493 9 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 242 11 10 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 292 8 4 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 58 4 6 Interest, T. G. Maearthy Account .. .. 547 10 0 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 84 6 6 Grant, students .. .. .. 30 0 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 68 16 10 Payments for use of buildings .. .. .. 36 19 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 156 4 0 Sale of calendars .. .. .. 22 10 4 Water . . .. .. .. .. 45 9 0 Light and heat .. .. .. .. ((87 3 4 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 92 5 4 Apparatus— Psychology .. , . .. .. QQ j 1 0 Geology .. .. .. .. .. 316 6 Chemistry . . ~ .. .. ;{OB 12 8 Physics .. .. .. .. .. 217 7 3 Biology .. .. .. .. .. 112 17 10 Kxperimontal Pedagogy .. .. .. 6 11 11 Maintenance .. .. .. .. 259 19 5 Grounds .. .. ~ ~ .. 223 3 9 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 88 3 7 Rxamination expenses .. .. .. 23 17 2 Bonus, caretakers .. .. ~ .. 15 0 0 Foes refunded .. .. .. ~ 43 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,202 1 8 £24,106 4 9 £24,106 4 9



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Accumulated Fund— £ s. cl. £ s. d. Land (site at Government valuation) .. .. 11,450 0 0 Balance at 31st December, 1926 124,163 2 11 Buildings and equipment (less Balance of Income and Expendi- depreciation)— £ s. d. ture Account .. .. 1,202 1 8 College buildings .. .. 77,737 6 4 Library books .. .. 9,896 4 8 125,365 4 7 Laboratory fittings .. .. 2,009 3 5 Less depreciation .. .. 3,042 12 4 Caretakers .. .. .. 450 17 11 122,322 12 3 Apparatus .. .. .. 7,200 19 8 Scholarship and trust funds— Fencing and grounds .. .. 1,751 6 5 S. A. Rhodes Scholarship Fund.. 14,805 7 4 Furniture and fittings .. 6,143 2 7 T. G. Maearthy Fund .. .. 10,000 0 0 — 105,189 1 0 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Fund.. 3,000 0 0 Sundry debtors — Sir Walter Buchanan Fund ..20,000 0 0 Students' Hostel Account .. 1,014 10 0 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship Memorial Window Account .. 68 15 9 Fund .. .. .. 2,110 17 0 1,083 5 9 Marine Observatory Fund .. 373 18 10 Debentures and inscribed stock— Union Prize Fund .. .. 100 0 0 General funds — Athol Hudson Research Fund .. 95 15 5 School of Economics —WellingBruco Dall Prize Fund .. 50 0 0 ton City debentures .'. .. 3,400 0 0 Tutorial classes .. .. 505 I 8 Trust funds— Lissio RathboneScholarship Fund 3,000 0 0 S. A. Rhodes Account—WolSir Robert Stout Scholarship lington City debentures, Fund .. .. .. 400 0 0 £6,700; inscribed stock, Lady Stout Bursary Fund .. 100 0 0 £6,374 Bs. 6d. .. .. 13,074 8 6 Eric Palmer Memorial Fund .. 200 0 0 T. G. Maearthy Account— Government subsidies .. 70 0 0 Wellington City debentures, Carnegie grant for Workers' Edu- £9,500; inscribed stock, cational Association libraries.. 508 15 10 £499 Bs. Bd. .. .. 9,999 8 8 Chair of Agriculture Account .. 501 14 0 Buchanan Account —Welling55,821 10 7 ton City debentures .. 20,0(10 0 0 Income accounts in credit— Jacob Joseph Scholarship— Union Prize Account .. .. 7 2 4 Wellington City debentures 3,000 0 0 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Account 892 17 3 Union Prize —Wellington City Bruce Dall Prize Account .. 2 15 6 debentures .. .. 100 0 0 Sir Walter Buchanan Account .. 41 3 8 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship— Dominion Farmers' Scholarship Wellington City debentures 3,000 0 0 Account .. .. .. '234 3 0 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship Maori Students' Fund .. 4 19 —Wellington City debentures 2,100 0 0 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship . . 177 14 9 Carnegie grant — Wellington Greek art feos .. .. 17 19 4 City debentures .. .. 200 0 0 Research Fellowship .. .. 242 3 8 Bruce Dall Prize—Post Office 1,620 1 3 debentures .. .. 50 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 188 15 2 Eric Palmer Memorial—WeiLibrary deposits .. .. .. 16 16 0 lington City debentures, £100; School of Economics Fund .. .. 3,400 0 0 Christchurch City debentures, £100 .. .. .. 200 0 0 Sir Robert Stout Scholarship— Christchurch City debentures 400 0 0 Lady Stout Bursary—Christchurch City debentures .. 100 0 0 52,223 17 2 Shares— S. A. Rhodes Account —Paparoa Coal Company (at par) .. .. 440 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand— General funds .. .. .. 1,470 8 7 Trust funds (in General Account) — T. G. Maearthy .. .. 0 114 Chair of Agriculture .. 501 14 6 Library deposits .. .. 16 16 0 Bruce Dall Prize .. .. 215 6 Maori students .. .. 4 1 i) Research Fellowship .. 242 3 8 Trust funds (in Trust Account) — Jacob Joseph Scholarship .. 892 17 3 Union Prize .. .. 7 2 4 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship .. 177 14 9 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship 234 3 0 Trust funds (in Buchanan Account) 41 3 8 3,591 12 4 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank— General funds .. .. .. 3,769 9 11 Trust funds— Dominion Farmers' Scholarship 10 17 0 S. A. Rhodes Account .. 1,388 2 0 Athol Hudson Account . . 95 15 5 Government subsidies .. 45 0 0 Carnegie grant .. .. 308 15 10 Marine Observatory.. .. 373 18 10 5,991 19 0 £183,369 15 3 £183,369 15 3

E.— 7


SIR ROBERT STOUT SCHOLARSHIP. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Donation—Sir Robert Stout .. .. .. 200 0 0 Balance—Christchurch City debentures .. .. 400 0 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 £400 0 0 £400 0 0 LADY STOUT BURSARY. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. Donation -Lady Stout .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 , Balance —Christchurch City debentures .. .. 100 0 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. 50 0 0 £100 0 0 j £100 0 0 FRESHWATER FISH FELLOWSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. I Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 ! Expended on salary of Follow .. .. 125 0 0 Advertisement, travelling-expenses, and material .. 32 16 4 ! Balance at Bank of New Zealand—General Account.. 242 3 8 £400 0 0 j £400 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. \ Income. £ s. d. Salary of Fellow .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 S Balance .. .. .. .. .. 157.16 4 Advertising, travelling-expenses, and material .. 32 16 4 £157 16 4 £157 16 4 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance forward . . .. .. 400 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand —General Account .. 242 3 8 Less balance Income and Expenditure Account.. .. . . .. 157 16 4 242 3 8 £242 3 8 j £242 3 8 CARNEGIE GRANT FOR WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION LIBRARIES. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £. s. d. Payment by New Zealand University .. .. *508 15 10 Balance— Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 200 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 308 15 10 £508 15 10 £508 15 10 * £254 7s. lid. represents Government subsidy. ATHOL HUDSON RESEARCH FUND. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s d. Balance forward, i .. .. .. 92 110 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 95 15 5 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 13 7 £95 15 5 £95 15 5 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. ' .. .. ... 3137 Interest .. .. .. .. .. £3 13 7 Balance-sheet. .................4i Liabilities. £ s. d Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 . . .. .. 92 110 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. . . .. 95 15 6 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 3 13 7 £95 15 5 £95 15 5



MEMORIAL WINDOW FUND. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 99 10 3 Expenses reglazing window .. .. .. 172 12 0 Interest .. .. .. ~ .. 4 6 0 Transferred from General Account .. .. 68 15 9 £172 12 0 £172 12 0 LIBRARY DEPOSITS. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance forward.. .. .. .. .. 16 16 0 In Bank of New Zealand—General Account.. .. 16 16 0 MAORI STUDENTS' ACCOUNT. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments, £ s. d. Balance forward.. .. .. .. 23 4 0 Expended on board, books, &o, .. .. 69 2 3 Grants, Maori Trustees .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Balance in General Account, Bank of New Zealand .. 4 19 £73 4 0 | £73 4 0 ERIC PALMER MEMORIAL FUND. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. payments. £ s. d. Subscriptions .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance— Government subsidy .. .. .. .'. 100 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Christchurch City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 £200 0 0 £200 0 0 S. A. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 13,819 16 2 Expended on fellowship .. .. 33 6 8 Interest — Expended on scholarships .. 187 15 3 War loan .. .. .. 368 10 0 22.1 1 11 Debentures .. .. .. 368 1.0 0 Balance—Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 30 18 1 Wellington City debentures .. 6,700 0 0 767 18 1 Inscribed stock .. .. 6,374 8 6 Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,388 2 0 14,462 10 6 Less amount owed to Bank of New Zealand Current Account 95 .18 2 " 14,366 12 4 £14,587 14 3 £14,587 14 3 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Expended on fellowship .. .. .. 34 11 8 Interest — Expended on scholarships .. .. ..187 15 3 War loan .. .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 545 11 2 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 30 18 1 £767 18 1 £767 18 1 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. _ £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry creditor .. .. "... .. 15 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,388 2 0 Balance, 31st Decembor, 1926.. .. .. 13,819 10 2 Less due to General Account .. 95 18 2 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 545 11 2 —- 1,292 310 Inscribed stock .. .. .. .. 6,374 8 6 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 6,700 0 0 £14,366 12 4 £14,366 12 4



LISSIE RATHBONE SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. :' Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought forward .. .. .. 3,114 20 I Expended on Scholarships .. 100 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Bank charges .. .. .. 17 3 101 7 3 Balance—• Wellington City debentures .. 3,000 0 0 In Bank of Now Zealand—Trust Account .. .. .. 177 14 9 :',177 14 9 £3,279 2 0 £3,279 2 0 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship payments .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Bank charges .. .. .. .. .. 17 3 Balance .. .. .. .. 63 12 9 £165 0 0 £165 0 0 Balance-sheet. Lial>ilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 3,114 2 0 Cash at Bank of Now Zealand—Trust Account .. .177 14 9 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 63 12 9 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 £3,177 14 9 £3,177 14 9 ii \ . ; UNION PRIZE FUND. Receipts and Pay4vients Account. Dr, £ s. d. Or, Balance brought forward .. .. .. 102 12 4 Balance— £ s. d. Interest .. .. .. .. .. 410 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand Trust Account .. 7 2 4 £107 2 4 i £107 2 4 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure, £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 4 10 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. .. 4 10 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 102 12 4 Cash at Bank of Now Zealand—Trust Account .. 7 2 4 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 410 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 £107 2 4 £107 2 4 JACOB JOSEPH SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance brought forward .. .. .. 3,854 4 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest—- Expended on scholarships .. .. 120 0 0 ■War loan .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Bank commission .. .. .. 0 5 0 City debentures .. .. .. .. 135 0 0 Debenture commission .. .. 12.'! 121 7 3 Balance — ,';' v" ' '"•'.'.■;'... , Wellington City debentures .. 3,000 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. ;. .. 892 17 3 ' -3,892 17 3 £4,014 4 6 £4,014 4 0



Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. £ s. cl. £ s. d. Interest— £ s. cl. Expended on scholarships .. .. 120 0 0 War loan .. .. .. ..' 25 0 0 Bank charges .. .. .. 17 3 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 135 0 0 121 7 3 Balance .. .. ~ .. .. 38 12 9 £160 0 0 £160 0 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. cl. [ Assets. £ s. d. Falance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 3,854 46 ' Cash at Bank of Now Zealand .. .. .. 892 17 3 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 38 12 9 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 £3,892 17 3 £3,892 17 3 DOMINION FARMERS' SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. ■ Payments. £ s. d. i Balance— £ s. il. Balance brought forward ''.'. .. .. 2,229 10 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 2.100 0 0 Interest on debentures ..' .. .. 115 10 0 Hank of New Zealand —Trust Account .. 234 3 0 Post Office Savings-bank—General Account .. 10 17 0 £2,345 0 0 £2,345 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. I Income. £. s, (J, Balance .. .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. .. £115 10 0 B.\ LANCE-SHEET. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. 1 d. £ Si d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 2,229 10 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand— Trusi Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 115 10 0 Account .. .. .. 234 3 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 10 17 0 245 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. 2,100 0 0 £2,345 0 0 £2,345 0 0 SIR WALTER BUCHANAN ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance brought forward .. .. .. 20,966 9 5 Salaries. £s. cl. £ s. d. Interest on debentures .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Professor .. .. .. 929 3 4 Assistants .. .. .. 300 0 0 Apparatus and chemicals .. 578 5 10 Library .. .. .. 165 0 9 Travelling-expenses .. . . 44 7 10 Stationery . . . . . . 2 4 6 Bank charges .. . . . . 6 0 0 Interest .. .. . . 0 3 6 --• .'. ■ . ri-,: a,026, 5 .9, Balance— Wellington City debentures .. 20,000 0 0 In Bank of New Zeal an d— Buchanan Account .. .. 41 3 8 20,041 3 8 £22,066 9 5 £22,066 9 5



Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. cl. Salaries— Interest on debentures .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Professor .. .. .. .. .. 929 3 4 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 925 5 9 Assistants . . .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Apparatus and chemicals .. .. .. 578 510 Library .. .. .. .. 165 0 9 Travelling-expenses . . .. .. .. 44 710 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 246 Bank charges .. .. . . .. 6 0 0 Bank interest .. .. .. .. 0 3 6 £2,025 5 9 £2,025 5 9 Balance-sheet. Inabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December. 1926 .. .. .. 20,906 9 5 Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Buchanan Account 41 3 8 Less balance, Income and Expenditure Account 925 5 9 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 £20,041 3 8 £20,041 3 8 MARINE OBSERVATORY FUND. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 361 2 6 Balance in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 373 18 10 Interest .. .. .. .. 12 16 4 £373 18 10 £373 18 10 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. • £ s. d. . Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 12 16 4 interest .. .. .. .. 12 16 4 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 361 2 6 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 373 18 10 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 12 16 4 £373 18 10 £373 18 10 T. MACARTHY ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward . .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. lntorest . .. .. •• - •■ • r )4'7 10 0 Transferred to General Account .. .. 547 10 0 Balance — Inscribed stock.. .. .. 499 8 8 Wellington City debentures .. 9,500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand —GeneraJ Account .. .. .. 0 II 4 10,000 0 0 £10,547 10 0 £10,547 10 0 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Transferred to Gonoral Account .. 547 10 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. .. 547 10 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st Decembor, 1926 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 10,000 0 0


school of economics fund. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 3,400 0 0 Transferred to General Account .. .. 187 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance—Wellington City debentures .. .. 3,400 0 6 £3,587 0 0 £3,587 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. j Income. £ s. cl. Transferred to General Fund .. .. .. 187 0 0 ! Interest .. .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. cl. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 3lst December, 1926 ... .. .. 3,400 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3.400 0 0 BRUCE DALL PRIZE. Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. cl. Balance forward. . .. .. .. .. 52 15 6 Expended on prize .. .. .. .. 2126 Interest .. .. .. .. 212 6 Balance, Post Office debentures .. .. .. 50 0 0 £55 8 0 £52 12 6 Incomih* and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Expended on. prize .. .. .. 212 6 Interest ... .. .. .. 212 6 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. : Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 52 15 6 I Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Genera] Account .. .. 215 6 I Post Office debentures .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 £52 15 6 ! £52 15 6

5—E. 7.




4. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Execllencv the Governor-General —Miss E. A. Chaplin, B.A. ; John Joseph Dougall; L. MIsitt, Esq., M.L.C. Appointed by members of Parliament—E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. Smith, Esq., C.8.E., M.L.C, T.D.; Lieut.-Colonel John Studholme, C.8.E., D.5.0., M.A. Appointed by graduates—W. Brock, Esq., M.A. ; Mrs. E. L. Clark, M.A. : J. R. Cunningham, Esq., L.LB. ; A. E. Flower, M.Se; J. Guthrie, Ch.B., M.8., F.A.GS.E. ; A. J. Orchard, Esq., M.8., CM. Appointed by teachers —C T. Aschman, Esq. ; John Gunn Poison ; L. B. Wood, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees —H. D. Aclanel, Esq., B.A. (Chairman); W. A. Banks, Esq. ; W. M. Hamilton. Representatives of the Professorial Board- .1. Hight, M.A., Litt.D. (Rector), ex officio; 11. G. Denham, M.A., D.Sc. Registrar. —L. A. Stringer, Esq. Staff. Rector.— Professor ,1. Hight, M.A., Litt.D. Professors. —Classics —L. G. Pocook, M.A. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—C E. Weatherburn. M.A., D.Sc. English Language and Literature, and Director of Studies in Arts —A. Wall, M.A., B.A. French and German—T. G. R. Blunt, M.A. (Oxford). Chemistry—ll. G. Denham, M.A., M.Se, D.Sc, Ph.D. Engineering— (Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Se, M.Eng., M.1.E.E., M.A.I.E.E. ; (Civil) R. A. Campbell, B.Se., A.M.Inst.CE. ; (Mechanical) S. Steele, B.Sc. Biology and Director of Studies in Science—C. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc, M.8., CM., &c. History and Director of Studies in Commerce —J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics—C C Farr, D.Sc, F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.lnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—C. F. Salmond, M.A. Education and Dirootor of Extension Work —J. Shelley, M.A. Economics —A. H. Tocker, M.A. Geology, Palaeontology and Physical Geography— R. Speight, M.A., M.Se, F.G.S. Leoturers, seven. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OP THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. It is my privilege to place before you the fifty-fifth report of the Chairman of the Board. I stated last year that a large portion of the income of the various institutions controlled by the Board was derived from rents of rural lands, and the Board has been compelled to grant reductions to man}' of the Board's tenants to enable them to carry on their farms. I hope, however, that the advancing prices of primary products will bring a, return of prosperity to our tenants and that the Board will not be asked for further reductions in rent. All the retiring members of the Board were re-elected in June. Amendments made last session to the Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Act, 1896, gave to the Board the appointment of two representatives upon the Board of Lincoln Agricultural College. Dr. Denham and Mr. Banks were appointed by the Board to fill the positions. I feel confident that the scientific knowledge of Dr. Denham and the agricultural knowledge of Mr. Banks will be of great value to Lincoln College. The College was honoured during the year by a visit, from H.R.H. the Duke of York, who was most enthusiastically received by the Governors, staff, and students of the College. Professor Grant, of Leeds University, who exchanged chairs with Dr. Hight, completed his year of lecturing at the College. Dr. Chilton retired from the Rectorship at the end of the year, and the Board appointed Dr. Hight to the position. Dr. Chilton also resigned from the Chair of Biology, and was granted leave for the 1928 session, his resignation taking effect at 31st January, 1929. I feel sure that the Board will join with me in wishing Dr. Chilton many years of well-earned rest. He carried out his work with, credit and distinction to himself and to the satisfaction of the Board and the community. Professor L. G. Pocock was appointed to the Chair of Classics, and during the year Dr. Broadhead carried on the work of that department. Professor Wall was granted leave of absence for 1928, after many years of service with the Board. Mr. G. Lawn was appointed Lecturer in Economics, and took up his duties at Ist March. There does not appear to be any great prospect of University extension in Christchurch for a few years, and I would again, therefore, stress the necessity of the acquisition of playing-fields for the University at the earliest possible date, and the erection of a Students' Union building. At present our university life is deficient in these two respects, and we should endeavour, therefore, to make good the deficiency as soon as possible. Under recent legislation it is now necessary for the accounts of the Board to be set out not only showing the receipts and payments for the year, but also the income and expenditure, and the assets and liabilities.



College. —There were sixty-six persons on the teaching staff of the College in 1927, of whom fifteen were professors. The total number of students attending lectures increased from 1,130 in 1926 to 1,248 in 1927, and of these 319 were non-matriculated. The buildings taken over by the College from the Boys' High School have enabled the work of the College, to be carried on with, much greater efficiency and comfort to both the staff and the students. RoUeston House was full, and since the end of the year an additional house has been purchased, from Mrs. Vernon. It may become desirable for the Board to consider the appointment of one of the staff to be warden of the house and be responsible for its control and discipline. School of Forestry. —The School of Forestry has now been established for three years, and the number of students taking courses of instruction has increased from three in 1924 to twenty in 1.927. Several students who have completed their courses are now in the employment of the State Forest Service. Rooms in the East Block have been allotted to the School, and the equipment for field and. laboratory work, for the museum, library, and lecture room, has been augmented during the year. The School is obtaining the cordial co-operation of various forestry organizations, and the staff and senior students are actively engaged upon research in various problems connected, with forestry in New Zealand. The Workers' Educational Association. —The W.E.A. continues to spread in the country districts. The system known as the " box scheme," which was devised by Professor Shelley, has enabled cultural education to be carried into districts where it was not possible to afford a tutor. The subjects taught by the W.E.A. and demanded in rural districts have enabled many people, whose means or occupation prevent them from attending University lectures to receive a great deal of cultural knowledge. I feel sure that as Parliament and the Government realize the importance of the W.E.A. work, so will money become available for its extension. It must, however, be recognized that the demands for primary education must have first consideration over both secondary and higher education, but careful administration should provide for all three. School of Engineering. —During the year 296 students attended, lectures, and of this number 148 were matriculated students taking the degree, or associateship course. The additional accommodation provided in the buildings formerly occupied by the High School has greatly facilitated the work of the School during the year.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1927. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries--- £ s. d. £ s. [d. Government grants— £ s. il. £ s. cl. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 17,727 14 9 Capitation for Commerce classes.. 100 0 0 Cleaning and oaretaking .. 659 1.0 S Statutory grant .. .. 1,600 0 0 Office .. .. .. 2.285 4 4 Salary of Professor of Education 850 0 0 Library .. .. .. 288 .16 8 Research .. .. .. 100 0 0 20,961 6 5 — 2,650 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 786 15 3 Grant from New Zealand Institute Endowment expenses .. .. .. 433 1 0 for research .. .. .. .. 104 12 10 General expenses — Donations .. .. .. .. 220 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. 102 5 9 University of New Zealand — Rates .. .. ... 60 12 6 National-endowment revenue .. .. 3,231. 15 9 Water-supply.. .. .. 31 12 0 Rent of reserves.. .. .. .. 14,974 9 7 Advertising .. .. .. 48 2 11 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 8,020 14 6 Printing, stationery, and stamps 858 0 II Testing fees .. .. .. .. 16 3 0 Repairs and maintenance of build- Examination fees .. .. .. 21 12 6 ings .. .. .. 676 10 8 House-rents .. .. .. . . 65 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking expenses 45 6 11 Rent of cottage, Arthur's Pass .. . . 2 0 0 Upkeep of grounds .. .. 281 19 7 Rent of room, Philosophical Institute .. 6 0 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 1,106 11 3 Sundries— Legal expenses .. .. 21 15 6 Sales.. .. .. .. 33 9 3 Expenses of music lectures .. 38 8 10 Library fines .. .. .. II .19 o Students' Club .. .. 6 9 6 Popular-lecture fees .. .. 1110 Cass Station .. .. .. 217 9 Subscriptions, College history .. 110 8 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 55 7 8 — 48 9 11 Scholarships and , ./es.. .. 401 10 0 Transfers — Rector's petty cash .. .. 4. 10 0 Administration .. .. 1,961 19 0 Reception of graduates.. .. 2 7 0 School of Engineering--Rent .. 60 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. ,170 19 7 Medical School reserves ... 1,838.11 9 Interest .. .. .. 1.372 12 9 Museum, Library, and School of Assembly Hall .. .. 71 1.0 9 Technical Science .. .. 18 0 0 Rent of tennis-courts .. .. 7 10 0 3,878 10 9 Expenses of appointments .. 199 13 10 RoUeston House—Boarding fees .. .. 3,585 2 (i Research on fuel coals .. .. 184 2 2 Helen Connon Hall—Boarding fees .. 1,491 7 6 Material, &c. — Experimental psychology .. 38 15 5 Geology .. .. .. 21 19 I Chemistry .. .. .. 509 10 5 Physics .. .. .. 377 4 6 Biology .. .. .. 209 10 0 6,907 17 3 Astronomical Observatory expenses .. 54 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 709 16 6 Transfers— Workers' Educational Association 350 0 0 School of Engineering — General, £826 10s. ; exhibitions, £80 .. 906 10 0 1,256 10 0 Students' Union building—Subsidy on donations .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Students' fees written off .. .. 8 18 0 RoUeston House — Telephone, &c. .. .. 17 5 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 883 19 7 Provisions .. .. .. 1,279 10 11 Heating and lighting .. .. 344 8 2 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 244 17 6 Insurance, .. .. 33 2 10 Other expenses .. .. 21 1 3 — 2,824 5 3 Helen Connon Hall — Telephone, &o. .. .. 8 10 0 Salaries and wa,ges .. .. 425 1 10 Provisions .. .. .. 351 3 2 Heating and lighting .. .. 78 11 3 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 48 17 8 Insurance .. .. .. 4 110 Other expenses .. .. 0 13 0 Buildings Reserve— Allocation .. 450 0 0 — 1,367 7 11 DepreciationEquipment and apparatus .. 538 10 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. 222 0 0 Office equipment .. .. 40 0 0 800 10 0 RoUeston House — Buildings .. .. .. 357 15 0 Furniture .. .. .. 55 8 0 Utensils .. .. .. 21 0 0 434 3 0 Helen Connon Hall— Buildings .. .. .. 68 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. 22 0 0 Utensils .. .. .. 8 0 0 98 0 0 Capital —Excess transferred .. .. 1,608 8 3 £38,315 18 10 £38,315 18 10


Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capitation for commerce classes .. 75 0 0 Balance, Ist January ... .. .. 21,021 7 2 Statutory grant .. .. 1,600 0 0 Salaries — Salary of Professor of Education 700 0 0 Professors, lecturers, cfcc. .. 1.7,727 14 9 Research .. .. .. 100 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 659 1.0 8 School of Forestry— Office .. .. .. 2,285 4 4 Balance of grant for 1926 . . 500 0 0 Library .. .. . . 288 16 8 Equipment, 1926 .. .. 425 10 11 20,96.1 6 5 Research, 1926 .. .. 62 10 0 Office expensos .. .. .. .. 790 3 0 3,463 011 Endowment expenses . . .. .. 461 2 7 Subsidies on donations .. .. .. 315 0 0 General expenses— Grants from New Zealand Institute Insuranco .. .. .. 102 5 9 for research .. .. .'. .. 104 12 10 Rates .. .. .. 60 12 6 Donations .. . . .. .. 220 0 0 Water-supply .. .. .. 31 12 0 University of New Zealand — Advertising .. .. .. 62 18 11 National-endowment revenue .. .. 3,231 15 9 Printing, stationery, and stamps.. 943 3 5 Rent of reserves .. .. .. 15,632 13 4 Repairs and maintenance of buildStudents'fees .. .. .. .. 8,017 14 3 ings .. .. .. 683 710 Testing fees .. .. . . . . 23 10 0 Cleaning and caretaking expenses 47 9 6 Examination fees .. .. . . 21 12 6 Upkeep of grounds .. .. 281 19 7 House-rent .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 1,102 9 9 Rent of cottage, Arthur's Pass .. .. 2 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. 21 15 (> Rent of room, Philosophical Institute .. 6 0 0 Expenses of — Sundries — Music lectures . . . . 36 6 4 Sales.. .. .. .. 33 9 3 Students' Club . . . . 6 9 6 Library lines .. .. .. 1119 0 Cass Station .. .. 3 16 9 Subscriptions, College history .. I 10 8 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 54 19 4 Fees for popular lectures .. 1 II 0 Scholarships and. prizes. . .. 405 14 4 48 9 11 Rector's petty cash . . . . 4 10 0 Transfers — Reception of graduates. . .. 2 7 0 Administration .. .. 1,96119 0 Sundries .. .. .. 168 14 7 School of Engineering—Rent .. 60 0 0 Interest .. .. •■ 1,372 12 9 Medical School Reserves .. 2,531 8 I Assembly-hall .. .. 68 6 8 Museum, Library, and School of Rent of tennis-courts . . . • 7 10 0 Technical Science .. .. 18 0 0 Expensos of appointments . . 199 13 10 Wilding Memorial .. .. 19 15 6 Research on fuel coals .. .. 184 2 2 4,591 2 7 Material, AcBoarding Fees —- Experimental psychology . . 38 15 5 RoUeston House .. .. 3,728 17 0 Geology .. .. .. 21 19 1 Helen Connon Hall .. .. 1,499 0 9 Chemistry .. .. .. 509 10 5 5,227 17 9 Physics .. .. .. 369 18 U 11 Reserve—lnterest .. 88 18 11 Biology .. .. 209 3 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 7,002 4 10 Balance, 31 st December .. .. .. 18,149 II 8 Astronomical Observatory expenses .. 54 0 0 Library books . . . . . . .. 706 8 1 RoUeston House — Telephones, &c. . . .. 17 5 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 886 15 4 Provisions . . . . •• 1,334 11 0 Heating and lighting . . .. 347 19 8 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 246 5 0 Insurance .. .. ■. 33 210 Other expenses .. .. 21 1 3 1 2,887 0 I Furniture .. .. . . .. 122 15 11 Utensils, &c, .. .. .. .. 81 15 7 Helen Connon Hall — Telephone, &c. . . .. 810 0 Salaries and wages .. • • 430 7 8 Provisions .. .. • ■ 362 11 3 Heating and lighting .. .. 79 16 6 Repairs and maintenance of buUdings .. . • • • 98 2 8 Insurance .. . . .■ 4 110 Other expenses .. . . 0 13 0 KS4 12 1 Furniture .. . . . • ■ • 42 18 10 Utensils, &c .. .. .. . • 7l» 7 Furniture and fittings . . . • • • *79 0 7 Equipment and apparatus — Experimental psychology . . 233 12 3 Geology .. .. ■■ 70 12 6 Chemistry .. . . • ■ 50 15 2 Physics .. .. •• 51 0 0 405 19 II Buildings— Administrative block . . . . 1 .329 1 3 Electric installation .. .. 136 8 0 RoUeston House . . .. 504 II 0 Legal expenses . . ■ ■ 33 15 6 _ 2,003 15 9 Transfers— Workers' Educational Association 350 0 School of Engineering —General, £826105. ; exhibitions, £80 .. 906 10 0 1.256 10 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. • • 50 0 0 £59,259 0 5 £59,259 0 5




Balance-sheet as at 31st December, P. 127. Liabilities. A ssets. £ s. cl. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. 436,352 5 5 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 294,948 o 0 Plus transfer, income and ox- Arthur's Pass — penditure.. .. .. 1,608 8 3 Site .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Buildings .. . . .. . . 150 0 0 437,960 13 8 Cass bunding .. .. .. . . 200 0 0 Plus Government subsidies . . 100 0 0 College— £ s. il. 438,060 13 8 Site .. .. .. .. 25,160 0 0 Sundry creditors— Buildings .. .. .. 104,875 0 0 Fees paid in advance. . .. 4 4 0 Plus additions, 1927 . . .. 1,499 4 9 Rents paid in advance .. 31 9 2 106,374 4 9 General expenses .. 83 II 5 Equipment and apparatus .. 5,383 15 6 119 4 7 Less depreciation .. .. 538 10 0 Students' Union Building Fund— Subsidies .. .. .. .. 1,014 19 1 4,845 5 6 RoUeston House— Plus purchases, 1927 .. 405 19 11 Fees paid in advance .. 27 3 0 5,251 5 5 Sundry creditors .. .. 22 1.0 2 Furniture and littings .. .. 2,220 0 0 49 13 2 Less depreciation .. .. 222 0 0 Helen Connon Hall— Buildings reserve .. .. .. 2,015 17 11 1,998 0 0 Fees paid in advance .. 19 7 6 Plus purchases, 1927 .. 483 16 7 Sundry creditors .. .. 5 14 I 2,481. 16 7 25 1 7 Office equipment . . .. 400 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Less depreciation .. .. 40 0 0 Capital .. .. '.. 5,594 14 0 360 0 0 Plus balance, income and ex- Library books. . .. .. .. 3,350 0 0 penditure .. .. 19 7 (i Sundry debtors — 5,614 2 0 Government grants .. .. 237 10 0 Students' Loan Fund—Capital .. . . 748 7 5 Rents .. .. . . 786 0 4 Students' Union Building Fund— Tests .. . . .. 3 3 0 Capital .. .. .. .. 3,381 10 5 Medical School Reserves .. 57 3 8 Bank of New South Wales— 1,08317 0 General Fund and overdraft .. 18,149 II 8 RoUeston House— Less T. W. Adams School of Site .. .. .. .. 5,505 0 5 Forestry,£l,3742s.'; Students' Buildings .. .. .. 7,155 0 0 Loan Fund, £668 7s. 5d.; Less depreciation .. .. 357 15 0 Students' Union BuUding Fund, £1,366 lis. 4d. .. 3,409 0 9 6,797 5 0 14.740 10 11 Plus additions, 1927 .. 504 11 0 7,301 16 0 Furniture . . .. . . 554 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 55 8 0 498 12 0 Plus purchases, 1927 .. 1.22 15 11 021 7 11 Utensils .. .. .. 105 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 21 0 o 84 0 0 Plus purchases, 1927 .. 81 15 7 — 165 15 7 Provisions .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Helen Connon Hall— Site .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 1,360 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 68 0 0 1,292 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. 220 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 22 0 0 198 0 0 Plus purchases, 1927 .. 42 18 10 240 18 10 Utensils .. .. .. 40 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 8 0 0 ■ "•, * ____. 32 0 0 Plus purchases, 1927 .. 7 19 7 — 39 19 7 Provisions .. .. .. .. 9 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Site. .. .. .. .. .. 2,780 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. . . 860 0 0 Investment .. .. .. .. 600 0 (I Students' Loan Fund—Loan . . .. . . 80 0 0 Students' Union Building Fund— Investment .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Donations and interest .. .. .. 1,014 19 I I £465,770 0 9 ; £465,770 0 9 1,.. I -. - . 1 -.' ■



T. W. ADAMS SCHOOL OF FORESTRY BEQUEST. Statement or Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Annuity .. . . .. .. .. 250 0 0 Rent .. .. .. .. .. • ■ 159 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 413 10 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 115 1 4 Capital—Excess transferred .. .. . . 19 7 6 £274 1 1 £*"4 4 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. cl. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 1,354 14 6 Annuity .. .. .. .. •• 250 0 0 Rents, 31st December .. .. .. 159 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 413 10 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 115 1 4 Balance, 31st December .. .. .. 1,374 2 0 £1,628 15 10 £1,628 15 10 STUDENTS' LOAN FUND. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, 31 st December .. .. .. 668 7 5 Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 630 8 8 Interest, 31st December . . .. . . 37 18 9 £668 7 5 ■■■.' £668 7 5 Capital Account. £ s. d. ' £ 6. d. Balance, 31st December .. .. .. 748 7 5 ! Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 710 8 8 Interest, 31st December .. .. .. .. 37 18 9 £748 7 5 '■ £748 7 5 STUDENTS' UNION BUILDING FUND. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. I Payments. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December .. .. .. 1,366 II 4 Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 1.164 9 0 Interest, 31st March .. .. .. .. 31 15 0 Interest, 31st August .. .. .. .. 32 10 0 Contribution, Students' Association revue, 31st October .. .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Interest, 31st December .. .. .. 72 17 4 £1,366 11 4 £1,366 11 4 Capital Account. £ s. d. | £ s. d. Balance, 31st December .. 3,381 10 5 j Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 2,164 9 0 Interest Account, 31st December .. .. 72 17 4 Students' Union building-subsidies .. .. 1.014 19 1 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Interest .. .. . . .. .. 64 5 0 £3,381 10 5 £3,381 10 5




school of forestry. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s (I. Capital— £ s. ci. £ s. d. Equipment and apparatus .. .. .. 183 12 7 Transfer —Income and expenditure .. 150 19 6 Library books.. .. .. .. 4. 32 17 10 Government grants .. .. 174 9 I Sundry debtors— £ s. a. 325 8 7 Government grants .. .. 437 10 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 91 8 9 Tests .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 Bank of New South Wales —General Fund and over- 439 12 0 draft .. .. 239 5 1 £656 2 5 £656 2 5 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Lecturers, Ac-. .. .. ..757 15 6 Annual grant .. .. ~ 1,000 II 0 Cleaning .. .. .. 37 0 0 Research .. .. .. 250 0 0 794 15 6 .— 1,250 0 (I Research .. .. .. .. .. 224 11 2 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 78 15 0 General expenses — Testing fees .. .. .. .. 3 8 3 Museum .. •■ .. ■ 10 18 0 SundriesSundries .. .. .. 46 I 3 Library fines .. .. .. 015 6 Travelling-expenses .. .. 39 6 5 Subscriptions to Journal .. .. 5 0 0 Car-maintenance .. .. ..27 15 I 5 15 c; Printing and stationery .. .. 43 16 10 167 12 7 Capital—Excess transferred .. .. .. 150 19 6 £1,337 18 9 £1,337 18 9

Robert Bell -Tohn Conna! Scholarship. Scholarship. Charles Cook %~ Sch„,arship. Sc SX h*»1oti ! Canterbury Joseph Macmman t Con W Haydon Ma .?™",, ; Macmillan Mzfi ' Binsartes. j |™£ Lissie Rathbone Scholarship. Gladys and Anthony Wilding [ Memorial. Balance-? SHEET AS AT 31 ST De( 3EMBER, 1927. Assets. Investments . . ('ash £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,385 0 0 2,155 0 0 177 8?6 35 8 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,122 10 0 6,000 0 0 175 0 10 40 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 320 0 0 2,130 0 0 37 12 9 220 15 5 £ s. d., 250 0 0 40 16 2l £ s. d. 13,000 0 0 162 12 11 £ s. d. 200 0 0 11 0 0 Liabilities. 3,562 8 6 2,190 8 8 1,297 10 10| 6,040 9 9 357 12 9i 2,350 15 51 j290 16 21 3,162 12 11 211 0 0 Capital Plus transfer, income and expenditure 3,517 19 612,177 9 8 44 9 0, 12 19 0 1,235 13 4 61 17 6 5,995 13 10 44 15 11 350 10 9| 7 2 0| 12,294 15 5 56 0 0: 277 1 ■> ; 3,090 2 11 72 10 0 200 0 0 Income and Expenditure— Balanoe 3,562 8 62,190 8 8 1,297 10 lOj 6,040 9 9j 357 12 91 2,350 15 5| J277 1 2| 13 15 0' 3,162 12 11 200 0 0 II O 0 3,562 8 6|2,190 8 8 1,297 10 10 16,040 9 9 357 12. 9 12,350 15 5 290 16 2| 8,162 12 11 211 0 0 I nrom.e. Statbme: NT of ir-jcc )ME AND ft XPENlim runs. I £ s. d.i 1.3 15 O £ s. d.i 172 IO 01 £ s. d. II 0 0 £ s. d.i £ s. d.| 184 9 0 112 19 0 £ s. d.i 61 17 6 £ s. d.| 345 0 0 I £ s. d.| 15 2 01 U S. d.i 116 0 0 luleresl Expenditure. Scholarships and prizes. . Capital—Transfer of balanoe Balance 140 0 0 44 9 0 100 0 0 12 19 0 61 17 6: 300 4 1 44 15 11 8 0 01 7 2 0| 60 0 0 56 0 0 13 15 0 100 0 0 72 10 0 11 0 0 •• 184 9 0 112 19 0 61 17 6 345 0 0 15 2 0 116 0 0 13 15 0 172 10 0 11 0 0 Receipts. Balance, 1st January Interest Refunds .. .. £ s. d. 132 19 6 184 9 0 Statemi £ s. d. 5 16 4 112 19 0 16 13 4 INT OF Re< £ s. d. 113 3 4 61 17 6 JEIPTS AND £ s. d. Paymen £ a. d. 30 10 9 15 2 0 fTS. £ s. d. 164 15 5 116 0 0 £ s. d. 27 1 2 13 16 0 £ s. d. 90 2 11 172 10 0 £ s. d. 19 15 6 11 0 0 345 0 0 ■• 317 8 6 135 8 8 175 0 10 345 0 0 45 12 9 280 15 5 40 16 2 262 12 11 30 15 6 Payments. Jalance, 1st January .. Scholarships and prizes. . balance, 31st Deeomber 140 0 0 177 8 6 .1.00 0 0 35 8 8 4 6 2 300 4 1 40 9 9 8 '6 0 37 12 9 60 0 0 220 15 5 100 0 0 162 12 11 19 is 6 II 0 0 175 0 10 40 16 2 317 8 6 135 8 8] 175 0 10 345 0 0 45 12 9: 280 15 5| 40 16 2 262 12 11 30 15 6



Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. . .' .. .. 757 15 (i Annual grant .. .. .. 750 o o Research .. .. .. .. 224 1.1 2 Equipment .. .. .. 174 9 I General expenses Research .. .. .. 62 10 0 Library.. .. .. .. 32 17 10 986 19 I Equipment .. .. .. 119 4 7 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 78 15 0 Museum .. .. .. 10 1.3 0 Testing fees .. . . .. .. .. I (i .", Sundries .. .. .. 46 1 3 Subscriptions to Joimiel .. .. .. 5 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 39 6 5 Library fines .. .. .. .. .. 015 6.', Car-maintenance.. .. .. 27 8 1 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 239 5 I Printing and stationery . . .. 17 3 1 Cleaning .. .. .. 37 0 0 — 329 14 3 £1,312 0 11 £1,312 .0 11 school 01' engineering. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. A ssets. £ s. (I. £ s. il. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Capital .. .. .. 40,215 I 8 Buildings .. .. .. 20,500 0 0 Less transfer —Income and expon- Plus additions .. .. 168 6 0 diture .. .. .. 1,815 10 11 20,668 6 0 Equipment and apparatus .. 17.596 0 0 38,399 10 9 Less depreciation .. .. 1,759 12 0 Plus Government grants .. 312 7 4 38,711 18 1 15,836 8 0 Contingencies Reserve .. .. .. 1,488 16 2 Plus purchases, 1927 .. .. 312 7 4 16,148 15 4 Furniture and fittings .. .. 867 0 0 Loss depreciation .. .. 86 14 0 7.80 6 0 Library books .. .. .. 740 0 0 Plus purchases, 1927 .. .. 70 1 6 816 1 6 Sundry debtors— Government grants .. .. 640 7 6 Tests .. .. .. 18 17 6 Timber-testing .. .. 80 0 0 739 5 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 1,048 0 5 £40,200 14 3 £40,200 14 3 Statement ok Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. cl. Government grants— £ s. cl. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, etc. .. 7,332 0 0 Statutory grant .. .. 2,000 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 100 2 (i Statutory grant—Specialization .. 1,311 10 0 7,432 2 6 Technical instruction .. .. 1,250 0 0 General expenses — Material and apparatus .. 200 0 0 Administration .. .. 344 19 6 4,761 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. 59 13 8 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,199 19 0 Heating, lighting, and power .. 523 0 6 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 290 11 3 Printing and stationery .. 110 5 0 Sundries—Advertising .. .. .. 18 17 10 Pee for associate certificate .. 5 5 0 Laboratory stores .. .. 43 10 0 Sales .. .. .. 0 12 0 Material, &c. .. .. .. 179 14 3 Interest .. .. .. 1 13 7 General supplies .... 71 8 3 7 10 7 Repairs to machinery .. .. 4 10 8 Timber-testing .. .. .. .. 205 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. 75 8 8 Transfers — Repairs to buildings .. .. 28 0 6 College—General, £826 10s. ; ex-Timber-testing .. .. 45 3 10 hibitions, £80 .. .. 900 10 0 Testing-expenses .. .. 10 18 (i Museum, Library, and School of Handbooks .. .. .. 12 li 2 Technical Science .. .. 875 0 0 Scholarships and exhibitions .. 195 0 11 1,78110 0 1,723 3 3 Capital—Excess transferred .. .. 1,815 10 11 Transfers— College—Rent .. .. ... 60 0 0 Depreciation— Equipment and apparatus .. 1,759 12 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. 86 14 0 1,840 6 0 £11,061 II 9 £11,06.1 11 9

6—E. 7.



Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. cl. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 1,397 10 11 Professors, lecturers, etc. .. 7,140 0 0 Government grants— Cleaning and caretaking .. 100 2 6 Statutory grant .. .. 2,000 0 0 7,240 2 6 Statutory grant —Specialization .. 1,311 10 0 Administration expenses .. .. .. 344 19 6 Material and apparatus .. .. 200 0 0 General expenses— Capitation for technical instruction 937 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. 59 13 8 Special apparatus .. .. 382 19 8 Heating, lighting, and power .. 523 0. 6 4,831 19 8 Printing and stationery .. ... 11l 17 6 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,239 5 9 Advertising .. .. .. 18 17 10 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 291 15 9 Laboratory stores— Fees for certificate of associateship .. .. 5 5 0 Mechanical .. .. .. 19 16 10 Fees for timber-testing .. .. .. 187 10 0 Electrical .. .. .. 23 13 2 Sales .. .. .. .. .. 012 0 Apparatus, &c, for civil engineering Transfers from College— and surveying .. .. 23 17 0 General .. .. .. 826 10 0 Apparatus for applied mechanics Exhibitions .. .. .. 80 0 0 and electrical engineering .. 55 15 3 Museum, Library, and School of Tech- Apparatus— nieal Science endowment .. 875 0 0 Hydraulics .. .. .. 69 4 2 1,781 10 0 Electrical engineering .. .. 30 17 10 Interest— General supplies .. .. 71 8 3 General Account .. .. 1 13 7 Upkeep of plant—Repairs to maContingencies Reserve Accoun* .. 84 10 10 chinery .. .. .. 410 8 86 4 5 Sundries .. .. .. 75 8 8 Library books .. .. .. 76 1 6 Repairs to buildings .. .. 28 0 6 Timber-testing .. ' .. .. 45 310 Testing-expenses .. .. 10 18 6 Handbooks .. .. .. 12 11 2 1,260 16 10 Transfers— Salary of assistant fireman .. 137 0 0 Salary of assistant in mathematics.. 55 0 0 Ground-rent .. .. .. 60 0 0 252 0 0 Exhibitions— General .. .. .. 120 0 0 British Thomson Houston Co. .. 24 18 11 General Electric Co. .. .. 50 2 0 195 0 11 Special Government grant —Apparatus .. 312 7 4 Buildings .. .. .. .. 168 6 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 1,048 0 5 £10,821 13 6 £10,821 13 6 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. 18 12 2 Equipment and apparatus .. .. 98 17 6 Plus transfer, income and expenditure .. 205 4 I Less depreciation .. .. .. 917 9 88 19 9 223 16 3 Library books.. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Government subsidies .. .. .. 254 711 Sundry debtors —Government subsidies .. .. 30 0 0 478 4 2 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 538 15 10 Carnegie grant for books .. .. .. 225 16 5 Sundry creditors ~ ~ ~ .. 315 0 £707 15 7 £707 15 7


E.— l

Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. o\ Salaries .. .. .. ..' .. 1,176 6 4 Government grant—Annual grant .. .. 750 0 0 General expenses— University of New Zealand-- National-endowment Insurance .. .. . . 2 3 2 grant .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 91 12 11 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 263 S 6 Incidentals .. .. .. 109 14 2 Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. 263 8 6 Records .. .. .. 26 2 3 Carnegie grant—Books for 1927 .. .. 28 11 6 Interest .. .. .. 516 4 235 8 10 Library books .. .. .. .. 28 11 6 Depredation — Equipment and apparatus .. . . .. . . .. 9 17 9 Capital—ExeeßS transferred.. .. .. 205 4 1 £1,655 8 6 £1,655 8 6

Statement of Receipts and Payments.

Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Balance, Ist January .'. .. .. 130 5 4 National-endowment grant—University of New Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,176 6 4 Zealand .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 General expensesDonations .. .. .. .. .. 263 8 6 Insurance .. .. .. 2 3 2 Subsidies .. .. ~ .. .. 233 8 (i Books .. .. .. .. 28 11 6 Share of Carnegie grant for books .. .. 254 7 11 Travelling-expenses .. .. 87 17 I I Subsidy on Carnegie grant .. .. .. 254 7 11 Incidentals .. .. .. 109 14 2 Gramophone-records .. 26 2 3 Interest .. .. . . 5 16 4 260 5 4 Balance, 31st December .. .. .. 538 15 10 £2,105 12 10 £2,105 12 10

MEDICAL SCHOOL RESERVES. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. cl. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 30,311 3 0 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 29,485 0 0 Capital cash .. .. .. .. .. 262 15 0 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 275 11 3 College—Contribution .. .. .. 57 3 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 1,368 0 3 Bank of New South Wales—General Fund .. 497 9 8 £31,128 11 6 £31,128 11 6 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. cl. I Income. £ s. d. Endowment expenses .. .. .. .. 96 7 5 Ront of reserves .. .. .. .. 1,859 2 2 Contribution to College, towards Maintenance of j Interest .. .. .. .. .. 75 17 0 Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 1,838 11 9 £1,934 19 2 £1,934 19 2 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. ! Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. .. 307 0 2 Endowment expensos .. .. .. .. 150 15 3 Rent of reserves .. .. .. 1,810 110 Contribution to College towards maintenance of Interest .. .. .. .. .. 67 II 8 Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 2,531 8 1 Balance, 31st December .. .. .. 497 9 8 £2,682 3 4 £2,682 3 4



Statement of Cash Balances at 31st December, 1927.

Accounts. £ s. d. College— T. W. .Adams School of-Forestry . . .. 1,374 2 0 Students' Loan Fund .. .. . . 668 7 5 Students' Union Building Fund .. . . 1, 366 11 4 Robert 801 l Scholarships .. .. .. 177* S John Connal Scholarships .. .. .. 35 8 8 Charles Cook Scholarship .. .. .. 175 010 Sir William Hartley Scholarship .. .. 40 9 9 j Joseph Haydon Prize .. .. .. 37 12 9 Helen McMillan Brown Bursaries .. .. 220 15 5 Canterbury College McMillan Brown Prize .. 40 16 2 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship . . .. .. 162 12 11 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial . . 110 0 School of Engineering .. .. 1,048 0 5 Workers' Educational Association .. .. 538 15 10 Boys' High School— Sports-ground Improvement Fund .. . . 264 13 10 j Jack Birdling Scholarship .. . . . . 914 6 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize .. .. . . 4 117 Thomas Miller Prize . . . . . . 4 14 Christchurch Girls' High School—Secondary school —General . . .. 1,062 8 11 Manual and scicnce .. . . . . 135 5 4 May Campbell Anderson Prize .. .. 8 17 7 Emily S. Foster Prize . . . . . . 16 12 2 Helen McMillan Brown Prize.. .. .. 10 11 8 Magazine Fund .. .. .. . . 4)14 Avonside Girls' High School — Secondary school—General .. .. . . 531 4 5 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science — Endowment .. .. .. .. 1,562 4 6 School of Art— General .. .. .. .. .. 3,960 19 9 Rosa Sawtell Prize .. .. .. . . 0 10 4 Museum .. .. .. .. .. 5,887 19 6 Bank of New South Wales— £ s. d. No. 2 Account .. .. 18,000 0 0 No. 1 Account .. .. 14,921 7 5 3,078 12 7 Plus outstanding cheques .. 155 8 0 3,234 0 7 £22,631 19 4

Accounts. £ s. d. College .. .. .. .. .. 18,149 11 8 School of Forestry .. .. .. .. 239 5 1 Boys' High SchoolBuildings . . .. .. .. .. 619 3 7 Secondary school —General .. . . .. 791 8 11 Hostel . . .. .. .. .. 834 16 6 Manual and science . . .. .. 86 19 5 Christchurch Girls' High School— Buildings . . .. .. .. .. 20 10 10 Hostel . . .. .. .. .. 376 14 4 Medical School Reserves .. .. .. 497 9 8 Public Library .. .. ... .. 1,015 19 4 £22,631 19 4

C. C. Kemp, Registrar. The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, herebv certifies them to be correct.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.



5. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Appointed by His Excellency tho Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen, M.A., X.C.8., M.L.C. ; C. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P.; James "Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c Elected by graduates—T. K. Sidey, Esq., 8.A., LL.B., M.P. (Chancellor) jC. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. (Oxon.); W. M. Maedonald, C.8.E., B.Sc, M.D., &o.; James Rennio, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by the professors—W. B. Benham, Esq., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S. ;J. K. 11. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc, F.T.O. Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board, J. W. Sourr, Esq.; oleetcd by teachers in primary schools, J. A. Moore, Esq., M.A., B.Sc; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq.; elected by High School Boards, J. C. Stephens, Esq.; elected by the Southland Education Board, J. C. Thomson, Esq.; elected by School Committees, L. D. Ritchie, Esq. ; elected by teachers of secondary schools, W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A., Oxon. (Vice-Chancellor); elected by Dunedin City Council, J. S. Douglas, Esq., J.P. Staff. Professors.- —Biology—W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S. English—Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology— J. Malcolm, M.D. Mining—James Park, M.Am.lnst.M.E., &o. Dentistry—R. C. Dodds, D.D.S. Chemistry— J. K. H. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, B.Sc. Physics—R. .lack, M.A., D.Sc Mental and Moral Philosophy—F. W. Dunlop, M.A., Ph.D. Anatomy—W. P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc. Pathology—A. M. Drennan, M.8., Ch.B. Classics —T. D. Adams. M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A. Mathematics — R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy—W. N. Benson, D.Sc, F.G.S. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. Systematic Medicine—D. W. C. Jones, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. OphthalmologySir H. L. Ferguson, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.].. History—J. R. Elder, M.A., D.Litt. Clinical Medicine anil Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitch ett, M.D., CM. Bacteriology and Public Health—C. E. Hercus, M.D., D.P.D., D.5.0., 0.8. E. Economics— A. G. B. Fisher, 8.A., Ph.D. Education—R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Associate Professors. —Anatomy—J. Carney, M.D. Dentistry—J. it. Burt, L.D.S., R.C.S. ;G. H. Parkinson, M.S., L.D.S. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar. —lT. Chapman, Esq., B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. To His Excellency the Govebnob-Genebal. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, 1 have the honour to forward herewith a report of the proceedings of the University of Otago for the year ended 31st December, 1927. The Council. —Early in the year Sir H. Lindo Ferguson tendered his resignation, since he was leaving for England and expected to be absent from the Dominion for nearly a year. To fill tho vacancy thus created, the Professorial Board elected as its representative Dr. J. K. H. Inglis, Professor of Chemistry, who during the period of his office as a Councillor did very useful work. On Sir Lindo Ferguson's return to New Zealand Dr. Inglis resigned his seat, and Sir Lindo was again appointed by the Professorial Board. Teaching Staff. —The chief change in the teaching staff has been occasioned by the resignation from the Chair of Dentistry of Professor H. P. Pickerill. Dr. Pickerill had occupied the chair since the establish ment of the Dental School in 1907, and during the past twenty years had seen very great development in this important branch of the University work. As a. researcher Dr. Pickerill made a, world-wide, reputation which brought honour not only to himself, but to the; University of Otago. The vacancy created by Dr. Pickerill's resignation has been filled by the appointment of Mr. Bevan Dodds, D.D.S., who previously held the position of Associate Professor of Dentistry. During the year resignations were received from the following members of the sub-professorial staff in the Arts and Science School: Miss Bertha Clement, assistant to the Professor of English ; Miss C. S. Bell, assistant to the Professor of Mathematics; and Mr. R. W. Souter, assistant to the Professors of Economics and Philosophy. During the year Mr. Souter won a prize of the value of $5,000 offered by the Pollok Foundation for the best criticism of a book on " Profits." lie has now loft for America to undertake research work in the field of economics. The following new appointments should be noted : Mr. A. A. Orton, Lecturer in Mathematics, and Mr. G. M. Cameron, assistant to the Professor of English. Resignations and new appointments in the other faculties are referred to in the reports of the respective deans. Building Accommodation. — -The now Medical School was opened in February by the lion. W. Downic Stewart, Minister of Finance. The building is proving of the utmost value in the efficient carrying-on of the work of the school. The building vacated by the anatomy and physiology classes has been adapted for the use of the classes of chemistry and geology, which were urgently in need of additional accommodation. Benefactions. —I have pleasure in recording the fact that during the year the Council has received several donations of which tho following are the most important: Plunket Society, £3,000 for study in child welfare ; Dunedin City Corporation, £1,250 for Museum extension ; Miss Jane Crow and Messrs. James and William Crow, £1,000 for medical and dental research ; 'Dunedin Savings-bank, £1,000 for general purposes ; Bank of New Zealand, £500 for Museum-extension ; Sir Louis Barnett, £250 (part of a gift of £1,000) for playing-fields. To these benefactors the Council expresses its most sincere thanks. Pressing Needs. —There are many pressing needs in the University, but I venture to refer to the following as among the most urgent: Salaries of teaching staff —It is the view of the Council that the salary payable to a professor should not be less than £1,000 per annum, and that such salaries should be paid to lecturers and assistants as will attract good applicants, and retain those appointed for a, reasonable time. It is sincerely trusted that financial provision will be made by the Government to enable these reforms to be effected. Teaching of Midwifery —The necessity for increased facilities to permit of the more efficient teaching of midwifery to medical students lias lor some time been engaging the attention of the Council. Representations on this subject have recently been made to the Council by the Medical Faculty, and the Council proposes to place certain proposals before the Government at an early date.


STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1927. arts and general school account. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. dGovernment grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1926 .. .. 9,323 5 1 Under New Zealand University Salaries— £ s. d. Amendment Act, 1919 .. 2,460 0 0 Professors, lecturers, &c .. 15,587 1110 National endowment, under Cleaning and caretaking .. 680 16 0 New Zealand University Office .. .. .. 1,338 16 8 Ame.dment Act, 1919 .. 2,155 4 0 Library .. .. .. 160 0 0 Onaccount of deficiency in 1926 3,000 0 0 17,767 4 6 On account of Professor of Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 517 7 9 Kd cation .. .. 637 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 323 111 8 On account of commerce capita- Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 602 19 7 tion .. .. .. 150 0 0 Material— £ s. cl. ()n account of special bursary Physics .. .. .. 9 5 9 and scholarship .. .. 70 0 0 Chemistry .. .. 39 8 6 8,472 14 0 Biology .. .. .. 17 16 9 Subsidy on donations .. .. .. .. 114 10 0 06 11 0 University of New Zealand— Equipment and apparatus — Revenue from national endow- Physics .. .. .. 354 3 8 ments .. .. .. .. .. 776 17 6 Chombitry .. .. .. 1.41 19 2 Donations— Biology .. .. .. 399 4 5 Otago Presbyterian Church £ s. d. General .. .. .. 120 11 5 Board .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 1,015 18 8 Memorial Walk Committee, Library .. .. .. .. .. 307 1 7 &c, for Memorial Walk .. 147 510 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 468 7 7 Trustees Executors Co., on Scholarships . . .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 account Music .. .. 300 0 0 Fees paid to Students' Association .. .. 1,095 12 9 2,947 510 Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. .. 401 15 6 Rents— Interest on University debentures .. .. 402 10 0 Reserves (allocation on account Students'foes refunded .. .. .. 171 16 6 Arts and General) .. 3,191 9 4 Payments on account Memorial Walk .. .. 105 13 11 Allocation on account Law .. 84 17 4 Bank of Now Zealand—Commission .. .. 25 2 0 Castle Street .. .. 452 0 0 Premium on debentures .. .. .. 5 0 0 Education Board .. .. 0 5 0 Sundry payments on account Marama Hall .. 35 2 i) Professors'houses .. .. 354 14 10 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. 22 0 6 King Street .. .. 170 1 4 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 736 19 5 4,253 710 Transfer to Ethnographic Building F"und (Acct. Students'fees .. .. .. .. 10,108 3 1 No. 40) .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Transfer from Account No. 2—lnterest on invest- Transfer to Dental students' library (Acct. No. 16) 10 0 0 ments .. .. .. .. .. 1,439 8 10 Sale of Calendars .. .. .. .. 18 10 3 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 30 2 6 Beverley Trust Account—Refund of salaries .. 600 0 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 162 0 4 Transfer from sundry accounts for administration.. 525 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 4,276 8 7 £33,724 8 9 £33,724 8 9



Statement of Income and Expendituee. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. 6,418 6 6 Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. Under New Zealand University Professors, lecturers, etc .. 14,262 II 10 Amendment Act, 1919 .'. 2,400 0 0 Cleaning and. caretaking .. 680 16 0 National endowment, under New Office .. .. .. 1,338 16 8 Zealand University Amendment Library .. .. .. 160 0 0 Act, 1919 .. .. .. 2,155 4 0 16,442 4 6 On account of deficiency in 1926 3,000 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 517 7 9 On account of Professor of EducaInsuranco .. .. .. .. .. 323 19 8 tion .. .. .. 850 0 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 602 19 7 On account of commerce capitation 200 0 0 Material— £ s. d. On account of special bursary and Physics .. .. .. 9 5 9 scholarship .." .. .. 70 0 0 Chemistry .. .. .. 39 8 6 8,735 4 0 Biology .. .. .. 17 16 9 University of New Zealand, for library .. .. 376 II I) 66 11 0 Donation, Otago Presbyterian Church Board .. 2,500 0 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 478 5 7 Rents — £ s. d. Payments to scholarship-holders .. . . 70 0 0 Reserves (allocation on account of Fees paid to Students' Association .. .. 1,095 12 9 Arts and Science) .. .. 3,087 17 11. Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. .. 40! 19 0 Reserves (on account of Law School) 82 3 0 Interest on University debentures .. .. 402 10 0 Castle Street .. .. .. 439 0 0 Interest on Oamaru Borough debentures (advanced) 13 4 8 Professors'houses .. .. 321 14 10 Students' fees refunded .. .. .. 2 3 0 King Street property .. .. 170 1 4 Bank of New Zealand—Commission .. .. 25 2 0 Education Board .. .. 0 5 0 Premium on debentures written oft' .. .. 5 2 0 4,101 2 1 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. 22 15 6 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 9,945 19 1 College fee written oil .. .. .. . . 15 0 Sale of calendars .. .. .. .. 18 10 3 Miscellaneous expenses . . .. . . 701 9 0 Salo of instruments and notes . . . . .. 30 2 6 Transfer to Ethnographic Museum Building Fund Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 157 6 1 Account —Grant from City Corporation . . 250 0 0 Transfer from Arts and General Investment AcSundry transfers to capital— count (No. 42) —Interest on investments .. 1,902 9 0 Appropriation ( for equipment— £ s. d. Transfer from sundry acoounts for administration .. 525 0 0 Physics .. .. .. 354 3 8 Transfer from Home Science Account (No. 44) for Biology .. .. .. 141 19 2 payment of duplicator .. .. .. 10 0 0 Chemistry .. .. .. 399 4 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 925 16 9 General .. .. .. 120 11 5 1,015 18 8 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 307 1 7 Appropriation for improvement University site .. 64 3 9 £29,228 1 6 £29,228 1 6 ARTS AND GENERAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1926— Transfer to Arts and General Account (No. 1) .. 1,439 810 Debentures— £ s. d. £ s, d. Balance on 31st December, 1927—Debentures .. 28,433 2 9 Mrs. Lothian's Account .. 600 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. • ■ 375 0 0 Land-sales Investment Account 4,067 5 9 Dunedin Savings-bank Profit Act, 1902 .. .. .. 6,500 0 0 Mrs. Oliver's bequest .. .. 2,506 17 0 General Purposes Investment Account .. .. .. 9,510 0 0 University Endowment Fund .. 2,249 0 0 Lectureship in Physics .. 1,000 0 0 26,433 2 9 Donations and bequests— Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. 1,000 0 0 Ross bequest .. .. .. 50 0 0 New Zealand Society of Accountants 1.00 0 0 1,150 0 0 Government subsidies — On contribution from Trustees, Executors Co., for music . . 125 0 0 On gift for Lectureship in Physics. . 1,000 0 0 1,125 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 1,439 810 £30,147 II 7 £30,147 11 7 Statement of Income and Expenditdbe. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Transfer to Arts and General Income Account Balance on Ist January, 1927, beina interest ac- £ s. d. (No. 41) .. .. ~ .. .. 1,902 9 0 crued .. .'. .. •• •■ 434 18 7 ' Interest 1,467 10 5 £1,902 9 0 £1,902 9 0




Balance-sheet as at 31st December., 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. (1. Capital Acoonnt— £ s. <!. £ s. d. ! Endowment lands .. .. .. ..140,564 0 0 Amount at 31st December, 1926.. 6207982 1.8 0 . University site .. .. .. .. 29,096 4 7 Less total donations and sub- University buildings .. .. .. ..316,684 0 0 sidles in Capital Account, .. 63,790 I I Equipment and Museum exhibits .. .. 76.382 12 10 566,192 13 II Laboratory material .. .. .. .. 2,944 11 5 Total donations to 31/12/26 .. 42,285 10 8 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 3,217 3 0 Donation received in 1927 .. 1,399 ! 4 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 217 16 6 - 48,684 12 0 Library (including llocken Library, £10,009) .. 18,325 0 0 Total subsidies to 31st December, Investments— 1926 .. .. .. 21,504 13 5 (a) Of gifts appearing in Capital Subsidies received in 1927 .. 3,572 10 0 Account— - 25,077 3 5 Debentures and inscribed £ s. d. Government grants received in stock .. .. 40,791 1.0 8 1927 .". .. .. .. 26,772 IS 4 Company shares .. 2,500 0 0 Transfer from Income and Ex- (b) Of subsidies appearing in penditure Accounts — Capital Account — Arts and General (Acct. No. 41) 1,387 4 0 Debentures and inscribed Dental School (Acct. No. 43).. 62 19 5 stock .. .. 23,504 13 5 Home Science School (Acct. (c) Other investments— No. 44) .. .. .. 570 9 I I Debentures and inscribed Medical School (Acct. No. 45) 1,126 8 0 stock .. .. 17,539 13 I Mining School (Acct. No. 47). . 266 10 9 Deposit with Hallonstein Museum (Acct. No. 48) .. 33 11 3 Bros. .. .. 8,920 4 0 Ralph Harriett (Acct. No. 50).. 105 5 3 Fixed deposit, Bank of Dean's Fund (Acct. No. 51) .. 167 8 8 New Zealand .. 1,795 6 0 Dental Students' Library (Acct. Fixed deposit, National No. 52).. .'.' .. 204 0 0 Bank .. .. 2,044 5 5 Mary Glendining (Acct. No. 53) 100 0 0 , Deposit, Dunedin SavingsDonald Reid (Acct. No. 52) .. 491 14 5 bank .. .. 316 4 0 Sir John Roberts (Acct. No. 56) 10 0 0 Investment with Trustees, Appropriation from Dental School Executors, Co., Ltd. .. 1,324 9 8 Equipment Account .. 1,012!) 5 98,736 6 3 5,538 10 1 ' DebtorsIncome and Expenditure Account— Assay fees due .. ■■ 14 18 0 Credit balances— Chemical-analysis fees <\\ic .. 16 16 0 Dental School (Acct. No. 43). . 465 210 Bacteriology fees £ s. cl. Homo Science School 'Acct. due ... .. 371 14 6 No. 44)., .. .. 2,330 3 8 Pathology fees due 130 IS 6 Dr. Harnett's Gift (Acct. No. 49) 505 13 11 Dental Students' Library (Acct. 502 13 0 No. 52).. .. .. 32 5 11 Less Reserve .. 177 6 3 i Moritzson Gift (Acct. No. 54) 60 18 2 325 6 9 Mary Glendining (Acct. No. 53) 496 8 6 Government grants clue .. 2,367 2 4 Sidey Gift (Acct. No. 57) .. 54 8 0 Studholme House Aooount .. 37 17 8 Ethnology Gift (Acct, No. 58) 135 0 5 interest accrued .. .. 1,562 6.11 Maheno inn! Marama Drill-hall 4,170 1 5 Account .. .. 35 2 0 Less Income and Expenditure Rents due £ s. d. Account—Debit balances— Otago reserves .. 376 18 7 Arts and General £ s. d. Southland re(Acct. No. 41) 025 16 9 serves .. 32 18 2 Medical School Castle Street re(Acct. No. 45) 581 6 2 serves .. 7 0 0 Mining School Professors'houses 77 0 0 (Acct. No. 47) 1,593 7 3 Health DepartMuseum (Acet. ment on acNo. 48) .. 246 16 4 count of tele3,347 6 6 phones .. 11 1.7 6 822 14 1.1 505 14 3 Sundry creditors— Students' fees clue .. .. 26 2 0 Assay fees to be paid out .. 12 12 3 Dunedin City Corporation' Beverly Trust Account .. 25 0 0 grant due .. .. 200 0 0 Chemical-analysis fee to bo paid 5,091 6 8 out .'. .. .. 14 14 0 Cash at bank .. •• •• .. 2,778 7 9 Students'fees to be paid out .. 98 14 0 Payments due to professors .. 8118 0 Trustees, Executors Co., Ltd.— Payment made in advance .. 16 13 4 Otago Hospital Board—Salaries 377 12 4 Trustees, Executors Co., Ltd.— Debentures .. .. 7.000 O 0 7,627 3 11 Balances of special accounts— Cancer Research Account .. 1,647 4 0 Chamber of Commerce Account.. 7 14 7 Chemistry Apparatus Fund . . 97 9 8 Dental School Equipment Account 359 15 3 Ethnology Books Donation Account ' .. .. .. 14 19 3 Hockon Library Account .. 132 0 1 Hcicken Library Books Committee Account .. .. 01 10 4 Honorary Medical Staff Account 745 16 0 Medical School Special. Library Account .. .. .'. 83 8 6 Carried forward .. .. 675,715 10 7 Carried forward.. ~ .. 694,037 9 0



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927 — continued. Liabilities —continued. £ s. d. Assets —continued. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 675,715 16 7 Brought forward .. .. 694,037 9 0 Balances of special accounts— continued. £ s. d. Parker Grave Account . . 6 9 7 Physiology Research Account . . 56 16 6 Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Account .. .. .. 394 4 0 Downie Stewart Gift .. .. 100 0 0 Vitamin Research Account .. 52 18 11 Popular Lectures Account .. 65 10 0 Dr. Malcolm's Research Account 7 7 3 Medical Graduates' gift .. 25 0 0 Cameron Memorial Fund .. 316 14 10 Home Science Alumna,' Account.. 1,316 1 8 Logan Park Account .. .. 2,085 1 1 Ethnographic Museum Building Fund Account .. .. 10,715 11 0 18,321 12 5 £694,037 9 0 £694,037 9 0 DENTAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. Nil Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. cl. Government grants — £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 4,364 9 6 Under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 384 16 9 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 635 10 0 Office .. .. .. 326 3 4 Special grant for upkeep .. 1,050 0 0 5,075 9 7 New building .. . . .. 670 10 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 137 410 On account of special bursaries .. 225 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 55 11 7 2,581 0 6 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 529 8 4 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 744 0 0 Material .. .. .. ..' .. 1,252 0 7 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,701 5 4 Equipment and apparatus .. .. .. 47 17 4 Fees of dental patients .. .. .. 3,454 19 4 Library .. .. .. .. .. 8 3 6 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 500 0 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 26 13 5 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 22 1 0 Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. 183 1 0 Transfers— Now building .. .. .. .. 669 10 6 From Acct. No. 15 (contribution to building) .. 104 6 0 Paymonts to professors .. .. .. 69 0 0 From Acct. No. 30 (Sidey gift) .. .. 69 2 4 Miscellaneous payments .. . . .. 394 9 0 Transfer to Arts and General Aecount(No. 1) for administration .. .. .. .. 136 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 592 4 10 £9,176 14 6 £9,176 14 6 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salarios— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. cl. Professors and lecturers .. 4,364 9 6 Under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 384 16 9 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 635 10 0 Office .. .. .. 326 3 4 Special grant for upkeep .. 1,050 0 0 5,075 9 7 Grant for bursaries .. .. 225 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 137 410 1,910 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 55 11 7 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 719 13 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 529 8 4 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,742 0 4 Material .. .. .. .. .. 1,252 0 7 Fees of dental patients .. .. .. 3,449 19 4 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 26 13 5 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 500 0 0 Payments to professors .. .. . . 69 0 0 Sales of instruments and notes .. .. .. 3 7 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. . . .. 349 19 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 9 14 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. 9 3 9 Transfer from Sidey Income Account (No. 57) .. 69 2 4 Special bursaries paid out .. .. . . 225 0 0 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment.. .. .. 47 17 4 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 8 3 6 Appropriation for buildings .. .. .. 6 18 7 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 136 0 0 Transfer, Acct. No. 52 .. .. ' .. 10 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 465 2 10 £8,403 13 10 £8,403 13 10

7—E. 7.



HOME SCIENCE SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. 1,884 Oil Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,065 13 4 Government grants— Cleaning and caretaking .. 141 3 7 Under New Zealand University Office .. .. .. 157 10 0 Amendment Act, 1919 .'. 1,275 2 0 3,364 Oil On account of capitation .. 750 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 97 9 5 On account of home science— Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 14 1 0 Boarding-allowances and travel- Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 208 16 10 ling-allowances .. .. 3,445 5 0 Material .. .. .. .. .. 95 17 9 On account of salary of assistant .. 450 0 0 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 523 10 4 5,920 7 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 30 9 7 Government subsidies.. .. .. .. 115 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 25 11 1 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,061 5 0 Bursaries paid out .. .. .. .. 3,445 5 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 010 4 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 10 4 6 Transfer from Studholme House Account—Salaries Fees paid to professors .. .. .. 31 10 0 and insurance paid for two years .. .. 820 011 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 232 4 2 Transfer to Studholme House,—Payment on account of salaries and insurance in 1927 .. .. 424 8 3 Transfer to Arts and General Account (No. 1) for administration .. .. .. .. 139 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,045 4 4 £10,687 19 2 £10,687 19 2 .- Statement of Income and Expenditure. Salaries— Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Professors and lecturers .. .. 3,100 13 4 Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. 2,343 1 9 Cleaning and caretaking .. 141 3 7 Government grants— Office.. .. .. .. 157 10 0 Under New Zealand University £ s. d. 3 ( 399 6 11 : Amendment Act, 1919 .. 1,275 2 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 97 9 5 On account of capitation .. 1,000 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 14 10 On account of home-science bursaries Material .. .. .. .. .. 95 17 9 and travelling allowances .. 3,445 5 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 25 11 1 On account of home-science assistWater, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 208 16 10 ant.. .. .. .. 450 0 0 Bursaries paid out .. .. .. .. 3,445 5 0 6,170 7 0 Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. .. 16 16 0 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,054 7 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 215 14 2 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 318 6 Students' fees written off .. .. .. 3 3 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 139 0 0 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment.. .. .. 523 10 4 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 30 9 7 Appropriation for buildings .. .. .. 16 10 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account (No. 41) for duplicator .. .. .. .. 1000 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,330 3 8 £10,571 14 9 £10,571 14 9



MEDICAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1927 .. .. Nil Professors and lecturers .. 11,823 17 9 Government grants— Cleaning and caretaking .. 660 6 6 Under New Zealand University Office .. .. .. 373 9 1 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 3,509 2 0 Library .. .. .. 250 0 0 Special grant for upkeep .. 1,050 0 0 13,107 13 4 On account of Modical Librarian .. 300 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 182 7 7 On account of Professor of Insurance .. .. .. " .. .. 141 12 10 Bacteriology .. .. 100 0 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 1,023 12 0 Upkeep, Pathology and Bacteri- Material— £ s. d. ology Department .. .. 600 0 0 Anatomy .. . . .. 200 19 0 Sundry grants .. .. 6 2 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 372 9 4 For Medical School building ..25,512 7 8 Pathology .. .. .. 292 16 9 On account of special bursaries .. 40 0 0 Physiology .. .. .. 151 18 4 31,117 2 2 1,018 3 5 Donations .. .. .. . . .. 39 18 0 Equipment and apparatus— Rent of reserves .. .. .. .. 1,996 0 0 Anatomy .. .. .. 94 11 4 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 6,005 1 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 272 4 2 Fees for bacteriological reports .. .. .. 2,131 4 7 Pathology .. .. .. 113 14 4 Fees for pathological reports .. .. . . 666 4 0 Physiology . . .. .. 132 12 ' 1 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 General .. .. .. 88 0 2 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 14 7 0 701 2 1 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 71 18 11 Library .. .. .. .. .. 334 13 2 Transfers— £ s. d. Repairs and maintenance of buildings . . .. 91 13 3 From Acct. No. 6—lnterest .. 135 5 0 Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 From Acct. No. 18 (Glendining)— Foes and sundry other payments to professors .. 1,081 811 Interest .. .. .. 787 9 II) Students'fees refunded ' .. .. .. 19 8 6 From Acct. No. 23—For library .. 18 3 0 New Medical School buildings . . .. ..25,423 10 3 From Acct. No. 10 (Ralph Barnett) Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 744 9 9 —Interest .. .. .. 697 7 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account (No. 1) for 1,638 4 10 administration .. .. .. .. 228 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 542 5 11 £44,680 I 0 £44,680 1 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. To Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors and lecturers .. 12,201 10 1 Under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 660 6 6 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 3,509 12 0 Office .. .. .. 373 9 1 Special grant for upkeep ..1,050 0 0 Library .. .. .. 250 0 0 On account of salary of Medical 13,485 5 8 Librarian.. .. .. 125 0 0 Printing, advertising, and sta- On account of salary of Professor tionery .. .. .. .. 182 7 7 of Bacteriology .. .. 100 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 141 12 10 Upkeep, pathology and bacteriWater, light, and fuel .. .. .. 1,023 12 0 ology .. .. 600 0 0 Material— Sundry grants .. .. 5 2 6 Anatomy .. .. .. 200 19 0 Special bursaries .. .. 40 0 0 Bacteriology .. .. 372 9 4 5,429 14 6 Pathology . . .. ■ .. 292 16 9 Donations .. . . .. .. 39 18 0 Physiology .. .. 151 IS 4 Rent of reserves .. .. .. .. 1,931 16 0 1,018 3 5 Rent, Health Department telephone and Dr. Repairs and maintenance of Carmalt-Jones telephone . . .. .. 12 19 0 buildings .. .. .. .. 91 13 3 Students'fees .. .. .- .. 5,983 5 0 Fees to professors, lecturers, and Fees for bacteriology reports .. .. 1,401 .1 7 Redroofs Hospital .. .. .. 1,195 19 0 Fees for pathology reports .. .. .. 494 3 8 Special bursary .. .. .. 40 0 0 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 512 3 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 14 7 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 680 16 4 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 53 13 11 Sundry transfers to capital— Sundry transfers — Appropriation for equipment— . Transfer from Medical School Income Account Anatomy .. .. 94 11 4 (No. 46)— Interest .. .. .. 189 18 11 Bacteriology ..' .. 272 4 2 Transfer from Mary Glendining Income Account Pathology .. .. 113 14 4 Account (No. 53) .. .. .. 1,12115 9 Physiology .. .. 132 12 1 Transfer from Ralph Barnett Income Account General .. .. .. 88 0 2 (No. 50) .. .. .. .. 947 710 701 2 1 Transfer from Library Special Account for Appropriation for— library expenditure .. .. .. 18 3 0 Library .. .. .. .. 834 13 2 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 581 6 2 Improvement in buildings .. .. 40 13 1 Completion of Medical School building .. .. .. 49 19 8 Transfer to Arts and General Income Account (No. 41) for administration .. .. .. 228 0 0 £19,219 10 4 £19,219 10 4



MEDICAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. cl. Balanoe on 31st December, 1926—Debentures— £ s. d. Transfer to Medical School Account (No. 5) .. 1.35 5 0 (Wolff Harris endowment) .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Balance on 3lst December, 1927— Government subsidies .. .. .. 11 I 0 Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,110 0 0 Donations— £ s. d. Cash .. .. .. .. .. 12 2 0 Dr. Marshall .. .. ..110 Miss Borrio .. .. .. 10 0 0 Il 1 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 135 5 0 £2,257 7 0 £2,257 7 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. cl. Income. £ s. d. Transfor to Medical School Income Account (No. 45) .. 189 18 11 Balance on Ist January, 1927, being interest accrued .. 54 13 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 135 5 5 £189 18 11 £189 18 II MINING SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, .1927 .. .. Nil Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants— Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 2,663 8 4 Under New Zealand University Amend- £ s. d. Cleaning and caretaking .. 66 0 3 ment Act, 1919 .. .. ..319 16 0 2,729 8 7 Grant from Mines Department (annual) 750 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 40 5 11 Grant from Mines Department for Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 17 4 5 apparatus .. .. .. 172 17 10 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 94 710 1,242 13 10 Material .. .. .. .. .. 16 14 8 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 366 12 0 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 378 5 2 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 322 17 6 Library .. .. .. .. .. 59 2 5 Assay fees .. .. . . .. .. 59 15 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 26 19 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,576 9 0 Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. .. 31 18 0 Assay fees paid out .. .. .. . . 24 14 6 Miscellaneous expenditure .. .. .. 127 611 Transfer to Arts and General Account (No. 1) for administration .. .. .. .. 22 0 0 £3,568 7 10 • £3,568 7 10 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. cl. Professors and lecturers .. 2,663 8 4 Under New Zealand University Amend Cleaning and caretaking .. 66 0 3 ment Act, 1919 .. .. .. 319 16 0 2,729 8 7 Mines Department .. .. .. 750 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 40 5 11 1,069 16 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 1.7 4 5 Rent from endowments .. .. .. 354 6 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 94 710 Fees from students .. .. .. 319 14 6 Material .. .. .. .. .. 16 14 8 j Assay fees .. .. .. .. .. 33 10 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 63 19 5 i Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,593 7 3 Foes to professors and lecturers .. .. .. 31 18 0 Refunds to students .. .. .. .. 110 Assay fees written off as irrecoverable .. .. 3 13 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 83 12 11 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment .. .. .. 205 7 4 Appropriation for buildings .. .. .. 210 0 Appropriation for library .. .. 59 2 5 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 22 0 0 £3,370 13 9 £3,370 13 9



MUSEUM. Statement or Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. Nil Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 768 5 0 Professors, lecturers, &c .. .. 600 0 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 310 7 Cleaning and, caretaking .. .. 200 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 443 5 9 800 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. . . 8 19 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 32 17 8 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 163 3 10 Material .. .. .. .. .. 14 16 10 Equipmont and apparatus .. .. .. 15 4 9 Library .. .. .. .. .. 10 2 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. . . 109 15 9 Miscellaneous expenditure .. .. .. 60 011 £1,215 1 4 £1,215 1 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Rent, Museum Reserve .. .. .. 768 5 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. .. 600 0 0 Grant from City Corporation .. .. .. 200 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. .. 200 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 246 16 4 800 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 819 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 32 17 8 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 163 310 Material .. .. .. .. .. 14 16 10 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 109 15 9 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 48 211 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment.. .. .. 15 4 9 Appropriation for building .. .. .. 8 4 6 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 10 2 0 £1,216 1 4 £1,215 1 4 STUDHOLME HOUSE ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. j Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. 682 15 6 j Food .. . . ~ .. .. 989 5 9 Boarding fees .. .. .. .. 3,163 11 3 Wages .. .. .. .. 557 17 0 Miscellaneous recoipts .. .. .. 915 6 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. .. 306 811 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 226 10 5 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 148 6 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. . . 311 8 9 Refund, General Account, Home Scionce School Account (No. 4) on account of salaries and insurance for two years .. .. .. 820 011 Balance .. . . .. .. .. 496 4 0 £3,856 2 3 £3,856 2 3 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s . d. Boarding fee written off .. .. .. 2 0 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. .. 3,163 ,11 3 Food .. .. .. .. .. 989 5 9 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. 915 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. . . 375 4 4 Wages .. .. .. .. .. 557 17 0 Insurance .. .. .. ... .. 14311 Water, light, and fuel.. .. .. .. 306 8 11 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 148 6 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 311 8 9 Balance (transferred to capital).. .. .. 468 11 7 £3,173 6 9 £3,173 6 9



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital at 31st December, 1926 .. 5,384 10 3 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 794 15 6 Add excess income over expenditure 468 II 7 Site .. .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 5,853 110 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Amount owing to General Account .. .. 37 17 8 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 496 4 0 £5,890 19 6 £5,890 19 6 * BEVERLY TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1927— Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 338 12 6 Debentures .. .. .. .. 7,605 5 0 Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 12 12 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 462 2 3 Rates .. .. .. .. .. 344 15 3 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,577 3 0 Commission .. .. .. 83 13 2 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 440 3 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 13 6 7 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Interest advanced .. .. .. .. 10 8 9 Balance on 31st December, 1927— Debentures .. .. .. .. 8,315 5 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 246 0 1 £10,084 13 4 £10,084 13 4 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Repairs .. .. •■ •• •• 338 12 6 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,635 16 8 Expenses .. .. .. • ■ • • 12 12 0 Interest, .. .. .. .. .. 449 14 9 Rates .. .. .. .. • • 344 15 3 Commissions and petty expenses .. .. 103 17 7 Insurance .. .. . • •■ • - 13 6 7 Salaries 600 0 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Balance carried to Accumulated Income .. 552 7 6 £2,085 11 5 £2,085 11 5 Accumulated Income Account. £ s. d. £ s . d. Appropriation to capital .. .. .. 755 17 7 Balance, Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. 571 9 8 Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 367 19 7 Balance transferred from Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. .. .. 552 7 6 £1,123 17 2 £1,123 17 2 ' ■I'TTT" T ■" i f » Tfl ,v-ii r-t CTV Balance-sheet as at 31st Decembeb, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. •• 20,961 5 6 Freehold property as per Government valuation . . 12,600 211 Accumulated income .. .. .. •• 367 19 7 Debentures and inscribed stook .. .. 8,315 5 0 Trustees, Executors, Co.—Amount owing, for com- Rents accrued .. .. .. .. 58 13 8 missions and petty expenses .. .. .. 20 4 5 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 129 710 Cash in bank .. .. .. .. 246 0 1 £21,349 9 6 £21,349 9 6 * Memo. —The transactions incorporated in these accounts in respect of tho administration of certain assets by the Trustees, Executors, and Agency Co., Ltd., cover a period of fifteen months.



TRAINING CORPS' HALL TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. 245 9 0 Balance in Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. 257 011 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 11 11 11 £267 0 11 £257 0 11 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. I Income. £ s. d. Repairs to building .. .. .. .. 35 2 9 j Interest .. .. .. .. .. 11 19 11 Balance carried to capital .. .. .. 23 2 10 £35 2 9 £36 2 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. i Assets. £ s. d. Capital at 31st December, 1926 .. 254 3 6 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 9 2 6 Less excess of expenditure over income 23 210 Cash in Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. .. 257 011 231 0 8 Amount owing to General Account .. .. 35 2 9 £266 3 5 £266 3 5 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. j Payments. £ s. d. Government grants .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Balance on Ist January, 1927.. .. .. 17190 Government subsidies .. .. .. .. 425 16 9 i Salaries of lecturers .. .. .. .. 1,442 10 0 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 307 19 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 201 2 4 Special donation through University of New Zealand 254 711 j Library .. .. .. .. .. 9 8 5 University of New Zealand —National-endowment i Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 5 15 0 grant .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Balance (debentures) .. .. .. .. 254 710 Balance on 31st December, 1927 (cash) .. .. 46 8 9 £2,084 12 7 £2,084 12 7 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1927 .. .. .. 0 0 1 Government grants .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Salaries of lecturers .. .. .. .. 1,442 10 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 247 19 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 201 2 4 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 307 19 2 Library .. .. .. .. .. 985j Special donation through University of New Zealand 254 7 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 207 16 4 University of New Zealand —National-endowment grant .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 II £1,860 17 2 j £1,860 17 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. ■ £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 254 710 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 254 710 Balance of Income Account .. .. .. 207 16 4 Government grants duo .. .. .. .. 247 19 2 Cash in dobit .. .. .. .. 46 8 9 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 6511 £508 12 11 £508 12 11 **■'*"' ■■"■■■■' — ' »"■■■'*■'" ■ "*:



SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZE FUND ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments.

I Batchelor Memorial. Dental Bursary Fund. Dunbar Research Scholarship. .Tohn Edmond Fellowship. Fowler Scholarship. Gllray Prize. Balance in Bank. Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26 Government subsidy Interest £ s. d. 122 19 11 £ s. d. 21 6 9 £ s. d. 1,031 13 0 £ s. d. 4,271 11 0 £ s. d. 765 19 5 700 0 0 47 3 5 £ s. d. 45 8 4 £ s. d. 5 9 2 58 6 7 247 8 2 2'io 2 Payments. Paymont for medals Paymont, to holders Bank charge Balanoe on 31/12/27 — Invested Current account Current account overdrawn 128 9 0 3 9 1 21 6 9 20 0 0 1,089 19 7 ()' 0 4 4,518 19 2 210 0 0 0 1 4 1,513 2 10 30 0 0 0 0 3 47 18 6 2 2 0 119 14 6 8 10 10 1 6 9 1,029 6 10 60 12 5 4,264 11 2 44 6 8 1,460 0 0 23 2 7 46 0 0 137 19 3 0 3 6 0 3 6 128 9 1 21 6 9 1,089 19 7 4,518 19 2 1,513 2 10 47 18 6 137 15 9 Scholarship. , a^ffiup. InvereargiU Savings-bank Girls' Scholarship. Lady King Scholarship. Leask Memorial. Ouifus Lubecki Scholarship. Balance in Bank. (Forward) £ s. cl. 137 15 9 Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26 Government, subsidy Interest Transfer from Account 21 £ s. cl. 434 15 7 2 25 4 0 dt\a iq 79 £ s. cl. 434 15 7 25 4 0 £ s. 1 2,048 16 98 11 s i« 7 £ s. d. 2,048 16 5 98 11 0 £ s. d. 2,026 17 6 99 12 7 £ s. d. 3,000 0 0 70 16 9 8,000 0 0 £ s. d. 67 19 6 3 1 1 £ s. d. 3,694 19 11 193 15 0 Payments. Paymont for medals Payment to holders Bank charge Balance on 31/12/27 — Invested Current Account 459 19 7 2 20 0 0 0 0 2 440 8 10 2 459 19 7 2,147 7 5 2,147 7 70 0 0 0 2,030 19 46 8 2,126 10 1 6,070 16 9 71 0 7 3,888 .14 11 70 0 0 0 0 5 0 3 9 I75"o 0 '00 10 35 0 0 0 0 5 o'o 4 2,030 19 0 46 8 0 2,040 0 0 51 9 8 5,976 10 0 94 6 5 60 15 4 10 1 6 3,691 15 7 21 18 6 224 4 1 Current account overdrawn 0 9 5 d!Vi 10 7 9 y 1,17 7 361 19 10 0 9 5 459 19 7 2 459 19 7 2,147 7 5 2,147 7 2,126 10 I 6,070 16 9 71 0 7 3,888 14 11 361 10 5 Macandrew Scholarship. Macgregor Prize. Marions MacCallum Memorial. MaomillanBrown Scholarship. Medical Association. Parker Memorial. Balance in Bank. Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26 Donation Interest £ s. d. 1,599 15 2 84 '2 6 1 fiSS 17 fi £ s. c 187 19 9 1 10.7 o 1 (Forward) £ s. d. 361 10 5 £ s. d. 1,599 15 2 £ s. d. 187 19 1 £ s. d. 1,226 14 11 £ s. d. 264 18 10 £ s. d. 0 4 8 5 0 0 £ s. d. 72 12 9 84 '2 6 9 1 9 64 8 8 15 4 1 3 18 7 Pay m eiils. Payment for medals Paymont to holders Bank charge Balance on 31/12/27 — Invested Current account 1,683 17 8 0"() 5 1,594 10 11 89 6 4 1 KS'4 17 « 1,683 17 8 .197 O 1 5 0 185 I 6 19 107 n 1 197 0 10 1,291 3 7 280 2 11 5 4 8 76 11 4 0 2 0 4 15 1 2 0 0 O'o 5 5 0 0 0' 0 4 0 0 1 1,594 10 11 89 6 4 185 I 8 6 19 2 1,216 2 0 74 19 3 260 0 0 20 2 10 0 "9 7 72 6 I 2 5 3 194 2 5 1,683 17 8 1,683 17 8 197 0 1 197 0 10 1,291 3 7 280 2 11 5 4 8 76 11 4 555 12 10 Lissie Rathbone Lissie Rathbone Scholarship. Richardson Richardson Scholarship. Walter Scott Scholarship. Dr. Scott Memorial. Smeaton Research Scholarship. S. P. Smith Prize. Balance in Bank. (Forward) £ s. cl. 555 12 10 Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26 interest £ s. d. 3,100 0 9 171 14 0 £ s. d. 1,200 10 8 63 0 9 £ s. d. 572 18 8 28 9 4 £ s. d. 113 6 11 5 9 5 £ s. d. 5,656 12 3 321 8 1 £ s. cl. 52 14 6 2 16 1 Payments. Paymont for medals Payment to holders Bank charge Balanco on 31/12/27 — Invested Current account 3,271 14 9 1,263 1.1 5 601 8 0 118 16 4 5,978 0 4 55 10 7 100 0 0 0 0 11 30 0 0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 322 10 0 0 1 10 3,097 10 0 74 3 10 1,196 7 4 37 3 9 566 2 4 25 5 6 UO 0 0 3 16 4 5,648 2 6 7 6 0 55 0 0 0 10 7 148 6 0 3,271 14 9 1,263 11 5 601 8 0 118 16 4 5,978 0 4 55 10 7 703 18 10


Statement of Receipts and Payments— continued.

Statement of Income and Expenditure.

B—E. 7.


i.,p s.t„„ f Sir Robert s h,i.;,4i Stout Stuart Prize. Scholarship. Sc , 10 i,. lrshi ,,. _ ___ £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. Taieri Scholarship. Olrich Waters Memorial. Memorial. Balance in Bank. (Forward) £ s. d. 703 18 10 Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20 I 0 112 2 3; 6 1" 6 118 3, 9 20 10 Donation Balance on 31/12/26 Interest 1,231 7 1 64 13 10 ,231 7 1 1,176 r6 1 165 15 5 64 13 10 , 59 18 2 9 14 8 618 18 3 31 0 11 11 . i 1,296 0 1.1 1,236 14 3 175 10 1 649 19 2 Payments. \ccrued interest paid Payment to holders Bank charge Balance on 31/12/27— Invested Current account 50 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 I 20 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 9 1 5 1 6 | j 103 18 5 ! 20 I 0 9 3 10 1,225 0 0 21 0 7 1,170 0 0 66 13 11 160 6 5 15 3 7 612 17 5 17 I 7 129 3 6 I ncome account overdrawn 0 9 1 S33 2 4 0 9 1 1,296 (111 1,236 14 3 175 10 1 6-19 19 2 , 118 3 9 | 20 I 0 832 13 3 Women's Scholarship. George Young Balanco in Scholarship. Bank. (Forward) £ s. d. £ s. d. 832 13 3 Receipts. Balanco on 31/12/26 Interest £ s. d. 847 3 10 44 4 4 £ s. d. 2,053 3 0 127 4 6 2,053 3 0 127 4 6 891 8 2 [2,180 7 6 2,180 7 6 Payments. Payment to holders Bank charge Balance on 31/12/27 — Invested Current account 25 0 0 0 0 3 100 0 0 0 0 8 844 3 4 22 4 7 2,050 0 0 30 6 10 52. 11 5 891 8 2 |2,180 7 6 885 4 8

£ s. d. Batcheloj Dr. Memorial. Cr. £ s. 5 9 5 9 £ s. d. 5 9 2 d. 2 2 Dunbar Research Scholarship. John Edinond Fellowship. Fowler Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s.'d. £ s. cl. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 . .. 58 12 I .. 'I 248 4 8 '■ .. 58 9 10 210 0 0 i .. 30 0 0 0 0 4 .. 0 I 4 I ' .. 0 0 3 58 11 9 .. 38 3 1 .. 28 9 7 j 2 58 12 .1, 58 12 I 218 I s 248 I 8 58 9 10 58 9 1(1 By Interest receivable To Payment to holder.. 0 3 9 To Bank charge To Balance carried to 5 5 5 Accumulated Income 5 9 9. o :i 9 5 f> 5 5 9 2 5 9 2 O 9 2 ■■ ■ . Gilraj Dr. ' \ £ s. cl. , Prize Girls' High s ' lTU ' e ' Schola: Or. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 10 2 20 0 0 0 0 2 5 3 10 Prize. Cr. £ s. 2 10 2 10 d. 2 2 Girls' High School Jubilee InvereargiU Savings-bank InvereargiU Savings-bank Scholarship. Boys' Scholarship. Girls' Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. _ . _, —<—— . . .' -rrr—i £ s. d. £ s. cl. £ s. cl. £ s. d. { £ s. cl. £ s. d. 2 .. 25 4 0 .. 99 6 4'| * . . ' 100 14 7 20 0 0 .. 70 0 0 .. 35 0 0 0 0 2 .. 0 0 5 . . 0 0 5 5 3 10 .. 29 5 11 .. 65 14 2 2 25 4 0 25'4 0 99 '.6,' 4 99 6 4 100 14 7 100 14 7 InvereargiU Savings-bank Girls' Scholarship. Dr. Cr. I i £ s. cl. £ s. d. ' .. 100 14 7 35 0 0 0 0 5 65 14 2 By Interest receivable.. To Payment to holder.. 2 2 0 To Bank charge To Balance carried to 0 8 2 Accumulated Income 2 10 2 2 10 2 25 4 0 100 14 7 100 14 7 Leask I Memorial. Dutfus Lubecl Cr. Dr. Memorial. Dutfus Lubecki Scholarship. Mneandrcw Scholarship. , Macgregor Prize. ,- Macgregor Prize, ■ Br. j £ s. cl. Cr. . Dr. Cr. Dr. . .Or. . . Dr. Cr: Dr. Cr. i By Interest receivable To Payment to holder.. 0 3 9 To Bank charge To Balance carried to 3 2 10 Accumulated Income 3 6 7 - i_i £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 6 7 175 0 0 0 0 10 20 1 I £ s. 3 0 d. 7 £ s. d. £ s. cl. £ s. d. £' s. cl. £ s. cl. £ s. d. 7 .. 195 111 .... j 86 0 6 .. 9 12 9 175 0 0 . . ..: ... .. : (I 0 10 .. 0 0 5 .. 5 0 0 20 11 .. 86 0 1,- .. 4 12 9 £ s. cl. £ s. d. 9 12 9 5 0 0 4 12 9 I ■■ • ■ ■ ■ ' : 3 6 7 195 1 11 3 6 7 7 195 1 11 ! 195 1 11 I 86 0 6 86 0 6 . 9 12 9 I 9 12 9 9 12 9 j 9 12 9



Statement of Income and Expenditure— continued.

Macmillan-Brown Scholarship. Marjorie MacCallum Memorial. Parker Prize. Lissie Rathbone Scholarship. Dr. Gr. Dr. Or. Dr. Gr. Df. Or. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable.. .. 15 97 .. 66 07 .. 441 .. 174 9 0 To Payment to holder.. .. .. 020 .. 200 .. 100 0 0 To Bank charge .. 001 .. 004 .. .. .. 0 0 11 To Balance carried to 15 9 6 .. 65 18 3 .. 2 4 1 .. 74 8 1 Accumulated Income 15 9 7 15 9 7 66 0 7 66 0 7 4 4 1 4 4 1 174 9 0 174 9 0 Richardson Scholarship. Dr. Scott Memorial. W. Scott Scholarship. I Smeaton Research Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. I Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable.. .. 63 11 9 .. 5 14 11 .. 29 5 10 .. 323 2 8 To Payment to holder.. 30 00 .. 500 .. 1000 .. 322100 Bank charge .. 004 .. .. .. 002 .. 0 1 10 Balance carried to 33 11 5 .. 0 14 11 .. 19 5 8 .. 0 10 10 Accumulated Income 63 11 9 63 11 9 5 14 11 5 14 11 29 5 10 29 5 10 323 2 8 323 2 8 S. V. Smith Prize. Stuart Prize. Anna P. Stout Scholarship, Sir Robert Stout Scholarship. Dr. Gr. Dr. ' Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. j Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable.. .. 3 1 7 .. 9 14 8 .. 65 16 9 .. | 62 13 2 To Payment to holder.. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 .. Bank charge .. .. .. 001 .. 004 .. 004 Balance carried to 3 1 7 .. 9 14 7 .. 15 16 5 .. 62 12 10 Accumulated Income 3 1 7 3 1 7 9 14 8 9 14 8 65 16 9 65 16 9 62 13 2 62 13 2 Taieri Scholarship. Ulrich Memorial. Women's Scholarship Guy Young Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Gr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable.. .. 31 11 11 .. 6 1 6 .. 45 6 4 .. 127 4 6 To Payment to holder.. 20 00 .. 516 .. 25 00 .. 100 0 0 Bank charge .. 002 .. .. .. 003 .. 0 08 Balance carried to 1111 9 .. 100 .. 20 61 .. 27310 Accumulated Income 31 II II 31 11 11 6 1 6 6 1 6 45 6 4 45 6 4 127 4 6 127 4 6 Lady King Scholarship. J Waters Memorial. Dr. Cr. j Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. .. .. .. 186 10 1 .. 11 0 0 To Payment to holder .. .. .. .. .. Bank charge.. .. .. .. 004 Balance carried to Accumulated Income.. 186 9 9 .. II 0 0 186 10 I 186 10 1 11 0 0 11 0 0 I Balance-sheet at 31st December, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 41,372 17 0 Debentures .. .. .. .. 41,347 10 8 Accumulated income at 31st Decern- Cash .. .. .. .. .. 885 4 8 ber, 1926 .. .. .. 974 10 4 Interest accrued, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 745 2 11 Add interest accrued, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. .. 596 10 6 1,571 0 10 Less transferred to Capita! Account 860 19 0 710 1 10 Add excess income over expenditure 894 19 5 1,605 1 3 £42,977 18 3 | £42,977 18 3



Sundry Statements of Receipts and Payments.

9—E. 7.

Acct Nn il- Acct. No. 10: Acct. No. 11: : Acct. No. 12 : Acct. No. 13 : ,,.,,. N „ ... u ■ Rnrnet+'"« R'uph Burnett Cancer \ Chamber of Chemistry Acct. No. 14 : fl, ,'".. ?&,, ,',' ' iir.Bi nuts g nau . 0( Research Commerce Apparatus Dean's Fund, , l' „,, '''"■ Surgery. Fund. Prize. I'und. imiiiliinuit. Receipts. Balance on 1/1/27 — Debentures Cash Government subsidies .. • Donations Interest Fees £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,000 0 0 15,325 0 0 .. .. .. 2,466 2 4 495 7 1 81 14 31,162 4 3 11 14 7 47 14 6 142 18 6 1,353 I 2 500 0 0 100 0 0 10 10 0 108 6 0 802 12 3 .. .. .. 136 12 2 150 19 0 2,603 13 1 16,209 6 6 1,762 4 3 22 4 7 I 198 13 6 2,745 13 0 1,353 I 2 16,209 6 6 1,762 4 3 22 4 7 198 13 6 2,745 13 0 1,353 I 2 Payments. Salaries—Professors, &c. Material Equipment Transfer to Medical School Account (No. 5) Library Payments on account of prizes Fees paid cm t Miscellaneous expenses Transfer, Dental School Account (No. 3) Balance on 31/12/27— Debentures Cash 59 18 6 697 7 0 97 12 1 14 10 0 6 3 2 33 " 6 7 888 i9 11 97 2 8 17 - 8 2 104 6 0 |2,000 0 0 543 14 7 16,405 0 0 106 19 6 1,647' 4 0 7 14 7 95 7 8 2,600 2 4 106 4 1 359 15 3 12,603 13 1 16,209 6 6 1,762 4 3 22 4 7 I 198 13 6 2,74.8 13 0 1,353 I 2 Acct. No. 16 : Dental Students' Library. f1w,Lv : Acct. No. 18 : Acct. No. 19 : A ™ I'J,?' 20 : BolT M Hooljen Library Donation. Library. BootoCom. I Acct. No. 21 : Lady King Scholarship. Acct. No. 22: lliiiiorarv Medical Staff. Receipts. Balance on 1/1/27 — Debentures Cash Government subsidies Donations Interest Transfer from Hocken Library Account (No. 19) Transfer from Arts and General Account (No. 1), being donation from Council £ s. d. 113 1 10 159 6 6 90 14 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 16,868 13 3 13 19 3 106 16 10 260 9 3 56 15 5 .. 887* 9 101 84 8 6 .'. 73 10 6 £ s. d. 3,ooo"o 0 £ s. cl. 745 16 0 10 0 0 373 2 10 13 19 3 17,862 19 11 344 17 9 130 5 11 3,000 0 0 745 16 0 Payments. Salaries—Professors, &c. Equipment Library Premium on purchase of debentures Miscellaneous expenses Transfer to Medical School Account (No. 5) Transfer to Hocken Library-books Committee Account (No. 20) Transfer to Scholarship and Prize Fund Account Balance on 31/12/27— Debentures Cash 43 13 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 787" 9 10 50 0 0 75 0 0 14 7 2 38 is 7 73 10 6 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 121 6 1 13 19 3 16,978 13 3 96 16 10 132 "o 1 91 io 4 745 16 0 373 2 10 13 19 3 ! 17,862 19 11 344 17 9 130 5 11 3,000 0 0 746 16 0



Sundry Statements of Receipts and Payments— continued.

AC Medtaf 8 : Acot ' No ' 24 : Acct ' No ' 2B :,, «&« » i i i Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26— £ s. d. £ s. d. l £ a. cl. Debentures .. .. ... 222 6 11 Cash . . .. .. 45 16 0 43 15 0 0 9 7 Government grants Government subsidies .. .. 35 15 6 Donations .. .. .. 20 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 12 3 0 Acct. No. 24 : Acct. No. 25 : Miiritzson Parker Gift. Grave. £ s. d. ' £ s. cl. 222 6 11 43 15 0 0 9 7 Acct. No. 20 : i . , N ,_ . Acct. No. 28 : %['^"'u J '' »gy | &*"*£ „ R ggh id £ s. ci. £ s. d. £ s. (I. ! £ s. cl. 6,674 10 0 2,040 0 0 I 56 16 5 346 12 0 471 14 7 343 9 II | 600 0 0 12 3 0 359 I 8 I 110 18 11 ! I : I I i 101 116 278 4 11 6 9 7 278 4 1 I 6 9 7 56 16 5 7,380 3 8 2.622 13 6 j 943 9 11 I ' i 7,380 3 8 '2.622 13 I ' 6 j 943 9 11 1 Payments. Salaries —Professors, &o, Miscellaneous expenditure Payment of scholarship Transfer to Medical School Account 18 3 0 (No. 5) for library Balance on 31/12/27— Debentures . . .. .. .. 222 6 11 Cash .. .. .. 83 8 6 55 18 0 6 9 7 500 0 0 0 3 2 49 5 11 100 0 0 7,214 10 0 2.077 2 2 6 9 7 56 16 5 165 13 8 445 8 2 394 4 0 6 9 7 56 16 5 7,380 3 8 2,622 13 6 943 9 11 101 II 6 278 4 1.1 6 9 7 "sid'cv-cir Ac «? t: Sidey Gilt. 8tewart t}ift . Acct. No. 31 : Acct. No. 32 : Acct. No. 33 : Acct. No. 34 : ?''' Downie Vitamin Popular Dr. Malcolm's ,.;,,?,,,"?,,„. Stewart Gift. Research. Lectures. Research. «ift ! ' i 1 Receipts. Balance on 31/12/26-- £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. .. ,1,000 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 9 15 0 100 0 0 Government grants .. .. . . .. \ Government subsidies .. .. .. 1,000 0 0^ Interest .. .. .. .. .. 67 2 6 .. ■ Door receipts Grant from New Zealand Institute £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. cl. £ s. d. 100 0 0 1 .. .. 4 6 8 25 0 0 150 0 0 85 8 0 '.'. '.'. 76 13 11 I 2,076 17 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 85 8 0 81 0 7 25 0 0 85 8 0 81 0 7 25 0 0 Payments. Salaries, research workers Advertising and sundry expenses Miscellaneous expenses Transfer to Dental School Account (No. 3) . . 69 2 4 Balance on 31/12/27 — Debentures .. .. '.. .. 2,000 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 7 15 2 100 0 0 2,076 17 6 100 0 0 54 9 3 .. 73 13 4 19 18 0 42 11 10 54 9 3 42 II 10 19 is 0 73 13 4 100 0 0 52 is II 65 10 0 7 "l 3 26 "o 0 52*18 II 65 10 0 7 7 8 25 "o 0 150 0 0 85 8 0 81 0 7 25 0 0 Acct. No. 30 : ('ameron Memorial Fund, Acct. No. 87 : Acct. No. 38 : Ethnology Home Science Gift. Alumnai. Acct. No. 3(1: Logan Park. Acct. No. 40 : Ethnographic Museum Building Fund, Receipts. £ 8. d. £ s. cl. 2,593 19 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/26 — £ s. d. Debentures Deposit in Savings-bank .. . . . . .. 206 8 0 Companies' shares Investment with Trustees and Executors Co., Ltd. .. On fixed depoit Investment with H.ailonstein Bros., Ltd. Cash . . .. . . . . . . . . 3 3 0 Donations . . . . .. . . . . . . 99 2 0 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 0 Transfer from Arts and General Account (No. I) 311 2 0 2,500 0 0 1,094 5 9 51 9 0 17 9 8 148 8 8 272 5 9 55 17 7 2,750 0 0 8,463 16 5 250 0 0 88 15 0 1,500 0 0 456 7 7 250 0 0 311 2 0 5,417 14 6 1,316 1 8 3,088 15 0 ,10,670 4 0 .hi z o Payments. Equipment Preparation of ground Miscellaneous expenditure .. .. .. .. 1 14 2 Balance on 31/12/27— Debentures Deposit in Savings-bank .. .. .. .. 308 17 0 Companies' shares Investment with Trustees Co. Fixed deposit Investment with Hallenstcin Bros. Cash in credit .. .. .. .. . . 0 10 10 Cash in debit 1 i4 2 308 17 0 283 17 2 2,593 19 9 2,500 0 0 1,029 4 4 1,324' 9 8 2,01815 0 1,750 0 0 8,920 4 0 0 10 10 39 17 7 8 8 0 40 15 8 311 2 0 5,417 14 6 1,316 1 8 3,088 15 0 10,670 4 0



Sundry Statements of Income and Expenditure.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (900 copies), £90.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— l92B.

Price Is. 3d, j

Acct. No. 49 : Dr. Barnetfs Gift. Dr. Cr. Acct. I Ralph Barnett C ■Jo. 50: Ihair of Surgery. Acct. 1 The Deal fo. 51: i's Fund. Dr. Cr. £ a. d. I Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance on 1/1/27 .. .. .. .. 495 7 1 Interest accrued on 1/1/27 .. .. .. 51 19 4 Interest for year .. .. .. .. 108 6 0 £ a. d. £ s. d. 247 16 10 1 804 16 3 I 60"e 0 140 9 3 655 12 5 1,052 13 1 200 15 3 To Purchase of books .. . . .. 59 18 6 Transferred to Capital Account Transferred to Medical School income Account (No. 45) Payments on account of research Balance .. .. .. .. .. 595 13 II 105 "s 3 947 7 10 9 1 2 167 8 8 24 5 5 655 12 5 1,052 13 1 200 15 3 Acct. No. 62 : Dental Student's Library. To. 52 : int's Library. Acct.. Mary Gli No. 53: mdining. Acct. 1 Moritzsi So. 54 : on Gift. n* n.r Cr. I Dr. Cr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. I £ s. ci. £ s. d. By Balance on 1/1/27 .. .. .. .. 167 8 1 Interest accrued on 1/1/27 Government subsidies . . .. .. .. 105 0 3 Interest for year .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 11 Grant from Council (Account 43) .. .. .. 10 0 0 283 19 3 £ s. ci. £ s. d. 167 8 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 43 15 0 5 0 2 105 0 3 1 10 11 10 0 0 336 3 4 890 10 5 12 3 0 Z83 ia 3 To Purchase of hooks .. .. .. 43 13 4 Transferred to capital . . . . 204 0 0 Transferred to Medical School Account (No. 45) Premium on debentures written oil .. .. 4 0 0 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. .. 32 5 11 283 19 3 43 13 4 204 0 0 283 19 3 1,226 13 9 60 18 2 100 0 0 1,121 15 9 4 18 0 4 "o 0 32 5 11 60 18 2 283 19 3 1,226 13 9 60 18 2 zaa i» a , I I Acct. No. 65 : Acct. No. 50 : Donald Reid. Sir John Roberts. Acct. No. 50 : tr John Roberts. :ct. tide: io. 57: Gift. Acct. No. 58 : Ethnology Gift. 71» n~ rtr r,~ Dr. Or. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. By Balance on 1/1/27 .. .. .. .. 441 14 Interest accrued on 1/1/27.. .. 117 15 I .. 52 18 Interest for year .. .. .. 373 19 4 .. Ill 15 mi 11 :. line a £ s. d. £ s. d. 117 15 I 373 19 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 441 14 7 52 18 4 111 15 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 9 15 0 19 1 2 94 14 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 51 9 0 95 2 10 272 5 9 491 14 5 606 8 6 123 10 4 418 17 7 491 14 6 606 8 To Scholarships .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Transferred to capital .. 491 14 5 .. 10 0 0 Transfer to Dental School Income Account (No. 43) Purchase, ethnographic materal Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. .. 496 8 6 491 14 5 • 606 S fi 491 i4 5 100 0 0 10 0 0 69 2 4 283 17 2 496 8 6 54 8 0 135 0 5 491 14 5 606 8 6 418 17 7 4K1 14 t> • 606 S 6 123 10 4

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1927.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1927.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1927.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-07

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