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CONTENTS. PAGE AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Statement showing Sums irrecoverable by the Crown .. .. .. .. 21 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET :— Cash Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 25 Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 27 DETAIL STATEMENT OP REVENUE:— Ordinary and Territorial Revenue .. .. .. . . . . 28 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Moneys .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Ordinary Revenue, Rents of Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 Miscellaneous Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 32 RECOVERIES ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURE OP PREVIOUS YEARS:— Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 Consolidated Fund (State Coal Mines Account) .. .. .. .. .. * .. 37 Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) .. .. ; .. .. ~ 82 DISBURSEMENTS IN RESPECT OF INTEREST .. .. .. .. . . 38 DISBURSEMENTS IN RESPECT OF SINKING FUNDS .. .. .. .. .. 67 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS .. .. .. .. .. , . 08 DISBURSEMENTS IN REDUCTION OF FUNDED DEBT TO IMPERIAL TREASURY .. .. 73 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND (ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING 73 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS:— Revenue from Fees, Fines, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 Endowments of Land .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 Goldfields Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 75 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 Counties Separate Account. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 Advance Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 77 Receipts from Mining Districts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 77 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS:— Balance-sheet .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. .. . „ 79 Land Act, 1908, Mining Districts Land Occupation Deposit Account .. .. .. 80 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 81 DETAIL STATEMENT OF TRANSACTIONS :— Advances to other Governments Account .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 83 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 84 Land for Settlements Account (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account) .. .. 91 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING .. .. .. .. . 82 Note. —Accounts relating to the Public Debt and Statements of Sinking Funds appear in 8.-l [Pt. lII].

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PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1925. REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL. I have the honour, in. accordance with the provisions of section 84 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 to submit to Parliament the statement of accounts as prepared by the Treasury, and audited by this Office, for the financial year ended 31st March, 1925, and to make the following remarks in regard to these accounts, and also in regard to the work performed by the Audit Department in connection with the carrying-out of its duties under the above-named Act. Audit of the Public Accounts. The change in the method of setting out the Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account foreshadowed in my last report was effected by the Treasury during the year, and the quarterly and yearly abstracts now show the gross figures instead of the net figures as was formerly the case. The change makes the comparison of this year's figures with those of the previous year a little more difficult, but this is a drawback which must inevitably follow any change in the form of the accounts, and will disappear after the system has been in operation for a year. The accounts in their new form give a more correct indication of the receipts and expenditure on the various services. In connection with the question of recoupments of interest charges to the Consolidated Fund from separate accounts, which has been referred to in previous reports, the Treasury has to some extent modified its procedure, and has refrained from recouping the full amount of interest from separate accounts in cases where the revenues are clearly unable to bear the charge and where, therefore, the interest could only be met out of loan-moneys. In the opinion of the Audit Office, however, there is still room for improvement in this respect, and it is advisable that the law should be altered so as to make it illegal to charge interest against the loan-moneys in a separate account except in those special cases in which Parliament has given authority for interest to be capitalized during construction or development. It may be mentioned that the £540,000 interest stated in my last report as being due by the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account for the year 1923-24 on £13,500,000 advanced from the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund has not yet been paid, though the £540,000 due in respect of the subsequent year (1924-25) has been paid. It was found that, owing to the large increase during recent years in the balances of some of the Government Accounts held by the bank, the basis of apportionment to the respective accounts of the interest on the balances so held did not appear to be an equitable one. Representations were accordingly made to the Treasury, and it has now been arranged that future apportionments shall be made on a new basis, which will be a more equitable one as between the various accounts contributing to the daily balance at the bank. Another matter which has received special notice during the year is the necessity for making a distinction in the Public Accounts between capital receipts and revenue. Owing to the form of the estimates and appropriations it is not possible to make this distinction in all cases, but it has been found possible during the year to make the distinction in the accounts in some cases where this had not previously been done. Attention is called to the loss of public moneys involved in the remission of rates amounting to £58,632 12s. 3d. to the ratepayers in the Rangitaiki Land Drainage District in terms of section 14 of the Appropriation Act, 1924. The remission was made from the Consolidated Fund as the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account had no revenues out of which the moneys could be remitted, and it would have been improper to remit out of loan. Control of Expenditure. The amendment of the law effected by section 22 of the Appropriation Act, 1923, in connection with the treatment of credits to annual votes, came into operation during the financial year. In the case of one vote—Post and Telegraph Working-expenses —the Treasury authorized the use of excess

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credits in aid to the amount of £270,000 for the services of tlie vote, and this amount has in terms of the above Act been included in the statement of the Unauthorized Expenditure Account for the validation of Parliament. Under the old system this amount would have been expended in excess of appropriation without any subsequent reference to Parliament. In this case the necessity for applying so large an amount without previous parliamentary appropriation appears to have arisen from the absence of due appreciation by the Department of the effect of the changed method of treating credits, and there is every reason to think that the new system will lead to the closer estimation by Departments of both expenditure and credits in aid. With a view to obtaining a more complete control of expenditure the necessity exists, as pointed out in my last report, for taking a separate vote for each service, so that the amount of appropriation unused on any particular service may not be applied to the use of an entirely different service, which is possible under the present system of taking one vote covering a number of entirely different services. In connection with control of expenditure incurred in London attention is drawn to the use which is being made of the General Services Account for the purpose of expending on a particular service sums in excess of the amount which has been appropriated in the vote for that service. Cases have arisen in which the appropriation authority under a vote for a service has been exhausted, arid the whole, or nearly the whole, of the " Unauthorized " authority under section 54 of the Public Revenues Act has also been exhausted. In such cases the Audit Office has had no option but to refuse to authorize further payments for the services if the amounts are charged against the exhausted vote, and the Treasury has sometimes adopted the alternative of charging against " General Services " provided by section 75 of the Public Revenues Act, and thus Audit control is to a certain extent weakened. It would appear that the authority contained in section 75 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, to charge against " General Services " was intended to cover only payments made in London for which the proper vote was not at the time ascertainable in New Zealand, or to meet small payments in respect of which it would be undesirable to cable particulars. The general rule is that no payments in excess of £500 shall be charged against " General Services," although there is no statutory provision to that effect, and it is suggested that an amendment of the Public Revenues Act giving this rule the force of law would have a beneficial effect in securing more complete parliamentary control of expenditure incurred in London. An amendment of the law effected by section 317 of the Land Act, 1924, provides that the rents received from land in mining districts, which had hitherto been paid into the Public Account, shall, after the 31st March, 1925, be paid by the Receiver of Land Revenue into a Deposit Account, and authorizes the Receiver to make payments out of the Deposit Account without further appropriation than the Act. Attention is drawn to the fact that the result of this amendment is to make it practically impossible for the Audit Office to exercise any control over these transactions, and, moreover, the total receipts and the expenditure, including the payments which the Receiver is authorized to make to local authorities and which practically amount to a subsidy from the public funds, will not now be disclosed by the Public Accounts. It is understood that the Economies Commission commented adversely on the provision in many Acts authorizing the payment of moneys by the Treasury without annual appropriation, and it would appear that such objection would apply with even greater force to payments made in such manner by the Receivers of Land Revenue. Audit of Loans and Public Debt. The total of loans outstanding on the 31st March, 1925 (including loans between Treasury Accounts, which are referred to in a later paragraph) was £227,814,647, showing a net increase in the total debt during the year of £6,198,286. It will be seen from the following statement giving details of the increase and decrease that the net increase was chiefly caused by large borrowings for Public Works and State Advances. Increase in Public Debt (including State Advances Debt), — £ Raised for redemptions due in 1925-26 .. .. .. .. 64,480 New loans raised during the year — For public works (General Purposes Account) .. .. .. 3,547,451 For Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers improvement .. .. 50,000 For Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 22,870 For Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 289,323 For Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 540,000 For Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 70,000 For Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. ~ .. 37,100 For State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) .. .. .. 3,028,133 For State Advances Account (Workers Branch).. .. 1,603,133 For State Forests Account .. . . .. . . .. 100,000 For Swamp-land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 90,000 For charges and expenses of raising for redemptionLand for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. 1,168 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) .. .. .. 222 State Advances Account (Workers Branch).. .. .. 4,172 Total increase during 1924-25 .. .. .. 9,448,052


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Decrease in Public Debt (including State Advances Debt), — Loans paid off during the year — From cash in the following accounts — £ Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 1.359,237 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 4,100 Laud for Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 151,212 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 7,296 State Advances Account .. .. .. .. 300,008 1,821,853 From sinking funds set free .. .. .. .. .. 839,544 From proceeds of sale of H.M.S. " New Zealand " .. .. 20,000 Discount on securities redeemed below par .. .. .. 21,779 From loans raised in 1923-24 for redemptions in 1924- 25 .. 46,590 Treasury bdls redeemed from proceeds of Public Works loans .. 500,000 Total decrease during 1924-25 .. .. .. 3,249,766 Net increase during 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,198,286 Add loans outstanding at 31st March, 1924 .. .. .. 221,616,361 Loans outstanding at 31st March, 1925 .. £227,814,647 In addition to the transactions shown above, public-debt loans to the amount of £400,550 were converted or replaced, £9,941,367 were renewed, and £11,048,092 were redeemed, in each ease by the issue of fresh securities of an equal amount, while loans of the State Advances debt amounting to £81,150 were renewed and £281,150 were redeemed by the issue of fresh securities. The large amount of redemptions is to some extent due to the fact that the Government has raised money by the issue of short-dated redemption Treasury bills which required to be covered more than once during the year. In addition to the above, Treasury bills to the amount of £2,300,000 were issued in anticipation of revenue and paid off during the year. The whole of the New Zealand Consols, except a small amount unpresented, was paid off out of the Ordinary Revenue Account. The balance of the New Zealand Consols Account, consisting of £6 14s. cash and £475,985 investments, is thus freed from a corresponding liability, and these assets will be available for transfer to the Ordinary Revenue Account as a set-off against .the liability met by that account. Losses to the amount of £29,101 17s. Bd. incurred by various accounts during previous years, for the writing-off of which parliamentary authority had been obtained, were finally written off during the past year out of the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund, by the cancellation of securities, the respective accounts paying small additional amounts of cash to enable the cancellations to be for even amounts. These cancellations are included in the above table showing the increase and decrease of the debt, and details are as follows : —

Loans between Treasury Accounts. A matter to which special attention requires to be directed is the system of lending between different Treasury Accounts under the authority of section 38 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910. This system came into general use as a result of war conditions, when it was difficult to raise moneys as and when required, and its growth may readily be ascertained by comparing the General Balancesheet of the Public Debt for the year 19] 3—14 with that for last financial year. The figures as disclosed by the Debenture Sales and Inscribed Stock Sales Accounts for those years are as follows 1913-14. 1924-25. £ £ Balances of above accounts at beginning of year .. 50,000 6.496,146 Dr. Transactions (purchases, &c.) .. .. .. 340,000 15,924,008 Or. Transactions (sales, &c.) .. .. .. 330,000 16,667,880 Balances at end of year .. .. .. .. 60,000 5,752,275


Amount of Loss Additional . , , i • it -*.i a written off out cf Cash provided Amount of Account for which Loss was written olt. . * , 1 a • , 0 ... „ , Ordinary Kevenue by Appropriate Securities cancelled. Account. Account. J State Advances Account. £ B . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cold-storage Advances Account .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 7,500 0 0 Fishing Industry Promotion Account .. .. 359 8 11 0 11 1 360 0 0 Fruit-preserving Industry Advances Account .. 4,494 6 2 5 13 10 4,500 0 0 Housing Account .. .. .. .. 16,748 2 7 1 17 5 16,750 0 0 £29,101 17 8 £8 2 4 £29,110 0 0

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While recognizing that this system of funding the various accounts was allowable during the war period and the period of reorganization immediately following the declaration of peace, the Audit Office is of the opinion that the time has come for a return to peace conditions in this matter of finance, and that the various loan accounts for which moneys are required should be funded as far as possible by raising loans for the purposes of those accounts, rather than by the use of moneys ostensibly raised for other purposes. The system under notice has several serious disadvantages from an accounting point of viewIt involves the issue of two securities in respect of the same moneys, resulting in an increase in the total securities outstanding and a fictitious corresponding increase in the amount of the public debt. It involves the application of moneys raised for a specific purpose or account to other purposes or for the use of other accounts. The fact that the moneys are often advanced to other accounts at a lower rate of interest than that paid on the original loan has the result that the annual accounts and balance-sheets of the various Departments do not disclose the true cost of the various services as they are designed to do. The general result is a tendency to obscure the true position of the various accounts, both in the statutory and in the departmental balance-sheets, and to create an unfavourable impression regarding the increase in the public debt. Another serious disadvantage of the system is that once loans of this nature are issued it is sometimes a matter of great difficulty to clear them from the accounts, and the amount of such interdepartmental loans therefore tends continually to increase rather than diminish. The remedy appears to be to ascertain early in the financial year what the requirements of the various loan accounts are likely to be, and to allocate any primary loans which it may be decided to raise on the basis of these requirements rather than to allocate the loan-money to a few accounts only, as has become customary, and at the same time to take every opportunity to clear off loans which have already been made between Departments. If it should still be necessary in exceptional cases to make such loans, the rate of interest charged should in all cases be that which is being paid by the account for which the money was originally borrowed. In order to distinguish these loans from loans raised, (either directly or indirectly) from the public, it has been customary to show such loans under Debenture Sales Account and Inscribed Stock Sales Account instead of under the Public Debt Account. To make this distinction clearer the name of the Sales Accounts has in the accounts for 1924-25 been altered to " Departmental Debt Account/' and it is pointed out that the amount of £5,752,275 shown under this account at the 3Jst March, 1925, is not in any true sense public debt, but merely represents the amount of interdepartmental liability as between various Treasury accounts. Public Debt Sinking Funds. It is to be regretted that on account of pressure of parliamentary work the Bill providing for the repayment of the public debt was last session again dropped. The Bill provides for an improved system of debt-reduction in place of the existing sinking-fund scheme, which has proved inoperative in so far as paying off any part of our national indebtedness is concerned. The Bill, which was circulated by the Government last year, provides for the redemption of the debt within a period of about sixty years from inception by making annual purchases of our securities on the open market, or otherwise, on the most favourable terms available. The proposed scheme will ensure a reduction of the annual interest charges against the Consolidated Fund —a reduction, moreover, which will increase year by year as repayments are effected. The magnitude of the reduction in interest charges alone will be realized when it is stated that for each £100 applied annually in terms of the Bill in the purchase and cancellation of securities at par, the reduction of interest charges in sixty-one years would be approximately as follows :— Rate of Interest payable Total Amount of Saving on Security at Date of Cancellation. in Interest in Sixty-one Years Per Gent ' U les P ec *' eac ' l £100 applied annually. 4 .. .. .. .. 2,048 4J .. .. .. 4,097 5 .. .. .. .. 6,145 .. .. .. 8,194 6 .. .. .. .. 10,242 The average rate of interest now being paid out ol Consolidated Fund to the bondholder in respect of the debt covered by the Bill, roughly £174,000,000, is about 4| per cent., and the interest that would be payable to the Debt Repayment Account under the new proposals out of the same fund k 3§ per cent, per annum in respect of the debt redeemed, consequently there would be a saving in interest of approximately £1 per annum on every £100 redeemed ; and, as the amount redeemed in the first year would probably be in the neighbourhood of £870,000, and as in every succeeding year this amount would be increased, it is not difficult to appreciate the great saving in interest which would be immediately effected and how rapidly the saviiig would increase as time goes on. As evidence of the progressive increase in the repayment of loan and the saving of interest under the Bill I may explain that we should in six years be able to repay £5,698,000 of loan and save approximately £193,000 in interest during the period, whereas in twelve years the figures would be £12,700,000 and £773,800 respectively.


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The foregoing figures are based on the assumption that securities will be redeemed at par, but it would probably be found possible to purchase at a discount in many cases, and by this means an even greater reduction both of debt and in interest charges would be effected. This, however, is not the only saving that would result from the proposed new system. The annual contribution from Consolidated Fund provided by the Bill is -J per cent, of the total debt covered by the Bill. Against this must be set off the amount of contribution now being paid annually by Consolidated Fund to the existing sinking funds (which woidd automatically cease) together with other additional amounts of revenue which would accrue. This would ensure a further substantial annual saving of some £324,000. It may be mentioned that a system of debt repayment exactly similar in principle to that embodied in the Bill was adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1923. There are slight differences of detail, the chief being that the Australian system is based on an interest rate of 5 per cent., while the New Zealand one is based on a rate of 3| per cent. A modification of the system is also in use in some of the Australian States, but this modified system lacks some of the chief advantages of that now proposed. The principle embodied in the proposed system has also been in use in connection with the public debt of Great Britain since the year 1875, and has there proved itself to be the most satisfactory system yet adopted. In that case the principle of a fixed annual charge for the services of the public debt is supplemented by the provision for additional reduction from revenue surpluses when such are attained. The following has been said by an authority on national finance: "Of many good reasons for paying off debt the best is to maintain the nation's credit. At bottom, the object of making provision of the sort is to maintain the nation's credit amongst lenders. Nothing is more encouraging to a lender than to see his debtor paying off debt with reasonable rapidity and with absolute regularity according to a fixed programme. To the deterioration of credit two things in particular contribute: to borrow when you can do without, and not to pay back when you can. To labour at the repayment of debt whenever times of peace and prosperity make that possible, and to maintain with rigid virtue a liberal provision therefor, are amongst the strongest obligations of patriotic statesmanship. They are also amongst the most difficult to fulfil. There is little popularity to be gained by repaying debt. Nobody feels immediately the benefit of it; that lies hidden in the future. It is fatally easy to divert funds to some more showy purpose, from which somebody with a voice and a vote will get direct benefit. It is easy, but it is disastrous." Objection may perhaps be raised that the alteration of the sinking funds is breaking faith with past investors. It is pointed out that such an objection is groundless, for the proposed scheme will not only actually pay off debt year by year, in place of accumulating investments which it would be difficult if not impossible to realize when the cash is required, but will at the same time pay off the debt in about sixty-one years, as against seventy-five years provided for in the case of the present Public Debt Extinction Act. It is also pointed out that the present sinking funds will be kept intact and the interest earned thereon will be applied in reduction of the amount payable under the Bill for debt redemption. Furthermore the primary security of the investors is the charge against the whole of the public revenues of the Dominion, a much better security than is provided by the existing sinking funds. In this connection attention may also be drawn to the fact that on many previous occasions the form of the sinking funds has been changed without any serious objection being raised thereto. As instances it may be mentioned that the existing Public Debt Extinction Act brought under its provisions many loans which had previously been subject to an entirely different sinkingfund system. The sinking-fund provisions of the State Advances Office were repealed in 1921-22, and fresh provisions enacted, and still another instance may be cited where loans which were subject to a sinking fund in New Zealand were funded by agreement with the Imperial Government. State Advances Sinking Funds. The provisions for redemption of the State Advances debt were amended by legislation in 1922, and the position is even less satisfactory than that for the redemption of the public debt, for there is now no obligation under the State Advances Act to provide for any annual payment to a sinking or redemption fund. The Act merely provides that any profits remaining after the constitution of a general reserve fund are to be paid over to form a sinking fund. As pointed out in my last report, there are insufficient profits in the Advances to Workers and the Loans to Local Authorities Branches to enable any sinking-fund contribution to be made, while even in the Advances to Settlers Branch the profits have not hitherto been sufficient to provide an adequate sinking fund. Owing to the higher rate of interest which has to be paid on loans there appears to be little prospect of building up an adequate sinking fund unless the law is amended to provide for a statutory annual contribution on a percentage basis, and for the increasing of the instalments payable on advances to an amount sufficient to cover the rate of interest together with the amount of such annual charge for sinking fund. If a debt-repayment scheme similar to that proposed in connection with the public debt were instituted, but with a smaller contribution and a longer term, the State Advances Department would in years to come obtain benefits in the reduction of the annual charge for interest corresponding with those which have been mentioned in connection with that proposed scheme. Audit op Government Stores and Property. I have on previous occasions in my reports to Parliament emphasized the great importance of this branch of Audit duties. In many Departments it has hitherto been the practice to write off losses and deficiencies in stores without sufficient investigation as to the cause of the loss, and without reporting the circumstances to Audit in order that the discharge from the Public Account


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might be approved by Parliament as required by the Public Revenues Act. The door has thus remained open to peculation and extravagance. These irregularities can only be checked by the institution of a proper system of stores accounting in each Department of the Service. With this object in view Departments were requested to draw up sets of rules governing the receipt, custody, disposal, and accounting for Government stores and property under their control. It was found, however, that considerable uncertainty existed in regard to methods of procedure, due to the fact that the different regulations published by the Public Service Commissioner, the Stores Control Board, and the Treasury, relating to the control of stores, were at variance with one another, and as a result some delay and confusion arose. This difficulty has since been removed, and I am pleased to say that steady progress is now being made in introducing a sound system in most of the Departments. Some Departments have appreciated the importance of and advantages to be derived from efficient control of stores, and have prepared and submitted their rules for approval and put them into operation at once, while other Departments, either from a lack of appreciation of the advantages to be derived or possibly from pressure of other work, have been dilatory in recognizing their duty to the State in this connection. Some Departments again have been satisfied with a mere superficial record of the receipt and first issue of stores, and have adopted no sound system of following them after issue so as to ensure that they have been actually devoted to the purposes intended. Such a system is practically useless, as it is after the first issue that peculation and unnecessary losses most frequently occur. In other Departments it has been found that the system takes into account the values of stores received and issued without subsequently requiring the full quantity issued to be accounted for. This also is of little use from an Audit point of view, as, owing to the frequent fluctuation in prices, it is not a difficult matter for the values to be manipulated. As an instance, I may cite the case of a Government officer who was responsible for the requisitioning and issuing of certain stores for his Department, and who was at the same lime interested in a firm which supplied the goods. It was found on investigation that in some cases orders for goods were only partially executed by the firm, but those goods which the firm did supply were subsequently issued by the officer marked at excessive prices. The excess prices covered up the deficiency in the deliveries. Goods which were never received were thus being paid for, and this process had been "carried on for years. This could not have happened without detection had the storekeeper been required to account to his Head Office for the quantity received and issued, as well as for the value. It may be explained that the departmental rules referred to above will contain details of Treasury and Audit requirements. A proper observance of the rules, therefore, should reduce the necessity for subsequent investigation by A udit to a minimum. During the period under review 140 store accounts belonging to various Departments have been examined and reported on. Many of these reports disclose much waste and other serious irregularities and abuses. As examples of the many irregularities disclosed by the reports I may cite the following :• — In one Department of the Service wine, manufactured by the Department, was issued to Departmental officers and others without authority and without making adequate charge and without accounting for the issues. The value of these free issues was roughly £136. The Department has not collected the amount, although required by Audit to do so. In another Department, owing to faulty purchasing of goods and overstocking and want of care in disposal, a loss of £1,800 has been recorded up to date, and this loss will be increased when the surplus and obsolete stores in hand have been fully disposed of. In connection with Government farms the reports have disclosed many irregularities. In one instance the Manager issued farm-produce to the public, and in some cases to Departmental officers, without properly accounting therefor, without authority, and without making an adequate charge. In this case some of the free gifts were improperly charged so as to avoid disclosure. In another case dairy stock was lent to farmers for the season without any charge being made. Dealing in stock by another Government Farm Manager, which was detrimental to the Government interests, led to Audit investigation, with the result in this case that the Manager has now resigned. It may be said generally that irregularities in one shape or another have been found to exist in cases where Government officers are employed in connection with Government farming institutions and are also themselves the owners of farms in the vicinity. The reports also disclosed the fact that the staffs in some institutions were receiving gratuitous issues of stores, and free services, such as quarters, fuel, light, furnishings, &c., without authority, and that stores were being sold to Government officers at less than cost, and at less than market rates, also without authority. Audit investigation has further disclosed irregularities in connection with the recording of workmen's time, and subsequent overpayment of wages; haphazard and irregular methods of costing in connection with the manufacture and sale of Government stores; illicit sales, shortages, and extravagant consumption of motor-spirit. In one Department which controls many important institutions it has been ascertained that plant and material in three of these institutions alone, valued at roughly £27,000, were issued without any record as to ultimate use, consequently Audit was unable to apply any checks on the use to which these stores were being applied. As a result of investigations made by the Public Works Department and by Audit into irregularities reported from Beaumont, Otago, it was ascertained that the storekeeper's assistant had failed to account for considerable supplies of cement, galvanized iron, &c., which had been disposed of by him to his own benefit. Had proper records been kept and a proper system adopted these losses could not haive occurred without immediate detection. In the three Departments which control the greatest amount of stores in the Service—namely, Railways, Public Works, and Post and Telegraph —the systems of controlling stores have hitherto been far from complete. In each of these Departments, however, the urgency of improving their methods is fully recognized, and doubtless a more complete system will be introduced in each Department ere long.


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The following is a list of Departments with which Audit has taken up the question of stores accountancy, showing the position in which the improved system at present stands in each case:— Department. Remarks. Agriculture .. .. .. .. Rules not completed, but under revision. Defence — Naval .. .. .. .. Good system in operation. Military .. . . .. .. Good system in operation. Education .. .. .. ~ Rules approved by Treasury in September, 1924, but not yet brought into operation by Department. Health .. .. .. .. New system in operation. Internal Affairs .. .. .. Rules submitted to Treasury for approval. Justice .. .. .. .. Rules in course of preparation. Lands and Survey .. .. .. Apparently no attempt yet made to comply. Legislative .. .. .. . . New system being inaugurated. Marine .. .. .. .. New system in operation. Mental Hospitals .. ->. .. Rules in course of preparation. Mines .. .. .. .. New system in operation. Police .. .. .. .. Rules under revision. Post and Telegraph .. .. .. Rules under revision. Printing and Stationery. . .. .. New system in operation, but rules not yet compiled. Prisons .. .. .. .. Rules under revision. Public Works .. .. .. .. Some delay in drafting of rules to meet present requirements. Public Trust .. .. .. .. Good system in operation. Railways .. .. .. .. Rules being drafted. Tourist and Health Resorts .. .. New system in operation. State Forests .. .. .. ~ New system being brought into operation. Losses written off. If reference is made to the list of sums irrecoverable by the Crown and stores which require to be written off charge, attached to this report, it will be seen that the losses recorded against several of the larger Departments are small as compared with those recorded against other Departments. The explanation of this is that some Departments have not complied with the requirements of the Public Revenues Act and have not been in the habit of reporting their losses. It is necessary to bear this in mind in order that unfair comparisons may not be made between those Departments which have scrupulously complied with the law and those which have not. There would appear to be need in some Departments for closer scrutiny of the conditions attaching to payments made by way of loan for special purposes, as there is evidence that in some cases, had stricter measures been adopted to secure repayment, the loss to the Crown would have been materially less. An instance is that in which a sum approximating £1,000 requires to be written off through default, the local body concerned stating that owing to the absence of requests for repayment and the length of time which had elapsed —over ten years —it was assumed that the loan had been treated by the Government as a grant. The debt to the Government had not been disclosed in the balance-sheets annually submitted to the Audit Office, otherwise an early adjustment would have been insisted on. Departmental Motor-cars. Audit officers frequently report the improper use of Government motor-cars. In some instances it has been ascertained that officers had been in the habit of utilizing departmental cars for daily conveyance to and from office, when it is well known that every public officer is expected to provide the means of transport between his home and his office at his own expense and not at the expense of the public. An officer of a Government Department in four months used the departmental car for his own personal convenience 395 miles out of 617 run in the time. In this case the necessity for the car for the sole use of the Department was not apparent, as cars can be obtained on requisition from the Government garage as required. It has also been found necessary to draw the attention of officers to the frequent use of motorcars on public service when trains and trams adequately served the needs of the Departments at less cost. The improper use of motor-cars is not by any means confined to Government officers, as similar complaints are frequently made by local bodies and others ; but nevertheless the practice of using Government cars for private purposes should be better supervised than it is. Audit is strongly of opinion that in the interests of economy more use should be made of the central garages for Government cars which have been established in the chief centresjjof the Dominion. There is a tendency amongst Departments to retain possession of and to control their cars instead of placing them in the Government garage and requisitioning} them as required. Scrutiny by Audit is thus avoided, and no check on the use of the cars can be established.

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Government Contracts for Supplies. The difficulties which Departments have to face when entering into contracts for Government supplies are such as to warrant a very much closer Audit supervision than has been possible with the present staff at the disposal of the Audit Office. Departments are not blameless, however, in this matter, as they have in most cases failed to comply with the Treasury Regulations which require that all contracts shall be sent to Treasury and Audit for notation. I regret to have to report that in some instances, where these contracts have been asked for by Audit, it has been found that they contain conditions which have proved disadvantageous to the Crown's interests, and that there has been lax observance of proper conditions. It is worthy of comment that in every such case the errors or omissions detected have been such as to occasion loss to the Crown and not to the contractor, which no doubt is accounted for by the fact that the interests of the contractor have been watched with greater care than were those of the Crown. In one instance a loss of some £150 was occasioned through the careless design of the article which was required to be manufactured, entailing fresh specifications and the writing-off of the articles manufactured. In another case refunds of Customs dues had been improperly granted to a contractor, even though the terms of the contract were quite clear, occasioning a substantial loss with each shipment of material. A contract for supply of coal was let in such a way as to result in an unnecessary expenditure by the State of upwards of £200. In another case, as a result of a loosely drawn agreement to lease, the Crown stood to suffer a very considerable loss. Fortunately this latter was noticed by Audit before loss occurred, and the matter was rectified. I might mention other cases, but the above will serve to show the necessity for the careful examination of all Government contracts entered into. Great differences have been ascertained to exist in prices paid for similar service under different contracts. For instance, a scrutiny of several contracts for a like service obtaining in the chief centres of the Dominion disclosed the fact that the Auckland, Wanganui, Wellington, Christchurch, and Invercargill firms' prices for a certain item exceeded that of a Dunedin firm for the same item by 920 per cent., 1000 per cent., 740 per cent., 800 per cent., and 1070 per cent, respectively. Another item shows a difference of 840 per cent., 970 per cent., 640 per cent., 1300 per cent., and 1200 per cent, respectively in excess of Dunedin. These are only two out of roughly a hundred items, and they may be considered a fair sample of the others. The explanation afforded to Audit in this instance is that, with the exception of the Dunedin firm, the prices are controlled by a ring operating in each centre. If this is a fair sample of the method of fixing prices to the public with regard to other services, it is not difficult to account for a considerable factor in the increased cost of living. London Audit. In addition to his ordinary duties, the Audit Officer in London has been required to make a continuous audit of the accounts of the New Zealand Pavilion at Wembley. His report on the closing of the accounts in regard to the 1924 Exhibition shows that the position is satisfactory, and that only a few minor matters, such as the disposal of certain sums received in respect of various sales of goods, require to be completed. In the interests of economy this Audit Officer has, during the year, investigated many questions regarding the method of purchasing materials for New Zealand, shipping and insurance charges, &c., and also acted in conjunction with an officer of the Defence Department in negotiations with the War Office regarding the charges against the Dominion for transport of troops, Jkc., during the war. These negotiations resulted in the substantial reduction of approximately £145,000 in the charges. Losses on Soldier Settlements. It will be noticed that in the list of losses to be written off from the Public Account which is appended to this report a very considerable sum is represented by loss on settlement of discharged soldiers. It is recognized that some loss was inevitable from the first, but Audit investigation has disclosed the fact that a considerable portion of the losses might have been avoided if greater care and precaution had been observed in the local administration, and if advantage had been taken of the expert machinery of the Valuation Department when assessing values for the purchase of properties or as a basis on which to make advances. To lend money to a soldier under conditions which render it impossible that he could succeed is doing him rather an injury than a benefit, as it deprives him of the opportunity of obtaining money for other more effective purposes. As a special instance of an advance made without due consideration and in the face of the advice of the Valuer, I may cite the case of a loan granted to a soldier to enable him to purchase a farm in a suburban area at £320 per acre, including improvements, and an additional sum was advanced to enable him to buy stock. The result was inevitable from the first. The final loss on this transaction has not yet come to hand, but when ascertained it will require to be written off by Parliament. The losses in connection with soldier settlement, exclusive of reductions made by the Revaluation Board, of which Audit has been advised up to the present date amount to approximately £131,000. Repatriation. The transfer of the management of the above account to the State Advances Office took place as from the 6th November last, in accordance with the provisions of section 25, Finance Act, 1924. A careful investigation of the accounts disclosed that losses totalling £37,778 have so far been ascertained ; the borrowers having been unable to meet their commitments, £12,441 of this will require to be written off this year, the balance has already been written off. The Housing Branch of the State Advances Office. The business conducted by the Housing Department was taken over by the State Advances Office in accordance with the provisions of section 9of the State Advances Amendment Act, 1922. At the date of transfer the Revenue Account of the Housing Department was in debit to the extent of


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£55,912. This loss accrued during the time that the Department was engaged extensively in building operations. At the 31st March, 1920, the accrued loss was £1,847, so that in the space of two years and a half the Department lost as a result of the venture the sum of £54,065. This loss is, in the opinion of Audit, due to a variety of causes, amongst which may be mentioned the following :■ — (1.) The fixing by statute of the prices at which the houses when erected were to be sold, the cost of erection generally greatly exceeding the prices fixed by statute : (2.) The buying of large stocks of material at " peak " prices : (3.) Inexperience of the Department in handling this class of business : (4.) The loose system in vogue in connection with the receipt, issue, and guarding of the timber and other stores : (5.) Faulty const-ruction of some of the houses, the receipts from which are being largely absorbed by repairs. The Audit Office had considerable trouble in examining these accounts, and the final preparation of the balance-sheet, which was required for the purpose of ascertaining the true position, was delayed by the adjustments required as the result of the investigation. In the opinion of Audit, a considerable portion of these losses could (as in the case of soldier settlement) have been avoided if the expert machinery already in existence in the State Advances and Valuation Departments for granting loans and supervising operations and collecting instalments had been utilized from the inception of the scheme. Audit of Local Authokities. The past year has been comparatively uneventful so far as serious infractions of local-body law are concerned, although the number of cases in which Audit has been called upon to enforce adjustments in respect of loans, and refunds of excess " Unauthorized," has been considerable, as will be seen from reference to the schedule given hereunder. One most pleasing feature of the year's operations has been that only in two instances have criminal proceedings been called for —namely, in respect of Eastbourne Borough, where three employees conspired, by fraudulent issues of ferry-tickets, to deprive the borough of a considerable sum of money, for which they were ultimately sentenced by the Supreme Court to various terms of punishment. The second case related to the South Wairarapa River Board, the Clerk of which committed peculations by the process, common in such cases, of making good his cash misappropriations by means of manipulations of cheques, for which he was sentenced to a term of two years' probation. Cases of breaches of law dealt with during the year were as follows :— Loan-moneys unlawfully transferred, debited or applied .. .. 34 Investments contrary to Tustee Act .. • .. .. .. .. 5 Illegal borrowing .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Illegal payments (that is, contrary to or in excess of law) .. .. 29 Illegal bailment .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Illegal sale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Excess charges against " Unauthorized " .. .. .. .. 19 Contract provisions contravention .. .. .. .. 1 Improper applications of loans interest .. .. .. .. 4 Unlawful remissions harbour dues .. .. .. .. 2 Excess subsidies .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Rates unlawfully remitted .. .. .. .. .. 2 Disqualifications of members for breaches of the law .. .. 10 Excessive and/or illegal travelling-expenses .. .. .. ..16 Defalcations .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Much has been achieved towards bringing audits up to date, but Audit regrets that complaint must again be made that many local bodies still remain apparently so indifferent to the necessity for preparing their accounts for Audit that a large proportion of the work of preparing the balancesheets has perforce to be performed by Audit Inspectors. This naturally impedes prompt, performance of Audit inspections. There are sundry legislative alterations required, to which attention has previously deen directed, in order to establish a clearer basis than now exists on which Audit can with certainty enforce conditions of observance. These are as follows : — Municipal Trading Accounts.- —The existing provisions applicable to these accounts are in some respects contradictory in their effect, and in others so vague as to result in conditions altogether unsatisfactory. Some better-defined direction is essential. Riding Accounts.—These are now declared to be separate statutory accounts, and are required to be separately audited and certified by the Audit Office, and they are thus brought within the provisions of section 3 (c), Local Bodies Finance Act, 1921-22. The purpose of making such accounts separate was so as to enable each riding to show that it, in effect, supported itself, —i.e., that it received its now revenue and discharged its own liabilities. In practice this is found to work out very unsatisfactorily, many counties showing some ridings regularly in debit with others regularly in credit, the outcome being that the latter partially finance the former. The causes of this are various. The debits may result from low valuations, excessive responsibilities, and the like, while the credits may result from higher valuations, fewer drawbacks, or special revenue, or all of these combined. The Audit view is that it is only in a very limited number of cases that a county can be so divided in financial matters as to make the incidence of revenue and expenditure fall equitably on each separate riding.


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Travelhny-expenses. —That some clearly-expressed statutory rule should be laid down in respect of these expenses, either on a mileage basis or a maximum per meeting, where travelling is essential, becomes more obvious every year. At present different classes of local authority have different provisions, which it is practically while the term " actual and reasonable " expenses, used in the Acts, is most confiictingly different bodies. Disqualifications. —Here again the law is so diverse in its provisions that a member of one class of local authority is at liberty to do with impunity that for which he would be subject to disqualification and penalties if done in respect of another body of which he may be, and often is, a member. There is no prima facie reason why these distinctions should exist, and certainly the effect of their application creates a sense of unfairness and irritation. For the reason above given, it is earnestlyjiopedlthat the Government will see fit to make at an early date more satisfactory provisions than now apply to the matters mentioned. Departmental Accounts and Balance-sheets. Examination by the Audit Office of revenue accounts and balance-sheets during 1924-25 primarily comprise those prepared by cover the 1923-24 period, but a number of belated accounts of the 1922-23 period were also examined during 1924-25. There are approximately ninety-four Government departmental accounts for preparation annually, but no less than 118 have been certified to by Audit since the Ist April, 1924, comprising twenty-six accounts for 1922-23 and ninety-two accounts for the 1923-24 period. The remaining two accounts^ which have not yet been submitted to audit for 1923-24 are for the Native Land Settlement Account and Mental Hospitals Department. These figures disclose the need that exists for the submission of accounts to audit with more expedition. The position in respect to 1923-24 accounts is more satisfactory than for the previous year, but there is still need for more promptitude by some Departments, especially in view of the fact that these statements of account are required for the information of the Public Accounts Committee. This delay not only causes inconvenience, but has the disadvantage that improvements found to be necessary cannot always be made in the following year's account owing to the fact that part of a year has already elapsed when the previous year's accounts are received. The improvements reported last year in regard to the completeness and preparation of accounts generally has been maintained in the 1923-24 accounts. There is still, however, room for improvement in a number of accounts, and these are receiving close attention. In some cases, as reported last year, real difficulties exist which tend to delay the introduction of improvements that are obviously necessary, but this does not apply in all cases. Most of the accounts can now be said to be on a sufficiently complete basis to disclose both the true expenditure and revenue and full financiaf workings of all Departments, and Departments and the Treasury, as well as the public, will be able to examine details of expenditure in the interests of efficiency and economy. During the year the Audit Office has called upon Departments to give more attention than previously to the preparation of accounts covering subsidiary trading operations, such as farming, manufacturing, trading, &c. This refers to cases where the undertakings do not represent the main feature of a Department's activities. For example, farming operations are carried on by the Agriculture, Education, Health, Lands and Survey, Mental Hospitals, and Prisons Departments. In such cases, and in cases where other trading activities comparable with private institutions are carried on, the Departments are required to prepare a separate balance-sheet for each undertaking, so that, as far as possible, fair comparisons can be made. It may be necessary for me to explain that the certificates appended to departmental balancesheets by the Controller and Auditor-General do not necessarily embody the whole of the Audit requirements as regards the method of preparation of future statements of accounts. There are many improvements yet to be made in the accounts of some Departments, but in many cases where Departments have agreed to embody Audit requirements in future statements it has not been considered necessary to take exception to the items in question when endorsing the Audit certificate on the balance-sheet. In addition to the departmental accounts, a semi-continuous audit of the accounts of the Meat Producers and Dairy Producers Boards is maintained. Receivers' Accounts.- —During the previous period (1923-24) the audit of a number of Receivers' accounts had to be postponed owing to the extra pressure of work caused by the number of defalcations which required investigation by Audit that year, and also to reduction of staff. During the year just concluded these arrears have been overtaken to a very great extent, and it is expected that at an early date they will be entirely cleared. Defalcations. A review of the audits during the year and the drop in the number of defalcations ascertained, in connection with cash, reflects an improving efficiency of administration in the care and custody of Government moneys. A list of defalcations, &e., is appended to this report. 1 cannot too plainly emphasize the fact that any Audit system cannot be solely relied upon for the detection and prevention of defalcations. The departmental internal check must be sound, and Audit is therefore most careful to require that such a check should be adequately provided by Departments. Local Pre-audit or Expenditure. During the year the system of local pre-audit of accounts and payment thereof at the District Treasury offices has been extended, and the whole of the Dominion now benefits by the speedier means of payment possible by having local Treasury and Audit officers at the four principal centres. The system necessitates the employment of an Audit officer at each of the four District Treasury offices, who, when not engaged on District Treasury audit work, is able lo render assistance to the local Audit Inspector. Generally speaking, the system of payment from District Treasury offices appears to work satisfactorily, and undoubtedly the public benefits by earlier settlement of accounts.


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Salaky-payments. The system of payment of salary of officers in the Public Service twice monthly has bee i instituted as a general measure, but to suit the convenience of all concerned it was made optional whether an officer received his pay in two instalments, or in one each month. A number elected to continue to receive pay monthly, but the work of the Audit Office, and also in departmental offices and in the Treasury, has increased very considerably owing to the necessity for preparation and examination of two sets of pay abstracts each month. Generally speaking, the arrangements are working smoothly, and the advantages of payment twice monthly appear to be appreciated by the officers who have accepted this mode of payment. Documents unstamped ok insufficiently stamped. In the course of its examination of the books and accounts of the various Departments the Audit Office has ascertained that a large number of dutiable documents and vouchers either bore 110 duty stamps insufficiently stamped. These cases have been placed in the hands of the Stamp Duties Department for any action deemed necessary, and the result has been that a considerable amount of revenue has been recovered and a substantial sum received in respect of fines. Audit of Sam oak gjg For some years past, including the year under review, the audit of Samoan accounts has been very efficiently performed by a firm of Wellington accountants and auditors on behalf of the Audit Department, for the reason that no Audit officers could then be spared to undertake the duty. In the financial year now entered upon, in deference to the wish of the Minister in Charge of the Department of External Affairs, arrangements have been made to enable two officers of the Audit Office to visit Samoa for the purpose of carrying out the audit of these^accounts. Samoan Cjrown Estates. I desire to draw attention to the method of dealing with the moneys belonging to the Samoan Crown Estates, which in some respects is not satisfactory from the point of view of proper accounting and of Parliamentary control of public moneys. The estates in question (which consisted of enemy property) were, in pursuance of the Samoan Crown Estates Order, 1920, vested in His Majesty in right of the Government of New Zealand, and in terms of that Order the proceeds therefrom were to be paid into a separate account known as the Samoan Crown Estates Account, on behalf of the Government of New Zealand. These estates therefore became the property of New Zealand, as distinct from the ordinary Samoan revenues, which are payable to the Samoan Treasury and are the property of the Samoan Administration. The Crown Estates Order provided for the payment of such of the proceeds as were not required for carrying on the Crown Estates to the New Zealand Public Account to the credit of the Consolidated Fund. In 1920 and 1924 the Crown Estates Order was amended to enable moneys of the Crown Estates to be paid over to the Samoan Treasury on obtaining ail Order in Council to that effect. Orders in Council have been obtained authorizing the payment of sums amounting to £188,314 15s. lid. in this manner, and it is understood that it is intended to pay over to Samoa the surplus profits arising from the Crown Estates. The unsatfsfactory features of the present methods of dealing with these moneys arc, — 1. Moneys of the Samoan Crown Estates, the property of the New Zealand Government, may be paid to the. Samoan Treasury, and become the property of the Samoan Administration, without any authority of or appropriation by the Parliament of New Zealand. 2. No record of such payments, or of the revenues derived from the Crown Estates in Samoa, is contained in the Public Accounts of the Dominion, and those accounts do not record the full amount of the financial assistance granted from the public funds of New Zealand in aid of the mandated territory of Samoa. The Audit Office would point out that the procedure now followed appears to be contrary to the spirit and intention of the Public Revenues Act, which requires that public moneys shall be paid into tlie Public Account and shall be expended only under the direct authority of Parliament. Delegation of Responsibility. In the course of its investigations the Audit Office has noticed that there has been in some cases a tendency on the part of responsible departmental officers to delegate to junior clerks and cadets important duties involving monetary matters requiring personal attention by experienced officers, with the result that, through failure to take certain precautionary measures, moneys have been lost to the Crown. The Audit Office has been obliged to direct attention to this practice, and has suggested to Departments that all duties closely affecting monetary transactions and requiring special knowledge should be performed by the responsible officers who are paid for such work, or by officers working under close supervision by them. Subsidies and Gkants to Institutions. There has grown up a practice of providing by parliamentary appropriation for the payment of subsidies and grants to many institutions which bear no direct relationship to the State, but which are, nevertheless, in many cases institutions founded and working in the public interests. The Public Revenues Act places institutions which receive grants of public moneys from the Crown on the same footing as local authorities, and imposes on the Audit Office thje responsibilities of auditing the accounts of such institutions. With the object of giving effect to the requirements of the Act Audit


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has made investigations for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent an examination of these accounts is necessary. Particular, attention is being given to this matter so as to ensure that subsidies, when granted subject to the carrying-out of specified conditions, are expended in terms of the conditions under which they were granted It has been found that there is a tendency to apply subsidies granted by the Crown to purposes other than those intended by Parliament. Negligence of Public Officers. It became necessary in several instances to issue surcharges in terms of section 65 of the Public Revenues Act against officers of various Departments for displaying negligence in respect to their duties so as to cause losses of public moneys or stores. In some instances the Minister of Finance, on being appealed to by the surchargees in accordance with the provisions of section 67 of the above Act, waived the surcharges. The present practice of the Audit Office is to issue a surcharge for the amount of the loss in every instance in which there is sufficient evidence available to enable Audit to fix the responsibility for a loss of public moneys or stores on a particular officer or officers It should be explained that in the matter of surcharges no discretionary power is vested in the Audit Office, which must issue a surcharge in every instance in which the information is sufficient to point to a dereliction of duty on the part of an officer which has resulted in loss of public money or stores. An officer surcharged is given a certain period in which to satisfy the surcharge by payment, or he may appeal to the Minister of Finance, who, after investigation, may, by virtue of authority given in section 67, Public Revenues Act, waive the surcharge and relieve the officer from payment, in whole or in part, as he deems just. Misappropriation of Public Moneys. Customs Department. Basil Warring, Examining Officer, Customs Department, Wellington, committed certain breaches of the law by causing parcels addressed to him to be wrongly marked " Free of duty," thus evading payment of Customs duty to the extent of £5 13s. Bd. He was prosecuted under the Customs Act and fined £25 and costs. Restitution was made. Dismissed from the Service. Defence Department. Frank Howard James, a young man not a Government employee, was before the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court, Wellington, on a charge of receiving 400 rounds of ammunition, stolen from the New Zealand Government, and was fined £3. On a further charge of receiving 200 rounds he was ordered to come up for sentence when called upon within twelve months. Restitution was made of the value of the ammunition not recovered. Inland Revenue Department.- Land and Deeds Branch. W. P. Joyce, formerly a cadet in the Land and Deeds Department, Wellington, was discovered by the Audit Inspector to have misused certain stamps by removing them from documents and affixing them to other documents of a later date. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, who obtained a confession from Joyce. He appeared in the Magistrate's Court charged with the theft of £45 55., and was admitted by the Supreme Court- to probation for two years and ordered to make restitution of the amount stolen and pay the costs of the prosecution. Justice Department. G. V. Smyth, a clerk in the Magistrate's Court in Christchurch, was charged with the theft of two 10s. postal notes, representing law trust-moneys, which had been received in the Christchurch Court. He was admitted to probation for two years. Dismissed from the Service. The amount was made good by the Court official who was responsible for the money being placed in safe-keeping. Native Trust Office. Robert Snowden Bush, formerly a clerk in the Native Trust Office, pleaded guilty in the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court to the theft of moneys totalling £93 belonging to the Native Trust Office. In the Supreme Court he received a sentence of six months' imprisonment with hard labour. The loss will require to be written off by authority of Parliament. New Zealand Government Railways. Basil G. Breeze, a cadet employed in the Railway Department, and George Delvin Byford, an officer of the Public Works Department, were charged respectively with theft and receiving stolen property, which consisted of goods of the value of £86 consigned for carriage by rail. Breeze was sentenced to three years in a Borstal Institute, and Byford to two years' imprisonment on each of two charges, the sentences to be cumulative, Dismissed from the Service. Inspection at Waverley Railway-station on the 20th May, 1925, by the departmental Audit Inspector revealed peculations to the extent of £12 16s. 2d., by clerk H. F. Wisnesky, who was immediately suspended. The method adopted was to misappropriate cash collections for inward railages, and to debit a corresponding amount against ledger and deposit accounts, either by entirely fictitious' entries or by increasing individual items. Wisnesky pleaded guilty, and was admitted to probation for one year on condition that he made restitution and paid the cost of the proceedings. Dismissed from the service. Ex-porter 11. L. Meads, Taumarunui, was fined £10 in the Magistrate's Court, Taumarunui, for stealing the sum of £37 6s. Bd. from the Railway pay-trays in the booking-office. The amount has been repaid to the Department by Meads, who has been dismissed from the Service.


R—l [PT. IT].

Pensions Department. Albert Halverson and Elizabeth Halverson, Auckland, two old-age pensioners, by making false declarations regarding Albert Halverson's earnings, each obtained £28 in excess of the amount to which they were by law entitled. They were proceeded against in the Magistrate's Court, Auckland, and fined £20 each. The old-age pension has also been cancelled until such time as the overpayments have been recouped to the State. Helen M. Muncey, Christchurch, by declaring that she had not remarried, collected pension amounting to £4 7s. 6d. to which she was not entitled. In the Magistrate's Court she was convicted and ordered to come up for sentence when called upon. Restitution has been made. Thomas Richards, New Plymouth, an old-age pensioner, was prosecuted on the grounds that by means of wilfully false statements he obtained a larger pension than that to which he was entitled. He pleaded guilty and was convicted, and the pension payable to him was cancelled. Jane Chirnside, Hastings, was convicted in the Magistrate's Court on a charge of having made a false declaration in connection with her application for renewal of widow's pension. The Magistrate ordered her pension to be cancelled. William Richards, for making a false statement in connection with an economic war pension, was convicted at Gisborne and ordered to come up for sentence when called upon, and also to pay the costs of the prosecution (75.). Elizabeth McTigue was convicted at Dunedin and ordered to come up for sentence if called upon within two years on a charge of having made a false statement in order to secure a widow's pension. William Scarf, Timaru, for making a false statement in order to secure an old-age pension, was fined by the Stipendiary Magistrate £5 and costs, in default one month's imprisonment with hard labour. Reginald H. Dempsey, Hamilton, when collecting two instalments of his miner's pension made on each occasion a false declaration regarding his employment. He was convicted in the Magistrate's Court, Hamilton, and placed on probation for one year. The amount overpaid to him, £90, is being recovered. William H. V. Bowen, an old-age pensioner, was convicted at the Magistrate's Court, Wellington, on the 24th April, 1925, on two charges of making false declarations with a view to obtaining renewal of pension, and was fined £2 10s. on each charge. The amount overpaid to him, £28 3s. 4d., has been recovered. Herbert B. Culpan, Auckland, was prosecuted under section 20 (d) of the War Pensions Act, 1915, for having made two false declarations to the effect that he was unemployed. He was convicted by the Magistrate and discharged. .Bertram A. Cruller, Auckland, was convicted and discharged on a charge of having made a false statement regarding his earnings when lodging a claim for economic war pension. No loss occurred. Robert C. Clark, an old-age pensioner, Dunedin, sought to obtain, by means of a false statement regarding his income, a pension to which he was not entitled. He appeared before the Magistrate at Dunedin, and was fined £2 with costs 7s. The sum of £37 overpaid is being recovered by instalments. Lincoln R. Roberts, Christchurch, for making a false declaration in connection with an economic war pension, was fined 40s. with costs 7s. No loss occurred. Mary A. Cashmere, Sydenham, by failing to disclose the amount of her earnings, obtained £78 widow's pension to which she was not entitled. She was admitted to probation for three years on condition that the amount of £78 was repaid by instalments of ss. a week. Kate Hughes, in receipt of a widow's pension, by making a false declaration, obtained £80 9s. 2d. to which she was not entitled. She was convicted in the Magistrate's Court at Wellington and ordered to come up for sentence if called upon within three years. Arrangements have been made for the recovery of the amount overpaid at the rate of 10s. per week. Post and Telegraph Department. By means of a forged withdrawal slip £4 was withdrawn by telegraph at Awanui from the savings-bank account of a depositor on the 26th April, 1920. The officer who handled the transaction and was a party to the forgery had resigned from the Department and left the Dominion some years ago. The police have been unable to detect the principal culprit, and the Department has decided to restore the amount improperly drawn. The loss will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. F. Milroy, tablet porter, Opapa, was arrested by the police and charged with the theft of £89 10s. 9|d., the property of the Post and Telegraph Department. The deficiency in the accounts at Opapa was disclosed when an audit was made by the departmental Inspector. Milroy was admitted by the Supreme Court to two years' probation. Restitution was made. A sum of £700 was fraudulently withdrawn from a savings-bank account in Auckland, the circumstances indicating that the fraud may have been committed by an ex-officer recently convicted of a similar offence, The police made full inquiries without obtaining sufficient


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information to warrant a charge against the person suspected. It will therefore be necessary for the Department to refund the amount to the depositor and obtain parliamentary authority to write off the loss. F. A. Ramsay, Postmaster and storekeeper, Brookside, was found to have a shortage of £26 Bs. 9d. in the official cash when an audit was made. The police investigated, and Ramsay pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court, and was admitted to probation for a period of two years. The amount of the deficiency was made good by Ramsay, who is no longer employed by the Department. George Thomas Edwards, fruiterer, who acted as Postmaster at Lyall Bay, was charged on the 26th March with the theft of £38 2s. BJd., the property of the Department, and was committed to the Supreme Court for trial. Miss Ngatapa Rangiaho, non-permanent Postmistress, Ruatoki North, was found to have a deficiency in the official cash of £18. When questioned by the police, Miss Rangiaho admitted having misappropriated the amount, which she handed to the Department. She appeared in the Mag : strate'» Court at Ruatoki North, and was admitted to probation for a period of two years. James Murray was referred to in the report of last year as having been admitted to probation for failing to account for the sum of £65 12s. It was later found that an amount of £200 had been fraudulently withdrawn from a savings-bank account at Fairlie. The transaction was handled by Murray, and he will be charged with the theft of £200. He is at present serving a sentence at Waikune on charges not affecting the Department. The depositor's account will require to be reimbursed and the loss written off by parliamentary authority. Public Works Department. E. M. Roberts, a storekeeper's assistant in the Public Works Department, Beaumont, was sentenced to three years' reformative detention for failing to account for £6 Is. sd. received from the sale of stores and for the theft of Government stores valued at £97 10s. 4d. The loss will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. Dismissed from the Service. Registrar-General's Department. A. R. Kennedy, Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Dunedin, whilst his accounts were being audited, surrendered himself to the police and admitted defalcations amounting to £72. He later appeared in the Police Court charged with the theft of £81 10s. 6d., pleaded guilty, and in the Supreme Court was admitted to probation for a term of one year. Restitution was made. Dismissed from the service. r ~ Losses and other Irregularities. Department of Agriculture. As the genuineness of the signatures on two receipts supporting the vouchers for travelling-expenses of a rabbiter employed by the Department of Agriculture appeared to be doubtful, investigation was made by an Audit Inspector, who ascertained that one of the receipts was not genuine. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, who obtained information showing that the offender did pay the moneys in question, and could have obtained a proper receipt by writing for it, in view of which the Audit Office took no other action than to place the facts before the Public Service Commissioner. Customs Department. An examination of the accounts of a Collector of Customs revealed two amounts, £20 9s. 7d. and £1 155., which had not been brought to charge. Owing to the decease of the officer concerned it is not now possible to ascertain the cause of the failure to account. An item will be taken in this year's appropriations to make good the loss of revenue, and the amount will be written off. An officer of the Customs Department who is now deceased failed to lodge in the Post Office Savings-bank a sum of £20 handed to him by a fireman on the 23rd December, 1924, for the purpose of depositing to the latter's account. The amount was made good by a relative. Defence Department. The Timaru Drill-shed was broken into during January, 1925, and two cornets stolen. The police arrested the offenders, who were dealt with through the Civil Court. The stolen articles were recovered. Department of Education. A sum of 10s. of imprest money .representing petty cash was stolen from the Central Store of the Education Department, Wellington, about the 25th January, 1925, entrance to the building having been gained by breaking a window. The police have been unable to identify any person in the matter. The amount will require to be written off by parliamentary authority,"and an appropriation" r taken to reimburse the Imprest Account. Department of Health. Investigation was made of a case in which a loss resulted from the sale of a Ford motor-car by an Inspector'of Health at Blenheim at a price lower than the best quotation received. There wasljdelay in forwarding the quotations to Wellington' for decision, consequently the best offer was" withdrawn. As the Inspector had apparently acted under a misapprehension regarding his responsibility for immediately forwarding the quotations, the matter was dealt with by specially drawing his attention to his responsibilities in such matters.


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Inland Revenue Department (Land and Deeds Branch). During the course of his examination an Audit Inspector discovered a temporary shortage in cash of £2 Iss. IOJd. in a stamp imprest account. The amount was paid in by the clerk in charge of the imprest, but as there were unsatisfactory features surrounding the case, the Audit Office was obliged to request that the officer should not be permitted to act in that capacity any longer. Department of Justice. When destroying certain records over twenty years old in the office of the Clerk of Court, Greymouth, it was discovered that some one had recently removed stamps from plaints dated about 1889. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, who have, however, been unable to obtain sufficient evidence on which to make a criminal charge. The Audit Office discovered that a cheque for £2 12s. 6d. drawn by an imprestee had been lodged with the State Advances Office in payment of a fee required for a valuation in support of a private application for a loan. The explanation of the officer showed that he was unaware that his action was improper. It is pointed out that the use of imprest moneys for other than the proper purposes —i.e., payment of travelling-expenses or other special purposes —is, by section 5 of the Finance Act, 1921-22, deemed a misappropriation. New Zealand Government Railways. Green Lane Railway-station was burglariously entered on the night of the 25th March, 1925, and a sum of £14 10s. 7d., including cheques for £12 13s. 4d., stolen from the safe. Entrance to the building was gained by breaking a window, and the safe was blown open. Investigations are being made by the police. The cheques have been replaced, leaving £2 Is. sd. to be provided in the Appropriations. This loss will require to be written off. Pareora Railway-station buildings were entered by burglars during the night of the 21st April, 1924, and £1 4s. 6d. in silver stolen. The same station was also entered on the 6th June, 1925, and lid. stolen. The police made full inquiries, but were unable to obtain any clue. The loss wJI be written off. The Avondale Railway-station was entered by burglars on the night of the 15th June, 1924, and cash amounting to £58 12s. 4d. stolen from the safe. A man named Luttrell was charged with the offence, but was convicted on an alternative charge of receiving, and sentenced to three years' imprisonment. On the Magistrate's order, a sum of £31 13s. 2d. discovered on Luttrell at the time of his arrest was handed over to the Crown. The balance, £26 19s. 2d., will be appropriated by an item on the estimates, and the loss written off. Post and Telegraph Department. Lepperton Post-office was entered by a burglar and £3 10s. 3d., the property of the Department, stolen. The matter was fully investigated by the police, but sufficient evidence was not available on which a charge could be based. The amount will be written off. Samuel Cleland, a labourer, burglariously entered the Pukeuri Junction Office on the night of the 13th April, 1925, and stole an amount of £28 6s. sd. He has been arrested, and the amount stolen recovered from him by the police. Waddington Post-office was burglariously entered on the 30th September, 1924, and £12 Bs. 9d. of the Department's cash stolen. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, who, however, were unable to trace the offender. The amount will require to be appropriated and written off. A Maori youth named Hone Akuira te Oto entered the Manutuke Post-office on the morning of the 13th September and stole £1 15s. 6d., the property of the Department. He was sentenced in the Supreme Court to twelve months' hard labour. The amount was made good by the Postmistress, as she had failed to lock the money in a safe provided. Gordon Bennett Haussman, who was employed as a message-boy in the post-office at Hokitika, was charged at the Juvenile Court, Hokitika, with the theft of a£l bank-note. He pleaded guilty, and was admonished and discharged. The amount in question was stolen from the residence of a person to whom Haussman delivered correspondence. Dismissed from the service. Douglas Gordon Hollis and William Robb were charged with the theft of a mail-bag in transit between Mangahao Hydro and Shannon which contained a registered packet holding a remittance of £125 25., which was being forwarded from the Postmaster, Mangahao Hydro, to the Chief Postmaster, Wellington. Hollis, who was arrested in Sydney and brought back to New Zealand, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to twelve months' reformative detention. Robb pleaded not guilty, and was acquitted. The actual loss is £125, which will require to be written off by parliamentary authority, and a like amount appropriated to make good the public funds. James Muir (not a departmental officer), was charged in the Magistrate's Court on the Bth July, 1925, with the theft of £50 from various slot telephones installed at Wellington. Muir pleaded guilty, and was remanded to the Supreme Court for sentence. A sum of 10s. 5d., which was in his possession when arrested and which had been obtained from slot machines, has been recovered. Action is being taken by the Department to prevent further frauds of this nature from being committed. Loss will be written off. Advice was received from the Secretary, Post and Telegraph Department, that a fraudulent withdrawal of £80 from a savings-bank account at Auckland had been made by means of a forged

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withdrawal slip. The matter was investigated by the Police Department, but the person responsible for the forgery could not be traced. The Department will be called upon to replace the amount, and the loss to the State will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. Albert Edward Carpenter was sentenced at Auckland to two years' reformative detention for withdrawing from the savings-bank account of D. Mcintosh, by means of forged slips, the amount of £150. The Department has repaid to the depositor the amount stolen, and will require to obtain parliamentary authority for writing off the loss. Doris Helen Brown, Auckland, was sentenced to reformative detention not exceeding three years for having, by means of a forged withdrawal slip, withdrawn an amount of £40 9s. 9d. from a savings-bank account, Auckland. As the depositor had taken reasonable care of his pass-book, the Department will be required to reimburse him and obtain parliamentary authority to write off the amount of the loss. An amount of £10 was withdrawn from the account of a depositor in the Wellington District, by means of a forged withdrawal slip. The name of the forger is known to the police, but sufficient evidence to warrant a prosecution is not forthcoming. The amount stolen was made good by the Department, and the loss will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. Rauahi Taki and Taki Rauahi (father and son) both had savings-bank accounts containing their war gratuities. The father, who was also known under his son's name, withdrew amounts from both accounts, with the result that the Department was called upon to make good the amount of £44 4s. 4d. withdrawn from the son's account. The police endeavoured to recover the money, but during their investigations the father died and left no estate. The loss will require to be written off by authority of Parliament. Douglas James Sampson (not an officer of the Department) on being charged by the police with the theft of a savings-bank pass-book at Wellington, admitted having stolen the book and forged a withdrawal slip for the sum of £19 10s. He appeared in the Supreme Court, and was sentenced to two years' reformative detention. The Department will require to make good the amount and obtain parliamentary authority to write off the loss. A sum of £40 was fraudulently withdrawn from a savings-bank account in Wellington on the 10th April, 1924, by means of a forged withdrawal slip. The police have the matter in hand. As the depositor was not concerned in the fraud the Department will reimburse the account, and the amount will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. Surcharges, In pursuance of the terms of section 65 of the Public Revenues Act, surcharges were issued against various officers in respect to the irregularities hereunder mentioned : — Defence Department. On examination by the Audit Office of the cash and store accounts of the Defence Department relative to the sale by auction of blankets at Auckland it was found that through error on the part of the officer concerned in the arrangements a loss to the State of £210 ss. resulted. A surcharge was issued against the officer, who appealed, and was granted relief from the surcharge by the Minister of Finance, in pursuance of powers vested in him by section 67 of the Public Revenues Act. A reprimand was administered. The loss will require to be written off by parliamentary authority. Lands and Survey Department. An officer of the Lands and Survey Department, New Plymouth, was surcharged the sum of £1 12s. 7d. for negligence in permitting a demand by the State Advances Office for payment of an instalment due on a mortgage to be filed instead of being passed to the Accountant for payment, in consequence of which rebate of £1 12s. 7d. was lost. The officer appealed, and, in pursuance of powers vested in him by section 67 of the Public Revenues Act, the Minister of Finance waived the surcharge. Amount will be written off. A clerk in the North Auckland District Land Office, Auckland, was surcharged the sum of £4 9s. Id., representing the amount of a survey charge that was irrecoverable owing to the lien having been wrongly apportioned by him. The officer appealed, in terms of section 67 of the Public Revenues Act, to the Minister of Finance, who, by virtue of authority vested in him under the section quoted, decided to allow the appeal. Amount will be written off. A clerk in the Lands and Survey Department, Auckland, was surcharged with the amount of £2 ss. Id., representing a payment required to be made by the Department by reason of a claim by the State Advances Office not having been met within the period for which rebate was allowed. He paid the amount into Public Account, but as it was shown that he was responsible only to the extent of £1 2s. sd. a refund of £1 2s. Bd. is being made, and this amount will be written off. Prisons Department. An officer of the Prisons Department was surcharged the sum of £59 9s. 6d. for failure to collect the amount from the persons to whom materials had been supplied and services rendered to the value stated. He appealed, and the Minister of Finance, in pursuance of powers vested in him by section 67 of the Public Revenues Act, waived the surcharge, but directed that he be reprimanded for his laxity. The loss will require to be written off by authority of Parliament.


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A surcharge was issued against an officer of the Waikeria Reformatory, Te Awamutu, and of the Mental Hospital, Tokanui, requiring him to pay to Public Account the sum of £30 16s. Bd., being the value of petrol, oil, tubes, &c., received by him in excess of that provided for in the agreement relating thereto. He appealed to the Minister of Finance in terms of section 67 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, but the appeal was not upheld, and the amount was then refunded by him to Public Account. Public Works Department. A surcharge for £145 13s. sd. was issued against an officer of the Public Works Department stationed at Mangaore for neglect to make adequate arrangements for safeguarding moneys of the New Zealand Government entrusted to his care for the payment of workmen employed by the Public Works Department in connection with the Mangahao scheme for the development of water-power, in consequence of which the sum stated was lost or stolen. The surchargee appealed, and the Minister of Finance, in view of the punishment already inflicted on the officer by his having been disrated, granted full relief from the surcharge in terms of section 67 of the Public Revenues Act. The amount will require to be appropriated by Parliament in order to reimburse the Imprest, and the loss written off. Staff. The number of officers employed in the Audit Department at the close of the year was 129. Resignations were received from five permanent officers, who severed their connection with the Department in order to take up more lucrative positions outside the Service. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in obtaining a sufficient number of officers of the desired status and qualifications to replace those who have retired and to strengthen the staff in order to cope with the increased amount of work. These qualifications are somewhat of an unusual order, as they not only include a thorough knowledge of accountancy, but also require a knowledge of the statutory provisions which govern the administration of the various departments of the Service. lam pleased to say that the members 6f the staff have shown commendable zeal as well as tact and discretion in dealing with the many intricate questions which have arisen in connection with the investigations which they have been called upon to undertake during the year. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, 29th July, 1925.

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Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers passed by the Audit Office under Authority of Section 69, Public Revenues Act, 1910.


1. Receipts not obtained. 2. Impossible to obtain receipts. 3. Receipts lost and cannot be replaced. Name. Particulars. I No. Amount, j Total Amount, I I Department of Agriculture. £ s. d. £ s. d. J. Allan .. .. .. ( Steamer fare .. .. . . 1 2 10 0 C. Gray .. .. .. j „ .. .. .. .. ; 1 15 0 0 J. Robertson .. .. .. j Wages .. .. .. .. .. j 1 23 12 0 41 2 0 Defence Department. Lieut.-Colonel J. Hargest .. I Motor-hire .. .. .. .. 1 2 10 0 W. Walker (Chaplain Captain) . . | Postages and stationery, Chaplains' Advisory 2 1 10 0 I Committee 4 0 0 Education Department. I. Greenwood .. .. .. j Hire of conveyance .. . . .. 1 0 10 0 j N. E. Coad .. .. .. [ Car-hire.. .. .. .. .. 1 076j A. Inglis .. .. .. ! Motor-hire .. .. .. .. 3 3 15 0 4 12 6 Department of External Affairs. E. C. Budd .. .. .. Expenses in connection with discharged 1 4 9 6 prisoner from Samoa S. J. Smith .. .. .. Meals .. .. .. .. 1 200 — 6 9 0 Department of Health. A. W. Sims .. .. .. | Steamer fare, board, and bus fare .. ,.|1| 500| 500 Department of Immigration. J. J. Ritchie .. .. .. J Travelling-expenses for returned immigrant .. | 1 | 4 10 0 | 4 10 0 Department of Industries and Commerce. A. Davidson .. . . .. Fares and accommodation.. .. .. 1 44 0 0 J. W. Black .. .. .. Cost of providing meals during rehearsals to 2 80 0 0 voluntary assistants in N.Z. Pageant, British Empire Exhibition D. Cuthbertson .. .. .. Cartage .. .. .. .. 1 0 10 5 124 10 5 Department of Internal Affairs. F. D. Thomson .. .. .. Cables and telegrams on account of Prime 2 192 12 7 Minister in Great Britain and abroad National Committee, Y.M.C.A., Wei- Expenses for catering for entertainment of lington Special Service Squadron— Wages, £5 15s. 6d. ; cartage, £4 6s. 3d. ; 1 13 1 9 steamer fare, £3 Meals, £50 6s. 6d. ; postage and telegrams, 2 51 16 11 £1 10s. 5d. W. I. Deavoll .. .. .. Amount paid to roadman for hauling car out 1 2 0 0 of mud E. G. N. Poulton .. .. Hire of punt .. .. .. . . 1 0 10 0 —— 260 1 3 Department of Justice. C. E. Matthews .. .. .. | Travelling-expenses .. .. ,.(2| 5001 500 Land for Settlements Department. G. Cooper .. .. .. Expenses .. .. .. .. 2 0 10 0 H. Ross .. .. .. Salary .. .. .. .. . . 1 18 18 0 G. Scott .. .. .. Meals and stabling .. .. .. 1 10 0 Pyne, Gould, and Guinness .. Expenses in connection with stolen sheep, 2 10 0 0 Teviot Station A. Reid .. .. .. Steamer fare .. .. .. .. 1 1 15 0 32 3 0 Department of Lands and Survey. J. B. Richards .. .. .. | Car-hire.. .. .. .. ..'1| 100| 100 Marine Department. W. Strachan .. • • .. j Board and lodging .. .. ..Ill 186 H. Vickerman .. .. .. I Steamer fares .. .. .. .. | 1 2 10 0 1 3 18 6 Mental Hospitals Department. E. A. Bristowe .. .. .. Taxi-hire .. .. .. .. | 1 | 0 13 6 | 0 13 6 Pensions Department. T. R. Dorgan .. .. .. I Car fare .. .. .. ..11 1501 A. Duret .. .. .. I Pension .. .. .. .. ! 3 3 5 0 j 1 4 10 0 Post and Telegraph Department. J. 0. A. King and others .. .. j Salaries .. .. .. .. | 3 | 14 18 8 I 14 18 8 Prisons Department. H. W. G'ynn .. .. .. j Luggage charges .. .. .. "I 2 098 C. M. Burley .. .. .. i Hotel expenses .. .. .. 1 1 18 0 T. Cantillon .. .. .. I Salary .. .. .. .. ..1 11 3 8 13 11 4 Public Works Department. R. Hunter .. .. .. I Hotel expenses .. .. .. .. j 1 2 13 0 W. Wren .. .. .. I Wages .. .. .. .. .. 1 574 F. Julian .. .. .. 1 „ .. .. .. .. .. I 1 0 6 8 8 7 0

B. — l [Pt. J I].

Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers passed, etc. —continued.

Statement of Sums irrecoverable by the Crown, or Value of Stores, etc., required to be written off and discharged from the Public Account.


-Name. Particulars. j No. J Amount, j Total Amount. Railway Department. £ s. d. £ s. d. C. McLean .. .. . . Meals while on transfer .. .. .. 1 115 0 P. J. Doolan .. .. .. Motor fare .. .. .. .. 1 0 12 0 D. Clifford .. .. .. Meals .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 5 10 H. D. Aeland .. .. .. Steamer fare, taxi-hire, and typing .. . . 1 8 2 6 „ .. .. .. Telegrams .. .. .. .. 2 069 E. Jaeobson .. .. .. Meals while on transfer .. .. .. l 1 10 0 Hunt and Alcock .. .. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 1 15 0 M. Corkin .. .. .. Meals while on transfer .. .. .. 1 0 13 9 14 10 10 Stamp Duties Department. D. W. O'Neil .. .. .. | Board and lodging .. .. .. | 1 | 0 16 0 | 0 16 0 Department of Tourist and Health, Resorts. J. W. Clarke .. .. .. | Sleeping-berths, New South Wales railways .. J 1 | 2 0 0 | 2 0 0 Treasury Department. A. E. Cockburn .. .. .. I Taxi-hire .. .. ,. ..II 0 12 6 Bank of New Zealand .. .. | Car-hire, collection mutilated silver.. .. | 1 ! 1 10 6 | 1 2 3 0 Valuation Department. D.Craig .. .. .. | Meals .. .. .. .. .. | 1 | 1 II 0 1 11 0 Total .. . . .. .. .. .. .. £555 8 6

Claims abandoned. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Agriculture. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of bound volumes of New Zealand Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 0 18 0 Journal of Agriculture Value of stores, &c., on charge at various Lost, broken, stolen,or unaccounted for.. 2,560 5 4 district offices Value of live-stock on charge to various in- Lost through death, destroyed, &c. .. 613 7 8 stitutions Value of stores.. .. .. .. Lost in transit .. .. .. 5 19 7 Value of bicycle .. .. .. Allegedly stolen .. .. .. 6 0 0 Value of motor-vehicles, launoh, and horse Loss on sale .. .. .. .. 107 9 10 Value of stores supplied, &c. .. .. Indigent circumstances .. .. .. 10 10 8 Slaughtering fees .. .. .. Company in liquidation .. .. . . 10 0 0 Balance of railage on inooulated soil .. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 0 19 Dairy-produce grading debts .. .. Debtors bankrupt .. .. .. . . 29 6 7 Audit. Value of office furniture.. .. .. Missing, broken, &c. .. .. .. 9 7 9 Defence. Capital value of motor-vehicles held by Loss on transfer to Post and Telegraph 21,702 4 5 War Expenses Department Value of stores .. .. .. j Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 53 15 11 Value of stores, equipment, &c., Drill-hall, j Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 10,033 1 6 Lower Hutt Value of equipment on issue to trainees .. j Untraceable and destroyed by fire .. 56 2 3 Value of stores .. .. .. Lost, stolen, &c., during military pageants 147 12 Value of stores, equipment, &e., on issue .. Lost, stolen, broken, &c. .. .. 673 8 3 Value of buildings, Tairoa Heads.. .. Loss on disposal .. .. 2,804 0 1 Value of stores, &c. .. .. .. Deficient at stock-taking—unable to fix 648 15 10 responsibility Value of stores held by units .. .. Loss on sale .. .. .. 100 14 7 Education. Value of buildings, concrete-mixer, and Loss on disposal .. .. .. 2,499 18 1 clothing Value of stores deficient.. .. .. Unable to fix responsibility .. .. 550 9 9 Value of stores .. .. .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 71 3 6 Value of cheese and produce .. .. Stolen, deteriorated, and gratuitous issues 42 2 8 Amounts written off by Stipendiary Magis- Debtors in poor circumstances .. .. .. 8,518 11 11 trate under Destitute Persons Act, section 39 Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. .. Debtors in ill health and poor circumstances, .. 14,994 17 7 untraceable, &c. Imprest oash, Central Store .. .. Stolen .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Subscriptions, School Journal .. .. Unable to collect . . .. .. .. 2 7 0Exchange on cheques .. .. .. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 3 7 9 Value of live-stock sold .. .. .. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 10 0 Value of firewood sold .. .. .. Unable to colleot .. .. .. .. 1611

B. —1 [Pt. ll].

Statement showing the Detail of Sums irrecoverable by the Crown, etc. —continued.


Claims abandoned. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Health. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of building on Quail Island .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 100 0 0 Value of crockery .. .. • • Accidentally broken .. .. .. 514 17 3 Value of live-stock .. .. . • Destroyed or died .. .. .. 100 5 0 Value of motor-vehicles .. • • Loss on realization .. .. .. 1,515 18 6 Value surplus stores, Queen Mary Hospital Loss on realization .. .. .. 213 19 fx Motor-ambulances .. .. •• Handed over free to various Hospital 4,187 0 0 Boards and associations Value of stores on charge to various insti- Issued gratuitously .. .. .. 414 8 .9. tutions Value of stores on charge to various insti- Lost, stolen, broken, &c. .. .. 147 2 11 tutions Exchange on cheque .. .. . • Cost of recovery not warranted .. •. 0 10 Salary overpaid .. .. •. Person to whom paid has left the Service .. 16 19 2 on account of sickness and is in distressed circumstances Bacteriological examination .. .. Liability disputed, examination in interests . • 15 0 of public health Vaccine supplied to Waipawa Hospital Board Insufficient information in support of claim, .. 7 18 11 which Board maintained had been settled Board and lodgings of Red Cross Society's In consideration of services performed for • ■ 22 2 0 representative at Pukeora Sanatorium patients Balance of burial expenses of G. Mihotioh . . Full amount of debt not available when . . 7 12 4 estate wound up Fees due for ambulance-hire .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances .. .. .. 15 11 11 Maintenance fees, &c., due to various insti- Debtors bankrupt, untraceable, or in poor . . 12,509 6 5 tutions circumstances Maintenance and treatment in various in- Free treatment of staff .. .. .. 101 17 0 stitutions Miscellaneous services and supplies .. Debtors in poor circumstances .. ... .. 73 13 10 Fees for dental treatment and surgical Liability not accepted by debtors .. .. 0 19 0 appliances Bacteriological report .. .. .. Debtor left New Zealand .. .. .. 0 5 0 Maintenance and treatment in Rotorua Unable to collect —liability disputed .. . . 1 16 6 Cottage Hospital Maintenance and treatment in Rotorua Allowance made to Tourist Department . • 110 Cottage Hospital officer injured on duty Maintenance and treatment, Queen Mary Half-fees concession to lodge member .. .. 87 6 0 Hospital, Hanmer Maintenance and treatment, St. Helens Misunderstanding as to fees chargeable for .. 10 3 7 Hospital, Christchurch infants Industries and Commerce. Value, German dyes .. .. .. Loss on disposal .. .. .. 51 2 11 Subsidies overpaid to various millers .. Not recoverable at law .. .. .. 247 0 0 Wheat supplied to millers .. .. Weight disputed .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Internal Affairs. Value, motor-car (High Commissioner's Office) Loss on realization .. .. .. 66 13 6 Value, typewriter, buggy, harness, andfurni- Loss on realization ... .. .. 16 8 1 ture Departmental property .. .. .. Missing .. .. .. .. 1171 Cost of passage to New Zealand, £33 ; inci- Debtor an inmate Seaeliff Mental Hospital .. 44 18 0 dental expenses, £11 18s. Loss of principal and interest on loan .. Debtor unable to meet obligations .. .. 793 15 0 Justice. Shortage of administration fees, Hamilton Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 6 5 0 Supreme Court Registry Labour. Value of typewriters .. .. .. Broken beyond repair, unserviceable .. 13 16 0 Value of property (departmental) . . Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 3 1 10 " Labour Laws " (six copies) .. .. Lost .. .. .. .. .. 0 3 0 Filing fees on application lodged with Clerk Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 12 0 of Awards Fines, penalties, kc. .. .. .. Debtors deceased or whereabouts unknown .. 537 14 2 Fares advanced to persons proceeding to Debtors untraceable .. .. .. .. 88 13 9 employment Lands and Survey. Value of material from garage .. .. Loss on disposal .. .. .. 1 17 6 Value of posts .. .. .. Lost .. .. .. .. 27 7 6 Value of coal .. .. .. .. Short delivered .. .. .. 17 12 7 Value of office equipment .. .. Lost and broken .. .. .. 28 14 6 Book value of motor-vehicles .. .. Less on realization .. .. .. 64 10 4 Principal (£505) and interest (£119 9s. 8d.) on Debtor sold up by mortgagees, nothing .. 624 9 8 promissory note for advance for purchase available for Department of grass-seed (Waimarino Bush Fire relief) Loss of rent .. .. .. ,. Irrecoverable—debtors deceased .. .. 256 2 8 Rents due from late Native owners . Unable to collect .... . . .. 13 8 7 Loss of rents .. .. .. . . Debtors bankrupt .. .. • 138 9 4 Loss of rents . . . . .. . . Debtors without means . . . . . . 1,198 14 8 Loss of rents .. .. .. .. Debtors'addresses unknown, and unable to .. 9,260 13 7 collect Interest and rerits .. .. .. Loss on realization . ... .. .. 3 13 8

B.—l [PT. ll].

Statement showing the Detail of Sums irrecoverable by the Crown, etc.—continued.


Claims abandoned. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Lands and Survey—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loss of freights, Patetonga tram-line — Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 0130 various debtors Interest owing .. .. .. Error in computation by ex-officer of Land? .. 13 7 and Survey Department Accounts outstanding on litho sales .. Unable to collect .. . . .. .. 0 8 6 Rents .. .. .. .. Land-tax paid erroneously on Native land . . 13 5 4 sold to Crown, and rents equivalent thereto written off Advances under Discharged Soldiers Settle- Losses on realization of securities .. .. ('>8,774 13 8 ment Act Marine. Value of publications .. .. . . Gratuitously issued .. .. .. (>8 5 0 Boiler and machinery certificates .. Debtors bankrupt, deceased, or where- .. 363 10 0 a bouts unknown Boiler and machinery certificates .. No proof of use without certificates .. .. 53 0 6 Rent of wharf-site .. .. .. Lessee bankrupt . . .. .. .. 2 0 0 Rent of coalfields .. .. .. Lessees deceased or whereabouts unknown .. 285 4 9 Advances by High Commissioner.. .. Debtors deceased or whereabouts unknown .. 11 0 0 Mines. Shortage in coal stocks .. .. . . Due to evaporation, turn of scale, stone, &c. 345 2 5 Value of coal . . .. .. . . Lost in transit .. .. .. 27 10 0 Value of equipment .. .. .. Loss on sale thereof .. .. .. 5 14 11 Value of horses .. .. .. Destroyed . . .. .. .. 68 18 0 Value of horses .. .. .. Loss on sale thereof .. .. .. 21 10 0 Value of stores .. . , .. Unfit for use .. .. .. 0 10 5 Saw r mill license and timber reservation Name of company struck off Register of .. 142 5 0 rents due by Greymouth Timber and Land Companies Company Rent due under sawmill license .. .. Licensees failed to cancel license, no .. 120 0 0 benefits received for period in question Balance of account for coal supplied .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 9 13 8 Rent due on mineral prospecting warrants, Company not now in existence .. .. 150 0 0 New Zealand Greenstone Company (Limited) Native Trust. Rents payable by lessees of Native blocks.. Misappropriated by an ex-officer of the De- .. 1 10 6 partment Naval Defence Department. Value of articles on loan from Wellington Lost .. .. .. .. 100 Harbour Board Value of coal .. . . .. .. Short supplied .. .. .. 61 19 8 Value of clothing, &c., H.M.S. " Chatham " Issued at less than cost .. .. 250 8 1 Value of clothing, &c., H.M.S. " Dunedin '' Issued at less than cost .. .. 142 10 9 Value of clothing, &c., H.M.S. " Philomel " Issued at less than cost .. . . 200 10 2 Value of provisions, H.M.S. " Philomel " .. Loss on issue .. .. .. 0 13 3 Value of provisions, H.M.S. "Dunedin" .. Loss on issue .. .. .. 27 11 8 Value of stores .. .. .. Deficient at Trentham Camp .. .. 18 14 3 Value of stores, Base Medical Account .. Broken, lost, &c. .. .. .. 0 15 Value of stores, Boatswain's Account, Abatements and unexpired wear value .. 5 10 H.M.S. " Chatham " Value of mess-traps, H.M.S. " Chatham ".. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 107 0 4 Value of mess-traps, H.M.S. " Philomel " .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 49 3 2 Value of crockery, &c., H.M.S. i ' Philomel" Broken .. .. .. .. 26 9 1 Value of foodstuffs, H.M.S. " Dunedin " .. Unfit for consumption .. .. 114 Pensions. Value of stores .. .. .. Deficient—unable to fix responsibility .. 37 16 1 Police. Value of motor-cars .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 213 18 6 Value of buildings .. .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. . . 947 19 2 Value of revolver and ammunition .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 5 2 6 Post and Telegra/pk. Value of stores, &c. .. .. .. Deficient at stocktaking, unaccounted for 1,569 15 1 .. Value of stores and material .. .. Lost, broken, stolen, deteriorated, &c. .. 889 17 3 Value of benzine .. .. .. Lost through leakage and in transit .. 2 10 Value of switch-board .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 153 15 0 Value of telephones .. .. .. Useless, condemned, and destroyed by 9 10 floods Toll fees from various debtors .. .. Debtors bankrupt, deceased, or where- .. 73 17 8 abouts unknown Postage on newspapers in bulk by Dominion Bankrupt .. .. .. .. .. 117 4 Home Publishing Company Balance of charges for clearing telephone Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 10 5 6 line

B. — I [PT. llj.

Statement showing the Detail of Sums irrecoverable by the Crown, etc. —continued.


I I Claims abandoned. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. | Cash. Prisons. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of stores .. .. .. Unfit for consumption, deficient, lost, 326 0 4 stolen, &c. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Loss through death, condemnation, &c. .. 278 13 0 Concrete blocks .. .. • • Loss on sale .. .. .. 59 9 6 Value of wheat .. .. .. Difference between mill and consigned 5 0 6 weights Public Works. Value of hut, stores, &c. .. .. Destroyed by fire . . .. 4,882 3 9 Value of stores, &c. .. . . .. Deterioration and leakage .. .. 317 7 2 Value of live-stock . . .. .. Destroyed .. .. .. .. 46 5 0 Value of stores, tools, and material .. Lost, stolen, broken, &c. .. . . 395 12 6 Value of electrical equipment .. .. Loss on sale.. .. .. .. 2,255 1 4 Blasting-powder .. .. . . Value undercharged .. .. .. 46 18 10 Balance of amount charged to Hokitika Cost of work greatly in excess of estimate. .. 975 0 0 Borough Council on protective works (Council agreed to pay £500) Arrears of rent .. .. .. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 9 17 9 Sundry debtors .. .. .. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 8 12 6 Shortages in cash and value of tickets, Te Unable to fix responsibility .. .. .. (i 1 11 Kahu Railways. Value of stores .. .. .. Lost on " Ripple " .. .. 98 4 8 Value of rolling-stock, signalling-apparatus, Lost, broken, and obsolete .. .. 22,934 12 8 and crockery Freight, £79 19s. 9d.; advertising, £37 Is. 6d.; Companies in liquidation, estates bank- .. 132 16 3 and rent, £15 15s. rupt, unknown addresses, and indigent circumstances Repatriation. Office furniture .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 99 5 5 Value of machinery, plant, &c., at various Loss on realization .. .. .. 1,635 2 7 instructional classes Value of buildings, Ruakura .. .. Loss on disposal to Agriculture Department 3,768 5 4 Value of equipment, Avonhead .. .. Loss on disposal .. .. .. 772 8 7 State Advances. Value of typewriter and table .. .. Lost and allegedly wrongly included in 13 0 0 assets taken over from Labour Department State Advances —Repatriation Branch. Loans granted to discharged soldiers, Re- Defalcations by ex-officers of Repatriation .. 1,182 4 4 patriation Act, 1918 Department Loans granted to discharged soldiers, Re- Losses on realization of securities .. .. 11,259 7 0 patriation Act, 1918 State Advances —Housing Branch. Principal and interest on loans .. .. Losses on realization of securities .. .. 224 8 5 Principal .. .. . • • ■ Cost in excess of contract prices .. .. 13 14 3 State Advances —Settlers Branch. Principal and interest on loans .. .. Losses on realization of securities .. .. 496 2 7 State Advances —Fishing Industry Promotion Branch. Sale of trawler il Swan " .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 0 4 7 State Forest Service. Value of stores and field equipment .. , Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 18 6 10 Value of building .. .. .. Removal from property before sale —over- 50 0 0 looked Value of motor-vehicles.. .. .. j Loss on realization .. .. .. 185 17 6 Grazing fees .. .. • • • • j Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 364 16 6 Royalty on sleepers .. .. .. j Debtor unable to pay.. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Tourist and Health Resorts. Value of stores .. ' .. • ■ Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 6 13 0 Value of stores : .... .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 180 Value of fees due .. . • .. Debtors in indigent circumstances and un- .. 193 3 0 traceable Sundry debtors .. • • •. Unable to collect .. .. .. .. 138 0 5 Treasury. Amount advanced for payment to Public Associations ceased to exist as from 1st .. 391 8 0 Trustee of interest on Land Settlement January, 1916 Finance Association Debentures, Morrivale Nos. 1 and 2 93,627 16 11 135,169 18 5 V ' / Total .. •• .. .. £228,797 15 4 ' _


B.—l [Pt. ll].



Balances on 31st March, 1924. ' Transactions, 1924-1925. Balances on 31st March, 1925. | ' I ' Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. _ : ' r ' * i ' ' j CONSOLIDATED FUND j £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. [ £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. 4,954,713 17 9)36,655,162 18 3 35,851,254 17 0 .. I 4,150,805 16 6 State Coal-mines Account .. .. ,, .. ,. j .. 36,739 4 1 j 282,389 0 0 267,724 7 4 .. j 22,074 11 5 State Coal-Mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. ,, .. .. 35,406 16 6 .. 6,261 15 8 .. I 41,668 12 2 Scenery Preservation Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,144 8 5 [ 3,144 8 5 .. .. j Nauru and Ockan Islands Account .. .. .. .. .. 40,754 3 7 j 37,166 9 3 38,128 16 2 .. 41,716 10 6 Nauru and Ocean Island Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. 7,227 5 5 I .. 6,311 14 3 •• 13,538 19 8 Accounts of Local Bodies .. .. ,, .. .. .. .. 14,471 13 10 | 30,237 3 11 26,327 5 10 .. | 10,561 15 9 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600,661 11 8 | 3,854,576 4 9 3,671,071 18 0 .. j 417,157 4 11 PUBLIC WORKS FUND General Purposes Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 888,023 8 3 j 5,748,718 3 7 5,240,134 2 2 .. j 379,439 6 10 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account ., .. .. 1,661 1 8 j 72,473 7 4 71,085 10 4 .. j 273 4 8 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,106,174 0 0 j 1,093,652 1 4 216,725 17 2 .. j 229,247 15 10 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,108 10 2 .. ' 12,108 10 2 ADVANCES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. ..! .. 65,215 18 2 I 337,569 16 8 272,791 6 2 .. j 437 7 8 BANK OF NEW ZEALAND ACTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. ..I .. 875,000 0 0 .. .. .. | 875,000 0 0 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 208,418 0 11 I 10,193 0 0 25,724 18 11 .. i 223,949 19 10 CONVERSION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,073 15 2 .. .. .. ! 6,073 15 2 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 237,974 8 111 1,715,905 9 5 1,655,941 16 0 .. 178,010 15 6 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT LOANS ACT 1920 DEPRECIATION FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 212,643 14 1 .. 59,091 0 8 .. 271,734 14 9 EDUCATION LOANS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,433 0 6 476,827 12 3 554,849 11 1 .. 126,454 19 4 GENERAL PURPOSES RELIEF ACCOUNT .. . .. .. .. 27,597 0 5! 17,654 2 1 8,226 2 5 .. 18,169 0 9 HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 1,694 12 7 81,513 18 10 85,726 1 4 .. I 5,906 15 1 HOWARD ESTATE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 232 9 10 232 9 10 .. | HUNTER SOLDIERS ASSISTANCE TRUST ACCOUNT .. .. .. 2,085 12 0 28 1 5 490 6 0 .. 2,547 16 7 KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,968 0 7 20,152 7 11 15,619 1 2 .. 2,434 13 10 LAND ASSURANCE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 80,033 13 5 188 18 1 6,854 10 0 .. ! 86,699 5 4 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 146,799 4 1 791,206 6 6 705,309 17 4 .. 60,902 14 11 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT:— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. ... .. .. 33,198 17 8 130,424 14 8 104,857 8 6 .. i 7,631 11 6 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account.. .. .. .. 2,174 1 5 32,464 12 3 34,473 3 7 .. j 4,182 12 9 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,590 0 0 24,635,533 8 4 24,655,905 8 7 .. ! 66,962 0 3 LOANS TO EMPLOYERS FOR WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACCOUNT .. .. 90 14 1 90 14 1 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT REVENUE FUND .. .. .. .. 249,681 7 3 127,457 17 5 459,149 17 7 .. I 581,373 7 5 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION FUND .. .. .. .. 230,276 17 1 230,822 12 4 .. 545 15 3 MINING ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,855 8 11 6,318 15 0 6,320 1 8 .. 1 11,856 15 7 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 124,663 3 0 130,120 16 7 132,113 1 9 .. 126,655 8 2 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT TRUST ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 10,006 16 9 ■. 6,629 18 5 .. ! 16,636 15 2 NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 29,150 4 5 285,281 1 0 414,143 1 5 .. j 158,012 4 10 RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT 1914 ACCOUNT .. .. 831,475 9 1 255,080 18 5 1,206 14 11 .. 577,601 5 7 RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 1,148 7 2 50,827 8 5 98,692 8 5 .. 49,013 7 2 REMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,120,625 0 0 2,120,625 0 0.. RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 SAMOAN LOAN SUSPENSE ACCOUNT .... SILVER AND BRONZE COIN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 382 3 3 .. 14 2 8 396 5 11 STATE ADVANCES LOANS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,287,033 18 9 4,631,820 8 6 .. 344,786 9 9 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 155,613 16 10 286,175 2 9 299,960 16 9 .. 169,399 10 10 SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 5,859 17 8 63,949 10 6 90,955 10 1 .. 32,865 17 3 WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 145,881 4 5 251,379 9 4 113,978 2 5 .. 8,479 17 6 WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,408 5 6 13,713 12 5 49,620 17 8 .. 55,315 10 9 PUBLIC ACCOUNT CASH BALANCE INVESTMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. 3,708,595 4 2 3,708,595 4 2.. NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT.. .. .. .. .. .. 475,991 14 0 .. .. .. 475,991 14 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 382 3 3 13,750,704 0 2 88,144,355 3 8 86,258,257 17 8 .. 11,864,224 10 11


B.—l [Pt. ll].



Balances on 31st Mabch, 1924. Transactions, 1924-1925. Balances on 31st Mabch, 1925. DB. Cb. Dr. CB. DE. j CR. PUBLIC ACCOUNT: —- £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d BANK OP NEW ZEALAND IN THE DOMINION .. .. .. .. 2,846,423 15 7 .. 41,833,024 0 6 43,021,026 11 9 1,658,421 4 4 BANK OF NEW Zealand IN LONDON .. .. .. .. .. 127,437 11 6 .. 28,250,841 18 2 28,334,261 8 1 44,018 1 7 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS:— Miscellaneous Imprests .. .. .. .. .. .. 183,248 5 9 .. 22,425,003 11 5 22,518,908 17 11 89,342 19 3 Foreign IMPREST ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 296,064 13 9 .. 3,486,207 16 4 3,255,123 9 7 527,149 0 6 Conversion Account —Stock Agents.. .. .. .. .. 240 8 9 .. .. 149 11 11 90 16 10 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS:— Consolidated Fund, — Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,074,336 10 8 .. 6,914,321 15 11 7*255,722 15 4 2,732,935 11 3 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 .. 10,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 35,000 0 0 .. 6,480 0 0 .. 41,480 0 0 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 .. 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. .. 7,170 0 0 .. 6,080 0 0 .. 13,250 0 0 Deposits Account .. .. . .. .. .. 448,060 0 0 .. 414,890 0 0 462,750 0 0 400,200 0 0 Public Works Fund :— General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 .. 3,942,914 6 10 4,092,914 6 10 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,053,008 6 3 .. .. 900,208 6 3 152,800 0 0 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 12,000 0 0 .. 12,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 202,640 0 0 .. 79,970 0 0 67,970 0 0 214,640 0 0 Dischabged Soldiebs Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 68,500 0 0 .. 910,110 0 0 819,350 0 0 159,260 0 0 Dischabged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 211,250 0 0 .. 74,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 270,250 0 0 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 41,100 0 0 .. 186,600 0 0 105,600 0 0 122,100 0 0 General Pubposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. .. 23,500 0 0.. .. 8,500 0 0 15,000 0 0 Land Assurance Eund Account ... .. .. .. .. 73,890 0 0 .. j 62,000 0 0 55,890 0 0 80,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 .. 343,126 0 0 385,626 0 0 57,500 0 0 Land for Settlements Account, Dischabged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 .. 252,650 0 0 227,650 0 0 50,000 0 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. 237,000 0 0 .. 535,000 0 0 245,000 0 0 527,000 0 0 Main Highways Account Construction Fund .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 National ENDOWMENT Account .. .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 .. 124,100 0 0 118,000 0 0 81,100 0 0 National Endowment Tbust Account .. .. .. 7,000 0 0 .. 8,700 0 0 .. 15,700 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 110,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. 821,000 0 0 .. 784,100 0 0 1,065,300 0 0 539,800 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,000 0 0 .. 7,000 0 0 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,939,393 13 4 5,609,893 13 4 329,500 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 144,700 0 0 .. 25,000 0 0 4,700 0 0 165,000 0 0 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 .. 25,000 0 0 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 87,760 10 8 .. 40,028 7 6 121,093 15 0 6,695 3 2 Westport Habboub Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,000 0 0 .. 36,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Account .. .. .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 Public Account Cash Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,708,595 4 2 3,708,595 4 2 Resebve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 New Zealand Consols Account .. .. .. .. .. 475,985 0 0 .. 423,075 0 0 423,075 0 0 475,985 0 0 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT :— BANK of NEW Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 14 0 .. .. .. 6 14 0 Totals . „ „ „ .. 13,750,321 16 11 .. 121,216,211 14 2 123,102,309 0 2 1 1,864.924 3 11 ..

B.—l [PT. 11J.



s—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Dr. £ s. d Cr £ s d. Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,702,439 5 11 CONSOLIDATED FUND .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,697,523 10 11 Consolidated Fund: — I Public Works Fund .. .. .. „„ .. .. .. 621,068 17 6 Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account .. .. .. 2,732,935 11 3 ' Advances to the Governments Account .. .. .. .. 437 7 8 State Coal-mines Account Investment Account .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 223,949 19 10 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account Investment Account .. 41,480 0 0 Conversion Account .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. 6,073 15 2 Naubu and Ocean Islands Account Investment Account .. .. 40,000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 178,010 15 6 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund account Investment Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,250 0 0 Account .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 271,734 14 9 Deposits Account Investment Account .. .. .. 400,200 0 0 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 126,454 19 4 Public Works Fund: — General Purposes .Relief Account .. .. .. .. .. 18,169 0 9 General Purposes Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 5,906 15 1 Electric Supply Account Investment Account .. .. .. 152,800 0 0 Hunter Soldiers' Assistance Trust Account .. .. .. .. 2,547 16 7 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account Investment Account 12,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. ... .. 2,434 13 10 Cheviot Estate Account. Investment Account .. .. 214,640 0 0 Land Assurance Fund Account .. .. .. .. 86,699 5 4 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Investment Account .. 159,260 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 60,902 14 11 ; Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Land for Settlements Account: — Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. 270,250 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 7,631 11 6 Education Loans Account Investment Account .. .. .. 122,100 0 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. .. 4,182 12 9 General Purposes Belief Account Investment Account .. .. 15,000 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 66,962 0 3 Land Assurance Fund Account Investment Account .. .. .. 80,000 0 0 Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account Land for Settlements Account Investment Account .. .. .. 57,500 0 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. 581,373 7 5 | Loans Redemption Account Investment Account .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Main Highways Account Construction Fund .. .. .. .. 545 15 3 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund Investment Account.. .. 527,000 0 0 Mining Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,856 15 7 National Endowment Account Investment Account .. .. .. 81,100 0 0 National Endowment Account .. .. .. ... .. 126,655 8 2 : National Endowment Trust Account Investment Account ... .. 15,700 0 0 National Endowment Trust Account .. .. .. .. .. 16,636 15 2 Native Land Settlement Account Investment Account .. .. 90,000 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 158,012 4 10 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account Investment Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. 577, 601 5 7 Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 539,800 0 0 | Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. 49,013 7 2 j Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Investment Account .. .. 7,000 0 0 Silver and Bronze Coin Account State Advances Loan Account Investment Account .. .. .. 329,500 0 0 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. .. 344,786 9 9 State Forests Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. 165,000 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 169,399 10 10 Swamp Land Drainage Account Investment Account ., .. .. 25,000 0 0 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. 32,865 17 3 War Expenses Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. 6,695 3 2 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,479 17 6 Westport Harbour Accunt Investment Account .. .. .. 36,000 0 0 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 55,315 10 9 Reserve Fund Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Account Investment Account .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Account .. .. .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 Dominion and Foreign Advances .. .. .. .. .. 616,582 16 7 New Zealand Consols Account .. .. ... .. .. 475,991 14 0 New Zealand Consols Account :— Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. ., 6 14 0 Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. 475,985 0 0 Total .. .. .. ..£11,864,224 10 11 TOTAL .. .. .. .. ..£11,864,224 10 11 1

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19-24-1 925.



Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. j ORDINARY REVENUE:— " " ' " " ~~ £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs .. .. •• •• •• 7,689,148 6 4 19,759 12 5 7,569,388 18 11 Stamp and Death Duties — Adhesive stamps 397,277 3 9 314,839 19 8 82,437 4 1 Duty on Instruments .. .. •• •• 628,081 15 6 7,883 9 10 620,198 5 8 Death Duty .. .. .. •• •• 1,005,011 9 6 18,907 1 1 986,104 8 5 Estate Du.y 369,926 11 2 .. 369,926 11 2 Succession Duty.. .. •• •• •• 91,116 2 0 .. 91,116 2 0 Gift Duty .. .. .. • • •• 73,932 19 0 330 18 4 73,602 0 8 Crown and Native Rates .. .. .. •• 526 14 5 .. 526 14 5 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. • • 5,055 7 2 0 14 0 5,054 13 2 Impressed Stamps 80,999 5 4 737 14 8 80,261 10 8 Licenses .. .. •• •• •• 63,175 6 0 41 7 11 63,133 18 1 Bank Composition . .. • ■ 197,626 8 0 .. ' 197,626 8 0 Totalizator Revenue .. .. .. •• 590,445 4 9 60 10 5 590,384 14 4 Amusements-tax.. .. .. •• •• 79,361 7 5 484 6 1 78,877 1 4 Miscellaneous 5,029 9 2 3,947 11 1 1,081 18 1 3,587,565 3 2 347,233 13 1 3,240,331 10 1 'Postal and Telegraph,— {Postal Revenue .. .. .. .. •• 1,283,863 14 0 195,000 0 0 1,088,863 14 0 Telegraph Revenue .. .. .. •• 757,970 6 2 .. 757,970 6 2 Telephone Revenue .. .. .. •• 860,048 1 6 .. 860,048 1 6 , 2,901,882 1 8 195,000 0 0 2,706,882 1 8 LAND-TAX .. .. .. .. •• 1,352,649 2 4 17,398 11 0 1,335,250 11 4 Income-TAX .. .. .. .. .. 3,419,572 0 0 33,520 6 4 3,386,051 13 8 1 BEER Ddtv .. .. .. .. .. 651,129 13 lj 745 10 4 650,384 2 9 Railways .. .. .. .. 7,498,368 6 11 393,262 1 9 7,105,106 5 2 Registration and other Pees, — Aliens Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 501 5 0 16 13 0 484 12 0 [ Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Part III) 6,181 15 10 14 17 0 6,166 18 10 1 Apprentices Act .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Arms Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 2,336 4 0 1 1 5 0 2,334 19 0 Births, Deaths, and Marriages .. .. .. 17,480 6 8 22 17 6 17,457 9 2 By-laws Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 34 13 0 .. i 34 13 0 Cinematograph-film Censorship Act, 1916 .. .. 1,309 13 8 11 8 0 \ 1,298 5 8 Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 114 12 0 0 5 0 j 114 7 0 Copyright Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. 110 .. i 110 Crown Grant Fees .. .. .. .. 773 17 4 5 0 0 768 17 4 Customs Law Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. j ■ 7,465 9 0 126 2 9 [ 7,339 6 3 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 .. .. .. ... 2,367 0 0 7 0 0; 2,360 0 0 Dentists Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1911 .. 27 9 0 .. j 27 9 0 Distillation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 2 0 0; 152 0 0 Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. j 500 .. : 500 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908.. .. 3,371 16 8 2 5 0 3,369 11 8 Factories Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 1,935 19 0 0 19 6 1,934 19 6 Finanoe Act, 1915 (Part III) (Beer Duty) .. ..j 1,776 8 10 213 16 9 1,562 12 1 Finance Act, 1920 (Section 49) (fees for transfer of I New Zealand Stock and Bonds from London to New Zealand Registers) .. .. .. 5 19 6 .. I 5 19 6 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 9,071 1 6 8,405 11 9| 665 9 9 Friendly Societies Act, 1909 .. .. .. 59 11 6 4 15 0 54 16 6 Health Act, 1920.. ' .. .. .. .. 72 10 0 .. ! 72 10 0 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 .. j 226 1 4 3 0 0 1 223 1 4 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908.. .. .. j 8,600 0 0 .. 8,600 0 0 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908 .. ; 915 0 0 132 0 0 783 0 0 Inspection of Machinery Act 1908 Amendment Act, 1910 i 19,087 15 8 21 17 6 j 19,065 18 2 Land Agents Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 13,495 0 0 .. I 13,495 0 0 Licensing Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 76 100 700j 1 10 0 Carried forward.. .. .. .. | 97,446 10 6 9,066 13 9 | 88,379 16 9 I ; j I I | * Note. —The details of Postal and Telegraph revenue have been compiled from departmental returns, and have not been certified by Audit. t The figure for Postal Revenue does not include £160,000 credited to Miscellaneous Revenue (see page 30).

B.—l [PT. ll].




a Receipts. Refund?. Net Revenue. ORDINARY REVENUE—continued. —— ——— Registration and otheb Fees—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 97,446 10 6 9,066 13 9 88,379 16 9 Margarine Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 500 .. 500 Masseurs Registration Act .. .. .. 14 18 6 0 11 0 14 7 6 Medical Practitioners Act, 1914.. .. .. 316 9 0 1 5 0 315 4 0 Midwives Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 7,041 0 1 13 6 6 7,027 13 7 Mining Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 102 7 0 .. 102 7 0 Native Land Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 25 4 0 .. 25 4 0 New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 .. .. . ■ 050 .. 050 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 .. .. 1,066 1 0 0 5 0 1,065 16 0 Nurses Registration Act, 1908 .. .. .. 305 10 5 .. 305 10 5 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1908 .. .. 612 0 0 9 1 0 602 19 0 Orchard-tax Act, 1916 .. .. .. .. 2,004 11 2 4 1 3 '2,000 9 11 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Acr, 1921-2 .. 12,902 9 7 30 18 0 12,871 11 7 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. .. .. 423 15 0 3 0 0 420 15 0 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 .. .. i 36 12 0 .. 36 12 0 Shorthand Reporters' Act, 1908 .. . .. 14 14 0 .. 14 14 0 Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 .. .. 28,288 13 3 1 0 0 28,287 13 3 Stock Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 1,237 16 6 : 0 15 0 1,237 1 6 Stone-quarries Act .. .. .. •• 174 0 0 .. 174 0 0 Timber-export Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 48 8 1 .. 48 8 1 Timber-floating Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 55 2 7 15 13 7 39 9 0 Tobacco Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 225 15 0 .. 225 15 0 Tramways Act 1908 Amendment Act, 1911 .. .. 84 0 0 .. 84 0 0 Valuation of Land Act, 1908 .. .. .. 42,136 3 5 107 1 0 42,029 2 5 Weights and Measures Act, 1908 .. .. .. j 4,032 13 0 .. 4,032 13 0 198,599 19 1 9,253 11 1 189,346 8 0 Mabine, — Pilotage Rates and Harbour Pees .. .. .. 855 1 1 10 7 6 844 13 7 Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 1 91,370 8 10 128 15 0 91,241 13 10 Rents of Foreshores, Royalty, &c. .. .. .. 4,620 2 1 41 10 2 4,578 11 11 Sale of Oysters under Fisheries Act, 1903 .. .. 8,395 9 3 .. 8,395 9 3 105,241 1 3 180 12 8 105,060 8 7 Intebest on Public Moneys (details on separate statement) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,188,550 11 7 430 4 11 1,188,120 6 8 Local Bodies Loans Act, 1908, Section 76, — Refund of cost of Roads and Bridges from proceeds of Disposal of Lands .. .. .. .. 22,293 17 0 92 19 4 22,200 17 8 Rents op Buildings (details on separate statement) .. I 23,639 5 2 373 5 11 23,265 19 3 Toobist and Health Resobts, — Reoeipts in respect of Reserves under the Tourist and { Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 .. .. .. j 48,811 4 2 142 13 3 48,668 10 11 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) ..j 234,741 4 2 3,207 3 6 231,534 0 8 Totals of Ordinary Revenue .. .. '28,922,191 15 11 1,120,600 5 7 27,801,591 10 4 TERRITORIAL REVENUE Rents from Leases .. .. .. .. 178,241 0 3 4,823 14 10 173,417 5 5 Royalties .. .. .. .. .. | 19,346 17 6 705 10 8 18,641 6 10 Intei est on Sales of Crown Lands .. .. .. j 364 2 9 253 1 1 111 1 8 Under Coal-mines Act, 1908, — Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. j 76 3 7 51 4 1 24 19 6 Rents from Leases .. .. .. .. 1,404 18 9 10 5 0 1,394 13 9 Royalties .. .. .. .. .. 3,990 8 5 .. 3,990 8 5 Rents from Licenses .. .. .. .. 97 8 9 .. 97 8 9 Under the Mining Act: Miscellaneous .. .. 1,000 7 7 1,000 7 7 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. ,, 15,801 11 0 1,843 8 10 13,958 2 2 Marine Department Leases .. .. 114 0 6 .. 114 0 6 Totals of Territorial Revenue .. .. j 220,436 19 1 8,687 12 1 211,749 7 0 Grand Totals .. .. .. ,29,142,628 15 0 1,129,287 17 8 28,013,340 17 4

B_i [P T . ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924-1 925.



Interest on Public Moneys : — £ s. d. £ s, d. £ s. d. On Credit balances of— Foreign Imprest Account, London .. .. .. .. 850 17 3 New Zealand Public Account, London .. .. .. 3,230 4 0 Public Debt Charges Account, London .. . . .. 35 17 3 Public Account, Wellington ... .. . . j .. 15,722 17 9 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. j . 128 16 3 19,968 13 0 On Investments made in respect of the— Bank of New Zealand Acts Account — Dividends in terms of the Bank of New Zealand Act, 1920, section 13— £500,000 preference " A " shares .. .. J 50,000 0 0 Final dividend on £625,000 preference " B " share-; for year ended 31st March, 1924 .. .. 42,258 4 5 Interim dividend on £625,000 preference " B' shares for year ended 31st March, 1925 20,833 6 8 i- 113,091 11 I Deposits Account .. .. .. .. ! .. 10,651 13 2 i Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 1,085 II 9 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 1,243 5 2 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. 5,484 11 9 New Zealand Consols Account .. .. .. .. 19,830 16 II Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. 107,627 17 8 Dividends in terms of Bank of New Zealand Act, 1920, section 13— Final dividend, £375,000 preference " B " shares for year ended 31st March, 1924 .. .. 20,177 9 4 Interim dividend on £375,000 preference " B " shares for year ended 31st March, 1925 .. 12,500 0 0 140,305 7 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. . . 16,049 0 5 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. .. 29,222 8 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, Account , * .. .. .. .. .. 36,204 13 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 90,549 14 10 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 13,589 7 5 477,308 0 6 On obsolete sinking funds held by the Public Trustee — Local Bodies' Loans Act 1908 Sinking Fund Account .. .. 36,967 16 1 State Advances Act, 1913, section 26 (6) (d), Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 6,349 15 1 War and Defence Loans Sinking Fund Account .. .. 8,908 12 3 52,226 3 5 I On transfers from Consolidated Fund to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account in terms of — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, section 8 (3)— On £12,500,000 at 4 per cent, from 1st March, 1924, to 1st March, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 500,000 0 0 " Appropriation Act, 1920, section 31 (3), (Discharged Soldiers) —■ On £1,000,000 at 4 per cent, from 1st March, 1924, to 1st March, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 — 540,000 0 0 On loans to local bodies under Local Bodies' Loans Act, .. .. 86,253 7 1 1908 On miscellaneous advances — Forgrass-seed,lime, &c., by Lands and Survey Department .. 32 6 2 For motor-cars sold by Education Department .. .. 23 9 5 For motor-cars sold by Valuation Department .. .. 35 19 10 For roading, Hauraki Pastoral Area. .. .. . . 4 19 7 To discharged soldiers, under Repatriation Act, 1918 .. .. 5,793 6 9 To Gore Borough Council (protective works).. .. .. 106 0 9 To Hunua Dairy Company .. .. .. .. 85 9 7 To Kairuru Marble Company .. .. .. .. 556 13 6 To Sainoan Treasury, interest at 5 per cent, on amounts advanced in terms of Samoa Act, 1921, section 3 .. .. 2,302 17 6 To Stratford Borough Council, on account of Patea River Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 12 7 To Thames Borough Council, on account of pumping plant .. 57 18 0 To University of Otago, under Section 36, Finance Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. .. .. 422 1 9 To Greymouth Harbour Board out of special coal rate.. .. 255 5 6 9,704 0 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,185,460 4 11

B.—] [FT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 9 25,




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. j .. 1,185,460 4 11 j Interest on Public Moneys—continued. Miscellaneous interest— On Auckland Egg Society debentures (Prisons Depart- ; ment) .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 5 On Balance regimental funds, 5th N.Z. Mounted Rifles i .. 16 0 0 On contract deposits held by High Commissioner .. . . 8 6 7 On debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 .. . 2,574 ft 0 On forfeited dental bursary (£200), (Health Department ) .. 31 17 3 On loan from Regimental Funds Account, 15th Battery, N.Z.A. .. .. .. .. .. . . 10 6 On mortgage on old drill-hall, Invereargill . . .. . . 16 12 4 On Post-office Savings-bank Account, Receiving Home (Education Department) .. .. .. 2 10 0 On proceeds of sale of Crown land adjoining Te Mata Settlement .. .. .. .. .. . ■ 39 9 10 On proceeds of sale, Ai'ataki Horticultural Station .. . . 82 3 8 On proceeds of sale of Westcott Settlement (Moa Seed Farm), (Agriculture Department) .. .. .. 312 10 0 3,084 12 7 1,188,544 17 6 Less adjustment of amount credited in 1923-24, now transferred to Fruit - preserving Industry Advances Account:— Advances from Vote, "Agriculture, for assistance of Fruit-preserving Industry" .. .. .. .. 424 10 10 Total .. .. .. .. .. , .. £1,188,120 6 8

£ s. d. l'ost and Telegraph .. .. .. .. .. . ■ .. .. .. 8,784 14 5 Justice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7642 Prisons .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 427 9 11 Police .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 294 0 5 Internal Affairs .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 750 1 4 Health . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 429 18 5 Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 5,200 10 10 Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill 0 0 Marina .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 104 10 10 Labour .. . w .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 4 0 Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,119 16 2 Tourist .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 424 6 1 Education .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 278 3 3 Public Works .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,351 19 5 23,445 19 3 Less adjustment of amount credited to Rents of Buildings in previous years now transferred to other headings of receiptTreasury Department (Advance to Hunua Dairy Company) .. .. . . 180 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [£23,265 19 3 • ~1

B.—l [Pt. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1 924 -19 25



i ~ I Miscellaneous Revenue. Treasury Department:— £ s ( ]_ £ s. d. I £ s d Conscience money .. .. .. .. .. 33 19 0 Exchange, commission, discount, &c. .. .. .. 27,570 l(i 6 Unclaimed moneys, —■ Under Public Revenues Act, 1910, section 29— Courts of Law Trust .. .. .. .. 478 7 Customs Deposits .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 | Goldfields Deposits .. .. .. .. 12 10 9 ! Gaolers' Deposits .. .. .. .. 8 2 4 j Land Revenue Peposits .. .. .. 72 5 1 ' Marine Deposits .. .. .. .. j 19 17 0 I Receiver General's Deposits . . .. .. j 134 10 9 Probation Officers' Deposits .. .. ., 23 8 0 Tourist Department Deposits .. .. .. J31 [3 g Miscellaneous Deposits .. .. .. ..I 05 19 5 j Transfer from Deposits Account, unclaimed earnings j 570 10 2 j Transfer from Deposits Account, unpresented cheques 70 11 5 ' From Public Trustee— Bankruptcy Act .. .. .. .. 238 7 4 [ Rating Act .. .. .. .. .. 08 11 6 Shipping and Seamen's Act .. .. .. j 72 0 9 [ Unclaimed lands .. .. .. .. 282 15 4 Sundry estates .. .. .. .. 4,023 4 3 Under Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908, section 0 .. 2,359 15 3 I Dividends unclaimed — 3-per-cent. 1945 stock .. .. .. .. 300| 3J-per-cent. 1940 stock .. .. .. .. 31 3 3 4-per-cent. 1929 stock .. .. .. .. 304 12 11 4-per-cent. 1943-03 stock .. .. .. 2 0 0 Excess cash at Government offices .. .. .. 2 12 5 Money found on premises and prisoners .. .. 8 15 2 Cash seized by police in gaming raids .. .. 2 18 0 Balance of New Zealand assets which devolved 011 the Crown —Estate of Robert Humphreys (deceased) .. 490 9 0 Balance of Deposits Account, Mining District Land Occupation Account, as at 31st. March, 1925, transferred in terms of the Land Act, 1924, section 318, subsection 2 15,505 8 8 Fractions of interest .. .. .. .. 121 18 3 Profit on sale of sugar .. .. .. .. 421 14 2 I Credit balance of Remittances to and from Soldiers Account 216 4 7 Profit on securities purchased and redeemed— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Finance Act, 1910, section 35 .. .. 2 15 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 150 15 0 53,534 15 4 Less refunds of amounts received in previous years 57 0 0 —— 53,477 15 4 Post and Telegraph Department:— *Savings-bank profits .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 ' Public Works Department:—Hire of steam-shovel .. .. .. .. 114 0 0 Privilege of draining into pipe-line, Ellerslie .. .. 1 10 0 Fee for electric-line crossing railway .. .. .. 10 0 Receipts from irrigation and water-supply schemes .. 3,411 18 11 Rent, Mokau Ferry.. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 1260 Water-power license revenue .. .. .. 284 9 8 Water-race receipts .. .. .. .519 14 9 4,304 19 4 Department of Industries and Commerce :— Commission on sale of German dyes .. .. .. 302 10 0 Balance of disputed account re wheat-purchase .. 281 10 8 Rent of office furniture, Farmers' Wheat Board, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 0 0 630 0 8 Department of Justice: — ! e . ■ Estreated recognizances .. .. .. .. 90 0 0 Search fees .. .. .. .. .. 486 King's Counsel fees .. .. .. .. 11110 105 19 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 218,585 0 10 ; I * This amount is taken credit for by the Post and Telegraph Department as revenue.

B.—l [PT. ll]




Miscellaneous Revenue—continved. , „ , „ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 218,585 0 10 Prisons Depart ment: —• Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 29 8 0 Police Department :■ — Sale of confiscated liquor .. .. .. .. 71 14 0 | Sale of firearms .. .. .. .. .. 41 0 11 Sales, miscellaneous .. . . .. .. 0 15 0 113 9 11 Pensions Department:— Penalty for misrepresentation re pension .. .. .. [ 10 0 Mines Department Refund of expenses of officer advising re artesian supply, Tahunanui Town Board .. .. .. .. 2 9 3 Refund, of expenses of officer advising re gold at Tanawai, Fiji (Government of Fiji) .. .. .. .. 6 18 0 I Commission on coal revenue collected .. .. 327 1 8 Forfeited deposit on mineral lease .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Water-race receipts .. .. .. .. 1,230 7 3 2,566 16 2 Department of Internal Affairs Fees for analyses, Dominion Laboratory .. .. 84 0 0 Laboratory fees .. .. .. .. .. 205 4 6 Passport fees .. .. .. .. .. 2,283 0 5 Hire of films .. .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 Sale of fish .. .. .. .. .. 744 5 0 Sale of film .. .. .. .. .. 435 7 11 Sale of publications .. .. .. .. 42 18 1 Sale of waste paper' .. .. .. .. 40 13 8 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 8112 Fees for storage of powder .. .. .. .. 2,046 0 8 5,895 II 5 Less refunds of amounts received in previous years .. 4 18 0 | 1 5,890 13 5 Mental Hospitals Department:— Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. | 1 10 0 Department of Health :— Fees for analyses .. .. .. .. .. 115136 Advertising in Journal of Health .. .. .. 9 10 8 Penalty for default under bursary grant .. .. 25 0 0 Balance of Pukeora Military Hospital Patients' Educational and Vocational Training and Recreation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 19 11 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 0 9 4 156 13 5 Naval Defence Department:— Purchase of discharge by New Zealand ratings .. .. 314 0 6 Cash found in deserters' effects .. .. .. 0 3 0 314 3 6 Defence Department:— Rents from Defence Reserve.. .. .. .. 27100 Defence Act, 1909 —Fines .. .. .. .. 57 3 0 Hire of equipment .. .. .. .. 563 1 10 Horse-hire .. .. .. .. .. I 34 7 6 Royalties on gravel.. .. .. . . .. J 946 6 5 I Water supplied to Prisons Department, Wi Tako .. j 9 0 0 Water rates received from Takapau Rifle Club .. .. 2 10 0 Sale of electric current .. .. .. .. 344 13 10 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 2 4 0 1,986 16 7 Less refunds of amounts received in previous years .. 3 10 0 — 1,983 6 7 Customs Department:— Fees received for redemption of seized goods .. .. 28 0 4 Fees, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 6 10 Duty on jewellers' sweepings exported .. .. 2 0 0 Storage of goods .. .. .. .. .. 3 14 0 Sale of goods seized by Customs .. .. .. 100 0 0 139 15 4 Less refunds of amounts received in previous vears .. 20 10 0 — 119 5 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 229,761 7 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Miscellaneous Revenue —continued. „ , , „ , I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 229,761 7 2 i Marin# Department:— Whaling license fee .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 12 4 7 212 4 7 Department of Labour :— Sale of scales confiscated .. .. .. .. 17 10 6 Sale of Awards .. .. .. .. .. 79 14 7 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Refund on cases returned .. .. .. .. 0 7 0 99 2 1 Department of Lands and Survey Fees, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Excess exchange on cheques .. .. .. 0 116 Rates under the Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1922, section 5 (3) .. .. .. .. .. 33 19 7 Refund of loans for lime, grass-seed, &c. .. .. 22 0 0 Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 5 16 Scenery preservation receipts— Sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 326 Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. 615 1 11 Wharf dues .. .. .. .. .. 13 18 9 694 5 9 Less refunds of amounts received in previous vears .. 100 0 0 594 5 9 I Electoral Department:—. Sale of electoral rolls .. .. .. .. 19 15 6 Less refunds of amounts received in previous years .. 0 6 0 19 9 6 Department of Agriculture :— Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 10 13 6 Department of Education :— Pees for teachers' certificates, licenses, &c. .. .. 548 8 6 Rent received from High School site, Lower Hutt .. 269 10 6 Sale of gramaphone records .. .. .. .. 2 8] Sales, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 9 5 8 829 12 9 | State Forests Service :— Hire of equipment .. .. .. .. .. 4 19 8 War Expenses Department :— Rent of land at' Messines .. .. .. .. .. 258 — £231,534 0 8 I . M) .. I . —I

B. —1 [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924-1 925.


G—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


I ' Legislative Department £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sale of typewriter.. .. .. .. .. .. 900 Treasury Department :— Refund of advances made to stranded New-Zealanders by High Commissioner .. .. .. .. 1200| Recovery of cost of cables incurred in raising loans .. 51 0 0 \ 63 0 0 National Provident and Friendly Societies Department :— Sale of office fittings .. .. .. .. .. 13 9 0 Post and Telegraph Department :— Sale of typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 29 14 0 Public Works Department :— Rent of offices occupied by the Manager, Receiving Home, and Juvenile Probation Officer, Education Department, Wellington, 1st April, 1923, to 31st March, 1924 250 0 0 Sale of— Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 20 4 0 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 6 10 0 270 14 0 Native Department :— Sale of typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 9 18 0 | Department or External Affairs :— Sale of— Stores, Apia .. .. .. .. .. 39 18 11 Typewriter .. .. .. .. .. 10 12 6 Unexpended portion of estimated expenses, Apia Observatory .. .. .. .. .. 29 15 7 80 7 0 Department of Industries and Commerce :— Reimbursement of advances made to Deposits Account, Purchase of Wheat Account in 1923-24 .. .. 23,000 0 0 Sale of— Footwear .. .. .. .. .. 60 12 9 Typist's chair .. .. .. .. • ■ 3 13 6 Blankets .. .. .. .. .. 200 Rug 1 17 6 File cabinet .. .. .. •• . 156 case .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 23,069 19 3 Department of Justice :— Sale of — Typewriters .. .. . • .. • • 23 15 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 29 3 6 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. . . 15 13 6 Old Courthouse, Charleston .. .. .. 5 0 0 73 12 0 Prisons Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. 51 16 10 Recovery of motor-car allowance overpaid .. .. 30 16 8 — 82 13 6 Police Department :— Sale of— Horses.. .. .. .. .. .. 30 10 6 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 21 11 4 Motor-cycles .. .. .. .. .. 14 12 6 Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 3 17 6 70 11 10 Mines Department :— Sale of—Plant .. .. .. • • • • • • 103 19 3 Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 9 18 0 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Recovery of rent of mining claim .. .. .. 0 14 10 Recovery of value of hydraulic gauge .. .. 3 8 3 168 0 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 23,946 18 11

B.—l [PT. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 192 4-192 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of CONSOLIDATED FUND RECOVERIES—continued. Ordinary Revenue Account—continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 23,946 18 11 Depabtment op Internal Affairs :— Refund of advances made to stranded New-Zealanders by— High Commissioner .. .. .. .. 108 0 3 New Zealand Government Agent, Sydney .. .. 4 0 0 Sale of — Typewriters, &c. .. .. .. .. 43 9 0 Publications .. .. .. .. . . 1,145 8 0 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 66 4 1 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 46 6 2 Champagne .. .. .... .. 1400 Instalment of loan on " Donbank " by Y.M.C.A. .. 250 0 0 Refund overpayment of salary in previous years .. 6 2 6 Hire of film .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 6 1,684 0 6 Less adjustment of amounts credited in previous years 62 0 0 1,622 0 6 Audit Department Sale of— Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 776 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 45 10 4 52 17 10 Mental Hospitals Department :— Sale of typewriter.. .. .. .. .. .. 740 Department of Health : — Sale of— Motor-cars, cycles, &c. .. .. .. .. 277 15 0 Hospital equipment .. .. .. .. 398 6 5 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 90 11 10 Office fittings .. .. .. .. .. 41 5 0 Organ .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Titan tractor .. .. .. .. .. 19 19 6 Refund of Dental Bursary .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Patients' fees .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 3 Water rates, Hanmer .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 — — 1,055 2 0 Naval Defence :— Adjustment of amount of Naval remittances erroneously debited to vote Naval Defence .. .. .. .. 129 19 9 Defence Department : — Sale of— Motor-cars, &o. .. .. .. .. .. 33 9 11 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 349 13 7 Aeroplane-cases .. .. .. .. 42 7 6 Old motor-garage .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance of regimental funds, 5th N.Z.M.R. .. .. 406 7 6 — 841 18 6 Customs Department Sale of — Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 410 Bicycle .. .. .. .. .. 1 19 5 6 0 5 Marine Department :— Sale of— Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. 63 13 6 Horses.. .. .. .. .. .. 7 19 6 Oil store .. .. .. .. .. 500 76 13 0 Department of Labour : — Sale of— Motor-cars, cycles, &c. .. .. .. .. 73 18 6 Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 5 2 7 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 1 11 3 Awards .. .. .. .. .. 97 8 6 Reimbursement of Consolidated Fund by State Advances Office of rates and insurance paid from vote Labour in respect of Workers' Dwellings 3,080 13 1 3,258 13 11 Depabtment of Lands and Survey :— Sale of— Motor-cars, cycles, &c. .. .. .. .. 84 16 0 Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 26 5 6 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 24 13 0 Repayment of advances fpr purchase of lime and grassseed .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 3 10 Refund, cost of survey— Kelso Settlement .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Kopuku Settlement .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Tairua Settlement .. .. .. .. 90 8 0 Tokoroa Settlement .. .. .. .. 425 0 0 Compensation for improvements, Secondary Education Endowment Reserves .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Hire of hall, Ruatorea .. .. .. .. 10 0 Survey fees .. .. .. .. .. 7 16 0 1,028 2 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 32,025 11 2

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924-1 925.

DETAIL STATEMENT of CONSOLIDATED FUND RECOVERIES—continued. Ordinary Revenue Account—continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 32,025 11 2 Valuation Department : — Instalments by departmental officers on account of purchase of motor-cars .. .. .. .. 474 0 0 Sale of typewriters .. .. .. .. 1318 —— 487 1 8 Electoral Department :— Sale of — Maps .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 6 6 Office furniture .. .. .. .. .. 260 2 11 6 Department of Agriculture :— Sale of— Farm implements .. .. .. .. 8 18 0 Horses, carts, &c. .. .. .. .. 24 5 6 Motor-cars, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 599 2 3 Typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 3 17 6 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 15 0 8 Kegs, crockery, &c., Te Kauwhata .. .. 171 15 5 Cottage and shed .. .. .. .. 105 13 0 Launch .. .. .. .. .. 110 0 0 Refund cost of destruction of rabbits on private property 5 9 0 Law-costs recovered .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 — 1,064 1 4 Department of Tourist and Health Resorts - Sale of cash-register .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Department of Education :— Sale of —• Motor-cars, cycles, &c. .. .. .. .. 160 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. .. .. 334 10 1 Physical equipment .. .. .. .. 1859 Refund of hospital expenses overpaid .. .. 1 14 0 Instalments by departmental officers on account of purchase of motor-cars .. .. .. .. 392 6 7 — — 906 16 5 | _ 34,511 2 1 UNAUTHORIZED. Department of Industries and Commerce :— Reimbursement of advances made to Deposits Account, Purchase of Wheat Account .. .. .. .. 70,000 0 0 Department of External Affairs Repayment of advance made to Samoan Administration for year 1923-24 .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Treasury Department:— Instalment of principal in respect of advance of £2,500 made to Hunua Dairy Company .. .. .. .. 150 5 6 76,150 5 6 Total Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. £110,661 7 7 State Coal-mines Account. Mines Department : — Sale of— £ s. d. Plant .. .. .. .. .. •. .. • • 45 0 0 Horse .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 15 0 0 Drays .. .. .. .. •. . • . • • • 20 0 0 Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. •. 5 4 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £85 4 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for INTEREST for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st MARCH, 1925.

-o . Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinrinal Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries ~ charged to ACX " principal. per - Due Date Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue -Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue • Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. AID TO PUBLIC WOBKS AND 175,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/8/26 3,937 10 0 LAND Settlement ACT, 175,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/8/26 3,937 10 0 1896 25,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 750 0 0 25,000 0 0 0 1/2/25 1/8/31 750 0 0 9,375 0 0 .. 9,375 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 1,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 20 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 1,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/30 20 0 0 1900 90,300 0 0 4-J 1/5/24 1/5/26 2,031 15 0 90,300 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/26 2,031 15 0 100 0 0 5| 1/1/24 1/1/31 2 15 0 600 0 0 5| 1/7/24 1/1/31 16 10 0 600 0 0 5J 1/1/25 1/1/31 16 10 0 4,139 5 0 .. 4,139 5 0 Aid to Public Woeks and 32,900 0 0 4|- 1/7/24 1/1/28 740 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 32,900 0 0 4| 1/1/25 1/1/26 740 5 0 1901 71,600 0 0 41 1/6/24 1/12/28 1,611 0 0 | 71,600 0 0 4| 1/12/24 1/12/28 1,611 0 0 — 4,702 10 0 .. 4,702 10 0 Aid to Public Wobks and 15,500 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/12/24 310 0 0 LAND Settlement Act, 15,500 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/24 310 0 0 1902 12,200 0 0 4J 1/6/24 1/12/24 274 10 0 12,200 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/12/24 274 10 0 j 128,300 0 0 \\ 1/6/24 1/12/27 2,886 15 0 128,300 0 0 4| 1/12/24 1/12/27 2,886 15 0 1,700 0 0 51 1/6/24 1/12/27 44 12 6 1,700 0 0 5i 1/12/24 1/12/27 44 12 6 7,031 15 0 .. 7,031 15 0 Aid to Public Works and 100 0 0 4 1/8/22 1/2/24 2 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 100 0 0 4 1/2/23 1/2/24 2 0 0 1903 100 0 0 4 1/8/23 1/2/24 2 0 0 170,100 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 2,814 16 2 170,100 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 3,402 0 0 700 0 0 4 1/2/24 1/2/24 14 0 0 1,340 0 0 4-5 1/7/24 1/2/25 30 3 0 1,340 0 0 4-| 1/1/25 1/2/25 30 3 0 220,025 0 0 4| 1/7/24 1/1/26 4,950 11 3 220,025 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/26 4,950 11 3 25,700 0 0 44- 1/8/24 1/2/26 578 5 0 25,700 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/2/26 578 5 0 16,500 0 0 54 1/7/24 1/1/31 453 15 0 16,500 0 0 54 1/1/25 1/1/31 453 15 0 300 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 9 0 0 300 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 9 0 0 100,000 0 0 34 19/4/24 19/7/24 779 2 2 100,000 0 0 .. 18/10/24 888 3 8 | 100,000 0 0 3| .. 19/1/25 955 9 8 100,000 0 0 3f .. 20/4/25 966 1 11 21,869 2 1 .. 21,869 2 1 Aid to Public Works and 16,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/31 180 12 0 Land Settlement Act, 16,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/31 320 0 0 1905 153,700 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/26 3.254 1 8 137,700 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/26 3,098 5 0 53,500 0 0 54 1/7/24 1/1/31 1,471 5 0 53,500 0 0 54 1/1/25 1/1/31 1,471 5 0 = 9,795 8 8 .. 9,795 8 8 - : - H Aid to Public Works and 76,500 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 1,530 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 76,500 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 1,530 0 0 1906 5,000 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/26 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/26 112 10 0 600,600 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/29 13,513 10 0 600,600 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/29 13,513 10 0 100,000 0 0 5J 1/7/24 1/1/27 2,625 0 0 100,000 0 0 51 1/1/25 1/1/27 2,625 0 0 1,900 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 57 0 0 1,900 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 57 0 0 24,900 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 747 0 0 24,900 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 747 0 0 37,170 0 0 .. 37,170 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 94,083 0 9 .. 94,083 0 9 j

B.—l [Pt. It],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 925.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


„ . Gross Interest Net Interest . . Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to ■RonnveriM charged to Act - Principal. per Due Date Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue ent * Account. Account. f s. d. | £ jT|[s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward . . • .. { .. .. .. 94,083 0 9 .. 94,083 0 9 Aid to Public Wobks and 500 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/7/27 10 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 500 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/7/27 10 0 0 1907 200 0 0 4£ 1/7/24 1/1/25 4 10 0 200 0 0 4| 1/1/25 1/1/25 4 10 0 200,000 0 0 4f 1/7/24 1/1/29 4,500 0 0 200,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/29 4,500 0 0 11,050 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/2/26 303 17 6 11,050 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/2/26 303 17 6 1,500 0 0 5| 1/2/24 1/2/28 41 5 0 23,100 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/28 635 5 0 22,600 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/2/28 621 10 0 100 0 0 5f 1/8/23 1/2/33 2 15 0 9,800 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/33 269 10 0 130,700 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/33 3,594 5 0 129,400 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/33 3,558 10 0 121,200 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 3,636 0 0 120,200 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 3,606 0 0 24,300 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 729 0 0 24,300 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 729 0 0 27,059 15 0 .. 27,059 15 0 Aid TO Public Wobks and 50,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/4/26 1.125 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 50,000 0 0 If 1/10/24 1/4/26 1,125 0 0 1908 2,250 0 0 .. 2,250 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 187,998 3 11 .. 1/6/24 .. 4,675 19 8 LAND Settlement Act, 186,943 17 6 * 1/12/24 .. 4,649 15 3 1910 9,325 14 11 .. 9,325 14 11 Aid to Public Wokks and 50,000 0 0 3J 1/6/24 31/3/25 875 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 50,000 0 0 3f 1/12/24 31/3/25 875 0 0 1911 49,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/25 980 0 0 49,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/25 980 0 0 50,000 0 0 4|- 1/6/24 31/1/25 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4f 1/12/24 31/1/25 1,125 0 0 5,960 0 0 .. 5,960 0 0 AID TO PUBLIC WORKS AND 186,500 0 0 4-J 15/4/24 15/4/25 4,196 5 0 LAND Settlement ACT, 186,500 0 0 4J 15/10/24 15/4/25 4,196 5 0 1912 8,392 10 0 .. 8,392 10 0 Aid to Public Wokks and 525,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/24 10,500 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 525,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/11/24 10,500 0 0 1914 1,100,000 0 0 4f 1/5/24 1/5/25 24,750 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/25 24,750 0 0 220,000 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/11/25 4,950 0 0 220,000 0 0 4i 1/11/24 1/11/25 4,950 0 0 500,000 0 0 if 1/5/24 1/5/26 11,250 0 0 500,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/26 11,250 0 0 59,900 0 0 4J 30/6/24 31/12/25 1,347 15 0 59,900 0 0 4| 31/12/24 31/12/25 1.347 15 0 45,100 0 0 4i 1/5/24 1/11/27 1,014 15 0 45,100 0 0 4* 1/11/24 1/11/27 1,014 15 0 107,625 0 0 .. 107,625 0 0 AID TO PUBLIC WORKS AND 250,000 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/12/29 1,802 14 9 Land Settlement ACT, 250,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/29 5,000 0 0 1921 975,830 0 0 4| 1/6/24 1/12/29 19,943 10 1 725,330 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/12/29 16,331 3 6 100,000 0 0 5 1/6/24 1/12/27 2,500 0 0 100,000 0 0 5 1/12/24 1/12/27 2,500 0 0 200,000 0 0 5J 6/8/24 6/2/27 5,250 0 0 200,000 0 0 5J 6/2/25 6/2/27 4,315 1 4 50 0 0 5-| 1/8/23 1/2/27 1 7 6 150 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/27 4 2 6 15,300 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/2/27 420 15 0 14,850 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/27 408 7 6 1,300 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/26 39 0 0 102,700 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 3,081 0 0 101,300 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 3,039 0 0 50 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/31 1 10 0 103,100 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 3,093 0 0 99,400 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 2,982 0 0 — 70,712 12 2 .. 70,712 12 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. •• 325,408 12 10 .. 325,408 12 10 * £4 19s. 5'88d. per cent.

B — 1 [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


■Rot- p Gross Interest Net Interest Art Prinoinal Ter Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to Principa. Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. J 326,408 12 10 • 1 325,408 12 10 AID TO W a T e R-p O W E R 75,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 1,500 0 oj WORKS Act, 1910 75,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/30 1,500 0 0 I 50,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/24 1,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/11/24 1,000 0 0 34,000 0 0 4£ 1/5/24 1/5/25 765 0 0 | 34,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/25 765 0 0 30,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/25 675 0 0 30,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/11/25 675 0 0 | 55,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/26 1,237 10 0 I 55,000 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/26 1,237 10 0 225,000 0 0 4i 1/5/24 1/5/29 5,062 10 0 225,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/29 5,062 10 0 [ 20,480 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. | .. 20,480 0 0 from Electric Supply Account Appropriation Act, 1912 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/24 300 0 0 (Irrigation and Water- 15,000 0 0 | 4 1/11/24 1/11/24 300 0 0 supply) I 1 600 0 0 .. 600 0 0 Appropriation ACT, 1918 75,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/29 1,500 0 0 (SECTION 33), (WAIMAUINO 75,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/29 1,500 0 0 Bush-fire Relief) 1 3,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 from General Purposes Relief Account Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. 110,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 2,200 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/28 200 0 0 120,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/28 2,400 0 0 30,000 0 0 4£ 1/4/24 1/4/26 675 0 0 30,000 0 0 4| 1/10/24 1/4/26 675 0 0 6,150 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,150 0 0 from State Coal-mines Account COAL-MINES ACT, 1908, AND 25,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 500 0 0 Appropriation ACT, 1912 25,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/29 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 from State Coal-mines Account Discharged Soldiers 36,000 0 0 4| 1/9/24 1/3/26 810 0 0 Settlement Act, 1915, 36,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/26 810 0 0 and AMENDMENT Act, 64,000 0 0 4} 1/9/24 1/3/29 1,440 0 0 1916 (Section 7) 64,000 0 0 4\ 1/3/25 1/3/29 1,440 0 0 4,500 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,500 0 0 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Discharged Soldiers 230,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/29 4,345 15 0 Settlement Act, 1915, 230,000 0 0 4 I 1/3/25 1/3/29 4,600 0 0 and Finance ACT, 1917, 210,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/24 1/3/29 4,118 8 6 (Section 82) 170,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/29 3,825 0 0 16,889 3 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,889 3 6 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. | 378,027 16 4 52,019 3 6 326,008 12 10

B. —1 [Pt. ll],


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.


, Gross Interest Net Interest . . Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to A 0 *- Principal. per jj ue j) a t ei Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Leuc ' Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. •• •• 378,027 16 4 52,019 3 6 326,008 12 10 Discharged Soldiers 253,750 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 5,019 14 6 Settlement Loans Act, 337,150 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/25 5,878 3 7 1919 (Section 4), (LAND 177,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/9/27 3,227 7 11 FOR SETTLEMENT) 177,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/9/27 3,438 11 5 2,380,000 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/3/25 53,528 10 0 2,362,450 0 0 44 1/3/25 1/3/25 52,909 8 10 243,050 0 0 44 3/9/24 3/3/26 4,198 14 0 180,050 0 0 44 3/3/25 3/3/26 3,985 2 1 150,000 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/9/27 1,359 4 11 50,000 0 0 44 1/3/25 1/9/27 940 12 11 5,000 0 0 5 1/9/24 1/3/26 125 0 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/3/25 1/3/26 125 0 0 134,735 10 2 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •• 79,700 0 0 from Land for Settle- 55,035 10 2 ment Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account for year 1923-24 Discharged Soldiers 250,000 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/3/26 5,625 0 0 Settlement Loans Act, 250,000 0 0 44 1/3/25 1/3/26 5,625 0 0 1920 1,100 0 0 5 15/1/24 Various 4 14 45,900 0 0 5 15/7/24 Various 1,086 5 11 57,720 0 0 5 15/1/25 Various 1,336 5 5 277,000 0 0 54 15/7/24 Various 7,617 10 0 284,600 0 0 54 15/7/24 Various 7,826 10 0 900 0 0 54 15/1/22 15/1/33 24 15 0 1,100 0 0 54 15/7/22 15/1/33 30 5 0 2,500 0 0 54 15/1/23 15/1/33 68 15 0 6,000 0 0 54 15/7/23 15/1/33 165 0 0 34,400 0 0 54 15/1/24 15/1/33 946 0 0 1,243,300 0 0 5| 15/7/24 15/1/33 34,190 15 0 1,196,300 0 0 54 15/1/25 15/1/33 32,898 5 0 5,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 150 0 0 5,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 150 0 0 33,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 990 0 0 33,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 990 0 0 99,724 7 8 Les3 amount recovered .. .. . ■ . • • ■ • ■ 99,724 7 8 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account District Railways Pur- 40,0C0 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/7/24 800 0 0 chasing Acts, 1885-86 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/7/29 800 0 0 1,600 00 .. i,eoo 0 0 Education Purposes Loan 130,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 634 10 3 Act, 1919 320,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 4,194 10 4 360,000 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/26 7,717 3 10 330,000 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/26 7,425 0 0 205,000 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/29 4,612 10 0 205,000 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/29 4,612 10 0 60,000 0 0 5 1/V24 1/1/26 1,500 0 0 60,000 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/1/26 1,500 0 0 800 0 0 5 1/8/24 1/8/27 20 0 0 800 0 0 5 1/2/25 1/8/27 20 0 0 100 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/8/27 2 12 6 7,500 0 0 5i 1/8/24 1/8/27 196 17 6 6,900 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/8/27 181 2 6 500 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/28 13 2 6 2,250 0 0 51 1/8/24 1/2/28 59 1 3 2,250 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 59 1 3 600 0 0 54 1/2/24 1/2/27 16 10 0 7,800 0 0 54 1/8/24 1/2/27 214 10 0 7,200 0 0 54 1/2/25 1/2/27 198 0 0 600 0 0 54 1/7/24 1/7/33 16 10 0 600 0 0 54 1/1/25 1/7/33 16 10 0 10,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 300 0 0 10,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 300 0 0 5,000 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 150 0 0 5,000 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 150 0 0 11,350 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/27 340 10 0 11,350 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/27 340 10 0 13,500 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 405 0 0 13,500 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 405 0 0 11,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/32 330 0 0 11,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/32 330 0 0 36,261 1 11 Less amount recovered from Masterton Trust Lands Trust — For half-year fending .. .. .. •. • - • • 178 10 0 1st February, 1924 For current year .. .. •• .. •• •• •• 357 0 0 35,7-5 11 11 j Carried forward .. .. .. .. •• ■■ 650,348 16 1 231,979 1 2 418,369 14 11!

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 192 4-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.


j, ■ | ! Gross Interest Net Interest .. Prinoiiial Half-yearly Maturity Amount of | charged to Recoveries charged to Act * principal. per Due j) ate Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue * Ordinary Revenue • j Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. . .. . • 650,348 16 1 231,079 1 2 [418,369 14 11 Electric - power Works 1,450 0 0 5 15/1/24 15/7/30 36 5 0 LOAN ACT, 1919 (PUBLIC 55,350 0 0 5 15/7/24 15/7/30 1,383 15 0 WORKS) 54,050 0 0 5 15/1/25 15/7/30 1,351 5 0 4,000 0 0 5J 1/6/24 1/12/27 110 0 0 4,000 0 0 5J 1/12/24 1/12/27 110 0 0 2,991 5 0 Less amount recovered .. .. 2,991 5 0 j from Electric Supply Account FINANCE ACT, 1909 .. 46,901 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/25 1,055 5 5 46,901 0 0 44 l/ 2 / 2 5 1/8/25 1,055 5 5 2,110 10 10 2,110 10 10 Finance ACT, 1915 (SEC- 100,000 0 0 4 15/6/24 15/12/25 65 15 0 TION 105) 100,000 0 0 4 15/12/24 15/12/25 2,000 0 0 20 0 0 4| 15/12/16 15/12/25 0 9 0 20 0 0 4i 15/6/16 15/12/25 0 12 0 20 0 0 4i 15/6/17 15/12/25 0 9 0 20 0 0 4| 15/12/17 15/12/25 0 9 0 • 20 0 0 4} 15/6/18 15/12/25 0 9 o 20 0 0 4| 15/12/18 15/12/25 0 9 0 20 0 0 15/6/19 15/12/25 0 9 0 30 0 0 4£ 15/12/19 15/12/25 0 13 6 30 0 0 4| 15/6/20 15/12/25 0 13 6 30 0 0 4| 15/12/20 15/12/25 0 13 6 20 0 0 4i 15/6/21 15/12/25 0 9 0 20 0 0 4i 15/12/21 15/12/25 0 9 0 20 0 0 4J 15/6/22 15/12/25 0 9 0 30 0 0 4% 15/12/22 15/12/25 0 13 6 765 0 0 4J 15/6/23 15/12/25 17 4 3 3,515 0 0 4J 15/12/23 15/12/25 79 1 9 1,104,040 0 0 4J 15/6/24 15/12/25 24,773 1 9 849,005 0 0 4i 15/12/24, 15/12/25 19,102 12 3 5 0 0 4| 15/6/21 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4£ 15/12/21 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4J 15/6/22 15/12/30 0 2 3 10 0 0 4J 15/12/22 15/12/30 0 4 6 125 0 0 4|- 15/6/23 15/12/30 2 16 3 975 0 0 4| 15/12/23 15/12/30 21 18 9 104,340 0 0 4J 15/6/24 15/12/30 2,347 13 0 76,270 0 0 4 15/12/24 15/12/30 1,716 1 6 5 0 0 4£ 15/12/21 15/12/35 0 2 3 5 0 0 4J 15/6/22 15/12/35 0 2 3 5 0 0 4\ 15/12/22 15/12/35 0 2 3 10 0 0 4-1 15/6/23 15/12/35 0 4 6 235 0 0 4l 15/12/23 15/12/35 5 5 9* 16,475 0 0 4J 15/6/24 15/12/35 370 13 9 16,205 0 0 4J 15/12/24 15/12/35 364 12 3 5 0 0 41 15/12/20 15/12/40 0 2 3 5 0 0 4i 15/6/21 15/12/40 0 2 3 5 0 0 41 15/12/21 15/12/40 0 2 3 5 0 0 4| 15/6/22 15/12/40 0 2 3 5 0 0 4J 15/12/22 15/12/40 0 2 3 55 0 0 4i 15/12/23 15/12/40 1 4 9 417,610 0 0 4i 15/6/24 15/12/40 9,396 4 6 417,515 0 0 4J 15/12/24 15/12/40 9,137 6 9 25 0 0 5J 15/6/21 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 5| 15/12/21 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 5J 15/6/22 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 - 5} 15/12/22 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 5f 15/6/23 15/12/30 0 13 9 460 0 0 51 15/12/23 15/12/30 12 13 0 66,780 0 0 4 15/6/24 15/12/30 1,836 9 0 64,660 0 0 5J 15/12/24 15/12/30 1,778 3 0 73,041 6 9 Adjustment of amount .. • • •. . • 2 5 0 erroneously charged, 73,039 1 9 .. 73,039 1 9 1923-24 Carried forward .. .. •• .. .. 728,489 13 8 234,970 6 2 493,519 7 6 *£6 8s. 3d., less £1 2s. 6d., adjustment of overcharge made in year 1923-24.


B. —1 [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1925. STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.

7 —B. 1 [Pt. ll].

_ , Gross Interest Net Interest Prh,Pinal Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Ac '- Principal. per [),,,, D a j e Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue uen Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 728,489 13 8 234,970 C 2 493,519 7 0 FINANCE ACT, 1915 (SEC- 100 0 0 4J 1/1/24 1/1/26 2 5 0 TION 106) 9,925 0 0 4| 1/7/24 1/1/26 223 6 3 8,925 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/26 200 16 3 11,000 0 0 4i 1/5/24 1/5/26 247 10 0 11,000 0 0 4£ 1 11/24 l/ 5 /20 247 10 0 1,000 0 0 4J { 29/1/25 } ! /S/26 10 19 5 5,200 0 0 4J 1/7/24 1/1/31 117 0 0 5,200 0 0 4i 1/1/25 1/1/31 117 0 0 800 0 0 4£ 1/7/24 1/1/36 18 0 0 800 0 0 4| 1/1/25 1/1/36 18 0 0 1,000 0 0 4£ 1/5/24 1/5/36 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 4£ 1/11/24 1/5/36 22 10 0 500 0 0 4| 1/1/24 1/1/41 11 5 0 900 0 0 4I 1/7/24 1/1/41 20 5 0 900 0 0 4i 1/1/25 1/1/41 20 5 0 2,200 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/2/41 49 10 0 2,200 0 0 1/2/25 1/2/41 49 10 0 127,500 0 0 4£ 30/9/24 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 127,500 0 0 4| 31/3/25 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 71,700 0 0 41 1/4/24 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 71,700 0 0 4i 1/10/24 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 19,500 0 0 4| 1/5/24 15/4/41 438 15 0 19,500 0 0 4j 1/11/24 15/4/41 438 15 0 153,200 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/5/41 3,447 0 0 153,200 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/41 3,447 0 0 212,900 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 212,900 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 500 0 0 41 30/6/24 30/6/41 II 5 0 500 0 0 4| 30/12/24 30/6/41 11 5 0 100 0 0 H 1/7/21 1/7/41 2 5 0 600 0 0 4£ 1/1/24 1/7/41 13 10 0 823,550 0 0 4| 1/7/24 1/7/41 18,754 17 6 823,050 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/7/41 18,743 12 6 153,400 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/41 3,451 10 0 153,400 0 0 4i 1/2/25 1/8/41 3,451 10 0 6,800 0 0 4| 1/9/24 1/9/41 153 0 0 6,800 0 0 4| 1/3/25 1/9/41 153 0 0 72,459 16 11 Less amount recovered— From Land for Settle- .. • • .. •• 26,552 5 0 ments Account From State Advances .. • ■ .. ■ • 180 0 0 Account From Mining Advances .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 Account J •• Finance ACT, 1916 (SEC- 4,662,150 5 9 * 1/6/24 .. 115,959 6 8 TION 35) 4,636,004 7 2 * 1/12/24 .. 115,309 0 5 1,000,000 0 0 H 1/4/24 1/4/30 6,706 16 1 150 0 0 4| 1/3/17 1/9/30 3 7 6 150 0 0 4£ 1/9/17 1/9/30 3 7 6 250 0 0 4i 1/3/18 1/9/30 5 12 6 250 0 0 4£ 1/9/18 1/9/30 5 12 6 350 0 0 4£ 1/3/19 1/9/30 7 17 6 350 0 0 4i 1/9/19 1/9/30 7 17 6 400 0 0 4£ 1/3/20 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 4£ 1/9/20 1/9/30 9 0 0 500 0 0 4£ 1/3/21 1/9/30 11 5 0 750 0 0 41 1/9/21 1/9/30 16 17 6 1,050 0 0 4i 1/3/22 1/9/30 23 12 6 1,350 0 0 4J 1/9/22 1/9/30 30 7 6 3,100 0 0 4I 1/3/23 1/9/30 69 15 0 10,600 0 0 4£ 1/9/23 1/9/30 240 15 0 169,460 0 0 4£ 1/3/24 1/9/30 3,812 12 6 4,772,430 0 0 41 1/9/24 1/9/30 107,379 13 6 4,630,280 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/9/30 104,179 1 0 50 0 0 1/3/17 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 41 1/9/17 1/9/41 I 2 0 50 0 0 4£ 1/3/18 1/9/41 12 6 50 0 0 4£ 1/9/18 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 4S 1/3/19 1/9/41 1 2 6 0 0?, 50 0 0 4| 1/9/19 1/9/41 1 2 6 150 0 0 4£ 1/3/20 1/9/41 3 7 6 150 0 0 4£ 1/9/20 1/9/41 3 7 6 150 0 0 U 1/3/21 1/9/41 3 7 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 453,807 15 2 800,949 10 7 262,152 11 2 538,796 19 5 * £4 19s. 5'88d. per oent.

B—l [PT. II


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, -1924-1925.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

ji-te Gross Interest Net Interest Act Princinal t>er Half-yearly Maturity Amount oi charged to charged to ' Oftnt e Date - Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 453,807 15 2 800,949 10 7 262,152 11 2 538,796 19 5 Finance ACT, 1916 (Sec- 150 0 0 4| 1/9/21 1/9/41 3 7 6 tion 35)—continued. 150 0 0 4J 1/3/22 1/9/41 3 7 6 900 0 0 4J 1/9/22 1/9/41 20 5 0 1,150 0 0 4| 1/3/23 1/9/41 25 17 6 1,350 0 0 4J 1/9/23 1/9/41 30 7 6 27,100 0 0 4J 1/3/24 1/9/41 609 15 0 772,500 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/9/41 17,381 5 0 677,650 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/9/41 15,247 2 6 50 0 0 6 1/8/22 1/8/26 1 10 0 300 0 0 6 1/2/23 1/8/26 9 0 0 2,650 0 0 6 1/8/23 1/8/26 79 10 0 7,200 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/26 216 0 0 142,350 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 4,270 10 0 134,750 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 4,042 10 0 50 0 0 6 1/2/23 1/8/31 1 10 0 100 0 0 6 1/8/23 1/8/31 3 0 0 650 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/31 19 10 0 45,950 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 1,378 10 0 45,650 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 1,369 10 0 498,520 2 8 Less portion of bank .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 498,517 17 8 order not required . | FINANCE ACT, 1916 (SEC- 950,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 21,375 0 0 TION 49),(Public WORKS) 950,000 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/8/28 21,375 0 0 42,750 0 0 .. 42,750 0 0 FINANCE ACT, 1916 (SEC- 49,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 1,102 10 0 tion 50), (STATE Forests) 49,000 0 0 4| 1/2/25 1/8/28 1,102 10 0 1,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/29 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/2/29 22 10 0 2,250 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,250 0 0 from State Forests Account FINANCE ACT, 1916 (SEC- 35.000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 787 10 0 TION 50), AND FINANCE 35,000 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/8/28 787 10 0 ACT, 1920 (SECTION 16), — ——-— 1,575 0 0 (State Forests) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,575 0 0 from State Forests Account i Finance Act, 1917 (Sec- 375,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/30 7,500 0 0 tion 77), (AID to PUBLIC 375,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/30 7,500 0 0 Works) 350,000 0 0 44 1/8/24 1/8/30 7,875 0 0 350,000 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/8/30 7,875 0 0 30,750 0 0 .. 30,750 0 0 Finance ACT, 1918 (SEC- 6,495,929 8 0 * 1/6/24 .. 161,570 0 1 TION 10),(WAREXPENSES) 6,459,499 8 1 * 1/12/24 .. 160,663 18 0 26,000 0 0 4 20/4/24 5/11/24 520 0 0 26,000 0 0 4 20/10/24 5/11/24 520 0 0 26,000 0 0 4 { 2 5/n/24 [5/11/24 45 11 9 420,000 0 0 4 20/10/24 20/4/30 460 5 0 750 0 0 44 {?f/o/l4 | 1/10/24 ] 2 9 240,800 0 0 44 15/5/24 Various 4,810 13 8 100,450 0 0 44 15/11/24 Various 976 15 5 Carried forward.. .. .. .. .. 329,568 6 8 1,376,794 13 3 265,979 16 2 1,110,814 17 ] - p *£4 19s, 5*88(1. per cei}t»

B—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


. Gross Interest Net Interest . , Priririna.1 npr Hall-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to • rnnelpal. ,Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ov s * Ordinary Revenue en Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 329,568 6 8 1,376,794 13 3 265,979 16 2 1,110,814 17 1 Finance Act, 1918 (Sec- 587,400 0 0 4| 20/4/24 Various 13,216 10 0 tion 10),(War Expenses) 587,400 0 0 4J 20/10/24 Various 12,698 16 2 —continued. 105,050 0 0 41 20/4/25 Various 522 14 8 1,940,350 0 0 4J 1/6/24 1/6/28 43,195 11 7 1,940,350 0 0 4| 1/12/24 1/6/28 43,657 17 6 18,100 0 0 5 1/7/24 1/7/28 452 10 0 18,100 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/7/28 452 10 0 9,050 0 0 5 1/7/24 1/1/29 130 15 10 9,000 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/1/29 225 0 0 4,500 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/7/29 84 2 10 600 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/28 15 15 0 26,900 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/28 706 2 6 26,850 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 704 16 3 49,650 0 0 5£ 1/1/25 1/7/30 341 8 11 445,972 17 11 .. 445,972 17 11 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 20,200 0 0 * .. 30/7/24 153 3 8 Part IV, (War Ex- 20,200 0 0 3} .. 30/10/24 188 10 8 PENSES) 20,200 0 0 f •• 30/1/25 197 5 11 20,200 0 0 3 .. 30/4/25 199 4 8 1,100 0 0 4J 20/10/20 20/4/39 24 15 0 1,100 0 0 4J 20/4/21 20/4/39 24 15 0 1,100 0 0 4J 20/10/21 20/4/39 24 15 0 1,100 0 0 4£ 20/4/22 20/4/39 24 15 0 1,400 0 0 4J 22/10/22 20/4/39 31 10 0 1 ,800 0 0 4$ I 20/4/23 20/4/39 40 10 0 8,100 0 0 4J 20/10/23 20/4/39 182 5 0 2,470,500 0 0 4J 20/4/24 20/4/39 55,584 0 0 2,417,800 0 0 4i 20/10/24 20/4/39 54,398 9 5 3,200 0 0 4| 20/4/25 20/4/39 39 17 3 432,110 0 0 4J I 20/4/24 Various 9,722 9 6 432,110 0 0 44 20/10/24 Various 9,722 9 6 130,558 15 7 .. 130,558 15 7 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 1,240,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 24,800 0 0 (Section 29), (Aid TO 1,240,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 24,800 0 0 Public Works) 710,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/29 14,200 0 0 710,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 14,200 0 0 550,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/2/25 12,375 0 0 550,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/2/25 12,375 0 0 102,750 0 0 .. 102,750 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 29,500 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/1/29 590 0 0 (SECTION 30), (Cold 29,500 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/1/29 590 0 0 Storage Advances Ac- 3,250 0 0 4$ 1/9/24 1/3/25 73 2 6 count) 3,250 0 0 44 1/3/25 1/3/25 73 2 6 50,000 0 0 4$ 1/9/24 1/3/28 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/28 1,125 0 0 3,576 5 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,478 17 1 from Cold Storage 97 7 11 Advances Account Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 1,000,000 0 0 3& .. 30/9/24 7,797 18 11 (Section 31), (Dis- 250,000 0 0 { .. 30/12/24 2,281 5 0 charged Soldiers) 250,000 0 0 3f .. 30/12/24 2,337 6 7 500,000 0 0 3} .. 30/12/24 4,674 13 2 500,000 0 0 3# .. 30/3/25 4,854 9 0 250,000 0 0 3| .. 30/3/25 2,388 14 0 250,000 0 0 4 .. 30/3/25 2,465 15 1 500,000 0 0 44 .. 30/6/25"] 250,000 0 0 44 .. 30/6/25 > 11,38117 0 250,000 0 0 .. 30/6/25 J 2,000,000 0 0 4 120/3/24} 1/3/29 3,057 10 7 41,239 9 4 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. ' .. 41,239 9 4 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,100,892 1 1 |310,698 2 7 1,790,193 18 6 * £3 0s. 8d. t 17s. 6d. % £3 13s. Od.

B.—l [Pt ll].



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

t, t Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prfncinal Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to 1 • J','. Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ' Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,100,892 1 1 310,698 2 7 1,790,193 18 6 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 1,000 0 0 (Section 32), (State 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 1,000 0 0 FORESTS) 40,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/28 746 16 11 40,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/28 800 0 0 10,000 0 0 4\ 1/8/24 1/2/25 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 4£ 1/2/25 1/2/25 225 0 0 50,000 0 0 4\ 1/8/24 1/8/25 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/25 1,125 0 0 30,000 0 0 4% 1/8/24 1/8/26 509 3 6 20,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/26 450 0 0 30,000 0 0 41 1/8/24 1/8/28 675 0 0 30,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/8/28 675 0 0 8,556 0 5 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,556 0 5 from State Forests Account FINANCE ACT, 1919 (SEC- 150,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24. 1/2/25 3,375 0 0 TION 5), (Public WORKS) 150,000 0 0 4 J 1/2/25 1/2/25 3,375 0 0 6,750 0 0 .. 6,750 0 0 FINANCE ACT, 1920 (SEC- 400,000 0 0 3] .. 29/7/24 3,241 1 11 tion 15), (PUBLIC WORKS) 400,000 0 0 3f .. 29/10/24 3,780 16 6 400,000 0 0 3% .. 29/1/25 3,843 16 8 400,000 0 0 4 .. 29/4/25 3,945 4 2 200,000 0 0 4-& .. 30/6/25 2,236 19 8 37.000 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/12/30 296 0 0 37,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/30 740 0 0 1,150,000 0 0 4J 1/6/24 1/12/25 25,544 5 7 1,113,000 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/12/25 25,042 10 0 850,000 0 0 5 1/6/24 1/12/25 21,250 0 0 850,000 0 0 5 1/12/24 1/12/25 21,250 0 0 111,170 14 6 .. 111,170 14 6 Finance ACT, 1920 (SEC- 600,000 0 0 5 1/6/24 1/12/25 15,000 0 0 TION 15), (NAURU AND 600,000 0 0 5 1/12/24 1/12/25 15,000 0 0 Ocean Islands) 30,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 from Nauru and Ocean Islands Account Finance ACT, 1921 (SEC- 100,000 0 0 .3} .. 29/7/24 810 5 6 TION 10), (PUBLIC. WORKS) 100,000 0 0 3-J .. 29/10/24 945 4 1 100,000 0 0 3J| .. 29/1/25 960 19 3 100,000 0 0 4 .. 29/4/25 986 6 0 63,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/9/31 1,139 3 7 63,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/9/31 1,260 0 0 150,000 0 0 4i 1/6/24 1/12/26 2,811 17 8 87,000 0 0 4t 1/12/24 1/12/26 1,957 10 0 10,871 6 1 .. 10,871 6 1 Finance ACT, 1921-22 (SEC- 95,000 0 0 5 1/4/24 1/4/29 2,302 17 6 TION 26) 95,000 0 0 5 1/10/24 1/4/29 2,375 0 0 — 4,677 17 6 Loss amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .- 4,677 17 6 from the Samoan Administration Fishing Industry Promo- 3,295 0 0 4£ 1/6/24 1/12/25 74 2 9 tion Act, 1919 3,295 0 0 4\ 1/12/24 1/12/25 74 2 9 2,010 0 0 4% 1/6/24 1/12/28 45 4 6 2,010 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/12/28 45 4 6 270 0 0 5 1/6/24 1/12/25 6 15 0 270 0 0 5 1/12/24 1/12/25 6 15 0 252 4 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. • • 251 0 11 from Fishing Industry 13 7 Promotion Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,273,170 4 1 354,183 1 5 1,918,987 2 8 -

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


, Gross Interest .Net interest Prinpinal toi® Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries „ c har « ed to ----- , -Principal. pei j )u( . £> a te. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenne nt ' I Account. I Account. £ s. d. j I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,273,170 4 1 354,183 1 5 1,918,987 2 8 Forests ACT, 1921-22 .. 10,000 0 0 44 1/8/24 1/8/28 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/8/28 225 0 0 450 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 from State Forests Account . Fruit-preservingInditstry 6,500 0 0 4£ 1/4/24 1/4/26 146 5 0 Act, 1913 6,500 0 0 44 1/10/24 1/4/26 146 5 0 10,800 0 0 44 1/4/24 1/4/29 243 0 0 10,800 0 0 4i 1/10/24 1/4/29 243 0 0 778 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 778 10 0 from Fruit-preserving Industry Account Fruit-preservingIndustry 11,510 0 0 4 i 1/4/24 1/4/24 230 4 0 Act, 1913, and Finance 5,400 0 0 4 I 1/4/24 1/4/25 108 0 0 Act, 1917 (Section 80) 5,400 0 0 4 ! 1/10/24 1/4/25 108 0 0 11,510 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/30 230 4 0 6,000 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/3/25 135 0 0 6,000 0 0 4£ 1/3/25 1/3/25 135 0 0 18,400 0 0 4| 1/4/24 1/4/25 414 0 0 18,400 0 0 44 1/10/24 1/4/25 414 0 0 11,000 0 0 44 1/4/24 1/4/29 247 10 0 | 11,000 0 0 41 1/10/24 1/4/29 247 10 0 ■ 2,269 8 0 ! Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,203 13 1 from Fruit-preserving 65 14 11 Industry Account Government Railways 19,300 0 0 4i 1/8/24 1/2/25 434 5 0 Act, 1908— 19,300 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/2/25 434 5 0 Railways Improvement 140,000 0 0 4-J 30/6/24 30/6/25 3,150 0 0 Authorization 140,000 0 0 44 31/12/24 30/6/25 3,150 0 0 2,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/8/25 45 0 0 2,000 0 0 4£ 1/2/25 1/8/25 45 0 0 31,300 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 704 5 0 31,300 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/29 704 5 0 1,000 0 0 44 30/6/24 30/6/29 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 44 31/12/24 30/6/29 22 10 0 200 0 0 6 1/1/24 1/1/27 6 0 0 15,800 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 474 0 0 15,800 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 474 0 0 19,900 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 597 0 0 19,900 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 597 0 0 — 10,860 0 0 .. 10,860 0 0 Government Railways 50,000 0 0 44 30/6/24 30/6/25 1,125 0 0 Act, 1908— 50,000 0 0 44 31/12/24 30/6/25 1,125 0 0 Finance Act, 1909 6,500 0 0 44 1/8/24 1/2/29 146 5 0 6,500 0 0 4| 1/2/25 1/2/29 146 5 0 2,542 10 0 .. 2,542 10 0 Government Railways 9,980 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/25 199 12 0 Amendment Act, 1910 9,980 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/25 199 12 0 6,390 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 127 16 0 6,390 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 127 16 0 51,400 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 885 2 4 51,400 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 1,028 0 0 8,200 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/3/25 184 10 0 8,200 0 0 4| 1/3/25 1/3/25 184 10 0 53,910 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/29 1,003 14 1 37,510 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/29 843 19 6 53,350 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/2/29 1,200 7 6 53,350 0 0 44 1/2/25 1/2/29 1,200 7 6 7,185 6 11 .. 7,185 6 11 Greymouth HARBOUR 100,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 2,000 0 0 BOARD ACT, 1884 100,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/25 2,000 0 0 — — 4,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 from Greymouth Harbour Board Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,301,255 19 0 361,615 4 6 1,939,640 14 6 . . , j

B.—l [Pt. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924- 1925.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.

•.»o t p Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinfinal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act ' principal. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue .Recoveries. ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,301,255 19 0 361,615 4 6 1,039,640 14 6 Harbours ACT, 1908, AND 260,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 14/7/52 5,200 0 0 GREYMOUTH HARBOUR 260,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 14/7/52 5,200 0 0 Loans Consolidation 10,400 0 0 Aox, 1910, and Amendment Act, 1910 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,400 0 0 from Greymouth Harbour Board { Hauraki PLAINS AMEND- 11,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 220 0 0 MENT ACT, 1913 11,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 220 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/28 200 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/28 200 0 0 — 840 0 0 .. 840 0 0 Hauraki Plains Amend- 4,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/31 58 14 10 ment AOT, 1913-14 4,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/31 80 0 0 23,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 451 S 5 19,000 0 0 4-| 1/2/25 1/8/28 427 10 0 1,017 8 3 .. 1,017 8 3 Hauraki Plains Amend- 30,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 600 0 0 MENT Aot, 1913, and 30,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 600 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1918 10,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/28 200 0 0 (Section 43) 10,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/28 200 0 0 20,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/25 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4i 1/2/25 1/2/25 450 0 0 14,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/8/25 315 0 0 14,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/25 315 0 0 6,000 0 0 4% 1/8/24 1/8/28 135 0 0 6,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/28 135 0 0 3,400 0 0 .. 3,400 0 0 Hauraki Plains Amend- 10,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/25 225 0 0 ment Act, 1913, AND 10,000 0 0 4§ 1/2/25 1/8/25 225 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1919 35,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/26 787 10 0 (Section 18) 35,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/26 787 10 0 5,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/28 112 10 0 2,250 0 0 .. 2,250 0 0 Hauraki PLAINS AMEND- 100,000 0 0 4i 1/8/24 1/8/28 2,250 0 0 ' MENT ACT, 1913, AND 100,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/28 2,250 0 0 Finance Act, 1920 (SEC- 4,500 0 0 .. 4,500 0 0 TION 16) Hauraki Plains Amend- 7,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/31 102 15 11 MENT ACT, 1913, AND 7,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/31 140 0 0 FINANCE Act, 1921-22 80,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/8/28 558 18 6 (Section 23) 23,000 0 0 41 1/2/25 1/8/28 517 10 0 20,000 0 0 5 1/8/24 1/8/28 500 0 0 20,000 0 0 5 1/2/25 1/8/28 500 0 0 2,319 4 5 .. 2,319 4 5 Hauraki Plains Amend- 10,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/31 146 17 0 ment Act, 1913, AND 10,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/31 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1922 (Sec- 100,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/8/28 2,084 3 6 tion 17) 90,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/8/28 2,025 0 0 4,456 0 6 .. 4,456 0 6 Hauraki Plains Amend- 30,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/30 232 6 6 ment ACT, 1913, and 40,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/30 743 11 3 Finance Act, 1923 (SEC- 10,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/8/30 182 9 4 TION 4) 10,000 0 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/8/30 225 0 0 1,383 7 1 .. 1,383 7 1 Hauraki Plains Amend 20,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/30 81 1 11 ment ACT, 1913, AND 81 1 11 .. 81 1 11 Finance Ac®, 1924 (Section 4) Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,331,903 1 2 372,015 4 6 1,959,887 16 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest Act Principal ner Salf -y earl y Maturity Amount of charged to R PfioV ftriM charged to p ' r -P f Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenne Account. Aecotmt. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,331,903 1 2 372,015 4 6 1,959,887 16 8 HOUSING Act, 1919 (SEO- 30,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/7/26 72 6 7 TION 30) (Housing AC- 30,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/7/26 600 0 0 COUNT) 85,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/7/30 841 1 11 85,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/7/30 1,700 0 0 120,000 0 0 4J 1/7/24 1/7/25 2,700 0 0 120,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/7/25 2,700 0 0 292,400 0 0 4f 1/7/24 1/7/26 5,544 6 1 177,400 0 0 U 1/1/25 1/7/26 3,991 10 0 — 18,149 4 7 Less amount recovered .. . . .. .. .. ... 18,033 11 8 from Housing Ae- 115 ]2 11 count Housing ACT, 1919 (SEO- 3,975 0 0 4J 1/7/24 1/1/26 89 8 9 TION 46) (LOANS TO Em- 3,975 0 0 4| 1/1/25 1/1/26 89 8 9 PLOYERS FOR WORKERS' — — 178 17 6 Dwellings Account) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 178 17 6 from Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account Hutt Railway and Road 2,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 40 0 0 Improvement Acts, 1903, 2,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/30 40 0 0 1905, 1907, and 1910 127,000 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/5/25 2,857 10 0 127,000 .0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/25 2,857 10 0 12,590 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/25 283 5 6 12,590 0 0 4J 1/8/25 1/2/25 283 5 6 15,700 0 0 4| 1/7/24 1/1/29 353 5 0 15,700 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 353 5 0 47,790 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/2/29 1,075 5 6 47,790 0 0 4£ 1/2/25 1/2/29 1,075 5 6 100,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/29 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/29 2,250 0 0 300 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 9 0 0 300 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 9 0 0 13,736 12 0 .. 13,736 12 0 Irrigation and Water- 40,100 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/10/24 802 0 0 supply Act, 1913 40,100 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/10/24 802 0 0 5,000 0 0 4i 1/9/24 1/3/25 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/25 112 10 0 24,900 0 0 41 1/4/24 1/10/25 ' 560 5 0 24,900 0 0 4£ 1/10/24 1/10/25 560 5 0 30,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/10/29J 675 0 0 30,000 0 0 4J 1/10/24 1/10/29 675 0 0 — 4,299 10 0 .. 4,299 10 0 Kauri-gum Industry 3,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 60 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914 3,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/30 60 0 0 14,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/24 280 0 0 14,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/11/24 280 0 0 18,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/11/25 405 0 0 18,000 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/11/25 405 0 0 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/26 337 10 0 15,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/26 337 10 0 2,165 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,165 0 0 from Kauri-gum Industry Account Kauri-gum Industry 3,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/24 60 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914, 3,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/30 60 0 0 and Appropriation Act, 22,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/11/26 495 0 0 1918 (Section 45) 22,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/11/26 495 0 0 1,110 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,110 0 0 from Kauri-gum Industry Account Lands Improvement and 341,000 0 0 4J 30/9/24 30/9/25 7,672 10 0 Native Land Acquisi- 341,000 0 0 4J 30/3/25 30/9/25 7,672 10 0 tion ACT, 1894 59,000 0 0 4J 30/9/24 1/2/25 1,327 10 0 59,000 0 0 4 30/3/25 1/2/25 901 19 5 17,574 9 5 .. 17,574 9 5 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,389,116 14 8 393,502 13 8 1,995,614 1 0

B.—l [PT. ll].



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.

,, , Gross Interest Net Interest. t>.i „;. „i . ' Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to T ,, charged to Principal. pel D ue Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,389,116 14 8 393,502 13 8 1,995,614 1 0 Land fob Settlement Act, 37,182 1 8 * 1/6/24 , .. 924 16 3 1908 36,973 11 3 * 1/12/24 .. 919 12 6 177,565 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 3,551 6 0 177,565 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 3,551 6 0 77,000 0 0 4 15/9/24 15/3/25 1,540 0 0 77,000 0 0 4 15/3/25 15/3/25 1,540 0 0 67,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 756 5 5 67,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 1,340 0 0 675 0 0 44 1/8/24 1/2/25 15 3 9 675 0 0 4} 1/2/25 1/2/25 15 3 9 43,500 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/2/25 978 15 0 43,500 0 0 ii 1/2/25 1/2/25 978 15 0 79,500 0 0 U 1/8/24 1/8/25 1,788 15 0 79,500 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/25 1,788 15 0 20,900 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 470 5 0 20,900 0 0 4£ 1/3/25 1/3/25 470 5 0 241,885 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/26 4,473 8 7 164,885 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/26 3,709 18 3 14,370 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/2/26 323 6 6 14,370 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/26 323 6 6 73,300 0 0 1 4i 1/4/24 1/4/26 1,649 5 0 73,300 0 0 44 1/10/24 1/4/26 1,649 5 0 45,100 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/26 1,014 15 0 45,100 0 0 44 1/11/24 1/5/26 1,014 15 0 400 0 0 4 31/3/24 30/9/28 9 0 0 800 0 0 4J 30/9/24 30/9/28 18 0 0 800 0 0 4£ 31/3/25 30/9/28 18 0 0 458,225 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/29 10,310 1 3 458,225 0 0 4| 1/1/25 1/1/29 10,310 1 3 135,000 0 0 4j 1/8/24 1/2/29 3,037 10 0 135,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/2/29 3,037 10 0 400 0 0 5 1/2/24 1/8/25 10 0 0 5,300 0 0 5 1/8/24 1/8/25 132 10 0 4,700 0 0 5 1/2/25 1/8/25 117 10 0 300,000 0 0 5£ 1/7/24 1/1/27 7,875 0 0 300,000 0 0 6£ 1/1/25 1/1/27 7,875 0 0 100,000 0 0 5J } i/1/27 28 15 4 200 0 0 5J 1/7/24 1/1/28 5 5 0 200 0 0 5J 1/1/25 1/1/28 5 5 0 500 0 0 5i 1/4/24 1/4/27 13 15 0 500 0 0 5i 1/8/24 1/4/27 13 15 0 5,000 0 0 5j 1/7/24 1/1/28 137 10 0 5,000 0 0 54 1/1/25 1/1/28 137 10 0 9,600 0 0 5J 1/7/24 1/1/31 264 0 0 9,600 0 0 5| 1/1/25 1/1/31 264 0 0 4,100 0 0 54 1/8/24 1/2/31 112 15 0 3,100 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/2/31 85 5 0 4,000 0 0 5| 1/7/24 1/1/33 110 0 0 4,000 0 0 54 1/1/25 1/1/33 110 0 0 1,500 0 0 5| 1/2/24 1/2/33 41 5 0 25,500 0 0 54 1/8/24 1/2/33 701 5 0 25,500 0 0 5| 1/2/25 1/2/33 701 5 0 3,600 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 108 0 0 3,600 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 108 0 0 4,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/27 120 0 0 4,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/27 120 0 0 7,600 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 228 0 0 7,600 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 228 0 0 600 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/2/32 18 0 0 5,700 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/32 171 0 0 5,700 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/32 171 0 0 — 81,540 16 4 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. . . •• 81,540 16 4 from Land for Settlements Account LAND LAWS Amendment 518,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 10,360 0 0 Act iqi3 14,200 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/25 284 0 0 14,200 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/25 284 0 0 119,050 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 2,381 0 0 119,050 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 2,381 0 0 518,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/30 10,360 0 0 166,000 0 0 44 30/3/24 30/3/24 3,735 0 0 30,000 0 0 4| 31/3/24 31/3/24 675 0 0 6,400 0 0 44 1/7/24 1/1/25 144 0 0 6,400 0 0 44 1/1/25 1/1/25 144 0 0 40,200 0 0 44 1/8/24 1/2/25 904 10 0 39,200 0 0 4| 1/2/25 j 1/2/25 882 0 0 Carried forward .. .. •• •• •• 32,534 10 0 2,470,657 11 0 475,043 10 0 1,995,614 1 0

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

B—B8 —B 1 [PT. ll].


K tf . Gross Interest Net Interest Apt Prineiml ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to ' rrlnc: pal. per u ue Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 32,534 10 0 2,470,657 11 0 475,043 10 0 1,995,614 1 0 LAND LAWS Amendment 10,000 0 0 4J 30/9/24 31/3/25 225 0 0 Act, 1913—continued 10,000 0 0 4| 31/3/25 31/3/25 225 0 0 15,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/4/25 337 10 0 15,000 0 0 4| 1/10/24 1/4/25 337 10 0 17,500 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/25 393 15 0 17,500 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/8/25 393 15 0 45,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/10/25 1,012 10 0 45,000 0 0 4J 1/10/24 1/10/25 1,012 10 0 4,500 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/26 101 '5 0 4,500 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/2/26 101 5 0 10,000 0 0 4J- 30/9/24 31/3/26 225 0 0 11,100 0 0 4f 1/4/24 1/4/26 249 15 0 11,100 0 0 4| 1/10/24 1/4/26 249 15 0 10,000 0 0 4 J 31/3/25 31/3/26 225 0 0 8,000 0 0 4-| 22/7/24 22/7/26 180 0 0 8,000 0 0 4i 22/1/25 22/7/26 180 0 0 JO,200 0 0 4| 1/9/24 1/9/26 229 10 0 10,200 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/9/26 229 10 0 15,000 0 0 4| 29/3/24 29/3/27 337 10 0 15,000 0 0 4| 29/9/24 29/3/27 337 10 0 14,000 0 0 4-1 29/3/25 29/3/27 315 0 0 100,000 0 0 4} 1/6/24 1/12/27 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 4j 1/12/24 1/12/27 2,250 0 0 180,000 0 0 4} 1/4/24 1/4/28 4,050 0 0 180,000 0 0 4J 1/10/24 1/4/28 4,050 0 0 244,800 0 0 4-| 1/9/24 l/ 3 /29 5,508 0 0 244,800 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/29 5,508 0 0 2,000 0 0 5 26/3/24 26/3/27 50 0 0 20,000 0 0 5 26/9/24 26/3/27 500 0 0 18,000 0 0 5 26/3/25 26/3/27 450 0 0 196,000 0 0 5 1/9/24 1/3/29 4,157 9 8 196,000 0 0 5 1/3/25 1/3/29 4,900 0 0 16,200 0 0 5J 1/7/24 1/1/28 425 5 0 16,200 0 0 5| 1/1/25 1/1/28 425 5 0 1,000 0 0 5i 1/8/24 1/2/28 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 26 5 0 74,009 9 8 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 74,009 9 8 from Land for Settlements Account LAND LAWS Amendment 490,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 9,800 0 0 ACT, 1913, AND APPRO- 70,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/25 1,400 0 0 PKIATION ACT, 1918(SEC- 70,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/25 1,400 0 0 TION 42) 490,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/30 9,800 0 0 10,000 0 0 4\ 1/4/24 1/4/25 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 4J 1/10/24 1/4/25 225 0 0 7,000 0 0 4i 1/7/24 1/1/29 157 10 0 7,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 157 10 0 23,165 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •• 23,165 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Local Bodies' Loans Act, 5,000 0 0 4f 1/7/24 1/2/25 112 10 0 1908 5,000 0 0 4% 1/1/25 1/2/25 112 10 0 25,000 0 0 4| 1/9/24 1/2/25 562 10 0 25,000 0 0 U 1/2/25 1/2/25 471 11 6 250,000 0 0 4A 1/9/24 1/3/25 5,625 0 0 250,000 0 0 41 1/3/25 1/3/25 5,625 0 0 785.000 0 0 41 1/7/24 1/1/26 17,662 10 0 785,000 0 0 41 1/1/25 1/1/26 17,662 10 0 370,000 0 0 41 1/9/24 1/3/26 8,325 0 0 370,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/26 8,325 0 0 466,000 0 0 4\ 1/9/24 1/3/28 10,485 0 0 466,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/28 10,485 0 0 85,454 1 6 .. 85,454 1 6 Local BODIES'LOANS ACT, 250,300 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/9/24 5,006 0 0 1908, AND GOVERNMENT 250,300 0 0 4 -1/3/25 1/9/30 5,006 0 0 Loans to Local Bodies' 10,012 0 0 .. 10,012 0 0 Act, 1886 Carried forward .. .. .. •• •• 2,663,298 2 2 572,217 19 8 2,091,080 2 6

B.—l [PT. ll].



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

R fc Gross Interest Net Interest A r f Prt„„ir,,i ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to A ' „PJL Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary B«venue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,663,298 2 2 572,217 19 8 2,091,080 2 6 Maoki Land Settlement 800 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 16 0 0 Act, 1905 800 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 16 0 0 1,200 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 27 0 0 1,200 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/25 27 0 0 145,000 0 0 4£ 1/7/24 1/1/26 3,262 10 0 145,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/26 3,262 10 0 34,175 0 0 4£ 1/7/24 1/1/29 768 18 9 34,175 0 0 4J 1/1/25 i 1/1/29 768 18 9 500 0 0 5f 1/7/23 i 1/1/28 13 2 6 500 0 0 5i 1/1/24 1/1/28 13 2 6 500 0 0 5J 1/7/24 1/1/28 13 2 6 500 0 0 5J 1/1/25 1/1/28 13 2 6 8,201 7 6 .. 8,201 7 6 j Maoki Land Settlement 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/7/24 1/1/26 1,125 0 0 Act, 1907 50,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/26 1,125 0 0 2,250 0 0 .. 2,250 0 0 ' Mining Amendment Act, 7,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 i 1/5/24 140 0 0 1913 7,000 0 0 | 4 1/11/24 1/5/30 140 0 0 4,500 0 0 I 4* 1/5/24 1/5/25 101 5 0 4,500 0 0 ! 4£ 1/11/24 1/5/25 101 5 0 482 10 0 Less amount recovered .. j .. .. .. .. .. 241 5 0 from Mining Ad- j 241 5 0 vances Account j Mining Amendment Act, 2,000 0 0 i 4 1/5/24 1/5/28 40 0 0 1913, and Amendment 2,000 0 0)4 1/11/24 1/5/28 40 0 0 1919 10,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/25 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 | 4J 1/11/24 1/5/25 225 0 0 9,000 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/5/26 202 10 0 9,000 0 0 I 4| 1/11/24 1/5/26 202 10 0 8,200 0 0 4A 1/5/24 1/5/28 184 10 0 8,200 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/28 184 10 0 1,304 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 652 0 0 from Mining Ad- 652 0 0 vances Account Native Land Amendment 75,000 0 0 * .. 30/7/24 568 15 0 Act, 1913 75,000 0 0 3J .. 30/10/24 700 0 0 75,000 0 0 t .. 30/1/25 732 10 8 75,000 0 0 3ft .. 30/4/25 739 14 6 160,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/29 1,860 16 3 7,400 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/30 9 14 7 495,900 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/30 9,863 15 0 398,500 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 7,970 0 0 75,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/25 1,500 0 0 75,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/25 1,500 0 0 325,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/4/25 7,312 10 0 325,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/25 7,312 10 0 285,000 0 0 4J 1/4/23 1/10/25 6,412 10 0 285,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/10/25 6,412 10 0 I 4,800 0 0 4i 1/7/24 1/1/26 77 7 6 2,400 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/26 54 0 0 351,500 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/26 7,908 15 0 351,500 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/26 6,385 10 7 50,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/28 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/28 1,125 0 0 475.000 0 0 U 1/4/24 1/4/29 9,568 16 11 475,000 0 0 4J 1/10/24 1/4/29 8,852 19 7 3,000 0 0 4 5/6/24 5/12/37 67 10 0 3,000 0 0 4 5/11/24 5/12/37 67 10 0 25,000 0 0 5 1/4/24 1/10/25 625 0 0 25,000 0 0 5 1/10/24 1/10/25 625 0 0 1,300 0 0 5£ 1/4/24 1/10/27 34 2 6 1,300 0 0 5| 1/10/24 1/10/27 34 2 6 — 89,446 0 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 89,446 0 7 from Native Land Settlement Account Carried forward .. .. .. 2,764,982 0 3 662,557 5 3 2,102,424 15 0 *£3 0s, 8d. per cent, f £3 17s, 6d. per cent,

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 925.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


t Gross Interest Net Interest AH Prmeiml Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Pepoveriei charged to 1 Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,764,982 0 3 662,557 5 3 2,102,424 15 0 Native LAND PURCHASE 125,000 0 0 4J, 30/4/24 31/10/27 2,812 10 0 Act, 1892 125,000 0 0 4i 31/10/24 31/10/27 2,812 10 0 5,625 0 0 .. 5,625 0 0 NAVAL DEFENCE ACT, 1909 947,944 8 0 * 1/6/24 .. 23,577 15 0 942,628 4 3 * 1/12/24 .. 23,445 10 5 —— 47,023 5 5 .. 47,023 5 5 New Zealand Consols 6,820 0 0 31 1/8/24 1/2/25 119 7 0 Act, 1908 6,845 0 0 34 1/2/25 1/2/25 119 15 9 1,100 0 0 4 1/8/23 1/2/25 22 0 0 600 0 0 4 1/2/24 1/2/25 12 0 0 469,146 14 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 9,382 18 7 468,982 14 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 9,379 13 0 19,035 14 4 .. 19,035 14 4 NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 13,000 0 0 4| 15/4/24 15/4/25 292 10 0 1908, AND Consolidated 13,000 0 0 4§ 15/10/24 15/4/25 292 10 0 • LOAN ACT, 1867 — 585 0 0 .. 585 0 0 NEW Zealand LOANS ACT, 385,500 0 0 4 30/6/24 31/12/24 7,710 0 0 1908:— 385,500 0 0 4 31/12/24 31/12/24 7,710 0 0 Consolidated Stock Act, 194,200 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/29 3,884 0 0 1884 579,700 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 5,235 17 7 165,000 0 0 1/7/24 1/1/26 3,712 10 0 165,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 1/1/26 3,712 10 0 31,964 17 7 .. 31,964 17 7 Defence and other Pur- 75,000 0 0 41 15/4/24 15/4/25 1,687 10 0 poses Loan Act, 1870 75,000 0 0 4J 15/10/24 15/4/25 1,687 10 0 15,000 0 0 41 1/8/24 1/2/25 337 10 0 15,000 0 0 41 1/2/25 1/2/25 337 10 0 1,900 0 0 41 1/9/24 1/3/25 42 15 0 1,900 0 0 4| 1/3/25 1/3/25 42 15 0 8,100 0 0 4* 1/7/24 1/7/29 182 5 0 8,100 0 0 41 1/1/25 1/7/29 182 5 0 4,500 0 0 .. 4,500 0 0 General Purposes Loan 54,700 0 0 4 28/5/24 28/11/24 1,094 0 0 Act, 1873 54,700 0 0 4 28/11/24 28/11/24 1,094 0 0 5,200 0 0 4J 15/4/24 15/10/28 117 0 0 5,200 0 0 41 15/10/24 15/10/28 117 0 0 800 0 0 5 15/4/24 15/10/25 20 0 0 800 0 0 5 15/10/24 15/10/25 20 0 0 ——— 2,462 0 0 .. 2,462 0 0 Immigration and Public 4,900 0 0 41 1/8/24 1/2/25 110 5 0 Works Loan Act, 1870 4,900 0 0 41 1/2/25 1/2/25 110 5 0 23,000 0 0 41 15/4/24 15/4/25 517 10 0 23,000 0 0 4J 15/10/24 15/4/25 517 10 0 1,255 10 0 .. 1,255 10 0 New Zealand Consolidated 9,659,480 1 1 3 1/10/24 1/4/45 144,892 4 0 Stock (London Issue) 9,659,980 1 1 3 1/4/25 1/4/45 144,899 14 0 17,268,932 0 0 31 1/7/24 1/1/40 302,206 6 2 17,268,932 0 0 31 1/1/25 1/1/40 302,206 6 2 30,100,402 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/11/29 602,008 0 8 30,097,902 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/11/29 601,958 0 8 2,098,170 11 8 Less — Amount recovored from Cheviot Estate Account on £253.318, 31- 8,866 2 6 per-cent. stock, from 1st January to 31st December, 1924 Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account in respect of inscribed stock created for conversion— £ s. d. On 3-per-cent. stock .. .. .. 2,074 18 10 On 31-per-cent. stock .. .. .. 35,192 0 8 On 4-per-cent. stock .. .. .. 950 11 10 38,217 11 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 47,083 13 10 4,975,603 19 3 662,557 5 3 2,214,876 2 4 * £4 19s. 5'88d. per oent.

B.—J [FT. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

t | Gross Interest Net Interest . . | ( • . . Half-yearly) Maturity Amountof charged to charged to Ac Principal. pet J Due Dat;e j Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue j ) Account. j Account £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 47,083 13 10 4,975,603 19 3 662,557 5 3 2,214,876 2 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. Amount recovered from State Advances Office —- On £2,900,000 at 3 per cent., 1 year to 31 Mar., 1925 (Settler's Branch) .. .. .. 89,700 0 0 On £1,032,365 at 3|-per cent., 1 year to 31 Mar., 1925— Settlers Branch (£881,848) .. .. 30,864 13 6 Workers Branch (£147,184) .. .. 5,150 8 10 Local Authorities Branch (£3,333) .. .. 117 13 0 On £238,717 at 4 per cent., 1 vear to 31 Mar., 1925— Settlers Branch (£170,641) .. .. 6,825 12 8 Workers Branch (£56,473) .. .. 2,258 18 10 Local Authorities Branch (£11,603) .. 464 2 4 135,381 9 2 Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 149 4 6 Amount recovered from State Coal - mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 35 5 10 —— .. 182,649 13 4 1,915,520 18 4 New Zealand Consolidated|10,884,628 0 0 1 4 1/8/24 1/2/63 217,692 11 1 Stock (London Issue, 110,884,628 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/63 217,692 11 2 1943-63) | i 435,385 2 3 Less amount recovered— From State Advances Office on £2,834,521 — £ s. d. Settlers Branch (£426,188) .. .. 57,047 10 2 Workers Branch (£410,000) .. •• 16,400 0 0 Local Authorities Branch (£998,333) .. 39,933 6 8 113,380 16 10 From State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. 2,066 13 4 From Native Land Settlement Account .. .. 10,200 0 0 From Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 34,346 0 8 , | , — .. 159,993 10 10 275,391 11 5 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1933-43— Aid to Public Works and 3,000,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 3,000,000 0 0 4 j 1/1/25 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 1922 120,000 0 0 New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10— Land for Settlements 210,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 Branch 210,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 8,400 0 0 Advances to Settlers 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 | 1/1/43 800 0 0 Branch 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 | 1/1/43 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 Advances to Workers 750,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 | 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 Branch 750,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 Less amount re- 160,000 0 0 covered— From State Ad- .. .. .. .. 31,600 0 0 vances Office From Land for .. .. .. .. 8,400 0 0 Settlements .. 40,000 0 0 120,000 0 0 Account New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1935^5— Aid to Public Works and 30,083 6 8 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 752 1 8 Land Settlement Act, 30,083 6 8 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 752 1 8 1902 1,504 3 4 Aid to Public Works and 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 Land Settlement Act, 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 1921 143,077 13 4 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 255,495 16 8 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 ment Loans Act, 1920 255,495 16 8 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 12,774 15 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 5,570,989 1 6 1,045,200 9 5 4,525,788 12 1

B—l PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 2 4-1 92 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


„ t | Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinriml ner I Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to principal. per | | )ue j> ate Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,570,989 1 6 1,045,200 9 5 4,525,788 12 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1935-45 —continued. Education Purposes Loans 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 Act, 1919 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Electric - power Works 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 Loan Act, 1919 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. 204,396 13 5 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 204,396 13 5 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 10,219 16 8 Native Land Amendment 255,495 16 9 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 Act, 1913 255,495 16 9 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 12,774 15 10 War Purposes Loan Act, 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/24 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 1917 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/25 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 257,000 0 0 Less amount recovered from — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account (Discharged Soldiers 12,774 15 10 Settlement Loans Act, 1920) Electric Supply Account (Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919) 25,549 11 8 State Forests Account (Forests Act, 1921-22) .. .. .. 10,219 16 8 Native Land Settlement Account (Native Land Amendment Act, 12,774 15 10 1913) .. 61,319 0 0 195,681 0 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1936-51 — Electric-powerWorks Loan 1,076,938 9 3 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Act, 1919 1,076,938 9 3 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 64,616 6 2 Finance Act, 1916 (Sec- 1,774 12 10 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 53 4 9 tion 50), and Finance 1,774 12 10 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 53 4 9 Act, 1920 (Section 16) — 106 9 6 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 512,533 0 8 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 Part IV 512,533 0 8 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 30,751 19 8 Finance Act, 1920 (Sec- 807,703 17 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 tion 15), (Electric 807,703 17 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 Supply) 48,462 4 8 Finance Act, 1921 (Sec- 2,423,111 10 11 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 tion 10) 2,423,111 10 11 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 145,386 13 10 Railways Improvement 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/8/24 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Authorization Act 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/2/25 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 64,616 6 2 353,940 0 0 Less amount recovered from — Electric Supply Account — Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 64,616 6 2 Finance Act, 1920 (Section 15), Electric Supply .. .. 48,462 4 8 113,078 10 10 State Forests Account—Finance Act, 1916 (Section 50), and 106 9 6 Finance Act, 1920 (Section 16) .. 113,185 0 4 240,754 19 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,181,929 1 6 1,219,704 9 9 4,962,224 11 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 2 4-19 25.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

, j Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinoinal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of eharged to llecnveriei charged to * P . Due Date, j Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ov e3 ' Ordinary Revenue J Account. Account. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,181,929 1 6 1,219,704 9 9 4,962,224 11 9 New Zealand Loam Aot, 1908 —continued. J New Zealand Consolidated Stock,1944 — Aid to Public Works and 324,851 10 6 4£ 1/3/25 1/3/44 7,309 3 2 Land Settlement Act, 1922 Education Purposes Loan 250,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/44 5,625 0 0 Act, 1919 Finance Act, 1923 (Sec- 3,000,000 0 0 * 1/9/24 1/3/44 21,000 0 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 3,220,136 1 9 4} 1/3/25 1/3/44 72,453 1 2 i 93,453 1 2 StateAdvancesAct, 1913— Advances to Settlers 1,500,000 0 0 * 1/9/24 j 1/3/44 10,500 0 0 Branch 1,603,132 8 6 4£ 1/3/25 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 46,570 9 7 Advances to Workers 1,500,000 0 0 * 1/9/24 1/3/44 10,500 0 0 Branch 1,603,132 8 5 U 1/3/25 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 46,570 « 7 Native Land Amendment 200,000 0 0 4 J 1/3/25 1/3/44 4,500 0 0 Act, 1913 New Zealand State Guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10— Advances to Settlers.. 4,331 7 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/44 97 9 1 Advances to Workers 81,212 17 7 4| 1/3/25 1/3/44 1,827 5 10 Land for Settlements 22,739 12 3 4| 1/3/25 1/3/44 511 12 10 Branch Swamp Drainage Act, 50,000 0 0 [ 4£ 1/3/25 1/3/44 1,125 0 0 1915, and Appropria- I — 207,589 11 3 tion Act, 1918 (Section 46) | Less amount recovered from State Advances Department,— New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 97 9 1 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 1,827 5 10 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 46,570 9 7 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 46,570 9 7 Less amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account .. 511 12 10 Less amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account— Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 4,500 0 0 Less amount recovered from Swamp Land Drainage Account—■ Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918 1,125 0 0 (Section 46) .. 101,202 6 11 106,387 4 4 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and 600 0 0 5£ 1/9/24 1/9/41 15 15 0 Land Settlement Act, 600 0 0 5j 1/3/25 1/9/41 15 15 0 1900 31 10 0 .. 31 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 38,700 0 0 5.J 1/9/24 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 Land Settlement Act, S8,700 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 1902 — 2,031 15 0 .. 2,031 15 0 Aid to Public Works and 100 0 0 5 1/9/24 1/9/41 2 10 0 Land Settlement Act, 200 0 0 5 1/3/25 1/9/41 3 6 2 1903 1,000 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/28 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 26 5 0 183,800 0 0 5J 1/9/24 1/9/41 .4,824 15 0 183,800 0 0 5| 1/3/25 1/9/41 4,824 15 0 2,500 0 0 5£ 1/8/24 1/2/28 68 15 0 2,500 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/28 68 15 0 4,430 0 0 5£ 1/7/24 1/1/31 121 16 6 4,430 0 0 5J 1/1/25 1/1/31 121 16 6 10,088 19 2 .. 10,088 19 2 Aid to Public Works and 1,000 0 0 5J 1/9/24 1/9/41 26 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 1,000 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 26 5 0 1906 100 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 3 0 0 100 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 3 0 0 58 10 0 .. 58 10 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 6,401,729 6 11 1,320,906 16 8 5,080,822 10 3 * 14s. per £100.

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


T> ate Gross Interest Net Interest Act Princiual ner Ha l f -y Maturity Amount of charged to Rpcnvpr i P q charged to l ip ' JZ -Due Datw* Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Ascounti Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,401,729 6 11 1,320,906 3 6 8 5,080,822 10 3 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—ctd. Aid to Public Works and 1,700 0 0 5| 1/9/24 1/9/41 44 12 6 Land Settlement Act, 1,700 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 44 12 6 1907 7,500 0 0 51 1/8/24 1/2/26 206 5 0 7,500 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/2/26 206 5 0 49,000 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/2/28 1,347 10 0 49,000 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/2/28 1,347 10 0 1,000 0 0 5J 1/2/23 1/2/33 4 10 5 100 0 0 51 1/2/24 1/2/33 2 15 0 208,900 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/33 5,744 15 0 208,900 0 0 5| 1/2/25 1/2/33 5,744 15 0 900 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/32 27 0 0 900 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 27 0 0 14,747 10 5 .. 14,747 10 5 Aid to Public Works and 25,000 0 0 5J 1/9/24 1/9/41 656 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 25,000 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 656 5 0 1911 1,312 10 0 .. 1,312 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 100,000 0 0 51 30/6/24 31/12/30 2,750 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 100,000 0 0 51 31/12/24 31/12/30 2,750 0 0 1914 — 5,500 0 0 .. 5,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 24,170 0 0 5 1/7/24 1/7/28 604 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 24,170 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/7/28 604 5 0 1921 150,000 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/28 3,937 10 0 150,000 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 3,937 10 0 150 0 0 5J 1/8/23 1/2/27 4 2 6 52,210 0 0 ' 5| 1/8/24 1/2/27 1,435 15 6 51,910 0 0 5f l/ 2 /25 1/2/27 1,427 10 6 300 0 0 5|- 1/8/24 1/2/32 8 5 0 300 0 0 51 1/2/25 1/2/32 8 5 0 130 0 0 6 1/8/23 1/8/26 3 18 0 430 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/26 12 18 0 100,410 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 3,012 6 0 100,010 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 3,000 6 0 73,510 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 2,205 6 0 73,510 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 2,205 6 0 22,407 8 6 .. 22,407 8 6 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 100,000 0 0 51 1/8/24 1/2/27 2,750 0 0 ment Loans Act, 1919, 100,000 0 0 5|- 1/2/25 1/2/27 2,750 0 0 section 4 80,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 2,400 0 0 80,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 2,400 0 0 10,300 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,300 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account for year 1923-24 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 400 0 0 5 15/7/24 30/5/26 10 0 0 ment Loans Act, 1920 400 0 0 5 15/1/25 30/5/26 10 0 0 100 0 0 51 15/1/23 15/1/33 2 15 0 2,630 0 0 5J 15/7/23 15/1/33 72 6 6 21,930 0 0 51 15/1/24 15/1/33 603 1 6 2,947,340 0 0 51 15/7/24 15/1/33 81,003 18 0 2,951,470 0 0 5|- 15/1/25 15/1/33 81,157 16 0 150 0 0 51 15/7/25 15/1/33 1 2 7 1,000 0 0 6 15/7/24 15/1/27 30 0 0 1,000 0 0 6 15/1/25 15/1/27 30 0 0 162,920 19 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 162,920 19 7 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acoount Education Purposes Loan 5,500 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/8/27 144 7 6 Act, 1919 5,500 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/8/27 144 7 6 56,950 0 0 51 1/8/24 1/2/28 1,494 18 9 56,950 0 0 51 1/2/25 1/2/28 1,494 18 9 103,900 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/2/27 2,857 5 0 103,900 0 0 51 1/2/25 1/2/27 2,857 5 0 3,780 0 0 6 1/5/24 1/11/26 113 8 0 3,780 0 0 6 1/11/24 1/11/26 113 8 0 700 0 0 6 1/7/24 1/1/27 21 0 0 700 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/27 21 0 0 7,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/32 210 0 0 7,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/32 210 0 0 9,681 18 6 Less amount recovered from Masterton Trust Lands Trust— For half-year ending .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 10 0 1st February, 1924 For current year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 387 10 0 9,i09 18 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,628,599 13 11 1,494,599 16 3 5,133,999 17 8

B.—l ;PT. lIJ.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


Rat „ Gross Interest Net Interest Act PrinciDal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Bp .„ v . ri „ charged to p qP® J Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,628,599 13 11 1,494,599 16 3 5,133,999 17 8 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act 191V ctd. Electric-power Works 800,360 0 0 5 15/7/24 15/7/30 20,009 0 0 Loan Act, 1919 800,360 0 0 5 15/1/25 15/7/30 20,009 0 0 40,018 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,018 0 0 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1915 (Sec- 500 0 0 4J 15/6/24 15/12/25 11 5 0 tionl05) (Public Works) 500 0 0 i\ 15/12/24 15/12/25 11 5 0 850 0 0 4J 15/6/24 15/12/40 19 2 6 850 0 0 4 15/12/24 15/12/40 19 2 6 1,300 0 0 5 15/6/24 15/12/25 32 10 0 1,300 0 0 5 15/12/24 15/12/25 32 10 0 400 0 0 5J 1/3/24 1/9/41 10 10 0 84,470 0 0 5| 1/9/24 1/9/41 2,217 6 6 84,275 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 2,212 4 2 1,300 0 0 5J 15/12/23 15/12/30 35 15 0 142,940 0 0 51 15/6/24 15/12/30 3,930 17 0 143,140 0 0 5J 15/12/24 15/12/30 3,936 7 0 12,468 14 8 .. 12,468 14 8 Finance Act, 1916 (Sec- 13,600 0 0 4£ 1/9/24 1/9/30 306 0 0 tion 35) 40,300 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/9/30 905 18 3 500 0 0 6 1/8/23 1/8/26 15 0 0 5,400 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/26 162 0 0 367,140 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/26 11,014 4 0 366,100 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/26 10,983 0 0 2,000 0 0 6 1/2/24 1/8/31 60 0 0 262,830 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 7,884 18 0 262,100 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 7,863 0 0 39,194 0 3 .. 39,194 0 3 Finance Act, 1918 (Sec- 230 0 0 5 1/1/24 1/7/28 3 10 9 tion 10) 51,590 0 0 5 1/7/24 1/7/28 1,289 15 0 51,490 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/7/28 1,287 5 0 108,210 0 0 5 1/7/24 1/1/29 1,292 7 9 108,810 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/1/29 2,719 2 10 47,410 0 0 5 1/1/25 1/7/29 949 7 7 8,000 0 0 5 1/5/24 1/5/29 200 0 0 8,000 0 0 5 1/11/24 1/5/29 200 0 0 40,000 0 0 5 1/9/24 1/9/29 613 13 11 40,000 0 0 5 1/3/25 1/9/29 1,000 0 0 1,400 0 0 5£ 1/2/24 1/2/28 36 15 0 186,660 0 0 5£ 1/8/24 1/2/28 4,899 16 6 186,560 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 4,897 4 0 190,415 0 0 5J 1/1/25 1/7/30 1,247 0 1 20,635 18 5 .. 20,635 18 5 Finance Act, 1919 (Sec- 100 0 0 5 15/7/23 15/7/30 2 10 0 tion 5) 100 0 0 5 15/1/24 15/7/30 2 10 0 578,500 0 0 5 15/7/24 15/7/30 14,462 10 0 577,900 0 0 5 15/1/25 1/7/30 14,447 10 0 11,500 0 0 5£ 1/8/24 1/8/27 301 17 6 11,500 0 0 5| 1/2/25 1/8/27 301 17 6 29,518 15 0 .. 29,518 15 0 Finance Act, 1920 (Sec- 50,000 0 0 5J 1/6/24 1/12/25 1,312 10 0 tion 15), (Publio Works) 50,000 0 0 5J 1/12/24 1/12/25 1,312 10 0 50,000 0 0 51 1/8/24 1/8/27 1,312 10 0 50,000 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/8/27 1,312 10 0 5,250 0 0 .. 5,250 0 0 Government Railways Act, 1908— Railways Improvement 500 0 0 6 15/8/24 15/2/27 15 0 0 Authorization .. 500 0 0 6 1/1/25 1/1/32 15 0 0 30 0 0 .. 30 0 0 Government Railways Act, 1908— Finance Act, 1909 .. 300 0 0 5£ 1/9/24 1/9/41 7 17 6 300 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 7 17 6 500 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/27 15 0 0 500 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/27 15 0 0 45 15 0 .. 45 15 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,775,760 17 3 1,534,617 16 3 5,241,143 1 0 I

B.—l |TT. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-19 25.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

9—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


R t Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinriml wr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Aot - principal. per Due Datfc Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. . . .. 0,775,760 17 3 1,534,017 16 3 5,241,143 1 0 New Zealand inscribed Stock Act, 1917 —ctd. Government;) Railways 500 0 0 I 5J 1/9/24 | 1/9/41 13 2 0 Amendment Act, 1910 500 0 0 | 1/3/25 j 1/9/41 13 2 6 20 5 0 .. 20 5 0 Land for Settlements Act, 700 0 0 5| 1/7/24 I 1/1/28 18 7 0 1908 700 0 0 oj 1/1/25 1/1/28 18 7 0 | 42,750 0 0 | 5J 1/9/24 j 1/9/41 1,122 3 9 42,750 0 0 j 5J 1/3/25 | 1/9/41 1,122 3 9 1,000 0 0 5| 1/8/24 | 1/2/28 27 10 0 1,000 0 0 j 5| 1/2/25 1/2/28 27 10 0 800 0 0 I 5J 1/7/24 1/1/31 22 0 0 800 0 0 | 5J 1/1/25 | 1/1/31 22 0 0 14,150 0 0 | 5| 1/8/24 j 1/2/31 389 2 6 14,150 0 0 I 5J 1/2/25 | 1/2/31 389 2 6 1,500 0 0 j 5| 1/7/24 | 1/1/33 41 5 0 1,500 0 0 5-| 1/1/25 1/1/33 41 5 0 40,750 0 0 5h 1/8/24 1/2/33 1,120 12 0 40,750 0 0 5} 1/2/25 ! 1/2/33 1,120 12 6 6,100 0 0 6" 1/8/24 1/2/27 183 0 0 6,100 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/2/27 183 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/7/24 , 1/1/32 165 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/1/25 J 1/1/32 165 0 0 | 5,500 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/2/32 165 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/2/25 j 1/2/32 165 0 0 6,508 2 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,508 2 ? 6 from Land for Settlements Account Lands Laws Amendment 800 0 0 5£ 1/7/24 1/1/28 21 0 0 Act, 1913 800 0 0 5£ 1/1/25 i 1/1/28 21 0 0 5,500 0 0 5} 1/9/24 ! 1/9/41 144 7 0 5,500 0 0 5| 1/3/25 j 1/9/41 144 7 0 330 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. • • I • • .. .. 330 15 0 from Land for Settlements Account Maori Land Settlement 900 0 0 5J 1/9/24 1/9/41 23 12 0 Act, 1905 900 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 23 12 0 47 5 0 .. 47 5 0 Native Land Amendment 10,000 0 0 4£ 1/4/24 1/4/26 217 18 2 Act, 1913 5,000 0 0 4* 1/10/24 1/4/26 112 10 0 40,000 0 0 4| 1/7/24 j 1/1/31 900 0 0 40,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 j 1/1/31 900 0 0 100,000 0 0 5£ 1/8/24 j 1/2/28 2,025 0 0 100,000 0 0 51 1/2/25 1/2/28 2,025 0 0 7,380 8 2 Less amount recovered .. .. J .. .. 7,380 8 2 from Native Land Settlement Account New Zealand State-guar- 2,000 0 0 5-» 1/9/24 1/9/41 52 10 0 an teed Advances Act, 2,000 0 0 5} 1/3/25 1/9/41 52 10 0 1909-10 (Guaranteed 105 0 0 Mining Advances) Less amount recovered .. .. j .. .. 52 10 0 52 10 0 from Mining Advances Account New Zealand State-guar- 52,500 0 0 5{ 1/9/24 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 anteed Advances Act, 52,500 0 0 5] 1/3/25 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 1909-10 (Land for ; 2,756 5 0 Settlements Branch) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,756 5 0 from Land for Settlements Account Railways Improvement | 12,490 0 0 5 15/7/24 15/7/30 312 5 0 Authorization Aot, 12,490 0 0 5 15/1/25 15/7/30 312 5 0 1914 ; 624 10 0 .. 024 10 £0 Swamp Drainage Act, : 1,000 0 0 1/5/24 1/5/29 22 10 0 1915, and Appropri- 1,000 0 0 4i 1/11/24 1/5/29 22 10 0 ation Act, 1918 (Sec- 1 14,000 0 0 5 1/5/24 1/5/29 350 0 0 tion 46) 14,000 0 0 5 1/11/24 ! 1/5/29 350 0 0 745 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 745 0 0 from Swamp Land Drainage Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,794,284 7 11 1,552,390 16 11 5,241,893 11 0 1 ;

B.—l [Pt. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 2 4-19 25.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.

R t J | Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinoinal ner Half-yearly) Maturity Amount of charged to -Recoveries charged to principal. per Due Date Date> Interest. Ordinary Revenue iiecover es. Ordinary Revenue • | j Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. <1. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward j .. .. .. .. .. 6,794,284 7 11 1,552,390 16 11 5,241,893 11 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—ctd. War Purposes Loan Act, 300 0 0 a\ 1/8 '23 1/8/27 7 17 6 1917 950 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/8/27 24 18 9 102,780 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/8/27 2,697 19 6 102,180 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/8-27 2,682 4 6 50,000 0 0 5j 1/8/24 1/2/28 1,312 10 0 50,000 0 0 5-1 1/2/25 1/2/28 1,312 10 0 200 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/27 5 10 0 102,170 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/27 2,809 13 6 102,170 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/27 2,809 13 6 13,662 17 3 .. 13,662 17 3 War Expenses .. 450 0 0 3- 15/5/23 1.5/11/38 6 15 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/5/24 15/11/38 42 3 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/11/24 15/11/38 42 3 0 1,050 0 0 4-t 15/5/18 15/11/38 32 17 6 800 0 0 4j 15/11/18 15/11/38 18 0 0 700 0 0 4|- 15/5/19 15/11/38 15 15 0 1,200 0 0 4J 15/11/19 15/11/38 27 0 0 1,200 0 0 4i 15/5/20 15/11/38 27 0 0 500 0 0 4| 15/11/20 15/11/38 11 5 0 1,200 0 0 4J 15/5/21 15/11/38 27 0 0 1,200 0 0 4J 15/11/21 15/11/38 27 0 0 7,500 0 0 4| 15/5/22 15/11/38 168 15 0 i 4,300 0 0 4 15/11/22 15/11/38 96 15 0 13,560 0 0 4 15/5/23 15/11/38 305 2 0 25,860 0 0 4| 15/11/23 15/11/38 581 17 0 18,619,425 0 0 4i 15/5/24 j 15/11/38 413,963 14 4 18,243,965 0 0 15/11/24 15/11/38 408,714 12 4 39,180 0 0 41 15/3/25 15/11/38 345 14 5 500 0 0 4 20/4/20 20/4/39 12 16 5 150 0 0 4| 20/4/21 20/4/39 3 7 6 100 0 0 4-| 20/10/21 20/4/39 2 5 0 200 0 0 4J 20/4/22 20/4/39 4 10 0 400 0 0 4 20/10/22 20/4/39 9 0 0 1,600 0 0 41 20/4/23 20/4/39 36 0 0 5,650 0 0 4J 20/10/23 20/4/39 127 2 6 5,981,840 0 0 4 20/4/24 20/4/39 134,341 18 5 6,016,140 0 0 4 20/10/24 20/4/39 135,185 15 II 8,500 0 0 41 20/4/25 20/4/39 65 8 8 300 0 0 5 15/11/18 15/11/27 4 8 9 200 0 0 5 15/11/19 15/11/27 5 0 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/20 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/11/20 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/21 15/11/27 2 10 0 200 0 0 5 15/11/21 15/11 27 5 0 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/22 15/11/27 2 10 0 1 400 0 0 5 15/11/22 15/11/27 10 0 0 1,400 0 0 5 15/5/23 15/11/27 35 0 0 6,700 0 0 5 15/11/23 15/11/27 167 10 0 1,120,060 0 0 5 15/5/24 15/11/27 28,001 10 0 1,124,460 0 0 5 15/11/24 15/11/27 28,111 10 0 500 0 0 5 15/5/25 15/11/27 3 14 0 200 0 0 5 20/4/20 20/4/29 5 14 0 200 0 0 5 20/10/20 20/4/29 5 0 0 300 0 0 5 20/4/21 20/4/29 7 10 0 300 0 0 5 20/10/21 20/4/29 7 10 0 600 0 0 5 20/4/22 20./4/29 15 0 0 200 0 0 5 20/10/22 20/4/29 5 0 0 ; 400 0 0 5 20/4/23 20/4/29 10 0 0 400 0 0 5 20/10/23 20/4/29 10 0 0 465,100 0 0 5 20/4/24 20/4/29 11,627 10 0 463,800 0 0 5 20/10/24 20/4/29 11,595 0 0 300 0 0 5 1/3/24 1/9/41 7 10 0 22,550 0 0 5 1/9/24 1/9/41 472 3 11 38,050 0 0 5 1/3/25 1/9/41 799 2 6 1,200 0 0 5-i 1/9/23 1/9/41 31 10 0 30,850 0 0 5J 1/3/24 1/9/41 724 7 10 2,614,030 0 0 5i 1/9/24 1/9/41 68,612 17 2 2,597,340 0 0 5J 1/3/25 1/9/41 68,180 3 6 | ! 1,312,711 4 8 .. 1,312,711 4 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. j .. 18,120,658 9 10 1,552,390 16 11 6,568,267 12 11 ! I

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 192 4-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


r» ate Gross Interest Net Interest A C t, Princlnal oer Half " yearly Maturity Amount of charged to RpmwpHm charged to " Cent ue -^ a^e * Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ' ' Ordinary Revenue Account. Acoount. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. . . .. .. 8,120,658 9 10 1,552,390 16 116,568,267 12 11 New Zealand StateUUARANTEED ADVANCES Act, 1909 : — Guaranteed Mining Ad- j 5,000 0 0 3f 1/4/24 1/4/29 93 15 0 vances Branch .. j 5,000 0 0 3f 1/10/24 1/4/29 93 15 0 187 10 0 Less amount recovered [ .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 15 0 93 15 0 from Mining Advances Account Land for Settlements 25,000 0 0 31 1/4/24 1/10/48 437 10 0 J Branch 25,000 0 0 31 1/10/24 1/10/48 437 10 0 | 470,000 0 0 3f 1/4/24 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 | 470,000 0 0 3| 1/10/24 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 j 18,500 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,500 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Native Land Settlement 20,000 0 0 3J 1/4/24 1/10/47 350 0 0 ] Branch 20,000 0 0 3J 1/10/24 1/10/47 350 0 0 361,000 0 0 3J 1/4/24 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 361,000 0 0 3J 1/10/24 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 54,500 0 0 3f 1/4/24 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 54,500 0 0 3| 1/10/24 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 30.000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/49 600 0 0 30,000 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/49 600 0 0 80,000 0 0 4J 1/4/24 1/4/28 1,800 0 0 80,000 0 0 4| 1/10/24 1/4/28 1,800 0 0 1 20,199 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. { .. 20,199 15 0 from Native Land Settlement Account Advances to Local 50,000 0 0 3J 1/4/24 1/10/47 875 0 0 Authorities Branch 50,000 0 0 3J 1/10/24 1/10/47 875 0 0 112,000 0 0 31 1/4/24 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 112,000 0 0 Si 1/10/24 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 38,515 0 0 3A 1/4/24 1/10/48 674 0 3 38,515 0 0 3f 1/10/24 1/10/48 674 0 3 95,425 0 0 3| 1/4/24 1/4/49 1,789 4 5 95,425 0 0 3f 1/10/24 1/4/49 1,789 4 5 8,800 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/49 176 0 0 8,800 0 0 4 1/10/24 1/4/49 176 0 0 48,000 0 0 41 1/4/24 1/4/28 1,080 0 0 48,000 0 0 4i 1/10/24 1/4/28 1,080 0 0 13,108 9 4 Less amounts recovered from — Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 1,743 150 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 1,47500 Land for Settlements Account—Opening up Crown Lands for 8,145 19 4 Settlement Account —| .. 11,364 14 4 1,743 15 0 New Zealand StateGUABANTEED ADVANCES Act, 1909-10:— Land for Settlements 22,500 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 450 0 0 Branch 45,300 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 906 0 0 287.665 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/29 4,604 8 9 287,665 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 5,753 6 0 21,371 11 6 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 170 19 5 21,571 11 6 41 1/8/24 1/8/24 485 7 2 106,700 0 0 41 1/8/24 1/2/25 2,400 15 0 106,700 0 0 41 1/2/25 1/2/25 2,400 15 0 6,000 0 0 41 1/9/24 1/3/25 135 0 0 6,000 0 0 41 1/3/25 1/3/25 135 0 0 741,066 0 0 41 30/4/24 31/10/27 16,673 19 7 741,066 0 0 4J 31/10/24 31/10/27 16,673 19 7 9,250 0 0 41 1/7/24 1/1/29 78 10 0 50 0 0 41 1/1/25 1/1/29 12 6 147,100 0 0 41 1/4/24 1/4/29 3,277 8 2 147,100 0 0 4-1 1/10/24 1/4/29 3,309 15 0 100 0 0 5 1/8/24 1/2/29 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 1/2/25 1/2/29 2 10 0 — 57,461 6 2 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. ,. .. 57,461 6 2 from Land for Settlements Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,230,115 10 4 1,660,010 7 5 6,570,105 2 11


B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-19 25.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.

r» at .„ Gross Interest Net Interest Art PrinHnal tier Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to A ip * JJ . Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue * Ordinary Revenue | Account. Account. £ s. d. I i £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j Brought forward .. .. .. | .. .. .. 8,230,115 10 4 1,660,010 7 5 6,570,105 2 11 New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Native Land Settlement 30,000 0 0 3f 1/4/24 1/4/49 562 10 0 Branch 30,000 0 0 3} 1/10/24 1/4/49 562 10 0 | 50,000 0 0 4 1/4/24 1/4/24 1,000 0 0 i 50,000 0 0 4 ; 1/10/24 ; 1/4/29 1,000 0 0 I j 3,125 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. j • • • • • ■ • • 3,125 0 0 from Native Land Settlement Account Post and Telegraph Act, 200,000 0 0 4| 1/7/24 1/7/25 4,500 0 0 1908 200,000 0 0 4J 1/1/25 j 1/7/25 4,500 0 0 9,000 0 0 .. 9,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 100,000 0 0 3£ .. | 29/7/24 810 5 6 1910 (Section 39) 1 100,000 X) 0 3f I .. 29/10/24 945 4 1 I I 500,000 0 0 3f .. 30/10/24 4,726 0 7 j 500,000 0 0 3J .. 30/7/24 4,051 7 5 | 250.000 0 0 3f .. 30/3/25 1,515 8 3 250,000 0 0 5J .. 31/3/25 6,508 11 1 600,000 0 0 5| 31/3/25 31/3/25 13,132 2 8 31,688 19 7 .. 31,688 19 7 Public Revenues Amend- 2,034,811 8 10 * 1/6/24 .. 50,610 16 11 ment ACT, 1914 (Section 2,023,399 19 2 * 1/12/24 .. 50,327 0 3 8): War Expenses 100,937 17 2 .. 100,937 17 2 Public Revenues Amend- 7,978,174 3 2 * 1/6/24 • .. 198,437 2 9 MENT ACT, 1915 (Section 7,933,431 10 11 * 1/12/24 .. 197,324 5 6 5): War Expenses 1,700,000 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/26 38,250 0 0 1,700,000 0 0 4f 1/2/25 1/2/26 38,250 0 0 39t),000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/26 8,775 0 0 390,000 0 0 4i 1/11/24 j 1/5/26 8,775 0 0 3,750 0 0 4i 1/8/24 1/2/29 84 7 6 3,750 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/2/29 84 7 6 489,980 3 3 .. 489,980 3 3 Railways Improvement 55,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/25 1,100 0 0 Authorization Act, 1914 55,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/25 1,100 0 0 47,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/29 940 0 0 47,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 940 0 0 30,000 0 0 4i 1/8/24 1/2/25 675 0 0 30,000 0 0 4£ 1/2/25 1/2/25 675 0 0 140,000 0 0 a 1/8/24 1/8/25 3,150 0 0 140,000 0 0 U 1/2/25 1/8/25 3,150 0 0 274,200 0 0 4J 1/8/24 1/2/26 6,169 10 0 274,200 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/26 6,169 10 0 83,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/8/28 1,867 10 0 83,000 0 0 4| 1/2/25 1/8/28 1,867 10 0 70,000 0 0 41 1/8/24 1/2/29 1,575 0 0 70,000 0 0 4J 1/2/25 1/2/29 1,575 0 0 30,000 0 0 5 1/8/24 1/2/26 750 0 0 30,000 0 0 5 1/2/24 1/2/26 750 0 0 j 32,454 0 0 .. 32,454 0 0 ANGITAIKI LAND DRAIN- 12,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 ! 1/9/24 240 0 0 AGE Amendment ACTS, 19,000 0 0 4J 1/9/24 j 1/9/25 427 10 0 1913 and 1914 19,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/9/25 427 10 0 17,000 0 0 4J 1/9/24 1/3/26 382 10 0 17,000 0 0 4i 1/3/25 1/3/26 382 10 0 1,860 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. j .. .. 1,860 0 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- 37,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 J 1/3/29 740 0 0 AMENDMENT Act, 1913, 49,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 | 1/3/29 980 0 0 AND Amendments 37,000 0 0 4| 1/9/24 | 1/3/29 832 10 0 37,000 0 0 4| 1/3/25 1/3/29 I 832 10 0 | 3,385 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. ! .. .. 3,385 0 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Carried forward .. .. .. j .. .. 8,902,546 10 4 1,668,380 7 5 7,234,166 2 11 *£4 19s. 5'88d. per cent.

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 24-192 5.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


Gross Interest ! Net Interest Act Principal Tier Hali-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to I charged to A0C ' principal. per Due Date Date _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. i ordinary Revenue Account. j Account. ii j" £ s. d. I | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,902,546 10 4 1,668,380 7 5 7,234,166 2 11 Rangitaiki Land Dratn- 25,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 500 0 0 age Amendment Act, 25,000 0 0 4 1/3/25 1/3/25 500 0 0 1913, and Appropria- 3,000 0 0 4| 1/9/24 1/3/25 | 67 10 0 tion Act, 1918 (Section 3,000 0 0 4J 1/3/25 1/3/25 j 67 10 0 44) j 1,135 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. •• ! •• •• 1,135 0 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- 60,000 0 0 4|- ] 1/9/24 1/3/25 i 1,350 0 0 age Amendment Act, 60,000 0 0 4J j 1/3/25 1/3/25 : 1,350 0 0 1913, and Appropria- I ! 2,700 0 0 tion Act, 1919 (Section 19) Less amount recovered ' .. . . j .. . 2,700 0 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- 20,000 0 0 4J j 1/6/24 1/12/25 450 0 0 age Amendment Act, 20,000 0 0 4J | 1/12/24 1/12/25 450 0 0 1913, and FINANCE Act, 70,000 0 0 4| 1/6/24 1/12/26 1,575 0 0 1920 (Section 16) 70,000 0 0 4|- 1/12/24 1/12/26 1,575 0 0 10,000 0 0 5 1/6/24 1/12/25 | 250 0 0 10,000 0 0 5 1/12/24 1/12/25 j 250 0 0 j- 4,550 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. •' '' 4,550 0 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- j 20,000 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/12/27 400 0 0 age Amendment Act, j 20,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/27 400 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, j 74,600 0 0 4£ 1/6/24 1/12/29 1,678 10 0 1921-22 (Section 23) ! 74,600 0 0 1/12/24 1/12/29 1,678 10 0 2,900 0 0 4£ 1/9/24 1/3/25 65 5 0 2,900 0 0 4| 1/3/25 1/3/25 65 5 0 2,500 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/8/27 65 12 6 2,500 0 0 5i 1/2/25 1/8/27 65 12 6 4,418 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,418 15 0 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- 22,000 0 0 14 1/6/24 1/12/29 145 1 11 age Amendment ACT, 39,100 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/29 684 4 10 1913, and Finance Act, 10,900 0 0 4| 1/6/24 1/12/29 309 7 2 1923 (Section 5) 10,900 0 0 4J 1/12/24 1/12/29 245 5 0 - 1,383 18 11 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. 1,383 18 11 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Rangitaiki Land Drain- 10,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/12/30 7 13 5 age Amendment Act, 7 13 5 1913, and Finance Act. 1924 (Section 5) I .ess amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 7135 from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account State Advances Act,1913 — Advances to Settlers 573,200 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/6/24 11,464 0 0 Branch 573,200 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/6/29 11,464 0 0 1,600,000 0 0 41 1/6/24 1/6/29 28,615 1 1 1,600,000 0 0 4] 1/12/24 1/6/29 35,093 16 9 86,636 17 10 1 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. j 86,636 17 10 from State Advances Account Advances to Workers 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/6/24 1,000 0 0 Branch 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/6/29 1,000 0 0 1,300,000 0 0 4| 1/6/24 1/6/29 22,367 8 4 1,300,000 0 0 4} 1/12/24 1/6/29 29,250 0 0 53,617 8 4 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,617 8 4 from State Advances Account Local Authorities Branch 200,000 0 0 4 1/6/24 1/6/24 4,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/12/24 1/6/29 4,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 from State Advances Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,064,996 3 10 1,830,830 011 7,234,166 2 11

B. —l [Pt. IT],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924- 1 9 25.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


R x Gross Interest Net Interest i Act Prinoinal m Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to P Due Date. Date. interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 9,064,996 3 10 1,830,830 0 11 7,234,166 2 11 SWAMP Drainage Act,1915 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 300 0 0 15,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/29 300 0 0 11,000 0 0 4J 1/5/24 1/5/26 247 10 0 11,000 0 0 4f 1/11/24 1/5/26 247 10 0 20,000 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/5/29 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4J 1/11/24 1/5/29 450 0 0 — 1,995 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,995 0 0 from Swamp Land Drainage Account Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, 17,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/24 | 340 0 0 1 and Appropriation Act, j 10,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/25 200 0 0 1918 (Section 46) ; 10,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/25 I 200 0 0 25,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/29 j 109 0 10 72,000 0 0 4 1/11/24 1/5/29 J 1,206 11 5 20,000 0 0 1/5/24 1/5/25 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4i 1/11/24 1/5/25 450 0 0 120,000 0 0 4| 1/5/24 1/5/26 2,700 0 0 120,000 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/26 2,700 0 0 5,000 0 0 4£ 1/5/24 1/5/28 | 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4|- 1/11/24 1/5/28 112 10 0 68,000 0 0 4 1/5/24 1/5/29 1,219 18 8 48,000 0 0 4| 1/11/24 1/5/29 1,080 0 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/5/24 1/5/26 125 0 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/11/24 1/5/26 j 125 0 0 20,000 0 0 6 1/5/24 1/5/29 600 0 0 20,000 0 0 6 1/11/24 1/5/29 600 0 0 j 12,330 10 11 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. I .. 12,330 10 11 from Swamp Land Drainage Account Waihou and Ohinemuri 30,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/24 600 0 0 j Rivers Improvement 30,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/30 600 0 0 Act, 1910 20,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/-8/25 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4i 1/2/25 1/8/25 450 0 0 100,000 0 0 4-| 1/8/24 1/8/28 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 4-J 1/2/25 1/8/28 2,250 0 0 6,600 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 2,600 0 0 from Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Waihou and Ohinemuri 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/8/24 734 4 11 Rivers Improvement 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/8/30 1,000 0 0 Act, 1910, and Finance 14,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/24 1/8/25 315 0 0 Act, 1919 (Section 6) 14,000 0 0 4i 1/2/25 1/8/25 315 0 0 136,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/26 2,230 17 9 86,000 0 0 4-1 1/2/25 1/2/26 1,935 0 0 6,530 2 8 .. 6,530 2 8 Waihou and Ohinemuri 55,000 0 0 4 1/8/24 1/2/30 705 15 0 Rivers Improvement 75,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/30 1,319 3 6 ' Account, 1910, AND FI- 86,000 0 0 4| 1/8/24 1/2/30 1,318 5 0 NANCE ACT, 1922 (SEC- 51,000 0 0 4i 1/2/25 1/2/30 1,147 10 0 tion 16) 4,490 13 6 .. 4,490 13 6 WAR Purposes LOAN ACT, 404,800 0 0 * .. 30/7/24 3,069 14 8 1917 404,800 0 0 3f .. 30/10/24 3,778 2 8 404,800 0 0 .. .. 30/1/25 3,953 14 7 404,800 0 0 t 30/4/25 3,954 0 5 250,000 0 C 4 1/8/24 1/2/29 3,671 4 6 250,000 0 0 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 5,000 0 0 1,100 0 0 4| 15/11/18 15/11/38 29 19 5 1,100 0 0 U 15/5/19 15/11/38 24 15 0 2,200 0 0 4J 15/11/19 15/11/38 49 10 0 2,200 0 0 4* 15/5/20 15/11/38 49 10 0 2,200 0 0 4J 15/11/20 15/11/38 49 10 0 1,200 0 0 U 15/5/21 15/11/38 27 0 0 1,200 0 0 4-J 15/11/21 15/11/38 27 0 0 1,400 0 0 41 15/5/22 15/11/38 31 10 0 3,900 0 0 4i 15/11/22 15/11/38 87 15 0 6,500 0 0 4-| 15/5/23 15/11/38 146 5 0 34,800 0 0 U 15/11/23 15/11/38 783 0 0 5,293,750 0 0 4' 15/5/24 15/11/38 119,097 10 1 5,123,600 0 0 4J- 15/11/24 15/11/38 115.127 16 8 8,800 0 0 4| 15/5/25 15/11/38 113 7 3 Carried forward .. .. .. ' .. 259,071 5 3 9,096,942 10 11 1,849,155 11 10 7,247,786 19 1 •£3 0s. 8d. t£3 17s. 6d.

B.—l [PT. ll]


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST —continued.


,, , Gross Interest Net Interest , . B! . , Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to Principal. per | Jue Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue • | Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 259,071 5 3 |9, 096,942 10 11 1,849,155 11 10 |7,247,786 19 1 War Purposes Loan Act, 150 0 0 5-| 1/8/23 1/8/27 3 18 9 Act, 1917—continued. 550 0 0 5| 1/2/24 1/8/27 14 8 9f 30,100 0 0 5i 1/8/24 1/8/27 790 2 6 29,200 0 0 5| 1/2/25 1/8/27 766 10 0 1,100 0 0 5J 1/2/24 1/2/28 28 17 6 4,750 0 0 5J 1/8/24 1/2/28 124 13 9 3,950 0 0 5J 1/2/25 1/2/28 103 13 9 20,950 0 0 5J, 1/8/24 1/2/27 576 2 6 20,600 0 0 5| 1/2/25 1/2/25 566 10 0 13,000 0 0 6 1/8/24 1/8/31 390 0 0 | 13,000 0 0 6 1/2/25 1/8/31 390 0 0 262,826 2 9 Less portion of bank ! .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 10 0 262,785 12 9 orders not required WAR PURPOSES LOAN Act, 4,753,839 4 10 * 1/6/24! .. 118,239 17 4 1917 (Section 2), AND 1,727.179 2 2 * 1/12/24 .. 117,576 15 3 WAR Purposes Loan I j 235,816 12 7 .. 235,816 12 7 Act, 1917 (No. 2) War Purposes Loan Act, j 100 0 0 5 15/5/18 15/11/27 3 9 7' 1917, AND FINANCE Act, I 100 0 0 5 15/11/18 15/11/27 2 10 0 1917 (SECTION 68) ; 100 0 0 5 15/5/19 15/11/27 2 10 0 200 0 0 5 15/11/19 15/11/27 5 0 0 800 0 0 5 15/5/20 15/11/27 20 0 0 700 0 0 5 15/11/20 15/11/27 17 10 0 800 0 0 5 15/5/21 15/11/27 20 0 0 1.000 0 0 5 15/11/21 15/11/27 25 0 0 1,300 0 0 5 15/5/22 15/11/27 32 10 0 3,100 0 0 5 15/11/22 15/11/27 77 10 0 7,400 0 0 5 15/5/23 15/11/27 185 0 0 30,500 0 0 5 15/11/23 15/11/27 762 10 0 1,438,000 0 0 5 15/5/24 15/11/27 35,850 0 0 1,407,600 0 0 5 15/11/24 15/11/27 35,180 0 0 72,293 9 7 Less portions of bank : .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 0 72,275 19 7 orders not required WELLINGTON AND MANU- j 500,000 0 0 4i 1/9/24 1/3/26 11,250 0 0watu RAILWAY PtiR- | 500,000 0 0 4-J 1/3/25 1/3/26 11,250 0 0 chase ACT, 1908 22,500 0 0 .. 22,500 0 0 Westport Harbour Act, 150,000 0 0 4 1/9/24 1/3/25 3,000 0 0 1920 :— Westport Harbour Board [ 150,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/3/25 3,000 0 0 Act, 1884 6,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 Westport Harbour Board ! 500,000 0 0 4 1/7/24 1/1/49 10,000 0 0 Act, 1884, and Loan 500,000 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/49 10,000 0 0 Acts, 1896, 1897, and 20,000 0 0 j .. 20,000 0 0 1900 Westport Harbour Board 30,495 0 0 5| 1/8/24 1/2/25 838 12 3 Act, 1920 (Section 12), 30,495 0 0 5\ 1/2/25 1/2/25 838 12 3 and Appropriation Act, — 1,677 4 6 .. 1,677 4 6 1919 (Section 32) Westport Harbour Act, 1920 : — Westport Harbour Board 200,000 0 0 5 15/8/24 15/2/45 5,000 0 0 Loan Act, 1908 200,000 0 0 5 15/2/25 15/2/45 5,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 . . 10,000 0 0 State Advances Debt : — Government Advances to 80,000 0 0 4| 1/6/24 5/6/25 1,800 0 0 Settlers Act, 1894, 80,000 0 0 4J 1/12/24 5/6/25 1,800 0 0 and Extension Act, — 3,600 0 0 1901 Less amount recovered .. . , .. .. .. .. 3,600 0 0 from State Advances Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 9,731,656 0 4 1,852,813 11 10 7,878,842 8 6 *£4 19s. 5'88d. per cent. f£22 6s. 3d., less £7 17s. 6d. adjustment of overcharge made in 1923-24.

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 92-1-1925.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST—continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest Act Princioal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Uernvpriwj charged to inc pa. per jj ue j_j a^e Date. interest. Ordinary Revenue -Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. j i ~j I " T~ £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,731,656 0 4 1,852,813 11 10 j 7,878,842 8 6 State Advances Debt— continued. Government Advances to 12,900 0 0:4 1/7/24 1/1/29 258 0 0 Settlers Act, 1908: 12,900 0 0 4 1/1/25 1/1/29 258 0 0 Advances to Settlers .. 105,000 0 0 i 4| 1/6/24 1/6/25 2,362 10 0 105,000 0 0 j 4A 1/12/24 1/6/25 2,362 10 0 100,000 0 0 4> 1/9/24 1/3/26 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 4i 1/3/25 < 1/3/26 2,250 0 0 —i 9,741 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,741 0 0 from State Advances Office Advances to Workers .. 25,000 0 0 4,', 1/6/24 1/6/25 562 10 0 25,000 0 0 4-| 1/12/24 1/6/25 562 10 0 — — 1,125 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,125 0 0 from State Advances Office New Zealand State-gua- 4,108 17 5 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 32 17 5 ranteed Advances Act, 750,000 0 0 41 23/4/24 23/10/27 16,875 0 0 1909-1910 : Advances 750,000 0 0 4| 23/10/24 23/10/27 16,875 0 0 to Settlers 4,108 17 5 4£ 1/8/24 1/8/24 92 9 0 205,000 0 0 4J 1/6/24 1/12/28 4,612 10 0 205,000 0 0 4>. 1/12/24 1/12/28 4,612 10 0 2,093 15 0 4} 1/8/24 1/2/29 47 2 2 2,093 15 0 4| 1/2/25 1/2/29 47 2 2 1,762,626 5 3 4} 1/6/24 1/12/45 39,659 1 10 1,762,626 5 3 4i 1/12/24 1/12/45 39,659 1 10 122,512 14 5 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 122,512 14 5 from State Advances Office Advances to Workers .. 77,041 6 9 4J 1/8/24 1/8/24 1,733 8 6 77,041 6 9 4 1/2/25 1/2/29 616 6 7 205,406 5 0 4i 1/8/24 1/2/29 4,621 12 10 205,406 5 0 4\ 1/2/25 1/2/29 4,621 12 10 328,282 16 6 4| 1/6/24 1/12/45 7,386 7 3 328,282 16 6 4£ 1/12/24 1/12/45 7,386 7 3 Less amount recovered • ! 26,365 15 3 from State Advances Offie*?— For year 1923-24 .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. 783 9 8 For current year .. .. . . .. .. .. j .. 26,365 15 3 Or. 783 9 8 19,891,400 10 0 2,013,341 11 2 7,878,058 18 10 Amount recovered from State Advances Offices (Housing Branch), .. ! .. 12,796 14 6 12,796 14 6 which cannot be allotted to any particular authorizing Acts, being interest at 4 per cent on £319,918 Is. 7d., expended from Public Works Fund under Vote Workers' Dwellings 9,891,400 10 0 2,026,138 5 8 7,865,262 4 4

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for SINKING FUNDS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st MARCH, 1925.

10— B. 1 [PT. ll].


Gross Sinking Fund Net Sinking Fund Act " ordinfrTCenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), (Section 6), (War Loans) :— Payment to Public Trustee for one year to 31st March, 1925— 1 per oent. on £51,462,690 .. .. .. 514,627 0 0 .. 514,627 0 0 Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910: — Payment to State Advances Office for one year to 31st March, 1925— On £121,395,106 .. .. .. .. 216,315 0 0 Less Sinking Fund recovered from— £ s. d. Cheviot Estate Account .. .. 451 7 10 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account 11,705 9 6 General Purposes Relief Account .. 1331211 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. 997 17 5 Kauri-guin Industry Account .. 133 12 11 Land for Settlements Account .. 11,762 9 6 Land for Settlements Account — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 5,741 8 1 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. .. 1,149 7 0 Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account .. .. .. 7 18 Mining Advances Account .. .. 99 5 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. 5,986 3 10 State Advances Office— Settlers Branch .. .. .. 3,798 18 2 Workers Branch .. .. .. 2,866 12 2 Local Authorities Branch .. .. 1,278 8 11 Cold Storage Advances Account .. 147 9 1 Fishing Industry Promotion Account 9 18 8 Fruit-preserving Industry Account .. 124 0 9 Housing Account .. .. 734 17 2 State Forests Account .. .. 893 0 10 Westport Harbour Account .. .. 54 6 9 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. 267 5 9 48,342 13 11 Recovered for previous years — Adjustment of recoupments to 31st March, 1924 —Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account 273 5 11 — .. I 48,615 19 10 167,699 0 2 Westport Harbour Act, 1920 :— Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884 —1 per cent, on £150,000— Half year to 1st September, 1924 .. ... 750 0 0 .. 750 0 0* Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loans Acts, 1896, 1897, 1900 —1 per cent, on £500,000 — One year to 1st March, 1925 .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 Westport Harbour Board Loan Act, 1908 —1 per cent, on £200,000— One year to 1st March, 1925 .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 £738,692 0 0 £48,615 19 10 £690,076 0 2 * No payment was made for the half-year ended 1st March, 1925, as the sinking fund exceeded the amount of the loan.

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1925, under SPECIAL ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.


£ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. The Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Section 20): — Opossum fees, royalties, and fines paid to registered Acclimatization Sooieties .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,631 0 7 The Appropriation Act, 1916 :— Section 9, — Subsidies to local authorities .. .. .. .. .. .. 175,101 8 11 The Appropriation Act, 1924: — Section 13, — Travelling expenses of His Excellency the Governor-General.. .. 9 10 0 The Appropriation Act, 1924 :— Section 14,— Transfer to Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account, being remission jf rates as under :— Rates owing for year 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 10,334 5 3 Rates owing for year 1922-23 .. .. .. .. 18,071 11 9 Rates owing for year 1923-24 .. .. .. .. 21,823 13 1 50,229 10 1 Rates paid for year 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 4,980 0 7 Rates paid for year 1922-23 .. .. .. .. 2,183 0 11 Rates paid for year 1923-24 .. .. .. .. 1,240 0 8 8,403 2 2 58,632 12 3 The Auckland University College Act, 1882:— Grant for year 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 The Civil List Act, 1920 (Parts III and IV): — Honoraria, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925, — Members of the Legislative Counoil .. .. .. 11,627 6 9 Members of the House of Representatives .. .. .. 30,592 10 0 Salaries, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925, — 42,219 16 9 Officers of Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 2,632 10 0 Officers of House of Representatives .. .. .. 2,475 0 0 5,107 10 0 47,327 6 9 The Civil Service Act, 1908:— Pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,114 16 3 The Defence Act, 1909:— Pensions and allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,071 2 0 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 :— Section 7, — Transfer to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Aot, 1920 .. .. 50,000 0 0 Depreciation Fund Acoount j 50,000 0 0 The Education Act, 1914 Education Boards, — Public Primary Schools —Subsidies .. .. .. .. 21,605 5 6 Technical Instruction—Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. 4,151 16 2 National Scholarships—Grants .. .. .. .. .. 11,077 1 8 Secondary Schools —Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. 5,165 6 11 41,999 10 3 The Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2): — Section 8, —• Free issue of official postage-stamps to members of Parliament and to members of the Legislative Counoil .. .. .. .. 2,093 0 0 The Finance Act, 1919:— Section 14, — Pensions in respect of death or disablement of police officers .. .. 586 3 8 The Finance Act, 1920: — Section 43, — Additional grant to Canterbury College .. .. .. .. .. 1,561 10 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 406,128 0 8

B1 [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 925.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 406,128 0 8 The Finance Act, 1920 (Section 21) and the Finance Act, 1924 (Section 20) : — Interest on minimum monthly balances of the Canteen and Regimental Trust Board Aooount at 4 per cent, for years 1924 and 1925.. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. 1,841 0 10 The Finance Act, 1921-22: — Section 13, — Transfer from Advanoes to other Governments Account in repayment of advances .. .. ., .. .. .. Gr. 59,597 10 2 Seotion 38, — Grant to Otago Hospital Board .. .. .. .. .. .. j 1,744 15 0 : • • ., ' I ■ The Finance Act, 1923: — Section 13,— Annuity to daughter of late Sir William Fraser, 1st April, 1924, to 31st Maroh, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 i • • . ; The Finance Act, 1923 ;— Section 15 (1), — Transfer to Main Highways Revenue Fund for Year 1924-25 .. .. 35,000 0 0 The Finance Act, 1924 Section 30, — Annuity to Lady Salmond, 1st October, 1924, to 31st Maroh, 1925 .. .. j 100 0 0 The Fire Brigades Act, 1908 :— 3ection 21, — Subsidies .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,259 0 3 The Gbeymouth Harboub Boabd Amendment Act, 1920: — Seotion 5, — Subsidy for interest, sinking fund, and other loan charges .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 The High Commissioneb Act, 1908 :— Section 6, — Allen, Hon. Sir J., salary, 1 February, 1924, to 31 January, 1925 .. .. 2,000 0 0 The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909, and Amendment Acts, 1910 and 1913 :— Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 561,708 7 6 Subsidy to Jubilee Institute for the Blind .. .. .. .. 14,903 0 10 576,611 8 4 The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908 Seotion 65, — Judge of the Arbitration Court— Frazer, F. V., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 Maroh, 1925 .. .. 2,000 0 0 Section 74, — Members of the Arbitration Court— Soott, W., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 Maroh, 1925 .. 715 0 0 Hunter, H., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. 715 0 0 —— 1,430 0 0 3,430 0 0 Less salaries of Judge and Members of Arbitration Court whilst on Railway Inquiry Board .. .. .. .. .. 324 6 10 3,105 13 2 The Judicature Act, 1908 :— Seotion 13, — Superannuation allowances,— Edwards, Sir W. B., 1 April, 1924, to 31 Maroh, 1925 .. .. 1,333 6 0 Cooper, Sir T., 1 April, 1924, to 31 Maroh, 1925 .. .. .. 1,333 6 0 Chapman, Sir F. R., 8 June, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. .. 881 14 0 — 3,548 6 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 987,890 14 1

B.—l TPT. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924-1 925.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 987,890 14 1 The Judicature Amendment Act, 1920:— The Judges,— The Chief Justioe — Rt. Hon. Sir R. Stout, P.O., K.C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 25 November, 1924, and 14 Deoember, 1924, to 31 March, 1925, and half salary from 26 November to 13 Deoember, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,195 1 3 The Puisne Judges— Adams, A. S., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. 2,000 0 0 Alpers, O. T, T., salary 19 February to 31 March, 1925.. 226 3 10 Chapman, Sir P. K., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 7 June, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. .. 372 4 6 Herdman, A. L., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. 2,000 0 0 Hosking, J. H., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 18 February, 1925 1,773 16 2 McGregor, W. C., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ostler, H. H., salary 2 February to 31 March, 1925 .. 327 7 8 Reed, J. R., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. 2,000 0 0 Salmond, Sir J. W., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 19 September, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. .. 938 17 10 Sim, W. A., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. 2,000 0 0 Stringer, T. W., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 Maroh, 1925.. 2,000 0 0 15,638 10 0 — — 17,833 11 3 The Land Act, 1908: — Amount paid over to Receivers of Land Revenue, Local Bodies' Deposit Acoounts, for payment to local authorities in respeot of rents, royalties, &c. (thirds, fourths, and halves).. .. .. 13,206 19 10 The Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908 :— Section 10, — Subsidies on instalments of sinking fund— Cambridge Borough Council, due 30 April, 1924 .. .. .. 25 0 0 Grey Lynn Borough Council, due 1 April, 1924 .. .. .. 225 0 0 Levin Borough Counoil, due 1 April, 1924 .. .. .. 135 0 0 Port Chalmers Borough Counoil, due 31 March, 1925 .. .. 17 10 0 Sydenham No. 3 Waterworks Loan, due 31 March, 1924.. .. 71 5 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 1 April, 1924 .. .. .. 125 0 0 598 15 0 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913 :— Seotion 70, subsections (3) and (4), — Payments to State Advances Office by way of subsidy on instalments due by local authorities in respect of loans ior roadiag outlying distriots .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 11 0 The Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1920: — Section 2, — Salaries of Magistrates .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24,032 10 3 The Marlborough High School Act, 1899: — Grant for the year 1924-1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 The Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915 :— Pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,503 0 5 Less amounts oollected by means of gold duty .. .. .. 2,554 17 10 35,948 2 7 The Municipal Corporations Act, 1920: — Section 72,— Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,083 1 3 The National Provident Fund Act, 1910: — Section 25, — Subsidy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,453 5 2 The National Provident Fund Act, 1910, and Finanoe Act, 1916,Maternity allowances (section 78) .. .. .. .. 7,380 0 0 Maternity allowances for friendly focieties (section 67) .. .. 34,214 0 0 Subsidy on total contributions from approved friendly societies for the year ended 31 Deoember, 1924 (section 75) .. .. 981 7 0 78,028 12 2 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, Section 27 :— Section 13 of Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,192,416 17 5

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. j .. .. 1,192,416 17 5 The New Plymouth Harbour Boabd Endowment Aot, 1874:— 25 per cent, of amount derived from land sales, rents, &o., to 31 December, 1924 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,260 11 2 The New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, Section 10, and Amendment Act, 1920: — Grant for year 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908: — The New Zealand Consolidated Stook, — Amount paid Bank o£ England for year ended 31 October, 1924, for management .. .. .. .. .. 24,602 11 1 Less— Refund by Bank of England of charges representing overpayments during the period from October, 1913, to October, 1924.. .. .. .. .. .. 7,000 0 0 Amounts recovered from— £ s. d. Cheviot Estate Acoount .. .. 3 10 Discharged Soldiers Settlemont Aocount 3 3 11 Eleotric Supply Aooount .. .. 29 19 8 Land for Settlements Aocount .. 26 8 9 Native Land Settlement Aooount .. 6 6 5 State Coal-mines Acoount .. .. 0 12 9 State Forests Acoount .. .. 2 11 7 State Advances Department— Settlers Branch .. .. .. 1,539 9 0 Workers Branoh .. .. .. 454 18 7 j Local Authorities Branch.. .. 320 15 3 2,387 6 U 9,387 6 11 The Publio Debts Sinking Funds, — 15,215 4 2 Fee for auditing aocount for year .. .. .. .. .. 220 15,217 6 2 The New Zealand University Act, 1908 :— Seotion 30, — Grant for year 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 The New Zealand Univebsity Amendment Act, 1914, and Amendment Act, 1919 (Sections 3 and 4) University National Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 3,095 6 3 University Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,000 1 0 Grants, — Auckland University College .. .. .. .. 6,600 0 0 Victoria University College .. .. .. .. 6,600 0 0 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. .. 3,600 0 0 University of Otago .. .. .. .. .. 8,200 0 0 University Colleges— 25,000 0 0 Subsidies .. .. .. .. •• •• .. 17,039 10 11 Grant for workers extension leotures .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 58,134 18 2 The Orchard-tax Act, 1916:— Seotion 4, — Advanoe to New Zealand Fruitgrowers'Federation, Limited .. .. j 1,900 0 0 The Pensions Act, 1913 Old-age Pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 767,791 17 3 Military Pensions (Maori War) .. .. .. .. .. 26,835 14 4 Widows'Pensions .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 235,958 15 5 j j 1,030,586 7 0 The Pensions Amendment Act, 1924: — Pensions for the Blind .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,035 12 6 The Public Revenues Act, 1910 (Section 6), and Appropriation Act, 1920, (Section 15): — Salary— Controller and Auditor-General — Campbell, G.F. C., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 Mar., 1925 .. .. 1,170 0 0 j Seotion 29, — Deposits refunded .. .. .. .. .. .. 153 12 10 Seotion 90, — Refund of amounts paid over by Publio Trustee .. .. .. 102 5 0 1,425 17 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,310,822 10 3

B —if TPT. IT I.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 925.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,310,822 10 3 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1912 :— Secion 5, — Annual contribution to fund for reinstating public buildings destroyed by fire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 The Public Service Act, 1912, Appropriation Act, 1920 (Section 16, Subsection (1)), and Finance Act, 1919 (Section 23): — Public Servioe Commissioners, — Verschaffelt, P. D. N., salary, 1 April, 1921, to 31 March, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,350 0 0 Park, A. D., salary, 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. .. ! 1,092 0 0 I — 2,442 0 0 The Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, and Amendment Acts, 1908, 1909, and 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (Sections 25 and 26): — Annual contribution to the Public Service Superannuation Fund 86,000 0 0 Additional contribution under authority of section 49 of principal Act .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 136,000 0 0 Less amounts reoovered from— £ s. d. Post and Telegraph Department.. .. 50,947 11 0 Government Life Insurance Department.. 1,340 18 4 Native Trustee.. .. .. .. 178 11 10 Public Trustee.. .. .. .. 4,408 14 0 State Advances Offioe .. .. .. 597 8 3 State Fire Insurance Offioe .. .. 691 18 3 New Zealand Meat Producers'Board .. 28 19 0 58,194 0 8 77,805 19 4 Annual contribution to the Teachers'Superannuation Fund .. .. 43,000 0 0 Annual contribution to Government Railways Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 — 145,805 19 4 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1916 :— Section 67, — Compensation to Mrs. Ann Noble for loss of orohard .. .. .. 78 0 0 The Rotorua Borough Act, 1922 (Section 6): — Rotorua Borough Council, portion of bath receipts .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 (Section 59), and Amendment Act, 1910:— Compensation to owners for stook oondemned .. .. .. .. 13,385 3 11 The Stock Act, 1908: — Section 45, — Compensation for stook destroyed on account of disease .. .. .. 13,775 18 9 The Victoria College Act, 1905 : - Grant for year 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 The Waihoo and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 (Section 17 (d) ), and Appropriation Act, 1916 (Section 27): — Contribution towards interest and sinking fund, and the oost of administration and maintenance .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,2g5 10 2 The Walsh and Others Pensions Act, 1869: — Hewett, E. A. .. .. 1 April, 1924, to 31 March, 1925 .. .. 58 6 8 The War Pensions Act, 1915 :— Pensions and allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,242,182 2 2 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £3,746,085 11 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for REDUCTION OF FUNDED DEBT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1925.

STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1925, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


TRANSFER TO LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT FOR REDUCTION OF FUNDED DEBT. In Terms of Section 8 of the Finance Act, 1922, under Memorandum of Agreement with the Imperial Government dated 6th September, 1922. £ s. d. Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 2,134 17 3 Finanoe Act, 1916 (section 35), (War Expenses) .. .. .. .. 52,942 3 5 Finance Act, 1918 (section 10), (War Expenses) .. .. .. .. 73,766 1 11 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. 422 4 7 Naval Defenoe Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. > . 10,764 ]2 1 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (seotion 8), (War Expenses) .. .. 23,106 16 0 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (section 5), (War Expenses) .. .. 90,698 1 9 War Purposes Loan Aot, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,983 7 5 307,718 4 5 Less amounts reoouped from Land for Settlements Account —• £ s. d. For half-year ended 1st December, 1923 .. .. 203 9 3 For half-year ended 1st June, 1924 . — - 208 10 5 — 411 19 8 £307,306 4 9

Consolidated Fund :— .... Ordinary Revenue,— Under special Acts— £ s. d. War Pensions Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,205 15 10 Votes— 6—Working Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76,217 10 7 7 —Post and Telegraph Working-expenses .. .... .. .. .. 1 4 10 12—Native Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 16 7 15 —Department of Industries and Commerce .. .. .. .. .. 0 18 10 16 —Department of Justice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 16 9 17 —Supreme and Magistrates' Courts .. .. .. .. .. .. 355 6 4 20—Police Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 12 11 21 —Pensions Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,688 0 0 22—Mines Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 399 4 6 23 —Department of Internal Affairs .. .. .. .. .. .. 854 5 6 26 —Printing and Stationery Department .. .. .. .. .. .. 438 29 —Naval Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70,410 16 7 30 —Defence Department .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,662 4 2 31 —Customs Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 342 13 8 34 —Department of Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 0 9 38 —Department of Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 314 6 8 39—Department of Tourist and Health Resorts .. .. .. .. . . 132 16 6 40—Department of Education .. ..* .. .. .. .. .. 430 5 3 General Imprest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,197 2 5 General Services Acoount .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 118,982 18 7 £304,651 0 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Balances Payments Balances on Receipts. and ! on 31 Mabch, 1924. Tbansfebs. j 31 Maech, 1925. REVENUE PROM FEES, FINES, ETC. Counties :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bay of Islands .. .. .. 300 100 400 Cheviot .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Hokianga .. .. 20 0 0 30 0 0 30 15 0 19 5 0 Kaikoura .. .. .. 30 0 0 .. 30 0 0 Opotiki .. .. .. .. •. 10 0 0 10 0 0 Whakatane .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 83 0 0 71 0 0 104 15 0 49 5 0 Boroughs :— Opotiki .. .. .. 40 0 0 40 10 0 46 10 0 34 0 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 60 0 0 60 10 0 66 10 0 54 0 0 Town Boabds Kaikohe .. .. .. .. 20 2 4 .. 20 2 4 Kawakawa .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 2 4 10 0 0 30 2 4 10 0 0 Total Revenue pbom Fees, Fines, etc. 173 2 4 141 10 0 201 7 4 113 5 0

B. —1 [PT. 11.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9 24-1 9 25.


11— B. 1 [PT. II j.


Balances Payments Balances on Receipts. and on 31 Mabch, 1924. Transfers. 31 March, 1925. ENDOWMENTS OP LAND. Counties:— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Awakino .. .. .. 38 19 1 .. .. 38 19 1 East Taupo .. .. .. 152 13 10 .. .. 152 13 10 Kawhia .. .. .. 98 16 7 .. .. 98 16 7 Manukau .. .. .. 24 14 0 .. .. 24 14 0 Rotorua .. .. .. 293 18 6 .. .. 293 18 6 Sounds .. .. .. 616 11 6 .. 14 10 8 602 0 10 Tauranga .. .. .. 06 11 .. .. 0611 Thames .. .. .. 6 18 0 .. .. j 6 18 0 West Taupo .. .. .. 381 5 3 .. .. 381 5 3 1,614 3 8 .. 14 10 8 1,599 13 0 I Borough :— Runanga .. .. .. 200 .. .. 200 Harbohr Boards Greymouth .. .. .. 0 0 6 16 11 6 16 11 6 0 0 6 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 11110 .. 1 11 10 0 0 6 18 3 4 16 11 6 1 12 4 Islands :— Great Barrier .. ,. .. 7 6 11 .. .. 7 6 11 Kermadee .. .. .. 15 15 11 .. .. 15 15 11 23 2 10 .. .. 23 2 10 Total, Endowments of Land .. 1,639 7 0 18 3 4 31 2 2 1,626 8 2 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. Counties :— Awarua .. .. .. .. 050 .. 0 5 0 Bruce .. .. .. .. 150 150 Buller .. .. .. 438 7 11 595 16 1 743 17 9 290 6 3 Clutha .. .. .. 039 2961 296 039 Collingwood .. .. .. 60 14 11 106 0 5 161 1 10 5 13 6 Ooromandel .. .. .. .. 93 16 7 93 16 7 Ellesmere .. .. .. .. 100 100 Grey .. .. .. 946 16 2 5,219 2 1 4,809 0 2 1,356 18 3 Inangahua .. .. .. 503 13 2 1,638 17 3 1,939 4 11 203 5 6 Lake .. .. .. 73 2 6 420 5 0 396 14 9 96 12 9 Maniototo .. .. .. 21 1 9 240 15 11 223 11 10 38 5 10 Marlborough .. .. .. 7 0 0 143 .6 10 147 13 10 2 13 0 Matakaoa .. .. .. .. 050 050 Murohison .. .. .. 21 14 8 127 6 9 139 19 9 9 1 8 Ohinemuri .. .. .. .. 710 19 1 710 19 1 Piako .. .. .. .. 41 1 3 41 1 3 Sounds .. .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Southland .. .. .. 26 17 2 93 4 0 86 1 8 33 19 6 Stewart Island .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 12 0 0 Taieri .. .. .. .. 420 320 100 Takaka .. .. .. 0. 5 0 52 11 7 52 6 7 0 10 0 Tauranga .. .. .. 050 3 18 0 3 18 0 050 Thames .. .. .. .. 307 13 4 304 3 5 3 9 11 Tuapeka .. .. .. 27 14 8 215 16 10 232 1 6 11 10 0 Vincent .. .. .. 94 5 7 412 10 5 494 19 9 11 16 3 Waihemo .. .. .. 670 22 77 23 63 584 Waikouaiti .. .. .. .. 6 15 0 6 15 0 Waimea .. .. .. 1 0 0 55 2 6 37 11 0 18 11 6 Wairoa .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 0 15 0 Waitaki .. .... 0 19 6 18 13 0 17 4 0 2 8 6 Wallace .. .. .. 48 17 9 131 4 8 121 9 9 58 12 8 Westland .. .. .. 441 12 9 2,824 1 2 2,557 12 4 708 1 7 Whakatane ,. .. .. .. 5 15 0 5 15 0 Whangarei .. .. .. 26 12 6 86 10 9 79' 2 0 34 1 3 Carried forward .. .. 2,747 11 9 13,595 17 7 13,450 4 6 2,893 4 10

B.—l [PT.IT].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 2 4-192 5.



I " T ' ]' "" " Balances Payments Balances on ! Receipts. and on [ 31 Mahch, 1924. ; Transeebs. 81 Mabch, 1925. GOLDFIELDS REVENUE—continued. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. 2,747 11 9 j 13,595 17 7 13,450 4 6 2,893 4 10 Boboughs :— Alexandra .. .. .. .. 050: 050 Greymouch .. .. .. .. 450 450 Hokitika .. .. .. 100 5 18 9 5 15 0 139 Kumara .. .. .. 1 12 0 50 0 9 48 39 390 Ross .. .. .. j 32 15 9 135 10 9 144 2 9 24 3 9 Roxburgh .. .. .. J .. 0 10 0 0 10 0 Te Aroha .. .. .. | .. 443 1 1 443 1 1 Thames .. .. .. .. 100 18 0 100 18 0 Waihi .. .. .. | 6 4 0 1,168 19 1 1,164 17 1 10 6 0 41 11 9 1,909 8 5 1,911 17 8 39 2 6 — — 1 — — Town Boabd :— Cobden .. .. .. .. .. 1 12 1 12 0 Road Board :— Picton .. .. .. . ■ | ■. 0 10 0 0 10 0 High School Commissioners :— Thames .. .. .. . • j •. 30 1 9 30 1 9 Harbour Boabd: — Greymouth .. .. .. .. 510 510 City Corporation :— Dunedin .. .. .. 0 11 0 .. 0 11 0 Native Accounts :— Coromandel .. .. . • I 360 17 1 .. .. 360 17 1 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 083! .. .. 083 Te Aroha .. .. .. 29 4 5 .. 7 10 5 21 14 0 Thames .. .. .. 904 9 7 179 11 7 109 7 3 974 13 11 West Wanganui .. .. .. 76 12 0 .. .. 76 12 0 1,371 11 4 179 11 7 116 17 8 1,434 5 3 Suspense Account * . Auckland District Goldfields .. .. 3,232 2 6 3,303 18 6 3,042 10 9 3,493 10 3 7,393 8 4 19,026 0 10 18,559 6 4 7,860 2 10 Less adjustments between accounts .. .. 2,734 1 6 2,734 1 6 Total, Goldfields Revenue .. 7,393 8 4 16,291 19 4 15,825 4 10 7,860 2 10 GOLD DITTY. Counties :— Coromandel .. .. .. 4 13 5 2 18 0 1 15 5 Grey ■. .. • • ■ • 4 114 .. 4 11 4 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 276 3 1 525 0 10 701 11 4 99 12 7 Tauranga .. .. .. .. 25 5 4 25 5 4 276 3 1 559 10 11 i 729 14 8 105 19 4 Boboughs:— — —— Paeroa .. .. .. 038 .. .. 038 Thames .. .. .. 23 15 5 12 8 0 11 7 5 Waihi .. .. .. 4,987 0 7 • 8,375 14 10 13,362 15 5 4,987 4 3 8,399 10 3 13,375 3 5 11 11 1 UNKNOWN Account .. .. .. 15 7 1 56 13 2 23 15 5 48 4 10 5,278 14 5 9,015 14 4 14,128 13 6 165 15 3 Less adjustments between accounts .. .. 373 15 5 373 15 5 Total, GOLD Duty .. .. 5,278 14 5 8,641 18 11 13,754 18 1 165 15 3 COUNTIES SEPARATE ACCOUNT. Ashley .. .. .. 44 16 8 .. i .. 44 16 8 Peninsula .. .. .. 1 19 6 .. ! .. 1 19 6 Total, Counties Separate Account 46 16 2 .. .. 46 16 2

B.—l [PT. ll|.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS,' 1924-1 92 5.



Balances Payments Balances on Receipts. and on 31 March, 1924. Transfers. 31 Mabch, 1925. ADVANCE ACCOUNT. j Counties :— £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cheviot .. .. .. Dr. 0 6 9 0 6 9 Hokianga .. .. .. Dr. 1 12 6 326 1 10 0 Inangahua .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 18 3 0 18 3 Opotiki .. .. .. .. .. 170 170 Dr. 1 19 3 4 16 3 3 15 3 0 18 3 Borough:— Opotiki .. .. .. I Dr. 6 5 0 12 15 0 6 10 0 Town Boabds :— Henderson .. .. .. .. j Dr. 49 5 5 49 5 5 Kaikohe .. .. .. .. Or. 0 15 1 0 15 1 Kawakawn .. .. .. Dr. 0 16 3 . 0 16 3 ! Dr. 50 16 9 50 16 9 Road Boabd:— Mangaorongo .. . .. j Dr. 0 15 0 0 15 0 Habboub Boabds Auokland .. .. .. .. J .. I .. 51 7 11 51 7 11 Greymouth .. .. .. ! Gr. 0 13 7 .. 0 13 5 Gr. 0 0 2 Timaru .. .. .. ..j .. 271 2 5 271 2 5 Waimakariri .. .. .. j .. 90 18 0 90 18 0 Wellington .. .. .. .. | Dr. 0 12 0 0 16 6 0 4 6 I Cr. 0 1 7 362 16 11 414 6 3 Dr. 51 7 9 Total, Advance Account .. Dr. 59 14 5 431 19 11 424 11 6 Dr. 52 6 0 | RECEIPTS PROM MINING DISTRICTS. Land Occupation Licenses. Amounts payable to Local Authorities in terms of Section 318 (2) of the Land Act, 1924. Counties:— £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. Bailer .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 12 2 j .. ; 10 12 2 Collingwood .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 8 9 ! .. j 339 Coromandel .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 15 9 .. 18 15 9 Grey .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 9 4 .. , 60 9 4 Lake .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 11 0 .. 27 11 0 Maniototo .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 6 9 .. 33 6 9 Marlborough.. .. .. .. .. .. 2 15 0 .. 2 15 0 Murohison .. .. .. .. .. .. 126; .. ! 126 Ohinemuri .. .. .. .. .. 84 0 11 .. 84 0 11 Southland .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 17 9 .. 59 17 9 Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. .. 150, .. 150 Thames .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 14 10 .. 10 14 10 Tuapeka .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 8 7 .. 110 8 7 Vincent .. .. .. .. .. .. 164 8 10 .. 164 8 10 Waihemo .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 8 2 .. 17 8 2 Waitaki .. .. .. .. .. .. 94 3 2 .. 94 3 2 Wallace .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 1 3 .. 33 1 3 Westland .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 14 10 .. 3 14 10 Whangarei .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 .. 450 741 4 7 .. 741 4 7 Borough Waihi .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 19 3 .. 40 19 3 Town Board :— Cobden .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 10 6 .. 19 10 6 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 801 14 4 .. 801 14 4

B.—l [Pt. It j.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.



Balances Payments Balances Accounts. on Receipts. and on 31 March, 1924. Transfers. 31 March, 1925. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Admiralty Prize-money .. . .. 3,791 0 0 3,791 0 0 Canteen and Regimental Trust Board .. 32,519 2 11 12,297 1 10 i 29,621 8 8 15,194 16 1 Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1922, Seotion 23 50 0 0 25 0 0 : 15 0 0 60 0 0 Dairy-produce Export Control Act .. 6,609 11 3 56,363 12 0 54,157 0 1 8,816 3 2 Deposits on Contracts .. .. .. .. 3,107 2 10 3,107 2 10 Distribution of Wool Profits .. .. 24,771 0 4 1,208 10 0 2 19 6 25,976 10 10 Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914, — Primary-education Endowments— Seotion 2 (Rents) .. .. .. .. 116,099 2 6 116,099 2 6 Section 3 (Sales) .. .. .. 4,111 8 11 652 14 11 41 18 9 4,722 5 1 Seoondary-eduoation Endowments: Section 2 (Rents) — Auokland Provincial District .. 547 12 9 1,765 17 7 1,951 3 0 362 7 4 Taranaki Provincial District.. ... 487 14 4 1,162 1 0 1,231 6 10 418 8 6 Wellington Provincial District .. 1,261 8 9 2,351 13 0 2,885 17 1 727 4 8 Hawke's Bay Provincial Distriot .. ' 715 19 0 2,036 14 5 , 2,059 6 11 693 6 6 | Nelson Provincial Distriot .. .. 51 6 11 413 12 2 408 4 10 56 14 3 j Marlborough Provincial District .. 42 10 2 94 2 0 94 5 8 42 6 6 I Westland Provincial Distriot .. 74 7 3 523 7 2 : 36 10 4 561 4 1 Otago Provincial District .. .. 322 10 9 1,214 4 9 : 1,117 14 3 419 1 3 Secondary-education Endowments: Section 3 (Sales) — Auckland Provincial Distriot .. 60 10 7 5 0 0 .. 65 10 7 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 24 7 2 .. ■. 24 7 2 Emigrants'Deposits .. .. .. 3,772 14 9 77,262 4 3j 76,113 7 11 4,921 11 1 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 059 059 J General Assembly Library Fund .. .. .. 150 0 0 150 0 0 German Currenoy .. .. .. 56,920 10 0 1,534 1 0 1,664 11 0 56,790 0 0 Gold Duty Suspense .. .. .. 625 6 7 5,72S 11 11 6,178 18 3 175 0 3 | Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884: Special Coal-rate .. .. .. 255 5 6 .. 255 5 6 Hauraki Plains Drains Deposit Account .. .. 60 0 0 .. 60 0 0 | Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 874 5 5 376 1 5 846 10 8 403 16 2 j Immigration Restriction Aot, 1903 .. .. 1,790 0 0 1,010 0 0 780 0 0 j Imperial Government Soheelite-supply .. 1 17 8 35 12 8 37 10 4 j Imperial Government Wool-supply .. 250 5 11 97 8 9 | 206 17 4 140 17 4 j Land Transfer Act, 1908 .. .. 500 .. j .. 500 | Land Act, 1908,— Mining Districts Land Occupation .. 15,507 10 4 1,644 6 10 j 17,151 17 2 Loans Stamp Duty .. .. .. 2,353 8 1 2,080 17 6 : 4,434 5 7 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. 346 1 4 .. | .. 346 1 4 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22 .. 1,609 6 0 27,735 0 5 1 28,083 0 6 1,261 5 11 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 167,544 9 7 232,984 2 1 274,922 6 10 125,606 4 10 Money-order Settlement.. .. .. 10,788 5 8 38,060 17 6 45,287 1 11 3,562 1 3 National Health Insurance Stamps .. .. 152 15 1 138 1 2 14 13 11 Native Land Act, 1878 (No. 2) .. 58 0 0 .. .. 58 0 0 Naval Remittances .. .. .. 611 1 7 6,391 10 2 5,545 3 10 1,457 7 11 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. 1,134 10 0 39 18 4 154 13 4 1,019 15 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment .. Dr. 1,000 0 0 .. .. Dr. 1,000 0 0 I New Zealand University Endowment, — Westland .. .. .. .. 1,826 2 11 82 9 6 .. 1,908 12 5 Ngatirahiri Compensation .. .. 17 16 4 .. .. 17 16 4 ' North Island Experimental Dairy School .. 6,853 5 11 245 0 0 .. 7,098 5 11 Opossum Fees .. .. .. 15 0 0 6,073 1 10 6,088 1 10 Payments through the High Commissioner .. 1,332,052 5 4 1,323,812 9 9 8,239 15 7 Post-office Savinss-bank Deposits .. .. 99,009 14 3 87,338 14 3 11,671 0 0 Public Trust Office Remittance .. .. 5,595 17 4 .. .. 5,595 17 4 Purchase of Wheat . .. .. 99,577 0 3 1,213,078 19 6 1,311,583 11 8 1,072 8 1 Railways .. .. .. .. 2,840 0 0 .. 2,840 0 0 Receipts by the High Commissioner for payment in New Zealand .. .. .. 307,078 9 3 303,997 5 0 3,081 4 3 Receiver-General's Deposit .. .. 95,000 0 0 26,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 96,000 0 0 Released Sinking Funds Suspense .. 2,146 7 0 .. .. 2,146 7 0 Remittances to Immigrants .. .. .. 2,546 9 1 2,056 19 1 489 10 0 Rotorua College and Grammar School .. 2,891 8 11 1,662 7 1 10 0 0 4,543 16 0 Sale of Admiralty Stores .. .. 26,860 14 10 .. 26,860 14 10 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund .. .. 1,455 8 10 1,614 11 6 .. 3,070 0 4 Samoan Treasury .. .. .. 5,584 16 2 79,703 15 1 84,769 16 3 518 15 0 Stipendiary Magistrates' Pensions (section 39, Finance Act, 1924) .. .. .. 133 15 9 133 15 9 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment .. 333 15 0 816 12 4 792 6 4 358 1 0 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. .. 39 6 4 372 2 2 .. 411 8 6 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 .. 8,777 14 4 128 19 3 81 17 0 8,824 16 7 Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. 6,639 8 0 199 6 4 .. 6,838 14 4 Unclaimed Earnings Account .. .. .. 579 4 8 283 5 1 295 19 7 Unclaimed New Zealand Bonds .. .. 900 0 0 .. .. 900 0 0 Unemployment Stamps Account.. .. .. 57 0 3 32 9 10 24 10 5 Unpresented Cheques Account .. .. .. 403 5 0 94 19 9 308 5 3 Totals.. .. .. 600,66111 8 3,671,07118 0 3,854,576 4 9 417,157 4 11

B.—l [PT. lIJ




Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account. £ s. d. Refunds of Revenue .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 30 16 8 Payments under the Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1924,' — Section 4 (2), Transfer to Vote for Primary Education Purposes .. .. .. .. 109,925 13 1 Section 5 (1), Administration Expenses.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,337 9 2 Section 5 (3), Maintenance, Repairs, Permanent improvements, &c. .. .. .. 805 3 7 £116,099 2 6 | Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts. Section 4 fSI ' i 8ectlon 5 < a ). Refunds of Payments to Section 5 (I), Maintenance, Provincial District. sJS»rv Administration Repairs, Total. Revenue. S ~f y Expenses. Permanent Improvements, &c. I j ' ; I , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. *763 14 6 1,041 J1 10 87 9 1 58 7 7 1,951 3 0 Taranaki .. .. .. 1 0 0 1,166 5 2 58 12 1 5 9 7 1,231 6 10 Wellington .. .. .. .. 2,768 5 5 117 11 8 .. 2,885 17 1 Hawke's Bav .. .. .. .. 1,957 10 1 101 16 10 .. 2,059 6 11 Nelson ' . . .. .. .. 390 14 3 16 13 1 [ 0 17 6 408 4 10 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 89 11 8 4 14 0 .. 94 5 8 Westland .. .. .. 18 10 0 .. 18 0 4 .. 36 10 4 Otago.. .. .. .. .. | 992 9 2 125 5 1 .. 1,117 14 3 £783 4 6 £8,406 7 7 £530 2 2 £64 14 8 £9,784 8 11 * Includes refund of £640 8s. to liotorua College and Grammar School Account in respect of amount overcredited in previous years. m-

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUB LI C ACCOUNTS, 1 924- 192 5



Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Refunds of Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 7 9 Amount transferred to Deposits (Miscellaneous) to meet a refund due in respect of money oolleoted in Thames County .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 8 11 Amounts paid to Local Authorities in terms of Section 280 of the Land Act, 1908, being half revenues received during 1923-24— Buller County Council .. .. .. .. 12 10 2 Collingwood County Council.. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Coromandel County Counoil.. .. .. .. 22 2 2 Grey County Council .. .. .. .. 50 15 9 Inangahua County Counoil .. .. .. .. 18 6 Lake County Council .. .. .. .. 29 5 8 Maniototo County Council .. .. .. 27 6 2 Murohison County Counoil .. .. .. .. 12 6 Ohinemuri County Council .. .. .. .. 97 15 5 Southland County Council .. .. .. .. 59 3 3 Tauranga County Council .. .. .. .. 3 15 0 Thames County Counoil .. .. .. .. 21 11 11 Tuapeka County Council .. .. .. .. 120 6 10 Vincent County Council .. .. .. .. 169 6 3 Waitaki County Council .. - .. .. 98 19 11 Wallaoe County Council .. .. .. .. 31 19 3 Westland County Council .. .. .. .. 3 111 Whangarei County Council .. .. .. .. 1 15 0 Waihi Borough Counoil .. .. .. .. 37 17 5 Cobden Town Board .. .. .. .. 8 9 0 Pelorus Town Board .. .. .. .. 2 6 3 802 17 6 Amouut payable in terms of Section 318 (2) of the Land Act, 1924 : Half moneys received during 1924-25 paid over to Local Authorities' Accounts, — Buller County Council .. .. .. .. 10 12 2 Collingwood County Council .. .. 3 3 9 Coromandel County Council .. .. .. 18 15 9 Grey County Counoil .. .. .. .. 60 9 4 Lake County Council .. .. .. .. 27 11 0 Maniototo County Counoil .. .. .. .. 33 6 9 Marlborough County Council .. .. .. 2 15 0 Murohison County Counoil .. .. .. .. 12 6 Ohinemuri County Counoil .. .. .. .. 84 0 11 Southland County Council .. .. .. .. 59 17 9 Tauranga County Counoil .. .. .. .. 15 0 Thames County Council .. .. .. .. 10 14 10 Tuapeka County Counoil .. .. .. .. 110 8 7 Vincent County Counoil .. .. .. .. 164 8 10 Waitaki County Council .. .. .. .. 94 3 2 Waihemo County Counoil .. .. .. .. 17 8 2 Wallaoe County Counoil .. .. .. .. 33 1 3 Westland County Council .. .. .. .. 3 14 10 Whangarei County Council .. .. .. .. 4 5 0 Waihi Borough Counoil .. .. .. .. 40 19 3 Cobden Town Board .. .. .. .. 19 10 6 801 14 4 Balance transferred to Ordinary Revenue Aooount .. .. 15,505 8 8 CR. Balance at beginning of year .. .. .. .. .. 15,507 10 4 Receipts for year 1924-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,644 6 10 £17,151 17 2 £17,151 17 2

B.—l [PT II!

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 924-1 925

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1925, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)


RECEIPTS. ! DISBURSEMENTS. 1924. ! I £ s. d. £ s. d. 1925. | April 1 j Balance on 31st March, 1924 .. .. .. .. 6,639 8 0 March 31 Balances on 31st March, 1925, — £ s. d. £ s. d. | July 11 | In the estate of John Hewitt .. .. .. j 162 12 0 Estate of Susan Smallwood .. .. .. 93 10 0 j Dec. 17 j „ Samuel Bingham .... i 36 14 4 „ Sarah Jane White .. .. .. 354 16 8 !— — — — 199 6 4 „ J. Matheson and H. Gracie .. .. 414 3 3 Mary McKay .. .. .. .. 43 3 10 „ William Tattley .. .. .. 45 1 5 | | „ Barthia Wilkie .. .. .. j 287 11 1 „ Robert Miller .. .. .. .. j 22 4 7 ; Paora Parau and W. R. Miller .. .. 23 0 0 Francis Humphreys Heighway .. .. 46 12 5 George Moore .. .. .. .. 2,414 0 0 Richard Galway .. .. .. 836 13 9 „ E. W. Alexander .. .. .. 649 7 8 Edward Ruddock .. .. .. 538 15 10 John Corey .. .. .. .. 540 5 1 John Burk .. .. .. .. 74 7 10 „ Geoffrey Arthur Harney .. .. 44 15 3 Thomas Bacon .. .. .. 65 16 2 . John Hewitt .. .. .. 162 12 0 | „ Samuel Bingham .. .. .. 36 14 4 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Company .. 16 7 8 The Direct Supply Company (Limited), Auckland, in liquidation .. .. .. .. 33 5 10 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Company (Limited) 95 9 8 6,838 14 4 Total .. .. .. .. .. £6,838 14 4 Total .. .. .. .. .. i£6,838 14 4 —

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924- ] 9 2 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of PUBLIC WORKS FUND (General Purposes Account): RECOVERIES on Account of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1925.

STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st March, 1925, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


Public Works Department : — £ s. d. £ s. d £ s <1 Adjustment of expenditure to 31st March, 1924, consequent on substitution of road for railway, Waipu Branch Railway (transfer from Vote Railway Construction to Vote Roads, &c.).. .. .. .. .. 28,014 18 2 Instalment of purchase-money, Opua Wharf .. .. 2,000 0 0 Refunds — Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 900 Cost of preliminary survey, &c., Taieri River protectiveworks (adjustment of expenditure charged against Vote Roads, &c., in previous year should have been charged against Vote Lands Miscellaneous) .. 225 17 8 Marine insurance general average s.s. " Sussex" .. 12 6 Repairs Henderson cool stores .. .. .. 92 14 10 Royalties on milling-timber, Puraliotangahia (lump sum in lieu of), (adjustment of expenditure charged against Vote Railway Construction should have been charged against Vote Timber-supply, Sawmills, &c.) .. .. 5,000 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 JO 0 Sale of— Buildings . . .. .. .. .. 224 5 0 Cj-linder .. .. .. .. . 300 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 400 Land .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,543 15 0 Pipes and steel . . .. .. .. . . 241 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 79 1410 . 39,757 18 0 Department of Agriculture Sale of — Equipment, &c. .. .. . . . . 112 13 9 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 000 = 118 13 9 Department of Tourist and Health Resorts : — Refund of value of expendable material used by Mount Cook Motor Company (Limited) .. .. .. .. 81 7 6 Department on Immigration :— Sale of typewriters .. .. .. .. . . 14 8 0 Recovery cost of cable .. .. .. .. 12 0 15 10 0 Post and Telegraph Department - Sale of shed .. .. . . .. . . .. 90 0 0 Defence Department Sale of— Buildings .. .. .. . . .. 89 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores, &c. .. . . ......... 9 17. 0 Rails .. .. .. .. .. .. 280 5 0 Repayment of morteage, old drill-slied, Invercargill .. 200 0 0 579 12 0 Department of Education Sale of— Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 102 11 10 Surplus and obsolete stores, &e. .. .. .. 4 5 3 Portable oven .. .. .. .. .. 45 0 0 151 17 1 — £40,794 18 10

Public Works Fund General Purposes Account, — £ s. d. Vote —Railway-construction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,565 14 0 —Additions to open Lines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,041 7 3 —Department of Immigration .. .. .. .. .. 69,012 0 0 —Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,512 11 9 —Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 70,323 0 7 —Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 0 13 0 ■—Lands, miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,989 0 0 —Plant, Material, and Stores .. .. .. . . . . .. 5 8 10 —Unauthorized .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,000 0 0 £215,449 15 5

B.—l [FT. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-1 925.


12— B. 1 [PT. ll],


Balance Repayments Balance at Transfers during to at 31st March, the Year. Consolidated 31st March. 1924. Fund. 1925. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Transfers from Consoli- 85,226 0 3 .. 59,597 10 2 25,628 10 1 dated Fund in terms of Section 13, Finance Act, 1921-22 j Balance Balance 31st March, Repayments. Advances. 31gt 1924. 1925. , . Advances to other Governments — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bechuanaland .. 205 6 8 752 16 1 547 9 5 British Guiana .. 17 13 9 101 19 5 84 5 8 Canadian Government 106 9 5 144 2 11 82 18 9 45 5 3 Ceylon .. .. 78 15 11 518 14 6 455 13 10 15 15 3 Cook Islands .. 844 0 10 2,166 3 7 2,101 9 5 779 6 8 Commonwealth Govern- 15,553 1 1 33,522 15 11 26,247 16 11 8,278 2 1 ment j I East African Protec- 95 10 0 538 0 0 474 3 4 31 13 4 torfttG Falkland Islands .. 174 0 0 202 12 8 28 12 8 Federated Malay States 788 4 6 3,654 18 7 3,471 5 5 604 11 4 Fiji .. .. 319 10 2 585 2 8 265 12 6 Hong Kong.. .. 43 16 3 188 12 5 152 12 8 7 16 6 Imperial Government 192 10 0 28,022 0 6 32,169 4 8 4,339 14 2 Imperial pensions .. 98 5 2 198,084 1 1 208,823 13 6 10,857 17 7 Mauritius .. .. 202 4 5 859 8 11 707 15 7 50 11 1 Niue .. .. 12 15 4 200 19 4 276 13 8 88 9 8 Nigeria .. .. 245 12 11 J,506 1 0 1,260 8 1 Nyassaland.. .. 166 13 4 275 0 0 162 10 0 54 3 4 Straits Settlement .. 200 15 6 383 1 4 182 5 10 St. Helena .. .. 131 4 10 128 10 0 .. 2 14 10 Trinidad .. .. 28 7 0 169 1 0 140 14 0 Union Government of 505 5 0 807 4 3 337 0 7 35 1 4 South Africa I —— ; 20,010 2 1 272,791 6 2 277,972 6 6 25,191 2 5 Balance of Advances to other Governments Account at 31st March 1925.. £437 7 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT.


Name of Estate. j Purchase-money. Total. Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1908, Section 82, — Acquirement of Estates— £ s. d. £ 8. d. Late A. Boyle and T, H. Pynes Settlement .. .. .. .. j 2,989 3 0 Eglinton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j 12,460 10 0 Fernleigh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,123 7 0 Hukutaia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 446 4 0 Nathans.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j 32,803 11 10 Orini .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,105 8 3 Riddiford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59,425 16 7 Seccombe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,587 4 3 Scraoe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,105 3 4 Hutt Valley Railway Land .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,135 4 3 153,181 12 6 Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates— j £ s. d. Acton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 982 Airedale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 5 10 Albury .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 12 4 Allanholm .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 18 1 Allenby .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 18 10 Annan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 11 5 Aorangi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 16 5 Apata .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. 2 0 5 Ardgowan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 1 0 Ardlussa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 438 16 9 Argyll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 2 3 Armstrong .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 332 Ashley .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 4 6 Ashton Settlement .. .. .. .. .. .. 1130 Ashwick .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 16 1 Avenel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 0 2 Avenel Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 12 3 Aviemore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 3 Avonhead .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 5 5 Avonhead No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 2 5 Awamoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 15 1 Aylesbury .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 13 2 Bailey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 4 Balachraggan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 12 7 Barnego .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 5 8 Bartholomew .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 462 Bayliss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 1 11 Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 6 5 Beattie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 I 10 Beaumont .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 802 Bellamy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 19 11 Bickerstaffe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 2 6 Blind River .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 19 5 3 Bourndale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 8 10 Braco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0111 Braeburn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 11 10 Brown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 14 11 Bruce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 409 Buckley Settlement .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 12 9 Buddo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 17 4 Burke's Homestead .. .. .. .. .. .. 191 Cadman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 314 Campbell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 388 Cardrona .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 7 Carrington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 11 7 Carroll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 454 jg g Chamberlain .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 49 4 10 Cherry Grove .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 397 Clandeboye .. .. .. .. . .. .. j 10 15 2 Clandeboye No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 13 4 Clandon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 11 2 Claremont .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 4 8 Clareview .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 732 Clayton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 12 7 Clifford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 918 Clifton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,170 12 6 Cloverlea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 843 Clydebank .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 4 0 Coldstream .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 4 8 Conical Hills .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 10 9 Cooper's Creek .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 17 5 Copland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 555 Corby .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 5 11 Corliss .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3118 Coyne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 13 6 Cradock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 022 Craigmore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 677 Cricklewood .. ,. .. .. .. .. ) 14 2 Crossbill.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 16 3 vj Carried forward .. .. .. .. j 20,215 15 5 153,181 12 6

B.—l [PT. ll]


DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT-continued.


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. Brought forward 2(>t215 15 5 12 6 Expenses incidental to Estates —continued. Croucher .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 1 - Croydon .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• ~~ T ,? Culverden .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 1°** ® elane y 4 4 4 Dlxon 72 4 10 Douglas ™ \ 10 Doyleston » » » oil Dyer a " " " ■■ 11 Earnsoleugh .. .. .. • • • • • • • • , i k n Eecleston No.l .. .. . • •• •• •• kis Eccleston No. 2 .. .. .. .. • • • • • • n? q q Edendale « » 3 Eglinton Aott Elderslie No. f® ,5 ® Elderslie No. 2 1° 18 U Elsthorpe 3 22 2 2 Ermedale " - " •• 3 11 Evans ,7 7« S Fairfield 2 8 8 Falloon ,T ,o , Fencourt .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 22 17 fi Finlay Downs Jf 11 ° Flaxbourne ,o o Forest Gate . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 k i Fortification Hill .. • • • • • • • • • • • • il ! Four Peaks 3 & ! « Galloway .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • Gorge Road .. •• •• •• •• •• " Gladbrook « }t o Glasspole J? ° » Glenmark , ir q Glentanner .. .. •• •• •• •• •• ik ik c Golden Downs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • }o 7n o Gorton ® Graham , Greenfield .. .. .. •• •• •• •• f Greystoke 26 9 11 Gwavas .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • , r T Hadlow .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• } ° l R Hall-Jones.. .. •• •• •• •• n 17 R Hardie « " 8 Harper 17 6 Hatuma .. .. •• •• ■■ •• •• •• , ,o » Hawke } 13 S Hawtrey .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• f ? Heatherlea .. •• •• •• •• •• '? , „ Heights l3 \ 1 Hekeao J° ? » Hereford Park .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 2 7 3 Hetana .. •• •• •• •• •• •• " o o ii Hewitt K o ,« r Highbank u 9 o ,,7 0 Hilderthorpe .. .. •• •• •• •• •* ® , Hill 3 6 1 1«7 q 4 Hillersden no, Hillersden Bush .. .. .• •• •• •• , •• io q 7 Homebrook .. .. •• •• •• •• •• Horahia 0 12 - Hornby .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• a ? i Horrobin .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 4 17 1 Horsley Downs .. .. ;; .. ;; ;; ;; * ]Q 6 Huinga .. . • • • .. Hukutaia Inn Janefield .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• Son Johnson 6 8 9 Jungle " , Kaimahi „ tn i Kai P aki 17 2 6 Kairanga .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • Carried forward .. .. .. •• •• 22,310 0 0 153,181 12 6

B. -1 [PT. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT —continued.


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,310 0 0 153,181 12 6 Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Kakahu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 14 8 Kanakanaia .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 23 15 6 Kapua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 520 Kapuatohe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1115 Karapiro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 15 Karu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 4 Kauroo Hill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 18 1 Kereta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 18 5 Kinloek .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 103 5 11 Kitchener .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 074 Knowsley Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 17 4 Kokatahi .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 7 16 4 Iiohika .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 4 7 Kohika No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 12 7 Kopane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 0 11 Koremoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 0 Kota .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 4 8 Kowhatu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 2 1 Kuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 18 10 Kumeroa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 0 6 Kurow .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 12 9 Ladbrook .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 8 11 Lake .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 6 9 Lambert .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 228 Lamont .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 11 0 Langdale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 775 Langley . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 15 6 Lansdowne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 4 8 Lawry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 7 10 Lean .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 11 Lees Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 13 4 Leeston .. .. .. .. .. .. 136 Lewia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 16 11 Lindsay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 6 11 Linton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 714 Little .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 386 Littler .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 11 Longbush .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 12 4 Loughnan .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 9 Lyndhurst .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 2 0 Lyndon No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 7 Lyndon No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 16 2 Lynton Downs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 12 0 Maerewhenua .. .. .. .. .. . .. 40 18 11 Mahora .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 23 3 0 Mahupuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 14 3 Makareao and Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 211 15 11 Makowai .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. 38 6 1 Manga-a-toro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 0 10 Mangaotama .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 2 15 3 Mangapouri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 544 Mangatahi.. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. 84 2 6 Mangateparu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,360 10 11 Mangawhero .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 5 19 4 Maori Hill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 2 4 Marakeke .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 45 2 0 ] Maraweka .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 1139 Marawiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 18 11 Marshall .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1411 Matakanui.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 236 Matamata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 18 9 Matamua .. .. .. .. .. ,, .. 3 13 11 Matane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0117 Matuku .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 Maungaraki .. .. .. .. 423 Maytown .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,. ,, 6 12 5 McDonnell.. .. .. .. .. ., .. ,. 0 10 2 McKenzie .. .. .. .. .. ,, 378 Mead .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 1 10 Meadowbank .. .. .. .. .. 976 Meadows .. .. .. .. .. . t ., 91811 Melling .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 11 0 Melville Park .. .. .. .. .. ., . _ 16 5 1 Merrivale .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,. 24 2 8 Merrivale No. 1 .. ... .. .. ,. ., , _ 10 4 0 Merrivale No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. M _ 12 18 6 Methuen .. .. .. .. ,. .. _, ,. 0 14 4 Mills 15 18 1 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 26,302 9 4 153,181 12 6

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 192 4 -192 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT —continued.


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ 3. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,302 9 4 153,181 12 6 Expenses incidental to Estates —continued. Momona .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 8 6 Monte Cristo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 249 Morice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. 42 13 9 Mount Nessing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 18 11 Muhunoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 18 6 Ngarara .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 111 Neligan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 015 Nesdale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 237 Newpark ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 15 5 Ngahinepouri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 6 Ngakaroro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 556 Ngatapa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 15 10 Normandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 315 9 Northbank .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 5 6 Oakleigh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 165 Ohakea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 11 Ohapi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 8 11 Ohauiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 13 2 Okauia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 Omaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 11 6 Opouriao .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 916 Orakipaoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 3 10 Orini .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 10 7 Otahu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 11 Otaio .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 19 7 Otamarakau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 17 9 Otamauri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 4 1 Otanomomo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 137 16 1 Otarakaro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 5 Otekaike .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 3 5 Oturoa .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 12 18 5 Otway .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 11 0 Paa Creek .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 15 5 Pakarau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 10 8 Pakaraka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11811 Palmer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 12 5 Papaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 8 Paparangi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 14 4 Parahi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 11 4 Pareora No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 14 6 Pareora No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 3 5 Parkes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 16 5 Patoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4011 Pawaho .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 12 3 Peaks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 10 9 Pihautea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 7 9 Pitt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 12 10 Plumer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 056 Plunket .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 12 3 Poerua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 18 4 Pomahaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 12 1 Poroporo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 0 3 Pouparae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 14 3 Pourerere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 14 0 Prescott .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 223 Puliipuhi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 2 Puhuka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 Pukenamu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 15 Pukenamu Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 839 Puketapu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 7 Puketi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 16 9 Puketoi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 246 16 9 Punaroa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 3 0 Putorino .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 19 11 6 Rainclifl .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 4 Rainford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 17 6 Rakitairi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 1 10 Rangiatea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 13 1 Rangitaiki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 225 Rapuwai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 19 3 Raumati .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 12 3 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 27,778 7 8 153,181 12 6

P>.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT—continued.


Same oi Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s - d ; Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 27,778 7 8 153,181 12 6 Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Raureka .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 6 0 5 Rautawiri .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 2 19 10 Remuera Settlement .. .. .. .. . • • • 232 3 7 Reparoa .. .. .. .. •. • • •• •• 1>175 0 4 Rewi .. •• •• •• • • •• •• 676 Reynolds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 214 7 3 Richmond Brook .. .. .. .. .. •. •. 35 4 4 RingWay .. .. .. •. ■ • • • • • • • 9 14 8 Roimata .. .. .. . • • • • • • • • • 0 15 6 Rosebrook .. .. .. .. .. ■ ■ •. ■ • 5 19 9 Rosewill .. .. • • ■ • • • ■ • • • • • 298 5 10 Ruapuna No.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 111 Ruatangata .. .. .. .. .. .. 1103 Rugged Ridges .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 081 Sandilands.. .. •. •• •• •• •• •• 1 15 3 Saxon .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 1 10 Soargill .. • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • 19 7 4 Seafield .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 336 Seaforth .. .. .. ■. • • • • • • • • 0 13 5 Seccombe .. .. .. .. .• .. •• •• 800 Selwyn .. .. •. • • • • • • • • • • 45 17 1 Sherenden .. .. • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • 77 17 0 Sherwood Downs .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 115 3 8 Soland .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 054 Spotswood.. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 422 Springhill .. .. .. .. • • ■ • • • • • 95 13 9 Stalker .. .. .. •. •• •• •• 279 Stanley .. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • 115 4 Starborough .. .. .. . • •. • • •• 148 4 6 Steward .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 83 1 1 St. Helens .. .. .. • .. .. • • • • • • 2 10 6 Stoke .. • • • • •• •• •• • • •• 20 17 2 Stokes .. .. •• • • • • • • • • • • 2 4 10 Strathmore .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 947 Streamlands .. .. .. .. • • •. • • 2 15 4 Studholme Junction.. .. .. .. . • .. • • 0 16 0 Tablelands.. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 20 7 11 Tahaia .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 502 Tahawai .. .. •• •• •• •• 078 Taikorea .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 1 14 10 Takitu .. .. • • • ■ • • • • • • • • 36113 Tamai .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 1111 Taniwha .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 6 11 0 Tapapa .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 15 11 9 Tara 37 4 6 Tarawahi .. .. .. . • • • • • • • • • 3 15 1 Tariki .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 1153 Tauherenikau .. .. .. .. .. . • .. 5 8 11 Taumaihi .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 14 4 Taumata .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 19 2 Tautari .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 8 7 Tawaha .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 29 13 11 Teanaraki .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 506 Teihoka .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 488 Te Arai .. .. •• ■• • • • • • • • • 42 15 9 Teasdale .. . • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • 2 16 5 Te Kura .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 225 7 8 Te Mata .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 3 8 11 Te Matua .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 3 11 10 TeMiro .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 1,008 3 3 TePua .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 51 18 1 Te Puke .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 5 6 Teschemaker .. . • • • • • • • • • • • 40 7 10 Teviot .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 5,904 14 3 Timaunga .. .. .. .. •. • • .. •. 61 14 7 I Timaunga Extension .. .. . • . • .. .. 21 4 4 Tiraumea .. .. •• •• •• — •• •• 31 11 2 Tokaora .. .. •. • • • • • • • • • • 17 2 2 Tokarahi .. .. .. •. • • • • • • • • 45 7 3 Tokoiti .. ■ • •. • • • • .. • • 5 10 4 Tomoana .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 106 Tongoio .. .. .. •• •• •• .. •• 48 15 4 Totara .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 27 10 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 38.232 5 0 153,181 12 6

B.—l [PT. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9*24-1 925.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT—continued.


Hame of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. •• 38,232 5 0 153,181 12 6 Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Tripp 50 6 4 Tututawa .. .. .. ,, .. .. .. 580 Upokonui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 152 Valverde .. .. .. .. .. .. . • < > 38 8 10 Waari .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 576 Waddington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 17 1 Wahren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 6 Waiapi ., .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 2 15 2 Waiare .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 162 5 7 Waiarikiki.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 12 0 Waihau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 5 8 Waihora .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 11 8 Waikakahi.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 406 7 8 Waimana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 19 4 Waimarie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 12 2 YVaimata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 0 11 Waimate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 2 6 Waipapa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 4 Waipuka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 663 Wairere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 737 Waitahuna No. 1 .. . . .. .. .. .. 0 8 10 Waitahuna No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 19 11 Waitakaruru .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 549 Waiteitei .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 5 6 Wangapeka .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 18 8 2 Warnock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 389 Watea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 4 1 Waterson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 482 Westeott .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 1 0 Weatmere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 16 2 Wharenui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j. 3 3 6 Whitehall . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 17 1 Wigan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 1 7 Wilford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 8 4 Willows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 790 Winchester.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 4 5 Windsor Park No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 3 2 Windsor Park No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 17 1 Wither Run .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 286 3 6 Woulfe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 5 Wright .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 13 1 Sections 36056 and 36057 .. .. .. .. f 068 1862 .. .. .. .. .. .. 016 36226 .. .. .. .. .. .. ® 024 30791 .. .. . .. .. 076 36278 .. .. .. .. .. • • i a § J 10 10 36469 .. .. .. .. .. ..'"§§1 0 117 36228 .. .. .. .. .. • • -j§ 0 13 6 2682 ° 0 10 „ 34430 and 34431, including part 29561.. .. TJ1 0 7 2 36231 .. .. .. .. .. .. ) I 0 12 10 Isolated Section—■ Howard, Section 13, Block VI .. .. .. .. .. 088 39,753 18 4 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £192,935 10 10 Credits in reduction of Expenditure on Estates, — Expenses incidental to Estates — Acton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 2 Airedale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 18 0 0 Albury .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 14 6 Awamoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 291 Buddo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 095 Chamberlain .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 075 Clifton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,011 17 2 Conical Hills .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Edendale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1611 Hetana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 1] Knowsley Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 006 Koremoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 0 Lake .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 391 Lyndhurst j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 458 Mangateparu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 4 6 Melville Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 021 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 15,120 3 5

B.—l [PT. ll.]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT—continued.



I I Name of Estate. j Incidental Expenses. Total. | £ s. d. £ s. d. ; Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. | 15,120 3 6 Credits in reduction ol Expenditure on Estates—continued. Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Parke's .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 0 4 8 Pihautea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 5 0 Remuera .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 12 3 Springhill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ( 5114 TeMiro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 13 4 Teviot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 28,285 9 2 Timaunga .. .. .. .. .. .. ..j 125 1 43,526 1 7 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £43,526 1 7 ! Credits in reduction of Expenditure on Estates, — Acquirement of Estates— , Avonhead No. 2.. .. .. .. .. .. ..j 500 Hukutaia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 285 12 0 Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J 18 19 6 Teviot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! 987 10 0 1,297 1 6 | Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,297 1 6

J Interest to 31st March, 1924. at 4 per cent, (in reduction £ s. d. £ s. d. of interest recouped to Consolidated Fund) on liability of £78,089 15s. 2d. taken over by the Housing Account.. .. .. 31,255 6 8 —

8.-i [Pr. ii; .

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-19 25.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account).

13— B. 1 [PT. ll].


Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Total. Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1908, Section 82, — £ s. d £ s d Acquirement of Estates — Radclifle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 — 200 0 0 Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates— £ g . a, Ahiaruhe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 7 9 Akitio .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 232 14 3 Alberton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 18 6 Almadale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 730 Araheke .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 10 1 Arawhata .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 3 0 8 Ardkeen .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 7 5 Arnmore.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 16 9 Bankfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1110 Bomford.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 10 0 Braemore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 2 7 Broadfields .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 3 10 Brooksdale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 1 0 Caliender .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 191 Coyle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 14 5 Crichton Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 13 9 Crownthorpe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 125 5 8 Dalmain .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 182 10 Daivbin .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 376 Devonshire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 Dromore.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 715 Eaglesham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 14 7 Gee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 15 9 Glencoe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 14 3 Glengarry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 8 5 Glenn Rae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 2 Goat Hills .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 1 8 Grange .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 15 2 Greves .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 9 Hammond .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 6 1 Haunui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1153 Haunui No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 19 1 Hawthorne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 486 Hei Hei .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 031 Hikuai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 601 16 7 Homebush .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 342 7 11 Huatoki.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,375 17 7 Huia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 10 2 Isleworth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 17 0 Katikara .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 310 Kelso .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 130 14 11 Kiwitea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 Kohura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 17 4 Kopuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 6 8 Kopuku No. 2.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 859 Koremoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 9 Lambrook .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 575 Lauriston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 14 10 Linkwater Dale .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 44 2 10 Makopua .. .. .. .. .. .. 14711 Mana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 7 5 Mangamaire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 17 7 Marama-a-Mau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. g3g g g Marco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 232 Maruia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 12 1 Mataikona .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,079 12 8 Matakitaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 11 8 McLean .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 1 16 2 Moorlands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 3 10 Moroa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 15 11 Morten .- .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 135 Motukai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 211 16 6 Motutara .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 403 g g Mountford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 12 5 Mount Pisa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,089 6 1 Nesdale No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 085 Neville .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 12 8 Ngahape .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 4 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 21,441 9 6 200 0 0

B—l IPt HI.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1924-192 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account) —continued.


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,441 9 0 200 0 0 Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1908, Section 82 —continued. Expenses incidental to Estates —continued. Ngutu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 4 0 Oakwood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 6 7 Ohuka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 290 3 4 Olliver .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 8 9 Olver .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 16 6 Omana .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 9 10 Omapu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 6 Omeheu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 4 2 Orongo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1,881 5 5 Oroua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 16 1 Osborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 5 7 Otahome.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 232 0 3 Paremata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 8 9 Parinui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 15 11 Piu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360 18 10 Pohehe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Poplar Grove .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 17 5 Puahue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 14 9 Pukeawa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14141 Pukekoa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 7 6 Pukenui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 4 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 17 6 Puni .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 3 6 Quillinan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 14 1 RadclifEe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 440 Rahu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 14 0 Ratapiko .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 15 4 Raumaewa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 3 Repongaere .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. 65 19 4 Rissington .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 13 2 Riverina.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 16 2 Rollesby.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 160 Springwell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 18 8 Strath vale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4114 Tairua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 8 6 Taitama .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5115 Tapuae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2111 Tawhiwhi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 210 14 1 Te Ore Ore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2119 Te VVhiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 10 11 Tikotu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 093 Tilverstowe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 9 4 Tutaki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 925 11 6 Tuturumuri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 13 2 Waikiwi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 692 10 8 Wairuna.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 0 10 Waitohi Peaks .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 2 10 Wharekaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 16 6 Whatawhata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 White .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 8 11 Wilder .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 12 9 Woodlaw.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 312 Youle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 14 2 Totals 27,306 3 9 £27,506 3 9 Credits in reduction of Expenditure on Estates,— Expenses incidental to Estates— Crownthorpe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 180 10 0 Dalmain.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 3 0 Eaglesham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 198 Goat Hills .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 8 6 Glencoe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Hikuai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 10 Huatoki.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 Kohura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Lauriston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 Mount Pisa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,804 5 4 i Carried forward .. .. .. .. 23,289 1 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of TRANSACTIONS relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account) —continued.

R. E. Hayes, Secretary to the Treasury. A. D. Park, Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. G-. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General, The Treasury, Wellington, Audit Office, 18th July, 1925. 16th July, 1925.

Approximate Cost o Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (575 copies), £180.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92s.

Price Is. 9d.]


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,289 1 8 Credits in reduction of Expenditure on Estates—continued. Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Orongo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,012 18 9 Pukeawa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 048 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4711 Tuturumuri ., .. .. .. .. .. 15 8 10 24,322 1 10 Total .. .. .. .. £24,322 1 10 Credits in reduction of Expenditure on Estates, Acquirement of Estates— Hikuai .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 23 0 0 Tairua .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 Wairuna.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 16 2 — 27 16 2 Total .. .. . . .. .. .. .. £27 16 2

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