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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the, Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 17th Day of July, 1924. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Native Affairs Committee be appointed, consisting of sixteen members, to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Nativo race that may be brought before the House this session, and from time to time to report tiiereon to the House ; with power to call for persons and papers ; throe to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr. Corrigan, Mr. Hawkon, Mr. Henare, Mr. Hockly, Mr. Mcllvride, Mr. McKay, Mr. Murdoch, the Hon. Mr. Ngata, Mr. O'Brien, the Hon. Sir M. Pomare, Mr. J. C. RoUeston, Mr. Uru, Mr. Williams, Mr Young, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Friday, the ]Btii Day of July, 1924. Ordered, "That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1923 be again referred to the same Committee as they wore referred to during the said sossion."—(Right Hon. Mr. Massey.) Wednesday, the 20th Day of August, 1924. Ordered, " That Papers Nos. 164, 165, 166, and 167 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Friday, the 22nd Day of August, 1924. Ordered,, "That the petition of Rachel M. Hassall be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Mr. Hockly.) Tuesday, the 26th Day of August, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of H. Matanuku and others bo referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Thursday, the 28tii Day of August, 1924. Ordered, "That Paper No. 187 be reforred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 9th Day of September, 1924. Ordered, "That, Paper No. 201 be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 9th Day of September, 1924. Ordered, " That the petitions of Hori Mete and others, Tupara Tamana and others, and Te Hata Tipoki be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Friday, the 12th Day of September, 1924. Ordered, " That the Native Affairs Committee have leave to sit this afternoon during the sitting of the House."— (Mr. Williams.) Friday, the 12th Day of Septhmher, 1924. Ordered, " That the petitions of Koreama, Tihema. W'i Waikari, Heni Morete, and Hori King] Parapara he referred direct to tho Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.)

I—l. 3.



Friday, the 12tii Day ok September, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of W. G. Sherratt and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Mr. Williams.) Tuesday, the 16th Day of September, 1924. Ordered, "That the Native Affairs Committee have leave to sit this afternoon during the sitting of the House."—(Mr. Williams.) Friday, the 19th Day of September, 1924. Ordered, " That the petitions of Taite te Tomo and others and Clara Titipo Mokena and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Sir M. Pomare.) Wednesday, the Ist Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the petitions of Te Haenga Paretipua, Heeni Tipene te Warn and others, and Winiata to Rito and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Thursday, the 2nd Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of Take Homana and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Tuesday, the 7th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the Petition of Too Kara and five others be referred direct to the, Native Affairs Committee," —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Monday, the 13th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the petition of Wharehuia Heta and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Friday, the lOtii Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the petitions of Tuelm Pomare and another (2) and Ruku te Kuril and others lie referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee.—(Hon. Mr. Noata.) Friday, the 17th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, That the petition of Kawana Kuratau and others he referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Monday, the 20th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the Native Trustee Amendment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.) Tuesday, the 21st Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the petition of A. C Mason ho referred direct to the. Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. McLeod.) Tuesday, the 21st Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the petition of Makere Paora be referred direct to the Native Affairs Conimitteee."—(Hon. Mr. Ngata.) Wednesday, the 22nd Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " Thai the petition of Makiwhara be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Sir M. Pomare.) Tuesday, the 28th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the petition of Hera Hapi and others be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."— (Mr. McKay.) Thursday, the 30th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, "That the Native Land Rating Bill he referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hen. Mr. Coates.) Thursday, the 30th Day of October, 1924. Ordered, " That the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Coates.)




No. Petitioner, Ac. Page. Ho. Petitioner, Ac. Pag«. 71/24 385/22 379/24 291/19 179/19 270/20 204/20 302/20 150/24 111/23/11 73/24 120/23/ll Paper 187 381/22 47/23/11 Ahipene, Te Paea, and 23 others Akanihi Whitianga and 7 others Anaru Makiwhara te Rira and 23 others Anaura Block Anaura Block Anaura Block Ani Haronga, and 5 others Ani Taimutu Aorangi Block Arawa Maori Counoil Te Auhe Tautokai and another Aurere Block Ata Tamihana Turoa Kupa and another Te Auto Kihirau Tc Awamate Block 32 IS! 41 45 48 43 43 19 36 9 41 45 17 6 10 276/20 154/22 284/24 342/21/11 47/23/11 48/23/11 202/20 102/24 126, 206/24 120/23 392/22 119/23/1.1 351/20 23/24 284/22 192/20 150/24 13/23/11 17/23/11 119/23 84/23/11 344/24 203/23/11 190/23/11 285/24 16/24 190/23/11 161/22 120/24 150/24 343/22 23/24 174/22 20/24 384/22 82/24 105/24 338/22 148/24 129/23/11 Heni Kaiwhiri and 14 others Heni Morete and 3 others Heni Morote Hereheretau B 2 Block Heremia Maehe and 6 others. . Heremia Maehe and 7 others. . Herepete Rapihana Herepeto Rapihana Herupara No. 1 Block Heta Kiriwi and 26 others Hikatangata Pumipi and 2 others Hikurangi Block Hikurangi Block Himiona Ekene and 8 others. . Hinetiraha Block Hinewhaki No. 2 Block Hinewhaki No. 2 Block Hira Rangimatini .. Hira Rangimatini Te Hira, Kataraina, and 2(i others Hirschberg, G. A. .. Hirsohberg, G. A. .. Hoani Mahuika and 8 others Hori Kingi Parapara and another Hori Kingi Parapara and another Hori Herewini and 20 others Hori Kingi Parapara and another Hori te Manana and 3 others Hori te Manana and 3 othors.. Hori te Hapoki (deceased) Hori Poroa Rakaruhi Horowhenua 11b 42 Block Horowhenua 11b Horowhenua Block Hoto Taua and 15 others Huhuraumati B No. 3a Block Huia, Ngamihi te, and another Te Huia Pikikotuku and 3 others Hune Hukanui and others .. . . Te Hura Umukohukohu, R. ., 43 7 27 19, 23 16 9 (i 35 28 45 21 11 40 17 25 46 40 26 20 44 13 24 12 is 28 31 9 21 28 36 21 17 34 17 10 35 28 12 32 10 22/24 BillsNative, Trustee Amendment Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Native Land Bating Brown, Hakere. Brown, Jane (Paper 252) Billings, Rina, and another 38 II 41 39 14 8 207/22 82/24 Cassrels, L. E. 35 335/24 Davis, iM. R. 42 23/24 93/24 12/21/1 351/20 339/24 93/24 84/22 214/22 215/22 277/20 301/22 278/22 68/24 11/21/1 62/24 Ekene Himiona and others Ellison, D... Enoka Teroa and 0 others Erana Paerimu and 19 others Eremiha Heke and 50 others Erihana, Raniera (deceased) Eruera te Akau Eru Ihaka and 41 others Eru ihaka and 6 others Eru Mete and 13 others Eru Mete and 11 others Eru Tokara (Motete) and 2 others Epiniha Kaihote Epiniha Kaihote Evans, Margaret L. 17 3!) II 46 40 39 13 7 7 19 38 43 27 10 35 241/20 287/22 86/24 lnnis, A. E. Ioapa te Hau and 12 others Ioapa te Hau and 57 others 48 38 32 343 m 291/19 22/24 Faulkner, Clara and George (deceased) Ferris, C. W. Final report Fishing Rights, Manaia and Coromandel Harbours Flutey, G., and another 21 45 47 39 181/23/11 342/21/n Jacob's River Hundred, Section 20, Block IV Johnson, Merc 47 19 197/24 13/21/1 69/24 349/24 238/21/11 207/22 282/22 1.54/22 22/24 101/24 337/24 05/24 Paper 201 73/24 335/24 67A/24 165/23/11 385/22 181/23/11 204/20 267/24 387/22 80/23/11 108/24 375/22 17 1 21 147/24 200 21 211 22 354/22 176/23/11 280/22 118/23/11 20/24 Haenga Paretipua ami another Haenga Paretipua, Te Haenga Paretipua Haereata Paora and another Hahau Block . . . . \ Hahau Block Hahau Block Hakere Brown Hape Nikora and others Hape Nikora and others Hapi Tihini Pereiha and 20 others Hapotiki Block Harete Tuwhakararo (deceased) Harete Tuwhakararo (deceased) Hariata to Umu (deceased) Harris, Ngawai To Haruru Rewapuru (deceased) Hassell, Rachel Matilda Haronga, Ani, and 5 others Te Hata Tipoki Te Hati Pakaroa Te, Hautapu Wharehira and 23 others Hauturu East 1e Section 3 .. Hei Pounamu Utika and 29 others Hema Hcnare and 4 others Hemi P. Huata and 120 others Hcnare Matanuku and 4 others Hcnare Matanuku Hcnare Matanuku and -1 others Hcnare Matanuku and another Hcnare Paringatai and 2 others Henare Pikaahu and 25 others Heeni Kipa 39 11 30 40 6 i 21, 27 24 7 39 34 34 27 18 42 : 42 46 14 13 47 43 32 25 10 29 42 34 33 28 20 20 20 20 44 17 155/22 156/22 181/24 11/21/1 323/22 307/22 302/22 I 276/24 291/19 72/24 1,19/23/11 165/23/11 362/24 212/20 71/24 72/24 03/24 I 48/23/11 207/22 203/23/11 192/20 348/24 155/24 120/23/11. 109/23/11 260/22 187/23/11 282/24 I 329/22 207/22 208/22 209/22 210/22 158/23/11 83/22 333/22/11 1 324/22 Kaa, Panikena Kaa, Panikena Kahawai Tanu Kaiapohia Block Kaiaua No. I Block Kaiti 336 k Kaiwahie Block Kaiwhiri, Heni, and 14 others Kararaina te Kani (deceased) Kara, Timi » Kataraina te Hira and others Katipo Eriata Kauhouroa Block Kauhouroa Kauhouroa Block Kauhouroa Block Tc Kauae-o-Ruru-Wahine Nos. 1 and 3 Kauhouroa Kautuku No. 19 .. .. ... Kawatiri Reserve Tc Kihi Kaihote and 9 others Kingi Karauria and 32 others Kipa te Whatanui . . .. ■ Kiriwi. Heta, and 26 others Keita Kiliirini Kereama Tihema and others Kereama Tihema and others . . Kereama Tihema Kereru Lake Kohcrc, ll. T., and 3 others Kohere, It. T, and 3 others Kohcrc, ll. T., and 0 others Kohcrc, It. T., and 4 others Kohu, Nepia, and. 028 others Komakorau, Lots 140 and 148 Komiti Marae Kopuatarakihi Ia Block 21 24 35 16 44 23 18 43 45 32 44 14 37 ti 32 32 30 9 8 12 40 40 30 45 13 7 9 19 18 21 22 22 22 13 II 9 44



INDEX— continued.

No. Petitioner, Ac. ,Page. No. Petitioner, &c. Page. 327/22 87/24 88/2-1 67A/24 212/20 202/24 13/21 L 68/23/11 366/21/11 80/24 281/24 387/22 45/24 292/24 35/23/1 100/24 07/23/11 08/23/11 155/22 150/22 208/22 207/22 209/22 210/22 211/22 207/22 279 22 280/22 300/22 Maera Kuao and 102 others r. Mahia Block Maika Renata Makaia, Wiripine (deceased) .. Mako Kaimoana and 31 others Manaia Hakanui (deceased) Mangaopuraka Blook Mangapiko Parish, Lots 238/9 and 241a Mangaroa Block Mangatu Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks Mangatu No. I Mock Mangawhariki, Nos. 1 and 3 Blocks Mauuariki. Reweti Rewiri Maraea Ormond and 2 other's Mai'aenui Mita and 3 others Maraetaha Block Marangairoa In Block (Taupo) Marangairoa Id Block (Tc Ipuarango) Marangairoa lo and Id Block Marangairoa Id Block Marangairoa Id Block Marangairoa Id Block Marangairoa Id Block (Mataura) Marangairoa I o Block (Hahau overlap) Marangairoa Id Block Marangairoa 11> Block Marangairoa ] d 9 Block Marangairoa Id 2 Block Marangairoa 1 d 2 Block Marangairoa Id 19 Block .. < Marau Block Marsh, Sarah, and 00 others Mason, A. C. Matahiia Block 39/24 Matahina A 3b Block Matanuku, Henare Matanuku, Henare, and 4 others Matata, Lot 72b 3v No. 4 .. Matauri 2a 2g Block Mate Awhenata Rehutai and another .. Matene te Mataki Matuku Block Mauhana Houkamau Maungaroa 1 and 3 Blocks Mereana Paora and 2 others Mere Hape and 0 others Meii Hape and another Merc Karaka Puaiari (deceased) More Johnson Mete, Eru, and others Mihi Iranui and 3 others Mihi Keita Huihui and 5 others Mihi Ngawaka and 11 others Mitai Mikaere Mikaera Maru (deceased) Mita Wepiha and 4 others Moffatt, Phyllis H., and 136 others . . Mokonuiarangi, T. K. Motete, Eru Tokara, and 2 others Motukino Island 18 30 32 8 6 31 38 11 32 32 29 25 33 30 16 43 20 27 21 24 22 20 22 22 20 8 25 20 24 20, 31 43 22 45 34 40 20 28 42 6 18 36 11 8 20 0 38 23 10 19 38 9 23 17 36 36 48 23 15 43 48 292/24 19/24 379/24 105/24 317/21 Ormond, Maraea, and 2 othors Oruarangi Block Otau Blook Otorohanga If 4a Block.. Oyster-beds, Coromandel District 36] 28l 41S 282 392 32 40 46 7 7 24 21 27 30 14 29 15 45 0 7 7 24 37 48 44 19 29 40 29 24 15 46 34 30 II II 43 7 42 411 42 30 in 31 30 0 42 17 13 40 14 15 71/21 351/20 351/20 214/22 215/22 150/22 155/22 (iSA/2 I 09/24 93/23/11 108/24 202/20 107/24 381/22 214/22 215/22 184/22 198/21 Te Paea Ahipene and 33 others Paeoterangi Block Paerimu, Erana, and 19 others Pakohu Blook Pakohu Block Panikena Kaa Panikena Kaa Papuni Blook (Tahora 21) Papuni Blook (Tahora 21) Paraone Ropiha and 9 others Paraone, Rangiwhakarewa Paratene Ngata Parekaihina Tuhora Parekapa Taepa (deceased) Parongaronga Block Parengarenga Blook Pota Hape and 20 others Paretiti Eruoho Petitions held over Pikaahu, Henare, and 25 others Pikihuia Pakau and 12 others Pikihuia Pakau and 5 others.. Piki Pikaahu Wiki and 25 others Piripi Rairi and 17 others Piripi Rairi and 6 others Tc Pokohu 1 and 2 Blocks Pomana, Rehu, and 141 others Porter, T. R., and another Poti Tiatoa Potae, Wiremu, and 0 others.. Potae, Wiremu, and another Potae, Wiremu, and another Pouhautea Block Pounamu Utika and 29 others Poutahi Hapimana and 42 others Presbyterian Maori Technical College . . Te Pua No. 2 Block Te Puke Confiscated Lands .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Blook Puketitiri Block Pukepoto No. 8 Block Puketapu Block Puketitiri Reserve Puti Rau II oterino Puatainga Block Poi Wharepouri and 33 others Paper 164/24/G., re Okahukura 8m No. 2 Block Paper 165/24/G., re Mangahauini No. 7 Block Paper 166/24/G., re Tawapata South 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 Blocks Paper 167/24/G., re Ngati-Mutunga Reserve Paper 187/24/G., re Waimarino. Jo., Blocks Paper 201/24/G., re Succession to Waikauri (deceased) 354/22 326/22 250/22 397/24 15/19 339/24 170/23/11 200/24 335/21/11 239/21/11 100/22 150/21 12/21/11 281/22 325/22 239/21/11 19/21/1 307/22 180/23/11 342/21/11 301/22 145/23/11 266/22 Jini 23 II 92/24 92/24 175/24 257/22 205/20 278/22 175 21 118/23/II 17/21 18/24 117/23 107/24 300/22 205/20 200/24 15/19 24/24 323/22 324/24 320/24 200/22 375/22 338/24 205/24 24/24 80/23/11 47/24 70/24 202/20 375/22 200/23/1 1 109/23/tl 351/20 173/23/11 220/22 314/19 15 308/22 15 14 118/22 17 149/24 153/23/11 258/22 00A/24 J 01/24 j 87/24 100/24 283/22 353/24 105/24 105/23/11 107/22 266/24 166/23/11 Te Naora te Houkotuku Nepia Kohu and 628 others Newman, Thomas, and 64 othoi Noketini, Te Pane (deoeased), . Nikora, Hape, and 70 others Ngahiwi Peko and 53 others Ngahuru, Mate Ngamoe No. 2 Block Ngamotu Block Ngamihi tc Huia .. Ngawai Harris Nuhaka No. 1 Block Nuhaka 2b 2j Block Nuhaka 2jo 3a 7d 2 Block 33 13 23 48 34 30 48 25 40 28 14 34 40 48 401/17 18 335/22 100/24 Raiha Kota and 4 others Rakai Tamihana and 18 others Rakaukaka Block . . .. J Rangi Patene and 2 otheris Rangipuao Tukotaiii Rangi Raroa and 25 others Rangi Raroa and 25 others Rangi Raroa and 10 others .. Rangi Raroa and 29 others Raniera Erihana (deceased) .. Ranginui, Inia, and 7 others .. Rangiwakarewa, Paraone To Rauna Hape and others Te Rauna Hape Te Rauna Hape Raureti te Huia Rea Nikorima and 13 others Rea Nikorima and 15 other's Rehu Pomana and 141 others Renata Huihui and another Renata Maika Renata Maika it; 43 24. 38 18 24 21 25 20 27 39 28 29 32 40 8 11 32 20 46 10 10 32 19/21/1 361/22 25/24 Ohuia Block Ohura South G 4b and G 4h Blocks .. Okahukura 8m No. 2 Block .. J. 38 30 15, 19 17 16 20 46 28 29 41 302/22 237/22 282/22 284/22 67/23/1 1 68/23/11 93/24 19/24 108/24 167/24 67A/24 380/22 108/23/11 300/21/H 367/21/11 200/24 180/23/11 185/22 88/24 17/24 44/24 35/23/11 367/21/11 117/23/11 105/24 107/24 73/24 Okataina Block Okoheriki No. 2o No. 4o Blook Omaio Block Opoutori Block Orahiri No. 1 Blook Orahiri V Block Orimupiko 1892 Leases



INDEX— continued.

No. Petitioner, Ac. ' 'i-> ■" Page. No. Petitioner, Ac. Page. 70/24 316/24 45/24 335/21/11 280/24 355/22 197/24 280/24 84/22 Renata, Te Whatuiapiti Te Reureu Block Reweti Rewiri Mauuai'iki Rhodes, A. J. .. ... Rewi Henare Ripeka Takatua Ripene Waipapa Rongohaurumanu Block Ruanata Block 30 37 33 42 37 8 39 30 37 33 42 37 8 39 37 13 203/22 161/22 335/24 107/24 100/22 282/24 Tupuaeroa Ia Block Turitaka No. 2 Block Tuwhakararo, Harete (deceased) Tuhora, Parekaihina Te-o-Herenga Block Tikitiki Block 8 21 42 45 18 9, 19 281/24 Sherratt, W. (!., and 5 others Special Report Smith, Thomas Hawkirrs Smith, Thomas Hawkins .HI 37 ! 13 13 29 47 45 12 29 47 15 12 129/23/11 172/22 341/22 375/22 202/24 Te Umukohukohu, R. to Hura, and 15 others Uretara Island Urewera Lands Utika, Hei Pounamu, and 29 others .. Te Ua Ngatai Rakaunui 10 11 26 42 31 72/23 II 327/21/11 83/22 148/24 08/24 69/24 44/24 310/24 353/24 03/21 279/22 100/24 335/22 147/24 101/24 337/24 127/24 283/22 109/24 101/24 337/24 13/23/11 14/23/11 137/23/11 Taare te Tuatara and 4 others Tahora 2c 1 and 2t' Blocks .. Tahora 2i Block Tahora 2f Block .. 'fauna te Ngahue and 4 other's Taite te Tomo and 14 others Take Hamana and others Tamaho Maika Tamati Kaiwai and another .. Tamihana, Rakai and 18 other's Tangihanga Jo Block Taramarama Block Tarawera Block Tarawera Block Tarata Block Tarati Wharepapa and others Taroa te Rangitanga and others Tatarakina Block Tatarakina Block Tatua East Tatua East Tatua East and West Blocks.. Taumarunui Township, Lands in Taurewa 4 West E 2b Block Tautokai tc Auhe and another Teo Kara and 5 othors Tiatoa, Poti Tikareti Teiriwhiro and 175 others Thai Kara and 17 others Tiroa Block Titipo. Clara, and 97 others .. Tokomaru Block Tuamotu Island Tuehu Pomare and 81 others Tunoa Roihana and 4 others Tupara Tamana and 634 others '{ 11 ! 32 I 27 30 ! 17 37 4(1 30 . . 25 43 ! 16 j 33 I 34 34 I 29 I 25 ! 33 34 I 34 26 26 34 f 12. I 30 ! . 29 I 41 . 37 . 30" 26 32 . 33 39 19 9 34 26 , 42 II 32 27 30 17 37 4(1 30 25 43 10 33 34 34 29 25 33 34 34 £ 20 34 12, 30 29 41 37 30" 26 32 33 39 19 9 34 26 42 392/22 25/24 93/23/11 19/24 Paper 187 262/20 278/22 277/20 147/24 301/22 379/24 163/23/11 172/22 13/21/1 204/20 43/24 118/23/11 65/24 10/24 237/22 203/22 260/22 | 281/22 355/22 1 190/23 285/24 J 85/23 88/24 198/24 70/24 47/24 117/23/11 137/23/11 323/22 324/22 326/22 380/22 283/24 I Waewaehikitia Block Waikura te Waihanea Waimarino Block Waimarino Block Waimarino Block Waipaoa Ia Block Waipiro Township Wairau Block Wairau Block Wairau and Ohuia Boundaries Wairoa Block Waitomo County Council Waugh, Lucy S. To Whakaki Block Te Whakaki Block Whakangaro Makahue and 07 others .. Whakapapa Block Whakapoungakau No. 10 Block Whangapo Parish, Lots 17, 38/9 Whangape Parish, Lot 75 W harau Tuhaka Wharekahika Block.. Wharekahika Block.. Wharekahika Block.. Whart kahika Block Wharekahika Blook,. Wharekawa 4a and other' blocks Wharekawa 49 and other blocks Wharepapa Petera Te Whatuiapiti Renata Wihapi, W. K. Wiki Piki Pikaahu and 25 othors Wikitoria Ngahirapu Ehau and 2 other's Wiremu Potae and another Wiremu Potae and another Wiremu Potao and 0 others Wiripine Makaia (deceased) Wi Waikari 21 30 14 28 17 15 43 19 19 38 41 12 11 11 43 38 II 27 31 21 8 23 8 8 9 i 28 10 32 37 30 i 31 j 46 I 34 j 44 44 43 8 31 25/24 18/24 73/24 302/24 24/24 311 22 72/24 109/24 317/24 302/20 145/23/11 107/22 325/22 205/24



EBPOETS. No. 202/20.— Petition of HteteEPETB Rapihana. Prating for investigation in connection with alleged confiscation of a portion of Pukepoto No. 8. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with, regard to this petition! 20th August, 1924. I Translation.) No. 202/20. —Pitihana a Herepete Rapihana. E inoi ana Ida iiinia te aliua o te murunga i tetahi wahi o Pukepoto No. 8. Kua whakahaua aliua kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutoliu a le Komiti mo rimga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 212/20.—Petition of Mako Kaimoana and 31 Others. Praying for return of part of land known as Kauhouroa. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred, to the Government for consideration. 20th August, 1924. | Translation.] No. 21.2/20. —Pitihana a Mako Kaimoana mo etahi atu tangata c 31. X INOI ana kia whakahokia atu tetahi wahi o tc whenua c mohiotia ne.i ko Kauhouroa. Kua whakahaua ahan kia ripoata kite wliakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 20 o Akuhata, 1925.

No. 238/21/11. —Petition of Haereata Paora and Another. Praying: for cancellation of the lease of Matauri 2d. I sun directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 238/21.—Pitihana a Haereata Paora me tetahi atu. E INOI ana kia whakakorea atu te riihi o Matauri 2i). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutoliu a tc Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1.924.

No. 239/21/11. —Petition of Mereana Paora and 2 Others. Praying for cancellation of the sale of Matauri 2a and 20. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 239/21.—Pitihana a Mereana Paora rate etahi atu tokorua. E INOI ana kia whakakorea atu te lioko o Matauri 2a me 2c. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau lie kupu tohutohu a te Komiti, mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 381/22. —Petition of Te Aute Kihirau. Praying for inquiry re succession to Parekapa Taepa. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 381/22.—Pitihana a Te Aute Kihirau. E tnoi ana kia uiuia te whakatunga kai-riiwhi mo Parekapa Taepa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui te whai haere, kaore kau kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 215/22.—Petition of Eru Ihaka and 6 Others. Praying for return to the Native owners of Parengarenga and Te Pakohu, Section A. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 215/22. —Pitihana a Eru Ihaka me etahi atu tokoono. E INOI ana kia whakahokia atu ki nga Maori no ratau, a Parengarenga me Te Pakohu, Tektona A. Kua whakahaua ahau ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a to Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 214/22.—Petition of Eru Thaka and 41 Others. Praying that the Parengarenga and Te Pakohu Blocks be reverted to the Native owners. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 214/22. —Pitihana a Eru Thaka me etahi atu c 41. E ixoi ana, kia whakahokia atu ki nga Maori no ratou, a Parengarenga me Te Pakohu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau lie kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pit ihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 154/22.—Petition of Heni Moeete and 3 Others. Pis wing for further inquiry into the, title of the Hahau Block. I am directed to report lhat, the Committee has no recommendation to make will) regard to this petit ion. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 154/22. —Pitihana o Heni Morete me, etahi atu tokotoru. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taitara o Hahau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 260/22.—Petition of Kereama Tihema and 34 Others. PRAYING for investigations into the relative interests in Pouhautea Block. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedy, the Commit lee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.]' No. 260/22. —Pitihana a Kereama Tthema me, etahi atu c 34. E tnoi ana kia whakawakia te rarahi o nga paanga ki Pouhautea Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui te whai haere, kaore kau lie kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.



No. 281/22.- -Petition of Mauhana Houkamau. Praying for redefinition of relative interests in Wharekahika Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, J 924. ._ || Translation.]] No. 281/22 — Pitihana a Mauhana Houkamau. E tnoi ana kia kimihia ano te raralri o nga paanga ki Wharekahika Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau ho kupu tohutoliu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 267/22.—Petition of F»ina Billings and Another. Praying for inquiry as to shares in No. 19 Kautuku, Maringairoa No. Id, which were awarded to Maringirangi. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 267/22. —Pitihana a Rina Billings me tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga hea i whakataua ki a, Maringirangi 1 No. 19 Kautuku, Maringairoa No. Id. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 355/22.—Petition of Ripeka Takatua. Praying to be included in the, petition of Mauhana Houkamau, re Wharekahika Block, and to be notified of the date of hearing of same. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. — [[Translation.] No. 355/22. Pitihana a Ripeka Takatua. E INOI ana kia whakaurua ia ki roto kite pitihana a Mauhana Houkamau mo Wharekahika Poraka, a kia whakaaturia atu ki a ia te ra c whakahaerea ai taua pitihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te, Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 380/22.--Petition of Te Rauna Hape. Praying for inquiry re succession to Wiripino Makaia and Harawira te Rea (deceased). I am. directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. | Translation.] ►No 380/22.- Pitihana a Te Rauna Hare. X INOI ana kia uiuia te kai-riwhi mo Wiripine Makaia raua kn Harawira te Rea (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau. he, kupu tohutohu a, te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o'Akuhata, 1924.

No. 203/22.—-Petition of Wiiarau Tuhaka and 15 Others. Praying for inquiry into the subdivision of Tapuaeroa No. Ia Block. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that, at the request of the petitioner, leave be, granted for this petition to be withdrawn. 20th August, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 203/22.— Pitihana a Wharau Tuhaka me etahi atu 15. X inoi ana kia uiuia te wawahanga o Tapuaeroa No. Ia Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia rapoata, i runga i te tono a nga kai-pitihana, ko te kupu tohutohu a te Komiti me whakaae kia unuhia tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 48/23.- Petition of Heremia Maehe and 7 Others. Praying that an inquiry be granted in respect of twenty sections, each containing 50 acres, as shown on Deed No. 42 under the Act of the year 1867. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 48/23—Pitihana a Heremia Maehe me etahi atu tokowhitu. E inoi ana kia whakaaetia he uiuinga mo runga mo nga tekiona, ko te rahi o te mea kotahi c rima tekau eka, c whakaaturia nei i runga i te Tiiti No. 42 i raro i te Ture o te tau 1.867. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 190/23/11.—Petition of Hori Kingi Parapara and Another. Praying for a redistribution of shares in the Wharekahika Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 190/23.—Pitihana a Hori Kingi Parapara me tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia whakaratohia ano nga hea i roto o te, Poraka o Wharekahika. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 187/23/11.- Petition of Kereama Tihema and 6 Others. Praying for an appeal against the decision of the Native Land Court in connection with the Tikitiki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 20th August, 1924. [Translation. | No. 187/23.- Pitihana a Kereama Tihema me etahi atu tokoono. E Inoi ana kia whakaaetia he piira mo te whakatau a te Kooti Whehua Maori mo Tikitiki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 333/23/11.—Petition of Komiti Marae. Praying re powers of Arawa Maori Council. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 333/23.—Pitihana si Te Komiti Marae. E tnoi ana mo te taha ki. nga mana mo te, Kaunihera Maori o Te Arawa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea lie take tenei c pa ana ki nga tikanga whakahaere a te Kawanatanga, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata 1924.

No. 145/23/11.—Petition of Mini Iranui and 3 Others. Praying that Tuamotu Island should be revested in petitioners. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924.

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[Translation.] No. 145/23. —Pitihana a Mini Iranui me etahi atu tokotoru. E tnoi ana kia whakahokia atu a Tuamotu Moutere ki nga kai-pitihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 186/23/11.—Petition of Renata Huihui and Another. Praying for a rehearing of the application for probate of the, will of Karaka Puaiari (deceased). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 186/23. —Pitihana a Renata Huihui me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te tono whakamana i te wira a Karaka Puaiari (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 185/23/11.—Petition of Renata Matka. Praying re Wharekawa 4a and other blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard this petition. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 185/23. —Pitihana a Renata Maika. E inoi ana mo te taha ki Wharekawa 4a me era atu poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 20 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 86/23/11. Petition of Te Hautapu Wharehira and 23 Others. Praying that legislation be enacted to restore to petitioners certain Te Puke confiscated lands, and compensation granted. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 86/23. —Pitihana a Te Hautapu Wharehira me etahi atu c 23. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakahoki atu ki nga kai-pitihana i etahi whenua kei Te Puke i murua, kia utua ranei he moni kapeneheihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me, tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 20 o Akuhata, 1.924.

No. 129/23. —Petition of R. Te Hura Umukohukohu and 15 Others. Praying for inquiry into their positions as landless members of the hapus. I am directed, to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 129/23. —Pitihana a R. Te Hura Umukohukohu me etahi atu 15. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kia ratan o nga hapu kua whenua-kore nei. Kua whakahaua. ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a le Komiti me tuku atu lenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 20 o Akuhata, 1924,



No. 13/21/ I.—Petition of Haenga Paretipua and Another. Praying for inquiry into the titles to Whakaki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make as regards this petition. 28th August, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 13/21/I.—Pitihana a Haenga Paretipua me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia nga taitara kite Poraka o Te Whakaki. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 12/21/11. —Petition of Enoka Teroa and 6 Others. Praying for inquiry into ownership of Matuku Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee lias no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 12/21/11. —Pitihana a Enoka Teroa me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga tangata c whaitake ana ki Te Matuku Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 168/23/11.—Petition of Raurkti te Huia. Praying that the Native Land Court be empowered to investigate the titles and to ascertain what persons are entitled to be included as owners in Lots 338, 339, and 341 a, Parish of Mangapiko. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 168/23/11. —Pitihana a Raureti te Huia. E inoi ana kia whakamanaia te Kooti Whenua Maori kite uiui i nga taitara, kite uiui koki ko wai ma nga tangata c whaitake ana kia wliakaurua ki roto ki Rota 338, 339, me 341 a, Pariha o Mangapiko. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 172/22.—Petition of Lucy S. Waugh. Praying for inquiry into claim of petitioner to Uretara Island. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 1.72/22.—Pitihana a Lucy S. Waugh. E tnoi ana kia uiuia te kereme a te kai-pitihana mo Uretara Moutere. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 83/22. —Petition of Taare te Tuatara and 4 Others. Praying that the report of the Appellate Court regarding Lots 146 and 148, Parish of Komakorau, be not confirmed, and that the title to the same be issued in accordance with the order made by Judge Holland. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition 28th August, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 83/22. —Pitihana a Taare te Tuatara me etahi atu tokowha, E inoi ana kia kaua c whakamanaia te ripoata a te Aperata Kooti mo Rota 146 me 148, Pari ha <> Komakorau, a kia whakaputaina te taitara mo aua whenua i runga i te ota i hanga c Tiati Horana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 327/21/11— Petition of Thomas H.JSmith. Praying for compensation in respect of loss suffered as result of uncompleted negotiations in connection with acquisition of certain Native lands. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 327/21/11.—Pitihana a Thomas H. Smith. E inoi ana kia utua he moni kapeneheihana mo te mate i pa ki a ia i rimga i te korenga c whakatutukitia nga whakahaerc mo te hokonga i etahi whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 163/23/11.—Petition of Waitomo County Council and other Local Bodies. Praying for the facilitation of the collection of rates on Native lands, the acquisition by the Crown of the freehold of Maori lands, and other matters pertaining to Native lands. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that, at the request of the, petitioners, leave be granted for this petition to be withdrawn. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 163/23/11.—Pitihana a Te Waitomo Kauti Kaunihera tne ara atu Ropu Takiwa. Einoi ana kia whakamamatia te kohinga i nga moni reiti i runga i nga Whenua Maori, te hokonga iiiai a Te Karauna i te whirihoura o nga Whenua Maori, me era atu take c pa ana ki nga Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i runga i te tono a nga kai-pitihana, ko te kupu tohutohu a te Komiti me whakaae kia unuhiia tenei pitihana. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 203/23/11.—Petition of Hoani Mahutka and 8 Others. Praying for inquiry into the question of beneficiaries of the, Kawabiri lauds. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 203/23/11. —Pitihana a Hoani Mahuika me etahi atu tokowaru. E inoi ana kia uiuia te, taha ki nga tangata c whaitake ana ki nga whenua kei Kawatiri. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 338/22—Petition of Te Huia Pikikottjku and 34 Others. Praying for inquiry into a payment of compensation for certain sections in Taumarunui taken for recreation, school, and other purposes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 338/22. —Pitihana a Te Huia PiKIKOTUKU me etahi atu c 34. E inoi ana kia uiuia te utunga moni kapeneheihana mo etahi tekiona kei Taumarunui i tangokia hei wahi ngahau, hei tunga kura a mo era atu ahua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.



No. 153/23/11.—Petition of Nepia Kohu and 628 Others. Praying for relief from the oppression caused by the erroneous inclusion of their lands in the Tauranga confiscated area. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government lor consideration. 28th August, 1924. [Translation.] No. 153/23/11.—Pitihana a Nepia Kohu me etahi atu c 628. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina ratau mo te mate i pa kia ratau i runga i te whakauruuga pohehetanga i o ratau whenua ki roto kite rohe o nga whenua o Tauranga i murua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Akuhata, 1924.

No. 385/22. —Petition of Akanihi Whitianga and 7 Others. Praying for the cancellation of certain succession orders and for a rehearing as to succession to Te Haruru Rewapuru and Hineteuru (deceased). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 385/22. —Pitihana a Akanihi Whitianga me, etahi atu tokowhitu, E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu etahi ota whakatu kai-riwhi, a kia uiuia ano te, taha whakatu kai riwhi mo Te Haruru Rewapuru me Hineteuru (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 84/22. —Petition of Eruera te Akau. Praying lor inclusion in the title to the lluaiiata Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 9th September, 1924.' [Translation.] No. 84/22. —Pitihana a Eruera te Akau. E INOI ana kia whakaurua ia ki roto kite taitara o Ruanata Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 84/23/11. —Petition of G. A. Hirsohberg. Praytng for repeal of section 59 of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895. I am directed to report that the, Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 84/23/11. —Pitihana a G. A. Hirsohberg. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te tekiona 59 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, 1895. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 9 ii Hepetema, 1924.

No. 109/23/11.—Petition of Keita Kiiiirini. Praying for a rehearing into the succession to the personal estate of Puti Rau Hotorene (deceased). 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th September, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 109/23/11.—Pitihana a Keita Kihirini, E inoi ansi kia uiuia ano te whakatunga kai-riwhi mo nga taonga tinana o Puti Rati Hotorene (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 9 o Hepetema. 1.924.

No. 93/23/11.—Petition of Paraone Ropiha and 9 Others. Praying for the award of a portion of Waimarino Block. I am directed to report that the Committee, has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 93/23/11. -Pitihana a Paraone Ropiha me etahi atu tokoiwa, E inoi ana kia hoatu tetahi wahi o Waimarino Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 1.73/23/IL—Petition of Poi Witarepouri and 33 Others. Praying that rates be not levied on the papakainga known as Parihaka. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 173/23/11. —Pitihana a Poi Wharepouri me etahi atu c 33. E tnoi ana kia katia c whakapangia he reiti kite papakainga c inohiotia nei ko Parihaka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 165/23/11—Petition of Ngawai Harris. Praying for inquiry into the granting of probate of the will of Katipo Eriata (deceased). I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that, at the request of the petitioner, leave lie granted for this petition to be withdrawn. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 165/23/11. —Pitihana a Ngawai Harris. E inoi ana kia uiuia to whakamananga i te wira a Katipo Eriata (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i runga i te tono a te kai-pitihana, ko ta kupu tohutohu a te Komiti me whakaae tenei. pitihana kia unuhia. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

Parliamentary Paper No. 167/24 (Report and Recommendation on Petitions Nos. 252 and 295 of 1922, of Jane Brown and Roimata Wi Tamihana and Others, relative to Ngati-Mutunga Reserve). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government. 9th September, 1924. |4'ranslation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 167/24 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo nga Pitihana No. 252 me, 259 o 1922, a Heni Paraone ratia ko Roimata Wi Tamihana me etahi atu, c pa ana kite, Rahui mo Ngati-Mutunga). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite. Kawanatanga. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.



Parliamentary Paper No. 166/24 (Report and Recommendation en Petition No. 208/22, cf Huitau te, Hau, relative to Tawapata South Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 Blocks). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government. 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 166/24 (Ripoata me te, Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 308/22* a Huitau te Hau, c pa ana ki Tawapata Tonga Nos. I, 3, 5, 6, me 7 Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

Parliamentary Paper No. 165/24 (Report and Recommendation on Petitions Nos. 314/19 and 265/22, of Wiremu Karaka anil others, and Horomona Too Paipa and others, relative to Mangahauini No. 7 Block). I am directed to report that in the, opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government 9th September, 1924. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 165/24 (Ripoata me, te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo nga Pitihana No. 314/19 me, 265/22, a Wiremu Karaka ratau ko etahi atu, me Horomona Ten Paipa ratau ko etahi atu, c pa ana ki Mangahauini No. 7 Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te, Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite, Kawanatanga. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

Parliamentary Paper No. 164/24 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 220/22, of Inia Ranginui anil Others, relative to Partition of Okahukura 8m No. 2 Block). I am: directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the, Government. 9th September, 1924. —— [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 164/24 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 220/22, a Inia Ranginui ratau ko etahi atu, c pa ana kite wawahanga o Okahukura 8m No. 2 Poraka). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me, tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga. 9 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 205/20.—Petition of T. K. Mokonuiarangi. Praying for a rehearing of interests in Te Pokohu Nos. 1 and 2. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. I.6th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 205/20--Pitihana a T. K. Mokonuiarangi. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano nga paanga i roto i Te Pokohu Nos. I me 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 262/20.—Petition of Paratene Ngata and Another. Praying for a rehearing as to the title to Waipaoa Ia Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 262/20. Pitihana a Paratene Ngata me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taitara ki Waipaoa I a Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.



No. 11/21/ - Petition of Epeniha Kaihote. Praying for inquiry into ownership of Te Aria Ate Maeha, otherwise known as Kaiapohia Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 11/21 /I. Pitihana a Epeniha Kaihote. E tnoi ana kia uiuia nga tangata no ratau a Te Aria Ate Maeha, c mohiotia nei ko Kaiapohia Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 384/22.—Petition of Hoto Taua and 15 Others. Praying for purchase by the Grown of certain blocks of Native freehold land in County of Kawhia, or lor compensation. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition be referred to the Hon. the. Native Minister. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 384/22.—Pitihana a Hoto Taua me etahi atu 15. E inoi ana kia hokona c te Knrauna etahi poraka whenua whirihoura Maori kei te Kauti o Kawhia, kia utua ranei he moni kapeneheihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 335/22.—Petition of Raiha Kota and 4 Others. Praying for inquiry into title to Tangihanga lc Block and other lands. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 335/22. —Pitihana a Raiha Kota me etahi atu tokowha. E tnoi ami, kia uiuia te, taitara ki Tangihanga lc Poraka me era atu whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 47/23/11.—Petition of Heremia Maehe and 6 Others. Praying for an inquiry re Te Awamate Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 47/23/TI. —Pitihana a Heremia Maehe me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo Te Awamate Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kin ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga nio tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 35/23/11.—Petition of Maraenut Mtta and 3 Others. Praying re, partition of Okoheriki No. 2c and No. 4c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation in make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 35/23/11.--Pitihana a Maraenui Mita me etahi atu tokotoru. E inoi ana mo te taha ki le, wawahanga 0 Okoheriki No. 2o me No. 40. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924,''



No. 200/23/11.—Petition of Mini Ngawaka and 11 Others. Praying for admission into the Puketitiri Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 200/23/IL—Pitihana a Mm Ngawaka me etahi atu 11. E i not ana kia whakaurua ratau ki roto ki Puketitiri Poraka. Kua, whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924. No. 20/24.—Petition of Heeni Kipa. Praying that a Commission be set up to inquire into claims of descendant of Te Whatanui (deceased) to interests in Horowhenua No. 11 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 20/24.— Pitihana a Heeni Kipa. E inoi ana kia whakaturia he Komihana hei uiui i nga kereme a te uri o Te Whatanui (kua mate) ki etahi paanga i roto o Horowhenua No. 11 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutuho a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 23/24. —Petition of Ekene Himiona and 8 Others. Praying for inclusion of their names in list of owners of Horowhenua 11b 42 Block. 1 am. directed to reports that I he Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1.924. [Translation.] No. 23/24. —Pitihana a Ekene Himiona me etahi atu tokowaru. E inoi ana kia whakaurua o ratau ingoa ki roto kite rarangi ingoa o nga tangata no ratau a Horowhenua 11 r 42 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924,

No. 44/24, —Petition of Tatma te Ngahue and 4 Others. Praying for reinvestigation of title to and redefinition of relative interests of owners in Okataina Block. I, am directed, to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th September, 1924, [Translation.] No. 44/24. —Pitihana a Taima te Ngahue me etahi atu tokowha. E tnoi ana kia whakawakia ano te taitara, a kia kimihia ano te rarahi o nga paanga ki Okataina Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 16 o Hepetema, 1924.

Parliamentary Paper No. 187/24 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 1.18/22, of Ata Tamihana Turoa Kupa and Another, relative to Waimarino and other blocks). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should bo referred to the Government. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 187/24 (Ripoata me te, Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 118/22, a Ata Tamihana Turoa Kupa me, tetahi atu, c pa ana ki Waimarino me era atu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka ki to Kawanatanga. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

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Parliamentary Paper No. 201/24 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 4.01/17, of Iwiahia (Iwiaohea) Tuarea, relative, to the succession to Waikauri (deceased) in Hapotiki Block, Grant 3952). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this paper should be referred to the Government. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] Pukapuka Paremata No. 201/24 (Ripoata me te Kupu Tohutohu mo runga mo Pitihana No. 401/17, a Iwiahia (Iwiaohea) Tuarea, c pa ana mo te, riiwhitanga i a Waikauri (kua mate) i roto i Hapotiki Poraka, Karati 3952). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a to Komiti me tuku atu tenei pukapuka kite Kawanatanga. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 302/22.—Petition of Rangi Patene and 2 Others. Praying for definition of the relative interests in Kaiwahie and other blocks. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry and report by the Chief Judge under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 302/22. —Pitihana a Rangi Patene me etahi atu tokorua. E inoi ana kia kimihia ano te rarahi o nga paanga i roto i Kaiwahie mo era atu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia c te Timuaki Kai-whakawa i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 160/22. —Petition of Mate Awhenata Rehutai and Another. Praying for inquiry into succession orders made to the interests of Horomona Tuari (deceased) in Te Herenga and other blocks. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry and report by the Chief Judge under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 160/22. —Pitihana a Mate Awhenata Rehutai mo tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga ota whakatu kai-riwhi i mahia mo nga paanga o Horomona Tuari (kua mate) i roto i Te Herenga me era atu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia c te Timuaki Kai-whakawa i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 327/22.—Petition of Maera Kuao and 102 Others. Praying that Lake Kereru be reserved for their use. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry and report by the Chief Judge under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 327/22.—Pitihana a Maera Kuao me etahi atu 102. E tnoi ana kia rahuitia a Kereru Roto mo ratau. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro o to Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia c te Timuaki Kai-whakawa i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922, 30 o Hepetema, 1924.




No. 17/24. —Petition of Pikihuia Pakau and 12 Others. Praying for a rehearing re partition of Okahukura 8m 2 Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th September, 1924. | Translation.] No. 17/24. —Pitihana a Pikthuia Pakau me etahi atu 12. E inoi ana kia uiuia alio te taha kite, wawahanga o Okahukura 8m 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua, ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki to Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 282/24. —Petition of Kereama Tihema. Praying for legislation to appeal re Tikitiki Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of tins Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 30th September, 1924. [Translation.] No. 282/24. —Pitihana a Kereama Tihema. E NO! ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakaae piira mo te taha ki Tikitiki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga k'a whakaarohia paitia. 30 o Hepetema, 1924.

No. 362/20.—Petition of Ani Taimuxu. Praying for an inquiry as to her succession to interests in Tokomaru Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 362/20. —Pitihana a Ant Taimutu. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo runga mo tona tunga kai-riwhitanga ki etahi paanga i roto i Tokomaru Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture, Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, AVhakariterito Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 277/20.—Petition of Eru Mete and 13 Others. Praying for redefinition of interests in the Wairau Block and for other relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 277/20. —Pitihana a Eru Mete me etahi atu 13. E tnoi ana kia kirnihia ano to rarahi o nga panga i roto i Wairau Poraka a kia whakawhiwhia ki tetahi ora. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutoliu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 342/21/11. —Petition of Mere Johnson. Praying for inquiry as to appointment of successors to Petera Paku (alias Petera Nuhaka) in Hereheretau B 2 and other blocks. I am directed to report that the, Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 342/21/11. —Pitihana a Mere Johnson. E not ana kia uiuia te whakatunga kui-riwhi mo Petera Paku (ara Petera Nuhaka) i Hereherelau B 2 me era atu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 367/21/11. — Petition of Rea Nikorima and 15 Others. Praying for a rehearing as to ownership of the Omaio Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation. | No. 367/21/11. —Pitihana a Bea Nikorima me etahi atu 15. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha ki nga tangata whaitake ki Omaio Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 211/22. —Petition of Henare Matanuku. Praying for inquiry as to distribution of shares in Marangairoa No. I d. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred bo the' Chief Judge, for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 211/22. —Pitihana a Henare Matanuku. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo te taha kite whakaratonga hea i. roto i Marangairoa No. In. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona (i o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 354/22. —Petition of Henare Matanuku and 4 Others. Praying for rehearing as to relative shares in Marangairoa No. In 19. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be, referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. J oth October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 354/22. —Pitihana a Henare Matanuku me etahi atu tokowha, E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha kite rarahi o nga paanga ki Marangairoa No. Id 19. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 280/22.' —Petition of Henare Paringatai and 2 Others. Praying for redefinition of relative interests in Marangairoa Id 2. 1. am directed to report that in the, opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge lor inquiry and report under section 0 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 280/22. —Pitihana a Henare Paringatai me etahi atu tokorua. E inoi ana kia kimihia ano te rarahi o nga paanga i roto i te Marangairoa Id 2. Kua whakakaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 392/22. —Petition of Hikatangata Pumipi and 2 Others. Praying for inquiry into ownership of the Waewaehikitia Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge, for inquiry and report under section 6 of the, Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation. | No. 392/22. —Pitihana a Hikatangata Pumipi mo etahi atu tokorua, E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga tangata c whaitake ana ki Waewaehikitia Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana, ki to Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te, Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 161/22. —Petition of Hori te Manana and 3 Others. Praying for further inquiry into the title, to Turitaka No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. | Translation.] No. 161/22. —Pitihana a Hori te Manana me etahi atu tokotoru. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taitara ki Turitaka No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a be Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 343/22.—Petition of Hori Poroa Rauaruiti. Praying for inquiry into the succession to interests of Clara and George, Faulkner (deceased), with a view to establishing the. claim thereto of the, petitioner. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. : [Translation.] No. 343/22. —Pitihana a Hori Poroa Raharuht. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite riwhitanga i nga paanga o Clara me George Faulkner (kua mate), kia taea ai te whakatatu te kereme a te kai-pitihana mo ana paanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaoro kau he kupu tohutohu a to Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 155/22.—Petition of P. Kaa. Praying for further inquiry into the disputed boundary between Marangairoa lc and Id Blocks. I am directed to rejiort that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be, referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 155/22.—Pitihana a P. Kaa. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha kite rohe i waenganui o Marangairoa lo me Id Poraka kei te tautohetia. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 207/22. -Petition of R. T. Koitere and, 3 Others. Praying for rehearing in connection with the Hahau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924,



[Translation.] No. 207/22. —Pitihana a R. T. Koiiere me etahi atu tokotorri. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga ano mo te Hahau. Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1.924.

No. 208/22.—Petition of R. T. Kohere and 3 Others. Praying for rehearing of inquiry into Marangairoa No. 1 n (Okahu portion). I am. directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and. report under section 6 of the Native, Land. Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 208/22. —Pitihana a R. T. Kohere mo etahi atu tokotoru. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano te uiuinga mo Marangairoa No. Id (tc wahi c, mohiotia ivci ko Okahu). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1.922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 209/22.—Petition of R. T. Kohere and 6 Others. Praying for rehearing of inquiry into Marangairoa No. Id (Mataura portion). I am directed to report that in the opinion, of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native, Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 209/22. —Pitihana a R. T. Kohere me etahi atu tokooiio. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano te uiuinga mo Marangairoa No. I o (tc wahi c mohiotia nci ko Mataura.) Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 210/22.—Petition of R. T. Kohere and 4 Others. Praying for rehearing into Marangairoa No. Id (Hahau overlap). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the. Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 210/22. —Pitihana a R, T. Kohere me etahi atu tokowha. E tnoi ana kia whakawakia, ano te uiuinga mo Marangairoa No. Id (Hahau) he, wahi i ngaro ki roto ki tetahi atu wahanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki. te whakaaro o to Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 256/22. —Petition of Sarah Marsh and 66 Others. Praying that legislation be enacted to include certain Native reserves in the, Nelson and other districts in certain provisions of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment Act, 1913. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 256/22. —Pitihana a Sarah Marsh me etahi atu c 66. E INOI ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakauru i etahi Rahui Maori kei Nelson me era atu takiwa ki roto ki etahi rarangi o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whakanononoho Rahui o te Tai-hauauru, 1.913. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 367/22— Petition of Mert Hape and Another. Praying for inquiry into appointment of successors to Petera te Honotapu (deceased) in Kaiti 336e and Hereheretau B 2 B 3. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 367/22.- Pitihana a Meri Hare me, tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite whakatunga kai-:iwhi mo Petera te Honotapu (kua mate) i Kaiti 336e me Hereheretau 828 3. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kaipitihana nga huarahi i raro i te ture whanui te whaihaere, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 257/22. Petition of Phyllis H. Moefatt and 136 Others. Praying that legislation be enacted to include certain Native, reserves in the Nelson and other districts in certain provisions of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment Act, 1913. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard, to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 257/22. -Pitihana a Phyllis H. Moffatt me etahi atu 136. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakauru i etahi Rahui Maori kei Nelson me era atu takiwa ki roto ki etahi rarangi o te, Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whakanohonoho Rahui o te Tai-hauaiiru, 1913. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaoro kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 266/22. —Petition of Mthi Keita Huihui and 5 Others. Praying for inquiry as to the ownership of 4,000 shares in. the Wharekahika Block, which came through Whakaeae. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be. referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 266/22. —Pitihana a Mini Keita Huihui me etahi atu tokorima. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga tangata no ratau te, 4,000 hea i roto i Wharekahika Poraka, i heke iho i runga i a Whakaeae. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite, whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te- Ture, Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 258/22. —Petition of Thomas Newman and 64 Others. Praying that legislation be enacted to include certain Native reserves in the Nelson and other districts in certain provisions of the West Coast Settlement- Reserves Amendment Act, 1913. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 258/22. —Pitihana a Thomas Newman me etahi atu c 64. E tnoi ana kia paahitia he, ture hei whakauru i etahi Rahuri Maori kei Nelson me era atu takiwa ki roto ki etahi rarangi o te Ture, Whakatikatika Ture, Whakanohonoho Rahui o to Tai-hauauru, 1913. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau ho kupu tohutohu a tc Komiti mo ruuga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 237/22.—Petition of Rangipuao Tukotahi. Praying for a rehearing of the matter of the succession to the interests of Hara te Whiti (deceased) in Lot 75, Parish of Whangape. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. I,oth October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 237/22. Pitihana a Rangipuao Tukotahi. E inoi ana kia uiuia te tafia kite riwhitanga i nga, paanga o Hara te Whiti (kua male) i Rota 75, Pariha o Whangape. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te, Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 156/22. —Petition of Panikena Kaa. Praying for further inquiry into the, title, to Marangairoa Id Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment, Act, 1.922. 10th October, 1924, [Translation. | No. ,156/22. Pitihana a Panikena Kaa. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taitara ki Marangairoa Id Poraka, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o to Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 184/22.-Petition of Peta Hape and 20 Others. Praying for reinvestigation of title of Rakaukaka Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. | Translation.] No. 184/22.—Pitihana a Peta Hape me etahi atu c 20. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano tc taitara ki Rakaukaka Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme, Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924., No. 306/22.—Petition of Pirtpi Rairi and 6 Others. Praying for inquiry re Marangairoa No. In .19. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and. report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 306/22. —Pitihana a Ptripi Ratri me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana mo (etahi uiuinga mo Marangairoa No. Id 19. Kua, whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te, Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite, Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 282/22.-Petition of Rangi Raroa and 25 Others. Praytng for inquiry into ownership of Hahau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 282/22. —Pitihana a Rangi Raroa me etahi atu c 25. E tnoi ana kia uiuia nga tangata c whaitake, ana ki Hahau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 284/22.—Petition of Rangi Raroa and 25 Others. Praying for a rehearing in connection with Hinetiraha Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 284/22. —Pitihana a Rangi Raroa me etahi atu c 25. E tnoi ana kia whakawakia ano te, taha ki Hinetiraha Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 279/22.—Petition of Tamati Kaiwat and Another. Praying for inquiry as to Marangairoa Id 9. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the. Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 279/22.— Pitihana a Tamati Kaiwai me tetahi atu. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo Marangairoa Id 9. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite, Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 283/22.—Petition of Tarati Wharepapa and 4 Others. Praying for inquiry into the ownership of Ngamoe No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 283/22. —Pitihana a Tarati Wharepapa me etahi atu tokowha. E inoi ana kia uiuia nga tangata c whaitake ana ki Ngamoe No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 387/22.—Petition of Te Hati Pakaroa and Others. Praying for rehearing of partition of Mangawhariki Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 387/22. —Pitihana a Te Hati Pakaroa me. etahi atu. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano te wawahanga i Mangawhariki Nos. 1, 2, me 3 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

4—l. 3.



No. 341/22. —Petition of Tikareti te Iriwhiro and 175 Others. Praying for inquiry into the order of the Urewera Commission, made on the 31st October, 1.921, with reference to the land held by the petitioners. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 341/22. —Pitihana a Tikareti te Iriwhiro me etahi atu 175. E inoi ana kia uiuia te ota a te Komihana mo te Urewera i mahia i te 31 o Oketopa, 1.921, mo te taha kite whenua o nga kai-pitihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 325/22.—Petition of Tunoa Roihana and 4 Others. Praying for inquiry into the ownership of Maungaroa Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and for reinvestigation of the title thereof. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 325/22. —Pitihana a Tunoa Roihana me etahi atu tokowha. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga tangata c whaitake ana ki Maungaroa Nos. 1, 2, me 3, a kia whakawakia ano te taitara ki aua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o tc Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 176/23/11. —Petition of Henare Matanuku and Another. Praying re Marangairoa No. Id. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 176/23/11. —Pitihana a Henare Matanuku me tetahi atu. E inoi ana mo te taha ki Marangairoa No. Id. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o tc Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 13/23/11.—Petition of Hira Rangimatini. Praying for an investigation of the title to the Tatua East Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 13/23/IL—Pitihana a Hira Rangimatini. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano te taitara ki Tatua Rawhiti Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana.

10 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 67/23/11.—Petition of Rangi Raroa and 16 Others. Praying re Taupo portion of Marangairoa Id Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 67/23/11. —Pitihana a Rangi Raroa me etahi atu 16. E inoi ana mo te taha ki Taupo he wahi no Marangairoa Id Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 68/23/11.—Petition of Rangi Raroa and 29 Others. Praying re Te Ipuarongo portion of Marangairoa Id Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. * [Translation.] No. 68/23/11. —Pitihana a Rangi Raroa mo etahi atu c 29. E inoi ana mo te taha ki Ipuarongo he wahi no Marangairoa Id Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture, Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 68/24. -Petition of Epeniha Kaihote. Praying for an inquiry to enable him to be awarded shares to which he alleges he is entitled in Tahora No. 2f or Papuni Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge, for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 68/24. -Pitihana a Epeniha Kaihote. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga kia ahei ai ia te whakawhiwhia ki nga hea c ki ana ia c whaitake ana ia i roto i tc Tahora No. 2f ara i te Papuni Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o tc Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 65/24. Petition of Hapi Tihini Pereiha and 26 Others. Praying for inquiry re alleged overlap affecting Whakapoungakau No. 16 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. I.oth October, 1924. | Translation.] No. 65/24. -Pitihana a Hapi Tihini Pereiha me etahi atu c 26. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki tetahi tohipatanga o nga rohe c pa ana ki Whakapoungakau No. 16 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenci pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 284/24.—Petition of Heni Morete. Praying for rehearing in connection with the Hahau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 284/24. —Pitihana a Heni Morete. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo Hahau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a tc Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 285/24. —Petition of Hori Kingi Parapara. Praying re Wharekahika Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 285/24. —Pitihana a Hori Kingi Parapara. E inoi ana mo te taha ki Wharekahika Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 126/24. —Petition of Hori te Manana and 3 Others. Praying for inquiry into ownership of the Herupara Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should bo referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 126/24. —Pitihana a Hori te Manana me etahi atu tokotoru. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga tangata no ratau a Herupara Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 19/24. —Petition of Inia Ranginui and 7 Others. Praying for inquiry re inclusion of Oruarangi Island in the Crown purchase of the Waimarino Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. — — [Translation.] No. 19/24. —Pitihana a Inia Ranginui mo etahi atu tokowhitu. E inoi ana kia uiuia te whakaurunga i Oruarangi Moutere ki roto kite hoko a te Karauna i Waimarino Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 206/24. —Petition of H. Matanuku and 4 Others. Praying for a further hearing by the Appellate Court re title to Herupara No. 1 Block, in County of Waiapu. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 206/24. —Pitihana a H. Matanuku me etahi atu tokowha. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano o to Aperata Kooti te taitara o Herupara No. 1 Poraka, kei roto kei te Kauti o Waiapu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 105/24. —Petition of Ngamiiii te Huia and Another. Praying that a Proclamation issued by the Waitomo County Council, dated 18th January, 1917, re portions of Orahiri No. 1 and Otorohanga If 4a Blocks be, cancelled. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 105/24. —Pitihana a Ngamihi te Huia me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te Parakimeihana i whakaputaina c te Kauti Kaunihcra o Waitomo, o te, 18 o Hanuere, 1917, mo to taha ki nga wa ii o Orahiri No. 1 me Otorohanga If 4a Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tonei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 18/24. —Petition of Pikiuuia Pakau and 5 Others. Praying for inquiry re the partition of Taurcwa No. 4 West Block. 1 am directed to report that:, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 1.8/24. —Pitihana a Pikiuuia Pakau me etahi atu tokorima. E inoi ana kia uiuia to taha ki to wawalianga o Taurowa No. 4 Rato E 2u Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana to whaihacre nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i tc ture, kaoro kau lie kupu a te Komiti mo runga mo tonei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 127/24.—Petition of Piripi Rairi and 17 Others. Praying for return of land known as Tarata Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 127/24. —Pitihana a Piripi Rairi me etahi atu 17. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu to whenua c mohiotia nei ko Tarata Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 108/24. —Petition of Rangiwhakarewa Paraone. Praying that the Proclamation issued by the Waitomo County Council, dated 6th July, 1920, taking over certain portions of land in Hauturu East No. le, Section 3, Block 111, be revoked. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 108/24.—Pitihana a Rangiwhakarewa Paraone. E into ana kia whakakorea atu te Parakimisihana i whakaputaina c to Kauti Kaunihera o Waitomo, o te 6 o Hurao, 1920, tango i etahi wahi o Hauturu Rawhiti No. le, Tekiona 3, Poraka 3. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tonei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 281/24. —Petition of W. G. Sherratt and 5 Others. Praying that legislation be enacted to inquire into the leases of Mangatu No. 1 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 281/24. —Pitihana a W. G. Sherratt me etahi atu tokorima. E inoi aua kia paahitia he ture kia taea ai te uiui te ahua o nga riihi o Mangatu No. 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 63/24. —Petition of Tamaho Maika. Praying for an inquiry re price paid in 1875 for Te Kauae-o-ruru-wahine Block, and for compensation. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee thrs petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. , 10th October, 1924. ■ [Translation.] No. 63/24.—Pitihana a Tamaho Maika. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite moni i utua i te tau 1.875 mo Te Kauao-o-ruru-wahine Poraka, a kia utua he moni kapenohcihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 69/24. —-Petition of Te Haenga Paretipua. Praying for inquiry as to alleged wrongful inclusions of persons without any ancestral rights in the title, to Tahora No. 2f or Papuni Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Hon. the Native Minister. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 69/24. —Pitihana a Te Haenga Paretipua. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite whakaurunga pohehetanga i nga tangata kaore nei o ratau take tipuna ki roto kite taitara o te Tahora No. 2f ara i te Papuni Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Honore Minita Maori. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 70/24. —Petition of Te Whatuiapiti Renata. Praying for an inquiry as to what shares (if any) he is entitled to in Puketitiri Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 70/24. —Pitihana a Te Whatuiapiti Renata. E inoi ana kia uiuia kia kitea o whia nga hea (mehemca he hea) o whaitake ana ia i roto i Puketitiri Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 24/24.—Petition of Tiatoa Poti. Praying that he may be appointed as sole successor to interest of Hare Poti (deceased) in Te Pua No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 24/24.—Pitihana a Tiatoa Poti. E inoi ana kia whakaturia ko ia anako hei kai-riwhi mo nga paanga o Hare Poti (kua mate) i roto i Te Pua No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o to Ture whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 25/24. —Petition of Waikura te Waihanea. Praying lor rehearing in connection with succession to the interests of Te Mahuri te Bauroha (deceased) in Taumarunui Township F and G and other blocks. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 25/24, —Pitihana a Waikura te Waihanea. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha kite riwhitanga i nga paanga o Te Mahuri te Rauroha (kua mate) i roto i te Taonehipi o Taumaiunui F me G me era atu poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau ho kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 283/24.—Petition of Wi Waikari. Praying for a further inquiry re Marangairoa Id 19 Block. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the, Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 283/24.—Pitihana a Wi Waikari. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha ki Marangairoa Id 19 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me, tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 47/24.—Petition of W. K. Wihapi. Praying for legislation to enable inquiry as to succession to the interests of Ngawai tc Arahe (deceased) in Pukeroa-Oruawhata Block (Township of Rotorua). I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 47/24.- -Pitihana a W. K. Wihapi. E inoi ana kia paahitia he, ture kia taea ai te uiui te riiwhitanga i nga paanga o Ngawai te Arahe (kua mate) i Pukeroa-Oruawhata Poraka (Taone o Rotorua). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore, kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 10 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 16/24. —Petition of Hori Herewini and 20 Others. Praying that an area of 20 acres, being portion of Lots 17, 38, and 39, Parish of Whangape, be returned to them I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 16/24. —Pitihana a Hori Herewini me etahi atu c 20. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ratau tetahi wahi c 20 eka, he wahi no Rota 17, 38, me 39, Pariha o Whangape. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite, whakaaro o to Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria paitia. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 202/24.—Petition of Te Ua Ngatai Rakaunui. Praying for an inquiry as to succession to interests of Manaia Hukanui. (deceased) in various lands. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 17th October, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 202/24.—-Pitihana a Te Ua Ngatai Rakaunui. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite riiwhitanga i nga paanga o Manaia Hukanui (kua mate) i roto i etahi whenua maha. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mi runga mo tenei pitihana. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 88/24.—Petition of Renati Maika. PRAYING for an inquiry into the decision given by the Judge of the. Native Land Court, Rororua, re Wharekawa East No. 4a No. 4b and Te Aroha Block, Section B. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 17th October, 1924. [Translation]. No. 88/24 —Pitihana a Renati Maika. E tnoi ana kia uiuia te whakatau a te Tiati o te Kooti Whenua Maori i Rotorua mo te taha ki Wharekawa Rawhiti No. 4a No. 4n mo Te Aroha Poraka, Tekiona B. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaoro kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana, 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 86/24. —Petition of loapa te Hau and 57 Others. Praying for an inquiry into the decisions of the Native Land Court in respect to Mangatu Nos. 1 and 4 Blocks. I am directed to report that the, Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 17th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 86/24. —Pitihana a loapa te Hau me etahi atu c 57. E inoi ana kia uiuia to taha ki nga whakatau a te Kooti Whenua Maori mo runga mo Mangatu No. 1 me 4 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau ho kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 148/24.—Petition of Hune Hukanui and 87 Others. Praying that lands known as Tahora 2c 1 and 2f be revested in the Native owners I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, with regard to this petition. 17th October, 1924. ■ [Translation.] No. 148/24. —Pitihana a Hune Hukanui me etahi atu c 87. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki nga Maori no ratau a te Tahora 2c 1 me 2f. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a to Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 17 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 366/21/11—Petition of Rea Nikorima and 13 Others. Praying for legislation to enable the rehearing of the claims to the Mangaroa Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 17th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 366/21/H. —Pitihana a Rea Nikorima me etahi atu 13. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture kia ahei ai te whakawakia ano nga kereme mo Mangaroa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 of te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 71 /24, Te Paea Aiiipene and 33 Others ; No. 72/24, Timi Kara and 47 Others ; No. 167/24, Te Rauna Hape and 43 Others ; No. 267/24, Te Hata Tipokt. Praying for inquiry into alleged wrongful confiscation of the Kauhouroa. Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 71/24, Pitihana a Te Paea Ahipene me etahi atu c 33 ; No. 72/24, Pitihana a Timi Kara me etahi atu c 47; No. 167/24, Pitihana a Te Rauna Hape me etahi atu c 43; No. 267/24, Pitihana a Te Hata TiPoki. E inoi ana kia uiuia te murunga pokanoatanga i Kauhouroa Poraka. Kua whakakaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu enei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 147/24,—Petition of Hemi P. Huata and 126 Others. Praying for an. inquiry re confiscation of lands known as the Taramarama and Opouiti Blocks. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 147/24.—Pitihana a Hemi P. Huata me etahi atu 126. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga whenua i murua c mohiotia nei ko Taramarama me Opouiti Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata ki to whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 149/24. —Petition of Te Naera te Houkotuku and 10 Others. Praying for relief in respect of hardships imposed by the confiscation of their lands. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 149/24. —Pitihana a Te Naera te Houkotuku me etahi atu 10. E tnoi ana kia whakaoraina te mate, i pa ki a ratau i runga i te murunga i o ratau whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 45/24. —Petition of Rewiti Rewtri Manuarikt. Praying for the, return of land taken by the Government when the Ngatiawa lands were confiscated. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 45/24. —Pitihana a Rewiti Rewiri Manuarikt. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu te whenua i tangohia c te Kawanatanga i te wa i murua ai nga whenua o Ngatiawa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 109/24. —Petition of Taroa te Ringitanga and 1.7 Others. Praying that the Order in Council authorizing the approval of an agreement between the Native, owners of the Tiroa Block and Messrs. Ellis and Burnand tor the timber rights be revoked. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1924, — [Translation.] No. 109/24. —Pitihana a Taroa te Ringitanga me etahi atu 17. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te Ota Kaunihera nana i whakamana te whakaaetanga o te kirimini i waenganui i nga Maori no ratau a te Tiroa Poraka me Ellis me Burnand mo te taha ki nga rakau. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

s—l. 3.



No. 101/24, Petition of Hape Nikora and 70 Others ; No. 337/24, Petition of Hape Nikora and Others. Praying for an inquiry as to the inclusion, of the Tarawera and Tatarakina Blocks in the confiscated area known as the Waikere-Mohaka district. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 1.01/24, Pitihana a Hape Nikora me etahi atu c 70; No. 337/24, Pitihana a Hape Nikora me etahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite whakaurunga i Tarawera me Tatarakina Poraka ki roto kite takiwa whenua muru c mohiotia nei ko te Takiwa o Waikare-Mohaka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tukua atu enei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 17 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 15/19. —Petition of Thomas R. Porter and Another. Praying that the Native Land Court be empowered to reinvestigate the order re relative interests in Matahiia Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 15/19.—Pitihana a Thomas R. Porter me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia whakamanaia te, Kooti Whenua Maori kite whakawa ano i te ota mo runga mo te whakaratonga i nga paanga i roto i Matahiia Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 174/22. —Petition of Hema Henare and 4- Others. Praying that the judgment of the Native Appellate Court regarding Horowhenua XI.B, 4 I, be annulled, and the Native Land Court be empowered to ascertain who are the rightful owners of the said, block. I am directed to report that in the, opinion of the, Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 174/22. —Pitihana a Hema Henare me etahi atu tokowha. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te whakatau a te Aperata Kooti Maori mo Horowhenua XJis, 4 I. a kia whakamanaia te Kooti Whenua Maori kite kimi ko wai ma nga tangata c tika ana ki taua poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 167/22.—Petition of Ttjehu Pomare and. 81 Others. Praying for the return to them of lands known as Nuhaka No. 1 Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. | i , 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 167/22. —Pitihana a Ttjehu Pomare me etahi atu c 81. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu ki a ratau te whenua c mohiotia nei ko Nuhaka No. 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a, te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana lei te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 137/23/IL—Petition of Wikttoria Ngattirapu Ehau and 2 Others. Praying re overlap area between Tatua East and Tatua West Blocks. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, 28th October, 1924,



[Translation.] No. 137/23/11. —Pitihana a Wikitorta Ngahirapu Ehau me etahi atu tokorua. b) tnoi. ana tno te taha kite wahi tohipa i waenganui o Tatua Rawhiti me Tatua Rato Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 28 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 82/24.—Petition of L. E. Cassrels. Praying that legislative authority be given to the District Land Registrar, Auckland, to register transfer of Huhuraumati (Moanakapiti) B No. 3a Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 82/24. -Pitihana a L. E. Cassrels. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture whakamana i te Kai-rehita Takiwa Whenua i Akarana kite rehita i te tiiti hoko o Huhuraumati (Moanakapiti) B No. 3a Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 62/24.—Petition of Margaret L. Evans. Praying that a grant be made of certain lands in Waikato district, to which she alleges she is entitled, or for compensation in lieu thereof. T am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 62/24.—Pitihana a Margaret L. Kvans. E inoi ana kia whakaputaina he karati mo etahi whenua kei te Takiwa o Waikato, c ki ana ia c whaitake ana ia, kia whakaputaina ranei he moni kapeneheihana mo aua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga Ida whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 162/24. —Petition of Herepete Rapihana. Praying that the report of the Royal Commission re Kaitaia Block be given effect to. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th, October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 162/24. —Pitihana a Herepete Rapihana. E inoi ana kia whakatutukitia te, Ripoata a Te Roera Komi liana mo Kaitaia Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 181/24. -Petition of Kahawai Tanu and 16 Others. Praying for inquiry into alleged damage done to their lands by Messrs. Foster and Telfcr's timber. I am directed, to report that as the petitioners have not exhausted, their legal remedies the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924, [Translation.] No. 181/24. —Pitihana a Kahawai Tanu me etahi atu 16. E inoi ana. kia uiuia te mate kua pa ki a ratau whenua i nga rakau a Foster me Telfcr.. Kua whakahaua ahau Ida ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.



No. 155/24. —Petition of Kipa te Whatanui. Praying that the Te Waka Block be revested in him. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 155/24. —Pitihana a Kipa te Whatanui. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu a Te Waka Poraka ki a ia. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924, No. 292/24. —Petition of Maraea Ormono and 2 Others. Praying for reconsideration of the Native Land Court's decision re Mahia lands. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 292/24. —Pitihana a Maraea Ormond me etahi atu tokorua. E inoi ana kia whiriwhiria ano te whakatau a te Kooti Whenua Maori mo nga whenua kei Te Mahia, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti me tuka tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 150/24. —Petition of Matene te Mataki. Praying that jurisdiction be given Native Land Court to amend order of succession to Hori te Hapoki (deceased) in Aorangi No. 1, Section sa. I am directed to report that as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. | Translation.] No. 150/24. —Pitihana a Matene te Mataki. E INOI ana kia whakawhiwhia he, mana kite, Kooti Whenua Maori kia ahei kite whakatika i te, ota riiwhi i a Hori te Hapoki (kua mate) i roto i Aorangi No. 1, Tekiona sa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu te whai haere, kaoro kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 92/24.—Petition of Mitai Mikaere. Praying for an inquiry re will of Mikaere Maru (deceased). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 28th October, 1,924. ['Translation.] No. 92/24. —Pitihana a Mitai Mikaere. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha kite wira a Mikaere Maru (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 28 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 87/24. —Petition of Ngahiwi Peke and 53 Others. Praying for an inquiry into sale of land to the Crown by Ihaka Whanga and others in the Mahia Block. I am directed to report that in the, opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924.


[Translation.] No. 87/24.—Pitihana a Ngahiwi Peke me etahi atu c 53. E inoi ana kia uiuia te hokonga a Ihaka Whanga me etahi atu i tetahi wheuua i roto i te Mahia Poraka kite Karauna. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 198/24. —Petition of Paretiti Eruoho. Praying that legislation bo introduced to set aside land as a papakainga for Te Wharepapa Petera and his tribe. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be, referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and NativeLand Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 198/24. —Pitihana a Paretiti Eruoho. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture hei rahui whenua hei papakainga mo Te Wharepapa Petera me tona hapu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki to Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o tc Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1,922. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 286/24. —Petition of Rbwi Henare. Praying for cancellation of the succession orders of Rongohaurumanu and Te Matangi in Hapotiki and other lands. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 286/24. —Pitihana a Rewt Henare. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu nga ota riiwhi mo Rongohaurumanu me Te Matangi i roto i Hapotiki me era atu whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu te whaihaere, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1.924.

No. 316/24.—Petition of Taite te Tomo and 14 Others. Praying for a reinvestigation of relative interests in Te Reureu Block. 1 am directed to report that in the, opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Chief Judge for inquiry and report under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native, Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 316/24. —Pitihana a Taite te Tomo me etahi atu 14. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano te rarahi o nga paanga kite Reureu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Timuaki Kai-whakawa kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 362/24.—Petition of Teo Kara and 5 Others. Praying for the return of reserves in Kauhouroa Block alleged to be confiscated. I. am directed, to report that in the opinion of tin: Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924.




[Translation.] No. 362/24. —Pitihana a Teo Kara me etahi atu tokorima. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu nga rahui kei roto o Kauhouroa Poraka c whakapaea ana i murua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. ggj 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 43/24. — Petition of Whakangaro Makahue and 67 Others. lie Mangaopuraka Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 43/24. —Pitihana a Whakangaro Makahue me etahi atu c 67. Mo Mangaopuraka Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 361/22.- Petition of Eru Mete and 11 Others. Praying for inquiry as to the boundaries between, the Ohuia and Wairau Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. | Translation.] No. 361/22. —Pitihana a Eru Mete me etahi atu 11. E inoi ana kia uiuia te taha ki nga rohe i waenganui o Ohuia me Wairau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 287/22. —Petition of loapa te Hau and. 12 Others. Praying for inclusion as owners of the Te Kurt and other blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 287/22, —Pitihana a loapa te Hau me etahi atu 12. E inoi ana kia whakaurua ratau ki roto ki Te Kuri me era atu Poraka, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 19/21/1. —Petition of Mere Hape and 6 Others. Praying for inquiry as to ownership of Rakaukaka Block. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 28th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 19/21/1.- Pitihana a Mere Hape me etahi atu tokoono. E tnoi ana kia uiuia nga tangata no ratau a Rakaukaka Poraka, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kite whakaaro a te Komiti iiio tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

Native Trustee Amendment Bill. 1 am directed to report that the Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the, abovementioned Bill, has carefully considered the same clause by clause, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 28th October, 1924.



[Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Ture Kai-tiaki Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire kua huaina i runga ake nei, tena rarangi me tona rarangi o taua Pire, a ko tana kupu tohutohu me tuku taua pire kia haere ana kaore he menemana. 28 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 22/24. —Petition of Hakere Brown. Praying that restrictions be placed on fishing-boats in Manaia and Coromandel Harbours. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 22/24. —Pitihana a Hakere Brown. E inoi ana kia whakairia he, here ki runga i nga poti hi ika kei nga hapa o Manaia me Karamaene. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Oketopa, 1924. No. 93/24.—Petition of D. Ellison, of Te Aute, Hawke's Bay. Praying for legislation empowering the Native Land Court to grant probate re will of Raniera Erihana (deceased). I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government, for favourable consideration. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 93/24.—Pitihana a D. Ellison, o Te Aute, Haki Pei. E tnoi ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakamana i te, Kooti Whenua Maori kite whakamana i te Wira a Raniera Erihana (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite, whakaaro a to Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 317/24.—Petition of Clara Titipo and 97 Others, of Manaia. Praying for authority to obtain oysters from the beds in the Coromandel district, and to have the use of the forests. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be, referred to the Government for consideration. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 317/24. —Pitihana a Clara Titipo me etahi atu c 97, o Manaia. E mot ana kia whakamanaia ratau kite tiki tio i te takiwa o Karamaene me te mana mahi i roto i nga ngahere. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenisi pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria, 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 197/24. —Petition of George Flutey and Another. Praying for rehearing in connection with succession to the interests of Ripene Waipapa (deceased) in the Mawhera or Greymouth Reserve. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th October, 1924. ■ ■ —— [Translation.] No. 197/24. —Pitihana a George Flutey me tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha kite, riiwhitanga i nga paanga o Ripine Waipapa (kua mate) i te Mawhera ara Greymouth Rahui. Kua whakahaua ahau Ida ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutoliu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 1924,



No. 338/24. —Petition of Poutahi Haptmana and 42 Others. Praying that rates be not levied on their papakaingas. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 4924. [Translation.] No. 338/24, —Pitihana a Poutahi Hapimana me etahi atu c 42. E tnoi ana kia kaua he, reiti c whakaekea ki runga ki o ratau papakainga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pan noa i nga kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i to ture whanui tonu te whaihaere, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a le Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 192-4,

No. 339/24.—Petition of Eremiha Heke and 50 Others. Petitioners object to tins resolution to sell the whole of Matahina A No. 3b Block, passed at a, meeting of the assembled owners and confirmed by the Waiariki Maori. Land Board. They pray that; their interests may be partitioned off. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 339/24. —Pitihana a Eremiha Heke me etahi atu c 50. E whakatie ana nga kai-pitihana kite kupu kia hokona te katoa o Matahina A No. 3b Poraka i paa'.i'i i te hui o nga tangata no ratau c noho huihui ana, a i whakamanaia etc Poari Whenua Maori o Waiariki. E inoi ana ratau kia wehea o ratau paanga ki waho. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano kia pau noa i nga kai-pitihana nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te, ture whanui tonu te whaihaere, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te, Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 1924,

No. 340/24.—Petition of Kingi Karauria and 32 Others. Praying for exemption from rates on land known as Hinewhaki No. 2. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 340/24. —Pitihana a Ktngt Karauria me etahi atu c, 32. E inoi ana kia kaua c whakaekea he, reiti ki runga ki llinewhaki No. 2. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 349/24. —Petition of Te Haenga Paretipua. Praying for exemption from rates on land known as Hikawai in the Wairoa district. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 349/24. —Pitihana a Te Haenga Paretipua. E inoi ana kia kaua c whakaekea he reiti ki runga kite whenua c mohiotia nei ko Hikawai kei te Takiwa o te Wairoa. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i te kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu a tc Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 353/24.- Petition of Take Hamana and 47 Others. Praying that their papakaingas on Ngamotu Block may be reserved for them. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make, 30th October, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 353/24. —Pitihana a Take Ham ana me etahi atu c 47. E inoi ana kia rahuitia mo ratau tonu o ratau papakainga kei runga kei Ngamotu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture, whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 379/24. —Petition of Anaru Makiwhara te Rira and 23 Others. Praying for relief in connection with confiscated lands known as Otau and Wairoa Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th October, 1924. [Translation.] No. 379/24. —Pitihana a Anaru Makiwhara te Rira me etahi atu c 23. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki nga whenua muru c mohiotia nei ko Otau me Wairoa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 30 o Oketopa, 1924.

Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill. I am directed to report that the Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the Native Land Amendment and Native. Land Claims Adjustment Bill, has duly considered the same, and is of opinion that it should be allowed to proceed without any amendment. 31st October, 1924. [Translation.] Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kua ata whiriwhiria c te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, taua Pire, a ki tana whakaaro me tuku taua Pire kia haere ana kaore he menemana. 31 o Oketopa, 1924.

Native Land Rating Bill. I am directed to report that the Native Affairs Committee, to which was referred the Native Land Rating Bill, has duly considered the same, and is of opinion that it should be allowed to proceed subject to the amendments as shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 31st October, 1924. [Translation.] Pire Reiti Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kua whiriwhiria c te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori, i tukuna mai nei ki a ia te Pire Reiti Whenua Maori, taua Pire, a ki tana whakaaro me tuku taua Pire kia haere ana me nga menemana c man i runga i te, kape o te Pire c tapiri nei. 31 o Oketopa, 1924.

No. 73/24. —Petition of Te Auhe Tautokai and Another. Praying that the succession orders in respect to the interests of Harete Tuwhakarau in Orimupiko Block be cancelled and a rehearing granted. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 73/24. —Pitihana a Te Auhe Tautokai me tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia whakakorea atu nga ota riiwhi mo nga paanga o Harete Tuwhakarau i Orimupiko Poraka, a kia whakaaetia kia whakawatia ano. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia, 3 o, 1924.

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No. 265/24.—Petition of Tupara TAMANAand 634 Others. Praying that the Tuararangaia Block may be vested in the directors of the proposed Presbyterian Maori Technical College, at Waimana. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 265/24. —Pitihana a Tupara Tamana me etahi atu c 634. E inoi ana kia whakatakaina a Tuararangaia Poraka ki raro ki nga Kai-whakahaere o te Kareti Maori Mahi-a-ringa a te Perepitiriana i te Waimana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 335/21-22. —Petition of Albert John Rhodes, of Te Teko, Auckland. Praying for validation of title to Matata 72b 3v No. 4a Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 335/21-22. —Pitihana a Albert John Rhodes, o Te Teko, Akarana. E inoi ana kia whakamanaia te taitara ki Matata 72n 3v No. 4a Poraka Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 375/22.—Petition of Hei Pounamu Utika and 29 Others. Praying for inclusion in title and readjustment of interests in the Puketapu Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 375/22.—Pitihana a Hei Pounamu Utika me etahi atu c 29. E inoi ana kia whakaurua ratau ki roto kite taitara a kia whakatikatikaina nga paanga o Puketapu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 344/24. —Petition of G. A. Hirsohberg. Praying for removal of alleged injustice he has suffered through the passing of section 59 of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895, in connection with Ngawakaakupe No. 3 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 344/24. —Pitihana a G. A. Hirsohberg. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te mate i pa ki a ia i runga i te paahitanga o Rarangi 59 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, 1895, mo te taha ki Ngawakaakupe No. 3 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 335/24.—Petition of Mini Rawhiti Davis. Praying that legislation be enacted to rehear and determine as to the persons entitled to succeed to the interests of Harete Tuwhakararo (deceased). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 335/24.—Pitihana a Mini Rawhiti Davis. E inoi ana kia paahitia he ture kia ahei ai te whakawakia ano me te whakatau i nga tangata c tika ana hei kai-riiwhi mo nga paanga o Harete Tuwhakararo (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a tc Komiti. mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 100/24. —Petition of Rakai Tamihana and 18 Others. PRAYING for a rehearing in connection with Maraetaha Block and the subdivision thereof. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 100/24.—Pitihana a Rakai Tamihana me etahi atu 18. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano a Maraetaha Poraka me una wawahauga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 204/20. —Petition of Ani Haronga and 5 Others. Praying for reinvestigation of title to the Whakaki Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 204/20. —Pitihana a Ani Haronga me etahi atu tokorima. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano a Te Whakaki Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 276/20. —Petition of Heni Kaiwhiri and 14 Others. Praying for a further hearing by the Court as to the relative shares in Anaura Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 276/20. —Pitihana a Heni Kaiwhiri me etahi atu 14. E inoi ana kia whakawakia ano c te Kooti te rarahi o nga paanga ki Anaura Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 278/22.—Petition of Eru Tokara (or Motete) and 2 Others. Praying for inquiry into the Township of Waipiro so that it may be ascertained who are the beneficial owners thereof. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 278/22. —Pitihana a Eru Tokara (ara Motete) me etahi atu tokorua. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo tc Taonehipi o Waipiro kia mohiotia ai nga tangata c whaitake ana, Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano kia pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaeie n"a huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 326/22.—Petition of Wiremu Potae and 6 Others. Praying for a rehearing in connection with the Marau Block. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 326/22. —Pitihana a Wiremu Potae me etahi atu tokoono. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha ki Marau Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 324/22. —Petition of Wiremu Potae and Another. Praying for a rehearing in connection with Kopuatarakihi Block No. la. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 324/22. —Pitihana a Wiremu Potae me tetahi atu. E tnoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha ki Kopuatarakihi Poraka No. la. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i te mea kaore ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a to Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 323/22. —Petition of Wiremu Potae and Another. Praying for a rehearing in connection with Kaiaua No. 1 Block. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners have not exhausted their legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 323/22. —Pitihana a Wiremu Potae me tetahi atu. E inoi ana kia uiuia ano te taha ki Kaiaua No. 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, i to mea kaoro ano i pau noa i nga kai-pitihana te whaihaere nga huarahi whakaoraora i raro i te ture whanui tonu, kaoro kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924,

No. 118/23. —Petition of Henare Pikaaiiu and 25 Others. Praying for the return of the Whakapapa Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 118/23.—Pitihana a Henare Pikaaiiu me etahi atu c 25. E inoi ana kia whakahokia atu a Whakapapa Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 119/23. —Petition of Kataraina te Hira and 26 Others. Praying for relief in connection with their land called Hikurangi, taken by a European. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 119/23. —Pitihana a Kataraina te Hira me etahi atu c 26. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha ki to ratau whenua c karangatia ana ko Hikurangi i tangohia c te Pakeha. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.



No. 72/23. —Petition of Thomas Hawkins Smith, of Maungarangi, Bay of Plenty. Praying for compensation in respect of monetary losses incurred through non-completion of negotiations for purchase of Maungarangi B Block. I am directed, to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 72/23. —Pitihana a Thomas Hawkins Smith, o Maungarangi, Pei o Pureti. E inoi ana kia utua he moni kapeneheihana mo ona moni i pau i runga i te kore c whakaotia o nga whakahaere mo te hoko o Maungarangi B Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata kaore kau he kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo runga mo tenei pitihana. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 107/24. —Petition of Parekaihina Tuhora. Praying that the Proclamation, issued by the Otorohanga Town Board, taking 30 acres of Orahiri No. 7 Block may be revoked, and the land returned to her. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 107/24.—Pitihana a Parekaihina Tuhora. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu te Parakimcihana i whakaputaina c te Taone Poari o Otorohanga tango i te 30 oka o Orahiri No. 7 Poraka, a kia whakahokia atu to whenua ki a ia. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki to Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 397/24.—Petition of A. C. Mason, of Featherston. Praying that terms of his lease of Te Awaawaroa lc I Block may be amended. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 397/24.—Pitihana a A. C. Mason, o Featherston. E inoi ana kia whakatikatikaina nga tikanga o roto i tona riihi o Te Awaawaroa lc 1 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 291/19.—Petition of C. W. Ferris. Praying for cancellation of all succession orders affecting the interests of Kararaina te Kani in Anaura Block, and for a rehearing in connection with same. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for the purpose of having an inquiry made under the provisions of section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land. Claims Adjustment Act, 1922. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 291/19.—Pitihana a C. W. Ferris. E inoi ana kia whakakorea atu nga ota whakatu kai-riiwhi mo nga paanga o Kararaina te Kani i Anaura Poraka, a kia whakawakia ano aua paanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakahaua kia uiuia i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori, 1922. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 120/23.—Petition of Heta Kiriwi and 26 Others. Praying for relief in connection with the Aurere Block taken by the Crown. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd November, 1924.



[Translation.] , No. 120/23. —Pitihana a Heta Kiriwi dhs etahi atu c 26. E inoi ana kia whakaoraina mo te taha kite Aurere Poraka i tango hia c te Karauna. Kua whakahaua ahaua kia ripoata, kite whakaaro o te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 117/23— Petition of Wiki Piki Pikaahu and 25 Others. Petitioners dispute the sale of the whole of the Opoutori Block, and pray that the portion they claim as unsold may be partitioned off. 1 am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 117/23. —Pitihana a Wiki Piki Pikaahu me etahi atu c 25. E whakahe ana nga kai-pitihana kite hoko o to katoa o Opoutori Poraka, a c inoi ana kia wehea ki waho te wahi c kereme ana ratau kaore i hokona. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a to Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 67a/24.—Petition of Te Rauna Hape. Praying for inquiry into succession to Hariata te Umu (deceased). I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd November, 1924. — [Translation.] No. 67a/24.—Pitihana a Te Rauna Hape. E inoi ana mo tetahi uiuinga mo te taha kite riiwhitanga ia Hariata te Umu (kua mate). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1921,,

No. 192/20.—Petition of Te Kihi Kaihote and 9 Others. Praying for redefinition of relative interests in Hinewhaki No. 2 Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should, be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 192/20. —Pitihana a Te Kihi Kaihote me etahi atu tokoiwa. E inoi ana kia kimihia ano te rarahi o nga paanga ki Hinewhaki No. 2 Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1924,

No. 351/20. —Petition of Erana Paerimu and 19 Others. Petitioners claim that the " tenths " in connection with the sale of Paeoterangi, Puatainga, and Hikurangi Blocks have never been paid. They pray that the undertaking may now be given effect to. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 3rd November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 351/20.—Pitihana a Erana Paerimu me etahi atu 19. E kereme ana nga kai-pitihana kaore ano kia utua nga " tekau " o te hoko o Paeoterangi, Puatainga, me Hikurangi Poraka. 15 inoi ana ratau kia whakatutukitia taua whakaaotanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1924.

No. 266/24. —Petition of Rehu Pomana and 141 Others. Praying that a Commiss'on may be,set up to inquire into value of lands and timber taken under the Public Works Act in the Nuhaka 2 b 2j Block, and to'assess the amount which should be paid to the Native owners. _ ; I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry, 3rd November, 1924.



[Translation.] No. 266/24.- Pitihana a Rehu Pomana me etahi atu 141. E inoi ana kia whakaturia he Komihana hei uiui i te wariu o nga whenua me nga rakau i tangohia i raro i te Ture mo nga Main' Numii i roto i te Nuhaka 2n 2j Poraka, a hei kind hoki i te rahi o te moni hei utunga ki nga Maori no ratau. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 3 o Noema, 1924. ■ —

No, 181/23/IL—Petition of Rachel Matilda Hassall, of Christchurch. Praying that a certificate of title may be issued to the Stevens family for Section 26, Block TV, Jacob's River Hundred. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be, referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th November, 1924. [Translation.] No. 181/23/11." Pitihana a Rachel Matilda Hassall, o Christchurch. E inoi ana kia whakaputaina he Tiwhikete Taitara ki to whanau a Stevens mo Tekiona 26, Poraka IV, Jacob's River Hundred. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ripoata, kite whakaaro a te Komiti, me tuku atu tenei pitihana kite Kawanatanga kia whakaarohia paitia. 4 o Noema, 1924.

SrECTAL Report. I have the honour to report that at a meeting of the Native Affairs Committee held on Saturday,:the Ist November, 1924, the, following resolution was unanimously carried : " That the Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the able and courteous manner in which the Chairman, Mr. K. S. Williams, has conducted the business of the, Committee, and that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House." F. F. Hockly, for the Committee. 4th November, 1924. | Translation. ] Ripoata Motuhake. E whai honore ana ahau kite ripoata i te hui a te Komiti mo nga mea Maori i tv i te Hatarei te 1 o nga ra o Noema, 1924, ka paahitia te motini c whai ake nei, a kaore rawa he reo whakahe : — " E hiahia ana te Komiti kia tuhia tana kupu mihi mo te mohio me, te humarie o te whakahaere a te Tiamana, a Mr. K. S. te Wiremu, i nga mahi a te Komiti, a kia tuhia hoki tenei motini ki roto ki nga meneti a kia ripoata atu kite whare." 4 o Noema, 1924. F. F. Hockly, mo te taha ki to Tiamana.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Native Affairs Committee held its final meeting on Tuesday, the 4th November, 1924. During the session the Committee held 41 meetings, the average attendance of members at each meeting being 9. Including 114 petitions brought forward from former sessions, the Committee, had before it 226 petitions. Of these, 185 were fully considered and reported on; the remaining 43 are unavoidably held over. The following Bills were referred and duly considered and reported on, viz. : Native Trustee Amendment Bill, Native Land Rating Bill, Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Bill. Six parliamentary papers were also referred and dealt with. The total number of reports presented to the House was 195. 4th November, 1924. [Translation.] Ripoata Whakamutunga. E whai honore ana ahau kite ripoata i tv te hui whakamutunga o te Komiti mo nga mea Maori i te Turei te 4 o nga ra o Noema, 1924. I roto i tenei tuunga otc Paremata e4l nga huinga ote Komiti. Xi te aronga c rite ana c iwa nga mema i tae mai ki ia huihuinga kotahi. Hui atu ki nga pitihana 114 i toe mai i era tuunga ote Paremata, c 226 nga pitihana i takoto ki te aroaro ote Komiti. 0 roto i ena pitihana 18;") nga mea i ata whiriwhiria a i ripoatatia hoki, ako nga mea c 43 i waihotia mo ko atu. I tukuna mai nga Pire c whai ake nei, a i ata whiriwhiria, a i ripoatatia hoki, ara : Te Pire Whakatikatika Ture Kai-tiaki Maori; Te Pire Reiti Whenua Maori; Te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori, Whakariterite Kereme Whenua Maori. E ono nga Pukapuka Paremete i tukuna mai a i whiriwhiria, Hui katoa nga ripoata i kokiritia kite, whare 195. 4 o Noema, 1924.




Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nut given ; printing (475 copies), £60.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92s.

Price Is.]

No. Petitioner. Block, &c. 241/20 179/21 105/22 166/23 66A/24 21/24 46/24 106/24 A. E. Innis Kere Erihe and 89 others Patena Kerehi and 74 others Karepa Mataira Miria Mokai Rangi Rawhiti Rawiri Tautau Mate Ngahuru Ngarararahi No. 1. Taemaro. Tongariro Timber Company Royalties. Nuhaka 2e 3a 7b 2 Block. Succession to Te Pane Neketini. Lot 79, Parish of Pepepe. Kopuatarakiki Block. Succession to Raupane Mamie ra anil Hera Mio. Succession to George Southgate. Raumatangi. Land in Parish of Hapuakohe. Mangapoikc No. 2b. Motukino Island. Oyster reserve at Whangaruru. Pukerehau land. Whakaangi. Tauhikipia (Long Island). Recovery of rates on Native lands. Kopuni South. Kohinui-rakau. Lot 470, Mangawara Creek, Taupiri. Waiotahi Nos. 19, 386, and 388. Ngamotu. Parihaka Pa. Taumataoteo. Te Kaonga, part Raua Wairoa. Mangatu Nos. 1 and 4. Te Mangararoa Reserve. Kaingaroa No. 1. Islands of Rangitutahi and Motuhara. Lot 10, Village of Mangere. Paeroa 2g. Succession to Tokeriri Paora. Succession to J. and G. Maxwell. Ruakaka. Puketotara. Ruakaka " tenths." Native burial-ground at Pukaki, Ma133/24 154/24 156/24 168/24 175/24 176/24 180/24 183/24 184/24 185/24 257/24 328/24 331/24 350/24 351/24 360/24 361/24 368/24 369/24 370/24 377/24 385/24 386/24 391/24 395/24 398/24 402/24 403/24 404/24 405/24 Haki Galvin Rere Nicholson Hira Eruera Keremeneta Hamiora Taki and another Mita Wepiha and 4 others Karena Mokaraka and 25 others Hare Popata and another Keita te A here Hoani Matiu and 15 others Waitomo County Council Ataera Waru and 29 others Pukepuke Tangiora and 2 others Clara Campbell Hani Tipenc te Warau and 4 others Winiata te Rito and 2 others Nohomairangi te Whiti Tiki Marera and 2 others Ruku te Kuru and 4 others Tuehu Pomare and another Tuehu Pomare and another Wharehuia Heta and 38 others P. Pomare and another Takarina Hota and another Kawana Karatau and others Makere Paora Anarau Makiwhara W. H. Toka and 33 others Hamuera Kingi and 76 others Maki Pirihi and 49 others Kahupake Rongonui 406/24 407/24 408/24 411/24 412/24 Hera Hapi and 8 others W. H. Toka and 33 others W • H. Toka and 32 others Paihau Rawiri and 31 others W. H. Toka and 49 others ngere. Bed of Ngaruroro River. Poupou " tenths." Tokatoka and other blocks. Ngapuhi and Thames " tenths." Horotiu "tenths."

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Bibliographic details

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. WILLIAMS, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, I-03

Word Count

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. WILLIAMS, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, I-03

NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). NGA RIPOATA A TE KOMITI MO NGA MEA MAORI. (Mr. WILLIAMS, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, I-03

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