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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Section 85 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1908.

The Land Purchase Controller to the Minister of Lands. Sir,— Wellington, Ist October, 1921. I have the honour to submit the report of the Department for the year ended 31st March, 1921. Land for Settlements. The number of estates offered was 204, of an area of 296,482 acres. This is only about half the number offered in the previous year. There were, however, a considerable number submitted direct to the Commissioners of Crown Lands of the several districts and considered by the local Boards, those recommended for purchase being included in the attached tables. The figures given herein do not include any purchases under section 2 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1917. The area purchased and settled by ballot, together with several properties purchased during the previous year but not settled, is 57,927 acres, of a value of £843,162. The area purchased for individual soldiers (114) under section 3 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1917, is 22,023 acres, of a value of £434,809. In addition, 7,539 acres, valued at £201,032, have been purchased, and have since been settled or are in course of disposal. Although the areas offered are much below past years it cannot be said that there is any marked reduction in the prices asked. Dairying-lands are still very firmly held. It may, however, be said that very few properties are changing hands, therefore it is somewhat difficult to arrive at present-day values. During the year part of Teviot was offered for settlement by but with poor results. It would appear that the time is not opportune for the settlement of any pastoral country, therefore the better course would be to defer the settlement until times return to the normal. The Hillsprings Block, which adjoins Teviot, is now worked in with the latter. The leases of the Mount Pisa runs having expired, negotiations were successfully completed with the owner of the freeholds for their purchase, with leaseholds retained, together with the live and dead stock, water-rights, fencing, &c. A determined effort is being made to reduce the rabbits, and as the country has been badly devastated it will be given a rest and a chance to recover. The establishing and maintaining standard flocks of sheep suitable for the high pastoral country has been strongly advocated for years by those well able to advise. Occupiers of such country find great difficulty in getting suitable rams and young ewes for their purposes. The importance of keeping up the standard of our flocks on the high country cannot be overestimated, as it is upon these that the low country is dependent for breeding-ewes. The flocks generally throughout the Dominion, unfortunately, are not being maintained to the standard of former years. Both Teviot and Mount Pisa offer an opportunity for the making of a start in this direction : they are very suitable for the purpose. The suggestion is one well worthy of serious consideration. The extraordinary and unforeseen slump in wool and stock which came about suddenly in the latter end of last year quite upset all calculations, and, unfortunately, has placed many of the soldiers holding pastoral country in a very awkward position. The prospects of an immediate recovery arc far from bright, and it will be absolutely necessary to render reasonable assistance to tide over the difficulty. The bulk of the soldiers are reported to be doing good work, and to receive such a setback is most discouraging.



The purchase of several estates has been somewhat adversely criticized, especially Tiraumea, in the north Wairarapa district, Wellington, and Erina, in the upper Wairau district, Marlborough. The former contains 10,135 acres, nearly all pastoral, the price paid being £8 per acre, of which £50,000 was taken in war bonds. The carrying-capacity for some years prior to purchase was over 10,500 Bomney sheep (of which 6,000 were breeding-ewes) and 900 head of cattle, with the necessary horses. The property was well subdivided, with a main road running through, besides by-roads, and a school on the block. The inspection was made on the 17th and 18th August, 1916 (middle of winter), and I have no hesitation in saying that on no other property inspected were the stock found to approach those on Tiraumea generally in quality and condition. The Erina Estate contains 7,533 acres. It was purchased in March, 1917, and the price was £5 ss. per acre, of which £20,000 was taken in debentures. Along the frontage and abutting on the Wairau River there is a considerable area of medium-to-good flats suitable for lucerne-growing, the balance being low hills covered with danthonia. Notwithstanding the conditions existing at the time of purchase, the price paid must be accepted as extremely reasonable, and any reason for the non-success of some of the soldiers on these properties must be looked for otherwise, and not attributed to the price paid for the land. Both these properties were early war purchases, so that the soldiers were in possession for some considerable time before the slump. Land Settlement Finance Act. There were no transactions during the year. The Public Trustee in his annual report comments very favourably upon the position of the several associations now in existence. Appended will be found the usual tables. John D. Kitchie, Land Purchase Controller.

Table A.-Number of Properties considered during the Year ending 31st March, 1921.*

Table B. —Summary of Estates acquired up to 31st March, 1921.

Land District. Number. Area of Estates offered. Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago .. Southland 63 16 12 49 8 2 1 43 !« 2 Aeres. 59,131 28,518 12,344 41,580 35,755 3,240 3,848 75,901 34,001 2,164 Totals .. 204 296,482 * In addition, areas have also been offered direct to the Local Land 'urohase Boards.




Table C. —Statement of the Moneys received into and paid out of the Land for Settlements Account for the Year ended 31st March, J 921. Land for Settlements Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 156,668 14 £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures issued under the Land Laws Purchase-money .. 11,760 010 Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropria- Purchase - money, Hilltion Act, 1918 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 springs Estate (transReceipts under sec. 191, Land Act, 1908 733 16 8 ferred) .. .. 58,918 4 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 404,526 19 6 . Sales of— £ s. d. 70,678 4 10 Crown lands .. 195,985 13 4 Less recoveries, Teviot 13,947 17 1 Less refund of receipts 56,730 7 9 under Land Laws Incidental expenses .. 61,553 17 8 Amendment Act Expenditure under erronoously credited Vote 68 .. 10,024 19 5 in previous years 22,310 16 4 71,578 17 1 173,674 17 0 Recoupment of interest under sec. 4, Land-for-settlements lands.. .. 161,133 1 3 Finance Act, 1919 .. .. 341,858 14 1 Interest on securities held by Investment Interest under subsec. (8), sec. 191, of Account.. .. .. .. 4,900 6 5 Land Act, 1908 .. .. .. 402 13 1 Stock Account, Teviot — £ s. d. Amount transferred to the Land for Stock sold .. 2,819 0 1 Settlements Account (Opening up Amount credited to Crown Lands for Settlement Account) recoveries in pre- under sec. 63 of Land Laws Amcndvious years, now ment Act, 1913, and sec. 42, Approtransferred .. 11,924 12 5 priation Act, 1918 .. ... 10,000 0 0 14,743 12 6 Receipts under sec. 16, Workers' DwelRecoveries — lings Act, 1910, transferred under Maori Hill .. .. .. 60 0 0 subsee. (3), sec. 28, Housing Act, 1919 2,148 6 8 Oroua .. .. .. .. 13 18 9 Stock Account, Teviot — £ s. d. Quillinan .. .. .. 3 6 11 Stock purchased .. 18,681 7 0 Amount debited to purchase-money in previous years, now transferred .. 25,872 9 6 44,553 16 6 Sinking fund .. .. .. 25,429 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 269,250 0 0 Imprests outstanding .. .. 11,554 19 11 Balance—Cash in Public Account .. 92,951 5 3 £926,458 0 4 £926,458 0 4 , Land for Settlements Account (Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account). Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. 318,596 8 1 Purchase-money .. 1,266,211 3 3 Debentures issued under New Zealand Less purchase-money Loans Act, 1908, Discharged Soldiers of Hillsprings transSettlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4.. 1,108,050 0 0 ferred to Teviot Interest on securities held by Invest- Account .. 58,918 4 0 ment Account .. .. .. 18,445 7 0 1,207,292 19 3 Receipts from estates—■ Incidental expenses .. .. 43,244 13 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 66,350 17 7 Recoupment of interest under Finance Sales .. .. .. .. 10,332 7 6 Act, 1919, sec. 4.. .. .. 112,704 16 4 Recoveries. £s. d. Investments .. .. .. 135,000 0 0 Emett .. .. 127 810 Imprests outstanding .. .. 10 6 0 Dawbin .. .. 17 6 Balance —Cash in Public Account .. 38,136 1 2 Mataikona .. 17 19 3 Tuturumuri .. 14,467 0 0 — 14,613 15 7 £1,536,388 15 9 £1,536,388 15 9 Land for Settlements Account (opening up Crown Land for Settlement). Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. 22,377 6 1 Annual Appropriation, Vote 69— Revenue received under sec. 63, Land Roads to open up lands for settlement 28,895 10 11 Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. 22,558 3 0 Recoupment of interest under sec. 4, Amount set aside from Land for Settle- Finance Act, 1919 .. .. 7,980 19 4 ments Account, under see. 63, Land Unauthorized .. .. .. 24 0 0 Laws Amendment Act, 1913, and Imprests outstanding .. .. 1,36'! 13 1 sec. 42, Appropriation Act, 1918 .. 10,000 0 0 Balance—Cash in Public Account .. 16,671 5 9 £54,935 9 1 £54,935 9 1 Examined and found correct. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



Table D.—Return of Lands purchased and paid for from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

54 4






Table E. —Return of Lands purchased and paid for from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921, under Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1917.

Owner: Locality. Settlement. Per Acre. Area. Number of Amount. «jf charged Soldiers participating. I A 17CKLAND. £ s. d. Acres. £ Pekin, Keating, and Simmons .. Maramarua Jones, W. .. .. .. Mangakahia Add apportionments Kopuku Tokiri 17 12 0 40 0 0 1,032 307 28,723 12,309 8 5 1,939 41,032 112 1,939 41,144 Ta .RANAKI. Mills, F. H. .. .. .. Ngatimaru S.D. .. Walker, W., G. A., and D. .. Opaku S.D. .. j Mangamaire .. Rahu 8 0 0 3 8 6 500 876 4,005 3,000 I I 1,876 7,005 Hav vke's Bay. Trustees of Smith's Estate Hutchinson, F. Olrig Rissington 8 0 0 .. 11 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 2,852 1,998 22,900 21,984 4 5 Less apportionments 4,850 44,890 77 4,850 44,813 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 4 10 2 18 1 1 Wl 5LLINGTON. Parker, J. .. .. .. Near Bunnythorpe Voss and Jensen .. .. Kimbolton Hammond, S. R. .. .. Tiriraukawa S.D. .. Milligan, J. .. .. .. Te Kawau S.D. Watkins, W. H. .. .. Wairoa S.D. Donald, J., sen. and jun. .. Wanganui Hutchinson, P. .. .. Bunnythorpe Osborne, W. .. .. Carnarvon Bunny, H. A. .. .. Cartorton Miller, J. .. .. .. Pahiatua.. Tyer, L. R., H. H., H, and B. P. Huangarua S.D. .. Healy, R. .. .. .. Hunterville Hastings, R. .. ..Near Palmerston North Waterson, J. .. .. Apiti Maclean, M... .. .. Paraparaumu McCartin, P. and J. .. .. Taihape Cleary, P. and M. .. .. Hautapu Campion, J... .. .. Wangaehu Andrew, W... .. .. Whareama Wiggins, W. G. K. .. .. Huangarua Cadwallader, A. W. G. .. Hukanui Gee .. Kiwitea Braemore Dawbin M'Lean Omapu Hammond Osborne Ahiaruhc Arawhata Moroa Quillinaii Greves .. 55 0 0 .. 17 10 0 .. 13 15 0 .. 115 0 0 .. 23 13 0 .. 60 0 0 .. 55 0 0 .. 90 0 0 .. 57 17 0 .. 22 0 0 .. 45 0 0 .. 16 0 0 .. 17 10 0 55 0 0 17 10 0 13 15 0 115 0 0 23 13 0 60 0 0 55 0 0 90 0 0 57 17 0 22 0 0 45 0 0 16 0 0 17 10 0 65 202 2,046 29 168 231 130 181 648 290 1,579 228 207 3,575 3,535 28,139 3,413 4,000 13,886 7,150 16,305 37,500 6,399 71,078 3,656 3,638 Oroua Tikotu Makopua Raumaewa Haunui Otahome Olliver Pohehe .. 35 0 0 ., 25 0 0 .. 16 10 0 .. 45 0 0 .. 60 0 0 9 15 0 .. 56 0 0 .. 25 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 16 10 0 45 0 0 80 (i o 9 15 0 56 0 0 25 0 0 196 250 1,518 254 529 2,065 281 401 6,867 6,261 25,047 11,461 31,758 20,143 15,736 10,037 2 3 4 3 8 4 4 3 Less apportionments 11,498 329,584 565 11,498 329,019 Quinney, J. G. .. .. I Wangapeka .. I Ielson. 1 ! Glen-Rao .. | 17 12 0 207 3,650 So IUTHLAND. Maclean's Trustees .. .. Pukorau Add apportionments Totals Crichton Park ; 4 5 0 2,153 9,149 29 2,153 9,178 22,023 434,809 114



Table P. —Land-for-settlement Estates ACQUIRED since 31st March, 1921, or purchased before and not dealt with to 30th September, 1921.

Table G.—Land-settlement Finance Associations incorporated up to 31st March, 1921.

Name. Estate. Locality. Area. J Price. Possession. Auckland. Acres. £ •otts, J. C. .. .. .. j .. Pirongia .. .. I Mckeson and Close .. .. I Remuera .. , Omapere S.D. .. | 65 I 46 | 387 j June 15, 1921. 808 j April 20, 1921. Taranaki. 'rimble, T. .. .. ..I .. i Okato S.D. .. | 321 | 8,881 | July 15, 1921. Wellington. lollier, D. and A. R. .. .. I .. I Wangaehu .. | 312 I 23,276 | May 31, 1921. Otago. lcDonald, P. .. .. .. Ardmore .. | Greenvale S.D. .. I teggs and Johnson .. .. Hillend .. Hillend S.D. Jioholg, H. H. .. .. Mount Pisa .. ' Cromwell 723 2,732 1,080 K 97Q 18,928 April 30, 1921. 41,987 Mar. 31, 1921. 27,000* Mar. 30, 1921. 191 9fir. 'urchased for individual soldiers.. Totals * Including live and dead stock and water-lights, Ac. 5,279 2,260 7,539 : 5,279 2,260 121,265 79,767 201,032 121,265 79,767 7,539 201,032

Association. Locality. Name of Owner. Purchase- N "S' ber Area - money. <>'*£"- Area of Allotment. Eureka Tainui Komata South Auckland. Eureka Matangi Komata South .. G. Howie.. W. Ranstead Hubbards and Hubbards's exeoutors G. Alley .. G. W. Mace McGuire and Miller Acres. 824 466 658 & 15,870 6,520 9,990 5 5 5 Aores. 100, 188, 200, 185, 151. 112, 50, 50, 82, 172. 176, 158, 89, 104, 131. Hikutaia .. Melrose Martha Hikutaia Te Aroha Hinuera 839 858 1,698 7,663 6,466 10,245 8 5 10 180, 180, 129, 110, 145, 95. 169, 169, 176, 176, 168. 174, 172, 184, 184, 185, 198, 200, 100, 101, 200. 152, 185, 130, 155, 156, 208, 102. 110, 123, 63, 76, 78. 100, 101, 138, 176, 163. 196, 130, 270, 170, 243. 200, 200, 200, 205, 117, 138, 122. 200, 200, 205, 205, 204. 150, 133,150, 53, 204. 150, 150, 141, 190, 200, 300, 262, 420. 160, 159, 118, 124, 212. 170, 130, 153,100, 78,101, 195, 92, 83, 141, 51. 175, 168, 169, 199, 153. 77, 81, 100, 100, 95, 68, 100. 72, 71, 61, 62, 108. 230,136,254,304,230,331. Glengariff.. Ohaupo Greenslade, Mrs. .. 1,088 15,237 9 Dunlop Waipa Mimosa Downs Walton .. Kaipaki Te Awamutu Walton.. Sturges, W. N. McGovern, F. Hutchinson, C. Q... Butler, R. 450 678 1,009 1,182 5,967 11,186 8,582 13,003 5 5 7 9 «... »■ Waitangi ,. Pukekawa.. Moana Vale Waiuku Pukekawa Roto-o-rangi Sinclair, W. F. .. Morrison, R. E. Paine, F... 1,014 690 1,812 9,637 4,840 13,474 5 6 11 Lansdowne Woodside .. Walton Matangi Mapp Bros. Goodwin, E. G. W. and A. Harris, Harry Clarkin, John 773 1,294 8,506 24,583 7 11 Paparamu Clarkin Near Tirau Komokorau Survey District Near Te Aroha .. Near Whangarei 865 623 10,338 15,000 6 7 Hoururangi Otaikarangi Edwards, C. B. .. Lewis, D. H. 374 1,545 5,048 10,596 5 6 Korokipo .. Hawke's Bay. Korokipo J. E. Lane 18,740 212,751 137 64, 102, 79, 162, 101, 112, 50. 112, 114, 127, 114, 166, 181, 188, 141, 122, 194. 155, 153, 153, 149, 167, 167, 195, 176, 138. 670 16,630 7 Matamau .. Matamau Lloyd and Tansey .. 1,459 24,789 12 Blairgowrie Near Dannovirke Ross, R. B. 1,483 23,681 9 Wellington. Ashhurst Kimbolton Okoia 3,612 672 807 633 65,100 28 Nikau Grange Moorfield .. Auchmore.. Messrs. Fraser E. H. Crabbe McGregor, J. 18,830 10,948 14,570 6 5 7 130, 141, 145, 133, 123. 150, 184, 191, 150, 132. 120, 101, 100, 115, 64, 55, 78. 28, 25, 61, 105, 110. 178, 52, 140, 75, 147, 143, 171. 95, 135,184, 199,147, 169, 199, 186, 94, 95, 95. 46, 60, 141, 65, 65. Glencairn Quilltowen Turakina Wanganui Bruce, J... Whiteman, E. H. .. 1,599 329 33,567 11,587 6 8 Otauiri Hunterville Simpson.R. K., A. G., and R. K., jun. Meyer, J. C, jun... 900 21,524 12 Lake Alice Near Marton Junction 378 10,270 7 5,324 127,296 51


Table G.—Land-settlement Finance Associations incorporated up to 31st March, 1921— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (660 copies), £16.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Price 6d.\


Association. Locality. Namo of Owner. "^I^yftgr Area of Allotment Clifton Grove Marlborough. Lower Wairau .. Haywood, A. E. Acres. 368 £ 15,307 Aores. 70, 65, 38, 41, 71, 83. Harihari .. Westland. Harihari Rasmussen, T. V... 117, 117, 117, 117, 117. 586 3,223 Brookland Waitohi Downs Melville Downs Gleniffer .. Canterbury. Winchester Temuka Fairlie Beautiful Valley R. Brookland D. Shaw, jun. Blaok, William .. Macaulay and Mrs. Diok North, W. B. Harris, E. Dixon, R. A. 400 1,021 1,023 852 9,621 12,636 12,280 10,277 5 6 5 5 53, 68, 93, 65, 121. 178, 197, 200, 223, 223. 197, 224, 198, 208, 196. 160, 200, 164, 164, 164. Wentnor .. Chastleton Owersby .. Kelman .. Pleasant Valley .. Fairlie Lowcliffe Kelman,A.W.,F.B., and J. A. Langridge and Crampton Henderson Bros. .. Quinn, D. 1,113 1,528 2,181 863 12,248 10,885 17,992 13,283 5 5 8 6 207, 207, 200, 218, 275. 279, 333, 335, 276, 305. 213, 248, 252, 256, 242, 284, 385, 301. 186, 115, 112, 100, 250, 100. 260, 260, 217, 264, 226, 300, 104. 79, 66, 79, 79, 78, 77. 100, 48, 42, 54, 48. Trentham.. Fairlie 1,631 15,498 7 Eifielton .. Angland .. Lowcliffe Arowhenua 535 292 14,976 8,746 7 5 Otago. Kakanui Bruoe, G. 11,439 138,442 64 39, 40, 76, 25, 25. Bruoe 205 6,368 5 Merrivale No. 1* Southland, Merrivale Ellis, J. C. 2,276 16,560 11 305, 376, 293, 178, 250, 199, 169, 257, 249. 184, 157, 297, 310, 275, 315, 342. No. 2* « « • • 1,880 14,074 8 4,156 30,634 19 44,430 599,121 314 * Since transferred to Land for Settlements un< ler Land Laws Ameni iment At it, 10U.

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LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-05

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LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-05

LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-05

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