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1920. NE W Z E ALAN D.


Presented to both House* of the General Assembly by Command of Ills Excellency.

X B PO RT. The Secretary, Department of Labour, to the Hon. the Minister of Labour. Sir,--- Department of Labour, Wellington, 30th June, 1920. 1 have the honour to present herewith the twenty-ninth annual report of this Department, for the information of His Excellency the Governor-General, and to be laid before Parliament, in compliance with the Labour Department and Labour Day Act, 1908, and the Factories Act, 1908. The report covers the financial year Ist April, 1919, to 31st March, 1920. Owing to the acute shortage of paper and to the pressure of important work, the report has been made as brief as possible I have, &c, F. W. Rowley, The Hon. the Minister of Labour. Secretary of Labour. Conditions of Trade and Employment. The reports from branches generally indicate that almost without exception the demand for labour has exceeded the supply. A return compiled in November last from information obtained from the occupiers of factories in the, various trades, in fact, revealed a considerable, shortage of labour in many of the Dominion's manufacturing industries, and that quite a number of machines have been idle —viz., woollen-milling, clothing and boot manufacturing (all branches), motor and general engineering, the various building trades, sawmiUing, furniture-making, and fruit and confectionerymaking. Men's Employment Bureaux. Number of engagements, 4,205, with 2,709 dependants; 1,638 were sent to private employment and 2,567 to Government works. Women's Employment Bureaux. —Number of engagements: Auckland, 401 ; Wellington, 421 ; Christohuroh, 303; Dtinedin, 242; Nelson, 39: total, 1,406. The number is Mo less than for the previous twelve months, which in turn showed a decrease of I 10 on the preceding year's figures. During the year two ladies representing the Imperial Government visited bhe Dominion for the purpose i f making inquiries as to the opportunities for women workers hen , particularly war workers who have had experience as institutional cooks, housekeepers, &C. Every assistance was given them, and it is hoped that before long a considerable number of domestic workers will come to New Zealand. Seeing, however, that there, is also an acute shortage of Ihese workers in England and elsewhere, it would be well if those persons in the Dominion thai need assistance in their domestic work would look to the possibilities of overcoming the difficulty by the. establishment of communal kitchens and laundries, and by introducing into their houses every possible labour-saving device. This has been urged, and some examples relating to Ihese matters have been given in the Department's last two annual reports. 1 understand that it is now proposed to establish a communal kitchen in Dunedin.

I—H. 11.



Apprentices. In order to ascertain the movement in the number of apprentices in the principal trades of the Dominion, employers in those trades in which apprentices are employed were requested to furnish returns showing the number employed by them as at April in each of the past six years. The table given below has been compiled from the information thus obtained :--

The decreases in the several building trades are significant. As the apprentice question has become an important one, it is proposed to collect similar information each year, and these particulars will be published annually. Occupations of the People. Several years ago a, table was prepared by the Department showing, from the census returns of 189.1 to 1906, the number of persons engaged in each occupation throughout the Dominion, from which could be ascertained the extent of the migration of the people from the country to the towns, and whether the population was engaged in as useful occupations in 1906 as in 1891. It will be remembered that the statistics of the population of the various boroughs, counties, and other local districts suggested that there has been a steady migration at a considerable rate from the country to the towns, and that while a few years ago the larger number of the Dominion's population was in the country, that position has since been reversed. The figures are : .1891- counties, 56 per cent, of the population ; boroughs, 43 per cent. 1916 —counties, 46 per cent, of the population ; boroughs, 53 per cent. The information gathered from the above-mentioned table indicated, however, that there was in fact (at all events during that period) an Increased proportion of the people engaged in farming and other productive pursuits. Probably the impression given by the statistics showing the increase in the population of the towns was partly caused by the fact that a tendency has existed from year to year to widen the area within the jurisdiction of boroughs and town districts, thereby showing an apparent movement of the people where no such movement has actually taken place. An up-to-date; table showing the present grouping of the people in the various occupations and the movement that has taken place from 1906 to date would no doubt be of great interest sit the present time in view of the urgent need for increased production of various commodities of the Dominion, but as the last census taken was in 1916, when a large number of men were as the war, it will be necessary to postpone the compilation of such table until 1921, after the next census is taken.

Factories Act.

\iii iber of Apprentices employed in A iprll, 1919. UtlO. (Actual.) * Increase or Decrease. Trade. 1914. (See col.8.) I 1915. L916. 1017. L918. (1) (2) (8) _ (■I) (5) (<!) (7) (8) (8) Carpentry and joinery Bricklaying Plastering Plumbing and tinsmitUing Painting Cycle and motor engineering . . Engineering (general) . . . . I Electrical engineering. . Blacksmithing and ooachbuilding Cabinet-making and upholstery. . Tailoring and clothing manufactures Bootmaking and repairing*} Saddle and harness manufacturing Bread and small-goods manufacturing .. Printing and publishing§ Watch and jewellery manufacturing, &c. Dentistry (mechanical) Sail, tent, and cover making Boatbuilding and shipwrighting 391 16 29 421 94 186 838 137 203 366 781 284 82 64 382 72 15 6 61 377 14 28 397 90 218 773 151 196 327 922 329 79 66 374 69 18 53 J 308 9 26 339 79 261 755 188 165 343 917 338 79 74 359 73 21 8 I 48 308 265 224 9 8 0 26 21 17 339 316 276 ■ 79 70 61 261 344 421 755 815 808 188 239 240 165 174 176 343 325 336 917 859 759 338 403 441 79 81 80 74 87 102 359 359 375 73 76 78 21 23 24 8 7 : 5 48 35 40 245 4(15 18 17 24 30 317 437 81 1)7 488 193 901 869 294 141! 191 I'll 424 380 782 829 448 302 88 85 129 86 397 406 102 75 22 1 (i 10 7 48 ' 63 161) 4 6 -120 - 16 + 295 + 32 + 151 - 20 + 44 - 47 + 146 + 3 + 63 g + 27 + 6 + 3 - 15 Totals 4,425 ! 4,456 I 4,390 I __ 4,390 4,506 ! 4,472 5,004 4,(131 373 * This column shows what the figures would ha\ to the increase of population from 1914 to 1919. § Excluding Maoris the Increase In the male po] increase per eent. was :i - 7 for males, and for the females are largely employed) -i'7 1ms heon used in 8 vc been in l LfllO if ther :e had been ! had been an increase in the mini iber of apprentices pro >portlonate tpulation of whole popu arriving at f f 1919 over ilatlon 6-2. tlio figure g ■ 1911 was 1 111 all tri (lyen in coin 1911 was 21,000, while the lnorei In all trades except thoee mar yen in column K, while (V2 lias 1km ase in females was 48 ■kc.l § (in which both en iisal for the other t ,000. The males and Tildes.

I Year. Factories. • 1913-14 (before the war) .. 13,469 1914-15 .. .. .. 13,937 1915-16 (since the war began). . 13,214 1916-17 „ .. 12,455 1917-18 „ .. 12,485 1918-19 „ .. 12,444 1919-20' „ .. 13,490 Movement. 94 (increase) 468 723 (decreasse) 751) 30 (increase) 41 (decrease) 1,046 (increase) I I i Factory Workers. 87,517 88,812 83,011 78,188 79,653 82,783 85,591 Movement. 919 (increase). 1,295 5,801 (decrease). 4,823 1,465 (increase). 3,130 2,808



Accidents in Factories.

Certificates of Fitness issued to Boys and Girls under Sixteen Years of Age to work in Factories.

It is satisfactory to note the increase in the number of boys and girls entering factory employment, when it is remembered that many inducements are now offered in lighter or more " genteel " occupations. Prosecutions. Prosecutions, 31. One case dismissed. No case calls for special mention. Shops and Offices Act. Prosecutions. Prosecutions, 100. Convictions in 93 cases. No ease calls lor special mention. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act. 1918-10. LWO-20. Industrial agreements (inclusive of thirty-five between parties without reference to a Conciliation Commissioner or Council) 31 51 Recommendations of Councils of Conciliation .. .. .. LB7 168 Awards of Arbitration Court .. .. .. .. 130 131 The awards and agreements actually in force on the 31st March, 1920, totalled 530.

Work performed by Commissioners and Councils of Conciliation during the Year.

ll will be seen that out of a total of 184 disputes dealt with by the Commissioners and Conciliation Councils, 171 (equal to 93 per cent.) were settled or substantially settled by them without recourse to the Arbitration Court.

Slight. Moderate. Serious. Fatal. Total. I!) 13 -14 1914-15 5 16 1916-17 1917 18 1918 in I'.ll'.t 20 ■ • 879 747 837 938 509 795 652 165 171 160 141 :(I7 192 451 52 46 65 84 65 58 105 8 3 5 10 8 7 I , 104 1)67 1,065 1,171 901 1,053 1,218

Year. Boys. Glide. Total. J 913 14.. L914 15.. 1915 16.. 1916 17.. 1917 18.. 1918-19.. 1919 20.. 932 952 J , 100 1,158 1,199 1,240 1,252 1,241 1,136 1,263 1,251 1,236 1,333 I ,685 2,173 2,088 2,363 2,409 2,435 2,573 2,937

I Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner T. Harle Giles. W. Newton. W. H. Hagger. I Industrial agreements arrived at and filed as such 4 5 under section 26 by parties through the Commissioner alone Disputes dealt with by Conciliation Councils — Where industrial agreements were filed under sec- I 3 tion 26 Where accepted recommendations were made (under section 7, Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment .Vet, 1911) Where recommendations were fully accepted and 27 21 (il forwarded to the Court to be made into awards Where recommendations were substantially ac- li) 17 IO (•opted and referred to Court to make awards Where only minor recommendation or no recom- 2 i 7 mendation wals made Totals .. .. .. .. 56 50 78 Total. 7 9 L09 46 13 78 184 ! :___.



Expenditure of Councils and Court. Councils of Conciliation, £3,981 (increase £239) ; Court of Arbitration, £4,244 (increase £149) ; total, £8,225. Tliia includes the salaries of the Conciliation Commissioners (£1,750) and of the members of the Court (£2,800). Registration of Industrial Unions and Associations. During the period twenty-five new workers' unions and one employers' union were registered. The usual statutory return (to 31st December, 1919) of the unions registered'under the Act, with their membership at that date, is published herewith as an Appendix. Comparison with the previous year's records shows that there has been a decrease of eight in the number of employers' unions, with a decrease in membership of 200. The total number of workers' unions increased by ten and the total membership by 1,105. Owing to there having been a large number of amendments to rules, many involving complete levision, this branch of the Department has been very busily engaged. A booklet, " Notes on the Registration of Industrial Unions under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, together with Specimen Rules," has been published by the. Department. This booklet . tate as fully and clearly as possible the present law relating to industrial unions and associations, and contains lour sets of spacimen rules. It is hoped that the publication of this booklet will obviate the delay and misunderstanding that has in the past occasionally taken place in connection with the registration of rules, and that the booklet will be a, convenience to industrial unions and a, (sociations. Decisions of Interest given during the Year. Vase arising out of ike Influenza Epidemic. —in a case taken in the Magistrate's Court by an Inspector of Awards against the licensee of a hotel it was decided that, provided the engagement has not been terminated by the requisite notice, an employer is obliged to pay wages to an employee dujing his temporary absence through sickness or for the period when places of business were closed by order of the District Health Officer during the influenza epidemic. This ruling, if applied to other cases, is of course subject to the terms of the engagement and to the provisions of any award or industrial agreement affecting it.—(Book of Awards, Vol. XX, p. 490. J War Legislation and Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918, Section IS.-- This section provides that the Court of Arbitration may, if it thinks fit, on the application of any industrial union, amend the provisions of an award or industrial agreement with respect to the rates of wages on account of the increase in the cost of living. in a memorandum dated 19th April, 1919, the Court gave an indication of the general principles upon which, it is proposed to deal with applications under this section. For the purposes of uniformity it was p oposed to fix the basic wages for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers at Id. 7|d. Is. 4|d. to Is. 6d., and Is. 3|d. per hour respectively,* which wages should not be subject to variation during the currency of the award except*that in addition a bonus would be given from time to time to compensate for the increase in the cost of living. The Court decided to adjust these bonuses half-yearly as at March and September in each year in accordance with the rise or fall in the cost of living as ascertained for the Dominion by the Government Statistician (Book of Awards, Vol. XX, p. 403). A very large number of increases of wages have been given under this provision. Prosecutions. During the year 777 prosecutions were instituted by the Department, of which two were against workers for breaches of an award arid 119 were against employers for breaches of awards, agreements, and various provisions of the Act. Proceedings were taken for nineteen strikes, nine against the unions concerned, and ten against the workers, numbering 047. Particulars of the chief cases are as follow :- - Industrial Disturbances. Then; were sixty-live industrial disturbances during the year, thirty-nine of which involved the cessation of work for only one day or less, and may therefore be classed as trivial. In addition to the complete stoppages of work, a " go-slow " policy was put into operation in nil the principal coal-mines in the Dominion in September, 1919, following on the refusal of the mine-owners to accept the miners' terms at a conference in Wellington. At a second conference in February, presided over by the Prime Minister, an agreement was reached, and normal work was, it is understood, resumed about the Ist March. We are informed that the approximate loss in output due to the operation of the goslow policy amounted to 186,850 tons in all, and the estimated loss in wages to £50,790. The following is a short statement of the more serious of the other industrial disputes that required attention within the period : Otaihape Slaughtermen and Freezing-works Assistants- Eighty-five employees demanded an increase in wages on the rates being paid to them in pursuance of an award of the Arbitration Court. The increase was granted on the understanding that the men would work harmoniously for I lie remainder of the year. On the following morning demands relating to dining-room accommodation and improved cooking facilities were made, and the workers, not receiving an immediate reply from the manager, who had to submit the matter to his directors, struck work. The demands were conceded, and the men resumed after being out for three days. Proceedings were taken. Kive were fined £5 each, forty-six others £1 each, while in the remaining cases proceedings are pending. Butchers in Retail Trade, Auckland. — Demands for increased wages were made, and, not receiving a, reply within the time stipulated, the, members of the union, numbering approximately 250, struck. After the strike had lasted three weeks the dispute was settled by adopting as a basis the wages

* These basic wajjes have, since the 31st March, 1920, boon fixed by Oho Court at 2s. per hour tor skilled workers, Is. Bd. u> Is lOd. for semi-skilled workers, and ts. 7d. for unskilled workers.



provided in the Wellington Butchers' award. These men were bound by an award prescribing the minimum wages and other conditions of employment. Proceedings were therefore instituted, and a fine of £20 was imposed on the union. Slaughtermen and Chamber Hands, Auckland, Southdown, and Wetslfield. ■■- In order to compel the employers to comply with the demands made by the Butchers' Union in the foregoing case, the slaughtermen discontinued their employment, and the chamber hands refused to handle meat for the Auckland retail trade until the Butchers' dispute was settled. In each case the penalty to which they would reader themselves Liable was pointed out to them before they struck. The men were prosecuted, each of the slaughtermen being lined .£3 and costs, while in the cases against the chamber hands the Magistrate's decision has not yet been given. Imlay Freezing-works Employees (Wanganui).-- The employees discontinued work upon the company's refusing to accede to their demands for an increase for killing wet sheep. Three days later a conference was arranged at which the workers agreed to resume under the old conditions. The men being bound by an award, proceedings were taken, two men being fined £10 and costs, and twentytwo others £5 and costs. Flaxmitt Employees, Makerua (Manawatu). —These men were working under an award, and in an agreement between the employers and the union it was provided that should a revision of the scale of wages be necessary one month's notice on either side should be given. Considering that the flax was of poorer quality than usual, the. men demanded an increase of 2s. a ton ; the employer: conceded Is. a ton increase pending a conference, but the men, refusing to accept this, ceased work. Proceedings are being taken. Engineers, Iron and Brass Moulders, and Boilermakers , Unions, Chrislvhurch. The members of these unions, who were, working under awards providing for the payment of a war bonus in addition to the ordinary rate of wages, decided not to work any further overtime until the employers took into account the war bonus in computing the amount of overtime payable, which the Court had ruled they need not do, Proceedings were taken. The question at issue was whether the employers had the light to expect their employees to work overtime. The Magistrate decided that it is the duty of the worker to obey an order to work overtime, provided that such, order is reasonable. Bach of the three unions was fined £10. Roslyn Woollen-mills Employees. — Fourteen employees working under an award discontinued their employment as a result of the action of the employers in deciding to replace a sub-foreman who, the firm alleged, had insufficient control over the workers. Twelve adult males were prosecuted and fined £2 and costs. North Cape Coal-miners, Nelson.— A dispute arose because the employers transferred to different work a man employed on the surface on weekly wages—a right conferred upon them by the industrial agreement. The man, refusing to perform this work, was dismissed. The miners requested that he should be reinstated, and the company agreed to re-employ him as a trucker in the mine-- an arrangement, however, to which the miners would not agree. The men then struck. Proceedings were taken in the Magistrate's Court, where judgment was given for the defendants on the ground that the industrial agreement was invalid in that it was made for a longer period than that allowed by law. An appeal, was made to the Arbitration Court, which decided in favour of the Department. The case was then referred to the Magistrate, who fined each of the miners £5 and costs. Green Island Coal-miners, Dunedin. The. Miners' Union demanded a, variation in the workingconditions, to which the owners, who contended that such conditions were governed by the existing award, refused to agree. The men struck. After work had been discontinued lor ten Weeks the dispute was finally settled by a conference. Seventy-eight miners were prosecuted, and in each ease a fine of £2 and costs was imposed. Taratu Coal-miners, Dunedin.- These miners discontinued employment owing to the allegedly wrongful dismissal of a worker. After the mine had been idle for four days the men resumed unconditionally, and subsequently the dismissed worker was reinstated. The men being bound by an. award, proceedings were taken ; two were fined £3, forty-seven £2, and one £1, and costs in each case. Engineers, Boilermakers, and Iron and Brass Moulders , Unions, Auckland. -After the Arbitration. Court had decided that in computing the amount of overtime the war bonus was not to be taken into consideration, the above unions decided to work no further overtime until the decision of the Court was reversed or until a written guarantee that the war bonus would be included in the computation was obtained from the ironmasters' Association. In this action about six hundred members of the Allied Iron Trades Unions were involved. Proceedings were taken and each union was fined £50. No doubt, many of the strikes mentioned wore largely due to the general industrial unrest prevailing in other parts of the world, ft is a, curious fact that nearly all unions in New Zealand, including those that have taken part in the strikes mentioned, have preserved their registration under the Industrial. Conciliation and Arbitration Act, which makes strikes by the workers concerned unlawful ; while very few of them have elected to come under the alternative—Labour Disputes Investigation Act- which permits a strike taking place after a reasonable time, has been allowed for investigation and publicity.* Possibly this anomalous position is due rather to the impatience of the moment, one, of the aftermaths of the war, than to a determination to adopt the strike weapon as the, usual method of redressing grievances. The fact that so few unions have exercised their right to cancel registration under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act goes to support the view that the workers prefer to remain under the protection of that Act, which now provides for increases of wages from time to time on account of the increase of the, cost of living, in support of this view the, opinion has been recently expressed by those with a knowledge of the subject that industrial conditions throughout the Dominion are

* There were on the 31st March, 1.9:20, 519 awards and industrial agreements in foroe, whiJe only eleven agreements were in operation outside of the Act.

H. -11


satisfactory on the whole, and that the frequent reference to industrial unrest, which does not exist to any great extent, is not warranted. A good deal of criticism has, of late, years, been made respecting the work of the Arbitration Court and also regarding the constitution of that Court. In this connection it may be interesting to point out that the intention of the original Act was primarily to abolish "sweating" by fixing minimum wages for any workers that chose to register thereunder, leaving the. ordinary law of supply and demand to determine the actual wages to be paid, and in this the Court has fulfilled its purpose ; but the minimum wages have been in many cases forced into what has become a standard wage, with a tendency to levelling the workers' wages up and down towards that amount. The fixing of a standard wage is no doubt practicable enough in unskilled or semi-skilled employments like those of waterside workers and coal-miners, but in skilled occupations some supplementary machinery (such as the setting-up of a shop committee for each establishment) seems to be required to fix the actual conditions, over and above the minimum, for the particular workers concerned, according to their skill. Labour Disputes Investigation Act. Very few industrial disputes have come within the scope of this Act since its inception in 1913, nearly all unions evidently preferring to maintain their registrations under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act and have their disputes dealt with thereunder. Pour disputes were heard during the period under review. The unions concerned were all situated in Auckland, and the claims were for increased wages and improved conditions. With one exception satisfactory settlements were arrived at and agreements died. Particulars of the four, oases are as follow :

Disputes dealt with under the Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 1913, during Year ending 31st March, 1920.

Workkris' Compensation Act. During the year the Court of Arbitration heard and determined twenty-six cases under this Act, in eighteen of which oral judgment was delivered. No case calls for special mention. Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Acts. Shearers. — In November last a new Shearers' Accommodation Bill, setting out in detail the accommodation to be provided, was passed by Parliament, to come into operation on the Ist July, 1920. In the requisitions that have been served during the year Inspectors have had regard to the requirements of the new Act in order that sheepowners may not be put to the expense of providing certain accommodation that year under the existing Act and having to alter it next year in pursuance of the 1919 Act.. The visit- of inspection made to sheep-stations numbered 71 (j, and 380 notices to effect improvements were served. In a, number of instances the accommodation had so far fallen into decay that entirely new accommodation was ordered. Owing to the shortage of labour and material, however, it has been found necessary in some cases to extend the time, allowed in order to enable employers to complete the work. In three instances cases were taken in the Magistrate's Court to have the notices enforced. Fresh notices were subsequently served on the owners to provide accommodation in pursuance of the new Act. Sawmill Employees. -169 inspections made, and thirty-one notices served to effect alterations. There have been considerable improvements in the housing conditions as a result. One case was taken in the Magistrate's Court against an employer in order to have the notice enforced, Threnhiv(f-miU Emploi/ees. -Thirty-nine inspections were made, and in four instances it wa-s necessary to serve notices to improve the accommodation. A clause in the Arbitration Court's award governing this industry sets out in detail the accommodation that is to be provided for the workers.

LiuluHtry affected. | Action taken. Ballot of Workers. Nature of Settlement. llefcrence. .... Abattoir Fire brigades. . The workers affected were members of the Auckland Slaughtermen's Union the registration of which under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act had been cancelled by the members. A conference was called by the Conciliation Commissioner, at which a full settlement was reached The existing award was determined pursuant to clause 7 thereof on account of the union concerned affiliating with the United Federation of Labour. A conference was called by the Conciliation Commissioner A conference called by the Conciliation Commissioner proving abortive, a Labour Dispute < 'oinmittee was constituted, with Mr. B. ('. Cutten, S.M., as Chairman Dispute referred directly to a Labou c Dispute Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. E. C. Cutten, S.M. Not necessary Not necessary Agreement filed pursuant to lection 8 (1), Labour Disputes Investigation Act The settlement arrived at was embodied in an agreement and a supplementary agreement Bled pursuant to section 8(1) Vol. xx, p. <>!;">. Vol. xx, pp. 601, 77:!. Gas-production Not necessary An agreement was arrived at and tiled pursuant to section 8(1) Vol. Sex, p. 1418. Slaughtering .. Ballot conducted favouring strike. No strike took place No settlement w a s reached.



Flax-mill Employees. —Seventy-seven inspections were made, and two notices served to effeci improvements in the accommodation, No complaints have been received during the year. Agricultural Labourer*. Two hundred and nineteen visits of inspection were made, and eighteen notices were served on employers to effeci improvement*. Generally speaking, the agricultural labourers are well housed. Scaffolding Inspection Act. In view of the housing shortage and of the difficulty of obtaining materials and labour, it is pleasing to note that a considerable increase in the number of notices of intention to erect scaffolding lias taken place during the year. The following shows the number of notices received in each of the years 1913-14 to date: 1913-14,1,488; 1914-15,1,453; 1915-16,937; 1916 17,888; 1917 18, 706 ; 1918-19, 666 ; 1919 20, 897. Although these figures refer to large buildings (i.e., where scaffoldings over 16 it. in height are required) they indicate that building operations generally are increasing, and the effect of the war on the trade will no doubt be less apparent from now on. There were fifty-six accidents, one of which was fatal. No blame was attachable to any one, all precautions having been taken. Five other accidents were of a serious nature. There were five prosecutions. Otherwise the provisions of the Act appear to have been well observed. Servants' Registry Offices Act. Number of offices registered, 70. Only one complaint of a breach of the Act was received, and generally the businesses are conducted, in a satisfactory manner. There were no prosecutions. Footwear Regulation Act. A large number of inspections have been made under this Act in both town and country districts by the footwear inspectors, in conjunction with their other duties as Inspectors of Factories. Shops, &c. Inspectors report that the requirements of the Act have generally been well observed and that very few complaints have been received. Although a small amount of shoddy material was detected it was in most instances stamped as required by the law. The absence of shoddy stocks is attributed to the fact that during the war and up to the present time New Zealand goods have largely taken the place of imported footwear.

War Legislation Amendment Act (Rent Restriction).

These figures show an increase of eighty-six over the total number of applications received last year, and an increase of twenty-six for Wellington. It will be seen that in 157 of the 320 cases filed the inquiries made by the Department resulted in the reduction of the rents. The Act has continued to prove of considerable benefit to tenants, especially in Wellington, and also to returned soldiers. As the rent-restriction law is a, war measure it is of a temporary nature, and will, unless revived, cease to operate in August next. It is recommended that it be continued for a further twelve months. Some comment continues to be made on the fact that in numbers of instances tenants who are protected by the rent-restriction law have made undue profits by subletting parts of their houses, even to the extent of enabling themselves to live rent-free or to make a profit above that. It does not appear to be generally known yet thait the Act applies to a part of a house that is let for residential purposes as well as to the whole of it, although, for various reasons, it may be somewhat difficult to give efiect to this provision. The Department makes careful inquiry into any case of this kind that is brought to its notice. Complaints continue to be made respecting the payment and receipt of bonuses for obtaining the rental of dwellinghouses. The existing law provides sufficiently against such sums being received by owners, but as these bonuses are usually paid to other persons —for example, to the outgoing tenants — I would recommend that the receipt by any person of such amounts be made unlawful.

Number taken t r « ; Niitn ber or (Janes , ■■ i ■ of Complaints ., . ,. ., ... >yDepartment .,, , ' Bconrse to Court. Number of Cases in which no Action was taken. Dec Increase justified. ision. (a.) T Wllere Increase T not .'"Vα' ,1 "; , justified. J ustlfled - (6.) (a.) (b.) Whore Increase wi u . n . Where Increase not justified tnc ,. oas( . not justified but and Rent Wifted Owners reduced. J ' reduced Rent. (a ) (A.)* Total, Outside For MisScope of cellaneoiis Act. Causes. STear ending 31st March, 1(119 1 8 72 1 77 27 23 4 22 231 I [920Wellington Other places 3 a 3 2 34 4 38 ' 70 9 5 68 1 2 14 3 31 SO 174 146 3 6 72 j_ 144 10 7 17 61 320 o * Left locality, and so on.



This Act does not in any way touch the question of the sales of dwellinghouses at an unreasonably increased price, and the scarcity of houses has caused a great many complaints of this kind to be made. This is a matter that might receive attention. The Department lias, under the Housing Act, made a, number of purchases of houses for applicant workers where it has not been possible to build for them immediately at a reasonable cost. Care has been taken in every case to see that the dwelling is one that is not likely to fall in value below the price paid. General. An increasing amount of work is being performed by officers of this Department for other Departments of the service, the Department's Inspectors being in many cases in a position to obtain the information desired. On behalf of the Census and Statistics Office the Department collects monthly from wholesale and retail dealers in the chief towns the prices of commodities for the purposes of the cost-of-living statistics, and in connection with the industrial census is responsible for the service and collection of returns from manufacturers. The investigation of profiteering complaints and inquiries in connection with the standardization of boots are dealt with on behalf of the Board of Trade ; applications to local authorities for permits under the regulations respecting the restriction of nonessential building are reported on by Inspectors of Scaffolding ; and on behalf of the Coal Control Committee investigations are made into complaints of coal-hoarding. Staff Notes. The additional appointments to the staff of the Department referred to in my report of last year have now been made, viz. : (1) Four women Inspectors of Factories ; (2) a Dominion Inspector of Accommodation for Shearers, Flaxmill and Sawmill Employees, and Agricultural Labourers ; and (3) a de partmental Librarian. All the officers who have served abroad with the Expeditionary Force have now returned to duty. Housing Branch. —On the passing of the Housing Act last session a, separate branch of the Department was established to deal solely with the administration of this Act. Additional appointments provided for in the Act viz., Architect, Housing Inspectors, besides clerks —have been made, and these officers have taken up their duties. A separate, report on housing is printed as H.-IU. Expenditure of the Department during the Yeah 1919-20. Salaries, temporary clerical assistance, allowance to officers performing higher duties, £ and allowance to police and other officers acting as departmental agents* .. .. 23,050 Advertising and publications .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 364 Fares (at reduced rates), board and lodging, &c, advanced to persons proceeding to employment (see refunds of same below) . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Fares (proportion of) contributed by Department to persons proceeding to employment (viz., 25 per cent, on railway fares) . . .. .. . . .. . . 146 Fees paid to assessors of Industrial Councils . . .. . . . . .. .. 1,997 Legal and witnesses'expenses (see refunds of same below) .. .. .. .. 167 Postage, telegrams, telephones, and rent of letter-boxes . . .. .. .. 2, 346 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,750 Office requisites, fuel, and lighting . . .. .. .. . . . . .. 394 Purchase of dwellinghouse for official use, including insurance, rates, and repairs of same .. 859 Travelling allowances and expenses of Inspectors, members of Court of Arbitration, Conciliation Councils, &c, bicycles and motor-cycles, and maintenance of same .. . . 5,547 Workers' dwellings— Administration and travelling-expenses ) charged for in rents and instalments f . . 743 Fire insurance, rates, and repairs (ten months only) ( .. 1,563 Miscellaneous expenditure — £ Arbitration Court and Conciliation Councils .. .. .. .. 291 General .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 287 578 Less refunds of— 40,274 Fares .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 Legal and witnesses' expenses . . . . .. . . . . 109 258 £40,016

* Exclusive of the salaries of the Judge and members of the Court of Arbitration, £2,800, which are appropriated by special Act of Parliament.





2—H. 11.

Beg. No. Name. Registered Offloe. saS Registered (mice. INDUSTRIAL ASS IOCIATIONS OF EMPLOYERS, 1041 ! New Zealand Coach and Motor Vehicle Trades r>20 New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors 1041! Now Zealand Federated Newspaper Proprietors 89,'i New Zealand Federation of Master Plumbers 1036 New Zealand Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearlbarley Millers 1003 ! New Zealand Furniture Trades 724 I New Zealand Master Printers 351 New Zealand United Master Bakers 832 New Zealand Wholesale Clothing Manufacturers Dash's Carriage-works, Waitnate (Seoretary, E, ('. Harvie, S Box 168, Dannevirke) National Mutual Buildings, Wellington .. Id Christchuroh Press Company, Christohurch .. 4 15 Empire Buildings, Princes Street, Dunedin .. 5 196 Cashel Street, Christchurob .. 2 196 Cashel Street, Christohuroh .. .. .. 7 I 26 Bank of New South Wales Chambers, Wellington .. Ill 464 Great King Street, Dunedin .. .. 7 (ii) Victoria, Street, Wellington .. .. .. 4 Totals Number of associations, i) r>7 INDUSTRIAL AS ISOCIATIONS OF WORKERS. 1040 807 487 1040 Federated Seamen's Union of Now Zealand 807 Hawke's Bay Trades and Labour Council 487 Merchant Service Guild of Australasia (N.Z. Section) 855 New Zealand Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners 925 Now Zealand Council of Amalgamated Sooiety of Engineers 561 New Zealand Federated Boilermakers, Iron and Steel Ship Builders 53 Now Zealand Federated Boot Trade 79l> Now Zealand Federated Bricklayers 1047 New Zealand Federated Butchers 471! Now Zealand Federated Coachworkers and Wl Kiel wrights 824 Now Zealand Federation of Drivers' Unions 077 Now Zealand Federated Engine-drivers, River Engineers, Greasers, and Firemen 1002 Now Zealand Federated Flour-mill Employees 772 New Zealand Federated Furniture Trade 729 New Zealand Federated Hotel and Restaurant Employees 275 Now Zealand Federated Moulders f>(>7 New Zealand Federated Painters and Deoorators 78(> New Zealand Federated Plumbers and Gasfltters HIifi New Zealand Federated Sawmills and Timber-yards and Coal-yards Employees 941 Now Zoaiand Federated Shop Tailors, Tailoresses, Machinists, and Pressers 75(i New Zoaiand Federated Stonemasons 124 Now Zealand Federated Tailoresses and Other Clothing Trade Employees 8(19 Now Zealand Federated Theatrical or Stage Employees 579 New Zealand Federated Tramway Employees 54:! New Zealand Federated Typographical .. 912 New Zealand Federated Woollen-mills Employees 1132 New Zealand Freezing-works and Related Trades 866 New Zealand Journalists 1117 Now Zealand Related Printing Trades 559 New Zealand Waterside Workers' Federation Queen's Chambers, Wellington .. .. .. :s Trades Hall, Market Street, Napier .. .. :! 153-155 Featherston Street, Wellington .. :i 855 Trades Hall, Wellington (Secretary, Mr. W. Maddisoii" i 2:s 85 Todman Street, Brooklyn, Wellington) Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 14 925 561 Trail.-; Hull, Wellington .... 4 53 79(> 1047 47:! Trades Hall, Auckland . . .. . . . . li 7 Prosser's Road, St. Martin's, Christchurch .. r> Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. r> Trades Hall, Christchurob .. .. .. 4 824 l>77 2 Jervois Quay, Wellington . . .. it Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 7 1002 Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. 4 772 729 Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. . . .. 4 1S7 Queen Street, Auckland .. .. .. I 275 667 110 Caledonian Road, SI. Albans, Christchurch 4 Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. 1:! 786 Trades Hall, Auckland . . . . . . f> s:i(> Trades Hall. Christohurch .. .. .. 7 941 Trades Hall. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 7 756 124 Trades Hall, Wellington . . .. . . .. 4 Zealandia Chambers, 2(1 Dowling Street, Dunedin .. (> 8(19 15 Alison Avenue, Devonport, Auckland .. 4 579 257 Riddiford Street, Wellington .. .. .. s 54:! 912 Odd Fellows' Hall, Lambton Quay, Wellington .. 4 22 Armidale Street, Pe'tone . ■ . . 5 1132 Trades Hall, Wellington . . . . . . .. | g S(>(> 1117 559 180 Selwyn Street, Spreydon, Christchuroh .. .. 4 Arthur Street, Ellerslie, Auckland . . .. .. r> 80 Manners Street, Wellington .. .. .. Ill Totals . . Number of associations, ISO 108




Beg. No. lieg. No. Nil me. Registered Office. Northern (Auc CI 'Ki,\\i>) Industrial District. 348 164 162 741 911 181 472 738 830 1074 r>71 r>39 122 1115 504 460 464 1070 583 536 7 S3 1011 348 164 162 741 911 181 472 738 330 1074 571 539 122 1115 504 460 464 1070 533 536 7 S3 101 1 1124 148 1 135 342 370 979 L025 1020 I I 14 326 750 838 864 1027 984 11)91 1 68 Auckland and Suburban General Carriers and Coal-merchants Auckland Builders and Contractors Auckland Clothing-manufacturers .. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company (Limited) Auckland Furniture and Furnishing Auckland Grocers Auckland Guild of Master Painters Auckland Licensed Victuallers' Association Auckland Master Bilkers Auckland Master Farriers Auckland Master Plumbers Auckland Master Printers Auckland Master Tailors Auckland Motor Traders Auckland Provincial Coachbuildera and Wheelwrights Auckland Provincial Gum-dealers ■ .. | Auckland Provincial Master Butchers . . Auckland Provincial Newspaper-proprietors Auckland Provincial Shipowners, Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders Auckland Provincial Tanners, I'Yllmoimers, and Soap-manufacturers Auckland Restaurateurs Auckland Retail Drapers, Milliners, Mercers, and Clothiers Auckland Saddle. Bridle, Harness, Collar, and Bag Manufacturers Auckland Sawmillers and Woodware manufacturers Auckland Wholesale Grocery and Tobacco Merchants Deyonport Steam Ferry (lompany (Limited) Gisborne Builders and Contractors Gisborne Master Printers and Bookbinders Gisborne Master Tailors .. . . • I. T. Julian and Son (Limited) . . North Auckland District Coaohbuilders, Blacksmiths, and Farriers Northern Steamship Company (Limited) .. Poverty Bay and KaslCoast Sheepowneis. . Poverty Bay Master Butchers Poverty Bay Master Farriers and Blacksmit hs South Auckland District Ooachbuilders, Blacksmiths, and Farriers South Auckland District, Master Printers, Lithographers, and Bookbinders Tattersfield (Limited) Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland 2(i 303 Viotoria Arcade, .Queen Street, Auckland .. I 46 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. .. II Endean's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland .. 1 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland . . 32 19 Union Buildings, Customs Street, Auckland .. j 95 S3 Albert Street, Auckland . . . . . . 28 Brunswick Buildings, 174 Queen Street, Auckland .. 249 19 Union Buildings, Customs Street, Auckland .. 02 9 Belgium Street, Auckland .. .. 27 National Chambers, Swanson Street, Auckland .. 30 li(i Kndean's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland 32 Law (Joint Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. .. 11) 200 Victoria Arcade, Auckland .. .. 53 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. .. 34 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland . . (i 22 Hall of Commerce!, High Street, Auckland . . ... 33 New Zealand, Herald Office, Auckland .. 10 Daw Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. 7 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland . . 7 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. .. 21 Law Court, Buildings, High Street, Auckland . . 28 Law Court Buildings, High Street, Auckland .. 14 Fanshawe Street, Auckland .. .. 46 Hobson Buildings, Fort Street, Auckland is Quay Street Bast, Auckland .. I McKee's Buildings, 113 Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. 8 : McKee's Buildings, 113 Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. 3 Care of James Johnstone, Tailor, Gladstone Road, Gisborne 7 Market Entrance, off Cook Street, Auckland .. .. 1 Victoria Street, Dargaville .... Hi Quay Street, Auckland .. .. .. .. I McKee's Buildings, 113 Gladstone Road, Gisbome 141 McKee's Buildings, 113 Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. 7 Waerenga-a-liika .. .. .. .. .. IK Collihgwood Street, Hamilton .. 52 Harker's Buildings, Victoria Street, Hamilton.. 18 Sackvillc Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland . . I Ferry Buildings, Quay Street, Auckland 1 1124 148 1 135 342 370 979 L025 1020 I I 14 326 750 838 864 1027 084 1091 168 Totals Number of unions, 39 1,204 i Welunoto o in Industrial District. 420 743 901 520 1006 890 522 1019 7(i(i 1007 517 142 418 1014 566 488 484 101 815 1054 1048 1105 [Jawke's Bay Builders and Contractors: . . Hawke's Bay Sheepowners .. Manawatu Master Bakers E. W. Mills and Co. (Limited) Napier Furniture and Furnishing Trades .. Napier Master Printers, Lithographers, and Bookbinders New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Bacon and Meat Packing Company (Limited) Jas. J. Nivcn and Co. (Limited) Palmcisfon North Master Butchers Palmerston North Timber-merchants Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hardware Company (Limited) Thomas Ballinger and Co. (Limited) Wanganui Builders and Contractors Wanganui Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers Wanganui Licensed and Allied Trade Association Wanganui Licensed Victuallers . . Wanganui Master Painters . . Wellington Builders and Contractors Wellington Clothing-manufacturers Wellington Coach and Motor-vehicle Trades Wellington Kleotrioal Engineers and Traders Wellington Engineers, Metal-workers, and Iron and Brass Founders Herschel] Street, Napier . . . . 45 Emerson Street, Napier .. .. Iβ] Care of Dustin's Limited, Palmerston North .. 11 ■ lervois Quay, Wellington . . . . . . . . I M Shakespeare Road, Napier .. " 5 Tennyson Street. Napier .. .. .. .. 10 Bethune's Buildings, Keathcrston Street, Wellington .. 1 29 Hunter Street, Wellington .. .. .. I 22 a Cuba Street, Pahnerston North .. 12 22a Cuba Street, Palmerston North .. .. 0 Courtenay Place, Wellington 1 58-02 Victoria Street, Wellington . . I Lennard's Buildings, Ridgway Street. Wanuanui .. 50 1)3 Duncan Street, Wanganui East .. .. .. I I 13 Wickstead Place, Wanganui . . . . 27 i Rutland Hotel, Wanganui .. .. .. .. 14 R, and I ,, ,. Tingey and Co., Wanganui (Box 74) . . 20 National Mutual Buildings, Customhouse Quay, Welling- 02 ton 58 .lervois Quay, Wellington . . . . . . 11 128 Taranaki Street, Wellington .. .. 23 102 Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. .. .. 17 111 Customhouse Quay, Wellington ., .. 23 1 12 0 1 1 50 II • )-J 14 20 02 II 23 17 23




Beff. No. Name. Kcgistored Office. j! I I IS 1123 IO(i Wellington Industrial Distbiot continued.. 29 ::i 25 131 886 044 Wellington General Carriers .. .. 102 Customhouse Quay, Wellington ..• Wellington Grocers .. .. ..12 Panama Street, Wellington Wellington Master Bakers . . .. Care of New Zealand Automatic Bakeries (Limited), Wellington Wellington Master Painters .. ... 338 Tinakori Road, Wellington Wellington Master Plumbers .. .. 65 Cuba Street, Wellington Wellington Master Printers, Lithographers, ! Room 26, Bank of New South Wales (ilia rubers. Wellingand Bookbinders ton Wellington Master Tailors .. .. 102 Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. Wellington Newspaper-proprietors .. DovninioTi Office, Wellington 48 28 26 L18 948 n> j i Totals .. .. .. .. .. . .Number of unions, 30 762 i CaNTEKBUM Industrial Dintiuct. 97 113 430 298 324 1015 339 459 297 094 914 305 395 452 Builders and Contractors' Association of 93 Gloucester Street, Christchurch Canterbury Canterbury Butchers .. .. .. 247 Armagh Street, Chriatohurob Canterbury Coachbuilders and Wheelwrights ('are of Hugh Kennedy, Worcester Street, Christchurch. . Canterbury Employers of Drivers .. 196 Cashel Street, Christchurch Canterbury Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl- 196 Cashel Street, Christehurch barley Millers Canterbury Grooers .. .. ■. 196 Cashel Street, Christohurch Canterbury Licensed Victuallers .. Royal Exchange Buildings. Chriftqhurch Canterbury Master Bakers .. .. Employers' Association Rooms, Cashel Street, Christohurch Canterbury Master Printers .. .. Art Gallery, Armagh Street, Christchuroh Canterbury Newspaper-proprietors • . Care of Christchurch Press Company (Limited), Christehurch Canterbury Sawmillers.. .. .. 1.96 Cashel Street, Christchuroh Canterbury Sheepowners .. .. 106 Hereford Street, Christchurch Canterbury Tanners, Fellmongers, and Wool- 196 Cashel Street, Christohurch scourers Christchurch Clothing-manufacturers .. 196 Cashel Street, Ohristohurch Ohristchurch Furniture-makers .. .. 196 Caehel Street, Christohurch Christchureh Hairdressers and Tobacconists 213 Manchester Street, phristchurch Christehurch Master Plumbers .. .. 196 Oashel Street, Christchurch Christohurch Master Tailors .. .. 196 Oashel Street, Christchuroh South Canterbury Farriers .. .. 149 Stafford Street, Timaru South Canterbury Master Bakers . . Hutchinson's Tea-rooms, 3 Stafford Street, Timaru South Canterbury Thresh ing-mill Owners. . 177 Stafford Street, Timaru Timaru Master Printers and Bookbinders . . Stafford Street, Timaru Timaru Painters .. .. .. 114 Stafford Street, Timaru Waimate County Coaoh and Motor Builders, Dash's Carriage-works, Waimate Engineers, and Blacksmiths Whitoombe and Tombs (Limited) .. Ill Cashel Street, Chrietchuroh 42 12 23 20 9 99 42 II ti 4 1,397 9 S31 141 1069 894 125 986 362 379 1072 757 1067 22 32 40 19 31 36 lf> 27 9 12 12 519 1 Totals .. .. .. .. , .Number of unions, 25 2,028 Otaiso and Southland Industrial Distbiot. 33 300 891 337 822 090 087 -004 189 3)3 867 789 Diiuedin and Suburban General Carriers 116 Lower Rattray Street, Dunedin .. and Coal-merchants Dunedin and Suburban Master Butchers .. Joel's Buildings, 21 Crawford Street, Dunedin Dunedin Builders and Contractors .. Reid's Buildings, Liverpool Street, Dunedin Dunedin Clothing-manufacturers .. Care of tiallonstein Bros., Dowling Street. Dunedin Dunedin Electrical Engineers and Con- Dispensary Buildings, corner , of Princes Street and Moray tractors Place, Dunedin Dunedin Engineers, Metal-workers, and Zealandia Chambers, Dowling Street, Dunedin (Secretary, Iron and Brass Founders .. .. T. M. Gillies, P.O. Box 123) Dunedin'Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl-barley 196 Cashel Street, Christohurch Millers Dunedin Furniture and Furnishing Trade 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin Dunedin Master Bakers .. 21 Crawford Street, Dunedin Dunedin Master Tailors . . .. 99 High Street (P.O. Box 214), Dunedin Dunedin Plumbers .. ■■ ■• Care of J. A. Hopcraft, L2 Octagon, Dunedin .. Dunedin Private Hotel and Restaurant 21 Crawford Street, Dunedin Employers Inveroargill Coal-merchants .. .. L18 Spey Street, Invercargill Inveroargill Plumbers .. •• •- The Arcade, Invercargill [nvercargill and Suburban Master Butchers Kelvin Street, Invercargill New Zealand rioot Manufacturers'Association 301 Princes Street, Dunedin Oamaru Master Tailors •■ ■■ Care of J. H. Milligan, Waterloo House, Thames Street, Oamaru Otago and Southland Gold-mining .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin Otago and Southland Master Saddlers' 294 Princes Street, Dunedin ... Society Otago and Southland Newspaper-proprietors Otago Daily Times Office, Dunedin .. Otago and Southland Sheepowners . . 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin Otago and Southland Tanners .. .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin Otago Coaehbuilders, Blacksmiths, and 12 Albany Street, Dunedin .. Farriers Otago Drapers » r 1 Clothiers .. .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin Otago Grocers .. .. •■ 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin 31 4!) 7 7 24 12 12 43 17 33 10 12 !) IS 45 5 454 875 5(50 (i 307 318 241 22 9 936 446 116 033 7 202 5 21 311 302 36 04





< 0 f? - Name. Registered OIUco. O rfl i! I* Otaq-o and Southland Industrial District — continued. 325 Otago Master Printers, Lithographers, and Imperial Buildings, I Dowling Street, Dunedin Bookbinders 343 Otago Painters .. .. .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin 406 Southland Builders and Contractors .. Tay Street, Invercargill 77S, Southland Coaehbuildcrs and Blacksmiths The Crescent, Invercargill .. 664 Southland Grocers .. .. . . Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street. Invercargill 332 Southland Master Tailors .. .. Rout's Buildings, Don Street, Invercargill 479 Southland Sawmillers .. .. .. Arcade Buildings, Esk Street, Invercargill 137 Union Steamship Company of New Zealand Water Street, Dunedin (Limited) 88 Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. 3 Bond Street, Dunedin 37 13 45 41 42 9 20 1 I Totals .. .. .. .. .. Number of unions, 34 939 Taranaki Industrial District. 1010 New Plymouth Furnishing Trade •■ 59 Devon Street, New Plymouth 60S Taranaki Dairying and .Panning .. T. H. Penn's offloe, Broadway, Stratford .. 516 Taranaki Licensee! Victuallers .. .. Devon Street, New Plymouth 204 Taranaki Master Builders .. .. Brougham Street, New Plymouth 861 Taranaki Master Printers, Lithographers, Care of Taranaki Herald, New Plymouth and Bookbinders 447 Taranaki Master Tailors .. .. 251 Devon Street, New Plymouth 010 60S 516 204 861 Hi 111 Hi 7 II 447 12 Totals .. .. .. .. .. Number of unions, (i 111 Marlborough Industrial District. 443 Marlborough Sheepowners .. •■ Queen Street, Blenheim 443 57 Totals .. . . . . . . .. Number of unions, 1 57 Nui.soN Industrial District. 806 I Nelson Master Printers, Lithographers, and Waimea Street, Nelson Bookbinders 774 ! Nelson Master Tailors .. .. .. Dees and Son's Buildings, Trafalgar Street, Nelson Totals .. .. .. .. .. Number of unions, 2 806 774 I I 10 21 Westland Industrial District. 177 I Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited) Bridge Street, Reefton 721 | Westland Licensed Victuallers .. .. Mackay Street, Greymouth 177 721 i 23 Totals .. . . .. .. .. Number of unions, 2 24 Grand totals •• •• .. Industrial unions of employers, 139 5,146

I tug. No. Name. Registered 0 (flee. if Northern (Auc 3kland) Industrial District. 399 1076 1029 825 190 923 1046 Auckland Abattoir Assistants and Freezingworks Employees Auckland Aerated-water, Condiment, Preserve, Biscuit, Confectionery, and Drug Factories Employees "Auckland and Suburban Local Bodies' Labourers Auckland Boainsnien's. . .Auckland Biograph Operators ■• Auckland Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Auckland Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (including Brassfinishers, Tinsmiths, and Sheet-metal Workers) Auckland Branch of the Federated Cooks and Stewards Auckland Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants' Employees Auckland Brick and Pottery anil Clay Workers Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. Trades Hall, Auckland 19 Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland .. Trades Hall. Auckland 12 Mennie's Reserve, Auckland Trades Hall, Auckland Trades Hall, Auckland 84 646 17 37 779 I07S 495 Queen's Chambers, Jervois Quay, Wellington .. 393 187 Iil2 Trades Hall, Auckland 133 340 Trades Hall, Auckland 147 * Name changed to Auckland ami Sul.uni ban Local Bodies' Labourers and Related Trades, 11/5/2(1.




5£ Name. Si Registered Office. S^ NoBTHHBN (AlfCKLANl l>) Indt/stmal District — continued. 570 Auckland Bricklayers .. 87] Auckland Builders', General, and other Labourers 152 *Auokland Butchers, Meat-preservers, and Baoon-curers 284 Auckland Certificated Engine-drivers 1125 Auckland City Cleaners, Caretakers, and liftmen 1 108 Auckland City Female Bookbinders, Rulers, Envelope-makers, and Printers' Feeders 1 100 Auckland City Retail Soft-goods Employees 1103 Auckland City Tramway Offioers, Engineers, Gangers, and Clerical Staff Employees 502 Auckland Coaohworkers 444 Auckland Coopers 1073 Auckland Creameries and Cheese and Butter Factories Employees 155 Auckland Curriers 720 Auckland Cutters, Trimmers, Pressors, and other Clothing Employees 753 Auckland Dairy Employees 596 Auckland District Boilermakers, [ron-ship Workors, and Bridge-builders 002 Auckland Electrical Workers 020 Auckland Farriers and General Blacksmiths 508 Auckland Fellmongers, Tanners, Soapworkers, and General Tannery Employees 921 Auokland Fire-brigades Employees 381 Auckland Fish-trade Employees (other than I Fishermen) 1129 Auokland Front of House Employees in Theatres, Pioture-shows, and Houses of Entertainment 314 Auckland Grocers' Assistants 422 Auckland Gum-workers 501 Auckland Hairdressers' Assistants 1150 Auckland Hardware Assistants .. (188 Auckland Hotel and Restaurant Employees 149 Auokland Iron and Brass Moulders 853 Auokland Journalists .. 840 ] Auckland Local Federated Seamen 978 Auckland Manufacturing Jewellers, Watch and Clock Makers, and Kindred Trades 708 Auokland Merchant Service Guild 240 Auckland Motor-car and Horse Drivers .. 174 Auckland Operative Bakers and Pastrycooks 59 Auckland Operative Bootmakers 035 Auckland Operative Plasterers 108 Auckland Painters 806 Auckland Performing Musicians 654 Auckland Plumbers and Gasfltters 1096 tAuckland Printers' Machinists and Bookbinders 1082 Auckland Retail Chemists'Employees 150 Auokland Saddlers, Harness-makers, Collarmakers, Bag-makers, and Bridle-cutters 384 Auckland Sail, Tent, and Cover Makers . . 494 Auckland Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders 715 Auckland Stage Employees 580 Auckland Stonemasons and Monumental Workors 73 Auckland Tailoresses and other Female Clothing Trade Employees 67 Auckland Tailors 830 Auckland Tallymen 248 Auckland Timber-workers 1088 Auckland Tramways 132 Auckland Typographical 183 Auokland United Flour-mill Employees .. 910 Auckland United Furniture Trades 1101 Auckland United Storemon (other than employees in bottling-storos) 1144 Auckland Waterside Foremen and Timekeepers 933 Auckland Waterside Workers 1130 Devonport Ferry and Takapuna Tramways and li'crry Companies Employees, The 810 Eden Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners 759 Gisborne and East Coast Shearers and Woolshed Employ oes 373 Gisborne Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners | 118 Newton Road, Auckland .. .. .. 98 Trades Hall, Auokland .. .. .. .. 009 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 339 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. | 170 17 Commercial Koad, Arch Hill, Auckland .. .. 08 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. . . 125 22 Swanson Street, Auckland .. .. .. 220 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 55 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. j 55 Tyrone Buildings, Custom Street, Auckland .. . . 25 Tabernacle Buildings, Karatigaliapo Koad, Auckland .. 373 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 29 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 53 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 138 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. . . 98 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 59 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 29 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 172 Central Fire-station, Pitt Street, Auokland .. .. 30 38 Kiwi Road, Devonport, Auckland .. .. 82 17 Commercial Road, Arch Hill, Auckland .. .. 41 22 Swanson Street, Auckland . . .. .. 417 15 Ara Street, Remuera, Auckland .. .. .. 09 28 Victoria Street West, Auckland . . .. .. Bβ Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 98 187 Queen Street, Auckland .. .'. .. 3,715 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. . . .. 112 25 Swanson Street, Auckland (Box 1549) . . . . 49 Tyrone Buildings, Customs Street East, Auckland .. 1,145 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 51. 417 89 Bβ 98 3,715 112 49 1, 145 81 6 Gladstone Buildings, Quay Street, Auokland .. 96 Trades Hall, Auckland .. . . .. .. 364 Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland .. . . .. 207 55 Wellpark Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland . . .. 449 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 58 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 384 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 235 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 233 1 Arthur Streot, Ellerslie, Auckland . . .. .. 135 96 364 207 440 58 384 235 233 135 22 Swanson Street, Auckland .. . . .. 87 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. . . . . 147 87 147 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 10 Trades Hall, Auckland .. . . .. .. 02 15 Alison Avenuo, Dovonport, Auckland .. .. 27 5 Paice Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland .. .. 77 Hi 62 27 77 15 Tabornacle Buildings, Karangahape Road, Auckland 1,021 1,021 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. Mil Quay Streot, Auckland .. . . .. .. 91 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. . . . . 550 18 Tabernaole Buildings, Karangahape Road, Auckland 562 34 Great South Road, Remuera, Auckland .. 241 2 Tabernacle Buildings, Newton Auokland .. . . 45 Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 159 Trades Hall, Hobson Street, Auckland .. .. 225 101 91 550 562 241 45 459 225 Cambourne Road, Mount Albert, Auokland .. . . 47 47 2 Quay Street, Auckland .. .. .. .. 1380 Trades Hall, Auckland . . .. .. .. 72 1380 72 Kill mi Terrace Road Board Ball, Auckland .. .. 191 191 Trades Hall, Gisborne .. .. .. .. 21 21 Trades Sail, Gisborne .. .. •• .. ss ss • Name changed to Auckland Butehi t Nairn: changed to Auckland .Related irs, L8/ii/2u. Printing Trades (other than Typographers), iy/5/20




K«g No " If Name. Registered Office. £■% II y, ■* Numo. 699 643 661 002 798 1084 1109 877 1024 779 8<i:S 799 940 1155 IO17 Nobth i<; it n (Auckland) In dust b] a l 1 )istrict — con I inued. Gisborne Drivers .. .. .. 257 Gladstone Road, Gisborne ■• .. .. 65 Gisborne Painters and Decorators .. ! Trades Sail, Qisborne .. .. .. .. •!<> •Gisborne Typographical .. .. Labour Council Chambers, Vautier's Buildings, Gladstone '•>'- Road, Gisborne Gisborne Waterside Workers .. .. Shelter-shed, Reid's Quay, Gisborne ■■ •• .. ins Hamilton Branch of the, Amalgamated i Mardon Road, Claudelands, Hamilton .. .. 83 Society of Carpenters and Joiners Hikurangi Coal-miners .. .. Hikurangi Hall, Hikurangi .. .. .. .. 109 Huntly Coal-mine Underground Officials ■. Miners' Hall, Euntly •. • ■ • ■ • • 30 Huntly Engine-drivers (in ooal-mines) .. i Miners'Union EaU, Huntly .. .. .. 21 Kaipara Waterside Workers .. .. Coronation Hall, Te Kopura .. .. .. 72 Ohinemuri Branch of the Amalgamated Foresters' Hall, Hazard Street, YY'aihi .. .. 75 Society of Engineers (including Electricians) Ohinemuri Mines and Batteries Employees Seddon Street, Waihi .. .. .. .. G9(i (otherthan Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Firemen) Onehunga Branch of the Amalgamated Trades Hull, Auckland .. .. . .• .. 93 Society of Carpenters and Joiners Onehunga Waterside Workers .. .. Waterside Workers'Shed, Onehunga Wharf .. .. 72 ' Onehunga Woollen-mill Employees .. Wallace Buildings, Onehunga .. .. .. 87 Otahuhu Branch of the Amalgamated So- Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 40 eiety of Carpenters and Joiners Poverty Bay and East Coast Builders', Con- 257 Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. .. .. 55 tractors', and General Labourers Poverty Bay Freezing-works and Related Labour Council Chambers, Gisbome .. .. .. 699 Trados Employees Pukemiro Coal-mine Workers ■■ .. Pukemiro .. .. .. .. .. L35 Riverhead Paper-mill Employees .. 2 Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland . . .. .. 4(S South Auckland Engine-drivere, Winders, Aspinall's Buildings, Seddon Street, Waihi .. .. 7!) Motormen, and Firemen Taupiri Coal-mine and Waikato Extended ! Main Street, Huntly ■• •• ■• .. '175 Coal-mine Workers To Akatea Coal-mine Workers . . . . Glen Massey, Ngaruawahia . . . . .. I 87 Thames Branch of the Amalgamated So- Club-room, Burns Building, Albert Street, Thames .. 82 ciety of Engineers (including Brasslinishers) Thames Miners .. .. .. Queen Street, Thames .■ ■■ ■• .. 2(>9 Waihi Borough Labourers .. .. Waihi Sample-rooms, Mueller Street, Waihi .. .. :SI Waikato Flax-mills Employees .. .. Trades Hall. Auckland .. .. .. .. 40 VVestfleld Chemical-manure Workers .. Trades Hall, Auokland .. .. ■■ .. 56 Whangarei Branch of the Amalgamated Odd Fellows' Hall, Whangarei ■. .. .. 29 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 777 4:! i 1053a 1121 8IS7 951 1009 771 IB 1056 1032 500 1049 Totals .. .. .. .. .. . . Number of unions, 98 22,9;S2 Wellington Industrial District. 7KI 7(>:s 212 I HO I 151 I 107 650 540 992 804 f Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants Aitken Street, Wellington .. .. .. .. 7,934 of Now Zealand Chief Stewards' Guild of Now Zealand .. 168 Lambton Quay, Wellington .. .. .. 56 Federated Cooks and Stewards of New Zea- : Queen's Chambers, Wellington .. .. .. 812 land Pending Branch of the Amalgamated So- Odd Fellows' Hall, Stafford Street, Feilding .. .. 17 ciety of Carpenters and Joiners Hastings Fruit Cool Store and Orchard Em- Park Road, Hastings (Secretary, J. Moulton) . . .. ] 19 ployees Hawke's Bay Branob of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Napier .. .. .- .. 305 Society of Carpenters and Joiners Hawke's Bay Fishermen's and Fish-shed Hardinge Road, Port Ahuriri .. •• .. 27 Employees Manawatu Flax-mills Employees .. < Britannia Buildings, George Street, Palmerston North .. GKi Masterton Amalgamated Society of Painters ■ Trades Hall, Churoh Street, Masterton .. .. 21 and Decorators Masterton Branch of the Amalgamated So- Trades Hall, Masterton .. . . .. .. 46 ciety of Carpenters and Joiners Napier Branch of the Amalgamated Society Trades Hall, Napier .. •• ■• .. 42 of Engineers (including Eleotrioians and < Motor Mechanics) Napier Gas Employees ■• .. Hardinge Road, Port Ahuriri .. .. .. 21 Napier Motor-vehicle and Horse Drivers .. Trades Hall, Market Street, Napier .. .. .. (id Napier Painters and Decorators .. 18 Craven Street, Napier .. .. .. .. 40 Napier Tramway Employees .. .. Tramway Depot, Faraday Street, Napier .. .. 22 Napier Waterside Workers .. .. Union's Office, Hardinge Road, Port Ahuriri .. .. 114 Napier Wool and Grain Store Employees Hardinge Road, Port Ahuriri, Napier .. .. 178 and Wholesale Merchants' Storomen Palmerston North Branch of the Amalga- Britannia, Buildings, George Street, Palmerston North . . 94 mated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Palmerston North Branch of the Amalga- Britannia Buildings, George Street, Palmerston North ■ • : 33 mated Society of Engineers (including Motor Mechanics and Cycle Workers) Palmerston North Painters and Deoorators ' Britannia Buildings, Palmerston North .. ... 25 752 775 375 237 97.'! :)89 7(54 591 918 210 * Name changed to Cfisboi-iie Printing ami Belated Trades Industrial Union oE Workers, 26/2/20, t This Union has forty-six branches throughout the Dominion, with headquarters in Wellington.




- Name. Registered oiiirai. II \Vhi,i,inct()N Industrial District continued. 991 528 1(177 1102 1184 173 966 972 7.'!!) I Petone Branch of the Amalgamated Sooiety I Orange Hall, Buick Street, Petone of Engineers 709 i Petone (Wellington) Woollen - mills Km- 22 Armidale Street, Petone ployees ()4I i South Wellington Branoh of the Amalga- St. Thomas's School-room, Riddiford Street, Wellington mated Sooiety of Carpenters and Joiners (172 Wanganui Branch of the Amalgamated 40 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Sooiety of Carpenters and Joiners 768 Wanganui Branch of the Amalgamated Y.M.O.A. Buildings, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Sooiety of Engineers (including Motor Mechanics) 1057 Wanganui Bricklayers .. .. .. 66 Glasgow Street, Wanganui 730 Wanganui Motor and Horse Drivers .. 40 Victoria Avenue 0S2 ♦Wanganui Gas Stokers, Trimmers, and ■ 25 Webb Road, Durie Vale, Wanganui ('okers 439 Wanganui Operative Butchers .. .. 5 Falkland Street, Wanganui East 258 Wanganui Society of Painters and Decorators Williams and Harper's Booms, The Avenue, Wanganui . . 748 Wanganui Tramways Employees .. 61 Alma Road, Gonville, Wanganui 085 I Wanganui Waterside Workers .. .. Waiting-room, Wharf, Wanganui 129 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters Trades Hall, Wellington and Decorators 813 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Shop- Trades Hall, Wellington assistants in the Boot, Hardware, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Furniture, and Soft Goods Trades 1071 Wellington Biograph Operators .. Trades Hall, Wellington 13 Wellington Bookbinders and Paper-rulers' Trades Hall, Wellington Trade Society 52 ' Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Wellington Sooiety of Carpenters and .Joiners 1066 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated : Odd Fellows' Hall, Lambtnn Quay, Wellington Society of Engineers (including Brassfinishers, Coppersmiths, Motor Mechanics, I and Tinplate and Sheet-metal Workers) 991 Wellington Brewers, Bottlers, Bottle- Trades Hall, Wellington washers, and Aerated-water Employees (other than Storemeri and Drivers) 528 Wellington Bricklayers .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington 1077 I Wellington Builders and General Labourers Trades Hall, Wellington 1102 i Wellington City Gasworks Employees .. 238 Sutherland Road, Lyall Bay. Wellington .. 1134 j Wellington City Ships Tally Clerks .. 242 Tinakori Road, Wellington 173 J Wellington Coach workers .. . . Trades Hall, Wellington 966 Wellington Dairy Employees .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington 972 Wellington Distriot Farm and Station Hands Queen's Chambers, Wellington (other than Shearers) and Creamery, Butter, and Cheese Factories Employees 218 Wellington District Hotel, Club, and 80 Manners Street, Wellington Restaurant Workers 72 j Wellington Distriot of the Australasian Fn- Aitken Street, Wellington .. stitute of Marine Engineers (ill Wellington Electrical Workers .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington 70 Wellington Federated Furniture Trade .. Trades Hall, Wellington 1079 Wellington Freezing-works and Related Trades Hall, Wellington Trades Employees 1149 Wellington Gardeners' Employees .. Beehive Chambers, Courtenay Place, Wellington 915 ; Wellington Hairdressers', Hairworkers', and Trades Hall. Wellington Wigmakers' Assistants 97 Wellington Iron and Brass Moulder's .. Trades Hall. Wellington 1023 Wellington Journalists .. ..1 Fore Street, Kaiwarra 509 Wellington Letterpress Printers, Litho- 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington grapliers, and I'apcreutters 900 Wellington Local Federated Seamen . . Queen's Chambers, Wellington 931 Wellington Manufacturing Jewellers, Watch Trades Hall, Wellington (Secretary, J, Moar, 173 Iliddiand Clock Makers, and Kindred Trades ford Street) 4S2 Wellington Merchant Service Guild .. 153-55 Featherston Street, Wellington 930 Wellington Metal-workers'Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington 219 Wellington Motor-car, Horse-drivers, and 2 Jervois Quay, Wellington .. Stable-attendants I Wellington Operativo Bakers and .Pastry- Beehive Chambers, Courtenay Place, Wellington cooks and Bakers and Pastrycooks' Labourers 14 Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society Trades Hall, Wellington 134 Wellington Operative Butchers .. .. Trades Hall. Wellington 808 Wellington Performing Musicians .. 21 Farish Street, Wellington 200 Wellington Plasterers .. .. .. Trades Hall. Wellington 69 Wellington Plumbers and Gaefitters .. Trades Hall, Wellington 234 Wellington Retail Grocers'Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington 167 Wellington Saddlers . . Trades Hall. Wellington 027 Wellington Shearers .. .. .. Queen's Chambers, Jervois Quay, Wellington .. 957 Wellington Shipwrights .. .. Queen's Chambers, Jervois Quay, Wellington .. 705 Wellington Stage Employees .. .. Trades Hall. Wellington 1018 I Wellington Stage Supernumeraries .. 3 Oxford Street. Wellington 242 Wellington Stationary, Traction, and Loeo- Trades Hall, Wellington motive Engine Drivers, and their Assistants 7l 12-1 113 179 49 28 20 20 32 54 43 187 316 419 IS SO 52(1 190 54 58 47(1 157 109 65 44 IS 2,007 500 55 489 2,340 33 50 56 02 132 I .710 33 200 92 470 304 285 190 172 63 190 278 40 IS 20 r>9 27 169 218 72 (ill 76 1079 I 1 49 91 S 97 1023 569 980 931 482 930 219 I 14 134 808 200 (i!) 234 167 827 957 705 018 242 • Name ohanged to Wanganui Gasworks Employees' industrial Unfon of Workers, 13/3/20, • Same ohanged to Wanganui Oaswor




Beg. No. _ 'I* Name. Registered Olllon. eg ■ II g* Wkuyinoton Indiisthiai, District— continued. 2 220 <i;s2 1148 15 19 638 408 Wellington Stonemasons .. . . Trades Hall, Wellington .. . . . . . . 24 Wellington TaUoresses, Cutters, Pressors, 151 Cuba Street, Wellington .. .. .. 385 and other Clothing-trade Employees i (except Tailors) Wellington Tailors .. .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 263 Wellington Timber-yards and Sawmills .. j Trades Hall, Wellington .. . . .. , . 75 Wellington Tramways Employees .. 257 Riddiford Street, Wellington .. .. .. 502 Wellington Tramways Officials .. .. Tram-shed, Newtown, Wellington .. .. .. 40 Wellington Typographical .. .. 31 I) ian Terrace, Wellington 472 Wellington United Boilermakers, Iron and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 56 Steel Ship and Bridge Builders Wellington United Storomcn (other than Trades Hall, Wellington .. . . .. .. 386 Employees in Retail Grocery and Softgoods Establishments) Wellington Waterside Workers .. .. Queen's Chambers, Jervois Quay, Wellington .. .. 2,270 77a 032 Totals .. .. .. .. Number of unions, 84 29,371 Canterbury Industrial District. 463 566 726 176 48 203 194 555 747 274 652 550 281 787 1147 288 268 140 2(i(i 549 20 Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Trades Hall, Christ-church .. .. .. 24 Labourers Canterbury Bricklayers . . . . Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 81. Canterbury Brick, Pottery, Pipe, Tile, and Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 65 Clay Workers Canterbury Builders and General Labourers, Trades Hall, Christchurch .. 550 Quarry-workers, and Wool and Grain Store Employees Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners .. Trades Hall, Ctiristohurch .. .. .. .. 150 Canterbury Coaohbuilders .. .. Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. .. 89 Canterbury Curriers .. .. .. Druid's Hall, Woolston .. .. .. .. 20 Canterbury Dairymen's Employees .. 3 Trades Ball, Christohurch .. .. .. II Canterbury Freezing-works and Related Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. .. 2,052 Trades Employees Canterbury Grooers'Assistants .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. 163 Canterbury Hotel and Restaurant Em- Trades Hall, Christchurch .. OS] ployeos Canterbury Maltsters and Brewery Em- Trades Hall, Christohurch .. .. .. .. 130 ployees Canterbury Motor-car and Horse, Drivers, Trades Hall, Christohurch .. .. .. .. 395 and Livery-stable Employees Canterbury Operative Bakers/Pastryoooks, Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 7<> and Confectioners' Employees Canterbury Printing Trades .. .. 137 Gloucester Street, Christohuroh .. .. 358 Canterbury Shearers .. .. .. Trades Hall, Christohurch .. .. .. .. 58 Canterbury Timber-yards, Sawmills, and Trades Hall, Christchureh .. .. .. .. 108 Coal-yards Employees Canterbury Traction and Stationary Engine 3 Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. L12 Drivers and Firemen Canterbury Woollen-mills Employees .. Odd Fellows'Lodge-room, Hilton Street, Kaiapoi .. 192 Christohurch Aerated-water Workers and Trades Hall, Christohurch .. .. .. .. 56 other Bottlers Christohuroh Branoh of the Amalgamated 184 High Street, Christohuroh .. .. .. 49S Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights Christchurch Branch of the Amalgamated I Trades Hall, ('In istcliurcli .. .. .. .. 781 Society of Engineers (including Brassfinishers, Range-workers, Metal-workers' Assistants, Electrical Workers, Tinsmiths, and Sheet-metal Workers, and Cycle Workers) Christohurch Brush and Broom Trade .. 9 Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. 53 Christchuroh Clerks, Cashiers, and Office Bonnington's Buildings, Cashel Street, Christchurch .. 88 Employees Christchurch Dress and Mantle Makers .. 194 Gloucester Street, Christchuroh .. .. .. 301 Christchurch Federated furniture Trades.. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 218 Christchurch Gardeners .. . . Trades Hall, Christchurch .. . . .. .. 22 Christchurch Gasworks Employees .. 3 Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. 102 Christohurch Hairdressers and Tobaoooniats' Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. .. 17 Assistants Christchurch Iron and Brass Moulders .. Trades Hall, Christohuroh .. .. .. .. 101 Christchurch Journalists .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 57 Christ-church Manufacturing Jewellers, Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 19 Watch and Clock Makers, and Kindred Trades Christchuroh Operative Bootmakers'Society Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 351 Christohuroh Operative Butchers .. Trades Hall, Christchuroh .. .. .. .. I2(> Christchurch Operative Stonemasons .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 24 Christchurch Painters .. .. .. Trades Hall, Christchuroh .. .. .. .. 218 Christohurch Performing Musicians .. Trades Hall, Christchuroh .. .. .. .. 129 Christchurch Picture-theatres Employees 137 Gloucester Street. Christohurch . . . . . . 75 and Pront-of-house Employees in other Theatres Christchurch Plasterers .. .. 3 Trades Hall, Gloucester Street, Christohurch .. (>l Christohurch Plumbers and Gasfitters . . 3 Trades Hall, Christchuroh . . . • ■ • 77 1001 10(14 I 139 53 8(i 1150 1083 300 573 230 301 218 22 102 17 1(17 S57 1000 101 57 19 35 193 385 81 809 112(i 354 I2(> 24 218 129 75 123 38 l>1 77

h: -IK


3— TT. 11.


Reg. No Name. Registered Office. II : Canterbury In: L>tT8TMAi> Disirwt—continued. 1147 1051 1116 Christehureh Printing Trades Christehureh Retail Chemists' Assistants . . *Christchurch Retail Shop-assistants in the Boot, Hardware, Stationery, Fancygoods, Furniture, and Soft-goods Trades Ohristchufch Retail Storemen (other than Employees in Retail Grocery and Softgoods Establishments) Christehurch Saddlers, Harness and Collar Makers Christchurch Tailoresses, Cutters, Pressors, and other Clothing-trade Employees Christehureh Tailoring Trade Christchurch Tramway Employees Homebush Collieries Lyttelton Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists and Shipwrights Lyttelton Merchant Service Guild Lyttelton Ships Tally-clerks Lyttelton Waterside Workers Rangiora Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners South Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks South Canterbury Timber-yards, Sawmills, and Coal-yards Employees Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (including Motor Mechanics) Timaru Carpenters Timaru Society of Painters and Decorators Timaru Wharf Labourers United Boilermakers, Iron and Steel Ship Builders of Canterbury United Millers, Engine-drivers, and Mill Employees' Society of Canterbury Waimate Workers 137 Gloucester Street, Christeburch .. Hallenstein's Buildings, High Street, Christchurcli 2 Hallenstcin's Buildings, High Street, Christehurch . . 358 39 431 1095 Trades Hall, Ohristehurch .. 99 223 Trades Hall, Christchurch .. r>1 11 Trades Hall, Christehurch 517 105 547 363 1127 Trades Hall, Christehurch Trades Hall, Ohristchurch Care of Thomas Lennox, Glentunnel 184 High Street, Christchurch 373 331 24 39 483 1152 938 1099 Selwyn Terrace, Lyttelton Harbour Board Shelter-shed, No. 3 Wharf, Lyttelton .. Coronation Hall, Lyttelton Templar Hall, Rangiora 22 28 535 15 387 692 Hutehiuson's Tea-rooms, Stafford Street, Timaru Sailors' Rest, Timaru 19 17 737 Hutehiuson's Tea-rooms, Stafford Street, Timaru 45 1035 Hutchinson's Tea-rooms, Stafford Street, Timaru 57 386 481 902 372 Hutehinson's Tea-rooms, Stafford Street, Timaru Hutchinson's Tea-rooms, Stafford Street, Timaru Strathallan Hall, Timaru Trades Hall, Christchurch 52 42 198 r>2 174 Trades Hall, Christehureh u 327 Odd Fellows' Hall, Waimate 44 Totals .. Number of unions, 64 12,425 Otago and Sour Bluff Waterside Dunedin and Mosgiel Woollen-mills Employees Dunedin and Port Chalmers United Shipwrights Dunedin and Port Chalmers Upholsteresses Dunedin and Suburban Boot-repairers Dunedin and Suburban Farriers.. Dunedin and Suburban General Electrical Workers Dunodin and Suburban Operative Butchers Dunedin and Suburban Operative Licensed Drainers Dunedin Amalgamated Society of Shopassistants in the Boot, Hardware, Stationery, Fancy Goods, and Soft Goods Trades Dunedin Amalgamated Warehousemen Dunedin Bakers and Pastrycooks 'Dunedin Biscuit and Confectionery Manufacturing Employees Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (including Brassfinishers, Coppersmiths, and Rangeworkers, Cycle and Motor Mechanics, Tinplate and Sheet-metal Workers) Dunedin Brewers, Bottlers, Bottle-washers, and Aerated Waters Dunedin Brush and Broom Trade Dunedin Canister Workers Dunedin City Corporation Tramway Officials Dunedin Federated Furniture Trades Dunedin Felt-hatters Dunedin Fire-brigades Employees Dunedin Gardeners Dunedin Journalists Dunedin Local Federated Seamen Dunedin Manufacturing Jewellers, Watch and Clock Makers, and Kindred Trades Dunodin Operative Bootmakers Dunedin Operative Stonemasons Dunedin Painters Dunedin Performing Musicians .. hland Industrial District. Shelter-shed, Bluff Trades Hall, Dunedin 230 504 758 776 1028 Trades Hall, Dunedin 44 1005 1112 876 892 (Cancelled, 29th January, 1920) Trades Hall, Dunedin ' 5 Coburn Avenue, North-east Valley, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 8 25 4 46 221 903 Trades Hall, Dunodin Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. 81 22 895 Trades Hall, Dunedin 392 1 l>3 89 1142 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Lower Kattray Street, Dunedin 98 152 190 1081 Trades Hall, Dunedin 319 Trades Hall, Dunedin 73 873 1080 703 1094 84 1012 1181 10(50 854 995 974 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Electric-car Depot, Market Street, Dunedin .. Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 63 Maitland Street, Dunedin 1 Crawford Street, Dunedin 37 Melville Street, Dunedin 18 19 136 18 22 39 44 64945 71 93 770 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 213 19 188 56 intM), 3 vine changed to Tlio Ohrisichureh Retail Shop Assist) /8/ZO. ints (other than Grocers , , Chemists', Tobacconists', and Hairdressers' Assist-




Reg. No Name. Registered Office. ij Otago and Sot/thlaj ro Industrial District— continued. 36 Dunedin Pressers, Cutters, and other Clothing-factory Operatives Dunedin Printers' Machinists, Bookbinders, Lithographers, and Belated Trades Dunedin Retail Chemists' Assistants Dunedin Rope and Twine Spinners Dunedin Stage Emj>loyees Dunedin Tailoresses and other Female Clothing-trade Employees Dunedin Theatrical and Shows Employees (other than Stage Hands) Dunedin Trawlers .. .. Dunedin United Plumbers and Gasfitters.. Dunedin United Storemen Dunedin Waterside Workers Green Island Coal-miners Green Island Iron-rolling Mills Employees Invercargill Bootmakers Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (including Motor Mechanics, Electricians, and other Electrical Workers) Invercargill Mercantile Storemen Invereargill Tramways.. Iron and Brass Moulders' Union of New Zealand Kaitangata Coal-miners Nightcaps District Coal-miners .. Oamaru Flour-mills Employees Oamaru Painters Oamaru Waterside Workers Oamaru Woollen-mill Employees Otago and Southland Freezing-works and Related Trades Employees Otago and Southland Operative Tailors and Shop Tailoresses Otago and Southland Saddle-makers, Har-ness-makers, Collar-makers, Bag-makers, Cover-makers, and Bridle-cutters Otago and Southland Shearers Otago and Southland Shepherds, Musterers, and Drovers Otago and Southland Threshing-mill Employees Otago Box-workers Otago Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Otago Bricklayers Otago Coachworkers and Wheelwrights .. Otago Engine-drivers, Firemen., and Greasers Otago Flour-mill Employees Otago General Labourers, Builders' Labourers, Quarrymen, and Coal-yard Employees Otago Grocers' Assistants Otago Hairdressers' Assistants . . Otago Hotel, Restaurant, and Boardinghouse Employees Otago Metal-workers' Assistants Otago Motor-vehicle and Horse Drivers, and Stable-attendants Otago Operative Plasterers Otago Timber-yards and Sawmills Otago Typographical Trades Hall, Dunedin 64 047 Trades Hall, Dunedin (Secretary, Robert Ferguson, 754 George Street) Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Zealandia Chambers, 26 Dowling Street, Dunedin 180 1098 1038 711 58 17 18 39 976 942 Trades Hall, Dunedin 38 735 99 1128 935 996 1140 9 792 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Lower Rattray Street, Dunedin Rattray Street Wharf, Dunedin Brighton Road, Green Island Trades Hall, Dunedin Labour Rooms, Esk Street, Invercargill Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill 11 1)1 348 355 73 47 20 338 731 St. John's Ambulance Room, Esk Street, Invercargill .. 88 859 848 80 Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill 165 Conon Street, Invercargill Trades Hall, Dunedin 116 51 171 829 971 1059 1037 945 1085 599 Water Street, Kaitangata Nightcaps Care of R. H. Watson, Torridge Street, Oamaru Care of R. H. Watson, Torridge Street, Oamaru Waiting-shed, Waterfront, Oamaru . . Care of R. H. Watson, Torridge Street, Oamaru Trades Hall, Dunedin 260 185 30 19 84 88 930 503 Trades Hall, Dunedin 207 182 Trades Hall, Dunedin 41 398 1138 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 56 132 1133 Holland's Hall, Gore 100 207 78 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 36 379 246 205 506 166 507 Trades Hall, Dunedin 5 Coburn Avenue, North-east Valley, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin 35 35 72 19 361 217 578 675 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin A.M.P. Buildings, Dunedin 59 20 041 197 1119 Trades Hall, Dunedin Lower Rattray Street, Dunedin 319 471 216 252 77 Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin Trades Hall, Dunedin (Secretary, R. Ferguson,' 754 George Street) Cross Wharf, Port Chalmers Labour Hall, 62 Esk Street, Invercargill 27 79 116 956 «89 Port Chalmers Waterside Workers Southland and Otago Cheese and Butter Factories Employees (other than Managers] Southland and Otago Cheese-factory Man482 162 833 Labour Hall, 62 Esk Street, Invercargill 85 782 411 1039 225 784 834 agers Southland Building Trade and General Labourers, Wool and Grain Store Employees, Gasworks Employees, and Drivers Southland Federated Furniture Trades . . Southland Milk-condensing Factories Employees Southland Operative Butchers Southland Painters Southland Plumbers, Gasfitters, Tinsmiths, and Sheet-metal Workers Southland Timber-yards and Sawmills Southland Typographical United Boilermakers and Iron-ship Builders of Otago Waronui Coal-miners 165 Conan Street, Fnvercargill Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill P.O. Box 314, Invercargill Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill 46 46 106 51 00 46 245 315 102 Labour Hall, Esk Street, Invercargill Labour Office, The Arcade, Invercargill Trades Hall, Dunedin 718 29 53 927 Waronui, Milton, ( )tago 28 Totals .. Number of unions, 88 13,363




IU)g. No. Manic. Registered Office. 5 a> Taranakt Industrial District. 817 Hawera Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners New Plymouth Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners New Plymouth Freezing-works Employees New Plymouth General Labourers New Plymouth Grocers' Assistants New Plymouth Motor-carand Horse Drivers New Plymouth Timber-yards and Sawmills Employees New Plymouth Tramways Employees New Plymouth Waterside Workers Stratford Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Taranaki Operative Bakers and Pastrycooks Taranaki Operative Bootmakers Taranaki Tailoring Trade Waitara Freezing-works Employees Foresters' Hall, Hawera 28 805 Workers' Social Hall, Powderham Street, New Plymouth 75 11)89 811 1122 1151 982 Town Hall, New Plymouth Town Hall. New Plymouth Town Hall, New Plymouth (Hi Courtney Street, Now Plymouth Town Hall, New Plymouth 157 114 56 24 33 1068 934 818 Darnell Street, Rtzroy, New Plymouth Moturoa, New Plymouth 39 Cordelia Street, Stratford 16 88 28 908 208 794 1113 Town Hall, New Plymouth Griffiths'* Buildings, King Street, New Plymouth Trades Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Plymouth .. West Quay, Wuitara .. .. .. 20 13 44 113 Totals .. Number of unions, 14 809 Mahlboeo uciH Industrial District. 401 1143 Marlborough Building Trades Marlborough Farm and Station Employees (other than Shearers and Shed Hands) Marlborough Freezing-works Employees .. Marlborough Shearers Picton Waterside Workers Arthur Street, Blenheim Zealandia Caf 6, Blenheim .. 22 28 707 615 -97S Foresters' Hall, Pioton Ward Street, Springlands, Blenheim Foresters' Hall, Dublin Street, Picton 72 27 65 Totals .. Number of unions, 5 214 Nelson Industrial District. 145 572 448 146 445 949 564 Golden Bay Cement Company's Employees Nelson Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Nelson Labourers Nelson Motor-ear and Horse Drivers Nelson Painters *Nelson Port Wharf Labourers Nelson Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Sheetmetal Workers Nelson Tailors and Tailoresses Nelson Typographical North Cape Coal-miners " Three Oaks," Motupipi, Takaka, Nelson Maeaulay's Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson .. .. Washington Road, Nelson .. Opie's Hall, Bridge Street, Nelson Maeaulay's Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson .. Universal! Hall, Haven Road, Nelson .. .. Stallard's Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson 63 73 62 42 23 74 10 762 570 .106 Opie's Rooms, Bridge Street, Nelson.. Old Dresden Rooms, Nelson .. .. Union Hall, Puponga .. .. .. .. 28 15 38 Totals .. Number of unions, 10 428 $58 963 981 1030 858 952 79 82 1042 Westlani Blackball Coal-mine Workers (other than Engineers, Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Winchmen) Denniston Coal-miners Denniston Engine-drivers, Firemen, Brakesmen, Carpenters and Joiners, Blacksmiths, and Fitters Grey and Buller Coal-mines Deputies and Underviewers Greymouth Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers Greymouth Port Waterside Workers Grey Valley .. Inangahua Mine and Dredge Employees . . Millerton and Granity Engine-drivers, Firemen, Brakesmen, Bricklayers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Fitters Ngakawau Coal-miners Point Elizabeth and Liverpool State Collieries Employees (other than Engineers, Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Winchmen) Roa Coal-mine Employees (other than Engineers, Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Winchmen) Westland Engine-drivers, Firemen, Motormen, Brakesmen, Blacksmiths, Electricians, and Pumpmen's Westland Tailoring Trade Westland Timber-yards and Sawmills Westport General Labourers and Mechanics Westport Waterside Workers 0 Industrial District. Main Street, Blackball Denniston Denniston Runanga Foresters' Hall, Grey mouth Wharf Shelter-shed, Johnson Street, Grey mouth Wallaend, Brunnerton Bridge Street, Reefton Torea Street, Granity 193 246 47 77 11 195 34 501 31 77 11 195 34 501 31 994 964 McLaren's Hall, Ngakawau Mills Street, Runanga 205 332 205 332 1034 Roa, Westland 36 36 968 Guinness Street, Greymouth 52 52 754 1111 690 959 Lyceum Hall, Greymouth Hospital Street, Greymouth 29 Russell Street, Westport Domett Street, Westport .. 30 830 107 84 30 830 107 84 Totals .. Number of unions, 17 3,011 3,011 Grand totals Industrial unions of workers, 380 82,553 82,553 * Name charged I o Nelson Waterside Workers, 7/4/20.



The undermentioned association and unions have failed to send in their annual returns, or have sent in invalid returns, and inquiry is being made as to their position* There is reason to believe that most of them are now defunct: — Industrial Association of Workers. The New Zealand Saddlers' Industrial Association of Workers, registered number 541, situated at Dunedin. Northern Industrial District. Industrial Unions of Employers. The Auckland Electric Tramways Company (Limited) Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 466, situated at Auckland. The Auckland Master Hairdressers and Tobacconists' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 646, situated at Auckland. The Gisborne Master Plumbers' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 865, situated at Gisborne. Industrial Unions of Workers. The Auckland Ammunition Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1097 situated at Auckland. The Auckland Marine Oil-engineers' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1055, situated at Auckland. The Auckland Trawlers Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1021, situated at Auckland. The Gisborne Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers' (including Motor Mechanics) Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1031, situated at Gisborne. Wellington Industrial District. Industrial Unions of Employers. The Hastings Master Horse-shoers' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 680, situated at Hastings. The Hawke's Bay Master Bakers' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 674, situated at Napier. The Manawatu Master Builders, Building Contractors, and Sash and Door Factory Proprietors' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 998, situated at Palmerston North. The Palmerston North Licensed Victuallers and Allied Trades' Protection Association Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 846, situated at Palmerston North. The Wanganui Master Plumbers' Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 900, situated at Wanganui. The Wellington Furniture and Furnishing Trade Industrial Union of Employers, registered number 1022, situated at Wellington. Industrial Unions of Workers. The Lower Hutt Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 676, situated at Wellington. The Petone Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 196, situated at Petone. The Wanganui Hairdressers, Hairworkers, and Wigmakers' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1136, situated at Wanganui East. The Wellington Laundry Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number .1.044, situated at Wellington. The Wellington Match-factory Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 187, situated at Wellington. The Wellington Pullers' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 610, situated at WellingtonWbstland Industrial District. Industrial Unions of Workers. The Millerton and Granity Coal-miners' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 962, situated at Millerton. The Greymouth General Labourers' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 1092, situated at Greymouth. Canterbury Industrial District. Industrial Union of Workers. The Christchurch Stage Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 5, situated at Christchurch. Otago and Southland Industrial District. Industrial Unions of Workers. The Otago and Southland Gold-miners' Industrial Union of Workers, registered number ,404, situated at Alexandra. The Otago Slaughtermen's Industrial Union of Workers, registered number 889, situated at Dunedin.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (650 copies), £35.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92o.

Priet 9d.\

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-11

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-11

DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-11

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