Session 11, 19] 8. NEW ZEALAND.
Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.
[The tables usually accompanying this statement will be found in New Zealand Gazette No. 121, of sth September, 1918.]
INDEX TO COUNTIES. I'age l> ai , o Akaroa .. .. .. .. .. ..110 Ohura .. .. .. ~ |l Akitio .. .. .. .. .. 46 Opotiki .. .. ~ ~ \\ 21! Amuri .. ~ .. .. .. 99 Oroua .. .. .. .. Jjs Ashburlon .. .. .. .. ..115 Otamatoa .. .. .. " (i Ashley .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 Oxford .. .. .. .;. [[ !! 104 Awakino .. .. .. .. ..18 Pahiatua .. .. .. [[ !! 45 Awatere .. .. .. .. 96 Paparua.. . . .. , . \ql) Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. ~ 3 Patangata .. .. .. ~ !.' 40 Bruce .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 Patea .. .. ~ .. _, 5 :! Buller .. .. .. .. .. 88 Peninsula .. .. .. .. 144 Castlepoint .. .. .. .. ..78 Piako .. .. .. .. lg Chatham Islands.. .. .. .. .. 133 Pohangina .. .. .. go Cheviot .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Raglan .. .. .. .. .. 14 Clifton .. .. .. .. .. 48 Rangiora .. .. .. \Qr t Clutha .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 Rangitikei .. .. .. ~ go Collingwood .. .. .. .. 88 Rodney .. .. .. .. « Cook .. .. .. .. .. ..27 Rotorua.. .. .. .. 17 Coromandel .. .. .. .. ..13 Selwyn .. .. .. .. .. U4 Dannevirke .. .. .. .. ..42 Sounds .. .. .. .. ~ 91 East Taupo .. .. .. .. ..17 Southland .. .. .. ~ !! 154 Eden .. .. .. .. .. ..11 South Wairarapa .. .. .. ~ ..75 Egmont .. .. .. .. .. 50 Springs .. .. . . 112 Eketahuna .. .. .. .. ..79 Stewart Island .. .. .. ~ Ki<) Ellesmere .. .. .. .. ..113 Stratford .. .. .. , [ !! 50 Eltham .. .. .. .. .. 52 Taieri .. .. .. .. 14-j Eyre .. .. .. .. .. ..106 Takaka .. .. .. .. \[ !! 86 Peatherston .. .. .. .. 74 Taranaki .. .. .. ~ 49 Franklin .. .. .. .. 12 Tauranga .. .. .. ~ gg (ieraldine .. .. .. .. ..121 Tawera .. .. .. .. ~ .! 107 Great Barrier Island .. .. .. 10 Thames .. .. .. .. j;j Grey .. .. .. .. .. 90 Tuapeka .. .. .. .. , 14N Halswcll .. .. .. .. ..112 Vincent .. .. .. .. . , ( [ 140 Hawera .. .. .. .. .. 53 Waiapu .. .. .. .. .. 25 Hawko's Bay .. .. .. .. ..34 Waihemo .. .. .. ~ ]4j Heatheotc .. .. .. .. ..110 Waikato .. ~ .. II Hobson .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Waikohu .. ~ .. ti ~80 Hokianga .. .. .. .. .. 4 Waikouaiti .. .. .. .. 142 Horowhonua .. .. .. .. ..71 Waimairi ~ .. .. ~ ..110 Hutt .. .. .. .. .. 72 Waimarino .. .. .. .. ~ 56 Inangalma .. .. .. .. ..89 Waimate .. .. .. .. ..129 Kaikoura .. .. .. ' .. 98 Waimate West .. .. ~ .. .. 5:! Kairanga .. .. .. .. 06 Waimea .. .. .. .. .. XI Kaitieke.. .. .. .. .. 58 Waipa .. .. .. .. ~ ..Hi Kawhia .. .. .. .. .. .18 Waipara.. ~ .. .. tl .. 101 Kiwitea .. .. .. .. .. 67 Waipawa .. .. ~ .. .. 37 Kowai .. .. .. .. .. .. 103 Waipukurau .. .. .. .. ~ 39 Lake .. .. .. .. .. .. 153 Wairewa .. .. .. .. ..11l Levels .. .. .. .. .. ..124 Wairoa .. .. .. ~ ~ . . 32 Mackenzie .. .. .. .. .. 126 Waitaki . , .. ~ .. ~ ..13-1 Makara .. .. .. .. .. ..73 Waitemata .. .. ~ .. HI Malvern.. .. .. •■ .. .. 107 Waitomo .. .. .. .. 19 Manawatu .. .. .. .. 70 Waitotara ~ .. .. ~ .. 55 Maniototo .. .. .. .. ..138 Wallace .. .. .. ~ .. . . 165 Manukau .. .. .. .. .. ll Wanganui .. ~ .. .. ..59 Marlborough .. .. .. .. ..93 Weber .. .. .. .. .. ..41 Masterton .. .. .. .. 76 Westland .. .. .. .. .. 90 Matamata ~ .. .. .. 17 West Taupo .. .. .. .. _ _ 17 Maurieevillc .. .. .. .. 80 Whakatane .. .. .. .. . . 23 Mongonui .. .. .. .. .. 2 Whangamomona .. .. ~ ~ ..51 Mount Herbert .. .. .. .. 11l Whangarei .. .. ~ .. __ 5 Murohison .. .. .. .. 88 j Whangaroa .. .. .. ~ § < 2 Ohinemuri .. .. .. .. .. 14 j Woodville .. .. .. ~ ..44
I—H. 23.
AUCKLAND SHEEP DISTRICT. Return of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and 30th April, 1918.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. MONGONUI COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Adamson, Alfred, Mangonui Atama te Hara, Mangonui Atkinson, G. R., Mangatete Bastard, A., Takahue Bedggood, J. H., Kaitaia Berghan, J. N., Ahipara Berghan, Mrs. Mary Jane (e/o E. J. Berghan, Manager), Cooper's Creek Berghan, Sydney B., Horekino Blyth, W. IT. and E., Blythsdale, Paranui Buckingham, A. G, Kaiaka Buckingham, E. G, Victoria Valley Buckingham, IT. J., Kaiaka Cameron, P. W., Paranui Clark, J. A., Victoria VaUey Oolvrllo, George, Kohumaru Coulter, J. P., Fairburn's Coultor, T. J., Fairburn's Goulter, Thomas, Fairburn's Cox, H. (c/o James Rice, Manager), Tauroa Reef, Ahipara Danzen, Dclfina, Peria Danzen, Harry, Peria Dawson, James, Victoria Valley Dawson, John M., Victoria Valley Doak, E. J., Takahue Dragicevic and Sons, Ahipara Eaves, Herbert, Peria Edwards, Grif, Herekino Edwards, J. D., Victoria Valley Evans Bros., Houhora .. Fisher, Isabella, Woodlands, Fairburn's .. Fisher, O. J. J., Fairburn's Foster, Alfred Sharply, Oruaiti Foster Bros., Oruaiti Foster, Charles, Kohumaru Foster, Clement, Oruaiti Foster, George, 1'araoanui Foster, H. G., Paraoantii Foster, Henry D., Fairburn's Foster, Jabez, Poria Foster, John, Mangonui Foster, Mrs. Jabez, Oruaiti Foster, R. D., Komiti Fostor, Sam., Mangonui Foster, Stovin, sen., Oruaiti Francis, Joseph, Komiti Frear, William, Omakukupa, Saies, Totara North Gallagher, George, Victoria Valley Garton, W., jun., Mangonui Heath, Patrick, Waiharara Heka, Paddy, Te Kao Hestor, J. L., Kaitaia Hoddle, S., Kaitaia Hohopa Rowi, Saies, Totara Norlh Holder, P., Kaitaia Hoskin, William, To Koroa Hoskins, .I. W., Fairburn's Jecontho, F., Peria Johnson, George, Acacia Farm, Kaitaia .. Keene, M. (c/o W. H. Hill, Manager), Pare441 140 147 95 120 942 143 858 173 296 414 149 80 520 866 34 385 121 192 270 195 20 302 705 228 383 1,394 367 93 552 Nil 142 96 140 1,008 134 150 100 338 358 210 Nil Nil Nil 83 433 93 809 Nil 288 208 79 25 20 036 302 654 1,220 333 85 555 Nil Nil 581 300 181 430 1,317 90 60 152 130 440 07 606 MoNaoNUi County— continued. Matthews, It. H., Kaitaia .. .. 325 McRae, J., Peria .. .. .. 805 Meenan, .1. W., and Sons, P.O., Rangiputa .. 71 Miehio, W. B., Rangitihi .. .. 330 Moore, Alfred, Kaitaia .. .. 500 Morpeth, R. B., Kaitaia .. .. — Munro, M., To Hapua .. ., .. 1.034 Noble, Allen (c/o T. S. Houston), Ahipara Panther, A. E., Kouma, Victoria Valloy .. ' 302 Panther, A. E., Waimamaku Farm, Victoria , 070 Valley Panther, IT. A., Victoria Valley .. .. j 272 Paton, James S., Victoria Valley .. j 20 Pearson, J., Peria .. .. .. j 454 Penny, J., Mangonui .. , . .. ! 20 Pepi, J., Oruaiti Farm, Mangonui .. ! 204 Pepi, J., Saies, Totara North .. .. 380 Piripi Kapa, Te Kao .. .. .. j 17 Raniera Hira, Taipa .. .. .. 51 Reuther, A., Takahue .. .. .. 51 Richards, Thomas, Awanui '.'. ■.". 412 Rogers, A., Victoria Valley .. .'. 110 Rogers, Joseph, Kaiaka .. .'. 180 Rowe, James, Herekino .'. .. 253 Saunders, E., Rangitihi .', .. 860 Silva, Frank, Oruru .. .. .'. 46 Silva, J., Peria .. .. '.. 130 Simmonds, S. E., Kohumaru .. '.'. 260 Smith Bros., A. and J. A. G, Burnside, 572 Horekino Snelgar, Alfred, Rangitihi .. .. ■ 359 Stanton, G. A., Brooksdale, Fairburn's .. i 15 Stanton, G. L., Fairburn's .. .. 102 Switzer, H. J., Fairburn's .'. .. 190 Switzer, Reuben, Victoria Valley .. 426 Taylor, James W., Paranui .. '.'. 283 Thomas, George, Kaurinui .. .. 700 Thomas, Sydney, Peria .. .. .. 176 Thompson, H. H., Victoria Valley .. 435 Tracey, D. W. and A. E„ Victoria Valley .. 750 Tracey, George, Lagoon Flat, Victoria Valley 395 Trott,' Mrs. M. A., Brookside. Fairburn's .'. 312 Waite, F. S., Kaitaia .. .. .. 24 Warner, W. IT., Takahue .. .. 193 Waru, Kemp Horo, Te Kao .. .. —- Watts, Thomas, Kaurinui .. .. 321 Wells, A. B., Kaiaka .. .. .. 107 White, F., Victoria Valley .. .. 282 White, James Honry, Victoria Valley .. 755 Wild Pikahu, Taipa .. .. ' .. 74 Wilkinson, Arnold, Kaitai .. .. 51 Wilson, P. W., Takahue .. .. 59 Wi Topana Mathews, Kenana .. .. 58 Wrathall, W. S., Mangonui .. .. — Yates, Gustavus T., Komiti .. .. 750 325 805 71 330 500 1,034 302 070 272 20 454 20 204 380 17 51 51 412 110 180 253 860 46 130 260 572 359 15 102 190 426 283 700 176 435 750 395 312 24 193 259 559 81 45 51!) 505 1,575 00 315 630 262 122 524 32 202 450 30 31 50 370 418 202 198 1,139 40 123 305 032 90 Nil 88 211 459 294 820 145 514 748 394 350 Nil 152 50 253 144 261 755 32 46 48 70 102 607 1,511 48 295 170 410 1.407 133 82 160 420 00 600 321 107 282 755 74 51 59 58 180 1.305 14 05 01 938 122 330 1,920 246 739 101 1,425 II 130 01 205 79 799 104 388 4,518 Nil 3,177 47,070 47,070 750 40,009 nga Keene, R., Te Paki, Parenga Keene, R., To Paki, Parenga Kitchen, D., Victoria Valley Maria,. J., Albert, Komiti Masters, L. M., Pukopoto Masters, Shirley, Pukepoto Matthews, A. J., Lynwbod Farm, Kaitaia,. . Matthews Bros., Lake Ohia Matthews, E. G, Kaitaia Matthews, E. F., Awanui North Matthews, Herbert B., Eloedan, Kaitaia .. Matthews, L. V., Awanui 707 3,891 969 156 690 390 650 1,421 273 207 960 237 62 584 909 182 580 516 250 1,350 257 Nil 949 94 WHANGAROA COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Begg, Isaac Henry, Whangaroa .. ... 420 Bell, Charles and Andrew, Saies, Totara ' 250 North Bramloy, Samuel Sanford, Kaeo .. .. I 21 Doar, J. H., Kaeo .. .. .. : 608 Foster, H. E., and Bros., Oruaiti, Mongonui : 1,250 Goulton, W., Kaeo .. . . .. — Hayes Bros., Kaeo .. .. .. 999 Hows, Georgo N., Motukawanui, Otoroa .. 458 Hows, George N. S., Otoroa .. .. —i Hows, I., Whangaroa . . .. .. 359 Hows, Mrs. Elizabeth Violet, Whangaroa .. Hows, Mis. Elizabeth Violet, Whangaroa .. 270 Jacentho, John, Kaeo .. .. .. 1,685 Johanson, John Peter, Saies, Totara North 257 Kenney, H., Kaeo .. .. .. I 203 580 354 16 600 1,230 133 1,329 405 186 384 33 284 1,502 194 203
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Whangaroa County— continued. Laing, A. E., Otoroa .. ■ .. .. 34 Lane, J. S„ Totara North .. .. 382 Lane, L. M., Totara North .. .. 395 Lane, T. M., and Sons (Limited), Totara N. ; 730 Leslie Bros., Matauri Bay .. .. I , 134 Maddox, F. P., Kaeo .. .. .. 100 Mountain, S., Kaeo .. .. .. 1,029 Partoon, It., Kaeo .. .. .. 73 Renata Hapeta, Rev., Kaeo .. .. j 32 Roke, Charles 1'., Kaeo .. .. ' .. 20 Rudolph, Thomas, Pupuke .. .. 42 Seiver, G. S., Kaeo .. .. .. 183 Shepherd, C. P., Kaeo .. .. .. 330 Shepherd, C. P., Onewhero, Kaeo .. 212 Shepherd, E. J. N., Kaeo .. .. 72 Shepherd, F. S. T., Matangirau .. .. (i00 Shepherd, George A., Whangari a .. 330 Shepherd, H. G., Matangirau .. .. 708 Shepherd, H. G. S., Matangirau . . .. 304 Shepherd, .I. R., Matangirau .. .. 71 Shephord, Mrs. Alice, Upokorau, Kaeo .. 51 Shepherd,'Tau, Otangaroa .. ,. 303 Skinner, George K, Kaeo .. .. 450 Teohu Kii, Matauri Bay .. .. 224 Thomas, Arthur, Otoroa .. .. 394 Whitehead, George, Kaeo .. .. 52 i 15,113 BAY OP ISLANDS COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Aiokin, Arthur, To Ahuahu .. .. I 88 Alexander, A. A., Okaihau . . .. 002 Alexander, W. E. and J. G, I'akaraka .. 468 Allan, Robert, and Co., Dargaville .. 1,755 AUhusen Bros., Russell .. .. 430 Anderson, A. J., Marengai . .• .. 411 Anderson, J. N., Okaihau .. .. 120 Anderson, W. C., Russell .. ■.. 14 Appleton, E. G., Waimate North .. 509 Armstrong Bros., Pakaraka .. .. 07 Armstrong, J. IT., Pakaraka .. .. 100 Atkinson, W., Waimate North .. .. 770 Bagnall, D. P., Waimate North . . .. 082 Baker, C. P., Russell .. .. .. I 275 Baldwin, W. F., Ohaeawai .. .. j 225 Bates, H. T, Waipapa . . .. .. 121 Bedggood, A. E., Waimate North .. 505 Bedggood Bros.. Kaikohe . . . . 104 Bedggood, G. H., Ohaeawai .. .. 85 Bedggood, Mrs. E. M., Springbank, Kerikeri 10 Bedggood, W. E., Waimate North .. 55 Billings, I., Pararaka .. .. .. 247 Bindon, H., Okaihau .. .. .. — Birch, Mrs. Celia, Punaruku . . .. J 37 Blake Bros., Mangakirikiri, Tangowahine .. 1,400 Blomfield, N. E., Rawhiti .. .. 1,752 Brinfield, G., Kawakawa .. .. 19 Brock, James, Marlow, 'Towai .. .. ! 209 Burling, Alfred, Waihaha .. .. 435 Burns, Anderson, and Colbck, Awarua, , 1,718 Kaikohe Oarterill, R. 0., Paiaka .. .. — Chappell, Joseph, HoUowdale, Waimato North 25 Choat, J. P., Puketona .. .. .. 821 Clark, S. N., Okaihau .. .. .. 337 Clarke, E. B„ Waimate North .. .. 307 Close, James, Ngahuha, Kakakawa .. 1,573 Conley, J., Ruapekapeka . . .. 161 Cook, W., and Sons, Waimato North .. 490 Cross, H., Opua .. .. .. 20 Doakin, Mrs. K. G, Taheke .. .. 237 Delancy and Co., Kaikohe .. .. 657 Dickeson and Close, Remuera Estate, Te 3,984 Ahuahu Dixon, Cecil G, Te Ahuahu .. .. 345 Dodd, Thomas, Kawakawa .. .. 140 Donaldson, J. H., Okaihau .. .. 229 Eccles, Dr. H. D„ Kawakawa .. .. 120 Edmonds, J. T., Otahau, Kerikeri .. 303 Edwards, A. W„ Kaikohe .. .. 1,194 Eru, Rihari, Purerua .. .. .. 72 Faithfull, A., sen., Ohaeawai .. .. 89 Faithfull, Norman, Waipapa .. .. 201 15,544 20 Oil Nil 2,012 391 404 130 Nil 365 91 90 711 057 331 343 116 545 73 96 Nil 70 365 507 117 2,000 1,015 31 285 546 1,048 145 305 502 532 815 303 884 70 Nil 21 Nil Nil 295 222 80 760 471 752 383 90 55 203 456 296 305 34 Bay oi- Islands County— continued. Fell, Dr. (c/o W. C. Raikes), Pakaraka Ferguson, G. L., Waimate North Finwood Land Company (e/o L. H. Jeffries, Manager), Kerikeri Forsyth, David, Russell Girvin, W. J., Tapuhi Goffe, Louis Clifford, Paihia Going, P. S. C, Maromaku Goodhua, H. A., Pokapu Hall, R. A., Kawakawa Halliday, J., Pakaraka Hansen, E. G, jun., Kaikohe Hansen, Mrs. Christina Purerua, Russell .. Hargravos, M. J., Ohaeawai Harnett Bros., Paiaka, Towai Harrison, A. W. G., Okaihau Hedley, Thomas, Tapuhi Henare, Piripo, Waimate North .. Hingston, A. C, Ohaeawai Hingston, P. V., Motupipi Run, Paihia, Russell Hinton, .1. S. (c/o R. Allwood), Pokapu .. Hira Karena, Purerua .. Hiramai Piripo, Waimate North Holt, A. and E., Waimate North Holt, Harry, Puketona, via Pakaraka Hone Keretene, Kawakawa Ho Paraonc (c/o W. H. Black), Kawakawa Hori Korotone, Kawakawa Hows and Williams, Kaikohe Hows, F. Or., Otoroa Hows, Goorge N. S., Otoroa, via Kaeo Hows, Thomas A., Otoroa Hyland, D. T., Kawakawa Irving, H. L., Tapuhi Jackson, IT. H. (c/o J. Dibble). Tan! ora .. Johnson, Mrs. A. H., Scoria Flat, Kawakawa Jones, C. A., Kaikohe Jones, J. W. F., Pakaraka Killeen, W. G., Awarua, Kaikohe Kiri Rihari, Purerua Kiritapu Tenara, Mrs., Rawliil i . . Kiwi Paraha, Kawakawa Knudson, Mrs. Sarah, Kawakawa Kydd, D. IL, Russell Lawronco, G, Pakaraka Lomon, Mrs. A., Pakaraka Loinas, J., Marengai Lomas, Tom, Okaihau Ludbrook, Honry S., Tupctirpc, Ohaoawai Ludbrook, Mrs. Hana, Pouerua, Ohaeawai Lumpp and Blumhardt, Pakaraka Lyon, James, Ngawha Mandor, F. (c/o W. Cook, Manager), Pokapi Marara Hone Pita, Whangaruru May, N., Kawakawa McAulay, J. W., Okaihau Mclntyrc, James, Pakaraka McKenzie, James, Okaihau McKie, A. M., Waipapa McNicol, Mrs. E. F., Ohaeawai Mourant, A., Haruru Mountain, H. H., Waimate North Mountain, W. G, Purerua Nelson, E. S., Okaihau Nelson, J. W., Hukerenui, Tapuhi Nixon, F. W., Marangai Nixon, H. J., Marangai Noa Pakaraka, Whangaruru Noy, James, Kawakawa Noy, James, Scoria Flat, Kawakawa Nukutawhiti Estate (W. J. Pittigrew, Secretary), Kaikohe Palmer, W., Kaikohe Parata Heta, Punuruku Paroa Teohu (c/o W. Mountain), Purerua.. Parr, William. Okaihau.. Parsons, W. F. L., Hukerenui, Tapuhi Pfister, Max, Marengai Philips, Frank, Ohaeawai Phyn, A. T., Towai Pic'kins, Thomas and Joseph, Punaruku .. Pinohu Heta, Whangaruru Poynter, A. E., Puketona Puru, Charlie, Russell 756 4,040 47 250 277 1,153 249 07 444 90 195 0 256 53 1,308 75 44 •100 90 300 150 178 457 195 100 283 143 383 202 I , 338 1,704 030 270 1,010 4,103 Nil 200 242 350 1,917 11 254 120 321 98 188 077 10 110 50 1,125 85 768 44 50 130 97 375 112 180 1,300 405 78 91 380 154 541 513 1,230 1,742 530 49 310 97 117 560 173 177 162 414 2,977 3,078 176 450 Nil Nil 94 2,893 206 1,194 176 Nil Nil 620 2,314 1,585 440 335 350 Nil 58 94 5,830 100 577 198 200 123 122 2,987 3,041 * 170 216 900 15 80 3,720 264 1.036 25 29 798 Nil 368 Nil Nil 482 26 Nil 938 4,201 18 521 810 3,908 1,904 413 258 220 106 53 85 3,345 370 117 376 Nil 72 794 Nil 142 189 1,207 9 103 157 439 736 1,500 Nil 142 84 394 576 93 330 131 Nil 260 Nil 198 36 (i 238 51
No. of Sh, No. of f iheep on ,pril 30,1 1 1917. lep on ,pril 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Bay oii- Islands County— continued. Putoto Kereopa, Kaikohe Raikes, W. G, Pakaraka Rcihana Pene, Whangaruru Riddle, George, Kerikeri Rihari Bros., Purorua Rivers, Henry, Russell Rivers, Walter, Russell.. Rogers, Thomas, Waipapa Ronsell, W. J., Okaihau Shepherd, H., Purerua Shirtcliffe, A., and Co., Okaihau Shortridge, J. W., Opua Smith, E. and C, Kawakawa Smith, Henry, Okaihau .; Somerville, Hugh, Russell Spence, William A. C, Kawakawa Spratt, Miss M., Pakaraka, Kawakawa Stewart and Hall, Kawakawa Storey, John, Manawaroa, Russell Studholme, P., Studholme Junction, South Canterbury Tabuteau, J, A. M., Kawakawa Thompson, W. H., Purerua, Russell Trevor, T. H., Pakaraka Tuta Rowha, Rawhiti, Russell Walker, E. R., Pakaraka Warana, Ewa (c/o C. P. Baker) Russell Wardoll, V., Russell Warnock, Christopher, Waimate North Webster, Mrs. Mita, Whangaruru Wells, John E., Okaihau Wepiha Hepi, Mita, Whangaruru White, Arthur E., Waipapa White, ,). W., Okaihau Whitelaw, M. J., Russell Williams, T. B., Kaikohe Wilson Bros., Puketona Witiana, S. Hou, Whangaruru Wood, Arthur, Opua Wright, Pitcaithly, and Laing (K. W. Wright, Manager), Te Ahuahu Wright, T. H., Waimato North 332 1,359 19 5,045 71 61. 142 18 452 70 308 300 145 201 83 196 250 436 127 1,477 32 292 257 15 075 70 171 100 304 1,098 Nil 4,415 07 92 130 27 021 160 804 190 263 ' 212 146 195 Nil 394 70 510 02 345 213 25 750 98 158 134 984 5 30 068 1,805 505 222 1 112 1,459 Hokianga County— continued. Davie, D. (')., Rawene Davison, Frederick P., Utakura Doar, Charles, Tutamoe Dodds, J., Broadwood Donaghoy, John, Pakotai Donaghy, J., Pakotai Dugmore, Goorge, Kohukohu Dunning, Arnold M., Kohukohu Dunning, S., Kaikohe Dyasart, G. O., Nukutawhiti Dyer, W., Paponga Edwards, Grif (c/o James Cope, Manager), Herekino Eland, Thomas, Waimatenui Enright, J. J., Runaruna Faithfull Bros., Ohaewai Fitch, A., Waimatenui Fletcher, Archibald, Kaikohe Ford, C. R., Horekino Foster, John, Tutamoe, via Kaihu Gammon, F. James, Kaikohe Geddes, Alexander, Herekino Geddes, Alexander, Herekino Geddes, James, Herekino Gerzen, Joseph, 'Tutamoe Gray, James, Tutekehua Grayson, W., Kohukohu Gregory, C. F., Broadwood Grounds, William, Paponga Grovo, Arthur, Itawenc Groves, P., Waimatenui Haliwell, G. E., Kohukohu Hall, W. T., Oronoa, via Dargaville Harlow, William, Broadwood Harris, George, jun., Broadwood Harris, George, Mount Farm, Broadwood Harris, H. C, Ivydale .. Hawkins Bros., Kohukohu Heapo Bros., Pakotai Hehir, Thomas, Runaruna Hicks Bros., Broadwood Hill, A., Kaikohe Holland, F., Runaruna .. HoUand, Henry, Whirinaki Hook, Leonard it., Waimamaku Humphries, H. G., Paponga Imms, William, Okaihau Irvine Bros., Runaruna Irving, Newell, Whangapc Jackson, G., Whirinaki Jensen, T. H. and J., Oranga Johanson, P., Babylon Jones, Charles, P.O., Mangatu, via Dargaville Jordan, T., Maraeroa Karanga Puhi, Mrs., Mangamuka Keay, W. R., Herekino Kendall, E. G., Mitimiti Kerr, Robert G, Aranga Kjoller Bros., Broadwood Lang, J. S., Pakotai Loc, L. E. G., Broadwood Lewis, F. E., Utakura Linder, Peter, Pakotai Lisle, P., Whangapc Lithcrland, Thomas E., Pakotai Logan, Martin, Nukutawhiti Mansbridge, Harold, Te Karae, Kohukohu.. Mansbridge, Sydney, Tutekehua Mattock, R., Oranoa Maultsaid and Kennedy, Broadwood Maultsaid, L. W., Broadwood Maxwell, I)., Paponga McGrath, J., Runaruna McKonzie, H. D., Waimatenui McKonzie, R. P. (Estate of), Herokino, Owhata McKenzie, Peter, Herekino McKinnon and McDiarmid, Kaikohe McMullein, W., Waimamaku Meale, J. TL, Whatoro Millington, H., Maunu, Whangarei Morfotto, Lewis, Waimatenui Murray, Archie, Herekino Nash, Fred, Paponga 404 77 82 203 22 1,848 531 309 Hi 1,018 271 5 1,572 306 256 400 173 45 J 1,678 538 804 204 150 1,414 1.180 338 92 130 125 123 05 310 1 ,505 1,390 415 302 204 Nil 1,400 11.0 626 238 ' 3 1,195 Nil 154 584 213 140 1,757 017 879 Nil 203 1,030 155 123 50 253 212 1,411 Nil 1,157 300 378 400 95 74 1,744 870 508 400 447 393 411 235 533 Nil 891 243 277 408 805 221 1,702 528 532 525 720 598 585 300 Nil Nil 45 220 416 1,085 981 (i 070 1,270 109 HOKIANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Abraham, V. A., Mangamuka Adams Bros., Waimatenui Adams, T„ Broadwood Aloxander Bros., Okaihau Alexander, H. Scott, Pakotai Allison, W. and E. W., Pakotai Aryton, John, Whirinaki Aterea Matini, Mitimiti Atkinson, V., Broadwood Bainbridge, It. R. C, Oranoa, Dargaville . . Baxter, S. E., Taikawhana Bayley, Isaac, Nukutawhiti Beazloy, Jud., Broadwood Bcazley, Maxwell, Motukaraka Beazloy, V. R. and W., Rakautuku, Kohukohu 137 1.00 1,672 82 87,305 132 89,270 224 236 1,492 567 800 274 381 458 56 53 1,064 677 671 176 326 499 336 219 517 81 912 180 153 590 475 1,345 3,972 227 268 347 176 734 100 106 173 380 569 1,375 5,314 157 182 476 Nil 646 Nil 600 1,200 305 Benson, W. J., Paponga Bishop, W. G. and E. A., Pakotai Borcham Bros., Paponga Bowman, R. H., Herekino Brake, James, Pakotai Brennan, James, Taheke Bryers, Mrs. M. A., Omapero Buchanan, G., Broadwood (Jarman, F. G., Broadwood Gar-man, Samuel, Broadwood Carpenter, 0, T., Waimatenui Chapman Bros., Umawera Olapham, G. J., Kohukohu Clausen, A., Pakotai Clausen, A., Pakotai Clements, A., Oue Colesby, J. H., Koutu Collier, P., Taheke Coupe, William, Whirinaki Crallan, J. R., Taikawhana Cummings, W. T., Waimatenui .. 890 120 248 550 362 470 435 85 320 Nil 243 260 875 071 203 131 434 300 1,031 320 20 408 Nil 938 110 274 1,100 192 1,318 681 515 118 1,150 358 520 400 859 91 305 4 312 202 098 552 154 275 578 446 610 220 245 415 1,287 558 305 220 2,315 355 430 343 452 3,148 28 320 211 32 080 ill 270
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Hokianoa County— continued. Nodi Bros., Tutekehua Ncvitt, Henry, Broadwood Newman and Kitchen, Kaihu Post-office .. Newman Bros., Broadwood Newman, F., Oranoa Newton, Herbert G, Broadwood.. Nilsson, J. A., Kaihu Nisbet, 0. L., and Co., Matarawa, Kaikohe Orr, F. W., Waimatenui Orr, John Henry, Waimatenui Parker, H. and A., Waimatenui Perry Bros., Rangiahua Pcttman, A. V., Waimamaku Pollock, Alexander, Kaikohe Powiok, Jesse, Wekaweka Primmer, G. H., Broadwood Rentall, !>., Waimatenui Ritchie, ,)., Punakitore Ritchie, J. G., Nukutawhiti Robertson, G. A., Broadwood Rowe, Robert, Herekino Ruddell, H. It., Pakotai Schepens, Emile, Waimatenui Schrader, G, Moturata, Kohukohu Searle, W., Kohukohu Shapland, J. D., Taikawhana Slatter, J., Kaikohe Smith, Mete, Kohukohu Somerville, J. Y., Kaikohe Staunton, P., Runaruna Stephens, John, Broadwood, Motukaraka. . Stevenson, It., Kaikohe Suomimcn, Kjalmar, Kohukohu Templeton, H., Putaliu, Umawera Thome, Arthur, Mukutawhiti Thome, S. H., Tangowahine Tucker, A., Waimamaku Vaughan, Joseph, Kohukohu Viokers, William, Herekino Vujrich Bros., Tutekehua Warmington, E., Ivydalc, Hokianga Webster, H. M., Taheke White, Charles, Rangiahua .; White, George, Waimamaku Whitefield Bros., Paramu, Rawene Whiting, A., Waimatenui Whittakor, William, Rangiahua Wilson, W. J., Pakotai Wooster, John, Kohukohu Wright Bros., Pakotai Wright, G. F., Pakotai Wright, James, jun., Pakotai Yarborough, A. C, Broadwood Yarborough, Alfred, Paponga 1,190 1.04 263 ] ,433 202 529 1,011 790 1,523 I ,208 90 573 259 467 108 405 220 1,303 150 654 120 441 315 71 553 103 7 3 774 1,194 157 262 857 454 1,01.1 296 [ 550 146 596 220 760 1,020 394 327 453 421 145 2,740 1,280 174 1.62 I,430 ' 400 564 912 964 I ,423 1,500 90 457 300 80 135 446 220 50 1,407 180 503 Nil 1,100 21 250 301 320 244 303 144 4 506 73 1 ,012 1,050 220 325 780 404 430 283 236 Nil 144 611 Nil 1,005 683 127 601 224 033 160 2,990 Whanqabisi County— continued. Coward, William, Otaika, Whangarei .. 400 Nil Crawford, H., Maungakaramea .. .. 540 290 Crawford, John, Woodside, Maungakaramea 343 1.85 Crawford, M., Maungakaramea .. .. 451 767 Croft, William, Whakapara .. .. 109 121 Cross, Jamos, Kamo .. . . .. 350 299 Delamore, E. G, Maungatapere . . .. 282 704 Doar, B. J. W., Ruakaka .. .. 257 13 Donaldson Bros., Whareora .. .. 048 409 Drake Bros., Aponga .. .. .. 116 f 89 Durham, John, Waipu .. .. .. 243 280 Durham, W„ Waipu .. ., .. 561 600 Dyer, E., Aponga .. .. .. 416 587 Edge, A., Otuhi .. .. .. 212 187 Edge, Alfred, Otuhi .. .. .. 35 266 Ellin, E. M., Whangarei .. .. 1,029 809 Evans, John, Maungakaramea .. .. 200 100 Felfer, Frederick, Parua Bay .. .. 20 18 Ferguson, Hugh, Ngunguru .. .. 43 70 Finlayson, Angus, Purua, Kamo .. .. — 184 Finlayson, D. J., Kamo .. .. 1,012 801 Finlayson, John A., Aponga .. .. 1,038 1,008 Finlayson, R. D., Martin's, Aponga .. 172 227 Foote, William, Kamo . . .. .. 130 Nil Foote, Winifred M. E„ Helena Bay .. 43 64 Fraser and Richardson, Whangarei .. 0 235 Fraser, D. J., Whangarei .. .. | 2,050 550 Fraser, H. Clifford, Titoki .. .. — 1,542 Fraser, J. J., Maungatapere .. .. 1,807 1,965 Freeman, A. E., Tanekaka .. .. 520 558 Gillingham, P., Mangapai .. .. — 190 Going, J. C., Kamo .. .. .. 192 112 Gomez, Joseph, Hikurangi .. .. 160 Graham, S., Mangapai . . . . . . 135 91 Grantham, J. H., Ruatangata East .. ', 542 400 Griffin, T. J., Kamo .. Ill 124 Gunson, Mrs. R. E., Waikiekie . . ... — 320 Gunson, W. J. and G., Maungakaramea .. ! 903 021 Gunson, W. J. (Estate of), Maunu .. I 302 Nil Gwyn, Mrs. L., Whareora .. .. ' — 8 Ham, P., Kara, Whangarei .. .. — 408 Hamilton, William D., Kamo .. .. 1,584 1,865 Handyside, T. F., Kiripaka .. .. 1,781 1,533 Hannam, Joseph, Whakapara .. ... 200 203 Harding, A. E., Maunu, Whangarei ... 321 326 Hardy, C. F. (Estate of), "The Pines," j 1,032 Nil Parua Bay Harrison, James, Whangarei . . .. 94 Nil Hart, Frank, Waipu .. .. .. 144 207 Hartnell, Henry, Waikiekie .. .. J 25 00 Hawken and Hawken, Whangarei .. j 41 43 Hayward, F. B., Maungakaramea .. 893 792 Hetherington, T., Ruarangi . . ,, ■— 40 Hewlett, H. E., Limestone Island . . ! 870 508 Hodge, R. M„ Ruatangata West .. 400 300 Hodge, W. P., Ruatangata West.. .. 755 700 Hoey, S., Kamo .. .. .. 49 50 Holgate.W. P., Kiripaka .. ... 846 1,347 Holster, Walter, Houto.. .. .. 95 290 Howie, James, Mangapai .. .. — 146 Howie, R. B., Kamo .. .. .. 49 58 Hunter, W. E., Whangarei .. .. 25 Nil Hutchinson, W., Waipara, Parua Bay .. 092 410 Jessop, J. M., Marua .. .. .. — 330 Jouneaux, St. Clair, Kamo . . .. 895 Nil Jouneaux, St. Clair, Mama .. .. 1,496 1,985 Kay, H., Whangarei .. .. .. 528 375 Kay, Hedly, Whangarei .. .. — 343 Kay, Hedly, Whangarei .. .. — 350 Kempt, William D., Waipu .. .. 140 283 Kennedy, A. I)., " The Pines," Parua Bay — 819 Kerr, W. A., Riponui .. .. .. 92 145 Kershaw, J. R., Aponga .. .. 32 j 69 King, George, Riponui . . .. .. 96 j 80 King, H., Kamo .. .. .. 410. 352 King, Josoph, Riponui . . .. .. 154 \ 240 Knight, G 0., Whangarei .. .. 51 Nil Lambert, E. H., Aponga .. .. 196 1 255 Laxon, E. B., Kamo .. .. ... 211: 236 Le Clere, Charles John, Parua Bay .. 194 20 Lewin, A. J., Ruatangata West .. .. — 105 Logan, Preston (c/o M.M. McLean, Manager), 534 j 537 Waipu Lord. H. M., Mangapai .. .. 207 370 Mackesy, C. E. K, Whangarei .. .. 150 Nil WHANGAREI COUNTY (In Whangarei Subdivision). Abraham, E. F., Aponga Addison, A. G., Waikiekie Attwood, F. C, Riponui, via Hukerenui .. Aubrey, R. H., Parua Bay Babe, H. J., Whangarei Babe, J., and Son, Waikiekie Babe, Joseph, Waikiekie Babe, S. G., Maungakaramea Baker, J. A., Whangarei Barbour, F. G., Maungatapere Beaumont, WiUiam, Maunu, Whangarei .. Bell, W. J., Kauri Bel-ridge, Herbert, Waikiekie Black and A. H. Chee, Marua Boakes, P. W., Mangapai Bouron Bros, and Co., Ruatangata Bowman, H. T., Waipu.. Burch, W. D., Hauto .. .. Child, G. E., Maungakaramea Christenson, H. W., Onerahi Cleary, H., Kara Clucas and Hopkins, Maungakaramea Colthart, T., Marsden Point Corbett, R. J., Whakapara Cork, John, Vinegar Hill Cox,. W. B., Wlrananaki Coxhead, George, Manurewa 78,577 88,806 7 122 127 77 808 186 120 113 216 97 087 198 210 1,290 280 602 740 42 779 375 344 875 847 91 Nil 132 175 355 Nil 503 211 135 03 243 81 797 206 851 180 1,592 850 Nil 639 67 1,400 370 122 1,029 1,162 3 114
No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Whangarei County— continued. Main, James, Kiripaka, Whangarei .. 440 Mannington, A. C, Maungatapere .. — Marsh, W. H., Maungakaramea .. .. 200 Matthews, J. M., Whangarei .. .. 40 McAUister, W., Mangapai .. .. 264 McCardle, A. G, Titoki . . .. Ill McConnell, Mrs. Mary, Ruarangi .. 812 McCormack, S. J., Whangarei .. . . 375 McCullough, Alfred, Ruarangi, Moewhare .. 152 McCullough, F., Mangapai .. .. 100 McCullough, G., Moewhare .. .. 412 McGrevy Bros., Ruatangata East .. 78 Melnnos Bros., Kauri McKay, A. J., Kamo .. . . .. — ' McKay, Angus James, Kinross, Kamo .. 28 McKay, Angus John, Ferry Farm, Waipu.. 142 McKay, D. J., Mill Brook,' Waipu .. I (iO McKay, Daniel, Entrance, Waipu .. 146 McKenzie, Alick, Mangapai .. .. 180 McKenzie, Duncan, Waipu .. .. 496 McKenzie, H. M., Taurikura .. .. j 2 McKonzio, J. D., Limestone Hill, Waipu .. j 356 McKenzie, R. S., Awaroa, Whangarei .. i — McLean, D. J., Birdgrove, Waipu .. | 366 McLean, John McDonald, Pine Hill, Waipu 70 McLean, J, D., Finlayson's Brook, Waipu.. 400 McLean, McGregor, Gorge Villa, Waipu .. 294 McLean, W. and H., The Caves, Waipu .. I ,417 McLennan, Angus, Cove, Waipu McLonnau Bros., Kauri .. .. 403 McLennan, P. C, Kauri McLeod, Mrs. Donald, Hiknrangi.. .. 456 Miller, A. B., Maungakaramea, Whangarei . . 105 Millington, Harold, Whangarei .. .. 19 Milward, P., Pa Farm, Waipu .. .. 461 Morgan, J. H., Hauto .. .. .. 252 Mornesy, M., Tangiteroria .. .. 1,163 Morris, Thomas, Whananaki .. .. 280 Morrison, J., Matapouri .. .. 2,043 Murdock, A. J., Ruakaka .. .. 565 Murphy, E., Aponga .. .. .. 4,373 Newman, R., Kiripaka . . .. .. 92 Nieholls, J. H., Mangapai Oakley, Arthur L., Kauri .. .. 565 Olsson, G P., Maungatapere .. .. 200 Ormaudy, It. S., Mangapai .. .. 263 Otto Bros., Maungakaramea .. .. 425 Pearson, J. S., Tangiteroria .. .. 271 Peat, James, jun., Kauri .. .. 653 Peat, James, jun., Kauri .. .. — Peat, James, sen., Kamo .. .. 257 Penny, George, Whangarei .. . . 77 Phillips, Stanley, Otaika, Whangarei .. 2,225 Plaisted, W. G., Kiripaka . . .. 59 Pollock, A., Parakoa .. .. .. — Porter, T. E., Maungakaramea .. .. 474 Powell, H. L. E., Opuawhanga .. .. | 270 Price, E., Otuhe .. .. ..827 Pullin, Arthur E., Aponga .. .. 123 Richardson, G. W., Waipu .. .. 408 Richardson, Henry, Waipu .. .. 529 Roberts, T. I)., Ruatangata West .. 454 Ross, George, jun., Parua Bay .. .. 251 Rountree Bros., Waikiekie .. .. 38 Rountree, G. Or., Waikiekie Rountree, W. J., Waikiekie .. .. — Ruddoll, William W., Tangowahine .. 739 Sands, Herbert L., Whangarei .. .. 76 Seymour, T. G, Maunu, Whangarei .. 88 Shepherd, William, Parua Bay Sinclair, A. P., Kauri .. .. .. 108 Sloane, IT. B., Whangarei .. .. 1,713 Slonne, J., Pukehuia .. .. .. 880 Smith, Albert M., Tahere .. x .. 278 Smith, F. J„ Titoki .. .. .. 499 Smith, Finlayson, Tahere .. ,, 354 Smith, J. M„ Whareora .. .. 500 Smith, W. H., Kamo .. .. .. — Snell, H. T., Maungakaramea . . .. 750 Stephen, A. and J., Charlton, Waikiekie .. 1,1.02 Stephen, John T., Waikiekie Sutherland, (!.. and Sons, Helena Bay .. 400 I Swattield, II. A., Whangarei .. . . — Symes, A. C, Whangarei .. .. 2,014 | Taylor, Christopher, Kiripaka .. .. 216 < 778 400 Nil 40 280 335 877 372 148 90 404 Nil 390 250 Nil 190 480 142 250 600 Nil 335 173 425 98 350 400 1,550 133 Nil 600 559 183 95 298 370 Nil 304 1,530 700 5,079 134 48 010 21 270 Nil 570 505 135 Nil Nil 2,025 34 300 400 281 802 164 346 518 43 294 12 I. ,094 152 1,015 102 200 355 125 1,597 1. ,085 290 645 20 Nil 20 554 1,272 34 572 399 2,880 199 Whangabei County— continued. 'Thompson, A. P., Whangarei Thompson, J. H-, Aponga Thomson, R., Ruarangi, Moewhare Thorburn, K. F., Taranui, Parua Bay Thorburn, W. J., Ruatangata West Turner, H. J., Otuhi Vyle, E., Otaika, Whangarei Wakelin, Walter, Wharewhare, Whangarei Wallace, J. V., Wheki Valley, Whangarei . . Watson, E. W., Oncrahi Watson, F. G., Kamo Road, Whangarei .. Wobb, Luke, Helena Bay Weir, A. D., Moewhare, Mangapai Whimp, Charles A., Ruatangata East White, F. J., Whangarei Wilson, James J., jun., Maunu, Whangarei Wilson, Thomas, Ruakaka Windram, George, Titoki Wooly, W. H., Matapouri Worsnop, J., Ruatangata Worsp Bros., Whangarei Wright Bros., Waipu Wright, E. G, Maungakaramea Wright, Edward, Maungakaramea Yates, F. A., Ruatangata West OTAMATEACOUNTY (In Whangarei Subdivision) Aiubery, L. J., Raupo Anderson, J., Pukerata Ariell . B., Thome, Paparoa Bagniul, Henry Thomas, Mangowai Ball, G W., Matakohe Boi-ridgo, M. S., Oratia, Mititai Betts Bros., Ararini, via Matakohe Betts, William R, Ararini, via Matakohe . . Birtles, James, Glenkohne, Paparoa Birtles, James, Rocklands, Paparoa Bowmar, D., Mangawai.. Boyde, J. T., Paparoa Brljevich, Joseph, Titan Park Farm, Postoffice, Wharcra Brown, J. E„ Tara, Mangawai .. Bull, Arthur, Paparoa, Bull, Mrs. L. H. A„ Batley CampbeU, David, Parahi, via Matakohe .. Causer, John, Lennox Hills, Rowsell's Clrffe, G. K, Mareretu, Paparoa Oliffc, G. K., Paparoa Cliffe, J. R., Paparoa Coatcs, E. K. and E. T. R., Waihungarua .. Coates, Thomas, Oraki, P.O., Remuera Connell, Donald, Maungaturoto Coop, Harold, Kaiwaka Coverdalc, T., Pahtotara, Kaiwaka Cross, James, Bellfield, Paparoa Dingle, and Son, 28 Khyber Pass Road, Auckland Dodd, P. A., Glen Allan, Maungaturoto .. Dodds, A. M., Mareretu Dodds, Alexander, Paparoa Dodds, George, Paparoa Dodds, J. T. and R., Wairere Downs, T. F., Rehia Draper, H., Maungaturoto Droadon, Alfred, Matakohe Drcadon, Charles, Rehia, Tokatoka Droadon, Walter, Rehia Dunn, R., Whakapirau Evans, E. O., Paparoa Fenwick, Charles, Paparoa Fenwick, E. A., Paparoa Fenwick, E. A., Paparoa Finlayson, Alexander (Estate of), Maungaturoto Finlayson Bros, (c/o — McNeil), Rehia Finlayson, H. S. and N. K., Maungaturoto Finlayson, John, Rehia Finlayson, P. A., Ruawai Finlayson, R. J. and E. L., Raupo Finlayson, R. S., Maungaturoto Flower Bros., Mareretu 305 964 410 337 400 065 .198 ; 275 97 I 130 400 406 — | 174 910 I 718 698 009 95 : 84 08 79 347 202 5 .1 200 i 200 187 194 80 80 2,004 , Nil 871 87-1 85 584 1,100 709 470 080 134 119 Nil 420 540 85,543 90,500 J 082 804 788 787 005 52.1 520 91 91 199 19 Nil 20 82 Nil 445 374 1,120 1,040 350 487 80 130 450 009 321 262 216 245 133 124 1,640 1,200 100 81 403 471 2,586 ! 925 884 j 971 029 | 810 420 ! Nil 1,370 ! 511 171 ! 195 1,406 : 1,372 303 i 250 400 ! 445 112 94 90 100 995 1,008 372 , 407 313 ' 337 1,003 950 864 893 69 76 218 108 10.1 94 500 425 130 150 I 183 900 920 3,820 | 3,083 560 1,768 1,900 915 I ,212 500 535 656 i 616 177 I Nil
No. of Sheep on ipril 80, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, ! April 80, | 1917. j 1818. Otamatea County— continued. Flower, M. E., Mareretu Gallie, G., Matakohe Gibbs, F. W., Wairere Gibson, Robert Thompson, Mareretu Gill, F. F., Wairere Givers, Leopold, Whakapirau Goodall, F., Matakana LowerGraham, Harold A., Whakapirau Gubb, S. M., Rauwai Harries, O. G, Paparoa Hames, Rowland, Paparoa Hanna, L. C, Whakapirau Bardie, Joseph, Matakohe Hargreaves, E„ Batley Hastie, James, Kaiwaka Hastie, R., Mangawai Hcaloy, Timothy, Rowsell's Heslop, G. W., Mareretu Hill, Arthur, Otamatea Hill, J. M H., Tapuha, Mareretu Hill, Percy and Thomas, Marohemo Hill. R. A., Tamahunga, Ranganui llillier. W. ('. M., Parahi, Matakohe Huband, W. E., Lyndwood, Maungaturoto Hudspith, W. H., Mareretu I Iiillah, George, Mareretu Jeffs, E. S., Waihungarua Jenkins, T. C. Whakapirau Judd, B. G, Maungaturoto Leach, C. A., Maungaturoto Leaf, Alfred, Matakohe Leal, G. V.. Ararua Leaf, R. W., Matakohe Leslie, William, Kaiwaka Lindquist, A., Paparoa Linnell, G. F., Batley Linnell, G. P., Kaiwaka Linnell, Georgo F., jun., Kaiwaka Linnell, T. F., Kaiwaka Linton Bros., Lindum Grange, Batley Littin Bros., Kaiwaka Lord, J. J., Marohemo .. .. Love and Fergus, Whakapit an .. Martin, A. A., Paparoa Martin, J. G, Matakohe Mason and Berridgo, Waikiekie Massey, Harry, Wairere Massey, J. R.. Wairere McAdam, R. G., Mareretu McCarroll, R., Mareretu McClure, J., Ruawai McCracken, D., Ararua, via Matakohe McRae Bros.. Waipuha, Mareretu MoRae, M., Maungaturoto Metcalfe and Sons, Matakohe Morten, Charles M., Port Albert Mould, P. J. J. N., Rowsell's Mould, N., Rowsell's P.O. Mountaine, Dr. J., Maungaturoto New, G., jun., Pahi Nutsford, Thomas V.,Kikowiti Farm, Paparoa Ovens, Joseph, Ruawai Paige, R. L., Warleigh, Whakapirau Paikca, William, Port Albert Palmer, A. M. (Estate of), Tatton Park Farm, Paparoa Papps, H. M., Whakapirau Reyland, William H., Matakohe Ringrose, T\, Tokatoka Rintoul, Andrew, Rowsell's Roadley Bros., Batley Robieson, E. P. J., Mareretu Rogers, T. B., Rehia Ross, R., Kaiwaka Ross, William, Kaiwaka Saunders, A. H., Wairere .. ' .. Senn, E. G, Waihungarua, via Matakohe .. Short, H. H., Whakapirau .. .. ' Simpkin, W., Lenton Grove, Rehia Simpson, James, Ruawai Simpson, James, Ruawai Smith, A. L., Matakohe Smith, A. W., Tokatoka, . . ' .. j Smith, Richard and G., Matakohe Smith, Stanley, Kaiwaka .. 47 420 295 017 420 51 273 180 390 282 453 ! 180 540 0 108 500 I 107 300 575 177 130 41 402 1,040 700 75 85 128 191 232 325 450 3,525 024 1,712 385 133 408 330 118 92 296 314 2.538 1,012 14 1.029 1,166 135 700 150 270 187 202 60 132 31 78 218 46 481 338 520 107 420 32 40 232 195 430 83 450 Nil 350 7 120 506 158 258 400 300 143 168 48 333 1,242 665 76 8 201 Nil 336 299 322 3,010 644 400 1,812 345 54 710 234 66 420 Nil 326 389 1,420 247 959 10 941 1,109 Nil 686 168 252 180 325 15 144 Nil Nil Otamatea County— continued. Smith, W. J., Ararua Smith, William, Matakohe Snelling Bros., Maungaturoto Spick, G. T., Paparoa Stevens, Sydney, Totara Farm, Paparoa .. Stevens, W. H., Paparoa Stevens and Massey, The Pines. Paparoa . . Stewart, A., Glen, Kaiwaka Stewart, Charles, Kaiwaka Stewart, Malcolm, Kaiwaka Stewart, T. J., Maungaturoto Taylor, Charles, Box 21, Paparoa Taylor, L., Paparoa Taylor, W. J., Maungaturoto Thompson, W. O., Rehia Tibbits, Arthur H., Ngahere Lake, Paparoa Tibbits, G., Stitchbrook, Paparoa Trewin, J., Marohemo Trounson, J. IL, jun., Paparoa Walker, John, Maungaturoto Walker, Oliver, Paparoa Walker, P. M., Parahi, Matakohe Wallace Bros., Ruawai Wharfe, Alfred J., Mangawai Wilson, G A., The Look-out, Paparoa Wilson, James, Maungaturoto Wilson, T. and It., Arcadia, Paparoa Wilson, T. and It.. Post-office, Paparoa Wintle Bros., Tara, Mangawai 210 505 1,851 300 212 204 2,000 200 395 200 293 54 79 456 143 97 08 1,238 245 127 225 233 050 1,520 295 252 203 1,725 245 623 320 160 Nil 143 440 145 89 00 1 ,083 275 120 147 292 638 670 1,014 638 466 200 1 ,200 003 1,197 558 640 118 507 72,932 70,424 HOBSON COUNTY (In Whangarei Subdivision). Allan, Jack G, Mapuna.. Arisen, C. E., Ruawai Ballantyne, T. A., Pukehuia Barclay, S. S., Pukohuia Bassett, Thomas, Te Kopuru Bayly, G. F., Babylon Beattie, R. M., Tangiteroria Bell, R. J., Te Karaka, Tangowahine Bickers, M. B., Rehia Biddies, John, Maungaratu, via. Dargaville Biddly, Jamos B., Arapohue Bigelow, F. E., Mapuna Blake Bros., Tangowahine Blake Bros.. Tangowahine Blowes, Mrs. M., Ruawai Bowern and Smith, Tc Kohiroa Estate, via Dargaville Bowron and Smith, Pukehuia Bradley Bros., Kaupo Ghadwick's Limited (W. Chadwick, for), Aratapu Coleman, Benjamin, Dargaville Colmer, George, Kirikopuni Copoland, W., Mititai Crawford Bros., Dargaville Crawford, F., Tangowahine Cronin, W., Maungarata, via Dargaville . . Dalboth, W.. Aratapu .. Dodd, Mrs. It. J. (Estate of) (c/o Slade's bag), Hone Hone No. 2, Dargaville Droadon Bros,, Pukohuia Finlayson. It. J. and E. K., Raupo Fleming, J., Tataririki, Te Kopuru Frost, J. P.. Mapuna Gieson, W. B., Dargaville Glamugina and Sons, Red Hill, To Kopuru Glink, John, Red Hill. Te Kopuru Goggins, P., Pukehuia Gordon, John, Mititai Grice, P. Lee, Tangihi Hailes and Ward, Tangiteroria Hamlyn, A. E., Arapohue Hamlyn, W. T. and A. E., Arapohue Harding, A. E., Aroa, Mangawhare Harding, A. E., Mangaru, 'Tangowahine .. Harding, A. E. (A. F. Buckland), Omn, Tangowahine Harding, Edwin, Dargaville Hawke, A. F., Aropohue Hawkins, Thomas, Tangowahine Heffern, Mark. Onetea I ,405 574 3,325 1 ,148 9,524 142 3,101 190 156 4,060 2,660 2,101 992 389 874 2,718 35 0,030 1,514 283 1,417 370 575 2,420 1,420 8,915 121 3,515 172 97 Nil 3,300 171 1,630 813 396 912 2,500 182 166 5,360 1,414 627 70 700 377 82 70 264 019 801 187 250 70 230 249 104 508 79 597 806 90 101 Nil 606 639 34 Nil 26 124 304 352 92 407 1.21 122 110 Nil 1,081 588 798 928 025 288 994 51 381 785 831 839 129 1,300 75 340 114 1,190 573 5,002 130 134 1,081 4,192 Nil 5,097 126 899 4,695 2.293 6,397 267 1,789 80 5,490 255 2,075 Nil
No. Of i April 30, 1017. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, j 1617. 1918. Hobson County— continued. Hemphill, James, DargaviUe .. .. 1,008 ITolstoin, H. R. W., Pukehuia . . . . 10 Hoyle, R., Arapohue .. .. .. 308 Humphreys, P. M., Onetea, . . ., 270 Hunt, C. and A., Tokatoka . . .. i 609 Kay, Hedly, Whangarei .. ,. j — Keer, R. P., Pencarrow, Mititai . . . . 1.52 Kemp Bros., Pouto .. .. .. 180 Kena Bros., Pouto .. .. .. 521 Kerr Bros., Maropiu . . . . . . 268 Kerr, E. M., Maropiu .. .. ., — Koranagh, Hugh, Pukehuia . . .. 753 Laing, D. M., Pakotai .. .. .. 72 Lamb, M. L. and P. J„ Tangiteroria .. 1,133 Langton, Mrs. M., Tangowahino . . .. — Leach, E. M., Tangowahine .. .. 746 Legarth, F. F., Omana, Dargaville .. 40 Londrum, G., Te Kopuru .. .. 415 Liggett, R„ Red Hill, Te Kopuru .. 060 Martinovich Bros., Te Kopuru .. .. 217 Masefield, J. M., Arapohue .. .. 383 Massey, Horace, Onetea .. ., j 625 Mati Miach, Dargaville . . .. .. 253 Matthows, W. J., Mititai, North Wairoa .. 274 McCraith, Robert, Dargaville . . .. 330 McDermott, Peter, Onetea . . . . 800 McGraith, William, Pukehuia .. .. — McGregor, Malcolm, Maungawhare McLeod, D. L., Woodhill, Pouto .. .. 403 Montgomery, R., Mititai .. .. — Montgomery, Thomas, Mititai .. .. 98 Morrisay, M., Tangiteroria .. ,. —, Murphy, E., Te Karaka, Tangowahine .. — Nelson and Prazer, Whangarei ., .. 200 Now, B. G, Arapohuo .. .. .. 1,69 Newman, G, Pouto .. .. .. 1,000 O'Connor, M. (c/o R. C. Rikys), 'Te Kopuru 1,171 Peperrel, G H., Houto . . .. .. j 576 Pomare, Wiremu Hare, Pouto .. .. 233 Rikys, A. G., Aratapu .. .. .. 707 Roberts, W. J., Dargaville .. .. 2,340 RuddeU, S. W. (rural mail), Whangarei ., ; 435 Sanders, T., Tangiteroria .. .. ] 412 Schick, F. G., Tangaihi .. .. 1,000 Shirtcliffe, Arthur, Horehore, Dargaville .. 822 Sills, H. P., Arapohue .. .. .. 97 Simpkin, H. E., Arapohue .. .. — Simpkin, R., Arapohue .. .. .. — Simpkin, W., Rehia .. .. .. 942 Simpkin, Walter, Arapohue .. .. ! 556 Slade, H. J., Rivorview, DargaviUe .. : 376 Smith, Mrs. Annie M., Tangiahua, Tangi- 118 teroria Stonex Bros., Pukohuia .. .. 307 Studholmo, J., Mititai... .. .. 1,059 Sutherland and Borrie, Aranga .. . . 1,360 Thompson, M., Mititai .. ., ., 722 Thornton, R., Maungarata (private bag), 504 Dargaville Trounson, James, Kaihu .. ,. 2,010 Underwood, W. T., Arapohue .. .. 443 Veale, F. M., Tangowahine .. .. 1,720 Walker, Harrington, Tangowahine .. 4,399 Waller, A., Arapohue .. .. . . 25 Williams, A. L., Hoanga .. .. 1,794 Williams, J. H. B., Mangarata, DargaviUe 2,629 Wilson Bros., Glen Orchard, Mititai .. 443 Wilson, Jamos G., Glen Orchard, Mititai .. — Winters, W. H., Aratapu .. .. — 106,02c 991 17 305 288 325 200 153 159 334 Nil 602 511 30 1,080 20 424 75 350 619 170 Nil 569 221 309 200 872 130 316 510 105 131 1,212 3,887 Nil 301 1,130 678 384 240 798 1,775 828 397 915 Nil 97 41 20 1,3.10 910 517 101 Rodney County— continued. Bayer, Joseph, Tahekeroa Bayer, Wenze, Puhoi Bayley, Charles, Glorit Bayly, G. T. (J. Kelly, Manager), Wellsford Beicher, George, Wellsford Berger, G. O., Ahuroa Bergor, J., Ahuroa Billing, William, Puhoi Birdsall, J. B., Whangateau Blackwell, J. H., Hakaru Blair, Mrs. P., Matakana Boler, A. S., Frithwood, Tauhoa Bowman, Walter, Streamlands Bowman, Walter, Warkworth Breese, C. M., Kaipara Flats Breese, D. and Darcy, Kaipara Flats Brookes, A. E., Wharohine, Port Albert .. Brown, Alfred H., Tomarata Brown, E. O., Whangaripo Buchanan,,)., Matakana Lower Buckland, George, Leigh 'Buckton, J. I., jun., Tauhoa Buckton, M. R., Tauhoa Buckton, R. W., Mangakura Burfoot, Mrs. Lottie, Kaipara Plats Camo, M. P., Woodlands, Whangaripo Campbell, A. (Estate of) (c/o W. M. Campbell), Matakana Campbell, W. R., Matakana Cantlay Collis, F., Oakleigh, Tau boa Carran, Daniel, Streamlands Carrol, T., Wayby Carron, E. S., Warkworth Cave, H. J., Streamlands Cheatle and Toule, Kaipara Flats Clayden, H. G., Warkworth .. .. Claydon, T. A., Matakana Croker, Samuel W., Matakana Darrach, W. A., Mahurangi Darroch, D. M., Whangateau Davis, J. T., Wellsford Dawson, A. A., Warkworth Day, John, Tawharanui De Luen, W. H., Wayby Dennis Bros., Puhoi Dibble, C. H., Wayby Dill, Mrs. M. M., Atuanui, Kaipara Flats .. Drinnan, A. W., Wayby Duck, T. H., Tomorata Dudding, W., Parahaki, Port Albert, Dunningham, A. E., Ahuroa Dyer, Alfred, Tauhoa Emtage, G. S., Warkworth Eyre, M. V., Kaipara Plats Farmer, G., Wayby Farrand Bros., Whangaripo Fitzthum, Wonzl, Upper Waiwera Gallais, Kenneth L., Mangakura Gardner, C. (Estate of), Glorit Gathoreolc, Thomas, Surprise Farm, Warkworth Gibbs, John, Hoteo North Goldsworthy, R., Sea View Farm, Mullet Point Grant, J. V., Port Albert Grant, Joel, Wayby Grant, R. and C. V., Hoteo North Grant, W. R., Riverdale, Wayby Green, G. T., Matakana.. Green, W. A., Matakana Greenwood, Ada, Leigh.. Greenwood, John, jun., Dovedale, Leigh .. Greenwood, Percy H., Pakiri Grimmer, F. J., Streamlands Grimmer, W., and Son, Streamlands Gubb, 0, S., Hoteo Gubb, H. R., Hoteo Gubb, P. G, Port Albert Gubb, Thomas A., Hoteo Guy, Duncan, Kaipara Flats Guy, Mrs. E. (c/o A. Guy, Palmerston North) Harding, M. A., Wharehine Harding, Maurice, Te Hana Harper, A., Pakiri .. .. Harris, G, Pakiri 220 1,250 1,800 55 40 20 72 28 305 298 135 107 107 636 212 215 221 195 93 82 187 212 243 233 56 554 I I 36 82 880 104 510 111 336 390 104 304 209 162 165 25 88 369 068 329 546 329 123 182 100 150 1,111 50 552 903 380 220 142 3,270 2,692 42 1.00 51 81 21 315 300 115 77 Nil 315 309 217 249 Nil 180 112 125 110 245 Nil 230 50 674 7 Nil Nil 366 Nil 282 503 144 440 405 140 206 190 212 74 40 69 272 745 375 482 328 Nil 192 Nil 59 901 71 084 990 Nil 660 967 1,420 Nil 703 1,930 104 1,900 Nil 8 2,319 2.930 Nil 967 105 134 101 270 2,180 645 1,058 224 94 164 612 01 569 104 352 530 82 1,134 790 145 96 RODNEY COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Anderson, N. G, Whangaripo .. .. 100 Andrews, Ernest, Kaipara Flats .. 21.4 Armour, William, The Retreat, Whangaripo — Ashton, Harry, Whangateau . . .. 203 Baker, E. W., Fenbrook, Puhoi Barker, S. J., Warkworth .. .. — Barker, W. P., Fenbrook, Puhoi . . .. 182 Bayer, A., Puhoi .. .. . . 20 Bayer Bros., Puhoi .. 188 Bayer, John, Tahekeroa .. .. 315 100,029 103,855 399 2,044 602 I., 100 244 81 172 650 111 957 60 600 633 203 1,800 1,037 6,257 Nil 598 380 204 100 214 263 88 040 200 268 538 103 198 110 Nil 347 182 20 188 315 6,032 430 200 264
2-H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No, of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Rodney County— continued. Harvie, E. J., Matakana Heywood, A. V., Te Hana Heywood, Honry (Edward Frausham Browne, Trustee), North Albertland Heywood, L„ Te Hana Hood, Andrew, Kaipara Flats Hooper, C. F., Tauhoa Hooper, Honry A., Glorit Hooper, J. S., Makarau.. Hoult, Thomas, Pakiri .. Hudson, E. A., Nga Totara, Kaipara Flats.. Hughes, Abraham, Kaipara Flats Hughes, William II. D,, Mahurangi Heads lliirrey, E. (')., P.O., Woodcock's.. Hutchinson, G O., and Son, Kaipara Flats Jackson. William. Matakana Jatnieson, Thomas, Mahuranga Jenkins, T. 0., Ahuroa Johnson, A. P., Tauhoa Kaes, Martin, Puhoi Kea and Co., P.O., Woodcock's Kempt, D. M, Leigh King, J. M., and Sons, Warkworth Knaggs, D. W., Whangateau Kreuse, C. D., Wharehine Laing, H. H., Glorit Lawrie, J. F., Mahurangi Leach, J. E., Well ford' Le Gallais, Kenneth, Mangakura, Legge. W., Tauhoa Level, Mrs. Fanny, Wellsford Lovet, Joseph (Estate of), Wellsford Litton, A., Tauhoa, .. .. .. I Manson, T. D., Awawhare, Wellsford .. ! Manuell, IT., Makarau .. .. Marcroft, E. IL, Drury Cottage, Wharehine Martin, A. A. D. and W. J. D„ Woodcock's Martin, A. D., Daveydale, Woodcock's Martin, J. D., Conical Hill, Woodcock's .. Martin, J. D., Woodcock's, Gavieside Mason. II., Glorit Matheson, A., Leigh McCathie and Carran, Kaipara Flats McElroy, W. F. and A. L., Puhoi McRae, G. R., Hoteo, North Wellsford . . Millor, J. 'I'., Warkworth Moore, J. W„ Mullet Point Morison, James, Kaipara Plats Morrison, E„ Redbluff, Warkworth Neeley, William, Abirfelde, Leigh Ncwcombe, S., Tauhoa Ogle, J. G., Seaview Farm, Mangakura Oldfield, F, J., Rockmount, Wellsford Ormond, Miss Fanny (c/o R. Manager), Kaiwaka Osborne, J. P., Ahuroa Palmer, Charles H., Glorit Parker, James, Well-ford Parkes, Henry, Matakana Lower Parkinson, D. J., Warkworth Parry, J. G., Pukapuka, Puhoi Paul, John, Ahuroa Payne, W., and Sons, Port Albert Phillips, A. A., Streamlands PhiUips, E. V., The Briar-, Streamlands .. Phillip", Francis, Waiwhiu . . Phillips, Frederick, Streamlands .. .. j Phillips, George, Rockyuook, Streamlands Phillips, H. I., Streamlands, Warkworth .. Phillips, J. P. L., Streamlands Phillips, Mark, Waiwhiu Phillips, Mrs. Esther, Valley Farm, Streamlands PhiUips, S. C, Streamlands . . .. i Pinker and Gordon, Woodcock's . . . . I Pook, Albert R., NorthAlbortland Poyner, Mrs. Annie, Komokoriki. . .. \ Prictor, A. G., Wellsford Ramsbottom, B. T., Wellsford Rauner, Edward, Leigh. . Rauner, Fritz, Omaha, Puhoi . . Rauner, George, Puhoi Rauner, John, Puhoi Rauner, Joseph, Puhoi 149 353 184 300 223 152 140 2,530 500 353 579 247 03 68 390 123 149 214 347 178 I 182 125 832 552 93 185 890 22 094 116 450 984 40 123 263 144 750 1,314 229 71 37 528 138 283 83 54 402 202 350 31.8 105 324 104 2,720 486 303 475 275 Nil 69 126 382 121 122 24 205 343 223 Nil 300 211 694 684 89 170 882 68 540 70 85 070 1,200 35 142 390 129 Nil 1,514 253 81 40 453 167 282 73 57 486 2,000 Rodney County— continued. Rauner, M., jun., Puhoi .. .. 53 79 Redgate, A., Wayby .. .. .. — 30 Remiger, IS., Puhoi .. .. .. 006 591 Rice, D., Tomarata .. .. .. 220 195 Russek, Herbert, Puhoi . . . . 224 273 Russell, H. N., Warkworth .. .. 184 250 Russell, Jamos, Waiwhiu, Warkworth .. 43 52 Ryan, Butler Miller, Tyono, Hakaru .. 850 041 Sadler, G. H., Whangateau .. .. 147, 153 Salt, IL, Kaipara Flats .. .. 102 Nil Sanderson, Thomas, Mangakura . . .. 250 72 Sandrett, Thomas H., Mullet Point . . — 80 Schischka, C, Puhoi .. .. . . 40 90 Schischka, Edward, Puhoi . . .. 395 477 Schischka, John, Waiwera .. .. 228 Nil Schischka, Joseph, Waiwera .. .. 456 467 Schischka, Joseph Victor, Waiwera .. 233 Schischka, Leonard Frederick, Puhoi .. 160 232 Schischka, W., Puhoi .. .. .. 152 233 Scholium, J. L., Puhoi .. .. .. 95 Nil Scholium, Mrs. Dora,'Puhoi .. .. 223 191 Scholium, Wenzl, Puhoi .. .. 588 550 Scholium, William J., Puhoi .. .. 450 305 Scholium. William J., Puhoi .. .. 000 020 Scott, H. R., Kaipara Flats .. .. — 250 SeUwood, Mary Ann, To Arai .. .. 75 77 Shannon, Mrs. Annie, Tomarata .. .. 271 I 223 Shepherd, J. A., Cyprus Farm, Port Albert 175 j 190 Smith, K. K., Makarau .. .. .. 11 47 Smith, F, D., Wharehine .. .. 78 j 56 Smith, Hugh, Whangaripo .. .. 261 | 252 Smith, J. N., Kaipara Flats .. .. — I 113 Smith, Joseph, Matakana .. .. 160 102 Smith, Mrs. Mary Ann, Broken Hill, Mata- 87 i 157 kana Smith, R. N., Port Albert .. .. 163 i 147 Smith, WiUiam T., Wharehine .. .. 108 08 Smyth, Jonas, Wellsford .. .. 351 I 120 Sommerville, Alexander A., Whangaripo 1,427 1 1,474 VaUey, Matakana Stables, Henry, Wharehine .. .. 129 ; 229 Steventon, R. Horatio, Woodland, Manga- 400 : 802 kura Stow Bros., Whangaripo .. .. 913 850 Straka, Charles, Puhoi .. .. .. 1,095 1,400 Straka, Joseph, Puhoi . . 39 32 Strang, F. W., Helensvillo .. .. — 297 Strange, Frederick, Kaipara Flats .. 406 i Nil Struthers, Ernest O., Pohuehue, Wark- 118. 153 worth Taylor, John, The Pines, Kaipara Flats .. 524 620 Tcne Tahi, R., Leigh .. .. .. .102 98 Thompson, G. E., Port Albert .. .. 50 157 Thompson, L. H., Matakana .. .. 458 540 Thomson, G. W., Kaipara Flats .. .. 578 Nil Thomson, J. Wyatt, Kauri Grove, Kaipara 263 297 Flats Thomson, N. M., Kaipara Flats .. ... 135 90 Thomson, V. P., North Albertland .. 332 Nil Thomson, V. P.. North Albertland . . 332 i 280 Tierney, Frank, Te Arai .. .. 243 J 200 Tolhopf, Joseph, Puhoi . . .. 142 ; 152 Tolhopf, M., Puhoi .. .. .. 142 Nil Tolhopf, Martin jun., Puhoi . . .. 48 79 Tolhopf, W„ Puhoi .. .. .. 150 Tolhopf, William, Puhoi .. .. 160 Totnioh, Frank, Tomarata .. .. 92 i 121 Trotter, Alexander, Warkworth . . .. 290 ; 377 Turner, E., Wayby . . .. . . 121 Nil Turnwald, Joseph, Puhoi . . . • 300 282 Turnwald, Loronz, Puhoi . . .. 40 203 Vipond, Alfred, Kaipara Flats . . .. 386 604 Vipond, E. A., Whangaripo .. .. 250 263 Vipond, Joseph, Matakana . . .. 87 64 Vipond, Mrs. Mary Carr, North Albertland 186 184 Week, John, Puhoi . . . . . . 41 Nil Week, John J., jun., Lower Waiwera .. 42 70 Week, Joseph, jun , Woodcock's . . .. 270 245 Week, Paul, Puhoi .. .. .. 50 04 Week. Robert Joseph, Pohuehue, Warkworth 370 400 Week, Wenzl, Ahuroa .. .. .. 105 153 Wedding, W. '1'., Streamlands .. .. 51 Nil Wenzlick, John, jun., Puhoi .. .. 223 300 Wenzlick, Joseph, Puhoi .. .. 46 55 455 2,290 100 " 284 23 188 150 99 90 299 293 130 129 150 320 333 21 132 73 Nil 314 38 233 110 99 115 232 1 50 150 107 164 104 318 92 104 09 50 543 300 170 ! 73 4 77 31 409 252 140 228 5 51 51 130 304 200 130 300 I 100:
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 8( 1917. 1918. April 80, 1918. Rodney County— continued. Wenzlick, Martin, Puhoi Wenzlick, Vincent, Puhoi Wharfe Bros., Linton, North Albertland .. Williams, A., Wellsford Williams, G. A., Wellsford Williams, Robert, Big Omaha Wilson, G., Ford Farm, Wellsford Wilson, Miss Sarah B., Stockyard, Warkworth Wilson, N., Warkworth Wilson, T. H., Warkworth Wilson, W. G, Whangaripo Woodcock, A., jun., P.O., Woodcock's, Warkworth Woodcock, A. T., Pakiri Woodcock, A.,P.O.,Woodcock's Woodcock, G G, Ahuroa Woodcock, Daniel, Woodcock's Woodcock, F. E., Woodcock's Woodcock, F., Mangakura Worker, F. G., Wellsford Worker, N. A., Wellsford Wotherspoon, Alex., Whangaripo Wyman, R. G., Waiwhiu Yates, John, Eyer's Point, Te Hana Yates, John, " Silver Hill," Te Hana Yates, W. and J., Tomarata Yearbury, W. G., Tauhoa Young, James, Matakana, Tawharanui GREAT BARRIER ISLAND COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alcock, W, Okiwi, Great Barrier Bayly, Robert, Tryphena Blackwell, Adam, Tryphena Blackwell, J. R. and W. J., Tryphena Blackwell, T., Tryphena, Great Barrier Cozens, W. and T., Tryphena Davies, Robert,P.O.,Motairoho,Creat Barrier Davis, M. T., Motairehe Davis, P., Motairehe, Great Barrier Dodd, Len J., Okupu, Great Barrier Eyre, T. E., Tryphena Flinn Bros., Port Fitzroy Gray Bros., Okonga, Groat Barrier Johnson, A. F., Tryphena Le Roy, E. G. (c/o Government Oyster Depot), Auckland Medland Bros., Woolstono, Tryphena Nairn, G. S., Tryphena Osborne Bros., Tryphena, Groat Barrier .. Paddison, E., Karaka Bay, Port Fitzroy .. Paddison, Edward, Awanga, Okupu Bay .. Paddison, R. L., Okonga Sanderson, Mrs. Eliza Jane, Okupu, Great Barrier Sanderson, W., Okiwi Todd, George, Tryphena Todd, Matthew, Tryphena, Great Barrier .. Warren, P., Port Fitzroy Williams, Judge, Sir Joshua S. (J. S. Williams), Port Fitzroy 78 132 327 150 106 154 170 45 98 450 120 300 440 134 125 194 30 344 306 252 607 ■ 165 113 96 197 153 81,627 911 203 267 200 142 455 206 192 131 650 698 60 225 105 70 132 395 100 100 110 300 158 45 73 407 160 330 600 130 140 230 106 400 163 486 460 120 154 101 168 153 88,176 1,011 298 299 175 136 535 243 588 30 253 920 449 84 224 116 Waitemata County— continued. Boucher, P. F., Kumeu . . .. .. 2f Boucher, P. T., Kumeu .. .. .. — 2C Bowden, Thomas J., Dairy Flat .. .. 36 3, r Brabondere, Mrs. L. H. de, Rose Farm, Titi- 239 265 rangi Bradley, A. J. (Trustees of) (e/o N W. 340 424 Riinmor), Parakai, Helensville Bridson, T. A., Silverdale .. .. 230 10( Bronne, George Henry, Kaukapakapa . . 73 10! Buokland, Mrs. A., sen., South Head, Helens- 0,313 5,561 ville Buokland, M. J., South Head, Helensville.. — 5,51C Garron, E. S., Warkworth .. .. — 59C Casey, Patrick, Silverdale .. .. 143 15S Christian, A., Swanson .. .. .. — 105 Cochran, Alexander, Oratia .. .. 115 12f Cole, William, Kaukapakapa .. .. 1,234 l,39f Colgan, Jamos, Mayfield, Upper Waiwera .. 178 ] 8f Cottle, A. W„ Taupaki .. .. .. 498 Nil Craig, A., Mototapu Island .. .. 285 Nil Craig, J. J., Omana Company, Waiheke 143 30i Island Dacre Bros., Okura Farm, Whangaparoa .. 442 37; Dods, John, Helensville .. .. 36( Drinnan, James, Kaukapakapa .. .. 09 |5( Drinnan, Robert, Kaukapakapa .. .. 254 20( Drinnan, William H-, Kaukapakapa .. 456 53( Elliott, Thomas, Helensville .. .. 410 Nil Evans, T. P., Parkhurst .. .. 1,987 1,675 Fennell, R. G, Parakakau .. .. 188 20* Pennell, William, Forest Grove, Parakakau 211 201 Fifield, Jesse, HelensvUle .. .. 103 101 Fletcher, Mrs. E., Waimauku .. .. 512 76( Foley, Timothy, Albany .. .. 74 7.' Foster, J. D., Waimauku .. .. 350 35: I'linke, G. W., Dairy Flat .. .. 39 [ 4( Gibbons, F., Huia, Karekare, via Waikumete 272 28i Glanville, Henry, Parakakau .. .. 156 19: Gordon, R. W. A., Huia .. .. 67 Sit HaU, A. G N., Upper Waiwera .. .. 343 20( Hamilton, T., Maymount, Kaukapakapa .. 262 25; Hand, J., Helensville .. .. .. K 5( Harvey, Mrs. Mary J., Whangaparoa .. 130 Nil Hawkcs, G. and A. P., Silverdale .. 283 3D Hollyer, William, Parakakau .. .. 128 101 Hobb3, E, J,, Arkles Bay, Whangaparoa .. 464 224 Hobbs, E. J., Arkles Bay, Whangaparoa .. 130 314 Hooper, H. A„ Glorit .. .. .. 146 Nil Houghton, John H., Henderson .. .. 316 39: Howell, R., Upper Waiwera .. .. 293 29( Ingram, J., Piha .. .. .. — 61 Jack, A. H. and E. D., Silverdale .. — 8( Jeffs, W., Dairy Flat .. .. .. 21 25 Jordan, J. B., jun., Kaukapakapa .. 71 161 Kerr-Taylor, L. and T., Waimauku .. 257 91 Kinsey, F. G., Parakakau .. .. 6 II Laing, Mrs. J. R., Brooklynn .. .. 460 481 Lambert, Mrs. Annie, Upper Waiwera .. — 2f Lambert, W. R., Parakakau .. .. 100 81 Liddiard, H. J., P.O., Waikumete.. .. — 1 Lochead, David, Dairy Flat .. .. 80 71 Lochead, James, Dairy Plat .. . . 71 12( Maekie Bros., Woodhill .. .. 60 6! Martin, H. E., Upper Waiwera .. .. 103 Nil Masefield, R. T., Taupaki .. .. — 1,03? Mason, A., Helensvillo .. .. .. — 4,06( Matthews, A. T., Silverdale .. .. 68 7(. McDonald, Donald, Rewiti .. .. 320 22( McDonald, J. S., Parkhurst .. .. 40 3( McEldowney, James, Titirangi .. .. 200 25( Mclndoe, T., Rewiti .. . . .. 813 65C McLeod, Arnold, Parakai, Helensville .. 930 1,035 Miller, James, Dairy Flat .. .. 290 264 Mitchclson, Hon. E. P., Motutara, Wai- 2,260 2,75( mauku ,-'3 Monk, Harold Stanley, P.O., Woodhill, Kai- 705 721 para Line Morgan, E., Waimauku .. .. 94 13i Mosig, F. P., Waitakere .. .. — 01 Mosig, F. P., Waitakere .. .. 001 52( Motutapu Limited (H. C. Mellsop. Director), 4,709 5,841 P.O. Box 143, Palmerston North Mulcock, P., Muriawai, Waimauku .. 550 Nil Ockleston, R. H., Hobsonville .. .. 322 364 Osmond and Stonewigg, Helensvillo ,. 4,298 Nil 25 20 35 262 424 106 109 5,567 5,510 590 152 102 125 1,395 188 Nil Nil 308 372 360 150 200 530 Nil 1,672 208 203 101 760 75 352 [40 283 192 98 200 253 D 50 Nil 318 107 224 314 Nil 392 296 07 80 22 167 97 II 487 28 83 7 77 120 65 Nil 1,038 4,060 70 220 36 250 650 1,032 264 2,750 721 393 188 133 280 59 290 222 368 175 210 302 120 375 202 920 52 245 233 609 754 51 266 274 650 8,135 9,108 WAITEMATA COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision), Aitkenhcad, H., Parakai, Helensvillo Alison, A. R., 43 Beach Road, Auckland .. Alison, A. R., Waiheke Island Averill, T. H., Henderson Bayer, Franz, Upper Waiwera Bayer, Fritz, Upper Waiwera Bayer, John P., Upper Waiwera.. Bayer, Joseph, Upper Waiwera Bayley, G. T., Wharepaka, Woodhill Beil, A. (F. W. Strange, Manager), Helensville Bothell, J. N., Waitakere Bishop, R., Helensvillo Bishop, William, Maeratahi, Helensville .. Board, Charles Moss, Kumeu Body, Mrs. E. J., Dairy Flat 1,200 80 51 196 304 1,009 3,803 120 551 865 57 80 08 283 306 1,315 3,505 138 01 520 5,841 500 1 655 331 00 050 GO 750 168 40 Nil 364 Nil
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waitemata County— continued. O'Neill, John, Waitakere .. .. 1,087 1,040 Phillipps, E. (!., Helensville .. .. — 1,012 Poynton, Francis, Dairy Flat .. .. 239 200 Reid, Mrs. E. J., Motutapu, Auckland .. 74 00 Rondell, J. R., Woodhill .. .. 0 Nil Rimmor, N. W., Helensville .. .. 406 500 Roberton, B. H., Silverdale .. .. 320 357 Robinson, Tom, Albany .. .. 51 01 Schedewy Bros., Puhoi .. . ■ .. 290 304 Scott, E., and Sons, Riverdale, Parakakau.. 102 131 Scott, Edward, and Sons, Parakakau .. 325 345 Scott, Miss Annie, Delta Farm, Hobsonvillc 79 75 Scott, S. P., Helensville .. .. 2 2 Shakcspear, Mrs. Blanche, Whangaparaoa 198 453 Shanks, John L., Kaukapakapa .. .. 300 422 Sheffield, A. J., Parkhurst, Helensville .. 129 211 Sheffield, M. H., Parkhurst, Helensville .. 97 99 Sinclair, John, Kaukapakapa .. .. 110 04 Sinton Bros., Hobsonvillc .. .. 408 686 Sisam, Walter- H., Arrow Farm, Swanson .. 8 8 Smith, P. E., Tahekeroa .. .. 508 502 Smyth, E., Waitakere .. .. .. 98 14 Smyth, Henry, Waitakere ... .. 270 304 Smyth, Hibernia, Waikumete • • •, 54 00 Smyth, Richard J. P., Henderson .. 245 230 Snclling, O. B., Kaukapakapa .. .. 514 511 Stewart, Daniel, Helensville .. .. 553 091 Stewart, James, Helensville .. .. — 89 Stoney, W. B., Sea View, Silverdale .. 120 122 Svmes, H. H„ Waimauku .. .. 501 510 Taylor-, V. F. K, Waimauku .. .. 374 240 The Riverlea Syndicate, c/o James Robert- 1.240 2,331 son, 22 Union Buildings, Auckland Thornley, H., Henderson . . .. 90 80 Turner, T. A., Woodhill .. .. 75 71 Turnwald, W., HelensviUe .. .. 435 445 Vaughan, George, Long Bay, Oneroa .. 1,150 1,008 Webster, James, Kaukapakapa .. .. 49 Nil Weir, Gavin, Upper Orewa . . .. 75 47 Wheeler, Thomas, Puki Totaro, Waitakere 390 ; 391 Wilkes Bros., Dairy Flat .. .. 580 504 Williams, Allan, Woodhill .. .. 51 52 Wilson, J. H., P.O., Waimauku .. .. 457 1,087 1,046 — 1,012 239 200 74 00 0 Nil 406 500 320 357 51 (il 290 304 102 131 325 345 79 75 2 2 498 453 360 422 129 211 97 99 I 10 04 408 586 8 8 508 502 98 14 270 : 304 54 60 245 230 514 Oil 553 691 89 120 122 561 516 374 240 1.240 2,331 Manukau County— continued. Campbell, George A., Ness Valley, Clevedon Carey, W. and A., Awaroa, Waiheke Cawte, H. H., Paketaha, Hamilton Chamberlain, Charles (private bag), Ponui Island, Auckland Chamberlain, E. H. (private bag), Ponui Island, Auckland Chamberlain,G, Ponui Island, P.O., Auckland Clark, Samuel, Brookby Collie, A. L., Manurewa Cosgrave, S. J., Papakura Costar, J. de V., Whitford Costar, Motoika, Manurewa Cox, G. W., Mangere Cox, M. H., Tamaki East, Auckland Coxhead, Charles, Manurewa Coxhead, George, Manurewa Craig, A., Motutapu Island Craig, J. and H., Ardmore Day, Edward, Bay View, Cowes Day, James, Awaroa Day, Thomas, Cowes, Waiheke Dilworth Trust Board, Papatoetoc Diproso Bros., Papatoetoe Dow, Andrew, Clevedon South Duder, W. T., P.O., Clevedon Ellingham, W. R., Box 7, Auckland Fawcett, C. A., Clevedon Fitzpatrick, Charles, Papakura, Alfriston .. Gandy, J. A., Clevedon Ghezzi, Joseph, Clevedon Gibson, A., Clevedon Gill, J. T., Cockle Bay Farm, Howick Gill, T. R. W., Green Lane Gordon, William, Happy Valley, Awaroa .. Gray, J. H. and D. S., Cowes Bay, Waiheke Hall, 11. N., Moumoukai Hall, John, Otahuhu Hamilton, Jamos, Cowes Bay, Waiheke Hansch, J. H., Alfriston Harris, A. R., East Tamaki Hattaway, Martha, P.O. Box 5, Howick .. Hattaway, Robert, P.O. Box 5, Howick .. Hawthorne and Munro, Clevedon Hcnwood, Richard, Mangere Hcnwood, Thomas, Mangere Hodge, S., 2 Norana Avenue, Remuera, Auckland Holder, Percy ('. (rural box), Papakura .. Hooks, J. S., Cowes Hunt Bros., Ness Valley, Clevedon Hyde, W. John, Clevedon lnsley, IT. J., Cowes .. .. » '.. Koane, John, Maraetai Kcenoy, J., ('lovedon Kelly,'Martin, Whitford Kemp, Robert, Whitford Kemp, Thomas (Estate of), Ness Valley, Brookby Kennedy, James (private bag), Putiki Bay Kimpton, F., jun., Brookby Kimpton, Harold George, Brookby Kimpton, Henry Charles, Brookby Kirkbrido, M. B., Mangere Knight, William, Brookby Liehtenstein, Arnoldsoir, and Co., Box 425, Auckland Lloyd, W. B., Otahuhu Lupton, C. IL, Manurewa MacDonald and Branson, Ness Valley, Clevedon MacFarlane, J., Whitford Mangatangi Land Company (H. Mattson, Manager,) Mangatai Mason, J., Clevedon MoArdle, V. A., Pokeno McCinty, James, Maraetai McKenzie, Hugh Ross, Onehunga McLaughlin, W., Papatootoo McLennan, E. D., Papakura McLeod, Donald, Waiheke, Awaroa McNicol, Archibald, Clevedon McPherson, J., Clevedon McRae, A., Clevedon South Mulcock, F., Papatootoe 328 499 502 1,393 1,214 1,247 212 599 430 97 050 300 527 603 300 000 380 100 801 505 504 40 1,110 1,021 1,270 480 612 460 30 90 506 150 502 Nil 284 314 282 223 Nil 108 22 100 572 1,402 868 1,41.0 341 354 204 25 228 484 1,020 627 3 463 458 121. 265 255 1,221 200 070 Nil 216 759 1,003 070 1,242 297 199 90 80 75 71 435 445 1.150 1,008 49 Nil 75 i 47 390 : 391 580 ! 504 51 : 52 457 367 500 1,406 658 120 215 55,736 65,443 1,305 295 569 443 EDEN COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Auckland Municipal Abattoirs (Manager), — 301 Westfield, via Otahuhu Biddick Bros., Orakei .. .. .. 705 83 Binsted, II. and J., Avondale . . .. — 24 Coates, Thomas, Orakei Road, Remuera . . 123 28 Farmers' Freezing Company, Southdown .. 2 Gill, T. It. W., Green Lane .. .. — 616 Gill, T. R. W., Green Lane .. • • 827 050 llollaby, 11. and W. (Limited), Auckland .. 889 360 Jones Bros., King's View, Mount Eden, 153 Nil Auckland Morton, H. B., Epsom .. .. .. 12 10 Wood, Frank, Aratonga Avenue, Epsom .. 39 131 Woodward Bros., Mount Albert .. .. 54 95 337 560 180 1,342 250 200 725 870 100 254 301 021. 398 1 ,-130 230 04 82 (i I ,008 40 250 j . ; _ 1.130 253 310 340 774 73 I ,104 368 313 420 220 84 2,324 2.802 2,300 M A N U K A U COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alexander, A., Clevedon .. •• 133 192 Allen, F. M„ Brookby .. .. ■ • 260 260 Ashwin, W. C. D., The Willows, Awaroa . . 209 257 Atchison, (Ninningham, Glen Glush, Clevedon 310 258 Atkinson, Spence, Papatoetoc .. • • 43 Bell, Alexander D„ Clevedon .. •• 1,378 917 Bell and Atchison, Clevedon .. .. j — 476 Bel), George, Papakura .. .. 265 251 Bell, W. T., Clevedon .. • • -. 999 904 Blake, Edward, East Tamaki .. .. 257 300 Blundell, W. A., Whitford .. .. 102 Briddoek, Joseph, Brookby .. . • 55 70 Brown, F. W„ Clevedon South . . .. 408 470 Browne, S. A., Clevedon .. • • 242 241 Bruce, James, Cowes, Waiheke .. .. 1,311 1,248 Bull, H. J., Clevedon .. ■• •• 396 416 Bull, It. P., and O. W. McCallum, Orere Point 461 Burgoyne, F. B., Clevedon .. .. I — I 40 700 5 475 92 400 262 203 416 00 256 912 1,118 35 3 651 100 107 384 158 405 Nil Nil 328 407 1,029 179 756 138 866
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Manukau County— continued. Munro, H. S., Clevedon South Murphy, Mrs. E. M., East Tamaki Nicol, G. T., Papatoetoc O'Brien, A. and E. (private bag), Putiki Bay Orum, Hamlet, Clevedon Orum, Holger, Otau, Clevedon Pogler, John, Cowes, Waiheke Percy, Robert, Wynstead, East Tamaki .. Perkins, A. W. (o/o Dalgety and Co.), Auckland Piggott, Loo, Moumoukai ... Porter. 10., and Co. (0. E. ('arnpbell), Maraetai Potter, H. E., Glenburn, Brookby Potter, W., Mangere Quarantine-station (Department of Agriculture) (perDefonco mail-bag), MotuihiIsland Reid, Mrs. E, J., Motutapu Island, P.O. Box 318, Auckland Robertson, G, Clevedon Robertson, J. H. (rural mail), Ardmore RusseU, James, North Clevedon Rutherford, H. V. (c/o Captain Kennedy), Putiki Bay Ryburn, I)., Clevedon .. Salvation Army, RotoroaIsland, P.O., Pakatoa Sanford, Albert, Rakino, Auckland Shaw, Andrew C, Clevedon South Shaw, David, Whakatiri Shaw, T., Clovodon Smith a d Hambling, East Tamaki Smith, Frederick J , Brooklands, Clevedon Stephens, C. W., jun., Clevedon Stevens, Frederick, Clevedon St. Paul, Moumoukai, Clevedon St. Paul, Thomas W., Ardmore Sutherland, Neil John, Clevedon South Sutton, Parry, Groat South Road, Otahuhu Townson, W., Whakatiri Walsh, William Henry, Clevedon South .. Watson, J. IT. (private bag), Waiheke Westney, William, Onehunga White. J., Clevedon South Willis Bros., Papakura .. Wilson, J. E., Clevedon Wilson, J. E., Clevedon. . Wyllie, John, Papatoetoc 209 104 1,802 1.013 200 057 289 100 1,007 154 180 154 I 800 30 36 700 282 99 1,356 1,104 401 646 327 294 920 194 269 129 237 900 00 45 49 150 Nil 48 200 845 350 84 214 50 227 318 160 90 82 1,182 1,236 215 530 142 100 322 01 190 459 300 Franklin County— continued. Gaudy, J. A., Clevedon .. .. 303 Nil Gault, Alexander, Waiuku .. .. 338 Nil Gearon, J. T., Springfield, Mauku .. 70 180 Ghezzi, Isaac, Otaua, Waiuku .. .. 254 Ghezzi, L., Otaua, Waiuku .. .. 253 Nil Gibbs, H. W„ Papakura .. .. 119 Given, James, Pollok .. .. .. 456 350 Glass Bros., Mercer .. .. .. — 20 Glasson, Robert (Executors of), Linwood, 100 304 Runeiman Gordon, T., Pokeno .. .. .. 100 78 Glimmer, F. G., Paerata .. .. — 35 Halo, It. W., Clevedon .. .. .. 617 545 Hamilton. C. N., Awhitu Central .. 104 310 Hamilton, W. G., Awhitu .. .. 60 63 Hancock, John, Clevedon .. .. : 1,000 Hancock, L., Bombay .. .. .. 59 Harcombe, F. A., Kohckohe, Waiuku .. 300 1 439 Harris, G, Longwood, Waiuku .. .. 124 119 Hartley, John, Whangarata .. .. 403 404 Hayward, Edward, Pokeno Valloy .. 21 40 Heald Bros., Burnside Farm, Hunua .. 1,132 820 Heald Bros., Motloy Farm, Hunua .. 250 385 Helvetia Ostrich Company, Pukekohe .. 786 , Nil Home, A. P., Moumoukai .. .. 09 103 Hosking, Char'es, Waiuku .. .. 102 112 Hoult, Thomas, Romney Park, Karaka, — 154 Runeiman Howard, W., Butcher, Patumahoe .. ■— 3 Hull, A. L., Waiuku .. .. .. 235 189 Ingram. G. and D. (!., Ramarama .. 429 189 Judd. J. IT, Moumoukai .. .. 420 Nil Kelland, Prank, Waipipi .. .. 273 327 Kemp, A., Pollok .. .. .. 376 484 Kemp, John, Awhitu .. .. .. 63 71 Kemp, Louis, Brookby.. .. .. 54 199 Kidd, A. J., Waiuku .. .. .. 31 19 Kirkbrido, M. B., lhumatoa .. .. 779 Nil Kneebono and Cox, Waipipi .. .. 787 1,411 Kupcnga Tcwaoro, Now Brighton, Kaiaua 236 , 299 Lauer, F., Pukekohe .. .. .. 184 180 Lilburnc, J. R., Moumoukai .. .. 025 Nil Lilley, William, Hunua .. .. .. 236 150 Limmer, H. S., Waiuku .. .. 8 7 Litchfield, N. G., Patumahoe .. .. 735 910 Lugton, Mrs. H. N. and It. P., Maraetai .. 202 191 Lyons Bros., Maungatawhiri Valley, via 40 51 Pokeno | Lyons, R. (Estate of), Maungatawhiri . . 83 119 Mackay, P. J„ PoUok .. .. .. 302 378 Markham, Daniel, Ararimu South .. 232 218 Matheson, John, Papakura .. .. 1,397 1,212 McCall, J. and J., Moumoukai .. .. 1,416 1,650 MoConneU, A. D., Hunua .. .. 367 446 McCormell, IL, Hunua .. .. .. — 217 McCr-ae, Robert, Hunua .. .. 308 393 McElwain, J. If., Brooklands, Waiuku .. 520 680 McElvvain, J. It., Tho Grange, Glen brook .. 108 90 McKenzie, Don., P.O., Clevedon .. .. 71 Nil McNeil, A., c/o J. McCall, Moumoukai .. 197 173 McPherson, D., Pokeno .. .. 180 210 McPherson, James, Runeiman .. .. 285 210 Milbank, It., Moumoukai .. .. 136 180 Monty, Akapu Waata (Walter Monty), Now 185 Brighton, P.O., Kaiaua Moon, C. O. H., Papakura ... .. 107 160 Munro, D., Pollok, Waiuku .. .. 348 322 Murray, Anthony, Clevedon .. .. 244 250 Murtagh, G. J., Moumoukai .. ..I 2 75 Nolan, G P., Moumoukai .. .. 865 353 Parker, R. H., Moumoukai .. .. 1.224,1,283 Parker, W. J., Opahekc .. .. 68 75 Pattison, E. P., Paparimu, Hunua .. 135 Nil Pattison, M, E., Rimu Flat, Paparimu .. — 72 Peacock, W. McRae, Tuakau .. ... 6 850 Peters, Walter, Kaiaua .. .. 1.034 1,796 Pope, G, Maungatawhiri .. ... 80 89 Proud, G. T., Thorn ville, Bombay .. 146 54 Renall, A. W., Sandspit, Clevedon .. ■— 648 Renall, Joseph Alfred, Kohckohe, Waiuku.. 3,440 3,500 Itoosc, Elijah, Pukekohe .." ... 207 205 Ross, John, Karaka, ltuiioinian . . .. — 194 Roulston Bros., Pukekohe .. .. 307 151 Routly, M. B., Pukekohe .. .. 107 132 Itudgo, J. R., Pukeowaro .. .. 50 115 152 872 275 41 188 449 245 440 189 92 118 1,128 1,520 204 457 171 196 300 07 465 402 400 57,420 57,188 FRANKLIN COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Allen, J. H., Awhetu Central Anderson, Alexander, Hunua Austin, Norman, Te Papa, Onehunga Bagnall. P. M. ('., Paerata Bailey, Frank, Ness Valley, Clevedon Bambury, .1. W., Bombay Barnaby, H., Waiuku .. Barribau, C. T. (Estate of), Waiuku BarribaU, Eber, Waiuku.. Batty, William, Runeiman Beatty, J., Butoher, Pukekohe Beckett, II. (private bag), Sandspit, Auckland Brown, ,1. L.. Runeiman Cambridge, A. (private bag), Orere Civil, H. H., Hunua Clark, Robert, Patumahoe, Waiau Pa .. Coad, W. H., Whangarata .. Cochrane, Thomas, PoUok .. Colbeck, Mrs. V. M., WUlow Grove, Awhitu Costar. .VI. A., Karaka, Papakura .. I Coughlan, Maurice, and Sons, Puni, Pukekohe Craig, W. J., Waipipi Crawford, John, Paerata Cuff, E. G, Patumahoe.. Davies, W. W., Uruti, Taranaki Dingle, It. J., Runeiman Douglas, A., Awhitu Central Douglas, It. T. (private bag), Auckland Dyke, H. V., Mauku Fitzgerald, John, Drury French, Andrew, Bombay Friedlander, M. J., Maungatawhiri Gallagher, J. G, Hunua 755 375 212 95 242 652 1,179 1,800 330 341 7 49 000 50 580 67 225 50 1.07 .1.34 45 330 009 1,321 109 Nil 151 Nil 315 Nil 141 606 Nil 90 584 004 183 1,220 00 99 202 1,464 316 Nil 111 2.285 327 91 495 254 1,202 320 38 195 1,400 200 59 2,270
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep oil April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Franklin County— continued. Schlaepfer, John, Helvetia,, Pukekohe .. 540 070 Schlaepfer, John (c/o Helvetia Ostrich Com- 409 335 pany), Pukekohe Shakespear, L. P., Waiuku .. .. 134 78 Sharp, William, jun., Ramarama. .. 64 91 Shipherd Bros., Puni .. .. .. 600 172 Smeed, J. and W., Spring Grove, Tuakau.. 150 ; 183 Smith, S. S., Ramarama .. .. 00 38 Smith, T. E., New Brighton, Kaiaua .. 1,512, 1,512 St. Paul, J., Moumoukai .. .. \ 332 I 323 Stacey, Mrs. Agnes Cameron, Cameron Hill, — j 27 Ness Valloy Stratum, W., Butcher, Tuakau . . .. j — 0 Tamati Wiremu and Co., Kaiaua .. j 210 304 Taylor Bros., Patumahoe .. .. 1,775 1,850 Taylor, John, Cameron Hill, Ness Valley .. 31 Nil Taylor, T. E., Patumahoe .. .. 425 474 Torbet, J., Dunlea, PoUok .. .. 103 100 Tounson, Walter, Whakatiri .. .. 204 215 Trail, William, Hunua .. .. .. 300 355 Urquhart Bros., Runeiman .. ,. 3,236 2,334 Vining, T. L„ Kaiaua .. .. .. 1,702 1,564 Waata Hangata and Co., Kaiaua .. 198 Nil West, S. N., Waiuku .. .. .. 753 64 Wheeler, Ernest, Moumoukai .. .. 1,054 1,438 Whelan, M., jun., P.O., Ararimu.. .. 1,42 202 Wilson, J. It., Kaianga, Papakura .. 790 840 Wilson Portland Cement Company (A. T, ! .78 Atkinson), Whakateri, Clevedon Wright, Arthur E., Mauku .. .. 54 59 Wylie, James, Buokland .. .. 75 04 Yates, A., and Co., Karaka, Box 20, Papa- 1,823 2,346 kura Young, James L., Tuakau .. .. 977 9.11 Cobomandel County— continued. Goudie, T. G, Cabbago Bay Hamilton, David, Bush Park, Whenuakite Hamilton, William, Whenuakite Haitig, Henry, Whitianga Harvey, A. G., Coromandel Hawed, H., Coromandel Hawkeswood, M., Te Rorenga Hooker, J. F. S., Whitianga Home, F. G R., Coromandel Jackman, J., Hikuai Jackson, Mrs. E. A., Cabbage Bay James, A. A., Coromandel Jamioson, Robert, Tapu, Thames Jones, D. M. (Wanganui Island), Coromandel Jovanavich, Paul, Whenuakite Kirk, James, Whitianga Leighton, George and William, Tairua McCall, J. R., Amodeo Bay McCall, S. G L., Amodeo Bay McKay, J. D., Riverslea, Gumtown McKenzie, H., Coromandel McLoughlin, E., Glenmpre, Tapu Meredith, James, Cabbage Bay Mulholland, Thomas, Coromandel Noha, Honona, Cabbage Bay Nixon, John, Coromandel O'Sullivan, J., Gumtown Otto, Albert, Cabbago Bay Parkinson, Mrs. S., Kuaotunu Potae, Andrew, Kennedy Bay Ring, Francis, Kuaotunu Robinson, F. B., Coromandel. Robinson, F. B., Coromandel Russek, W., Kirita, Coromandel Schischka, Rudolph, Whangapoua, Coromandel Simmonds, R., Blue Range, Coromandel .. Simpson, C. H. M., Kuaotunu Smith, Arthur P. IT., Whangapoua Smith, F. W. (Estate of), Waikawau, Cabbage Bay Stewart, John, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay , .. Story, F., Port Charles Taylor, Frederick, Port Charles Turner, William H., Port, Charles Tuterangi Hekicra, Kennedy Bay Uncles, Martha Jane, Coromandel Ward, J. W., Waiokawau, Cabbage Bay .. Ward, M. E., Moehau, Cabbage Bay Wenziiok, A., Tapu Wenzlick, W., Tapu Wharfe, Albert, Coromandel Wight, R. A., Tiki, Coromandel Wilson, C. H., Cabbage Bay Wilson, J. G, Wilson's Bay, Tapu Wood, Arthur E., Cabbage Bay Woodhouse, W. C, Coromandel Wright, G. H. G, Tairua .. « 89 358 507 457 133 92 3 456 60 113 908 140 800 727 450 900 12 520 161 00 480 253 491 16 709 100 376 607 597 85 195 314 Nil 395 3.11 157 781 III 907 643 409 822 186 346 131 200 610 300 Nil 20 670 269 716 162 142 132 Nil 116 762 1,103 950 176 131 154 85 85 354 652 56,823 56,238 COROMANDEL COUNTY (In Auckland. Subdivision). Anthony, Stephen, Amodeo Bay, Coromandel 206 210 Baker', P., Cabbage Bay .. .. 534 394 Bayley, G.T., Whenuakite .. .. 1,826 1,605 Beatson, A. R., Port Charles .. .. 210 250 Blackmore, Edward, Coromandel .. 82 75 Bolton, Charles E., Cabbago Bay.. .. : 354 394 Bowers, F. N., Poihakene, Coromandel .. j 128 134 Bridle, J., Cabbage Bay .. ..I 112 111 Bridson, M.A. (J. M. Bridson, Executor), Ma-; — 119 hakirau Brittain, H., Whenuakite, Whitianga .. 000 500 Bronlund, Edward, Port Charles .. j 224 190 Bronlund, George, Poihakene, Cape Colvillo ; 505 400 Bronlund, H., Por-t Charles .. .. 082 730 Bronlund, W. P., Poihakene, Cabbage Bay 568 516 Bull, Harold, Whangapoua .. .. 2,482 2,327 Caroy, Robert, Port Charles .. .. 302 440 Carey, R., jun., Port Charles .. .. 253 210 Carlson and Cleary, Cabbage Bay .. — 11 Carter, 0. W., Coromandel . . .. 81 Chamberlain, H. E., Moehau, Ponui Island 71 Nil Chambers, Thomas, Cabbage Bay .. 510 564 Christenson, James, Coromandel .. .. — 100 Darling, George, Coromandel .. .. 501 710 Davies, G. M., Kikowhakarere, Coromandel 120 100 Davies, J. M., Tiki .. .. .. 152 167 Davis, E. A., Amodeo Bay .. .. 126 170 Dawes Bros., Coromandel .. .. 223 170 Denize, Charles, Coromandel .. .. — 700 Denize, P. D., Coromandel .. .. — 415 Denize, Philip, Coromandel .. .. — 400 Denize, W. G, Whangapoua .. .. 1,575 2,083 Dixon, Frederick, Amodeo Bay .. .. : 504 550 Ecclestone, J., Coromandel .. .. 304 303 Ecclestone, Mrs. E. I., Mercury Bay Road, 600 600 Coromandel Egan, Denis, Kura Tiki, Coromandel .. 248 249 Egan, J. W., Coromandel ... .. 46 Nil Evans, J., jun., Cabbage Bay .. .. 127 134 Evans, O. and W., Cabbage Bay .. 480 570 Foster, George, Tapu .. .. .. 347 261 Prankham, C, Cabbage Bay .. .. 139 100 Geard, Charles, Cabbage Bay .. .. 150 Geard, Charles, Moehau .. .. 909 774 Gorrie, M., Coromandel .. .. 1,884 1,716 244 318 446 1,657 153 313 452 1,616 497 811 198 800 334 420 954 154 600 380 504 343 730 Nil 254 J.02 103 425 261 998 135 1,223 355 500 150 93 568 284 71 790 160 930 38,743 43,304 THAMES COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alley, W. H., Hikutaia Bedford, George, Puriri Barnard, F. E., Ngatea Clark, Joseph, Puriri Clark, Joseph, Puriri Cox, W. T., Manurewa, Auckland Coxhead, R., Miranda Deeblo, WiUiam, Thames Elliott, Ernest, Omahu . Hall, W. J., Mata toko .. Hawkcs, L. G, Tapu, Thames Hislop, S. R., Hikutaia Hunter, H. G., Tapu, Thames Johnstone, Hughburton, Ngatea Jones, WaUace, Wliarepoa Road Keene, E., Pipiroa Leonard, Thomas, Ngatea McMahon, G. H. and J. F., Thames Morrison, John, Hikuai Palmer, A. E., Puriri Peters, Walter-, Kaiaua, Thames 246 150 310 360 30 138 274 57 40 199 207 Nil 02 589 300 137 179 120 Nil 150 409 278 17 10 3 458 140 Nil 28 Nil 210 100 18 3 102 96 105
No. of Sheep on April 30, I April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on Thames County— continued. Plummer, E. A. J., Tapu .. .. 102 122 Shearman and Martyn, Whanga mata .. 10 Nil Smith, O. G, Kauaeranga .. . . 000 455 Stecdman, J. B., Tapu, via Thames .. 1,390 Nil Thames Jockey Club, Thames .. .. 182 103 Waikato County— continued. Martin, Thomas, Rototuna Martyn, John, Bruntwood, Cambridge Masters, E. M., Eureka Matchett, R. D., Inglewood farm, Matahura Matheson, It., Taupiri McGregor, John, Komakorau McKenzie, J., Tamahere McKenzie, — (c/o J. Rendell), Tamahere .. McKillop, John, Maramarua Miller, IT. A., Kiwitahi, Morrinsville Mills, J. S., Riverslea, Rangiriri Mills, William, Rangiriri Milne, William, Taniwha Moore, William, Taupiri Morgan, J. D. P. (rural box), via Hamilton, Pukeroro Morgan, W. C, Cambridge Noweombe, Robert, Pukeroro Newell, William, Tamahere Nutt, J. W., Te Kauwhata Oliver, W. (Estate of), Tc Ore Ore, Masterton O'Neill, W., Hillside, Hamilton East Patterson Bros., Ngaruawahia Paulsen, P., Newsted Paulsen, P., Newsted Peinburton, P., Karapiro Pickering, Mrs. Catherine, Fernando, Tamahere Potts, Andrew, Karapiro Poulscn, P., Okaeria Powell, George, Taupiri.. Powell, Mrs. L. A., Hillside, Hamilton Powell, Mrs. L. A., Ormondalc, Claudelands Ramsay, Alex. Caldwell, Tauwhare Ramsay, Andrew, Tauwhare Reeve, John Fufila, Tauwhare Itonuii, George, Taupiri.. Richmond, P., Hinucra Riddell, Jamos, Gordonton Roberts, Charles, Cambridge Ross, W., Matangi . . Ruakura Farm of Instruction, Hamilton E. Rumney, D. S. (N. Rumney, Executor), Komakorau Russell, William, Pukeroro Scott, T. and J-, Newstcad Seddon, T. R., Springfield, Hamilton Shanks, D., Mangatangi. . Simpson, Robert, Fenoourt delivery, Cainbridge Smith Bros., Rangiriri Smith, John, Waitcrimu Speedy, N. J., Ngaruawahia Star.dard, H., Okaeria, Waerenga Stewart, .lames, Okaeria, Waerenga Storey, Arthur J., Hamilton Swayrre, Robert, The Oaks, Cambridge Taylor, James, Cambridge Taylor, Norman K-, Bushy Park-, Gordonton Thomas, Arthur E., Hamilton Thompson and English, Taupiri Thompson, D., and Si ns, Te Hoe Thompson, William, Bruntwood Waerenga Experimental Farm, To Kauwhata Waito, S. A., Waipuna, Waerenga Waikeri Estate (c/o Charles Whitton), Ohinewai Waring, A. IL, Taupiri Watt, -I. and C, Ale gildie, Cambridge Welch, A. and W. ()., Ohinewai Windsor, II., Tamahere.. 199 37 508 400 I .020 2,535 039 654 1,016 1,465 204 Nil 319 440 1,317 2,843 514 Nil 871 I ,399 500 630 344 Nil 54 4,541 4,080 O H I N E M U R1 0 O U N T Y (In Waikato Subdivision). Alloy, George, Te Aroha .. .. 280 07 Alley, W. IL, Hikutaia .. .. 532 493 Clothier-, Jesse A., Tc Aroha .. .. 107 I Nil Coppins, Mrs. E., Tahuna .. .. 74 79 Endcan, J. A., Pacroa .. .. .. — .1,014 Fitzgerald, Maurice, Mangaiti .. .. 1,420 1,120 Hubbard, A. C, (Estate of), Paeroa •• — 112 Hubbard, P. It., Komata Farm, Pacroa .. 332 364 John, H. R. H., Matahura .. .. 35 Nil Johnson, James, Mangaiti, via Te Aroha .. 193 215 Mace, G E., Mangaiti .. .. .. j 165 225 Maukoro Estate (c/o James Little), Tahuna 1 ,131 1,071 Ot way, Charles G, Waimai .. '.. 1,330 Nil Potoky, E. P. T„ Patetonga, via Thames .. 900 I ,000 Scotchcr, F. (Estate of), Patetonga .. 3 j Nil Strange Bros., Mangaiti, Te Aroha .. 480 300 Thorp, A. J., Pacroa .. .. .. 610 650 Wallis, W. W., Kaihere .. .. 27 Nil WaUis, W. W. (private bag), Patetonga, 27 ! Nil Thames Walls, John, Paeroa .. .. .. 21 10 Wight, W. IL, Paeroa .. .. .. 200 78 Williams, J. D., Tahuna .. .. 01 77 204 74 2,715 45 320 1,435 1,007 30 I ,281 33 323 J ,228 279 Nil 08 350 912 790 20 817 44 10 1,051 316 Nil 979 446 905 Nil 440 410 340 382 39 1,435 80 2.1 839 434 092 540 7,940 6,881 WAIKATO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Allwill, J., Hautapu .. .. .. 500 460 Arnold, John, Hamilton Road, Cambridge 703 002 Banks, Norman, Gwynn Lodge, Cambridge 2,510 397 Bollard, R, P., Tamahere .. .. 225 305 Booth, George, Bruntwood .. .. 18 60 Brown, T., Wynn, Cambridge .. .. 390 243 Bruce, Daniel, Taniwha .; .. 251 304 Bruce, W. J. R., Rotangaro, Huntly West 244 Bryant, D. V., Hamilton .. .. 7,100 650 Buckley, B., Waitcrimu . . .. 22 31 Cheyne, John, jun., Waiterimn . . .. 391 437 Cheyne, John, Matahuru .. .. 371 322 Chitty, Walter, Brooklyn, Hamilton East .. 1,086 1,115 Cornfoot, G, Hamilton .. .. 2,018 300 Crosby, .1. T., Hamilton . . . . 60 Nil Dawes, F. J., Te Hirua, via Tuakau .. 785 870 Dawson, T., Komakorau, via Taupiri .. 253 390 Day, A. W„ Matamata . , .. .. 601 40 Dickinson, It. A., Matahuru .. .. 083 764 Dingle, Alfred N., Tamahere .. .. 170 Nil Evven, Mrs. Edith M., Cambridge .. 24 15 Findlay, George Alexander, Miranda .. 520 560 Findlay, Robert Graham, Miranda .. 521 591 Flynn Bros., Tauhci, Morriusville .. ' 650 Nil Foote, George William, Matahura .. 92 100 Gregory, G. A., Mercer .. .. .. 51.0 568 Grundy, R. P. 0., Matahuru .. .. 86 65 Henderson, T. H., Hamilton East .. — 240 Henderson, T. 11., Hamilton East .. 2,371 2,141 Henry, Matthew, Okaeria . ■ .. 685 19 Henry, WiUiam, Taupiri .. .. — 350 HiU, G, Ohinewai .. .. .. 300 400 Holmes, R., Horotiu .. .. .. 684 1,110 Horrocks, Brownlow, Te Kauwhata .. 2,356 2,401 Jameson Bros., Hamilton .. .. 505 Nil Jofferis, John, Waerenga .. .. 1,932 1,970 Johnston, J. and K, Box 27, Morrinsville.. 409 452 Keith, James H., Maramarua, via Pokeno.. 303 250 Law, James, Gordonton .. .. ; 800 714 Leslie, F., Bruntwood .. . . .. 270 382 Levis, Richard J., Newstcad .. .. 23 Nil Lichenstein, Arnoldson, and Co. (Horsham 1,508 2,381 Downs), Quay Street, Auckland Loftus, Thomas, Taniwha .. .. 152 217 Luke, G R. U., Taupiri.. .. .. ' 330 Main, Alfred, Tamahere .. .. 60 66 00 1,032 45 1,027 318 1,429 1,100 185 433 00 1,544 991 160 534 200 550 52 1,225 012 120 2 3,110 1,420 Nil 620 28 1,169 Nil 50 24 2,032 1,237 19 142 1,178 20 707 745 500 177 1,545 40 550 750 738 120 300 25 1,193 290 373 08,834 57,971 RAGLAN COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Aitken, J. R., Waitetuna Annandalo, A. F., Puehunui, Glen Murray Arnaboldi, W. J., Clifton, Glen Murray Barker, Joseph, Harapepe Barnes, Charles It., Onowharc Barron and Finn, Woodleigh Barton, Mrs. M., Woodleigh Baston, C. and W., Woodleigh 300 1,824 073 60 306 1,820 517 254 4 429 356 1,325 153 470 1,150
No. of £ Sheep on No. of f April 30, 1917. iheep on I April 30, .1918. April 30, 1917. I April 30, 1918. Raglan County — continued. Bennett, A., Te Akau Bennett, J. H., Waitetuna Bodmin, N. H., Rangiriri Bowron Bros., Waike Boyd, J. A., Mangaiti Boyd, Mrs. Rebecca, To Aku Brewster, S. S., Pukekawa Bruce, Mrs. Margaret (private bag), Frankton Buckett, S. P., Ngaruawahia Butcher, G E., Karamu Bull, F. G, Waingaro Bull, G. (rural box), Ngaruawahia Burgess, J. G., Northarm, Ruakiwi Buxton, Charles B., Pirongia Carswell, J., Ngaruawahia Carter, N., Hamilton East Caughley, F. D., Glen Murray Caughlcy, James, Glen Murray Claffey, P., Woodleigh Glemctt, A. T., Waingaro Coate Bros., Te Uku .. Coates, Charles, Birchwood Farm, Ruakiwi Cogswell, A. H., Tho Downs, Waingaro Cogswell, J. H-, Waitetuna Cogswell, W. P., Lady Down, To Uku Colbourno, A., Port Waikato Cole-Baker, B. G and D. P. G., Onewhero.. Cole-Baker, George, Port Waikato Cole, J. W., Waitetuna Coleman and Knowles, " Ardshalt," Waingaro Collier, E. IL, Te Hirua, via Tuakau Cooper Bros., Waitetuna Cornille, Jerome, Te Mata Cornille, Theodore, Port Waihatu Cox, G. W., Port Waikato Cox, M. H., Mast Tamaki Dodd, Richard, Matangi, Hamilton Darrow, John, Hot Springs, Waingaro Dawson, Charlton G, Valley Run, Te Akatea Death, W., Waingaro Death, WiUiam, Aidstrath, Waingaro Dromgool, J. B,, Wairamarama Dufaur, David, Wairamarama Dufaur, E., Wairamarama Duffull, W. R., Ngaruawahia Dyer, Henry, Te Hirua Edwards, Charlos, Waingaro .. Egan, Eugene, Whatawhata Eyre, Alfrod George, Pejiepe, Waingaro Eyre, 0. and G. A., Pepepe Eyre, Charles, Pepepo Eyre, G. Alfred, Pepepe Eyre, J. H., Te Hirua Fahey, Edward, Woodleigh Featherstonhaugh, E., Waitetuna Filburn, F., and Harboge, Te Aku Finch, George, Woodleigh Ford ham, S. G., Woodleigh Foster, J. H., Punga Flat, Te Akatea Fountaine, C. D., To Pahu Fraser, Andrew, Tc Akau Furniss, John, Ruawaro Galvan, M., Raglan Gihbison, W., Te Mata Given, Richard, Ruapuke, Aotea Gordon, William, Glen Murray Griffon, P. IL, Naike Grove, R., Karamu Harper, John, Karamu Hawke, H. A., Puketawa Hay, Peter Clark, Ruakiwi Henimings, P., Woodleigh Hills, S. J., Wairamarama Hodgson, I., Te Rore Insoll, T. B., Hamilton Insoll, T. B., Raglan Jackson, J. F.,'Ruapuke, Aotea Jamos, W. H., Pirongia Johnston, B. N., Karamu Johnston, James, Waitetuna Johnstone Bros., Whatawhata Jarvis, E., Ruakiwi Keals, L. William, Onewhero Kelsey, G, Oldbuiy, Wairamarama 1,150 250 150 1,450 1,310 301 014 519 5,030 1,400 052 78 1,078 2,321 707 809 23 580 32!) I .040 858 1,31.7 1,224 I , 838 242 3,885 1,520 948 1,070 480 356 4,112 500 850 1,200 231 Nil Nil 858 908 Nil 566 158 525 3,480 1,000 Nil 469 1,328 71.2 37 489 1 ,730 760 653 708 451 321 305 1,110 843 1,305 1,104 Nil 205 4,373 I ,450 1,798 1 ,070 1,920 Nil 893 3,740 2,725 2,500 550 Nil 912 903 294 125 912 728 2,430 680 Nil 1,592 344 386 326 280 700 49 772 487 230 432 1,050 315 Nil 90 616 98 271 700 615 368 394 792 Nil 912 30 2,710 53 2,000 474 2,119 2,320 Raglan County— continued. Kelsey and Makgill, Pukemiro, via Ngarua- j 906 wahia Kempthornc, H. S., Pepopo .. .. 1,318 Kennyon, James George, Waingaro King, C. L., Raglan .. .. ,.. 800 Lambess, W. IT., Opouatia, Raglan .. 253 Langsford, —, Pukekawa, via Tuakau .. ' 510 Lawson, F.C Wairamarama .. ..I 1,212 Liddell, William, Ruapuke, Aotea .. 1 130 Livingston, R., Waitetuna .. .. — Livingstono, R., Waitetuna . . .. 198 Logan, George, Onewhero • • •. 308 Logan, Joseph, Onewhero .. .. 158 Logan, Thomas, Pukekawa .. .. 153 Lowry, J. R., Tuapapa, Glen Murray . . 402 MacDonald, A. L., Ngaruawahia .. I 529 MacDougall Bros., Te Aku .. ' .. j 1,350 Magill, R. and J., Waimai .. ..I 1,205 Mahood, W., Te Aku .. .. ...I 810 Male, Henry (private bag), Ngaruawahia . . ! 293 Maloney, D., Glen Murray .. .. j 410 Mangapiko Estate Company (R. M. McLeod, : 4,830 Manager), Pepepe Mason, E. H„ Pukekawa .. .. J 597 McArthur, —, Okete .. .. MdBurney, A. E., Te Aku .. ... 203 McCardle, A. D., Mangere .. ..13,514 McDonald, Alfred L., Ngaruawahia .. ! McDonald, C. E., Kauroa .. ... j 122 McDonald, John, Onewhero .. .. 1,600 McDougall, W., Pukekawa .. . . 713 McGuire, T., Te Aku .. .. .. 214 McKay, John, Glen Murray .. .. 0,828 McKinnon Bros., Waikowai, Huntly .. 3,142 McKinnon, D., Naike Miller, A., Hamilton .. .. .. 420 Miller, Alexander, Te Akau Millor, Andrew, Te Akau .: Moon, Arthur, Tc Uku . . . . . . 410 Moon, G. H., Te Uku 475 Moore, John, Waitetuna .. .. 440 Moore, W. R„ Raglan .. .. .. 134 Muir, Edward, Onewhero .. .. 1,589 Muir, Thomas, Onewhero .. .. 2,890 Murray Bros., Pukekawa .. . . 968 Nolan, IT. ()., Wairamarama .. .. 1,950 Old field, H., Glen Murray .. .. 002 Oliver, T. H„ Waitetuna .. .. 345 O'Neill, W., Waingaro .. .. .. — Ormiston, A. J., Te Uku .. .. 122 Orr, M. G„ Pukekawa .. .. ... 1,090 Orr, Mrs. Sara J., Pukekawa .. .. 254 Palmer, George, Waingaro .. .. 230 Parkes, S., Otorohaea, Ngaruawahia .. '• 1,395 Parson, 0. (private bag), Ngaruawahia .. 1,004 Parsons, H. W., Onewhero .. .. 430 Paterson, J., Te Aku .. .. .. 058 Paterson, Thomas, Rangiriri .. .. 1,054 Paulsen, P., Waimai, Ngaruawahia .. , 2,100 Pegler, A. It., Raglan .. .. .. I — Pegler, V., Box 28, Raglan .. . . 368 Petrie, D., Dunphail, Glen Massey, Ngarua- 2,007 wahia PhiUips. J. H., Te Mata .. .. i 780 Phillips, J. H., Te Mata .. .. I 856 Phillips, Moeroa, To Mata .. .. I 987 Pieken, Samuel (private bag), Ngaruawahia [ 1,012 Poirama, Keena, Glen Murray .. .. 731 Pond, W. J„ and Son, Kauroa .. .. 2,434 Proudlock, A„ Okete .. .. .. 402 Raino, J. I)., Ngaruawahia .. .. 124 Ralfe, Charles W., Te Uku, Raglan .. 100 Ransen and Son, Waitetuna .. .. 2,916 Rasmussen, John Christian, Ruawaro .. — Rasmussen, Peter, Ruawaro .. .. 341 Rathborne, R., Balamore, Ngaruawahia .. 509 Rathborrie, — (c/o Harry Hcgh, Manager). 5,314 Dunmore Estate, Waingaro Rawlinson, J., Raglan .. .. .. — Richardson, J. E., Ruakiwi .. .. 2.118 Richards, G. M., Tamatakoi, Ruakiwi .. 558 Roberts! n, N. D., Raglan .. . . 945 Rothe, L., Te Uku .. .. .. 281 Rutherford, F. W., Onewhero .. .. 3,669 Rutherford, G, Raglan.. „. ,. 1,206 1 ,028 1,000 1,908 607 287 407 1,511 182 8 8 285 185 412 518 632 1,100 832 657 248 443 4,452 516 43 286 4,032 632 152 1,400 903 550 0,042 4,192 900 2,248 662 295 350 328 417 147 1 ,330 2,440 1,234 1,838 1,350 415 1,010 153 800 610 Nil Nil 873 327 Nil 50 Nil 300 500 2,200 742 009 3,773 708 808 1,536 405 050 318 129 009 51 260 324 241 600 1,126 275 1,829 380 95 213 953 990 1,543 1 ,008 994 2,714 477 142 Nil 1,823 302 Nil Nil 5,170 1,039 350 347 578 1,000 7 39 4,599 430 2,115 2,275 600 2,277 557 1,165 127 3,620 1,140
No. of S April 30,1 1917. Sheep on I April 30, 1918. . No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Raglan County— continued. Samson Bos. (c/o W. 0. Cooper), Glen 1,741 Murray Samson, Henry, Glen Murray . . Seavill, Ronald, Ashdale, Waingaro .. ; 2,375 Sea ville, Walter, Waingaro .. ..12.324 Shaw, D. S., Glen Murray .. .. 18 Sigvertsen, E. W. and 0. A., Te Pahu .. i 571 Skeet, W. H., Aotea .. .. .. I 140 Slater, Joseph, Pukekawa .. .. 1,530 Smith, Joseph Henry, Woodleigh Smith, P. S., Waitetuna .. .. 260 Snodgrass, A., Te Akau.. .. .. ! 269 Sorby, H. B., Glen Murray .. .. 749 Speedy, D. Paul, Woodleigh . . .. : 885 Stanton, W., Te Uku .. .. .. ! 212 Stevenson, J. M. (private bag), Ngaruawahia i 942 Stewart, J. R. N. (private bag), Ngaruawahia Stilburn, H. H., Pepepe .. .. 470 Stillburn and Prondergast (Bourke's Pi op.), 395 Matahura Stillburn and Prendergast (Gall's Prop.), 200 Matahura Sutton, A. N., Crockham Farm, Waitetuna 586 Sutton, Charles E., Waitetuna .. .. 500 Swann, Charles, Papanui, Aotea .. .. 976 Swann, Charles, Waimaori, Aotea .. 928 Sweetman, C. H., Te Uku . . . . 03 Tapp, A. A., Te Aku .. .. .. 1,270 Tapp, Thomas, Huntly .. .. .. 953 Taylor, George B., Ruakiwi .. .. 827 The Cliff Company (Limited), Waingaro .. Thomson, J., Aotea .. .. .. 323 Thomson, W. A., Aotea .. .. 405 Thomson, W., Ruapuke Farm, Aotea, .. ' 496 Tuypens, C, Woodleigh .. .. 477 Van Houtte Bros., Te Mata .. .. ' 1,593 Wallis E. ()., Okete .. .. .. 819 Wallis, H. A., Overton, Okete .. .. 403 Walter-, B. M. and G., Wairamarama .. 1,035 Ward, Mrs. L. M. K, Aotea .. .. 414 Ward, T. B., Fcrncliff, Aotea .. .. 250 Watson, A. R., Wairamarama .. .. 1,183 Watson, Reginald, Te Rapa Rural Delivery, I ,585 Frankton Junction Watson, W. J., Pepepe .. .. .. 681 Watt, J. W., Ngaruawahia .. .. — Welch, A. and W. 0., Ohinewai .. .. 458 Wheeler, H. G, Te Akau .. 1,139 Willis, G. P., Glen Murray .. ..1,445 Wilson, A. E., Ngaruawahia, Waingaro .. j 834 Wilson, Miss Harriet Jane, Okete .. j 169 Wilson, Thomas, Waimai .. .. I 37 Wilson, W. A., Te Uku .. .. 760 Wilson, William, Karamu .. ... 692 Worsp, IL, Mangatea, Glon Murray .. 6,080 Worster, W. H„ Ngaruawahia .. .. 908 Nil 1,847 2,450 2,350 23 554 Nil 1,840 461. Nil 239 773 445 220 Nil 812 510 558 200 504 395 854 912 80 1,090 1,162 695 2,488 253 405 540 473 1,490 555 218 1,337 405 270 1,104 Nil Waipa County— continued. Gaskell, A. H., (den Murray Gibson, R. J., Te Awamutu Gore, J. H,, Tuhikaramea Gore, W. J., Ngahinepouri Graham, Arthur 1 , Ohaupo Griffin, R. G., Tauwhare Hall, J. M., Roto-o-rangi Hall, T. M., Koro, Hamilton Hawkins, H. S., Hamilton Jacobs, IT. L. (private bag), Ngaruawahia Johnson, J. T., Pirongia Karl, Andrew, Ohaupo Karl Bros., Paterangi Linton, P. It., Mangapiko, To Awamutu . . Linton, Francis Robert, Te Awamutu Livingstone!, A., Whatawhata Livingstone, Hugh, Tuhikaramea Luxford Bios., Ohaupo Mackay, S. C. B., Paterangi Maoky, W. G., Paterangi Malcolm, James, Ohaupo Marshall, V., Paterangi. . Martin, T. G, The Itancho, Te Awamutu .. Mathers and Loughman, Hamilton McBride, C. W., Cambridge McGregor, E., Ohaupo McKinnon, Donald, Knipaki Mcadway, W. E., Paterangi Meek, W. L., Ohaupo Middlebrook, John, Te Awamutu Nichols, M. and E., Pukikura Nicholson, It. H., Tc Kowhai Norrisll, R. and F., Kaipaki Owen Bros., Pirongia Peake, N., Cambridge . . Penniket, Mrs. Clara, Ohaupo Pollard, Victor Charles, Te Awamutu Potts, Frank, Ngaroto, P.O., Ohaupo Quinn, Francis, Te Awamutu Ranch, Charles, Ohaupo Reid, Neil, Ngahinapouri Reid, S., Tuhikaramea Reynolds, R., Cambridge Rhodes, H., Paterangi Rice, Arthur, Te Rore Rice, Peter, Te Rore Richdale, H'., Ngahinepouri Ryburn, E. S., Ngahinepouri Ryburn, James J., Ngahinepouri Sandos and Walter, Whatawhata Sandos, G. H. W., Whatawhata Scccombe, R. T., Pirongia Sturges, J. G, Kihikihi Spcake, Robert G., Pukerimu Standen, S., Ngaroto Storey, Mrs. A. J., "Lake View," Hamilton Storey, Mrs. A. J., " Steele's," Hamilton .. Storey, 0. J., Woodstock, To Awamutu .. Stothart, James George, Frankton Strawbridge, H. S., Hairini Taylor, W., Green Hill, Te Awamutu Tompkins, A. H., Tuhikaramea Turnoy, Colin, Ohaupo Vickcrs, G B., Frostcrly Farm, Tuhikaramea Vosper, William, Dengly Dell, Cambridge .. Waikeria Prison, Kihikihi Walter, G. H., Whatawhata Watson, It., Hamilton Watson, T., Ngahinepouri, via Ohaupo Way, G , Tho Narrows, Tamahere 570 130 710 530 286 220 139 320 452 690 053 96 54 142 24 479 1.748 309 030 241 375 2,780 13 3,770 30 513 280 88 260 20 149 1,035 40 450 1,520 153 840 515 220 035 130 289 433 634 238 160 80 Nil 50 Nil 501 1 ,165 362 80 20 Nil 397 3,200 Nil 2,710 80 458 97 133 350 79 120 240 Nil 335 335 Nil Nil Nil 450 803 Nil 720 113 007 104 (ill 442 Nil 53 419 Nil 80 732 230 914 711 390 1,181 769 817 15 526 1,251 25 27 1,460 409 65 770 4 56 892 812 492 813 545 185 317 1,839 1,520 766 221 Nil 730 616 0,075 Nil 470 196 510 425 32 666 156 134 710 624 957 682 500 1,213 790 191,167 201,504 WAIPA COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Aloook, W. J., Te Rore .. . . . . 356 Alexander, Charles M., Mangapiko .. — Allen, E., Pukekura, Cambridge .. .. 175 Barnett, Henry, Frankton Barry, Gustav, Ngahinepouri . . . . 472 Bedford, H. D., Te Kowhai .. .. 1 Bell, John, Te Rore .. .. .. 568 Binnie, F. J., Tuhikaramea . . .. 668 Bourne, R., Te Awamutu .. .. 560 Bowman, E. H., Paterangi .. .. 799 Cavanagh, Daniel, Ohaupo .. •. 60 Chilcott, R., Hamilton .. .. . . 6 Clark, Thomas, To Pahu .. .. 188 Clark, Thomas, Te Pahu Cole, Ernest Benjamin William, Rukuhia .. — C.x, E. B., Roto-o-rangi .. .. 07 Orago, Phillip, Te Awamutu .. .. 227 Death, James Owen, Ohaupo .. .. 3 Death, William, Hamilton .. . . 630 Finlayson Bros., Tuhikaramea Finlayson, D., Tuhikaramea .. .. 190 Fisher, J. S„ Monovale .. .. 50 Franklin, William E., Rukuhia .. .. — Fraser, John, Paterangi., * ., ,, — 525 150 150 92 400 20 480 500 595 800 70 44 Nil .1.70 558 Nil 222 Nil Nil 880 Nil 00 325 284 40 621 1,502 13 290 273 37,903 37,024 PIAKO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Allon, J. C, Pinko Allen, Thomas, Walton Baker and Rye, Morrinsville Bell. A., Mangatiparau, Morrinsville Bell, .I.. Morrinsvillo Bellamy, T., Tauwhare.. Blain and Robert i n, Morrinsville Cambridge Sanatorium, Cambridge Cauieron, C, Morrinsville 833 5,500 2,539 224 15 376 500 047 450 9 5,913 2,037 250 19 242 608
3—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. , , i No. of Sheep on April 30, April SO, 1917. 1918. Piako County— continn ed. Car-swell, .I., Ngaruawahia .. .. 1,640 Nil Chapman, J. B., Morrinsville .. .. 268 10 OhepmeU, W. P., Morrinsville .. .. 530 471 Ohudleigh, E. R„, Waihou .. .. 15 150 Cowan, J., Gordon .. .. 68 Nil Cowley, George, Shaftesbury . . .. 35 ! 200 Craw,'W., Waitoa .. .. .. 800 Nil Drummond. T. It., Tamahere .. 3.100 1,900 Gardner, William, Walton .. .. 1,166 906 Gibbons, A. N., Shaftesbury, Kopu .. 913 486 Given, G, Walton .. .. .. 300 300 Gray, Robert. Morrinsville . . .. — 748 Griffin, E. P., Tauwhare .. .. 1,438 1,704 Harney. Mrs. .lames Alexander, Walton . . 265 Nil Harney, Mrs. Mary, Walton .. ., 306 Hintz Bros., Tauwhare .. . . . . 547 031 Holdcrr, It., Tauwhare .. .. .. 382 Howie, W., Motumao .. .. .. 661 Nil Hunt, F. I., Te Aroha .. .. .. 184 342 Johnstone, Rodrick, Rural Box I, Morrins- 252 200 viUe Jones, Mrs. P., Te Aroha .. ..1,665 Nil Laird, George L., Waihou ..■ .. 3,427 3,574 Mackenzie, A„ Waihou .. .. .. 659 597 MagilI, H„ Waihou .. .. .. 1,014 1,600 Maisey, R. .)., Matamata . . . . 550 408 Marshall, P. J., Morrinsville .. .. 222 223 McCausland, R. J., Morrinsville .. .. 1,379 975 McLaren, Thomas, Te Aroha .. .. 386 McLean, W., Walton .. .. 1,498 1,671 McNaughton, P., Morrinsville .. .. 59 30 McNicol, J., Te Aroha .. .. .. 1,883 1,932 Mcars Bros., Walton .. .. ..1.045 686 Motion Bros., Walton .. .. .. 606 Nil Newton, A., Morrinsville .. .. 526 22 O'Grady, M., Waihou .. ., .. 468 710 Orr, A„ Morrinsville .. .. .. 60 490 Rowe and Scottc, Te Aroha .. .. 896 70 Scholium, Wenzl, Morrinsville .. .. 13 887 Scott, J., Gross Roads, Ngarua .. .. 265 150 Shaw Bros., Glenburn, Tauwhare .. 1,320 1,772 Starky, J. B„ Tahuroa, Morrinsville .. 461 408 Taylor, J. W., Morrinsville .. . , 1,168 1,103 Teague, S., Shaftesbury .. .. 1,900 2,000 Thomas, J. B., Waihou.. .. .. 952 1,127 Totman, A., Hinuora .. .. .. 590 1,520 Wallace, W. T., Manawaru .. .. — 520 Washburn Bros., Kiwitahi, Morrinsville .. 890 1,040 Wood, W., Waitoa .. .. .. 709 747 46,394 43,559 Matamata County— continued. Main, WiUiam, Tirau .. Makgiland Midd.le.ton, Horahora, Cambridge McCaw, John, Matamata Miller, Henry. Hhmera Milliken, W. IL, Tirau Muirhead, P., Whitehall, via Cambridge . . Pohlen, Joseph, Matamata Robertson and Spedding, Piarere Robinson, E. L., Hinuera Rollett, W., Tokoroa Russell, J. T., Tirau Scott, John M., Horahora Simpson, John W., Matamata Somerville, Edmund, Okoroire Stringer, T., Waotu Taylor, James, Cambridge Tomlin, J. G, Putaruru.. Tompkins, A. H., Okoroire 1,727 1,590 199 394 I , 150 1,512 2,894 498 192 590 329 1,953 1,599 1,590 Nil 20 1,033 1,639 122 1,827 180 1,206 Nil 438 261 2,030 2 110 86 1,086 1.820 [35,651 25,319 R 0T O R UA COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Butcher, W. G, Waiotapu Dixon, Samuel, Te Puke Falloona and Anderson, Waiotapu Mair Bros., Waiotapu Mamaku Experimental Farm (c/o R. A. Jackson, Manager), Hamilton Mays, W., Waiotapu Murphy, Mrs. E., Waimangu, Rotorua Orr, O., Paengaroa Rarneka, Henare, Waikato Bridge, Wharepaina Sattrup, J. M., Rotoiti Smith, W. H., Rotorua.. Takerei, H., Waiotapu, Rotorua.. Te Waaka Matenga, Waitahanui, Taupo .. Vaile, E. E., Waiotapu.. Watt and Stead, Waiotapu Woods, Caleb, Waimangu, Rotorua 2,482 720 2,720 2,890 162 131 350 51 2,630 240 2,878 2,420 112 254 Nil 820 71 490 1,363 706 251 2,635 7,830 1,819 43 1,613 1,053 Nil Nil 4,680 1,907 24,600 18,721 MATAMATA COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Allen, W. H., Tirau .. .. .. 360 610 Anderson, James W., Piarere .. .. 125 171 Bailey, R. H. and M. B., Tirau .. .. 2,697 1,913 Bayly, H., Okoroire .. .. ..4.868 1,920 Bovd, H. A., Putaruru .. .. .. 1,111 533 Brunskill, S., Whitehall, Cambridge .. 348 Brunskill, W. S., Woodford, Cambridge . . 617 545 Burn, H. A., Matamata .. .. 175 Nil Campbell, K, Tirau .. .. .. 362 400 Cogswill, W. J. G, Waharoa .. .. 204 213 Cranswick, John, Matamata .. . . 468 Nil Dalziell, A., and Son, Auiwaniwa. . .. 2,177 2,679 Dobbs, J. E., Tirau .. .. .. 1,245 Nil England, George Henry, Matamata .. 525 Fisher, J. W., Karapiro .. .. 86 62 Fleming, James, Lichfield .. . . 700 Nil Franklin, W. E., Taihoa, Matamata .. 780 Nil Fusst, Henry, Matamata .. .. — 10 Gardner, W., Walton .. .. .. | — 159 Gerrard, A. and T., Okoroire .. .. j 240 409 Gray, A. and J., Tirau .. .. 130 170 Harding, H. R., Matamata .. 800 360 Harding, W. F., Turangaomoana .. 982 130 Harris, George, Karipiro .. .. 103 101 Harrison, Mark, Tirau .. .. ..1.750 238 Henderson, T. H., Hamilton East .. 079 Nil ITolweU, John, Piarere .. .. .. 6 2 Kemp, Samuel E., Matamata .. .. 430 Livingstone, W. W., Matamata .. ,, j 1.38 122 46,394 43,559 EAST TAUPO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Carswell, J., Wharepaiana, Waiotapu Grieson, Mrs. J., Wairakei MacFarlane, J., and Son, Taharua, Napier Rameka, Henare, Waikato Bridge, Wharepaina Takerei, H., Waiotapu, Rotorua Te Waaka, Matenga, Waitahanui, Taupo. . Watt and Stead, Waiotapu Vaile, E. E., Waiotapu 404 140 8,129 71 1,047 250 4,543 2,435 610 171 1,913 1,920 533 348 545 Nil 400 213 Nil 2,679 Nil 525 62 Nil Nil 10 159 409 170 360 130 101 238 Nil 2 430 122 WEST TAUPO COUNTY (In To Kuiti Subdivision). Alexander, Charles M., Mangapiko Allen, Harvoy, Taringamotu Austin, W r . Henry, Kihikihi Barton, Peter, Ngahape, Kihikihi Beuck, H. M., Okahukura Beuck, H. M., Te Koura Bradley, J., Wharepuhanga Brett, A. H., Kihikihi Brisco, H. M. G, Ngahape, via Kih'kihi .. Carroll, Thomas, Waimiha Clarke, G. S„ Kihikihi Corbay, P. D., Rangiatua Davies, Walter, Okahukura Downs, Hoka, Tokaanu Ellis and Burnard, Manunui Falkner, W. A., Tiki Farm, Kihikihi Fisher and Pendray, Manunui Prankland, William, Taumarunui Gribbon, Dr. St. L. (c/o Orakau Kay), Parawera, Kihikihi Handley, Richard, Taringamotu 500 66 25 398 214 147 468 423 250 17,019 Nil 99 100 Nil 372 Nil 146 90 330 281 120 98 1,038 372 1,004 668 100 Nil 120 1,120 308 704 363 250 183 70
No. of Snoop on April 3(1, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30.'April 30, 1917. | 1918. No. of Sheep on West Taupo County— continued. Haywood, A., Otunui Heddon Bros., Pukeatua Hockly, Prank F., Kihikihi Holmes Bros., Pukeatua Hutchinson, J. B., Kihikihi Irvine, W., Taringamotu Kay, Andrew, Parawhera, Kihikihi Law, J., Kihikihi Lethbridge, Norman, Kihikihi Mackereth, H. W., Cambridge Matarawa Land Company (John Campbell, Manager), Putaruru Matiroa Wairehu, Tokaanu McElroy Bros, (privato bag), Taumarunui.. McKinnon, John, Te Koura McLennan Bros., Taringamotu Mirfin, G W., Taringamotu Monfries and Stanton (private bag), Taumarunui Park, W. G., Hairini Parker, A. J. II. and G, OkahukuraParlane Bros., Te Mawhai Pearman, A. C., Te Awamutu .. .: Pittam, M. W., Taringamotu Reformatory Farm (The Manager), Waikeria, Kihikihi Reid, J. A., and Sons, Wharepuhanga Robinson, Thomas, Roto-o-rangi Short, N. J., Taringamotu Station Short, W. H., Te Mawhai Skelton, P. R., Taringamotu Speedy, Harold Colin, Wharepuhanga Sturges, J. G., Wharepuhanga Swainson Bros., Maihiihi, Otorohanga Taitumu, Hina; Tokaanu T'ciore, Ranginui, Tokaanu Te Kahuti Nuku, Tokaanu Thomasen, B., Pukeatua Tuck, J. T., Taringamotu Virtue, P., Kihikihi Wackrow, A. J., Taringamotu Wackrow and Bartholomew, Taumarunui.. Wall, Thomas, and Co., Taringamotu Waller, W. H., Taringamotu Wellington, H., Kihikihi Wells and Bateman, Taringamotu Wilson and Co., Poro-o-toroa Wilson, David, Hukutaurua !) 13 141 400 050 1.400 1,594 207 500 1 1,189 ! 1,172 1.319 I .032 375 1,033 98 390 620 504 20 5 946 Nil 1,300 69 973 221 1,400 600 1,155 521 901 434 50 1,200 1,180 295 Nil 100 30 Kawhia County,— continued. Hodges, W. J. M., Waitetuna .. .. 212 Hogarth, A. K., Te Rauamoa .. .. Ill Holmes, D. M., Kinohaku, Kawhia .. 102 Honore, C. J., Storekeeper, Te Rauamoa .. 240 Honore, R. C, Te Rauamoa .. .. 163 Humphries, W. D., Hauturu .. .. 166 Ireland and Sinden, Hauturu .. . . SI2 Kearns, James, Kinohaku .. . • 249 Kemp and Robison, Oparau .. .. 580 Larsen, W. A., Kinohaku, Kawhia .. 513 Lasky, John, Te Rauamoa .. .. 203 Mason, W. A., Kawhia .. .. 09 1 McDonald, D., Waitomo Caves, Te Anga . . 125 McKenzie, Keith A. W., Oparau McKibbon, J. E., Hauturu .. .. 1,257 McLaren, J., Pirongia . . . . . . — McNarnara, M., Kinohaku, Kawhia .. 6 Morris, C. R., and MeAlister, Kawhia .. 1.032 Mountfort, A. J., Kawhia, Oparau Ferry .. 542 Munro, J. T., Te Waitero .. ' . , 242 Neely, R., Waerengahou .. .. 80 Newiegin, G (private bag). Pirongia, .. 1.907 Newton Bros., Oparau, Kawhia .. .. 955 Noonan Bros., Hauturu .. .. 1.243 Norton, A. N., Pukctaba .. ..' 660 O'Donnell, E. B. A. and W. E. P., Hauturu 1,312 Parkinson, J. G., Te Rauamoa .. .. 200 Parkinson, T., Te Rauamoa .. .. j —, Perham, Theresa, Oparau .. .. ! 415 Portcns. J. S.. Kinohaku .. ..I 153 Profit!, Mrs. E., Kawhia .. .. 355 Robertson, G. McD., Hauturu, Kawhia .. 450 Sandilands, I. B., Oparau Scott, J. E., Kinohaku .. .. .. — Scott, Mrs. B. A., Taharoa Run, Hamilton Scott, Thomas B., Box 9, Kawhia .. ' 1,020 Scott, Thomas Baxter, Box,9, Kawhia .. 1,530 Soott, Walter, Oparau .. .. .. , 318 Scott, William, Kinohaku .. . . 108 Shaw, Henry, Kinohaku .. 1,073 Shaw, John, Kinohaku .. .. 1,935 Shaw, W. J„ Kinohaku.. .. .. 1,245 Slack, B. H., Hauturu .. .. .. : 292 Smith, B. R., Kinohaku .. .. 1,676 Sobye, WiUiam, Oparau .. .. 427 Stevenson, James D., Waitomo Caves Stewart, Charles, Oparau .. .. 484 Stokes, F. G., Kinohaku .. .. 1,114 Strauch Bros., Oparau .. .. .. 859 Thomas, William, Kinohaku .. .. 700 Toko, W., Te Papatapu .. .. 94 Turner and Brandon, Hauturu, Kawhia .. 958 Turrell, A. L., Pirongia.. .. .. 9 Tynan Bros., Kinohaku .. .. 71 Vandy, P. A., Tc Mata .. .. .. 155 Van Hoiitte, B. F., To Mata .. .. I ,593 Wilder, E. T., Hauturu .. .. 1,313 WiUs, C. P., Hauturu .. .. .. 640 Wright, A., Oparau .. .. , .. 237 Wright, J. P., Kinohaku .. . . 1,575 270 200 400 Nil$! 237 I 53 831 300 479 " 377 50 554 200 315 1,055 139 6 422 581 195 220 I, 171 700 1.320 960 I ,045 250 115 200 300 357 489 288 458 1,520 450 1,120 464 Nil 1,920 Nil Nil 270 1,948 400 768 575 2,135 559 000 172 766 12 Nil 28 1,409 1342 752 254 1,940 539 15 821 Nil 5,370 75 1,050 913 280 282 61 Nil 168 28 1,688 725 250 Nil 7,000 200 76 644 1,584 406 971 200 213 , 180 1,838 650 358 973 6,744 137 750 1,584 345 133,329 39,222 KAWHIA COUNTY (In Te Kuiti Subdivision). Althoff, W., Hauturu Anderson, T. B., Te Rauamoa Anderson, W. D., Hauturu, Kawhia Armstrong, W. H., Hauturu Babbage, A. W., Hauturu Babbage, Henry H., Hauturu, Kawhia Boll, C. and H-, Oparau Biddick, J., Kinohaku Blake and Smith, Kinohaku Blake and Smith, Kinohaku Brandon, A., Hauturu, Kawhia Brandorr, H., Hauturu Brown, A. K., Kinohaku Brown, Alfred, Kinohaku, Kawhia Buckeridge, Mrs. F. F., Te Papatapu Carmichael, Allen, Oparau Daveney, G B., Waitetuna, Kawhia Davies, It. Thomas, Oparau Daysh, W. Henry, Te Rauamoa Derecourt, F. C, Kinohaku Derecourt, Harry, Kinohaku Dickson, S. R. (private bag), Pirongia Doe, S. T. and P., Hauturu Douglas, G. W., Te Rauamoa, Kawhia Forbes, Mrs. M., Te Anga, via Waitomo Cavos Gordon, G. and J., Awamarino, Kawhia .. Grey, Mrs. Mary, Hauturu, Kawhia Handley, W. C, Oparau Haylock, A. W., Marakopa Haylock, Charles, Awamarino, Kawhia 103 254 1.167 30 092 1,124 407 305 500 280 1,000 280 934 968 2,510 700 1,175 139 130 83 503 231 212 124 185 1 ,223 Nil 080 840 415 254 300 500 290 1,100 169 793 795 2,300 400 1,280 378 Nil 210 486 273 306 2,260 028 300 723 Nil 184 50,743 AWAKINO COUNTY (In Te Kuiti Subdivision). Alder Bros., Haku .. .. .. 1,108 Armstrong, F. G, Mahoenui .. 707 Batley, R. T., Awakino .. .. 6,852 Bell, John, Moeatoa, via Te Kuiti .. 172 Bell, John, Moeatoa, via Te Kuiti . . 430 Bignell, A. G., Awakino .. .. 5,387 Black Bros., Awakino .. .. .. 1,000 Black, W. D., Mokau, Awakino .. .. 149 Boddy Bros, and Harper- (private bag), Te 3,444 Kuiti Bryant, J. N., Awakirro .. .. 297 Budge, A. W., Awakino .. .. 6,280 Chambers Bros, (private bag), Waitara .. 8,724 Cross, C. W., Awakino .. .. .. 10 Cummings, Thomas, Awakino .. .. 191 Cummings, W. IL, Awakino .. .. 309 Curtis and Blair, Mahoenui .. .. 1.034 Davidson, James G. (Clarke's bag), To Kuiti 1,882 , 51,817 i 1,047 822 7,600 325 459 4,196 1,800 40 3,900 018 176 440 46 258 775 6,066 7,850 Nil 225 Nil 1,300 1.890
No. of S] ,pril 30,1 1917. I leep on April 30. 1918. No. of t April 30, 1917. Sheep on April 30, 1918. Awakino County— continued,. Dodds, J. D., Mangotahi Dowling, W., Mangaohae Elliott, Thomas, Mahoenui Forbes, M. and I. M. (Estate of), Awamarino Fowler, R. C, Grey Street, Hamilton HaUy Bros., Moeatoa . . Harrison and Rawson, Paparahea, Awakino Hewitt and McCulloch, Marokopa Higginson, A., Haku, Tc Kuiti Hill Bros., Haku, Te Kuiti Howard, P. B., Awakino Jones, Josua A., Mahoenui Jones, L. R., Awakino Jones, W., Awamarino . . .. Kelly Bros., BaUyoraggan, Awakino Kelly Bros., Whareorino, Awakino Kinnane Bros., Moeatoa Klein, P., Moeatoa Loech Bros., Awakino Lciteh, Samuel, Haku Lund Bros., Mangaohae McDonald, P. N. M. (c/o E. Vaughan), Haku McKaiu, F. M. (privato bag), Te Kuiti McLean Bros., Mangaohae McNiece, John, Awakino Miles, A. H., Awakino Mitchell, John, Mairoa Moir, A. C. and D., Mahoenui, Awakino .. Moore, Edwin, Te Kuiti Nielsen, N., Mangaohae.. .. .. Old and Jacob (Clarke's bag), Te Kuiti Ongley, Edward, Mangaotaki, via Piopio .. Onglcy, F., Mangaohae Ordish, W. G, Awakino Palmer, Mrs. D. G, Mahoenui Patterson Bros, and Mudie, Moeatoa Paynter, E. A., Awakino Phillips, L. TL, Mahoonui Purdie, L. G., Mahoenui Rattenbury, A. H-, Mahoenui Riddell, Duncan, Kotare Riddle, G. and J., Harihari, Marakopa Riddle, George, Mahoenui Ross, Peter, Waitomo Smith, J., Marakopa Smith, R. H., Marakopa Sole, A. W., Awakino Sole, G. T., Mahoonui .. Soundy and Roid, Marakopa Speedy, J. G., Waitomo Caves Spence, W. F., Awakino Stevenson, J. D., Waitomo Caves Takerei Kingi We tore, Mahoenui Templeman, F. J., Moeatoa .. Torrill and Black, Mokau Thorns Bros., Mangaohae Thomson, S. D. (o/o W. Leech, Managor), Awamarino Thomson, W. D., Awakino Thorcson, J. C, Mahoonui Twccdie Bros., Awakino Vcrry, Leonard G., Haku Vicary Bros., Marakopa Vicary, Stanley, Marakopa Wall, James (private bag), To Kuiti Walker, G C, Moeatoa Were, George R., Mangaohae Wilson, C. K., Piopio .. Woulds, J., Kiritchere, 'To Kuiti 279 864 1,114 150 490 2,053 2,193 834 1,045 722 493 600 1,91.5 966 1,316 100 298 1,170 12 1,400 728 841 5,944 478 1,180 226 331 1,975 338 34 1,134 848 300 959 1,116 370 103 477 1,243 Nil 651 1,524 650 467 368 1,712 886 007 180 476 750 300 16 151 1,520 125 664 3,250 568 1,390 379 329 I., 370 170 50 995 127 290 514 344 980 1,312 89 4,400 808 Nil Nil 37 558 922 800 1,208 740 875 1,080 406 356 1,175 925 Waitomo Covwcy—continued. Bacon, L. J., Mapiu .. .. .. 250 Barker, M. S., Mangapehi .. .. 1,380 Barker, R. S., Mangapehi .. .. 920 Bartlet, Samuel, Tangitu .. .. 200 Batley, H. W„ Piopio .. .. .. 560 Bayly, B. W., Otorohanga .. . . 62 Bell, W. A., Trooper's Road. Arapae .. — Bennett, E. E., Kaeaea .. 150 Berry, J. G., Te Kuiti .. .. .. 324 Bisman, C, E., Kaeaea'.. .. .. 152 Black, H. W-, Waitomo Caves .. .. 1,220 Bloomfield, A. E., Piopio . . .. 102 Blundell Bros., Te Kuiti .. .. 2,135 Board, Bell, Hangatiki .. .. .. 397 Board, Comer, Putake .. .. .. 347 Board, S., Hangatiki .. .. .. 270 Boddie, H. G., Te Kuiti .. .. 307 Boddie, James N., Oparure .. .. 1,022 Boddie, James, sen., Te Kuiti .. .. 158 Bowering, E. H., Mokauiti '.. . . 200 Bowick, R. C. and J. G, Tangitu .. 846 Brake Bros., Mapiu .. .. .. 732 Bratten, H., Waimaha .. .. .. 353 Brrghtwell, H. P., Mapiu .. .. 1,089 Bruce, C. H„ Te Kuiti .. .. .. 40 Buchli, E., Aratora .. .. .. — Buckley, Mrs. C. K. J., Waitanguru .. ■— Buddcn, Benjamin, Honikiwi .. .. 581 BurneU, E. W. T„ Piopio .. .. 475 Burrow, R, E., Piopio .. .. .. 1,320 Cameron, H., Otorohanga .. .. 356 Cater, Charlos, Otorohanga .. .. 200 Cato, W. L., Honikiwi .. .. .. 426 Chapman, Alfred, Mairoa .. .. 1,040 Chestnut Bros., Mairoa .. .. 550 Chestnut, Robert, Mairoa .. .. 1,091 Churcher, George, Te Kuiti .. .. 1,013 Clarke, Alexander R. (c/o R. G Bowick), 213 Tangitu Cobbe, R., Piopio .. .. .'. — Cole and Woolley, Waimiha .. .. 641 Coogan, Lawrence, Mokauiti .. .. 1,434 Cook, Lawrence L., Trooper's Road, Te —• Kuiti Coombe, J., Box 3, Palmerston North .. 95 Coombridge, W. A., Mapiu .. .. 234 Courtney, James, Mapiu .. .. 400 Cowern, R. H., To Kuiti .. .. — Cowley, M., Otorohanga . . .. 15 Crawford and Barnet, Mangaio . . .. 112 Crooks, James, Rira, Te Kuiti .. .. 762 Dahl and Crooks, Rira .. .. . . 762 Daley, W. E., Mangaotaki .. .. 500 Daly, J. R„ Mangaotaki .. .. 530 Davenport Bros., Tapairu .. ■ • 868 Davidson, P. C, Aria .. •. .. 838 Davidson, E. J., Te Kuiti . . .. 200 Death, Leslie, Waitomo Caves .. .. 760 Dick, G, Tahaia .. .. .. — Dimond Bros., Putake . . .. . • 651 Don, A., Arapae .. ,. .. — Donnelly, J. G, Mapiu, via Taumarunui .. 255 Douoghue and Dalziel, Ngapaenga . . 690 Dorset and Co. (W Highi*m, Manager), 920 Waitomo Caves Dorset, Miss W., Waitomo Caves .. 505 Dowling, W„ Mangaohae .. .. 898 Early, N., Arapae .. • • • • 168 Edwards, Arthur, Te Kuiti .. .. 15 Elliot, William (privato bag), Te Kuiti .. 1,060 Elliott, T., Brookdale, Piopio .. .. — Ellison, IL A., Te Kuiti .. .. 300 Ericssob and Co., Mokauiti .. .. 2,056 farmer, A., Otorohanga .. .. ■— PoUingham, E., To Mapara .. .. 354 Field, G, Mairoa .. .. .. 100 Finlay, G. P., and Co., Te Kuiti .. .. 1,607 Finlay, W., Oparure .. .. .. — Finnis and Sons, Tapairu .. .. 1,359 Fittou Bros., Kopaki .. .. .. 217 Ford, F. T., Mokauiti .. .. .. 215 Fowler, R. C, Grey Street, Hamilton .. 880 Francis, John (private bag), Mairoa, Tc 1,647 Kuiti Frederick, H. and W., Waitomo Caves .. 378 250 1,380 920 200 560 62 150 324 152 1,220 102 2,135 397 347 270 307 1,022 158 200 846 732 353 1,089 40 581 475 1,320 356 200 426 1,040 550 1,091 1,013 213 304 1,308 872 300 535 30 131 198 Nil 188 720 200 2,023 276 172 164 526 800 264 250 1,100 920 238 1,042 Nil 180 339 774 547 1,289 105 175 103 812 512 622 770 170 569 383 1,100 1,447 130 3,244 1,290 102 198 26 581 868 641 1,434 618 984 951 220 95 234 400 167 334 539 56 46 264 Nil 1,062 Nil 300 1,450 895 Nil 597 239 859 218 280 740 543 1,158 330 850 1,130 440 448 1,113 15 112 762 762 500 530 868 838 200 760 776 689 3.840 000 541 4,000 965 Nil 860 3,540 50 770 2,470 470 651 255 690 920 898 4,014 700 2.613 1,000 505 898 168 15 1,060 Nil Nil 501 Nil 972 460 Nil 1,954 248 320 330 1,289 210 1,690 220 175 815 1,812 101,184 94,195 300 2,056 WAITOMO COUNTY (In T ■ Kuiti Subdivision). Abbiss, A., Te Kuiti Alderson Bros., Aria Allen, T. J., Oparure Amon, H. T., Arapae Anderson, J. W., Honekiwi Andrew, James, Tangitu .. Andrews, H. G, Piopio Andrews, L. H., Te Kuiti Arndt, T. F. W., Aria .. 310 407 374 020 205 151 450 657 200 717 [ 39 005 400 656 157 510 1,008 354 100 1,607 1,359 217 215 880 1,647 378 541
H.— 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of s: April 30, 1917. heep on April 80, 1918. Waitomo County— continued. French, O. A., Rangito, Te Kuiti French, O. A., To Kuiti FuUarton, W. E., Waitomo Gadsby, William, To Kuiti Garlick, H. G., Waitete, Te Kuiti Garrett, T. A., Kopaki Glasgow, P. L. and J. N. Mel., Kopaki Goldfinch, A., Ngapaenga Gomez, Charlos, Mapiu, via Taumarunui . . Gould, H. and K, Box 68, Te Kuiti Grant, W. G., Honikiwi Gribbon, Nicholas, Mahoenui Gwillim, T. A., Waitomo Caves Hall and Nicholson, Mangaotake Hall, A. D., Otorohanga Hall, Thomas H., Paemako Hanson, Ernest B., Haku Hardy, E. H., o/o F. 0. McAdam, Box 13, Te Kuiti Hardy, J. V., Porootarao Hargroaves, P. D., Kopaki Harrison, C, To Kuiti Hart, Harper, and Whitfaker, Piopio Harwood, E., Mangaotaki, Piopio Henderson, P., Mapiu Heppenstall, Henry, Waitomo Hereus, A. F., Mangapehi Higginson, A.. Mangaotaki Hill, R. P., Otorohanga.. HUI, W. H., Mapiu Hirst, Percival, Mokauiti Hobson, C. B., Piopio Hodson, J. E., Box 47, Otorohanga HoUoway and McKenzie, Aria Holloway, C. B., Aria Homesham and Son, Honikiwi Hopkins, S., Te Kuiti Houghton, Thomas M., Piopio .. House, A., Te Kuiti Hubbard, Walter, Waitomo Caves Hughes, W. T., Te Awamutu Hunter and McFadgen, Aria Hunt, Mrs. A. L., Te Kuiti Hurley, Frank, Aria Hutchinson, John T., Aria Hyde and Clark, Hangatiki Hyde, P., Te Kuiti Iredale, F., Te Kuiti Jackson, C. E., Mairoa, Piopio Jackson, G. E., Piopio Jacob, L. le G., Te Kuiti Johnson Bros., Piopio Johnston, W., Waitomo Caves Johnston, William E. (Estate of), Piopio .. Jones, Mostyn H. Innis, Te Kuiti Julian, Alfred, Te Kuiti Julian, A., Te Kuiti Julian, H. A., Tangitu .. Julian, L. H., Napier Kcighley, A. R., Aria Koighley, W. H., Aria Kendall, F. J., Piopio Kierman, J. E., Kopaki Kilmister, Thomas, Waitomo Caves Kinder, K., Waitomo Caves King, Good, and Co. (private bag), Piopio Knauf, Walter, Te Kuiti Knight, D., Waitewhena Larson, E. W., Mairoa Larson, N. F., Arapae Leo, W. A., Waitomo Caves Lemborg, L. K., Te Kuiti Leonard, E. J., Kopaki Leslie Bros., Waitomo Caves ... Lever, .1. P., To Kuiti Livingstone, It., Piopio Loughnan and Barbel', Arapae . . Lovett, Charlos, Kaitangaweka, Mapiu Lewman, J. B., Waitanguru Luxmore, A. G. C, Te Kuiti Luxmore Bros., Te Kuiti Mair and Co., Waimiha Martin, W., Mapiu Matthew, Mrs. H., Te Kuiti Mawhinney, R. J., Ngapaenga 103 220 733 50 122 250 1,400 217 915 430 201 895 650 305 02 189 1,820 50 60 370 104 100 522 130 242 384 10 I , 800 687 1,130 104 245 786 448 05 400 1,462 935 23 371 904 114 821 50 1,195 1,496 1,324 298 660 320 203 313 354 92 Nil 50 250 1,500 235 206 456 54 863 Nil 327 140 212 614 1,762 400 00 196. 324 Nil Nil 762 443 61 505 31 343 166 2,810 110 1,492 267 266 642 230 50 390 1,453 804 100 360 785 545 868 000 666 1,747 1,367 Nil 860 209 150 000 300 878 1,048 572 117 808 Nil 8,280 322 Nil 81. 22 313 410 Nil 650 89 700 Nil 480 284 415 1,526 2,000 195 478 472 Waitomo County— -continued. McAdam Bros., Te Kawa MoCandish, Alexander T., Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga MoCoU, Hugh, Arapae McDonald, C, Piopio McDonald, Donald, Taumatawaenga McDonald, John, Piopio McGovern, A. J., Puketarata Road, Kiokio McKenzie, D. L., Piopio McLaren, D. A. (Estate of), Te Rauamoa.. McLean, A., Waitomo Caves McLean Bros., Waitomo Cavos .. McManus, Bernard, Mapiu McMuUen Bros., To Kuil i McNae, A. R., Piopio MePhee, MoK., Otowa, Otorohanga McPherson, E„ Te Kuiti McRae, N., Piopio Middleton, C. E., Waimiha Miller, J. G, Waitomo Caves MiUing, G G, Ngapaenga Milne, A. L., Ngapaenga Milner, J. D., Piopio Monro, Charles, King Street, Te Kuiti Montgomerie, H. W., Porootaroa Morris Bros., Mairoa (Education Reserve),. Murdoch, D., Mangaohae Murphy, D., Waitomo Caves Murray, James, Tapairu, Te Kuiti Murray, R., Rural Delivery, Waitomo Caves Naish, P., Mairoa .Meal, R. W., Piopio Ncwcombe, Alfrod (private bag), To Kuiti Nichisson, A. B., Ngapaenga, P.O., Mairoa Nicholson, G. F., Otorohanga Nicklinson, P., Kopaki Nilson, G., Piopio Old, J., Te Kuiti O'Regan, E. J., Mapiu Orr Bros., Pirongia Osborne, H., Mapiu, via Taumarunui O'Sullivan, J., Aria O'SuUivan, J. P., Kiokio Palmer, Thomas, Honikiwi Parkes, L. L., Waimiha Penniall, P., Waimiha Perrott, A. H„ Putake Petch Bros., Mairoa Petch Bros., Piopio Petch, H., Piopio Peterson, P. A., Waitomo Caves Pettigrew, G, Arapae Pettit, W. J., Waitomo Caves Pittams, Mrs. E. P., Kopaki Pleasants, Owen G, Rira, Aria Potts, Frederick, Pirongia Pratt, S. C, Oparure Rattray, WiUiam, Honikiwi Reade, T. G., Kopaki Redwood, G, Honikiwi Reid, J. (G. H. Edmonds, manager-), Waitomo Caves Rhodes, A. H., Mangapehi Richardson, Joseph, Rimunui Ringham, H. J., Mapiu Riwatu Hiriako, Piopio Robison and Evans (private bag), Te Kuiti Robson, A. W., Waitomo Caves Rolleston, J. G, Mangapehi Ross, Donald, Oparure Ross, Hugh, Mangapehi Rothery, John, Waitomo Caves Ryan, Edward P., Kopaki Savill, A., Piopio Schon, N. C. G, Mapiu Scott, W. K., Kopaki Self Bros., Box 70, Te Kuiti Self, Wilson, and Co. (c/o J. D. Ritchie), Puketutu Sellers, R., Mairoa Shannon, A. E. G, Te Kuiti Sharp, J., Kopaki Sloman Bros., Puketutu Smith, Arthur, Kaeaea Smith, G. IT, Kaeaea 17 586 541 295 820 1.01 107 696 1 1,015 10 37 915 I .197 1,547 417 1,191 650 1,165 20 114 200 173 650 980 1.020 1,570 301 526 150 1,520 464 180 164 568 1,194 556 536 1,000 324 1,831 520 510 796 680 1.300 206 730 414 20 400 716 075 1,210 Nil 27 752 100 127 35 513 611 Nil 050 760 70 20 100 009 780 1,714 480 1 ,158 950 871 488 210 150 1,958 137 240 150 300 1 ,010 1 ,040 1,391 326 509 286 200 1,343 767 320 164 393 977 100 378 914 309 1,769 780 660 946 535 1,400 254 750 464 137 750 855 050 560 686 1,505 895 603 174 I ,000 200 8,380 635 49 183 800 1,113 512 II 552 28 93 50 98!) 580 394 1 ,390 Nil 900 Nil 103 303 327 Nil 947 700 300 180 300 122 302 1.2 852 133 907 490 343 343 352 1,512 2,187 251 !21 275 1,009 717 1,605 234 316 914 522 650 1,482 235 641 1,041 360 015 276
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, j 1917. 1918. Waitomo Countv— continued,. Smith, H. F., Waitomo Caves Smith, T. I) , Hangatiki Smyth, R. G, Honikiwi Snowden, T. N., Tc Kuiti Somerville and McAdam (Limited), To Kuiti SommerviUe and McAdam. " Tokipohuki," Te Kuiti Sommerville, J. and R. M., Te Kuiti Stedmair, A. O., Te Kuiti Stevenson, James D., Waitomo Caves .. Stevenson, Mrs. J. D., Waitomo Caves Stratton, E. ('., Aria Summerfield, G, Mairoa Sutherland, A. j., Tapairu Swainson and Co., Monowai, Arapae Symes, A. and R. A., Otorohanga Symes, B. (private bag), Pirorrgia Symonds, G. W., Haku Tappin Bros., Te Kuiti Tatham, James, Oparure Torment, P. D., Tc Kuiti Thomasen, J. J. (rural delivery), Te Kuiti.. j Thorns, W. A. (private bag), Mairoa Tolme, E. and W., Aria Townsend, W. T., Te Mapara Trust, J. E., .Paemako Tullock, C. P., Mapiu, via Taumarunui Turner, Thomas, Otorohanga T'yrer, George, Aratoro, via Mangapehi Verrall, H. J., Arapae Verry, L. G., Haku . . .. .. Vicary, L. W. H., Putake, via Waitomo .. J Vickerman, D. I)., Waitomo Caves .. j Voyce, IL, Mairoa Voyce, Samuel, Mangaohae Waghorne, John, Kopaki Wainwright, W., Mokauiti Wallpole, George, Waitomo War-den, W. E. (c/o B. Symes) (private bag), Pirongia Warron, A. S., Mapiu Warriner, J. J., Tapairu, Te Kuiti Watson, C. H., Paemako Watson, S. W., Paemako Watts, P. II., Hamilton Webster, D., Taumatawaenga Weir, Hugh G., Arapae Welch, George, Waimiha Were, Robert, Mangaohae West, Charles, Honikiwi Westmaoott, H. H. S., Otewa, via Otorohanga White, G. T., Waitomo Caves Williams, Alfred, Piopio Williamson, J. (rural delivery), Otorohanga Williamson, W. D., To Mapara Williamson, W. H., Waitomo Caves Wilson, A., Hangatiki .. Wilson, Andrew, Piopio Wood, ('. Guy, Waitomo Caves Wrightson, A. IL, Puketutu 650 210 441 582 Nil 450 248 2.390 3,030 1,882 1,626 100 120 805 960 2.154 459 519 431 340 51 200 2.520 3,522 725 104 793 : 876 369 310 392 50 681 404 415 i 2,746 2,900 2.032 1,935 908 ■ 728 225 590 107 229 105 55 248 134 514 387 150 965 Nil 586 I 905 566 ' 594 78-1 970 311 , 177 261 255 385 333 1,000 ti 95 154 478 ' 514 350 ' 415 278 294 118 ! 188 827 i 944 1,410 207 41 74 154 232 1,680 1,710 210 300 1,422 1,572 371 i 315 400 439 490 016 413 240 301 160 184 1,452 1,777 788 107 437 537 Ohura County— continued. Bloomfiold, F„ Rural Route No. I, Tau- 365 marunui Bond Bros., Nihoniho .. .. .. 170 Borck, H. T., Taumarunui .. .. 53 Bowman and O'Connor, Taringamotu .. 598 Brcars, J. B„ Ongarue .. .. .. ' 300 Broome, T. J., Ohura .. .. .. 693 Brown, Hugh, Nihoniho.. .. .. 559 Brown, J. W., Okahukura .. .. 194 Brown, James, Mahorahora Road, Ohura .. 335 Brown, Thomas Moore, Otangiwai .. 261 Brown, Thomas W., Ohura .. .. 375 Bruce, D. J., Ohura .. .. .. — Budd, Henry, Aria .. .. .. 86 Burke, M. J., Taumarunui .. .. 716 Cameron Bros., Rural Route No. 1, Tau- 513 marunui • Cameron Bros., Rural Route No. 1, Tau- \ 512 marunui Cameron, D. S., Taumarunui . . .. 497 Cameron, M., Waitewhena .. .. 450 Carter, James, Otangiwai .. .. 424 Carter, W. A., Otangiwai .. .. 1,081 Chapman, H., Ohura .. .. .. 271 Christensen, Anthony, Ohura .. .. 258 Clark, Angus and Alexander, Ohura .. 7 Clark, George, Awarata .. .. 298 Coles, John, Opatu .. .. .. 222 Connelly, J., Ongarue .. .. .. 590 Coutts, Robert, Te Koura .. .. 99 Coveirtry, J., Awarata .. .. .. 480 Coventry, W. J., Matiere .. .. 1,218 Craig, Robert, Aukopae .. .. 1,226 Craven, H., Tokirima .. .. .. 575 CribB, P. W., Ohura .. .. .. 338 Cruickshank, P. J., Ohura .. .. 177 Currie, E. J„ Ohura, .. .. .. 500 Currie, 0., Ohura .. .. .. 1,000 Currie, W. S., Ohura .. .. .. : 472 De Malmanche, W. P., Otangiwai .. 440 Denison, G., Ohura .. .. ,, 457 Dons, P. M„ Ohura .. .. .. 555 Dougherty, N. J. B., Ohura .. .. — Drake, C. W., Roto .. .. .. 430 Dumpliy, James, Mokauiti, via Taumarunui 210 Dunn, Michael, Otangiwai .. .. 212 Dwyer, B., Opatu .. .. .. 281 Esdailc, R. D„ Ohura .. .. .. 134 Etherington, J. W. and G. IL, Roto .. 870 Etherington, Thomas It., Matiere .. j T., 192 Evans, Walter', Ongarue .. .. 132 Parr, A., Opatu Landing, Wanganui River 377 Fauchelle, L. S., Otangiwai .. .. 930 Finnigan, Dennis, Kaeaea, Te Kuiti .. 450 Fitton, G H., Waimiha .. 204 Hemming, A. W., Roto, via Taumarunui • . 289 Flett, James, Matiere .. .. .. 257 Flett, Thomas, Matiere .. .. .. — Frankland, William, Taumarunui Fraser, J. and George, Ohura .. .. 077 Fullerton-Smith Bros,., Taumarunui .. 0.834 GaUey, Henry, Ongarue .. .. 1,603 Gailey, Mrs. Minnie, Ongarue Gemmell, J. E., Ongarue .. .. 2,130 Gibbons and Sons, Koiro, Taumaruuui .. 8,862 Gibbons, Charles, Opatu, Wanganui River 306 Goldfinch, P. J., Ohura .. .. («)7 Goldfinch, P. W., Ohura .. .. I 780 Goodwin Bros., Taumarunui .. .. 4,300 Grant, P. H. (c/o E. D. Grant), Koiro, Wanga- 1,097 nui River Grant, T. H., Koiro, Wanganui .River .. 1, 105 Hallen, Dr., Matiere .. .. .. 400 Hannan, J., Matiere . . .. .. 1,440 Harper, W. L., Okahukura .. .. 64 Hausen, G, Waitewhena, Ohura .. .. 411 Haywood, A., Otunui .. .. .. 450 Haywood, A., Otunui .. .. .. 1,300 Healey, Maurice, Aria .. .. .. 202 Heayns, Thomas, Ongarue .. .. 916 Hegglin, Karl, Aria .. .. .. 1,294 Hickman, T. B., Waitewhena, Ohura .. 450 Hill, W. H., Taumarunui .. .. 1,212 Hope, Charles H., Ohura .. .. 2,200 Howie and Brown, Ohura .. .. 905 362 300 73 56) 346 680 585 198 200 Nil 412 640 184 564 842 Nil 447 350 459 (iOO 340 294 Nil 430 280 001 124 528 I .542 1 ,310 50 275 380 650 615 305 550 520 564 600 270 360 202 220 562 964 600 203 446 735 70 145 271 Nil 220 572 603 7,024 200 I ,012 2,700 7,450 412 257 475 3,711 Nil 175,775 180,057 OHURA COUNTY (In Tc Kuiti Subdivision), Adams, A. A., Apatu Landing, Wanganui River Adams, R. W., Waitewhena Adie, P., Okahukura Akers, W. (c/o H. Mackiv,Manager), Tatu Allingham, 0. T., Opatu Andrews, W. B., Otangiwai Apted, Albert, (Estate of) (c/o S. A Bell),Tatu Atkins, H. E., Route No. 1, Taumarunui .. Atkins, W., Route No. 1, Taumarunui Atkins, Wilfrod, Route No. 1, Taumarunui Bagley Bros., To Koura Batchelor, H. G (0/0 Alex. Saddler-, Manager) (private bag), Taumarunui Beatson, D., Matiere Bennett, William, Otangiwai Blank, F. W., Tokirima Bleascl, George, Tatu Bleascl, P. M., Tangitu 520 410 900 867 230 00 1.500 2,750 174 234 641 463 412 682 578 038 819 371 307 330 956 889 970 27!) 1,212 178 150 Nil 1,315 183 1,024 1,370 Nil f|810 2,400 i »50 506 550 9 70 268 390 280 750 1 — 518
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. , No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Ohura Govsty—continued. Humphrey and Dobbie, Ohura .. .. 550 540 Hunt, Thomas de Vere, Matiere .. .. 320 Hutchinson and Bell, Tatu .. .. 510 740 Johanson, K. A., Kaeaea, .. .. 792 017 Johnston, Herbert, Tokirima .. .. 395 Johnston, Herbert, Tokirima .. .. 400 Jones, W. E., Rural Route No. I, Tau- 505 593 marunui K-ibblewhite, Charles, Ohura .. 409 307 Kindborg, J., Ongarue .. .. .. 68 241 Knight, D.. Waitewhena, via, Ohura . . 300 Knight, S., Ongarue .. .. .. 267 514 Lilburn, William, Tatu .. .. .. 4,571' 3,952 Loft Bros., Ohura ... .. .. 1,830 1,875 Loughnan, M. E., and A. R. Barber, Pare- 6,708 7,005 heka, Aria Loveday, George, Ohura .. .. 1,620 1,880 Ludwig, J. B., Tatu .. .. .. 206 350 Lymm, II., Ongarue .. .. .. 400 403 Maokenzie, W. J., Waitewhena .. .. 716 711 MacKinder Bins., Matiere . . . . 359 187 McAvady, M. J., Awarata . . .. 576 375 McRabe, C. M. C, Ongarue .. .. 530 , Nil McClintock Bros., Okahukura .. .. 341 231 McDonald, J., Aukopae .. .. .. 185 585 McGovern, R. and J., Matiere .. .. 234 010 McGregor, Evan, Ongarue .. ..3,221 3,848 McH'ardie, C, Ohura .. .. .. 157 304 McKorrzio, A. F., Tatu .. .. . . 246 224 McKinnon, G, Paparoa Sidiirg, Taumarunui ! 1.252 , 1,083 McLean, K.. Otangiwai .. .. ( 345 344 McLeod, D. P., Opatu .. .. .. I 664 099 Mair, Howie, and Co., Ohura .. .. 3,686 5,180 Manning, Thomas, Waitewhena .. .. 70s 510 Marsh and Jaokson, Ongarue .. .. 060 884 Meredith Bros., Ohura .. .. .. 450 200 Morgan, A. ,1., Rural Route No. J, Tau- 438 384 marunui Morgan, J. C, Rural Route No. 1, Tau- 856 1,104 marunui Mossmair, G. E., Matiere .. .. 110 300 Neilson and Law, Opatu, Warrganui River.. 855 1,035 Newman, F. W., Opatu.. .. .. 279 103 Newton, A. E., Otangiwai .. .. 35 130 Norman, G. R., Rural Route No. 1, Tail- 791 787 marunui O'Brien, James, Tokirima ,. . . 985 | 200 O'Connor, M.. Taumarunui .. .. 707 832 Old, Oliver. Roto, via Taumarunui .. 393 345 Oliver, A., Roto, via Taumarunui .. | 205 205 Owens Bros., Matiere .. .. .. 1 , 2,819 Parker, A. J. H. and C, Te Koura .. 1,028] Nil Parker, H., Otangiwai .. .. .. 274 308 Pawson, Edward, Ohura .. .. 490 610 Pearce, J., Tokirima .. . . .. 200 Nil Pedersen, David (c/o Welsford Carter, — 341 Managor), Okahukura Peek Bros., Rural Route No. I, 'Taumarunui 726 021 Peck Bros., Rural Route No. 1, Taumarunui 801 675 Penny, J., Tokirima .. .. .. 569 620 Plardc, T. W. (private bag), Taumarunui .. 475 256 Pleasant Bros., Matiere.. .. .. 1,040 1,178 Potter, George, Opatu, Wanganui River .. | 434 I 319 Price, William, Ongarue .. .. j 197 169 Richardson, 0. M., Taumarunui .. .. 850 j Nil Riddell, Patrick A., Kaeaea .. .. 300 550 Risk, James, jun., Ohura .. .. 300 900 Roberts and McDermot, Ohura . . .. 606 767 Roberts, R. W., Aukopae .. .. 1,200 1 ,350 Robinson, J. L., Ohura.. .. .. 253 203 Robinson, Mrs. Janet, Box 12, Ohura .. 497 556 Roche, J. H., Tokirima, via Ohura .. 700 I 370 Ronayne, F., Ohura .. .. .. 900 807 Ross, O. M., Aukopae .. .. .. 563 ! 770 Roth, R. P., Aukopae .. .. .. 1,250 1,065 Rirddick, E. W., Woodvillo, Ohura .. 858, 370 Russell, G., Aria .. .. .. 295 Nil Ryan, C. J., Wharawhar-a, Taumarunui .. 560 847 Ryan, P. P., Roto . . .. .. I 200 210 Salter, G. T, Matiere .. .. .. 1,119 j 1,117 Seccombe, P. II., Otangiwai .. .. 4,056 3,237 Seerup, H. G, Ohura .. .. .. 600 533 Sheely, J., Rural Route No. 1, Taumarunui 496 ! 400 Shelverton Bros., Ohura .. .. 902 I 618 Shepherd, David, Otangiwai .. .. 236 200 Shepherd, T. J. A., Rural Route No. 1, Tail- 200 j 20 marunui , I Ohura County— continued. Slier-son, G. W., Rural Route No. 1, 'fan marunui Shield, G. G, Taumarunui Shultz, A., P.O., Roto, via Taumarunui .. Smith, M., Matiere Smith, Norman H., Ohura Smith, S., Ohura Sothern, E., Ongarue Sowry, E., Otangiwai Speedy, W. G, Opatu, Wanganui River .. Stevenson, G. G, Ohura Stewart, C. E., Matiere Street, H., Rural Route No. 1, Taumarunui Struthers, James, Otangiwai Tapona, Peter, Te Koura Terry Bros., Otangiwai.. Thomas, W. L., Okahukura Thompson, A. S., Tokirima Tompkins, J. W., Taumarunui Tovey, K. P., Ohura Towgood, W. IL, Taumarunui Trewin, A. J., Nihoniho Trubridge, A. R., Otangiwai Turner and Kenmarr (c/o Ivan Black, Shortland Street, Auckland), Roto, Taumarunui Turner, W. B., Roto .. Von Blaramberg, C. A., Tokirima Wackrow and Bartholomew, Taumarunui.. Ward, I' 1 ., Otunui, Taumarunui Whoeler and Fife, Nihoniho White, R., Aukopae Whitton, Mrs. Laura, Kotare, via Waitara Williams anil Bruce, Ohura Wilson, H. R., Awarata Woodhill, IL, Opatu Woods, G. and W., Matiere Woods, William, Nihoniho Wottou, Percy, Taumarunui Wratt, A. L., Rural Route No. 1, Taumarunui 771 559 928 I ,020 885 000 300 427 1.003 1,112 544 870 237 195 205 255 153 200 2,141 1,584 1,800 1,723 ! 1,744 1,535 487 597 50 1,403 1,251 1,304 1,496 215 149 812 1,180 395 279 553 407 834 539 1,152 1,150 440 707 371 418 9,051. 9,056 — 590 397 477 517 500 1,091 1,050 409 219 1.000 1.200 1,199 1,098 300 200 1,093 1,081 498 559 1,431 1,011 1,477 1,405 169,400 108.809 TAURANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Abbott, A. W. .!., Te Puke Bear, Harold, Pongakawa Bell, William, Katikati.. Oar-ruth, J., Te Puke .. Close Bros., Te Puna Dickson, J., Papamoa Dykes Bros., Paengaroa Edkins and Webber, Paengaroa Ferguson. W., Papamoa Harmon, T., Matata Harley, Charles, Waihi Hoeing, F. S. (Estate of), Katikati Holland and Versey, Pongakawa. . Houston, G, Te Puke Jones Bros., Paengaroa.. Lysaght, H. T., Weloome Bay, Tauranga. • McCutchan, J., Katikati McDougall, S. IT., Ohinepanea McKenzie, J. A., Papamoa McLeod, William, The Camp, Tauranga •• McNaughton, C, Papamoa McPhail, A. A„ Oropi Mitchell, S. W., Te Puke, Bay of Plenty .. Morton, K, Aongatete, Katikati Murdoek, G, Te Puke O'Shaughnessy, .h, Papamoa Osmond, G B. (c/o A. P. Knight), Papamoa Paterson, W., Tauranga Riddell Bros., Pongakawa .. ... RiddeU, J. G, Papamoa Boss and Redshaw, Paengaroa .. Simpson, Albert, Tauranga Tanner, Thomas, Tauranga Te Puna Property (T. H. Allen, Arainoho) Vallance, J. A... Athenree Vallance and Bennett (c/o A. S. Calvert), Ohinepanea Van Asch, G. and A., Paengaroa.. 478 800 2,255 4,530 1,082 755 400 35 85 202 209 400 545 212 428 Nil 975 Nil 700 I ,124 540 Nil 804 500 25 50 20540 33 429 330 I ,200 280 350 Nil 20 302 Nil 330 793 1,852 170 289 083, 907 8 633 1,050 10 440 455 10 ! 500 80 540 050 2,441 1,696 567 530 J, 203 608002 15 503 962 22,418 ,16,777
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1017. 1918. WHAKATANE COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Addison, E. S., Waimana .. .. 202 324 Addison, J. S., Taneatua .. .. 432 480 Blomquist Bros.. Matata .. .. —• , 700 Boland,Samuel, Nukuhou North .. .. 511 . 714 Campbell, P., jun., Matata .. .. 1,526 1,101 Cuff, H., Matata .. .. .. — 255 Douglas, G., Taneatua .. .. .. 470 ' 20 Downard, Charles, Taneatua .. .. 21 45 Elliott, P., Matata . . .. .. 441 300 Ernest, David, Taneatua .. .. 505 484 Ernest, H., Taneatua .. .. .. 535 404 Fenton, G., and Sons, Matata . . .. ■—. 150 Ferguson Bros., Taneatua .. .. 853 994 Frazer, A., Taneatua .. .. .. 000 Nil Grant, James, Kopuriki, via Rotorua .. 2,124 , 2,350 Gray, W. A., Manawaho, Matata .. 184 100 Grieve Bros., Te Teko .. . . .. — 52 Hayward, F. J., Waingarara .. . . 2 Nil Heays, W. H., Kopuriki, via Rotorua .. 991 1 ,412 Hoist Bros., Manawahe, Matata .. . . 740 25 Hutchinson Bros, and Crowley (c/o L. 2,220 | 1,947 Crowley), Nukuhou North James, T. W., Whakatane .. .. 1 ,046 Keegan, Patrick, Taneatua .. .. 3.581 3. loo Kirk and Carter, Whakatane .. .. 212 132 Kirkbride, G., '"Te Waro," Waimana .. 353 162 Little, James, Taneatua .. .. 75 155 McCann, Patrick, Matata .. .. 270 153 Murray, Alexandor, Taneatua .. .. 132 164 Murray Bros., Te Teko .. .. .. 142 Paterson Bros., Matata .. .. .. 5,050 4,500 Pearse, C. K. R, Waingarara .. .. 324 485 Pedersen, Peder, Taneatua .. .. 330 342 Quarrie, D. M., Matata.. .. .. 2,350 375 Ritchie, It., Matata .. .. .. 14 285 Roberts, W. G, Whakatane .. .. 1.013 1,055 Ryan, M. G, Kutarero .. .. .. 2,600 2,797 Sheriff and Hutchinson (c/o 0, Evans), — } 2,238 Woodlands, Opotiki Skipper, J. P., Matata .. .. .. 5,585 Nil Sladden, Bernard, Kutarero .. .. 1,963 1,834 Sutherland, E. G, Te Teko .. .. 100 ■ 412 Thorn, D. M., Taneatua .. .. — 125 Thompson, Walter, Whakatane .. .. — ' 085 Tipping, H. N. J., Waingarara, Kutarere .. 1,001 1,750 Tout, E. V., Taneatua .. .. .. 300 Troutbeck, H. (Executorsof), Muripara, via 1.3,967 16,234 Rotorua Turnbull, A. R., Muripara, via Rotorua .. 450 i 408 Ward and Knight, Whakatane .. .. 311 Nil Watkins and Larmer, Opotiki .. .. 850 White, Henry, Whakatane .. .. 60 30 Woodruff, IL, Otangihaku, Whakatane .. 575 500 Young, R. R.,Manawhe, Matata .. 1,302 Nil Opotiki County continued. Clark, John, Opotiki . . .. . . 92 50 Connor, James, Opotiki .. . . 240 284 Cooper, J. E., Toatoa . . . . . . 585 000 Currie Bros., Opotiki .. .. .. 877 812 Delemere Bros,, Omaio, Opotiki .. .. 303 Derecourt, E„ Motu .. .. .. 260 ! Nil Dods, John, Opotiki .. .. .. 40 ! Nil Donner and Son (c/o H. Wilson), Waimana 3,195 2.919 Donovan, G. V., Motu, via Gisborne .. 821 940 Fairweather, C. W. (private bag), Te Kaha, 2,498 2,585 Opotiki Field, L. L. G, Motu .. ., .. 1,037 I ,315 Fisher Bros., Motu .. .. .. 2,121 2,337 Foster, F. J., Opotiki .. .. .. 900 950 H'oxley, Peter, Mangawai, Motu . . .. 830 802 Francis, Guy L., Torere, Opotiki Fraser, E. j., Tutaetoko, Opotiki .. 700 757 Frazer, J. A., Oponae .. . . .. 541 540 Pronch, W., Motu .. .. .. 088 700 Gaskill Bros., Opotiki .. .. ! .. 990 932 Gault, W. J„ Opotiki .. .. .. 83 43 Gilbert, A. P.. Oponae .. 10 Gordon, John William, Opotiki .. .. 100 100 ,Gow, J. B., Carmyllel, Opotiki .. .. 92 Nil Graham. D. H., Opotiki .. . ,.i„ 092 (177 Guide, Thomas G„ Putukoko, Bay of Plenty ; 305 Hall, P., Omaio, Opotiki '.. .. 920 Hansen, Vald, Oponae .. .. .. 797 Haparapara Land Company, Omaio, Opotiki — 1,215 liapo, William, Houpoto, Opotiki .. —■ 97 Hedley, William, Box 58, Opotiki .. .".39 467 Henning, R. L., Toatoa .. .. 411 , 405 Hill, George, Opotiki .. .. .. 30 ' Nil Hogg, H. R., Totara Farm, Opotiki .. 417 243 Holworthy, W. F., Motu .. .. 2,172 1,850 Honatana, Porikapa, Omarumutu .. 458 510 How Chow, Mrs. S., Opotiki .. ., 260 ] 300 Hughes, James, Opotiki '.. .. 457 | 552 Hutohinson, E. M. (o/o 0. Evans,Manager), 0.148 ; 6,064 Opotiki Irvine, J. W., Opotiki .. .. .. 3,045 3,145 Jackson, R. P., Marumoko .. .. I -208 J 1,184 Jacob, Peter, jun., Matawai, Opotiki .. 210 ] 208 James, F. W., Otarere Property, Whakatane 625 ; Nil James, F. W., Waingarara Property, Whaka- 274 j Nil tane Jespersen, C, Opotiki .. .. .. 437 : 356 Joblin, Gerald F., Opotiki .. .. 1,200 1,124 Johnson, Frank H„ Opotiki .. .. 1,166 I 535 Jones, W. H. (c/o F. L. Steed, Manages'), 1.516 I 1,160 Opotiki Kent, G. T., Gabriel's Gully, Waiotahe . . 220 Nil Kerr, D. A., Opotiki .. .. .. 2,427 1,915 King, John B., Opotiki .. .. . . 1,194 1. ,293 Kirk, George (o/o J. W Kemp), Raukokore. 3,644 \ 3,855 Lambert, H. A., Matahanea .. ..' 346 300 Lammas and Dodgson,P.O, Box 78, Opotiki 10 Lange, P. A., Toatoa .. .. .. 1.165 1,265 Lewis, T. M., Opotiki .. .. .. 100 60 Lilley, J., Marumoko .. .. .. 1,400 Looney, John, Waiotahi .. . . 218 360 Lyttle, W. J. (o/o R. A. Lyttle), Motu . .j 955 1,150 Manson, A., Opotiki .. .. ..2,532 2,400 Marshall, Hugh, Waioeka Road, Opotiki .. | 2,275 2,018 Marshall, Mrs. F. J., Marumoko .. .. 1,168 Nil Matengareka Land Company, Whangaparaoa 3.734 3,584 Station (o/o J. MacLeod), Cape Runaway Matengareka Land Company, Whangaparaoa 6,896 9,621 Station (c/o J. MacLeod), Cape Runaway Maungaroa Land Syndicate (c/o J. M'orice), 32 j 4,542 Te Kaha Maxwell, W., Otara, Opotiki .. .. 35 21 McDonnell, J., Opotiki .. .. .. I ,822 : 2,022 McLean, William, Oponae .. .. 2,268 i 2,920 Mead, P., Oponae, Opotiki .. .. 632 . 390 Mills, I)., Opotiki .. .. .. 219 152 Moody and Hamilton, Opotiki .. .. 500 Moody, John James, Waiotahi . . .. — 1.-15 Morice, W., Opotiki .. . . .. — 252 Mortenson, P., Opotiki .. .. .. 302 Nil Mowbray, Mrs. 0. M. (c/o W. Allen, Box 20, 2,450 j 2,481 Opotiki) Murphy, J. R. (o/o Richard Bade), Opotiki I ,553 2,910 Murray Bros., Opotiki .. .. ..j 10 I Nil 55,149 51,482 OPOTIKI COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Absolum, R. IL, Box 39, Opotiki .. 1,766 1,241 Allison, W., Raukokore . . .. 296 307 Armitage, J. B., Oponae .. .. — 550 Barker and Neilson, Raukokore .. .. 8,236 9,440 Bayley Bros.. Oponae .. .. ..1,045 994 Beaufoy, Ralph, Oponae, via Opotiki .. 2,826 1,785 Black Bros., Opotiki .. .. ... 732 703 Black, John, Opotiki .. .. .. 928 050 Black, John, Opotiki .. .. .. 141 456 Black, T. and L. (c/o John Black), Opotiki 121 126 Blair, F. J., Waiotahi .. .. .. 510 485 Bridge, T. R., and Son, Tirohanga, Opotiki 142 1 14 Bright, W. J. and R., Motu .. .. 1,056 1,201 Brownlie, J. J., Toatoa, Opotiki.. .. 315 287 Brown and James, Keopea, Whakatane .. j 200 Nil Brown, C. and H. E., Toatoa, Opotiki .. 307 196 Burgess and Cooper, Motu .. .. 1,463 1,475 Buscke and Parker, Opotiki .. .. — 830 Butler, M. James, Opotiki ... .. 1,300 1,118 Butt, A. W., Toatoa, Opotiki .. ..1,642 1,355 Carlyle Bros., Oponae .. . . .. 480 380 Carroll, Louis and WiUiam, Motu, via Gisborne 784 60 Chilcott, Allen, Matawai, Opotiki ., 1,110 712
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30. 1918. Opotiki County— continued. Neil, A. G, Opotiki O'Dwyor, D., Motu Orr, W. B., Motuhora .. Paku Eruera, Omaraniutu, Opotiki Parish, John, Opotiki Peach Bros., Opotiki Pierrepoint, A., Opotiki Pile, T. IL, Opotiki Potter Bros., Opotiki Redpath, T. and J., Oponae Reese and Roberts, Opotiki Reid, C. W., jun., Opotiki Reid, P. W. and A. A., Opotiki Reid, John H., Toatoa.. Richards, WiUiam, Matahanea Robertson and Hewetson, Motu Ross, Charles, Waiwhero, Opotiki Russell, R. J., Matawai.. Rutledge and Scott, Ruakokore Sadd, G. L., Opotiki .. .. Savage, G, Otara, Opotiki Saxby Bros., Opotiki Simpson, P., and Crengnet, Omaukoro Falls, Oponae Small, A. It., Opotiki SmaU Bros., Opotiki Stansbury, O., Tirohanga, Opotiki Swinton, W. J., Raukokore Sydenham, William, Opotiki 1,434 618 792 1.320 123 36] 420 120 265 2,824 I . 200 589 1,384 1,570 805 1,530 667 Opotiki County— continued. 1,528 Tauri, Solomon, Houpoto, Opotiki 200 Te Kumr Land Company, Cape Runaway i 7.743 833 Te Rere, P. W., Raukokore .. ..( 000 1,825 Tew, T, Opotiki .. .. ,. — 100 Thompson, J. and J., Aorengi, Marumoko 900 247 Tipping, C, K. S. (e/o W. D. Graft), Opotiki j 500 Tiweka Anaru, Native Land Court, Rotorua 30 55 Trafford, A., Matawai, via Gisborne .. j 807 303 Twisleton, H. L., Marumoko .. .. 1,665 2,343 Vanstone, Richard, Opotiki .. ..30 900 Wall, A. and H. (P. Lloyd Francis, manager), 4,700 647 Opotiki 1,220 Walker, James, Waihou Bay, Raukokoro .. ! 6(1 1,620 , Walker, Thomas, Waiana, PiO. Box 94, Opo- j — NU tiki 1,000 Walker, W., Egmont Farm, Box 45, Opotiki 600 633 Watkins and Larmer, Opotiki .. ., 1,114 561 Watson, R. R. H., Oponae .. .. 2,290 7,120 WUkie, P. W., Kutarere .. .. 40 539 Williamson, P., Opotiki.. .. .. 332 30 Wilton Bros., Motu .. .. .. 1.250 9,390 Wi Pepere and Hirino Huka (c/o Hokinate 1.530 632 j Pox), Torera Young Bros., Opotiki 3,440 Young, W. It., Oponae .. .. .. 2,000 006 707 154,328 304 2,754 60 7,400 716 51 910 720 451 707 1,810 28 Nil 435 302 5,802 000 867 Nil 1,800 24 315 1,180 1,281 8.348 542 3,300 262 607 203 2,653 259 1,930 171,613
GISBORNE SHEEP DISTRICT Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and 30th April, 1918.
4—H. 23.
No. of S Iheep on No. of S llieep on April 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. WAIAPU COUNTY. Ahiwarrr Waenga, Makomako, Cape Runaway Akuhata Kaua, Port Awanui AUen, F. G, Pipituangi, Te Araroa Aniti Haonga, Kahukura Aorere Matahiki Pararaki, Tokomaru Apirana Pipi Urupa, Waipiro Bay Arapeta Piri and others, Takapauapapa, Te Araroa Aria Ngakohu, To Araroa Baker, Hubert G, Waihi, Tokomaru Bay .. Barclay and McLachlan, Pukcamuru, Te Araroa Beach, H. G, Ruatorea Beck, Eldred, Bexhaven, Tokomaru Bay .. Beckett, G J. B., Mautotara, Port Awanui Bennett, H. P. and Miss D. (c/o Manager), Makomako Station, Tokomaru Bay Boland, E. B., Tauwhareparae, Tolaga Bruce, A. and S., Fernside, Tokomaru Bay Bruce, David, Fernside, Tokomaru Bay .. Burdett, Sydney F., Te Pora, Waipiro Bay Busby, James, Manga tarata, Tokomaru Bay Busby, W., Ahikoura, Tokomaru Bay Clark, J. and G H., Ahomatariki, Te Araroa Clark, J. and G H., Tangihanga, Te Araroa.. Clark, J. and C. H., Tauwharerata, Te Araroa Clarke Bros., Pakihiroa Collier Bros., Halra, Port Awanui Cotterill, L. and G., Waitahaia, Tokomaru Bay Cotterill, L. E. (Estate of) (R. J. Stevens, Manager), Hauturu, Tokomaru Bay Crawford, Hutana, Te Araroa Dixon, George, Takamore, Tuparoa Ehau Pakatai, Tuparoa Enoka ltukuata, Rahui, Rangitukia Eru Kemara, Mangawharrkr, Pakihiroa Errr Tokara, Waipiro Bay Eruera Kawhia and Co., Waitangi No. 1, Tuparoa Eruera Mockc, Whakahu Station, Tuparoa.. Eruera Moeke, Waitakaro Eruera Whangapirita, " Whareponga," Waipiro Bay Erueti Pohoiwi, Hurakia, Horoera Faulkner, G M. (c/o J. Gardner) (private bag), Hilwioroa Fox, Wharo, Kahui, Hioks Bay Fraser, Thomas, jun., Kohimu, Whangara.. Fraser, Thomas, Whangara Goldsmith, Tete, and J. and S. Collier, Kutuku Block, Rangitukia Grace, W. R., and Meriana Tairua, Totaranui No. Sb, Tuparoa Green, John, Tokomaru Bay Green, John, Tokomaru Bay Gudgeon, W. E., Kahukura Haerewa Wetini, Kirikiri Station, Ruatorea Halliwell, M. W., Te Araroa Hamiora Taumaunu, Puhia, Tuparoa Hami te Rapu, Tuparoa Hapi Haerewa, Maraehara, Rangitukia Harawira Huriwai, Horoera, Te Araroa .. Hare Kopakopa, Rangitukia Hartgill, George L., Omaruparoa (e/o George Maddox, To Araroa) Hawkins, D. C, Pariwhero, Tc Araroa .. Hay, James, Whitsome Hill, Kahukura .. Hekicra Re ware wa, Tuparoa Hemara Moana and Hohepa Patiki, " Pohatukura," Tuparoa Hemi Kuipau Ratapu, Tokomaru Bay Henderson, E. H., Mautotara, Te Araroa.. Henderson, E. H., Tokata No. 4, Te Araroa 448 536 205 1,200 1,200 486 643 304 104 3,000 611 9.850 2,337 18,272 1,124 6,254 3,945 10,254 18,170 2 ,-890 3,700 1.000 3,232 7,862 5,522 307 2,020 200 1,908 299 505 277 1,000 I ,000 557 810 254 103 Nil 453 10,675 2,266 17,500 2,745 1,797 i 7,200 j 2,303 9,107 15.040 3,503 4,000 1,000 1,372 3,440 7,706 6,019 244 2,565 Nil 1,585 530 620 1,234 Waiapu County— continued. Heni Morete, Herupara, Kahukura Heni Tuhora, "Te Anga Anga," Rangitukia Hera Haereroa, Tuparoa Hera Kaiwai, Whakatawai Station, Tuparoa Hera Patuwai, Paorangi, Rangitukia Heremia Puha, KTrau, Box 6, To Araroa .. Herewini te Mara, Te Kapa, Port Awanui .. Hihi Haerewa, Rangitukia Himona Rire and Rehama, Pahurua, Tuparoa Hirini Tuahine, Titoi Whakana, Tapuwaeroa Hoard Huriwai and Ropata Huriwai, Kahukura Hoani Kahaki, Pakiki, Rangitukia Hohepa Piri and Manahi Parapara, Waione, Te Araroa Hokimate Pokiha, Hotohoto Station, Kahukura Holt, Edward D., Waikura, Cape Runaway Hone Hurumanu and others, Waipiro Bay Hone Ngata, Wai-o-Matatini, Port Awanui Hone Waitiki and others, Cape Runaway.. Hope, John, Maraetai, Rangitukia Hope, John, Pouhoutea, Rangitukia Horiana te Atahaia, Puketarumae, Tuparoa Horiana Rake Raker and Hera Haeraeroa, Part Ngamoe No. 1, Tuparoa Hori Hemoata, Waipiro Bay Hori Mahue and others, Tautari, Te Araroa Hori Manuel, Waipiro Bay Hori Manuel, Whareponga, Waipiro Bay .. Hori Waikari, Waiunu, Rangitukia Horomona te Hui, Tawa-a-Tauhoke, Te Araroa Horomona Too Paipa, " Uku," Port Awanui Horua Pcehi, Waione, Rangitukia Houia Rota Tumehe and Erana Roua Aupouri, Port Awanui Houkamau Tipiwai, Umoana, Hicks Bay .. Hughes, H. W., Matakaoa, Hicks Bay Hughes, L. T., Matukuhao, Hicks Bay Hughes, N. E. R., Pakihikura, Kahukura .. Huna Houkamau, Pehou, Hicks Bay Hunc Poi and Tutcrci Poi, Pukcmanuka B 2 Station, Kahukura Hunia te Iri, Tuparoa Huripara Huihui, Kahupo, Tc Araroa Ihipera Manheni, Rangitukia Irving, E. L., Waipiro Bay Jamieson, John, Pouturu, Tokomaru Bay.. Jemes and Hori, Napier Smith, Pakira, Rangitukia Katarina te Weohi, Mangaharea, Ruatorea Katarina to Wcchi, Tuparoa Keepa Wharekura, Block 3, Ngawhakatutu, Tuparoa Kemp, P. J., Rotokautuku, Tuparoa Kemp, Raymond W., Tokomaru Bay Keriana Rangi and Renata Tamepo, Ohinekai, Waipiro Bay Kirk, A. W., Oweka, Hicks Bay.. Kirk, A. W., Tuparoa Kirk, George, Port Awanui Kirk, George, Port Awanui Kopakopa Mere, Waiaka, Lottin Point, Kopua, Henry, Waipiro Bay Korau Haonga, Ma karaka, Tuparoa Kuaha Waititi, Cape Runaway Kururangi Himiona, Hirere, Hicks Bay Lockwood, William, Anaura, Tolaga Bay .. Lockwood, William, Nuhiti B., Tolaga Bay.. Ludbrook Bros., Waiorongomai, Tuparoa.. Maaka Pawcherua, Marangairoa, Tc Araroa Maddox, George, Te Araroa Mahuika Hamona, Ruatorea Makere Ngarimu, Whareponga 102 908 150 800 203 300 405 400 2,005 50 900 984 657 226 8,409 191 2,980 1,486 282 818 325 1,241 881 408 155 1,017 1,262 163 1,000 Nil 500 200 361 483 521 Nil 60 600 Nil 707 242 8,339 458 Nil 2,111 452 588 360 1,210 1,010 377 248 152 1,620 856 1,424 433 800 2,000 3,200 300 1,933 Nil 900 796 1,174 2,866 3,120 1,330 2,320 428 1,620 1,222 1,015 487 1,429 300 232 1,276 304 Nil 31 4,491 425 427 844 502 Nil 922 1,130 3,052 205 Nil Nil 3,340 4,494 555 1,282 355 354 1,013 900 800 1,105 559 2,559 1,289 183 706 1,400 1.216 380 1.367 640 681 2,547 130 1,392 202 509 1,290 1 ,002 Nil 1,024 5,208 7,886 767 909 857 1.453 398 5,000 8,908 912 914 1,640 100 1,705 340 1,807 494 357 153 1 ,542 611 13,958 1,712 3,470 300 3,200 135 300 1,500 377 1.220 555 Nil 480 810 006 1,929 668 1.752 255 727 1,875 506 14,340 1,627 4,105 2.328
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waiapu County— continued. Mangahauini Incorporated Owners (c/o Ihaia I Newton), Tokomaru Bay Manga Taumaunu, Waiorongomai, Tuparoa Manihera Waititi, Mangarau, Cape Runaway Manning, L. E. K. L. and A. M., Mangaotawhito, Kahukura Manuel, Lima, Waihuka, Kahukura Manuel Rapata, Pito, Rangitukia Manueia, Rapata and Hoora Tamatatai, " Rimuroa," R,angitukia Matanuku, Henare, Ahiwoka, Kahukura .. Matuhara Taumaunu, Omarama, Tuparoa.. McClutchio and T. Wi Repa Tauwira, Hicks Bay McClutchio, Benjamin, Mahora, Tuparoa . . MeOlutchie, J. W., Waitekaha, Ruatorea .. MeOlutchie, W., Mangawhariki, Pakihiroa. . McGuire, D. M., Mangawhero, Tokomaru Bay Mclntyre, A. T„ Wheturau MoLernon, Sam. Ohcto, Cape Runaway McNeil, J. H., Kahukura Mere Katoro Heihi, Taumata-o-mrhi, Kahukura Mereana Kaiwai, Ruatoria Mereana te Whare, Piniha Maru, Kaimoho, Tuparoa Motcalf, W. F. (private bag), Kiritahi, Port Awanui Metcalfe, Wallace F., Okurawehea, Port Awanui Mihi and Renata Mahemahe, Waipiro Bay Mikaera Peiwhairangr, Hikuwai, Tokomaru Bay Moana Wi, Ngawhakakeke, Ruatorea Mohi Ngatai, Pariwhero, Te Araroa Moko Nepe, Makaraka, Ruatorea Morris te Rau, Mangaehrr Station, Waipiro Bay Mulligan, A. P., and Hare and Tori Ratanui, Te Araroa Murphy, E. R., Tauwhareparae, Tolaga Bay Murphy, E. R„, Waikari, Tokomaru Bay .. Murphy, R. K. (c/o Manager), Waiau Station, ! Waiau, Tokomaru Bay Nehu Rapata Tototorewa, Karikari Station, Kahukura Nepia Mahuika, Ruatorea Ngakaho, Warilii Waihi, Whenuakura, Kahukura Ngamataka Station (George S. Travers, Manager), Tuparoa Ngamataka Station (Limited), (J. S. Grace, Manager), Tuparoa Ngata, Apirana T,, and T. Matehe, Kahukura Ngata, Apirana T., Ahikouka, Port Awanui Ngata, Apirana T., Ahirau B, Port Awanui.. Ngata. Apirana T., Akuaku B, Port, Awanui Ngata, Apirana T., Kaiwaru, Port Awanui.. Ngata, Apirana T. (Kapuhoho), Hurumaru, Kahukura Ngata, Apirana T., Kopuatarakihi, Port Awanui Ngata, Apirana T, Pakerau, Kahukura Ngata, Apirana T., Parata, Kahukura Ngata, Apirana T., Titiraukona Station, Port Awanui Ngata, Apirana T. (Potaha Tinirau), Kahukura Ngata, Apirana T., Taurawharoua, Port Awanui Ngata, Apirana T., Te Herenga, Port Awanui Ngata, Apirana T., Tikitiki, Port Awanui.. O'Regan, William, Makorokoro Station, Te Araroa Pakira Station (II. G. Burnett, Manager), Cape Runaway Panikena Kaa, Maungapatu, Rangitukia .. Paora Hacnga, Te. Whakaumu, Kahukura.. Parata, H. and It., Waipiro Bay Paratene Waiti, Waipiro Bay Peach, J. L., Balfour, Wheturau.. Pehikuru Awatere and Hamiora Tawaho, Ngawhakatut u, Tuparoa Pehi Wanoa, Horoera, Te Araroa Pekama Pahuru, Pahurua, Waitakare 10,841 057 2,905 4,191 1,000 1.540 1.112 506 1.225 1,559 1,1.10 1 .020 738 1.311 1 ,020 150 1.895 5,944 3,142 1,170 1,420 7.750 9,914 606 696 2,440 3,434 700 2,950 717 Nil I ,225 2,211 110 I ,012 2,152 728 1,190 1,020 3,085 300 2,125 5,585 2,795 3,189 1,470 307 910 100 345 2,024 8,850 I ,092 19,658 Waiapu County— continued. Pene Heihi, Ahikouka, Tuparoa T'erre Heihi, Mangatckapua, Tuparoa Pene Heihi, Omarutawhiwhi, Kahukura .. Perito, Henare, Taumatomanu No. 2, Te Araroa Pota Moeke, Ruatorea Petera Potini, Waihuka No. 2, Kahukura.. Peti, Henare, Kaitoto, Port, Awanui Pettio, J. P., Pukeamaru, Te Araroa Piniaha Tamauahi, Tuparoa Piripi Rairi and others, Katuku, Rangitukia Piripi Waipapa, Waipiro Bay Poananga, Henare, Hoani Kahaki, and others, Pakihi, Rangitukia Poihipi Mokena, Rangitukia Pokai, Henare, and Keita Pahau, Taupunui, Tuparoa Porapara Hori Kingi, Tc. Araroa Proprietor of Pakarae Ia Blocks, c/o Hatarahe, Tewepara, Tolaga Bay Proprietors of Ahikouka and adjacent blocks (A. T. Ngata, Chairman), Kahukura Rahera Rairi, Rangitukia Raiha Kooti, Hahau, Rangitukia Rairi Hohepe Puhunga, Tuparoa Rangiherea and Hori Parapara, Takatahu, Te Araroa Raniera Haereroa and Wiremu te Urupa, Papati, Tuparoa Raniera Haereroa and Himiona Hapi, Ruatorea Raroa, Henare, Te Kapa, Port Awanui Raroa, Rangi, Port Awanui Rawhiti Paerata 'Tamati and Ilohua Nii'dti (c/o F. J. Williams), Waipore Reed, M. Rachel, Papatotara, Ruatorea .. Reedy, John M., Waipiro Bay Reid, A. V. S., Te Rewetu, Te Araroa Reid, A. V. S., Tututohoro, Te Araroa Ronata Ngata, Waitaiko, Port Awanui Renata Percto, Haupouri, Te Araroa Renata Tamepo, Ahirau No. 2, Te Araroa.. Roweti Kohere, Rangiata, Te Araroa Reweti Totorowa and Iharaira Pokiha Tuhaka. Ngapo, Kahukura Rowoti Totorowa, Kahukura Reynolds Bros., Mangaroa, Tolaga Bay .. Reynolds, W. and P., To Araroa Rinata Tawepo, Waipiro Bay Ripoka Tuhaka, Nuku, Rangitukia Riria Akena, Hhierauanoa, Raneitulda Ritimana Parata, Meha Station, Waipiro Bay Riwai Hiwinui Tawhiri, Tc Araroa Riwai Puarakau, Waipiro Bay Riwai Rangihuna, Tututohoro, Te Araroa.. Riwi Takataka and Tamati Nehu, Tokomaru Bay Roha Huriwai (c/o Kirk and Alexander), To Araroa Roha Huriwai, Arawhata, Te Araroa Roka Houturangi, Hicks Bay Ronga, Rua Hui Hui, Waitakare.. Ropata Maniera and Apirana Matewaru, Rangitukia Rupuha Konia, Mataaniho, Te Araroa Rushbrooke, H., Wharariki, To Araroa Rutu Tawhiorangi, Kia Ora Station, Tuparoa, Ryland, George W., Tawhiti, Tokomaru Bay Shorratt,W. G., o/o Manager, Potikiroa Land Company, Cape Runaway Sherwood, Mrs. M. S., Waipiro Bay Sherwood, Thomas E., Umuohineturaha, Waipiro Bay Smith, A. H., Tawhiti, Tokomaru Bay Smith, Joseph, Pukekaahu, Port Awanui .. Smith, Miss Minnie, Waikari, Tokomaru Bay Somerville, A. P. (c/o R. H. Wickstead), Makarika, Waipiro Bay Somerville, James F., Orua, Waipiro Bay.. Spratt, J. J., Omaika, Te Araroa Spratt, J. J., Pariwhero, Tuparoa Tamati Poi and others (c/o Tamati Poi), Port Awanui Tamepo Renata, Opiki, Tinaaruho Tanara Wakarara, Ngawhakatutu, Ruatorea 6,870 2,590 1,169 800 376 2,500 1,220 3,442 2,138 800 I ,600 171 3.001 762 268 4,120 174 1.816 398 970 1,220 708 2.529 0,100 3,803 3,392 1.309 1,008 2,302 2,426 Nil 618 1,297 702 250 3,084 3,635 650 3,000 1,729 802 872 Nil 257 Nil 7,042 975 126 Nil 257 2,020 597 600 700 Nil 1,027 1,546 7,246 3,955 2,522 1,2 Hi 1,617 1,449 2,423 20,269 512 802 7,700 1,192 6,080 350 295 2,423 Nil 1,354 6,687 500 429 1,459 204 613 512 2,003 1,225 313 1,460 331 1,050 1,749 900 Nil 300 708 500 1,713 2,770 5,341 1,214 6,963 1,280 1,981 2,215 5,301 Nil 5,870 1,776 2,085 1.810 Nil 1,007 154 I ,010 168 3,400 410 2,985 1,972 1,290 1,886 1,257 1,028 720 i 4,783 3,949 4,533 4,255 300 800 3,902 7,831 250 150 706 3,629 7,043 2,571 6,157 1,840 2,275 6,802 1,750 150 2.627 150 2,500 1.3,894 13,628 I ,918 034 20.995 1,820 405 Nil 21,070 1,020 1,100 200 2,000 352 2,024 1,838 2,020 Nil 2,165 328 1,925 1,384 1,545 1,935 2,329 1,332 1,493 2,550 Nil 1.100 1,524 3,935 1,617 1,212
April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. Waiapu County— continued. Tarrgi Haerewa, Rangitukia Te Harawira tc Wai, Tokomaru Bay Te Iwingaro Koia, Pohoterangi, Rangitukia Te Kani Parckura, To Kirau, Cape Runaway To Orongonui Matekino, Mireaira Katia, Rangikopua, Tuparoa To .Pare Akapu, Papa, Te Araroa Te Uranga Potae, Hooe, Tokomaru Bay .. To Whare Haerewa, Maraehara, Rangitukia Tihore, Hewa, and Patahena Tihorc, Pukehou. Hicks Bay Timi Timati, Te Rata, Whareponga, E.C. .. Timoti Kaui, Kahukura Tipiwai Houkamau, Kahungunu, Hioks Bay To Maine and Inia Piringatai, Toetoe, Tcihaira, Horoera T'umeho Houia, Tuparoa Turei, D. M., Rangitukia Waiapu Returned Soldiers' Trust Estate (K. S. Williams), Tuparoa Wnititi, W. K., Cape Runaway .. Waititi Watoiio, Kiwi Kiwi Station, Kaluikura Walker, R., Tutumatia, Port Awanui Wallis. A. II.. Horchoro, Waipiro Bay Wallis, A. H., Onetohunga, Tokomaru Bay Warilii Take, Ruatorea Watkins, B. G, Ohinepoutea, Tuparoa Were Warihi, Parahi, Ruatorea .. Whaaka Panikau, Okarei, Hicks Bay Whanui. Haonga, Tuparoa Wharau Taitua, Hicks Bay Wharo Eriki, Ahioteatua, Waitakare Whare Haerewa,, Kahukura Wharo Koto (part of Waipiro No. 1 Block), Tokomaru Bay U'ickstead, Robert H., Oturaumri, Tuparoa Wi Hunia, Waipiro Bay Williams and Kettle (G. Stairs), Wharekirauponga, Kahukura Williams, Arnold B., Piikctiti, Waipiro Bay Williams, I). M., Puketawa Williams, F. J., Waipare, Gisborne Williams, G. T. (Estate of), (P. F. Marsh, Manager), Mokoiwi, Tuparoa Williams, H. B., Huiaroa, 'Tokomaru Bay Williams, Kenneth S., Aorangi, Maunga, Tuparoa Williams, Miss Sarah Catherine, Mokoiwi, Ruatorea Williams, Mrs. E. F., Waipare, Gisborne .. Williams, O. T\, Tuparoa Williams, T. S., •Pakihiroa, Tuparoa Williams, T. S., Ruatorea Williamson, C, Whangaparoa,,Cape Runaway Willis, William, Owetea, Tokomaru Bay .. Wilson, .1. F., Takanga, To Araroa Wingara and Huna Houkamau, Whakai Station, Hioks Bay Wiremu Karaka, Tokomaru Bay Wiremu Potae, Pourau, Tokomaru Bay .. Wi Taotu, 'Tauranga Koau, Te Araroa Wiwi Hone, Horoita Wood, Alfred G, Otanga, Te Araroa Wood, Cecil It. E., Matarawa Station, Cape Runaway Wood, C. R. E., Mokau Statiorr, (!apo Runaway Wood, 0. R. E.,Whangaparoa, ('ape Runaway Wood, J. T., Otanga, Lottin Poiirt Wood. Mrs. Dorothy May, Otanga, Tc Araroa, Woodford, Joseph, ECopuaroa, Waipiro Bay Woodford, Joseph, Waipiro Bay.. 516 250 1,727 400 1,200 300 I ,520 319 600 1,058 700 1,040 544 1,008 230 8,213 520 1,700 2,095 5,755 0,341 4,450 300 1. 142 249 286 392 3,131 2,555 08,352 878 5,409 8,305 519 810 1,522 400 Nil 792 1,100 235 508 971 675 Nil 030 Nil 200 7,990 1,130 1,576 1,276 8,000 0,207 902 4,794 112 205 1,449 462 203 Nil 510 3,624 2,040 1,978 02,018 1,000 2,848 9,006 Cook County— continued. Atkins, William, Swarthmorc, Patutahi .. Bailie, Thomas (privato bag), Gisborne Baird, W., " Creive," Waerengaahika Baker' Bros.(privato bag), Kupenga,Gisborne Baker Bros., Puketawa, Tolaga Bay Ballard, George IL, Patutahi Barker, H. W., Rototahi, Gisborne Barker, Richard, Waimanu Station, Gisborne Barker, W. R., Glenroy, Gisborne Barry, D. J., P.O., Gisborne Bartlett, Herbert, Tiki, Muriwai Bartlett, T\, sen., Muriwai Bartlett, T., Wharcongaonga, Muriwai Bartram, 0. E., Kowhai 'Tops, Arataha, Tolaga Bay Bartram, O. E., Waimia, 'Tolaga Bay Bartram, Owen Edwin, Waihapua, Tolaga Bay Barwick, Robert, Whenaurri Bayly, H. M., Mount Paritrr, Gisborne Bendle, H. J. H., Matawhero Bennett, William (private bag), Kopua Atuaki, Gisborne Benson, J. E., Ormond Benson, M. J., Ormond Berry, J., Mangatuna, Manutuke Berry, James, Abbotsford, Tiniroto Berry, James, Mangakiore, P.O., Gisborne .. Bilham, E. D., Patutahi Black, Allen, Manutuke Black Bros., Arikihi, Gisborne Black, It. G. (Estate of), (W. Calcott, Manager) (private bag), Paikowhai Black, W. Stuart, Manutuke Boland, Edward, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Bousfield, E. W. It., Westmere,Te Karaka Bowen, Frederick Small (private bag), Maraetaha Boyd, Richard, Mciidlosham, Matawhero .. Boys, H. G, and Wollborno, Tiniroto Brosnahan, John E., Marshlands, Ormond Brosnahan, T., Blackwood, Ormond Brosnahan, T., lona, Gisborne Brosnahan, T., Post-office, Gisborne Brown, Mrs. Mary Anno, Te Hapua, Waerengaahika Bruce, Francis Ormond, Wharehinu, Whangara Brunton, James, EUerslic, Patutahi Bryson, M., Patutahi Bryson, Mrs. Sarah, Lavenham, Patutahi.. Bull, E. A., Mangapapa Bullcir, Harry G., Umuhaka, Wharerata .. Burns, Robert,The Glen,Ngatapu, Gisborne Burgess, J. D., Poariki, Lower Hangaroa .. Busckc, It. L., Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Butler-, W. L., Manutuko Caldwell, Thomas, Doonholm, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Cameron, A. J., Touparae, Waerengaahika Cameron, D. P., Waerengaahika.. Cameron, E. A., Makauri, Gisborne Cameron, E., Toanga, Gisborne Campbell, James, Bushmere, Makauri CampbeU, W. G, Whitstone Road, Gisborne Candy, A. G, Waerengaahika Church, E. A., " Westmere," Gisborne Clare, S. F., Manutuke Clark, John, Manutuko Clark, John, Papatu, Manutuke Clark, W., Manutuko Clark, W., Papatu, Manutuke Cobbett, 0. B., Manutuke Cobbett, G. P., Oroa, Repongaere, Manutuke Cook, George, Post-office, Tamarau Cook, W. D. (private bag), Eastwoodhill, Gisborne Coop, E. and G. (private bag), Tarewa, Gisborne Coop, L. IL, King's, Ponawa, Gisborne Coop, L. H., MiUer's, Mangapapa, Gisborne Coop, L. H., Motokio, Gisborne Coop, It. W., Muriwai Coop, W. P., Wharcrala 90 5,677 1,050 2,514 1.002 140 7,017 11,478 11,834 250 200 250 1,830 2,089 708 9,474 148 301 3,717 3,998 85 730 12,720 8.813 1,200 1.170 132 1,061 71 3,507 1,156 00 0,751 522 2,520 1,227 274 7,830 I I ,006 11,858 24 204 223 304 1,535 2,1 30 3,891 456 9,270 Nil 2,578 4,131 156 Nil 2,226 3,503 37 1,000 13,528 9,088 1,350 1,615 Nil 2,020 Nil 4,015 1,275 1,599 2,002 843 500 1,076 014 27,403 17,445 28,624 18,686 1,099 1,200 5,535 9,015 4,985 24,029 3.004 018 5,087 3,158 6,004 5,039 5,330 20,075 1,410 Nil 5,547 1,938 3,000 481 100 200 1,009 1,796 240 3,385 3,518 524 7,944 529 130 200 730 1,697 202 3,182 3,500 529 8,056 1,803 3,540 600 824 4,380 9,254 1,215 3,140 650 Nil 2,691 9,295 500 774 137 2,309 498 20 452 1,750 042 8,868 6,694 615 953 90 1,561 246 25 Nil Nil 548 Nil Nil 9,043 7,460 1,240 1,317 827 1,012 4,943 4,836 1,500 360 306 4,686 1,000 1,579 300 511 820 COOK COUNTY. Adair, William Henry, Wai Whcnua, Manutuke Adams, Robert S. (private bag), Manutuke Andrews, J., Whangara Andrews, James, Hikitu, Whangara Atereta te Kawe, Mrs., Patutahi Atkins, A., Manutuko .. 750,350 760,519 435 450 861 856 7,725 7,955 1,327 1,730 200 14 1,370 1,808 17 30 510 000 2,000 850 1,130 1,850 3,886 I ,291 1,000
April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April SO, I April 30, 1917. 1918. Cook County— continued. Cooper, Harry, Waerengaokuri Cooper, J. S., Lake House Hotel, Tiniroto Cooper, William (Estate of) (c/o Graham and Dobson), Mohairau, Gisborne Cooper, William (Estate of) (c/o Graham and Dobson), Gisborne Corbett, Mrs. A. B., Tolaga Bay Cowley, Albert E., Ngatapu, Whcnuanui .. Craig, R. G, Arataha Craill, R. and D., Te Marunga, Arataha .. Craill, Thomas, Middle ton, Patutahi Daulton, J. E., Ruaohinotu Davies, James, Waimarie, Ormond De Lautour, H. D., Waerengaokuri De Lisle, Irving Fred., Ahititi, Waimata Valley Dixon, P., Manutuke Dixon, George, Mangatuna, Tolaga Bay .. Donald, Arthur, Waimarnu, Tolaga Bay .. Donner, Mrs., Waikereru (c/o W. G. Sherratt, Gisborne) Douglas, David, Cathame, P.O., Gisborne.. Douglas, M. W„ P.O., Whangara Drummond, James, Manutuke Dunlop, David, Arataha Dunlop, J. T., Mangakohekohe, Tolaga Bay Dunn, George, The Willows, Matawhero .. Dunstan, T. J., The Willows, Matawhero.. Edelsten, A., Montrose, Gisborne Ellis, John M. (Estate of), "Tekorau," P.O., Pekiri Ellmers, Edward, Oakhurst, Hangaroa Faulkner, Albert J., Wairahaia, Muriwai .. Feast, G W., Ngatapa Fonton, Edward, Ngatapa Fenwick, C. A., Gisborne Ferguson, Mrs. E. IL, Glencoe, Patutahi .. Field, J. G, Homcbush, Gisborne Field, J. G, Makiri, Waimata Valley, Gisborne Fisker and Ludwig, Gisborne Fitzgerald Bros., Mangatokcrau, Tolaga Bay Fitzgerald, Mrs. flora, Tangamatai, Tolaga Bay Fitzgerald, Robert (private bag), " Palcika," Gisborne Ford, S. H., Tolaga Bay Foster, F. J., Tologa Bay Eraser, Thomas, Pouawa, Whangara Fraser, Thomas, jun., Hikato, Whangara .. Fulton, N. M., Kopuatuaki, Gisborne Gibson, A. J., Manutuko Gibson, Charles, Puringa, Manutuko Gibson, Mrs. Jane, Manutuke Oilman, Thomas, Tolaga Bay Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Frozen Meat Company (Limited), Kaiti Hill, Gisborne Glassford, N. G., Mangapoiki, Tiniroto Gordon, Donald (private bag), Toheraa, Gisborne Graham, Barnes, and Guthrie Smith, Strathlane, Lower Hangaroa Graham, William, Ngakaroa, Ormond Gray, Charles, Waiohika, Gisborne Gray, Charles (Estate of), Mangarara, Waimata Valley Griffin Bros., Puketawa, Gisborne Griffiths, P., Manutuke.. Habgood, Ebenezer, Swarthmore, Patutahi Hair, D. and W., Lavcnham, Patutahi Halland Clark, Paparatu Station, Waingake Hamilton, H. A. A., Rerchou, Ngatapa Hamilton, H. P., Gisborne Hamon, J., Waerengaahika Harding, A. H. (private bag), Gisborne .. Hardy, J. G, Patutahi Harrington, James, Manutuke Harris, Albert E., P.O. Box 241, Gisborne .. Harris, Mrs. Sophia Louisa, Avondale, Hangaroa Harris, T. J., jun., Hangaroa Harris, W. E., Waerengaokuri Hatton, Alfred, Ferndalc, Ormond Hatton, W. P., Ormond Hawea Tipuna, Eropeti, Ruakituri 334 159 4,748 2,312 1,1.44 861 754 4,050 4,090 50 7,050 3,831 135 556 1,285 7,170 1,864 3,238 397 1,965 1,672 385 330 2,823 2,930 5,885 1.70 1,250 37 1,828 1,141 9,530 10,000 1,327 Nil 188 3,706 1,728 Nil 791 885 4,050 3,955 1,500 238 0,100 4,092 Nil 496 311 7,077 1,743 2,837 Nil 1,800 927 101 240 195 2,466 2,980 0,382 99 Nil 242 1,880 1,329 8,659 300 9,800 1,000 Cook County— continued. Hawkins, I)., Kiore, Tolaga Bay Hawkins, D. H., Manga tana wore,Tolaga Bay Hemi Puriri, Waipuia, To Iteinga Hill, Rowland, 108 Wainui Road, Kaiti .. Hobbs, Mrs. H. M,, Ormond Hodge, Prank Martin, Hexton, Gisborne .. Holdon, J. and T., Rimuroa, Gisborne Honihana Matuakore, Waingake Hunt, J., Tapaka, Waiohika • .. Hutchinson, E. M. and P., Taurua, Hauiti.. Hutchinson, Mrs. E., Waipai (private bag), Wairoa Hyland, George, Waimata Valley Hyland, John, Waiohika Jackson and Charteris, Waerengaahika .. Jackson, H. G, Waihirere Station, Gisborne Jeffrey, A., Te Aroha, Pehiri Jex-Blake, Thomas, Mangapoiki, Waingake Jobson, George Dixon, Manutuke Jobson, William, Rapanui, Matawhero Johnstone, J. G., Waihirere, Ormond JoUey, B., Wigan, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Jones, G. E., Waituhi, Ormond Torres, J. and G, Tutokii, Waerengaahika Judd, William, Matawhoro Judd, W. J., Mangatu, Patutahi.. Kain, John, Ngatapa Kemp, Gerald S., Maraetaha, Muriwai Kent, H. E., Waihau, Tiniroto Konway Bros., Te Paid, Waimata Vriloy, Gisborne King, J. F., Manutuke Kiore Sheep-farming Company, Huanui, Gisborne Kiore Sheep-farming Company, Kiore, Gisborne Kirkpatrick, A., Linns, Patutahi Kirkpatrick, David, Linns, Patutahi Knox, Robert, Whangara, Pakarae Lane, John M., Ngatapa Lange, A. 0., Matawhero Lange, H. D. G, Mangatootoe, Ruapani, Wharerata Langford and Hogan, Manutuko Lardelli, V. S. (Lissant and Clayton, Trusteos), Ahi, Manawa, Pakarae Leach Bros., Tarere Station, Whangara .. Lidded, Stephen, Hexton, Gisborne Little, James (c/o Pitched and Co., Land Agents), Gisborne Livingstone, H. B., Rangunui, Manutuke.. Livingstone, W. MoM., Manutuke Loisol, P. Henry, Waihau, Gisborne Loisel, F. H., Gisborne Lougher, David, Patutahi Lougher, D. T\, Pehiri Lyons, Samuel, Patutahi Lysnar, F. J., Hawai, Tolaga Bay Lysnar, G. H., " Hukanui," Gisborne Lysnar, W. D., Makarori, Gisborne MacDonald, Angus, Glencoe, Manutuke .. MacDonald, D. G. S., "The Willows," Gisborne MacDonald, G. G. D. (privato bag), Gisborne MacDonald, W. D. S., Waimata Valloy, Gisborne MacDonald, W. D. S., Waimata Valley, Gisborne Machell and Russell, Gisborne Machell, John, Tiniroto, Gisborne Mackay, Hugh, Matawhero Mackay, Hugh, Te Karaka Mackintosh, J. R., Broadlands, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay MaoLaurin, W. G., Waipuna, Gisborne Main, Walter, Ormond Mander, M. B., Horoeka, Gisborne Marshall, It. and J., Wakaroa, Waimata Valloy Martin, E. B., Rakai Muri, Waimata Valloy Matthews, Charles, Te Ruanui, Patutahi .. Matthews, Eleanor, Patutahi McDiarmid and Meuing, Kaiteratahi McDougall, WiUiam John, Patutahi McGaveston, Charles W., Matawhero 1,332 100 1,862 169 .120 13,206 702 475 13,005 3,347 141 017 130 3,387 3,093 8,972 734 719 142 896 2,441 2,150 555 1,565 1.460 3,711 1,668 3.270 71.0 21,189 13,720 1,725 550 2,563 1,048 — 1,320 2,070 1,062 Nil 1,706 Nil 149 12,050 300 754 12,800 3,245 Nil 783 Nil 3,205 3,905 0,405 627 696 151 964 I. ,435 1,250 420 Nil 1,025 3,449 1,582 3,420 707 23,701 7,894 1,020 1,056 2,105 659 80 900 1,809 1,773 90 1,800 130 1,897 3,800 4,700 45 900 1,100 3,000 900 1,750 1,450 230 271 1,450 113 52 1,365 Nil 7 3,100 1,100 2,420 497 917 12,658 8,525 187 629 4 i 6,720 I 2,377 : 0,229 512 432 813 11,590 13,740 235 620 4 Nil 2,080 5,293 515 125 1,803 224 3 90 2,038 97 2,200 9,924 9,720 8,900 3,489 5,980 8,399 3,375 7,082 1 ,096 1,100 1,225 Nil 2,538 892 428 2,937 20,875 1,952 819 432 2,183 21,854 1,018 Nil 525 2,144 150 1,025 3,721 11,567 4,600 1,228 567 2,572 265 962 2,000 500 2,060 224 Nil 2,572 968 414 2,030 200 815 4,544 400 3,852 5,760 13,417 1,030 3,560 5,560 11,821 2,590 7,000 540 356 210 2,715 7,000 700 644 120 801 1,928 580 960 694 44 Nil 2,243 468 Nil 755 58'
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. I 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Cook County— continued. McGregor, Alfred J., Ngahuru, Lower Hangaroa Mcintosh, Alexander, Ma karaka (o/o T. Fraser, jun.), Whangara Mcintosh, Alex., Lowden Hills, Tolaga Bay Mcintosh, K. G., Tolaga Bay Mclntyrc, Thomas, Battle Hill, Manutuke McKay, D., Mangataikehu, Ormond McKay, John, Arataha, Tolaga Bay McKay, John, Whenuanui McKenzie, A. J. M., Soaforth, Ormond .. McKenzie, J., Ormond McKonzie, John, Lavonham, Patutahi McLaughlin, J. M., Ngatapa McLean, Adan, Ngatara, Waerengaokuri . . McLean, W. G, Gowervillo, Gisborne McLeod, John, Harris Street, Kaiti McLoughlin, Patrick, BalHnamuck, Patutahi McMichael, James, Waingake McMillan, William, Delta, Tolaga Bay McNeil, Joseph (private bag), Tolaga Bay .. McNeil, It., Wigan, Arataha, Tolaga Bay . . McPhail, Herbert A., Westmere, Kaiteratahi Miller, R. G, Royston, Waerengaahika Miller, It. C, Kia Ora, Waerengaahika Mills, Alexander, Tuahu, Ruakituri Mills, David, Makauri Mills, Mrs. E. W„ Waikura, Waerengaokuri Mitchell, Robert, Emerald Hills, Waingake Moire k, A- S., Waimata Valley Monkton, J. M., Ahimanu, Tiniroto Moore, J. A., Paremata Reserve, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Morioe, P., Whakapunaki (private bag), Gisborne Morricc, G. H. (private bag), Tahunga Morris, John B., Kaiaua, Hauiti.. Mossman, P. W., Tiniroto Mossman, T. H., The Laurels, Waerangaokuri Muloaster, Thomas G, Puringa, Box 24, Manutuko Mulcastcr, Thomas G., Manutuke Mullaney, Michael, River-bank, Arataha .. Murphy and Smith, Tolaga Bay Murphy, E. and J. It., Tangihau, Gisborne Murphy, E. R., Waingaromia, Tokomaru Bay Murphy, Edward, Kaiariki, Manutuke Murphy, Edward, Panikau, Tolaga Bay .. Murphy, J. K., Kepongaere Station, Patutahi Murphy, Miss Edith It., Panikau Station, Taumatarata, Tolaga Bay Nelson, Mrs. W. B. (c/o Robert Gr-esswell) (private bag), Parikanapa, Gisborne Newman Bros., Kaiteratahi Newman, L., Te Matai, Waimata Valley .. Newman, S., Waimata Niven, D. G., Patutaki Nolan, James W., Gisborne Nolan, James W., Otipi, Gisborne Olsen, Soren Buckley, Tolaga Bay Ormerod, Oliver Charles, Riversdale, Ruakituri Orr, John, Hangaroa Osmond, P. and J'., Waingake Osmond, George, Kapurango, Te Arai Valley, Waingake Paina Rautu, Waipuia, Te Reinga Paku Terra, Rakaihakeko, Ruakituri Pardoe, Edward, Manutuki Parker, G. E. W., Morere Parker, C. J., Waikanae, Gisborne Parker, D. J., Ngamarua, Waingake Parker, J. W., Waingake Parker, P. J., Emerald Hills, Waingake .. Parkinson, Arthur W. (private bag), Gisborne Parsons, Alexander, Combermere, Ormond Parsons, John, Mangahoui, P.O., Ngatapa.. Patereti, Tame, jun. (private bag). Gisborne Pendergast, J. J., Ngatapa Pene Heihi and Apirana Turupa Ngata, Puatai 2,604 1,500 8,000 2,355 1,010 600 1,673 496 457 630 1,720 700 3,034 2,040 1,072 452 1,050 564 2,124 3,730 2,150 4,793 384 Nil 810 2.000 4,534 1,390 4,392 5,052 2,040 3,577 2,900 4,134 2,500 2,042 2 ,055 900 5,875 2,080 1,005 »|629 1,615 :•• SI) 5» 300 I ,770 813 3,200 2,437 1,080 1,502 1,064 523 2,320 3,825 2,500 511 4,852 5,289 237 3,040 4,350 I ,780 4,150 4,850 2,440 3,470 3,109 3,240 2,713 800 Cook County— continued. Perry, Wilfrid H., West Ho, Arakihi Picken, William, Alford, Patutahi Pike, N. IL, Kowhai, Manutuke Preston, R., Manutuke Preston, Tom, Manutuke Proprietor of Whangara B 1 and B 2« Blocks (c/o Hira Paenga), Whangara Proprietors of Pakarae 1a and adjoining blocks (c/o It. P. Milnor), Whangara Pyke, Mrs. J., Manutuko Raniera Komaru, Anaura, Tolaga Bay Raniera Komaru, Anaura, Tolaga Bay Rankin, Alexander, Ormond Read, Frederick, Makauri Redstone, ,1. H. ()., Tolaga Bay Reeves, A. (A. E. Reeves, Trustee for), Tolaga Bay Reeves, Andrew, Uawa, Tolaga Bay Reeves, Andrew, Wharekaka, Tolaga Bay Reeves, Ji L., Loudon Hill-, Tolaga Bay .. Reeves, J. L., Waingaromia, Tolaga Bay .. Iteichenbach, John, Manutuke Reynolds, G. M., Marsland, Ormond Reynolds, It. J., Mangaheia, Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Richardson, Peter, Kaikoura, Tiniroto Riddle, P. A. (private bag), Wharerata, Gisborne Robertson and Trafford, Arataha, Tolaga Bay Robertson, John, Te Rimuuai, Waerengaokuri Robinson, David, Manutuke Robinson, Frederick, Makuriti, Tiniroto .. Robinson, H. D., Makaraka Rogers, Mrs. Fanny E., Waimata, Waiohika Ruku Hinakiand Ngarue Hinaki, Whangara, Russell, James, Matawhero Russell, Jamos, Matawhoro Russell, James, The Willows, Matawhero .. Russell, 0. V., Patutahi Russell, William Arthur, Gisborne Itutledge, W. L., Waihapua, Arataha Saunders, A. F., Muriwai Scott, ii., The Wallows, K'.itaratahi Scragg, Stephen, Swarthmoor, Patutahi .. Seymour, C. H., Whangara, East Coast .. Seymour, Walter, Kohata, Pakarae, Gisborne Shanks, H. It., Mangapouri, Waingake Sherratt, It., Mangatoetoe, Patutahi Sherratt, Richard, Swarthmoor, Patutahi., Shorratt, Richard, Waituna (private bag), Patutahi Sherratt, Thornley, Ormond Sherwood, G. T., Te Arai, Manutuke . Shierlaw, G. G., Gisborne Simpson, F. J., Wharerata Simpson, F. J., Rahokapua, Wharerata Sinton, Robert, Tiniroto Sisterson and McRae, Reay Station, Manutuko Sisterson, W., Matawhero Smith, A. T., Patutahi Smith, 0. E., Tolaga Bay Smith, Guthrie,and Barnes Graham, Strathblane, Hangaroa Smith, Henry G., Fairview, Waingake Smith, IT. G., Makauri Smith, W. A., Kirikiriroa Statiorr, Tolaga Bay Smith, W. O. H., Mangamoteo, Hangaroa,. Smith, W. W., Waingake Smith, W. W., Waitaria, Gisborne Spence Bros., Ruakaka, Kairoa Spence, T. B., Ruakituri Spencer, S. K., Ngatawhakawhaka, Tolaga Bay Stafford, Francis, Te Aroha, Gisborne Steele, A. G (private bag), Gisborne St. John, Henry and Christopher Owen, Pouawa, Gisborne St. Leger, Hugh (private bag), Gisborne .. Strachan, M. H. (private bag), Waimata Valloy Swarbrick, J., " Te Piki " (private bag), Gisborne Taruao Onekawa, Te Maru, Ruakituri 8,790 820 570 772 4,475 4,256 010 153 32 265 3,260 3,030 1,386 4,500 4,500 7,226 17,150 0,550 1,360 2,030 2,588 880 3,100 1,100 1,020 812 900 1,220 000 2,340 3,000 115 775 47 9,059 4,482 2,355 0,100 2,500 1,715 8,000 860 459 7 1,210 5,592 3,342 4,084 910 915 00 270 510 3,331 3,41.2 1,337 4,500 4,500 270 7,407 10,448 6,500 Nil 2,230 2,297 821 2,000 48 762 Nil 870 650 720 Nil 2,000 Nil 157 Nil 11 11,350 3,718 2,480 0,150 1,480 1,450 914 3,758 23,701 0,900 1,400 1,254 1,600 21,773 6,900 410 15,596 512 14,874 4,1.92 885 380 420 188 550 Nil 250 Nil 1,155 1,155 836 12,031 300 819 759 9,720 8,915 8,190 1,925 1,430 97 1,040 2,020 4,775 Nil 138 130 50 4; 397 1,215 942 10,291 373 1,490 73 9,787 J 94 4,400 3,830 3,128 57 2,730 3,910 3,500 1,200 10,500 2,150 0,890 5,980 100 1,462 0,580 510 j 1,265 110 118 833 1,891 150 4,095 5,263 5,372 Nil Nil 1,000 Nil 100 4,020 , 5,285 5,308 1,109 72 80 364 190 1 4,814 3,096 3,500 1,174 10,500 3,949 8,370 0,700 4,284 5,770 4,047 2,207 103 656 577 250 1.577 9,985 11,360 9,900 12,490 1,020 1,684 113 280
April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on No. of! April 30, 1917. iheep on I April 30, 1918. Cook County— continued. Tailored, G, IT. L., Ngatapa Tautau Bros, (c/o Mrs. Hall), Mangatuna, Tolaga Bay Taylor, .lames, Ormond The East Coast Commissioner, "Patewaru," Maraetaha, Sections 3 and 0, Gisborne The East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Kopua, Gisborne The East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman ),fParemata, Gis borne Thomas, Mi's. E. M., Carnagh Station, Gisborne Thomas, J. G N., Waimata, Gisborne Thomas, J. G N., Carnagh, Gisborne Tiokner, Charles, Manutuke T'icmi! Wirihana,'Ngatapa Tiemi Wirihana and Rina Matcwai, Waingake Tietien, P. C. H., Makauri Todd, Alexander A., Strathendriek, Waimata Valley Todd,Thomas, BIythswood, Waimata Valley Toi Haapu, Mangatuna, Tolaga Bay Tombleson, John (private bag), Otorrga, Gisborne Took-, Edward, Matawhoro Torrio, James, Tawhero Farm.Wacrorrgahika Torrio, James, Waerengaahika Trafford, M. Thomas, Grocnhcad, Waimata Valloy Trafford William J., Ngai Timita, Tahunga Tucker, W. II., the Hon. Captain (private bag), Whangara, Gisborne Tullock, 0. L., Kohckohe, Manutuko 'Tullock, Lawrence, Manutuke Tuohy, Andrew, Lavenham, Patutahi Tu Rewini, Kaitoki, Wharerata Turner, John, Makuri .. Twistloton, Francis M., Kahaioa, Waimata Valley Uttiirg, T., Tocsdale, Wigan, Tolaga Bay .. Veitch, William Todd, Powha, Pehiri Von Poin, J. B., Hangaroa Wachsmann, John, jun., Tiniroto Wade Bros., Waimata (private bag), Gisborne Walker, George (c/o O'Connell's private bag), Gisborne WaU, Arthur H., Manutuke Wall, H. H„ Te Karana, Manutuke Wallis, Arthur H., Pakarae, Gisborne Wallis, E. W. M., Pu kcturiimiro, Tiniroto .. Walton, G, Sunforth, Kaiteratahi Warner, R. H. D., Mount Florida, Tiniroto Warn Bros., Kopuatarakihi, Tolaga Bay .. Watarawi, Rangi, Mangahica, Tolaga Bay Watson, A. R., Linburn, Gisborne Wellbournc, H. H. G., and Boys, Tiniroto.. Weston, H. H. E., Waerengaahika White, Henry, Tc Puru, Waingake White, H. M., Whonuanui, Ngatapa Whyte, W., Abbotsford, Tiniroto Whyte, W., Cairnmore, Tiniroto Whyte, W., Hackfalls, Tiniroto Willan, Greenwood, Matoki, Gisborne Williams, A. J., Ngatapa Williams Bros., " Sherwood," Maraetaha .. Williams, E. .1. (private bag), Gisborne Williams, H. B., Turihaua, Gisborne Williams, Honry, Gisborne Williamson, George Mackic (private bag), Ledmhor, Gisbome Wilson, IT., Montrose Road, Kaiti Winiata, Charles, Mangarewa, Tolaga Bay Winiata. Charles, Mangarewa, Tolaga Bay Wiremu Rangi (c/o Watarawi Rangi), Tolaga Bay Witters, George, Makauri Woodbury, F., Matawhero Wyllie, G. It., Puringa, Wharerata, Young, E. J., Hangaroa Young, Walter, Mangapapa 920 903 1,929 4,121 2,501 5.1 19 I.U03 877 970 770 750 2,396 5.450 0.970 187 200 I . 532 2,640 3,200 3,040 800 377 250 290 2, 190 4,950 3,248 5.2S0 959 4,350 821 734 380 2,858 4,830 2,002 3,235 4,050 (Nil 480 1,844 1^420 772 2,570 3,700 185 7,400 ■ 207 10 2,018 2,390 3,050 4,008 2,094 50 299 Nil. Nil 1,980 5,420 3,050 3,135 Nil. 3,99!) Waikohu County— continued. Baird, William, and Son, Rakau, Worougaohika Barclay, R. M., Puha Barker, V. and II. W.. Poututu, Gisborne. . Barron, George, P.O. Box 165, To Waru, Gisborne Barron, William, Whatatutu Bayley Bros., To Karaka Beau toy, Mrs. Emma, Rakauroa Beaufoy, R. G, Rakauroa Berry, W. J., Porn Hill, Tc Karaka Blair, Arthur, Kaiwhoka, Matawai Bloomheld Bros., Whatatutu Bloomheld, E. It., Whatatutu Bloomheld, G. F. R., Whatatutu Bloomheld, H. R., Whatatutu Bloomheld, J. L. It., Whatatutu.. Bouslield, E. W. It., Westmere, Te Karaka Bramley, G P., Wharepai, Rakauroa Branson, W., Fairfield, Gisborne Branson, W., Wharekiri, Waimata Valley.. Briant, H. S., Mahunga, Matawai Bridge, Charles H., Hinemoa, Puha Bridge, C H., Oakleigh, Puha .. Bridge, William, Te Karaka Bridge, W. W., Kaitangata, Te Karaka Brown, G. H., Easingwold, Puha Bruce, William I)., Pipiranga, Otoko Bruce, William, and Son, Kanakanaia Buchanan, H.D.,Wairere Station,What a tutu Bulst, Herman, Rawitsoll, Matawai Caldwell, T. H., Gisborne Cameron, William, Kaitaratatu • ■ Campbell, L. E. (private bag), Gisborne .. Campbell, M. H., Mangamaia, Whatatutu.. Carron, Frederick, Kowhairoa, Otoko Carron, Louis and William, Riversdale, Motu Clark, J. B., Wairiri, Matawai Clarke, John, Waipaoa, Gisborne Clarke, W. Rowe, Wairata, Matawai Cooper, W. (Estate of Tehua) (c/o A. Graham, Manager), Whatatutu Cooper, William (Estate of Tarehe) (e o A. Graham, Manager), Wharokopae Davies, L. M., Whakarau Do Bruno-Austin, J. ami P., (don, Otoko .. De Lautour, Ralph, Matawai Denton, Earnest, Rakauroa Denton, Roy, Rakauroa Doyle, Mvles, Homebrook, Te Karaka Dunn, R.'lL, Puha Dymock, R. D., Hautapu Station, Puha .. East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Kahunui, Gisborne East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Papuni, Gisborne East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Ponui, Gisborne East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Te Huia, Gisbome East Coast Commissioner (T. A. Coleman), Waimaha, Gisborne Ensor, Walter Charles, Puha Evans, ('. A., Otoko Fisher-, Walter, Woodlands, Motu Fitzgerald Bros., Tawhiti, Tolaga Bay Foot, Charles A., Tc Karaka Fraser, A. A., Birch Hill, Motu Fraser, A. A., Marua, Te Karaka.. Gardener, Mrs. Mary, Ellorby, Otoko Gardiner, James, Hihiroa Station (private bag), Gisborne Gardiner. WiUiam (c/o F. H. Buschc), Waimanga, Matawai Gardner, F. W. and .11. I!., Drax Run 47, Otoko Gardner, Mrs. Agnes M. (c/o 0. Gaukrodger), Whatatutu Gibson, A. E., Waihora, Te Karaka Glenie, S. G, Rere ((race, Richard, Clonmore, Rakauroa Gray. Mrs. Charles, Waiohika, Gisborne Greenwood, W., Ardhu, Box 5, Gisborne .. Griffin, Thomas, Moneymore, Motu Guthrie-Smith Bros., Maniratu, Whatatutu I [albert and Co. (c/o A. L. Bollcrby), To Wera Station, Rakauroa Hall, Frederick, Hokoroa, Te Karaka HaU, Frederick, Wharohinu, Puha 913 242 12.850 7,012 7,370 2,884 1,263 048 1,330 6.144 0,200 0,370 5,640 0,480 553 960 4,650 1,730 1,776 105 434 6,375 01 1.017 0,900 10,898 1,557 2.728 244 1,194 0,927 013 984 1,580 44,517 1,925 15,314 979 286 11,210 8,410 8,417 770 3,040 500 820 1,424 6,400 0,400 0,500 5,800 0,050 128 850 1,061 Nil 1,790 1,911 190 557 Nil 127 1,200 7,370 10,399 1,488 2,592 212 1,208 0,130 1,477 1,07 I 1,480 10461 2.123 14,800 7,203 0,712 910 7,008 428 40 5,280 730 1,418 1,000 407 5,351 3.510 Nil 2,902 321 00 0,130 950 1,024 1,113 460 0,253 4,023 30 9,935 1,800 Nil 3,655 8,815 Nil 1,914 7,198 771 10,205 7,875 1,070 2,075 424 1,074 205 53 1.335 109 2,420 133 1,955 959 1,805 Nil 300 1,835 230 2,950 543 4,004 4,291 -102 441 972 1,223 9,900 I .002 2,590 2,700 6,950 1,405 2,408 7.011 490 I I,009 9,910 I , 278 3,349 4,610 655 9,700 1,171 2,422 3,047 Nil 02 020 9,500 853 Nil 2,448 475 2,200 437 2,097 65 1,400 1,000 I ,000 1,325 Nil 880 520 1,200 407 450 1,400 2,085 4,886 I .193 170 2,882 3,217 2,012 520 5,830 1,218 200 052 173 570 5,016 522 133 583 4,071 1,809 Nil 5,275 7,380 1088550 1098883 WAIKOHU COUNTY Allen, W., Moanui, Matawai Allen, W., Moanui, Matawai Anderson, Arthur, Hillcotc, Te Karaka 774 5,570 7,500 1,485 1,404 1,404 2,300 8,302 2,712 8,168 3,517 2,470
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. , No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waikohu County— continued. Harding, William B., Tc Rawhiti, Matawai Harris, A. J. (c/o A. E. Harris) (private bag), Gisborne Harris, A. J. (o/o A. E. Harris) (private bag), Gisborne Harris. Albert Ernest, Kelbirrnie Station, Box 241, Gisborne Hegarty, A., Dome, Whatatutu Henderson, R. R. (private bag), Doonhill, Gisborne Henson and Green, Rahui, Gisborne Hine and Parker, Tawai, Rakauroa Holdsworth, B. J., Waikohu Station, Waikohu Holdsworth, C. G, Puha Humphrey, G. W. (private bag), Kaiteratahi, Gisborne Hutchinson Bios., Waihuka, Waikohu Hutchinson, E. M., and Co., Tahora, Wharokopae Hutchinson, J., Parihohonu, Otoko Tnncs, Henry Edmond, Otoko Innes, Henry I-).. Otoko Ivoson, E. F. and A., Hcdon, Wharekopao Jackson, T. H., Mangatarehu, Puha , .. Johnstone, J. Or., Pinkney, Matawai Judd Bros, (c/o W. J. Judd), Ascot, Matawhero, Gisborne Kells, J. B., and William Turnbull, Aotearoa, Whatatutu Kirk, Archibald, Moncymoro, Box 212, Gisborne Kirkpatrick, S., Mangaoae, Tc Karaka Korte, C. and Frederick, Ruanui, Matawai Krause, E. P., Te Karaka Lunger, J. J., Mangarerc, Rakarrroa Laurie, A. P., Kokomoko, Whatatutu Leggett, Charlos (privato bag), Gisborne .. Lysnar, W. D., Arowhana, Gisborne Macallan, Alexander. Stratliallcn. Rakauroa MacDonald, W. 1). S., The Lome, Puha . . Mackay, Hugh, Te Karaka Mander and Dods, Tahunaroa, Whatatutu Manuel, Moses David, Whaitiri No. 2, Te Karaka Marshall, J. J. IL, Puha Marshall, John J. H., Puha Matthews, G, Te Kopac Station, Patutahi MaxweU, W., P.O., Tahunga Mayston, Charles (private bag), Wharokopae, Gisborne McCliskic, Alexander W. (privato bag). Papuni, Wairoa McDiarmid and Mcuing, Kaiteratahi McDonald, Murdo, Huon, Kanakanaia McGregor, J. Hay, Lome, Puha McIUdowic, James M. (Estate of), Totangi (private bag), Gisborne McKenzie, John, Matawai McLean, Mrs. M. E., Puhatikotiko, Puha .. McLean, W., Glcirroa, Otoko McLoughlin, P., Rakauroa McLoughlin, W. S., Pukehau, Rakauroa .. McPhail, Herbert A., Westmere, Kaiteratahi MePhee, James, Rakauroa McSavcney, Isaiah, Fernside, Otoko Mitford, V. G R. (private bag), Waimaha, Gisborne Moana Hemi and Kirikiri Hemi, Pukeopu, Rore Monckton, E. M., Patutahi Morris, C. H., Otoko Morris, James, Mangove, Te Karaka Morris, WiUiam, Mangaoae, Te Karaka Mortleman, A., and Fleming Bros., Matawai Mortleman, A., Paretai, Makauri.. Murdoch and McKenzie, Pukehinau, Matawai I , 220 350 412 3.900 10,075 1,800 2.155 4.898 0,129 0,707 3,925 13,268 1 I,875 8,390 791 021 1,702 I ,712 I .900 5,425 2,875 1,045 I 50 1.020 3,880 1,898 17,081 3,801 800 491 10.020 I . 525 1,230 Nil 359 3,470 10,040 1,994 I ,900 2,400 0,320 7,500 3,814 15,350 13,618 8.450 609 999 2.014 1,504 1,218 I., 780 5,530 800 2,864 1,077 340 1,115 3,900 1,825 15,872 3,872 Nil 1,034 10,710 2,100 Waikohu County— continued. Renner, W. H and E. R., Ardleigh, Wharokopae Richardson, Charles, Glenburn/ Motu Richardson, Edward, Waiwhero Station, Motu Richardson, E. U., Wharekopae Riddick, H., Matawai Robb, Mrs. Ada Mary, Mangataperc, Rakauroa Roberts, P. J. R. (private bag), Waioma, Gisborne Russell Bros., Tho Glen, Gisborne Russell, O. V., Waimanga, Matawai Rutledge, W. L„ Matawai SchoUum, W. J., Matawai Scott and Telford, Tc Rimu, Te Karaka .. Scott, Munro M., Ardhu, Matawai Scott, R., The Willows, Kaiteratahi Shanks, P. A., Kanakanaia Shanks. Robert H., Waikohu Shaw and Co., Torohiwi, Rakauroa Shaw, William E., Hikutai, Rakauroa Sherratt, lleiii H. (c/o Robert Bryson), Tuarowa Post-office, Mangatu Sherratt, P. H., Horoika, Patutahi Shorratt, Randall, Ngatapa .. .. | Shorratt, Thornley, Papakorokoro, Ormond Sherratt, Thornley, Ormond Sherratt, W. G, Okaihau, Whatatutu . : Sherriff, P. L. 0., Te Kohunga, Waikohu .. Sherriff, F. L. 0., Piritahi, Waikohu Shutc Bros., Matawai Smart. G. It., and G. S. Grant, Rakauroa.. Smith, Abbotsford, Aratapu, Rakauroa Smith, Albert T\, Rakauroa Smith, G. A., Rairgariri, Whakarau Smith, George, P.O. Box 181, Gisborne .. Smith, J. C, Painui, Rakauroa Stevens, Henry (private bag), Patutahi, Gisborne Stocker, A. (private bag), Potrrtu, Gisborne Swarbrick, John C, Otoko Swarbrick, W. S., Tokanui, Otoko Symes, L. T., Puketane, Te Karaka Thomas, Thomas J., Matawai Thompson, John, Matawai Thompson, John, Whakarau Thomson, E. B. M., Taupai, Whakarau Tiff en, George W., Wheturau Tombieson, Henry J. Francis, Otoko Tucker, Mrs. Julia and W. A., Matawai .. Tucker, Mrs. Laura (private bag) (c/o D. F. Beerc, Manager), Gisborne Tullock Bros., Whatatutu Tullock, L. B., Birch Hill, Motu.. Tullock, L. B„ Waitahota, Whatatutu Tverniau, Thomas It., Motu Westmoreland, John A. G., Rakauroa Whyte, Cyril, Riverside, Tahunga Williams, E. E., Moanui, Rakauroa Williams, E. J./I'angiwai (private bag),Gisbome Williams, E. N., Puha Williams, F. W., Mangataikapua, Whatatutu Williams, F. W., Tc Rata, Whatatutu Williams, W. H., Bumage, Rakauroa WUliams, W. H., Bumage, Rakauroa Williamson, J. D., Taumata Station, Gisborne Williamson, T. G (private bag), Hihirora Station, Gisborne Wilson, John G, Kanakanaia Wi Pere (Estate of) (H. C. Jackson, Manager), Otara, Gisborne Wi Pere (Estate of) (H. G Jackson/Manager), Tangihanga, Gisborne Wi Pere (Estate of), Waitangirua Station (c/o E. Tait, Manager), Motu Wi Ratapu and Hemi Kirikiri, Tahunga ;. Witters, George, Makauri Witters, George, Makauri, Gisborne Witters, Williarp, Kaitangata, Makauri Wright, George H. (private bag), Belmont, Gisborne Wright, W. A., Kaipoua, Motu 1,550 2,283 2,700 1,414 1.030 1 , 100 4,780 3,502 1.855 5,423 1,578 1,095 2.900 3.510 I , 042 3.750 2,475 3.002 5,180 2,555 1,440 1.941 160 316 I . 135 2.030 1,546 1,297 4,341 810 1,436 1,607 2,103 2,402 1,672 1,750 1,090 5,509 3,518 1,079 3,330 1,520 5,578 Nil 780 1,720 2,658 3.343 1,820 3,750 2,892 0,100 0,590 7,000 2,400 1,855 1,845 370 676 1,023 Nil 2,030 1,870 1,325 4,517 912 1,215 1,288 1,417 1,250 2,500 Nil 1,370 3,488 4,160 1,895 3,000 112 122 5,985 2,002 3.570 280 Nil 0,795 2,080 3,539 1,348 1,209 1.245 1,012 1,297 3.807 5,500 2,038 3,641. 1.159 Nil 1,430 393 7,000 1,259 1,400 456 6,630 7,720 3,134 8,419 3,500 5,491 1,320 1,227 3,002 3,354 2,176 020 2.882 4,216 3.797 830 1,500 1.045 658 6,700 642 3,217 4,060 2,890 620 1,280 1,284 440 6,750 1,384 753 2,501 2,400 2,130 2,882 11,625 3,217 11,040 100 11,837 2.400 2,400 14,819 11,950 2,100 Nil 15,123 5,824 1,520 12 1,729 1,426 1,325 959 6,020 1,800 II 2,000 1,530 1,573 908 15,409 1,840 3,731 11,475 1,829 5,827 7,194 7,631 Neenan, C-, Ormond Newman, S., Waimata O'Connoll, A., Te Karaka Orr, James, Paraeroa, Kanakanaia Palmer, E. V., Whatatutu Pattullo, P., Rangatira, Te Karaka PattuUo, Frank, Tarndale, Te Karaka Pendreigh, G. A., Tahunga Pioken, Andrew, Rakauroa Price, John WiUiam, Otoko Redpath, Mrs. Charlotte, Waimaro, Rakauroa Reed, W. J., Motu 830 1,945 68 4,828 5,077 4.305 4,080 1,047 900 880 999 1,082 1,630 Nil Nil 4,510 Nil 8,249 5,407 1,408 1,000 992 987 1,030 5.310 5,628 220 2,000 2,000 57 4,020 2,900 8,332 1,100 1,400 1,094 1,020 685,594 705,824
HAWKE'S BAY SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and the 30th April, 1918.
No. of 8 April 30, 1917. Sheep on April 30. 1918. No. of 81 ipril 30, | 1917. reep on April 30, 1918. WAIROA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Ahore Hohepa, Tangoio Allison, A. E. K, Nuhaka, P.O., Tanitcrc.. Anderson and Baird, Wairoa Andrews, Roy M., " Te Hoe," Pohui Ashton and Lambert, Whakaau, Tangoio . . Austin, James, Basin Farm, Morere Barker Bros., Ruakituri Barker, W. R. and R., Waikatea Barton, Richard E., Omahanui, Wairoa .. Bayley, H. M., Cricklewood, Wairoa Bayley, H. M., Okara, Frasertown Bayley, H. M., Kaiunauna, Okari, Ohuka, via Frasertown Bayley, M. J., Kaiunahuna, Wairoa Beatson, G. D., Maungaharuru, Box 03, Hastings Beattie, H. E., Kaiwaka, Tangoio Beckett and Johnson, Hukawaka, Frasertown Bee, George, " Kakariki," Napier Bee, George, Putorino, Napier Bennett, Stanley, Tiromoana, Tangoio Biddle, Harry, Tangoio.. .. Biel, Frederick William, Mohaka Black, Albert S., Clydebank, Frasertown .. Black, J. S., Orcre, Wairoa Black, S. and J. A., Waitaniwha, Nuhaka.. Blundell, J. L., Tapuae Station, Wairoa . . Bone, L., Butcher, Wairoa Boothman, William, Ruakituri .. Bourke and Sons, Eskdale Bowen, Frederick Small, Murewai Bowen, J. L., Umumunga, Opuatama Bradley and Co., " Clydebank," Wairoa . . Bradley and Co. (private bag), Wairoa Brandon, G G P., Te Putere Brandon, Cathie F. E., Te Putere, Wairoa Broom, William, Tangoio Brown, J. H., Whakaki, Wairoa.. Burgess, Thomas, Pekapeka, Putorino Byrne, Thomas, Avoca, Frasertown Cameron, A. J., Wai Station, Nuhaka Cameron, D., Taheke, Wairoa Campbell, H., and Co., Ridgcmount Station, Petane Campbell, Thomas Robert, Whangawhei, Opoutama Carroll and Co., Wairoa Carroll, Joseph, Ohuia, Wairoa .. Carter, L. D. (privato bag), Napier Chapman and Powdrell, Waimatai, Frasertown Coates, G. P., Putorino, Napier Cornford, —, Springhill Station, Mohaka .. Coop, L. H. and W. P. (private bag), Gisbome Corkill, J., Wairoa Couper and Smith, Lochness, Frasertown.. Couper, R. J., Mangapoiki-, Frasertown .. Crarer and Co., Whakaki, Wairoa Crarer, S., Wairoa Craven, Ramoth, Tangoio Crisp, E. J., Solicitor, Gisborne Crispin, G W. and F. J., Clydebank, Wairoa CuUen, H. W., Papua, Whakiki Cumming, George P., Tc. Pokopoko, Frasertown Dahm Bros., Ruakitura. . Dahm, J. T., Ruakikiri, Wairoa Dalycll and Ridley, Run 109, Frasertown.. Davey, Herbert John, Pakawhai, Frasertown Davey, Tom, Mahanga, Frasertown Davis, A. E., Tangoio Davis, Norman J. (c/o A. Mills), Ruakitura Denton, F. A., River Rock, Tarcwa Dickie, S. A., Aden, Wairoa 1 ,182 1,450 010 1,612 911 5.455 11,745 0,320 2,537 9,907 12,000 2,880 2,865 1,915 810 1,437 13,105 3,051 1,195 1,926 1,100 580 5,230 3,440 200 5,480 1,015 6,165 0,724 019 2,591 8,234 70 601 1,640 2,725 4,044 4,092 1,370 7,024 1,710 1,200 517 1,504 Nil 4,491 11,530 Nil 2,595 9,000 11,706 12,183 2,017 1,700 858 1,365 11,350 Nil 1,910 040 2,110 944 000 5,120 3,853 Nil 5,090 812 5,250 5,340 1,272 3,448 9,397 Nil 700 Nil 2,000 3,997 3,869 1, 184 0,848 Waiboa County— continued. Dickie, S. A., Marumaru, Wairoa Dickin, John, Ruataniwha, Wairoa Douglas and Drummond, Wai-iti, Moron-.. Edwards, B. G., Tangoio Eriha, K. and E., Mohaka Erimana Hirini and Paid Hungahunga, Waipapa, Mohaka Fleming, D. J., Poind, Mohaka Ford, Arthur W. and H. G., Tangoio Gaddum, Mrs. M., Wai Station, Nuhaka . . Gardiner, John It., Murrayton, Wairoa Gavin and J. D. Fisher, Arcpeti, Wairoa .. Gear, Jamos Ernest, Ohuka, Frasertown .. Gommel and Pearce, Tenakoe Station, Frasertown Gemmcl, D., jun., Mohaka Gibson, Henry George, Waioma, Turiroa .. Gillanders, Mi K. and.D., Mangapahi, P.O., Tangitere Glass, Jerry, Waimuku, Wairoa Glendining, E. H., Waihua, Wairoa Glendining, E. H., Waihua, Wairoa Glynan, M., Wairoa Goldstone, James, " Avalon," Frasertown, . Goldstone, W., Pakowhai, Frasertown Goldstone, W., Riverslea, Frasertown Gower, B., Opoutama Graham, A. D., and IT. L. Haupcr, Wairoa Greening, Martha, Kaiwaitai, Opoutama .. Greening, William H., Opoutama Guthrie-Smith, W. H., Tutira, Napier Haimona Tutu, Mohaka Haliburton, Marion Jane, Glonfarg, NapierHall, T. H., Matai, Frasertown Hamlin, J. P. (Estate of), Tc Uhi, Wairoa . . Hammond, L. J. B. (private bag), Tutira.. Hansford, Sidney, Tunanui, Morere Hapi, Paul, Nuhaka Harawira Renata, Mohaka Hare Toumata and J. Black, Mohaka Harrison, T., Whakamahi Hawkins and Scott, Waihua Hawkins, Edward William, Mohaka Hawkins, William, Wairere, Mohaka llayne, A. W., Te Paina, Wairoa I leays, It. J., Kopuriki, via Rotorua Hen Hon Poutaroa, Tukemokihi, Wairoa . . Hiemi Mete, Nuhaka Hinc Whata, Opuatama Hini Toheriri, Opoutama Hira te Aho, Mohaka Hodges, Henare, Pukatua, Mohaka Hocra te Kahu, Whakapuaro, Mohaka Hollis, R. H., Kauraka Hori Niania, To Rinuiroa, Wairoa Hori te Ihi, Tautoke, and others, Opoutama Howard, S. P., Tangoio.. Howell, A. L., Frasertown Hunt, R., P.O., Omahanui, Wairoa Hunt, Robert, Taraniarama, Omuhanui Hutchinson, B. M. (private bag), Wairoa .. Hutchinson, E McF., Waerenga, P.O., Wairoa Hutchinson, H., Tangimoana, Frasertown .. Ihaka Taumata, Ngatipa, Mohaka Ihaka Tutu, Tangoio, Wairoa Ihaka Whanga and Ihairara Whanga, Nubs ka lies, I). W., Putorino, Wairoa Iripa Aranui, Wakapuare, Mohaka Jackson, Peter, Omahanui Jefferson, Ewan, Alton, Turiroa Jehu Pare and T'iri Hokianga, Mohaka .lesson and Summerfield, Wairoa.. Jessop, J. S., Waircka Station, Whakanui.. Jessep, James S., Parkhurst, Wairoa Jessep, P. •!., Pini Bush (private bag), Napier 178 2,824 087 3,424 1,181 130 1,000 1 ,205 10,152 4,243 553 4,694 2,533 1,590 5,290 2,352 2,000 1,759 2,345 715 135 252 19,875 718 1,552 406 2,787 1,234 Nil 00 2,570 910 281 236 3,140 1,119 Nil Nil Nil 13,701 4,153 500 4,371 2,320 154 1,009 4,818 704 2,769 2,437 1,822 2,510 Nil 150 130 15,825 Nil 1,536 404 3,007 812 Nil 104 353 Nil 2,400 1,307 568 Nil 79 1,750 Nil 800 Nil 100 159 1 ,333 Nil 750 170 800 080 1,215 612 600 1,730 7,475 1,196 344 577 2,423 .1,140 455 948 1,130 Nil 2,195 10,980 4,050 761 396 5 1,634 1,289 787 150 220 60 873 3,858 065 676 1,932 402 101 182 1,820 80 2,055 804 8,400 11,475 200 910 11,107 1,457 2,491 1,456 1,000 3.983 600 1,037 5,070 879 848 2,415 2,343 1,214 1,010 4,921 1 497 905 Nil 2,525 962 1,155 1,758 7,477 1,165 355 2,025 933 460 5,070 301 2,731 477 480 5,000 1,410 1,775 2.445 200 580 589 1,519 300 771 2,658 358 3,000 980
5—H. 23.
No. of s April 30, 1917. Sbeep <m April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Waieoa Covniy—continued. Jessop, E., " Homeleigh," Frasertown Jessop J. S., Waihi Station, Wairoa Joblin, Ernest L., Waipuna, Tarewa Joblin, Frederick L., Whaiwharangi, Tarewa Joblin, M. J., Mangaioio, Upl nds, Tarewa Jobson Bros., Morere .. Jobson, W. .1., Kopuawhara, Opoutama .. Karauria Eriha and Erekana Eriha, Mohaka Karauria Rewiti, Whangawehi, Opoutama.. Kareiia Rawhi, Tahorewaiwai, Whakaka .. Karopo, .loo, and lluiiga te Ngaio, Nuhaka Kali Tin I-. re. Whakaki, Wairoa .. Kawana Kereru, ECawaitau, Opoutama Keefe, Robert, Mohaka.. Kcllihcr and O'Connor, Marumaru Kennedy, Samuo], Tangoio Kent, George A., Frasertown Kent, IT .1.. Marumaru Kerrt, IT. J., Marirmaru Kent, I. IL, Marumaru.. Kihoma Hokianga, Mohaka No. 2, Mohaka Kingi Winiata, Kaiwaka Farm, Wairoa .. Kiritoha Whatuira, Erasertown .. La Mori e, Mr.-,. M. A. C, (Ihurukura, I Castings Lane, Eustace, Kiwi, Napier Lange, II., Putorino Loo. ('Ionics R., Kaiwaka, Eskdale Lopdell, James S., Te Poliue Lowe, K. It., Waipotiki, Tangoio Lowe, James N., Tangoio Maata Kirikiri, Tauapata, Opoutama Mabey, (I., Pui orino Mahoney, P. G, Tangoio Marsh, G. IT, Butcher, Nuhaka Martin, F. A. (Ezeoutors of), Shannon Station, Wairoa Materoa Huha, Mangapapa, Whakaki Maungitaniwha Land Company (Limited) (J. Fanhey), Te.Putere May and Pickering, Waikatea MoAndrew, .1., and Whare Wliata, Wairoa McChrskey, W. A., Ruakituri Valley, Wairoa McCorkindale, A., Wairoa MoCredie, Matthew, Opoutama .. MoDonald, .lam,,,. A., North Clyde. Wairoa McGlashan and Kirk, Wairoa MoGlashan, G W., # Te Haroto Mcintosh. A. (private bag). Napier Mclntyre, Robert, Clonkocn, Nuhaka Mclvor and Tait, Waikari, c/o P.O., Mohaka Mclvor, Mackay, and Tait, Lower Mohaka McKain, Win. Alfred, Waikakarika, Morere McKay, James Robert, Te Poliue McKay, Mary. Tui'iioa McKay, Mrs. Murdook, Turiroa, Wairoa .. McKay, Murdook, Turiroa McKee, Thomas. Sea View Farm, Nuhaka McKenzie, Kenneth, Glenbrook, Putorino.. McKinnon, J. M., Mangonui, Wairoa McKinnon, John, Arapawanui, Napier McKinnorr, John M., Kaihinuahiina, Wairoa McKinnon, Norman, Stratholm, Wairoa .. McKinnon, William, Arapawanui McMillan, Archibald, Pohuinui, Mohaka .. McMillan, I), and I)., Putorino .. McPhail, —, Clydebank, Wairoa McPhail and Ilinckcsman, Tipua, Opouiti McRae, Parquliar, Springhill, Frasertown.. Mei Erueti, To Puna, Waimake, Frasertown Meihama Teira, Nuhaka Melville, George, Ruakituri Valley, Wairoa Mere Taiki Patereto, Nuhaka Mere Waitaio, Kaiwaitau, Opoutama Merry, George Thomas, Frasertown Mills, Alexander, Tuahu, Ruaketuri Mitchell, S. R., Matapuru, Frasertowrr Monkton, Owen, Waipukurau Mossman Bros., Woodlands Station, Wairoa Munro, T'uki, Hereherctau, Wairoa Murty, Mrs. 11., Kote Moari (privato bag), Napier Natau Ihimaera, Waikaremoana, Frasertown Neale, Henry Alexander-. Whakangairc, Frasertown 1.522 1-1,130 I , 336 2,020 5,105 3,440 300 100 I .000 1,309 370 100 800 720 1 ,000 302 539 333 514 537 40 17,884 ] 3,309 1,023 150 1 ,387 1.230 380 1 ,300 172 3,774 1,575 7,855 293 1,159 211 956 20 1,527 12,050 1,494 1,828 5,357 Nil 3,390. 344 LOO 735 1,212 330 133 470 Nil Nil 388 60 074 155 300 347 Nil 18,001 3,868 600 1,272 450 1,270 850 400 848 Nil 219 4,010 1,560 8,989 5,623 331 1,240 203 918 460 3,606 200 290 1,508 4,112 5,390 1,008 1,100 1,71.8 1,718 5,281 525 4,760 3,044 3,090 732 4,450 3,702 173 511 Nil 5,208 0,470 501 163 510 31 107 Nil 5,289 1,650 Nil 1,746 Nil 719 Wairoa County— -continued. Neale, W. A., Oncpoto, Frasertown Neale, W. E., Ohikaka, Frasertown Xeioa Waoreii, Nuhaka . . . . '. . Neri Huka, To Kata, Mohaka Netane te Ihiihi Nehemia, Hiuarau, Mohaka Neville, W., Waikaremoana Road, Frasertown Niania, Henare, Te Reinga, Wairoa - Niania,, Henare, Wairoa Niehol and Brewster', Willow Flat, Mohaka. . Ni< hoi. II. T., and Co., Hun 38, Eskdale . . Nilsson, J. A.. Ardkeen, Wairoa .. Nilsson, M., and Sons, Ardkeen. Frasertown Ngatapa Pastoral Company (J. Hindmarsh), Port Ahuriri No!,in. A. G, " Phuora," Ruakituri Nolan, Henry G, Rautawharc, Ruakituri.. Oldham, E. D., Frasertown Oldham, E., Mohaka .. O'Rilcy, William Charles, Tangoio Ormoiid,-G. G, Opoutama Ormond, George E., Opoutama .. Ormond, James and W., Opoutama Ormond, John, Opoutama Paget, M., Putorino Paratene, Henare, Mohaka Parker, ('.. Wafkoporo, Wairoa Parker-, C. E. (c/o Brystock and Parker) Gisborne Parker, John J., Opouiti, Marumaru Parker, John J., Pretoria, Marirmaru Patterson, ('., Tutira, P.O., Napier Pattison, Joshua, Clydebank, Wairoa Peakrnan and Dickson, Wairoa Penty Bros., Orewha, Ruakituri Penty, Edward, Waburn Farm, Ruakituri Pepper, T., Wairoa Pera Horomana, Wairoa Pera, Paul, " Koru," Opoutama.. Petitera te Wainohu, Whakapaure, Mohaka Phillips, G. It., Frasertown Pita Mete, Nuhaka, Wairoa Pita Rawhiri and Rawhia, Kirikunikiirii, Mohaka Potter, G. G, Nuhaka Powdrell, Joseph, Turiroa, Wairoa Powdrell, Myra, Kahaaturoia, Whakaki .. Powdrell, T. L. G, Whakamaki, Turiroa .. Powdrell, W. D., Opolro Station, Whakaki.. Pryde, David, Wairoa .. Puddle, Walter. 'Tangoio Pukaka Taite, Tuhara Rainbow, A. T., Wairoa Ramana Wai, Frasertown Ramloi e, V. E., Clydebank, Wairoa Rapiana Heta, Matiti, Mohaka Itawiri Taumata Kate, Mohaka Itayson, W. T., Mangaroa, Wairoa Repeka Tckahika, Mohaka Reuben Taumataeroa ami Rangi Taumataeroa, Mohaka Richardson, Arthur, Marrgahua, Tarcwa .. Richardson, G. E. G. (Trustees), Huramua, Wairoa Richardsorr, John, Kailoa, Tarewa Richmond, Struthors, and Co., Riverina, Frasertown Richmond, William, Ohinepaka, Tomoana Robinson, G. A., Wafkoporo, Wairoa Robjohns, H. C, Pakarae, Wairoa Rongomai Wahine, Opoutama Itopihana Heta, Matiti, Mohaka Ropitini Tio, Whakapuare, Lower Mohaka Ross, David and John, Willow Flat, Mohaka, Napier Ross, John, Wairoa Rowlin and McNeil, Kiwi Estate, Turiroa Rundle, T, V., Frasertown Rutono Tuhi, Paneha, Marumaru Shaw, M. R., Moumoukai, Morere Sigvortsen, C. A., Kaiwara (private bag), Napier Sim, R. B., Racecourse, Mohaka 132 I ,oso 466 164 300 300 240 2,888 15,955 4,905 3.909 3,387 528 243 1,300 4,940 5,664 4,726 7,793 500 1,320 2,270 9,643 1,528 5,759 855 820 120 397 122 1.031 300 445 200 232 500 Nil 3,028 3,380 1,132 I0.04L' 5,1.07 4,089 2,729 Nil 29 1,300 5,930 5,022 4,139 8,417 710 240 Nil 3,140 2,120 10,250 21 1,011 1,716 6,679 995 4,150 814 100 373 679 1,610 Nil 1,322 90 1,621 4,130 0,000 1,053 1,021 I , 502 950 2,202 4,064 998 6,290 1,300 454 33 887 2,185 4,640 1,005 6,979 1,162 503 Nil 1,785 Nil 677 220 195 752 408 686 5,042 445 5,250 3,999 3,550 790 1.553 4.251 170 77 605 219 256 600 560 842 2,283 4,702 2,170 Nil 1 ,435 4.458 6,118 640 2,041 10,290 2,250 10,408 2,483 3,270 1,240 4,574 400 220 375 5,050 102 31 119 700 5.077 1,822 9,470 1 ,510 606 4,240 400 219355 4,402 2,565 5,100 510 460 3,400 753 2,729 5,021 490 255 3,050 700 1,354 1,600 Nil 2,229 1,070 858
No. of Shoep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waieoa County— -continued. Sinclair, Alexandor, Invorleith, Marumaru.. Sin it h Bros., Nuhaka Smith, J. V., Ruakikiri Smith, R. M. (private bag), Waihua Valley, Wairoa Smyth, James P., Wahanui Spence, G. E. H., Wairoa Stood, Frederick, Waitai, Frasertown Stevens, A. S., Wairoa Stewart, C. E., Whiorau, Nuhaka Stormor, Frederick, The Grange, Mangaonc Valley Summorfleld, Phillip H., Wairoa Summerfield, Samuel, Clydebank, Wairoa.. Swan, E. D., Marumaru Sylvester, F. II., Armadale, Tangitere Symes, S. R., Waikatoa, Nuhaka Taffe, C. D„ " Otauhoro," Frasertown Tait, John, Waitaha, Mohaka Tait, Mrs. Whaitirinui, Mohaka Tait, W., Sunny Braes, Morere Tamihana Karari, To Ariki, Frasertown .. Tauranga Station (Limited), Opoutama Taylor, A. B., Clydebank, Frasertown Taylor, I. E. (Estate of), Burnside, Erasertown Taylor, T. E„ P.O., Tangitere Tei Rua, Tutaekuri, Frasertown Toito Poata, Opoutama To Kuta Taratoa, Waimaku, Frasertown .. Te Oti, Hokianga, Mohaka Te Raiwea Turoa, Taratea, Wairoa Te Urupu, Lemuel J. L., Mohaka The East Coast Commissioner, Native Trust Lands, Mahurangi Farm, Opouiti Thomas, James M., Marumaru Thompson, Frederick W., Opoutama, Wairoa Thorpe, Stophen, Turiroa, Wairoa Tidswell, G H., Cotswold, P.O., Tangitere.. Tidswell, 0, H., Tangitiri, Nuhaka Tieml Mote, Tahaenui, Wairoa, 'I'ihi Whaanga, Iwitea, Wairoa Tikitin.i Henare, Opoutama Tod, George Dougal), Corozo, Nuhaka Trafford, E. M., Ruakituri Tuatini, Henare, Iwitea, Wairoa Tukomokihi Company (late Parker and White), Frasertown, Wairoa Turei Rerere, Opouatama Turnbull, J. P. (private bag), Napier Turner, C. N., Hikitangi, Morere Twigg, S., Mangaruhe, Frasertown Vaughan, Frederick, Kahaafurcia, Wairoa Vaughan, Mary, Wairoa Wainohu and Hemi Wainohu, Whakapuare, Mohaka Wairama Na, Tarere, Frasertown Waka Ngamira, To Putera, Wairoa Waka Paraima and Riha Paraima, Frasertown Walker, Douglas, Pakiri, Frasertown Walker, Lydia L., Frasertown Walker, T. F., Ruapapa, Wahanui Walker, T. F., Wairoa Ward Bros., Rotonui, Wairoa Wata Hata, Mohaka Wateno Huka, Hereheretau B, Wairoa Watene Weniata, Frasertown Road, Wairoa Wepiha Wainohu, Waipapa, Mohaka Whakangaro Makahue, Polnrpohu, Mohaka Whanga Neira, Nuhaka White, R. It., Kaiwaka (private bag), Napier Whit more, Thomas, P.O., Tangitere Williams, Alick, Tangiwai, Frasertown Williams, E. P., Nikau, Wairoa Williams, George A., Morere Wilson, George, Clydebank, Wairoa Wilson, James, Petai, Wairoa Wilson, W. IL, Willow Bank, Opoutama .. Withell, John, Wairoa .. Woodley, G, and E. A. Baker, Clydebank, Frasertown 1,000 1,415 5,540 1 ,020 3,030 5,240 554 1,348 1,458 588 621 5,007 1,507 4,726 2,360 2,210 708 899 2,022 720 3,300 100 50 201 2,420 4,200 800 020 117 910 1,112 1,200 162 950 4,030 1,316 564 4,550 1,280 2,700 2,420 5,385 415 270 1,122 500 624 5,000 1,700 5,234 2,498 • 2,450 Nil 300 907 1,925 606 510 450 100 30 Nil Nil 3,970 707 000 180 935 Nil Nil 140 140 1,370 1,111 127 20,105 HAWKE'S BAY COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Absolum, John IL, Pukera, Rissington Absolum, Mrs. Geraldine, Pulo ra, Rii Bington Adams, James, Carnfeogue, Waimarama .. Akonga Mohi, Pakipaki Allon, Arthur, Pakowhai Anderson, John (Est. of), Poporangi, Kereru Anderson, John, Pakipaki Anderson, It. M., Salisbury, Maraekakaho.. Angus, James, Kildonan, Havelock North Akuhata, Aporo, Puketapu Apiata, Itaureti, Tarawera Archibald, W. P., Titoke, Hastings Archibald, W. P., Hast iocs Arnold, George, Ngatarawa, P.O., Hastings Ashton, S., and It. W. Lambert, Tarawera, 11 awko's Bay Attwood, George, Itoyslca, Maraekakaho .. Avorill, Edward, Olrig (private bag), Napier Baird, J. C, Raureka, Hastings .. Baker, G J., Dilkusha, Pakipaki Baker, E. J., 'Taradale, Hawke's Bay Baker, Thomas, Double Crossing, Tarawera Baker, W. T., Waimarama BaUantyne, H. G., Rotowhenua, Puketapu Ball Bros., Williams Hill, Puketitiri Ball, John, Green Hill, Puketitiri Barber, William, Okaihau, Waimarama Bates, Joseph William, Hastings Bayley, Georgo 0., Hastings Beamish, E. H., Whanawhana, Whana Beamish, P. N., Whanawhana, Whana Beamish, George R., Whanawhana, Hastings Beattie, Percival Moore, (privato bag), Romiki, Eskdale, Napier Bell, John I!., Mangatutu, Twyford House, Hastings Bell, John Blackloek, Mangatutu, Hastings Bell, J. 1)., Hastings .. Boll, Mrs. Alice (Estate of), Twyford House, II istings Bellamy, Arthur, Pakowhai, Eskdale Bennett, A. G, Huearangi, Patoka Bennett and Fothergd, Pohue BickneU, Joseph (Estate of), Willow Brook, Puketapu Birss, Arthur (Estate of) (c/o Logan, Williams, and White, Solicitors, Hastings) Black Bros., Northlands, Napier.. Bodley, .)., To Pohue Bowers, CUflord, Little Bush, Puketitiri .. Boyd, Arthur (private bag), To Koau, Hastings Boyle, Dorrington, Havelock North Bridgeman, George, Clive Grange Bridgeman, J. W., Mahora Bridgeman, William, Tho Poplars, Hastings Brink, Hans T., Longlands, Hastings Brown Bros., Maraetotara, Havelock North Brown, G, Whakarua, Havelock North Brown, Jamos. Hastings Brown, J. C, Rissington Brown, William, Petane Brownlie, .Tame.,, Hastings Buddo, David (private bag), Hastings Bull Bros., Hcndley Farm, Port Ahuriri .. Butler, Patrick, Emerald Hill, Patoka Cameron, John Murray, Tc Mahunga, Hastings Campbell, Hugh, Craigio Burn, Havelock North Campbell, Hugh M., Poukawa, Napier Campbell, J. B.,Kahuranaki,Havelock Nut h Campbell, W. B., Box 1.79, Hastings Campbell, W. K., Redlands, Box i 29, Hastings Carlson, Mrs. Henry, Pukehou Carlson, Olaf, Pukehou, Anaroa Carswell, David, Woodside, Puketitiri Cassidy, Miles J., Omahu, Hastings Chambers, B. (private bag), Rakuauoaua .. Chambers, B., Te Mata, Havelock North .. Chambers, John, Mokopcka, Hastings Chambers, Maurice, Havelock North 919 2,950 I .450 3,350 20,848 461 3,228 2,080 540 44 3,618 1,374 87 3.102 830 1,030 2,085 797 1,490 1,275 008 007 946 2,540 1,554 4,385 4,384 5,227 2,710 4,050 5, I 75 1,342 1,902 2,070 4,335 1,659 1,005 2,832 1,500 3,473 1,170 19.020 789 2,415 1,988 250 Nil 5,540 0,098 295 I .528 Nil 2,770 1 ,004 2,255 980 835 Nil 1,118 574 573 963 2,480 1,510 4,258 4,472 4,657 2,900 Nil 5,700 I ,900 500 1,253 2,200 3,955 1,483 1,083 788 22,788 30 27 206 467 1,984 0,808 0,004 1,600 345 206 1,162 2,411 7,000 5,709 1,400 200 2,323 1,666 1,660 1,719 7,000 1,861 8,080 93 Nil 470 944 304 1,092 2,397 242 103 84 19 1,126 414 528 2,200 160 142 40 28 737 60 2,302 2,171 930 1,038 1,183 110 400 1,751 100 12,989 400 8,030 1,508 100 11,138 ' 772 0,893 140 Nil 103 1,905 Nil 800 643 425 7,981 2,190 1,015 851 029 3,242 4,374 1,010 39 1,019 2,223 500 1,008 1,252 400 340 1,827 100 704 558 478 7,920 531 980 764 510 3,250 1,892 980 3,405 14,167 8,615 4,440 13,591 9,874 52 1,783 2,051 2,550 2,080 2,280 230 19,330 5,757 8,297 5,771 2,607 2,778 2,074 Nil 18,909 8,509 9,093 0.077 755,590 781,384
No. of i April 30, 1917. Sheep on No. of S 3heep on I April 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Hawke's Bay County— continued. Gin labors, Selwyn, Kopauuga, Havelock North Charlton, Samuel, Tera-moana, Hastings .. Chesterman, Charles, Turaetotura, Havelock North Chrii ii". Andrew, Havelock North Clark, Frederick G, Soafiold, Eskdale Clark, Honry R. (privato bag), Awanui, Napier Clark, T., Hedggley, Eskdale Clarkson, E. G, Glcnlyon, Maraekakaho . . Clarkson, E. N. G, Glendoone, Hastings .. Cookburoe, P. A., Patoka Codd, G, Moteo, Puketapu Collison, A. W., Box 151, Hastings Collison, E. It., Claremont, Box 57, Hastings Connor, G., Kikawhiro, Hastings Connor', Gerald, Hastings Connor', Michael, Sherenden, Hastings Connor, Mrs. J. J., Omapore, Hastings Corbin, W. A., Hastings Corbett, Sabina, Petane Corbett, Sidney, Maraekakaho Couper, John IL, Kukurauaki, Havelook North Couper, VV. A., Mount Erin and Kaharanaki, Havelock- North Couper, W. A., jun., Romaki, Elsthorpe .. Craig and Brandon, Waipukurau.. Craig, W. P., Barcoola, Anaroa .. Crawford, Alfred, Hastings Crawford, Herbert, Havelock North Cropp, It., Redoubt Reserve, Tarawera .. Crosse, Thomas, Patoka Ciilley, W. J., Waihau, Patoka Dampnoy Bros., Elands, Napier Dascnt Bros.(private bag),Aorangi, Hast ings Davies, Morgan, Napier Davis, Evan, Springvale, Puketapu Davis, Goorgo, Kerikeri (private bag), Hastings Dawson, John Clive Day, William, Waihau, Patoka Donnelly, G. P. (Estate of), Mangaohane, Napier a Doole, I). (!., Sherenden Douglas and Cook, Waimarama Douglas, W. J. and A. F. (Estate of), Te Mahanga, Napier Duff, II. and A., Whakarara, Hustings Duncan and Sanderson, Glenross, Hastings Duncan, James, Oro Noa, Petane Dunn, ,1. S., Dunmore, Patoka .. Dunnage, A. S., Rangiora, Patoka Dysart, Henry, Sherenden, Hastings Dysart, IT. IL, Hastings Ebbett, George, Whenuakura, Hastings . . Ebbett, Sydney, Mangatahi, Hastings Edson, ,1. V. L., Fairfield, ('live .. Elliot,, George, Longlands, Pukahu, Hastings Elliot, T. E., P.O. Box 157, Hastings Elliott, R. W. A., Mangatahi Elliott, Sarah, Post-office Box 9, Hastings Ellis, A., Belmont. Eskdale EUisorr, Ken., Te Wharau, Havelock North Ellison, Mrs. Mabel, Tc Aute Elisor, Walter Charles, Waiwharc Station, Hastings Evans, II. S., Pukahu Fairhall, G., Ongaonga Farquhar, J., Matapeio.. Farmery, Charles, Hastings Farmery, Charles, jun., Box 210, Hastings Faulkner, J. J., Silverstream, Hastings .. I'V.i in, J. W., Hastings Fernie, D., Chesterhope, Tomoana Field, A. J., Havelock North Field, Arthur J., Glenrowan, Havolock North Field, C. N., Waipuka, Havelock North .. Field, George R., Waipuka, Havelock North Field, V. and G N., Havolock North. Waipuka Fitch, Thomas II., Maearu, Elsthorpe 5,835 3,836 1,370 3,260 4.790 4,021 4,863 5,300 1,718 670 1,080 2,820 3,000 800 512 8,701 050 1,332 6,300 3,175 900 2,275 316 37 11,020 902 0,740 2,722 2,200 768 192 1,049 27,067 5,024 2,993 1,256 3,251 4,541 3,485 4,210 4,553 2,195 704 1,980 1,947 t 3,508 500 500 500 8,444 800 8 1,332 1,710 6,609 2,635 1,000 . 2,208 642 322 27 282 800 5,070 3,232 2,400 2,047 738 244 I ,007 23,061 Hawku's Bay County— continued. Fleming, W., Patoka Fourneau Bros., Pakowhai Fourneau, P. W., Pakowhai Gailicn, Otto P., Kahikatea, Te Pohue .. Gcorgetti, Antonio M., Turamoe, Hastings Gillies, Joseph, Waimarama Gillies, Ture, Waimarama Gimblett, W. .1., Fernhill Goodwin, Arthur, Glentui, Tikokino Gordon, G L. T., Taupara, Hastings Gordon, E. R., Houpouri, Hastings Gordon, Frank L., Clifton, Clive Goulter and CoUey, Greenfields, Clive Goulter arrd Colley, Ngataraua Goulter and Graham, Clive Goulter, S. J., Morriwee, Clivo Graham, .1. and G G, Peamore (private bag), Hastings Griffiths, It. and W., Twyford, Hastings .. Groome, Arthur, Anaroa, Te Aute Groome, M. E., Onipu, To Ante Groome, T. IL, To Puketahu, Hatuma Gunn, A. A., Puketapu.. Gunn, George, Puketapu Hale, James G, Patoka Hallam, Miss Amy, Leanaway, Hustings .. Hansard, R. W., and Galinnor, Pleasant Point, Maraekakahi > Hape Nikora, Tarawera Harding, R., Raukawa, Hastings Harper, W.T., Waitio (private bag), Hastings Harris, J. 11., Rodcliffc, Taradale, Harris, Joseph H., Hastings Hart, G, Petane Hart, John, Mangatawa, Waimarama Hart, Mrs. Jessie A. (privato bag), Napier .. Hartree, Henry, Ngaroto, Napier Hartree, H. IL, Munganoe, Ngaroto, Napier Harvey, Thomas, Meeanee Hassall, Henry, Soutra, Tomoana Heard, T. P., Hastings Heeney, John, Mahora, Hastings Higgins, Lawrence, Tuhirangi, Puketapu .. Hill, D. B„ Fernhill .. Hodgson, Frederick J., Pakowhai Hogan, Michael, Waihau, Napier llollis, A. A., Waikura, Waipawa Holt, John, Arohiwi, Hastings Honeybun, IT., Havolock North Hope Bros., Parakowhai, Eskdale Hope, James E. (private bag), Hastings Howso, Georgo, The Terrraoe, Puketapu .. Hughes, Honry, Bushy Park, Puketitiri .. Hunter and Loudoun, Hendley, Patoka .. Hunt, Arthur, Korokipo, Taradale Hutchinson, F., and Son., Rissington Hutchinson, Francis, jun., Omatua, Napier Inglis, ,1. I)., Havelook North Inglis, J. D. It., Te Mahanga, Hastings .. Iraia Karauria, Omahu, Fernhill Jackson, Fred A., Mmgatiihia, Maraekakaho Jamieson, Fred, Sherenden, Hastings Jefferd, J. N., Ngatarawa, Hastings Joll, John Henry, Whahaparutn, Havelock North Jolly, Alexander, Fairview, Maraekakaho.. Jones. Harry, Havelock Road, Hastings .. Jowsey, Thomas, To Whana Kay, Goorgo B., Prior Park, Puketapu Kcepa Winiata, Roy's Hill, Maraekakaho Kemp, D., P.O.. Hastings Kemp, Manga, Roy's Hill, Maraekakaho . . Kennedy, Thomas, Ardmore, Havelook North Kepa tc Ahui'ii, Korohe, Tokaanu Keys, John, Waimarama, Havelock North King, Joseph, Brooklands, Meeanee King, J. W., Waitara Bush, Te Pohue .. Kirkham, Walter J. IL, Eskdale Lagor, C. L., Mangateretere .. .. . La Monte, Mrs. M. A. T. (c/o W. .1. Stratton, \ Hastings) Lane, John E., Endsleigh, Havolock North | 390 1,190 5,550 826 1,294 1,124 5,870 3,278 9,184 8 , (i I 8 3,700 310 2,518 2,800 200 1,978 3,857 1,270 374 I ,535 003 020 1,591 2,230 7,510 3,097 3,170 2,176 2,000 850 2,901 1,096 159 3,700 557 437 10,580 j 101 152 1,227 1,723 1,408 I ,530 455 Nil 828 5,000 1,030 737 1,1.79 3,520 3,612 8,936 9,004 2,885 1,900 Nil 3,287 2,421 300 2,150 3,470 1,375 393 1,285 631 612 1,612 Nil 9,761 3,588 1,434 2,530 2,932 3,490 Nil 2,404 1,090 178 2,750 00(1 90 10,130 32 191 1,210 1,420 1,440 05 1,800 550 908 55 7,249 970 4,991 1.572 2,971 Nil 4,664 1,527 720 794 447 942 I .572 25,015 900 1,039 30,638 7,997 12,110 797 3,450 400 817 1,507 1,150 I ,287 1,310 7,412 12,307 695 3,370 346 502 455 1,846 Nil 1,011 1,483 740 1,150 101 4,408 2,558 4,554 13,240 2,220 575 875 74 7,21.7 1,084 4.855 1,750 990 250 5,080 2,558 3,654 817 1,655 1,299 1.012 812 694 705 300 080 749 800 Nil 502 2,503 000 0,508 1,497 1,880 I ,500 3,860 2,200 1,150 1,454 1,088 3,980 2,252 1,550 950 200 1,498 652 108 2,820 (iOO 9,761 2,332 1,763 500 1,-140 420 1,263 1,310 0,580 102 Nil 1,470 700 0,500 120 10 Nil 1,963 6,072 Nil 0,550 1,660 17,769 2,302 2,333 3,720 3,290
No. of Shi ipril 30,1 1 1917. rep on .pril 30, 1918. No. of Sheep ori April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Hawke's Bay County— continued. Langdon, W. IL, Clive .. .. 1.710 Lean, Charles, Longlands, Pukahu .. ill Littlejohn, James J., Lindsay Settlement, 540 Ongaonga Livingstone, Colin, Edorliiie, Hastings .. 500 Livingstone, W. J., Mangatahi .. .. 1,018 Lloyd, James Harris, Mahunga, Hastings.. 2,120 Lloyd, Joseph, Clive .. .. .. 3,604 Lockic and MePhee, Wollflold, Maraekakaho 2,830 Lockle, Mrs. Mary, Maraekakaho .. — Logan, Frank B., Pukekino, Hastings .. 2,342 Lopdell, F. J., Glenora, Eskdale .. 1,774 Lopdell, L. C, Maraekakaho Lowe, George IT., Fernhill, Hastings .. 1,020 Lowe, W. A., Waipawa . . . . 042 Lowe, W. A. (private bag), Hastings Lowry, T. H., Okawa, Fernhill .. .. 26,905 Lumsden, David, Mt. Cameron, Hastings .. 1,225 Lumsden, D., Royston, Mangateretere .. — Lyons Bros., Glen Alvin, Maraekakaho .. 9,050 Macdonald, Alexander', Kuripapanga .. 2,400 Macdonald, G. A., Meeanee .. .. 10 Macfarlane, J. A., Ben Lomond, Maraeka- 5,985 kaho Macfarlane, James A., Gle.naros, Hastings .. 4,981 MacKay, A. S., Mahora South, Hastings .. 68 MacKay, ,lames L., Hastings .. .. 2,800 Mackenzie, Charlos Fred,, Gruinard, Have- 0,032 lock North Mackenzie, H. H. J., Brown's Flat, Havelock 1,648 North Mackenzie, R. H„ Hilton, Havolock North 5,259 Mackenzie, W. A., Havelock North Mackinnon Bros., Rock Station, Te Pohue 4,140 Macmillan, Andrew, Maraekakaho .. I 1,100 Maoniven, J. H., Greenfield, Olive .. | 1,819 Manson and Miliin, Cascades, Patoka .. 1,522 Mawley, Robert, Pekapeka, Rissington .. , 891 Maxwell, W. R,, Springfield, Taradale •■ ! 3,407 McCaw, W. IL, P.O. Box 20, Hastings . . McConnell, A., Raumati, Havelock North.. 2,1.35 McDonald, Donald, Havelock North .. 850 McDonald, Hugh, Glengarrie Station, 2,785 Hawke's Bay McFarlane, William Archibald, Waitorcnui, 5,034 Hastings MoGlashan, A. S., Te Haroto MoGlashan, William, Petane .. .. 3,230 Mclntyre, Alexander, Braehead, Puketitiri 762 McKaiu Bros., The Bay, Petane .. .. 563 MoKensie, Lachlan, Hastings .. .. 2,455 McKeown, W. J., Clive.. .. .. 1,607 McKinnon. Donald, Glengarry Street, Napier 5,925 McKinnon, D., Glengarrie Station, Napier.. McLean, Alex., Willow Grove, Napier South 2,820 McLean, Archibald, Greenhill, Maraekakaho 5,958 McLean, Lachlan, Glenooe, Maraekakaho .. 5,982 McLean, It. D. D., Maraekakaho. . .. !28,083 McLeod, Harry, Cross Roads, Hastings . . 519 McLeod, H., Grasslands, Hastings .. 1,040 McLeod, Ja'mes S., Hastings .. .. 2,052 MePhee, S., Longlands, Hastings .. 1,562 MePhee, S„ Mason Ridgo, Maraekakaho .. 310 MePhee, S., Pukatio, Maraekakaho .. 1,239 McPherson, Henry, Clive, Havelock North 200 McQuilkan, William, Waimarama, Havelock 995 North McRobbio, A. and J. W„ Waihau, Napier.. 1,000 McRobbio, William, Burnside, Te Pohue .. 596 Meech, William H.. Maraekakaho .. 1,195 .Meincrtzhagoir, Miss G. E., Hastings .. 9,600 Menzies, Stephen, Te Kuha, Box 235, Hast- 2,810 ings Merritt, B. M. (private bag), Hastings .. I ,028 Mills, WUliam, Raumati, Patoka .. 3,570 Mission Station, Greenmeadows .. .. .1,899 Mitchell, 0. L„ Mangatahi, Hastings .. 1,736 Mohi te Atahikoia, Pakipaki, Waimarama 3,476 Mollier, Joseph, Wahine, Hastings .. ] 684 Monk, Alfred G„ Argyll Settlement .. 1,620 Moore, W. G. and M. C, Rissington, Napier I ,890 Moroncy, William, Pakipaki .. ..I 375 Morrin, T. V., Maugahane, Hastings .. 7,600 Morris-Mason, George, Hastings .. .. I 017 1,718 102 475 500 1,901 3,400 250 Nil 3,592 2,859 1,731 674 1,604 Nil 700 27,300 1,115 200 9,345 2,900 Nil 0,551 5,120 .6 Nil 0,129 1,729 Nil 0,288 3,791 I , 100 2,100 1,583 787 2,831 700 1,510 850 1,714 Hawke's Bay County— continued. Morrison, J., Greenmeadows ... Mossio, John, Raumati Mullan. P., Otamauru, Hastings ., Murphy, P. J., Grange, Mahora, Hastings.. Nahero te Polio, Tc. Haroto, Tarawera, Napier Park Racing Club, Napier Neaglo, Percy Patrick', Grassmere, Meeanee Nelson and Pincknoy (private bag), Waipuna, Napier Nelson, F. M., Whakamaruniaru, Fernhill Nelson, O., Mangateretere, Tomoana Nestor, Thomas, Taheke, Anaroa Nichol, T. II., and Co., Eskdale Nicholson, H. L., Puketitiri .. Nimorr, J. G., Havolock North .. Nooll, Edward IL, Konini, Hastings Norris, George, Dartmoor, Puketapu North British and H.B. Freezing Co., Petane North British and H.B. Freezing Co., Puketapu Nugent, Francis, Aopai, Maraekakaho Oliver, A. H., Awa Awanui, Puketapu Ormond, Hon. J. D..Omaraniri, Napier .. Ormond, Jack, part Omarauui, Napier Ormond, Mrs. J. D., Karamu, Napier Orr, J. S., Rosemont, Puketapu Palmer and Wolls, Okaihai, Havolock North Palmer, Harriot Ann (privato bag), Otakana, Napier Parson, Phillip, Meeanee Parsons, II. and A. W., Happy Home, Wallingford Patoka Aherea, To Haroto Patoka Ngahere, Te Haroto Patiillo, Patrick, Newstoad, Napier Peddle, T. P., Rissington Popper, Mrs. Hannah, Hastings Percival, T. S., Mahora, I fastings.. Percival, T. S., Tunanui, Mahora, Hastings Phinn, K. M., Reidsdale, Hastings Pickering, P. E., Brooklands, Puketapu .. Piper, F. A., Wairoaiti, Petane Porter, A. E., Kainui, Hastings Porter-, II. .1., Sherenden, Fernhill Potter Bros., Inangatohi, Puketitiri Price, Fred Ashton, Manganui, Napier Price, Thomas G.J Radnor and Irongatc, Hastings Pulford, Henry, Pino Farm, ('live West Purvis, George, Pukehamoamoa, Hastings.. Purvis, George, Hastings Raihania, Johnnie, Te Haroto Raihania Piri, Te Haroto Rapihana Kopu Hawaikirangi, Pakipaki .. Rathie, J. J„ Clive Reston, John, Willow Farm, Mahora Richmond, T. ()., .Maraekakaho .. Richmond, W., Oakloigh, Endsleigh, Whakatu, and Brookficlds, Hastings Itiggir, Dugald John, Maraetotara, Havolock North Itobb, James, Glen Forest, Puketitiri Robbie, F. H., Eskdale Robinson, James, Petane Robinson, .1., Petane Robson, John, part To Mahanga, Waipukurau Rochfort, Guy, part Kauranaki, Hastings .. Ross, Frank, Sherenden, Hastings Rosvall, N. P., Fernhill Ruddenklau and Gardiner, Eskdale Russell, A. IT., Tunanui, Hastings Russell, A. IT., Twyford, Hustings Russell, Harold A., Aplly, Napier Rymer, John Harvey, Meeanee Sellar, Andrew, Napier Sculliu, William J., .Hastings Shadbolt, Benjamin, Clive, Hawke's Bay .. Shaw, G. L., Ngamatia, Hastings Shield, Arthur, and Son, Waikonini, Napier Shield, Horace L., Waiwhonua, Napier Sherwood, Eber, part Sherenden, Havelock North Shrimpton, W., Matapiro, Maraekakaho .. — 00 14 1!) 050 47 116 200 175 102 102 782 700 8,201 8,230 5,391 3,742 5,751. 3,897 0,992 0,870 543 1,017 254 235 120 120 459 110 1,070 1,101 ! 1,109 Nil 2,150 902 1,005 1,191 815 801 4,818 Nil 000 Nil 1,440 Nil 5.518 1.050 4,911 4,020 309 370 990 000 4,324 4,370 183 5.049 5,957 1,000 Nil 350 Nil 438 470 2,852 2,392 987 809 4,201 4,081 124 Nil 1.050 Nil 780 5,930 5,024 3,628 2,944 1,875 Nil 5,757 1,000 3,355 700 550 822 750 Nil 5,750 962 7,259 5,302 28,143 J ,299 445 338 1,581 4,413 1,013 180 1,037 900 920 I ,293 Nil 80 608 30 450 310 500 009 531 220 125 7.059 7,242 9,716 11,750 708 837 199 .1.82 1,280 1,030 1,607 705 707 1,244 1,079 1,307 1,302 654 1,015 10,373 3,180 890 Nil 2,242 1,090 2,830 535 ' 1,671 i 1,837 265 l 9,907 803 3,597 3,790 — 1,171 1,837 2,000 11,987 11,830 8,14-1 8,753 318 418 4,880 4,1.88 327 130 500 591 021 2,632 Nil 15,530 15,000 10,494 10,890 7,920 7,055 : 547 500 15,600 16,268
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of i April 30, 1917. iheep on j April 30, 1918. Hawkh's Bay County— -continued. Suiicox, T. G., Tc Wairere, Puketitiri Simmons, F. A., Simmons Crook, Keroru .. Simmons, Goorgo Randolph, Koreru Simmons, Honry E., Maraekakaho Simpson. II. I., Puketapu Simpson, H. Ian. Clivo Grange, Clivo' Sinclair, William, Mahora Small, A. A., Okuhu, Hastings Smith, A. IT., Whareponga, Napier Smith Bros., Olrig Station, Hastings Smith, C. G, Whirinaki, Petane Smith, II. S. and D. O., Hastings Snoe, Leonard L., Karamu, Hastings Sorensen, J. N., Mangatahi Sowersby, Robert, Hastings Sponeor, Charles Lawrence, Waihau, Patoka Spicer, W. A., and Fairbrother, E. ('., (Hive. . Spiers, Aloxander, Rawhiti, Longlands, Hastings Stead, W. G., Flaxmere, Hastings Stevens, II., Hastings .. Stewart, Sara, Duke Street, Hastings Stothart, Robort, Eskmount, Eskdale Strachan, Mrs. May, Roimata, Napier Stratton, W. J., Hastings Struthers, John, Pukahu Sullivan, W., Pepper's Farm, Fernhill Sutherland, W. A. D., Maraekakaho Sweeney, John, Mahora, Hastings Swooncy, John, Point To Mahanga Tait, George, Glenelg, Maraekakaho Talbot, Thomas, Hastings Taranaki, K. te Da, Ohiti, Fernhill Tatterall, G. E„ Hastings Tawse, Aloxander John, Makaraina, Waimarama Taylor, W., Havelock North Tennant, IX, Olive Grange To Renata, Waimarama Tesclrcmaker-Schute, John G. (privato bag), Mangatahi, Hastings Thom Bros., Kowhai Falls, Maraototara, Havolock North Thomas, Niki, and Morchu Turoa, Waimarama Thompson, James, Clivo West, Mangateretere Thompson, Joseph B., Mahora, Hastings .. Thompson, W. P., Hastings Tomlins, T., Pakipaki .. Tonge, Frank G, Moteo, Puketapu Toogood, A. .1., Kanuka (private bag), Napier (and 240 The Terrace, Wellington) Toogood, A. .1., Rawhiti, Rissington Trotter, Robert A., Twyford, Hastings Turner, J. P., Puketitiri Tutawaka Hiraka Rameka, Omaliu, Fernhill Tutu, Simon, Fernhill .. Twigg, F. O, Roslyn Road, Napier Utiera, George, Tc Haroto Van Ascli, W, Craggy Range, Havolock North Vance, L. J., Havolock North Vautior and Howitt (private bag), Big Hill, Kereru Vynor, S., Hastings Walker, Dugald, Keruru Walker, James, Patoka Walker, Malcolm, Otakuao, Mangatahi Wall, Hcrbort A., Waimarama, Havolock North Wall, William G„ Milne's Hill, Fernhill .. Wallace, Noil, Willow Bank, Eskdale Ward, A. .1., Airbill, Maraekakaho, Box 245, Hastings Warren, Mrs. T. J. G, Peiilu, Pukehou Watcrhouso, F. S., Mangawharo, Hastings Watson anil Hubbard, Kapoinui, Patoka . . Watson, F. A. (Estate of), c/o Public Trustee, Napier Watt, E. J., Longlands, Hastings Wellwood, Arthur, Raurika, Hastings Wellwood, James T. - , Hastings Wellwood, It. A., Maraekakaho .. Wellwood, Robert, Brooklands, Hastings .. 2,064 1,905 203 315 79 55 1,100 1,309 5,523 0,120 Nil 20 41 2,970 2,898 2,892 2,221 19,742 22,426 2,010 2,409 I,059 415 !)!)!) Nil 1,385 820 423 1,094 1,043 825 900 052 Hawke's Bay County— continued. Wharton, Jesse, Raupare, Hastings White, C. IT., Arawhonua, Puketitiri White, Colin Kinross, Waikareao, Opapa .. White, Mrs. E. M., Koparakore, Havelock North White, Norman M., Hastings White, Norman M., Te Aute White, W. Kinross, Omaranui, Taradale .. White, W. Kinross, Waikareao, Te Ante .. Whittle, William, Puketitiri Williams, Misses Ester and. Dorothy, Puke-kui-o, Pukehou Williams, William T., To Auto, Pukehou .. Wilson, David, Rosehill, Maraekakaho Wilson, P. R., Havelock North Wilson, Hugh A., Mangatahi, Hastings .. Will le, Thomas, jun., Puketitiri .. Wright, Harold, Twyford, Hastings Young, George Henry, Matahoura, Tutira, Napier Young, J. A., Clivo 064 1,121 1,491 2,888 1,055 2,562 5,982 350 2,585 Nil 1,049 1,563 2,833 1,634 Nil 2,143 6,239 Nil 2,850 7,340 1.500 1,507 1,710 2,630 409 880 7,202 Nil 1,442 1,673 3,000 204 800 I ,300 3,400 204 1,617 1,780 2,527 1,816 230 188 5,715 0,062 85 85 (iOO 000 1,542 1,460 200 210 200 180 2,020 I 2,166 1,992 Nil 7,360 6,958 1,521 1,263 1,875 2,060 WAIPAWA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Adams, W. J., Blackburn, Waipawa Addis, .Benjamin, Tikokino Addis, F. A., Tikokino ... A'Doano, J. B., Ashcott, Takapau Aikman, James, Mount Pleasant, Blackburn Alder, C. W., River-hill, Black-burn Aldrich, A. S., Maraketu South AUsup, T., Takapau Anderson, Johannes A., Matipo, Orrgaonga Annett, —, Dannovirke. Austin, William, Tikokino Bainbridge, George, Longron, Hastings Baird, Isabella, Argyll, Tikokino Balfour, Thomas, Ongaonga Balfour, T., Takapau Barlow, A. J. H., Wakarara Beachen, J. P., Brookside, Ongaonga Boo, George, Otawhao, Takapau Bell, James, Tasma, Takapau Bennett, W., Omakere., Waipawa Bool on, A. S., Otane Benton, W. 0., Thornlea, Ongaonga Bergoson, Anders, Makarotu Bibby, J. and E,, Lunsdale, Ongaonga, Bibby, John, Totaranui, Ongaonga Biggins, James, Dannevirke Bisson, Georgo, Springhill, Ongaonga Blank, Thomas, Waipawa Bloor, T. M., Kopua, Hawke's Bay Boyle, It. It., Box 51, Takapau Brady, Patrick, Takapau Britten, John, Waipawa Brocklcluust, I). W. J., Takapau Brown, A. E., Waipawa Buchan, Aloxander, Park Hill, Makaretu South Buohanan, IT. W. S. IT., Carbury, Ongaonga Buchanan, J. J. (Estate of), Gloncross, Fairstream, Tikokino Buchanan, Misses M. 11. A. and S. G. A., Tikokino Bur-kin, George, jun., Progress Farm, Wakarara Burt, William Henry, Pomelo, Omakere .. BiisseU, II. J., The Apex, Takapau Butler, E. and M., Box 3, Waipawa Butler, E. and M., P.O. Box 3, Waipawa.. Butler, Thomas, Traloe, Argyll, Waipawa.. Cameron, A. J., Ashcott, Takapau Oarlyon, A. S. G, Gwavas, Tikokino Carson, John, Forest House, Wakarara Cassidy, It. W., Tikokino Chalmers, W., Tikokino Clark, William, Kia Ora, Argyll East .', | Clifton, C. E., Mangatainoka .. Cochrane, David, Braeburn, Ruataniwha . . , Coles, Frederick P., Totaranui, Ongaonga .. I 1178019 904 295 009 5,300 720 1,027 1,474 215 II 11.50285 1,092 231 030 5,129 700 1,427 1,414 .171 700 1,832 00 2,700 1,050 Nil 1,1.00 1,670 1,600 398 5,505 095 1,262 908 000 3,403 3,554 1,010 510 21 1.5 1,315 78 820 167 1,738 393 504 500 380 2,208 2,840 1,931 2,021 000 .1,408 50 3,990 807 1,125 927 1,325 1,908 2,090 485 598 400 450 3,026 2,807 142 337 258 7,022 10,152 1,524 1,121 412 5,378 900 1,080 870 400 3,939 3,719 1,350 469 21 30 1,343 53 803 4,350 Nil (iOO 574 178 179 1.170 1,200 900 5,100 4,870 209 8,297 0,240 477 458 7,1.31 8,151 380 455 885 1,050 1,800 1,400 1,328 802 952 895 1,080 2,428 770 3,525 931 263 104 350 557 1,416 513 760 800 2,140 1,970 779 257 987 952 319 Nil 1,202 3,320 1,602 10,729 1,924 540 740 1,720 430 401 83 4,220 3,071 20 05 1,14.1 1,080 470 400 3,155 1,545 11,500 1 1,450 710 712 1,600 729 945 3,305 1,810 5,201 5,550 993 530 | 482 492 79
No. of Sheep on April 80,1 April 80, 1917. | 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30. 1918. Waipawa County— continued. Coles, Mrs. Minnie Frances, Kotiri, Ongaonga Coles, Samuel A., Waipaku, Ongaonga Coles, W. E. and E. M. P., Ongaonga Collin, J. Perrott, Evorglades, Out-station, Ashloy-Clinton Collin, J. P., Everglades, Ashloy-Clinton .. Condrick, T., Tikokino Cook, A. W., Ashley-Clinton, Box 36, Takapau Cook, Charlos, Pino Grove, Ashley-Clinton Cunningham, Angus R., Takapau Cunningham, Gordon, Takapau .. Cunningham, G., Takapau Oorlett, Sydnoy, Happy Valloy, Ongaonga Craig, Joseph, Hastings Cray, F. S., Marakckc, via Takapau Dampney, C. T., Ngahere, Takapau Dampnoy, L., Springhill, Ongaonga Davey, W. IL, Lindsay, Waipukurau Davidson, R., Ongaonga Davies, Itoos, To Ngache, Otawhai Doar, Mrs. Jane, Stanton, Blackburn Donnolley, Frank B., Mount Sponcor, Waipukurau Doroon, Henry, Rangahau, Waipawa Dorroon, Honry, Brentwood, Wakarara .. Douglas, H. It. It., Hastings Douglas, Ralph, Morvorn Hills, Wakarara Durham, Carolino E., Ashley-Clinton Ellingham Bros, (o/o James M. Ellingham). Whotukura Ellipgham, Porcy D., Takapau Elliot, A. W., Mangatewai, Takapau Elliot, George, Box 3!), Hastings Ellison, Edwin Herbert, Mangatawai, 'Takapau Ellison, E. H., Sylvania, 'Takapau Ellmers, Honry, Spring Valo, Takapau Eparomia Tatuha, Porangahau Estaugh, A. E., Ongaonga Parghor, P. T., Blackburn Farley, T. B., Waipukurau Forguson, II. A., Tepurapura, Mangahoi .. Fletcher, Goorgo and William, Pendlo Hill, Ongaonga Foley, A., Takapau Fowlds, Albert William, Pino Terrace, Tikokino Prankish, Henry, Takapau FrederiokSOn, Carl P., Norsewood South . . Frederiokson, Samuel, Norsewood South .. Froemantle, A. E., Belle View, Blackburn Froemantlo, William Charles and Goorgo Wron, Tho Willows, Ongaonga Freomantle, W. 0. and G. W., Longviow, Ongaonga Gardiner, William. Takapau George. E. P. S., Druinbiair, Takapau Gilbertson, E. IL, Waipawa Glenny, A. P., Ellison Road, Hastings Glenny, A. P., Pine Grove, Ongaonga Glenny, E. M., Wakarara Glenny, It. G. L., Ruataniwha Glenny, T. A., Wakarara Glodriok, G. P., Springhill, Ongaonga Goulter and Colloy, Mangateneri, Takapau Goulter, It. F., Tangarewa and Pukenui, Takapau Gower, A. R., Roto-Parero, Ruataniwha .. Graham and Fletcher, Ongaonga Graham and Fletcher, Springhill, Ongaonga Graham, H. R., Takapau Graham, William, Ngatarawa, Hastings .. Grainger, A. G., Waipawa Gray, Benjamin, Scotston, Ruataniwha .. Gray, U. L., Lindsay, Waipawa Gray, W., Waipawa Haines, Cliurlos B., Awatea, Otano Hamilton, C. A., Ruataniwha Hamilton, W. B., Ruataniwha Handcock, John W„ Mangaonuku, Waipawa Hanson, John, Wakarara Harding, J. W., Mount Vernon, Waipukurau Hardy, G. F., Brooklands, Tikokino 868 420 495 1,191 800 765 4,022 420 30 207 1,112 200 I ,002 532 1,799 1,090 20 5,471 1,605 1,520 863 30 I ,430 104 1,057 419 Nil 1,331 909 850 3,546 448 Nil Nil 272 Nil 250 348 1,476 900 1,867 502 1,800 Nil 5,427 Nil 820 700 923 30 1,311 101 2,071 1,280 337 Waipawa County— -continued. Hardy, H. D., Roydon, Blackburn Harmer, E. J., Takapau Harris, Harry, 'To Kouka, Ongaonga Horbort, Jesso, 'To Iteinga, Pukehou Heyward, Hugh M., Takapau Hickoy, Cathorino J., Otane Hickoy, P. IL, Homebush, Wakarara Hildroth, F. and D., Glenburn, Waipukurau Hobson, John, Hatuma.. Hobson, Thomas, Kai te Rua, Takapau .. Hobson, William, Te Matau, Takapau Hodd, Arthur, Tikokino Hogg, Edward, Hogburn, Wakarara Holden Bros., Springvale, Tikokino Horner, V. T. L.. Takapau Howard, Josiah, Smodley, Tikokino Howse, Mis. Elizabeth, Ashloy-Clinton Hudson, John, Hatuma Hudson, William E., Loch luvor, Argyll East Hull, John Bennett, Ashcott, Takapau Inglis, A. J., Ongaonga.. Ireland, Benjamin, Broken Hill, Blackburn Ireland, Georgo, Mossvale, Tikokino Jack, Aloxander, Violot Brae, Makarotu .. Jack, Alfred James, Stoko Grande, Ongaonga Jackson, W., Takapau James, il. T., Box 29. Dannevirke Jamoson, E. S., Takapau Jamieson, George, Aomarama, Maraokakaho Jensen. J. P., Ashley-Clinton Jensen, J. P., Scotsdalo, Blackburn Johanson, Carl, Fern Plat, Makaretu Johansen, O. W., Makaretu Johnston, Sydney (Estate of), Orua Wharo, Takapau Johnstone, M. and It. B., Wanstead Johnstono, Potor, Wakarara Jury, Maurico I., Scotston, Waipawa Kolly and Houston, Hcavitroo, Tikokino .. Kerr, J. A., Dalesbrook, Ruataniwha Kirk, William, Takapau Knapp, J. E., Makakai, Tikokino Knight, A., Otane Knight, George \ •■ Ongaonga Lane and Smith, Choviot, Otano Latham, John, White Pino, Tikokino Law, Thomas, Hatuma, Leach, William, Ongaonga Lowrs, Charlos, Llansannor, Makarotu Lrmbrick, W. J., Waipawa Lindsay, T. E., Blackburn, Omakere Little, William, and Sons, Annandale, Argyll East Lit tie John, (1. P.,, Roslyn, Ongaonga Livingstone, Guy, Wairere, Takapau Logan, A., Makotuku Lomax, J. P., Kopua Lory, Richard, The Terrace, Otano Lowndes, James E., Ongaonga Loyo, W. G., Mount Hope, Ashley-Clinton Lueas, P. G., Ongaonga Luckio, F. IX, Waipukurau Macdonald, Duncan, Ongaonga Macfarlano, Edward, Ongaonga Mackio, Alexander, Forest Gate, Ongaonga Malatzky, S., Takapau Masters, Alexander J. T., Tahunga, Onga4,095 2,600 1,888 298 365 466 2,000 2,090 3,472 612 442 8,600 11,338 1,550 860 1,497 1,010 2,999 198 248 50 1,135 2,182 1,595 4,463 900 200 420 8,326 3,337 300 Nil I ,540 172 307 008 1 ,240 8SII Nil 3,000 090 491 12.100 235 12,017 I ,570 Nil I ,500 Nil 2,757 I 93 257 51 1,527 2,394 I. ,080 1,737 4,154 217 779 184 •125 9.013 I , 155 425 2,300 498 590 3,914 679 651 1,283 1,899 470 3,151 391 738 464 2,888 1,620 2,200 ■195 1,001 4,738 529 3,19 1.32 1 2,100 881 3,065 550 Nil 394 2,003 1,800 2.013 2,170 620 198 185 J 20 1,182 027 143 287 504 894 1,400 941 1,820 S52 1,971 62 204 80 737 1,015 50 800 707 599 792 1,695 200 1,589 -121 300 I ,597 Nil 015 112 450 310 I .15.. Nil 1,006 01M I ,050 597 l ,008 520 ■loo 710 599 1,440 400 988 I ,540 045 I .993 1,395 Nil Nil 1,102 406 709 Nil 7,202 130 494 320 906 1,700 900 598 1,597 490 1,000 878 4,550 7,220 2,938 481 810 1,893 2,495 779 819 1,124 3,842 494 914 470 3,210 605 I ,909 871 922 1,071 204 510 783 280 3,012 3,047 onga Masters, J. E., Ongaonga Matheson, Josoph, Loddon Valloy, Tikokino Mathows, W. J. and R., Mangataura, Tikokino Mathows, W. J. and It., Tikokino Mawson, T., Waipawa MoCulloch, J. A., Springhill, Ongaonga McDonald, Ronald, Argyll East McGroovy, Stephen, Mount Erin, Waipawa Mclntyre, James, Waipawa McKay, Lachlin, Allandalo, Waipawa MoLagan, Glenburn, Takapau McLean, Duncan, Forest Gate, Ongaonga.. McLeod, Donald, Glenbroe, Ormondville .. McLood, Donald R., Argyll East McLood, J. G, Woodside, Ongaonga McLeod, W. It., Ratanui, Takapau 1,371 1,808 7,362 3,720 3,051 1,300 1,395 1,103 410 3,956 852 520 827 812 2,525 5,245 I ,318 1,484 3.385 7,077 3,883 450 I ,499 Nil 449 3,320 I ,038 783 1,041 963 2,420 0,000 511 892 245 2,961 2,417
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, J 917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April .-111. 1917. April 30, 1918. Waipawa County— continued. McMahon, J., Hatuma MeSporran, D., Takapau Meredith, It., Hatuma Merrill, George John, ArgyU East .Miles, G. G., Ashloy-Clinlon Miles, ('. G. and E. R„ Ashley-Clinton .. Mills, David, Ongaonga Mitchell, William, Ruataniwha .. Monekton, (). M., Mount Herbert, Waipukurau Mooted h. Henry, Takapau Moore, A.. Pukehou Moore. D. (!., Takapau Moorehead, Thomas. Willowbrook, Tikokino Moran, John, Orrgaonga Morrison, Finlay, Logan Braes, Makaretu.. Morton, W. G., The Trig, Ashley-Clinton .. Moulder, W. J., Waratah, Ongaonga Muir, Walter, Mangatahi, ArgyU East Munro, William ('., Gloiiora, Takapau Nation. 10. ('., Waipawa Nation. W., Waipawa Nelson, C. O. and W. S., Burnside, Takapau Nelson, Neal R., Burnside, Takapau Nope le Apatu, Rakautatahi, Takapau Nilsson, George W., Otane Nuttall, E., Terawini, Otane Oakenfull, Edward, Tikokino Oakley, W. P., Takapau Oliver, F. IL, Otane Oliver, George Y., Argyll East, Waipawa.. Olson, Carl L., Blow Hard, Takapau O'Rourke, Richard, Tikokino Parker, Charles, Argyll, Waipawa Paterson, E. J., Takapau Paton, ■lames, Takapau Pattison, I). L., The Brow, Waipawa, Paulson, Matthias, Brookwood, 'Takapau . . Paulsen, Matthias, Silverstream, 'Takapau Pedersen, Carl, Fairview, Makaretu Pedersen, Carl, Forest, Hill, Makarotu Pedersen, Rasmus, Fair-land, Tikokino Pedersen, V. and A. .1. Jensen, High View, Makaretu Pepper, John, Otane Peroival, Richard, Takapau Petersen, H. P., Ongaonga Pettit, William, Merryvale, Ongaonga Piper, A. A., Wairere (private bag), Waipawa Piper and Marshall, Wai pawn Piper and MarshaU (private bag), Waipawa Pouer, Thomas Takapau Presoott, Mrs. R. .1., Takapau Price, A. E., Brooktiold, Takapau Price, T. G., Waipawa Prilfcn, W. F., Hatuma.. I'uri liiikiruki. Patangata Rathbonc, E. (!., Glenaloon, Tikokino Rathbonc, Herbert Melville, Abbotsford, Waipawa Peeves. Beatrice M.. Olaraia Farm, Blackburn Rice, L. T., Takapau Rickey, D. II., Mount Herbert, Ngahuia. Waipukurau Rickey, David IT. V., Ngahuia, Ongaonga.. Riggir, James, Makotuku Roach, E. O., Tikokino Robbie, — -, Glenclova, Ruataniwha Robinson, John P., Hilsboro, Ashley-Clinton Rood, Arthur, Ongaonga Rosser, Charles, Makaretu Rosvall, August, Highhill, Makaretu Rosvall, C, Makaretu Riinib.ile. A. !!., The Gold-mine, 'Tikokino.. Sabin, C. S., Ongaonga Scandlyn, ,1. W., Matamau Scarrott, Emanuel, Atherstone, Argyll, Tikokino Scrimgeour, Peter, Otane Sebley, H. W., Tikokino Sobley, M. H., Willow Farm, Waipawa .■. Senior, L., Takapau Senior, Leonard, Takapau Severinsen, John, Makaretu 2,151 2,190 1,620 894 870 413 1,018 1,090 403 1,703 829 2,500 1,895 099 I , 157 1 ,301 1,872 595 915 1,000 5,553 1,822 1,248 700 50 913 1,251 2,152 117 2,123 1,030 929 Nil Nil 358 Nil 600 157 671 1,865 723 2,582 1,716 730 1,302 1,214 3,922 1,412 1,886 760 I ,132 2,203 3,074 1,332 367 1,311 1,114 Nil 1,071 I ,082 400 57 2,500 7,825 2,000 500 708 240 420 Waipawa County— continued. Severinsen, Martin, Arandale, Makaretu .. Sovorinson, P., Makaretu Shepherd, N. .11., Hatuma Simmons, William II., Taumuniu, Waipawa Simpson, W., Waipawa.. Smith, A. M. (private bag), To Polo, Poukawa, Napier Smith, Charles, Dun Lee, Takapau Smith, T. A.. Tikoki 10 .. Snee, L. L., Rakautatahi, Hastings Speedy, IT, Takapau Speedy, H. A., Te Tunawa, Takapau Standidge, John Charles, Fairfield, Ongaonga Steinberg, J. D., Taupata Park, Makarotu.. Stevens, S. F., Takapau St. Hill, C. H., Punawai, Takapau Stokes, Samuel, Sunny Flat, Tikokino Stubbs, Ernest Francis, Burnside, Takapau Swainsbury, D. S., Waipukurau Tait, W. G, Ongaonga Taylor, Andrew, Forest Gate, Ongaonga .. Thompson, E. IL, Waipunga, Takapau Thompson, F. A., Fairview, Takapau Thompson, J. W., Rangitoto, Orniondville Thompson, W., Makaretu Thomsen, Johannes, Silver Creek, Makaretu Thomson, John, Takapau Thomson, E. If., Wattle Grove, Takapau. . Thomson, F. W. arrd G, Murikapa, Makaretu Thomson, W. J., Eastlea, Takapau Trmmins, Fred, Ongaonga Tobin, J. P., Marakoke, Waipawa Tonkin, P. J., Waipawa Turfrey, Edwin, Wakarara Turfrey, John Thomas, Blaokburn Twentyman, G. It. W., Takapau.. 'Twist, Charles, P.O. BoxTOO, Waipukurau Twist, Charles, P.O. Box 100, Waipukurau Vcsty, C. R., Tikokino Wadrom, Jonathan, Wattle Grove, Ongaonga Wai to, E., 'Tikokino Waldrom, Mrs. E., Rock Hill, Waipawa .. Wall, Percy P., Hinerangi, Hatuma Wallace, J., Argyll Wallace, J. M., Mangatewai, Takapau Walsh, Francis B., Taumahapa, 'Tikokino.. Walsh, F. W., Takapau Ward, Charles J., Fairview, Ashley-Clinton Watkins, Charles, Ashley-Clinton White, E. R., Sherwood, Takapau White, Hugh M.. Takapau White, M. A., Sherwood, Takapau White, William B., Lime Terrace, Makarotu Whyte, W., Laidburn, ArgyU, Waipawa . . Wilkie Bros., To Heka, ArgyU East Williams, o. c., Waipawa W I on and Borgersen, Ormondville Wilson, Ernest, Belle View, Ongaonga Wilson, Robert, P. ox 42, Takapau. . Wilson, William, Waimona, Takapau Road, Waipukurau Wood, Walter John, Homewood, Waipawa Worsnop, Edward, Osborne Farm, Wakarara young and Commin, Pukohou 1,800 133 I . 172 3,401 I ,098 100 4,468 2,075 5,772 2,025 1,290 1,000 503 1.998 189 020 58 250 877 482 1,103 1.790 300 938 no 1,700 153 109 1,459 415 3,452 1,315 Nil 3,548 2,110 7,000 1,806 990 469 754 483 2,087 158 680 212 1,417 455 1,129 30 431 1,174 400 378 932 553 200 900 690 378 347 340 963 184 1,075 51 810 0,953 019 16 2,510 205 I ,528 350 1,500 1,715 2,000 2,240 1 ,005 I ,258 4,030 1,743 1,800 092 050 24 :>, , 1.95 7.286 I , 844 500 700 003 350 772 415 103 930 38 35 257 Nil 1,480 I ,308 300 4,181 1,100 I ,843 2,370 2,745 719 Nil 700 2,373 700 7.053 918 430 2, 182 561 1,370 2,515 3,885 885 I . SOS 2.! 145 I.101 505 1,400 I ,5 18 1,707 2,250 I .060 1.324 I , 732 3.220 070 754 400 1,110 2,095 794 002 749 432 700 1.218 IOO 700 I ,009 400 960 4,448 395 2,500 706 543 875 971 71 102 17 423 11 646 3,998 Nil 2,490 906 715 994 Nil 76 100 15 592 98 100 WAIPUKURAU COUNTV (In "Napier Subdivision). Bayliss, Alfred II., Hatuma Bayliss, Daniel James, Rosewood, Waipukurau Bird, J., Innisclarc, Waipukurau Bremner, W. G., Waipukurau Burnett, Thomas, Turakina, Hatuma Butler, James, Waipukurau Chalmers, Charles, Glengorin, Waipukurau Cook, Arthur P., Moerangi, Waipukurau .. Coombes, Charles, and Son, Hatuma Collins, W. H., Hatuma Culling, Walter, Lakeside, Hatuma De la Haye, John, Hatuma Donald, J., Box 111, Waipukurau Dougali, Robert, Hatuma 427,853 580 1.181 -151 ,051 590 1,507 1,041 1,015 544 I ,029 75 I ,058 921 476 445 998 406 2,787 1,300 460 1,119 164 490 1,220 186 100 100 1,288 1,075 85 983 802 077 515 880 432 2,875 1,410 180 1,750 »
No. of Sheep oa April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of f April 30, 1 1917. Stieep on April 30, 1918. Waipukurau County— continued. Drowor, Frederick, Waipukurau Elliott, Edgar A. J., Waipukurau Falconer-, Robert H., Endsleigh, Hatuma. . Giblin, C. C, Mangarouhi, Waipukurau .. Goodwin, William, St. Gov-aus, Waipukurau Gower and Moldrum, Aruprior, Waipukurau Grant, J. A., Hatuma Griffin, William Francis, Hatuma Haldane, Robert, Hatuma Harris, It. It., Pah Flat, Waipukurau Henderson, W., Waipukurau Herbert, H. L., Opohata, Hatuma Herd, W. II., Hatuma .. Hobson, Henry, Waitomo, Hatuma Hooper, J. S. (Estate of), Arlington, Waipukurau Hunt, llosclic, Kowhai, Hatuma.. Hutaile, 11. '!'., Mangarapa Janett, Frederick, Hatuma Jensen, A. T., Hatuma Johnson, P. A. J., Hatuma Kirk, David, Glendavoi), Hatuma Kyle, G. T., Hatuma .. .. Lavery, Alexander, Siberia, Hatuma Law, Thomas, Hatuma Lawthor, John, Hatuma Logan, P. R., Waipukurau Luckie, Fred. D., Waipukurau Luxford, T. IL, Waipukurau Macdonald, James, Mangatarata, Waiprrkurau Mackay, Murdoch, Pukcwai, Hatuma MacKenzie, W. C. A., Te Awa, Waipukurau Mairr, J. G, Mount Herbert, Waipukurau May, Thomas Waimarama, Havolock North McKay, A. H., Hatuma McLeod, Don., Waipukurau McRae, Alexander', Hatuma Mcltoberts, IL T., Springvalo; Waipukurau Merrikin, George E., Hatuma Norris, A. N., Waipukurau O'Donoghue, William, Wherewhere, Whetukura Parker-, J. G, Waipukurau Parsons, A. W., Waipukurau Peacock Bros., Waipukurau Peddle, R. P., Waipukurau Prentice, A. C, Lake View, Waipukurau .. Piddle, P. A., Hatuma, Hawke's Bay Robertshaw, William, Waipukurau Rood, Albert, Holyrood, Waipukurau Russell, A. C, Hatuma Homestead, Waipukurau Sainsbury, R., " Longleat," Waipukurau .. Schroder, Charles D. IL, Hatuma Shand, Alexander, Hatuma Shand, Robert Charters, Islington, Waipukurau Smith, Miss Helen, " Keronuke," Hatuma Steven, W. S., Box 91, Waipukurau Svenserr, Alfred, Hatuma Thomson, Marinus, Fairview, Hatuma Todd, John David, Mount Herbert, Waipukurau Turner, J. H,, Mirton, Hatuma Twist, ('. E., Newlands, Greenmeadows Wilson, Mrs. .Mary, Netherby, Hatuma .. Wood brim, Matthew, Otawhau .. Wright, H. T., Woburn, Hatuma, 903 3,393 028 3.000 1,849 3,304 550 504 473 038 1,927 8,299 1.330 090 1 ,002 800 558 979 1,015 255 3,941 3,026 10,740 I , 445 7,182 1,191 900 100 350 1,143 900 915 1 ,050 290 3,598 Nil 3,284 1,490 3,442 867 580 497 350 1,495 699 771 1,917 8,142 Nil Nil 2,032 950 861 1,081 150 1,066 645 270 625 4,280 3,087 9.700 1.150 0,510 1,284 I ,475 Nil 1 ,795 I , 154 910 827 168 1,000 Patangata County— continued. Bird, John, Innisclare, Waipukurau Black, Gavin, Porangahau Bond Bros., Wimbledon Bond, Job, Wimbledon Brown, L. B., Porangahau Burne, W. L, Porangahau Burrell, George Clements, Omakere Butler, Thomas, Puropuro, Waipawa Canning, Davis, Oakbourne, Waipukurau.. Cato, C. H., Hastings Chambers Bros., Tourere Station (c/o S. A. Robinson), Hatuma Cheer, William, Kokatowai, Elsthorpo Christie, 11. M., Wallingford Clark, Edward, Tamumu Clark, Jamos, Otano Cochrane, Allen S., Porangahau Collins, A. V., Homewood, Otane CoUins, Ernest James, Te Uri, Porangahau Cosgrove, J., Elsthorpe Crampton, William, St. Lawrence, Patangata, CuUwick, J. B., Porangahau Dalby, II. (J., Whawhakanga. Wanstead . . Davidson Bros., Porangahau Dumbleton, M. E., Porangahau Dillon, Alfred, Willow Bank', Patangata . . Douglas, Francis, Elsthorpe Duncan, John (private bag), Linkwood, Otane Edgecombe, Charh s It., Porangahau Edgecombe, Edward E., Porangahau Edgecombe, Walter T., M'anawangiangi, Porangahau Edgecombe, William John, Waitohu, Porangahau Edwards, William, Box 39, Otane Elkington, R., Tamumu Erwood, Charles W., Porangahau Evans, Robert, Homewood, Otano Falls, A., Kokotewai, Napier Fleming, J. S., Kippo, Tamumu Fleming, W. G, " Pui-imu." Wan toad Fleming, William W., Flemington, Waipukurau Gillies and Tipping, Kapiti, Hastings Gilmour, A., Cathkin Braes and Greenwood, Elsthorpe Gilmour, W., Roto-Hiriwa, Elsthorpe Gollan, D. M., Waipawa, Tamumu Gollan, James, Wimblodon Gollan, John, Culloden, Tamumu Goodriok, W. R., Otane Green, William, Sea View, Porangahau Greenwood, Martin and R., Omakere Griffiths, Alfred E., Pourere, Omakere Guerin, Michael, Sea View, Herbertvillo .. Hales, T. G, Wimbledon Hardy, G. P., Molomii, Otane Hawthorn, N. I., Porangahau Haycock, Thomas, Elsthorpe Healoy, Alfred J. G, Dunrobin, Porangahau Heatley, G B., Eparima, Wallingford Herbert, C, Famham, HerbortviUe Herbert, W. J., Herbert's Mount, Wimbledon Herrick, A. D., Tautane, Herbertville Herrick B OS., Epao, Wanstead Horrick, E. J., Tautane, Herbertvillo Horrick, F. D., Tautane, Hcrbertville Heta K-ini, Makaranui, Porangahau Hewitt, Mrs. E., Box 21, Dannovirke Hill, H. V., Porangahau Hirani Ahitana, Wanstead Hokianga Korohoma, Porangahau Horn, L., and C. Tonkin, Lonehand Farm, Elsthorpe Hudson, J. A., Eparaima East, Hastings .. Hunter, G., Porangahau Hunter, P., Porangahau Esdale, David, Wanstead Jamieson, G. L., Matai Moana, Wallingford Johnston, Alexander, Wanstead Johnston, John 'Tamumu Station, Tamumu Johnston, Robert, Motoatoria, Wanstead.. Johnston, William G., Hotel, Porangahau.. I ,493 2,020 I , 199 509 596 6,150 10,537 5,001 14,895 1,713 399 1,224 5,850 2,799 365 2,352 3,500 I ,559 805 0,880 3.878 2,808 ; 1,033 939 1,155 980 55(1 51 1 ,887 I , 885 1.820 I ,982 3,201 1,415 1,261, 2 225 L*182 545 694 000 5,974 7,020 4,298 12,840 1,400 315 Nil 1,178 303, 0,100 2,710 258 2,199 510 2,850. 2,100 800 7,150 3,130 2,2! 15 1,000 500 1,100 905 401 52 1,237 1,253 2, 120 1,895 2,412 3,255 3,560 7,042 5,003 no 98!) 3,172 8,239 5,610 151 1,07*9 442 Nil 968 2,203 4,705 1,529 4,382 1,089 1,195 3,710 1,000 I , 198 I. Ill 3,880 I ,500 1,112 1,190 J ,044 6,450 719 152 3,7011 4,000 912 238 I ,297 739 8,460 I ,484 5.957 0,247 0,783 6,534 82 786 1,750 3,330 1,859 1,816 700 992 1,960 906 6,980 720 127 5,000 3,049 649 109 I , 385 971 7,081 1,411 0,424 0,732 6,461 6,415 100 1,028 800 ! 1,057 50 905 ! . 888 1,207 1,043 454 742 302 5,985 1 ,275 052 904 397 0,258 907 2.202 1,140 740 485 804 3,000 1,970 771 680 118,548 123,722 2,130 2,021 PATANGATA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Barker, J. and J. M. (private bag), Hastings Barker, John (privato bag), Hastings Barrett and Whclch, The Lake, Wanstead.. Bayley, Clarence It., Wanstead Beachen, George Henry, Elsthorpo Borsch, Mrs. M., and Mrs. R. Sunderland, Te Apiti, Otane Bibby and Prentice, Paeroa, Elsthorpe Bird, G, Woodlands Farm, Walliugfm-d .. 2,070 13,970 999 1,615 7,176 2,878 1,443 17,475 1,200 1,027 7,304 1,851 j 2,255 19,837 31,493 : 2,800 4,291 1,135 13,503 2,199 I!), 920 33,645 2,300 4,259 1,310 13,001 2,690 1,439 2,782 I 1,613 10,252 10,819 800
6-sH. 23.
So. of Sheep on April nojApril 30, 1*17. ; 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. Patangata County— continued. Jones, J. A., Porangahau Judd, Henry, " Glengowrie,'' Cameron Road, Napier Judd, (). E and N. A., Porangahau Kay, H. P., Box 24, Otane Kearins, Timothy, Porangahau Keehan, T. J., Porangahau Kelly Bros., Manga T'apin, Otane Kenderdine, A. W. (private bag), Kia Ora, Otane Kenderdine, Mrs. Eliza M. (private bag), Kahuru, Otane Kittow Bros., Greerrhill, Tamumu Kittow, W., Glentui, Tamumu .. Kuru Arapara, Porangahau Lambert, Maria Charlottes Slough Farm, Porangahau Langridge, B., Otane Limpus, Charles (Estate of), Oak Willow, Patangata Limpus, Henry Jamos, Hau Nai, Wanstead Limpus, Henry J., Glen Wai, Wanstead . . Lindsay, John, Castle Range, Omakere .. Lindsay, Thomas E., Mahoe, Omakere Logan, J. D. (Estate of), Burnbrao, Tamumu Logan, Robertina Annie, Tamumu Maaka, Henare T., Otane Manley, E. and R., Homeleigh, Hanstend Matthews, William, Pukeroa, Hatuma Maulder, W., Lindsay, Otane Maulder, Win., Milbourne Valley, Otane .. May, Thomas, Waipukurau McAulay, K., Porangaharr MoAulay, R. S., Rosewood, Elsthorpe, Otane McCormick, 15. ('., Patangata McGaffiir, Andrew, Brooklands, Elsthorpe McHardy, Leslie, Blackhead, Waipawa .. McHardy, P. A., Aramoana, Waipawa McKay, Gilbert, Otane McKenzie, G, Porangahau McKenzie, G., Waipukurau McKenzie, Lachlan, Hastings McLean, A. R.. Porangahau McLean, P., Porangahau McLeod and Sons, Porangahau McLeod, J. S., Hastings McNieeo, —, Porangahau McNutt, James William, Wanstead MoNutt, Samuel, Wanstead Miraka Ratimia, Porangahau Murray, William, Wanstead Nairn," Charles J. H., Peurerere, Waipawa .. Nairn, Eric W., Omakere, Waipawa Nairn, John, Manuiri, Waipawa Nowrick, J. A., Galley Farm, Otane Nieholls, J. G, Braeview, Waipukurau Nillson, B. E. O., Edonham, Otane Nutt, Thomas A. W., Wanstead O'Reilly and Moroney, Waipukurau Ormond, Hon. J. Wallingford Parsons, C. White, " Rotslea," Hatuma . . Pattisorr, Charles, The B ow, Waipawa .. Pongi, Tom, Porangahau Porter, John, Chapman's Block, Wanstead Porter, John, Dickenson's, Wanstead Priest, M. B. H., Elsthorpe Priest, Thomas Bruce A., Elsthorpe Quartley and Donnelly, Mangaorapa, Waipukurau Rapaea, Hemi K., Porangahau Robottom, Arthur, Otane Ross, It. B., Otama, Porangahau Ryan, Denis, Table Hill, Porangahau Ryan, Michael, Hawea, Elsthorpe Ryan, P. J. (Table Hill property), Porangahau, Te Uri, Ormondville Ryan, P. J., Te Uri, Whetukura Ryder, F. J.. Wanstead Schaeffor, James, Porangahau Sebley, M. H„ Waterloo Farm, Omakere, Waipawa Shadbolt, B., Clive .. Sim, James Anderson, Taur-ackaitai, Hatuma Sinclair,"Anthony, Waterfall, Patangata . . Sinclair." Vnthony, Vine Bush, Patangata . 3,241 1,800 700 9,341 1,043 1,819 5,146 3,300 1.533 503 934 1,942 1,518 700 3,018 5,685 2,415 1,051 600 1,190 595 515 000 353 1,509 2,540 9,115 12,810 823 1,184 1,201 3,210 520 1,050 1,700 Nil 9,700 994 1,861 5,302 3,530 1,901 500 Nil 1 ,830 1,430 830 3,001 5,622 3,037 1,119 88 608 1,250 670 49!) Nil 329 1,419 32 2,230 9,840 12,197 824 764 Nil 6,020 1,714 1,100 814 2,411 634 4,520 4,682 361 Nil Nil 12,000 8,377 90 1,478 5,505 754 1,530 22,155 I ,259 3,740 4.781 598 1,008 988 1,110 0,152 Patangata County— continued. Siteman, William, Spring Vale, Wimbledon Skipper, A. J., Porangahau Small, W. H., Fernside, Otane Smith, F. S., Otane Speedy, D. G., Prpi Bank, Horbertvillc .. Speedy, G. (Estate of), Woodbank, Herbertville Speedy, John, Bunview, Hcrbertville Speedy, Nerval, Crispen Grove, Herbert ville Stophenson, Henry, Terrace Farm, Elsthorpe St. Hill. Charles Henry, Whangaehu. Porangahau St. Hill. P. H. (Estate, of), Porangahau St. Hill, Mrs. E. M., Porangahau Stoddart Bros., Wanstead Stoddart, Walter, Dunkald, Waipukurau .. Stratford Bros., Roto Hiwi, Hatuma Sutherland, Donald, Dunbeath, Elsthorpe Thompson, H. W., Porangahau Thompson, James, Glencoe, Patangata TiiTen, Frank Louis, Elmshill, Otane Tiffin, Honry E., Mangarara, Patangata .. Tod, Jamesj The Park, Otane Tod, Roslyn H., Braehead, Otane Todd, W.A., Hollycombe, Otane Tutaki, H. P. and C. B., Porangahau Vallance, Mrs. N. M., Porangahau Wall, H. E., Porangahau Ward, Phillip Charles, Patangata Ward, Robert, The Cliffs, Patangata Warrerr, A. and G. (Estate of), Waipari, Waipawa Warren, Thomas J. C, Waipari, Waipawa Watson, Walter, Elsthorpe Watts, Edward, Early Mount, Otaire Watts, E. G, Waratah, Otane Watts, J., Otane Wedwood, W. P., Anyow, Porangahau Wereta, Pouatahuri, Porangahau Wheeler, Frederick, Ansdale, Waipawa .. White, G. H., Ngapaeruru, Porangahau .. Whito, H. W., Arataura, Hcrbertville White, J. E., Makarama, Porangahau White, Keith, Porangahau White, William, and Sons, Waireka, Otane White,William,and Sons.Te Keponga.Otane Wighton, A. M.. Porangahau Wilder Bros. (J. D. Ormond, Manager), Wallingford Wilder-, E. Thorton, Wallingford.. Wilder, P. aird A. T., Wallingford Williams, Allan Douglas, Clarenche, Waipawa Williams, Allen Marsh, Pukehou Williams, G N. B., Atua, Otane Williams, E. B., Edonham, Otane Williams, Edward Gordon, Clarenche, Waipawa Williams, G. G, Rangitapu, Waipawa Williams, Mrs. C. M., and Mrs. M. Mackay, Te Apiti, Otane Williams, Von. Archdeacon, St. Lawrence, Otano Williams, William, Marrgakuri, Otane Williamson, W., Glencairn, Wanstead Wilson, H.L. P.,Taungatupara, Waipukurau Witherow, Frederick John, Willowbank, Waipawa Witherow, Frederick John, P.O. Box 35, Waipawa Witherow, Joseph W. (Trustees), Patangata Witherow, Walter Thomas, Box 11, Otane Wright, John, Porangahau 657 2,854 4,801 0,706 13,406 420 940 1 ,085 1 ,055 2,430 2,430 3,216 583 963 4,213 5,711 2,803 4,600 1,644 1,120 1,064 556 1,065 4,275 4,278 1,820 1,581 260 239 1,125 853 92 4,127 6,950 5,010 1,600 587 2,141 1,048 370 2,945 I ,270 4,870 4,928 14,000 398 503 1,040 1,217 1,170 2,349 2,778 3,052 613 1,451 904 3,975 5,313 2,089 4,818 1,609 511 1,271 1,138 850 855 4,594 4,594 1,830 1,700 300 259 1,565 2,186 147 4,108 0,755 7,580 1,780 465 2,082 825 1,932 3,290 4,201 4,637 255 2.126 14,076 12,643 10,671 62 1,495 5,656 109 1,625 24,504 1,350 3,380 2,000 608 912 1.078 1,296 4,311 2,330 4,314 3,598 10,086 9,210 4,314 1,185 1,831 4,665 3,880 10,141 8,701 4,665 4,760 4,276 Nil 4,589 4,649 4,604 8,505 1,635 4,300 1,720 8,520 1,669 3,840 1,621 1,595 1,745 4,032 1,820 1,374 2,538 1,368 2,125 2,209 1,750 1,385 2.038 4,685 2,358 2,045 1,000 2,351 1,982 1,000 651,809 674,314 4,763 1,084 690 1,385 2,522 1,120 785 WEBER COUNTY (In Woodville Subdivision). Armstrong, Francis, Franklin's, Akitio Bassett, Francis, Paronui, Weber Bernsten, N. J. (private bag), Moon Farm, Dannevirke Bond, R. and J., Weber Brook and Harvey, Sea View, Herbertville Cameron, K. F., Strathallan, Weber 4,531 4,000 1,194 4,000 3,993 1,172 1,662 96 2,050 4,890 1,778 180 2,023 2,358 2,878 800 1,060 2,670 740
No. of Sheep on April 3(1, April 3C 1917. 1918. April 30, , 1917. A pril 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Webeb County— continued. Campbell, Kenneth, Rook Hill, Weber .. 1,186 1,28$ Cross, G, Wimbledon .. .. .. 1,000 Nil Crosse, Charles, Te Toki, Wimbledon .. 3,072 2,70( Crosse, L. G., Kelvin Grove, and Gurteen, 8,927 9,92'i Weber Fife, Andrew, Manukawara, Waipatiki .. 263 295 Franklin Bros., Bloomfield, Dannevirke .. 6,781 3,75^ Franklin, 0. J., Ti-tree Point .. .. 3,327 3,38i Franklin, Ford, Havelock North.. .. 3,676 3,75( Franklin, J. R„ Ti-tree Point .. .. 1,900 1,72! Gardener, E., Wimbledon .. .. — 3! Giblin, Alfred, Opawa .. .. ..3,578 3,4L Gollan Bros., Wimbledon .. .. 1,312 1,40( Hales, G A. H., Willow Valley. Wimbledon 1,050 2,45( Hales, W. W. S., Weber .. .. 5,811 7,18: Harvey, J. M.. Waitahora .. .. 3,460 1,70( Harvey, W. S., Belmont, Weber .. 450 Nil Harvey, W. S., Burnside, Weber .. 1,027 Nil Harvey, W. 8., Glenlorn, Herbertvillo .. 1,000 Nil Harvey, W. S., Ben Loyal, Weber .. 975 3,07' Harvey, W. S., Westcombe, Weber . . 570 Nil Hirtze'l, C. A., Dannevirke . . .. — 80! Jensen, J. H., Weber .. .. .. 7 Nil Kerr, William, Klondyke, Ti-tree Point .. 1,429 1,411 Mabbett, George Henry, Weber .. .. 919 ' 941 Mackenzie, James (private bag), Green Hill, 3,351 j 3,51 Mangatoro, Dannevirke McDiarmid, J., Ti-tree Point .. .. — ]()( Mcintosh, T., Hcrbertville . . .. 694 83! McLean, Alexander, Braoside, Ti-trec Point I., 440 1,39! McLean, Donald, Waipatiki .. .. 950 901 McLoan, Kenneth, Braemore, Weber .. 1,835 1,791 McLeod, Roderick (private bag), Hartfield, 1,130 1,201 Ti-tree Point, Dannevirke McNeil, Thomas, Hopefield, Waipatiki .. 595 55i Morgans, Evan, Mary's Vale, Wimbledon.. 2,048 2,681 Morgans, E. H., Woodlands, Wimbledon .. 1,089 1,16i Morgans, S. L., Wimbledon .. .. 1,162 1,091 Morgans, T. R., Mount Forrest, Wimbledon 2,640 2,791 Munro, Donald, Achmore, Weber .. 802 951 Munro, Donald, Linside, Weber .. .. 2,130 1,441 Munro, Donald, Pukerau, Weber .. 1,300 2,371 Olsen, Ole (private bag), Dannevirke .. 2,945 3,10, Palmer, William, Mangatoitoi, Weber .. 1.077 1,13; Pope, R., Wimbledon .. . . .. 56 8, Pryoo, Herbert, Kakariki, Halcombe .. 2,902 3,13! Rice, John, Roundhill, Weber .. .. 1,373 1,381 Rice, John, Roundhill, Weber .. .. 144 25: Riddell, C. B., Ti-tree Point, Dannevirke .. 5,250 5,07 Rosenbeck, J., Weber .. .. .. 1,173 1,19' Siteman, William, Spring Hill, Wimbledon 1,125 1,07; Siteman, WiUiam, Spring Valo, Wimbledon 1,528 Nil Small, W. H„ jun., Box 78, Dannevirke .. 4,300 4,601 Stevens, R„ Dannevirke .. .. 12,087 10,96' Stewart Bros, Esdale, Ti-tree Point .. 4,685 4,32 Thorn, Colin W„ Glenmore, Weber .. 2,387 75' Ward, A. C, Wimbledon .. .. 2,940 3,01: Wiley, W. M„ Lawn Farm, Waipatiki .. 1,742 1,591 135,621 127,3' 1,186 1,000 3,072 8,927 263 6,781 3,327 3,676 1,900 3,578 1,312 1,050 5,811 3,460 450 1,027 1,000 975 570 7 1,429 919 3,351 j 694 1,440 950 1,835 1,130 1,288 Nil 2,700 9,927 292 3,754 3,385 3,750 1,723 35 3,414 1,400 2,450 7,181 1 ,700 Nil Nil Nil 3,074 Nil 808 Nil 1,410 945 j 3,51.1 100 833 1,398 908 1,790 1,206 Dannevirke County— continued. Berkahn, J., Norsewood .. .. 471 300 Berntsen, George P., Awariki .. .. 799 945 Bishop, D., Makotuku .. .. .. 211 IOO Blyth, Hugh B„ Mangatoro Valley, Danne- 1,960 2,007 virke Bond, Eli, Ruaroa, Dannevirke .. .. 525 1,249 Brabazon, Samuel, Oakleigh, Norsewood S. 622 032 Broakwell, L. G, Dannevirke .. .. 407 752 Breakwoll, L. C, Whitukura .. .. 1,050 Nil Brieski, Herman, Norsewood .. .. 000 000 Brown, G, Highland Home, Umutaoroa .. 745 713 Brown, J., Matamau .. .. .. 153 52 Brown, J., Matamau .. .. .. — 50 Brown, M. E., Waitohora, Dannevirke .. 1,168 Nil Brown, W„ Waitahora .. .. .. 1.470 1,152 Brown, William, jun., Rata Hill, Waitahora 1,510 Nil Brown, William, Rata Hill, Waitahora. .. — I ,430 Buchanan, George J. J., Matawhitoa, Wai- 020 000 tahora Buchanan, George J. J., Waitahora .. 823 900 Buchanan, P. C. G, Matamau .. .. 492 400 Campbell. A., Box 136, Dannovirke .. 13 25 Canning, Davis, Rata Station, Whetukura 4,330 4,320 Carlson, J. A., Awariki, Dannovirke .. 3,087 2,935 Car-miehael, A. George, Motea, Dannevirke 1,973 2,295 Carr, Thomas, Matamau .. .. 225 305 Castle Bros., Cave Farm, Whetukura .. 3,559 2,900 Chadwick, J. R., Box 91, Dannevirke .. 200 107 Chadwick, Ralph, Ruaroa .. . . 715 523 Chadwick, R. S„ Moastom Park, Whetukura 3,003 3,003 Chadwick, Walter, Matipo Park, Whetukura 1,311 1,276 Charteris, George, Corsway, Mangatoro .. 659 669 Choesman, W. F. and A., Awariki .. 616 620 Christoffersen, A., Makotuku .. .. 123 115 Clegg and Snaddon, Whetukura . . .. 003 Clegg, John James, Whetukura .. .. 2.428 2,034 Clogg, R. W., Pleasant Valloy, Whetukura 1,810 2,037 Cotter, Henry (private bag), Ngamoe, Danne- 1.330 Nil virke Coward, S. B. E., Box 75, Dannevirke .. 733 807 Cowper, Frederick G., Box 18, Dannevirko 6,530 6,072 Cowper, Harry, Ti Kouka, Dannovirke .. 3,375 3,073 Cunningham, P. A. (private bag), Waipapa, 1,705 2,061 Dannevirke Curtis, J., Awariki, Dannevirke .. .. 2,860 Nil Curtis, J., Ngapaeruru .. .. .. 2,860 3,275 Dampney, E. R., Otoro, Whetukura .. 5,120 5,214 Dannevirke Racing Club, Dannevirke .. 100 130 Dassler, Walter W. P., Stony Creek, Te Uri, 1,595 1,668 Whetukura Davies, Rees, Te Ngaehe, Otawhao .. 1,833 Nil Dean, E. and G. H., Raumati .. .. 569 500 Dunn, William John, TooraUy, Matatera .. 261 Nil Effingham, F. A., Paeroa, Whetukura .. 1.200 1,514 EUingham, H. A., Mangatoro Valley, Danne- 2.370 352 virke EUingham, J. W., Whetukura .. .. 2,226 2,379 Ellingham, Thomas W., Whetukura .. 3,075 3,266 Ellis Bros., Kopua .. .. 1,480 1,800 Ellison, Edwin H., Rakautataki, Takapau.. 458 737 Eriata Nopera, Dannevirke .. .. ' 100 Nil Erickson, John, Te Takapu, Umutaoroa .. 385 257 Fairbrothor, S. B., Box 136, Dannevirke . . 170 Falconer, Julius J., Te Mutu Farm, Ruaroa 225 643 Feierabend, A., Dannevirke . . .. 755 Feierabend, G, Norsewood .. .. 322 Feierabend, P. A., Tataramoa .. .. 417 355 Ferguson, H. A., Tepurapura, Mangahu .. 61.6 829 Forbes, A., Tc Rehunga .. . . 516 425 Fothergill,Thomas,SpringBank, Ormondville 709 710 Fourneau, W. P., Pakowai .. .. 257 208 France, G. W., Maungarata, Matamau .. 1,797 2,020 Francis, G. F., South Norsowood.. .. — 340 Franklin, B. E., Dannevirke .. .. 709 634 Franklin, Mark, Mangatuna, Dannevirke .. 3,140 3,290 Franklin, W. and F., Nikau, Dannovirke .. 4,246 4,440 Prederickson, G. P., Norsewood South .. 48 Nil Frederickson, S., Norsewood South .. 493 408 French, Fred. C, Green Hill Farm, Danne- 297 317 virke Galloway, Alexander, Loch Lomond (private 1,690 1,090 bag), Dannevirke Galloway, Arthur, Spring Valley, Mangahei 1,699 1,64(1 Galloway, Jamos, Dannevirke .. .. 2,779 3,387 GaUoway, J. D., Te Rehunga .. .. 150 375 471 799 211 1,960 525 022 407 1,050 000 745 153 1,168 1.470 1.510 020 823 492 13 4,330 3,087 1,973 225 3,559 200 715 3,003 1,311 659 616 123 900 400 25 4,320 2,935 2,295 305 2,900 107 523 3,003 1,276 669 620 115 003 2,03-1 2,037 Nil 300 945 IOO 2,007 1,249 632 752 Nil 600 713 52 50 Nil 1,152 Nil I ,430 000 595 2,048 1,089 1,162 2,640 802 2,130 1,300 2,945 1.077 56 2,902 1,373 144 5,250 1,173 1,125 1,528 4,300 12,087 4,685 2,387 2,940 1,742 555 2,680 1,165 1,098 2,798 950 1,440 2,370 3,104 1,135 85 3,139 1,389 253 5,071 1,197 1,075 Nil 4,000 10,967 4,321 754 3,012 1,590 2,428 1,810 1,330 733 6,530 3,375 1,705 2,860 2,860 5,120 1.00 1,595 807 0,072 3,073 2,061 Nil 3,275 5,214 130 1,668 1,833 569 261 1.200 2.370 Nil 500 Nil 1,514 352 135,621 127,377 2,220 3,075 1,480 458 100 385 2,379 3,260 1,800 737 Nil 257 170 043 755 322 355 829 425 710 208 2,020 340 634 3,290 4,440 Nil 408 317 DANNEVIRKE COUNTY (In Woodville Subdivision). A. and P. Association, Dannevirke .. 15 6 Adrian, Fred, Norsewood .. . . — 20i Affleck, John, Mangahei .. .. 1,614 1,61, Anderson, C. P., Norsewood | .. .. 614 53: Anderson, Peter, Umutaoroa .. .. 100 Nil Armstrong, A. L. (private bag), Dannevirke — 1,32i Armstrong, James, Glengarry, Dannevirke 3,931 4,45 Bai, G, Mangatoro .. ■, .. 533 66 Baines, G R„ Papatu, Ormondville .. 2,541 2,40: Baker, Charles, A„ Wairere, Waitahora .. 3,150 2,66! Baker, James, Te Rehunga .. .. 500 Nil Ballantyne, L. (private bag), To Mai, Danne- 1,405 1,44virke Ballantyne, R. A. (private bag), Dannovirke — 85! Barker, C. F., Whotukura .. .. 3,947 3,56; Barry, D., Fernhill, Umutaoroa .. .. 1,703 1,75' Bayden Bros., Ruaroa, Dannevirke .. 32! Beaman, Mrs. M., Mangatera .. . . 102 14' Bennett, Mrs. M. (Estate of), Ormondville 1,785 1,641 Borkahn and Sons, Tipapakuku, Dannevirke — 2,72: Berkahn, G A„ Makotuku ,, ., 209 91 15 1,614 614 100 3,931 533 2,541 3,150 500 1,405 64 200 1,615 539 Nil 1,320 4,451 660 2,402 2,669 Nil .1,444 225 417 616 516 709 257 1,797 709 3,140 4,246 48 493 297 3,947 1,703 102 1,785 859 3,565 1,757 329 147 1,645 2,722 99 , 1,690 1,090 1,699 2,779 150 1,04(1 3,887 375 209
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheop on I April 30,1 April 30, | 1917. 1918. Dannevirke County— continued. Gellaur, G. EL, King Street, Dannevirke .. Graham, W. II., Kiritaki Grant, Biggary S., Norren HiUs, Mangahei Greene, George P., Ngapaeruru Grenville, J., Toi Flat, Dannevirko Griffiths, W., Ruaroa, Dannovirke Gunderson, IT, South Norsewood Gundrie, W. W., Norsewood Haliburton,Borthwick,ThcWiUows, Matamau 11 ,i 1111 .i Temaero, Te Rakautatahi, Takapau Hansen, A. B., Norsewood South Hartgill ami Knight, Otauhao, Dannevirke.. Hartgill, W. H. (for Ngapaeruru Property), Dannovirke Haseldon, P. Moore, Mangahono, Dannevirke Healey, W. J., Cabbage-tree Point, Whetukura Herbert, W. J., Dannevirke Hertzel, 0. A. (private bag), Dannevirko .. Howett, Herbert, Dannevirke Hewitt and Booth, c/o H, I?. Farmers' Cooperative, Dannevirko Hill, James (private bag), Dannevirke Hirst, T., Norsewood Hitchings, T. H. L., Umutaoroa Hoggard, Charles E. (private bag), Dannevirke Holdcrr, Jonathan, Rakaiatai Station, Makotuku Holmes and doll. Whetukura Holmes, J. A., Umutaoroa Hughes, A. E., Matamau Hulena, Charles, Forest HiU, Norsewood . . Hussey, G. H. C, Matatera Hutchinson, James, Norsewood Hutchinson, J. M. (private bag), Dannevirke Inder, R. W. N., Matatera James, H. T., Dannevirke John, Miss A. M., Ruamati Johansen, E., Orengi (private bag), Dannevirke Johnston, M., Broadleaf, Waitahora Jonasen, O. G, Norsewood Karaitiana Wirihana, Dannevirke Kelly, Mrs. Annie, Umutaoroa Kershaw, G. C, Matamau Kilford, WilUam C. (private bag), Englefield, Dannevirke Knight, Arthur B., Mangatoro Station Knight Bros., Puke Atua, Dannevirke Knight Bros,., Tiratu, Tahoraite, Dannevirke Knight, M. P., Dannevirke Lane, A. E., Te Rehunga Lane and Smith, Hindhope, Dannevirko .. Lane and Smith, Te Pa, Dannevirke Larsen, J., Te Rehunga Larsen, N. L., Box 37, Te Papakuku, Dannevirke Lissirrgton, C, Wharehoc, Dannevirke Livingstone, James, Swinburn Station, Dannevirke Lloyd, Gordon, Dannovirke Logan, A., jun., Makotuku Lopdoil, H. A., Umutaoroa Lund, O., Norsewood Mackenzie, James (privato bag), Green Hill, Dannevirke Macleod, P., Whetukura MacLeod, J. S., View'Point, Whetukura .. Malmanche, S., Te Rehunga Manguson, Neils, Norsewood Mathews, Mrs. J. H., To Ohu, Norsewood South Mayoock, E., Dannevirke McCleUaiid, 8., Makotuku McDonald, Donald, Waitahora McDowall, Stanley, Mangatera McFarlane,, D., Norsewood North McGibbon, J., Glenview, Waitahora McGibbon, Mrs. K. A., Glenview, Waitahora Mclntyre, J., Dannevirke McKenzie, Alexander, Mangatera McKenzie, Roderick, Mangatoro VaUey McLeod, William Fairview Farm, Dannevirke 1,135 3,041 471 271 98 1,014 462 0.720 1,421 1,644 255 400 868 216 236 762 265 410 812 12,656 1,998 315 617 57 344 834 456 250 2,939 65 2,695 1,517 153 774 492 500 1,092 3,310 910 Nil 237 251 110 872 448 0,060 1,204 1,732 255 501 J, 150 Nil 1,207 1,038 422 Nil 837 14,100 2,407 221 281 Nil 63 Nil Nil 481 Nil 37 29 3,017 124 7,071 1,200 211 998 Dannevirke County— continued. MoOjuade, A., Norsewood Miller, J., Pox 123, Trpapakuku, Dannovirke Miller, James, To Rehunga, Dannevirke .. MitcheU, William .1., Umutaoroa.. Monteith, W. H., Tahoraite, Dannevirke .. Morrison, Jonathan H., Makotuku Munn, A., Ruaroa Neal, A. W. (private bag), Dannevirke Nickolaison, Niels, Alpha, Ormondville Nickolaison, Peter, Mountain House, Whetukura Nikora Bros., Kaitoki, Dannevirke Nordbye, H. G, Norsewood O'Hara, J., Norsewood Olsen, Albany, Lindalc, Awariki Olsen, Anton, Ngamoko, Norsewood Olsen, A., Willow Park, Norsewood South Palmer, Charles G., Te Uri Peck, C, Tataramoa Pedersen, Jens L,, Te Uri Pedersen, N. K. E. M., Sea View, TV Uri Peeti Luxford, Dannevirke Peeti Luxford, Dannevirke Peters, Andrew, Dannevirke Peters, James, Benmore, Tataramoa Pharazyn, Norris, Wacwaepapa, Dannevirke PowoU, J., Matanrau Price, Lewis, Raumati Price, W. P. (private bag), Dannevirke Rangiwhakaewa, Hirai (c/o F. G. Cowper), Box 18, Dannevirko Rangiwhakaewa, Hoheru, Kaitoki, Dannevirke Rankin and Prince, Makotuku Ransom, E. A., Dannevirke Rawsthorn, P., Norsewood Redward, P. W., Ormondville, Rondle, G. E., Dannevirke Rotter, A. D., Mangatoro Valley Rigger Bros., Makotuku Rigger Bros., Havolock North Romlcy, A. E., Te Rehunga Rose, John, Toi Flat, Dannevirke Rose, W., Dannevirke Rose, William, Midmar, Dannevirke Rosenbeck. P.. 'Tataramoa, Matamau Ross, Alexander McG., Oykel, Toi Flat .. Ross, J. A., Dannevirke Ryan, T., Norsewood Sabin, A., Kopua Sanders, H. M., Kopua, Otawhao Sargent, J. W., Tuturewa, Mangatoro Satfrup, W. L., Tataramoa, Dannevirko . . Scandlyn, J. W., Matamau Schaare, W., Makotuku Schcnck, J. G, Fairview, Whetukura Schenck, J. G, Longdale, Te Uri Scott, A. J., Mangatoto Solby and Tripe, Box 19, Dannevirke Solby and Tripe, Box 19, Dannevirke Sevomsen, Charles, Tc Uri, Ormondville .. Sherman, L. J., Silverleys, OrmondviUo .. Sherry, F., Box 41, Takapau Simmons, Walter E., Mangatoro Sisson, Mrs. J., Matamau Smith, Bert (privato bag), Kai Ora, Dannevirke Smith, J. M., Tlu-ee Springs, Whetukura .. Smith, Mrs. S. A. F., Mangatoro Valley .. Smith, W. IL, Raumati Snaddon, James, Limestone Terrace, Whetakura Snook, A., Makotuku Speedy, G. M., The Itanchc, Dannevirke .. Speedy, Stanley, Rod River, Toi Fiat, via Weber Stevens, It., Box, Dannevirke Stevens, Robert It., Tahoraite Stuckey, H. B. (private bag), Dannevirke.. Svenson, AUred, Ngamoko, Hatuma Svensen, Anton, Norsewood Svenson, Mrs. P., Hatuma Swinson, J. A., Tahoraite, Dannevirke Tarr, P. S., Ruaroa, Dannevirke Telford,'!'., Ruaroa, Dannevirke 23 III 434 5,479 2,784 1,485 615 554 410 189 10 589 1,488 I ,392 1,240 2,923 1,355 823 2,535 14,600 204 1,112 202 388 507 2,005 338 520 710 395 167 1,184 1,799 1,150 151 211 352 412 22 5,300 80 2,640 1,682 780 Nil 848 32 544 023 426 2,075 345 1,294 1,230 2,395 1,222 849 2,482 14,741 9 204 1,319 Nil 420 390 1,906 545 540 550 Nil Nil 367 266 Nil Nil 3,123 300 1,997 400 Nil Nil 130 2,445 345 98 110 354 809 1,304 1,122 Nil 608 480 100 710 250 1,599 7,346 9,356 13,940 1,104 530 1,074 2,170 206 880 6,960 10,561 13,613 670 564 1,730 2,167 Nil 807 1,535 500 504 31 145 2,559 350 37 3,181 50 4,007 160 350 800 1,310 1,122 459 616 451 438 416 280 179 410 191 380 205 363 710 300 1,489 1,136 172 1,230 233 70 Nil 8,800 470 559 530 443 18 1,820 30 8,542 1,912 62 275 1,050 756 292 1,076 711 500 10 285 1,540 615 380 966 705 510 440 304 91 370 4,080 3,234 150 4,605 3,000 431 450 2,090 580 204 Nil 400 2,208 430 424 1,394 35 36 256 556 150 4 212
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Dannev irk b (JotrNTY— continued. Thirkcll, A. V., Box 87, Dannevirke Thomason, Thomas P., Wood bank, Ormondville Thompson, Mrs. M. 8., Waitahora Thompson, J. It., Norsewood Thompson, Samuel E., Aroha, Waitahora .. Thomson, W. M., Norsewood South Tickner, Harry, Harting, Waitahora Todd, Mrs. M., Norsewood Torrey, Joseph, Te Rehunga Villa, W., Matamau Walker, Charles, Mangatera Wallace, A. D., Hillside, Whetukura Waller. G., Ruaroa, Dannovirke Walley, J. T., Tataramoa Walsh, M., Umutaoroa Walsh, M. J. S., Norsewood .. . .. Waugh, J., Tahoraite, Dannevirke Webb, T. M., Edendale, Dannovirke Wellwood arrd Maddison, Otope, Dannovirke West, A., Norsewood South White, Arrros. Mangatoro White, John, Mangatoro Whitsoir, A. S., Te Uri, Ormondville Wiffin, Robert, Ngapaeruru Wiggins, S. K, Norsewood Willan, It. J., Mangatera Williams, W. J., Hutiwai, Whetukura Withy, W. P., Raumate, Dannevirke Wright, L., Bankside, Makotuku 30 904 229 2,663 706 1.12 204 765 162 520 40 10 953 584 Nil 218 3,030 605 212 280 277 700 7 003 148 Nil 541 330 3,540 72 877 347 1,215 3,510 39 470 1,245 21 994 Woodville County— continued. Harris, John, Woodville .. .. 350 340 Harris, John, jun., Woodvillo .. .. 188 150 Hartstone, A. P., Woodville .. .', 306 352 Henry, It. I)., Tawa Flat, Woodville .. 300 281 Herbert, Charles Alfred, Tawadalc, Papal awa 1,542 Nil Herlihy, John, Mangarawa .. .. 1,064 1,172 Hirst, H., Maharahara .. .. .. 351 Nil Hokhn, J.. Bloomheld. Woodville .. 1,764 1,334 Hooper Bros, (c/o It. Cairns), Woodvillo . . 309 Houghton, George Robert, Woodville .. 283 57 Howatt, John, Pines, Hopelands.. .. 261 244 ITowsc, John, Hill Farm, Maharahara West 833 972 Hughes, David, Hill House, Woodville .. 55 40 Hurley, T. F., Woodville .. .. 230 240 Hutchinson, J. M., Papatawa .. .. 1,792 Inglis, J. D., " Ratabini." Mangarawa .. 1,494 2,052 Jackson, Leonard, Kumeroa .. .. 454 504 Jacobson Bros., Kiritaki .. .. 1,345 1,821 Kemp, Daniel, Fernside, Kumeroa .. 040 530 Kennear, H. G. Balfour, Kumeroa .. 2,410 2,130 Kinaue, J., Mangarawa . . .. 30 Leach, E. W., Mangarawa .. .. 80 Litchfield, A. S., Kumeroa .. .. 185 200 Little, John, Kumeroa .. .. .. 894 850 Logan, Mrs. Jessie, Woodville . . .. 187 Logan, W. H. A., Berridale, WoodviUe .. 708 792 Love, Asher, Burnside Farm, Woodvillo .. 002 045 Lyons, Mrs., Maharahara .. . . 302 347 MacDonald, E. It., Maha ahara .. . . 885 759 Macfarlane and Sons, Woodville .. .. 234 442 Mackay, Alex. Macintosh, Woodvillo .. 461 532 MacKenzie, Donald, Dannevirke .. 1,677 Nil Mackie, J. I. N., Campfield, Kumeroa .. 1,522 1,838 Martin, Thomas, Mokoia, Hopelands .. 192 440 McCoo], Alexander, Ashhurst .. .. 500 550 McCullough, George H., Hopelands .. 672 291 McDonald and Son (private bag), Danne- 700 Nil virke McFarlane and Sons, Woodville .. .. 527 200 McKay, Alex. Moffat, Rosevalc Farm, Wood- 115 142 ville McKenzie, John, Maharahara West, Wood- 903 1,191 viUe McKinley, J., Mokoia, Papatawa . . 60 40 Moxted, A. J., Hopelands .. .. 1,234 1,195 Miers, E. R., Woodville ... .. 470 Nil Morgan, A. E., Woodville .. .. — 14 Morgan Bros., Woodville .. .. 627 715 Morgan, R. H., Woodville .. 1,328 1,207 Murray, John, jun., Shamrock, Woodville.. 385 428 Nelson, W. H., Laureston, WoodviUe .. 654 625 Nilsson, H. S., WoodviUe .. . . 355 306 Norman, B. H., Ratanui, Hopelands .. 959 1,034 O'Neill, John, Papatawa, Woodville . . 179 Nil Ormond, Hon. J. D., Woodville, Napier .. 2.679 3,530 Oxenham, A. O., WoodviUe .. . . 729 738 Parker, W. E., Pahiatua .. .. — 1,214 Patterson, J. S., Hall Block, Woodville .. 781 002 Pattison, Robert, Otawa, Kumeroa .. 662 087 Piper, John D., Makairo .. .. 120 Nil Poulton Bros., Rangiwai, Kumeroa .. 2,286 2,054 Ramsden, J. D., Aototaru, Kumeroa .. 2,938 3,045 Richards, Ralph, Woodlands Road, Wood- 223 260 ville 350 188 306 300 1,542 1,064 351 1.764 283 261 833 55 230 1,494 454 1,345 040 2,410 340 150 352 281 Nil 1,172 Nil 1,334 309 57 244 972 40 240 1,792 2,052 504 1,821 530 2,130 30 80 200 850 187 792 045 347 759 442 532 Nil 1,838 440 550 291 Nil 4.85 3,434 899 338 1,220 3,873 40 45 1,251 11 1,017 185 894 708 002 302 885 234 461 1,677 1.522 192 500 672 700 321,201 332,219 WOODVILLE COUNTY (In Woodville Subdivision). Aim, Stewart, Papatawa Arrow, C. H., Prrnawaitai, Pahiatua Arrow, Walter Charles, Sedglcigh, Hopelands Ball, 0. B., Feldonwood, Pajiatawa Bassett, John, Woodvillo Beagley, IL, Woodville Boagley, Joseph, Whariti, Woodville Beattie, R. E., Lowlands, Woodville Beaumont, John, Sunrise Farm, Woodville Bolton, Samuel, Oete, Mangatainoka Bowman, F. W., Woodville Bunny, R. E., Dannevirke Burnett, W., Kumeroa Burnett, William, Howi Rua, Kumeroa Burtton, John, The Pines, Kumeroa Cairns, R., Woodville Cammock, G, Box 130, Dannevirke Carman, Cecil F., Woodville Collie. G. H., Kumeroa Collins, G. and M., Papatawa Corby. P. W. (c/o C. W. Mexted), Pahiatua Cottle, A. E., Hopelands Culliane. J. (private bag), Dannevirke Cunningham, J. B., Mangarawa Davis, W., Te Waerenga, Kumeroa De'Ath, H. G, Kumeroa Dickins, James, Iiosedale Farm, Woodville. . Druce, O. H.,Wairiki, Kumeroa Dunford, D. W., Kumeroa Ebbett, J. H., Woodville Effingham, H. A., " Gronaby," Mangatoro Valley Escort, J. H„ Woodville Fountaine, T. P., Kumeroa Gaisford, W. H., Oringi, Dannevirke Galloway, J. D., Te Rehunga Gibson, Mrs. E., Maharahara Gilbert, J. W., Mangarawa Gilbert, N. J., Woodville Goodwin, J. P., Woodville Grainger, T. L., Mallerstang, Maharahara.. Grant, James, Kelvin Side, Woodville Halo, E. T., Hopelands Halpin, John, Woodville Hammond, H., Woodville Harding, John, Droxford, Woodville Harding, Leolin, Hopelands 827 2,153 901 36 200 577 31 472 2,001 344 1,077 775 022 363 985 812 3.322 340 639 030 2,455 1,810 1 ,844 3,487 062 142 310 808 2,148 870 Nil 138 705 799 12 483 I . 958 375 1,270 800 1,410 364 210 1,114 Nil 3,535 1,780 1,150 284 707 538 2,427 1,709 1,808 3,738 433 132 Nil 527 115 903 60 1,234 470 627 1,328 385 654 355 959 179 2.679 729 781 662 120 2,286 2,938 223 200 142 1,191 40 1,195 Nil 14 715 1,207 428 025 306 1,034 Nil 3,530 738 1,214 062 687 Nil 2,051 3,045 260 Rogers, P., Woodville .. .. .. 140 250 Ross, John. Brookdale, Maharahara .. 147 220 Rundle, E. T., Woodlands Road, Woodville 325 150 Bundle, E. T., Woodlands Road, Woodvillo — 316 Signal, J. IT., Woodvillo . . .. — 80 Slattery, It., Kumeroa . . .. .. 73 64 Smith, It. G, Woedville .. .. 168 400 Taylor, Charles, WoodviUe .. .. 919 930 Thomas, W. J. H., Cross's estate, Hope-lands 394 439 Timmins, E., Maharahara .. .. 360 340 Toogood, William H., Wainui, Hopelands.. 1,144 1,214 Torrey, Joseph, Te .Rehunga .. .. 200 203 Tuck, IL. Spring Hill Farm, Woodville .. 9 19 Turner, Albert LesUe, Pahiatua .. .. 1,729 2,092 Walker, P. E., Woodland's Road, WoodviUe 153 234 Wareham, U. D., Hopelands .. .. 355 122 Worboys, S. E., View Hill Farm, WoodviUe 184 181 140 147 325 250 220 150 310 80 64 460 930 439 340 1,214 203 19 2,092 234 122 181 2,350 2,316 8,681 848 1.064 071 1,400 2,313 9,207 575 911 663 512 1,300 400 Nil 09 00 Nil 2,458 1,490 73 168 919 394 360 1.144 200 9 1,729 153 355 184 1.370 000 7 08 22 2,171 I , 500 I97.481 102,177
H.— 23
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 80, 1917. 1918. ! No.ofS sheep on I April 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. 'PAHIATUA COUNTY (In Woodville Subdivision). Aherns, A. H., Makairo Aitken, W. G., Hill Top Farm, Ashhurst .. Algic, John, Rock Hill, Konini Allen, D. W., Lime Regis, Pahiatua Alpass, M., Konini Anderson, M. P., Mangamutu Angrove, W., Makomako Avery, Charles, Brightfield, Pahiatua Avery, N. L., Pahiatua Balfour-, A. J., Pahiatua Baron, J. T., Pleasant Poirrt, Mangamaire Barrell, A., Marrgatainoka Barthorp, E. J., Te Taumatau, Pahiatua .. Baustead, J. R., Mangamutu Beddingticld, P., Matamau Beech, J. J., Rock Road, Konirri Beech, J. P., Konini Bengston, B. J., Pahiatua Benton, George, Stratharran, Kaitawa Bicknoll, J. (rural delivery), Mangatainoka Bisset, J. S., Belmont, Konini Blatehford, F. W., Pahiatua Blather-wick, William, Mangahao Boltorr, Samuel, Oete, Pahiatu i .. Bone, G, Kohinui Bourke, John, Hamua Boyd, W. T., Sheep-buyers, Pahiatua Breeds, James, Pahiatua Britland Bros., Korrini Brosnahan, D„ Beaufort, Korrini Brosnahan, ,1. .1., Konini, Pahiatua Brown, Alexander (private bag), Ngaturi .. Bryden, S. J., Kaitawa.. Burgess, T., Kaitawa Burnett, William, Hewirua, Kumeroa Burns, Robert, Konini Cameron, A. J., Takapau Cantwell, J., Coonoor Carman, C. P., Pahiatua Caselberg, M., Eketahuna Champion, J. (private bag), Makuri Checkley, A. F., Hinemoa Chcckley Bros., Hinemoa Clulow, A. 8., Kaitawa Clulow, John, '• Rangedale," Pori, Pahiatua Ooiquhun, M. D., Makairo Connell, James, Konini Coom, Harry Floyd, Waimarama, Makuri Cooper-, H., Hukanui Corkill, James, Makomako Cornelius, Harry. Rossnaclouagh, Mangahao Cotter, H., Kaitawa Cox, G B., Kaitawa Cox, J. G., (Estate of), Hinemoa, Kaitawa Crawford, A. F. R., Gorge End, Pahiatua.. Crawford, J. Y., Clifton, Mangatainoka .. Davcrell, J. and B., Makomako Dick, James, The Grange, Pahiatua Dransfleld, P., Makuri .. Dyer, Reuben, Makorrrako, Pahiatua Eaton, Charles, River-side, Kaitawa Ebbett Bros., Makomako Eglinton, A. D., Ngaturi Rising, Carl, Makorrrako Ellingham, R. 0, (private bag), Pahiatua . . Kilmers, John, Kohinui.. Fergus, W., Ruawhata Fitzsimrnons, W. M., Makairo Foster, W. J., Bailance.. Fouhy, Thomas, Marimo Gardner' and Yoeman, Pongaroa Garlick. J ames, Makomako Geange, Alfred, Pahiatua Gibson, J. A., Bailance Gilbert, W. and T., Scarborough, Pahiatua Railway Gregg, It.. Makomako, Pahiatua Gregorie, P. M., Pahiatua Griffith, W., Makairo Groves, Albert, Makairo, Kohinui Groves, Frank, Milton Farm, Makomako .. Groves, F. W. (private, bag), Pahiatua Guerin, J. J., Kaitawa 1,025 800 1,185 1.150 07 150 61 318 4,580 203 36 1,210 940 846 860 690 275 231 I , 059 574 138 2.150 256 874 3.195 862 814 353 112 375 188 800 800 1.500 4,260 1,042 971 1.288 1,557 784 1,152 1,101 Nil 270 202 Nil 425 5,286 193 Nil 1,107 399 606 860 720 1,040 Nil 165 1,312 168 185 2,229 424 922 120 3, 132 860 676 385 128 286 Nil 850 550 1,475 280 2,535 4,218 990 972 1,200 18 2,448 2.340 470 1,815 41 758 1,397 3,787 10 881 Nil 1,851 13 423 946 325 1,025 280 1,873 782 2,305 340 422 41 50 952 641 459 1,440 40 98 Pahiatua County — continued. Hair, J. A. Waikuku. Ngaturi .. .. 0.120 HaUburton, Robert. TawafarDd, Pahiatua.. 452 Halliday, William, EUerslie, Makairo ■ .. 1,021 Halliday. WiUiam, jun., Maroa, Makairo .. 1.480 Hanna,' \Y\. Makuri .. .. .. \ 1,500 Hansen, V. H., Makuri Harvey, E. (rural delivery). Pahiatua Hay, Benjamin, Mangahao, Bailance .. 568 Hay, J. it., Bailance .. .. .. 348 Hayward, H., Pukenui, Kaitawa .. i 650 Heckler, E. S., Makuri ,. .. . . j 1,281 Henderson, Thomas, Konirri .. .. i 353 Hewett, J. E., Mangamaire, Pahiatu i ... 552 Hill, L. E., Bailance .. .. .. j Hind, Mrs, Herbert, Kaitawa .. .. 306 Hirst, Honry, Konini .. .. .. 22 Hislop, Benjamin, Maiingaramai-ama .. 720 Hodd, G. H., Mangatainoka .. .. 1.80 Hodgins Bros., Wreklow Hills, Eketahuna 4,194 Hoggard, Arthur, "Mironui," Paliiatua .. ; 1,015 Hokiaway, L.. Bailance .. ... 81 Holland, James, Rose Bank, Coonoor .. j 575 Holland, Oliver, Fairview, Coonoor .. I 132 Home, Prank Thomas, Airlie Brae. Bailance 506 Hughes, L. IL, Nikau .. .. .. 46 Hull, J. B., Pahiatua .. Hull, W., Kohinui .. .. .. j 1,192 Hunt, IT.. Kaitawa . . . . . . j 1,010 Hunter, James Charles, Mangatainoka .. 21 Ireland, ('., Mangatainoka .. ... 225 Jamieson, T. G., Hopelands .. .. 372 Jensen, 0, P., Mangamaire . . . . 100 Jensen, J., Konirri .. .. .. 3 Jones, Thomas, Bailance .. .. 487 Judd, James .. .. .. .. 2.077 Judd, W. G, Tane .. .. .. 112 Kelsey, Henry, The Glen, Tane .. . . 87!) Kelsey, It., Konini . . . . .. 873 Korr, F. L., Ruawhata . . . . .. 431 Kerr, F. L., Ruawhata .. . . .. 870 Kittow Bros., Waipawa, Hawke's Bay . . 1,114 Knight. It. B., Mangamaire .. .. 814 Knox, Andrew, Kaitawa .. .. 1,852 Leiteh, George, Pahiatua .. .. j — Lett, C, Belmont, Pahiatua .. .. I 147 Lett, D.. Pahiatua . . . . .. 225 Lonergan, Robert, Kaitawa .. . 229 Lund, Olaf, Marima, Pahiatua .. .. 808 Lntch, G., Pahiatua .. .. .. 03 Macdonald, Donald. Waitahora. Dannevirke . 1,550 Macdonald, E., Te Horo .. .. 846 Macfarlane Bros., Bon Lemana, Hastings .. 3,174 MacLeod, Simon, Mangararna .. .. 1,870 Marsh, A. G, Eureka Ranche, Pahiatua .. 1,154 Martin, P. A., Bailance.. .. .. j I Matheson, William, Clachnacudin, Woodville ', 231 Matthews, P. W., Marima .. .. j 375 Matthews, John I)., Riverview, Mangahao.. I 655 McCardle, G .I., Box 2, Pahiatua ..! 102 McCardle, James, Mangamutu .. .. 1,480 McCardle, Mrs., Box 2. Paliiatua. . .. 196 McCarthy, Patrick, Bailance .. .. 201 McCarthy, Patrick, Springhill, Kaitawa .. 160 MoFurlunc, A., Mangamutu, Pahiatua .. 197 McGowan, Robert, Nikitea, Pori .. 1,285 McKay, Alexander, Waiwai, Pahiatua .. 294 McKay, H., Makorrrako .. .. 1,715 McKay, Robert, Wairiri, Kumeroa .. | 1,113 McKay, W., Ngaturi, Dannevirke .. 1,696 McKenzie, P., Makuri .. .. .. — McKenzie, It., Coonoor, Mangatoro Valley 862 McLeod, John, Cashmere, Ngaturi .. 1,416 McLeod, William, Mangahao (rural delivery), 955 Pahiatua McPhail, John, Pahiatua .. .. 158 McTaggart, D., Pahiatua .. .. — McVay, H. D., Mangatainoka .. .. — Mexted, H. 8., Pahiatua ... .. — Mexted, Thomas, Pahiatua .. .. 1,292 Middleton, J., WoodviUe .. .. 413 MiUor, H. IL, Tauroa (private bag), Pahiatua ! 1,719 Miller, J., Mangahao .. .. .. j 281 MiUer, Joseph, Bailance .. .'. 359 Milne. D. M., Marima .. .. .. 87 Nil 488 Nil Nil 1,653 823 160 483 37 774 1,235 283 522 217 246 II Nil 150 3,077 I ,003 127 490 142 390 00 1,081 1,350 1.087 15 331 408 31 29 540 1,901 55 Nil 913 780 1,000 964 Nil 1,840 424 233 312 233 1,380 Nil 1,000 881 Nil 1,911 1,256 45 236 330 650 139 730 92 121 199 264 1,353 262 1,511 998 Nil 7 1,550 1,446 874 2,750 2.461 494 1,866 712 1,512 14 887 913 1,806 665 975 293 776 260 1.910 850 2,233' 404 37 7 1,019 739 423 188 45 184 1.400 98 1,324 1,200 2,990 230 3,570 286 170 105 02 431 1,035 314 3,044 400 485 507 3,842 231 918 269
H.— 23.
No. of f April 30, 1917. Sheep on April 30, 1918. No. of No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. I April 30 | 1917. Pahiatua County— continued,. Mitehel, R., Ngaturi Mitchell, L, Coonoor .. . . .. 367 Mitchell, Richard, Nikau .. .. 34 Mitchell, W., Fernlea (private bag), Eketa- 3.313 huna Moore, P., Puketoi, Pahiatua .. .. 5,955 Moore, W. J. and M. E., Makuri .. 2.350 Morris, Mrs. M. A., Mangahao .. . . 245 Morrison, Alexander, Mount Titoki, M.akuri 684 Morrison and Son (private bag), Tui can Hill, 4,270 Pahiatua Morrison, H. S., Te Ngawai, Ngaturi .. 1.307 Morrison, W. IL, Tane, Eketahuna .. I 1,731 Murphy Bros, (private bag), Hakawai, Paid- 1.040 atua Napier Bros., Eketahurr i .. .. 6,550 Nelson, H. R., Konini .. .. .. 1.023 Nelson, John, Taumata, Kaitawa .. 1.348 Nevins, H. A., Annedale, Tinui . . .. I .505 Nicholson, J. A., Konini O'Brien, Darriel, Mangamutu .. .. 456 Parker, T. E., Pahiatua .. .. 112 Parker, W., Makuri .. .. .. 1,168 Parsons, C. (rural delivery), Kohinui .. 404 Patchett, A. J., Marima .. .. 418 Patterson. .1. S.. Riverslea, Ashhurst .. 781 Perry, J. W., Pipinui, Makuri .. .. 2,627 Piper, J. D„ Surroydale, Makairo .. 4.025 Piper, J. D., Makairo .. Poulton Bros.. Ngarahau, Makuri .. 1,436 Preshaw, W. B., " The (den," Eketahuna .. I ,083 Priest, J. T., Pahiatua .. .. .. I ,960 Priest, M. T., Kohinui (rural delivery), Pahiatua, Prior, Mrs. P. M., Somerford, Mangahao .. 558 Pryde, J., Ruawhata .. .. .. — Redman, John, Rook Farm, Konini .. 2.530 Rhodes, F. G, Makuri .. .. .. 375 Roberts, E. B., Mangatainoka .. .. 11 Rodney, S. V., Konini, Pahiatua .. 430 Roil, Thomas P., Flaxdale, Mangamaire .. 70 Rose, J., Kohinui Ross, D. 8., Kaitawa .. .. .. 355 Ross, W. R., Hamua .. .. .. 225 Rowse, Francis, Springdalc, Makorrrako .. 207 Rule, J. M., Bailance .. .. .. 433 Russell, George, Pukipuki, Pahiatua .. 832 Salter, P. T.. Pahiatua .. .. .. 472 Sargent, Mrs. M., Makomako .. .. 102 Scales, G., Ruawhata . . .. .. — Shanks, H., Makomako.. .. .. 1,321 Sheffield, H., Oti Mai, Makairo .. .. 2,329 Sinclair, J. A., Bailance .. .. 204 Sinclair, J. A., Mangahao, Ballanoe .. 161 Sinclair, James, Benmore, Kaitawa .. 0] I Small, N., Hukanui .. .. .. 1,618 Smart, Mrs. J. T., Aorangi, Makuri .. 1,491 Smith, G, Nikau .. .. .. 148 Smith, K. G, Hamua .. .. .. | — Sontag, Otto, Park Farm, Makomako .. 169 Sorensen, N. C. (private bag), Pahiatua .. 1,201 Sowry, Herbert, Rose Farm (rural delivery), 197 Mangahao Steel, James. Pahiatua .. .. .. 1,215 Stevenson, A. F., Sherwood Park, Kai- 612 tawa, Stewart, Mrs. Sarah, Balig Farm, Pahiatua 114 Stewart, Mrs. Sarah, BaUg Farm, Pahiatua 648 Suisted, G. H., Kohinui .. .. 478 Sutton, G. N., Makairo .. .. 608 Tait, James B., Inverurie, BaUancc .. 84 Taylor, W. D., Mangatainoka .. .. 777 Taylor, W. It., Pahiatua .. . . 700 Taylor, W. R. (Pahiatua rural delivery), 1,878 Makairo Terry, W. T.. Makuri .. .. .. 1,284 Thompson, George, Tainfield, Makairo .. 14 Tripe, W. A., Rexdalo, Mangamaire .. I 1,297 Turfcy, C, Makomako .. .. .. 166 Tylee, W. E. G, Makuri, Pahiatua .. 3-. 036 Upston, Mrs. A., Cambridge St., Pahiatua 97 Van Praagh, Cecil B., Cashmorl, Bailance.. 324 Verry, A. E. T. H. and Martha (rural 807 delivery), Paliiatua 2,057 Nil 31 3,479 5,402 2,125 169 637 4,599 Pahiatua County— continued,. Vile, John, jun., Brook Farm, Makorrrako, Pahiatua Vowell, W. M. (rural delivery), Pahiatua.. Wade, Joseph. Konini Wall, G. H., Makuri Wallis, W. A. (private bag), Pahiatua Warrin Bros, Konini Welch, Mrs. E., Makomako West, G. W., Pahiatua Whitcombe, Eric, Meitapoor, Eketahuna .. White, Frank, Limehurst, Eketahuna' Whitta, Thomas, Makuri Wills, James, Marima Wilson, R. and T., Waitio, Makuri Wilton, H. R., Pahiatua . Wilton, H. R., Pahiatua Wilton, T. R., Pahiatua Woods, Francis, Mangamaire Wright, J. and G E., Makuri I , 179 470 342 1,213 2,560 533 736 1,519 1,978 1,958 208 2,455 469 155 1,006 60 2,854 227,064 I , 179 1,229 470 457 342 261 1,213 1,125 29 2,560 2,416 533 360 736 861 1,519 1,419 1,978 2,191 1,958 1,802 208 417 2,455 2,553 469 130 155 559 1,006 1,100 60 9 2,854 2,460 Nil 1,742 980 ! 6,276 982 1.388 1,235 590 184 141 1,118 761 359 Nil 2,573 4,692 500 1,474 964 1,916 107 AKITIO COUNTY (In Woodville Subdivision). Anderson, J. (c/o C. Liverton), Waihoki Valloy, Eketahuna Armstrong, Francis, Glenora, Akitio .., : Ashworth. H. J.. Pongaroa Bagley, H'., Marrgatiti Bambury, J., jun., Mangatiti Barry, J. P., Mangatiti Barton Bros., '.' Mataikoua," Whakataki .. Boale, A. P., Rakanui Berry, J. H., Pongaroa Billington, C. J., Pongaroa Bishop, A. G, Panui, Pongaroa Blair, W. ,1., Akitio .. Bowie, G, Pukehinau Bowie, John, Pukehinau Bowie, R., Pukehinau Bryant, G. H., Rakaunui Buckingham, F. H., Pongaroa Buckingham, F. H., Pongaroa Buckley, D., Mangatiti Buckley, Daniel, Rakaunui Buokley, Daniel, Rakaunui Burch, John, Mangatiti Burling Bros., Woodlands, Pongaroa Burling, C. R., Tikaramonga, Pongaroa .. Burling, Edwin H., Pongaroa Burnett, A. E., Weber Campbell, William, Mara Chatfield, E. A.. Waione Chatfield, G., Waione Clark, John, Korora Clark, S. J., " Ryehill," Horoeka .. i Clemens, A. B. (rural route), Pongaroa Clemens, E. W., Pongaroa Clifford, 'Thomas, Waimiro Cruickshank, W., Waione Cruickshank, W., Waione Darlington, E. E., Rakaunui, Eketahuna .. Darlington, E. E., Rakaunui .. Darlington, John, Waterfalls, Eketahuna . . Davidson, James IL, Pongaroa Dickens, C. IL, Rakaunui Dickins, Alfred, Pongaroa Dillon, Henry, Mangatiti .. .. ' Dillon, M. F., Mangatiti .. .. I EUingham, H. T., Horoeka .. Ferriok, Matthew, Waione Ferrick, Mrs. Jessie, Waiorre Franklin Bros., Bloomfield, Dannevirke! .. Fulcher, James, Mangatiti Gardner and Yoeman, Pongaroa.. .. j Gichard, F., Pongaroa Giddcns, R. P., Waimiro Giddens, T. C. G., Pongaroa Gilbert, W. J. (RuralRoute No. 4), Waipatiki Gilbert, W. T\, The Myalls (Rural Route No. 4), Dannevirke Gillam, G. H., Pioneer Farm, Waimiro Gilhu-d, G. H., Mangatiti 400 23,258 221 600 756 730 9,633 750 461 1,250 152 1,360 757 831 477 604 800 860 529 18,148 1,797 746 1,058 1,320 180 1,686 855 1,819 612 815 382 416 489 463 816 809 778 1,418 1,237 1,932 2,523 1,300 1,100 1,828 371 441 700 214 465 827 1,282 720 227,064 222,477 437 613 12 2,525 505 13 80 82 255 275 255 279 407 901 Nil 122 204 769 2,280 177 Nil 660 1,330 1,392 150 40 285 1,270 126 23,000 50 507 785 719 Nil 709 40 430 I , 100 140 250 I ,375 606 037 695 640 808 1 ,062 Nil 564 18,549 1,783 738 1,050 1,414 100 1,747 860 1,687 577 942 408 532 427 I ,420 Nil 900 781 1,577 1,184 1,284 420 2,037 I ,250 I , 100 I ,409 352 718 408 740 222 564 916 1,210 57.1 021 105 210 566 Nil 740 2,005 Nil 1,341 549 i 1,470 70 2,762 180 300 712 1,223 820
No. of i April 311, 1917. iheep on I April 30, 1918. April 30, April 30. 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on *K Akitio County— continued. Gray, J., Darrrrevirke .. .. .. 4,647 Gupwell, J. D., Maku, Puketoi .. .. 640 Handyside, J. S., c/o Hawke's Bay Club, 2,318 Napier Hansen Bros., Makuri .. .. .. 639 Hansen, L. P., Pongaroa, .. .. 899 Harold, D., Waimiro, Dannevirke Hartgill, M. W., Akitio.. .. .. 5,970 Hasler, G., Pongaroa .. .. .. 412 Hayes, John, jun., Puketoi .. .. j f— Hennessy, James (Estate of), Pongaroa .. ■■ 1,624 Herbert, A. C, Forest Hill (private bag), 1 3,152 Pongaroa Herbert, Frank, Pongaroa .. ..J 1,776 Higginson, Henry, Waihoki Valley, Eketa- I 1,740 buna Higginson, H., Waihoki Valley (private bag), ! 1,314 Eketahuna Holdem, W. H., Pongaroa .. .. I .291 Holes, Richard, Hillside, Whakataki .. 182 Hume, H. T., Masterton .. .. 18,520 Humphries, H. and J., Pongaroa .. 3.175 Hunt, S., Dannevirko .. .. .. I 400 Hunter Bros, (c/o James Gray), Dannevirke I Hutching, G. R. H., Maku ' .. .. 710 Keddell, W. T., Puketoi .. .. 104 Kent, F. G., Pongaroa .. .. .. 480 Kerr, W., Pukehinau .. .. .. 858 Lanhey, John, Pongaroa .. .. 1,414 Lassen, C, Rakaunui .. .. .. 4,098 Lassen, G. (Estate of (!. Lassen), Rakaunui 210 Leach, George Henry, Pakowai, Tinui .. i 1,087 Liverton Bros., Waihoki Valley .. .. 10,000 Loney, R., Mangatiti .. . . .. I 705 Lunt, Charles (Rural Route No. 4), Waihi ! 617 FaUs, Dannevirke Lunt, William (Rural Route No. 4), Danne- I 1,153 virke Maddover, W. J. C, Korora, Pongaroa .. 924 Malmanchc, L., Waione .. .. 1,671 Martin, 0. R., Pongaroa, Mason, A., Pakowai, Tinui Matthews, Charles, Sunnyside, Puketoi .. 830 McAnulty Bros., Eketahuna McCloskey, Charles, Mangititi .. .. 405 McCullough, Samuel, Rakaunui .. .. 425 McDavitt, P., Mangatiti .. .. 900 McDavitt, J., Mangatiti.. .. .. 385 McDavitt, J., Mangatiti McDonald, A., Pongaroa .. .. 032 McDonald, James, " Ben Lomond," Ponga- 708 54,112 '5600 2,477 839 910 403 6,014 642 708 2,599 2,390 3,190 1,408 1,350 1,517 157 21,350 3,222 400 0,700 728 Nil 460 725 1,284 3,028 Nil 1,030 9.750 890 700 I ,100 Akitio County-— continued. Pickett, W„ Pongaroa .. .. .. 2,741 Pim, J. S., jun., Korora, Pongaroa, .. 374 Polglase, J. W., Korora .. .. 430 Polglase, J. W., Korora, Pongaroa .. 383 Poole, H. J., Korora .. 1,656 Poole, H. R., Pongaroa .. .. 1,560 Porteous, Agnes, Waipatiki .. .. 800 Priest, G. W. and J. G, Pongaroa .. 1,412 Quarterman, E. G., Pongaroa .. .. — Riddell, D. D., " Arklow " (private bag), 1,102 Pongaroa Robbie, P. (private bag), Eketahuna .. — Robbie, James (private bag), Eketahuna .. — Robertson, R. B., Rakaunui .. .. 1.750 Rowarth, P. W., Puketoi .. .. 709 Ruskell, Mrs. M. J., Pahiatua .. .. — Ruskell, Thomas, Pahiatua .. .. 1,025 Rutherford, W.. Pongaroa .. .. 1,620 Ryan, J., Pongaroa .. .. .. 505 Ryan, M., Mangatiti Sargent, S., Puketoi .. .. .. 1,003 Sargent, S., Puketoi .. .. .. 780 Shanahan, J., Pahiatua.. .. .. — Shcrrard, Mrs. E., Pongaroa .. .. 323 Sherrard, Thomas, Pongaroa .. .. 1,240 Smith, P., Dannevirke .. .. ..12,185 Somerville Bros., Mount Royal, Mara .. 780 Souness, William, and Son, Pongaroa .. 606 Sorensen, C. R., Rakaunui .. .. 700 Sorensen, J. J., Pongaroa .. .. 658 Sorensen, P. G, Rakaunui .. .. — Stone, Thomas, Pongaroa .. .. 500 Styles. G. H. and L„ Rakaunui .. .. 2,194 Styles, G. H., Waikereru .. .. 2,274 Swan, G, Pongaroa .. .. .. 1,970 Swann, G H., Pongaroa .. .. 1,170 Terry, Walter Thomas, Bowood, Eketahuna 1,020 Thomas, IT. (Rural Route No. 4), Dannevirko 912 Thomas, Isaac 8., Waiowaka, Rakaunui .. 646 Thomas, William, Rakaunui .. .. 506 Thompson and Boise, " Glencoe." Pongaroa 5,412 Thomson, S. D., Akitio.. . . .. 11,100 Thorn, G, Weber Thorndyke, J. IL, Pongaroa . . . . 432 Tinworth, H. J., Pongaroa Toxward, A. J.. Dannevirko .. .. 4,107 Tylee, W. E. G, Makuri .. ... 1,434 Urquhart, A., Horoeka (Rural Route No. 4), 1,080 Dannevirke Utting, Robert, Puketoi .. .. 368 Valois, F. G., Mara, via Rakaunui . . 424 Valois, P., Rakaunui .. .. .. 544 Vitsky, Benjamin, Pongaroa .. .. 607 Voss, P. G. L., Waione .. .. .. 765 Wagiaird, G, Masterton Waldmann, P., Pongaroa .. .. 621 Waldermann, G. P., Pongaroa • .. .. 294 Ward, W. IT., Pongaroa .. .. 466 Wardle/F., Pongaroa .. Waterman, W. H., Waione .. .. 560 Weeds, W. E., Waione .. .. 1.505 Weeds, W. H., Waione . . . . .. 073 West Bros., Rakaunui .. .. .. 2,000 Westlake, H. S., Waione . . ,. 968 Whitta Bros., Horoeka . . .. .. 1.604 Whittaker, G, Rakaunui Wilcox, A., Waimiro .. . . . . 1.498 Wood, P. W., Rakaunui .. .. j 1,265 Woodhouso, J. G., Rakaunui .. .. 1,232 Wooffindin, W. C, Prrketoi .. . . 578 Wright, James, Rakaunui .. .. 1.014 Wright, W., Rakaunui .. .. Wyeth, F., Pongaroa . . .. .. ' 831 Yewman, T. A., Pukehinau .. .. — 2.535 384 280 414 Nil 4 ,024 812 1,250 90 I ,089 I I 1,254 1,778 1,559 550 1,004 I ,033 1,900 462 374 819 80(1 358 450 1,099 11,600 760 510 743 825 1,254 544 2,000 Nil 918 1.070 Nil 1 ,300 562 600 0,701 14,050 1,235 398 50 4,565 1,387 1,359 835 1,494 1,997 1,098 710 1,784 Nil Nil Nil 1 ,000 706 764 708 roa McDonald, John, Pongaroa .. .. 800 Mclntyre, John, Pongaroa .. .. 559 McKay, John, Pongaroa .. .. 1,012 McKenzie, Malcolm, Maku .. .. 385 McKenzie, Thomas, Longbush, Masterton.. 585 McLean, Alexander-, Ti-tree Point, McLeod, Alexander (c/o P. B. Hartfield), 794 Dannevirke Meech, A., Dalmeny Park, Pongaroa .. 1,200 Meech, Augustus, Springlands, Pongaroa .. 1.770 Millar, David, Benarty, Waikerenr .. 1,417 Miller-, Mrs. M. G., Rakaunui Moriarty, John, Post-office, Pukehinau . . 505 Moughan, James, Forest Flat, Pongaroa .. 759 Murray, J. W., Linside, Pongaroa .. 3,313 Neal, J. W., Springfield, Waione.. .. 907 New Zealand Loan Company, Awaprripiri 4,041 Station, Whakataki Norton Bros., Fairview, Waimiro .. 1,610 O'Brien, T., Pongaroa .. .. .. 253 Olsen, Alfred, Puketoi .. .. .. 758 Olsen, O. J„ Rakaunui .. .. .. 739 Parker, R., Puketoi .. .. .. 922 Peck, W., Waione .. .. .. 607 Pickett, Mrs. Ida, Pongaroa .. .. 1.006 848 534 986 316 Nil 2,065 863 900 1,950 1,445 1,000 500 778 2,880 1,158 Nil 374 400 520 409 800 1,744 628 292 520 442 545 1,614 650 2,000 1.090 1,631 264 1,500 Nil 1,112 708 900 300 809 22!) 946 249 Nil 1,689 763 753 1,715 282,533 296,340
WEST COAST SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and the 30th April, 1918.
No. of S 4heep on i No. of Sheep on '■ April 30, April 30. 1917. 1918. April 30. 1917. ! April 30, 1918. CLIFTON COUNTY' (In Taranaki Subdivision) Addenbrooke, H. G, Uruti .. .. 112 Allemann, S., Tikorangi .. .. 749 Allen. .1. 11., Tikorangi .. .. .. 30 Alpe, A. R., Uruti .. .. .. 313 Aroa, Robert, Uruti .. .. .. — Askew, James (rural box), Inglcwood Ayers, L., Matau .. .. . .■ 227 Barnitt, W. J. H., Uruti .. .\ 1,360 Barrack, George, Tarata .. ..- 560 Batley, R. T. (c/o'E. Dorset) (private bag). I 750 Waitara Baverstock, Harry, Tongaporutu .. 208 Birdling, William, Waitara .. .. 584 Bishell Bros., Tarata .. .. .. 905 Bishop, W. P., Waitui, Inglewood .. 408 Blackburn Bros., Tarata .. .. j 305 Blanchard Bros., Okau .. .. .. j 1,122 Bleakley, E. G., Urenui.. .. .. 193 Blundell, E. K, Okoke .. .. 205 Blundell, E. K. and E. P., New Plymouth .. Blundell, E. T., New Plymouth .. . . 413 Blundell, F. H„ Waitoitoi, Urenui .. 1,342 Bottomley and Minehin, Tahora .. .. 312 Bower, A. McD„ Okau .. .. .. 531 Bowman, W. J. (private bag), Waitara .. 54.1 Boyes, F. L., Uruti .. .. .. 162 Brightwell, Mrs. F. M., Tarata .. .. 019 Butler, E. J., Waitoitoi, Urenui .. .. — Butt Bros., Uruti .. .. .. 1,600 Campbell, J., Purangi .. .. .. 290 Cannell, W. D., Okau .. .. .. 399 Carr, Arnold D., Ratapiko .. .. 11 Casseriey and Corcoran, Waitoitoi, Urenui 50 Catchpole, L. W., Tarata .. .. 033 Chapman, T. A., Matau.. .. .. 173 Clifford Bros., Lepperton (private bag). New 100 Plymouth Clifford, G. 8., Tarata Cole, Percy, Tikorangi .. .. .. 535 Collins, H. E„ Okato . . .. .. 147 Dagg, A. A., Whangamomona .. .. 984 Darke, P., Okoke .. .. .. 203 Day, M... Waitoitoi, Urenui Drummond, R., Tarata .. .. 450 Erioksson, E., Matau .. .. .. 57 Erni, Joseph. Pehu Evans, E. W. L., Matau .. .. 104 Fabish, B. J., Purangi .. Fabish, John, Ratapiko .. .. 447 Peek, E., Uruti .. .. .. 138 Fletoher, N. B., Stratford .. .. 450 Foreman, G, Tikorangi . . .. 155 Foreman, H. A., Tikorangi .. .. 454 Gibbs, Arthur (Estate of), Tongaporutu .. I . 530 Gibsorr, W. H., Okoke Road, Urenui .. 258 Glassford, W. G., Urenui .. .. 945 Greenwood Bros., Muritai, Urenui .. 35 Greenwood Bros., Waitara, Urenui .. 1,331 Greenwood, W., Okau .. .. .. 320 Greig, H., Pukearuhe (private bag), Waitara Groig, H..C, Pukearuhe (private bag), Wai- — tara Grieve, J. W., Taramauku .. .. 427 Guilford, Mrs. W., Tarata .. .. 610 Guscott, Ernest, Uruti .. .. .. 709 Halcombe, A. H., Urenui .. .. 410 Halley, S. D., Matau .. .. .. J 00 Hamilton, L. J. G., Pehu .. .. 310 Handley, C, Ur-onui . . .. .. 450 Harrison, H.R., Matau.. ,. .. 780 Harrison, J. (c/o S. Smith), Okoke . . 800 Henry, T., Pehu .. .. .. 751 145 499 41 314 04 429 206 1,548 546 I ,981 230 972 910 I , 100 345 962 445 Nil 734 Nil 1,545 200 426 Nil ' 182 781 200 889 142 405 270 512 336 143 Nil Cnni-TON County— continued. Hcnwood, J. H. and W. (.',., Okoke Hirst, J. W., Tarata Hohbs, J. IL, Kiore Hogan, Thomas, Tarata Hogan, Thomas, Tariki Honeyfield, A. J., Onaero Hopkirk, A. (c/o W. G. A. Wilks, Manager), Purangi Hutchins, James, Rerekapa, 222 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth Ible, E. J., Tarata Ihlein, A. and G, Tarata Jarvis, G., Kotare Jenkins, 8. A., Purangi Johnson and Burrows, Uruti Johnston and Davies, Mokau Jones, P. 0. and H. O., Kotare .Tones, J. E., Urenui Jones, T., Uruti Jupp, W. H., Uruti Jury, B. F., Tikorangi Jury, T. L., Tikorangi Kemp Bros., Rerekapa Kennington, S. J., Matau Knuekoy, L. H., Waitara Knuokey, Samuel, Waitara Krause, A. C. W., Kotare Lambert, Harry, Tarata Lee, T. IL, Okoke Litohword, F. A., Omata Lovell, R., Tarata Lovell, William, Tongaporutu Lucas, A. D., Urenui, Okohe Mabin, J. B., Onaero Maciver, H. E., Tarata.. Managh, 8. A., Urenui Mantle, E., Tahora Martin, J. W. H., Pukearuhe Mathews, L. W., Tikorangi McBain, D., Ngatamiro McCoard, William J., Kawhatu Valley, Mangaweka McDonald, D., Okoke McEldowney Bros., Ngatimiro McGregor, J. V., Okau McGregor, Percy Charles, Ngatamiro McKenzie, T., Tikorangi McKenzie, Will, Waitara McKeown, A., Okoke McMullian. R. and A., Post-office, Matau .. Miller, A. J., Uruti Mills, F. H., Matau Moody, Thomas, Matau Moore, J. G, Rerekapa . . ... Moratti, .1. 8., Ratapiko Morey, R. J., Tarata Mortensen, A., Ngatamiro Mourrsey, It., Purangi Muir, T. W„ Taihape Murray, J., Moki Road, Uruti Murray, W., Uruti Musker, Charles, Uruti .. Ngaupaka Hakopa, Tikorangi Nicholls, R. J., Uruti O'Carroll, 0., Tikorangi Officer, W. A., Tarata O'Grady, Georgina (c/o P. J. O'Grady, Manager), Urenui O'HaUorau, M., Tongaporutu | Old, William, Uruti .. O'NeUl Bros., Urenui O'ReUly Bros., Tarata Payne and Moycs, Rerekapa 215 80 437 I, f 00 300 30 1.616 355 600 900 459 686 6,165 1,011 76 92 152 304 350 120 1,112 210 170 691 20 1.209 724 19 152 239 630 122 269 302 600 465 125 292 370 1,215 434 28 Nil 320 1,800 873 526 670 550 8,995 1,166 90 72 203 324 270 Nil I ,058 650 80 657 40 900 182 76 8 30 Nil Nil 750 009 361 204 757 544 1,161 708 106 822 133 271 421 48 1,515 174 40 Nil 202 867 150 488 1,183 292 960 08 1,270 416 445 81 1,827 1.052 110 75 530 2 165 1,240 1.041 510 200 200 236 72 308 458 211 714 31 1,165 68 1.262 1,100 1,720 508 154 560 Nil 180 702 008 385 188 237 130 77 336 549 87 960 100 1,212 Nil 1,214 5 2,318 330 300 36(1 721 456 337 350 180 770 850 540 303 100 530 121 372 177 386 70 430 590
H.— 23.
7—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30.1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of E April 30, 1917. iheep on | April 30, 1918. Clifton County— continued. Paynter Bros., Tarata Pearse, Thomas, Matau Pcrrott, E. G., Urenui Price, A., Uruti Putt, E., Uruti Pybus, Geoffrey, Messenger, Tongaporutu .. Rawlinson, G. IL, Post-office, Matau Rawlinson, William J., Post-office, Matau,. Revell and Owen, Ngatamiro Richardson, II. G., Uruti Ritchie, J. F., Matau .. Rolfe, A. J. H., Matau Ross, J. W., Post-office, Okoke Rowe, G N., Urenui Sander, IL, Tarata Sarten, A. E., Tikorangi Sarten, C, W., Tikorangi Sarten, E. J., Tikorangi Sarten, F., Tikorangi Schmidt, W., Okau Scott, R., Birch Hill, Akititi, via Waitara .. Shaw, E. A., Okau Shield, J. V., Tarata Simons, Charles Atlolph, Matau Simmonds, J. H., Pukehau, Tarata Sly, J. R., Waitoitoi, Urenui Smellie, W. R., Matau Smith, A., Urenui Smith, G R., Tarata (rural-box delivery) .. Smith, J. and E., Okau Smith, J. T. and A. D., Matau Sowry, A., Ngatamiro Standish, F. M., Kirikiri, Tarata Stewart, A. G., Kiore Stuart, Robert, Tarata Sutton, A. E., Uruti Taylor, G. S., Urenui Thompson, A., Tongaporutu Tiffen, Mrs. I. J. C. (c/o W. A. Bone, Manager), Waitara 'Topless, Christopher, Motunui Vickery, J., jun., Waitara Waite, Henry, Tarata WaUace, James, Matau Webb, F. J., Purangi Wells, B. S., Uruti Wells, Herbert, Pukearuhe Wells, Philip, Pukearuhe Whitehead, J., Tikorangi Widnur and Kuhu, Rerekapa Willison, C, Urenui Wilson, G TL, Urenui Wilton, E. J., Ngatamiro Winfield, J. W., Inglewood Wright, T„ Okoke Road Yarral, J., Ngatamiro Young, G. L., Matau 130 386 19 191 1,312 857 1,510 475 708 314 740 155 600 1,028 1,440 30 22 770 910 174 149 327 260 8 173 545 417 40 1,384 594 873 24 2,560 817 354 862 100 2,587 256 390 17 114 742 833 1,820 524 953 300 504 135 500 Nil 1,398 12 332 581 1,014 132 51 441 500 460 40 165 468 507 90 Nil 552 917 30 2,370 1,091 393 959 62 2,178 Taranaki County— continued. Coldwell, J. (Estate of) (c/o A. Coldwell, Manager), Inglewood Collins, A. K., Tarurutangi Collins, J. J., Tataraimaka Copestakc, J. P., Tarurutangi Corbet, A., Okato Corkill, Alfred, Tarata Corney, Thomas, Inglewood Corrigan, J. R. (c/o G M. Young), Waitui Orudis, A. E., Tongaporutu, Omata Curtis. H. B. (Estate of) (c/o G. Schofield, Manager), Inglewood Davis, W. J., Inglewood Dodunski, F., Inglewood Doyle, Thomas, Okato Drake Bros., Tarata Early, G.S.,Carrington Road,New Plymouth Earp, F., HiUsborough, New Plymouth .. Emslie, W. W., Oakura Fabish, V., Ratapiko Fisher, B., Miro Franklyn, A. N., Inglewood Fraser, Angus, Ratapiko Fussell, W. B., Lepperton Gamlin, A. B., Inglewood Gilbert, R., Carrington Road, New Plymouth Gill Bros., Puniho, Okato Gladding, P., Tariki Goodwin, F., Lepper Road, Inglewood Grant, W. B., New Plymouth Gray, W. J., Okato Guscott, A. J., Carrington Road, Now Plymouth Guscott, B., Lower Mangorei Gyde, Frederick, Inglewood Haine, E., Lepperton Hale, John, New Plymouth Harding, V. S., Norfolk Road, Inglewood .. Harkness, W. V., Tariki Harrison, J. P., Waitoriki Haslett, G, Inglewood Haslott, W., Bristol Road, Inglowood Herlihy, W., Kaimata Hewitt, Henry, Okato Hohbs, George S., Inglewood Hodges, J., Ngatoro Holmos, J. S., Oakura.. Holmes, M. S., York Road, Midhirst Honeyfield, B., New Plymouth Honeyfiold, Charlos E., Tataraimaka Honeyfield, W., Tataraimaka Honeyfield, W. J., Omata Hoskin, W., Bell Block Hughes, John T., Sentry Hill Hunt, J., Tataraimaka Hunter, James, Waitui Jackson, S., Upper Mangorei Jeffrey, H., Bell Block Jellyman, Frank H., New Plymouth Jennins, A. M. A., Waitara Jones, D., Tariki Jones, F. 0., Koru Jones, Henry, Kaimata Jones, W., Okoke Julian, R. H., Okato .. Kennington, S., Bristol Road, Inglewood .. Kilsby, James, Surrey Road, Tariki Knight, Mrs. J., 162 Leach Street, New Plymouth Kurth, J. H., Barrett Road, New Plymouth Lethbridge, H. Y., Kent Road Lile, W. J., Inglewood Luke, W. J., Korito Lyon, J. H., Kaimata Mace Bros., Urenui Mace, Wilfred, Omata Marsh, L. A., Hillsborough Marsh, W. A., Kent Road Marshall Bros., Inglcwood Marshall, William, Inglewood Mattock, Joseph Frederick, Inglewood McGregor, P., Barret Road, New Plymouth Mitchell, George G, Upper Mangorei Morton, A., Egmont Village • .. 123 163 475 50 402 4 10 .167 545 269 51 1,180 152 15 22 220 61 966 143 262 500 300 135 47 200 103 141 374 55 309 Nil 10 257 208 246 160 421 18 1,135 Nil 10 49 107 196 92 1,014 189 1,401 71 Nil 202 13 254 Nil 239 353 150 466 100 22 261 1,204 216 1,690 145 100 602 Nil 6,103 4 207 243 Nil 50 90 Nil 200 Nil 95 955 15 22 Nil 175 75 198 114 1,560 212 549 835 408 400 272 280 599 76 203 1,045 20 399 590 412 345 442 47 200 673 42 457 100 25 735 508 681 1,314 105 900 245 660 191 1,867 90 70 401 920 2,395 6« 247 143 25 55 40 20 192 10 30 690 371 552 1,294 118 900 TARANAKI COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Amyes, R. H., Kaimata Andrews, C, Okato Ansford, Charles A., Korito, New Plymouth Askew, James (rural box), Inglcwood Bell, J. G, Oakura Bell, R., Huirangi Bishop, P. L., Tarurutangi .. .. Bishop, N. B., Tarurutangi Bowler, Thomas, Inglewood Brophy, D., Okato Brown, John, Mangorei.. Brown, WiUiam, Lepperton Burgess, J. W., Tarata Burrell, W. A., Kaimata Butler, F. J., Miro, Inglowood Butler, F. J., Norfolk Road, Inglewood .. Capper, G., Kaimata Carmichaci, D., Frankley Rd., New Plymouth Chapman, S., Tariki Clifford Bros, (privato bag), New Plymouth Clifford Bros., Waiongona (private bag), New Plymouth 05,780 104,274 962 8 34 150 207 75 94 231 1,450 192 320 522 266 67 764 514 20 40 101 127 305 351. 527 32 204 41 293 21 1,156 Nil 26 152 40 140 00 58 199 230 578 532 83 Nil 120 00 52 Nil 205 46 31 270 90 Nil 23 440 69 361 300 192 18 Nil 366 294 65 153 105 95 307 451 4 61 422 225 20 215 92 115 102 33 300
No. of SI April 30, 1917. heep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April SO, April 30, 1917. 1918. Taeanaki County— continued. Mullon, 0. A., Puniho Okey, H., Frankley Road, New Plymouth Old Bros., Sentry Hill Openshaw, P. A., Egmont Village Openshaw, P. A., Lepperton Orr, W. E., Kaimata Paterson, Robert, Tarata Peters, W. H., Kaimiro Potroz, J., Kaimata Prugeau, L. E., Tariki Richardson, W. T., Tataraimaka.. Rider, S., Hurworth Rundie and Laird, Kent Road Sampson, F. H., Sentry Hill Saxton, H. W., New Plymouth Shute, F. J., Korito Simmons and Jones, Kaimata Sole Bros., New Plymouth Stephens, W. H., Inglewood Street, A. Harold, Bell Block Street, J. H., Bell Block Tate, G. V., Waitara Taylor, G. S., Urenui Tiehbon, L., Koru Walker, C, Rerekapa Warner, R. A., Tarataimaka Webby, L., Okato Wells, A. 0., Mangorei Western, T. H., Bell Block Weston,' Charles F., Korito Weston, Henry, Frankley Road, New Plymouth Western, T. A., Kaimata Wiekham and Jones, Tariki Williams, R. T., Waitui Wilson, J. S., Tarata Wood, P., Okura .. ,. Wooldridge, J., Dover Road, Okato Young, C. F., Tariki Young, J. F., Inglewood 332 170 938 174 59 410 107 44 70 103 149 339 Nil 340 42 . 729 166 189 564 152 85 30 201 Nil 261 1,235 385 6 451 137 159 107 16 05 Nil Nil 1,236 Nil 908 14 2,000 500 102 Egmont County— continued. Malcolm, G, Opunake Maxwell, E., Opunako MeCann, H., Opunake McHardy, J., Pihama McLachlan, A., Manager, Pihama Moffit and Goodwin, Pungarehu Morrow, S. A., Rahotu Mouldey, A., Pungarehu O'Brien, M., Opunake .. O'Sullivan, D., Opunake Pentelow, J. W., Awatuna East Pettigrew, John, Pihama Read, Francis, Pihama Robertson, John, Auroa Robertson, Robert, Ihaia Road, Opunake.. Stevenson, John, Pihama Stockwell, O., Te Kiri Strange, C. B., Oaonui Strange. J., Arawhata Ro:id, Oaonui Tylee, G. R., Rahotu Woolford, Charlos, Te Kiri Wright, W. R., Rahotu 45 164 20 25 549 3,030 48 20 80 00 35 17 65 88 250 205 23 144 10 Nil 759 2,000 31 20 327 54 20 3 52 Nil Nil 44 50 10 200 258 54 II 818 123 140 80 22 15 802 475 1,230 100 58 341 15 STRATFORD COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Abrahams and Fulcher, Strathmore Albertson, B., Tututawa Allon, A. J., Douglas Anderson, G. M., Mahoe Armstrong, J., Huiroa Barnitt, I 1 '. A., Huiroa Bayly, Charles, Toko Bayly, Frederick, Tututawa Beaven, A. G, Huiroa Bell Bros., Toko Bellamy, D., Huiroa Bellamy, S., Huiroa Best Bios., Box 27, Eltham, Binnie, Robert R., P.O., Toko Blair, Walter, Huiroa Bredin, T. P., Tariki Bredow, F. W. R., Douglas Brother-ton, A., Toko Bricked, R. A., Tututawa Brown, G. M., Ngaere Brown, Neil A., Ngaere ... Browning, J., Ngatuwera .. Budge, A. W., Makara, Stratford Bunning, A. G, Douglas Bunning, W. H., Huiroa Burton, G, Tututawa .. Butler, John, Toko Calvert, G. W., Strathmore Christoffel, J., Eltham ... Christoffel, J., jun., Ngaere Clegg, W. E., Puniwhakau Cleland Bros., Kaponga Coleman, George, Ngaere Colson, T. D., Stratford Cook, P., Huinga Corlett, J. A., Ratapiko Crudis, G. W. A., Strathmore Darragh, J., Feilding Death, Herbert H. T., Ngaere Downs, G. W., Toko Edwards, W. and H., Stratford Ferguson, A., Toko Foley, W. R., Puniwhakau Forrester, E., Mangamingi Fraser, A., Huiroa Gedge, J. W., Puniwhakau Gedge, T. S., Puniwhakau Gibbs, A. G, Moeroa, via Eltham Godkin, John, Taurakawa Godkin, Thomas, Taurakawa Gooch, G, Makahu Goodwin, C, Tuna, Midhirst Gray, W., Douglas Griffin, Cornelius, Toko.. Gwatkin, H. O., Huiroa Hair, J. M., Ratapiko Hamerton. Mrs. M. M., Puniwhakau Hanoo, IL, jun., Te Popo 14,092 13,258 EGMONT COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Allan, Andrew, Pihama Baylis, Edward George, Opunake Bradford, W. J., P.O., Auroa Brophy, Martin, Opunake Cameron, A., Awatuna Campbell, Samuel (c/o R. Campbell, Manager), Pihama Carter, Frederick, Ihaia Road, Opunake .. Chamberlain, J. G., Eltham Corbitt, H., Warea Corkill and Petty, Opunake Cox Bros., Opunake Cox, J. G, Opunake Cross, 0. L. E. and E. 8., Opunake Dew, Mrs. E., Rahotu Dill, T. W., Otakeho Ducker, James and A., Okato Dudley, E. J., Opunake Eustace, Lewis, Opunake Fennell, M., Opunake Fleming, Thomas, Rahotu Forsyth, Edward Stuart, Pihama Gill Bros., Pungarehu Good, A., Hawera Hickey, j. C, Opunake Hickey, J. M., Opunake Hooper, It., Auroa Hopkins, H., Rahotu Julian, F., Opunake Kitchingman Bros., Rahotu Lambie, Robert, sen., Pihama Law, J. K. (c/o S. D. Hickman, Manager), Arawhata Road, Oaonui Lawn, Joseph, Warea Layman, H., Pungarehu Looney, George H., Opunake Lusk, Archibald, Oaonui Lysaght, H. T. (A. S. White), Rahotu .. Macfie, James, Opunake Magon, G, Warea ,, 1,782 495 122 21 284 07 218 280 109 1,577 727 37,372 50 20 100 280 50 133 200 500 00 35 327 Nil 377 130 71 2,204 1,173 45,133 215 38 50 25 45 520 128 308 50 30 130 283 1,123 30 99 719 34 Nil 43 20 1,147 Nil 1,100 19 35 20 35 20 142 89 321 08 410 20 538 562 3,436 5,973 250 130 2,098 1,700 500 1,650 5,104 2,040 400 420 1,221 222 1,101 882 152 412 536 1,490 1,150 1,116 675 216 100 1,128 600 467 2,163 540 950 4 30 600 1,444 1,350 284 289 232 1,399 1,950 20 98 2,830 040 688 2,345 038 451 516 330 48 551 725 3,311 4,104 35 Nil 210 1,105 1 ,025 375 955 433 4,825 2,140 704 529 1,130 397 1,009 733 80 300 20 Nil 1,630 1,071 1,071 706 180 150 1,042 812 445 786 400 647 0 50 498 1,321 1,190 253 990 340 500 1,750 45 80 1,905 566 335 3,407 Nil 177 971 25 31 27 40 1,205 264 1,151 12 18 27 20 222 304 140 47 26 . 177 50 15 40 1,880 Nil 172 1,736 1.210 102 i
No. of f April 30, 1917. Sheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Stbatfobd County— continued. Hann, 8. G. P., Stratford Harris, G. A., Toko Hathaway, William, Tuna Hawken, E,, Hawera Hayes, Thomas, Puniwhakau Hine, Edgar, Toko Hoby, H., Toko Hodder, F. W., Tututawa Hooper, J. R. and J. A., Tariki Hunger, Felix, Toko Huston, W. J., Inglewood Huzziff, W., Toko Jackson, James, Strathmore Jackson, Mrs. H. E., Huinga, Toko Jacobson, J., Tutrrtawa James, G, TokoJames, R. H., Douglas Johnson, A. £>., Lowgarth Johnson, E., Kiore Jones Bros., Makahu Jones, G. and W. (Douglas property), Midhirst Jones, G. and W. (Salisbury Road property), Midhirst Jones, G., Lowgarth Kilsby, J., Tariki Kippenberger, John P., Huiroa Kirkwood, E. J., Stratford Knox, G. C, Stanley Road, Midhirst Leonard, H. J., Toko Lookhead, J. MeR., Toko Lucena, J. L., Toko Mackay, Francis J., Midhirst Malone and Worthington, Puniwhakau .. Marfcll, Edward, Toko Martin, W. B., Huiroa Maunsell, T. V., Toko Maxwell, D. S., Taurakawa McCullough, W. F., Stratford .. McDonald Bros., Stratford McLarin, C, Toko Mellow, R. T. B., Kaponga Milne, Henry, Toko Milne, L. E., Toko Mitchell, R. G., Puniwhakau Morrison, J. (c/o Alex. Morrison), Ratapiko Nash, William, Taurakawa Noodham, A., Douglas Noble, Or. E., Makahu Norris, J. B., Tututawa O'Neill, John, Ngaere Perrott, A. J., Huiroa Perry, W. H., Tututawa Phillips, M. T., Stratford Pitt Bros., Stratford Pratt, W. P., Pahautuhia Rayncr, L. H., Strathmore Itespinger, A. F. G., Douglas Sangster, George, Wharehuia Savage, Mrs. B., Midhirst Savage, Rowland, Midhirst Simpson Bros., Farrington, Tututawa Smith and Symes, Puniwhakau Smith, V., Midhirst Sowerby, H., Toko Sparks, G., Ngaere Sproull, W. H., Omoana Steele, G. F., Puniwhakau Steele, G. H., Puniwhakau Syverson, A., Tututawa.. Tate Bros., Te Popo Tod, A., Kiore Ure Bros., Taurakawa Walter, Edward, Douglas Watchorn, Charles, Puniwhakau Watchorn, Charles, Puniwhakau Watson, Henry, Douglas Wickham, W., Ngaire Wilson, D. T., Lowgarth Worthington and Malone, Puniwhakau Young, J. E., Puniwhakau 437 90 765 .1,350 1,049 3,103 99 74 .1,020 920 I , 123 3,904 210 610 12 1,834 2,200 40 432 430 328 210 271 336 1,523 1,086 2,979 2,382 31 106 116 1,237 278 253 30 130 132 140 1,443 554 34 303 1,012 666 813 10,049 153 2,325 306 1,766 2,017 448 409 486 712 1,128 250 512 572 301 842 682 819 234 600 813 918 1,514 200 70 315 21 370 140 709 Nil 550 2,150 664 54 275 59 Nil 1,293 972 3,028 267 674 711 Nil 740 1,359 80 1,240 35 360 436 100 210 673 69 1,052 843 556 2,549 24 152 Nil 510 2,7.14 450 22 3 85 150 1,398 725 100 204 911 529 1,268 8,045 232 580 454 Nil 1,417 727 250 299 605 826 120 288 655 322 440 Nil 589 Nil 720 450 868 Nil 1,210 111 300 Nil 2,307 1,762 WHANGAMOMONA COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Agostineli, A., Whangamomona Anderson, Gordon E., Tahora Anderson, John E., Whangamomona Anderson, It., Whangamomona .. Aylward Bros., Kohuratahi Baker, F. C, Kohuratahi Bennett, H. II. G., Kohuratahi Bray, A. J., Whangamomona Brewer, W. It. S., Makahu Bridgman and Mann, Whangamomona Bright, Walter, Tahora.. Browne, Thomas N., Hurimoana Budge and Good, Nukutauraro, Te Wera, Stratford Caldwell and Son, Tahora Caldwell, J. and M., Huiakama Cammock, J., Whangamomona Carroll, G., Whangamomona Carsoldine, E. J., To Wera Claridge and Grant, Whangamomona Cleaver, W. A. (o/o U. T. Cleaver), Tahora Cloland Bros., Hurimoana Coatcs, Goorgo, Pohokura Coe, George, Whangamomona Coulter, Joseph, Pohokura Court, F. W., Puniwhakau Coxhead, A., jun., Whangamomona Coxhead, F. C, Tahora Coxhead, F. C, Tahora Coyne, A., Makahu Curtin, E., Hurimoana Davey, J., Tahora Davis, T., Kohuratahi .. .. Donald, W., Pahautuhia, Strathmore Dromgool, Jamos, Strathmore Finnerty Bros., Whangamomona Finnerty, Charlos R., Te Wera Fletcher, W. C, Whangamomona Frank, C., Strathmore Frank, G. L. and W., Tahora, Huiakama .. Frank, Karl W., Strathmore Geever, M., Whangamomona Gill, William, Whangamomona Good, W. A. (private bag), Stratford Gooding, S. A., Huiakama Graham, G., Tahora Gray, D. W., Huiakama HaUott, WiUiam, Tahora Hight, H. E., Kohuratahi Hintz, A. J., Pohukura Hodder, A. W., Whangamomona Hodder and Elliott, Kohuratahi Hodder, T. G., Whangamomona Hogg, Robert, Pohokura Holmes, H. J., Strathmore Jennings, E., Whangamomona Johnson Bros., Tahora .. Johnston, J. G. (B. Boyle, Manager), To Wera Jones, Mrs. Annie, Kohuratahi Kaye, H. J., Kohuratahi .. ■ Kennedy, W. McL., and Co., Tahora King, E,, Pohukura .. .. Lees, W. E., Tahora Lepper Bros., Whangamomona .. Lowe, G, Kohuratahi .. .. Mackay, J. A., Kohuratahi Manning, William,'Makahu Marfcll, E., Toko Marsh Bros., Whangamomona Martin, S., Makahu McAloon, Owen, Te Wera McCartie, C. R., Tahora McCartio, J. B., Kohuratahi McCartin and Carr, Pohokura .. .. J McCluggage, A., Pohokura . . .. | McCluggage, J. T., Whangamomona .. McCluggage, R. (private mail), Pohokura McCutchan, Allan, Whangamomona McCutchan, C. K., Tahora McCutchan, Charles K., Tahora McCutchan, E. B., Whangamomona McCutchan, F. M. J., Whanganiomona 309 798 1,000 400 023 106 618 540 3,929 750 195 3,000 44 154 227 45 1,351 650 5,1.34 273 313 322 1,519 2,935 416 822 314 280 1,6.16 258 30 104 183 828 24 1,150 225 1,486 410 1,755 308 355 690 1,435 370 50 Nil Nil 430 4,294 325 Nil Nil 2,000 436 59 200 Nil 30 1,381. 810 5,710 29 258 276 992 2,640 Nil 489 675 204 353 1,320 255 21 Nil 280 792 34 840 223 753 621 2,230 Nil 29 550 223 320 Nil 620 512 148 343 334 Nil 689 3,200 550 181 1,414 373 544 342 230 890 Nil 400 750 440 188 537 256 200 169 650 230 530 159 150 1,826 1,310 700 358 347 366 93 516 3,175 717 163 1,150 43 360 781 205 1,050 25 690 809 364 192 624 270 228 1,000 250 1,880 1,311 906 250 349 1,000 483 624 491 393 1,147 121,957 104,826
No. of Sheep on ipril 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on Whangamomona County— continued. McCutchan, J. O. and G. P., Whangamomona McCutchan, O., Kohuratahi McCutchan, W. A. E., Whangamomona McCutchan, W. A., Whangamomona McDovitt, W., Tahora McGuinn, C, Whangamomona Mcllroy, T., Te Wera McLeod, H. A., Tahora McMullian Bros., P.O., Toko Meldrum and Mathers (c/o J. D. Rentoul, Manager), Pahautuhia Mobbs and Callaghan, Whangamomona .. Moil-, J., Hurimoana Moir, James, Kohuratahi Moorby, F., Kohuratahi Moore and Northe, Pahautahia, Strathmore Morino, G. It., Whangamomona Morton, C. E., Tahora Moss Bros., Kohuratahi Mounsey, T. It., Makahu Mowatt, E. S. L., Kohuratahi Murray, G. W., Tahora Nairn, J. A., Hurimoana Noilson, Frank, Whangamomona Nickel, Emil, Tahora Nolan, V. H., Te Wera.. O'Connor, J. (Estate of), Pohokura O'Connor, J., Makahu O'Neill, M., To Wera Ostler, John, Hurimoana Partridge, W. H., Whangamomona Pedersen, Hans M., Whangamomona Perry and McCartie, Kohuratahi Perry, E. L., Whangamomona Pitcaithley, D. M., Pohokura Pittams, H., Tahora Porter and Wallace, Whangamomona Prideaux, G C, Pohokura Prior, B. H. T. E., Whangamomona Prior, B. H. T. E., Whangamomona Proffit, David, Whangamomona Proffit, D. H., jun., Whangamomona Rawlinson, McKonny, and O'Dea, Whangamomona Rentoul, James, Pahautuhia, Strathmore .. Roberton, E. B., Tahora Itoborts, A. G, Whangamomona.. Roughan, J., Hurimoana Schneider, William, Whangamomona Shewry Bros., Tahora Shield Bros., Whangamomona Slattery, M., Hurimoana Smith Bros., Tututawa Smith, L., Whangamomona Speight, J., Makahu Spencer, A., Kohuratahi StockweU, George, Whangamomona Swanger Bros., PohokuraTaylor, S. E. G, Tahora Thompson, Shirley A., Nathan and Co., To Wera Trask, F. E., Kohuratahi Ward, William, Makahu Ward, William, Makahu Wildo, E. J. (A. J. Spence, Manager), Pohokura WUde, E. J. (A. J. Spence, Manager), Pohokura Wilkinson, H. J., Tahora Wilkinson, H. J., Tahora Willis, R., Putikituna, Kohuratahi Willis, William, Kohuratahi Wilson, E. It. W., Kohuratahi .. Wilson, E. W., Kohuratahi Wilson, W. G., Kohuratahi WinmiU, W., Pohokura Wyatt, E. A., Kohuratahi Wyley, E. H., Whangamomona 435 420 939 3,902 465 428 445 497 1,020 812 52 660 118 2,300 757 136 353 4,340 1,016 155 300 402 785 3,027 1,300 637 1,920 390 545 350 1,000 240 750 955 480 183 1,656 496 633 1,019 4,090 521 466 376 345 250 500 Nil 434 024 189 2,500 519 92 220 4,400 725 Nil 499 857 508 3,404 609 659 1,403 321 080 Nil 825 Nil 450 1,380 155 105 Nil 1,504 1,326 102 520 ELTHAM COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Badger Bros., Matomateaonga Barr, Mark, Mooroa, via Eltham Belcher, C. J., Rawhitiroa Best, Ernest A., Eltham Best, H. P., Box 27, Eltham Best, R. W., Wingrove Road, Ngaero Boddie, A. M., Mangamingi Bootin, J., Eltham Bootin, W. P., Eltham .. Brown, It. S., Mangamingi Buckman, Otto, Omoana, Eltham Campbell, A. L., Eraser Road, Hawera Campbell, J. L., Eltham Clarry, W., Eltham Cleaver, William A., Te Roti Cocker, John, Omoana, Eltham Coplcstone, A., Eltham Curtis, J. P., Eltham Daubin, R., Mangatoki Death Bros., Rotokare, via Eltham Dive, E., Matematcaonga Dive, William E. and E., Matematcaonga Gardner, J. W. H., Riverlea Gibson, Mrs. E. J., Stuart Road, Eltham .. Gower, A. G, Omoana Granville, John (c/o M. Granville, Manager), Mangamingi Harrison, Albert, Mata Hatrick, A., Mangamingi Humphrey and Gower, Matematcaonga .. Jacksorr and Mclntyrc, Mangamingi Jackson and Mclntyre, Moeroa Jenkins, W. N. and W. P., Rawhitiroa .. Jennings, Arthur It., Hawera Johnston and Reader, Omoana Kelly, M., Te Roti Kelly, P. A., Omoana Knuekcy, R. J., Rawhitiroa Law, Robert, Kaponga Lord and Nairn, Omoana Luxton Bros., Matapu Martin, J. A., Omoana McWilliam, A., Omoana Newbury and Lee, Dalziel Road, Eltham .. O'Connor and Knuckey, Rawhitiroa, Eltham Olson, Martin, Omoana Owen, T. W., Rotokare, via Eltham Palmer, It., Hawera Pease, A. G, Mangatoki Pepperell, R. (E. J. R. Popporell, Manager), Awatuna East Perry, Mrs. Mabol, Matematcaonga, via Eltham Perry, Thomas, Mangatoki Purvis and Bcrridge, Mangamingi Quin, J. T., Eltham Red, Joseph, Matematcaonga Richards, J. W., Mooroa Ripley, It., Omoana Robertson, John, Auroa Robertson, W., South Road, Hawera Robinson, R. J., Moeroa Robinson, Wm. G., Omoana Sanderson, Isaac, Rotokaro Scott Bros., Omoana Slater, William, Mata Smith, H. W., Hardwick, Mangamingi SprouU, W. H., Omoana Stade, P. A., Mangatoki Sulzbergor Bros., Mangatoki Tait, A. V., Kaponga Thompson, It., Hawora Turner, G. C, Eltham Walsh, John, Rawhitiroa, Eltham White, William George (H. V. Gower, Manager), Matomateaonga Wills, A. T., Donbigh Road, Hawera Wright, F. IL, Kapuni 557 20 608 1,512 396 1,426 100 57 3,200 770 450 500 152 30 3,068 80 105 687 1,300 91 128 1,164 1,341 216 8,368 1,145 1,160 601 25 576 40 1,720 230 20 1,524 35 560 2,731 3,235 513 20 508 1,200 451 1,635 20 82 3,195 543 511 490 97 7 2,320 100 Nil 405 242 3,030 Nil 123 213 1,107 1,082 30 6,925 720 478 1,140 280 75 594 40 506 100 20 1,442 38 . 510 2,690 155 807 893 400 1,160 1,004 2,342 811 231 457 1,021 558 426 522 741 66 44 139 882 1,218 2,222 421 248 315 1,090 Nil Nil 420 207 Nil 40 112 912 78 4,047 2,000 30 110 11 2,375 150 399 Nit 283 Nil 2,252 3,703 29 1,003 250 1,500 310 953 200 800 165 408 1,608 3,340 1,472 650 746 494 1,063 1,600 435 5,000 618 975 41 319 235 967 61 3,330 200 338 1,890 Nil 1,764 440 58 794 350 393 990 1,030 430 4,100 855 850 18 284 231 972 39 3,407 817 Nil 560 835 387 515 855 902 700 505 228 1,114 703 900 430 545 746 706 640 Nil 248 690 757 41 Nil 37 119,485 1.04,288 65,444 00,971
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. HAWERA COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). Baker, J. H., Ararata, Hawera Barkla, J. T., Hawera Barkla, James, Ararata Beard, D. (Walter Doole, manager), Ararata, Hawera Bissett, Alexandor, Meremere Blackwell, G. H., Hawera Blair, J. McL., Hawera Bremer, A. L., Whakamara Bremer, A. L., Okaiawa Bremer, Phil, Okaiawa Brewer, H. W., Hawera Buokrell, Percy, Whakamara, Hawera Buokrell, S. P., Whakamara Carpenter, J. J., Rainie Road Clout Bros, and Lloyd (c/o G. Clout), Taiporohonui Corrigan, J. R., Hawera Davidson, James (Estate of), Hawera Death, A. E., Hawera Douglas, R. B., Turuturu Road, Hawera .. Douglas, W. R., Hawora Duckworth, W. A., Glover Road, Hawera.. Dunlop, James, Meremere Edwards, William, Mokoia Egmont Racing Club (V. B. Stratton, Secretary), Hawera Forbes, J. E. and G. L, Normanby Foreman, T. T., Alton Goodson, C, Hawera Goodson, M. J., Waihi, Hawera Greaves, H. P., Ararata, Hawora Hail, A., Meremere Hawken, C, Mokoia Hawken, 0., Hawera Hicks, Robert, Hawora Hunter, M. (Estate of), Hawera Hunter, Moore (Estate of), Burnside, Hawera Inkster, Gideon, Normanby Iorns, Joseph, Omoana, via Eltham Lander, J., Ohangai Langford, Alexander, Hawera Larcom, A. and S., Hawera Lavory, T\, Hawera Lee Bros., Ararata, via Hawera LiUocrapp, C. H., South Road, Hawera .. Linn, R. J., Normanby Livingston, F., Inaha, Hawera Livingston, Fred, Inaha, Hawera Livingston, H., Hawera Lysaght, B. C, Mokoia Lysaght, B. C, Mokoia Lysaght, B. C, Mokoia Malone, T. J., Ararata, Hawera Mathis, Joseph, Moromore McLean, W. R., Hawera Nolan, It. H., Hawera O'Callaghan, W., Hawora Ogle Bros., Hawera Oliver, A., Tokaora O'Shea, J., Ohangai Oughton, J. S., Okaiawa Owen, T. W., Matemateaonga Palmer, R., Fraser Road, Hawera Patched, Jamos, Ohangai Pearco, W. G., Colyton, Feilding.. Peters, A. T., Hawora Railton and Nixon, Moromere Rainie, C. F., Inaha Roberts, W. J., Ararata, Hawera Robertson, A. B., Brookdale, Hawora Robertson, A. B., Tongahoe, Hawera Robertson, J. R., Hawera Robertson, William, Hawera Scott Bros., Whakamara Shearer, R., Okaiawa Short, John S. T., Okaiawa Spratt, G., Retamarae Road, Hawera Spratt, H., Hawera Tarrant, C. G, Ararata, Hawera Tonks, A. S., Hawera Wallace, William, Meremere Walsh, Thomas, Kapuni Is 2,020 1,462 321 6,438 500 920 1,352 1,750 2,650 102 90 1,109 660 1,190 2,900 29 2,25.1 315 552 105 1,325 576 12 872 1,906 144 5,167 64 2,503 334 752 800 256 5,485 10 1,954 1,070 300 0,526 450 Nil 1,700 1,770 305 815 2,617 640 271 Nil 1,724 809 1,136 300 2,450 25 2,251 765 534 157 1,352 620 Nil 857 1,908 380 3,553 230 170 2,565 273 605 608 857 Nil 4,901 1.2 602 175 456 21 756 776 1,928 1,155 1,580 Nil 2,502 Nil 372 Nil 5o 15 692 5 Nil 40 345 950 200 2,091 123 880 306 860 1,000 120 933 360 110 208 Nil 1,820 933 1,455 7 Hawkra County— continued. Washer, Charles, Inaha Wilkie, F. W., Hawera Williams, D. J., Meremere Williams, G, Meremere Willis, D. J. (o/o A. 8. Tonks), Hawera .-. Wilhs, D. J. (o/o A. S. Tonks), Hawera .. Wills, A. T., Hawera Winks, James, Ararata Winks, T. A., Ararata, Hawora WAIMATE WEST COUNTY (In Taranaki Subdivision). .Blackwell, G. H., Hawera Bridge, T. A., Manaia Campbell, John, Povorty Flat, Manaia Dill, T. W., Otakeho .. Dugan, J. M., Aurora Hair Bros., Manaia Leslie, James, Kapuni McKay, J. S., Inaha Olivor, A., Kaupokonui Powell, S., R,apuni Stevenson, James P., Kapuni Young, W. S. (Estate of), Otakeho PATEA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Aiken Bros., Gowanlea, Waverley Alexander, A., New Plymouth Alexander, T. and G., Waikaro,, Waitotara Alexander, T. and G., Waitotara Allan, T. J., Moturoa, Waverley Allen, IT. E., Kaimanuka, Waitotara Allen, L. G., Tho Lakes, Waitotara Allon, W. A., Alton Annabcll, J. R., and Sons, Ngamatapouri.. Annabell, J. R., and Sons, Ngamatapouri.. Baker, J. H., South Road, Hawera Ball, G H., Box 20, Wavorley Barnes, John William, Moeawatea, Waverley Barrow Bros, (c/o S. Barrow), Waverloy .. Barrow Bros., Waverley Beech, Edward, Alton Belton, W. G., Ngutuwera Bonefiold, W. A., Waverley Best, Walter, Westmere Biggs, Hugh, Orangimoa Blake, E. P., Waverley.. Blake, S., and Sons, Kakaramea Blanchard, George, Ngutuwera Blennerhassett, John, Waverley Booth, T. S., Ngutuwera Bourke Bros., Kohi, Waverley Bourke, E. (Estate of) (c/o J. Bourke), Kohi, Waverley Bowater and Caverhill, Waitotara Boyer and Tennant, Waverloy Bradley, J. (Estate of), Okotuku, Waverley Bremer, G. F., Whenuakura Bremer, L. G., Kohi, Waverley Bremer, L. G., Otautu, Whenuakura Bremer, Robert, Waverley Brewer, William (Estate of) (c/o H. Brewer), Waihau, Waitotara Broughton, G., Patea .. Brown, F. J., Ngutuwera, Wavorley Browno, F. J., Ngamatapouri, Waverley .. Campbell, A. L., Moeawatea Campbell and Sons, Kohi, Waverley Campbell, James D., Moeawatea, Wavorley Campbell, P. J. and G, Manutahi Carr, Ivo, Te Pato, Ngamatapouri Casey, M-, Kohi Cassidy, M. J., Omahina, Waverloy Cave and Tong, Kakaramea Cave, IT. B., The Grange, Waverley Cave, H. B., Wavorley Cave, W. B., Box 330, Wanganui Caverhill, G E„, and Co., Ridge Road, Waitotara 81,086 25 117 43 20 384 26 34 140 671 153 1,607 1,624 1,385 5,770 1,078 730 1,071 827 547 331 490 1,110 18 8 862 1,300 2,000 450 1.71 2,750 1,180 81,492 240 3 92 Nil 30 790 20 25 Nil Nil 2,539 150 3,889 1,929 2,017 5,500 1,318 608 I., 170 1,275 869 1,390 613 358 860 804 1,108 2,411 Nil 1,429 650 620 Nil 117 1,862 266 1,080 1,412 962 1,800 10 Nil 425 1,500 2,220 561 159 3,048 1,000 413 392 35 730 920 831 1,128 2,630 175 2,61.6 92 305 1,973 27 3,051 4 1,570 662 97 922 1,020 2,000 322 .1,076 1,336 408 1,528 80 296 30 325 1,358 1,000 1,130 1,495 353 751 1,353 5,239 Nil 1,240 1,772 1,419 475 720 1,433 5,200 1,843 231 876 406 1,017 1,900 139 1,158 368 42 191 470 365 58 909 1,050 840 814 Nil 1,520 534 351 1,035 98!) 1,520 823 810 1,050 Nil 2,040 290 867 1,010 2 1,700 1,043 1,61.0 20 21 1,948 488
H.— 23.
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, j April 30, 1917. 1918. Patea County— -continued. Gharteris, Charles It. G., Hurleyville Chesswas, A. G. and P., Ngamatapouri Chesswas, John, Kaimanuka Christensen, E. P., Waitotara Clarke Bros., Waitotara Claridge, A. R., Kohi Cole, L. U, Kohi, Waverloy Cook, W. T., Mangawhia, Waitotara Coombe, J., Westmere Cornwall, It. IL, Manutahi Curtice, W. P., Whenuakura Dalton, Jamos, Waverley Daniell Bros., Waitotara Davidson, A. and S. D., Matukuroa, Whenuakura Davis, W. H-, Durietown, Wanganui Doverill, P. II., Wavorley Dickie and Wallace, Waverley Dickie Bros., Waverley.. Dickie, G J., Wavorley Duffy, A. O., Ngutuwera Dwyer, R., Kakaramea Edgocombe Bros., Ngutuwera Edgecombe, R., Matukuroa, Patea Elmslie Bros., Wavorley Elmslie, P., Waverley Farr, Frederick, jun., Waverley Farr, James, Waverley Fleming and Rusting, Box 296, Wanganui .. Foreman, Thomas, Alton Frost, E. A., Ngutuwera Geange, S. R. A., Kohi, Waverley Goange, S. R. A., Mataimoana Geary Bros., Manutahi Gibbs, A. J., Alton Gibbs, James, Alton Gilligan, S., Patea Gosnell, H. E., Waverley GoWer, S., Mount View, Whenuakura Groager, E. H., Ngamatapouri Hamcrton, T. E. H., Waverloy Hamilton Bros., Manutahi Hamilton, R. B., Manutahi Hamlin, J. F. M., Kakaramea Hammond, C. G., Orangimea Hammond, F. G., Moturoa, Wavorley Hardon Bros., Nukuhau, Waverley Hayes, W. H. and A. J., Wavorley Hazelhirst, William (Estate of) (o/o H. F. Hazolhirst), Waverley Heal, G. H., Ngutuwera, Waverley Hickford, Frank, Moeawatea, Waverloy .. Hicks, Robert (o/o A. G. W. Muir), Omakina, Waverley Hicks, T., Ngutuwera Hicks, W., Ngutuwera Hicks, Wilfred, Ngutuwera Hicks, W. J., Ngutuwera Hilliar, William George, Matukuroa, Patea Hodge, J., Matukuroa, Whenuakura Hone, Thomas, Kohi, Waverley Honeyfield Bros., Park Farm, Whenuakura Honeyfiold, G R. and I., Patea Honeyfield, L., Patea Hopkinson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Kohi, Waverley Hooper, Frederick, Ngutuwera Howie, Alexander, Okotuku, Wavorley .. Hughes, J. D., Whenuakura Hughes, It. H., Moeawatea Hughes, W. N., Whenuikura Hunt, J. (Estate of) (c/o Mrs. H. M. Hunt and Sons), Mokoia Hunter, George, Waverley Hurley, A. (c/o J. M. Hurley), Matukuroa.. Hurley, Jeremiah, Matukuroa, Patea Hurley, John, Whenuakura Hurley, T., HurleyviUe Huston Bros., Kakaramea Hyland, G S., Waitotara Ion, John (Estate of), Waverley Jackson, Raynoy, Waverley James, Charles, Taumatatahi, Kai Iwi Johnston Bros., Box 13, Burnside, Waverley Johnston, Ian P., Waverley Johnston, S. D., Okotuku, Wavorley 332 970 1,808 837 10 204 1,000 414 16 1.51 3,51.4 839 2,513 1,057 600 2.330 1,507 715 7.1.0 11 1,360 426 3,346 2,501 153 780 290 575 42 446 910 154 32 148 16 133 637 1,376 104 1,614 1,331 163 818 1,789 .820 Nil 285 Nil 1,886 Nil 40 186 2,094 832 2,245 Nil 798 3,000 1,548 1,530 733 34 1,022 408 0,495 Nil Nil 960 31.5 723 Nil 427 600 145 Nil 166 346 Nil 1,207 1,701 Nil 1,078 1,358 9 1,273 500 510 1,350 23 Patea County— continued. Jones, A. G, Hurleyville Kennedy, J., and Sons, Waverley Laird, A. S., Box 89, Wanganui Laird, James K., Ngutuwera Laird, Robert, Orangimea Larmer, J. J., Waitotara Leith, Alexander, Ngutuwera, Waverley .. Leo, James (Estate of) (e/o G. H. Graham, Solicitor), Waverley Liffiton, E. N., Taumatatahi Lupton, G., Waverley Lupton, G., Waverloy Lupton, Isaac, Box 12, Waverley Lupton, Isaac, Stainley Park, Waverley .. Lupton, J., Cameron's, Waverley Lupton, J., Waverley Macdonald, F. J. P., Waverley Macpherson, E. T , Kohi, Wavorley Martin, John, Mosawatea, Wavorley Mason, V. E., Moeawatea Matthews, P. ()., Ngutuwera Matthows, W., Waitotara Matthews, W. and E. F. (c/o W. Matthews), Waitotara McCarthy, Helen, Hurleyville McCarty, Hugh, Manutahi McGregor, Grogor, Waitotara McKenna, J. A., Patea McKenzie, J., Waitotara McKnight, W., Rangitatau McRae, 8., Patea .. .. .. ■ Mee, George, Kapara, Waitotara Middleton, Hugh, Waverley Millor, A. O. P., Ngutuwera Miller and Kennedy, Waitotara Milne, Peter, Whenuakura Mitchell, Andrew, Omata, Waitotara Mitchell, Mrs. Jessie, Patea Morrison, Joseph, Wavorley Moumahaki Experimental Farm (c/o Manager), Wavorley Muggoridgo, A. (Estate of) (c/o A. B. Muggeridge), Manutahi Muldrock, H. J., Ngutuwera Nelson, Nils, Glendale, Hurleyville Newland Bros., Waverley Newton, F. W., Hurleyville Old and Smith, Ngutuwera Oliver, Charles, Kohi O'Reilley, J. and G, Ngutuwera, Wavorley.. Owen Bros., Hurleyville Owen Bros., Hurleyville Palmer, P., Alton Parkinson, Ben, Box 4, Waverloy Parsons, Edmund, " Sandridgo," Waitotara Paterson, J., Patea Paterson, John, Moeawatea Pearce, A., Deer Park, Kakaramea Pearce, F. K., Ngamatapouri Pearce, G. V., Castlehill, Kakaramea Pearce, G. V., Ngutuwera, Kakaramea Pearce, Gilbert, Kaimanuka Pearce, J. S., Whenuakura, Patea Peat, Mrs. John, Ngamatapouri Perkins, C, Moeawatea.. Picard, D. M., Waverley Pillar, H. S., Matemate, Ngamatapouri .. Porter, J., Rangitatau, Waitotara Powdrell, A. E., Kakaramea Powdrell Bros., Kakaramea Quin, Stanley, Glenkohi, Waverley Rakete, Whenuakura Richardson, J. B., Waitotara Riddell, Andrew, Waverley Riddle, A., Moturoa, Waverley Robertson, D. B., Waverley Robertson, P. H. S., Glenholme, Hurleyville Ross, C. F. M., Mataimoana Ross, P. M., Mahoe, Kaimanuka.. Scown, R. G. and F. J., Hurleyville Scown, Robert S., Kakaramea Seaton, WiUiam, Ngutuwera Sewell, Crawshaw, and Bond, Ngutuwera .. Sexton, G. H., Waitotara 972 2,067 425 558 1,414 1,007 915 2,960 2,480 1,315 391 1,409 1,654 1,574 513 1,335 735 1,767 1,541 2,440 851 1,199 531 660 2,195 2,342 7,500 607 1,920 15 623 636 912 2,259 300 515 1,800 1,212 964 3,393 2,330 400 32 899 2,490 825 1,142 547 1,000 700 057 1,711 1,704 570 1,656 793 900 500 Nil 600 428 3,1.16 2,725 583 8,465 605 2,000 Nil 845 775 75 1,615 575 1,100 1,600 15 50 1,020 2,309 1,081 715 401 1,500 2,475 494 750 2,057 1,032 Nil 600 1,046 1,174 550 255 115 1,980 533 950 586 0,402 1,050 800 Nil 1,959 8,700 242 Nil Nil 1,200 920 204 337 Nil 300 1,131 1,440 2,280 470 125 1,315 609 50 1,415 680 800 592 470 550 99 750 1,066 1,320 1,100 1,064 200 642 908 614 20 Nil 1,090 56 1,107 670 90 646 1,705 1,316 Nil 969 1,589 253 822 975 460 Nil 455 195 2,048 680 934 895 6,651 1,488 650 7,766 2,120 10,881 593 522 1,910 1,205 615 225 202 214 120 616 1,123 3,188 306 1,336 671 1,880 298 850 980 1,000 822 3,098 1,837 608 917 294 273 372 1,516 Nil 900 1,020 1,000 755 3,496 1,591 662 887 415 710 715 939 124 269 644 715 1,063 149 230 1,800 612 710
No. of SI April 30, 1917. Ihcep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Patea County— continued. Sheahan, Jeremiah (Estato of) (c/o G F. Sheahan), Whenuakura Shield, J., Whenuakura Simson Bros., Whenuakura Smith, James, Maungangahere Station, Mataimoana, Waverley Smith, Mrs. Louisa, Kohi, Waverley Smyth, J. J., Ngutuwera Sneddon, G R., Waverley Sneddon, Charles, Waverley Southeombc, W. IL, Patea Spicer and Fail-brother, Waitotara Standford, E. J., Whenuakura Stevens, K., Ngamatapouri Stevenson, John, c/o New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Wanganui Stewart, Dr. S., Waverley Strachan, A., Silverstream, Waverley Stuart, R. McG, Moeroa, Eltham Studholme and Gresson, Mangawhio, Waitotara Sullivan, Mrs. M., Rangitatau, Waitotara .. Sutherland, D., Kaimanuka, Waitotara .. Sutherland, N., Waitotara Symes, A. E. and A., Kaihu, Waverley .. Symes, A. E. and A., Peats, Waverloy Symes, A. E. and A., The Grovo, Patea .. Symes, Alfred, Mount Desert, Gonvillo Symes Bros., Waitotara.. Taylor, John R., Manutahi Taylor, Mrs. B. J., Waverley Taylor, T. A. A., Waverley Taylor, W. E., Alton Thomas, A. N., Ngutuwera Thompson, E., Kaimanuka Tocker, G. H., Hurleyville Tonks, D. L., Hurleyville Tonks, S. G, Manutahi . Train, F., Waitotara Turner, G. P., Pukeroa Tyler, C. W., Ngamatapouri Verry, John H., Waitotara Vincent and Vincent, Hurleyville Waldie, D. C, jun. (private bag), Waitotara Walker, D., Kohi, Waverley Walker, G. A., Kohi, Wavorley Walker, James, Okotuku, Waverley Walkington, A. J., Okotuku, Waverley .. Wall Bros., Butchers, Waverley Wall, W. H., Waverley.. WaUace, A. G., Waverley Wallace, A. G, Waverley Watkins, Stewart, Kohi, Waverley Watt, Miss A. P., Clairmont, Waverley .. Waverley and Waitotara Racing Club (the Secretary), Waverloy Wightman, Thomas, Waverley Wilkie, David, Waitotara Willacy, J., Kohi, Waverley Williams, W. J., Patea Williams, W. J., Patea Williamson, J. P., Kakaramea WiUs, A. E., Manutahi Wilson, Frederic, Raithby, Waverley Woodruffe, L. R„ Waverley Wybourne, M. G, Whenuakura Wybourne, M. H., Railway P.O., Whenuakura Wybourno, It. D., Railway P.O., Whenuakura Wybourne, W. H.,Elslea, Whenuakura Railway P.O. 293 404 102 1,176 168 140 420 508 19 3,000 25 2,297 970 35 1,342 (i00 375 4,279 1,490 970 773 1,145 2,203 1,291 1,250 35 567 526 2,101 1,471 1,030 400 1,933 1,200 15 50 848 400 1,307 900 10 160 378 488 320 ' 450 223 384 168 1,529 550 170 470 431 40 Nil. Nil 1,800 1,090 59 1,335 550 2,427 25 580 5,120 Nil Nil Nil 440 1,140 2,037 1,753 Nil Nil Nil 448 2,573 663 70 1,025 304 500 1,070 Nil Nil 826 400 656 1,720 8 220 407 650 464 488 314 Waitotara County— continued. Bayly Bros., Kai Iwi Beard, Samuel, Westmere Bell, Mrs. B. R., Westmere, Wanganui Bennett, and Carrick. Ohui Billinghurst, G E., Maxwelltown Birch, William, " Pakaraka," Maxwelltown Brewer, WiUiam (Estate of), Waitotara .. Bristol, T. S., Russel Vale, Wanganui Broderick and Westenra, Te Tuhi Brown, Harry, Maxwelltown Brown, Mrs. M., Pukerinui, Maxwelltown .. Brownlie, G, Kai Iwi Bruce, J. G, Paparangi, Upper- Kai Iwi .. Bruntlett, T., Kai.Iwi Bunting, E. J., Maxwelltown Burnet, R. A., Te Tuhi, Wanganui River .. Caldwell, J., and W. Madden, Brunswick .. Campbell, E. A. (c/o A. Webb, Manager), Brunswick Campbell, J. Or,, Brunswick Care, K. H., Brunswick.. Cave Bros., Te Korito, Aramoho Chesham, C. J., Jerusalem Christie Bros., Galatea, Wanganui River .. Christie Bros., "Whakatea," Galatea, Wanganui River Clinton and Henderson, Maxwelltown Cobbo Bros., Te Tuhi, Wanganui River .. Cobbo, M., Adare, Te Tuhi Collegiate School, Wanganui Coffins, William A., Kai Iwi Connor, William, Raouika Coombe, J., Westmere, Wanganui Cooper, W. J., P.O., Rapanui Crafar, A., Mount Jowett, Aramoho Crawshaw and Amyes, Paparangi, Kai Iwi Cripps, L., Rapanui Cripps, V. G., Glen Rock, Brunswick Cullinane, D. P., Papaiti, Wanganui Currie, G. M., Koatanui, Kai Iwi Currie, Thomas, Pueroa, Brunswick Dalton Bros., Kai Iwi .. Darbyshirc, W. J., Maxwelltown Davies, J., Maxwelltown Davies, R. and J., Maxwelltown.. Duigan, C L., and Co., Wanganui Duirs, Captain A. B. (private bag), Westmere, Wanganui Dunfoid, George, Taunoka, Wanganui RiverEagle, R., Murray Hill, Aramoho Farley Bros., Wai Ora, Wanganui Featherstone, Albert (private bag), Te Rinvu Featherston, G., Waitotara .. • .. Featherston, George, Waitotara Georgetti, Charles, Papaiti Glen, J. A., Waitotara Gorman, John, Brunswick Graco Bros., Brunswick Groves, H., Waitotara Guscott, II. Y., Brunswick Hair, David, Maxwelltown Hamilton, G. G, HUston Farm, Paranui Landing, Pipiriki Hammond, M. R. B. (private bag), Koriniti Handley, F., Maxwelltown Handley, George H., Rapanui Handley, S. G., Nukumaru, Waitotara Handley, W. S. and S., Waitotara Hartwoll, J., Waitotara Hartwell, Mrs. Jane, Waitotara Hawken, C. J., Mokoia Heinold, R., Wanganui Henderson, D., Maxwelltown Higgins, Mrs. Bertha, Waitotara Hughes, H. and R., Brunswick Hughes, J. W., Puke Araki, Maxwelltown .. Hume, W. P., Ohariu Valloy, JohnsonviUe Hunter, M., Kai Iwi Hunter, Mrs. G M., Parkhead, Westmere.. Huston, S. and W., Okehu, Maxwelltown .. Huwyler, P. IL, Kai Iwi Izett, A. Pattie, 19 Campbell Street, Wanganui Jackson, E. R. (c/o H. Pepper), Waverley 4,703 88 1,300 2,120 2,037 200 297 1,050 313 1,071 1,015 1,845 35 814 2,846 199 2,600 800 2,383 4,212 200 1,225 1,406 2,000 2,203 1,074 380 10,450 418 2,783 526 1,161 477 449 2,181 2,732 628 4,754 91 300 1,564 1,856 2,103 Nil 314 1,095 000 560 1 ,790 1,903 300 862 2,118 18 2,276 075 2,100 4,247 460 1,185 1,251 Nil 1,827 1,090 30 410 8,600 602 397 118 2,004 681 1,110 1,030 544 1,872 Nil 778 2,142 Nil 342 872 3,927 321 830 300 618 270 641 2,521 154 288 200 225 368 Nil 909 299 57 1,831 470 300 104 130 43 870 1,980 758 2,370 117 1,740 678 478 951 627 1,430 685 1,320 1,012 02 2,192 535 1,342 580 593 1,109 182 1,850 1,728 2,244 1,893 1,535 476 2,081 2,599 1,730 1,650 424 1,100 800 1 ,697 130 2,825 Nil 1,020 1,484 1,000 1,640 408 1,207 210 823 1,950 4,315 1,290 1,360 2,000 1,034 273,531 273,279 24 1,318 1,372 1,200 1,492 505 1,154 155 870 WAITOTARA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Alexander, T. and G., Maxwelltown Alien, F. D., Koriniti, Wanganui River .. AUen, F. H., Ramahiku, Aramoho Allen, H. E., The Lakes, Waitotara Anderson, John, Brunswick Andrioli, S., Papaiti, Aramoho .. Barry, M., Westmere .. 2,253 864 2,770 1,747 576 304 73 2,969 572 2,226 220 429 Nil 60 95 48
No. of Sli April 30,1. leep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. | Waitotara County— continued. Jackson, H. H., Brunswick James, G, Kai Iwi James, J. A., Kai Iwi Jensen, F. A., Brunswick Johnston, I. F., Waitotara Johnston, J. H., Kai Iwi Jones Bros., Kai Iwi Knudson, C. K., Kai Iwi Laird, Robert, Westmere Leahy Bros., Puao, Waitotara Lowe, James McK., Aramoho Maitland, J. M., Rangitatau, Waitotara .. Martin, Ronald, Te Tuhi Mason, J., Wanganui McGorman, L., Waitotara McGregor, Gregor, Waitotara McGregor, J. D., Te Mari, Westmere McKee, William, Woodleigh, Wanganui .. McMillan, John, Wanganui McNie, J. E., Rapanui Mitchell, Georgo, Wai Ora, Wanganui Monk Bros., Ranana Monk, Ernest H., Ranana Monk, G. H., and Sons, Ranana Montgomery Bros., Tayforth, Wanganui .. Montgomery, Isaac, Tayforth Moore, G. P., Bushy Park, Kai Iwi Moore, G. P., Kokoarua, Kai Iwi Moore, G. F., Nukumaru, Kai Iwi Moore, G. P., Rangatatau, Kai Iwi Moore, G. F., Tarapuruhi, Kai Iwi Moore, Norman F. (private bag), Nukumaru Moore, W. G, Oamaranui, Nukumaru Morgan Bros., Te Tuki Morrison, William, Maxwelltown Mullins, Gregory, Mangaiti, Brunswick Mullins, Gregory, Brunswick Mullins, Mrs. A. P., Maxwelltown Murphy, E. (W. Burgess, Manager) (private bag), Mangaporau, Wanganui River Murphy, M. R., Ngamatapouri Murray and Hunter Bros., Manganui-o-Tahu, Kai Iwi O'Connor, John F., Tayforth, Wanganui .. Parsons, E., Waitotara Pearce, G. V., Weraroa, Kakaramea Pearce, Gilbert, Waitotara Peat, William, Kauaparoa, Brunswick Peat, William, Pickwick, Wanganui Phillips, H. M., Ruawahia, Bmnswick Power, It. (privato bag), Nukumaru Preston, W. B., Tc Tuhi, Wanganui River.. Pureoll, W. P., Sunnyside, Bmnswick Rangi Whakateka, Tawhitinui (private bag), Wanganui River Reid, James, Waipuna, Brunswick Reid, W. H., Marahau, Nukumaru Rhodes Bros., Seafield, Castlecliff Richardson, A. H., Brunswick Richardson, R., Brunswick Rodwell, George, Brunswick Ross, Donald, Otakino, Brunswick Ross, Robert, Toi Farm, Brunswick Russell, C. G., Ratahau (private bag), Nukumaru Russell, George S., Rapanui Rutherford, IT. S., Raorikia Saved Bros., Westmere Shields, A., Papaiti, Aramoho Smith, Claud, Brunswick Smith, Claud, Brunswick Smith, William E., Wai Ara, Westmere .. Stevenson, J. L., Brunswick Stewart Bros., Te Tuhi Symes, A. J., Matea Farm, Kai Iwi Symes, W. F. E., Cherry Grove, Brunswick Taylor, H. G, Westmere Taylor, J. J., Marua, Westmere Tini Kiri Puna, Parikino Turner Bros., Brunswick Warnor, P. C, Kai Iwi Watt, John, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui . . Webb Bros., Lansdowne, Brunswick Wells, W. S., Brunswick Wicksteed, L. A., Wanganui 1,368 1,063 2,255 270 1,472 041 2,405 Nil 2,193 100 1,180 50 895 5,885 400 1,000 1,780 498 402 880 209 586 8 993 Nil 756 1,869 2,170 340 220 105 1,200 2,350 5,800 5,000 4,778 3,951 1,000 1,284 1,549 24 1,316 7,920 Waitotaea County— continued. Wicky, J., Aramoho Williams Bros, (private bag), Wanganui . . Woon, W. G., Kauarapaoa, Raorikia Wright, H. J., Brunswick 8!) 3,841 728 28 Nil 4,216 700 107 54 1.413 81 694 5,887 157 WAIMARINO COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Aird, J., Oaklands, Ractihi Allon, R., and Co., Ohakune Anderson, F. R., Pipiriki Ani Hoori, Ranana Ani te Kooro, Ranana Aotea Maori Land Board (c/o G McGregor, Manager), Morikau Farm (private bag), Wanganui Ashmore and Gregg, Raetihi Ashwoll, Alfred, Raetihi Austin, T., Raetihi Awburn Bros., Ruatiti, Raetihi Bamher. T. A., Wanganui Banks, William, Ruatiti Barrow, 0. A., Makino Road, Raetihi Barton, C. A., Raetihi .. Bartrum, G. N., Matahiwi, Wanganui River Bateman, Joseph, Raetihi Bates, John, Raetihi Bayne, W. M., Bell's Junction, Ruanui Beard and Cummins, Mangoihe Beard, S., Te Ore Ore, via Raetihi Beckett, E. R., Raetihi Boll, W., Boll's Junction, Ruanui Bernard Bros., Ruatiti, via Raetihi Berry, George, Raetihi Berry, Mrs. A. G., Raetihi Blackburn, Warn, Karioi Bolstead, J. H., Ruatiti .. " Bolton, George, Raetihi.. Booth, McDonald, and Anderson (c/o Carl Anderson), Karioi Borlase, E. M., Mangoihe Bourne, Frederick, Pipiriki Bradley, P. M., Raetihi Brass, Peter, Raetihi Brough, W., Taoroa Brown, A. M., Ruatiti, Raetihi Butler, E., Mangoihe Campbell, A. M., Matahiwi (private bag), Wanganui Campion and Duncan, Karioi Carter, William T., Karioi Carver, H. T., Ruatiti Caverhill, John S., Mangoihe Chittock, J. F., Bell's Junction, Ruanui .. Cox, G. W., Pukekaha, Raetihi Craig, W., Tangiwai, Waiouru Croton, R., Ruatiti Cummins, Mrs. M. E., Mangoihe Cunningham, M. D., Raetihi Cunningham, M. D., Pukekaha, Raetihi .. Cunningham, William G, Orautoha, Ractihi Davey and Michel, Jerusalem Davey Bros., Jerusalem Davey, J. B., Owhango Davidson, W. H., Murumuru, Raetihi Davis, A. E., Raetihi Davis Bros., Raetihi Delaney, W., Ohakune Dobbs, Ethel A., Wade's Landing, Retaruke Dodd, R. IT. (privato bag), Raetihi Duigan, C. L. and H. J. (c/o R. Black), Karioi Duthie, A. J., and Co., Matahiwi, via Wanganui Dwyer, John, Ohakune Edwards, G. F., Raotihi Ellery, F. J., Raetihi Epps, Thomas, Ruatihi End Haver, Mangaohutu Esler, John, Hihitahi Fotzor, Mrs. Annie, Kopurutuku, Ohakune Fletcher, J. A., Mangatiti Landing, via Wanganui Forsyth, J. F. and W., Ore Ore, via Raetihi Poster, G. P., Mataroa 228,702 340 488 1,800 200 590 226,388 317 1,000 3,170 255 154 7,004 1,830 310 820 04 557 8 2,328 565 217 1,928 2,221 4,245 Nil 164 1,648 1,870 574 1,500 425 5,270 Nil 331 406 1,620 1 ,210 1,075 Nil 1,020 618 129 Nil 034 30 1,448 21 645 1,415 2,040 339 149 175 1,200 2,200 6,580 3,950 4,735 3,799 912 1,374 1,539 1,500 579 100 237 1,357 1,316 1,300 7,100 717 67f> 1,393 235 202 504 354 1,040 4,580 8,950 3,815 9,743 1,633 58 Nil 91 1,099 Nil 2,277 1,108 1,208 3,320 20 3,094 2,055 1,815 3,750 1,032 1,200 007 1,940 50 1,985 Nil 3,502 1,225 Nil 2,752 244 1,350 1,464 1,958 40 1,500 924 1,120 1,441 3,150 8,371 1,179 308 674 9,788 1,477 459 679 280 129 11,537 737 1,647 347 347 Nil 1,120 1,255 213 809 192 280 812 800 100 5,405 3,900 1,037 6,488 3,235 124 830 294 1,350 446 2,397 1,075 0,341 2,290 95 950 263 1,326 528 2,435 342 12,611 538 1,470 460 388 914 1,057 190 690 45 1,414 1,390 360 2,000 757 4,815 1,413 633 61 1,412 1,100 250 1,865 235 900 4,810 1,225 854 427 1,095 1,71.7 200 1,935 Nil 550 1,184 570 162 395 1,012 735 570 5,575 3,032 1,097 55 312 374 2,240 161 502 027 225 143 178 365 2,035 50 498 750 1,002 1,571 100 2,624 200 625 1,170 648 123 5,290 5,720 700
B—H, 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. I No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, | 1917. | 1918. Waimarino County-— continued. Fox, A. P. (o/o R. T. Brunskill), Hihitahi Fraser, Robert, Raotihi Fraser, W. M., Horopito Fulton, Wallace, and Agnew (c/o R. Wallace), Kakatahi Gibbons and Murray, Mangoihe Gibson, E. T., Mangaoturoa Gilberd and Cresswell (c/o C. M. Crcsswell), Raetihi Gilmour, Mrs. A. M., Karioi Godfrey, G G. G., Raotihi Gosnell and Sons, Raetihi Gosnell, J. W. Or., Raetihi Grace, R. E., Owhango Greaves, W. J., Duncan Street, Wanganui East Gripp, H. M., Raetihi Gunn, W. M., Raetihi .. Haami te Kee, Ranana Hadlcy, It. H., Murumuru Handley, J., jun., Mangaituroa, Raetihi .. Hansen, M. M., B., and P., Raetihi Hansen, P. and P., Hukaroa, Raetihi Hanson, Charles Percy, Waiouru Station, Waiouru Harper, G. G B., Featherston, Makirikiri .. Harper, G. C. B., Makirikiri Harris, A. B. and H. II., Marua, Ruatiti .. Harris Bros., Karioi Harris, H- H. and A. B,, Taonui, Raetihi .. Harris, Walter, Raetihi Harris, Walter, Raetihi Hirata Kumeroa, Tokaanu Hoori Hami, Ranana Hopkinson, H. H. (privato bag), Ractihi .. Houghton, G G., Raotihi Howard, John, Pipiriki Hunt, G. W. (c/o D. R. Hunt), Raotihi .. Hunter, J. R., Ore Ore Hunter, Thomas, Wharuakura, Raetihi Hurst, E. A., Mangaoturoa Hussey, E. V., Raetihi Isaacs, R., Erua, Taumarunui Jackson, F. R., and Co., Raetihi Jamieson, James, Mangaituroa Jennings, A., Mangatiti Landing, Wanganui RiverJensen, A. W., Ruatiti. Raetihi Jones, W., Mangoihe Jopp, W., Ohakune Jury, WiUiam, Nine-mile Box, Raetihi Kennedy and Patten, Erua Laing, John, Owhango Lacy, J. S., To Rata, Wanganui River Leitoh, M. and M., Raetihi Leonard, J. P., Raotihi.. Lloyd-Brown, H., Mangoihe Lovenfosse, H., Raetihi.. Low, J. B., Mangatiti Landing Makere Marino, Ranana Malpas, F. C, Rangataua Manson, H. J., Raetihi Mason Bros., Ohutu, Makirikiri May, A. T., Raetihi McArthur, Thomas, Raetihi McAuliffo, T. J., Pukekaha McCheane, T. E., Mangoihe McCoubrie Bros., Mangaoturoa McDonald, J. S., Karioi McDonnell, P. and J., Karioi McGirr, G. A., Ruatiti, Raetihi McGregor, D. S. (J, Winks, Managor), Raetihi McKay, P., Horopito McLean, D. D., Ore Ore, Raetihi McLean, J. R., Ore Ore, Raetihi MoNair, Michael, Ruatiti, Raetihi McNie Bros., Saint's Rest, Raetihi McNie, P., Oroutoha McNie, P., Oroutoha McNie, P., Raetihi Meehan and Son, Pipiriki Meehan, J., Nakautangi, Kawakawa, Pipiriki Mersen, A. S., Kaniri 540 231 3,200 5,790 2,582 3,169 150 450 456 350 2,609 50 632 1,200 631 3619 1,610 2,291 1,369 3,030 1,058 514 94 202 598 1,690 2,352 919 474 2,835 218 998 801 735 670 737 80 313 2,108 7,873 900 3,802 621 50 512 255 530 2,550 578 Nil 31 900 637 395 2,265 2,176 2,233 250 3,157 720 2,530 Nil 426 103 Nil Nil 1,720 2,300 56 336 ,25 1,804 140 266 Nil 410 886 Waimarino County— continued. Meyer, August, Orautoha, Raetihi Miles, J. H. (c/o F. W. Sarell), Westmere .. Millbank, A., Murumuru Milne, R. B., Pukekaha, Raetihi Mirlin, B. 8., Kokakoriki, Taumarunui Mitehinson Bros, and Bott, Raotihi Morgan, A. J., Ruatiti, Raetihi .. Morrissey, M. W., Ruatiti, Ractihi Morton, Joseph A., Waituhc, Ohakune Mosen, F. C. (Estate of), Raotihi.. Mosen, Josoph, Raotihi Munroe, A. R., Murumuru, Raetihi Neal, J. R., Raetihi Neri Metera, Ranana North, P. J., Raetihi O'Callaghan, J. P., Ruatiti O'CaUaghan, J. P., Ruatiti, Raetihi O'Cavanagh, P. W., Ruatiti O'Dea, T., Taihape Okirangi Tauri, Karioi Okirangi 'Tauri, Karioi O'Neil, Fred G, Oruakukuru, Ractihi O'Noill, A. J., Raetihi O'Neill, A. P., Ore Ore O'Neill Bros. (F. McDonald, Manager), Ruatiti O'Neill, Patrick, Murumuru O'Noill, T., and Sons, Kakatahi Paid Ahapita, te Hira Akipita and Wahirangi to Hira, Karioi Paneta, Raetihi Parkes, G. A., Raetihi Pearson, It., Ohakuno Pemberton, G L., Ore Ore, Raotihi Perham, Larsen, and Co., Rangataua Peters, A., Waiouru Pike, H. R-, Raetihi .. Piko, Mrs. P. A., Raetihi Pirie, William, Murumuru, via Raetihi Powell, C. G., Karioi Powoll, C. Guy, Karioi Prattlcy, Mrs. L., Ractihi Punch, J. F„ Raetihi Punch, James, Raetihi Purdy and Beatv, Ruatiti, Raetihi Purser, W. B., Raetihi Raihania Takapa, Ranana Rangiapehu Porokoru, Karioi Rangihuatau Marino, Ranana Reynolds and West, Ruatiti, Raetihi Richardson, W., Raetihi Risk Company (Limited), Raetihi Ritchfield, H. G., Pukekaha, via Raetihi .. Sanders, William, Raetihi Sarrdford, W. H. (privato bag), Raetihi Sands, A. E., Hoihinga, Raetihi Scarrow, C. D., Raetihi Scar-row, G D., Ractihi Seth-Smith, W., Ohakuno Sinnett, M. J., Karioi Smith, A. E., Ractihi Smith, G H., Ruatiti Smith, L. G., Ore Ore, Ractihi Smith, R. G, Raetihi Solly, G B., Ruatiti Sommerville, Charles, Oruakukura, Okoia.. Sommerville, E. L., Raetihi Splitt, J., Wharuakura, Raetihi Stafford, P, Mangatiti Landing, Pipiriki .. Stephens, Walter, Karioi Stephenson, F. L., Raotihi Storey, A. E., Ruatiti, via Raotihi Strachan Bros., Karioi Stubbing, P., Ruanui, Rangiwaca Studholme, J. P., Hihitahi Taipoto te Huatere, Raetihi Takarangi, Mete Kingi (c/o M. K. Takarangi), Karioi Takarangi, Mrs. Te Rau, Pikimairawea, Karioi Tansey, F. M. M., Ohakune Tansey, M., Tohongina, Ohakune Tapeka Tuoku, Mrs. Ada, Ruatiti, Ratihi .. Taylor, J. (o/o W. 0. Taylor, Manager), Raotihi 720 3,323 480 38 2,000 1,890 790 830 1,550 225 613 1,140 77 51 456 200 769 485 200 140 140 387 1,327 205 5.010 1,626 414 133 807 127 5,102 910 589 1,207 203 317 994 652 2,528 1,900 172 642 324 1,890 362 1,737 646 682 1,576 371 930 436 1,732 2,400 210 2,200 809 3,592 720 321 2,049 100 860 1,750 630 Nil 541 1,636 62 60 500 1,043 Nil 580 Nil Nil 125 234 1,058 114 6,700 2,030 11,330 1,300 307 Nil 650 29 5,308 49 750 Nil 1,200 2,120 310 Nil 971 800 2,300 1,307 274 780 174 Nil 407 1,625 Nil 700 1,530 Nil 752 252 1,239 Nil 310 2,450 10 20 1,079 906 1,107 153 1,125 1,145 500 745 2,201 2,950 1,900 100 1,599 1,471 351 440 30 820 712 2,171 1,006 733 1,282 933 934 120 2,185 1,890 0,255 505 985 254 120 1,449 1,446 3,627 442 Nil 50 Nil 601 1,739 1,079 1,224 1,884 380 940 163 Nil 2,539 4,005 100 308 305 Nil 516 1,041 8,809 980 2,753 277 1,215 1,273 957 104 774 491 978 020 2,193 2,600 855 5,860 306 3,295 1,450 3,750 1,056 200 360 306 2,528 156 121 4,550 2,706 615 1,376 Nil 293 698 562 Nil 54 1,209 254 Nil 450 1,477 960 1,113 340 1,895 470 390
No. of t April 30, 1917. Iheep on April 30, 1918. No. of S April 30,1 1917. iheep on April 30, 1918. Waimarino County— continued. Te Koau, Pipiriki Teoti Porctini, Karioi Thode Bros, and Baker Bros.. Pipiriki Thompson Bros., Ruatiti Thompson, P. A., Mangaeturoa Tihema Henare, Turangarere Titi Tihu, Houseboat, via Taumarunui Todd, P., Pukekaha, Raetihi Tucker, Frederick, Pipiriki Turnbull, J., Raetihi Voelkerling, A. W., Orautoha, Ractihi Voelkerling, E. A., Waterdale, Orautoha, Raetihi Voss Bros., Raetihi Walker, J. T\, Karioi WaU, L. W., Rangipo, Waiouru WaUacc, E. A. and E., Raetihi Ward, T. S., Raetihi Warner-, G. W. D., Orautoha, Raetihi West, G., Ruatiti Whittakcr, R., Waikokowai, Huntly Wiari Tepatu, Rarrana Wild, Haami, Ranana Wilkie, Adam, Ore Ore, via Raetihi Wilkie, Marion E., Ore Ore Wilkie, It. H., Ore Ore, via Raetihi Wilkinson, Thomas, Ruatiti, Raetihi Wilson and Pearce, Ore Ore, Raotihi Wiremu Tekeo, Ranana Wise, R. F., Raetihi Wright, D., Raetihi Wright, H. A. and S. L., Wanganui Wylds, A. E., Ruahiti Wyley, C, Mangoihe KAITIEKE COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Alanson, It. W., Kaitieke Amncr, A., Kaitieke Anderson, A. E., Piriaka Baggo, F., Kaitieke Barber, J. P., Kaitieke Barkor Bros., Owhango Bremncr, G. D., Hukapapa Burling, D. F., Owhango Brown Bros., Taumarunui Carr, J., Kaitieke Chapped Bros., Mangaohutu Chapped, H. S., Mangaohutu Cockburn Bros., Owhango Colledge, J. A., Owhango Couper, L. K., Owhango Craig, T., and Gommoll, F. W., Patunga, Taumarunui Crocker, Mrs. T. H., Kaitieke Crocker, T. IL, Kaitieke Croft, E., Owhango Dallard, C. J., Retaruke, Kaitioke Dompsey, Neal, Retaruke Dick, J. and W. H. Flyger, Raurimu Dinsdale, Owen, Kakahi Duxfield, A. T., Raurimu Dwyer, Muffins, and Boyle, Taumarunui .. Edwards, W. H., Kaitieke Fitzgerald, E., Raurimu Fleetwood, G G., Kaitieke Ford, L. S., Manunui Ford, L. S., Manunui Ford, L. S., Manunui Ford, Mrs. E., Manunui Franklin, W. E., Owhango Galloway Bros., Retaruke Gaynor, T., Mangaohutu Gibbons, G. B., Kokakonui, Taumarunui .. Grant, J. A., Erua Grant, J. A., Erua, via Taumarunui Grice, E. IL, Waimarino Grice, H. I., Kaitieke Hamilton Bros., Kaitieke Hamlett, R. H., Owhango Hammond, G. J., Owhango Hatrick, A. (Estate of), Taumarunui Holder, A. H., Kaitieke .. .. ' 284,542 210 870 630 579 765 153 283 1,110 1,010 650 812 699 662 2,932 356 516 485 250 253 4,890 1,900 4,987 1,377 7,170 55 879 914 ■ 805 20 020 410 200 2,345 920 2,050 1,730 252 774 Nil 900 028 110 303 660 965 1,007 580 955 155 Nil 2,500 241 325 303 1,973 Nil 254 526 2,486 Nil 3,020 1,485 7,055 51 983 454 733 054 489 304,659 337 300 I ,056 3,000 910 I ,275 1,422 523 334 Nil Nil 1,590 1,479 1 ,1.70 1 ,050 1,429 Kaitieke County— continued. Holder, W. R-, Kaitieke Hopkins, Joseph, Kaitieke Humphrey, E. G, Waimarino Humphreys, G, Raurimu Humphreys, G. H., Taumarunui.. Hunter, J. G., Raurimu Hunter, J. S., Owhango Inverarity, J. P., Kaitioke King, .lames, Owhango Le Gros, Ed. IL, Kaitieke Le Gros, P., Kaitieke Leicester, A. G, Kaitieke Leslie, E., Piriaka Litchfield and Powlor, Kaitieke Lund, J. E., Kaitieke .. Martin, J., Kaitieke McCaffrey Bros., Mangaohutu Mi'(laffrey, Thomas, Mangaohutu McColl, A., Raurimu McColl, T., Retaruke, Kaitieke McDougall, F., Waimarino McPadyen, T., Kaitioke Mcintosh and Murphy, Kaitieke McKenzie, J. C. R. R., Post-offico, Retaruke McKenzie, J. S., Raurimu McLean, Mrs. E., Wanganui River McLeod, James, Kirikau McLeod, Joseph, Kokakonui McMaster, B., Taringamutu McNeill, D., Owhango McRobcrt, Aloxander, Owhango Miles and Managh, Marton Miles, J. H. (o/o E. Cuff), Waimarino Millor, John G., Owhango Millyrm, A. M. A., Hukupapa Montgomcrie, J. A., Piriaka Morgan, C. G, Kaitieke Morris, S. A., Retaruke.. Mosley, E. A., Wade's Landing, Pipiriki .. Neshausen, G. H., Owhango Nicholls, A., Kaitioke O'Dca, T., Owhango Ovory, E. P., Retaruke.. Parkinson, E. E., Owhango Phyn, H. G., Erua, via Waimarino I'ilkington, E., Retaruke Powell, J. R., Kokakoriki Pilchard, H. M., Lower Retaruke Purncll, A. I., Kaitioke.. Puschcl, T. E., Kaitioke Rait, S., Owhango Reid, Reid, and Son, Kaitieke Reubo, D. W. E., Owhango Riches, A. G., Taumarunui Rudsits, W., Kaitieke Runeiman, W. McK., Kokakonui Schofield, L. (c/o M. Morris), Lower Retaruke, Raurimu Scott and Deacon, Kaitieke Scott, David, Hikimutu, Owhango Scott, H. A., Patunga, Taumarunui Sheehan, John, Kaitieke Sherwen, P. and A., Kaitieke Shires, S. N., Kaitieke Shore, V. A., Raurimu Sinclair, D. H., Kirikau, via Taumarunui . . Sinclair, D. H., Kirikau, via Taumarunui . . Smith, A. R., Patunga Smith, Charles P., Raurimu Smith, F. L., Patunga Smith, Percy, Owhango Stevens, A. I., Owhango Stewart, W. T., Waimarino Stone-Wigg, A. T., Kaitieke Tamo Rawiri Kotu, Kaitieke Taylor, J. T., Piriaka Trevana, W. J., Kaitieke Tyerman, N., Owhango Tyloe, A. B., Kaitioke Tyloe, Thomas IL, Kaitieke Vanstone, P., Kaitieke Voss, O. and T., Owhango Wade, W. J. (private bag), Wanganui River Waldegrave Bros., Raurimu Way, P. H., Kaitieke .. 533 365 987 30 1,820 85 1,397 480 1,520 340 870 2,723 749 1,457 509 2,220 1,946 786 620 651 500 767 1,416 306 1,210 3,080 232 1,107 1,474 2,924 1,335 1.005 224 960 599 916 792 511 420 900 21 Nil Nil 1,294 507 1 ,570 381 773 2,100 100 874 1,082 Nil 5,260 Nil 752 445 523 203 360 681 1,238 Nil Nil 3,395 248 950 1,250 2,797 1,157 72 Nil 183 1,159 095 80 704 1,220 520 050 1,950 650 96 1,525 1,067 539 696 1,877 1,621 603 950 130 1,250 361 690 1,777 600 1,065 1,623 1,518 1,157 792 530 1,445 1,728 540 250 2,184 1,026 974 1,487 596 794 209 598 1,124 1,880 642 764 Nil 675 1,159 Nil 73 1,115 1,703 607 1,718 1,903 651 475 512 1,000 1,303 940 2,500 3,242 325 200 995 980 1,621 496 25 1,735 691 1,120 339 900 1,520 650 2,2,95 1,950 489 750 570 658 1,167 1,140 360 1,313 1,020 1,145 1,327 319 2,903 252 1,207 060 114 150 546 Nil 995 1,015 1,670 234 336 1,215 1,529 3,230 150 1,108 060 51 Nil 1,511 74 5 1,262 822 612 859 710 630 3,850 3,386 570 2,564 522 2,253 900 1,630 399 09 135 1,490 800 1,168 1,809 950 714 3,740 2,840 725 1,478
No. of Sheep on April SO, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Kaitiickio County— continued. Weddo, IT. P., Kaitieke Weekes, R., Retaruke, Kaitieke Western, S. J. C, Patunga Whirr Topia Kahu, Kaitieke White, G. A., Raurimu.. Wifficombc, A. McK., Retaruke Wilson, F. H., Retaruke Windle, F. J., Hikimutu Wisdom and Foster, Kaitieke Woolston, John, Kaitieke 580 678 2,069 63 320 580 47 1,520 1,015 410 710 1,115 3,159 Nil 260 513 14 1,520 1,500 041 Wanoanui County— continued. Collins Bros., Tho Shades, Mangamahu Coffins, John, Ngawaka, Taihapo Collins, W. E., Mangamahu Connor and Nicholson, Parikino, Wanganui River Cooper, J. P., Taihape Craig Bros., Pukekiwi, Kakatihi Craig, W., jun., Pukokiwi, Kakatihi Crane, James R., No. 2 Line, Wanganui .. Cranstono, E. M., Riverton, Fordell Crespin, E. B., Box 230, Wanganui Crowley, John (privato bag), Kukutu, Makirikiri Death, G. G., Fordoll Dixon, M. J. and W., Taihape Donald, Thomas, Mataroa Donovan, John, Taihape Douthwaito, Joseph, Brookdale, Box 12, FordeU Duncan, C, Gums, No. 2 Line, Wanganui.. Dunlop, R. C, Wray House, Aramoho Durham, R. and 'I'., Ruanui Dykes, F. W., Wangahue Ed brook, H., Upokopoito, Wanganui River Epiha, Haimoana, Koriniti Farley Bros., Makirikiri Fernie Bros., Churchill, Makirikiri Pernie Bros., Otamoa, Makirikiri Fletcher, E. E., Wangaehu Ford, W. R., Kaiuhaiki, Makirikiri Fowler, J. G., Whiritoa, Wanganui Fox, A. P., Hihitahi .. Frew, William, Rakctapauma, via Mataroa Fulton and Co., Kakatihi Garmonsway, F., Rangiwaca, Mataroa Gibson, W., Mangamahu Ginders Bros., Raketapauma, Taihape Gindors Bros., Taihape Glasgow, James, Donlair Farm, Fordell .. Glonn Bros., Kakatihi Glenn Bros., Tauaukira, Makirikiri Goodrick, Goorgo D., Taihape Gray, James, Longacre, Okoia .. f . Gray, John, Longacre, Okoia Gray, W. P., Okoia Gresson, John, Mataroa Hamilton Bros., Makirikiri Hammond, H. V., Makirikiri Handley, G. IL, Rapanui Harker, S., Kakatihi Harper, G. G B., Clifden, Makirikiri Harper, G. G B., Featherston, Makirikiri.. Harper, G. C. B., Makirikiri Hartwoll, William, Union Lino, Wanganui.. Hawken, O. J., Grange, Makirikiri, Hawera Hearn and Co., Karioi Horlihy, D. D., Hazelgrovc, Okoia Higgie, Jamos, Okoia Higgio, L., Okoia Higgie, Mrs. E., Fordoll Hinc, Thomas, Ngatamatca, Mangamatu, Wanganui Hirst, J. W., Wanganui Hogg, James, Okoia Horrocks, L. G, Raorikia Huirua, —, Ruanui Hunter, A. T., Makirikiri Hunter, James, Oeta, Fordell Jacobson, N. R. and J. A., Taihape Jardine, Jas. A., Waipakura, Makirikiri . . Jones, Charles and Mary, Wanganui Jones, F. H., Waikupa, Okoia Jones, George R., Waikupa, Okoia Kariki Pineaha, Putiki Kellick, A., Mangamahu Kellick, L. A., Mangamahu Kellick, William, Tokorangi, Mangamahu.. Kempthorno, H. E., Matahiwi, Wanganui River Kennedy, J., and Sons, Otumauma, Karioi Laidlcy, Mrs. S. E., Raukura, Taihape Ledward, D., Ngaurukchu, Mataroa Lewis, H. G., Wanganui Lilburn, Robert, HunterviUe Little, G. E., Mangamahu 20,548 3,281 3,325 3,921 246 8,700 20,299 3,186 3,236 3,577 200 Nil 8,710 23 2,080 152 280 28 1,930 128,829 128,843 WANGANUICOUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Addenbrooke, H. J., Ruakiwi, Mangamahu Addenbrookc, S. S., Wharemata, Mangamahu Allcock, Mrs. Agnes, Makirikiri Allon, F. H., Aramoho Allon, IT. W., Pctangi, Makirikiri Allon, Henry William, Makirikiri Allen, William, Tempo, Makirikiri Allison, Alexander, Letham, Wanganui Allison, James, Wanganui Anderson, A. G., Mount Rowan, Kukuta .. Anderson, A. S. G, Kakatihi Anderson, G. W., Salisbury Avenue, Wanganui East Anderson, G. W., Salisbury Avenue, Wanganui East Anderson, J. A., Box 9, Taihape Anderson, W. D., Longacrc Valloy, Okoia.. Aotea Maori Land Board (G. McGregor, Manager), Hiruharama Ashton, M. W. and A. E., Wanganui Baddeley, R., Kakatihi.. Bamber, William, No. 2 Line, Wanganui .. Bartrum, G. N., Makirikiri Bartrum, G. N., Matahiwi, Wanganui River Bason, William G, Longacrc Valley, Okoia Bason, WiUiam J., Okoia Bayne, W. J., Boll's Junction, Ruanui Beggs, H., Makirikiri Bohrent, A. P., No. 2 Line, Wanganui Boll, M., jun., Bell's Junction, Ruanui Bell, Matthew, Mataroa Bell, Mrs. Jean, Mataroa Bellis, J. H., Taihape Blyth, D. L., Sea View, Wanganui Blyth, J. V., No. 1 Line, Wanganui Bourke, Jamos, No. 3 Line, Wanganui Bourne, J. W. T., No. 2 Lino, Wanganui .. Bradley Bros., Rangiwaca, Ruanui Bremner, William, Mataroa Broderick, W. E., Makirikiri Brown and Harris, Wanganui East Brownloo, E. T., Box 9, Fordell Bruce, Miss I. D., No. 2 Lino, Wanganui . . Burgess, A. S. (private bag), Wanganui .. Burnett, Benjamin Ward, Box 6, FordoU .. Burr, C, Okoia Burrell, H. and J., To Toa, Makirikiri .. Butcher, John, Wanganui Caddy and Williams, Makirikiri .. Gaines, Alfred, Atone, Wanganui River Caines, W. H., Piko Piko, Makirikiri Cameron, Allan, Marangai, Wanganui Campbell, E. A., Wiritoa, Wanganui Campbell, George, Dowen Glen, Mangamahu Campbell, Norman A., Koriniti Carpenter, C. H. G., Karioi Carwardine, Mrs. Eileen, Box 343, Wanganui Casey and Woodhouse, Taihape Cassidy, M. J., Makirikiri Chamberlain, It., Fordell Chapman, W., Fordell Clare, H. P., Waituna West, via Feilding .. Cleavor, G, Mataroa Cochrane, W. R., Ruanui Collier, H. W., St. John's Hill, Wanganui.. Collier, Henry, Wakaraa, Wanganui Collier, J. M. B., Mataroa Collier, Miss E. G, St. John's Hill, Wanganui Collier, Miss E. M., St. John's Hill, Wanganui 2,700 5,438 290 1,300 2,880 420 214 443 958 2,336 1,585 1,028 754 8,207 1,330 6,300 620 5,075 595 1,425 660 244 1,695 2,140 892 2,048 220 2,950 5,000 Nil 1,374 840 978 460 193 658 968 Nil 2,185 902 957 103 Nil 1,214 6,520 772 544 Nil 700 842 738 702 340 803 1,760 2,568 Nil 2,945 ' 533 700 102 3,350 7,292 1,108 84 1,913 749 2,020 2,167 700 2,062 1,822 1,631 Nil 40 3,540 419 1,443 2,430 1,500 11 900 Nil 653 970 Nil 1,008 Nil 2,050 17,760 2,230 3,075 1,640 1,300 10,200 410 1,21* 1,277 570 3,098 365 78 50 5,930 730 12,520 ' 105 1,840 977 1,622 3,890 3,280 103 308 528 343 I , 700 8,200 2,005 656 979 1,290 673 8,230 25,291 2,144 1,130 4,358 1,030 2,720 199 3,570 12,105 530 2,130 300 152 2,900 Nil Nil Nil 1,417 1,445 072 2,115 400 104 4,068 30 5,700 562 12,310 400 1,826 683 560 802 3,413 3,112 100 946 Nil 388 7,857 1,422 2,362 345 868 1,150 Nil 7,960 25,810 1,916 1,100 4,205 Nil Nil 241 3,232 1.2,450 600 2,300 052 50 2,995 162 4,025 7,677 1,133 686 1,817 1,841 010 3,527 017 1,407 1,900 15 2,785 466 1,418 3,780 1,722 740 93 245 2,801 724 989 Nil 304 2,949 1,706 680 470 1,215 834 967 221 6,575 7,320 5,128 250 633 442 1,400 897 917 1,295 640 3,000 7,040 5,642 302 1,157 3,780 638 1,398 3,000 24,100 2,580 3,500 1,500 9,709 451 8,492 635 4,820 2,420 8,081 869 9,090 630 5,350 2,192
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on Wanganui County— continued. Loveridge, Frederick, Whiritoa Lynch, G. T., Eastown Road, Wanganui . . Mackintosh, A. D., Blink Bonnie, Okoia . . Mackintosh, A. D., Okoia Mackintosh, D., Blythwood, No. 1 Line, Wanganui Mackintosh and Phillips, Kakatihi Manson, N. P., St. John's Hill, Wanganui.. Martin, J., Gordon Park, Wanganui MeCann, P. J., Mataroa, Ruanui.. McDonald, D., Mataroa McDonald, Mrs. J., Grenalladalc, Mangamahu McDonnell, P. and J., Karioi McDougal, G. A., Mangamahu McGrail, W., Longacre Valley, Okoia McGrath and McDoncll, Taihape McGregor, D., No. 2 Lino. Wanganui McGregor, G. D., Mataroa . . ... McHardy, James, Glonone, Mataroa McKay, David, Mataroa McLeod, A. N., Dunvegan, Okoia McLood, Gregor, Okoia Melville, A. and G J., Fordell Mitchell Bros., Kauangaroa, Fordell Mitchell, M., Taihape Montgomerie, R. A., Taukoro (private bag), Wanganui Morgan, John G, " Airlie," Mangamahu .. Morgan, William E., Newtonless, No. 1 Line, Wanganui Murchison, D., No. 2 Line, Wanganui Nash, Henry M., No. 1 Line, Wanganui .. Nocdharn, G. IL, Longacro, Okoia Neilson, Robert, Wanganui East Neilson, W., Okoia Neville, N., Para Ratana, and Manu Tapu, Parikino Nicholson, James, Fordell Nioolls, J. L., Kakatihi.. O'Brien, M. W., Mataroa O'Connor, A. B., Rangiwou, Karioi O'Halloran Bros., Whataroa, Makirikiri .. Old, Richard, Okoia Oldaker, T. G., Makirikiri O'Neill Bros., Makirikiri O'Neill, T., and Sons, Kakatihi .. Para Ratana, Parikino, Wanganui River .. Park, William, Pine Creek, Mangamahu . . Pask, WiUiam, Parikino, Wanganui River.. Paterson, J., No. 2 Line, Wanganui Paul and Todd, Upokopoito, Wanganui .. Paul, W. K., Fordell Peacock, H., Mataroa Peacock, H., Mataroa Pedersen, Pedor, Mataroa Peni, Tuka, Koriniti .. Pepper, G. V., Ruanui Percival, F. W., Fordell Phillips, George, No. 2 Lino, Wanganui .. Phillips, J. J., Smithfield, Wanganui Poison, A. J., Manawamai, Mangamahu . . Poison, W. J., Manuwera, Fordell Pritchard, Frederick, Fordoll Purser-, W. B., Raetihi Redmond, V., Mangatainoka Rice, A. W., Brandon, Okoia Robb, Alexander, Turangarorc Robinson, A., and Son, Kakatihi Robinson, A., Fordell Ross, A. H., Karioi Rountree, J., Butcher, Fordell Ruscoe, H. A., Marybank, Wanganui Russell and Birch, Mangamahu Ryan, E. H., Ruanui, via Mataroa Sargeant, W. E., Fordell Scott, William, sen. (c/o W. Scott, jun.), Putiki, Wanganui Sharpe, R. G, Fordell Sherriff, L. P., No. 2 Line, Wanganui Sim, A. D., Union Line, Wanganui Smith, Webster, anil Co., Box 252, Wanganui Sommerville, G L., " Fairview," Okoia .. Speed, H. M., Monavale, Makirikiri Spooner, E. W., Hihitahi Stevens, J., jun., Okoia 130 400 241 418 500 1,125 902 536 1,519 3,913 — 1,520 61 77 250 010 560 488 1,280 Nil 3,708 3,805 0,809 Nil 3,396 3,281 485 613 1,625 3,000 1,124 1,020 1,122 894 1,656 1,899 2,347 2,528 850 1,075 1,015 1,112 2,920 3,344 0,661 7,171 200 3,018 3,299 62 Nil 4,380 4,770 30 25 30 260 100 1,730 1,520 4,680 4,550 572 700 — 790 3,000 2,458 790 916 325 450 2,293 2,530 1,050 1,196 816 1,056 14,204 8,650 11,830 Nil 200 280 2,030 1,940 445 556 755 1,090 3,500 Nil 326 ! 405 483 255 204 473 1,475 1,420 160 78 1,010 1,009 657 645 1,118 1,188 450 285 6,813 Nil 6,737 15,079 634 Nil 1,900 Nil 388 454 872 1,157 844 874 10,841 9,267 2,194 2,451 2,541 1,330 58 41 894 800 11,057 12,498 765 968 2,359 Nil 3,135 2,560 130 241 500 962 1,519 61 250 500 1,280 3,708 0,809 3,390 485 I., 025 1,124 1,122 1,056 2,347 850 1,015 2,920 0,661 3,018 62 4,380 30 30 1,730 4,680 572 3,000 790 325 2,293 1,050 816 14,204 11,830 200 2,030 445 755 3,500 326 483 204 1.475 160 1,010 657 1,118 450 0,813 0,737 634 1,900 388 872 844 10,841 2,194 2,541 58 894 11,057 765 2,359 3,135 Wanganui County— continued. Stodart Bros., Taihape Strachan, Alexander, Okoia Strachan and Patterson, Wanganui East .. Strachan, Lewis, Wanganui East Strachan, William, Mataroa Studholme, J. P., Ruanui Studholme, J. F., To Horoa, Hihitahi Sutherland, A. N., Craigielea, Fordell Sutherland, N., Lamb Hill, Fordell Swcnson, M., Taihape Swenson, T. B., Ngawaka, Taihapo Tanginoa Tapa, Parikino Te 'lure Poutama, Koriniti, Wanganui River Thompson, J. G., Longacro Road, Okoia .. Tiaka Waitokia, Koriniti Tihoma, Honare, Trrrarrgarcro Tod, R. J., Pukeroa, Hunterville Todd, J. A., Makirikiri Todd, James A., Knollmere, Makirikiri Towgood, S. Z., No. 1 Line, Wanganui Utiku, Pineaha, Koriniti Voitch, E. E. and E. W., " Auchmore," Okoia Wallcy, A. E., Okahu, Mataroa Ward, F. W., Warrengate, Fordell Watson, Thomas, No. 2 Lino, Wanganui .. Watt and McGregor, Aberfcldie, Box 122, Wanganui Wells, IT. T., Makirikiri West, K. M., Okoia Whango te Kooro, Raketapauma Whiteman, E. H., P.O. Box 112, Wanganui Williams, T. W., Motukawa, Mataroa Wilson Bros., Oeta, Fordell Wilson, Charles W., Siberia, Mangamahu .. Wilson, J., Fordell Winks, C. F, Knollmere, Qpokongaro Wyley Bros., Riveriy, Kauangaroa Young, A., Waipapa, Mangamahu RANGITIKEI COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Ahbiss and Co., Tc Kuiti Abel, James McH., Hunterville Addenbrook, H. E., ltaeby, Hunterville .. Addis, Daniel, Taihapo Adkins, E. IT., Hunterville Aitchison, Robert, Koeke Alderson Bros., Hunterville Aldworth, W. H., Silverhope Amon, A. W., Bud's Anion, E. J., Hunterville Andersorr, Carl V., Mangaweka Anderson, David, Sodgocombs, Marton Anderson, G. E., Taihape Anderson, G. E., Taihape Anderson, J. N., Turakina Anderson, John A., Box 9, Taihapo Andrew, P. J. (c/o A. Williams), Marton .. Anson, Dr. G. G, Hunterville Arkwright, H. P., Ovorton, Marton Armit, J. N., Hunterville Armstrong, J. K., Marton Ash, Samuel, Mataroa Austin, W. H., Glencairrr, Marton Awdry, J. S., Notton, Marton Badger and Booth, Bull's Bailey, W. L., Kawhatau, Mangaweka Baird and Mackintosh, Taihape Baldwin, Francis, Turakina Baldwin, G. B., Hunterville Baldwin, John, Whakawhare, Turakina Bamford, P., Mangawoka Banks, J. It., Taihapo Banks, James, Taihape Barnes, A., Taoroa Barnes, Mrs. L. R., Hunterville Barnett, Dr. E. C, Taoroa, Taihape Barry and McLennan, Taihape Barthorp, J. G., Te Mairi, Silverhope Bartlett, Alfred, Silverhopo Bartlett Bros., Rosehill, Silverhope Bartlett, T. T., Marton I , 100 1,230 1,400 2,220 9,220 4,590 2,020 866 452 314 153 1,025 2,050 010 190 25 1,196 67 5,301 2,334 50 3,025 3,733 1,423 13,150 334 498 2,072 4,143 595,400 1,750 761 1,251 1,730 2,331 Nil 10,140 3,843 1,000 1,035 250 205 10 364 20 110 1,024 2,250 549 640 Nil 71 1,280 917 100 5,422 2,134 120 25 8,312 4,345 Nil 12,170 332 Nil 2,418 4,001 536,273 781 51 2,745 1,800 303 2,200 887 153 Nil 1,775 453 1,900 910 118 2,259 Nil 3,050 700 1,090 914 42 957 2,000 0,200 1,508 1,041 Nil 1,232 800 1,129 90 249 2,440 405 2,191 2,401 413 400 Nil Nil 40 1,045 210 2,150 461 1,520 1,628 516 2,077 1,480 2,945 146 1,668 630 28 211 1,150 5,900 1,315 1,193 144 1,232 292 752 621 1,325 215 249 2,535 350 2,030 1,897 531 657 640 3,671 1.3 1,342 212 2,090 497 1,037 1,424 621 543 1,325 1,729 215 208 — 1,150 1,480 1,482 3,389 3,658 4,416 4,288 460 Nil 1,480 3,389 4,416 460
No. of 6 Iheep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. R angitikei County— continued. Bartlett, W. J., Silverhopo Bartlott, W. N., Silverhope Bartosh, J., Raukura, Taihape Batley, A. O. P., Pukokaka, Moawhango .. Batley, G. W., Moawhango Batley, R. T. (Estate of), Moawhango Batley, R. T. (Estate of), Ngatarua, Moawhango Batt, E. C, Mataroa Beard, D. (Trustees of), Kauangaroa Beckett, R. E., Bollevue, Marton Belk, H. A., Ohutu Belk, IT. A., Ohutu Bellis, J. H., Taihape Bellis, R., Taihape Bennett, H. D., Taihape Bennett, M., Mataroa .. Bergen, O. A., Marton Beuck, P. F. W., Taoroa Bickers, W. P., Marton Bioknell, A. W., Taihape Birch, W. J., and Son, Erowhon, Moawhango Birch, W. J., Marton Bishop, A. L., Marton Bishop, Edward, Koeke Bishop, Edward, Raukura Black, Alexander, Spring Creek, Marton .. Blackmore and Duncan, Ruanui Station, Mataroa Bland, A., Utiku Bonnor and Munro, Mangaweka Bosher, A., Papakai Road, Taihape Boustead, G, Mataroa Bowen, John W., Marton Bowen, Mrs. E., Turakina Bowen, W. T., Turakina Bowler, John, Mataroa Boys, John, Mangaweka Brady, Thomas, Mataroa Brandt, J. A., Pukeokahu . . Briant, Edgar L., Bonny Glen, Martoir Brice, J., Fern Flats, Marton Brice, J., Rose Bank, Marton Brice, John, HunterviUe Briokland, H. E., Taoroa Bristol, T. 8., Wanganui Broderick, Richard, Mataroa Bromley, A. and W., Bull's Brookie, F. G, Bordersido, Parawanui Brookic, F. G, Spring Valo, Parawanui . . Brough, W., Taoroa Brown, Albert, Bull's .. Brown, Ernest, Colyton Brown, G. H., Taoroa Brown, Robert, Bull's Bruce, R. G (Estato of), Ngaruru, HunterviUe Bryant, W. IL, Woodbury, Marton Buckley, J., Taihapo Bull, James, jun., Hunterville Bunning and Loye, Mangaweka Bunning, S., Mangaweka Bushby, A., Crofton, Marton Bushby, T., Taihapo Butemont, F. J., HunterviUe Butler, H. F., Utiku Button, J. C, Bull's Cameron, C, Wangaehu Cameron, D. A., Pukeroa, HunterviUe Cameron, H. J., Brookbend, Turakina Cameron, Thomas, HunterviUe Campbell, C. R., Pohonui Campbell, Robort, Okutu, Taihape Campbell, W. P., Hunterville Campion, James, Okirae, Fordell Carr, James It. P., Box II, Utiku Cartor, George, BuU's Carrier, S., Taihape Carson, W. D., Bull's Casey, James A., Ohutu Casey, Patrick (privato bag), Taihape Cash, F. W., Kaweka Road, Taihapo Castles, It. J., Marton Cater, Thomas, Turakina Chisholm, John and J. H., Hunterville 560 336 2,304 3,201 2,1.85 17,812 4,054 4,150 2,395 919 2,043 3,150 224 9,090 350 595 1,717 16 754 19,214 610 126 692 628 293 506 2,747 616 1,255 261 1,197 768 1,454 595 1,732 974 0,381 1,860 3,210 1,120 318 1,624 4,010 2>174 15,649 4,921 4,700 2,504 924 3,266 3,375 573 200 8,483 Nil 230 1,662 .52 1,030 1.8,935 820 150 Nil 365 449 9,281 600 2,778 05 665 1,210 291 1,142 759 1,730 645 1,762 1,089 3,155 2,505 Nil 1,096 450 476 601 193 294 1,377 1,207 1,203 2,100 2,383 3,402 Ranqttikei County— continued. Chisholm, Thomas, Hunterville Clare, H. P., Waituna West, via Feilding .. Cleaver, Joseph, Ngawaka, Taihape Cleaver, R., Koeke, via Mataroa Cockburn, Robert, Stanway Cockburn, William, Marton Cockburn, William, Marton Cockburn, William, Porowa, Marton Colo and Woolley, Huntorvdle... Coleman, A. S., Marton Coleman, Charles. Eildon Farm, Marton .. Coleman, James, Rata Coleman, M., Hunterville Coleman, Mrs. J. A., Poukiore, Hunterville Collier, A. (c/o H. Collier), Mataroa CoUier, Henry, Marton Collier, Henry, Maungaraupi, Marton Collier', Miss D. (c/o H. Collier), Ruanui . . Collins, J. G., Taihape Connolly, IL, Mataroa Connors, W. B., Wangaehu Coogan, William, Mataroa Cook, G. L., Hunterville. Coombo, S., Woodland, Marton Cooper, J., Taihape Corbett, John, Utiku Cornfoot, James, Greatford Cornfoot, Mrs. James, Greatford Cornford and Burridge (c/o T. C. Cornford), Moawhango Corrigan, John, Utiku Corrigan, M., Raukura, Taihape Corrigan, Michael, Taihape Cox, F. G, Marton Crabb, D. J., Marton .. Craig, James, Wangaehu .. ... Craig, John, Turakina Craig, Mrs. M., Wangaehu Crawford, Alexander, Marton Cronin, John, Taihape Crowe, J. C, Taihape Cullinane, D. P., Papaiti, Wanganui Cunningham, J. W., Turakina Curteis, Daniel, Marton Dalrymple, J. T. (Estate of), Parowarrui .. Dalziell, L. and K., Blair Athol, HunterviUe Dalziell, R. G., Blair Athol, Hunterville .. Davidson, J. J., Marton Junction Davidson, W. A., Mangaweka Davies, T. 8., Utiku Davies, Z. J., Taihape Davis, It. G., Koeke Death, A. G., Marton Death, H.W., Cliff Line, Marton.. De Burgh, Flora, Bull's.. Deighton and Purnell, Marton Junction .. Dovane, James, Taihapo Dickinson, S., Mangaweka Dillon, W. C, Taihapo .. Dixon, Herbert, Taoroa Road, Taihape .. Dixon, W. and M. J., Mataroa Dockory, W. IL, Mataroa Donovan, H., Taoroa Doole, John, jun., Pukookahu Doole, William, Napuna, Taoroa.. Doughty, G. A., BuU's Doughty, W. A., BuU's.. Downie, Alexander, Mangaonoho Duncan, George, Bull's Duncan, J. P., Hunterville Duncan, T. A., Otairi, Hunterville Dunham, John, Rata Durrant, G., Taoroa, Utiku Duthie, Alfred, Ohingaiti Earlo, P., HunterviUe Ellery, A. H., Johnston Street, Bull's Ellery, Thomas, Bull's Ellery, W. J., Bull's Ellis Bros., KiUeymoon, Bull's EUis, F. J., Bull's Fannin, A. R., Hiwi, Taihape Farley, R. and J., Otiwhiti Station, Hunterville Farr, A., Utiku Farr, Arthur, Utiku 2,311 348 2,085 823 271 818 40 970 243 1,212 133 2,520 516 2,648 1,860 3,729 1,287 33 933 3,973 1,510 200 558 1,154 4,552 1,400 315 333 30 765 1,750 50 920 638 155 1,100 696 969 3 7,649 2,803 1,107 1,850 5,000 352 2,116 279 1,277 295 475 134 1,205 70 225 1,114 203 21,000 849 2,913 Nil 2,018 1,156 Nil 965 3,000 1,438 100 500 1,713 1,080 4,323 1,100 455 72 48 1,135 2,575 43 Nil 032 220 909 Nil 1,118 67 7,679 2,957 1,294 436 687 98 Nil 1,020 391 390 Nil 1,524 1,100 724 537 697 14,680 792 662 1,663 3,328 347 358 313 12 1,178 19,000 200 2,204 2,125 601 280 Nil 186 845 767 1,171 10,060 220 355 400 195 209 2,209 1,462 1,150 1,593 1,717 3,295 704 906 1,336 275 392 200 1,146 1,000 630 589 687 486 366 5,062 1,207 1,400 200 434 1,081 571 35 165 2,380 3,527 784 1,256 562 1,239 19,000 856 2 556 1,030 52 1,165 572 350 5,000 Nil 1,432 100 437 1,073 35 52 100 2,180 3,989 700 1,205 008 Nil 15,000 Nil 80 000 1,400 115 1,177 1,108 204 Nil 890 953 71.2 3,340 130 382 357 19 5,642 19,779 68 2,410 1,957 549 000 1,233 602 1,002 12,746 154' 5 886 350 390 638 638
April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. Rangitikei County— continued. Farr, P., jun., Turakina Fornie, Miss C. E., Pukeroa Fernie, W. D., Pukeroa.. Field, R. L., Mataroa Finch, S., Rata Fitzgerald, D., Mangaweka Fitzgerald, J., Mangaweka Fitzherbert, B. G, Taoroa Floyd, Mrs. A., Taihapo Follett, D. P., Crofton, Marton Foote, G. H., Marton Ford, Charles, Ohutu Ford, S. A., Ohutu Franke, Wilhelm, Turakina Pranke, W. R., Greatford Frampton, W., HunterviUe Fraser, Alexander-, Bull's Fraser and Walker, Bull's Fraser, D. (Estate of), Pukehou, Bull's Frederick, W. and H., Marton Friedrich, A., Bushybank, Marton Friedrich, Gustav, Brooklyn, Marton Fullerton-Smith, A. W., Broadway, Marton Fullerton-Smith, A. W., Hautawa, Poukiori, Hunterville Fullorton-Smith, A. W., Holtby, Marton .. Fullerton-Smith, F. A., Holtby, Marton .. Fullerton-Smith, K. S., Taoroa Fulton, N., Huntervillo Fulton, W. W., Taihape Gahan, James, and Son, HunterviUe Gaisford, E. C, Bull's .. Gaisford, H. R., Brandon Hail, Marton Gaisford, H. R., Marton Gaisford, J. B., Bull's Gallagher, P., Utiku Galloway, David, Mangaweka Galpin, A. J., Marton . -. Galpin, D. S., Marton Galpin, E. R., College Reserve, Marton Galpin, E. It., Maungatirotiro, Marton Galpin, E. R., Marton Galpin, G. A., Marton Galpin, M. W. H., Marton Galpin, W. T., Woodlands, Marton Galvin, M., Taihape Gardner and Sons, Turangarore Gcangc, A., Mangaweka Gibb, G. O., Mangaweka Gibborrs, 8. J., Marton Gibbs, A. P., Utiku Gibson, R. L., Philhohno, Marton Gilbert Bros., Taoroa Gilbert Bros., Taoroa .. Gilbert, Ernest, Utiku Gilchrist, J. H., Tiriraukawa, Mataroa Gilchrist, John, Utiku Gilchrist, John, Utiku Gill, John, Utiku Gill, Thomas, Utiku... Glasgow, Alexander, Turakina Glasgow, N. G., Ardshiol, Turakina Glasgow, It., Ashley, Marton Glasgow, It. J., Turakina Glasgow, William, Edenmorc, Turakina .. Goebel, F. W., Glencairn, Marton / Goodall, A. J., South Makirikiri, Marton .. Gordon, D. G., Taoroa Gordon, Duncan, Bourko Street, Palmorston North Gordon, E. B., Taoroa Gordon, Mrs. E. E. M., Taoroa, Utiku Gorringe, Frank H., Mangaweka Gower, G IT., Marton Gower, H. L., Tapuwai, Marton Graham, Alexander S., Uppor Tutaenui, Marton Graham, John, Mangaweka Graham, M., Mangawoka Graham, 1'. W., Ohingaiti Grant, John, Turakina Gray, A. W., Utiku Gray Bros., BuU's Gray, Walter, Upper Tutaenui 459 815 9,371 71.1 258 830 1,616 468 216 247 697 611 18 75 558 1,012 894 1,980 688 223 1,715 2,230 1,916 1,855 1,064 648 2,331 200 770 458 1,198 496 1,304 1,250 1,200 2,748 3,338 2,750 3,810 610 1,21.0 350 950 556 1,060 9,750 2,120 35 Nil 339 4,393 2,615 510 102 191 227 679 741 19 Nil 877 1,200 406 2,590 875 155 2,430 Nil 3,789 2,019 1,000 1,040 1,502 2,619 Nil 950 1,903 490 1,060 420 1,263 1,200 1,350 2,500 2,836 2,900 3,053 1,002 2,000 354 2,200 188 3,182 1,450 Nil 3,300 Nil 1,303 473 650 690 50 792 834 958 502 1,571 Nil 201 2,130 520 RANGrnKEi County— continued. Green, A. A., Hunterville Green, E., Wangaohu Green, H. P., Bull's Green, John, To Miro, Mangaweka Green, T. H., BuU's Grice, Edward George, Tiriraukawa Griffen, A. H., Marton Griffen, G., Taihapo .. .. • .. Griffen, James, Marton Griffen, Mrs. E., Grange Hill, Marton Griffon, Mrs. E., Marton Guthrie, Mrs. R., Kooke ... Haare, A., Gloverdalo, Rata Haare, W. P., Marton Hadfield, P. C, Marton Haimona Teutupoto, Turakina Hall, Edwin, Hunterville Hammond Bros., Rata Hammond, J. P. C, Ohingaiti Hammond, John, Merchiston, R,ata Hammond, M. R. B., Ohingaiti Hammond, Richard, Colville Farm, Ohingaiti Hammond, S. R., Hunterville Hanrahan, R. P., Bull's Harper, G. C. B., Makirikiri, Wanganui .. Harris, H. H,, Pukeroa, Hunterville Harrison, A. It., Pernleigli, Fern Flats, Marton Harrison, H., Marton Hart, W. S., Ohutu Hartley, Ruha, Hunterville Harvey, W. J. M., Marton Healy, F., Mangaweka Healy, Richard, Poukiore, Hunterville Heatloy, C. B., Moawhango Hebberd, L. A., Utiku Hedditch, 0. A., 13 Halswcll Street, Wanganui Hefferman, W., Wangaehu Helem, P. D., Ohutu Henderson, J., Marton Henderson, D., Marton Henry, Hugh, Utiku Hill, L. M., Mangaonoho Hintz, F. J., Taihapo Hintz, F. J., Box 65, Taihape Hintz, F. J., Taihape Hiroti and Rider, Wangaehu Holland, H., Parawanui, Bull's Holt, Edmund, Pohonui Honeyman, Alexander, Marton Hopkins Bros., Marton Hopkins, C, Taoroa Hopkins, G., Taoroa Howard, James (Estate of), Westoe, Greatford Howie, F. R., Wharenui, Koeke Howie, J. S., Huntervillo Hunt, Josiah (Estate of), Marton Hurley, J. E., Pohonui Hurley, P. J., Taihapo Hutton, Charles, Mangaweka Illing, Abel, Marton Illston, A. T., Silverhope Illston, Arthur, Silverhope Illston, B., Silverhope Illston, W. A., Silverhope Ingram, S. W., Bull's Ireland, R., Hunterville Ireland, R., Hunterville James, Thomas, Hunterville Jefferson, Isaac, Upper Tutaenui, Marton.. Jefferson, Joseph 0., Marton Jenkins, Mrs. M., Marton Jensen, II., Matapouri, Taihape Jessop, T. V., Marton Johnston and Hutchins, Tutaenui Road, Marton Johnston, James, Upper Tutaenui, Marton Johnston, J. G, Marton Jurgcns, H. W. P., Ohutu Jurgens, Mrs. G. H. G, Marton Jurgcns, W., Taihape Karam, F. J., Mataroa Kearins, Patrick, Taihape 4,045 1,012 36 1,058 26 718 644 920 143 380 759 393 26 2,118 190 4,783 380 5,433 810 5,071 723 145 2,152 223 100 766 405 533 987 185 1,831 205 1,318 304 707 1,331 200 538 4,520 4,812 2,080 4,533 1,216 144 1,580 142 038 654 972 103 350 730 453 30 Nil 2,176 91 5,088 Nil 1,072 2,059 946 Nil 5,784 818 1,625 2,083 500 Nil 915 918 488 998 174 628 418 1,112 130 658 2,482 Nil 270 300 4,070 2,550 5,740 1,172 105 359 988 230 Nil 2,256 5,379 3,780 -1,280 3 126 1,164 1,172 1,913 364 1,234 814 34 357 980 200 1,184 2,833 4,409 2,680 839 20 3,000 526 600 100 244 470 2,775 708 Nil 2,950 380 000 475 860 3 1,362 740 315 1,000 662 889 Nil 503 1,295 1,472 009 550 746 777 458 1,537 94 212 2,280 330 73 274 900 612 1,060 58 655 1,410 1,211 16 288 1,765 20 5,650 3,839 1,033 17 1,801 Nil 5,814 2,415 1,420 461 307 765 1,900 1,536 200 680 2,024 1,090 7,940 1,050 Nil 468 535 130 255 800 610 470 250 346 240 190 Nil 530 1,582 704
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. Rangitikei County— continued. Kellick, Acton IT., Tokorangi, Mangamahu Kelly, F. It., Utiku Kilgour, J. D., BuU's Kilmister, Albert, HunterviUe King, J. T., Koeke, via Mataroa Klatt, A. J., Huntervillo .. ' .. Knight, W., Lower Hutt Knox, William, South Makirikiri, Marton. . Laird, C. R., Hunterville Lambert, IT. A., Tayforth, Wanganui Lambert, John, Huntervillo Lampp, A. IT., Marton Lampp, A. IL, Marton Lampp, G. J. L., Marton Law, John, Taoroa Leary, Charlos, Pohonui Leigh, Charles, Turakina Lethbridge and Marshall, Turakina Lethbridge, B. P., Ann Bank, Turakina .. Lethbridge, H. Y., Turakina Lethbridge, Mrs. H. Y., Turakina Levin, W. F. G. (Estate of), Rawhitiroa, Greatford Liddicoat, W., Mangaweka Lilburn, Robert, Pukeroa, Hunterville Lilburn, William, Hunterville Lissetto, J, J., Mangaweka Livingston, Alex., Whareroa, HunterviUe., Lock, P. W., Otairi, Hunterville.. Lourie, Duncan, Turakina Lourie, J. J., Silverhope Lourie, James, Marton .. Lourie, S. D., Wentworth, HunterviUe Loveridge, Fred, Pohonui Loyo, A. P., Mangaweka Loye Bros., Manui, Mangawoka Lyndon, Q., Taihape Macdonald, D., Mataroa MacLean, Finlay, Bird Grove, HunterviUe.. MacLean, Finlay, Nui Nui, Hunterville .. Mair, J. C, Pohonui Major, A. G, Turakina Managh, W. G., BuU's Mann, T., Raukura, Taihape Mansell, P. W., Bull's .. Marsh, Mrs. E. E., Ohingaiti Marsh, Mrs. S. J., Taoroa Marshall, G. L., Groonbank, Marton Marshall, George L., Marton Marshall, H. H., Marton Marshall, J. W., Marton MarshaU, Mrs. and Miss, Groenbank, Marton Marshall, Mrs. J. W. (c/o W. Hobbs), Mangaweka Marshall, W. S., Rata Marumaru, Mrs. Maiangi, Turakina Masters, G J., Hunterville McAlley Bros., Hunterville McCarthy, J. and T., Mataroa .. McOartin, John, Utiku McCoU, A., jun., Utiku.. McColl, A., Lismore, Taihapo McDcrmott, E. G., BuU's McDonald, Alexander, Mangaweka McDonald, Aloxander, Sifvorhopc McDonald, Alexander, Turakina McDonald, D. St. G, The Cliffs, 'Tiriraukawa McDonald, James, Box 174, Wanganui .. Me Donald, Patrick, Wangaehu McDoncll and Son, Parawanui, Bull's McDoncll, John, Norwood, Marton McElroy, A. J., Raumai Road, Bull's McElroy, Mrs. Mary, Halcombo McGovern, Mrs. M., Watershed Road, Huntervillo McGregor, Evan, Mangara, Turakina McGregor, James, Marton McGuinn, D., Koeke McGuinn, T., Pohonui Mctlwain, R., Kooke McJorrow, John, Fern Flats, Marton McKelvie, L. R., Bull's.. McKenzie, John, Mataroa McKinnon, Charles, Kawhatau McLachlan, D. G., Turakina 5,235 133 57 1.094 920 560 100 1.010 2,452 1,810 306 354 960 27 885 915 968 131 1.882 1,884 1,965 265 10,740 852 3,017 1,342 2,000 3,310 864 1,165 3,665 959 1,042 3,498 4,400 2,435 7 430 470 388 Nil 714 Nil I., 053 670 21 577 265 1,008 Nil 1,805 097 125 1,483 20 835 1,020 1,164 142 1,943 1,962 2,953 132 10,310 1,001 828 3,338 1,632 2,058 1,398 1,514. 2,332 4,020 426 1,070 1,389 1,394 2,910 5,000 2,330 30 490 477 098 375 Nil 2,784 1,102 1,505 4,010 2,020 Nil Rangitikei County— continued. McLaughlin, A., Mount Curl, Marton McLean, D., Spring Grove, Marton McLoan, Francis, Makirikiri, Marton McLoan, John H., Box 7, Marton McLeay, John, Corrio Fynn, Turakina McLcay, John, Mangahoe, Turakina McLcay, John, Pokowharo, Turakina McLeay, John, jun., Turakina McLennan, W. and D. J., Taihape McManaway, IT. J. D., Bull's McNeill, J., Hawcka Road, Taihape McNeill, Robert, Mataroa McPherson, Alexandor, Turakina Meads, H. J., Silverhope Meads, Z., Rata Merehira Paerau (Estate of) (c/o Rangi Paki), Wangaehu Meyer, A. H., Marton Mickloson, Frederick, Tiriraukawa, Mataroa Midford, John R., Marton Misson, J. !L, Raukura Mitchell, Joseph, Marton Moghan, A., Raukura, Taihape Moon, James, Koeke Moon, J. Or., HunterviUe Moore Bros., Box 27, Marton Morgan, G. L., Moawhango Morris, R. T., Marton Morrison, A., Sudbury, Marton Morrison Bros., Cliff Line, Mar-ton Morrison Bros., Marton.. Morrison, D. W. S., HunterviUe Morrison, J. A., Hunterville Morrison, Matthew (private bag), Taihape .. Mortloy, G. S., Mataroa Morton, W. K., Silverhope Muir, T. W., Taihapo Muir, T. W., Kaweka Road, Taihape Munro, P., Tiriraukawa. . Murphy, John, Mangawoka Murphy, P., Utiku Nattrass, A. A., Upper Tutaenui, Marton . . Nettlefold, Cyril, Manui, Mangaweka Neumann, O., Marton Newman, Edward, Marton Nowton, Mrs. M. J., Koeke Nicholson, W., Pohonui Nicol, Mesdamcs Joan and Joanotte, Utiku Nicols, James, Utiku Nicols, W. H. and H. D., Turakina Nisbct, John, Marton Nisbet, Peter, Rata Nitscho Bros., Bonny Glen, Marton Nitsche, F. R., Marton.. .. ,. Nitscho, G. B., Cliff Road, Marton Nitsche, G. B., Marton.. Nitscho, G. H., Marton.. Nitsche. H. G., Marton.. Noble, F. J., Mangaweka O'Brien, M. W., Mataroa O'Callaghan, H., Taihape O'CaUaghan, Mrs. C, Taihapo O'Dea, M:., Taihape O'Doa, T., Taihape O'Keefe, J., Pukeokahu O'Keefe, Jeremiah, Mangaweka O'Keefe, Patrick, Mangaweka O'Leary, Daniel, Taihape O'Leary, T., Marton O'Neill, T. J. and P. A., Turakina O'Reilly, P., Koeke Old, Richard, Taoroa Old, Robert, Taoroa Oldfield, J. E., Marton Oldfield, Robert, " Hdlviow," Marton Oldfield, Walter, Marton Oliver, G. G., Box 9, Mangaweka Oliver, J. A., Mataroa Olson, C. H., Mangaweka Openshaw, E., Marton Overton, A. K., Pukeokahu Owen, R. B., Koeke Palenski, A. E. R., Koeke Parkes, B., HunterviUe Parkes, F. C, Mangaonoho 931 897 7,272 7,174 1,500 1,170 1,900 2,230 2,001 Nil 2,991 1,100 1,020 1,871 1,614 1,562 427 815 696 850 1,447 1,117 2,128 2,150 915 946 593 512 528 448 931 7,272 1,500 1,900 2,001 2,991 1,020 1,614 696 1,447 2,128 915 593 528 729 3.000 235 700 236 1.365 456 564 205 576 219 729 870 3.000 3,300 235 314 700 358 230 279 1.365 1,028 450 800 564 526 205 223 576 566 219 303 — 800 299 353 2,053 2,452 2,522 3,096 1.366 Nil 11,000 10,300 337 314 378 195 2,531 2,018 — 1,474 2,040 2,290 120 113 438 409 5 335 140 551 295 750 1,197 734 700 492 075 — 632 369 426 3,653 3,700 16 12 400 400 — 490 347 370 — 80 586 085 180 232 600 1,321 317 101 790 916 2,900 2,707 521 587 092 410 200 Nil 1,810 Nil 173 175 1,418 1,018 40 . 30 319 278 — 3,705 335 317 695 Nil 1,053 790 — 1,132 415 Nil 919 650 2,698 2,594 443 202 400 Nil 448 575 4,857 4,903 2,600 2,300 5 155 684 590 457 457 299 2,053 2,522 1,366 11,000 337 378 2,531. 2,040 120 438 5 551 750 734 492 190 2,902 819 1,650 5,643 1,700 2,244 369 3,053 16 400 347 1,310 1,247 1,172 474 1,420 1,443 3,800 1,200 1,180 744 930 Nil 92 410 2,120 50 742 1,909 Nil 408 941 235 1,610 1,480 4,000 1,350 1,090 71.0 882 320 45 440 2,130 40 698 1.400 407 586 180 600 317 790 2,900 521 692 200 1,810 173 1,418 40 319 335 695 1,053 920 415 919 2,698 443 406 448 4,857 2,600 5 684 457 2,292 204 1,000 1,022 404 030 0,166 1,162 1,742 2,181 2,127 Nil 1,024 649 440 398 6,801 910 1,773 1,947
No. of t April SO, 1017. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, I 1917. 1918. Rangitikei County— continued. Parsons, S., Mataroa Pearce, H. A. and W. E., Sanson Peed, E. L., Mangaweka .. Peed, E. S., Mangaweka Perrett, R. and J. H. S., Sanson Perry, D. R., Turakina Phillips, W., Wangaehu Piekford, E., Rata Pirie, R. D., Hunterville Pohata, Maiangi Winiata, Utiku Pollington, C. W., Marton Pollington, J. W. M., Marton Poppe, A. and F. F., Marton Poppe, A., Marton Poppe, G J., Marton Potaka, P. E., Ohingaiti Powell, T. U. L., Huntervillo Prime, James, Taihapo Prime, WiUiam, Ohutu Pryce, Mrs. Makaraka, Halcombe Quillinan, G, Mangaonoho Rangitikei Racing Club, Bull's Rayner, A. E., Utiku Reichardt, A. O., Taihape .. ... Reid, G. E., Taihape Reid, George E., Ngawaka, Taihape Reilly, Mrs. S. A., Kawhatau Valley, Mangaweka Revell, T. G, Koeke Rhodes, C. H. E., Taylor's, Rata Rhodes, Mrs. E., Rata Richards, CM., Bull's Richards, H. L., Bull's Richards, L. M., Bull's Richardson, Robert, Taihapo .. Riddiford, D., and Son, Taoroa Riddiford, D. G., Taihape Roberts, A. M., Taoroa, via Taihape Rogers, P., Pohonui Rogers, Mrs. Mabel G, Makohau, Turakina.. Routley, P., Omeo, Tiriraukawa.. Rowling, Harold, Tiriraukawa Rowling, 0., Mataroa Rucraft, J. W., Bull's Russell, A. E., To Kapu, Ohingaiti Russell, H., Taoroa Ryder, R. B., Marton Sampson, W., Mataroa Schultze Bros., Marton Schwarz, P. G., Bonny Glen Scott, D., Taihape Scott, M. M., Opotiki Searle, W., Pukeokahu Shaekelton, P., HunterviUe Shepherd, H. S., Moawhango Siddle, Reuben, Mataroa Signal, J. H., Porewa, Marton Simpson, A. G., Glenmorven, Hunterville.. Simpson, Duncan, Heaton Park, Marton .. Simpson, G. A., Heaton Park, Marton Simpson, G. McK., HunterviUe .. ' Simpson, J., Kaweka Road, Taihape Simpson, J. G., Marton Simpson, Joseph, Kaweka Road, Taihape.. Simpson, Mrs. C, HunterviUe Simpson, R. K., Manuka Flat, Mangahoe, Hunterville Simpson, Thomas, Marton Simpson, W. E., Closeburn, Marton Simpson, W. J., Heaton Park, Marton Sinclair, John, Mataroa.. Sisson, Frederick, Turakina Skerman, S., Marton Small, i>. F., HunterviUe Small, Neil, Glenbank, Marton Smith Bros., Q,ueen Street, Marton Smith, H. W., Taihape.. Smith, J. W., Utiku Smith, James, Hopwood, Taihape Smith, R. W., Taihape Smithfield, T. H., Taoroa Road, Taihape .. Snollgrovo, A. G, Upper Tutaenui, Marton Soler Bros., Mount Curl, Marton.. Spooner, E. W., Taihape 3,826 809 1,094 1,642 509 130 68 888 244 44 2,968 700 150 1,607 800 300 4,029 157 558 125 1,238 201 1,520 450 1,221 79 1,019 1,446 1,118 4,530 1,154 2,008 2,217 1,801 1,347 1,910 1,090 3,633 721 1,102 1,281 600 200 350 220 872 612 200 10 1,960 1,827 243 304 1,503 866 382 5,257 25 146 406 130 1,167 1,358 144 1,573 450 1,200 88 1,080 1,903 500 4,780 Nil 2,239 1,983 2,128 Nil 3,488 1,015 10 9,930 1,843 519 712 2,825 1,244 1,449 Nil Nil 1,148 1,593 1,042 88 3,255 980 1,1.00 1,700 710 1,782 710 158 47 Rangitikei County— continued. Stantiall, Charles (Estate of), Greatford .. Stephenson, John, Mangaonoho Stevens, W. F., Mangaweka Stewart, Hugh, Tyrono, Marton .. StUl, W., HuntervUle Stock, Frederick, Bull's Stodart, Mrs. Jane, Ngawaka, Taihapo Stuart, A.,Heaton Park, Marton Stuart. A., Marton Suckling, P. W., Pohonui Sutherland, N., Badcnoch, Fordell Swainson, G. E., Koraenui, Silverhope Swainson, G. E., Silvorhopo Tait, Arthur, Hunterville Tavomer, L. M., Greatford Taylor, W. J., Turakina Thocd, A. de V., Leyburn, Huntervillo Theod, W. V., Marton Theobald, W. G, Pukeokahu Thomasen, J., Taihapo Thompson, D., Mangaweka Thorns, A., Marton Thorns, Edwin, Rivcrdale, Marton Thorby, Mrs. Jane, Feilding Thurston, J. E., Mataroa 'limbs, 8. S., Taihapo Tod, R. J., Pukeroa, HunterviUe.. Toms, G. G., Mangaweka T'otman, R. B., Potaka, Utiku Toulmin, V., Pohonui Transom, J., Ohutu Tremain, M. 0., Bull's .. Trickcr, W. (Estate of) (c/o J. Trioker), Bull's Turner, G. P., Pukeroa .. Twigg, J., Bull's Twist, H., Turakina Utiku Potaka, Rata Venables, H. H., Utiku Vile, L. J., Mangaweka Voelkerling, W., Silvorhopo Wade, W. E., Turakina Walker, J. E., Bull's Walker, Mrs. Margaret, Hunterville Wall and Co., Raukura, Taihape.. Warren, W., Upper Tutaenui Watkins, D. M., Mangaweka Watkins, Hubert, Huntervillo Watson, Dr. P. J., BuU's Watt and Lowry, Oruamatua, Moawhango Webb, J., Taihape Weekes, Owen, Maxwell Road, Palmerston North Weston Bros., Vinegar Hill, Hunterville .. Weston, L., Mangaweka Weston, L. E., Ohakea, Ohingaiti Weston, P., Vinegar Hill, HunterviUe Whale, Henry T., Marton Whale, R., Marton Wheeler, A. L., Huntervillo Wheeler, G. A., 1'anoa, Taihape Whenuaroa, J. G, Taihape White, J. E., Rata White, William, Ohingaiti Whittington Bros., Marton Whittle, James, Oruamatua, Moawhango.. Wickham, J. H. S. (Aries Estate), Wanganui East Wicks, A. N. and P. L., Bull's Wicks, Ewin G., Bull's Wilde, E. J., Mirfield, Marton .. Wilkes, Arthur, Mataroa WUkie, David (Estate of) (c/o J. S. Allen), Taihape, Utiku Wilkie, R., Taihape Williams, A. A., Somerset Road, Upper Tutaenui, Marton Williams, T. B., Box 37, Wanganui Williamson, A., Marton Williamson, D., Hunterville Willis, T. R., Greatford Willis, T. R., Greatford Wilson and Whale, Marton WUson Bros., BuU's Wilson, G G., Mangaweka 540 469 3,100 1,520 1,124 81 517 1,980 2,265 2.480 6,100 2,589 672 801 110 1,460 15 9 1,217 850 1,380 3,344 476 1,007 3,652 5,340 2,030 1,404 307 1,093 1,600 283 1,441 50 520 133 350 806 546 3,156 1,577 1,107 81 Nil 2,348 2,227 1,594 5,900 2,002 728 849 105 1,028 30 10 Nil 913 350 1,784 3,200 478 1,010 300 2,845 1,076 5,000 1,478 1,383 330 1,134 1,570 233 1,534 47 835 1,400 57 614 209 Nil 3,950 290 1,018 19 17 1.8,757 Nil Nil 9,800 2,188 203 790 1,880 429 2,400 133 1,010 1,132 1,002 1,228 47 600 1,032 85 4,301 28 1,136 15 59 20,821 709 510 1,363 1,120 1,590 3,600 300 7,040 3,413 7,081 1,262 1,100 1,232 1,710 3,000 Nil 5,790 1,470 7,000 18 1,008 524 1,445 Nil 1,800 791 1,545 690 109 946 509 1,280 103 1,702 1,586 3,550 372 140 142 1.066 866 3,900 2,485 1,288 1,289 1,470 852 30 5,600 830 495 1,646 2,251 588 149 95 Nil 846 4,205 2,595 1,312 964 1,176 873 67 5,730 976 100 158 3 404 1,493 1,448 50 159 0 246 1,520 1,229 390 50 988 2,717 743 457 920 3,378 1,006 20 Nil 2,872 788 1,090 1,040 3,150
9—H. 23.
No. of i April 30, 1917. 3heep on No. of Sheep on April 30, 1918. April 30,! April 30, 1917. j 1918. Rangitikei County— continued. Wilson, Charles W., Santoft, Marton Wilson, G. H., Burleigh, Bull's Wilson, James, Farriby, HunterviUe Wilson, James, Pukepapa, Marton Wilson, John, Huirata, HunterviUe Wilson, William, Rosemount, Hunterville.. Wilton, A. J., Hunterville Wing, A. IL, Marton Wing, John, Makirikiri, Mar-ton Wing, John, Tadcroft, Marton Wing, T., jun., Upper Tutaenui, Marton .. Wing, Thomas, Marton Junction Withelm, George, Marton Woodhill, Samuel, Wangaehu Woolston, John, sen., Mangaweka Wright, Walter, Pohonui York, Thomas, Turakina Young, P. L., Marton Zohs, George P., Mangaweka OROUA COUNTY (In Manawatu Subdivision). Abbiss, A. J., Makino Adsett, Henry, Colyton Aitken, R. 11. M., Colyton Aitken, W. G., Ferry Reserve, Ashhurst .. Akers Bros., Broadlands, Palmerston North AUerby, F. W., Colyton Badger Bros., Ashhurst Bailey, H. J., Gatcombe, Halcombe Bailey, N. G., Lisson Farm, Taonui Bailey, W. A., Stanway, Halcombe Baker, William, Makino Banks, W. E. L., Totaranui, Colyton Bassett, John, Ashhurst Bell, David, Strathspey, Peilding Biolski, John, Karewarewa Booth, H. J., FeUding Boshor, Edmund, Makino Boyes, Frederick, Highbank, Bunnythorpe Bray, Mrs. Emily, Colyton Brewster, W. H., The FoUy, Feilding Brown, Ernest, Colyton Brown, Robert, Colyton Bruce, John (Estate of), Cheltenham Buchanan, A., Box 152, Palmerston North Burrell, Henry, Feilding Burrell, Hugh, Feilding Bussed, James, Colyton Caldwell, W. F., Feilding CaUaghan, A. E., Stanway Callingham, T. R., Stanway Callingham, T. R., Stanway Callingham, T. R., Stanway Campbell, Archibald, Bute Farm, Taonui .. Christian, Thomas, Stanway Clover, IL T., Section 30, Block X, Makino Cockburn, George, Arapata, Mar-ton Cockburn, Robert, Stanway Cokcr, Thomas, Colyton Coombs, A. P., Te Karamu, Ashhurst Cornfoot, H. S., Greenlea, Halcombe Cotter, J. J., Hdeombo.. Craine, W. T. F., Stanway Currie, A., Colyton Currie, Adam, Surrey HiUs, Colyton Currie, Robert, Fenwick, Bunnythorpe Currie, Robert, jun., Bunnythorpe Davies, D. I., Stanway, Halcombe Daw bin, J. J., Makino .. Dawson, Joshua, Hazelmere, Colyton Dernier, Arthur (Estate of), Feilding Dittimer, Henry, Ashhurst Farmer, F. B., Kakariki -.. Faulding, W. B., Halcombe Fergusson, R., Rose Bank, Kakariki Fergusson, W. and R., Kakariki, Halcombe Fergusson, W., Isla Park, Kakariki Fetch, L. F. (Section 1), Feilding Fitzherbert, A. F., Waimarama, Feilding .. Forlong and Suisted, Park Hill, Bunnythorpe Forlong, D. G., Park Hill, Burrnythoi-po .. 12,054 795 142 856 16 649 993 671 1,235 1,266 691 356 7 60 250 120 100 25 1,630 958,276 634 1,351 1,980 35 7,410 729 783 903 1,190 1,685 239 1,739 658 1,804 270 2,500 602 89 553 779 169 587 12,740 771 182 907 21 509 993 909 1,576 1,221. 1,150 346 20 61 505 130 Nil Nil 1,650 1001889 813 1,421 1,762 14 7,670 753 Nil 766 850 1,004 285 2,107 600 1,821 280 2,116 549 60 799 758 218 660 719 Nil 1,090 1,975 868 109 401 556 160 154 1,827 294 178 1,097 329 635 721 2,492 479 1,123 492 493 203 237 1,072 Nil 290 Nil 309 570 118 350502 1,140 771 14 819 Oroua County — continued. Freoklington, Mrs. E., Bank View, Colyton.. Freeman, S., Makino Fry, W. G., Punga Iwi, Feilding Ga'rlick, Mrs. P., Colyton Gray, William, Colyton Green, Alexander, Makino Green, Patrick, Stanway Green, Thomas, Stanway Grccnhow, W., Bunnythorpe Hall, R. L. V., Ashhurst Hare, G. G (private bag), Feilding Hare, G. C, Wavertree, Feilding Hare, J. G, Sandyford, Cheltenham Harrison, F. E., Feilding Harl, Thomas, Ashhurst Haycock, E. W., Feilding .. '.. Henaghan, M., Stony Creek, Palmerston North Henson, James, Bunnythorpe Hills, G. W., Hiwinui .. Hills, G. W., Hiwinui Hills, J. L., Colyton Hitchman, George, Feilding Hodgson, G W., Colyton Hogg, L. Gordon, Kakariki Hopkirk, R. H., Ashhurst Howard, William, Colyton Humphrey, A. R., Greenhill, Makino Irwin, Edward, Makino James Bros., Halcombe.. Jefferies Bros., Taonui, Feilding Jefferies Bros., Taonui, Feilding Jefferies, John, Bunnythorpe Jefferies, S., Taonui, Feilding Jefferies, Thomas. Stanway, Halcombe Johnston, C. P., Ridgelands Kelsall, Ashton, Ashhurst Kilford, IT. S., Wairua, Stanway.. Knight, James, Feilding Knight, Mrs. F. M., Newbury Line, Newbury Kreegher, August, Halcombe Krull, P., Kimbolton Lankshoar, S. W., Ashhurst Lassen, Las, Bunnythorpe Levin, R. L., Westella, Feilding .. Linklater, Joseph, Box 219, Palmerston North Lobb, J. H., Bunnythorpe Lovelock Bros., Otagnoi, Ashhurst Lucas, C. E., Rewa Malone, James, Glenwood, Makino Managh, C, Halcombe Managh, Jamos, Halcombe Hanson's Estate, Stanway Marshall, Arthur, Stanway Marshall, Edwin, Stanway Marshall, R., Grcndale, Bunnythorpe Mason, E. P., Foilding Maul, P., Ashhurst Maxwell, W., Bunnythorpe McDevitt, Patrick, Kimbolton McDonald, Richard. Ashhurst McDonald, W. •)., Tokorangi, Halcombe .. McLennan, W. and D., Rangatawa, Halcombe Meyrick, A. G., Ridgelands Millen, Charles, Glenburne, Colyton Moore, A. G., Bunnythorpe Morrison, James P., Tokorangi, Halcombe Morrison, John, Tokorangi, Halcombe Murphy, John, Colyton Murphy, John, Remnants, Colyton Nairn, C. E., Halcombe.. Nairn, J. W., Ridgelands Nicholson, James, Makino Nico], Thomas, Ashhurst Oliver, IT. W., Ashhurst Osborne, E. W. A., Ashhurst Palmer, R., Foilding Parsons, J. S., Kimbolton Parsons, J. W., Stanway Pasko, Charles, Halcombe Pearce, L. F., Makino Pearce, W. G., Colyton Pearson, J. E., Glenwood, Makino 612 1,714 391 1,283 1,082 813 1,262 1,481 163 1,929 1,611 391 152 61.8 750 179 240 417 332 002 1,210 398 174 855 25 815 256 867 460 378 1,732 4,044 500 1,122 1,687 1,845 281 678 668 1,552 393 1,412 1,101 1,020 1,389 I ,519 170 1,030 1,053 1,085 300 Nil 152 566 748 123 276 Nil 356 Nil 1,361 556 Nil 1,784 26 I , 867 256 868 555 340 1,053 1,809 506 1,350 1,768 Nil 310 623 29 456 3,170 1,110 102 270 5,248 1,150 190 1,053 2,090 985 119 384 50 240 444 1,945 319 175 113 9 1,240 104 3,324 2,075 3,304 463 122 258 284 405 1,087 312 807 457 1,284 Nil 190 1,073 12 3,027 2,575 3,436 444 311 325 265 407 1,424 445 970 232 1,680 259 535 689 2,904 305 1,114 460 407 219 425 093 459 236 408 250 558 182 334 1,250 397 07 337 1,333 378 384 450 314 661 907 1,228 583 948 1,300 Nil 18 305 1,417 450 306 590 359 Nil 805 1,591 628 1,090 250 530 41 512 1,797 22 1,405 659 30 | 1,270 i 078 15 364 1,697 8 I 750 1,094
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 A pill 30, | 1917. j 1918. Oroua County— continued. Peddie, Mrs. G, Colyton Peffers, A. L., Halcombe Petersen, Jens, Stanway Pleasants, Owen (Estate of), Burnside, Halcombe Port, R. A. H., Palmerston North Port, W. D., Halcombe Road, Foilding Power, W. H., Colyton Pryce, Herbert, Kakariki, Halcombe Quarrio, James, Halcombe Ranson, G. M., Bunnythorpe Rasmussen, Peter, Halcombe Rasmussen, W., "The Pines," Makino Rassmussen, Maurice, Colyton Red, J., Ashhurst Redmayne, Harold, Halcombe Robinson, Andrew, Aorangi, Foilding Rodgers, It. D., Feilding Rosenbeek, F., Ashhurst Rosser, E. J., Tokorangi, Halcombe Sandilands, H. C. N., Colyton Searle, G., Palm Grove, Ashhurst Shalders, A. E., Ridgelands Shannon, A. B. and N. U., Podding Shannon, G. V'., Waituna West, .. Shannon, W. J., Palm Grove, Makino Shannon, W. J., Makino, Feilding Sharpe, J. G., and Son, Halcombe Shepherd, S., Colyton Short, Ernest, Parorangi, Feilding Short and Gorton, Tawera, Feilding Shortall, James, Westend Farm, Colyton .. Shortall, It., Colyton .. Simpson, T., Feilding Sinclair Bros., Bunnythorpe .. Sinclair Bros., Bunnythorpe Slack, J. U. G. (c/o B. H. Slick), Taikorea .. Smith, Herbert, Gibbon's, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Keir's, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Menzies, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Studeley, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Turner's, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Woodlands, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Woodman's, Colyton Smith, Herbert, Young's, Colyton Smith, T. Alfred, Fairfield, Colyton Speedy, David, Brooklet, Whakaronga Stewart, Robert, Fenwick, Bunnythorpe .. Toague, W. H., Kairanga Thomas, E., Mount Begg, Foilding Thomson, William, Ashhurst Thorby, T. G, Feilding Turnbull, George, Ridgelands Tutekau Mekerei, Halcombe Twigg, D. D., Sooble, Kiwitea Tyerman, O. S., 14 Florenoe Avenue, Palmers ton North Walker, John, Whakaronga Waugh, John, Taorui Whiskie, J., jun., Halcombe Whittaker. James, Colyton Willeans Bros., Colyton Williamson, J. C, Ashhurst Young, R. E., Feilding Younger, I). L., Cinder Hill, Foilding Younger, W., Makino 1,510 480 244 2,548 475 975 406 1,341 87 726 274 566 585 1,447 520 159 I ,993 853 1,041 537 1 ,497 94 694 322 535 625 1,522 2,149 542 304 309 444 133 1,100 8 2,590 2,720 807 1,040 Nil 623 6,876 3,650 642 1,000 36 329 1,284 Nil 465 440 687 750 209 780 213 137 1,070 618 481 Nil 470 115 Nil 1,693 20 2,540 Nil KarhAng A CountY — conlinned. Boyd, Mrs. G. A., Pahiatua Pridgcs.'O. ('., Woodvillo Broad and Ingram, Palmerston N. Brown, G. W., Fitzherbert, Palmerston N. Bryant, R. M., and Sons, Palmerston N. . . Buiok, D., Palmerston N. Buick, D., jun., Palmerston N. .. Burling, H., Aokautere Burmeister, Johannes, Palmerston N. Burmeister, Max, Kairanga Byers, W. E., Whakaronga CaUesen, Hans, Longburn Cameron, John, Newbury Capp, J. W., Kairanga Chairman, W. L. H., Kairanga Road, Palmerston N. Chatfield, Amos, Aokorrterc Choetham Bros., Newbury Cobb, Edward, Fitzherbert West Coker, H., Tokomaru Coffins, E, W., Newbury Collins, E. W., Newbury Collis, IX, Kairanga Collis, J., Kairanga Craw. George, Linton Croad, J. G, Aokautere Curran, A. E., Linton .. Danvers, R. and F., Culworth Manor, Palmerston N. Davies, 0. L., Linton Davison, William, Springbok, Longburn .. Dittmer, H. and H., Scott's Road, Linton Dryden and Logan, Linton Dunn, George, Aokautere Field, W. P., Aokautere Frost, C. A., Peach Grove, Palmerston N. Gawith, W. S., Aokautere Gilchrist, A. W., 8 Morris Street, Palmerston N. Gillies, H., Rangitikei Line, Palmerston N. Gray, A., Kelvin Grove Green, E. C, 66 Terrace Street, Palmerston N. Green, II., Kairanga Greenway, WiUiam, Kairanga Greer, F., Fitzherbert West Hall Bros., Linton Hankins, F. S. M., Longburn Hannah, G. A., Aokautere Harper, C. A. (Estate of) (c/o G. H. Harper, Vogel Street, Palmerston N.) Hart, George, Fitzherbert West Hart, George, Tiritea, Fitzherbert West .. Hart, George, Tiritea, Palmerston N. Hayward, W., Kairanga Hearsey, J. C, Longburn Honry, P. R., and Co., Lockwood, Longburn Hrbbell, A. A., Aokautere Hiley, Mrs. E., Linton Holden, J., Longburn Honore, A., Palmerston N. Hoskins, John, Kairanga Irvine, Samuel, Linton Johnson. Mathow, Aokautere Jones, G. Evan, Kauwhata Jones, John (Estate of), Kauwhata Kearins Bros., Kairanga Kearins, J., Kairanga Kearins, Mrs. M., Kairanga Kecble, C. T., Palmerston N. .. Keeblc, G T., Palmerston N. Keeble, G. G, Box 117, Palmerston N. .. Kilsby, Thomas (Estate of), Palmerston N. Knight, Mrs. F. M., Newbury Lino, Newbury Kyle, James, Ankautere Lancaster, S. R., Palmerston N .. Linklater, J., Palmerston N. Lovelock, I. W., Newbury Lovelock, Len L., Newbury Lovelock, Len L., Newbury, Palmerston N. Lovelock, W. I., Box 5, Palmerston N. .. Lynch Bros., Linton Manawatu Moat Company, Palmerston N... Manifold, T. W., Linton Mason, John, Linton Matheson, Murdoch (Estate of), Tiakitahuna 300 254 389 348 750 Nil 192 515 449 081 072 902 330 710 1,023 Nil 2!) I 288 r,r, |32 213 334 1,408 ' 1,317 140 50 ' 272 329 139 500 389 750 192 44!) 072 330 1.023 291 55 213 1,408 140 ' 272 1,797 700 245 426 230 870 78 1,390 1,881 746 I ,572 600 025 4,145 2,740 634 937 323 215 150 85 170 952 329 734 522 450 r,725 1,722 1,000 1,562 1,515 1,080 250 34 430 455 95 102 113 Nil R 44 280 371 480 625 298 362 150 339 066 181 Nil 189 168 77 Nil 323 150 170 329 522 r,725 1,000 1,515 250 430 95 113 280 480 298 1,077 374 123 256 467 263 305 190 701 138 250 1,100 133 424 704 39 19 203 232 801 794 351 165 1,320 400 390 420 367 : 303 564 i 514 0,455 ' 7,551 814 993 339 181 189 77 39 203 801 351 1 ,320 390 367 564 6,455 814 43 556 1,766 100 3,544 52 110 143 — 536 598 195 820 712 39 59 1,200 708 000 410 3,815 4,317 1,710 1,990 2,197 2,734 816 870 498 805 207 373 378 303 Nil 640 409 049 510 559 409 7,008 4,900 1,065 3,428 1,068 1,485 2,650 2,850 3,061 413 510 1.43 155 2,560 1,728 110 Nil 110 160 279 330 306 388 280 298 522 592 2,773 2,466 623 635 no 511 591 9 525 703 430 885 2,151 231 Nil 460 54 500 711 616 938 2,472 320 598 820 39 1,200 000 3,815 1,710 2,197 816 498 207 KAIRANGA COUNT V (In Manawatu Srrbdivision). Akors Bros.. Rivordalo, Linton Anderson, A. E. T., P.O Box 194, Palmerston N. Anderson, J. R., and Co., Tiakitahuna Anderson, Nils, Palmerston N. .. Badger Bros., Ashhurst, BalsiUie, John, Kairanga, Palmerston N. . . Batchelor, A. F. and IL D., Palmerston N. Bennett, A. G, Awahuri Bennett, E. A., Awahuri .Bennett, J. M., Awahuri Bennett, T. J., Kairanga Best, Joseph, Longburn Bourke, Laurence, Palmerston N. 107,989 171,008 303 640 649 559 7,008 1,065 1,008 2,650 5,923 505 5,922 451 413 143 2,560 110 445 522 480 1,307 3,165 606 771 600 131 810 510 592 504 Nil 1 ,268 3,083 598 770 597 Nil 920 435 279 306 280 522 2,773 023
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. I No. of SI rer.p on April 30, 1018. April 30, | 1 1917. I Kaikanoa County— continued. Matheson, Roderick, Kairanga Matthews, M.,Kakuterawa Valley, Palmerston N. McEwan, J., Longburn McEwen, A. H., Tiakitahuna McEwen, D. B., Longburn McHarilic, Alexander, Kelvin Grove McHardy. Alex. P., " Siberia," Ashhurst •. McHardy, L. H., Newbury McKee, Hugh, Aokautere MoKenzie, It. A., Box 122, Palmerston N. McRae, Flinders S., Palmerston N. Meager Bros., Totawa, Kairanga Mildorr, P. George, Kairanga, Palmerston N. MUner, S., Palmerston N. Mitchell, A. A., Kairanga Mitchell, J. A., Burnside, Longburn Moody, M. A., Linton Munro, D., Palmerston N. Neilsen, Peter, Tiakitahuna O'Connor, W. J., Linton Osborne, Mrs. A., Featherston Street, Palmerston N. Palmerston North Borough Council Pearce, W. B. V., Rangiotu Pedersen, Albert, Te Matai, Whakaronga .. Perry, Francis, Fitzherbert West Priest. O. J., Waldegravo Street, Palmerston N. • Remnant, W., Te Matai, Whakaronga Rowland, David (Estate of), Tiakitahuna . ■ Rowland, Mrs. Fanny, Tiakitahuna Russell, J. A., Gillespie's Line, Palmerston N. Itutlodgo, Alexander, Kairanga Ryman, W. and G H., Kairanga Saunders, G, Newbury Schaw, F. J. S., The Jungle, Palmerston N. Scott, R. R., Aokautere Setter, Frederick, Kelvin Grove Shaw, George, Aokautere Shore, Mervyn, Fritz Street, Palmerston N. Shine, J. E., Newbury Skorman, G. P., Awahuri Smith and Seifert, Palmerston X. Smith, Arthur, Ravenswood, Palmerston N. Smith, B. H., Tiritea Smith Bros.. Ravenswood, Palmerston N. Smith, W. J., Ravenswood, Palmerston N... Sutherland, A., Boundary Road, Palmorston N. Sutherland, A., Palmerston N. .. Tanner, R., Longburn Teague, W. H., Kairanga Tcague, W. H., Kairanga Thomson, B. K., Awahuri Thomson, Bazil, Awahuri Thomson, J. IL, Awahuri Thomson, W. A., Awahuri Voss, M. and H., Longburn Waldegravo Bros., Palmerston N. Waldegravo, IT. It., Awapuni, Palmerston N. Wall, L. B., Kairanga Wall, R. S., Newbury Waugh, John H., Taonui Wilsher, W. W., Kelvin Grove, Palmerston N. Wilton Bros., Whakaronga Wingate, John, Longburn Wolfsbauer, Mathias, Fitzherbert West .. Wright, G. F., Longburn young, T., Fitzherbert West 015 360 345 849 215 20 1,127 950 329 260 204 532 945 69 1,427 1,538 520 589 332 1,332 416 37 2,530 75 053 492 1,140 30 366 1,057 1,043 30 020 254 210 200 347 1,200 488 681 498 374 1,385 227 0 837 Nil 360 244 188 504 I ,090 70 1,350 1,528 567 746 415 1,140 311 62 2,500 160 824 04 071 1,260 29 477 820 1,185 30 Nil 290 16 220 421 885 Nil 301 268 2,781 430 00 1,526 Kiwitha County— continued. Banks, Mrs. A., and Son, Kiwitea Banks, W. D-. M. (Estate), Kiwitea Barlow, F., Kimbolton Barrow, Frank, Kiwitea Barrow, James, Cheltenham Barrow, Robert, Cheltenham Bartlett, A. R., Kimbolton Bartlett, Charles, Ohingaiti Batohelar, J. W„ Waituna West Batohelar, J. W„ Waituna West Beard, G. H., Kimbolton Beard, Mrs. W. J„ Poop-o'-Day Beard, W. J., Kimbolton Beckett, R. E., Hinau, Pemberton Billinghurst, W. H., Mangaweka Blacklet, Mrs. Fanny, Waipuru, Mangaweka Bochnig, Robert, Kimbolton Bonnor and Munro, Mangaweka Boshier, Walter, Rangiwahia Bowen Bros., Waituna West Brown, A. 8., Rowa Brown, Alexander, Kiwitea Brown, Alexander, Kiwitea Brown, Peter, Pakihikura, Rewa.. Brown, W. H., Hunterville Brown, W. J. (private bag), Foilding Bruce, J. (Estate of), Cheltenham Bruce, John (Estate of), Cheltenham Bruce, John (Estate of), Cheltenham Bruce, Mrs. Agnes, Cheltenham Bryce, J. J., Hinau Bryco, John Joseph, Hinau Buchanan, D P., Cunningham's Burne, Henry, Apiti Buxton, A. E., Halcombe (rural delivery).. Caii-d Bros., Karowarewa Camplin, Luther, Waituna West Carman, S. J., Waituna West Carr, J. S., Pemberton .. .. Caselberg, Mrs. Catherine, Boll Farm, Mangaweka Christensen, P. J., Kimbolton Clapham, Walter, Kiwitea Clare, H. P., Waituna West Cockburn, George, Arapata, Marton Colo, T. J., Sandon Block Conway, M. A., Glenorchy, Cheltenham . . Cooper, Thomas, Mangaweka Cornfoot, James, Greatford Corpe, G E., Cunningham's Corpe, Joseph, Cunningham's Corrigan, John, One Troe Farm, Utiku Couper, D. T., Rangiwahia Couper, Mrs. C. J., Rangiwahia Craig, Robert, Brooklands, HunterviUe .. Dalton, F., Sandon Block, Hunterville Dalziell, Alexander, Annandale, Mangaweka Davies, R. G., Kimbolton Deighton, A. M., Levcnthorpe, Mangaweka Deighton, M. 8., Mangaweka Dennis, '!'., Mangawoka Densham, Mrs. V. A. (private bag), Pukeru, Foilding Densham, V. A. (Estate of), Waituna West Dermer, C. G. C, Waipiko, Cheltenham .. Deroles, John, Hinau Doak, David, Mangaweka Ellison, George, Hunterville England, C. F. K., The Kestrels, Pakihikura, HunterviUe England, F. H., Livingston, HuntervUle .. England, G., Waituna West Fankrauser, C, Rangiwahia Fox, Felix, Ruahine .. .. ■ Fox, Felix, Uira, Ruahine Francis, A. R., Rewa Freeman, S., Karewarewa French, R. 0., Cunningham's Galbraith, Robert, Mangarimu .. Gorkc, G. J., Kimbolton Gibson, William, "eilding Gould, John, and Son, Apiti Gordon, W. J., Waituna West .. Gorriirge, Frank IT., Mangawek i Gower, R. A., Ohingaiti 641 751 750 089 322 05 823 1,343 2,738 J ,429 6,595 J, 384 913 281 2,039 1,214 2,300 3,222 917 716 1,037 2,738 2,168 1,701 2,392 I ,290 1,700 1.292 370 1,320 386 18 1.81 219 889 5,470 1,521 1,757 Nil 170 890 681 340 657 260 602 1,265 2,510 1,028 1,309 0,910 1,428 1,011 205 2,014 1,140 Nil 3,195 1,254 897 1,052 2,701 2,193 1,879 427 576 525 2,060 1,609 1,280 Nil 200 1,990 475 385 24 200 429 1,030 5,466 Nil 520 1,209 1,113 2,483 605 789 1,100 716 540 I ,418 992 1,146 2,375 379 1,175 60 403 loo 2,387 840 100 1,770 1,304 1,160 2,033 452 768 1,400 I ,051 1,203 704 769 400 899 755 1,522 912 181 I .083 1,381 162 1,484 1,604 765 765 678 892 Nil 775 I ,540 1,118 272 I ,009 1,286 102 702 250 3,470 109 600 268 543 1,116 1,116 1,520 2,123 322 1,259 350 177 2,560 157 976 220 2,220 372 1,333 193 321 1,217 1,997 557 1,387 184 250 1,174 KIWITEA COUNTY (In Manawatu Subdivision). Aokermann, ,1. P., Waituna West Adkins, E. H., HunterviUe Aitkorr, G. G, Kimbolton Alderson, William, Rewa Arthur, John, Cheltenham Bailey, H. S., Mirau, Pemberton Bailey, J. A., Kimbolton Bailey. W. A., Kawatau, Mangaweka Bailey, W. H., Kiwitea.. Bailey, W. L., jun., Mangawoka 122,027 127,887 1,740 435 747 1,072 1,300 1,769 295 467 NU 1,095 1,814 Nil 763 613 950 1,070 423 601 5,629 49 78 2,048 8 2,018 1,960 568 3 692 1,123 1,415 308 773 634 22 002 1,021 1,310 307 773 460 815 593 968 900 451 439 25
No. of Sheep on Lpril 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sli April 30, i 1917. reep on April 30, 1918. Kiwitea County— continued. Gray, A. W., Kawhatau, Mangaweka Green, J. A. (private bag), Feilding Green, John, Pourangaki, Mangaweka Grice, W. L., Cunningham's Guthrie Bros., Ruahine.. Guylee, J., Ashdene, Waituna West Haigh, S. S., Mangaweka Hair, WiUianr, jun., Mangarimu Hair, WiUiam, jun., Mangarimu Hall, Hugh, Makonui, Kimbolton Hamilton, W. J., Mangaweka Hammond, C. F. W., Ohingaiti Hammond, Richard, Ohingaiti Hammond, W. P., Ohingaiti Hancock, Robert, Rangiwahia Hare and Francis, Hohcri, Hunterville Hare, J. G, Cheltenham Harris Bros., Rangiwahia Harris Bros., Rangiwahia Harris Bros., Rangiwahia Hart, G F., Kimbolton Haycock, W., Rowa Haythorne, E. G, Box 22, Kimbolton Heayns, Thomas, Cheltenham Hocking, J. D., Kiwitea Hodge, H. K., Kimbolton Hodge, James, Mangarimu Holmes, Henry, Bluff Road, Kimbolton .. Ireland, Philip, Pemberton Ireland, Robert, Ohrangipu, Ohingaiti Jacob, W. F., Kiwitea Jenkins, W. H., Peep-o'-Day Jensen, N. G, Kimbolton Jobson, George, Waituna West Johnston, C. E., Kamano, Cheltenham .. Kevem, M. G, Hunterville Kidd, Alfred, Studely, Kiwitea Kilgour, D. H., Kiwitea Kilgour, Jamos, Kiwitea Kilgour, R. P., Kiwitea Kinkead, John, Rangiwahia Knox, J. (Estate of), Kimbolton.. Kreger, Gustave, Rangiwahia Larsen, Jens, Cunningham's Leicester, G A., Waituna West Levett, G A. J., Ratanui, Kiwitea Lewis, P. E.. Kimbolton London Bros., Kimbolton London, W. T., Kimbolton Lucas, C. E., PakUrikura, Rewa Lutze, H. A., Makonui, Kiwitea Maher, Jamos, Ohingaiti Malcolm, George, Apiti MarshaU, W. S., Rata Martin, D. and J., Pemberton Martin, Murdoch, Rangiwahia McBeth, Robert, Cawdor, Kimbolton McCleneghan, J., Rangiwahia McCleneghan, John, Umutoi, Rangiwahia.. McClenaghan, Thomas. Rangiwahia McCoard, W. J., Mangaweka McDougall, It., Kiwitea McEwan, M. It., Cheltenham McFarlane, J. L., Kimbolton McGregor, J. D., Te Ruae, Pemberton McGregor, Mrs. M., Ohingaiti Mclntyre, G, Rangiwahia MoKean, John, Torwood, Rangiwahia McKenzie, Kenneth, Mangarimu.. McKinnon, Charles, Rangiwahia McLean, D. IL, Cunningham's McLean, J. H., Box 7, Marton .. McLean, John, Fern Flats, Marton McLean, Lachlan, Rowa McLennan, Peter, Waipuru, HunterviUe .. McNeil, John, Kimbolton McNie, G. H., Pourangaki, Mangaweka .. Meads, B. J., Sandon Block Meads, D., Rangiwahia Meads, R. and L„ Rata Meads, Z., Tapane, Rata Milnes Limited, Glenmore, Kimbolton Moess, C. F., Rangiwahia Morgan, Alexander, Hillside, Rangiwahia.. 9,082 472 2,135 289 3,190 039 1,061 352 521 464 257 752 3,130 966 221 2,512 830 339 570 142 138 825 668 847 518 963 989 70 2,040 1,290 638 570 78 1,089 523 1,427 100 45.1 1,720 820 565 637 190 4,040 2,090 660 870 335 7,940 796 2,050 263 3,070 782 1 ,075 858 Nil 000 290 1,420 Nil 1,528 226 Nil 1,058 955 336 386 230 210 950 805 737 579 1,030 907 71 2,14.0 1,411 592 697 98 1,474 530 1,313 64 457 1,877 900 816 633 98 4,124 2,014 735 726 404 1,054 Nil 625 857 5,911 1,576 600 1,476 Nil 369 393 445 941 101 Nil 3,984 3,084 3,937 1,480 880 237 5,264 6,280 0,335 11,164 304 2,018 1,154 396 1,563 435 300 3,287 334 1,101 Kiwitea County — continued. Morton, A. G, Paki-iti, Pemberton Murphy and Cotterill, Mangaweka Nesdale, Mrs. P., Kimbolton Northcott, James, Waituna West Northcott, John, Waituna West O'Dwyer, A. W., Karewarowa Pearce, A. E., Konini, Waituna West Pearson, Frederick, Rangiwahia Pear-son, Mrs. F., Hollywoll, Cunningham's Pemberton, E. W., Pemberton Pcnnycuick, Thomas, Karowarewa Perry, Mrs. A. J., Rhyani, Kiwitea Perry, S. G., Arapata, Feilding Pettigrew, A. J., Kimbolton Phyn, C. G.. Mangaweka Poole, William, Ruahine Pope, Dr. E. H., Broad Street, Palmerston N. Powell, John, Maranoa, Rewa Powell, John, The Downs, Rewa Pratt, W. T., Kimbolton Prouse, Mrs. A. K, Box I, Rangiwahia .. Prrrcell, John, Arapata, Foilding.. Purnell Bros., Section 34, Block VIII, Apiti Pussel, Frederick, Waituna West Pussel, Otto, Kimbolton Red, WiUiam, Apiti Richardson, P., Cunningham's Richardson, Frederick, Buokland, Cunningham's Richardson, Robert, Kimbolton Ritchie, Robort, Kimbolton Roache, William, Mangaweka Robb, David, Ohingaiti Robinson, P., Mangaweka Roucher, Louis, Rangiwahia Shannon Bros., Waituna West Shannon Bros., Waituna West Shannon, Ezekiel, Waituna West Shannon, E. J., Waituna West Shannon, G. V.. Stanway Shannon, G. V., Waituna West Shaw, W. P., Mangaweka Short and Sons (privato bag), Feilding Short, Ernest, and Sons (Limited), Balmoral (private bag), Feilding Short, W. S., Glen Wardock, Kimbolton .. Simpson, 'Thomas. Feilding Smith, G and J., Kawhatau, Mangaweka .. Smith, James, Mangaweka Smith. James, jun., Mangaweka Smith, It. W., Taihape Smith, Thomas, HunterviUe Stack, F. O., Kiwitea Stent, Charles, Sandon Blook Stent, H. H., Ohingaiti Stent, Honry, Sandon Block Stent, Sidnoy, Karewarewa Stephenson, John, Mangaonoho Stewart, H. K., Kiwitea Stewart, Mrs. G. M., Halcombe Stewart, Thomas, Ohingaiti Stewart, Thomas, Ohingaiti Straw bridge, Eli, Arapata, Waituna West.. Stuart, A., Freehold, Waituna West Stuart, It. J., Cunningham's Stuckey, Eric, Spring vale, Mangaweka Stuckey, J. W., Mangaweka Sweet, Herbert, Mairenui, Mangaweka Tappin, William, Kiwitea Taylor, J. H., Makino Taylor, Mrs. M., Kiwitea Taylor, R., jun., Cunningham's Thomas, E. H., Rakatirma, Rewa Toms, G. G., Mangaweka Travis, Charlos, Mangaweka Turnbull, D. G. M., Mangaweka Vennell, F. H., Rewa Viles, Mis. R, E., Apiti Viles, W. J., Apiti Viles, W. J„ Apiti Voss and Jensen, Kimbolton Vowles, Frederick, Kimbolton Walker, J., Kimbolton Watt Bros., Kimbolton 3,033 984 35 1,130 150 800 1,315 709 404 1,163 352 2,391 3,084 44 2,213 222 1,000 927 1,022 839 506 153 1,925 1,300 930 989 1,077 570 610 1,118 1,605 490 1,764 2,248 1,208 2,020 2,740 2,855 2,917 4,527 2,477 1,465 35 1,016 410 829 1,265 611 565 1.281 348 2,146 5,278 328 2,277 Nil 1,012 1,132 1,218 1,500 165 Nil 204 1,722 Nil Nil 1,156 1,049 500 529 960 1,270 379 480 1,180 2,160 1,040 2,480 Nil 2,825 2,894 3,797 3,166 2,350 1,084 160 800 1,703 1,144 Nil 51 770 1,082 200 529 164 358 789 164 1,455 418 1,058 932 Nil I ,350 478 490 I ,990 1,337 1,309 192 430 801 273 3,090 1,070 189 1,818 1,450 366 758 222 764 1,298 513 3,200 50 631 882 5,959 2,000 623 1,235 426 253 404 395 767 101 482 4,737 3,044 2,990 2,200 1,100 187 5,212 6,230 0,230 11,155 269 2,038 1,105 398 1,115 425 300 3,151 391 916 1,280 259 484 73 400 827 185 2,331 475 1.102 324 382 1,300 422 480 1,900 1,268 2,824 280 275 768 59 3,195 J ,035 177 1,752 1,350 470 700 242 898 1,331 969 3,500
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 3( 1917. 101S. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. .pril 30, 1917. .pril 3D, 191S. Kiwitea County— continued. Waugh, J. R., Kimbolton Waugh, Thomas, jun., Kimbolton Warrgh, Thomas, sen., Kimbolton Whitehead, Frank, Cunningham's Williamson, J. J. (private bag), Feilding .. Williamson, S., Waituna West Wilson Bros., Edge hill, Bull's Wilson, H. G, Mangaweka .. Wilson, John, Kimbolton Wilson, Misses J. D. and A., Potaka, Bull's Wood, Mrs. T. D., Pemberton Wood, T. D., " Armidale," Pemberton Woolford, W. J., Huntervillo Younger, D., Makino Younger, D. L., Feilding POHANGINA COUNTY (In Manawatu Subdivision). Aiken, George G, Kimbolton Akers, Edwiir, Raumai Aldrich, A. 8., Tak \pau, Hawke's Bay Arbon, F. W., Raumai Barley, Alfred E., Colyton Bainbridge, C. F. G, Pohangina Balmer, J. D., Raumai Bartlett, A. R., Kimbolton Batohelar, D. and It.. Crossby, Utuwai Beetham, Harold, Pohangina Beetham, N. T. B. W., Taurata, Colyton .. Bell, Dunoon, Raumai Bennett, H. W., Rimunui, Apiti .. Bensemann, •!. H., Apiti BiUett, George, (lolyton Blixt, Axel, Raumai Bodily, G. J., Umutoi .. Brooking, A., Pohangina Brown, It. W., Glcngarnock, Colyton Bruce, Mrs. Agnes, Cheltenham Burton, R. F. L., Apiti Burton, T. G, Apiti Caldwell Bros., Awahou North, Raumai .. CaldweU Bros., Raumai Cawood, A. W., Apiti Christonsen, P. J., Kimbolton Clark, W., Pohangina Cliff-McCulloch, J. G., Cairnsmore, Pohangina Close, Thomas, Raumai.. Conquest, George, Umutoi Coup, J. A., Pohangina Cousins, F. B., Strangeways, Colyton Cowan, Or., Kimbolton Cummerficld, E. IL, Apiti Currie, J. and W., Utuwai Currie, J. and W., Flavall's, Utuwai Currie, James, Blair's, Utuwai Currie, John, Wernsly Hill, Utuwai Currie, W. arid J., Umutoi Currie, William, Utuwai Davey, 8., Umutoi Do May Bros., Table Flat Didsbury, K. J., Pohangina Duncan, George A., Apiti Elliott, P. F. G, Apiti Elliott, H. R„ Apiti Elliott, T. A., Springfield, Apiti .. Eoright, John, Piripiri, Raumai Forlong and Suisted, Raumai Gardner, D., Pohangina Graham, Samuel, Apiti Guy, F. S., Feilding Hall, H., Kimbolton Hall, Samuel, Apiti Hanaghan, Patrick, Colyton Handley, C. H., Konewa, Raumai Harkrress, E. J., Raumai Hart Bros., Highlands, Ashhurst.. Hart, ('. P.. Kimbolton.. Hart, George Hector, Umutoi Hart, H., Ridge Road, Pohangina Hart, S. A. S., Umutoi.. Hart, S. A. S., Umutoi Hart, Thomas, Ashhurst 1.008 300 j 768 1 2,151 2,742 3.019 3,022 408 3,229 406 1,218 273 1,048 2,200 326,1.44 1,065 1,008 513 306 303 708 789 2,151 2,460 2,742 2,090 3,019 3,727 3,022 2,705 408 408 3,229 3,320 406 000 1,218 1,520 273 202 1,048 1,011 2,260 2,000 120,144 331,373 2,70(1 Nil 1.225 1,271 2,792 2.704 1.720 1,780 428 445 930 Nil 40 47 2,077 1,932 1,390 1,190 2,500 2,835 920 1,045 375 395 98 114 244 232 1.470 1,422 306 228 455 914 943 934 1,393 1,450 248 900 1,180 1,016 902 966 — 97 523 387 804 935 219 Nil 348 273 2,334 2,058 325 334 500 30 800 405 400 203 197 139 540 707 500 414 301 397 Nil 502 130 398 Nil 857 905 100 09 700 Nil 2,330 Nil 572 394 2,428 1,670 572 500 514 ! 512 409 391 1,550 ! I ,322 — j 2,206 518 i 529 462 038 370 ' 250 2,598 2,040 892 995 3,703 3,407 872 881 472 Nil 458 447 497 493 380 284 921 496 300 449 302 Pohangina County— continued. Hartstone Bros., WoodviUe Haynes, M. T., Umutoi Hayward, G T., Apiti Hayward, S. J., Apiti Uoiniiiings, Mrs. J., Umutoi I loiison, Watson, Raumai Hodgson, G W., Colyton Hogan, David, Table Flat, Apiti Howell, William, Raumai Hunt, G. H., Wide View, Rairmai Irwin, Edward, P.O., Apiti Irwin, Edward, P.O., Apiti Jackson, P. L., Raumai.. Jcrusaleum, Otto, Hororata, Pohangina . . Johnston, C. F., Awawaru, Kimbolton Johnston, C. E., Cheltenham Kcoblc, Allan, Wharoroa, Raumai Kerrigan, Patrick, Ashhurst Knight, Harold, Sky Farm, Komako Krull, Fritz, Marama, Kimbolton Lawson, A., Kimbolton Loamy, Michael, Raumai Levin, it. L., Foilding Lewis, P. E., Kimbolton Linklater, Joseph, Palmerston N. Lynch, J. J., Pohangina Road, Ashhurst . . iViacdonald, Sarah, Raumai Mackenzie, J., Umutoi Maddison, Stephen, Pohangina Malcolm, George, Apiti .. .. •.. Malmo, James, Apiti Malrne, Thomas, Apiti Malone, J. and I)., Apiti Martin, D„ Tabic Flat MoCauley, A. E., Kimbolton McColley, James, Pohangina McDonald, A., Raumai .. McDowall, A. A., Raumai McEwen, ,lames, Utuwai McEwan, James, Utuwai Mclntyre Bros., Box 26, Apiti McKay, Peter, Apiti McKay, W. D., Apiti McKay, William, Apiti McLeod, John, Ashhurst McMurtrie, Andrew, Table Flat Micrs, Wilhelm, Colyton Miller, Edwin, East Lynne, Table Flat Moar, Simon, Pohangina Montgomery, J. T., Raumai Murray, J. C., Kimbolton Neill, Frank E., Colyton Neilson, Charles, Raumai Nix, E., Apiti O'Hagan, Isaac, Apiti Osborne, H. L., Apiti Osborne, H. L., Apiti Osborne, Hugh, Apiti .. Palmer, Job, Rairmai Parsons, J., Belmont, Kimbolton Pawson, J. F., Umutoi Pettigrew, J. B., jun., Kimbolton Pettigrew, J. B., Table Plat Phillpotts, F. G. H., Wilderness, Raumai .. Port, G., Pohangina Port, R. A., Komako Port. It. A. H., Palmerston North Port, Richard, Raumai Pratt, W. T., Apiti Piii-riell, G. H., Apiti Red, William, Apiti Roberts, P. J,, Pohangina Roberts, J. J., Raumai Roberts, R. S., Piripiri, Raumai Robinson, P., Mangaweka Romley, W. S., Valebrook, Utuwai Russell Bros., Raumai Russell, F. J. and A., Raumai Russell, William, Umutoi Rutherford, Walter, Colyton Sandilands, A. E., Woodlands, Colyton Sandilands, H. C, Colyton Sohmidt, Reinholdt, Apiti Soliiuidt, It., jun., Tabic Flat Searle, Charles, Raumai 867 508 500 255 109 172 662 054 580 449 2,531 1,980 9.120 1.904 1,024 014 1.390 1.373 237 265 1.072 2,745 995 I .655 860 5:66 2,099 1,375 129 806 1.400 688 585 411 2,382 316 270 355 2,283 760 651 301 400 110 1,270 1,239 639 796 800 883 318 1,600 692 3,272 767 1,380 546 1,450 2,168 380 2,565 1,370 2,489 64 624 1,748 726 435 323 477 1,790 356 377 723 414 531 509 010 Nil 10 163 882 487 850 330 480 510 2.732 1,980 9,815 1,900 1,012 808 I .381 1,425 197 214 I ,020 950 2,810 1,015 1.120 891 321 410 061 268 1,577 I ,820 158 704 1 ,550 663 880 38!) 2,140 368 194 595 2,096 600 280 441 594 200 2,080 1,251 624 1,038 792 1,180 Nil 442 1,509 2,705 800 1,277 571 I ,470 2,090 3,033 Nil 1 ,870 1,313 1,149 Nil 1 ,795 701 503 Nil 100 Nil Nil 352 763 401 248 259 214 984 428 320 919
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. loia Pohangina County— continued. Searle, Thomas, .Raumai Shannon, Mrs. A., Owen Street, Feilding . . Sinclair, Thomas, Pohangina , ,. ■ Sixtus and Sons, Umutoi Smart, II., Pohangina Smith, G., Coal Creek, Kimbolton Smith, Herbert, Aorangi, Colyton Smith, Mrs. F. L., Colyton ■ Smith, T. A., Moorlands, Colyton Smoiit, G. T., Apiti Southcc, R. W., The Elms, Colyton Spellman, M., Raumai Spellman, Patrick, Raumai Stanton, James, Pohangina Stevens, J. H., Pohangina Stewart, IT., Waiata Stewart, Henry, Colyton Stewart, Mrs. E. J., Apiti Strahan, H. R., Apiti Tews, F., Pohangina .. Townsend, J., Apiti Toxward and Nicol, Palmerston N. Viles, W. F., Colyton Viles, W. J., Apiti Watson, W. H., Apiti Waugh, Thomas, jun., Kimbolton Waugh, W., Kimbolton.. Webby, L., Raumai White, C. D., Raumai Whitehead, Herbert, Raumai Whitehead, H. W., Raumai Williams, William, Tarata, Colyton Wycherley, A., Uplands, Utuwai. . Wyeherley, G, Utuwai 900 686 274 I ,200 1,756 3,600 390 527 I ,085 370 550 318 612 22 984 2,200 1,680 1,380 744 842 I ,317 284 1,062 2,830 3,506 Nil Nil 1,920 364 478 202 012 59 974 Nil 2,184 1,730 3,595 957 8 , 1,974 1,240 121 337 510 1,192 Nil 1,623 Nil 1,510 681 860 538 Manawatu County— continued. Fagan, H. J., The Willows, Sanson Fay, William, Mount Stewart, Peilding Fergusson, James, Feilding Road, ITalcombe Foster, S., Craven House, Rongotea Fowler, Hilton, Oroua Downs Fraser, Duncan, Ohakea Frecklington, B., Makowhai Freoklington, E. P., Ohakea Frecklington, WiUiam, Ohakea Gardner. E., Rongotea Gifford, Thomas (privato bag), Feuding Gloyn, John, and Sons, Rongotea Gower. B. G., Fail-bank, Foxton Grace, Frank, Sanson Gray, Alfred, Sanson Gray Bros., Taikorea Gust, A. G., Rongotea Hammond, H. G., Oroua Downs Hammond, W. S., Feilding Harris, Job, Sanson Hartley, A. IT., Makowai Hartley and Son, Makowai Henson, John (Estate of) (private bag), Feilding Honson, Mrs. M. 0., Sanson Hingston, D.S., Feilding Hopping, W., Rongotca Hunt, C. S., Glen Oroua Hunt, H. H., Rongotea Johnston, I). E., Taikorea Johnston, Hon. W. W. (Estate of), Highdcn, Awahuri Knight, N. IT., Rongotea Knox, W. J-, Makowhai Lawrence, William, Sanson Leen, T., Rongotea Legg, J., Bainesse Lobb, J. IT, Taonui, Feilding Loughnaii and Wood, Palmerston N. Lowry, Thomas, Feilding Lumsden, J. R., Firsby, Sanson Lumsden, W. A., Sanson Marshall, G. E., Rongotea Masters, C. A., Loe's Line, Feilding Masters, Thomas, Ohakea Matthews, Albert (private bag), Feilding .. Matthews, Edgar R., Awahuri McElroy, Owen, Halcombe MoKelvie, James, Feilding MoKenzie, Allan, Carnarvon Moffat, W., Oroua Downs Nairn, J. L., Feilding Natzke, Albert, Ohakea Noble, Mace, Mangawhata Olde, E., Foxton Oliver, A. O., Rangiotu Osborne, W., Rongotea Pearce Bros., Sanson Pearce, W. E. and H. A., Sanson Pedersen, A., Ohakea Penny, W., Sanson Perret, R. and J. H., Sanson Poupard, L., Kaimatarau Print, R., and Sons, Willow Glen, Taikorea Purcell, Dennis, Foxton Read, Mieaiah, Sanson Riohmond, W., Hastings Ries, IT. M., Motuiti, Foxton Robinson, C. E., Claremont, Foxton Robinson, F., Beach Road, Foxton Robinson, J. H., Foxton Robinson, J. W., Te Moana, Foxton Robinson, 0. R., Kariri, Foxton Ross, W., Foxton Rowe Bros., Makowhai.. Sanson, R. T., Sanson Saunders, E. R., Glen Oroua Saunders, Thomas, Glen Oroua Saxton, F. G (private bag), Palmerston N. Scott, A. D., Oroua Downs Soott, J. Douglas, Glen Oroua Scott, J. W. G, Oroua Downs Seifert, Walter, Box 3.1, Palmerston N. .. Shaw, It. G., Carnarvon Simonsen, J., Rongotea Simpson, A. J., Ohakea Simpson, Frod T., Bull's Simpson, John, Foilding 617 509 743 22 330 400 700 943 354 539 682 500 107 488 I ,152 I. ,004 950 142 1,752 2,1.40 200 82 2,439 603 1,400 759 Nil Nil Nil 485 1,090 258 030 90-1 230 20 483 1,51.9 780 1,030 70 1,322 2,400 200 Nil 2,558 2,015 1,1.18 375 357 I ,218 407 1,050 930 249 17 343 56 273 99 502 33 2,772 507 23 3,470 631 942 487 203 100 I ,029 560 175 8 1,175 734 137 Nil Nil 332 1,097 387 Nil 1,112 Nil 934 472 1,997 9,211 ' Nil 30 Kit) 1.40 772 630 Nil 24 960 758 16 878 1,484 0 100 440 321 1,886 380 1,450 1,848 2,020 1,279 1,290 508 6 450 1,162 2,520 .739 36 504 602 204 52 225 868 618 180, MANAWATU COUNTY (In Manawatu Subdivision). A'Court, Isabella, Stormy Point, Sanson . . Alve, Mrs. Theresa, Rangiotu Anion, William, Glen Oroua Amycs, I?. B., Mount Stewart, Feilding .. Bailey, F. 0., Ohakea .. Bailey, J. A., Ohakea Baldwin, P. E., Palmerston N. . . Barber, Henry (Estate of), Himatangi Barber, James (Estate of), Foxton Barber, W. E., Foxton Barton, E. A., Feilding Bates, John, Makowhai Beazer, Mark, Lee's Line, Foilding Bishop, A. and W., Sanson, Bishop, W. L., part Waitohi, Makowhai .. Boswell, Ralph, Glen Oroua Bradley, J. B. (private bag), Feilding Bremer, W., Rongotea Brooke-Taylor, Alexander, Bainesse Brookie, William, Sanson Bruce Bros., Awahuri .. Burling, IT., Taikorea Burne, W., Rongotea .. * •■ Cameron, J., Sanson Cameron, Thomas, Ohakea Carter', Walter S., Agley Farm, Palmerston N. Gaske, E„ Bainesse Olavey, Clement, Rongotea Colley, George, Himatangi Collins, Arthur, Awahuri Conlan, J. F., Oroua Downs Dalrymple and Wilson, Moutere, Parowanui, BuU's Davey, James, Himatangi Davis, W., Tekaukau, Rongotca Dawber, William, Awahuri Dear, George (Estate of), Rongotea Derharu, E. J. H., Rongotca Dillon, F. J., Bainesse Doughty, John, Carnarvon .. ... Durie and Merrett, Aorangi, Feilding Easton, A. S., Foxton Easton, F. 8., Foxton .. Easton, Hugh G, Buckley West, Sh.an i.. Easton, Percy, Marotiri, Foxton Eglinton, A. E., Spring Grove, Sanson Eglinton, P. J., Rongotea EUerm, L. C, Sanson Elliott, F., Rongotea Evans and Ludemanrr, Rongotea 167,615 165,709 904 0 I .009 300 2,005 731 5,158 1,918 100 890 Nil 868 190 423 2,025 1,152 5. 182 2,575 129 2,058 40 1,858 262 40 624 1,172 368 59 1,402 1,241 969 1,330 291 1,200 675 99 003 Nil 032 1,096 11,000 113 352 352 909 298 204 J, 110 800 756 619 1.972 9,513 432 50 180 111 748 586 12 100 753 297 2,1.1.7 207 184 633 1,218 304 23 1,140 912 1 ,049 2,007 1,780 942 123 07 ' 522 815 626 811 1,600 310 604 78 1,1.09 661 1,540 I ,810 1,870 1,116 1,299 120 1,351 1,277 J , 1 85 52 221 1 ,060 1,412 1,007 270 398 1,470 1,256 107 125 663 412 1,478 1,330 30 460 1,693 I ,450 85!) Nil 343 1,960 1,200 58 850 Nil 11 556 1,782 2,024 834 20 500 353 467 747 363 177 1,071
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April SO, April 30, 1917. 1918. Manawatu County— continued. Simpson, T., Foilding Slack, B. H., Smith,,!., Makerua, Stern, Cris, Rongotea Suisted, 8. J., Rorrgotca Thompson, W. J., Rongotea Thymic. H. 8., Foxton Tolloy, Harry. Feilding Turner. J. W., Mangamaire Twigg, E. A., Peilding Vautior, It, Palmerston N. Vile, G E., Pukenui, Bull's Waite, James T., Rongotea Wall, Dr., Marotiri Waish, ,M. (Estate of), Rongotea Ward. Wallace (private bag). Foilding Watkins, G, Rongotea .. . . Watts, J. W., Lee's Lino, Feilding Weightman, W. E., Awahuri Williams, T. H., Sanson Wilson, A. H.. Marotiri Wilson, Sir J. G., Ngaio, Bull's Wightman, John, Bull's Wright, T., Rongotea Young, John, Mount Stewart, Awahuri . . Young, Miss Ann, Lee's Line, Foilding Young, Miss Margaret, Awahuri Young, W. J., Mount Stewart, Awahuri . . 540 I ,347 883 280 005 14 2.429 75 018 1 ,788 1106 :078 451 1.195 147 1,100 i« ; 85)1 1501 |294 '•(-558 'jio 440 1,323 122 000 100 949 498 189 082 394 26 0,911 598 207 752 307 291 826 Hoeowhenua County— continued. Dunn,*Joseph, Koputaroa Durrant, A. I!.. Now Commercial Hotel, Wellington Durrani. A. P.. Nov, Commercial Hotel, ,'WeUington! '{*, -. v Fas!on. 1 Hugh (J., 1 BuekleyfWest, Shannon!) Ellis, B. L., To Mania, Te'Horo .. Emmett Bros., Riversmere, OtaJrifRailway Evans Bros., Waikanae Evans] Bros..'Waikanae. .' Faith,".!.. To Horo Field, Tsabel, Waikanae Field, T. W., Ohau Fleming, R. W., Otaki Railway .. Fraser, Tatton, Waikanae Gardner, R., Koputarua Gillies, P. A., Otaki Railway Gimblott, A. J., Levin . . Gorringe, M. E. (Estate of), Ihakara Grace Bros., Levin Guy, Joseph, Hautere Cross liaise. Neville, Tc Horo Hammond, H. V., Tangamoana, Ohau Hannan, Daniel (Estate of), Levin Harris, W. G, Tuhimiro, Shannon Iteller, II. E., Waikanae ie and Cottle, Te Horo Hemikupa Hawoa, Otaki Railway Hill, J. M., Hautere Gross Hodge, R., Te Horo Hooper Bros., Waikanae Hooper-, R., Waikanae Houghton, A., Manakau Howard, Frank, Shannon Hyde. A. G, Shannon Inge, P. W., Manakau Jamieson, Arthur, Tokomaru Jepson, John, Waihoanga Judd, Albert, Tokomaru Kay, L. V., Levin Kebbell, John, Te Ranuwa, Ohau Kelly, ,1. G, Tokomaru. . Kilsby Bros., Koputaroa Kilsby, George, Koputarua Kingdon and Gorringe, Levin Kirkcaldie, Norman ( Estate of), Levin Kirton, P., Shannon Knight, E. J., Manakau Lange, R. M., Shannon .. Law Bros., Shannon Lav/, Edward, Shannon. . Lethbridge, G. M., Hautere Cross Lcydon, James, Levin Mabin and Hume ■ (e/o Levin and Co. (Limited), Feilding) Mackenzie, A., Manakau Martin, .1. IL, Heatherlea East, Levin McDonald, J. R. (Estate of), Levin .McMillan, Hone, Kereru, Koputarua Mickell, David, Te Horo Millward and Gillies, Otaki Milne, J. W., Levin Mitchell. ,1. Allan, Ihakara, Levin Mitchell, John, Shannon Monk Bros., Reikiorangi Moodie and Judd, Waihoanga Moynihan, M., Shannon Mullins, Samuel, Palmerston North Murray, J. H., Levin Narbey and Butland, Masterton Newman, E., Marton Newman, E., Marton Newman, Dr. A. K., Koputarua.. Newton, J. W., Fernridge, Shannon Nioholson and Ryder, Levin Nicholson, Eruera, Weraroa Nicholson, H. J. V., Manakau Noble, G., Otaki Oldfield, Charles and A. M., Manakau Poos, E. S., Nonpareil Motor Com puny, Palmerston X. Perkins, J. W., Levin Podevin, A. J., Otaki Railway . . Powell, F., Vinegar Hill, Hunterville Proprietors, Otorua Estate, Levin Prouse, J., Levin Prouse, R., Levin Rasmussen, John. Reikiorangi 424 I I.: 95'.) 278 009 802 500 812 929 353 1,708 220 3,396 1,486 43 574 I .201 3,390 1,377 72 033 293 I . 080 482 427 100 1.00 550 Nil 808 003 268 718 739 700 Nil I . 555 192 Nil 1,018 Nil 1,500 208 2,971 1,966 130 181 2,483 3,054 1,369 05 1,000 600 1,047 154 783 11 96 320 515 1,395 141 1,022 520 1,036 3,958 2,540 1,033 1.093 2.515 2,740 187 134 910 575 318 1,867 120 457 325 463 788 20 0,384 456 720 555 307 744 HOROWHENUA COUNTY (In Manawatu Subdivision). Adkin, G. L., Levin Adkin, W. G., Levin Agriculture Department, Central Development Farm, Weraroa Allen, Eli, Te Horo Arepiti Company, Box 187, Palmerston North Bakor, William, Gear's, Te Horo Bannatyne, G. L., Reikiorangi Barber Bros., Shannon Barber, W. E., Foxton Barker, Mrs. 8., Waihoanga, Barron, L. B., Levin Batcheor, Josiah, Brookleigh, Linton Beairohamp, H. L., Waihoanga Best Bros., Ohau Bevan, Robert, sen., Manakau Bovan, T., jun., Muhunoa, Manakau Bird, Mark. Manakau Blair, R. F., Box 6, Otaki Railway Blanchard, Goorgo, Hautere Cross Bockett, B., Gorge Mount, Waihoanga Booth, It. W., Waimanu, Otaki Bourko, J. J. (c/o G. W. Heslop, Manager), Weraroa Bourke, M. F. (c/o G. W. Heslop, Manager), Weraroa Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa Bradey, John W., Te Horo Brown, A. A., Waikanac Brown, Henry, Shannon Bryant, Frederick, Te Maire, Shannon Bryant, W., Manakau Burrrc, A. J., Levin CaUander, R. G, Manakau Cameron, P., Thakara Carter-, W. S.. and Co.. Palmerston N. Catley Bros., To Horo Clark, D. G., Waihoanga (lleland, W. McG., Sea View, Waikanae .. Cooper Bros, and Strom, Te Horn Cornor and Sand, Reikorangi Cotter, C. P., Manakau Cottle, C. IL, Levin Cottle, R. G, Manakau Crampton, G. J., Waihoanga Cripps, F. R., Shannon.. D'Ath, O. J. G., Otaki D'Ath, R. M., Otaki Daroux, L., Manakau Davies, John, Ohau Davies, John (Estate of), Wirokino, Koputarua Denton, Herbert (o/o W. Stewart), Levin.. Drake, Arthur (Estate of), Waikawa. Manakau Duncan, C. W., Ihakara 125,184 136,966 470 1,449 I ,382 490 1,589 1,011 203 975 461 627 987 1,044 350 1 ,008 186 109 3,158 359 752 828 1,061 282 Nil 1,003 254 281 603 2,000 916 2,274 204 Nil 960 573 582 1)50 141 814 355 979 4,220 2,987 (iOO I ,01 I 2,520 8,497 162 159 620 592 402 1,963 120 600 1 ,320 918 2,090 140 38 760 647 075 530 36 965 232 2,020 1,480 278 27 2.005 24 700 1 .293 271 587 84 533 271 194 72 335 I .237 102 297 2,022 450 180 34 1.005 202 1,575 1,818 481 Nil Nil 2,019 47 1,100 1,779 412 401 10 455 270 352 290 347 1.237 707 383 2,480 411 355 13,108 818 124 450 1,529 900 508 8!) 1,455 182 I .051 2,465 1.097 130 183 559 400 195 461 110 24 499 Nil 13,572 810 37 417 300 691 1.200 910 525 00 1,370 057 I ,007 I , 150 2,052 700 Nil 000 300 100 477 50 304 974 2,81 I 948 2,472 788 412 504 02 378 030 700 536 70 735 31 830 14
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 80,'April 30, 1817. | 1918. Hoeowiienua County— continued. Rathbonc, W. H., Mira, Oharr Reichel, Otto, Tokomaru Reid Bros., Fairfield. Levin Reid, Duncan, Shannon Richards, James M., Ihakara Richardson, James, Shannon Rixon, J. W., Levin Robinson. Richard, jun., Manakau Rolston, R. A., Bluegums, Muhunoa East. . Rowlarrd Bros., Ohau Ruihi Wehipeihana, Ohau Ryder, John, Levin Saint, E. H., Ohau Saunders Bros., Box 5, Shannon Scholes, Ralph, North Road, Manakau Schwass, John, Boyd's, Tokomaru Shannon Moat Company, Shannon Sidey, Mrs. E., Manakau Simcox, W. H., Forest Lakes, Otaki Sisson, G J., Te Horo Skorman and Podevin, Otaki Railway Skermaii and Podevin, Waitohi, Otaki Rail538 154 473 274 15 477 !) 573 766 438 150 508 05 266 404 705 225 3,663 133 1 ,015 2,632 463 Nil 231 490 273 128 Nil Nil 320 730 201 Nil 289 41 400 304 400 700 3,940 Nil 1,847 1,014 H11 tt County— continued. Buchanan arrd Montoith, Kaiwarehou, Waikanae Burdan Bros., Wainuiornata Burrell, T. 8., Mangaroa Burrell, Thomas W., WaUaoeviUe Burridge, S. V., Petone Burrow, James, jun., Wainuiornata Brn-rows. Jamos, Holly Farm, Wainuiornata Carlson, P., Paraparaumu Carter, Charles A., Pahautanui ■■ Cavanagh, P.. Wainuiornata, P.O.. Kaiwarra Cavanagh, Patrick, Kaiwarra Cederholm, W. T., Akatarawa Clifton, Samuel, Reikorangi Collins and Gilruth (c/o Bethune and Co., Wellington) Cook. A.. Pahautanui Cook, J. H-, Judgeford.. Cordukes, Frederick, Paraparaumu Cottle, E. W., Trentham Cottle, W. A., Belmont, Lower Hutt Cromb, W., Paraparaumu Devine, T. J. (c/o P. L. Rollings, Manager), White-man's Valloy, Silverstream Dick, D., Ashfield, Wainuiornata Diokorson, E„ Pahautanui Dickie and Clegg, Wainuiornata Draper, E., Akatarawa, Pahautanui Draper, E.. Hayward's, Pahautanui Drcwitt, William (E<tate of), Paraparaumu Elder, H. R., Waimahoe, Waikanac l-'aulko, Dr. H. G. (c/o Charles Gallagher, Manager), Wainuiornata Field, Mrs. Isabel J. (c/o J. M. O'Conno ■, Manager-), Waikanac Fletcher, Jairio ;, Horokiwi R rad, Petone .. Flighty, Alfred, Pahautanui Galloway, Goorgo Henry, Pahautanui Galloway, George, Pahautanui Galloway, Henry, Judgeford Galloway, William, Pahautanui .. Gardner, David, Pahautanui Gear Moat Company, Wellington.. George, W. K. (G. Swensson, Manager), Hayward's Gorrie, Alexander T., WaUaoeviUe Gorrie, James', Wallaceville Gorrie, W. E. and G, Silverstream Gorrie, William, Mangaroa Grace Bros., Tho Hermitage, Wainuiornata Grant, J., Akatarawa .. Gray, Charlos, Fern Hill, Pahautanui Gray, James, Pahautanui Hall, Harry, Narnai, Lower Hutt Harris, A. B., Pahautanui Harris, David, Pahautanui Harris, William, Pahautanui Heggie, ■!• C, Lower Hutt Hillas, G. and T. B., Paraparaumu Hills, J. IT., Kaitoke Hollings, P. L, Whiteman's Valley Holtom, Francis R., Paokakariki Hooper, Robert, Upper Hutt Howell, W. J., Paraparaumu Hyde, D. D., Paraparaumu Iggulden, Alfred, Pahautanui [ggulden, T. E., Pahautanui Jenkins, P., Wainuiornata Jensen, C. L., Wainuiornata Johnson, J. and IL, Akatarawa .. Jones, W., Pahautanui Kebbel, E. M... Pahautanui Kilmistor, Walter, Belmont, Lower Hutt .. Knight, Dr. <'. P.. Stokes Valley Leighton, H. E., 182 Foatherston Street, Wellington Lynch, M. J., Paraparaumu Lynch, O. P., Paekakariki Mackay, A. I., Whareroa, Paekakariki Macloan, M. and It., "Lindale," Paraparaumu Maclean, M. and R., Te Koto and Urrrhui, Paraparaumu Martin, R. Or., Akatarawa, Upper Hutt .. Ma.ymorn Estate (c/o A. J. Seed, Manager), Upper Hutt, McCnrdy, Donald, Upper Hutt McNeil, A. G, Silverstream I , 129 1,132 5,707 5,675 44 Nil 800 800 1,101 1,400 43 56 — 38 250 50 120 Nil 305 150 354 245 280 623 031 00!) 834 I ,129 5,707 44 800 I ,101 13 250 120 150 245 023 00!) 280 280 832 908 Oil 805 456 453 1,710 1,583 1,373 1,400 752 Nil 280 832 Oil 456 1,716 J ,373 752 way Smith, Mortimer, Shannon Sorensen, Sigvart, Tokomaru ... Sorenson, IL, Levin Southee, H. R. J., Tokomaru Spiers ('. J., Te Horo Standcn and Arcus, Mablc, Weraroa Staples, James, Manakau Stern, John, Shannon Stratford, IT, Shannon Stratton, G. J., Weraroa Stubbings, Robert, Reikiorangi Swainson, H. G. E., Manakau Taaro, Winiata, Weraroa Taylor, A. H. N.. Te Horo Taylor-, G. W., Otaki Railway Taylor, R. W., Shannon Te Opakete (Limited), Koputarua Tokomaru Flax-milling Company, Tokomaru Tremewan, T. H. A., Shannon Tromewan, W. E., Makerua Tully, G., Ihakara Waiopehu-Levin Land Company, Manakau Watson, G. E., Shannon Whiley, Walter, Muhunoa No. 5, Ohau Whyte, A. J., Tokomaru Whyte, J. R., Tokomaru Wilkinson, J. S., Shannon Williams, Mrs. M. E., Kahinrr, Tokomaru.. Wilton, E., Tokomaru Windley, T. H., Te Horo Wood, G. N. (Estate of), Otauro, Shannon 234 210 375 22 732 490 400 103 801 142 80 710 416 117 13 130 851 1 ,635 211 735 180 135 389 Nil 815 581 513 103 824 103 Nil 081 III 50 30 178 1,010 1,703 263 Nil 526 1,220 1,596 100 758 895 610 1,624 37 699 Nil 264 304 1,830 1,730 95 155 503 454 1,113 690 454 458 3,042 3,047 175 248 2,743 1,553 264 1,830 95 303 1,113 454 3,042 175 2,743 167 172 1,107 1,145 750 775 160 150 000 700 809 811 2,243 2,129 5,469 3,301 144 107 1,107 750 160 600 809 2,243 5,459 1,716 298 687 728 506 1,020 25 778 1,260 905 918 972 978 408 398 450 518 1,044 1,907 102 180 1,885 1,924 3,030 3,232 15 25 709 012 289 285 905 900 290 I I 5 354 405 712 914 — 1,132 044 881 200 204 656 "20 250 273 015 070 172 102 67 79 21 21 122 195 30 39 566 703 860 950 1,304 1,874 173 25 905 072 408 450 1,644 102 1,885 3,030 15 709 289 905 290 354 712 HUTT COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Abbott; G J. and O., Pahautanui Abbott, H. J., Pahautanui Abbott, N. and R., Pahautanui Agriculture Department, Veterinary Laboratory, Wallaceville Alexander, A. J., Wallaceville Ames, Horace, Pukerua, Paekakariki Anderson, A., " Hamurana," Pahautanui .. Baigent Bros., Lower Hutt Baigent, M., Lower Hutt Barclay, J., Pahautanui Barker, Bryce A., Wallaceville Beavis, W. A., Akatarawa Beazcr, L. M., Wainuiornata Benge, David, Upper Hutt Benton, Edward, Kaitoke Boulton, E., Pahautanui Boulton, W. R., Pahautanui Bradey, Alfred, Pahautanui Bradey, Charlos, Pahautanui .. Bradey, Charles, Pahautanui .. Bradey, Edward, Pahautanui Bradey, Frederick, Pahautanui Bradey, William, Pahautanui Brown, F. G., Aorangi. Feilding Brown, Mrs. M. A., Long Point, Paremata.. Browne, B. T., Kaitoke Buchanan and EUingham, Rangitikei, PalmcrBton N. 145,252 148,773 1.004 512 0,093 158 1,360 520 6,382 150 250 530 588 540 90 3,130 789 132 328 290 154 300 390 Oil 702 Nil 3.340 811 154 705 290 104 485 500 854 988 911 903 924 1 ,457 Nil 102 94 ' 2,118 644 200 656 250 615 172 07 21 122 30 500 860 1,304 173 400 894 979 929 858 900 I ,430 155 107 198 2.037 1,104 1,150 1,447 1,604 2,516 2,423 2,214 2,339 1,098 1,500 1 ,104 1,447 2,510 2,214 1,098 122 Nil 700 122 143 179 136 123 143 136
10—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on No. or' E iheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 3(1, 1917. : April 30 I 1918. Hutt Covsty—continued. Morrison, Fred R. arrd Emma, Wainuiornata Mulhern, John, Moonshine, Pahautanui . . Mulhern, Roderick, Pahautanui Murphy, 0. J., Pahautanui Murray, John, Petone Neilson, A. J., Reikorangi Nicol, William, Horokiwi Valley, Pahautanui Nordell, C. T., Paharrtanui Odlin, John, and Co., Reikorangi.. O'Riley, William, Silverstream Pearce, W. R. M„ Pahautanui Pearce, Or. J., "The Streamlets," Pahautanui Pegg, K. C, Hayward's Phillips, L. J. and G. S., Kaitoke.. Poulson, Carl J., Akatarawa, Upper Hutt .. Price,Thomas, and Co. (Limited), Upper Hutt Prosser, J. IT., Pukerua.. Quarantine Station (Department of Agriculture), Somes Island Reid, L. G., 6 Wesley Road, Wellington .. Reith, A. and R., Pahautanui Riddiford, Erie, Orongorongo, Lower Hutt Robertson, Herbort James, Pahautanui .. Robinson, A. J., Paraparaumu Russell, Edward, Silverstream Russell, E. E. and L. T., Silver-stream Ryder Bros., Butchers, Petone Scholcs, A., Mangaroa Scholcs, Thomas, Wainuiornata Shannon, G. V., Tho Totaras, Foilding Smith Bros., Paekakariki Smith, J. S., Tunapo, Paekakariki Speedy, P., Belmont, P.O., Lower Hrrtt .. Stacc, W. N., Pahautanui Stevens, A. W., Korokoro, Petone Stevens, James, Kaitoke Stewart, A. A. G, Akatarawa Strand, W. T, Lowor Hutt Stylos, George B., Hayward's Suggitt, J., Kaitoko Swanson, Charles E., Silverstream Swarrson, James, Silverstream Taylor, G. H., Pahautanui Taylor, H. W. P., Pahautanui Taylor, Mrs. Annie, Pahautanui Thomson, Robert, Wainuiornata Tyer, Alfred, Mangaroa, P.O., Wallaceville Varnham. M. R., Akatarawa Vella, Mariano, Maria Island, Plimmerton.. Walker, James (Estate of), Plimmerton .. Wall, James, Tawa Tapa, Porirua Wall, James, Wairaraka, Porirua Wall, L. B., Paremata, P.O., Kairanga Wall, R. S„ Pahautanui Wall, R. S., Pukerua, Paekakariki Ward, W. J., and Hoggard, G. H„, Belmont. Lower Hutt Webber, Mrs. H., Otaki Weggery, H., Paraparaumu Weggery, W. H. and V., Paraparaumu .. Whitcher Bros., Wainuiornata Whitcher, H. T., Wainuiornata Whitcman Bros., Akatarawa Whitoman, Edward, Mangaroa Whiteman, J. M., Wallaceville Williams, Charles H„ Kaitoke Wilton, J. J., Paraparaiimii Wood, James J., Wainuiornata Wood, John B., " Woodlands," Wainuiornata 2,030 810 832 702 421 145 2,130 133 100 1,015 1,905 250 248 144 323 504 83 1,065 1,000 4,824 604 384 445 45 1,224 51 1,100 5,400 2,800 87 690 5 1,302 1,814 556 659 662 404 547 436 220 70 505 325 950 4,300 910 1,012 962 439 1,785 992 2,036 2,143 810 750 832 81.2 702 701 421 Nil 145 142 2,130 2,153 133 113 — 780 100 Nil 1,615 1,465 1,905 1,841 250 Nil 248 194 144 152 323 028 504 404 83 82 1,065 1,226 1,600 1,550 4,824 5,095 604 Nil 235 384 302 445 429 45 25 1,224 1,520 51 47 1,100 1,269 5,400 5,418 2,800 2,700 87 243 690 •''41 5 Nil 1,302 1,422 — 448 1,814 2,712 556 540 659 653 662 710 404 400 547 573 436 486 220 218 70 69 505 609 325 Nil 950 I,000 4,300 5,161 910 1,020 1,012 1,020 962 980 439 2,350 1,785 1,830 992 I ,208 M \kara County— continued. Broderick. 'Thomas, Woodland, Johnsonville Bryant, Arthur, Makara Bryant, B., Ohariu Bryant Bros., Ohariu Bryant, H. G„ Ohariu Valley Bryant, Mrs. L. P., Ohariu Bryant, Stephen, Ohariu Catley, Allan, Makara Chambers, H. G, Porirua Cook Bros., Makara Cook. Ernest, Takirau, Makara .. Cook, W. E., Makara Earp, E. W., Boscobcl, Tawa Flat, Ernmett, Alfred, Titahi Bay Frost, C. J., Makara Putter, C. J., Ngahauranga Futter, P. IL, Johnsonville Futter, W. ('., 17 Murphy Street, Wellington Garrett, Alfred, Johnsonville Gaskin, Mary and R. T., Makara Gaskin, William, Makara Grant, Charles, Porirua Greer, Francis, Clarence, Tawa Flat Haggerty, John H., Ohariu Valloy Hawkins, P. H., Makara Hobbs, Domingo, Khandallah Hook, Thomas E., Titahi Bay, Porirua .. Hooper, John, Karori Hume, Honry, Ohariu Hyde, George J., Tawa Flat Jervis, Henry, Makara Jillett, William (Estate of), Titahi Bay .. Kilmister, Arthur, Wadestown Kilmister, P., Otari Farm, Karori Kilmister, Frederick, Karori Liddlc Bros., Johnsonville • Maher, Thomas, Porirua Matenga tc Hiko, Porirua McEwen, Andrew H., Horokiwi Hills, Petone McKcllar, H. G W., Ohariu McKelvie, John, Karori McMenamon, Hannah (James MeMenamen, Attorney for, Terawhiti), Makara MeMenamen, James, Makara Mexted, Alfrod, Porirua Mexted, John (Estate of), Tawa Flat Mexted, John (Estate of), Tawa Flat Mexted, S. B. and J. W., Tawa Flat Mextod, S. W., Tawa Flat Monaghan, J. and S., South Makara Mungavin, Patrick, Aotea, Porirua Murray, John, Horokiwi Hills, Petone Nairn, Stewart H. (Estate of), Tawa Plat.. Newman, W. (Estate of), Titahi Bay Nordell, R., Johnsonville Nott, Francis, Ivy Bank, Tawa Flat Oswald, James, Johnsonville Porirua Mental Hospital, Porirua Prosser, J. H., Takapuhia, Porirua Robertson, A., Happy Valley Station, Brooklyn Robertson, Thomas, Tawa Flat Robertson, Thomas, Takapu, Tawa Flat .. Ryair, Christopher, Tawa Flat Spence, Mrs. Ann, Makara Spioer Bros., Ohariu VaUey Stebbings, H. W., Pine Hill, Johnsonville.. Steele, W. D. T., Johnsonville Taylor, A. J., Tawa Flat Taylor, W. A. and A. J., Tawa Flat Taylor, W. A., Tawa Flat Trotter, Margaret J. (Estate of) (c/o Miss A. E. Trotter), Makara Turnbull, R. T. (c/o G R. Powell, Manager), Ohariu Wall, James, Porirua Wallace, W. H., Opau, Makara Whitohousc Bros., Porirua Wilson. A., Johnsonville, Wellington Wilson, E. J., Hillsbourne, Johnsonville .. Windley, E. and W., Porirua Woodman, E. and J., Tawa Flat 303 965 61 4,817 1,412 1,190 120 335 645 670 55 500 70 176 202 158 1,310 81 538 414 230 455 606 253 500 2,475 152 113 800 1 ,220 1,425 350 1,035 2,629 100 301 1,084 250 8,920 300 967 86 4,054 1,322 2,050 1,260 170 330 708 850 59 520 1,222 97 181 211 16 166 1,387 90 637 418 295 514 700 253 576 2,330 153 113 860 1,219 1,420 500 1,012 2,582 100 301 1,304 264 9,405 6.070 345 204 188 6,200 300 Nil Nil 1,174 467 1,508 808 561 I ,434 Nil Nil 456 127 77 1,510 0,470 396 1,517 750 150 1 ,541 I ,243 112 476 99 67 1,668 965 00 248 400 139 2,432 916 720 325 783 593 40 965 1,481 60 51 248 272 400 470 139 175 2,432 2,425 910 927 720 740 325 523 783 735 593 002 40 75 • 937 597 690 244 520 600 509 00 1 ,565 740 254 520 036 Nil 182 Nil 112 182 148,501 148,501 150,513 166 MAKARA COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Aldworth, R. H., Ohariu Allen, John, Tawa Flat.. Bassett, T. H., Ohariu Bassett, T. H. J., Ohariu Beavis, Ernest, Happy Valloy, Brooklyn .. Beech, W. L., Ohariu Beetham, F., Highfield, Ohariu Best, A., Ohariu Bowron Bros, and Co. (Limited), Happy Valley Estate (E Beavis, manager-), Brooklyn Broderick, A. T., Johnsonville 1,820 107 380 105 1,820 1,874 107 107 380 Nil 105 105 126 211 242 ' 1 Nil 686 707 5,474 Nil _ I 206 3,360 1,115 2,550 2,576 304 125 522 300 3,397 1,120 2,735 2,818 300 150 553 315 211 ' 1 086 5,474 101 101 100 70,018 81,480
WAIRARAPA SHEEP DISTRICT. Return of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and 30th April, 1918.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of £ April 30, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. FEATHERSTON COUNTY (In Masterton Subdivision). Adamson, 11., Martinborough Ahipcno, M., Dyerville .. Amos, G, Groytown Arcus, W. G, Hikamcra, Martinborough .. Banks, G. W., I treytown Barton, Mrs. L. E., Pigeon Bush, Featherston Barton, It. N.. Ongaha, Foatherston Barton, William, White Rock, Martinborough Benton, T., jun., Featherston Berry, Joseph Smith, Ngapotoki, Martinborough Bidwill, C. It. (Estate of), Tawaha, Featherston Bidwill, J. 0., Pihautea, Featherston Bidwill, W. E., Rototawai, Featherston .. Blundell, H. W., Ngaranui, Carterton Blundell, J. L., Ngaui, Gladstone Bockott Bros., Ohui, Foatherston Brabonder, B. P., Greytown Broadbent, S. G., Gladstone Buck, Henry T., Featherston Buck, W. J., Nikau Valloy, Featherston .. Bunny, B. It., Longbush, Masterton Burch, Basil, Greytown Burt Bros., Featherston Camoron, Allan, Martinborough Cameron, D. and E. P., Pahaua, Hinakura Cameron, J., Glendhu, Hinakura Chisholm, Allan, Featherston Clark, Archibald, Featherstorr Coe, Jamos, Foatherston Coleman, W., Martinborough Collin.-, D. ('., Kahautara, Featherston Cooper, James, Hinakura Dagg, J. T., Pigeon Bush, Featherston Dagg, R. J., Pigeon Bush Davidson, W., Foatherston Donald, Quintin, Tauherenikau Eglinton, C. E., Greytown Eglinton, E., Wharekaukau, Featherston .. Elgar, Charles, Awhoa, Featherston Elgar, Charlos, "Awaawaroa," Featherston Elgar, Charlos, Fernside, Featherston Elkington, W. P., Hinakura Evans, C. 0., Naumai, Martinborough Evans, E. B., Dyerville Feast, W. J., Groytown North Fellingham, J. W., Featherston Fenwick, J. F., Kaiwaiwai Flynn, D., Dyerville, Martinborough Flynn, John, Martinborough .. I. Flynn, R., Martinborough Gaskin, J., Capo River, Maitinborougli Gawith, A. G, Waikoukou, Gladstone Gillies, John (Estate of), Pirinoa Gooding Bros., Cross Creek Gooding, William Jacob, Western Lake, Cross Creek Grimmer, G. H., Martinborough Hancox, Fred., Hollow Rock, Martinborough Hanson and Haycock, Martinborough Harris, A. J., Pukoi, Martinborough Harrison, Walter, Pukahou, Hinakura, Martinborough Hathaway, D., Martinborough Haycock, T. O., Homeburrr, Martinborough Hayes, L. S., carrier, Greytown Himona Whana, Kahautara. Featherston Hodder, William G., Torohanga, Featherston Hodge, J., Groytown Holmes, C. R., Hinakura, Martinborough .. Holmes, E. G (c/o Manager), Pukenui, DyervUle Holmes, E. Carleton, To Hopai, Featherston Hood, F. S., Kaiwaiwai.. Hume, Georgo, Tauanui, Featherston Hume, William, Raho Ruru, Pirinoa, Featherston 464 1,746 176 1,387 2,124 9,732 98 I .005 2,150 5,007 4,201 I . 231 697 388 1,322 1,175 1.000 070 478 132 200 7,308 9,203 364 1,198 112 1,691 1,545 1,418 1,023 200 1,491 2,250 90 18,844 3,708 1,064 4,755 485 408 78 282 2,295 693 282 330 1,308 2,130 1,900 577 Nil 102 1,222 426 1,256 2,008 8,097 205 1,148 2,050 5,616 3,708 I , I 03 Nil 689 302 Nil 1,163 1,000 705 690 101 200 7,758 9,300 240 1,196 200 I ,450 2,130 1,511 1,131 1,278 271 Nil 2,250 290 19,549 2,484 1,005 4,598 580 622 70 100 Nil 530 492 1,146 1,256 2,474 2,667 738 1,532 Featherston Covnty—continued. Hutton, G. T. P., Martinborough Ingley, Thomas, Waitiro, Greytown North Irons, W. A., Martinborough Jaekson, E. H., Stonestoad, Groytown Judd, F., Martinborough Judd, Frank, Greytown Jury, W. M., Ponatahi, Carterton Kelly, Richard, Silver Spring, Featherston Kempton, F. V., Groytown. Kennedy, Thomas, Whangamoana, Featherston Lamb, John, Whakarua, Masterton Marchant, F. G. A., Allman, Martinborough Martin, Arthur, Otaraia, Martinborough .. Martin, John, jun., Martinborough Martin, John, Waiura, Martinborough . . Martin, W. B., Purutanga, Martinborough Martin, W. J., Huangarua, Martinborough Matthews, A., Wairongomar, Featherston .. Matthows, Charles, Oporua, Featherston .. Matthews, H. A., Papatati, Featherston .. Matthews, Norman, Wharcpapa, Featherston McAlpine, A. J., Martin borough .. MpDougaU, J. A., Martinborough McDougall, J. D., Pirinoa McDougall, Mr. . E., Pirinoa McGaftin, Archie, Martinborough Mclvor, Thomas, Featherston McLaren Bros., Hinakura, Martinbororrgh.. McLaren, D. W., Hinakura, Martinborough McLaren, H. 8., Martinborough McLaren, S., and Co., Ngakonui. Hinakura McLeod, A. D., Hautotara, Martinborough McLeod, Donald, Mount Adarrrs, Hinakura McLeod, F., Putiki, Martinborough McLeod, Murdoch, Hurangi, Martinborough McLeod, N. A., Glendrynoch, Hinakura .. McLeod, N. A., Hinakura McLeod, Robert, Dunrobin, Martinborough McLeod, Robert, Hautotara, Martinbororrgh Mo Lend, W. M.,Whakapuni, Martinborough McMastcr, A. D., Matawhoro, Featherston McMaster, H. B., Hinakura McMaster, H. W., Martinborough McMaster, J. and J. D., The Grove, Box 24, Martinborough McMastcr, John, Tuhitarata, Martinborough MoNamara, J. It., Morrison's Bush Morrison, H. and C, Glenmorvan, Morrison's Bush Nicol, Mrs. J., " Fair-lie," Martinborough .. Nix, W. J., Tauherenikau O'Keefe, J., Dyerville Orr, William, Platform Farm, Greytown .. Palmer, R. N., Longbush Pain and Sutherland, Admiral Run, Gladstone Pain, J. A., Martinborough Parker, John, Featherston Patterson, J., Wharoroto, Featherston Pearce, A. G, Kahautara, Featherston Pearce, A. E., Kahautara, Featherston Perry, Francis E., Martinborough Poison, G, Morrison's Bush, Greytown Pouhi Kingi, Carterton.. Ranish, Henry, Hinaki, Martinborough .. Riddiford and Co., Ruamahunga, Martinborough Riddiford, D. H. S., Longwood, Te Awaiti, Featherston Riddiford, E. L., " Tora" (o/o Manager), Martinborough Riddiford, E. V., Glenburn, Hinakura Riddiford, E. V.. Martinborough.. Riddiford, E. V., Tuturunvuri, Martinborough Robertson, A. W., Dyerville, Martinborough Robinson, A., Ngaoara, Martinborough Ross, Alexander, Pukenui, Martinborough 1.243 2,025 650 2,400 708 1 ,003 410 721 3,703 921 18 0,170 I , 342 5,430 3,910 7,830 3,334 2,537 3,300 3,484 5,799 4,890 1,918 507 327 7,424 1,622 2,893 11.598 4.940 1,990 3,023 2,721 3,000 5.000 755 2,851 5,185 1,328 595 1,728 094 2,438 350 949 1,434 823 084 4,017 963 82 0,030 1,680 5,133 4,300 7,900 3,478 3,040 3,890 3,868 100 4,907 5,700 3,372 457 204 8,642 Nil 2,712 15.809 5,580 1,728 3,040 3,503 Nil 3,500 809 3,198 5,207 I ,302 1,800 633 1,087 1.100 600 91 331 101 3,243 2,655 961 1,138 1,046 1,160 1,864 100 550 5,600 Nil Nil Nil 1,626 I ,509 3,694 31 71 4,293 133 1,621 I 3 530 I .454 688 1,820 1.0 532 1,658 606 2,000 100 560 5,051 687 14 800 1,478 1,276 3,270 60 925 3,167 134 453 379 25 1,078 904 838 Nil Nil 400 350 25 995 1,970 4,101 90 30,276 31,017 15,822 22,208 2,007 552 4,821 5,495 2,716 >612 5,158 5,363 18,366 7,354 7,942 935 2,455 835 18,907 9,889 8,565 Nil 2,669 916
No. of Sheep orr April 3D, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, I April 30, 1917. 1918. Ficatiuorston County— continued. Ross, Donald, Kaiwaka, Martinborough .. Ross, J., Te Munga, Martinborough Sadler-, W. H., Featherston Sharp, Alexander, Martinborough Sinclair, Mrs. Ann, Burnside,Martinborough Skeet Bros., Pohatu, Greytown Smith, I''., Featherston Smith, R. and F., Waihenga, Martinborough Speedy, Bruce, Gum Grove, Featherston .. Spiers, W., Martinborough Stack wood, E. G, Pirinoa Staveley, G G., Martinborough Sutherland and Pain, Pirinoa, Featherston Sutherland, D. M., Ngaipu, Hinakura Sutherland, D. 8., Waihora, Featherston .. Sutherland, E. and E., Moeraki, Hinakura.. Sutherland, J. O., Admiral Run, Gladstone Sutherland, J. O., Kahautara, Featherston.. Taylor, James, Martinborough Taylor, John, Martinborough Taylor, John Georgo, Spring Grove, Longbush, Masterton To Whaiti and Sinclair, Kaiwaru, Pirinoa .. To Whaiti and Sinclair, Watarangi, Martinborough 'To Whaiti Bros., Pirinoa Tilson, R. (Estate of), Moiki Farm, Martinborough Tilson, Riohard (Estate of), Papawai, Greytown Tocker, Arthur, Foatherston Toogood, A. J., Featherston Tringham, Charles (private bag), Pigeon Bush, Wellington Turton, It. W., Martinborough 'Tyer, Alfred George, Box 34, Featherston .. Tyer- Bros., Kaikuri, Hinakura Tyler, J. E., Martinborough Udy, William, Greytown Ussher, E. J., "Hikawera," Martinborough Vennell, G. W., Martinborough Viles, Josiah, Meadow Bank, Featherston.. Wairarapa Racing Club, Tauherenikau Wall and McLeod, Martinborough Wall and Taylor, Mcsdames, Martinborough Wall, J. P., Martinborough Wall, J. P., Riverside, Martinborough Ward, F. P. (private bag), Rungakiwi, Martinborough Warren, Holmes, Pirinoa Waugh, W. (private bag), Napier Wells, A. J., Featherston , Wiggins Bros., Ngarara, Greytown Wilkinson, A. M., Tauhorcnikau Wilkinson, A. M., Tauherenikau Wilkinson, G G, Hinaburn, Foatherston . . Wilkinson, H. G, Hinaburn, Featherston .. Williams, R. E. (private bag), Featherston Wood, Mrs. Jessie, Morrison's Bush, Greytown York, A. H,, Purakau, Papawai, Greytown Yule, G. E., Featherston 2,290 1,494 23 1.119 1,869 550 1,333 2,341 3,130 1,358 Oil 3,420 9,090 1,201 8,351 244 258 872 403 1,016 I ,300 10,700 1,321 1,225 5 1,519 461 5,370 2,470 1,550 105 1,103 1,846 1,41.0 400 2,302 3,445 1,531 2,404 714 0,000 10,349 2,021 8,401 Nil 1,075 115 340 1,256 2,245 1.5,420 1,464 1,425 205 1,504 Nil 3,555 South Wairarara County— continued. Benton, C, Newstead, Featherston Bey, W. P., Gladstone .. Blake, G, Waingawa, Master-ton Blako, C. E., Carrington Blatchford, Walter, Ahiaruhe, ('arterton .. Blundell, H. W., " Ngarauui," Carterton .. Bond, Malachi, Willow Grove, Carterton .. Booth, A. E., " Middle Run," Carterton .. Booth, W. H., " Middle Run," Carterton .. Booth, W. Howard, Carterton Boothe, L. IL, Pern Flat, Waingawa Boylo, Catherine, Tauruwhata, Gladstone .. Bubb, W. H., Longbush, Masterton Buchanan, D., Masterton Buchanan, J. W., Masterton Buchanan, W. C, Tupuriipurir, Gladstone Bunny, Frank, Ahiaruhe, Carterton Bunny, IT. R., Ahiaruhe, Carterton Burgess, W. It., Parkvale Burling, F. G, Te Wharau Butler, W., Gladstone Cadwallader, N., Carterton CaUister, Humphrey, Brooklyn, ('arterton.. Cameron, Charles A., Flat Point, Masterton Campbell, Colin, Round Bush, Clarcvillc .. Carrier, J. A., Carterton Casclberg Bros, and Lang, Masterton ChenneUs, W. B., Gladstone Clarke, E., Carterton Clarkson, F. H., Carterton Compton, J. W., Taratahi East, Masterton Cooper, 0. G, Masterton Cooper, Peter, Mutumatai, Gladstone Cooper, Robert, Hinaua, Gladstone Cotter, Mrs. A., Te Wharau Court, Francis, Fernyhurst, Waihakoko, Carterton Cross, J., jun., Te Wharau .. .. . Day, W. P., Gladstone Daysh, Alfred, Glarevillo Daysh Bros., Overton, Taratahi East Deller, G. W. (Estate of), Carterton Dohut, A- E., Ponatahi, Carterton Douglas, D., Lairds End, Tc Wharau Douglas, W. T., Te Wharau Dowrres, W. A., Clarcvillc Eagle, Edward, jun., Belvedere Eaton, T. R., Longbush, Gladstone Edwards, Henry, Penrose Farm, Parkvale, Carterton Edwards, L. L., Matarawa Elliott, E. B., Gladstone, Masterton Feast, S. W., Groytown Feast, W. J., Greytown Fensham, John, Surrey Hill, Carterton Fisher, James, Clareville Foreman, G. and J., Ponatahi Foreman, G, Taupapanui, Gladstone Foreman, George, Pukunui, Gladstone Foreman, James, Ponatahi, Carterton Forrest and Cail, To Wharau Freer, J. A., Carrington French, J. F., Belvedere Galbraith, Henry, Glenroy, Te Wharau Galbraith, Miss M. A., Te Wharau Gallon, A. C, Dalefield, Masterton Grace Bros., Weraawhaitiri, Gladstone Gray, A. and J., Box 141, Masterton Gray Bros., Calton Hill, Masterton Gray Bros., Fairburn, Masterton Gray, John, Pine Dell, Gladstone Hamilton, T. A., Park Road, Carterton Harrison, H. P., Essex Street, Master-ton .. Hawke, A. T„ Clareville Hawtin, H., Belvedere, Carterton . .. Heffern, 0., Clareville Henderson, John, Gladstone Hobson, T. A., Carterton Hood Bros., Te Wharau Hunter, J. and B., Masterton Innes, G. H., Tinui Joblin, F., Admiral Run, Gladstone Jones, F., Matarawa Jones, C. E., Matarawa, Carterton Jury, Joseph B., Tokotoa, Ahiaruhe, Carterton 00 1,105 372 808 ,808 2.210 1,378 1,332 275 420 595 5,084 4,077 7,188 1 ,550 2.202 25 335 102 37 (id 15,646 024 15.-', 5,355 2,183 307 23 204 617 894 1,112 20 394 41 1,230 162 60 908 595 810 I. ,000 1,829 1,320 248 300 701 4,863 4,835 7,410 1,690 2,270 45 153 102 48 07 15,772 495 183 5,903 2,549 535 20 518 1,148 1,130 1,150 21 525 744 2,243 4,199 720 491 1,310 500 235 107 794 3,459 3,802 3,480 1.280 700 2,222 4,567 800 579 1,423 Nil 286 146 893 4,727 4,320 4,091 1,300 419 316 179 109 2,023 1,875 246 300 665 120 1,21.5 456 280 307 201 130 1,925 1,629 230 300 945 122 3,277 3,461 505 449 3,900 Nil Nil 50 791 243 ■ 476 SOUTH WAIRARAPA COUNTY (In Masterton Subdivision). Alien, E. W., Dealwood Farm, Clarcvillc .. Allen, G. E., Stone Leigh, Box 147, Masterton Anderson, A. E., Clareville Anderson, David, Waingawa Anderson, T., Carterton .. Andrews, G. R., York Farm, Carterton August, James H., Matarawa Baird, K. M., Te Wharau, Master-ton Bannister, John, jun., Te Wharau Bannister, John, Longbush, Gladstone Barrcr, T. R., Te Wharau Barton, R. N., Bankview, Masterton Bassett, Robert, Dalefield Bayliss, IT. I)., Matarawa, Carterton Beard, G. G., Gladstone Beard, G. G., Gladstone Beetham, William H., Kourarau, Perry Street, Masterton 343 3,500 195 340 23 828 80 527 508 923 1458,730 08 1,487 427 915 484,889 933 1,110 205 120 460 3 2,998 987 414 612 18 26 3,940 1,014 2,650 1,062 812 41 1,233 1,1.12 140 125 859 205 153 2,851 470 827 1 Nil 609 Nil 25 4,000 1,019 2,650 1,215 862 130 660 Nil 114 252 310 153 340 168 320 1,142 112 237 4,040 126 1,257 420 295 108 161 2,133 1,528 1,660 501 2,765 4,155 631 201 1,710 2,009 6,538 420 581 135 179 2,283 1,364 1,922 574 2,740 4,049 542 50 1,712 2,374 0,910 500 172 301 303 331 180 459 114 719 142 188 910
No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of S April 30, 1917. iheep on j April 30, 1918. South Wairarapa County— continued. Jury, William Marsh, Ponatahi, Carterton Kempton, IT. B., Carrington Kempton, W. A., Carrington, Carterton .. Kiddie, J., Carterton Knowles, W. P., Dalefield, Carterton Kuminer Bros., Te Wharau Kummcr, W. M., Rangiora, Te Wharau .. Madderr, Robert B., Clareville Mathieson, D., Clareville Matson, E. J., Carterton Maunsell, Albert, Te Para, Parkvale, Carterton Maunsell, E. H. (Estate of), Riversdale, Carterton McDonald, J. G, Carterton McGovern, M., Te Wharau McGregor, M. J., Hikorangi, Masterton McGregor, William, Greencorncr, Gladstone McKelvie, D., Te Wharau MoKinstry, R. L., 'Te Wharau, Masterton .. McLaren, Hugh, Hinakura McLaren, Peter, Hinakura McLaren, R. L. and D. M., Wakarua, Masterton McLean, J. A., Gladstone .. McLennan, M-, Clareville Mecnkcn, Frederick, Clarcvillc Millor Bros., Clarcvillc .. Millor Bros., Clarcvillc Monaghan, .lolin, Clarcvillc Moody, Alfred, Shepherd's Bush, Carterton Moore Bros., Carterton Moore, J., Belvedere Nathan, P. H., Longbush, Gladstone Newman, F., Longbush Nunn, R. W., Longbush, Gladstone Nutt, E., Martinborough Oatcs, Henry, Gladstone Oates, J. G., Poach Grove, Carterton Oatc.s, P., Carterton Olliver, Thomas, Carterton Paku Rawhira, Homewood, Masterton Perry, B. P., Longbush, Masterton Perry, William, Penrose, Masterton Peters, Henry, Waihakcke Phelps, E. T., Carterton Phelps, James, Devil's Corner, Greytown North Pike Bros., Tarata, Te Whiti, Masterton .. Rayncr and Sorrs, Woodlands, Masterton .. Rayncr-, G. B. (rural delivery), Carterton . . Rayncr, J. N. B., Gladstone Road, Masterton Rayner, Percy, Carrington, Carterton Rayncr, W. E., P.O., Master-ton Reeve, W. A., Tc Wharau Reid, Thomas, Clareville Renall, R. A., Longbush, Gladstone Renall, It. A., Longbush, Gladstone, Masterton Renall, Roger-, Kokotau, Carterton Reynolds, A. J., Tirohanga, Clarcvillc Reynolds, G L., Middleton, Clareville Reynolds, F. M., Clareville Reynolds, G. E., Clareville Sayer, G, Dalefield Saywoll, William, Matarawa Schormann, I. G, Belvedere, Carterton .. Siemonck, J., Carterton Simpson, Alfred, Te Wharau Simpson, G., jun., To Wharau Simpson, IT., To Wharau Skoet, B. V., ClareviUe Skey, H. P., The Pines, Clareville Smith, A. G, Gladstone, Masterton Smith, Moses, Wharaikc, Gladstone Smith, W. J., jun., Dalefield Snell, Isaac, Ahiaruhe, Carterton Snell, James, Ahiaruhe, Carterton Stempa, P., Carterton Stovens, G. and J., Belvedere Strang, J., Glenside, Gladstone Sutton, H. IT., Longbush, Masterton Tankorsley, R., Carrington, Carterton Taratahi-Carterton Racing Club, Carterton TayU'orth, John, Waingawa, Masterton .. 1,408 5 356 120 3,970 I .122 318 29S 274 303 3,017 204 64 308 130 3,970 1,050 558 273 300 283 South Wairarapa County— continued. Thomson, H. G, Mungatiri, Waingawa Thompson, A. H., ClareviUc Udy, A. J., Carterton Udy, James, Carterton Udy, Josiah, Carterton Vallance. C. H., Kuliiimgi, Masterton Vennell, E., Te Wharau ' Vennoll, E. E. and A., To Wharau Wadharrr, P., Carterton Waterson, William G., Carterton Williams, H. L., Longbush, Masterton Welters, IT. H., Richmond, Carterton Workman and Sons, Groytown York Bros., Heatherlea, Te Wharau Zillwood, C. V., Matarawa 039 L14 184 015 1,442 334 872 300 I ,002 627 124 30 218 828 Nil 370 900 324 982 1,952 32 100 643 18 650 597 70 50 501 14 862 313 8,672 561 500 1,152 304 9,767 573 500 558 2,222 4,025 1,527 192,737 207,942 2,913 1,900 3,631 928 101 340 149 103 174 1,571 1,513 481 094 508 800 225 334 201 I . 382 I . 703 2.040 842 Oil 700 702 7 478 477 400 1,840 540 326 810 150 , 2,376 444 80 145 60 Nil 228 1,140 320 1,567 454 1,008 230 859 203 204 347 1,436 1,977 2,314 883, 596 Nil 821 9 007 555 400 1,439 Nil 529 802 500 MASTERTON COUNTY (In Masterton Subdivision). Algie, W. S., Hillside, Saunders Road Anderson, A. S., Eketahuna Armstrong Bros., Miston, Maungaru Barker, Mrs. T., Te Whiti, Gladstone Beetham, Hugh H., Brancepeth, Masterton Beetham, (). H., Morlarrd, Masterton Bennett, C, Box 43, Masterton Bennett, H., Femglen, Masterton Blake, C, Waingawa, Masterton Blake, W. J., Alfredton Blatohford Bros., Rangitumau Booth, W. Howard, Carterton Bourke, James, Opaki Boustead, John, Alfredton Boustead, W., jun., Alfredton Brarrnigan, Robert, Alfredton Bridge, G W., Manaia, Masterton Brown, T., Waihi, Masterton Bruce, G. A., Tamata, Kopuaranga Buokeridge, 8. It., Poroporo, Masterton .. Buick, Alexander, Sunnyside, Masterton .. Buick, Robort, Paerau, Masterton Buick, W. H., Daisyburn, Master-ton Buiok, W. It., Daisyburn, Masterton Bunny, E. W„ To Roto, Masterton Bunny, Mrs, B. It., Masterton Bunny, Mrs. J. It., Opaki Bunny, Mrs. J. R., Waipipi, Opaki Cameron, A. A., Matipihei, P.O. Box 32, Masterton Cameron, D. J., Blaek Rock, Masterton .. Cameron, D. J. and A. R., " Sherwood," Masterton Camoron, H. and A., Okar, Masterton Cameron, R. and D. J., Snowdorr, Mauriceville Cameron, Walter, Kurupatu, P.O. Box 32, Masterton Cameron, W. L., Te Ore Ore, Masterton .. Campbell, Hugh, Ratanui, Masterton Campbell, John, jun., Essendale, Opaki, via Mount Bruce, Masterton Campbell, John, Riverside, Opaki Carswell, J. W., Bideford Cavanagh, Jamos, Master-ton Chalmers, E., Fernyhurst, Masterton Chalmers, M. E. and F. H., Fernyhurst, Masterton Chamborlain, E. E., Masterton Christenson, Hans, Fornhill, Mount Bruco, Masterton Christenson, H. J., Mount Bruco Road Clapham, Alfred R., Greenwood, Alfredton Clarke, James, Rangitumau Cole, W. M., Cumloden Farm, Master-ton .. Colquhoun, J. William, Mount Bruce, Masterton Colway, James, Kaituna Cooper, IT. F., Rongomai Cooper H. J., " Elmsmore," Masterton Cooper, J. T„ Te Ore Ore, Masterton Cooper, 0. (!., Brooklands, Eketahuna Cooper, O. H., Rongomai Cooper, T., Stronvar, Masterton .. Cotter, Pierce, Mikimiki, Masterton Cottle, A. B., Mount Bruce, Masterton .. ' 2,328 580 1,789 780 19,758 2.240 1,320 4,430 309 750 4,158 402 2.038 1,020 08 488 5,511 1,012 808 303 745 911 131 2,457 510 179 1.024 3,177 2,770 400 2,338 350 1,768 784 18,492 1,839 904 4,835 028 Nil 808 3,740 650 2,247 Nil 47 Nil 5,726 842 545 817 740 Nil 1,000 2,834 579 300 1,670 3,398 3,347 438 2,019 0,148 3,272 1,912 0,500 3,039 358 I 19 256 297 190 073 24 400 27 155 184 4 1,050 64 485 560 1,059 475 605 73 451 14,878 400 Nil 245 326 634 725 311 502 12 206 254 Nil 1,287 Nil 893 484 760 500 606 60 520 13,826 650 627 170 264 1,296 193 913 1,039 245 781 915 914 89 1,072 930 Nil 09 3,730 4,433 113 509 133 375 0 4,485 277 150 1,253 Nil 4,394 Nil Nil 1,286 102 234 100 148 9,140 481 1,740 980 114 109 150 97 135 10,187 527 1,270 928 674 866 03 345
No. of Sheop on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Masterton County— continued. Cottle, J. J., Kopuaranga Coulter, W. G, Masterton Coyles, S., South Road, Masterton Creswell, Edward, " Hapua," Masterton .. Creswell, Edward, Ngainui, Masterton Cripps, Thomas, Seven Oaks, Masterton .. Cross, William, Poplar Grove, Alfredton .. Dagg, R. G P., Huia, Masterton Dagg, R. J., Uppor Plain, Masterton Daken, H. B., Ratanui, Mount Bruce, Masterton Davis, John, Alfredton Day, W. (F. F. Day, Trustee), Tirohanga, Masterton Dickens, G H., Alfredton Donald, David, Box 101, Masterton Donald, L., Potaerau, Masterton Donovan, J. J., Woodleigh, Kopuaranga .. Donovan, W. H., Masterton Duckett and Waghorn, Whareama Duncan, J., 'Tiraumea, Eketahuna Dunderdale, F. H., Rural Route No. 3, Eketahuna Dunn, Thomas, Mauriceville Dunn, T., Mauriceville .. Elgar, Martin, Waikaraka, Masterton Evans, Frederick, Masterton .Falconer-, James, Wangaehu, Masterton .. Falloon, Henry, Pine Bank, Master-ton Falloon, J. W. A., Roscbank, Bidcford, Masterton Field, Henry, Hastwell, Masterton Ford, G. II., Ihuraua Foreman, David William, Mikimiki, Masterton Freer, T. R., View Hill, Alfredton Garratt, G. R., Bank Place, Taueru, Masterton Goddos, A., Masterton George, J. H., Tawataia George, S. M., Alfredton Gilford, Jacob, Waihora, Master-ton Gill, C. E., Alfredton Glover, T. N., Poroporo, Masterton Godinagh, M., Alfredton Gordon, A. J., Matahiwi Gordon, Matthew James, Rata Hills, Masterton Gorring, H. H., Fernridge, Masterton Gregory, N. F., Waihora Settlement, Langdale Groves, M. E. (Estate of), " Bush Grove," Masterton Groves, T., Bute, Masterton Groves, T. H., Chestervale, Tawataia Hansen, A. K., Waihoki Valley .. Hansen, Hans P., Mount Windsor, Waterfalls Harcombo, W. H., Upper Plain, Masterton Harman, R. J., Tawa Roa, Haunui Harris, Robert, Masterton Hart, G. IL G, Haunui Hartley, G. H., Alfredton Harvey, John, Opaki Hay and Turner (private bag), Masterton.. Henderson, G. W., Tiraumea, Eketahuna .. Henderson, J., Langdale Hillas, Fred, Pori, Alfredton Holmes, E., Carleton, Reef Hill, Mount Bruce Holmes, H. (Estate of), Matahiwi Holmes, J. S. P., Matahiwi, Masterton Holmwood, G, jun., Bush Croft, Masterton Hood, G E., Cockburn, Glendonald, Masterton Hood, Francis, Masterton Houlbrooke, L., Tiraumea Houlbrooke, L., Waterfalls Huia Hapuku, Homewood Hunt Bros., Bentwatcr, Masterton Hunt, E. V., Opaki Road, Masterton Hunt, R. B., Mikimiki Hunter, J. and B., Masterton Hylton, E. A., Tiraumea, Eketahuna Iaria Tamati, Okautete Jackson, M., Masterton 532 430 2,554 678 420 1,516 1,385 1,425 890 496 774 1,377 2,692 650 1,220 962 607 429 572 1,157 4,388 84 1,820 857 2,732 170 306 1,656 467 533 409 810 992 700 800 310 780 384 1,383 625 1,040 105 2,030 611 626 1,418 Nil Nil 717 496 907 1,413 2,907 759 926 839 714 755 Nil 1,192 919 Nil 103 1,800 480 3,009 220 321 1,707 450 581 483 815 1,000 750 800 503 789 510 1,220 Masterton County— continued. Jackson, R. (o/o D. McKenzie), Woodlands, Masterton James, Henry, Woodlands, Masterton Jamos, W., Wangaehu, Masterton Jewett, J. IL, Woodbank, Haunui Johanson, J. F., Mount Bruco Johnstone, James R. D., Poroporo, Masterton Johnstone, Robert, Makora, Masterton Judd, J. and G, Manaia, Masterton Judd, Mrs. E. G M„ Masterton Kcbbcll Bros., Tc Hoe, Alfredton Kebbell, H. N., Ngapuka, Alfredton Kebbell, It. W., Eketahuna Kcbbcll, W. M., Nga Rata, Alfredton Kjestrup, J. E., Rangitumau Koco, Frank, Alfredton Kummcr, W. U. R., Long Lea, Masterton .. Laing, W. M., Rivorsdalo, Masterton Laing, W. M., Uppor Plain Langdon, R. L., Wangaehu, Masterton Larsen, A., Rangitumau Leaeh Bros., Castlehill, Alfredton Lee, Harry W., Braemar, Master-ton Lett, J. P., Elmley, Taueru, Masterton Lett, W. S., Kopuaranga Liverton, Robert, Rewanui Lord, H. J-, Bidcford, Masterton Macara, Jamos, Brookfickl, Masterton Ma.cc, Walter, Bramerton, Taueru, Masterton . MacLean, A., Ihuraua .. Macltae, John, Waimanu, Masterton Maika Matiaha, Paoruia, Homewood Maunsell, P. G., Tc Rangi, Masterton Mawlcy, 8., Ditton, Masterton McCullough, G, Matahiwi McDonald, Mrs. M., Opaki McGiUicuddy, J., Fernridge, Masterton McGovern, R., Saunders Road, Alfredton . . McGregor, D. (Estate of), Fernridge, Masterton McGregor, J., jun., Homcbush, Masterton .. McGregor, Jamos, Kaipo, P.O. Box 25, Masterton McKay, George, Burnside, Masterton McKay, George, Greenfields, Masterton McKay, John, Kurumakcnono, Masterton.. McKay, Neil, Flat, Spur, Masterton McKenzie, IX, Hillend, Masterton McKenzie, D., Woodlands, Masterton McKonzie, G., Fernridge, Masterton McKenzie, James, Woodlands, Masterton .. McKenzie, James B., Boyne Terrace, Masterton McKenzie, J., Poroporo, Masterton McKenzie, John, Puke-tote, Masterton McKenzie, J. C, Tiraumea, Eketahuna McKonzie, M., Taueru .. McKenzie, R. D., Myrtle Farm, Kopuaranga McKenzie, Thomas W., Masterton McKonzie, William, Burnside, Masterton .. McKenzie, William, Oakdalo, Masterton . . McKillop, J. G, Puketiritiri, Masterton .. McKillop, J. G, Goodlands, Masterton McLachlan, I)., " Widow Park," Masterton McLachlan, Donald, Rangitumau McLachlan, N. TL, Mount Bruco, Masterton McLaren, W. F., To Rangitumau, Opaki, Masterton McLennan, John, 40 Cornwall Street, Masterton McLeod, A., Mount Bruce, Masterton McPeak, J., Kopuaranga McPeak, J., Kopuaranga MoRae, J, (Estate of), Wairaifi, Masterton Meredith, L., Waironga, Masterton Meredith, Mrs. J. G, Llandoff, Masterton .. Millar Bros., Kopuaranga Miller, J., Pernlands, Bideford Miller, Robert, Kopuaranga Moore, Goorgo and J., Beaumont, Masterton Moore, George, Eparaima, Masterton Morgan, A., Ihuraua Morris Bros., Mastorton 782 2,722 I ,080 590 915 626 239 656 41 7,028 3,030 5.894 208 427 189 3,900 381 2,000 660 I .29!) 660 1.267 112 7,750 5,195 557 7.494 245 3,707 510 3,188 8.820 325 I ,205 1,010 023 18!) 523 705 2,602 1,022 637 1,006 594 221 540 50 0,900 3,201 2,265 5,964 265 427 184 Nil 517 2,230 742 1,762 591 1,400 40 7,030 5,270 521 6,797 289 4,001 415 3,715 8,726 661 380 090 1,114 609 591 25 489 344 687 3,200 340 1,173 1,740 3,570 3.420 308 1,992 192 500 500 1,075 1,772 4,337 3,650 334 2,883 287 2,522 3,250 2,684 1,370 1,431 969 62 633 470 310 Nil 1,940 1,128 862 70 670 487 294 122 1,067 1,391 045 1,488 975 Nil 5,052 3,785 304 8,107 448 3,052 85 1,165 80 1.384 500 3,980 619 105 1,313 510 154 1,325 3,335 334 Nil 810 1,298 2,247 1,000 3,200 328 I., 074 810 1,437 1,934 .1,550 950 1,383 4,639 3,487 386 8,319 3,120 3,020 1,647 1,470 151 173 2,594 2,070 Nil 616 3,642 950 4,631 5,551 112 Nil 418 980 980 335 1,575 390 426 544 1,1.70 346 Nil 394 1,590 92 452 688 710 2,038 2,634 153 467 3,130 720 3,712 5,720 201 256 103 544 938
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Masterton County— continued. Morris Bros., Toro, Haunui Morrison, H., Awatoitoi, Masterton Morrison, R. M., Blairlogie, Masterton Mouldy, G. IT, Tiraumea, Eketahuna Murray, J. L., Masterton Nation, William, Mangamahoe .. Nelson, Archibald, Pori Nelsorr, F. P., Ruatea, Pori Nicholls, R. A,, Brookdale, Bidcford Nitz Bros., Stansborough, Masterton O'Brien, J., Kumukumu Ogilvy and Sons, Masterton Oliver, A-, Mikimiki Oliver, Peter, Fernridge, Masterton Oliver, W. A., Langdale, Whareama, Masterton Olsen, John, Haunui Pain, Edward, Roberts Road, Lansdowne .. Pal, Isaac V., Alfredton Palmer, P. G., Bushy Park, Kopuaranga .. Parsonson, Dalton McN., The Poplars, Alfredton Patohett, A. J., Glenroy, Waterfalls Patrick, A. E., Alfredton Payton, E. W., Mount, Bruce Percy Bros., Eone, Alfredton Percy Bros., Thornton, Master-ton Percy Bros., Tividale, Bideford Perry and Harcombe, Uppor Plain, Masterton Perry, J. P., Sulphur Wells, Masterton Perry, Walter (Executor of) (c/o Charles Perry, Cornwall Street, Masterton) Pharazyn, G B., Hutinga, Kopuaranga Pike Bros., Puke Ngaio.Te Whiti,Masterton Pike Bros., Tc Whiti, Masterton Pilmer, A. G., Springhill, Taueru Piripi te Whitu, Homewood, Masterton Piripi Waaka, Te Pamu, Okautctc, Masterton Price, P., West Bush Road, Masterton Raleigh, S. K., Tarua, Saunders Road, Eketahuna Ramsderi, G G, Rangitumau Raukura, Himiona, Homewood, Masterton.. Rayner, Bland, Gladstone Road, Masterton Reader, A. E., Mount Bruco Reed, John, Tiraumea, Eketahuna Renall, H. E., Poroporo, Masterton Reside Bros, (private bag), Masterton Robbie, Charles E., Otapawa, Haunui Robieson, W. H„ Cavelands, Te Whiti, Masterton Robinson, F. E., Strathmore, Haunui Riddell, W. 0., Mount Bruce, Masterton . . Riddiford, F. E., Bideford Riddiford, It. E. W., Orui, Masterton Ridgway, Thomas, Roger's Lane, Masterton Ross, A., Whareama, Masterton Russell, Mrs. E. A. (e/o K. Scott), Te Pari, Masterton Ruthorford, William, Maori Hills, Alfredton Rutherfurd, A. J., Moroa, Alfredton Salter, Thomas, Ekatahuna Saunders, W. J., Palmerston North Shaw, G., Te Ore Ore, Masterton Shute, W. H., Matahiwi, Masterton Sigvcrtson, Jens P., Ratanui, Alfredton Sinclair, Mrs. M. J., Kaituna, Masterton . . Smith, Charlos, P.O., Waihoki Valley Smith, D., " Stonehurst," Masterton Smith, John, Forest Flat, Alfredton Smith, R. O., " Earlyhurst," Masterton .. Smith, S. W., Tanglewood, Masterton Stevenson, W. A., Tiraumea, Eketahuna . . Stoddart, W., Bideford Sutherland, W., Kaituna, Masterton Sutton, A. D., Eketahuna Sutton, IT. IT, Langdale, Masterton Taplin, J. H., Masterton Tatham, J. H., Homewood, Masterton Tatham, J. H., Homewood, Masterton Taylforth, John,Fernridge, Waingawa, Masterton Taylor, G, Beaumaris, Masterton 099 8,664 13,175 4,900 550 1,914 1,045 2,012 0,073 504 1,140 947 989 152 079 331 450 007 542 262 1,250 1,520 2,544 8,550 3,038 433 4,692 I , 709 3,597 0,345 796 458 368 1,144 928 255 205 590 Nil 8,728 10,132 400 4,395 Nil 1,535 1,558 2,011 5,702 969 1,081 726 423 180 640 410 317 455 007 483 289 1,360 1,721 2,250 0,870 417 3,489 322 4,517 1,600 4,307 5,416 800 497 461 1,070 1,095 280 104 050 539 634 2,758 680 1,330 Mast he-ton County— continued. Taylor, P. G, Poroporo, Masterton .. 070 Taylor, Thomas, Beaumaris, Masterton .. 1,828 Taylor, W., Makanui, Beaumaris, Master-ton I ,365 The Otahuao Estate (c/o C. J. Barnett), 5,958 Masterton Thomas, Mrs. M. It., Poroporo, Masterton.. Thomas, Richard, Sugar Loaf, Haunui .. 2,620 Thome, E. G, Opaki, Masterton Tinkham, Alfred H., Glentanna, Stronvar.. ! 1,775 'Tinkham, L. M., Native Reserve, Stronvar Tioi, Waaka, Stronvar .. .. .. 790 Todd, I). J., Kopuaranga .. .. 19 Toogood, H. 0., Kohiwai, Masterton .. 7.955 Toogood, H. 0., " Waiana," Masterton .. 3,116 Trass, H., Upper Plain, Masterton .. 440 Tuxford Bros., Glen lean, Masterton .. 2.224 Tylee, W. E. C, Upper Plain, Masterton . . Upston, E. E., Waingawa, Masterton .. 585 Vallance, C. I'., Kahumingi, Masterton .. 9,323 Vallance, F. B., Ngatahuna, Masterton .. 4,407 Wadham, Edward, Waingawa .. .. 097 Wagland, Charles, Willowbank, Masterton 343 Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Associa- 038 tion (Limited), Kintail, Masterton Wall, C. A., Mount Bruce, Master-ton .. | 431 Walters, W. II., Tiraumea, Eketahuna Warded, H. H. (Estate of), Stronvar, Mas- 1,750 terton Warded, T. W. (Estate of), Tc Whiti,. 3,120 Mastc rt oi i Warded, T. W. (Estate of), Tc Whiti .. \ 757 Waters, E'. T., Kaiparoro .. .. ' 361 Welch, A. J., Masterton .. .. 30 Welch Bros., Mount Bruce, Masterton .. 517 Welch, G L., Tcmara, Mount Bruce, Mas- 994 terton Welch, Henry, Opaki, Masterton .. : 40 Welch, W. J., Upper Plain, Master-ton .. 130 Weston, T. A., jun., Ihuraua .. .. 254 Whatman, A. P., Abbotsford, Taueru .. 4.097 Williams, E. T., "Mamaku," Masterton .. 4,964 Williams, G. G,Te Parae, Masterton .. 19,888 Williams, Mrs. A. P., Te Parae, Masterton Williams, Mrs. T. C. (Estate of), Te Parae, ! 6,083 Masterton Wilton Bros., Opaki .. .. .. 1,880 Wilton, Lewis, Box I, Rangitumau .. 230 Wilton, P. G., Otahua, Pori, Alfredton .. ; f ,220 Wilton, R., Rangitumau •• .. 445 Wilton, W. T., 36 Makora Road, Masterton 915 Wingate, John, Meldrum, Tinui .. . . 1,839 Wrigley, F. H. (Executors of), Pinegrove, 878 Rangitumau Wrigley, James C. (private bag), Masterton j 1,079 Wrigley, John G (privato bag), Masterton.. J 970 Wrigley, W. L. (privato bag), Masterton .. 997 Wyeth, A. G, Mount Bruce, Masterton Wyeth Bros., Mount Bruce, Masterton .. : 970 Wyeth, Thomas, Rose Bank, Mount Bruco , 782 Yates, John, and Sons, Masterton ... 80 540,995 CASTLEPOINT COUNT'S (In Masterton Subdivision). Anderson, W. E., Whareama .. .. ! 153 Andrew, Dr. P. 0. (e/o Manager), lea, : 0,782 Masterton Andrew, William,Upper Plain,Masterton.. ; 4,936 Atack, A. E. H., Langdale, Masterton .. : 475 Bannister, T. C, Whareama .. .. ! 202 Bartholomew, F. W., Whakataki, Masterton i 408 Barton Bros., " Mataikoua," Whakataki .. Bellis, H. W. and H. C, Tinui .. .. 3,000 Bellis, H. W., Junction Roads, Tinui .. ■ 138 Bennett, Donald, Waiawa, Whareama .. 774 Bennett, Harold, The Terrace, Tinui .. I 838 Brading, Frank (Trustees), Thorpe, Tinui.. j 103 Brightwell, A., Whakataki .. .. 763 Brooks, W. IT, Thorplands, Tinui .. 933 Burge, Mrs. M. M. A., Annendale, Tinui .. 7,251 Cameron, J. H., Penrose, Tinui .. .. 3.000 Camerorr, J. H., Tmui .. . . .. ' 1 ,034 Campbell, J. H., Ica Station, Masterton .. | 4,042 Nil 1,850 1,409 5,972 015 1,204 190 750 1,050 700 6 4,885 2,909 Nil 1,852 204 410 8,799 4,71.4 788 493 1,011 428 502 1,037 3,078 715 Nil 24 325 1,040 44 79 232 4,8.17 5,350 1.0,584 5,202 Nil 610 3,202 723 1,150 1,874 252 ' Nil 435 1,042 2,095 927 780 540 Nil 580 2,075 8,116 750 1,050 3,758 7,110 268 575 3,715 1,088 973 997 789 902 Nil 238 2,350 1,500 4,265 253 0,000 1,802 668 1,047 303 305 1,001 1,322 3,250 2,081 4,218 352 7,065 1,922 575 1,327 152 503 1,164 1,158 3,088 2,283 372 1,108 30 390 155 1,431 1,138 7,475 40 533,824 210 7,277 1,107 138 4,533 304 200 400 9,259 3,203 Nil 691 892 114 907 810 10,015 970 3,490 4,012 1,500 7,506 20 408 508
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. . 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Castlepoint County— continued. Carman, E. .!., Awatea, Masterton Collerton, W. T., Buck Hill Farm, Tinui .. DalzieU and Bunny, Manawa, Tinui Dickens, W. H., Riverside, Tinui Douglas, James, Pino 'Spur, Beauly, Masterton Douglas, William, Langdale Junction, Masterton Dunn, Matthew, Willowbairk, Whakataki. . Foreman, James, Ponatatu, Carterton French, W. II., Beauly, Masterton Groves, H. G., Marangai, Masterton Groves, Kenneth, " Bute," Masterton Groves, N. W., Bush Grove, Masterton Groves, W. G, Bush Grove, Masterton Harvoy, William, Whakataki IIoaro', Mrs. U. M., Annondalc, Tinui Holes, John, Whakataki Hudson, J., Ica, Masterton Bones, G. H., Tinui, Masterton .. Johnston, W. W. (Exeoutors Estate of), Castlepoint Langdon Bros., Tinui .. Langdon, J. S. (Estate of), Tinui Lennic, James, Whareama Maunsell, It. and P., Tinui Maxwell, J., Langdale, Whareama McGovern, William (Homcbush delivery), Masterton N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Company, Awapiripiri Station, Whakataki O'Connor, A. E., Tinui O'Connor, .)., Peaohgrove, Tinui.. O'Connor, Patrick, Maunga|>akelia, Tinui.. O'Connor, Patrick, Tinui Pain, George, Te Mai, Tinui Perston, M. H., Langdale, Masterton Roed, Mrs. E. M., Annondalc, Tinui Richardson, C. T., Waitawhitr, Tinui Ryder, H. H. S., Langdale, Whareama .. Savage, J., Olcntanna, Tinui Schofiold, A. A., Tinui Schofiold, E. H., Tinui .. Sohoneld, Joseph, Triangle (private bag), Tinui, Masterton Sohoneld, S., Tinui Sheath, P. A., Ngatarahanga, Tinui Southey, A., Castlepoint Speedy, Albert J-, Awatea, Masterton Speedy, D, H., Tinui Stillio'rn, D. and C, Tinui Street, George, Whareama Taylor, G, Whareama Taylor, G., Whareama Wagland, G, Glenwai, Tinui White, F. IL, Whareama Williams, H. G., Kurruikumu, Masterton . . 798 129 15,200 4,000 559 550 200 347 999 3,192 274 5,982 4,888 181 9,136 232 5,122 3,146 17,340 1,488 951 400 19,759 425 802 80 1,800 310 127 13,003 1,110 9,595 3,408 1,791 3,415 509 1,001 707 127 14,300 3,715 Oil 158 140 Nil 1,024 2,000 2,740 5,173 3,083 223 5,530 105 5,613 3,350 17,030 1,470 884 448 20,092 404 81 I 4,286 05 1,797 200 310 12,111 1,332 9,030 3,556 1,674 3,440 2,057 672 1,190 Eketahuna County— continued. Burling, F. W., Tawataia, near Eketahuna Carroll, T'., Nireaha Carter, John, Eastficld, Eketahuna Casoby, H. F., Hukanui Cherry, H. H., Kaiparoro Christenson, L. G, Putara Citfadinc, W. A., Mangaoronga Clapham, T. W., Alfredton Cooper, H., Hukanui Cox and Gunning, Waterfalls Crocker, W., Newman. Ci-.ws. ('. E., Alfredton .. Daldy, E., Hukanui Daldy, W. TL, Maungaraupi Davidson, Alexander, Hukanui Davidson, N. G, Nireaha Davie, John M./Hornefiold, Rongomai Dawson, L. B., Nireaha.. Dick Bros., Kaiparoro Dillingham and Small, Marima Dougherty, P., Hukanui Drysdale, John arrd B., Nireaha Duff Bros., Mangaoronga Dunn, Henry, Glerrdou, Tawataia Elliot arrd Falloon, Tawataia, Eketahuna . . Elsniore, H. E., Newman Palknor, Alfred, Kaiparoro Farrow, Joseph, Coloreath Farm, Rongokokako Farrow, Mrs. J., Itoirgokokaho Field, It. J., Hukanui Finery, F. E., Nireaha Frcdricksen, Herman, Eketahuna Freeth, W., Hukanui Godfrey, W. R., Rongomai Godfrey, W. It., Rongomai Golder, J. A. and B. J., Hukanui Goodhan, E., Hamua Greathead, A. A., Eketahuna Griggs, H. E„ Kopikopiko Groves, Mrs. M. L., Rural Mail No. 3, Eketahuna Gundersoir, G W., Putara Gunderson, C. W., Putara Handley, Frank 11., Rongomai Hansen, H. M., Haunui.. Hardyment, J. A., Sterling, Atea Hare, J., Brookvillc, Rongokokako Harris, Alfred, Eketahuna Harrison, John, Parkville, Eketahuna Harvey, John, Kaiparoro Henson, W., Eketahuna Hickman, G. H., Waiute, Newman Hislop, Joseph, Hukanui Hislop, Joseph, Tane Hofmoistor, John, Eketahuna Hooper, G, Hukanui Hudson Bros., Newman Huglian, Adam, Rongokokako Jacot, W. T., Hukanui Jaspers, Thomas, Newman Jennings, Francis, Saunders Road, Alfredton Jones, William, Alfredton Judd, C. T. H., Putara Koee and Carter-, Hamua Larson, Alesez, Ihuraua Larsen, C. P., Putara Larsen, Christian, Putara Larsen, H. A. B., Putara Larsen, Otto, Kaiparoro Larsen, Walter, Haunui, Alfredton Lawrence, A., Eketahuna Lewis, F. C. (Estate of), Masterton Lowes, F. B., Rongomai, Wairarrgi Lowes, J. P., Rongomai MacRae, J. 8., Hukanui Martin, P, Atea Masorr, P. W. A., Hukanui Matheson, W. B., Tiratahi, Rongomai Mauser, W. J., Putara McAnulty, Mrs. M. E., Kaiparoro McGovern, 8. and D., Alfredton McKenna Bros., Newman McKenna, James, Newman, Eketahuna .. Morris, Benjamin, Rongokokako 2,102 255 8 210 211 399 175 1.500 2,422 2,970 102 253 200 304 I. 12!) 473 52 15 957 1,257 428 058 1,832 1,386 213 376 776 530 5.500 550 180 450 202 1,197 190 19 238 229 402 222 1,282 51 2,070 0 3,485 10 248 205 502 1,440 194 52 31 1,205 1,006 358 860 2.377 50 1,195 145 126 411 25 I Nil 579 5,258 650 15 500 174 124 500 191 284 729 00 Nil Nil 1,030 602 Nil 232 294 Nil Nil 71 150 008 612 105 14 710 611 Nil 373 242 150 399 Nil 344 521 378 3,931 2,488 1,720 768 74 219 1,210 408 200 1,117 466 1,369 080 3.995 1,532 1 3,284 2,284 3,159 118 920 509 1,736 51 5,440 2,260 1,632 Nil 2,985 1,996 2,840 368 1,103 530 Nil Nil 6,400 785 27 9 610 95 515 250 300 497 101 EKETAHUNA COUNTY (In Masterton Subdivision). Albrochtsen, Jorgen, Mangaoronga, Eketahuna Algie, Walter, Rongomai Andersen, Anders, Eketahuna Anderson, J. O. W„ Eketahuna Ashworth, Honry, Rongomai Atkinson Bros., Newman Austirr, R., Putara, Bannister, R., Kaiparoro Barnes, P., Atea .. ■ • s • ■ Bassett, Job, Mangaoronga, Eketahuna .. Baucke, H. E„ Hukanui Benton, A. G, Atea Berry, A. M. (rural-mail delivery), Eketahuna Blake, W. J., Alfredton.. Bourke, David, Hamua Bowie, G, Puketirnau .. Braddick, J. J., Kaiparoro Brunton, W. T., Rongomai Bryant, A. D., Marima Bryant, A. D., jun., Marima Bunny, 0. A., Opaki, Masterton 191,441 200,425 558 595 tie 23 812 609 135 477 550 532 1,089 1,383 697 528 895 478 989 660 1,570 528 Nil 527 279 170 423 10 44 54 400 250 383 715 506 3,922 2,407 1,021 846 20 1,262 255 545 275 135 205 1,674 1,177 1,133 Nil 178 265 317 Nil 1,680 1,123 365 251 1,196 376 884 690
No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. | 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. Eketahuna County— continued. Morris, J. M., Haunui Morris, R., " Toro," Haunui Morrison, W., Tane Nagel, William, Pukekohao, Rongomai Nagel, William, Rongomai Nagel, W., Rongomai Napier- Bros., Stratheden, Eketahuna Nielsen, Peter, Eketahuna Nilsson, J. W., Eketahuna Nilsson, Sven, Eketahuna Oates, R. B., Alfredton O'Donnell, W., Eketahuna, Olsen, A., Eketahuna Olson, O. P., Atea O'Neil, William, Nireaha Orr, Alexander, Newman Pawson, Henry, Plcckville Pedersen, Neils, Atea Perry, A. J., R,ongomai, Eketahuna Perry, C. T., Central Road, Newman Petersen, H., Plcckville Petersen, J. P., Atea Priest Bros., Rongokokako Rasmussen, Hans, Hukanui Renal], N. G. E., Masterton Robbie, Frank (private bag), Eketahuna .. Robbie, James (private bag), Eketahuna . . Roberts, Thomas, Putara Rodney, Edward IL, Rongomai Ross, J. W., Rongokokako Rout, G, Nireaha Savage, J., Masterton Schaw, Mrs. J. K., Eketahuna Schnell, Charles, Rongomai Schormann, F. H., Putara Scott, James, Rongomai Sheehyn, Denis, Eketahuna Smith, T., Alfredton Snell, E. G., Rongokokako Shirley, W., Rongomai, Eketahuna Southey, A., Eketahuna Southey, A., Eketahuna Swann, G., Hukanui Syme, E. St. G. Newman Terry, Walter Thomas, Bowood, Eketahuna Thomason and Petersen, Atea, Thomasen, It., and J. Petersen, Atea Tiedcsloy, E., Eketahuna Tomlinson, B. A., Plcckville, Eketahuna .. Tumor, F. G, Eketahuna Twentyman, Wilson, Hukanui Tyler-, Morris, Rongokokako Udy, G, Hukanui Vilhelmsen, G, Hukanui Waldin, William N., Tane Waldin, W. R., Nga Puke, Rongomai Wall, A., Pahiatua Warner, S. E., Hamua Welch, J. J., Hukanui Welch, P. R., Tawataia.. Wells, G. R., Atea White, F. and IT. W., Eastry, via Eketahuna Whitmore-Searle. J., Hukanui Wright, A. IT., Atea, via Eketahuna 650 1,731 531 1,319 0,900 30 1,214 1,000 552 012 57 203 1,232 542 177 1,225 192 233 122 231 500 1 .205 1,772 917 917 144 392 480 260 541 310 I , 153 612 442 347 375 701 874 Nil 530 1,085 Nil 6,276 34 Nil 1,320 484 610 30 179 6 990 539 191 1,526 1.77 233 516 Nil 649 1,400 Nil Nil 708 882 173 724 3,440 331 284 407 331 1,174 612 141 604 138 255 460 187 854 261 354 1,020 747 2,950 265 625 281 47 1,200 733 950 761 200 1,826 40 5,689 419 155 Mauriceville County— continued. Dawson, Samuel, Paikaiko, Mauriceville .. Dorset, Emily, Hope Farm, Mauriceville .. Edmonds, A. G., Alfredton Elliott, James, Mauriceville West Farrow, Joseph, Rocky Hill, Rongokokako Forsberg, Charles, Mauriceville West Giles, Thomas Ruthrose, Mauriceville Gray Bros., MauriceviUe Gray, William, Mount Hermon, MauriceviUe Harris, A. A., MauriceviUe West Harvy, John, Kaiparoro Heckler and Sons, Mangamahoe Heckler, J. F., Forest Downs, Mangamahoe Heckler, Miss E. P., Mangamahoe Heckler, Mrs. J. P., Mangamahoe Hillas, Mrs. Agnes. Mauriceville East Isakson Bros., Hastwell Isakson, C. J., MauriceviUe Isakson, H. J., Hastwell Isakson, Ole, Hastwell Jackson, Charles Churchill, Kopuaranga .. Jensen, P., Ihuraua Johnston, Jacob, Hastwell Judd, R., Manaia, Masterton Kennedy, Martin, Tikitapu, Maurioeville .. Kirmmer, F. W. H., Kopuaro, Mauriceville Larsen, Alexander, MauriceviUe West Larsen, C. P., Putara Larsen, Lars, Mauriceville West Larsen, L. P., Mauriceville West Larsen, Mrs. Peder, Mauriceville West Leach Bros., Putara Lemberg, V. K., Mauriceville West Mallabar, Mrs. M. A., Hillside, Mauriceville McDonald, P. S., Spring Bank, Thuraira Valley McGovern, James, Maurioeville McGovern, J., Mangamahoe McGruddy, William, Mangamahoe McGruddy, W. J-, Mangamahoe McKenzie, Donald, Mangamahoe McPeak, John, Marima, Pahiatua Miller, Robert, Kopuaranga Miller, W., Pikekaikaroro, Kaiparoro Morgan, Arthur E., Ihuraua Nielsen, E. W., Mauriceville West Nielsen, M. G., MauriceviUe West Nielson. G B.. Mauriceville West, Oliver, Charles, Ihuraua Valley, Te Ore Ore, Masterton Paget, A. E., Mangamahoe Palmer, T. IL, Kaiparoro Pedersen, Eskild, Mauriceville West, Perry, J. E., MauriceviUe Pinhey, W. A., MauriceviUe Power, Thomas, Mauriceville Rasmussen, S. H., Mount, Baker, Ihuraua .. Riddiford, It. E. W., " Orui," Masterton .. Rose, E. J., Waratah, Masterton.. Rutherford, David H., Mariora, Mauriceville Rutherford, David H., Hoebridge, Mauriceville Schow. L. A., Maurioeville West Seymour, Charles, Mangamahoe Sigvertsen, Jens, Mauriceville West Smyth, Edward Carew, Tawai, Mount Bruce Road, Masterton Southey, A., Eketahuna, Maurioeville Tildeslcy, E., Ranten Hill, Mangamahoe .. Tildesley, F., Mangamahoe Tildosloy, H., Eketahuna Wall and Matthows, Mount Bruce, Masterton Waters, E. T.. Kaiparoro Welch, A. J., Makonui, Masterton Welch, Albert, Hastwell, Mauriceville Welch, Walter W., Te Punga, Mangamahoe Whiting, Joseph, Sunny Rise, Mangamahoe Wilton, R. P., Oak Farm, MauriceviUe East Wright, E. J., Kopuaranga Wrightson, A. H., Mangamahoe .. 750 I., 270 1 ,990 568 301 739 180 913 267 271 99 1 .379 351 109 900 245 245 357 1,325 355 910 5,198 0.941 795 204 163 171 1 ,251 456 254 98 601 453 712 Nil 3,700 345 Nil796 263 875 267 295 158 105 1,508 335 97 1,140 365 506 95 371 1,243 387 888 4,891 0,908 947 Nil Nil 206 1,097 357 Nil 91 651 497 573 416 1,274 747 821 330 494 080 1,205 272 201 300 92 234 1,760 1,397 Nil 809 347 1,196 203 1,095 279 112 337 98 143 1,977 280 237 800 2,777 175 572 675 160 310 2,003 462 492 1,605 275 1,830 1,512 29 1,144 400 740 763 303 1,479 177 324 2,137 490 543 1,442 304 1.057 I .900 5,024 384 129 1,081 1,097 452 I ,093 123 905 405 1,1.72 127 Nil MAURICEVILLE COUNTY (In Masterton Subdivision). Ammundsen, Ole, jun., Mauriceville West.. Anderson, John, Maurioeville West Anderson, J. 0. W., Eketahuna Borney, John IT., Matainui, Ihuraua Blewe'tt, Charles E., Kohatu, Mauriceville East Books, R. W. V., Mauriceville Bryans, Jamos, Kopnaranga Burton, Chris., jun., Mount Bruce Road, Masterton Cameron, Isabella Ellen, Ihuraua Valloy .. Campbell, John, Riverside, Opaki, Mount, Bruce, Masterton Colquhoun, A. M„ MaurioeviUe Dagg, H. J., Ngatitipu, Ihuraua Valley .. Dagg, R. C. P., ihuraua 100,024 111,049 280 71 512 1,410 330 400 169 275 200 Nil 330 1,432 41.8 514 193 245 570 596 45!) 1,303 760 301 1.047 102 1,537 267 1,167 402 2,292 500 Nil 420 1,210 720 325 1,053 103 1,514 306 1,253 364 2,01.7 095 035 731 599 1,543 1,865 1,427 1,604 2,108 1,549 71,020 70,288
MARLBOROUGH-NELSON-WESTLAND SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1919, and 30th April, 1918.
11—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. WAIMEA COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Adann, Percy. Maori Pah, Nelson Alborough, C. 11., Wakapuaka Suburban .. Anderson, D., Hira .. .. Anderson, T. W., Hira Andrews, B. L., Spring Grove Andrews Bros., Brightwater .. .. ; Andrews, Edwin, Brightwater Andrews, E. It., Brightwater Andrews, E. It., Brightwater Andrews, E. R. and A. H., Brightwater- .: Andrews, H. Or., Brightwater Andrews, J. H., Anniseed Valley, Brightwater Andrews, J. J. and G. H., Brightwater Andrews, M. L. and H. P., Brightwater .. Andrews, W. C, Brightwater Anglesey, James, Tadmor Arrglesey, W., Tadmor Annear, William, 3 Alton Street, Nelson .. Arnold, G. A., Waimea West .. Arnold, John L., Pine Grove, Korere Arnold, Joseph, Waimea West .. Arnold, Mrs. Johanna, Waimea West Arnold, Mrs. John, Korere Arnold, Richard, Korere Arnold, R. L., Tadmor Arnold, William, Spring Grove Askew, E. J. G., Sarrdy Bay, Riwaka Atkins, George, Riwaka Atkins, James, Motueka S.I). Atkins, R., Motueka Austin, A. E., Brightwater Austin, Thomas, Hira Baigent, A. P., Wakefield Baigent, G A., Wakefield Baigent, P. H., Wakefield Baigent, G. W., Wakefield Baigent, Henry, Wakefield Farm, Nelsorr .. Baigent, Lyell, Wakefield Baigent, Mrs. Charlotte W., Wakefield Baigent, P. A., Wakefield Baigent, R., Wakefield .. Baigent, It. P., Tui Farm, Wakefield Barker, A. P., Miner's Rest, Stanley Brook Barker, A. P., Stanley Brook Barker, William T., Stanley Brook Barker, William T., Stanley Brook Barnes, J. T., Atawhai Barnett, S. G, Riwaka Bartlett, J. E., Box 25, Richmond Batcholor, F. C, Motueka Bate, H. S., Riwaka Bate, Percy T., Riwaka Bate, Ralph, Riwaka Batt, A. E., Wai-iti Batt, G, Glenhope Batt, William, Wakefield Beatson, Cecil D., Richmond Beatson, Charles E. Guy, Ngatimoti Beatson, Charles H., Orinoco Beatson, J. G, Ngatimoti Beatson, •). J., Stoke Beatson, W. II., Orinoco Beeby, It., Sherry River Bell, E. E., Matai, Nelson Bell, George, Waimea West Boll, Thomas, Richmond Bensemann, A. E. T., Neudorf Bensemann, C. J. P., Upper Moutere Bensemann, D. H. G, Neudorf .. Bensemann, Joseph, Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. H. 1).. Upper Moutere Bensemann, It. W., Upper Moutere Bensemann, Theodore, Upper- Moutere Borkett, A. C, Umukuri Berkett, H. S., Hope .. 4,857 17 214 318 230 289 189 204 188 104 21 I!) 350 250 248 89 72 405 32 302 1,000 812 232 150 910 268 90 127 290 03 82 400 286 005 333 434 98 346 215 487 127 603 180 304 106 196 305 100 112 310 224 92 101 190 70 232 507 89 374 71 028 319 51 330 110 227 132 80 24 5,110 9 220 384 203 215 110 218 225 Nil 103 70 21 (it) 405 250 276 74 79 486 30 370 996 639 040 145 959 320 102 80 123 350 59 01 420 307 410 354 408 103 371 205 95 503 618 185 284 132 233 388 Nil 112 120 280 203 113 57 194 101 267 25 538 120 096 04 Nil 313 40 334 130 54 274 142 100 21 Waimea County— continued. Boi-ryiuan, Henry G, Kohatu Best, Charles, Upper Moutere Best, George, Stoke Best, Goorgo William, Riohmond Best, John, Appleby Best, O. G, Brightwater Best, Philip, Appleby Best, P. and P. 11. (Moutere Property), Ap„ pleby Best, W. and IT., Awa Beuke, H. C, Neudorf .. Beuke, H. G, Neudorf Beuke, H. G. Neudorf Biggs, A. G, Korere Biggs, Arthur A., Tapawera Biggs, L. H., Tadmore Biggs, Mrs. Arrrrio, Tapawera Bint, James, Hope Bird, A. D., Whangamoa Bird, M., Wakefield Bird, Roy A., Whangamoa Bird, W. L., Wakefield Bisley Bros, and (Jo., Nelson Bisley, E. IT, Nelson Bisley, E. H. (Moutere Property) Bisley, Mrs. A. H. (Belgrove property), Nelsorr Blarrchctt, Mrs. Leon, Tadmor Blichynden, John, Roundejl, Tophousc Blick, Mrs. Sarah E., Nelson Bdckmann, Charles, Upper Moutere Bookmann, P. A. J., Upper Moutere Bockmann, Henry, Neudorf Boon, D. E., Wakapuaka Suburban Booth, W. S., Brightwater Booth, W. 8., Brightwater Borch, Walter, Matariki Bosselmann, H. W. and D. F. J., Neudorf.. Bosselmann, Mrs. Anna, Neudorf Bowen, R. G B., Tui .. Bowron, C. E., Brightwater Bowron, H. R., Sandy Bay Boyes, Joseph, Motueka Boyos, L. and A. G, Pokororo Boys' Training Farm, Stoke Bradley, D. E. P., Riwaka Bradley, K. B„ Ngatimoti, Motueka S.D... Brady, Michael, Wangapeka Brcroton, Allen, Motueka R.D. Broreton, G B., Orinoco Broreton, Thomah, Ngatimoti Browerton, F. M., Motupiko Brewerton, John W., Matai, Nelson Bright, G. S., Redwood's Valley Bright, Thomas, Richmond Brisbane, William, Kohatu Bromoll, E. H., Baton Bromoll, E. H., Kohatu Bromell, G. J., Kohatu Bromoll, P. IL, Sherry RiverBrooks, James, Wakefield Brooks, T. E., Sherry River Brough, Jonathan T., Hunter's Gully, Kikiwa Brougham, Graham, Motueka Brown Bros., Hira Browrr, J., Hira Bruco Bros, (e/o M. Bruce), Port Nelson .. Bud, C. A.. Brightwater Bullard, W. H., Wakefield Burlace, J. T., Spring Grove Burnett, E. R., Dovedale Burnett, H. E., Dovedale R.D. Burnett, T. R., Dovedale Burrell, George W., Orinoco Bur-rough, H., Bishopdale Burrows, W. G., Stanley Brook Busch, Samuel, Hope .. Bush, J., Hope 4,425 120 0 74 75 01 74 90 197 174 422 100 91 135 206 352 652 98 73 308 155 2,140 90 547 405 37 71 127 485 455 370 500 294 70 109 245 389 455 1,010 399 111 4,101 132 Nil 84 52 Nil 03 80 132 Nil 214 567 114 71 101 187 211 655 100 103 303 410 54 181. 2,025 122 Nil 452 44 89 119 552 353 500 480 342 113 84 Nil 841 400 1,000 613 170 23 558 150 500 069 459 105 137 Nil 240 891 405 Nil 153 151 07 808 101 343 142 Nil 34 57 220 010 202 140 432 666 468 27 12 550 167 607 607 433 224 121 I 808 337 152 112 122 413 120 323 150 110 147 09 186 884 206 113 462 771 373 20 10
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, j 1917. 1918. Waimea County— continued. Bush, P., Hope Cain, W. J., Tui Cameron, George, Wai-iti Campbell, Herbert J., Redwood's Valley .. Canton, Herbert, Orinoco Canton, J., Ngatimoti Carlson, Mrs. S. J., Kikiwa, Belgrove Cederman, Leslie, Orinoco Challies, Alfred, Appleby Challies, Arthur, Appleby Challies, Charles, Appleby Chalhes, Edgar, Waimea West Challies, Edward, Appleby Challies, Frank, Waimea West Chalhes, H. W., Appleby Challies, James, Appleby Chandler, J., Wangapeka Chandler, Mrs. Fanny, Wangapeka Chapman Bros., Motueka Ching, James, Wakatrr Chisnall, T. B., Hope Christian, E. E., Tadmor Christian, J. W., Tui Christian, W. R., Tadmor Claasen, W. H., Upper Moutere Clark, James It., Wakefield Clayden Bros., Wakefield Clifford, J., Motueka Close, E. D. and IT. A., Hira Close, H. S., Wakefield Clougher, Mrs. C. M., Korere Clouston, Henry, Ennes Glyn Cobeldick, Ernest, Tui Cockram, J., Thorpe Cole, Gordon C, Koroke, Wakefield Cole, Montague, Wakefield Cole, N. G., Kohatu .. Cole, T. W., Brightwater Coleman, A. E., Motupiko Coleman, A. G., Motupiko Coleman, A. N., Motupiko Coleman, F. J., Motupiko Coleman, R. H., Motupiko Coleman, R. II. and E. W., Korere Coleman, W. P., Motupiko Connor Bros., Korere Cook, Charlos, Wai-iti Cook, H. T., Appleby Cook, J. W. and G, Riwaka Cook, James, Riwaka Cook, Lawrence L., Lower Moutere , .. Cook, S. J., Braeburn Cook, Thomas, Riwaka Coppell, E. G., Brightwater Corder, John, Wakapuaka Suburban Cotton, C. R. T., Nelson Cotton, George A., Wakapuaka Cowin, J. P., Thorpe Cowin, Walter, Stanley Brook Cowin, WiUiam, Thorpe Cozens, Wilfred A., Awa Cresswell Bros., Lower Moutere Crichton, Robert, Wakefield Crichton, J., Awa Cropp, B., Wai-iti Cropp, B. P., Wai-iti Cross, E. W., Richmond Cross, C. G. A., Brightwater Cummings, E. G, Atawhai Cummings, F., Atawhai Currin, P., Spring Grove Currin, F. H., Wakefield Currin, R. B., Matariki Davies, A. N., Dovedale Davies, A. N., Dovedale Davies, A. N., Dovedale Davies, Albert N., Dovedale Davies Bros., Dovedale Davies, C. E., Belgrove Davies, E. B., Dovedale Davies, Owen J., Dovedale Deck, G. M., Umukuri, Riwaka Denoker, A. G., Whangamoa Deirton, Thomas William, Wakefield Dodsorr, Arthur, Atawhai 43 31 196 53 649 108 354 755 333 213 177 720 212 517 268 590 192 625 31 18 621 254 478 800 61 90 636 141 224 192 183 41 250 324 121 518 96 85 302 230 46 222 252 202 303 78 73 126 1,114 730 528 08 200 9 475 43 45 52 198 72 733 135 540 782 252 263 167 730 207 590 315 580 172 600 25 9 688 210 468 800 70 87 594 95 264 242 Nil 61 213 389 164 549 181 105 202 232 33 182 212 202 283 Nil 71 99 1,050 608 Nil 77 225 7 425 Nil 45 505 285 1,235 000 176 125 132 555 101 3 192 Nil 303 Nil 019 192 281 02 137 150 Nil Nil 223 182 808 243 1,798 47 Waimea County— continued. Dodson, George, Atawhai Dodson, Herbert, Atawhai Dodson, Percy, Whangamoa Douglas, Thomas, Motueka Drew, Ralph, Whangapeka Drogemuller, C. C. D., Upper Moutere Drogemuller, P., Upper Moutere Drogemuller, Theodore J., Upper Moutere.. Drogemuller, W. C. C, Upper Moutere (c/o F. Adamson, Franklyn Street, Nelson) Dron, William, Spring Grove Drummond, A., The Pines, Riwaka Drummond, A., Riverina, Stanley Brook .. Drummond, A. and D. (Estate of), Upper Moutere Drummond, Daniel, Braeburn Drummond, H. O., and Sons, Riwaka Drummond, Jamos, Braeburn Drummond, William, Upper Moutere Diickcr, P., Neudorf Duncan, P. W., Umukuri Duncan, J. W. L., Umukuri Duncan, L. G., Umukuri Eatwell, W. J., Stanley Brook Eban and Evers, Thorpe Eban, K. E., Stanley Brook Ebarr, R., Stanley Brook Eban, V. L., Awa Eden, George, Hope .. .. ... Eden, J., Wakefield Eden, Marion, Wakefield Eden, Mrs. M. A., Hope Eden, R. J., Box 19, Richmond Eden, Samuel, Maitai, Nelson Eden, William, Spring Grove Edwards, A. and R., Pokororo Edwards, R. Arnold (c/o (). Fuller, Manager), Braeburn Eggers, G D. C, Uppor Moutere Eggers, E. G D., Upper Moutere Eggers, Henry, Upper Moutere Eggers, Joachim, Upper Moutere Eggers, L. W., Upper Moutere Eggers, Mrs. Johanne, Upper Moutere Eggers, T. J., Pretty Bridge, Belgrove Eginton, L., Motueka .. Elliot, Thomas,'Brook Street, Nelson Ellis, G. R., Tui Ellis, R. Campbell, Belgrove Ellis, Robert, Kohatu Evans, J. H., Motueka Evans, J. H., Motueka Evans, W. T., Umukuri Everett, Albert, Pokororo Everitt, H. B., Umukuri Eves, B., Spring Grove Eves, Joseph, Wakefield Eves, J. W., Wai-iti Ewers, Christian, Neudorf Ewers, D. J., Neudorf Ewers, Ludwig, Neudorf Ewers, William, Neudorf Eylcs, Mrs. Charles, Thorpe Eyles, Oliver C, Thorpe Fairey, I 1 '., Nelson Fairhall, Benjamin, Hope Fairhall, F. L., Wakefield Fairhall, F. L., Wakefield Fairhall, W. E., Birch Terrace, Wakefield.. Fairhall, W. E., Birch Terrace, Wakefield.. Fargher, Mrs. M. H., Tadmor Farley Bros, and Tecee, Harakeke Farley Bros., Lower Moutere Faulkner Bros., Stanley Brook Faulkner Bros., Starrloy Brook Paweet, Mrs. Jane, Tadmor Fawcet, W. P., Tadmor Fawcett, G. W. and C, Tadmor Fawcett, G. W. and G, Brightwater Fawcett, L. S., Dart River, 'Tadmor Follows, R. R., Stoke Fear, A., Waimea West.. Fenomor Bros., Stan'ey Brook .. Fenemor, E. J. and It. C, Tapawera Feuemor, Thomas, Foxhill 280 5.17 174 87 82 264 394 400 198 50 114 4,040 223 501 43 81 150 82 50 507 265 708 910 748 21 292 20 234 18 400 20 1,213 51 243 14 300 228 122 111 121 317 611 107 02 50 405 394 502 209 94 141 4,450 158 06 535 70 69 37 139 81 70 350 Nil 688 930 811 43 285 21 125 18 250 32 1,313 Nil 204 10 297 243 103 114 94 102 Nil 457 300 130 125 102 97 8 15 59 820 628 101 Nil 203 100 619 425 545 148 408 Nil 736 150 650 198 341 29 2,927 531 Nil 390 539 397 194 90 1,043 420 Nil 50 457 1,100 241 136 76 11 443 277 1,475 100 152 90 523 91 II 124 28 263 17 564 192 77 281 157 61 755 527 180 26 200 106 748 325 500 183 364 130 860 38 200 311 35 3,000 600 450 315 22 20 238 152 789 43 1,090 56 300 1,033 425 52
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 3( 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1918. Waimea County— continued. Fenemor, W., Stanley Brook Fenwick, P. E., Atapo Field, B.M., Thorpe .. Field, George, Richmond .Field, T. A. H.; Okiwi, Nelson Fisher, E., Neudorf Fitch, Joseph, Tapawera Fitzpatrrck, J. J., Glcnhopc Flanagan, Alfred, Matariki Flower, Henry T., Hira Flower, Henry W. (Whangamoa property), Wakapuaka .Flower, John, jun., Hira Flower, Thomas G, Whangamoa Flower, William, Wakapuaka Suburban .. Ford, Frederick, Waimea West Ford, Charles, Appleby Ford, Herbert, Redwood's Valloy. . Ford, W. J., Appleby .. Ford, W. J., Upper Moutero Forsyth Bros., Stanley Brook Forsyth, E. P., Stanley Brook Fowler, F. P., Wakefield Francois, John, Riwaka Franklyn, T. A., Sandy Bay Frost, A. N., Atawhai Frost, H. G and E. W., Wakapuaka Suburban Frost, H. E., Hira, Happy Valley Frost, Thomas, Hira Frost, W. T., Hira Pry, Charlos P., Umukuri Fry, D. E., Umukuri .. Fry, J. W., Umukuri Fry, Peroy, Riwaka Fry, Stan. A., Motueka Fugle, H. E., Stanley Brook Punned, W. J., Braeburn Gainsford, Henry S., Belgrove (tapper, T., Richmond .. Gardiner, W., Foxhill Gardner, I. (Estate of), Upper Moutere ' .. Gibbs, Albert, Wakefield Gibbs, Albert, Tui, Wakefield Gibbs, F. W., Tapawera Gibbs, Joseph (Estate of), Wakefield Gibbs, T. W., Wakefield Gibbs, W. A., Motupiko Gibbs, W. I., Motupiko Gibbs, William, and Sons, Motupiko Gibbs, W. M. It,, Motupiko Gibbs, William I. and Isaac, Motupiko Gibson, H. E., Stoke Gilford, Samuel, Appleby Gill, Alfred (}., Atawhai Gill, A. W., Redwood's Valley Gill, Edward, Atawhai, Nelson .. Gill, F., Redwood's Valley Gill, H. S., Redwood's Valley Gill, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wakapuaka Suburban Godbaz, Andrew, Foxhill Godbaz, Martin, Foxhill Goodall, B. J., Riwaka Goodall, K. B., Tadmor Granger, Mrs. Jane, Foxhill Gray, Charles, Matariki Gray, Charles, Wakefield Green, Charles, jun., Pokororo Green, E. and L., Pokororo Green, IT., Pokororo Green, H. G, Kiwi Green, Joseph, Pokororo Green, Mrs. E., Braeburn Greenwood, P. C, Ngatimoti Groep, William Henry, Tapawera Greig, T. It., Spring Grove Griffith, Elijah, Wai-iti Griffith, Harold, Wai-iti Griffith, H. M. and L. J., Tadmor Griffith, L. B., Wai-iti .. . . ' . / Griffith, S. J., Wai-iti Griffiths, A. P., Stanley Brook Griffiths, E. L., Stanley Brook, Tapawera .. Griffiths, E. L., Tapawera Grooby, Henry, Ngatimoti 334 325 1,034 760 1.070 111 207 903 700 393 344 131 436 232 38 41 26 194 393 2,100 50 80 102 273 10 192 130 87 101 215 008 81 046 120 705 10 30 135 424 1,056 599 403 325 300 152 1,313 204 350 430 1,043 479 1,167 64 181 387 It 090 074 354 139 447 228 Nil 64 88 25 198 311 517 100 100 115 313 31 182 130 82 140 246 559 70 Nil 82 248 Nil 39 148 438 1,005 800 354 313 293 Nil Nil 708 708 31. 1.47 404 35 18 72 29 222 294 119 728 967 20 145 461 343 1,015 287 392 294 70 506 30 07 232 Nil 325 20 445' 833 120 223 106 Waimea County— continued. Grooby, T. Quartus, Orinoco Grooby, T. Tortius, Ngatimoti Guy, J. A., Ngatimoti Guy, W. C., Ngatimoti Haase, F. W., Ngatiawa Street, Nolson Hagen, John, Spring Grove Hagen, Mrs. James, Spring Grove Hall, A. B., Waimea West Hall, Charles, Thorpe Hall, George, Atawhai Hall, George, Thorpe Hammond, David, Appleby Hanncn, George, Atapo. . Hanncn, R., Tadmor Hanncn, T, Tadmor Hanron, Mrs. Alice, Stanley Brook Harford, P. B., Tadmor Harford, IT. D., Kiwi Harford, Percy, Tadmor Harford, Walter Isaac, Kiwi Hargreavos, P. E., Motupiko Harkncss, W. D., Richmond Harley, C. J., Nelson Harley, Godfrey, Braeburn Harley, H. S., Wakefield Harman, A. J., Hira Harman, H., Brightwater Harris, C. S., Kiwi Hart, James, Richmond Harvey, H. T., Hira Harvoy, Isaac, Hira Harvoy, J., Upper Moutere Hastilow, William, Korere Hawkes, W. M., Awa Haycock, E. J., Ngatimoti Haycock, Edward J., Ngatimoti Haycock, George S., Pokororo Haycock, G. S., Brightwater Haycock, G. S., and Sons, Brightwater Heath, John, Motueka Heath, Thomas, Pokororo Hebberd, H. J., Whangamoa Heine, J. G G, Upper Moutere Heine, F. W., Upper Moutere Henrick, W., Redwood's Valley .. » Herrick, F. W., Lower Moutere Herrick, S. A., Lower Moutere Herwin, George, Tophouse Heslop, William, Richmond Hcwetson, J. H. C, Upper Moutero Hewctson, Thomas, Upper Moutere Hewitt, N. A., Matariki Hickey, John 0., Sherry River Hickmott and Tutbury Bros., Umukuri .. Higgins, A. E., Spring Grove Higgins, C. V., Belgrove Higgins, E. P., Belgrove Higgins, George R., Spring Grove Higgins, J. J., Tadmor Higgins, L. A., Belgrove Higgins, L. S., Matariki Higgins, Peter, Belgrove Higgins, P. J., Foxhill Higgins, Roy A., Belgrove Higgs, W. J., Richmond Hill, A., Hope Hill, Mrs. Charlotte, Brightwater Hippolite, Jack, CroixcUes Hippolite, Timothy, CroixeUes Hobson, Georgo, Kaianga Tui, Orinoco Hooton, A. L., Dovedale Hocton, L. W., Dovedale Hooton, W. It., Dovedale Hodges, S. B., Pokororo Hodgkinson, Frederick, Tadmor Hodgkinson, G. G., Tadmor Holder, Francis, Pangatotara Holland, Edward Moses, Foxhill Holland, Mrs, Mary, Belgrove Holhs, Thomas, Foxhill Holmes, J., Tadmor Holmwood, Arthur Henry, Pokororo Holmwood Bros., Pokororo Holyoake, F. T., Sandy Bay Holyoake, R., Sandy Bay, Riwaka 83 1,051 238 486 295 202 124 536 604 70 508 109 1,200 09 1,814 356 240 62 648 304 64 !)() 92 550 581 404 583 798 371 090 225 227 859 94 089 175 1,462 389 556 500 91 138 3 273 22 403 446 502 136 400 284 837 352 657 08 1,000 201 34(1 280 182 135 590 019 107 533 83 1,214 24 94 1,898 310 247 62 680 350 151 72 97 Nil 597504 007 332 315 708 300 Nil 800 134 90 694 201 1,675 435 Nil 504 114 117 1.2 21.7 20 383 464 502 122 462 425 1,057 341 390 356 300 203 317 706 609 92 40 100 245 126 352 248 901 524 195 83 953 730 204 402 82 74 Nil 64 40 127 193 1,066 51 30 223 30 23 77 235 379 99 806 818 30 143 255 350 108 302 666 404 1,048 292 375 454 75 485 12 60 370 143 382 274 834 825 155 76 900 741 222 360 78 46 250 05 211 87 330 20 145 435 122 232 76 27 80 304 1,000
No. of Sheep on April 3(1,1 April 30, 1917. I 1918. No. of Slreep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waimea County — continued. Hoult, A. A., Wai-iti Hoult Bros., Wai-iti Hoult, E. J., Belgrove Hoult, E. S. and It., Wai-iti Hoult, Joseph, Wai-iti Hoult, L. J., Wai-iti Howat, ,J., Upper Moutere Hugonin and Henderson, Kairuru Hugonin, C. P., Highfield, Kohatu Hunt Bros., Belgrovo Hunt, E. F., Foxhill Hunt, G. and A., Wakefield Hunt, Thomas, Highfield, Wakefield Hunt, W. R., Wakefield Hunter, C. M., Redwood's Valley Hunter, G. F., Wakefield Hunter, Peter, Waimea West Hunter, R. L., Belgrove Hydo, H. C, Wakefield Hyde, James, Pigeon Valley, Wakofiold . . Hyde, James, Wakefield Hyland, M., Hau Hyland, M. ami IT., Ngatimoti Inglis, Alexander, Riwaka Inglis, John, Riwaka Inwood, A. H., Belgrove Inwood, A. H., Gordon Downs, Belgrove .. Inwood, Henry, son., Motuoka Inwood, Henry R. S., Golden Dowirs Inwood, J. 1'., Dovedale Inwood, Vernon L., Motueka Irvine, 11. V., Belgrove Irvine, It. M., Brightwater Irvine, W. D., Brightwater Jaokett, A. John, Hau Jackson, It. B., Trafalgar Street,, Nelson .. James, Ernest W., Umukuri Jenkins, A. G B., Riwaka Jenkins, Charles, Wakofiold Johnson, Miss E. O., Kiwi Johnston, James H., Hope Jones, Arthur [., Korere, Pinewood Jones, E. H., Matariki Jordan, A., Dovedale Jordan Bros., Korere, Stanley Brook Jordan, J. IL, Stanley Brook Jordan, William A., Stanley Brook Kemp, Arthur, Braeburn Konyon, A. A., Thorpe .. Kerr, A. P., Brightwater Kerr Bros., Bhre Glen, Belgrove Kerr, Mrs. Eliza A., Wai-iti Kerr, Walter S., Wai-iti Kidson, A. and H., Sherry River Kidson, G. H., Sherry River King and Harley, Glen-iti Station, Belgrove Kinzott, Alfrod, Tapawera Kinzott, Arthrrr P., Kiwi Kinzett, Mrs. Sophia, Tapawera Kite, Henry, Tapawera Krammer, J., Lower Moutere Krammor, Harry, Lowor Moutere Lammas, A., Wakefield Lammas, B. J., Dovedale Lammas, E. J. D., Dovedalo Lammas, E. J. 1). (Dovedale Property), Dovedale 150 764 47 131 202 162 2,150 752 610 21 1,148 1,229 892 202 687 253 366 144 246 522 97 34 580 358 816 92 12 231 1,512 1,510 303 105 91 777 79 35 681 517 801 1,038 501 223 264 44 50 343 3,627 100 Nil 03 613 222 135 51 2,900 823 007 Nil 1,158 1,236 1,122 190 707 233 65 458 Nil Nil 297 107 90 31 Nil 035 347 880 91 02 202 493 1,714 203 33 112 757 82 41 715 472 857 1,057 509 200 208 00 167 435 3,301 16 Nil 108 165 1,504 427 54 315 254 Nil 66 Nil 429 177 92 Waimea County— continued. Lines, W. H. J., Kiwi Linton, Mrs. L. J., Wakefield Livesay, WiUiam, Motueka Lloyd, 15., Ngatimoti Lloyd, Mrs. Ella G., Orinoco Lloyd, Roger, Orinoco Loveridge, Ernest, Thorpe Loveridge, F. J., Dovedale Loveridge, Peroy, Awa .. ».. Loveridge, Percy, Awa .. Lublow, G. J. F., Baton Lucas, IT. Or., Atawhai Lunir, Mrs. Emily, Belgrove Lusty Bros., Riohmond Lyford, Absalom, Whangamoa Lyon, G.D.,Wakefield.. Macpherson, A., Matariki Malcolm, Ernest, Riohmond Manson, Thomas H, (Whaka Property), Bronte Street, Nelsorr Margossorr, P. A., Glcnhopc Marsderr, J. W., Stoke .. Martin, Charles, Stoke Martin, Charles, Orinoco Martin and Hill, Sherry River Martin, W., Wakefield Mux, A. E., Brightwater Max, A. E., Busholm, Brightwater Max, A. E., (Hope Property), Brightwater (Webby's Estate) Max, W., Brightwater McCarthy, Justin, Baton McCarthy, T., Matariki McCarthy, T., jun., Matariki MoConaehio, Mrs. T. N., Glcirhope McGaveston, D. W., Ngatimoti McGaveston, N. A., Motueka, S.D. McGaveston, Theo., Motueka McGaveston, W. H., Ngatimoti MoGlashan, M. H., Riohmond McGowan, Leonard, Spring Grove McMahon, George, Tapawera McMurray, A. J., Brightwater McNab, Thomas, Motueka McPherson, A. G., Wakofiold McRae, Christopher, Wakapuaka Road Mead, A. W., Tophousc Mead, P., jun., Motupiko Mead, G. L„ Motupiko .. Moad, J. H., Gordon Downs, Belgrove Mead, John, Korere Mead, John, Wai-iti Mead, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wai-iti Mead, T. IT., Motupiko Mead, T. W., (Estate, of), Tophousc Mead, W. A., Tophousc.. Mead, W. A., Tophousc Mills, Mrs. M. J., Neudorf Moffitt, 8. L., Tadmor Moore, H. L., Spring Grove Moorhouse Bros., Brook Street, Nelson Moorhouso, W. and T. W., Glenhope Moran, William J., Baton Morrison, James, Wakapuaka Suburban .. Moss, Prank, Umukuri, Riwaka Murcott, Ernest, Brightwater Murcott, G. E. (Brightwater Farm), Brook Street, Nelson Murcott, G. E., Brook Street, Valley, Nelson Murcott, Henry, Brightwater Murcott, W., Brightwater Murray, P. J., Baton Mytton, E., Thorpe Mytton, H. J., Pokororo Myttorr, WiUiam, Pokororo Nagel, H. W., Neudorf.. Nagel, Mrs. G, Neudorf Nalder, E. N., Koror-o Newman Bros., Brightwater Newport, Alfred, Korere Newport, Cyril, Korere Newport, E. L., Korere Newport, F. E., Korere Newport, P. E., Korere Newport, George, Brook Street, Nelson 700 142 503 101 240 132 731 150 213 499 827 110 109 194 139 386 115 41 770 115 132 183 039 132 100 700 249 339 798 475 812 •277 529 1,392 102 112 032 2,115 132 24 70 305 881 101 483 70 Nil Nil 859 480 212 340 912 112 275 139 Nil 115 445 75 34 763 170 Nil 102 Nil 178 100 900 71 100 309 730 450 1,005 329 072 1,050 143 107 015 2,120 121 31. Nil Nil 304 95 355 830 148 153 Nil 182 384 Nil 225 101 717 427 43 029 184 217 255 443 353 91 253 16 203 151 107 139 335 202 833 2 305 274 100 51 20 440 125 331 172 81 621 128 43 705 208 209 233 153 253 Lammas, Newton, Wakefield Langman, R. and H. W., Thorpe Lankow, George W., Hope Large, AUrod, Nelson Large, Frederick, Nelson Leach, J. H., Wakatu Leach, Percy J., Ngatimoti Leighton, J., Belgrove Leighton, Robert, Belgrove Limmcr, J. J., Ngatimoti Limmcr, Mrs. Caroline, Lower Moutere Limmcr, W., Lower Moutere Lines, Austin, Wairoa Gorge, Brightwater.. Lines, Charles, Wai-iti Lines, F. H. J., Sherry River Lines, 11. J., Wai-iti Lines, J. W., A. A., and C. A., Sherry River Lines, J. W. and A. A., Sherry River 248 1,181 204 265 304 38 34 50 122 274 1,150 270 Nil 290 37 30 92 Nil 110 121 Nil 643 407 350 200 I , 202 350 100 508 506 102 752 100 004 028 170 811 2,020 Nil 99 91 405 456 500 090 597 1.220 Nil 24 163 101 609 395 327 197 I , 100 332 2,070 68 90 356 664 480 680 334 505 422 26
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waimea County— continued. Newport, James W., Brightwater Newport, P., Korere Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Nelson NiohoUs, Henry, Belgrove Nicholls, II. W., Belgrove Nicholson, John A., Kohatu Nisbet, E. and T., Belgrove Nisbett, George, Belgrove Nisbott, John II., Foxhill North, W. B., Kohatu .. Niittall, David, Upper Moutere O'Beiine, II. V., Wakapuaka Suburban . . O'Connor, James, Appleby O'Connor, W., Motueka River, Appleby .. O'Connor, William, Appleby O'Hara, Bros., Waimea West O'Hara, S. E., Waimea West .. Oldham, R. A. R., Tui Packer, ,1. E., Hira Pahl, Mrs. E., Korere Pahl, P. C. (Wangapeka Property), Tadmor Pahl, P. G, Tadmor .. !'. Paige, It. L. P., Sherry River Palmer, C. A., Waimea West Palmer, C. G., Waimea West Palmer, Charles, Korere Palmer, Charles, Wakefield Palmer, H. arrd A., Wakefield Palmer, H\ T., Brightwater Pal me r, Harry, Wakefield Palmer, James A., Korere Palmer, James W., Spring Grove Palmer, James W., Korere Palmer, L. IL, Waimea West Palmer, Richard, Brightwater Palmer, W., Brightwater Palmer, W. L., Waimea West Parker, A. E., Motueka Parkes, E. D., Wakefield Parkes, J. W., Motueka Parsons, W. H., Ngatimoti Paterson, Hrrgh, Stanley Brook Paterson, William, Atawhai Paton, H. D., Graham Run, Hope Paton, II. D., Hope Pattie, William, Riwaka Pear-loss, Herbert, Wakefield Peppin, it. de G, Richmond Percival, A. S., Tui Perry, George, Norrdorf.. Pettit, Thomas, Nelson Phillips, W. IT, Sherry River Playle, A. W., Atawhai. . Polglazc, R. J., Stanley Brook Polglaze, R. J., jun., Tui Porthouse, Jonathan, Brough's Greek, Kikiwa Pownall, U. M. 8., Ngatimoti Prestidge, Georgo, Upper Moutere Price, A. W., Waimea West Price Bros., Korere Price C, Brightwater Price, Charles T., Stoke .. Price, J. H. and R. R.,Baton Bridge,Thorpe Price, Joseph, Belgrove Price, Joseph, Waimea West Price, T. A., Belgrove Quinney, Miss E. 8. S., and G. Faucett, Korere Quinney, 8. A. arrd J. G., Tapawera Quinnoy, T. L., Tadmor Quinney, W. P., Tapawera Quinton, A. G, Tadmor Quinton, Harold, Ngatimoti Rayncr, Tasman, Wakapuaka Suburban .. Rayncr, William, Cable Bay Itcancy, Thomas J., Matariki lteay, William Or., Koreko Remnant, James, Ngatimoti Richardson, Miss R., Maitai Richardson, Mrs. A., Vanguard Street, Nelson Richmond, F. II., The Cliffs, Nelson itickott, P. B., Tui Ricketts, C. W., Kiwi 317 800 793 180 50 153 133 222 59 3,333 187 1,854 235 214 274 194 181 739 153 118 292 370 480 245 254 107 470 157 34 40 40 400 141 191 10 451 144 473 100 98 172 200 871 794 173 87 Nil 141 240 85 4,250 178 1,900 142 210 245 203 190 708 122 92 200 Nil 500 513 305 220 Nil Nil . 129 20 35 44 380 126 351 20 415 130 498 113 130 179 24 1,015 1,175 235 416 125 110 506 140 700 705 243 184 Nil Waimea County— -continued. Ricketts, H. A., Wakefield Ricketts, H. J., Spring Grove Ricketts, H. ,1., Spring Grove Ricketts, J. J., Spring Grove Robinson, Ernest, Appleby Roeske, Carl and A., Wangapeka Rose, Gotlieb, Neudorf Rose, J. J. H., Neudorf Ross, A. A., Hira Ross, George, Upper Moutere Roughton, O. G, Spring (trove Rouse, D. J. T., Sherry RiverRuss, F. C. and A., Brightwater.. .. j Rrrss, George, Bearcroft, Appleby Russ, J. A., Appleby Russ, Simeon, Appleby Rutherford, George, Kainui, Hiwipanga .. Rutland, Alfred, Whangamoa, Omokau Bay Rutland, Alfred (Croixelles), Wangainoa .. Ryder, Edward, Riwaka Ryder, W. A., Riwaka Ryder, W. A., Riwaka Salisbury, Frank S., Pokororo Salisbury, IT. D. T., Pokororo Salisbury, J. E., Lower Moutere Salisbury, Roger L., Pokororo Sarigstcr, J., Wakefield . . Saxton, J. W., Stoke Schildhauer, August, jun., Harakeke Sehildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Schrocder, F. H. W., Hope Schwass, George, Redwood's Valloy Schwass, Joseph, Motueka Schwass, P., Harakeke, Moutere Scoltook, It., Atawhai .. Scott, A. IL, Pigeon Valloy Scott, William R., Tahuna Senior, E. S., Hope (Mahua Property) Senior, E. S., Hope Sharp, Mrs. A. A., Wai-iti Sharp, T., Wai-iti Sharp, Thomas, Spring Grove Shirtliffe, George, Redwood's Valley Shirtliffe, G. 0., Wakefield Shirtliife, H. A., Nelson Shirtliffe, James, Redwood's Valley, ltichinond Shuttleworth, P. E., Wakefield Sigglekow, August, Neudorf Sigglekow, F. W. G, Neudorf Sigglekow, H. I 1 '., Hope Silcock, A. T., Thorpe Silcock, G. and E., Brightwater Sims, J. H., Glenhopo Sinclair, L., Motueka Sixtus, A. F. IL, Craighohn, Orinoco Sixtus Bros., Pongatotara Sixtus, G. L., Neudorf Sixtus, J. C. A., Neudorf Sixtus, Julius, Upper Moutere Sixtus, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Neudorf Sloss, E. G., Korere Sloss, George, Korere Sloss, Owen O., Korere Small, Albert, Whangamoa .. .. ! Smith, Clarence, Matai, Nelson .. Smith, E. D., Belgrove .. .. Smith, Edward D., Belgrove .. .. j Smith, F. W., Hope Smith, G., Nolson .. .. Smith, Jamos F.J Orinoco Smith, J,, Belgrovo Smith, John, Tapawera Smith, J. W., Hau Smith, Mrs. James, Thorpe .. Snodgrass and Milner, Redwood's Valley .. Snook, T. P., Dovedale.. .. .. Snowden, J. T., Brightwater .. Sowman, Frederick, Brook Street, Nelson.. Spicer, W., Motueka Stade, C. J. H., Motueka Stade, H. F. C, Neudorf Stade, W. C, Neudorf .. Stagg, Andrew, Waiti Farm, Atawhai Stagg, Andrew, Wakapuaka Suburban .. I 30 182 746 828 252 152 121 101 09 550 866 46 141 79 1,796 420 370 1,014 300 851 151 1,340 35 1 825 79 42 18 46 90 84 70 245 183 202 208 296 304 03 257 529 04 01 47 511 37 142 302 550 457 50 200 71 53 80 235 192 306 123 274 388 007 304 142 55 300 574 350 419 239 181 28 56 101 108 240 122 142 58 140 102 Nil 737 719 33 I 88 III 203 89 518 812 02 190 91 1,295 1,202 099 441 380 I ,012 150 910 212 1,101 47 1,825 80 Nil 13 50 80 84 282 0 !) 194 202 183 221 20(5 Nil 284 01 138 770 1,135 250 351 37 122 456 144 715 535 278 200 353 454 01 38 1(1 052 35 171 302 537 503 54 177 50 59 89 262 213 355 203 321 245 350 370 Nil 33 303 704 405 430 244 195 4!) 48 110 129 257 92 107 90 404 87 220 20 1,650 1.221 375 264 354 22 Nil 439 Nil 214 20 1,584 1,417 358 269 350 Nil 591 401 395 106 255 221 305 1,031 152 162 130 252 84 290 Oil) 325 397 97 41 250 304 359 1,801 134 701 128 25 192 405
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Waimea County— continued. Stagg, P. IL, Hope .. .. .. 1.37 Staples, M. H., Birdhurst, Motueka .. 057 Staples, M. H., Rocklands, Motueka .. : 1,485 Starnes, T. S. B., Lower Moutere .. 252 Steer, A. A., Tapawera.. . . .. 58 Stevens, W. J., Itakau, Tadmor . . .. 405 Stone, Owen, Wakatu .. .. .. 13 Strachan, A. C, Ngatimoti .. .. 457 Strachan, Gavin C, Ngatimoti . . .. 117 Strachan, J. C, Ngatimoti .. .. 104 Strachan, T. P., Ngatimoti . . .. 177 Stratford, Albert, Richmond .. .. 370 Stratford arrd Son, Otarawao (e/o A. Stewart, 782 Port Nelson) Stratford, Charles A., Hope .. .. 306 Stratford, Charles E., Hope .. .. 237 Stratford, E., Hope .. .. .. 40 Stratford, Frederick, Hope .. .. 1,110 Stratford, Georgo, Korere .. .. 180 Stratford, W. L,, Hope .. .. 350 Stringer, A., Awa .. .. .. j — Stringer, T. IT, Dovedale Farm, Thorpe .. 405 Stringer, T. II., Te Arowhenna, Nelson .. 1,226 Stringer, T. IL, Marahan, Nelson .. i 147 Stringer, T. H., Redwood's Valley, Nelson 455 Stringer, William, Wakefield .. .. 20 Sutcliffc, J. B., Orinoco.. .. .. 90 Sutton, Edward, Hope . . .. .. 20 Sutton, Francis E., Hope .. .. 254 Sutton, Herbert and O. G, Richmond .. 6.1.0 Sutton, L. G., Richmond .. .. 59 Sutton, W., Richmond . . .. .. 38 Sydor, W. G., Foxhill .. .. .. 141 Tahourdin, C. C. A., Brightwater .. 280 Tannant, T., Lower Moutere .. .. (iO Tasker, George, Lower Moutere .. .. 428 Taylor, James IT. (Baton Property),Wakefield 91 Taylor, J. H., Wakefield '.. .. 80 Taylor, John, Wakefield .. .. i 237 Teece Bros., Harakeke, Moutere .. .. i 436 Teece, Mrs. Ann P., Harakeke, Moutere .. 288 Teece, Samuel, Neudorf .. .. 75 The Sisters of the Mission, NeTon .. 232 Thomas, A. E., Appleby . . .. 53 Thomas, Arthur Oliver, Thorpe .. .. 135 Thomas, Arthur Oscar, Sherry River .. 223 Thomas Bros., Riwaka .. .. .. 2,549 Thomas, D., Belgrove .. .. .. 27 Thomas, Edwin J., Box 13, Riohmond ..' 02 Thomas, Horaeo O., Wangapeka.. .. 550 Thomas, J. W., and Co., Belgrove .. 543 Thomas, Leonard H., Tadmor .. .. 267 'Thomas, W., jun., Sherry River .. .. 446 Thomason, A. It., Orinoco .. .. 50 Thomason, E. (Estate of), Maitai, Wai-iti.. 1,014 Thomason, H., Motueka Rural .. .. 15 Thomason, Thomas, Orinoco .. .. 90 Thomason, V. G, Matai, Nelson .. .. 354 Thompson, G E., Braeburn .. .. 70 Thompson, H.p., Closcburn, Upper Moutere J 08 Thompson, Reginald P., Upper Moutere .. 5 Thompson, W. D., Korere .. .. 1,054 Thorn, Allan, Awa .. .. .. 1,110 Thorn, H. B., Awa .. .. .. 297 Thorn, IT. B., Awa .. .. .. 472 Thorn, John, Stanley Brook .. .. 525 Thorn, Joseph, Awa Thorn, Walter (Dovedale Farm), Riohmond 397 Thorn, Walter-, Riohmond .. . . 85 Tomlinson, Charles, Waimea West .. 97 Tomhnson, F. W., Waimea West.. .. 50 Tomlinson, Jessie R., Tophousc .. .. 486 Toswill, A., Tahuna, Nelson .. .. 79 Toswill, E. J., Stoke Trask, E. E., Nelson .. .. .. 254 Trewavas Bros., Motueka .. .. 894 Trewavas, Harold, Umukuri .. .. 278 Trolove and Hobson, Motueka .. .. 964 Trower, John, Wakefield .. .. 27 Tunnicliffo, Henry, Wai-iti .. .. 354 Tunnicliffe, IT., Wai-iti .. .. 233 Turner, Charles, Whangamoa .. .. 860 Turner, F. W., Thorpe,.. .. .. 700 'Turner, It. IT., Redwood's Valley .. 65 Tutbury, Thomas G. L., Riwaka .. 220 Nil 451 I ,580 272 101 385 Nil 487 124 153 110 380 892 400 237 42 1,119 211 434 283 . 327 1,042 139 449 20 80 Nil 230 700 Nil Nil 183 278 102 345 Nil 385 Nil 53'5 280 49 110 19 107 304 2,278 31 26 556 626 394 456 04 334 Nil 97 1,100 67 178 5 1,200 Nil 088 207 549 967 264 11 113 Nil 005 (i() 24 Nil 890 334 944 Nil 229 344 830 058 68 343 Waimea County— continued. Wadsworth, Samuel, Tapawera Wadsworth, Thomas W., Wai-iti Wakarewa Orphanage (Trustees of), (It. E. Heal, Manager), Motueka Walker, George, Waimea West Wallace, Mrs. A., Spring Grove .. Wallace, Robert, Wakefield Wallis, R. D., Lowor Moutere Ward, T. J., Thorpe Washbourn, Dr. H. 0., Riohmond Wastnoy, George E., Wakapuaka Wastncy, IT., Atawhai Waterhouse, J. T., Hira Watkins, E. L., Wakefield Watson, Charles F., Belgrove Webb, Mrs. Esther, Orinoco Webby, G B., Richmond Weller, Brian F., Atawhai Wells, G. W., Wakapuaka, P.O. Box 93, Nelson Wells, H. J., Stanley Brook ;. Wolls, it. M., Sandy Bay Wells, Samuel, Tadmor West ley, E. G, Hira .. Wostlcy, Thomas, Hira Whelan, J. L., Ngatimoti White, C. IT., Pigeon Valley, Wakefield . . White, C. H., Pigeon Valloy, Wakefield .. White, Mrs. E., Upper Moutere White, Mrs. E., Pierce River, Upper Moutere White, It. McKenzie, Upper- Moutere Whitwcll and Son, Wakapuaka Suburban.. Wiffin, Ernest, Golden Downs, Nelson Wilkinson and Co., Motueka Wilkinson, A. N., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, A. N., The Hills, Stanley Brook Wilkinson, B., Stanley Brook Wilkinson Bros.. Riwaka. Motueka Wilkinson, C. H., Wakefield Wilkinson, J. A., Public Works Office, Nelson Wilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook.. Wilkinson, Josos, Kohatu Wilkinson, J. S., Kohatu Wilkinson, J. S. M., Atapo Wilkinson, T. E., Rainy River, Atapo Williams, Frank, Pangatotara Williams, L., Matariki Win, Allan, Awa Win, Arthur, Awa Win, E. J., Awa Win, G. G., Awa Win, Henry J., Awa .. Win, II. L. N., Thorpe Win, J. W., Awa Win, N. A., Awa Win, R. ],., Awa Win, Stanley, Thorpe Withers, G. G, Hira Withers, R. G, Wakapuaka Suburban Woolf, Arthur D., Sandy Bay Woolf, E; S. M., Sandy Bay' Woolf, P. S., Sandy Bay Wratt, J. S. (Estate of), Motueka Wratt, Mrs. Emily, Motueka York, Harold A., Bishopdale York, T. G and H. A., Bishopdale, Nelson York, William, Bishopdale Youill, Andrew, Harakoki 59 .14 .117 159 290 29 38 21 605 228 506 75 231 296 223 239 46 308 257 128 171 8 220 40 105 560 58 1,189 237 436 324 309 381 44 700 400 132 1,088 258 20 803 222 366 401 071 130 1.82 264 441 177 462 387 231 349 322 160 1,852 390 70 730 87 13 90 185 383 Nil 20 48 Nil 593 Nil 490 70 Nil 304 273 251 22 318 201 258 128 185 14 220 40 52 500 57 1,307 818 Nil 335 421 320 960 46 Nil 701 300 .122 2,000 559 35 001 200 305 450 912 Nil 174 313 410 .121 490 417 250 Nil 378 Nil 1,981 005 82 806 339 Nil 102 321,263 329,207 TAKAKA.COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Baigent, E. G, Takaka Baigent, Honry, Takaka Farm, Nelson Baigent, T. E., Takaka East Baigent, W. G, Takaka Baird, Charlos, Motupipi Baker, P., Uruwhenua .. ... Banco, Edward, Uppor Takaka Barlow, W. H., Hamama Bar-low, E. T., Hamama Barnett, A. H., Upper Takaka Barnett, Prank B., Upper Takaka Barnett, J. D., Takaka East 159 844 400 925 194 106 132 70 153 877 394 1,020 153 153 163 95 93 900 420 Nil 900 407 400
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30 , April 30, 1917. 1918. Takaka County-— continued. Barnett, J. D., Takaka East Barnett, W. A., Takaka East Beardmore, J. IL, Upper Takaka Beardmore, Robert, Upper Takaka Beardmore, W. G., Kotinga Beatson, Godfrey, Takaka Bird, W. J., Waitapu, Takaka Black and Sigloy, Awa-iti Brown, C. E., " Clifton," Takaka Brnning, L. G, Awa-iti.. Burt, A. T., Motupipi Byrne Bros., Takaka East Byrne Bros., Takaka East Byrne, Henry A., Kotinga Byrne, IL, Hamama Campbell, Charles, Waitapu Campion, W. and M., Takaka East Gate, A. H., Takaka ('ate, John, Terakohe Chapman, George, Upper 'Takaka Child, H. A. D., Anatimo Cobb, Daniel, Takaka East Cobb, F., Takaka East Coppell, H. 0., Motupipi Cotton, A. G, Uruwhenua Dodson, A. It., Takaka Dodson, Thomas, Kotinga Edgar, John D., Hamama Edmondson, If. V., Motupipi Edmondson, Mrs. E. A., Motupipi Edmondson, P. G, Motupipi Edmondson, Thomas, Motupipi Ellis, T. H., Motupipi .... Emms, Arthur, Takaka Eyles, P. H. A., Hamama Falconer, F. W., and Co. (Limited), Puramahoi Fauehcllc, Augustus H. (private bag), Uruwhenua Fauchelle, F. G, Takaka Feary, Hugh, Takaka Feary, John (Estate of), Takaka Feary, K. TL, Takaka Flowers, J. W., Puramahoi Foster, J. E., Uruwhenua Franklyn, J. and N. G., Takaka East Galey, G. H. arrd W. S., Uppor Takaka .. Gibbons, John, Hamama Gibbons, J. P., Hamama Gibbons, Rubon, Hamama Gibbs, J. S. and P. G, Takaka East Gibbs, Mrs. Rosa E., Awa-iti Gooch, E. A., Springsidc, Takaka Hadfield, P. G., Awa-iti, Awarua Hadfield, R. H , Hamama Hadfield, W. H., Awa-iti Hadfield, W. V., Awa-iti Hadfield, W. W., Awa-iti, Totaranui Hailes, G. J., Waitui Park. Upper Takaka Haines, G E., Uruwhenua Haldane, J. It., Takaka.. Harley, H., Motueka Harris, J. L., Ligar Bay, Tarakohe Harvey, E. W., Totaranui Harwood, C, and H., Anatimo Harwood, C, and II., Anatimo Harwood, G. A., Motupipi Harwood, G. A., Motupipi Harwood, G. A., Rock Glen, Motupipi Harwood, Mrs. R., Upper Takaka Henderson and Smith, Uppor Takaka HUI, Lewis, Takaka Hitchcock, George, Kotinga Hitchcock, Honry, Kotinga Hodgkinson, A., Takaka Horton, J. G, Takaka Hunter, Mrs. Mary A., Hamama Hyland, Richard, Takaka Fast .. Hyland, T. A., Takaka Hyland, Thomas, Takaka Ives, H., Puramahoi James, Frank, Puramahoi Johnson, Nelson, Uppor Takaka Kemp, -I., Puramahoi Kerr, Arthur P., Uruwhenua 300 573 560 310 187 38 45 100 1,780 148 558 37 303 101 925 51 00 782 1,095 120 80 267 49 115 57 152 270 100 545 174 81 35 294 383 44 289 147 93 100 925 301 (i!) 33 168 Nil 596 500 277 Nil 94 40 145 1,900 256 166 310 400 Nil 353 159 926 41 80 760 865 Nil 112 21 323 61 117 52 Nil 75 450 122 589 203 Nil Nil 444 328 51 317 151 Nil Nil 1,142 417 135 00 150 52 70 4 294 162 256 82 122 910 94 339 17 1,730 132 305 Nil 150 50 532 010 553 01 71 (iO 100 71 75 295 78 175 I 10 II 305 ' 130 204 Takaka County— continued. King, R. B., Motupipi Kissel, W. J., Motupipi Langford, A. E., Kotinga Langford, Ernest, Kotinga, Takaka Langford, P. V., Kotinga Lewis, A. P., Takaka East Lowis, Henry, Upper- Takaka Lewis, Henry, Upper Takaka Lindsay, James, Upper Takaka, Lindsay, J. P., Uruwhenua MacShane, Charlos, Anatimo MacShane, G. W., Tarakohe MacShane. G. W., Tarakohe ' .. Mai pas, Charlos, Motupipi Manson, G, Anatimo Minion, George, Motupipi Manson, Isaac J., Takaka Manson, James, Motupipi Manson, Robert, Anatimo, Takaka Manson, Robert, Anatimo, Takaka Manson, Thomas, Motupipi Manson, V., Anatimo Manson, William A., Motupipi MoCallum, A., Kotinga McFarlane, William T, Motupipi Moffitt, G. M., Takaka Fast Moran, Richard, Mutton Cove, Anatimo .. Moulder, Arthur, Kotinga, Takaka Moulder, Arthur J., Kotinga, Takaka Nalder, H., Motupipi Nalder, J. G, Motupipi Newlove, Leonard, Takaka Newport, W. J., Uruwhenua Packard, M. IT., Motupipi Packard, P. B., Motupipi Packard, It. A., Motupipi Page, John G., Takaka Painter, F. G., Upper Takaka .. Painter, R. L., Upper Takaka, Penney, W. J., Takaka Fast Pettorson, Mrs. H. M., Hamama Pollard, George, Takaka East Pollard, George, Takaka East Pratt, W. H„ Totaranui Puklowsky, G., Hamama Puklowsky, G. A., Hamama Ralston, J. L„ .Hamama Raynor, Henry, Hamama Riolly, Mrs. Alice F„ Box 9, Takaka Riordan Bros., Uruwhenua, Takaka Riordan, G E., Uruwhenua Riordan, E. W., Uruwhenua Robertson Bros., Anatimo Robinson, Alfred, Hamama Rogers, Charles, Upper Takaka Rogers, Georgo, Upper Takaka Rose, J. P., Takaka Rose, J. T., Uruwhenua Rosser, Edward, Uruwhenua Saycrs, John, Upper Takaka Scott, D. J., Takaka Scott, James, Uruwhenua Scott, .lames B., Takaka Scott, It., Uruwhenua Scott, Thomas, Upper Takaka Sixtus, O. W., Ngatimoti Small, W. T., Uruwhenua Smith, James, Uruwhenua Soper- Bros., Puramahoi Soper, Mrs. EnuTy, Puramahoi Sparrow, Eric, and Son, Uruwhenua Sparrow, H. and It., Uruwhenua. . Sparrow, R. W., Uppor Takaka Spittal, Alexander, jun., Takaka.. Spittal, IT. R., Uppor Takaka Spittal, Joseph W., Uruwhenua Spittal, W„ Takaka East Staples, William H., Motupipi Stent, A. E., Hamama Stent, Jesse, Hamama Stent, S. 0., Hamama Symes, Mrs. E. P., Takaka Walker, J. A., Hamama Walker, Mrs. Ellon, Puramahoi . . Walker, Norman P., Puramahoi . . 62 250 30 42 196 225 210 354 305 980 571 978 108 1,374 1,710 209 762 1,584 45 421 216 179 330 122 41 188 66 250 43 52 195 304 289 802 450 286 88 490 84 230 18 43 239 243 218 15 375 290 943 527 922 32 II I 1,500 55 1,590 Nil Nil J , 525 102 377 217 184 I 15 410 79 180 II 219 97 50 73 00 190 304 303 04 738 450 280 84 427 42 170 24 433 70 150 255 278 225 50 102 380 300 242 108 180 Nil 400 81 420 513 78 3 952 398 Nil 2,210 1,340 331 199 273 oo 313 1.400 70 70 358 239 72 121 109 i 121 35 303 120 5 282 102 250 125 162 908 76 360 20 1,632 110 274 291 570 155 272 215 24 253 380 408 200 170 107 64 347 407 432 107 610 000 53 00 29 117 143 70 313 43 232 13 11 300 992 187 7 2,174 1.320 304 18,8 253 80 300 I ,489 08 02 303 196 60 57 253
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Takaka County— -continued. Wallis, Harry, Motupipi Wari Homu, Puramahoi Wells, A. W., Takaka East Wilkinson, C. T. IT., Kotinga, Takaka Windle, J. E., Takaka Winter, Alexander Leo, Anatimo Winter Bros., Motupipi Winter, D. 0., Motupipi Winter, George, jun., Motupipi Winter, G, Motupipi Winter, John, Motupipi Winton, A., Upper Takaka 45 30 233 86 400 258 01 290 700 38 18 25 251 1.02 417 254 00 306 700 80 431 Collingwood County— continued. Tyreo, Frederick, Rockville Walker, Alexander, Ferntown Walker, James, Ferntown Walker, W. R., Puponga Wallace, A. J., Bainham White, E. J., Collingwood Win, P. J., Mangarakau Win, G., Mangarakau Win, Norman G., Mangarakau Win, W. G, Mangarakau 442 171 79 70 202 72 528 30 13 206 100 60 172 Nil 138 207 220 400 17,939 17,587 COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Nolson Subdivision). Addison and Aldridge, Mangarakau Allan, R. N., Collingwood Allan, William, Bainham, Collingwood Atkinson, W. K., Bainham Berry, Arthur, Aorere Carter, John W., Aorere Clear, Albert J., Rockville Cowin, A. and L,, Mangarakau Davidson, A. R., Pakawau Davidson, A. R., Pakawau Diamond, Mrs. J. (Estate of), Rockville . . Duncan, James R., Onekaka Exton, H. J., Collingwood Fergusson, W. P., Pakawau Field, A. G., Rockville Field, F. W., Rockville,. Field, Gordon, Pakawau Fillcul, R. G., Taupata, Collingwood Fleming, W. G, Pakawau Fletcher, A. IT., Collingwood Fletcher, R. N., Pakawau Flowers Bros., Pakawau Flowers, F. H., Pakawau Flowers, W. S , Collingwood Graham, G. J., Bainham Graham, L. W., Bainham Grant, Charles L., Rockville Harvey, A. J., Pakawau Harvey, George H., Co.T'ngwood.. Harvey, H. V., Pakawau Harvoy, S. W., Collingwood Harvey, T. E., Collingwood Heslop, Mrs. Emma, Rockville James George, Rockville Jamos, J. J. and K, L., Bainham King, S. W., Aorore Lammas, C. F., Bainham Langford, E. B., Bainham Lash, W. D., Rockville Lunn, James, Pakawau Moore, E. B. and P. (Pakawau Property), Nelson Newport, Joshua, Bainham Prouse Bros., Mangar'akau, Collingwood Richards, J. and E., Mangarakau Richards, J. H., Ferntown Riley, G. G, Collingwood Riley, G. W., Puponga .. Riley, John, jun., Collingwood Riley, R. P., Rockville .. Roach, J. P., Rockville Saunders Bros., Mangarakau Seaddcrr, A H., Collinjjwood Scrimgeour, A. R., Ferntown Scrimgeour, G. W. R., Collingwood Scrimgeour, W. D., Ferntown, Collingwood Shaw, W. J., Pakawau Skilton, A. G , arrd E. G. Thomason, Rockville Skilton, Herbert, Rockville, Collingwood .. Solly, Stephen, Rockville Solly, Walter, Ferntown Squire, J. S., Bainham, Collingwood Strange, John, Collingwood Strange, J. G, Collingwood 'league, G. IT., Bainham Tibbie, G. S., Bainham.. 55,429 329 533 171 193 215 1,1.08 1,204 40 201 0 000 162 12 207 420 45 833 717 44 37 109 38 20 31 87 94 139 192 50 78 . 1,4 92 07 55,621 82 030 218 117 194 33 4 550 03 1,183 232 0 Nil Nil 103 I I 242 418 35 913 727 47 51 219 Nil 48 8 30 102 08 102 Nil 72 08 10 89 80 5 290 179 1,395 BULLER COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Abbott, Cyril, Little Wanganui Allan, Richard, Charleston Ballard, Joseph, Little Wanganui Baker, A., Te Namu Bock, It., Westport Berry, John, Waimarie Blackburn, R., jun., Karamea Carey. Thomas, Birchfield Connor, Maurice, Karamea Cox, Herbert John, Kongahu Crebar, Harry, Little Wanganui Curtain Bros., Karamea, Buller De Filippi, Stefano, Three-channel Flat, Lyell Dellavedova, M., Three-channel Flat, Lyell Dickson, John, Cape Foulwind Dixon, J. M., Westport Elfdrd, Joseph, Karamea Fedderson, Frederick, Lyell Fensom, Joseph, Karamea Fischer, Carl Louis, Tiromoana Francis, Arthur W., Tiromoana .. Gibens, M., Karamea Griffiths, George, Birchfield, Westport Hardie, IT., Carter's Junction, Westport .. Harris, G. T., Karamea Herring, A. P., Cape Foulwind Hewetson and Tuce, To Namu Hill, Vernon, Little Wanganui Jennings, A. IT, Kongahu Johnson, Robert, jun , Karamea.. Johnstone, J., Waimangaroa Jones, Miss A., Kongahu Jordan. Jamos G, Miko Kelly, P., Kararnoa Lincham, Goorge, Arapito Lines, Job (Trustees of), Westport Llewellyn, Daniel, St. Helens, Buller Martin, W. H., Westport MoMa-ter, J. W., Miko Moars, Charles, Gile's Terrace Meehan, W. J„ Rotokohu Mosley Bros., Corby vale Nielson, H., Te Namu O'Brien, D. M., Tiromoana Organ, John, Nine-mile, Westport Persson, J. J,, Little Wanganui .. Pottingcr, J., Waimangaroa Rasmussen, C. L., Lyell, Buller Itatcliffe, W., Miko Roid, W. G, Tiromoana Simkin, John, Karamea Simpson, Harry, Little Wanganui Simpson, W., Karamea, Wostlind Smith, G E., Corby vale Smith, 1'. A., Waimarie Wall, Patrick, Cape Foulwind .. - Watson, Petrie, and Sice, Ngakawau Young, John, Little Wanganui 112 14 82 285 106 14 49 14 03 192 | 46 19 104 181 90 47 175 45 139 15 43 45 204 02 116 41 20 43 222 53 42 30 424 227 87 258 Nil 80 300 101 II Nil 10 It 51 30 58 II 150 209 00 Nil 150 (il 145 10 Nil 53 238 51 Nil Nil 32 22 Nil 257 98 52 24 280 192 11 97 249 14 45 52 Nil 158 81 46 35 51 45 05 500 Nil 52 (iO 40 105 00 273 171 1,389 98 94 21 91 03 45 95 30 1,200 100 340 1,142 1,011 43 257 110 340 28 44 593 89 40 1,204 110 100 131 458 1,057 1,005 44 220 120 344 48 48 080 25 38 58 01 400 197 58 37 15 105 4,840 4,924 1.02 7 29 355 152 20 33 430 430 180 142 158 MURCHISON COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Bachelor, A. N., Murchison Badcock, J., Katanga Baigent, Lyell, Owen Junction Bailey, G. P., Maruia Bailey, J, S., Braeburn, Tutaki 324 225 1,855 105 405 1 ,001 380 I , 875 199 444 494 148 168
12—H. 23.
No. of £ Iheep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1917. Murchison County— continued. Ball, Thomas, Maruia .. .. .. 110 Bartlett, W. H., Maruia Bastin, W., Box 27, Murchison .. .. 171 Bedell, W. H., Tho Lake .. .. 9 Boswiek, A., Longford Blaokadder, D., Reofton . . .. 223 BlackaddcrW., Maruia, via Reefton .. 768 Blechynden, J., Roundell, Tophousc, Mrrr- 403 chison Bredbury, Thomas, Ariki .. .. 177 Bunn, Henry, Mru-chison Bunn, James, Murchison Bunting, James, jun., Murchison .. 245 Bunting, James, Murchison .. .. 294 Burnett, F. M., Paenga .. .. 326 Burnett, F. M., Paenga .. .. 352 Burnett, William Henry, Longford .. 150 Burt, W. E., Glonhope .. .. .. 718 Cameron, John, Murchison .. .. 15 Clarke Bros., Warwick Junction .. .. 112 Cowcn, Harry, Murchison .. .. 121 Crowe, Robert, H., Tutaki .. .. 182 Cummings and Tomlinson, Tophouso .. 1,792 Davies, L. W., Owen Junction .. .. 132 Dermott and Hill, Tutaki .. .. 92 Dickson, P. J., Tutaki .. .. .. 597 Doney, W. P., Murchison .. .. 429 Downie, Charles, Murchison .. .. 312 Drummond, J. I)., Owen Junction .. 161 Dwan, P., Warwick Junction .. .. 150 Edwards, Mrs. E. A., Owen Junction .. 352 Esler, Samuel, Tutaki .. .. .. 740 Fannin, A. R., Ariki .. .. .. 233 Farrell, Owen, Owen Junction .. .. 132 Flower, A. and H., Longford .. .. 941 Geater, G F., Owen Junction .. .. 235 Gibbs, Alfrod, Longford Gibbs, B. A., Longford .. .. .. 239 Gibbs, Dennis, Warwick Junction .. 200 Gibbs, G. A., Longford .. .. .. — Gibbs, R. G, Warwick Junotion .. .. 120 Gibson, E. G., Paenga, Arika, Murchison .. 92 Gilroy, Jamos, Owen Junction .. .. 384 Harris Bros., Paonga, .. .. .'. 122 I lill, Louis, Murchison .. .. .. 183 Hodges, V. S., Murchison .. .. —. Hodgkinson, J. W., Murchison Hodgkinson, Miss A., Murchison .. .. 50 Hodgson, H., Murchison .. .. 837 Holman, A., Ariki .. .. .. 40 Hunter, Andrew, Bullock Creek, Westport Hunter, Mrs. M., Fern Flat .. .. 200 Hyde, Arthur, Katanga \. .. 155 Irvine, Goorgo, Owen Junction .. .. 354 Jamos, E., Paenga .. .. .. 421 James, Edward, Paenga .. .. 120 James, John, Upper Matakitaki Johanscn, Peter, Newton Flat .. .. 92 Kerr, E. G., Murchison .. .. .. j 788 Kr'nnear and Davis, Upper Matakitaki .. 2,322 Lammas Bros., Katanga Lester Bros., Murchison .. .. 284 Lester, Frederiok Goorgo, Matakitaki . . 81 Lester, P., Warwick Junction .. .. 186 Lester, W. J., jun,, Maruia .. .. 913 Lester, W. J., Murchison .. ■. 274 Lodge, R. H., Tutaki .. .. .. 248 Lynch, C. and O. J., Murchison .. .. 193 Major, H. J., Tutaki .. .. .. 424 Matheson, D., Katanga.. .. .. 350 McAuliffe, T. P., Tutaki .. ... 20 McCaa, George, Tutaki.. .. .. , 234 MeNee and Co. (Limited), Uppor Matakitaki McNee, J. R., Uppor Matakitaki .. 210 MoNee, R. J., Upper- Matakitaki McWha, Frank, Murchison .. .. 31 McWha, F. R., Paenga .. .. .. 150 Mitchell, W., Warwick Junction.. .. 174 Monahan, A. G., Paenga .. .. 257 Monahan, Hugh, Paonga .. .. 150 Moorr, Charles, Tutaki .. .. .. 334 Morel Bros., Murchison.. .. .. 37!) Morel, C. G, Murchison .. • ■ 442 Morel, T. O., Tutaki .. .. .. 1,536 Nalder, Eric, P.O., Ariki .. .. 41 Kit) 255 105 400 144 Nil 920 1,114 224 65 134 212 303 203 139 130 863 20 199 101 300 1,802 120 142 Nil 485 30!) 142 Nil 358 1,054 300 127 1 ,047 239 192 1.08 200 14 135 07 381 200 173 212 01 38 815 53 109 50 Nil Nil 166 351 197 99 779 2.512 92 400 70 Nil 902 273 1,391 102 605 204 21 366 410 Nil 300 81 128 202 260 200 Nil 379 112 I .088 81 Murohison County— continued. Neame, Mrs. Maude A., Longford Negri, R., Fern Plat Newman, F. L., Owen Junction Newman, T., Owen River (privato bag),Nelson Norris, E., Warwick Junction Norris, H., Warwick Junotion Norris, William H., Warwick Junction O'Brien, C. G. S. and C. P., Murchison .. O'Brien, C. G. S., Murchison O'Brien, Thomas, Ariki. . O'Connor, P., Tutaki .. O'Connor, It., Tutaki, Murchison O'Rourke, Dominiok, Murchison.. Oxnam, A. J., Longford Oxnam, David W., Tutaki Oxnam, E. D., Longford Oxnam, John, Longford Oxnam, 0. B., Longford Oxnam, 0. L., Longford Page, Frederiok, Tutaki Palmer, P., Katanga .. .. Palmer, H. V., Six-mile, Murchison Peacock, N. J. H„ Fern Flat Peacock, R. Or., Ariki Poultor, William George, Maruia Prebble Bros., Upper Matakitaki Rait, J. and J., Owen Junction Rees, D. L., Tutaki Reid, John, Matakitaki.. Richards, H. J., P.O., Tiromoana Roberts, J. S., Ariki Rodgers, W. J„ Tutaki Salmond, A., Ariki Sewell, D. L., Longford Spiers, B. F., Fern Flat Stewart, H. J., Tutaki Sutherland, IL P., Murchison Symonds, B. L., Ariki Symonds, Ronald L., Ariki Thomas, James, Owen Junotio:. .. Thomas, John, Owen Junotion Thompson and Heath, Ariki Thomson Bros, (private bag), Murchison .. Thomson, W. B. and A., Murchison Walker, J. and G., Maruia Warne, L., Longford Watson, F. P., Tutaki Westbrook, J., Ariki Whale, George, Sunnyburn, Murchison Whittem, James (Estate of), Tutaki Williscroft, F. W., Maruia Willetts, J. M„ Owen Junction Wills, William J., Murchison Win, E. E., Maruia Win, H. IL, Katanga Win, L. It., Owen Junction Win, Mrs. Rose, Owen Junotion Win, 0. G., Murchison Win, Ronaid, Owen Junction Win, W. S., Katanga Woodford and Robinson Bros,, Longford.. Wood ham, G., Murchison 152 19 19 209 198 1,200 657 878 800 325 295 203 1.563 Nil 1,030 54 77 035 005 357 598 85 Nil 310 800 167 452 500 NU 202 250 800 800 530 784 877 704 66 85 118 122 677 820 538 054 54 70 335 j 591 923 1,100 280 : 244 132 279 27 176 279 394 455 45 70 50 03 73 Nil 94 1,332 204 205 107 147 70 90 1.72 104 73 254 1,436 1,489 68 50 1,413 1,715 .125 Nil 303 320 76 91 91 100 510 550 285 415 164 208 35 220 300 329 24 24 25 782 760 240 184 334 314 204 531 209 10 157 92 47,355 54,089 INANGAHUA COUNTY (In Wcstland Subdivision). Alborn and Inwood, Inangahua Junction. . Anderson, 1). M., Glenburnie, Reefton Archer, F. A. G, Capleston Boll, James, Reefton Brazil, John, Cronadun Buckland, H. J., Cronadun Craig, Robert, Crushington Dick, John, Reefton Doig Bros., Blackwatcr h'iizgorald, John, Ikamatua Gilmer, Isabella, Waitahu, Reefton Jaoobs, T. and G, Ikamatua Jones, H. T., Rotokohu Jones, James, Ikamatua McCormaok, Mrs. J. M. E„ Cronadun McElwee, J., Mia-Mia, Reefton .. Mclnroc, A. J., Ikamatua Mclnroe, G. B., Ikamatua 38 90 9 102 163 188 023 304 108 180 3 3 26 Nil 277 300 323 230 553 118 61 79 587 520 66 Nil 400 253 58 66 175 111 104 104 65 08
No. of Sheep on No. of S Iheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1917. I April 30, 1918. Inanoah va County— -continued. McLennan, John, Hukarere McMahon, John, Rotokohu MoMahon, Torrance, Rotokohu McMahon, Timothy, Cronadun Meehan, W. J., Rotokohu, Inangahua Mirfin, W. C, Ikamatua Murray, Michael (private bag), Hinau O'Donnoll, Timothy, Cronadun O'Grady, W„ Reefton O'Mallcy, William, Ikamatua O'Regan, J. J., Mangahua Landing O'Regan, John, Cronadun Palmer, A. J., Hukarere Pascoo, Simon, Rotokohu Pedrazzi, L., Mawhcraifi Pedrazzi, Louis, Mawheraiti Prendergast, J. It., Ikamatua Rea, Hugh Thomas, Hukarere Roberts, T. and It., Reefton Rogers, Bernard, Capleston Schwass, E,, Rotokohu Silcock, J. H., Cronadun Smith, A., Inangahua Junction Taylor, Hugh, Inangahua Junction Walsh, Patrick end John, Crushingtou, Reefton Watson, T. R., Crushington Williams, J., Waitahu, Reefton Wright, Stephen, Capleston 209 20 40 117 003 328 141 54 1 ,042 1,212 840 1,050 525 116 150 58 20 177 350 194 357 00 181 Nil Nil 41 99 14 613 252 176 79 2,000 196 121 1,700 20 948 NU 424 20 141 47 15 182 22 5 280 355 66 152 Geey County— -continued. Inchbonnie Estate (c/o J. Searle; Manager), Inchbonnie Jacob, George, Rotomanu Keating, M., Briiuucrton Kennedy, Mrs. Mary, Ahaura Kennedy, Patrick, Totara Flat Kidd, D., Moonlight, via Blackball Lawrence, G., Kumara Lees, Thomas, Ahaura Long, Clifton, Ot:irau Maokley.S.M., Noble's.. Mallinson, G., Aratika Mallinson, W., Dunganville Malone, J. J., Hohonu Martyn, John, Hohonu McAulay, Mrs. L. J., Ahaura McDonald, Alexander, Totara Flat McDonnell Bros., Totara Flat McGrath, M., Greymouth McLaughlin, Hugh, Totara Plat McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary Jane, Ngahere Meara, Michael, Totara Flat Molloy Bros., Kotuku Morel, A. E., Hohunui, via Kumara Morgan, W. P., Greenstone Murray, Andrew, Totara Plat Murray, Andrew, " Kopara," Totara Flat .. Neweombe Bros., Ikamatua Nicholas, M., Hohonu O'Brien, Mrs. M. A., Nelson Creek O'Shanessy, John, Ahaura Poschich, R. W., Barrytown Poschich, Thomas, Barrytown Quinn, Augustus, Ikamatua Reinheimor, P., Noble's.. Richards, T. P., Barrytown Robertson, James, No Town Robinson, A., Rotomanu Ryan, E., Ngahere Ryan, Michael, Rotomanu Ryall, John, Barrytown Savage, Edward, Totara Flat Searle, John, Inchbonnie Shail'rcy, M. J., Inchbonnie Shanahan, Denis, Greymouth Simpson, J., Punakaiki, Greymouth Smith, P. H. B., Ahaura Sprott, Mark, and Co., Greymouth Steer, Jesse, Greymouth Te Kinga Land and Timber Company (c/o W. H. Tucker, Manager), Te Kinga Tindalo, Benjamin, Marsderr Tobin, Michael, Nolson Creek Ward, James, Ahaura White, James P., Ahaura , Young, William, Totara Flat .1,217 28 200 504 288 162 303 106 2,212 1.261 270 321 45 40 338 306 37 45 82 172 332 567 12 270 113 32 ITS 114 159 31 116 81 53 681 01 284 1.72 350 447 12 50 118 317 2,048 250 23 271 533 371 I5S 410 105 2,844 1,358 333 334 Nil Nil 336 240 70 120 72 179 305 307 51 30 360 120 234 42 46 138 148 21 122 95 39 500 73 294 204 272 120 30 53 108 321 8 175 835 12,078 11,182 GREY COUNTY (In Westland Subdivision). Allen, R. J. and W. A., Nelson Creek Aphed and Dale, Barrytown Archer, G, Granville Aynslcy, M. A., Otarau.. Baldoek, Frank A., Orwell Creek, Ahaura.. Barr, C. W., Ngahere Baty, Jacob, Coal Creek Baybutt, Daniel, Ahaura Becker, E. !L, Te Kinga Begg, William 'Thomas, Totara Flat, Blackman, F. W., Cameron's Blank, W. P., Ahaura Brown, —, Ahaura Bruhn, A., Rutherglon Burrows, John, Ahaura.. Butler, Osmond, Kahikatea Buttola, Mrs., Poerua Calwell and Wilson, Cameron's Campbell Bros., Kopara, Ahaura Clayton, W., Ahaura Coates, W. J. (Executors of), Greymouth .. Connor, M., Ahaura Corcoran, Mrs. Mary, Ahaura Cowan, James, Rotomanu Craig, Thomas, Ahaura Cunningham Bros., Jackson's Cunningham, J. J., 14 Marlborough Street, Linwood, Christehurch Dennehy, W. J., Barrytown Donaldson, Joseph, Ngahere Donnellan, Patrick, Nelson Creek Doolan, John, Totara Flat , .. Doolau, J. P., Totara Flat Fensom, Albert, Kumara Fensom, E. A., Kumara Fisher, W., Nelson Creek Foley, E., Kumara Gamble, E., No Town .. Gilmer, IL, Totara Flat Grant, H. J., Cameron's Green and Meyer, Jackson's Green, J. G., Barrytown Green, Mary J., Totara Plat, Halpin, J. J., Totara Flat Hamer, Prico, Ahaura Hannah, Allan. Granville Healy, Michael, Ngahere Hodgkinson, Hugh E., Rotomanu Home Bros., Haupiri, Ahaura Howsorr, J. S., Ahaura Ilton, J., Dunganville 122 27 54 27 280 30 141 301 77 1,060 5.14 81 176 160 828 194 1,652 393 785 211 503 48 276 535 472 143 32 23 Nil 280 20 51 70 120 200 80 908 506 95 138 172 558 320 1,585 276 787 140 764 29 129 436 Nil WESTLAND COUNTY (In Westland Subdivision). Adamson, IT. H., Harihari Adamson, J., Harihari Adamson, Robert, Matainui Anderson, J., Ross Anderson, William A., Waitaha .. Andrews Bros., Hokitika Atkinson, Clarence, Three-mile, Arahura Road Baird, Jane, Lowor Kokatahi Baiicke, F. D. (Trustees of), Kanieri Berry, William, Herepo Biddington, A. E., Callaghan's Bonar, V. W. M., Hokitika Boyle, Michael, Bowen Road, Ross Burroughs, J., Matainui Butler, John, and Co., Matainui Carroll, Michael, Weheka Chin, Mrs. E. J., Waitaha Chinn, W. H., Matainui Clare, Mrs., Ross Collott, John, Matainui Condon Bros., Maintain Cooper, A. T., Matainui Cropp, John, Koiterangi 20,764 13 444 59 23 480 00 17 28,643 75 30 580 44 18 25 40 42 08 550 57 55 377 177 10 470 130 60 42 60 53 731 07 00 304 161 32 333 155 300 130 15 543 352 08 290 60 450 493 37 603 1,220 202 255 40 180 97 1,100 1,190 222 372 175 215 102 10 653 252 62 187 61 400 466 30 102 22 07 146 378 816 60 198 238 6 120 1,009 51 42 102 171 728 25 05 131 Nil 871 50 200 268 14 201 1,008 45 31
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Westland County— continued. Cropper, J., Waitaha .. ... Crowley, J., Hoho Gumming, A., Kanicri Deakin, W., Waitaha Dehn, A., Matainui Diodrichs, D., Koiterangi Diodrichs, H. G„ Lower Kokatahi Diodrichs, John, Harihari Dimmick, J. M., Koiterangi Douglas, Robert, Waitaha EcclcsScld, Thomas A.., Lower Kokatahi .. Eggling, A., Okuru Evans, G, Waitaha Ferguson, S. G., Ferguson's Fergusson, John, Harihari Fitzgerald Bros., Wainihinihi Ford, Thomas, Ross Friend, J. S., Matainui Friend, Norman, Okarito Gardener, H., Ross Gardiner, John, Ross George, Laurie, Arahura Gibb Bros., Waikukupa.. Gibb, E., Waikukupa Graham Bros., Waiho Gorge Graham, John, Lower Kokatahi Griffen, Ambrose, Wainihinihi Haddock, Edward, Herepo Haddock, P. J., Hcrepo.. Haile, Henry, Golf-links, Hokitika Hansbury, J., Ross Hanson, P., Hondo's Perry Harcourt, R. A., Box 71, Hokitika Harcourt, R. A., Koiterangi Harris, Thomas, Humphrey's Harris, William H., Huhuka, via Ross Haste, Roland, Matainui Havill, P., Kanieri Forks Hende, Carl, Hondo's Ferry Hende, H. H. and J. W., Hende's Ferry .. Hende, Jamos, Hondo's Ferry Heveldt, H., Matainui Houliston, R., Lower Kokatahi Hutchison, D. J., Kanieri Hyndham, R., Wataroa Jackson, Thomas, Jackson's Jackson, Wilhelmina, Aiekcn's Johnston, Hugh,, Kokatahi Jones, W. F., Hokitika Karnbach, Henry, Kokatahi Katau, G., Bruco Bay Kelly, J., Lower Kokatahi Lafferty, Charles, Waitaha Lock and Morris, Kanieri Lopas, Mrs. Mary, Ross Lyes, George, Lower- Kokatahi Manera, John, Ross Manera, Joseph, Pukekura Manzoni, John, Callaghan's Manzoni, Joseph, Cailaghan's McBride, A. and T., Matcinui McBride, James, Matainui McGowan, Hugh, Waitaha McGregor, John, Waitaha Mcintosh, G. G, Ruatapu Mcintosh, J. J.. Hokitika McQuilken, P., Kanicri McQuillan, Mary, Kanieri Meharry, A., jun., Upper Kokatahi Meharry, J. G., Lower Kokatahi.. Michel, H. L., Koiterangi Millson, Phoebe IT., Kumara Minchan Bros., Harihari Mitchell, John, Ross Morel, L., Lowor Kokatahi Morgan, William, Greenstone Morris, James, Kokatahi Moynihan, Mrs., Lower Kokatahi Muir, Mrs. Janet, Ross Mulveney, J. J., Mahitahi Murphy, Joseph Patrick, Dillmanstown .. Neame, Frank, Kumara Nicholas, M., Hohonu Nightingale, C. J,, Hokitika Nolan Bros., Okura 36 130 51 68 664 1,019 201 83 331 253 00 39 144 602 153 10 154 358 304 241 201 102 72 460 455 151 100 857 792 112 182 98 27 185 054 312 200 .124 31 426 412 300 31 Nil 143 60 00 735 897 824 170 384 322 100 79 192 654 224 Nil 146 415 308 Nil 79 287 222 108 104 931 107 524 112 93 58 857 596 128 302 135 29 240 (549 210 242 130 38 424 411 304 261 97 477 122 105 92 81 1.4 Nil 202 54 45 Nil 470 225 21 511 142 202 37 29 405 245 150 156 141 222 55 595 75 240 17 50 58 150 Nil 105 933 Westland County— continued. Nolan, James, Okura Nolan, Tom, Matainui O'Connor, J. J., Matainui O'Noill Bros., Dry Creek, Tetaho O'Noill, Thomas, Lower Kokatahi Ogilvie, S. C. Lowor Kokatahi Olderog, W., Box 27, Hokitika Olson, John, Hokitika Owens, W. T. H., Kanieri Passmore, W., Kumara Patrick, William, Tatare Pcrera and Sim, Ross Rea, G. P., Ross Rea, G. P., Ross Ronton, Paul IT, Hokitika Reynolds, H. J., Waitaha Ritchie, John, Kumara Ritchie, R. and W., Makawiho, Bruce Bay Robinson, W. H., Kokatahi Scease, Jacob, Karangarua Scott and Mcintosh Bros., Karangarua .. Searle, W., and Sons, Hcrepo Sheriff, Mrs. M. S., Hotolkeeper, Blue Spur Sims, John, Ross Smith, James, Koiterangi .. Smith, Mrs. J. T. R., Koiterangi Smith, William, Matainui Stewart, Samuel, Goldsborough Stewart, W. IL G., Kumara Stuart and Chapman, Box 16, Hokitika .. Sullivan Bros., Weheka Thompson, Mrs. Jennie, Karangarua Thomson, James, Okarito Thomson, James, Ross Thomson, W., Ross Torley, Prank, Goldsborough Treaoy, Miss E. M. J. B. G, Kumara Trembath, John, Waitaha Urquhart and Wright, Pukekura Wall, William, Herepo Wallace, James, Wataroa Walsh, Jamos, Weheka Williams, Fred G., Weheka WUson, G., Kumara Junction Wogan, W., Lower Kokatahi Woodham, A. IL, Harihari 604 156 200 248 177 .199 115 00 333 l'ooe 310 78 24 72 283 573 48 1,108 08 100 35 398 119 163 915 723 151 III 152 122 25 696 55 27 (il 843 145 252 200 002 34 219 263 277 48 3 125 60 574 852 Nil Nil 95 18 07 30 222 215 31 1,013 70 49 413 63 50 370 138 180 910 704 154 113 170 152 27 880 82 36 36 156 61 685 152 362 212 34,072 38,264 400 91 01. 82 30 0 7 165 55 30 446 227 25 577 151. 302 38 25 450 404 160 133 SOUNDS COUNTY (In Marlborough Subdivision). Admoro, IT. E., Box 09, Blenheim Aikman, C. G, Endeavour Inlet Anderson, J. G., Mahau Archer, Peter, Tuna Bay, Elaine Bay Ashton, J. H., Waitaria Bay, Kenepuru .. Ashton, Thomas, Kenepuru Head Baldick, Alfred, Rodhough Baldick, D. IL, Maraitai, Hitaua.. Baldick, Mrs. E. (c/o H. Baldick), Blumine Island, Picton Baldick, William H., Blumine Island, Picton Barton Bros., Ngakuta, Port Underwood .. Baxter, H. J. and A. Francis, Erie, Te Weka Beauchamp, Mrs. H., Anikiwa, Picton Beech, F. j., Kenepuru Head Beech, G. O., Picton Berg Bros., East Bay, Otanerau Black, J. H., Tira Ora .. Blyth, Arthur, Waihohonu Borck, Charlos, Maori Bay Bowden Bros., Drydcn's Bay, Pictorr Brown, H. R., Elaine Bay Campbell, Mrs. P. G, Elaine Bay Climo, James P., Manaroa Coster, L. E., Punaruawhiti Crump, Rov. J., Ocean Bay, Port Underwood Daken, Frank, Haftahaka, Port Underwood Daken, Mrs E., Opihi, Whangakoko Daken, Mrs. Maggie, Whangakoko Daken, Mrs Maggie, Whangakoko Dawkins, K. G., Hikoekoea, Pioton Derbyshire, A. H., Onapua Downes, J., Tira Ora Erskine, W. T., Bolton Bay, Mahau 466 413 30 1,675 1,068 247 139 468 530 1,000 454 746 2,622 404 454 407 30 1,540 1,105 350 125 473 535 1,238 039 792 2,424 150 Nil 497 649 400 500 1,500 89 290 497 535 474 342 571 304 1,250 404 204 Nil 1,100 482 700 456 374 1,442 68 339 217 125 546 66 298 532 458 400 687 41 37 150 191 110 1,150 1,263 540 199 388
No, of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Sounds County— continued. Foil Bros., Nikau Bay, Maori Bay Flood, A. L., Deifienbaoh Point, Sounds Flood, A, L., Kiiutunui (privato bag), Picton Flood, J. T., TeWeka .. Foote, A. R., P.O., Nydia Bay Foote, D. W., Homewood Foote, E. A., Te Rawa Foote, J. D., Wilson's Bay, Tc Rawa Foster, W. G., Onahau, Picton Foster, W. S., Box 6, Picton Godsiff, G. IL, St. Omer Godsiff, 0. H. N., St. Omer Godsiff, I). H., Waitaria, Portage Godsiff, G. N. P., Broken Hill, St. Omor .. Godsiff, Mrs. H. E., Manaroa Good, S. J. D., Waitaria Gould, John, Nydia Bay Gould, William, Nydia Bay Gray, Charles, Whatanihi Grccnsill, B. T. R„ Mahau Grccnsill, E. T., Otanerau Grccnsill, W. J. H., Homcbush, Wharohunga Grccnsill, W. J. H., Wharohunga, Picton .. Guard Bros., French Pass Guard, Edward, Kakapo Bay, Port Underwood Cullery, S. J., Picton Gullory, T. J., Lochmara, Picton Hamilton, Walter, Tira Ora Hancock, Mrs. Margaret, Blaokrook, Portage, P.O-, Kenepuru Harris Bros., Pohuenui Harris Bros., The Head, Kenepuru Harris, Stephen, Endeavour Inlet Harvey, E. N., Elaine Bay Harvey, I. N., and Sons, Manaroa Harvoy, J. W., Waitaria Harvey, Nathan, Clova Bay, Manaroa Harvoy, W. H., Tira Ora Hay, E., Titirangi, Hikoekoea Hayson and Vipond, Resolution Bay Hebberd, Joseph, Onahau, Picton Heberley, Arthur, Te Awaite Heberley, Henry, Te Awaite Heberley, J. T„ Yellaton, Picton Hemi, Edwin, Okoha Henderson, A., Waitaria Henderson, J. D., Waitaria Henderson, W. P., Waitaria Honderson, W. P., Waitaria Bay Hill Bros., Ngakuta, Port Uhderwoi d Hocquard, A. and P., Louis Bay, Tc Puru Hoera Teruruka, Whareatea Bay.. Hope, Albert, Admiralty Bay, French Pass Hope Bros., French Pass Hope, F. and R., French Pass Hope, Maurice, French Pass Hope, Maurice, Rocky River, Nelson Hope, O. R. H., Elaine Bay Huntiy, Edward, Blackwood Bay, Picton Jackson, H. W., Kilmarnoch, To Awaite.. Jackson, Jamos, Tory Channel, Tc Awaitc.. Johnson, G. S., Mahau Johnson, Lewis (c/o Kapowai), French Pass Jones, T. D., Pukekoikoi Karcro, Watcno, Onauku Keenan, Mrs. M., Te Awaite Kellor, F. P., Wairangi Kennington, J. (Trustee), Spring Creek Kenny, G. A., Okukari, Te Awaite Keyworth, Mrs. M., Black Point, Whatanihi Laird Bros., Elaine Bay, Picton Lane, F. S., D'Urville Island, Cape Stovcn Lawrence, W. A., Crail Bay Levin and Seaton, Punaruawhiti, Kenepuru Heads Love, B. and W., Otonga, Picton Love Bros, (c/o Dawkins and Townsen'd), Pioton Love, Hector, Onauku Love, M. and J., Pictoir Maclean, Geoffrey, Motuara Island (private bag), Picton Manihara, W., Portage, Kenepuru Heads .. Maseficld, W. N. and E. M., Manaroa 1,550 570 570 100 1.918 400 1,724 714 255 605 1,241. 287 821 303 153 189 700 1.932 649 600 1,130 420 564 857 494 523 11,657 1.893 99 426 1,433 154 1,833 24 10.968 142 222 963 850 809 283 420 1,070 774 422 1,045 1,110 200 486 701 1,418 152 610 20 143 483 2,020 723 33 07 679 200 918 283 1,520 074 I 1,491 Nil 050 155 115 1,839 600 1.415 Nil 390 253 508 1,169 332 787 262 100 205 Nil 1,538 000 400 1,516 400 560 002 862 503 500 12,454 1,825 91 401 1,208 215 1,800 27 10,160 131 253 907 914 I ,109 285 408 998 440 790 Nil 1,100 200 501 749 I ,308 Nil Nil Nil 142 479 2,830 889 100 70 685 122 800 293 1,780 72 J 209 2,980 410 3,370 Sounds County— continued. McCauloy, IL, Chctwood Island, Brriwcr .. McCormick, Donald, Picton McCormick, Donald, Watamunga, Pioton .. McCormick, IT., Portago, Picton McCormick, H. A., Torca, Picton.. McLauchlan, J. G, Ravenscliffe, Pioton .. McMahon, G. F. (Endeavour Inlet Property) Portage McMahon, G. P., Taradale, Portage McMahon, G. P., Taradale, Portage MoManaway, 'I'. D., Hikockoca McNabb, G., Crail Bay McNabb, Mrs. Frances, Fairy Bay, Crail Bay Mills and Mills, Brightlands Mills, G H. and P. E., Brightlands Mills, Irvine, Eli Bay, Crail Bay, P.O., Hopai Mills, Ralph, Hopai Molita and Co., D'Urville Island, Waitai, French Pass Monro, P. 1)., Port Underwood (postal address, Blenheim) Monro, Mrs. H. T., Dartmoor, Picton Morris, Pero, Ruakaka, Picton Neal, G W., St. Omer Neamc, P., Mahau Nisbot, A. W. (c/o F.C. Fell), P.O., Maori Bay Norton, Miss K., Te Awaite Orchard, Mrs. Ellen, St. Omer Palmer, IT. A. and A. IT, Whatanihi Patete, IL, Picton Paton, Edward F., Nydia Bay Perano, Mrs. E. A., Picton Piko, Cyril G, Stoke, Nelson Puikham, Mrs. A. E , Shakespeare Bay Pullman, Ada, Resolution Bay Redwood, J. H., Okoha Reeves, William, Punaruawhiti Rhodes, R. Heaton, Resolution Bay, .Picton Roach, Pctor, Double Bay, St. Omer Roadley, D. IL, Nydia Bay Robb, J. L., St. Omer Rogers, G. L., Waimaru, Mairaroa Rogers, Mrs. M. G, Manaroa Rulfell, IT., Picton Saurrderson, J. H., Mahau Seymour, W., South-east Bay, Homewood Simpson, T. W., Wairangi Smith, ,I. M., Maori Bay Smith, T. W., Hikoekoea Snook, J. H., French Pass Snook, L., French Pass.. Snook, Nelson, Tho Cove, French Pass Stace, H. J., Tokomaru, Picton Stuart, D. A-, Elaine Bay Stuart, W. J., French Pass Stuart, W. J., Otarawao 'Tapp, L. It., Ruakaka Bay, via Picton Ten-ill and Lawson, Robin Hood Bay Toms Bros., Te Awaite Topp, Mrs. Mary, Hopewell, St. Omer TosswiU, A., Tahuna, Nelson Tosswill, E. J., Stoke, Nelson Tosswill, E. J., Tira Ora Turner Bros., Waitata Bay Turner, C. H., and Co., Ravenscliff, Picton Turner, R. K, Waitata Bay Turner, R. S., Admiralty Bay Ure, W., Waikawa, Picton Ure, William, Picton Walker Bros., Nydia Bay, Havelock Walker, William, Anakoha, Okoha Ward Bros., Te Puru Wastney, Edmund, The Rocks, Ngakuta, Picton Watson, Karira, jun., Onauku Watson, Mrs. Catherine, Onahuku Webb, J. J., Laverique Bay, Manaroa Webber, W. T., and Son, Elmslie's Bay, French Pass Wells, Charles E., Waikawa Bay Wells, D. E., Tamure, Picton Wells, F. A. L., Waikawa Bay, French Pass Wolls, G. G., Four-fathom Bay, Tamure .. Wolls, Goorgo, Waikawa Bay, French Pass Wolls, Joseph H., Maori Bay, Polorus Sound 700 508 400 691 704 450 555 2,338 500 511 112 750 2,760 1,661 1.338 3,300 1,498 323 56 42 65 1,096 130 196 618 2,200 057 2.082 560 872 44 104 160 782 964 153 284 445 873 335 420 155 360 457 1,04.1 1,400 2,040 2,200 850 I ,099 300 Nil 711 723 375 355 2,222 'ooo 450 80 750 2,700 1,051 1,224 3,300 1,575 Nil 109 46 69 1,054. 51 1.15 891 322 591 454 2,132 50 000 2,089 Nil 950 12 125 184 787 900 119 287 428 891 350 459 02 280 470 Nil 1,930 2,325 Nil 112 1,193 505 71 1,600 5,1.92 Nil 2,020 1,093 980 2,790 232 229 1,189 322 3,235 912 426 127 1,695 5,200 5,200 2,400 1,318 900 9.900 180 956 322 3,152 1,838 3,040 340 3,119 421 383 1,570 2,851 563 526 1,797 3,007 393 730 283 450 211 123 100 247 Nil 112 2,245 300 1,396 450 698 400 1,980 390 Nil 400 771 408 73 2,058 197 2,000
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 3( 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. Sounds County— continued. Wells, W. R. 0., Port Goro, Hikoekoea .. White, Mrs. J., Hitaua Wiggins and Brown, Port Hardy, French Pass Wilson, A. D., Pokokini, Homewood Winn, R., Maori Bay Woodman Bros., French Pass Woolley, Aloxander (c/o E. A. Schenkel, P.O.; Havelock) (Mahau Property) MARLBOROUGH COUNTY (In Marlborough Subdivision). Adams Bros. (Limited), Blenheim Adams, P. and G. H., Blonhoim Adams, William, Langley Dale, Blenheim.. Adams, Sydney, New Renwick Road, Blenhoim Ahern, William, " The Glen," Canvastown .. Aldridge, W. S., Wairau Bar, Blenhoim .. Allan, Robert, Drumclog, Blonhoim Alquist, Axel, Canvastown Alsop, J. H., Omaka, Blenheim Anderson, G, Onamalutu Anderson, J. H., Onamalutu Anderson, Mrs. E. A., Onamalutu Anderson, P. W., Flat Creek Anderson, WiUiam, Rai Falls Andrew, G. H., Birch Hill Androws, Cyril, Evansdale, Havelock Suburban Arrstiss, J. 0., Wairau Valley Armstrong, J. G., Seddon Atkinson, W. H., Hillersden Rural, Blenheim Atwood, G. H„ Flat Creek .. Aubry Bros., Picton Avery, A. N., Fairhall, Blenheim Barnett, A. W., Raydalo, Tuamarina Barr, R., Wairau Bar, Blenheim.. Barron, C. J., Wairau Valley Bartlett, A. E., Fabian's Valley Bartlett, Edwin, Long Valley, Havelock Suburban Bartlett, George, Fabian's VaUey Bartlett, J. H., Fabian's Valley Barton, Albert, Onamalutu Barton, John, Onamalutu Barton, J. T., Leefield, Blenheim Bary, John, Terrace Farm, Renwiektown.. Bary, L. J., Raglan, Tophouse Batty, John, Dillon Point Road, Blenheim Bcagley, N. A., Wairau Valley Beatson, Robert, Clovernook, Blenheim .. Bell, Adam, Box 124, Blcnhoim Boll, Robort, J., Bortcgol, Blcnhoim Boll, William, Flaxmere, Blenheim Bell, William, Valleyfleld, Blenheim Bisholl, D., Caythorpe, Blenheim Black, D. H., Hillersden Blaok, John, Loatham (private bag), Blenheim Blick, Arthur, Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Blick, Bonjamin, Blenheim Blick, .fosse, Blenheim Blick, WiUiam, Blenheim Bonnington, C. J., Wairau Valley Bonnington, Frank, Te Rou Bonnington, George, Te Rou Bonnington, Miss Jessie, Wairau Valley .. Bonsor, E. H., Fabian's Valley Booker, William, Onamalutu' Boon, William, Picton Borck, C. and D., Kaiuna, Havelook Botham, C. and G., Tuamarina Bown, John, jun., Rai Falls Bown, John (Executors of), Canvastown .. Bown, Misses F. E. and L. E., and Mrs. A. M. Ward, Canvastown Boyce, R. W., Rapaura Boyes, A. R., Tuamarina Bragg, Nathaniel, Koromiko Bragg, William, Koromiko Bright, W.J., Para Bright, W. J., Para, Koromiko Broadbridge, G. H., Wairau Valley Brooks, William, Renwiektown 338 230 3,837 1,132 500 2,913 187 191,422 501 007 0,891. 434 102 281 170 101 108 212 96 87 344 01 9,090 711 1,408 900 2,350 224 193 079 91 254 4,007 651 80 147 434 141 3,761. 1,222 500 2,990 107 174,018 Nil 735 6,039 210 140 285 Nil 185 128 200 90 100 303 01 10,452 010 1,400 1,182 2,500 51 327 136 585 Nil 338 416 596 102 155 246 Nil 313 2,372 1,211 200 Nil 173 2,334 Nil 517 2,398 722 422 2,714 Marlborough County— continued. Broughan, W., Tuamarina Brown, J. W., Ugbrooke Brownloc, Robert, Gowansidc, Havolock .. Bryant, J. W., Mahakipawa Brydon, James, Renwiektown Buncombe, J. R., Havelook Butt, Edward, Netherwood Cameron Bros., Fabian's Valloy Cameron, Mrs. M. A., Okaramio Cameron, Thomas, Lower Wairau, Blenheim Campbell, Hugh, Springlands, Blenheim .. Campbell, J. P., Grove Cawte Bros., Moitapu, Mahakipawa Charters, Thomas, Hillersden Rural Chaytor and Co. (Limited), Marshlands, Spring Creek Cheesoman, H. G, Box 160, Blenheim Clung, W. IL, Omaka .. Christehurch Meat Company, Kaipupu, Picton Clark, J. J., " Eruea," Wairau Valley Clemens, A. B., Koromiko Climo, J. W. F. (c/o J. W. North), Havelock Clousten, Mrs. E. G., Springlands, Blenheim Conway, James, Wairau Road, Picton Corbett, G., Deep Creek Corry, J. J., and Co., Blenheim Couper, J. A., Rai FaUs Couper, Percy G, Rai Falls Couper, W. B., Rai Falls Court-Opie, Charles A., Havelock Cozens, Henry, Havelock Suburban Craven, R. J., Omaka CressweU, W- R-, Leefield, Blenhoim Crispin, Charles, Wairau Valley Crispin, H. A., Canvastown Crispin, Mrs. Mary E., Havolock Suburban Crispin, R. P., Havelook Suburban Cruickshank, j., Okaramio Gurnow, Jamos IL, Blenheim Dalton W. IL, Willowbank, Canvastown .. Davies, James, Kaituna Davies, Murdock, Kaituna Dawkins and Townshend (Koromiko Property), Picton Dent and Henderson Bros, (private bag), Blenheim Des-Forgos, Algernon, Blenheim Diamanti, C. L., Canvastown Dick, William, Blenheim Dillon, F. N., Leefield, Renwiektown Dodson, G. L. and V. H., Sandhills, Spring Crook Donald and Higgins, Long Valley, Havelock Suburban Draper, James, Blenheim Dryden, A. W., Picton Dwyer and Register, Waikakaho Eden, Edward, Grove, Blenhoim Egan, S. A., Hillersden Elliott, James, Havolock Esson, John F., Picton Evans, J. W., Wantwood Evans, S. J., Wairau Valloy ExceU, Fred, Hillersden Fairhall, A. T. E., Spring Creek Fairhall, G. IT. M. and L. A., Grovetown, Blenheim Fairhall, G. IT. M. and L. A., Woodbournc, Blenheim Fairhall, Mrs. Elizabeth, Rapaura, Spring Creek Fairhall, W. N., Homewood, Rapaura Falvoy, Michael, Omaka Famed, W., jun., Havelock Suburban Flower, F. H, T., Canvastown Flower, Mrs. Maud, Canvastown Forrest, G. It., Canvastown Fowler and Smith, Hillersden Rural Fowler, J. A., Hillersden Fowlor, It. T., To Rou Fowler, W. T„ Te Rou Freeth, J. G. I., George Street, Blenheim .. Fulton, James, The Retreat, Mahakipawa .. Gale, John Robert, Koromiko 15 162 1,1.58 279 448 30 1,827 405 640 150 2,018 264 2,956 1,523 6,451 234 413 .104 108 189 900 30 39 249 385 166 330 1,900 152 1,300 250 354 209 III 960 1,675 400 354 270 45 195 1,070 255 308 30 1,234 430 650 122 I ,800 144 5,240 1,520 7,204 220 '516 69 891 61 190 900 23 Nil 230 293 355 219 341 1,930 71 910 480 427 212 114 75 1,040 1,574 400 94 50 206 423 666 1,876 850 250 125 2,198 789 637 1,989 572 420 3,014 3,030 232 220 372 5,808 55 2,885 325 224 431 6,460 55 1,496 1,580 65 40 45 12 134 673 152 75 293 241 319 496 349 658 1,165 51 50 95 15 127 735 150 71 318 220 Nil 542 384 632 Nil 1,083 180 175 871 210 304 206 308 657 686 861 9 321 104 Nil 856 205 323 198 375 846 456 982 46 178 1,122 1,717 292 220 1.18 324 371 158 230 354 427 280 7 305 2,500 I ,400 635 850 10 903 120 54 804 1,200 365 119 180 800 1,300 470 74 225 390 403 300 2,100 1,500 603 800 20 934 147 262 402
No. of! April 30, 1917. Sheep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, j April 30, 1917. | 1918. M arlboro ugii County— continued. Gamble, William, Box 79, Blenheim Gane, A. E., Rapaura Gano, Bros., Spring Creek Gane, F. W., Spring Crook Gane, W. H., Spring Creek Gardiner, R. G., Tuamarina Gardiner, It. W., Doop Creek Gardiner, Sholto, Rai Falls Gardiner, W. J. M., Te Rou Goe, CampbeU, Springlands, Blenheim Gee, W. H., Springlands, Blenheim Gibbons, L. M., Canvastown Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Kaituna Gibson, Lennox, Kaituna Gifford, A. J., Rapaura Gifford, G. and F. W., Fairhall, Blenheim .. Gifford, James R. A., Hillersden Gifford, William, Raglan Farm, Rapaura .. GUchrist, Duncan, Tho Grove Gilchrist, James, Koromiko Goulter, Charles, Hawkesbury, Omaka Goulter, R. F., Timara, Blenheim Graham Bros., Brookby, Blenheim Graham Bros., Fairhall, Blenheim Green Bros., Mount Patriarch, Birch Hill .. Green, Mrs. M. J., Kaituna Greensill, J. C. M., Mahau Gregory, Thomas, Rapaura Greig, Arthur, Havolock Grigg, E. F. J., Meadowbank, Blenheim .. Guest, Edward, Koromiko Gunn and Co., Birch Hill, Blenheim Gwillam, G. L., Havelock Hall Bros., Spring Creek Halliday,' J., Marlborough Ham, Robert, Blenhoim Hammond, Francis, Fairhall, Blenheim Hammond, II., Now Renwiok Road, Blenheim Hanson, F. J. (privato bag), Glenwai Harding, Thomas, Swansdowne, Blenheim Hargrcaves, N., Blenheim Harris, H- H-, Beuiuorvcn, Blenheim Harris, T. and E., Havelock Suburban Hart, C. F., Orarangi, Canvastown Hart, David, Omaka Hart, Edward, Okaramio Hart, Edward, Deep Creek Hart, Gilbert, Okaramio Hart, Mrs. Margaret, Deep Crook Hart, Thomas, Koromiko Harvey, George, Canvastown Healy, E. F., Canvastown Hebberd, A. M., Flat Creek Herd, D. J., Picton Herd, Gilmorc, and Co., Springlands, Blenheim Higgins, David E., Havelock Suburban Hide, E. G. A., Blonhoim Hide, P. W., Box 52, Blonhoim Hodgson, William, Okaramio Hokiaway, Jamos (Estate of), Box 115, Blenheim Hokiaway, John, .Box 115, Blenheim Hooper, J. G, "Erina," Wairau Valley .. Horgan, Michael, Blythcfield, Blenheim .. Horton, I. E., Tophousc Huddleston, A. St. T., Litchfield Street, Blenheim Hughes, James, Canvastown Humphrey, John, Onamalutu Hutchinson, It., Havelook Jackson, A. W., Runnymede, Blenhoim Jackson, J. A., Benhopai, Blenheim Jaokson, Jose, Box 02, Blenheim Jackson, Stanley Richardson, Runnymede, Blenheim Jacques, Edward, Okaramio Jacques, John, Okaramio Jacques, Thomas, Okaramio Jacques, William, Okaramio Jeffries, Thomas, Morelands, Blenheim Johnson, Ralph, " Kilpotlees," Rai Falls .. Johnston, J. R., Waihopai Downs Jones, James, Havolock Suburban Jones, N. R. G., Canvastown 91 115 340 152 304 514 416 1,040 185 121 304 20 154 514 859 800 598 120 2,547 1,200 097 002 1,960 102 2,365 200 479 .1.0,480 494 3,083 80 580 322 133 500 000 895 295 557 153 299 568 401 420 237 .174 1,683 23 140 400 727 906 5,099 475 307 107 387 303 2,124 597 850 10 498 005 905 1,005 150 II 18!) 216 1,300 535 2,354 94 820 Nil 128 419 190 120 10 550 394 404 730 331 133 402 30 147 418 922 I ,119 058 121 Nil I. ,234 668 740 1,912 106 2,409 146 625 10,053 130 3,010 34 70 095 041 350 215 738 708 920 430 548 534 380 528 330 41.7 116 215 190 1,718 33 100 410 Marlborough County— continued. Jones, William, Grovetown Jordan, C. R., Renwiektown Josephson, A. G, Canvastown, Flat Crook.. Kater, Mrs. G. E., Blackroek, Blonhoim .. Kcnnington, James, Okaramio Kcnnington, Joseph, Renwiektown ' .. Kcnnington, William, Okaramio Kenny, Mrs. J. B., Picton Krusc, William, Manuka Island, Birch Hill, Blenheim Laidlaw, James, Craigicburn, Blenheim Lambert, J. A., Shrublands, Kaituna Lane, E. L., Te Rou Lankow, John William H., 'Tuamarina Larkin, P. J., Wairau Valley Latter, Alan, Tyntesfield, Blenhoim Law, James, Hillersden Rural Lawson, Bernard, Canvastown Ledingham, John, Hillersden, Nether-wood Leov, C. S., Flat Creek Leslie Bros., Okaramio Leslie, John, Okaramio Leslie, John, Raupaura Farm, Okaramio .. Leslie, J. W. (Wither Section), Blenheim .. Lester and Hildyar'd, Avondale, Blenheim.. Litchfield, A. J. (Estate of), Livormerc, Blonhoim Litchfield, S. J. P., Omaka, Blenheim Looms, Thomas, Havolock Suburban Love and Warren, Picton Lovell, James Y. A., Te Rou, Pine Valley. - Lovell, J. -W. H., Te Ron Low, James, Hillersden Low, James, Hillersden Rural Lucas, H. G., Leefield Section, Opawa Banks, Blenheim Lucas, Harold James, OpawaBanks, Blenheim Lucas, Joseph S., Opawa Bank", Blonhoim.. Maelaino Bros., Rapaura Madden, E. J., Koromiko Maher Bros., Kaituna Maher, John, Northban k, Kaituna Mapp, Richard, Blenheim March, Eric A., Grovetown Marfcll, A., Maxwell Road, Blenheim Mark, W. H., Wairau Valley Marlborough Racing Club, Blenheim Martin, ,I. C, Hillersden Martyn, Mrs. Bridget, Onamalutu Matthews, Charlos, Riverby, Rapaura Matthews, H. W., Spring Crock Maule, A., Flat Creek McAlpine, W. 0., Wantwood McBeth, Mrs. L. G., and A. MoCallum, Branch Point, Birch Hill McCall, Angus, Grovetown MoCallum, J. and J., Blenheim McCaskey, J. J., Hillersden Rural McDowell, Mrs. Jane, Havelock Suburban.. McFadden, Joseph, Box 95, Blenheim Molndoo, Abraham, Onamalutu McKenzie, John, Grove, Blenheim McLauchlan Bros., Rannoch, Blenheim McLean, Peter, Okaramio McMillan, /Eneas Honeyfield, Havolock Suburban Meads, T. H., Para, Koromiko Mears, W., Timatanga, Flat Crock Miller, John (private bag), Blenheim Milligan, W. A., Stronvar, Benhopai Mills, Arthur J., Grovetown Mills, David, Onamalutu Mills, F. P., Grovetown Mills, John, Koromiko Mills, Mrs. Alice, Rai Falls Mogridge, Mrs. F., Blenheim. Monro, Mrs. H. A., Craigloohart, Blenheim Monro, H. Y., Bankhouse, Waihopai Monro, Mrs. F. G, Hillersden Monro, P. 0., Marohbum, Blenheim Moore, J. A., Forebank Farm, Havelock Suburban Moore,.I. A., Forebank Run, HavelookSubiirban Moore, J. W., Canvastown 443 198 115 863 1.993 143 1,352 40 1,208 581 1,000 252 233 1,577 5,989 1,278 155 1,332 48 821 730 160 688 707 155 204 900 102 359 539 1,278 1,266 517 258 204 488 40 2,300 1,300 29 300 116 309 127 348 434 300 40 107 1,258 1,507 458 270 120 901 1,89!) 134 .1,129 Nil 1,557 704 802 Nil 247 1,519 5,156 Nil 101 1,093 50 802 733 Nil 749 951 93 380 612 103 428 509 Nil 1,179 404 140 130 417 38 2,31 5 1,300 20 023 112 Nil 141 Nil 504 400 114 110 950 1,900 732 904 2,980 407 291 173 771 1,080 96 716 Nil 739 789 102 577 123 400 115 598 030 251 453 353 2,100 625 506 124 858 545 880 Nil 497 Nil 1,050 900 540 7J 25 503 1,025 183 63 125 204 I!) 948 4,910 4,175 413 4,389 1,1.20 53 47 009 1,350 181 48 14 244 Nil 1,299 5,040 4,490 Nil 4,800 75 102 8 130 223 1,300 505 2,704 Nil 808 I ,008 354 318
No. of S Sheep on Ho. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. ,, April 30, 1918. April 80, ! 1917. April 30, 1918. Marlborough County— -continued. Moore, Thomas, Koromiko Morris, G. G., Koromiko Mortimer, James, Okaramio Mowat, Kenneth P., Omaka Murdock, A. G., Omaka Murphy, John, Mahakipawa Murphy, Thomas, Spring Crock Murray, A. H., Hillersden Rural Murray, P. L., Wantwood Murray, James, Grovetown Murray, William, Spring Creek Neal, Francis, Spring Creek Ncal, M. W. J., Spring Creek Neame, W., Mahakipawa .. ... Nees Bros., Hillersden .. Nees, Mrs. K., Little Scatwell, Okaramio .. Nelvillo, Mrs. M., Yelverton, Blenhoim - Nesbitt, William, Havelock Suburban Nougeschwender, A. F., Onamalutu Neumann, Robert, Havolock Suburban Neville, Miss A., Thurston, Blenheim Neville, S. M., Thurston, Blenheim Neville, S. M., Warwick, Blenheim Newcombe, Frank C, Wairau Valley Newman, Charles, Renwiektown Newman, John, Waihopai North, James, Okaramio North, J. W., Kaiuma, Havolock Oakley, Mrs. Margaret, Koromiko O'Brien, William, Spring Creek O'Connor, Daniel, Lano Street, Islington, Blenheim O'Dwyor Bros., Blenheim O'.Dwycr Bros., Mahakipawa O'Leary, Denis, Sunnyside, Blenheim O'Leary, John, Blenheim O'Leary, Timothy J., Blonhoim .. ' .. O'Sullivan, L., Tuamarina Packer and Thorn, Rai Falls Parker, W. B., Madelands, Blenheim Parsons, W., Wairau Valley Passau, J. F. O., Kaiuma, Havelock Pattie, D. A., Blenheim Pattie, F. W. H., Dillon's Point, Blcnhoim Paynter, J. W., Auntsfiold, Blonhoim Peake, A. E., Onamalutu Penney and Woolley, Koromiko Porano, A. A., Picton Peter, J. H., Waikakaho Peter, Moosey, Hillersden Pigou, Robort, Spring Creek Pike, W., and Sons, Blenheim Pike, W., and Sons, Blenheim Pike, W., and Son, The Laurels, Blenheim Pollard, William, Delta Station, Renwiektown Powell, John, Fabian's Valley Price, H. W., Flat Creek Radd, J. W., Mahakipawa Randal), George, Koromiko Randall, J. and J., Koromiko Randall, J. and J., Koromiko Reader, Frederick, Havelock .,' Reader, H. A., Havelock Reader, H. M., Havelock Reader, William, Grasslea, Omaka Reeves, H. S., Rapaura Itonncll, J. E., Compensation Run, Hillersden Rural Reston, F. S., Half-way House, Koromiko.. Richardson, Mrs. E. C, Meadowbank, Blenheim Rickertsen, John, Onamalutu Roberts, A. H., Hillersden Roberts, A. IL, Hillersden Rural Robinson, Arthur, Onamalutu Robinson, II. L., Rapaura Rogerson, Henry, Rapaura Rore, Alfred, Spring Creek Rose, A. A. (C. W. Parker, Trustee), Blenheim Rose, John Wallis, Spring Creek .. Rowe, Edward, Westbrook, Renwiektown.. Rudd, James P., Summerlands, Blenhoim. . Rudd, W. G, Benhopai 35 248 040 179 352 501 78 1,150 694 153 1,732 127 120 131 091 727 80 696 "51 1,004 1,032 82 1,359 355 504 250 103 750 77 20 61 497 800 111 803 394 34 1,006 1,019 163 668 23 107 213 395 35 45 Nil 748 Nil 314 000 93 1,378 1,000 192 460 108 50 13,2 072 028 Nil 600 Nil 862 770 Nil 1,841 361 477 250 100 820 92 Nil Nil 300 500 155 003 115 47 530 935 203 051 255 401. 354 420 171 20 426 381 102 402 430 390 0,280 207 300 428 1,110 451 875 530 580 I , 100 1.00 118 I ,409 Marlborough County— continued. Rush, A. J., Canvastown Rush, A. J., Canvastown Rutland, George, Te Patea, Canvastown .. Sadd, G. E., Grovetown Samuels, J. E., Nethorton Schwass, H., Burleigh, Blenheim Scott Bros., Havelock Seymour, A. C, Ngakuta Bay, Picton Seymour, G. T., St. Maur, Box 54, Blenheim Shorter, Joseph, Kai Kumera Bay, Havolock Shrimpton, R., Nctherwood Simmonds, A. W., Havelock Suburban Slow, Fred, Wairau Valley Smart, F. A., Canvastown Smart, James, Onamalutu Smart, J. G, Rai Falls Smith, Christopher, Vernon, Box 110, Blenheim Smith, G, Riverlands, Box 110, Blenheim.. Smith, William, Greenhills, Tuamarina Snowdcn. J. E., Wantwood .. ' .. Soper, F. W., Box 4, Rapaura Soper, Whcaton, Rapaura Sowman, A., Blenheim Squire, A. W., Rapaura.. Squire, C. D,, Rapaura Stanhope, P. II., Oddstone, Top Valley Storey, J. S., Kaituna Stratford, It. S. and L. M. W., Hat Crook.. Sutherland, Benjamin, Bankficld, Grovetown Sutherland, J., Box 6, Blenheim Sutherland, J. TL, Grovetown Sutton Bros., Mahakipawa Swafford, W. E., Havelock Suburban Talbot, W. H., Kaiuma, Havelock Tannahill, Robert, Onamalutu Tapp, L. R., Tuamarina Taylor, A. E., Riohmond Taylor, Mitford, Koromiko .. Tesohomaker and Howard, Loofield, Blenheim Tesehcmakor-Shuto, 0. de V., Avondalo, Blenheim Thomas, Frederick, Canvastown 'Thompson, A., Deep Crook Thompson, Bruce, Grove, Mahakipawa Thomson, James, Blenheim Timms, Charles D., Wairau Valley T'imms, S. A. J., Pino Valley, Wairau Valloy TobbeU, W. G, Devon Street, Picton Todd, J. W., Waikawa, Picton Tombs Bros., Spring Creek Toms, TL A., Wantwood Tripe, J. TL R., Koromiko Twidle, J. M., Timatanga Twidle, William, Havolock .. Vavasour, H. D., Ugbrookc, Blenheim Wadey, G., Canvastown Wadsworth, Honry, Pino Valley, Wairau Valley Wallace, John, Para, Tuamarina Wallace, J. R., Box 59, Blenheim Wallace, It. Or., Box 59, Blenheim Wallace, T. R., Timatanga Ward Bros., Braneott, Renwiektown Ward, F. P. J., Koromiko Ward, W. P., Onamalutu Warmouth, B., Pine Valley, Wairau Valley Watson, C. IL, Havelock Watson, John, Spring Crook Watson, Tahua, Spring Creek Watts, G. P.; Lansdowne, Wairau Valley .. Weaver, Alexander, Kaituna Webster, W. J. (Long Island Property), Picton Wobster, W. J. (PickersgiU Property), Picton Wobster, W. J., Picton Wobster, W. J. (Speedy Valley Proporty), Picton Wells, Jabez, Havelock Wells, J. D., Havelock Western, H. O., Mount Pleasant, Picton .. Western, W. T., Koromiko Whoadon, John, Rapaura White, John, Blenheim Wiffen Bros., St. Clair, Blenheim 215 300 85 1,451 503 420 100 00 1,789 2 173 259 468 310 4,165 2,500 378 90 231 327 00 1.509 815 501 11.0 707 90 444 1,137 343 03 52 940 820 5,296 10,474 208 99 300 110 1,387 100 054 587 I 01 100 2,025 20 176 245 468 294 4,967 2,200 52 475 80 151 661 390 82 1,472 840 302 1.62 860 181 480 1,188 348 04 Nil 880 915 3,551 .11,503 525 374 71 899 418 182 0,208 203 02 '422 1,048 482 914 507 516 943 204 109 1,357 182 1.75 430 334 320 328 144 433 00 1,423 605 20 18 4,654 1.1.0 334 170 289 465 330 293 350 140 413 75 1,107 010 Nil 23 5,408 .1.22 324 130 4,200 1,550 21 4,863 343 382 315 1,112 126 180 3,600 1,000 Nil 5,347 342 406 520 1,100 153 92 9,348 809 155 178 75 152 335 182 Nil 75 160 900 880 1,050 7 96 180 480 192 Nil I., 377 903 0 105 167 488 9.537 782 160 209 200 104 40 151 4,287 12,651 1 110 170 3,344 14,359 52 340 854 300 213 90 99 764 305 209 0 17 12
No. of S April 3(1, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of S April 311, 1917. icep on April 30, 1918. Marlborough County— continued. Wiffcn, Montague, Mount, Riley Run, Okaramio Wilkins, T. H., Tuamarina Williams, E. TL, Hillersden Williams, H. E. R., Kaiuma, Havelock Williams, J. T., Morrnt Pleasant, Koromiko Williams, P. G., Brooklands, Blenheim Williams, R. G., Brooklands, Blenheim Wilson, Mrs. R., Koromiko Withell, T. C, Run 107a, Blenheim Woolley, G, Para, Koromiko Woolley, George, Tuamarina Wratt, A., Waikakaho Wright, R. C, Half-way House, Para, Koromiko Yarrnll, J. G., Mount Pleasant, Koromiko.. Young, Mrs. Elizabeth H., Canvastown .. AWATERE COUNTY (In Marlborough Subdivision). Adams, F. and G. TL, Blenheim. Allen, G. A. N., Seddon Allen, Joseph, Marama Allen, J.W., Seddon .. Andrews, N. S., Ward Andrews, W. G., Soddon Armstrong, J. G., Seddon Aroa, John, Seddon .. Atkinson, R. D., Corea, Soddon Avery, Arthur, Seddon Barnes, P. S., Soddon .. Barnes, G. T. A. (Estate of), Seddon Barnes, J. W., Marama, Seddon Batty, John, Dillon's Point Road, Blcnhoim Beamsley, P. J., Grassmere Bell, John E., Ward .. Bennett, Albert, Taimati, Ward Blackburn, F. R., Hauwai, Blenheim Blackburn, J. R., Grassmere Blick, E. G., Seddon Blick, E. G, Seddon Blick, Mrs. M. E., Seddon Boag, P. D., Kekerangu, Awatero Boddington, E. E., Ward Bourke, J. P., Grassmere Bowron Bros, and Co. (Limited), Kekerangu, Awatero Boyce, George, jun., Seddon Boyd, Thomas, Blue Mountain, Kaikoura.. Brown, Daniel, Seddon Bursill, F. W., Sedgemere, Seddon BursiU, F. W., The Downs, Seddon Butt, W. H., Ward Cameron, Angus, Craigillie, Seddon Cameron, Angus, Seaview, Seddon Cameron, Mrs Angus, Brandon, Seddon .. Carswell, Mrs. Annie, Seddon Casey, Michael (Grassmere Property), Grovetown Casoy, Michaol, Seaview, Grovetown Chapman. B. J., Jordan Conway, W. P., Weld's Hill, Blonhoim Corrigan, Patrick, Grassmere Costello, James, Seddon Costello, John J., Soddon CosteUo, W. J., Seaview, Seddon Creamer, W. S. H., Cape Campbell, Blind River Crispin, G D. and E. M., Grassmere Cummings, J. W., Glen Orkney, Blenheim Cunningham, John, London Hill, Ward .. Cunningham, John, Ward Dalti n, Edward, Marama, Blcnhoim Daly, P. J-, Soddon Davidson, A. M., Ward Dick, J. B., Seddon, Marama Dickens, W. G., Ward DoUar, John, Seddon .. 1,500 202 693 751 220 30!) 230 1 3,000 215 30 704 750 07 362,880 410 968 411 709 507 1,723 507 2,009 823 1,012 612 954 145 224 1,780 368 98 195 995 1,194 860 1,032 174 711 771 479 301 253 Nil Nil Nil 70 046 383 660 82 356,675 500 490 870 511 000 643 1,591 419 2,239 1,246 1.114 005 1,035 310 280 1,881 478 303 103 1,724 1,154 1,020 7,950 557 500 Nil Awatere County— continued. Dundon, J., Ward. Dysart, Robert, Blind River Englebrecht, Thomas, The Awatere, Jordan Ferguson, Charles, Ardgowan, Blind River.. Fissenden, F. J., Blind River Fissenden, Philip, Blind River Fleming, D. F., Craigneuk, Seddon Forsyth, A., Ward Foster, R. E„ Ward Francis, B. T., Blind River Francis Bros., Seddon Francis, F. W., Ward .. Gavin, A. J. H-, Grassmere Glover, Thomas, Ward .. Good, Edward L., Kekerangu Goss, J. H., Ngaio Downs, Kekerangu Goulter, Charles, Blairich, Blenheim Goulter, C. P., Starborough, Seddon Goulter, C. Percy, Seddon, Blenheim Graham Bros., Blenheim Green, Lewis, Tho Awatere, Jordan Gunn, G. M., Marathon, Soddon I (alliday, Wa Her- (Estate of), Campdcn, Blon - heim Hammond, W. H., Seddon Haynes, W. G, Grassmere Hickman, O. B., Grassmere Higgins, James, Seddon Higgins, John, Seddon .. Higgins, T. Edward, Marama Higgins, W. J., Kaka Ridges, Ward Hill arrd Atkinson, Upton Fells (private bag), Blonhoim Hoare, John, Ward Hodgson, Abraham, Blind River.. I Codgson Bros., Marama, Seddon Irving, Mrs. E. G; Seddon Jackson, G. S. and A. W., Ward Jenkins, J. J., Ward Jerymn, Jamos, Marama, Seddon Kcnnington, John, Grassmcre Langridge, E. A., Blind RiverLa wrenoe, W. P., Seddon Leslie, Ernest, Marama Linton, James, Seddon Lissamon Bros., Waireka, Seddon Loe Bros., Ward Lothian, A., Seddon Macdonald, Donald, Glenlce, Awatere Maher, James Eugene, Seddon Maher, John, Marama Maher, John, Marama, Soddon Marfell and Fuller, Seddon Marfcll, Richard, Seddon Marfell, W. J., Soaview, Seddon McConway, J., Seddon .. McConway, J., Seddon McConway, J., Seddon McEnnis, D. P., Box 17, Ward McGivirn, James, Lackwood, Seddon McNabb, W. G., Ward. Moltac, A. C, Altimarloch, Blenheim McRae, A. G, Aotea, Blenheim Mochan, Patrick, Soddon Mi rrificld, James, Blind River-, Awatere .. Monro, G. H., Ward Moore and Smythe, Parikawa, Kekerangu.. Moore, E. A. W., Valhalla, Kekerangu Moran, John, Grassmcre Morrin, Thomas, Marama Murray, A. J., Woodbank, Kekerangu Murray, G F., Wharanui, Blonhoim Ncal, Thomas, Grassmere Nicholas, J. T., Ward .. O'Connor, James, Grassmere O'Dwyor, William, Seddon Orchard, Enoch, Seddon Oswald, W. L., Duntroon, Jordan Parsons, Free.horn, Bonmore, Kaikoura Parsons, G. IL, Benmore, Kaikoura Paton, Broadway, and Hopkins, Kekerangu Paton, James, Kekerangu Pinknoy, R. T., Marama, Seddon Quelch, H. C, Box 19, Ward .. Quirk, John, Ward 478 695 2,247 335 642 276 1,749 1,411 150 20 958 208 1,055 327 1,085 5,150 7,894 1,001 1,752 973 1,342 620 3,433 850 292 800 480 550 530 1,174 9,158 410 1,107 655 635 1,400 1,307 627 I , 143 209 867 930 530 2,504 2,857 829 7,507 507 908 2,195 493 500 -101 2,402 1,404 294 50 I , I 80 240 I ,200 390 1,504 4,240 7,500 1,499 725 948 I ,310 685 2,851 904 317 600 007 708 734 I ,500 8,440 519 727 710 027 1,400 I ,350 850 1 ,282 230 752 954 820 2,748 2,530 710 9,905 900 607 Nil 1 ,247 584 689 489 Nil I ,342 165 810 150 2,870 3,030 950 i . i 52 2,010 2,878 3,515 745 760 7,045 0,410 I 95 815 130 000 875 I ,423 3,300 I ,250 4,000 I ,252 1,120 108 201 487 600 7,400 202 2,144 609 2,340 1,380 1,389 481 254 352 49 490 075 201 4,265 271 669 1,335 458 30 070 2,070 612 1,090 2.1 14 I ,090 442 505 505 110 932 630 262 4,007 650 758 1,550 828 56 812 548 1,110 517 539 548 1,450 1,450 161 684 150 3,000 2,511 1,409 832 3,219 2,655 3,077 468 718 7,060 0,908 274 807 85 000 999 1,407 3,569 633 4,000 1,127 1,050 327 3,455 1,536 802 3,350 998 2,083 974 412 940 300 3,208 1,592 800 3,253 Nil 2,133 897 499 802 174
13—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April BO, April 30, 1917. 1918. Awatere County— continued. Radcliffo, G J. F., The Ranch, Marama .. Rentoul, Robert, Ward Renwick, Mrs. A., Dumgrce, Seddon Richmond, P. II., Richmond Brook, Marama, Seddon Roberts, R. M., Ward .. Rodgerson, Mrs. Catherine, Blind River .. Ross, K. A. C, Seddon Rutherford, A. D., Gladstone, Blenheim .. Ruthorford, Edmund S., Kekerangu Rutland, P. H., Seddon Ryan, Mrs. Mary, Marama, Seddon Schwass, G F., Soddon Scott, J. W„ Seddon Seater, Mrs. A. T., Dumgrce, Blenheim Sharpe, F. W., Ward Shirtliffe, J. W., Seddon Shirtliffe, J. W., Fairfield, Blcnhoim Simpson, A., Haldon's, Soddon Slater, J. A., Seddon Smith, H- E-, Grassmcre Smith, Miss M. E., Seddon Smith, W. IL, Ward Snowdon, Edgar, Grassmere Stevenson Bros., Middlehurst, Blenheim .. Stevenson Bros., Upoot, Blenheim Teschemaker-Shute, Mrs. B., Avondalc, Blenheim 1,459 633 4,941 10,577 1,859 162 133 5,137 1,892 2,238 526 810 558 369 981 1,580 654 5,611 10,336 1,024 180 264 5,137 1,862 2,513 628 918 648 401 943 726 6,748 2,485 Nil 500 398 605 650 0,123 9,032 1,420 Awaterk County— continued. Thomas, A. R. (private bag), Tirohanga, Blenheim Thomson, Alexander, Ward Tomlinson Bros., Awapiri, Jordan, Blenheim Tregoning, Russell, Seddon Trewin, John, Ngaionui, Blenheim Trolove, G. M., Ward Trolove, J. W., The Shades, Kekerangu .. Trueman, E. J., Blind River Van Ascli. Arnold, Blenheim Waddy, C C, Seddon Wallace, J. R., Ward Watson, Albert, Seddon Watson, Albert, Tetly Brook, Seddon Webster, A. E., Seddon Weld, Everard A., Flaxbourne, Blenheim.. West, A. D., Jordan, Awatere Wheeler, Mrs. IT., Grassmere, Wiffen Bros., Napoleon Run, Kekerangu .. Williams, G. A., Seddon Willis, Frank, Grassmere Wilson, Daniel, Ward Withell, T. G, Langridge, Awatere Withell, T. C, Langridge, Blenheim Wooding, A. R., Ward Young, R. W., Neddhills, Seddon 4,720 1,433 3,687 913 2,022 1,405 3,888 230 843 2,756 1,611 344 365 510 5,255 785 4,919 1,400 2,318 990 2,590 1,345 4,197 324 954 2,754 1,500 Nil 354 510 4,500 26 34 2,632 206 917 418 4,300 8,085 1 ,070 3,127 302,904 0,877 2,350 424 498 380 768 614 5,563 8,601 1,450 2,861 218 951 370 0,828 1,027 3,575 289,827
CANTERBURY-KAIKOURA SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the number of sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and 30th April, 1918.
April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 3(1, April 30, 1917. 1918. KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Northern Subdivision). Acton-Adams, P., Clarence Estate, Kaikoura Adair, Patrick, Clarence Bridge Adair, Thomas, Oaro Alexander, John, Kaikoura Andrew, Samuel, Kaikoura Askirr, S. P., Clarence Bridge Barnes, P. L. E., Kaikoura Suburban Barratt, E. J., Kaikoura Barratt, George (Executors of) (o/o John Barrett), Hapuku Barratt, H. J., Kaikoura Barratt, John, Hapuku.. .. .. ! Barry and Smith, Hapuku, Kaikoura Beaton, J., jun., Oaro .. Beauchamp and Bowron, Kaikoura Boag, James, Goat Hills, Waiau Boyd, David, jun., "Spring Terrace," Kaikoura Boyd, David, jun., Puhipuhi, Kaikoura Boyd, David D. (Estate of), Kaikoura Suburban Boyd, Guy, Kaikoura Boyd, J. A., Hapuku Boyd, Jamos D., Kaikoura Suburban Boyd, James, jun., Kahautara, Kaikoura.. Boyd, Jeremiah, Hapuku Boyd, Patrick John, Maungamaunu Boyd, Richard (c/o Reginald Miles),Kaikoura Suburban Boyd, T. J., Kia Ora, Kaikoura Boyd, Thomas, jun., Kaikoura Boyd, Thomas, sen., Kaikoura Boyd, Thomas D., Kaikoura Suburban Brice, J. T., Kaikoura Britton, F. L., Kaikoura Broughan, William, jun., Kaikoura Brunei, G, Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Suburban Bullen, W. It., The Elms, Kaikoura Burnoy, Mrs. L., Kaikoura Bussed, Walter S., Kaikoura Campbell, John, Kaikoura Campbell, Malcolm (Estate of), Kaikoura .. Campbell,Mrs. Mary A. E,, Clavcrly (private bag), Parnassus Campbell, Mrs. M. A. E., Upper Ludstone, Kaikoura Campbell, Murdock, Kaikoura Chapman, George H., Kaikoura Chapman, Walter W., Kowhai, Kaikoura .. Chisnall, E., Kaikoura Chisnall, IT., Kaikoura Chisnall, S., Kaikoura Clarkson, W. B., and Sons, "Flaxhrlls," Riccarton Close, Jamos, " Moana," Kaikoura Collyns, A. W., Cotors,Peaks, Kaikoura .. Corner, IT. H., Kaikoura drop, E. W., Goat Hills, Waiarr Corrigan, —, Pari Cloverley Estate, Kaikoura Coup, J. A., Kaikoura Suburban Cowie, A. P.,"Greenbraes," Stag and Spey, P.O., Kaikoura Curtain, J., Kaikoura .. Davidson, J., Kaikoura 'Dee, G., Kaikoura Suburban Donnelly, Peter, Kaikoura Doyle, James, Hapuku Eaton, G, Kaikoura Paton, John, Kaikoura Elder, J., and Son, " Waipapa," Clarence Bridge Emms, Frank, Kaikoura Evans, Arthur, Hapuku Evans, Charles, Kaikoura Evans, Charles, Middle Hill, Kaikoura Fairwoather, H. A., Hapuku Garrett, Joseph George, Kaikoura 22,948 2,130 2,133 3,000 1,629 16 435 918 303 ) 71.4 1,176 437 1,357 404 800 274 360 981 405 1,036 2,138 18 410 980 1,027 706 286 2,627 550 175 253 7,950 20 1,034 709 126 2,745 23,530 2,806 2,070 102 2,540 1,850 22 405 968 300 837 1,185 600 1,460 4,165 710 331 635 374 1,045 517 980 2,200 30 52 938 1,050 450 Nil 2,959 608 195 213 9,197 55 1,076 122 Nil 2,913 Kaikoura County— -continued. Gibson, Frederick, Box 33, Kaikoura Gibson, George, Stag arrd Spey (c/o A. W. Collyns, Cotors Peaks, Kaikoura) Gibson, H., Kincaid, Kaikoura Gilbert, Jonathan, Oaro.. Goodwin, Robert. Kaikoura Goulter, Mrs. P. E. M. J., "Wenlock," Parnassus Goulter, Mrs. P. E. M. J. (c/o Manager-) (Ludley Property), "Wenlock," Parnassus Gray, Edwin, Kaikoura Suburban Gray, Ernest W., Kaikoura.... Gray, James, Karetu, Kaikoura Gray, James, Kaikoura Gregory, John, Kaikoura Hailes, E. C. J. M., Hapuku .. *.. Hailes, E. J. M., Hapuku Hailes, J. M., Pine Terrace, Hapuku Haine, Sydney George, Oaro Hall, John, Kaikoura Hamilton, G., Hapuku Harle Bros., Hapuku Harnett, Jeremiah, Kaikoura Harnett, John, Hapuku Harnett, M. J., Kaikoura Harris Bros., Seaward Valley, Kaikoura .. Harris Bros. (Ludley Property), Seaward Valley, Kaikoura Harris, E. W., Karakanui, Kaikoura Harris, J. W., Kaikoura Suburban Hopkins, W. J. M., Swyncombe, Kaikoura.. Howard, Allan, Hapuku Howard, Henry, Mangamaunu, Kaikoura.. Ingram, James, jun., Kaikoura Keenan, Alexander, Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Keenan, Hugh, Oaro Keenan, P., Kaikoura Kennedy, J. S., Box 2!), Kaikoura Kennedy, It. A., Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura .. Kirby, Mrs. Joanna, Kaikoura Suburban .. Lawson, Betson, Kaikoura Lawson, J. and J., Kaikoura Lawson, W., sen., Kaikoura Lawson, W., jun., Stag and Spey, Kaikoura Low, Robort John, Quail Downs, Waiau .. Mackle, Bernard, Donegal Farm, Kaikoura Suburban Mackle, Bernard, Kaiwhare, Kaikoura Suburban Mackle, H., Kaikoura Marshall, A. G., Kaikoura Maude, E. A. (Manager), Hundalee McDonald, Alexander, Burnside, K-rikoura McGregor, I. Ivan, " Greenburn," Kaikoura Mclnncs, Alexander, Kaikoura .. Mclnncs, John, Kaikoura McKenzie, Alexander, Kaikoura Miles, F. G., Kaikoura Milligan, William, Kaikoura Milsom, G, Kaikoura Monk, Francis J., Hapuku Monk, R. TL, Kaikoura Monk, W. A. (private bag), Parnassus Montague, IL, Kaikoura Morrison, John R., Kaikoura Norrie, J. M., Hundalee Nurse Bros., Kaikoura Olsen, N. A. H., Kaikoura O'Malley, A. J., Kaikoura Palmer, E. 0., Kaikoura Palmer, Glynn M., Kaikoura Suburban Palmer-, William A., Kaikoura Panned, Charles, Lyrrton Downs, Kaikoura Parsons, Edmund, Kincaid Dowrrs, Hapuku Parsons, P. J. D., Kaikoura Parsons, Ralph, Kaikoura Payne, L. J., Kaikoura Peoples, John, sen., Kaikoura 1,020 1,020 589 502 97 87 650 934 566 720 2,193 2,108 1,141 Nil 133 159 14 45 704 Nil, — 1,050 427 507 308 308 648 700 300 353 376 411 47 26 255 260 1,030 612 125 4oo 155 152 350 3,131 2,950 850 1.062 1,312 905 500 4,350 4,242 800 900 — 31 43 284 260 2,249 2,265 325 375 838 995 2,086 2,828 26 51 23 20 512 540 136 124 507 488 2,533 Nil 1,286 1,473 1,469 1,865 441 550 223 1,565 485 3,330 382 102 454 14 2,505 403 1,827 1,107 1,146 305 384 20 453 946 Nil 214 292 1,320 1,345 102 102 254 195 — 156 71.6 712 — 171 876 817 1,050 1,070 84 112 949 750 405 446 411 725 580 615 2,709 2,618 7 49 — 18 114 130 10 83 90 4,563 2,670 2,934 3,940 2,200 2,262 650 840 1,223 1,265 386 I 400 1,816 1,056 968 4,515 1,700 646 2,529 1,910 1,077 1,094 Nil Nil Nil 2,350 459 084 66 183 522 421 305 5,265 393 621 90 Nil 655 432 396 5,460 275 917 1,710 487 1,453 664 290 870 Nil 1,332 1,529 610
* No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April :J0,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Kaikoura County— continued. Poole, E. T., Kaikoura Poole, W. H., Kaikoura Suburban Pow, John, Conway Hills, Parnassus Pow, John, Ferniehurst Rim, Parnassrrs .. Radford, W. E., Karctu, Kaikoura Roberts, George Henery, Quail Downs, Waiau Robinson, A. P., Hapuku Rogers, Sydney, Puhipuhi, Hapuku Schroeder, G. D., Trefoil Farm, Kaikoura .. Scott, Walter (private bag), Dillonsdalo, Waiau Scott, Walter E., Hapuku Sccly, Austin, Lynton Settlement, Kaikoura Shaddock, P. A., Orion, Parnassus Shield, George, Kaikoura Slape, Ivanhoe, Kaikoura Smart, John, Hapuku Smith, C. F. G, Ludstone, Kaikoura Smith, Frank (privato bag), Sea View .. j Smith, George, Rookwood, Kaikoura .. ! Smith, William D., Rainford Settlement, Kaikoura Suburban Smith, William, George, Lynton Settlement, Kaikoura Snushall, IT., Grccnhills, Kaikoura Stanbury, F. G., Charwcll Forks, Kaikoura Stanford, E. P., Oaro Stovonson, G., Clarence Bridge Taylor, John P., Kaikoura Taylor, Mrs. S., Tui Farm, Kaikoura Taylor, Thomas E., Morrnt Fyffe, Kaikoura Todhunter, J. E., Glen Alton, Clarence Bridge Vincent, E. (private bag), Parnassus Wallace, E., Kaikoura Wallace, John, Box 4, Kaikoura Wallace, Mrs. W., Kaikoura Walter, James H., Kaikoura Wareham, Charles, Kaikoura Suburban Weavers, E. E., Kaikoura Wilson, A. W., Hapuku Wilson, Mrs. L. M., Hapuku Workman, E. H., Hapuku Wylie, James, Conway Hills, Waiau Yaxley, Mark, Kaikoura 224 12 3,918 4,278 i —■ 2,081 892 594 1,583 295 579 15 31 730 1,527 1,230 924 150 78 277 Nil 2,037 3,649 614 2,587 1 ,802 811 551 2,006 305 608 1,572 NU 19 786 2,000 1,227 1,010 147 Nil Amuri County— continued. Davison Bros., Lowry Peaks, Culverden .. Davison, Hugh R., Culverden Davison, J. H., St. Leonard's, Culverden .. Davison, J. W., St. Leonard's, Culverden .. Davison, L. IT., St. Leonard's, Culverden .. Davison, William, Culvorden Devine, Hugh, Rothorham Dowd, J. J., Waiau Duff, J., Waiau Dunbar Bros., Waiau Dunbar, P., Waiau Duncan, Alexander S. (private bag), Glyrrrr Wye, Culvorden Duncan, J. J., Waiau Duncan, R. 0., Glynn Wye, Culverden Dwyer, D., Hawarden Ensor, G H., St. James, Hanmer Springs. . Fisher, Alfred, Culverden Fisher, George B., Waiau Flower, T., Culvorden Forrester, G. A., Rotherham Foster, F., Waiau Fowlor, William L., Hanmer Springs Frasor, John, Culverden Fulton, G., Mount Stewart, Rotherham Fulton, G, " Tarbot," Rothorham Furze, A. W., Rotherham Furze, It. R. (privato bag), "Korari Downs," Balmoral Gallagher, J. J., Culverden Gardner, J. (Estate of), Kae-ruka, Waiau .. Gillespie, George, St. Leonard's, Rotherham Glass, B. W., Hawardon Glens of Tekoa Estate, Christehurch Gould, George, Tho Hermitage, Rotherham Graham, R. IT. (private bag), Balmoral .. Grant, Lewis, Waiau Gruber, W. F., Culverden Gunn, J. K., Culverden.. Hamilton, Petor, Culvorden Hampton, Benjamin, Culverden Hare, Mrs. Ellen, Rotherham Hare, W. E., Culverdon Harland, Thomas, Rotherham Harper, E., " Marran-dellas," Waiau Hayes, John, Hurunui Helmore, F. D. (privato bag), Christehurch Henshaw, Georgo, Culvorden Hickman, G. S., " Glcnhopc," Culverdon .. Higgins, John, Waiau Highsted, Stephen, Rothorham Hoban, James, Culverden Hunter, D. W., Culverden Iverach, P., Waiau Iverach, P., Waiau Jackson, J, L., Parnassus Jelfs, George, Rotherham Johnston and Stewart," Hossaok," Hanmer Joseph, A. L., Box 1006, Christehurch Kennedy, J. J,, Waiau . . .. .. I Kennedy, Patrick, Culverden Kilpatrick, Jamos, Rotherham .. Knight, H. T„ Waiau .. .. .. j Lamb, H. D., Hurunui .. .. .. J Latter, Le Clerc, Cloudy Range, Waiau Lee, J., jun., Waiau .. .. Lewis, W. D., Meadow Vale, Culverden .. Little, John, " Annadale," Waiau Lunn, Horace, Waiau Macfarlano, D.D. (Estate of), Lyndon, Waiau Macfarlane, Mrs. S. H-, Achray, Rotherham Macfarlane, Walter (Estate of), Kaiwara, Culverden Mannion, T., " Knock," Waiau Martin, H. Or., Puke-iti, Culverdon McAdam, A. G., Culverden McAuley, Angus, Hanmer Springs McDonald, G W., Culverden .. McDougall Bros., " Dunolly," Waiau McGillicuddy, Dan, Culverden .. Mcintosh, D. J., Rotherham .. .. I McKay and Earshnran, Hurunui.. McKay, Thomas, Culverden McKie, Mrs. C. (Estate of), Waiau 5,028 1,033 2,119 1,621 71 338 981 670 954 4,539 2,303 4,965 1,492 17,462 1,827 1,294 698 I 1.112 574 177 4,290 5,020 1,547 1,074 1,420 I 5,447 ! 1,208 I 293 1,510 1,172 1,353 72 i 307 1,118 850 917 4,407 2,300 4,479 I ,718 19,137 1,825 I ,081 818 1 ,052 720 107 4,730 5,470 2,090 800 1,703 5,895 3,540 1,099 4,982 5,005 3,000 1,100 5,254 444 622 259 3,000 400 224 3,503 583 1,021 601 1,306 12,300 4,128 871 256 662 039 I ,208 005 Nil Nil 3,967 I ,544 545 029 800 1 ,050 961 220 007 253 1,358 600 2,071 1,840 0,010 780 58 486 639 684 510 712 346 7,580 3,311 1,181 685 183 628 527 4,649 1,368 650 3,244 780 11,381 1,161 4,317 2,355 812 50 425 562 48 550 510 204 704 4,903 106 2,245 762 Nil 404 568 38 530 532 255 714 1,342 86 615 370 179 610 189 ! 1,442 571 i 2,206 1,780 7.070 667 30 484 458 609 544 655 489 8,402 2,954 670 675 132 204,032 204,003 - AMURICOUNTY (In Northern Subdivision.) Atkinson, W. II., Mason Hills, Waiau Atkinson, W. H., Woodbank, Hanmer Ayrton, E. E., Upper Highfield, Waiau Baker, E., Waiau Banks, WiUiam A., Rangiora Beamish, J. T., Rotherham Bean, R. G, Waiau Bethell, M., Pahau Pastures, Culverden .. Bevan, H. T., Waiau Black, Arthur, Culvorden Black Bros., Culverden Blewitt, Major Arthur, Waiau Brimer, William, Rotherham Brown, Mrs. M. A., " Denbrae," Waiau .. Buckby, A. O., Rotherham Bullon, F. W„ Waiau Burbury, E. P. H., " Sherwood," Waiau .. Butler, J., Culvorden Cameron, A., Scargill Campbell, W. J., Culverdon Carmichael, Charles, Hanmer Springs Chalfey, Colonel R. A., Waiau Chapman, John, Rotherham Chapman, R. H., Rothorham Chapman, Thomas, Mount Palm, Rotherham : Clark, John, Rotherham Crampton, J. B., Waiau Crampton, J. D., Lyndon, Waiau Crampton, M. M., Rotherham Croft, P. E., Culverden Dailey, It. W. (private bag), Balmoral Dalzell, L. H., Rotherham Dalzell, N. G., Rotherham Davies, J. O., Lyndon, Waiau .. .. I 3,895 9,090 2,961 844 2,600 86 386 5,324 1,161 206 590 4,350 25 844 1,075 1,263 4,714 70 1,484 2,700 4,681 9,000 2,683 1 ,006 2,530 107 335 5,468 I ,247 241 776 3,808 46 1,166 1,021 1,418 3,760 616 1,530 3,245 405 1,540 2,146 2,581 2,440 1,448 1,340 722 1,158 1,314 1,289 511 Nil 1,212 556 4,660 1,484 539 2,450 613 10,532 I 1,007 4,260 1,300 1,807 3,705 822 853 780 983 893 1,169 910 874 610 133 481 1,108 255 426 1,887 406 1,062 801 900 666 109 439 1,360 528 492 Nil 2,566 1,314 238 960
No. of Sheep on No. of SI icep on April 30, 1918. April ISO, April 30, 1917. 1918. .pril 30,1 1917. Amuri County — continued. McMaster, A. G. and H., Culverden McRae, Goorgo R., Island Hills, Christchuroh Miln and Roberts, Culverden Moore, II. A., " Birch Toppings," Waiau .. Munro, Mrs. E. D., Rotherham Netting, Charles, Waiau Northcote, P. and J., " Whalcback " and " Mount Pctor," Waiau N.Z. Loan and M.A. Co., Acheron, Hanmer Springs N.Z. Loan and M.A. Co., Clarence and St. Helens, Hanmer Springs Oldfield, P. R., Culverden Oliver, Cyril, " The Island," Rotherham .. O'Malley, C. J., Hanmer Springs.. O'Malloy, F. J., Waiau Parnham, Herbert, Waiau Parnham, W. A., Barculdy, Waiau Pettigrow, K., Waiau Pickering, Potor, (lulverdeu Pickering, W. and P., Culverden Popplowell, George, Rotherham Powell, Charles IT., Upper Waiau, Culverden Pratt, C. P., Waiau Preston, It. A., Culverden Pulley, L. J., Barcaldine, Waiau Roid,' Miss M., Culverden Rinaldi, Edward, Waiau Roberts, Edward, Culverdon Rountree, A. W., Waiau Ruthorford, D. L., " Morna," Culverden .. Rutherford, D. 0., " Grampians," Christchurch Ruthorford, Duncan (Executors of), Leslie Hills, Culvorden Ruthorford, Duncan (Executors of), " Tarndale," Molesworth Rutherford, G. 0., " Lochiel," Culvorden . . Rutherford, Mrs. Eva, Molesworth Station, Molesworth Ruthorford, W. 0„ jun., " Marble Point," Culvorden Ruthorford, W. 0. (Estate of), Montroso, Culvorden Ruthorford, W. T., Terako Downs, Waiau Sanderson, J. and G., Rotherham Savill, F. J., St. Holons, Hanmer Scanlan, John, Waiau Sharpe, G. IL, Culverden Sharpe, Herbert, Waiau Shaw, WiUiam, Kia Ora, Waiau Smith, W. J., Waiau Sunkcll, A. J., Waiau Swanoy, John, Culverden Taylor, James, Culverden Thomson, A. J., Culverden Thorne, Alfred, Waiau Thrclkeld, L., Murray Downs, Waiau Throlkeld, L„ Waiau Topp, IT., Rotherham Travers, Frank, Culverden Wade, Goorgo W., Culverden Watson, H. G, Waiau Wilkin, F. W., Waiau Williamson, R., Rotherham Wilson, Thomas, Waiau Wood and Newton, " Cheddar \'alley," Waiau Wood, Lewis, Birch Toppings, Waiau Wright, Henry, Lyndon, Waiau Zuppicich, J. S., Culverden 2,175 3,227 4,998 5,710 727 1,810 Nil 358 — 1,089 13,500 13,998 — 12,300 — 26,875 5,628 5,271 I .005 973 1,020 1,196 944 |,366 1,392 1,460 — 2,420 077 (183 1,350 2,092 1,355 Nil 542 005 5,003 6,546 1,012 Nil 307 041 1,934 Nil 760 514 485 Nil 030 035 351 365 2,380 2,475 5,246 5,131 15,202 16,637 14,555 15,668 Cheviot County— continued. Barker, G. T., Woodgrove Barker, L. (private bag), Ethelton Barnes, George, Spotswood Barnes, Miss Mary, Choviot Beckett, Isaac, Spotswood Booth, D. H. S., Spotswood Bosomworth, Mrs. Amolia, Choviot Bradley, Louis, Choviot Brophy, Patrick, Mina Bruce, William, Choviot Brunton, G, Domett Brunton, T., Domett Burgess, Edgar, Domett Butt, Frederick, Choviot Butt, H., Choviot Campbell, Lady, Cheviot Chapman, John 0., Choviot Childs, F. D., Thornbury, Dorrrett Childs, F. G., Domott Cooper, A. D., Cheviot Coopor, James, Choviot. . Costello, M., Domott Craighead, A., jun. (Estate of), Spotswood Craighead, A., sen., Spotswood Crampton, M. H., Domott (Vompton-Smith, S., Port Robinson Dalgety, Charles William, Mina Dalton, P., Cheviot Daly, Jeremiah, " The Lakes," Mina Daly, W. B„ Port Robinson Denton, A. E., " Milburn," Domott Denton, H., Domett Down, A. A., Spotswood Dunphy, Mrs. A. E., Domett Edridgo, Albert," Tormore," Choviot Edwards, Mary and 0. D., Cheviot Egan, Edward, Domott Evans, A. E., Spotswood Fitzpatrick, J., Cheviot Fitzsimmons, H., Brookside, Mina Flaherty, Martin, Cheviot Fleming, John, Section 7, Cheviot Fleming, John, St. Scobic, Choviot Forbes, G. W., Cheviot.. Forbes, L., Spotswood Forsyth, James, Domott Foster, William L., Parnassus Francis, N., Cheviot Gee, T., Cheviot Geeson, Mrs. Ann, Domett Gibson, J., and Sons, Cheviot Gibson, Stanley, Choviot Giles, E. D., " The Sisters," Parnassus Gillanders, A., Domott Gillies, T., Domett Hansen, J. N., Spotswood Harrison, A., Spotswood Harrison, G. H., Spotswood Haughey, S., Mina Hiatt, John H. L., Domott Hilling, John, Choviot Hogan, John, Cheviot Holton, E. R., Choviot Hughes, L. M., Port Robinson Hughos, Patrick. Domett Hughes, W. J. G., Port Robinson Hydo, W. C. (privato bag), Bonmore, Christohurch Hyde, W. C. (private bag), Cathills, Bonmore, Christehurch Jackman, E. J. (Elias Jackman, Trustee), Domett Jackman, W, F., Domett Jameson, R. L., Ethelton King, H., Conway Flat.. King, Thomas E., Domett Leaman, F. W., Spotswood Limbrick, G. L., Spotswood Little, William (Estate of), Spotswood Lott, D., Spotswood Macdonald, R. M., Lowry Hills, Ethelton Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Parnassus Macfarlane, Leslie, Ethelton Martin, B. B., Domett Mathicsou, Jessie, Cheviot 1,013 729 552 540 102 152 934 1,596 153 454 59 301 4,899 807 497 210 460 843 272 170 516 400 873 406 468 400 217 998 338 354 1,297 1,580 1,172 887 1,300 1,050 940 658 35 284 1,118 1,290 505 472 573 471. 8-1 281 5,574 090 515 199 480 1,039 307 290 668 500 950 400 440 407 205 990 447 340 1,216 1,148 1,172 102 790 1,371 672 636 1,190 1,843 1,500 705 355 524 1,142 1,530 350 1,475 400 2,220 1,445 360 252 160 287 299 1,900 645 782 397 53 190 104 2,610 6,555 7,129 19,145 15,008 5,089 4,876 663 1,198 580 483 1,316 1,521 1,500 5,779 5,927 2,234 2,030 3,420 3,790 44,122 41,1.46 757 90 8 853 941 904 808 469 488 721 670 • 525 545 440 451 396 458 132 Nil 580 757 1,125 1,835 522 284 — 258 002 971 570 549 204 709 1,516 2,100 184 497 1,090 1,237 5,405 4,922 356 504 1,107 1,727 357 1,305 482 1,844 398 248 070 217 1,921 619 512 326 52 156 119 2,572 — 1,994 797 863 1,110 1,249 3,562 3,070 550 802 CHEVIOT COUNTY (In Northern Subdivisiorr). Abbott, Mrs. J. M., Domett Allan Bros., Domett Anderson, Duncan, Mina Archibald, David, Spotswood Armitage, H. L., Ethelton Auld, John, Cheviot Bainbridge, William, jun., Mina.. Bainbridge, William, sen., Cheviot 398,972 444,141 209 60 3,088 3,402 530 383 528 444,145 210 1,195 478 4,076 3,230 510 472 737 750 1,967 158 385 386 673 1,361 401 4,604 12,417 6,599 1,800 500 638 1,820 273 395 559 Nil 1,355 447 4,596 1.3,025 6,753 1,829 470
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. I 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Cheviot County— continued. McAdam, John, Domett McDowell, A., Mackenzie McDowell, W., Cheviot McGiffort, A., Mina McGilvray, D., Domott McGrath, .I. J., Parnassus McLaren, D., Choviot McLaren, D., Glenkons, Cheviot McPherson, J., and Sons, Cheviot McTaggart, John, Cheviot Meikle, J., Domott Meikle, Thomas, Domott Mowat, Charles A., Mackenzie Munro, John, Ethelton Murray-Aynsley, C. P., " Glen Albyrr," Parnassus Murray, Joseph, Leader-vale, Parnassus .. Murphy, M., Cheviot Murphy, P., Domett O'Connor, D., Choviot Paton, J., Domett .. .. .. ' Paton, James, Domett Payne, Walter, Cheviot Pottengill, S. E., Spotswood Pusohel, J., Domett Pusohel, N. G H., Domett Robinson, T. E., Waiau Grange, Spotswood Robinson, T. G, Spotswood Rutherford, A. W., jun., Brookdalc, Parnassus Rutherford, A. W., jun., " Ngaroma," Parnassus Ruthorford, A. W.-, Mendip Hills, Parnassus Rutherford, Erik, " Inverness," Parnassus.. Ruthorford, F. S., One-tree Hill, Parnassus Rutherford, G. L., Conncmara, Parnassus Rutherford, G. L., " Mount Parnassus," Parnassus Rutherford, M., Mount Beevor, Parnassus Sanson, G. B., Parnassus Scarr Bros., Mina Scott, J. P., Parnassus Skinner, Mrs. Mary, Cheviot Sloss, R., Choviot Smith, E. W., Spotswood Smith, F. H., Spotswood Spangir, L. 0., Cheviot Spangir, L. 0., Domett.. Sprossen, J. 1)., Choviot.. Stevenson, Thomas, " Berr Cruacharr," Spotswood Stevenson, Thomas, Fenwick Farm, Spotswood Stringer, 10., Spotswood Tate, James, son., Conway Flat, via Parnassus Taylor, T. M., Choviot Thomson, Isabella, Spotswood Troy, Mrs. Margaret, Cheviot Turnbull, S. it., Domett Tweedie, Andrew, Cheviot Upritchard, James, Domett Upritchard, John, Domett Walmsloy, John M., Spotswooil Webb, John S., Cheviot Wells, Arthur T„ Cheviot Westland, C. J., " Glen Muick," Ethelton.. Wilko, W. Arnold, Parnassus Wilkinson, B. E., Domett Wilkinson, T., jun., Cheviot Wilkinson, T. fl., Spotswood Wilson, R. G, Cheviot Winskill, Mrs. M., Cheviot :. Wood, John, Choviot 052 427 304 422 1,420 863 580 1,397 0,747 213 425 599 1,694 1,425 2,005 4,032 322 239 343 1,007 484 38 519 048 478 413 2,850 2,400 8,590 10,395 3,400 4,250 2,050 520 1,183 1,023 . 324 3,340 227 2,675 187 365 900 457 304 319 Nil 966 651 1,380 6,808 345 Nil 602 1,700 1,450 2,223 3,412 307 300 4 971 181 75 III) Nil Nil 806 2,834 6,514 2,665 10,394 3,769 1,335 2,583 I ,025 1,437 Nil 371 3,324 224 2,706 272 329 148 144 Nil 5,154 Waipara County— continued. Anderson, Oscar, Waipara Anderson, William, Mason's Flat Antill, W., Waipara Aires, George, Waikari Bailie, George and Robert, Waikari Baker, P. T. ('Trustees), Waipara Barker, G. T., Woodgrove Barnes, A. H., P.O. Box 17, Waipara Barr, J., Omiiii Barrett and Baynos, Woodgrove.. Baxter, James, Omihi Baxter, WiUiam, Omihi Bentley, James, Hawarden Black, Andrew, Waikari Blunden, B. L„ Waikari Blyth, IL, Waipara Boswcll, F. A., Motunau, Christehurch Boon, L. S., Waipara Bridson, W. C, Woodgrovo Brock, Donald, Omihi Brock, Mrs. A., Omihi Brookcr, C. S., Medbury Brookcr, H. IL, Medbury Brookcr, Mrs. Elizabeth, Harwardcrr Brown, H., Omihi Burke, Miss Margaret E., Woodgrovo Burke, Patrick, Woodgrove Burrows, S., Omihi Busch, Misses M. and P., Amberley Buss, Georgo H., Brabourne, Scar-gill Brrss, William, Scargill Butcher, E., Waikari Butler, P., Medbury Byrch, A. W., Motunau Cameron, Angus, Scargill Cameron, J., Glenmore, Scargill Campbell, Charles R., " Davaar," Motunau Campbell, L. H., Motunau Campbell, N. D., Motunau .. ' Campbell, N. D., Greta Paddock, Motunau Capstick, Thomas (private bag), Urrderfad, Christchureh Carpenter, J. P. H. (private bag), Greta .. Christian, E. E., Hawarden Clarkson, Montgomery, and Todhunter, Waikari Clifford, Sir G. H., Christchureh.. Cole, W. H., Omihi Cooper, R., Waipara Costello, M., The Peaks Costello, Mrs. E. J., Tho Peaks .. Costello, Thomas, Tho Peaks Courage, P. H. (Estate of), Amberley Cowie, A., Woodgrove Cowie, A. p., Hawarden Cowie, James, Woodgrove (:<>x, .1. W. M. (Trustees estate of), Hawarden Crayl home, ('. I!.. Waikaro Crean, T., The Peaks Crean, William, Woodgrove Croft, It. P., Omihi Crossley, C. D., Eskhead, Hawarden Crossloy, C. D., Stonyroyd, Hawarden Crossley, J. D. (Executors of), Waikari Dallard, Mrs. George, Waikari Dalton, J. R., Waipara Dalzell, A. H., Woodgrove Dalzell, Alexander, Box 1, Hawarden Dalzell, Frederick I)., Woodgrove Dalzell, Henry, Woodgrove Dalzell, J., Medbury Davie, F. H., Scargill Davie, William G, Woodgrove Davies, D., Medbury Davis, H. R., Waipara Denton, A. E., " Lower Charltorrs," Domett Denton, John T'., Motuirarr Dickie, Alexander, Medbury Dierce, Miss F. R., Medbury Dierce, W. IL and G. L., Medbury Doak, David John, Omihi Doak, Jamos, Hawarden Dobson, R., jun., Scargill Douglas, James, Basin Farm, Waikari Douglas, Mrs. Alice M., Waikari 245 064 235 1,138 850 1,798 810 850 210 1,002 590 443 124 656 1,303 908 548 402 953 834 286 419 359 14 445 5,497 5,578 1,308 987 1,745 2,380 3,429 237 6,115 I ,030 1.150 5,161 4,586 5,351 1,367 1,710 1 ,008 559 2,480 323 802 253 731 997 2,408 887 714 414 400 591 455 107 807 1,514 800 682 290 1,220 893 280 Nil 437 38 332 5,732 0,200 1,040 989 2,545 3,951 2,990 291 0,370 1,280 971 5,404 4,947 5,000 1,808 1,808 1,210 509 1,750 93 58 5,632 968 2,265 970 445 448 127 526 174 459 710 327 366 708 3,018 319 400 424 4,725 1,550 1,300 877 Nil 1,401 405 434 175 669 118 008 690 512 391 706 3,001 128 416 507 5,830 1,518 1,300 2,352 10,910 510 201 126 740 388 5,200 705 1,123 275 2,514 375 2,100 12,084 453 2,008 12 172 472 843 511 973 214 1,399 1,260 71 367 1,687 450 243 112 204 3,345 164 134 2,918 1,654 11,329 Nil 205 204 064 491 5,400 1,872 1,493 Nil 327 2,508 450 82 2,740 11,522 1,634 2,672 27 207 394 1,076 973 699 759 Nil 1,300 02 453 1,054 427 245 82 281 3,939 245 224 3,012 2,031 198,301 WAIPARA COUNTY (In Northern Subdivision). Acton-Adams, Herbert (private bag), Tipapa, Christchureh Allan, Alexander, Rockvalc, Waikari Allan, Mrs. M., Waikari Anderson, E. G. and W. T., " Dalmeny Park," Woodgrove Anderson, H. M., Waikari 186,907 3,057 4,038 3,347 175 1,297 1,393 2,310 2,317 1,549 1,437
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of SI April 30,1 1917. | heep on April 30, 1918. Waipara County— continued. Doyle, Lawrence, Hawarden Drorr, Mrs. Mary J., Waikari Dwyer, D., Horsloy Downs, Hawarden Earl, William, jun., Waikari Earl, W. T., Waikari Earshman, Archibald, Hurunui Elliot, W., Motunau Elliott, W., Hawarden Ensor and McCrackcn (private bag), Pendlc Hill, Christehurch Evans Bros., Taruua, Woodgrove Evans, R., Clifton, Waikari Ferguson, B., Gowan Hill, Waikari Fincham, H. E., The Peaks Fitzsimmons, Hugh, Bankfield, Mina Fleming, Matthew, Scargill Fletcher, Edmund, Medbury Forrester, J. K., Hawarden Forrester, Misses E. J. and S. A., Hawarden Forrester, W. A., Waikari Foster, William IT., Glenmoro, Omihi Foster, W. W., Pukewcka, Omihi Fox, C. D., Foxdown, Scargill Francis, A., Omihi Francis, H. N., Omihi Galletly, William, Woodgrovo Gardner, Albert G., Scargill Gardner, Edward, Scargill Gardner, G., Riverslea, Medbury Gardner, Thomas N., Scargill Gates, Edward, Waikari Gentleman, W., Waipara Gibb, George, Motunau Gibb, J. L., Motunau Gibb, S. B„ Motunau Gillanders, Duncan, Greta Vale (private bag), Christchureh GiUanders, W. S., Omihi Glass, B. W., Hawarden Glennie, W., Waipara Gordon, Petor, Hawarden Gray, Henry, Tho Peaks Gray, Miss Mary Ann, Medbury Greenwood, G. D., Teviotdalo arrd Stockgrove, Waipara Greenwood, H. D., Omihi Greig, G. G., Motunau Hall, T., Waikari Hannah, J. and R., Waikari Hare, G., Waipara Harris, Charles, Omihi Harrison, G E., Scargill Harrison, H. W., Omihi Harrison, J. W., Motunau Hoasley, James, Hawarden Heinisch, Allan, Omihi Henderson, Mrs. J. R., Motunau Howctt, W. N., The Peaks Hoban, George J., Medbury Hoban, Mrs. M. P., Hawarderr Hoban, P. C, Woodgrove Hobbs, Thomas, The Peaks Holder, P. L., Hawarden Holland, H. H., Waikari Honeybone, John E., Medbury Honeybone, T. E., Waikari Howe, William, Woodgrove Hunt, J. J., Waipara Hyde, A. McA., " Lammermoor," Domett Inch, H. B., Omihi Jennings, A. H., Waipara Joblin, H. J., Medbury Jones, John, Box 1, Hawarden . , JuUus, P. and G. M., Waipara Kennedy, A. D., Mount Whitrrow, Woodgrove Kennedy, D., The Peaks Konuedy, Duncan, The Peaks, via Medbury King, Mrs. IsabeUa Rosa, Waipara Lambie, Andrew, Scargill Lane, L. H. (c/o Charles Wells), Harakeka Road, Lower Riccarton Lawrence, A. J., Box 12, Waikari Leach, W. J., Scargill Leathorland, William, Medbury 153 499 437 1,150 1,016 3,578 1,512 226 1,762 4,300 1,237 1,158 1,035 1,932 663 49 I ,208 395 1,290 2,001 856 2,905 802 407 30 895 740 1,375 1,020 2,844 438 1,048 720 1,056 3,304 194 740 520 000 953 3,524 1,550 313 1,817 4,310 1,507 1,232 1,019 2,122 700 710 1,304 578 1,410 2,433 1,200 3,597 774 410 00 888 820 1,800 1,120 Nil Nil 1,014 719 1,055 3,318 Waitara County— continued. Leeoh, Charles William, The Peaks Leslie, K. S., Woodgrovo Little, Honry, Mount Vulcan and Gotswoid, Omihi Little, H. T., " Glenorchy," Woodgrove .. Little, H. T., Hurhui and Mount Arden, Woodgrovo Little, John, sen., Omihi Little, R. and J., Omihi Loohhead, R. R., Scargill Loucey, D., Waikari Love, A., Omihi Lukey, F. W. C, Waikari Lynskey, John, Hawarden Macdonald, T. It., Woodgrovo MacFarlanc, D. D., Waipara Macfarlane, Mrs. M. F., Waikari Macintosh, Hugh, Woodgrovo Marsdon, J., The Peaks. . Mason, C. E., Woodgrovo Mason, E. and W., Woodgrovo Mason, P. E., Woodgrove Matson, H., and Co., Brooksdale, Horsloy Downs, Hawarden Matthews, H. T„ Waikari Maxwell, J. R., Scargill.. McAdam, James G, Waikari McDonald, A. F., Hawarden McFarlane, Peter, Woodgrove McGowan, R., Waikari MeGuckin, W. J., Waipara Mcintosh, John, The Peaks McKay, M. (Estate of), Hurunui McKenzie, H. A., Waipara McKonzie, Roderiok, Mount Whitnow, Wood562 4,440 397 3,815 598 2,410 582 43 593 1,0.15 131 17 250 2,140 120 504 470 7,258 540 4,464 703 2,700 518 43 488 1,700 209 I!) 235 2,119 150 417 000 1,932 71.1 2,041 533 1,942 090 1,038 1,002 1, 135 2,522 580 200 939 150 235 204 4,925 1,223 Nil 194 210 900 379 248 219 4,477 943 3,230 2,575 483 580 498 200 133 11,440 Nil 815 708 3(55 222 152 11,850 grove McLachlan, D., Omihi McLolland, Claud, Scargill McLolland, Frank, Scargill McRae, M. E., Waikari Mooro, L. W., The Peaks Mulcock, Stanley, " Astrop," Woodgrovo . . Murray, Thomas, Medbury Neevo, William, Allendale, Hawarden Newton, G. G., Hawardon Nicholls, A. P. A., Motunau Nixon, J. W. G, Waikari O'Carroll, John, " Waitoki Downs," Wood790 902 440 2,811 262 032 808 1,700 2,511' 3,559 2,255 900 I 1,093 529 080 3,731 Nil 894 810 1,079 2,335 3,850 1,958 1,496 3,475 854 352 986 424 259 850 553 1,565 205 035 01 272 18 410 526 104 143 453 31 195 112 470 1,047 360 714 3,644 890 485 1,010 409 397 1,284 913 1,076 440 059 49 455 192 828 1,109 168 128 594 31 326 47 429 1,170 436 990 112 051 275 2,798 grove O'Carroll, J., Woodgrove O'ConneU, James, Waipara Old ham, Victor, Medbury Overton, Mrs. IT. M. (privato bag), Greta, Christchureh Pannett, J. A., 109 Dyer's Pass, Cashmere, Christehurch Pannett, W. F., Scargill Patterson, David, Scar-gill Pawsoy, Mrs. Mary J., Woodgrove Piercy, H. H., Hawarden Pilchcr, Mrs. Mary L., Woodgrove Pohl, P. A., Woodgrove Power, F. M., The Peaks Power, Frederick, Hawarden Prior, W. J., Tho Peaks Reese, Alfred, Woodgrove Reeves, H. M., Amberley Resids, James, Scar-gill Roberts, G C, Mount Serat, Omihi Roberts, E. 10., Mount Serat, Omihi Roberts, T. E. L., Scargill Rollo, J. A., Medbury Rutherford, G Q. T., Kunuku, The Peaks.. Rutherford, C. O. T., The Lakes, The Peaks Rutherford, G., Waitohi Peaks, Hawarden Rutherford, G. L., McDonald Downs, Woodgrove Rutherford, L. A., Haydon Downs and Woodgrove Saundercock, Charles, Waipara Scoon, William, Hawarden Scott Bros., Omihi Scott, James, Waikari Shadrach, Julia, Motanau Sharp, M. G., Waikari .. ] I 1,745 j 396 32 2,995 4,082 1,114 427 422 435 42 158 560 560 51 2,450 1,990 2,044 401 Nil 3,043 7,1.78 1,002 430 Nil 471 90 188 Nil 558 57 2,290 Nil 90 1,930 906 785 1,032 409 0,130 7,636 9,573 651 218 I., 796 1,200 1,286 380 1,703 14,142 0,900 9,245 250 670 255 317 1,403 471 430 404 335 1,384 4,000 4,000 119 2,609 1,347 5,500 Nil Nil 1,415 1,243 71 1,525 1,222 Nil 712 I , 120 4,810 214 1,428
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. April SO, I April 30, 1917. 1918. Waipara County— continued. Shaw, D. M., Woodgrove Shields Bros., Woodgrove Shields, T. A., Riverside, Woodgrovo Shimmin, E. Henry, Waikari Skurr, John, Hawarden Sloss, J., Omihi Smellie, J. T., Mount Benger, Hurunui Spence, James, Hawarden Stackhouse, William, Omihi Starkoy, G. B., Omihi Steel, J. B., Waipara Stewart, Jasper (Estate of), Scargill Stringer, 10., Amberley Symonds, Harold, Omihi Taylor Bros., Waipara Taylor, F. S., Waipara Telfer, Alexander, Mount Hilton, Woodgrove Thompson, W. R. and A. A., Waipara Todd, A., Waipara Todhunter, R. G, The Peaks Tomlinson, George, Motunau Trounce, Charlos, Waikari Turner, W. H., Waikari Turton. 10. R., Waikari Uren, A. S., Waipara Walker, 'Thomas, Waipara Ward, W. H., Waipara Watson, Robert, Woodgrovo Wold, John, Waikari Wostonra, P. G. (Executors of), Waikari .. White, C. T., Tho Peaks White, William, Woodgrove Whyte, J. G., Waipara Wilke, William, Omihi Wilkie, Ernest, Omihi ... Wilkinson, Mrs. R. J., Domett Wilkinson, T. TL, Domett Wilson, G. R., Omihi Wishart, E., Waikari Wohnus, M., Waikari Wright, 10., The Peaks .. Wright, John, Hawarden Wright, Richard, Woodgrove Wyllie, John, Omihi ... .. 388 458 — 573 407 590 350 476 1,272 1,929 2,887 1,962 2,055 2,235 463 470 764 911 5,300 0,113 080 881 2,352 2,572 1,818 1,010 140 319 3,250 3,300 1,274 1,300 1,908 2,131 811 1,410 3,601 4,024 849 1,937 549 686 458 350 3,612 3,735 1,534 — 686 — 328 872 072 249 453 990 1,550 1,634 2,073 555 Nil 696 643 552 514 253 ' 377 424 467 1,274 1,224 1,200 1,221 81.0 910 001 676 230 276 783 69 72 1,096 1,334 1,400 1,357 Kowai County— continued. Elderton, IT. T., Amberley Falkinder, Mrs. I., Sefton Feathery, Thomas, Amberley Ferguson, George, Sefton Fitzpatriek, Charles, Baleairn Fitzpatrick, John, Baleairn Fleming, John, Baleairn .. Fleming, John, Mount Gray, Baleairn Forrester, M. B., Woodgrove George, A. S., Waipara Gibson and McDonald, Amberley.. Hadler, H. H., Amberley Hadler, J. H. M., Amberley Hale, W. H., Amberley Hanna, M., Sefton Hanna, Robort, Baleairn Harrison and Sons, Amberley Harrison, James (Estate of), Eskvale, Amberley Hasscll, Thomas, jun., Amberley Henderson, William, Baleairn Higham, Mark, Baleairn ITotchkin, J., Amberley Hunter, Robert, Amberley Hurley, H., Baleairn James, J. H., Leithfield James, T. H., Leithfield Jamieson, Henry, Baleairn Johns, Mrs. A. G, Amberley Kelcher, W. A., Baleairn Lang, Frederick, Sefton Livingstone, W. M., " Craigleo," Sefton Lockhead, R. W., Onepunga, Amberley .. Loffhagen, A., Ashley Bank Loffhagen, S. J., Ashley Bank Mathers, John W., Saltwater Creek Maxwell, James R., Hurstlea, Amberley .. May, G., Baleairn May, IL, Leithfield McAdam Bros., Baleairn McFarlane, William, Amberley McGiffert, Francis, Sefton McGowair, Samuel, Sefton McLean, G. A., Amberley McLean, G. N., "Glasnevin," Amberley .. McLean, H. H-, Ardross, Amberley McLean, Mrs. E., Leithfield McNally, Nicholas, Amberley Moore, John, Baleairn Moreland, John, Amberley Neilson, E. W., Amberley Nicholls, W. A., Amberley O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Connor, Michael, Baleairn Oram, Lionel R., Amberley Parnham, Walter E., " Sefton," Kaiapoi .. Parnham, William A., " Rolieth Hills," Amberley Paterson, William A., " Tho Kennels," Amberley ■ Payne, Edwin A., Amberley Peach, Robert, Ashley Park Flasket, W., Leithfield Retallick, Thomas, Amberley Rhodes, W. IT., Amberley Ritchie, S. E\, Softon Robertson, J. A., Baleairn Rossitor, John, Ashley Rowe, P. and J., Ashley BankRussell, J. S., Leithfield Schaffer, John, Sefton Scott, Alexander, Sefton Shepherd, Thomas, Amberley Smith, Alexander, Amberley Smith and Ellis, Baleairn Smith, Goorgo S., Ashley Stackhouse, James, Mount Brown, Amberley Stanton, Mrs. Annie, Amberley Stead, Gerald L., Brakenfield, Amberley .. Stringer, W. J., Ashley Bank Thomas, James, Sefton Thomas, M. A., The Kennels, Amborloy .. Topp, C. E., Sefton Townley, W., Amberley Trail, George, Leithfield 5 30 325 202 1,280 119 5,214 1,933 305 024 1 ,204 231 154 1,999 1,911 271 395 61 50 493 250 372 578 678 2,004 596 66 384 3,258 III 135 127 1,220 93 204 545 1.30 15 45 308 303 103 95 1,532 1,310 5,221 1,933 2,522 428 007 1,320 333 187 2,032 2,042 330 470 Nil 213 534 042 759 598 1,324 2,520 467 105 350 3,089 177 212 52 Nil 147 341 710 111 250 270 2,301. 1,921 1,652 81 Nil 232 59 1,238 1,104 101 207 Nil 299 Nil KOWAI COUNTY (In Northern Subdivision). Allison, William, Amberley Ashworth, James, Sefton Bailey, Drummond, Sefton Bailey, M. P., Ashley Baird, Samuel, Sefton Beattie, Elijah, Ashley Blacklcy, A. J., Amberley Blackwoll and Parnham, Amberley Blake, W. G L., Leithfield Booker, W. It., Ashley Bank Boyce, David, Amberley Boyce, William, Amberley Brock, A. (Broomfield Property), Omihi . . Brown, D., Amberley Burgin, IT. M., Pine Grove, Amberley Burrell, W., Ashley Bank. Burrows Bros., Omihi Busch, A. H., Amberley Busch, P., Ncwlands, Amberley Busch, H. H., Selbourne, Amberley Coleman, P. P., Riverside, Amberley Collie, 10. E., Ashley Collie, R., Ashley Bank Coop, J. O., Sefton Cooper, Thomas, Baleairn Courage, F. H. (Estate of), Soadown, Amber-ley Croft, Frank H„ Sefton Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Davis, W., Amberley Dixon Bros., Amberley Dobson, Richard, Broomfield Douds, J. F., Sefton .. Douds, James, Ashley Douglas, E. and G. M., Amberley.. Eder, Walter, Saltwater Creek 383,375 409,599 166 2,159 2,045 1,423 76 610 202 121 5,122 543 159 108 255 258 5,600 783 429 148 260 1,165 865 127 173 2,275 212 313 1,917 2,655 312 1,015 708 167 09 776 90 328 420 59 4,400 1,118 2,695 92 171 384 209 1,004 802 179 101 1,769 190 37 79 1,057 223 723 242 85 709 150 221 300 Nil 331 194 1,015 150 196 133 Nil 150 3,056 126 3,055 547 285 322 152 1,226 169 1,871 1,904 246 436 11 174 240 120 185 179 873 179 62 976 210 216 626 49 3,800 473 89 250 92 265 2,488 153 426 929 3,790 285 22 150 119 30 150 2,875 323 816 363 406 177 800 156 249 653 3,685 276 114
No. of SI lieep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Kowai County— -continued. Turnbull, A. R., " Bingley," Baleairn Turner, John Robert, Amberley Watkins, W. J., Amberley Watson, A. J., Amberley Watson, J. E., Broomfield Watson, J. H., Ellerbeck, Amberley Weir, W. H., Amberley.. Wilke, T. W. L., Sefton Wilson, Michael, Amberley Wilson, William G, Edward Street, Rangiora Wood and Newton., Waiau Wornall, R. E., Amberley Wyllie, J. D., Sefton .'. Wyllie, Thomas, Sefton Young, James, Sefton 3,548 2,089 124 304 2,098 836 3,430 1,633 215 592 2,273 1,006 442 100 Nil 456 436 164 306 378 224 Ashley County— continued. McCrackcrr Bros, and Elisor, " Hayland," Rarrgiora Mcintosh, Robert, Loburn McMastcr, A., Ashley Bank Metherall, H. T., North Loburn Miles, C. T., and Co., Fernside Miller, A. M., North Loburn Milltorr, Lieut.-Colonel 10. B., Birch Hill, Rarrgiora Morris. D.. Ashley Bank O'Connor, Michael, South Loburn O'Halloran, John, Glentui, Oxford O'Halloran, J. P. M., East Oxford O'Malley, R. W., Lee's Valley, Oxford Parish Bros., East Oxford Parsons, Mrs. M. E., North Loburn Pavelka, William, Okuku Percy, 10. It., North Loburn Philpott, Augustus L., Okuku Philpott, E. G, North Loburn Plrilpott, H. G„ Okuku Philpott, R. J„ Mount, Thomas, Okuku .. Ponsonby, James, North Loburn Pulley, Albert G, Loburn Pulley, 'Tasman, Loburn Rudd, W. G., Blenheim Shaw, T., Ashley Bank Simpkinson, J. G, Ashley Bank' Smith, Henry F., North Loburn Smith, Richard, Okuku Steele. Adam William, Tokama Stewart, James (Estate of), Ashley Bank .. Taylor, J. W., Cooper's Creek Taylor, Thomas P., Loburn Thompson, G. H. M., North Loburn Todd, Alexander, North Loburn Vallance, W. A., Rarrgiora Wallis, George, Ashley Waters, Charles, Loburn Wells, E. G., View Hill, Oxford Westenra, D. W., Okuku Hills, Tokama .. White, John, Swannanoa Wilson, James, Ashley 5,014 1 ,489 403 1.249 2.357 570 5,538 5,013 1,799 513 1,270 2.300 034 0,118 72 215 670 34 322 367 131 34 253 8,358 3,100 1,284 3,650 1,084 052 425 1,438 121 1,276 700 175 297 325 2,00!) 49 20 406 1.500 2,013 300 170 209 5,902 3,190 1,410 2,040 758 557 313 1 ,325 157 1,073 702 434 300 513 Nil 59 4 713 1,656 1.809 471 289 84 0 310 204 284 04 2,500 5,490 201 87 85,754 103,953 ASHLEY COUNTY (In Northern Subdivision). Alfeld, G. F., Loburn BaUey, Egbert, Ashley Bank Banks, D. IT, Glentui, Oxford Barker. A. S.. Loburn Barker, G. W., Loburn Barker, H. B., Loburn Barwell Bros., North Loburn Batcholor, William James, Ashley Bank .. Beere, Goorgo A., Rockford Bennett, H., North Loburn Bennett, Mrs. Jane B., North Loburn Bennett, William, North Loburn.. Blackett, H., Loburn Blackett, Robort C, Loburn Blunden, L. W. (Executors of), " The Brothers," Bennett's Bradley, D., North Loburn Brady, James, Loburn Brown, H., Okuku Bruce, G. A., Lee's Valley, Oxford Carboy, John, Loburn Casserley, T., Loburn Croft, Goorge Thomas, Loburn Croft, Isaac F., Loburn.. Davis, Joseph, Ashley Dawson, J. P., Ashley Bank ... Dawson, T., Loburn Dixon, F. J., Loburn Ensor, C. IT., Whitcrock, Rangiora Ensor, Hugh, " Rakahuri," Rangiroa Ensor, J. H., Rydal Downs, Okuku Feather Bros., North Loburn Feather, Jamos, North Loburn Fitzgibbon Bros., North Loburn.. Fitzgibbon, L. and M., North Loburn Fitzgibbon, Michael, North Loburn Fitzgibbon, P., North Loburn Galletly, James, North Loburn Gibson, E. M., Lee's Valley, Oxford Giles, A. E., Ashley Gillespie, WiUiam H., East Oxford Griffin, R. M., Loburn North Grim wood, H. P., North Loburn Gudex, (!., Whitcrock, Rarrgiora Haigh, W. H., Loburn Hiatt, John S., North Loburn Hodgson, T., North Loburn Hope, Owon M., Loburn Hopkins, G. T., North Loburn Home, T. G, Oxford Hurst, William, Loburn Hutchison, David R-, Tokama Joyce, John, North Loburn Judson, J., East Oxford Kennedy, Murtagh, Loburrr Kilian, Andrew R. G, Bassendeen, North Loburn King, J. H., North Loburn .. ., Lang, G., Saltwater Creek Lilly, W. H. T., Oxford.. Lott, John, Lee's Valley, East Oxford Mackintosh, W. D., Whiterock, Rangiora. . Mackintosh, William, Whiterock, Rangiora 477 2.891 84 285 697 530 404 146 420 18 122 7.1.7 151 4,300 14 253 170 1,666 170 190 1,930 383 221 245 1,166 4,297 6,957 6,650 365 9 519 337 162 537 2.480 2t2 378 732 553 401 361 530 82 Nil 118 735 166 4,326 3 301 151 2,625 199 20 198 2,101 361 454 95 2,692 4,198 6,968 6,400 586 Nil 753 508 172 12 256 1,895 157 866 1 Nil 5,332 176 341 29 730 204 748 144 8,072 630 1,347 60 378 OXFORD COUNTY (In Christehurch Subdivision). Allen, Joseph, Bexley Ancall, A., Oxford Ancall, H. L., Oxford Anderson, W., Rockford Andrews, E. S., Ashley Gorge, Oxford Askew, Henry, Oxford Bailey, P., Bennett's Bamish, Alfred, View Hill Banks, L. J., Springbank Barry, A. T., View Hill Bassett, Charles F., Oxford Baxter, Alexander, East Oxford Baxter, P. IS., Oxford Baxter, Thomas, East Oxford Bonjcs, H. J. A., Springbank Bennett, R. M., Bennett's Bitmead, C. H., Bexley, West Oxford Blain, T. J., West Oxford Blunderr, Mrs. Alice (Executors of), The Downs, Bennett's Bonisch, John, Cooper's Creek Bowman, Mrs. 10. A., Cooper's Crook Brown, C. A., Cooper's Creek Brown, G., Oxford Brown, James, Whakahua Brown, Thomas F., Whakahua .. Budge, James, Bexley Bunn, Howard, Eyredale, View Hill Burrows, A., West Oxford Burry, A. T., View Hill Campbell, H., Oxford Carpontcr, E., Bennett's Cedar'man, A. N., Oxford Chatterton, J. V., Templeton Clark, David William, Rock Ford Clarke, James, Oxford .. ... 112,208 582 127 317 1,485 582 !)() 103 40 163 202 92 5,380 188 65 118,514 440 191 342 948 285 307 120 68 581 1,008 Nil 1,620 017 669 496 264 249 249 1,873 75 446 277 1.658 2,443 1,515 493 512 288 374 304 295 1,603 671 2 243 4,630 181 720 28 492 154 40 0,884 450 1,321 42 1,000 39 163 245 139 1,514 989 360 1,555 9 816 620 400 385 410 339 170 78 283 180 117 Nil 1,251 435 1,708 9 Nil 704 430 511 415 430 223 53 202 956 200 1,890 52 102 1,667 1,519 250 2,075
14—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1Q1 7 April 30, 1917. No. of Sheep on , April 30. rois April 30. 1918. 1917. Oxeord County— continued. Gloevo, A. J., View Hill. . .. • • 250 Cleeve, F. G, View Hill .. • • 332 Cleeve, Thomas, View Hill .. •• 149 Constable, J. G, Oxford .. .. 133 Cooper Bros., Oxford .. .. .. 2,1.14 Jottom, F. C Oxford .. .. .. 70 Cross, John, Bennett's .. .. •• 1.293 Cross, W. H., Bennett's Junction .. 152 Crowe, Henry, West Oxford Croy, J. 10. arrd J. T.. Oxford .. . . 724 Dal'ley, H. E., Oxford .. .. •• '35 Dalley, Richard B., Oxford .. .. 240 Davis, Robert, Tawera, Oxford .. .. 2, 8o3 Dickinson, U. L., Oxford .. . • 47 Dixon, John, Rock Ford .. . • 100 Dohrmann, R. A. and M., Bennett's .. 379 Doody, Mrs. M„ West Oxford .. .. 40 Doody, Thomas, Oxford .. • • 220 Doody, Thomas, Oxford Doody, W. L„ View Hill . • • • 200 Duckworth, T. P. L„ Lee's Valley, Oxford.. 1,011 Duncan, R. O., Snowdale, Oxford .. 3,202 Early Bros., Oxford .. .. •• 4l,i Engelbrecht, F. W., Tawera .. .. •>< I Evans, G R. J., Rock Ford .. • ■ '. 8 7« Fairbairn, W. S., Oxford .. .. 271 Farr, E. J., Bennett's .. .. • • 263 Farrelly, William, Rock Ford .. .. '>20 Feary, Charles T. A., Glentui, East, Oxford.. 2,130 Peary, E„ View Hill .. • • • • 2. 182 Penwick, P., Oxford .. .. • ■ 274 Ffitoh, F„ View Hill .. •• •• 202 Fisher, Percy, Oxford .. .. .. 1.572 Pralrrn, Frederick, Cooper's Croek .. 40 Frame, James, Oxford .. .. • • 974 Frame, T. J., Oxford Frampton, George, Tawera, Oxford Francis and Lukies, Lee's Valley, Oxford.. 980 Gardiner, S. E„ Oxford 54 Garland, J., Bennett's .. .. .. 533 Garlick, Peter, Oxford .. .. • ■ »<» Gilchrist, P., Kirikiri, West, Oxford .. I 343 Gilchrist, W. T., West Oxford .. .. 557 Gingavon, John, Bennett's Junction .. i Glew, B., West Oxford .. .. ..1,401 Gorton, J. R. (Estate of), View Hill (c/o 721 A. Freeman, Box 585, Christehurch) Gould, G. G A., Bennett's Junction .. 271 Grimsey, Edward J., Bennett's .. .. 500 Gundy, Thomas, Oxford .. .. 270 Harding, F. J., Bennett's .. .. 222 Hawke, David John, Oxford .. .. 591 Hawker, H. R., East Oxford Henderson, Alexander W., East Oxford .. 1.913 Henderson, R. F., East Oxford .. .. 1,222 Herman, Ernest, Oxford .. .. I 109 Hickland, James, Oxford . . .. 290 Higginson, W., Oxford .. .. •• 47o Horn, T. C, Oxford .. .. • • H^8 Inch, J., Bennett's .. • • ■ • ' *59 Inch, Thomas, Oxford .. .. . . | 322 Ivory, William, Oxford .. .. ... 142 Jensen, A., Cooper's Creek .. ..II, [20 Jones, David and Thomas, Bennett's .. 503 Kerr, A. B., Bennett's .. .. .. 100 Kippenberger Bros., Terrace Farm, Oxford 1,520 Knight, Miss Gladys, Racecourse Hid .. , 1,873 Knowles, W. H., Oxford .. .. 213 Lang, G, Saltwater Creek .. Lassen, E., Bexley, Oxford .. .. 1300 Leach, G. L., Rock Ford .. •• I »«82 Lilley, G. J., Oxford .. .. •• 166 Lilley, W. H., Cooper's Creek .. .. 70 Long, Daniel .. • • • • • • 1.011 Luers, Mrs. H., P.O. Box 1, Oxford .. 4,090 Luers, Mrs. H., P.O. Box 1, Oxford .. 400 Magratb, Samuel, Bexley, Oxford .. 283 Manson, F. A. R„, Oxford .. .. — Manson, F. A. It., Oxford .. ■ ■ 554 Martin, Henry, Bexley .. .. • ■ •■■■■•■ McConnel, R. P., Bexley .. . ■ 938 McGillivray, Mrs. 10.. Tawera .. .. 584 McGrath, D., Cooper's Creek .. .. 428 McGrath, J., West Oxford .. •■ 502 McKee, Richard, Bexley, West Oxford . . 280 243 248 195 173 2,179 80 1,750 270 Nil 1,013 142 242 3,401 32 .Nil 550 50 289 272 01 1,312 4,849 741 588 2,510 409 482 783 2,031 2,200 834 304 1,034 47 Nil 880 249 1,580 47 475 143 558 590 80 1,308 1 ,079 Oxford County— continued. McKee, S. H., Bexley, Oxford . . .. 399 McNae, Richard A., Oxford .. .. 555 Mehrtens, T„ East Oxford . .. .. 209 Meyer, E. W„ Bexley .. . • • • 744 Meyer, P. J., Oxford .. . . . . 795 Meyers, A., Cooper's Creek .. .. 946 Meyers. L. E„ Oxford .. .. .. 384 Meyers, R. P., Rock Ford .. ' .. 444 Monk, T. N„ Bexley .. .. .. 903 Morrison, M. C, Oxford . . .. 460 Mounsey, Mrs. John, View Hill .. .. 284 Murray, James, Bennett's .. .. 01 Neil, Miss M. J., Rock Ford . . .. I 76 Paget, J. G, Bennett's .. . . .. 556 Parish Bros., Oxford Pavelka, F., View Hill .. .. .. 093 Pavelka. John, Oxford .. .. .. — Plackatsh, H. and W., Oxford .. .. 78 Powell, Aaron, Ashley Gorge, Oxford .. 100 Powell, Thomas, Oxford ' . . .. 390 Prichard, H. A„ View Hill .. .. 987 Proffit, F. G, View Hill .. .. 238 Reed, William John, Bennett's . . .. J ,804 Rossiter, H. G., Cooper's Creek . . .. I 133 Ryde, George A., Cooper's Creek.. .. | S48 Ryde, W. W., Cooper's Creek . . .. i 430 Scott, Adam, Ohoku .. . . .. I 632 Sharman, Charles W., Oxford .. ..I 172 Sharplin, B., Oxford .. .. .. ' 6f 5 Skurr, E„ East Oxford .. . . .. 1,490 Skurr, William James, Bennett's .. 1,148 Smith, Henry, View Hill .. .. 1,498 Starkoy, W. B., Oxford .. .. .'1,032 Stevenson, J. J., Oxford .. .. Stubby Arthur, sen., Oxford .. .. 657 Stubbs, A. W., Oxford .. .. .. 55 Taylor, J. W., Cooper's Creek .. .. j 284 Thompson, E. H., Oxford .. .. 273 Thompson, P. H., Bennett's .. ..,2.442 Thompson, William, Grrst .. .. 177 Ulmrich, P., Oxford .. .. .. 152 Vallance, John, Cooper Creek .. .. 112 Vincent, L. A., Oxford . . .. Vincent, T. B., East Oxford .. ... 526 Waterman, H. W., Bexley .. .. 601 Waterman, W., Bexley, Oxford .. .. I 388 Watson, Lancelot, Oxford . . .. 75 Weld, S., Oxford .. .. ., 222 Weld, William, Oxford .. .. .. j 383 Wells, Ernest, View Hill Wells, J., and Sons, View Hill .. .. ' 2,227 Wells, J, A. and C. G, View Hill .. | 954 Whyte, Alexander S„ Oxford .. .. 356 Williams, A. E., Whakahua .. .. 654 Wilson, Samuel D., Fernside Winter, George, West Oxford .. .. 538 Winter, Robert Alfrod, Bennett's Junction.. ' 204 Wotherspoon, A. J. T., Oxford . . .. 294 Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford.. .. 1,977 Wotherspoon, F., Oxford .. .. 220 Wotherspoon, Robert, Bexley .. .. 295 Wright, Amos, View Hill .. .. 208 Wright, William, Bexley, Oxford .. .. 286 Wright, William Isaac, View Hill .. 256 109,237 RANGIORA COUNTY (In Christchiirch Subdivision). Anderson and Barrie, Springbank .. 432 Arnott, Mrs. W., Fernside .. .. 7 Ballinger and Cassidy. Woodend. . .. j 224 Banks, John, Waikuku .. .. .. 117 Barker, J. W., Waikuku .. .. J 245 Bayley, J. G, Fernside .. .. . . 328 Bayliss, T, Cust .. . . ' .. 200 Beattie, Mrs. Agnes, Cust .. .. j 1,467 Bolt, G T., Cust .. .. .. 302 Booker-, James, Fernside .. .. I 260 Bowie, Misses, Woodend . . .. 515 Bowron, F. S., Bennett's .. .. 240 Boyd, R., Horrelville .. .. .. 205 Boyle, William H„ Fernside .. .'. | 180 Brosnan, J., Fernside .. .. .. 137 Brown, Mrs. M. A., Rangiora ,. .. 137 415 955 217 782 851 800 90 Nil 1,114 572 358 143 42 980 1,060 350 235 75 74 328 993 501 1,950 148 980 458 1,203 106 513 1,408 1,487 I ,400 1,119 250 008 I 25 289 302 2,777 Nil 251 92 652 583 077 467 105 352 422 2,500 2,003 1,107 070 850 76 869 207 209 1,988 150 502 #229 200 287 129.114 — 592 Nil 126 158 115 330 209 1,410 545 Nil 339 III) 504 320 223 09 530 781 578 202 992 I 1,020 I . 249 115 305 475 334 497 317 142 800 091 Nil 1.470 2,370 Nil 100 1.943 2,190 216 50 190 4,345 293 300 2,515 2,515 040 833 921 647 707 452
1 No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30 1017. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 3C 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. Rangiora County— continued. Birlmer, S. H., Waikuku Burton, G H., Cust Campbell, John R., Southbrook .. Campion, L. W., Cust Carpenter, A. M., Flaxton Catherwood, J. B., Rangiora Catherwood, James, Cust, Catherwood, John, Springbank Charles, James, Cust Clark, II. J. (Estate of), Flaxton Cooksley, E. J., Rangiora Corbett, R. J.. " St. Kilda," Southbrook . . Cowans Bros., Cust Crane, W. G, Woodend Crawford, James, Woodend Croft, Benjamin, Cust Croft, J. W., Bennett's Junotion Crysell, G. K., Cust; Cunningham, William, Orui, Rangiora Dickoff, F. G. and H., Southbrook Dobson, R., Fernside Eaglesome, William, Springbank Eder, T. A., Woodend Edwards, Albert, Okair, Woodend Egarr, John, Summer Hill, Gust .. Elliott, Robert, Cust Evans, F. (Trustee of), Fernside Evans, Richard (Trustee of), Fernside Fahey, M„ Springbank Fairweather, F. E., Cust Fantham, A. A., View Hill Fantham, E. J., Rangiora Fear, E., Waikuku, Woodend Ferguson, B., Flaxton Fitzgibbon, Patrick, Fernside Fitzsimmons, P., Cust Forrest, William, Rangiora Forsyth, Robert, Fernside Foster, J. W., Rangiora Fraser, John, Gust Frizzell, Robert, Cust Garrett, George, Springbank Garrett, Henry, Fernside Gartery, F. W., Springbank Gibbs, S., Woodend Gillerr, H„ Fernhill, Cust Gracy, George A., Rangiora Graham, C. E., Bennett's Junction Guy, W. J., Fernside .. Hassan, Mrs. K., Fernside Heney Bros,, Cust Herridge, G. T., Woodend Hiekland Bros., Fernside Hislop, A. R., Flaxton .. Hughes, T., Southbrook Jack, R. J., Springbank Kolcher, J., Flaxton Kennedy, John, Ngapara, Fernside Kerr, A. B., Bennett's Kimber, A. H., Southbrook Kingdon, N. W., Flaxton Kingsbury, Robert, Bennett's Kinlay, R., Rangiora Land, IT. J., Kaiapoi Larsen, Arnold, Cust Leech, Charles, Rangiora Leech, J. G, Rangiora Leech, W. H., Rangiora Liggett, Robert, Waikuku Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Loffhagen, George, Flaxton Manson, F. A. R., Flaxton Manson, W., Springbank. Grrst Marshall, R., Fernside Matheson, D. G., Fernside McDonald, G. B., Cust McGrath, Charlos, Fernside McGrath, Janres, Fernside Mcintosh, Donald, Fernside Mcintosh, Hector, Kaiapoi Mcintosh, Kenneth, Kaiapoi Mcintosh, Thomas F., Hampton, Fernside MeKibbin, Hugh, Cust McQuillan, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi Mehrtens. Mrs. M. J., Rangiora 52 too 545 652 167 735 635 151 3 345 1,120 254 104 305 366 461 642 112 370 316 415 450 45 131 73 612 540 41 299 10 1,070 170 490 1,117 145 196 334 250 221 49 42 10 294 265 102 00 206 68 10 437 215 192 356 92 450 87 894 442 222 1,027 Nil 197 0 153 205 1,493 204 204 435 435 463 008 231 144 397 542 484 363 570 0 213 190 692 574 29 161 682 82 1,321 Nil 816 1,151 Nil 606 Nil Nil 562 09 70 40 384 552 172 57 151. 180 51 512 463 Nil 400 163 163 118 271 109 Nil 504 104 238 44 56 844 428 Nil 87 520 258 290 100 43 175 1.015 710 139 190 213 429 Rangiora County— -continued. Miles, Hubert arrd Miss 10., Gust .. Miles, James, Fernside Miles, Oscar, Gust Milne, G., Fernside Moore, Christopher-, Woodend Morris, W., Fernside Morriss, James S., Waikuku Nankivell, Charles, Cust Neavo, F. I)., Fernside Neugcschwerrder, Mrs. M. B., Fernside O'Loughlin, Miss Margaret, Springbank O'Roarke, Charles, Fernside O'Roarke, Thomas, Fernside Parnham, F. L., Totaranui, Kaiapoi Parnham, W. E., Beaohdale, Kaiapoi Pearce, Arthur, Rangiora Petrie, John, Rangiora Petrie, Robert, Woodend Plaskott, Mrs. 10., Fernside Power, William, Fernside Prior, Phillip, Pornside Purvis, James, Fernside Rands, G, Springbank Roberts, H. G., Rangiora Robinson, R. J., Waikuku Ross, J., Northbrook, Rangiora . . Ryan Bros., Rangiora Sail, W. 0., Cust" Saundorcock, Charles H., Gust Scoon, W., Amberley Scott, Joseph, Flaxton Skevington, Charles E., Waikuku Smith, A., Fernside Smith, Samuel, Cust Smith. William, Fernside Smith, William, Southbrook Sommer, F., Fernside Sommer, Joseph, Fernside Stalker Bros., Woodend Stanton, James G., Haunirr, Woodend Stevenson, 0. G., Rangiora Stevenson, Jamos, Flaxton Stewart, J. D., Cust Stokes, M. H., Waikuku Sutherland, Charles E., Fernside.. Tallott, IL, Springbank Thompson, G. E., Frecfield, Cust Thompson, W., Cust Trotter, William, Fernside Tutton, A. J., Rangiora Watkins, R. H., Rangiora AVayland, G. F., Cust Whitham, R. F., Fernside Williams, W. R., Fernside Woods, W., jun., Fernside Wright. W. S. and J. T., Fernside 1 ,575 1,242 259 170 198 483 523 1 75 28 592 359 II 174 160 480 254 323 I!) 521 25 043 98 339 140 400 275 77 57 396 682 316 197 01 21 695 120 42 1 ,580 1,033 264 1,391 1,150 197 155 210 341 186 742 527 37 85 1-19 Nil 7-17 511 48 373 209 446 246 . 308 4 439 Nil 031 Nil 790 98 Nil 290 53 12 000 800 398 128 80 33 062 208 280 1,832 1,204 442 28 1,300 335 270 294 90 50 183 187 I!) Nil 410 980 254 177 104 2 133 142 04 310 44,080 53,125 189 322 76 768 126 145 8 50 417 74 85 422 218 286 I 8 92 1,385 346 105 128 651 300 EYRE COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Addincll, John, West Eyreton Anderson, A. D., Clydegrove, Crist Atkinson, Amos, Swannanoa Atkinson, William, Ohoka Bailey, James, Ohoka Barker, E. A., Swannanoa Barnard, J., Kaiapoi Bcal, Mark, East Eyreton Beal, William, East Eyreton Bigg, George, Swannanoa Begg, Jamos, Ohoka Bolcher Bros., Coutts Island Bennett, Henry Athol, Eyreton .. Bennott, William, West Eyreton .. Blackmore, G D., Horrelville Blackmore, T. D., Kaiapoi Bradley, David, West Eyreton .. Bradley, William G., West Eyreton Brown, James, Whakahua Burgess, J. H., East Eyreton Burgin, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa Burt, Mrs. J., Swannanoa Candy, Richard James, West Eyreton Chapman, Denis, West Eyreton .. 733 234 100 106 125 543 117 6 60 252 756 231 223 461 246 274 339 1,008 Nil 145 308 105 481 114 13 32 351 181 1,304 264 228 533 343 3*5 406 1,338 140 j 1,517 17 Nil 2,982 144 1,198 18 204 2,275
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Eyum County— continued. Cherry Bros., East Eyreton .. .. 1.1 200 Clothier, H. W., Eyreton .. .. 20 20 Cook, Charles E., Lyttelton .. .. 108 382 Cooper-, James, West Eyreton .. .. .143 174 Grysell, W. J., West Eyreton .. .. 208 338 Dawson, Richard, West Eyreton.. .. 560 1,011 Dawson, Robort, Ohoka .. .. 25 75 Dixon, M. J„ West Eyreton .. .. 4,857 5,302 Dixon, R. 0., Claxby, Holton, and Wood- 10,345 10,077 stock, Eyreton Fantham, George A., Kaiapoi . . . . 130 200 Fitzgibbon, Matthew, Bennett's .. .. 167 361 Fleming, Robert, Fernside .. .. 726 1,043 Frizzed, James W., West Eyreton .. 1,699 1,525 Gardiner, Sidney, Fernside .. .. 408 1,176 Giles, A. E„ Ashley .. .. .. 110 55 Giles, Arthur Thomas, Ohoka .. .. 2.17 385 Graham, Arthur, Rangiora .. .. 222 1,555 Graham, John H., Horrelville .. .. 225 408 Harper, J. F„ Clarkville .. .. 00 31 Hassall, G. H., ClarkvUle .. .. 429 ! 418 Render-son, J. R., Ohoka .. .. 172 295 Hoseltinc, James P., Swannanoa .. .. 433 774 IIcyward, Richard, Glarkcvillo .. .. 038 092 Hide, Frederick, jun., Ohoka .. .. 100 291 Hoboroft, James, Ohoka .. .. 787 Horrel, F. G, Horrelville .. .. 985 1,166 Horrel, H. J„ Horrelville .. .. 341 556 Hurley. A. C, Horrelvillo .. .. 148 400 lies, H., East Eyreton .. .. .. 861 912 Ironsides, George, Horrelville • • . . ! 1 ,442 Nil Jamieson, A. W, " Waipapa" (o/o N.Z. 431 Farmers' Co-operative, Ghristclrrrrch) Johns Bros., Fernside .. .. .. 1,314 834 Jury, J. W., Clarkeville .. .. 60 Nil Kearrrs, John, Ohoka .. .. .. 21' 40 Kelly, William, Swannanoa .. .. 143; 134 Kennedy, Daniel, Fernside , . .. i 383 , 279 Kevern, E., East Eyreton .. .. 527 300 Kimbcr, It. J. P., Ohoka .. .. 180 Loach, Charles L., Swannanoa .. .. 2,320 i 2,575 Lindsay Bros., Fernside .. .. 310. 142 Lord, Edwin, Ohoka .. .. .. 55 Lynskey, Thomas, Kaiapoi . . . . 55 I I Madeley Bros., Flaxton .. .. 165 221 Magon,' A., Ohapuku .. .. .. 72 80 Maindonald, Henry E., West Eyreton . . 1.12 237 Maindonald, M. H., West Eyreton . . 99 243 Marshall, W. H., Horrelville .. .. 626 880 McHugh, William, Ohoka .. .. 299 245 Mcintosh, Colin, Riverside, West Eyreton 993 ] 902 Mehrtens, Robort, Ohoka .. .. 520 I 510 Merrin, F., jun., East Eyroton .. .. 47.1 I 998 Merrin, Frank, Coutts Island .. .. 140 j 237 Milne, J. G., Fernside .. .. .. 68 81 Murphy, W., Fernside .. .. .. 203 340 Norris Bros., Horrelville .. . . 328 344 Norrish, R., West Eyreton .. . . 562 Parnham, Frank L., " Clarkville," Kaiapoi 1.24 170 Paterson, W. L., East Eyreton . . .. 118 Nil Pcnwell Bros., Kaiapoi .. .. 447 596 Petrie, James, Swannanoa ..' .. 528 580 Power, T., West Eyreton. .. .. 2.15 350 Proviso, David T., Cust .. .. .. 135 212 Reeves and Cookson, Horrelville.. .. 300 ; 191 Reid, Robert, Bennett's .. .. 455 I 687 Rice, Albert, Clarkville .. .. 21 j 21 Richards, W. S., East Eyreton .. .. 143 1.73 Robinson, John, West Eyretoir .. .. 473 409 Rodgers, WiUiam J., Fernside .. .. 245 880 Rutherford, G., Springbank .. .. 655 151 Sanders, Edwin, Ohoka .. .. 132 123 Sheat, F. A., Horrelville .. .. 606 1,732 Smith, J. and W., Clarkville .. .. 189 268 Smith, John, Downs Road, West Eyreton 191 414 Tail,, John William, Cust .. .. — 205 Teague, L. P., Kakariki, Fernside .. 482 512 Thompson, W. J., Horrelville .. .. 523 1,286 Verrall, Ernest R. and A. W., Swannanoa. . 313 426 Ward, James, Ohoka .. .. .. 162 163 Ward, Robert, Ohoka . . .. .. 508 024 Webb, P. It., West Eyreton .. . . 343 509 Williams, Charles M.,'Ohoka .. .. 150 Winter, G. W., Swannanoa .. .. I ■ , 388 No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Eyri County continued. Winter, Herbort, Swannanoa Winter, John (Estate of), Swannanoa Winter, John, Swannanoa Wolff, R. G, Horrelville Woodfiold, E. A., Horrelville Wright, F. L„ Kaiapoi Island Wright, James, Kaiapoi 550 1,027 260 184 Nil 104 1,509 411 311 498 84 52,905 68,692 TAWERA COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Aruyos, S. H., Morra Vale, Russell's Flat . . Anderson, A., Russell's Flat Atkinson, William J., Kowai Bush Barry, A. T., View Hill Borry, G., Russell's Flat Bioor, C. J., Annat Cassidy, Hugh; Springfield Cole, James G., Russell's Flat Doody, I). J., Springfield Dorm an, William, Springfiold Duncan, Alexander-, Springfield Elliott, A., Springfield Evans, Richard R., Kowai Bush .. Gillanders, R. R., Springfield Gillett, S. J., Springfield Gold, William, Kowai Bush Haokctt, P., Springfield Hobson, William, Springfield Hoglimd, J., Springfield .. • Johnson, P. H., Mount Torlessoo, Springfield Keanc, Michael, Springfiold Keane, William, Springfiold Kelly, John, Springfiold King, E. R., Springfield Martin Bros., Clover- Hill, Russell's Flat, .. Mcllraith, Hamilton (Estate of), Springfield Millar, Hugh A., Russell's Flat Milliken, James, Flock Hill (private bag), Christehurch Milliken, John, " Brooksdale," Springfield,. Mills, G, Russell's Flat Murray, A., Russell's Plat Murray, H. V., Grasdalo, Springfield (c/o Dalgety and Co., Christchureh) Odgers, Edward, Springfield Odgor-s, John, Springfield O'Mallcy, James, 279 Bealey Avenue, Christchureh Pope, John, Kowai Bush Rodgers, G, Kowai Bush Rushton, R. H., Springfield Rutherford, E. S., Cora Lynn, Cass Rutherford, S. E., Kowai Bush Searle, P., jun., Russell's Flat Searle, John, Annat Scars, Jamos and IT, Russell's Flat Seymour, Jamos, Springfield Smith, A. F., Wyndale, Russell's Flat Smith, Mrs. Mary, Springfield Spray, G, 328 Fitzgerald Street, St. Albans, Christchureh Studholme arrd McAlpirre, Oraigioburn (privato bag), Christehurch Walls, William, Russell's Flat Wcstaway, Percy, Annat 013 | 4,375 607 I .844 87 443 603 008 I ,290 102 273 379 1.072 50 200 300 100 8,468 311 103 16 674 460 350 19,750 028 4,390 538 1,440 101 182 777 9 537 958 1, 166 150 223 414 620 47 255 266 112 8,140 Nil 521 295 Nil 730 340 320 19,660 8,887 615 1,825 6,768 7,090 173 1,792 6,000 450 446 885 770 2,859 70 51 383 0,700 3,810 560 70 71 445 7,205 3,310 616 289 510 545 2,844 50 Nil 460 1,411 211 2,440 18,972 19,127 511 428 140 97,660 98,800 MALVERN COUNTY. (In Christchureh Subdivision). Adams, A. W., Sheffield Adams, C. H., Greendale Adams, E. A., Waddington Adams, J. A., Greendale Adams, L. H., Aylesbury Adams, T. W., Offord, Greendale Addington, Charles, Kimberley Addiugton, P. and A., Kirwee Anderson, Arthur, Kirwee Anderson, J. D., Darfield Austin, W. B., Sheffield Baxter, William J., and Sons, Waddington 742 636 376 465 397 90 233 30 100 448 297 1,439 840 1,103 576 1,493 858 116 243 Nil 4 107 426 1,359
No. of Sheep en April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Maovkun County— continued. Beaman, Jonathan, Kimberley Beatty, John and S., Coalgatc Bedford,. G. A., Courtenay Bedford, George, Courtenay Bedford, W. G, Kirwoo Black, James, Annat Bloor, J. T„ Annat Boulton, Richard A., Kimberley.. Boyd, W. J.. Sheffield Bradshaw, James, Waddington Broughton, W., Wairoka, Homcbush Brown, Thomas, Coalgato Bruce Bros., Greendale Bull, Frederiok, Waddington Burkitt, A. H., Whitccliffs Burt, J. P., Aylesbury Butler, George, Sheffield Gassidy, H. and J. A., Springfiold Christoperson, John P., Charing Cross Clemerrts, Guy, Kimberley Clinton, J. and P., Darfield Clinton, N., Greendale Clucas, Joseph, Greendale Cogan, Mrs. Margaret, Waddington Coleo, A. W., Courtenay (kimpton, F. W., Annat Conway, Thomas E., Kirwee Conway, W. F., 30 Mill Road, Spreydon .. Conway, W. H., Kirwee Cook, H. E., Courtenay Coombes, John, Racecourse Hill Cooper Bros., Charing Gross Cooper, W. A., Halkett Cross, W. P., Burnham • .. Oullen, J. R., Waddington Davis, C. B., Aylesbury Deans, Alexander (Estate of), Waddington Deans, D., Waddington Deans, James (privato bag), Homcbush Deans, John, " Kirkstyle," Coalgate Deans, William, Waddington Dermis, W. T., Waddington Dent, Joseph H., Charing Cross Derrett, 10. A., and Son, WhitcclifL Donald, John, Darfield Dorrnan, A. D., Coalgato Duncan, J., Kirwee Duncan, James P., Hawkins Duncan, John, Hawkins .. Dunne, John, Darfield Duthie, Alexander, Aylesbury Dysart, H., Kirwee Dysart, James, jun., Kirwee Early Bros., Greendale Early, Charles, Greendale Eaves, Charlos, Racecourse Hill Ede, William, Kimberley Eder, Frank A., Aylesbury Ferguson, W. H., Annat Ferguson, William J., Darfield F'indlay, G, Courtenay .. . . Finlay, David, Courtenay Finlay, Duncan W., Courtenay, Finlay, W., West Melton Fowler, E. G, Halkett Fraser, A., Waddington GaUagher, David, Kirwee Gamble, Charles, Waddington Gartcry, George, Kimberley Gibbs Bros., Darfield" Gibbs, W. J., Darfield Giddings, G. J., Greendale Gill, James Patrick, Darfield Gill, Patrick, Kirwee Gillanders, Donald, Almond Bank, Darfield GiUanders, J., Waddington Gilmour, J. P., Kirwee .. Gough, Mrs. Hannah, Greendale Gray, George, Sheffield Greig, Thomas, Greendale Gudsell, James, Aylesbury Guiney, Edward, Halkett Gunn, Alexandor, Racecourse Hill Hack, F. C, Burnham .. 31 707 240 121 500 270 316 125 130 320 3,789 855 355 179 25 238 255 3,566 1,035 218 1,381 647 22 704 137 447 1,006 1,903 638 174 458 570 102 80 1,134 534 2,221 1,742 3,982 1,827 2,134 300 185 2,211 . 640 I. ,077 352 334 299 839 280 10 303 389 1,214 476 40 370 88 176 j 109 298 592 311 843 11 195 422 312 904 233 1,325 898 695 552 396 457 554 j 376 ! III 817 242 289 1,160 391 Nil 247 Nil 440 4,831 704 284 401 48 385 Nil 3,580 2,144 ■387 1,515 650 214 841 239 685 1,540 1,694 658 238 524 794 60 140 1,589 508 2,152 2,322 3,897 2,464 2,428 543 352 1,430 326 1,137 228 085 390 1,013 458 55 336 448 1,503 498 81 138 450 306 194 287 275 50 387 429 419 870 0 300 597 300 3,157 214 1,363 686 150 1,090 885 535 87 562 j 1,024 i 730 Malvern County— continued. Hainmant, Paul, Darfield .. • .... ■ 77 Hanley, Joseph, Darfield .. - .. J 88 Harmant. D., Darfield . . .. .. 76 Hansen, Georgo L., Kimberley .. .. 185 Hardie, Mrs. Margaret, Coalgate .. .. 320 Harris, E. and S., Kirwee .. .. j 456 Harvey, A., West Melton .. ...- ■ 80 Harwood, WiUiam, Aylesbury .. .. i 400 Hawke, D. J., Hawkins.. .. ..I 1,813 Hayes Bros., Halkett .. .. .. i 997 Heinisch, H., Annat .. .. ., 368 Henderson, W., Halkett, .. .. 41.3 Henley, John, Kirwee .. ... .. i 140 Henry, Mrs. Jane, Annat .. .. J 60 Henry, Thomas, Darfield .. .. 567 Hepburn, J., Burnham .. .. .. 290 Holmes, A. L., Hawkins .. .. 1,394 Holmes, E., Kirwee .. .. .. I 146 Hubbard, Frederick, Greenpark . . .. ' 500 Hughes, E., Greendale .. .. .. 122 Hughes, James, Darfield .. .. 221 Humm, David, Sheffield .. .. 336 Humm, William Charles, West Melton .. 191 Innes, T. S„ Waddington .. ... 583 Jarman, J. H., T. D„ H. N„ arrd 0. G., , 2.773 Horneby and Montford, Kirwee Jarman, T. E. (Estate of), Darfield .. 2.985 Jobson, John, Sheffield .. .. .. 427 Jenkins, E. E., Waddington .. .. 653 Jenkins, W. J., Waddington .. .. 1,080 Joblin, William, Darfield .. .. 07 Johnson Bros., Charing Cross . . . . 553 Johnson Kirwee .. .. .. 1,037 Judd, G. H., Waddington .. .. 993 Kelcher, T. W., Norwood, Selwyn Kennedy, Murtie. Russell's Flat.. .. 758 Kennedy, Thomas, Kirwee .. ■ • 832 Kestcven, Thomas S., Wliitccliil's Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill .. .. 2,413 Lacy, W. 0., Aylesbury . . . . 470 Lake, William, Kirwee .. . . .. 434 LiUcy, W., Waddington .. .. 199 Locldicad, J., Aylesbury . . .. 588 Macdonald, Alexander-, Annat .. .. 458 Macdonald, Ross, Annat .. .. 560 Manson, George, Kimberley .. .. 270 Manson, WiUiam, Kimberley .. .. 341 Marsh, G G., Glentunnel .. .. 230 Marsh, W. H., Kirwee .. .. .. 348 McBeath, Duncan, Kimberley .. .. 278 McCausIand, G, Kimberley .. .. 700 McCleUand Bros., Kimberley .. .. 527 McClelland, Honry, Kimberley .. .. 274 McClelland, Robert, Kirwee . . . . 164 McDowell, Robert, Dunsandel .. .. 914 McHugh, Patrick, Darfield . . .. 602 Mcllwraith, H. T. arrd J. R., Springfield .. 266 McLaughlin Bros., Box 33, Dunsandel McLaughlin, Daniel, Darfield .. .. J 88 McMillan, D.," Pauri Bank," Waddington.. 1 .476 McMullan, John, jun., Kirwee .. ., 446 McQueen, It. and T., Coalgato McSwceney, W., Darfield .. ... 710 Mechen Bros., Rolleston . . .. 468 Mee, Thomas William, Aylesbury .. I ,082 Mobbs, H. A„ Sheffield.'. '.. .. 421 Morrison, P., Darfield .. .. .. 1,016 Mulholland, Daniel, Darfield .. .. 2,137 Mulholland, W. W„ Darfield .. .. 895 O'Shaughnessy, B., Springfield .. .. 044 Page, H. (Executors of), Kirwee .. .. 1,123 Pascoe, Thomas, Charing Cross .. . . 398 Paton, G. W. B., Airnat .. .. 660 Piner, Charles, Annat .. .. .. 262 Prestidge, F. H., Coalgatc .. .. 94 Prostidge, Jesse, Coalgate .. . 503 Redfern, J. 0., Darfield .. . 2,197 Reed, H., Darfield .. .. . 2,790 Reed, Thomas, Burnham .. .. 348 Reid, R. and J., Darfield .. .. 839 Reveley, B., Kimberley.. .. .. 52 Reveley, G, Kimberley .. .. 39 Ridgen, Edgar, Greendale .. .. 2,024 Ridgen, George H., Greendale .. .. 1,347 Nil 360 291 207 177 838 72 . 878 2,278 1,089 378 800 254 150 740 290 2,855 282 Nil 125 258 507 440 584 3,158 5,481 320 775 1,091 7 089 831 880 504 008 707 180 2,207 700 491 290 Nil 390 630 331 315 266 495 462 808 624 410 289 1,630 899 Nil 999 325 1,360 441 7 933 1,490 1,230 Nil 1,121 2,924 1,175 550 1,148 312 Nil 360 Nil 727 3,328 2,439 388 920 14 102 2,61.0 1,207
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. Paparua County— -continued. Davids, n, Thomas, Templeton . . . . 8 Davis, G. E., Halkett .. .. . . 70 109 Davison, S., Templeton .. .. 212 Dawson, T. G., Yaldhurst .. .. 303 532 Dawsorr, Thomas, Hornby .. .. 13 Nil Dillon, P., Rolleston .. .. .. 1,403! 1,435 Doyle, J. (Trustee of), Tai 'Tapu. . .. 436 019 Early Bros., Yaldhurst .. .. 150! 193 Fairbairrr, John, Soekburn .. .. 312 Ferguson, John, Rolleston .. . . 398 j Nil Fincham, John, West Melton .. .. 281 528 Finlay, It., West Melton .. .. 120 122 Forrester, James, Colombo Street, Christ- | 34 15 church Forster, Andrew, Templeton .. . . 88 Nil Fowler Bros., Aylesbury .. •• 203 , 531 French, T., Halkett '.. .. .. 100! 44 Gallagher Bros., Prebbleton .. .. 62 Gibson, Mrs. Margaret, West Melton .. 166 185 Gibson, William, West Melton .. .. 115 i 110 Gilmore, G. F. (Executors of) (J. F. Gilmore), 150 301 Weedon's Goss, William, P.O. Box 100, Christchureh 220 Nil Hack, E. T., Halkett .. .. .. ! 275 147 Hayes, Samuel (Estate oi), West Melton . . 205 205 Heal, B„ Rolleston Junction .. .. 82 97 Henderson, Mrs. M„ Halkett .. . . 231 212 Henderson, R„ Halkett.. .. .. 823 730 Henley, J. A., Lincoln .. .. .. 1,200 Hight', T. W., Weedon's .. .. 294 380 Hill, William J., West Melton .. .. 218 249 HiUo, William G„ West Melton .. .. 994 1,577 Hinton, Edward, Templeton ' .. .. l 92 181 Hunt, A. E. L., Melton Hills, West Melton 1,044 1,474 Hurst, A. C, Templeton .. .. 50 Nil Industrial School, Burnham .. .. 724 057 Jamioson, A. W., 404 Hereford Street, Christ-; f90 181 church Johnston, J. McC, Rolleston .. .. 122; Jll Jones, Alexander, Wcedon's .. .. 165 j 0 Jones, James, Templeton . . . . : 40 Nil Jowers, G. G, West Melton .. .. 320 579 Kyle, H. S. S., Templeton .. .. 500 550 Langdale, F. W. H., West Melton .. 29.1 894 Larcombc Bros., Weedon's .. .. 139 j 58 Leslie, James, Islington.. .. ,. 527 j 1,087 Lewis, C. 10., Yaldhurst.. .. .. 100 Lowrv, James, Lincoln .. .. .. 250 Major, William, West Melton . . . . i 80 175 Manion, L. B., Weedon's .. .. 196 206 McClurc, David, 105 Fendalton Road, Christ- 605 083 church McCormack, James, Springston .. .. 510 , 794 McDnrry, P., Ladbrook's .. .. 102 104 McKay, George, Halkett .. ... 200 380 McLennan, Colin, Wost Molten. . . ... 150 233 McLennan, D. (Trustees of), West Melton .. 022 753 McVinnic, D. A. G, Wcedon's .. .. 245 340 Morrish, F. E., Springston .. ... j 380 759 Mulcock, E. T., Templeton .. .. 305 027 Neill, James, Weedon's .. .. 59 84 Nelsorr, J. H., West Melton .. .. 133 121 New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Li- 484 029 mrtcd), Christchureh Nicholsorr, S., Yaldhurst .. .. 10 9 Nicklaus, J. F., Yaldhurst .. .. 78 379 Paparua Prison Farm, Templeton .. 779 818 Pearce, Ernest W., Weedon's .. .. 93 Pearce, T„ Rolleston .. .. .. j 549 no Phillips, Ralph, Templeton .. ,.. 76 104 Price, W. A., West Melton . . .. 103 ,64 Pyne and Co., Cashel Street, Christchureh 398 790 Riches, Robert J., Pound Road, Yaldhurst I 202 Rolston, James, West Melton .. .. 148 205 Roper, R. S., Halkett .. .. .. j 253 473 Ryan Bros., Weedon's .. .. .. j 805 0-7 Ryan, C. J., Broadfield, RoUeeton .. 119 :;oi Sandrcy, Walter George, Rolleston .. 303 397 Savill, John, Yaldhurst . . .. — 54 Sloane, Arthur, West Melton .. .. 134 224 Smith, A. E., 146 Ham Road, Riccarton .. 13 Nil Smith, G. G, Broadfield .. .. 118 09 Smith, Sidney, P.O. Box 27, Lincoln .. 1 205 Smith, W. G., Weedon's .. .. 070 914 Malvern County— continued. Robertson, Andrew, Courtney Robertson, G. T., Courtney Roper-, P., Courtenay Roper, H., Kirwee . < Rout, W. B., Kirwee Rudd, G, Greendale Rudd, J. D., Greendale Sandry, A. H., Waddingtorr Sanson, William, Darfield Saunders, .10. C, Aylesbury Soarle, P. (Estate of), Annat Searle, John, Annat Seaton, George, Kirwee Solby, J. H., Aylesbury Shipley, Alfred, Aylesbury Shipley, H. B., Aylesbury Simm, T. W., Kirwee Slattery, Mrs. M. (Estate of), Darfield Sleight, E., Whitccliffs Smith, J., Kimberley Sowdon, F. G, Aylesbury Stewart, J. and E., Sheffield Stott, William, Kimberley Street, William Thomas, Aylesbury Streetor, J. W., Greendale Syme, William, Kimberley Taylor, J., Springfield Thomas, Leonard, "Highfield," Kirwee .. Thompson, J., Halkett Thomson, William, Halkett Townshend, H. Or,, Waddington Tuft, John Alexander, Kirwee Turner, W. F., Halkett Vaughan, Thomas, Kirwee Walker, William, Coalgate Warren, J. W.. Greendale Watson, George, Greendale Watson, John, Annat Watsorr, R. J., Halkett Watson, W., Cordross, Coalgatc. Wells, H. G, Greendale Westaway, F., Kirwee Whyte, Charles (privato bag), Sandy Kuril's Wilde, E. H., Aylesbury, Kirwee.. Williams, W. A., Kirwee Wilson, Meredith, Halkett Witte, George, Tai Tapu Wright, G. P., Annat Wright, J. W., Kimberley Youngman, J. it., Charing Cross Zuppicich, S. A., Aylesbury 100 154 00 100 12 133 201 357 434 778 845 452 312 322 394 172 431 523 ! Nil 278 288 266 148 91 654 i 1,579 904 ' 1,697 746 404 70 106 276 237 127 110 2,040 , 2,000 413 ' 1,286 608 1,367 659 747 320 382 260 345 300 220 10!) 290 305 354 236 240 456 406 514 979 437 475 90 40 74!) 050 930 1,079 205 I 75 99 | 141 514 510 874 1,320 109 241 32 70 490 582 5 ' 80 150 277 502 950 1,430 857 1,412 017 585 840 812 492 410 PAPARUA COUNTY (In Christehurch Subdivision). Bailey, James, Prebbleton Bailey, Joseph, Templeton Banks, Arthur, Templeton Bell, A. and J., West Melton Brown,- Miss Gertrude, Wcedon's Brown, P. J., Broadfield Burdon, James, Burnham Burn, T. W., Harewood Busch, W. S., Rolleston Butcher, Henry George, Broadtields Caesar, Julius A. A., Templeton Calder, George, Halkett.. Calder, William, West Melton Campion, W. arrd A., Prebbleton Carpenter, F. W., Prebbleton Carpenter, W. J., Yaldhurst Carter, P. C, West Melton Chambers, Jamos, West Melton Chambers, W. J., West Melton Chapped, Mrs. A., Templeton Chisrrall, Alfred, Yaldhurst Clarkson, W. B., and Sons, Riccarton Conway, W. P., 36 MiU Road, Spreydon .. Cooper, A. A., Yaldhurst Craighead, David, Templeton Gross, H. E., Weedon's Ounneen Bros., Broadfield Curragh, Henry, Templeton 134,964 167,774 _i 219 404 227 181 167 15 182 13 72 j 82 417 ! 490 55 ' 00 254 353 121 124 360 32!) 296 309 46 85 311 494 262 20 1,600 2,387 135 143 425 Nil 640 — 187 763 1,204 1,247 1,300 1,594 1,260 319 185 134 118 239 617 985 36 35
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. Patarua County,— continued. Stackhouse, James, jun., Halkett Steele, F. IL, Christehurch Steffens, John, Templeton Stevens, Thomas, " Braco " Settlement, Fendalton, Christehurch Stonyer, J. T., Weedon's Stuart, H., Middleton Taylor, Charles P., Templeton Thomas, J. H., West Melton Thompson, E. A. G., Templeton Thompson, E. G, Templeton Thompson, Edward, Rolleston Thomson, Arthur-, Halkett Trickett, Miss 10. J., New Hill, West Melton Trott, Goorgo William, Broadfiolds Vivian, J. T. M., Sockburn Voice, T., Templeton Wairr, F. W., Templeton Walker-, C. E„ West Melton Walker, J. S., West Moltorr Watson, George, West Melton Whyte, Franois, Aylesbury Whyte, H. S., Yaldhurst ' Wild. L. •).. Agricultural College, Lincoln.. Williams, W. M., Russell's Flat Withell, G. A., Lincoln Wright, John P., Templeton Wright, Richard, Templeton Wright, W., Springstoir.. Yeo, Samuel, Halkett 171 188 103 99 170 83 20 43 200 | 292 14 3 86 33 259 418 73 198 08 142 ' | 44 39 145 4 50 Nil 203 ! 98 200 05 381 17 249 18 | 321 453 ! 592 153 138 380 100 449 503 31 9 130 107 Nil 200 i 100 92 I 142 AKAROA COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Armstrong Bros., Mount Verrrorr, Akaroa .. I 2,808 Armstrong, Joseph, Akaroa .. .. 391 Ashton, William, Little Akaroa .. PaUey, Franois G., Little Akaloa.. .. 25 Barnett, 11., Le Bon's Bay . . Barrett, W. R., Wainui .. .. 414 Birdling, Mrs. Margaret, Little River .. : I . 980 Boleyn, John S., Okain's Bay . . . . I 70 Boleyn, J. W. A., Okain's Bay .. .. 288 Bruce, J. D., Akaroa .. .. .. 464 Byar.W. P. and M., Little River .. 1,382 Chapman, J. V., Puaha .. .. .. 330 j Checkley, G, Akaroa .. .. .. 1,752 Churchill, W. A., Barry's Bay . . .. 6 Coe, Ralph R., Akaroa .. . . ... 906 Conway Bros., Wainui .. .. ..2,141 Corrigal, James D., Pigeon Bay .. .. : 455 Corrigal, William, Pigeon Bay . . .. 416 Corrigal 1, Frank, Pigeon Bay Cossar, W. M.., Duvauohelle .. .. 221 Craw, It., Chorlton .. .. .. 350 Craw, Victor, Little Akaloa .. .. 2.050 Craw, Victor, Ragle's Nest. Little Akaloa . . I ,068 Crotty, Charles J., Le Borr's Bay.. .. 181 Crotty, William, Le Bon's Bay .. .. 403 Crotty, W. S., Le Bon's Bay . . . . 29 Cunningham, Peter, Takamatua . . .'. ■■ 992 Curry Bros., Akaroa .. .. .'.' 227 Dalgliesh, James, Eastwood, Le Bon's Bay I 1,333 Dalglish, W. G, Lc Bon's Bay .. .. 1,435 Donovan, James, French Farm .. .. 220 Elliot, H. F., Le B rr's Bay .. .. 128 Elliott. P., Le Bon's Bay . .. 150 Elliott, William A. E., Le Bon's Bay .. 2 Fahey, John P., Little River .. .. 162 Fyfe, D. A., Akaroa .. .. .. 7 Goodwin Bros., Pigeon Bay .. .. I ,908 Gracia, J. (Estate of), Akari a . . . . I .088 Gurnoy, J., Le Bon's Bay . . . . 210 j Haines, Edwin, Okain's Bay .. .. 849 Hammond, Or., Akar a .. . . . . 38 Hammond, W. B., Takamatua . . . . 25 Harris, E. A., Okain's Bay .. .. 15 Harris, E. W., Okain's Bay . . . . 9 Harris, H. H., Okain's Bay .. .. 7 Hay, Ebonezer, Pigo< n Bay . . .. 3,970 Hay, J. G, Pigeon Bay .. .. 3,258 Hay, R. S., Pigeon Bay .. .. 470 Haylock, Arthur, Akaroa .. .. 611 Hayward, George, Duvauohelle .. .. 37 Hayward, Joseph, Robinson's Bay .. 777 Hayward, W. G„ Wainui .. .. 1,191 Holmes, G. (>., Pigeon Bay .. .. 6,158 Holmes, G. G., jun., Pigeorr Bay. . Holmes, W. G, Pigeon Bay . . .. 240 Hooker, Mrs. E. D., Wainui .. .. 1,828 Hunt, David, Pigeon Bay .. .. 120 Hunter, Oliver, Lyttelton .. .. 25 Innes, Charles, Pigeon Bay .. .. 230 Jamieson, J. F. K., Ataahua .. .. 2,325 Kay, C. E„ Little Akaloa .. .. 1,590 Kay, T. L. F„ Duvauchclle . . .. 207 Kearney, F. L„ Akaroa.. .. .. 113 Kearney, Gordon M., " Mount Berard," 73 Akaroa Kearnoy, W. M., Akaroa .. '.. 334 Knight, J. T. (Trustee of), Okain's Bay .. 654 Knight, James, Long Bay Road, Akaroa .. 609 Knudson, A. and G., Pigeon Bay .. 129 Latter, Robert, Barry's Bay . . .. 1,947 Le Lievre, A. J., Gough's Bay, Akaroa .. 629 Le Lievre, A. V., Takamatua .. .. 705 Le Lievre, E. E., Akaroa .. .. 1,375 Le Lievre, H. F., Akaroa . . .. 22 Le Lievre, Mrs. Mary J., Akaroa.. .. 678 Le Lievre, S. C, Akaroa .. .. 900 Le Lievre, T. R. F., Akaroa .. .. — Leonardo, A. P., Lc Bon's Bay .. .. — Leonardo, W. E., Le Bon's Bay .. .. 15 Lyall, G and R., Pigeon Bay .. .. 3 Lyall, C. S., Pigeon Bay .. .. 30 Mackay, James, Duvauohelle .. ., 21 Macphail, W. D., Wainui .. . . 201 Maginncss, C, Wainui .. .. .. 1,754 3,364 82 2 122 6 108 2,161 237 443 401 1,420 428 I , 728 Nil 894 2,187 586 545 459 294 4.50 2,070 I . 550 190 '452 70 1,196 112 1,302 I ,418 229 250 180 21 Nil 28 1,948 1,213 Nil 700 53 Nil 7 5 9 5,171 3,199 480 644 77 868 : 1,272 0,004 1,100 2,640 : 1,875 0.1 25 400 2,130 2,091 240 746 138 445 668 880 Nil 115 Nil 1,215 710 41 728 920 1,035 189 429 8 10 0 215 1,790 WA1MA1R1 COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Boag, J. N., " Burnside," Fendalton (106 Hanson's Road, Riccarton) Boyd, D. T., Ouruhia Canterbury Frozen-meat Company, Christchurch Curtis, Johrr, Styx . . Dowdlo, Frarrk, Clarkville Drrrey, G. P., Harewood Gould, 0., Marshland Guthrie, Robert (Estate of), Belfast Harris, Henry, Styx Harris, Stephen, Styx Hockey, J. G, Harewood Hockey, W. It., Hawthorncten Road, Fendalton Johns Bros., Belfast Jones, James, Belfast Kinlcy, James, Belfast Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Mangin, G. A., 30 Clyde Road, Riccarton. . Matson, H., and Co., Box 3, Christchureh .. Sandford, Matthow, Ouruhia Shipley, George, Harewood Spencer, W. P., Ouruhia Stanley, G. H., Harewood Webb, James, Harper Street, Upper Riccarton Wilson, W. M., Belfast Withell, T. C„ Papanui.. Worthington, J., Harewood 33,016 45,639 494 210 94 117 173 301 101. i 105 224 ! 254 270 : 343 199 32 Nil J7I 218 138 112 33 , 45 17 47 53 i 277 103 132 214 300 111 101 80 Nil 102 25 203 Nil 3,045 3,040 810 810 107 i 108 7 ' 157 17 j 8 530 1,204 — 296 HEATHCOTE COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Cashmere Estate, Cashmere Hills Fairbairn, George, 57 Ferry Road, Linwood, Christehurch Farrburn, Alexander, Papanui Garland, J. E., Hillsborough, Woolston Humphreys, George, SumnerHunt and Langdale, Sumner McCullough, George, Victoria Park, Cashmere Hills Rae, James, Mount Vernon, St. Martin's, Opawa Trusoott, P., Saddler, Christchureh Weir, J. S., Heathcote Wetherall, B. J., Heathcote Valley 7,195 8,415 3,509 3,539 41 586 Nil 6 12 1,344 i 1,906 1,933 2,145 160 j 180 2.175 j 1,800 120 Nil 1,620 2,240 12 11 7,195 8,415 3,509 3,539 41 586 Nil 6 12 1,344 ( 1,906 1,933 2,145 160 ! 180 2.175 ! 1,800 120 Nil 1,620 2,240 12 11 11,525 11,934
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 80, 1917. 1918. Akaroa County— continued. Marshall, J., Little Akaloa .. ., 0 Marshall, Miss C. (Executors of), Pigeon Bay 1,530 1,579 Masefield Bros., Long Bay Road, Akaroa .. j 2,1.13 2,131 M iskew, Thomas S., Pigeon Bay .. .. 585 555 Mason Bros., Okain's Bay ., .. I 230 , 290 M< Donald, A. D. A„ Wainui . . .. 025 ' 070 McDonald, Coll, Wainui .. .. 134, 130 McDonald, John Allan, Wainui . . . 496 ! 591 McIIale, Henry, Raupo, Little Akaloa .. 52 160 McIIale. W. and T., Chorlton . . 1,196 1,200 Mcintosh, A. H., Little Akaloa .. .. 411; 450 Mcintosh, G. L„ Le Bon's Bay .. .. 205 377 Mcintosh, J. H., Le Bon's Bay .. .. 427 050 McKay. A. B.. Pigeon Bay .. .. 435 018 McKay, Dorrald, Duvauehellc's Bay .. 101 129 McLean, Donald W„ Little River- ' .. 425 McPhail, A. A., Poutokoroa, Lc Burr's Bay 1 ,197 1,189 Menlovo, 10. T., Wainui .. .. .. 258 ', Nil Menzies, H., Menzies Bay, via Lyttelton . . 307 204 Menzies, N. A„ Mcrrzies"Bay, Lyttelton .. , 1,802 j 2,057 Menzies, W., Menzies Bay, Lyttelton .. ; 2,016 , 2,862 Mooro, W. H., Long Bay' Road, Akaroa .. I 1,579! 1,523 Mould Bros., Duvauchclle . . . . 15 2 Mould, Goorge, Le Bon's Bay .. .. j 32 43 Narbey, Archibald, Akaroa .. .. 1,470 1,607 Narboy, Charles ('., Long Bay Road, Akaroa I , 119 1,307 Newton, J. R., Akaroa .. .. .. i 305 351 Odcll, H., Takamatua .. .. .. 12 Orme, A. W., Robinson's Bay . . . . 270 586 Page, W. H., Ataahua .. .. .. 1,500 1,242 Pairman, T. W., Governor's Bay.. .. 22 53 Pawson, Thomas, Little Akaloa .. .. 8 Nil PotterBOn, M s. M., Le Bon's Bay .. 58 Nil Petterson, J. P., Le Bon's Bay '.. .. 92 Nil Pettigrew, John, Pigeon Bay .. .. 24 20 Porter, Mrs. F., Akaroa.. .. .. 0 7 Porter, J. and T., Onuku, Akaroa .. 1,268 1,370 Priest, J. S., " Aorangi," Chorlton .. 513 735 Itcynish, J. C. G, Pigeon Bay .'. .. 412 Rhodes, A. I., Flea Bay, Akaroa.. .. 2,169 1,850 Rhodes, H. A„ Akaroa .. .. .. 2,200 2,570 Richfield, C. C. J., Duvauchclle . . . . 307 425 Rinaldi, James, Puaha .. .. .. 320 206 Salt, A., Pigeon Bay .. .. .. 418 Nil Shad bolt. P., French Farm .. .. 176 100 Stanbury, L. D., Wainui .. .. 1,224 Symes, W. G J., Le Borr's Bay .. .. 226 227 Thaoker, J. R., Okain's Bay .. .. 2,403 1,009 Thompson, William, Motukarara., .. 447 279 Waghorn, A„ Little Akaloa .. .. 567 606 Waghorn, Luke, Little Akaloa .. .. 1,246 1,485 Ware, T. G„ Okain's Bay . . .. j 356 1.85 Warner, W. J., Wainui. Akaroa . . ..j 20 10 Wells, L. S., Chorlton .. .. .. 416 420 Williams, A. E., Little River .. .. 304 Williams, F. W., Robinson's Bay .. 948 798 Wilson, C. F. G, Barry's Bay .. .. 30 Wright, P. G. A„ Wainui .. .. 325 Wright, J., jun., French Farm .. .. 494 515 Wright, J. W., and Sons, Cheddington, via 781 823 Little River 97,436 107,245 Wairewa County— continued. Coop, J. 0., " Kaituna," Little River .. 2,398 3,700 Coop, Margaret, Waihora, Ataahua .. 2,030 2,430 Fahey, Patrick, Little River .. .. 18 Feather, Thomas, Little River .. .. 1.030 1,038 Field, G W., Ataahua .. .. .. ' 900 910 Field, F. H„ Ataahua .. .. . .1 180 290 Gebbie, D. L„ Motukarara ..11,153 1,461 Gebbie, J. C. 0., Motukarara .. .. 1,277 1,031 Gibb, John G, Puaha .. .. .. 14 Giddens. T„ Motukarara .. .. 190 205 Giynan. John, Little River .. .. 924 08(1 Gray, W. A„ Ataahua .. .. .. 1.404 1,-178 Harris, A. W., Te Oka, Little River .. 049 701 Harvey, Andrew, Te Oka .. .. 018 784 Hodgcn, A. and J., Motukarara .. .. 144 loo Hodgen, Edward, Motukarara .. .. 41 Nil Hopkins, C. L., Wainui .. .. 420 438 Hulston, A., Ataahua .. .. .. 380 025 Humphreys, G., Poranur .. .. 3,245 ' 3,007 Humphries, J. G„ Little River .. .. 75 60 Hutohinsirr, A. V.M., Little River .. 188 209 Joblin, A. V. ,1., Little River .. .. 74 72 Joblin, Edward James, Little River .. 349 430 Johnson, Joseph, Little River- . . .. i 204 Jones, George, jurr., Little River. . .. 218 418 Judsorr, Charles, Little River .. ... 032 030 Keenan Bros., Little River .. .. 1,240 1,348 Kennedy, John, Wainui .. .. 1,235 1,222 Landrigan, John, sen., Little River .. 2 Nil Lewthwnite, Mrs. Harriet L., Little River.. 793 831 Lewthwaite, W. P., Little River .. .. I 372 402 Livingstone, J., Little River .. .. I 237 323 Mackay, John, Little River .. .. 18 9 Macphail, A. A.," Reida Hill,"Lc Bon's Bay 1,791 1,710 Macphail, W. D., Wainui .. .. 1,982 2,117 McGirr, T. H., Te Oka .. .. 002 1,020 McGowan and Taylor, Puaha .. .. 278 , 1.75 McLean, D„ Little River- .. .. 430 Midgley, Samuel H., Little River • .. 785 725 Millrgan, H. T, Puaha .. .. .. 100 Montgomery, W. IL, Little River .. 3,897 3,305 Mould, It. A., Puaha, Little River . . 642 ; 890 Mould, Thomas, Puaha .. .. 184 86 Murray, Gordon TO., Little River.. .. 793 881 Norrie, Robert T., Puaha .. .. 50 45 Nutt, IL, Ataahua .. .. .. 565 080 Nutt, S., Ataahua .. .. .. 920 1,005 Parkinson, John, Ataahua .. .. 1,500 1,660 Parkinson and Quaife, Ataahua .. .. 2.025 1,821 Parkinson, W. F„ Ataahua .. .. 2,149 2,194 Piper, H. W„ Tc Oka, Little River .. 2,888 2,862 Price, O. B., Poranui .. .. .. 1,022 1,000 Reed, P. G., Puaha .. .. .. 323 337 Richards, D., Little River .. .. 1,281 1,270 -Scott, J. L., Puaha . . .. . . 300 Nil Stanbury, T. 10., Little River . . .. 004 781 Stewart, R., jun., Barry's Bay . . . . 293 324 Streeter, John W., Greendale .. .. 205 255 Streeter, T. J., Poranui .. .. 738 743 Studholme, Robert, Little River.. .. 058 731 Webster-, Arthur G., Little River- .. I 466 393 Win clcr, Matthew, Church Farm, Motukarara 282 285 White Bros., Ataahua .. .. .. 1,986 2,300 White, Thomas, sen., Kinlock, Little River 544 565 White, Tom, jun., Te Oka .. .. 489 589 WiUey, Alfred, Poranui .. .. 658 740 Wilson, Lawrence, Teddington .. .. 2,488 2,315 Wynn-Williams, C, Little River.. .. 558 Nil WAIREWA COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Allen, W. J„ Little River .. .. 423 388 Andorson Bros., Ataahua .. ,. 1,486 1,145 Barclay, George, Little River .. .. 930 1,162 Barclay, M., Little River .. .. 267 186 Barwrok, D., Poranni .. .. .. 679 926 Bayley, E. W. B., Ataahua .. ..1,770 1,854 Birdling, Albert Edward, Poranui .. 2,017 1,790 Birdling, F. G., Poranui .. .. ,2,050 1,965 Brankin, T. 10., Little River . . .. I 538 488 Breitmeyer, E. L., Little River .. .. I 115 143 Brown, Andrew, Motukarara .. .. 101 394 Buohanan, J. P., Kinloch, Little River ..2,937 3,010 Buokland, Mrs. C, Wainui .. .. 498 410 Chapman, H. T., Puaha.. .. .. 40 Clarke, John W., " Meadowvale," Puaha . . 61 00 Cooney, Matthew, Motukarara .. .. 1,165 1,680 Coop, Frank, Poranui .. .. .. 1.218 1,491 Coop, J. O., and Misses, Spring Vale. Little 3.727 3,050 River 76,962 82,128 MOUNT HERBERT COUNTY (In Christehurch Subdivision). Allan, Robert, Allandale .. .. 765 707 Anderson, Kate B., Teddington .. .. 605 027 Anderson, R., Teddington .. .. 335 381 Anderson, Waltor, Charteris Bay. . .. 195 341 Anderson, W., jun., Teddington .. .. 394 400 Bamford, Daniel, Allandale .. .. 100 97 Blatehford, S. M., Teddington .. .. 580 625 Bowden, William, Lyttelton .. .. 8 21 Bradley, Orton, Teddington .. .. 2,145 2,191 Brophy, Martin, Governor's Bay.. .. 762 1,210
TL— 23.
No. of S April 30, 1917. iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Mount Herbert County— continued. Cook, William (Trustees of) (c/o H. Matson and Co., Christchureh) Coop, Frank, Port Levy De Their, Edward, Lyttelton Field, Henry, Port .Levy Firmston, William Heni-y, Teddington Fleming, A. R., Port Levy Fleming, J. A., Port Levy Fleming, John E., Port Levy Fleming, R. J., Port Levy Forrester, John, Lyttelton Gardiner and Jackson, Purau, Lyttelton .. Gardiner, P. R. H., Purau, Lyttelton Gardiner, Harold, Purau, Lyttelton Gardiner, L. G, Clyde Road, Riccarton Gardiner, L. C, jun., Christchureh Gebbie Bros., Teddington Gray, William Alexander-, Ataahua Hay, John T., Lyttelton Hay, William, Lyttelton Henderson, G., Diamond Harbour, Lyttelton Jackson, H., Purau Jenkins, F., Little River Manson, A. C, Teddington Pope, Charles A., Port Levy Quarantine Station (Department of Agriculture), Quail Island, Lyttelton Retallick, T. W., Port Levy Small, A., Governor's Bay Steele, George, Port Levy Wallis Bros., Governor's Bay Wallis, George, Governor's Bay Wallis, Geargina, Governor's Bay Ware, B. G, Vale Royal Farm, Port Levy .. Williams, A. E., Port Levy Wilson, L. M., Overleigh, Port, Levy HALSWELL COUNTY (In Christehurch Subdivision). Anderson Bros., Prebbleton Birdling, A. J., Halswcll Campbell Bros., 180 Antigua Street, Christchurch Campion, H- H., Halswell Coleman, Luke, Ladbrook's Gossar, John, Tai Tapu Ferguson, J. E., Halswell Gibson and McDonald, P.O. Box 276, Christchurch Hodgen, A. and J., Motukarara Holmes, G. G., Halswell Lill, John William, Tai Tapu McCartnoy, H. J., Tai Tapu McCartney, John S., Greenpark Miln Bros, (private bag), Te Repo, Christchurch Morten, Richard, Tai Tapu Narby, P., Halswcll Payne, H. E., Tai Tapu Prebble, James H., Halswell Rhodes, Hon. R. IL, Tai Tapir Storry, L. W.,442 Lincoln Road, Christohuroh Sunnyside Mental Hospital, Christohuroh .. Tanner, H. N.. Tai Tapu Witte, Ernest, Tai Tapu Wood, It. G. T., Halswcll 145,828 520 703 87 423 2,000 2,280 2,158 2,046 28 3,49!) 3,210 3,917 3,910 918 2,911 I , 225 256' 224 15 153 884 121 183 110 1 ,735 000 327 1.027 3,138 1,313 43,709 Nil 2,953 829 87 460 2,000 2,500 I , 999 2,095 14 Nil 3,257 3,774 Nil Nil 3,190 1,170 267 242 Nil 3,210 250 1,315 102 252 745 104 2,060 775 351 38 1,300 Nil 1,218 Springs County— continued. Bowley, B. B., Motukarara Chamberlain', A., Ellesmere Chamberlain, Albert Percy, Ellesmere Chamberlain, Henry Ernest, Ellesmere Chamber-lain, William C, The Manor-, Burnham Chamberlain, William Hadstock (Executors of), Ellesmere Clephane, George, Springston .. Cook, George H., Springston South Cross, John, Ellesmere Crump, Paul, Springston Davison, E. and T., Rolleston Davison, G., Springston Railway.. Dearnley, A. H-, Springston Deed, J. H., Rolleston Dent, Charles, Springston Dobbs, Henry, Burnham Gillon, Patrick, Greenpark Goodriok, Thomas 10., Springston South . . Greaves, G., Lincoln Harris, Alfred E., Motukarara Harris, Horace E., Greenpark Henley, J. A., Lincoln Henley, T. J., Lincoln Hodgen, Edward, Motukarara Hubbard, Frederick, Greenpark Jarman, A. R., Lincoln Johnson, E. W., Weedon's Kelly, Connor, Rolleston Kelly, J., Rolleston Kesteven, S. O, Rolleston Kimber, James, Greenpark Kimo, J. W., Springston Kinnear, L., Rolleston Lassen, G. A., Greenpark Lewis, C. E., Groenpark Lowe, Levi, Rolleston Marshall, David, Springston Marshall, J. W., Springston Railway MoBcan, James D. (Estate of), Springs - ton South McClcary ami McCartin, Springston McGregor, A., Clydesdale Farm, Selwyn .. Molntosh, K., Kaiapoi McMillan, William John, Greenpark Murray, F. C, Lincoln O'Grady, Patrick, Springston O'Neill, M„ Lincoln Osborne, G. W. R., " Loch Lea," Doyleston Pannett, H., Springston Pannett, J. TL, Springston Pearson Bros., Box 9, Lincoln Phillips, W., Wcedon's Powell, C. N. G, Springston South Reesby, T., Rolleston Ronnie, John, Motukarara Riordan, P. J., Springston Rogg, J. L., Rolleston Rowed, 10. H., Springston South Howell, J., jun., Springston Royds, G. E., Springston (c/o Field and Royds, Christohuroh) Ryan, M. P., Springston South Sagar, Thomas, Springston Schaffer, F. L., Lincoln Schaffer, William, Springston Railway School of Agriculture, Lincoln Simpson, J. S., Springston Sly, William, Springston Smith, C. M., Gowan Glen, Lincoln Smith, Ernest A., Lincoln Stace, Charles, Springston Stalker, John, Greenpark Thompson, Alexander, Springston Turnbull and Co. (J. H. Deed), Rolleston .. Tyson, Joseph, Springston South Williams, J. H., Ellesmere Wolfe, Charles, Lincoln.. Wolfe, Charles, Lincoln. . Yarr, Edward, Greenpark 1 202 503 219 241 1,060 1,310 043 I!) 438 292 199 17 73 17 207 200 54 82 592 160 1,200 427 1,427 80 468 21 97 21 796 8 410 106 102 285 43 370 272 593 247 265 706 1 ,829 084 459 540 001 110 229 91 209 15 Nil 42 80 (i!) 728 120 Nil 690 41 1,126 20 429 15 137 78 3 958 Nil 408 Nil 197 326 117 271 368 80 204 323 40 221 205 209 404 340 614 639 391 59 204 1,810 Nil 268 285 040 270 70 712 74 110 17 100 005 80 362 8 1,719 55 102 504 03 1,047 716 764 56 102 1 ,096 315 282 291 527 359 397 761 225 595 210 180 459 444 572 727 282 104 750 4,950 725 476 1,550 3,865 5,300 752 500 1,000 4,094 25 Nil 200 Nil 58 77 700 335 370 45 106 2,360 194 20 163 439 15 225 20 355 204 1,173 520 050 Nil 248 2,998 144 24 227 039 10 327 30 287 338 1,274 207 202 525 30 121 150 37 SPRINGS COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Alley, II. .]., Burnham Andrew, C, Greenpark Andrew, Isaac, Ellesmere Bailey, Percy V., Springston Railway Bates and Neill, "Ardalli," Whitooliffs Bearman, A., Greenpark Bennett, John, Greenpark Bennett, S., Greenpark Blakemore, George, Springston Blakemore, J. T., Springston Blakemore, Mrs. J. T., Springston Blakemore, W. TL, Springston Railway 17,099 7,099 357 901 1,178 302 814 212 129 213 153 173 I 46 ■ 18,138 418 Nil 1,835 310 552 291 145 406 87 238 Nil 139 343 30,361 33,478 i
15—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 80,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. ELLESMERE COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Abbott, Isabella, Clifton, Southbridge .. 605 Adams, S., Killinchy .. .. .. 0 Adams, William, Dunsandel .. .. 235 Aldridge, James, Dunsandel .. .. 445 Alexander, G J., Lakeside . . .. .5 Alexandre, J. E., Marshlands . . .. 820 Allen Bros., Killinchy .. ... .. 328 Allen, R. E., Killinchy . . .. .. 363 Amor, Alfred, Selwyn . . .. . . 84 Amyes, H. E., Irwell. . . . . . . 92 Anderson Bros., Leeston . . . . 278 Anderson, J. D., EUesmerc .. . . 65 Barnett, G. H., Leeston .. .. i 47 Barnett, J., Deep Spring, Leeston .. : 728 Barnett, L. R., Southbridge .. ..2,200 Benney, George E., Southbridge.. .. 275 Bilbrough, Henry, Dunsandel .. .. 199 Bishop. R. G„ Southbridge . . .. 174 Boag, J,, jun., Brookside .. .. 908 Boag, John, Middlerigg, Brookside .. 990 Boag, J. S., Dunsandel.. .. .. 930 Bowis, W., Doyleston ,. 395 Boyle, Thomas E., Ellesmere .. .. j 299 Brooks, Jonathan, Irwell .. .. 289 Brooks, Joseph, Irwell .. .. .. 378 Brooks, T. W., Brookside .. ,. ] 493 Broughton, E. A., " Oakleigh," Southbridge 5,000 Brown, Mrs. B. S., Leeston . . . . 20 Cant, I)., 135 Stanmore Road, Christehurch 10 Carrol, A. and J., Southbridge . . .. 78 Chamberlain, John, Lakeside . . .. . 6 Chamberlain, John E., Brookside .. 246 Chamberlain, P., Leeston .. .. 1,333 Chamberlain, P. P., Dunsandel .. .. j 1,007 Chapped, H. 8., Killinchy .. .. 197 Ohristey, John, Southbridge .. . . I 334 Christian, Frank H., New Brighton .. j 820 Clephane, George, Taumutu .. . . I 028 Goe, John, Irwell .. .. .. 463 Coo, Lawrence B., Irwell .. • • 883 Cooper, George, Southbridge .. .. 37 Cooper, William (Executors of), Brookside 294 Cowan, E., Southbridge .. .. 1 30 Cunningham, John, Brookside .. .. 720 Cunningham, W. B., Brookside . . ... 525 Donald, W. R., Irwell . . .. .. 45 Doyle, M., Southbridge . . . . . • I 23 Doyle, W. J., Doyleston .. .-.I 103 Du'gan, Patrick, Southbridgo .. ,..-. J Ford, F. II., Southbridge .. .. ■ j 3,505 Frampton, F. G., Brookside .. . ...' 439 Free anil Recce, Southbridge .. ... j 41.4 Fussed Bros., Leeston .. .. ,••••■ 193 Galpin, 10., Southbridge .. .. 362 Galpin, E. H. Southbridgo .. ..... 35 Gardiner, H., Wilson's Road, Irwell .. j. 877 Gebbie, W. M., Southbridge .. ..1,015 Gilbert,F. B., Southbridge .. ...: 640 Gilbert, T. J., Leeston .. .. .. 203 Gilbert, William, Dunsandel .. .. 1,089 Glassey, John, Killinchy .. .. .14.1 Gorman, John, Southbridge Graham Bros., Box 21, Leeston .. Graham, Samuel, Leeston ' .. ,. 94 Greenall, Thomas, Southbridge .. ... | 230 Greenwood, A. G, Southbridge .. .. ! 253 Greenwood, F. H., Southbridge .. .. j 225 Greenwood, H. J-, Southbridge .. .. [ 220 Hampton, D., Leeston .. .. ' .. 000 Hansen, H. C, Killinchy .. .. 128 Hay, H. M., Leeston Henderson, Mrs. J., Dunsandel .. ... 037 Heslop, John, Irwell . . . . . ■ 72 Hight Bros., Brookside. .. .. .. 110 Holley, W., Leeston . . . . .. 20 Howson, T. B., " Sedgmere," Leeston .. 666 Hubbard, E. G., Southbridge .. .. 608 Inwood, E. 0. and F. W., Southbridgo .. 136 Inwood, J. S., Southbridge .. .. 378 Jackman, W. H„ Leeston .. .. 300 Jones, D., Dunsandel .. . . . • " 899 Kail, Frank, Killinchy .. .. .. 132 Kibblewhite and Vaughan, Ellesmere 1,1.12 55 353 507 Nil 920 608 523 1 Nil 302 88 103 802 1,732 168 251 202 1,004 1,554 1.590 423 302 278 436 581 4,080 100 . Nil 125 Nil 375 1,606 1,332 158 5 830 787 091 1,286 80 220 87 681 574 30 42 Nil 60 3,877 752 330 189 302 41 924 r,45i 932 300 1,442 189 29 318 202 410 345 206 309 542 165 70 705 01 230 Nil 1,013 853 282 502 504 1,310 122 1,080 Ellesmeris County— continued. Leahy, Mrs. John, Lakeside Lemon, P. J., Doyleston Lemon, W. J., Killinchy Lewton, G J., Southbridge Lockhoad, D., Leeston Lockhoad, George M., Leeston Lockhoad, W., Southbridgo Lowery, J., Killinchy Ludcmann, John, Southbridge Marshal], James (Box 14), Doyleston Matson, K. D., Lakeside (o/o IT. Matson and Co., Christchureh) Maw, George, Doyleston Mawson, Isaac, jun., Irwell Mawson, Isaac W., Dunsandel Mawson, James, Irwell Mawson, R. J., Dunsandel McBean, G., Springston South MoCartin, Arthur, Southbridge McCar-tin, John, Leeston McClelland, D., Southbridge McClelland, Robert, Brookside .. McClurc, George, Killinchy McCormick, W. (Estate of), Lakeside McEvody, A. B. and A. J., Southbridge .. McEvody, John Peter, Southbridge McEvody, William James, Southbridge McGill, I vie, Taumutu McGregor, D. McL., EUosmere Mcllwraith, R., Southbridge McLachlan, Aloxander (Estate of), Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston McLachlan Bros., Box 22, Leeston McLachlan, C. It., Doyleston McLachlan, John, Leeston McLaughlin, Alexander, Taumutu McLonaghen, Hugh, Killinchy McMillan, J. M., Ellesmere McMillan, Robert T., Irwell McPherson, Adam, Southbridge .. McPherson, Robert, Lakeside Montgomery, H., Southbridge Moorhead, Agnes, Southbridge Moorhead, James, Southbridge Nixon, William, Killinchy O'Boyle, Francis N., Lakeside O'Boyle, Ignatius N., Leeston O'Boyle, J., Lakeside .. O'Boyle, J. J., Leeston O'Boyle, Patrick, Leeston O'Brien, John P., Killinchy O'Brien, M. and C, Killinchy Osborne, G. W. R.," Riverside," Doyleston Overton, T. Henry, Lakeside .. Parkin, C. E., Rakaia .. Patterson, J., jun., Taumutu Patterson, R., Springbrook, Lakeside Penny, John, Rakaia Poole, G. W., Killinchy Prosser, J. H., Leeston Ronnie, J. G., Doyleston Rennie, W. O., Doyleston Rollo, Thomas R., Leeston .. .. Ruddock, L. H., Southbridge Russell, J. T., Brookside Russell, William, Southbridge Schnells. Hi, Lakeside Scott, F. Wr, Southbridge Sc >tt, J. A., Brookside Scott, Mary, Brookside Shoat, G., Dunsandel Skinner, J. JL, Dunsandel Smyth, John, Killinchy Sowden, John, Rakaia . . .. Spenoe, James, KUlinchy Stapleton, Mary, Doyleston Stephens, H. T., Bush Farm, Brookside .. Stephens, T. A., Irwell Storry, James, Southbridge Stubbs, J., Rakaia Thian, Prank, Lakeside Thompson, John, Killinchy Tiviss, M., Southbridge 71 195 8 167 325 678 307 115 275 160 2 354 254 221 763 5.1 20 964 96 534 226 405 861 340 179 475 25 56 144 345 1 ,232 436 357 107 180 410 366 263 318 291 1,054 122 154 224 14 828 111 356 301 1.024 152 153 47 j 392 423 1,383 148 92 245 376 474 998 687 295 2,344 844 204 438 619 i 780 126 28 138 383 76 55 226 281 397 677 285 95 435 300 295 Nil 582 204 308 200 748 90 48 1,541 259 777 340 400 929 268 442 033 27 298 192 576 1,324 459 455 234 459 1,146 569 Nil 116 332 588 1,257 .1.35 184 434 169 963 230 419 134 1,137 206 26 184 1,991 81 44 668 620 1,291 1,132 400 206 120 643 348 491 1,480 639 328 Nil 1,219 204 330 1,015 1,351 213 15 134 10
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 80,1 April 30, 1917. j 1918. Ellesmere County— -continued. Tong, A., Southbridge Walker, James, " Southwood," Selwyn Walker, Thomas A., Selwyn .. . • • I Warrington, V. G R., Southbridgo Washbourno Bros., Selwyn Weaver, Arthur, Rakaia Wickliffe, S. J., Southbridge Williams, R. L., Irwell .. .. Winter, E. R., Brookside Withell, Albert E., Brookside .. .. j Worner, S. W., Southbridge .. .. | Wylio, W. J., Southbridge Young, A. J. W., Irwell .. Young, William, Woodlands, Irwell SELWYN COUNTY (In Christchureh Subdivision). Andrew, F. J., Te Pirita Ballagh Bros., Hororata Ballagh, Henry, Hororata Ballock, Mrs. A., Dunsandel Barber, Mrs. P. R., Te Pirita Bates and Neil, Gowanlea, White Cliffs .. Baxter, G. A. and J., Te Pirita Beadel, H. J., "Coniston," Fendalton Beattie, Andrew Snowdon (e/o G. Gerard (private bag), Christchureh) Beatty, George V., Coalgate Beck, Walter F., Bankside Bennett, Herbert, Hororata Berry, Walter, Templeton Bond, A. S., Coalgate Bowes, E., Riccarton Boyle, Hugh Alexander, Coalgate Breading, George, Rakaia Breading, Robert and Samuel, Rakaia Breading, W. J., Box 39, Rakaia Brown Bros., Dunsandel Brown, W. L., Hororata Bruce Bros. (Hororata Property), Greendale Bruce, D., Hororata Bruce, D., The Hospital, Hororata Buchanan, Mrs. J. F. (private bag). " High Peaks," Christehurch Burgess, James, Dunsandel Burns, J. H., Rakaia Busch, F. J., Glenroy Button, Robert Thomas, Newstcad, Bankside Carney, E. J., Rakaia Chalmers, A., jun., Lyttelton Chapman Bros., Hororata Chatterton, Ernest J., Dunsandel Church Bros., Greendale Church, G. F. (Trustees of), Greendale .. Clarkson, W. B., Riccarton Clephane, T. A., Bankside .. .. j Clucas, Jamos, Haldon, Hororata .. , Colee, R., Greendale Collison, F. G., Windwhistle Cornelius, F. P., Rakaia North Corry Bros., Glenroy .. .. .. ' Cox and Waters, Te Pirita .. .. j Cunningham, Andrew, Dunsandel .. | Deans, C. E., Riccarton, Christchureh Dennis, Albert V., Glenroy Dennis, Samuel, Glenroy Dennis, W. E., Glenroy Derrett, G. G, Hororata Dorrett, L., Woodside, Hororata.. Doherty, John Thomas, Windwhistle Doody, W. and J. H., White Cliffs Dorman, A., Coalgate Eddy, W. H., Dunsandel England, F. H., Hororata Fagan, R. H., To Pirita Fairweather, W. A., Rakaia Felton, E. A., Hororata Flett, William, Birnkside Foster, H. W., Hororata Gardiner, Arthur H., Hororata Gardiner, O. J., Box 13, Dunsandel 294 632 690 186 1,429 146 295 237 789 675 314 400 73,818 2,230 561 562 315 750 1,830 1,502 276 4 004 070 516 240 513 601 97 245 570 683 232 533 8,423 428 365 292 551 3 94 267 320 1,848 240 890 I .254 742 750 208 1 423 I 1,700 718 11 359 862 347 511 607 1,990 2,283 1,077 89 269 83 247 39 270 595 2.827 2,230 561 562 315 750 1,830 1,502 276 4 004 070 516 240 513 601 97 245 570 683 232 295 798 820 191 1,777 97 72 320 375 936 1,075 288 282 374 93,838 2,720 1,202 005 401 1,014 2.031 1,981 835 3 633 010 430 282 302 493 1,182 153 320 525 970 290 431 202 210 8,415 Selwyn County— -continued. Gemmell, Robert, Dunsandel .. .. I 204 Gemmell, S. and S., Dunsandel .. .. 514 Gerard and Murray-Aynsley, " Bayflelds," 8,245 Snowdon, Christchureh Gerard, G., Snowdon, Christohuroh .. 12.333 Gibbs, B. W. and H. T., Hororata .. 174 Gilmour, William, Glentunnel .. 1,038 Green, Mrs. E., Hawkins .. .. 370 Grieve, Walter, White Cliffs .. .. 284 Griffiths, George, Coalgate .. .. 155 Hah, Godfrey, Hororata .. .. 4.384 Hall, J. D., Hororata (Henry Overton, Fendalton, Christehurch) Hall, Wilfred, Glenroy .. .. .. 4,054 Hardy, C. M., Glenroy .. .. .. 64 Harris, John, White Cliffs Harris, T. E., Hororata.. .. .. 306 Hart, Joseph, Hororata .. .. 103 Hartnell, John, Prebbleton .. .. 85 Hartnell, Mrs., Hororata .. .. 30 Hartnell, Thomas, Hororata .. .. 406 Hartnell, WiUiam, Hororata .. .. 350 Heard, G. T, Coalgate .. .. .. 1,058 Hewitt. W. John, Bankside .. .. 236 Hiatt, Henry P., Glenroy .. .. 1 ,095 Hight, George, Hororata .. .. 1,323 Hill, Philip John, Dunsandel .. .. 02 Hoekridgc, J., Hororata. .. .. 276 Hunt, F. W., Glentunnel .. .. 2,207 Inch, W. J., Te Pirita .. .. .. | ,056 Ironside, Alexander W., Hororata •• 1.007 Izard, B. M., Windwhistle .. .. 1,044 Izard, W., Windwhistle Jessep, Charles T., Bankside .. .. 590 Jessep, H. E. TL, Whakamatau .. .. 1 .700 Johnson, H. W., Dunsandel .. .. 299 Johnston, A. J., Dunsandel .. .. 416 Johnston, J. J., Rakaia.. . .. 00 Johnston, R. H., Dunsandel .. .. 475 Johnstone, T. S., jun., Whakamatau .. 4,487 Jones, Richard, Glenroy .. .. I!) Kelso, John A., Bankside .. .. 400 Keltie, J., Hororata .. .. .. 93 Keltie, Thomas, Hororata .. .. 183 Kennedy Bros., Glentunnel .. .. 3.304 Kesteven, Thomas S., White CUffs .. 321 Kime, G. W„ Dunsandel .. .. 338 King, A. W„ Greendale. . .. .. 372 Kirkham, Sam, Hororata Leigh, J. M., Hororata .. .. .. 429 Letham, Roland, Lauriston .. .. 548 Levick, H„ White Cliffs.. .. .. 108 LiU, Peter, Hororata .. .. .. 70 Lunt, F., Dunsandel Macintosh, Mrs. Isabella, Glenroy .. 552 Mackie, John M., Dunsandel '.. .. 306 Maffey, Richard, Hororata .. .. 231 Manson, A., Kirwee .. .. .. 280 McCoy, John, South Rakaia .. .. 153 McGregor, Robert, Hororata .. . . 55 Mcllraith, J. H., Meade, Rakaia . . .. 396 Mcintosh, Andrew, Coalgate Mcintosh, Donald, Bankside McLaren, J., Lowmount, White Cliffs .. 1,395 McLaughlin Bros., Box 33, Dunsandel . . 424 McMillan, W. A., Dunsandel .. .. 344 Merrin, Walter, " Fyvie," Bankside .. 45 Millcn, A. and J., Dunsandel .. .. 990 Moodie, Isaac, jun., Rakaia, Meade .. 00 Murchison Bros., Lake Coleridge.. .. 24,384 Murchison, Mrs. J. (Executors of), Glen- 0,840 thorne, Lake Coleridge Murray-Aynsley, Mrs. A. G, Mount Algiaus, 4 3.500 Whakamatau Nell, George L., Windwhistle .. ..12,105 Nelson, Walter, Hororata .. .. 177 Neutze Bros., Bankside. . Neutze, Mrs. E. F„ Bankside .. .. 1,140 Newlove, James, Dunsandel .. .. 79 Oliver, Herbert, Hororata .. .. 782 Orsbourn, D. J., Glenroy .. .. 590 Orsbourn, Robert, Glenroy .. .. 151 Parkin, Hedley, Bankside .. .. 453 Parlane, John, Hororata .. .. I Nil 575 9,287 10,500 00 1,480 400 509 2 1 4,470 259 5,177 63 127 425 609 139 30 Nil 303 Nil 343 2,287 1,422 97 462 1,711 826 1,080 1,984 657 Nil 1,719 506 468 161 658 4,284 16 430 39 215 1 2,516 Nil 492 Nil 520 78 666 255 464 689 509 459 278 260 235 05 380 955 5,327 1,404 Nil 432 Nil 808 102 24,811 0,185 533 8,423 428 365 292 551 Nil 400 246 711 3 94 267 320 1,848 240 890 I .254 742 750 208 423 1,700 718 11 359 862 347 511 607 1.990 2,283 1,077 89 269 83 247 39 270 595 2.827 147 150 303 531 2,819 Nil 301 010 1.081 1,035 3,032 300 Nil I., 000 596 137 435 977 414 582 505 2,973 2,888 Nil 321 659 22 401 00 404 001 2,934 68 15,403 2,731 293 2,233 Nil Nil 1,079 563 291 580 404
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Selwyn County— continued. Patrick, T. J., Rakaia North Payne, T. G., Hororata Poarson, J. H., Coalgato Pearson, T. E., Oranga, Hororata Ferryman, IT. 10., Tai Tapu Phillips Bros., Hororata Phillips, T. A., Windwhistle Pickering, A., Hororata. . Pickering, Robert 10., Hororata Prestidge, Joseph, Glenroy Pritchard, Charles A., Dunsandel Ragg Bros, and Searle, Bankside Rains, Robert George, Bankside Reddeckffe, R., and Son, Hororata Reeves and Ackland, Te Pirita Richards, Thomas B., " Valehead" (private bag), Christchureh Robinson, Arthur T., Bankside Rosoveare, S., Rockwood, Glenroy Rutherford, Mrs. Mary, Brackendale (private bag), Christchureh Scarlett, R., Glenroy Soott Bros., " Blackford," Windwhistle Scott Bros., Bluff Farm, Windwhistle Shand, G. E. T., Dunsandel Shannon, It., Te Pirita Sheehan, Robert, Rakaia Shellock, Arthur, Bankside Shellock, William, Rakaia Shemmings, J. H., Bankside Stainger, Peter, Selwyn.. Starkey, G. B., White Cliffs Stevens, John H., Dunsandel Stewart, John D., Dunsandel Stone, C. and W. (private bag), Woodlands Stone, T. H. Glenroy Strachan, William A., Te Pirita .. 'Pate, John, Hororata Taylor, J. Richard, To Pirita Thomas, P. C, Dunsandel Thomson, J. A., Dunsandel Thorne, H. TL, Hororata Thwaitcs, Arthur S., Glenroy .. • . . Thwaitcs, W., Hororata Travers, Jamos, Bankside Tully, P., jun., Box 32, Rakaia Turley, George, Coalgate Tweedy, Joseph, Dunsandel Urquhart, R., Whakamatau Walker, John, Dunsandel Wareing, Hugh V., Bankside Webb, A. G., Box 37, Rakaia Webb, E. W., Rakaia Webb, W. J , Dunsandel Weir-, T., White Cliffs .. Westenra, D. W., Camla, Dunsandel Whyte, William, Hawkins Wilson, Kenneth, Te Pirita Woodcock, A. P., White Cliffs Wraight, D. T., Dunsandel Wright, G A., Dunsandel Wright, Ernest G., Dunsandel Wright, H. F., Dunsandel Yeoman, David, Homebush Zohrab, C. E. IT., Hororata 44 1,328 856 1,01.8 61 53 1,725 761 1,104 Nil 104 914 355 355 477 Nil Nil 299 2,180 435 1,611 Ashburton County,— continued. Anderson, G. J. W., Westerfield Anderson, It. J., Carew, Ealing Anderson, Thomas, Anama Anderson, William, '' Straunchrubie," Pairton Anderson, William, Riverside Anderson, W. J., Flemington Anderson, W. R., Lismore Anderson, W. R. (Winslow Property), Lis2,931 1,068 338 1,449 2,513 1,065 287 1,608 I ,010 55 1,707 486 417 4,782 356 206 461 156 195 450 162 1,808 1.243 1,794 more Andrew, P. J., 257 Armagh Street, Christchurch Angovc, WiUiam, Arundel Annett, Albert, Hinds Annett, Charles, Hinds Annett, William, Hinds.. Armstrong, Charles H., Mount Somers Ashburton Experimental Farm, Ashburton Ashton, E. and A. T., Seafield Ashton, William, Racecourse Road, Ashburton Askin, F. B., Ruapuna Austin, G. F. and R., Mayfield Ayers, H. T., Box 75, Methven Babbage, Edward, Overdalo Banks, Donald. Rakaia Banks, James,.Winslow Barker, H. L., Ashburton Barrett, A. V., Mayfield Barton, Howard G, Carew, Ealing Barwell, Thomas C, Mitcham Bates, P., sen., Alford Forest Baxter, Alexandor W., Rakaia Baxter Bros., Ruapuna Baxter, John, Doric Baxter-, John S., Ruapuna Baxter, J. W., Ruapuna Baxter, Robert, Dorie Baxter, Robert H., Chertsey Baxter, Robert W. (private bag), Chertsey Baxter, Stuart, Ruapuna Baxter, W. J., Overdalo Baynes, R. G, Seafield Beach, Samuel, Eiffolton Beach, W., Hinds Beattie, James, Lyndhurst Beatty, John, Chertsey.. Beatty, Robort, Pendarves, Chertsey Beavan, P., Hinds Bebbington, Frank, Lauriston Beckett, E. G., Mayfield Bcckley, G, Ealing Begg, J. R., Wakanui Begg, William, Ashton Belcher Bros., Arundel Boll, James, Lismore Bell, J. D., Ashton Bell, T. J., Wheatstone.. Bennett, Alexander, Riverside Bennett, C. S., Ruapuna Bennett, T., Ruapuna Bennett, William, Anama Bennison, Albert, Charing Cross, Seafield .. Bennison, A. J., Box 78, Ashburton Bird, John, Hinds Bishop Bros., Wheatstone Bishop, P. W., Tinwald.. Black, A. and D., Ashburton Blackler, W. J., Methven Blaekley, Thomas, Rakaia Blackmore, G, Highbank Bland, E. A., Blackford, Methven Bland, G. A., Morrnt Somers Bland, James, jun., Box 74, Ashburton Bland, J. S., Box 74, Ashburton Blec, J. P., Ashton Blunden, H. E., Chertsey Boag Bros., Lyndhurst Boaler, J. H., Yarra, Mayfield ■ .. Body, G. W., Tinwald Bon if ant, J., Ashburton Bonifant, J., 64 Peter Street, Ashburton .. Bonnington, E. G, Riverside Boulton, George, Winslow 2,897 107 268 61 106 317 47 707 200 2,069 103 250 78 171 374 138 1,089 300 378 '1,666 7,524 222 1,527 11,173 1.970 556 590 1,258 1,327 520 82 382 311 3,839 499 2,130 1,021 666 912 406 806 047 397 508 762 220 3,127 439 65 2 1,030 508 675 250 626 343 440 513 723 457 74 324 2,132 Nil 1,070 2,255 1,693 29 713 72 500 260 3,702 553 560 2,330 1,162 1,120 770 430 310 685 526 979 883 528 511 23 250 2,083 542 437 153 107 1,403 1,037 1,140 330 670 395 618 Nil 590 1,033 91 223 1,31.7 1,875 138 102 1,020 144 557 660 3,807 132 155 446 728 11 484 1,452 420 453 302 630 256 100 317 236 398 305 391 481 55 401 296 133 133 1,619 118 93 750 113 2,335 684 122 445 90 250 1,35(1 3,032 725 190 814 Nil 658 1,237 3,957 Nil 183 444 802 10 563 1,177 735 435 473 972 310 300 30 480 300 560 440 998 727 Nil 315 429 Nil 177 1,316 215 293 700 Nil 2,771 581 296 555 12 846 325 786 137 2,269 283 2,333 1,340 1,159 1,118 481 1,244 912 511 498 835 976 Nil 1,000 210,357 238,796 ASHBURTON COUNTY (In Ashburton Subdivision). Acton, Walter, Ealing Adair, A J., Chertsey .. Adair, R. M., Lyndhurst Adams, Alexander, Lowcliffe Addis, T. IL, Lismore Aicken, J. T., Lowcliffe. . Alexander, Archibald, Rakaia Alingtori, C. S., St. Leonard's, Seafield Allan, A. K., Mitcham .. Allan, W. J., Ruapuna Allen, James, Dromore Allen, John, Westerfield Amos, Mrs. Agnes, Wakanui Anderson Bros., " RingWood," Grcenstreet 362 1,087 945 358 326 464 307 174 1,559 57 49 153 483 422 1,473 1,080 249 163 561 494 397 Nil 1,833 1,971 60 589 490 818 229 1,380 150 2,071 1,500 660 900 340 1,427 849 519 192 794 105
H.— 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. Ashburton County— continued. Boyce, John E., Dorie .. .. .. 929 Boyce, Samuel A., Doric .. .. I 380 Boyd, A., Ruapuna .. .. .. i 83 Boyd, Andrew, Barrhill.. .. .. 425 Bovcl, William J., Arundel .. .. j 403 Branch, Henry, Mayfield .. . . I 938 Brannan, Eliza J., Mayfield .. .. I 91 Brawlcy, M. A., Highbank .. .. - 150 Breach, W. G, Lyndhurst .. .. 358 Bright, Thomas, Springburn .. .. 20 Broadhurst, W. E., Kyle .. .. 380 Broker, E., Wakanui .. .. .. 195 Brooker, E. D., Lyndhurst .. .. 183 Brown Bros., Arundel .. .. .. 1,190 Brown, John, Hakatere, Mayfield .. 8,200 Brown, John, jun., Burnside Farm, Mayfield 3,340 Brown, John, Lowcliffe. . .. .. , 920 Brown, P., Rakaia .. . . .. 5 Bruce, A. P., Seafield .. .. .. j 537 Bruce, James, Seafield .. .. .. I 608 Bruce, William, Eiffeltorr .. .. 200 Bruce, William M., Lowcliffe .. .. 375 Brrchan, William, Lyndhurst .. .. 810 Buckley, Daniel, Highbank .. .. 075 Buckley, John, Highbank .. .. i 400 Bull, Edwin, Mount Somers .. .. 235 Bull, Frederick, Methven .. .. 320 Burgess, David, Stoneylea, Lismore .. 4,460 Burgess, J. H., Staveley .. .. 714 Burgess, Johrr, Mayfield .. .. 253 Burnett, Robert, Hinds.. .. .. 103 Bussed, A. E., Ruapuna .. .. 1,900 Bussed, A. E., Ruapuna, Ashburton Butler, George, Rakaia .. .. .. 268 Butterick, Albert (Trustees of), Lynnford . . 192 Butterick, Frederick, Wakanui .. .. 167 Butterick, H. D., Elgin.. .. .. 159 Butterick, J. W., Wakanui .. .. 589 Butterick, Walter, Wakanui .. .. 77 Cairns, Charles,,Hinds .. .. .. 510 (/aims, J., Wakanui .. .. .. 1,082 Callaghan, A. K., Highbank .. .. 247 Callaghan Bros., Highbank Callaghan, James A., Methven .. .. 553 Callaghan, Patrick, Mitcham .. .. 313 Cameron, A. G, Newlands .. .. 1,585 Cameron, D., Anama .. .. .. Ill Cameron, James, Anama .. .. 199 Cameron, John, Chertsey .. .. 97 Campbell, George, Carew .. .. 1,536 Campbell, James, Ealing .. .. 658 Campbell, James, Box 62, Methven Campbell, Mrs. Mary, Springburn .. 1,430 Campbell, Mrs. R., Methven .. .. 421 Campbell, It., jun., Dromore .. .. 922 CampbeU, Robert, Box 4, Ashburton .. 1,111 Campbell, Ronald, Chertsey .. .. 151 Campbell, Samuel, Methven .. .. 1,093 Capon, Arthur, Porowhita .. .. 831 Capon, J. J. G, Box 102, Ashburton .. 698 Capon, R. P. T., Box J 02, Ashburton .. 933 Carleton Bros., Mount Somers .. .. — Carney, William, Alford Forest .. .. 280 Carr, James, Methven .. .. .. 1,218 Carruthers, D. B., Dorie .. .. 793 Chalmers, James, Highbank .. .. 3 Chalmers, Miss Jane, Ashburtoir .. .. 1,299 Chambers, D., Methven. . .. .. 241 Chambers, George, jun., Methven .. 490 Chambers, George, sen., Lyndhurst .. 178 Chambers, WiUiam John, Methven .. 493 Chapman, F. H., Willowby . . .. 604 Chapman, George S., Chatmors, Willowby 779 Chapman, H., Willowby .. .. 440 Chapman, S. S., Willowby .. .. 484 Chapman, William G., Alford Forest .. 1,202 Charles, M'., Lismore .. .. .. 338 Ghisnali, G C. and C. D., Hinds .. . . 1,316 Chisnall, Mrs. Marion, Hinds .. .. 20 Chisnall, W. (Estate of), Hinds .. .. 1,542 Christie, H. J. L., Lowcfiffe .. .. 220 Clark, Alfred, Tinwald .. . . .. 60 Clarke, James, Ashburton .. .. 6 Clarke, John, Hinds .. .. .. 555 1,137 534 300 347 Nil 1,492 84 835 624 17 1,760 114 194 1,240 14,000 Nil 2,402 5 Nil 958 279 499 800 987 049 200 301 1,1 I!) 616 Nil 103 2,703 2,703 409 06 231 178 698 102 471 1,163 288 875 565 645 1,387 109 199 622 1,537 742 2,100 1,559 Nil 2,317 1,017 150 2,038 966 804 1,247 179 123 1,685 826 Ml 1,367 305 1,124 181 760 615 749 734 841 964 490 1,620 Nil 2,255 Nil Nil 7 404 Ashburton County— continued. Clarkson, R. C, Ruapuna Clay, W. J. A., Methven Cleeve, T. W., Highbank Cleland, Robort, Spreadeagle Clemens, F , Eiffelton Clemens. P., Newland Clement, Mrs. A. E., Mataipuke Clifford, Joseph, Mayfield Clifford, Patrick, Winohmorc, Ashburtoir .. Clifton, D. H., Alford Forest Cochrane, James, Wakanui Cochrane, John, Ashburton Collison, 10., Barrhill Collison, J, A., Rakaia Comyns, J. W., Springburn Cone, T., Willowby Conned, John, Barrhill Connelly, P., Spreadeagle Connor, Johrr, Chertsey Cook; William (Trustees of), Westerfield (c/o H. Watson and Co., Christohuroh) Cookson, W., Westerfield Cooper Bros., Lowcliffe Copland, James, Chertsey .. Corbett, Thomas, Mayfield Corbitt, Elizabeth, Ashburtoir Cormaek, G. W., jun., Methven Cormaek, James, Arundel Cormaek, W. G, Carew Cow, James, Tinwald Coward, R. B., Chudleigh (private bag), Ashburton CoWen, Arthur A., Flemington Cox, E. J., Ashburton Cox, S., Lyndhurst Crampton and Dalziel, Barrhill Crawford, J., Highbank Crawford, William, Wakanui Crawford, William John, Tinwald Cresswoll, W. J., Carew, Ealing Cripps, J., Anama Cromie, W. (Trustees, Cromie aiftl Cromie), Rakaia Crossman, H., Hinds Crosson, Samuel, Tinwald Crothers, H. J., Lauriston Croy, Albert A , Overdale Croy, Robert W., Chertsey Croy, W. (Executors of), Ashtorr Crozier, William James, Mitcham Ciilloty, Eugene, Rakaia Curd, S. G, Ashburton DaUy, Mrs. Ellen, Lauriston Dalton, M., Hinds Dalton, William, Ashburtoir Daly Bros., Ealing Daly, Michael, Hinds Daly, P., Hinds DalzeU, William I., Lauriston Davidson, Mrs. L. J., Lismore Davison, P., Newland Davison, James, Lowlands, Hinds Davison, John, Rakaia Davison, William, Minds Davison, William, Willowby Dawson, Charles, Waterton Dawson, W. D., Waterton Deal, G. W., Eiffelton Dellow, James, Mayfield Dellow, William, Westerfield Dickie, W. J., Lyndhurst .*. Drgby, Mrs. Margaret M., Box 20, Ashburton Dingle Bros., Mount Somers Dixon Bros., Methven .. Doak, W. J., WBkanui Doherty, T. S. J., Methven Doig, John, Chertsey Doig, J. It., Chertsey Doig, Paul, Chertsey Doig, Peter (Executors of), Chertsey Doig, Peter, jun., Chertsey Doig, Thomas, Ashburton Doig, Thomas A., Flemington Dolarr, J. J., Moana, Kyle 201 625 660 10 1.0 41 35 245 167 83 | 77 302 Nil 311 310 25 25 240 144 180 270 1,087 : 1,645 269 245 70 400 732 ; 1,010 136 138 1,012 308 289 248 1.97 280 528 I Nil 391 407 304 410 1,037 1,180 415 085 198 450 881 1,005 585 671 802 885 2,209 , 2,008 1,022 1,080 408 433 05 61 625 491 296 205 250 I 75 512 286 : 865 2,736 302 311 295 500 254 225 387 631 650 ! 469 238 ! 102 617 611 23 7 194 242 90 143 213 772 1,580 1,734 462 507 134 865 973 154 170 792 944 201 545 65 83 590 739 886 ! 1,100 180 ' Nil 108 452 1,318 2,410 406 527 29 349 100 181 269 262 598 35 1,198 602 Nil 1,462 599 2,089 1,001. 870 1,213 j 1,558 552 I 560 10 210 496 I 557 3,609 ' 2,701 517 468 200 128 70 120 004 l 709
Ho. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,! April 30, 1917. 1918. ; Ashburton County— continued. Dolan, John, Rangitira, Methven .. 1,450 1,018 Dolan, M., Box 2, Rakaia .. .. 709 1,108 Dolan, P. F., Dorie .. .. .. 1,039 1,454 Dollman, Henry, Willowby .. .. 90 112 Donaldson, H., Waterton .. .. 151 116 Donaldson, J., Pine Tree Farm, Hrghbauk 173 255 Dorman, E.F., Springburn .. .. 2,163 Nil. Dowling, John, Methven .. .. j 520 Nit Dowling, Miss Annie, Methven .. .'. 1,020 Nil Dowling, Thomas, Methven .. .. 1,535 718 Drake, T. P., Ruapuna .. .. .. 49) Nil Drummond, Alexander, Lauristop .. 1,405 1,376 Drummond, Harrison, Lyndhurst .. : J,804 2,517 Drummond, J. W., Barrhill .. .. 1,375 1,811. I>rumm.ond, Mrs. W. I. (private bag), Rakaia 700 Drummond, Peter, jun,, Lismore.. .. 2,040 3,097 Drummond, William, Lyndhurst.. .. 2,011 3,270 Duff, Donald, Mayfield .. .. .. 1,228 1,227 Duncan, William, Rakaia .. . . — 250 Dunlop, N. M., Mayfield .. .. 1,011 1,938 Dunstan, C, Lismore .. . . . . 223 032 Dwyer, James, jun., Elgin .. .. 510 9 Dwyer, Mrs. Mary, Hinds .. .. 255 305 Dynes, Andrew, Seaview .. .. 295 752 Eadon, Charles E., Ealing .. .. 964 1,104 Ellen, Jabez, Beach Road, Ashburton .. 99 Nil Ellery, James, Mayfield.. .. .. 400 449 Ellery, S., Eiffelton .. .. .. 117 238 Ellis, John, Hinds . . .. .. 464 420 Elmslie, W. T., Mayfield ., ,. 507 457 Emerson, F., Maronan .. .. .. I 843 2,465 Ensor, Hugh, Whakamatau .. .. j 8,701 10,354 Evans, F. G., Spreadeagle .. .. 1,01.4 893 Evans, Tom, Eiffelton .. .. .. 295 02 Farquhar, George, Barrhill .. .. 1,212 951 Farrell, John, Hinds .. .. .. 2,025 3,900 Feehney, David, jun., Lauriston . . . . 575 550 Fcchne'y, John, Lyatt, Westerfield .. 1,51.0 2,570 Feehney, L. J„ Delos, Westerfield .. 1,570 1,954 Ferguson, S., Westerfield .. . . 516 153 Ferriman, W. Y. D., Box 0, Tinwald .. 943 050 Findlay, A. S., " Craig Airlie," Highbank . . 246 330 Fittock, Charles L., Hinds .. .. 24 38 Fittock, George, Staveley .. .. 5 Nil Fittock, James B., Methven . . .. 86 93 Fitzgerald, David, Wakanui .. .. 333 576 Fitzgerald, William, Westerfield . . .. 370 Nil Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Kate, Methven .. 777 1,177 Flatman, F. R., Cracroft, Woodbury . . 761 Fleming, J., Methven .. .. .. 528 329 Fleming, John A., Lismore .. .. 1,094 1,152 Fleming, Robert, Methven , .. .. 300 1,008 Fleming, William, Methven .. .. 1,233 j 1,019 Flynn, Cornelius, Greenstreet .. . . * 153 304 Forsyth, Francis, Ealing .. .. 515 436 Frampton, Frederick, Seaview .. .. 526 674 Frampton, H., Willowby . . .. — 108 Frampton, Walter, Hinds . . .. 211 325 Frisby, R., Castle Farm, Willowby .. 1,266 1,670 FuUcrtoi), Richard, Mitcham .. . . 306 204 Gallagher Bros., Mayfield .. .. 2,070 1,220 GaUagher, James Thomas, Ealing .. 468 355 Gallagher, William G., Mayfield .. .. 1,139 1,250 Galletly Bros, and White, Maronan .. 85 32 Galletly, Henry G., Ealing .. .. 407 451 Galhe, Robert John, Willowby .. .. 51 218 Gardiner, J., jun., Box 26, Rakaia .. 1,250 1,800 Geddes, James, Methven .. .. 030 Nil George, G., Lowcliffe .. .. .. 229 634 Goorgo, H. E., Lowcliffe .. ,. 732 2,040 Gerard, G., Glenrock, Christchureh .. 11,700 Nil Gerard, George, Mesopotamia, Mt. Somers.. 18,650 Nil Gibson, Edgar H., Lismore .. .. 425 587 Giddings, G. (Estato of), Tinwald .. 769 365 Giddings, WiUiam, EaUng .. .. 2,325 4,110 Giles, George, Wakanui.. .. .. 73 340 Gill Bros., Chertsey .. .. .. 1,478 968 Gilmour, D. S., Wheatstone . . .. 93 173 Gilmour, P., Methven .. . . .. 306 , 483 Gilmour, Robert, Ashton .. . . 27 290 Gilmour, William, Tinwald . . .. 244 275 Gilpin, J,, Highbank .. .. .. — | 2 Gilpin, Thomas, Highbank .. . . 10 j 590 Glassey, James, Ashburton .. .. 1,844 I 1,080 Ashburton County— continued. Good, James Henry, Hinds Goodwin, G, Lauriston Goodwin, James T., Methven Goodwin, Walter W., Lauriston Grainger, Mrs. M. E., Hinds Green, Thomas J., Ashburton Porks Green, W. J., Lismore Greenall, J. A., Willowby, Tinwald Groensladc Bros., Anama Grocnsladc, P., Graham's Road, Tinwald . . Gregory, Alfred, Seafield Grieve, A. E., Winslow Grieve, Robert, Springburn Grieve, William D., Springburn Griffiths, Arthur I., Seafield Grigg and Hutchison, Mayfield Grigg, A. J., 10 Peter Street, Ashburton .. Grigg Bros., Alford Forest Grigg, Edward F. J., Eiffelton Grigg, John C. N., Longbeaoh Grigg, John It., Alford Forest Guiness, E. R., Ealing Hale, Charles, Lyndhurst Halkett, Jamos, Rakaia Hambly, L. It., Flemington Hamilton, William, Lowcliffe, Ashburton .. Hampton, B., Newland.. Hampton, Edward (Estate of), Chertsey , . Hampton, James, Tinwald Hampton, J. M., Hinds Hampton, P. B., Mitcham Hampton, Robert, Chertsey Hampton, Thomas J., Mitcham Hampton, W. (Executors of), Lauriston .. Hanrahan, Frank, Dromore Hanrahan, John, Dromore Hanrahan, L., Dromore Hanrahan, P. J., Dromore Hansen Bros., Hinds Hansen, C. L., Hinds Harding, U. W., Willowby Harding, W., Willowby.. Hardwiek, E., West Belt, Ashburton Harper-, C. G. G, Hackthorne, Ashburton . . Harper, H. J. G, Upper Hackthorne, Ashburton Harper, John H., Greenstreet Harper, Maurice C, Mount Somers Harrison, George, Anama Harrison, H. J., Rose Hill, Methven Harrison, H. J. (private bag), " Holy Ford," Rakaia Harrison, R., Dorie Harrison, T. S., Drayton, Methven Harrison, William " Summerlea," South Rakaia Harrison, William, Hackthorne, Mayfield . . Hart, A. M., Alford Forest, Hart, John, Lauriston Hart, William A., Kinleith, Highbank Harvey, A. and D., Mayfield Haskott, Robert, Methven. Hawke, Robert, Lowcliffe Hayman, A. S., Willowby Hayward, E. G., Mayfield Hayward, W. G., Springburn Hellewell, A. H., Greenstreot Henderson, A., Methven Henderson, D, (Executors of), Methven Henderson, J. E., Methven Henderson, John, and Sons, Hinds Henderson, M., Rakaia Henderson, Mungo L., Rakaia Henderson, Thomas, Highbank Hendrcy, James, Westerfield Honry, James (private bag), Chertsoy Hesoltine, James, 64 William Street, Ashburton Hewson, Alexander, Ashburtoir Hicks, L. J., Alford Forest Highley, Edwin, Cairnbrae Hight, Albert, Seafield Hill. James, Ashburton Hill, James, Box 28, Rakaia 575 702 235 103 — 310 1,043 , 1,122 09 130 708 724 1.42 279 610 1,200 1,325 148 343 020 790 31.7 636 160 200 440 . 508 201 4,000 3,090 948 1,301 1,934 : 1,446 3,570 7,554 5,605 7,501 1,097 826 .1,010 2,329 587 544 591 846 3 I 25 1.15 , 494 934 1,090 785 690 I ,772 , 2,540 1,701 2,005 677 572 833 1,098 375 506 379 788 375 3,30 707 844 914 , 1,221 071 523 900 1,221 574 456 66 243 220 03 311 484 2,000 2,355 3,472 3,905 230 400 5,520 5,705 1,706 1,816 3,800 3,980 5,830 6,343 172 275 5,221 5,132 2,009 2,081 2,451 2,030 002 000 175 87 649 669 410 570 338 380 22 Nil 382 800 592 548 213 355 263 454 697 1,422 1,328 1,075 389 1,216 580 987 974 1,524 — 1,520 152 155 596 494 589 1,029 — 81 88 104 50 Nil 328 340 1,190 170 152 485 606
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. I No. of S April 30, 1917. iheep on I April 30, 1918. 'April 30,: April 30 I T117 i IU1U 1917. j 1918. Ashburton County— continued. Hillyer Bros., Eiffelton .. .. .. . 457 Hinds, W. (Estate of), Mitcham .. .. ; 197 Hoatten, W. G. P., 118 Tailored Street, Ash- | 15 burton Hobbs, William Charles, Methven .. .1.86 Bookings, P., Westerfield, Ashburton . . 254 Holland, James, Hinds .. 1,045 Holland, John, Tinwald .. .. 358 Holland, It., Methven .. .. ..1,250 Holland, R. W., Ruapuna .. .. ' 644 Holland, Robert, Tinwald .. .. 440 Holmes, Alexander-, Rakaia Holmes, Mrs. M. E., Holmcslcc, Rakaia .. 2,465 Honeywell, S., Mitcham .. .. 166 Hood, H. H., Mount Somers .. .. 1,247 I Hood, Thomas, Overdale .. .. 435 Hood, William, Chertsey .. .. 1,354 Hooper, Guy F., Mitcham .. .. 5 Horrell, W. E., " Waiora," Tinwald .. 96 Horsey, Edwin, Ashburton Forks .. 3,070 Horsoy, Mrs. Janet, Arhburton Forks .. 71 Horsfield, F., Highbank .. .. 107 | Houston, Richard, Ashburton .. ,. 380 Houston, William, Lyndhurst .. ..' 306 Howden, Thomas, Ruapuna .. .. I 283 Hughes, Thomas H., Ealing .. .. 460 Hunt, John, Wakanui Road, Ashburton , , 40 Hurley, Cornelius, Hinds .. .. I 64 Hutchison, Christian, Methven .. .. 15 Hutchison, John, Methven .. .. 374 Hutt, J. T., Alford Forest .. .. j 1,405 Hydes, P., Spreadeagle.. .. .. 83 Hydes, P. J., Ashburton Forks . . ... 843 Hydes, Harry, Mayfield .. .. 106 Inwood, E., Rakaia .. .. .. 8 Irvine, W. S., Springburn .. .. 472 Irwin, John G, Fairfield, Rakaia .. 1,033 Jackson, 0. M„ Chertsey .. .. 29 Jaine, G, Carew .. .. .. 3,485 Jaino, James, Longbeaoh .. .. 170 James Bros., " Wairuna," Lowcliffe .. 1,1.71 Jamieson, A. A., Newland .. .. 616 Jamieson, James, Westerfield .. .. 580 Jamison, Robert, Dromore .. .. 440 Jamison, William, Dromore .. .. 893 Jewell, William, Lowcliff .. .. 854 Johnson Bros, (private bag), Chertsey .. 861 Johnston, David, Lyndhurst .. .. j 163 Johnston, H. H., Hinds .. .. 262 Johnston, John, Tinwald .. .. 90 Johnston, John M„ Ealing .. .. 1,220 Johnston, Johrr Thomas, Dories Rakaia .. 339 Johnston, R. J., Hinds .. .. .. 070 Johnstone, G J., Ruapuna .. .. 450 Johnstone, F., Mount Potts, Mount Somers i 0,951 Jones, Arthur, Ealing .. . . .. 616 Jones, C. H. and W. R., Porowhita . . 768 Jones, William E„ Mayfield .. .. 1,493 Judd, F„ Tinwald .. .. .. 20 Kane, Alexander, Hampstead, Ashburtoir.. 9 Keane, Alexander, Rakaia .. .. 100 Keith, A. J„ Ashburton .. .. 801 Kelly, G„ Lyndhurst .. .. .. 588 Kennard, Gerald, Seafield Kennedy, H., Box 5, Ashburton.. .. 494 Kennedy, James, Porowhita, Winchmore,.. — Kennedy, John, Mount Hutt Road, Methven 355 Kennington, G. S., Arundel .. .. 437 Kermeen, Thomas J., Newland .. .. 581 Kidd, Alexander, Ashburton .. .. 258 Killey, Evan A., Newland .. .. 594 King Bros., Strathmore Farm, Ealing . . I ,021 King, John D., Ruapuna .. .. 402 Kingsbury, H., Rakaia .. .. .. 1,290 Kirmode Bros., Lyndhurst .. .. 450 Kissane, M., Ashburton.. .. .. 500 Knight, D. P., Lismore .. ... .. 1,550 Knox, J„ Mayfield .. .. .. 72 Knox, John, Mitcham .. .. .. 127 Knox, WiUiam James, Mitcham .. .. 232 Knudson, Mrs. Annie, Willowby .. .. 127 Lamb, Charles, Methven Lamb, D. N, Alford Forest ' .. .. 1,820 Lamb, G., Ashburton .. .. .. 158 Lamb, Hamilton, Mayfield .. .. 1,091 019 Nil 132 300 393 : 1,431 626 1,430 545 816 205 1,580 235 I 1,308 499 800 133 827 3,845 Nil 103 357 148 239 514 109 534 09 355 516 297 931 Nil 10 659 1,056 289 3,950 395 Nil 444 370 415 731 1,013 1,014 265 424 Nil 1,935 289 814 036 0,226 1,105 602 1,332 113 120 153 1,006 1,010 181 1,156 422 623 445 910 687 449 1,289 263 1,165 346 698 500 12 119 147 152 471 1,323 340 2,128 Ashburton County— -continued. Lamb, Robert, Ash!,urton Forks .. 1,050 1,258 Lambie, A. W., Mount Somers .. .. ' 1,608 Lambie, James, Chertsey . . ... 681 904 Lambie, William, Chertsey .. .. 1,343 1,002 Lambie, William, Mount Possession, Mount — 3,790 Somers Lane, Richard, Ruapuna .. .. 038 827 Langdon, William, Westerfield .. .. 2,004 2,345 Langlcy, E. J., Dromore .. .. 364 828 Langley, T., Acton, Rakaia .. .. 1,918 2,099 Lar.gly, James F., Rakaia .. .. 384 743 Lasceles, G H. (Executors of), Lake Heron, 10,288 Nil Mount Somers Leadley, G. W„ Elgin .. .. .. 619 1,678 Leddy, Daniel, Wakanui .. . . 152 426 Lee, Charles W., Alford Forest .. .. 1,231 j 1,144 Leggett, Sidney G., Mount Somers .. 612 j Nil Lemon, S. G., Lauriston .. .. 900 1,066 Lennon, J. A., Ashburton .. .. 233 ; 700 Letham, Allan, Lauriston .. .. 700 060 Letham, Guy, Lauriston .. .. 1,092 1,260 Letham, Walter, Lauriston .. .. 848 ; 735 Lowin, M., Methven .. .. .. | 420 305 Lewis, William J., Wakanui .. .. 177 235 Lill, G. H. B., Willowby .. ..I 998 1,408 Lill, William A., Willowby .. .. 481 948 Lill, W. T„ Willowby .. .. .. 868 1,496 Lilley, A. T., Lismore .. .. .. 159 3,425 Lilley, J. G„ Lyndhurst .. .. 080 710 Lilley. John A., Mayfield .. .. 154 142 Lilley, S. W., Box 68, Methven ,. .. 388 642 Lloyd, Thomas, Tinwald .. .. 285 414 Lloyd, W. E., Mayfield .. . . . . 405 Lock, H. E. A., Box 23, Methven .. 1,375 2,236 Lock, W. T. P., Methven .. .. 2,560 2,741 Lockhard, James R., Mount Somers .. 126 258 Lookhead, A. O., Lismore .. .. 505 714 Lockhoad, J. G, Rakaia .. .. 2,500 3,058 Loohhead, William, Mount Somers .. 4,127 4,115 Long, A„ Tinwald .. .. .. 200 152 Long, F. B., Ashburton.. .. .. 87 20 Long, W. (private bag), Chertsey .. 1,194 1,279 Lovett, E. G., Winslow '.. .. 103 575 Low, R. J., ■'Holmwood," Barrhill .. 1,294 1,193 Lowe, William T„ Winslow .. .. 1,252 1,862 Lowery, James, Tinwald .. .. 447 323 Lowry, W. J., Wostcrfield .. .. 1.10 88 Lumsden, W., Lowcliffe .. .. 214 Lundy, William, Wakanui . . .. 278 203 Lusk, D., Beach Road, Ashburton .. i 139 215 Lysaght, P., Fairton .. .. .. 45 229 Mably, G. B., " Greenbank," Mayfield .. 330 436 Mably, G. B., Pencarrow, Mayfield .. 257 257 Maoale, Leonard, Lowcliffe . . .. 358 490 Macalc, Martin, Box 38, Rakaia .. .. 273 212 Macartney, Robert, Tai Tapir .. .. I 1,016 1,259 Mackay, David, Winchmore, Ashburton .. 2,057 2,369 Mackay, Donald R., Willowby .. .. 279 1.33 Mackay, Thomson (Estate of), Willowby .. 197 597 Mackle, Honry, Hinds .. .. .. 555 588 Macmillan, Robert B., Mayfield .. .. 944 1,404 Maddison, L. H., Pudding Hill, Box 64, 2,135 2,297 Methven Magson, A. J., Rakaia .. .. .. 330 300 Magson, F. B., Rakaia .. .. .. 092 560 Magson, W. F., Rakaia.. .. .. 786 840 Maginnoss, Henry, Box 22, Methven ,. , 1,073 870 Maguinness, L., Tinwald .. .. 1,476 1,477 Maguire, Bernard, Wakanui .. .. 149 143 Maguire, Patrick, Methven .. .. 169 132 Maguire, Thomas, Methven . . .. 281 296 Maidens, A. T., Lauriston .. .. 730 729 Malcolm, Jamos, Chertsey .. .. 062 924 Mangin, Francis George, Methven .. 221 228 Mangin, J. T., Methvon .. .. 559 673 March, Nathaniel, Waterton .. ... 47 101 Marland, James, Lyndhurst .. .. 827 Nil Marr, John and A.'F., Methven .. .. 2,266 3,941 Marshall, W. G., jun., Lagmhor .. .. 321 504 Martin, H. T., Greenstreet .. .. 114 205 Massey, F. E., Westerfield . . .. 354 027 May and Keig, Staveley .. .. 179 190 McAnulty, J., Box 45, Methven .. .. i 477 28 McAnulty, J. P., Rakaia .. .. 425 Nil McAnulty, T. G., Methven .. .. I 526 365
No. of Sheep on April 30, AprU 30. 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Ashburton County— continued. MoAuUvy, Donald, Mayfield .. .. 97 lo MoCann, John, Westo'rfield .. .. 131 47 McCarthy, P., Mitcham .. .. 150 Nil McCausland, James, Lismore .. .. 385 306 McCloy, James, Highbank .. .. 73 III McConachie, J. Or,, Ashburton .. .. 54 I Nil McConnell, Honry, Hinds .. .. 594 1,180 MeCormack, James, Soafi.Td .. .. 323 394 McCormick, A., Lauriston .. .. 840 453 McCormick, J. A., Westerfield .. .. 354 427 McCormick, Malcolm, Seafield . . .. 192 486 MoCosker, H., Riverside .. .. 204 280 MeCoskcr. Johrr, Riverside, Ashburtoir .. 590 McCracken, J. D., Whakamatau . . .. 6,494 7,560 McCracken, P., Whakamatau .. .. 5,000 McCrea, Samuel, Methven .. .. 30 35 McCrenor, James, Methven .. .. 375 200 McCrory, James, Chertsey .. .. 278 606 McDonald. Donald. Box 28. Methven .. 950 1,550 McDonald, .1. W., Geraldine .. .. 400 3,100 McDonald, Roderick, Ashburton.. .. 028 1,321 McDowell, Thomas, Wakanui .. .. 150 225 McElhinnery, Robert, Ashburton .. 329 4,570 McFarlane, G, Westerfield .. .. 812 1,062 McFarlane, James, Springburn .. .. 1,623 , 2,000 McGirr, Joseph, Cairnbrae .. .. 450 667 McGirr, Mrs. J., Cairnbrae .. .. 1,949 2,740 McGowan, P. J., Lynnford .. .. 15 Nil McGuigan, E. J., Ealing .. .. 408 448 McGuigan, H. and" F., Chertsev .. .. 036 050 Mcllraith, B. 1). G, Mitcham .. .. 000 356 Mcllraith, D. J., Mayfield .. .. 717 951 Mcllroy, D. T. G, Greenstreet .. .. 164; 315 .Vlclnnis. ,1. It., Pair-ton .. .. 285 Nil Mcintosh, Androw, Alford Forest .. 467 Nil Mclntyre, D. J., Ashburton .. .. 12 208 Molvor, James (private bag), Anama .. 702 830 McKay, A., Methven .. .. .. 850 1,404 McKay. Alexander, Lowcliffe .. .. 283 410 McKeage, George, Hinds .. .. 177 55 McKeage, W., Lowcliffe .. .. 771 808 McKendry, D„ Waterton .. .. 133 210 McKendry, D., Lyndhurst .. .. 2,444 4,210 McKendry, Daniol, Lyndhurst .. .. 2,806 2,335 McKenzie, Alexandor, Hinds .. .. 1,220 1,134 McKenzie, D., Alford Forest .. .. 1,830 1,808 McKie, Douglas G., Kyle .. .. 223 428 McLauchlan, Johrr, Allenton, Ashburton .. 20 McLauchlan, S. B., Mayfield .. .. 530 542 McLauchlan, W. A., Waterton .. .. 167 239 McLay, Peter Mo., Ruapuna .. .. 099 850 McLay, Robort A., Stonylea, Mayfield .. 1,101 1,894 McLoan, Hamish, Mount Hutt, Methven .. 9,215 11,080 McLean, J., Cairnbrae .. .. .. 763 1,117 McLean, John, Rakaia .. .. .. 150 | 350 McL-an, J. W., Highbank .. .. 800 I 2.000 McLean, William, Wakanui .. .. 220 359 McLean, William H., HighbarrI; .. .. 1,414 1,550 McLennan, A., Mr-thven .. .. 140 042 McLennan, John M., Methven .. .. 107 443 McLeod, D., Carew .. .. ..2,275 2,485 MoLeod, Murdo, Methven .. .. 2,430 2,490 McMaster, A. J., Tinwald .. .. 107 1,212 McNamara, D., Cairnbrae .. .. 352 458 McNeil, Patrick, Lauriston .. .. 377 430 McNeill, H., Methven .. .. .. 406 595 McPhail, Johrr, Rakaia .. .. .. 600 293 McPhail, W. A., Mitcham .. .. 227 181 McQuilkin, J., Eiffoltoir .. .. 1,270 1,130 MoRae, Gerald, Staveley .. .. 15' 12 McRae, John, Springburn .. .. 703 914 McRae, Miss Sophia, Methven .. .. 184 214 Mehrtens, G. A., Dromore .. .. 1,120 404 Middleton, Jarrres, Methven .. .. 101 120 Mrddlcton, Robert, Box 14. Methven .. 458, 558 Millar Bros., Methven .. .. .. 928 j Nil Millar Bros., Methven .. .. .. 3,741 4,361 Millar, Hugh, Tinwald .. .. .. 381 455 MiUar, Samuel, Mayfield .. .. 308 285 Millar, W. H., Barrhill.. .. .. 225 220 Millar, William, Ashburton .. .. 196 244 Miller, George, Dromore .. .. 775 1,037 Miller-, Robert, Mayfield .. .. 482 059 Miller, W., Mayfieid .. .. .. 375 785 Millichamp Bros., Box 82, Ashburton .. — 113 Ashburton County— continued. Milltorr, P. I., Box 32, Geraldine Mitchell, John, Seafield Mitchell, T., Lauriston Montgomery and Todhuntei-, Pake Heron, Mount Somers Montgomery, B. P. R., 335 Otipua Road. Timaru Montgomery, R., Mayfield Moore, John, Lauriston Moore, John, Seaview Moore, N. L., Winslow Moran, Michael, Highbank Morgair, William, Methven Morgan, William A., Evandalc, Mount Somers Morland, James, Lyndhurst .. ., Moiland.-Thomas, jun., Lyndhurst Morland, Thomas, Rakaia Morland, W. J., Rakaia Morris, Hunter, Lauriston Morris, W. B., Ruapuna Morrison, Alexander D., Lismore Morrow, D. J., Montalto, Mayfield Morrow, P. D., Montalto, Mayfield Morrow, N. B., Mayfield Morrow, R. W., Montalto, Mayfield Morrow, William, Rakaia Mosos, W. J., Tinwald Muckle, Goorge, Winslow Mucklc, Hugh (private bag), Rakaia Mugford, R., Waterton Muirhead, J. H., Westerfield Mulligan, Johrr J., Lismore Mulligan, R. J., Lismore Mulligan, William H., Maronan Mummery, H., Mayfield Murdoch, George, Mayfield Murdook, Gilbert B., Mayfield Murphy, Thomas 10., Elgin Nee, Jarrres, Methven Neill, R. B., " Barossa," Mount Somers .. Nell, G. L., Mount Somers Nelson, James, Eiffelton Nettleton, A. and H., Mount Somers Newgoschcwonder, J. J., Hinds Newton, E. B., Porowhita Newton .0 E., Lauriston Nicoll Bros., Ashburtou Nicoll Bins., Box 28, Methven Nish, William, Eiffelton Noble, L. M., Lynnford Nordqvist, G, Methven Norrish, C. E., Lowcliffe Nosworthy, W, " Mesopotamia," Mount Somers Nosworthy, W. and R., Mount Somers Oakley, E. E., Overdale Oakley, Johrr, Ruapuna Oakley, L. A., Mayfield Oakley, R., Mayfield Oakley, Robert, Overdale, Rakaia O'Callaghan, D. B., Anama O'Connell, John, Rakaia O'Connor, D., Hinds O'Grady, J. J., Box 75. Ashburton O'Grady, John, Lauriston O'Keefe, M„ Tinwald Oliver, J. H. B., Ealing O'Neil, Thomas, Waterton Orr, Alexandor, Methven Orr, J. A., Lismore Orr, N. W., Lismore Osborne, C. S., Rakaia Osborne, John, Ashburton Page, ThomM, Seaview Painter, Arthur, Ruapuna Painter-, Jamos A., Wheatstone Palmer, William, Rakaia Papworth, J. H., Willowby Parish, Thomas B., Lismore Parish, William, Ashburton Forks Parker, Colin William, Willowby Patterson, James, Waterton Patterson, John H., Mayfield Pawsey, Arthur, Chertsey I ,783 803 1.077 308 1,151 1,111 95 341 1,800 2,517 768 215 476 893 297 520 2,857 2,011 2.915 2,777 1.358 4 156 1,407 57 1,198 590 1,227 908 307 1,752 1,085 34 1,044 13,640 1,425 510 832 606 1,662 1.401 72 710 408 139 2,180 278 1,179 10,109 1,099 279 1,202 1,382 Nil 415 1,970 2.870 522 582 27 994 1,200 349 590 4,412 2,674 4,095 3,785 965 321 118 1,794 84 1,185 737 1,032 1,270 411 4,213 940 219 1,419 15,245 1,125 170 2,287 940 1,028 607 2,318 2,529 473 974 545 289 17,788 3,232 676 086 810 930 1,072 171 38 5 276 154 184 1 ,344 178 1,702 1,237 1.271 059 16 221 176 235 114 458 335 324 132 3,200 722 833 753 952 1,595 391 72 77 516 641 277 946 705 1,957 1,236 1,222 841 19 452 234 304 112 665 1,524 318 178 200 1,379 422 1,047 400
Ashburton County— continued. Pawson, Frank, " Kr-ewhon" Station, Mount Somers Pawson, Frank, " Lincoln Fields," Anama Payne, J., Mayfield Peache, A. E. (Executors of), Mount Somers Penney, Alexander W., Mitcham Penney, J. D., Lyndhurst Peter, C. J., Mount Somers Peter, Frank, Mount Somers Peter, John P., Mount Somers Petrie, J., Lauriston Pilbrow Bros., Seafield Pithie, Allan, Arundel Pluck Bros., Mitcham Poff, James, Methven Poll, Mrs. Beatrice, Methven Pratt, F. G., Carew*, Mataipuke Prebble, Charles G., Lyndhurst Prebble, William, Braemar, Lyndhurst Prebble, William P., Lyndhurst Prendergast, J,, Eiffelton Prendergast, Patrick, Longbeaoh,. Price, Joseph, Chertsey Proctor, W. A., Lowcliffe Pye, Charles, jun., Waterton Qjuinn, Patrick, Highbank Rankin, William, Pendarves, Chertsey Raymond, T. R., Tinwald Read, Arthur, Eiffelton.. Read, Isaac F., Eiffelton Read, William A., Waterton Reesby, Frederick, Lyndhurst Reesby, Herbert, Lyndhurst, Reeves, P., Stoneylea, Ealing Reid, A., Arundel Reid, G, Tinwald Roid, William, Chertsey Reveley Bros., Springburrr Rhodes, A. I. E., Ashburton Richards. A. V., Mitcham Richards, F. A., Overdale Richards, H. E. and F. A., Overdale, Rakaia Richards, H. E. H., Methven Richards, II. S. (private bag). Valetta, Ashburton Richards, Thomas, Overdale Richards, W. P., Highbank Richardson Bros., Anama Rickard, Percy Gerald, Riverside Rickard, S., Hinds Ritchie, Mrs. Mary A., Arundel Robbins, C, S., Alford Forest Roberts, 10. W., Mayfield Roberts, G. S., Mount Somers Robertson, John, Dromore Robertson, John, Lynnford Robertson, Lachlan, Newland Robertson, T. D„ Glen Falloeh. Whakamatua Robertson, W. J. (private bag), Ashburton Robinson, Samuel, Methven Rooney, James, Ashburton Rooney, M., Ashburton.. Rose, W., Ashburton Ross, G. W„ Carew Ross, William, Lyndhurst Rountree, Joseph, Willowby Itowell, A. S., Mount Somers Ruddenklau, F. W., Lyndhurst Ruddenklau, F. W., Staveley Ruddock, Edward," Bushey Park," Chertsey Itushton, John William, Methven Rutherford, Thomas, Springburn Sandroy, G. L., Warterton Sargent, Charles, Dorie Sargent, F., Lowcliffe . . .. ... Savill, A. E., Wakanui Savill, P. J., Mount Possession Sawle, 10. W., Ealing Scales, Joseph, Maronan Schmidt, Christian, Barrhill Sclater Bros., Waterton Seott Bros., Blackford, Methven Soott, D. J., and Son, Mayfield .. 7,071 6,254 2,534 1,790 435 306 9,995 10,030 80 342 394 812 3,503 3,682 0,943 5,856 2,283 2,039 255 195 1,141 1,134 1.334 1,770 340 201 1,854 1,525 1,850 170 084 , 788 513 995 1,427 491 I,166 163 500 39 125 6 Nil 288 558 475 Nil 753 792 2,020 2,132 190 521 1,004 1,815 102 138 203 350 802 1,500 970 840 798 975 718 1,003 447 375 671 690 583 939 93 162 1.530 1,025 830 2,273 Nil 1,484 1,007 1,703 AprU 30, 1917. No. of Sheep on April SO, 1918. | No. of i April :t(), | 1917. Ashburton County— continued. Scott, P. A.. Porowhita .. .. 20 Scott, Gordon Norman, Lyndhurst .. 195 Scown, Harold A., Mayfield .. .. 1 ,022 Seafield Estate (e/o IT. V. W. Pocook), I ,224 Chertsey Sewell, Charles, Mayfield .. .. 520 Sewell, D. 0., jun.,'Mayfield .. .. 527 Sewell, D. 0., Ruapuna .. .. 354 Sewell, G. H., Mayfield .. .. 021 Sewell, Herbert, Mayfield .. .. 1,864 Sewell, Michael, Mayfield .. .. 4 Sewell, Mrs. M. 10., Ruapuna .. .. 053 Shanks, Mrs. Hannah A., South Rakaia .. 258 Shaw, David, jun., Hinds .. .. 390 Shearer, John, Box 71, Ashburton .. i 200 Shearer, Peter, Wheatstone .. .. j 294 Sheehan, Michael, Rakaia .. ■■ 40 Shipley, William, Eiffelton .. .. j 1 ,050 Shirley, 10. II., Barrhill .. .. ... 421 Sim, A., Carew .. .. .. 792 Sim, James, Ashburton. . .. .. 540 Sim, R. S., Carew .. .. .. 784 Simpson, J. R., Lismore .. ... 2,021 Sims, Cooper, and Co., Fair-ton . . .. 75 Siirrs, Cooper, anil Co., Lowcliffe, Hinds .. 710 Sinclair, Henry, Wakanui .. ... 248 Small, P., Meadow Bank, Tinwald .. j 440 Small, William, Westerfield .. .. 408 Smith, Charles William, Highbank .. 10 Smith, GeorgeT., Mount Somers.. ..' 936 Smith, G. T. (private bag). Rakaia .. 168 Smith, G. W., Flemington .. .. 215 Smith, II. T., Staveley .. .. .. ,1,205 Smith, James, The Grange, Ashburton .. 173 Smith, J. M., Flemington .. .. 1,020 Smith, John, Lauriston,. .. .. 1,082 Smith, John, Longbeaoh .. .. 669 Smith, Lewis, Rakaia . . .. .. 97 Smith, William, Lyndhurst .. .. 255 Smith, W. T., Springburn .. .. 731 Soal, P., Longbeaoh .. .. .. 360 Soal, W. T., Waterton .. .. .. 6 South, John, Orari Bridge .. .. 534 Spence, D. R. R„ Box 14, Rakaia .. j 127 Spencer, George, Carew .. .. ; 1,923 Spray, F. and W., Box 42, Methven .. I 459 Sprott, Henry, Pendarves .. .. 1,040 Stalker, John, Maronan, H inds .. .. 1.138 Stephens, A. M., Tinwald .. .. 459 Stephens. R. L., Hinds .. .. .. 500 Stevens, T., 26 Cross Street, AUcrton .. 122 Stevens, W. H., Lowcliffe .. . . 294 Stevenson Bros., Springburn .. .. 408 Stevenson, Jarrres, Eiffelton .. .. I 77 Stevenson, John, Tinwald . . Stevenson R. A. B., Tinwald .. ..1,219 Stewart, Colin, Upper Riccarton .. .'. ] ,220 Stewart, James, Lyndhurst .. .. 196 Stewart, John, Methven .. .. 356 Stewart, Peter, 169 Burnett Street, Ashburton 956 Stewart, Thomas, Seaview .. .. ' 459 Stockdill, George, Highbank .. .. j 350 Stoddart, L. R., Willowby .. .. 473 Stoddart, W. H., Willowby .. 68 Stone Bros., Maronan .. .. ., I 215 Stone Bros., Methven .. .. .. ! 1,288 Stone, Charles, Fair-lands, Methven .. j 1,300 Strachan, John, Rakaia .. ..' " 358 Strange, W. S., Tinwald .. .. 821 Stringer, J. H., Westerfield .. .. 1 .075 Stringfellow, II., Ashburton .. .. , 840 Stringfellow, John, Welbcek, Tinwald .. i 1,783 Studholme, John, Hinds .. ,, 7,500 Sturgeon, Joseph, Greenstreot, Ashburton . . 101 Suttie, George James, Greenstreet .. I 224 Sutton, W. T., Westerfield Swain, W., Overdale, Rakaia .. .. 33,-, Syme, L. B., Staveley .. .. .. > 395 Tait, George, Lowcliffe .. .. .. i 138 Tarbotton, Georgo It., EaUng .. .. 1.205 Tarbotton, T. E., Tinwald .. .. I 720 Taskcr, F., Staple Homestead, Ruapuna .. I 829 Taverner, W., Chertsey. . . . .. ' 185 Taylor, George, Westerfield .. .. j 543 Iheep on April 30. 1018 230 308 1,040 Nil 580 533 401 033 1,341 20 655 278 2,530 343 591 55 I ,058 380 1,000 857 953 2,638 400 1,044 263 315 338 0 796 109 295 1,125 184 935 650 983 276 340 863 750 16 714 829 2,324 900 1,450 2,258 512 030 142 369 401 294 449 1,011 1,503 532 762 1,400 1,030 350 052 257 145 1,407 Nil 317 1,000 1,603 1,815 2,415 8,320 130 220 450 383 330 304 1,085 892 632 172 049 2,652 2,593 590 573 650 304 592 071 080 582 589 570 50 30 1,028 1,612 1,470 1,425 700 1,328 903 ' 1,029 300 453 7.757 6,292 562 667 878 997 411 556 633 862 00 110 1,902 516 101 233 30 78 1.505 1,338 1,138 1,233 999 1,162 1,374 : 1,781 1,192 ! 1,134 519 666 526 628 815 51 I 859 142 10,238 Nil 305 487 1,016 700 270 203 206 000 — 923 300 1 1,226
16—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. I No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Ashburton County— continued. Taylor, Joseph, jun., Lauriston .. .. ! 871 Taylor, Joseph, Lismore .. .. 190 Taylor, Thomas, Wakanui .. ... 86 Taylor, W. J., Ashton .. .. .. j 500 Thomas, A. It., Willowby .. Thomas, D. C. D., Westerfield .. ..1,111 Thomas, E. D., Oraddook Farm, Methven.. 030 Thompson, Isaac M., Wakanui .. ... I 494 Thompson, R. H., Dorie .. .. 815 Thompson, Sydney, Lyndhurst .. .. | 538 Tilson, G, Hinds ' .. .. .. 829 Timms, W., Riverside .. . . .. 170 Tizzard, WiUiam, Highbank .. .. 20 Todd, George, Chertsey.. .. ... 231 Toner, Bernard, Mayfield . . .. 550 Travers, R. D., Mount Somers .. .. 252 Tullcy, Frederick, Lyndhurst .. .. 79 Tully, John, Tinwald .. .. .. 1.64 Turnbull, D., jun., Lowcliffe .. .. 994 Turnbull, D. W., Dorie.. .. .. 121 Turton, W. R., Mount Somers .. .. 793 Twomey, Timothy, Highbank .. .. 075 Upton, !'. E., Ashburton .. .. 590 Urquhart and Logan, Mount Harper-, Alford — Forest Urquhart and Logan, Wintorslow Run, Alfred 7,330 Forest Urquhart, David, c/o — Murchison, Lake 712 Coleridge Station Vallance and Jeffs, Lyndhurst .. .. 106 Varcoe, William James, Tinwald.. .. 70 Vaughan, G., Methven .. .. .. 262 Vessey, P. A., Tinwald .. .. . . 410 Vessey, G. W., Tinwald.. Wagner, A. ,1., Tinwald .. .. 53 Wakolin, A. C. and T., Ashburton .. 200 Wakelin, William, Winchmore .. .. 36 Walker, James, Tinwald .. .. 1.44 Wallace, Alexandor, Ealing .. .. 590 Waller, B., Winslow . . .. .. 206 Walsh, W., Tinwald .. .. .. 9 Ward, Honry, Highbank .. .. 458 Watson, A., Box 9, Tinwald .. .. 10 Watson Bros., Methven.. .. .. — Watson Bros., Pendarves .. .. 1,305 Watson, Charles IL, Methven .. .. 495 Watson, Frederick K., Box 30, Barrhill . . 530 Watson, G. L., Highbank .. .. 837 Watson, John, Box 67, Methven .. .. 2,150 Watson, Pearce, Tinwald .. .. 97 Watson, William, Hinds . . .. 12 Watts, Herbert, Porowhita .. .. 359 Waugh, E. ,1., Mount Somers .. .. 537 Weily, Samuel, Highbank .. .. 130 Wells, James S., Lowcliffe .. .. 242 Wells, William, Ouihi, Ashburton .. 304 West, C. G., Lowcliffe .. .. .. 910 Weston, A., Waterton . . .. .. 123 Whearty Bros., Eiffelton .. .. 335 Whearty, Martin, Wheatstone .. . . 000 White Bros., Eiffelton .. .. .. 1,156 White, J. C. G., Valotta, Mayfield .. 227 White, John Henry, Methven .. .. 1,770 White, J. T., Eiffelton . . . . .. 3 White, Leonard, Rakaia .. .. 3,702 Whiting, Charles, Mayfield .. .. 03 Whiting, E. J., Lismore .. 1,341 Whiting, H. T., Dor-io .. .. .. 520 Whyte, A. J., Methven.. .. .. 250 Wightman, J. T., Mount Somers .. .. 519 Wightman, R. W., Methven .. .. 4,464 Wightman, R. W., Mount Hutt, Methven.. Wightman, S. R. J., Chertsey . . . . 100 Wilkinson, Thomas W.,Chertsey .. .. 1,594 Williams, E. T, Waterton ' .. .. 4 Williams, John, Maronan .. .. 1,715 Williams, J. T., Anama .. .. 395 Williams, Richard, Waterton . . . . 12 Williams, W. R., Alford Forest .. .. 803 Wills, Henry, Hinds .. .. .. 210 Wilsorr, Alexander, Wakanui .. . . 28 Wilson, David, Methven .. . . 488 Wilson, H. J., Dromore. . .. .. 020 Wilson, John, Methven ' .. ..1,978 966 380 293 512 180 963 280 710 1,210 935 1,390 300 109 396 249 240 136 ' 263 1,422 332 831 1,373 604 5,397 Ashburton County— continued. Wilson, Mrs. Mary, Wakanui Wilson, Mrs. Rachel, Riverside Wilson, R. J. S., Fairton Wilson, Samuel, Ashburton Wilson, Thomas, Seaview Withell, Henry Charles Bayly, Ealing Withell, John' W., Ealing Wolfrey, W. PI, Springburn Wood, Charles, 95 Leinster Road, St. Albans, Christchureh Wood, S. H., Wakanui Woods, Barton, Tinwald Woolley, T. H., Tinwald Wotten, T., Ashton Wright, D. G., Surrey Hills, Mount Somers Wright, Mrs. Harriet Myra, Winslow Wright, V. W., Westerfield Young, Andrew, Ashburton Young, William (c/o S. Mc( Irae), Highbank 4 670 487 23 213 1,471 53 132 82 909 170 0,387 1,480 912 325 24 164 875 986 19 546 1,927 1,596 53 762 175 Nil 777 337 0,380 1,721. 1,049 377 Nil 825,141 986,097 9,839 576 211 206 243 407 392 50 409 148 296 667 845 215 724 156 550 2,566 513 507 730 3,241 272 Nil 378 790 151 250 382 1,080 290 433 1,119 1,540 151 1,775 Nil 3,806 3 1,613 1,164 Nil 1,026 1,926 2,234 152 2,330 124 1 ,561 490 185 1,003 275 183 000 890 1,298 GERALDINE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Aokroyd, J. E., Temuka Acland, J. B. A., Mount Peel, Peel Forost.. Airay, James, Orton Akor, George Albert, Orton, Rangitata Ambler, D. R., Geraldine Archibald, A. E., Geraldine Archibald, John William, Temuka Armstrong, John, Peel Forest Ashby, W. L, Rangitata Austin, Alfred Thomas, Orari Austin, Charles, Winchester Bain Bros., Temuka Barker, J. M., Woodbury Barker, P. S. and J. S., Four Peaks, Geraldine Barker, W. E., Peel Forest Barklie and Barker, Goraldine Bartrum, B. 0. (Executors of), Fairlio Beattie, W. J., Hilton (rural delivery) Boll, Thomas H., Rangitata Bell, William, Winchester Benn, A. E., Pleasant Point Bennett, C. G, Four Peaks, Geraldine Bennett, Daniel, Kakahu School Bennett, H. G, Mount Walker, Four Peaks Bill, James, Temuka Bisdee, G, Temuka Bisdee, J. G, Clandeboye Blair Bros., Peel Forest Bland, J. R., Peel Forest Boa, James, Orari Gorge Borrell, George, Belfield, Orari Boyd, James, Temuka Bradford, David, Temuka Bray, John, Fairlie Breen, Joseph, Temuka.. Brenton, II. A., Belfield, Orari Brodie, J. It., Rangitata Brooker, George J., Woodbury Brookland, W. R., Orton Brophy, Joseph P., Beautiful Valley, Geraldine Brophy, Michael, Hilton Brown, Andrew, Geraldine Brown, John, Beach Farm, Ohape Brown, J. T., Temuka Bruce, A. S., Kakahu Bush Buck, Joseph, Rangitata Island Buckley, J., Hillside, Hilton Budd, Miss B., Orari Burden, G M., Woodbury Burke Bros., Temuka Burrows, A. J., Willow Brook, Te Moana. . Burrows, G. D., Goraldine Burt, James, Woodbury Cadwallader, Thomas, Temuka Cain, D. G., Rangitata Cain, H. H., Rangitata Cain, John W., Orton Cairns, Mrs. James, Temuka Campbell, A. W., Kakahu Bush 258 20,102 584 201 93 80 60 1,768 683 107 896 1,050 8,300 3,389 29 3,405 186 492 709 709 16 1,232 112 601 5,739 174 531 19,076 1,410 117 253 82 227 1,807 960 172 1,407 1,472 2,750 3,410 133 3,127 3,202 224 909 723 854 697 8 1,393 184 429 708 5,621 178 25 190 308 Nil Nil 200 227 1,187 144 221 029 207 137 10 2,633 190 872 223 223 480 304 513 1,039 658 1,904 950 225 278 492 .133 234 61 1.50 2,140 1,040 166 106 100 I 518 812 539 1,951 1,059 2,773 707 250 162 635 159 276 78 10 390 2,138 221 470 350 721
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on ! April 30, April 30, 1917. i9ia Geraldine County—con<»»we<f. Campbell Bros., Woodbury Campbell, Neil, Clandeboye Cartwright, G. B., Tomuka Casoy, P., Gapes Valley Chalmers, Adam, Rangitata Charles Bros., Rangitata Charlos, Frank, Hilton Charles, James, Rangitata Charles, John, Geraldine Charles, Michael, Hilton Chisholm, J., jun., Temuka Chisnall Bros., Rangitata Clarke, W. H. H., Orari Gorge Clarke, W. R., Orari Clifford, M. J., Tomuka.. Coles, H. W., Kakahu School Collett, W. H., Opihi, Pleasant Point Col ville, H., Temuka Cone, G. H., Waitohi, Temuka Connell, John, Upper Waitohi Connolly, Jeremiah, Gerajdine Connelly, William, Peel Forest Cooling, A. J., Woodbury Cooling, H., Woodbury Coughlan, John, Winchester Coulter, William John, Rangitata Cowan, Andrew, Four Peaks, Geraldine .. Craig, R. P., Geraldine Cripps, John, Winchester Crowe, G A., Te Moana Dass, William, (Japes Valley Davey, AUred James, Hilton Road, Temuka Davey, John, Rangitira Valley Davie, George, Gapes Valley Day, Daniel, Cricklewood Donniston, G. J., Peel Forest Densem, J. F., Woodbury Road, Geraldine De Renzy, John, Winchester De Renzy, Mrs. E. E., Winchester Dixon, R. A., Box 33, Geraldine.. Doake, R., Pleasant Point Donnithorne, J. (rural delivery), Clandeboye Donnithorne, William H., Waitohi Plat .. Drake, Francis A., Clandeboye Dury, J, Clandeboyo Earl, J. J., Orari Earl, Job, Geraldine Edgar, Adam, Rangitata Edgar, J. IL, Orton Ellery, S., Belfield, Orari Elliott, William, Clandeboye Ellis, A. H., Geraldine Ellis, G R., Rangitata Ellis, J. J., Orton Elmslie, W. P. S., Geraldine Evans, B. T., Arundel Evans, E. G, Woodbury Field, A. G., Kakahu Bush Fifield, Joseph, Woodbury Finn, James, Geraldine Fitzgerald, John, Orari Flatman, F. R., Woodbury Flotcher Bros., Hilton Foohey, J., Hilton Ford, George E., Woodbury Ford, William, Orari Bridge Fowler, G. W., Woodbury Fraser, Thomas, Peel Forest Friol, Peter (Executors of), Hilton Gale, George T., Te Moana Gale, S., Pleasant Valley Galletly, Edwin, Gapes Valley, Geraldine .. Galletly, John, Gapes Valley Gardiner Bros., Upper Waitohi Gilliatt, G., Orton Gimson Bros., Geraldine Goodeve, IT. R., Temuka Goodeve, L., Winchester Goodwin, Mrs. M., Awanui, Geraldine Gould Bros., Rangitata.. Gould, Mrs. Jane, Waterfalls, Pleasant Point Gould, Richard, Pleasant Point .. Gould, W., Rangitata Grant, D. and L. J., Clandeboye 1,046 239 2,106 00 787 2,065 791 124 2 860 502 1.514 186 236 355 367 140 57 3,740 1,638 183 15 65 251 691 52 468 204 244 601 738 230 332 2,203 350 1 ,098 875 272 36 502 150 310 549 68 320 485 250 102 338 453 72 115 51 24 0 310 502 2,018 231 202 176 205 483 38 124 159 751 141 212 520 605 525 20 1,220 309 1,480 88 832 1,523 3,058 335 4 I ,007 730 2,140 225 324 282 016 483 26 302 225 4,944 1,629 189 11 Nil 851 Nil 35 495 300 007 976 1,047 356 364 2,300 393 825 1,115 912 469 1,002 124 895 Nil 387 524 105 365 557 280 76 493 1,109 38 182 09 Nil 49 600 3,088 1,791 396 330 268 114 523 167 158 333 300 121 297 667 970 411 107 305 Nil 628 593 460 386 3.039 Geraldine County— continued. Grant, Donald, Winchester Graybum, H., Orari Green Bros., Temuka Green, Frank, Temuka Greene, William S., Rangitata Gregan, Daniel, Four Peaks, Geraldine .. Griffiths Bros., Hilton Gudex, Michael, Milford, Temuka Gudsell, G. V., Winchester Guerin, Michael (Executors of), Hilton Guild, A. R., Temuka Guild Bros., Temuka Hall, Mrs. Helen, Geraldine (rural delivery) Hall, Thomas, Gapes Valley Hall, Thomas E., Geraldine Hally, Thomas, Temuka Hamilton, Georgo, and others, Clayton, Fairlie Hammond, G. R. and F., Four Peaks, Geraldine Hammond, J. W., Orton Hammond, R., Te Moana Hammond, Robert, Te Moana Hanson, Simon, Gapes Valloy Harries, E. L., Kakahu Bush Harris, James Henry, Arundel Hatch, E., Orari .. . . ... Hawdon, Arthur, Peel Forest Hawke, H. H., Rangatira Valley Hawke, W. H., Pleasant Valley Hayder, A. E. V., Geraldine Hayhurst, J. F., Temuka Haywood, William, Geraldine Hearn Bros., Rangitata Island Hearn, J., jun., Rangitata Hearn, W. H., Rangitata Hedley, Thomas, Clandeboye Helem, George, Orari Bridge Henderson, John L., Orari Bridge Henderson, R., Upper Waitohi Honey, W., Peel Forest Heney, W., jun., Peel Forest Hewson, G, Orari Hewson, W. A., Woodbury Hill, Henry, Geraldine Hodson, A. W., Temuka Hughes, Thomas, Geraldino Hullen, J. H., Pleasant Point Hullen, Mrs. J. M., Pleasant Point Inglis Bros., Lemington, Peel Forest Irvine, A. J., Geraldine Irvine, R., Clandeboye Jones, W. B., Hilton Kee, D. C, Kakahu School Kelland, A. P., Waitohi Plat Kelland, J. G, Orton .. Kelland, John, jun., Waitohi Flat Kellhef, T„ Orari Bridge Kelman, Alexander William, Geraldine .. Kelman, M. and G., Geraldine Kernohan, John, Winchester KUem, Fritz and A., Woodbury Lane, D. A., Winchester Settlement, Temuka Langford, A. T., Winchester Lee, Rufus, Temuka Lelievre, Victor-, Gapes Valloy, Goraldine .. Leonard, Joseph, Geraldine Leonard, M., Woodbury Leonard, Maurice, Temuka Leonard, W., Geraldine Lewis, G, Arundel Lewis, D. E., Temuka Lewis, Miss 10., WinchesterLey, Charles, " Glenrock," Pleasant Point Linklater, William, Geraldine Love, James, Arundel Lowe and Livesay, Clandeboye Lynn, W., Te Moana Lyon, John, Rangatira Valley Lyon, Thomas, Waitoh 1 , Temuka Lyon, W. J., Kakahu Road, Temuka Lyons, M., Woodbury Lysaght, Andrew, Pleasant Valley Lysaght, Austin, Geraldine 1,202 599 12 186 1,060 3,727 500 30 1,216 2,131 1,989 277 238 288 14,883 1,048 36 238 40 47 123 88 90 59 814 57 80 1,336 175 183 312 50 199 201 372 1,005 540 640 128 284 1,014 2,253 750 30 822 1,786 2,206 253 304 394 144 Nil 895 75 160 274 (it) 185 44 163 115 144 100 1,331 30 235 1,530 250 177 Nil 53 Nil 349 493 30 50 810 493 332 50 228 275 817 164 18 55 Nil 158 719 234 344 1,232 364 406 482 176 Nil 183 896 1,176 Nil 276 204 57 1,143 70 435 592 381 356 1,107 430 936 397 400 356 50 669 366 235 48 10 245 817 70 1.90 292 119 598 369 173 960 123 325 438 240 10 172 274 301 895 140 260 61 643 lit) 301 291 518 169 1,372 323 383 325 500 306 29 617 478 441 309 396 2,175
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Geraldine County— -continued. Lysaght, James, Geraldine Lysaght, Pat, Woodbury Lysaght, T., Woodbury. . Macaulay, P., Tomuka Macauley, Robort, Ohape Macdonald, A. G., Geraldino Macdonald, G. A. M., Orari Macfarlane, G. D., Te Moana MacKonzio, Colin, Geraldino Mackenzie, E., Clandeboye Mahan, A. B., Rangitata Mahoney, J. T., Enfield.. Maister, Arthur G., Woodbury Mallinson, W. T, To Moana Markham, Thomas, Orari Bridge Marshall, R. T. T. (Executors of), Rangitata Masorr, W., Orari Maxwell, H., Kakahu School Maxwell, R. B. H„ Upper Waitohi Maxwell, It. T., Geraldine MoCabe, John, Waitohi Flat McCabe, Joseph J., Waitohi MoCallum, R. J., Temuka McClelland, A., Rangitata McClinton, Henry, Orari Bridge McColl, J. L. (Executors of), Geraldine McCullough, George, Temuka McCully, H. S„ Waitohi Flat McCully, S., Temuka McDonald, J., Orari Bridge McDonald, W., Arundel McDonnell, Hugh, Woodbury McIOvey, E. J., Woodbury McGarva, T. F., Hilton McGrath, W. R., Temuka McGregor, G. R., Four Peaks, Geraldine .. Mcllwrick, F. W„ Clandeboye Mclntyre', John, Clandeboye Mclvor, M., Fairlie McKay, Hrrgh, Pleasant Valley McKenzie, 0., Geraldine McKenzie, K., Goraldine McLean, John A., Geraldino McLeod, D. (Executors of), Geraldine McLood, M., Temuka McMaster, Mrs. Isabella, Cave MoNab, Daniel, Rangitata McNaughton, John, Geraldine McPhedran, D. T., Geraldine McPherson, Neil, Te Moana MeShane, H. B., Beautiful Valley Metcalfe, Anthony, Rangitata Miller, John William, Rangitata Island .. MiUs, A. S., Upper Waitohi Mitten, Patrick, Temuka Moore, William, Temuka Mowat Bros., Pleasant, Point Mulvihill,Patrick,Beautiful Valley, Geraldino Munro, John, Te Moana Murphy, E., Pleasant Valley Neville, C. J., Clandeboye Newman, Charles, Temuka Nolan, J. J., Clandeboye Nolan, R. P., Woodbury Norrish, Robert, Orton Northam, Samuel J., Rangitata Island Norton, J. J., Temuka O'Brien, G, Gapes Valley O'Donoghue, Jeremiah, Clandeboye O'Neill, E. F., Temuka Opie J., and Son, Winchester Orbell, R. H., Geraldine Orr, J., and Co., Temuka .. ' . • Padgett, C. S., Geraldine (rural delivery) .. Pagan, F. E., Upper Waitohi Palmer, A. T., Rangitata Palmer, G, Rangitata Palmer, R. J., Arundel Palmer, Silas, Temuka Palmer, Thomas, Orari Palmer, W. IT., Winchester Parham, Mrs. Ellon, Arundel Parke, F. H., Clandeboye Parr, James (Executors of), Peel Forest .. 518 225 153 642 674 3,300 1,427 203 150 78 748 406 933 583 113 2,112 306 130 330 246 363 30 14 1,866 327 442 550 121 272 406 234 849 1,045 221 333 573 430 741 422 398 282 1,020 223 81 '459 260 208 257 1,143 700 3,959 1,407 2,1.27 84 116 808 76 766 060 1,115 140 640 246 2,505 328 160 436 380 284 346 657 618 2,318 284 627 612 106 709 451 550 325 928 1,119 252 1 ,089 065 477 940 580 485 478 1,190 286 114 914 2,230 216 408 760 3,050 2,289 1,081 962 714 8 Nil 30 3,445 Nil Nil 42 902 723 300 Nil 285 181 114 344 1,268 Nil 389 1,326 876 1,637 242 87 1,793 Geraldine County— continued. Paterson, Douglas H., Temuka Paterson, John A., Winchester Paterson, T. J., Pleasant Valley.. Patrick, A., Ploasant Valley .. .. ; Patrick, W., Gapes Valley Patrick, W. M., Gapes Valley Payne, W., jun., Orari Poarse, D. S., Temuka .. .. ,. • Poarso, W. D., Temuka .. Pemberton, D. J., Clandeboye .. Pemberton, S. F., Clandeboye Philp, H. A., Orari Pierce, George H., Geraldine .. Pierce, S. H., Hilton .. Pizzey, John, Geraldine .. Prattlcy, Arthur, Hilton Prattley, Leonard, Temuka Prattlcy, W., Temuka Priddlc, Albert, Belfield, Orari Priest, Miss Margaret E., Waimarie, Woodbury Quantock, Job, Belfield, Orari Rae, G. T., Clandeboye Rae, R. S., Woodbury Regan, William, Orari Bridge Reid, Alexander, Hilton Reid, Andrew (Executors of), Geraldine .. Reid, P., Geraldine Reid, J., Goraldine Roid, L. L. F., Kakahu School Reid, William, Oprrha Gorge, Geraldine .. Rice, John, Woodbury Richards, Richard, Geraldine Richards, R. !'., Geraldine Riches, Arthur E. (Trustees of), Woodbury Riches, R. J., Goraldine Robertson, Andrew, Strathallan, Fairlie .. Robirrson, Joseph (Executors of), Four Peaks (rural delivery) Rose, J. K., Orari Bridge Ruddenklau, J. G. (Executors of), Orton .. Rumsey, George, Hilton Russell, Douglas, Rangitata Rutherford, John, jun., Peel Forest Sands, W. G., Orton .. Saunders, Charles, Clandeboye Scott, Mrs. G, Hilton Scott, J., Geraldine Scott, J. K. (Executors of), Winchester .. Soott, W., Woodbury Scott, W. W„ Woodbury Scowen, W. P., Temuka Scully, Mrs. Catherine, Orari Bridge Seaton, R., Clandeboye.. Sercombc, R. T. W., Geraldine Sharp, Richard, Hilton Shaw, G. B., Orton Shaw, Walter, Four Peaks, Geraldine Sherratt, Noah, Goraldine Sim Bros., Carew Skevington, T., Geraldine Skinner, R., Elgin Park Lane, Timaru Slater, S. W., Winchester Smart, A. 10., Waitohi Smart Bros., Temuka .. . . Smith Bros., Geraldine Smith, David, Rapawai Settlement, Pleasant Point Smith, E. A., Temuka Smith, E. J., Temuka Smith, E. J., Temuka Smith, H. F., Kakahu School Smith, R., Winchester South, A., Geraldine South, F. E., Geraldine.. Sorrth, Jesse G, Borr Maoleod, Peel Forest .. South, Jesse C, Winchester Sparks, W. E., Gapes VaUey Spencer, A. C. D., Woodbury Spillane Bros., Beautiful Valley, Geraldine.. Sprosen, J. D., Kakahu.. Stack, J. J., Woodbury Staniland, W. H., Clandeboye Stephens, A. J., Pleasant Point .. ! 933 336 266 51 183 332 544 97 90 315 290 174 56 69 114 54 224 61 1,070 3,029 353 132 311 229 558 680 708 150 980 719 187 2,050 126 707 3,048 2,187 705 4,009 285 475 1,426 43 100 417 30 229 234 215 800 1,445 165 600 604 5 1,320 680 730 48 164 1,224 265 70 450 450 13 126 275 4,477 1,013 210 81 866 17 235 458 1,095 616 494 79 271 388 680 154 480 473 188 642 45 97 111 Nil 335 1 962 Nil 584 212 309 209 822 118 820 718 120 1,356 876 248 1,820 90 Nil Nil 2,982 728 4,390 290 501 1,296 122 168 620 82 570 2,591 343 61 164 617 1,082 203 584 Nil Nil 1,345 687 580 128 200 Nil 1,568 574 2,098 211 253 567 1,196 1,664 1,147 774 625 8 85 463 14 01 21 622 200 287 40 136 91 80 195 Nil Nil 670 7 111 420 570 4,865 1,440 211 97 080 97 68 480 531 1,098 294 843 907 1,278 113 95 1,749
No. of Slreiip on April 30,1 A pril 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 80, 1917. 1018. Geraldine County— continued. Stewart, Alexander, Orari Stewart, I)., Orari Stewart, George H., Orari Stonyer, G. H., Orari Bridge Stratford, T. H., Upper Waitohi Sugrue, D., Rangitata .. Sugrue, Mrs. M., Belfield, Orari Summerfield Bros., Hilton Summerfield, T., Pleasant Valley Swaney, Peter, Orari Bridge Swanson, W., Kakahu, Pleasant Point Taehorr, John J., Geraldine Tait, Mrs. Ann, Woodbury Talbot Bros., Pleasant Point Talbot, John, Temuka .. Tate, George, Orton Tavancr, Edward, Belfield Taylor, Duncan, Orton Taylor, 10., Clandeboye Taylor, James N., Temuka Taylor, Robert, jun., Bushside, Geraldine.. Taylor, W. D., Upper Waitohi Taylor-, William, Hilton Temple, A. B., To Moana Thatcher-, P. J., Woodbury Thcw, H. E., Gapes Valley Thcw, J. R., Peel Forest Thomson, J, R., Milford, Temuka Thomson, O. S., Kakahu Bush Thomson, It., Raincliff, Pleasant Point Tiplady, William, Geraldine Titheridge, E., Woodbury Titheridge, Henry, Belfield Topham, J. W., Temuka Topham, W. G, Temuka Tozer, A. S., Goraldine Trozisc, T. H. A., jun., Box 11, Temuka . . Tripp Bros., Woodbury,. Tripp, J. M. H., Woodbury Trumper, B., Ohape Trumper, B., jun., Factory Itoarl, Temuka.. Trumper-, S. W., Temuka Turtorr, W. P., Woodbury I'pritchard, Samuel, Peel Forest. . Urquhart, Alexander-, Pleasant Valley Vance, John, Woodbury Vcrrall, H. M„ Temuka. . Vucetich, M. N., Woodside, Geraldine Waller-, E. 11., Gapes Valley Waller, George, Woodbury Walker, 0. E., Te Moana Walker, M., Winchester Ward, George H., Ohape Waring, H. P., Hazleburn, Pleasant Point.. Warne, Mrs. Mary J., Woodbury.. Waters, H. G., Peel Forest Watts, David, Rangitata Island Watts, Frederick, Rangitata Island Webb, Joseph, Waihi Bush, Woodbury .. Webb, Robert, Woodbury Webb, William, Pleasant Valley Wostaway, C. E., Upper Waitohi Wharton, Joseph, Rangitata Wightman, S. B., Temuka Wilkinson Bros., Geraldine Wilks, Charles, Winchester Willy, W., Orari Wooding, J. A., Four- Peaks, Goraldine Wooding, Joseph, Woodbury Wooding, Ronald, Woodbury Wooding, T. P., Woodbury Worner, George, Geraldine Wright, J., Rangitata Wright, J. R., Temuka .. Yates, It., Woodbury Young, D. J., Temuka Young, F. M., Winchester 804 803 880 126 339 102 584 444 143 240 109 273 479 766 2,164 578 869 287 .1,225 330 839 156 899 I r,:, 239 149 1,497 270 I .301 40 161 200 170 446 21,487 480 227 177 540 14 1,470 153 492 158 424 32 156 55 122 306 760 88 1,145 500 143 1,018 915 230 131 988 670 1,720 270 192 1,148 669 98 886 588 391 484 135 254 551 665 1,060 1,138 363 348 363 544 189 343 318 Nil 374 517 1 ,685 2,480 658 1,020 335 1,267 730 927 674 192 993 278 266 151 32 1,885 525 664 Nil 128 502 490 Nil 041 21,590 101 238 163 867 Nil 609 185 810 161 543 234 240 83 108 450 1,040 183 1,178 709 Nil 1,156 765 268 130 1,400 681 2,722 254 365 1,260 768 70 1,337 552 286 763 160 314 764 Levels County— continued. Aitken, Robert, Pleasant Pirint Anderson, D., Washdykc Annett, David, Sutherland's Anstey, J., Craighead Street, Timaru Anstey, ,1. T., Kingsdown, 'Timaru Appleton, IT. G., Hazelburn, Pleasant Point Armstrong, J., Tycho rural delivery Arras, B., Roscwill Arras, L., Roscwill Bain, Walter, Levels Balfour, James, Pleasant Point Ballagh, Alexander, Kingsdown, Timaru .. BaUagh, Samuel, Opiki, Pleasant Point .. Barbour, David, Tycho rural delivery Bassett, W. J., Roscwill Sohool, Timaru .. Battersby, R. P., Sutherland's Baxter, Robert, Upper Waitohi Boattio, James, and Sorr, Pleasant Point .. Bee, Samuel, Kingsdown, Timaru Bolletto, A. V., Seadown Bennett, A. L., Hadlow Road, Timaru Bennett, J. 10., Washdyke Bennett, W. P., Fairview Biggs, A., Tycho Flat Bishop, IT. W., Pleasant Point Black, W. J., Sutherland's Bladder, C, Totara Valley, Pleasant Point Bladder, Owen, Pleasant, Point Blackwood, W. J., Sutherland's Bolaird, Charles, Kerrytown Bourn, J. T., and Son, Pleasarrt Point Bowie, William, Temuka Brcnnan, Phillip,Hazelburn, Pleasant Poirrt Brophy, K., Pleasant Point Brophy, Martin, Sutherland's Brosnahan, IT., Pah Farm, Seadown Brosnahan, James, Pleasarrt Point Brosnahan, Jeremiah, Seadown Brosnahan, J. H., Levels Brosnahan, Mrs. G, Otipua Brosnahan, Patrick, Roscwill Brosiran, D. P., Upper Waitohi .. Brown, H. L., Pleasant Point Brown, Robert J., Sutherland's Browne, Robert R., Washdykc Buckley, T. J., Temuka Build, George, Salisbury .. Burns, Daniel, Levels Burns, M. P., Levels Butler Bros., Pleasant Poirrt Buxton, W. S., Totara Valley, Pleasant Poirrt Cadwallader, W. E., Levels Cain, Samuel, jun., Pleasant Point Cain, Samuel, Scadowir.. .. .. Caird, John, Pareora West Cairns, Henry M., Claremont Caldwell, A., Otipua Caldwell, Frank, Pareora West Cameron, J. E. P., Timaru Campbell, James, Kingsdown Campbell, Robert, jun., Claremont Campbell, W. F., Tycho delivery, Timaru ., Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Company (Limited), Pareora East Cargo Bros., Temuka Carter, D. T., Pleasant Point Cartwright, Edward, Levels Cartwright, Edward, Pleasant Point Cartwright, G. B., Temuka Cartwright, James, Pleasant Point Cartwright, W. R., Pleasant Point Casey, Gerald, Claremont Casey, Richard, Pareora West Cations, George A., Claremont Chapman, 0. W., Opihi Road, Pleasant Point Chapman, P. R., Opihi, Pleasant Point Chapman, H. and A., Temuka Chapman, James E., '' Mayfield," Pleasant Point Chapman, Thomas E., Totara Valley Chapman, W. G., Cave Chisholm, Donald, Otipua Chisholm, Mrs. Isabella, Sutherland's Chittock, F. B., Tycho delivery, Timaru .. Clarke, G. H., Washdyke Clcland, A. J., Newburgh, Sutherland's .. 125 20 432 912 252 465 1.041 392 102 428 1,818 165 115 242 366 10 847 28 209 80 184 7 472 167 020 1.108 5,180 709 30 314 216 759 180 374 269 265 5 274 180 160 542 610 38 282 246 80 194 205 600 115 221 38 463 Nil 552 476 1,497 306 153 1,100 2,289 230 173 333 541 764 733 Nil 624 199 157 342 38 535 464 630 1,130 0,992 985 282 038 Nil Nil Nil 538 612 818 553 52 50 215 134 783 1,014 44 556 123 150 326 370 679 200 403 402 410 168 289 100 716 1,000 55 629 120 357 107 190 191 708 527 155 799 10 515 1,815 122 92 420 216 50 165 12 300 404 979 2,581 140 190 1,655 939 Nil 170 20 166 555 489 1,007 547 510 494 LEVELS COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Actou, George, Fordlands, Pleasant Point Agnew, A. K., Pleasant Point Aitken, Alexander, Ohihi, Pleasant Point.. Aitken, Mrs. Elizabeth Harriet, Raincliff, Pleasant Point 299,287 1,035 197 57 92 337,657 799' 180 70 97 489 348 560 557 85 120 416 * 55 1,605 119 480 91 1,203
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1018. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on i I 153 ! 330 150 190 15 192 15 246 335 085 406 506 160 384 20 30 154 134 — j 5,347 246 I 624 90 I 380 344 I 678 15 52 870 | 1,077 405 ; 455 30 132 1,845 ; 1,830 1,710 i 2,480 472 173 , 220 354 ■! 433 1,231 ' 1,508 157 880 600 2 Nil 200 224 54 54 336 588 2.15 294 12 1.65 551 608 149 119 451 660 384 366 439 410 283 493 74 160 394 336 28 489 8 Nil 452 000 306 313 Levels County— continued. Clcland, James, Totara Valley, Pleasant Point' Clcland, It. G., Sutherland's .. Coles, Richard (Executors of), Levels Coll, Patrick, Upper Waitohi .. Collins, Michael, Pleasant Point Colwill, John, Landsborough, Timaru Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldine Connolly, Martin, Temuka Connolly, Symou, Seadown Cooper, Peter, Washdyke Corbett, Edward, Pleasant Point Coster, A., Kingsdown Cowlcs, F. C, Upper Waitohi Craigie, James, Kingsdown Grossman, A. G, Levels .. Cullen, S. W., Sutherland's Daley, Jeremiah, Tycho delivery, Timaru .. Daniel, 10. TL, Kingsdown, Tiiiraru Davie, It., Washdyke .. Davison, J. R., Kingsdown, Timaru Divan, John (Executors of), Seadown Dominion Meat Company, Timaru Douglas, John, Pleasant Point Douglas, T., Pleasant Point Doyle, Thomas, Adair Drake, P. A., Fairview .. Drake, Franois A., Pareora Edgar, Robert, Temuka Elliott, George 10., Claremont Elliott, John, Upper Waitohi Esler, Andrew, Claremont .Esler, Jarrres, Cave Esler, Mrs. Margaret, Sutherland's Fenwick, E. F. D., Pleasant Poirrt Fenwick, John, Pleasant, Point Fisher, It. L.. Claremont .. Fitzgerald, Edward, Kerrytown Fitzgerald, Thomas, Seadown Fitzgerald, W. I)., Kerrytown Fitzgerald, William (Executors of), Dinah, Kerrytown Foley, Daniel, Kerrytown Forsyth, Andrew, Upper Waitohi Fowler, John, Claremont Fraser, Alexander, Tycho delivery Eraser, Donald, Otipua Eraser, Fergus (Executors of), Totara Valley Gaffaney, James, Seadown Gaffaney, Michael (Executors of), Temuka Gaffaney, Mrs. Julia. Temuka Galbraith, A. R., Upper Waitohi.. Garriok, T. B., Pleasant, Point Gibsorr, David, Sutherland's Gilchrist, W., Timaru Gilliatt, William, Washdyke Goldic, J., Pleasant Point Gormley, Patrick, Sutherland's Gould, G. J., Temuka Grant and Soaton, Timaru Grant, Donald, Elloughton Grange, Timaru Green, John, Gleniti Greig, Thomas, Claremont Grigg, It. (Exocutors of), Otipua,. Groundwater, Robert, Sutherland's Grry, W. E., Tycho Flat Hall, P., Pleasarrt Point Hall, James, Pleasant Point Halstoad, R., Pleasant Poirrt Hamilton, Andrew, Gleniti Hammond, R., Fairview Hammond, John, Pareora East Hampton, John and George, Kingsdown .. Harkness, W. S., Levels Hart, A. G, Rosewill .. .. Hart, J. R., Upper Waitohi .. Haugh, John (Rosewill delivery), Timaru .. Hedley Bros., Seadown.. Henderson, D. K., Opihi, Pleasant Poirrt . . Henderson, J. L., Tycho delivery, Timaru Hill, William, Pleasant Point Hogg, G. J., Waitohi Flat Honeywell, William, Sutherland's Howden, A., Raincliff, Pleasant Poirrt .. j Hulston, A. R., Fair-view .. .. I 1,481 2,135 1,705 ! 2,469 648 654 33 253 154 ' 149 30 52 2,552 I 1,913 490 435 294 188 18 49 273 i 350 193 ! 477 250 028 2,168 17-1 242 185 219 813 , 911 421 534 416 538 275 327 705 : 1,178 — I 3,096 120 ■ Nil 00 205 41 81 301 143 361 673 804 570 843 140 165 170 385 380 445 165 530 552 554 Nil 313 , 938 46 | 131 111 1 1,206 265 816 94 131 Nil 94 100 306 j 404 130 128 504 629 174 I 414 702 1,151 8!) 376 682 ] 688 1,317 ! 2,116 500 , 555 50 I 45 55 34 225 344 265 348 380 655 100 276 1,891 2,915 248 j 501 90 430 92 I Nil 72 i 200 306 i 356 132 250 136 61 50 Nil 160 108 149 57 115 166 394 619 659 929 839 401 1,352 870 189 440 50 285 ; 524 79 183 418 018 165 182 82 i 206 Levels County— continued. Hulston, E. H., Claremont Hunter, Peter, Sutherland's Husband, William, jun., Claremont Hutchison, William, Lower Waitohi Ivey, T. II., Saltwater Creek, Timaru Ivey, Thomas H., Salisbury, Timaru Jackson, Alfred, Otipua Jackson, Amos, Washdyke Jackson, George, Otipua Jarrah Timber Company, Cricklewood Johnson, T. J., Levels .. .. .. Jones, T. E. and H., Sutherland's Jones, W. B. S., Tycho delivery, Timaru .. Keane, J. M., Pleasant Point Kelland, Edwirr, Timaru Kelman, John, Seadown Kelman, William H., Washdyke Kerr, A. E., Cave Kerr, C. E., Cave Kerr, E. G., Salisbury Kerslakc, A., Windmill Farm, Pleasant Poirrt, Kerslake, G., Pleasant Point King, J. G, Gleniti King, W., Rosewill, Timaru Kingston, S., Fairview Kinnahair, T., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Lamb, Alexander, Sutherland's Lapthorne, A. E.,.Sutherland's Lairrensoir, L., Pleasant Point Lawlor, B., Levels Lee, A., Sutherland's Ley, Edwin, Cave Ley, Miss A. M., Pleasant Poirrt.. Ley, W. G., Pleasant Point Lisbon, James, Pleasant Point Little, James, Cave Little, W. A., Cave Longman, E. W., Pareora Lett, William, Claremont Love, John, Washdyke Love, T. H., Hazelburn Lyon, C. G, Pleasant Poiirt Mackenzie, Alexander, Tycho delivery, 'Timaru Mackenzie, W. IT., Tycho delivery, Timaru Maekre, George, Opihi, Pleasant Point Marshall, James (Executors of), Tycho, Timaru Martin, John, Cave Martin, W., Seadown (rural delivery) Matheson, W. G, Rosewill, Timaru Mathews, H., Sutherland's Mathows, J. and It., Sutherland's Mathias, L., Box 191, Timaru Mattinson, John (private bag), 'Timaru Mayne, R. J., Temuka Maze, Michaol, Pleasant Point MoCallum, O. P., Ohape, Temuka McCann, John, Pleasant Point McCaw, William, Tycho McClintock, Alexander, Claremont McClintock, Andrew, Gleniti McCoy, James, Rosewill, Timaru McCullough, Mrs. Clara J., Cave.. McCuUy, J. R., Seadown McCully, W., Seadown McKeown, R. J., Tycho Flat, Timaru McKibben, William (Executors of), Pleasant Point McKinnon, Neil, Waitohi McLennan, Kenneth, Hadlow, Timaru McLeod, Donald (Executors of), Hdloroft, Tyoho Flat, Timaru MoPhedran, 0. G, Tycho delivery, Timaru MoPherson, Alexander, Cave McPherson, W., Kingsdown Medlicott, J. F., Pleasant Point Modlicott, James, Pleasant Point Mee, J. P. D., Levels Mellon, Henry, Sutherland's Middlcmiss, W. K., Hadlow,Tycho delivery Miller, Andrew, Pleasant Poirrt Miller, David, Pleasant Point Miller, James, Priest's Corner, Timaru 220 Nil 193 :i 47 522 804 390 547 — 153 102 255 200 184 1,100 1,103 158 189 178 851 44 75 742 1,397 387 054 590 364 348 362 63 203 339 486 100 150 185 249 121 376 270 668 3,336 3,968 88 143 130 470 572 478 764 2,059 209 659 1,218 1,455 — 204 401 Nil 408 44!) 192 244 86 240 192 368 893 1,269 501 907 89 72
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1017. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Levels County— -continued. Miller, John, Pleasant Point Milliken, Hugh, Washdykc Mitten, Thomas, Sutherland's Moffatt, Mrs. Barbara, Bcaconsficld Moore, John, Waitohi Flat Morris, W. H., Tyoho delivery Morrison, Frederick, Tyoho delivery, Timaru Morrison, Thomas F., Tycho delivery, Timaru Morrison, W. A., Tycho, Timaru Munro, Donald, Kingsdown Munro, Mrs. Georgina, Pleasant Point Murphy, John, Pleasant Point Murphy, Patrick, Pleasant Poirrt.. Murphy, Rupert, Pleasant Point.. Nelligan, F., Pleasant Point New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited), Smithfield, Timaru Norton, J., Pleasant Point O'Boyle, Alexander, Tycho Flat O'Boyle, Frank, Tycho delivery, Timaru .. O'Boyle, P., Washdyke O'Connor, Jeremiah, Pleasant Point O'Connor, Maurice, Hazelburn, Pleasant Point O'Connor, Michael, Adair O'Donnell, H. L., Sutherland's O'Donnell, M. .1., Tycho delivery, Timaru • . O'Grady, P., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Oed, H. R„ Sutherland's Oldfield, F. R., Temuka Oliver Bros., Pleasant Point Oliver, James, Pleasant Point O'Neill, W., Cavo Orbell, C. L., Pentlow, Tycho delivery, Timaru Orbell, G N., Timaru O'Sullivan, Dennis, Tycho Flat Parish, J. S., Hadlow, Timaru Parr, Henry, Limehills, Pleasarrt Point Parry, Rupert, Salisbury Paterson, Albert, Seadown (rural delivery).. Paterson, John, Seadown (rural delivery) .. Poarse, E. H., Rosebrook, Gleniti Pcarse, J. B., Temuka Pearse, Reginald, Temuka Pearse, T. G., Temuka Pooke, John, Pareora East Priest, J. T. M., Pareora West Pringle, William (Executors of), 'Tycho rural delivery, Timaru Purves, W., Pareora West Raddon, F. E., School, Fairview Rapsey, W. C, Pareora.. Rapsey, W. C, Pareora West Reid, Francis W., Levels .. Rhodes, A. E. !'., Tycho delivery, Timaru .. Rhodes, Timaru B., Tycho delivery, Timaru Robertson, D. M., Hazelburn, Pleasant Point Robinson, F. E., Sutherland's Robinson, Gladstone, Gleniti Itooko, Leonard, Temuka Rooney Bros., Tomuka Ross, Donald, Washdyke Russell, Alexander, Temuka Ryan Bros., Sutherland's Ryder, Charles, Landsborough, Timaru Sams, F. A., Claremont Saunders, G., Pleasant Point Scott Bros., Temuka Scott, George, Salisbury Scott, Robert, Box No. 3, Timaru Seay, Robert, Pleasant Point Selbie, George D., Claremont Selbie, James, Claremont Seyb, L., Claremont Shaw, G. D., Gleniti Shaw, John, P.O. Box 161, Timaru Shea, M. J., Claremont Shepherd, John G., Mitchellton, Sutherland's Shires, F. W., Pleasant Point Simmons Bros., Compstall, Timaru Simmons, Francis M. J., Pleasant Point .. 371 682 153 437 — I 802 — ! 45 319 718 -- | 283 229 350 270 343 533 810 195 136 321 341 387 II!) 163 05 Nil 404 ; 927 24 23 244 . 844 300 379 460 520 255 103 307 420 715 56 135 82 Nil 070 901 270 Nil 020 59!) 1,385 2,004 1,401 1,240 195 537 92 213 1,397 2,587 Levels Govk'Cy—continued. Simpson, William, Totara Valley Skinner, D. M., Pleasant Point Skinner, J. W., Claremont, 'Tycho delivery Smart, G„ Waitohi Flat Smith, David, Pleasant Point Smith, F. E., Pareora West Smith, H. J., Paroora West Smith, James, Park Lane, Timaru Smith, Leonard G., Tycho rural delivery, Timaru Smith, Leslie J., Tycho delivery Smith, M., Temuka, Smith, R. A., Pleasant Point, Smith, W. S., Tycho delivery, Timaru Smyth, R. B., Seadown.. Sorehson, F. (Executors of), Cave Stericker, W. P., Box 131, Timaru Stevon, George, Pleasant Point Stevenson, W., Levels Stewart, Donald, Siberia, Albury Stowart, George, Claremont Stewart, James, Pleasant Point Stewart, Mrs. It. E. (Executors of), Totara, Pleasant Point Stewart, R., Otipua Stewart, T. J., Sutherland's Stocker, Arthur F., Washdyke Stocker Bros., Washdyke Struthers, Wm., North Park, Pleasant Poirrt Stumbles, William, Blackford, Pleasant Point Sullivan, John E., Pleasant Point Sutherland, A. (Executors of). Srrtherland's Talbot, J. S., Kingsdown Talbot, P. R., Clarem'nt Talbot, S. E., Pleasant Point Taylor, William, Totara Valley Thomson, A. R. and E., Landsborough Road, Timaru Tozer, Frederick, Levels Trott, A. H., Kingsdown Tuite, John, Levels Twentyman, G. L., Temuka Vincent, A. H., Sutherland's Vucetich, A. G. McD., Sutherland's Vucetich, P. P., Tycho delivery, Timaru • . Wad-dell, John, Claremont Waddington, William, Claremont Wain, F. W., Cricklewood Wall, William, Sutherland's Watkins, J., Pleasant Poirrt Watson, P., Otipua Weavers, Mrs. Beatrice W., Cave White, John, Tyoho delivery Wigley, H. T. (Tycho), Timaru Wilson, David, Washdyke Wilson, H. J. H., Claremont Wilson, Henry, Pleasant Poirrt, Wiseley, Robert, Cave Withell, J. W., Ealing Wolff, E., Claremont Wooffindin, Herbert, Levels Wright, Bryce, Cricklewood Wright, Clarence, Fairview Wright, Walter, Rosewill Yorrdalc, Mrs. Eliza, Claremont 550 377 48 385 262 155 61 578 370 788 161 53 251 226 89 200 280 350 436 268 152 2,026 125 408 233 190 170 281 8 676 554 890 1,035 404 377 753 300 153 456 Nil 472 68 250 1,309 1 ,015 Nil 58 669 235 92 205 432 355 1 ,100 296 508 2,323 244 723 287 1.56 220 300 Nil 890 1 ,432 1,594 Nil 363 280 2,793 ; 3,733 672 1,083 224 689 580 1,017 270 659 280 316 200 60(1 83 Nil 153 330 140 320 237 130 89 177 73 ; 50 2 Nil 97 309 103 40 1,018 580 754 128 365 203 241 1 ,430 929 1,103 100 279 Nil 1,138 226 475 347 454 1,223 180 224 678 307 10 879 190 1,093 833 539 Nil 230 4,085 840 165 261 191 119 170 329 000 381 36 235 5 91 617 850 657 1,060 1,555 1,550 620 899 I.045 080 20 62 420 031 43 ' 157 224 430 1,413 i 2,076 315 305 425 437 20 57 525 [ 676 555 I 130 100 124 310 865 141 309 100 107 167 172 1,029 710 100 I 37 30 258 1,057 1,415 1,002 172 161 312 12 492 172 916 499 210 180 148,580 216,758 MACKENZIE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Adamson, William, Fairlie Aitken, John R., Rona, Burke's Pass Alexander, Mrs. E. A., Cave Allan, Robert, sen., Fairlie Anderson, John, Albury Andrew, Allan, Kimbell.. Andrews, J. T., Albury Angland, D., Albury Annett, John M., Kimbell Annis, Miss M., Burke's Pass Archibald, A. E., Allandale, Fairlie Archibald, T. A., Allandale, Fairlie Arnott, WiUiam, Ma-waro Askin Bros., Aorangi Downs, Albury 9 720 200 192 474 175 655 668 5,119 0 838 200 200 758 20 155 770 623 5,684 686 431 879 3,341 1,158 1,013 112 Nil 724 i 529 737 2,624
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on I April 30, April 30, 1917. 1938. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Mackenzie County— continued. Austin, J. and A., Albury Bain, W., Fairlie Baker, Edwin, Sherwood Downs Baker, T. G„ The Brothers, Albury Ballantyne, Peter, Cave Barker, Mrs. Rita, Kimbell Barron, James, Sherwood Downs, Fairlie .. Barry, John, Ma-waro Barry, William, Ma-waro Bartram, B. P. (Executors of), Fairlie Battison, Isaac, Fairlie Baxter, J. L., Fairlie Bell, F. H., Fairlie Besley, Thomas E., Albury Black, W., and Co., Mount John, Lako Tekapo Black, W., Fairlie Blackler, J. W., Trentham, Fairlie Bloxham, F. S., Cricklewood Boddye, George, Albury Bonnett, Mrs. Elizabeth, Chamberlain, Albury Bowe, P., " Maryburn," Fairlie Bowler, M., Albury Boyle and Clarkson, Lake Pukaki Bracken, Christopher, Albury Bray, John, Cricklewood Bray, S. P., " Lilydale," Sherwood Downs Brien, H., Kimbell Bringans, D., Kaiora, Cave Broadhead, John G., Kimbell Brosnahan, G, Ma-waro « Brosnan, Patrick, Albury Brown, Samuel J., Albury Brown, William G, Mount Nessing, Albury Brownlie, J., Fairlie Buckley, F. H., Fairlie Buckley, P. W., Rollesby, Fairlie Burnett, A., " Aorangi," Cave Burnett, Andrew, "Tasman Islands," Fairlie Burnett, Donald, Fairlie Burnett, Misses J. and A., Cox's Downs, Fairlie Burnett, Miss J. A. (private bag), Pair-lie.. Burnett, T. D., Mount Cook Station, Fairlie Bussell, T., Fairlie Butcher, E., Ma-waro Butters, J., Sherwood Downs, Fair-lie Cain, Mrs. Emily J., Albury ... Calder, James, Sherwood Downs, Fairlie . . Cameron, James, Fairlie Cameron, J. E. P., Ben Ohau, Pukaki Campbell Bros., Fairlie .. Campbell, H., Albury Capill, A. G., Mowbray Downs, Fairlie Cartwright, John, Albury Cartwright, Robert, Fairlie Casey, W., Albrrry Caskoy, Robert, Clayton, Fair-lie Caswell, Mark, Albury Caswell, R., Albury Chisholm, James, Ma-waro Coll, D. and J. A., Fairlie Cone, F. 10., FairUe Connor, Mrs. Mary, Cricklewood Cook, William, Cricklewood Cooling, G. H., Cricklewood Corbott, James, Cricklewood Corbett, James, jun., Cricklewood Cordes, Charles, Fairlie Cotterell, Mrs. A. T., Fairlio Coughlan, M., Cave Crampton, Frank, Fairlie Crampton, T. B., Avoca, Fairlie Crampton, W. D., Albury Cross, Arnold, Ma-waro Curtis, Isaac, Albury Curtis, R. G, Albury Dale, A., Albury Dale, H. S., Albury Dale, Samuel, Fairlie .. .. Daley, Jeremiah, jun., Ma-waro Davidson, A., Albury Davidson, W., Fairlie Davie, R., Chamberlain, Albury Dickson, P., Rollesby, Burke's Pass 2,277 483 491 I ,746 77 3,806 I .300 205 875 2,291 233 20 ■ 424 4,132 1,827 1 ,280 124 205 5,389 500 12,445 355 1,968 593 324 1 ,019 219 97 562 326 1,219 1,530 2,300 329 0,300 1,450 2,983 5,383 580 444 928 80 287 267 15,000 I ,434 98 897 137 235 177 623 141 82 2,450 400 530 1,91.8 102 Nil 1,070 580 750 3,485 292 30 45 556 4,558 1,090 629 I ,464 102 340 5,965 542 1.1,180 358 2,578 2,376 610 304 961 407 223 794 507 74 1,288 2,210 2,417 279 2,375 1,680 3,518 5,518 475 259 1,047 163 296 238 13,817 1,516 144 Nil 591 Nil 257 510 Nil 102 400 289 522 256 24 0 1,111 Nil 629 460 1,577 366 605 772 516 587 144 2,157 862 740 965 1,483 1,443 504 2,612 Mackenzie County— continued,. Dillon, Dennis (lOxecrrtors of), Albury Dines, George W., Fairlie Dobson, A. L., Fairlie Donaldson, R., Albury Dore, William John, Fairlie Dorman, A., Fairlie Dougherty, William, Cave Doyle, E. H„ Fairlie Duncan, A., Guide Hill, Fairlie Dunnett, James A., Fairlie Dunnett, John, Fairlie Dynes, W., Chamberlain, Albury Edge, James, Fairlie Elkis, John, Ma-waro Elliott, Daniel, Albury Ewart, D., Sherwood Downs, Fairlie Fenwick, E. F. D., Albury Field, A. G., Albury Fisher, II. H., Albury Fraser, R., Aibury Freme, Andrew, Fairlie Fulton, I. H., Cricklewood Gallen, E., Albury Gallen, Hugh, Albury Gallon, Michael, Fairlie Gallen, William, Fairlie.. Galway, Christopher, Fairlie Geddes, A., Fairlie Gillies, Bruce, Albury Gillies, T. Sinclair, Mount Nessing, Albury Gillingham Bros., " Lambrook," Fairlie .. Gillingham, R., Fairlie Gillingham, R., Fontmell, Fairlie. . Gould, E. J., Raincliff, Pleasant Point Gould, William, " Bush Flat," Albury Graham, James, Cave .. Graham, James, Fairlie Grant, Alexander, Gray's Hill, Burke's Pass Grant, Donald, Fairlie Grant, J., Fairlie Grant, John, Kimbell Grant, J. W., Raincliff, Pleasant Point Grant, Mrs. E. H., The Wolds, Timaru .. Grant, R. A., Strathconan, Fairlie Gray, W. S., Cave Groundwater, George, Ma-waro Gudex, W. E. A., Fairlie Gudscll, T., Chamberlain, Albury Guilford, F. G, Cattle Valley, Fairlie Guiness and Lc Cron, " Glentanner " and " Birch Hill," FairUe Guinness, J. O, Clayton, Fairlie . . Halstead.W. J., Fairlie . . Hamilton, G, and Co., Clayton, Fairlie .. Hamilton, W. P., Ashwick Station, Fairlie .. Hammond, G W., and Son, Kimbell Harries, E. L., Albury Harvey, D., Ashwick Flat Hayman, W., Tasman Downs, Tekapo Haytor, Chilton, Burke's Pass Haytor, P. (Executors of), Rollesby, Burke's Pass Haytor, G. G., Albury Heward, William, Fairlie Higgs, William, Albury.. Hogg, Thomas, Ma-waro Holland, C. H., Fairlie Hone, T., Albury Hope Bros., Grampians, Burke's Pass Hope, H. N., Kimbell Horgan, W., Cricklewood Hosken, W. G, Simon's Pass, Fairlie Howes, James, Sherwood Downs, Fairlio .. Howes, V., Albury Hubbard, W., Albury .. Huntor-Weston, R. 11., Fairlie Hutt, W. J., Fairlie Hyland, James, Cave Inman, E. W., Fairlie Innes, James, Haldon, Burke's PassIrving, Richard, Albury Isitt, G W., Fairlie Johnson, T. L., Albury.. ! Jones, G, Clayton, Fairlie 553 349 520 377 550 244 215 206 3,242 158 145 493 1,129 417 244 582 486 4,484 1,733 119 334 325 270 365 992 930 396 2,044 2,458 908 I ,221 456 3,357 48 306 14,650 882 1,007 356 1,195 5,343 1,953 295 735 642 845 291 8,242 Nil 131 1,032 031 Nil 286 368 309 3,428 320 261 717 Nil 425 398 519 Nil 540 4,710 1,790 152 227 495 384 446 1,038 1,600 419 3,173 1,500 3,016 1,479 1,269 942 2,240 134 184 1.4,495 875 Nil 306 I. ,093 5,717 4,072 375 913 830 834 561 8,543 1,128 1,636 1,100 1,452 13,577 1,238 2,035 Nil 180 1,841 4,824 3,948 1,208 2,350 586 129 1,428 5,200 3.894 208 300 200 22 30 921 63 401 538 953 154 558 569 510 751 220 2,518 893 499 489 754 I ,540 335 2,762 2,590 107 128 252 1,475 430 12,283 30 30 5,085 380 1,480 150 2,710 33 368 488 1,195 432 11,470 30 1,117 5,332 751 1 ,037 167 9,267 000 550 850 0,075 2,440 1,111 995 537 456 282 666 6,840 1,880 791 980 205
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Mackenzie County— continued. Jones, G B., Ashwick Flat .. .. 953 Keay, John, Fairlie .. .. .. 639 Keci'e, G. J„ Kimbell .. .. .. 334 Keenan, P., Fairlie .. .. .. 1,299 Kelland, F., Cavo . . .. . . 328 Kclliher, T., Oworsby, Fair-lie . . ..' | 80 Kelman, J. A., Ma-waro .. .. 1 ,000 Kelynack, E. IL, Cave .. .. .. 218 Kidd, G. G, Albury .. .. .. 350 Kidd, Peter, Albury .. .. .. 1,275 Lance, P., Pukaki .. .. .. 4,040 Lc. Crcrr, H, A., Ngapunawai, Fairlie .. I ,602 Le Cren, Herbert A., Glen Craig, Fair-lie .. 1,527 Lc Crcn, Vivian L„ Fairlie .. .. 0,004 Loo, Charles, Pleasant Point . . .. 057 Lee, M. J., Cricklewood . . .. .. I 217 Leitoh, Robert, Fairlie ., .. .. 5,200 Loom.es, D., Fairlie .. . . ., 130 Lyons, D., Chastleton, Fairlie .. .. j 500 Macaulay, J., Albury .. .. .. 1 ,074 Macdonald, Ernest, Fairlie .. .. 1,762 Maodonald, J. P., Albury .. .. 52 Maokay, A. H. D., Albury .. .. 400 Mackenzie, W. H., Mount Nessing, Albury. . — Major, William, Cricklewood .. .. 139 Matheson, John (Executors of), Simon's 4,486 Pass, Fairlie Maxwell, D., Cave .. . . .. 425 Maze Bros., Sherwood Downs, Fair-lie .. 1,200 McConnoll, W. R., Burke's Pass .. .. 964 McCort, J., Albury .. .. ... 535 McCort, Thomas, Albury .. .. 249 McDonald, A. A., Albury .. .. 230 McDonald, A. W„ Albury .. .. 156 McDonald, George, Kimbell .. .. 131 McEwan, James, Cave .. .. .. 366 McGregor and Son, Fairlie .. .. 1,149 McGregor, Francis Lake, Mount Hay, Lake 2,669 Tekapo McGregor, J. G., Fairlie .. .. 153 Mcllwrick, Goorgo, Sherwood Downs, Fairlie 2,060 Mcintosh, John, Fairlie .. .. I ,536 Mclvor, M., Fairlie .. .. .. 1,045 McKay, Donald, Cricklewood .. .. 224 McKay, John, Fairlie .. .. .. 179 McKenzie, Roderick, FairUe .. .. 171 McKenzie, Simon, " Black Forest," Haldon, 8,600 via Burke's Pass McKenzie, Simon, "Haldon," Haldon, via 3,600 Burke's Pass McKonzie, Simon, " Haldon No. 2," Haldon, 3,800 via Burke's Pass McKinnon, Mrs. Annie, Kimbell .. .. —■ McLaren, W. R., National Mortgage. 4,281 Timaru McLoan, James, Fairlie.. .. .. 3,238 McMillan, Mrs. Margaret J., Burke's Pass 1,713 MoQuarters, W. IT, and Son, Cave .. 856 McRae, A., Mistake Station, Tekapo .. 11,992 McVey, John, Albury .. .. .. 296 Miller, Joseph, Fairlie .. .. .. 420 Moir, Robert G., Sherwood Downs .. 1,030 Moorhead, T. H., FairUe .. .. 380 Moorhead, W. D., Sherwood Downs Moran and GaUagher, Sherwood Downs .. 859 Morris, Thomas G., Sherwood Downs, Fairlie 1,118 Morrison, Alexander, Albury .. .. 310 Morrison, Donald, Albury .. .. 507 Muir, G. A., Box 112, Fairlie .. .. 20 Munro, Hugh A., Fairlie .. .. — Murray, G., Braemar, Fairlie .. .. 3.355 Murray, G. L., Albury .. .. .. 474 Murray, Mrs. Mary, Tekapo .. . . — Naldor, A. G, Fairlie .. .. .. 2,400 Nalder, Herbert (Executors of), Tekapo .. »5,103 Naughton,M.,Ma-waro. . .. .. 456 Neill, P. F., Albury .. .. ..4,750 Nelson, James O., Raincliff, Pleasant Point 40 Nelsorr, John, Cave .. .. .. 45 Nunn, S. IT., Cricklewood .. '.. — U'Brion, F. J., Fairlie . . .. .. 246 O'Brien, R., Galteemore, Fairlie .. .. — O'Connell, Patrick, Hazelburn . . .. 500 O'Connor, Edmond, Fairlie . . .. 469 O'Connor, Maurice, Crioklewood .. .. 44 1,448 078 390 1,140 777 Nil 1,151 217 512 1,300 3,646 2,550 1,713 5,463 422 634 4,070 Nil 262 1,551 2,036 108 566 2,395 184 4,577 508 1,180 1,100 525 348 200 310 135 676 1,142 2,736 Nil Nil 1,468 1,119 200 340 150 8,025 Mackenzie County— continued,. O'Dowd Bros., Chastleton, Fairlie .. 380 O'Dowd Bros., " Melville Downs," Fairlio. . 101 O'Noill, Denis, Fairlie .. .. .. ' 313 O'Neill, James, Cricklewood .. .. i 200 O'Reilly, Michael, Albury .. ., 260 Opie, Edward, Sherwood Downs . . .. 208 Orbell, W. IL, Pleasant Point .. ■•'.'■; 2,783 Peach, Thomas, Nessing Hill, Albury .. 057 Pinkerton, Robert, Fairlie .. .. 234 Pitt, Charles William, Trcntham, Fairlie .. 80 Power, Mrs. Sarah, Albury .. .. I 1,567 Prendergast, Michael, Fair-lie .. .'.''• 200 Preston, Joseph, Ouse Street, Oamaru .. ' 4,210 Price, Robert, Albury .. .. .. 116 Pringle, James, Forest Downs, Fairlie .. ' 660 Pringle, James, Richmond, Lake Tekapo .. 5,750 Pye, A. E., Albury .. .. .. j 92.1. Pye, S. J„ Rocky Gully, Albury .. .. 213 Pye, W., Rainoliff, Pleasant Point .. 121 Quirk, William, Burke's Pass .. ..4,370 Rapley, William, Sherwood Downs, Fairlio 377 Roid, E. H. (Exeoutors of), Fairlie .. 4,963 Richmond, S. J., Fairlie .. ,. — Riddle, D. B., Fairlie .. .. .. 164 Riddle, Robert, Albury .. .. .. 700 Riddle, William, Fairlie. . .. .. 58 Risk, William, Albury .. .. .. 1,010 Roberts, A., Cave .. .. .. ' 268 Roberts, James P., Lake Pukaki.. .. j 905 Roberts, Sidney, Cave .. .. .. 260 Robertson, A. T., Fairlie .. .. I 353 Robertson, George M., Chastleton, Fairlie.. 234 Robertson, William A., Rangiura, Fairlie .. j 896 Robinson, John, Box 66, Pair-lie .. .. 372 Robinson, L. P., Box 169, Fairlie .. 473 Ross, G, Sherwood Downs . . . . 424 Ross, D., Albury .. .. .. 369 Ross, D., Burke's Pass .. .. .. I ,488 Ross, Hugh (Executors of), Fairlio .. 439 Ross, W. F., Albury .. .. . . 043 Ross, William, Ashwick Flat .. .. 509 Rudd Bros., Fairlie .. .. .. 1,717 Rudd, Charles, Fairlie .. .. .. —■ Rudd, Jonathan, Fairlie .. .. — Rutherford. E. S., Albury Rutherford, J. S., Opawa, Albury .. 375 Ryan, M., Fairlie .. .. .. 1,180 Sadler, Thomas, Fairlie .. .. .. 99 Sams, W. T., Balmoral, Fairlio .. .. 6,292 Sangstcr, James W., Albury .. .. 342 Sargent, William, Muritah,'Albury .. 1,386 Saunders, A. J., Albury . . .. .. — Savage, Alfred, Ma-waro .. .. f 52 Scales, T., Albury .. .'. .. 656 Scancs, F. G, Fairlie .. .. .. 1,497 Scanned, M. (Executors of), Ma-waro . . 305 Scarlett, J. and W., Cattle Valloy, Fairlio. . 500 Seott, J. E., Sherwood Downs '.. .. I ,396 Scaley, Joseph William, Fairlie .. .. 1,060 Seymour and Malthus, Tekapo .. .. 3,800 Siegert, Julius, Emboli.. .. .. 1,008 Shaw, William George, Fairlie .. .. 6 Sheehan, M. I)., Fairlie .. .. .. 31 Simpson, Thomas, Albury .. .. 472 Sims, John, Bellatt, Fairlie .. .. 175 Sinclair, G. W., Albury .. .. .. 90 Smart, E.. Fairlie . . .. .. 300 Smith, A. S., Kimbell .. .. .. 333 Smith, F. H., Albury .. .. .. 3,528 Smith, Isaac H., Albury .. .. 363 Smith, W. T., Ma-waro .. .. .. 3,037 Snushall, J. W., Pair-lie. .. .. 570 Staunton, Thomas, Sherwood Downs Stovenson, William, Albury ,. . . 078 Stewart, Dorrald, Albury .. . . 565 Sullivan, John, Albury .. .. .. 400 Susoombe, E., Albirrv .. .. .. —■ Talbot, G, Fairlie .. .. .. 1.800 Taylor, E. G, Fairlie .. .. .. I ,403 Trembath, J., Allrurv .. .. .. 100 Trembath, W. J„ Albury .. .. 67 Trotter, John, Pair-lie .. .. .. 1,244 Vincent, R. E„ Albury .. .. .. 409 Waddell, Frank, Ashwick, Kim hell .. 523 Wadded, W. A., Cricklewood . . . . 104 574 154 320 200 048 Nil 3,125 405 320 Nil 1,220 900 1,500 I 53 I ,804 5,000 791 299 203 5,259 412 5,825 254 305 802 51 833 274 1,130 383 342 524 790 705 213 275 406 I ,499 500 1,177 511 Nil 849 501 18 528 1 ,225 241 5,599 568 1,325 203 Nil 472 1,895 375 565 1 ,027 01 I 5,002 I ,087 100 250 090 102 10 356 355 3,031 719 3,414 887 950 586 1 ,214 577 702 I .000 807 193 382 1,351 222 70 374 2,150 4,230 40 4,805 3,880 1,420 255 10,320 380 386 1,442 532 508 846 1,020 201 262 50 1,038 2,053 757 4,385 2,010 Nil 380 5,000 Nil 50 265 510 19 710 180 270
No. of S April 80, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Mackenzie County— continued. Wall and Blakeston. Albury .. ..13,320 Ward, It., Albury .. .. .. 54 Wareing, Percy, Fairlie .. .. .. 394 Wareing, Ralph, Fairlie . . .. .. I 510 Waters, C. B., Kimbell.. .. ,. I .341. Waters, D„ Kimbell .. .. .. I 775 Waters, William, Albury .. . . 653 Watkinson, G. V., Fairlie .. .. I ,033 Watson, Oliver F., Sherwood Downs Westgarth Bros., FairUe .. .. 666 Whatman, G H„ Fairlie .. .. 609 White, Johrr, " Nimrod Downs," Alburv .. 2,135 White, O. J., Sherwood Downs .. ... 1,080 Williams, R. T„ Cave .. .. .. 296 Wilson, J., Kimbell .. .. .. 164 Wilson, John T„ Fairlie .. .. 2,793 Wood, Henry, Albury .. .. .. 56 Wood, Robert, Albury .. .. .. — Wood, W. W., Ashwick Flat, Fairlio .. 576 Woods, J., Fairlie .. .. .. 658 Wrcford, SamirelS., Ma-waro .. .. 459 Wright, J. H., Riverview, Albury .. j 488 Wright, J. R., Tekapo, Fairlie '. . .. 3,010 Yeatman, James, Albury .. .. 240 Youdale, Peroy, Ma-waro . . .. — 2,948 296 587 605 368 720 Nil 1 ,354 2,440 1,098 650 Nil I ,004 455 301 2,728 102 170 596 978 950 1,057 3,555 467 197 Waimate County— continued. Bird, Mrs. Ellen, Waimate Bird, Thomas Henry, Maungati, Timaru .. Bitchener, Johrr, Waimate Blackmore, James (Executors of), Southburn Blaokmore, J, 10., Southburn Black, W., Waihao Downs Blair Bros., Morven Blair, D. J„ Waimate Blank, E. G, St. Andrew's Borrie, P. W., Waihao Downs Boultcn, A. H., St. Andrew's Bowker, J. B., Makikihi Boyd, James, Makikihi Bringaris, A., Waimate Brosnahan, James, Morven Brosnan, T. T., Canningti n, Cave Brown, Alexander, Morven Browrr, Aloxander, jun., Morven Brown, Mrs. Charlotte, Hakataramea Brown, T. J., Waimate .. Brown, W., ikawai Bruce, J., Morven Brunton, R. R., Otaio Buchanan, J. A., Willowbridge Buchanan, Mrs. Janet, Waihao Downs Buckingham, D. A., Waimate Buckingham, William T., Morven Buckley Bros., Waimate Bunting, W. J., Makikihi Burke, Peter, Morven Burns, E. P., St. Andrew's Burson, Frederick William, Waihao Downs Butcher, 10., Ma-waro Butcher, John, Waimate Byrnes, Peter, Morven Cabot, L. P., " Craigmorelea," Cave Cain, Robert, Waihao Downs Caird, D., jun., Southburn Cairns, T., Kurow Calder, William, Maungati, Timaru Cameron, A. P., Hakataramea Cameron Bros., " Wainui," Hakataramea .. Cameron, H. E., Hakataramea Cameron, J. E. P., Hadlow Road, Timaru. . Cameron, Mrs. Margaret, St. Andrew's Campbell, David, Hakataramea Campbell, WUliam, St. Andrew's Cannon, John, Teschemaker's. Otaio Carroll, John James, Glenavy Carroll, Miss Honor, Glenavy Cartwright, Jamos, St. Andrew's. . Casey Bros., Motukaika, Cave Casey, G. P., Motukaika, Cave Casey, Thomas, Motukaika, Cave Catherwood, Robert, St. Andrew's Chamberlain, J. W., Southburn Childs, F. E., Makikihi Chisholm, David, Maungati (rural delivery), Timaru Cleal, George, Glenavy Cochrane, M. S., Glenavy Cocks Bros., St. Arrdrew's Collie, Mrs. Jane, Waihao Downs Collier, S. F., Otaio Gorge, St. Andrew's .. Cooney, J. F., Morven Cooney, M., Morven Cooney, Thomas, Morven Cooney, T. V., Morven Cooper, A. J., Cave Cooper, T. U., Hunter Copland, Alexander, St. Andrew's Corcoran, Mrs. Annie J., Motukaika, Cave Corrigall, Frank W., Hakataramea Corry, B., Morven Coskerie, James, Glenavy Costello, Charles, Maungati, Timaru Costello, Michael, Maungati, Timaru Coulter, J. J., Craigmore, Cave Coup, Walter, St. Andrew's Court, George, Waimate Cowan, William, Hunter Craig, Mrs. Annie, Finlay Downs, St. Andrew's Crawford, John, Cave .. . . ... 106 354 436 20 200 2,499 1,244 150 08 832 305 1,039 45 118 357 1,150 259 3 004 71 1,202 71 99 200 004 615 450 348 3,589 1 ,240 620 328 1,369 400 1,527 90 128 305 Nil 353 150 553 143 I ,283 307 272 61 181 190 I ,723 440 Nil 762 500 1,155 1,151 10 200 490 1,310 550 360 745 1,069 1,519 748 220 348 2.005 990 450 377 142 329 Nil 383 540 1,450 914 799 642 132 443,154 488,613 1,781 624 139 616 255 1,097 946 14 120 355 1,000 250 368 420 670 1 ,680 840 820 204 1,830 WAIMATE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Adam, J„ Makikihi .. .. .. 309 Adams, Alfred, Hakataramea .. .. 53 Adams, E. J., Brooklands, Waimate .. 70 Adams, George, Hakataramea .. .. 778 Adamson, Alexander, Waimate .. .. 367 Aitken, Robort, Morven .. .. 1,080 Alexander, Mrs. E. A., Cave .. .. 376 AUan, William, Maungati delivery, Timaru 472 Allen Bros., Waihao Forks .. .. 496 Allen, Henry S., Waihao Downs .. .. 408 Alien, Humphrey, St. Andrew's .. .. 397 Allen, J., Waihao Forks .. . . 418 Amycs, Alfred, Motukaika, Cave.. .. 797 Anderson, C. M., jun., Cave .. .. 1,008 Anderson, John E., Cave .. .. 528 Anderson, WilUam, St. Andrew's.. .. 404 Anderson, W. H. H., Willowbridge . . 650 Andrews, H. T., Otaio .. .. .. 404 Andrews, J. H., Glenavy .. .. 554 Annett, William, St. Andrew's .. .. 151 Anning, Mrs. IsabeUa,, Waihao Downs .. 970 Anstey, H. N., St. Andrew's .. .. 650 Anstey, H. N., St. Andrew's .. .. 98 Archibald, George, Morven .. .. 667 Armstrong, J. W., Hunter .. .. 1,101 Armstrong, Mrs. Margaret, Hunter . . 224 Armstrong, R., Craigieburn, Waihao Downs I ,688 Armstrong, Walter, Hillside, Waihao Downs ; 450 Arthur, H. J., Waihao Dowrrs .. . . 489 Ashworth, W. G, Waihao Forks .. .. 270 Ayers, A. T., Hunter .. .. .. 01 Baikie, John, Glenavy .. .. .. 1,743 Baikie, John, " Gilston," Glenavy .. 1,845 Bailey, Samuel J., Morven .. .. 545 ' Baker, William, Waituna, Waimate .. 42 i Balfour-, G. A., Waihao Downs .. .. 1 .284 Balfour, G. A., Hakataramea property, 2,153 Waihorr Downs Ballantyne, J. A., Kawhatu, Waihao Forks 820 Barber, George, St. Andrew's .. . . 143 j Barclay, W., Hakataramea .. .. 88 I Barnett, A. W., Morven . . .. .. 310 I Batehelor, T. H., St. Andrew's ■ .. .. 240 Bate, John Charles, Hunter .. .. 133 Beattie, W. J., St. Andrew's .. .. 274 Bell, A. D., Otaio .. . . .. 584 Boll Bros., Makikihi .. .. .. 987 Bell, James, Southburn .. .. .. 571 BeU, J. R., St. Andrew's .. .. 430 BeU, L. R., St. Andrew's .. .. 289 Bell, WiUiam, Woodstock, Waimate .. 334 i Benn, T. B., Waihou Porks .. .. 012 Bennett, H., WiUowbridge .. .. 151 Berry, Arthur, Waimate .. .. — 433 01 105 846 51 I 941 312 ■178 787 524 Nil 508 I ,400 643 340 520 757 438 834 309 I ,338 189 790 Nil 3,141 348 1,745 862 492 268 217 1,890 1,800 528 52 1,300 2,193 327 296 16 104 235 1 ,650 540 433 591 777 142 IOO 482 492 349 743 210 561 629 757 719 573 29 181 308 200 188 1,881 317 1 ,324 303 728 292 450 1,188 52 337 448 1 ,290 247 156 831 1,040 108 340 1,692 371 1,326 380 985 290 387 1,635 93 390 382 1 ,440 270 400 1,148 728 204 941 149 Nil 007 334 229 164 549 835 1,099 17—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep oa April 30, April 3( 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. Waimate County— continued. Creeser, Reginald, Waimate Cromie, John, Waihao Downs Crone, Thomas W., Studholme Junction . . Cross, G., St. Airdrow's Cross, Robert, Maungati, Timaru Crowe, Martin, Morven Crowe, Michael, Morven Crowle, Frederick, Arno Currie Bros., Maungati, Timaru Currie, Thomas, Morven Curtis, G. IT., Morverr Cnthbertson, Isaac, Glenavy Dale, R. W., Maungati Daley, M., St. Andrew's Daly and Manchester, Waimate D'Auvergne, C. F., Makikihi D'Auvergne, E. G, Waihao Forks Davis, C. ,L, Waihao Downs Davis, E., Waihao Downs ... Delargy, B. J., Hakataramea Delargy, M., Hakataramea Dempsey, William, Hook, Waimate Dickson, C. W., Glenavy Dickson, John, Makikihi Dickson, J. J., St. Andrew's Dillon, John, Morven Dixon, S. M., Morven Dixon, W., Morven Dobbie Bros., Otaio Dobson, Alfred E., Cave Dohrmanrr, H., Studholme Donnithorne, S., Waihao Downs Downey, Michael, Hakataramea Dowthwaite, Joseph, Waimate Draper, Patrick S., Tomaunga, St. Andrew's Drinnan. John, St. Andrew's Drinnan, John, jun., St. Andrew's Drummond, T., Cave Duff, William, Glenavy Dugdale,Thomas, Arno Durdin, Charles, Maungati, Timaru Dyer, A. 10., Waimate Dyer, Thomas, Waimate Earl, John, Otaio Earl, M., Otaio Eden, H. J., Waimate Edmiston, Robert, Lansdown, Waimate .. Elderton, W. F., Waihao Downs Elliott, John, Arno Elliott, M. L., Glenavy Elworthy, A. S., Pareora, Timaru Elworthy, IL, Craigmore, Timaru Elworthy, P. A., Gordon's Valley, Timaru.. Emerson, H. H., Makikihi Englebrecht, E. IT., Waimate Englebrccht, J. D., Makikihi Evans, IT. J., Southburn Evans, B. E., Alpine Farm, Southburn Falloon, J., Waihao Forks Faulkner, Charles (Executors of), Willowbridge Fenn, H. L., Grange Hill, Cave Fenwick, Richard, St. Andrew's Fenwick, Robert, St. Andrew's Finlayson, Mrs. Jessie M., lkawai Fisher, William, Morven Fitzgerald, Mrs. M., Copland's, Otaio Fleming Bros., Glenavy Fleming, Patrick, lkawai Fleming, Thomas, Glenavy Fletcher, W. and T. E., Willowbridge Flynn, Donnis, Morven Flynn, James, Morven Flynn, J. T., Studholme Foley and Sons, Waihou Downs Foley, John, Studholme Forbes, Ernest T., Morven Ford, Armstrong,and Co., Waihao Downs.. Ford, John, Maungati, Timaru Forrest, James, St. Andrew's Forrest, L. R., Otaio Fox, John, Studholme Fox, Michael, Willowbridge Franois, J. G, Cave 951 00 905 117 I ,029 590 245 330 251 II!) 068 515 153 798 562 1,211 2,133 750 4,590 847 706 28 102 119 634 113 190 171 15 170 1,617 351 433 848 2,206 572 633 30 355 906 850 760 760 243 1,227 195 530 3,833 7,239 5,177 106 1.77 I ,846 111 1,203 274 396 103 1,497 54 1,394 388 953 200 257 540 545 320 080 535 256 10,000 808 449 1,020 2,000 800 4,590 1,162 810 Nil 225 161 400 730 249 155 48 212 161 1,559 923 764 1,596 1,588 619 850 477 325 621 2,567 1,450 824 490 1,234 335 552 4,884 7,944 7,130 253 365 550 298 1,292 270 071 Waimate County— continued.. Franois, Norton, Waimate .. .. 51 Fraser and Henderson, Hakataramea, .. 3,955 Fraser and Robinson, Kurow .. .. — Fraser, 1.)., Glenavy .. .. .. —■ Fraser, James, .St. Andrew's .. .. 364 Frost Bros., Studholme Junction.. .. 139 Frost, P. J., Waimate .. .. .. 120 Fussed, N. H„ Waihao Downs .. .. 107 Gainsford, C. P., Gave .. .. .. 245 Gainsford, ft. W., Cave .. .. .. 313 Galletly, Thomas (Executors of), St. Andrew's 18 Garland, A., Waimate .. .. .. 1,055 Gcany, Joseph, Southburn .. .. 921 Gcaney, Nicholas, Makikihi .. .. 595 Geddes, Francis, Waihao Downs.. .. 1,030 Geddes, Robert, Waihao Downs .. .. 712 Geddes, William G, Waihao Downs .. 083 Geddes, William, Waimate .. .. 7 Gemmell, G. and IT., Hakataramea .. 1,241 Gibson, Archie, Hurrter. . .. .. 281 Giddings Bros., Makikihi .. .. — Giles, L., Hunter .. .. .. 249 Gill, Robert, Hunter' . . .. .. 284 Gillies, Robert C, Belfield, Hakataramea .. 7,558 Gluyas, Mrs. It., Morven .. .. 202 Goldstcne, John, Waimate .. .. 163 Gordon, W. L„ Kohika, Otaio .. .. 363 Gorman, J., Arrro .. .. ...j 356 Gorman, Michael, Arno. . .. .. 357 Gray, George, Waimate.. .. .. 309 Gray, J. W., Glenavy .. .. .. 80 Gray, Norman, Waimate .. .. 400 Gray, Robert, St. Andrew's .. .. 1,071 Greelish, Hannah, Waimate .. .. 99 Gregan, J. J., Finlay Downs, Otaio .. — Greig, John, Maungati, Timaru .. .. 409 Grieve, J. S., Finlay Downs, St. Andrew's 375 Gucrin, J. and J., Cannington, Cave . . 1,827 Gunn, Misses Mary and Jessie, Waimato .. 714 Gunn, Mrs. David, Waimate .. .. 168 Hall, James, St. Andrew's .. .. 236 Hall, J. J., Otaio .. . . .. 406 Hamilton, Andrew, jun., Gleniti .. .. 772 Hamilton, Lloyd, Makikihi .. .. 187 Hamilton, T., Waihao Downs .. .. 1,279 Hampton, John, Waihao Dowrrs.. .. j 504 Hampton, Joseph, St. Andrew's ... .. 626 Hampton, Lilian and Walter, Waihao Downs 500 Hanley, Miss Mary E., Morven .. .. 325 Hansen, Peter, Hunter .. .. .. — Harrison, E. B., Waihao Downs .. . . 1,007 Hart Bros., St. Andrew's .. .. 356 Hart, T. L., Morven .. .. .. 1,037 Hartuett, Patrick, St. Andrew's .. .. 398 Harvey, F., St. Andrew's .. ... 137 Haskett, J. (Executors of), Makikihi .. ! 251 Hassall, G E., Hunter .. .. .. — Hawkins, Mrs. Thomas, Waihao Downs .. 507 Hay and Orchard, Waihao Downs ... I 2,673 Hay, John G, Morven .. .. .. I 296 Hay, J. T., Morven .. .. .. 634 Hayes, A. Norman, Hakataramea .. , 3,046 Hayes, J. W., Oentrewood, Waimate .. 9,378 Hayman, Ernest, Cannington, Cave .. 269 Hayman, Walter, Studholme .. .. 780 Hayman, William Henry, Willowbridge .. 177 Head Bros., Morven .. .. .. 980 Head Bros., Ringwood, Morven .. .. 400 Hoddell, Charles H., Glenavy .. .. 270 Henderson, James, Waihao Downs .. 946 Henderson, S. R., St. Andrew's .. .. 46 Hendry, 0. M., St. Andrew's .. ... 35 Hendry, Robert A., St. Andrew's.. .. 218 Henry, R. P., Glenavy .. .. .. 30 Henstridge, Michael, Glcnavy .. .. 399 Hertslot, H. N., lOdendalc, Waimate .. 1,268 Hicks, George, Hunter .. .. .. 316 Higginbottom, Samuel, Maungati, Timaru 598 Higgs, A. J., Waihao Forks .. .. 293 Histen, D. P., Cave .. .. . . ! 257 Hoare, David, Waimate .. .. 100 Hogden, W. H„ Waihao Downs .. .. 36 Hogg, Walter, Hakataramea .. .. 2,713 Holdsworth, J. and E., Langlee, Glenavy .. 429 • 59 4,600 306 322 806 203 181 350 288 684 50 1,004 Nil 1,248 1,022 912 1,221 8 1,318 330 238 252 597 7,154 352 264 389 434 842 74 172 610 1,459 162 631 609 650 1,625 432 267 449 778 916 170 1,495 248 1,487 280 275 1,691 1,152 302 879 409 333 234 1,137 477 3,432 358 989 2,989 9,535 759 944 100 967 605 520 Nil 165 116 304 357 472 1,244 292 567 317 Nil 134 Nil 2,162 387 2,330 224 241 30 349 308 1,269 490 344 1,200 428 320 40 27 364 1,156 2,642 2,790 736 150 242 170 721 2,350 427 199 125 Nil 492 1,420 577 363 1,090 585 720 326 Nil 360 1,400 3,067 2,967 1,150 361 388 Nil 516
A No. of Sheep orr Lpril 30,1 April 30, 1017. 1918. No. of t April 30, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. Waimate County— continued. Holland, G. R.; Waimate Hossack, George, Arno Howell Bros., Cave Howell, W. H., Cave Hurst, C. J., Brooklands, Waimate Hurst, Mrs. J. G, Waihao Downs Hurst, R. B., Box 1, Waimato Hyland, John, Glenavy Hynes, Michael, Morven Irving, D., Otaio Irwin, T. G, Craigirrore, Cave Jackson, A. J., Hunter Tonkin, IT. W., Copoland's, St. Andrew's .. j Johnson, J. F., Otaio .. .. ... Johnston, Mills, and Joyce, St. Andrew's . . Johnston, Mrs. H. B., Otaio Jones, Arthur S., Waimate Jones, James, Tesehomaker's, Otaio Judge, Alfred, Waihao Downs Kain, R. S., Morven Kane, N., Waihao Downs Kelchcr, Leonard, Hakataramea Kempthorne, L. N., St. Andrew's Kennedy, Cornelius, St. Andrew's Kennedy, M., St. Andrew's Kennedy, P., St. Andrew's Kennedy, W., St. Andrew's King, W. H., Hunter Kingsbury, E. R., Waimate Kinross, A., Southburn Kinross, Thomas, Southburn • ■ .. Kinsman, Mesdamos A. S. arrd P. A., Waihao Downs Kirk, A. E., Waihao Forks Kirk, Owen, Otaio Kuegler, F. W., Waimate Lane, W. W., Waihao Downs Lavers, W. J., St. Andrew's Lawlor, Maurice, Morven Lemon, T. J., Otaio Leonard, Maurice, jun., Wairrrate Linton, John, Makikihi Ixrgan, A. I., Studholme Junction Long, Jeremiah, Kilbors, St. Andrew's Lundou, I. J., Waimate Lusconrbe, H. J., St. Andrew's Lyall, George, St. Andrew's Lyons, Matthew, Waimate Lysaght, Christopher, Cherry Park, St. Andrew's Lysaght, Christopher, St. Andrew's Macauley and Dick, St. Andrew's Mackenzie, T. D., Waihao Downs Macpherson, Alexander, Glenavy Maddren Bros., Winchester Maidens, Robert Charles, Southburn Major, Mrs. EUen J., Kowhatiu, Waihao Forks Manchester, G. A., Waimate Manchester, James, Waimate Mann, W. J., Teschemaker's, Makikihi Marshall, G. E., Morven Marshall, J. G, HUlboro, Otaio Marshall, Mrs. M., St. Andrew's Martin, A., Otaio Martin, F. C, Otaio Martin, J. G, Waimate.. Martin, Thomas, Makikihi Maslin, W. H., Waihao Downs Matheson, John, Waimate McAlwee, John, St. Andrew's McAlwee, T. K., Maungati, Timaru MoAuley, Alexander, Kowhatu, Waihao Forks McCaw, Alexander, Hakataramea McConneU, R. J., Findlay Downs, Makikihi McCrossan, James, Arno McCrossan, P. J., Arno MoCulloch, A., Glenavy.. McCulloch, George, Waihao Forks McCulloch, WiUiam J., Dip Creek, Hakataramea McDonald, Angus, Hakataramea McDonald, D. P., Arno.. McDonald, W. James, Maungati, Timaru .. McDonough, J., Morven 31 118 1,247 1,023 751 639 585 60 299 140 163 482 180 856 3,385 373 238 2,924 836 10 0,576 289 109 215 130 450 172 398 186 587 141 207 454 2,774 50 1,249 338 899 653 166 55 54 164 1,136 1,007 963 731 1,131 85 380 Nil 203 28 666 291 2,012 5,717 607 480 2,950 816 100 0,090 808 434 407 324 467 320 910 309 743 203 370 540 165 Nil 131 2,120 585 1,900 1,236 260 Nil 213 401 304 95 211 Waimate County— continued. McDonough, M., Waihao Forks McEwan, Andrew j Maungati, Timaru McFarlane, John, Teschemaker's, Otaio . . McFarlane, John, Waihao Downs McGrath, Michael, St. Andrew's McGregor, Henry, Kurow Mcllraith Bros., Hakataramea Mcllraith, James, Morven Mcllwick, Ronald, Otaio Mcintosh, Donald, Studholme McKee, Owen, Waihao Downs McKenzie, Donald (Executors of), Hakataramea McKenzie, Hugh, Arno McKenzie, Robert, Hunter McKenzie, Roderick, Cave McKenzie, William, Waihao Downs McKeown, J. J., St. Andrew's McLachlan, Charles S., Waimate.. McLean, A. J., Glenavy McLean, Georgo A. (Executors of), Hakataramea McLean, It. J., Finlay Downs, Makikihi . , McLeay, Thomas, Morven McMahon, E., Camden, Waihao Downs McManus, Felix, Maungati, Timaru McMillan, William, Southburn McNaughton, Angus, Morven McNeill, A. IL, Redcliff, lkawai McNeill, J. M. (Executors of), lkawai McNeill, Peter, Hunter McPhorson, Allan, Waimate McRae, J., jun., Hakataramea .. McRae, John, Waihao Downs McRae, M., Waihao Downs Medlicott, S., Waimate Medlicott, T. S., Waimate Medlicott, William, Hook, Waimate Meehan, James, "Kawarau," and Pcntlarrd Hills, Timaru Meehan, James, and Sons, Makikihi Meehan, John, Arno Mchrtens Bros., Waimate Melton Bros., Waimate.. Melton, James, Morven Menzies, James, Rosehill, Hakataramea .. Menzies, William, Hakataramea.. Mercer, K. W., Hunter.. Mercer, Mrs. Margaret, Makikihi Meredith, E. J., Morven Meredith, H. K-, Arno Merry, J. J., Makikihi Meyer, F. J., Waituna, Waimate Meyer, H. H., Studholme Meyer, John, Studholme Meyer, K. D., Waimate Meyer, L. H., Waimate Meyer, Mrs. Catherine, Waimate Meyers and Jones, Waimate Mickelson, E., Waihao Downs Middlomiss, It. A., Makikihi Miller and Gardner, Waihao Downs Milne, John H., Waihao Downs .. Milne, W., Hakataramea Milne, William, Hunter Mitchell and Smith, St. Andrew's Mitchell, J. H., Studholme Moffatt, John, " Lyalldale," St. Andrew's.. Molloy, Miss S. H., Waimate Montgomery Bros., Makikihi Moore, Joseph, Waimate Morris, Robert, St. Andrew's Morrison, James, Waihao Downs Morrison, John, Morven Morriss Bros., Morven Moyle, B. J., Waihao Forks Moyle, H. P., St. Andrew's Moyle, W., St. Andrew's Moyle, William E., St. Andrew's Moynihen, John, Waihao Downs Mo'wat, P. F., Cave Mulholland, James, St. Andrew's Munro, W. D., Waihaorunga Murphy, John, Hunter 380 479 1,100 560 120 366 2,030 122 430 114 1,872 2,313 224 230 119 950 1,752 422 469 234 640 418 358 408 1,140 315 456 463 164 1,134 1,826 1,206 543 354 338 13,305 25 356 64 12 173 456 2,370 254 383 646 312 187 1,200 276 172 543 68 84 324 180 62 2,780 478 450 1,077 118 1,347 67 146 519 273 478 373 424 223 336 360 108 366 275 684 772 639 141 Nil 2,050 424 678 233 2,022 2,405 288 90 258 208 1,475 1,614 577 520 418 659 Nil 707 380 1,30(1 259 689 699 204 1,250 1,810 1,218 760 412 650 13,223 100 500 135 19 167 709 2,270 346 494 1,048 643 255 2,092 427 520 810 159 85 339 183 174 3,278 528 514 1,290 157 1,632 131 212 878 349 624 500 532 850 350 475 130 864 163 260 429 1,149 248 273 30 203 85 1,998 1,549 538 961 101 436 1,477 295 87 412 411 259 680 981 385 1,461 1,703 825 623 437 488 Nil 465 370 634 486 508 2,020 1,390 186 662 496 361 400 34 420 1,260 423 333 471 600 3,792 1,830 333 535 182 234 33 358 1.308 347 206 355 796 3,613 1,850 1,146 231 930 260 1,310 350 751 511 249 237 929 233
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. I Waimate County— continued. Murphy, M. J., Rosedalc, Cave Neat, Edward, Hunter Nelmes, C. R., Arno Nelson, H. P., Waihao Downs Nelson, J. S., Fairlands, Waihao Downs . . Newbegin, John, Cave Newell, W., Waimate Nicholas, William, Waimate Nicholls, T., St. Andrew's Nicol, A., Otaio Nicoll, James A., HunterNolan, James, Waihao Dowrrs Nolan, Thomas, Makikihi Northcote, John, Willowbridge .. N.Z. and A. L. Co., Hakataramea O'Brien, Bernard, Hakataramea.. O'Brien, F. J., Woodlands, Waimate O'Brien, John, Waimato O'Brien, Timothy, St. Andrew's O'Connor, Mrs. L., Morven O'Donnell, P., Waihao Downs .. O'Donoghue, William, St. Andrew's O'Grady, Denis, Waihao Forks O'Hara', John, Morven O'Leary, Patrick, St. Andrew's O'Loughlin, Mrs. Margaret, St. Andrew's .. Orbell, Mrs. E. M„ Waimate Orbell, N. M., Mount Harris, Waimato .. Padkin, John, Hakataramea Palmer, J. G., St. Andrew's Park, Edward, St. Andrew's Parker, H. and H. R., Cave Parrott, E. J., Hakataramea .. ■ Parry, R., jun., Southburn Parry, Robert, Southburn Parry, William John, Southburn Pashby, Robert, Waimate Paterson, James, and Co. (Limited), Box 2, Oamaru Patterson, John, Otaio Paul, Andrew, Waimato Pock, John W-, Waimato Pelvin, A. E., Glenavy Pelvin, R. G, Glenavy Penna, W. T., Willowbridge Ponson by, D., Waihao Downs Powell, J. A., Waihao Downs Powell, Joseph, Makikihi Powell, Louis, Lansdown, Waimate Preeoe, James, Waihao Downs Price, T. O., Waihao Downs Priest, Dixon, Cave Pringle, Thomas, Cave Quinu Bros., Makikihi Rapsey, W. G, Cannington, Cave Rathgen, Henry George, Makikihi Rattray Bros., Waimate Reid, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, Station Peak, Hakataramea Redly, P., Makikihi Rendall, A., Teschemaker's, Makikihi Rendall, W., Teschemaker's, Makikihi Reynolds, Goorgo, Willowbridge Rhodes, R. H., St. Andrew's Richards, Edward, Waihao Downs Richards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Waihao Downs.. Richmond, W. T., Willowbridge Ritchie, W. T., Cannington, Cave Robb, William Johrr, Maungati, Timaru .. Robertson, James, Waihao Forks Robinson, A. W. J., Makikihi Rogers, G. W., Makikihi Rogers, W., Studholme Rolls, Sidney, Makikihi Ross, Charles Edward, "Tho Poplars," Glcnavy Ross, W. H., Hakataramea Ruddenklau Bros., Hakataramea Ruddenklau, Georgo, lkawai, Glenavy Ruddenklau, Henry, Waimate Russell, J. K., St. Andrew's Russell, Robert, Willowbridge Rutherford, E. S., Waihao Downs Rutherford, W. G, Waihao Downs 592 571 264 373 437 1,416 346 12 680 .189 692 303 34,800 84 278 19 52 206 1,184 487 347 650 1,275 212 56 1,481 308 48 3,633 304 210 175 877 14,540 2,052 103 447 802 390 15 190 1,360 21 204 172 788 928 264 912 1,006 1,175 132 355 49 1,050 153 40 1,262 365 35,039 Nil 494 20 82 205 1,535 476 373 508 1,690 387 78 1,608 70 037 52 10 3,433 594 321 305 1,990 14,540 2,260 153 Nil 779 666 21 296 2,076 71 379 381 3,744 932 2,560 1,230 596 558 438 2,217 Waimate County— continued. Ryan, J. J., Morven .. .. .. • j Ryan, Patrick J., Morven Sargent, P. A., Maungati, Timaru Scaife, W. A„ and Co., Waihao Downs Scanned, Daniel, St. Andrew's Scott, E. H., Teschemaker's, Makikihi Scott, E. V., Willowbridge Scott, James, Ryde Farm, Glenavy Soott, John, St. Andrew's Scott, Joseph, Motukaika, Cave Scott, Thomas, Southburn Scott, Thomas, Teschemaker's, Makikihi . . Scott, W., Hakataramea Seay, Thomas J., Clarksfield, Hakataramea Seddon, R. S. R., Waihao Downs Sewell, Herbert, Cave Shannon, John, Waihao Forks Shea, G., Makikihi Shea, Michael, St. Andrew's Shea, W. R., Makikihi Shears, Benjamin G, Hunter .. .. Sheddan, A. J., Waihao Downs .. .,. Sheehan, B., St. Andrew's .. Sheehan, John, St. Andrew's .. .. i Shepherd, Alexander, Waimate Shepherd, Leonard, St. Andrew's Shrimpton, G W., Morven Sides, George, Studholme Sidey, D. H., St. Andrew's Simmons, George, Priest's Corner, Timaru .. Simmons, William, Makikihi Simpson, Alexander, Cameron's, Hunter .. Simpson, Herbert, Hakataramea Sinolair, A. S., Morven .. Sinclair, J. B., Lansdown, Waimato Sinclair, Robert, Morven Slattery, John, Morven.. Slattery, Michael, Makikihi Slee, Arthur, Glcnavy Smart Bros., Otaio Smillie, James, Glcnavy Smith, F. J., Waihao Downs Smith, John, Lansdown, Waimate Smith, Moulds, Southburn Smith, Mrs. J. P., Waimate .. Smith, Robert, Morven.. Squire, Alfred, St. Andrew's Squire, George, Fairview Stack, James, Otaio Stack, John, St. Andrew's Stanley, C. J., Hunter Stanley, P. G., Hunter .. .. Stapleton, J., Clandeboye .. .. Steffens, B. D„ Waimate Steffens, H. P. F„ Waihao Downs Stephens and Cadwallader, Hakataramea .. Stephenson, William, St. Andrew's Stevenson, R. W., Waimate Stewart, George T., Morven Stewart, James, Morven Stewart, William, Waimate Stokes, Edward, Morven Stonyer, R. G, St. Andrew's Stowell, David, Brompton, St. Andrew's .. Stowell, E. W., Pareora West Stowell, Honry James, St. Andrew's Stowell, W. D., St. Andrew's Studholme, C. E., Waimate Studholme, E. G and P., Deep Creek, Studholme SuUivan, George, jun., Studholme Sullivan, Martin, St. Andrew's Sullivan, Michael, Otaio ... * Sullivan, P. J., Otaio Sullivan, Richard, Kowlratu, Waimate Sullivan, T., Waihao Forks Sutherland, D. M., Crayburn, Waimate .. Sutton, J. A., Tees Street, Oamaru .. ] Swann, J. R., Glenavy Symes, G. J., Waihao Downs Symons, F. H., Morven.. Tavendale, James, Arno Thezise, J. H., jun., Hunter , 002 ' 02 318 225 i 1,109 3 1,382 32 176 327 389 658 1,445 1,710 100 001 904 204 00 107 266 321 222 4 214 7 031 1,150 4,000 504 207 239 200 07 1,125 164 557 232 656 130 108 271 2,136 217 97 123 639 146 328 266 108 303 415 475 2 22 381 293 114 627 3,807 258 00 163 784 300 659 500 16,000 133 69 71 121 1,500 224 632 3,182 234 Nil 16 512 55 516 850 032 943 i 1,374 1,852 123 682 745 310 443 218 241 370 84 624 614 257 59 425 267 834 928 3,500 723 316 281 200 268 2,375 250 761 172 79 975 74 244 386 2,119 252 91 578 410 Nil 736 271 1,329 175 225 530 685 320 59 836 704 280 114 1,888 3,273 2,252 285 2,561. 1,060 646 497 363 2,113 971 290 139 194 0,331 3,389 0,580 204 2,393 570 174 189 707 9 222 314 1,033 291 248 Nil 8,827 3,967 8,780 400 2,955 612 406 206 679 Nil 260 492 1,021 4,092 5,520 1,183 265 85 3,072 3,661 1,215 4,814 7,100 1,300 218 118 4,369 Nil 163 215 580 369 568 925 2,200 19,504 154 149 300 99 110
No. of !■ iheep on April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1917. Waimate Coonty— continued. Thompson, David, Waihao Downs Thomson, It. P., St. Andrew's Thomson, W. and J., Hakataramea Thomson, W. G., Waihao Downs Thornton, E. G., and Sons, Glenavy Thync, Thomas, Morven Tinkler, Mrs. A., Cave Tobin, W., Morven Toohey, W, St. Andrew's Tozer, WiUiam P., Maungati, Timaru Tresize, E., Glenavy Tresize, Richard John, Makikihi.. Trott, George, Gleiilogan, Waimate Turner, A. H., Douglas Settlement, Waihao Downs Turner, F. W., Waihao Dowrrs Vallance, Alexander, St. Andrew's Vangioni, T. G., Teschemaker's, Otaio Verity, G H., Craigmore Downs, Cave Verity, G H., Waihao Downs Voss, H., Will-rwbridge .. Wain, Peter J., Waimate Waldie, Robort, Waihao Dowrrs Walker, Alfred, Hakataramea Wall, James, Waihao Forks Wall, John, Arno Wallace, D., Glcnavy .. Wallace, F. T., Waihao Dowrrs Ward, Arthur, St. Andrew's Ward, John, Southburn .. Watkins, J. 10., Esk Valley, St. Andrew's .. WcUwood, John, Morven Wellwood, R., Morven Welsh, James, Waimate Welstead, James, Maungati, Timaru Westphall, John, Hunter Whatman, 11. M., Waihao Downs Whitney, B. F., Waimate Wilkes, W. H., Waimate Williams, A. G, St. Andrew's Williams, C. E. J., Studholme Williams, Nicholas, St. Andrew's Wilson Bros., Glcnavy Winter, George A., Hakataramea Woods, W. J., Morven Wright Bros., Hunter Wright, John, Glcnavy Wright, W. R., Willowbridge Wyndham, WiUiam, Waimato York, Thomas F. (Executors of), "Ngahere," Warniate Yonng, Adam, Waihao Forks Young, D. J., Temuka Young, Mrs. Mary, Hunter Young, P. T., Makikihi 896 77 2,078 1,200 952 205 10 166 184 50 102 1,550 399 163 358 I ,898 71 020 1,240 432 190 265 1.18 J ,030 228 267 1,280 564 2,240 1,700 975 254 13 194 327 170 103 450 1,738 92 427 437 428 ,1,015 1,852 93 678 1,275 598 395 327 178 652 692 705 143 202 484 447 390 Nil 925 263 308 766 810 164 1.264 2,343 100 Nil Nil 422 Nil 1,583 Chatham Islands— continued. Heta, Mrs. Ngamere, Manakau Hough, H., Matarakau Hough, Raumoa, Chatham Islands Hough, Thomas, Te One Hough, Whirinaki (Estato of) (c/o Henry Ririti), Te One Hunt, E. L., Pitt Island Hunt, J. G., Pitt Island Hunt, Herbert A., Pitt Island Hutuna, Hapua, Pitt Island Ikawairangi Toroa-te, Waitangi Jacobs, W., Mocra Kami, Peter, Pakamao Kui, Miss, Big Bush Lanange, T. L., Waitangi Locket, Arthur, Te One McBratnoy, W. E. R., Kawaeroa MeClurg, R., Te Roto McClurg, T. P.,South East Island, Pitt Island Mitai, Waitangi Ngakina, Ngatiki, Mairangi Ngarongo te Oti Kerei (c/o Tahi to Ohirromihi), Chatham Islands Ngarupa, Big Bush Ngatiki, Matthew, Te One Ngawha Remi, Waikato Pamariki, Mrs. Huripai, Taupeka Paniora to Arahu, Patoka Paniora te Arahu, Waikato Paynter, Mrs. IsabeUa, Pitt Island Paynter, R, E., Te One.. Perei, —, Maipito Pirika, —, Kairakau Piwari, Hare, Paparautini Pomarc, Piri, Whangamarino Raneitopua, Horoma (Estato of) (o/o Hororna Tanri, Manakau Regnault, Franz, Awarakau Regnault, Franz, Waikaripi Remihana Estate (c/o Hapua Hutana), Chatham Islands Reriti, Henry, Moreora Ithodos and McDonald, Owcnga Ritchie, Thomas, Okirki Russell, John Edward, Matara Santos, Joseph, Tc Ngaio Seymour, E., jun., Otauwo Seymour, E., sen., Mangatukurowa Seymour, E., Waitangi Seymour, Miss Ada, Otauwo Shand, Miss Helen W., 'Te Whakura Shand, R. R. S., Mangatorau Stone, —, Mairangi Tahuhu, Peni, Mairangi Tamihana, Hita, Wairoa Tapuhi, Miss Ngamoni, Waitangi Tawari Ngamato, Big Bush Te Hau, Thomas, Te One Te Onemihi, Tahi, Maipito Te Onemihi, Tahi, Big Bush Te Rua, Toronto Tipenc Rakete, Waikato Tiwai, Charles (c/o Tapuhi Arapata), Wharokauri Tiwai, Witi, Waitangi Tonga Tutararoa (c/o Te Rua), Toronto . . Tuhata, Inia, Otonga Tutcre, Tuta, Waiwairaupa Tuuta, George, Rangimata Tuuta, Mrs. George, Karewa Waitiri Ngapohe, Kariakau Whaitiri, James, Moreroa Whare Witi (Witi Tiwia, Manager), Ngamone, Waitangi Wharetuanui, —, Te Roto Wishart, G, Kairara Wishart, G, Roprr 881 604 i i 110 2,839 4,176 680 200 827 103 174 598 105 080 172 200 228 385 514 145 330 890 702 684 42 280 155 2,347 3,009 3,787 840 240 737 120 194 088 187 778 190 409 220 228 130 373 184 200 539 300 277 832 71 200 200 900 1,122 2,1.11 100 364 323 239 187 015 316 238 098 478 197 1,146 2,362 60 1,100 126 408 5 1,664 231 212 860 1,131 2,772 1,060 383 265 221 0.000 182 290 1,733 798 1,067 368 Nil 214 5,860 178 322 1,554 800 33P 498 69 048 543 92 55 590 200 453 95 50 405 629 323 143 089 90 934 510 485 428 185 681 327 317 194 152 505 234 514,948 631,514 Chatham Islands. Barker, J. M., Kaingaroa Black, Mrs. Eliza, Sandstone Creek Blyth, II. G. and Mrs. D. P., Te Whariki .. Cannon, P. H., Waitangi West Chudleigh, E. R., Wharokauri CleUand, J., Te One .. Clough, H. L., Mangere Island Cox, N. R. A., To Awatea, Waitangi Cox, W. A. D., Waitangi Davis, W., Hawai-uwaru Daymond, H., Awainanga Dix, WiUiam, Torotoro Fongere, J. J., Nuhaka Goomes, P., Moreroa GrenneU, H., jun., Chatham Islands Grennell, H., Matarakau Grennell, H., sen., Rapunui Henderson, J., Ohinemama Henderson, S., Te One Hereke, Mrs., Te One Heslop, C. W., Waitangi 5,645 I ,269 5,797 7,513 228 640 2,880 200 779 753 303 1,169 385 6,254 1 ,007 1,360 0,050 7,298 201 073 1,489 144 839 725 313 1,042 406 563 800 1,888 1,412 1,113 58 26 100 300 247 140 296 1,739 941 252 656 222 305 92 1,567 1,151 338 570 253 162 797 710 1,045 914 1 ,028 586 350 294 726 365 72,567 79,110 57
OTAGO SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and 30th April, 1918.
No. of Sheep on April SO, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. WAITAKI COUNTY (In Oamaru Subdivision). Adams, C. E., Maerewhenua . . .. 100 Adams, John S., jun., Livingstone .. 172 Adams, Thomas, Maerewhenua .. .. 55 Aitchison, Archibald, Hampden .. .. 2,058 Aitchison, James, Awamoko .. .. ! 329 Aitchison, John, Herbert .. .. ! — Aitchison, Peter, Otekaikc .. .. 131 Aitchison, William, Herbert .. .. 143 Allan, P. D„ Kauroo Hill .. .. 282 Allan, Mrs. E. H., Kauroo Hill . . .. 1,450 Allan, R., Kia Ora % . .. .. 0 Anderson, Adam, Herbert .. .. 148 Anderson, Alec, Horbort .. .. 220 Anderson, George, Herbert .. .. — Anderson, Robert, Omarama .. .. 025 Anderson, Thomas, Kurow .. .. 531 Anderson, W., Weston .. .. .. 407 Andrew, W., Maheno . . .. .. 884 Armstrong, David, Omarama .. .. 3,400 Aubrey, A. L., Omarama .. .. 1 ,513 Aubrey, J. P., Omarama .. .. 2,454 Aubrey, W. E., Omarama . . . . 3,615 Austin, James S., Otekaike .. .. 477 Austin, Mrs. Evelyn (Alfred Wallis, Manager), 4,367 Maruakoa Ayson and Downey, Omarama .. .. — Ay son, G L., Hakataramea .. .. 2,917 Bailey, Henry, Hilderthorpe . . . . 1.86 Bain, Henry, Omarama .. .. 409 Bain, N., Kurow .. .. .. 205 Balfour, Mrs. Margaret (Executors of), Nga- 780 120 122 03 2,345 357 05 149 330 123 1,285 07 224 205 280 814 505 418 1,237 3,315 3,025 3,755 3,000 077 4,225 Waitaki County— continued. Buzan, Mrs. B., and Son, Enfield.. ....' 42 Cagney, Edmond, Hilderthorpe .. .. 150 Cairns, Mrs. Ellen A. B., Kurow .. . . 145 Calder, G. A., Oamaru .. .. .. 303 Caldwell, John, Enfield .. .. Cameron Bros., Kurow .. .. .. 23,099 Cameron, Duncan, Papakaio .. .. 1,059 Cameron, H. E., Kurow .. 0,320 Cameron, Hugh, Avicmore, Kurow .. 9,450 Cameron, R., Herbert .. .. .. 07) Campbell, A., Hampden .. .. 4 Campbell, Hugh, Ngapara .. ..I — Campbell, P. P., Windsor .. .. Oil Cant Bros. (Tapui private bag), Oamaru .. : 2,087 Cark, David, Totara .. .. .. ■— Carmiohael and Smith, Omarama .. 000 Carrig, John, Totaratahi .. .. 28 Carson, A. H., Thames Street, Oamaru .. 44 Chapman, A. H., Kurow .. .. 2,810 Chapruair, A. IT., Hille's Siding, Kurow .. 1,299 Chapman,Mrs.A.L.(A.H.0hapman),Kuruw 1,139 Chisnall, H. J., Box 51, Oamaru .. .. 198 Claguc Bros., Queen's Flat, Ngapara .. 341 Clarke, J. J., Box 116, Oamaru .. .. 254 Condon, Patrick, Windsor .. .. 300 Condon, It., Hilderthorpe .. .. 91 Condon, WiUiam P., Kurow .. .. 52 Congalton and Fraser, Otiake .. .. 3,124 Congalton, John, Otokaikc .. .. — Conlarr Bros., Ngapara .. .. .. 1,449 Connell, Dan., Maheno .. .. .. 114 Connell, P., Hilderthorpe .. .. — Cook, J. N., Livingstone .. .. 131 Cook, John J., Livingstone .. .. 53 Cook, R. G, Livingstone . . .. 535 Cook, Richard, Livingstone .. .. 112 Corcoran Bros., Maeroweka, Maheno .. 93 Couper, William, Totara .. . . 148 Couser, It., Richmond, Purekireki .. 48 Craig, James, Hampden .. . . 806 Cree, James, Otekaike .. .. . . 349 Crombie, Robert, Weston .. .. —■ Culling, Joseph, Hillgrove .. .. 241 Currie, W. and J., Maheno .. .. 255 Dalgliesh, J. W., Maereweka, Maheno .. 362 Dalziel, James, Windsor . . . . 950 Dalzicl, Robert, Totaratahi .. . . 181 Daslor, Louis, Tokarahi.. .. .. 246 Davey, Mrs. Edmond, Omarama . . . . 376 Davidson, Robert, Kauroo Hill .. .. 3,693 Davis, A. H., Windsor .. .. .. 117 Davis, G. A., Maheno .. .. .. — Davis, F. H., Waitaki South .. . . 442 Davis, William, Enfield.. .. .. 225 Dewar, W., Totaratahi .. ., .. 27 Dick Bros., Weston .. .. .. 346 Dillon, John, Kauroo Hill, Maheno . . 1 ,494 Dixon, R. A., Kauroo Hill, Box 116, Oamaru 024 Dobbie, William, Box 116, Oamaru .. 489 Doig, James (Mrs. A. P. Doig, Trustee), 144 Papakaio Doig, Wilfred, Papakaio . . . . 537 Don, D. and G., Georgetown .. .. 388 Don, James, Windsor .. .. .. 1,005 Don, Mrs. Margaret F., P.O., Olearburn, 2,215 Omarama Donald, J. M., Windsor . . .. — Dorsey, Mrs. Helen McK., Tokarahi . . 80 Dorsey, Richard, Tokarahi .. .. 485 Dougherty, P. F., Maheno .. .. . — Dovey, George, P.O. Box 116, Oiiiiaru .. 667 Dovey, James (private bag), Black Point .. 380 Duff, Albert, Maruakoa ..'" .. .. 985 Duff, J. A., Island Cliff .. .. . . 420 Duffy, Jamos, Kurow .. .. .. 340 Duffy, Thomas, Tokarahi .. .. ' — 100 222 272 -538 26.1 21,500 1,424 6,220 9,568 907 5 915 1,100 2,224 164 512 Nil. 152 1,376 2,755 960 314 700 Nil 305 111 43 Nil 1,258 1,570 102 212 103 59 92 325 783 183 Nil 142 452 80 254 448 155 1,687 560 362 319 516 48 157 499 235 151 531 1,312 1,111 738 364 2,859 Nil Nil 524 123 Nil para Barkley, Samuel J., Totaratahi .. .. 4 Barnes, E. J., Maerewhenua .. .. —■ Barney, George, Georgetown .. ... 710 Bates, John, Windsor .. .. .. 182 Baxter, P., Park Settlement, P.O., Enfield 70 Beatty, John, Livingstone .. .. 398 Beck, Thomas, Duntroon .. .. 400 Beckingsale, C. M., Windsor .. .. 866 Beckingsale, J. H., Ridside, Herbert .. 241 Beckingsale, Mrs. M., Herbert .. .. 408 Bews,'John, Ngapara .. .. .. 311 Biggs, J. T., Pukeuri .. .. .. 509 Bishop, E. ii.., Hampden .. .. 146 Blair, Alexander, Tokarahi .. ... 733 Blakely, Stewart, Box 116, Oamaru .. 2,173 Blanchard, F. W., Livingstone .. .. 31 Bloomfield, H., Maheno .. .. 376 Boag, P. D., Maruakoa .. .. 627 Borrie, Donald, Papakaio .. .. 1,910 Borrie, Donald Robert, Papakaio .. 584 Boyd, A. K„ Box 116, Oamaru .. .. 202 Boyd, R. R., Box I 16, Oamaru .. .. 279 Bradley, Mrs. J. L, Georgetown .. .. 200 Bradshaw, Lionel, Georgetown .. .. 1,509 Brewster, E. S., Awamoko .. .. 469 Brinkman, F. G, Hildcrthor-po . . .. 042 Brosnahan, James, Enfield .. .. 59 Brown, A. and J., Waianakarua .. .. 300 Brown, Francis, Waianakarua .. . ., 250 Brown, W., Duntroon .. .. ... 245 Bruce, George, Maheno.. .. ... 05 Budge, J. D„ Tokarahi .. .. . . 956 Budge, J. D. and A., Herbert .. .. 858 Buick, James, Gorricdalo, Papakaio .. 820 Buick, R., Airedale, Papakaio .. .... 656 Buist, William, Incholme .. .. 267 Bunting, T. G., Ngapara .. . . 932 Burgess, J. and D., Maheno .. .. 215 Burke, G, Totaratahi .. .. .. 82 Burnett, W. R., Peebles .. .. 2,566 Butler, Alfred J., Totaratahi .. .. 1.00 Butt, E., Otekaike .. .. .. 481 Butt, E., Kenmore, Windsor .. .. — 180 121 Nil 568 173 408 404 Nil 202 374 527 807 249 600 2,032 30 475 Nil 1,502 1,323 384 Nil Nil 1,938 540 624 102 780 Nil 286 230 1,524 909 1,040 468 372 Nil 359 118 2,875 136 Nil 654 844 574 1,590 2,100 400 118 562 299 507 310 610 531 212 350
No. of S April 80, 1917. Sheep on I A pril 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April SO, I April 30, 1917. j 1B18. Waitaki County— continued. Duncan, J. A., Hilderthorpe Duncan, John, Borton's Duncan, Robert, Hampden Dunn, Jamos, Maheno .. ..- Dunn, Mrs. Cecilia, Balmoral, Papakaio .. Dyer, H., Enfield Elder,.F. G, Airedale, Papakaio Elder, James Lindsay, Kakanui Elder, It., Kakanui Elliot, Adam J., Waitaki South .. Ellis, H. G., Otekaike .. Ellis, J. IT., Otekaike Kill's, William, Box 110, Oamaru Evans, Henry, Kia Ora Falconer, J. IL, Maheno Falconer, James, Kakanui Pallorr, James, Ardgowan Fallon, Patrick, Ardgowan Palloorr, Walter, Ngapara Palls, A., Herbert Fenwick, Mrs. J. H., Maeroweka, Maheno.. Piddos, George, Duntroon Findlay, James, Hampden Finlay, William, Kakanui Finlayson, James, Herbert Finlinson, J. H., Enfield Pitzsimons, George, Ardgowarr, Oamaru .. Foley, Michael, Awamoko Forbes, A., D., and W., Herbert Forrester, William, Enfield Fox, John R., Ardgowan Frame, Robert 11., Herbert Franois, M., Duntroon Franklin, ,1. It., Omarama Eraser, George, Otekaike Prater, J., Livingstone Freeman, James, Enfield, Box 116, Oamaru French Bros., Kauroo Hill, Maheno Gale, James, Herbert Gallagher, Edward, Maruakoa Gard, W., Otiake Gardiner, W., Island Cliff Gardiner, W., jun., Papakaio Garrow, J. and J., Ardgowarr, Oamaru Garrow, James, Oamaru Garrow, Robert, Box 55, Oamaru Geddes, Andrew, Duntroon Geddes, James A., Georgetown Gemmell Bros., Incholme Gemmell, James, Incholme Gibson, George, Duntroon Gibson, J. and D., Waianakarua Gibson, J., jun., Papakaio Gibson, William, Otekaike Gilchrist, J. R., Box 36, Oamaru Gilchrist, N. C, Oamaru Gillies, A. J., Box 116, Oamaru .. ' .. Gillies, Archibald, Hampden Glenn, J. R. McK., Georgetown .. (Henri, James, Omarama ... Gordon, R. and P., Kokoamo Gordon, William, Omarama Graham, Charles It., Totaratahi Grant, Charles, Awamoa, Oamaru Grant, Charles, Otiake Grant, Charles R., Island Cliff .. Grant, George D., Otiake Grant, John, Incholme Grant, John, jun., Duntroon Grant, John, Tokarahi Grant, John, Tokarahi Grant, M. G, Kauroo Hill Gray, Andrew Richmond, Pukouri Gray, W. L., Papakaio Greairey, John, Maerewhenua Estate, Duntroon Greerr, A. It., Waianakarua Green, G., Maheno Gudsell, George and Fanny E„ Maheno .. Hacquoil, J. V., Pukouri Hall, Aloxander, Duntroon Hall, John (private bag), Peebles Siding .. Hall, Thomas, Duntroon Hamill, David, Maerewhenua Hamilton, R., Duntroon 345 481 010 278 409 375 109 8 237 703 300 280 308 191 853 441 227 035 130 932 200 410 153 215 38 97 326 90 153 100 640 500 51 548 1,429 189 1,228 2,613 2,350 1,434 327 369 153 153 217 478 713 630 286 428 428 190 189 836 811 312 87 454 227 278 1 ,040 439 352 903 151 2,720 103 358 179 232 Nil 127 312 128 581 143 113 1,274 762 3,529 54 526 1,028 300 Nil 2,390 2,490 I .4 10 520 435 221 35 278 948 Nil 574 162 810 209 2,179 1,220 341 219 1 ,272 533 Nil 490 100 382 627 428 456 775 185 972 887 433 430 216 50 Waitaki County— continued. Hampton, D., Duntroon Hampton, Samuel, Windsor Hanlon, J., Omarama Harney, Thomas, Windsor Harper, Charles, Waitaki Harvey, George, Westorr Harvoy, James bag), Windsor, (,'amaru Hastings, W., Kurow Hauptffeish, F. B., Borton's Hedley, James W., Kokoamo Hedley, W., Bortorr's Hellewell, W. T., Enfield Henderson, D. R., Ardgowan Henderson, John, jun., Awamoko Honderson, Thomas W., Box 116, Oamaru Henry, Robert George, Waiareka Heron, Thomas W., Duntroon Hewtorr, David, Ngapara Hill, James, Duntroon Hill, Robert, Otiake Hodgson, W. IL, Hampden Hole, Edwin, Windsor Hollamby, Albert, Waitaki South Hollamby, James, Waitaki South Hollands, Walter, Kauroo Hill, Maheno .. Hood, Frederiok, Ngapara Horo, .I. J., Tokarahi '.. Howdorr, W. G, Island Cliff Howell, Thomas, Maruakoa Hudson and Munro, Longslip, Omarama .. Hudson, R. G„ Longslip, Omarama I [iighos, W. E. D. G, Tokarahi Hurst, A. C, Box 110, Oamaru Hutchison, George, Tokarahi Hutchison, W. B., Borton's Hutton, James, jun., Waianakarua Hutton, Mrs. S., Livingstorre Innes, David, Hilderthorpe Irvine, J. W., Herbert .. Irving, John, Ure Street, Oamaru Irving, W. J., Thames Street, Oamaru Jardirre, George, sen., Duntroon Jardine, William, Oamaru Johnston, A. D. K., Box I 16, Oamaru Johnston, J. J. K., Box 116, Oamaru Johnston, J. T., Whitstone Johnston, James, Windsor Johnston, Joseph, Hayton, Pukeuri Johnston, Robort, Hilderthorpe .. Johnston, T. H., Georgetown Johnston, T. K., Box 116, Oamaru Johnston, W., Windsor. . Joyce, Thomas, Hampden Judge, Joseph, Enfield Kane, Peter, Windsor Kelcher, F. G, Waianakarua Kelland, G. E., Enfield KeUand, John, Waitohi Flat, Temuka Kemp, J. and W., Hillgrove Kemp, J. W. and T., Hillgrove .. Kennedy, D. and T., Herbert Kennedy, Mrs. Rose A., Awamoa Kennedy, S. J., Kia Ora Kenny, E. F., P.O., Clearburn, Benmore .. Kcrin, J. M., Enfield .. Korr and MeCreary, Omarama King Bros, (private bag), Awamoko King, Mrs. Jane, Awamoko Kingan, William, Alma Kinnimont, W., Inchobrro Kirkcaldy, Robert, Otekaike Kirtorr, Miss M. A., Herbert Kitchon, A. J., Herbert.. Knight, Lewis C, Awamoko Kreft, Joseph, Livingstone Lambie, R., Maruakoa Laurenson and Son, Dirntr-onn Lawrence, W., Kakanui Leen, Jeremiah, Kakanui Lewthwaite, H. S., Maruakoa Liken, Thomas, Box 122, Oamaru Lister, Peter, Papakaio Lister, WiUiam, Waitaki South Little, II. Y., Duntroon .. 362 429 1,119 50 53 559 20O 38 812 533 342 750 1,546 234 470 167 851 240 539 151 590 183 1,803 349 318 7,334 450 990 118 419 31 1,040 400 305 188 20 855 397 548 430 856 Nil 478 1 .Hi:', Nil 74 558 513 Nil 394 1,378 687 137 355 844 1,790 4.750 240 578 236 676 335 79 4 253 1,200 349 1,031 595 263 Nil 7,100 474 1,059 298 530 74 970 84 400 2,010 574 Nil Nil 396 478 375 960 155 510 736 382 94 429 500 1 .037 527 615 8,702 240 1,310 220 215 167 3,000 420 1,525 1,161 260 170 433 30 70 264 150 30 1,309 218 317 570 473 440 740 142 280 759 450 172 712 237 2,369 911 712 414 6 532 201 941 524 401 0.905 200 714 294 185 1,005 191 515 59 153 560 178 440 752 299 400 508 329 224 101 5,200 183 I ,230 615 100 183 249 210 19 180 46 30 1,577 260 202 532 590 115 738 208 162 380 231 700 135 1,260 247 488 180 174 667 556 Nil 304 1,428 220 566
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1817. 1918. Ko. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waitaki County— continued. Little, M., Enfield Little, S. G., Hampden Little, T. S., Windsor Lory, IL, Livingstone Love, Robert, Ngapara.. Ludemann, Frederick, Papakaio Liiileinairn, G, Box 116, Oamaru Lundie, William, Kokoamo Macaulay, Angus, Georgetown Macaulay, W., Maheno Macaulay, W. J., Maeroweka, Maheno Macaulay, W. R„, Kurow Macdonald, George, jun., Box 116, Oamaru Macdonald, John Gordon, Papakaio Macdonald, William, Oamaru Macpherson, Johrr, Totaratahi Mahoney, J. T., Enfield.. Mahoney, John, Whitstone Malcolm, Alexander, Enfield Malcolm, James, Kakanui Manley Bros., Duntroon Manrrix, 0., Duntroon Mansfield, M., Winsdor Manson, R., WindsorMarshall, W., Herbert Marshall, W. G, Enfield Martin, Alexander, Oamaru Martin, G. P., Otekaike Martin, James, Enfield Martin, James R., Papakaio Martyn, John, Duntroon Matches, Johrr, Duntroon Matheson, D. G, Fernside, Rangiora Matheson, D. Q., Roseneath, Kurow Matheson,DuncanMcGiU (c/o Barclay Bros.), Kurow Matheson, Duncan M., Kurow Matheson, R. A., Tokarahi McAulay, Robort, Kakanui McAulay, Thomas, Georgetown McAughtie/Thomas M. (c/o A. H. McKinnon), Omarama McCarthy Bros., Kakanui McCono, James, Tokarahi McCone, John, Straehan's Siding McCone, Thomas (c/o James McCone), Tokarahi McCowan, J. N. IL, Windsor McCrossan Bros., Windsor McCulloch, Archibald, Glenavy McCulloch, J. R., Ngapara McCutcheon, Francis, Box 116, Oamaru .. McDonald, A., Windsor McDonald; George, jun., Kia Ora MeDonald, George, Ngapara McDonald, J., Enfield McDorrald, Miss S. (c/o George McDonald). Totaratahi McDonald, WiUiam G, Maheno McFadgcir, Malcolm J., Enfield MeFadgon, Peter, Oamaru McFarlane, John, Omarama McGimpsey, David, Otiake McGimpsey, J. J., Box 116, Oamaru McGimpsey, James, Otiake McGimpsey, Julius McC, Enfield McGimpsey, W., Awamoa, Oamaru McGookirr, S., Enfield McGradie, L., Island Cliff MoGradie, P, W., Maerewhenua McGregor, Dan., Duntroon McGregor, Honry, Krrrow McGregor, James Reid, Box 116, Oamaru McGregor, W. E., Hilderthorpe Mcllraith, John, Falstone Downs (Merchant, WeUington) Mollraith, Robert, Kurow Mclnerney, Thomas, Maheno Mclnnes, Archibald, Otiako Mclnncs, Peter, Kartigi, Shag Point Mcintosh, A., Oamaru Mclntyre, William, Enfield Mclvor, Peter, Herbert McKay, J. W., Pukeuri.. McKay, James G, Windsor 227 667 896 310 152 232 1.310 170 732 600 2,446 600 930 2,398 928 751 626 148 180 291 52 456 2,040 389 854 546 1,572 176 51 490 1,530 3 ,754 750 109 I., 008 I ,214 64 821 997 366 2,400 559 560 855 320 210 778 1,177 591 Nil 2,329 560 2,123 645 745 2,490 1,105 914 818 215 Nil 738 51 576 2,395 447 1,018 300 1,725 18 236 72 568 1,250 3,927 742 Nil 1,608 1,048 104 2,138 667 1,430 404 3,238 Waitaki County— continued. McKay, John, Otekaikc McKay, William, Glen Allan, Otekaike McKenzie Bros., Hilderthorpe .. .. . McKenzie Bros., Palmerston MoKenzie, H., Kakanui McKenzie, J., Clover Hill, Palmerston McKenzie, W. D., Windsor McKerrow, J. R. S., Hampden McKerrow, W. P., Waianakarua .. MoKinnon, Mis. M., Omarama, via Kurow McKinnon, W. G, Otekaike McLaren, J. D., Herbert McLean, A. (c/o Crow and Co., Maheno) . . McLean Bros., Kakanui McLean, David, Allday Bay, Kakanui McLean, John R., Enfield, Box 116, Oamaru McLean, T. A., Borton's .. McLennan, T. Y. S., Kokoamo McLeod, Aloxander, Awamoko McLeod, Hector, Hillgrove McLeod, Petor, Allday Bay, Kakanui McLucas, Mrs. M., Otiake McMillan, A. J., Herbert McMillan, William, Herbert McMurtic, John, Windsor McNair, John, Dunstan Downs, Omarama .. McNally, Malcolm, Windsor McNaughton, A., Whitstone McNeil, James, Maheno MoPhedran, Archibald M., Papakaio MePhee, Allan, Box 116, Oamaru MePhee, Johanna, Awamoko MePhee, John, Duntroon MePhee, Neil, Awamoko MePhee, Thomas, Weston MePhee, William, Georgetown McPherson, J. A., Borton's McPherson, W., Maheno McQuade, Henry, Maheno McQuade, J. T., Livingstone McQuade, R., Livingstone McRae, John M., Windsor McRandle, William, Windsor McVeigh, D., Weston Meek, James A., Enfield Meek, R. B., Weston Meikle, George, Livingstone Menzies, Alexander, Duntroon Menzies, James, jun., Duntroon Meynell, R. W., Enfield Middlediteh, John, Kurow Miller, A. E., Fembrook, Oamaru Miller, John, Duntroon Miller, R., Ngapara Milligan, Robert, Teschemaker's, Reidslon Milmine, A. R., Papakaio Milmine, James, and Sons, Windsor Milne, Mrs. C, Pukeuri Milne, Riohard, Awamoko Milrre, W., Ardgowan, Box 88,.Oamarn Mitchell, J. R., Weston.. Mitchell, W. W., Otokaike Moore, George H., Kurow Morgan, G, Totara Morrison, D., Herbert Morriss, Joseph, P.O., Alma Mount Fortune Pastoral Company (W. (). McKellar, Manager), Hampden Muldrew, James, Kauroo Hill, Maheno Mulligan, 10. M., Tapui, Windsor.. Mulligan, Edward, Kauroo Hill Mulvena, W., Otiake Munro, A. (c/o T. A. Munro), Kurow Munro, E. A., Omarama Munro, H. J. B., Kurow Munro, James M., Glenburn, Omarama .. Munro, L. C, Krrrow Munro, Mrs. Janet M., Kurow Munro, Mrs, L. L., Rostire Station, Kurow . Munro, R. A., Kurow Monro, T. A., Kurow Munro, T. M., 7 Te Weka Street, Timaru .. Munro, W. G., Kurow Munro, W. H., Otekaike Murcott, W. H., Hampden 684 500 661 654 — 224 828 1,453 621 635 2,015 1,807 — 25 273 795 490 617 4,556 3,000 513 312 — 583 1,372 1,486 740 Nil — 1,377 802 662 — ! 464 110 218 — 783 850 690 239 184 142 224 655 937 1,410 1,573 350 380 3,839 7,561 409 i 700 07 97 — I 67 280 I 340 221 710 300 210 43 ! 173 635 602 121 405 59 275 339 457 331 601 204 153 112 324 113 100 11 62 58 57 309 430 531 502 515 I 720 950 J 952 504 207 191 03 42 ■ 132 220 221 287 316 471 550 496 540 278 172 675 1,089 804 1,324 49 ■ Nil 238 350 298 409 432 702 2,020 Nil — 3,878 — 132 85 128 109 HI 4.837 4,049 280 285 276 405 388 318 99 915 375 323 370 245 384 264 311 389 189 1 ,190 427 424 243 019 50 2,838 297 552 248 2.857 163 475 614 645 450 30 839 510 148 414 577 689 4,491 449 590 009 145 22 410 408 240 413 285 684 3,795 266 581 1,090 I 1,281 903 ' 907 437 493 2,850 | 3,348 082 077 0.580 6,703 1.930 2,174 1,010 1,863 1.000 : 1,027 1,428 i 1,985 — - 590 1,400 1,467 — 4.250 651 504 4,058 5,618 192 272 5.090 39 405 189 81 172 165 110 284 2,240 148 511 350 130 203 138 76 365
18—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Waitaki County— continued. Murray, Albert D., Windsor .. .. 569 Murray, J. R., Krrrow .. .. .. 602 Murray, Lindly W., Tokarahi .. .. 039 Neill, J. C, Maheno .. .. .. 1.60 Neilson, D., Pukeuri .. .. .. 122 Ncwlands Bros., Tncholme .. .. 1,009 Ncwlands, James, Ngapara ... .. 600 Nichols, J. G, Maheno '.. .. .. 11,600 Nicholson, Mrs. M. A., Maheno . . .. 229 Nicholson, W., Hampden .. .. 1,124 Nicolson, George, Hampdon .. .. — Norton, B. G.,'Herbert .. .. .. — Norton, J. S., Papakaio .. .. 38 N.Z.A. and Land Company (W.O. McKellar, 20,309 Manager). Mount Dasher, Hampden O'Connor, E. W., Ngapara .". .. 330 O'Connor, Michael, Duntroon ... . . 60 O'Connor, Thomas, Box 1 16, Oamaru .. 950 O'Grady, A., Livingstone .. .. 104 O'Neil, Patrick, Island Cliff .. .. 335 O'Neill, Edward, Otekaike .. .. 748 Oliver, Daniel, Hilderthorpe .. .. 539 Orbell, H. S., Oamaru .. .. .. 1,330 Orbell, L. H., Pukeuri Junction .. .. I,062 Orr, It. R., Otekaike .. .. .. 349 Paterson, Thomas, Ngapara .. .. 1,279 Paton, J. D., Pukouri .. .. .. — Paton, J. P., Roidston .. .. .. 362 Paton, John, Papakaio .. .. .. 230 Paton, Mrs. J., Papakaio .. ... 49 Paton, R., Pukeuri Junction .. .. 160 Paton, R. B., Pukeuri Junotion .. . . 190 Paulin, H. B., Tokarahi .. .. —■ Payne, J. A., Livingstone .. .. 1,481 Pearse, A. J., Maruakoa .. .. 1,870 Perniskie, A., Enfield .. .. .. 88 Perniskie, Joseph, Duntroon .. .. 1,809 Perry, T., Totara .. 539 Phillips, S. J., Duntroon .. .. 120 Poole, Charles, Kakanui .. .. 110 Porter, J., Tokarahi .. .. .. 942 Preston, Joseph (A. Pringle), Brookstead, 1,942 Borton's Priest, L., Enfield .. .. .. 239 Pringle, George ()., Livingstone . . .. 318 Pringle, James, Duntroon .. .. 1,172 Pringle, Robert, Enfield .. .. 749 Pryor, Thomas, Borton's .. .. 496 Pugh, J. E., Hampden .. .. .. 112 Quinn, J., Totara .. .. .. 230 Rapson, Alexander B., Quoon's Flat, 257 Ngapara Rapson, Robert, Herbert .. .. , 307 Rayne, Mrs. G A. (William Rayne). Kakanui 951 Rayne, W., Kakanui .. .. .. 6,200 Reid, Alexandor, Herbert .. .. 11.3 Reid, J. B., Eldorslie, Oamaru .. .. ' 548 Reid, J. F., Burnside, Oamaru .. .. 453 Reid, John, Windsor .. ... .. 1,844 Reirl, W. P., Maheno .. .. .. 876 Ren ton, J. D., Livingstone .. .. 2,540 Richardson, James, Totaratahi .. .. 130 Riddell, Alexander, Peebles .. .. 84 Riddell Bros., Peebles .. .. .. — Riddell, Ernest, Peebles . . .. 230 Robb, W. B., Incholme .. .. 62 Roberts, A. H., Oaklands, Maheno .. 119 Robertson, Charles, Omarama .. .. 2,073 Robertson, P., Waianakarua .. .. 365 Robertson, G. A., Maheno .. .. 154 Robertson, J., jun., Incholme .. .. 230 Robertson, J. S. and K. B., Bon Lorli, 3,382 ■pokarahi Robertson, W„ Herbert .. .. 307 Robertson, W., Incholme .. .. 25 Robertson, William M., Maheno .. .. 359 Rodger, David, Kauroo Hill 377 Rodgers, R. A. C, Box 110, Oamaru .. 080 Rooney, John, Oamaru. . .. .. 167 Ross, Angus, Waianakarua .. .. 150 Ross Bros., Herbert .. .. .. 568 Ross, Donald J., Hillgrove .. .. 846 Rudcriclau, J. G. A., Alma .. .. 2,252 Russell and Grave (c/o R. Grant), Awamoko 3,644 Russell, Theo., Oamaru .. .. 6,500 715 650 075 210 182 1,172 1,158 10,750 409 1,294 182 009 50 21,981 799 43 929 Nil 024 080 Nil 1 ,530 1,357 315 1,345 243 351 222 227 Nil 526 1,267 1,390 1,373 130 1,980 548 341 169 1,150 3,169 Waitaki County— continued. Rutherford, John D., Duntroon .. .. 330 Ryarr, John J., Georgetown .. .. 78 Ryan, Mrs. Annie (e/o Laurence Ryan), 1,350 Ribbon Wood. Omarama Sampson, F. G., Herbert .. . • — Sanders, F. R.. Papakaio . , . . 478 Schaffer; Henry, Windsor .. .. 1,548 Schlutcr, H., Pukouri .. .. .. 14 Scott, A. M., Papakaio .. .. .. 700 Scott Pros., Ardgowan . . . . .-. 58 Scott, D. (A. H. Chapman, manager), 112 Kurow Scott, Walter L., Kauroo Hill, Maheno .. 413 Scorrlar, A. G, Gleniffor, Ngapara .. — Scoular, A. G, Glcniffcr, Ngapara .. 3,700 Scales, J. M., Windsor .. .. .. I 00 Sellars, S., MiUer's Flat.. ..' ..2,521 Sehrian, J. E., Georgetown .. .. | 310 Sewell, W. G., Waiarcka Junction . . 30 Seyb, Jacob, Aitchison's Siding .. .. 050 Shale Bros., Totaratahi .. .. 525 Shand, P. T., Windsor .. .. .. 1,642 Shand, Y.T.," Fleetwood," Ngapara .. ! 1,322 Shand, Y. T„ "Mount Pleasant," Ngapara 1,019 Shanks, T. D„ Omarama .. .. 1,020 Shaw, A. W„ Herbert .. .. .. 307 Shaw Bros., Mahono .. .. .. 221 Shaw, John (Trustees of) (e/o J. Shaw), —• Incholme Sheath, Joseph, Otekaike .. .. 114 Sim, Mrs. J., Weston .. .. .. 134 Simpson, George, Kia Ora .. .. 660 Simpson, Mrs. G, Otiake .. .. 470 Simpson, Mrs. Donald, Otiake .. .. 1,779 Simpson, W., " Craigneuk," Tokarahi .. 1,101 Simpson, W., jun., " Springside Farm," 309 Tokarahi Sinclair, Alexandor, Kauroo Hill .. 34 Skinner, Johrr, Hillgrove .. .. 1,465 Skinner, Peter, Papakaio .. .. 122 Slattery, Thomas, Windsor .. .. 704 Smillie' Bros., Waitaki South .. .. 756 Smillic, John, Georgetown .. .. 240 Smith, Alexander, Duntroon .. .. 217 Smith, Basil J., Bonmore, via Omarama .. 815 Smith, C. H., Box 7, Kurow .. .. I ,232 Smith, E. S., Windsor .. .. .. 598 Smith, Edward, Waitaki South .. .. 700 Smith, J. M. (privato bag), Mahono .. 145 Smith, It. B., Omarama .. .. — Smith, Walter, Livingstone .. .. 3,280 Somerville, R., Livingstone .. .. 420 Souness, Adam, Alma .. .. .. 225 Souness, John, Maheno .. .. .. 203 Special School for Boys (private bag), Otekaikc Spiers, James, Livingstone .. .. 83,8 Squire, Charles, Kartigi, Shag Point .. 2.000 Steffans, George, Weston .. .. 608 Stenhouse, T. E., Dunback .. .. 1.775 Stephens, Thomas J., Papakaio . . .. 805 Stephens, W. G.\ Maruakoa Stevenson Bros., Incholme .. .. 900 Stevenson, J. C, Incholme .. .. 255 Stokes, E. (private bag), Kenmore, Wind- 433 sor Stott, William, Maruakoa .. .. 1,503 Strachan and Dunn, Georgetown ' Stringer Bros., Duntroon .. .. 2,051 Stringer, George, Kenmore (privato bag), 2,585 Otekaike Stringer, R. L., Duntroon .. .. 589 Stringer, Thomas, Otekaike .. .. 1,185 Sutherland, A. D., Omarama .. .. 6,930 Sutherland, Alexander, Windsor .. .. —■ Sutherland, James, Cloarburn. Benmore .. 4,500 Sutherland, John, Duntroon .. .. 693 Sutherland, W., Duntroon .. .. 234 Tallantiro, J. 10., Duntroon .. .. 89 Taylor, George J. T., Kokoamo .. .. 174 Taylor, J. B., Kokoamo .. .. 637 Taylor-, James B., Kauroo Hill .. .. 950 Taylor, James D., Kokoamo .. .. 538 Taylor, John, Georgetown .. .. 502 Taylor, R. A., Kokoamo .. .. 744 ' 048 191 3,580 34 1,180 1,203 8 39 150 120 001 555 3,012 245 3,007 205 112 Nil 648 1,880 2,257 053 970 330 234 155 112 312 080 310 2,204 1,382 589 139 1,350 92 770 693 369 200 1,443 1,321 680 992 232 560 3,116 255 340 307 209 287 289 1,356 828 Nil Nil 238 250 300 1,040 4,188 113 035 51 6 1,444 1,033 2,640 254 Nil 721 Nil 77 030 2,500 301 213 249 3,504 705 2.121 420 I ,694 488 2 ,480 I ,095 303 Nil 1,679 1,314 2,352 2,470 217 13 540 41 0 1,030 273 170 833 1,300 2,001 3,280 9,300 897 1,775 7,500 89 5,125 880 425 88 250 S59 1,937 870 778 1,386
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waitaki County— continued Taylor, Simon, Kia Ora Taylor, W. J., Island Cliff Telfer, Thomas, Maheno Third, W., Kai Ora 'Phytic, L., Kai Ora Tinnock, William, Maruakoa Tomlinson, George, Waitaki South Trotter, R. W., Kurow Trotter, W. S. D., HiUgrove Tubman, G. E., Hilderthorpe Turnbull, Robert, Windsor Urquhart, R. M., Ngapara Vcirrr, F. W., Georgetown Verran, H. T., Enfield Waldron, Leonard, Omarama Walker, Ernest, Otekaike Walker, Mrs. E. C, Otekaike Walker, Robort A., Hillgrove Walker, W. R., Enfield.. Wallace, John, Smithfioid Farm, Island Cliff Walsh, Michael, Kauroo Hill Walton, B. B., Oamaru Ward, Miss M., Omarama Wardell, H. J., Kurow Warnock, William P., Whitstone Warren, P. J. R., Enfield Warwick, William, and Son, Kurow Watson, Arthur Robert, Papakaio Watson, E. A., Enfield .. ... Watson, WilUam, Maherro Watt, John, Otekaike Webber, H., Ngapara Westlake, A., Ngapara Wharton, John, Incholme White, George, Enfield Whitham, J., Awamoko Whyte, G, Papakaio Whyte, James, Omarama Wigley, Mrs. Jessie, Fairlie Wilkinson, Thomas T., Enfield Willetts, G. H., Papakaio .. Williams, David, Waitaki Williams, H. E., Awamoa Williams, Henry, Hilderthorpe Williams, J. G, Otekaike Williams, John (Executors of), Waiaroka Junction Williams, L., Maheno Williams, Peter, Omarama Williams, Thomas, Peebles Williamson, Thomas, Otekaikc ... Wills, A. D., Duntroon .. Wilson, Alexander, Kurow Wilson, J. and R., Papakaio Wilson, James, Papakaio Winchester, W. F. (private bag), Black Point Winter, H. T., Dalrachney, Omarama Woods, J. S., Omarama Woolstein, G T., Weston Wooton, William S., Kia Ora Wootton, L. S., Benmore, Omarama Worley, George R., Enfield Wright and Conlan, Mesdanros, Ngapara .. Wright, IT. J., Waitaki Wright, John, Otekaike Wright, L. P., Livingstone Wright, T. A., Livingstone Wright, William, Tilverstowe, Ngapara Wylie, James, Maheno Young, J., Clear-burn, Omarama Young, R. C, Bedding Farm, Herbert Young, Thomas (Executors of), Hampden . . 97 I , 072 50 253 3.555 654 300 1,425 250 200 5,550 540 370 721 200 70 715 8 2.178 3.750 220 37 210 70 199 04 240 9 850 240 201 102 204 430 2,748 192 105 303 154 2,480 52 259 90 090 297 4,130 720 15 153 182 377 285 3,930 I ,465 332 1,134 255 203 017 Nil 3,400 4,080 65 45 280 Nil 255 00 385 Nil 845 370 201 303 429 1,140 2,720 440 227 471 127 392 599 Nil Mantototo County— continued. Armour, A. B., Gimmorburn Armour, J. W. 10., Gimmerburn Armstrong, E. G. (W. Armstrong, Manager), Beck's Arthur, A., Hydo Arthur, A. V., Ida Valley Baird, James, Kokonga.. Baxter, S. M., Patearoa Beattie, John, Cambrian Beattie, W. E., Patearoa Beck, Mrs. M., Oturehua Black, P. L., Gimmerburn Blakely and Wilson, Patearoa Blakoly, Mrs. A. H., Gimmerburn Bleach, Patrick, P.O. Box 28, Ranfurly .. Pleach, Patrick, Paerau Botting, G., Naseby Botting, It., Wedderburn property, Northeast Valley, Dunedin Brown, A., jun., Book's Brown, C. A., Oturehua Brown, Charles, Oturehua Brown, Mrs. E., Gimmerburn Brown, R. and A., Beck's Bruhns, A. G, Hyde Bruhns, P. W. L., Hyde Railway Cameron, M., Hyde Campbell, A. J. M., Kyeburn Carey Bros., Kokonga Cathro, W., Kokonga Cattanach, Mrs. Jessie, Paerau Chapman, R. G., Ranfurly Christie, James, Hyde Cleugh, A., Gimmerburn Cloiiston, James, Lauder Cogan,. Michael, Patearoa Colling, W., Cambrain Connolly, W. J., Hyde Coram, J. B., Waipiata Coyle, Edward, Paerau Coyle, J., Kyeburn Creighton, James, Naseby ... Cromb, Alexander, Ranfurly Crutohlcy, J. M. M., Kyeburn Grutchley, Mrs. Catherine, Kyeburn Davies, C. G., Beck's Davis, J. E., Gimmerburn Davis, W. G and H. W., Gimmorburn Devenney, G., Ranfurly Devennoy, P., Wedderburn Devon, Mrs. Margaret, Gimmerburn Dillon, Mrs. Ann (c/o P. Dillon), Blackstone Hill, Dillon, P., sen., Oturehua Donald, James, Paerau.. Donaldson, John, Gimmerburn Dougherty, Charles, and Son, Gimmerburn Dougherty, Charles, and Sons. Ranfurly .. Doiigherty, John, Gimmorburn Douglas Bros., Kyeburn Dowle, W., and Son, Waipiata Dowling, P., Wodderburn Dowling, Thomas, Hyde Dowling, W. G., Ranfurly Duffy, Mrs. A., Patearoa Duffy, T. J., Patearoa Dugan, J., Naseby Duncan, D., Wodderburn .. ... Duncan, Georgo, Ranfurly Dundass, W. P., Ida Valley Ellison, J. H., Kokonga Fennessy, M., Nasoby Fonton, John, Gimmorburn Forrester, Thomas, Ranfurly Foster, F. 10. P., Auripo Francis, Mrs. M. E., Naseby Francis, It. L., Naseby Friend, G, Wedderburn Geddes, R. L., Kyeburn Geoffrey, J., Wodderburn Gilchrist, Thomas, Otrrrehua Glen, William, Ranfurly Glenn, J., Ranfurly Gordon, W., Oturehua Graham, Michael, Waipiata 3,018 881 571 1,213 1.210 135 204 5,899 3,465 508 826 3.030 I . 1.00 2.220 350 570 584 400 1,42!) 1 .483 177 335 874 091 183 139 262 476 766 660 2,317 810 .187 1,495 2,588 3,131 284 151 368 527 1 ,260 I ,030 497 828 355 645 289 I ,055 2,846 893 562 1,180 1,735 182 Nil 5,992 3,199 559 I , 159 3,430 1,379 160 2,218 200 Nil 500 020 159 1,834 Nil 121 505 874 652 168 178 250 782 850 804 2,240 919 250 1,107 2,078 2,520 283 175 431 1,190 Nil 1,327 507 830 364 ■ 792 308 1,871 133 418 183 811 865 413 842 480 544 1,300 189 107 341 7,260 023 109 870 094 1,213 726 1,121 279 2,026 3,262 1,770 518 2,507 576 72 655 389 571 1,1.21 138 125 353 5,110 357 208 1,970 250 1.570 027 071 400 1,071 000 502 2,229 2,742 902 808 600 419 1,080 379 743 80 756 3,328 789 500 504 450 571 501 433 1,373 455 244 106 730 I ,070 260 940 865 009 570 1,994 1,727 800 733 702 1,858 3,075 1,550 559 2,301 645 09 457 998 320 792 !)() 687 3,346 013 MANIOTOTO COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Agnew, H., Oturehua Aitken, Peter, Paerau Allison, George, Ranfurly Allison, Moses, Ranfurly Anderson, J., Paerau Armitage, Henry (c/o Geo. Armitage), Blackstone Hill Armitage, William, Beck's 544,481 039,314 436 1,798 679 205 2,490 724 546 1,480 743 185 2,478 810 209 1,110 534 315 486 310 154 199 100 !)()() 815
ll.— 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Maniototo County— continued. Greer, S. C. (c/o D. McLaren), Patearoa .. 2,131 1,643 Griffiths, Jesse, Kyeburn .. .. 100 571 Griffiths, Mrs. H., Patearoa .. '.. 06 (id Hall, A. B., Waipiata .. .. .. 1,330 j 1,965 Hal], T., Patearoa .. .. .. 1,315 1,132 Hall, W., jun., Patearoa .. .. 1,577 1,929 Hally, W., Hyde .. .. .. 70 90 Hamilton, John, Beck's .. .. 1,404 1,788 Hamilton, John, jun., Beck's .. .. 254 412 Hamilton, Matthew, Beck's .. .. 500 887 Harmlton, Mrs. Marion, Beck's . . .. 770 885 Hanger, Mrs. Ann L., St. Bathan's .. 320 300 Harley, John, Cambrian .. .. 200 250 Harrex, F. G„ Oturehua .. .. 031 910 Harrex, Harold O., Beck's .. .. 317 407 Harrex, R. A. J., Beck's .. .. 347 \ 250 Harris, Samuel, Kyeburn .. .. 92 103 tiastio, Mrs. Mary, Kokonga .. .. 1,000 750 Hastie, Richard, Kokonga .. .. 200 194 Haugh, R. G. and G, Kyeburn .. .. 1,520 1,575 Healy, Thomas, Kyeburn .. .. 90 Nil Henderson, Archibald, Kyeburn .. .. 071 . 1,350 Herlihy, James P., Patearoa .. .. 1,242 1,026 Hodgins, George, Naseby .. .. 302 304 Hore Bros., Patearoa .. .. .. 4,032 5,154 Horo, James, Kyeburn . . .. .. 1,837 1,00-1 Horo, It. R., Kyeburn .. .. .. 2,555 2,949 Hore, SUas, Waipiata .. .. .. 153 183 Hore, W. D., Nasoby .. .. .. 123 Howell, Mrs. M., Patearoa .. .. 2,910 4,709 Howell, Mrs., Waipiata.. .. ■ .. 427 780 Howell, T. and J., Waipiata .. .. 1,329 1,650 I lowjohns, W„ Book's .. .. .. 108 42 Huddleston, Mrs. E. E., Ida Valley .. 450 524 In'der, C, Nasoby .. .. .. 1,121 1,318 Indcr, R. F., Wedderburn .. .. 420 010 Johnston, Mrs. J., Patearoa . . .. 204 300 Johnston, W„ Waipiata .. .. 405 399 Johnstone family (R, Johnstone, Manager), 2,971 3,070 Blackstone Hill Jones, David, Cambrain .. .. 240 230 Jopsorr, P. and A. (Violet Beattie, Mana- 177 201 geress), Oturehua Kearney, John, Ranfurly .. .. 1,496 1,511 Kearney, Patrick, Ranfurly .. ' ■• 817 1,000 Kearney, Patrick William, Ranfurly .. 400 190 Kerr, David (Estate of) (J. Kerr-, Manager). 420 Nil Gimmorburn Kerr, W., Gimmerburn.. .. .. 493 025 Kinney Bros., Hyde .. .. .. 2,153 2,130 Kinney, John, Hyde .. .. .. 250 174 Kinney, M. A., Hyde .. .. .. 1,221 1,313 Kinsman, C, Pukepouri .. .. —- 202 Kinsman, R., Pukepouri .. .. 472 456 Law Bros. (G. Shaw), Gimmerburn .. 1,311 1,310 Law, Harry, Wodderburn .. .. 1,212 972 Law, John, jun., Ranfurly .. .. 1,212 1,450 Law, Peter M„ Wedderburn .. .. 860 1,100 Leask, John, Lauder .. .. .. 990 870 Lodingliain, T. ,)., Patearoa . . . . 203 134 Lindsay, George, Wedderburn .. .. 485 503 Lindsay, Thomas, Wedderburn .. .. 779 858 Little, Robert, Ranfurly .. .. 263 308 Livingstone, T. (Estate of) (Jarrres Mc- 478 Nil Keoman, Manager), Oturehua Lobb, J„ Wodderburn .. .. .. 029 723 Lowis, Samuel A„ Blackstono Hill .. 4,480 5,070 Lunan, Henry, Kyeburn .. .. 089 028 Mackenzie, M. J. S. (Executors of) (S. 10,520 17,024 Andrews, Manager), Kyeburn Mann, A. B„ Kokonga .. .. .. 422 500 Mann, G, Ida Valley .. .. .. 912 762 Mann, William, Kokonga .. ... 428 431 Marshall, McKenzie, Nasoby .. .. 4 183 Martin, George, Blackstone Hill .. .. .92 102 Matheson, James E., Rock and Pillar . . 3,170 ' 3,032 Mathcwson, L. (Executors of) (c/o W. T. 843 875 Mathcwson), Kokonga Mathcwson, W. M., Paerua, Patearoa .. 1,000 1,429 Mathewson. Walter T., Kokonga.. .. 837 563 Mathias, A., and Son (F. Mathias, Man- 3,569 3,589 ager), Waipiata Mawhinney, E., Wedderburn .. .. 71 82 Mawhinney, Jaokson G., Gimmerburn .. 709 1,405 Mawhinney, W. M., Gimmerburn.. .. 1,048 755 Maniototo County— continued. Mawhinney, Wilson, Ranfurly McAtamney, Patrick (Trustees of) (c/o Fanny McAtamnoy), Patearoa MeCarthy, Felix, Wedderburn McCloy, Hugh, Gimmerburn MoConneU, D., Hawkdun, Oturehua McCosh-Smith, J., Beck's McCready, Miss E., Naseby McCroady, W., Ranfurly McDevitt, Mrs. A., Oturehua MeDevitt, W., Otrrrohua McDonald, James, Ranfurly McErlano, Charles, Ranfurly McErlane, Patrick, Gimmerburn McErlano, Peter, Gimmerburn McKay, Angus, Kokonga McKay, J. S., Kokonga MeKcoman, James, Oturehua MoKeeman, James, Oturehua McKnight, David, Oturehua McKnight, James, Ida Valloy McKnight, Matthew, Oturehua McKnight, S., Ida Valley McLaren, D., Patearoa McLean, J., Patearoa McLennan, Miss Margaret, Wedderburn .. McLennan, Miss Mary, Aurrpo McLeod, John, Gimmerburn McNaughton, James, Ida Valley.. MePhee, John, St. Bathan's McSkimming, R., Patearoa Mee, James, Beck's Mee, Misses Annie. E. and Martha, Beck's . . Mee, Miss Edith F„ Beck's Moo, Mrs. Jane, Beck's Mee, Robert, Beck's Mee, T. H., Bock's Messent, H. anil S., Wedderburn.. Mills, H. N., Lauder Morgan, Edward, Box 13. St. Bathan's Morgan, Frank, Box 30, St. Bathan's Mulholland, J. 10., Paerau Mulholland, John, Ranfurly Mulholland, Mrs. G, Gimmerburn Mundell, John, jun., Maritanga, Kokonga.. Murdoch, George, Waipiata Nelson, A., Oturehua Nicolson, D., Oturehua Nicolson, J., Oturehua Nicolson, J., Oturehua Nicolson, Mrs. Barbara, Oturehua O'Brien, Mrs. Cathorirre, Wodderburn O'Neill, Georgo, Stafford, Patoaroa O'Neill, John; jun., Waipiata O'Neill, Margaret, Waipiata Packman, Joseph, Ranfurly Paterson, Andrew J., Waipiata Paterson, George J., Gimmorburn Patersorr, Miss Ida A., Waipiata Pauley, T. J., St. Bathan's Pearce, Mrs. G, Paerau Pearce, Mrs. Emelin, Waipiata Pearson, A. W., Kyeburn Pearson, Aloxander, Kyeburn Peter-son, Johrr It., Kokonga Pottinger, John, Ranfurly Preston, Joseph (J. T. Preston), Kyeburn.. Ramsay, Thomas, Hydo Reed, J., Naseby Roid, Mrs. P. H., Kokonga Ridland, Mrs. J. S. If., Paerau Roberts, Dick, Pukepouri Roberts, Frank, Pukepouri Roberts, G. E. G, Ida Valley Roberts, John IL, Paerau Roberts, Mrs. P. I., Gimmerburn Scott,, J., Gimmerburn Soott, Julia. Ida VaUey.. Scott, It. and J. W., Kyeburn Sharkey, Arthur, Gimmorburn Sharkey, Robort, Gimmerburn (D. Murray, Attorney, Ranfurly) Shea, Ellen, Wedderburn Shennan, L. S. B., Lirrbum Station, Patearoa No. of S April 30, 1017. 509 1,1.35 040 047 286 4,081 5,099 108 200 540 320 004 538 007 152 85 I ,590 I. I 00 007 I ,205 I ,085 947 •100 708 019 347 772 300 870 3,510 448 802 976 707 815 008 30 652 008 1,217 2,028 017 3,874 305 265 704 412 256 264 315 953 309 173 404 I . I!)() 402 10 J 32 2,085 3,004 1,536 10 1,000 390 9,327 420 563 252 1,700 177 174 808 1,710 1,415 3.782 408 3,074 508 576 iheep on I April 30, 1918. 700 896 717 705 13 3,982 6,036 247 183 387 265 1,060 Nil 848 105 01 1,343 479 1,250 559 1,541 1,049 1,724 320 1,039 Nil 517 860 Nil 1,258 3,480 407 888 1,435 531 1,312 828 32 010 1,412 1,388 2,100 563 3,934 314 301 849 254 614 253 237 920 487 Nil 706 1,243 926 20 1.20 1,903 2,771 1,581 31 1,090 510 11,000 958 538 254 1,210 163 302 880 1,950 1,510 4,181 400 2,857 515 901 950 3,425 1,025 3,204
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. Maniototo County— continued. Shennan, Watson (J. P. Little, Manager), | 9,399 Puketoi, Patearoa Sheppard, J. and J., Beck's .. .. 636 Sheppard, S., Cambrian .. .. 340 Smith, J. R., Wedderburn .. .. 1,31.7 Spedderi, Lawrence, and P. F. Dougherty, 990 Gimmerburn Strode, E., Kyeburn .. .. .. 89 Thomas, It., Oturehua Thurlow, A. E., Lauder .. .. 811 Tregonning, W. H., and Son, Waipiata .. 2,160 Wade, Mann, Oturehua.. .. .. 394 Wade, Mrs. Agnes, Blackstone Hill .. 9 Wallace, R., Kyeburn .. .. ,. , 132 Warded, George H., Patearoa .. .. 2,943 Weir, John, Gimmerburn .. .. 4,782 White, Miss Isabella H., Ranfurly .. 120 White, Mrs. M. E., Wedderburn '. . .. 138 Whitehead, G, Ranfurly .. ... 204 Whitehead, J. E., Naseby . . .. 303 Whitehead, W., Naseby .. .. 98 Williamson, E. G., Kokonga .. .. 955 Williamson, Edgar, Blackstone Hill .. 1,137 Williamson, John, Hydo .. .. 1,440 Williamson, K., Kokonga .. .. 514 Williamson, Miss Isabella. Kokonga .. 712 Wilson, A. H., Patearoa .. .. 979 Wilson, David, Gimmerburn .. .. 092 Wilson, J. II. and Herbert James, Ida Valley 593 Wilson, Miss Margaret R. V., Lauder .. ! 2,923 Wilson, Mrs. Jane A., Beck's .. .. '! 1,058 Wilson, Peter, Ida Valley .. .. 481 Wilson, Richard, Beck's .. .'. 1,840 Wilson, WiUiam, Oturehua .. ., — Young, J. G, Waipiata . . ■ . . (it 290,544 ' VINCENT COUNTY (In Diinstan Subdivision). Alexander, Mrs. Jane, Lander .. .. 670 Allan, Robert, P.O., Galloway .. 1,080 Allan, William, sen., Lindis Crossing .. | 93 Allison, A., Hawoa Flat .. Anderson and Bovett, Pembroke .. 522 Anderson, John, Quocnsbury .. .. 49 Anderson, Peter, Moa Creek .. .. 349 Anderson, Thomas, Poolburn .. .. 324 Armstrong, J. W., Poolburn .. .. 1,229 Armstrong, Robert, Tawhiti Arnold, James, Omakau .. .. 190 Aston, Charles, Moa Creek .. .. 414 Atkins, R., Luggate .. .. .. 1,298 Attfield, Charles R., Clyde .. .. 1,220 Attficld, 10. W., Clyde .. .. .. 345 Ball, May, Matakanui .. .. .. 1,386 Ballantyne, William H., Pembroke .. 656 Barclay, Andrew, Moa Creek . . .. 249 Barclay, Mrs. G, Hawea Flat .. .. 20 Barron,, D. R., Arrowtown Boll anil Rankin, Omakau .. Bell, Sir F.I). (Executors of), (It. Rutherford, j 8,259 Manager), Poolburn Bell, W., Tarras .. .. .. j 1,203 Bon Nevis .Pastoral Company (W. Kain), Bannockburn Berry, Samuel, Matakanui ..- .. 182 Black and Alexander, Moa Creek .. 1,950 Black, J., jun., Ida Valley .. .. 899 Bodkin, James, Clyde .'. .. i. I 1,150 Bodkin, W. A., Alexander .. .. 1,000 Brady, W., Moa Creek . . .. .. 251 Brown, Daniel, Ophir .. .. .. 550 Brown, Patrick, Bald Hill Plat .. .. ! 40 Brown, R., Beck's Buchanan, J., Hawoa Flat Cameron, W. F., Bendigo .. .. 134 Clare, John Robert, Omakau .. .. 553 Clouston, Edward, Omakau .. .. 1,610 Colling, John, Tarras .. .. .. 28 Collings, F. H„ Pembroke .. .. 117 Collins, W. H., Luggate .. . 2,085 Collis, G. A., Tarras Corrigall, James, jun., Omakau .. .. 1 295 9,498 874 300 1,490 909 108 58 718 2,176 403 6 153 2,957 4,080 129 134 219 393 145 1,005 1,260 1,589 070 7.1.4 1,145 820 710 2,083 910 527 J ,052 2,000 Nil 31 7,358 021 1,764 177 102 470 72 331 312 1,463 080 117 587 1,063 1, 196 397 1,647 Nil 328 37 3,500 1,165 8,403 Vincent County— continued. Corsan, David R., Clyde .. .. 2,911 Courts, H„ Galloway .. .. .. ' 124 Crabbe, Jack, Bannockburn .. .. 61 Crombie, Allan, Bannockburn .. .. J 2,093 Cummoek, James, Alexandra .'. . . ' — Davidson, J. It., Post-office, Galloway .. 320 Davidson, James, Poolburn .. .. 482 De Bettoncor, M. A., Lowburn Ferry .. 120 Donnelly, Francis, Lauder .. .. 1,967 Donnelly, Mrs. E., Lauder .. .. 1,062 Donnelly, T. C, Matakanui .. .. 180 Drake, A., Haw. a Flat .. .. .. 152 Duncombe, T. A., Earnscleugh . . . . 827 Dundass, J. J., Moa Creek .. .. 354 Elliott, A. D. (T. Neville, Attorney), Moa 457 Creek Elliott, E. G, Queonsberry .. .. 36 Elliott, G., Mount Barker, Pembroke .. 58 Elliott, Robort, Galloway .. .. 2,150 Felton, H. W., Bannockburn .. .. 2,326 Flannery Bros., Poolburn .. .. 300 Flannory, Thomas, Poolburn .. .. 1,320 Flannery, Thomas, jun., Moa Crook Fraser, A. G., Earnscleugh .. .. 30 Frew, Hugh, Cromwell.. .. .. — Gibson, Mrs. Ellen M., Bannockburn . . 153 Gillespie, W., sen., Luggate .. .. — Glassford, Mrs. L. G. Drybread .. 700 Goodger, Jamos, Lindis Pass, Tarras .. 8,58.1 Govan, T., Galloway .. .. .. — Graham, G C. (c/oD. W. McCon,Manager), 5,020 Timarau Station, Hawea Flat Grant, George, Galloway Street, Clyde . . 1,500 Gray, R., Hawea Flat .. .. .. 117 Gunn, Alexander, GaUoway .. .. 3,803 Halliday, John, Albert Town .. .. 149 Halliday, John M., Albert Town.. .. 373 Hamilton, James, Matakanui .. .. 186 Hansen, Ben, Kawarau Gorge .. .. 64 Harrex, R. W., Poolburn .. .. 1,073 Harvey, C. W., Hawea Flat .. .. 458 Harvoy, George, Omakau .. .. 1,675 Harvoy, George, Waenga .. ,. 30 Haugh, James, Maungawera .. .. 312 Hawloy, John, Earnscleugh .. .. 82 Hoaney, P. J., Cromwell .. .. 425 Hesson, Honry, Tawhiti .. .. 699 Hewitt Bros., Poolburn .. .. 1,171 Holloway and Manson, Bannockburn .. 2,780 Huddleston, R., Omakau .. .. 163 Huddleston, R. F. and G, Matakanui .. J ,310 Hydo, Frank G., Tarras .. .. 5,093 Isbister, Malcolm, Poolburn .. .. 313 Iversen, A. G, Box 47, Clyde .. .. 1,926 Iversen, E. J., Earnscleugh .. . . 1,258 Jackson, Mrs. R. (G. B. Gordon, Manager), 3,079 Kawarau Station, Bannockburn Johnston, Thomas, Cromwell .. .. 608 Jolley, E. A., Tarras .. .. .. 1,327 Jopp, Robert, Chatto Creek .. .. 5,986 Kane, Allan, Luggate .. .. .. — Kane, J., jun., Hawea Flat .. .. 405 Kane, John, Luggate .. .. .. 420 Keddell, Mrs. Ada, Galloway Street, Clyde 2,145 Kerin, John, Hawea Flat .. .. 420 Kingan, Robort, Hawoa Plat .. .. 154 Kingan, W., Maungawera .. .. 1,870 Kinney, Aloxander, Chatto Creek .. 832 Kinney, Daniel, Chatto Crook . . .. 538 Laidlaw, W., Matakanui .. .. 5,611 Landers, Patrick, Omakau .. .. 1,160 Leamy, John, Omakau .. .. 501 Leask, S., Omakau .. .. .. | Lethbridge, J.L, (R. Bagrie, Manager),Tarras ; 4,239 Lewis, Robert, Alexandra South.. .. 392 Lloyd, Mrs. S. A., Maungawera .. .. 184 Logan, James, Makarora .. .. 5,142 Love, J. M., Chatto Creek, Galloway .. 61 Love, John, 0/0 Post-office, Galloway .. 75 Love, Robert, Poolburn .. .. 200 Macadie Bros., Poolburn .. .. 441. Macdonald, John, Omakau .. .. 069 Macpherson, John Duncan, Lowburn Perry 120 Makarora Station (W. B. Patterson, Manager), 10,100 Makarora 2,884 257 107 2,031 138 135 321 122 I ,081 1 ,550 177 168 609 383 594 27 03 3,885 2,533 316 1,273 265 10 120 103 102 661 8,715 70 5,374 2,717 158 4,489 212 404 235 Nil 1,318 600 1,551 204 200 142 438 Nil I , 770 3,030 160 I ,465 0,335 383 3,000 1,414 2,812 912 9,107 200 J , 900 1,020 1,450 1,585 350 548 38 550 33 234 033 1,840 70 120 2,027 8,010 280 600 1,174 5,900 528 405 Nil 3,841 549 143 1,620 924 578 0,073 Nil 475 270 4,222 '368 150 Nil 445 110 240 460 790 110 9,805
i No. of Sheep on ! April 80, AprU 30, 1817. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on Vincent County— continued. Malvern Dowrrs (Limited) (R. K. Smith, Managor), Tarras Manson, George, Bannockburn Marklairdanil Wilson (private bag),Cromwell Marshall, William T., Moa Creek McArthur, J., jun., Clyde McBrccrr, William, Moa Crock McCambridge, Janus, Bald Hill Flat McCarthy Bros., Hawea Flat McDonald, John, Bald Hill Flat McDonald, Mrs. Margaret, Poolburn McDonald, Peter, Lindis Crossing McEwan, John, Albert Town MoGettigan, Patrick, Bald Hill Flat McGuckin, Mrs. Sarah, Omakau Mcintosh, Aloxander, Moa Creek Mcintosh, I)., Earnscleugh Mcintosh, James K., Poolburn Mcintosh, Robort A., Moa Crock Mcintosh, Robert, Chatto Creek Mcintosh, W. K., Poolburn McKay, T. C, Luggate McKnight, W., Matakanui McLean and Rankin (c/o J. McLean), Bendigo McLean, Donald, Lindis Crossing McLean, John, Cromwell McLennan, J. and D., Hawea Flat McLoughlin, Thomas, Luggato MoNally, W. H., Poolburn Menzies, James, Gorge Creek, Roxburgh .. Middleton, I). S., Northburn, Lowburn Perry Millar, J. H., Tarras Moffatt, James, Makarore Wharf Moran, .10. J., Matakanui Moran, Mrs. Lucy, Lauder Morris, C. J., Albeit Town Morris, Dr. G. A., Pembroke Munro, Donald, Tarras Munro, Kennoth, Tarras Munro, R. G. G, Mount Thomas, Kurow .. Murdock, Joseph, Makarora Naylor, Joseph, Matakanui Nevill, J. W. and R., Moa Creek Nevill, James, Moa Creek Nevill, Thomas, Moa Creek Nevill, W. R., Moa Creek Neville, Mrs. Jane, Moa Creek .. ... Newick, A., Bannockburn Nichols, Mrs. H. H. (G. A. Paterson, Manager), Mount Pisa, Cromwell Nicolson, W., Poolburn Noone, Charles, Poolburn Norman, W., Matakanui O'Doa, Rev. Father P., Omakau.. Olds, Richard, Cromwell Partridge, G., Cromwell Partridge, F. W., Lowburn Passmore, H. F., Poolburn Paterson, 11. L., Lindis Crossing Patterson, W., Hawea Flat Peek, Alfred S., Matakanui Percy, James, Matakanui Perriam Bros., Lowburn Ferry Philips, Robert A., Tarras Pitches, A. E., Ophir .. Pitches, John, Ophir Poison, Roderick Donald, Limbs Crossing.. Rae, Jamos, Maungawera Rahill, Patrick, Bald Head Flat Read, Mrs. Emily, Omakau Reid, Aloxander, Galloway, Clyde Ritchie, James, jun., Bannockburn Ritchie, James, Cromwell Ritchie, Malcolm, Cromwell Ritchie, William John, Banrrockbiiru Robertson Bros., Hawea Flat Rowley, J. C. F., Hawea Flat Ruffed, 10. TL, Tarras Ruthorford, R., Poolburn Ryan, John G, Matakanui Saunders, T. W.. Galloway Schieb, Mrs. I. R., Wanaka Road. Cromwell Seidell, W. A. H., Cromwell 10.375 113 32!) 30 1,430 706 1,792 1,180 22 674 2,540 140 737 130 1,407 103 050 I , 157 548 530 483 2,024 5,252 4,604 303 195 30 1,214 1,011 1,912 2,018 Nil 929 2,500 80 809 174 1,373 102 035 1,584 654 000 610 2,068 Nil Vincent County— continued. Scott, George, Nevis .. .. - .. Scott, James, Ida Valley Sheppard, J. and J., Lauder Sheppard, Jamos, Bock's Simes, H. A., Drybroad Sinnamon, A. D., Poolburn Sinnamon, A. D., Poolburn Sinnamon, Miss Martha 10., Poolburn Sinnamon, Mrs. A. J., Poolburn Sloan, John, Poolburn Small, L. and W-, Hawea Flat Smith and Wallace, Clyde Smith, J. C, Omarama Smith, T., Quccnsberry.. Smith, Thomas, Bannockburn Smith, W. D., Lindis Crossing Spain, S., Clyde, Spain, William IL, Clyde Staopoole, It. W., Bendigo Stafford, Lina, Ophir Stuart.Bros., Moa Crook Sullivan, A. J., Clydo Sutherland, Mrs. Ann, Matakanui Taylor Bros., Hawea Flat Taylor-, Johrr, Bannockburn Tiinniings. J. H., Galloway Tohill, ilcniy, Alexandra South .. Towan, Mrs. E., Cromwell Truesdale, Ellen, Lauder Truesdale, James IT., Oamakau Urquhart, Donald, Hawea Flat Waters, Ernest J., Tarras Wlute, C, Omakau Williams, George (Executors of), Makarora Wilson, A., Moa Creek Wilson, Frederick, Laudor Wilson, James, "Slogarie," Ida Valley Wilson, John, Lauder Wood Bros., Lowburn Ferry Wood, Mrs. Mary P., Lowburn Ferry.. .. Young, H. D., Lindis Crossing Young, N. J., Tarras 6,705 Nil 348 714 1,750 1,509 778 904 029 928 173 100 280 398 303 255 303 305 770 1,012 80 Nil 1,399 1,292 3,340 3,007 164 240 275 354 I ,420 1,770 13,225 14,110 884 I,050 444 309 596 710 405 587 1,399 1,55!) 486 114 2,224 1,774 81 117 277 252 230 500 487 281 270 508 597 90 71 1,920 1,90(1 920 700 439 208 386 483 919 1,048 008 721 4,814 4,952 608 300 97 74 584 599 2,090 2,980 50 537 285 2.205 3. 180 3,150 3,150 Nil 507 437 2,401 3.353 2,000 101 195 908 82 1,300 1,217 1,216 013 2,084 123 397 590 152 1,700 1,242 890 Nil 5,250 381 945 Nil 840 059 832 714 28,548 361 600 ■ 407 677 600 800 290,339 318,015 31,372 1.94 930 264 180 410 133 306 865 1,245 288 100 252 S80 1,091 439 779 360 306 52 318 276 2,090 415 041 1,900 225 1,113 261 202 426 149 348 880 791 NU 107 340 989 1,508 500 082 092 400 49 494 533 2,100 421 088 1,915 303 4,725 102 418 228 117 20 108 WAIHEMO COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Ainge, W. G. H., Stoneburn Bayly, P., Morrison's Bayly, James, Morrison's Boll, A. D. (private bag), Waihemo, Palmerston Bowkcr, T. B., Dunback Brooks, Charles M., 'Palmerston Burgess, J. and D. (c/o T. H. Pilbrow), Glen Park, Palmerston Callaghan, P. J., Inch Valley, Palmerston Campbell, F. K, Dunback Chalmers, Jamos, Palmerston Chapman, J., The Grange, Dunback Chapman, Margaret W., Dunback Chapman, W. T., and Sons, Dunback Chisholm Bros., Palmerston Clark, Charles Reginald (T. H. Pilbrow, Manager), Glen Park Clark, George, Moonlight Clarke, 10. IL, Macrae's, Palrnerston Cochrane, Alexandor (Estate of), Shag Valley, Palmerston Cockcrill, A. G., Dunback Coekerill, G. F., Macrae's Connolly, T. It., Hyde Cook, James, Glen Park.. Cotterill, Basil W., Iliglday, Dunback Cotterill, Basil W., Oykcll, Dunback Coutts, Georgo, Palmerston Coutts, John, Palmerston Craig, A., Palmerston Craig, W. L., Glen Park Cummings, Charles, Palmerston Cunningham, Jamos PL, Palmerston Currie, W., Hyde Davies, A. G., Stoneburn Doom, F. W., Dunback Dreaver, Andrew J., Palmerston.. 984 I,290 1,101 1,313 20 Nil 12,844 13,410 2,707 2,957 1,707 1,728 1,205 1,050 2,391. 2,490 70 108 1,361 1,485 2,154 2,224 710 000 329 294 006 901 1,502 Nil 2,344 2,486 517 532 100 021 153 325 22 18 0.16 873 63 124 1,600 1,700 1,1.71 1,55! 932 800 Id!) 109 183 732 801 232 221 312 900 I,280 793 872 209 217 121 I 162 4,098 415 214 20 120
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30 April 30, 1917. 1918. Waihemo County— continued. Dreaver, Donald, Palmerston .. .. 108 Els ton, Henry, Palmerston .. .. 212 Finnic, D. H., Moonlight .. .. 238 Fleming, Anthony, Palmerston .. .. 190 Frame, William, Goodwood Prater, H. E. J., Dunback .. 82 Prceland Bros., Morrison's .. .. 4,1.58 Gifford, Miss Jane, Macrao's Fiat.. .. 420 Gifford, Thomas (Estate of) (e/o W. Harrlon, 901 Manager), Dunback Gilbert, Thomas, Moonlight .. .. 301 Graham, Alexander, Palmerston . . .. 230 Hall, D., Horse Range, Palmerston .. 91 Harvie, A., Moonlight, .. .. .. 1.390 Hay, C. S. (Executors of) (o/o F. Hay), 3,850 Macrae's Flat Hay, WiUiam G, Macrae's .. .. 1,128 Hayes Bros., Moonlight.. .. .'. I , 125 Hocking, H. F„ Dunback .. .. 523 Hocking, Mrs. M., Dunback, Macrae's .. 550 Hughes, J., Meadowbank, Palmerston .. 708 Hunt, W. E,, Glen Park .. .. 927 Isbister, Mrs. Petrhra, Dunback . . .. 072 Jemieson, Richard, Stoneburn Jones, Philip, Glenpark . . .. .. 115 Kennedy Bros., Dunback .. .. 515 Kennedy, David, Glen .Park .. .. 230 Kerr, Donald, Green Valley .. ... 190 Kerr, Duncan, Dunback .. .. 99 Kinney, J., Hyde .. .. .. 470 Lee, Matthew, Green Valley .. .. 904 Lee, Robert, Green Valley .. 490 Matheson, J. E„ Rock and Pillar .. 2,000 Matheson, Mrs. Anna, Palmerston .. 655 Matheson, It., Morrison's .. .. 2,015 Mathioson, A. and R. B., Stonobiirn .. 1,945 Mathieson, J. D„ Flag Swamp , . .. I ,876 McCabo, John, Palmerston .. .. 1,162 McDonald, James, Green Valley .. .. 215 McDonald, John S., Dunbaok McElwoe, W., Palmerston .. .. 110 McGregor, Charles, Palmerston .. .. 510 McKcrrney, WiUiam, Palmerston.. .. Ill McLaren, A., Goodwood .. .. 322 MeLay, 'Thomas, Dunback .. ... 824 McLennan, A., Dunback .. .. 3,475 McLeod, Donald (Trustee of) (c/o W. McLeod, I ,077 Manager), Palmerston McLood, P., Morrison's .. .. 5,007 MeLew, J., jun., Morrison's .. .. 398 Me Lew, Johrr, Dunback.. .. .. 2,703 McRae, Alexander, Rock arrd Pillar .. 1,400 McRae, Duncan, Moonlight, .. .. 123 Melhuish, William, Palmerston .. .. 2,031 Miller, James S., Palmerston .. .. 401 Mills, Mrs., Macrao's Flat .. .. 757 Mowatt, William, Stoneburn .. .. 141 Munro, Donald, Palmerston .. .. 100 Murray, Andrew, Durrback .. .. 370 Nichols, J. G, Maheno .. .. .. 100 Nolan, Mrs. Mary, Moonlight, . . .. 275 O'Cormell, James, Macrae's Plat,.. . . 1,785 O'Noill, H., Palmerston .. .. 484 Pearson, W. G., Moonlight .. . . 475 Perrson, F„ Hyde .. .. .. 199 Peterson, L. G, Kokonga .. .. — Philip, G. P:, Stoneburn .. .. I 2,132 Philip, John, Palmerston .. .. ! 1,580 Pilbrow, T. IT., Glen Park .. ... Pollock, J., Morrison's .. .. .. 449 Preston, J. II., Goodwood .. .. 290 Pringle, James 0. and P., Green Valley .. , 1,108 Purvis, John, Stoneburn •. ' •. 408 Rendall, T. T., Glen Park .. ..". 299 Riddle, Robert, Palmerston .. .. 229 Ritchie, Mrs. Margaret, Dunback.. .. 480 Robbie, J. A., Meadowbank, Palmerston .. 450 Rollins, A., Waikouaiti.. .. .'. 30 Ross, David, Palmerston .. .. 0,081 Ross, Hugh, Palmerston .. .. 135 Ross, James, Palmerston .. .. 2,782 Roy Bros., Moonlight .. .. .. 950 Roy, Goorgo and James, Moonlight .. 802 Service, James, Palmerston .. .. 180 Shoehy, Johrr, Moonlight .. ".. I 530 197 594 588 420 736 1.22 4,331 470 1,175 Waihemo County— continued. Sheehy, William, Moonlight, .. .. 350 Stanley, T., jun., Dunback .. .. 200 Stanley, Thomas, Maorae's Flat .. .. 2,1.22 Stonhouse, James, Palmerston . . .. 758 Steward, R. J., Dunback . . . . 692 Sutherland, Don, Palmerston .. .. 963 < Sutherland, G. A., Macrae's Plat.. .. 3,190 Sutherland, J., Palmerston Sutherland, Mrs. Marion, Goodwood . . — Trotter, Alexander, Hyde Railway .. 1,172 Twaddle, Alexander, Palmerston .. 2,022 Walsh, Thomas, Shag Poirrt, .. ... 10 Watt, John, Palmerston .. .. 28 Wright, Andrew (Mary S. Wright, 'Trustee), , 769 Palmerston Wright, Henry, Palmerston Nil Nil 1,594 661 740 525 3,100 184 420 1,099 2,028 20 55 750 400 531 82 1,525 4,050 5 1,114 1,102 551 005 692 300 1,314 2,390 107 735 294 135 Nil 385 948 000 1,805 693 2,000 Nil 1,890 I ,270300 143 105 530 329 343 1 ,518 3,335 1,138 120.42-1 WAIKOUAITI COUNT V (In Dunedin Subdivision). Aitchison, Thomas and A., Waikouaiti .. 1,208 Aitcheson, WiUiam, Seacliff .. .. 102 Allan, Johrr, Merton .. .. .. 450 Allcock Bros., Waikouaiti .. .. 712 Allcock, T., sen., Waikouaiti .. .. 2.15 Ball, Honry, Waikouaiti .. .. 752 Bannatync, Mrs. EUon, Waikouaiti .. 2,(Mil Barth, C. A., Mihiwaka .. .. 317 Bethune, John, Pleasarrt Valley Birtles, J., Waikouaiti .. .. .. 1,303 Box, H. W., Port Chalmers .. .. 128 Bray, A., Waikouaiti .. .. .. I 558 Brightlirrg Bros., Merton .. .. 3,394 Buokland, Mrs. Annie (o/o A. S. Orbell), 10,911 Waikouaiti Butfars, John, Morton . . .. .. 51 Byrne, Patrick J., Waikouaiti .. .. 296 Cameron, It., Goodwood .. .. 1,178 Clark, Joseph, Double Hill, Waitati Coatsworth, William, Mihiwaka .. .. 90 Collins, P. M., Palmerston .. .. 2,035 Coutts, John, Palmerston .. .. 400 Cowan, A., Waitati .. . . .. 15 Crossan, H. It., 67 Rawhiti Street, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin Cunningham, James II., Palmerston .. 160 Dempster, A., jun., Flag Swamp .. .. 1 ,644 Diack, J. G, Waikouaiti .. .. 566 Douglas, A., Hayward's Point, Waikouaiti. . 3,404 Douglas, A. (Hayward's Point, property), 567 Waikouaiti Douglas, A., Tunrai (Morion property), 315 Waikouaiti Douglas, J. (Estate of) (c/o W. F. Murray, 5,503 Manager) Mount, Royal, Palmerston Fell, B. W., 'Waikouaiti .. ... 87 Frame, William, Goodwood .. .. j 039 Fraser, Hrrgh, Stoneburn, Middlemarch .. 2,099 Fry, G. R., Waikouaiti.. .. .. 120 Galbraith, John, Waikouaiti .. .. 130 Gardiner, W. A., Warrington .. . . 494 Gilchrist, Charles, Waikouaiti . . . . 34.1 Gilmore Bros., Evansdale .. .. 2,239 Grant, it., Palmerston .. .. .. 112 Hagarr, S.,Flag Swarrrp. . .. ... 406 Hallum, C. W., Waikouaiti Hallum, Johrr, jun., Lainlihill, Waikouaiti 570 Hallum, John, Ramrook, Waikouaiti . . 720 Hammond, Richard H., Merton .. .. 335 Harrison, T. J., Port Chalmers .. .. 0 Heckler, Arthur, Waikouaiti .. .. 448 Hcffcrnan, WiUiam, and Sorr, Moorrlight .. 2,073 Hill, John, Waitati .. .. .. 26 Hours ton, Jamos, Waikouaiti . . .. j 055 Kane, B., Merton .. .. .. 500 Lee, William, Flag Swamp .. .. | 498. Macaulay, John,, Flag Swamp .. .. j 538 Macdonald, T., Palmerston .. .. P520 Macnoan, Alexander, Waikouaiti .. 773 Malloch, David, Waikouaiti .. .. 2,561 McGregor-, D„ Waikouaiti .. .. 377 Mental Hospital, Seacliff .. .. 873 Muirro, Mrs. H., Palmerston .. .. , 200 Nankivoll, K. H., Waikouaiti .. .. ' 285 139,729 1,108 Nil 475 828 Nil 069 1,709 219 70 1,350 12 722 3,105 11,597 Nil Nil I ,400 300 Nil 2,137 Nil 29 5(H) I I 5,639 418 2 ,032 1,099 154 3,153 876 729 308 100 448 100 314 2,070 410 466 391 1,400 1,750 1,600 1,574 365 631 1,250 451 203 425 424 580 Nil 0,490 250 3,450 988 813 390 450 Nil 1,010 759 708 1,831 2,510 Nil 81 Nil 2,033 177 160 384 341 2,035 118 000 009 52 710 294 7 509 2,339 Nil 090 105 499 500 1,524 Nil 2,425 372 553 319 200
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 80, April 30, 1917. 1918. Waikouaiti County— continued. Noone, Frederick, Waikouaiti Orbell, A. S., Waikouaiti Rollins, A., Waikouaiti Rollins, A., Waikouaiti Scott, Henry, Merton Sheehy, William, Moonlight Stevenson, Isaac (c/o W. P. Murray, Manager), Mount Royal, Palmerston Stewart, Duncan, Seacliff ' .. Sutherland, Mrs. Marion, Goodwood Toomey, Patrick, Waikouaiti Townsend, A. It., Waikouaiti Townsend, TL, Waikouaiti Townsend, J. A., jun., Waikouaiti Vanes, Samuel, Waikouaiti Walker Bros. (J. A. and W.), Flag Swamp Walker, D., jun., Goodwood. Walker, Mrs. Ellen, Flag Swamp Ward, F. H. (Executors of) (c/o D. W. Mallook, Manager), Waikouaiti White, A.T., Waitati .. White, H. J., Merton White, Peter, Merton .. Williamson Bros., Whitechapel, Moonlight Williamson, D. G., Moonlight Wright, .1. ,1., Double Hill, Waitati TAIERI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, W., Otokia Allan, John H., East Taieri Andrew, David, Mosgiel Andrew, Mrs. David, Wingatui Ashburn Hall (Superintendent, Mental Hospital), Waikari Atkinson, F. IL, Middlemarch Atkinson, F. IL, Middlemarch Bailey, Howard W., Sutton BaUingall, J. A., Middlemarch Bamfield, P. W., Murray Street, Kew, Dunedin Bathgate Bros., Outram Baxter, A., Brighton Bayly, H., Sutton Beattie, Henry William, Middlemarch Beattie, John, Deep Stream Beattie, Robert, and Son, Ngapuna Beattie, W. G., Maungatua Bell, John, Whare Flat (Public Trustee, Dunedin) Bennett, W., Middlemaroh Black, Neil, Maungatua Blackie, Walter, Mosgiel Blackie, William, Glasgow Farm, Mosgiel.. Blair, J. W., Outram Blakcly, A. J., Middlemarch Borthwick, James, Lee Stream Botting, It., Main Road, North-east Valley, I Junedin Boyd, IL, Hindon Station, North Taieri .. Boyd, H., North Taieri Bradbury, John, Wyllio's Crossing Brensell, C., Outram Bruce, D. and J., Momona Bryant, W., Wylie's Crossing Butler, John, Clark's Buxton, Mrs., Otokia Cameron, Ewen, Middlemarch Campbell, J. and C, Momona Carlson, Gustav, Middlemarch Carlson, Gustav, Middlemarch Carruthers, A., Ngapuna Carter, Robert John, Saddle Hill Charles, Joseph, Kuri Bush Charters, William, Middlemarch Cookson, Joseph, Woodside Crane, Joseph, Otokia Culler), Robert, Allanton Davidson, David, Saddle Hill Deaker, R. K., Kuri Bush Deans, John, Lee Stream Doherty, Francis, Outram Doherty, Francis, Outram ... 1,096 12,345 075 576 97 303 1,730 893 53.1 1,136 123 50 530 1,017 567 126 41.7 1,642 912 41 82,333 197 10 82 616 55 30 902 450 169 025 1,004 12,580 614 40 522 I 400 0,370 54 NU 1,862 950 648 1,221 260 655 Nil Nil 1,088 475 196 403 1,018 1,651 Nil 83,991 113 13 300 535 65 805 285 Nil 481 278 Taiebi County— continued. Douglas, Alexander, East Taieri Douglas, Archibald (W. Park, Manager), Wyllie's Crossing Doull, Alexander P., Henley Drennan, H. and J., Lee Stream Dunnery, Jamos, East, Taieri Eady, Robert and Ellon, Maungatua Eagan, N. A., Otokia Elder, James D. (Estate of) (c/o C. Anderson, Manager), Outram , Elliot, Mrs. Ellon E., Middlemaroh Elliott, Mrs. C, Sutton.. Elliott, R. N., Sutton .. Elliott, W. H., Sutton Swing, W. B., Sutton Findlay, G, Mosgiel Findlayson, P., Maungatua Finnic, Thomas, Saddle Hill Fletcher, Mrs. Helen, Ngapuna Fowler, J., jun., Outram Fraser, Donald, Strath Taieri, Middlemaroh Freeman, James (Executors of) (c/o Frederiok Freeman), Green Island Gardiner, J. P., Green Island Gawn, Thomas, J., Mosgiel Gawn, W. R., Mosgiel Geeves, J. W., Kuri Bush Gibson, Edward, North Taieri Glover, F. G, Sutton Gordon, 'Thomas, jun., Maungatua Gow, James, Mosgiel . . ■ .. Graham, J. W., Ngapuna Graham, Murdoch, Hindon Railway Grant, Arthur, Wyllie's Crossing Grieve, David, Middlemarch Haggan, James N., Taieri Hamilton, Robert, Mosgiel Hanlon, M., Ngapuna Harrison, M. F., Hindon Hazlett, L. G, North Taieri Heenan Bros. (R. Heenan, Manager), Maungatua Heenan, John, Broad Bay Heenan, Mrs. M., Maungatua ... Hefferman, S., Middlemarch Hoffernan, S. 10., Rock and Pillar. . Henderson, J., Middlemarch Henderson, T., Groon Island Higgins, W., Middlemarch Hill and Ait kinson, Clark's Junction Hole Bros., Outram Howell, James, jun., Clark's Hughes, Mrs. M. J., Wyllie's Crossing Humphrey, Thomas N., Sutton Isbister, David, Middlemarch Jaffray Bros., East Taieri James, P., Ngapuna Johnson, Alexander, Sutton Johnstone, R. M., Sutton Jones, WiUiam G., P.O., Sutton, Matarao . . JoppBros. (James Parker, Manager),Hindon Railway Kane, James, Sutton Keast, John, Middlemarch Kerr, Mrs. Margaret Jane, Middlemarch .. Kinsman, Edward C, Matarao, Middl,march Kirk, Mrs. Georgina, Mosgiel Kirkland, J. B., Fairfield, via Dunedin Kirkland, W. (T. Carruthers, Manager), Middlemarch Lawson, J. N., Pukerangi Lawson, James, Berwick Loishmarr, D., North Taieri Lister, L. D., Hindon Lister, M. J., Hindon Railway Lister, P. J., Hindon Lobb, Frank H., Kuri Bush Lobb, Mrs. Jane, Brighton Maodonald, H. J. P., Hindon Macdonald, John, Hindon Marshall, R. M., Woodside Marshall, W. J., Henley ' Matheson, D., Middlemarch Matheson, J. E., Rook and Pillar.. Matheson, John, Otokia 1,040 666 2,100 22,500 447 1,171 47 1,921 2,195 1,244 269 102 03 143 20 399 708 230 258 152 102 1,592 1.93 1,090 I ,793 201 35 88 28 55 1,414 3,458 1,418 100 509 2,030 592 508 I ,739 835 22,700 290 Nil 1,21 (I Nil 1 ,050 2 ,443 1,437 1,227 266 176 04 177 118 726 878 247 593 425 .172 256 1,328 170 773 58 1,525 163 120 120 Nil Nil 1,419 2,837 1,590 100 649 Nil 2,310 840 458 190 2,758 1,200 1,865 388 Nil 355 703 811 1,118 840 I ,025 7,103 45 800 1,067 1,010 241 70 103 170 Nil 977 1,118 Nil 958 150 Nil 821 608 242 2,542 313 83 146 159 1,114 2,500 101 79 504 100 128 95 820 Nil 57 07 1,844 355 1,399 139 087 489 1,260 499 954 7,300 5,756 1,499 80 394 427 477 912 5,903 1,251 Nil 500 Nil 475 902 386 1,929 22 70 1,723 1,290 15 533 Nil 27 Nil 728 27 Nil 1,090 353 I. ,020 1 ,089 1,540 326 1,160 663 132 3,235 1,124 293 366 1,135 498 148 3,812 2,022 30 166 1,925 953 16 1,788 240 2,784 860 930 1 ,290 519 203 101 912 71 2,227 340 1,952 806 1,390 828 648 Ml 109 941 Nil 803 5,005 2,590 180 560 17 290 757 24 169 1,276 233 1,010 4,101 3,030
No. o( Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Taieri County— -continued. Mathcwson, J. A., Box 484, Dunedin Mee. J. and A., Kuri Bush McCaidy, Adam, Middlemarch McColl, D., Fairfield, via Dunedin McDiarmid, Angus John. Roserreath, Woodside McDiarmid, Mrs. Christina (Executors of), Woodside McDonald, Allan, Lee Stream McDonald Bros., Hindon Mo Donald, Duncan, Woodside McDonald, Mrs. A., Mosgiel McDonald, Mrs. M., Clark's McHardy, George, Sutton McHardy, James, Sutton McLean, Lachlan, North Taieri .. McLeUand, L. W., Kuri Bush McLeod, G., Momona McLeod, James, Butcher, Mosgiel McMiUan, A. and D., Pukerangi MePhee, Duncan, Sutton McPherson, William, Kuri Bush McRae, Duncan, Moonlight Miller, James, Braemorc Farm, Maungatua Miller, John, Maungatua Milirer, Mrs. Cclia, Mosgiel Mitchell, 0, W., Deep Stream, Outram Mitchell, John W. P., Deep Stream Mitchell, R., Lee Stream Mitchell, W. J., Mosgiel Moynihan, P., Sutton .. Moynihan, W., Ngapuna Mundoll, W. A., Traquair. Outi-ani Munro, Alexander, Berwick Murray, Johrr, Middlemarch Nichol, G., and Sons, Abbotsford Station, Allanton Nichol, George, arrd Sim, Taiirinia, Allanton Nimmo, John !'., Mosgiel O'Connell, Richard, Rock and Pillar Palmer, E. F., Otokia Paterson, Mrs. B., and Son. Middlemarch .. Patrick, James, Outram Poat, D., Hopefrold, Srrtton Peat, D., Sutton Quinrr, William, Maungatua Itoade, George A., and Sons, Pukerangi .. Reid, J. B., Otokia Reid, W. and N., Woodside Reid, W. G., Henley Renshaw, James, Maungatua Roberts and Co. (Alexander McKinnon, Manager), Middlemaroh Robertson, J., Moonlight Robertson, William, Middlemaroh Ross, Thomas, Middlemarch Sawle, Jamos, Lee Stream Scorgie, Archie 10., Middlemarch Scorgie, Ralph 10., Middlemaroh.. Scott. Alexander, Green Island Scott, Charles and Don, Borwiok Secular, James (Trustees of), Pukerangi .. Shennan, John, Berwick Shennan, Robert, Berwick Shore, J., Otokia Srnillre. A. Y., North Taieri Sparks, R. J., Willowbank, Mangahun Spratt, P., Suttorr Sproule, T., Outram Steele, J., Middlemarch.. Stewart, Archibald, Middlemarch Sullivan, William G, Hindon Thompson, Richard J., Middlemaroh Thomson and Co., Wai Roiiga, North Taieri Thomson, M. P. (W. G. Thomson, Manager), Middlemarch Thomson, W., Maungatua Tisdall, James T., Middlemaroh Tregonning Bros., Lee Stream Turnbull, John, Middlemarch Voalo and Gilmour, " Ardlin," The Reefs . . Waddell, Alexander S. and W. H., Sutton. . Watson, S. G, Traquair, Outram Webb, G., Hindon Station Wedge, Charles F„ Brown's, Mosgiel 2,030 254 55 142 1,137 412 273 217 192 22 114 39 152 54 3 1,276 751 755 2,340 520 567 305 1,220 1,479 2,200 616 567 898 95 358 9,219 1,130 I ,509 819 307 1,323 850 1,180 538 290 1,540 20 5,695 10 519 22,698 2.190 593 2,441 78 Nil 165 I ,044 447 275 80 284 23 Nil 42 170 20 2 995 Nil Nil 2,300 182 574 310 Nil I ,504 2,400 050 I ,01.8 1,218 5,207 53 377 9,133 I ,042 I ,800 279 702 1,380 I ,507 Nil 338 190 1,580 Nil 5,790 145 Nil 17,593 Taieri County— continued. Whiltorr, Robert 11., Middlemarch Williamson Bros., Wyllie's Crossing Williamson, Donald, East Taieri Wilson, H. P., Otokia Wilson, J. H., Berwick Withers Bros., Berwick Wright, J. A., Deep Stream Wyllie, James G., Outram Young, George S., Sutton .. >. . Young, S., Outram PENINSULA COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Allan Bros., Portobcllo Braid, Alexander-, Pukelriki Clark Bros., Portobcllo Clearwater, P. 10., Poatiri Cross, Charles, Poatiri Dick, John, Poatiri, via Dunedin Edwards, T., otakou Geary, Martirr, Poatiri Karetai, George, Otakou Karetai, Joseph, and T. S. Edmund, Otakou Lewis, A. G., Portobello Macandrew, J., Portobello Mitchell, Richard, Otakou Nyhon, D., Sandymount Nyhon, M. H., Sandymount Riddell, J. A. G., Poatiri Sawle, Jamos, Portobcllo Sheppard, John William, Poatiri C L U T IT A C O U N T Y (In Clutha Subdivision). Aberircthy, James, Toiro Adam, A., Owaka Agncw, Robert, Kaihiku Alexander, James, Clinton Allen, Robert, Tahatika Allison and Shields, " Chetwod," Puerua . . Anderson,.John, Waiwera South.. Anderson, John, Ashley Downs Andrews, J. F., Tahakoha Ayson, It. W., Kaihiku .. Bagrie, Joseph, Pomahaka Bagrie, Robert, Arthurton Bagrie, Thomas T., Waipahi Bain, A., Tahat ika Bain, James Douglas, Tahatika .. Bain, Jamos, Waipahi Banks, F., Waipahi Barclay, John, Tc Houka Basset. S. P.. Waitapeka Batting, R., Te Houka Baxter, W. A., Kelso .. Bayly, F. W., Kelso Bayire, P., Kuriwao Gorge Beattie, D., Tapanui Beattie, William, Puerua Begg, G. G, Romahapa Begg, James, Clinton Bell, R. J., Popotunoa Bennett, W. J., Waiwera South Benny, Henry, Wharetoa Birkner, L. G, Owaka Black, Archibald, Taumata Black, James, Waikoikoi Black, John, Kelso Black, John, Waipahi Black. John, Waiwera South Black, Mary E., Waipahi Blaok, Walter, Clinton .. Blackie, Walter, jun., Ahuriri Flat Blaikie. J. and H., Clinton Body, 0. W., Kelso Bower, J. R., Waiwera South Boyd, 10. J., Balclutha .. Bradficld, Alfred, Owaka Valley Bradficld, F. (Executors of), Popotunoa, Clinton Bransgrove, W. G, Owaka 231,041 1,305 129 590 200 80231 181 183 185 08 330 472 315 28 203 4,512 160 68 90 102 200 2,773 1,139 152 187 341 738 029 145 017 45 876 250 4.600 270 I ,043 343 220.008 I ,550 207 900 301 208 267 220 238 Nil Nil 95 I I 575 234 171 345 571 173 6,126 Nil 205 100 08 102 180 2,087 1,224 41 128 338 482 700 87 290 I 90 050 I ,311 197 346 1 .007 383 171 525 25 157 10,290 474 572 2 ,083 Nil 198 710 Nil 182 131 277 | I ,00 I I ,057 I 537 J 548] 238 338 1,450 2,618 109 550 50 009 208 1,515 1,150 123 1,120 520 270 102 1,530 1,389 2,190 2,029 1.027 50 2,490 I!) 126 17 120 200 150 I ,458 Nil 2,170 1,930 1,340 134 2,007 22 121 12 73 303 575 Nil 814 3,421 570 059 537 I .391 406 189 600 1,242 980 311 545 10 987 3,471 040 050 1,054 1,312 540 39 94 10,186 560 866 1,842 7 216 712 1,900 200 279 254 1,059 1,1)20 516 510 213 422 1,107 2,749 373 35 2,491 1,001 2,188 1,040 4,300 594 254 478 188 2,532 I ,09!) 2,327 1 ,092 Nil 578 313 223
H.— 23.
19—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on No. ot Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Clutha County— continued. Breen, James, Conical Hills, Pomahaka Broad, A. G, Waiwera South Brock, Alexander, Merino Downs Brough, Henry, Houipapa Brown Bros., Clinton Brown, George, jun., Wairuna, Clinton Brown, John, Waipahi Brown, W., Ratanui Brown, William, Puerua Brownlie, James, Merino Downs Brownlie, Robert, Warepa Bruce, J. A., Kelso Bryan, S. R„ Te George, Clinton Bryson, Thomas, Waipahi Buchanan, Robert, Tahatika Buck, R. P., Pomahaka Bunn, P., Clydevale Bunn, George, Rongahere Burke, J. E., Waiwera Burke, James, Popotunoa, Clinton Burnett, James, Waikoikoi Burnett, John and James, Waikoikoi Burns, John, Awamangu Buttai-s Bros., Clydevale Calder, James D., Ratanui Calder, Mrs. Jessie, Greenvale Caldwell, James, Puerua Caley, Mrs. Isabella, Purekireki Caley, W. H., Tahatika Calk ry, M. J., Pomahaka Campbell, A. A., Tawanui Campbell, D. S., Waiwera South Campbell, Richard, Balclutha Canning Bros., Purekirei Carr, J. J., Waitepeka Carruthers, Alexander, Taumata Carruthers, George, Taumata Carson, William, Conical Hill, Waipahi .. Chalmers, R. P., Ratanui Chalmers, Robert, Owaka Valley Chalmers. Robort, Box 20, Owaka Chalmers, William, Owaka Valley Chapman, Mrs., Wharetoa Chapman, Thomas, Wharetoa Chittock, Charles, and Sons, Waikoikoi .. Chittock, IL C, Waikoikoi Christie, James, Puketiro Christie, John, Warepa.. Clack, A. G, Tapanui Clarke, John, Clinton Clarke, Peter, Brooklands, Clinton Clarke, William, Toiro Cleghom, John, Kelso Clements, E., and Sons, Popotunoa Clent, Philip, Balclutha Cochrane Bros., Toiro Cockburn, J. G., Te Houka .. Collins, Robert H., Popotunoa Comer, Mrs. A. P., Wharetoa Conn, William, Waipahi Cooper and Sons, Waikoikoi Corbett, Simon, Clinton Couston, Angus, Clinton Couston, Edmund, Toiro Couston, James, Ashley Downs Cox, James, Clydevale Craig, II. G, Pomahaka Craigie, William IL, Owaka Crawford, G., Waikoikoi Crawford, Jamos, Waikoikoi Crawford, Samuel, " Dal very," Tapanui .. Cromb, John H. D., Clinton .. ( .. Cross, R. L., Warepa Crossan, A., Kelso Crossan, D. and D., Kelso Crossan, Thomas, Kelso Cruickshank, Mrs. Margaret S., Rongahere Crump, Z. A., Kelso Camming, A., Pomohaka Gumming, G. and J., Arthurton.. Cunningham, G. W., Waikaka Valley Cunningham, J. D., Romahapa Curtis, R. W., Owaka Daekers, A. M., Pomahaka 556 1,532 810 8 123 26 800 513 853 297 171 224 1,278 880 540 1,678 58 480 279 222 144 250 123 334 137 (iOO 403 827 1.700 261 122 180 214 150 320 1 ,409 101 109 1,735 110 536 1,500 105 821 50 220 1 36 .1,110 609 1,803 1,098 234 Nil 182 1,656 1,305 176 760 660 036 Nil 280 288 221 302 427 1-78 401 122 217 884 I ,000 130 729 1,714 120 224 117 180 220 20 350 1,296 102 222 1,826 008 1,112 440 Nil 911 787 1,204 900 1,193 718 21.1 380 609 100 3,383 187 264 220 220 450 495 726 131 609 944 780 657 500 307 808 434 799 1,018 48 98 307 Clutha County— continued. Dalgleish, William, Puerua .. .. ' 505 Dallas, Charles, Te Kouka .. .. 150 Dallas, David, Balclutha .. .. 400 Davidson, William, Popotunoa, Clinton .. 523 Davis Bros., Kelso . . .. .. 549■ Davis, G, Waitepeka .. .. .. 40 Dent, G. J., Puerua .. .. .. 209 D nt, John (Executors of), Puerua .. 209 Dickson, Alexander, Box 18, Clinton .. 500 Divers, G. W. G, Clinton .. .. 337 Downie, W. E. D., Waitapeka .. .. 154 Duley, John, Owaka Valley .. .. 178 Duncan, James, Glenomaru .. .. 175. Dunn, John, Romahapa .. .. 91 Duthie, J., jun., Tahatika .. .. 331 Dynes, J. and J., Waikaka Valloy .. 363 Eason, A. A., Purekirei.. .. . . 102 Edgar, J. and J. D., Tapanui .. .. 1,26] Edie, E. J., Clinton .. . . . . — Edwards, John, Waiwera South .. .. 1,050 Edwards, L., Toiro .. . . . . 313 Edwards, L. J., Waiwera South .. .. 461 Fagg, W. E., Clinton .. . . . . 280 Fair bairn, It. H., Puerua .. .. 400 Falconer, David, Merino Downs .. .. 883 Farquhar, A. G, Purekireki .. .. 137 Fiirquharson, A., Chasland's .. .. 102 Fee, D. M., Tahakopa .. .. .. 520 Ferguson, Alexander, Kelso .. .. 345 Ferguson and Co., Kelso .. .. 190 Ferguson, Daniel, Kelso .. .. 684 Ferguson, R., Clinton . . .. .. 68 Findlator, F., Hunt's Road, Owaka ., 48 Finlayson, J. (Executors of), Purekireki .. 4.002 Fleming, G. P., Waipahi .. .. 070 Fleming, John, Kaihiku .. .. 772 Fleming, Thomas A., Waikaka .. .. 1,668 Forbes, J., Waitapeka .. .. . . — Ford, John, Tahatika .. .. .. 163 Forsyth, John, Katea .. .. .. .1.40 France, D. M., Waikoikoi .. .. 849 France, Robert N. (E. E. France, Manager), 333 Arthurton Fraser, Hector, Warepa .. . . 421 Fraser, R.. Waipahi .. .. .. 227 Fretwell, William, Waikoikoi .. .. 1,319 Friend, James, Tahatika .. .. 566 Fyfe, James, Waiwera South .. .. 205 Gainsford, T. G., Ahuriri Flat .. .. 277 ! Galbreath, A. M„ Takakopa .. .. 78 Gall, Archibald, Owaka .. .. 20 Gavan, James, Waipahi .. .. 147 Gawn, James, Romahapa .. .. 28 Gemmell, James, Romahapa .. .. 200 Gent, Elijah, Waiwera South .. ,. 501. Gent, F. J., Taumata .. .. .. 391 German, Sidney J., Box 9, Clinton .. 440 German, Sidney J., Wairuna, Box 9, Clinton 270 Gillespie, G., Purekireki .. .. 159 Gillespie, Thomas, Purekireki .. .. 219 Glass, Thomas, Ratanui .. .. 17 Gordon, D., Otokura . . .. . . 77 Gordon, J., Toiro •. .. .. 150 Gorman, George, Hunt's Road. Owaka .. 15 Gow, A„ Waikoikoi .. .. .. 736 Graham, James (Trustee of). Merino Downs 075 Gray, Alexander, Waikoikoi .. .. 471 Gray Bros., Merino Downs .. .. 1,001 Gray, Edward, Popotunoa .. .. 101 Greggan, Mrs. Letitia, Waiwera South .. 263 Gwyn, James, Tawanui. . . . .. — Hall, A. J. A., Clinton .. .. .. 900 Hall Bros., Clydevale .. .. .. 1,103 Hall, J., and Sons, Balolutha . . .. 12 Hardie Bros., Kakapuaka .. .. 809 Harris, A. T., Kuriwao .. .. .. 1,400 Haugh, Mrs. Jessie (e/o D. G Haugh), 380 Pomahaka Havard, F. D., Ahuriri Flat Hay, G., Romohapa .. .. .. 2.057 Hay, W. (Estate of), Romahapa . . .. — Hayes, Edmund, Waipahi .. .. 423 Hayes, T. M., Waipahi Heads, R., Waiwera . . . . .. — 169 115 580 009 839 39 238 233 500 682 288 241 250 90 282 544 105 1 ,460 917 1,050 348 600 390 18 913 392 175 459 408 78 854 226 40 4,642 Nil 759 2,094 277 506 128 713 408 1,282 550 182 1,027 948 2,730 225 769 664 176 240 465 105 2.258 157 390 256 140 1,030 450 550 484 345 1,400 680 252 251 90 70 209 277 Nil 290 487 370 478 200 194 43 82 149 29 757 980 407 1,091 501 221 80 1 ,020 791 20 231 1,530 183 ■ 652 810 1,190 659 530 204 782 770 877 34 Nil 2,854 Nil 420 281 290
No. of Sheep oa April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Clutha County— continued. Heckler, William Martin, Warepa Heffernan, Thomas, Pomahaka Hellier, J. A., Arthurton Henderson, David and Ellen S., Hunt's Road, Owaka Hewton, J. O., Ratanui Hocking Bros., Arthurton Hocking, James, Waipahi Houliston, A. J., Taumata Houliston, Adam, Kakapuaka Houliston, Robert, Kakapuaka Howden, James, Waikaka Valley Hudson, David, Warepa Humphries, Mrs. A. M., Romahapa Hunt, H. G., Clinton Inglis, A., Port Molyneux Ireland, David, Rongahere Irvine, Thomas, Clinton Jack, D. R., Warepa Jackman, M. T., Romahapa Jackson, J. A., Kelso Jamieson, Thomas, Waiwera South Jamieson, W. G, Waiwera South. Jane. A., Clinton Jeff, R. H. A., Clinton Jenkins, David, Kelso Jenkins, J. A. S., Kelso Johnston, Adam (Estate of) (c/o Mrs. Jane Johnston), Kaihiku Johnston, G, Merino Dowrrs Johnston, James, Ashley Downs Johnston, R. A., Merino Downs Johnston, W., Waipahi Johnston, William, " Greenhills," Kaihiku Johnstone, George, Tahatika Jones, R. M., Toiro . . .. ;. Jordan, W. S., Conical Hill, Waipahi Kain, G. A. and G, Wairuna Kean, Thomas, Kuriwao, Clinton Keo. A. G, Clydevale ... Kerr, G. G., Pomahaka Kerr, James, Waipahi Kerr, John Alexandor, Popotunoa Kerse, James, Kelso Keys, W. J., Toiro Kilgour and Son, Romahapa Kilgour-, J., Romahapa Kirk, J., Grrmbowie, Kelso Kirk, James, Kelso Kirk, James, Waikoikoi Kirk, It., jun.. Merino Downs Kirk, R. P., Kelso Kirk, William, Greenbank, Kelso Kirk, William, " The Grange," Kelso Kirk, William, jun., Waipahi Kirk, William, sen., Waikoikoi Kirkland, W., Chasland's Kirkpatrick, John, Greenvale Kirton, Thomas, Waikoikoi Kuriwao Station (J. C. Borthwiok, Manager-), Clinton Ladewig, J. G, Waipahi Lamond, James, Puerua Laughton, William, Pounawia Law, Robert, Kaihiku Lawrence, R., Taumata L iwson, W., Papatowai Lay, O. J., Kelso Leggett and Sons, Purekireki Leslie, Thomas, Katea .. .. Lietze, A., Waikaka Valley Livingstone, J., arrd Sons, Box 24, Clinton Lockhead, Robert, Balclutha Lockhoad, Thomas, Balclutha Logan, J. B., Kelso Logan, James, Owaka Macdonald, A. M., Warepa Macrree, J. R., Waikoikoi .. MacPherson, Mrs. M., Waikoikoi Maginness, Thomas, Owaka Magon, J., Romahapa .. .. Malder, David, Waiwera South Maindonald, H. F., Clydevale Marshall, A., Waipahi 200 33' 225 17 280 972 320 621 340 485 780 160 38 835 225 1,631 125 992 1,096 206 440 792 1,359 505 680 1,000 079 246 434 240 154 200 240 102 7,219 400 1,150 292 2.148 584 585 449 101 71 775 300 854 841 588 1.200 000 10 324 07 2,155 471 5,400 285 370 280 56 187 1,048 254 305 305 401 875 20 170 1,227 Nil 1,236 130 1,035 227 722 303 429 1,223 1,319 590 970 795 707 304 452 35 233 304 428 122 2,182 500 1 ,009 298 2,504 50 594 154 134 105 865 416 785 842 137 1,149 730 296 386 47 2,440 517 4,970 Clutha County— continued. Marshall, W,-, Warepa .. .. .. 1,308 Maslin and Son, Romahapa .. .. 95 Mason, A., Katea .. .. .. 137 Masoir, A. W. M., Pukerau .. .. 648 Mason, James Imrie, Arthurton . . .. 149 Mathieson, A. P., Clinton .. .. ! 989 Maxted, Mrs. H. (Estate of), Pukerau .. | 331 Maxwell, G. D., Waiwera South .. .. 159 McArthur, John B„ Clinton .. .. j 1,226 McBeath, Donald, Waikoikoi .. .. 1.93 McCall, David, Waikoikoi .. .. 580 McCall, James, Waikoikoi .. .. 851 McCall, John, Waikoikoi .. .. : 513 McCalliim, Mrs. George, Waiwera South .. : 480 McCallum, W„ jun., Waipahi .. .. 534 McCalman, Archibald, Tahatika .. .. 108 McCalman, D. and S. T„ Purekireki .. 1,378 McCalmarr, Donald, Tahatika .. .. 70 McColl, D., Rongahere . . .. .. 400 McColl, James, jun., Waikoikoi .. •. 763 McGrorie, M., Glenomaru .. .. 142 McCulloch, John L„ Kahuika .. .. 64 McDonald, A., Wharetoa .. .. 580 McDonald, Alexander-, Te Houka .. 590 McDonald, G. D„ Box 22, Clinton .. 454 McDonald, Ronald, Waikoikoi .. .. 108 McDougall, D„ Tahatika .. .. 143 McGaw, Hugh John, Clinton .. .. 1,180 McGillivray Bros., Kelso .. .. 1,408 McGovern, G, Rongahere .. .. 757 McGregor, Donald, Clinton .. .. 871 Mclndoe Bros., Wairuna .. .. 2,129 Mcintosh, A., Kelso .. .. .. — Mcintosh, Andrew, Otekura .. .. 422 Mcintosh, Daniel, Otekura .. .. 394 Mcintosh, James, Kakapuaka . . .. — Mcintosh, Jamos, Otekura .. .. 357 Mclntyre, A., Kelso .. .. .. 1.148 McKee Bros., Clinton .. .. .. 952 MeKenzie, C. W., Clinton, via Kurivvai .. 1,125 McKenzie, On, Clydevale .. . . 3 McKenzie, J. W., Clydevale .. .. 305 McKenzie, Mrs. Mary. Otekura .. .. 54 McKenzie, W. and S. W., Taumata .. 1,107 McKenzie, W. J., Waikoikoi .. .. 1,939 McKinnon, James, Clinton .. .. 1,361 McLachlan, A., Clinton McLatchie, R. L„ Owaka Valley .. 031 McLay, Jamos, Katea .. .. .. 07 McLay, John, Otekura .. .. .. 266 McLay, Robert, Merino Downs .. .. 534 McLennan, J. D., Tahakopa .. .. 924 McMaster and Munro, Chasland's . . 11 McNanrara (e/o Loan and Mercantile Com- 052 pany, Clinton) McNeill, D., Katea .. .. .. 150 McNoo, J., Pukcwhonua .. .. 882 MoPoako, William, Pomahaka .. .. 513 McPhail, D. W., Pomahaka .. .. — McPhail, J. and D., Clinton .. .. 359 MoPhedran,-A. A., Greenvale .. .. 964 MoPhedran, D. C, Kelso .. .. 201 MePhee, Miss, Owaka .. .. .. 307 McPherson, It. W., Clinton .. .. 476 McRae, Findlay, Puerua .. .. 350 Melrose, Robort, Waipahi Melton, G W., Clinton .. .. .. 669 Melton, C. W., Taumata .. .. 671 Melton, J. J., jun., Popotunoa .. .. 648 Melton, W. H., Popotunoa .. .. 639 Mercer, John, Waitapeka .. .. 529 Middlctorr, T., Owaka Valley .. .. 68 Millar, W., Clinton .. .. .. 463 Miller, J. A., Kaihiku .. .. .. 755 Miller, John, Owaka .. .. .. 315 Miller, Robert A., Clinton .. .. 338 Miller, W., Taumata .. .. . . 406 Milne, A., Romahapa .. .. .. 147 Mitchell, A. T., Port, Molyneux .. .. 205 Mitchell, J. R„ Clydevale .. .. 1,514 Mitchell, John, Owaka Valley .. .. 127 Mitchell, R. and J„ Waipahi .. .. 428 Moffat, A. H., Te Houka .. .. 346 Moffat, George, Te Houka .. .. 351 939 420 450 100 916 150 454 779 228 355 881 572 413 522 267 1,304 74 410 Nil 149 17 456 Nil 289 172 109 I ,04) 1 ,880 614 Nil 2,300 275 302 378 75 372 1 ,102 1,002 1,247 485 517 131 1 ,030 1,803 1 ,204 112 654 104 343 559 153 89 1,075 47 403 805 390 410 1,272 82 983 937 1 ,003 1,178 30 976 7,500 250 550 2,054 83 631 1,407 219 128 545 13 580 454 171 32 1,290 99 440 930 1,210 720 44 800 9,125 366 550 1,660 I 25 508 1,104 304 285 980 352 180 095 702 244 320 080 398 20 495 Nil 058 700 568 Nil 323 748 557 350 471 157 175 1,752 102 585 402 562
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Clutha Co unty— continued. Moffat, Robert, To Houka .. .. 460 592 Moffat, S. W„ Te Houka .. .. 486 704 Moffatt, W. E., To Houka .. .. 421 294 Montgomery, R. J., Ahuriri Flat.. .. 74 Moore, James, Kelso .. .. .. 399 560 More, J. and R., Warepa .. .. 440 385 Morgan, David E., Te Houka .. .. 1,300 800 Morris, George, Owaka Valley .. .. 55 93 Morris, Jesse, Owaka Valley .. .. 188 180 Morris, P. and T„ Pukerau .. .. 1,330 1,390 Morris, W. A., Pukerau .. .. 1,600 1,704 Morrison. Henry, Wharetoa .. .. 088 811 Morton, John J., Waitapeka .. .. 716 1,181 Mosley, Joseph, Clydevale .. .. 1,439 1,103 Muir, John, Clinton .. .. .. 012 Nil Muir, John, Kelso .. .. .. 30 Nil Munro, Jackson, Gore . . .. .. 50 50 Murdoch, J. A., Makarora, via Pembroke.. — 332 Murdoch, W. J., Puerua .. .. 127 99 Murrrey, James S., Taumata .. .. 1,142 1 ,102 Murray, Andrew, Waipahi .. .. 443 458 Murray, David, Clydevale .. .. 3,781 2,850 Murray, James, Kaka Point . . .. 418 500 Murray, Peter, Waipahi .. .. 2 Nil Murray, R. T., Waipahi .. .. 597 050 Naseby, C. A., Glenomaru .. .. —- 1,091 Neale, G. E., Galdorman, Waiwera South 1,357 1,470 Neville, Bishop S. T. (P.Newton, Manager), 1 ,013 1 ,704 Kelso Nowsou, .1. D., Clinton .. .. 426 373 Nichol, A. J. (private bag), Maitland, Gore 959 808 Noonan, M. D., Hunt's Road, Owaka .. 3 Nil North, Alfrod, Otekrrra .. .. 351 450 North, W. G, Clinton .. . . .. 612 O'Connell, Lrurcncc, Awatea .. .. 230 ! 200 O'Connor, William, Chasland's .. ... 90 100 Ombler, A., Puketero .. .. .. 31 56 Orchard Bros., Pukerau .. .. 429 625 Orlowski, J. A.. Clinton .. .. 498 279 On-, Alexander (Peter Orr, Trustee), Clinton 020 032 Osborne Bros., Owaka .. .. .. 317 388 Osborne, W. H., Clinton .. .. 197 490 Overton Bros., Wharetoa .. .. 3,600,3,272 Paisley, John, Wharetoa .. .. 570 67!) Paisley, R. A., Wharetoa .. .. 527 456 Parincf, H. E„ Waipahi .. .. 2,270 Pannet, J. S., Waipahi .. .. .. 1,249 1,310 Pannett, A. W., Ashley Downs, CUntoni .. 4,200 2,494 Pannett and Andrew, Clydevale .. -. 4,458 4,430 Parker, John H., Awamangu .. .. I 400 Nil Parks, H. P.,' Otekura .. .. .. 85 71 Parks, Mrs. H. M„ Otekura .. .'. 331 415 PaskeU, WiUiam (Estate of), Clinton .. 315 Nil Paterson, Av,.Toiro .. .. •• 198 Paterson, Malcolm, Chnton .. .. 1,052 1,036 Potter, Thomas, Greenvale, Waikaka .. 2,211 617 Powell, H. J., Wharetoa .. .. 1,237 966 Prebble, R.» Romahapa .. .. 212 145 Prentice Bros., Paretai .. .. .. 200 i 20 Price, G. V., Romahapa .. .. ! 141 I 128 Prootor, G. and T., Kakuapuaka.. .. 242 175 PuUar and Gray, Katea .. .. 250 339 Piiliar, Mrs. L.', Katea .. .. .. 98 166 Quinn, W., Tapanui .. .. .. — 1,919 Rabbitt, Patrick, Clinton .. .. 450 505 Rairrs, George, Owaka .. .. .. 132 , 135 Reid, Andrew, Waikoikoi .. .. 595 691 Reid, George, Waikoikoi . . .. 980 958 Raid, Mrs. A., Waikoikoi .. .. 1,202 1,262 Reid, William, arrd Sorrs, Toiro .. .. 29 Rendall, Johrr, Te Houka .. .. 1,437 Nil Ronton, Ralph, Balclutha .. .. 428 568 Richardson, W., Owaka Valley .. . . 367 ; 458 Riddell, Robert, Clinton .. .. 919 Riddell, W.B.„ Warepa .. .. 129 125 Ritchie, James, Arthurton . . .. 312 .'132 Rix, It. II.. Hunt's Road, Owaka .. 318 Robert, Andrew D., Kaihiku . . . . 215 348 Roberts, W. J., Clinton .. .. 1.389 689 Robertson, Alexander, Waipahi .. .. 1,147 1,318 Robertson, D„ Kelso .. .. .. 673 641 Robertson, David, jun., Kelso . . .. 807 779 Robertson, James, Nathro Farm, Waiwera 717 807 South Robinson, A. A., Toiro .. .. .. — 218 Clutha County— continued. Robinson, Henry, Toiro .. .. 217 Rodger, David, Tapanui .. .. 1,031 Roger, A., Owaka .. .. .. 277 Roger, G. M., Tahatika.. .. .. 352 Roger, J. A., Owaka . . .. .. 131 Rogers, W. J., Waiwera South . . .. — Roseveare, H., Clinton .. .. .. I 358 Roseveare, L. W., Waiwera South .. j 320 Ross, Thomas, Waiwera South . . .. I 295 Ross, W., Toiro .. .. .. 624 Rowc, Charles B., Clinton .. -.■•■• 030 Roy, John R., Clinton .. .. ... I 555 Russell, James, Kelso . . . . .. 582 Russell, James 10., Warepa .. .'.' 554 Samson, Harry, Waiwera South .. .. 622 Sarrford, IL, jun., Toiro .. .. 138 Scott, Patrick, Waikoikoi .. .. 310 Scott, W. and J., Ashley Downs .. .. 1,080 Scullay, John, " Wattle Park," Clinton Shand, D. V., Clydevale .. .. 1,948 Shaw, Percy, Ratanui .. .. .. I II Shaw, Richard C, Pomahaka .. .. -OIS Shearing, W. H., Kakapuaka .. .. 277 Sheat, A. J., Garton Downs, Chnton .. 1,696 Sheat, A. J., and Co., Clinton .. .. 4,495 Sheddan, David, Toiro .. .. .. 114 Shields, Robert, Puerua .. .. 130 Shiels, Robert, Romahapa . . .. 72 Shirley, Charles, Clinton .. .. 087 Sim, G. G, Toiro .. .. .. . — Sim, J. D., Purekireki .. .. .. 647 Sim, James, Purekireki .. .-. 1,380 Sim, O. 10. arrd It. P., Heriot .. .. 435 Sime, John, Awatea .. .. . . 200 Simmers, A. M., Waikoikoi . . .. 758 Skey, A. H. P., Tahakopa .. .. 49 Skinner, Eric, Waitapeka .. .. \ 267 Smail, Jarrres II., Maitlarrd, Gore .. ' 88!) Smart, Samuel, Waiwera South .. .. 0 Smellie Bros., Kakapuaka .. . . 920 Smith, D. IL, Waikaka Valley .. .. j 909 Smith, George 10., Taumata .. .. 386 Smith, It. R. A., Ratanui .. .. 3 Smith, W. A>, Toiro .. .. .. 85 Smith, W. D„ Owaka .. .. .. 130 Smith, W. II., Popotunoa .. .. — Snushall, H„ Clydevale. .. .. 2,700 Somerville, J. A., and Sorrs, Waitapeka .. 350 Soper, Samuel T., Te Houka .. .. 1,232 Souness, Mrs. Mary, Tahatika .. .. 70 South. Otago Freezing Company, Balclutha Spittle Bros., Waikoikoi ' .. .. ; 902 Spittle, Thomas, Waikoikoi .. .. I 094 Stark, J. arrd M., Waikoikoi . . ..' - 791 Stark, W. J., Waikoikoi .. .. 475 State Purest, Branch, Lands ami Survey : — Department, Tapanui Steel, H. 10., Clinton .. .. .'. 953 Steel, J. A., Kelso .. .. .. 302 Stevens, H. G, Kelso .. .. .. j 1,545 Stevenson, WiUiam, Owaka .. .. I 199 Stewart, A. B., Popotunoa .. ... J 581 Stewart, Gilbert, Warepa .. .. I. 518 Stewart, J. MoF., Kuriwao, Clinton .. j 1,304 Stewart, James, Warepa .. .. I 488 Stewart, Thomas Patrick, Warepa .. j Stirling, James R., Toiro .. .'.■■-,■ 445 Stoddart, A., Tahakopa .. .. 40 Stringer Bros.,, Kelso .. .. .. 18 Stuart, Alexander, Kelso .. .. 115 Sutherland, J. T., Hawthorne Hill, Waiwera 484 South Sutherland, Mrs. J., Kelso .. .. 212 Sutherland, R., jun., Kaihiku .. ... ■ 1,000 Sutherland, William, Clinton .. .. I 590 Swain, George, Wairuna .. .. 1,435 Tabor. 0. W. D., Awatea, Owaka .. 180 Tait, James, Pomahaka . . .. 350 Tait, M. G., Waiwera South .. .. 300 Taylor Bros., Clinton .. .. .. 2,854 Taylor, J. J. and W., Ashley Downs .. 3,450 Taylor, T., Wairuna .. .. .i- 1,116 Teiford, Thomas, Ofanomono, via Balclutha ] 3,580 Telford, W., Waiwera South .. ...j 8,462 Thomson, J. W., Waipahi .. .. 240 380 899 327 477 153 195 154 318 335 536 840 323 530 504 598 220 359 1 ,400 417 1,771 39 636 197 1,732 4,621 115 127 79 834 627 1,072 1,018 553 140 832 71 352 1,020 Nil 863 928 406 12 345 120 703 3,564 266 910 90 768 1,111 711 5)08 354 001 995 342 1,941 265 587 824 1,250 Nil 554 067 53 Nil 172 425 276 854 675 1,595 65 240 385 2,575 4,337 1,030 3,649 8,552 350
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 3( 1917. 1918. April 30, 1918. Clutha County— continued. Thomson. William S., Glenfalloch, Warepa .. j 2,588 Throp Bros., To Houka .. . . 1,205 Tilson, David, Port Molyneux .. ... 182 Tregilgus, W. H., Wairuna .. .. I 701 Trusler Bros., Conical Hill, Arthurton .. 221 Turner, Johanna, Waitapeka .. .. 3 Twaddle Bros., Finegard, Balclutha . . 1 ,275 Tweed Bros., Waitapeka .. ..1,187 Usslrer, F., Kelso .. .. .. j 950 Wadded Bros., Waipahi .. .. 831 Wagner, P. A., Clinton .. .. ..2,676 Waite and Taylor, Waiwera South .. ] 412 Walker, G. S., Kuriwao Gorge, Clinton .. i 1,108 Wallace, James Ure, Clinton .. .. ' 500 Waller, A. S., Waiwera .. .. ... 258 Ward, A. R., Pomahaka.. . . .. , 802 Watkins, P. P., Popotunoa .. .. — Watt, P. A., Warepa .. .. .. 991 Watt, Robert, Waipahi.. .. .. 411 Webb, A. J., Waipahi .. ... .. 2,036 Webb, P., Balclutha .. .. .. 192 Weir, David, Puerua .. .. .. 40 Weir, W. H , Tahatika .. .. .. 20 Welsh, Chambers, Chasland's .. .. 416 West Bros.. Clinton .. .. .. 800 White Bros., Waikaka Valley .. .. 982 White, R. S., Romahapa .. .. 30 Whitefield, G, Waikaka Valley .. .. 515 Whitefield, J. TL, Waikaka Valley .. — Whittaker, G, Balclutha .. . . 587 Whyte, J. P., Pomahaka .. .. 2,051 Wilis, J., Chasland's . . .. . . 20 Williams, Morgan, Kelso .. .. 360 Williams, T. A., Waiwera South .. . . 298 Williamson, Donald, Hazel Dale, Clinton •• 2,242 Williamson, Donald, Wattle Park, Clinton .. 67 Williamson, Janet, Clinton .. .. 600 Williamson, John, Waipahi Williamson, T. N., Waiwora South .. — Wilson, G. S., Glenomaru .. .. 1,791 Wilson, G. S., Glenomaru .. . . — Wilson, James, Te Houka .. .. 161 Wilson, John, Puerua .. .. .. 306 Wilson, R. H., Balclutha .. .. 815 Wilson, Thomas, Clydevale .. .. 407 Wilson, Thomas, Tapanui .. .. 688 Wright, G. S., Waiwera South . . .. 269 Wright, James, Glenomaru .. .. 187 Wright, P. G„ Ahuriri .. . . .. — Wright, Simon, Balclutha .. .. 85 Wright, W. E., Owaka .. .. .. 559 Young, David, Arthurton .. .. 858 VToungson, James M., Kuriwao, Clinton .. 254 2,880 791 234 732 330 Nil Nil 450 909 800 3,182 432 1,130 707 234 1,100 131 1,000 435 1,801 261 56 Nil 462 925 899 270 655 523 404 1,900 48 425 365 2.193 Nil 600 817 355 777 424 10 351 597 504 998 563 264 87 329 590 903 364 Tuapeka County— continued Black, John, Waitahuna Blaikie, Hugh, Crookston .. Blaikie, W., Waitahuna Blair, David, Tuapeka Mouth Blathwayt, C. P. J.. Beaumont Brensell, TL, Heriot Brows ter, A. G, Waitahuna Brook, G. W., Evans Flat Brook, Philip IT. and M. A., Evans Flat .. Brown, J. IC, Waitahuna Brown, James, Tuapeka Mouth .. Brown, John P., Lawrence Brown, Robert and William, Waitahuna . . Bruce, James, Waitahuna Brydie Bros., Lawrence Brydie, Robert, Lawrence Bulfin, J. A., Tuapeka West Bulfin, Robert and W., Tuapeka West Caff ell, W„ Edievale Cahill, M„ Mount Benger Cameron, Alexander, Tapanui Cameron, John, Lawrence Cameron, Mrs. A., Island Block Cameron, W. and J., Waitahuna Campbell, Alexander, Kononi Carr, Mrs. Johanna, Waitahuna Gully Carson Bros., Evans Flat Cassidy, Charles, Heriot Olivers Bros., Lawrence Clack, H. E. A., Heriot Clack, Mrs. E. M., Park Hill, Heriot, Cleghorn, D. D. and James, Tapanui Cockburn, G, Roxburgh Colquhoun, W. J., Lawrence Corry, Thomas M. (S. Gorry, Manager), Waitahuna Cotton, Robert, and. Son, Waipori Co won, John, Waitahuna .. ,.. Cowie, Robert, Weatherstone Craig, W. S., Roxburgh Crane, Joseph, Waitahuna Cranley, P., Wcthorstone's Crawford, D. M., Forsyth Crawford, S. N., Tapanui Cross, C. T. A., Tuapeka Mouth Gross, H., Pomahaka Crossan, Robert, Roxburgh Crowley Bros., Whonuakoa Crozier, H. B., Waitahuna Crozier-, T. J., Waitahuna Crump, J. C, Waitahuna Crump, P. H., Waitahuna Oullen, W., Crookston Gumming, Daniel, Whenuakoa Curry, J., Heriot Curry, John, Pomahaka Cuthbertson, H. G, Ettrick Guttler, M. and J., Waitahuna Dackers, David, Pomahaka, Tuapeka Dale, W. G, Tapanui .. Dalziel, L., Tuapeka West Davidson, Thomas, Waitahuna West Davies, A. G., Konini Dickison, J. and W., Pomahaka Dillon Bros., Heriot Donaldson, J., Roxburgh Drennan, Thomas, Lee Stream Duff Bros., Edievale Duffy, M., Tapanui Duncan, P. G., Island Block Dunlop, J. P., Heriot Edgar, G M., Beaumont Edgar, David D., Tapanui Edgar, James, Tapanui.. Edie Bros., Edievale Edie, John, Kononi Edwards, T. H., Tapanui Elder, John, Roxburgh or Dumbarton Elliott, James, Ettrick Elliott, Matthew, jun., Roxburgh Eskdale, John, Tapanui Eskdale, Peter-, Tapanui Eskdale, W. B., Tapanui Fahey Bros., Evans Flat Fahey, James, and Sons, Tuapeka West .. 38 859 162 458 168 1,802 215 945 356 700 100 85 700 297 800 270 573 1,561 1,108 1,568 350 700 2,047 484 23 631 461 1,013 Nil 992 202 150 Nil 2,000 457 45 649 310 125 80 499 294 1,011 334 797 1,317 1,364 6 1,544 Nil 611 2,260 450 Nil 850 544 1,218 284 Nil 200 200 405 374 300 5 188 446 354 13,082 313 1,816 240 1,985 12,934 250 1,847 233 2,050 50 212 Nil 671 107 678 300 194 429 821 380 1,550 838 Nil ■ 210 2,155 950 336 365 733 759 1,410 999 301 2,420 1,438 7,066 176 137 1,334 308 1,330 747 3,050 1,359 132 678 3,240 3,032 661 52 26 5,291 814 163 77 606 167 745 248 223 422 858 288 1,436 456 107 370,082 391,024 TUAPEKA COUNTY (In Clutha Subdivision). Acton-Adams, R., Heriot .. .. 38,542 Adams, Henry, Heriot .. .. .. 1,320 Adams, J. W,, Heriot .. .. .. 867 Aitcheson, It., Heriot . . .. .. 570 Allen, Joseph, Kononi . • .... .. 230 Anderson, William, Weatherstone .. 56 Armstrong, A. S., Roxburgh .. .. 1,354 Armstrong, Mrs. S., Miller's Flat .. 388 Atkin, (J., Tapanui .. .. .. 94 Atkinson, If. A., Tuapeka .. .. 546 Bain. W„ Dumbarton . . .. .. 302 I Barclay, David, Tuapeka Mouth .. 223 Barclay, J. W., Dunrobin .. .. 839! Barclay, W. W., Rae's Junction . . .. — Barron, G. A., Waitahuna .. .. 1,300 Bartlett, George, Waitahuna .. .. 538 .Batoman, A. 10., Waitahuna . . .. 127 Bathgate, Charles, Crookston .. .. 834 .Heighten, James, Rae's Junction .. 30 Bellamy, Jacob, Tapanui •• .. — Bellauey Bros., Kononi.. .. .. 298 Benington, W. B.. Waitahuna .. .. 594 Bennett, George, Box 7, Miller's Flat .. 2,577 Bennett, Miss Jean, Rae's Junction . . 17 Berresford, Mrs. Margaret, Dunrobin .. 428 Birch, Albert (Executors of), Box 17, Rox- 276 burgh 1,990 850 39,980 1,081 1,979 090 246 09 1,515 447 I (15 499 367 51 ! 1,121 2,854 1,307 586 121 826 42 29 546 453 3,108 27 423 286 326 347 1,360 763 805 1,721 1,210 7.060 141 95 1,219 1,328 1,419 3,245 1,435 132 761 2,226 3,201 788 61 23 4,994 702
No. of i April 30, 1917. iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. ■■ -, , , i Tuateka County— continued. Ferguson, Malcolm, Crookston .. .. 1,468 Findlay, James, Heriot .. .. 270 Finlay Bros., Dunrobin .. .. 2,005 Flannery, F., Evans Flat .. .. 2,105 Fleming Bros., Crookston .. .. 1,873 Fleming, David, Crookston .. .. 424 Flett, H„ Waitahuna Eraser-, Alexander, Forsyth .. .. 122 Fraser, David Tuapeka Mouth Fraser, Mrs. A. M. B. (Adam McDorrald, 6,969 Manager). Miller's Flat French Bros., Forsyth .. .. • • 340 Galbraith, J., Whenuakoa .. .. 57 Galvin, James, Roxburgh .. .. 154 Geeves, R. T., Beaumont . . .. 100 George Bros., Roxburgh, Tuapeka .. 30 Girvan, Moses, Whenuakoa .. .. 323 Gordon, Alexander, and Son, Roxburgh .. 2,197 Gordon, George, Park Hill .. .. 200 Graham Bros., Miller's Flat .. .. , 526 Gray, 10. J., Miller's Flat .. .. 1,367 Gunn, Donald G, Goal Greek Flal .. | 645 Haig. P. A., Hazel Bank, Alexandra .. 1,781 Hall, F., Waitahuna Gully .. .. 40 Hall, G. P., Waitahuna. . .. .. i Hall, It. G, Tuapeka West .. ..j 816 Hancox, A. D., Tapanui .. .. 206 Hancox, W. T., Tapanui .. .. 457 Hand, James, Miller's Flat .. .. ! 156 Harris, John, Heriot .. .. .. j 1,202 Harris, John J., Roxburgh .. ' .. 2,809 Harris, Mrs. A. G., Roxburgh .. .. 1,934 Hart, Ernest, Whenuakoa .. ... 538 Haugh, A. and J.. Weir Park, Crookston 550 Haugh, A. V. W., jun., Br-ookiield, Crookston 531 Haugh, G. N., Heriot .. .. .. , 426 Haugh, J., Edievale .. .. .. 11,519 Haugh, J., jrrrr., Mill Farm, Heriot .. I 22 Haugh, J. L., Dunrobin .. .. 200 Haugh, W., Crookston . . .. .. 640 Haughton, George, Roxburgh .. .. 1,410 Haughton, J. H., Roxburgh .. .. 1,692 Hay, Peter, Tapanui •. • • • • 110 Hayman, Ernost W., Holm Farm, Tuapeka 580 Mouth Hayman, Ernest W., Tuapeka Mouth .. 220 Heath Bros., Dunrobin .. .. 2,609 Herbert, A, S., Kelso .. .. .. 3,415 Herbert, 10. (!., Kelso Herbert, J. L., Kelso .. .. .. 4.490 Herbert, John P., " Marama," Hert/u .. 1,200 Hill, G, Crookston .. .. .. ; 574 Hiscock, P., Roxburgh .. . . .. : 53 Hoaro, Michael, Craigedaohie, Beaumont .. 384 Hogg, John, and Sons, Evans Flat .. 1,374 Homier, Mrs. B., Miller's Flat, .. .. 150 Hore, W. M.. Blue Spur .. .. 442 Ho wa (. G, Tapanui .. .. .. 424 Howat, H., Tapanui .. .. .. 399 Howell, Mrs. Gertrude, Lee Stream .. 881 Howell, Thomas, Leo Stream .. .. 2,769 Howell, Thomas Henry, Lee Si rerun .. 714 Hunt, Michael, Evans Flat .. .. 960 Hunter- Bros., Whonuakoa .. .. 215 Hunter, It., Whenuakoa .. .. 282 Hunter. Robert, Whenuakoa .. .. 378 Hyde, R. E., Island Block Isteed, James W., Tapanui .. .. 117 Jack, R. H„ Pomahaka .. .. 432 Jane, Alfred, sin., Moa Flat .. .. 1,054 Jane and Jones, Moa Flat, Heriot .. 330 Jane Bros., Moa Flat, Heriot, .. .. 1,241 Jones, S. L. (c/o Toad Bros.), Heriot Kealey, G, Crookston .. .. .. 848 Keenan, Daniel, and Sorrs, Tuapeka Mouth 1,978 Keir, David, Tapanui .. .. • • ; 452 Kell, W., Waitahuna .. .. .. 928 fCemplhorne. S. J. ().. Parkhill .. .. 1,994 Kerr, John, Miller's Flat .. .. 300 Kinaston, It. T., Roxburgh .. .. 1,206 King, H. H. F. S., Waitahuna Kirk, David, Tapanui .. . • .. 177 Kirk, Mra. Agnes F., Tapanui .. .. 437 Knarston, J. D., Evans Flat .. .. 490 Labes Bros., Whenuakoa .. ■ i ' 500 1 1,523 331 1 ,808 ! , 3,178 I 1,980 ! 441 238 127 300 7,421 444 71 140 143 66 309 2,515 200 030 I ,302 • 547 1,217 20 26 I ,080 188 475 147 1,145 3,074 2,139 530 470 707 672 1,620 5 236 025 I ,656 1 ,523 50 Nil T uAi'EKA County— continued. Labes, W. F., Whenuakoa Lane, E., Kononi Leary. A. C, Evans Flat Lindsay, W., Miller's Flat Linklater, George, Waitahuna Lisohner, Mrs. M., Tapanui Lobb, James, Lawrence.. Lockhart, Charles, Waitahuna Love, G. M., Moa Flat, Heriot Lucas, Charles F., Tuapeka Mouth Lusk, W.'H., jrrrr., Crookston Lyons, Daniel, Lawrence Maodonald, Roderick, Miller's Flat Macpherson, A. J., Roxburgh Martin, John, Whenuakoa Matheson, George (Executors of), Lawrence Matheson, J. E., Tapanui Matheson, Mrs. M., Lawrence Mathias, H. R., Whenuakoa, Tuapeka May, G, Heriot McArrlcy, Mark, Tapanui McCaw, Robert, Waitahuna McClelland, It. J., Miller's Flat .. .McClelland, Samuel, Heriot McClusky, 0. TO., Weatherstone McColl, Donald, Tapanui McCorkindale, D., Waitahuna McCorkindale, Robert, Waitahuna McDonald Bros., Heriot McDonald Bros., Heriot McDonald Bros., Waipori McDonald, I)., Waitahuna McDonald, Duncan, Rae's Junction McDorrald, John, Tapanui McDonald, M., Roxburgh McDonnell, James, Kelso McDuff, Johrr, Kelso McElwairr, S. R., Heriot McEwarr, Johrr, Roxburgh McGillrvray Bros., Kelso McKay, A., Park Hill McKay, Alexander, Pomahaka McKay, Hugh, Pomahaka McKenzie, A., Moa Flat McKenzie, D. S., Heriot McKenzie, F. A., Pomahaka .. McKenzie, Finlay, Beaumont McKenzie, J. A. D., Crookston McKenzie, Mrs. 10., Dunrobin McKorrzie, W.. Dunrobin McKenzie, William A., Park Hill, Heriot .. McKinley, J., Miller's Flat McKirrrrell, William, Roxburgh McLay, Henry, Whenuakoa McLay, W. T., Beaumont McLennan, D., Dunrobin McLoughlin, George, Evans Flat.. McMillan, A. M., Waitahuna McMillan, W., Tuapeka West McMullan, W., Weatherstone MeNoilly, D., Blue Spur McRitchic, N., Heriot .. MeStay, S., Waitahuna . McVeigh, Charles, Hcrioi McVeigh, Charles, Dusky Run, Heriot Middleton, 0. G, Waitahuna West Milligan Bros., Crookston Milne, William, Rae's Junotion Mitchell, Charles William, P.O., Outram .. Mitchollc, Thomas P., Roxburgh.. Moffatt, Archibald, Rae's Junction Monour, A. M., Heriot Mullanc, 1)„ Miller's Flat Mundell, W. A., Evans Flat Munro, D-, Lawrence .. . . ,. Munro, Finlay, jrrrr., Tuapeka Plat Murdoch, G. EL, Waitahuna Murney, 10. H., Tapanui Murray, Robert, It., Waitahuna West Noble, W. J„ Waitahuna Nott, John T\, Roxburgh O'Connor, Mrs. M., Heriot O'Leary, Donald, Waitahuna Oliver, R., Dunrobin Ottrey, E. T., Heriot I 203 275 1,441 535 560 302 1,232 1,100 1,935 2,729 950 152 379 205 2,865 528 805 100 52 566 i ,738 51 19 302 375 667 758 615 I ,958 450 521 I ,535 904 8 753 152 I ,794 1,918 410 815 408 1,105 800 80 81 275 1,040 1,140 685 1,929 2,237 386 1 ,613 1 .043 214 667 805 42 415 614 115 4,690 181 502 1,927 549 560 326 1,573 1 ,220 2,517 3,230 1 ,047 271 214 515 314 2,887 031 975 129 Nil 712 1,942 45 202 20 300 461 548 1,575 475 3,153 Nil 507 1,510 930 Nil 908 138 2,031 1,304 550 864 Nil 1,043 902 120 Nil 321 1,523 1,230 730 2,088 2,232 422 1,900 1,203 245 1,187 Nil 39 369 856 178 Nil 3,585 357 547 121 1,414 58!) Nil 568 1,196 Nil I ,000 41 3,005 1,269 489 113 Nil 1,225 242 330 2,036 000 2,424 4,603 4,900 Nil 2,277 025 80 278 I , 558 180 054 428 503 777 3,385 710 966 330 Nil 719 1,332 21 304 995 420 1 ,300 231. 1 ,053 1,90!) 459 930 2,330 -152 1,240 89 260 543 578 489 I 402 11-1 1,226 660 3.030 Oil 1,315 870 8.50 92 2,010 I .081 805 30 03 I ,014 357 000 1,890
No. of Sheep on April 3(1,1 April 30. 1917. | 1918. No. of f April 30, 1917. 5heop on April 30, 1918. TUAPEKA County— ccntinue I. Oudailie, George, Palmer, W., Waikouaiti Pannett, T. A., Roxburgh Park, John G., Kelso Park, W., Waitahuna (o/o Waters, Ritchie, arrd, Co., Dunedin) Parker, D. H., Roxburgh Parrirtt, 10., Hakataramea Paterson, James, Tapanui Paul, Mrs., Waitahuna Parrl, W. J., Heriot, Pearson, William, Lawrence Porriam, J. W., Heriot Pittaway, Mrs. Maud, Clover Hill, Beaumont Potts Br-os., Law ence Potts, David D., Tapanrri Potts, Robert, Crookston Preston, D., Tapanui Pringle, John (Trustees of), Crookston Pullar, James, Crookston Ramsay, W., Crookston Read, P. T., Whenuakoa Real, John, Tuapeka West Revie, Archibald, Crookston Richards, John, Auctioneer, Roxburgh Richardson Bros., Miller's Flat Ridded, R., Island Block Ridley, IT. S., Manuku Creek .. ... Roberts, A. P., Miller's Mat Robertson, Alexander, Crookston Robertson, Andrew, Evans Flat Robertson, Malcolm, Tapanui Robertson, P. P. A., Lawrence Rodger, J. D., Pomahaka Rodger, Mrs. M., Tapanui Rodger, R. A., Tapanui.. Rogers, Mrs. Sarah, Tuapeka Mouth Rose, Mrs. L., Waitahuna .Roughan Bros., Whenuakoa Roughan, 0., Waitahuna West .. .. Roughan, Jamos, Waitahuna West Roughan, Michael, Miller's Plat Roughan, W., Waitahuna West Rowe, Alfred, Waitahuna Ryan, J. M., Craigelachie, Beaumont Saxon, Georgo P., Beaumont, Tuapeka Scanlan, E. J., Beaumont Shanks, Mrs. Sarah, Heriot Shearing, C. J., Crookston Sheddan, D., Tapanui .. Shiel, C. and W., Heriot Short, Thomas, Clark's Flat, Forsyth Sillars, Duncan, Miller's Flat Sim, J. B., Crookston Sim. K. (!.. Crookston .. Sim, Mrs. Thomas, Crookston Sim, Peter, Crookston Skinner, Robert, Tuapeka Mouth Sirrail Bros., Heriot Smaill, R. P., and Soir, Dunrobin Smith Bros., Heriot, Smith Bros., Tuapeka West Smith, James, Waitahuna West Spencer, W., Edievale .. Spillarro, W. J., Tuapeka West Stanton, John, Tuapeka West, Stevenson, A. L. W., Beaumont Stevenson, Ross M. P., Beaumont Stewart, John, Crookston Stewart, Mrs. E. W., Crookston Stewart, William, Heriot, Stiverrs, Alexander- P., Rongahere Stuart, George, Tapanrri Sutherland, Ronald, Lawrence Sutherland, William, Waitahuna Gully Swan, Adam, Heriot, Swanwiok, A., Weatherstone Tamblyn, A. H., Coal Creek Flat Tamblyn, H. A., Coal Creek Flat Tamblyn, J. P., Island Block Tamblyn, Joseph (Executors of) (John Tamblyn), Coal Creek Flat Toviot Estate (Tho Manager), Miner's Flat.. Toviot Orchard Company, Roxburgh Thomas, It. M., Kelso 150 2,880 22 ,060 482 345 522 2.100 385 935 I .001 I .055 I ,074 1,118 384 859 400 430 039 208 I ,301 292 552 I , 743 43 19.528 470 501 570 92 1 ,189 2 1,572 158 330 815 302 400 9 300 0 290 400 2,470 22,502 304 1,192 52 088 350 350 2,000 431. 949 1,544 1,231 1,045 1,304 Nil 900 412 591 1,050 181 1,320 30!) 017 Nil 107 Nil 580 348 070 98 967 10 774 407 214 801 217 301 15 080 3 366 3 Nil 187 008 190 2,347 520 450 1,028 1,113 1,027 779 108 4,400 1,718 313 930 099 900 1,216 917 834 294 585 2,057 558 115 3,994 8,530 030 Nil 02 29 909 45 465 Tuapiska County— continued. Thomson, Alexander, Kelso Thomson Bros., Lawrence Thomson, O, Kelso Throp, B. (I). C. Rose, Manager), Heriot .. Todd and Morrow, Heriot Todd, G. and J., Heriot.. Todd, Joseph, Moa Plat Falls Tonkin, W. J. (Executors of) (Charles McLean), Ettrick 'Topham, C, Miller's Flat Treacy Bros., Tuapeka West Tubman, Mrs. M., Dumbarton Turnbull, George, Pomahaka Upton, P. G. R. ('Trustees of) (R. J. Martin, Manager), Island Block Vincent, Thomas, Tapanui Walker-, James, Island Block Walker, John, Tapanui Walker, Mrs. D., Miller's Flat Walker, W., Heriot Walker, W., jun., Heriot Wallace, J. A., Waitahuna Watson, Campbell, Coal Creek Watson, R. G., Roxburgh Watson, S. C, Bellamy, Evans Flat Webster, John, Waitahuna West Westcott, W. and R., Dumbarton Whelan, F., Waitahuna Whelan, Thomas, Roxburgh White, P. 10., Beaumont Whyte, A. R., Tapanrri.. Wilde, Arthur, Waitahuna Gully.. Wilkins, Mrs, K. T., Moa Flat Williams, T. 1]., Tuapeka West Williams, W. D., Crookston Winnrrll, !!., Lawrence Winslow, Gilbert, Roxburgh Wood, Mrs. E., Beaumont Wootlhouse, Mrs. 10., Waitahuna Wool I house, R. G, Roxburgh Wright, Sinclair, Tuapoka Xardley, It., Heriot, Moa Plat Yorrrrg, Samuel, Tuapeka West 1 ,325 390 924 14,200 3,337 2,061 2,300 909 1,415 1 ,314 224 1,668 87 225 I ,060 305 274 337 476 279 87 754 I ,370 20 2,341 I ] 207 456 I .032 1,077 338 147 395 8,808 274 1,470 584 S.924 .1 ,858 I ,102 500 91.7 15,800 3,973 Nil 2,795 2,545 700 2,402 1,242 28!) 1,797 87 108 1,194 343 343 420 401 310 88 910 707 Nil Nil 1,740 02 Nil 400 1,750 1,713 493 144 515 9,918 88 1,133 008 8,005 I ,700 449,937 173,381 203 200 017 155 2,201 30!) 500 I ,375 710 1,330 953 157 4,400 I ,584 254 I ,403 832 907 I ,311 832 913 323 560 1.743 541 192 3,909 8,546 550 448 57 31 892 37 586 BRUCE COUNTY (In Clutha Subdivision). Adam, J. N., Clarksville Adam, '!'., Waihola Agnew, Thomas, Taieri Boaoh Alexander, James, Glenore Alexander-, Thomas, Miltorr Allan, A., Awamangu .. AUan, Andrew and James, Greenfield Allen, Mrs. Mary, Moneymorc Allison, A., Clarksville Allison, John, Moneymore Allison, John, jun., Moneymore Allison, John, jun., Pukepilo AUison, W. A., ClarksviUe Anderson, A., jun., Stirling Anderson, George, Stirling Anderson, J. G, Stirling Anderson, J. I 1 '., Lovell's Flat Anderton, Edwin, Milton Andrew and Battersby, Berwick.. Andrews, P. C, Waihola Angus, D. and H., Waitahuna Arricieh, A., Akatore Aiming Bros., Glenlcdi Armstrong, A., HiUend Armstrong and Stevenson, Milton Arnold Bros., Bishop's Asher, W. J., Lovell's Flat Athy, Andrew, Akatore Bagrie, Robert, LoveU's Flat Baird, Robert, Clarksville Bar-r-a, Frank, Raurekau Bartlett, 11., Raurekau Begg, A. 0., Pukeawa Begg Bros., Pukeawa Begg, John M. (Executors of), Pukeawa .. Bell, J. N., Hillend Boll, W., Waihola 131 181 104 50 2,031 423 1,137 040 100 434 105 140 170 220 43 1,005 301 914 000 919 50 292 1,370 08 363 200 too 308 207 255 83 58 510 1,588 423 J ,450 701 471. 394 III) 38 4!) Nil 313 158 I ,201 360 Nil 757 944 213 507 1,127 89 495 Nil 235 57 : - 20 I ,030 8,187 4,215 568 325 18 1,117 7,875 4,281. 1.7,192 579 Nil ,154 414
No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on Bruce County— continued. BeU, W. C, Puketi Bishop, A. H., Balclutha Bishop, F. J., Puketi Bishop, Thomas, Bishop's Blackie, Alexander, Kaitangata Blair, G. H., Hillend .. Blair, John, Awamanga.. Borthwick, Robert, Taieri Beach Bolting, F. A., Tuapeka Mouth Bowie, D„ Lovell's Flat Boyd, Peter, Lovell's Flat Brabyn, W. T., Clarendon Braven, W. J., Waitahuna Brocket, F. B., Puketi Browrr, Matthew, Wangaloa Bruce, James, Milton Bryoe, David, Lovell's Flat, Bunbiiry, Cornelius, Table Hill Burnett and. Hibbs, Manuka Creek Burns, Johrr, Awamangu Bustard, J. and J. W., Wangaloa Callanan, P., and Sons, Manuka Creek Cameron, H., Glenore Cameron, John, Glenore Campbell, A., Milton Campbell, Lachlan, Pukepito Cannon, J. W., Clarksville Cannon, Thomas (Trustees of), Moneymore Carlson, O. K., Clydevale Clark, David, Moneymore Clark, Herbert, IL, Balclutha Clark, Jasper, Lovell's Plat Clark, Samuel, Lovell's Plat Clark, W. and It., Clarksville Clarkson, A,, Pukekoma ('oates, Samuel, Greenfield Cockburn, W., Akatore .. Cockburn, W., EUiotvale, Moneymore Cockerill, Job, Milton Cook, David, Awamangu Costello, M., Table Hill.. Costello, N. H., Lovell's Flat Courtier, George, Glenore Coutts, George, Taieri Mouth Craig, A. and A., Greenfield Craig, John, Clydevale Craig, William, Awamangu Oraigio, Thomas, Milburn Crawford, Samuel, Puketi Cross, G. E.,.Tuapeka Mouth Cross, J. J., Tuapeka Mouth Crozier, W., Waitahuna.. Cunningham, Alexander-, Hillend Crrttance, H. J., Ururua Dods, T. G, Table Hill, Milton Douglas, A. W., " Tumai," Waikouaiti Douglas, Archibald, and McPherson, Hillend Dowdcll, W., Berwick Drake, J. P., Berwick .. Dreaver, W. L., Taieri Beach Drinnarr, D. A., Milton Driver, II. M., Clarendon Duggan, M. A., Waitahuna Dunlop, A., Lovell's Plat Dunstair, Joseph N., Stoney Creek Duthie, J. A., Lovell's Flat Duthie, J. S., Milburn Elliott, G. (Executors of) (William Elliott), Lovell's Flat Ewing, H. J., Greenfield Falconer, T. and D., Milton Falconer, Thomas and David, Milton , Parquhar, —, Manuka Creek Finch arrd Forrester, Milton Finch, Goorgo, Kaitangata Finoh, John, Milburn Finch, Mark, Milton Finch, William John, Milburn Findlay, Robert, Clarksville Plot 1, H. B., Table Hill.. Forsyth, Charles, Table Hill Forsyth, R., Milton Foster, E., 'Table Hill France, James, Milton Fraser, David, Tuapeka Mouth I I i 799 381 1,483 493 55 958 295 1,260 210 1,434 270 1 1,535 666 86 1,044 26 3,021 790 1,600 108 3,698 293 362 204 113 45 346 92 923 289 1,234 786 10 1,322 26 553 450 188 32 920 758 673 807 748 720 661 365 1,066 1,266 362 366 300 344 4,341 251 477 1,153 839 44 706 505 1,370 595 Nil 1,451 173 Nil 1,148 _ 803 118 1,008 133 3,591 200 698 2,490 301 1,430 465 537 90 291 30 060 272 814 304 1,288 1,080 743 8 1,450 42 445 Nil 591 166 12 957 940 581 800 909 793 7)0 377 940 1 ,530 514 3,420 330 160 4,850 24 530 - 300 667 625 353 1,300 608 475 Bruce County— continued. Fraser, G. and T., Kaitangata Freel Bros., Puketi Gage, Thomas, Kaitangata Gali and Riddle, Manuka Creek Gardyne, D., jun., Glenledi Glen, A. J., Pukepito Gordon, Thomas, Hillend Grant, David, Lovell's Flat Grant, Miss J., Glenledi Gray Bros., Hillend Gray, Goorgo, Raurekau Greening, A. H. B., Lovell's Flat Grellett, George, Taieri Beach Grey, A. P., Milburn Grey, George, Clarendon Grey, James, Milburn Grey, W., Milburn Gunn, Alexander, Hillend Hadfield, C. R., Greenfield Hagen, J. B., Milburn Hagen, Samuel, Milton Haggart, Hugh, Wangaloa Hall, George S., Lnvell's Flat, Hallum, R. A., Bishop's Halpin, Mrs. C, Lovell's Flat Hamilton, D., Clarksville Hanley, Michael, Clarksville Hardie, George, jun., Tuapeka Mouth Hardy, Mrs. Mary, Greenfield Harvey, George, Stoney Creek Harvoy, Mrs. Margarot Jane, Moneymore .. Harve}', William, Bonhar Hawker, It., .Puketi Heads, William, Lovell's Flat Healey, Bernard, Tokoiti Henderson ami Davis, Waronui Henderson, David, Awamangu Henry, John, Taieri Beach Hewitson, R., Lovell's Flat Hide, W. H., Lovell's Flat Higgie, Andrew, Taieri Beach Higgie, John, Milton Higgs, A., Raurekau Hislop, A. N., Waronui, Milton .. Holden, J. G, Milburn Holgatc, H., Balclutha Hollamby, Thomas, Raurekau Hunter, Samuel, Taieri Beach Hyslop, James (rural delivery), Greenfield .. Hyslop, Mrs. J. C, Waronui Inglis, Mrs. Ann, Milton Inglis, Robort, Glenlcdi. . Jaffray, J. H„ Milton .Icifrec, IT. T., Berwick Johnson, James, Wangaloa Johnson, T., Wangaloa .. Johnston, David It., Stoney Creek Johnston, It., Mount Stewart Johnston, T. A., Balclutha Johnston, W. J., Clarendon Jones, John IL, Awamangu Jones, Thomas, Greenfield Jopp, R. J., Clarendon Joseph, Robert, Taieri Beaoh Kell, A. and J., Waitahuna Kerr, W. IT, Moneymore Kilgariff, M., Milton King, A., Stoney Creek .. .. • .. King, Edward, Clydevale Kirby, John, Waitahuna Kliem, Karl, Puketi Lambie, A., Glenore Lavorty, Mrs. Ann, Taieri Beach Liddoll, Jarrres, Taieri Beach Lindsay, G. M., Milton List, Robert, Awamangu Little, James, Pukoma Lockhart, James, Moneymore Lockhart, R. G., Moneymorc Lockhart, William, Milton Lory, James, Pukepito, Balclutha Lowery, Alexander, Crichton Lowery Bros,, Glenore Lowery, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Lyall, T., Stoney Creek.. 383 1,050 285 1,413 1,423 405 2,153 183 15 1,612 103 424 280 206 120 800 842 917 37 14 8 290 545 212 428 311 504 807 224 70 393 518 102 51 1,300 47 468 391 387 100 470 300 310 Nil 1,415 520 1,883 230 105 2,365 Nil 436 254 Nil 123 Nil 847 Nil 1,260 230 31 12 196 630 272 384 101 Nil 995 410 19 470 795 107 01 1,290 305 361 967 Nil 489 305 268 765 774 305 172 390 736 43 251 203 340 329 528 551 768 78 302 Nil 154 1,087 I ,930 209 570 304 89 370 2,435 36 595 400 57 136 101 233 811 025 486 210 1,502 466 780 355 199 920 762 491 174 157 596 58 218 253 391 382 473 289 247 415 306 432 408 97 991 340 314 745 2,125 504 1,228 104 516 246 139 394 2,237 35 658 823 82 83 1,011 134 58 1,850 002 ' 30 Nil 349 292 337 3,157 380 63 55 450 1,151 70 373 220 391 1,019 3,090 164 38 92 340 622 25 57 100 365 059 534 1.200 213 1,017 293 707 526 165
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, | April 30, 1917. 1018. Bbuce County— continued. Lyders, P. W„ Pukekana .. ... 1.025 Lyon,'D. W., Awamangu .. .. 1,059 Lyon, Thomas S. G, Greenfield .. .. 709 Magon, P., Glenore Maley, Michael, Clarksville .. .. 158 Manson and Miller, Clarendon .. .. 330 Martin, Charlos L., Pukema .. ., ' 55 Martin, Edward, Milton .. .. 116 Matheson, William L., Berwick . . .. 521 Matthew, Charles, Milburn .. .. 82 McArthur, Neil, Table Hill, Milton McArthur, Robert, Awamangu .. .. 534 McCanrr, John, Tuapeka Mouth .. . . 394 McCorkindale, Adam, Manuka Creek .. 3,730 McCorkindale, Alexander, Manuka Creek .. 35 McCrostie, John, Lakeside, Lovell's Flat .. 5,796 McDiarmid, E., Kaitangata McElrea, James, Milton .. .. 467 McEwan, A., Awamangu .. .. 238 McFadden, W. R„ Milton McGregor, D., Milburn McGrouthcr, James, Milton McGuigan, James, Glenledi .. .. 1,132 Mcintosh, W., P.O., Clydevale . . . . 60 Mcintosh, W., Waronui .. .. I 529 Mclntyre, Donald, Cattle Hill Farm. Kai- j 444 tangata McKenzie Bros., Taieri Beach .. .. 1,130 McLaren, John, Table Hill McLaughlin, E., Greenfield .. .. 1,614 McLean, James, P.O., Milton McLennan, E., Berwick. . .. .. 1,097 McLeod, Jamos, Milton.. . . .. 220 McLeod, Mrs., North Branch. Milton .. '823 McNeill, H., jun., Milburn .. .. 53 McNeill, Henry, Milburn .. .. 388 McNeill, John, Milburn .. ... .. 120 McPhorson, Mrs. Mary C, Berwick .. 774 McRae, John, Puketi' .. .. .. 994 MeSwoeney, P. J., MUburn .. .. 746 Melville, Andrew, Lovell's Flat .. .. 150 Merrilees, Walter, Taieri Beach .. .. j 354 Middleton, T„ Wangaloa Miller, J., Balclutha .. .. .. 7 Miller, John, Milton .. .. .. 100 Miller, W. H. (Trustees of), Manuka Creek j 640 Mills, Charles, Post-office, Table Hill .. 187 Milmine, Mrs. L. E., Milburn .. .. 152 Milne, C, Taieri Beach .. .. .. 257 Milne, David, Taieri Beach .. ., 93 Mitchell, I)„ Wangaloa.. .. .. 513 Mitchell, John Muir, Wangaloa . . .. 379 Moir Bros., Ashland, Hillend .. .. 1.090 Moore, George, Pukepito .. .. 495 Morgan, J. and IL, Waihola .. .. 000 Morgan, Robert M., Balclutha .. .. 552 Morrison, A., Kaitangata .. .. 158 Morrison, Jamos, Kaitangata .. .. i 73 Morrison, John, Awamangu .. ,. j 358 Mosley Bros., Hawtlrornden. Inch-Clutha .. I 290 Mosley, W. A., Waitahuna .. .. 848 Muir, Hugh, Manuka Creek .. .. 303 Muir, J. P. (Thomas M. Muir, for Trustees of), 1,562 Clarendon Muir, John, Stirling .. .. .. 536 Murray, Robert, Clarksville .. .. 87 NeUl, John, and Sons, Glenore .. .. 668 Nelson, S., Stirling .. . .' ... 999 Newbigging, J. L., Moneymore .. .. 380 Noble, W., and M. Galium, Raurekau .. 020 O'Connor, John, Glenore .. .. 70 O'Connor, P., Glonmore .. .. 42 Orlowski, A. J., Waihola .. .. 81 Parker, John H., Awamangu Parker, T., Stirling .. . . .. 635 Parker, Thomas, Stirling .. .. 130 Paskell, Philip, Glenore.. .. .. 90 Paterson, R., Hillend .. .. .. 496 Patrick, James, Pukepito Downs, Pukepito 1,156 Paul, J. H„ Milton .. .. .. 437 Pearce, R. W., Glenore .. .. .. 157 Pearson, James, Glenledi .. . . 222 Peattie, A. H., Clarksville Pelvin, J. R., Manuka Creek .. .. 38 Petrie, J. W„ Milton Nil 901 028 1,015 158 826 50 179 Nil Nil 202 447 572 I 4,430 45 5,900 263 344 210 814 189 75 1 ,208 50 486 393 1,294 48 Nil 392 482 Nil 925 52 402 156 790 1,313 869 165 404 1, 178 Nil 155 Nil 212 317 303 113 588 Nil 1,231 350 027 471 394 318 303 124 1,300 201 2,005 Bbuce County— continued. Pitt, H. E., Greenfield Pope, W. B., Awamangu Porter, P., Milton Prentice, Mrs. James, Berwick Pringle, Robert, Milton Purvis, R. G, Raurekau Reay and Co., Waronui Reid, Donald, Milton Reid, H. S„ Balclutha Rendall, John, Inch-Clutha lthind, James, Cairn Road, Puketi Robinson, 0., Moneymore Robinson, John, Clarksville Robinson, Mrs. Ann, Moneymore Robinson, S. H., Clarksville Robinson, W., Moneymore Robinson, William, Lovell's Flat Robson, Allan, Lovell's Flat Rogerson, John, Mount Stuart, Rose, John, Waitahuna Rose. Miss Ann, Waitahuna Ross, John (W. W. Kerr), Pukepito, via Balclutha Roughan, C, Waitahuna West Roulston, J. A., Hillend Roulston, Mrs. Jane Jarvie, HiUend Rudkin, E., Milburn Russell, IL, Glenledi Russell, Thomas II., Milburn Salmond, John, Milton Sahnond. W. H., Milton Scanlarr, Mrs. Mary, Milton Scott, Charles, Taieri Beach Scott, David, Stirling Soott, John, Waitahuna Scott, Thomas, Clarksvillo Selbie, R. W„ Waitahuna Shale Bros., Clarksville Shand Bros., HiUend Shaw, James IT., Puketi Shaw, Norman, Manuka Creek Shaw, S., Berwick Sheat, W. J., Glenore Sheat, C. R., Adam's Flat, Glenore Sinclair Bros., Titri, Waihola Sinclair, Eric, Waihola Sinclair, Mrs. Julia, Waihola Sinclair, It. W., Milton .. Smaill, George, Stoney Creek, Balclutha .. Smaill, William, Inch-Clutha, P.O., Kaitangata Smith, C. R„ Glenlcdi .. Smith, J. Crossan, Lovell's Flat Smith, J. 10., HiUend Smith, J. M., Rosoneath, Wangaloa Smith, James, Greenfield Smith, John D., Glenledi Smith, Robert, Berwick Smollett, David S., Awamangu Sireddon, Robert, Manuka Creek. . Soanes, P. W., Glenore Somerville, J., Milburn .. Stanger, John, Clarendon Stool, George, Awamangu Stewart, Alexander, Manuka Creek Stewart, R. R., Waihola Stirling, W., Tuapeka Mouth Sti-uthers, Henry, Clarendon Sutherland. W., Waitahuna, Gully Symons, J. and S., Balclutha Taggart, John B., Awamangu Taylor, Joseph, Table Hill Taylor, W., Stoney Creek Telfer, Andrew, Greenfield Thompson, D. W., Table Hill Thomson and Lane, Milton Thomson, David, Milton Thomson, E. J., Dunedin Thomson, J. Y., Kaitangata Thomson, John, Bishop's Tough, James, Milton Trounsen, P. 10., Taieri Beach Tubman Bros., Crichton Tweed, Andrew, Lovell's Flat, Tweedie, W., Milton 360 860 555 924 .162 98 2,3.16 446 348 533 483 443 203 152 975 5,768 552 1,323 1,400 513 1,684 302 1,154 2,333 2.888 1,169 319 95 674 090 48 15 877 460 771 586 1,360 1,055 143 806 1,022 1,273 600 456 585 2.500 834 166 488 1,000 53-1 680 151 102 2,100 084 190 27!) 000 473 457 204 202 747 2,509 283 1,323 1,220 660 1,590 217 Nil 2,790 3.832 Nil 452 202 094 311 102 Nil 1,002 830 1,205 877 1,409 I ,405 130 927 1,689 962 459 53!) 515 3.009 859 77 1,771 468 501 513 3.270 437 2,717 294 11 394 486 204 200 7 1,823 556 801 308 1,660 942 667 Nil 4,180 Nil 2,398 304 18 Nil 557 5 381 12 2,040 585 855 102 15 360 332 150 732 120 503 703 Nil 424 225 217 54 717 540 24 010 119 379 929 372 072 26 Nil 84 380 706 Nil 107 1,002 1,410 395 Nil 286 30 47 71 325 246 • 180 491 641 740 200 192 155 232 43 520 280 32
H.—23. *
20—H. 23.
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Bruce County— continued. Walmsley, Mrs. E., Taieri Beach Walter, Mrs. R., and Sons, Berwick Waters, Don, Glenledi .. .. Watson, W. J., Glenledi Whalan, E. T., Taieri Beach Whalan, John A. G, Taieri Beach White Bros., Broomsido, HiUend.. Wilkins, T., Waihola Williamson and Son, Milburn Williamson, Peter, Milburn Williams, W. R., Milton Willocks, George, Milburn Willocks, J. D., Stirling Willocks, R. D., Balclutha Willocks, R. S., Stoney Creek Willocks, W. R., Stoney Creek Wilson, R. J., Milburn .. Wilson, Robort, Stirling Wilson, Robert, Ururua Wilson, V., Greonfield Winter, S., Post-office, Clydevale Wisely, A., Milton Wisely, Alexander, jun., Clarendon Wisely, James, Milburn Wood, James, Milton Wright, F., Milburn Wright, J., Bishop's Wright, W., Milburn Yorston, A. L., Waihola Yorston, T., Waihola Young, Isaac, Milburn 440 2,070 00 515 200 598 1,930 1,824 196 379 590 33 1,293 919 737 Nil 2,080 75 706 250 95 817 1,950 1,922 210 299 400 26 1,1.73 922 893 175 15 292 857 020 250 490 505 200 559 758 173 220 135 2g9 252,139 Lake County— continued. Gillies, R. C, Cecil Peak Station, Queenstown Gordon, John, Garston Gordon, W., Garston Grant, Mrs. Jane Geddes, Lower Shotover Grant, R. N., Frankton ... Greensiade, Robert, Harakeko, Otautau .. Groonslade, Robert, Waiau Road, Otautau Halliday, R. J., Mount Barker, Albert Town Hansen, Christen, Frankton Healy, Thomas J., Malaghan's Heffornan, F. V., Glenorchy Humphrey, A., Makarora, Lake Wanaka .. Houston, Thomas, Lower Shotover Hunter, Robert, Wharehuanui Ironsid, John, Pembroke, Lake Wanaka .. Jenkins, Robert, Arrowtown Kain, W., Arrowtown Kane, D., Luggate Kelly, Philip (Estate of), Arthur's Point .. King, Duncan, Cainard Station, Garston .. Kinross, Thomas, and Sons, Gibbston Koch, Charles, Glcnorchy Lafranchi, A., Cardrona Lafranchi Bros., Cardrona Loo Bros., Ben Lomond and Shotover Runs, Lower Shotover Lee, Leo, Lower Shotover Lindsay, Georgo, Pembroke Little, Walter, Cardrona Low, Charlos, Arrowtown Manson, Andrew M., Upper Shotover, Queenstown Martin, J. and W., Crown Terrace; Arrowtown Matheson, Robert E., Greenvale Station, Fairlight McBride, Alexander Hugh, Lower Shotover McBride, Francis, Frankton McBride, John P., Frankton McBride, William, Arrowtown McCaughan, A, (Estate of) (Mrs. A. McCaughan), Garston McCaughan, Archie, Glen Nevis Station, Kingston McChcsney, John W., Arthur's Point McChesney, Mrs. James, Arthur's Point .. McCormick, P., Queenstown MoEntyrc, Thomas, and Son, Arrowtown .. McKenzie, Hugh, and Sons, Queenstown .. : MoKinley Bros., Arthur's Point McLaron, A. and H., Pembroke McLean, Mrs. Elizabeth, "Dalefield," Wharehuanui, via Queenstown McLeod, Kenneth, Garston .. McMaster, John, Arrowtown MoMullen, J., Arthur's Point McNamee, P. A., Garston Meiklejohn Bros., Creighton, Lake Wakatipu Millor, Alfrod, Crown Terrace, Arrowtown MtUer, John, and Sons, Pembroke -.-.." Monson, E., Queenstown Muirhead Bros., Garston Mutter, W., Arrowtown Naylor, Frederick, Nokomai Siding O'Connoll, J., Wyuna Station, Glonorchy O'Fce, George, Arrowtown Parker, F. J. S., Athol Paterson, R. M., Mount Aurum Station, Arrowtown Paterson, W., and Son, Arrowtown Pearce, T. J., Pembroke Perriam, William, Gibbston Peterson, Charles, Athol Prior, W. G, Glonorchy Reeves and Acland, Cecil Peak, Sunnyside, Queenstown Roid, David, Gibbston Reid, John, Arrowtown.. Roid, Peter, Lower Shotover Reid, W. Si) Arrowtown Reid, William, and Sons, Arrowtown Rosta, Antonio, Gibbston Richie, John, Waitere .. .. Sainsbury, W., Queenstown 10,593 307 125 Oil 300 021 149 9! 431 100 368 1.45 250 31 175 4,285 3,090 37 12,000 608 126 102 ; Nil 806 475 057 444 Nil Nil 90 457 Nil 24 250 168 364 20 203 2,930 3,040 139 Nil ' 081 150 Nil 152 0,249 532 152 637 990 292 489 395 191 602 194 310 2,027 638 193 340 4,060 3,524 0.11 198 300 4,517 241,081 86 140 LAKE COUNTY (In Southland Subdivision). Adams and Harvey, Paradise Adams Bros., Paradise Allan, Dr. S. G., Pembroke Allan, John (Executors of), Arrowtown Anderson, R. P., Quoenstown Baird, G. D., Arrowtown Ballantyne, George, Mount Barker, Pembroke Barker, E., Pembroke Barron, Douglas, It., Arrowtown.. Boggs, Peter, Wairio .. .. Brodie, I)., Arrowtown Brown, J. W., Lower Shotover Bryant, 'Thomas, Kinloch Burnett, James, Half-way Bay, via Queenstown Butel, John, Arrowtown .. Butler, Thomas, Gibbston Butson, T. W. S., Garston Butson, W. S., Garston .. Chalmers, Mrs. Eleanor R. (Executors of), Gibbston Cockburn, J., Arthur's Point Gosgrovo, Francis, Gibbston Cosgrovc, James, Gibbston Cowan, Sydney 10. P., Gibbston Crorrin, Jeremiah, Glcnorchy Cunningham and Son, Garston Dagg, Mrs. B. W., Wharehuanui.. Davidson, T., Queenstown. Davidson, W., Glenorchy Donny and Swift, Cainard Station, Fairlight Duke, Stewart (Executors of), Creighton, Lake Wakatipu iOdie, John, and Sorrs, Glonooe Station, Arrowtown Elliot, Alexandor, Kinloch Elliot Bros., Wharehuanui Elliott and Groves, Kinloch Elliott, Roy Joseph, Elfin Bay, Kinloch .. lOwing, E. C, Pembroke Fenn, J. C, Queenstown Field, E. H., Contre Island Fitzgibbon, E., Arrowtown .. ... "Pitzpatrick,T. C, Arthur's Point Ford Bros., Aparima Forsyth, Charlos, Glenorchy Freeman Bros., Minaret Station, Pembroke Frier and Ruddenklau, Cattle Flat, Pembroke Geer, George, Pembroke .. .. 8,250 235 278 6 7,185 120 293 820 508 120 158 220 3,700 550 101 190 1,702 577 132 91 91 350 223 ' 230 30 227 Nil 6,610 404 303 110 8,000 227 274 00 Nil 100 199 191 ' 4,110 551 101 468 206 Nil 1,203 132 81 Mil 344 298 216 (i 198 1.0,524 5,350 9,421 181 1,650 9,242 58 371 4,520 15.1 3,986 156 27,000 6,340 137 10,1.00 30 24 645 4,250 222 420 549 1,803 340 186 5,217 122 8,868 210 1,501 8,200 (i!) 489 4,717 160 "Nil 3,704 251 28,000 Nil 165 97 10,670 32 25 : 74!) 3,748 325 500 570 1,257 . 400 . 154 4,195 123 104 4,172 0,060 13,510 13,000 4,045 787 12,405 Nil 13,439 1,21.5 2,620 521 1,489 Nil 248 220 Nil 279 6,467 5,082 153 2,982 259 233 83 47 3,812 384 285 160 55 10,330 2,700 440 1,308 .147 215 100 708 204 7,081 5,1.36 149 04 290 374 419 08 300 30 108 189 339 025 374 81 000 30
April 30. 1917. No. of 81 reep on I No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, | 1917. 1918. .pril 30, 1918. Lake County— -continued. Sargood, R. P., Wanaka Station, Pembroke 4,424 Scaife Bros., Pembroke .. .. 9,123 Schieb, Albert, Lower Shotover .. .. 327 Scott, A. W., Gibbston .. .. 182 Scott, Mrs. Henry, Glenorchy ... .. 0,960 Scurr, John R,, Cardrona Seator, Robert, Garston .. .. 294 Shand, E. T., Arrowtown .. .. 2,073 Shaw, W., Lower Shotover .. .. 144 Smith, Percy F., Cardrona .. .. 1,300 Soper, Samuel, Athol .. .. .. 1 ,034 Thomson, F. D., Pembroke .. .. 1 ,594 Trevathan, WiUiam, Pembroke .. .. 41 Turner, Elizabeth A., Lower Shotover .. 87 Vidal, J. G, Arrowtown .. .. 2 ,940 Von Tunzleman, Gertrude, Queenstown .. 140 Waites, G, Queenstown .. .. 425 Williamson, Charles, Kinloch .. .. 4,038 WiUiamsoir, Mrs. Sarah A., Garston .. 319 Wraytt, George A., Garston .. .. 281 4,597 8,120 172 1,989 7,354 73 295 3,162 Nil 900 1 ,290 1,120 41 80 2,939 150 380 4,042 341 365 Southland County— continued. Baird, Robert, jun., Myross Bush Baird, Thomas, Limehills Baird, W., jun., Otaraia Baird, William, P.O., Lome Baird, William, jun., Mill Road Ballan, Thomas, Waimumu .. Ballantine, Andrew, Kauana .. Baineaves, James, Myross Bush .. Barclay, T. H., Edendale Estate, Mataura Barker, Robert, Oreti Plains .. Barker, T. A., Woodlands .. Barker, Thomas A., Roslyn Bush Barnett and Barker, Forest Vale, Waimakaka Barnett, R., Slope Point .. Barron, William, Freshford . . • • ' Batchelor, G A., Dacre Baxter, J. and T., Wendon Baxter, W. and G., Waikaia Beath, Alexander-, Chatton Beattie and Sons, Titiroa Beattie, William Oswald, Gore Boaven, Mrs. Selina (private bag), Oporo .. Beck, James, Edendale Begg, J. G, Mokoreta Bell, A., East Chatton Boll, A., Kennington Bell, Frank, Brown's Bellew, Patrick, Otama.. Bennett, Charles, Pukerau Bennett, W., Otara Bennett, W. A., Glenham Bonnie, George, Spar Bush Biggar, A. (rural box), Waikawa Valley .. Birch, G. J., Kapuka Birch, Robert W., Kapuka Birch, W. H., Kapuka .. Birnie, W., Glenham Bir-ss, Alexander Birss, Mrs. J., Mokotua Bissett, A., Isla Bank Black, Alexander, Long Bush Black, William, P.O. Box 7, Waikaka Blackler, W., Lome Blackmore Bros., Morton Mains Blaikie, Andrew, Spar Bush Blaikie, Mrs. E. P., Ryal Bush Blaikie, Walter, Ryal Bush Blaikie, William, Ryal Bush Blair Bros., Otara Blair, James, Fortrose Blair, Robert, jun., Otara Blakie, Alfred, Lochiel Blakie, F. J., Ryal Bush, P.O., Invercargill Blakie, Robert, Lochiel.. Blatch, A. 10., and Son, Lora Station, Otapiri Blue, Dougald (Estate of) (c/o A. Blue), Balfour Bond, John, Freshford Bond, W., Freshford .. Bonney, W. H., Woodlands Bonney, William H., Woodlands Botting, P. A., Edendale Boult, A. E., Mandeville Bowmar, E., jun., Gore Boyd, George, Waimatuku Boyd, W. J„ Otatara .. Boyle, Michael, Grove Bush Bothorway, Alfrod, Clifton Street, Invercargill Brand, James. Wendon Brand, John, Lochiel Brass, IL G., Ness Street, Invercargill Brass, T. P., P.O., Toa .. Bravcn, W. J., Lochiel Breese, George, Ryal Bush Brewster, James, Tokanui Brewster, John K., Woodlands Brooke, E. W., Bluff Brown, A. H., Waikarra, Mataura Brown, Andrew G, Hedgehope Brown Bros., Invercargill Brown, G (c/o Colin McDonald (Limited)), Invercargill 642 160 730 1,006 1,497 209 473 325 578 133 Nil 450 200 1,295 1,701 508 376 510 600 500 4,407 90 815 931 102 852 243 298 207 165 381 8,657 184 145 406 122 '146 187 588 61 229 490 83 267 160 29 241 1,257 190 283 Nil 850 921 930 557 452 569 467 397 Nil 330 570 3,630 1 ,784 750 50 793 177 . 733 683 247 227 171 96 356 8,500 107 252,011 250,200 SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Southland Subdivision). Abattoir (the Manager), Invercargill .. 115 Abernethy, J. J. L., Gore . . .. j 450 Adams, John, Waianiwa . . .. j 220 Adamson, P. and J., Grove Bush .. .. 137 Affleok, Charles V., Oreti .. .. ! 1,117 Aim, William, Winfield, Glenham .. I 1,221 Aitken, Andrew, The Glen, Gore . . .. 97 Aitken Bros., Wendon Valley .. .. 877 Aitken, James A., Waikaka Valley .. 772 Aitken, Robert, Kaiwera, Pukerau .. 1,590 Aitken, W. A., Waikaia.. .. .. 1,344 Alexander, Alexander, Balfour .. .. 512 Allan, Prank, Hedgehope .. .. 562 Allan, Harry G, Wyndham .. .. 1,456 Allan, John, Charlton .. .. .. 304 Allan, Mary A., Pukerau .. .. j — Allison, Robert, Brydone .. .. 1,170 Allison, W. P. P., Limehills .. .. 211 Allott, G. W., Gore Allott, J. W„ Ryal Bush Anderson, A. D., Hokonui .. .. 1,307 Anderson, Alexander, Ardlussa, Balfour- .. 154 Anderson, D., Femhills, Harrington's .. I 47 Anderson, David, Dipton .. .. 120 Anderson, Frank, Grove Bush Anderson, George, Pine Hill, Mokoreta .. . 507 Anderson, George, Wright's Bush .. 1,238 Anderson, H., Hokonui .. .. 1.762 Anderson, H., Underwood, Inveroargill .. 77 Anderson, James, Wendon .. .. 672 Anderson, John, Fortrose .. .. 51 Anderson, 0. E. F„ Caroline .. .. I 787 Anderson, R. A., Victoria Park Farm, I 738 Invercargill Anderson, R. J., Kauana . . .. 1,538 Anderson, Robert, Pleasant Creek, Hokonui ; 530 Anderson, W., Dipton .. .. .. 1,276 Anderson, W. J. G, Freshford .. .. 755 Andrews, J. G., Balfour .. .. 30 Andrews, W. J., Five Rivers .. .. 1,564 Andrews, W. S., Balfour .. .. 416 Annan, John, Kennington .. .. 20 Archer, William A., Fortification .. 482 Argue, J. T. and J., Daore .. .. 274 Arklay, William, Gore .. .. .. 85 Armstrong and Gates, Wyndham .. 1,664 Armstrong, H., Morton Mains .. .. 90 Arnott, P., Soaward Downs .. .. 106 Arnott, Richard, Wyndham .. .. 62 Ayers, John H., Wyndham .. .. 619 Ayson, W., Waikaka .. .. ..1,167 Bailey, Robert, Oreti .. .. .. 1,475 Baird, Andrew, Lochiel.. .. .. 410 Baird, Andrew, Oreti .. .. .. 1,826 Baird Bros., Gore .. .. .. 224 Baird Bros., Otapiri Gorge .. .. 1,048 Baird, George, Fortification .. .. 914 Baird, J. and D,, Otapiri Gorge .. ,, 839 .325 861 495 221 800 938 120 1 ,850 718 1,922 1,027 1,150 1,204 2,863 310 87 935 00 335 24 1,506 Nil 43 160 500 540 1,254 2,050 Nil I ,000 83 895 447 348 123 479 91 268 35 159 309 249 168 25 15 1,341 130 41 715 1,263 486 555 309 565 368 273 447 382 3,539 1.478 1,635 1,000 1,254 504 25 1 ,474 523 Nil 320 550 Nil 1,31.3 276 259 62 718 1,251 1,054 300 1,654 031 896 902 693 350 240 30 7 54 255 466 673 900 31 1,002 380 276 30 Nil Nil 700 576 770 909 Nil 700 370 2,504 70 101 910 404 237 514 210 57 378 19 2,890 191 269 100 910 470 204 Nil 37 44 212
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. j 1918. No. of Sheep on April 80, April 30, 1917. 1918. Southland County— continued. Brown, Herbert, Brown's Brown, James, Pino Bush Brown, James, Spring Hills, Kaiwera Brown, James, Waianiwa Brown, Johrr, Longridge Brown, John, Waianiwa Brown, Joseph, Balfour Brown, Mrs. Isabella, Lome Brown, Robert, Lincoln Farm, Waianiwa . . Brown, Thomas, Wright's Bush Brown, Thomas, Tokanui Brown, Thomas T., Hodgehope Brown, W. JL, Hokonui Brown, William, Thornbury Browne, Mrs. 10.. Mataura Island Brownlee, Miss 10. M. R., Dipton, Southland Bruce, James, Pyramid Bruce, Johrr, Otama Brunton, 0. R., Haldane Bryant Bros., Tokanui Br-yce, Johrr. Dipton Buchanan, Alexander P., Johrr M., and D. R., Waimatuku Buchanan, Johrr, Brown's Buchanan, R. G., Gore Buchanan, It. S., Gorge Road Buchanan, W., Mandeville Buckingham, J. H., Waikawa Valley Buckley, Joseph, Waimumu, Mataura Bulling, Max, Toa Bullmorc, W., Balfour Bunting, T. C, Wendonside Burdon, W., Ryal Bush Burgess, John, Benmore Burgess, Thomas, Tuturau Burke Bros., Pukerau Burke, James A., Dacre Burke, Mrs. J., Waituna Burke. Patrick A., Winton Burke, W. J., Five Rivers, Lumsden Burke, William, Grove Bush Burnby, R., Mataura Burns, Hugh, Wendonside Burns, James, Pyramid Burns, Robert, North Chatton Burrell Bros., Wyndham Burton, A. P., Waikaka Butler, Edward, Riversdale Butler, J. J., Waipounamu Butler, James, Kingston Crossing Butler, John, Broadgate, Balfour Butler-, Richard, Balfour Butler, William (!., The Camp, Riversdale Butson, Samuel, jun., Parrawa Butson, T. W. S., Garston Butson, Vivian, Otapiri Gorge Butt, A. G, Limehills .. Butt, Albert, Limehills Butt, Richard, Benmore Brrxtorr, Henry, Ryal Bush Byars, Alexander, Gore Byars, John W., Waihaka Byars, R. L., Otama Calder, A. P. McG, Morion Mains Calder, Alexander, Waikawa Valley Calder, G, jun., Limehills Calder, George, Oreti Calder, John, Dipton Calder-, John, Morton Mairrs Calder, William, Woodlands Caldwell, W. J., Myross Bush Calvert, P. G., Myross Bush Calvert, Francis, Roslyn Bush Calvert, James, Roslyrr Bush Cameron, A. J„ Wendonside Cameron, Mataura •• Cameron, D. A., Mabel Bush Cameron, D. A., Nokomai Cameron, D. M., East Gore Cameron, E. A., Wendonside Cameron, Mrs. G, Mataura Island Cameron, Mrs. D. A., Nokomai Cameron. William, .Ferndalc Campbell, A., Waikawa 665 265 207 90 115 4,101 103 172 459 373 81 480 40 1,000 468 850 50 390 20 679 363 516 81 189 420 149 258 429 30 607 386 558 28 200 655 781 121 234 480 317 165 308 1,500 600 400 281 118 572 175 4,260 127 571 405 90 328 100 410 485 !)()() 053 I ,075 75 370 40 690 319 452 89 275 453 328 567 563 1,364 Nil 566 438 395 28 Nil 451 1,292 510 Nil 244 410 357 317 913 1,500 132 1,640 633 300 550 505 I Nil 1,422 132 133 53 1,079 3,850 1,712 3,114 720 275 597 300 847 1,734 00 1,235 351 1 ,085 600 1,349 1,043 2,122 22,000 750 1,036 80 3,000 304 82 Southland County— continued. Campbell, A., Wyndham Campbell Bros., Centre Bush Campbell, D. A., Oreti Campbell, J., Brydone Campbell, J. H., Mataura Island Campbell, John, Drummond Campbell, Johrr, Hiwiroa, Balfour Campbell, P., Wyndham Campbell, Thomas, "The Retreat," Dipton Capon, P. G., Woodlands Carlene, Johir, Waituna Carmichael, J., Mataura Island Car-rrrody, Michael, P.O., Gore Carrrie, Charles, Mataura Island Carson, R. G., Wyndham Carswell, A. 10., Wyndham Carter, George, Mandeville Cartwright, A., Waianiwa (tart wright, Robert, Spar Bush Cartwright, Thomas, Waianiwa Cartwright, William, Spar Bush Casoy and Oliver, Box 58, Gore Casey, E. D. (rural box), East Chattoir .. Casey, John, Otara Casserly, Johrr, Limehills Catto Bros., Pukorau Caulfiolrl, John, Roslyn Bush Caulfield, W. F., Dacre.. Chalmers, D. R-, Knowsley Park, Mataura (maimers, J. IT., Knowsley Park, Mataura.. Chapman, A. E., Ardlussa, Balfour Chapman, J. W. T., Cattle Flat, Balfour- .. Charles, Joseph, Mataura Oharlson, A., Five Rivers Chartres, R. S., Greenvale, Waikaia Chilton, George Edward, Drummond Chilton, Mrs. George, Drummond Chisholm, D. M., Brown's Chisholm, John, Grove Bush Chittock, Benjamin, jun., Waikaka Valley .. Chittock, W., Waikaka Valley Chittock, William, East Gore Christie, A. and F., Mataura Island Christie, Alexander, and Sons, Waikaia .. Christie, Charles, Fortrose Christie, William, Limehills Chrystal, Andrew, Lochiel Church, R. B., Balfour Clark, A. W., Ryal Bush Clark, A. W., Wright's Bush Clark Bros., Waipounamu Clark, D., jun,, Ryal Bush Clark, Franois and D., Roslyn Bush Clark, George, Edendale Clark, J., Waipounamu Clark, John and William .)., Tussock Creek Clark-, Mrs. Henry, Waipounamu Clark, Walter, Woodlands Clarke, Richard J. A., Kennington Clarke, W„ South HiUend Clarke, William, Morton Mains Clay, James, jun., Mokotua Clearwater, R. F., Mataura Clearwater, Robert, Mataura Cleine, James, Hedgehope Clcland, Thomas, Otairra Clelland, G. W., Benmore Clement, John, Pukerau Clements, A. G., Tuturau Clinch, Georgo, Limehills Clive, Mrs. Elizabeth, Spar Bush.. Clorrghly, R., Kennington Clouston, John, Gore Cochrane, Alexander, Edendale .. Cochrane, William (Executors of), Springbank, Otahuti Cochrane, William (Executors of), Spurhcad, Edendale Cockburn Bros., Mataura Cookburn, James, Spar Bush Cockburn, John, Waikaka Valley. ■ Cody and Sons, Riversdale Cody and Sons, Wendon Cole, Albert, Spar Bush 399 415 915 530 4 112 3,969 1,103 465 130 74 675 78 1,515 17 722 76 121 95 346 312 606 211 179 791 473 59 505 1,260 2,527 104 978 6,977 315 62 162 612 768 608 828 710 805 437 11 120 3,740 990 425 163 Nil 1 ,050 34 1,560 400 460 759 137 293 78 537 468 1,010 168 56 942 425 52 489 400 1,303 4,424 Nil 1,100 6,958 275 62 600 91 653 821 673 118 8,633 166 771 077 1,010 1,324 84 241 490 526 135 272 866 391 155 123 530 Nil 31 188 622 151 789 Nil 434 126 708 124 20 238 626 3,403 2,862 303 120 8,996 233 813 705 811 645 268 200 382 520 134 182 708 253 560 36 502 420 1,460 118 34 1,192 3.020 2,068 2,686 490 178 733 419 1,200 678 99 45 219 233 442 116 281 1,715 364 91 601 152 30 170 818 3,383 385 1,055 305 1,716 830 1,976 19,930 5,022 4,554 1,083 392 325 777 535 289 849 450 I , 120 250 3.000 324 73 1,902 365
No. of i Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. SOUTH r,A n D Co unty— -continued. Gollott, James IL, Brown's Collie, David, Tuturau:.. Collins, 10. 10., Brydone. Collins, W., Worrdonsido Collins, W. J. (Executors of), Arklcy, Knapdale Collis, G. A., Athol Oompton, Abram, Edendale Gonaghan, Mrs. Mary J., Balfour Corrcannon, M., Woodlands Gonlan and Wright, Wendonsido Connolly, W. J., Knapdalo Gorrway, Margarot, Haldane .. Conway, Thomas, Haldano Cook, P. G, jun., Edendale Cook, Johrr arrd Hugh, Wyndham Coombes, Christopher, Limehills.. Coombes, G. and G. T., Ryal Bush Coombes, Thomas, Ryal Bush Cooney, L., Brydone Cooney, Mrs. Maria, Longridge Village Cooper Bros., Gore Cooper, Charles, Goro .. Cooper, E. B., Tuturau.. Cooper, Joseph, Freshford .. Copland, A. G., Bushby Park, Waimumu. • Copland, J., jun., Otaraia, via Pukerau .. Carooran, Thomas, Waiarikiki East, Porndale Coster Bros., Hedgehope .. Coster, Henry (rural box), Invercargill .. j Counsel!, James, and Sons, Makarewa (loupor, William, Spar Bush .. .. j (looser, Mrs. J. T\, Mataura Island Couser, William, Mataura Island Covcucy, James, Grove Bush Cowan, Gutlrbert, Kauana .. .. | Qowan, O. W., Brown's. . Cowan, J. W., Limehills Cowan, Mrs. Elizabeth, Limehills Cowie and Brarrks, Limehills Cowie, Frank, P.O., Matai Cowie, Henry, Matai Cowio, Jamos, Balfour Cowie, John A., Oreti Cowie, L. D., Oreti Cowie, Lennox, Limehills .. ... Cowie, William, Balfour Cowie, William J., Centre Bush Cox, J. H.j Dacre, Morton Mains Cox, W. A., Kauana Craig, James, Mataura Craig, John, Caroline .. Craig, John, jun., Caroline Craig, John, Mokoreta Craigie, Jamos, Eden Farm, Goro Crampton, J. J., Mataura Island .. Crane, I., Ryal Bush .. Crawford, John, Pukerau Crawford, 0., Kapuka Crawford, W., Mataura Oroighton, Alexander, Driiinmoird Creighton, James, jun., Waimahaka Creighton, John, Waimahaka Creighton, Joseph, Woodlands Crengle, Mrs. E., Waianiwa Grongle, William Joseph, Woodlarrds Crombio, John, Kennington Crombie, Robert, Otamita Cromie, H., Balfour Cromie, James, Wendon .. Crosbie, F. W. J., Menzies Ferry Crosbie, George, Waikawa Valley Crosbie, James, sen., Quarry Hills Crosbie, James, Waikawa Valley Crosbie, Johrr, Menzies Ferry Crosbie, Josoph M., Lumsden Crosbie, William, jun., Tokanui Cross, Frank R., Mandeville Cross, Gerald P., Chatton Cross, It. and C, Otama Crossan, A. and J., Kelso Crothers, William, Gore.. Crowe, Joseph, South HiUend Crowe, Martin L., Limehills 154 43 215 948 104 5,575 22 350 2 859 440 327 102 1,288 1,0.12 03 103 406 555 711 986 785 135 1.499 i 2,499 1.052 1,433 547 340 496 050 1.079 243 2,117 460 I 15 55 771 730 530 1,800 828 1,074 628 1,008 891 1,222 39!) 700 213 405 742 1,100 711 197 I 55 114 029 249 272 59 1,559 1,075 297 '30 58!) 275 99 384 080 450 54 795 2,305 325 019 421 055 Nil 45 100 1,005 554 Nil 400 464 35 Nil Nil 392 102 787 I ,080 1,412 34 01 506 624 1,500 Nil 1,070 560 4,001 2,437 750 2,141 583 173 454 400 840 777 1,810 686 205 40 950 762 790 580 1,717 1,050 Nil 828 1,031 885 1,177 489 674 240 576 703 1,002 49 675 403 203 42 134 140 8 212 344 74 1,528 1,092 395 280 030 271 263 270 I. ,080 389 274 686 800 Nil 817 Nil 2,000 Southland County— continued. Crowe, Michael, Limehills Crowe, Patrick, South HiUend Crowe, William, South Hillend Cruickshank, J. A., East Chatton Cruickshank, J. G., Otama ... Cruickshank, James, Rosedalc, Invercargill Crump, D., Limehills Gullerr, John, Morton Mains Gumming Bros., Waikaka Valley Gumming, Mrs. Mary, Waikaka Valley Cunningham, D., Five Rivers, Lumsden Cunningham, J. J., Benio Cunningham, James, jun., Otapiri Gorge .. Cunningham, Joseph, Kaweku Cunningham, Miss Mary, Garston Cur-ran, William, West Plains Currie Bros., Five Rivei-s, Lumsden Daley, Daniel, Balfour Dalziel, Mrs. Margaret, Brown's DarviU, J. T„ Oreti Davidsorr, Alexander, Waimumu Davidsorr, Andrew, Hokonui Davidson Bros., Brydone Davidson, J., Waikaia Davidson, J. and A., Box 8, Waikaia Davidson, J. J„ Box 8, Waikaia-.. Davis, A. E., Longridge Davis, G. E., Roslyn Bush Davis, S. J., Mataura Dawson, A. IL, Kennington Dawson, A. W., Kennington Dawson, Fredoriek Waltor, Longbush Dawson, IT. 11., Kennington Dawson, It. ()., Woodlands Dawsorr, W.. jrrrr., Fortrose Day, Sydney IT., Barkly ■ Deal, W. P., Otama .. Deegan, G. and T., Lome Deegarr, J. and E., Drummond .. m . Deegan, Jamos, and Sons, Oreti Plains Dempster, George, Edendale Dempster, Thomas, Wright's Bush Dennis, George, jun., Waikaia Dennis, John, Waikaia Derrett, 10. G., Wendon.. Deschler, P. F., Greenhills Diack, Alexander, Limehills Diack Bros., Kauana Diack, William, Roslyn Bush Diamond, W. J., Hodgohopo Dick, It. A., Wyndham .. Dick, William, Lament's Estate, Woodlarrds Dickie, David, Gore Dickie, David, Mataura.. Dickie, J. G, Waikaka Dickie, Matthew, Mataura Dickie, Robert, Gairrhill, Mataura Dickie, Robert IT., Tuturau Dickie, W A., Tuturau .. Dickie, William Young, Burnside, Mataura Di-ksou J. C, Otamita Diokson, John, Otamita Dillon Bros., Otama Dillon Bros., Riversdale Dixon, Honry, Mataura Dobbie, It., Menzies Ferry Dobbie, William, Athol Dobson, G., Wyndham Dodd, William, Glenham ' Dodds, Annie It., Otamita Dodds, It. K., Charlton.. Donald, J., Ryal Bush Dooloy, Patrick P., Wyndham Douglas, William, Mataura DonII, Mrs. Mary, Winton Dowling, J. J,, Longbush Drain, James, Spar Bush Drake, W. J., Kapuka Drisooll, J., View Hill, Goro DriscoU, Johrr, Lochiel Drummond Bros., Five Rivers Dniry, J. S., Knowsley Park, Mataura Drysdale, James, Brydone Drysdale, William, Seaward Downs Duncan, Jarrres, Howard Street, Gore 858 341 543 936 1,007 1,115 250 636 3,504 597 271 083 3 703 962 1,305 908 782 829 311 219 290 1,891 128 80 70 21 20 30 18 243 348 109 3,030 950 1,539 1 ,893 208 358 1,059 1,072 887 496 144 651 1,006 82 946 1,406 330 620 2,875 712 75 623 Nil 1,140 786 200 930 392 1,790 153 535 504 Nil 1,864 136 63 55 19 31 Nil 24 Nil 369 119 2,618 636 1,325 1,563 139 495 1,620 1,230 809 742 7 288 600 480 1,050 295 1,407 1,500 235 513 103 245 585 869 725 2,024 656 2,500 223 54 1,695 57 903 859 I ,254 7 200 434 10 370 1,718 128 502 800 3,470 400 030 70 620 766 434 623 149 120 1.299 1,085 179 131 138 635 1.837 548 I . 120 530 2.730 250 90 1,412 40 lift!) 1,420 956 12 40 ■I I 13 I , 523 I 15 475 706 2.070 23 471 396
No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. j 1918. No. of Sheep on April 80, AprU 30, 1817. 1918. Southland County— continued. Dunlop, A., Pine Bush Dunlop, Robort, Tussock Creek .. .. 598 Dunlop, William, Pine Bush .. .. 328 Dunn, Denis, Riversdale .. .. 739 Dunn, J. H., Pine Bush .. .. 586 Dunn, J. W., Edendale .. .. .. 505 Dunn, John, Otamita .. .. .. 872 Dunnery arrd Milne, Rakahouka.. .. — Duthie Bros., Mataura .. .. .. 00 Duthie Bros., Mataura Island .. .. 00 Dyet, Robert, jun., Ryal Bush .. .. 253 Dykes Bros., Lintley, via Lumsden .. 510 Dynes, A., Benio, via Pukerau Dysart., R. J., Limehills .. .. 786 Earl, James, Five Rivers .. .. 1,399 Earlc, II. J., Wendon .. .. .. 1,205 Earwaker, George, Tokanui .. .. 137 lOdgc, A. A„ Waikaka .. .. .. 547 Edie, John G, Morton Mairrs .. .. 98 lOdio, R. A. K„ Edendale .. ... 5 Edie, W. A., Pukerau .. .. .. 3 Edwards, J. A., Pukerau .. .. 852 Edwards, Richard T\, Pukerau .. .. 427 Eedy, Samuel, West Plains .. .. 180 Eldor and Mitchell, Woodstock, Woodlands 351 lOldor, George It., East Chatton .. .. I ,208 Elliot, J. Nichol, Wendon Valley.. .. 811 Elliott, W. H. (rural delivery), Kaiwera .. 504 Ellis, Mrs. P. It. (Northope), Box 184, Inver- 20 cargill Ellis, Mrs. Florence It., Mokoreta .. 1,970 Ellis, T. C, Five Rivers, Box 184, Invercar- 1,269 gill Ellis, William John T., Kennington .. 15 English, James, Dipton .. .. 1,372 English, Mrs. M. J., P.O., Kauana .. | 678 English, Vincent, Dipton .. .. 2,570 Erickson, A., Otara .. .. .. 308 Espie, John, Mataura .. ., .. 225 Evans, Daniel, jun., Dipton .. .. 224 Evans, Tonkins, Hedgehope Evans, John, Balfour .. .. .. 595 Evarrs, John, Dipton .. .. .. 378 Evans, Johrr, Maosmor, Lochiel .. .. 521 Evans, Louis, Longbush .. .. 330 Evans, Thomas, Longbush .. .. 361 Ewart, David, Waianiwa .. .. 132 Fahey, Anthony (Executors of), Roslyn 760 Bush Fahey, John S., Waimatuku .. ,, 52 Fairbairn, S. H., Morton Mairrs . . .. 199 Fairweather, C, Kennington .. .. 874 Falconer, J. M., Morton Mains .. Falconer, James, Morton Mains .. .. 188 Falkinor, R., Waikawa .. .. .. 1.84 FaUow, Ernest James, Fortification, Wai- 2,412 mahaka Fallow, M. L., Fortification .. ..1,024 Faulks, John, Argyle Station, Waikaia . . !l4,750 Fell, Andrew, Glenham.. .. .. 403 Fondlcy, James, Ferndale Forrton, J., Menzies Ferry .. .. 101 Fergic, Johrr, Morton Mains .. .. 445 Fcrgic, W., Mataura .. .. .. 15 Ferguson, James A'., Myross Bush .. 41 Ferguson, WiUiam, Invercargill .. .. 267 Fcwings, William, Waikaia .. .. 60 Findlay and Co. (c/o Andrew Todd, , 2,051 Marrager), King's Hills Station, Bonmore j Findlay, A., South Wyndham .. .. 44 Findlay, Aloxander, Tokanui .. Findlay Bros., Oreti Plains .. .. 1.592 Findlay, D., Hedgehope.. .. .. 104 Findlay, James, Ferndale .. .. 1,018 Findlay, It., Racecourse Road, Invereargill Findlay, T., Niagara .. .. Findlay, Thomas W., Invercargill .. j 23 Findlay, William, Dipton .. .. j 004 Finlayson, M., Dipton .. .. .. — Finlayson, Mrs. Ninian, Dipton .. ,, 1,109 Finlayson, Roderick, Dipton .. .. 347 Finnerty, William, Waimatua . . .. 360 Fit'zsimmons, J., BaHour .. .. 444 Flanagan Bros., Mabel Bush .. .. ! 178 54 650 358 857 360 378 858 4,816 Nil fl 26 i 316 [388 {852 822 Nil 1,200 158 505 242 525 470 639 860 203 550 1,191 760 583 9 2,400 1,434 21 1,120 865 2,650 265 112 321 380 600 806 741 379 403 152 500 Southland County— continued. Flanagan, Mrs. Margaret, Oreti Plains .. 592 Fleming, Adam, Balfour .. ,. 1,020 Fleming, Charles, Crookston .. .. 088 Fleming, J. L., Mabel .. .. .. 47 Fleming, J. S., Titiroa .. .. .. 804 Fleming, James, Fortification .. .. 997 Fletcher, Mrs. S., Retreat Station, Gore .. 1,825 Forbe, John, Mataura .. .. .. 370 Forbes, A. and H., Woodlarrds .. .. 703 Forbes, Alexander- R., Lochiel .. .. 505 Forbes, John, Otama .. .. .. 133 Forbes, Johrr. Woodlands . . .. 373 Ford Bros., Mabel .. .. .. 152 Ford, Frank, Wright's Bush .. .. 362 Ford, James, jun., Mabel Bush . . .. 300 Ford, John. East Chatton .. .. 409 Ford, Martin W., Chatton .. .. 488 Forde, Mrs. Martin, WeBt Plains .. .. 110 Forde, Thomas P., Kamahi .. .. 003 Forrest, A. W., Waianiwa .. .. 300 Fortune, W. and J., Mandeville .. .. 888 Fortune, W. and J., Otamita .. .. 051 Fosbender Bros., P.O. Box 267, Liver- 81.5 cargill Fosbender, F., Nearoa Fosbender, J. H., West Plains .. .. 07 Foster, James H., Mokoreta .. .. 1,000 Foster, T. W., Wyndham .. .. 700 Fowler, D. (Trustees of), Wendon .. 1,287 Fowler, Henry, " Ardneil," Kennington .. 115 Fowler, Henry (Greenhills Property), Ken- — nington Fowler, James M., Brnirxholrn, Ryal Bush 150 Fox, G. J., Rocklands, Fortrose .. 1,175 Fox, G. J., Waikawa Valloy .. .. 2,425 Frame, William, jun., Wyndham .. 180 France, E. 10. and A. J., Pukerau .. j 1,304 Fraser, G, A., Fortrose .. .. .. ! 251 Fraser, Jamos, Balfour- .. .. .. 413 Fraser, James, Tokanui.. .. .. 187 Fraser, John, Limehills.. .. .. 907 Fraser, Thomas, Lome .. .. .. 57 Fraser, Thomas, Waianiwa .. .. 630 Fraser, W. J., Raoburn, Mimihau .. 856 Frew, Francis, Lochiel .. .. .. 448 Frew, James, Seawood Downs .. .. — Frew, R., Waikiwi .. .. .. 97 Friedlander, Max, Ashburton .. .. 5,290 Frisby, R. G, Springhills .. .. — Frisby, T. A., Springhills .. .. 827 Froggatt, J., Longbush.. .. .. 22 Fulton Bros., Wendon Valloy .. ..1,112 Gait, James (Executors of), Tuturau .. 2,528 Gardcne, William, East, Chatton.. .. 1,376 Gardener, John, Gore .. .. .. — Gardyne, R. H., Waikaka .. .. 901 Gardyno, Robert, East, Chatton .. .. 954 Garvey Bros., Mabel Bush .. .. 918 George, L., Balfour .. .. .. 080 Gengo, E., Wyndham .. .. .. 102 Gerrard, Alexander, Berkly .. .. 210 Gerrard, Alexander, Winton .. .. 116 Gerrard, Arthur L., Winton .. .. 168 Gerrard, PhU., Winton .. .. .. 300 Gerrard, Thomas, Winton .. .. 48 Gibb, Mrs. Sarah, Awarua Plains .. 294 Gibson, Mrs. W. H., Hyde Street, Gore .. 435 Gibson, R. B. and W. H„ Five Rivers .. 647 Gilchrist, Duncan, Waikaka Valley .. 895 Gilfedder, J. J., Kennington .. .. 185 Gilkinson, J. L., Pine Bush .. .. j 626 Gill and Jeffrey, Waikaia .. .. 437 Gill, Miss Martha, Hokonui .. .. 188 Gill, Mrs. Mary, Makarewa North .. 74 Gill, Russell, Brown's .. .. .. 528 Gill, W. and Martha, Hokonui .. .. ; — Gillespie, John, Otaraia, Pukerau .. 2,241 Gilmour, James S., Hedgehope .. .. 56 Giltrap, James, Knowsley Park, Mataura.. 1,223 Glover, W. R., Mataura .. .. j — Gluyas, P., Balfour .. .. .. 476 Goble, James, Benmore .. .. 545 Going, W., Chasland's .. .. .. 102 Golden, Henry, Pine Bush .. ... 657 550 1,077 i 722 Nil 200 II 940 1,623 354 680 530 162 Nil 200 403 253 342 680 84 193 305 797 548 929 900 Nil 1,300 829 1,866 55 309 160 2,450 1,735 158 1,183 406 364 135 919 Nil 667 889 411 64 124 4,621 189 336 20 1,113 2,323 1,412 194 870 543 1,020 800 183 600 107 245 270 41 175 Nil 874 984 82 577 921 Nil 135 534 200 2,264 81 962 546 571 420 102 524 52 446 1,090 200 473 51 2,412 917 14,420 490 736 30 660 Nil 68 652 16 2,095 51 14 1,008 Nil 709 40 15 21 550 70 1,042 352 209 70 218
No. of SI April 30,1 1917. heop on April 30, 1918. No. of S April 30, 1917. heepon April SO, 1918. Southland County— continued. Golden, Thomas, Fortrose Goldsmith Bros., Riversdale Goldthorp, Mrs. H. (Stanley Goldthorp, Manager), Limehills Goodeve, Bertram, Gore . . Goodson, Mrs. E., Morton Mains Goodwin, C. W., Titipua, Mataura Goodwin, Thomas, Kaiwera .. Gordon, George, Crichton Park, Pukerau .. Gordon, W., Garston .. .. .. Gorman, Maurice P., Wyndham .. Gourlay, Joseph, Niagara Graham, D. anil J., Ferndale Graham, Georgo, Knapdale Graham, J., Kennington Graham, John, Glencoe Graham, Samuel, Wendon Graham, Walter, Wendon VaUcy Graham, William, North Chatton Grant, Charles T'„ Winton Grant, James, Limehills Grant, James F., Croydon Grant, John B., Wallacetown Grant, Robert, Balfour Gray and Robertson, Titrroa Gray, Colirr, Wallacetown Gray, George, Wallacetown Gray, John, Mataura Gray, John, Wallacetown Gray, Robert, Balfour Gray, W. A., Wallacetown Gray, W. L., Wallaoetowri Gregg, Mrs, H. (Executors of). Tokonui Gorge Grey, J. G., Balfour Green, Thomas, Gore Greenlcss, John, Wyndham Greer, John, Hiwiroa, Balfour Griorson, William, Gore Grieve, Alexander, Mimiharr, Wyndham .. Grieve, George, Otahuti Grieve, J. II., Otahuti Grieve, John S., Waianawa Grieve, Thomas P., Otahuti Groves, William, Balfour Guerirr, James, To Tipua Gutschlag, P., Greenvale Gutschlag, W., Wendon Valley Hailes, Walter M., Glonalapa Station, P.O., Wendonside Hailes, W. M., Chartlca, Balfour Haklanc, James, Waikawa Haldauc, William (rural box), Niagara Hall, Albert, Freshford Hall. Johnston, Dipton Hall, William, Edendale Halliday, William, Roslyn Bush.. HamiU, Mrs. Kathleen, Seaward Dowirs .. Hamilton, Albert, Brown's Hamilton Bros., SaviU's Flat, Lumsden . . Hamilton, George, Tokonui Hamilton, J. B., Morton Mains Hamilton, James (Estate of), Riverside, Winton Hamilton, Johrr, Edendale Hamilton, It., Waikawa Hamilton, 'Thomas, Forest Hill, Lochiel .. Hamilton, William, Winton .. Hamlyn Bros., Brydone Humphries, 10. J., P.O. Box 15, Mataura .. Hampton, A., Wirrdsor Downs, Mataura . . Hampton, George J. (Executors of), Dipton Hankr-y, Hairs, Pukerau Hanley, John, Gore Hannah, George, Mataura Hannah, William, Tuturau Harming, T., jun., Hedgehope Hanning, 'Thomas, Hedgehope Hanning, W. J., Grove Bush Hansen, Albert, Quarry Hills Hansen, Charles, Kapuka Hansen..!. 10. and B.. Block I, Morton Mairrs Hansen, J. E. and B., Block VTI1, Morton Mains 324 355 998 Nil 864 1,214 433 Nil 77 299 165 353 , r,2| 1,750 j 2,220 180 i 205 133 i 373 71 53 530 780 402 450 449 (ill) 008 744 900 1,100 300 300 1,500 2,088 115 115 058 758 ■u I 270 317 247 710 733 20 20 347 360 110 ill 232 011 42 129 720 793 120 162 255 82 208 169 327 578 1,124 1,145 712 1,510 315 581 1,092 1,235 427 953 22 J 368 52 117 456 495 406 507 586 725 1,986 2,025 205 290 0,100 6,020 11,000 11,826 332 293 170 308 710 740 402 592 54 Nil 7J2 Nil 51 20 739 577 1,472 312 45 31 354 413 66 182 148 209 307 575 046 245 334 3 Nil 34 698 505 487 246 338 2,239 2,805 29 ' 30 110 147 254 001 103 223 122 140 274 167 251 156 2,137 i 3,470 Southland County— continued. Hardiman, James (Estate of) (Manager), Pyramid Harding, H. G, Waimumu Hargest, James, Mandeville Harper, John and James, Myross Bush . . Harris, Robort, Hokonui Harrison, John, Parawa Harrison, William, Dipton Hartley, J., Wendonside Harvey, Andrew, Maitland Harvey, Charles, Slope Poirrt Harvey, Hugh, Myross Bush Harvey, R. Robert, Kaweku Harvey, William '!'., Morton Mairrs Haugh Bros., Wyndham Haugh, John, Mataura Hay, G. S., Hedgehope.. Hayward, J. G, Gap Road, Winton Hayward, James, Dipton Hayward, W. G., Dipton Hayward, William, Otapiri Gorge Hawke, F. G., Kauana Hazlett, J. G. and W., South HiUend Hazlett, Joseph, South Hillend Hazlett, T. A., South Hillend Hazlett,, Thomas, South HiUend Heads, John, Charlton Healy, Patrick L., Goro Hoaps, W. W., Wyndham Hedley, Thomas, Te Tipua Herman, C. E., Pyramid Heenan, H. B., Pyramid Hellicr, James, Gore HeUier, Mrs. John, Gore Henderson, Alexander A., Isla Bunk Henderson anil Frew, Edendale Henderson Bros., Wendon Valley Henderson Bros., Wright's Bush Henderson, C. A., Wright's Bush Henderson, David, Craghouse, Brown's .. Henderson, Donald and W., Wondon Valley Henderson, James, Wendon Valley Honderson, John, Matai Hendorson, John, Myross Bush Henderson, John, Chatton (private bag), Gore Henderson, Samuel (Executors of), Kennington Henderson, Thomas, Morton Mairrs Henderson, Thomas, Wendon Valley Henderson, W., Awarua Henderson, W., Waimumu Henderson, Walter, Matai Henderson, William (private bag), Gore .. Hcnrikscn, H. P., BalfourHenry, J. A., Wyndham Herron, Mrs. James, Greenvale ... Herron, William, Pukerau Hession, Dennis, Harrington's Hewrtson, John, Kcnnington Hibbs, F. H„ Tussock Creek Hiddlestorr, A. H., Edendale Hillis, John, Seward Downs Hillis, Samuel, Myross Bush Hillis, William James, Edcrrdale Hishon Bros., Limehills Hishon, Mortimer, Centre Bush Hishon, R., limehills Hishon, W. P. and M., Centre Bush Hoban, A. J., Kapuka Hoddrnott, John, Waituna Hodge, 10. H., Rivorsdalo Hodge, E. J. M., Riversdale Hodge, Peter, Riversdale Hodgkinson, John, Springhills .. Hodgkinson, T\, Kapuka Hodgkinson, T. E., Ryal Bush Hodgkinson, William, Ryal Bush Hogan, Michael, Ederrdaie Hogg and Houston, South HiUend Holland, James, Gore .. Holland, 'Thomas W., Longridge Village . . Holms, J. and A. S., Waimahaka Holms, James (Executors of), Waimahaka 150 320 2,409 10 507 555 1,142 1 ,481 10 767 628 172 050 530 308 710 792 456 38 34 817 523 485 500 360 552 48 205 250 286 235 I ,463 630 1,003 627 1 ,403 802 529 779 44 182 160 250 2,700 20 556 679 1,058 278 1,708 24 750 377 24.0 1,010 Nil 650 559 899 406 14 77 32 J 080 760 Nil 260 1,060 45 2,053 768 425 170 315 911 447 960 Nil 584 1,515 688 489 1,259 80 173 200 450 393 303 I ,370 40 I ,214 315 974 72 204 225 118 12 IS 158 130 18 355 2,000 1 ,401 636 152 353 1,320 Nil I ,544 405 839 110 302 204 200 Nil 04 423 50 09 700 Nil 1,001 708 1,200 5 04 Nil 422 134 280 10 020 059 402 3,915 1,122 900 409 2,019 2 262 183 90 364 502 650 100 3,765 750 821 343 I ,050
April 30, i April 30, 1917. i 1918. No. of Sheep on I No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, I 1817. 1818. Southland County— continued. Hood, J. P., Edendale .. .. .. 240 Hopkins, J. D., Holmwood, Wyndham .. 147 Homer, George G., Oreti .. .. 2,645 Hormann, Albert, Lome .. .. 476 Home, Alfred, Morton Mams .. .. 147 Homer, Mrs. F., Waimairi, Oreti.. .. 154 Horrell, Arthur, Riversdale . . . . 538 Horrell Bros., Mandeville .. .. 1,902 Horrell, Edward, Waipounairur . . .. 859 Horrell, George H., Waipounamu .. 390 Horton, A. H., Tussock Crock .. .. 61 Horton, Mrs. Henrietta, Grove Bush .. 190 Horton, William, Hedgehope .. .. 468 Houston, Mrs. Mary, and Sons. Gorge Road 208 Howarth, Henry W., Te Tipua .. .. 734 Howdcn, I). R., Brydone .. • .. 716 Howderi, John, Brydone .. .. 202 Howden, R., and Sons, Mataura Island .. 102 Howe, Andrew, Wyndham .. .. 088 Howells, Miss L. J., Waianiwa, .. .. 4 Hughes, Charles, Woodlands .. .. 38 Hughes, John, Gladstone .. .. 41 Humphries, James E., Tuturau .. .. 342 Hunt, W. D. (c/o Wright. Stephenson, ami 4,879 Co.), Invercargill Hunter, E. R., Morton Mairrs .. .. 500 Hunter, Hugh S., Kintyro, Waianiwa . . 097 Hunter, J., Wyndham .. .. .. 550 Hunter, Robert, Glenham .. .. 417 Hunter, Thomas, Glenham .. .. 921 Hunter, Thomas, Pyramid .. .. 445 Hunter, William, Wyndham .. .. 1,110 Hurley, James A., Wendonside .. .. 799 fader, S. G„ Gore .. .. .. 393 Irvine, A., Pukerau .. .. .. 321 Irvine, James, Mokoreta .. .. 209 Irvine, Robert, Waimumu .. .. 1,41 7 Irvine, William, Brydone . . . . 841 Irving, Archibald M„ Woodlands.. .. 583 Irving, E. and W., Myross Bush .. ,. 14 Irving, H. S., P.O., Roslyn Bush.. Irwin, George, Mataura. . .. .. 297 Irwin, R. H., Brown's .. .. .. 312 Irwin, R. J., Glenham .. .. .. 91 Irwin, Robert, and Sons, Lochiel.. .. 510 Irwin, Samuel, Brown's.. .. .. 358 Irwin, William J., Mataura .. .. 233 Tschia, M., East Chatton Ive, Henry, Wyndham .. .. .. 102 Jackson, Mrs. Maria, Kennington .. — Jacobson, John, Otapiri Gorge .. .. 07 Jaffray, Joseph S„ Otama .. .. 123 Jamieson, Andrew, Lumsden .. .. 139 Jamieson, WiUiam, Awarua Railway, Inver- 40 cargill Jane, A. A., Kaiwera .. .. .. 290 Jardino, D., Fairlight Station (private bag), 11,238 Invercargill Jcfcoatc, J. E., Mokotua .. .. 700 Jeff, E. S., Bankend, Otaraia .. .. 3,325 Jelley, William, Fortrose . . .. 202 Jenkins, W., South HiUend .. .. 214 Jenkins, W. H„ Brydone* .. .. 295 Jennings, George, jun., Otara .. .. 269 Jennings, John, Glenham Jennings, R. E„ Otara .. .. .. 320 Jennings, W. J., Otara .. .. 389. Jennings, WUliam, Awarua Plains .. 3 Jensen, Andres, Toa, Longbush .. .. 350 Jensen, Jons, Toa .. ,, .. 455 Jesson, Charlos, Lochiel.. . . •, 53 Joff, W., Pyramid Johansen, E. G, Glenham .. .. 340 Johnston and Earl, Five Rivers, Lrrmsdcir.. — Johnston, A. A., South Wyndham Johnston Bros., Glen Gordon, Balfour .. 1 ,281 Johnston, G. D., Morton Mains .. .. 800 Johnston, G. P., Comely Bank, Gore .. 1 ,412 Johnston, George, Kaweku .. .. 526 Johnston, Hugh, Tussock Creek .. .. j Johnston, J. A„ Belmagh, Waimumu ..' 417 Johnston, John, Clinton.. .. .. 764 Johnston, John A., Waikaka Valley .. 816 Johnston, R. J., Waimumu .. .. 570 Southland County— continued. 376 I Johnston, W. (private bag), Gore 269 Johnston, WUliam, Croydon Bush, via Gore 3,050 Johnston, William, Waikaia 168 Jones, F. G, Mataura 373 ! Jones, J. T., Wendon 154 Jones, Riohard, East Chatton 561 Jones, W. R., Riversdale 2,318 ! Jones, W. R., Riversdale 864 Jopp, It., Riversdale 300 Joyoe, P. J., Winton Nil i Joyce, Patrick, Wright's Bush 204 | Joyoe, R., West Plains 605 Junor, Johrr, Ferndale, Mataura Nil Kane, J. J., Hedgehope.. 189 Kania, Mrs. G., Hedgehope 1,015 Kay, Mrs. A. G, Balfour 253 Kean, Christopher, South Hillend 122 Kean, John, Limehills .. 780 i Kean, Mrs. Mary (James Kean. Manager-), 8 South Hillend 50 Kcan, Patrick, South Hillend Nil Keillor, W. D., Waimahaka 449 Keir, Johrr, Charlton 2.770 Keir, P., Charlton Keith, J. A., Winton 020 Keith, James, Freshford 099 Keith, John, Limehills 153 Keith, Robert, Lumsden 285 Kelly, Mrs. P. J., South Hillend 1,060 Kelly, N., Okaprra, Chatton 866 Kelly, William, Greenvale 1,211 Kennedy, James, Waianiwa 1,348 Kennedy, John, Fortification 498 Kennedy, Robert H., Otama 350 Keown, John R., Balfour Nil Keown, Mrs. Susan, Balfour Nil Keown, W. R., Hiwiroa.. .. : 832 Kerr, George, Waimumu 580 Kerr, Hugh, Winton 25 Kerr, J. W., Mokotua 2,421 Kerr, Mrs. E., Morton Mains 468 Kerr, Patrick, Winton 327 Kerr, William, Brown's 207 Kerr, William, Myross Bush 684 Kersc, Charles, Waikaka 518 Kerse, John, Pukerau Nil Killcn, Hugh, Kapuka .191 Kilpatrick, R., Mataura ' 98 | King, Duncan (Executors of), Winton 106 I King, G, Springhills .. 107 ' King, James A., Roslyn Bush 82 King, W. H., Benmoro, P.O., Hokonui .. 305 King, W. H., Hokonui 07 ! Kirrgdoin, Mrs M. G., Gore Kingdom, W. P., Gore 409 Kingdom C. F., Ryal Bush 11.255 Kingdon, M. G, J. W., and M. A. J., Gore Kirker, Mrs., and Son, Brydone 765 Kirkpatrick, J., Greenvale 3,510 Kirkwood, James, South Hillend.. Nil Knapp, W., Mokoreta 161 j Knowlcs, Mrs. A. M., Waipounamu 109 I Ladbrook, A. J., Charlton 404 ] Ladbrook, W. G. G, Charlton 01 Ladbrooke, J., Dipton .. 423 Laidlaw, J. anil A., Marairua, Wyndham .. 435 Laidlaw, John and A., Wyndham 26 j Laidlaw, Samuel S., Woodlands .. 178 j Laidlaw, WiUiam, Wendonside 232 Laing and Looney, Otara Nil Laing, Peter, Dipton 609 Lamb, J. W., Wendon Valloy 331 Lamb, Mrs. G, Quarry Hills 1,230 Lamb, Robert, Quarry Hills 52 ; Lambert. R., Woodlands 1,312 Lamont, James, Toa .. 310 Lamont, John 8., Edendale 1,487 Landells, Mrs. T. F., Mataura 548 i Lang, Riohard, Wright's Bush 21 ! Langer, Bernard, Niagara 655 j Langford, Joseph, South Hillend.. Nil ! Langford, Mary, South HiUend 927 ; Latham, William, McNab 979 i Lawlor, M. R., Gore 619 758 1 32 Nil 806 73 722 722 — 280 265 300 266 387 559 185 i 246 71.1 483 309 464 778 1 ,002 14 31 41 766 769 643 1,170 1,132 1,131 040 1,171 1,108 1,507 26 Nil 479 556 43 54 570 510 494 563 356 790 1,434 1,471 759 607 3,370 2,876 112 162 82 137 1 ,930 1,536 502 549 445 652 1,907 1,250 419 550 942 370 59 23 66 Nil 46 95 446 626 356 326 277 102 800 1,495 386 461 227 421 29 42 560 1,098 — 373 80 12 1,395 1,829 351 306 714 Nil 218 599 200 13 878 884 Nil 1,884 2,289 1 ,600 534 060 603 30 387 306 422 266 346 300 450 864 35 265 285 127 • Nil 213 223 1,128 817 1,200 1,450 330 373 399 451 227 265 4 271 400 618 686 960 1,371 284 316 64 Nil 706 808 475 759 626 538 793 824
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April S( | 1917. 1918. Southland County— conlimied. Lawrence, Alfrod T., Ouramika Road Lawrence, G. T., Oterameka Road, Invercargill Lawrence, George, Hedgehope Lawrence, Mrs. J. H., Makarewa Lawrence, Robort, jun., Mataura Island .. Lawrenson, W. J., Wendon Valley Lawson Bros., Waituna Lawson Bros., Woodlands Lawson, James B., Waituna Lawson, John, Waituna Leckie, W. G., Glenham Legal, David C. and F. M., Winton Leighton, N. E., Lochiel Leonard, C, W., Edendale Leonard, John, Daore Leonard, Roger-, Roslyn Bush Leonard, T. and W., West Plains Lewis, E. J., Long Bush Lidded, Mrs. M. A., Balfour Lietze, August, Waikaka Valley Liggett, James, Tussock Creek Lightfoot and Campbell, Tussock Creek Lilico, James, Lochiel .. Lindsay, It. G, and Sorrs, Otahuti Little, Walter LT, Benio Logan, Thomas, Otama Looney, John, South HiUend Lumsden, Alexandor, Gap Road, Winton Lush, James, Hiwrroa, Balfour Lynch, Georgo, Riversdale Lyon, David, Isla Bank Lyons, P., Balfour Lyttle, John, Goro MacBean, A. W., Dipton Macdonald, Donald, Edendale Macdonald, Hector-, Hokonui Maodonald, J., Kapuka Macdonald, R. K., Edendale Macdonald, Thomas, West Plains MaoGibbon, A. A., Gore Mackay, A. and W. H., Riversdale Mackay, Findlay, Mataura Mackay, James, Wendon Mackay, Mrs. William, Riversdale Mackenzie, Donald, Dipton Mackinnon, Duncan, MandoviUe Mackintosh, William, and Sons, Glencoe .. Mackintosh, William, Drummond Maclaren Bros., Wyndham Maclean, John, Brown's Macpherson, Duguld,.Waianiwa Macpherson, Duncan, and Sons, Waianiwa Macpherson, Ian W., Longridge Macpherson, James, Waianiwa Macpherson, Mrs. M., Waikoikoi.. Maher, Patrick, Waikaia, Wendonside Maher, Patrick, Wendonside Mainland, Alexander, Quarry Hill Major, Thomas, Mataura Malcolm, T. G., Morton Mains Malcolm, William, Winton Malone, Michael, Lumsden Malone, P. and L, Five Rivers, Lumsden . . Maloney Bros., Makarewa Manson, Alexandor, Croydon Bush, Goro Manson, T. B., BalfourMarshall, Allan, Waikawa Valley Marshall Bros., Woodstock, Dacre Marshall, David, Waianiwa Marshall, Francis, Wendonside Marshall, J. T., Dipton Marshall, John, Spar Bush Marshall, Robert, Ryal Bush MarshaU, T. G, East Chatton Marshall, W., Pukerau Martin, H. M., Wendonside Martin, Irvine T., Box 95, Gore Martin, John, Seaward Downs Martin, Robort, Athol Martin, Robert, Otama Mason, A. M. W., Pukerau Mason, Andrew, Woodlands Matheson, Alexander, Balfour 564 31 673 334 78 326 398 714 1,110 203 126 345 210 25 489 980 I ,000 617 615 I ,040 446 751 3,000 119 438 3,951 50 1,379 208 77 545 1.88 26 81 680 1,194 1,014 520 438 733 606 500 519 584 490 762 I ,302 380 315 60 1,140 508 186 270 Nil 281 287 158 926 961 4 439 216 404 311 21 257 Nil 933 492 700 354 374 913 2,200 121 662 4,790 22 1,587 224 118 1,481 272 85 221 296 432 1,863 1,233 596 406 712 664 744 607 600 638 539 1,642 401 340 Nil 1,028 953 503 Nil 962 484 400 676 439 429 3,405 500 1,098 739 739 606 30 500 385 Nil 388 265 340 2,195 394 200 213 Nil Southland County— continued. Matheson, Isabolla, Balfour Matheson, M., Five Rivers Matheson, W., Glenham Matthews, Alfrod, Mokotua Matthews, John, Kapuka Matthews, Thomas, Otara Matthows, W., Malar Mawdsloy, G W. D., Springhills Mawhinney, Thomas, Waiarikiki.. May, W. T., and Son, Winton May, William George, Mandeville McAlistor, Archibald, Lumsden McAlistor Bros., Pyramid McAlistor, James, Mataura McAUan, A., Waipounamu McAllan, WiUiam, and Sons, Otama McAlwee, William, Mokoreta McArthur, Archibald, Woodlands McArthur, John, Ardno, Lumsden McBairr, Donald, Otama MeBean, J. E., Glenham McBride, Henry, Wyndham McBride, R., Charlton .. McCaldon, George, Balfour McCall, Hugh, Seaward Downs MeCallum, Duncan, and Sons, Ryal Bush . . MoCallum, James, Gorge Road MeCallum, John, Brown's McCalman, Peter, Fortrose McCarthy, Andrew, South Hillend McCarthy, J. and E., South Hillend McCarthy, Michael, Ryal Bush McCaulcy, Samuel, Mossburn McColgan, James, Niagara McConachie, Malcolm, Lochiel McCrostie, J. and J., Waikaia McCubbin, J., Riversdale McCully, W. D., Scott's Gap McGitchoon, William, Wendon McDonald, A„ Edendale McDonald, A. M., Pukerau McDonald, A. and R. C, Otapiri McDonald, A. B., Pukerau McDonald, Alexander and D., Glencoe McDonald and Tapper, Invercargill McDonald Bros., Edendale McDonald, Charles, Quarry Hills McDonald, Christopher, Otapiri McDonald, David, Cardean, Edendale McDonald, D. K, Menzies Ferry, Wyndham McDonald, Donald, Balfour McDonald, Donald, Balfour McDonald, Donald, May bank, Limehills . . McDonald, E. and J., Woodlands McDonald, F. and T, Morton Mains McDorrald, J. and G, Glencoe McDonald, J. (!., Diamond Peak, Gore .. McDonald, James, Dipton McDonald, James, Groonhills, Pukerau McDonald, James G, Dipton McDonald, John, Glencoe McDonald, John, Wright's Bush McDonald, John G., Hedgehope McDonald, K. E.,Mokorota .. McDonald, Kenneth, Wyndham McDonald, Mrs. E., Winton McDonald, JVIrs. Thomas, Lumsden McDonald, P. J. H., Dipton McDonald, Thomas, Edendale McDonald, Thomas, Mataura .. ... McDonald, Thomas, Morton Mains McDonald, W„ Balfour McDonald, W„ Edendale McDonald, William, Glencoe McDougall, Charles, Dipton McDougall, John, Kauana MeDowall, A., Taramoa McDowell, Harrison, Taramoa McDowell, Montgomery, Ryal Bush McDowell, Robort, Wendonside McDowell, WiUiam, Gore McEwan, Neil, Glenham McEwan, Neil, Tokanui McEwan, Neil, Wyndham 3,246 1 ,326 166 104 113 426 406 57 550 863 35 505 651 403 282 3,600 I ,800 128 107 495 636 262 546 174 1,132 1,067 623 1,073 175 620 I ,976 I ,601 559 82 480 271 1,375 50 715 404 202 225 720 350 675 10 448 598 413 404 3,015 1,055 159 153 149 507 446 399 851 Nil 685 1,225 20 622 718 400 Nil 4,065 1,740 98 101 134 585 90 290 60 546 182 769 808 500 858 273 743 1,683 Nil Nil 302 369 309 1,393 41 1,348 Nil 250 281 703 179 1,548 204 390 534 864 152 200 2,572 2,304 229 2,300 Nil 156 616 856 762 965 600 859 Nil 378 161 Nil 89 165 676 338 33 Nil 561 360 445 713 354 2,358 556 1 ,184 678 510 126 581 383 555 2,799 1,760 303 2,365 191 64 536 422 930 610 584 771 29 148 401 122 9 230 701 297 97 102 763 200 422 563 600 1 ,957 346 360 3,000 722 807 597 598 32 325 374 414 280 205 294 1,616 304 50 5 I ,000
21—H. 23.
No. of S April 311, 1917. Iheep on [ April 30, 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1917. April SO, 1918. Southland County— continued. McEwen, John, Brown's McFadzicn, D., Fortrose McFadzien, John, Edendale McFarlane, D., Edendale McFarlane, David R., Otahuti McFarlane, William, Brydone McFetrick, Thomas, Drummorrd .. - .. MoGaw, James H., Long Bush .. McGcc and McGrath, Limehills McGill, D. T., Waukaka McGill, John, jrrrr., Waimumu McGowan, E. J., Morton Mains McGregor, J., Wyndham McGregor-, John, Springhills McGregor, William, Winton MoHugh, D., South Hillend Mcllwrick, J. A., Balfour Mcllwrick, James G, Browrr's Mcintosh, Charles, Hodgohopo .. .., Mcintosh, Jamos, Fortrose Mcintosh, S. A., Waikaka Mclntyre, Donald, Kennington Mclntyre, Georgo H. and A., Tussock Creek Mclntyre, H. P., " Hopetoun " (privato bag), Gore Molntyre, Hugh, Benio.. Mclntyrc, J. A. and J. E., Longbush Mclntyro, J. P., Hopetown, Maitland Molntyre, John P., Gore Mclntyre, N., Tussock Creek McKay, Angus, Glencoe MoKay, Archibald, Hedgehope .. McKay, Arcliibald, jun., Willow Bank, Glencoe McKay, John, and Sons, Otama McKay, John, Ardoch, Wyndham McKay, John, Riverside, Wyndham McKay, Kenneth, Ferndalc McKay, M., arrd Son, Waikaia McKay, Mrs. Barbara, Wendonside McKay, Mrs. Catherine, Mossburn McKay, WiUiam, Hedgehope McKee, William, Waikaia McKellar Bros., Glenure, Balfour McKclvio, Charles, Wyndham MoKelvie, Neil, Wyndham McKendry, J., Woodlands McKenna, Peter, Winton McKenna, Walter, Gore McKenzie, A. H., Barkly McKenzie, Angus, Glencoe McKonzie, Alexander, Otahuti McKenzie, Colin, Balfour McKenzie, Colin, Waikaia McKenzie, D., Woodlands McKenzie, D. and A., Kauarra McKenzie, D. W., Limehills McKenzie, Donald, Greenvale McKenzie, Duncan, Waituna McKenzie, George B., Gore MeKcnzic, G. W., Dipton McKenzie, J. A., arrd Co., Woodslee Downs Estate, Mataura Island McKonzie, J. J. and M., Desohler's Hotel, Esk Street, Invercargill McKonzie, James, Seaward Downs McKenzie, John A., Otara McKenzie, John, Limehills McKenzie, K. G., Fortrose McKenzie, M., Lochiel McKenzie, Mrs. Catherine, Waikaka McKonzie, Murdoch, Tweed Street, Invercargill McKenzie, Mrs. Jane, Seaward Downs McKenzie, Thomas, Roslyn Bush McKenzie, William, East Chatton McKorchar, .1)., Lochiol McKerchar, John, Woodlands McKcrnan, James, Fortrose McKinna, Mrs. E., and Son, P.O. Box 4, Wyndham McKinnel, John (Executors of), Waikaia .. McKinnell, Thomas, Mataura McKinnon, Alexander, Gore 208 190 670 223 235 250 1,400 70 326 700 289 131 324 220 313 553 554 788 52 123 629 593 943 712 906 580 I ,049 162 20 22 3,200 134 997 300 98 330 268 306 I .300 0,162 401 437 38 109 270 758 70 I ,263 807 358 838 458 846 I ,555 271 1,010 347 I ,199 428 112 626 408 213 2,170 1,058 162 308 750 368 217 Nil 240 263 706 483 897 98 150 806 645 18 694 605 432 1,212 1,164 168 220 210 27 3,280 132 472 Nil 368 1,500 324 Nil 2,422 6,723 884 471 25 286 359 660 49 1,112 480 363 922 600 668 1,851 350 1,314 276 1,444 Southland County— continued. McKinnon, G, Fortification .. ., McKinnon, Duncan, Tussock Creek McLachlan, A., Tuturau McLachlan, R. W., Limehills McLauchlan, James, Greenhills McLaughlan, E. T., Ota Creek, Edendale .. McLay, Moses, Wendon McLoan, A. (D. McLean), Balfour McLean, A. H., Quarry Hills McLean, A. N., Caroline McLean, A. W., Garston McLean, Alexander, Niagara McLean and Scott, Hukarere Station, Heriot McLean Bros., Makarowa McLean, D., Mataura McLoan, D. H., Caroline McLean, Duncan, Balfour McLean, John, Garoline McLean, P. H., Waimumu McLoan, Thomas R., Valleyfield, Winton .. McLoish, P. G G, Drummond McLeod, A. G., Caroline McLeod, D., Mataura McLeod, E., Mataura McLeod, Edward and J., McNab.. McLeod, F. H., arrd Sons, Caroline McLood, Hugh M., Baywood, Tokanui McLood, James, Spar Bush McLeod, Mrs. Margaret, Otahuti McLeod, Peter, Wantwood, Mandovillo McLood, William, Taramoa McManrrs, John, Quarry Hills McMastcr, John, Hokonui McMath, 'Thomas, Riversdalo McMiUan Bros., Gore McMillan, William, Springhills McNab, Robert (Estate of) (Alexander Reid, Manager), Knapdale, Gore McNaught, A., Limehills McNaughton, James, Waituna McNaughton, John, Waianiwa .. McNaughton, R. Y., Waianiwa McNaughton, Thomas, Waituna McNaughton, WiUiam, jun., Wright's Bush McNoo, Alexander, Harrington's.. McNeil, James, Collingwood, Inveroargill.. McNeill, James, Morton Mains McNoo Bros., Pukerau McPhail, James, Waikaka Valley McPhail, T., Pukerau .. MePhee, Dugald, Box 3, Balfour MePhee, M., Balfour McPherson, Alexander, Balfour McPherson, John 0. (ruralbox), Inveroargill McQuarrio and King, Bluff McQueen, Alexander, Waikaka McQueen, John, Glenchalmers, Invercargill McQuillan, P., Mataura McRae, A., Waipounamu McRae, A. and G, Brantra, Hokonui Mcltac, A. and T., Springhills McRae Bros., Wyndham McRae, D., Mokoreta .. Me Rao, D. B., Springhills McRae, Donald, Brown's McRae, Duncan, Balfour McRae, D. and R., Blaeside, Hokonui McRae, G. P., Mokoreta MeRae, J. A., Glenlora, Otapiri Mcltac, J. A., Strathlora, Brown's McRae, J. W., Hokonui.. McRae, John, Dunmore, Otapiri.. Mcltac, M. A., Wyndham MoRandle, Michael, Makarewa North McReady, Lawrence, Waiarakiki, Mataura McTaggart, D. R., Balfour McTaggart, J. G., Redan, Wyndham MeTavish, Mrs. Jane, Heddon Bush Mo William, William, Waikawa Valley Mco Bros., Otama Meehan, John, Waianiwa. Mcnzies, D. M., Dipton.. Mctaal, George, Longridge Village, Kingston Crossing Middlomiss, R. B., Greenvale 410 385 142 203 2 717 350 291 2,007 39 8,028 20 20 2,680 900 4 1,405 919 1,051 258 668 1,792 624 38 1,514 8,980 313 334 2,129 330 709 17 337 400 93 17 260 765 400 389 315 216 Nil 204 939 446 366 71 2,500 62 7,390 Nil 232 3,230 860 3 800 1,061 1,059 1,878 607 603 482 Nil 544 84 1,469 12,088 26 264 260 1,885 210 50 944 20 Nil 354 Nil Nil 15 195 1,212 900 1,476 1,971 525 453 1,064 840 140 112 730 1,946 358 880 940 268 Nil 772 726 834 450 705 917 914 240 550 892 1,088 70 Nil 3,200 750 Nil 479 1,478 426 302 1,034 1,032 1,958 466 857 1,194 837 135 150 711 2,286 247 909 387 1,474 380 468 510 954 306 915 135 , 102 000 1,330 122 86 660 1,778 25 Nil Nil 1,113 183 195 964 1 ,460 23 -146 2,174 509 619 437 1,746 37 120 124 272 407 244 632 339 102 501 421 253 603 Nil 582 I ,472 1,112 273 2,273 1,184 717 352 938 27 133
No. of f April 30, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. No. of i April 30, 1917. Iheep on I April 30, 1918. Southland County— continued. Middlemiss, Thomas, Waikaka Middleton, H. J., Waimahaka Miles, A., Spar Bush Millane, Peter, Pukerau, (hire Millar, D. M. S., Knapdale Millar, J. M., Hodgohopo Millar, James, Hedgehope Millar, Joseph and Thomas, Taramoa Millar, Robert, Hedgehope Millar, W. H., Knapdale MiUer, A., and Sons, Waituna Miller, Andrew, Kapuka Miller Bros., Wendon Miller, Henry, Waipounamu, via Riversdale Miller, John H., Waimumu Miller, R., Oreti Miller, Robert, Mandoville Miller, 'Thomas, Oreti Milligan, A. E., Bonmore Milligan, J., Benmore Milliken, J. G, Mataura Milne, Charles, Thomlie Park, Edendale .. Milne, Charles, Ota Creek Farm, Edendale.. Milne, Frank, Wyndham Milne, Georgo, Woodlands Milne, James and W. L., Pukerau Milno, Jamos, Rakahouka Milne, Robert, Wyndham Milne, W. L., Pukerau Mitchell, A., Hedgehope Mitchell, Alexander, Waikoikoi Mitchell, H. S., Five Rivers Mitchell, James, Mataura Mitchell, John E., Wyndham Mitchell, Johrr, Kennington Mitchell, R., Otapiri Gorge Mitchell, Walter, Springhills Mitchell, William D., Wyndham.. Moffatt, T. D., P.O., Riversdale Monaghan Bros., Gore Monaghan, M., Riversdale Monaghan, Thomas, Gore Moore, A. W., Morton Mains Moorhoirse, Dr. B. M., Whitccliffe, Parawa Moran, M„ Lochiel Morison, T. W., Pukerau Morris, Charles, North Chatton Morris, George A., Otama Morris, John, Edendale.. Morrison, Alexander, Lochiel Morrison, George, Waikaka Valloy Mortimer, Peter, Mataura Morton, D., Morton Mains Morton, G., Waimahaka Morton, H. M., Mandeville Morton, J., Seaward Downs Mortorr, J. G, Gorge Road Mosan, R. S., Tussock Creek Moylan Bros., South Hillend Moylan, W., South Hillend Muir, A. G., Matai Muir, Charles, Wyndham Muir, J. H., Dacre Muir, John, jun., Quarry Hills Muir, John, Tuturau Muir, Robert, Tuturau Muir, Thomas, Balfour Muir, W., jun., Tuturau Mullen, John, Edendale Mullen, R. A., West Plains Mullor, R-, Knapdale Mulqueon, TL J,, Balfour Mulqueen, P. J., BalfourMunro and Brown, Gore Munro, Donald, Lawrence Munro, H. D., Tuturau.. Munro, J. A., Wyndham Munro, James, Mokotua Munro, John L., Woodlarrds Munro, William, Pine Grove, Edendale Murchison Bros., Waikaia Murdoch, John (Execrrtors of), Oreti Plains Murdoch, Johnston, Ferndale Murdoch, Peter, Gore i 388 21 100 590 455 500 10 559 404 361 548 857 294 1 ,209 700 I ,003 2,420 607 923 1,123 1,958 240 968 183 2,520 75 50 434 345 857 364 75 203 4 94 . 557 082 382 242 132 31 97 658 505 512 Nil 720 559 589 1,730 1,019 484 1,503 824 1,013 1,950 650 959 1,345 463 2,266 101 363 Nil Nil 99 608 21.2 476 778 878 730 48 100 72 2,075 1 ,050 Nil 386 680 217 3,118 514 885 J ,473 1,080 122 224 1,015 506 102 171 1,870 90 24 Nil Nil 585 376 279 357 1,420 42 43 900 55 111 250 350 Nil 431 240 1,892 199 Nil 90 Nil Nil Nil 1,042 365 486 Southland County— continued. Murphy, Martin, Woodlands Murphy, Michael, Harrington's Murphy, William Francis, Roslyn Bush .. Murray Bros., Riversdale Murray, W., Fortification Murray, William, Mokoreta Myers Bros., Waikiwi Neas, Rudolph, Waikiwi NeiU, Mrs. Annie, Mataura Neill, R., Tokonui Nelson, Mrs. IsabeUa, Wyndham.. Novin Bros., Dipton Newall, Mrs. Mary, Greenhills Ncwell, Thomas, Freshford Nichol, Adam J., Maitland Nichol, William, Waimumu Nichol, William T.. Wendon Valley Nicholl Bros., Mataura .. Nicholl, N., Longridge Nichods, Joseph C, Fair Place, Riversdale Nicholson, J. P., Ota Creek, Brydone Nicholson, Joseph, Maitland Nicholson, R. G., Kapuka Nicol, J. and J., Box 53, Gore Nicolson, Norman, Mokoreta Noble and Drain, Lochiel Noble, J. A., Gore Norman, R. A., Winton Norman, William, Winton North, W. P., Ryal Bush Northcoat, Arthur, Garston Nortman, IL, Brown's O'Brien, Denis, Haldane, Slope Poirrt, O'Brien, J. W., Grove Bush O'Brien, Jeremiah, Slope Point O'Brien, Morgan, Lochiel O'Brien, Mrs. Dan, Longbush O'Brien, Timothy J., Oreti Plains O'Connoll, W. A., Benmore O'Connor, Mrs. Catherine, Longridge O'Connor, T. F. and B., Brown's O'Donnell, T., Limehills O'Fee, Edward, Fortrose O'Hara, N. and D., Otama O'Hara, S. and W., Otama O'Mcara, J., Drummond O'Nedl, James, Court's Road, Goro O'Noill, John, Goro .. .. • O'Rourke, Michael, Tuturau O'Shannessey, John and James, Limehills.. O'Shannossy Bros., Lochiel O'Shea, Charles, jun., Riversdale O'Shea, D. R., Balfour O'Shea, John, Balfour O'Shea, M., Riversdale O'Shea, R. G, Riversdale Orr, Alfrod, Balfour Orr, W. A., BaUour Osborne, IL, Mataura Oughton, John, Wyndham Oughton, Misses M. W. and W. W., East Road, Invercargill Oughton, W. H„ Wright's Bush Paddon, A. W., Fortroso Paget, John, Ferndale Paget, William, Ferndale Pannett, Frank H., Five Rivers, Lumsden Parker, Boru Brydone Parker, G P., Waimumu Parker, T. E., Dipton Parsons, Nathaniel, Waikiwi Pascoe, Albert, Tokanui Paterson, Alexander, Riversdale Paterson, James, The Mains, Waikaka Paterson, John and William, Brown's Paterson, Thomas E., Hokonui Paterson, W., and Sons, West, Dome, Mossburn Paton, George, Tokanui Patterson, G, Fortrose Patterson, James G, Wendonside Pearce, G. A., Gap Road, Winton Pearce, T. A. G, Waimumu Pearse, W., Hedgehope 274 103 20 3,111 445 1,052 51 44 223 51 1,204 727 43 480 945 829 1,117 604 12,200 119 27 145 740 345 197 920 837 1,209 63 389 92 311 318 213 007 180 184 420 843 20 43 240 257 J ,145 250 700 1,091 986 663 455 305 234 660 106 50 2,877 408 1,091 50 60 437 61 1,110 456 90 414 1,142 1,652 1,041 742 119 12,812 77 Nil 899 785 833 4.00 794 667 840 Nil 583 160 329 508 274 608 306 370 325 9(>4 434 7 297 200 392 1,380 255 1,000 1,009 1,132 790 Nil 556 233 559 432 Nil 108 334 713 52 132 2,057 257 623 I ,222 1 ,168 150 120 1,097 338 7!) 141 857 100 13 389 905, 404 12 652 47 196 337 389 1 ,390 64 28 1 ,334 27 153 309 1,039 154 218 6,410 602 710 247 30 55 I ,933 I ,780 477 1,613 13,471. 793 82 305 Nil 6,235 654 584 150 26 99 1,915 1,600 110 2,053 13,496 113 304 8 I ,260 144 199 161 555 25 548 1,733 103 557 158 16 420 141 152 10 808 184 420 237
No. of Sheep on No- of Sheep ob April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. April 30, 1917. April 30, 1918. Southland County— continued. Peart, J. M., Waimumu Peat, Alexander, Dipton Pemble, Henry, Waikaka, Perkins Bros., Mataura Perkins, George A., Wendon Valley Perkins, Montgomery, Mimihan, Perry, William, Quarry Hills Pert, Thomas, Ryal Bush Perwick Bros., Balfour Peter, Alexander W., Chatton Petterson, John, Edendale Philpot, WiUiam, Morton Mains Pickett, G, P.O., Makarewa Pickney, G., Waikaia Pickney, Mrs. E. G., Glenaray Station, Waikaia Pieroo and Jones, Kauana Pike, W. and G., South Hillend Pipson, Caleb, Chasland's Pirie, E. G., Kennington Pirie, WiUiam, Morton Mains Plunket, W. J., South Hillend Pollock, James, Waipounamu Pope, Lionel, Otama Porteous, A. R., Birchwood Porteous, James B., Winton Porter, David, Gore Porter, Joseph, Limehills Potter, R. J., Pukerau Potter, Thomas, Greenvale Power, H., Pukerau Poynter Bros., Lochiel Poynter, G. F. B., Lochiel Prebble, John G., Gore.. Preston, James H., Forest Vale, Waimahaka Prico Bros., Athol Prico, Frederick A., Waikiwi, Invercargill.. Price, J. M., Five Rivers, Lumsden Price, James, Waianiwa Price, Thomas, P.O. Box 4, Otama Pringle, Franois, Balfour Pritchard, John, Waikiwi, Inveroargill Proctor, Charles, Oreti Plains Pryde, W. M., Mataura Pullar, Joseph, Pukerau PuUey, George T., Glenham Purvis, D. A. (rural delivery), Pukerau Quale, J. B., Lochiel Qualter, John, Pyramid Queale, George R., Lochiel Quertier, Alfred H., Kaiwera Quirk, J. E., Gore .. .. Rabbidge, Thomas P., Glenham Rabbitt, John, Kauana Rae, Mrs. M., Glenham.. Ramsay, J. A., Quarry Hills Rankin Bros., Underwood, Invercargill .. Rasmussen Bros., Balfour Rasmussen, William, Edendale Rathgen, J. F., Brydone Reid, James, Birchill, Mokoreta Reid, R. L., McNab Reid, R. L., Willowbank, McNab Reid, WiUiam, Pyramid Reidy, Thomas, Five Rivers Reinkc, August, McNab Rhodes, W. A., Waikawa Valley.. Riohardson, Malcott, Mataura Island Ridder, F. G, Lochiel Bidder, H., Lochiel Riddle, James, Fortrose Riley, John, Haldane Robbie, Francis, Drummond Robbie, James, Mokotua Robertson, A. W., Wendon Robertson, Alexander, Brown's Robertson, Colin, Waikaia Robertson, D. and J., Kaiwera Robertson, Donald, Otama Robertson, Hugh, Woodlands Robertson, James, Dacre Robertson, James, Otama Robertson, John S., Box 15, Waikaka Robertson, R., Woodlands 454 082 I ,312 413 929 1 ,233 478 54 772 334 1 ,660 8 1,528 3,560 1,039 1,149 36 335 280 835 679 5 92 97 396 47 125 163 405 249 799 4,704 5,780 3,360 753 100 535 4 538 439 1 ,032 823 381 421 330 236 535 291 577 698 723 679 1,247 1,21.5 610 964 1 ,430 506 105 790 454 312 924 9 1,528 3,560 1,055 I ,077 11 890 598 1,040 784 Nil Nil 335 460 335 214 1,500 253 414 297 571 Nil 5,988 3,680 930 176 126 489 6 500 367 1,158 1,164 490 506 220 228 513 540 615 672 695 5 165 848 440 1,050 112 220 1,009 375 468 130 58 150 295 82 240 211 420 196 576 330 1,030 768 289 120 740 502 " Nil 208 Southland County— continued. Robertson, WiUiam, Waikiwi, Invercargill Robinson, Frank M., Wendon Robinson, H., Glenham Robinson, J. W., Gorge Road Roche, Maurioe, Mandeville Rodgers, P., Wright's Bush Rogers, J. G (or Manager), Waimahaka . . Rogers, J. E. (e/o W. Beange), Mokoreta .. Rogerson, Samuel, Gore Ronald, Andrew, Waianiwa Ronald Bros., Waianiwa Rose, Mrs. Margaret G, Dipton Ross, B. V., View Hill, Te Tipua.. Ross, Benjamin, Glenham Ross, John, Ryal Bush.. Ross, R., Grove Bush Ross, Robert, Dipton Ross, Robert V., Te Tipua .. ' .. Ross, S., Te Tipua Rouse, Frank, Taramoa Rouse, G. W., Limehills Rout, David, Brydone Rowe, G IL, Wendon Roy, Robert, Balfour Royds and Sheate, Five Rivers Rule, Mrs. Mary, Mataura Island Rumler, E. A., Makotua Rumler, Frederick T., Brown's Russell, Robert, Lome Ryan, James, Oreti Ryan, Patrick, Winton Sadlier, James H., Longbush Sadber, T., Woodlands Sanderson, John, Hedgehope Sangster and Gow, Benmore Sarginson, J. and J. H., Lumsden Sasse, Otto, Waimumu Saunders, Charles, Benmore Saundors, F. J., Spar Bush Scammell, John, Mataura Scott, A. (rural box), Pukerau Scott Bros., Waikoikoi Scott, E. A., Wright's Bush Scott, James, Drumoak, Wyndham Scott, James, Kaiwera Scott, James, Titiroa Scott, John G., Ferndale Scott, John, Hokonui Scott, W. P., Ferndale, Mataura ScuUy, John, Kaiwera ScuUy, Mrs. Annie, Grove Bush ScuUy, P., Dacre ScuUy, Thomas, Kylemore, Woodlands .. Scully, William P., Dacre Senior, Joseph R., Lumsden ShaUard, F. W., Kawoka Shand, Alexander, Matai Shand, C. It., LimehiUs Shand, J. C, Benmore Shand, J. D., Benmore Shankland, John, Tokanui Shaw, Alexander, Waikaka Shaw, Donald, Tussock Creek Shaw, J., and Son, Balfour Shaw, J. W., Pukerau Shaw, John, Balfour Shaw, S., Wyndham Shaw, Thomas, Box 16, Lady Barkly Shaw, W., Lochiel Shead, C, Grccnhills Sheat, A. H„ Morton Mains Sheat, A. J., Morton Mains Sheat, E. G, Morton Mains Sheat, H. S., Morton Mains Sheddan, G. and W„ Winton Sheddan, Robert, Waikaka Valley Sheed, James (Executors of), Mandeville .. Shepherd, J. D., Gorgo Road Shield, John, Tokanui Shirley, Thomas, Balfour Shuttleworth, J. W., Lumsden Shuttleworth, R. H., Benmore Silke, Mrs. William, Mataura Island Sim, Alexander, Edendale 165 2,012 425 47 727 353 187 1,158 47 308 602 183 185 555 613 234 762 267 1. ,014 88 548 668 729 5,132 268 337 1 ,300 720 534 248 81 101 225 103 768 013 72 520 454 88 634 2,800 85 266 265 413 364 220 356 190 596 658 818 317 1,260 2,120 I ,190 276 183 193 142 I ,820 564 45 1,575 383 270 1,169 57 430 397 150 8 500 580 194 932 196 741 175 551 852 594 860 1,753 207 Nil I ,200 238 692 385 Nil Nil 136 112 706 660 536 135 120 444 570 Nil 686 3,080 151 496 446 323 355 204 439 280 500 656 813 333 924 1,31.5 1,320 260 312 354 3,040 711 3,040 469 600 836 38 471 Nil 745 1,640 930 20 1 ,212 43 363 328 1 ,403 1,790 61 058 104 813 431 409 141 413 210 256 249 118 52 1,140 73 284 190 455 156 544 319 1,105 790 379 90 25 405 1.470 700 2,854 223 752 1,135 41 412 237 544 1,136 705 20 17 373 966 47 300 22—H. 23.
H. - 23.
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. Southland County— continn ed. Sim, G. G., Wendon Valley Sim, Ronaid, Otahuti Simons, John, Lochiel Simons, Mrs. E., Lochiel Simons, Robert, Winton Simpson, George, West Plain Simpsoir, Isabella, Wyndham Simpson, R. T., Mount View, Wendon Valley Simpson, W., Chariton Sims, J. and W., P.O., Brown's Sims, Robert, Brown's Sinclair, H. Y., Pukerau Sinclair, J. A., Gore Sinclair, John F., Mabel Bush Sinclair, Mrs. E. G, and Son, Dipton Sizemore, J. E. (Trustees of), Pukerau Skcoch, Mrs. Margaret, Balfour Slee, P. J., Fortrose .. .. Sloan, James, Mataura Island .. Slocombe, R. H., Kaweku .. Smaill, Joseph, Riversdale Small, Andrew, Lumsden Estate, Lumsden Small, Androw, Waimea Estate, Lumsden.. Small, Thomas, Mandeville .. SmeUie, David, Ryal Bush .. Smollie, William, Lochiel .. .. Smith, Alexander, Brown's ... Smith Bros., Birch HiU, Wyndham Smith, David J., Wendon Valley Smith, G. and F., Gore.. Smith, George, Ferndale .. Smith, Hugh, McNab .. .. Smith, J. D., Otikerama, Gore Smith, Jamos, Dipton Smith, John, Seaward Downs Smith, John, jun., Wyndham Smith, John S., McNab Smith, John Thomas, New Road, Winton.. Smith, R. S., Oreti Smith, Thomas S., Forty Trees, Winton .. Smith, W. M., Winton Smyth and Wilson, Gore Smyth, Richard, Point View, Gore Smyth, Thomas, Gore SomerviUe, George B., Pine Bush Soper, G. A., Athol Soper, J. T., Garston Souter, James, Spar Bush South, William, Hedgehope Southland Frozen Meat Company (private bag), Makarewa Junction, Invercargill Southland Frozen Meat Company, Mataura Southland Racing Club (Caretaker of), East Road, Invercargill Speden, Thomas, Pukerau Sponee, A. R., Freshford Spencer, John, Kaiwera, Pukerau Spratt, James, Mataura Island Spriggs, W., Tussock Creek Staite, Gilbert, Lumsden Stalker, Donald, Seaward Downs Stalker, Lowden, Toa, Longbush Stanton, James, Wendon Stanton, Patrick, Riversdale Staples, A., P., and O., Croydon Staples, R., Balfour Staunton, P. J. and J., West Plains Steel, Mrs. Jessie, West Plains Steffans, William, Waipounamu Stephens, John, Fortrose Stephens, T. A., Wright's Bush, P.O., Otautau Stevens, C. S., Glenquoich, Athol Stevens, E. W„ Balfour Stevenson, D. B., Langlands, Riversdale .. Stevenson, J., Rushland, Wendon Stevenson, James, WiUowbank, Wendon .. Stevenson, WiUiam, Aronui, Wendon Stevenson, WiUiam, Waipounamu, Riversdale Stewart, Archibald, Balfour Stewart, D. and Mrs. L. D. D. (c/o Rout and Stewart), Invercargill Stewart, David, Gore Stewart, David, Gorge Road 834 870 150 41 34 312 1,010 255 420 253 314 145 939 63 99 2,541 728 671 870 2,765 778 25 334 303 112 993 406 1,431 20 1 ,122 300 1 ,225 110 290 239 687 2,241 911 290 177 126 111 110 182 154 1,719 1,162 Nil 796 328 119 Nil 38 327 1,478 254 324 300 707 719 33 785 108 62 1,147 820 850 960 2,140 708 35 210 425 172 980 487 1,510 Nil 1,110 Nil 1,120 85 375 285 1,148 2,722 1,845 1,620 334 275 179 165 202 270 161 1,464 1,218 Southland County— continued. Stewart, Donald, Dipton Stewart, George, Gorge Road Stewart, Hugh, Wright's Bush Stewart, John, Matai Stewart, Mrs. Jane (Executors of), Goro .. Stewart, William, Dipton Stewart, William, Wendon Stirkng, A., Wyndham StirUng, Charles, jun., Waikaia Stirling, Henry, Fortrose Stirling, John, Waimahaka Stirling, W. R., Wyndham Story, Robert, Vcnlaw, Mimrhau Strachan, J. W., Riversdale Strang, James, Wright's Bush Stranger, Mrs. Jessie, Gold Creek, Gore .. Stuart, George, Brydone Stuart, John, Brydone Stuart, Robert, Otapiri Gorge Stuart, WiUiam, Otapiri Gorge Styles, A., Wendon Valley Styles, Goorgo, Wendon Valley Styles, John WiUiam, Wendon Valley Sullivan, Daniel, Lome.. Sullivan, George, Mataura Island Sullivan, John, Waikiwi Summers, M., Mokotua Sutherland, D. M., Edendale Sutherland, John, Athol Sutherland, P., Brydone Sutton Bros., Limehills.. Sutton, C. A., Waikaia Sutton, George S., Hedgehope Swale, Ralph (Executors of), Limehills Swale, Ralph S., Limehills Syme, Aloxander, Gore Symons, Samuel, Edendale Tait, James W., Quarry Hills TaU, Albert, Kapuka Tanner, G. W., Hokonui Tanner, J. T., Brown's Tayles, George, East Gore Tayles, H., Waipounamu Tayles, H. G, Rivorsdale Tayles, John, Waipounamu Taylor, A. G, Brown's Taylor, George, Wyndham Taylor, James A., Otapiri Taylor, James B., Lome Taylor, James R. M., Brydone Taylor, John B., Mokoreta Taylor, John, Mataura Taylor, R. N., Lumsden Telfer, A., Brydone Telfer, Thomas, Brydone Telfer, Thomas, MoNab, Gore Templeton and Cloarwator, Wendon Terry, Edwin, Croydon Terry, WiUiam, jun., Gore Thomas, Edwin, Tokanui Thomas, W. H„ Otara Thompson, H., Benmore Thompson, J. W., Miniahau Thompson, John T., Waikaia Thompson, Ralph, Wendonside .. Thomson, G and G, Gap Road, Winton .. Thomson, C. and G, Winton Thomson, C. A., Waimumu Thomson, D. H. (Executors of), Winton .. Thomson, J. G, Lochiel Thomson, J. H., Winton Thomson, James H., Lochiel Thomson, James R., Caroline Thomson, Miss J. T., Lonnel, Invercargill.. Thomson, Peter, Winton Thomson, Thomas, Meadowlea, Winton .. Thomson, W. G., Winton Thomson, W. H., Winton Thwaites, Joseph, Otara Timpany, Robert, Woodlands Timpany, Thomas, Balfour Tippett, Charles E., Limehills Tippett, J. R., Woodlands Tippett, John, Limehills 587 475 14 500 10 122 382 400 642 111 172 806 0,850 280 216 155 358 I ,075 680 326 16 784 411 101 63 109 349 993 348 1,325 2,439 253 1,437 55 100 1,053 268 318 208 72 339 500 165 69 591. 18 1.14 428 490 766 112 141 1,087 6,741 391 320 235 150 306 704 559 1 ,140 730 571 118 00 138 480 500 1,220 518 1,506 2,644 279 1 ,545 55 200 845 338 254 355 58 Nil 571 976 933 578 272 1,043 604 92 744 263 250 528 Nil 310 515 294 268 568 73 245 70 490 102 1,750 1,600 352 204 829 408 485 2,010 201 654 682 306 408 37 537 1,175 65 965 Nil 913 306 946 718 178 330 329 122 825 317 1,189 161 758 778 214 256 238 250 355 409 249 356 191 820 745 333 343 372 1,900 155 408 144 275 291 278 55 180 31 202 3,145 768 970 546 57 563 Nil 630 80 770 213 208 70 100 113 314 234 229 457 43 3,001 1,340 658 10 280 482 780 543 304 304 636 518 472 1,729 223 350 763 326 406 39 305 1,066 I ,036 185 1,200 121 1,058 40 1,059 68 645 13
No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1917. | 1918. .pril 30, 1918. Southland County— continued. Tither, P., Riversdale Tobin, Denis, Morton Mains Tobin, James, Winton .. .. ... Todd, Wilham T. P., Otaraia TomUnson, James, Makarewa Toogood, Georgo F., Tokanui Tor bet, John, Winton Torrens, Thomas, Wallacetown Torrie, A., Waimumu Townsend, J. R., Gore Townshond, Herbert, Brausholmc Park, Waianiwa Trapski, Frederick F., Pukerau Trapski, John, Waimumu T'rcgoning, J., Caroline .. .. Tremaine, P., Kaweku Tronder, James, Brown's Tressider and Sons, Waimumu .. Tressider, Ernest, Oteramika Road, Inveroargill Tressider, John James, Waimumu Trewin, 10., Haldane Tripp and Piir key, Waikaia .. Tripp, B. 10. H., Glenaray, Waikaia Tripp, J. M. H., Glenaray, Waikaia .. ■, Trotter, John D., Woodlands Truscott, 1-'. (Walter Burrows, Manager), Pukerau T'uach, John, Heathfield, Croydon Bush . . Turnbull, C. D. M., Lumsden Trrrnbrrll, C. M., Waimrrmu Turnbull, John, Balmoral, Waikaka Turnbull, Johrr, PinehiU, Waikaka Turnbull, R. G, Greenvalo, Waikaka Turnbull, W. J., Woodlands Turner, H. G, Kaiwera Dowirs, Otaraia .. Turner, William, Tokonui Tutty, It., Knapdale Udy Bros., Mimihau Udy, Mrs. I., Wyndham Urquhart, P., Tokanui Gorge Varcoe, T., Lumsden Varcoe, Tobias, Lintley, Lumsden Voice, E. G, McNab Voice, H. H., Niagara .. Voice, L. E., McNab Voice, R. A., Dacre Voight, Martin, Pukerau Waddell, WiUiam, Waikaka Valley Wadworth Bros., Otapiri Waghorn, W. G., Kapuka Waight, Josoph and Robert, Gore Walker Bros., Wondon Walker, David, Balfour Walker, Frank, Summerhill, Kaweku Walker, Lewis, and Son, Lirmsdon Walker, S., Fortrose Walker, Samuel, Gore Walker, Thomas, Balfour Walker, William, Pyramid Walsh Bros., Kauana Ward, W. E., Drummond Warden, J., Grove Bush Wards, D., jun., Mataura Island.. Warnook, G. and J. F., Wyndham Washbourn and Co., Waimahaka Wassell, E. and T., Ferndale Waters, A., Mataura Island Watson, John (Trustee of), Heddon Bush.. Watson, M. A. and O. B., Oreti Plains .. Watson, WiUiam, Limehills ... Watt Bros., Wendonside Watt, J. H., Morton Mains Watt, James, Wendon Valley Wayte, Aline, Otamita Webb Bros., Brydone Weir, William, Waianiwa Welfare and Thomson, Winton Weller, Edward, Wendon WeUs, A. C, Kamahi Wescombe, A. L., Wendon Valloy West, Alfred J., Balfour Wetherburn, William, Mataura Wharton, John, Brown's White, P. A., Otama 860 I!) 50 50 253 204 445 510 203 108 80 324 206 313 254 532 24 07 21,897 2,03'; 2,037 254 255 473 807 204 4,154 3,380 370 298 Nil Nil 240 274 758 480 399 778 140 1,231 507 Nil 328 284 Nil 95 535 139 21,897 2,037 2,037 445 430 054 924 258 4,215 1,222 3,970 211 2,793 1,198 30 2,979 60 170 143 1,017 200 286 200 090 592 367 8,099 649 1,100 822 940 614 446 881 375 395 99 Nil 428 85 Nil 3,163 699 20 1,019 307 20 1,774 128 1,783 1,730 174 636 220 688 617 467 1,315 802 212 912 Southland County— continued. White, Robert, Wendon .. .. 2,041 White, William, Wendon .. .. 2,000 Whitefield, J. H., Waikaka Valley .. 245 Whittingham, G. W., Gore .. .. 316 Whittingham, J. and G., Goro .. .. — Wicks, Reuben, Wendon .. .. 377 Wilcox, Edwin, Kennington .. .. 400 Wilcox, W. P., Kennington .. .. 213 Wilks, Samuel, Tokanui.. .. .. 12 Williamson Bros., Redan, Wyndham .. 750 Wilson, Alexander, Edendalo .. .. 20 Wilson, Annie L., Balfour .. .. 304 Wilson, Charles, Springhills .. .. 465 Wilson, G., and Son, Kapuka .. .. 193 Wilson, H. R., Winton .. .. .. 548 Wilson, Henry, Gore .. .. .. , 149 Wilson, Hugh, Seaward Downs .. .. 65 Wilson, James, Balfour.. .. .. 456 Wilson, James, Ryal Bush .. .. 964 Wilson, John, Hokonui.. .. ,. 353 Wilson, John, Waianiwa .. .. 441 Wilson, John, and Son, Knapdale .. 378 Wilson, John A., Knapdale .. . • 122 Wilson, Joseph, South HiUend .. .. 355 Wilson, Mrs. Anna, Mokotua .. .. 33 Wilson, Richard J., Dipton .. .. 290 Wilson, Thomas, South Hillend .. .. j 456 Wilson, William, Brown's .. .. 14 Wilson, WiUiam, Mabel Bush . . . . 540 Windle, John, Riversdale .. .. 1,250 Winsloe, J. G.E., North Chatton .. .. 783 Winsloe, J. R., Greenvale Winter, J., Waipounamu, via Riversdale .. 217 Winter, J. F., Wyndham .. .. 40 Winter, W. J. (Trustees of), Mcnzies Ferry 120 Wrsoly, J., Wallacetown .. .. — Wishart, David, Ryal Bush .. .. 64 Wood, Camfort, Hedgehope .. .. 127 Woodloy, Henry, Mossburn .. .. 1,995 Woods, John, Oreti Plains .. .. 2,042 Woods, Mrs. Julia, Wyndham .. .. 1,023 Woods, Samuel G., Oreti Plains .. .. 2,750 Wraytt, G. A., Balfour .. .. .. 1,100 Wraytt, G. A., Balfour .. .. .. — Wright Bros. (J. H. Wright), Gore Wright, Edwin J., West Plains .. .. 64 Wright, H., Mataura Wyber, John, Gore .. .. .. 420 Wybor, R., To Tipua .. .. .. 239 Wybrow, James, jun., Haldane .. .. 33 Wylie, Johnson, Menzies Perry .. .. 858 York, Adam, Brown's .. .. .. 50 Yorke, Mrs. L., Niagara. . .. .. — Yorke, W., Niagara .. .. .. 85 Yorston, R., Pukerau .. .. .. 102 Young, Aloxander, Pyramid .. .. 268 Young, Donald, Hedgehope .. .. 250 Young, James, Waianiwa .. .. 279 Young, James, WaUacctown .. .. 117 Young, Robert, and Son, Pukerau .. 802 Young, WiUiam, Otahuti .. .. 1,095 Young, WiUiam, Glencoe .. .. 306 Zwios, Adolf, Lumsden . . .. .. 275 Zwies, Albert, Brown's . . .. .. 203 Zwies, F., Winton .. .. .. — Zwies, Louis, Brown's .. .. .. 15 Zwies, Otto, Brown's .. .. .. 254 Zwies, WiUiam, Brown's .. .. 398 2,172 1,889 Nil Nil 910 376 463 100 18 826 37 405 643 Nil 562 231 102 400 1,322 426 203 464 250 484 41 278 370 42 563 924 590 380 200 600 25 388 61 209 2,046 2,038 1,137 2,530 1,185 1,185 570 Nil 228 120 767 33 278 152 110 Nil 102 611 515 411 280 1,232 943 422 450 384 70 202 315 403 2,892 1,196 26 2,700 42 205 144 779 171 516 451 310 9,542 3 449 1,350 880 573 509 529 855 360 551 59 20 613 60 651 3,448 JB09 1,139 327 25 191 480 1,509 2,200 205 480 460 1231982 WALLACE COUNTY (In Southland Subdivision). Abcrnethy, J., Lumsden .. .. 266 Affleck, J„ Thornbury .. .. .. 402 Affleck, Mrs. WiUiam (private bag), Otautau 2,120 Affleck, Robert, Otautau .. .. 130 Affleck, Thomas, Otautau .. .. 67 Aitken, WiUiam, Otautau .. .. 46 Alderson, Joseph, Te Waewao .. .. 325 Allen, T. W. and K., Holmsdale, Lumsden 791 Alley, F. J., 37 Cutler's Road, Riccarton.. 360 AUison, Arthur, Drummond .. .. 491 AUison, J. K. B., Drummond .. .. 409 Allison, James,and Son, Gummie's Bush .. 360 Allison, R. J., Ermcdalo, Fairfax .. — 1355501 482 399 2,100 270 50 115 426 626 555 1,109 256 340 326 422 350 1,024 611 198 797
No. of Sheep on . April 30,1 April 30, 1917. 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Wallace County— continued. Anderson, Alexander, Tuatapcre.. .. 455 Anderson, D., Thornbury .. .. f ,086 Anderson, James S., Waimatuku .. .. 610 Andrews, G, Heddon Bush .. .: 1 — Andrews, W. L., Heddon Bush Armstrong, W., Waihoaka .. .. 254 Arthur, William, Box 16, Tuatapcre .. ! 64 Ay ton, W., Aparima .. .. .. 728 BaUantyne, A. S., Feldwiok, Orawia .. 224 Bamfiol'd, A. G, Isla Bank . . .. 751 BarnhiU, T. L. (Trustees of), Castle Rock, I 6,798 Lumsden Barrett, Paul, Gummie's Bush .. Barwell, E. W., Otautau .. .. 548 Barwell, S. J., Orawia .. .. .. 282 Battorsby, F. T., Orawia .. .. 270 Baxter, James, Thornbury .. .. 30 Beck Bros., Wairio .. .. .. 510 Beck, G. and J., Wairio .. .. 482 Beck, James, Waicola Homestead, Wairio.. 974 Beck, Joseph, jun,, Wairio .. .. : 504 Beck, Joseph T., jun., Aparima .. .. 710 Beck, Thomas, Aparima ., .. 000 Boor, A. H., Dipton .. .. .. i 860 Boer, E. G, Mossburn .. .. • • " 4 *5 Beer, H., Mossburn .. .. .. 549 Beer, John, Te Anau .. .. .. 762 Beer, Mrs. J. A., Mossburn .. ,. 9 Beggs, Peter, Wairio .. .. .. — Beggs, R., Otautau .. .. .. 1,229 Beggs, W. J., Eastern Bush .. .. j 355 Bcgley, James J., Eastern Bush. . .. ' 705 Begley, R. A., Eastern Bush .. .. 466 BeU, William, Gladfield, Otautau .. 439 Bellotti, Bernard, Wrey's Bush .. : .. 446 Bellotti Bros., Wairio *.. .. .. 410 Bennett, James, LiUburn, Clifden .. 695 Best, F. J., Otautau .. .. .. 276 Bickley Bros., Thornbury .. .. 481 Bickley, J. W., Waimatuku Birch, John, Woodlands (private bag), .100 Otautau Bissett, R. H., Avondale, Opio, Nightcaps 2,358 Blackmore, A. J., Opio .. .. 260 Blackmore Bros., Hekeia .. .. I 50 Blackmore, S. H., Riverton .. .. Ill Blanch, J. E., Wairio, Nightcaps .. 153 Blatch, Mrs. A. F., Linwood, Lumsden .. 8,447 BlondeU, George, Woodlands (private bog), 166 Otautau Borrie, Peter, Centre Hill Station, Mossburn 6,816 Boyle, J. and P., Heddon Bush .. .. : 1,480 Boyle, W. and F., South HUlend.. .. 1,040 Bradley, James, Clifderr .. .. 270 Bradley, R. D. M. and M. H., Clifden Bradley, R. W. R., Mangapiri .. .. I 554 Bradley, WiUiam, Belmont, Mangapiri .. 1,230 Brick and Rohan, Orawia .. .. 286 Brick, Daniel P., Orawia . . .. j — Brighton, Gavin, Nightcaps .. .. 375 Brown, George, Groper's Bush Brown, J. S., jun., Waimatuku .. .. 65 Brown, James, Drummond .. .. 526 Brown, Mrs. J. S., Waimatuku .. .. 85 Brown, Richard, Thornbury .. .. 170 Brown, W. S., Groper's Bush . . .. 844 Brown, William, Thornbury .. .. 500 Browning, James A., Mossburn .. .. 843 Brownridge Bros., Waihoaka .. .. 300 Brownridge, James, Fairfax .. .. 68 Buckingham, T. A., Drummond .. .. 664 Buick Bros., Otautau .. .. .. 519 Buiok, R., Maraekoa, via Otautau .. 360 Burgess, James, Dipton .. .. 506 Burnett, George A., Otautau .. .. 413 Cairns, J. and D., Heddon Bush .. .. 304 Cairns, J. and T., Heddon Bush.. .. 500 Cairns, Timothy, Heddon Bush .. .. 506 Calder and Clark, South HiUend.. .. 3,287 Calder, Charlos G, Drummond .. .. 1,333 Callender, Percy, LiUburn, CUfden .. 444 Campbell, James D., Merrivalc .. .. 564 Carlson, James, CaroUne .. .. 2,691 Carmichaol, Georgo, Thornbury .. .. 1,241 Carmichael, James, Gummie's Bush .. 479 Wallace County— continued. 502 I Carr and Minty, Orawia 1,022 . Carrick, Mrs. John, Otautau 581 , Casey, John, Opio 175 ; Catto, John, Heddon Bush 257 Caughoy, K, To Tua .. 452 ! Cavanagh, William, Maori Hill, Pukciuaori 105 Chamberlain, John, Maori Hill, ()rawia 1 977 ' Chamberlain, P., Wrey's Bush 340 Chamberlain, Timothy, Merrivale, Orawia 934 Bridge ! 6,694 I Chartres Bros., Mossburn Chartres, William, Braxton, Mossburn 71.2 Chartres, William, Mossburn 369 j Chewings, George, Glenelg, Matuku, via 579 Mossburn 503 Childs, Joseph, Scott's Gap Nil I Chilton, E., Otautau 533 j Chilton, F. G, Drummond 738 ; Chilton, T. A., Drummond .. 1,270 j Christio, Frank, Mossburn 535 I Christie, William, Thornbury I ,017 ' Church, Thomas, Nightcaps 500 Clapp, Mrs. E. D., Nightcaps 900 Clark, D. F., Heddon Brrsh 753 Clark, W. L., Lumsden 471 Clearwater, James, Castle Rock, Lumsden 762 Cle'nt, 10., Aparima 82 Cleveland, George, Wairio 523 Cochran, W. G, Rowan Braes, Te Trra 1,248 Cochrane, A. G, Heddon Bush .. 354 Cochrano, Thomas, Clifden 899 Cockburn, Johrr, Mararoa Station, Lumsden 506 Cody, Lawrence, Heddon Bush 394 , Collie, F. J., Otautau 250 | Collie, H. D., Otautau 1,058 Collie, S. J., Dipton 420 Conley, Georgo, Dipton.. 300 Connor, Daniel, Waimatuku 005 Coombes, Thomas J., Aparima .. 1,255 Cooper, Francis, Orawia 146 Cooper, William, Pukomaori Corcoran, C. J., South HiUend 1,615 Cormaek, James, Gummie's Bush, Riverton Nil Cosgriff, Edmond, LiUburn, Clifdon 102 Costello, W. IL, Merrivale 98 j Coster, Ernest, Otautau 186 Coulter, Mrs. Margaret, Otautau 10,295 Cournano, Jeremiah, Matukrr .. .. 180 Cournanc, Thomas, Opio Cowan, Alexander, Aparima 6,070 Cowie, Alexander W., Heddon Bush 1,259 j Cox, K. S., Nightcaps 830 ! Craig, John G., Eastorn Bush Nil Craw, G, Orawia 463 Creogair, John, Wrey's Bush 569 Crosbie, Robert, Otautau 1,296 Crow, D., Clifden Nil Cunningham, F. and G., Pahia 323 Cunningham, P., Pahia 425 Curie, T. B., Birchwood 340 Curtin, John, Wrey's Bush 54 i Cussack Bros., Wrey's Bush 871 : Cuthbert, Henry, Sunnysrde, Otautau 148 Dahlcnburg, Mrs. H. E., Waikouro 500 ' Darley, W. and M„ Otahu, Clifden f,222 Davannay, M., Wrey's Bush 665 Davis, Edward, Orawia 1,185 i Davis, Georgo, Eastern Bush 365 | Davis, Thomas, Orawia 350 | Dawson, Alexander, Mossburn 784 Dawson, G. T., Colac Bay 550 Deacon, James, Isla Bank 360 Devery, J. T., Orawia 638 ' Devery, Thomas, Merrivale 448 Diack, R. G., Tuatapcre 402 I Dickson, Benjamin, Wairio 477 ' Dickson, John, Scott's Gap 1,022 Dickson, Robert, Otautau 3,512 Dillon, A. W., Pahia 1,512 Dodds, J. A., Wairio .. .. 505 Donkin, F. L., Pheldy, Otautau 366 Donnolly, R., Wairio 2,926 Dorgan, Thomas, Te Tua 1,220 Douglas, John, Fairfax 330 Duggan, Mrs. Bridget, Wrey's Bush 1,218 1,222 133 500 52 394 93 424 900 6,579 213 1,170 318 262 1,272 07 283 331 858 0 I ,299 -192 37 704 2,173 9,321 J ,420 327 300 300 173 472 162 20 121 405 405 442 520 16 740 402 546 456 I , 270 180 347 466 297 107 1,397 1,221 164 697 74 404 248 100 100 2,520 600 550 0,203 646 1,175 251 864 3,364 02 292 285 866 Nil 767 4.33 34 122 708 1,862 9,195 942 334 300 040 254 415 167 25 416 Nil 343 315 Nil 472 10 760 020 518 410 1,300 197 Nil 311 348 143 594 Nil 263 445 800 3,107 2,428 1,612 338 254 900 616 590 32 302 350 263 294 676 980 575 43 500 782 419 55 64 162 155 300 505 1,660 3,153 1,168 1,503 214 174 800 594 1,116 245 267 230 162 518 1,077 575 41 530 538 236 328 330
No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, April 80, 1917. 1918. April 30, April 30, 1917. 1918. Wallace County— continued. Duu, David, Thornbury Duncan, Frank, Otautau Dune, W., Clifdon Dwyer, William James, Beaumont, Nightcaps Dyer, F. J., Mossburn Dyer, T. P., Mossburn Edie, John, and Sons, Redcliff Station, Otautau Edwards, W. A., Castle Rock, Box 5, Lumsden Egan, Mathow, Wairio Egan, Michael P., Wrey's Bush Egan, William, Wairio Elder, F. H., Orawia Ellis, Peter, Wairio Erskine, Hugh, Papatotara Erskine, Robert, Merrivalc Erskine, W. J., Papatotara, Evans, A. H., Aparima Fahey, Johrr, Wrey's Bush Fallow, A. M., Thornbury Fallow, John, Thornbury Felton, Richard A., Mossburn Pield, G. H., Centre Island Findlay, Frarrk, Thornbury Findlay, Johrr, Orawia Findlay, Miss J. H., Maori Hill Estate, Orawia Finn, Jeremiah, Beaumont, Nightcaps Finn, Thomas, Wrey's Bush Fitzgerald, F. J., Pahia Fitzgerald, Gerald, Orepuki Fitzgerald, James, Pahia Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mary, Orepuki Fleck, James, Thornbury Fleming, Aloxander, Heddon Bush Fleming, John, Matuku, Mossburn Fleming, Richard, Matuku, Mossburn Flett and Bews, Scott's Gap .. .. I Flynn, Timothy, Waikouro .. Ford, C, Tuatapcre .. . . Ford, John (W. Ford, Trustee for), Fairfax .. Ford, J. B., Heddon Bush Ford, J. M. and E. G, Aparima Ford, Patrick, Te Tua Ford, W., Isla Bank Ford, William, Fairfax Forde, John P., Wairio Forde, Martin, Wairio .. Forde, Mrs. T. W., Drummond Forde, T. G, Heddon Bush Forde, W. E., Scott's Gap Fowlc, Samuel, Clifden Fraser and Matthews, Fairfax Fraser, Lachlan, Waimatuku Fraser, Mrs. E., Waimatuku Fraser, Mrs. Mary, South HiUend Frasor, ()., LiUburn, Clifdon Fraser, William, Fairfax .. Eraser, WiUiam, Waimatuku Frentz, R., Orepuki Frew, David, Opio Frew, R. G., Te Waewae Froude, R., Maori Hill, Orawia Gaines, M., Wairio Gairdner,Robert M., Beaumont,Nightcaps Gallagher, James, Wairio Gallagher, Michael, Matuku Gallagher, Owen, and Son, Wairio Gallagher, Owen, jun., Wairio Garden, L., Pahia Gardiner, A. S., Clifden Gardiner, Donald, Beaumont, Nightcaps .. Gardiner, R. 0., Clifden Gardner, J. G, Clifden Geary, James, Heddon Bush Genge, T. and G, Wairio Gerrard, A., Te Anau Downs, Tc Anau Gerrard, Mrs. M., Drummond .. ., i Gibb Bros., Waimatuku.. Gibson, Hugh, Orawia Giller, T. G., Fairfax Glass, George and Maria, Wrey's Bush Glendinning, Andrew, jun., Belmont, Mangapiri Glynn, John, Orawia Glynn, Thomas, Eastern Bush 630 590 5,142 794 9,500 1,000 234 426 127 277 105 193 1,535 818 396 470 783 407 110 708 404 696 31 182 120 747 543 516 998 43 1,500 92 252 700 Wallace County— continued. 380 \ Goodger, Thomas and Julia, Matuku 492 Gorrie, Hugh, Pukemaori 103 Gorrie, James, Pukemaori 580 Gould Bros., Otautau Gow, Dr., Winton 4,740 i Grant-Ussher, W. N., Otautau 825 I Gray, A. H., Pahia 10,600 Gray, W., and Son, Waimatuku .. Greenslade, Robert, Harakeke, Otautau .. I ,588 Groenslado, Robert, Waiau Road, Otautau Greer, Aehison, Nightcaps 563 Greig and Clothier, Scott's Gap 420 Grey, John, Otautau 592 Griffin, John, Te Waewae 475 Guise, John, Drummond 129 Hagen, John, Orawia 500 Hall, Andrew, and Son, Thornbury 1,565 Hall, Andrew Hannah, Thornbury 383 Hall Bros., Aparima 516 Hall, James, Aparima 535 Hallaron, P., Wrey's Bush 754 Hamilton, Alexander, Drummond 532 Hamilton, IT., Orawia 81 Hamilton, Jamos A., Thornbury.. 140 HamUton, James, Wintorr 36 Hamilton, John, Ringway, Otautau 880 Hamilton, W., Drummond 202 Hardwick, John, Orawia Hardy, John, Fairfax 444 Harrington, Edwin, Otautau 481 Harris, John, To Tua 29 Harrison, Mrs. Rebecca, Dipton 90 Harrison, W. C, Colac Bay 330 Harvoy, James, Mossburn Nil Hawthorne, Matthew, Wairio Nil Haywood, Charles, Thornbury 291 Haywood, William, Fairfax Nil Hazlett, It., South Hillend 1,220 Healy Bros., Mossburn .. 143 Healy, T. J., Mossburn 400 Heenan, D. J., Beaumont, Nightcaps Nil Heenan, William, Matuku 152 Henderson, J. D., Lumsden 800 Henderson, James, Wairio 856 Hide, W. H., Merrivale 748 Hill, Leonard, Clifden 550 Hill, Mrs. M., Clifden .. 3f4 Hogan, William, Wairio 2,117 Hogg, Thomas, Waimatuku 1,578 Hood, R. A. G, Otautau 559 Hopcroft, W. B., Gummie's Bush 1,027 Horrell, B. G, Te Tua .. 1,369 Horrell, George, Te Tua 10 Horrell, John, Te Waewae 060 Horrell, R. W., Te Waewao 306 Horrell, W. S„ Te Tua 479 Hotop, H. (private bag), Elmwood, Lumsden 100 Hotop, Henry (W. 0. Kempthorne's lease), Nil Elmwood, Lumsden 800 Howard, T., Waihoaka Nil Hubber, Henry, Heddon Bush .. 553 Hyde, J. W., Wroy's Bush 438 James, R. G., Aparima 192 James, Richard S., Aparima 51 James, Richard, son., Aparima 317 James, Stephen, jun., Aparima 2,693 James, W. T., Otautau 234 Johns, J. J., Nightcaps.. 931 Johnston, James, Feldwick, Orawia 763 Johnston, James G., Nightcaps Nil Johnston, William, Drummond 227 Johnstone, S., Thornbury 918 Johnstone, W. J., Orawia 420 Jones, David, Drummond 850 Jones, E. J., Drummond 2,060 Jukes, R. and W., Tuatapcre .. 286 Kain, W., Fairfax 319 Kearney, John, Matuku.-. ,.■ Nil Kearns, J., Scott's Gap.. 789 Kearnsy, Thomas, Matuku 000 Keen, C, Wairio 423 Keen, John and Jane, Aparima 725 Keen, W., sen., Wairio 1,445 Kennedy, Robert, Drummond 990 Kennedy, Thomas W., Otautau Kennedy, WUliam, Otautau 190 Keown, Hugh S., Lumsden 804 Kerr Bros., Orawia 892 I 728 347 220 21.0 257 237 7,545 250 367 35 15 1,374 1,670 456 152 276 I 295 609 556 1,286 1,429 408 493 030 Nil '54 559 Nil 94!) 170 660 352 414 228 136 360 508 303 240 029 545 1,528 1,977 52 34 17 Nil 285 428 410 478 254 300 179 1,320 1,170 97 85 504 Nil 300 315 742 404 378 488 730 507 335 830 670 000 753 984 1.150 059 378 1,002 1,290 414 281 220 205 345 748 172 28 691 195 292 400 165 765 707 170 ' 137 810 800 116 350 320 609 1,549 1,440 611 718 300 1,312 852 323 1,262 394 20 325 i 009 860 488 167 527 134 382 75 2,626 39 628 12 25 1,089 1,322 950 2,700 843 723 338 341 614 812 417 603 640 678 222 118 96 100 921 996 61 65 18 Nil 656 506 408 390 299 , 423 563 562 344 720 406 350 591 ; 839 366 j 711 1,630 | 1,306 335 39S 1,227 997 666 647 1,432 2,070 372 350 384 ' Nil 495 13 1,085 625 720 1,954 213 203 7,100 044 205 405 1,002 932 203 530
No. of Sheep on April 30, t April 30, 1917. i 018. No. of i April 30, 1917. Iheep on 1 April 30, ! 1018. Wallace County— continued. Korr, Robert Craig, Orawia Kidd, E., Beaumont, Nightcaps Kidd, 10. R., and Son, Opio King, A., Orepuki King, IL, Maori Hill, Pukemaori King, James, Blackmount Kirrg, John, Orawia Kingsland, John, Clifden Kirkpatrick, J., Donnelly, Wairoto Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Thomas, Wairio Knowlor, H., Te Waewae Knowler, William, Pahia Lambie, W., Chertsey, Canterbuiy Langford, W. J., South Hillend Lay, C, Orawia Lightfoot, William T., Aparima Lindsay, A. W., Drummond Lindsay, Alexander, Waimatuku Lindsay, J. B. and A., Drummond Lindsay, John, Otautau Lindsay, John, Drummond Lindsay, Robert, Waimatuku Lindsay, T. J., Drummond Lindsay, W., Waikouro Linscott, F. J., Thornbury Livingstoire Bros., Manuka Downs, Nightcaps Livingston, I). G, Manuka Downs, Nightcaps Logan and Jenkins, Burwood Station, Lumsdon Love, W. J., Dipton Low, George, Bayswater, Otautau Low, James, Otautau Low, James, Wairio Mackintosh, A. R., Clifden Mackintosh, M. and W., Wairio Malcolm Bros., Heddon Bush Malone, P. and T., Castle Rock, Lumsden Manson, Alexander, Otautau ... Markey, James, Wairio Markey, Michael, Wrey's Bush Marshall, Edward, Oraria Marshall, Franois, Otautau Marshall, W. J., Fairfax Marshall, W. J. and A., Fairfax Matheson, Hugh, Drummond Matheson, James, Orawia Mathioson, Duncan, Upper Merrivale, Orawia Matthews, W. J., Otautau May, William, jun., Otautau Muirhead, J., Aparima McBeath, D., Gummie's Bush McCall, John, Eastern Bush McCauiey, James T., Mossburn McChlery, Aloxander W., Orawia McClure, Mrs. Edith Millicent, Huaraki, Merrivalc McCorkindale, Mrs. M., Nightcaps McCully, W. D., Scott's Gap McDonald, John, Otautau McDonald, Mrs. H. (c/o W. Murray, Farmmanager), Thornbury McDougall, J. R., Drummond MeFadzien, James, Heddon Bush MeFarlanc Bros., Drummond McFarlane, D., Otautau McFarlane, J. G, Otautau McFarlane, John, Drummond McGill and Co., Blackwater, Gummie's Bush McGill, D., Castle Rock, Dipton.. McGill, T. O., Drummond MoGregor, D., Ringway, Otautau McGregor, W. J. A., Mount Linton, P.O., Birchwood Mclnerncy, Thomas, Te Tua Mcintosh, Robert, Orawia Mcintosh, William, Heddon Bush Mclntyre, John (Executors of), Thornbury McKay, D., Te Tua McKay, D., Heatherhill, Nightcaps ■ McKay, Mrs. A., Marathon Park, Lumsden McKonzie, Alexander, Glenburn, Otautau.. McKenzie, Charles, Isla Bank McKcnzio, Francis B., Isla Bank McLaren, Donald, Eastern Bush McLaren, Donald S., Eastern Bush McLaren, M., Parkside, Eastern Bush McLean, G., Thornbury 344 1,607 103 425 11,192 934 1,200 1,865 403 152 12 1,410 440 102 388 380 564 925 465 582 757 403 121 589 706 6,413 474 35 187 568 400 1,120 907 09 967 254 44 1,682 614 263 481. 450 624 616 708 1,250 456 078 71 1,270 497 380 1,722 184 510 14,194 1,050 1,019 359 359 220 30 1,480 11 185 128 446 839 1,496 574 689 785 770 280 624 Nil 802 17,000 3,040 405 28 309 610 180 1,084 307 81 236 I ,337 534 125 Nil 1,149 339 221 470 941 408 763 1,512 352 Nil 639 1,449 Wallace County— continued. McLean, J., Thornbury McLean, J. A., Burwood, Lumsden McLean, J. B., Thornbury McLean, It., Caroline McLean, Thomas, Nightcaps McLecs, H., Otautau McLeish, John, Isla Bank McLennan, D., Dunrobin, Matuka McLeod Bros., Clifden McLeod, William, Waimatuku McLew, It., Fair-fax MoNaughton, John, Riverton McNeil, IL, Thornbury McNeill, Mrs. Margaret, Thornbury McNeill, Robert, Thornbury McNeill, T. A., Thornbury McPherson, A., sen., Pahia McRae, J. A., Hekeia Mcltac, Mrs. Mary C, South Hillend McTavish, Mrs. Jane, Heddorr Bush Meehan, John, Waianiwa Meehan, Timothy, and Son, Drummond . . Meek, Robert, Fairfax Mehrtens, L. G, Orawia Mempes, James, Orepuki Merrifield, John, Gummie's Bush Mewtorr, Albert, Matuku Mewton, John, Matuku.. Millor, A. T., Clifden Miller, Aloxander, Te Tua Mihi, A. E., Clifden Mitchell, D., Ermedale, Fairfax Moir, J. E., Orawia Moir, W., Eastern Bush Mollison, James, Isla Bank Mollison, W., jun., Isla Bank Monamore Station (c/o Manager), Mouamore, Opio Moore, J. W., Castle Rook, Lumsden Moore, W. T., Wrey's Bush Moore, W. T„ G. G., and A. K., Heddon Bush Morton, James and David, Isla Bank Mouat Bros., Fairfax Mouat, Malcolm, Eastern Bush Mouat, Malcolm, Woodlands (privato bag), Tuatapero Muir, David, Waikouro.. Muir, J. G, South Hillend MuUen, A. J., Orepuki Munro, William (for Waihoaka Property), Oropuki Munro, William, Orepuki Murphy, Denis, Wroy's Bush Murray, James, Gummio's Bush Murreil, Mrs. M., Manapouri Murrell, R., Lake Manapouri Newton, Mrs. A. M., Wrey's Bush Newton, W. J., Wrey's Bush Norman, T., Otautau O'Brien, John, South HiUend O'Brien, M., and Sons, Orawia O'Brien, T., Te Waowae O'Dowd, Lawrence and M., Nightcaps O'Dowd, William,, Nightcaps Officer, A., Thornbury Officer, A., and Sons, Thornbury.. Officer Bros., Scott's Gap, Otautau Officer, J. R. Y., and Sons, Otautau Officer, William, Groper's Bush Ogilvie, Alexander, Wroy's Bush Omoara, Patrick, Nightcaps Palmer, Jesse, Merrivale Road Paterson, Jamos G., Scott's Gap Patterson, D., and Son, Isla Bank Pearce, R. T., Otahu, Clifden Pears, J. A., Ethal Vale, Nightcaps Peterson, W. and T., Orepuki Pettigrow, A. W. and T., Thornbury Pirie, George, Isla Bank Pirie, Robert, Isla Bank Plains Station Company (Limited), 'The Plains Station, Tho Key Playfair, H., Gummie's Bush Plunkott, John, South, HiUend Plunkott, Robert, South HiUend.. Pollard, William, Pahia Popham, H. L., Orepuki Popham, James A., Orepuki 458 ! 527 13,100 j Nil 776 ! 684 1,116 | 1,200 259 ! 216 644 ! 701 644 : 939 4,711 | Nil 1,425 1,150 112 160 33 202 189 455 ! 593 463 i 607 156 524 1,006 310 315 365 190 114 487 540 1,104 404 Nil 395 74.5 943 1,200 277 { Nil 226 305 241 245 840 1,000 738 ■ 950 537 593 28 It) 1,193 1,168 136 157 351 100 396 868 285 I 650 140 ! 262 3,490 ' 3,505 064 860 1,450 1,277 1,007 869 746 373 580 976 576 762 1,402 1,006 2,396 1,948 598 590 38 : 25 — , 285 778 2,406 229 494 329 1,210 306 1,455 1,044 530 921 2,292 320 371 270 296 808 799 Nil Nil 259 567 317 ! 188 232 i 364 703 : 733 1,575 1,315 254 376 146 120 920 i 970 290 000 600 i 705 75 | 91 451 j 255 601 703 463 Nil 695 56 375 538 407 90-; Nil 1,030 ; 167 810 j 810 90 ! 121 534 758 528 366 659 949 6,044 5,505 299 , 267 794 723 168 : 340 790 ! 1,005 5,100 ; 4,780 5,028 4,383 700 250 10,806 130 10,440 75 174 1,110 1,925 72 1,253 638 485 123 336 1,466 1,327 111 12 784 2,009 30 1,215 749 524 311 340 738 064 354 490 1,113 1,138 737 1,290 487 097 12 15 , 25 62 i Nil 398
No. of Sheep on I April 30,1 April 30, ! 1917. j 1918. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, I 1917. 1918. Wallace County— continued. Porteous, A. R., Birchwood Power, Thomas, Wrey's Bush Prendergast, Edmond, Otautau Prondoville, Thomas, Matuku Printz, G. G., Pahia Proctor, John A., Drummond Pulley, Georgo T., Mossburn Pye, Charles, Gummie's Bush, Riverton . . Quested, T., Nightcaps Ramsay, James, Otautau Ramsay, Mrs. Johanna, Awatata, Nightcaps Reid, John, Mossburn .. RiSidie, David, and Son, Groper's Bush Reynolds, Edward G., Wrey's Bush Richards, B. and J. J., Orawia Richards Bros., Te Waewae Ritchie, James, Nightcaps Robbie, James, Waimatuku Robortson and Nivcn, Birchwood Robertson and Son, Te Waewae Robertson, Johana, Opio Robson, Alexander, Aparima Robson, D. A. and Thomas, Bayswater, Otautau Robson, David A., Aparima Rodger, A. W., Waimumu, Birchwood Roger, A. W., jun., Birchwood, Nightcaps Rohan, J., Orawia Rolton, R. and G, South Hillend Ronald, J. W., Thornbury Ronald, Robert, Nightcaps Ross, John, Wild Bush Roy, Alexander, jun., Mossburn.. Russell and Graham, Mossburn Russell, W. L., Mossburn Ryan, James, Otautau Ryan, Patrick, Awatata Sandry, George, Gummie's Bush, Riverton Sanford, Samuel J., Clifden Saunders and Newton, Manapouri, via Lumsden Saunders, David, South Hillend Saunders, John, South HUlend Saunders, WiUiam, Otautau Soobie, W, jun., Eastern Bush Scott, G. A., Orawia Scott, R. and P., Tnatapere Scott, W. P., Pinehill, Fairfax Scott, William J., Clifden Searle, John, Wrey's Bush Seatter, George, Otautau Shaggs, H. E., Pahia Shaw Bros., Fairfax Shaw, John (Trustees of), Bayswater, Heddon Bush Sheddan, J. H., Otautau Sim, E. K., Pukemaori Simrrrs, W., Eastorn Bush Sinclair, Donald, Nightcaps Slattery, Michael, Fairfax Smith and Colbran, Westwood, Wild Bush Smith, H., Matuku Smith, H-, Nightcaps Smith, J. H., Orawia .. Smith, L. L., Isla Bank Smith, Mrs. Alexander, Matuku Smith, R. A., Matuku Smith, R. S., Wrey's Bush Smith, Thomas J., Mossburn Soper, E., Lumsden Souness, Alexander, Otautau Spencer, Mrs. E., Otautau Spillane, Cornelius, Opio Stalker, L., Maruekoa, Otautau Stephens, John, Wild Bush Stephens, Joseph, butoher, Colao Bay Stephens, T. A., Otautau Stevens, W. (Executors of), Beaumont, Nightcaps Stewart, Alexander, Waikouro Stewart, Alexander and Thomas, Waimatuku Stewart, D. W., Otautau Stewart, T. M., South HiUend Stormonth, W., Drummond Strang, WiUiam, Waimatuku Stroud Bros., Wrey's Bush Strudwicke, Frank, Opio, via Nightcaps .. Stuart, R. and D., Scott's Gap Studholme, H., Birchwood 394 311 543 723 Nill 1,000 912 1.315 1,420 92 943 1,061 180 Nil 60 102 1,152 1,007 894 j 1,376 178 ! 323 800 2,058 : 2,080 10 850 2,065 2,098 423 : 523 731 1,552 314 392 255 557 738 828 059 088 304 394 1,192 2,855 2,465 176 661 627 8 316 472 550 164 37 995 1,250 1,447 Nil 1,505 2,120 2,422 404 266 853 Nil 625 566 6,210 6,070 1,218 1,392 823 253 562 600 1,702 2,830 646 724 428 545 496 500 532 877 163 204 30 31 73 193 389 1,662 1,523 Wallace County— continued. Sutherland, R. (Estate of), Nightcaps .. 431 Sutton, Frank, Drummond .. .. 778 Sutton, J. R., Isla Bank .. .. 739 Sutton, Owen, Thornbury ,. .. 668 Swap, Mrs. A. J., Otautau .. .. — Swift, and Co. (Limited), Dunrobin Station, Matuku Tapper, Gus., Clifden .. .. .. 2,125 'Taylor, A. S., South Hillend .. .. 411 Taylor, H. D., Eastorn Bush .. .. .1,094 Taylor, Joseph (Estato of), Heddon Bush .. 957 | Taylor, William, Aparima .. .. , 840 Templeton, WiUiam, Riverton .. .. 26 Teviotdalc, David, Isla Bank .. .. 1.834 Thompson, W. J., The Key, via Lumsden. . Thomson, R., Beaumont, Awatata .. 80 Thomson, W., Otautau .. .. .. ■— ■ Thomson, W., Waimatuku .. .. 510 Thornton, Mrs. J. A., Otautau .. .. 80 Tinker, W., Nightcaps .. .. .. 164 Tippett, R. A., Waimatuku .. .. • 720 Todd, William, Maori Hill Estate, Pukemaori 347 Tomlinson, A., Orawia .. .. .. 611 Tomlinson, George, Orawia .. .. 477 Tr-ender, W. V. (Estato of) (c/o J. G. Ward 1,267 and Co.), Invercargill Turner, Fred J., Mossburn .. .. — Turnor, W. G, and Sons, Wrey's Bush .. 2,183 Valentine, William, Waimatuku .. 379 Valli, Antonio, Nightcaps .. .. 60 VaUi, Geuseppi, Nightcaps .. .. 280 Valli, James, Nightcaps .. .. 438 Vyncr, P. A., To Tua .. .. .. — Waddell.T.K, Matuku.. .. .. 398 Walker, A. and. J., Mossburn .. .. 1,321 Walker, William, Dipton .. .. 1,000 Walker, William, Otautau .. .. 606 Ward, Benjamin, Fairfax .. .. 82 Ward, G, Te Tua .. .. .. 142 Ward, Mrs. G., Hekeia .. .. ., 90 Ward, Mrs. Lavinia, Maraekoa ... .. 137 Ward, S., Aparima .. .. .. 163 Ward, W. H., Lumsden.. .. .. 1,100 Warden, C. T., Thornbury .. .. 95 Watson Bros., Heddon Bush .. .. | 2,169 Watson, James, Feldwick, Orawia .. j 295 Watson, Thomas, Colac Bay .. .. ! 144 Watson, W., Pahia .. .. .. 417 Watts, James, Josephville, Lumsden .. 163 Welsh, John, Nightcaps.. .. .. 22 Whelan, D., Orepuki .. .. .. — Whelan, D. W., Waimatuku .. .. — White, Adam, Wild Bush .. ' .. — Whittingham, G. W., The Gorge, Mossburn \ 3,127 Whyte, R. (Pukemaori Property), Clifden.. Whyte, Robert, Clifden.. .. .. 1,551 Whyte, W. A., Clifden .. .. .. 466 Wrldey, J. E„ Birchwood . . .. 26 Williams, It. W., Wairaki, Nightoaps .. 975 Wilson, Andrew, Orawia .. .. 742 Wilson, Charles, South HiUend .. .. 1,043 Wilson, Fred. H., Orepuki .. .. 180 Wilson, J. T., Bayswater, Otautau .. 1 Wilson, James T., Merrivale Road, Otautau 50 Wilson, Robort, Castle Rock, Lumsden .. 453 Woodhead, James, Drummond .. .. 220 Woodhead, William, Drummond .. .. 114 Young Bros., P.O. Box 12, Orepuki .. — Young, David, Orawia .. .. .. 289 Young, J. IT. (Trustees of), Orepuki .. 336 008 726 531 634 42 4,631 2,205 466 1,1.29 956 577 24.0 2,098 37 212 79 570 104 Nil 078 411 500 452 Nil 920 1,478 322 3 Nil 424 199 469 912 900 473 96 284 258 104 230 1,014 308 2,365 300 135 428 170 110 290 60 36 3,058 639 681 364 43 973 885 992 100 101 90 744 135 15 G3 320 280 584 867 1,181 889 383 400 460 734 447 I Nil ■60 Nil 1,175 1,173 1,591 1,818 139 100 472 ' 742 703 538 1,416 : 1,830 1,341 I Nil 218 139 347 549 , 566 10 479 '< 461 810 500 126 79 — ; 65 70 27 12,932 12,802 488,745 530,551 367 ' 400 40 293 315 607 216 450 520 166 j 277 1,079 1,090 570 643 386 4,644 : 4,606 STEWART ISLAND COUNTY (In Southland Subdivision). Barrio, James, Box 25, Waimate .. 600 Bragg, John, Half-moon Bay .. .. 58 Dawson, James (Executors of), Ulva, Half- 151 moon Bay Joss, Walter, Ulva, Paterson's Inlet, .. 115 Newton, Mrs. George, Ruapuke .. .. 473 Patuki, The Hon. John Topi, Ruapuke .. I ,157 Rita, Henry, Ruapuke .. .. .. 501 Robertson, WiUiam, Half-moon Bay .. 239 Russell, Mrs. A. M., Ruapuke .. .. 142 Topi, Maurice, Ruapuke, Bluff .. .. 594 Waitiri, L, Ruapuke Island .. .. 41 590 37 103 122 403 1,345 383 253 152 353 51 4,051 3,792
TABLE SHOWING NUMBER OF SHEEP IN THE DOMINION SINCE 1894. fe»r. Number of Sheep. Year. Number of Sheep. 1894 .. .. .. 20,230,829 1907 .. .. .. 20,983,772 1895 .. .. .. 19,826,604 1908 .. .. .. 22,449,053 1896 .. .. .. 19,138,493 1909 .. .. .. 23,480,707 1897 .. .. .. 19,687,954 1910 .. .. .. 24,269,620 1898 .. .. .. 19,673,725 1911 .. .. .. 23,996,120 1899 .. .. .. .19,348,506 .1912 .. .. .. 23,750,153 1900 .. .. .. 19,355,195 1913 .. .. .. 24,191,810 1901 .. .. .. 20,233,099 1914 .. .. .. 24,798,763 1902 .. .. .. 20,342,727 1915 .. .. .. 24,901,421 1903 .. 18,954,553 1.916 .. .. .. 24,788,150 1904 .. .. .. 18,280,800 1917 .. .. .. 25,270,380 1905 .. .. .. 19,130,875 1.918 .. .. .. 20,538,302 1906 .. .. .. 20,108,471
Approximate Goat of Paper.- —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,100 copies), £29f>.
Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington,—l9lB.
Price 3s,]
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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th APRIL, 1918., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-23
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170,667THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th APRIL, 1918. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-23
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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th APRIL, 1918. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-23
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