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WEST COAST SHEEP DISTRICT. Return showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each County on the 30th April, 1917, and the 30th April, 1918.


No. of S 4heep on i No. of Sheep on '■ April 30, April 30. 1917. 1918. April 30. 1917. ! April 30, 1918. CLIFTON COUNTY' (In Taranaki Subdivision) Addenbrooke, H. G, Uruti .. .. 112 Allemann, S., Tikorangi .. .. 749 Allen. .1. 11., Tikorangi .. .. .. 30 Alpe, A. R., Uruti .. .. .. 313 Aroa, Robert, Uruti .. .. .. — Askew, James (rural box), Inglcwood Ayers, L., Matau .. .. . .■ 227 Barnitt, W. J. H., Uruti .. .\ 1,360 Barrack, George, Tarata .. ..- 560 Batley, R. T. (c/o'E. Dorset) (private bag). I 750 Waitara Baverstock, Harry, Tongaporutu .. 208 Birdling, William, Waitara .. .. 584 Bishell Bros., Tarata .. .. .. 905 Bishop, W. P., Waitui, Inglewood .. 408 Blackburn Bros., Tarata .. .. j 305 Blanchard Bros., Okau .. .. .. j 1,122 Bleakley, E. G., Urenui.. .. .. 193 Blundell, E. K, Okoke .. .. 205 Blundell, E. K. and E. P., New Plymouth .. Blundell, E. T., New Plymouth .. . . 413 Blundell, F. H„ Waitoitoi, Urenui .. 1,342 Bottomley and Minehin, Tahora .. .. 312 Bower, A. McD„ Okau .. .. .. 531 Bowman, W. J. (private bag), Waitara .. 54.1 Boyes, F. L., Uruti .. .. .. 162 Brightwell, Mrs. F. M., Tarata .. .. 019 Butler, E. J., Waitoitoi, Urenui .. .. — Butt Bros., Uruti .. .. .. 1,600 Campbell, J., Purangi .. .. .. 290 Cannell, W. D., Okau .. .. .. 399 Carr, Arnold D., Ratapiko .. .. 11 Casseriey and Corcoran, Waitoitoi, Urenui 50 Catchpole, L. W., Tarata .. .. 033 Chapman, T. A., Matau.. .. .. 173 Clifford Bros., Lepperton (private bag). New 100 Plymouth Clifford, G. 8., Tarata Cole, Percy, Tikorangi .. .. .. 535 Collins, H. E„ Okato . . .. .. 147 Dagg, A. A., Whangamomona .. .. 984 Darke, P., Okoke .. .. .. 203 Day, M... Waitoitoi, Urenui Drummond, R., Tarata .. .. 450 Erioksson, E., Matau .. .. .. 57 Erni, Joseph. Pehu Evans, E. W. L., Matau .. .. 104 Fabish, B. J., Purangi .. Fabish, John, Ratapiko .. .. 447 Peek, E., Uruti .. .. .. 138 Fletoher, N. B., Stratford .. .. 450 Foreman, G, Tikorangi . . .. 155 Foreman, H. A., Tikorangi .. .. 454 Gibbs, Arthur (Estate of), Tongaporutu .. I . 530 Gibsorr, W. H., Okoke Road, Urenui .. 258 Glassford, W. G., Urenui .. .. 945 Greenwood Bros., Muritai, Urenui .. 35 Greenwood Bros., Waitara, Urenui .. 1,331 Greenwood, W., Okau .. .. .. 320 Greig, H., Pukearuhe (private bag), Waitara Groig, H..C, Pukearuhe (private bag), Wai- — tara Grieve, J. W., Taramauku .. .. 427 Guilford, Mrs. W., Tarata .. .. 610 Guscott, Ernest, Uruti .. .. .. 709 Halcombe, A. H., Urenui .. .. 410 Halley, S. D., Matau .. .. .. J 00 Hamilton, L. J. G., Pehu .. .. 310 Handley, C, Ur-onui . . .. .. 450 Harrison, H.R., Matau.. ,. .. 780 Harrison, J. (c/o S. Smith), Okoke . . 800 Henry, T., Pehu .. .. .. 751 145 499 41 314 04 429 206 1,548 546 I ,981 230 972 910 I , 100 345 962 445 Nil 734 Nil 1,545 200 426 Nil ' 182 781 200 889 142 405 270 512 336 143 Nil Cnni-TON County— continued. Hcnwood, J. H. and W. (.',., Okoke Hirst, J. W., Tarata Hohbs, J. IL, Kiore Hogan, Thomas, Tarata Hogan, Thomas, Tariki Honeyfield, A. J., Onaero Hopkirk, A. (c/o W. G. A. Wilks, Manager), Purangi Hutchins, James, Rerekapa, 222 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth Ible, E. J., Tarata Ihlein, A. and G, Tarata Jarvis, G., Kotare Jenkins, 8. A., Purangi Johnson and Burrows, Uruti Johnston and Davies, Mokau Jones, P. 0. and H. O., Kotare .Tones, J. E., Urenui Jones, T., Uruti Jupp, W. H., Uruti Jury, B. F., Tikorangi Jury, T. L., Tikorangi Kemp Bros., Rerekapa Kennington, S. J., Matau Knuekoy, L. H., Waitara Knuokey, Samuel, Waitara Krause, A. C. W., Kotare Lambert, Harry, Tarata Lee, T. IL, Okoke Litohword, F. A., Omata Lovell, R., Tarata Lovell, William, Tongaporutu Lucas, A. D., Urenui, Okohe Mabin, J. B., Onaero Maciver, H. E., Tarata.. Managh, 8. A., Urenui Mantle, E., Tahora Martin, J. W. H., Pukearuhe Mathews, L. W., Tikorangi McBain, D., Ngatamiro McCoard, William J., Kawhatu Valley, Mangaweka McDonald, D., Okoke McEldowney Bros., Ngatimiro McGregor, J. V., Okau McGregor, Percy Charles, Ngatamiro McKenzie, T., Tikorangi McKenzie, Will, Waitara McKeown, A., Okoke McMullian. R. and A., Post-office, Matau .. Miller, A. J., Uruti Mills, F. H., Matau Moody, Thomas, Matau Moore, J. G, Rerekapa . . ... Moratti, .1. 8., Ratapiko Morey, R. J., Tarata Mortensen, A., Ngatamiro Mourrsey, It., Purangi Muir, T. W„ Taihape Murray, J., Moki Road, Uruti Murray, W., Uruti Musker, Charles, Uruti .. Ngaupaka Hakopa, Tikorangi Nicholls, R. J., Uruti O'Carroll, 0., Tikorangi Officer, W. A., Tarata O'Grady, Georgina (c/o P. J. O'Grady, Manager), Urenui O'HaUorau, M., Tongaporutu | Old, William, Uruti .. O'NeUl Bros., Urenui O'ReUly Bros., Tarata Payne and Moycs, Rerekapa 215 80 437 I, f 00 300 30 1.616 355 600 900 459 686 6,165 1,011 76 92 152 304 350 120 1,112 210 170 691 20 1.209 724 19 152 239 630 122 269 302 600 465 125 292 370 1,215 434 28 Nil 320 1,800 873 526 670 550 8,995 1,166 90 72 203 324 270 Nil I ,058 650 80 657 40 900 182 76 8 30 Nil Nil 750 009 361 204 757 544 1,161 708 106 822 133 271 421 48 1,515 174 40 Nil 202 867 150 488 1,183 292 960 08 1,270 416 445 81 1,827 1.052 110 75 530 2 165 1,240 1.041 510 200 200 236 72 308 458 211 714 31 1,165 68 1.262 1,100 1,720 508 154 560 Nil 180 702 008 385 188 237 130 77 336 549 87 960 100 1,212 Nil 1,214 5 2,318 330 300 36(1 721 456 337 350 180 770 850 540 303 100 530 121 372 177 386 70 430 590