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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 29th July, 1914. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, F. M. B. Fisher. His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, G.C.M.G., M.V.0., Governor of New Zealand.

Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 20th May, 1914. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the year ended the 31st March last:— Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1913. This Act has been assented to by His Majesty the King. It came into force on the Ist instant. The principal provisions of the Act are that a person holding a third-class seagoing engineer's certificate may be engineer of a steamer or mechanical-powered vessel plying within restricted limits; that Superintendents of Mercantile Marine at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin may engage seamen for ships lying at outports; that the Minister may appoint Inspectors of Seamen; that certificated cooks need not be carried by intercolonial ships; that vessels may be classified according to their construction and stability for the purpose of carrying deck cargo, that when a seaman of a ship registered in New Zealand, who was engaged in the Dominion, fails to join his ship before she sails, a Superintendent may accept from the master or may require the master to leave with him the man's wages, discharge, and effects, whereupon the man shall be deemed to be discharged from the ship; that ships of not less than 300 tons register which have been approved by the Minister as training-ships may carry a less number of able seamen than must be carried by other ships, and that the .Minister may exempt such ships from payment of light dues; that when a seaman is injured on board a ship or in connection therewith, necessitati]ig medical treatment, the master shall procure the services of a doctor, and, if the doctor so advises, send the man to a hospital; that the Governor may make regulations regarding the build, equipment, manning, inspection, licensing, and working of surf-boats; that in cases where a Superintendent declines to sue for the wages and maintenance of a sick seaman the man himself may do so; and that open launches plying for hire shall not carry cargo in the space allotted to passengers. Harbours Amendment Act, 1913. This is a short Act which was necessary to make provision for filling vacancies on Harbour Boards in cases where non-elective members cease to hold their seats before the expiration of the time for which they were appointed.

I—H. 15.



Mercantile Marine Offices. The Superintendents of Mercantile Marine and their assistants have carried out their duties in a very satisfactory manner. The tact exercised by them, especially during the recent strike, is worthy of commendation. Owing to the decision of the seamen not to engage upon any ship during the recent industrial crisis, it became necessary, in order to prevent the sea-carrying trade of the Dominion becoming completely paralyzed, to exercise the powers given by .section 57 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909. This section gives power to the Minister to exempt any ship from any specified requirement of the Shipping and Seamen Acts, or to dispense with the observance of any such requirement, if he is satisfied that the requirement has been substantially complied with, or that compliance is unnecessary in the circumstances of the case, and that the action taken or provision made is as effective as, or more effective than, actual compliance with the requirement. Under the authority of this section ships were, during the strike, exempted from the manning requirements of the Act in the case of seamen, firemen, trimmers, and greasers, when the Department was satisfied that the crews carried were as effective as the crews required by the Act. A return of these exemptions will be presented to Parliament in accordance with the requirements of the Act. A return is appended showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the different ports and the amount of fees received for the engagement and discharges. The number engaged was 22,330, and the number discharged 21,718. The amount of fees received was £3,015 18s. In the previous year the engagements were 20,554, the discharges 20,378, and the amount of fees received £2,801 17s. The transactions at the four principal ports were : — Engagements. Discharges. 6 g d Auckland ... ... ... 6,834 6,916 973 6 6 Wellington ... ... ... 7,751 7,159 992 19 6 Lyttelton ... ... ... 1,757 1,766 250 19 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... 2.730 3,052 408 4 6 During the previous year they were — Auckland ... ... .. 5,611 5,692 775 13 0 Wellington ... ... ... 6,930 7,152 932 12 0 Lyttelton ... ... ... 2,152 1,936 296 0 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... 2,879 3,021 437 13 0 Messrs. L. Flower, W. N. Poole, and W. J. White, Postmasters at Awanui, Kaiapoi, and Foxton respectively, have been appointed Superintendents of Mercantile Marine at those places, so as to give them power to deal with seamen. Proceedings for breaches of the law in regard to seamen were taken by the Department, with the following results: W. E. Wahlstrom, master of the s.s. " Putiki," for giving the cook a " V.G." discharge when such was not a true report of the man's conduct —fined £1 and costs; and G. Lang, master of the scow " Oban," for carrying seamen to sea without entering an agreement with them —convicted and ordered to pay costs. Masters, Mates, and Engineers. The examination of candidates has been carried out in a satisfactory manner by the various examiners. Four hundred and eight candidates passed and 132 failed. Of those who passed, 240 were masters, mates, and engineers of seagoing ships, 53 were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits, 5 were masters of fishing-boats and of cargo-vessels up to 25 tons register, 1 was master of a sailing-vessel plying in harbours and rivers, 22 were engineers of seagoing ships propelled by mechanical power other than steam, and 87 were engineers of similar vessels plying within restricted limits. Ihe percentage of passes in the whole number of examinations was 60J, which is a better result than last year, but in the foreign-going examinations the percentage was only 47J, which is not quite so good as fast year. This was no doubt due to the new and more difficult problems connected with the chart-work which were adopted. His Excellency the Governor has cancelled the New Zealand certificates of competency as home-trade master and foreign-going first mate held by J. M. Etheridge, in consequence of his having been convicted of theft. The following persons have been prosecuted by the Department for offences connected with certificates, viz. : W. Smith, for running launch " Sea Wolf " without certificated man in charge—fined £2 and costs; G. Reading, for similar offence—fined £1 and costs; F. Rattenbury, for running launches without certificated man in charge- -fined £2 and costs; G. Lang, for acting as master of scow "Oban" without holding proper certificate—fined £1 and costs; and Titipa Harris, for being in charge of licensed launch without holding certificate or boatman's license —charge dismissed on ground that vessel was not plying for hire. Registration of Shipping. Returns are appended showing the vessels registered in New Zealand on the 31st December last, and the number of seamen employed in them. On that date there were 225 sailing-ships, of 31.619 registered tonnage, and 391 steamships, of 127,691 tons register, as against 242 sailing-ships, of 34,308 registered tonnage, and 374 steamships, of 121,772 tons register. The number of seamen and boys on board at the end of 1913 was 5,477, as compared with 4,983 at the end of the previous year.



Survey of Ships. During the year certificates were issued to 332 steamers, 428 oil-engine vessels, and 112 sailing-vessels, as compared with 337 steamers, 537 oil-engine vessels, and 119 sailing-vessels at the end of the previous year. The following limits have been defined to be river and extended river limits : — Hicks Bay: River limits, inside bay; extended limits, between Hicks Bay and Te Araroa. Akaroa : Extended river limits, between Akaroa Head on the north, including lighthouse landing, and a point not more than a mile to the south of Iron Head. Otago Harbour : Extended river limits for pilot vessels, not beyond eight miles outside Taiaroa Head. The " Galvo " fire-extinguishing appliance has been approved for use on motor-boats. Proceedings were taken by the Department for the following breaches of the law in connection with survey certificates, viz. : Captain J. Carlton, for carrying too many passengers— fined 10s. and costs; G. Reading, for running a launch without a survey certificate—fined £1 and costs; F. Rattenbury, for running launches without survey certificates — dismissed on ground that law did not require survey. (The Department appealed against this decision, and the Supreme Court allowed the appeal. The Magistrate then convicted without imposing a fine or ordering payment of costs.) Captain J. Davies, master of s.s. " Pupuke," for carrying too many passengers —fined £2 and costs; G. hang, for running scow " Oban " without survey certificate—convicted and ordered to pay costs; Northern Steamship Company, for carrying too many passengers on certain of its steamers —fined £2 and costs on each of sixteen charges, and os. for each of the 247 passengers carried in excess of the proper number; Captain Somerville, of the " Caed Mile Failte," for not carrying proper lights—fined £2 and costs; and J. Spencer, master of cutter " Stag," for lying at anchor without anchor lights —fined £3 and costs. Deck-cargo Regulations. The deck-cargo regulations are working well, and there have been very few attempts at overloading. Inspections are made by the Surveyors before the vessels leave port, and if there is found to be more cargo on deck than allowed by a vessel's license the excess quantity has to be put below hatches or ashore. The regulations have been amended to provide that in the case of ships the whole of whose deck cargo does not consist of timber the alleyways are always to be kept clear of cargo and live-stock, and that there is to be a clear space of not less than 3 ft. wide cither on one side or the other, or part on one side and part on the other; also, that on ships the whole of whose deck cargo is timber it may be stowed from rail to rail, secured to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine. Ihe fee for the inspection of a ship for a deck-cargo license has been reduced from £1 to 10s. Wireless Telegraphy on Ships. In pursuance of the provisions of section 50 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, regulations have been made requiring New-Zealand-registered ships which are authorized by their ordinary certificates to carry 150 passengers or more at sea to be fitted with wirelesstelegraph apparatus. These regulations will come into force on the Ist July next. Deceased Seamen's Estates. The estates of twenty deceased seamen have been dealt with during the year. The amount received on account of them was £168 17s. 2d., and the amount paid to relatives and other claimants was £129 4s. 9d. The sum of £47 175., which had remained unclaimed for over six years, was paid into the Public Account. Particulars of the estates are given in a return which is appended. Wrecks and Casualties. During the year seventy-six inquiries into casualties to ships were held, seventy of them being preliminary and six Magisterial inquiries. Appended are tables showing the casualties and the analysis thereof. Those on or near the coasts of New Zealand numbered eighty-seven, representing 62,733 tons register, as compared with 103, of 45,001 tons, during the previous year. The number of lives lost was five, as compared with thirty-three in the previous year. One life was lost in the explosion which destroyed the s.s. " Moa," and four in the loss of the auxiliary fishing-cutter " Iris " at Bluff. Nautical Publications. The Nautical Almanac for 1914 was issued at the beginning of December last, and from the demand for copies it is clear that its popularity is not abating. The Department has also issued a small book, " Modern Up-to-date Navigation," prepared by Captain Blackburne, Nautical Adviser to the Department. The book is on sale at Is. 6d. a copy. A fair number of the ABC Azimuth Tables issued by the Department continue to be sold. The practice of importing Admiralty charts and selling them at Mercantile Marine Offices at a little over cost price has been continued, much to the convenience of shipmasters.



Notices to Mariners. Appended is a leturn of the Notices to Mariners relating to New Zealand matters which have been issued by the Department during the year. In addition to these notices, a large number which were received from Great Britain, Australia, and the United States of America have been published by the Department and circulated for the information of mariners. Meteorological and Weather Office. During the year new climatological stations have been established at Rakaia, the Hermitage, and at the Half-way House at Mount Egmont, and considerable increase has been made in the number of rainfall-stations, but the number of weather-reporting stations is practically the same as last year. District weather notes and a general summary of the ruling weather and storms have been published monthly in the Journal issued by the Department of Agriculture. In response to numeious requests from shipmasters, an extension has been made in the wireless forecasts which are sent out every evening, and special reports have been sent to ships whenever required. The wireless messages received from Macquarrie Island during the year proved of considerable value for forecasting purposes. Government Steamers. The " Hinemoa " has been employed on her usual work of tendering lighthouses, in overhauling, cleaning, and painting the buoys and beacons under the control of the Department, and in locating reported dangers. She has also erected a beacon on D'Urville Rock, in the Hauraki Gulf. She has now been running for thirty-eight years, and will have to be replaced by another steamer before long. Plans and specifications for a suitable vessel for the work to be carried out have been prepared, and I recommend that a vote be taken during the coming session so that a new vessel may be procured. During the strike at the end of last year the seamen and firemen of the " Hinemoa " went out at the call of their union, but no difficulty was experienced in obtaining other men. Most of the new men obtained at first were, however, inexperienced, and this made the time an arduous and anxious one for the master, deck officers, and engineers, to whom the thanks of the Department are due for the way in which they worked to enable the lighthouses, etc., to be attended to. In order to prevent a recurrence of similar trouble, all the officers and crew of the vessel have been made permanent employees of the State, and given the same privileges as regards leave of absence, superannuation rights, &c, as are enjoyed by other Civil servants. Their pay has been made a little higher than that of the crews of privately owned steamers. After completing her attendance on the battleship " New Zealand " in May last year the training-ship " Amokura " was moored in Wellington Harbour for the usual winter instruction to the boys. In addition to the usual instruction in seamenship on board during the winter, the boys attended school at the ship's schoolroom on the Thorndoii Rsplanade, where they were taught by a teacher supplied by the Technical School, the Department paying his salary. The teacher speaks well of their conduct and of the way in which the} 7 did their work in school, and the examination results at the end of the school-term were very good. Arrangements have been made with the Union Steamship Company to take some of the best of the boys on board the s.s. " Aparima " without payment or premium, for the purpose of training them as officers, the only concession given to the company for this being the exemption of the ship from payment of light dues in New Zealand. Under this arrangement six boys joined the "Aparima" in September last, and four will join each year in future. Those who joined in September were C. G. Cullen and S. Richter, who came from Eltham; H. A. Brockett, from Gore; C. Gandy, from Wellington; R. A. K. Lovett, from Bluff; and W. A. Neale, from Waikaremoana. With few exceptions the boys have behaved well. In the case of those whoso behaviour has not been good they were boys whose parents had evidently sent them to the ship because they needed discipline, and fh such cases they soon found discipline irksome. The health of all on board has been good. During the spring months and early summer last year the vessel visited Queen Charlotte Sound, Otago, Bluff, Preservation Inlet, Stewart Island, Picton, Port Underwood, Nelson, and the Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, and Bounty Islands. After the midsummer holidays she visited the Kcrniadec Islands, Russell, and Auckland, and in March last she made another visit to the southern islands and also called at Akaroa and Oamaru. Her visits to the outlying islands were made for the purpose of searching for castaways and examining the depots of clothing and provisions which are maintained on those islands. An evaporator and distiller have been installed in the ship, lhey work well, and enable sufficient water to be distilled to meet all requirements on board when the ship is cruising. Lighthouses. The Department has had under consideration the questions as to the erection of a lighthouse on the Three Kings, but it has not yet been able to solve the question as to the best way of marking these islands. Owing to the precipitous nature of the Western King it would be a very difficult and expensive matter to erect a light on it, and if erected it would be very expensive to maintain, as owing to there being not many days in a year when a landing can be effected it would be necessary to obtain and maintain a special steamer to attend to it. Moreover, the island is rather high for a light, being 600 ft. in height.



Auckland shipmasters have urged that a light should he erected on the top of the Big King, but as this is 995 ft. high, and five miles from the danger, a light there would be enveloped in fog whenever it was foggy and would therefore l>e of no use when most wanted. A design for a lighted buoy to be moored off the Western King iias been submitted to the Department by the Acetone Illuminating and Welding Company (Limited), and this is under consideration. There is also a proposal to instal a wireless apparatus on the Big King to indicate to a ship her position by means of a wireless compass on board. Full information regarding the use and utility of this instrument is now being obtained. The Marine Engineer has just visited the Western King, but his report is not yet to hand. The tower for a new light on Karori Rook, in Cook Strait, is now in course of construction, but the work is very glow owing to frequent and continued southerly seas which impede the work. The lantern and acetone-acetylene apparatus have been procured, but one ease has gone astray in the course of shipment from Sweden. Steps have been taken to get the missing part duplicated, and it is anticipated that it will be here by the time the tower is completed. A track has been constructed from the landing-place to the site for the proposed light on Channel Island at the southern entrance to the Hauraki Gulf, and the site prepared; the necessary iron tower has been built in Auckland, and the automata acetone-acetylene apparatus has been procured. It is proposed to erect the tower and install the light at an early date. A light on Flat Rook, in the Hauraki Gulf, would be of considerable value to shipping, and it is proposed to make the necessary provision on this year's estimates. Incandescent apparatus for eight more lighthouses has been procured from England, and eight of the lights whioh at present have oil-burners will be converted into incandescent lights as soon as the Department's expert, who is now engaged on the erection of the Karori Rock Lighthouse, can be spared from that work. Steps are being taken to obtain automatic acetone-acetylene lights for Nelson and Ponui Passage Lighthouses. When these are installed there will be better lights, and the salaries of three keepers will be saved. During the year I have inspected the lighthouses at Castle Point, Portland Island, East Cape, Cuvier Island, Ponui Passage, liritiri, Mokohinou, (ape Brett, Cape Maria van Diemeii. Kaipara, Godley Head, Akaroa Head, Moeraki, Taiaroa Head, Cape Saunders, .Nugget Point, Waipapapa Point, Dog Island, Centre Island, Puysegui , Point, Cape Foulwind, and the Brothers. These stations were found to be in good order, but new dwellinghouses are required at Tiritiri, as the present ones are very old. During the year one Principal Keeper retired on superannuation, two Principals died, one Principal and five assistant keepers resigned; one assistant was transferred to the s.s. " Hinemoa," one to the Railway Department, and one to the service of the Auckland Harbour Board, the lights under his charge being transferred to the Board at the same time. Four assistant keepers were promoted to be Principals, and twelve new appointments of assistant keepers were made to fill the vacancies caused by the promotion and retirement of assistants. The necessary additions, repairs, &c, have been made at lighthouse-stations as usual. Marine Store. A contract lias been let for the erection of a new store for the Department on the new reclaimed land near the King's Wharf, and the building is, in fact, nearly completed. As soon as it is finished one of the present stores on the site near the railway-line will lie moved to the site where the new store is being erected, as the Railway Department requires the land on which the stores at present stand. Fog-signals. The explosive fog-signals at Pencarrow Head, Godley Head, and Cuvier Island have been kept in good working-order. As it became dang< runs to go down and up the old track to the signal at Godley Head owing to falling pieces of rock, it was decided to make a new track. This has been done, ami a shorter as well as a safer track has been provided. In 1911 this Department provided and erected a fog-signal at Patiti Point, Timaru, the Timaru Harbour Board undertaking to maintain it. Its use by the Board was discontinued on the 31st December last, and the signal has been handed back to the Department, which proposes to erect it at Stephen's Island. The amount of light dins collected during the year was £41,745 12s. 4d., as eumpared with £41,406 7s. 4d. during the previous year. Harbours. The work of cleaning and painting the buoys in the harbours under the control of this Department, and overhauling their moorings and renewing them when necessary, has been done by the s.s. " Hinemoa." On the 9th January last the beacon which carried the Wigham light in the Helensville River, Kaipara Harbour, was knocked over through the s.s. " Wairua " colliding with it. It was then found that the piles had been riddled by the teredo. A new beacon lias been erected, and the light has been replaced on it. Steps arc being taken to place a lighted buoy at Beacon Beach, on the Wairoa River. A contract for the necessary buoj was recently let, and the required light apparatus is being procured. In Hokianga Harbour a new landing-stage and a horse-landing have been constructed at Kohukohu; obstructions are being removed from the Taheke River; sunken logs have been removed from the Waihou River; and the work of constructing a proper breastwork round the



reclamation which was made by the Kauri Timber Company by the deposit ot sawdust and slabs lias been put in hand by this Department, to which the land belongs. When the work is completed it is intended to cut the land up into suitable sections, road it, and then lease it. The breastwork which the Department constructed on the up-river side of the Kohukohu wharf requires to be extended a little further up, and i recommend that provision to enable this to be done be made in this year's estimates. Application having been made by several persons for licenses to occupy sites for buildings on the foreshore at Rawene, it has beeu decided to cut the available foreshore up into sections and lease them. A light is required on a dangerous rock in the Narrows, and a landing-stage is needed at the Kawene wharf. It is proposed to make provision for these in the current year's estimates. A sum of £124 18s. 6d. has been expended in improving the channel at Waitapu. In consequence of the small shipping trade to Okarito the services of the Harbourmaster as a permanent officer have been discontinued, and an arrangement has been made with him to guide vessels in and out of the river at £5 a trip. If a vessel calls off the bar but does not enter he is to receive half the above amount. He is also allowed to reside in the Department's house on condition that he executes any necessary repairs. The Whangape Timber Company has been prosecuted for depositing sawmill refuse in Herekino Harbour. A fine of £2 and costs was imposed. The sum of £1,440 13s. 4d. was collected for pilotage and port charges in respect <>i harbours under the control of the Department, as compared with £1,786 17s. during the previous year. A return of the amounts collected at the various ports, and also the amounts collected at ports under the control of Harbour Boards, is appended. A return of the harbour-works approved by the Governor in Council and of licenses to occupy foreshores is also appended. Mr. G. T. Shoebridge has been appointed Harbourmaster at Ngunguru, and Mr. J. Harrison has been appointed to look after the light at the entrance to Whangaparapara Harbour, in place of Mr. G. Cunis. resigned. The Department has continued to issue licenses to persons to take shingle and sand from various beaches in the Hauraki Gulf and other places. There is a large demand in Auckland for the material for building purposes, and the Inspector of Beaches has to be very vigilant to prevent its being illegally taken. A contract has been let for the survey of a reserve 29J miles round the Coromandel and Thames foreshores. It is considered that it would be advisable to make such a reserve to prevent any damage being done to private land by licensed persons taking shingle and sand from the beaches. The following proceedings have been taken by the Department against persons for illegally taking shingle, &c., viz. : S. Clare, master of the cutter " Kiwi " —fined £5 and costs; W. Carsen, master of cutter " Nellie Mason " —fined £10 and costs. Fisheries. The question as to the conservation and improvement of the New Zealand fisheries is one of very great importance to the Dominion, and in order that the best advice might be obtained arrangements were made with the Government of Canada to allow Professor Prince, the Canadian Commissioner of Fisheries, who has a world-wide reputation in connection with fish and fisheries, to" visit New Zealand for the purpose of examining and reporting on our fisheries. He arrived in Auckland on the 7th ultimo, and is now examining the fishing-grounds. The rock-oyster beds in the Hauraki Gulk and the Bay of Islands were picked by the Department last season, and. they yielded sufficient oysters to meet all demands —in fact, more could have been picked had they been wanted. Considering the bad state most of the beds were in when the Department took over the picking in 1908, it shows what proper conservation and proper picking can do. Departmental control and picking have wonderfully improved the beds, and enabled the public to obtain oysters at a reasonable price, whereas for some time before the Department took over the working of the beds oysters were dear, and the beds were becoming so rapidly depleted that-it would not have been long before they were worked out. In past seasons the smallest quantity of oysters sold by the Department in one lot has been one sack, which has compelled a person who wanted a smaller quantity to either combine with others to purchase and divide a sack, or else to buy from dealers at, in many cases, a considerably increased price. So as to extend the privilege of buying at a reasonable price to persons who require only small quantities, it has been decided to sell them at the depot at Auckland this season in quantities of not less than five dozen at Is. for that quantity, or 3s. for a kerosenetin full, a tin containing about eighteen dozen. During last year's open season —that is, from the Ist May to the 31st October—9,o69 sacks of oysters were taken, and sold for £6,167 14s. The cost of picking and selling, including interest and depreciation on the cost of the oillaunches used by the Inspectors, was £4,797 14s. Bd., giving a net profit of £1,359 19s. 4d. Part of this profit was used in replanting depleted areas at Rabbit and Long Islands and the coast between Kikowhakariri Bay and Coromandel Harbour; also at Port Fitzroy. Great Barrier, and in continuation of the practice of replanting depleted areas in tin , Hauraki Gulf, planting has this season been done on the foreshore between Kirita Bay and Tapu. and a 1 Manaia and Te Kuma Bays and adjacent islands. The oysters on the areas replanted in previous years are looking well. Of the oysters picked, 335 sacks were sold at Russell, 7,962 at Auckland. 277 at New Plymouth, 217 at Gisborne, 96 at Napier, 64 at Wellington, 18 at Hokitika, 33 at Greymouth, 19 at Nelson, 19 at Westport, 12 at Patea, 4 at Wanganui, 4 at Waitara, and 9 at Christchurch.



I went over some of the beds in the Hauraki Gulf, at the Bay of Islands, in January last, and found them ill first-class condition. In the Bay of Islands, besides growing on the rocks in the usual way, large quantities of oysters are growing on small stones which form shinglebeaches in some of the bays, the flouting spat having adhered to the stones. In Hokianga Harbour, where the beds have been closed for some time, the oysters are still small, although quantities of them are mature, and it would, I think, be wise to pick some of them, as those on top are only smothering those underneath. The Kaipara beds are in fail- condition, and if necessary a quantity of oysters can be got from them this season. The beds on the foreshore of that part of Kaipara Harbour, Kiakia Bay, Otamatea, for a distance of 50 chains from Te Kopua Point, have been set aside as an oyster-fishery from which Maoris may take oysters for their own food at all times. The oysters taken from the Foveaux Strait beds last season met all requirements. Of those taken last year 361,225 dozen, valued at £2,984, were exported to Australia, and during the season about 1,674,680 dozen, valued at about £7,790, were disposed of in New Zealand. Toheroa. —The canning of toheroas is carried on in the Kaipara district, and in order to preserve some of the beds for the use of the public who take them for their own use, the taking of this shell-fish for the purpose of canning or otherwise preserving, or for selling fresh, has been prohibited within half a mile on either side of Glink's Gap. The following is the purport of the reports of the local Inspectors of Fisheries : — Chatham /slant/x. —The fishing during the past year has been fairly successful, but the catcli has not been quite so good as during the previous year. During the year about a thousand cases of flounders caught in the Te Whanga Lagoon were shipped to New Zealand. These fish were in rather poor condition, owing apparently to the lagoon being overstocked. Blue cod and groper are as plentiful as ever. There was a shortage of competent fishermen. Bay of Islands. —The principal fish taken during the year were schnapper, mullet, flounders, maumau, kahawai, kingfish, and crayfish. These were very plentiful, and in some instances the fishermen had some difficulty in selling their catches at anything like remunerative prices. There are two mullet-canneries in the district —one at Purerua, in the Bay of Islands, and the other at Awanui. At the former place 545 cases and at the latter 174 cases were canned, the approximate value of which was £1 a case. The mullet arc very plentiful, whereas a few years ago they were scarce, lliere are four smokehouses at which schnapper, maumau, and mullet are smoked. The number of fishing-boats registered at the port is fifty-five, whose crews total 129 persons, of whom eighty-nine are Europeans and forty Maoris. The humpback-whaling carried on by Messrs. Jagger and Cook during the season was fairly successful, fifty-six whales, which produced 270 tons of oil and 60 tons of bonedust, having been taken. Last season 5,558 bags of oysters were picked, and the beds look well for the coming season. Hokianga. —The oysters on the beds are not large, but they are fairly plentiful. The principal fish caught were schnapper, mullet, kahawai, rock-cod, herring, moki, and terakihi. The condition of the fish was good, and schnapper and mullet were very plentiful, especially the latter. Mussels, pipis, cockles, escallops, and crayfish abound on the coast. There are several smokehouses in the district. Eighteen fishing-boats, were licensed from March to December, 1913, and eight from January to March, 1914 Kaipara. —Fish have been caught in fair quantities. Mullet and schnapper have been plentiful. Flounders have been plentiful, but trevalli and gurnet have not been caught in huge quantities. Auckland. —There are about a hundred boats, employing approximately two hundred and fifty men, engaged in fishing in this district, and there are in Auckland four fish-curing establishments employing fifty men. There is also one such establishment at Kawau, one at the Great Barrier, and one at Mahurungi, besides which Tapu and Coromandel each have a mussel curing and canning factory. Fish of all kinds except mullet have been fairly plentiful. Mullet are very scarce, and a close season extending over a term of years is recommended. The oyster-beds in the Hauraki Gi;lf are looking well, and it is estimated that about 4,200 sacks of oysters can be taken from them this year. Thames ■ —There are about forty boats, employing approximately a hundred men, engaged in fishing in the Thames district, most of them being employed in net fishing. The supply of fish has been considerably lessened during the last two or three years owing to the large quantities of jellyfish which fill the nets, and make it very difficult to work them. Flounders have been very plentiful. Schnapper were very scarce last winter, but they have been very plentiful during the last six months. Napier. —The fishing during the year was good on the whole. The supply of flat fish was very good. Besides flat fish the principal fish taken were trevalli, gurnet, schnapper, moki, terakihi, and kingfish; but there was a perceptible falling-off in the quantities of all these fish, except kingfish, as compared with former years. Hand trawling from the beaches was not so good as in former years, the weather-conditions not having been suitable. Two steam-trawlers have been added to the trawling fleet, and there has been an average number of eleven I ravlers employed during the year. Picton. —The principal fish taken were rock-cod, hapuka, butterfish, moki, terakihi, warehou, trumpeter, and flounders; but the fishing has not been good, and it has been necessary for the fishing-boats to work well out in Cook Strait. Wellington.— During the year the catches from the local fishing-grounds have been fairly good, although the supply of hapuku has fallen off slightly, owing, it is stated, to the discovery



of several new fishing-grounds for other fish nearer to the city which have been frequented by the fishermen. Hake have been caught in increasing quantities. The principal fish caught have been cod, hapuku, butterfiah, and hake. Municipal Fish-market. —There has been a good increase in the patronage by the public of the local fish-market, and good supplies have come to hand, the market having received better support from the small fishermen. Good prices have been obtained for the supplies, while the public has been able to obtain the fish ;it reasonable figures. Foxton. —The fishing industry during the year has been in a very satisfactory condition. Whitebait were plentiful during the season, and some good catches were made. Flounders and schnapper have also been plentiful, but the fishermen's boats are not suitable for going over the bar, where the schnapper-grounds are, in bad weather. Kahawai have not been so plentiful as last season, but occasionally some large catches were made. Mnnukau. —There has been considerable improvement in the fishing industry, and there are foity-one licensed boats engaged in fishing in the harbour. Schnapper, mullet, and flounders have been fairly plentiful. New Brighton. —With the exception of whitebait, fish have not been so plentiful as in previous years. Flounders, solos, herrings, and red cod have been very scarce. The prohibition of the use of hurdles has enabled every one to get a fair share of whitebait, and there have been very few complaints from regular fishermen. Eangiora. —Whitebait-fishing has been fairly good. Besides whitebait the principal fish caught were flounders, soles, moki, kahawai, and herrings, but the catches have not been very good. Lyttelton. —The supply of fish has been fairly plentiful. The greater part of the supply consists of hapuku, schnapper, and trumpeter, which come from Kaikoura, very few of these li.sli being caught near Lyttelton. Flounders, soles, red cod, butterfish, herring, and garfish have been fairly plentiful in and near Lyttelton Harbour, and the catches have been good. Crayfish were plentiful during the season. Blue cod, gurnet, mullet, and trevalli have been scarce. —The fishing during the past year has been fairly good, and the local market lias been well supplied. During the greater part of the year the principal fish taken were groper, flounders, soles, brill, and barracouta. A good deal of the fish is sent to Christchurch and to the inland towns. The fishermen have made a request to the Harbour Board to build a market for the fishing-boat wharf in order that they may be able to retail their fish direct to the public. Moeraki. —Fair catches of groper, blue cod, and red cod were made in the early part of the season, but later on all fish became scarce, and many of the fishermen had to lay their boats up. Oarnaru. —The principal fish taken were groper, blue cod, and ling, but the catches have been poor, mainly on account of the unfavourable weather. Dunedin. —The market has been fairly well supplied, and the catches have been as good as those made in the previous year. Three steam trawlers have been in use during the year, and they and several of the fishing-boats which were fitted with trawling-gear during the winter months obtained good catches of flounders and soles. Groper were plentiful up to the end of February, but have since been getting scarce. Kingfish were taken in fairly large quantities during the summer months, and good hauls of barraoouta were made within a few miles of Otago Heads. Ling have not been so plentiful as during previous seasons. Good hauls of red cod have been made by the trawlers, but very few have been taken by the line fishermen. The supply of terakihi and moki has met the demand, and some good catches of trumpeter have been made, but the supply has been intermittent. Inside the harbour flounders and trevalli have been caught in fairly large numbers by the seine fishermen. Nuggets. —The season has been a poor one, and the boats have had to go farther away. Groper, ling, and barraoouta have been the principal fish taken. Fair catches of blue cod were made early in the season v but this fish is now very eoaroe. Pounawea. —The se.ine fishermen report a fairly good year. The flounder, which is the principal fish taken, has been plentiful. Most of the fish are Bold locally. There are 121 fishing-boats registered in the Otago District. Bluff. —Good oatohes of fish have been made during the year. The principal fish taken were blue coil, groper, moki, and trumpeter, which have been plentiful. 6,986 cwt. of fish, valued at £9,050, were exported from the Dominion. Seals. A close season for seals existed in New Zealand from the end of August, 1894, until the Ist July last, but owing to poaching, which it was found impossible to stop, the seals did not increase to anything like the extent they would have done had they been left alone. It was proposed a few years ago to grant licenses for the right to take seals, one of the conditions of which was that a loyalty should be paid on each skin. Tenders were invited for the licenses, but none were received. Ihe Department has not been able to ascertain the number of skins taken during the season, but 490, valued at £529, were exported from the Dominion. It is proposed that there shall be an open season this year. Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery. I attach reports from Mr. G. M. Thomson, Chairman of the Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery Board, and Mr. T. Anderton, Curator of the Hatchery, which give full information as to the work that is being carried out.




Three years have elapsed since the last shipment of Atlantic salmon-ova was obtained from England, but it is yet too soon for the fish to return from the sea, and therefore it cannot be said whether the attempt to introduce them has been successful. The Department is of opinion that another shipment should be procured, as our experience with the quinnat salmon proved that success could only be ensured by liberating the fry from several shipments of ova. The question of obtaining another shipment might, however, stand over until the receipt of Professor Prince's report on the fisheries. Last season 251,000 quinnat ova were collected in the tributaries of the Waitaki River, of which 150,000 were hatched at the Department's salmonhatchery at Kokatahi and liberated in the tributaries of the Hokitika Kiver, 25,000 were sent to Tasmania, 45,000 were liberated at Hakataramea, and the fry from 20,000 were kept in the ponds at Hakataramea. Several thousand were hatched out at Taupapa for the fresh-water aquarium and the Auckland Exhibition, and the balance represented the deaths. The following fish were liberated from the Hakataramea Salmon-station in October, 1913 : Quinnat salmon —three years old, 64; two years old, 882; one year old, 17,020; fry, 45,000: Rhine salmon, four and a half years old, 20 : Atlantic salmon, four and a half years old, 20. This left in the ponds—Quinnat salmon, two years old, 80; one year old, 800; fry, 20,000. Prosecutions. There were twenty-three persons proceeded against for offences in connection with fish and oysters. In each case a conviction was recorded. Inspection of Machinery Department. The Public Service Commissioner having decided to amalgamate the Inspection of Machinery Department with the Marine Department, the amalgamation has been made. It took effect as from the Ist April last. The Inspection of Machinery report for last year is attached. I have, <$re, The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. Geokoe Ai.lport, Secretary.

The Chief Inspector op Machinery, to the Secretary of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department. Sir, — Customhouse Building, Wellington, 9th April, 1914. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations and work of the Inspectors of Machinery during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1914. Boilers inspected. Every district in New Zealand has been visited by the Inspectors. Machinery in the North Island is being installed at a much more rapid rate than elsewhere, and nearly every district officer in the North Island is asking for assistance to cope with the increase in their respective districts. It will be imperative in the near future to appoint additional men to assist. Hitherto I have been able to send some of the local Inspectors from Wellington, but it will be impossible to do this next year, as the work in and around Wellington and its district demands their united efforts to cope with it. There has been no friction with owners of boilers throughout the year, and a good year's work has been accomplished. 7,036 boilers were inspected. All the machinery in motion at the works in which these boilers were in use was also examined. Boilers. Of the 7,036 boilers inspected, 424 were new, and examined for the first time. Drawings of these boilers have been received, and the design of the boilers and sufficiency of the scantlings have been thoroughly examined in each case. Government Boilers and Machinery. The following Government boilers and machinery were inspected during the year : 135 boilers, 18 lifts, 32 oil-egines, 9 gas-engines, 49 electric motors, 5 Peltons, and 3 turbines: total, 251. The whole of the machinery driven by these motors, &c, was examined, not only for defects but for fencing Defective Boileri> and Fittings. Defects numbering 966 were discovered in boilers and their fittings at inspections during the year. Of this number, 31 were very dangerous. New Boilers. During the year 424 new boilers were installed in the Dominion, with a total horse-power of 5.633 J. There does not appear to be any need for a firm to import a boiler unless it is one of a type that cannot well be made in the Dominion. Most of the New Zealand firms have good and up-to-date machinery, controlled by experienced workmen who are able to build a boiler in firstclass style.

2—H. 15,


The following table shows the number and horse-power of the new boilers and the districts to which they have gone : —

Gas-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery.—Lifts and Machinery Inspections. This class of machinery is probably growing more general than any other in the Dominion. With the increase of wages and the difficulty in getting suitable labour in the country districts the oil-engine is now being generally adopted by the farmer. He can make use of it anywhere, at any time, and for almost all his power purposes. It is an ideal power for him, and he has not been slow to adopt it. The use of electricity in large towns and the price of land increasing so enormously in the centres has forced owners of buildings to increase their height, and, to provide for the convenience of those employed in such buildings, the electric lift has been introduced. This class of lift is now fitted wherever the electric power can be reasonably procured, and such lifts run smoothly and well. The total number of machinery inspections made during the year was 9,030. Of this number, 1,400 were gas-engines, 3,755 oil-engines, 3,834 lifts and motors (which include water and electric motors), and 41 steam machinery. Fencing of Machinery. At all places where an Inspector pays a visit he has a good look around all machinery to see that there are no dangerous positions unprotected where an employee might meet with an accident. Examination of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. Examination for electric winding-engine-drivers' certificates were held for the first time this year. Although electric power for such a purpose is not generally used at mines in the Dominion, there is no doubt that electricity is an ideal power for a winding-engine or for power purposes in a mine, as» it can be transmitted almost anywhere to a motor used for developing work or for pumping purposes. The book of regulations at present in use will most likely be reprinted during the incoming year. Examinations were held at the following places during the year : Auckland,* Blenheim, Christchurch,* Domett, Dunedin,* Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Havelock, Hawera,* Invercargill,* Kaikoura, Karamea, Miller's Flat, Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth, Palmerston North,* Queenstown, I'imaru,* Waihi, Waitapu, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport, and Whangarei.* The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, secondclass engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (for both steam and electric power), and locomotive and traction engine-drivers. The total number who sat for these examinations was 741. Of this number, 546 passed and 195 failed. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants from other States as follows : Denmark, 1; New South Wales, 1; Queensland, 1; Straits Settlement, lj Tasmania, 4; Victoria, 2: total, 12. Examination of Electric Tram-drivers. Every candidate who applied and had the necessary qualifications was examined during the year. 143 candidates sat for examination. Of this number, 12 failed.

♦ Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.


. Local. Imported. Total. District. luckland ... Luckland South lawke's Bay A aranaki Vellington North Vellington . . larlborough lelson North Jelson South Veatland !anterbury !anterbury South )tago louthland ... Totals ... District. - T , Horse- VT , Horse- VT . HorseNumber ' power. Number. power Number. power 34 496J 21 794£ 55 1,291 30 460* I 11 • 94 41 554£ 18 192| 5 182 23 324f 27 384 5 253 32 637 14 152f 9 t 23 638^ 31 250| 6 268i 37 8 40" 1 7 9 47 3 32* 6 43 9 75£ 4 16 3 58* ! 7 74* 10 134* 11 255 21 389* 33 1041 14 64J 47 168* 8 34 8 f 3 3* , 16 97* 33 328 35 117" 68 445 24 224 12 147f 36 371J ... 277 2,850 147 2,783* 424 5,633* 2,783* 424 5,633*


11. -15

Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners constituted under section 48 of the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1908, met in Wellington on nine occasions for the conduct of business, when the whole of the certificates were dealt with before their issue to candidates who had passed the examinations under that Act and the Tramways Act, 1908. It is under the last-named Act that the certificates are issued to electric motonnen employed on tramways. Accidents . I am pleased to have to record that no boiler-explosion lias occurred during the year, and such a result is most gratifying to the Department. At every inspection the Department's officers endeavour to locate all defects and to have every weak place strengthened or wasted scantlings renewed. To see everything both inside and outside of a boiler entails very often a great deal of work and inconvenience, but one has only to read of the dire havoc wrought by a boilerexplosion to appreciate what is being done in New Zealand for public safety. I trust that we will have no explosions in New Zealand for many a day. With moving and other machinery there lias been several accidents recorded. A great many of these occurred very simply, and ever)' employer should insist on all his employees taking no risks. If an employee considers that some portion of a machine he is working at should be better guarded he should report it without delay to the owner. Owners throughout New Zealand are most anxious to carry out any suggestion made by an Inspector for improvement in fencing their machinery. Anything that makes for greater immunity from accident should be encouraged and adopted at once. Postal anil Police Departments, I have to acknowledge many favours from the Postal and Police Departments during the year, and the promptness in dealing with all cases brought before both Departments leaves nothing to be desired. Examination of Marine Engineer*. Examinations for certificates of competency were held during the year at Auckland,* Christchurch,* Dargaville, Dunedin,* Greymouth,* Half-moon Bay, Hamilton,* Hokianga, Invercargill,* Kohukohu. Mongonui, Napier,* Nelson.* Palmerston North,* Picton,* Pounawea, Russell, Stratford, Tauranga, Timaru,* Tryphena, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport, and Whangarei. The total number of the candidates who sat was 359; 298 passed and 61 failed. 'lhe classes for which examinations were held were : first-class marine engineer, secondclass marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer, marine engine-driver, firstclass engineer of seagoing auxiliary-powered vessels, seoond-olass engineer of seagoing auxiliarypowered vessels, and restricted limits engineer of auxiliary-powered vessels. The new regulations are being prepared, and will contain much new matter, and will be framed to suit the new regulations introduced by the Board of Trade of Great Britain. The fees received from the candidates examined amounted to .£306. Explosives. There were 215 permits issued at the Port of Wellington for the carriage of explosives on passenger and cargo vessels. Annual Surveys of Steamships end Auxiliary-powered Vessels. This branch of the departmental work lias been well maintained during the year, more especially at the ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. A great many repairs to defective parts of hulls and machinery have been carried out during the year. Oil-launches in increasing numbers have had to be dealt with. In Marlborough Sounds, Hokianga Harbour, and in a great many of our rivers and estuaries these launches, in addition to their use for pleasure purposes, have proved of paramount importance to the settlements in the country. In arranging dates of suryey and granting time for the completion of equipments the convenience of owners has been consulted as far as possible. Home-trade and foreign steamship surveys of all vessels due have been completed and the convenience of shipowners as to time and place of survey have in nearly all cases been met. Several new vessels have been built in the Dominion during the year, and their construction has been closely watched during their progress on the stocks. Drawings of six new vessels, with their respective specifications, were submitted for the Department's approval prior to construction being commenced. This is a very important detail, for it not only ensures uniformity of practice in shipbuilding, but gives time for any needed alteration in design that may be necessary. Such alteration of detail can be discussed fjully before the vessel's construction is started, and avoids subsequent friction between the surveyor and builder or owner. New Zealand timbers have been largely used for the hull scantlings. One vessel, however, was built of steel in England, then taken to pieces and re erected at Onehunga. This vessel was of special design for shallow waters. Of the six vessels, three are steamers, and it is a matter for regret that only in one instance were the propelling engines and the boilers made locally. The Board of Trade has amended the " Instructions as to the Survey of Passenger Steamships," and the Department is now using these amended regulations in connection with the surveys of all vessels. The amendments refer to deck-equipments, boiler-construction, refrigerating machinery, and motor-boats. Modern construction in marine engineering is now represented in New Zealand by the introduction of turbine steamers, one of which has water-tube boilers installed.

* Places at which examinations have been held moro than once during the year.



The Devonport Ferry Company, in Auckland, have practically renewed their fleet in recent years, and this firm must not only be congratulated on their enterprise in this direction, but also in having these vessels constructed in Auckland. This confidence in the local shipbuilders has not been misplaced, for the success and suitableness of the new vessels are apparent. I had the pleasure recently of being present at a trial run of one of them, built specially for service between Auckland and St. Heliers and other bays. Sixty-four of the vessels surveyed were fitted with new propeller .shafts, 25 had new propellers fitted, 9 had new blades fitted to their propellers, 1 had a new boss to the propeller, 35 had new engines fitted, 4 had new main boilers fitted. Three out of the four boilers were built in the Dominion. A donkey boiler on one of the vessels surveyed was condemned as unfit for further service. The number of surveys made during the year total 712. During the summer months a great many special excursions have been run. and, so far as I am aware, have not been attended with any mishap. The general equipment for all of these vessels so engaged has been supervised in every case by a competent surveyor. Surveys of Ships for Seaworthiness. A huge number of seaworthiness surveys were made during the year, and each year this class of work demands more of the attention of the Department's surveyors. Ships of modern construction are driven faster than formerly, the machinery is much more complicated, the steampressures are quite 100 per cent, higher than they were twenty years ago, and the wear-and-tear and the risks are thereby increased. The number of vessels employed on and around the coasts and in the foreign and intercolonial trades have also largely increased. The causes which led up to these surveys include the following : Defects in pumps, propeller aperture, combustion chamber, main steam-pipes, and crank-shaft, fires, grounding, broken propeller-shaft, collisions, leaks, shortage of water in boilers, broken rudder, &c. The total number of seaworthiness surveys made was forty-three. Government Steamers. The Government steamers surveyed duiing the year numbered eighteen, as follows: s.s. " Amokura," s.s. "Antrim," s.s. "Ben Lomond," s.s. " Earnshaw," s.s. " Hauraki," s.s. " Hinenioa," o.e.v. " Huia," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," s.s. " Lady Roberts, , ' o.e.v. " Manurere," o.e.v. " Mororo," s.s. "Mountaineer," o.e v. " Pat it i," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. "Tawera," s.s. " Tutanekai," and o.e.v. Defence launch " W." No special repairs were made to any of the Government steamers during the year outside the ordinary repairs that were found necessary at their annual surveys. Additional Steamers and Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. During the year ninety-six steamships and vessels fitted with oil-engines as a motive power have been surveyed for the first time. Sailing-ships. The surveys of sailing-ships have been practically completed, and at the end of the year very few were due for survey. As contemplated last year, there were not so many general repairs this year owing to the completeness of what was practically the first survey of these vessels last year. The whole time of one of our surveyors at the Port of Auckland is taken up with sailingships. Auckland is by far the biggest centre for sailing-ship traffic. The nature of the country and the timber and other industries established on the banks of shallow rivers and estuaries afford profitable employment for scows and small sailing craft. The total number of surveys of sailing-vessels made during the year amount to 104. Districts and Inspections. Mr. James McAlpine, who was attached to the Auckland office as an Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships, died on 28th September, 1913. He joined the Department on the 25tii March, 1912, and though only a young officer, he showed by his work all through marked ability and fitness for the position. He had gained the confidence of the public who had had dealings with him and the esteem of all his colleagues. The additions to the technical staff during the year were as follows : Patrick Joseph Healy. appointed to the Wellington District on 17th October, 1913; William John White, appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Mr. McAlpine at Auckland, took up his duties on 24th October, 1913; Joseph Edward Faulder Buckland, appointed to the Southland District on the 26th November, 1913. I have, &c, Robert Duncan. Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, and Engine-drivers. The Secretary of Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department.



The Chairman, Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery Hoard, to the Minister of Mahink. Sir, — Dunedin, 3rd June, 1914. In presenting the annual report of the Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery Board, 1 have the honour to draw attention to the success which has attended its operations since its inception. These operations follow two mam but distinct lines —viz., the introduction and naturalization of desirable food fishes, and the study of the local fishery question and the various problems relating to it. The latter include the life-histories, habits, migration, food, mode of propagation, &c, of the species under examination —all subjects of which little or nothing has been learned in the past; and these are not only of great interest to the naturalist and biologist, but of the utmost importance in dealing with our fishery laws and regulations. The introduction of food lishes and Crustacea lias included so far only three species—viz., the European turbot, the European lobster (Homarue vulgaris), and the European edible crab (Cancer p/iri/unt-). The interesting report for the year ending the Ist March, litli, sent in by Mr. T. Anderton, Curator of the Portobeilo Station, and which is enclosed herewith, gives a resume of the work done during the year, and of the measure of success attending the operations carried out. It will be noted that the tending and feeding of the stock at present in the tanks and ponds has absorbed very much of the time and attention of those in charge. In past seasons large numbers of lobster and crab fry have been liberated, and the probability is that many of these will reappear in our waters as they attain maturity. All attempts made to find traces of any of these in Otago Harbour have failed hitherto, though traps have been set on many occasions and the contents of seine nets and traws carefully examined. But when I communicated these facts to Dr. Williamson, of the Aberdeen Marine Biological Station (Scotch Fishery Board), he informed me in reply that practically young lobsters and crabs are not met with in European seas. It would seem, though the fact is only surmised, that the young of these crustaceans live in somewhat deep water until they are sexually mature. Tlie failure to find them ill our seas need not, therefore, cause us to anticipate the failure of our experiment. It is matter for passing regret that the little lobster which was reared in the tanks of the hatchery died in April of this year, during one of its periodical moults. It was four and a half years old, and measured somewhat under 5 in. in length. As far as we know, it was the only lobster reared in confinement which had lived over a year. In regard to the turbot which were brought out early last year, I desire to say that the remarkable success which has been achieved by Messrs. Anderton and Adams in rearing them to their present size and fine condition without the lost, of a single specimen has been due to the unremitting care and attention which they have devoted to the work. At the same time the Board feels that this minute oaie, which is so essential, could be given with unskilled labour under supervision, and that Mr. Anderton should be freed from it to carry out research work on the native food fishes and fish-food, which is so important for the future development of the fishing industry. In this connection we consider the station has more than justified its existence and the small sum annually expended on its upkeep, and we recommend that the facilities for research work should be extended. This could be done, inter alia, by selling the present oillaunch and replacing it by a larger boat capable of running out twenty miles or more from the Heads. This boat should be fitted with a small otter trawl (and spare net), seine nets, tow nets for surface work and plankton, a sounding-machine, etc. Only by such means can accurate observational work be done. We would suggest also that your Department might urge on the Minister of Education the desirability of altering the present University Science Research Scholarship scheme so as to make it more attractive to students. If the scholarships are reduced in number and doubled in value, thus making them worth .£2OO a year tenable for two years, the best research students of the New Zealand University would be induced to take up post-graduate work. There are numerous problems in connection with our fisheries waiting solution, winch can only be worked out by trained biologists. Until they are solved, any legislation based on them is apt to lie of a very imperfect character, as so much of the past fishery legislation lias been. For example, the lifehistory of the Foveaux Strait mud-oyster requires careful and continuous skilled observation by one trained in biological technique and able to devote much and long-extended time to the research. Accommodation could be found at or near the Porotobello Station for any one engaged on such work. Everything in connection with the buildings and apparatus of the hatchery is kept in good order, and at the same time the utmost economy consistent with the maximum of efficiency has been practised by all concerned. As in the past, the secretarial and supervision work of the station has been carried out without cost to the establishment. I have, (fee., Geo. M. Thomson, Chairman. The Hon. F. M. B. Fipher, Minister of Marine, Wellington.

Gentlemen,— Portobello, 31st May, 1914. I have the honour to present the following (the eighth) annual report of operations at the Marine Fish-hatchery for the year ending 31st March, 1914. Lobsters.— -The stock of lobsters, forty-one in number, which arrived in March. 1913, were placed on arrival in the largest pond, and since then have not been handled. Only two deaths have taken place, and both have been due to injuries received whilst fighting. The stock in this pond now stands at thirty-nine. Many of the females carried full bunches of eggs on arrival but owing chiefly to the low temperature of the tank-water these lobsters were not brought into



the indoor tanks for hatching : the larvae would escape through the pond-valves and become distributed by the action of the tides. The majority of the females are now seen to be again eggbearing, and, as they have this time been spawned in their proper season for these waters, it is expected that large numbers of larvae will be secured for distribution about November. The old stock of lobsters have for the last year been confined in the wharf pond. Three of these have died and several others have lost one or more of their large claws through lighting. Owing to the heavy loss of eggs that takes place amongst the attached eggs while the adults are in close confinement in the ponds, the Board decided to try the experiment of liberating a number of these old stock lobsters. Eight of the largest females were liberated in what was considered to be the most suitable locality as soon as the eggs were spawned. All these carried complete bunches of eggs which, under the improved conditions of a natural environment, will in all probability remain attached to the adults until hatched, and should result in the production of a large number of healthy Larve. Four large males were put out in the same locality at the same time. Crabs. —The new shipment of forty-three crabs were placed in the Xo. 2 pond. At the approach of cold weather several of these died. The cause of death was not apparent. The dead ones were usually discovered almost buried in the thick soft mud at the deeper end of the pond, and it was thought that this mud was at the least a contributing cause. Several launch-loads of clean sand were brought up from the Heads and a layei of t> in. of this was strewn over the bottom of the two smaller ponds. The majority of the crabs were transferred to these two ponds. A little improvement was noticed, but they remained very sluggish, anil many more died. After consulting with the Minister of Marine and the Secretary of the Marine Department it was decided to liberate the majority of the remainder. In all sixteen died; nineteen were liberated in a favourable locality, which for obvious reasons need not lie disclosed; eight have been retained in the pond. Although the whole of the previous shipment of crabs have died, a greater measure of success was obtained from them during ilie three years they were confined in the ponds. Some twenty million larvae were liberated from them. The reason of the n< hi-success of the last shipment is obscure. The crab, in its native habitat, migrates to the deeper water in the wintertime, and it is quite probable that the rapid fall in temperature BC soon after arrival, and whilst in a weak state, was to a great extent tin- cause of the heavy mortality. Turbot. —The stock 01' turbot remains the same as in May last. None have died during the year. The six large glass tanks have been brought into use for their accommodation, and a huge wooden tank measuring 15 ft. by 5 ft. (id. by 2 ft. deep lias been fitted up. In the latter tank thirty of the largest have been placed. Willi few exceptions all have shown enormous growth during the year. In March of last year the length varied from 2 in. to -t in. By the end of May the largest measured about G in. in length. Many of the largest have now attained a length of L 8 in. and a breadth of 9 in. across. All are in perfect condition and of great thickness. The utmost care lias been exercised throughout the year in order to prevent the access of harmful bacteria. Flat rislies in close confinement are extremely susceptible to disease. Our own previous experience with flounders and soles, and the experience of all the British stations, has proved that with ordinary care it has been necessary to renew the stock of breeding flat fishes each year, owing to an outbreak of a disease which causes the skin to become affected with ulcer-like sores. To replenish the stock of turbot each year is, however, impracticable, hence the extreme precautions that are being taken. The slow process of extracting from all the tanks by siphons, immediately after feeding, every particle of unconsumed food, sand, manure, 4c, is repeated, and occupies practically the whole of each morning. Once a week the inside faces of the glass and the cement bottoms of the tanks are scrubbed without removing or unduly alarming the fishes. Ling and mold, the latter being taken by set-net close to the station, have been chiefly used for feeding purposes. A whole ling, out into pieces about half an inch square, will now be consumed at one meal. Fish showing the slightest signs of stalenesfi is never used as food. The turbot become very active towards feeding-time, and rise to the surface as soon as the tank is approached, but soon "sand" themselves over and remain cpuiet after the tanks are cleaned out and the fresh sand is thrown in. The largest ones are now being fed almost entirely on live fishes, chiefly coek-a»-bullies (Trypterygion sp.). These are caught by means of hoop-nets. The turbot are extremely active in seizing these; even the large ones, as Ihick as one's finger, are swallowed whole, and so rapidly that one can scarcely discern the act. The small apparatus for heating the tank-water has proved most satisfactory and efficient. The supply-water has never been allowed to fall below 1° C. (39-4° F.). The prospect of being able to acclimatize this valuable fish is very assuring. It will probably be necessary and advisable, on account of want of space, to liberate a large proportion next summer and retain a small number for spawning purposes. They will by then have attained a length of about 18 in., and will by their size and adaptability to protective colouring be quite able to protect and to forage for themselves. The appointment of Mr. Adams, the assistant curator, to the position of Inspector of Fisheries for Otago has deprived the station of a considerable portion of his time. This work is, however, one of the essential duties of a biological station, and the loss of time is more than compensated for by the facts and collection of statistics that is being placed on record in a volume set apart for that purpose. A record is kept of the quantity and prices of fish exposed for sale on the Dunedin wholesale market. The Chairman, Mr. G. M. Thomson, M.P., is at present engaged in preparing a card catalogue of the library. The library now consists of some six hundred volumes and a vast number of leaflets, pamphlets, &c. A catalogue of authors, and of the subject-matter of the contents of these volumes, &c, will entail some weeks' labour on his part, but will greatly facilitate the reference to any desired subject. Considerable time has been devoted, as usual, to the study of the life-history, food, &c of local fishes. The eggs of several additional species have been secured, including those of the



john-dory (Zetu faber), bringing the tutal number so far secured up to thirty-four species. Thousands of notes on stomach-contents have been placed on record, and some interesting facts :ire being brought to light. An interesting experiment has been conducted during the year with a view to ascertaining the life-history of the whale-feed (Grimothea gregaria). The identity of this valuable fish-food with that of the bottom-living form known as Munida mibrugosa has long been suspected. The larvae have now been secured and the identity has been established. Much of its life-history has now been learned, and when the few links have been fitted in the subject will be treated in a special paper, with drawings. I was privileged to accompany Professor Prince in the steamer " Hinemoa " during a trip around the coasts of both Islands in April and May for the purpose of reviewing the trawling resources of the Dominion. A collection of fishes was made for Professor Prince, and I was also enabled to collect specimens of crustacea, annelids, mollusca. small fishes, &c. A large shed, 20 ft. by 16 ft., has been erected on the eastern side of the pond embankment for the purpose of the storage of spare tanks, coolers, coke, <fee, and as a workshop. The old workshop is now used as a store-room for paints, &0., and a portion lias been partitioned off as a dark room. The lean-to shed at the rear of the Curator's residence lias been converted into a small bedroom. All the paths and steps have been top-dressed with sand and tar. The launch and dinghy have been regularly slipped for painting. Both are in good order. The cottages and station buildings will require to be painted before long. The interiors of the cottages also require attention as soon as can be conveniently arranged. I have, eve, T. Anderton.

Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Nature of Expenditure. Detaile. Totals. Grand Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,986 IS 6 £ s. d. Marine Head Office salaries Harbours : — Manukau. — Salaries House allowance of Harbourmaster Stores and contingencies Ngunguru,— Salary Hauraki Gulf,— Inspection of beaches Russell, — Re-erection of flagstaff Painting buildings, &c. Tauranga,— Salary Hokianga,— Salaries Stores and contingencies Kaipara, — Salaries ... House allowance of*Harbourmaster Stores and contingencies Tongaporutu,— Salary Stores and contingencies Opunake,— Salary Whangaparapara,— Salary Stores and contingencies Mokau, — Salary Awakino, — Salary Stores Marakopa, — Salary Picton, — Salary .. .. Launch-hire Stores and contingencies 244 2 1 7 5 10 77 19 3 521 5 0 148 8 4 715 0 0 26 0 0 229 10 0 53 10 0 9 14 0 329 7 2 2 18 0 25 0 0 63 4 0 4 3 4 669 13 4 970 10 0 25 0 0 8 8 3 33 8 3 4 3 4 36 0 0 5 5 11 41 5 11 50 0 0 20 0 0 15 10 9 12 10 0 285 0 0 18 17 6 42 5 5 346 2 11 19 5 6 Velson, — Salaries of signalmen Carried forward 5,593 16 0

FL —15


Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 5,593 16 0 £ s. d. Brought forward Harbours — continued. Waitapu,— Salary Attending lights Stores 25 0 0 75 0 0 0 4 11 Puponga,— Stores Collingwood,— Salary Stores and contingencies Karamea, — Salary Beacons Removal of snags New house Stores and contingencies Little Wanganui,— Piloting Stores and contingencies Greymouth,— Salary of Harbour Engineer* Okuru,— Salary Stores Okarito, — Salary Piloting Extra wages Cutting channel through bar Stores and contingencies Waikawa, — Salary 139 6 2 47 4 6 23 12 0 220 0 0 45 4 6 60 0 0 30 17 8 11 0 0 4 16 0 100 4 11 13 0 0 90 17 8 475 7 2 15 16 0 420 0 0 60 0 0 9 4 6 69 4 6 50 0 0 45 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 15 14 0 131 14 0 16 0 0 Iron buoys Salary of storeman Buoy-chain Buoys and beacons Stores and contingencies 149 0 0 220 0 0 108 15 10 137 13 10 160 15 8 Lighthouses: — Salaries of keepers Oil, stores, and contingencies Lightkeepers' travelling-expenses Salary of Lighthouse Expert 776 5 4 11,151 16 11 7,461 3 3 305 17 6 270 0 0 19,188 17 8 Meteorological Office : — Salaries Extra clerical assistance Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes.. Weather telegrams by wireless Purchase of instruments Repairs to instrument s (/leaning offices Inspection of stations Printing and stationery Rent, office equipment, Sft. Telephones • • ,- Contingencies 1,314 7 8 13 2 10 1,283 10 5 L00 0 0 25 16 2 2 7 2 24 0 0 12 6 11 107 5 7 178 14 3 39 15 9 1 7 0 Mercantile Marine Offices :— Salaries Rent Cleaning offices Telephones Travelling-expenses Contingencies 4,637 6 5 218 10 2 79 12 3 94 13 3 76 19 1 0 4 6 3,102 13 9 5,107 5 8 Protection of fish and oysters :— Salaries of Inspectors Picking and sale of oysters Planting oysters in Hauraki Gulf Benzene oil and stores Casual labour Collection and distribution of brown-trout ova Grant for maintenance, Portobello Fish-hatchery,— Salaries Repairs, &c. Fresh-water aquarium, Auckland Exhibition . . Hakataramea Salmon Station, — Salaries Working-expenses I mportation of herring, lobsters, &c. 1,074 13 3 4,502 14 8 75 0 8 140 14 11 172 18 0 159 6 8 380 0 0 91 18 10 1,917 4 1 385 0 0 70 4 3 367 15 5 Carried forward 9,337 10 9 35,100 2 8 • Refunded by Oreymouth Harbour Itoarii.



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

3-H. 15.

Nature of Expeuditure. Details. TotalB. Grand Totals. Brought forward Protection of fish and oysters — continued. Stocking West Coas.t rivers with salmon Travelling-expenses Contingencies £ e. d. 9,337 10 9 208 19 3 134 7 3 13 12 5 £ s. d. 35,100 2 8 £ s. d. 9,694 9 8 42,057 12 2 Less recoveries 44,794 12 4 2,737 0 2 Government steamers : — S.s. " Hinemoa " .. S.s. " Tutanekai " .. Training-ship " Amokura " .. 11,024 2 0 1,362 13 11 8,337 6 0 Less recoveries (including £957 8s. 6d. for admission to fresh-water aquarium, Auckland Exhibition 20,724 1 11 19,032 2 8 1,691 19 3 Marine miscellaneous services :— Head Office travelling-expenses Administration of Shipping and Seamen Act and inquiries into shipping casualties Audit fees for inspection of accounts Automatic light for Shelly Beach Beacon, Kaipara Beacons, buoys, and lights,— Jackson's Head Kaipara Harbour Cartage and freight Charts, books, &c. Checking overcrowding of steamers Clearing weeds from Mahinapua Creek Compensation to Captain Atwood in connection with wreck of " Elingamite " Contribution towards New Zealand sailors' room, England Defalcations of late C. B. Jarman, clerk in Mercantile Marine Office, Dunedin Depa rtmental counsel on Westport Harbour Board Royal Commission Extra clerical assistance Fog-signals, cartridges, and maintenance Gas and fuel for offices Grants, — For improving Little Akaloa wharf For improving navigation Taheke River For repairs to Portage Bay Wharf For repairs to Waitaria Wharf For wharf at Waiau Pa, Manukau Legal expenses Morse signals at lighthouses " New Zealand Nautical Almanac " .. Office equipment Postage, telegram, and rent of boxes Preparation of tide-tables Printing and stationery Prosecutions under Shipping and Seamen, Harbours, and Sea-fisheries Acts Publication of Nautical Tables Railway fares of Royal Naval Registrar Relief of distressed seamen Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen and others in the United Kingdom - Rents and expenses connected with examinations Repairs to boat-slip, Port Moeraki Subsidy for re-erection of shed on Warkworth Wharf .. Survey of unseaworthy ships Survey of Westhaven Harbour Telephones Contingencies 17 17 10 294 4 8 75 0 0 286 4 0 45 8 4 33 17 11 109 11 11 184 18 6 349 3 0 25 0 0 1,000 0 0 17 17 0 247 11 7 100 0 0 7 8 8 756 5 8 23 1 4 50 0 0 5 1 6 22 2 9 6 18 6 100 0 0 49 6 2 59 19 0 439 12 4 85 3 11 485 9 7 560 0 0 670 4 6 44 0 0 50 0 0 5 7 8 45 1 8 67 7 1 32 7 10 0 19 6 250 14 7 6 6 0 108 14 0 76 5 7 69 10 0 Less recoveries Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Ships:— Salaries Advertising, books, and periodicals Balance of salary paid to widow of James McAlpine Collection of inspection fees Compensation to Henry Wetherilt Office equipment and requisites Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes Printing and stationery Rent, oleaning offioee, fuel, and light.. Telephones .. . • • • Transfer of family and effects of late James McAlpine .. Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 10.465 6 9 31 3 0 2 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 62 0 10 309 16 5 255 8 2 135 14 6 87 6 7 40 0 0 2,966 15 0 19 16 0 6,864 2 7 550 2 0 6,314 0 1 14,625 7 3 Grand total £82.029 2 2



Return showing Total Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Oil consumed. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Dicmen Cape Brett .. Mokohinou Tiri Tiri Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Napier Bluff.. Castle Point Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau South Head Maniikau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbi'l 1 Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point.. Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Foulwind Hokitika Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Nelson French Pass Stephens Island .. ... £ s. d. 344 13 "> 380 8 4 368 11 4 286 10 0 108 7 9 3G0 11 4 346 4 11 380 2 10 20 0 0 424 17 10 305 0! 0 304 16' 3 305 0 0 305 (t O 305 0 0 717f 704f 825* 567* 79* 734f 884* 751* Gas 710f 603| 700t 631* 689f 591* 162* 84* 560* 740f 184* 629f 596* 604* 338f 578* 498* 620t 740f 764| 714* 634f 776J 627* Gas 1,017* 657f 221* 184* 670f £ s. d. 29 17 6 29 (i 8 68 15 0 47 5 0 6 11 8 30 11 8 73 13 4 62 11 8 14 12 0 29 11 8 25 2 6 29 3 4 52 11 8 28 14 2 49 5 0 13 10 0 7 0 0 46 13 4 30 16 8 15 6 8 26 4 2 49 13 4 50 6 8 14 1 8 48 3 4 41 10 0 25 16 8 30 16 8 31 16 8 59 10 0 26 8 4 32 6 8 52 5 0 11 18 0 84 15 0 27 7 6 18 8 4 15 6 8 27 18 4 £ s. d. 242 8 8 268 11 2 (a>450 3 7 87 19 3 (6)297 4 3 207 9 7 187 15 2 105 18 1 2 0 6 156 6 8 151 12 1 118 19 6 126 3 7 142 15 6 73 11 3 £ s. ,1. 616 19 7 678 (i 2 887 9 11 421 14 3 412 3 8 598 12 7 607 13 5 548 12 7 36 12 6 610 16 2 481 14 7 452 10 I 483 15 3 476 9 8 427 16 3 13 10 0 70 8 3 633 11 0 724 16 3 124 10 6 464 5 3 433 16 2 421 19 3 254 4 9 411 2 10 393 19 <) 376 15 3 563 l> 10 433 16 10 589 13 7 600 13 7 641 2 8 634 2 0 32 4 3 664 1 0 658 1 7 403 11 6 238 16 6 636 9 3 39 0 0 256 4 5 489 17 7 100 0 0 230 12 2 250 15 7 310 0 0 160 0 0 290 0 0 296 19 9 270 13 6 414 12 4 263 11 5 404 2 6 395 17 8 408 7 9 310 0 0 20 0 0 384 7 4 414 18 2 306 14 6 175 0 0 414 8 6 23 18 6 (c)330 13 3 204 2 0 9 3 10 (d>207 8 11 133 7 3 61 12 7 80 3 1 (e> 72 19 6 55 10 0 80 5 1 117 17 10 (/)138 8 9 126 1 1 178 7 7 (j>200 8 3 (A)271 17 0 0 6 3 (*)194 18 8 - 215 Iβ 11 78 8 8 48 9 10 194 2 5 Totals .. .' .. 11,151 16 11 1,365 12 6 5,643 5 1 18,160 14 6 • Paraffin oil. t Kerosene ol lirs to dwellings. . (f>) Includ ig store. (d) Includes £20 Os fencing. (7) Includes £24 7 i £77 for packing stores. il. (a) Includes £202 15s. 3d. for addition and repi [c) Includes £119 0a. 3d. for new stable and removii (or cow-shed. (/) Includes £30 16s. 9d. for building outhouses, and repairs. (i) Include les £215 2a. 7d. f< i. 5d. for building ir repairing tower d : outhouses. lamaged by scow, (e) Includes £20 ludes £124 5s. tor Is. Id. for repair a. CO Incl



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, etc., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Harbours Acts, the Fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery, and the Tramways Acts, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, etc., collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Name of Lighthouse Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiritiri Mana Island* Taiaroa Head Godley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Poulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders Cape Egmontt Mokohinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage! Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephens Island Cape Palliser East Cape Kahurangi Point Jack's Point Cape Brett Castle Point Chicken Island Channel Islet (building) Karori Rock (building) Cost of telegraph-cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,528 1 1 1,204 10 9 11,237 3 5 9,703 16 10 1,149 3 4 1,227 7 8 1,980 6 1 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £217,520 12 5 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmont. t Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, which were removed from Mana Island, is not included in this. t Built by Provincial Government of Auckland; cost not known in Marine Department.

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen Acts :— Fees for engagement and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels .. Measurement of ships.. Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundry receipts Merchant Shipping Act Harbours Acts: — Pilotage, port charges, &c. Foreshore rents, and sundry receipts .. Fisheries Acts:— Sale of oysters Sundry receiptB Inspection of Machinery Acts : — Inspection of boilers and machinery ' .. Examination of engine-drivers Tramways Acts: — Examination of electric-tram drivers .. £ s. d. 3,704 5 3 2,852 0 0 35 16 0 460 5 0 41,745 12 4 627 5 3 175 18 0 1,440 13 4 1,314 5 1 6,154 9 0 335 8 6 11,732 2 6 784 10 0 142 5 0 Total .. £71,504 15 3

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Russell Mangonui Whangaroa Hokianga Whitianga Whangape Kaipara .. Whangaparapara .. Thames Coromandel Tauranga.. Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara .. Patea Wanganui Wellington Wairau Pioton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 15,484 4 4 116 19 4 201 10 5 62 12 6 0 6 2 11 14 10 22 2 5 11 0 4 0 6 0 104 5 10 4 7 4 71 1 8 17 4 1 41 7 4 808 14 10 1,153 10 1 287 9 2 121 4 3 18 4 1 271 1 5 11,361 5 9 19 2 0 454 2 2 399 12 4 624 2 4 343 2 6 3 8 3 3,296 13 5 644 13 5 157 17 2 2,229 0 3 3,400 6 4 Total .. £41,745 12 4

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Auckland* .. Onehunga .. Hokianga .. Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* N. Plymouth* Waitara* .. Wanganui* .. Patea* Poxton* Wellington*.. Picton Wairau* Nelson* Westport* .. Karamea Hokitika* .. Lyttelton* .. Kaiapoi* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Bluff* New River* .. Tauranga* .. £ s. d. 11,180 16 5 21 19 0 23 19 0 325 12 2 41 16 5 164 0 7 222 3 Oi 1,065 17 7 375 16 0 85 9 0 824 17 2 72 17 3 1,431 16 9j 787 1 11 58 19 7 629 2 4 3,155 4 0 422 7 9 37 19 6 £ s. d. 7,961 11 0 177 14 0 498 18 8 157 6 3 ; 4,426 9 1 141 10 8 6,996 3 9 390 14 1 183 2 5 157 10 9 16 8 9 £ s. d. 19,142 7 5 199 13 0 23 19 0 824 10 10 199 2 8 4,590 9 8 363 13 8 8,062 1 4 766 10 1 268 11 5 982 7 11 89 6 0 1,431 16 9 20,497 7 3 354 11 0 1,088 14 1 4,536 12 3 422 7 2 37 19 6 41 14 3 21,116 16 7 273 9 6 6,865 6 0 2,088 12 8 20,563 11 II 6,555 2 10 13 13 0 80 0 0 19,710 5 4 295 11 5 459 11 9 1,381 8 3 •■ 13,323 0 1 3,12o' 7 10' f41 14 3 7,793 16 6 273 9 6 3,744 18 2 t2,088 12 8 9,922 19 0 2,581 7 7 13 13 0 80 0 0 10,64012 11 3,973 15 3 Totals .. 51,985 10 11 69,494 16 II 121,480 7 9 ♦ Harbour Board revenue. t Tonnage dues.



Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within Restricted Limits respectively, together with the Amount of Fees received for the same, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Engagements and Discharges in Foreign and Intercolonial Trade. Engagements ai Home id Discbarges in Trade. Engagements and Disoh Restricted Limit; larges in Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. s. Port. 301 S 2< Fees received. Sg-3 3OI« Fees received. U CD (U igi Fees received. ad Fees received. ggjfi reived. | gj Fees received. ll 2; Fees received. ag Fees received. 1 Fees received. Auckland Duncdin and Port Chalmers Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Onehunga Patea Picton Poverty Bay Tauranga Thames Timaru Wairau Waitara Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 2,956 1,402 25 8 £ s. d. 218 17 6 102 0 0 1 17 6 0 12 0 2,951 1,785 19 5 £ s. d. 214 18 0 125 19 0 1 8 6 0 7 6 3,584 1,328 112 17 £ s. d. 244 18 6 90 15 6 7 17 6 0 19 6 3,675 1,267 56 10 £ s. d. 257 16 0 89 10 0 3 7 0 0 15 0 294 £ s. d. 18 11 6 • • 290 £ s. d. 18 4 6 6,834 2,730 137 25 £ s. d. 482 7 6 192 15 6 9 15 0 1 11 6 £ s. d. 6,916 490 18 6 3,052 215 9 0 75 4 15 6 15 12 6 13,750 5,782 212 40 £ 3. d. 973 6 0 408 4 6 14 10 6 2 14 0 i 90 19 340 20 4 6 15 0 1 8 6 25 10 0 1 10 0 0 6 0 42 21 346 13 2 1 2 3 3 0 1 11 6 26 6 0 0 19 6 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 18 27 1,375 448 545 24 17 624 87 19 210 1 5 6 1 3 0 97 14 0 27 1 6 30 9 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 39 5 6 3 16 6 1 8 6 14 16 6 14 30 1,365 458 494 20 12 611 73 11 88 1 1 0 1 15 0 95 9 6 27 9 6 29 19 0 0 18 0 0 16 6 38 9 6 3 8 0 0 16 6 6 4 0 42 88 180 2 11 0 4 14 6 11 5 0 55 84 171 3 9 0 4 17 6 10 11 6 108 46 1,757 556 729 24 23 624 87 26 247 8 0 6 2 11 6 125 15 0 33 6 0 42 0 0 1 4 0 1 13 0 39 5 6 3 16 6 1 19 0 19 1 6 56 4 4 0 51 3 6 6 1,766 J 125 4 6 555 33 6 6 667 '■ 40 13 6 21 I 0 19 6 14 j 0 19 6 611 * 38 9 6 73 3 8 0 16 14 0 111 9 10 0 "7 0 io 6 126 9 6 0 40 3 0 0 47 I 2 3 6 236 16 4 6 7,159 I 488 14 6 97 7 2 6 7 0 10 6 164 97 3,523 1,111 1,396 45 37 1,235 160 42 358 12 4 6 5 18 0 250 19 6 66 12 6 82 13 6 2 3 6 2 12 6 77 15 0 7 4 6 3 3 0 28 11 6 "6 0 9 0 - "7 37 oio 6 4 5 0 5 31 0 7 6 3 6 0 65 18 2,824 30 4 17 6 1 7 G 181 5 0 2 5 0 47 17 2,524 15 3 10 6 1 5 6 168 16 6 1 2 6 7 99 29 46 205 4,927 117 10 0 10 6 7 8 0 2 3 6 2 0 6 14 16 6 323 0 0 8 14 0 0 15 0 7 79 40 47 219 4,635 82 7 0 10 6 5 15 6 3 0 0 2 3 6 14 19 6 319 18 0 6 0 0 0 10 6 7 164 29 46 223 7,751 147 10 0 10 6 12 5 6 2 3 6 2 0 6 16 3 6 504 5 0 10 19 0 0 15 0 14 290 69 93 459 14,910 244 17 1 1 0 21 11 6 5 3 6 4 4 0 32 8 0 992 19 6 18 1 6 1 5 6 7,826 37 2 0 600 22,330 1,514 4 6 21,718 1.501 3 0 44,048 3,015 7 7,851 553 15 6 553 9 0 13,875 923 7 0 13,300 910 12 0 604 37 2 6 I I



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the year ended 31st march, 1914.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Alfred Frederick Inman Donald McPherson Ronald Douglas Hoskins Georgo William Godfrey Daniel O'Hara .John William Murray Edgar, Reginald Lowe John Lowry Eric Douglas Hay John Arnold John Richard Clark Sydney Mahood Cedric James Hackworth George Benjamin Corby Richard Thomas Crowe Colin Mitchell Campbell Thomas Henry Bowling Robert Jackson Fowler Duncan Cameron Macdonald Henry George Hatchwell James Smith Scrivener Lawrence Wellington Bell Alfred Cyril Parker Frederick Kenneth Allen Joscelyn Ernest Seaton Hugh Clement Benson Gerald Sharpe Arthur Vincent Barton Francis Wallace Collins George Amos Herbert Frederick James Balfour Mackay .. Harry Archibald Daniel Thomas James Wood .. Alexander Rathbone Leslie John Fredrick Muncey William Rawson George McKenzie Smart Dean Gardner Frank Vernon White James Boyd John Maylen Robert Everett Price William Henry Gower Peter Scott Isbister Moses Morris Lawrence Samuel Bonner. . William Harms Arthur Sutherland Gibson John Knox Arvid Svahn George David Fraser Charles William Coldicutt Charles Ludwig Kaspcr Axel Philip Lantz William Edward Weston Alexander Hutchinson Howie Siguard Satre .. Lachlan McDonald ?. John Leafberg James John Smith Robert Allan Roff Mikko Himainon Edwin Hugh Fowler Frederick Ruthven Clark Gustaf Victor Olsson George Arthur Nairn John Vaughan Ruthe James Phillip Edington Richard Hopkins Edmond James Wann Robin Victor Manson Amos Matthew George Taylor John Beaton Kenneth Laverton Georgo Richmond Bell Michael Edmond FitzGibbon John Livingstone Albert Nalder Leslie Clark William Robertson Reid Samson John Salamondson Christopher Nevin Frederick Gilbert Brown Second mate, steam Extra master Second mate Second mate, steam First mate Second mate, steam First mate Master Second mate Second mate, steam Master, steam First mate, steam.. Second mate Master Foreign trade ,» ,j 8 May, 1913.. 8 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 1) June, „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 20 20 „ „ .. 21 July, „ .. 11 Aug., „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 4 Sept., „ .. 29 , 29 29 „ „ .. 13 Oct 31 „ „ .. 31 , 31 „ „ .. 12 Nov., „ .. 12 , 29 Dec, „ .. 12 Jan., 1914.. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 2 Feb., „ .. 18 „ „ .. 26 Mar., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 8 ?lay, 1913.. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 9 June, ,, .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 4 July, „ .. 21 „ 21 „ 21 „ „ .. 21 , 21 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 Aug., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 3 Sept., „ .. 29 „ „ .. 1 Oct 13 „ 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 31 „ „ .. 31 „ 12 Nov., „ .. 12 „ „ .. 8 Dec, „ .. 8 „ 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 ,, ,, . . 29 , 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 20 Jan., 1914.. 20 „ „ .. :! Mar., „ .. 20 „ „ .. 14 April, 1913,. 28 „ „ .. 8 May, „ .. 1194 1195 1190 1197 1136 1198 1199 1102 1200 1201 1005 1202 1203 1172 1082 1149 1204 1134 1205 1148 1206 1207 1208 1152 1209 1124 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1141 1215 1210 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5671 5714 5698 5755 5707 5756 5757 5566 5758 5666 5700 5614 5759 5760 5761 5717 5762 5763 5764 5664 5640 5765 5523 5673 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5718 5699 5773 3644 3645 3648 ,, First mate Master, steam Master Second mate Extra master Master, steam Second mate ,, >> First mate Second mate First mate Second mate, steam Second mate ,, ,, * • Second mate, steam Master First mate, steam.. First mate Second mate »» ,, First mate Master, steam Second mate Master Mate » H011.0 trade »» Master .. ,, ,, . . . . Mate Master Mate Master ,, Mate Master Mate ,, Master Mate ,, ,, .. ,, Master », Mate Master Mate ,, »> », ,» Master Mate Master River steamer ,, .. ■ ■ »,


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. James Lyon Robert William Martin Alexander John Whitburn William George Cox William Carey Richard Adam James Nixon Alfred Lorens Seastrand Mark Mikkelson James Christian Peter Witzermann Manning Edward Duncan Alexander McGlashan James Timothy O'Brien Theodore Montague Bregmen John Edward Tregurthen Robert Ernest Brownlee Kclmund George Land Andrew Emmanuel Anderson Thomas Finley Lockhart Fredric Francis Eastgate Edward Binney Laing Master .. River steamer 8 May, 1913.. 8 „ „ .. !) June, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 21 July, „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 15 Aug., „ .. 3 Sept., „ .. 9 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. :si ()et., „ .. 31 ., „ .. 8 Dec, „ .. 29 „ „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. liti IT 3048 3049 3650 3051 3052 3653 3654 3665 3658 3667 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3666 3666 62 fi >♦ • * Fishing boat or cargo vessel under 25 tons register Ditto William John Jennings Patrick, James Dowling William Charles Hugh Watt William Lake Christopher Davis Galgey 8 Dec, „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 20 Mar., 1914. . 3 „ „ .. 63 64 65 66 4 i) »♦ • • Sailing ressel in harbours or rivers Foreign trade James Stanley Miller Arnold Joseph Brook Frederick Hadlow Barton Hector Norman Riplcy Michael John McConville Thomas Graham McLaren George Burns Kettle Edward, Lancelot Blaikie Ben Binnie MacPhorson Alexander Baxter Shanks David Kennedy Spence George Albert Ritson William Bell McKenzie George Robert Paterson John Ross Albert George Harris Frederick George Blackwood Ray Nathaniel Gow Lynley Herbert Weston James Templas Mason Noel Steadman Kenneth Pirie Crawford Fred de Launte Andrew Stewart Ivan Hugh Donahoe Spencer Shove Llewellyn Othen Jones David Charles Jack William Cameron Ferguson* Hector Charles Hamlin Robert Bernard Gerring William Looney Frank Andrew James Ronaldson John Buchan Arthur Beverley Michael William Lovejoy Francis Patrick Henderson Alexander Williamson Charles William Tayton Taylor Thomas Northcott Rowe Norman Hunter Jack Frederick Charles Thompson Clifford Bishop Hayes Lawrence Galway Walker Harold Chambers James Edward Drury Alfred Leslie Newsham Harold George Isaac Percy Hellyer Davey Sydney Thomas Stidolph Charles David Graham Clifford Wallace Page Daniel McAlpine William Donald Whyte Robertson.. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. >> ■ • lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. »> • • 2nd-class engineer.. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. »> ■ • >> • • »» ■ • >» • • 2nd-class engineer.. >» • • »» • • »» • • »> • • »» • • 3 „ 1913.. 3 „ „ .. 3 „ „ .. 3 „ „ .. 14 April, „ .. 14 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 9 May, „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 9 June, „ .. 9 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 , 20 „ „ .. 20 „ 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ 4 July, „ .. Mil!) 1676 1577 1578 810 1670 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1078 050 1585 1586 1587 L588 1589 1600 1591 1592 1593 I .v.i I L605 1 506 1 507 1598 1609 1458 1379 802 1600 him 1002 1003 1604 1605 1242 1006 1607 1608 L600 1610 1611 1012 1613 1614 1615 1237 1347 1346 1371 1616 1088 1416 lst-class engineer . . 3rd-class ongineer .. »» • • »» • • lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. »> ■ • 2nd-class engineer.. »» - • 3rd-olass engineer .. 2nd-class engineer..


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st Maech, 1914 — continued.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Donald Kerr Young Herman Tasman Atchison Lawrence Arthur Calvert Douglas Lodder Mowatt Henry Newton Thomas John Wallace Weir William Ernest Bell Percy Clifford Davis Robert John Rayner Mortimer Robert Watson Elliott Roy Lewis Ditcham William Wilson Elder Albert Rutherford Douglas Graham Dalgleish Walker David Thomson Fraser Herbert Samuel Harris Hugh Macpherson Ross John .lohnstone David William Shields Ross William Leonard Dodd David McMurran Frederick William Howard Moore .. Colin Kennedy Carr Albert Fisher Edmonds Percy Payne Alexander Ledingham Smith Cassie Arthur Richmond Birrell Hendry .. James McArthur, jun. Arthur Ernest Wilkins Arthur Henry McConville Stanley Neville Reyburn Herbert Lionel Somerville Sydney Victor Bolton Edmund George Revington Norman Frederick Fleming James Harold Hancock Cecil Rudolph Thorley Symes George Johnson Silcock William David Ballard William Troughear Thomas Fogarty James Reginald Armstrong Black .. Peter Morrison McLaren Morris Connington Brown Albert Prestney Arthur Challoner Nixon .. Harrjf Rayner Salmon Frederick Lars John Beu Peter David Dalgleish Thomas Samuel Rogerson Frederick Hongi Rewi Stidolph James Gordon Robinson George Rennie Cecil Stuart Richardson George Watt Ernest Jones Henry Daniel Cronin James William Irvine .. Herbert Stanley Harvey .. • William Clifford Boyd Douglas Arthur Wilkinson Bagley William Stewart Smart Charles Scott James Tenick Dennison Frederick James Chapman Angus Macdonald Roger Parr Francis Harold Bryant John Davidson Arthur Howden Dickson William McCulloch George Edlington Waite Edward Ewart William Edward Joseph Breaney .. Gordon George Lunn John Manson Percy Edward Barber Charles Evers Bell Stephen Herbert Head Felix Harry Thetford Leslie Arthur Stericker Francis Adolphus Auguste Weniger Charles Edward Lawless ,, ., 3rd-class engineer .. ,» • • 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. »» • • >» • • 2nd-class engineer.. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. »» • • »» 3rd-class engineer .. », • • ,» - • >, • • 2nd-class engineer.. Foreign trade »» »» »» ii ,» >» »» »» n 4 July, 1913.. 4 „ „ .. 4 ,. >, •• 4 , 4 „ „ .. 21 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ „ .. 21 „ 7 Aug., „ .. 8 „ „ .. 28 „ ., .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 , 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 12 Sept., „ .. 12 „ 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 13 Oct., „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 , 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ ... 13 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 29 Nov., „ .. 8 Dec, „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ 8 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 , 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ ., .. 29 , 20 Jan., 1914.. 20 „ 20 „ „ .. 20 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 28 „ 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 675 1428 1626 1482 1(>27 1628 1628 1630 1631 908a 1107 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1438 1373 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1IU4 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1171 917 1650 1651 1652 1653 1152 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1339 1227 1127 1659 1660 1661 1662 1384 1486 1663 1218 868 1664 1146 1002 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1484 612 978 856 1136 1672 1673 1674 1230 3rd-class engineer .. »» • • ,» lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. ,, », »» 2nd-class engineer.. lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. », II »» • - 2nd-class engineer.. »» • • lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. »> • • »» • • », », *» • • 2nd-class engineer.. »» • • lst-class engineer .. iy 3rd-class engineer .. »» • * 2nd-class engineer.. •r T •


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Leo Francis Scully Harry Anthony Davies John Douglas Herman Arthur Smith Colin Hawkesworth William Gordon Hollis Albert Edward Webley Alfred Pierard William James Nixon James William George Elley Alexander Gilchrist Kyle Edmund Archibald Brown Malcolm Campbell Roy Campbell John Raymond Campbell.. Leslie Walter Dale Norman Phelps Hopkins Andrew Hamilton Lockie Leonz Edward Meier Herbert Blackmore John Stanley Wells Roy Sortain Smith Stephen Lawrence Wilson William Fincher Coutts Isaac Simpson John William Foster .. Percy James Davies Arthur Edward Lockwood Arthur Burrows William Townsend James Cusack George Henry Sharp Angus William Cameron Macdonald John Nicol Alexander Davidson Lawson William Henry Stewart Charles James Roberts Malcolm Turner.. Samuel McBride Frederick Harvey Campbell William George Pearce Archibald Lewis Ross Ambrose Ashley Hoult Samuel Smith John Bond John Spratt Herbert Henry Brown Henry John Anthony John Adam Hood .John Picard Richard George Ferguson Vicars .. Charles White James Alexander Thomson Gerald Edwin Sampson Frederick John Dobson Norman Hunter Jack Arthur John Pitcher Hedley Muncaster France , Henry Fowler Thomas John Wesley Mathews Richard Blundell Arthur Challoner Nixon Charles William Tayton Taylor John Eric Lipscombe Roland Willi m Lowe William John Wells William Edward Plank Frederick Robert Clifton Charlwood Henry Gosset William Vernon Clare Marris George Henry Hunt John Dudley Holmes Avon Epthorpe McAlley Stanley David Stewart Samuel Medland Albert Herbert FitzWilliam Ivor Owen Parry Thomas Henry McEwan Bruce Stewart John Bernard Williams Frederick Raynor Pinney Norman Hunter George Paton 3rd-clasa engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. lat-class engineer .. 3rd-elass engineer .. ,» • • 2nd-class engineer.. Engineer Foreign trade ,, if », ,» River trade M », », 16 Feb., 1914.. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ 16 „ „ .. 16 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 2 Mar., „ .. 2 „ „ .. 2 „ • „ .. 2 „ „ .. 2 „ „ .. 2 „ „ .. 2 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 2 April, 1913.. 14 May, „ .. 14 20 June, „ 20 „ „ .. 3 Sept., „ .. 12 , 12 „ „ .. 12 13 Oct., „ .. 30 „ „ .. 15 Nov., „ .. 29 Dec, „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 20 Jan., 1914.. 20 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 2 Feb., „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 2 Mar., „ .. 26 „ „ .. 4 July, 1913.. 29 Dec, „ .. 14 May, „ .. 9 June 9 20 , 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 8 Aug., „ .. 8 „ „ .. 28 12 Sept 13 „ „ .. 13 , 30 Oct 8 Dec, „ .. 20 Jan., 1914.. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 6 Feb., „ .. 16 „ „ ,. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 16 „ „ .. 3 April, 1913.. 28 „ „ .. 14 May, „ .. 14 „ „ ■■ 14 „ 14 ,. „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1343 1338 1684 1526 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1271 1443 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2211) 2217 2218 154 155 198 199 139 201 202 203 204 205 142 206 207 208 209 210 211 71 212 213 214 215 216 217 348 349 380 851 352 353 354 355 356 357 ,, Marine engine-driver 2nd-class oil engineer lst-class oil engineer Seagoing >» 2nd-class oil engineer lst-class oil engineer 2nd-class oil engineer lst-class oil engineer 2nd-class oil engineer lst-class oil engineer ,» »» 2nd-class oil engineer lst-class oil engineer 2nd-classoil engineer lst-class oil engineer 2nd-class oil engineer River oil engineer.. River trade »> • • », ,» ■ •



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

4—H. 15.

Name of Person. Hank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Edward Kenneth Lippiatt .. John Francis O'Connor Hugh Stewart Harry Fuller Thomas Langdon Albert John Clanfield Patrick Glynn Herbert White Arthur James Wood John Joseph Guineven Henry Cable Coe Wilsey Montague Eugene Martin .. Martin Peterson Thomas Ware Vicary William Wilkinson Gilbert William Nichols Arthur Benjamin Dawson Edwin Arthur Leonard Grigg Alexander Armstrong McFarlane .. William Grayson James Francis Gray Trevor Millar Ivor Stanfield Bryers Stanley Edwards David Sankey Brigham Valentine Albert Ernest Rickcord .. Sidney William Bridge Kenneth Humphreys Begg Percy Blundell Pairama Clark James Joseph Butler Robert Gordon Barr Louis Havill William Neil Mclntosh Harold Gibbon William James Nigel Houiss Edward McLeod.. Arthur Hunter Victor George Judd Charles Edward Le Grice Robert George Wild Ernest Beaver George Arthur Baker Charles Meadmore Robert Hilford Hayward Frank Lawrence Sutton Charles Edward Hooks Norman John Inglis George Smeaton Clark William George Dement William Richard Dense Robin Howell Deck Albert Henry Rodley Frederick Albert Newton Arthur Julius Taylor Lytton Alphonse Ditely James Cunningham Horace Jenkins .. .. William Henry Berg James Duff Hewett Roy Gordon Perry Maurice Petrie Shaw Ebenezer McDonald James Wright Michael McCarthy Sydney Hanson Miller Harold Dalton Campbell William Scott Leonard Cuthbert Hamilton James Norman Munro Walter Edward Forbes Francis Victor Hallam Edgar Rowland Tidbury William Maki David John McLean Peter Peterson Reginald Frank Gibbons .. .. ! Fiver oil engineer.. River trade • ■ .14 May, 1913.. . 14 „ „ .. .. 14 „ „ .. ■14 .. 14 „ „ .. ..14 .. 14 : .. 14 , . . 14 , .14 ..14 14 „ „ .. .. 14 , .14 „ „ .. 20 June, „ .. ■ ■ 20 „ „ .. i . . 7 Aug., „ .. .. 28 . . 12 Sept., „ .. . . 12 , .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ .. 12 .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 , .. 12 „ .. 12 .. ., .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ ,. .. . 12 „ .. 12 „ „ .. I .. 12 .. 12 ; ..12 .. 12 „ .... .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 ,. ..12 ■• 12 .. 12 , .. 12 ,. .. 12 .. „ .. .. 12 ., „ .. .. 12 .. 12 „ „ .. ■ 12 , .. 12 „ „ .. • •12 .. 13 Oct., „ .. ..13 ..13 .. 80 .. „ .. .. 30 .. „ .. 4 Dec a „ „ .. :: s ;; ;; :: 8 8 , . . 22 . . 29 „ „ .. . . 20 Jan., 11114. . .. 20 , • • 20 , . 20 .. 20 ., „ .. ■ 20 „ „ . . 3 Feb., „ .. I .. 16 „ „ .. . . 16 „ „'.-.■ 2 Mar.. .. 2 9 ., „ . . i 23 „ . . 26 , 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434


Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1914, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


Ai icklai id. Wellington. ;telti Dunedin. Oth )r Places. totals. in. Class of Certificate. 1 1 ■a d I I I 1 g & & § I I I 1 11 i £ 1 ! i 1 Foreign-going masters and mates Home - trade masters and mates River-steamer masters Master, fishing-boat or cargovessel under 25 tons register Master, sailing-vessel plying in harbours and rivers Seagoing engineers (steam) River-steamer engineers .. Marine engine-drivers Seagoing engineers (mechanical power other than steam) River engineers (mechanical power other than steam) Hi 15 31 10 11 21 10 Iβ ■21 i 3 1 4 39 48 82 21 20 II Iβ I 19 4 4 l ! .. I 41 84 65 14 3 1 15 3 I 2 3 1 i i i .. 2 I 8 8 24 5 4 28 5 4!) 12 II 4 60 It, 35 10 3 .. 6 i 4.-, 3 20 1 8 1 28 2 36 3 . 16 4 A 10 3 I 20 8 2 7 4 6 1 a it 2 8 1 160 27 2 22 37 II 1 197 38 2 27 3 .. 8 •2 in 6 i i I i i 2 i 5 42 165 1 54 43 219 2 .. 72 28 2 100 3 39 25 3 64 5 r>1 r> 35 7 42 87 408 95 540 Totals 7 58 81 IS 99 132

Date of Issue. Name. Date of Issue. Name. !i April, 1913 .. William Edward Joseph Greaney. „ .. Olive Alfred Fraser. .. .. Robert Norman Biggs. !7 June Rhys Williams. 12 Nov., 1913 .. Percy George Bamford. 6 Dec, „ .. Thomas Dalrymple Smith. 24 Feb., 1914 .. John Dudley Holmes.

No. of License. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 43 45 4G 47 48 49 8Oot., 9 April, 29 Aug., 30 Oot., 18 Deo., 19 Jan., 1913 1914 Felix Black John Grant John Robertson Richard Edward Smith Thomas Fernandez William Andrew Smith .. Wellington .. Onehunga .. Auckland .. Gisborne .. Wellington 8 Oct., 1914. i April, . 29 Aug., „ 30 Oct., 18 Dec, 19 Jan., 1915.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Addrees. 9 April, 1896 15 May, 5 . 27 April, 1897 27 May, 27 July, 1 Sept., 13 Aug., 1898 26 April, 1899 26 June, 1900 27 July, 27 Nov., 27 March, 1903 19 Oct., 1 Nov., 1906 6 Feb., 1907 22 . 1909 28 May, 23 Oct., 19 June, 1911 16 Nov., 3 . 1913 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquhart Thomson Frederick William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatch well Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddelston Neville Charles Frederick Sundstrum John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie Frederick Pryoe Evans David Todd Norman Macdonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robert Crawford Frederio George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Colonna Dunedin. Nelson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmere. Wellington. Dunedin. Bluff. Auckland. Wellington. Totara North. Chris tchurcb.


Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1912; of those added to and deducted from the Register during the Year 1913; and of those remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1913.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1913.


Sailing Ves! ids. Steam Vessels. Totals. Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. \essels. x onnage . Tonnage. Vessels. Tonnag( . Tonnage. Remaining on Register on 31st December, 1912 242 36,558 34.308 373 208,887 121,772 615 245,445 156,080 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time— Built at ports in United Kingdom .. Built at ports in British possessions abroad Vessels transferred from ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred from portsin British possessions abroad •Vessels registered de nova Tonnage added in consequence of remeasurement or alteration 2 190 103 3 12 3 5.748 568 5,111 2,572 300 3,081 3 '4 3 5.748 758 5. 1" 2.572 403 3,081 1 5 584 129 227 75 1 5 584 129 227 75 9 13 6 4 15 17 Total added 199 116 *4 12,146 6,259 26 12,345 6>375 Deducted from the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost Vessels broken up, decayed, &c. Vessels converted into hulks, &c. Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions Vessels registered de novo Other vessels Tonnage deducted in consequence of remeasurement or alteration I 7 5 2 3 3 13 1,516 986 226 62 23 13 i,5O5 928 185 52 23 2 2 2 in 68i 54 31 253 37 3 7 i 4 5 3 124 1.516 986 907 116 44 i>505 928 43» 8 9 23 23 99 i 19 1 n8 Total deducted 19 2,826 2,805 847 340 25 3.673 3.M5 Upon the Register on the 31st December, 1913 225 33.931 3I.6I9 391 220,186 127,691 616 254.II7 I59.3IO

Ports. Sailing Vessels. V....I, Gross Net vessels. Tonnage Tonnage. Sailing Vessels. V«-««pl>i Gross Net vessels. To nnage. Tonnage. Steam Vessels. Auckland Napier Wellington Nelson Lyttelton Timaru Dunedin Invercargill 143 5 13 15 1 38 2 11,121 325 2,115 2O8 3.957 733 15,100 372 9.757 312 1.935 187 3.847 690 14.547 344 178 27 45 '3 17 1 99 11 2I,8l6 3,4l8 12,536 2,702 5.282 942 172,316 1.174 11.551 1.934 6,263 1,261 2,343 488 103,299 552 Totals .. 3I.6I9 220,186 127,691 225 33.931 391



Table showing, for the Year 1913, the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Dominion of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

Under 50 Tons. So Tons and f under ioo. 100 Tons and under 300. 200 Tons and under 300. 300 Tons and under 400. 400 Tons and under 500. 500 Tons and under 600. 600 Tons and under 700. 700 Tons and under 800. 800 Tons and under i,ooo Tons and 1,200 Tons and 1,500 Tone and under 1.200. ' under 1,500. ' under 2,000. 2,000Tons and under 3,000. 3,000 Tons and over. Totals. Clasp of Vessels. I i I I -a 00 C I a g E c I o a ■J. 1 en a a 1 o CO c b pa sis > s2 S i »• l t m C J c' c o r CQ CO I i i 1 i 1 J. > u 2 ! 00 o 1 I I 1 i J J I I 1 I I In the Home (Coastal) Trade only — Sailing Steam 72 106 i, 660 2.47 1 us 418 536 36 63 2,755 123 455 5^ 5 34 669 4,847 26 458 484 217 2,261 690 663 1 2 8361 2,588 117 241 358 8,017 37,065 272 2,458 168 •• 4, 1.485 1,485 s 3.659 3,659 193 1,023 14 1 23 5 3,648 3,648 139 N 1 1 1,19o ( 1,028 3 4,083 4,083 220 2 3.37°i 127 1 •• 2,137 77 •• - •• Totals 99 » 2,478 168 8 1,023 Ml 1,353 b 5 — 139 .3 , 2 2,218 54 3 — 220 ' 21 127 -: 1 2,137 77 45,082 2,730 ra 7.393 5,516 193 3 3,370 - I- - - _ ; — Partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign TradeSailing Steam 324 1 •• 441 •' 9 •• 1 59 4 ' 1 171 197 368 : •• •• 13 1 1 499 453 10, 23 5i6 21 2,629| - 54 I 719 19 3 2,725 S3 3 •• 3,437 83 10251 7 12432 •• 310 10 25801 25801 752 2 8,OO2 8,OO2 174 7 39 3,623 64,636 94 1,845 • • - ... Totals — H — 2,629 H 8 -I 9 1 59 7 2 27 ij 324 13 2 952 33 21 54 1 719 19 2,725 S3 3 3,437 10251 7 12432 310 10: 752 1 174 46 68,259 1 — - ■— : -i —' 1 - — _ — In the Foreign Trade only — Sailing Steam 771 695 785 725 1,047 4,289 22,726 -4 •y •• 1 53 172 16 4 2 629 293 30 29 26; 309 9 •• •■ •• 11 1 I 3 25 2 1,864 1,864 79 1 18 2 2,534 •• I 1.736 Cy •• 2,782 2,782 77 3 I2I5O 383 12 r 7 IOI 8ll 12 2 •■ .. •• 1 411 H 93 1 Totals 12 3 I 225 20 6 922 59 771 309 — .9 - 1 4 ii 3^ 695 2 1,510 28 !- 1 ] 1,047 — 18 " 2] 2,534 9 -! 1 1.736 67 H 1 77 3 I2I5O 29 27,015 912 59: 26 11 79 - •• !— — -1 - — -i 1 - _ — - C.rand Totals.. i8r 7.677 47 6,806 3.249 2,118 89 5,022 25 6 1,539 35, 4,677 89, 5,877 186 7,177 211 6,702 155 '3 16868 10 17538 504 I2| 30720 20152 557 33 5,48; ,234 557 103 194 11



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. Description. Period of devolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower Dwellings built of built of Date first lighted. Cape Maria van I Diemen 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. 1' White Red, to show over Columbia Reef. White Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Cape Brett 1st order dioptric Group flashing Plashing ♦ Iron .. Timber 21 Feb., 1910 Mokohinou Chicken Island (Marotiri) Tiritiri .. 1st Acetone-acetylene (unwatohed) 2nd order dioptric 10" Fl. J", eel. 3A" Stone Iron .. 18 June,1883 28 April, 1913 „ Fixed .. White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage Cuvier Island Bast Cape Portland Island \ Castle Point 5th 1st 2nd 2nd Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 30" 10" 30" Timber Iron .. 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 10 Feb., 1878 Red, to show over Bull Rock. White Timber 2nd order dioptric Group flashing Revolving Fixed .. t Iron .. Timber 12 Jan., 1913 Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head .. Brothers .. j Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Jaok's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders .. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd t 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Timber Flashing io" 10" Fixed .. Red, to show over Cook Rock. White ■ 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Fixed .. i' Iron .. Stone Timber Iron .. Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 1 July, 1904 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1865 io" Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Revolving l . io" 30" Red '.'. '.'. White Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Centre Island Fixed .. White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point .. Cape Foulwind .. Kahurangi Point.. 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 10" 30" 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 30 Nov., 1903 Farewell Spit Nelson 2nd 4th " „ Revolving Fixed .. 1' White, with red sector to ehow over Stewart Breaker White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White .. Iron .. 17 June, 1870 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884 Stephens Island .. 1st Group flashing 29 Jan., 1894 * Two flashes in quick succession every half-min twice every half-minute, with interval of three seconds ite. t Three white flashes ev< between flashes. sry forty-fl ■e seconde. ; Flashing


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.


Name of Vessel. i I I i s e "III •■3 o3" to OcfflO k if -a 3 11 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini ber c Clasi Law bece iriMim Num>f following see of Crew requires to irried. Remarks d *3 a 5 I g i a s a § £ & ~ I Admiral.. Advance (A'kland) Advance (Hokianga) Advance II •Adventure A.H.B. .. Ahuriri Ailoma Aio Akaroa Albatross Albatross (A'kland) Albatross(H'kianga) Alert (Paeroa) Alert (Wanganuil Alexander Alexandra Alice (Hokianga).. Alice (Tβ Kopuru) All Black All Black, No. 1 .. All Black, No. 2 .. Alma Anna Aorere •Aotea .. Apanui .. Aparima Arahura Arapawa Arawa (Port Under wood) Arawa (Rotorua) .. Ark Aroha Arrino Arumai Atalanta •Atlas .. Atua Aupouri Aurere Awahou Awaroa Baden Powell •Balder .. Beldame Bell Bird Benares Ben Lomond Blenheim Blue Bird Branch Breeze Breta Tui Brit (Auckland) .. Brit(Whangarei).. Britannia (Bluff).. Britannia (A'kland) Bruce Campbell Canopus Canterbury Canterbury Centaur Chance Chelmsford Clansman Claymore Clematis Clio •Glutha .. •Clyde Cobar (Wellington) Cobar (Tryphena) Comet Condor .. 82 50 12 8 8 7 4 8 3 10 5 15 31 17 4 15 44 20 29 28 4 8 111 374 9 4 f20 6 5 15 185 72 5 15 2 5 5 12 4 17 18 4 24 5 10 19 10 49 16 167 33 186 28 :3,684: 284 772 145 ; 128, 47 5 10 Compound Non-oondensing Oil-engine Sorew Restricted limits 11 .. Compound Oil-engine '82 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine 1 Home trade .. Restricted limits 1 a 328 Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits '4 « Fishing. 69 Compound Home trade .. 1 2 4 216 2,722 1,729 241 Triple-expansion ■" i .. I Twin-sorew Restricted limits' Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. 4 18 7 4 2 9 5 3 3 'a 3 Screw Oilengine Restricted limits 2 5 3 5 4 8 2 5 6 10 6 25 2 10 2 5 220 55 3 8 151 74 211 62 72i 30 3 6 4 20 52 15 2 5 33 15 85 50 1 • 6 8 . 9 286 ' 84 36 40 5 12 6 16 10 24 ; 108 1 40 1 5 6 20 835 250 521 120 24 6 32 3 5 79 24 379 99 119 54 3 12 6 6 96 24 40 58 40 4 12 6 5 188 24 395 328 478 201 227 443 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Twin-sorew ; Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 5 4 5 a "i 3 '3 3 2 3 Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw „ Home trade .. Restricted limits "\ Fishing. Non-oon<iensiug Oil-engine 1,121 Triple-expansion Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. Restricted limits k 'a •'2 *8 Dredge. Sorew 73 566 375 Compound Home trade .. 2 5 4 1 8 3 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Restricted limits Compound Storn-paddle Oil-engine Screw Compound Sorew (at each end) * Snrve: red twice. t Under.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name ol Veuel. I I MS J-l fl ® o g j> bo* im o cffiC 7* I o \l It 11 1° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. CI'BS Of Certificate. Minimum Ni ber of follow Classes of C Law require be carried. lliri. vinfi Jrew M to Remark:) 4111 5 Coo-ee .. .. 3 Coquette .. 3 Comma.. .. 812 Countess (Hokitika) 2$ Countess (W'gton) 57 •Cygnet (Lyttelton) 66 Cygnet (Te Kopuru) 3 Dairymaid .. 2 Daphne (Auckland) 100 Daphne (Hokianga! 2 Daphne I Picton) 1 Dawn (Waitara) .. 14 Dawn (Mangonui) 3 Defender (Lytt'ton) 109 Defender (Thames) 4 Despatch .. 24 Doak .. .. 3 Dolly Varden .. 17 Doris (Napier) .. 4 Doris (Picton) .. 2 Doris (Russell) .. 3 Dot .. .. 1 Dove .. . 2 Dovey .. .. 2 Dreadnought .. 6 •Dredge 121 ... 394 Dredge 222 .. 502 Dredge 350 .. 488 Dredge 404 .. 211 Duchess (Wel'gton) 95 Duchess (Hokitika) : 1 Eagle .. ..138 Earnslaw .. 155 Echo .. .. 98 Eclipse .. .. 2 Eileen Ward .. 472 Elsie (Auckland).. 21 Elsie (French Pass) 3 Elsie (Picton) .. 22 Elsie Evans ... 6| Elsie Mary .. 85 Emily .. ... 5 Empress .. 6 Endeavour .. 54 Endora .. .. 2 Energy .. .. 17 •Erin •Erlin .. ... i Erskine .. 90 Eureka (Hokianga) 3 •Eureka (Te Kopuru): 2 Eva .. .. 5 •Eveline .. .. .. I •Excelsior (A u c k- 29 land) Excelsior (Tuakmn 5| Express .. .. I 36 Pairburn .. 60 Fairy (Hokianga) 2 Fairy (Napier) .. | 32 Fanny .. ... 55 Ferro .. .. 6 Perry .. ... 2 Fiona .. .. 2 Firefloat Flora (Akaroa) .. 2 Flora (Dunedin) .. 838 Flossie .. . . 2 Foam .. .. 2 Freetrader .. 94 Gael .. ... 55 Gannet .. .. 10 Gipsy .. . . 3 Gisborne .. 38 Gladsome .. 3 Olenelg .. .. 156; Glenlee .. . B{ 8 10 141 20 28 43 8 6 55 6 5 36 8 36 18 20 8 26 20 I 12 5 4 5 16 100 140 117 78 81 2 70 80 60 8 123 30 5 11 20 60 25 18 30 5 16 9 35 10 - 8 20 r 8 24 1,045 178 188 254 116 883 660 463 1,000 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Paddle '.'. Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limit* Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limit* Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 0 •2 4 i 4 i i 5 6 4 2 3 2 a 2 i 3 8 B a 2 ' " :'f "i 8 Fishing. Dredge. Dredge. Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 6 54 2 17 Home trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 1 1 48 Compound Non-condensing Compound Fishing. 4 90 3 2 E Oil-engine "ae Non-oondensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. 1 60 2 32 55 6 2 2 6J 25 60 7 11 30 20 4 181 180 6 5 50 20 12 4 12 5 75 10 92 143 Non-condensing Compound Oilengine Compound Sorew Twin screw Screw Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 2 2 i a Pishing. Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine " ■2 838 2 2 94 55 10 3 38 a .- 1,140 - 9l| Non-condensing Compound Stern-paddle Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade . Restricted limits G 2 3 i a 3 .. Oil-engine .. Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 3 15G r. 255! Compound Oil-engine 4 8 .. * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Veuel. i s I 1*8 ®.5 ft DO do . if 23 If "CO Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. CIkss of Certificate. Mi, Lei (']« Lα' be niiiium Namf of following Lsses of Crew w requires to carried. Remarku 1 h Goldfinch Gordon Goeford Goshawk Greyhound Haeremai Hananui II 'Hapai Harriet Hauiti Haupiri.. Hauiaki 'Hawera Haylock Heathcote 'Heather Hilary .. Himitangi Hina Hi nemo a (Hokianga) Hinemoa (Rotorua) Hinemoa (Tryphena) Hinewai Hipi Hirere Hobsonville Holliday Holmdale Houmoana Houto Huanui Huia (Auckland) Huia (Lake Rotomabana) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wilson's Bay) Hulk Launch (Auckland) Ida Ikarere .. Inga Inveroargill Irene (Hokianga).. Irene (Kaiapoi) .. Irini Iris (Mercury Bay) Iris (Waikato) .. Iris (Thames) Isa (Picton) Isa (Whangarei) .. Isabel Isabella de Fraine Jane Janie Seddon J.D.O. .. Jean Jersey Lily John John Anderson .. John Kennedy "John Townley Kaeo Kahu (Auckland).. Kahu (Napier) .. Kaiaia 'Kaiapoi Kaipara Kaipatiki Kairaki Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituna Kamo Kamona .. 5 10 23 122 83] 6 44 364 3 82 452 9 92 1 94 6 5 149 39 1 10 8 30 28 60 18 58 155 8 32 88 34 31 4 35 17 5 45 20 2 Compound 8crew Restricted limits 248 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Home trade .. Reetrioted limits Foreign trade Restrioted limits a a 2 Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Screw 2G9 463 Home trade .. a 0 a 8 • • • • • Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 193 a 2 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine • 255 76 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits: 4 2 '3 1 4 2 10 5 • • • H • • 5 13 18 23 4 197 4 78 59 199 2 16 11 16 15 15 27 16 45 45 78i 4 H9 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 a 2 2 4 69j 25 2 5 5i 121 Compound Condensing Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 ■2 "l 2 6 570 123 4 8 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 76 22 43 88 \ 111 36 4 85 146 25 99 24 1,246 16 40 110 41 12 8 15 6 5 12 5 "7J 5 60 35 43 28 12 12 40 20 12 39 60 40 40 28 201 4 9J 92 200 65 200 159 117 415 237 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine H • • Twin-screw Screw Twin-acrew Screw Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 5 4 a i 8 a 186 Compound Home trade .. Restricted limits Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. 4 1 2 1 7 242 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Sorew Twin-screw Screw a 1,008: Foreign trade Restricted limits a 2 'i 20 182 1,219 118 1,246 725 904 492 1,044 276 952 731] 748| Compound Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Foreign trade 4 7 4 7 0 r, 8 B 8 8 3 8 'a '3 First survey. 2 '3 w • • H rr * Surve r ed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

5—H. 15.


Name of Vessel. M la I H s o Eh £a° S S V. O 0) Sig,L M I! ■33 I* I" Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Claes of Curtifloaie. Minima ber of f< Classes Law req be carrii im Numollowing of Crew juires to ed. Remarks .8 38 a 3 3 e S a a £ Kanieri (Auckland) Kanieri (Hokitika) Kapiti .. Kapuni .. Karaka Karamu.. Karewa Karori .. "Karoro .. Kate Kauri .. Kawa Kawau (Auokland) Kawau . Kelvin .. Kennedy Kestrel 115 9 114 96 10 452 4 1,194 52 20 34 35 30 22 102 li 147 17 5 304 5 15 20 7 38 43 140 206 189 Compound Oil-engine Compound Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. 4 "i ■2 '2 C 2 733 Triple-expansion Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits a a Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound 6 924 7 *3 2 Q 1,830 3 37 53 2 131 159 1,135 '82 Oil-engine Compound Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 'a *2 3 i a 8 131 Twin-sorew Screw (at each end) Sorew 4 a Kaitere Kina Kini Kinohaku Kiritona Kittawa Kiwi Koi Kokiri (Russell) .. Kokiri (Whangarei) Komata Kopu Koputai.. Korari Koroi Kotare .. Kotiti Kotuku.. Koutu Koutunui Kowhai Kumi Kurow .. Kyra Lady Eva Lady Roberts La Mascotte La Reine Larola (Picton) .. Larola (Wanganui) Laurel .. Lena Lillian Lily Little George Looh Lomond Loew Viotor Lomen .. 'Lorna .. Loyalty Lupe Lyttelton (Auckl'd) Lyttelton (Lyttel'n) Madge (Devonport) Madge (Thames) Magic Maheno Mahinapua Mahino Mahua Mahurangi Mahuta Maidi Maitai Majestic (H'kianga) Majestic (Mercer) Makere Mako Mana (Westport).. 6 5 702 6 75 708 6 10 130 8 150 120 3 32 10 8 260 13 120 8 7 20 14 24 5 26 128 28 333 7 120 48 10 20 10 14 10 8 10 10 . 6 14 40 6 10 35 10 108 133 15 8 60 40 4 5 28 80 11 11 490 5 7 4 12 90 Oil-engine 636 Triple-expansion Oil-engine * • • • • • Home trade .. Restricted limits Home tiade .. 6 'a 708 Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine * • • Twin-screw Screw 2 6 'a Restricted limits 54 4 4 1,194 18 5 4 3 79 42 4J 98 404 5 1,564 2 30 37 4 6 4 3 3 12 4 1 4 4 4 f20 4 24 3 24 1 6 2 58 24 2 6 353 95 13 12 1,888 2 3 3 4 51 1,215 469 146 75 149 580 1,735 Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expan,sion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine * • • Twin-screw Sorew Paddle ! '. m • • Sorew m * • Twin-sorew Sorew * • • * • ■ * • • Twin-sorew Screw * • • • • • m ■ • * • ■ * • • Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restrioted limits |Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 7 a 2 'a 5 's a *8 a i 8 6 a 8 . 3 3 Tug. • • i m * * m * • Fishing. '78 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound • • • n • • * • • * • • Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits i i 269 Paddle .'! Twin-screw Sorew i 2 Oilengine Twin-screw Home trade .. Restricted limits a Sorew ■ m • ■ Compound Twin-screw Screw m B Floating crane. r> v • • 3,364 m • • Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade Restricted limits e *9 *6 '3 n * * Compound Paddle '.'. * ye<3 twice. t Under.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. I k> § is 8. I o'Smo 7* I o . '.-4 B) ■ <D Sα sir u Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. CI Mβ of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Kemark* a <$ x> s i i a a s 1 1 2 fc B O Mana (Riverton).. Mana (Wellington) Mana (French P'ss) Manaia Mangapapa Manuka (Dunedin) Manuka (Lyttelton) Manurere 2 77 3 630 87 2,813 3 4 25 6 104 28 357 2J 34 149 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Compound Quadruple-expan-sion Non-condeneing turbines Oil-engine Screw m • • Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. '2 2 1,195 131 4,013 Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Restricted limits 7 a 11 8 '2 12 ■2 6 c 0 Manuwai Maori (Dunedin).. Maori (Picton) Maori (Taupo) .. Maori (Riverton).. Mapourika Mapu II Maramarua Mararoa (Rotorua) Mararoa (Dunedin) Mareno Marokopa Maroro Marsden Mascotte (Auckl'dj Mascotte (Rotorua) Masootte (Wang'ui) Matareka Matarere Matariki (L'ttelt'n) Matariki (Tuakau) Matea Matuku Maui (Gisborne) .. Maui (Onehunga) Mavis Mavis B. 94 1,433 6 2 3 718 3 2 2 1,381 4 4 5 6 30 5,600 8 5 5 130 10 9 6 530 5 7 8 8 5 4 12 25 2 10 6 5 4 80 10 10 3 5,859 1,152 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Stern-wheel Triple-screw Screw * • • n * * Home trade .. Restrictediimits • m Home trade .. Restricted limits 8 i 15 *8 '9 a 3 3 a • • 3,154 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 'k '<) 6 Q H * * m • • *> 1 f20 4 Non-condensing Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine * • • m • • m it it • • 4 3 251 5 547 Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine •> • • Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 a Dredge. Quadruple-expan-sion Triple-expansion Oil-engine a> • * * 7 m • • * Mawbera May May Howard M.O Melinda Melville.. Mere Mere Merlin (Auckland) Merlin (Picton) .. Mermaid (Fr. Pass) Mermaid (Onehunga) Merry Duchess .. Meteor .. Mikado Minoru Miro Mirree Moa (Taieri) Moa (Wellington) 'Moana (Moana) .. Moana (Picton) .. Moana (Tryphena) Moata Moeraki.. Moerangi (Auckl'd) Moerangi (Dunedin) Mokoia Mona Monica II Monowai Mororo Moturata Moturoa Mountaineer Moura Muriel .. Muritai .. 'Murihiku Myrtle .. 292 1 55 3 1 168 4 45 6 5 10 3 4 5 7 7 Twin-screw Screw' H • • H Home trade .. Restricted limits a Dredge. » •» * • • * • • n > • Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine m 4 3 4 4 * • • m H • • * • • * It • • it 4 2 6 24 3 2 t5 95 6 4 .1* 5 - 12 10 4 5 4 33 7 8 44 5 357 16 274 255 5 20 290 5 25 10 50 275 5 14 70 4 * ■ • * ■ • * • • m • • m • • * • • m m m m 145 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine m • ■ Home trade .. Restrictediimits 2 2 » • « r> • • # •> • • m> • • 3 2,715 5 16 2,154 2 29 2,137 2 13 10 66 1,247 3 5 369 1 3,957 2,690 2,731 Triple-expaneion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oilengine * ■ • Twin-screw Screw m ■ • * • ■ m • ■ Foreign trade Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 11 10 10 9 ';') 9 6 "a ■A 'a 3 8 Compound Paddle ! '. Twin-screw Sorew 1,865; Triple-expansion Oilengine Foreign trade Restricted limits 8 6 ':'{ 3 I 524 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. Restricted limits \ 8 Dredge. .. I * Surve; r ed twice. t Cnd.r


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. fa I rr. a c iff s 1 Oo03O I o . II ■ea IS CO •§"8 M Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. CIrrs of Certificate. iBIinimum Numbor of following Glasses of Crew Law requiree to be carried. Remarks «5 S 5 I I i a> 5 Namu Nancy Napier Natone Naumai (Kaipara) Naumai (Kawhia) Nautilus (Hokianga) Nautilus (Onehunga) Navua Nellie Mason New Zealand 'Ngahere Ngakuta Ngapuhi Ngarita Ngaru .. Ngatiawa Ngatoro Ngoiro .. 5 5 30 24 12 9 7 Oil-engine Screw Restricted limits 4! 51 2! 86 Compound Home-trade .. Restricted limits I Trawler. Oil-engine 6 6 1,813 14 666 944 299 4 3 220 584 139 220 15 1* 118 248 160 18 6 55 118 52 1,949 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Restricted limits i 3 742 881 I 675 Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits •■ 2 3 First survey. Oil-engino m • • Twin-screw Screw 484 711 m * • Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Screw (at each end) Screw Home trade .. First survey. * Restricted limits Nick Nicola .. Nikau .. Nimrod (Auckland) Nimrod (Whangarei) Nina Nita Nopera .. Norma .. Norval Nydia Ohinemuri Ohura O.K. Oleo Oline "Olive (Tβ Kopuru) Olive (Te Kopuru) Olivine Oman a .. Onewa Ongarue Onoke Oparau Opawa .. 'Opouri 'Opoutia .. i Orakei .. Orete .. Orewa .. .. I Osprey Otara Paeroa Pakeha Palatine Pandora Panirau.. Paranui.. .. I Pararoa.. .. Paxera Paritutu Pateena Patiti Pearl (Pioton) Pearl (Kaipara) .. Peerless.. .. i Pelican .. .. Pelorus (Auckland) Pelorus (Havelock) Petone Petrel Phantom Phyllis (Hokitika) Phyllis (Russell) .. Phyllis (Te Kopuru) 6 4 98 4 u o Q Q K O 50 1 73 34 4 5 2 6 2 C (J 49 31 1 5 G4 218 3 92 37 138 3 45 6 4 5 3 2 4 6 23:! 550 25 20 55 32 12 24 5 5 10 20 4 30 25 14 20 10 32 10 13 14 15J 45 4 5 18 86 5 10 60 17 ' 70 12 25 12 4 14 20 10 8 4 90 250 15 5 7 26 57 12 40 82 15 11 3 12 2 254 142 '82 602 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine • • ■ Compound Condensing Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Non-condensing Oilengine Twin-screw Screw m • • n • • Twin-screw Screw if • • m • • it • • n • • «• • • 0 * • * • • * • • ■r Home trade .. Restricted limits H Home trade .. Restricted limits m Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits ' First survey. Home trade .. 2 2 i 89 Compound * • ■ it • • Restricted limitB Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Paddle .'! Screw 76 m • • Home trade .. Restricted limits a i # • ■ Twin-screw Screw Non-condensing Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine * • • 648 1,973 * • * Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. "4 o 3 6 3 Dredge. Restrioted limits 'k Non-condensing Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine * • • w 9 4 1 3 18 388 6 18 1 4 5 297 496 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine • • • Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits i i 3 8 Fishing. * • • Compound it • • ti w • • it ♦ Surve; ed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel, i If h ■o 3 II SO" a o 1-1 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini; bei ing Cr« qui cat imum Num- j ir of follow-| g Classes of rew Law relires to be L.rried. Remarks <d a> © EC d g 1 I 2 Q § S Pibinga Pilot (Wellington) Pilot (Dunedin) .. Pilot (Ljttelton) Pioneer (Auckland) Pioneer (Westport) Pitoitoi (Auokland) Pitoitoi (Waitara) Planet .. Plucky .. Poherua Pono Portare Presto Progress Pukaki .. 24 27 5 1 5 28 19 4 29 749 30 6 5 15 12 13 i 14 20 15 34 40 128 52 "J 45 110 150 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Compound it • • Screw H • • 1 * * If • • * • • * • • Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 1 1 288 698 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. 'c 2 'a Tug. m • • Twin-screw Screw Restrioted limits 112 917 162 647 Compound 11 Home trade .. Foreign trade I 6 2 8 Pukeore Pupuke Purau Putiki Queen Queen of Beauty.. Queen of the South Bakanoa Bakiura (Bluff) .. Rakiura (Dunedin) Balaco Bangariri Rangi(PelorueS'd) Bangi (Tuakau) .. Bangimahora Rangiora Barawa Ratanui Bauparaha Bawhiti (Auokland) Rawhiti(Stew'rtIs.) Redwing Begal Regal II Regulua.. Rehutai Reikura Relianoe (Oneh'nga) Reliance (Raglan) Bene Reremoana Result .. Rewa Rhodesian Rimu .. ..I Ripple (Hokianga) Ripple (Napier) .. Bipple (Onehunga) Bita Riwaka Roamer Roko Rona Bonaki (Auckland) Bonaki (Huntly).. Bosamond Bose (Ngunguru).. Rose (Whangarei) Rotoiti .. Rotokohu Rotomahana Rotongaro •Rowena.. .. Ruahine Rubi Seddon Ruru (Auckland).. Ruru (Napier) St. George Sarah Savaii .. i 68 33 157 2 4 121 1,393 13 81 2 2 5 2 2 3 460 2 2 5 3 5 1J 227 12 5 44 24 4 14 19 6 4 144 2 187 8 5 19 44 3 4 44 i 462 14 4 6 11 139 4 7 50 30 60 6 16 40 200 10 25 10 6 8 44 10 7 140 3 5 5 5 12 10 '20 150 10 10 12 4 10 50 10 24 7 95 . 6 80 5 11 12 12 6 8 90 4 10 30 8 45 14 8 12 80 10 50 8 *4 16 Quadruple-expan-sion Oil-engine Compound M • • Twin-screw Restricted limits 317 Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 8 * • > Oilengine m • ■ 180 945 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine * • ■ m • • Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. 4 7 1 2 2 8 a g 108 » • • 2 Restricted limits a> • • * • • * • • m w • • * • • • • • 1,099 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits 6 *8 2 IT • • 695 Compound Twin-aorew Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits '4 'a Oil-engine Pleasure yacht. • • • Fishing. • • • ■ • • • Compound Oil-engine * • • m • • • * * • ■ 536 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engines Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits "i 8 247 4 a Fishing. • • • m Oil-engine m • • m • • • m • • * • • m • • m 448 ir • • Compound Oil-engine • * • Home trade .. Restricted limits s '3 tr ■ • * • • m 238 Compound a> • • Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 a 5 349 11 57 2 1 31 Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Triple-expansion Compound w • • M • • Twin-sorew Screw a Pleasure yaoht. Dredge. 190 Home trade .. Restricted limits a '2 m • • Oil-engine m • • » ■ ■ m • ■ Condensing • • • * Surveyed twice. t Under.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Nairn: of Veesel. ij 3 M a M HZ lit ■ « o Pi! ,Oo30 h a o I-H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. ClHse of Certificate. Minimum Nu ber of folli ing Classes Crew Law quires to carried. ■iwi of rebo Ketuarks. .8 § ■si § t s a E t Scout Sea Gull Sea Horse Seamen Sea Wolf Secret Settler (Russell) .. Settler (Thames).. Shamrock (Greymouth) Shamrock (Wanganui) Sir William Wallace Sonoma (Hokianga) 'Sonoma (Kaipara) Southern Cross .. Southern Isle Sparrow Sparrowhawk 4 11 20 28 ? 28 10 7 18 10 Oil-engine Screw Twin-sorew Screw Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits i 2 1 8 6 6 Compound Oil-engine 60 120 Twin-sorew Home trade .. 2 30 4 20 10 13 117 28 32 Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Restricted limits Fishing. 403 59 357 Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits 6 ■1 3 98 Screw Screw (at each end) Screw * Special .. .. Speedy Spray Squall .. Standard Stanley Stella (Hokianga) Stella (Mahau) .. Stella (Whangarei) Sterling (Auckland) Sterling (Hokianga) Storm Stormbird Stranger Stromboli Sumner Swan (Mokau) .. Swan (Napier) .. Sybil .. Sylph (Hokianga) Sylph (Kaipara) .. Sylvia Tahawai Tahuna Taihoa .. Tainui (Waitara) Tainui (Gt. Barrier) Tai Nui.. Taipa Takapuna Takitimo ■Talune .. Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Tangihua Taniora Taniwha (Auckland) Taniwha (Timaru) Tapapa .. Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman Taviuni 5 3 2 145 9 2 2 2 3 4 3 186 129 4 2 94 5 16 14 l 5 16 5 ■ 8 60 10 1\ 4 5 8 28 12 70 40 12 5 35 10 10 5 4 8 9 14 8 <4 24 6 30 8 165 5 235 .12 70 15 12 40 271 286 203 Oil-engine » ■ • Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine * Home trade .. Restricted limits m tt * Home trade .. Restricted limits a> 4 4 4 '. o 2 Fishing. Non-condensing Oil-engine * m H 9 3 2 60 2 5 3 472 2 1,370 a 151 Compound Oil-engine tt Home trade .. Restricted limits ''■1 1,118 » • ■ Compound Oilengine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits '('; 6 'a a 1,694 s 6 a a 109 20 3 191 Twin-screw Screw Oil-engine Compound ■ Twin-screw a> 16 3 16 5 4 250 11 38 135 Non-condensing Oil-engine Non-condensing Compound Condensing Compound Quadruple-expan-sion Non-condensing Oil-engine Screw 1,269 11 97 974 1,450 a> • • Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Foreign trade '8 e 8 "a 198 967 Twin-screw Screw a G a 8 'a 'a Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (Taupo) .. Tawera (Lake Te Anau) Te Aroha Tβ Awhina Te Kooti Te Kura Te Maika Te Pioneer 44 2 57 14 2 5 25 8 40 74 25 85 99 5 7 10 13 589 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine m • • m • • Twin-sorew Restricted limits ■ Home trade .. 2 1 Screw Restricted limits a Tug. n> ■ • Compound * m • • tt • Survi iyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


egg it* mi OoMO L "81 I—( Mini bei inp Cγ qu cai imut )r of g Cli rew ] lires irriec 11 followtsses of jaw reto be 1 Name of Vessel. i 5 ■r; a O H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. a S 3 c B I E I. § 1 Ben) arks Te Pua Terawhiti TeRino.. Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu The Little Jaok .. Thelma (Queenst'n) Thelma (Te Kopuru) The Minerva .. , The Peregrine .. ■ The Pines .. ! Theresa Ward Thistle (Kaiapoi).. Thistle (Moana) .. Thistle (Wanganui) Thomas King 'Thor Thornycroft Tiri ■Togo Toiler Tongatiro Tongonge Traveller Tuahine Tuatea (Gisborne) Tuatea (Raglan) .. Tu Atu Tui (Auckland) .. Tui (Mercer) Tui (Rawene) Tui (Taupo) Tuirangi Tukua .. "Tuna .. Tunaki Turanga Tutanekai Twigg Uira Undine Uta Ventura.. Vesper (Auokland) "Vesper (Te Kopuru) Victory (Auckland) Victory (Meroer).. Viking .. Viola Vivid Vixen W Waiapu Waihou Waihoa Waihora Wai-iti .. Waikana Waikare (Hokianga) Waikare (Rangiriri) Waikato Waikuku Waima Waimarie (Auckland) Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Wainui (Akaroa).. Wainui (Picton) .. Waioma Waiomo Waione Wai-ora.. Waiora Waiotahi 77 70 6 1 0 f20 28 4 4 20 58 K 30 20 2 Q g 72 11 14 21 161 10 99 7 5 45 1\ 5* 4 14 52 2 95 5 4 90 16 10 5 20 14 13* 8 8 7| 14 28 8 60 6J 10 5 224 44 34 16 25 8 8 34 10 50 7 32 16 30 9 14 15 14 12 .26 35 40 12 410 47 200 4 5 9 5 20 48 846 463 228 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound u • • Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Screw ir • • m • • Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw » .. Twin-screw Screw # • • Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits m II II Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits * m n n u Home trade .. Restricted limits m rr '2 i 'a '2 q *3 '. • a Tug. Tug. o 19 9 3 c 23 Q 20, c 17 g te g 6 15 11 57 6 4 2,993 i aj 6 Q 6 159 Non-condensing Oil-engine it * • u • ■ Non-conden si ng Oil-engine 11 * • ii • • // • • • « • * • • Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw H m n m m v Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits m m m Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 1 i 1 2 # .. 1,879 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Restricted limits io 6 3 "•A Twin-screw Screw n • . * . ■ it » « Compound Twin-screw 53 20 Non-condensing Paddle .. u> 207 5 4 48 3 }20 167 100 10 5 20 10 80 15 75 56 627 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 3 I • • Compound Oilengine it • • Twin-screw Screw 350 Compound Twin-screw Home trade .. 4 '3 ider. * Surveyed twice. + Ui


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Nam* of Vessel I en a o ;.s& % mi I. n ft n it 3° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimui ber of inn Cll Crew ] quires carriec a followisses of jaw reto be i I. Remarks ai 'Si § t a> 1 Waipapakauri Waipuna Wairau Waireka (Wanganui) Waireka (Dunedin) Waireka (Russell) Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Nelson)'.. Wairoa (Queenstown) Wairoa (Riverton) 'Wairua (Auckland) Wairua (Wanganui] 'Waitangi (Auckl'd) Waitangi (Dunedin) Waitaria Waitata Waitcmata Waitohi Waitomo Waituna Waiuku Waiwera (Auckl'd) Waiwera (Henley) ■Wakaiti Wakapai Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Waro Warrimoo Waterlily Waverley Woka ■Wescland Wetere Whakapara Whakarire Whangape Whanui Whati .. Whisper Will Watoh Wimmera Winifred Wootton. Young Bungaree.. Zealandic Zephyr .. Zoe Zomar .. 5 59 5 9 7 20 45 Oil-engine Screw Restricted]limits iii Compound Oilengine Home trade .. Restricted limits a 2 72 3 41 40 48 5 49 5 25 40 16i 10 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw 96 86 Home trade .. 2 2 1 Oil-engine • •. * • • Restricted limits 6 175 f20 21 32 2 2 18 18 2,719 3 49 15 t20 157 95 1,572 34 2,076 29 93 53 8 41 6 449 1,900 2 4 44 5 66 60 5 4 150 10 372 5 200 6 16 39 10 140 30 280 50 490 20 25 20 86 22 2£ 120 280 5 61 45 5 8 33 35 4i 7 * H - 12 293 1,607 139 1,040 3,273 Triple-expansion Compound * « • Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine m • * Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw * • • * • • Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits ii Homo trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. i i ii i 2 8 2 10 1 2 2 1 3 1 '('; a 8 <J 'a 2 '('; *8 8 First survey. Trawler. n • • 128 79 504 » • • Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw 2 1 8 H • • n • • Restricted limits Tug. * • • 546 1,243 • • • Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound m • • Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits v> 8 Dredge. 3 2 8 3 48 3 2 1 4 119 152 Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. a a i '•> Oil-engine 0 • • Restricted limits * • • * • • • * Surveyed twice. t About.


Return of Sailing-ships to which Survey Certificates were granted during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.


Minimum Number of Seamen required by Law to be carried. Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Class of Oertifloate. Remarks. Able Ordinary „ Seamen. Seamen. aoyB - Agnes Martin Albatross Alert Alma Altair Amelia Sims.. Annie Hill .. Aratapu Argus Arrah-na-Pogue Awanui Bee Bravo Briton Cead Mile Failte Clifton Clio.. Combine Comet Coronation .. Dandy Daphne Deveron Dominion Edith Edna Eliza Firth .. Esme Ethel Wells .. Eunice Falcon Qannet Gem Glenae Herald •Hero Huia Huon Bell .. Ida .. Inez Dean Irene Jane Gifford.. Janet Jessie Craig .. Joseph Craig.. Eapua •Katie S. Kereru Kiatere Kiatia Kitty Fraeer .. Korora Lady of the Lake •Lena Gladys.. Lily (Lyttelton) Lily' (Nelson) Lizette Lizzie Taylor Louisa Craig.. Maggie Maid of Italy Marjorie Craig •May Moa (Auckland) •Moa (Napier) Moehau Moonab Morning Light Ngaru Nor'west Oban Old Jack Onerahi Orakei Pahiki j* 41 45 98 56 57 98 121 122 36 100 85 24 99 19 63 18 81 24 20 85 82 20 26 25 19 22 143 20 19 171 98 25 20 11 73 56 20 43 25 12 30 20 22 634 694 18 20 106 11 20 25 160 19 24 84 16 25 77 683 20 15 499 44 99 66 23 83 92 66 18 24 14 25 32 20 Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits Home trade * • • Foreign trade Home trade * •» Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits m Home trade u • • it • • Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits Home trade // • • Restricted limits Home trade * • • • • • Restricted limits Home trade m • • Restricted limits 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 l 2 1 1 8 8 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 1 7 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 i l i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i m a m Home trade Restricted limits Foreign trade i i '2 2 Home trade Restrioted limits Foreign trade .. Restricted limits i m Home trade Restricted limits i Home trade i Restricted limits Home trade Foreign trade Restricted limits i i a Foreign trade .. Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits i i Lighter. i i Home trade i i i * ■ • * • • Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits > Surveyed twice.


Return of Sailing-ships to which Survey Certificates were granted during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during the Year ended 31st December, 1913.

6—H. 15.


Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Minimum Numbe Seamen required b; to be carried. sr of y Law Class of Certificate. Remarks. Able Ordinary Seamen. Seamen. Boys. Pearl Kasper •Range Rangi Resul Rimu Rona Rosalie Sancy Kate Scot Seagull Stag Stanley Sunderland Talisman Tally Ho Tararawa 'Pay The Lee The Portland Thistle Thora •Three Cheers Transit Trusty Venture Vindex Violet Waikonini Welcome Winnie Ysabel 25 64 86 23 49 618 t7 25 18 25 19 90 24 84 51 41 tie 19 59 23 358 97 19 59 19 23 20 23 62 19 149 25 64 86 23 49 618 t7 25 18 25 19 90 24 84 51 44 fl5 19 59 23 358 97 19 59 19 23 20 23 62 19 149 Home trade H • • It • • Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits * Home trade Restricted limits 1 2 2 1 2 B 1 1 1 1 1 a l 2 ■i a i i 2 1 G 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 i l i i i 2 ■ Home trade Foreign trade .. Home trade i l i Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits Home trade i Restricted limits Foreign trade .. l • Surveyed twice. t Under.

Port. Number Number registered. licensed. Port. Number registered. Number licensed Auckland Blenheim .. Bluff .. .. .. - Diincdin and Port Chalmers mouth .. Hokianga Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Mangonni Napier Nelson 341 341 10 4 86 86 88 88 12 9 18 18 34 34 86 43 268 221 13 13 57 57 72 70 1,085 984 Brought forward .. New Plymouth Oamaru Picton Poverty Bay Russell Taurauga Thames Timarn Wanganui Wellington Westport 1,085 18 33 36 22 55 20 99 23 7 51 16 984 18 81 36 15 55 20 41 23 7 51 16 Carried forward Totals 1,465 1,297



List of Boys who have served on Training-ship "Amokura" during Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Kama. Date of Joining Date of Dischargu. Occupation taken up on Discharge. Hood, J. L. Westnipp, A. W. .. Bray, H. L. McKenzie, A. M. 15. Asher, 1. . . Dowell. A. J. Watt, J. W. Uridge, R. W. Gordon, VV. J. Hastie, J. I). I. mm. E. S. Rawlins, A. K. Gilbertson, P. A. . . Warren, G. N. Bromwell, M. C. Edwards, C. G. F. .. Prideaux, H. A. Farrow, V. R. Tarbutt, (;. S. Ciillen, ('.<!. Morrison, A. P. Barton, C. VV. Brockett, H. A. Newton, F. J. W. .. Hullah, T. H. G. Went, (). 1.. Stapleton, H. P. A. Moore, W. Cameron, J. Julian, A. H. MoFarlane, Q. Mr. . . Richter, S. Gaudy. <'. P. Lovett, B. A. K. Hay, C. J. Carter, A. Smith. .1. B. Wiokens, T. l>. Sutton, J. .. Baoon, W. S. Pairweather, I!. \V. Neale, W. A. Edwards, J. T. Retter, F. H. Massey, L. J. Robertson, A. B. Hardley, ('. F. S. Chapman, D. M. 20 ti II 9/7/11 7/7/11 9/7/11 11/7/11 ... 117 II 11 7 II LI 7 II 12 7 11 14 7 II 11 7 II 11/7/11 .. I 29/8/11 29/8/11 30/8/11 13/9/11 15/9/11 11/10/11 25/1/12 25 1 12 25/1/12 25/1/12 25/1/12 28/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 .. ' 30/5/12 30/5/12 1/6/12 12 I. 12 12 (1 12 15/6/12 20/11/12 20/11/12 20/11/12 21/11/12 23/11/12 22/11/12 27/11/12 11/2/13 11/2/13 U/2/13 11/2/13 24/5/13 4/6/13 6 7 13 I 6 13 31 r> 13 24 r> i:; 6/6/13 30/.-> 13 12/6/13 7/6/13 7 7 13 :so '5/13 7/8/13 11/8/13 19 '8/13 11/9/13 21/5/13 26/9/13 3/6/13 26/9/13 5/3/14 Joined s.s. " Itakiura " as O.S. ,, ., " Mangapapa " as O.S. ,. " Holmdale" as O.S. .. " Awaroa " as O.S. ,, ,, " Mararoa " as O.S. „ "Stormbird " as O.S. schooner " Lizzie Taylor " as O.S. s.s. " Pateena " as (i.s. .. '" Niwaru " as O.S. .. " Ngahere " as O.S. schooner "Amelia Sims" as O.S. '■ Falcon " as O.S. Joined s.s. " Mararoa " as O.S. Deserted, 21/5/13. Joined schooner " Falcon " as O.S. „ s.s. " Mararoa " as O.S. ,, ,, " Stormbird " as O.S. Joined s.s. " Petone " as O.S. Deserted. Since joined s.s. " Apanui. , ' Joined s.s. " Aparima " as apprentice. Deserted, 5/3/14. Dismissed as unsuitable. Joined s.s. " Aparima " as apprentice. Still on board. Joined H.M.S. " Pyramus " as boy. Still on board. Joined s.s. " Holmdale " as O.S. Still on board. 3/ii/13 6/7 13 Dismissed ship. Still on board. Joined s.s. " Aparima " as apprentice. 26/9/13 26/9/13 26/9/13 r> )* 10/9/13 Still on board. Returned home medically unfit. Purchased discharge. Still on board. Deserted, 21/5/13. Still on board. Joined H.M.S. " Pyramus " as boy. s.s. " Aparima " as apprentice. Still on board. 5/3/14 26/9 13 »» Returned home as unsuitable, 25/4/13, Since joined s.s '" Aparima " as apprentice. Still on board. Cadwallader, W. H. Hay ward, R. I). Pox, J. P. G. Leeder, L. R. Sundgren, G. G. Turner, I. J. Faulkner, S. H. Weston, F. R. Davis, N. .. Bowater, N. E. Thorpe, H. M. Leith, J. P. Jackson, L. R. Evans, J. . . Reeves, F. Ings, R. T. Watson, H. T. M. . . Meredith, A. Francis, B. C. [ngham, II. A. Thackwell. I,. ('. McMillan, R. K. Chapman, F. G. Jesperson, V. A. Kime, G. H. Hayes, F. A. Horton, 10. ('. Strongman) C. D. .. Sewill. J. .. Redshaw, L. J. Hooker. A. B. Henry. J. W. 13/2/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 L8/6/13 L8/6./13 L8/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 is ii 13 20/6/13 23/6/13 24/6/13 7/7/13 23/7/13 1/10/13 1/10/13 1/10/13 19/8/13 9/9/13 23/10/13 3/12/13 21 1 I 1 21 1 I 1 21 1 I I 21 I I I 26/1/14 22/1/14 21 1 II 22 1 M 20/1/14 27/3/14 5/3/14 r> :t it Deserted, 13/2/U. Still on board. Purchased discharge, 15/2/14. Still on board. Joined H.M.S. " Pyramus ,: as boy. Deserted', 18/1/14. Still on board. 5/3/14 Dismissed ship. Still on board.



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Return showing Amounts received prior to 1st April, 1913, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen, and for which Claims have not been proved.

Name of Stainan. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1918. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March. 1914. Robert McKellar Harold Newton (Iciiiciits Robert Collins Leslie C. Millot H. L. Halversen John Mullcr .. Walter James Napier .. E. .Mason Charles Collins Robert Anderson William Glancy Andrew Geary William Kennedy Benjamin Johansen John McKechnie Norman M. (Jillespie Peter John Shea .James Ooolan.. D. Lynn P. W. Barnett E s. d. 13 4 i> 2 14 i 0 10 6 8 14 II E s. d. (i ii u 10 2 9 I 5 8 I i> ii 26 IS i> 1 12 0 1 II 6 2 7 I (I 14 8 2 9 2 14 8 2 1 3 2 8 13 Id (i 18 7 6 17 s 20 0 0 2 0 0 o :s t> 35 16 9 £ s. d. 13 10 6 1(1 2 '.I 1 i2 0 0 14 8 14 9 2 8 J3 10 6 18 7 6 17 8 20 0 0 2 0 0 0 13 11 44 11 8 £ e. d. 1 5 8 1 6 ii 2 14 4 26 15 0 III 6 2 7 I 2 9 2 1 *3 2 Totals 25 4 2 14:; 13 0 129 4 9 39 12 6

Annis, S., late fireman, " Duco Barnes, G., late trimmer " Penguin " Benjamin. William, late A.B., " Waiotahi ". . Blanquist, ()., late A.B., " Aotea " Brown, James, late fireman. " Hinemoa " Bullen, Alfred, late fireman, " Paeroa" Cameron, A., late O.S., " Duco Christiansen. Thor, late A.B., " Haeie " Clarke Frederick, late O.S., " Flora " Cooper, 11., late cook. " Loeh Lomond " Court, J., late chief officer. " Loch Lomond " Dahlborg, J., late A.B., " Duco " .. Dawson, J., late A.B.. " Talune " .. Denhohn, J. S., late firenfan, " Pukaki " Forman, John, late A.B.. " Waitemata" Gaffia, ('... late donkevman. " Penguin " Gale, E., late A.B., " Penguin " Grey, T., late A.B., " Loch Lomond " Hansen. ('.. late A. B.. "Duco" Henderson. Samuel, late greaser, " Waipori " Henderson. W.. late A.B., " Penguin" Holmgaril, P.. late A.B., " Duco" Jacobs, Mrs. A., late stewardess, " Penguin " Johansen, E., late A.B.. "Surprise" Jones. .1.. late A.B.. " Loeh Lomond" Kennedy, Duncan, late A.B., "Kini" Lewis, Robert, late cook. " Clyde " Lewis. Arthur Peary, late engineer. " Pioneer " Lindbloom. Gustav W., late A.B.. "Wanderer " £ s. d. 0 10 8 4 I 8 5 li 3 1 18 2 10 12 I 11 5 2 ii li I 0 2 10 (i in (i 18 II 0 16 li 8 0 13 4 3 6 2 6 IS 3 3 -I 5 1 I!) li 5 4 9 II 12 0 0 9 4 II 111 II 0 12 (i I) II 4 2 3 6 1 Hi 2 II 12 0 5 16 9 o Hi o 18 8 3 2 10 10

Lindsay, J., late A.B., " Wanderer " Matsen, Lindvist M., late A.B., " Huia " Mays, J. J., late A.B., " Ngaru " .. Menard, A. L., late chief engineer, " Duco " .. Mercer, J., late cook, " Jessie Niccol " .Murdoch, W., late A.B., " Duco " ... Mutton. J. W.. late fireman, "Duco" MoGuire, H., late sculleryman. " Penguin " .. Maokay, William, late A.B., " Duco" McKay, J., late A.B., " Loch Lomond " McVicar, J., late A.B., " Loch Lomond " Owens, Walter, late A.B., " Kiripaka " Parry, Robert, late A.B., " Koromiko " Payne, Henry, late A.B., " Kini " .. Piercv. James, late A.B., " Kia Ora" Porter, J., late cook, " Duco " Roberts, Charles, late U.S.. " Morning Light " Ross, A. L., late A.B., " Fanny " .. Sluice, George, late cook " Kurow " Smith, Frederick, late A.B., " Moonah " Waddingtiui. ('.. late A.B., " Loch Lomond " Wadsworth, .Samuel, late A.B., " Era " Ward. .1., late fireman, " Penguin " Waters, J. H., late second engineer, " Duco" Westacott, W., late A.P.. " Penguin " Williams, C, late second mate, " Duco " Williams. T. B., late cook, " Opouri " Wood, William, later trimmer, " Arahura " Woodford, T., late A.B., " Penguin " Vviipiil, Jean, late A.B., " Eliza Firth " £ s. d. 1 0 8 4 10 8 4 19 6 1 8 0 1 4 6 0 9 4 0 10 8 1 10 2 0 9 I 10 II 0 6 9 0 2 18 6 1 15 6 70 7 II 1 2 2 2 112 3 4 11 41 2 6 0 7 6 1 6 8 10 II 0 2 15 4 7 18 7 0 13 (i 3 12 6 0 12 0 2 5 8 I 6 II 3 12 6 0 0 6


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914.


Datb of Casualty Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. If Xui iber of Natur of Number Place where Casualty occurrei Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Lives lost. Direction. Force. I I I I I 1 1913. Mar. 15 Hinemoa, 8 years Oil launch 6 Fire: total loss Through a leakage of benzene an explosion occurred, and vessel was totally destroyed Whilst approaching wharf vessel touched a sandbank and remained -fast until flood tide Whilst fitting new reversing gear a workman dropped a lighted candle into the bilge, where oil caught fire Vessel missed stays and went ashore A. H. Chadwick. 2 Dargaville Calm .. ,. 23 Maunganui.s.s., 1 year Turanga, o.e.v., 3 years Schooner I 4,542 136 137 General Stranded ; no damage Fire; £100 damage Otago Harbour E. L. C. H. Worrall „ 27 Cutter .. 19 v . Wharf, Auckland Harbour J. S. Clark. „ 29 Huon Belle, 49 years The Peregrine, s.s., 2 years Makara, s.s., 5 years Manaroa, s.s., 16 years Ketch .. Shingle Stranded; £130 damage Collision; trifling damage Fire; no damage Struck submerged object partial loss Stranded ; slight damage D i s m a sted ; £50 damage Collapse of furnace crowns; £2,500 damage Waiheke Island N. Strong.. J. Regan. 42 3 „ 31 Ferryboat Schooner 162 4 Nil Queen Street Wharf, Auckland 70 miles east from Sydney French Pass N. Light .. When berthing the deck-awning came in-con-tact with s.s. " Opawa's " quarter Fire broke out in mail-room ; cause unknown T. Clark. April 7 4,921 199 General S.E. Gale .. H. A. llorrisby. „ 18 Schooner 92 11 11 General S.E. Fresh .. The Court found that the vessel struck some submerged object and sustained damage which necessitated her being beached Missed stays and went ashore J. G. Gilbertson. „ 25 Kaiaia, o.e.v., 4 years Triton, 35 years Ketch .. 24 .■! General Auckland Harbour .. E. Strong.. W. S. Davies. May 4 Barque 688 12 Guano Lat. 19° 38' S., Long. 156° 19' W. Auckland Harbour .. W. Moderate Encountered a heavy cross sea which caused main top-gallant mast to carry away The collapse of the furnaces was entirely due to shortness of water in the starboard boiler caused by excessive " scumming " by the second engineer, whose certificate was suspended for three months. The chief engineer was guilty of neglect of duty in failing to see that the test cocks were kept in working-order and in delegating to a greaser his duties in regard to filling of the boilers. He was ordered to ppy the cost of the inquiry The cause of the stranding was the strong westerly wind. The Court considered that the stranding was not due to or contributed to by negligence or default of the master or officers, but that the master committed an error of judgment in not heading more to the westward and at going at too low a rate of speed considering the force of the wind and weather-conditions Whilst loading on beach the wind changed and vessel could not be hauled off J. Nicholaisen. „ 6 Wakatere, p.s., 17 years Ferryboat 157 :sl> 127 General W. Sullivan. „ 10 On Rangitikei Beach A. £. Holling worth. Indrabarah, s.s.. 3 years Schooner 4,664 07 General Stranded ; extensive damage W. Strong.. Ranger, 20 yeai 9 Paparoa, Auckland Harbour .1. Williams. t> 19 Schooner 64 Shingle Damaged bulwarks ; £40 damage Stranded ; no damage W. Strong.. 22 Kapuni, s.8., 3 years Schooner General Patea River S.E. Fresh .. When entering the river the ebb-tide and ourrent caused the vessel to run aground W. Molntosh. 97 10



Driving-shaft of centrifugal pump broke inside pump-casing G. F. Eutwistle Iβ. „ 23 Wimmera, s.s., 9 years Schooner 1,8721 71) 129 General Broken pumpshaft ; trifling damage Collision with wharf; slight damage Struck snag; £50 damage Stranded; £1,000 damages Lat. 34° 9' 8.. Long. 116° 14' E. „ 23 Cutter .. About 20 General Nelson Calm .. When berthing the engines were put ahead instead of astern, and vessel ran under wharf and damaged top gear Struck submerged snag, and stove in two planks Proceeding clown Kaipara Harbour the vessel struck Toka Toka nicks, in the early morning, the buoy not being visible in mist and darkness The piston-rod of the low-pressure cylinder broke and struck the cylinder top, which was also broken Rivet worked out, and 4 ft. of water found in hold Vessel missed stays and went on the rocks .. F. P. Ricketts. Wairoa, s.s., 30 years 4S W. Robertson. „ 24 Pitoitoi, s.s., 9 years Inga, s.s., 9 years Cutter .. General Mokau River Calm .. 19 5 J. H. Bull. „ 29 Schooner 570 111 Timber Kaipara Harbour N.E. Light .. rune 2 Gael, a.s., 9 years ' General Broken pistonrod ; £15 damage Rivet worked out Stranded; slight damage Stranded; £700 damage Off Takatu Point, Auckland N.W. Light .. A. McKenzie. Schooner 66 2 Kittawa, s.s., 15 years Maroro, 11 years Schooner General Off Westport N.W. Gale .. J. Pennington. 708 21! R. Owens. „ 10 Schooner 200 10 Nil Pelorus Sound S.S.W. Light .. „ 19 „ 21 Kairaki, s.s., 4 3'ears Schooner Schooner 181 Hi 1 Timber General Stranded; slight damage Broken shaft; £300 damage Broken shaft; £120 damage Fire; £90 damage South Spit, Karamea Bar 4 miles south of Wanganui Heads Entrance, Timaru Harbour 20 miles from Patea.. S.E. N. Light .. Light .. Vessel struck sandspit when crossing bar, 1 ost steerage way and drifted ashore. After jettisoning cargo she floated off Stranding would "probably have been avoided had mate taken soundings Tail-shaft broke, do reason apparent W. G. Scott. T. M. Jackaon. „ 28 uly 11 Hawera, 3.3., 1£ years Petone, s.s., 13 years Aorere, s.s., 27 years Otaki, s.s., 5 years Schooner Ketch .. 92 388 49 10 n> 9 Produce General S. Calm .. Fresh breeze Calm .. Tail end of shaft carried away in heavy sea.. W. S. Gordon. A. H. Fisk. „ 12 Schooner 4,611 68 General Wellington Harbour Fire declined in the after coal-bunker, the case enclosing the electric wires being burnt. Caused by coal-trimmers leaving candles to burn out on the woodwork The vessel was heavily laden, and took the ground in the channel near Quarantine Island, but floated off on being lightened of 300 tons of cargo Vessel shipped a heavy sea which got into the engine-room and caused the gauge-glass to break The vessel was going astern when the tailshaft broke and the propeller was lost Failing to answer her helm quickly she ran into a mudbank, but floated off on rise of tide When entering the harbour in thick foggy weather vessel ran on a reef off Green Point but got off with trifling damage A steam-pipe leading to deck machinery burst L. G. Silba. Waitomo, s.s., 2 years Schooner Coal .. Stranded ; no damage Otago Harbour Calm .. E. Harris. 13 2,719 :iii Napier, s.s., 43 years Schooner Broken gaugeglass ; trifling accident Lost propeller ; £45 damage Stranded ; no damage Off Taiaroa Heads .. S.W. Gale .. W. Anderson. „ 27 28 „ 29 Schooner 220 23 General Near Thames Wharf Calm .. E. H. S. Goerti Aug. :s Aupouri, s.s., 8 years Star of Australia, s.s., 14 years Schooner 3,985 22 56 General Otago Harbour S.W. Light .. F. W. Ulyatt. Lily. 38 years Ketch .. Stranded; no damage Akaroa Harbour s. Strong.. G. Cross. 6 13 „ li) Maitai, s.s., 21 years Schooner 1,888 Wellington Harbour A. Carson. Accident to machinery ; trifling damage


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Big. g i Xumber of ** g gers. Cargo. Natt Nature of ;ure of Casualty. Number of lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Direction. Force. 1913. Aug. 20 ( Ian Macfarlane. 32 years Barque 1,466 IT Nickle Damage to rigging ; £4,000 Lat. 33° 30' S., Long. 175° 40' E. A squall struck the ship, and subsequent roll caused back stays to part and rigging carried away Fire was discovered in vessel's forecastle when she was at anchor, and cause is unknown The Court found that the cause of the stranding was that the way was not taken off the vessel so as to allow of her being handled expeditiously in narrow waters, that the master mistook the lights and the vessel was navigated too close to Pencarrow side of the entrance. The stranding was contributed to by the default of the master, who was a stranger to the port, in not making himself acquainted with the leading-lights of the port, and when these were obscured by the squally conditions of the weather at the time in not heading the vessel clear of the land to await clearer weather or daylight. The master's certificate was suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry, £1(>. Upon a rehearing of the inquiry the Supreme Court reversed the decision arrived at at the Magisterial inquiry and found that the master mistook the Falcon Shoal buoy light for the red sector of Somes Island light in such circumstanoes that he was not to blame for the disaster. Coming slowly to her berth a squall struck the vessel and caused her to run into the wharf When entering Waiharara Harbour a strong beam wind caused tile vessel to drift to the eastward, and she took the ground, but Boated off on rise of tide Steering-gear got out of order, and vessel grounded, but was hauled off by tug Whilst the "Comet" was beating up the channel the strong breeze caused her to collide with the " RaUiura " W. A. Makela. ore „ 22 Awanui. 22 years Schooner 85 % Fire; trifling damage Stranded ; total loss Auckland Harbour .. „ 25 Devon. s.B., 16 years Schooner 3,!»34 47 General Wellington Heads S.S.E. Gale A. H. Caunce. Sept. 2 Chelmsford, s.s., Schooner 27 years Apanui, s.s., 8 Schooner years T'.l 12 General Trifling collision with wharf Limestone Island W. Strong.. E. Keatley. :t i:i.-, 15 8 General Stranded ; trifling damage Waiharara Heads S. Moderate John Wilsoa. „ 4 Taviuni, s.s., 23 Schooner years Rakiura, s.s., 35 Schooner years Comet, 30 years Ketch .. Coal .. Stranded ; no damage Collision: no damage Collision ; slight damage Collision: no damage Collision ; slight damage Bluff Harbour E. Light .. A. R. Pryde. 974 ■2<> ,, 5 81 1(1 Near Puponga Wharf, Nelson N.W. Fresh breeze (I. M. Barr. ,. 5 20 2 S.W. H. Williams. 8 32 3 Railway Wharf, Nelson Fresh breeze The " Maid of Italy " was lying at the wharf when the " Orakei" coming to berth touched the ground, lost way, and was carried by the tide into the other vessel (G.N.Westrupp Orakei, 31 years Ketch .. „ 8 Maid of Italy.. Cutter.. 15 2 General G. M. Galland.



, 8 „ 11 .. I I Taviuni, s.s., 23 years Westralia, s.s., 17 years Wanaka, S.S., 26 years Okta, 39 years Schooner Schooner Schooner 974i 1,819 1 ,672 29 65 34 i leneral Stranded ; no damage General Stranded; no damage Qeneral Damaged fittings, £50 Timber Stranded; total loss Otago Harbour ()tago Harbour Off Capo Palliser N.VV. i E. W.X.W. Light .. Moderate Gale . . Grounded on sandbank in narrow channel .. A. R. Pryde. Steering-gear jammed, and vessel grounded at G. B. Bates. Pulling Point A heavy sea came on board and caused dam- J. Flvnn. age to the navigating bridge ventilators, ftc. Master did not know locality, and had no ('. Duns. charts on board, with result that yessel stranded and became a total wreck Vessel was loading granite blocks alongside T. St. H. Baddy jetty when one fell from the sling and broke deck planking The vessel overran her course end went ashore A. Y. G. liein a thick fotr. The Court exonerated the Laughlan. master and officers from blame The " Edna " was at anchor fishing when , A. Lddgard. the " Victory," in charge of an A. 15. only. J ran into her" j J. M. Roberts. ., IS Barque 1,058 14 Sterling Point, Bluff Harbour W.xS. Fresh breeze .. 24 Dominion, 25 Ketch .. 2» 3 2 Damaged deck ; £10 ."» miles south-west of Cape Colville yea re N. Light .. .. 27 Tyrone, s.s., 12 years Schooner 4,896 General Stranded ; total loss Wahine Point, near Otago Heads ., 30 Edna, o.e.v. .. Launch 3 - J. Collision; tri- ~| Sing damage i i Collision; no f damage (loal . . F i r <■ ; £ 1 0 0 damage Timber General damage, £40 Firth of Thames, Hanraki Gulf Calm .. „ :!(» Victory, 10 years Ketch .. 10 4 Oct. 7 Wai-iti, 22 years Hulk .. 690 Lyttelton Harbour .. Boiler-house caught fire through heat from funnel igniting wooden framing When entering the heads the wind failed, and C. Croucher. a heavy southerly swell broke over the stem, carrying away the steering-gear, and causing other damage Boiler damaged through being allowed to run J. E. L. Comp short of water ton. Whilst endeavouring to put a pilot on the s.s. W. T. Williams " Canopus " the latter vessel unexpectedly went astern and bumped against the launch On arrival at Xelson the starboard crank-shaft G. Lambert. was found to be broken The "Iris" was last seen at Caroline Bay, A. Lightfoot. Ruapuke Island, on 5th November. She is supposed to have capsized when making for Bluff on the 6th November, some oars and fittings belonging to her having been found When coming alongside the wharf the |W. Lumley. " Ferro " was struck by the " Firefloat," J which was passing the end of the wharf j 1'. Pearce. .. 10 Falcon, 3rt years Schooner 98 l> (i Wellington Heads < 'aim . . Xerehana, s.s., (i years W a i t e m a t a, o.e.v., 1 year Schooner General Damage to boiler, £160 Damage d wheel - house £20 Broken shaft Off coast of New South Wales Auckland Harbour . . ., 17 4.1 itti 65 -, 27 Launch 3 S.W. Light .. Nov. I Arahura, s.s., 8 Schooner 771 52 59 Nelson Harbour N. Light . . 6 years Iris, o.e.v., new Cutter.. 4 4 Fish .. Unknown, probably capsized ; total loss Between R u a p u k e Island and Bluff E. Gale .. Ferro o.e.v., 9 Collision ; €100 ~| damage ] Collision ; no damage General Collision; £50 | damage Collision; £15 f damage General Loss of rudderblade Auckland Harbour .. Calm .. II ■->: I 4 II 12 years Firefloat, s.s., 14 years Isabella de Frame, o.e.v. Albatross, s.s., 9 Ketch .. 40 76 3 3 General Auckland Harbour . . W.S.W. Moderate Whilst proceeding to wharf the " Isabella de |F. R. G. JamFrame " ran into the port bow of "Alba- sen. tross " B. Poole. 12 111 4 411 Mamikau Harbour .. W.X.W. Gale .. 25 years Elsie, 0 years.. Ketch .. 21 3 General The vessel, after being driven ashore in a W. MoPherson. squall, floated off. and afterwards the rudder-blade carried away, the bolts being lusted through Vessel dragged her anchor and struck wharf •). Biddick. Excelsior, o.e.v., 20 years Vesper, o.e.v., 11 years Tasman, s.s., 11 years Countess, s.s., 13 years Schooner Ballast Ballast Struck wharf; trifling damage Ballast Stranded ; no damage General Broken shaft; £66 damage Broken shaft; £80 damage Auckland Harbour .. W.X.W. Gale .. 28 2!) 3 28 Schooner 20 1 Ballast Auckland Harbour .. W.N.W. Gale .. Dragged anchor and went ashore . . . . T. Kdlington. >ec. 3 Schooner S7 14 3 General Off Whanga mat a, Auckland Off Wairoa, Hawke's Bay < 'aim . . Starboard propeller-shaft broke . . .. C. Faulkner. 4 Schooner .-,7 10 S. Light .. The propeller-shaft broke whilst she was A. G. Nilsson. trawling


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


note ni Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty. and Class. Rig SI •I I Number of ! Nature of eof Casualty. Number of — Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. ad. Force. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. 5 Ipaeseu- | gers. Cargo. 1913. Dec. 15 „ 20 ., 20 ., 21 Kaiiaki, 8.8., 5 years Maori, s.s., 6 years Ruahine, s.s., 5 years Triton, 35 years (Norwegian) Schooner Schooner Schooner Barque 181 l .-m 6,823 688 16 90 170 12 500 General General General Ballast BrokcMi shaft ; £36 damage Collision ; alight damage Collision ; slight damage Stranded ; total loss I 45 miles north-west of Stephens Island Queen's Wharf, Wellington Avarua Harbour. Rarotonga w. s.s.w. E.N.E. Gale .. Thrust -shaft of port engine broke in flange of collar Gale .. '. When the "Maori" was backing out the strong gale caused her to bump into the " Ruahine," several plates being dented in each vessel .Moderate When steering for Avarua Harbour the current caused the ship to drag towards the reef, and. refusing to answer the helm, she went ashore Calm .. The " Arita " collided with the " Doris T " and broke her spon^il W. G. Scott. (\V. Manning. 1". Forbes. G. M. Olson. „ 27 „ 27 Arita, o.e.v., 6 years Doris, o.e.v., 5 years Launch Launch 6 r> i 2 I Collision ; no damage Collision; £7 damage } Bay of Islands IL. Adams. H. Fuller. 3 1914. Jan. 4 Himitangi. -.-.. 15 years Maisie, s.s., 2 years Kanieri, s.s., 27 Schooner 149 IS General Stripped propeller Collision; trifling damage Broken shaft : £60 damage Damaged rudder ; trifling Damaged shoe and propeller ; £25 Collision ; DO damage Collision; £5 damage Slight accident to machinery Stranded ; £56 damage Fire; no damage to ship Explosion and fire; total loss T u ]. e k a Point, Chatham Islands Wellington Harbour •• Calm .. Whilst manoeuvring to anchor she struck bottom and stripped her propeller Gale .. Vessel dragged her anchors and bumped into s.s. " .Mararoa," anchored in stream Calm .. The propeller struck a submerged object and the shaft broke -Moderate Whilst turning to berth at wharf she struck a sandbank Light .. Touched on the bar when leaving Ohiwa .. W. J. Burns. ., 12 Schooner 2,763 33 Coal .. W.N.W. C. Rowsell. „ 12 Schooner 1 15 14 12 General Whangarei Harbour T. Meyers. „ 22 „ 23 years Kittawa, s.s., 16 years Daphne, s.s., 5 years Schooner Schooner 70S UK) 21 15 17 General Genera] Otago Harbour Ohiwa N. N.W. J. Baldwin. E. H. S. Goertz. „ 24 Karamu, s.s., 1 Schooner 453 2:: Coal .. } Onehunga Wharf Calm .. Whilst hauling " Karamu " alongside " Rarawa " the vessels bumped together (C. Roberts. j W. F. Norbury. R, Goldie. „ 24 „ 30 „ 31 year Rarawn, s.s., 10 years Huia. s.s., 43 years Kalni, o.e.v., 15 years Flora, s.s., 30 years Schooner Cutter .. Schooner 460 39 25 39 7 4 6 Nil General Ballast Off Nelson Harbour .. Whakatane Bar S.W. w.s.w. •Just after leaving Nelson the circulating-pump broke and the vessel returned for repairs Fresh When crossing the bar a squall struck her and breeze caused her to run on the rocks Fire broke out in cargo, consisting mainly of lime H. W. Parker. Feb. 1 Schooner 818 30 General Oamaru F. W. Barron. 3 Moa, s.s., 50 years Schooner 92 Chiefly motorspirit 1 Off Wanganui Heads N. Light .. The vessel had a cargo of motor-car spirit, kerosene, turpentine, and benzene, the fumes from which became ignited, and caused an explosion in the after-hold which killed one of the crew and set the vessel on fire, totally destroying her W. H. Sawyers. li



7—H. 15

II !" [ar. 8 6 1 • Hawera, s.s., ,'J years Blenheim, s.s., 9 years Opawa, s.s., 17 years John Anderson. s.s., 23 years Canterbury, s.s. Stormbird, s.s., 60 years Schooner Schooner Ketch .. Schooner n 85 64 36 11 10 J 6 1 226 1 r o z e n meat General General 6 r a a sseed Damaged rudder, &c. Collision ; damage, £80 Collision ; no damage } Collision ; no damage Fire; trifling damage } Patea Bar Opawa River Lyttelton Harbour .. !>.¥¥. S.E. Light .. Strong Calm When leaving Patea the vessel bumped heavily on the bar The " Blenheim" coming down and the " Opawa " going up the river, which is narrow, came into collision Whilst trying to turn to berth at 1'iirau Wliarf the "John Anderson" struck the "' Purau " a glancing blow Fire was discovered in hold, and was probably caused by leakage from a case of acid accidentally stowed below When trying to make Pier Head the strong wind caused the vessel to sag to leeward, and she went ashore on the beach Owing to bar silting up the vessel grounded, became unmanageable, and drifted ashore Whilst shipping a heavy weight the eye-bolt securing the mainstay to mainmast broke, and the mast, robbed of its support, carried away Crank-shaft of pump-engine broke, and vessel was taken in tow to Auckland Tail-shaft broke ; no apparent reason T. M. Jackson CG. Wilkinson "j W. Nicholas. j*T. Coupar. 1 „ 7 Schooner 129 2 13 50 General \O. L. Nolan. A. Dowel I. Wharf, Wanganui .. 17 Trusty, 50 years Ketch .. 59 Stranded ; trill ing damage Napier Waitara River Wharf, Greymouth . . N.E. Gale .. C. D. Calgey. ■ * „ 17 „ 24 Wetere, s.s., f> months Opouri, s.s., 2 years Ketch .. Schooner 41 218 6 17 4 General General St randed ; no damage Broken mast N. Fresh breeze Calm .. J. 0. Berg. R. Pearson. 28 Weka, s.s., 20 years Cygnet, s.s., 29 years Cutter .. Bβ II General Broken shaft; trifling damage Broken shaft 3 miles north-weet of Whakatane 9 miles south of Kaikoura W.N.W. Light .. •I. Toixeira. 29 Schooner 66 II 4 Sheep .. Calm .. A. J. Murray.



Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Dominion. liners. Sailing-vessels. Total within Dominion. Steamers. Casualties outside the Dominion. SaUing-veesels. le 1. Total Number of Casualties reported. Steamers. 1. Nature of Casualty. O-5 O , © a si og si a o s- s si I si A o -J. 6 I J O <D 4 6 a o — si si a> s In ■ s{ 6 00 i Itrandings, — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 2 4 4 9 8,228 5,507 276 15,171 29,133 1 1 2 1 5 1,058 42 259 13 •• 3 5 6 10 9,287 5,549 535 15,184 30,555 •■ .. 1 688 ■• 1 688 I 4 5 6 10 9,975 5,549 535 15,184 •• •■ •• Total strandings 19 1,372 24 .. •• 1 688 1 688 25 1 31,243 4 Sundered: Total loss 1 4 •• 1 4 'ollisions, — Partial loss Slight damage No damage 1 11 7 5 11,998 679 35 48 1 13 9 5 12,033 727 .. .. •• 1 13 9 5 12,033 727 2 2 •• •• " .. •• Total collisions.. 19 12,682 4 83 23 12,765 .. 23 12,765 .. .. - ■■ ? ires,— Total loss Partial loss Slight damage No damage 2 2 2 2 98 148 5,301 5,730 11,286 1 1 85 2 2 3 2 98 1 148 ! .. 5,386 5,739 1 .. .. •• 2 2 3 2 98 148 5,386 5,739 1 ■• Total fires 8 1 1 85 ! 9 11,371 1 9 11,371 1 .. 1 liscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c. and breakdown of machinery 25 7,782 5 256 30 8,038 - 2 2 6,068 2 2,154 4 8,222 34 16,260 72 60,937 5 ! 15 1,796 87 62,733 5 5 2 6,068 8 2,842 5 8,910 92 71,643 Total number of casualties reported .. 2 • •



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Date of iccident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, find Official Number. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. l'lace where Accident Particulars us to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. 1913. April 3 » 6 7 7 7 „ 17 ,. 19 ,. 20 ,. 20 „ 21 „ 21 „ 23 „ 25 .. 28 „ 30 Rotomahana, Auckland, 75119 Taniwha, Auckland, 102302 Komata, Dunedin, 117593 .. John, London, 110050 Manaroa, Wellington, 108071 Maori, Dunedin, 117598 Torquoise, not registered Rarawa, Auckland, 115207 Mokoia, Dunedin, 1014s:( .. Himitangi, Wellington, 10<S<)74 Maori, Dunedin, 117598 Kurow, Dunedin. 127804 .. Mararoa, Dunedin. 89380 .. Ronaki, not registered Opawa, Wellington, 91800 .. Maori, Dunedin, 117598 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. Awaroa, Auckland, 117670 .. H. Taylor, fireman .. J. Philips, fireman .. W. Thomas, A.B. .. T. Woods, fireman . . .1. Millard, A.B. F.' Gray, trimmer .. J. Lewis, fisherman.. .1. White, cook T. Silverwood, A.B. 1' Crosby, fireman .. J. S. Wells, engineer P. Peck, fireman J. A. Boutell, steward F. J. Paterson, deck hand J. Robertson, A.B. .. H. May. steward P. Mack, trimmer .. C. Thomas, fireman Injured hand Amputated finger .. Burnt leg Crushed fingers Injured ankle Scalded hand Drowned Injured shoulder .. Poisoned hand Injured finger Burnt face Strained back Poisoned hand Drowned Injured eye .Strained back Burnt hand and arm Injured testicle At sea At -ci At sea Wellington Pelorus Sound Wellington Hauraki Gulf At sea Dunedin .. Chatham Islands Wellington Wellington At sea Auckland .. Blenheim . . Lyttelton .. At sea Wellington At sea At sea At sea Gisborne .. Napier At sea Dunedin .. Wellington At sea Napier At sea At sea Auckland .. Auckland . . Auckland . . Lyttelton .. At sea Lyttelton .. At soa Auckland .. At sea Picton At sea Lyttelton .. West port .. Russell Qoi his hand crushed in engine-room. He got his finger caught in the machinery. Whilst washing deck, his leg touched a steam-pipe. He got his fingers caught between vessel and wharf. He had his ankle jambed by propeller of launch. .. I He spilt a billy of tea on his hand. Whilst trying to pull dinghy aboard, he fell overboard. He fell down saloon-steps. He cut his hand with a piece of wire. Ho got his finger jambed whilst working the surf-boat. Water from injector blew out over his face. Whilst working in engine-room he fell through a trapdoor. He scratched his hand whilst cleaning brass. He fell overboard whilst launch moored in Auckland Harbour. Whilst battening down hatch a piece of rust flew in his eye. .. i He fell oil a stool whilst opening a port. The back-draught from furnace burnt him. Whilst working in stokehold his shovel caught on edge of a plate, and the handle struck him. lie slipped and fell down bunker-hatch. He slipped and fell down ladder. He upset a kettle of boiling water. He got his fingers caught between wharf and ship. He fell on to brake of windlass. He was knocked down by a sea. He fell down the Iazarette. He was struck by a wire whilst loading salvage gear. Whilst sewing canvas he ran a needle into his thumb. He fell on plate in stokehold. A heavy sea struck him. He got his hand torn in machinery. He fell down the forecastle-ladder. Injured his leg whilst working in engine-room. He out his hand whilst working. Whilst clearing cable, bight of chain struck him on leg. He fell overboard. He slipped cm deck and jambed his foot under a steam-pipe. He strained himself lifting a ventilator. Whilst working in engine-room he got his finger crushed by piston, He got his finger jambed in a grating. He fell down ladder on to fore-deck. The fire blew out and burnt him. Whilst putting cargo in sling. Fat in oven ignited. Lifting ash-chute. May 4 ,." 5 „ 6 7 „ 10 „ 11 ,, 13 „ 14 „ 14 ,, 17 .. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 21 „ 23 „ 23 „ 25 „ 26 ,. 27 Daphne. Auckland, 122922 .. Niagara, Koonya, Dunedin, 109041 .. Holmdalo, Wellington, 117677 .Mokoia, Dunedin, 101483 .. Wimmera, Melbourne, 120722 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 Tcrawhiti, Dunedin, 117594 Kereru, Auckland, 122913 .. Arapawa, Wellington, 108090 Kamona, Dunedin, 101480 .. Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 Squall, Napier, 118113 Navua, Dunedin, 117583 .. Tally Ho, Auckland, 1022!»3 Aratapu, Auckland, 78354 .. Dorset, London, 118256 Whakatane, Plymouth, 11 1348 Talune, Hobart, 57626 Kaeo, Auckland, 118975 Haupiri, Dunedin, 89094 Zealandic, Liverpool, 131389 Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 Kauri. Dunedin. 120501 Kini, Dunedin, 104337 Clansman, Auckland, 87520 A. Mclntyre, cook . . J. Rummins, cook . . J. Beavan, cook A. Jackson, A.B. J. McKay, A.B. P. Crosby, trimmer.. K. Mackenzie, pantryman A. McKellar, mate J. H. Underwood, mate J. Winters, fireman.. J. McLeod, cook W. Ryan, trimmer .. G. Aldgren, boatswain G. Franklin, greaser J. Johannsen, A.B. I. Cameron, A.B. D. Crocket, O.S. .. C. Thomas, trimmer F. C. McCallum, A.B. R. E. Scott, engineer G. Devalie, fireman.. C. Gray, trimmer .. M. Topher, fireman.. A. R. Stuart, mate .. J. Jeffrey, cook W. Donald, greaser.. Injured head and arm Broken ribs Scalded foot Crushed fingers Fractured urethra .. Injured arm Broken clavicle Injured leg Poisoned thumb .. Sprained shoulder . . Injured hand Injured hand Sprained hack Injured leg Cut hand Injured Drowned Sprained ankle Hernia Crushed finger Injured finger Injured head Burnt hand and face Crushed finger Burnt hands and face Ricked back


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Hefjistvy and Official Number. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1913. June 1 2 3 ,. 3 4 „ 5 „ 6 Maunganui, Dunedin, 127810 Waitomo, Dunedin, 132090.. Katoa, Dunedin, 127811 Will Watch, Auckland, 101 141 Akaroa, Auckland. 74ti:iii Moeraki, Dunedin. 101488 .. Ngatiawa, Auckland. 122!tll> Arahura, Dunedin, 1 17587 I). Jones, steward .. D. O'Connor, fireman H. Holyman, conk .. E. Lund, A.B. M. Santos, cook N. Wilson, steward H. Leahy, O.S. I. Leel, scullion Broken finger Broken bone in leg Injured finger Injured back Burnt face Sprained wrist Poisoned finger Injured wrist Dunedin .. Dunedin .. At sea Whangarei Auckland .. At sea Opotiki Wellington He fell down tho storeroom-ladder. He slipped and struck his log against the winch. He ran the hook of a spring balance into his finger. He twisted his back whilst trimming coal. Whilst melting fat it ignited. He was knocked down by a sea. He ran a splinter into his finger. Whilst getting down from galley-boilers he slipped and caught his wrist on a hook. The fire blew out furnace-door. He foil down a ladder. Ho fell down forecastle-ladder. He jambed his hand lifting a stokehold-plate. A stud blew out from pump-discharge cover. He slipped and fell on gangway. Was knocked down by rolling of vessel. Whilst scrubbing he trod in a bucket of boiling water. Got his finger caught in cargo gear. He jagged his knee with cargo-hook. He knocked his knee whilst getting into boat. Back-draught from furnace burnt him. He fell down forecastle companion-way. He fell down chain-locker hatch. He got caught by boat-fall round barrel of winch. He fell down the ballast-tank. Supposed to have been washed overboard. He slipped whilst wheeling a barrow in stokehold. He strained his back whilst picking up a slice. He fell and broke his leg. He slipped and fell in the stokehold. Whilst working cargo a cask fell and jambed his leg. A barrow fell on his leg. Whilst examining fire-engine. Fell whilst going aboard his ship. Got his arm burnt whilst firing. He got (rushed beneath surf-boat whilst landing cargo. Was struck on the knee by the anchor. He trod on a piece of iron which pierced his foot. Whilst working in stokehold he got knocked against end of boilers. Whilst hoisting ashes he got his hand caught in chain. He fell down hold and fractured his skull. He jambed his foot against a stanchion. A sling of timber fell on his legs. A sling of pipes came down on his foot. Pell overboard whilst towing ; accident not observed. 7 7 „ 10 „ 10 „ 13 ., Hi .. 17 „ 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 21 „ 21 „ 23 ,. 24 July 3 5 7 8 8 „ 10 „ 15 „ 19 ., I!) ., 19 ., 20 „ 21 .. 20 ., 31 Aug. 1 Moeraki. Dunedin, 101488 .. Awaroa, Auckland. 117670 Tutanekai, not registered Monowai, Dunedin, 84497 Ngatiawa, Auckland. 122916 Talune, Hobart, 57026 Ngapuhi, Auckland, 10232!) Mar.uoa. Dunedin, 89380 .. Daphne, Auckland, 122922 Wairau, Lyttelton, 76076 .. Kailoa, Nelson, 93996 Mokoia, Dunedin. 101483 .. Corinthie. Liverpool, 115296 .Mokoia, Dunedin, 101483 .. Ripple, Napier, 102627 Titania, Sydney, 105963 Waitomo, Dunedin, 132990.. Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. Arawa, Southampton, 124461 Maori. Dunedin. I17.->!i:{ Kapiti. Wellington, 108078 Wahine. Dunedin, 12781:! .. Navua. Dunedin. 117583 Kapiti. Wellington, 108078 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. Ahuriri, Napier, 91784 Kotare, Dunedin, 1 17667 Aupouri, Auckland, I22!«)!l.. Atiia. Dunedin, 117591 J. Nugent, trimmer.. L. Walen, A.B. S. Hunt, fireman W. Sullivan, fireman G. Rack, fireman .. J. Davis, crews' attendant I'". II. Saintsbury, cook II. Adams, cook A. (iossett, second mate W. Morris, A.B. .. A. Q. Baggett, 2nd mate ■ I. Deans, fireman .. E. H. Good, A.B. .. H. W. Fryer, steward A. Linn, A.B. E. S. Flox, A.B. .. W. J. Napier, trimmer T. Donachy, trimmer R. Todd, fireman .. G. I'arsilli. A.B. (I. M< Donald, trimmer J. Ellendersen, A.B. • I. Kennedy, fireman W. Spargo, engineer • I. Love, cook J. Turner, fireman .. J. McDonald. A.B. .. Q Moore, A.B. I". Skivington, A.B. R. Lang, fireman Burnt face Sprained ankle Broken ribs Injured hand Scalded neck and shoulder .. Bruised knee Severely shaken Scalded' foot Ciushed finger Injured knee Injured knee Burnt arm Fractured rib Contused wounds Crushed internally Broken ribs Drowned Injured knee Injured back Broken leg Strained back Injured leg Injured knee Burnt hand Fractured ribs Burnt arm Bruised side Injured knee Injured foot Severely bruised Dunedin .. Motueka .. At sea Napier Auckland .. Tahiti At sea Lyttelton .. Auckland .. Picton Nelson Auckland . . Lyttelton .. At sea Wellington Wellington At sea At sea At sea Wellington Lyttelton .. Wellington Port Chalmers Suva Fox ton At sea Mohaka Taiaroa Head Auckland .. At sea „ 2 „ 2 „ 3 4 5 6 Rosamond. Dunedin. 89594.. Waitomo, Dunedin, 132990.. Dandy, Auckland. 102335 Talisman. Auckland, 102297 Hawera. Wellington, 121387 Young Bungaree, Auckland, 83881 . . T. Cuthbert, fireman C. Collins, steward .. E. Ericksen, A.B. .. G. Martin, A.B. E. Hecht, A.B. W. Bindley, fireman Injured hand Killed Injured foot Bruised legs Crushed foot Drowned Auckland . . Newcastle Auckland .. Dcvonport Wellington Auckland . .



6 „ 12 „ 13 .. 14 .. 14 „ 14 „ 22 „ 26 „ 27 „ 28 ,. 29 Sept. 3 Young Bungaree, Auckland, 83881 .. Southern Isle, Auckland. Iir2334 Waiapu, Auckland, 8272.". Koonya, Dunedin. 10964 1 . . Glene'lg, Auckland. 76187 .. Xgapuhi. Auckland. ]02:i2'> .Manuka. Dunedin. 117582 .. .Manuka, Uiinedin, 117582 .. Lyttelton, Auckland, r>4008.. Taviuni, Dunedin, 84500 Endeavour, Auckland, 1181172 Mamma. Dunedin, 117597 .. Maitai. Dunedin. 101936 Marama, Dunedin, 1175(17 Awaroa, Auckland, I I7(>7O . . C. danson, A.B. .. .. Drowned H. Morris, A.B. .. .. Injured finger A. Nelson, A.B. .. .. Bruised hand R. Kdgeworth. donkeyman .. Crushed toe W. Jensen, A.B. .. .. Sprained heel A. I lav. A.B. .. .. Injured hand S. Cunningham, fireman . . Injured arm A. Murphy, fireman .. Injured arm E. Connelly, fireman .. Injured eve L. Miller. A.B. .. .. Poisoned hand E. Cremier, A.B. .. .. Injured hand J, Dohcitv, fireman .. Injured leg P. Stoddart, A.B. .. .. Injured leg Q. Prentice, eoulleryman .. Injured back .). ■Barrett, deck hand . . Concussion of brain and broken Auckland .. Nelson Auckland . . Wellington Auckland .. Auckland . . Wellington Wellington Auckland . . Dunedin . . Auckland . . At sea At sea Auckland .. Wellington .. I Fell overboard whilst towing ; accident not observed. He jambed his hand whilst shifting cargo. Bruised his hand whilst working. A slice fell on his toe. Sprained his heel by jumping on to a punt. He cut his hand on a piece of jagged wire rope. He fell off a plank in engine-room. He fell off a plank in engine-room. Whilst scaling boiler a piece of rust Hew in his eye. A piece of rusty wire ran into iiis hand. He got his hand cut by hauling-line. He fell in stokehold through vessel rolling. A beam fell on his leg. He fell off the galley-table. Whilst putting on hatches, he fell down the hold. ,. 9 9 ,. II „ 11 „ 17 ,. 19 ,. 24 „ 29 Oct. 1 „ 7 „ 13 „ 13 ,. 15 .. 17 „ 22 „ 22 „ 28 Nov. :s ,. 3 ., 7 „ 10 „ 13 „ 16 „ 25 ,. 25 „ 26 „ 30 Dec-. I 6 8 „ 10 „ 10 ,, 11 Pateena. Launceeton, 79262 Taniwha. Auckland, IO2:(O2 Tofua, Dunedin. I I 7600 Mararoa, Dunedin, 89380 .. Ptitiki, Wellington, 108088 .. Claymore, Auckland, 115188 Monowai, Duneilin. 84497 Talunc. Hobart. .~>7«>2*> Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 Waimate, Plymouth, ]<»527i> Hina, Nelson, 40376 Kennedy, Nelson, 52301 Kaituna. Dunedin. 120407 .. Kaiapoi, Dunedin, 117592 .. Talisman, Auckland, 102297 Poherua. Dunedin, 98061 .. Himitangi, Wellington, 108074 Rosamond, Dunedin, 89594.. Aupouri. Auckland. 122909.. Clyde, not registered Kairaki, Lyttelton. 76080 .. Marere, London, 115941 Manaia. Auckland. 101481 .. Squall. Napier, 1 1 si i:i Warrimoo. Dunedin. 1 ( 11 <Ki 1 Kia Ora, Southampton, I244S7 Waitangi, Auckland, 7(iO71 .. Squall, Napier, 118113 Aupouri, Auckland. 122900.. Daphne. Auckland. 122922 .. Talune. Hobart. r>711211 Akaroa, Auckland. 74f>3t> Kurow, Dunedin. 127804 Maunganui. Dunedin. I27HKI Pateena, Launceston, 79262 nose .(. Williams, cook .. .. Poisoned hand K. Tully, A.B. . . . . Injured hark H. Thomson, cook . . . . Bruised . . W. Dean, steward .. . . Cut wrist ■ I. Jackson. A.B. .. .. Injured arm ('. Jonas, A.B. .. .. Injured foot A. Dillan, fireman .. . . Injured foot (!. Bryant, fireman .. .. Twisted ankle H. Ross, trimmer .. .. Septic knee J. Mc.Mullen. trimmer . . Poisoned finger L. Morrison, A.B. .. .. Crushed finger ■ .. T. Thomson. A.B. .. .. Injured forehead and eye W. Vandersen. fireman .. Scalded E. Pearson, A.B. .. .. Bruised finger I. Francis, A.B. .. .. Crashed finger J. Ireland, cook .. .. Injured knee J. Briggs, deck hand .. Injured hand J. McArthur. A.B. .. .. Sprained ankle G. Stokes, A.B. .. .. Bruised linger .1. Kgginton. deck hand .. Killed B. Johansen, A.B. .. .. Drowned.. 0. Roberts, quartermaster .. Internal injuries .. A. Sligo, fireman .. .. Injured fingers I'. Mortensen. A.B. .. Poisoned thumb H. Nathan, O.S. .. .. Severely bruised .. B. E. Jackson, steward .. Fractured hand ('. Warne. fireman .. .. Fractured ribs .. J. Omsteiri, fireman .. Severely burned H. Schmidt, 2nd mate .. Injured head W. A. Hen. A.B. .. . . Bruised leg (J. Davis, fireman .. .. Abscess on knee A. Bell, trimmer .. .. Injured finger J. Melntosh. greaser .. Injured head B. Booth, steward .. .. Injured head P. Stidolph, engineer .. Crushed foot Wellington Auckland . . Auckland .. Wellington At aea Onehunga.. Lyttelton .. At sea Dunodin . . At sea Nelson Nelson Suva Auckland . . At sea At sea Chatham Islands Tolaga Bay Auckland . . Clutha River Hokitika . . Wellington Auckland . . Gisborne . . Dunedin .. [nvercargill Turua At sea Holiara Whitianga Rarotonga At sea At sea Wellington Wellington Wellington Auckland .. Opotiki He cut his hand opening a tin. He ricked his back whilst discharging cargo. He fell down a hatchway. Whilst cleaning I knife it slipped. .. ! Whilst hauling in mainsail the boom struck his arm. He got his foot jambed in the winch. A slice fell on his foot. He slipped and fell when coming out of bunker. . . He struck his knee against some coal. He got his linger poisoned whilst working in stokehold. Whilst loading cargo he had his finger crushed by a case. Steam-cock of winch blew out and hit him. Was scalded by steam from donkey-pump. .. I He got his finger caught in hatch-beams. He got his finger crushed whilst setting sail. He knocked his knee against galley-door. A case fell on his hand. He slipped on deck. He got his hand caught between two slings. Gooseneck broke and derrick fell on him. Found drowned. .. He fell from aloft. He fell whilst working in engine-room. He ran a splinter into his thumb. He fell down a hatch. He slipped and fell whilst carrying dishes. He slipped and fell through a trap-door in the engine-room. . . He fell in stokehold. The guy-block hit him over the left eye. A keg of beer struck his leg. He knocked hi-- knee against a ladder in stokehold. Whilst oiling engine, he foil against the cross-head. He struck his head against cylinder of engine. A steward let a trunk slip and it struck his head. Whilst working at cross-head of engine, h< 1 slipped and tin cross-head -truck him. He fell down the hold. He got his hand caught between the ship and a coal-hulk. Whilst coiling up a wire rope a bight flew round and hit him oi the leg. „ 11 „ 15 „ Iβ Kapuni, Wellington, i2l:!82 Kawau, Auckland, 102318 .. Ngatiawa, Auckland, 122916 C. Wek»n, O.S. .. .. Injured head W. Knaggs, A.B. .. .. Bruised hand H. A. Nicholson, A.B. .. Injured leg


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date of Accident. Name a°n f d V Offlc!kr? [ r u t 1 S f l,e K r egietry, Name <* Pe — in^' Nature of Injury: Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Fatal or otherwise. occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. 191;;. Die. 19 „ 19 „ 20 „ 22 „ 24 .. 24 „ 26 „ 27 „ 28 ,. 30 1914. Jan. 3 7 7 8 „ 12 ,. 10 .. 19 .. 19 .. 20 .. 21 .. 23 .. 24 .. 25 .. 29 ,. 29 „ 29 Feb. 2 2 6 9 9 » 10 „ 10 „ 15 „ 16 „ 16 >, 18 „ 23 ,. 23 ,, 23 ., 24 .. 24 Mar. 5 7 Poherua, Dunedin, 98061 .. .. T. BUck, cook Opawa, Plymouth, 124566 .. .. A. Sands, A.B. Clansman, Auckland, 87520 .. R. Parker, deck-boy Wakura, Dunedin, 127802 .. .. J. A. Bjorksen, fireman Wahine. Dunedin. 127813 .. .. F. Gray, trimmer .. Rakanoa. Dunedin, 101477 .. .. E. J. Revington, engineer Pateena, Launceston. 79262 . . M, Power, cook Inga, Sydney. 125234 .. .. A.'Rennie, mate Mansapapa, Wellington, 112600 .. W. A. Brown, fireman Manuka. Dunedin. 117582 .. . . W. .J. Chalkley, trimmer Kini, Dunedin, 104337 .. .. A. Shivers, A.B. Manaia, Auckland, 101481 .. .. E. J. Dale, greaser . . Pateena, Launceston, 7921)2 .. H. Power, cook Katoa, Dunedin, 127811 .. .. C. Whitford, greaser Victory, Auckland, 115198 .. .. J. Reardon. A.B. .. Ethel Wells, Auckland, 127877 .. J. Turmell. A.B. .. Titania. Sydney. 105963 .. .. W. Clancy, A.B. .. Rakiura, Dunedin. 783(19 .. . . T. Goff. A.B. Te Aroha, Napier, 121591 .. .. E. Wiram, A.B. Sussex, London, 112686 .. .. S. I. Guiton. A.B. .. Monowai, Dunedin, 84497 .. ..J. Dickson, scullion. . Koi, Nelson. 93992 .. .. J. Colville, O.S. Ngahere, Port Glasgow, 102580 .. C. Keating, fireman Waitomo, Dunedin, 132990. . .. M. Munro, A.B. Maori, Dunedin, 117593 .. .. B. Church, fireman Kini, Dunedin. 104337 .. . . J. Bettis, A.B. Corinna, Launceston. 79252 . . J. Brown, trimmer .. Mamari, Southampton, 116967 .. D. Wynd. engineer .. Kahu, Napier, 37116 .. .. J. Johnston, A.B. .. Monowai. Dunedin. 84497 .. .. E. Spriggs, steward. . Waitemata, Dunedin. 127801 .. S. Gooding. A.B. .. Aupouri. Auckland. 122909. . .. C. H. Page, steward Makura. Dunedin. 127802 .. .. H. R. Harris, trimmer Manaia. Auckland. 101481 .. .. E. Morrison, trimmer Karamu, Dunedin. 127812 .. ..J. Hennessy. fireman Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. W. Amdt, cook Stormbird. Wellington, 3176(1 .. B. Kyle, fireman Wakaterc, Auckland, 102288 .. A. Taylor, boy Waiotahi, Auckland, 94260 .. N. McQiiarrie. O.S... Wakatere, Auckland. 102288 .. W. Todd, A.B. Wairoa, Nelson. 87511 .. .. J. Westrupp A.B. .. Pateena. Launceston, 79262 .. ! W. Black, fireman .. Kawau. Auckland, 102318 .. .. j R, Oldfield. cook .. Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. .. J. Craig, fireman Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. .. T. McBain, fireman.. Moeraki, Dunedin. 101488 .. .. J. Singleton, steward Waitangi, Auckland, 102304 .. D.Campbell Scalded leg .. .. At sea .. .. He spilt some boiling water on his leg. .. J Fractured pelvis .. .. Auckland .. .. He fell down hold of vessel. Injured arm .. . . Auckland . . .. Whilst taking in cargo he irot his arm caught in lead block. Burnt neck and chest .. At sea .. .. Back-draught from furnace burnt him. Strained back .. .. Wellington .. He slipped with a barrow of ashes. Amputated finger .. At sea .. .. He got his finger caught in eccentric. Poisoned finger .. .. At sea .. .. He ran a fish-bone into hie finger. Drowned .. .. Wanganui. . .. Supposed to have fallen into river whilst going on board his ship. Bruised arm .. .. Westport .. .. He got his arm braised whilst shipping a hone. Injured head .. At Be* .. .. Whilst working in bunkers he was struck on the head by a piece of coal. Broken ribs .. .. Picton .. . . He was struck by a line when vessel was leaving the wharf. Sprained ankle .. .. Auckland.. .. He sprained his ankle whilst landing a pipe on the wharf. Poisoned fingers .. . . Wellington . . A fish-bone ran into his finger. Bruised fingers .. .. Bluff .. .. Whilst working in engine-room. Injured ear .. .. Auckland.. .. A sling struck him on the ear. Injured finger .. . . Whangarei .. Whilst lashing cargo-gaff to rail he got his finger jambed. Killed .. .. .. Wellington .. He was knocked out of a railway-truck by a coal-basket. Poisoned hand .. At sea .. .. Whilst splicing wire a piece ran into his hand. Crushed hand .. .. Napier .. .. He got his hand caught between two logs of timber. Drowned.. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Found drowned in the harbour. Sprained ankle .. At sea .. .. He slipped on some steps. Injured hand .. .. Nelson .. .. He got, his hand crushed whilst working cargo. Poisoned elbow .. At sea .. . . He knocked his elbow on a fire-bar. tut hand .. .. Dunedin .. .. He got his hand jambed by winch wire. Splinter in hand .. .. Lyttelton.. .. Whilst working below a splinter ran in his hand. Cut head .. .. Auckland.. .. Whilst painting funnel, guy-block fell on hie head. Sprained ankle .. At sea .. .. He slipped on the stokehold-plates. Concussion of brain; fatal.. Napier .. .. He fell down the bunkers. Injured arm .. .. Wellington .. A sleeper fell out of a sling and struck him. Burnt by acid .. .. Lyttelton.. .. He fell in some sulphuric acid. Injured head .. .. Lyttelton .. .. He was struck on the head. Bruised leg .. .. Auckland .. .. He knocked his leg on the saloon-door sill. Burnt shoulder . . At sea . . . . He fell against a boiler. Bruised back .. .. Whangarei .. He slipped and fell in engine-room. Injured wrist .. .. Lyttelton .. .. He fell on deck of vessel. Scalded feet .. .. At sea .. .. He spilt some boiling water on his feet. Injured wrist .. .. Wanganui.. .. He jarred his wrist whilst shovelling coal. Injured finger .. .. Auckland .. .. Whilst handling a case a nail lacerated hie finger. Injured knee .. .. Auckland.. .. Whilst working in dry dock. Injured hand .. .. Auckland .. .. A nail ran into his hand. I'lushed hand .. .. Nelson .. .. Whilst working cargo. Strain in groin .. .. Wellington .. He strained himself lifting a bag of ashes. Burnt arm .. .. Auckland .. .. He slipped and fell against a stove. Burnt arms .. .. At sea .. .. Whilst cleaning fires. Injured ankle .. At sea .. . . He slipped on stokehold-ladder. Burnt hands .. .. Wellington .. He burnt his hands sliding down boat-falls. Lacerated finger .. .. Auckland .. .. Whilst shipping bridge-piece of boiler it slipped and fell on his finerer. i



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen under Section 6 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Name of Seaman. N-une of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. Adams, H. Aitiswort h. A. Aird. L. Aldgreen, G. Anderson. .1. Anderson, L. Arndt. \\'. Ayling, A. r, A. Baggett, A. G. Baile. R. Baker, ('. Baldwin, S. Bannatvne. J. G. Ban, A Batty. W. Beavan. J. Bell, A.. .: Bettis. J. Bew, W. A. Bjorksen. J. A. .. Black. T. Black. W. Booth, B. Boutell, J. Brien. P. Briggs. G. Britton, I. Brown, J. Brown. J. Brown, W. A. Bryant, G. Cameron, J. Cannon, W. J. Chalkley, H. J. .. Chambers. R. Church. B. Claes, J.J. Clancy, W. Coates, H. Cockell, W. G. .. Coleman. E. ('. lev. E. Colv'ille, J. Collins, R. K. .. Connellv. E. Connor, T. Conroy, P. Cooney. P. Cordver. II. Cottrill.J. Craig. J. Cremier. E. Crocker, A. E. .. ('rosbv. P. ('unninghain, S. .. Cunnold, F. Cuthbert, T. Cuthbertson. I). Dale, E. J. Davies, R. Davis, G. Davis, J. Dav, A. Dean. W. Deans, J. Dempsey, J. Devalie, G. Dickson, J. Docherty, J. Doherty. I'.. Doherty. I-'.. Donachv. T Donald! W. Doyle, E. Eatham, A. Edgeworth, R. Ellcndcrsen, J. .. Ellstrom, C. J. .. Ericksen, E. Evans. J. m Mararoa Kia Ora .. ,' Wimmera I Squall Blenheim Kumara Mapourika Arahura .Marere Kaitoa Niagara Huia Maori Waipori Mararoa Baden Powell Koonya .. Akaroa Kini Daphne Makura Poherua Pateena .Maunganui .Mararoa Karaniu Himitaiigi Maunganui Corinna Takapiina Manga] >a pa Talune .. Aratapu Kini Manuka .. Ulimaroa Maori Kia Ora Titania Tarawera Flora Koonya Ngakuta.. Koi Maunganui Lyttelton Corinna Wahine Kapiti Corinna Maori Maitai Endeavour Rosamond Wimmera .Manuka Squall Rosamond Pukaki Manaia Whakatane Talune Talune Ngapuhi Mararoa Mokoia Maitai Haupiri Monowai Marama Star of England Mararoa Moeraki Clansman .Maori Rakiura Koonya Kapiti Hina Dandv Talune Scalded foot Fistula in rectum Haemorrhage of lungs Strained back Influenza Injured head and body .. Scalded feet Rheumatic fever Internal complain! Injured knee .. Boils Rheumatism Quinsy Neuritis Muscular rheumatism Rheumatism Scalded foot Injured finger Cut head Injured leg Burnt neck and chest Scalded leg Strain in groin Injured head Poisoned hand Bursitis Injured hand Inflammation of kidneys Sprained ankle Eczema Bruised arm Injured ankle Injured leg Gastric catarrh Injured head Influenza Splinter in hand Internal pains Internal injuries . . i Internal pains .. .. ' Bronchitis Appendicitis and tonsilitis Scalded feet Injured hand Abscess on brain .. | Injured eye Bronchitis Varicose veins Bronchitis Rheumatism .. I Influenza Burnt arms Injured hand Pains in kidneys Broken bone in arm Injured arm Red lumps on body Bruised hand Influenza Sprained ankle Rupture Abcess on knee Injured knee Injured hand Cut wrist Burnt arm Rheumatic fever Injured finger Sprained ankle Injured leg Rheumatic fever and appendicit is. . Gastritis Injured knee Ricked back Appendicitis Inflammation of kidneys.. Crushed toe Injured leg Rheumatism Injured foot Boils £ s. d. 17 1 6 1 15 0 10 10 0 10 8 6 11 13 6 5 16 0 9 7 li 33 12 8 14 6 0 23 4 4 2 5 0 37 4 11 5 12 2 30 18 li 69 12 0 14 7 6 13 14 8 20 0 8 13 15 7 21 13 2 2 17 0 33 17 I 10 18 I 31 10 0 5 II 0 15 10 0 4 0 0 9 14 4 23 2 10 32 10 8 7 16 5 9 4 10 15 14 0 26 2 10 13 12 10 18 10 10 14 2 10 1115 0 6 18 0 12 4 4 9 11 8 16 12 6 6 7 9 10 12 0 9 10 0 17 15 (I 11 16 8 35 12 7 19 5 (I 38 6 (i 110 4 13 6 9 9 I 3 8 5 6 12 19 0 21 9 0 9 19 s 10 7 6 9 16 6 15 7 6 5 17 6 15 6 2 8 12 4 8 1 10 6 17 4 8 4 6 28 4 10 15 5 0 4 2 9 19 6 6 44 6 0 49 17 0 6 14 2 14 1 2 14 17 10 45 13 6 11 13 8 26 9 7 18 13 7 17 15 8 . 39 19 10


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.


Name of Seaman. Name o( Vessel. Nature ol Injury or lUnefw. Amount paid tor Wages, Maintenance, & Floz,p. S. Forkes, H. Fox, E. Francis. I. Franklin, G. Fryer, H. W. Fully. R, Gartrell, F. Geary, A. Gendall. .1. Gender, l>. Gibb, I. Gibson. It. Gillespie, — Gillette, W. H. .. Goff, T. Good, E. H. Goodings, B. Qossett, A. Gtowdy, E. Graham, F. Granquist. C. Gray, F. Gray, F. Greene, N. Gregory, M. Guiton, S. J. Hamlin. H. E. Hansen, J. Harris. K. R. Ha-tie, J. Hatfield, E. B. Heeht, E. llennessy, J. Hensleigh, A. Heron. J, Mollis. W. llolyman, L. Howard. 1". Bughes, J. Hull..I. M. Inverarity, A. Ireland, J. Jackson, A. Jackson, B. E. .Jackson, — Jacobsen, P. Jeffrey, J. Jensen, W. C. .leromson, W M. Johannsen, J. Johnson, A. Johnston, J. Jonas, C. Jones, D. Junay, F. C. Kennedy, J. Kenny. "W. Kippner, H. Kirk, [... Kitto, A. Knaggs, W. Kyle, B. Lang. l<. Larsen. ('. S. Larsen, H. Laurison. S. Leahy, A. Leay. J. Leel, J. Linn, A. Lloyd, G. Lockie, J. G. Lowe, C. Lowe, G. Lund, E. Maok, P. Mandell. H. Mart, G. Martin, G. Mason, G. Matthews, R. Titania Petone Arahura Talisman.. Navua Mokoia .. Taniwha Wahine .. Aparima .. Queen of the South Wahine Annie Hill Eliza Firth Talune Orari Hakiura Corinthic Waitemata Daphne Cminna .. Kapuni Ngahere Maori Wahine Maunganui Komata .. Sussex Waitemata Amelia Sims Makiira Ngatoro Aupouri Hawera Karamu Maheno . . Dlimaroa. . Queen of the South Katoa Manaia Wairiiiiii Manaia . . < .. Maori Poherua Holmdale Kia Ora Putiki Tarawera Kini Qlenelg Arahura Tally Ho.. Mararoa Kaliu Claymore Maunganui Mana Wahine .. „ Wairoa .. I limaroa. . Petone Kapiti Kawau Stormbiid Atua Wakatu .. Queensland Anglo-Norman Ngatiawa Silverash. . Arahura Ripple Wootton Monowai Murium! . . Corinna Will Wat eh Moerak i . . Wai ran Manuka Talisman Maitai Opawa Broken ribs Hernia.. Influenza Crushed finger Injured teg Contused wounds Injured back Measles Tropical abscess on liver.. Severe cold Pleurisy Pleuropneumonia Boil on arm Obstruction of bowels Venereal disease Poisoned hand Fractured rib injured head Crashed finger Influenza Lumbago Bronchitis ■Scalded hand Strained back Eczema Influenza Dro wncc I 111 Weak .. Burnt shoulder Bad cold Swollen leg ('rushed foot Injured wrist Illness Bronchitis Ulcerated stomach Injured finger Pleurisy Influenza Swollen arm Kidney trouble Injured knee ..' Crushed fingers Fractured hand.. Injured arm Injured leg Burnt hands and face Sprained heel Haemorrhoids Poisoned hand Poisoned arm Injured arm Injured foot Broken finger Appendicitis Injured knee Sprained back Bronchitis Piles .. Anaemia Injured hand Injured wrist Bruised Tonsilitis Sick .. Pneumonia Poisoned finger ill Injured wrist Crushed Appendicitis Poisoned leg Pneumonia Rheumatism Strained back Burnt hand and arm Crushed finger Poisoned arm Bruised legs Ear complaint Pains all over ■ •! .. :: I ■ • i t s. d. 15 17 6 16 7 0 8 0 (I 12 14 10 !) 17 8 6 1 I 9 13 s 4 14 8 11 16 0 0 0 4 30 12 0 18 10 0 15 8 8 !) t; (i 4 in I) 13 o o 5 Hi 9 16 2 4 8 0 10 21 2 10 I!) 9 I) 12 i 10 11 17 2 12 4 3 10 4 4 18 12 8 10 2 0 23 8 6 7 .") 4 4 7 l> 14 I 6 13 17 0 9 10 0 17 ti 4 32 ."> 0 4(1 l> 0 18 10 8 7 118 12 11 2 26 6 10 8 li l> 86 II) (i 32 16 II 28 18 0 17 ii B 37 (i 10 !) I III 13 14 4 114 1 12 13 4 7 11 4 10 0 0 i> 18 0 Lβ 7 ."> 13 19 4 7 4 0 13 lit 2 n> 12 i> 21 13 9 24 13 0 Iβ 8 6 8 4 7 8 9 6 8 2 4 III I) I) 16 3 ii :t io o 8 0 8 110 6 7 8 0 40 8 (i 17 0 0 16 1!) 2 17 7 (I 24 3 4 .') 10 1(1 ."> Iβ Ii 11 18 12 12 I 7 0 0 10 2 0 9 4 0



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

B—H. 15.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Amount paid Nature of Injury or Illness. for Wages, Maintenance, &c, May, H. Mayne, A. Millar, J. Miller, L. Minchinton, G. .. Mitchelson, C. Molloy, P. Moore, ( I. Morgan, A. Morris, H. Morris, W. Morrison, K. Morrison, L. Morrison, W. Mortensen, F. Muller, .1. Mulloy, P. Munro, M. Murphy, A. Murphy, J. MacKenzie, K. McArthur, J. Me Arthur, J. McBain, T. McCabe, F. McCallum, F. C. .. McCarthy, H. McDonald, H. .. McDonald, J. Mclntosh, J. Mclntyre, A. McKay, J. McKoilar, A. A. .. McKenzie, Mrs. A. McKinnon, E. McLellan, A. McLaughlin, D. .. McMullen, J. McQuarrie, N. Nathan, H. Neil, R. Nelson, A. Nelson, C. Nicholls, C. Nichols, G. Nicholson, H. A... Nugent, J. O'Brien, J. O'Connor, A. O'Connor, D. O'Keefe, O. E. Oldfield, B. Ornstoin, J. Ostarach, W. Ottoson, O. Oughton. I. Outram, T. Page, C. H. Parker, H. Passum, B. Patterson, I. Patterson, .1. Pearson, E. Pegg, N. Pernio, E. Philips, J. Phillips, J. Pike, G. Power, H. Prentice, G. Prior, E. Rack, G. Ramus, F. J. Reardon, .f. Revington, E. J... Richmond, (.'. A... Ritson. P. Roberts, O. Robertson, J. Roscoe, R. Ross, H. Ruddy, O. Maori Karori Manaroa Taviuni Annie Hill Maheno Pateena Kotare Pateena Southern Isle Wairau Manaia Hina Monowai Squall Arahura Ohinemuri Waitomo Manuka Moeraki Warrimoo Rosamond Rosamond Wahine Karamu Talune Corinna Maori Ahuriri .. Kurow Daphne Mokoia Terawhiti Riverina Gifiord Arahura Corinna Waimate Waiotahi Warrimoo Wahine Waiapu Himitangi Hero Holmdale Ngatiawa Moeraki Koonya Waitomo Corinna Star of Australia .. Kawau Squall Kotare Kini Kini ■ m Whakarua Aupouri Clansman Clansman Maori Mararoa Kaiapoi Kini Gael Taniwha Waitemata Delphic Pateena Marama Remuera Ngatiawa . .. Maitai Victory Rakanoa Nikau Eliza Firth Marere Opawa Clan Mclnnes Warrimoo Maunganui I. d. Strained back .. .. .. 6 13 0 Colic and cramp .. .. M) I 1 4 injured anklo .. .. .. 10 18 4 Blood-poisoning.. .. .. 14 2 4 Heart disease .. .. .. S 12 0 Pneumonia .. .. .. 31 15 6 Hernia.. .. .. .. 26 13 B Injured knee . . .. .. 6 19 10 Tonsilitis .. .. .. I I 2 I Injured finger .. .. .. 13 6 5 Injured knee .. .. .. 10 2 0 Bruised back .. .. .. 7 0 1 Crushed finger .. .. .. 8 8 1 Tonsilitis .. .. .. 7 17 (i Poisoned thumb .. .. 18 .'! O Congestion of liver .. .. 4:i 12 (I Gout .. .. .. .. 118 2 Cut hand .. .. .. 4 8 (I Injured arm .. .. .. 33 '.I 2 Poisoned foot .. .. .. 15 15 0 Broken clavicle .. .. .. 13 3 0 Sprained ankle .. .. .. 10 2 8 Pains all over .. .. .. 10 4 6 Injured ankle .. .. .. 8 Iti ii Inflamed glands.. .. .. 9 6 0 Hernia.. .. .. .. 15 Muscular rheumatism .. .. 14 0 0 Sprained back .. .. .. 10 1 I Bruised side .. .. .. I 50 2 ti Injured head .. .. .. 15 19 0 Injured head and arm .. .. B 11 2 Fracture of urethra .. .. .'!2 0 2 Injured leg .. .. .. 1!) <J 10 Cold .. .. .. .. 8 5 8 Ulcer on leg .. .. 21 9 4 Orchitis .. .. .. 9 5 4 Neuritis .. .. .. 14 14 6 Poisoned finger .. .. .. 2(i 1 6 Injured knee .. .. .. 7 17 10 Severely bruised .. .. 14 8 (i Pleurisy and broncho-pneumonia .. 20 10 ii Bruised hand .. .. .. 9 16 Poisoned arm .. .. .. 7 4 0 Injured hand .. .. .. 39 1 2 Asthma and pleurisy .. .. 18 4 0 Injured leg .. .. .. 25 8 7 burnt face .. .. .. !i 1 10 Abscess on toe .. .. .. 12 18 0 Broken bone in leg .. .. 38 11 4 Tonsilitis .. .. . . 17 19 10 Internal pains .. .. . . 2 10 0 Burnt arm .. .. . . 8 0 3 Burnt severely .. .. . . 22 3 8 Wry neck .. .. . . 7 10 4 Appendicitis .. .. . . 7 19 8 Bronchitis .. .. . . 20 2 4 Suspected smallpox .. ■ .. 10 (i (i Bruised leg .. .. . . 10 7!) Injured arm .. .. . . 5 12 10 Quinsy .. .. . (i 7 4 Tonsilitis .. .. .. 11 0 4 Tonsilitis .. .. . . 10 12 Bruised finger .. .. .. Iβ 9 0 Haemorrhage of lungs .. .. 16 6 0 Swollen testicles .. .. 9 17 0 Crushed finger .. .. .. 25 9 4 Hernia.. .. .. 25 4 0 Smallpox .. .. .. 11 6. 0 Poisoned finger .. .. .. 7 15 5 Injured back .. .. .. 2 18 (i Scarlet fever .. .. .. 14 1 (i Scalded neck and shoulders 15 0 11 Poisoned finger ., .. .. 7 0 0 Injured ear .. .. .. 23 17 7 Amputated finger .. .. 40 18 1 Strained back .. .. .. 12 13 8 Whitlow on finger .. .. 16 1 10 Internal injuries .. .. 50 0 0 Injured eye .. .. .. 14 9 0 Peritonitis .. .. .. 33 12 4 Septic knee .. .. .. 8 0 0 Scalded ,, .. .. 13 0 0



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. Rummins, J. Ryan, W. Saintsbury, F. H. Sands, A. Santos, M. Schmidt, H. E. Scott, R. E. Shivers, A. Silverwood, T. Simson, J. Skivington, F. Sligo, A. Smith, S. Snell, J. South, H. Spargo, W. W. .. Spriggs, E. Stevens, D. Stewart, A. Stidolph, F. Stoddart, P. Stokes, G. Stokes, J. Stresseman, A. Stuart, A. R. Sullivan, W. Taylor, A. Taylor, H. Thomas, C. Thomas, C. Thompson, C. Thompson, H. Thomsen, A. Thomson, F. Tobin, J. Todd, R. Todd, W. Topher, M. Tipton, J. Turnbull, J. Turner, J. Tyas, M. Underwood, J. H. Urquhart, A. W... Vandersen, W. Walsh, W. Warne, C. Warwick, J. Watts, I. Wells, J. S. Welson, C. Westrupp, J. Whilenis, — White, J. Whitford, C. Wilkins, H. Willett, L. M. Williams, E. Williams, E. Williams, J. Williams, W. R. .. Wilson, M. Wilson, N. Wilson, T. Winters, J. Wiram. E. Woqdford. H. .. Woods, T. Worth. E. E. Wright, A. * • Niagara .. Maitai Ngapuhi .. Opawa Akaroa .. Aupouri .. Kaeo Kini Mokoia .. Maunganui Aupouri .. Manaia .. Arapawa.. Pateena .. Mararoa .. Navua Monowai.. Opawa Wanaka .. Pateena .. Maitai Aupouri .. Waihora .. Zealandic Kauri Monowai.. Wakatere Rotomahana Whakatane Awaroa .. Kaituna .. Tofua Katoa Kennedy.. Monowai.. Manuka .. Wakatere Mapourika Whakaraa Ethel Wells Tarawera Rimutaka Kereru Rimu Kaituna .. Moeraki .. Waitangi.. Maitai Talune .. Maori Kapuni .. Wairoa .. Kurow .. Rarawa .. Katoa Monowai.. Maori Maori Corinna .. Pateona .. Maori Arahura .. Moeraki .. Mapourika Arapawa .. Te Aroha Mararoa .. John Waimate.. Maori Broken ribs Ulcerated wound on hand Severely shaken.. Fractured pelvis Burnt face Injured head Crushed finger Broken ribs Poisoned hand Pneumonia Injured foot Injured fingers Haemorrhoids Sciatica Neurasthenia Burnt hand Burnt by acid Haemorrhoids Injured head Crushed foot Injured leg Injured hand Pains all over Rheumatic fever and abscess Crushed finger Injured hand Injured finger Crushed hand Sprained ankle Injured testicle Nephritis Bruised Accidental syphilis Injured forehead and eye Bronchitis Strained back Poisoned hand Burnt hand and face Suspected smallpox Injured finger Burnt arm Water on kneo Poisoned thumb Rheumatism Scalded Lumbago Fractured ribs Cut hand Swollen feet Burnt face Injured head Crushed hand Rash on body Injured shoulder Injured fingers Boil on knee Influenza Rheumatism Intestional obstruction Poisoned hand Influenza Genera 1 debility Sprained wrist Influenza Sprained shoulder Injured hand Rheumatism Crushed finger Stricture of bladder Tonsilitis £ s. d. 3 10 6 9 14 0 11 16 8 16 13 0 8 16 2 36 9 10 33 3 2 13 II 6 8 9 8 117 4 10 14 3 8 0 8 12 9 2 16 9 0 6 2 4 17 11 2 11 9 10 7 5 0 14 10 4 54 15 0 14 9 0 9 6 8 29 13 8 18 11 0 29 14 10 10 18 8 6 12 5 22 I 10 7 1 0 41 5 4 34 3 6 35 12 6 51 9 8 8 19 10 13 1 8 35 10 2 13 3 7 12 16 6 10 6 6 8 18 7 9 2 4 6 12 0 28 7 6 20 4 4 18 7 10 8 13 8 20 6 0 11 6 6 9 18 0 9 4 6 4 15 2 7 13 9 10 13 10 17 7 4 11 18 2 10 12 0 6 3 2 9 7 I 16 17 6 14 9 4 7 11 1 8 13 0 7 2 8 5 15 8 12 1 0 20 4 7 9 8 0 35 6 2 16 10 0 8 14 6 £5.006 1 10



Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Date. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. 1913. April 7 12 23 25 29 May 3 10 13 IT) 19 19 26 June 2 2 2 3 10 19 20 21 July i 8 10 G. Minstons J. E. Gunn G. Page .. F. Sherrod F. Doherty J. Bowker J. Hand .. J. Spaingle L. Thomas J. Cronin.. E. Shaw .. C. Crawford C. Chenevv J. H. Davies T. Barron J. Roberts G. Bentley J. Cootes .. G. Watson E. Gale .. W. Harper A. Bailey.. G. Tripp .. J. B. Radclifie J. W. Coltzee E. Marsden R. Oakley J. W. Brown A. O'Connor Injured ankle Broken shoulder-blade Fractured leg Injured spine and pelvis Injured leg Injured" leg Injured hand Poisoned thumb Injured leg Injured spine and internally Injured back Injured back Injured wrist and shoulders Injured hand Injured back Injured fingers Injured finger Injured head and shoulder .. Injured head and shoulder .. Injured head and shoulder .. Injured foot Broken ribs Slight injuries Sprained ankle Sprained wrist Bodily injuries Bodily injuries Crushed thumb Killed Greymouth Greymouth Auckland Wellington Wellington Wanganui Greymouth Greymouth Lyttelton Wellington Bluff Wellington Lj'ttelton Greymouth Timaru .. Timaru . . Timaru .. Wellington Greymouth Greymouth Lyttelton Bluff Oamaru .. Lyttelton Greymouth Lyttelton Lyttelton Greymouth Wanganui Slipped on deck of vessel. Fell down hold of vessel. Some sacks of grain fell from a sling on to his leg. Some cases fell on him from a sling. A case slipped and fell on his leg. A basket of coal swung against his leg. Got his hand nipped in chain sling. Got his thumb jagged by winch-wire. A sling of timber fell on his leg. A bundle of sheep-skins fell on him. He was knocked out of a truck. Fell from trolly-gangway on the wharf. A sling of timber knocked him out of railway-truck. Was struck on the hand by a hook. Ricked his back whilst lifting rails Got his finger jammed between a lump of coal and a basket. Got his finger jammed between a sling of rails and a stanchion. Whilst driving winch a block fell from aloft on to his head. Got his finger cut by a piece of coal. Jammed his finger in door of railway-wagon. He trod on a nail which pierced his foot. Some cases slipped from a sling and fell on him. Fell down hold of vessel. Fell off railway wagon on to wharf. He fell off a timber-wagon. Mast of " Himitangi" gave way and some of the gear fell on him. Mast of " Himitangi " gave way and some of the gear fell on him. Got thumb jammed by fore-and-aft beam. Crushed against coamings by sling of cargo. Verdict: Accident resulted from accident at winch while cargo being removed from hold. He fell into bunker. Whilst trucking coal, a railway-engine struck the staging and knocked him off. Whilst loading cargo he injured his arm. He was struck by wagon-chains. He was knocked off staging into a coal-hulk. He had his arm jerked by yard-rope. A piece of timber fell from a sling and struck his head. Got his hand jammed between a sling of timber and the hatch-coamings. .lammed on gin-block. Was struck by capstan-rope. Fore-and-aft beam fell on his foot. Some timber fell on his foot. Got his fingers jammed by a piece of timber against coamings. Verdict: " Killed by derrick falling on him ; no blame attachable to any one." Some timber fell out of a sling and struck him. Whilst unloading potatoes a tier fell on his leg. 16 29 29 Aug. 2 6 12 16 16 19 26 30 Sept. 2 5 16 18 26 William Pollard S. Grunnell H. Colthorpe T. Mathie.-on H. Milsted R. Mason.. J. P. Desmond B. Hands.. F. Rosel .. J. McGinley P. Nelson A. Nieolson F. Gilmore R. Lloyd .. R. McGimpsey D. McKenzie Concussion and injured head Injured head Injured arm Injured fingers Internal injuries Strained arm Injured head Injured hand Injured hand Injured leg Injured foot Crushed foot Injured fingers Killed .. Bruised Injured leg Wellington Wellington Dunedin .. Greymouth Wellington Greymouth Greymouth Greymouth Greymouth Greymouth Greymouth Bluff Greymouth Wellington New Plymouth Timaru ..



Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

,ce where Accii occurred. .cut Date. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otbenrise. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. 19.13. Oct. 1 E. Illingworth 3 L. Hall .. ,, 7 A. E. Jones 16 P. Magee 16 C. Nygreno 24 W. Cahill.. 29 T. Davies. . Nov. 19 E. Rod .. „ 21 T. Gordon 24 A. Heywood ,, 2r> D. B. Mackersey .. „ 25 D. Jones .. „ 2(i A. Gordon 27 J. Cain 27 T. Burton 29 C. Wilson Dec. 2 G. Weekes ,, 5 N. Paora .. 9 W. Whitford ,, 11 H. Johnston 12 P. Gilray 12 C. Neilson 16 J. Guy .. „ 16 S. Moir 31 W. Wyatt 1914. Jan. 9 R. W. Cole Injured liead and ankle Injured thigh Injured hip and thigh Lacerated thumb .. Crushed foot Broken collarbone Crushed fingers Scalp wound Crushed fingeVs ('rushed foot Injured finger Injured head Dislocated shoulder Injured shoulder Fractured jaw Cut head.. Injured foot Injured head and back Broken leg Injured leg Injured leg Injured leg Injured leg Fractured skull; fatal Scalp wound Injured shoulder and back .. Lytteltoii Greymouth Greymouth (Ircymouth Greymouth .. Russell .. Greymouth Wellington Wellington Timaru .. Wellington Wellington Wellington Lyttelton Wellington Wellington Lyttelton Russell . . Wellington Lyttelton Wellington Lyttelton Wellington Nelson Nelson Wellington Whilst receiving logs into railway-truck a log knocked him out of the truck. He fell off a railway wagon. He fell on deck < { \ < Got his thumb jammed in brake of railway-wagon. A easting fell on his foot. Some timber fell out of a sling and struck him. He got his lingers jammed by wagon-buifer>. He was knocked down by a bale of hemp. He got his hand caught between two bars of iron. A tray of oils landed on his foot. An empty hogshead fell on his linger. Whilst receiving cargo he fainted and struck his head on the wharf. Fell off tramway into water. He slipped and fell. He got struck on the jaw whilst working cargo. A lump of coal fell from a basket and struck his head. A sleeper fell on his foot. Some timber fell out of a sling and struck him. A cask of whisky fell out of a sling on to his leg. Wire round a bundle of stakes pierced a vein in his leg. A piece of iron fell from a sling and struck him. Was struck on the leg by another worker's cargo-hook. Was struck by a sling of bales of wool. He fell down hold of vessel. He was struck on the head by a hook. He fell into hold of vessel. „ 16 R. McKenzie 20 T. Faull 24 W. Hannam „ 28 ; T. Simmonds 28 H. C. Cobb 31 William Cook Feb. 5 James Evans 6 P. Pantry „ 9 S. Ingmire 18 W. White 19 F. Mclntyre „ 24 R. Ferguson „ 25 J. Green Mar. 2 Captain Smith 12 F. Cole .. 13 S. Smith 16 E. Facer 21 W. Shutter 23 E. H. Fitzwater .. Fractured skull; fatal Strained back Injured ribs Crushed fingers Injured head and shook Injured foot Scalp wound Broken rib Bruised leg Injured leg Injured knee Injured face Cut head and bruised Bruised and cut back Bodily injuries Injured fingor Shock .. Injured back Crushed toes Injured leg Gisborne.. Timaru .. Lyttelton Greymouth Wellington Wellington Wellington Oamaru .. Wellington Wellington Greymouth Greymouth Dunedin . . Dunedin .. Wellington Lyttelton Wellington Port Chalmers Lyttelton . . Patea • • i Verdict: '' Met his death by being struck by railway-iron whilst following usui occupation." Whilst landing corn-sacks. He fell on wharf. Was jammed between some timber and the hatch-beams. Whilst assisting to land an anchor the chain slipped and hit him on the head. A piece of timber fell on his foot. Was struck on head by derrick. He was struck by a basket of coal. He was struck on the leg by a cask of tallow. Had his leg crushed against ship's side by a bale of wool. He slipped on deck of vessel. A sling of cargo knocked him off a railway-wagon. He fell down hold of vessel. Whilst lowering a derrick it broke at the heel and pinned him against the mast. He fell down hold of vessel. His cargo-hook slipped and tore his finger. A box fell from a stack and struck his hip. Whilst receiving sleepers into a truck he injured his back. Some pipes rolled on to his foot. A barrel of tar rolled on to his leg.



Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Name of Person. Position held. Ship. Particulars ol Offence, Ac. Condon. Penalty imposed. Date of Conviction. Penalty imposed. I I Bevan, T. I. Urines, A. Broone, M. Browning, <i. Burrell, A. Carroll, M. Craig, J. Culliffe, J. M. .. Donwell, H. Drisooll, D. Farrell, J. Gartland, T. Hempson, R. Huckle, William . . Jones, K. Kayter, C. T. Kennedy, A. Kerr, T. ()'('onnor, .J. Phipps. E. Price, W. Uee-.G... Roberts. H. Robertson, A. Rudinger, A. Scherff, G. Seddon. -I. Smith. \V. Stacey, T. Storey, C. T. Szagam. 1". Tarran. S. Thomas, H. Tyrus, A. L. Waterfield, A. . . Williams, E. Fireman '. . A.B.' .. '.'. Fireman '.'. O.S.' .. '.. .. A.B Trimmer .. O.S. .. .. A.B Fireman Quartermaster ■ ■ .. A.B Fireman Quartermaster . . Fireman .. A.B. .. . . Cook Fireman . . A.B. Fireman Trimmer Fireman Trimmer Seaman Fireman . . A.B.' .. Rotorua .. Desertion Orari . . .. Absent without leave Tainui . . .. ,, Surrey .. .. Disobedience Delphic ' .. Stealing whisky TaHeroi .. Absent without leave Suffolk .. Assaulting second engineer Tongariro .. Desertion Surrey .. .. Absent without leave Turakina .. Desertion Clan Maclnnes .. Absent without leave Kuapehu .. „ Delphic .. Stealing whi.-ky Surrey.. .. Disobedience Etaapehn .. I Desertion Waimana .. Absent without leave Zealandie .. ,, Orari Disobedience Delphic . . Stealing whisky Pakeha .. Theft of clothing Orari .. .. Desertion Annie Hill .. Abse it without leave Turakina . . Wilful disobedience Surrey . . Disobedience Westmeath . . Assaulting a trimmer Surrey .. . . Assault Tainui.. .. Absent without leave Kuahine . Desertion Star of Australia Absent without leave Zealandic .. ,, Tongariro . . I >esertion Wliakatua . . Disobedience Bfamari .. Desertion Remuera .. Absent without leave 11/2/14 Fined 7s. and one month's imprisonment. li 2 14 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. II 4 13 Fined 10s. 8d. and put on board ship. 22 •"> 13 Fined Us. or two days' imprisonment. 13 N 13 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 5 4 13 Fined 7a. 30 7 13 Fined £2 or one week's imprisonment. 9 4 13 One month's imprisonment. 22 S 13 Fined 11s. or two days' imprisonment. 7 3 14 Fined 7s. and one month's imprisonment. 20 8 13 Seven days' imprisonment and to be returned to ship. 20 S 13 To be placed on board ship. 27 2 14 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. 13 S 13 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 22 5 13 Fined 11s. or two days' imprisonment. l> 12 13 One month's imprisonment. 9 4 13 Fourteen day's imprisonment. 24 12 13 Fined £1 Os. 4d., and placed on board ship. I) 2 14 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. 10 2 14 Fined 17s. and placed on board ship. 13 S 13 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 9 4 13 One month's imprisonment. 24 :; 14 Fined 7s. and one month's imprisonment. l> 2 14 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. 10 12 13 Fined £1, and 7s. costs. 22 5 13 Fined Us. or two days' imprisonment. 8 S 13 Fined £2 or seven days' imprisonment. 17 3 14 Ten days' imprisonment with hard labour. 3 4 13 Fined 10s. 8d. and placed on board ship. S 4 13 Fined 7s. 3 3 14 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. 24 12 13 Fined 13s. 8d. and placed on board ship. !> 4 13 One month's imprisonment. 4/6 13 Fined 7s. and placed on board ship. 2 4 13 Wages forfeited. 3 7 13 Fined 10s. 4d. and placed on board ship.



Return showing the Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Dominion issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Port or Place. Subject of Notice. Auckland Harbour >' • • ,, • • », • • Bluff Harbour Gisborne Hokianga Harbour Hokitika Kaipara Harbour ,, • - », • - Karamea Harbour Lyttelton Harbour Prohibited anchorages. Light on Queen Street Wharf. Coal-hulk anchors Dredging in Mechanics Bay . Proteoted anchorage for yachts. Cable off Takapuna Beaoh. Queen Street Wharf : Removal of inner western tee. D'Urville Rocks beacon. Fog-horn on Railway Wharf. Bean Rock light. Distinguishing lights for wharves. Change in name of harbour wharves. Reserving channel, Freeman's Bay. Dredger moored off Albert Wharf. - n tidi deflector. Dredging ofl Queen's and Eobson Wharves. Removal of buoys, ftaipara Shoal and Calliope Dock. Removal of rock.- and creel ion of Itcaoon-. Lucas * Erection of dolphins in Meohanics Bay. Foul ground off Kohimarama Wharf. Dredging. Amended position of beacons. Inner Harbour : Training-wall lights. Caution re breakwater-extension. Tuahine Point light. Amended anohorage-bearinga off Young Nick's Head. Leading beacons and lights for entrance channel. Shoal off bar. Soundings on bar. Shoal off bar. Shoal off Opononi Harbour. Harbour lights. Shelly Beach beacon light. Helensville Creek beacon light. Soundings on bar. Helensville Creek beacon displaced. Signals. Light removed. Sumner Estuary buoy. Baleine Point beacon. White patch on Godley Head. Discontinuance of signal-station on Cave [gland, Sumner. Removal of roadstead buoy. Erection of new light. Erection of new light. Light on breakwater. Light on Chicken Island, erection of. Light on Chicken Island, date of exhibition. Light on Chicken Island, height of. Bushett Rocks, off Cheviot. Charts : Caution when changing from old to recent survey. Karori Rock light. Telephone facilities at Port Hardy and Whareatea Bay. Errata: Tables for Azimuth and Great Circle Sailing, 1911 edition, and "New Zealand Nautical Almanac " for 1914. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables " for 1914, and supplement to "New Zealand Pilot," eighth edition, 1908. Errata: " New Zealand Nautical Almanac," 1914. Caution to I" , exercised by merchant ships approaching British ports. Nautical publications. Beacon light, Quarantine Island. Leading-lights. New Railway Wharf. Removal of buoy off Whareroa. Propo ed extension of eastern extension mole. Discontinuance of fog-signal on Patiti Point. Leading-lights. Night-signals for vea el taking bar. Light at head-. Telephone cables. Ereotion of beaoon and removal of buoy. Lights on Seatouii and Karaka Bay wharves. Wreck of s.s. " Devon at entrance. Proposed new leading-lights. Lighted buoy, main-channel entrance. Napier New Plymouth New Zealand coast Otago Harbour Picton Harbour Tauranga Harbour Timaru Harbour Tokomaru Bay Wairau Harbour Wairoa River, Hawkc's Bay Wellington Harbour ,, • • ,, • •



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. L913. April 12 Approves plan in lieu of .M.I). :i7r>-l of Onehunga Borough Council and Mangere Road Board's bridge over part of Onehunga Harbour. Approves plan of gantry for MoCallum Bros., in St. George's Bay, Auckland Harbour. Approves plan of bridge for Dargaville Timber Company over Whapu Creek. Approves plan of rubble walls of boat-harbour for Otago Harbour Board. Approves plan of temporary viaduct in Anderson's Hay for Otago Harbour Board. Approves plan of extension of training-wall on north bank of Waipu River, and authorizes Waipu River Board to construct same. Licences Mauku Road Hoard to occupy foreshore, Waiau Pa, Manukau, as site for wharf. Approves plans of jetty for Akaroa Borough Council at Daly's Wharf. Licenses Akaroa Borough Council to occupy foreshore, Akaroa Harbour, as site for wharf. Approves plans of wharf for W. ('. Arkle, at Mount Albert, Lake Wanaka, and licenses him to occupy necessary foreshore. Approves plan of renewal of part of Matakohe Wharf for Otamatea County Council. Revokes Order in Council lioen ing A. Miller to occupy foreshore, Croixelles Harbour as site for wharf. Approves plan of pile I" be plaoed between Nos. 2, 3, and 4 jetties by Auckland Harbour Board. Removes J. Foster and A. ('. Hansen From position as members of Westport Harbour Board. Appoints H. Qillen, .1. II. (Ireonwood, and W. R. Simpson to be members of Westport Harbour Board. Licenses F. D. S. Neave to occupy foreshore, Titirangi Bay, M site for wharf. Amends scale of dues for Waitapu Wharf. Amends regulations re taking seals. Prescribes a close season for seals. Revokes Order in Council licensing W. I). Meiklejohn to occupy foreshore, Rangitoto, as site for wharf. Makes special order authorizing Otago Harbour Board to reclaim land in Koputai Bay, Otago Harbour. Approves Westport Harbour Board expending £100 on alteration of pan-closet system at Westport Workshops. Declares part of Whangaruru Harbour to be oyster-fishery for Maoris only, and makes regulations for preventing sale of oysters taken from such fishery. Approves plan of wharf for Hobson County ('ouncil at Mapuna, Kaipara. Licenses Hobson County Council to occupy foreshore at Mapuna, Kaipara, as site for wharf. Revokes Order- in Council licensing W. J. Bray to occupy foreshore, Mangonui Harbour. Approves plan of proposed dredging to be carried out by Nelson Harbour Board. Approves plan M. D. 40ti4 of widening of Lagoon Dock entrance at Greymouth. Approves plan of reinforced-concrete head of wharf for Mokau Harbour Board. Amends regulations prescribing d<> e ea "" for seals. Licenses T. M. Lane and to occupy foreshore Whangaroa Harbour, as site for sawmill and shed. Licenses New Zealand Paper Mills (Limited) to occupy foreshore, Auckland Harbour, as site for wharf. Approves plan M.D. -K)f>8 of wharf for Otamatea County Council at Batley. Licensee Otamatea County ('ouncil to occupy foreshore at Batley as site for wharf. Makes regulations for the protection of life and property on ships. Appoints A. L. Kemp to be wharfinger of Government wharf at Karamea. Approves plans of Toka Toka Wharf for Otamatea County Council. Licenses Otamatea County Council to occupy foreshore at Toka Toka as site for wharf. Grants Mrs. M. M. Partington, widow of D. Partington, Principal Keeper at Godley Head Lighthouse, a gratuity of £270. Amends Order in Council fixing lighthouse dues. Approves plan M.D. 4004 of extension of southern training-wall for Hokitika Harbour Board. Approves plan of timber-booms for T. Hartley and Son on Mangamuka River. Licenses T. Hartley and Son to occupy foreshore on Mangamuka River for site for timber-booms. Approves plan of fish-shed for Paseo Bros, at Half-moon Bay. Licenses Paseo Bros, to occupy foreshore at Half-moon Bay as site for fish-shed. Prohibits netting in part of Lake Wakatipu. Approve plans of repairs and additions to Mangonui Wharf. Makes regulations re whitebait-fishing in Hawke's Bay District. Vests wharf aj Maraetai in Maraetai Road Board, and prescribes dues for same. Approves plans of boat-jetty for Waiapu County Council at Te Araroa. Licenses Waiapu County Council to occupy foreshore at Te Araroa as site for boat-jetty. Licenses Barrier Reefs Gold-mining Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Whangaparapara as site for wharf. Approves plan of gridiron for Auckland Harbour Board in Judge's Bay. Approves plan of suction-pipe for C. J. Clark's baths at Lyall Bay. Approves plans of extension of upper jetty, Lyttelton Harbour. Approves plan- of wharf for I. W. Turner at Admiralty Bay, French Pass. Licenses 1. W. Turner to occupy foreshore at Admiralty Bay, French Pass, as site for wharf. Approves plans of repairs to Manukau County Council's twin bridge over Tamaki River at Otahuhu. Approves plans of extension of Whangarei Town Wharf. Approves plans of sewage-pipe over Awaroa ('nek for the Helensville Town Board. Approves plans of Peter Hansen's blacksmith's shop and foundry at Rawenc. Licenses Peter Hansen to occupy foreshore, P.awene. as site for blacksmith's shop and foundry. Revokes Order in Council licensing Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Hokianga. Modifies dues for Hokianga County Council's wharf at Kohukohu. Fixes wharfage and storage dues for use of Government wharf at Karamea. Amends regulations under the Fisheries Act, 1908, re marking and registration of fishing-boats. Declares date from which certain sections of Imperial Seal Fisheries Act, 1912, shall apply to New Zealand. Licenses Nobel's Explosives Company to occupy foreshore. Maraetai Bay. Licenses Q. It. Fellowes to occupy foreshore outside .Manukau Harbour, as shown on plan M.D. 4081. Approves plans of olub-houee for New Brighton Surf and Life-saving Club. Revokes Order in Council licensing .1. Harrison to occupy foreshore at Aratapu as site for wharf. Make regulations as to whaling under New Zealand Fisheries Amondment Act, 1912. 12 12 12 12 12 12 23 23 23 23 May !) i> 15 15 21 21 26 2(i June 3 3 :s ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Lβ Iβ 16 Iβ 23 23 23 23 July 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 14 u U 14 14 14 14 14 Aug. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 18 18 18 18 18 25 25



Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.

Date of Order. , Purpose of Order. 1913. Sept. 1 I Makes regulations re. carrying explosives on fishing-boats. Approves plans of bridge over Tamaki River at Panmure, and authorizes Mamikau County Council to construct same. Appoints Royal Commission r< administration of Westport Harbour Board. Revokes Order in Counoil licensing T. Hartley and Son to oooupy foreshore, Hokianga River, a site tor i imber-booms. Approves plans of bridge over Otokia River, and ant horizes Taieri County Council to oonstruol same. Approve plans of launch-jetty at Si. Mary's Hay. Auckland Harbour, ror Anokland Sarbour Board. Approves of gridirons in St. Mary's Hay. Auckland Harbour, for Auckland Harbour Hoard. Fixes light due tor Whitianga, .Mercury Hay. Extend olo e eason for oysters at Nelson till the 7th September, 1914. Amends regulations r< netting in Boiler or Orowaiti Rivers. Revokes Order in Counoil prescribing close >casnn f 1)r whitebait in Waikato River. Lioeni es I'. W. Arnold to occupy Foreshore at Whangaroa as site for store and fish-shed. Approves plans of wharf and shed on Marakopa River. Lioenses trustees to ocoupy aeoessary foreshore at Marakopa as site for wharf and shed. Extends time in which Westport Harbour Hoard Commission shall report. Amends regulations re trout-fishing in Wellington Acclimatization District. Approves plans of wharf at Birkdale, Auckland Harbour. Lioen ies trustees to occupy neoessary foreshore at Birkdale, Auckland Harbour, as site for wharf. Revokes Order in Council licensing Akaroa Boating Club to occupy foreshore at Akaroa as site for shed and slip. Approves plans of new shed at Akaroa for Akaroa Boating Club. Lioenses Akaroa Boating Club to occupy foreshore at Akaroa as site for boat-shed and slip. Prohibits the taking of toheroae for canning or sale from a certain part of Kaipara Beach. Approves plans of boat-shed and skids for the Richmond Cruising Club off Sloane's Beach, Ponsonby, Auckland Harbour. Lioenses Richmond Cruising Club to occupy foreshore, Auckland Harbour, as site for boat-shed and skids. Approves plans of causeway for Christchurch Tramway Board across Avon and Heathcote River Estuary. Alters regulations for trout-fishing in the Auckland Acclimatization District. Amends dues for use of Government wharf at Karamea. Lioenses D. M. Molntosh to occupy foreshore at Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour, as site for wharf. Extends time within which the Westport Harbour Board Commission shall report to the 10th day of November, L913, and confirms the said Commission. Approves Westport Harbour Board expending £36 on ten new sheets of tarpaulins for use on Westport section of railway. Make regulations re wireless telegraphy on ships. Appoint- Jesse Steer, of Greymouth, to be a member of the Greymouth Harbour Hoard, rice the Hon. Sir Arthur R. Guinness, Kt.. .M.I , ., deceased. Approves plans of wharf, breastwork, and reclamation for Whakamarama Land and Timber Company (Limited), on the Te Puna River, Tauranga Harbour. Lioen es Whakamarama Land and Timber Company (Limited), to occupy foreshore Te Puna River, Tauranga Sarbour, as site for wharf, breastwork, and reclamation. Declares Kia Kia Hay. Kaipara Harbour, as oyster-fishery wherein Maoris only may take oysters for their own food. \V I management of Rawene Wharf in Hokianga County Council. plan M.I). 4I(>:! of breastwork for Napier Harbour Board in Iron Pot, Napier. Prohibits acclimatization societies selling licenses to take trout outside their own districts. Approve- plan of wharf-extension and breastwork at Whangarei Wharf, together with launch-wharf, for Whangarei Harbour Hoard. Approves plan of slip for W. H. Hrown and Sons at Northeote, Auckland Harbour. Approve plan of jetty for Auckland Harbour Board at Parnell, Auckland Harbour. Approves plan of scow-landings for Auckland Harbour Board at Devonport, Auckland Harbour. .'nil Is scale of dues for Howick Wharf. Appro - * Bβ plan Ml). 4187 of drainage from Knox's Home into Tamaki River, Auckland Harbour, subject to certain.conditions being complied with. W t management of wharf a' Taura Kuri Bay, in Whangarei Harbour Board. Lie in as Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Whenuakite River, as site for timber-boom . Approves plairM.D. 4104 of staging for Greymouth Harbour Board on western side of entrance to Lagoon Dock at Greymouth. Revoke- Ord'er in Council licensing John Anton Subritzky to occupy foreshore Rangaunu Bay as site for wharf. Licenses Northern Steamship Company (Limited) to occupy foroshore, Rangaunu Bay, as site for wharf, and prescribes dues for use of the wharf. management of wharf at Waitangi, Chatham Islands, in C. Wishart, T. P. G. Miller, J. J. Fougere, and !'. KcL'nault at trustees, and prescribes dues for use of wharf. Revokes Order in Council licensing Messrs. Henry Bates and William Hudson to occupy foreshore at Presen ation Inlet as site for wharf. Approves plans of wharf for Dominion Portland Cement Company in Whangarei Harbour. Licenses Dominion Portland Cement Company to occupy foreshore in Whangarei Harbour as site for wharf. Revokes Order in (louncil of the 1st September, 1913. approving plans of new bridge over Tamaki River at Panmure for Manukau County Council, and in lieu thereof approves plans M.I). 40114. subject to the condition that a swing span is provided. Approves plans of wharf for Gamman's, Tauranga (Limited), at Tauranga. Licen ies Gamman's, Tauranga (Limited), to occupy foreshore, Tauranga Harbour, as site for wharf. Approves Wc-tport Harbour Board expending £135 on erection of a oovsring over the " gallows " at the Westport Railway Work-hop . Approve- plans of wharf for Auckland Harbour Board at Te Atatu Point. management of Kohukohu Wharf in Hokianga County Council. Licen e Akaroa Borough Council to occupy foreshore at Akaroa as site for a wharf, and prescribes dues for the use of the wharf. Approves plans of shed and tramway for -Mrs. L. -I. X. .larvic at Kawcrua. lloki Lioen es Mrs. L. J. N. Jarvie to occupy foreshore at Kawerua as site for shed and tramway. Vests management of wharf and boat-slip at Kaikoura in the Kaikoura County Council. 2 8 8 8 8 10 16 15 Iβ 29 2!) 29 29 2!) 29 30 30 30 Oct. 0 8 6 „ l> 13 13 13 l(> 20 20 27 27 27 Nov. 3 3 3 10 10 10 17 17 24 24 Dec. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 Lβ 15 15



Return showing the Okdeks in Council issued, eto. — continued. D^ d °l Pnrpoee of Order. 1914. Jan. 21 Approves |]liins of Messrs. F. Cooke, G. Hamill, and W. Brooke-Taylor's yacht-slips at Balena Hay, Wellington. „ 21 Modifies license for tramway across the New River Estuary. ~ 21 Makes regulations under the Fisheries Act, 1908, re "long-line" lishing. ~ 21 Lioenses Messrs. W. and R. Fletcher (Limited) to occupy foreshore in Whangarei Harbour as site for a wharf. ~ 21 Approves plans of Messrs. VV. and R. Fletcher's (Limited) wharf in Whangarei Harbour. 21 Amends Order in Council it i ing management of Aratapu Wharf in oertais pereons. 21 Approves plans of Messrs. Archibald Urn.-.' Brick and Pipe-making Works, Whau Creek, AuokJand Harbour. ~ 21 Licensee Messrs. Archibald Bros, to occupy fomhore on Whau Creek, Auckland Harbour, in connection with their brick- and pipe-making industry. „ 24 Approves plans of the White-pine Company's wharf at Naumai, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa. 24 Licenses White-pine < 'ompany to occupy foreshore at Naumai, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa. Feb. 8 Approves plans of Auckland Harbour Hoard's wharf (Central Wharf), in Auckland Harbour. i(i Approves plans of T. 8. Davies' jetties at Kairoperepe, Queen Charlotte Sound. „ Licenses T. S. Davies to occupy foreshore at Kairoperepe. Queen Charlotte Sound, as site for jetties. ~ 20 Licenses J. H. Mo< 'arroll to occupy foreshore at Wairoa River, Kaipara, as site for wharf. 20 Approves plans of .Northern Bteam t hip Company's wharf at Kaituna River. ~ 20 Licenses Northern Steamship Company to occupy foreshore, Kaituna River, as site for wharf. Maroh I Revokes Order in Council licensing the Akitio-Totara Sawmilling Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore as site for a wharf. ~ 14 Approves plans of Waitemata County Council's wharf at Silverdale, Wade River. ~ 14 Licenses Waitemata County Council to occupy foreshore at Silverdale, Wade River, as site for wharf. ~ 14 Approves plans of repairs and renewals to the Tairua Wharf. „ 14 Approves plans of J. H. Redwood's wharf at Okoha, Pelorous Sound. ~ 14 Licenses J. H. Redwood to occupy foreshore at Okoha, Pelorus Sound, as site for a wharf. „ 14 Approves plans of the extensions to Hobson County Council's wharves at Dargaville.

9—H. 16.



Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 30 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 421 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 422 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 2,347 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 285 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,400 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,755 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 Total ... ... ... ... ... 9,030 Summary. Boilers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ■ 7,036 Machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,030 Total .. ... ... ... ... 16,066 Return showing the Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery, and for the issue of engine-drivers' and electric-tram drivers' certificates during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914. Fees payable —On boilers, £7,951 10s.; on machinery, £2,980 55.; for engine-drivers examined, £741; for electric tram drivers examined, £143 : total, £11,815 15s. The actual receipts during the financial year were — For boilers and machinery, £11,732 2s. 6d. ; for examination of engine-drivers and electric-tram drivers and renewal certificates, £926 155.; total, £12,658 17s. 6d.

Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive, Traction, and Steam Stationary Engine Drivers, and to Electric-team Drivers, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

toi. vs. Clans. ."&=s* ESS Exceeding 10 Horse-power. Total. i itationary ... 'ortable 2,275 178 949' 1,207 1,963 464 5,187 1,849 Totals 2,156 2,427 7,036 2,453

j> Class of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. Pees received. Number of Certificates issued. Total. Pees received. Steam stationary— Service—First class Competency— Extra first class First class ... Second class... Steam winding— Competency Electric winding— Competency Locomotive and traction— Competency Electric-tram — Competency 11 8 70 240 16 £ s. d. 2 15 0 8 0 0 70 0 0 240 0 0 16 0 0 329 £ s. a. 320 15 0 45 45 0 0 61 61 0 0 184 184 0 0 184 184 0 0 122 122 0 0 122 122 0 0 696 £687 15 0



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. George Kent and Sons, Newmarket .. Dough-mixer Joseph Parkes ; 29 years 3rd April, 1913 ; elbow and Parkes was explaining to Mr. Kent a defect in the machine. He shoulder injured had his arm through two cog-wheels when another employee inadvertently started the machine, causing Parkes's arm to be drawn into the machine. 3rd April, 1913 ; jaw injured While working at the saw a piece of timber flew off, striking Griffin on the face. 4th April, 1913 ; fingers injured .. Sutherland's left hand was caught in the machine. D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland Gang-saw J. Griffin ; 42 years F. J. Lake, Dunedin For squeezing on bottom of tea»-tins Papermaking J. M. Sutherland ; 14 years .. , New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Auckland The Empire Box-making Company (Limited), Wellington S. Luke and Co. (Limited). Wellington Boxmaking Claude Rae ; 20 years M. Lyons ; 18 years 7th April, 1913; fingers injured .. When passing paper through, Rae's right hand got crushed between the rollers. I4tli April, 1913 : finders injured Lyons got her right hand in the machine and had her fingers crushed. Kith April, 1913 ; fingers injured. . While working at the drilling-machine George stumbled, and, to save himself, he thrust out his arm, when his fingers came into contact with the gearing of the machine. 19th April, 1913 ; fingers injured.. Dwyer was cleaning a lathe while it was in motion when he got the fingers of his left hand into the gearing. 21st April, 1913 ; fingers injured.. Devonport's fingers were cut between pulley and rope of the spinning-machine. 24th April, 1913 ; thumb injured.. Schaumann's left hand came in contact with the saw. Radial drill Arthur George ; 17 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Turret lathe Thomas Dwyer ; 18 years The Wellington Woollen-manufacturing Company (Limited), Wellington Cosson- and Black (Limited), Dunedin Spinning-mule Amy Devonport; 15 years L. H. Schaumann ; 20 years .. Circular saw A. and T. Bert (Limited). Dunedin .. Turret lathe F. Gilleepie ; 15 years 25th April, 1913 ; thumb injured.. While working at the lathe Gillespie's thumb slipped between the lathe-chuck and the rest. 9th May, 1913 : fingers injured .. Young's fingers were caught in the gearing of the machine, and crushed. !tth May, 1913 ; hand injured .. Wyatt's left hand was crushed while working at the mixer. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Auckland Griffin and Sons (Limited). Nelson Paper-mills W. R. Young ; 60 years Dough-mixer F. Wyatt; 20 years S. Luke and Co. (Limited), Wellington Circular saw L. Barber ; 21 years 19th May, 1913 ; finger and thumb Barber's right hand came" into contact with the saw lost 24th May, 1913 ; leg injured .. When working at machine Grimshaw's left foot was caught in revolving wheel, breaking his leg below the knee. 30th May, 1913 ; body injured .. In attempting to put on a belt while the machinery was in motion, Bonella's clothing was caught up by the shaft. His left leg and a rib were broken and his collar-bone splintered. 31st May, 1913 ; hand injured .. A piece of the timber Renner was sawing was thrown back from the saw, and struck his hand, tearing the skin from the back of it. 2nd June, 1913 ; leg injured .. Part of the sole-plate of the engine struck Allpress. The accident was caused by a gas-explosion. 9th June, 1913 ; fingers injured . . When working at a lathe Weitzell's left hand was caught between rest and chuck. I lth June, 1913 ; leg injured .. While planing a joist Shaw's left leg was caught between machine and a joist. 11th June, 1913 ; thumb injured. Ri>tor's left hand was caught in the chuck of the lathe, causing injury to his thumb. 18th June, 1913 ; leg injured .. While working at the elevator Milward's left leg was caught in the rollers. New Zealand Portland Cement Company (Limited), Limestone Island Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Stone-grinding A. Grimshaw ; 23 years Sawmill .. Charles Bonella; :i~> years .. D. Qoldie and Sons. Auckland Sawmill Charles Renner; 47 years W. H. March, Christclmrch Gas-engine Charles Allpress ; 50 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Turret lathe Charles Weitzell; 38 years .. A. and T. Hurt (Limited), Dunedin .. Planing David Shaw ; 20 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin « Turret lathe George RUtor j 10 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Grain-elevator William Milward ; 22 years . .


Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.


Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age ol Person injured. Date of Accident, and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. James McAndrew and Co. (Limited), Paeroa New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), Wellington Leonard Bros., Balclutha Woodworking .. Sydney Frisk ; 23 years Electric lift .. Edward Luttrell; 23 years .. 19th June, 1913; hand injured .. 23rd June, 1913 ; toe injured When working at a " buzzer " Priek'e hand slipped and came into contact witn tne knive: of the machine. Tlirougn the gate of the lift not being shut, Luttrell.- loot protruding over the edge of the cage, his toe was jammed between the lift and the floor. When feeding the machine a string of a sheaf caught McGuffog's and can- ed hi. left arm to be drawn into the machine. Tne arm had to be amputated. While working at the machine Mar. hall': hand was caught in it and crushed. Par&ons's hand was caught by the knives of the machine. Chaff-cutter .. John McGuffog ; 69 years 23rd June, 1913 ; arm lost -, Southern Cross Biscuit Company (Limited), VVanganui The Taupo Totara Timber Company (Limited), Newmarket Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Bassett and Co. (Limited),\Vanganui .. » Break biscuit factory Horace Marshall ; 1!) years .. Planing .. .. John Parsons ; 18 years 27th June, 1913; hand injured .. 2nd July, 1913 ; finger., injured . . .Moulding .. John Sim ; 22 years 3rd July, 1913 ; tinger lost Sim's right hand came into contact with the revolving knives. Sanding .. .. Alfred Sanders ; 17 years 7th July, 1913 ; ringer injured .. While feeding a sash into the machine Sanders's left hand was drawn into the rolls, and his finger- were crushed. Matthews was feeding the machine with his hand, instead of using a piece of wood, when his finger wore drawn in and crushed. Wilson's fingers of his right hand were caught in the handle of the machine. When working at the press Wastell'e right thumb got under the -tamp. While oiling a bearing on the overhead shafting Hourstons clothes were caught by the coupling-bolts of the shaft-coupling, and he wa wound round the shaft. When trying to place belt on pulley (without stopping machine) Bond's left thumb was entangled by a loose piece of rope, which had been wound round the countershaft. Sinclaire's thumb of his right hand came into contact with the saw. While standing near the lift-well Holloway was lowering the tailboard of cart when lie missed his footing and fell down the lift-well. While cleaning the machine, which was idle at the time, Davidson started it with the intention of wiping it as it revolved, with the result that the waste, he was using was drawn into the gearing, taking his thumb with it. When passing the engine West slipped on a piece of wood, and his ankle came into contact with the driving-belt. In attempting to put a belt on a pulley on the wrong side while in motion, the belting caught Nebon's clothes, and wound him round the shafting. When calling down the lift-well to a storcman, Shipton did not notice that tiie lift was descending. His head was jammed between the lift and closed gates at which he was standing. While hoisting sacks of grain with a rope round the shafting, a bight of the rope caught Cahill by the leg, hauling him on to the shaft R. E. Thome, Auckland Mincer .. .. Charles Matthews ; 'M years .. Kith July, 1913; fingers injured P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Punching .. C. Wilson ; 16 years 17th July, 1913 ; fingers injured.. Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited), Auckland The Momona Cooperative Dairy Factory Company, Momona Tin-tamping press H. Wassell; 17 years Shafting .. .. F. J. Hourston ; 30 years 24th July, 1913 ; thumb injured.. 26th July, 1913 j body injured .. Thompson and Hills, Auckland Canmaking .. \\. H. Bond ; 27 years 6th August, 1913 ; thumb lost .. James Craig and Co. (Limited), Oainaru Saw-bench .. Arthur Sinolaire ; 17 years .. 15th August, 1913; thumb injured H. E. Partidge and Co. (Limited), Auckland Hydraulic lift .. John Holloway ; 35 years 20th August, 1913 ; legs injured .. Cossens and Black (Limited), Dunedin Radial drill .. Thomas Davidson ; 14 years 2 1th August, 1913 ; thumb injured Thomas Epps, Ruatiti Portable engine .. George West ; 35 years 28th August, 1913 ; ankle injured.. Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Factory Company (Limited), Hawera Dairying .. George Nelson ; 28 years 12th September, 1913; sprained wrist and other injuries Kirkcaldie and Stains (Limited), Wellington Electric lift .. W. H. Shipton ; 28 years 13th September, 1913 ; head injured Gisborne Sheep Farmers' Frozen .Meat Company (Limited), Gisborne Grain-crusher .. Thomas Cahill; :fr> yean 16th September, 1913; arm and leg injured *



Tiratu Sawmilling Company, Ohakune Christchurch Meat Company (Limited), Islington Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), Mosgiel F. S. Chinnery, Woodend Log-hauler Circular saw Eric Bentley ; 23 years J. C'ooke ; 54 years 16th September, 1913; body injured When adjusting a wire rope on a drum while in motion Bentley's fingers were caught in it. He was wound round the drum, his left leg being dislocated, hands lacerated, head cut and body strained. Cooke's left hand came into contact with the saw. 19th September, 1913 ; three fingers lost 20th September, 1913 ; fingers lost Winding worsted .. Flax-dressing Mabel Craig ; 15 years L. McGuire ; 22 years 21st September, 1913 ; arm lost .. When working at machine Craig's forefinger of right hand was caught in the spur-wheels. McGuire was handling fibre at the scutcher, flicking the hanks out, when one that was twisted round his hand caught on the shaft, taking him with it. His left arm was torn off below the shoulder. The fingers of Gavan's left hand were caught in the rollers of the planing-machine. When working at machine Madden's right hand was caught in it. Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland E. Ellis and Co., Kaikorai i Planer C. T. Gavan ; 38 years 25th September, 1913; fingers injured 26th September, 1913 ; fingers injured 29th September, 1913 ; fingers injured Flock Henry Madden ; 52 years James G. Laurenson, Roslyn Dough-divider William Shears ; 30 years Through neglecting to close down the feed-box, Shears's right hand was caught in the knives, and the ends of three fingers were severed. While Bushbridge was fixing the friction-gear on the winch his coat was caught up by the shaft and he was drawn in. When working at the crane Davies' right hand was caught in the cog-wheel and crushed. While crosecutting slabs, Wood's little finger of his left hand came into contact with the saw. Tito's clothes were caught by the pin of the collar of revolving shaft and he was drawn on to the shaft. His body was bruised and his legs were lacerated. When sawing, the saw broke and a piece of it came into contact with Graham's first finger. While putting the sawdust-creeper on the pulley while in motion Curtis's finger ijot between creeper and pulley. Lane's right hand was caught in belting while changing speed of the machine. Through the rails spreading on the bridge the locomotive fell through, taking Dawson with it. His ribs were broken, shoulder was dislocated, legs were scalded, and his body was severely bruised. After ascending to the top floor, Lowe neglected to close the liftdoor. In the meantime some one moved the lift to the basement. Thinking that the lift was still there he stepped into the well, and had both his legs broken. When sawing a piece of timber Brown's fingers came into contact with the saw. While putting a belt on the pulley McGuigan's foot slipped and his fingers were caught in the pinions. Oliver was replacing a belt on a power-driven wall-fan, when his arm was caught between the belt and the pulley. While engaged at the machine Moir's hair was caught by the cogwheels, causing some to be torn out. The little finger of her left hand was also injured. Walli.- Syndicate Dredge, Moa Creek .. Winch-shafting P. Bushbridge ; 21 years 3rd October, 1913 ; ribs injured .. John McGregor and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland New Zealand Portland Cement Company (Limited), Auckland Crane Goose saw H. Davies ; ZU years E. G. Wood ; 18 years 4th October, 1913 ; finger injured.. 8th October, 1913 ; finger injured.. Conveyor to stonecrusner Henry Tito ; 22 years 10th October, 1913 ; body injured D.S.C. and Cousins and Cousins, Auckland D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland Band-saw W. Graham ; 24 years 10th October, 1913 ; finger injured Sawmill W. Curtis ; 35 years 14th October, 1913; finger injured A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Vertical drilling Thomas Lane ; 17 years loth October, 1913 ; thumb injured New Zealand Pine Company, Invercargill Locomotive George T. Dawson ; 49 years.. 20th October, 1913 ; body injured Wanganui Chronicle Company (Limited). Wanganni Electric lift John Lowe ; 38 years 23rd October, 1913 ; legs broken.. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Dunedin Circular saw T. A. Brown ; 35 years 25th October, 1913 ; fingers injured James W. McGuigan and Co., Glenledi Chaff-cutter James W. McGuigan, jun. ; 33 years D. J. Oliver ; 25 years 27th October, 1913 ; fingers injured Napier Woollen Company (Limited), Napier J. Wilkie and Co. (Limited), Dunedin.. Woollen plant 28th October, 1913 ; wrist injured Book-folding Lily Moir ; 15 years 31st October, 1913 ; finger injured


Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.


Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person Injured. Date of Accident, and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. E. N. Nalder and Co. (Limited), Nelson Woodworking Ross Grace ; 17 years 1st November, 1913; fingers injured 6th November, 1913 ; finger injured Grace's left hand came into contact with the knives. Andrews and Beaven (Limited), Christchurch Murrays Limited, Invercargill Emery wheel Power press for squaring patent caps for milk-tins Weaving * .. F. C. Reynolds ; 26 years H. M. Robertson ; 18 years .. 6th November, 1913; thumb injured When grinding a piece of wire Reynolds's finger got between the wheel and the wire. Robertson put pressure on the treadle of the machine while his left thumb was under the punch. Oainaru Woollen Factory Company (Limited), Oamaru James Craig and Co. (Limited), Oamaru Rose Sprott; 25 years 12th November, 1913 ; face injured A shuttle in a loom worked by another weaver flew out and struck Sprott on the face below the eve. When planing a piece of timber Blyth's left hand came into contact with the knives. A piece of wood struck Prisk on the head, stunning him for a short time. MoMurdo, while wheeling some clay near the disintegrator, slipped and his foot got into the machine. While reaching over to put a belt on, Hedgins's loose sleeve was caught by the cog-wheels. The flesh of his left arm was badly cut and torn. When planing a piece of timber Elder's left hand came into contact with the knives. Bowden was wiping some dough from the cutters, which were in motion, when his fingers touched the knives. While attempting to take the pill-mass out of the machine while it wa-s in motion, the knives of the kneader caught Naylor's fingers. Corlett, while attending to his duties, got his hand between the connecting-rod and the guide-column. McQueen was trying to remove a defective blank from the machine when his thumb was caught by the machine. Ware's left thumb came into contact with shearing-iron. Planing David Blyth ; 35 years 20th November, 1913 ; fingers injured 2+th November, 1913 ; head injured James McAndrew and Co. (Limited), Paeroa Thomas Todd and Sons (Limited), Waikiwi Limestone Brick Company (Limited), Tainui Saw-bench Sydney Prisk ; 23 years Disintegrator for crushing clay Brick-making James McMurdo ; 21 years .. 25th November, 1913 ; foot injured Frank Hedgins ; 27 years 2.5th November, 1913 ; arm injured J. Pomeroy and Co., Hamilton Planing David Elder ; 35 years 29th November, 1913 ; finger~ injured 2nd December, 1913 ; fingers injure 1 3rd December, 1913 ; finger injured Aulsebrook and Co., Christehurch Biscuit-cutting A. H. P. Bowden; 19 years .. Kerapthorne, Prosser, and Co., Dunedin Pill-mass kneading Thomas Naylor ; 18 years Belvedere Dairy Company, Carterton .. Steam-engine Charles Corlett; 26 years 5th December, 1913 ; fingers injured Murrays Limited, Invercargill Body forming for making milk-tins Shearing Isaac McQueen ; 21 years 11th December, 1913; thumb injured 22nd December, 1913 ; thumb injured 3rd January, 1914 ; internally injured P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchuroh Fairbrother and Co., Timaru.. Woodworking William Ware ; 47 years Charles Aburn ; 37 years While putting on a belt with the aid of a piece of wood the wood was caught by the spokes of the pulley and struck Aburn in the abdomen, causing rupture of the bowels. While inserting a drill in the machine while it was in motion Stables got his left thumb caught. Dow wa< cleaning the lathe while it was in motion. The piece of timber King was sawing flew back and struck him, bruising his chest and face. Wood was cleaning the machine while it was in motion, when the second finger of his right hand was caught in the cogs. The belt of the water-pump slipped off, and in trying to replace it Hodge's right hand was caught in it, and he was drawn on to the -haft. While feeding strips of caramel into the machine, Thornton got the tip of little finger of her left hand injured between the pressor and one of the knives. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Drilling A. W. Stables ; 20 years 5th January, 1914 ; thumb injured A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Wairarapa Daily Times, Mastorton Turning-lathe Circular saw Frank Dow ; 17 years John King ; 30 years 14th January, 1914 ; fingers injured loth January, 1914 ; chest and face jured 19th January, 1914 ; finger injured Printing .. T. ('. Wood ; 14 years Alton Cooperative Dairy Company (Limited), Alton Dairy factory F. Hodge : 20 years 22nd January, 1914 ; hand injured Aulsebrook and Co., Cliristcliurch Caramel-wrapping Edith Thornton ; 22 years .. 26th January, 1914 ; finger injured



and Co., Christchurch Caramel-rollers Thomas Johnston ; 21 years .. 2ith January, 1914; lingers injured 29th January, 1914 ; hand injured Johnston was feeding sugar dough into the machine when his right hand was caught by the rollers. When working at the machine Hoare's hand came into contact with the knives of the machine. Blair had taken a passenger to the third floor of the building, and he was descending, when the eye-bolts on which the lift was suspended carried away. The cage fell to the bottom of the well and Blair had both his legs fractured, and also received internal injuries. When planing a piece of timber Parker's left hand came into contact with the knives. Cameron was cutting a piece of iron when his right thumb was caught by the saw. While working at the machine the belt broke and struck Mowbray on the face and neck. Oubridge's hand slipped while planing a piece of timber, and his thumb came into contact with the knives. The balance-weights caught Larkin while he was oiling the lift machinery. Duggan's hand came into contact with the saw. Temuka Pipe-works, Temuka Earthenware- pipe making William Hoare ; 30 years New Zealand Insurance Company (Limited), Dunedin Electric lift William Blair ; 5.3 years 29th January, 1914 ; legs injured.. J. Parker and Sons, South Dunedin .. Woodworking B. Parker ; 47 years 2!)th January, 1914 ; ringers injured John McGregor and Co. (Limited), Dunedin C. and W. Hayward (Limited), Dunedin Circular saw R. Cameron ; 16 years 5th February, 1914 ; thumb injured Planing William Mow bray ; 28 years . . 10th February, 1914; neck and face injured 16th February, 1914; gthumb injured 17th February, 1914; elbow injured 20th February, 1914 ; hand injured Andersons Limited, Christchurch Planing H. Oubridge ; 55 years Robert L. Cleland, Auckland Electric lift John Larkin ; 62 years Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland D.S.C. and Cousins and Cousins (Limited), Auckland Clutha Timber and Hardware Company (Limited), Balclutha Philip, Foster, and Son, Timaru Rip-saw Buzz planer John Duggan ; 19 years N. Collingwood ; 24 years 27th February, 1914 ; fingers injured Collingwood's right hand slipped when planing a piece of timber, and touched the knives. When dressing a piece of timber MeKensde's left hand touched the knives. While removing a piece of wood from the saw Lamont's left hand came into contact with it. Meiklejohn got his fingers caught by the table of the planingmachine. While working at the machine Jacob's middle finger of right hand was jammed by it. In trying to reduce the air-supply to the ignition-tube, Murray inadvertently turned it off altogether, thus causing the dame to flash out of the ignition-pipe. While putting the belt on the driving-wheel Kirven's arm was caught between the belt and the coal-hopper, the forearm being fractured. Connolly was pulling the dough about in the mixer with his finger instead of using a stick. His finger was cut by one of the knives. When putting a belt on the combine-feeder Allard's thumb was caught between the belt and the pulley. Through not using sufficient care in placing leather in the rollers the forefinger of Burke's left hand was jammed. Woodworking Frederick McKenzie ; 28 years 28th February, 1914 ; fingers injured Saw-bench Cecil Lamont; 23 years 2nd March, 1914 ; fingers lost Cossens and Black (Limited), Dunedin Planing L. Meiklejohn ; 20 years 5th March, 1914 ; fingers injured.. J. Wilkie and Co. (Limited), Dunedin.. Book-stitching Ruby Jacobs ; 19 years 6th March, 1914 ; ringer injured .. S. Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), Nelson Gas-engine I , . O. Murray ; 47 years 7th .March, 1914 ; face burned .. New Zealand Portland Cement Company (Limited), Auckland Mechanical stoker Charles Kirven ; 36 years 8th March, 1914 ; arm injured Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Lozenge-dough mixer John Connolly ; 15 years 12th March, 1914 ; finger injured.. Giles and Holland, Clarkville Threshing Charles Allard ; 44 years 20th March, 1914 ; thumb lost .. Hal Goodacre, New Plymouth Leather-rollers Absy Burke ; 24 years 28th March, 1914 ; finger injured..



Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1914.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Takapuna Dairy Company (Limited), Devonport Ora Flax-milling Company, Foxton .. Robert Holt and Sons, Napier Chri-tchurcli Meat Company (Limited), Pukeuri Countershaft Gas-engine Traction-engine Electric fan Edgar Walters ; 49 years G. F. Chambers ; 34 years Allan Nicholson ; 25 years Thomas Blair; 27 years 2nd December, 1913 ; spine injured 19th February, 1914; body and limbs broken and torn 4th March, 1914 ; crashed 2Gth March, 1914 ; arm broken .. Walters was standing on a ladder filling a tank. He must have reached too far back, as a screwed pin on the collar of the shaft caught his clothing at the back of his neck and wound him round the shaft. He received severe injuries to his spine, causing partial paralysis. It is surmised that Chambers was taking off the air-pump belt with his hand when it caught him and drew him on to the pulley and shafting, causing instantaneous death. The steering-chain around the front axle came loose while the engine was going down a cutting. The engine got beyond control and capsized over a bank, pinning Nicholson under the draw-bar of wagon, causing death. Blair was showing some visitor through the works, and on opening the door leading off the freezing-chambers, his arm was caught in the fan. His arm was broken, necessitating amputation. His death resulted. Roche was endeavouring to get the clinkers out of the fire while standing on the pontoon, instead of .standing on the platform, which revolves with the crane. When reaching over the high guard round platform, the guard jammed him against the water-tank, causing such injuries that lie died on the way to the hospital. Auckland Harbour Board, Auckland .. Priestman dredge .. Denison Roches ; 21 years 30th March, 1914 ; fatal



Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Extra First-class Stationary, Competency.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: First-class Stationary, Service.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: First-class Stationary, Competency.

10— H. 15.

Name of Person Date of w . Issue. No - Francis Kenworthy .. Donald Benjamin Robb Hans Lawrence Larsen Norman Hunter Jack Frederick Theodore Okeby 1913. .. May 28 „ 28 July 7 7 7 88 89 90 91 92

Name of Person. I Date of w „ Issue. No Charles Robert Hubbard Cecil Edwin Bryant.. John Dudley Holmes 1913. .. Nov. 19 „ 19 1914. .. Feb. 24 93 94 96

Name of Person. Date of N Issae. B0 - John Galium Hugh McDonald Herbert Francis O'Donnell Victor Albert Cecil Jarvis John Samuel Nicholson William Brentnall John Griffin 1913. May 28 „ 28 Julv 7 7 Nov. 19 „ 19 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715

Name of Person. Date of iiIssue. No ' Albert Percy Williams Dudley Starr William McLean Patrick Morris Alfred Edwin Curtis 1913. Nov. 19 1914. Feb. 24 ., 24 „ 24 „ 24 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720

Name of Person Date of w « Issue. No - Horace Percy Crouch Rothwell Frederick Henry Kennedy John Orr Gilmour Thomas William Hope Samuel Richard Vince John Cameron Lindsay William Henry Rigby Bertram George Badham George James Black John Chapman Samuel George Veale Harold Edgar Bond.. Frank Augustus Pearce t . George Edward Wilson Ernest Frederick Parlato ,".. Hans Lawrence Larsen George Herbert Wadlcy Henry Bignell James Learmonth Alfred Theodore Childs Thomas Mason Ellis Levi James James Smeaton Smith John Alexander Adams Ronald Tomas Barley Frederick William ('alvcrley .. John Arthur Wright Harry Anthony Davies i leorge Ferguson Joseph Reginald Parker William Thomas Gilbert John Brown McAlisler William Morgan Aamold Joseph Brooke James William Lockhead Bradlv Joseph McCormick 1913. May 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 .. 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 July 7 ,, ' ,, 7 Aug. 26 „ 26 .. 26 .. 26 .. 26 ., 26 .. 26 „ 26 ,. 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 ., 26 „ 26 Nov. 19 „ 19 „ 19 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 162!) 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 103.-, 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 16-13 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 I 651 1652 1653 1654 1655

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. John Dobbie Sporle.. Amos Frederick Cheshire Albert Siddall Wilson MeKie Charles Osborne Harrison Roland Henry Wood Frederick Wright James Allan George < tardner Joseph Taylor MeEwan John Jones Thomas Jordan James John Keene William Alexander Barclay . . James Rutherford Ellis Thomas Porterfield D.ivid Dove Harry Williamson Tipping James Ferber Spargo William Alfred Turvey James Francis Lilly. . Alfred Livingston Charles Leonard Aleves Donald Matheson Mitchell Gordon Hall Norman Boy Joseph Greenwood John Aloysious Leslie Samuel McBridc • lames William Groves Arthur Bcckwith John Dowling Marshall William Meagher Arthur Whitaker Harold ('live Frame. . 1913. Nov. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 .. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 10 „ 19 .. 19 .. 10 191 I. Feb. 24 .. 24 „ 24 .. 24 „ 24 „ 24 ,. 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 » 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 .. 2t .. 24 1656 1657 I65S 16511 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 166.-. 1666 1687 I 60S 1669 167(1 1671 1672 L673 1671 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 16S! 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 168S 1689



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency.

Name of Person. Date of I ■»_ Issue. j No - James Mudie Reginald Symes Tunnicliff August Switalli Arthur William Fitzmauriee .. Austin Edmund Lines Edward Norris Thomas Porter Albert Francis Hall Alexander Davidson Lawson .. James Thomas Graham James Edward Duncan Henry Albert Coom Herbert James Bennett Edmund Joseph Flavin Harry Lawrence Thomas Henry Wheeler Alexander Steel Christopher George W T alsh Arthur George Rutter Burgo Fred Firth Leonard Hamilton James McCarthy Herbert Hugh Rogers Robert Holland Taylor Jethro Beaugardis Fryer Robert Mawhinney Samuel Ernest Meredith Edmund Barton Parker Richard John Pullen John Thomas Vaughan Whitfield John Feeney Samuel Heaton Finch Edward Mulcarc William McTaggart John Tunnell James John Williams Alexander Joseph Devcreux .. George Francis Grant Metcalf Charles Henry Wilson John Jcnkin Collier Timothy John Downing Herbert James Allison John Arms Michael William Beattie Ernst Oswald Forester Stuart Hellier Hubert John Petch William Henry Rigby Albert Edward Bagrie Charles Calder Ralph Erskine George Henry Baker Fitzmauriee John McGillivray. jun. » Andrew Clark Roberts James Shearer George William Wilson Denis O'Connell Alexander Grey Eraser Edward Brady George Harold Robert Mason James Brown Scott Brown .. Joseph Underhill Albert Ernest Ritchie Frederick William Norden Joseph Oliver Toole. . William Templeton George Watkins William Henry Way Leonard Clarence Whitelaw .. Olbert George Rogers Frederick Alexander Stevenson Peter Walsh Alexander George Watson John Fowler Black Cyril Wakeling Lowe William Hislop Campbell William John Kerr John Lawson James Hugh McMillan 1913. May 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 ,. 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 ., 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 .. 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 ., 28 „ 28 „ 28 ., 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 ., 28 ., 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 Julv 7 7 7 „ 7 7 7 7 7 Aug. 26 ,. 26 „ 26 .. 26 .. 26 .. 26 „ 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3S05 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855

Name of Penon Date of kt a Issue. ! No ' James Clifton Turk David Cunningham Anthony Karll Ckluge George John Outsell William Leonard Fletcher Amoret Louis Fleury Walter John Knowles John Witton Swede.. < Kenneth Levoni Aiken Robert Kay Hans Valdemar Nielsen Joseph Henry Walmsley Duncan Livingston McAllum.. George Hoffman Robert Wilkie Porter Robert Smith Archibald Goreton Frank Cooke William Clancy Charles Cameron Philip Henry Gerald Waters .. Victor George Judd Robert Henry Stokes Richard Polkinghorne William Patrick O'Brien George Gladstone Coutts George Joseph Arnold Gordon Blair James Naismith Fleming George Ritchie Hendry John Wilson David Thomas Curno Albert Wishart Sidney Clarkson Smith Alexander Starkie Robinson .. John Kay Milne Robert Benjamin Skilton Bertram Hunter Charles David Boniface Andrew William Boyes John Henderson John Reid Inglis William Henry Raymond Mein William Millar Steuart Milne Frederick Henry Russell Albert John Bird Charles Henry Bowman Charles George Chappie Henry Gordon Slade Crosbie.. Joseph Gabriel Jabez Silas Greenhill James Hugh Harvey Hilton Ernest Alfred Hun-ell.. Percival Andrew Lundberg Frederick William McCormick David Penny Wilson Scott Robert Laidlaw Paterson John Love Ralph Hankins Ernest Jones Jacob Allen Charles Gough Lewis Denny Higham Hubert Hart Thomas Shields Thomas Dunlop George Valdemar Thomson .. Cecil Houston Robert Scott William Edward Stanton Peter Thomas Aitken Hector Francis Brooks William Albert Henry Brown John William Clarke Henry Alfred Coward Frederick Eddelstone Lewis Edward Kennedy 1913. Aug. 26 .. 26 ., 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 ,. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 .. 26 „ 26 ,. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 „ 26 .. 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 ,. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 Nov. 19 .. 19 „ 19 „ 19 .. 19 „ 19 .. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ., 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 ,. 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 3S56 3S57 3858 3851 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3870 3877 387f 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3886 3886 3887 3888 388!) 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3896 3896 3897 3898 3879 3900 3901 3902 3903 3901 3!l(i: 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 393U 3931 3932 3933 3934


Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc.— continued. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency —continued.

Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency.


Name of Pereori. Date of w „ Issue. No Benjamin Hill Robert Houston McCallum .. James Sim Philip Arthur Jane Alexander Baird William Hayes Rawcliffe Alfred William Osborne Ernest Albert Wright John Bissett Frderick Broncher George Albert Browning John Henry Frisby Archibald Amos Jenson (leorge Miller James Peace William Walker William Woods James Ashurst Walton Baty Joseph Dalzell John Edward Nicholls Robert Thomson Abbot, jun. William Baird Charles Edward Joseph George Montgomery William Thomas Reach Harvey Buckland Drower William Elliott John Jenkins Robert Lees Archibald James Campbell McKim William Alexander Barclay .. Angus McLci ii I lames Eraser McLachlan Andrew Duff John James Kinsella Michael Bourke John Campbell William Crawford John Herbert Earl Albert James Hoporoft Walter Henry Milne 1913. Nov. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ., 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 .. 19 .. 19 .. 19 „ 19 .. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ., 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976

Name of Person. Date of •« Issue. No Matthew John Molloy John MoCaul Pardon Henry James Watson Piyde . . Lewis Edward Penwright Thomas Bunting George James Grant John James Price John James Robinson Charles Oliver Rowlands William Rae Hume Irwin Baldwin John Meade Benjamin Boyd Sharplin Ernest Bertram Barnes Beda Dorflinger Alexander McPherson Frank Herbert Nicholls Charles Stanley Nicholson Richard Savage Leonard Adams Sidney May Harry Mills Lupton Gardiner Charles Christie Palmer George William Lawrence Palmer George Brown Scotland Albert Michael Andrew Millynn George Spice Digby Lyne William John Sampson Charles James Hawkes Thomas Brown Noah Hingley Terence Alexander McGowan Peter Duncan Peter Jenkins Carl William Schwieters Patrick Twomey Ernest William Horniblow Arthur Shaw 1913. Nov. 19 „ 19 „ 19 1914. Feb. 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 .. 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 .. 24 „ 24 .. 24 „ 24 „ 24 .. 24 „ 24 ,. 24 „ 24 „ 24 ., 24 „ 24 .. 24 ., 24 ., 24 „ 24 ,. 24 „ 24 „ 24 ., 24 ,. 24 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4001 4002 400:, 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 ion;

Name of I'eison. Date of v. lame. No - 9 A !br rt Charles Bairstow . ; Alexander Holmes .. Morrison Hilary Theodore Denley Thomaa Ralph Kearton Joseph Costello Crank Harold Williams William Thomas Gilbert Thomaa William Ollington . . Sydney Herbert Delap Godfrey Frank Frederick Lowe Patriok Manning Walter James Gudrell William Henry Duff Knox .. John Henderson Willetts Ernest Dennis Arthur Hannibold Lowry .. William Thomas Shufflebotham Robert Turnbull Alexander Kildare John Glen Trchibald Hunter Ahomas Pedar James Olsen.. Thomas Carley Richard Andrews .. 1913. May 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 .. 28 „ 28 ,, 28 „ 28 ,. 28 ., 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 » 28 2754 275.-) 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 27(i:i 27<>4 2766 27(i(i 2707 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 277:i 2774 2775 2770 2777 2778

Name of Person. 0, I »<>. William Lionel Sommerville Thomas Carruthers George Alexander Thomson Milne David Thompson Brown Athol Vinson McNeil Walter Blair Hugh Kennedy Thomas Edward O'Brien Richard Cornelius Sutherland Maxwell Winders .. Walter James Pentecost Archibald Arrol Stewart • lolm MuMnster George MoArthur Brown Eidward Jamee Beker Corbet Thomas Miles George Soutter Cyril Francis Conway Alfred Earnest Gilbert Arthur Robinson John Orr Gilmour Oliver Sidney Shute Ernest Frederick Parlato George Cecil Coleman John Godfred VVratt 1913. May 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 „ 28 .. 28 ., 28 ., 28 .. 28 .. 28 July 7 „ 7 „ 7 >> 7 ., 7 >> 7 „ 7 »» 7 „ 7 Aug. 26 „ 26 „ 28 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 27811 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 278li 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803



Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency —continued.

Name of Person. Date ol I^sue. No. Albert Edwin Bin-roll Herbert Frederiok Hubbard. . Robert Morton Christopher John MoDonnel] John Rowlands Henry Charles Clothier .Michael Murray Fredrick John Nunan Arthur Ashley liyde Mileon George Harry Thome Francis William Smith Thomas < Irawford Alexander ( humming John Finlayson Willie Leonard Gudsell Wilfrid Thomas Lill William Marshall George Miohael Montgomery William McLaren .. Eric Olof Norling .. beonard Original Pasooe John Stanley Walker George ('ochrane Burghess Wilfred Curphey Robert Houliston, jun. Neil Hacdonald John Alexander Roos Henry Albert Soufflot, jun. Sidney Rowland Vbusden Amos William Moore Robert Blackhall Stewart Charles IJobert Garnham Charles Gardener Fitness George Stewart Leonard Metcalfe Lane IV nee George Bridgman Albert Cole Evander Mad >er John (Jre Thomas Curtis Swale Robert .lames .Murdoch John MoLeary Alfred Luff i Ihristopher Leek Malciilin Allan Gray John Boyd Maurice Francis ( unnor 11 en iv Alfred Dovey John Graham Alan Morley Jaokson John George Langford ( liarles Itennie William Sheppard John Alexander Adams Francis Hubert Andrew Henry Thomas Graves Cunningham .. Robert Knight King Alexander Stewart McCfostee George MoLeod Charles James Prosser Thomas Millar Reid Frederick Henry Russell John Scott Gavin Dickson John O'Doimell David Miller Pettigrew John Lalor William Baxter 1913. Aug. 26 » 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 ., 26 ,. 20 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 20 „ 26 „ 20 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ 26 Nov. I!) „ 19 .. L9 „ 19 .. lit „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. 19 ., 19 .. I!) „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. 19 >. 19 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 281. , ) 2814 281.-, 2810 2817 2818 281!) 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2820 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2830 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2S.VI 2866 2866 2857 2858 2869 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2866 2800 2807 2S(iS 2869 287(1 2871

Name of Peraoa. Date ol „„ Issue. ■ Br - Daniel Frederick McEnnis .. William Patrick O'Brien Harold .lames Taylor .lohn James Thomas Arthur Fisher Louis Seymour Francis Albert John Eerkt Ernest Edwin Meyer Albert John Squire Thomas Cyril Richardson William Arthur Batchelor George Adcock Bell Henry Butters Aif Inn- Capon, jim. Samuel Douglas Robert Burns Doyle Walter Dunn Edgar Hildebrand Arthur Leslie Hills Victor George Clement Martin An Inn Read Herbert Schumacher William Reid Strachan Alexander Taylor Edward Claude Tiinmcr William Henry Harbidge Thomas Milne James Spence Borwiek Robert Robson, jun. John Miller Alonzo Willcock George Walter Broadley Henry Andrew Watson 1913. Nov. 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 >, 19 „ 19 „ 19 .. I!) „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 ,. l<1 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 „ 19 1914. Feb. 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 >, 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 » 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 >, 24 .. -M „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 ,. 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 „ 24 ., 24 >, 24 „ 24 „ 24 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2880 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2890 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 Thomas Bowman Joseph Morrell Thomas John Lister John Edward Mudiori I Kenneth Bertram Mcllae i leorge < iolligan Peter John Biggins Herbert Capon Charles Henry Havelock Sharplin William Whitford Charles Harold Bodle John Harold Conder Frederick Croft James Thomas Levings Horace Edward Rowlands .. George Wight William John Krister William Cotter Charles Ernest Dyson William Thomas Kirkpatrick George Lane Peter McLachlan Aubrey William Scot I John Birss Leonard Harley William Leipst Harry Peter Nelson Albert Edward Thurston Ai i<-k Leonard, jun. John Edward Jones Augustus Brydges Stratford Henniker I In pert George Skilton Alexander Gall 2905 2906 2907 2908 2!)0!) 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2916 2910 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2920 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937



Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Winding, Competency.

Return of Electric-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Electric Winding, Competency.

Name of Ptrsoii Date of Isaue. No. Albert Edward Victor Denize Edward MoGuinneaa John MoLintook, jun. George Herbert Wadley Patrick Galway James Berry Stevenson Duncan Phillip McKay Thomas Wadsworth Charles Joseph Ernest Beanlands 1913. May 28 „ 28 July 7 „ 7 Aug. 2(i „ 26 „ 20 „ 26 „ 26 500 501 502 603 504 605 606 507 j 508

Name ol Person. Date of Issue. So. John Brown McAllister Thomas Murray George Wall Lowes John (ireene 1013. Aug. 26 508 Nov. 1!) 510 .. 19 511 „ 19 512 1914. Fob. 24 513 „ 24 514 „ 24 516 James Andrew Fleming Edmund Barton Parker Patriok Mahon

Name of Person. Date ot ■ Sn Issue. No Aickin Charles .lames Edward Allison James Allison Percy John Bagwell Alexander Walter Bird William Brentnall . . John Brown John C'arless .. • .. Samuel Dickey .. Charles Robert Donstan ' Frederick Walter Duschka .. William Larkin Elllery Charles Eustace Charles Henry Eustace John Patrick Kartell Charles Gartside Alexander Jamee Hall William IWlou Houghton .. Albert Edward Ingl is Victor Albert Cecil Jarvis .. Evan G. Jenkins Matthew, Jensen Henry Brennan Kerr L913. July 7 7 7 .. 7 7 7 7 7 :: ! - ", 7 .. 7 7 .. 7 ,. 7 .. 7 ;: ? „ 7 1 2 3 4 r> 6 7 8 !l 1(1 I I 12 18 14 15 it; 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:s I

Name of Person. rr' *■ Walter Henry Charles Langdon Robert Thomas Bruce Maokie Joseph Morgan Hull Ingram Murphy John Callum Hugh McDonald William David Lindsay McLean Alfred Ernest Robinson William Samson Benjamin Sheard Albert Thomas Couohe Stevans Thomson • lames Robertson Thomson .. Jaketh Joseph Wearne John Whitehouse Albert Percy Williams Charles Simmons Wilson Edward Patton John Joseph Wall Harry Williams Thomas Harris Harrison William Wall Duncan Phillip McKay 1913. .. July 7 ,,7 ,,7 .,7 ,,7 ,,7 .. „ 7 7 I .. „ - ., 7 ,,7 .,7 :: :: \ .. ..7 :: :: ? ,,7 .. Aug. 26 .. Nov. 19 ,,19 1014. .. Feb. 24 j 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4:s 44 45

n. -is


Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1913, to the 31st March, 1914. Class of Certificate: Electric-tram, Competency.

Name of Person. 0 ' *> Charles Frederick Cotterill .. James John Duke Isaac Stevenson James Campbell Stuart Frederick Charles Williams .. William George Free Frederiok William Bezar Thomas Glengarry Albert Edgar Jessup Charles Stuart Morton William Johnson Moss Charles Edgar Neal Leon Simon Thomas Henry Tankard Daniel Tohill James Edward Tullett George Robert White George Crosbie William John Henry Kissell Archibald Frederick Waters.. William Hall Hilton Scarborough Smith .. Alfred Thomas Author Alexander Black William Craigie Butchart George Fowlie John Penny George Russell Wilfred Patrick Stone Albert John Tutill John Edward Wareing George Jocelyn Ward Reginald Moreton Young Robert James Binmore Alexander Cowan Murdock .. John James Black Aubrey Grant Frederick William Howe Thomas Hudson Albin Waldemar JaoobsoD .. i:irli;ird Me William Sydney Henry Newstead Maurice O'Connor . . Joseph Rowberiy Sydney Trippiear Anthony Ball Albert Walter Dixon r. John Femyhough .. Charles Edward Gatfield '" .. Stephen ' !harles Hamblin Duncan MoDougall. . James John Nixon Walter Erneet Wadams William James Wai son William Henry Newall Harold Booth John William Chapman Robert Sherwin Cowan Richard Freeman Daniels .. William Henry Johnson Forslind Henry Edgar Gilbert lames Glendinning .. 1913. June I 7 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 „ 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 ., 17 .. 17 .. 17 ., 17 ., 17 ,. 17 ., 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 17 „ 17 .. 17 „ 17 .. 17 „ 17 .. 17 „ 17 „ 17 .. 17 .. 17 ., 17 .. 17 .. 17 Aug. 20 ., 20 „ 26 .. 26 .. 26 .. 26 „ 26 „ 26 ., 20 „ 26 ., 26 .. 20 „ 26 ., 26 .. 20 ., 26 ,. 26 .. 26 .. 26 ., 20 Nov. 17 „ 17 .. 17 7 .. 17 ,. 17 „ 17 „ 17 237 238 239 24U 241 242 243 244 245 246 243 248 24!) 250 251 252 253 254 255 250 257 258 259 200 261 202 203 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 27!) 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 28!) 290 2!)1 292 293 294 295 296 297 298

Name o< Person. Date of -u. Issue. No - Mark Hedleyj£| gf.. Percy Porthous Joseph Saigon Henry George Such William Wallace .. Alfred George Kin» Frederiok Charles Taylor Christopher John Holloway .. Walter William Mann Albert Edwin Huggins Alfred .John Hoare Thomas Elliott Edwin Charles Sadler Jordan Bradbury James Walls Leslie Beaumoni Miller Henry Douglas Galbraith William Logan Burgess Frank John Denzer Blaekgrove John Reid Cowley Alexander MoWilliarn Buchen Edward Ward Anderson Peter Torrie William Harland .. James Allan Paterson George William Hil I William David Pool Bertram Marshall Officer Hugh George Astir John MoGinley Harold Walter Beok Henry Arthur Banking Frederick Leslie Roy [nder .. William Harley Dear Murdoch MacRae Frederick Cranston Joseph Moody Hugh Joseph MoCaffery John Frederick Turner Alexander George Barnes Charles Geole Leonard Reeves Frederiok John Stone John Wakefield Williams .. Albert Lorenson . . 1913. Nov. 17 29!) „ 17 300 „ 17 301 „ 17 302 „ 17 303 „ 17 304 „ 17 305 „ 17 300 „ 17 307 „ 17 308 „ 17 309 „ 17 310 „ 17 311 .. 17 312 „ 17 313 .. 17 314 ,. 17 315 „ 17 310 ., 17 317 „ 17 318 „ 17 319 „ 17 320 „ 17 321 „ 17 322 „ 17 323 .. 17 324 .. 17 325 „ 17 320 ,. 17 327 ,. 17 328 ., 17 329 „ 17 330 „ 17 331 „ 17 332 „ 17 333 „ 17 334 „ 17 335 „ 17 330 „ 17 337 ,. 17 338 „ 17 339 „ 17 340 „ 17 341 „ 17 342 „ 17 343 1914. Mar. 10 344 „ 10 :!4.-, „ 10 346 „ 10 :i47 „ 10 34K „ 10 348 „ 10 .')•">(» „ 10 861 „ 10 I 352 „ 10 J 353 „ 10 :ir>4 „ id 356 „ 10 35K „ 10 367 „ 10 358 John James McCann Patrick Cronin Harold Cawood Edwards Amos Shilson Gimbletl Leopold Douglas Daniel Harvey .John Fletcher Oosford • lames Turner William Slater Donald MoKenzie Charles Patrick Fitzpatriok .. James Alfred Webb Milton Thornton Elliott George Riddell Holmes Charles John Johnston Wilfred Henry Norris


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers inspected which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boilor. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class ol Driver required. auc: tLAND DISTRICT. • Adolph. P. W. Alcook Bros. \!iii. Woolsey \;i]iiurvs Limited Patujnahoe Whangarei Dargavillo Eelensville Mangere Newton Coromandol Avondale General Quarry Sawmill Dairy purp aes . . Creamery 7 12 16 18 36 75 20 72 71 8 303-6 ti and 9 7 and II. 1 , Two s. 1 , 10 12 13 8 and 13 20 20 (i and 9J Two sets 21, 23 and 48 Two sets 17, 24 J and 37J Two sets 17, 24 J and 37£; two sets 21, 31 and 48 Ditto Two sets 171, 24J and 27J Ditto ,. flj and H! 14J .. 6 and 10 Looomol ive and t racl ion. Second class. Armstrong Gold-dredging Company .. Aiickl.nd Brick and Pottery Company Dredging Brick-works First oil . it >* Auckland City Council Aucklaiiil ii • ■ Road-roller Electric powerstation Ditto .. Locomotive and traction First class. 303-5 »> ,, ,, 303-6 Electric light 303-6 303-6 »» »» (lount Eden Otahuhu Western Springs Road-roller Stone-crushing .. Abattoirs Pumping 303-5 51 t>1 45 26 40 40 5 123 26 and 42 Locomotive and traction First class. Seoond First class. Auckland Electric Tramway Company Auckland Road-roller Power-station 6J 17 and 34, 18J, 27 and 38£ Ditto .. Locomotive and traction Firsi class. yt »* »» 'i »» »» »> »» »» • ■ >» • • »» • • 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 2 45 7(i 84 84 84 100 Auckland Exhibition Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company Wonderland 1'ark Auckland Hauling Refrigerating Two 3.. I I and 20 8, 10, 19, and 28.. 8 and 10 Locomotive and traction Eirei class. WVsi'field »» • • Auckland Q*e Company Auckland Gasworks Two turbines r>0 B.H.P., one 12, one 12, four 7, two 8 Nil >> Auckland General Hospital. . Steaming Laundry Dredging Second class. Auckland Sarbour Board . . m _— ■ — t> • * »» • * »» ' * t> ■ • Calliope Dock .. Auckland Pile-driving Pumping »» • ■ »» ■ • Sheer-legs Machine-shop .. Freezing Sawmill Dredging Laundry Woodworking .. Box-factory Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Steaming Idle Hauling r,7 45 83 93 34 19 2(1 Sβ Sβ Sβ 12 12 2.-. 26 55 34 20 13 72 64 si 8 Hi HI 30 s s 12 and 24 Iβ, 26, and 43 .. Two 10 Two 84, Two 33 14 and 14 12 12 13 Two 12^, 8£ and 14J !) II 13 Iβ 54 and 10 13 13 and 14 Two 14 (>£ and 10 7 and 11 l-'irst class. Second class. First class. Second class. Auckland Meat ('ompany Auckland Riniu Timber Company .. Auckland Shingle Company (Limited) Auckland Steam Laundry Company.. Auckland Veneer and Timber Company Bagnall Bros. First class. Second class. Onehunga Bisset, J. E. Bradley and Multiiis Brett Publishing Company Bright, L., and Co. Browne, S. G. Turin Opuawhanga Near Thames Auckland Aoroa Opuawhanga First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. »»


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


Name 01 Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes (or which used. Horsepower of Boiler. D A&°L c fflr <*» * m~ »***• Campbell, and Co. Cashmore Bros. Chambers, John, and Son (Limited).. Christie, H. Clow, T. R. AUCKLA] Auckland Cox's Creek Auckland district Motatau Papatoetoe Auckland districtMount Eden \T> DISTRICT— eonti Beer-boiling Sawmill Hiring out Hauling Inued. 60 64 24 8 7 5 70 Nil 18& .. Si Two 6| 8 8 84 Second class. First class. Locomotive and tract ion. Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited) Colonial Sugar-refining Company Ammunition-works Second class. Chelsea Sugar-refining .. 38 38 38 38 38 35 35 35 168 Two 24 First class. >) • • »» ■ • Five 16, three 14, two 22, two 24 Ditto Cook, H. F., and Co. Cost ley Home Dargaville Sash and Door Factory Company Dargaville Timber Company Whangamumu .. Epsom.. Dargaville Boiling-down Heating Sash and door factory Sawmill 168 190 83 50 30 One 64, two 7 J .. 6 .. .. II Second class. 30 25 12 12 Devonport Borough Council Takapuna Pumpiim 16 16 30 43 35 8 25 26 20 64 25 8 13 40 9 52 II 52 25 25 8 40 23 «i 4 45 45 36 9 and 16 First class. »> • • Dominion Laundry Donaghy and Co. .. Drury Brick and Tile Company Easson and Co. Foreshore Gold-dredging Company .. Franklin County Council Fraser, G., and Sons Gammans Limited Gibbons,"R. P. (Limited) .. Auckland Drury Waima Thames Franklin district Auckland Omanawa Hikurangi >> ■ • Laundry-work .. Hope-works Hauling Brickworks 25 Sawmill Dredging General work Ironworks Hauling Sawmill Hauling Sawmili Hauling Sawmill 13 and 14 9 Two 10£ Two 7 . . 15 10 8 and 13 Compound Band 10 6f and 10 Two 7 .. Two 7J 18 Two 6J 16 Twti 6^ One I. , !. 1 ,, one 14 20 20 64 and 10 14 10 Nil 44 and 6| Two 10 Second class. First class. Locomotive and fraction. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and tract ion. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and trad ion, Second class. First class. », ,, Taita'i Tangowahine Auckland Goldie," David Opuawhanga Tutukaka Newmarket Hauling Sawmill Brew 1 Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. Great Northern Brewery Grey Lynn Borough Council Hancock and Co. (Limited) Auckland Kliybcr Pass Road-roller Brewery Locomotive and traction Second class. Hauiaki Reefs Gold-mining Company Coromandel Pumping and winding Meal-works 20 First class and winding. ■ Westfleld Hellaby, R. and W. (Limited) 62 45 79 Two 26 First class. Auckland Freezing One 12, one 12. one 8, one 8 Ditto Two 10, two 6 .. Two 84 »> Second olass. Hikurangi Coal Company .. Hikurangi Pumping Pumping and hauling Ditto Sawmill 79 25 15 Kauri Timber Company Auckland Kiiikopiini Koutu Hauling Sawmill 25 35 50 50 o0 50 10 50 Sβ 56 8 10 23 20 50 65 22 Two 10, one 14 25 Two 20 16 Two 8 .. 144 .. 16 16 Two 7J First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Motatau Hauling Locomotive and trad ion, Mount Eden Pukete Te Kopuru Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill llf" •• '■'■ Two 8 .. 20 20 14J .. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Box-factory >>


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.

11— H. 15.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAN] DISTRICT— contin; Tβ Kopuru Waipuna ». Kauri Timber Company jj ■ • • • ,j • • • • ,j jj • • • • ,, jj • • • • it • ' ' ' Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. jj jj jj ■ • King, H. '!. ".. .. Kiripaka Sawmill Company Knight, B. L. Komata Reefs Gold-mining Company »» • • Whangapara tt • ■ »» • • Whitianga t> • • Wcstfield '.'. Pukete.. Ngunguru Tamaki Komata Fire-pump Sawmill jj • • jj • • jj •« jj • ■ jj • • Fire-engine Chemical-works.. Log-hauling Sawmill Crushing 24 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 65 65 24 25 26 118 8 68 45 25 38 105 9 20 14 30 36 36 74 20 27 25 8 6 25 25 17 16 16J and 17! Two ic ** • • »> • • 26 26 8 14 14 16 9J Two 13 One 14J, one I I 14J .. 13 18 and 36 Two 6£ Two 11 Two 8J 10 12J .. Two 10 16J .. 10 11 10 6£ and 10J 5J and 9 9 J and 16 First-class. jj. »» Second i First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. »» Second i First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. jj Lamb, R. S., and Co. Hoanga Omana Totara North .. Sawmill Hauling Sawmill jj j» • • Lane, T. M., and Sons Laurie Bros. Leyland and O'Brien jj • • Waikumete Auckland Brick-works Sawmill Mechanics Bay ., Whangarei Paeroa.. Onehunga Pukekohe district Manukau County Onehunga jj • • First class. Second class. Lovatt, C."r. McAndrew, James, and Co. Mclntyre, James McSheen Bros. Manukau County Council Manukau Water-supply Board jj • • Joinery-works . . Sawmill Ironworks General jj Locomotive and traction. jj • • Pumping jj First class. jj • • Maungatapere Co - operative Dairy Company Melville, B. Mennie, J. M. (Limited) Moffitt, H. J. Mountain Rimu Timber Company .. Mount Albert Borough Council >j • • Maungatapere .. jj • • Butter-factory .. 8 .. Second olass. Avondale Auckland Otahuhu district Mamaku Avondale Mount Albert Mount Eden Waitawhata Newmarket Thames Sawmill Confectionery General Hauling Pumping 5 88 6 12 20 20 5* 21 20 35 32 40 107 Nil 8 Two 7 J Hi and 17| Locomotive and traction. Second i Locomotive and traction. t> First class. .Mount Eden Borough Council Nesbitt and Irving Newmarket Borough Council .New May Queen Gold-mining Company New Moanataria Gold-mining Company New Saxon Gold-mining Company .. New Sylvia Gold-mining Company .. New Zealand Crown Mines Gold-mining Company Ditto Road-roller Log-hauling Road-roller Winding 5J and II Two 8£ 5Jand"'.l 9 and Iβ Two 12 12 13 20 J and 30, 14 .. Locomotive and traction. Second Locomotive and 11 Winding. Tararu Creek Karangahake Air-compressor .. Electric generator Second class. First class. jj • • Crushing 107 56 56 45 17 and 25 !! jj >» jj ■ • • • • • >j • • jj ■ • Pumping and winding Ditto Butter-factory .. Dredging Two 10, one 14 .. Winding. jj • • New Zealand Dairy Association New Zealand Government (Lands Department) Ditto New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) New Zealand Government (Public Works Department) New Zealand Laundry Company New Zealand Packing Company Pukekohe Piako Swamp .. 45 42 9 Two l6' Two 9£ Second Avondale Steaming 9 30 jj • • 7 and 9 Hoteo Stone-crushing .. 16 Two 9.. Auckland Matangi Laundry Condensed - milk factory Cement-works .. 43 05 10 Nil >> jj New Zealand Portland Cement Company Limestone Island 96 16 and 24, one turbine of 400 h.p. Ditto .. First class. jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj jj • • jj • • jj • • Hauling Traction Mining.. 96 90 50 50 20 4 65 Two 5| Two ii; Two 10, two 8, one 14 Two 10 5J Two 4f Two 9 j> Locomotive and traction. Niccol, George Northern Coal Company .. New Lynn Hikurangi Winding. ,, . . . . j, • • Kiripaka Waro .. Hauling 68 20 10 14 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Mining.. Second class.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Whore Boiler HorsePurposes for which powi-r used. of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches Class of Driver required. Northern Roller Mills auckla: Auckland \D DISTRICT— cot Flour-mill tiinued. 80 25 16 and .!() First class. Northern Steamship Company Hulk " Eure " ! '. Hoisting eoal Two (i and 9, two 6 and 9, two Hand 9 Two 6 14 14 30 Two 9 Second class. Northern Wairoa Timber Company .. Kirikopuni Totarariki Log-hauling Sawmill 9 48 48 40 50 Looomol ive and traction. Second olass. >t • • North New Zealand Coal and Cement Company Ditto Old Hauraki Gold-mining Company .. Whangarei Coal-mine Fir-t class. Second class. Coromandel P n m p i n g and winding Ditto Crushing Woollen-factory.. Sawmill 25 25 Two 8, one 20 .. First class and winding. » • • Onehunga Woollen Company Parker-Lamb Timber Company >> • • Tβ Papa Auckland North Albert Land .Newmarket Opua Mangaiti Auckland »» • • Stone-crnshing . . Sawmill Flax-mill Joinery-works .. 25 25 50 40 8 17 30 23 50 14J .. 18 '.'. '.'. 7 and 11| 9 12J .. 10 18 First class. Second olass. First class. Second class. Pascoe, Elias Peace and Webster Poole and Petrie Premier Joinery Manufacturing Company Priee, A. and G. .. >> First class. Thames Ironworks 50 42 0 60 H 16 25 6 6 20 40 25 25 8 8 5J and 9 12 and 13J 5 J and N. , , 7 • .. Nil 8J 8 Two 10 Two 8J 10 12 Second class. Pukekohe Town Board Rangiora Timber Company.. Remuera Road Board Sabulite Limited .. Sharland and Co. .. Smith, T. L. Pukekohe district Kohukohu Remuera Waikumete Auckland Clevedon district General work Sawmill Road-roller Explosives-factory Steaming General Locomotive and traction l-'irst class. Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traction Stokes, A. L. SntelirTe and Mounce Takapuna Sawmilling Company Takapuna Tramway and Ferry Company Ditto Whakapara Paeroa Takapuna Sawmill Hoisting on punt Sawmill Hauling Second class. Locomotive and traction Talisman Consolidated (fold -mining Company Ditto Karangahake >» • • Mining 24 Iβ 90 Two 12 Two 9£ 18£ and 34 >> First class. Tanpo Totaru Timber Company Mokai Newmarket Oropi .. t> • • Hauling Sawmill 95 106 106 95 95 38-8 20 28 27 17 40 10 and I (i 10 17 17 13 30 and 60, 18 and 29 J, two 14 Ditto .. Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Tauranga Sawmilling Company Te Aroha Sawmilling Company Thames Drainage Hoard TeAroha Thames Pumping and winding Ditto .. » Second class. First class and winding. it i> . . •.. ii Thames Valley Dairy Company Thomas, G. Thompson and Jlills Trounson, J, it • • Paeroa Fairburn Auckland Kaihu .. t> Butter-factory .. Sawmill Jam-factory Sawmill 40 40 40 40 21 25 :io 46 15 25 9 70 45 40 25 34 ii 10 10 10J 10* .. 16 Iβ Two li Lβ Nil 164 .. 16J Six 6 .. Second class. First class. Union Box Company Union Soap and Candle Company >> • • Rawene Westticld Hauling Sawmill Si 1:1 p-works Locomotive and traction First class. Second class. First class. Union Steamship Company Hulk No. l.Auck^ land Hulk "Helen," Auckland Mercer Waihi .. >» • • Hoisting >> Second class. 22 Two 8 .. >> United Timber Company Waihi Extended Gold-mining Company Sawmill Pumping and winding Pumping, winding, and air-oompress-ing 20 62 15J .. Two 8, two 10 First class. Second class and winding. Waihi Gold-mining Company 64 60 and 100, 36 and 70, 15 and 30, two 8, two 12, two 18 Ditto .. First class and winding. Ditto .. 64 145 145 t> • • • • »


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name "I Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurpose for which power used. of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. aucklan: ) DISTRICT— cmt tinned. Waihi Gold-mining Company Waihi Battery .. No. 2 Shaft, Waihi Sawmill Pumping and winding Winding Pumping, winding, and air-compress ing Ditto Winding Pumping and wind ing Hauling 40 70 14i .. Two IS. two 8, two 6, one 8 Two 18 00 and 30,33 and 70, 15 and 30, two 8, two 12, two 18 Ditto Two 30 First class. First class and winding. No. 5 Shaft, Waihi 70 88 Winding. First class and winding. >, • • ,, • • No. 0 Shaft, Waihi 88 70 70 Winding. First class and winding. ,, • • »» • • Waihi to Waikino 18 18 18 18 18 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 16 80 Two !) .. Locomotive and traction. pi »> • * y> it Two 10 >> >» • • Waikino Crushing I!) and 30 First class. >» • ■ >» • • Slimes (real incut Producer-gas plant Stone-breaker .. Winding 12 and 21 8, 8 and 8 Two 10 Two 12, two 7 . . Second class. Waihi Grand Junction Cold-mining Company Ditto Waihi . . .'. >> First class and winding. Mining.. 184 Four turbines, 580 horse-power each Ditto First class. 184 184 184 Power-house Three turbines, 580 horse-power each, one turbine, 2,000 horse-power Ditto .. ,, >> Waihi-Paeroa Gold-mining Company. . Paeroa.. >> ■ • Gold-saving 184 184 83 11 and 22, 21 and 40, three 0 Ditto .. »» • ■ Dredging Pumping and winding Crushing and winding Crushing Sawmill Flax-mill General Tannery Air-compressing and q ii a r t zorushing Ditto Sawmill 83 83 83 14 14 Two s 1 , Two 8f >> Second class. Winding. Waihi Standard Gold-mining Company Waihi .. '.'. Waiotahi Gold-mining Company Thames 35 Two 14 Waitaia Gold-mining Company Waitemata Sawmilling Company Walker, Q. .. .. Waller, Thomas, and Sons . . Warnook Bros. Watchman Gold-mining Company .. ELuaotunu Freeman's Bay .. Tuakau 1'iini District Richmond Tararu Creek 35 68 24 0 50 35 15 16 10 8 10 14J and 10 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Whakiimarama Land and Timber Company Whangape Timber Company .,. Whangarei Borough Council Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Company White Pine Timber Company Omokoroa 30 19i Two 'l0£ »> Whangape Whangarei Road-roller Butter-factory .. 25 5 23 14i .. 5 and 8£ 10 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Naumai Sawmill 40 40 65 10 20 14 70 72 Two 18 First class. >> • • >> >> • • »> • ■ Whangarei Hauling Sawmill Two 8 .. One I2J, two 9 . . Locomotive and traction. First class) . , tconnected. '> ; First class. Wilkinson, J. Wilson's Portland Cement Company.. Limestone Island Warkworth Cement-works .. 17 and"l9| >» • • >> Allwill. .1. Auckland Kimu Timber Company AUCKLAN ) SOI Til DI8TRK 7 and 11 Hi and 25 Two 7.'. 61 Two !l . . 18 Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Hautapu district Ngongotaha Chaff-cutting .. | Saw mill Hauling timber . . Threshing Sawmill .. ! 10 68 12 4 16 65 Baldwin, Samuel . . Barnett, (!. M. Bartholomew Land and Timber Com (lambridge district Waotu Ngatira n Second class. First class. pany Ditto Log-hauling .. I Stone-crushing .. ' li.-, 19£ 5 18 Two H 7£ Locomotive and traction. Butler, M.'P. '.'. '.'. '.'. Mercer


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Nanio of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. [orseloffiT Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. toiler. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND Si iUTH DISTRICT— ntinue a. Cambie, D. C." Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company Carlson, A. ii .. Mamaku j> * • Hautapu Owhango )> • • Sawmill >> • • Log-hauling Butter-factory .. Sawmill 50 35 23 35 23 12 14 5 14 70 15 44 16 16 Two 9 7 and 9 13 11 12 6i .. Two 10 14 Two 8J 15J ■■ First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class ) , , v coupled. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Chamberlain, L., Mrs. Doai ;niil Co. Ellis. .1. W. Ellis and Burnand Waimarino Matiere Manumti Gray's Bush Hamilton Hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Sash and door factory Sawmill >* First class. >» . • • »> ii ii »» . . . . ii . . . . ii ,, . . . . ii ■ ■ >> . . .. Eureka Dairy Company Eynon and Conder Farrow, I!. E. i. \\. Fullerton, S. Gardner, '!., and .Sons I [ansen, I , '. *'. l!a\ in- and Gunn Huntly Brick and Fireclay Company.. Mangapeehi ») * • »» • • Manunui »» • • Ongarue >> • • »» • • Hamilton Hinuera \V.->iti>a Okahukuia To Kowhai district Oio Waitoa Claudlands Huntly Log-hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill y> • • Log-hauling Sawmill »» - • Log-hauling ('reamery Threshing Flax-mill Hauling Contracting Sawmill 50 65 12 38 23 17 51 59 59 12 12 75 75 17 5| 21 5 40 6 6 77 40 14 36 26 16 5 6 12-5 47 16 14 14 4 Two 14 Two 7.J 18 Two 9 . . Two 9J Two 12 14J and 18 Two 9 Two 7 J 18 18 n .. 6 10 5J and 8 14J .. Two 6 and !) 7 14J .. 14i .. Two 9| 10 12 9i .. 5 and 8£ 8 7 13 Two 10 Two 9 M Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. >» Locomotive and traction. ii First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. ii Second class. First class. Second class. »» • - Brick-works »» limes and Co. Jarrott, C, and Son Kay, John Knight, B. L. »» • • Hamilton Cambridge district Paterangi district Raurimu Brewery Threshing Locomotive and traction. Hauling Sawmill »» ii Second class. Lee and McKcnzie Mamaku Locomotive and traction. ii .. )> ■ • Log-hauling ii Maisey Bros. Turangamoana district Threshing »> 6 ii Matai Sawmills Company (Limited) .. Owhango Tβ Awamutu district Ditto Cambridge district Cambridge Mangaroa Mamaku Sawmill Threshing 60 37 6 16 12 7J .. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction, Melville and Bailey Melville, R. J. ,, . . . . Meredith and Co. .. .. *.. Mountain Kimu Sawmilling Company >» y> • • yt • • ( half-cutting Sawmill >> • ■ Log-hauling 6 5 6 12 76 76 12 15J 17 27 70 34 14 7i .. 7i .. oj and 9 7Jand 11 16 16 Two 7£ Two 9 Two r> 11 8 and Hi. , , 16 Two 9 »» ii Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. New Zealand Dairy Association Frankton ( asein-factory .. Diary factory »> >> • • Ngaruawahia First class. New Zealand Government (Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce) New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) Ditto .. .. New Zealand Government (Tourist Department) Northern Timber Company Tγ Kauwhata .. Bark-mill '.'. Second class. Tokanui Steaming 38 Nil Rotorua Heating 38 34 »> »» • • >? • • O'Connor ami Bullians O'Donoghue, P. J. Ohura Co-operative Dairy Company., Taupiri Taumarinnii Kiwitahi Nihoniho Sawmill Log-hauling Chaff-cutting Dairy factory .. 86 9 15 15 (i 12 6 23 50 73 14 Two 8 .. Two (I Two «.', 5f and 10 H .. Si .. 14 16 17i .. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class ) , , [coupled. >> I O'Reilly, J. Parker-Lamb Timber < Company Patate Timber Company Taumarunui Mamaku Manunui Brick-works Sawmill First class. »»

a.—l 6.

Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horse- ! power of Boiler. liameter of Cylinders )f Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND SO iUTH DISTRICT-^ mtinuec Patate Timber Company Manunui Log-hauling '■1 18 22 50 40 37 14 27 8 38 15 25 12 20 74 Two 8J Second class.. Locomotive and traction. )> ■ • Prouse Lumber (Limited) .. >> >> • • • • Pukuweka Sawmills (Limited) Owhango Matapuna >> • • Sawmill »» • • Log-hauling Sawmill 8 12 12 12 12* .. 13 Two 7 14 14 14 Two 7£ Two 9 5J and 9J Second class. j> » Locomotive and trad ion. Second class. >> • • >> Locomotive and traction. >> Raglan County Council Raglan Dairy Company Roe, A. W. .. Ngaruawahia district Raglan Mamaku >> ' • Contracting Butter-factory .. Log-hauling Sawmill 16 23 27 23 12 28 20 19 26 43 32 45 42 44 6J Two i) 12 Two 9.. 7 and 11J Two 8 .. 13J .. Two 7.. Two 10J 14f .. 13 and 19 13 16 16 >» Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Rotorua Rimu Timber Company Seifert, F. .. Selwyn Timber Company Tau'hei Maungatapu » .. Flax-mill Log-hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Locomotive and traction. Second class. Steele, W. Mamaku » Locomotive and traction. First class. ,, . . . . . . » • • Sawmill » •' ' • Stevens and McPherson Maraeroa Manunui Piriaka Merenga >> • • » Second class. First class. Taringamotu Totara Sawmill Company (Limited) Ditto Taringamotu Waitangi Waituhi Huntly Log-hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill 19 39 17 45 44 14 18 30 30 75 75 72 72 42 77 42 20 14 72 11 12 10 14 16 Two 10 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. First class and winding. Second class. First class and winding. Winding. Taupiri Coal Company Pumping Hauling Winding Two 18 '.'. >> »» • ■ ,, »> • • Pumping Winding Two 9J and two 7 J 9f and 18 Two 15 »» • • ,, >> • • • • »» • • Two 8 and two 9 » * • • • »» • • >> • • >> • • • ■ » ,, . . . . >> ,, . . . . >> • • • • >> ■ ■ • • Taupiri West Huntly t> •» Hauling Winding Pumping Hauling Winding 12 35 72 Two 11J 20 14 and 24, two 18, 16 and 20 Two 8.. 20 14 and 24 and two 18 Two 8£ and two 11 Two 10 Two 9 12 and 11 14i .. Two 7J Two 12 First class. Winding. First class. Locomotive and traction Winding. Taupo Totara Timber Company „ .. Mokai .. Log-hauling 71 18 13 58 60 12 20 20 13 19 17 19 55 5 25 12i 8 8 8 28 88 First ola . Second class. >> • • Sawmill First class. ,, .. >> • • • ' Log-hauling Locomotive and traction Mokai line >> • • Taylor, W., and Sons Tβ Aroha Dairy Company Te Kuiti Borough Council Vincent, C. J. Vowles, D. Waihi Gold-mining Company >> • • >> • • Putaruru Taupiri Waihou Te Kuiti Huntly district .. Owhango Horahora Sawmill Chaff-cutting Dairy factory Road-roller General Sawmill Hauling Two 8 Two 8£ Two 10 Two 8i 13 U .. 10 Two 5£ 11 6£ and 11| 7 and 11 9 12 Two 9 and 14£ .. » >> Second class. Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traction, » » >> • • Waikato Co-operative Dairy Company Waikato Farmers' Co-operative Bacon Company Waipa Railway and Collieries (Limited) Wat kins Bros. Hamilton Frankton Junction »» • • Dairy factory .. Freezing Second class. First class. Ngaruawahia Kaitieke Kakahi Mining.. Log-hauling Sawmill General Sawmill 17 15 6 38 7 17 9i Two !l .. 8J 12 8 9 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Waugh Bros. Winger and Smith Rangiriri Taumarunui


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name oi Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. CANT] 1RBURY DISTR1C Akaroa County Council Allan, R. Allinson, K. Akaroa district .. Riccarton Riecarton district Stone-crushing .. Flour-mill General 9 I l> 8 8 45 20 6 90 Iβ 20 18 9 20 17 f> 10 8 8 20 8 8 9 6 8 11 and 10J 6J and 11£ 6J and 11£ 8i 9 and 17 0 and 15 8 12 and 21 8 and 12J 8J and 12f Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Andersons Limited Andrews and Beaven Andrews Twine Company (Limited) .. Andrews, S. P. Aulsebrook and Co. Lyttelton ('hristchurch Kaiapoi Waikuku Coalgate Christchurch Machine-shop Engineers' tools.. General Twine-mill Stone-crushing .. Confectionery First class. >> Locomotive and traction. First class. Bailey, G.' W. .. '.'. '.'. Baker, T. H., and Co. Barry's Bay Dairy Company Batchelor, W. J. .. Beal, Mark Bennett, H. Blackball Coal Company Blakemore Bros. Boag, John, jun. Templeton Woolston Barry's Bay Ashley district .. Eyreton Lincoln district .. Lyttelton Springston district Banks Peninsula Brookside district Spotswood district West Oxford district Upper Riccarton district Cooper's C r c e k district Woolston General J'Yllmongery Cheese-factory .. ('liaif-cutting only Threshing only .. General Hoisting General 6£ and 11 12 8 8 10 6 i and 10 9 Two 5, two 5, two 5 !) di and I0 6 and 10£ 8 and 9f i) Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. >> Second class. Locomotive and traction. t f Booth, Douglas Bowman and Bruere >> Bowman, John 8 9 Bowman, Mrs. R. 8 n >> Bowron Bros. Export and Trading Company (Limited) Ditto Tannery 17 8 Second class. 20 16 17 8 30 20 20 30 8 8 8 Nil Boyd, Thomas, sen. Brightling, J. Brown's Highbury Laundry >> • • Brown, D. H., and Son Burgess, William Burgin, Arthur Kaikouia Christchurch Idle" '. '. Brick-making Laundry Flour-mill Threshing General 4 '■'. '.'. 12 7 10 s and L2j 8j .. 6 and 10 Locomotive and traction. Second class. j> First class. Locomotive and traction. Burns, William Burt, E. A. Busch, H. W. Swannanoa district Ditto Broadfields Swannanoa district Christchurch Christchurch district Sockburn Addington Belfast Threshing only .. General 7 8 8 8 5 8i G| and 1(1 9 t> an<) 10£ 5j and 8 >> Canterbury Rye-products Company .. Canterbury Centi-al Dairy Company .. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. Boiling-down Dairy factory .. Freezing 44 Iβ 30 70 36 36 20 40 !) and U 7 and 11 10 and 17 8 and 14 Nil Krsi class. Second class. First cla-x. I'Vllmongery Second class. >> • • '* ■ • Christohurch Belfast Hauling Freezing Two 9 9, 14J and 25, S and 14,10 and 17 Ditto .. 12J .. 7J .. 12J .. 12J .. 8J 12 and 19, 13 and 19, 9 and 15, 8 and 12 Ditto .. Locomotive and traction. First class. >> • • >> • • ( lanterbury (Seed Company Chapman, H. J., and Son Christchurch Brick Company Heathcote Kaiapoi district.. Hornby Seed-cleaning General Brick-making 40 20 G 12 50 7 210 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. >> ■' Christchurch City Council .. Christchurch Road-roller Electricity Locomotive and tract ion. First class. ,, .. 103 103 208 4 8 6 27 24 25 35 35 7 50 ,, .. >> ■ • ,, >> .. Hauling Road-roller 4£ and (i 5J and 9 5 and 8 10 7 and II 15 and 20 7 and 10 7 and 9, one 12.. Two 7 11 and 5 Locomotive and traction. ,, . • „ .. St. Albans Sockburn Christchurch j> Christchurch Dairy Company Christohuroh Drainage Board Christchurch Gas Company.. Heating Dairy factory . . Pumping Gaswork i Second class. First class. Second class. >> • • Hauling Heating Locomotive and traction. Second class. Christchurch Hospital Board


Return sh owing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


1 Horse- »,.,, „« (lu-noi- Where Boiler Purpose for which power Diameter of Cylinders flame or owner. ns0(1 nm , n| of Engine to Inohe». Boiler. I 1 lass of Driver required. CANTERBURY DISTRICT— continued. vued. Christchurch Meat Company .. Islington .. Freezing .. 40 15 and 27, 16 and 30, two 10 and 18 i 40 15 and 27, 16 and 30, two 10 and 18 Ditto 16 and 27, 10 and 18 Ditto .. Fir-4 rla^s. Firs( <]iiss. .. „ .. „ 40 Ditto .. „ „ .. Refrigerating .. 40 15 and 27, 10 and 18 40 40 „ .. „ .. „ 80 Ditto .. .. ■• „ .. 80 „ .. .. .. Hauling .. 10 Two 7 „ * .. „ .. Drying wool .. 30 Two 4 Chrietchurch Tramway Board .. Christchnrch .. Electric tramways 110 Turbines .. j OAQ •• „ 208 1 1A .. „ 110 1 1(\ 110 1 1T •• „ 117 .. Hauling .. 8 Two 74 O .. 8 Q ,, .. ,, ,, 8 ,, o 8 O .. 8 Q .. .. 8 „ o i 1 a a .. „ .. 8 Two 6f „ .. „ .. Road-roller .. 4 5 „ .. „ .. Hauling .. 9 Two 10 Clark Estate, The .. ..' Flaxton district.. General .. 8 8} Clinton, Nicholas .. .. .. Greendalc district Threshing .. 8 9 Clinton, W. F. .. .. .. Darfield .. „ .. 8 9 Coe Hn>s. .. .. .. Irwell district .. Threshing only .. 8 9 Conway, W. F. .. .. .. Spreydon .. General .. 8 64 and II Q l> 8 9 Cook, H. H. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Sawmill .. 12 8 and 12J Cooke, W., and Co. .. .. Kaikoura district ,, .. 20 12 Cooper and Duncan .. .. Christchurch .. Foundry .. 20 84 and 12j Costello, M. .. .. .. Domett district General .. 6 94 (dx and Power .. .. .. Templeton .. Chaff-cutting .. 4 6 Cridge, Albert .. .. .. Brookside district General .. 8 9 /. Curragh Bros. .. .. .. Templeton .. „ .. 8 9 q n 80 80 10 30 110 208 110 110 117 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 20 20 6 4 8 8 8 8 9 8 45 7 30 4 :>o 8 8 30 10 8 8 8 10 Two 7 " '.'. Two 4 Turbines t> • • Two'74 '.'. Two 6J 5 Two 10 8J .. 0 9 0 6i and II 9 8 and 12J 12 8£ and 12j 9J 6 9 /. 9 9 9 6J and 10 Locomotive and tract Second class. I'ii-i class. ,) >t Locomotive and tract t> tt ,, tt »» »» First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and tract tt t> Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. »> »» Locomotive and traction. »» j» », »> y> »» ») »» First class. Second class. First olass. Locomotive and traction. t> t> 8 9 „ .. .. .. „ .. Threshing .. 8 9 Dalzell and Purvis .. .. Rangiora district Threshing only .. !) 64 and 10 Davis, H. E. . . .. .. Irwell district .. „ .. 8 „ Deans, John .. .. .. Glentunnel .. Brick-making .. 45 14J ,, .. .. .. ,, .. Hauling .. 7 6 and 6 Dearsley and Taylor- .. .. Christchurch .. Sawmill .. 30 104 Downer, W. H., and Co. .. .. Sockburn district Road-wagon .. 4 5 and it Duncan, P. and D. .. .. Christchurch .. Steam-hammer.. .(0 Nil East, Frederick .. .. .. Prebbleton district General .. 8 8 Elmers, John .. .. .. Waikari district.. „ ..8 64 and 10 I'.vans, Richard .. .. .. Kaiapoi .. Flour-mill .. 30 12 „ .. .. .. Kaiapoi district.. General .. 10 9J u 01 »J • • 14J .. 6 and 6 10i . .. 5 and (I Nil 8 6£ and 10 12 9i .. 84 64 and 11 8| 6| and 114 First class. Locomotive and tract Second class. Locomotive and tract j Second class. ; Locomotive and tract Second class. Locomotive and tract >> First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. „ .. „ .. 8 84 Everest and Sons .. .. .. Greenpark district „ ..8 64 and 11 „ .... „ Threshing .. 8 8| Feather, Edwin .. .. .. North Loburn Dis- General .. 10 6| and 114 trict .. Ditto .. .. „ .. 8 64 and 104 Finlay, J. D. .. .. ». Courtenay district ,, .. 8 9 Gardiner, Herbert.. .. .. Leeston district Threshing .. 8 64 and 11 Gardner, Ralph .. .. <* .. Cust .. .. Flour-mill .. 20 7 and 12 (Jibbs, H. .. .. .. Halswell .. General .. 8 64 and 10 .. Hauling .. 8 6} and 10 J Giles, Robert .. .. .. C'oalgatc district General .. 8 6| and 11 ,, .. .. .. Baloairn district Chaff-cutting .. 4 5| (inlanders, D. .. .. .. Darfield .. Threshing .. 8 94 Glenmore Brick and Tile Company Christ church .. Brick-works .. r>0 16 (Limited) Goodman, John .. .. .. Marshlands district Chaff-cutting only 4 3 and r> Goes, William .. .. .. Christchurch .. Sawmill .. 30 12 and 23 oa 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 4 8 r>0 64 and 104 9 64 and 11 7 and 12 64 and 10 6} and 10 J 6Jandll 74 94 • • 16 >t >t tt Second class. Locomotive and tract tt First class. Locomotive and tract First class. »» » t> Second class. Locomotive and traction. >> First class. 4 :«t 30 8 8 8 7 8 3 and 5 12 and 23 Locomotive and traction First class. ..30 Gowden, T. G. .. .. .. Aylesburv .. General .. 8 9 Greet Bros. .. .. .. Papanui .. „ .. 8 9 Hadler, J. H. .. .. .. Amberlcy district „ .. 8 9 Hadler, B. .. .. .. ■ „ „ .. 7 7f .. Hall, II. .. .. .. .. Christehurch dis- Threshing .. 8 g| and 10 trict Halswell Quarry Company (limited) .. Halswell .. Hauling .. 4 44 and li 1A 7 ovwl 1 I 9 9 9 n .. 64 and 10 Locomotive and tract tt >t Locomotive and traction.? tt „ „ „ „ 10 7 and II „ „ .. „ .. Stone-crushing .. 9 6} and I l> OO T 1 1A1 4 10 9 22 8 8 8 44 and li 7 and 11 6} and I l> Two 10£ 9 9 84 .. Second class. l<1 «.-|4- , L 1 .1 Ht< tt Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. „ .. „ .. „ 22 Two lOj Hampton, C. .. .. .. Southbridge district General .. 8 9 Hanna, Thomas .. .. .. Sefton distriot .. Threshing only .. 8 9 o a r First class. Locomotive and tracti » .. „ .. I 8 84 .. H H


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. <*- °< »*■ —aCANTERBU1 ay district—«o tinned. Harrison, H. Hartnell, Leonard Heathcote Road Board Henderson, C. W. Henshall, T., and Son Herman, Ernest Hill, Walter Scargill district .. Leeston district Heathcote Kirwee district .. Papanui Woodside district Woolston General Road-roller General Woodworking .. General Air-heating Tannery General 8 8 6 7 20 8 35 30 8 7 9 6 6£ and 11 8i 6 and 9J 8} .. 7| and 11 J 6J and io| 12 and 19 Locomotive and traction. Second-class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Holland and Giles.. Holland, Alfred Howes, V. Humm Bros. Kaiapoi district Kirwee district .. Albury Waddington district Ditto .. Christchurch 8} .. 8J 9 8 Locomotive and traction. Threshing t> Hunsley, W. General Sawmill 4 15 15 8 8 9 6 8 8 8 10 8 6 7 12 and 21 First class. Hutchinson, Foster, and Co. Johnston and Sons Kirwee district .. Yaldhurst Threshing Genoral 6£ and 10J 9 6J and 10J 8 9J .. 6J and 10 6"and 10 7 and 11 9i .. 7* .. Locomotive and traction. ,, . . . . Johnston, J. A. Jones, T. B. Kaikoura district Hororata district t> ■ • ,» >» ,, • • ,, . * ,, ,, ,, • • », • * Judd, George Waddington district Woodend district Threshing only .. Judson, James Kaiapoi Shipping and Trading Company (Limited) Ditto Kaiapoi Woollen Mills Kaiapoi General Sawmill 8 8 14 9i .. 8| .. 7 and 12 tt Second class. Rangiora Kaiapoi Woodworking .. Woollen-mills .. 14 65 30 30 17 8 8 17 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 16 16 43 Two 8J 20 and 36 First class. ,, tt • • »» • • Kaikoura Dairy Company Kimber, A. H. Kaikoura Lincoln district.. Cheese-factory .. Genoral 6 6£ and 10J 6J and 10 9" 6 and 10i 6£ and 11 9 9 9 6J and 10 11 J and two 12 9 and 14, 9 and 14 Second class. Locomotivo and tract ion. Langdown and Sons - ('harlos E. Lemon Bros. Christchurch Prebbleton district Killinchy district Flour-mill General Threshing only .. General Second class. Locomotive and traction. Lill, Frederick Dunsandel district tt • • Lincoln Agricultural College Lyttelton Borough Council Lyttelton Harbour Board .. Lincoln Lyttelton ,» • • Pumping Electric light First olass. »» • • »» • • 9 and 14, 9 and 14, two 14 Two 13J ,, », ,, . . . . ,, . . . . ,, . . . . Lyttelton Timos Company McCartney, Robert McConnell, Robert J. .. ,.. McCrostie and Cullen McCrostie and Westwood McDonald Estate, The McEvedy, A. J. .. Mclntosh, Donald McKay, A. and G. McMillan, R. T. .. McQuillan, Robert McWilliam, J. j> • • tt • ' Christchurch », • - Tai Tapu district Killinchy district Greendale district Pumping Slip" .. Printing General »» • • 15 15 15 38 15 15 10 8 10 9 20 8 8 7 8 8 9 Two Si 9 and 14 6} and 11J 0| and 10| 7 and 11 9 12 6 and 10 9 8 6J and 10i 9 Two 8i ,, Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. », Waikuku Southbridge Waikari district.. Halkett district Irwell district .. Tuahiwi district Lake Coleridge .. Wool-scouring .. Threshing only .. General Second class. Locomotive and traction. Threshing only .. General Hoisting and piledriving General ,, j, Second class. Maindonald, Henry West Eyroton district Ditto .. 8 8* .. Locomotive and traction. Maindonald, Martin ,, . . . . Malvern County Council Manning and Co. Martin, Victor Mathers Bros. Matthews, It. T. .. Maw Bros. ,, Darfield district.. Christchureh Eyreton district.. Saltwater Creek.. Rangiora district Southbridge district Ditto .. it • • »» • • >» •« Roadwork Brewery Threshing only .. Threshing General 8 8 8 8 6 r>0 9 8 8 8 9| 6 and 10| 9' 6J and 10J 5f and 9 One 7, two S 94 6£ and 11 J 9 9 tt ,, Second class. Locomotive and traction. ,, tt • • ,, ,, . . . . . . » 9 6J and 10 ii


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.

12— H. 15.


Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter nf Cylinders ™ . n . r( , miir »,] ..I Engine In Inches. "'" "' ' r,M r ''''I 1 '"-'- Name of Owner. CANTERBU1 IY DISTRICT—coi United. 6J and 10J 6J and 10 Locomotive and traction. Mehrtens, Henry Mills, John Rangiora district Waikuku district General 8 8 8 9 8 30 8 6 8 20 yy • • Moffett, Robert Spreydon district >» • * )» • • Moir, William, and Co. Moody, Joseph B. Morgan, Edward Morris, F. New Zealand Government Defence Department New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) Ditto New Zealand Government (Public Works Department) Ditto Southbrook Woodend district Ashley district .. Waikuku district Lyttelton Flour-mill General >» • * 12 and 20 '.'. 8| .. 8J .. 6J and 10 12 First class. Locomotive and traction. Searchlight Second class. Sunnyside Cooking 30 9 t> Bealey.. Heating Hoisting 30 18 Two 9 .. Two 8J Lake Coleridge .. Air-compressors.. Hauling 20 8 9 6 2 and 9J 6J and 10J 7 J and 11 4A and 7 Locomotive and traction. ,, . . . . . . . . New Zealand Government (State Coalmines) New Zealand Glue Company New Zealand Provision and Produce Company Ditto Nicholls, William North Canterbury Hospital Board .. Christchurch district Woolston Belfast Glue-making Soap-works 35 17 16 Nil First class. Second class. Riccarton Road.. Chemical-works .. Wool-scouring .. Heating 20 30 50 6 and 10 11 One 11, one 5, two 5 6$ and 11 9 H .. ii tij and 10f 9J .. 7J 6| and II 6J and 11 6| and 10 8} .. 6fandll 6J and 104 8 I, Osborne, George Paparua County Council Parsons, Edward Peppier, A., and Co. Perryman, H. E. .. Pester Bros. Philpott, W. Pierson, Frank Doyleston Sockburn Kincaid Downs .. Sydenham Taitapu district.. Culverden district Prebbleton Brookside district General Hauling General Woodworking .. General 8 8 8 SO 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. ,, • • Powis and Fitzgerald Pulley, Percy Quigley, Frank Rangiora County Council Reid and Gray Waiau district .. Loburn district .. Doyleston district Rangiora Christchurch district Bennett's Junction Threshing General Road-roller General >» Reid, T. E., and J. H. Reid, Robert Rice, Albert Robson, T. T. Clarkville Avonside Chaff-cutting only General Threshing only .. Fellmongery and wool-scouring General 5 8 9 22 54 and 8 9 6 and 104 Nil .." it Second class. Rossiter, John Russell, William J. Schumacher, Richard Scott Bros. Scott, George Sefton Mutual Produce Company Sharp, John Shields, Thomas .. .. .* Shields, Thomae A. Ashley district .. Hororata Sockburn Christchurch 8 8 8 20 24 30 8 8 8 8 18 53 35 111 8 8 20 6 9 6 25 7 8 35 8 8 8 8 !) 8 5 21 6f and 11 9 9 14 and 24 Nil 8 6J and 10} 94 .. &\ and 104 6 "and 104 Two 10£ Two sets 12 and 21 114 .. 12 and 21 64 and 11 64 and 10 11J .. 8 64 and 104 6 "and 10 12 8& •• 9A .. 12 6 and 104 9 6f and lH 8} .. ■ .. 6i and 104 Locomotive and traction. Sefton Ladbrook's district Woodgro ve district »» - • Shop-tools Confectionery Butter-factory .. General >» First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction, Smart and Son Smith and Smith Waikari district.. Hornby Christchurch Threshing only .. General Stone-crushing .. Sawmill First class. Smith, M., and Son Southbrook district y* • ' Woodworking .. General Threshing only .. Brick-works Road-roller Hauling General Cabinetmaking .. Hauling »» Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction, Smith, James Spreydon Borough Council Stevenson, J. .. .. Strachan, J. W. .. Strange and Co. Swanston, A. Hillsborough Spreydon Lake Coleridge .. Kaiapoi district.. Christchurch Second class. Locomotive and traction, Second class. Locomotive and traction. Terry Bros. »» • • Lincoln district .. Sawmill General Second class. Locomotive and traction. Thornley, Samuel Todd Bros. Waikari district.. Coutt's Island .. Tummer and Withell Tyler, Charles, and Son Union Steamship Company Brookside district Rangiora district Lyttelton Threshing General Road-wagon Hoisting 5 and 9 Two 5J, two 5, two 54 Two 5, two 6, one 8 », L Second class. »» •. >» «» 21 »» •.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


.Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. EorsePurpose for which ': power used. i of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in inches. Class of Driver required. Vallanco, Alexander Waikukii Twine - manufacturing ComCANTERBU IY DISTRICT— continued Sefton district .. Rangiora Threshing only .. 8 Fla.x-mill .. 9 8 9 0 Two 8J Looomol ivc and traction. Second class. pany Waimairi County Council Waimakariri Harbour Board Wardell Bros. Watson, Gavin Watts, Thomas J. .. Papanui Kaiapoi Christchurch Road-roller .. 7 Dredge ,. 14 Freezing .. 50 Sawmill .. 25 General .. 8 ..8 Hoisting ..| 18 Furniture .. 12 (teneral .. 6 7 14 50 25 8 8 18 12 6 5f and 9 7 and 11 9 and 14, 8 and 13 J 10 6$ and 11 9 one 8, two 7, one 9 6 and 10J 8 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and trad ion. Rakaia district .. Westport Coal Company White, A. J., and Co. Whyte, James Lyttelton Christchurch East Oxford district Christchurch district Christchurch Addington Annat Sefton Woolston Second class. Locomotive and trad ion. Williams and Meares ..8 8 9 Williams and Stephens Wood Bros. (Limited) Wright, G. F. Young, James Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited) Sawmill .. 35 Flour-mill .. 45 Chaff-cutting only 4 Threshing .. 9 Soap and candle 30 making 35 45 4 9 30 12 and 20 13 and 23 6 6£and 10 8 First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class, CANTERB JRY SOUTH DISTRICT. 'RICT. Second ohiss. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Adams, S. J. Andrews, M. Ashburton Dairy Company.. Ashburton Woollen-mills Batchelor, R. F. .. Bean, Thomas Beattie, A. Beattie, R. W. Belford Mills Company Bell, W. H. Benbow, W. C. .. Bennison Bros. Waimato Pleasant Point .. Ashlmrton St. Andrews Hook Geraldino Temuka Timaru Tinwald Temuka Tinwald Sawmill .. I 16 General .. 8 Dairy factory .. 22 Woollen-mills .. 30 Threshing .. 9 General .. 8 Iβ Q 22 30 9 8 8 8 30 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 10 70 70 70 160 15 150 150 150 15 8 8 8 83 83 40 40 6 8 8 9 7 8 8 8 20 8 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 30 8 8 9J .. 6£ and 11 10 Ni! 9 9 6£ and 11 9 14 and 24 Gfandll 6£and 11 J 7 and 11£ 6£andll 9J 6J and 11 6| and 11 J 8 9 6£ and 10f 9J .. 6Jandllf 9, 14, and 25 .. »» ■ • 8{ and 8£ '.'. 14, 22, and 36 .. 8J and 8{ 0| and 10f 6£andl0J 9 16 and 29 12 and 22 Two"5} 9 9 6J and 11 9 6£andll 9* ".. :: 8i .. 6J and 11 J 8| (if and 1H 6 and 10*" 8} .. 9 6f and 11 9 14 and 24 9 9i .. Locomotive and traction. ..8 Q ,, ..8 Flour-mill .. 30 General .. 8 1 1\ Pixel class. Locomotive and traction. 10 Q ..8 o Bennison, G. H. .. Dromore ..8 Q -.8 a Booth and McDonald Bray, G. E. Bray, J. Brown, J. Campbell Bros. Campbell, P. D. .. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. Waimate Fairlie Cricklewood Milford Fairlie Hakataramea Fairfield ..8 o ?» ..8 ..6 ..8 Chaff-cutting .. 8 General .. 8 »» »» ..10 Freezing .. 70 in First class. », - • 70 7ft 70 »» Pareora 160 Hauling .. 15 Freezing .. 150 1 KA Locomotive and traction. First class. 150 Winchmore 150 Hauling .. 15 General .. 8 a Locomotive and traction. Capon Bros. .. .. ... ,, . . . . . . Christchurch Meat Company Smithfield ..8 Threshing .. 8 Freezing .. 83 QQ ,» First class. 83 >> »f * * ,, • • 40 ■I »» Church, E. G." Ashburton 40 Hauling .. 6 General .. 8 O Locomotive and traction. >» • • ..8 a Clark, W.J. Levels -.9 Threshing .. 7 General .. 8 D ,» •» »t • * * • " ■ ..8 O Collins, W. H. . .' Crowley, M. Crumb Bros. Gumming Bros. Ashbnrton Otaio Ashlmrton Waimate -.8 Woodworking .. 20 General .. 8 Brick-works .. 16 General .. 8 O Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Dann, E. Woodbury .. 8 a ..8 o Donnithome, F. .. Douglas, S. J. Eden, H. Fvans Atlas Flour-mills Earm Steam Power Company Ferguson and Henry Temuka ..8 Q -.8 ,, Hook .. '.'. Timaru Morven Woodbury ..8 Q ..8 Flour-mill .. 30 General .. 8 First class. Locomotive and traction. ..8 tr


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name oi Owner. Wherj Boiler used. Borsewhich p.,;,. Bfigfiflgm , lf 1)river required . ' Boilor. j CANTERBURY 10UTH DISTRICT;on,tim ted. Iμlilies, A. Fitzgerald Bros. .. Frost, L. Geddes, R. Gillon, James Gillum, H. Ghreigi James Timaru Ashburton .Mayti'eld '. '. Waihao Downs .. Qeneral Sawmill General 8 !) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 i) 10 8 6 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 0 71 and 10 8} .. ti and 10 61 and 10 J 6j and 10| !t SJ and 9J 9 9 6£ and 10 Locomotive and traction. >> Temuka Glcniti >> Grigg,"E. G. .. .'. Grigg, J. C. N. Kirl'cHdTi Longbeaoh ('hall'-cutting General >> Gudsell Bros. Hamilton, Andrew Hannefin, William Harkness, Walter Winchester Gleniti Morven Levels " 6f and U| i) 8i .. 6| and ] 1 8f .. 6 J and 10 ii 11 Harris, W. H. '.'. '.'. Hawkins Bros. Hawkins, Thomas, and Son Hayman, H. Washdyke Waimate Wool-scouring .. General 10 9J .. 6| and 11J8 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Hearn, 0. F. Hicks, George Studholme Junotion Ditto Rangitata Island Hunter >> • - »> • • 8 8 8 8 10 7 8 8 25 !) 7 7 8 7 30 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 t> 10 8 8 9 8 8 6 9 8 8 8 8 25 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 8 14 (i.1 and 11J 6 J and lOj 9" 91 6| and I I J 8J .. 9 9 14 &\ and II 6 and 10 M » >> Holland, H. '.'. '.'. Hopkins Bros. Hopkinson Bros. Jackson, A. G. Jackson, John Johnson, A. Kellahan, J. Ashburton Geraldinc Temuka Hunter Timaru Fairview j> • • Threshing General >> Sawmill General Chaff-cutting Genera! Second class. Locomotive and traction. >» • • >> Kellahan, William King, George Kirk, H. B. Knox Bros. ,, ,, Lill, W. .. '.'. '.'. Lister, T. Lithgow, J. Lynch, D. McCormick Bros. McCormick, J. McElhinncry Bros. Mclntyre, J. MoLaohlan, J. McLeod, Alexander Manchester, .Fames Meaclem, William Meredith and Co. m Washdyke Timaru Ashburton »» • - »» • • Willowby Timaru ( hc-rtsey Pleasant Point .. Ashburton >> • • Seating Geneii'l >» • ■ Threshing only .. General 6J and 11 7.'. Nil 6i and 10 A mI 10" 8J .. 6J and 11 6} and 10J 9 9* •• 9 6 J and 10.1 9J .. 9 (i and 10 7 and II', 6 and 10" 61 and IQ| 6-} and 11} 8 10 8 (i| and I OJ 0 and 10 9 9 <ij and 10* 10 .. 6} and 11 9 <>.', and 10i !)" 6 and 10 6| and 111 >» Second class. Locomotive and traction, >» >> 11 »> Geraldine Waimate Ashburton Waimate » • • 11 »> »> >> .Meyers Bros. Montgomery Bros. Moses, William Murdoch, .John O'Neill, W. Orr, J., and Co. .. Orr, T. Palmer Bros. Patterson, James .. Pelirin Bros. Waituna Makikihi Willowby Timaru Orari Ashburton Waitohi Flat .. Rangitata Waterton Glonavy Chafl-outting General Sawmill General 11 »» Second class. Locomotive and traction. »» Threshing General 11 Preddy, J. Temuka !) <H and 10J 8" 9 lii' and 11} 84, and 13J »* •• !) «J and IOi 6} and 11 j s.i and 12| Quinn, William Makikihi »» Rae, James Rainey, Thomas .. St. Andrews Ashburton Brick-works General First class. Locomotive and traction. 11 Threshing Flour-mill >> Robertson and Co. »» First class.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name ol Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which power Diameter of Cylinders used. of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of DriTer required. CANTERBURY 10UTH DISTRICTmtim iu. Ruddenklau, H. .. Saunders, George .. Waimate Pleasant Point .. General 8 8 9 9 9 57 57 57 9 (1 8 8 8 52 8 8 8 8 8 40 6 5 8 8 6 6 8 33 6 8 8 8 8 30 8 8 8 8 6 8 16 6£ and 10J 6 and 11 6J and 10f 9 9 14 and 24 Locomotive and traction. >i • • • • ,p .. Threshing Scott Bros. Timaru Electric light First class. >> . • »» • • Scott, J. Sheppard Bros. Sim Bros. Simpson, Thomas >> •' Gerakline St. Andrews Peel Forest Albury Sawing General 9i .. 6} and 11 J 9 6J and 10£ 9 11 8J 9 9i 9 9 14 7} .. 6* .. 6£andll 9 7| .. 8 7 and 11 Two 12J 9 6£andll 9 9 9 12 6J and 10J 9 6J and 10J 6J and 10| 6 and 10 6J and 10£ 6J and lOJ Locomotive and traction. >> • • Smith, J., and Co. Snell, J. Soal and Eden South, J. C. Ashburton Orton Ashburton Geraldine Winchester Woodworking .. General Threshing General Second class. Locomotive and traction. ,, .. South Canterbury Woollen-mills Stewart, D. Stickings, C. Stocker, F. Tacon, R. and J. .. Tate, George Tiff en, James Timaru Borough Council Timaru Harbour Board Tiney, M. Tozer, F. Tozer, J. Vin'cent, A. Walker, J. C. Westland Timber Company Willetts, J. Wilson, John, and Co. Wilson and Sparke Wilson, Thomas Timaru Geraldine Pleasant Point .. Washdyke Kingsdown Orton Makikihi Timaru Threshing only .. Woollen-mills .. General Chaff-cutting Threshing General Threshing only .. General Second class. Locomotive and traction. y> >» Arundel Levels Hauling Chaff-cutting General »» »» Timaru Temuka Timaru Kairli<> Sawmill General Second class. Locomotive and traction. St. Andrews Tinwald *» • • » »» Winter Bros. Withell, J. Cave Ealing >> • ■ Barkor, A. J. Benson, H. Borthwick, T., and Sons HAW CE'S BAY DISTRH T. 8J 14 and 26 Locomotive and traction. Waerenga-a-hika ()rmond Pakipaki Hauling Freezing 7 6 100 100 100 7 35 7 14 4 7 6 6 6 16 30 First class. Bowring and Cattermole Bull Bros. Ashcroft district Puketitiri Napier district .. Makaretu Ongaonga district Chaff-cutting Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Chaff-cutting 8J .. 15| .. 6 and 10 Two 9 7| .. 5} and 9 8 8 5£ and 9 Two 9 13 Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Burgess, V. Carr, SamueJ ,, . . . . „ . Cattanach Bros. Codd, C. .. .. • • - ■ ■ Derrett Bros. Drummond Bros. Fairhurst, J. H., and Co. .. T pau district Puketapu Ongaonga district Matawai Dannevirko Hauling Chaff-cutting Sawmill Sash and door factory Flax-mill Brick-works Freezing Second class. »» Feirabend, Conrad Gisborno Brick Company Gisborno Sheep-farmers' Freezing ComTakapau Gisborne 12 58 112 7 and 11 14| .. 8 and 16, 12 and 22 Ditto .. 7£andllJ 13 10 and 16 8J .. 7| .. 7J First class. >> pany Ditto Graham, W. J. Haines, W. Hall, F. . . Hawke's Bay Dairy Company Bftwke's B;vy Laundry Company Hawke's Bay Soap and Tannery ComKumeti Dannevirke Matawai Dannevirke Napier Awatoto Sawmill Brick-works Sawmill Butter-factory .. Laundry Soap-works 120 12 25 25 20 25 50 Second class. First class. Second class. pany Holt, R., and Sons Napier Sawmill 50 40 25 7 12 12 16 8 22 22 22 6 and 10 Two 8J First class. ,, >> • • ,, Puketitiri Ruaroa Napier Waerenga-a-hika Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Hunter, W. G. Johnson, T. W., and Co. .. Jones, J. Steaming Hauling Two 7 6i and 11 Locomotive and traction.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owuer. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Claas of Driver required. HAWKE'S B. LY DISTRICT— ton Unued. Kia Ora Dairy Company Kotuku Oilfields Syndicate (Limited) Gisborne Waipatiki Dairy factory .. Boring.. 21 21 20 32 6 16 58 6 17J 40 100 30 10 8 25 8 8 21 20 6 9 10i .. Hi .. 9 Two 5J Two 9£ 10 5J and 8J 9} 21 and 42 20 and 40 8 Two 8 Two 6 12 and 22 Two 8 Second class. if Lighthand, A. G. .. Lindsay, J. R. McLeod, Alexander Napier Borough Council Tomoana Tokomaru Bay .. Matawai Napier if • ■ . . Tannery Traction Sawmill Destructor Road-roller Power-house Pumping Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. »» »» • • Napier Brewery Company Napier Harbour Board Brewery Hauling Second class. Locomotive and traction. »» • • Meanee Napier Dredging No. 2 crane 40-ton crane Hauling Woollen-factory.. General Two 10 ... Nil 8 >» First class. Locomotive and traction. »» Napier Woollen Company Neilson, C. C. »» • • Dannevirke district Ditto Gisborne Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Nelson Bros. »» • - Freezing 6 43 40 50 50 35 5| and 9 12, 13, and 25 .. First class. iy ' • >» - • Tomoana 18 and 28, 18 and 30J Ditto .. 35 90 90 90 ,, • • • • ti Norsewood Co-operative Dairy Company North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Company North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Company Ditto South Norsewood Napier Butter-factory .. Freezing 90 17 50 19 and 28, 18 and 30i Ditto .. 9 12 and 22 »» M Second class. First class. >y • * >» • • 50 »» • • »» Petrowski, Otto Pulley, C. F. Quirk, Thomas Ramlose Bros. Stevens and McPherson Thomson, C. and T. Tiratu Timber Company Westshore Napier Tikokino district Wairoa Gisborne Rissington Puketitiri Makaretu North Tiratu Mangatera Tokomaru Bay .. Napier Steaming General Hauling Steaming Hauling Sawmill 50 95 30 6 6 36 6 35 14 40 17 5 107J 19 and 28 Nil 8 Two 6| Nil 6 and 10 15J .. 12* •• 15 11 Two 6.. 18 and 23 Second class. Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction First Tokomaru Harbour Board Tokomaru Sheep - farmers' Freezing Company Ditto Planing-mill Traction Freezing Williams, A. G. .. .. ' < . Woodville Bacon Company (Limited) »» • • Napier district .. Woodville »» • ■ Hauling Bacon-factory .. 107£ 107J 7 25 25 6 and 10 21 21 Locomotive and traction First class. n »»'" »» • • »» • • ii Alsop, John Baker and Freeth .. Bary, A. MARL! JOROUGH DISTRIi ST. 5 and 9 6 and 10J 10| and 4£ Locomotive and traction Blenheim district Awatere Tuamarina Traction-engine General Brick and pipe works Traction-engine.. 6 6 18 Second class. Bishell. l>. Blenheim district 8 6 10 40 40 43 43 12 Bland 10f 8 Three 81 Two 16 Locomotive and traction Blenheim Borough Council Brownlee and Co. Blenheim Blackball Fire-engine Sawmill First class. Carluke Two 14 .'. Rai and Pelorus Valleys Ditto .. Hauling Two 8.. Locomotive and traction. Opouri Valley .. Bush engine 10 20 10 15 20 15 28 Two 11 Two 8.. Two 8? Two 8f Two 9 .. 10} .. »» Second class. Bryant Bros. Pelorus Valley .. Sawmill



Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Honepower of Boiler. 'Sine *■ uI DriW re " Uilcd - Chaytor and Co. (Limited) .. MARLBOROUl !H DISTRICT— con Untied. »» »» - ■ Chrietchurch Meat Company Daikee, Henry G. .. Drake and Monson Fowler, W. T. Ham, Robert Healy, John, jun. Hewetson, A. J. .. Higgins, John Jermyn, J. Jones, William Litchfiold, W. A. .. Marlborough Timber Company Marshlands Picton >> ■ • The Elevation .. Blenheim Wairau Valley .. Blenheim district Havelock Awatere district Blenheim district Opouri Hill Opouri Valley .. Pumping Flax-mill By-product plant Brick-works Traction-engine General Traction-engine Hauling Sawmill 14 20 12 12 16 6 6 8 8 8 7 8 6 6 6 8 8 21 73 73 8-5 29 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 7 6 34 8 15 36 20 35 Two 8} 8 and 12J Two 5, 6,two7£, 12 9 5$ and 9 8 9 6£ and 10£ 9 6 and 10 6J and 11 J 5J and 9 fi and 10 6£ and 11 Two "7 J 17 17J .. Two 6 J Two !)". . 9 6£andll£ fi and 10 Second class. First class. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. »» Second class. First class. >t ■ • Hauling Bush engine Traction-engine Sawmill Traction-engine Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Mills, F. F. Neos and McLean Parkes Bros. Blenheim district Wakamarina Blenheim district Patchett, John 6Ja'ndll '.'. »» Pike, W. D. and T. ,, Robertson Bros. .. Roskruge, F. Smart Timber Company Smart, Charles William Smart, F. A. Smith, G. A., and Co. Blenheim Blenheim district Rai Valley Blenheim district Blenheim Wakamarina Sawmill Traction-engine.. Planing-mill Sawmill 7 and 11 6|andll 6 and 10£ Hi .. 9f 7 and Hi 16i .. 8 and 12£ 12 ,, First class. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. First class. Snowden, John Wairau Roller Flour-mills Ward, J. J., and Sons y> ■ - Picton Awatere district Blenheim Sash and door factory Traction-engine Flour-mill Sash and door factory Sawmill l> 17 22 and 10 7 and 12 7J and 11 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. White, Charles Onamalutu 20 Two 10£ First class. Anchor Foundry Company Baigent, H. NELSO1 NORTH DISTRK :t. 7 7 and Hi 10 Second class. The Port Awaroa Nelson Engineering-works Sawmill Sash and door factory Sawmill 23 12 23 M • • • • * * Bassett, John, and Sons Best, P. H. Bird, A. 1). Black and Sigley .. .. . ; Collingwood Co-operative Dairy Company Edmondson Bros. Foster and Griffiths West Takaka .. Rakopi Waimeas Whangamoa Awaroa Rockvillc Traction-engine Sawmill 25 Lβ 6 12 33 30 13 10 5f and H Two 9& " L0| .. 7 and 11 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Cheese-factory .. if Romack Creek .. Motueka Sawmill Dredging 14 25 Two 8J Two 12, two 5£, two 6 16i, 24J, 37 J, 18, 9£, 12 Ditto .. 8J .. 10 9i Two 8J First class. Golden Bay Cement Company Tarakoke Cement-works .. 219 »» Golden Bay Dairy Company Grant, George D. .. Grant, William Takaka Puramahoi Rockville Silverstream Upper Aorere Nelson Butter-factory .. Sawmill Sawing Bush engine Sawmill Biscuit and confecfectionery factory Sawmill General T r a c t i 0 n-engine and sawmill Traction-work .. 219 17 18 40 15 12 20 Second class. Griffin and Sons (Limited) 8 and 12 First class. Heath Bros. Hewetson, Thomas Higgins, P. J. Kaka .. Upper Moutere .. Kiwi 20 5 8 Two 7 5i and 9i 9 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Hill, A Hunt, G. and A. .. Kirkpatrick, S., and Co. Miller, A. Waimea 88 Valley Nelson Preserving-factory Sash and door factory Traction-work .. 4 5 50 16 6J .. 7£ 9, 8, H, and 4 .. 8j .. Second class. Neiman, Charles H. Waimea 6 8 Locomotive and traction.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


\:i!!ic of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. NELSON NO >RTH DISTRICT—< niinue Nelson City Council Nelson Road-roller Driving air-com-pressors Ditto .. Boiling-down and heating Dredge 6 20 It 8 Two 8, two 5 .. Locomotive and traction . Second class. Nelson Freezing Company Stoke 20 24 Two 8, two 4 .. Nelson Harbour Board Nelson 55 55 8 20 and 36 First class. New Zealand Government (Public Works Department) Page and Whelham Price, T. A. i'rouse and Saunders Nelson Idle .. 9} .. Locomotive and traction Puponga Coal Company Long Plain Belgrove Mangarakau Paturu Valley .. Puponga Sawmill Traction-work .. Locomotive Sawmill Mining 14 6 9 45 40 40 47 8 30 Two 9* 7f .. 10J and two 6 .. Three 8, 18 and 9 Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. First class and winding. ,, Locomotive Sash and door factory Traction-engine .. », Locomotive and traction. Second class. Robertson Bros. Nelson Two 7 12* .. Schroder, Charles .. Schwass, H. H. .. Sigglekow Bros. Soper, R. Starnes, F. W. Stilwell and Co. Wairaea 6 8 6 6 6 16 8 8 8 8 5J and 8£ 10*.. Locomotive and traction. »» ■ • Puramahoi Motueka Tasker and Levien Thomas and Co. Tunnicliff, H. Waimea County Council Walker Bros. Watson, Charles F. Watson, G. B. Whelham, A., and Co. Westhaven Belgrove Wangapeka Waimeas Bainham Wai-iti Pakawau Takaka Sash and door factory Flax-mill Sawmill Planingmill Traction-engine .. Sawmill Traction-enigne .. Sawmill Sash and door factory Stone-works Farm-work 12 12 12 7 20 6 21 16 Two 84 Two !> Two 8i β-lamfll 12J .. 8* .. 10 8i Second class. »» Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Wilson, J. and A. Win, J. W. Tonga Bay Dovedale 16 6 7 and Hi 6 and 11 Locomotive and traction. Big River Gold-mining Company nelso: N SOUTH DISTRK Two 20, one 16, one 6 Two 8J Two 15, 14J, 8, 9, and 12 14 14 Two 15, 14 and 8 Two 15 Two 6 Two 7J 17* .. 15J .. 12| and 20 First class. Big River Mining.. 184 Blackball Coal Company Blackball Sawmill Mining.. 14 52 Second class. First class. 20 20 48 20 23 12 28 32 60 Second class. ,, • * ,, .. First class. ,» . . . . ,, . . . . Bowater and Bryan Cape Foulwind .. Hauling Second class. Locomotive and traction First class. ,, Sawmill ,, . . . . Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Ditto .. .. .. . .. Westport Crushington Mining Energetic Mine .. Winding Mining 48 50 48 85 85 50 20 20 20 8 50 Two 5, two 18, 22 ,, ,, . . . • • • • - Globe Hill Two 16,"24, 64 .. », 11 • • • • - * • • • Reefton Quartz Creek Reefton Waiutu Hauling .Mining Two 11 Two 12 12 Of and 114 Two 14, two 14, two 7, 16, 44 Nil .. 12| and 20 Winding. Second class. Locomotive and traction First class and winding. Wealth of Nations Mine Waimangaroa .. Dobson Bell Hill Road .. Cape Foulwind .. Karamea Steaming .Mining.. 30 60 Second class. First class. Cooper and Carey Dobson Sawmilling Company Forest Sawmilling Company Hawes, J. Karamea Sawmilling Company Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Mining 30 25 30 30 20 28 30 25 20 28 23 84 and 154 8 and 12} 0 and 14 Two 8 7 and 11.8 Two 7 .. 14* .. Two II 7 and llj 14 6 ,» Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Winding. Second class. Keep-it-Dark Gold-mining Company.. Oparara Crushington Harris, J. and S. .. Morley, J. H. St. Helen's Westport Sawmill Brewery ,, »» t


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


.N'ame of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cyllnden of Engine in Inches. | Cliss of Driver required. I NELSON SOI m DISTRICT—eo '.tinned. Murray Creek Gold-mining Company Nahr.'W., and Co. Neighbour and Sons New Zealand Government (State Coalmines) Ditto Murray Creek .. Westport Waimangaroa .. Brunnerton Mining Brewery Brick-works Mining.. 60 23 17 55 Two 11, 14 6 9 7 and 11, two 16, 14, two 18, 10 7andll,7andll, two 9, 10, two 6 Two 10i 7 and 11, 14, two 16, 10, two 18, 4 Ditto .. Second class. First class. 49 Second class. Greymouth 49 60 First class. ,, . . . . »» • • i 9 . . . . ,, . . . . 64 64 60 64 49 t> • • • • t> ,, . . • • 7andll,7andll, two 9, two 6, 10 and 6 7 and 11, two 10, two 10J Ditto .. 7andllJ Two 6, 8 15 16 12, 10, 6 14J .. Two8£, 11, two 5, 10, two 4 J, 5 Ditto .. Two 5, 12, 8 10 and 16 10 14& .. !) and If) 7 and 11± 9i .. 5 and 7 Three 7 Three 16, six 8, four 7, three 6, two 5 Ditto .. ,, . . . . 36 ,» Seddonville State Extension.. Sawmill Mining.. ,, . . ■• 64 20 43 60 43 64 19 35 Second class. First class. n Paparoa Coal Company Point Elizabeth Coal-mining Company Roa Brunnerton ,, Second class. First class. Second class. ,, . . . . Reefton Electric Light Company Simpson, J. R. Stratford and Blair Success Gold-drodging Company Turner Bros. Watson, R. Westport Borough Council »♦ • • Reefton Oparara Karamea Blue Spur Creek Atarau Charming Creek.. Westport ,, ■• . . Dynamo Flax-mill Sawmill Dredging Sawmill Locomotive Straker-wagon .. Fire-engine Mining.. 35 20 40 17 28 43 20 8 0 7 84 »» First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Westport Coal Company Brakehead Second class. First class. »» • • Burnetts Face .. 84 84 84 58 86 80 *» lOand 16, two 6, 8 Coalbrookdale .. 10 and 16, three 14, two 12, two 8, two 6, two 6, 8,16 Ditto .. »» • • SO 84 60 Three 14, two 12, four 8, 10 Ditto »♦ • • Kiwi .. >» »• ,, Mine Creek r,() S4 Sβ Four 14$, 20, 13, 6J Ditto .. ), »> • • ,» • * »» • • Westport Harbour Board .. j» * • Cape Foulwind .. »» • • ,, . . . . Hauling 55 86 ,',r, 58 58 :to .-!() :!.-, !( !> 9 Id 20 ,, Two 9| Two 10& »> Locomotive and traction. ,, 25-ton crane Two 9.. Second class. »» • • ,, »» • • 20-ton crane Hauling ,, Cape Fowlwind Railway Ditto .. Ngakawau Two 9ft '.'. Locomotive and traction. Weatport-Stockton Coal Company .. Mining.. 20 Two 12, two 17, two 26, two 8, 6, Ditto .. .. First class. >» • • Stockton ,, 95 95 so 12 »» »» Williams, D. J. .. Yellow Pine Exploration Timber ComWaimangaroa .. Near Mokihinu i Mine Flax-mill Sawmill 8 and 11* !! 12i .. Second class. »> pany


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. -continued.

13— H. 15.


Name of Owner. When Boiler used. HonePurposes fi>r which power Diameter of Cylinders used. "f of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. OT. .<!<) DISTRICT. Adams and Cardno .. .. j Adam's Flat Gold-dredging Company Allison and Kassett Arthur, A. Ballock, R. Mount Cargill .. Adam's Flat Milton district .. Tirail i district .. Clinton district .. Sawmill Gold-dredge Threshing Chaff-cutting Threshing and chaff-cutting 18 :?2 8 3| 8 11 8 and I.'! !) H .. 9 Second class. First class. Locomotive and tract ion. Bayley, John Biohan, George, and Co. Brown Bros. Burnside Otanomomo Mosgiel district .. Tannery Flax-mill Threshing only .. 25 20 8 7 28 18 12* Sβ 169 8 20 6 8 8 80 80 53 45 45 12 (5 8 (i 8 9 8 25 20 8 1** • 9 and 14 9 8£ .. Hi •• 8 and 1:{ Two 8 .. 8| .. 12 and 21 !> 8 and 12| 7 «*and l<4 9 12 and 22 First class. Locomotive and traction. Brown Bros, and Loudon Bruce Dredging Company .. .. I Bruce Railway and Coal Company .. Bruce Woollen Company Buchanan, W. .. .. Cameron's Freehold Dredging Syndicate Carradus and Poison Abbotsford Glenore Dunedin Milton Beaumont district Glenore Windsor' Fellmongery Gold-dredge Hauling Woollen-mills .. Chaff-outting Gold-dredge General >» Second class. First class. Locomotive and traol Ion, Second class. First class. Locomotive and t Faction. First class. Locomotive and trael ion. ,» - - >> • • Christchurch Meat Company Burnside Freezing First- class. »» • • »» • • Pukeuri Junction n »» • • »» • • >» Christie Bros. Christie, T. B. Abbotsford Balclutha district Hauling Chaff-cutting Threshing Hauling Two 84 (i and l(>£ 9 8 SJ and 9£ 5J and S 9 11 14 9 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Clark Bros. .. .. .. j Maheno ! Clark" D. Cossens and Black Craig, J., and Co. Cross, R. W. Crossan, Aloxander ('rown Roller Mills Dawson and McKechnie Denton Hat Mills Donaghy and Co. Duncan and Co. Maheno district Totaratahi Dunedin Oamaru Waiwera South district Kelso district .. Dunedin Ratanui Dunedin South Dunedin .. Tapanui district Chaff-cutting General Machine tools .. Sawmill Chaff-cutting and threshing Ditto Flour-mill Sawmil 1 Hat-factory Rope-works Threshing and chaff-cutting only Boiling blood Gasworks 8 40 20 50 40 7f 9 14$ anil 24 10 7 16 and 26 8 »» Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Dunedin City Council Burnside Dunedin 25 40 40 56 56 6 6 72 Nil Two 5j Second class. ,, .. Heating now baths Nil" .. H ,, »» • • Road-roller Motor-wagon Machine tools .. 6and III Two 7J 14* ■• Locomotive and traction. Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company Dunedin and Kaikorai Tram Company »> ■ • Second class. Kaikorai Hauling 48 25 25 25 16 14J and Ifi 14* .. 15 and 26 First class. Dunedin and Roslyn Tram Company 0 >» • • »» »» Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Company Earnseleugh Flat ({old-dredge 9-fe and 14 First class and ' two second class. Ditto. Electric Gold-dredging Company Fowler, A. E. .. Cromwell North Taieri district North-east Valley Alexandra »» .. Threshing only .. Iβ 20 8 8 and"l2f 9 »» Locomotive and traction. Frew, Mrs., Clark's Laundry Golden Beach Gold-dredging Company No. 2 Golden Bed Gold-dredging Company Golden Gate Gold-dredging Company (Limited) Ditto Golden Treasure Gold-dredging Company Good Chance Gold-dredging Company Gore, C. and W. .. .. Gormack and Hauliston Laundry Gold-dredge 16 30 8} .. Ofj and 14 Second class. One first class and two second class. Ditto. Miller's Flat »> • • 30 20 9 and 14 7£ and 14 )» ■ • y> • • Iβ 30 7ft and 12i 8 and 12f »» Graham, James Grant, Charles Gray, James Gregg, William, and Co. Haddock. II. V.. and Co. .. Hall, Alexandor Alexandra Gorgo Wingatui Balolutha district Palmerston district Strachans Fcrnhill Dunedin Brick-works Threshing and chaff-cutting only Chaff-cutting only Threshing Brick-works Starch-works Sawmill Threshing a n d chaff-cutting 20 25 9 9 8 25 18 20 9 »» 14J .. 9 !) !) 14 and l>1 10 Sand 12| 6| and In 1 . n First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ngapara district



Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.

[fame of Owner. Whe £ e J oU * Purposes for whk'h □aed. [orse- 1 toiler. OTAGO i DISTRICT— rnnlimi: 8 6fandlH .. Locomotive and traction. O 111 .. Hamilton Bros. .. .. .. Milton district .. General 8 8 40 6 IV-i and IU 9J Iβ 4J and 6} Harraway, II., and Sons .. .. Green Island ,, .. .. Green Island district Henderson, J. J. .. .. .. Ngapara district Hill and Frame .. .. .. Herbert Hogg and Co. .. .. .. Dunedin Flour-mill Hauling 8 9} .. 40 16 .. .. First class. 5 4J and 6£ .. Locomotive and traction. Threshing, &o. .. Threehing Sawmill 8 0.. < I l> 0 9 8 !) 63 63 12 80 0 9 Two Iβ 63 Two Iβ .. First class. on Hogg, John .. .. ... Glenledi Hudson, R., and Co. .. .. I Dunedin Hutton Urns. .. .. .. Ettrick district .. Flax-null Biscuits and confectionery Threshing and chaff-cutting General 63 12 Two 8} .. Second class. 80 12 and 21, l>? and First class. IA HI 8 6J and 10 J .. Locomotive and traction. 8 Two 8J 12 and 21. 9| and 16 6 1 and 10 J .. Miller's Flat district 8 9.. 8 9 Ireland and Co. .. .. .. Oamaru Irvine and Stevenson .. .. Dunedin Motor-wagon Meat-preserving.. 4£ 3J and 6J 44 Nil .. .. Second class. 44 20 8 :!.! and 6J Nil Jenkins, George .. .. .. Keleo district .. Threshing a n d chaff-cutting only Ditto Threshing 20 „ 8 81 .. .. Locomotive and traction. »i '.'. '.'. Jenkins, Thomas, jun. .. .. „ .lohnstone, John .. .. .. Ngapara district Jones, Thomas .. .. .. Georgetown Jubilee Coal Company .. .. Abbotsford Kahikatea Sawmillmg Company .. Cahikatea Hauling Sawmill 8 9 u n 8 9.. 8 0.. 14 Two 0} . . Second class. 17 I4J . . . . First class. in i a i 8 8 8 14 17 18 Iβ 28 9 9 9 Two 0} 14* .. 14J .. 7 and 13} 10 and Iβ Kain Bros. .. . ■ •• Henley Karanui Gold-dredging Company .. Alexandra I'limping Gold-dredge 18 14J .. 16 7 and 13} 2S 10 and Iβ .. One first class and two second class. 8 0 .. .. Locomotive and trait ion. Kean, Thomas .. .. .. Balelutha district Threehing a n d chaff-cutting Chemical-works 8 0 Kempthorne, rVoeser, and Co. .. Burnside Kirkland, W. .. .. .. Taieri district .. Knew stubb, John .. .. Green Island district Kohinoor Dredging Party .. .. Roxburgh », General Pile-driving 80 12 and 20 .. Firs) class. 16 20 7 and 11J .. Second class. 6 6 and 10 .. Locomotive and traction. 16 Two 7 .. .. Second class. 80 16 20 6 16 ll> and 20 7 and 11J Ii and 10 Two 7 .. Gold-dredge 39 9 and 14 .. One first class and two second class. 16 7 and II .. Second class. 39 9 and 14 Lambert Bros. .. .. .. Kensington Latta Bros. .. .. . • Pounawea Ledingham, Robert F. .. .. Georgetown Leggatt and Campbell .. .. Houipapa Kahuika Leonard Bros. .. .. .. Balelutha district Pottory Sawmill Threshing Sawmill 16 Two 10 8 6} and 1(1 .. Locomotive and traction. 16 Two 10 .. Second class. 20 Two 10| .. First class. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction. a ii 16 16 8 16 20 8 8 8 8 56 16 20 8 60 25 27 8 8 7 and 11 Two 10 6} and 1(1 Two 10 Two 10| 9 9 9J .. 6} and 11 16 Two 10 I r> i) 8 12J and 22 J Nil 9 9 General ,, . . . . . . ,, 8 9.. O I\ 1 ,, • • ■ • • • ,, 8 9J .. O i - 1 I I I ,, .. .. .. ,, Limestone Brick Company .. .. Tahuna Lyders, H. .. .. .. Tawanui McCallum and Co. .. .. Oamaru McDonald, A. .. .. .. Outram district McGavin and Co. .. .. .. Dunedin McGill, Peter (Limited) .. ■.. Milton McGregor, .I., and Co. .. .". Dunedin MoGuigan, James, jun. .. ,... Glenledi district MoKenzie, John .. .. .. Dunrobin district is - • Brick-works Sawmill 8 6} and 11 56 16 .. .. First class. 16 Two 10 .. Second class. 20 15 .. .. First class. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction. 50 8 .. .. Second class. 25 I2i and 22 J . . First class. 27 Nil .. .. Second clans. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction. McLeod Bros. .. .. .. Dunedin Threshing only .. Brewery Flour-mill Machine tools General Threshing and chaff-cutting only Candle-works Stearine Soap-boiling Soap-factory Threshing Brick and tile works Threshing Gold-dredge 8 9.. 20 Nil .. .. Second class. 20 26 20 26 8 20 Nil 25 „ an 20 „ Macplierson. .1. A. .. .. Bortons district.. MoSkimming, P., and Son .. .. Benhar 25 „ 8 6J and 10} .. Locomotive and traction. 20 7 and I I.'," .. Second class. (ij and 10} 7 and UJ Mannix Bros. .. .. .. Duntroon district Manuherekia Gold-dredging Company Alexandra Gorge 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction. 39 and 12J .. One first class and two second class. 43 9 and 20 .. First class. 30 12 .. .. Second class. 7 8| .. .. Locomotive and traction. 8 39 0 and 12J Meek, J. and T. .. .. .. Oamaru Mil liaelis, Hallenstein. and Farquliar Sawyer's Bay .. Milne. J. and T. .. .. .. Taieri Beach district Mornington Borough Council .. Mornington Flour-mill Tannery General 43 30 7 9 and 20 12 8J Hauling 16 Two 13, one 16 .. First class. Iβ Iβ 50 82 30 18 18 18 30 Two 13, one 16 16 er/\ rn „ l •> . .,. i - i Two 13, one 1 r. .i.. . 18 and 33 Nil Mosgiel Woollen Company .. .. Mosgiel Woollen-factory.. 60 Two 13, one 15}. . on i o i ■>■> 82 18 and 33 30 Nil .. .. Second class. »» • • 18 „ 1 O ,, . . . . ,, 18 Moss, H. I'. .. .. Ratanui Sawmill 18 „ 30 16 .. .. First class. Iβ '.'. '.'.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. lorselower of toiler. Diameter of Cylinders <>f Bngine in Indies. 'Class (if Driver required. OTAGO ] iISTRICT— contimii ,. Murray, Roberts, and Co , . .. Now Alexandra Coal Company Abbotsford Alexandra Fellmongery Hauling 20 20 20 8 40 Nil Two 10, two 8 . . Second class. Winding. Newbigging Bros. Now Golden Run Gold-dredging Company Newson, R. W. .. Moneymore district Miller's Flat Threshing Gold-dredge !> 10 and Lβ Locomotive and t raction. One first olass and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Clinton district .. Threshing and ohaff-cutting Hauling 6 8 New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Limited) Ditto Castle Hill 50 Two 20 First class. Kaitangata Fan and winding Saoling r<0 Lβ 20 20 25 25 25 40 23 18 Iβ 43 Two 8 Two Id. 1 , Two 2(i| Winding. Locomotive ami traction. First class. »> • ■ New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) Ditto . . Now Zealand Government (Public Works Department) New Zealand Government (State Coalmines) New Zealand Paper-mills .. Seaoliff Pumping Fleet ric light Two !).! 10 8 and L3 Locomol ive and traction. Second class. First class. Houipapa Stone-crushing . . 43 16 Dunedin .Mot or-wagon ii 3£ and t>! LiOCOmol i\ c ;ill(l I r.icl ion. Woodhaugh Paper-mills 80 30 25 20 I0& and 24 Two 11.10 Nil 8J and 13 Firs! olass. M Second class. One lirst class and two second class. Looomotive and t rad ion. Ngapara Extended ( k>ld-dredging (lornpany Oamaru T.T. and O.K. Stone Company (Limited) Oamaru Woollen-mills Alexandra Oamaru Gold-dredge Hauling 10 8 Woollen-mills .. (>0 60 16 42 Iβ and 27 First cias.s. OtagO Central Foundry Company Otago Co-operative Tallow and Byproduota Company Otago Harbour Board Alexandra Burnside Machine tools .Steaming 8 Two 0 . . Second class. »» Port Chalmers .. Pumping 20 Two 14.1, (w<. !U. one (i.l Ditto .. First class. ,, .. .. Dunedin »» •. Looomotive Laundry and heading Rolling-mills 18 18 HI Sβ Two 8 .. 7 Locomol ive and t racl ion. Second class. Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Otago Iron-rolling mills Green Island 36 20 15 20 20 t>2 8 8 7 84 8 20 20 20 20 20 111 <H and 10.', 9 9 t>j and 12 Nil !) 9 and II First ola is. Otago Sawmills (Limited) Otago Steam-laundry Overton, B. Padkin, .lames Paul, William .. .. ... Phoenix Company (Limited) Porter, Gibson .. .. •* ., Pringleand Party Gold-dredging Company Reid and Gray Dunedin North-east Valley Henley district .. Oamaru Duntroon district Dunodin Milton district .. Miller's Flat Sawmill Laundry Chaff-cutting only Threshing ( lonfeotionery General Gold-dredge Second class. Looomotive and traction. >> Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. One lirst class and two second class. Locomotive and traction First class. •Locomotive and traction. Reid, J. B. Robinson, Charles.. Dunedin Otokia Berwick district.. General Machine tools Flax-mill Threshing 6 lee 8 8 6 20 30 30 80 50 49 6i 6 20 71 9 and lli.l 9| .. !) 8 8 Nil Ross and Qlendining »> ■ - Roslyn Carbonizing Woollen-factory.. Second class. Dunedin Hosiery-factory .. Woollen-factory.. Hat-factory Motor-wagon II and 19 18 and 32 12 Two (if Two 64J 8 and 12} First class. Second class. Looomol he and t caol ion. ,, • - bailor's Bend Gold-dredging Company Alexandra Gorge Gold-dredge One lirst cias.s and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Sanders, James Scoullar and Chisholm Sharpe Bros. Ngapara district Dunedin Tawanui Threshing, &c. .. Woodworking . . Sawmill 8 32 10 8 58 9± 12 Two 7.1 9i 1(> Shiel/c. and W. .. Caversham Brick-works •lass. • Exp ■unit w hi If atji±inniirv


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Bone(Tune of Owner Where (toiler Purpose tot which power Diameter of Cylinders used. used. of of Engine in Inches. lie ii lor. < Wass of Driver required. OTAGO DISTRICT— continued. Simpson, 11. .. .. .. HUderthorpe .. Threshing .. 8 9 Smellie Bros. .. .. .. North Taieri dis- Threshing only .. 7 8J trict Looomotive and traction. Smith. ('. .. .. .. Tapanui district Threshing and 8 i) chaff-cut tinf,'only South Otago Freezing Company .. Finegand .. Freezing .. (>4 12.', and 2.'! 64 „ Sparrow, J., and Co. .. .. Dunedin .. Machine tools .. 25 12 Speight, J., and Co. .. .. „ .. Brewery .. 2(i 10 55 10 20 8 Spruce. W. .. .. .. Balclutha district General .. 8 9 Spiers and Gunn .. .. .. Warepa district Threshing .. f> 7J Spiers, David .. .. .. „ General .. 8 9 Stevenson and Cook .. .. Port Chalmers .. Maohine tools .. 30 8 and 1.'! 80 ,, .. .. ., .. Air-compressing.. 20 9 J and 17 Strachan, W., and Co. .. .. Diiuedin .. Brewen .. 30 8 Sutherland Bros. .. .. .. Balclutha district General .. 5 6 Taieri and Peninsula Milk-supply Com- Dunedin .. Dairy factory .. 20 8 and 14 pany Ditto .. .. .. .. „ .. „ 45 Taratu Coal Company .. .. Taratu .. Hauling .. 13 Two 8 „ .. Winding .. Iβ Two 10 .. .. 16 Taylor, J. and R. .. .. Duntroon district Threshing .. 8 9 Thomson, Ait Inn .. .. Lovell's Flat .. Flax-mill .. 20 8 and 12f Thurston, i'. J. .. .. Heriot district .. Threshing and 89 chaff-cutting only Taugh, W. A. .. .. .. Milton district .. General .» 8 9 Trusler, S. .. .. .. Waipahi .. „ .. 8 9 Waikouaiti Dairy Company .. Waikouaiti .. Dairy factory .. 22 6£ Waite, John .. .. .. Kaikorai Valley. . Tannery 28 8 Watson, John, and Co. .. .. Port Chalmers .. Freezing .. 30 I I! ami Mi .. .. 80 Western Taieri Land and Drainage Henley .. Pumping .. 16 Two 8J Board Yorston, T. .. '.. .. Waihola district Threshing only .. 6 8 First oU Second olass. Looomotive and traction. ,» First class. »» Socond olfl Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. h'irst class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Second class. Allardyoe, E. .. .. .. Maitland .. Gold-dredge .. 12 7{ and 11 .', Arnold, A. .. .. .. Eennington .. Flax-mill .. 12 Two 9J Baldy, F. W. .. .. .. Wallaoetown dis- General .. 0 8 trict Ballooh Bros. .. .. .. Riversdalc .. Threshing and 8 6J and 10.1 hauling Barry, I'. .. .. .. West Plains dis- Chaff-cutting only 4J 6J trict „ .. .. .. Waikiwi district General .. 4J 6£ Bauohop and Co. .. .. .. Waikouro .. Sawmill .. 20 Two 10 Bauohop, R. .. .. .. Tokonui .. „ 16 „ Beattie and Coster .. .. Mataura .. Barth-sooop .. 29 Two 8 .. Bird Bros. .. .. .. Scott's Gap, Wai- Sawmill .. 20 Two 10 kouro Bird and Swhan .. .. ».. Otautan .. ,, .. 25 12 Blair Bros. .. .. .. Otara .. Flax-mill .. 14 7f and 11£ Bluff Harbour Board .. ** .. Bluff .. Stone-breaking .. 16 Two 9 Brook, Henry .. .. .. Merino Downs dis- Threshing .. 7 gj trict Brown Bros. .. .. .. invercargill .. Fellmongery .. 34 One 6, 7 and 11{ „ .. .. .. ,, .. Steaming .. 18 8 „ .. .. .. Kapuka district.. Chaff-cutting .. 7} 8 Brown and Grant .. .. .. Arrowtown .. Hauling .. 9 6 J and 11 „ .. .. .. Hawea district .. Chaff-cutting .. 89" Untie]-, E. W. .. .. .. Otautau district „ .. 4J 6i Caird, J. .. .. .. Wyndham .. Sawmill .. 20 8~and 13 Caimmuir Coal Company .. .. Bannockburn .. Hauling .. 16 Two 7 Cameron, D. .. .. .. (ihatton .. „ 20 Two 6£, two 4 .. „ .. .. .. Maori Hill .. Flax-mil] .. 16 7 and 11J Carriok Gold-mining Company .. Carrick Range .. Quartz-crushing.. 16 8 and 12| Cawthorne, W. .. .. .. West Wains .. Fellmongery .. 16 7 and 11 Charles, Edward .. .. .. Waikaka Valley Pumping and haul- 16 Two 7J ing Chilton, E. .. .. .. Woodlands .. General .. 8 9 Chisholin, A. L. .. .. .. Springhills district Chaff-cutting only 3J 6J Collett, Charles .. .. .. Makarewa district General .. 9 9" „ .. .. .. Invercargill . . ,, .. 8 9 Confidence Gold-dredging Company.. Lowburn .. Gold-dredge .. 20 8 and 12J Locomotive and traction. Second class. >» I.(promotive and traction. Second class. Locomotivo and traction. it »» First class. Socond class. Firsi class. Second class. Locomotivo and traction. >» »» One first class and two ond class. Locomotive and traction. Coombes, C. .. .. .. Limehills diet rict General .. 6 8 Coster, E. .. .. .. Otautau .. Chaff-cutting .. 8 9 »»



Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurpoeee for which power Diameter of Cylinders used. of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. 1 Class of Driver required. SOUTHLAB D DISTRICT— cordinued. Craig and W'ilks Crew No. 1 Gold-dredging Company Crew No. 2 Gold-dredging ('oin pany .. Cromwell and Bannockburn Collieries Company Ditto Cromwell Gold-dredging Syndicate .. Waikaia Nevis Upper Nevis Bannoekburn Hauling and pumping Dismantling golddredge Gold-dredge Hauling and pumping Ditto Gold-dredge Iβ 10 16 20 Two OJ, two 0 7andllJ Second class. Throe second class. Second cliiss. 10 Bannockburn Creek 20 20 10 8 and I :S One lirsl class and two second class. Locomotive and traction; Crooks, J. Glenomaru Gummies Bush district Rosedale Garston district.. Wyndham Oreti district Riversdale Sawmill Chaff-cutting 8 9 6{ ii .. Cruickslianks, William Cunningham, R. . . ( hishnie, George Deegan, J. W. Dcnniston, John Twine-works Threshing General 27 8 8 8 8 13 and 24 0 9 9 9 l (, irst class. Locomotive and traction. Otautau Mataura Wairio Gibbston Edendale >> • • Hauling and threshing Ditto Chaff-cutting only 8 H o 30 10 29 29 20 !) 91 .. 6i 8 Two 10.', 8 8 8 8 and L2| Dickson Bros. Dixon, Thomas Donnelly, R. Duncan, John Edendale Dairy Factory Coin|>any .. General Hauling Dairy factory First class Second class. >> • • Electric (No. 1) Gold-dredging Company Kvan, Frederick Ewan, Henry Excell and Co. Excell and Cook Menzie's Ferry .. Kawarau Gorge.. Gold-dredge One Bret class and two second class. Locomotive and trad ion. Otautau district Dipton Garden Gully Gore General Chaff-cutting only Gold-dredge 8 Iβ 10 0{ and I0J 9J7 and I I ; 7 and 111 .. Three second class. ()uc first class and ■) ., two second class Ditto. ) " ectoU - Ferry Syndicate Gold-dredging ( loinpany Field and Thomson Fleming and Co. Lowburn >> • • 16 20 / and II] S and 13 Tokonui Gore Invercargill Waikaka Gore district Glenham Sawmill Flour-mill 14 40 25 8 8 20 12 17 8 8 16 8 20 20 52 12 20 7 Two 8! 2 10 and 10 Second class. First class. French, Walter Gilder, G. Glenham Sawmilling Company Threshing General Sawmill Hauling Log-hauling Threshing General Hauling on incline Threshing only .. Sawmill Gold-dredge Sawmill 9 !) Two 10 Two 7J Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and trail ion. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Graham, T. A. Grant Bros. Green, Thomas Gutschlag, William Halliday, William Hamer and Party Hamilton and Co. Gore district Limehills district Gore Gore district Kamahi Muddy Creek Papatotara Te Tua Tuatapere Rakiura district.. !) 9 5 and Id 9 Two 10 7 and 11 14 Two 8J Two 10 6| .. Second class. Locomotive and t raction. Second class. Three second class. Second class. Hamilton, J. Threshing a n d chaff-cutting Ditto General Threshing only .. Sawmill Ploughing a n d chaff-cutting Brick-making Stone-crushing .. Flax-mill Hauling Stone-oruehing .. Pumping Locomotive and traction. * Hamilton, T. .. .. f .. llauley, P. Harrington Bros. Hogg, Mrs. C. Riverside district Riversdale Fairfax Orepuki district.. 0 8 9 20 8 9 9 9 Two 10 9 >> Second class. Locomotive and traction. Holland, James Gore 14 12 12 30 18 18 84 7 and 11J 11 and 11 J 7iandll£ 6J 9 and 10 Two 12 Second class. Holmes, I'ascoe, and King Invercargill Borough Council East Gore Invercargill Green Hills Invercargill Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. »> • • >> ■ * Electric lighting and power-house Two 13 and 20. one 9 and 11 J, two 114 an(l 22^ Ditto . >> * ■ >> - • Ditto .. 84 84 84 >> • • >> • • »* . . . . Power-house Two 13 and 20, one 9 and 11 J .">! and 8£ Two 7£ Two 7 Two 10 7 and 11 >> >> • • Road-roller Hauling 5J 8 10 20 28 Locomotive and traction. Ototara >> >> • • .laivis and Fosbender Johnston and Sons (Limited) New River Invercargill Flax-mill Engineers' tools.. Second class.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


N;iMir i>t Owner. Where lioilc-r used. Purpose for whiob used. Bonepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders Of Kuginc in Inches. Class of Driver required. SOUTHLA* D DISTRICT—eoi D DISTRICT—conl mtinued. \inued. Keith, J. A. Kennedy Bros Kilkelly Bros. KingJ Kingsliind Bros.and Anderson (Limited) Kingsland. I)., and Sons Knowlcs. W. Koputai Qold-diedging Syndicate Winton district .. Otautau Loohiel Otautau dist riot . . West Plains [nveroargill Gore Waikaia Threshing only . . Genera] Sawmill General Fellmongery Confectionery (leneral Gold-dredge Threshing only .. General Sawmill General Fellmongery Confectionery (Ienera] Gold-dredge 8 0 27 8 20 : 1 20 8 0 27 8 20 20 8 20 8 u Two 11> 8* .. 7f and 11 J 8 and 121 !) 8 and 13 Locomol ive and tract ion. First class. Looomotive and tract ion. Second class. First class. Locomotive and tract ion. One first class and two second class. Ditto. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Kura Gold-dredging Company Lady Florence Gold-dredge.. Lamb and ( aineron Laurie, .James, and Co. Land, Alexander Muddy ('reek Waikaka Valley.. Balfour district .. ()rawia Orepuki district.. ('haff-cutting only Genera] Ploughing and thrcshiii" Chaff-cutting onl v ( ienera] Ploughing and threshing General 2(1 it; 8 6 1 8 20 It! 8 6 8 8±and 12? :; and I I Si .. 8 !t Lindsay, ('aldwell Lindsay, John Lower Nevis Gold-dredging Company Lynch, (I. Waianaua Drummond district Nevis Longridge enresning General ( rold-dredge Hauling and pump inc Gold-dredge Hauling and pumping Sawmill . . ; Hauling Sawmill 8 8 16 ,,- 17 8 8 16 17 7 9 7 and Hi, Four <i Three second class. Second class. Met 'alliim and Co.. . ,, Colac .. Fairfax Kaipipi, Stewart Island North Arm, Stewart Island Kahuika Waikaia district. . Winton District Mokoreta Waikaka Valley.. ing Sawmill Hauling Sawmill ( Seneral i hail-cut ting only Klax-mill Gold-dredge 20 25 12 16 14 3J 12' 39 20 6 25 12 Two t> .. 14* • • Two 8j First clas>. Looomol ion and t faction. First class. Second class. 16 11 .Met 'ulloch and Campbell .McDonald. .1. arid .1. McDonald, l>. A. . . McEwan, N. McGeorges Freehold Gold - dredging Company No. 1 MoGeorges Freehold Gold - dredging Coni])any No. 2 McGeorges Freehold Gold - dredging Company No. 3 Mclntosh and Blair Mclntosh, N. Mclntyre, John McKay, Donald .. McKenzie Bros. MeKenzie and Sons McKinnon, Alexander (Seneral Chaff-cutting only Klax-mill Cold dredge 14 9 H 12 39 Two H.', 9 0.1 7 and Hi 8 and 12| Locomotive and trad ion. Second class. One first class and two second class. Ditto. >> • • >> • • 20 20 8 and 1 3 38 38 9 and 14 Koit rose Waimahaka Orepuki Tahaka Benmore Barkly.. Gore district General General Sawmill Flax-null Sawmill Threshing and pha,tY-ciit,t,iii<f Sawmill It 4J 30 14 14 20 I 8 !) 30 14 14 20 8 9 0* Two 12 j Two S. 1 , Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. McLeod, Mrs. Me.Master. John MeRae Broe. Magnum Bonum Gold-dredging Company Marshall Bros. Mataura < iollieriea Company Mataura Dairy Factory Melvin, J. Mill, John, and Co. .. Milne and Crawford .. *. . Mofieti Bioe. . • • • f ■• Kast (lore district Arrowtown district Mokoreta Waikaia cnatt-cutting Ditto .. Threshing Flax-mil] ((old dredge Flax-mill Sawmill Threshing and chaff-cutting Ditto .. Threshing Flax-mil] Gold-dredge 8 8 14 26 8 8 14 26 Two 10 6} and 10 i) 9 Two SJ, Sand I2 : ; Locomotive and tract ion. Second class. One first class and two second class. Locomotive and tract ion. Second class. Wyndhani Mataura Tokonui Bluff Waikaka Valley.. ( lurio Bay Genera] Hauling on incline Genera] Hauling on incline ( iheese factory .. Sawmill Wool-dumping .. Pumping Sawmill < liccse-factory .. Sawmill Wool-dumping .. Pumping Sawmill 8 j 16 *>1 31 20 16 20 10 OS 8 16 :si 20 16 20 10 28 36 40 9 7 and 11! ii Two ] 1 l(i.l .. One- Ii. two I! Two !)J First class. Second class. Monknian. \V. T. (Hise and Shine Golddredging Company More and Sons (Limited) W'aikawa Lowburn Gold-dredge Gold-dredge 28 36 40 13j" .. 9 and 14 One first olaes and two second class. Second class. Longwood Sawmill Sawmill Hauling ,, • • 22 i a 22 10 8 8 13 0 25 71 130 130 16 10 20 Two 10 12| .. Two 6j Locomotive and traction. » Hauling Mortimer, William Moss, H. I''., and Co. Muir, J. Murray, Robert Murraye (Limited). . Wairio.. Kdendale Longwood Waikouro Waikaka district Underwood Chaff-cutting Sawmill General Threshing Milk-preserving .. Chaff-cutting Sawmill General Threshing Milk-preserving .. 8 13 0 25 13» Two 7 J 7 15 8 8£ .. 10, 10, 10, 7 ,» First class. Locomotive and tract ion. Second class. Nees and Scott Nevis Crosaing Gold-dredging Company New Zealand Beech Company ,» • • Charlton Creek .. Nevis .. Scott's Gap, Waikouro Mataura Bush Siding ♦» • • Gold-dredge ♦» • • Gold-dredge Sawmill Paper-mills Sawmill II ■ j i i 11 ? i ' i Sawmill 130 16 10 20 35 28 in 7 and'l I j 7 and 11 Two 10 Two second class. Three second class. Second class. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited) .. New Zealand Pine Company Paper-mills Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Hauling 35 28 10 30 12 13 L6J .. Two 7 .. 15* .. Two 8 .. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Hauling Colac .. Sawmill 30 1O >» Hauling



Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.-continued.

Name ol Owner. w here Boiler used. HorseI'lirpnsc for which power Diameter of Cylinders used. of nf KiiKine in [nohee. Boiler. Class of Driver required. onnmrn New Zealand Pine Company SOUTHLJ SOUTH] Gorge Road !LAB ,ND DISTRICT— roi ND DISTRICT— continued. Sawmill .. 52 14 I l-i iilltifr t\ Turn (11 •IhlUitl. Gorge Road Sawmill Hauling Sawmill 52 6 354 20 20 120 20 14 Two (>} Two 9j 10 and 10 15J .. Two 7 .. 6 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Grove Bush Makarewa Spar Bush PiirK Grove Bush Hauling .. f> Two (H Vj., ,,...,Ill Ol Sawmill .. 354 l>0 IM ■n IO n.rwl I It First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Makarewa ..20 10 and 10 9fl 1 Kl Spar Hush Hauling Smelting-works .. 20 154 TTniilinn 1 9H Twn 7 New Zealand Smelting Company (Limited) Nicholson, Andrew Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited) .. Orepuki Orepuki East Chatton Nightcaps Hauling .. 120 Two 7 .. Smelting-works .. 20 5 Hauling .. 20 Two 61 Air-eompressor .. 60 16 Ml Hi East Chatton Nightcaps Hauling Air-compressor . . Winding Freezing „ . . 60 IB WJnrlinfT 9ft Turn Ilk 20 60 60 20 40 Two (U Iβ Iβ Two m 14 and 22}, Hi and 28 Ditto .. First class. Winding. First class. 4 Ocean Beach Freezing-works Ocean Beach Ocean Beach Winding .. 20 Two IU Freezing .. 40 14and 22.'. Iβand 28 »» ■ • Makarewa Loohiel district .. Bannookburn >» Manure-works .. Brickworks Chaff-outting Hauling and pumping Hauling Chaff-cutting General Gold-dredge ..40 Ditto .. 7ft 70 „ .. 9rt 7X fl.nrl 111 Manure-works .. 2o /+,and 111 40 70 25 25 r> 20 74, and III 7 J and 7>' 7J LO Second class. O'Kane, H. O'Shannessy Bros. Parcell, W. It. Makarewa Loohiel district . Bannookbum Brick-works .. 25 7J and 74, Chaff-outting .. f> 1\ Hauling and pump- 20 10 ing Locomotive and traction. Second class. Patterson, Angus Paterson, W. I. Patterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Company No. I Patterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Company No. 2 Perry Bros. Perry, A. Woodlands Mosslmm district Waikaka Valley.. Woodlands Mossburn districi Waikaka Valley. Round Hill Luggate districi . !t Hauling .. 20 10 Chaff-cutting .. 44 64 General .. 91 9 Gold-dredge .. Hi 7 and 11 J 20 8 and 13 Sawmill .. 14 14 Hauling and chaff- 8 9 cutting 20 91 Iβ 10 6| .. 9 7 and 11J Locomotive and traction. Three second class. Round Hill Luggate (listlict.. Sawmill Hauling and chaffcutting Threshing ('half-cutting Gold-dredge Sawmill Battling Sawmill General Sawmill 20 14 8 8 and i:s 14 !> One first class and two second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Petrie, Alexander Poole. E. Quill and Party . . Ramsay, Keith, and Co. Raymond, I. W. .. Gore district Isla Bank Oharlton Creek . . Waikiiwa Papatotara Gore district Isla Bank CharltOE Creek . Waikawa Papatotara Threshing .. 8 9 Chaff-cutting .. 6 8 Gold-dredge .. 16 7 and 11 J Sawmill .. 14 Two 84 Hauling .. 10 Two?.. Sawmill Kβ Two 9? 8 6 Lβ 14 10 55 9 14 9 8 7 and 11 J Two 8£ Two ?".. Two9| 9 Two 8J Three second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Reid, William, jun. Kimu Sawmilling Company 1 1 Nightcaps Murray River, Stewart Island Low burn Nightcaps Murray Rive Stewart Island ur, ,1 sawmill .. 00 iwo-.p; General .. 9 9 Sawmill .. 14 Two 8£ Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company No. 1 Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company No. 2 Ditto Ruing Sun Gold-dredging Company .. isianu Lowburn Cromwell Lowburn 11 Gold-dredge Gold-dredge .. 38 9 and 14 20 8 and 12} „ 46 Compound 9 and 1 ..40 10 and 16 38 9 and 14 One first class and two second class. Ditto. 20 8 and 12J Cromwell Lowburn 4(i 40 Compound 9 and 14 10 and 16 Second class. One first class and two second class. Locomotivo and traction. Ritchie, John Rodger, A. W. Roaedale Gold-dredging Company .. Royds, J. C. Saunders, J. Cromwell dietriol Biiohwood Waikaka Valley.. New River South Hillend district Hokonui district Otania district . . Seaward Downs. . Cromwell district Birehwood Waikaka Valley. New River South Hillend di triet ■t I Threshing General Gold-dredge Flax-mill J General Threshing .. 8 9 General .. 9 9 Gold-dredge .. 20 7iandlli Flax-mill .. 20 8 and 12} Genera] .. 6 1\ 8 9 20 20 6 9 9 7{ and 11J 8 and 12f 7i Three second class. First class. Locomotive and tract ion. Scott, J. .. LL1UU Hokonui district ( tt :i m:t (li <t rii-t »» • • Threshing only .. Dairy factory 6 84 .. Thivshim' onlv .. 9 9 6 9 20 84 9 5J .. Second class. Seaward Downs Dairy Factory Com" pany S< if, it and Alfort Sinclair Bros. Smith and Aitken Smith and Co, George Road Dipton Waikaka Valley. . Te Waewae Invenargill Athol Southland County Waikaia dial rid Bluff ( Kama district . Seaward Downs. George Road Dipton Waikaka Valley. 'IV Wuewae I it » ..*..■ 1 I-. 1 1 I I] Chaff-cutting Gold-dredge Sawmill Woodworking .. Threshing Hauling 1 nresning oniy .. y y Dairy factory .. 20 54 Flax-mill .. 16 1\ and \\\ Chaff-cutting .. 8 84 Gold-dredge .. 20 71 and I If Sawmill . . 14 Two 84 U7.inH«»r,rl.-;.iir A.4. 8? and I-t Iβ 8 20 14 44 8 6 8 50 and I1J 84 7] and 11 g Two 8J 8 J and" 14 8 and 94 of and 9J 6} and 11 J 11 and 22, 13 and 24 Ditto Two 4. one f>, one 6 15and 21 Locomotive and traction. Three second class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction Soper, G. A. Southland County Council .. Invoreargill Athol .. Southland Count V\';l 11. , :I 1:1 i I I l'Ti-t ty Woodworking .. 44 8} ami 1 + Threshing .. 8 6 and 94 Hauling .. 6 5| and 9J 8 (5? and 111 Southland Frozen Meat Company Makarewa Mataura Waikaia Q181 net Bluff .. Uα Irn f/\iifi r Freezing-works and electric light Ditto Pumping Freezing-works and electric light Sawmill ,, o auu 11 Freezing-works and 50 11 and 22, 13 and electric light 24 Ditto .. .. 102 Ditto .. Pnmninir 50 Two 4-_ Olie (>. OllO (i 102 50 128 First class. Second class. First class. Makarewa \ I ■ b I ■ I 1 I !'■ I Pumping .. ou Two 4, one o. one d RVoAvincr-nrnrira n.nA 128 1 5 and 21 Mataura I , rcczmg-works and 12a loana zi electric lit'ln Southland Sawmilling Company Papatotara Papatotara eieuiriu ii^ml Sawmill .. 13 Two S.I 32 Two II 13 32 30 20 14 20 20 14 8 42 Two S.', Two LI Two 10 Second class. First class. Second class. ,» • • Speden, A. Star Gold-dredging Company Star of the Gold-mining Company Sutherland, William Siitton, Joseph Tait. W. E, Tβ Waewae Wainiaeinae Coir .. Waikaka Valley.. Bannookbum George Road Winton district . . Woodlands Tβ \\'-i miriln Te Waewae 1lll!)lkl)l'l i \ Wainiaeinae Core .. Waikaka Valley. Bannookbum George Road Winton districi . Woodlands Woodworking .. Gold-dredge Gold-battery Sawmill .. (General Steaming .. : ,, OZ 1WO II 30 Two II) „ au two hi 20 „ .. zu „ nr 1 u: 1 A ('. 1 rtn/1 101 Woodworking .. 14 64 and 10J Gold-dredge .. 20 7 J and II -J Gold-battery .. 20 7 and 11 Sawmill .. J 14 Two 84 General .. 8 9 Steaming . . 42 8 64 and 10J 7| and 11.', 7 and 11 Two 84 9 8 Throe second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class,


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler usnd. Purposes fur which used. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of hi' Engine in Inches. Boiler. ! Class of Driver required. SOUTHLAN 0 DISTRICT—comiti rawed. Templeton, ('. Templeton, W. Timaro Milling Company .. Timpany Bros. Todd, Thomas, and Sons . . 'I'odd and Wilson Trail Bros, and Smythies Waimahaka EUverton Tiniaru Pahia .. Waikiwi Invercargill Longwood Flax-mill Flour-mill .. | Sawmill .. j Pipe-works Hauling Sawmill General Shop-tools I'limping Gold-dredge 14 14 140 25 52 *4 20 36 i\ 20 26 8| .. 7fandll£ 16 and 20 Two 12$ 12 and 21 6J Two 10 12 of and 9£ 5 Two 4.J, one 6 . . 9 and 13 Socond class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Trapski, F." Trapski, J. Travis, .lames Waikaia Qold-dredging Company Pukerau Wyndham Waikaka Valley.. Waikaia Locomotive and traction. Second class. One first and two second class. Ditto. Waikaka Deep Lead Qdld-dredging Company Waikaka Forks Qold-dredging Company Waikaka United Qold-dredging Company No. 1 Waikaka United Gold-dredging Company No. 3 Walker, L. Wallis, R. and F. .. Little Waikaka .. 40 20 20 36 8 and 17 7£andll| 7 and Hi Three second class. One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. 9 and 14 Lumsden district East Gore ChafE-cutting Fellmongery Lime-works General Gold-dredge 8 20 20 1 20 9 8 and 13 Ward, .I.'G., and Co. Williams, J. and R. Willowhank Qold-dredging Company Limehills Driimniond district Waikaka Valley 7 and 11J 9 8 and 13 Second class. Locomotive and traction. One first class and two second class. Second class. Woodlands Dairy Factory Company.. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Woodlands Brown's Invercargill Wyndham Cheese-factory .. Lime-works .. | Manure-works . , Dairy factory 32 14 14 26 n Two 8J 8J and 14} 8 First class. Second class. Wyndham Dairy Factory Company .. Ararata Dairy Company Awatuna Co-operative Dairy < lompany Bartle, H. M. Bassett, W. Q. Kill Block Dairy Company . Bonithon Freehold Petroleum Extended (Limited) Borthwiok,Thomas, an<l Sons (Limited) TAR^ lNAKI DISTRICT. Second class. Hawera Awatuna East . . Opunake Wanganui Bell Block New Plymouth .. Creamery .. I Cheese-factory . . Sawmill .. j Joinery-works .. Butter-factory .. Oil-boring i 20 22 25 36 25 29 10 !) 11 12 10 10 >> »» Waitara .. j Freezing Sash and door factory Ditto Cheese-factory .. i 190 65 85 70 26£ 26 17 11 and 20 First class. if Brown, H., and Co. Inglewood i5i" .. ;; »» Capo Egmont Co-operative Dairy ( lompany ('arditi Co-operative Dairy Company.. ('astlccliff Railway ( lompany t> • • Pungarehu 12 Second class. Cardiff Castlecliff Wanganui Waitara district.. Huiroa Wanganui Waitara district.. j Eltham .. j Opunake district Hauling ■ • J Oil-boring Flax-mill Chaff-cutting Box-factory .. j Road-roller .. ! Hauling Road-roller Dairy factory .. Cheese-factory .. Road-roller Soap-works .. j Hauling .. ! Road-roller Dairy factory .. Road-roller Creamery Cheese-factory .. „ .. j 17 19 19 7 32 17 10 40 3-8 7 6 30 20 16 20 U 5} 40 5 5 5 31 8 20 20 17 16 21 17 20 9 Two 10 Locomotive and traction »» Clare, F. Consolidated Oilfields Company „ . Dickie, R. A. Draper, J. . • • • ' ■ ■ Egmont Co-operative Box Company Egmont County Council Kit ham Borough Council Kit ham Co-operative Dairy Company 8J .. 13f .. 10 6 and 10 H£andl4i 4i and 6| 5~and 8£ 6* and 9J 10i .. 10 10J 9 5J and 8£ Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction Eltham Second class. Not known Eltham TeRoti Eltham Eltham County Council Locomotive and traction. Gilberd, J. B., and Sons Hatrick and Co. Castlecliff Wanganui Two "7 4 and 6| Second class. Locomotive and traction. Hawera Borough Council Hawcra Co-operative Dairy Company Hawera County Council Hawera Dairy Company .loll. T. L.,Co-operative Dairy Company Hawcra Kapuni Okaiawa 5J and 8 Nil 5 and 9 9 () 6 9 6J .. 6 9 Second class, locomotive and traction. Second class. 4. » Otakeho Te Ngutu Kakaramea Kakaramea Co-operative Dairy Company


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.

14— H. 15.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. I I HorsePurposes for which power Diameter of Cylinders c , , D ivcr requi] . ed used. of of Engine in Inches. n Boiler. vaponga Co-operative Dairy Company tarana: U DISTRICT—con«, mutd. Kaponga Riverlea Rowan Kapuni Kaupokonui Fordell district .. Cheese-factory .. 16 17 21J 20 25 6 10 10 9 8 8andl3J of and 8| Second class. >> <aupokonui Dairy Company »> • • First class. Locomotive and traction. Levitt, W. jittle and Co. lowgarth Co-operative Dairy Company tfcCluggage, J. tfangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company Sentry Hill Lowgarth Pohokura Mahoe Mangatoki Matapau Manutahi Thresliing and chaff-cutting Stone-crushing .. Cheese-factory .. Sawmill Cheese-factory .. Dairy factory Cheese-factory .. 6 20 20 20 30 21 16 22-e 20 20 20 6 14 40 5J and 9£ 8 13i .. 8 8 8 9 9 10 9 10 oj and 9 Two 10 13 Second class. tfanutahi Co-operative Dairy Company >> Hells Co-operative Dairy Company .. Uidhirst Co-operative Dairy Company Hurray, D., and Co. STew Plymouth Borough Council Sew Plymouth Harbour Board Sew Plymouth Sasli and Door Company >> • ■ Mokoia Midhirst Wanganui New Plymouth .. Moturoa New Plymouth .. Butter-factory .. Sew Zealand Casein Company Sgaere Co-operative Dairy Company Sorris and Son Dkoia Co-operative Dairy Company .. Dpunake Sawmilling Company Parkes and Brooker Parkin, T. and R. Patea Farmers' Freezing Company .. Aramoho Ngaero Patea .. Okoia .. Te Kiri Shop-tools Road-roller Hauling Sasli and door factory Casein-works Cheese-factory .. Brick-works Butter-factory .. Sawmill 17 34-8 22 17 28 30 8 24 23 20 17 38 30 38 5 8 5i 36 6 6 35 8 5 29 9 8 10J .. 8 10 and 19 12 7 and 11 9 9 12 and 24 9 10 10 11 5} and 8 9} .. 5£ and 8J 12 4 and 7£ 5J and 8J Two 10£ 6 and 9J 4J and 7J 7 Locomotive and traction. Second class. >> Fitzroy district .. Patea .. »> • • Hauling Steaming fat Steaming tallow Joinery-works .. Cheese-factory .. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. >» • • Juinn Bros. Rahotu Co-operativo Dairy Company Riverdalc Co-operative Dairy Company 3cott Bros. •Southern Cross Biscuit Company Stratford Borougli Council Stratford County Council .. Hawera Rahotu Inaha Castlecliff Wanganui Stratford Midhirst Stratford district Hawera New Plymouth .. Wool-scouring .. Biscuit-factory .. Road-roller Stone-crushing .. Road-roller Joinery-works .. Hauling First class. Second class. pi Locomotive and traction. 3yme, G. Symons, T. V. Second class. Locomotive and traction. ,, . . . . . . Caranaki County Council .. Sawmill Hauling •.. Road-roller Oil-boring First class. Locomotive and traction. j> raranaki New Zealand Oil-wells (Limited) Ditto Bell Block ! '. ii Second class. Moturoa Steaming Freezing 25 12 42 30 6 5 21 6 6 30 20 26 10 10 25 80 9 7 and 11 9 and 15,10J.21.. >> Caranaki Producers' Freezing Company First class. >> • • iVaimato County Council .. Kapuni Hauling 6 and 10 5 and 8£ 10 4 and 7 5J and 8J 8 9 5 Two 10 Two 7 .. 9 and 13 12 and 28, 15 and 27 Ditto .. >> Locomotive and traction. iVaitara Co-operative Dairy Company iVanganui Borougli Council >> • • Waitara Wanganui Dairy factory Hauling Road-roller Butter-factory .. Second class. Locomotive and traction. >> .. iVanganui Dairy Company .. *.. iVanganui Fresh Food and Ice Company iVanganui Gasworks iVanganui Harbour Board .. Aramoho St. John's Wanganui Castlecliff Soutli Spit Wanganui River Castlecliff Second class. Gasworks Hauling stone .. Locomotive Dredging Freezing Locomotive and traction. ,, . . . . iVanganui Meat-freezing Company .. First class. >> >> • • >> • • 80 80 80 50 »» - • IVanganui Sash and Door Company .. Wanganui Sash and door factory Cheese-factory .. Two 14J IVaverley Co-operative Dairy Company iVhenuakura Co-operative Dairy Company Waverley Whenuakura 16 20 8i 10 Second class. WELLII [GTON DISTRICT. 6 and 10 Locomotive and traction. illen, Isaac, jun. .. „ sen. .. <Ulender and Co. .. inketell, J. iwahuri Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) Baigent Bros. Masterton Petone Masterton Awahuri Threshing Soap-works Chaff-cutting Dairy factory 6 6 20 I! 6 8 1\ and 12 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second claes. Akatarawa Sawmill Log-hauler 14 15 Two 8£ .. »> ! ♦ j> • '


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of O W ner. Purposes for which used. loreerower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches, toiler. Clasa o( DrlTer required. WELLINGT ON DISTRICTr-co?ii linued. Ballanco Co-operative Dairy Company Ballance ,, ,, Konini.. „ „ Scarborough Barber, W. H., and Co. .. .. Petone.. Batholomew, P. .. .. .. Weraroa Butter-factory .. »» • • Creamery Dye-works Machine tools .. Sawmill Stone-crushing .. 32 16 40 40 44 20 6 16 17 18 I 10 10 10 : 8 10f 16 9 8 Two 9 .. I 8J .. Four 6 J and one 7 Second class. Belmont Quarry Company .. .. Belmont Bevan, T. (jun.) .. .. .. Ohau .. Bird Bros. .. .. .. Manakau Bisdee, S. C. .. .. .. Pahiatua Blackball Coal Company .. .. Hulk " Blackball " First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second cla-w. Sawmill Brick-works Hoisting .. Hulk "Elinor Vernon " Booth, W., and Co. .. .. Carterton Broad and Ingram .. .. Bangitane 22 Two 6 and two 7.. Sawmill Flax-mill 40 20 20 6 20 6 30 30 6 Hi .. , Two 10 Brogden, J. C. .. .. .. Masterton Chamberlain and Son .. .. ,, Threshing Flour-mill Threshing Confectionery 8 .. 9 and 14 8 12 n 5£ and 10 Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second cla-s. Champion Company, The .. .. Wellington Chapman, W., and Co. .. .. Martinborough district .. Ditto Christie, L. E. .. .. .. Wellington Cook, T. .. .. .. Petone.. Chaff-cutting Locomotive and traction. Steaming Cooperage 8 22 33 6J and 10$ lOf .. 5J and 9,4J and 7£ Second class. Couchman, C. T. .. .. .. „ .. Crabtree and Sons .. .. Wellington Dalefield Dairy Factory Company .. Dalefield Daniell, C. E. .. .. .. Masterton Dimock and Co. .. .. .. Ngahauranga Easson (Limited) .. .. .. Kilbimie „ .. .. .. Wellington Evans Bay Timber Company .. Kilbimie Ewington, J. C. .. .. .. Masterton Fay, D. A., and Co. .. .. Petone Featherston Co-operative Dairy Com- Featherston pany Fitchett, A. B., jun. .. .. Brooklyn Fresh Food and Ice Company .. Wellington Laundry Shop-tools Cheese-factory .. Sawmill Steaming Sawmill Box-mill Sawmill Hauling Steaming Cheese-factory .. Brick-works Butter-factory .. Sawmill Log-hauling 17 16 24 44 50 40 60 38 6 50 21 6 9J .. 9 16 Nil .. 13f .. Two 12J 13 5J and 8J Idle 10 »» First class. Second class. »» First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Gardner and Yeoman .. .. Makuri •. „ .. .. Waimiro 33 27 20 10 30 65 65 65 65 73 73 73 73 28 25 14 27J 20 12 12 12 11 and 8i Two 8J One 13 17 and 34 ,i • • »» Gear Meat Company .. .. Petone Freezing First class. ,, .. • • ii ■ • ,* • • • • »» • • ,, • • • • »» • • ,, • • • • »» • • Hauling Two 8| Two 11 Two 8£ Two 7J 6J .. Locomotive and traction. Giddings and Harden .. .» Mikimiki Gosling and Son .. .. .. Maku Greytown - Wairarapa Co - operative Greytown Dairy Company Harrison, G. .. .. .. ■■ Hausmann, Carl .. .. .. Kakara Hawkc's Bay Dairy Company .. Mangatainoka .. Herman and Weger .. .. Tane Hill and Barton .. .. .. Wellington Hill, H. .. Hirst and Co. .. .. .. Kaiwarra Hutt Borough Council .. .. Lower Hutt Jackson, E. H. .. .. .. Woodside Jones, C. E. .. .. .. Matarawa Sawmill Second class. Cheese-factory .. »> Milking Ploughing Creamery Boring Steaming Brick-works Tannery Road-roller Ploughing Sawmill and chaff - cutting Hauling Chaff-cutting Threshing Hauling Threshing Hauling Cable trams 4 10 21 40 25 25 46 6 10 6 7andll£ Locomotive and traction. 10 12 Nil 13f .. 9 4£ and 8 7 and 11 J 8 Second class. Locomotive and traction. ii Jones, E. .. .. .. Masterton ,, . • • • • • » ■ • Johnson Bros. .. .. .. Carterton 8 5 6 6 6 6 26 0 I and 10 5 and 8 J 8 6 and 10 Karori "Borough Council .. .. Wellington Kelburne and Karori Tramway Com- Kelburne pany Ditto McCarthy, T. G., and Co, .. ,. Wellington Two"7 9 and 16 First class. Brewery 26 30 Second olass. 7


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. WELL1NGTC IN DTSTRTOT , — conl\ inued. Mace and Nicholson .. .. I »» • • McEwan and Carter McGregor Bros. McLachlan Bros. McLeod, Weir, and Hopkirk Ngahauranga Wellington district Petone Masterton Stone-crusher Hauling »> • • Chaff-cutting Threshing, &c. Sash and door factory Ditto Threshing, &c. I 30 5 5 6 6 8 17 13£ 4 and 6J 4J and til 4 and 7 8 6J and 10J 17 Second class. Locomotive and traction. )> »» Wellington »> First class. McPhee, Hugh Masterton Borough Council Masterton Co-operative Dairy Company Mauriceville Dairy Company May Morn Estates (Limited) Mill, John, and Co. Millar's Hardwood Company Minton, S. B. Carterton »» * * Masterton Mauriccville Mangaroa Hulk " Ganymede " Wellington Carterton Road-roller Dairy factory Sawmill Log-hauling Hoisting Sawmill Threshing, &c. 17 6 (i 7 19 30 118 118 12 22 22 18 6 H 24 17 25 18 27 45 27 17 8 8 6£ and 10 11 8 16| .. 16} .. Two 8J 7 and 12 Two 6, three 8 .. 101 .. 8 6 and 9f 12 8 6 9 9 8* 10 and 16 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Murphy, W., and Son Neilsen, Murray, and Fredrick Newton, John New Zealand Candle Company Wellington Brick-works Shop-tools Soap-works Steaming Candle-works Second class. Kaiwarra »> it New Zealand Government Defence Department New Zealand Government Mental Hospital Department Ditto Mahanga Bay .. Electric light First class. Porirua Steaming 20 9J and 15 Wellington »» • • Printing 20 43 35 »» • • 9 and 15 II New Zealand Government Printing Office Ditto New Zealand Government Prisons Department New Zealand Government State Coal Department Ditto Mount Cook Brick-making .. 35 38 »» ' • 14 Second class. Wellington Hauling 6 3i and 7 Locomotive and traction. Nireaha Dairy Company Niven and Co. Odlin, C. and A. .. Nireaha Wellington Reikorangi Wellington »> • • Hoisting Cheese-factory .. Foundry Sawmill 6 24 20 45 25 25 23 33 12 28 6 4 and 7 Two 8 6 7f and 11 12J .. 121 • • 12 12 Two 8} 8 and 6J 6 and 101 Second class. ii ii »» • • ■ * »» • • Ora Flax-milling Company.. Manakau Porutawa Martinborough district Otaki Kaiparoro Belmont Akatarawa Petone Nireaha Wairoa Admirals Carterton Flax-mill ii j» Hauling Locomotive and traction. Orbell, J. Otaki Dairy Company Parker and Co .. • • i ■ Pitcaithly and Co. Price and Co. . ■ ■ • Price, Thomas, and Co. Pryde, W. Pulley, C. F. Rathbone, T. J. .. >♦ Robertson, D. Scorrar, J. Seed Bros. Silverstream Brick and Tile Company Staples and Co. Wellington Kopuaranga Mangaroa Silverstream Wellington Dairy factory Sawmill Stone-crushing .. Sawmill Steam-navvy Sawmill Hauling Box-making Engineers' tools.. Chaff-cutting, &c. Sawmill Brick-works Brewery Steaming Sawmill 17 12 20 36 50 38 8 35 8 19 19 45 5 14 35 66 35 42 23 24 12 28 6 18 35 10 34 8i Two 8J 11 and 14} 16 12 121 • • Two 8 13 6J and 10 10} .. 10 12 7 Two 81 13 10 10 20 20 10 Two 81 11 4 and 7 10i .. 9 7 and 11J Eight 6 and four 7 Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Stewart Timber Company .. First class. Brick-works Flax-mill ii Second class. Tonks, E. Toogood and Co. Kahautara Longbush Wellington Steam-wagon Brick-works ! Sawmill Ploughing Hoisting Locomotive and traction. Second class. Trevor Bros. Udy, Hart Udy, T. C. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) Ditto Petone Greytown Hulk " Adderley " Locomotive and traction. Second class. Hulk " Arawatta " 21 6 and 7 »>


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HoreePurpoaes for which power Diameter of Cylinders used. of of Engine in Inch's. Boiler. Class of Driver required. WELLINGT' )N""DISTRICT— co; tinued. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) Hulk " Dartford " Coaling 33 Two 6, two 6, two 6, two 6, two 6, two 5, two 4} Three winches 7} and 7} 8 and 6, and 6 Second class. Ditto Hulk " Dilpussund " Hulk " Lutterworth " Hulk " Occident" Hoisting 20 34 Hulk " Solgran " Hulk " Tobias " Hulk " William Manson " Ditto .. Evans Bay »» • • 46 4 21 5 Two 6, two 7, two 8, two 10 5} and 5} Six 5} 5 and 5 it »» • • Victoria Laundry Company Wairarapa Brick and Tile Company .. Wakeley, W. W. .. Wakelin Bros. Wall, F. Wangaehu Dairy Company Wellington City Council »» • • Wellington Wellington Carterton Kahautara Carterton Martinborough .. Wangaehu Wellington Laundry M • • Pipe-making Flax-mill Hauling Flax-mill Steaming Power-house 6 32 32 50 87 18 16 6 12 18 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 350 455 100 100 130 6 8 115 115 350 10 7 72 72 n 30 36 36 6 7} 106 140 9 24 24 60 100 38 124 56 56 56 35 124 84 5 12 40 40 40 16} 64 64 107 65 25 22 19 5J and 5J 11 and two 5, two 4}, two 5}, two 6 Ditto 8 8 8} and 14 8 and 12} Two 3.. 7 and Hβ 10 17, 24}, and 37} »» Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. >» • ■ Electric light Turbines >> • • 15 and 30 >» ' • Road-roller »t • ■ Locomotive and traction. Pumping 9 8 9}, 15, and 23 .. First class. Wellington Gas Company Miramar Electric light Fire-engine Hauling Steaming 13 J, 19}, and 28 8 and 8 4 and 7 Three 8 and one 7 Locomotive and traction Second class. Wellington Hauling Gasworks Pumping Two 7} 8 and 5 7, 8, and 10 11 Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Hauling 4 and 7 Locomotive and traction Wellington Harbour Board Pumping 15 and 30 First class. Wellington Hospital Board .. Newtown Dredge Laundry Two"9 .. 8} .. 8} .. 19 and 28 Second class. Wellington Meat Export Company '".. Ngahauranga Preserving First class. >» • • »» • • »» • • 8} and 14} 12 Nil Second class. »» • • Gasworks »» • • y* • • Steaming »» • • II . . . . 11 »» • • n • * 12 Nil 4 and 7 Two 8.. 19 and 28 ,» • • »» • • Fellmongery Hauling ,, • ' Locomotive and traction Petone Wellington Freezing »» First class. 11 Wellington Farmers' Meat Company.. Waingawa Hauling Freezing 4 and 7 '.'. 17 and 27 Locomotive and traction. First class. »» • ■ Wellington Woollen Company Westland Timber Company Whiteman, H. F. and J. Windsor Manufacturing Company Petone Lower Hutt Akatarawa Wellington Woollen mills .. Sawmill 17J and 35 12 12 Nil Second class. Steaming


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c. — continued.


Name <>f Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class <jf Driver required. WRLLTNG' 'ON NORTH DTSH :tct. Alexander and Gorrie Andrew, Robert Charles Ngawaka Sanson. . Feilding district.. Bull's .. Rangiotu Rangataua Horopito Hihitahi Sawmill General 16 6 6 25 14 72 36 19 42 40 37 12 17 Two 9 o and 9 5£ and 10 12 7/j and 12 17 and 27f 14 16 16 12 15 Two 8£ Two 8 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Bell, Reginald T. .. Flax-mill Second class. First class. Bennett and Punch Berry Bros. Booth, William, and Co. >» ■ ■ Sawmill Second class. First class. Broadbelt, Alexander Feilding Raetihi Road Ohakune Box-factory Sawmill Second class. First class. Second class. »» ■ • Log-hauling Bunnythorpe Co-operative Dairy Company Ditto Carter, Frank J. .. Bunnythorpe I Nil .. Two 9 .. Ohakune Sawmill Hi HI Hi 26 Cheltenham Co-operative Dairy ComCheltenham Dairy factory » 2 •■ pany Clement and Htitton Cook, William Craw, ''iiii%'f Dunn, i teorge L. 8, Easton, Frederick S. Edwards, R. G. .. Manui Palmerston North Lower Kairanga Mataroa Moutoa Marton district .. Sawmill Cooperage Flax-mill Sawmill ;. Flax-mill General 25 48 U 16 39 6 6 6 10i .. 13 7 J and 12 Two 8 \ 12 8 8 8J .. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Egglcton, William »» • • Bunnythorpe district Ditto Utiku »> •' »» it • ■ >* Egmont Co-operative Box Company .. Pokako Feilding »» • • Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Sash and door factory Flour-mill General 6 70 12 30 37 !8 .. 14* ■ • Two 7 J 14 12* •• First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Faulkner, Arthur .. Feilding Sash and Door Factory Flower, Thomas .. Frederick, August. . Gaisford, E. C. Gamman and Co. .. ,, ,, Bull's .. Marton district .. Bull's district Ohakune Sawmill 17 6 7 22J 45 55 45 45 36 20 16 12 It 9 6 and 10 iil and 8 Two 9 20 20 16 16 12 12 Two 9 .. 7 and 11 12 Locomotive and traction. First class. Gardner and Sims.. Turangaarere y* • * »> Second class. Gibbs, Albert J. .. Foxton Flax-mill Glen Omni Co-operative Dairy Company Goldfinch and Co. Green, Donald Harvey, W. J. M... Henderson Bros. Howard. Jamee .luck and Dixon .lames, Thomas I'. .. .. Jarvis, Harold Jensen and Co. .. .. *" .. Eairanga Co-operative Dairy Company King, A., and Co. Ledward, D., and Co. Lewis and Kuhtze Glen Oroua »» • ■ Dairy factory . . Ohakune Karcre Marton district .. Marton Greatford district Koeke Road Stanway district Lower Kairanga Raetihi Longburn Foxton Mataroa Palmerston North Sawmill Flax-mill General Flour-mill General Sawmill General Flax-mill Sawmill Dairy factory .. Flax-mill .•so 12 7 25 6 14 6 14 40 25 14 7 and 11 8} 8J and 14 8 7.1 and 12 (i and 10 Two 8£ 13 9i Two 8J 10 Two 8 Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction First class. Locomotive and traction Second class. 12 Sash and door factory Flax-mill General 14 16 17 Loughnan and Levien Lowe, Frank F. .. McElroy, Owen Managh, J. and <;. Manawatu County Council .. Makerua Feilding district.. Halcombe district Foxton Tramway Hauling 14 6 6 7 16 17 32 Two 8£ 5 and 9 6 and 10 5£ and 9 Two 10 Two 9 9J .. Locomotive and tractio n Manawatu Bleat and ''old Storage Company Manawatu Timber Company Mangawhero Sawmilling Company .. Marion Sash, Door, and Timber ComAwapuni Abattoirs Second class. Taihape Raetihi district .. Marton Sawmill Sash and door factory General Brick-works General 36 32 22 124 •• 14 9 pany Matthews, John Meyer, John C. Milvertun and Son Morris Bro . Muggeridge Bro;. .. Sanson district .. Marton Palmerston North Marton district . . Ohakune . 6 17 8 ! :i3 5J and 9J 91 -. 9 oj and 8£ 6 and 10 14 Locomotive and traotion Second class. Locomotive and traction Sawmill Second class.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower Diameter ol Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. WELLINGTON * NORTH THSTRTCT ORTH THSTRTCT■ontini ted. New Zealand Powell Wood Process (Limited) Ditto Rangataua Sawmill Sawmill 56 16 First class. »» • • Hauling Hauling Preserving wood Dried-milk factory 5*| 360 Two 6 .. 8 and 13 16 16 13} .. 10 and 20 Locomotive and traction, First class. Nathan, Joseph, and Co. .. Bunnythorpe Preserving wood Dried-milk factory ; National Mortgage and Agency Company Ditto Nimmo, Robert Oldfield, William .. Ora Flax-milling Company Oroua County Council Palmerston North Borough Council .. Makino Longburn Butter-factory .. Ueirigeratingworks Butter-factor 150 30 40 Second class. First class. Paraeroa Sawmilling Company Perham, Larsen, and Co. Foxton Marton district .. Foxton Feilding district Palmerston North Raetihi Road .. Rangataua Ditto Flax-mill General Flax-mill Road repairs Road-roller Stone-crushing .. Sawmill >♦ • • 40 14 6 26 6 12 43 70 42 24 23 7 6 67 8J| r>0 23 35 5 7 and 12 8 and 10 10| .. oj and 8J 6 and 9J 7 and 11 16 Two 12J 16 16 Two 9.. 8£ .. 5J and 8J 19 Two 6J 13 12 12 5 and 8J n Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second cla3s. First class. Phillips, W.'j. Pleasants, Owen C. Quin Bros. Sanson district .. Wanganui district Hihitahi Rangataua j Hauling General Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction. »t • ■ ■ - * • Rangataua Timber Company First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. »» ■ ■ Rangitikei County Council Rata Co-operative Dairy Company .. | Rongotea Co-operative Dairy Company Ross, William, and Son (Limited) Rowe Bro-. Rutherford, Jamos G. Saunders Bros. Seifert, Louis Silver Pine Sawmilling Company Smith and Donald .. Smith, Robert M. .. »» • • Marton district .. Rata Rongotea Foxton Rongotea district Waverley Shannon Rangitane Horopito Mataroa Road-roller Dairy factory Steaming General Flax-mill »» • ■ Sawmill >> ■ . Locomotive and traction. Second class. 9 95 20J 8 12 17 13 36 26 45 15 12 25 40 8 40 30 12 Nil 8 7 and 11 12 Two 9j 14 12 15 Two 8i 7 and 11 10 14 Two 8? 16 and 14 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. Smith, W. Q. C. .. Sollitt Bros. Syme, George Lower Kairanga Ohakune Horopito Tangiwai Hauling Flax-mill Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction. First olase. f , . . . . . • Taihape Cooperative Dairy Company Tanner, Robert Taylor, J. H. Ohutu Karere.. Cheltenham district Boundary Road Hihitahi Palmerston North Marton district .. Dairy factory General Brick and tile works Sawmill Sash and door factory General 8 It :: :: Second class. Locomotive and traction. 6 8 Trevor, James 12 12& .. Second class. Turangaarere Sawmilling Company . . Union Timber Sash and Door Company :■,:: 27 Two 10 12 »» Warring, Joseph .. .. •« 7 8 95 6J and 8 9" and 20J .. Locomotive and traction. Whitanui (Limited) .. Moutoa 1 Flax-mill First class. Ahaura Sawmilling Company Baxter Bros. WEST rLAND DISTRICT. 14 I 16 ' 43 15 12 13 25 43 43 43 43 60 25 43 14 ; 20 48 Two 10J Two 9§ 16J .. Two 9.. Two 8J Two 8j 8 and 13} Three 16 First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Ahaura Baxter's Siding .. Humphries Baxter's Siding .. Kanieri I Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Benjamin and Malcock Blackwater Gold-dredging Company Butler Bros. Blackwater Ruatapu Dredging Sawmill First class. ,, . . . . • • Four 8 Two 8 and two 8| Two 7 .. Two 8 .. 12? Two 14, two 14, one 16, two 7, one 4J Second class. ,, . . . . . • Jackson's Waiuta Hauler.. Log-hauling Locomotive J Sawmill Mining Locomotive and traction. Christchurch Timber Company Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) »» First class.


Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which power used. of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Davidson Bros. Davis, J. Dispatch Foundry.. I )obson Stone Syndicate Erickson. G. WESTLAJ D DISTRICT— coM; 'fitted. Waiuta Sawmill 16 Two 84 Second class. Fore it Sawmilling Company Frying Pan Gold-drodging Company.. i Gilbert and Murphy Grant, H. J. Greenstone Mountain Company Greymouth Borough Council Greymouth Harbour Board.. Hokitika Greymouth Dobson Ahaura Orwell Creek .. Ngahere Cronadun Greenstone Camerons Wainihinihi Greymouth Cobden Hauling Brewery Shop-tools Stone-crushing . . Log-hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Gold-dredge Sawmill Flax-mill Mining.. Fire-engine Hauling 15-ton crane 18 16 37 20 8 20 8 25 32 16 58 7 22 8 9 10 9 7 18 24 20 8 35 iii 37 20 7 19 16 16 8 16 20 40 9 50 14 12 60 Two 8 . . 7 Hi and 20 8 and 12} 6 and 10 Two 10 6J and 11 J 8 and 12} 18 7 and Hi Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Three 7 Two 10 Two 9.. ii Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction, Second class. ,, Hauling Two 8 . . Two 7 .. Three 7 7 and Hi 12 Two 11 Two 7 .. 11 and 17$ Two 7J 14 7 and Hi 18 9 Two 10 Locomotive and traction, ,, ,, Hende, Carl [kamatua Sawmilling Company Wataroa Greymouth Ikamatua Fire-engine Flax-mill Woodwork Sawmill Locomotive Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Second class. ># », First class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. .lack Bros. Kotuku K.K. Sawmilling Company Kotuku Sawmilling Company Lake Brunner Oil Company Lake Brunner Sawmilling Company .. Kumara Junction Loop Line Aratika Kotuku Ruru Hauling Oil-boring Sawmill First class. Second class. Long and Daly Mcllroy, J. Malfroy, J. C. Midland Sawmilling Company Near Blackball .. Greenstone Creek Hoho .. y> • • • • Ngahere Log-hauling Sawmill Dredging Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive Flax-mill Mining.. Two 6.. Two 9i 7 and Hi 16 Two 7.. 9 and 14 Two 7.. Two 8} Two 12, one 15, one 6 14J .. Two 9 8 and 12}, 8 and 124 8 and 12} Two 10 13 and 22 ii Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Mikonui Flax-milling Company Millerton Gold-mining Syndicate Mikonui Waiuta Moana Sawmilling Company Montezuma Gold-mining Company .. Moana Near Hokitika .. Sawmill Mining.. 36 16 20 Second class. First class. t, • • »> • • • • Moss, G. W., and Co. .. .'. New Zealand Government (Public Works Department) New Zealand Government (State Coalmines Department) Ditto Three-mile Beach Marsden Otira .. Sawmill Compressors 20 20 95 it Second class. First class. State Mines Mining.. 20 7 and 11, two 10, two 10} Ditto 12 and 19 State Extension.. »» • • if ■ ■ 20 72 72 7 ii ,, . . . . . . . . New Zealand Greenstone Mountain, Company Ditto .. .. .. ••: Ogilvie, W., and Co. Kumara Motor-wagon 5 and 8J if Locomotive and traction. Pactolus Gold-dredging Company Perotti, G. Perry, Hegan, and Co. Red Jacks Sawmilling Company Rotomana Flax-milling Company Stafford Gold-dredging Company Stewart, A. A. Stratford and Blair Gladstone Nelson Creek Mawheraiti Takatai Red Jacks Rotomana Stafford Greymouth Arnold Siding .. Greymouth Kaimata *» • • Sawmill Hauling Log-hauling Dredging Hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive Flax-mill Gold-dredge Hauling Sawmill 7 49 16 8 32 10 20 24 20 20 7 16 33 H 37 35 48 28 17 20 47 7 16 22 i> • ■ 16 Two 8.. Two 7.. 9 and 14 Two 8.. Two 10 Two 8 .. 14 14 Two 7 .. Two 9 .. 8 and 12} 7 13 9* 16 Two 7J 8} and" 13 Two 8| 14} .. Two 7$ Two 10 Two 9 »» First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. ■f Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Paroa Patara Log-hauling Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive Sawmill Log-hauling First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction First class. Locomotive and traction, Second class. Locomotive and traot'on, Snowy River i, it • • »» • •



Return showing Names of Owners of Boilers inspected, &c.— continued.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l4

Name of Owner. 0 "" Purpose for which used. Horaepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Clasa of Driver required. westlan: DISTRICT — contiWi .ed. Ituart and Chapman .. .. Mikonui „ .. .. Rimu .. Sawmill 18 35 25 60 35 6 32 20 20 20 38 20 16 58 18 60 16 00 10 20 6 30 11 14 Two 6J Two 12i 17 6 and 10 12 12 8 and 12| Two 10 14 Two 9 .. 7 and 11J ! I and 14 Two 8 .. 9J and 10 Two 7 Two 11 Two 8 .. 8 and I2j 6£ and 10j 8£ and 12J Second i 'o Kinga Land and Timber Company Te Kinga »» ■ ■ Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction. First class. \>tara Timber Company .. .. Papakamai »» • ■ Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction, Second i 'ry-again Gold-dredging Company .. Nelson Creek Vaimea Sawmilling Company .. Awatuna Vatson, R. .. .. .. Dillmanstown .. Vestland Brick and Tile Company .. Kapatea ,, .. South Beach Vestland Sawmilling Company .. Cameron's Gold-dredge Sawmill First (I Second ola . Brick-works „ . . Inchbonnie „ .. Mananui Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive Sawmill Locomotive Sawmill Hauling Gold-dredge ♦ » [■'ir 1 I I Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Locomotive and traction. Kir 1 I Locomotive and traction. Pirei class. „ .. Ruatapu Vilmot, G. .. .. .. Kanieri Vorksop Gold-dredging Company .. Hinau


NEW ZEALAND WRECK CHART. 1st APRIL, 1913 to 31st MARCH, 1914. Compiled from Official Records in the MARINE DEPARTMENT.

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MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1913-14., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-15

Word Count

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1913-14. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1913-14. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-15

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