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Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

4—H. 15.

Name of Person. Hank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. George Edward Kenneth Lippiatt .. John Francis O'Connor Hugh Stewart Harry Fuller Thomas Langdon Albert John Clanfield Patrick Glynn Herbert White Arthur James Wood John Joseph Guineven Henry Cable Coe Wilsey Montague Eugene Martin .. Martin Peterson Thomas Ware Vicary William Wilkinson Gilbert William Nichols Arthur Benjamin Dawson Edwin Arthur Leonard Grigg Alexander Armstrong McFarlane .. William Grayson James Francis Gray Trevor Millar Ivor Stanfield Bryers Stanley Edwards David Sankey Brigham Valentine Albert Ernest Rickcord .. Sidney William Bridge Kenneth Humphreys Begg Percy Blundell Pairama Clark James Joseph Butler Robert Gordon Barr Louis Havill William Neil Mclntosh Harold Gibbon William James Nigel Houiss Edward McLeod.. Arthur Hunter Victor George Judd Charles Edward Le Grice Robert George Wild Ernest Beaver George Arthur Baker Charles Meadmore Robert Hilford Hayward Frank Lawrence Sutton Charles Edward Hooks Norman John Inglis George Smeaton Clark William George Dement William Richard Dense Robin Howell Deck Albert Henry Rodley Frederick Albert Newton Arthur Julius Taylor Lytton Alphonse Ditely James Cunningham Horace Jenkins .. .. William Henry Berg James Duff Hewett Roy Gordon Perry Maurice Petrie Shaw Ebenezer McDonald James Wright Michael McCarthy Sydney Hanson Miller Harold Dalton Campbell William Scott Leonard Cuthbert Hamilton James Norman Munro Walter Edward Forbes Francis Victor Hallam Edgar Rowland Tidbury William Maki David John McLean Peter Peterson Reginald Frank Gibbons .. .. ! Fiver oil engineer.. River trade • ■ .14 May, 1913.. . 14 „ „ .. .. 14 „ „ .. ■14 .. 14 „ „ .. ..14 .. 14 : .. 14 , . . 14 , .14 ..14 14 „ „ .. .. 14 , .14 „ „ .. 20 June, „ .. ■ ■ 20 „ „ .. i . . 7 Aug., „ .. .. 28 . . 12 Sept., „ .. . . 12 , .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ .. 12 .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 , .. 12 „ .. 12 .. ., .. .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 „ ,. .. . 12 „ .. 12 „ „ .. I .. 12 .. 12 ; ..12 .. 12 „ .... .. 12 „ „ .. .. 12 ,. ..12 ■• 12 .. 12 , .. 12 ,. .. 12 .. „ .. .. 12 ., „ .. .. 12 .. 12 „ „ .. ■ 12 , .. 12 „ „ .. • •12 .. 13 Oct., „ .. ..13 ..13 .. 80 .. „ .. .. 30 .. „ .. 4 Dec a „ „ .. :: s ;; ;; :: 8 8 , . . 22 . . 29 „ „ .. . . 20 Jan., 11114. . .. 20 , • • 20 , . 20 .. 20 ., „ .. ■ 20 „ „ . . 3 Feb., „ .. I .. 16 „ „ .. . . 16 „ „'.-.■ 2 Mar.. .. 2 9 ., „ . . i 23 „ . . 26 , 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434