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1913. NE W ZEALAN D.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Ilis Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington, 4th July, 1913. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, F. M. B. Fisher, Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. His Excellency the Hon. Lord Liverpool, Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand. The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. Inspection of Machinery Department, Sir,- — Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, 7th May, 1913. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1913. Boilers inspected. A good year's work has been done in this branch of the service, and, with one or two exceptions, the whole of the districts are up to date. Drawings of some unusual types of boilers were submitted to the Department as follows : (1) A water-tube locomotive boiler with vertical water-tubes ; (2) a water-tube boiler similar to the well-known boiler of the Babcock and Wilcox pattern, except that each header receives two tubes only ; (3) a water-tube portable boiler ; (4) a vertical cross-tube boiler with shell-crown corrugated to give additional strength ; (5) a motor-car vertical tubular boiler with thin shell-plate bound with steel wire of very high tensile strength (the pressure desired for this boiler was 500 lb. per square inch) ; (6) drawings of other vessels to carry steam-pressure of designs of unusual construction, which were to be used for sterilizers, vulcanizers, &c. Several firms outside of New Zealand submitted for approval standard drawings of boilers which they propose to place on the New Zealand market. Inquiries were received from abroad with reference to the scantlings of boilers and the interpretation of the standard rules of the Department. Several new boilers were not granted the working-pressure for which they were built, owing to faulty workmanship in some cases and to insufficiency of scantlings in others. The United States Consul wrote making inquiries as to boiler-inspection in New Zealand. Some large boilers have been built in the Dominion during the year. Several circulars have been issued to the Inspectore during the year giving rules for construction in connection with boilers and

I—H. Lsa,



vessels carrying pressure. Altogether 587 plans have been submitted for the Department's ruling. Many of these required alterations and additions. The practice now adopted of submitting plans for approval prior to construction has done much to secure uniformity throughout the Dominion. This is recognized as a step in the right direction, as it avoids alterations after the work has been commenced. Altogether 7,011 boilers have been inspected. Certificates have been issued for these. The fees for these inspections amount to £7,969. Government Boilers and Machinery. During the year 210 Government boilers and machinery were examined. Of this number, 129 were boilers, 14 lifts, 23 oil-engines, 10 gas-engines, 31 electric motors, and 3 turbines. Repairs were made to several of them, and certificates were issued for each inspection. Defective Boilers and Fittings. Quite a number of defects in boilers and their fittings are set out in Return No. 2. The total defects discovered number 1,239. Of this number, 33 were very dangerous. Several of these defects are due to shortness of water in the boiler. Glass-tube gauges are now generally used to ascertain the water-level in boilers, and, as much depends on them, care should be taken to provide good and reliable fittings, and to keep them in good working-order. Accidents through shortness of water in boilers would be reduced in number if the attendants, instead of merely opening the drain-cocks of water-gauges, were to test them several times daily in the following manner to ensure that both the steam and the water passages were perfectly clear : (1) Shut top cock ; (2) open drain-cock (a full blow of water shows that the water-passage is clear) ; (3) shut bottom cock ; (4) open top cock (a full blow of steam shows that the steam-passage is clear) ; (5) shut the drain-cock; (6) open the bottom cock (the water should not be sluggish in returning to the glass). These operations involve a certain amount of trouble, but they ensure that the glasses will indicate the water-level correctly, and also that the cocks are workable should a glass break. To prevent accidents from bursting glasses they should be of good quality, the fittings should be in line, and each glass should have a suitable protector. The renewal of glasses every six months, instead of waiting till they break, is very good practice. New Boilers. During the year 587 new boilers have been registered and added to the books of the Department. Their total horse-power amounts to 6,649. Of the total number, 356 were built in the Dominion and 231 imported. The following table shows the number and horse-power of the new boilers and the districts to which they have gone :—

Gas-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery.—Lifts and Machinery Inspections. The total number of inspections made during the year was 8,185. Of this number, 1,531 were gas-engines, 2,794 oil-engines, 3,802 lifts and motors (which include water and electric motors), and 58 steam machinery. Fencing of Machinery. The guarding of machinery in motion for the protection of those who have to work at or near it has been attended to where required. Attention has been necessary, particularly in the case of oilengines which have been installed at many places during the year, and which are usually in the hands of those unused to machinery in motion. Return No. 4 gives full particulars of the guarding done,

Local. Imported. Total. District. Horsepower. , HorseNumber. power _ HorseNumber. Number. power. Auckland Auckland South Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington North Wellington . Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Canterbury South Otago Southland ... 41 42 31 37 27 38 3 7 2 19. 45 2 36 26 745 607 286 389$ 263" 260 Hi 94$ 73 218 1641 6$ 163$ 155$ 37 80 13 25 8 29 6 3 4 5 23 8 21 19 1,546$ 248 252 3221 32 62$ 26 12 12$ 209$ 177$ 52 77} 181$ 78 72 44 62 35 67 9 10 6 24 68 10 57 45 2,291$ 855 538 711| 295 322$ 37* 106$ 85i 4271 342 58$ 240f 337 Totals ... 356 3,437$ 231 3,211$ 587 6,649



Examination of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. Examinations have been held during the year at—Alexandra South,* Auckland,* Blenheim, Christchurch,* Collingwood, Cromwell,* Dunedin,* Eltham, G-isborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Hawera, Invercargill,* Karamea, Mangarakau, Masterton, Napier,*, Nelson,* Pahiatua, Palmerston North,*, Timaru,* Waihi, Waitara, Wanganui,* Waverley, Wellington,* Westport,* and Whangarei. The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, second-class engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (for steam, air, and water), and locomotive and traction engine drivers. The total number of those who sat for these examinations was 653. Of this number, 448 were successful in passing, and 205 failed. Returns Nos. 7 to 13 give full particulars of those who passed these examinations, together with the different grades and classes of examination. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants who held certificates from Commonwealth States as follows : New South Wales, 2 ; Queensland, 3 ; Tasmania, 3 ; Victoria, 5 : total, 13. Regulations for the examination of applicants who wish to be examined for electric-winding certificates were gazetted on the 27th March, 1913, and examinations will take place shortly. Electricity as a motive power is being introduced at some of the mines, and will replace steam. Provision has been made in the regulations to enable those possessing steam-winding certificates to be examined without further service. Examination of Electric-tram Drivers. During the year 105 candidates sat for this examination, and of this number 88 passed and 17 failed. The Department has been indebted to the different Corporations and tramway officials for placing cars at the disposal of the Examiners to test the applicants' practical knowledge in car-manipulation. Great difficulty has been experienced in getting sufficient certificated men to fill the vacant posts at Invercargill during the year, and this will always be the case unless the qualifying service is altered to embrace service outside the Dominion. One prosecution took place during the year, when an uncertificated motorman had been employed to drive cars. Returns Nos. 14 and 15 give full particulars of those to whom certificates have been issued during the year. Boabd of Examiners. The Board of Examiners met for the conduct of business on ten occasions. A large amount of new business was dealt with, notably in connection with the issue of motormen's certificates for electric tramways. Mr. C. R. Vickerman, Superintending Engineer of the Public Works Department, who had been a member of the Board since the 11th July, 1907, retired from its membership during the year, when he severed his connection with the Government. During the whole of the time he was connected with the Board he was an honoured member of it, and his judgment in all matters proved to be sound and of great service. I trust that he will enjoy his retirement for many years. Accidents. No boiler explosion has taken place during the year in the Dominion, and there has been no accident or injury to any one working at or with boilers. The Department is proud of this result, and I trust this record will be maintained. With machinery in motion, however, I have to record a number of accidents. Several of these proved fatal, and, as is usual, quite a number occurred to those working with woodworking machinery. There were several accidents with lifts. This class of machinery is installed in nearly all the lofty buildings recently erected in the large centres. A lift is a most useful and handy appliance for goods and for passengers, but its control should be in the hands only of. those who thoroughly understand its use. The fencing and guarding of the cages of lifts, and the wells of lifts at staircases and landings in buildings, are inspected by the Department's Inspectors so as to eliminate the danger to inexperienced persons who frequent buildings containing lifts. The safety-appliance gears are tried from time to time to test their readiness to act should the ropes break that support the cage. So far very few accidents have occurred, but the owner cannot be too strongly impressed with the need to see that the person placed in charge of the lift should frequently examine the cage and its connections and immediately report any defect that he thinks may exist to the owner or to the Department. Returns Nos. 5 and 6 give full particulars of accidents reported to the Department. Postal and Police Departments. The Department is very much indebted to the officers both of the Postal and Police Departments for valuable assistance rendered during the year. The inspection fees have been collected by the Postal officials, and returns of same sent to this Department. This has enabled the Department to deal with defaulters. The officers of the Police Department have assisted in a great many prosecutions, not only in case of default in lifting certificates, but also in cases where owners have employed enginedrivers without the necessary certificates, and against engine-drivers themselves who have accepted positions without holding the necessary certificates. Action has also been taken in cases where sellers and purchasers of machinery and boilers subject to inspection have failed to notify the Department of these transactions.

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



Examination of Marine Engineers. Examinations for certificates of competency during the year have been conducted at Auckland,* Awanui, Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Gisborne, G-reymouth,* Hamilton,* Invercargill,* Kohukohu,* Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth, Opomii, Palmerston North,* Russell, Tauranga, Timaru, Wanganui,* Waitara, Wellington,* Westport,* and Whitianga. The candidates who sat for examination during the year total 349. Of this number, 292 were successful and 57 failed. The different grades for examination were : First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer, marine engine-driver, firstclass engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, second-class engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, and restricted-limits engineer of auxiliary-powered vessels. New regulations are under consideration at the present time which will bring the examinations into line with the British Board of Trade's recently issued regulations, and will embrace many new items. The fees for these examinations amount to £287 10s. Return No. 16 gives the names of the successful candidates, the various grades for which they passed, the total number of applicants, fees payable, and the number of candidates who failed to pass such examinations. , Explosives. At the Port of Wellington 212 permits were granted for the carriage of explosives on passenger and cargo vessels. Annual Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. This department of our work has now grown to large dimensions, and requires the undivided attention of several of the Inspectors and Surveyors ; and, as this class of work is considered very onerous and important, the senior Surveyors are principally intrusted with it. The oil-driven launches plying for hire and subject to survey are very numerous in most of the principal harbours and rivers throughout New Zealand, and it is difficult in many cases to get them on the beach for hull examination. The necessity for the periodical examination of the hulls of these launches has been apparent at many of these surveys, and owners should appreciate the practical hints given at such times, which may, and often do, save them a great deal of delay and expense later on. The equipment and the special appliances for dealing with fire have received close attention. It is well known that the oil used for generating-power purposes in these launches is very inflammable, and the great point is to be able to promptly quench it in its incipient stage. A chemical fire-extinguisher which acts quickly has been placed on board each vessel surveyed, and in the larger boats two of them have been insisted on. A great many tests of suitable appliances for this purpose have been made by my officers, and a complete list of those passed is available. The powder type of extinguisher is not passed as suitable. The survey of steamships is practically completed and up to date, and in many cases, especially in connection with the surveys of the older vessels, a great many defects were made good. To cope with the repairs of ships, one company in New Zealand has erected adjacent to their wharves complete and up-to-date workshops fitted with good lifting-appliances and replete with modern machinery. Such conveniences make for efficiency and quick despatch in the carrying-out of repairs. Several new vessels have been completed during the year, and amongst them a new Government vessel for service on Lake Wakatipu. A photograph of this vessel is attached to the report. Both the hull and the machinery were built in the Dominion, and under the supervision of this Department's Inspectors. At the trial she proved herself capable of attaining the desired speed on a certain draft, and has run successfully ever since. Plans and specifications of each new vessel built have been submitted and passed before the work of building was begun. For this service fees are charged as provided for by statute. Sixty-eight of the vessels surveyed were fitted with new propeller-shafts, 15 had new propellers fitted, 9 had new blades fitted to their propellers, 1 had a new boss to the propeller, 15 had new engines fitted, 3 had new cylinders fitted, 3 had new main boilers installed, and 1 had a new donkey boiler installed. The number of surveys made during the year total 734. The fees for these surveys amounted to £3,808. A great many marine excursions on special occasions were made all over the Dominion, and without serious mishap. The detailed fittings and equipments were supervised in each case by the departmental officers before permission was granted. Special care has been bestowed on life-saving appliances during the year, and an amendment of the regulations to bring them into line with new regulations issued by the British Board of Trade is contemplated. Return No. 17 gives the total number of steamers and of auxiliary-powered vessels surveyed by the Surveyors of this Department during the year. It also gives the names and registered tonnage of each vessel, the nominal horse-power and indicated horse-power of steam-vessels, the brake horsepower of auxiliary-powered vessels, and the nature of machinery and propeller. The following is a brief description of the work involved in some of the most important surveys made during the year:— S.s. " Akaroa." —The following repairs to this vessel were found necessary, and were effected at the annual survey : Hull —A new shoe was riveted on to the bar keel under propeller aperture, and

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



a new small bracket was riveted on to the end of the keel for carrying the bottom pintle of the rudder. The rudder was taken out for examination of the head in the trunk, and two new iron hinge-bands were riveted on to the rudder-post for the rudder-pintles. Two new frames, reverse frames, and floorplates were put in bottom of hold. Two new angle-irons were riveted to the ends of the under deckframes on the port and starboard sides of hatch, and new deck-planks were fitted round the hatch and also over the boiler. The main boiler was thoroughly examined, and, owing to wasting on the outside of the boiler-bottom, the working-pressure was reduced 10 lb. The tail-shaft was drawn for examination, and the engines received a general overhaul. S.s. " Albatross." —In order to reduce the vibration of this vessel, several girder and T plates have been fitted in the fore and after holds. Two new planks have been fitted in the keel at fore and after ends. The main steam-pipes were annealed and tested by hydraulic pressure, and both tailshafts were drawn for examination. Two new deckhouses with open ends have been erected on the top deck as shelter for passengers, and the top deck amidships has been sheathed with 6 in. by 1 in. planking. Dredge " Canterbury." —This dredge was built in Renfrew, Scotland, and steamed out to Lyttelton, at which port she if engaged in dredging. She is of the patent twin-screw trailing suction cutter hopper type of dredge, and has suction and self-discharging pumps capable of raising and discharging 2,000 tons of material per hour. The leading dimensions of the vessel are : Gross tonnage, 1,113 ; register tonnage, 521 ; length, 204-2 ft. ; breadth, 38-15 ft. ; depth, 16-8 ft. There are four sets of compound engines. Two sets have cylinders each 13 in. and 26 in. diameter by 15 in. stroke, and are arranged to work on one line of shafting when the vessel is moving from place to place, but when the vessel is dredging they are disconnected, one set of engines propelling the dredge and one set driving the pumps. Steam is supplied at a working-pressure of 130 lb. per square inch by two marine multitubular boilers 13 ft. diameter and 10 ft. long. S.s. " Ghelmsford." —A new rudder-trunk and both bands for the rudder have been fitted. A new floor has been put in ladies' cabin. Six 6 in. by 3 in. channel iron frames have been put across hold and extended up about 5 ft. on each side of keelson, and spaced 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 in., and bolted to sister keelsons. The boilers, machinery, and equipments were carefully surveyed. The whole length of the main steam-pipe was disconnected and tested by hydraulic pressure. P.s. " Clyde." —The different compartments of the hull of this paddle steamer received repairs as follows : No. 1 compartment —Several of the floors and the bulkhead were repaired, and two floors were cut out and straightened. No. 2—Gusset-plates were fitted on two floors to the frames. No. 3 — Seven floors were cut out, straightened, and reriveted ; diagonal and upright bracings were refastened. No. 4 —Seven floors were cut out and straightened, a steel plate 10 ft. by 10 in. by was fitted on bottom under derrick. No. s—Bulkhead5 —Bulkhead was repaired and the defective rivets were renewed. Kngine-room —A patch was put on the bottom, and defective floors and the bracings were re-riveted. All the repaired floors were strengthened with \ in. steel plates and 2 in. angle reverse bars. 180 ft. of 7 in. by 3 in. ironbark belting was fitted between 2 in. angles. A steel shoe 2 ft. 5 in. by § in. was fitted on the keel near the rudder. S.s. " Corinna." —Extensive repairs were made to this vessel's main boilers, and a new donkeyboiler was placed on board. The principal repairs to the main boiler, which had to be turned round for the purpose, were : Two large doubling patches fitted on the bottom of the shell, and two patches fitted on the bottom of the boiler-fronts and welded to old parts ; four compensating-rings fitted at bottom doors over the welded parts ; two patches fitted on the front ends of the centre furnaces at bottom ; a new bottom fitted in centre of combustion-chambers ; three corner patches fitted at saddles of centre furnaces ; all the cracks on the landings welded, and eight leaky rivets renewed. The main and auxiliary engines had a general overhaul, and the main pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. The donkey-boiler, which is of the vertical cross-tube type and is 5 ft. 6 in. diameter and 11 ft. 4 in. high, was made in New Zealand from steel plates of approved brand. The plan and specification ot the boiler was submitted to the Department, and when some additional strength to the staying was made to the firebox and shell crowns it was approved for the required working-pressure. A Surveyor of Ships supervised the construction of the boiler and witnessed the test by hydraulic pressure to double the working steam-pressure. O.E.V. " Dawn." —This vessel was placed on a slip, and a new bottom put in the hull. All wormeaten planks were replaced by new ones, and new ceilings were fitted to hold. The engines were taken out of the vessel, and before being replaced they were thoroughly overhauled. S.s. " Eamslaw." —This steel twin-screw steamer was built by a Dunedin engineering firm for the New Zealand Government. She is engaged carrying passengers and cargo on Lake Wakatipu. She has a promenade deck running the full length of hull, and accommodation is provided for 1,072 passengers and about 40 tons of cargo. The plans of the hull and boilers were submitted to the Department before their construction was commenced, and after some alterations had been made were finally approved. The vessel's hull and boilers have scantlings of the highest standard. The principal dimensions of the vessel are : Length, 160 ft. ; beam, 24 ft. ; depth, 9 ft. There are two sets of triple-expansion jet condensing-engines with cylinders 12|-in., 20|in., and 34 in. diameter by 18 in. stroke, indicating about 500 horse-power for each engine. Two locomotive type of boilers have been installed to work at a pressure of 180 lb. per square inch. Superheater and forced draught are fitted to the boilers. The barrel of each boiler is 6 ft. diameter and 7 ft. 8 in. long, and the heating-surface of each boiler is 1,420 square feet. On the trial trip the vessel attained a maximum speed of 16-36 knots. This vessel was first erected in Dunedin, and re-erected at Kingston before being launched there. The propelling machinery and all other machinery details were made in Dunedin. The vessel during the whole period of construction was closely supervised by an Inspector of Machinery, in his capacity as a Surveyor of Ships.



S.s. " Himitangi." —At the annual survey of this vessel the following repairs to the hull, boilers, machinery, and equipments were carried out: Hull —A patch was fitted on the top end of the hawsepipe, a new end was welded on the rudder-shank, new plates and pintles were fitted to rudder, the stern-post was straightened and welded where cracked by the oxy-acetylene process ; two straps were fitted over the after end of the garboard-plates where they are riveted to the stern-post; one new shoe was fitted under the keel aft; 510 new rivets were put in the bottom of the hull, and the stern-bush was relined with lignum-vitse. Main boilers —All the plain tubes and one stay-tube were renewed. A small patch was fitted round the stay-hole in the back of the starboard combustion-chamber, and one new screwed stay was fitted. The donkey-boiler shell was patched under the safety-valve with a fin. plate 2 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Machinery—New M.P. piston-rings were fitted. The M.P. slidevalve was planed up and fitted to the cylinder-face. The thrust-shaft bearings and couplings were trued up, and new feed and bilge-pump plungers and new circulating-pump rod were fitted. The steering-gear was overhauled, and the quadrant was straightened, rebored, and a new angle-iron fitted. The propeller-shaft was examined. The windlass was repaired, and new blocks were put in cablecompressors. Two new bower anchors, one kedge-anchor, and 105 fathoms of new cable-chain were placed on board. Equipments —New fore and main rigging and back stays, new main topmast, and main stays were fitted. New davits for the surf-boat and a new lifeboat and boat-falls were supplied. S.s. " Kestrel." —Between the tops of the forward and after deckhouses on the upper deck of this vessel a new shelter-deck has been fitted. Both tail-shafts were drawn for survey, and one new sternbush at stern end was fitted. One of the propeller-blades was renewed. A new crank-pin was shrunk in H.P. crank, and the crank-shaft was turned up. The main steam-pipes were annealed and tested by hydraulic pressure. Several rivets were renewed in the combustion-chamber of the main boiler. S.s. " Kanieri." —Extensive repairs were made to the hull of this vessel. On the starboard side one new plate, 11 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 3 in. by J in., was put in, and a 3 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. by Jin. patch put on the bow just under the water-line. On the port side new plates of the following dimensions were fitted : two each 6 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in., one 4 ft. by 2 ft. 9 in., one strake 19 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 3in., all J in. thick. To the keel 18 ft. of new plate was fitted. Some ordinary frames and reverse frames in the holds and the top half of the collision bulkhead were renewed. The thickness of the hull-plates was tested by drilling holes in them. The tail-shaft was drawn for inspection during the year, and a new stern-bush was fitted. S.s. " Karamu." —This is a steel, screw, cargo-steamer, surveyed in New Zealand for the first time during the year. The registered particulars are : Length, 205 ft. ; breadth, 32-1 ft. ; depth, 15-7 ft. ; gross tonnage, 934 ; register tonnage, 452. The vessel has a raised quarter-deck, bridge-deck, long well forward, and topgallant forecastle. Accommodation for officers is amidships, under the bridge. The vessel and her machinery were built in Scotland. The propelling-machinery consists of one set of triple-expansion surface condensing engines, with cylinders 17 in., 27 in., and 45 in. diameter by 33 in. stroke, supplied with steam from two boilers 13 ft. 9 in. diameter and 10 ft. 6 in. long, at a pressure of 180 lb. per square inch. S.s. " Kotiti." —When this vessel was docked for survey the keelson under the boiler was strengthened with heavy channel steel bars about 15 ft. long, and the floors under the boiler were backed up by new three-quarter-length floors, bolted together and through bottom of ship. New deck-planking was fitted in the captain's cabin, the port alleyway, and the fore deck. A new rudderstock was fitted. In the boiler a short length at the back end of the furnace was cut out, and a new length with one corrugated ring was fitted. Several new tubes were fitted, and the boiler and main steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. A new lignum-vitse stern-bush was made and fitted, and the spare tail-shaft was shipped. S.s. " Kotuhu." —The principal repairs at the annual survey were to the tanks and to the floors under boiler-seats. All the tanks were tested, and at No. 3 tank, on the starboard side, the floors under boiler-seats were each sheathed with two plates 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. by § in., and strengthened with two angle-irons 2 ft. 2 in. long. Four floors were sheathed with plates each 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 5 in. by Yβ in. On the port side the floors under boiler-seats were each sheathed with two plates 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 5 in. by f in., and strengthened with two angles. This vessel was, shortly after survey, wrecked at the north tiphead, Greymouth. S.s. " Mahua." —This vessel is best described by her original name, " 80-ton floating crane." She was built in England, taken adrift and re-erected in Auckland. The crane can lift 80 tons weight at a radius of 62 ft. from the centre of crane-seating, and provision is made for lifting weights up to 10 tons at a radius of 74 ft. 6 in. with a separate set of hoisting-gear. For propelling purposes the crane has two engines of the vertical compound surface condensing type, with cylinders ll|in. and 22| in. diameters by 16 in. stroke. Steam is supplied at a pressure of 130 lb. per square inch from two multitubular marine boilers 14 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. long. The crane is engaged in work connected with the Auckland Harbour-works. S.s. " Maitai." —Several test holes were drilled in the hull-plating of this vessel at various parts. Several reverse frames were renewed in the bunkers and elsewhere. Several new ordinary tubes were fitted to the after starboard boiler. The dog-stays in the starboard furnace combustion-chamber of the main after-port boiler and in the donkey-boiler were refitted. The bottom half of the after tubeplate of the main condenser was patched, and several of the tubes were renewed. The condenser was afterwards tested. All the holding-down bolts of the main engine bed-plate were tightened, and a number of them renewed. O.e.v. " May Howard." —This is a wooden vessel, and she received a thorough overhaul at the annual survey. Twelve of the top timbers on the port side and one top plank amidships on the port side were renewed. All the sheet copper was stripped off, and the hull and the bottom were refastened, caulked, felted, and coppered. Six strakes of lining on the port side and one on the star-



board side were removed for examination of the timbers. A new false keel and five chain-plates and fastenings were fitted. S.s. " Moana." —On the starboard side of the hull a patch 15 in. by 12 in. by \ in. was fitted in the way of the engine-room bilges. In the bilges under port boiler, four floor-plates and one intercostal plate were sheathed. Two new |- in. angles were fitted to keelson, one 4 ft. by 4in. by 4in. and one 6ft. sin. by 3| in. by 3 in. Two 3f in. by 3J in. by \ in. angles, 4 ft. long, were fitted under one of the boiler-seats, and a patch 15 in. by 12 in. by § in. over the margin-plate on the forward starboard side of No. 1 tank. All tanks were tested to the deck-level. New piston-rods were fitted to H.P. and M.P. cylinders, and a number of tubes in the condenser were renewed. New wood was fitted to the stern-bush, a new feather was fitted into the tail-shaft, and the propeller-boss was refitted. All the plain tubes and seventy-two defective combustion-chamber stays were renewed in the main boilers, and the four centre furnaces were patched on the bottoms. New guys were fitted to the funnel, and the sides of the crane-girder of No. 1 cargo gear were renewed. S.s. " Ohinemuri." —The repairs to the inside of this vessel's hull were : New platform to the floor of the hold, thoroughly fastened by bolts and nuts. Five new angle-iron knees for stiffening on the starboard side, and two on port bow were fitted. Two new 27 ft. stringers were fitted on starboard side, 12 in. by 3 in., and one on the port side, all being well fastened. The main-hatch beam was stiffened by angle-irons. To hull outside : Two new planks in port bow and new false keel were fitted. A new metal shoe was fitted under the forefoot. The sheathing was stripped, and the bottom on both sides caulked and recoppered. A new rudder was fitted, and the rudder-post braces refastened. To the main engines a new H.P. piston-rod was fitted. The tail-shaft was drawn for examination, and a new propeller-nut and three new studs in propeller-boss fitted. To the main boiler : New springs were fitted to safety-valves, and 18 ft. of the funnel was renewed. A new crank-shaft, two slide-valve casing-covers, new barrel, and driving-pinions were fitted to the steam-winch. P.s. " Osprey." —At the docking of the vessel a new stem was fitted, and two new plates were put on each side of stem. Repairs were made to the forward rudder. One plate was fitted on each side of the forward bulwarks, and one plate amidships on the starboard side of bulwarks. The bracket from the ship's side to the starboard sponson was repaired, and the rudder-pin for each rudder renewed. Several of the paddle floats and brackets were repaired. In the main boiler all the ordinary tubes and one stay-tube were renewed. A riveted patch, 22 in. by 18 in. by § in., was fitted in the starboard combustion-chamber. Dredge " Progress." —The main ' boiler was lifted out of this vessel, and the bottoms of both combustion-chambers were cut out and renewed. A new shell-plate was put on the bottom of boiler, and the starboard furnace was patched. The boiler was afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure to one and a. half times the working-pressure. A new bush was fitted in the stern tube. All the main and auxiliary machinery received a general overhaul. S.s. " Putiki." —At the annual survey the most important repairs were to the forward and after tanks, which required strengthening. To the after tank longitudinal plates and angles were fitted between the top of the floors and the tank-top, one on each side. To the forward tank six new frames, six new floor-plates, new reverse bars, and two new longitudinal plates between floors and top of tank were fitted. Three new angle-bars were riveted the full width of tank, twelve new gussets to framing, and vertical plates were fitted. The keelson and sister keelsons were re-riveted to reverse bars. 150 rivets were renewed in the bottom of hull aft. The number of passengers formerly allowed has been reduced owing to some of the accommodation having been done away with. Various repairs were made to the engines, the steering-gear, and the windlass, and the propeller-shaft was drawn for examination. S.s. " Queen of the South." —Extensive repairs were made to this vessel, and new main and donkey boilers were fitted. Under the boiler and stokehold ten new reverse bars, five new intercostal plates and angles, two new keelson-angles 16 ft. long, and sixteen new washplates and angles were fitted. Under the bunkers four new reverse bars on each side of the bilge were fitted. New bunkers were made and fitted. On the bottom of the hull, under the boiler, a sheathing-plate 12 ft. by 2 ft. 9 in. by f in. was fitted. On the port side of the hull, amidships in way of the galley, a new plate 6 ft. by 3 ft. by T % in. was fitted. The galley was removed from the fore deck and fitted to the port side amidships. The foremast was placed 7 ft. further forward, and the forward hatch was extended about 7 ft., and new coamings were fitted. The new main boiler made in Scotland is 9 ft. in diameter and 9 ft. 4 in. in length, and has two furnaces each 2 ft. 9 in. in diameter. It was constructed and passed for a working-pressure of 100 lb. per square inch, and is used at 80 lb. pressure only. The new donkey-boiler is of the vertical cross-tube type, 3 ft. 8 in. diameter and 7 ft. high. Tt was made in New Zealand, and was passed for a working-pressure of 90 lb. per square inch. One length of the main steam-pipe was renewed and one old length was annealed and tested. All the auxiliary pipes were annealed. Several were repaired and two were renewed and tested. The main feed-pipes were renewed and tested by hydraulic pressure. A new feed heater and filter has been placed on board, and a new funnel was fitted to the main boiler. S.s. " Rarawa." —The principal repairs made to this vessel during the year were the fitting of 18 ft. of new steel-plate shoeing on keel from aft, two new plates 8 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. by J in., and two angleiron stiffeners in port bunker. In the starboard bunker one new plate 6 ft. by 1 ft. by J in. and one new gusset-stay and two small patches were fitted. A long riveted patch was put on the side of the upper part of stokehold-casing under the telegraph-wire casing. In the forward boiler twenty-two stays, 119 ordinary tubes, twenty-one screwed stays, and several of the nuts were renewed. In the after boiler forty stays, 169 ordinary tubes, twenty-one screwed stays, and several nuts were renewed. To the outer bracket of the port tail-shaft a new half lower lignum-vitse bush was fitted. A collapsible boat was condemned and a life-raft fully provisioned and equipped was put on board in its place.



Hopper " Sumner." —The hull of this hopper was patched on the starboard side under counter with a \ in. steel plate 36 in. by 24 in. The angle-irons were renewed on two floor-plates under stokehold plating. A new stem-bush was fitted into stern-tube. The old main boiler was removed and replaced by a spare boiler taken out of the hopper " Heathcote," which had been repaired as follows : Two new shell-plates, 8 ft. by 4 ft. by \ in. steel, were fitted on the bottom ; two new gusset-stays were fitted under combustion-chambers, 1 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. by \ in. steel, and a new plate, 7 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. by \ in. steel, was fitted on back of combustion-chamber. The bottom and portion of each side of combustion-chamber were renewed, and also several screwed stays, five girder-stays, and eighteen longitudinal stays. All plain and stay tubes were renewed. Several other minor repairs were effected, and the boiler tested by hydraulic pressure. S.s. " Talune." —The following are the principal repairs to the hull of this steamer. The thwartship gusset-stay in the after peak was re-riveted at both ends to the ship's framing. Nearly the whole of the forward stokehold bulkhead was renewed with riveted plates, varying from 1 ft. to 4 ft. from ballast-tank upwards, from side to side of ship right down into the side wells, to make the bulkhead watertight. Two new efficient planed watertight doors have been fitted and jointed to this bulkhead, and have vertical shafts to the main deck where they can be operated. Nearly the whole of the plating in the bottom of the starboard 'tween-deck side bunker was renewed. Most of the vertical stiffening angle-irons in upper part of forward and after stokehold casing were re-riveted. Large riveted patches were put on the after-hold side of engine-room bulkhead and on the bulkhead next after-peak. Several manhole-doors of the main and donkey boilers were slack in the holes, and these received attention. The auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure, and the engines received a general overhaul. S.s. " Te Anau." —This vessel was laid up for some time, and important repairs have been made, chiefly to the hull at stokehold-tank. The top of this tank under the boilers was cut off, and sixteen new floor-plates were fitted under the boilers with 5 in. by 3 in. by J in. double angles, and the fore and aft girders under the centre of each boiler were brought up to their original strength. Two tieplates, 24 ft. by 1 ft. 2 in. by J in., were fitted under the boiler-seats, of which four have been renewed and two repaired. All the scale was chipped off the tank, which has been cement-washed and filled with concrete as ballast instead of water. In the bunkers several new plates were fitted and others were sheathed, patched, and stiffened as required. New bottom manhole-doors were fitted to the starboard and port forward boilers. Some patches were put on the plates of the combustion-chambers. Three lengths of the main steam-pipe were found defective. These have now been repaired, and all the pipes have been tested by hydraulic pressure. The auxiliary steam-pipes were also tested. A new kedge-anchor was placed on board. O.e.v. " Torea." —This vessel, constructed as an auxiliary scow, was launched from the yard of an Auckland shipbuilder on the 18th June, 1912. The principal dimensions of the vessel are : Gross tonnage, 50 ; register tonnage, 24 ; length, 69 ft. ; breadth, 19 ft. 7 in. ; depth, 5 ft. 4 in. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of four-cylinder oil-engines each of 30 B.H.P. The drawings and specifications for the vessel were submitted to the Department for approval, and a Surveyor of Ships supervised the construction of the vessel. The hull is built principally of kauri, and has two skins of diagonal planking. S.s. " Tui." —The main engines of this vessel have been converted into tandem compound by replacing the old 8 in. cylinder with two new cylinders 6J in. and 12 in. diameter. The only parts of the old engine which now remain are the guides, crank-shaft, and bed-plate. The main steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. A new safety-valve and spring'were fitted to the main boiler. The whole of the deck was renewed with l|in. kauri. S.s. " Wairoa," of Nelson. —This vessel was surveyed in May, 1912, and owing to the bad condition of the boiler, the pressure on which had to be reduced, a three months' certificate only was granted. When this certificate expired the vessel was laid up, and new engines and boiler were fitted. The engines were made in New Zealand, and have cylinders 10 in. and 20 in. diameter, with a stroke of 12 in. The boiler was made in Glasgow, and is 6 ft. in diameter and 7 ft. 6 in. in length. The hull has been refastened in places with copper bolts, and covered with Muntz-metal sheathing. A new hardwood stern-post and new rolling-chocks were fitted, and a portion of the deck was renewed. The tail-shaft was examined, and both the main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. S.s. " Wairua." —This twin-screw wooden steamer was launched at Auckland on the 10th February, 1913. Her registered dimensions are : Length, 120-7 ft. ; breadth, 23 ft. ; depth, 12-7 ft. Her gross tonnage is 285-9, and the register tonnage 175-4. The propelling-machinery consists of two sets of triple-expansion surface condensing engines with cylinders 8 in., 13 in., and 21 in. diameter by 16 in. stroke, supplied with steam at 180 lb. per square inch by a multitubular marine boiler 12 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. in length. The engines and boiler were made in Glasgow. The plans for the vessel were submitted and approved by the Department. The vessel is engaged carrying passengers in Kaipara Harbour. S.s. " Waitangi." —During the year the following repairs to the hull and propelling machinery were made. Both propeller-shafts were renewed, the stern tubes and brackets were retmshed, and the palm of the port bracket at the bottom was refastened. The main steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. On the starbbard side of hull two new plates were put in, and on the bottom three shea thing-plates were fitted. The plating of the bunkers has been renewed, and several defective reverse frames in various parts have been strengthened. S.s. " Waitara." —This vessel, which has been laid up for some time, received a thorough overhaul. 16 ft. of the after end of the keel was renewed with 9 in. by 5 in. ironbark. On both sides aft new garboard-strakes were fitted with 20 ft. by 9 in. by 2 in. kauri. Six new planks were fitted on the starboard side and four on the port side. The stern was refastened, and 30 ft. of new covering-board



put on the starboard side aft and round the stern. Several top timbers on each side and two angle-iron frames aft were renewed. One V-shaped angle frame, with gusset-plate, was fitted aft close to the sternpost. Other renewals were : Two horn timbers, 7 ft. by 6 in. by 6 in., of kauri; rudder-trunk ; stringer on port side, 25 ft. by 9 in. by 2 in. ; ledge-piece on port side aft, 20 ft. by 6 in. by 2 in. ; and ceiling in hold. Three tie-bolts were fitted from side to side of the vessel. New accommodation was provided for the crew, and a new anchor and 60 fathoms of cable were shipped. The engines were converted from simple non-condensing into compound tandem condensing by adding two H.P. cylinders. New air, circulating, feed, and bilge pumps and a new condenser were placed on board. S.s. " Warrimoo." —Extensive repairs have been made to the hull and boilers of this passengersteamer. 287 ordinary and nineteen stay-tubes, and forty-seven screwed stays, were renewed in the forward port boiler ; 278 ordinary and twenty-seven stay-tubes, and twenty-four screwed stays, were renewed in the forward starboard boiler ; 198 ordinary tubes, one stay-tube, and fifty-nine screwed stays were renewed in the after starboard boiler ; and 198 ordinary and six stay-tubes, and fifty "screwed stays, were renewed in the after port boiler. Part of the back plating was renewed in the combustionchambers of the centre furnaces of the forward port and after starboard and port boilers. In the donkey-boiler two new tubes were fitted and test holes drilled in the starboard combustion-chamber. A new furnace was fitted and the uptake was stiffened. On the boat-deck, two tie-plates were fitted between the furnace and engine-room casing, each 20 ft. by 12 in. by fin., with two angles, each 21 ft. by 3f in. by 3Jin. by fin., and two straps, each 8 ft. by 3 in. by 1| in., half round beading. Two tie-plates were also fitted between the funnel-casing and forward stokehold-casing on boat and upper decks. Several bunker bulkheads, after peak bulkhead, and tank-top under boilers were sheathed. Some of the holding-down bolts in main engine bed-plate were renewed. A new propeller-boss was fitted to the tail-shaft, which was drawn for examination. The auxiliary steam-pipes, which, owing to being of brazed copper, were due for testing, were tested by hydraulic pressure. Surveys op Ships for Seaworthiness. As soon as the notice of a mishap affecting the seaworthiness of a vessel had been made known to the local Surveyor of Ships, steps were taken to investigate its nature. In many cases several days were thus occupied before the repairs were completed and the vessel declared seaworthy. The causes which necessitated these surveys include collisions between vessels and with wharves, snags, <fee, strandings, defects in hull through bad weather, defective steam-pipes and fittings, leaky combustionchambers in main boilers, accidents in engine-room, breaking of shafting of propelling machinery, loss of propeller-blades, and fires in holds. The number of seaworthiness surveys made total seventy-four, and the fees amounted to £170. Return No. 19 gives a full description of each survey made. Government Steamers. The Government steamers surveyed during the year numbered ten, as follows : S.s. " Amokura," s.s. " Antrim," s.s. " Ben Lomond," s.s. " Earnslaw," s.s. " Hinemoa," s.s. " Janie Seddon," s.s. " Lady Roberts," s.s. " Mountaineer," s.s. " Tutanekai," and o.e.v. Defence launch W. A brief outline of the repairs that were found necessary is as follows : — S.s. " Amokura." —The upper half of the sides and the top of the boiler and galley casings were renewed. The galley was lengthened 2 ft. on the after end. A new boat-deck, 34 ft. long, was attached to each side of the boiler-casing, and supported on beams and stanchions ; chocks fitted for the boats to sit in ; the boat-davits lengthened, and supporting-brackets fitted. New pins were fitted in the screw gear of the after boat-davits. The old gun-tables on each side of the vessel were removed, the gun sponson bulwarks and rails repaired, and ironbark belting fitted on the bottom edge of both sponsons. The main and other decks were caulked. A number of the stanchions about the decks were renewed and repaired, the fyfe rails repaired, and a new sanitary tank fitted to boys' latrine. Both boilers were retubed. A number of minor repairs to machinery were carried out. S.s. " Hinemoa." —A small patch was made and fitted on bottom of starboard boiler, several new bolts were fitted in the old patch, the boilers were caulked where necessary, and new skirting-plates fitted to both boilers. New hydrokineter valves for both boilers were provided, and the feed and bilge pump plungers turned up and rebushed. The L.P. crank-pin brasses were relined, the steeringgear engine overhauled, and new steering-gear chains shea thing-plate fitted on the bottom of the engine-room bulkhead. 30 ft. of the ship's railing was renewed. S.s. " Tutanekai." —Both propeller-shafts were drawn for examination. A sheathing-plate was fitted on the intercostal in the after-peak tank. Defence launch W. —New cylinders were fitted to the engines. " Ben Lomond." —A new boat was placed on board. " Lady Roberts." —The principal repairs to this vessel were those made to the main boiler. 136 rivets were drilled out of the combustion-chambers round the bottoms and also on the back ends of furnaces. The rivet-holes have been countersunk a little deeper, and new rivets put in. Several rivet-holes which were found not to be fair were rymered, and special-sized lawmoor iron rivets were fitted into them. Two pieces of cracked plate were cut out of the flanging at the camber of the back end of the starboard furnace, and riveted and caulked patches fitted. Two cracks in the flanging on the combustion-chamber back-end plate, near the bottom, were studded and caulked over. After completion of the repairs, the boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure to about one and a half times the working steam-pressure. Both tail-shafts were drawn, and two new white-metal stern bushes fitted. Four slide-valve rods were turned up and four new turned-steel collars were fitted to the valve-rods for the bottom ends of slide-valves,

2—H. 15a.



Additional Steamers and Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. During the past year 174 steamships and vessels fitted with, oil-engines as a motive power have been surveyed for the first time. The following is a list of them : Aio, Alice, All Black, Alma, Alva, Amy, Ataru, Aurere, Awahou,* Belle, Betsy Beard, Betty, Campbell, Clematis, Comet, Conella, Coo-ec, Cygnet, Dauntless, Doak, Dot, Dreadnought, Earnslaw,* Eclipse, Eleanora, Emerald, Empress, Eureka, Farina, Ferry, Flossie, Geisha, Gem, Green Duck, Harriet, Heather (Nelson), Heather (Nelson), Hinewai, Huia, Ida, Ira, Irene, Iris, Isabel (Stewart Island), Isabel (Te Kopuru), Ivy Leaf, Kairaki, Karamu,* Karewa, Karori,* Kate, Katoa,* Kauri,* Kelvin, Kereru, Kinohaku, Kokere, Korari, Kotere, Lady Moire, Lillian, Lily, Lizzie 222, Mahino, Mahua,* Mahuroto, Mako, Manuka*, Manukotuku, Manuwai, Maori, Marama, Mareno, Marakopa, Maroro, Mavis (Onehunga), Mavis (Stewart Island), May, Mermaid (Auckland), Mermaid (Kohukohu), Mikado, Minoru, Mirree, Mizpah, Moa ' (Taieri Mouth), Moa (Wanganui), Moana, Moerangi, Mosca, Muriel, Myna,* Naumai, Neptune, Niagara, Nick, Nikau, Nita, Nui, Olive, Onoke, Oparu, Orakei, Oriri, Otara, Panirau, Pearl,* Peerless, Pelorus, Phcebe, Phyllis,* Pihinga, Pioneer, Pukeore, Queen, Queen of Beauty, Rangi, Rangimahora, Rawhiti, Regal, Regal 11, Reliance* (Picton), Reliance (Raglan), Reliance (Young's Point), Ripple, Rodesian, Roko, Rona, Ronaku, Sarah, Special, Speed, Speedy, Stanley, St. Mary, Swan, Tahuna, Taihoa, Tainui, Takitimo, Tawera, Te Maika, Tepua, Te Puke Lass, Tetio, Thelma, Thistle, Thorneycroft, Tikirau, Togo, Torea, Toroa, Tot, Tuatea, Tui (Kohukohu), Tui (Rawene), Tui (Taupo), Turamakina, Vanora, Vectus, Vesper, Viking, Waikare, Waipuna, Waireka, Wairoa, Wairua,* Waitemata, Wakanui, Wakatere, Wharepapa, Whisper,* Zior, Zoe, Zomar. Sailing-ships. At no period has so much care and time been bestowed on the survey and equipment of sailingvessels as has been done during the last year. The survey of sailing-vessels over a certain tonnage being now compulsory, the complete survey of most of these vessels has taken place during the year. The hulls of all the vessels dealt with have been examined very carefully to see that there were no defects due to natural decay, worms, or wear-and-tear. Great difficulty has been experienced in getting suitable places to sight the hulls externally, especially in Auckland, owing to the lack of slips and dock-accommodation for such a purpose, and in consequence delay in completing some of the surveys took place. The repairs necessary were fairly extensive in some cases, and, as most of these vessels have now been through the Surveyors' hands and have been practically reclassed, the surveys next year should be completed in less time, unless accidents occur in the meantime to materially damage the vessels. The total number of surveys of sailing-vessels carried out during the year was 109. Return No. 18 gives the names of these vessels, their gross and registered tonnage measurements, class of vessel, and the number of times surveyed. The total fees for the survey of these sailing-vessels amounted to £340 ss. Some of the principal surveys of sailing-ships during the year are as follows : — Scow " Arrah-na-Pogue." —This scow was built in Auckland last year under the supervision of a Surveyor of Ships. The vessel, which is built of kauri and sheathed with totara, has a gross tonnage of 187, and register tonnage of 100 ; length, 116 ft. ; breadth, 33-2 ft. ; depth, 7-4 ft. The scantlings of the hull were set out in a plan and specification which were approved by the Department. Ketch " Coronation." —The donkey-boiler on board this vessel was found in very bad condition at landings of shell and bottom of firebox. A new donkey-boiler of the vertical cross-tube type has been placed on board, and new steam and exhaust pipes for winch fitted. The hull of the vessel was cleaned and painted and sheathed where required, and some new cable and a new kedge-anchor were placed on board. Schooner " Eliza Firth." —This wooden sailing-vessel has been twice surveyed during the year. Six planks on the starboard side of the hull were taken out and renewed, and fourteen new timbers were put in. The covering-boards were renewed for 18 ft. on the starboard side and for 16 ft. on the port side. The inner skin in the hold was renewed where required. The steering-gear was thoroughly overhauled, and new wheel-chains fitted. Schooner " Era." —The hull of this vessel has been thoroughly overhauled on the slip. Several broken planks on the bottom and top sides were replaced by new ones ; all deck-beams and decking from scuttle forward to deckhouse aft have been renewed. Ballast-tanks have been fitted. Donkeyboiler, winch, and windlass have all been thoroughly overhauled. Scow " Ida." —This wooden scow, which is twenty-nine years old, had her hull well overhauled. Several new planks were put in the bottom of vessel, nearly the whole of the port-side planking was renewed, and also a portion of that on the starboard side, which was refastened along the edge, and sheathed with totara. Two new planks were fitted in the top of the cabin. Thirty fathoms of new cable, and new foremast, rigging, lanyards, sails, &c, were shipped. Schooner " Lady of the Lake." —The repairs to this vessel consisted of the renewing of nearly the whole of the bow, also several planks on the bottom, and some sheathing. Schooner " Lizzie Taylor." —On the port side of the hull four planks and six timbers were renewed. Thirty fathoms of new cable were placed on board. A new Oregon-pine mainmast 58 ft. long, also new main topmast, main boom, jib-boom, several stays, and halyards were fitted. Schooner " Moa." —The hull of this vessel was examined in dock, and repaired where required. The firebox of the donkey-boiler was removed, and a new uptake fitted. The firebox was badly pitted, and before being replaced was cement-washed. Compensating-rings were riveted round all sludgeholes.

* Steamers.



Schooner " Ngaru." —Six new planks were put in the port bow where the worm was in evidence, and two new planks were put in the starboard bow where they had been fractured by the anchor. Seven pairs of angle-irons were fitted and bolted from the deck-beams under the deck where they were fractured. They were tied together with 9 in. by 4 in. timber, and bolted. All struts on the sides were replaced by new ones where required. The centreboard was refastened, and new sheaves and bolts for the hoisting-gear were fitted. New hoisting-gear was supplied for the after end. Scow " Onerahi." —This is a wooden vessel, built in New Zealand, launched during the year, and of the following dimensions : length, 73-2 ft.; breadth, 21-5 ft. ; depth, 445 ft. The tonnage is 47 gross and 25 register. The drawings and specifications of the hull were submitted for approval and passed by the Department. The material of the hull is all heart of kauri. The vessel is engaged carrying cargo in the home trade. Schooner " Rangi." —When the sheathing was removed from the stern under the starboard quarter several worm-eaten planks were taken out. New planks have been put in, caulked, and pitted, and covered with new totara sheathing. New totara sheathing has also been placed on about one-fourth of the bottom of the vessel. The donkey-boiler was cleaned out, and the mountings overhauled. A new pressure-gauge was fitted. • Gutter " The Lee." —This cutter has been surveyed twice during the year, and has had extensive repairs to her hull. A new iron bark false keel, 7 in. by 3 in., has been fitted to whole length of keel, and other renewals are : keelson, 9 in. by 7 in., several planks in bottom, port side, five bottom frames, ceiling of hold and stiffening timbers on each side fore and aft at turn of bilge. Several repairs were made to the rudder, and the tiller has been replaced by a new steering-wheel, spindle, blocks, ropes, &c. The windlass was also overhauled. Districts and Inspectors. Mr. Philip J. Carman, who filled the position of Senior Inspector of Machinery and Senior Surveyor of Ships in the Canterbury District, retired from the service on the 31st December, 1912, having reached the age-limit. He had been connected with the Department since the Ist April, 1893. He was attached to the Wellington District until the Ist April, 1895, and ever since then he has been in the Canterbury District. During the whole of his service he displayed great tact and judgment in dealing with both the inspection of machinery and the survey of ships, and has always had the entire confidence of the Department, shipowners, and machinery-owners. I trust that he will be long spared to enjoy his well-earned retirement. Mr. Bethune was transferred from Otago to fill the position vacated by Mr. Carman in the Canterbury District; Mr. Williamson was transferred from Timaru to take up the senior position as Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships in Otago vacated by Mr. Bethune ; and Mr. A. McKenzie, who had been stationed at Christchurch for some years, was transferred to Timaru to succeed Mr. Williamson ; Mr. Knowles, of the Otago District, was transferred to Christchurch to take up Mr. McKenzie's duties ; and Mr. Cooper, of the Head Office staff, was transferred to Dunedin to succeed Mr. Knowles. The following additions to the technical staff have been made during the year : Mr. John H. Knowles, appointed to Otago District on the 24th April, 1912 ; Mr. A. C. Reid, appointed to the Auckland District on the 31st July, 1912 ; and Mr. J. W. Townsend, appointed to the Head Office staff, Wellington, on the 24th October, 1912. Eeturns. The following are the returns in detail, numbered 1 to 21 : — 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable thereon ; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable ; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' and electric-tram drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. 2. Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal. 6. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7-15. Names of persons to whom land stationary, winding, locomotive and traction engine, and electric-tram drivers' certificates of competency and service have been granted during the year. 16. List of persons who were examined and passed for marine engineers' certificates of competency. 17. Return of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. 18. Return of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 19. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 20. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers, engine-drivers, and electric-tram drivers, and surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels. 21. Return showing the names of owners of additional boilers and transfers which require to be in charge of certificated engine-drivers. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, and Engine-drivers. The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department.




No. 1. (a.) Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913. Boilers.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 300 Gas-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 341 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 397 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 2,327 Peltons ' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 262 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,531 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,794 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 Total ... ... ... ... ... 8,185 Summary. Boilers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,011 Machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,185 Total .. ... ... ... ... 15,196 (b.) Keturn showing the Fees payable fob the Inspection op Boilers and Machinery, and FOR THE ISSUE OF EnGINE-DEIVERS' AND ELECTRIC-TRAM DRIVERS' CERTIFICATES DURING the Financial Yeab ended the 31st March, 1913. Fees payable—On boilers, £7,969 ; on machinery, £2,736 17s. 6d.; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £477 10s. ; for electric-tram drivers' certificates issued, £98: total, £11,281 7s. 6d. The actual receipts for boilers and machinery inspected amounted to £9,725 7s. 6d. The difference is represented by fees not yet paid. The actual receipts for engine-drivers' and elecfcrictram drivers' application fees amounted to £799 2s. 6d. This amount includes fees from candidates who failed to pass the examinations.

(c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive, Traction, and Steam Stationary Engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

C!a<?s. Not exceeding | 5 Horse-power. , 10 Horse . powe g r . J I Exceeding 10 Horse-power. Total. Stationary ... Portable Totals 2,197 16] 2,358 995 1,232 1,972 454 5,164 1,847 2,358 2,227 2,426 7,011

Total. Class of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. Fees received. Number of Certificates issued. Pees received. Steam winding— Competency Electric winding— Service Locomotive and traction — Competency ... Steam stationary— Service —First class Competency— Extra first class First class ... Second class... Electric-tram — Service Competency 27 1 191 13 £ s. a. 27 0 0 0 5 0 191 0 0 3 5 0 28 191 £ s. d. 27 5 0 191 0 0 4 61 191 4 0 0 61 0 0 191 0 0 269 259"5 0 2 98 98 0 0 100 98 0 0 588 £575 10 0



No. 2.—Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets in furnace bad A number of rivets in shell bad All screwed stays in firebox bad Angle-iron collar on top end of uptake defective Angle-iron stay connections defective Back head-plate wasted at bottom, Back tube-plate bulged Badly bulged on bottom of shell Badly pitted inside shell Boilers dirty inside Boilers very dirty inside Bolts in gusset-stays defective . . Bottom of firebox thin Bottom of shell defective Bottom row of tubes bad Brickwork setting defective Bulged under bottom, of shell Bulged under fire-door Circumferential seams wasted Compensating-ring round manhole-opening defective Corners of firebox wasted Corroded internally Coupling-pins in diagonal stays bad Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays bad Cracked slightly at landings.. Cracked slightly in firebox Cracked under bottom of shell Crown of boiler wasted Crown of firebox and girders buckled Crown of firebox cracked Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox wasted Crown of firebox wasted (pressure reduced) Crown of firebox wasted badly Crown of steam-dome wasted Eight screwed stays in firebox bad Eight tubes bad Eighteen screwed stays in firebox bad Eighteen tubes bad Eleven rivets in shell bad Eleven screwed stays in firebox bad Eleven tubes bad Expansion-rings defective Fifteen rivets defective Fifteen screwed stays in firebox bad Firebox general waste Firebox-sides bulged Firebox-sides thin Firebox thin (pressure reduced) Firebox wasted on outside shell Five rivets in tube-plate bad Five rows of tubes bad Flanges of cross-tubes wasted Flanges of galloway tubes wasted Forty-eight screwed stays in firebox bad Foundation-rings round bottom of firebox defective Fourteen screwed stays in firebox bad Fourteen tubes bad Front tube-plate wasted Furnace-crowns slightly down Furnace-crowns wasted Furnaces thin Furnace wasted at end Galloway tubes thin General deterioration (pressure reduced) i 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 37 1 1 5 1 16 9 1 1 I 1 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 7 3 4 [ .; i i 7 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 164 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 37 1 1 5 1 16 9 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 4 9 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 6 37 4 1 1 6 1 16 9 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 9 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 164 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 7 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 164



No. 2.—Return of Defects, etc. — continued.

Description of Defeots. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Girders on crown of firebox wasted Girder-stays defective Grooved at foundation-ring Grooved on furnace-crown Grooved round circumferential seams on bottom Grooved round flanges of galloway tubes .. ... Grooved round uptake on crown of firebox Grooved slightly at back tube-plate Gusset-stays defective Laminated plate in shell Longitudinal seams wasted Longitudinal stays wasted Manhole-doors bad Manhole-door dogs bad Manhole-door riveting defective Manhole-door spigots defective Manhole-door studs bad Manhole-opening in shell wasted Mud-drums thin Mudhole-doors bad.. Mudhole-door dogs bad Mudhole-door studs bad Nine tubes bad Nineteen tubes bad One hundred and twenty-six screwed stays in firebox bad One stay-tube bad Patches defective Pitting badly in bottom of shell Pitting badly in places Pitting on crown of furnace Pitting slightly internally Rivets in bottom of shell wasted Rivets in foundation-ring defective Rivets in gusset-stays defective Rivets in header defective Rivets in manhole compensating-ring bad Rivets in steam-dome defective Seams defective .. .. .. .. .. Seventy tubes bad Several rivets bad in tube-plate Several rivets bad in shell Several rivets in mud-drum bad Several rivets in uptake defective Several screwed stays in firebox bad Several stay-nuts defective Several tubes bad Shell wasted at bottom landings .. .. - .. Shell wasted at foundation-ring Shell wasted at mudhole-openings Shell wasted externally Shell wasted under mountings Shell wasted where blow-ofE cocks jointed to boiler Shell wasted where check-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where feed-pump connected to boiler Shell wasted where safety-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where stop-valves jointed to boiler Sixteen screwed stays in firebox bad Sixteen tubes bad Sixty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Stay-nuts bad Stay-tubes bad Stop-valve connection defective Studs in steam-dome defective Ten screwed stays in firebox bad Ten tubes bad Thirty screwed stays in firebox bad 1 1 7 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 14 2 2 15 8 10 1 46 3 10 2 1 1 9 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 24 1 20 4 2 80 3 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 7 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 14 2 2 15 8 10 1 46 3 10 2 1 1 1 9 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 24 1 20 4 2 80 3 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1



No. 2. —Return of Defects, etc. — continued.

Digestors found to be defective on inspection during the Financial year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree, j Total. Thread in tapered plug-holes defective Throat-plate wasted Top row of tubes bad Top tube-plates thin (pressure reduced) Top tube-plates wasted Tubes bad Tubes pitted Tube-plates bad Tube-plates cracked Tube-plates wasted at mudhole-openings Twelve screwed stays in firebox bad Twelve tubes bad Twenty screwed stays in firebox bad.. Twenty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Two longitudinal stays wasted Two rows of screwed stays in each side of firebox bad .. Uptakes bad Uptakes wasted Vertical stays wasted Wasted at crown of firebox where fusible plug fitted Wasted at line of firebars Wasted round bottom of firebox Wasted round furnace-door externally Wasted under furnace-door inside 3 1 1 2 26 71 3 7 2 5 1 I 2 1 1 1 4 8 4 8 1 9 1 2 I 3 1 1 2 26 71 3 7 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 8 4 8 1 9 1 2 Totals 26 843 869

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defeotive in Lesser Degree. Total. All bolts in bottom door bad : were renewed All rivets in bottom circumferential seams defective : were renewed All rivets in top end bad : were renewed All rivets in top door-flange defective : were renewed . . All rivets renewed in shell Corroded badly on top plates Doors defective : new ones fitted Lugs on top door defective : were renewed New end fitted One hundred rivets bad and seams defective : new rivets fitted and landings caulked Seams defective : pared and caulked Six rivets renewed Thirty-four rivets defective : were renewed Thirty-seven rivets defective : were renewed Vertical seams re-riveted and landings caulked Wasted badly on top inside : new top fitted Wasted round bottom circumferential seams 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 13 2 1 1 1 4 j 13 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 Totals I 28 28 35



Defective Fittings found on Inspection of Boilers, for which Notice was given to renew or repair during the financial year ended the 31st march, 1913. 1 Bends of blow-off cocks defective : were 10 Mudhole-door studs bad : were renewed. renewed. 1 New cylinders fitted to engine. 2 Bends of main steam-pipe defective : were 1 Pipe for feed-pump bad : was renewed. renewed. 1 Reducing-valves fitted. 9 Blow-off cocks bad : have been renewed. 19 Safety-valves bad : were renewed. 1 Blow-off cocks defective : were repaired. 3 Safety-valves defective : were put in order.' 12 Blow-off pipes bad : have been renewed. 5 Safety-valve springs bad : were renewed. 4 Brake gear defective : has been put in order. 4 Spring balances defective : new ones fitted. ■ 1 Crank-shaft of engine bent: was straightened. 2 Steam-pipes defective : were renewed. 1 Crank-shaft of engine broken : new one made. 42 Steam-pressure gauges defective : were re--3 Feed check-valve chests and valves bad : newed. have been renewed. 5 Steering-gear of traction-engine defective : 4 Feed check-valves defective : were renewed. was put in order. 1 Feed-pump defective : put in order. 1 Steering-gear worms defective : were re--14 Ferrules fitted under spring-balance safety- newed. valve levers. 1 Steering-gear worm-wheel defective : was 1 Fly-wheel bracket defective : was repaired. renewed. 1 Fly-wheel of engine defective : was repaired. 3 Stop-valves defective : have been renewed. 21 Fusible plugs defective : were renewed. 4 Tapered mud-plugs defective : new ones 38 Guards fitted to water-gauge glasses. fitted. 2 Injectors defective : were renewed. 10 Test-cocks bad : have been renewed. 1 Injector steam-pipes defective : were re- 1 Test-cocks defective : were repaired. newed. 1 Valve-chest for feed-pump cracked : new one 1 Main steam-pipe bad : was renewed. fitted. 2 Main stop-valves defective : were renewed. 20 Water-gauge mountings bad : were renewed. 14 Manhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 9 Water-gauge mountings defective : put in 3 Manhole-door dogs bad : were renewed. order. 8 Manhole-door studs bad : were renewed. 1 Water-gauge pipes bad : were renewed. 46 Mudhole-doors bad : have been renewed. Total .. ..335

No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Cornish .. End of furnace repaired. Expansion-rings repaired. Furnace repaired. Patch riveted over crown of furnace. Several rivets renewed in furnace. Stays fitted between crown of boiler and furnace. Gusset-stays repaired. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Retubed. Two circumferential landings caulked. Compensating-ring fitted under blow-off cock. Patch fitted on furnace-crown. Eetubed. Thirty new tubes and patch on back tube-plate. A number of rivets renewed in shell, and landings caulked. Several rivets renewed in furnace. Strengthening-rings fitted and riveted to furnace. Two gusset-stays re-riveted. A number of rivets renewed in furnaces. Ketubed. Three new rivets fitted in gusset-stay. Two stay-nuts renewed. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening Eleven new tubes fitted. Four longitudinal stays fitted in tube-space. Fourteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and a patch fitted under fire-door. New studs fitted in manhole-door. Patch in firebox renewed, twenty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and compensating-ring on mudhole-opening. ,, ,, )? • • • • ,, Cornish tubular . . >> ,5 5? Dryback marine . . >> >? Lancashire Lancashire, tubular i> 55 Locomotive 5 5 55 1 1



No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers, etc. — continued.

3—H. 15a.

[umber. Type. Description of Repairs. i i Locomotive Pa tell in firebox re-riveted. Patches renewed on each side of firebox, new patch fitted under fire-door, and patch on bottom, of front tube-plate. Patches taken off firebox, and larger ones fitted. Retubed. Retubed, and five new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Retubed, 8 in. cut off bottom of firebox, and foundation-ring refitted. Retubed, new firebox, all new screwed stays, new firehole-ring, and compensating-rings fitted to four mudhole-openings. Retubed, new patch in firebox, and six new screwed stays in throatplate. Rivets in foundation-ring renewed. Several rivets in shell, renewed. Several screwed stays renewed in firebox. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Sixty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox, spectacle patch on front tube-plate, and patch on back head-plate. Smoke-box tube-plate repaired by acetone process. Tapered mudholes retapped, and new plugs fitted. Thirty new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and patch in firebox under fire-door. Twelve new studs fitted in steam-dome. Twenty-seven new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new tapered plugs fitted. Two patches fitted in firebox. Two patches fitted in firebox, and defective screwed stays renewed. Two patches fitted in firebox, and 126 new screwed stays fitted. Two stays fitted through bulge in tube-plate. Wasted portion of front tube-plate at mudhole repaired by acetone process. Inside shell renewed. One new plate in bottom. Several rivets renewed in shell. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening. Patch fitted in combustion-chamber. Retubed. Bottom of shell renewed. Brickwork repaired. Bulge cut out of bottom, of shell, and new mud-leg fitted. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and new plate fitted. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Compensating-ring fitted round manhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted round manhole-opening, and new door fitted. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-openings, and new doors fitted. 2 2 1 1 1 )) j> J? ?; 1 ;; 1 1 3 1 1 33 J5 )? 5) 1 1 1 J! J) >) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •>} 3? 5) 3) )) 35 3? i? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 2 2 8 1 8 7 Manure-dryer 33 Marine . . >> • • 33 • ■ Multitubular ?> ?! j) 3> >) 3 L Compensating-ring round manhole-opening re-riveted. Compensating-ring round manhole-opening re-riveted, and new door fitted. Crack in bottom of shell chain-pinned. Cracked portion cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Eight new tubes fitted. Eighteen new tubes fitted. Longitudinal angle-iron stay-connections renewed. Main stay-nuts renewed. Manhole-door spigots renewed. Manhole-opening dressed out, and new door fitted. Mudhole-openings dressed out, and new doors fitted. New manhole-doors fitted. New manhole-doors and compensating-rings fitted to openings New mudhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-door, and new spigot for manhole-door. New mudhole-door, and several new tubes. New saddle-plate riveted on shell for stop-valve. New spigots fitted to manhole and mudhole doors. New stay-tubes fitted. New studs fitted to manhole-doors. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 6 2 10 2 1 1 2 53 3? 93 ?? >J 3* J) . . i ' ' I J >3 '' ! 3) ■' j • • ! 33 ■• i i? 3 I J) • * j 5?



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers, etc. — continued.

umber. Type. Description of Itepairs. 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 9 1 1 Multitubular ,5 >; ,, >, ,, ,, )) New studs fitted to mudhole-doors. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. Patch fitted on bottom of shell, and several new tubes. Patch fitted on bottom of shell over cracked rivet-holes and grooving. Patch fitted on bottom of shell over wasted landings. Patch riveted over circumferential seams where cracked. Patches riveted over wasted portions of bottom. Patches taken off bottom of shell, and extended ones fitted. Patches under mountings renewed. Retubed. Retubed, and compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Retubed, compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening, and two new longitudinal stays in steam-space. Retubed, patch fitted on shell under check-valve, and new spigot to manhole-door. Several rivets renewed in shell. Several rivets renewed in steam-dome. Several tubes renewed. Sixteen new tubes fitted. Sixteen tubes drawn to clean boiler, and tubes afterwards renewed. Ten rivets renewed in steam-dome and sixteen in shell. Top row of tubes renewed. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and new dogs for mud-doors. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and several new tubes fitted. Corners of firebox repaired. Eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eleven new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eleven new tubes fitted. Fifteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. FiLteen new screwed s'ays fitted in firebox, and compensating-ring to mudhole-opening. Forty-eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Foundation-rings repaired. Fourteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Girders and stays renewed on firebox-crown, and compensatingrings fitted to mudhole-openings. Girder-stays renewed. New firebox and several patches on outer shell fitted. New girders fitted on crown of firebox. New girders fitted on crown of firebox, and several new stays fitted. New manhole-door fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted and openings dressed out. Nine new tubes fitted. Nine een new tubes fitted. One new cross-girder wi h three stays fitted to crown of firebox. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patch fitted on firebox-crown, and four new screwed stays. Patch fitted on firebox-crown, and six new rivets put in front tubeplate. Patch fitted on side of firebox, and six new screwed stays. Patches on crown of firebox renewed. Patches on foundation-ring renewed, nine new tubes and one new mud-door fitted. Patch put on shell under feed-pump, and mudhole-opening compensated. Retubed. Retubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Retubed, and twent) r new screwed stays fitted in fLebox. Retubed, mudhole-opening compensated, and new mud-door. 1 ,, 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 1 ,, >5 >5 yy ,, Portable ,, >7 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 55 55 55 55 55 5) 1 1 1 1 55 55 55 55 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 J) 5, ,5 ,) j 5, 55 1 2 1 ,5 55 55 1 55 6 1 1 1 5? )) II ,,



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers, etc. — continued.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 1 10 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Portable )) i> 3) j; 33 33 )> )J J3 J) 3) 33 Semi-portable )) 13 Semi-tubular 3) 3) 33 J3 )) 33 33 Trad ion 3J Retubed, new longitudinal stays fitted, and mudhole-opening compensated. Retubed, one new door, and new crown in firebox. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Several new tubes fitted. Sight-hole cut in firebox, and six new screwed stays fitted. Six stays fitted between crown of boiler and crown of firebox. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Ten new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Ten new tubes fitted. Thirty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three new girders fitted on crown of firebox. Three patches on firebox-shell renewed. Twenty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two additional girders and fou - bolts fitted over present girders on firebox-crown. Two patches in firebox renewed. Two rows of tubes renewed. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Fifteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patches fitted in firebox. Retubed. Several rivets renewed in shell. Blow-off cock taken off, and compensating-ring fitted on boiler-she J. New firebox fitted. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. Patch renewed. Retubed. Retubed, and patch fitted on crown of boiler. Stay-tubes renewed. Two new stay-nuts fitted. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening, and new tapered mud-plug in front tube-plate. Com.pensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening, and pigot to manholedoor. Crack cut out of side of firebox, and patch fitted. Eight rivets renewed in tube-plate. Fifteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Fusible plug-hole enlarged, and new plug fitted. Girders on crown of firebox repaired. New dogs for manhole-door. New firebox fitted. New firebox and new tubes fitted. New mud-doors fitted. Patch fitted on crown of firebox. Patch fitted on crown of firebox at fusible plug-hole, and several screwed stays renewed. Patch fitted on firebox outside, new coupling-pins in longitudinal stays, new studs and dogs for manhole-door. Patch on bottom of throat-plate enlarged, patch fitted on back head-plate, and seven new screwed stays Patch on firebox-crown renewed, and mudhole-opening compensated. Patch on firebox renewed, four new screwed stays in throat-plate, and two new coupling-pins in diagonal stays. Plug-holes re-tapped, and new tapered plugs fitted. Retubed. Retubed, and patch on tube-plate. Seven new tubes and two new mud-doors. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Several new tubes fitted. Shell under blow-off cock patched, and new mud-door fitted. Studs in manhole-door renewed. Ten new tubes fitted. Two new cross-girders and four stays in crown. Two new nuts fitted to crown-stays, and fusible plug-hole enlarged. it 1 j> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 33 33 33 )3 » 1 33 1 33 1 1 )3 3) 2 c> 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 I 33 33 ?3 J3 33 33 33 )> JJ 33 )3



No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers, etc. — continued.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 Traction . . Vertical cross-tube j; )! ,j i1 11 ,5 ii ii 11 ,, Vertical field-tube ,, , ■>■> i> ii Vertical flue J? ■ ■ ii •' ii ii ' • Two rows of screwed stays on each side of firebox renewed, and two mudhole-openings compensated. Wasted part of foundation-ring repaired. Angle-collar renewed round uptake. Bottom of shell renewed. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening, and new spigot to manhole-door. Eight rivets renewed in shell. Five mudhole-doors renewed. Foundation-ring re-riveted. Manhole-door repaired. New crown to boiler, new uptake, and new vertical stays fitted. New manhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. New uptakes fitted. New vertical stays fitted. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Patches renewed. Two new stay-nuts fitted. Vertical stays fitted with new coupling-pins. Manhole-door strengthened. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. Retubed. Several rivets renewed in shell. Several tubes renewed. Uptake repaired. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening, and foundation-ring repaired. Foundation-ring repaired. Four stays fitted between crown of boiler and crown of firebox. Fourteen rivets renewed in foundation-ring. Manhole-door re-riveted. New dogs fitted to manhole-door. New mud-door fitted. New spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptake fitted. Patch fitted in firebox. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. Several rivets in uptake renewed. A number of tubes renewed. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Eight tubes renewed. Eleven new tubes fitted. Four new vertical stays fitted. New crown, new tubes, and mudhole-openings fitted with compensat-ing-rings. New shell fitted. New top tube-plate fitted. New vertical stays fitted, and mudholes compensated. Patch fitted round firebox-door. Patch on bottom of firebox extended. Patches renewed. Retubed. Retubed, and new top tube-plates fitted. Retubed, and top tube-plate patched. Several new tubes fitted. Several rivets renewed in shell. Spectacle-piece fitted on top tube-plate, and six tubes renewed. Twelve new tubes fitted. Two new mud-doors fitted. Five rows of tubes renewed. Front headers re-riveted to drum. Retubed. Several rivets renewed in steam-drum. Several tubes renewed. Sixty-nine new tubes fitted. ii • • ii • • , j ii i * J? • • Vertical tubular . . 5 1 1 1 1 ii ii '' ii ii ' ' 1 2 1 1 1 2 19 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 ii • • ii • • ii ii ii ii ii • ' ii ii ii • • ii ii ' • Water-tube ,, ■ • ii • • ii • • 471 Total.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc., during the Financial year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. Number. Machine ry. Particulars. i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 i I I 2 I 1 L> .1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 !) 2 1 I I 1 2 I 1 1 I Air-compressing . . Belting and shafting. Fly-wheel of engine and bolting. Belting. Machinery. Shaft and belting. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and side of mixer. Machinery. Belting. Machinery. Belting. Pulleys and shafting. Fly-wheel of engine. Belting. Belting and fly-wheel. Belting and pulley. Emery wheel. Levelling-machine. Engine. Belting and malt-hoist. Pump-gearing and belt. Refrigerator and motor. Engine and bolting. Fly-wheel of engine. Main belting. Machinery. Shafting. Pulley and belting. Belting. Belting and pulley. End of shafting. End of shafting, pulley, and belting. Engine and belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheels and end of shaft. Key-leads and fly-wheel. Machinery. Belting. Fly-wheel. Machinery. Set-screw on refrigerator. Shafting. Belting. Belting of motor and sandpaper drum. Circular saws. Fly-wheel and planer-belt. Key of fly-wheel and driving-belt. Machinery. Belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Gearing. Machinery. Side of water-wheel. Water-race and bevel wheels. Counter-shaft. Fly-wheel. Rack and pinion on churn. Main driving-belt. Machinery. Belting of planing-machine. Emery wheels. Emery wheels, engine fly-wheel, band and circular saws. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel, shafting, emery wheels, pulleys, and belting. Main belting, pulleys, shafting, and set-screws. Shafting and side of engine. Belting. Bottom of driving-belt. Fly-wheel and belting. Shafting. Fly-wheel. Machinery. Belting. Belting and firewood-saw. Driving-belt. Motor and belting. Pulley and main belting. Shafting. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Creamery Belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Main belting and pulley. Vacuum pump and belting. Wheels of pump. Belting. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Fly-wheel.fc Machinery. :, Side of engine. Belting. Churn and fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine andj drivingbelt. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Rack and pinions on churn. Side of engine and main drivingbelt. Turbine and belting. Fly-wheels and generator. Machinery. Belting. Geared wheels. Motor and gearing. New wire ropes fitted. Side of driving-belt. Cage repaired. Door-catches in cage repaired. Floor-openings. Friction gearing adjusted. Gates repaired. Locks on doors repaired. Motor and gearing. New steel-wire ropes for balanceweights. New steel-wire ropes for cage. New steel-wire ropes for safety gear. Railing on first floor repaired. Safety gear fitted with new ropes. Safety grips overhauled and springs adjusted. Safety grips repaired. Starting-ropes renewed. Two doors repaired. Belting. Dynamo and engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine and generator. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Shafting. Water-race. Belting. Emery wheels. Emery wheels and machinery. Engine. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel, belting, and lathe gearing. Geared wheels. Machinery. Pulley and wheel. Spur gearing. Belting. Intermediate shafting. Belting. Belting and circular saws. Belting, circular saws, and flywheel. Belting, pulley, and saw. Circular saws. Engine and pulley. Fly-wheels of engines. Fly-wheel, pulley, and belt. Key on crank-shaft. Pulleys. All belting and machinery. Bacon-factory Bagtnaking Bakery Crushing grain Biscuit-factory " Cycle-works Boatbuilding Bone-crushing Boot-factory Dairy factory >> • • Boring Brewery.. 1 2 6 1 I " " Brickmaking 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Electric generating Electric hoist Building Butchery Electric lift Butter-factory 19 1 1 1 9 Cabinetmaking f> • • 2 1 1 1 ti 2 2 I I I I I I I 1 I 2 1 Ohatfcutting 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 5> ■ ■ Electric lighting .. Oheese-factory j, • • » Engineering-shop Chemical works . . Cinematograph Coachbuilding 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 " Fellmongery Fendermaking Firewood-cutting.. 1 I I I i I I 1 1 I 1 I I Confectionery Cooperage 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 Cordial-factory y> • • Flax-mill



No. 4. — Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.

Number. I Machinery. Particulars. Number Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 I 1 2 J 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i 3 1 1 1 : 2 i 1 i\ i i i i i i 1 ! 2 2 I 5 2 Flax-mill Flour-mill Friction hoist Friction lift Fruit-preserving . . Furniture-factory. . Gas-engines Belting. Belting, pulley, and fly-wheel. Drum-belting. Fly-wheel and driving-belt. Ply-wheel and shafting. Machinery. Machinery and firewood-saw. Main belting, fly-wheel, and pulleys. Mill-race to cover. Pumps, wheel, and belting. Scutcher belting and pulley Scutcher-mouth reduced i'. width. Scutcher shafting, pulley, and wheel. Stripper-belt and counter-shaft. Tail-race and machinery. Washer belting and counter-shaft. Water-race and machinery. Water-race, bevel wheels, and belting. Wheel, belting, and machinery. Belting. Engine. Fly-wheel of engine. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Roller pulleys. Motor and belting. New wire ropes. Opening on top floor. Safety gear overhauled. New wire ropes. Safety gear overhauled. Driving-belt. Machinery. Fly-wheel and shafting. Intermediate shafting. Side of pulley. Side of shafting and back of engine. End of crank-shaft. Engines. Fly-wheels. Keys in fly-wheels and end of shafting. Self-starters to fit. New steel-wire ropes for balanceweights. New steel-wire ropes for cage. Safety grips overhauled and adjusted. Safety grips repaired. Fly-wheel and belting. Machinery. Belting. Circular saw and belting. Circular saw, belting, and shafting. End of shafting. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and pulleys. Fly-wheels and shafting. Machinery. Belting. Machinery. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Gantry to refasten. Main belting and key in pulley. New chain fitted. Chains annealed. New chains fitted. Top sheave rebushed. Turning-chain renewed. Bottom of well. Chains annealed. Chains repaired. Gates renewed. Grip-rope repaired. Lift-wells fenced. New catches fitted to doors. New leathers for rams. New pin fitted in top sheave. New safety gear fitted. New steel-wire ropes fitted to balance-weights. New steel-wire ropes fitted to cage. Rails fitted round floor-openings. Safety catches overhauled and adjusted. i i 2 Hydraulic lifts .. 4 1 1 1 ! Joinery 1 1 1 „ 3 2 4 " 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ .. 1 ,, 1 2 „ 2 „ 1 Laundry 2 Limeworks 3 .„ 2 3 2 Machine-shop 2 8 1 1 i II I 1 1 i 1 Malt-crushing 1 Manure-drving 2 1 1 Margarine-factory 2 Milking 6 4 j 2 I 2 1 i 91 „ 10 „ .. 14 9 6 „ 2 4 j ',', Si :: :: :: i\ ;, :: :: 2 i Mortar-mill 1 i Oatmeal-mill 4 Oil-engines 4 3 86 4 2 3 2 Pictures 1 „ 1 Pipe-making 1 1 Planing-mill 1 1 1 1 1 ! Power lift 1 „ 1 I 5 Printing.. 1 i 1 i 1 I Safety catches overhauled and new springs fitted. Safety gear repaired. Valves overhauled. Valves repaired. Belting for circular saw. Counter-shaft to lathe and engine. Driving - belt and intermediate shafting. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Machinery. Planer and circular-saw belting, and pulley. Shafting along floor and fly-wheel of engine. Shafting, saw, planer-belt, and end of shaft. Side of planiug-machine and driv-ing-pulley. Side of planing-machine, mortisingmaehine, circular saw, and grind-stone-belt. Sleeve to fit on end of shaft. Wheel and pulley. Machinery. Belting. Machinery. Pulleys and belting. Shafting. Band-saws. Circular saws. Emery wheels. End of shafting and fly-wheel. Engine and counter-shaft. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and emery wheel. Machinery. Spur-wheels. Belting. Belting. Belting and slide of fly-wheel. Pinion-wheels. Belting. All machinery. Belting. Belting and side of fly-wheel. Engine and belting. Fly-wheels and counter-shaft. Fly-wheels and floor-shafting. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheels of engine and pump. Fly-wheels, pulley, and belting. Machinery. Pulleys and baiting. Pulley and fly-wheel of pump. Pump-belting. Side of engine and fly-wheel. Side of engine and pump. Side of engine and shafting. Wheels and pulleys. Fly-wheel, pulley, and belting. Shafting. Automatic starters to fit. End of crank-shaft. Engines. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and end of shaft. Keys in fly-wheels. Side of fly-wheel. Fly-wheels of engine. Side of engine. Pulleys. Two belts. All machinery. Machinery. Main and planer belting. Planing-machine belt. Swing and circular saws. Belting. New safety catches fitted. Shafting. Two crossbars renewed. Belting. Belting and pulleys. Driving-belt. Engine. 20 1 Gas-lifts . 1 2 1 1 I 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 ! i i i i i 10 8 I 2 1 1 j 1 1 1 2 j 1 1 1 1 1 Gasworks General work Grinding Hauling Hoisting Hydraulic crane .. Hydraulic lifts 16 1 6



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 Printing Pumping Quartz-crushing .. ,j • • Refrigerating Ropemaking Saddlery Sash and door factory Ditto Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of shafting. Fly-wheel and set-screws. Fly-wheel, side of driving-pulley, and press. Fly-wheels of engine. Main driving-belt and pulley. Pinion-wheels of machines. Pulleys. Shafting. Side of engine. Side of printing-machine, drivingbelt, and pulley. Spokes of machine. Wheels and motor. Wheels of two machines. Belting. Belting and engine. End of shaft. End of shaft, and wheel. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Machinery. Overhead shafting. Shafting and wheei. Wheel -gearing. Fly-wheels and belting. Main belting, fly-wheel, and machinery. End of shafting. Engine. Fly-wheels of refrigerator. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Main driving-belt. Pulleys. Water-wheel, race, and machinery. Side of fly-wheel. Band-saw. Band-saw and belting. Circular saws. Circular saws and pulleys. Emory wheels. Emery wheels and machinery. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Pulley and belting. Stop to fit to swing-saw. Stop to swing-saw, shafting, and pulley. All machinery and saws. Belting. Belting and drag-saw. Breast-bench saw. Breast-bench saw and machinery. Breast-bench saw and main belting. Circular saws. Circular saws and machinery. Counter-shaft, pulley, and firewoodsaw. Emery wheels. Emery wheels and belting. Emery wheels, circular and swing saws. Emery wheels, machinery, and stop to swing-saw. Firewood-saw, belting, and emery wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels and circular saws. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Machinery, saws, and belting. Main and planer belting. Main driving-belt. Main pulley, end of shaft, and grind stone - pulley. Planing-machine and belting. Pulleys and main belting. Shafting and pulleys. Stops for swing-saw. Water-race, shafting, and beltiag. Water-wheel and machinery. E d of shafting. Intermediate shaft. Machinery. 1 3 1 1 1 J 1 6 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 O 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 6 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 ] 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 Sewing-machines .. Shearing.. Shop-tools Station-work Steam-crane Stone-crushing Intermediate shaft. Belting. Belting and end of shaft. Emery wheels. End of shafting. Engine, and bearing to fit on end of shaft. Engine and belting. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly - wheels, belting, and toolgrinder. Fly-wheels, end of shafting, and tool-grinder. Grinders. Grinders and belting. Main belting, pulley, and fly-wheel. Pulleys and belting. Side of water-wheel. Belting. End of shafting. FJy-wheei and belting. Fly-wheel and emery wheels. Machinery. Main belt and intermediate shaft. Pulley and driving-belt. Side of fly-wheel and cross-shaiting. Belting.' Belting and circular saws.. Clutch and belting. End of clutch. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels, belting, and saws. Fly-wheels, pulleys, and belting. Machinery and belting. Pulley, belting, and circular saw. Pump and engine. Chains annealed. Belting and fly-wheel of stonecrusher. Driving-belt. Driving-belt and pulley. Fly-wheel of engine. Rail to fit around engine. Shafting, pulleys, and belting. Wheels of crusher. Pug-mill belting. Belting. Machinery. Fly-wheel. Pulley and belting. Gearing of three machines. Shafting. Band-saw. Band and circular saws. Belting. Belting and emery wheels. Belting and machinery. Belting and shafting. Circular saws. Circular saws and pulleys. Circular saws and side of planer. Counter-shaft. Driving-belt and two pulleys. Driving-pulley and two belts. Emery wheels. Emery wheels and drum. Emery wheels and saw. End of shafting. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels and machinery. Fly-wheels, pulleys, main belting, and saw. Fly-wheels, shafting, and end of planing-machine. Goose-saw. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Machinery and set-screws. Main belting. Motor and belting. Shafting. Two belts. Tilemaking Tobacco-factory .. Turnip-pulping .. Veneer-works Ventilating Wire-working 1 4 1 3 1 1 6 6 1 Sawmill Wood-working 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Seed-cleaning >! ' * 1,025 Total.



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinrey during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. H. B. Kirk, Timaru Brickmaking James E. Thomas ; 28 years 2nd April, 1912 ; arm injured .. Thomas's arm was caught by the knives of the machine while he was attempting to extract a broken knife. His arm was severely lacerated and broken at the wrist. 3rd April, 1912 ; thumb injured .. Chapman lost the point of his right thumb through contact with the saw. 9th April. 1912 ; hand injured .. Peters got the back of his left hand lacerated through its being jammed between the rest of the lathe and the piece of machinery he was turning. loth April, 1912 ; collar-bone and While engaged oiling the bearings of the shafting, Low's clothes leg injured were caught by the bolts of the shaft-coupling. He was wound round the shaft and had his collaf-bone fractured and one leg severely cut. 19th April, 1912 ; arm lost .. By some means Oketopo allowed his left arm to be drawn into the scutcher. 19th April, 1912 ; hair torn out .. Clarkson was leaning over to pick up something under the machine when her hair was caught by the revolving shaft. 22nd April, 1912 ; hand injured .. When working at the saw Yates's hand came into contact with it. Robertson and Co. (Limited), Wellington Circular saw C. Chapman ; 16 years David Murray and Co., Wanganui Lathe ., Thomas Peters ; 60 years .. | Seagar Bros., Auckland Main line-shafting. . E. Q. Low; 16 years .. | James Paterson, Te Puke Flax-mill Solomon Oketopo ; 1 8 years .. Steel and Co., Dunedin Shafting for driving sewing-machines Rip-saw Jessie Clarkson ; 21 vears .. ! The Premier Joinery Manufacturing Company (Limited), Auckland Alexander Murdoch, Dunedin W. Yates ; 18 years George Murdoch ; 38 years .. 26th April, 1912 ; arm fractured Murdoch was putting the belt on the machine when his left arm was caught between the belt and the pulley. 9th May, 1912 ; hand injured .. Metcalf was attempting to pick up something under the table below the moving bed of the machine when his hand was caught between the moving bed and frame. 10th May, 1912 ; back and legs in- j Haig opened the doors of the lift-well at the bottom flat, and, jured thinking that the cage was there, stepped out and fell to the bottom of the well. His back and legs were badly bruised. I 14th May, 1912 ; fingers injured.. ; Bayliss's left hand was caught between a plate and the machine. The second and third fingers of his left hand were crushed. ; 14th May, 1912 ; face and chest in- ■ Laurie was grinding knives on the grindstone when it flew in pieces. jured Some of the fragments struck him on the face, nose, and chest. 18th May, 1912 ; leg crushed .. \ Mardell was caught in a belt and drawn on to the shaft. His leg was so badly crushed that it had to be amputated above the knee. I 21st May, 1912 ; leg injured .. When working on the elevator Edwards's leg came into contact with the moving parts of the motor and was lacerated. 30th May, 1912 ; leg broken .. ! Lloyd fell from the engine while it was moving and had his leg broken, i 3rd June. 1912 ; finger cut .. Fischer was oiling the cogs while they were in motion under the saw- bench, when his finger was caught by them. 18th June, 1912 ; fingers injured.. ! When feeding the saw Godby's left hand slipped and came into contact with the saw. Three of his fingers were slightly cut. 20th June, 1912 ; fingers cut .. j Watt's hand came in contact with the saw. 24th June, 1912 ; finger injured .. Zoukra inadvertently placed his left hand on the moving cogs of the machine. 25th June, 1912 ; body bruised .. A set-screw on a shaft-coupling caught the pocket of Douglas's coat and he was drawn in towards the shaft. ! 26th June, 1912 ; thumb cut ... [ Skerratt's thumb was caught by the saw. Sieving Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Power confectionerycutting H. Metcalf ; 21 years Australian Mutual Provident Society, Dunedin Electric lift Joseph Haig ; 74 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin . . Boilermakers' plateshears Grindstone Andrew Bayliss ; 16 years .. | Chamberlain and Laurie Bros., Orawia.. J. W. Laurie ; 36 years .. ; The Champion Company (Limited), Wellington Sugar-disintegrating mill Charles Mardell; 20 years Tumbull and Jones (Limited),Wellington Motor on electric elevator Haulmg-engine . . j Thomas Edwards; 21 years .. i McCallum and Co., Invercargill I Richard Lloyd ; 28 years Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Powley and Keast, Dunedin The Champion Company (Limited), Wellington Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Recutting-saw Circular saw Circular saw Bean-husker Joseph Fischer ; 21 years Robert Godby ; 18 years I George Watt, 25 years j E. Zoukra ; 20 years Shaft in gum-jube department Box crosscut saw . . . Thomas Douglas ; 16 years .. P. Skerratt; 34 years D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland


H.-T 15a

4—H. 15a

S. Kirkpatrick and Co., Nelson D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland New Zealand Portland Cement Company (Limited), Auckland D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland Tinmaking Circular saw Pulverizing-mill J. Huffam ; 25 years . . C. Renner ; 46 years A. Grimshaw ; 24 years 28th June, 1912 ; finger injured 29th June, 1912 ; finger cut 2nd July, 1912 ; face and body injured 11th July, 1912 ; finger cut Huffam 1 s right hand was accidentally caught in the machine. Renner' s finger came in contact with the saw. While working at the mill Grimshaw's foot slipped and he fell against the mill, which was in motion. Gaffin's left hand slipped when he was tightening the saw-guide with a spanner. His hand came into contact with the saw. When feeding the paper through the rollers, Hoskin allowed his fingers to be caught between them. While working at the boring-machine Prisk's shirt-sleeve was caught in the bit and his right arm was drawn into the machinery. Tunnage's left hand was caught between rest and chuck. When oiling the machine in motion Claffey's finger was caught in the cogs. Harraway opened the door of the roller-mill to clean the casing, when the fingers of his left hand were caught in the machine and crushed. When sawing a piece of timber Robertson's left hand slipped and came in contact with the saw. Johns's foot slipped on a piece of wood while he was working at the machine. He put out his right arm to save himself, when his hand was caught by the moving cogs of the machine. In trying to remove a chip from the saw before it had stopped Parkinson's left hand came into contact with the saw. Shortt was adjusting a belt on a pulley when his clothing became entangled with the moving shaft. He was drawn round the shafting and thrown clear of it on to the floor. His left ankle was broken and he sustained many bruises, besides being much shaken. Hodgkinson was cleaning the machine when his left hand was caught by part of it. Hibbs's finger came into contact with the saw. Circular saw J. Gaffin ; 43 years Henry Weston, New Plymouth Printing James T. Hoskin ; 37 years .. 12th July, 1912 ; fingers crushed.. James Me Andrew and Co., Paeroa Woodworking Sidney Prisk ; 22 years 13th July, 1912 ; arm injured A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Hal Goodacre, New Plymouth Turret lathe Boot-slugging John Tunnage ; 15 years Joseph Claffey ; 20 years 16th July, 1912 ; thumb hurt .. 17th July, 1912 ; finger crushed .. Harraway and Sons, Dunedin Flour-milling A. Harraway ; 38 years 17th July, 1912 ; fingers crushed Sam Aburn and Sons, Dunedin Woodworking James Robertson ; 26 years .. 22nd July, 1912 ; fingers cut W. Takle and Co., Newmarket Moulding William Johns ; 37 years 24th July, 1912 ; hand injured .. Leyland-OBrien Timber Company (Limited), Auckland W. Sutherland and Co. (Limited), Onehunga Circular saw S. Parkinson ; 21 years 27th July, 1912 ; thumb cut Shafting Edward Shortt; 48 years 3rd August, 1912 ; ankle broken Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Starch-printing E. Hodgkinson ; 17 years 3rd August, 1912 ; finger injured Leyland-OBrien Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Bryant Bros., Rai Falls Rip-saw W. Hibbs ; 24 years 8th August, 1912 ; finger cut Emery wheel Frank Flower ; 35 years 8th August, 1912 ; jaw fractured and eye lost While grinding an axe, the axe turned and jammed the emery wheel. The wheel broke and part of it struck Flower on the upper jaw and eye. Kennedy tried to remove some shavings from the machine with his left hand, instead of using a stick, when his hand came into contact with the knives of the machine, cutting off three finders of the left hand. When working at the lathe Hay's left forefinger was caught by the chuck. When sawing a piece of timber Robertson's left hand slipped and came into contact with the saw. Instead of shutting the door before releasing the lift Vincent tried to shut it after it had started. His hand was crushed between the door of the lift and the floor. Luke's right hand was caught between the scrapers and the bottom of the pan while the machine was working, and three fingers were taken off. McKenzie was engaged mincing figs when he used his right hand instead of a stick to push them into the machine. His hand was caught by the mincer and three fingers cut off. F. H. Reilly, Wellington Surface and thicknessing William Kennedy ; 65 years . . loth August, 1912 ; fingers lost .. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Lathe Victor Hay ; 18 years 19th August, 1912 ; finger bruised Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin The Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, Dunedin Circular saw A. Robertson ; 18 years 22nd August, 1912 ; finger cut . . Hydraulic lift C. D. Vincent; 23 years 23rd August, 1912 ; finger injured Homebush Brick and Coal Company, Glentunne] Clay-grinding pan.. R. H. Luke ; 35 years 23rd August, 1912 ; fingers lost.. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Power mincing A. McKenzie ; 16 years 29th August, 1912 ; fingers cut off



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. ; Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident, and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Lyttelton Co-operative Bread Company Limited), Lyttelton Stewart and Werner, Paeroa.. Dough-mixer F. G. Norton ; 43 years .. 30th August, 1912 ; fingers injured Norton's left hand was caught by the mixer. Dough-mixer John Casley ; 59 years .. 4th September, 1912 ; hand lost.. Casley was attempting to pull some dough out of the machine when in motion, when his hand was cut ofl by the knives. While sawing timber Sinclair's hand was caught between the timber and bench, injuring the left forefinger. Jonson's hand came into contact with the machine when in motion. Latta's hand came into contact with the saw. Clutha Timber and Hardware Company, Balclutha Southern Cross Biscuit Company (Limited), Wanganui Clutha Timber and Hardware Company, Balclutha A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Circular saw H.Sinclair; 19 years .. 9th September, 1912 ; ringer injured Dough-mixer William Jonson ; 25 years .. 10th September, 1912 ; hand injured Circular saw S. Latta ; 30 years .. .. 16th September, 1912 ; fingers injured Frank Dow; 16 years .. 19th September, 1912; finger injured H. Blythe ; 39 years .. 20th September, 1912 ; hand injured H. Lingard ; 37 years .. 22nd September, 1912 ; fingers injured Joseph Haylock ; 45 years .. 27th September, 1912 ; hand injured David MacEwan ; 16 years .. 9th October, 1912 ; finger injured.. Band-saw Dow's right hand came into contact with the saw in motion, cutting his right forefinger. Blythe's right hand was caught between the scraper and pan while in motion. Lingard' s fingers got between the rollers of the machine. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Auckland New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Auckland Neilson, Murray, and Fredric, Wellington Paper-making Reeler Punching and shearing Turret lathe Haylock' s left hand was caught by the cogs of the machine and received such injuries that it had to be amputated. The forefinger of MacEwan' s left hand was caught between the lathe-rest and the chuck. Gemmell was sawing timber when a piece flew off and struck him on the abdomen. When working at the mincer Burton's left hand was caught in the machine. The middle finger was cut off and the forefinger injured. Thomson's right forefinger and thumb were injured while working at the saw. Johnstone's left hand came into contact with the knives of the machine. The piece of wood Poultenay was sawing was caught by the saw and thrown back on to him, causing injury to his shoulder and ribs. Walsh was oiling one of the bearings while the saw was in motion, when his right hand came in contact with the saw. The steam was shut off the engine while Black was oiling the slides. The engine suddenly started through leakage at the stop-valve, when Black's hand was crushed by it. The breaking of a casting of the overhead gear caused the liftcage to run down to the bottom of the lift-well, from a height of about 18 ft., whilst partly loaded. Jackson was in charge of the lift, and in order to minimize his fall he grasped the rope of the starting and stopping gear and slid down inside the cage, injuring his back and burning bis hands by the ropes running through them. When working at the lathe the forefinger of Fail's left hand came in contact with the tool. Cooper's left hand slipped and came in contact with the knives oi the machine, his first and fourth fingers being cut off. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. William Cable and Co., Kaiwarra . .. Circular saw H. Gemmell; 18 years .. 14th October, 1912 ; abdomen injured A. Burton ; 16 years .. 17th October, 1912 ; fingers injured Jacob Helmkey, Dunedin Meat-mincer J. B. Thomson and Son, Dunedin Circular saw C. B. Thomson ; 38 years .. 30th October, 1912 ; hand injured Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Leggat and Campbell, Houipapa Buzz planer Robert Johnstone ; 35 years .. 7th November, 1912 ; finger injured R. Poultenay ; 32 years .. 9th November, 1912 ; shoulder and ribs injured Sawmill New Zealand Powell Wood Process (Limited), Rangataua Bartholomew Land and Timber Company (Limited), Ngatira Saw-bench S. G. Walsh ; 48 years .. 13th November, 1912 ; fingers injured Charles Black; 38 years .. > 14th November, 1912 ; hand injured Steam-feed of bandsaw carriage Thomas Ballinger and Co. (Limited), Wellington Electric lift A. Jackson ; 21 years .. 14th November, 1912 ; back and hands injured A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Turret lathe W. A. E. Fail; 20 years . . 14th November, 1912 ; finger cut Rich and Jeffreys, Auckland Planing A. P. Cooper ; 46 years .. j 19th November, 1912 ; fingers lost I



Ward Bros., Ahuriri Flat Circular saw D. W. Thompson ; 27 years .. 26th November, 1912 ; scalp injured Thompson was working in a stooping position at the saw and the hat he had on obscured his vision. His head came in contact with the saw, causing a scalp wound. Buffert accidentally put his finger on the saw while it was in motion. Shorth's hand slipped off the material he was working, and his thumb came into contact with the knives. Whyte' s fingers were caught in the folders of the machine while it was in motion. Butter allowed his finger to come in contact with the knives of the machine while in motion. When working at the press Pring's hand was caught by it and crushed. While feeding the machine Hopkinson's right hand was caught in it, and his little finger was crushed. Dawson's arm was drawn into the scutcher. The hand and forearm were so severely injured that the arm had to be amputated a little below the elbow. The balance-weight dropped while Scott was working at the saw. causing it to come forward. Mander's sleeve was caught by the working parts of the lathe, and his shoulder and back were bruised. In attempting to put a belt on a pulley in motion Kepa's forearm was crushed between the pulley and the belt. Grieve's right second finger came under the die while he was working at the machine. While Kemble was adjusting the guide-pins the spanner he was using slipped and his right hand came into contact with the saw, three fingers being severed. Evans, by some means, got his right forefinger into the ironbreaker. Whyte's right forefinger was caught by the descending die of the machine. Dillner's foot slipped on to the starting-treadle, causing the head of the machine to come down on the first finger of his right hand. When sawing a piece of timber McDonald slipped and his hand came into contact with the saw. Thompson put the thumb of his right hand between the work and the moving slide. Crow was trying to remove something with his right hand when he accidentally touched the starting-treadle with his foot, causing the punch to descend on his finger. Grondin's left hand was caught in the moving parts of the|machine, and she had two fingers bruised. Saunders was grinding a chisel, when the forefinger of his left hand was caught between the stone and the chisel and bruised. While drilling a marble switchboard Abernethy's right hand came into contact with the gearing of the machine, and the second finger was crushed. Ypung was feeding the hoop iron in when the handle slipped and the shears came down on his finger. D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland Sawmill G. BufEert: 27 years 28th November, 1912 ; finger cut.. David Bone, Auckland Murrays Limited, Invercargill Upright spindleshaper Body - former for making milk-tins Planer H. Shorth ; 65 years A. Whyte ; 21 years 20th December, 1912 ; thumb cut 28th December, 1912 ; ringers injured 7th January, 1913 ; finger lost .. A. H. Webb, Christchurch J. J. Butter ; 20 years Greymouth Evening Star Company, Greymouth J. M. Mennie (Limited), Auckland Printing H. Pring ; 16 years .. 7th January, 1913 ; hand injured.. Tinmaking E. Hopkinson ; 16 years 11th January, 1913 ; finger injured Mclndoe and Tanner, Wrey's Bush .. Flax- mill.. Thomas Dawson ; 23 years .. 14th January, 1913 ; arm injured.. B. H. Stark, Auckland Goose-saw Fred Scott; 15 years 21st January, 1913 ; thigh injured P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Lathe C. E. Mander ; 18 years 21st January, 1913 ; body injured New Zealand Portland Cement Company, Auckland Murrays Limited, Invercargill Automatic bagging Pera Kepa ; 24 years 21st January, 1913 ; arm injured.. Press and die Robert Grieve ; 16 years 29th January, 1913 ; finger crushed Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Drag-bench Thomas Kemble ; 57 years .. 5th February, 1913 ; fingers lost.. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurcfc Pig-iron breaker .. William Evans ; 23 years 6th February, 1913 ; finger injured Murrays Limited, Invercargill Empire Box-making Company (Limited), Wellington Power press for stamping milk- tins Die-punching A. H. Whyte ; 31 years O. H. Dillner ; 25 years 10th February, 1913 ; finger injured 19th February, 1913; finger injured William Nees and Sons (Limited), Dunedin Topliss Bros., Addington Circular saw James McDonald ; 22 years .. 27th February, 1913 ; fingers injured 27th February, 1913; thumb bruised. 27th February, 1913; finger injured Lathe N. L. Thompson ; 19 years .. Murrays Limited, Invercargill Power press for milk-tins M. Crow ; 14 years .. Empire Box-making Company (Limited), Wellington William George Bassett, Wanganui Box-staying ; 16 years 29th February, 1913; fingers injured 28th February, 1913 ; fingers injured 3rd March, 1913; finger injured.. Power grindstone .. A. Saunders ; 17 years Marriott, Brown, and Wicks, Dunedin.. Drilling H.fJ. Abernethy ; 15 years .. Taylor and Oakley (Limited), Christchurch Hoop-iron cutting W. G. YoungJ; 20 years 3rd March, 1913 ; finger injured..



No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Taylor and Oakley (Limited), Christchurch Wellington Woollen-manufacturing Company (Limited), Petone The Drury Fireclay, Brick, and Potteries (Limited), Drury Spouting William Faas ; 16 years 7th March, 1913 ; finger injured.. The cutter of the machine came down on Faas's finger. Kirkcaldie and Stains (Limited), Wellington Andersons Limited, Lyttelton The Taupo Totara Timber Company (Limited), Putaruru Woollen-mill Main counter-shaft Electric lift Main shaft Sawmill William Brown ; 35 years Job Milson ; 51 years Saul Garshook Charles Muschamp ; 32 years.. ! Ihaia Tees ; 27 years 18th March, 1913 ; foot injured .. 29th May, 1912 ; bruised internally 13th July, 1912 ; crushed 20th July, 1912 ; broken limbs .. 28th September, 1912 ; crushed . . A pulley slipped ofi the end of a shaft and struck Brown's foot, cutting it badly. Milson stood on a ladder to examine the centre bearing greasecup of the main counter-shaft. The ladder slipped and threw him against a pulley, which was clamped on the shaft by a strap with projecting lugs. These lugs caught the deceased's clothing, and he was wound round the revolving shaft. He was severely injured, and death occurred shortly after the accident. Garshook pulled the wrong control-rope, causing the lift to ascend. It caught him between the cage-floor and the top of the door, causing injury to his ribs, skull, and legs. Muschamp was standing on a ladder mending a belt when his clothing was caught by the revolving shafting. He was whirled round several times and instantaneously killed. Tees was attempting to put a belt on a pulley while the machinery was in motion, when his clothing was caught by the shafting, winding him round it. He was killed outright. Pudney was working in the engine-room near a revolving shaft, when his clothing was caught by it. He was carried round several times with the shafting, receiving such injuries as to cause death shortly after the accident. The child's dress was caught by the end of the crank-shaft and she was wound round it, causing such injuries that her death occurred an hour and a half afterwards. Nickels was caught in the machine while he was oiling it, and was fatally injured. In trying to put a belt on the engine while it was in motion McCullough' s legs were entangled in it. He was drawn round the shaft and received severe injuries to his head. Hanratty was caught between the cage-floor and the arch in the masonry of the lift-well, and was badly crushed in the abdomen, death being instantaneous. Thomas Ballinger and Co. (Limited), Wellington Shafting Arthur Pudney ; 37 years 31st October, 1912; internal injuries Warea Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Warea Refrigerating Margaret Mary Cochrane ; 2 years 23rd November, 1912 ; skull fractured Auckland Gas Company (Limited), Auckland D. T. McCullough, Staveley Coke-conveyor Thomas Nickels ; 24 years .. j 6th January, 1913 ; abdomen injured 11th January, 1913 ; head injured Oil-engine R. J. McCullough ; 24 years .. ! E. W. Mills and Co. (Limited), Wellington Electric goods-lift. . James Hanratty .. 5th February, 1913 ; crushed


H.— 15a

No. 7.—Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Extra First-class Stationary, Competency.

No. 8. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: First-class Stationary, Service.

No. 9.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: First-class Stationary, Competency.

Name of Perso John Eric Lipscombe Douglas Gordon Jack Name of Person. }n. "issue"' I No - Name of Person. 1912. Aug. 15 84 ! Charles Waring Somes Saxton 1913. i Elliott Fleming .. I Feb. 13 85 I Name of Person. Date of j j Issue. 1913. .. Feb. 13 Date of j f, n Issue. ! JNo ' No. 86 87

Name of Person. Date of -vr Issue. j No ' Name of Person. Date oi w Issue. "°- Samuel Dickey Johr David Urquhart George Samuel Arkle Edward Yates Bolton Robert McDowell .. William McFarlane.. Charles Doherty 1912. June 6 ! 1697 1698 Aug. 15 ! 1699 1700 Nov. 22 I 1701 j 1702 „ ! 1703 Frederick Ross Wallace Gardner William Parkes Alfred George Lovell Bliss .. Edward Robert Stone Charles Robert Dunstan 1913. Feb. 13 1704 1705 1706 > 1707 Mar. 19 1708 '< 1709

Name of Person. Date of N Issue. m - Name of Person. Date of N Issue. JNo - William McDonald Kenneth Alexander Ross Ernest Charles Collins Donald Gillies Jacob Feiokert Herbert John Jones Charles William Pritchard Aaron Griffiths George Henry Butler William John Morton William Snedden Norman Levi Woods Charles Waring Somes Saxton John Mangan Colebrook Edward Francis Jones John Grant Stephens Edward Wigney Ernest Winhall James Watt Israel Webster James Donaldson Caldwell .. Herbert Henry Brown Albert Currie Cyril Probyn Berridge Isaac Simpson John Allan McEachen Charles Henry Lemin William Dodd John Oxenham John Frederick Tollan Arthur Ernest Toyer 1912. June 6 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 Dougal McCormick Kay William Maxwell Lawson William John McCammon Oharles Waring Pickles John Joseph Quinn Robert John Davidson Albert Anthony Hastings Thomas William Sherwood .. William Webster William Curreen Robert Blackhall Stewart . . ' John Henry Urquhart Samuel Patrick Chapman William Griffiths Vincent James Pfeifer Daniel Tyaon Satterthwaite .. William Leonard Parker 1912. Nov. 22 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 f> Aug. 15 Gray Russell Hunter William Botham White Albert Edward Turner Charles Cecil Harris Friend .. Alexander Aitken Gordon Dewar Edgar Walter Dyer Robert Thomas Bruce Mackie Arthur Heir William Shepherd James Arthur Fielding George Henry Hunt John Foote 1913. Feb. 13 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 J) Nov. 22 »> Mar! 19



No. 10.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No - Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Alfred Arnold James Sloan Fraser Partick Lawrence Johnston . . Joseph Charles Thomas Smith Alfred Christian Adier Hansen George Stewart Herbert Henry Knowles Leslie Clifford Tomlinson Robert Welsh James Wicks Thomas William Winstanley Frank Cecil Young Hilton Broadbent Ernest Fowler Alfred Fowler Charles Lewis Stapley Arthur Henry Timms James John Keene William Henry Hill Downer.. Charles John Dew William Johnston Thomas Lawlor Arthur Manley Hugh Spencer Douglas McCullum Gilbert George William Ranger Edward Roberts Neil Souness Thomas Wilfred Taylor William Alfred Ward John Catehpole John Hodson, jun. Thomas Carley Robert Henderson George Patton Alrick Edward William Stevens Bertram Badham William Harold Raymond Babe James Hetherington Hugh Hughes Roy Crofton Hay Smith William MorgaT Lewis Morgan Arthur Thompson Hughes .. William Webster Joseph Whitefield Arthur Robinson Charles Reuben Middleditch.. Edgar Hildebrand William Henry McFarlane .. Thomas King Joseph John Henry Jenkin, jun. Thomas Adrian Cloughley .. James Walker Patrick Gunn Percy Henry Moreland James McCallum John Vercoe Thomas Sneddon Gardiner . . Herbert Hamilton Evans Albert Anthony Hastings Henry Archibald Brown James Hughes Samuel O'Neil James Cook James Compton Field Fred Barclay Joseph Bower Sawers Richard James Kerr Francis James Chave George Robert Davidson Michael Murray William Stephens Thomas Robinson Kirk Joseph John Lawrence King Robert Andrew Lilley Herbert Richard Spicer Frederick Thomas Stone Arthur Wood Frank John Nettleingham .. 1912. June 6 3586 5387 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 Frederick Charles Cornwell Charles Dickson Horace Edward Rowlands Miles Pollitt Schofield Thomas Wadsworth John Vincent Lane William Troughear.. Thomas Finlayson Alfred Harris Edward Mason Harold Stanley Anderson Arthur Burrows Albert Edward Victor Denize David Hull George Henry Hunt James Benney Jenkin Viggo Valdemar Jergensen Hylton On slow Judd John Aloysious Leslie Paul Gerhard Michalsen Thomas Rupert McCarthy William Norman Glyn Parry Robert Riddell 1912. Aug. 15 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 2683 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 ;> Arthur John Horton 1913. Feb. 13 1912. Aug. 15 Nov. 22 3688 >> Aug. 15 Arthur Forbes Murray Albert Cyril White Samuel Kilpatrick John Harper Herbert Frederick Andrews Joshua Frederick Nicholls John Henry Coulter Arthur Hey Henry Parrant John Francis Sinclair Reginald Autheman Henry Burge William Charles Rowe Alexander Beere Duncan McRae James Forsyth Sinclair Isaac Bates i>1 William Wilson | .. William Leslie Harold Clive Frame Sydney George Jones John Wright, jun. Frederick Tombs Edward Colin Cheshire Victor William Henry Dawson William Howard Eustace Horace James Heath William McCulla Heath Conrad Lewis Holland Thomas Cyril Richardson John Leonard Rhodes Albert Morgan Clifton ... George Edwin Strother Joseph Bergin Norman Franklyn Augustine Porter .. Joseph William Hanson Victor William Brown William Henry Fry William Charles Morrison William Henry Payne Francis William Simmers Harry Ernest Wilkinson Roy Robert Campbell Henry Leonard Webb Fredrick Gustov Hahn Richard John Wearn 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 Henry Joseph Bowman Charles Edward Dunn Albert Ernest Foster David Martin Frederick Patrick Jones Joseph William Thomas 1913. Feb. 13 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740



No. 10.-Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency—continued.

No. 11.-Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency.

• Name of Person. Date of N Issue. "°- Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Albert George Wilkes Arthur Roy Smith Joseph Taylor Adam Kilpatrick John Robertson John Gundersen John William Curran George Roberts Percival Morley Andrew Emil Hackell Donald William Ross Philip Drummond Anderson Alfred Ernest Pearson William Hawkes James McLaughlin Alexander Paterson Rennie . . Muir Templeton Donald McKay 1913. .. Feb. 13 ■. I >> :: I ; ; 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 Thomas Samuel Brown James Percival John Joseph Jenkin Robert McClure John Quin Charles Wilkie McMurray Walter George Albert Holden Fred King Norman Berry Smith Robert Isbister John Murphy Carl Jensen Hende.. Ernest Alfred Robinson Daniel Donovan Henry Burrows John McNair Thomas Gordon 1913. Feb. 13 Mar! 19 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776

Name of Peraon. Date of jt Issue. ao - Name of Peison. Date of w Issue. Percy Harold Sutton William Cashmere Albert Edward Killip Ernest Fergusson Carl Edward Uddstroin James Stuart Allan John Atohison Albert John Hutohinson John Alexander Milne William Edinborough Chamberlain John Currie Albert Cridge George Warner Jackson Thomas George Aston John William Rossiter Samuel Henry Howard Wilfred Gordon Chisnall George Andrew Pelvin Stewart James Richmond James Thomas Jones Michael Joseph Young Ivon Raymond Creagh Wilson McKie William Archibald Wilson .. Edward Donaldson Alexander Gordon Leeden . . James Milne, jun. John McMillen William Nicol Alban Joseph Rosenbaum .. John Scobie Ritchie Thomas Jones Patrick Joseph Barry James Mason, jun. Sylvester John O'Sullivan . . Archibald McLennan Chisholm James Meagher Martin Bernet Svensen George West Robert Harold Gurnell Harwood Samuel Fullerton Dover Goddard Andrews Edwin Bray Bennett White Ernest Arthur Russell Wilson Herbert Charles Astley John Peter Grace Francis James Robertson 1912. June 6 2563 2564 : 2565 2566 2567 2568 I 2569 : 2570 , 2571 ■ 2572 2573 1 2574 ' 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 i 2584 i 2585 : 2586 I 2587 ; 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 , 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 ' 2609 ; 2610 Philip Henry Best Andrew Victor Johnson Walter Hart Edlin Albert Lawrence Knowsley .. David Andrew Murray Alister Harry Robert Hunt .. Peter McMenamin John William Francis Pope .. William Henry Hodgson George Thomas Stringer Percy Arthur Pilcher Alfred John Adams Conway Braddell Arthur George Burt William Clifton Bertie Fisher Arthur William Benjamin Heald John Joseph Lynskey Hermann Ellmers Mehrtens .. Anthony Moran Duncan Campbell Pethig John Tindle Smith. . Barnabus Waugh Kenney .. Richard Carruthers Edwin George Church Michael Duggan Nicholas Edward Fitzgerald John Langdon Patrick Quigley William Stewart Smith .. • William Walter Timms John Walker Frederick William Pemberton William Mahoney Sydney Robert White James Clifford Crutch William Dowie Thomas Dunn Andrew Jacob Haub Archibald Douglas McAllister Murdock White McDonald .. Job Stanley Aaron Griffiths James Miller John Small Albert Stevens John Constantino Thomson . . Percy Arthur Thomson 1912. Aug. 15 f> 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 if



No. 11. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency —continued.

No. 12.—Return of Electric Winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. I No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. Ho. Charles Forrester Lewis Sydney Gerald Stirling John Phillip Andrew Artha Arthur Sydne\' Hounsell Vincent James Pfeifer James Stephen Sanders Allan William Stuart King John Murray Eaglesome Owen Charles Affleck Walter Anderson Clifton John Cowx John Herbert Minton Edward Louth Wakelin Walter Hand Westbury William John Maisey Bertie Thomas Hockridge John Robert Morgan Harry James Page John Patrick Martin Quiulan James Ebenezer Thompson Frederick William Zimmermann Peter CraigRichard Donaldson Robert Walker Charles Robinson William Cook Alexander Evans Ernest John Myhill Lennox McBeath Angus McKay John Scott Martin Campbell Charles Palmer Sleeman, jun. John Smith Martin Vaughan Robert Hutton George Birss Fritjof Jalma Magnussen Steadman Conway Chisnall Alfred Deadmarsh Patrick Hyland James McCormick John James Poulson Alexander Swain Robert Tacon, jun. Leonard Arthur Walker Robert Whyte William McGee 1912. Aug. 15 1912. Nov. 22 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 Nov. 22 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 John Solomon Taylor John Darroch Bodle Richard Brown Adam Crabb Joseph Ford Charles Harris William Wilson Thomas Bellis George Arthur Hahn Robert John Stuart John Bray " James Watkins George Davidson Thomas William Hope Andrew Brand George Smith John William Deegan George Tetley William Copland John Manning .. Amos James Smith John Shughrue John Trotter Wilson James Willaey, jun. Henry Ernest Diffey August Henry Wackrow Charles Edward Clark Samuel Ngaru Hodge Herbert Cecil Baker Albert Leo Casey. Richard Watson Thomas Bolger Alfred James Durant Gavin John Sedgesmund Hogg William Edward Lindsay Peter Wadsworth Richard Williams Charles Joseph Ernest Beanlands Thomas Kennedy William Robert Ross George Waite William Brown Miller James Macfie, jun. Herbert Dawson John Martin Charles Edward Heasman .. Robert Thomson .. 1913. Feb. 13 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 J* Mar.' 19 n r

Class of Certificate : Electric mi ling, lervice. Date of N Issue. ] Name of Person. 1912. .. Aug. 15 1 [ichael Moye


T.s.s. "Earnslaw."—Built and engined in Dunedin for Use by Railway Department on Lake Wakatipu.



No. 13.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Winding, Competency.

No. 14. —Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Electric-tram, Service.

No. 15.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1912, to the 31st March, 1913. Class of Certificate: Electric-tram, Competency.

5—H. 15a.

i Date of *>■„ Issue. "°- 7 Date of ,,„ Issue. JSo - Name of Person. Name of Person. Thomas McGill Thomas McQuillan, jun. William McFarlane Mayo Carlton Clark Richard Nelson Thackeray . . Harry Williams Irwin Clearwater Richard Gwynne Trimble Farquhar Stewart Albert Edward Landorf Edward Blake Ezra Broadbcnt Dudley Starr Albert Thomas Couch Stevans 1912. •Tune 6 Aug. 15 .. Nov. 22 i " 473 474 I 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 Arthur Ernest Toyor John Jones James Allan Thomas Bertie Baty Edward Allison James Allison Robert Morrow Daniel Tyson Satterthwaite .. Ernest Joseph Joyce Thomas Albert Lowe William Kerr McLean Samuel George Churchill John Foote 1912. .. ; Nov. 22 : 487 ! 488 489 .'. „ 490 1913. .. Feb. 13 491 „ 492 „ 493 494 495 496 197 .. Mar. 19 49S 499 I

Name of Persou. D^ e 0, No. Name of Person. 1912. .. May 30 414 I William John Steele ! Date of Wo Issue. - JNo - 1912. .. May 30 415 I I 'illiam Dick

Natne of Person. "™e°' *»■ Nurae of Persou. Date of Issue. No. John Washington Walker Alfrod Symons George Francis Owens Frederick Augustus Peters .. John Ayres Victor Albert Hayden Albert Edward Betts John Elias Peach Scott Symington Ellice Guise Foster James Arthur Smith John Ernest Marshall Alfred Donald Scott, Paul Bishop Lemon William Alfred Colmar Robert Brownlie Johnstone . . George Frederick Walker Walter Edmund Wragge James Dudley Baunton 1912. . .. May 30 .139 ; WO '< 141 142 .. ., I 143 ,, 144 ,. 145 I4(i 147 .. j ,. 148 . . ! ., 149 150 .. 151 .. 152 153 154 155 156 157 James Henry Exton Harold Peile Herbert Vivian Goodsir Frank Jackson Yeoman Robert Easley Hooker Alfred M'arshment Robert Crawford Reid Frederick James McDougall. . Herbert. Sidney Gibbons George Morris John Alfred Edward Page .. Herbert Stanley Jones Reuben Bramwell Parker John Henry Dinneen Peroival Gordon Tonks Sidney Woodham Albert Murch James Wilfred Muir William Dent 1912. .. May 30 .. i 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176



No. 15. —Return of Electric-tram Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Electric-tram, Competency —continued.

No. 16. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency during the year ended the 31st March, 1913. Class for which examined: Foreign Trade.

Name of Person. Date of ' w Issue. I So - Name of Person. Date of jj Issue. ■ wo - William Kay Austin Lakeland Vaughan Walker Alfred Wardell Sydney Ernest Holah Charles Willam Arthur Hutchison Duncan McEwen Hans Anderson Stanton Carew Cross George Inniss William Kempton Albert Knowsley Silas Leech Robert Frederick Mason Albert Newson Joseph Alexander Salvin John Thompson Bramwoll Tonkin Thomas William Wells Francis Herman Bowkett William Adam Donaldson George Robert Grice Sydney Hunt . . ... Cyril Joseph James Harry Benjamin Knox Harry Archer Potvine Ralph Chapman . Wallace Malcolm Harold William Moore John McGibbon Thomas Albert Williams 1912. May 30 Aug. 15 ,, i ;; Nov. 21 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Eugene Simon Herbert Fletcher Tomlinson. . Arthur H'awkens William Alexander Pringlo . . Edward Johnston Gilbert Sinclair James McKenzie Boyle Arthur Bowden Fred Davis George Charles Verran Alexander Johnston 1912. .. Nov. 21 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 George Frederick Eeles James Vincent Booth Walter Frances Oribb Ernest Snow William Edward Colley George Alexander Evans Samuel Charles Mayall Simon Phillips Felix Barton Rowberry Thomas Turner George Henry Browning James Blair Campbell George William Connolly William, Clarence Benham William Robertson Dever Arthur William Millard Francis Raper Frederick Harold Shepherd . . 1913. .. Feb. 2.1 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236

Name of Person. Bank. *Date of Examination. Name of Person. Rank. I Date of Examination. William Sidney Hall First-class engi1912. April 1, 2, 3. Cecil Stuart Richardson Second-class engineer Ditto 1912. May 2, 3. Charles James McPherson .. William George Thomson . . David William Bennie Alexander Lang Horace Alexander Bower Lome Murphy Joseph Edmond Hauler Alexander Stuart Ewan Ernest Wilson Maekley neer Ditto April 1, 2, 3, 4. Angus Macdonald James Oswald Penman Fritz Falavai Kronfeld Robert Graham Reginald Aubrey Lewis Gordon Everard Dickey Francis Onslow Morath Bertram William Gandell Walter Sommerville James Arthur Robinson Scott William Henry Young Leigh Easton Baxter Joseph Frank McPherson George Frank Banfield Charles Henry Harris Frank Bernard Williams Horace Park Matheson Benjamin Dennitts Smith .. >y ' • Jane 4, 5. May 2,'k 4. June 4, 5, 6. June 24, 25, 26 June 26, 27, 28 June 26, 27, 28, 29. July 1, 2, 3. Aug. 5, 6, 7, 8. June 4, (i. Aug. 5, 6. Ivo Roydon Gilmour Alexander Smith James William Wheatley George Luke Cecil Nicholson Willis Sept. 3, 4. Sept. 19, 20, 21 Oct. 7, 8. Nov. 1, 2. Aug. 26, 27. Aug. 30, 31 : Sept. 2, 3. Sept. 3, 4. Oct. 2, 3, 4. Oct. 7, 8, 9. Oct. 8, 9, 10. Oct. 10, 11. Nov. 18, 19. Dec. 7. Dec. 4, 5. Leslie Claude Da vies Harold Boyd Lionel Stanhope Dawson Charles Broadley Henry James Stratford Johnson George Robert Falla William Peterson John McLeish Maxwell Charles Thomas Stewart Gerald Geoffrey Potts Wathen Wallis Houghton >> • • Nov. 4, 5, 6. Dec. 3, 4, 5. Edward Charles Roi Young .. Arthur George Rogerson Frank Mowatt Ralph Beaufoy William Thomas John Alexander Urquhart .. William Byers Stanley Sealy Dec. 16, 17. 1913. Jan. 6, 7. Jan. 27, 28. Feb. 3, 4. Dec. 18, 19, 20. 1913. Jan. 6, 7, 8. Third-class engiFeb. 10, 11. 1912. April 1. Albert Rutherford Douglas .. Alexander Inglis Clark Arthur Ballington Daniel Francis Percival Hewitt John Athol Nicol James Stanley Miller James Alexander Thomson .. Gordon George Lunn Alfred Duncan Shearer Arthur Wilkinson Bagley Lewis Vincent Gully neer Ditto Feb. 3, 4, 5. Mar. 3, 4, 5. )f April 29. " • •



No. 16.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency, etc.— continued. Class for which examined: Foreign Trade —continued.

Class for which examined: River Trade.

Fame of Person. Hank. Date of Examination. T*Tame of Person. Rank. Date of Examination. Thomas Ralph Noble Third-class engi1912. May 1. Bernard James Rasmussen .. Third-class engineer Ditto. 1912. Oct. 7, James Alexander Carnahan . . Edward Ross Benjamin Percy Dawson William Arthur Martin Philip Stanley Ring Home .. Kevin Bartholomew Garvey Douglas Gordon Jack Louis Foster McDonald James Power Leslie Victor Smith Hursey John Turner Cromwell Spencer Tewsley .. William Henry Coates William Albert John Marris.. Orlando Lovel Nahr Morris de Gamp Ranson Walter Geoffrey Thomas Eric Aubrey Mosley William Wallace Macgregor Hugh Lewis Elliott Fleming Clement Cauty Richardson .. Griffith Fitz Howell Jones .. William Henry Claude Monaghan Edward William Scott Cecil Thomas Berwick Le Grys Donald David Matheson Wilson Campbell William Frederick Herbert Lam born Richard Stanley Maunder . . James Charles Gray Alexander Cable Duncan William Palmer William Cibson Stevenson .. George Watson Fraser William Frank Pegler Edwin Robertson Gibbons .. David William Vaughan Arthur Edward Victor Evans Oscar Hugh Wright Leonard Edgar Gillett ' .. Vincent Maplesden Malcolm Campbell John Egerton Langdon neer Ditto. May 2. Hubert Loveland Munson .. Alexander Hugh Ross Archibald Walker, jun. Albert Edward William Scully John Le Cren Morgan Leopold Herbert Claude Paterson Arthur Brown Oscar Christian David Lundius William Vallance Rowan ! Gordon Morgan Frank McCalman David Finlayson MacDonald Frank Harold James James Wallace Clark William (Sillies Reginald Victor Hurley Ernest McCallum . . George Henry Sharp Norman Rivers Kitching William Perry Okey >> Oct. 10. Nov. 1. June 4. Nov. 1, 2. Nov. 2. Nov. 4. June 5. June 6. Nov. 9. Nov. 29. Bee. 3. June U. July I. July 3. July 13. July 1(1 Aug. 1. Dee. 9. Dec. l(i. Dec. 18. 1913. Jan. 3. Aug. i. Aug. 5. Aug. 6. Aug. 10. Aug. 30. Sept. 2. Gordon Louis Ansenne Charles Field Goldsbro' Allan Ramsay Wilson Frederick Charles McLeoil .. Roy Ernest Fordham Percy William Riokards Ernest Edward Jones John Oliver Cooker . . Michael O'Sullivan John Joseph Flaherty ■ James John Mine nan Ernest Carlton Hal I Randall Robert Parker William Francis Aonui Dcnnan Thomas Robin Morgan William Alfred Henry Scott .. Robert Henry Qerrie Frederick John Dobson Sydney Herbert Wynne ' Leslie George Wilkinson Frederick Hadlow Barton .. I Arnold Joseph Brooke Hector Norman Ripley Jan. Hi. Feb. I. Feb. 1. 3. Feb.' :>,. Feb. 24. Feb. 27. Mar. 3, 4. Sept. 4. Sept, 5. Oct. 7. >> • • Mar." 14.

Name of Pnrson. Rank. Date of Fxamination. Name of Person. Rank. Date of Examination. Frederick Burnell Charles Albert Cook Andrew Munro Alfred Clark .. :. John James John Penman Newby Robert O'Neil Hubert John Jensen John McDonald Kenneth Kennedy Alister Harry Robert Hunt .. James Edward Brown Frank Harris River engineer 1912. May 2. Arthur Forbes Murray 1912. Oct. 12. 1913. Jan. 3. *> Cyril Probyn Berridge Arthur Drummond John Dyer Stephen Lawrence Wilson .. Feb. 3. Mar. 19. 1912. May 1. May 3. June 4. June 24. Oct. 2. Oct. 7. Robert Gibb Arthur Edward Lockwood .. Marine - engine driver Ditto. Sept. 18. 1913. Jan. 3. Arthur Burrows Oct. 7 and 8. >)



No. 16.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency, etc.continued. Class for which examined: Sea-going.

Class for which examined: River Trade.

Wame of Person. Bank. Date ol Exumination. Name of Teraon. Rantt. Rantr. I Date of Examlnatiou. Charles Edwin Nicholson 5dwin\Stan£ord Hibbard Robert George Huggins Herbert Garnet Luke William Roxburgh Eadie First-class engineer (powered vessels other' than steam) Ditto 1912. May 1, 4. Frederick Burnell .. Michael Tants Robert John Murray Charles James Roberts William Little .. I Second-class engineer (powervessels other than steam) .. J Ditto 1912. May 1. May 1, 4. Aug. 1. Oct. 1. Dec. .!. 1913. Jan. 7. Sept. 20. Oct. 7. ierard Edwin Sampson Uexander Kennedy Dec. 2. 1913. Jan. 6, 7. Feb. 3, 4. John Thomas Clark James Osborne Lawler .. i „

Name of Person. Bank. Date o( Examination. Name of Person. ■ Rank. Date of Examination. Charles Henry Bowman 1912. Restricted-limits April 26. engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto .. May 1. .. May 2. John Leslie Crane Restricted-limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto 1912. Aug. 21. Leonard George Walker Frank Batterbury Britton . . John Christian Berg George Walter Swan John Melville Thomas Henry Flavell Trevor McLeod Daniel McCurdy Bdgar Hastings Cambridge .. Louis Lovell Blanche Cecil Eliel Carlson Edward Withers Frederick Samuel William Wyatt John Thomas Pegley Leonard Charles McAllister .. Henry James Sharland Thomas Norman Brocas Harold Norman Brocas Thomas William Baker William Henry Edgell John Jackson Ogle Charles Northwood Henry William Coxhead Sharland Arthur Ellesmere Grover Charles Herbert Eyes Gerald John Lane Richard Howard Sydney John Cooper Richard Alfred Northwood . . Frederick Andrews Lees Leonard Morton Hartley Cheriton Reginald Hawkins John James Beazley Herbert Charles Harris Robert Hugh Harris Joseph Fell Harry Blundell James Munro Charles Eyes, sen. Carl Schrader William Henry Cawne Warren Albert Josephus Craig Dawson Grover John Bernard Andrewes Richard Betridge James William Silcock William Harawira Armstrong Henry William Walker Thomas Henry Walker Arthur Edward Forbes John Devoy Ballantyne John Fitzgerald Allan Glass Harold Abel Partridge William Browne Glover Herbert Pasquate Clarke Herbert Hannam John Thomas Wade Charles Samuel Marks Harry Marsh William John Stewart Edward Thomas Lamb David Moran Murdo Stewart Henry Angus Nicholson Albert John Craig Edward Thomas Stone Frederick Kukutai Heywood Armstrong Samuel Ure Herbert Halliwell Henry Archibald Williams .. Hedley James Hirst Frederick Solloway Lane James Stuart Hallahan William Knarston Alfred Elliott Knarston Ernest Walker Baker Alfred Thome Banks Charles William Sundstrum . . Augustus Herbert Tonkinson Frederick Allan Parry Frederick Harold Den ham . . John Alfred Hansen Aug. 24. Sept. 2. " ' ' ',', ■ ■ May 3. ,, . . May 4. .. May 6. ,, • • June 5. ,, .. June 8. ■ • June 19. Sept 4. Sept. 27. Oct. 3 Oct. 23. • • July 1. ■ • July 12. Nov. 1. Not. 2 and 4, Nov. 7. ■ ■ July 15. " " Nov. 15. Nov. 20. Nov. 25. Dec. 3. „ ■ . July 19. " Dec. 4. Dec. 5. Dec. 24. L913. .Tan. 3. George Ogle, jun. Arthur Miles Herriott Leonard Arbour Brown George Tinsley Thompson . . Joseph Brooks Edgar John Waite Norman Richard Harris William Ernest John Harvey Frank Loekwood Clayton . . Arthur Percy Haslam Walter Dyer William James Irwin William Daniels Williams Langdon Wilmot Armstrong Theodore Montague Bregmen Richard Woodgate Fuggle . . Albert William Redmond Beecroft Stanley David Stewart Jan. (i. ',', . . July 22. Jan. 7. Jan. 27. .. July 23. .. I Aug. 2. . . Aug. 4. Feb.' :S. Feb. 4. . . Aug. 5. .. Aug. 7. Mar. :S.



No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.

Tons Measure- g ~ g " g Name of Vessel. . o J o g u W " u ...3 1 Kr, o o =3 &o S5 a as ,3 lift fl P-+3 OEG v—I Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. ' 55 I Admiral .. ..121 82 50 Advance .. .. 18 12 8 Advance II .. .. 5 3-79, 8 B.H.P. A.H.B. .. .. 10-54 5-45 15 B.H.P. Ahuriri .. .. 85 31 17 Aio (2) .. .. 6 4-5 20 B.H.P. karoa .. 76 29 28 Albatross .. .. 21788 111-11 37 Alert .. .. 6-89 5-171 15 B.H.P. Alexander .. .. 377 184 72 Alexandra .. .. 66 5 15 B.H.P. Alice .. .. 6 4-5 12 B.H.P. All Black (2) .. 5-18 3-89 17 B.H.P. All Black No. 1 .. 6-6 5 18 B.H.P. All Black No. 2 .. 4-9 3-7 12 B.H.P. Alma .. .. 6-43 4-83 10 B.H.P. Alva .. .. 5-8 4-3 10 B.H.P. Amy (2) .. .. 2-73 2-05 5 B.H.P. Anna .. .. 28 19-4 10 B.H.P. Aorere .. .. 76-5 49 j 16 Apanui .. .. 243 134 I 27'5 Aparima .. ..5,703 3,683 : 284 Arahura .. ..1,596 771-2 | 145 Arapawa .. .. 2912 1283 47 Arawa(Port Underwood) 7-02 527 10 B.H.P. Arawa (Rotorua) .. 2-45 1-84 5 B.H.P. Aroha .. .. 4-76 3-57 8 B.H.P. Arrino .. .. 3-17 2 38 5 B.H.P. Atarau .. .. 3-2 2-4 8 B.H.P. Atlas .. .. 3-1 2-3 10 B.H.P. Atua .. .. 2-73 2-05 5 B.H.P. Aupouri .. .. 463 220 55 Aurere .. .. 4-2 3-15 6 B.H.P. Awahou .. ..' 407 151-4 74 Awaroa .. 344 210 62 Awarua .. .. 2-48 1-86 4J B.H.P. Baden Powell .. 174-2 72 30 Baroona .. .. 136 78-7 24 Beldame .. .. .. 4 20 B.H.P. Bell Bird (2).. .. 88-18 52 | 14 Bella .. .. 6-26 4-7 10 B.H.P. Benares .. .. 3-18 238 4 B.H.P. Betsy Beard.. .. 20-83 9-75 40 B.H.P. Betty .. .. : 3 2-35 16 B.H.P. Blenheim ... ..151 85 ,' 50 Bletsoe .. .. 2 12 159 5 B.H.P. Breeze . .. 552-5 286-1 84 Breta Tni .. ..! 60 35-8 40 B.H.P. Britannia (Auckland).. 1965 1084 40 Britannia (Inveroargill) 23-4 9-57 2J B.H.P. Brooklyn .. .. 3-28 2 46 8 B.H.P. Campbell .. .. 7-61 5-71 20 B.H.P. Canopus .. .. 1,337 834 ' 250 Canterbury (Lyttelton) .. .. 24 Canterbury (Dredge) (2) 1,112-8 521-4 120 Centaur .. .. 7-9 6 32 B.H.P. Ohelmsfoid .. .. 122 79 25 Clansman .. .. 634 J 379 99 Claymore .. .. 257-9 119 54 Clematis .. .. 4-48 3-36 12 B.H.P. Clutha .. .. 172-5 I 95-5 24 Clyde .. .. ! 130 .. 40 Cobar .. .. 158-8 57'8 40 Comet (Auckland) .. 10-69 8 6 B.H.P. Comet (Stewart Island) i 7-94 5-96 5 B.H.P. Condor .. ..272 187 24 102 339 63 208 2,547 1,726 242 402 297-6 477-7 Compound S. condensing Single.. High pressure .. .. „ Oil-engines .. Compound S. condensing , Oilengines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. .. „ Compound S. condensing Twin .. Oil-engines .. .. Single.. Compound S. condensing „ Triple-ex. S. condensing „ „ Twin .. Single.. Oil-engines .. .. „ Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Oil-engine .. .. Single.. Compound S. condensing j Twin .. Triple-ex. S. condensing ! Single.. Oil-engine .. .. „ Compound S. condensing | 210 Oil-engines .. .. „ Triple-ex. S. condansing Oil-engine .. . . „ 227 ConjjouiiJ S. condensing i „ Oil-engines .. Triple-ex. S. coniensing „ Oil-engines .. .. „ High pressure .. Oil-engines .. .. Single.. 454 Paddle. 1,138 .. [ Twin .. Triple-ex. S. condensing I „ High pressure .. Compound S. condensing j Oilengines .. Compound S. condensing Single.. 79 566 366 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines >'! J .. Compound S. condensing Stern wheel. Single.. Oil-engines .. Conella .. .. 1-2 092 3J B.H.P. Coo-ee .. .. 3-78 2-88J 8 B.H.P. Corinna .. .Jl,271H 812-3 141 Coromandel .. .. 99 i 67 25 Countess (Hokitika) .. 3-43 25 6 B.H.P. Countess (Napier) .. 141./ 56-5 28 Cygnet (Lyttelton) .. 1241" 66 43 Cygnet (To Kopuru) .. 4-04 3-03 8 B.H.P. Daphne .. .. 192 99-9 55 Dauntless .. .. 4-5 | 3-42, 16 B.H.P. Note.—The figure (2) after the name of Compound S. condensing Sin, le at: each end Oil-engines .. .. Single.. 1,045 Compound S. condensing 178 182 Oii-engines .. .. „ .. Compound S. condensing : 245 vessel sho-Oil-engines .. .. 1 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. .. 's vessel to have been surveyed twice.



No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons M< me] tasureit. u Si CD IP! o o o3 ao J3 sill Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. 03 o Dawn Defender (Sydney) Defender (Thames) Defiance (2) .. Deapatoh Doak Dolphin Doris (Napier) Doris (Piccon) Dorrigo Dot Doto Dove (Pelorus Sound) Dove (Picton) Dreadnought (Inveroargill) Dreadnought (Westport) Dredge No. 121 Dredge No. 222 Dredge No. 350 Dredge No. 404 Duchess (Hokitika) .. Duchess (Wellington) Eagle Echo Eclipse (Picton) Eclipse (Te Kopuru) .. Eileen Ward Eleanora Elsie (Auckland) Elsie (Auckland) Elsie (Nelson) Elsie (Picton) Elsie Evans.. Elswick Emerald Express Endeavour Energy Erlin (2) Erskine (2) .. Eureka (2) .. Eva Eveline Excelsior (Auckland) .. Exoeleior (Auckland) .. Express Fairburn (2).. Fairy Fanny Farina (2) .. 18-9 185-2 4-8 7-11 35 4 14 109-3 36 534 24 3 5-5 3-54 1-73 195-4 0-8 19-4 1-75 2 25-95 16 B.H.P. 36 18 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 20 8 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 39-5 5 B.H.P. 16 4 B.H.P. I 4 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 116 116 Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oilengines Single.. Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 4-72 2-31 302-4 1 28-5 2-34 2-74 34-6 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines " Stern whee 5-4 4 5 B.H.P. Single.. 657 906-6 941 479 1-2 308 219 ; 125 i 2-65J 2-9 1023-2 2-87! 27 5 3-48 42-48 7-8 5-34i 5 7-6 75-9 63-73 5-47 126 3-3 17 394 501-7 488 211 0-9 95 138 98 1-98 2-1 472 2-15 20-5 3-9 2-61 22-17 5-8 4 3-75 5-7 54-46 16 4-11 98 2-42 4-74 100 140 117 78 1£ B.H.P. 81 70 I 60 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 123-6 6 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 11 20 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 18 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 16 I 4 35 8 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 8 64 24 B.H.P. 25 60 B.H.P. 10f 30 16 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. i B.H.P. 13-5 B.H.P. 180 1 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 50 20 12 12 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 75 10 B.H.P. 30 4 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 58 154-8 8 B.H.P. 32 88 , 253 1 31 35 17 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. I 45 20 I 833 590-5 415-5 'J 7 I 17 1,107 93 255 259 239 463 1,302 193 255 76 Compound B. condensing ! Triple-tx. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. ... Triple-ex. S. condensing , Oil-engines .. .. I : :: ::|i I Twin .. " - ■ „ Single. . ! Twin .. Single.. I Twin .. ! Single.. Twin .. (Single.. Paddle. Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. 6-5 48-76 53 94-72 44-74 90 1 13-9 ! 2-7 4-9 29-24 36 59-81 32-48 55 5-25 10-4 2 High pressure .. 'J 7 Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines .. Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. I 17 Oil-engines .. « Ferro Perry Ficefloat Flora Flossie Foam Freetrader Gael Gannet Geisha 1,273 2-59 2 5 132 95 15 5-3 i 4-1 515 288-3 7 89 2 96| 107 127 807-2 4-5 147-5 715 1,988 174 167 8 5-3 323 I 55-7 838-4 1-95 1-9 94 55 10 4 3 2-91 155-6 5-26 23 2-22 83 44-3 363-5 3-38 82-45 452 1,276 91-8 94 6 4 149 39 1,107 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 93 High pressure .. Compound S. condensing : Single.. Stern wheel. Oil-engines .. .. ! I Gem Gladsome Glenelg Glenlee Gosford Green Duck Greyhound Hananui II .. Hapai Harriet Hauiti Haupiri Hauroto Hawera Heathcote (2) Heather (Nelson) Heather (Nelson) Himitangi (2) Hina 255 259 239 463 1,302 193 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oilengines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing I Twin .. Single.. " Oil-engines 255 76 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Note.—-The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been surveyed t rice



No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

I Name ot Vessel. I Tons Mi me o [easure;nt. o 'Sβ Cβ <6 Cβ OOdftO M M S 'J? j 'S'o o'p a> Description of Machinery. sis i s ad occ Screw. Paddle. Hinemoa .. .. I Hinewai (2) .. Hipi Hire re Hobsonville . . Holmdale .. Houto . . Huauui Huia (Hamilton) Huia (Helensville) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wilson's Bay) .. Ida Invercargill Ira .. Irene .. Iris (Mercury Bay) Iris (Thames) Iris (Waikato) Isa (Picton) .. Isa (Whangarei) Isabel (Stewart Island) Isabel (Tβ Kopuru) .. Isabella de Frame Ivy.. Ivy Leaf Jane J.D.O. Jersey Lily John John Anderson John Kennedy Kaeo Kahu (Auckland) (2) .. Kahu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaiapoi Kaipara (2) .. Kaipatiki Kairaki (Kaiapoi) Kairaki (Lyttelton) .. Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituna (Auokland) (2) Kaituna (Dunedin) .. Kamona Kanieri (Auckland) .. Kanieri (Lake Kanieri) Kapiti Kapui Kapuni Karaka Karamu .. Karen a Karori (2) Karoro .. Kate (Batley) Kate (Foxton) Katoa Kauri Kawa .. Kawau (Auckland) Kawau (Auckland) (2) Kelvin .. Kennedy Kereru Kestrel 5-8 6-45 37-5 48 : 32-5 '266 141'5 139 1-9 3-5 127 167 1-86 223 5-78 4-3 3-54 4 3-5 3-74 5 6-1 2'46 : 110-27 11-4 2-61 27 129 4-9 342 52 5-3 184 54-6 181-9 44-9 J2,003 53 4-88 462-4 1,981 303-6 8 '1,976 1,425 202 2-7 242 59-18 188-4 42-65 934 5-3 1,862-6 76 7-22 2,488-8 2,833 4-23 47 99 3-11 226 1-95 245-6 4-38 4-84 12-5 ! 18 22-8 197 77-5 59 1-4 2-63 10 B.H.P. 16B.H.P. 11 16 15 B.H.P. 27 45 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 2 25 B.H.P. 2"B.H.P. 41 6 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 7J B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 18 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 28 12 B.H.P. 40 20 12 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 40 B.H.P. 40 24 B.H.P. 201 3-8 9-5 5 B.H.P. 91-6 200 65 10 B.H.P. 200 117 20 3J B.H.P. 35 30 30 21-7 102 14 B.H.P. 147 17 14 B.H.P. 5 335 304. 5 B.H.P. 14 20 7 B.H.P. 38 5 B.H.P. 43 4 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 130 8 B.H.P. 20 150 B.H.P. 120 2 B.H.P. 3 Oil-engines j Triple-ex. S. condensing I Compound S. condensing : 1 Oil-engines .. .,. 119 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure .. 121 Compound S. condensing I Oil-engine 233 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 195 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 227 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 1,031 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines 526 Triple-ex. S. condensing 1,234 267 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 1,008 Triple-ex. S. condensing 748 143 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 203 Compound S. condensing 190 Triple-ex. S. condensing 645 Oil-engines 924 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engines High pressure j, 599 Triple-ex. S. condensing 1,226 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 82 Oil-engines 131 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing j Oil-engines 661'7 J Triple-ex. S. condensing i Oil-engine 89-7 Compound S. condensing I Oil-engires 735 j Triple-ex. S. condensing J Oil-engine ( High pressure .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. " 1 i .■; Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. I Sirjgle.. « Twin .. Single.. Twin .. ! Single.. " " Twin .. Single., j Single at each end Single.. Twin .. Single.. .. 69 1-26 i 1-4 123 i 4-34 3-2 2-66 3 2-6 2-81 3-9 4-58 i 1-8 ' 75-6 8-5 1-96 20-3 88 3-7 111 36 4 146-3 24-93 99 24-3 1,246 121 233 .195 227 1,031 19-8 ) 3-66 181-7 1,218 117-6 6 1,246 903 115 ! 2 i 113 ! 28-81 96-5 i 10-31 452-4 4 1,1943 51 ! 5-42 526 1,234 267 1,008 748 143 203 190 645 924 1,381-6 1,830 I 318 37 52-7 2-34 131 1-47 159-2 I j, 599 1,226 82 131 Kia Ora Kma Kini Kinohaku Kiripaka Kiritona .. .. ! Kittawa Kiwi (Preservation Inlet) Kiwi (Te Kopuru) (2).. 2 12 1,122 7-6 132-7 136-4 11,246 ) 1-59 1-5 5-46 702 5-7 i 74-5 ! 75-2 ! 707 1-2 661-7 89-7 735 Note.—The fii jure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been Burvo; r ed twice.



No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc.- continued.

■ Tons Measure- £»££d I iffi 9 if 111 |fe Name of Vessel. j>la'o§ ®o«'®° Description of Machinery. 1 I i:*5j 5 i|j a # o o ta ao a aSoi ' ■ f is I Screw. Paddle Koi.. .. .. 136 53-7 32 .. Compound S. condensing Kokere .. .. 4-15 3-12 10 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Kokiri .. ..j 5-2 3-9 8 B.H.P. Komata .. . .!l,993 1,194 260 1,230 Triple-ex. S. condensing Koonya .. .. |l,090 662 115 715 Kopu .. .. .. 18 13 .. High pressure Koputai .. 153 5 120 448 Compound S. condensing Korari .. .. 4-83 3-63 8 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Koroi .. .. [ .. .. 9-2 .. Triple-ex. S. condensing Koromiko .. .. 2,479 1,541 313 1,519 Kotare .. 141 79 i 20 152 Kotere .. .. 6-4 48 | 6 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Kotiti .. .. 61-3 42 J 14 67 Compound S. condensing Koutu .. .. 2-89 2-17 5 B.H.P. ; .. I Oil-engines Koutunni .. .. | 170-8 98-3 | 26 149 Compound S. condensing Kowhai .. .. ! 791-7 403-7 128 597 Triple-ex. S. condensing Kumt .. .. 13-25 5-44 28 B.H.P. ! .. Oil-engines Kura .. .. j 21-2 " 15-9 35 B.H.P. Kurow .. .. J2,580 1,564 333 1,629 Triple-ex. S. condensing Kyra .. .. 2-63 1-97 7 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Lady Moire .. .. 286 2-15 5 B.H.P. La (Picton).. j 4-72 3'54 10 B.H.P. La Mascotte (Rotorua) ' 1-19 0-9 4 B.H.P. Larola (Picton) .. 4-72 3-54 10 B.H.P. Larola (Wanganui) .. 4-13 3-13 10 B.H.P. Lena .. .. 15-16 11-51 8 B.H.P. Lillian .. ..j 5-6 4-2 10 B.H.P. Lily .. ..-; 1-86 1-26 10 B.H.P. Little George .. j 5'56 4-17 6 B.H.P. Lizzie 222 .. .. 3-6 2-7 4 B.H.P. Lomen (2) .. .... .. 6 .. Compound S. condensing Loyalty .. .. 100-6 24 35 78 Lupe .. .. 4 3 10 B.H.P. j .. Oil-engines Lyttelton (Auckland).. 207 24 80 234 Compound S. condensing Lyttelton (Lyttelton).. 292 0-88 133 Magic .. .. 93 58-8 60 B.H.P. • .. Oil-engines .. Maheno .. .. 35 24 90 B.H.P. ... Mahino .. .. 7-7 5-92 5 B.H.P. .. Mahua (2) .. .. 588 353 28 .. Compound S. condensing Mahurangi .. .. 203 94-5 80 Mahuroto .. .. 5-84 4-38 12 B.H.P. j .. Oil-engines Mahuta .. .. 29 13 10f .. Compound S. condensing Maidi .. 16 12 10f Maitai .. ..3,393 1,888 490 3,327 Triple-ex. S. condensing Majestic .. ..I 4-48 3-36 7 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Makere ... ., 3-62 2-52 4 B.H.P. • ■ I Mako .. .. 4-72 3'56 12 B.H.P. Makura .. .. 2-83 2 7 B.H.P. Maaa (Riverton) .. 3-25 2-44 4 B.H.P. Mana (Wellington) .. 134 j 766 25 134 ! Compound S. condensing Mana (Westport) (2) .. j 196 50 'JO Manaroa .. .. 122 77-5 24 147 Mangapapa .. .. 164 87 28 131 Manokutuku (2) .. 4-33 3-25 16 B.H.P. | .. Oil-engines Manuka .. .. 4-36 3-27 2| .. Compound S. condensing Manuwai (Tauranga).. 18 4-7 30 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Manuwai (Wacganui) 117 94 30 ■ ■ I High pressure Maori (Dunedin) .. 3,398 |l,432 | .. 5,859 Turbine Maori (Picton) .. 7-86i 59 8 B.H.P. : .. Oil-engines Maori (Riverton) .. 4-47 i 3 36 5 B.H.P. ! .. Maori (Taupo) .. 2-8 2-1 5 B.H.P. Mapourika .. .. 1,202 : 718 130 1,194 Triple-ex. S. condensing Marama .. .. 2-13] 1-6 6 B.H.P. j .. i Oil-engines Mararoa (Dunedin) .. 2,598 1,380 530 3,238 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Mararoa (Rotorua) .. 2-83 2-13 6 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Mareno .. .. 5-83 4-38 5 B.H.P. .. „ Maritana .. .. 645 4-84 8 B.H.P. Marakopa .. .. 4-8 3-6 7 B.H.P. Maroro .. .. 7 5-2 8 B.H.P. Mascotte (Auckland) .. .. .. 5 .. High pressure Mascotte (Wanganui).... .. 12 Matakokiri .. .. 4-5 | 3-3 10 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Matarere (2) .... .. 1-7 .. Compound S. condensing Matariki (Lyttelton) .. 5-42 4-07 10 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Matariki (Tuakau) .. 3-69 1 2-76 6 B.H.P. Matuku .. .. .. .. 4 .. High pressure Maude .. .. 1-4:1 3 B.H.P. .. Oil-engines Maui .. .. 557-5 i 250-8 80 j 534 i Triple-ex. S. condensing Note.—The figure (2) a,fter the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been survey Twin .. Single.. " .. " Paddle'. Single.. — (j Twin .. Single Paddle. Twin Single!! Twin Single .. , .. I ".. " Paddle. Single.. " Stern wheel, Triple Single.. I n " . ' * I I Twin ., j r e bei in aui id. twice.



No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

6—H. 15a.

Name of Vessel. Tons I mi [easuremt. I If If J i J J S^ S* 5, i w Sao |*1o| o o Cβ ao a &£ oco X j )H Description of Machinery. Screw, i Paddle. . 0 Mavis (Dunedin) Mavis (Onehunga) Mavis (Stewart Island) Mawhera May (Awanui) May (Wanganui) May Howard (2) Mere Ana Mere Mere (2) Merlin (Auckland) Merlin (Pioton) Mermaid (Admiralty Bay) Mermaid (Auckland) .. Mermaid (Kohukohu) Meteor Midlothian Mikado Minoru Miro Mirree Mizpah (Pelorus Sound) Mizpah (Pioton) Moa (Taieri Mouth) (2) Moa (Wanganui) Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Moana) Moana (Picton) Moana (Trypheua) Moata Moeraki Moerangi (Auokland).. Moerangi (Dunedin) .. Mokoia (Dunedin) Mokoia (Rotorua) Monica II Monowai 4-39 3-3 4-29 647-9 3-17 1-8 64 4-93 3-62; 5-7 5-12 1-71 2-83 4-37 7-77 3-3 4-4 2-4 6 3-3 2-4 3-22 291-5 238 1-4 55 3-7 2-72 4-3 3-84 1-28 2-13 3-28 5-87 2-5 33 1-8 4-5 10 B.H.P. 6B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 168 4 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 12B.HP. 3 4 5 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 10B.HP. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines High pressure Compound S. condeneing Oil-engines Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. 3-85 3 5 3-4 2,414 5-8 4-24 2-34 3-2 2,714-7 5-17 15-5 2,154 1-95 29-45 2,136 1-4 12-5 1,247 46 4-8 15-5 3-3 368 6-25 1-2 I-β 48 49 28-6 4-8 6 1,812 18-6 3 1-87 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 372 7 8 B.H.P. 4JBH.P. 5 B.H.P. 357 16 B.H.P. 27J B.H.P. 255 5| B.H.P. 20 290 4 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 275 15 14 B.H.P. 18 5 B.H.P. 70 5 4 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 30 24 12 5 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 220 15 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 14 118 160 6 B.H.P. 55 118 10 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 54-6 5 B.H.P. Single.. Mosca Moturata Moura Mullogh Muratai Muriel (Napier) Muriel (Stewart Island) Murihiku Myna Myrtle Namu Napier Naione Naumai (Kaipara) Naumai (Kawhia) Nautilus Navua Nellie Mason Nelly Neptune Never Despair Ngahere Ngapuhi Ngaru Ngatiawa Ngatoro Niagara Nick Nicola Nikau (Nelson) Nikau (Queen Charlotte Sound Nimrod (Auckland) .. Nimrod (Rotorua) Nina Nita Nopera Nora Niven . Nui Nydia Ohinemuri .. 4-4 3,914-7 7-8 5-66 312 4-26 4,392 6-87 24'7 3,502 2-6 61-84 3,433 1-9 24-4 2,026 59 6-5 58-9 4-4 558 8-3 1-7 2-15 70-8 72 47 6-5 8 2,929 20 3-9 2-5 4,216 4,082 2,944 2,885 1,865 Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. "condensing High pressure Oilengines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin . Single.. 524 Twin .. Single.. 86 Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines 1,978 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 1,090 691 4 451 1,137 6-7 9-86 5-8 247-6 2-2 556 i 299 3 220 583 5-1 5-6 4-4 98-3 1-65 742 675 High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 415 724 Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines 245 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 4-8 2-28 36 163 32 B.H.P. 3J B.H.P. 24 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 35 10 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 30 3-7 3-82 116 5-37 1'5 114 2-7 2-87 56-6 4-03 1-13 73 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines 187 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines 143 Compound S. condensing Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel sho •a vessel to have been surveved twice.



No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc.- continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons B< m> [easuremt. CO I HO] IB! O O 03 ft O 'A h 3 s 3 OO» 00 . •β-g 3- ° a; v <o o m p a-S on Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. o I Ohura O.K. Oleo Oline (2) Onewa Ongarue Onoke Oparau Opawa Opouri Orakei Orete Orewa Orira Osprev Otara" Otunui Paeroa Pahiki Pakeha Palatine Pandora (2) .. Pania Panirau (2) .. Pararoa Paritutu Parua .. " .. Pateena Pearl (Kaipara) (2) Pearl (Maori Bay) Pearleen Peerless Pelican Pelorus (Auckland) Pelorus (Havelock) .. Petone Petrel Phantom Phoebe Phyllis (Hokitika) Phyllis (Te Kopuru) .. Pihinga Pilot (Lyttelton) Pilot (Wellington) Pioneer Pitoitoi (Auckland) .. Pitoitoi (Waitara) Planet Plucky Poherua Portare (2) .. Presto Progress (2) .. Pukaki (2) .. Pukeore (2) .. Pupuke Purau Putiki Queen Queen of Beauty Queen of the South .. Bakanoa Bakiura (Dunedin) Bakiura(Stewart Island) Ralaco Bangi (Pelorus Sound) Bangi (Tuakau) Bangimahora Bangiriri Barawa (2) .. Batanui Bawhiti(Stewart Island) Bawhiti (Waikato) .. Bedwing Regal (Pelorus Sound) Begal (Stewart Island) Begal II Begulus 50 5-7 14-3 2-25 73-5 10 1-4 6-9 110 570-5 4 1181 58-7 1-48 219 4-4 15-3 91 7-74 4-9 59 55-9 3-81 5-6 564-2 4 1,212 14 2-95 12-72 5-7 161 3-78 24 708 4-9 44 5-4 1-89 7-12 3-5 30-9 39 1-5 81-1 72-5 14 81 1,174 11-34 34 4-3 4-88 1-75 31-3 7-5 1-05 5-1 64 218-2 3 9178 37-2 1-11 138 3-3 115 45 13-8 5-81 3-08 4-5 34-9 2-86 4-2 232-9 3 550 9 2-21 5-78 4-3 1 2-8 18 388 3-68 18 4 1-42 5-34 2-5 10-7 26 1-17 27-6 19 4 29 749 8-5 25 14 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 10 E.H.P. 15-5 35 B.H.P. F8| B.H.P. " 5 B.H.P. 18 86 10 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 17 4 B.H.P. 70 12 B.H.P. 85 B.H.P. 25 10B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. 11 20 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 90 10 B.H.P. 250 7 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 26 B.H.P. 57 12 B.H.P. 40 B.H.P. 82 10 B.H.P. 11 10 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 1-7 5 B.H.P. 13 15 4 B.H.P. 13-5 13-5 8-5 40 128 13J B.H.P. 3 45 110 7 B.H.P. 28 18 60 6 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 40 200 25 10 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 4J B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 140 3 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 150 86 608 79 74 648 Quadruple-ex. |S. oonden. Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 1,986 298 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 490 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines \ „ .. I Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing u 271 683 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing 244 1,444 4-9 137-9 51-8 408 3-31 4-8 j 197 12,246 127 17-8 3-2 6-18 2-9 3-1 2-9 1,071 25 3-95 6-1 6-6 2 2-21 4-4 584-1 112-2 917 3-7 68-2 32-8 157 2 49 3-6 121 1,393 81-68 13-4 2'4 4-16 2 2-4 2-1 460 2 2-97 4-6 5 1-5 1-66 3-3 227-2 162 645 28i 182 938 108 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 1,003 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 695 Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Note.—The figu: ■e (2) afti ;r the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been surveyed twice.



No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc.- continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. s o 'Si inn OO»3P.O q ° qj ffl oa s « o q a a-2 oco V—( Description of Machinery, Screw. Paddle. Eeliance (Picton) Reliance (Raglan) Reliance (Young's Point) Rene (2) Result Rimu Ripple (Hokianga) Ripple (Lyttelton) Ripple (Onehunga) Rita Roamer Rodeeian Roko Rona Ronaku Rosamond 3-16 3-4 7-34 2-37 2-5 5-5 1 4 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. High pressure Oil-engines Single.. Rose Rotoiti Rotokohu Rotomahana Rotongaro Rubi Seddon (2) Ruru (Auckland) Ruru (Napier) Sarah Savaii (2) .. Scout Sea Queen I .. Seawolf Settler (Kaipara) Settler (Thames) Shamrock Sir William Wallace .. Sonoma (2) .. Southern Cross Southern Isle Sparrow (2) .. Special Speed Speedy Spray Squall Standard Stanley Stella Sterling (Auckland) .. Sterling (Kaipara) St. George St. Mary Storm Stormbird Stromboli Success Sumner (2) .. Swan (Mokau) (2) Swan (Napier) Sylph (2) .. Sylvia Tahawai Tahuna Taihoa Tainui (Port Fitzroy).. Tainui (Waitara) Takapuna Takitimo Talune Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Tangihua (2) Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tasman (2) .. Tauranganui Taviuni Tawera (Auckland) .. 48 28 358 2-1 412 10-2 40-18 5-98 4-8 4-48 5-4 6 721 5-8 7-9 14-6 183 5-5 528 31 158 1-15 54-66 5-3 15-8 7-3 16-6 8 109 44 3-6 18 144 16 187 7-7 5-15 4-49 36 3-36 4 4-5 462 4-4 5-8 11 139 4-2 348 i 11 ; 57 0-86 31-05 4 9-9 5-5 8-3 60 30 ! 10 B.H.P. 10 95 6 B.H.P. 80 5 B.H.P. 11 8J B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 55 B.H.P. 90 10 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 8 45 14 B.H.P. 80 10 50 3 B.H.P. 16 20 B.H.P. 25J B.H.P. 28 B.H.P. 7 18 B.H.P. 120 B.H.P. 20 13 117 28 B.H.P. 1* 526 290 450 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. 228 Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Siugle.. 223 * • • Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound condensing .. Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 682 83-4 403 589 357 Twin .. Single.. 6.45 1-1 4-16 2-6 368 12 2-8 4-6 56 96 8 1-15 405 217 2-94 11-04 167 6-99 23-7 4-84 0-82 3-12 2 133 9 2-1 3-5 4-2 26 226 0-87 185 129 2-2 8-28 94 5-25 16-1 5 3-6 9 2-6 1-8 2-3 598 472 2-46 1,370 3-15! 109 J 20 191 16 2 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 60 10 B.H.P. 7J B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 28 B.H.P. 39 8 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 70 40 5 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 35 10 B.H.P. 10 8 9 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 24 165 5 B.H.P. 255 12 B.H.P. 70 15 40 16 4 250 38 8 B.H.P. 135 8 271 172 270 203 Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondenaing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engines 4-8 11-9 3-4 2-4 3-12 128 1,036 3-31 2,086 : 4-6 189 31 263 151 1,360 Compound S. condensing 1,660 Oilengines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single Ordinary condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing 2,003 178-5 3-5 1,465 1,269 87-1 2-6 978-6 1,503 198 Twin .. Single.. 931 Oil-engines Quadruple-ex. B. conden. High pressure .. Note.—The fi| jure (2) afi ;er the name of a vessel she 'S vessel to have been surveyei twice.


No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc.— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. d u O I co '5b CD ill o o & ft o (5 n3 s 3 ™ a mo qj a> CD Xμ a a-S oco M Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddli Tawera (Auckland) .. Tawera (Taupo) Tβ Anau Tβ Aumiti Te Awhina (2) Te Kooti Tβ Kura Tβ Maika Tβ Pioneer Tepua Tβ Puke Lass (2) Terawhiti Te Rhino .. • Tetio Te Whaka Te Wharu The Goshawk The Little Jack (2) .. Thelma (Queenstown) Thelma (Te Kopuru) .. The Minerva The Peregrine Theresa Ward Thistle (Helensville) .. Thistle (Kaipara) Thistle (Moana) Thistle (Wanganui) .. Thomas King (2) Thorneycroft Tikirau Tilikum Togo (Auckland) Togo (Wanganui) Toiler Tongariro Torea Toroa Tot.. Traveller Tuatea (Gisborne) Tuatea (Raglan) Tu Atu Tui (Auckland) Tui (Kohukohu) Tui (Nelson) Tui (Picton) Tui (Rawene) Tui (Taupo) Tuirangi Tukua Tuna (2) Turamakina Turanga Uira Uta Vanora Veotus Vesper (Auckland) (2) Vesper (Te Kopuru) (2) Victory (Meroer) Victory (Tauranga) (2) Viking (2) .. Violet Vivid Vixen Waihora .. Wai-iti Waikana Waikare (Rawene) Waikare (Waikato) .. Waikato Waikuku Waima Waimarie (Auckland).. Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Wainui Waione 51-5 2-16 1,652 4-25 220 3'04 2-4 6 36-2 3-5 3-96 259-8 5-52 1-2 323-6 3-84 238-7 3-5 1-18 48-2 244-9 194 12-8 5-72 1-98 96 98-4 2-1 6-7 9-45 6-32 49-36 20 50-11 1-9 12-65 112 5-7 40 43-65 1-6 1,028 3-2 1-52 2-28 1-8 4-6 245 2-6 2-97 46-8 4-14 0-92 1405 2-88 121-9 2-62 0-88 19-8 162-1 9 9-64 4-29 1-49 ' 77 70-4 1-5 5-1 7 4-74 27-79 4-04 23-61 1-4 5-76 58 4-3 30 20 0-48 1-05 0-7 2-7 1-7 71-8 10-5 40 B.H.P. 7J B.H.P. 250 10 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P 13 10 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 45 7J B.H.P. 28 li 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 14 52 25 95 14 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 16 6 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 13 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 14 13J 60 B.H.P. 24 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 71 28 8 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 6i 11 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 44 B.H.P. 22-5 9 B.H.P. 34 5 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 34 B.H.P. 50 B.H.P. 24 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 32 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 13 24 B.H.P. 410 47 B.H.P. 200 44 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 48 20 100 5 B.H.P. 80 1,238 588 846 473 232 Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oilengines Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound 8. condensing Oil-engines Compound ri. condensing Oil-engines Compound B. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 0-64 1-4 1-03 3-6 2-3 124-4 13-9 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines Twin .. Single.. 3-4 28-4 5-6 31 15-06 32-67 46-6 4 2-6 32-57 2-5 18-3 4-25 23-2 5-15 22-2 19-76 3 1-9 16-76 5 8-25 6 14-7 2,993 5 66 1-3 2-5 1-83 1-9 5-78 159 53 206-8 2-3 48 Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 11 21 27-48 4,637 6-63 153-8 1-7 3-4 2-57 2-5 10 245 80 454-4 3-07 70 1,811 Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing.. Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Oil-engines n • • Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 618 Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing Twin .. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Paddle. Note.—The flgi ire (2) afi ;er the name of a vessel sho' 's vessel to have been eurveyei twice.



No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel. TonsM me [easure)nt. If3 go =6 ao pi 5?g~s a &is oft Description of Machinery: Screw. Paddle. p 5 Waiora (Rotorua) Waiora (Wanganui) .. Waiotahi Waipapakouri Waipori Waipuna Wairau (2) .. Waireka (Dunedin) .. Waireka (Wanganui) .. Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) (2) Wairoa (Nelson) (2) .. Wairoa (Queenstown) Wairoa (Riverton) Wairua (Auckland) .. Wairua (Wanganui) .. Wairuna Waitangi (Auckland) (2) Waitangi (Auckland).. Waitara Waitaria Waitata Waitemata Waitohi Waituna Waiwera (Auckland) .. Waiwera (Henley) Waiwiri Wakaiti Wakanui Wakapai Wakatere (Auckland).. Wakatere (Raglan) Wakatu Wanaka Warrimoo Wave (2) Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Whaka Whangape .. Wharepapa Whati (2) .. Whisper Will Watch .. Wootton Young Bungaree Zephyr Zior Zoe Zomar 3-9 278 6-93 1,918 3-4 143-2 148-8 6-3 65 100 69-8 6-51 7-52 2859 3,947 171-2 45-3 21-3 3 2-6 24-5 24 4-27 2.Q 167 5-2 1,229 2-55 59-2 71-6 4-7 41 49 47-5 4-88 5-76 175-4 2,529 21-3 30-8 16 2-25 2 18-4 18 3-21 15 B.H.P. 5 56 • 4 B.H.P. 180 7 B.H.P. 20 49 45 B.H.P. 25 40 16-5 10 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 44 5 396 66 60 3i 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 150 B.H.P. 10 5 B.H.P. 6 16 B.H.P. 7| 34 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 10 140 5 B.H.P. 30 280 490 38 B.H.P. 25 27 20 10 B.H.P. 280 12 B.H.P. 6i 1-3 45 B.H.P. 33 35 7 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 4J B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 343 843 137 114 77 2,099 292 Oil-engines Compound B. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engiaes Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. 8. condensing Oil-engines High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Triple-ex, S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing w Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 19-66 7-6 14-74 5-7 Twin .. Single.. 441 4-6 157 2,421 352S-8 39-86 156 127 89 2-9 2,931 10-85 157 3-7 95 1,572 2076 3 29 93 86 52 2-19 1,900 4-26 Compound S. condensing Paddle'. 138 1,030 3,506 Oil-engines Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Twin .. 128 Single.. 94 1,106 Oil-engines Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engines Compound S. condensing 4-6 90-74 151 80-5 4-96 1-9 2-1 4-6 3-4 48-24 89-6 1-6 3-67 1-4 1-6 3-5 119 152 Oil-engines Compound S. condensing Oil-engines Note.—The fl| jure afti )i- the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been surve; ed twice.



No. 18. —Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.

No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc., from the 1st April, 1912, to 31st March, 1913.

Name of Vessel. TO! Measuri ms ; .g rement. >> Description. £ Register § » Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. Gloss. Register Description. I i ll Gross. ! Albatross Alert Alma Amelia Sims Annie Hill Aratapu Argus Arrah-na-Pogue Awanui Bee Bessie Bravo Briton Cead Mille Failthe .. Clifton Clio Combine Comet Coronation Dandy Deveron Dominion Edith Edna Eliza Firth Esme Ethel Wells Eunice 50-22 113-63 63-02 121-33 128-20 121-80 36-00 186-52 91-96 32-03 8-98 118-40 23-62 88-40 21-66 80-50 55-70 22-40 94-20 105-30 25-70 38-10 25-52 22-45 143-40 33-40 32-90 189-90 56-29 97-50 24-90 29-43 18-56 82-50 65-30 27-50 42-60 29-28 14-97 37-20 109-60 34-25 26-03 680-40 714-00 34-20 16-10 32-80 47-20 21-19 177-80 21-60 45-32 Ketch .. 1 98-12 Schooner .. 1 55-96 „ .. 1 i 97-89 „ ..1 121-40 „ .. 1 121-80 Brigantine . . 1 36-00 Ketch .. 1 99-95 Brigantine .. 1 85-00 Schooner .. 1 24-35 Ketch .. 1 8-98 Cutter .. 1 99-30 Schooner .. I 1 18-71 Ketch .". 1 62-701 Schooner .. 1 17-97 Ketch .. 1 80-50: Schooner ... 1 24-30' „ .. i 1 19-701 Ketch .. j 1 85-30 „ .". 1 82-10- Scow .. ! 1 25-70 Cutter . . 1 24-90 Ketch . . 1 19-48 Scow .. 1 22-45! Ketch ... 1 143-40 Schooner . . j 2 19-70; Ketch ' .. 1 19-401 ., .. I 1 171-49 Schooner . . j 2 „ .. ! 1 97-50 „ .. 1 24-90: Ketch .. 1 20-44J Schooner .. 1 i 10-77 Ketch .. 1 73-00 ! Schooner .. I 1 56-40 „ .. 1 19-70 „ .. 1 i 42-60! Ketch .. 1 I 24-60 ; Scow ..'■ 1 I 12-42 Ketch .. 1 i 37-20 Schooner .. 1 i 93-10 Ketch .. 1 i 19-86 Scow .. 1 : 21-93! Cutter .. 1 i 634-00 Barque .. 1 i 694-00 „ .. ! 1 i 19-80 Ketch .. [ 1 i 11-10 „ .. 1 i 19:90 „ . . 1 I 24-60 Schooner . . 1 I 18-88 Cutter . . 1 I 160-40 Schooner .. 1 I 18-90 „ .. 1 Lena Gladys Lily (Lyttelton) Lily (Nelson) Lizette Lizzie Taylor Maggie '. . Maid of Italy " Marjorie Craig May Moa (Auckland) Moa (Napier) Moehau . . Moonah . . Morning Light Ngaru Northern Chief Norwest .. Old Jack .. Onerahi . . Orakei Pearl Kaspar Ranger .. Rangi Reliance . . Result Rimu Rona Rosalie .. Saucy Kate Sea Gull . . Scot Stag Stanley .. Talisman. . Tally-ho .. Tararawa Tay The Lee . . The Portland Three Cheers Transit .. Trusty .. Tuahine . . Venture .. Vindex .. Violet Waikonini Wanderer Wanganui Welcome Winnie Ysabel .. Lei Lil Lil Liz Liz Ma Ma Ma Ma Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Xg No No Ol( On Or; Pet Ra Ra Re Rβ I tii lie, Rβ Siii Sβ! Sc< St8 Tal Ta Ta Ta; Th Th Th Tri Tri Tu Ve Vii Vi< Ws Wt W: We Wi Ys >na Gladys ly (Lyttelton) ly (Nelson) zette zzie Taylor iggie . . aid of Italy ' arjorio Craig ay sa (Auckland) 3a (Napier) 3ehau . . oonah . . orning Light *aru jrthern Chief arwest .. d Jack .. lerahi .. ?akei >arl Kaspar inger .. Migi jliance .. 3sult imu ana asalie .. .ucy Kate :a Gull . . «t ag anley ilisnian . . illy-ho .. irarawa iy ie Lee .. ie Portland iree Cheers -ansit .. •usty lahine .. 3nture .. index iolet 'aikonini anderer 'anganui 'elcome 'innie sabel . 34-00 24-00 f . 84-37 84-37 i 15-75 15-75 ] 39-32 24-89 . 78-30 : 77-20 t 27-00 j 19-90 i 15-00 15-00 ( . 540-70 498-80 ] . 43-50 43-50 £ . ! 127-00 98-70 . ! 78-59 66-41 ] . ! 22-70 22-70 £ . J 88-20 83-40 1 02-10 92-10 £ . ! 73-101 65-60 . 287-001263-00 ] 28-50! 17-70 ] . 14-00 14-00 47-00 24-65 32-00 32-00 i . J 51-00 24-70 ] . J 65-40 64-20 £ . J 98-50 85-90 £ . j 80-10 76-11 t . \ 22-90 22-90 1 . 54-47 48-91 £ . 678-10 617-60 ] 7-00 ( . 40-73 24-99 £ 19-10 19-10 ( 26-30 17-90 ] . ! 18-93J 18-93 ( . I 89-51 89-51 5 92-60 83-60 51"-86 51-13 £ 44-07 44-07 1 . .. 15-00 ( 22-59 18-77 . 73-00 59-10 £ . 103-30 97-30 5 21-40 18-90 I 59-08 59-08 I .-. 26-75 21-97 I . 19-16 18-65 £ 40-90 23-20 I 24-10 19-90 . 67-72 22-93 £ 94-00 85-00 . 351-52 308-64 ] . 65-70 61-50 £ . 24-10 19-00 1 . 148-50 148-50 J 34-00 84-37 15-75 39-32 78-30 27-00 15-00 540-70 43-50 127-00 78-59 22-70 88-20 92-10 73-10 287-00] 28-50! 14-00 47-00 32-00 51-00 65-40 98-50 80-10 22-90 54-47 678-10 24-00 84-37 15-75 24-89 77-20 19-90 15-00 498-80 43-50 98-70 66-41 22-70 83-40 92-10 65-60 263-00 17-70 14-00 24-65 32-00 24-70 64-20 85-90 76-11 22-90 48-91 617-60 7-00 24-99 19-10 17-90 18-93 89-51 83-60 51-13 44-07 15-00 18-77 59-10 97-30 18-90 59-08 21-97 18-65 23-20 .19-90 22-93 85-00 308-64 61-50 19-00 148-50 Soow Schooner Ketch Schooner Scow Cutter Barque Schooner Lighter Schooner Ketch Schooner Barque Ketch Scow Ketch Scow Schooner Scow Ketch Schooner Barque Cutter Schooner Cutter Ketch Cutter Schooner Scow Schooner Ketch Schooner Scow CutterBarque Schooner Lighter Schooner Ketch Schooner Barque Ketch Scow Ketch Soow Schooner Scow Ketch Schooner Barque Cutter Schooner Cutter Ketch Cutter Schooner Scow Ketch Cutter Schooner Scow Ketch Lighter Ketch Scow Ketch Schooner Barquentine Schooner Ketch Schooner 1 : 2 i i i . I i ■! i . i i i i . . i i : ! 1 1 1 1 1 J . 1 . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 • i ! 1 2 1 1 1 • I ! '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Eva Falcon Gannet Gem Glenae Herald Hero Huia Huon Belle Ida 40-73 19-10 26-30 18-93! 89-51 92-60 51"-86 44-07 Scow Ketch Cutter Inez Dean Irene Isabella de Fraine .. Jane Gifford Janet Jessie Craig Joseph Craig Katie S. .. Kiatere Kiatia Kitty Fraser Kiwi Korora . . Lady of the Lake. . 22-59 73-00 103-30 21-40 59-08 26-75 19-16 40-90 24-10 67-72 94-00 351-52 65-70 24-10 148-50 Schooner Scow Ketch Lighter Ketch Scow Ketch Schooner Barquentine Schooner Ketch Schooner

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1912. an. 26, 30 .. S.s. Chelmsford . . Auckland During the trip of this vessel from Ohiwa to Auckland, on the 22nd January, 1912, the crank-shaft of the main engines broke. The vessel was towed to Auckland by the s.s. " Aupouri," where a new crank-shaft was made and fitted. On the 17th February, 1912, this vessel was steaming between Kaiapoi and Lyttelton, when it was noticed that a patch on the port furnace and several tubes at the combustionchamber end were leaking. The leaks were due to scale accumulating between the tubes and on the furnaces next to the tube-plate. On arrival at Lyttelton the plain tubes were drawn and renewed and the boiler cleaned out. One patch was renewed, and another was enlarged and refitted. Both of the furnaces at the back end were re-riveted on the top. The boiler was then tested by hydraulic pressure and found to be tight. r e b. 17 S.s. Wootton Lyttelton



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1912. tfar. 3 O.e.v. Vixen Auckland As this vessel was crossing the Matata bar on a trip to Auckland, on the 28th February, 1912, the top gudgeon of the rudder broke and the bottom rudder-pintle carried away. The vessel returned to Matata, where temporary repairs were effected enabling her to complete her trip to Auckland. A new steel bottom rudder-pintle was made, and straps fitted to both gudgeons. On the 20th March, 1912, when off Cape Egmont on a voyage from Kaipara to Dunedin, this vessel was struck by a heavy sea which washed away the galley and a boat and stove in the port bulwarks. The vessel put into Lyttelton for repairs, where a new galley was fitted, a new boat put on board, and the bulwarks repaired.. The vessel then continued on her voyage to Dunedin. This vessel was proceeding down Otago Harbour on a trip from Dunedin to Lyttelton, on the 29th March, 1912, when she grounded. She remained aground from 2.50 p.m. till 10.40 p.m., when she got off by means of her own machinery and proceeded on her voyage. On arrival at Lyttelton a survey was made, when it was found that no damage had been done to the vessel. When off Cape Campbell on the 29th March, 1912, proceeding from Wellington to Lyttelton, a stud in the intermediate piston broke, causing a fracture of the junk-ring. On arrival at Lyttelton a new junk-ring was made and fitted. Whilst lying at Lyttelton Wharf this vessel bumped against a projecting bolt in a pile, which made a hole in the hullplating, causing a leak. A covering patch was fitted over the hole. On the 23rd April, 1912, this vessel was proceeding from Lyttelton to Akaroa when the h.p. piston broke. Through the breaking of the piston the piston and connectingrod were bent, and the bolts in the bottom end of the connecting-rod were fractured. The vessel returned to Lyttelton, where a new piston, new end on the piston-rod, and new bottom end-bolts were fitted, and the connectingrod straightened. On the 20th April, 1912, when crossing Cook Strait on a voyage from Wellington to Picton, a slight leak was discovered in the neck of the starboard main steam-pipe. It was, however, decided to continue the voyage to the West Coast and back to Wellington. The pipe was repaired and afterwards tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure before being placed on board. This vessel was going from Tairua to Auckland via Mercury Bay on the 27th April, 1912, when the intermediate shaft of the main engines broke close to the oast-iron coupling. The tug " Pelican " towed the vessel into Mercury Bay, where temporary repairs were effected. The vessel proceeded to Auckland, where a new intermediate shaft was fitted. When proceeding down Otago Harbour on the 4th May, 1912, this vessel was forced against a beacon by a wave and a strong ebb tide. Upon examination of the hull it was found there were two cracks in the plating in the strake below the sheer-strake in way of bunkers on the starboard side. A butt strap was fitted over the cracks, and bosom-pieces were fitted to two of the frames. On the 9th February, 1912, this vessel was crossing the Bay of Biscay in rough weather, on a voyage from Liverpool to New Zealand, when a leak was discovered on the port side of vessel in way of No. 3 hold. On examination it was found that the plates were dented, and it is supposed the damage was done when the vessel bumped against a pile entering a lock in the Manchester Canal. On arrival at Port Chalmers the damage was repaired. The twelfth plate in H strake in way of No. 3 hold on the port side was taken off and re-riveted. The plate forward of this was riveted as far as the bulkhead, and five loose rivets were renewed in the fore peak. On the 17th April, 1912, when this vessel was half-way on her voyage from Port Chalmers to Australia, the first length of the tunnel shafting broke. Before the engines could be stopped four of the covers of the tunnel-bearings were broken, the thrust-shaft bent, the stools for bearings buckled, and the bulkhead stuffing-box broken. Temporary repairs were effected which enabled the vessel to get to Wellington, where the following repairs were effected : One new length of tunnel shafting was fitted; one length of tunnel shafting was skimmed up in lathe on journals and couplings; the thrust-shaft was straightened ; the collars, bearings, and couplings were skimmed up in the lathe, and the thrust-bearing was relined ; new covers were fitted to the tunnel-bearings ; the stools were repaired, the lower half of the bulkhead stuffing-box was renewed, and three new plates were fitted in the top of tunnel. tar. 28 Joseph Sims (schooner) Lyttelton far. 30 S.s. Monowai .. ' Lyttelton S.s. Taviuni Lyttelton t pril 1 L pril 8 S.s. Pukaki .. | Lyttelton .pril 24 S.s. Cygnet Lyttelton t pril 26 S.s. Arahura Wellington .pril 27 S.s. Chelmsford . . Auckland [ay 6 S.s. Plucky Dunedin S.s. Surrey Dunedin [ay 8, 10, 13 p r i 1 25 ; May 4, 14, 17 S.s. Clan Ogilvy.. Wellington



No. 19. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

Date of Survey. Name cf Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature ol Casualty, &c. 1912. [ay 21 1912. *y 21 S.s. Wairau S.s. Wairau Wanganui When steaming between Mokau and Waitara, on the 21st May, 1912, a fracture was detected in the main steampipe. On arrival in port the pipe was taken off and a patch brazed over the crack. After repairs the pipe was tested to 280 lb. hydraulic pressure. On the 6th May, 1912, this vessel left Kawhia under sail, and just after passing the Heads the wind failed and she drifted ashore on a sandy bottom. She remained, fast until the 14th, and was then hove off by the use of the kedge-anchors and the hand-windlass. The vessel fouled her anchor and it penetrated the hull on the starboard bow below the water-line. She was towed back to Kawhia and beached, when the damage caused by the anchor was repaired. This vessel left Wellington for Patea on the 1st June, 1912, and when passing the north end of Kapiti Island it was discovered that she was leaking considerably. It was decided to return to Wellington, and on arrival she was placed on the slip. The oakum had come out of part of the seam of the garboard-strake on the starboard side in the way of foremast. The defective seam was recanlked, and all the soft places in the hull were hardened up. On the 8th June, 1912, through the anchor fouling a pile whilst lying at the Lyttelton Wharf, the hawse-pipe was broken, and two plates in the bow were damaged. A new hawse-pipe was made and fitted, the two plates were renewed, and two of the frames were straightened. On the 15th June, 1912, a collision occurred off Point Jerningham, Wellington Harbour, between the s.s. " Opouri," inward bound from Lyttelton, and the s.s. " Kamona," leaving for Westport. There were severe rain-squalls at the time of the mishap. The damage to the vessel consisted of a dent in the top edge of the plating on the port bow ; the waterway was crushed in and a small crack was made in the plating just below the moulding ; the forecastle-head deck-planking was started from the stem to the windlass, and the plate under the deck was buckled at hawse-pipes. Temporary repairs were effected in Wellington. Permanent repairs were made on the vessel's arrival in Lyttelton. One plate on the bow was cut out and renewed, the waterway was cut out and renewed, and the deck and covering-board were renewed where [ay 28, 29 .. iy 28, 29 .. Ngaru (scow) Ngaru (scow) Kawhia Fune 3 S.s. Hawera Wellington S.s. Canopus Lyttelton June 8, 14 .. June 17 S.s. Opouri Wellington June 27; July 1,5 July 5 Fuly 18, 20.. S.s. Koonya S.s. Kumara S.s. The Peregrine S.s. Mararoa Napier Wellington Auckland Lyttelton necessary. When this vessel was at Napier on the 27th June, 1912, the rudder-stock was found to be fractured. The rudder was unshipped and a new piece welded into it, about 4 ft. long and a little larger than the original size. Two straps were also riveted round the stock and rudder to strengthen them. When lying at anchor in the Gisborne roadstead on the 2nd July, 1912, a crack was detected in the neck of the flange of one length of her main steam-pipe. The pipe was forwarded to Wellington for repairs, where a new piece about 9 in. long was fitted. The pipe was afterwards tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure. On the 14th July, 1912, on her ordinary trip from Auckland to Stanley Bay, she went ashore on a rocky bottom near Stanley Point. She soon floated off, but on examination it was found that about 10 ft. of the deadwood and keel had been damaged, and that all the blades had been stripped off the propeller. The damaged portions of the keel and the deadwood were renewed, and a new bow rudder and four new propeller-blades were fitted. On the 29th July, 1912, this vessel was lying at Lyttelton Wharf, when a fracture was discovered in the thrust-shaft. A new shaft was made and fitted in position. This vessel was bound from Whakatane to Whitianga on the 20th June, 1912. She was trying to beat to an anchorage under Whale Island during a.northerly gale when the mainsail carried away and the foresail split in three places. On account of this damage the vessel drifted on the beach six miles west of Whakatane River. She was got off on the 23rd June, and proceeded to Tauranga for repairs. New deadwood was fitted aft and a new stern-post provided. The rudder was repaired, some new sheathing was put on hull, and the vessel was caulked where required. This ferry-steamer left the Victoria Wharf during a fog at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 22nd July, 1912, and was going half-speed when she collided with the ferry-boat " Kestrel." The following repairs were found to be necessary : About 12 ft. of the belting, a number of the stanchions, and several deck-planks were renewed, and the bulwarks were repaired. July 29 July 29 Ranger (scow) . . Auckland J uly 26; Aug. 3 S.s. Condor Auckland



No. 19. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

7—H. 15a.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. I 1912. Lug. 3 S.s. Anglo Saxon Dunedin On the 31st July, 1912, whilst proceeding up Otago Harbour to the Dunedin Wharf, this vessel touched the ground in the channel. On arrival at the wharf a survey was made, when it was found she had received no damage. This vessel was surveyed afloat on the 17th August, 1912, at Auckland, to enable her to proceed to Sydney, when everything was found in good order and condition. On the 19th August, 1912, this vessel was lying at the Jervois Quay Wharf, Wellington, when she was run into by the s.s. "John." The bulwarks and the belting round the stern were cut into and the planking under the counter was slightly started. About 6 ft. of the bulwarks and 10 ft. of the rail were renewed, and the planking under the counter was caulked. This vessel was proceeding from Auckland to Paeroa on the 11th August, 1912, and when rounding one of the bends in the Ohinemuri River near Paeroa she struck a snag which was projecting straight out from the bank. A hole about 3 ft. 6 in. long by 6 in. wide was made in the vessel's hull on the starboard side aft, allowing the water to rush in in sufficient quantity to sink her. A patch was put over the hole, the water was pumped out, and the vessel was floated on the 15th August, and towed back to Auckland for repairs. Three new angle-iron frames, a new stringer, and new gusset-plates were fitted. New hull-planking was fitted where required. This vessel was proceeding from Stewart Island to Oamaru on the 17th August, 1912, when the propeller-shaft broke forward of the stern-gland. Temporary repairs were effected, which enabled the vessel to proceed slowly. She was picked up by the s.s. " Maitai " and towed into Bluff Harbour. On a trip from Auckland to Paeroa, on the 21st August, 1912, this vessel's rudder was carried away through striking a snag in Thames River. The vessel was towed to Auckland, where a new rudder was fitted. This vessel was crossing the Patea bar on the 22nd August, 1912, bound for Wellington, when she grounded and remained fast for half an hour. She was got off by means of her own machinery, and proceeded to Wellington. She was found to be leaking, and on arrival at Wellington was placed on the Patent Slip for examination. It was found that the transom-timber, the after-deck beam, one side of the stern-post at stern-tube, and the after part of the keel were cracked. A number of the planks in the after part of the hull and deck were started. A new transom-timber and new deck-beam, a new rudder-trunk, and one new plank under starboard quarter were fitted. The new gunmetal shoe under aperture was extended 2 ft. forward to strengthen the after end of the keel; two gun-metal plates were fitted, one on each side of stern-post at boss, and were riveted through, above, and below the boss; a number of butts in hull-planking were refastened, as was also the after part of deck-planking. The hull topsides from midship aft were recaulked, the after rails were repaired, and about 6 ft. of the hull at the after end was rocoppered. On the 15th September, 1912, this vessel met with very bad weather on a voyage from Auckland to Suva, which caused her to roll heavily. The circulating-pump of the main engines lost its water through the heavy rolling, and as the vessel righted again the pump became overcharged and the bottom was knocked out of it. Temporary repairs were effected which enabled the vessel to' return under easy steam to Auckland, where a new brassjbottom was made and fitted. This vessel was going from Gisborne to Auckland, via Tolaga Bay, on the 18th September, 1912, when she touched some submerged object off Spring Island. She was docked at Auckland for examination, and the following repairs carried out: One plate was taken out of bottom under starboard bow, straightened, replaced, and re-riveted ; new ends wore fitted on two of the floor-plates; three floor-plates and frames were taken out of port quarter, straightened, replaced, and re-riveted, and 8 ft. of the keel-plate aft was renewed ; 7 ft. of plating in A strake on port quarter was renewed, and one new frame was fitted ; four rudderpintles were turned up and new bushes were fitted. While crossing the Bay of Plenty, on the 27th September, 1912, on a voyage from Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, to Auckland, this vessel sprung her rudder. On arrival at Auckland a new rudder and a new bottom gudgeon were fitted. Lug. 17 S.s. Myra Fell . . Auckland Lug. 20 S.s. Defender Wellington S.s. Taniwha Auckland Lug. 21 . .. Lug. 19, 24 S.s. Kotare Invercargill Dunedin and Lug. 23 . S.s. Tasman Auckland Sept. 3 S.s. Aorere Wellington Sept. 19 S.s. Dorrigo Auckland S.s. Squall Auckland Sept. 28; Oct. 4 lot. 4 O.e.v. Fairburn Auckland



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. . Where surveyed: Nature of Casualty, &c. 1912. Oct. 11 O.e.v. Huanui .. Auckland On the 30th September, 1912, this vessel, when bound from Kaipara Harbour to Auckland, broke her propeller-shaft. The vessel continued her voyage under sail, and on arrival in Auckland a new propeller-shaft was fitted. This vessel struck a rock off Jackson's Head on the 11th October, 1912. She continued her voyage to Nelson and Wellington. An examination of the vessel was made at Wellington, when she was found to have sustained no damage. This vessel was coal-laden bound from Westport to Foxton, and on 30th September, 1912, she grounded at the North Spit at the entrance to the Manawatu River. After discharging part of her cargo she came off on the 3rd October, apparently undamaged. While proceeding up the river to Foxton she commenced to leak in the forehold to such an extent that the fore part of the vessel grounded in the river. Temporary repairs were effected, and the water was pumped out, enabling the vessel to proceed to Wellington. She was placed on the slip, where sheatbingplates were riveted over the damaged part of the hull. The rudder-shank was also straightened. On the 17th October, 1912, this vessel was coming alongside the Wool Wharf in Wellington Harbour when she struck H.M.S. " Pioneer's " boat-davits. Two of the hull-plates well above the water-line were cut through. These were repaired by having bolted patches fitted over them. On the 22nd October, 1912, during the trip from Wellington to Lyttelton, this vessel lost a blade from the starboard propeller. On arrival at Lyttelton the vessel was docked and a new blade fitted. On the 22nd October, 1912, when berthing at No. 7 wharf, Lyttelton, during a strong south-west gale, this vessel was blown out of her course up against the wharf. Two of the hull-plates on the starboard bow were fractured at the landings of the second and third strakes below the sheerstrake, 2 ft. from the stem. A sheathing-plate 3 ft. by 3 ft. by f in. was fitted over the damaged portion. During the latter part of October this vessel encountered a strong southerly gale between Newcastle and Auckland. During the gale she shipped a considerable amount of water which carried away the poop-ladder, damaged the ventilator, broke the spare propeller-lashings, and strained the poop-deck so badly that it commenced to leak. A new poop-ladder and new ventilator were fitted. The poopdeck was caulked where necessary. On the 29th October, 1912, this vessel was lying at the Taranaki Street Wharf, Wellington. When the s.s. " Ngatoro " was going alongside the " Surrey " the fluke of her anchor pierced the hull-plating of the " Surrey." A sheathing-plate 30 in. by 18 in. by f in. was riveted over the hole. About two miles south of Rocks Point, on a trip from Wanganui to Westport, on the 2nd November, 1912, this vessel's rudder-stock broke. She put into Nelson, where a new end of a larger diameter than the old one was welded on. Oct. 14 S.s. Pateena .. Wellington Oct. 14, 16 S.s. Gertie .. Wellington Oct. 17,18 S.s. Awahou Wellington Oct. 22 S.s. Maori Lyttelton Oct. 23 S.s. Poherua Lyttelton Oct. 29 S.s. Myra Fell .. Auckland S.s. Surrey Oct. 30 Wellington Nov. 4, 5 .. S.s. Putiki Nelson Nov. 9 S.s. Moana Wellington A crack developed in the bend of the main steam-pipe at the neck of pope-joint on the 2nd November, 1912, on the voyage from San Francisco to Wellington. Temporary repairs were effected at sea, which kept the pipe in position until the vessel made Wellington. A new pope-joint was fitted, and the pipe annealed and tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure before being placed on board. This vessel was lying at the Westport Wharf, on the 9th November, 1912, when the s.s. " Waipori" collided with her, denting the starboard bow-plating and loosening a number of rivets. The defective rivets were renewed and one gusset-plate was straightened. On the 28th May, 1912, when loading at New York for New Zealand, this vessel's bottom touched the ground. She was docked at Port Chalmers, when the following repairs were effected : Eleven of the floor-plates on the starboard side were renewed, seven of the floor-plates were straightened in position, and eleven hull-plates were cut out, straightened, and re-riveted in position ; three suctionpipes of the deck-pumps were renewed. After the above repairs were completed the ballast-tanks were tested by water-pressure. This vessel was proceeding from Lyttelton to Greymouth, on the 17th November, 1912, when the circulating-pump rod and foot-valve broke, and the pump-chamber cracked. The broken parts were taken out of the chamber, a blank flange was put over the stuffing-box on the cover, and the ballast donkey-pump was used for circulating purposes. The vessel then put into Wellington for repairs. A new chamber, foot-valve, and rod were made and fitted. S.s. Putiki Wellington Nov. 14, 15 Oct. 21; Nov. 7,14 S.s. Waltraute .. Port Chalmers .. Nov. 18, 20 S.s. Kittawa Wellington



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc.- continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1912. Nov. 8, 11,13 Auckland Napier Auckland Nelson.. Wellington Wellington Wellington Dunedin Auckland Nelson Wellington On the 7th November, 1912, this vessel grounded on a sandbank near Limestone Island when leaving Auckland. On arrival at Auckland the vessel was docked for survey and the following repairs effected : Several of the'floor-plates and several new reverse bars were fitted in the bottom under the after hold ; the stokehold bulkhead was renewed right across the bottom about 3 ft. up, and the plates forming the recess for the donkey-boiler were re-riveted along the bottom ; one new butt strap was fitted on top of keelson, and also one on the side; four rivets in the bottom of the hull were renewed, and the cement in the bottom was renewed where necessary. This vessel was making a trip from Napier to East Coast when on the 23rd October, 1912, in thick weather, she ran aground on the sandy beach near Makaramau. The vessel was refloated on the 10th November, and returned to Napier. She was placed on the slip, when six rivets were renewed in the port side of bottom and a small sheatbingpatch was riveted on seam between C and D strakes. On the starboard side 14 ft. of new angle-iron was fitted to the bottom of port belting, and 13 ft. of new belting and 12 ft. of new rail were fitted on port side. Bottom gudgeon of rudder was relined with magnolia metal. The rudder-blade of this vessel was carried away on the 11th November, 1912, during heavy weather, while the vessel was on a voyage from Tauranga to Auckland. A jury rudder was fitted, which enabled her to reach Port Charles. She was afterwards towed by the s.s. " Doto " to Auckland, when a new rudder was bolted to the stock and part of the rudder-trunk was renewed. On the 20th November, 1912, this vessel was crossing the bar of the Aorere River bound from Collingwood to Nelson. The propeller struck the bottom, the blow shearing the feather on the propeller-shaft. On arrival in Nelson a spare propeller-shaft and new propeller were fitted. This vessel was proceeding from Picton to Nelson, on the 25th November, 1912, when she touched Blarnine Island, Queen Charlotte Sound. She completed the trip to Nelson and back to Wellington, where a survey of the hull was made internally. A diver was engaged to examine the outside of the hull. She was found to have received no damage. This vessel was on a voyage from Wanganui to Sydney on the 20th September, 1912, and when sixty - five miles west by south from Wanganui she was dismasted. She was taken in tow by the s.s. "Arapawa" on the 21st September and towed into Wellington and refitted as follows: A kauri fore lower mast, 16J in. diameter, out of the " Pelotas " was fitted; new main and mizzen lower mast, 18 in. diameter, new kauri fore, main, and mizzen topmasts, fore and main top-gallant and royal masts were fitted; a new topsail, topgallant and royal yards, and a kauri bowsprit and jib-boom were also fitted; all standing rigging, stays, and guys were refitted, and a complete new set of sails with all runninggear complete was provided. When lying alongside the Glasgow Wharf, Wellington, on the 29th November, 1912, a crack was discovered in the main stop-valve chest of the centre after boiler. A new stop-valve chest was made, fitted, and tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure. On the 3rd December, 1912, when this vessel was lying at the wharf, Port Chalmers, a fire was discovered in the port side of cross-bunker. After the removal of the coal it was found that the lead suction-pipes for the ballast-tanks, which pass through the bulkhead, were melted. New pipes were fitted, and a patch riveted on the bulkhead where the pipes were jointed. On the 7th December, 1912, this vessel was towing a raft of logs between Tairua and Auckland when the port tailshaft broke off at the after end of brass liner. She proceeded to Auckland with her starboard engine. On arrival she was docked and a new propeller-shaft fitted. The outer stern-bush was relined with lignum-vitse. This vessel was making a voyage from Waitapu to Nelson on the 12th December, 1912, when a web of crank-shaft broke. On arrival in Nelson repairs were made. During the voyage of this vessel from Gisborne to Wellington, on the 18th December, 1912, she ran ashore off the mouth of the Tukituki River. She remained fast from 2.30 a.m. to 10 a.m., when she was towed off by the s.s. " Tangaroa," assisted by her own engines. The vessel resumed her trip to Wellington. On arrival a survey was made, when she was found to have sustained no material damage. S.s. Rosamond .. Auckland Nov. 19 S.s. Weka Napier Nov. 21 O.e.v. May Howard Auckland Nov. 22 . . S.s. Hina Nelson.. Nov. 27 .. S.s. Pateena Wellington Sept. 27; Oct. 4 ; Nov. 8, 28 Wanganui (barquentine) j Wellington lee. 2 S.s. Surrey tec. 3 S.s. Waiwera Dec. 11, 12.. S.s. Waitangi Dec. 10 S.s. Hina Deo. lit S.s. John



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1913. Jan. 15, 17.. Triton (barque) . . Dunedin On the 21st October, 1912, this vesseljbumped on the Southeast Spit, Maiden Island, through the buoy-rope carrying away. The vessel came off the same day unassisted. On arrival at Port Chalmers the vessel was docked, when the following repairs were found necessary : Sixty-eight rivets were renewed in the keel and rudder-post, a new bottom pintle was made for rudder, the centre pintle was re-riveted, and the bearings for the steering-gear screw were renewed. When this vessel was off Godley Head on the 14th January, 1913, between Kaiapoi and Lyttelton, the boiler commenced to leak. On examination it was found that the crown of combustion-chamber had in-between the girders, causing the stays to leak. On arrival at Lyttelton repairs were made by rejointing the nuts on all combustion-chamber stays. The boiler was tested to 160 lb. hydraulic pressure after repairs were completed. This vessel was on a trip from Blenheim to Wellington on the 12th January, 1913, when, owing to shortness of water in the main boiler, the combustion-chamber crown came down £ in. in four spaces between the girders. On arrival at Wellington the bulged portion of the crown was put back in position, six new stays were fitted in girders, the two top rows of tubes were expanded and the landings were caulked. When the steam was turned on to the main engines of this vessel on the 23rd January, 1913, at the wharf, Wellington, the main stop-valve chest was found to be fractured. A new stop-valve chest was made, tested by hydraulic pressure to double the steam-pressure, and afterwards fitted in position. On the 26th January, 1913, while this vessel was lying at Wellington wharf, a fire broke out in the coal-bunker on the port side. After the fire was extinguished an examination was made and the damage was found to be very slight. A little of the sheathing on the bulkhead had to be renewed. When lying alongside the Gladstone Pier, Lyttelton, on the 21st January, 1913, the vessel commenced to leak. Twelve rivets were renewed in the hull on port side, and the slack bolts in the belting were rejointed. During the voyage of this vessel from London to New Zealand a heavy head sea was met with, and the port anchor, not having been hauled tight in the hawse-pipe, worked about during the heavy weather. The hawse-pipe, which was getting thin with wear, was cracked by the movement of the anchor. The old hawse-pipe was cut out, and a new one weighing 3 tons 8 cwt. was made and fitted. This vessel was arriving at Greymouth from Gisborne on the 9th February, 1913, when she went ashore, the steeringwheel having been put over the wrong way. The forepeak tank and No. 1 ballast-tank were pumped out, and on the engines being put astern she came off after being aground forty-five minutes. On examination three dents were found in the bottom plating and the cement was broken in nine spaces. On the 21st February, 1913, when this vessel was lying at the wharf at Wellington, a crack was discovered in the main steam-pipe at one of the flanges. A new piece 9 in. long and a new flange were fitted to the pipe, and it was afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure before being placed on board. This vessel was steaming between Wellington and Nelson, on the 26th February, 1913, when she took the ground at the French Pass. She remained aground for five hours, and floated off as the tide rose. On arrival at Nelson an examination was made, but no damage was found. On the 25th February, 1913, when at the Timaru Wharf, a fire broke out in the lower 'tween-decks of No. 5 hold of this vessel. After the fire was extinguished an examination was made and it was then found that several deck-plates were buckled, the sparring burnt, and the insulation damaged by water. The sparring on the starboard side of the 'tween-decks was renewed. On the 28th February, 1913, this vessel was being moved in Wellington Harbour from No. 16 wharf to the Eailway Wharf. On nearing the Railway Wharf the vessel took a shear and collided with the wharf. The impact stove in the shear-strake plating on the port bow for a length of 8 ft. and broke three frames. The damaged plate and frames were cut out, a new plate 10 ft. by 4 ft. by J in. was fitted, and three new frames and two new reverse bars were fitted. i ! i Jan. 15, ltj, S.s. Wootton . . Lyttelton 18 Jan. 24 .. S.s. Opawa . . Wellington Jan. 23, 26.. S.s. Turakina .. Wellington i Jan. 27 .. S.s. Manaroa .. Wellington Jan. 29 ... S.s. Mullogh .. j Lyttelton Feb. 4, 0 .. S.s. Turakina .. Wellington Feb. 10 .. S.s. Kar.auu .. Greymouth i Feb. 22 .. S.s. Morayshire .. Wellington Feb. 22 Feb. 26 .. S.s. Waverley .. Nelson.. Feb. 26 Feb. 26; Mar. j S.s. Matatua .. Timaru 4 Feb. 26; Mar. 4 Mar. 1, 4 .. S.s. Koonya .. Wellington Mar. 1, 4



No. 19. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc. — continued.

No. 20.—Return showing the Revenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers, Land-engine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers, and the amount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), also the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the examination of Marine Engineers, Landengine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers, and the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913. Receipts. £ s. d. ! Expenditure. £ s. d. Inspection of boilers and machinery (less Salaries (less refunds) .. .. .. 9,788 12 7 refunds) .. .. .. .. 9,725 7 0 Advertising, books, &c. .. .. 15 8 6 Examination of land engine-drivers (lese Office furniture, &c. .. .. .. 0 12 6 refunds) .. .. .. .. 697 2 6 Collection of inspection-fees .. .. 150 0 0 Examination of electric-tram drivers (less Office equipment and requisites .. 44 2 9 refunds) .. .. .. .. 102 0 0 Postage and telegrams .. .. 267 9 10 Survey of steamers (including auxiliary- Printing and Stationery .. .. 65 18 9 powered vessels) .. .. .. 2,748 0 0 Rent, cleaning offices, fuel, and light .. 233 6 6 Survey of sailing-ships .. .. 356 10 0 Telephones (less refund) .. .. 81 4 6 Survey of vessels for seaworthiness .. 145 0 0 Travelling-expenses (less refund) .. 2,864 9 9 Examination of marine engineers .. 298 10 0 Contingencies .. .. .. 34 13 0 Examination of plans of vessels. . .. 9 10 0 £14,082 0 0 £13,545 18 8

Bate of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &a. 1913. Mar. 5 S.s. Waikana ;Dunedin This vessel was making a trip from Dunedin to the Kaik on the 1st March, 1913, when she grounded. An hour later, as the tide rose, with the use of her own engines the vessel came off. On examination it was found that the rudder-stock was twisted half a turn. The rudder was unshipped and the stock was straightened. On the 8th March, 1913, about 3.40 a.m., this vessel during foggy weather ran ashore in Ohariu Bay on the voyage from Wanganui to Wellington. She remained ashore until 7.45 a.m., and on arrival in Wellington a survey was made. Several dents were discovered in hull-plating on the bottom of vessel on the starboard and port sides. The vessel was placed on the slip, and about forty rivets were renewed. This vessel was steaming from Dunedin to Oamaru on the 12th March, 1913. When near Taiaroa Heads she was driven on the Mole by a heavy north-east gale, and remained fast until next day. The vessel was towed off by a tug and a dredge, and was taken to Port Chalmers, where she was docked. The following repairs were made : A fractured plate 17 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. by f in. on the starboard side in the way of stokehold was cut out and renewed ; one floor-plate was straightened; 10 ft. of bulb-angle framing and 12 ft. of stringer angles were renewed; a number of rivets were renewed in the forward part of the stern-frame ; 110 rivets were renewed in the bottom of the hull under No. 1 tank, and sixty rivets were renewed in the margin angles forward; all the broken cement was renewed ; a new electric engine and dynamo were fitted. On the voyage from St. John's, Canada, to Port Chalmers, heavy weather was met with, during which the stern-post was fractured. On arrival at Port Chalmers the vessel was docked and the following repairs effected : Two straps, 6 ft. 9 in. by 9 in. by 3 in., were riveted over the cracked portions of the stern-post between the third and fourth rudder-pintles; the rudder-pintles were turned up and the gudgeons were bushed ; the propeller-shaft was drawn, and the stern-bush relined with lignum-vitse; the stoke-hold-casing was also repaired where necessary. Mar. 8 S.s. Wairaea Wellington S.s. Kowhai .Dunedin :ar. 14, 15. 17, 18 Mar. 16, 17, S.s. Tokomaru .. 18, 19 Dunedin



Return No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge or Certificated Engine-drivers

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for whieh used. *»» j M ~ °' \ Boiler. Additional Boilers; Names ot late Owners of transferred Class of Driver required. Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. A I C A Auckland Newton Coromandel Avondale Auckland AUCKLAND AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Bacon-factory .. | 30 8 and 14.. Dairy purposes .. I 75 13 . Gold-dredge .. 20 ! 8 and 13.. . Brickworks .. 72 20 . Destructor .. 115 Nil . Electric light .. 303! Two 17J,24J,and37J DISTRICT. First class .. . . I Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. ; Size of cylinders amended ; late Mephan Ferguson Steel Pipe Company, Avondale. First class .. .. j Additional. „ .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. Second class . . . . Engine not now connected. First class .. . . Additional. Adams, J., and Co. Amburys Limited Armstrong Gold-dredging Company.. Auckland Brick and Pottery Company Auckland City Council ■ • I Auckland Newton .. Coromandel Avondale Auckland Westfield.. Bacon-factory .. | 30 Dairy purposes .. ! 75 .. Gold-dredge .. 20 Brickworks .. 72 Destructor . . 115 . . Electric light . . 3031 303i .. „ .. 303i 303| . . ! Abattoirs .. 26 8 and 14.. 13 8 and 13.. 20 Nil Twol7J,24J,and37J 3031 .. I - ■ i „ ■• 303|l •• 1 Westfield.. '.'. Auckland .. 303| . ! Abattoirs .. 26 6 and 10.. . -Generators . . 123 17 and 34, 18|, 27, 6 and 10.". Second class . . .. Size of cylinders amended ■ late R. and W. Hellaby, Auckland. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Auckland Electric Tramway Company Auckland ■Generators .. ■ 123 j 17 and 34, 18|, 27, j and 38J Ditto 8 and 10.. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company jj >> • • Auckland General Hospital Auckland Harbour Board Auckland Meat Company Bagnall Bros. Bodle Bros. Brett Publishing Company Browne, S. G. Southdown Westfield.. Auckland Otahuhu Freeman's Bay Papakura Auckland Penman's Bush Opuawhanga Parnell .. Chelsea .. Southdown ooutnaown tit .in ni westneia.. JnnHiinrl Auckland /■\j._ 1 1 .. I 123 Freezing .. .. 84 ... „ .. .. 84 j 84 .. i „ .. .. 76 .. ; Steaming .. 51 .. ; Dredging.. .. 65 Hoisting on punt .. 34 i Heat-works .. 51 | .. i Box-factory .. 64 ' Stone-crushing .. 5jl .. Printing . . ' .. 35 Sawmill . . .. 8 Hauling .. .. 8 Soap-works .. j 15 Sugar-refining . . i 190 n.Tirl 3 SI ana 3S£ .. i 123 i Ditto Freezing .. 84 I 8 and 10 . . -treezmg .. .. a* 0 ana xu.. .. • - ■■ •• £ - •• 1R 1Q anrl 9« . „ .. .. 76 I 19 and 28 Steaming .. 51 Nil . Dredging.. .. 65 Two 5, 14 and 24, 6 and 14 o ana 1* Hoisting on punt .. 34 I Two 10 .. .. , -*r_' 1 _..i -ii-irt 19 and 28 Nil Two 5, 14 and 24, 6 and 14 Two 10 .. 10 12 5i and 8f' '.'. 13 and 14J 7 and 11£ 6i and 10 14 Five 16, three 14, two 22, two 24 Ditto Second class . . . . Additional. First class . . . . Size of cylinders amended. Second class . . . . Additional. . ! Meat-works .. j 51 i 10 .. .. ] ; Freeman's Bay Papakura Auckland Penman's Bush Opuawhanga Parnell Chelsea . i Box-factory .. 64 j 12 .. .. . ! Stone-crushing .. 5jl 5J and 8| . Printing .. .. 35 j 13 and 14J Sawmill . . .. 8 7 and 11£ .. ■ . Hauling .. .. 8 6J and 10 Soap-works .. I 15 14 .. Sugar-refining . . i 190 Five 16, three 14, two : „ .. . . Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction ; Additional. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. . . „ „ Locomotive and traction ; Late Whangarei Borough Council. Whangarei. Second class . . .. ! Late P. Fitt and Co., Parnell. First class .. . . Size of cyilnders amended. Colonial Soap Company Colonial Sugar-refining Company 22. two 24 Whangamumu Dargaville .. i 168 168 Boiling-down .. 83 Sawmill . . .. 25 .. 168 Ditto .. Cook, H. F. Dargaville Timber Company i Whangamumu Dargaville Neavesville . , Mangaiti Bombay Pukekohe Omanawa Tauranga The Bush 168 „ .. Boiling-down .. 83 Two 7J, one 6J . Sawmill . . .. 25 12 . Log-hauling .. 20 Two 8£ .. . Flax-mill.. .. 23 10 . ! Threshing .. 6 8 . J General work .. 5 8 . I Sawmill .. .. 70 18 . Hauling .. .. 13 Two 7J Log-hauling .. 11 Two 6 .. Two 7J, one 6J .. 12 Second class .. .. ! „ n „ ■ ■ .. Size of cylinders amended ; late Massey Bros., Auckland. „ .. . . Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. Additional. Locomotive and traction „ „ Late Comrie and Ferguson, Pukekohe. First class .. .. Additional. Locomotive and traction „ i Late G. E. King, Dargaville. Faithful, McConnell, and Co. Farrow, R, E. Ferguson, J. H. .. Neavesville Mangaiti Bombay .. Pukekohe Omanawa Tauranga The Bush Log-hauling .. 20 .. Flax-mill.. .. 23 .. Threshing .. 6 General work .. 5 Sawmill .. .. 70 .. Hauling .. .. 13 Log-hauling .. 11 Two 8J . . 10 8 8 18 Two 7J Two 6 .. Gammans Limited Gibbons, B. P. ..



Goldic, D., and Sons .. .. .. I Tutukaka .. I Sawmill .. .. 40 Great Northern Brewery Company (Limited).. Kyber Pass . . ; Brewery .. .. 41 J Greig and Bates .. .. .. . . Manawake .. I Sawmill .. .. 2 Grey Lynn Borough Council .. .. Auckland .. | Road-roller . . 4 Hemming and Fausett .. .. .. ■ j Pukekohe district .. j General work .. 6 Henwood, Thomas .. . . . . Mangere .. . . „ . . j 7 Hine, A... ... .. .. .. Maketu district .. j Chaflcutting .. { 4 Honey, Gordon G. .. .. .. Waiuku .. .. Farm-work .. 7 Karaka Gold-mining Company .. .. Karaka Creek .. ! Air-compressing . . 65 • ■ » ■ - >» .. 49 .... „ . . „ 49 Kauri Timber Company' .. .. .. Koutu .. . . Sawmill .. .. 50 „ .. .. .. Waipuna.. .. „ .. .. 50 14 .. .. ] Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended; late Cashmore Bros., Katikati. 10 .. . . „ .. .. Additional. 010 .. .. „ .. Late Mikkleson and Co., Matata. 4J and 6| .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 7 .... ,, I Late Comrie and Fausett, Pukekohe. 8J .. .. ,, Late H. Short, Onehunga. 4| and 6f .. „ Late B. G. Pinker, Maketu. 6 and 9 . . . . „ Additional. J 17 and 10 . . First class .. .. ,, !asJ ion ] 14J .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 16i, 17J, four 10, „ . . .. Additional. four 5, five 7 I Ditto .. .. „ .. .. „ „ .. . . „ ■ ' .. 50 J „ .. .. .. „ .. I „ .. 51 King, H. .. .. .. .. Pukete Bush . . : Log-hauling .. 8 Kiripaki Sawmill Company .. .. j Ngunguru .. ; Sawmill .. ... 68 i Leyland and O'Brien .. .. . . Auckland . . ! „ .. .. 36 i Massey Bros. .. .. .. . . I ,, . . Air-compressing . . 25 Morningside Quarries, Limited .. .. Morningside Quarry Stone-crushing .. 67 [ McLennan, M. .. .. . . . . Kaiaua .. . . Contracting .. 8 Ness Vale Land Company .. . . . . Ness Valley .. ] Sawmill .. .. 15'9 Newmarket Borough Council . . . . Newmarket .. ! Road-roller . . 5 New Zealand Government (Lands Department) Mangaroa . . j Priestman dredge .. 10 J Matata . . .. „ .. 10JJ New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Avondale .. j Laundry .. 30 Department) New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals ,, .. Laundry-work .. 30 Department) New Zealand Paper-mills .. .. . . Riverhead . . Paper-mills .. 52 ! 1 6J and 10 .. Locomotive and traction • Late Slater and King, Kauri. Two 13 .. . . First class .. .. I Late Colonel W. D. Colgate and Co., Ngunguru. i 12J .. .. Second class .. .. | Size of cylinders amended. J 16J and 13 .. First class . . .. „ „ Two 6 . . .. I Locomotive and traction \ Additional. 9J .. .. Second class .. .. I Late J. Black, Auckland. 5J and 9. . .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Two 9 .. .. Exempt .. .. [ „ 7 and 9 . . .. j ,, .. . . Size of cylinders amended. : 17 and 34 . . First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended; late Waihi Goldmining Company, Waihi. I 11J and 23 .. ,, •. ■. Size of cylinders amended. 76 42 Nicoll, George .. .. .. . . New Lynn .. Traction .. .. 4 O'Brien, J. J. .. ... .. .. Auckland .. Sawmill .. .. 28 Onehunga Woollen Mills .. .. . . i Te Papa .. .. Woollen-mills . . 50 i Parker, Lamb, and Co. . . .. . . Auckland .. j Idle .. . . 20 j „ ,, .. . . . . Mechanics Bay . . , Sawmill .. .. 40 j „ ,, .. .. .. Mamaku . . „ 35 Raglan Dairy Company . . .. . . Raglan .. . . Dairy-work .. 16 4|- and 7 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Two 12 .. .. First class .. . . Late Kauri Timber Company, Waimamaku. 4 .. . . Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. j Nil .. .. ,, • • ..- J Engine not now connected. j 18 . . .. First class .. .. Late Macklow Bros., Auckland. 16 .. .. • „ . . .. Size of cylinders amended. Nil .. . . Second class . . .. Engine not now connected ; late Beaney Bros., Arch Hill. ! 18 and 32 . . First class . . . . Size of cylinders amended; late Waitemata Sawmill Company, Auckland. I 18| and 26 . . ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. j 18J and 34 ■ Rich and Jeffreys . . .. .. Matata .. .. Suction dredge .. 35 ! ,, . . .. . . Rangataiki Swamp Pumping, &c. .. 50 I Talisman Consolidated Gold-mining Company Karangahake .. Gold-mining .. 95 ' •• I ■• „ ..95 Tauranga Sawmilling Company .. . . Oropi .. .. Sawmill .. .. 28 17 . : 17 .. :: i ::



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler HorsePurposes for which used. *%>> VtoffiVCggg o, Boiler. ! Class of DriTer required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAN D DIS' TRICT—continued. Thompson and Hills Waihi Extended Gold-mining Company Waihi Gold-mining Company Auckland Waihi No. 2 Shaft, Waihi Jam-factory Pumping and winding Pumping, winding, and air-compressing Ditto 46 62 70 6 .. .. i Second class .. .. i Additional. Two 8, two 10 .. Second class and winding Size of cylinders amended. Two 18, two 8, two 6, Eirst class and winding .. „ ,. one 12, one 8 Ditto .. .. J „ „ 60 and 110, 35 and „ „ and 70, 15 and 30, | two 8, two 12, two ; 18 Ditto .. .. ; „ „ .. ! No. 5 Shaft, Waihi 70 64 64 ! 88 88 88 88 ! 145 145 14 83 Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraotion Company Paeroa Gold-saving Two 8J .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. 11 and 22, 21 and 40, ! Eirst class .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. three 6 Ditto .. .. J „ .. .. J „ „ Waihi Standard Gold-mining Company Walker, G. Waller and Sons .. Whangape Timber Company (Limited) Whangarei Borough Council Whangarei Coal-mine White Island Sulphur Company (Limited) Wilson and Horton Waihi '.'. '.'. Tuakau Pukekohe Whangape Whangarei Winding Flax-mill.. Chaffeutting Sawmill Road-roller Mining purposes .. Sulphur- works Printing-works 83 83 83 14 24 6 25 5 25 22 53 Two 8J .. .. i Second class and winding j Late Vanguard Gold-mining Company, Thames. 10 .. .. j Second class .. .. J Late E. C. Frost, Tuakau. 8 .. .. J Locomotive and traction | Additional. 14J .. .. j First class .. .. j Late Mitchelson Timber Company, Whangape. I Compound 5 and 8J ■ Locomotive and traction | Additional. Two 9 .. .. i Second class .. .. I „ Nil .. .. J „ .. Compound 9 and 13, First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended, one 15 White Island Auckland Auckland Rimu Timber Company .. Bartholomew Land and Timber Company Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company Carlson, A. Ellis and Burnand Ngongotaha Ngatira Hautapu Owhango Mangapeehi AUCKLj .ND S SOUTH DISTRICT. Sawmill Hauling Butter -factory Sawmill 68 19J 35 23 50 65 17 12 59 59 51 I 16 and 25 .. , First class .. .. Additional. 11 .. .. ! Locomotive and traction i Size of cylinders amended. 7 and 9 .. .. ! Second class .. .. j Additional. 13 .. ..I „ .. .. I Two 14 .. .. First class .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. 18 .. .. Second class .. .. i Additional. I Two 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction ; Size of cylinders amended. 14|- and 18 .. First class .. .. I „ ,, Manunui Log-hauling Hauling Sawmill



B—H. 15a

Ongarue 75 75 12 6 77 18 18 Two 7J .. 7 .. Two 14J .. Additional. Fullerton" S. .. .. .'. Gardner, G., and Sons Waikato .. Te Kowhai district Oio Hauling Contracting Sawmill Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended; late Mander and Bradley, Puhipuhi. Late Hansen and Co., Waitoa. Additional. Late Coates Limited, Huntly. Additional. First class Hansen, P. C. Hayter and Gunn.. Huntly Brick and Fireclay Company Waitoa Hamilton Huntly Brickworks 40 14 36 26 16 12-6 14 4 5 12 15-3 34 17-3 38 14-i Two 9J .. 10 12 Two 7 .. Two 9 .. 7 7i 71 and 11 Two 9 .. 16i Two 5, three 4 Second class .. • .. Innes and Co. Knight, B. L. Lee and MeKenzie Maisey Bros. Melville, R. J. .. Meredith and Co. Mountain Rimu Timber Company New Zealand Dairy Association Hamilton Raurimu Mamaku Gordon district Cambridge district Mangaroa Mamaku Ngaruawahia Cordial -factory Hauling .. Chaffeutting Threshing Sawmill Log-hauling Dairy factory ,, Locomotive and traction Size of cylinder amended. Late C. Jarrett, Cambridge Additional. Second class New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) Ditto O'Connor and Bullions O'Donoghue, P. J. Ohura Co-operative Dairy Company Tokanui Steaming.. First class Second class Exempt Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Taumarunui Kiwitahi Nihoniho Log-hauling Threshing Dairy factory 38 15 6 12 6 50 8 Two 8| .. 5 and 9 .. 8J* 8i* 16 Two 8£ .. Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Parker -Lamb Timber Company Patate Timber Company Mamaku Manunui Sawmill Hauling First class Locomotive and traction Late Rotorua Rimu Timber Company, Mamaku. Size of cylinders amended ; late G. Gardner and Sons, Manunui. Late G. Gardner and Sons, Manunui. » • • Log-hauling Sawmill 17 73 50 37 40 14 27 25 17J 12 12 12 13 14 Second class First class Second class .. Prouse Lumber (Limited) Owhango Additional. ,, >> Pukuweka Sawmills (Limited) Matapuna Raglan County Council Roe, A. W. Rotorua Rimu Timber Company Steele, W. s> • • Ngaruawahia district Mamaku .. Contracting Hauling Sawmill Hauling Sawmill 23 23 26 43 5| and 9J Two 9 .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinder amended; late Smith and Winger, Taumarunui. Additional. Late New Zealand Railways. Additional. » » 141 • ■ •• Second class Locomotive and traction First class Size of cylinder amended: late Steele Bros., Mamaku. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. j, Stevens and McPherson Taupiri Coal Company Maraeroa Manunui Huntly Pumping and aircompressing Winding .. 32 45 14 13 and 19 13 Two 10 .. Second class 30 30 42 77 Two 18 .. First class and winding .. Two 8 and two 9 .. Winding * These boilers are driving one shaft.



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAND Si 3IJTH DISTRICT— continued. Taupiri Coal Company Huntly Winding Mining Pumping 35 72 72 75 72 58 60 18 38 15 20 .. .. First class and winding .. Two 15 .. .. First class 9fandl8 .. " Two 18, 14, 16, 24.. I 12 .. .. i Second class 14J . . .. First class .. Two 10 and two 8J I „ 11 .. . . Locomotive and traction 12 .. .. Second class Two 9 .. .. I „ Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Taupo Totara Timber Company Mokai Mining Sawmill .. Vincent, C. J. Watkins Bros. Huntly district Kaitieke .. Log-hauling General Sawmill . . I Log-hauling ,, . . . . . . Andersons Limited Barry's Bay Dairy Company Blakemore Bros. Bowman, Mrs. E. A. Boyd, Thomas, sen. Brown, D. H., and Son Brown, Mrs. Burt, E. A. Bush, H. H. Canterbury Bye-Products Company.. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. Christchureh Barry's Bay Springston Cooper's Creek Kaikoura Christchurch CANTI ;rbue ;Y DISTRICT. Engineers' tools Dairy factory General 20 I 8 8 30 44 30 40 40 36 36 70 20 16 6 52 40 I 9 and 15.. .. I First class .. .. j j 6 . . .. Second class . . 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction ! 8 and 12| .. First class 8 .. .. Second class 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction 5J and 8.. 9 and 14.. . . First class 10 and 17 .. „ .. .. ] Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late J. T. Blakemore, Springston. i Late R. Bowman, West Oxford. ' Late F. Lyford, Kaikoura. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Swannanoa district Christchureh Soekburn Belfast .. Idle" '.'. '.'. Flour-mill Laundry Threshing only General Manure- works Freezing 9, 14J, and 25 .. "„ Central Dairy Company Chapman, H. J. .. Christchurch Gas Company Christchurch Hospital Board Christchurch Meat Company Addington Kaiapoi district Chrfetchurch Islington Shunting Dairy factory General Hauling Heating Freezing .. 40 8 8 30 30 8 8 4 10 and"l7 .. '„ Two 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction 7 and 11.. .. Second class .. 7J .. .. Locomotive and traction Two 7 .. 11 and 5.. .. Second class 16 and 30, 10 and 18, First class 15 and 27 Ditto 7 and 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction 10| .. .. Second class Nil .. .. „ .. .. J 6J and 10 .. Locomotive and trac ion j 3 and 5 .. .. "„ »» >) Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late H.' J. Clark, Flaxton. Size of cylinders amended. ; Engine not now connected. j Late Thornley and Elmers, Hawarden. Late Frederick Mann, Russell's Flat. I Additional Christchurch Tramway Board Clark Estate, The Dearsley and Taylor Duncan, P. and D. Elmers, John Gibbs, H. Goodman, John Christchurch Flaxton district Christchurch Locomotive General Sawmill Steam-hammer General .. Ha warden district.. Halswell Christchurch .. 1



Hadler, B. .. .. .. .. j Amberley Halswell Quarry Company.. .. .. I Halswell .. Hartnell, Leonard .. .. ■ • ! Leeston district Howes, V. .. .. .. .. i Albury .. Humm Bros. .. .. .. .. j Waddington Jones, T. B. .. .. .. .. Hororata.. Judd, George .. .. .. ..' Waddington district Kaikoura Co-operative Dairy Company .. j Kaikoura Lill, F. .. .. .. .. .. I Dunsandel Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. .. Lyttelton Lyttelton Times Company .. .. j Christehurch Hauling General Threshing only Dairy factory General Pumping 7 4 8 9 4 8 6 17 8 15 15 15 15 15 9 7f .. .. ! ,. Late H. M. Hadler, Amberley. 4f and 6.. .. J „ Late McLaren and Co., Christchurch. 8i .. .. ! „ Additional. 9 .... I 7 .. .. ! ,, j Late W. Humm, Waddington. 9J .. .. I „ I Late Patterson and Jones, Hororata. 7-§ .. .. ! ,, i Additional. 6 .. .. i Second class .. .. ,, 9 .. .. J Locomotive and traction Late Pierson and Taylor, Brookside. Two 13 J, one 6§ . . First class .. l .. I Size of cylinders amended. Printing .. 9 and 14". .. | " .. .. " " Mo William, J. .. .. .. Lake Coleridge Hoisting and piledriving General Two 8J .. .. Second class .. .. ! Additional. Mathews, J. J. and R. .. .. . . t Rangiora district .. Maw, R. A. and G. .. .. ■ ■ Southbridge district Mills, John .. .. .. .. Coalgate Morris, F. .. .. .. .. j Waikuku New Zealand Glue Company .. .. Woolston New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals i Sunnyside Department) Ditto .. .. .. .. .. „ New Zealand Government (Public Works De- j Bealey partment) Quigley, F. .. .. .. .. I Doyleston Rossiter, John .. .. .. ... Ashley district Shields, T. A. .. .. .. .. Woodgrove district Smith and Smith .. .. .. .. Christchurch Hauling Glue-manufacturing Heating 8 9 8 8 8 35 30 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction j Late Mrs. B. Mathews, Rangiora. 6J and 10 „ | Late W. Walker, Killinchy. 6J and 10J .. „ , Late J. C. Andrews, Waikuku. 6J and 10 ■ .. I ,, j Size of cylinders amended. „ .. ! ,, I Late John Mills, Waikuku. Nil .. • • I Second class .. .. 1 Engine not now connected. Two 5, two 9 .. I Exempt .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. Heating, &c. Hoisting 30 18 Two 9 .. .. „ Two 8J .. .. ,, .. .. Late Jamieson Bros., Christchurch. General 8 8 8 53 6f and 11 .. j Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. 6f and 11 6J and 10J .. „ Late R. Reid, Bennetts. Two 11 and 21 . . First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Threshing onlyElectric light and Smith, J. .. .. ■ ■ ■ ■ Hillsborough Spreydon Borough Council .. .. Spreydon Strachan, J. W. .. .. .. .. Kaiapoi Thornley, S. .. .. .. .. Waikari district .. power Woodworking Brickworks Road-roller General 111 20 6 6 8 12 and 21 .. I „ .. .. I Additional. llf .. .. Second class .. .. Late Wallace and Smith, Woolston. 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late J. Burns, Lyttelton. 6 and 10.. .. „ Size of cylinders amended. 6f and 11J . . „ Size of cylinders amended. Late Halswi Quarry Company, Halswell. 8| .. .. I „ .. I Late W. Moody, Woodend. 6J and 10J .. „ i Additional. Two 5J, two 6, two Second .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late John Vallance, Sefton. 5§ and 9.. .. „ | Late Ricearton Road Board, Riccarton. 6| and 11 .. „ Additional. 8 .... ,, j Late H. Mehrtens, Rangiora. 9 .. .. „ Late W. F. Parkinson, Kaituna. 6J and 10 „ Late James Bennett, Ashley. Todd Bros. .. .. .. .. Coutt's Island Threshing Hoisting 8 916 21 Union Steamship Company (Limited) .. Lyttelton Vallance, A. .. .. .. .. Sefton district Waimairi County Council .. .. • ■ I Papanui Watts, T. J. .. .. .. .. i Rakaia Whyte, James .. .. .. .. Oxford district Williams and Meares .. .. .. Christchurch district Young, James .. .. .. .. Sefton district Threshing only Road-roller General .. 8 7 8 6 8 9



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler nsed. Horse- I Purposes for which used. V™ * Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Xames of late Owners of transferred Boilers; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT. Andrews, M. Bennett, W. J. .. Bennison Bros. Campbell Bros. Campbell, P. Chapman, H. Chisnall, W. Church, A. E. Church, E. G. .. Clark, W. J. '.'. '.'. Coward, B. Crumb Bros. Davison, W. Donnithorne, F. J. Douglas, S. J. .. .. Pleasant Point .. i General .. .. 8 6| and 11 J Ashburton . . ,, .. .. 8 9 Tinwald .. .. „ .. .. 8 6J and 10J Totara Valley .. Threshing only .. 8 9 Hakataramea .. ' General .. .. 10 6f and 11 J Willowby .. Chaffcutting only .. 7 8 Hind's .. .. General .. " .. 8 6 and I0J Rakaia .. .. „ .. .. 8 9 .. „ .. .. 8 9 Ashburton .. | „ .. .. 9 6Jandll Levels .. .. „ .. .. 7 9 Hackthorne .. j „ .. .. 7 6 and 10.. Ashburton .. Brickmaking .. 16 6J and 11 Rakaia .. .. General .. .. 10 6| and 11J Temuka . . .. „ .. .. 8 9 8 9 .. Hauling .. .. 8 6f and 11 Timaru .. .. General .. .. 8 7| and 10 Waimate .. „ .. .. 8 6| and 11J Studholme Junction „ .. .. 6 8 „ .. .. 8 6| and 11J „ Threshing only .. 8 6} and 11 J Locomotive and traction i> >> >> Size of cylinders amended. Late Alexander Holmes, Rakaia. Late J. Burgess, Mayfield. Additional. Size of cylinders amended Late Chapman Bros., Willowby. Size of cylinders amended. Late M. Tully, Dorie. Late Ronald Campbell, Dromore. Late Thruch Bros., Ashburton. Late W. Hayman, Studholme Junction. Late J. Burgess, Mayfield. Size of cylinders amended. Second class Locomotive and traction Size of cylinder amended. Fibbes, A. Hawkins, Thomas, and Son Hayman, W. H. .. Hayman, W. Hearn, C. F. Hicks, George Johnston, A. Kellahan, William King, George Kingsbury, R. H... Kirk and Goddard Knox Bros. Ledingham, George Lyons Bros. McLachlan, John Rangitata Island .. ', General .. .. 8 6| and 10J Hunter .. .. „ .. .. 8 9 Fairview .. „ .. .. 8 6£ and 10| .. „ .. .. 8 64 and 11 Washdyke .. „ .. .. 7 7J Kyle .. .. „ .. .. 8 6i and 11 Saltwater Creek . . Brickmaking .. 8 9J Ashburton .. I General .. .. 8 6J and 10 Waimate .. | Threshing only .. 8 6£ and 10J Temuka .. .. Threshing .. „ Methven .. General .. .. 9 6J and 10 „ .. „ .. .. 8 6-| and 10J Geraldine .. „ .. .. 9 6f and 11J Additional. Late Fibbes and Clymer, Timaru. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinders amended ; late T. Washington, Temuka. Late Hearn and Stevens, Rangitata Island. Additional. Late A. Ivey, Fairview. Late Thomas Ward, Fairview. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Late A. S. Palmer, Washdyke. Size of cylinders amended. Late M. Andrews, Pleasant Point. Late W. Lyons and Son, Temuka. Additional. iy McLeod, Alexander McMillan, H. Murdoch, John Orr and Co., John Pelvin Bros. Preddy, J. Quinn, William Saunderson and Keefe Timaru .. .. Stone-crushing .. 8 9 .. Sawmill .. .. 25 10 Ashburton . . General . . .. 8 9 Glenavy .. .. „ .. .. 8 6f and 11J Temuka .. .. I „ .. .. 8 9 Makikihi .. j Brickmaking .. 20 8J and 13J Levels .. .. I General .. .. 8 9 Second class Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended ; late McLeod and Beattie, Geraldine. Late James Todd, Timaru. Additional. Late Armer, Orr, and Co., Ashburton. Size of cylinders amended. Late G. Preddy, Temuka. Late Robert Ross, Alexandra South. Late Campbell Bros., Totara Valley. First class Locomotive and traction



Scannell, J. M. Sharp and Wilson Stewart, Arthur Tate, George Timaru Milling Company Townley, W. Whyte and Litten Wills, W. J. Wilson, Thomas Albury St. Andrew's Rakaia Orton Timaru Geraldine Peel Forest Waimate Tinwald Threshing .. 8 9J General .. .. 8 6£ and 10| „ .. 8 9J .. i 6 7f Flour-mill .. 140 16 and 29 General .. .. 6 7J Hauling .. .. 8 9 General .. .. 8 9 8 6J and 10| ,, Size of cylinder amended. ,, Late South and Galletly, St. Andrew's. ,, Size of cylinder amended. „ Size of cylinder amended; late J. W. Bill Temuka. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ Late Thomas Prue, Waimate. ,, Size of cylinders amended. Barry, D. Gisborne HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Bull Bros. Butters, Hale, and Co. Gisborne Borough Council Gisborne Harbour Board Gisborne Laundry Company Holt, R., and Sons Kemp, C. H. Kotuku Oilfields Syndicate (Limited) Mills Bros. Napier Borough Council The Spit Napier Ormond Gisborne Hastings Taradale Dannevirke Hastings Napier Brewery .. .. 62 12 Hauling .. .. 7 6 and 10 .. „ .. .. 6 5| and 9 .. 5-ton crane .. 6 Two 7J .. Hauling .. .. 6 5J and 7| 14 Two 9 .. Laundry .. .. 21 i 8& Sawmill .. .. 40 22 Hauling .. .. 5 5J and 10 Steaming .. 21 10J Hauling .. .. 6 6| and 10J 6 6 and 10J Pumping water .. 100 20 and 40 .. I 40 21 and 42 Destructor .. I 58 10 Steaming .. | 42 Nil Threshing .. 6 6 J and IllHauling .. .. 6 6 and 10 .. Sawmill .. .. 39 12 Traction .. .. 5 Two 6 Freezing.. .. 107^1 8 and 22 1074 Traction .. .. ! 7 6 and 10 .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended; late Alpha Sa\* milling Company, Gisborne. Locomotive and traction Late Green Bros., Tikokino. ,, Late W. Walker, Rissington. „ Additional. „ Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. Additional. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Locomotive and traction Late W. S. Jones, Puketapu. Second class . . .. I Additional. Locomotive and traction Late Powdrell Bros., Hastings. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. j Second class .. .. Additional. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. „ Late A. G. Williams, Rissington. Second class .. .. Additional. Locomotive and traction ,, First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction | Additional. Napier Hospital Board Newrich, F. C. Ramlose Bros. .. .. Tiratu Sawmill Company Tokomaru Bay Harbour Board Tokomaru Sheep-farmers' Freezing Company.. Hastings Napier Mangatera Tokomaru Bay >> >> Williams, A. J. >> • ■ Rissington Bary, A. .. .. .. .. j Brownlee and Co. Bryant Bros. Christchurch Meat Company Tuamarina Blackball Pelorus Valley Picton MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Ham, R. Jermyn, J. Marlborough Timber Company Parkes Bros. Blenheim Awatere district .. Opouri Valley Blenheim district .. Brickworks .. i 18 10f and 4£ Sawmill .. .. I 40 Two 16 .. .. ■ 28 10i By-product plant .. 12 12* 12 12* General work .. 8 6| and 10J Traction-engine .. 6 5| and 9 .. Sawmill .. .. 73 17$ Traction-engine .. 7 6 and 10 .. Second class .. ... Size of cylinders amended. First class .. .. I „ „ Second class .. .. Additional. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Locomotive and traction : Late Smart Bros. Timber Company, Blenheim. .. J ,, i Late H. S. Jones, Blenheim. First class .. ... Size of cylinder amended. Locomotive and traction Late Smart Bros., Blenheim. * These boilers are driving one shaft.



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. I Where Boiler used. HorsePtoses for which used. P™« - Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of lato Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amendfd. NELSON NORTH DISTRICT. Jird, A. D. .. .. .". .. Whangamoa 3unn, R. .. .. .. .. Murchison 3urrin, F. S. .. .. .. .. Teal Valley idmondson Bros... .. .. .. Takaka .. Foster, John .. .. .. .. Motueka .. .. Sawmill .. .. i 12 "i Two 9* .. .. I 14 Two 9| .. .. J „ .. .. I 12 Two 8f .. .. I 14 Two 8J .. . . Pumping.. .. I 20 j 11£ .. Second class Additional. Late William Baigent, East Takaka. Additional. Late Fauchelle and Co., Takaka. Size of cylinder amended; late William Grant. Rockville. Additional. ■ Late William Grant, Rockville. Late W. Y. Grant, Bainham. Size of cylinders amended. Late Hutson and Co., Nelson. Late Satherly and Neiman, Appleby. Additional. Jrant, George .. .. .. .. Puraniahoi >rant, William .. .. .. .. ! Rockville ilewetson, Thomas .. .. .. j Upper Moutere Sleale, Thomas .. .. .. .. i Upper Tadmor Nfeiman, Charles H. .. .. .. j Waimeas .. Sfelson Steam Laundry Company .. .. j Nelson Puponga Coal Company .. .. .. Puponga .. Robertson Bros. .. .. .. ... Rai Valley ,, .. .. .. .. Nelson Sgglekow Bros. .. .. .. .. | Waimeas .. Stilwell and Co. .. .. .. .. I Motueka Punniciiffe, H. .. .. .. I Wangapeka /Vin Bros. .. .. .. .'. | Dovedale .. Dredging.. .. j 25 Two 12, two 5f, two 6 .. ! Sawmill .. .. j 18 10 .. I Planing and sawmill 40 9J .. j General work .. j 5 5J and 9J .. I Sawmill .. ... 20 .. i Traction-engine .. | 6 8 .. j Steam laundry .. i 20 7 .. J Steaming .. | 47 Two 18 .. .. I Locomotive .. 10 10 .. i Sash and door factory I 30 12f .. J Traction-engine .. 6 | 8 .. ! Sash and door factory 16 • 10 J . . j Sawmill .. ..' j 12 Two 8J .,. .. } Traction-engine .. I 6 8 First class Second-class Locomotive and traction Second class Locomotive and traction Second class First class Locomotive and traction Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Size of cylinder amended. . Late John Snowden, Brightwater. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Late J. W. Win, Dovedale. Locomotive and traction NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. First class and winding First class Second class Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinder amended. Late Carew and MeKenzie, Westport. Size of cylinders amended. iig River Gold-mining Company ... .. | Big River riowater and Bryan .. .. .. I Cape Foulwind ,, .. .. .. Westport Jarew, T. .. .. .. .. Nine-mile Road Consolidated Goldfieldsof New Zealand (Limited): Crushington " " : Globe"Hill „ „ Quartz Creek „ „ ,, Waiuta .. Lines, J. .. .. ... .. Buller Road fcKay, G. .. .. .. . . Cape Foulwind Murray Creek Gold-mining Company .. Murray Creek W., and Co. .. .. .. Westport Vestport Coal Company .. .. .. Coalbrookdale .. Mining .. .. 184 One 16, two 20 .. .. ; Sawmill . . .. 28 17J 23 Two 6 .. ... „ .. .. 30 14 .. j .. .. 24 9& .. ! Mining .. .. 60 12} and 20 ... „ .. .. 60 .. „ .. .. 50 Two 16, one 24, one .. ! Winding .. .. 85 Ditto .. I Mining .. .. 20 12 .. „ .. .. 56 j Four 14, two 7, one 16, one 4| .. „ .. .. 50 Ditto . . I Sawmill .. .. 20 8 and 12| .. j „ .. .. 30 Two 8 .. . . I Compressor .. 60 16 .. I Brewery .. .. 23 6 .. Mining .. .. 80 10, two 16, three 14, two 12, three 8, four 6 First class First class and winding Second class First class and winding Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. First class Second class First class Second class First class Late Smeaton Syndicate, Reefton. Late Bowater and Bryan, Westport. Additional. Late Gilberd and Sons, Wanganui. Size of cylinders amended.



Denniston 80 84 84 Ditto Three 16, six 8, four „ 7, three 6, two 5 Ditto .. ?, ■? ?r s» 84 84 84 Power-station .. 95 Westport Stockton Coal Company Ngakawau Two 12, two 17, two 8, two 26, 6, 51 Ditto 12J .. .. Second class 95 Mining .. .. 95 95 Sawmill . . .. I 12 Yellow Pine Timber Company .. Mokihinui Anderson and Montgomerie Ashley Downs OTAGO D 'ISTRICT. Late J. Bagrie, Clinton. Ballock, R. Beattie, David, jun. Bichan, G., and Co. Clinton district Tapanui district .. Otanoraomo Threshing and chaff- j 9 cutting only Threshing only .. 8 -.8 Flax-mill. . .. 20 I 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction 9 9 9 and 14.. . .• First class Additional. Late Robert Smith, Kelso. Late Lady Roxburgh Gold-dredging Compan; Dunedin. Size of cylinders amended. Late J. Hamilton, Palmerston South. Size of cylinders amended. Bishop, D. Brown, A. and R. Bruce Railway and Coal Company Bruce Woollen Mills Buchanan, W. Burt, A. and T. .. Carrodus and Poison Chambers, Robert Christie, H. F. .. Christie, T. B. .. Cross, R. L. Crown Milling Company Duncan and Co. Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Company No. 2 Hilderthorpe Blue Mountains Fortification Milton Beaumont district.. Dunedin Windsor Oamaru district Clydevale Clydevale district .. Kaihiku Dunedin Tapanui district .. Dunedin .. Earnscleugh Flat . . „ .. 20 Threshing .. 6 Sawmill .. . . 14 Hauling .. .. 56 Woollen-mills .. 16 General .. .. 8 Machine tools .. 30 30 General . . . . 6 Threshing .. 8 Chaflcutting .. 7 Threshing only .. 8 General .. .. 8 Flour-mill .. 40 Chaffcutting .. 7| Machine tools .. 72 Gold-dredge No. 2 16 7J . . . . Locomotive and traction 7 J and 11 J . . Second class Two 8f .. 9 and 14.. . . First class 6J and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Two 9, one 10, one 16 First class 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction 8J 9 9 and 24 .. First class 8 . . .. Locomotive and traction .. . . Second class and 14 . . First class and two second class „ .. Ditto 8 and 12f 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction 7 and 11 \ . . Second class .. ~\ and 14 .. First class and two second class Late Allandale Coal Company, Bushey. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Late T. D. Heenan, Greenfield. Late Heenan and Hardy, Greenfield. Late J. A. Main, Waiwera South. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Electric Gold-dredging Company No. 2 Geddes, W. J. .. Geddis, J. Gold and Scheelite Proprietary Company Golden Gate Gold-dredging Syndicate Cromwell Greenfield district Palmerston South Mount Highley Miller's Flat 16 Gold-dredge .. 20 Threshing .. 9 Threshing only .. 6 Quartz-crushing .. 16 Gold-dredge No. 2 20 Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Late W. and G. Donaldson, Macrae's Flat. Late Otago Gold-dredging Company No. '. Dunedin. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Hamilton Bros. Glenledi General .. .. 8 8 Gold-dredge .. 20 9J .. .. Locomotive and traction 6f- and 11| 8 and 12| .. First class and two second class 16 .. .. First class 16 Hartley and Riley Gold-dredging Company .. Cromwell.. Hogg and Co. Dunedin Sawmill .. .. 63 .. .. 63 Size of cylinder amended. ,, . . . . ~ .



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler nsed. HorsePurposes for which used. Power Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of I Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. I Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders I are now amended. OTAGO DISTRICT— continued. Hogg, John Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. Knewstubb, John Kyeburn Gold-dredging Syndicate Glenledi .. .. Flax- mill.. .. 12 j Two 8| Dunedin .. .. Chemicals .. 20 7 and 11 \ Port Chalmers .. Steaming .. 16 Two 7 Kyeburn .. Gold-dredge .. 36 9 and 14.. Balclutha district .. General . . . . 8 6j and 11 Tawamii .. Sawmill . . .. 16 Two 10 .. Glenledi district .. General .. .. 8 9 Benhar .. .. Brick and tile making 64 18 Glenledi . . .. General .. .. 7 8| Mosgiel .. .. Woollen- mills .. 82 18 and 33 Abbotsford .. Fellmongery .. 20 Nil Alexandra .. Hauling and pumping 20 Two 10, two 8 20 Clinton district .. General .. .. 6 8 Kaitangata .. Hauling .. .. 25 Two 26J .. „ ..25 „ „ ..20 „ „ ..70 „ „ ..23 „ , 40 „ .. Woodhaugh .. Paper-mills .. 30 One 10, two 11 Alexandra .. Gold-dredge .. 26 9 and 14.. Burnside.. .. Steaming.. .. 42 j Nil Second class .. .. j Late James Shiels, Dunedin. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. I Additional. First class .. .. Late Otago Gold-dredging Company No. 2, Dunedin. Locomotive and traction I Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. i Late T. Latta, Owaka. Locomotive and traction Late Hill and Frame, Herbert. First class .. .. i Size of cylinder amended. .. Locomotive and traction i Size of cylinder amended ■ late L Pearson Glenledi. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. Engine not now connected. .. Winding .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction Late Newson and Petrie, Clinton. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. First class and two seconds Late Island Basin Gold - dredging Company, Alexandra. Second class .. .. Additional. Leonard Bros. Lyders, H. MoGuigan, James.. McSkimming, P., and Son Milne, James, jun. Mosgiel Woollen Company Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. New Alexandra Coal Company Newson, B. W. New Zealand Coal and Oil Company New Zealand Paper Mills Nineteen - hundred - and - eleven Gold - dredging Company Otago Co-operative Tallow and By-products Company Otago Harbour Board Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Reid and Gray Ryan, Edmund Ryan, Martin Sime, A... Speirs and Gunn Dunedin .. .. Pile-driving .. 5| Two 9 .. •. Heating .. .. 56 9 „ .. .. Machine tools .. 166 9 and 16J Waitahuna district I Chaffcutting only .. 6 8 „ \ Threshing only .. 8 8f Waitati .. .. Sawmill .. .. 18 11 Warepa district .. i General .. .. 8 9 ..[„.. .. 6 7| Te Houka district .. | Chaffcutting .. 5 I 6 Palmerston South.. i Flour-mill .. 16 j 11 Dunback.. .. | General hauling .. 8 I 8J „ ■ ■ .. Size of cylinder amended. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction [ Additional » Late Ryan Bros., Waitahuna. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. .. Locomotive and traction j Late Newson, Petrie, and Gunn, Warepa. „ j Additional. Late W. Sutherland, Te Houka. Second class .. .. Late Graham Bros., Palmerston South. Locomotive and traction j Additional. Sutherland Bros. Watson, James Willcox, Olonza Aitken, George Allan Bros. Arcadian Gold-dredging Company SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Wendon Valley .. Chaffcutting .. 7 8 Pukerau district .. Threshing 8 9 Gore .. .. Gold-dredge .'. 140 7 and 11 J i Locomotive and traction Late John Aitken, Waikaia. » Late James McCartney, Gore. .. Three second class .. Late Lady Gordon Gold-dredging Company Waikaia.



9—H. 15a.

7 and 11 1 Late Kia Ora Revival Gold-dredging Company, Waikaia. Late H. Bloomfield, Kennington. Size of cylinders amended : late J. E. Watson and Co., Invercargill. Size of cylinders amended ; late Broad, Small. and Co., Invercargill. Late W. and A. Johnston, Waikaka Valley. Arnold, A. .. .. .. .. Kennington „ .. .. .. .. West Plains Flax-mill.. 12 J 14 ! Two 9J .. Two 8J .. Second class Aspray, John .. .. .. .. „ 12 7 and 13$. First class Ballock Bros. .. .. .. .. Riversdale district.. Threshing and chaffcutting only Ditto .. ' Sawmill Flax-mill.. Threshing only Hauling .. .. j Quartz-crushing . . j Pumping and winding Chaffcutting only .. Threshing only .. I Hauling and pumping! 8 8 8 20 20 16 16 ! 16 6 8 20 9 Locomotive and traction Ballock,R. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. "„ '.'. Beauchop and Co. .. .. .. Otautau Bichan, C. .. .. .. .. Mataura Bray Bros. .. .. .. .. Gore Cairnmuir Coal Company .. .. .. Bannockburn Carrick Gold-mining Company .. . . Carrick Charles, Edward .. .. .. .. Waikaka Valley .. Crane and Palmer .. .. .. Woodlands Crawford, B. .. .. .. .. Mataura district .. Cromwell and Bannockburn Collieries Company Bannockburn 9 9 Two 10 .. 10f 9 Two 8 .. 8 and 12|Two 7J .. 9 10 Second class Locomotive and traction Second class First class Second class Locomotive and traction Additional. Late Southland Timber Company, Waikouro. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Cromwell Gold-dredging Syndicate .. .. „ Crooks, John .. .. .. .. Thornbury district Edwards and party .. .. .. Charlton Creek Egerton, W. A. .. .. .. .. Caroline Ferry Syndicate .. .. .. .. Lowburn Gold-dredge Chaffcutting Gold-dredge Flax-mill.. Gold-dredge 20 7 16 14 20 8 and 13.. 6| and 11J 6J and 11J 8 and 13.. Second class First class Locomotive and traction Two second class Second class First class and two second class Second class Locomotive and traction Late W. Jones, Waikaka Valley. Additional. Late H. Tressider, Waimumu. Size of cylinder amended; late Lowburn Golddredging Company, Lowburn. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late Central Charlton Gold-dredging Company, Gore. Late Sutherland and Co., Longbush. Size of cylinders amended; late Punt Golddredging Company, Lowburn. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinder amended ; late William Reed, jun., Nightcaps. Additional. Late Hamilton and Grant, Rakiura. Additional. Late J. L. Wilson, Waianawa. Late Wright, Stephenson and Co., Invercargill. Late Printz Bros., Orepuki. Field and Thomson .. .. .. j Tokonui Gorge French, Walter .. .. .. .. j Waikaka district .. Garvie Bros. .. .. .. .. i Mabel Bush Sawmill Threshing Chaffcutting only .. 14 8 8 Two 8| 9 8 Graham, Thomas A. .. .. .. Gore district Grant Bros. .. .. .. .. j Lime Hills Hamilton, James .. .. .. Winton Hamilton and Co. .. .. .. Tuatapere Hogg, Mrs. C. .. .. .. .. j Orepuki .. :. Threshing General Pressing straw Sawmill Threshing and chaffcutting only Pumping.. Hauling Flax-mill.. Sawmill Fellmongery 8 8 9 7 20 8 14 8 20 27 20 9 9 9 6i Two 10 .. 9 Second class Locomotive and traction Hueklebridge, R. T. .. .. .. Pabia Invercargill Borough Council .. .. Otatara Jarvis and Fosbender .. .. .. New River Kilkelly Bros. .. .. .. .. Spar Bush Kingsland Bros, and Anderson (Limited) .. West Plains Two 8J .. Two 7J .. Two 10 .. Two 12 .. 7Jandll Second class Locomotive and traction Second class First class Second class Late Pahia Sluicing Company (Limited), Pahia. Late McCallum and Co., Longbush. Additional., Knowles, W. .. .. .. .. Gore District Lindsay, John .. .. .. .. ' Drummond district Lynch, G. .. .. .. .- Balfour .. Mclntyre, John .. .. .. .. Orepuki .. McKenzie Bros. .. .. .. .. Benmore McLeary and Sinclair .. .. .. Menzie's Ferry Dist. McRobie and Tressider .. .. .. Mataura Threshing General Hauling and pumping Sawmill Flax-mill.. Chaffcutting 8 8 17 30 14 6 6 9 9 Four 6 .. Two 12f .. Two 8£ .. 7J 7 Locomotive and traction »» • • Second class First class Second class Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended; late Waimumu Gold-dredging Company, Gore. Late H. Ewan, Dipton. Late A. W. Lindsay, Drummond. Late Lee and party, Waikaka Valley. Size of cylinders amended. Late Kilkelly Bros., Grove Bush. Late P. McDonald, Dipton. Additional.



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- ! Purposes lor which used. P°™ ™L° <Xj£" ° f Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. SOUTHLAN D DIS CRICT— continued. Marshall, E. ■ - , .. Mataura Idle 14 7 and 11 J .. I Second class 9 .. Two 11 .. .. i First class 9 .. .. ' Locomotive and traction 4£ and 7 .. Two 9| .. .. j Second class 8 .. .. ! Locomotive and traction 8 and 13 .. .. { First class and two second class Two 10 .. .. ; Second class 15J .. .. j First class 15i .. .. ! Two 1\ .. . . Second class 7 and 11 J . . Three second class Late Marshall's Freehold Gold-dredging Company, Mataura. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late F. J. Saunders, South Hillend. Additional. Mataura Dairy Factory Melvin, J. Miles, A. .. .. Miller, James .. .. .. .. j Moffett Estate Company Murray and Craig Nelson, Hugh .. .. .. Tokonui South Hillend Waikaka Six-mile Waikaka district .. Adams Flat Cheese -factory Sawmill Threshing and hauling Coal-mine Sawmill Threshing Gold-dredging 31 20 8 6 28 6 32 Late D. W. Maslin, Waikaka. 1 Late Mystery Flat Gold-dredging Company, Waikaia. Late A. and D. McPherson, Scott's Gap. Size of cylinder amended. New Zealand Beech Company New Zealand Pine Company Scott's Gap Bush siding Colac Makarewa Waikaka Valley .. Sawmill .. 20 28 30 25 16 ,, O'Kane, H. .." .'.' .'.' '.'. Patterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Company, No. 1 Brickworks Gold-dredge Late T. E. Hodgkinson, Makarewa. Size of cylinders amended; Late Waikaka Syndicate No. 1 Gold-dredging Company, Waikaka Valley. Size of cylinders amended ; late A. Cain, Waikaia. Size of cylinders amended. Late F. J. Saunders, South Hillend. Late D. Scott, Hokonui. Late Duke of Gordon Gold-dredging Company, Waikaia. Size of cylinders amended ; late Southland Sand Brick Company, Grassmere. Late J. F. Butler, Winton. Size of cylinders amended. Ramsay Bros. Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company Saunders, J. Scott, J. Smith and Aitken .. .. .. j ■ Chatton Lowburn South Hillend Hokonui district .. Waikaka Valley Hauling on incline Gold-dredge Threshing, &c. General Gold-dredge 12 38 6 6 20 Two 7 .. .. ! Winding 9 and 14 .. .. First and two second class 1\ .. .. : Locomotive and traction 9 and 13 .. First and two second class Smith, William, and Co. Invercargill Woodworking 44 8J and 14 .. First class Southland Farmers' Co-op. Association (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat Company Winton Makarewa Idle Steaming-digesters and pumping Sawmill 6 50 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction One 4, one 6, one 6 Second class Southland Sawmilling Company Papatotara 32 Two 11 .. .. First class Size of cylinders amended ; late Jarvis, Ross, and Co., Invereargill. Late C. Bradley, Owaka. Late Southland Frozen Meat Company, Wallacetown. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. I Southland Soap Works .. .. .. Wallacetown Soapworks 13 35 Two 8J .. .. Second class 10 Speeden, Adam Todd, T., and Sons Waikaka United Gold-dredging Company Gore West Plains Little Waikaka Woodworking Pipeworks No. 2 Gold-dredge.. 14 52 30 8J and 10 ... 12 and 21 .. First class 8 \ and 17 .. : One first and two second class 9 and 14 .. .. Ditto 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction 7 Wallace County Council .. .. Weatherburn, Thomas .. .. Wallace Mataura No. 3 Gold-dredge.. General Threshing and chaffcutting only General .. .. i 36 7 Additional. Late George Clark, Edendale. Williams, J. and R. .. .. Drummond district 9 9 .. .. i Late P. McDonald, Lumsden.



TARA1 NAKI MSTRICT. Andrews, H. and L. H. .. .. .. Okato district Bonithon Freehold Petroleum Company Ex- Taranaki tended (Limited) Brown, Henry, and Co. .. .. .. Inglewood Castlecliff Railway Company .. .. Wanganui Clare, F. .. .. .. .. Waitara district .. Coastal Transport Company .. .. New Plymouth Derby Bros. .. .. .. .. j Stratford Edgar, H. .. .. .. .. j Hawera district Egmont County Council .. .. .. j Opunake Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company .. Eltham Eltham County Council .. .. ■ • Eltham district Johnston Bros. .. .. .. .. I Waitara district .. Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company .. : Rowan Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company .. : Kaupokonui Little and Co. .. .. " .. .. Sentry Hill Lowgarth Co-operative Dairy Company . . Lowgarth McCluggage and Co. .. .. .. Pohokura Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company .. Matapau „ „ .. Mangatoki Mitchell and Co. (Limited).. .. .. Wanganui Nathan, Joseph , , and Co. .. .. .. Okoia New Plymouth Borough Council .. In district New Zealand Casein Company .. .. Aramoho Norris and Son .. .. .. .. Patea Oturi Co-operative Dairy Company .. .. Waverley Patea Farmers' Meat Freezing Company .. Patea Quin Bros. .. .. .. .. Hawera Spiral Steel Pipe Company .. .. Wanganui Stratford Borough Council.. .. .. Stratford Stratford County Council .. .. .. ,, .. Syme, George .. .. .. .. Hawera Symons, T. O. .. .. .. .. New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Oil Wells (Limited) .. Moturoa Threshing and chaffcutting only Oil-boring Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Chaffcutting Road-roller Creamery Road-roller Hauling Cheese-factory Dairy factory General work Cheese-factory Sawmill Cheese -factory Central factory Steaming Butter-factory Hauling Casein-factory Brickworks Cheese-factory Steaming Joinery work Hauling Steel-pipe works .. Road-roller Joinery-works Hauling Oil-boring plant .. 5-6 30 30 19 7 5 5 15 6 7 ! 20 6 6 i 3-8 I 20 ; 6 20 20 21 j 30 20 17 ! 6 17 22 ■ 15|j 24 20 16 73 5 37 5 25 5 and 8|-.. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. I Second class .. .. ,, 15 J .. .. i First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Two 10 .. .. ! Locomotive and traction Additional. 8§ .. .. [ „ Late C. H. Johnston, Waitara. 4 and 6 J. . .. j „ .. | Size of cylinders amended. Late A. Hatrick and Co., Wanganui. „ .. „ .. Size of cylinders amended. 13§ .. .. j Second class .. .. j Additional. 8 .. .. j Locomotive and traction ; Late Edgar and Pease, Hawera. 5 and 8J.. .. „ .. Size of cylinders amended. 7} .. .. I Second class .. .. j Additional. 5J and 9J .. | Locomotive and traction j Size of cylinders amended. ,, I Additional. 4J and 7J ■ .. 9 .. .. ! Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. 8 .. .. j „ .. .. Additional. 5J and 9J .. ■ Locomotive and traction j Late John Thorn, New Plymouth. 8 .. .. J Second class .. .. j Additional. 13J .. .. i ,, .. .. Late Derby Bros., Stratford. 8 .. .. I „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. 12 .. .. j 6 .. .. j „ .. .. Additional. 8 .. .. i ,, .. .. Late J. Buchanan, Okoia. of and 9.. .. | Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. 9 .. . J Second class .. .. Additional. 10J .. .j „ .. .. Late McKenna and Matthews, Patea. 7 .. .. I „ .. . . Additional. 9 .. .. „ .. .. I 12 and 24 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Two 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Two 12 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 5J and 8.. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 5$ and 8|12 .. .. Second class .. .. „ 5J and 8J .. Locomotive and traction Late Cameron and Brooking, Stratford. Two 7f .. .. Second class .. .. [ Size of cylinders amended. Late Taranaki Petroleum Company, New Plymouth. 7 and 11.. .. „ .. .. j Late Taranaki Petroleum Company, New Plymouth. 7|, 8£, 9 J, and 22.. First class . .. .. Additional. " I " " 12 Taranaki Oil Lands Acquisition and Develop- Taranaki ment Company (Limited) Ditto Waimate County Council .. .. .. Manaia .. Waitotara County Council .. .. .. Waitotara district.. Whenuakura Co-operative Dairy Company .. Whenuakura Wills, W. .. .. .... Wanganui Refining oil Oil-boring plant Road-roller Cheese-factory Laundry 40 40 40 29 5 6 22 17 • • 10J .. .. Second class 13| , .. .J 5 and 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. 6 and 10.. .. ,, Additional. 10 .. .. Second clasp ... .. „



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued

of Ownec. Where Boiler used. J Purposes for which used. P™~ "^ * I Boiler, j Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Barnes of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. WEL] JNGTO »N DISTRICT. Baigent Bros. Bartholomew, P. .. Blackball Coal Company Booth, William, and Co. Brogden, J. C. Chapman, William, and Co. Cook, T... Craw Bros. Daniell, C. E. Easson Limited Gardner and Yeoman Gear Meat Company Greytown Dairy Company Hausmann, C. Herman and Weger Hutt County Council MeLachlan Bros. Minton, S. P, Nbrling, J. E. .. . Akatarawa .. . Sawmill .. .. j Weraroa .. .. I „ .. I Hulk " Blaekwall " j Hoisting coal .. j Carterton .. j Sawmill .. .. j Masterton .. \ Threshing, &c. Martinborough .. j Chaficutting Petone .. .. j Cooperage Tokomaru .. Flax-mill.. Masterton .. j Sawmill .. Wellington .. j Cooperage „ .. ! Sawmill .. Makuri .. .,. „ Petone .. .. j Hauling .. Greytown .. j Dairy-factory Kakara .. .. . Ploughing Paha Valley .. j Oil-works Lower Hutt .. | Hauling .. Kuripuni.. .. i Sawmill .. .. ! Carterton .. ! ChafEcutting .. i Alfredton .. j „ 14 40 18 40 6 8 33 12 25 28 60 20 28 20 10 40 6 16 4 Two 8J .. 10f Four 6J, one 7 iii 8 6| and 101 5| and 9, 4f and 7| 7 and 10| 11 12 Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late McHattie and Brogden, Masterton. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinder amended. Late Wellington Cooperage and Box Factor Company, Wellington. Late Prouse Bros., Wellington. Size of cylinders amended. Two 12J .. 11 and 8J Two 8| .. 6 7 and 11J First class Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Locomotive and traction Second class Loco.motive and traction Additional. Late B. R. Raynor, Landsdowne. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late A. McLeod, Opaki. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late Norling an( Read, Pleekville. Late Ross and Redshaw, Makerua. Late T. H. Whitehead, Makerua. Late Strand Bros., Akatarawa. Two 7| .. Two 91 .. 6 and 9|.. 4| and 6J Ora Flax-milling Company.. Riverhead Sawmilling Company Seifert, George Te Opakete (Limited) Union Steamship Company (Limited) Wellington City Council Makerua .. .. | Flax-mill.. .. ! Upper Hutt .. \ Log-hauling . .■ j ,, .. ! Sawmill .. .. I Tokomaru .. I Flax-mill.. Kereru .. .. „ Evans Bay .. | Laundry .. Hulk " Aiawata ".. j Hoisting coal Wellington .. j Electric light 25 12 15 16 47 20 32 21 350 ! 130 : 100 ! loo I 107 64 64 30 72 72 7-5 50 84 56 65 22 10 7 and 11.. Two 81 .. 10f 8J and 16 10 Nil 6 and 7 .. 131, 19J, and 28 .. 15 and 30 Second class First class Second class Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinder amended. Engine not now connected. Size of cylinders amended. Second class First class ■ • ,, • • Wellington Farmers' Meat Company Wellington Gas Company Waingawa .. Freezing .. Wellington .. Gas-making Miramar .. .. Steaming.. 11 and 22 8 and 111 121 and 20 5 and 8 .. Nil Nil Two 71 .. 10 and 15 81 and 141 Second class SJ ,, Engine not now connected. Wellington Laundry Wellington Meat Export Company .. Wellington .. Laundry Ngahauranga .. Steaming.. Locomotive and traction First class Additional. Late W. Naismith and Co., Wellington. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. ,, Wellington Woollen Company Whiteman, H. F. and J. . . Petone .. .. Woollen-mills Akatarawa .. Sawmill .. 171 and 35 12 Second class Late Greenwood and Whiteman, Akatarawa.



WELLINGTi >N NORTH DISTRICT. Broadbelt, A. Easton", F. S. Edwards, R. G. .. Eggleton, William Frederick, August Gaisford, E. C. .. Gibbs and Nimmo Ohakune.. Feilding .. Piaka Marton district Bunnythorpe district Marton district Westward Ho Foxton .. Log-hauling Sawmill Box-factory Flax-mill.. General 17 I Two 8 .. . . Second class .. ... Additional. 37 15 .. .. First class .. .. „ 40 12 .. .. I Second class .. 20 8J and 13f .. j First class .. .. Late A. and L. Seifert and Co., Shannon. 6 8 .. .. I Locomotive and traction Late August Frederick, Marton. 6 8 .. .. J „ Additional. 6 6 and 10 .. .. I „ I Late Parsons and Cockburn, Stanway. 7 .... „ [ Additional. 16 Two 9 .. .. j Second class 12 7 and 12.. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 36 .. „ .. .. Additional. 25 J Nil 6 I 5 and 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction ,, 32 i 6, 9, and 16 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 6 6 and 10.. .. . Locomotive and traction ,, „ 50 8 and 13.. ... First class .. .. Additional. 26 J 10f .. .. : Second class .. .. Late Coley Bros., Foxton. 7 ' 8J .. ... Locomotive and traction Late W. J. M. Harvey, Marton. 17 , 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. 25 I 9 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. 20J| Nil .. .. „ .. .. ! Additional. 36 I 14J .. .. „ .. 14 J Two 8J .. .. „ .. .. J 20 i 8 .. .. I ,, .. .. i Size of cylinder amended. Farm-work Flax-mill.. Jensen and Co. Kairanga Dairy Company Lowe, F. F. Manawatu Roller Flour Mills Morris Bros. New Zealand Powell Wood Process (Limited).. Ora Flax-milling Company Phillips, W. J. .. Prentice, J. Rata Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ross, William, and Son (Limited) .. Silver Pine Timber Company (Limited) .. j Spiers and Gibbs .. .. .. Taihape Co-operative Dairy Company .. ! Raetihi Kairanga.. Feilding district .. Palmerston North.. Marton district Rangataua Moutoa Sanson district Palmerston North. . Rata Foxton Ohakune Foxton Ohutu .. Steaming.. Dairy factory General Flour-mill General Wood-preserving .. Flax-mill General Brickworks Dairy factory Steaming Sawmill Steaming:. Butter-factory Butler Bros. Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Dobson Stone Syndicate Erickson, George, and Son Frying Pan Gold-dredging Company Gilbert and Murphy Ruatapu Waiutu WESTI USTD DISTRICT. Greymouth Borough Council Greymouth Harbour Board Lake Brunner Oil Company Long and Daly Dobson Orwell Creek Cronadun Cape Terrace Greymouth Kotuku Blackball Hauling Mining Stone-crushing Sawmill .. Gold-dredge .. ; Sawmill .. Fire-engine .. j Hauling .. .. j Oil-boring Sawmill 14 Two 8 .. .. I Locomotive and traction Late Stratford and Blair, Greymouth. 48 Four 14, one 16, two | First class and winding .. Size of cylinders amended. 7, one 4J 20 8 and 12f .. First class .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Second class .. .. j Additional. 25 8 and 12 J .. First class .. .. Late Hessey and Cameron, Reef ton. 32 18 .. .. „ .. .. I Late Flowery Creek Sawmilling Company, Stafford. 7 Three 7 .. .. Second class .. .. I Additional. 22 Two 10 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ 19 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Lake Kotuku Oil Syndicate, Kotuku. 16 Two 9J .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended; late New Zealand Stove-pipe Company, Hokitika. 43 16 .. .. Exempt .. .. Size of cylinder amended 36 Two 10J .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 16 Two 8 .. Second class .. .. Late Butler Bros., Ruatapu. 2J 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 28 Two 71 .... 16 Two 9J .. . . Second class .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. 30 I 14 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended ; late Robertson and party, Ross. 35 17 .. .. First class .. .. Late Manson and Co., Te Kinga. 60 Two 12i .. 6 6 and 10.. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ New Zealand Government (State Coal-mines).. Ogilvie and Co. Stewart, A. A. Stratford and Blair Extension State Collieries Gladstone Coal Creek Kaimata Hukarere Mikonui Compressor Mining Hauler Hauling Stuart and Chapman Sawmill Te Kinga Land and Timber Company Cashmere Bay Te Kinga .... . •• Hauling .. • •I



Approximate Cost of Paper.- — Preparation, not given ; printing (1,950 copies), £65. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1913. Price Is. 6d.}

No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. f °^ 1 ex Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. WESTL DIS r 'RICT— continued. Try Again Gold-dredging Company .. Nelson Creek Gold-dredge 20 8 and 12| Two 10 .. 6i and lOf 8J- and 12| . . i First class Second class Locomotive and traction First class Late New Trafalgar Gold-dredging Company. Nelson Creek. Late Kumara-Kapitea Sawmilling Company. Greymouth. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Waimea Sawmilling Company Awatuna.. Sawmill .. 20 Wilandt, G. Workshop Gold-dredging Company .. Kanieri .. Antonio's Creek Hauling .. Gold-dredge 6 30

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INSPECTION OF MACHINERY (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT) FOR 1912-13., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT) FOR 1912-13. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT) FOR 1912-13. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-15a

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