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Presented to both Houses of the General Assemhh/ pursuant to Section 18 of the Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910.

In accordance with section 18 of the Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910, 1 have the honour to present herewith report of the Superintendent, Workers' Dwellings, on the work done under the Act for the year ending 31st March, 1913. W. F. Massey, Minister of Labour. Sir,— 19th May, 1913. I have the honour to report on the working of the Workers' Dwellings Act during the year ending 31st March, 1913. Probably the principal feature of the operation of the Act during the year has been the decision of the Government to extend its benefits to farming and other employees in the country districts, for whom it is proposed to purchase or set apart suitable blocks of land to be subdivided into sections of about 5 acres each upon which to erect workers' dwellings. It is expected that the workers resident thereon will be enabled to carry out farming in a small way on their own account, in addition to performing their ordinary duties as employees in the respective districts. In this way continuity of employment should be ensured to them, while at the same time they will be more regularly available for the somewhat intermittent work on which they are now engaged. Iv response to this decision several blocks of land have been offered for the purpose of workers' dwellings, but as it is of the utmost importance that close inquiries lie made as to the actual needs of the workers concerned for such workers' dwellings in the respective localities, and also as to their ability to carry out the responsibilities that would be entailed upon them by the Act, negotiations have not yet in any case been quite completed. When these steps have been taken no doubt arrangements will be made without further delay for the purchase of suitable blocks of land, and the erection of dwellings thereon will then be proceeded with. The decision of the Government some two years ago, as outlined in the 1911 Report on Workers' Dwellings, to extend the operations of the Act from the four main centres to the smaller towns has proved successful, as during the past year land has been purchased or set apart and thirtyseven dwellings have been erected in such towns, while arrangements are also well in hand for the erection of fourteen dwellings at Greymouth and twelve at Invercargill. With regard to the four centres, six dwellings have been erected in Christchurch, thirty-six are in course of erection in Auckland, and two are in course of erection in Dunedin. Following upon notices sent to the tenants and lessees of the 126 dwellings erected under the previous Act (of 1905), thirty-four of the occupants have availed themselves of the opportunity to purchase their dwellings under the scale set out in the 1910 Act. The land purchased or set apart for workers' dwellings during the year comprised the following : — Crown land set apart : Ngaruawahia (eleven sections), Waitara (twelve sections), and Westport (5 acres). Land purchased: Island Bay, Wellington (two sections); Nelson (fourteen sections); Cobden, Greymouth (twenty sections); North Richmond, Christchurch (seven sections); T.imaru (ten sections); Seaward Bush, Invercargill (sixteen sections). Land is being purchased at Stratford, Te Puke, Masterton, Frankton, and Gisborne while negotiations for the purchase of land are pending at Eltham, Hawera, Manaia, Wanganui Wairoa, Hastings, Wellington, Lyttelton, Willowbridge (Waimate), Ashburton, Oamaru, and Balclutha.

I—H. 11b.



The land now available for new dwellings is located as follows: Auckland (Ellerslie and Otahuhu); Ngaruawahia; Huntly; Rangataua; Napier (Awatoto and West Shore); Waitara; Wanganui (Gonville); Palmerston North (Terrace End); Levin; Wellington (Island Bay, Taitville, Johnsonville, and Petone); Blenheim; Nelson; Westport; Greymouth (Cobden); Christchurch (North Richmond); Timaru; Temuka; Dunedin (Mornington and Ravensbourne); and Invercargill (Seaward Bush). Six or more applications are awaiting hearing at Auckland, Te Puke, Hamilton, Tolaga Bay, Gisborne, Napier, Hastings, Wellington, Picton, Nelson, Christchurch, and Timaru. At the beginning of the year 1911—12 the collection of all rentals and payments for workers' dwellings was placed in the hands of the Public Trustee, and there is no doubt that an improvement has resulted from this arrangement. In the former year (1910-11) the percentage of rents collected was approximately 88, while during the subsequent two years the percentage has been 90 in 1911-12 and 94 in 1912—13. It is anticipated that this percentage will be further increased as the remaining dwellings that are let on weekly and monthly tenancies are disposed of under the purchase system prescribed by the Act of 1910. Owing to the difference in the designs chosen by applicants "in the various towns, it has been found impossible at this stage to prepare a table showing fully the comparative cost of erection of buildings in each district; but in a year or two, when considerably more dwellings of similar design have been constructed, a very interesting comparative table will probably be compiled by the Department on this matter. The following table (marked A), however, gives a fair idea of the comparative cost of erection in five out of the seven towns in which dwellings have been built. The two most popular designs have been selected — viz., No. 11, of four rooms, and No. 7, of five rooms —and the prices given exclude drainage, fencing, artificial lighting, and administration expenses (2J per cent.). It will be seen that the cheapest town in which to build is Christchurch, whilst the largest expense is contracted in Wellington and Palmerston North. It has thus, so far, been found quite as expensive to build in the smaller towns as in the four centres, although, as the land is considerably cheaper in the former, the capital value is slightly less and the instalments payable are appreciably reduced (see Table C). The table marked B compares the prices charged to purchasers of the sections in the various towns. The amounts shown include all charges for the expenditure incurred in preparing the land for the erection of dwellings thereon, for roading, &c.

Table A. —Comparing the Average Cost of Erection of Dwellings built to Designs 7 and 11 in some of the Towns where Dwellings have been constructed under the Act.

Table B. —Showing (1) the Average Area, in various Towns, of Sections on which Dwellings have been erected under the act; (2) the average Price per Section charged to Purchasers of Same; and (3) the Average Price charged per Acre (for Purposes of Comparison).

Average Cost of ing Drainage, 1 Lighting, and Ai Dwelling (exchidFencing, Artificial dministration. District. Plan 11 (Four Rooms). Plan 7 (Five Rooms). Luck'and Vellington Jhristchurch .. 'almerston North 'emuka •# £ 312 345 300 318 £ 345 380 331 374 367

(1-) (2.) (3.) Name of Town. Locality. Average Area of Sections. Average Price per Section charged to Purchasers. Average Price charged per Acre (for Purposes of Comparison). Auckland Ellerslie (5 miles from G.P.O.) and Otahuhu (9 miles) Gonville (2 miles) and Wanganui East (2 miles) Terrace End (2 miles) Island Bay (3-| miles) Sydenham (2 miles) and Addington (3 miles) North (2 miles) East (2 miles) R. p. 1 4'95 £ 137 £ 488 Wanganui 0 33 74 359 Palmerston North Wellington Christchurch .. 0 35 0 15-4 0 38-5 75 103 78 343 1,070 324 Timaru Temuka 0 27 2 0 56 75 332: ;• 150



Table C. —Showing the Average Weekly Amounts payable by the Purchasers of Four-and Five-roomed Dwellings (Different Designs) erected under the Act.

RETURNS. (Made pursuant to section 18 of the Act.) (a.) The Moneys expended during the Preceding Financial Year in acquiring Land under the Act, in preparing the Same for Workers' Dwellings, and in erecting such Dwellings. £ s. d. Amount expended in acquiring land for workers' dwellings ... 7,837 16 3 Amount expended in preparing land for workers' dwellings ... 536 6 0 ' Amount expended in erecting dwellings <.. ... ... 38,269 1 2 Amount expended in administration and travelling... ... 256 6 9 Total ... ... ... ... ... £46,899 10 2 (b.) The Number of Dwellings erected during the Year, and Number disposed of. The number of dwellings erected ... ... ... ... ... 102* The number of dwellings disposed of ... ... ... ... 102 * A return was published in last year's report giving full particulars of fifty-nine of these dwellings, and has not been repeated in the appended returns.

(c.) The Weekly or other Payments contracted for, the Amount of such Payments received and the Amount of Arrears outstanding.

2—H. 11b.

Name of Tow: Average Instalment/ (including Fire Rates or Maintena s payable per Week Insurance but not mce). Name of Town. Four Rooms. Five Rooms. Auckland Wellington Christchurch Wanganui Palmerston North Timaru Temuka s. d. 13 9 14 5 12 2 13 4 12 7 12 4 12 2 s. d. 15 3 15 11 13 9 14 6 14 2 13 4 13 2 Average for all towns . . 13 0 14 4

The Weekly or other Payments contracted for. The Amount of ' m , . Weekly or other Tll f A Am ° u "< Payments of Arrears received. outstanding. District. i Auckland — Eccleston Settlement Lawry Settlement Wanganui— Willis Settlement! Ballanee Settlement! Palmerston N. —Loughnan Settlement Wellington — Derwent Street Settlement Christchurch — Camelot Settlement Walker Settlement Timaru — Craigie Settlement Temuka — Buxton Settlement I £ s. d. 170 3 9 459 1 9 Nil Nil 80 12 11 1,374 10 9 349 9 11 93 17 6 109 3 10 57 2 4 £ s. d. 149 18 8 417 1 9 Nil Nil 80 12 11 1,354 19 4 332 17 8 93 17 6 76 6 0 47 13 11 £ s. d. 20 5 1 42 0 0 Nil Nil Nil 19 11 5 16 12 3 Nil 32 17 10 9 8 5 Totals 2,694 2 9 2,694 2 9 2,553 7 9 *140 15 0 * £85 4s. 8d. has since been paid. f Willie and BaUanee Se ett ittlements were com 1 tli lements were co ileted just at the ei id of the year.



Return showing (1) the Total Number of Dwellings erected under the Original Act of 1905 to the Date of the coming into Operation of the Act of 1910; (2) the Amount of Rentals and Payments received during the Year ending 31st March, 1913; and (3) the Amount of Arrears outstanding in the Several Settlements as at that Date.

Return of Dwellings erected for Purchasers at Willis Settlement, Wanganui East, and Ballance Settlement, Gonville, Wanganui, during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

District and Settlement. (1.) (2.) (3.) Total Rentals and Pay- Rents outstand . Number of ments received . „ . „-,. t, ,,. , . -.? ,. ing as at 31st Dwellings during Year ending M ° , ,„,„ erected. i 31st March, 1913. I Marcn ' iyld ' £ s. d. 160 18 3 £ s. d. 1 11 2 Auckland — Eccleston Settlement 5 Lawry Settlement 30 977 3 2 101 7 10 Wellington-— Heretaunga Settlement 28 755 7 10 58 2 1 Coromandel Street Settlement 12 444 7 2 22 2 11 Christchurch —Camelot Settlement 24 653 1 9 26 13 6 Walker Settlement .. 7 206 2 10 27 3 0 Dunedin — Windle Settlement * ' ': 20 561 0 2 55 15 6 Totals 126 3,758 1 2 *292 16 (I * £129 19s. 9d. has since been paid.

Occupation of Purohas Occupation of Purohaser. er. Area of ] Fron Area. Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. a p w -a. Land and g&oQ Cost per ntage. p3 -g § j Living-room Value of ■*» j| (inclusive of Section. h -g fS "§ Conveniences, jg| « Fencing, Frontage. | « fr"g &c -)- Value of Section. t\ Annual Total Cost Instalments of (including Building Fire and Insurance Incidentals. but not Rates). Willis Settlement. Plasterer Tailor Labourer Plumber Printer Bricklayer B. P. .. 0 26 .. 0 26 .. 0 26 .. 0 26 . . 0 26 .. 0 26 Ft. in. £ s. d. | j £ s. d. 53 8 82 0 0 5 88 9 3 53 8 82 0 0 4 100 5 10 53 8 82 0 0 5 88 4 1 53 8 ' 82 0 0 5 87 17 7 53 8 i 82 0 0 5 88 I 6 53 8 1 82 0 0 5 I 87 17 9 £ s. d. I £ s. d. 441 17 0 38 5 4 401 3 3 S 35 3 11 441 0 5 I 38 3 7 439 7 10 i 38 1 11 440 7 4 t 38 3 3 439 7 10 ! 38 1 11 Ballanee Settlement. Tramways motorman Railway employee Wharf labourer Labourer Labourer Gardener Carpenter i .. 0 39-2 .. 0 39-1 .. 0 36-3 .. 0 38-4 .. 0 38-4 .. 0 38-4 .. 0 38-4 49 6 | 65 10 0 I 4 I 99 18 2 50 3 I 65 10 0 5 87 4 I 55 3 I 65 10 0 5 88 11 9 49 6 72 0 0 5 88 7 0 49 6 72 0 0 4 I 101 10 2 49 6 72 0 0 5 86 17 8 49 6 65 0 0 5 87 4 1 399 12 9 33 18 8 436 0 3 36 13 6 442 18 7 37 3 9 441 15 0 37 1] 2 406 0 7 34 19 8 434 8 5 37 3 0 436 0 3 36 12 10


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Craigie Settlement, Timaru. 9 dwellings; 4 and 5 rooms. Rents range from 12s. 4d. to 14s. 3d. per week.


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Ballance Settlement, Gonville, Wanganui. 7 dwellings; 5 rooms. Rents range from 12s. 11d. to 14s. 1d. per week.


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Loughnan Settlement, Palmerston North. 6 dwellings; 4 and 5 rooms. Rents range from 12s. 1d. to 14s. 2d. per week.


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Buxton Settlement, Temuka. 9 dwellings; 4 and 5 rooms. Rents range from 1st. 9d. to 13s. 6d. per week

Willis Settlement, Wanganui East. 6 dwellings; 4 and 5 rooms. Rents range from 13s. 6d. to 14s. 9d. per week.



Return of Dwellings erected for Purchasers at Loughnan Settlement, Terrace End, Palmerston North, during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

Return of Dwellings erected for Purchasers at Walker Settlement, Addington, Christchurch, during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

Return of Dwellings erected for Purchasers at Craigie Settlement, Timaru, during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

Area of Land and Frontage. Occupation of Purchaser. Area. Frontage, § m o 9 Cost per P3 "S 5 3 Living-room Value of *»Jj (inclusive of Section. -g tt Conveniences, %£ „« Fencing, Annual Total Cost Instalments of (including Building Fire and Insurance Incidentals. but not Rates). E. p. ; Ft. in. oiner .. .. 0 35-3 240 9| Jarter .. .. 0 35-6 66 0 .labourer .. . . 0 35-6 66 0 j iignalman, N.Z.R. .. 0 35-6 66 0 ' fireman, N.Z.R. .. 0 35-6 66 0 krdener .. .. 0 35-6 66 0 j £ s. d. £ s. d. 90 0 0 4 100 18 6 75 0 0 4 92 5 0 75 0 0 5 ; 86 6 1 75 0 0 4 89 8 7 75 0 0 4 94 3 7 75 0 0 4 ; 89 13 9 £ s. d. 413 14 0 369 0 0 431 10 6 357 14 6 376 14 3 358 15 0 £ s. d. 36 4 3 32 0 7 36 13 10 31 3 9 32 12 3 31 4 8

Occupation of Purchaser. i Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. 1 Value of Section. ' 1 "a 8 J 2 If 1 ° ost P er ! Total Cost 3 o Living-room : f "Sell (delusive of BnMm |£* Conveniences, aml II rW TT g ' Incidentals. Annual Instalments (including Fire Insurance but not Rates). Painter Coachbuilder .. Timber yardman Publisher's assistant Presser Driver E. p. „- 0 34-8 .. 0 34-8 .. 1 00-0 .. I 1 00-0 .. 1 00-0 .. 1 00-0 Ft. it). 39 5 39 5 155 11 61 1 53 2 118 6 £ s. d. 67 12 0 67 12 0 82 10 0 77 15 0 77 15 0 77 15 0 4 5 4 4 4 3 £ s. d. 98 0 0 87 13 5 97 4 2 98 2 11 96 5 5 95 16 4 £ s. (I. 392 0 0 ! 438 7 0 388 16 6 ! 392 11 6 385 1 8 287 9 0 £ s. d. 33 6 4 36 16 5 33 18 2 26 9 0 33 9 9 26 3 0

Occupation of Purchaser. Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. Value of Section. f as .s& I a s p 1^ 3 * -2 5 Cost per Living-room (inolusive of Conveniences, Fencing, &c). Total Cost of Building and Incidentals. Annual Instalments (including Fire Insurance but not Rates). Wharf labourer Dlerk Baker Darter 3ptician Bootmaker Housewife Plumber leweller B. P. 0 25-3 0 18-8 0 20-6 0 23-4 1 5-1 0 22-6 0 26-2 0 30-2 0 34-8 Ft. 169 48 48 197 64 52 52 52 54 in. 0 0 0 0 9 2 2 2 5 £ s. ( 60 0 53 0 57 0 64 0 70 0 46 0 48 0 52 0 55 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 £ s. (I. 94 17 8 82 17 10 83 16 11 88 1.2 10 78 14 5 81 19 10 85 17 8 83 2.1 84 6 9 £ s. d. 379 10 8 414 9 3 419 4 6 443 4 3 393 12 0 409 19 0 429 8 6 415 10 6 421 13 9 £ s. d. 31 18 9 34 4 2 35 2 2 36 17 8 33 11 7 33 7 5 34 19 9 34 4 3 34 17 1



Return of Dwellings erected for Purchasers at Buxton Settlement, Temuka, during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given; printing (1,700 copies, including illustrations), £19.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3.

Price 6d:]

Oooupation of Purchaser. Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. Value of Section. a "3 1^. OOP? ots o a \fv*. hh O H OJ15 <H ffi ID 2 I 3 o o S Cost per Living-roon (inclusive of Conveniences, Fencing, &e.). Total Cost of Building and Incidentals. Annual Instalments (including Fire Insurance but not Rates). Labourer Painter Labourer Labourer Labourer Flax-dresser Labourer Painter Butcher B. P. 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 Ft. 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 in. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ s. d. 64 0 0 64 0 0 68 0 0 72 0 0 76 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 84 0 0 84 0 0 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 £ s. d. 89 11 8 77 11 10 81 15 10 j 79 0 6 86 13 7 82 0 0 89 9 6 97 17 9 80 3 1 £ s. d. 358 6 10 387 19 3 408 19 3 395 2 9 346 14 2 410 0 0 358 6 10 391 11 0 400 15 6 £ s. d. 30 5 11 32 9 6 34 6 9 33 11 8 30 5 6 35 5 0 31 8 9 34 3 0 34 16 10 J. Lomas, Su /erinti /ndent.

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Bibliographic details

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON). BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-11b

Word Count

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON). BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-11b

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON). BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-11b

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