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Session 11. 1912. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington, 27th June, 1912. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Geo. Lacrenson, Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. His Excellency the Right Hon. Baron Islington, Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand.

The Chief Inspector of Machinep.y to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection op Machinery Department. Inspection of Machinery Department, Sir, — Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, 7th May, 1912. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1912. During the year nothing has occurred to mar the smooth working of the Department. No loss of life or limb has been reported with boilers during the year, and at the end of a year this is a very gratifying statement to be able to make. I heartily congratulate the various Inspectors on their year's work, on the zeal they have displayed, and on the means they have adopted to ensure public safety against accident with steam machinery. In reading over the British Board of Trade's latest available returns as recorded in that body's reports on Preliminary Inquiries under the Boiler Explosions Acts, I find the total number of explosions during the year 1909-10 was 103. As a result of these explosions 14 persons were killed and 62 were injured, making a total of 76 casualties. There is no doubt that compulsory inspection tends to diminish the dangers attendant on the working of all vessels carrying steam under pressure. The owners themselves are alive to this fact also, for they seldom object to make the timely repairs asked for by the Inspectors at their annual inspections. Owing to the great increase in the use of machinery in many ways to save labour in manufactures, ire, throughout the Dominion, the present staff is quite inadequate to cope with the inspecting of it, and in the near future it will be necessary to increase the number of Inspectors and Surveyors. It is illegal to work such plants without a certificate. Every year several hundreds of new boilers, machinery, and ships are added to our books, and as the Dominion grows the increase will be proportionately greater. Very few prosecutions have been made during the year. In most cases the prosecutions have been for' working boilers without having the prescribed certificated engine-driver in charge. Several accidents have occurred to persons who were attending to moving machinery, but it is impossible to entirely eliminate these. The surveys of steamships that were due for survey have all been dealt with and completed during the year, excepting in cases where extensions have been given to vessels near the close of the year. Several extensive repairs to steamships have been made with the autogenous welding and cutting-out process during the year. When the work had to be done in a confined space this process has proved of the greatest value as a time-saver, and also in diminishing the cost of repairs where such work had formerly to be done by hand-labour. In building up wasted parts of boilers and in welding fractured parts it has been used with great advantage. During the year there has been a large amount of general repairs done to both steamships and sailing-vessels which has called for close supervision by the staff. • The passing of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, which received the Royal assent last year, necessitated the surveying of a great number of additional sailing-vessels and

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oil-launches throughout the Dominion. In many cases long distances had to be traversed to get to the place where the vessels could be surveyed. The necessity for such legislation, was apparent in many cases where the structures of some of the ships dealt with had wasted ,to such' an extent as to make them unsafe. The appliances for the safe navigation of the vessels and for life-saving were often found defective and insufficient. This new work has occupied the whole time of one Surveyor of Ships, and the work was not quite complete at the end of the financial year. I met a great many of the engineers and steamship-owners during the year in different parts of the Dominion. The engineering trade generally has been busier this year than last year. This applies more particularly to the South Island. Shipbuilding has been fairly busy in Auckland and Dunedin, and most of the vessels that have been turned out do credit to the Dominion. Shipping interests will always, from our insular position, be of paramount importance. The recent additions to steamers engaged in the intercolonial trade would do credit to any country, and afford ample comfort to the traveller. The enterprise of the shipping companies is to be commended in bringing out such vessels to trade in these waters. The Examiners of marine engineers, land engineers, land-engine drivers, and electric-tram drivers have had a busy time during the year, the official examination of electric motormen in New Zealand having been undertaken by the officers of this Department this year for the first time. Boilers inspected. The number of boilers inspected and for which certificates were issued during the year total 5,968. This section of the Department's work is still in arrears. Each year adds to the number of boilers that have to be dealt with, and the country to be traversed to get to them also covers a wider area. The weather-conditions have not been so favourable this year, and this made a considerable difference in some of the country districts where the roads are not properly formed and metalled. All the machinery driven by these boilers was also attended to and inspected. The plans of new boilers submitted for the Department's ruling as to pressure, design, and scantlings total 498. These were all carefully examined before a decision as to the safe workingpressure to be granted was arrived at. The whole of the details were arranged amicably between the Department and the owner. The plan of deciding before construction as to the pressure to be granted seems to have met a want, for it secures uniformity of construction throughout the Dominion. Government Boilers and Machinery. Most of the Government boilers and machinery at their works and institutions have been inspected during the year. The total inspections made were 128, and consist of 84 boilers, 14 lifts, 16 oil-engines, 9 gas-engines, and 5 electric motors. Certificates were issued in each case, and repairs were carried out where necessary. Defects of Boilers and Fittings. A great many defects were found both in boilers and in their fittings. The total defects found numbered j ,006. Of this number 50 were very dangerous. Return No. 2 gives a complete list of the defects discovered. New Boilers. The new boilers inspected during the year numbered 498, with a total horse-power of 6,441|. Of this number 313, of 3,232| total horse-power, were made in the Dominion. During the year the percentage of imported boilers is greater than was the case during the previous year. This I consider a great loss to the Dominion and to those firms who have installed hydraulic and other appliances for dealing expeditiously with this class of manufactured goods, and who can turn out work that compares favourably with any imported boilers. The following table shows the number and horse-power of the new boilers, and the districts to which they have gone : —

Loc ial. Imported. To! Gal. District. Number. Horsepower. »-»-1 f:z: Number. Horsepower. • Auckland ... Auckland South Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington North Wellington . . Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Canterbury South Otago Southland ... 41 26 22 23 38 38 7 3 6 11 34 4 27 33 556} 338} 130 3124 505* 262f 108J 8| 34 180} 262 17 277} 239* 53 12 9 13 6 19 3 6 6 17 7 11 23 1,483 83 65J 80 43} 3274 18 1564 98 1454 121 2004 387 94 38 31 36 44 57 7 6 12 17 51 11 38 56 2,039} 421} 1954 392J 548} 590} 1084 264 1904 278} 4074 138 478} 6264 Totals ... 313 3,232} 185 3,208} 498 6,4414



Gas-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery, Lifts, and Machinery Inspections. The total number of inspections made during the year of this class of machinery was 6,702. The number of gas-engines inspected was 1,413, of oil-engines 2,283, of lifts and motors (which include water and electric motors) 2,962. and also 44 steam-machinery inspections. Fencing of Machinery. A good deal of guarding of machinery has been done to lesson the risk to those who work at or near it. Return No. 4 gives full particulars of the guarding done. Examination of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. These examinations have been held at the stated times and places as set out in the printed regulations. In order to save candidates time and expense special examinations were held in other centres when the Inspectors were making inspections in the country districts. The places at which examinations were held were —Auckland,* Blenheim,* Christchurch,* Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Hawera, Invercargill,* Kaponga, Kowiti, Manakau, Mangarakau, Masterton, Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth, Oamaru, Palmerston North,* Patea, Puponga, Shannon, Timaru,* Waitara, Wanganui,* and Wellington.* For the extra, first-class engineers' certificate II sat, 6 of whom passed; 110 sat for the first-class engine-drivers' certificate, 44 of whom passed; 243 sat for the second-class engine-drivers' certificate, and 160 passed; 243 sat for the locomotive and traction engine drivers' certificate, and 193 of these passed; 14 sat for the winding-engine drivers' certificate, of whom 11 passed. The total number of candidates who sat for examination was 621. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants who held certificates from other States as follows : New South Wales, 1; Queensland, 1; Tasmania, 1; Transvaal, 1; Western Australia, 1 : total, 5. Returns Nos. 7 to 13 give full particulars of those who passed these examinations, together with the different grades and classes of examination. Examination of Electric-tram Drivers. For the first time in New Zealand examinations were held during the year to test the qualifications of the drivers of electric-tram cars. The engineers connected with the different tramway systems assisted the Department materially in placing cars at the disposal of the examiners when required so that the drivers' knowledge could be put to a practical test. Circular instructions were issued from the Head Office with respect to the examinations, and a large number of questions suitable for the testing of the driver's knowledge in matters connected with his duties as a motorman were sent to each examiner at centres where the examinations were held. Regulations governing the conduct of these examinations were gazetted on the 20th July, 1911. Examinations were held at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Wanganui, and Wellington. 148 candidates presented themselves for examination. These examinations will now be held periodically. A service certificate was issued to each person who, not later than the 24th December, 1911, applied for one and produced evidence to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that he was, for a period of not less than one year at any time before the passing of the Tramways Amendment Act, 1910, employed as a motorman and had not been subsequentlydismissed for misconduct. Returns Nos. 14 and 15 give full particulars of those to whom service certificates were issued and those who passed the examination for competency certificates. Tin; Board of Examiners. The Board sat for the conduct of business connected with examinations, &c, on nine occasions. An addition was made to the Board by appointing Mr. E. Parry, B.Sc, A.M.1.C.E., M.1.E.E., Electrical Engineer of the Public Works Department, as a member when dealing with electrictram drivers' certificates. The date of his appointment was the 6th August, 1911. Accidents. A number of accidents have been reported to the Department to those who have been working in connection with machinery in motion. A large number of the accidents have been in the woodworking industries. Nearly all the machines run at a high speed, and those who work them are liable to accident unless they exercise great care. In nearly every case the fingers are affected. A great deal of attention has been given to the protection of this and other classes of machinery in motion, but such protection, without due care by the employee, does not eliminate all the danger. No boiler accident with loss of life or injury to any attendant has been recorded during the year, and the high standard and rigid methods adopted by the officers of the Department in making their inspections must tend to lessen the risks with boilers which are now used at very high pressures. The owners do not place any obstacles in the way of an Inspector carrying out his duties, and they materially assist the Department by getting their plants clean and cool for the Inspector's visit. Returns Nos. 5 and 6 give full particulars of each reported accident. Postal and Police Departments. The Police and Postal Departments have rendered signal service to this Department in many ways. The number of certificates that are issued to machinery-owners through the Postal Depart-

* Plaoes at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



ment has increased enormously of late years, owing to so many more machinery prime movers being used. The police, on being notified by this Department that a machinery-owner has not taken up his certificate, do their best to secure the lifting of the certificate by the owner. In some cases the assistance of the police has been secured in connection with prosecutions for breaches of the Act. Examination of Marine Engineers. Examinations for marine engineers were held at Auckland,* Alexandra,* Balclutha, Christchurch,* Cromweli,* Dunedin,* Eketahuna, Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Havelock, Invercargill,* Karamea, Kawakawa, Napier,* Nelson,* Paeroa, Palmerston North,* Pongaroa, Timaru,* Waihi, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport, and Whangarei. When possible, candidates were examined at other times and places than those set out in the printed regulations, but it is almost impossible now to accede to the many requests made in this direction, as the staff cannot spare the time for the additional work. The candidates have ample time to make up their minds as to when and where to sit for examination, as the dates of examinations at the various centres are given in the regulations. At some of the centres more than a week in a month is taken up with the ordinary examination-work before all the candidates are put through. The number of candidates who sat this year total 245 :of these, 53 failed. The different classes for which the candidates sat were as follows : First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, thirdclass marine engineer, river engineer, first-class engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, second-class engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, and restricted-limits engineer of auxiliary-powered vessels. The fees for these examinations amounted to £214. Return No. 16 gives the names of the successful candidates, the various grades for which they passed, the total number of applicants, fees payable, and the number of candidates who failed to pass such examinations. Explosives. During the year, at the Port of Wellington, 264 permits were issued for the carriage of explosives on passenger and non-passenger ships. Annual Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. . The work in connection with the annual survey of vessels has been well maintained during the year. As a ship gets older greater care has to be exercised in dealing with scantlings that may have become reduced through corrosion or decay. So far, the officers of the Department are to be congratulated on the judgment they 7 have shown in dealing witli ship-survey work, for during the year no ship has been detained through a faulty survey. Several new vessels have been built in New Zealand during the year, and these have been duly inspected throughout the whole period of construction. Plans and detailed specifications were submitted in each case, and were approved of before the construction of the vessels was authorized. Forty-nine of the vessels surveyed were fitted with new propeller-shafts, seventeen had new propellers fitted, eight had new engines fitted, two had new cylinders fitted, and one had a new boiler installed. For some time past now propeller-shafts have been withdrawn every two years for examination, and the number which are found to be defective shows that this procedure is a very necessary one. No objection is now made to this being done by shipowners. It is much better to find the flaw in a shaft when the vessel is in dock than to have to search for a steamer that may have had the misfortune to break her propeller-shaft in mid-ocean. The total number of surveys made during the year total 613. The fees for these surveys amounted to £2,091. The usual special excursion trips were run during the year, and without, any mishap. The intercolonial ships had to have additional accommodation provided to cope with the passenger traffic on many of the weekly trips run. The whole of the extra berthing, ventilation, lighting, and equipments were duly inspected, before the vessels were permitted to sail, by the Surveyors of the Department. Return No. 17 gives the total number of steamers and of auxiliary-powered vessels surveyed by the Surveyors of the Department during the year. It also gives the names and registered tonnage of each vessel, the nominal horse-power and indicated horse-power of steam-vessels, the brake horse-power of auxiliary-powered vessels, and the nature of machinery and propeller. The following is a brief description of the work involved in some of the most important surveys made during the year : — S.s. "Admiral." —This vessel had the following repairs'made to the hull: Two new deckbeams were fitted aft; two new horn timbers were fitted under the deck-beams aft, extending from inner stern-post right aft. These timbers were ironbark, 6 in. by 7 in. by 12 ft. long. Eleven new stanchions for the stern bulwarks were fitted, and the bulwarks and railings were renewed. 120 ft. of deck-planking, 4 in. by 2i in., were renewed on the after-deck, and also 20 ft. of the coveringboard, 12 in. by 3 in. About twenty sheets of Muntz-metal were put on the hull. To the engines a new mild-steel block was fitted to the h.p. link motion. To the boiler some caulking in the combustion-chambers and shell was necessary. Of the steering-gear chains, the defective portion was renewed and the remainder annealed. S.s. " Aorangi." —This is a passenger-steamer engaged in the foreign-going trade, and was surveyed in New Zealand for the first time last year. She received a general overhaul. A new M.P. crank-pin and piece of shafting were fitted to the main engines. Several stays and their nuts were renewed in the main boilers. All auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working steam-pressure. The watertight doors were made workable, and new

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



rubber joints and bolts were fitted to some of them. Some air-tanks for lifeboats were repaired, and thirty-six new patent sheaves were fitted to boat's tackles. The mizzen-mast was taken out and the defective portion in way of tops was cut out, 12 ft. of new mast put in, and the mast converted into a pole mast S.s. " Aotea," of Kaipara. —The hull of this vessel has been thoroughly strengthened, and there is now no vibration of the hull when vessel is under way. The hull-planking under the covering-board on each side was removed, and a 10 in. by 4 !n - steel-plate longitudinal stringer was fitted for the full length on both sides of hull. New timber was fitted over the stringers and bolted with through bolts to the frames of the vessel. All fittings inside the vessel were removed, and twelve angle-iron bars, 3 in. by 3 in. by fg in., were fitted diagonally from under the deck, down the sides of the vessel, and bolted to the sister keelsons. Four plate brackets were fitted vertically on the outside of the vessel to underneath the skeleton keel, which supports a bare stern-post carrying the outer end of the tail-shaft. The tail-shaft was drawn, a new brass liner fitted, and the stern bush rewooded. S.s. " Arapawa." —No. I hatch of this steamer was removed and the foremast put 8 ft. further forward. No. 2 hatch was lengthened to 20 ft. 6 in. Three large gusset-stays were fitted to each side of the vessel in lieu of stanchions. The coamings of the new length of the hatch were made thicker than those in the old part, and were stiffened with angle irons to compensate for the larger opening in the deck. A sketch of the alterations to be made were submitted to the Department and approved of before the contract for the work was let. P.s. " Clutha." —The steel hull, engines, and boiler of this vessel were built last year in Dunedin under the supervision of the Department's Surveyors. The vessel is engaged carryingpassengers and cargo on the Clutha River. Her tonnage is 173 gross and 95 register, and the length, breadth, and depth are 107 ft., 26 ft., and 5 ft. 3 in. respectively. The vessel is propelled by two stern paddle-wheels driven by two sets of compound surface-condensing engines, with cylinders 12 in. and 24 in. diameter and 33 in. stroke. Steam is supplied by a locomotive boiler fitted with a superheater, at a working-pressure of 1601b. per square inch. The boiler-barrel is 5 ft. 3 in. diameter, and there are 146 tubes, 2|in. diameter by 8 ft. 9 in. long. The firebox is 6 ft. 3| in. long by 4 ft. 9 in. wide inside. The paddle-wheels are of the feathering type, and are 10 ft. diameter over all. S.s. " Energy." —The hull, engines, and boiler of this vessel received a thorough overhaul. To the hull new bulwarks and coamings were fitted, and a new skylight to the engine-room. A new lamp-locker and deck-house were built. A complete new rudder was fitted. In the engineroom, pistons, pumps, &c, were overhauled, and new crossheads and guides and a new l.p. slidevalve supplied. All plain tubes and combustion-chamber crown stays, fifteen space-stays, the patch in furnace and combustion-chamber, all water-gauge mountings and test-cocks, and the funnel were renewed. S.s. " Fire Float," of Auckland. —A new set of compound surface-condensing engines was fitted to this vessel. The cylinder-diameters are 9 in. and 18 in., with a stroke of 10 in. New main and auxiliary steam-pipes were fitted, and tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working steam-pressure. S.s. " Flora." —Extensive alterations and repairs were made to this vessel, which has now been converted from a passenger to a cargo vessel. A new h.p. valve and a new tail-shaft and propeller-blades were fitted to the engines. Several patches and stay-nuts in the main boilers were renewed. The donkey boiler was put ashore. A deck-house was renewed. Three extra hatches and five new winches were fitted. The masts were shortened and moved aft 8 ft. Sixteen new stanchions were fitted in the 'tween decks, and one new mooring-pipe and sheathing-plates fitted in way of same. Thirty of the ports were closed up in the ship's side. The passenger accommodation was converted into hold space.. The deck was repaired under the donkey boiler, and also the bulwarks in way of Nos. 3 and 4 hatches; 30 ft. of new bulwarks were fitted in way of Nos. 1 and 2 hatches, and some of the rivets were renewed in the hull. S.s. " Hauiti." —This vessel, which is of wood, was built in Auckland for the passenger and cargo trade. The plans of the hull were submitted for approval and passed before the construction was begun. The principal dimensions of the vessel are —Tonnage, 147 gross and 82 register; length, 100 ft,; breadth, 20 ft.; depth, 7 ft. 6 in. The propelling machinery consists of one set of compound surface-condensing engines of 230 i.h.p., supplied with steam from a marine multitubular boiler. The passenger accommodation consists of a dining-saloon and ladies' cabin in the after-part of the vessel. The vessel may carry 28 passengers at sea, and 242 and 439 passengers in partially smooth and smooth water limits respectively. S.s. " Hawera." —This vessel, which is also of wood, was built in Auckland for the Patea Shipping Company. Plans and specifications of the hull were submitted to the Department and approved before the construction of the vessel was commenced. The hull is built on the diagonal principle, and is insulated. The keel, keelsons, stem, stern-post, engine, and boiler-beds, &c, are of ironbark. All the planking and decks are of kauri. The tonnage is 174 gross and 92 register. The length is 108 ft., breadth 20 ft., depth Oft. 4 in. The main engines consist of one set, compound surface-condensing, with cylinders 12 in. and 28 in. diameters by 18 in. stroke. They were made in Auckland. The main boiler is 9 ft. 9 in. diameter by 9 ft. long, with a working-pressure of 1301b. per square inch, and was built in Glasgow. The "Hawera" is principally employed carrying general cargo and produce. S.s. " John."— This is a steel screw vessel built in 1898 at Dundee, and has been bought by a New Zealand owner for the coastal cargo trade. The vessel was surveyed for the first time in New Zealand this year. The principal dimensions are—Length, 125 ft,; breadth, 25 ft. 3 in.; depth, 9 ft. 9 in. Tonnage — Gross, 342; register, 111. The engines are compound surfacecondensing; diameters of cylinders, 15 in. and 32 in.; length of stroke, 24 in. ; boiler pressure, 1301b. per square inch.



S.s. " Kanieri."- -The plating under the engine and boiler space, running into the fore and after holds, was renewed; 24ft. of the keel-plate was renewed, and also, on the starboard side, 24 ft. A strake, 32 ft. 4 in. B strake, 46 ft, C strake; and on the port side, 30 ft. 6 in. A strake and 12 ft. B strake renewed. A spare tail-shaft and a new stern-bush were fitted. The main steampipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. Tubes were removed from condenser, and the condenser was cleaned out. The engines and boiler received a general overhaul. S.s. " Karma." —This is a new cargo-steamer built at Leith, Scotland, for New Zealand owners. The tonnage is 1,948 gross and 1,049 register, and the dimensions are —Length, 272vl ft.; breadth, 4T2 ft.; depth of hold, 179 ft. The propelling machinery consists of one set of triple-expansion surface-condensing engines, with cylinders 21 in., 34 in., and 56 in. diameters by 36 in. stroke, and two Scotch marine boilers working at a pressure of 180 lb. per square inch. The vessel was surveyed in September last. S.s. " Lauderdale." —Built in Scotland for New Zealand owners, this vessel was surveyed for the first time in 1911. The length of the vessel is 22935 ft., beam 35\85 ft., depth of hold 156 ft. The tonnage is 1,214 gross and 719 register. The propelling machinery consists of one set of tripleexpansion engines, having cylinders 18 in,, in., and 45 in. diameters by 33 in. length of stroke, worked from two multitubular boilers, lift. Sin. diameter by 10ft. 6in. long, working at a pressure of 180 lb. per square inch. This vessel is engaged carrying cargo in the foreign trade. S.s. " Mararoa." —The repairs to this vessel consisted of four new intercostals in No. 4 ballasttank and two sheathing-plates, 10 ft. by 2 ft. by § in., and eight smaller patches, fitted on top of tank. The main boilers received a thorough overhaul. In the forward port boiler twenty-eight combustion-chamber stays and one longitudinal stay-nut were renewed. In the forward starboard boiler thirty-two combustion-chamber stays were renewed. In the after starboard boiler 143 plain tubes were renewed, and all cracks at junction of tube-plate and furnace were welded and reriveted. Twenty-two rivets were renewed on the side of combustion-chamber, one small patch was renewed on the top of furnace, and sixteen permanent stoppers were renewed. In the after port boiler 113 plain tubes were renewed, some cracks welded and joint reriveted, some side stays in combustionchambers renewed, and thirteen permanent stoppers fitted. The main engines and auxiliaries were also put in good order. S.s. " Moa."— -Under the boiler of this vessel five new frames have been fitted, and new sides put in bottom half of port and starboard bunkers. In the boiler one tube was renewed, a patch was put on the back of the combustion-chamber, and several rivets were renewed. A new funnel was fitted. To the main engines a new tail-shaft and propeller were fitted, and a new Lignum Vitse bush was fitted to the stern-tube. The shafting was lined up and the engines put into thorough working-order. S.s. " Mokoia." —This vessel received a good overhaul to hull, boilers, and machinery. One plate, 24 ft. by 2 ft. by § in., was fitted on deck in alleyways over stokehold and bunker, and the stringer on the port side of stokehold was repaired. All plain tubes and three combustionchamber stays were renewed in the forward boiler; three plain tubes and five combustion-chamber stays were renewed in the after port boiler. Seven plain tubes were renewed in the after starboard boiler. A new cover was fitted to the h.p. cylinder, and new metal put on l.p. guide-shoe, top half of h.p. eccentric straps, and bottom half of No. 6 main bearing. The tunnel shafting was lined up. All auxiliaries were also overhauled, S.s. " Monowai." —The hull of this vessel was repaired under the main boilers, where twentytwo intercostals and 24 ft. of keelson on each side were renewed. Six floors were sheathed, each with plates 7ft. by 2ft. by fin. The hull in way of ash-chute was sheathed with two plates, one 6 ft. by 3 ft, by |in and one 3 ft. square by \ in. In the boiler several cracked rivet-holes were repaired with the autogenous welding process, and several stays and nuts were renewed. In the centre furnaces of the starboard boiler and port boilers the bottom parts of the tube-plates were renewed, and forty-three tubes were renewed in the port furnace of the starboard boiler. S.s. " Moturoa." —The pressure of the boiler of this vessel had been reduced 201b. per square inch owing to the tail-shaft being corroded. At last survey a new end was welded on the tailshaft, and the stern-bush was relined. In the boiler all patches on the bottom were taken off, and two new ones were fitted extending over the wasted portion. A compensating-ring was fitted round the mudhole opening, and a new mud-door fitted. Part of the bottom of the combustion-chamber was renewed, and the patch on the back end of the furnace at bottom and the lower part of back plate was cut out and a new. patch put on. Twelve new screwed stays have been put in combustionchamber, three new bar stays in steam-space, six new stay-tubes and twelve new ordinary tubes have also been put in. The shaft and boiler are in good repair now, and the safety-valves of the boiler have been set to blow off at an increase in pressure of 101b. S.s. " Muritai " (" Karaka "). —This new steamer, the first to be built in Wellington for some years, is owned by the Wellington Harbour Ferries Company (Limited). The hull, which is of wood, has a length of 77 ft. 6 in. by 15 ft. 6 in. beam, and is built on the bent-frame principle. The keel, keelsons, stem, stern, and rudder-posts are of ironbark timber; kauri has been used for the bottom planking and the main deck, and Oregon pine has been used for the top planking. The beams are of blue-gum timber. The tonnage is 43 gross and 10 register. The vessel is propelled by one set of compound surface-condensing engines and one cylindrical return-tube boiler, working at a pressure of 1601b. per square inch, and which have been made in England. The vessel is engaged carrying passengers and towing in Wellington Harbour. S.s. " O'pouri." —-This vessel was specially built for the requirements of the New Zealand coastal cargo and timber trade by a Paisley firm for New Zealand owners. The " Opouri " is a steel single-screw steamer of 571 tons gross and 218 tons net register, her dimensions being — length, 170 ft.; beam, 27 ft,; depth of hold, 12 ft. 6 in.; and her deadweight carrying-capacity is 65o'tons on a mean loaded draught of 11 ft. 9 in. The vessel has one set of triple-expansion



engines, cylinders 15 in., 25J in., and 41 in. diameters by 30 in. stroke, supplied with steam from two marine multitubular boilers, 11 ft. diameter by 10 ft. 6 in. long, at a pressure of 1801b. per square inch. S.s. " Pateena." —The engines of this vessel received a good overhaul. The condenser-tubes were drawn and cleaned, and twenty-three new tubes and 700 new ferrules were fitted. Some patches were put in the starboard boiler, new main check-valves were fitted to both boilers, and the water-gauge mountings overhauled and defective cocks renewed. Under the main boilers sheathing-plates were fitted on six intercostals. Sheathing-plates and angle-iron stiffeners were riveted to bunkers; 64 square feet of sheathing-plate was put on the watertight bulkhead at the after end of the forehold. Some repairs were made to the steering-gear, and the rudder was lifted J in. A new funnel was also fitted. S.s. "Plucky." —The main boiler of this vessel was repaired by cutting out and renewing the bottoms of both combustion-chambers and both back plates from above the first row of screwed stays. The bulwarks-plating on the port bow of hull in the way of hawse-pipe was renewed. S.s. " Regains." —When an examination was made of the hull of this vessel at the annual survey it was found that a number of the rivets were loose. The majority of them were under the fore part of the hull, and a number were scattered over the bottom. The number of new rivets put in was 1,140. Other repairs made include a joggled strap fitted over landing between A and B strakes on the starboard side of the hull at the fore end of No. 1 tank, 22 ft. long, and one on the port side in the same position, 20 ft. long. One joggled butt strap was fitted on the keel-plate under the fore end of No. 1 tank, and one on the port side on A strake. In the engineroom a new water-chest was fitted to the general donkey-pump, and new main injection-valves and seats were fitted. The propeller-shafts were drawn and examined, and the propeller-brackets rebushed. O.e.v. " Saxon." —This vessel was formerly the schooner " Saxon," and went ashore off Mahurangi Heads in September, 1911. She was refloated and taken to Auckland, where she was on the slip for five months undergoing extensive repairs. It is doubtful if the vessel has been in better order than at present except when she was new. The most important repairs and alterations include several new timbers and planks to hull, nearly the whole of the lining-boards renewed, hull refastened, recaulked, and coppered on the bottom with new sheets. New galvanized steelplate rudder, steel gudgeons, steering-chains, and blocks were fitted. Other renewals include the hatch-coamings, hatches, chain-plates for rigging, wooden lining in forecastle, cabin, and engineroom aft, deck-house over cabin, stem tube and sea-cock, step-blocks to keelson for both masts, one set of oil-engines with three cylinders, 8 in. diameter by 10 in. stroke, brake horse-power 50. The decks have been caulked and pitched. The windlass was overhauled, and suitable anchors and cables were placed on board. O.e.v. " Selwyn." —This is an auxiliary wooden ketch, built in Auckland in 1911 for the Melanesian Mission Trust Board. The leading dimensions of the hull are —Length, 52 - 7 ft.; breadth, 15"2 ft.; depth, B*4 ft. Gross and register tonnage are 29"3 and 15"4 tons respectively. The vessel is fitted with one set of four-cylinder oil-engines developing 30 b.h.p. S.s. " Sparrowhawk." —This new vessel was built in Auckland, and will be engaged carrying passengers and vehicles in Auckland Harbour. The hull is of wood and iron, and the leading dimensions are—Length, 130 ft.; breadth, 32ft.; depth, lift, The gross tonnage is 207 and the register 99. The vessel is propelled by one set of compound surface-condensing engines with cylinders 14 in. and 28 in. in diameter and a length of stroke of Ift. 6 in. They are supplied with steam at a pressure of 1301b. per square inch from a cylindrical marine-type boiler, 9 ft. 6 in. in diameter and 9 ft. long. The boiler and engines were made in Scotland. S.s. " Stormbird." —This old steamer, the oldest afloat engaged in constant trading, has been gradually reduced from a passenger-vessel of some importance to a cargo-vessel. In July last five berths were removed to provide accommodation for the mate of the vessel, whose former cabinspace has been utilized for a 2-ton Hercules refrigerator. The forehold was stripped of all ceilings and battens, chipped, painted, and insulated for the carrying of butter. S.s. "The Peregrine." —This vessel, the hull of which is of wood, was built in Auckland for the Devonport Steam Ferry Company. Her principal dimensions are —Length, 130 ft.; breadth, 31ft.; depth, 8 ft. The tonnage is 245 gross and 162 register. The propelling machinery consists of one set of triple-expansion engines with cylinders of 1.2 in., 20 in., and 32 in. diameters by 21 in. length of stroke, and they are supplied with steam from a Scotch multitubular boiler at apressure of 1801b. per square inch. The boiler is 11 ft. 6 in. diameter by 10 ft, long, and was built in Glasgow, as also were the engines. This vessel has accommodation for 1,370 passengers in river limits and 773 in extended-river limits. S.s. " Theresa Ward." —The most extensive repairs to this vessel at the annual survey were made to the hull and boiler. Five floors under the boiler were sheathed, and the angle-bars at the top of same were renewed. The centre keelson was sheathed in five spaces. Two new floors were fitted in the after-peak. In the boiler the centre furnace was renewed, also the centre com-bustion-chamber bottom and the back of this chamber for a height of 2 ft. 8 in. Thirteen new stays in the combustion-chamber were put in. Two bottom doors and one stay-tube were also renewed. S.s. " Toiler." —This new wooden steamer, which was built at Te Kopuru to plans and specifications approved by the Department before the building of the vessel had commenced, has the following dimensions: 75ft. long by 15ft. wide by Bft. deep (moulded); tonnage —49 gross, 28 register. The keel, floors, transoms, rudder-trunk, stringers, beams, planking, and decking are of kauri, and the keelsons, stem, stern-post, and rudder-post of ironbark. There is a 9 ft. by 5 ft, hatch in the forward deck, and cabin accommodation below deck aft. The engines and boiler were made at the Thames. The boiler is made of steel, and is of the usual marine type; it is 7 ft. in diameter and 7 ft. 6 in. in length, and carries a safety-valve load of 1301b. per square inch. The vessel will' be employed carrying passengers and cargo in Kaipara Harbour.



S.s. " Warrimoo."—Home important repairs were made to the boilers of this vessel, as follows : In the after starboard boiler all plain tubes in centre combustion-chamber were renewed. In the centre furnace twenty-four rivets were taken out and cracks welded with oxyacetone blowpipe and reriveted. In the after port boiler eighty-five plain tubes and one stay-tube were renewed, also several combustion-chamber stays and rivets. In the starboard forward boiler several stays, nuts, and rivets were renewed. Tn the port forward boiler, besides some stays and rivets, a newfurnace of the Fox type was fitted on the starboard side, and the boiler tested by hydraulic pressure. In the donkey-boiler all girders were taken off and refitted to tops of combustion-chambers. This boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure. In the bulkhead between No. 2 hold and bunker six plates, each 12 ft. by 5 ft. by § in., were renewed, and one sheathing-plate, 6 ft. by 5 ft. by § in., was fitted. In the forward bunker three plates, 8 ft, by 4 ft, by were renewed. On the ship's side in way of the forward bunkers eight reverse bars, each 6ft. long by sin. by 3in. by fin., were fitted. In the after cross-bunker one beam was repaired by fitting two plates, one on each side, 6 ft. by 9 in. by |in. In the saddle-back one patch, 4 ft. squai-e by was fitted, and one plate, 6 ft, by 3 ft. by was renewed. Four stiffeners, each 8 ft. long by 5 in. by 3 in. by § in., were fitted on after bulkhead of after cross-bunker. In the fore and after bunker one patch, 16 ft. by 2 ft. by in., and five small patches, each 5 ft. by 3 ft. by in., were fitted. Several patches were put into the starboard ballast-tank. A new watertight door was put in the bulkhead between No. 2 hold and the bunker. Thirty-five stanchions were fitted between the main and upper decks. To the main engines a new h.p. piston-rod was fitted. The l.p. valve was faced up, and two brass bars were fitted to the edges of the steam-ports. New l.p. crank-pin brasses were fitted. New bolts in No. 2 coupling, new liner in circulating-pump bucket, and new coils in feed-heater were also fitted. Surveys of Ships for Seaworthiness. Special surveys of steamships and other vessels totalling fifty-six were made during the year. The repairs that were found necessary to make some of the vessels safe were of a very extensive character, and necessitated the removal of a great many hull-plates and the reconstruction of the framing of the vessels in parts. Some of the causes for these surveys include collisions, strandings, defects in fastenings, defective rudders, shaft defects, loss of propeller-blades, defective rivets, steam-pipe fractures, defects in steering-gear, fires in holds, defective furnace-tubes in boilers, and defects in engines. The fees for these surveys amounted to £169. Return No. 19 gives a full description of each seaworthiness survey made. Government Steamers. The Government steamers surveyed this year include the s.s. "Amokura," s.s. "Antrim," s.s. " Ben Lomond," o.e.v. defence launch " W," s.s. " Hinemoa," o.e.v. " Huia," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," o.e.v. " Maroro," s.s. "Mountaineer," o.e.v. "Patiti," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Tawera," and s.s. " Tutanekai," a total of fourteen. A brief summary of the principal repairs effected to these steamers is given. S.s. "Amokura." —The air-pump chamber of the main engines was bored out, a new gunmetal ring and tongue-piece was fitted to the bucket, four new gun-metal valve-seat plates were made and fitted in the recesses in the pump, and the old valves and springs were fitted to the plates. The drainpipe from the whistle and syren was altered and lengthened, and a new nonreturn valve fitted. Four new steel flanged furnace-fronts, with brackets, Asc., were made and fitted to the boilers, and two new steel furnace-doors were made and fitted. Four new cast-iron bridge-chairs were made and fitted into the back of furnaces. The floor-plates under the boilers were sheathed, and additional reverse bars were fitted where necessaiy. One new ash-shoot was made for the port side. Three ventilator-slides in air-casing were taken off, the casing was patched, and the slides were refitted in position. Seven relief port-doors in bulwarks were renewed. Four boat-davits were fitted with new pins and bushes in the bottom joints. Six new bunker-gratings were fitted. Four new mooring-pipe covers were made and fitted. A new cover was made and fitted to the port-side hawse-pipe, and new hinges were fitted to the starboard hawse-pipe cover. The forecastle-deck skylight was fitted with four new wrought-iron covers and fittings complete. The mess-deck skylight was fitted with new stanchions and chains for holding skylights open. Two new doors were fitted to the galley. One new ventilator was made and fitted to the steerage and mess decks, and six other ventilators were fitted with new cowls. The funnel was taken out and the lower portion of it and the air-casing were renewed. New angle-irons were fitted in the smokeboxes. Two new gun-metal check-valve spindles were made and fitted. Seven sheathing-plates were fitted to bunker-plates. Four new stanchions were fitted to the gangways. S.s. "Antrim." —Several of the planks of the hull under the paddle-boxes on both sides of hull were renewed. All butts and seams in the hull wore caulked where necessary. The engines were also thoroughly overhauled. S.s. " Ben Lomond." —A new stern-tube was fitted, and 10 ft. of the belting on the port side of the vessel was renewed. Defence Oil-launch " W." —New cylinders were fitted to the engines, and also one new con-necting-rod. S.s. "Tutanekai." —A new funnel was fitted, 5 ft. 6 in. diameter and 44 ft. long, also a new foundation-plate for funnel, and new damper. A new donkey-boiler funnel was made and fitted inside the main funnel. The two waste steam-pipes were each lengthened 6 ft, and attached to funnel. The whole of the wooden decking on the bridge deck was renewed. S.s. " Hinemoa." —A new Chadburn's repeating telegraph with all the necessary connections was fitted on the bridge and in the engine-room. Two new plates and angle-irons were fitted in the stern bulwarks. The angle-iron on the top of bulwarks all round the counter was renewed.



also a portion of the wooden rail. A new set of piston-rings was fitted to the dynamo-engine and the rods relined. A temperature balance circulator was fitted in both main boilers. All the main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested to 180 lb. hydraulic pressure. 35 ft. of shoeing on keel was renewed. The main boiler uptake was repaired, and the windlass was overhauled. New neck and gland bushes for both h.p. and m.p. tail-rods were fitted. S.s. " Janie Seddon." —In the main boiler twelve rivets were renewed in the bottom of the starboard combustion-chamber, and both chambers were recaulked where necessary. Two new rivets were put in bottom of front circumferential seam, and a new bottom manhole-door was fitted. A temperature balance circulator was fitted to boiler. S.s. " Mountaineer." —Several butt joints in the keel-plating were caulked, the bottom rudderpintle was renewed, and the sponson beam on port side was straightened and strengthened. All the joints in the paddle-wheel arms were relined with white metal. Eight new screwed stays were fitted in the firebox of the boiler, and the engines were thoroughly overhauled. Additional Steamers and Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. During the past year 275 new steamships and vessels fitted with oil-engines as a motive power have been surveyed for the first time. The names of these vessels are as follows: "Advance," "Advance II," "Aerial," "Ailoma," "Airship," "Albatross," "Alert," "Alexandra," "Alice," "All Black No. 1," "All Black No. 2," "Annie," " Aorangi," " Arapawa," " Arawa " (Auckland), " Arawa " (Port Underwood), "Ariadne," "Aroha," " Arrino," " Arumai," "Atlas," " Awarua," "Balder," "Beatrix," "Beldame," "Benares," "Bittern," "Bletsoe," "Brooklyn," "Centaur," "Clutha,"* "Countess," "dairymaid," "Daphne," "Dart," "Defender," "Dolphin," "Doris" (Napier), "Doris" (Pictonj, "Doris" (Russell), "Dorrigo,"* "Dove" (Picton), "Dove" (Pelorus Sound), " Dovey," "Dreadnought" (Akaroa), "Dreadnought" (Port Underwood), "Duchess," "Earl," "Echo." "Eclipse," " Eileen," " Elsie " (Auckland), " Elsie " (Nelson), " Elswick," " Eureka," " Fairy," " Fiona," "Firefly," "Flora" (Akaroa), "Flora" (Bluff), "Foam," "Gipsy," "Gladsome," "Glenlee," " Gordon,"* " Greyhound " (Havelock), " Greyhound " (Port Underwood), " Hauiti,"* "Hawera,"* "Heather," "Hilary," " Hina," " Hinemoa " (Hokianga), "Hinemoa" (Rotorua), "Hokimai," " Holliday," " Houmoana," " Houto," " Huia," "Ilex,'" "Independence," "Iris" (Thames), "Iris" (Waikato), " Isa " (Picton). " Isa " (Whangarei), "Jersey Lily," "John,"* "John Kennedy," " Kaiapoi," " Kanieri," "Karma,"* " Karaka,'"* " Kawa," " Kea," " Kia Ora," "Kingfisher," "King Hami," "Kiwi," " Kokiri " (Opua), " Kokiri " (Russell), " Kopapu," "Koroi," " Koutu," " Kura," " Kyra," "La Mascotte" (Picton), "La Mascotte" (Rotorua), " Larola " (Picton), " Larola " (Wanganui), "Lauderdale,"* "Lupe," " Mahinapua," "Majestic" (Hokianga), "Majestic" (Mercer), " Makere," " Makura," " Mana " (Nelson), " Mana " (Riverton), " Manaia," "Maori" (Havelock), "Maori" (Picton), "Maori" (Riverton), " Mapu II," " Maranui," " Mararoa," " Maravva," " Marikena," " Maritana," " Matakokiri," " Matareka," " Matariki " (Admiralty Bay), " Matariki " (Tuakau), "Maude," "Mavis," "May" (Rawene), "May" (Wanganui), "Melville," " Mere-Aua," "Merlin," "Mermaid" (Admiralty Bay), "Mermaid" (Tuakau), "Merry Duchess," "Meteor," "Midlothian," "Mira," " Mizpah," " Moana," " Moata," " Mokoia," " Mona," "Monarch," "Mongonui," "Muritai," "Myrtle," " Namu," "Nautilus" (Bluff), "Nautilus" (Hokianga), "Nautilus" (Onehunga), "Nelly," " Ngaru " (Huntly), "Ngaru" (Onehunga), " Ngaru " (Thames), "Nicola,"' "Nimrod" (Auckland), " Nimrod" (Rotorua), " Nopera," " Norah," " Nydia," "Nymph," "0.X.," " Oleo," " Olive Branch," " Opouri,"* " Pakeha," "Palatine," " Pararoa,'" "Parua," "Pauline," "Pearl," "Petrel," "Phyllis" (Hokitika), " Phvllis " (Russell), "Psyche," " Ralaco," " Rangi," " Rangiora," " Rangiriri," " Ratanui," "Rawene," "Redwing," "Regal," Reliance," "Rene," " Roamer," " Rongotai," "Rose," " Rotoehu," " Rotongaru," "Rotorua No. 1," " Ruahine," "Rum," "Samson," "Saxon," "Scout," "Sea Bird," "Seagull," "Seamen," " Seawolf," "Secret," " Selwyn," "Settler," "Sonoma" (Hokianga), "Sonoma" (Rotorua), " Sparrowhawk," "Spray," "Stella" (Hokianga), "Stella" (Whangarei), "Sterling," "St. George," " Stromboli," "Success," "Sunbeam," "Sybil," "Sylph," "Sylvia," " Tainui," " Tanfield Lea," " Tauranganui," " Te Akau," " Te Anau," "Te Aumiti,"'" Te Kooti," "Te Kura," "Te Rangi," "Te Rhino," "Te Wake," "Te Wham," "Thelma," "The Peregrine,"* "Thistle," " Tikitere," " Tio," "Tiro," "Toiler," " Tui " (Nelson), "Tui" (Picton), "Tutanekai," "Undine," " Utu," "Victoria," "Victory" (Mercer), "Victory" (Rotorua), "Viking," "Vixen," "Waihou," " Wai-iti " (Akaroa), " Wai-iti " (Wanganui), "Waikare," "Waikato," " Waikuku," " Waima," " Waimarama," " Wainui " (Akaroa), "Wainui" (Picton), "Waiomo," "Waiora," "Waireka," "Wairoa," "Waitana," "Waituna," "Whaka," "Whanui," "Winifred," " Zealandia," "Zephyr." Sailing-ships. A large amount of time has been spent by the Surveyors of Ships on sailing-vessels during the year. By the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, all sailing-vessels over 5 tons register and employed in the home trade have now to be surveyed. Altogether 104 sailing-vessels were surveyed and inspected during the year. A large number were found to be very defective in the hull, and had in some cases to undergo considerable overhaul. The whole of the repairs and renewals were carefully supervised and afterwards passed by the Surveyors before the vessels were permitted to run. Return No. 18 gives the names of these vessels, their gross and registered tonnage measurements, class of vessel, and the number of times surveyed. The total fees for the survey of these sailing-vessels amounted to £329 10s.

* Steamers.

2—H. 15a,


Some of the principal surveys of sailing-ships during the year are as follows : — Schooner " Atalanta." —Twenty-eight new timbers were fitted on each side of the bottom of the hull. The hull was refastened in several places and recaulked. Nearly the whole of the wooden lining in the hold was renewed. All chain plates, except three, on the forward and after rigging were renewed. Most of the decks were also renewed, and the rudder, steering-gear, &c, received a thorough overhaul. Schooner " Clio." —To this vessel a new keel was fitted and coppered. Nearly the whole of the planking in stern was renewed. Several new bolts were put into the chain-plate fastenings, and the hull was all recaulked. The sheathing was renewed where required, and hull cleaned and painted. The firebox of the donkey-boiler was found to be corroded, and the working-pressure was reduced by 15 lb. per square inch. Ship " Dartford." —This vessel was placed in dry dock and thoroughly examined. All the linings in the holds were taken up, and the frames and floor-plates were cleaned and painted. Several planks were renewed in the deck. Extra crew accommodation was fitted, reducing the register tonnage by 56 tons. Ketch " Glenae." —This vessel was altered from a hold to a deck scow. New 'deck-planking and several new deck-beams were fitted, and two new wooden beams, each 5 in. by 6| in., were bolted along the bottom of the vessel inside, fore and aft. The worm-eaten plank was cut out of the port bow and several out of the stem, and new planks fitted. Repairs were also made to the sheathing on the bottom of the hull and to the centre-board and rudder. An additional length of cable, 15 fathoms, ■£~ in. diameter, was placed on board. Schooner "Hawk." —From the bottom of this vessel two worm-eaten planks were taken out and replaced with new ones. A piece of the stern-post was cut out and a new graving-piece fitted in. A new rudder was fitted. The centre-boards were lifted out, and several new planks put in after centre-board. The donkey-boiler was cleaned out and overhauled, and a new pressure-gauge was fitted. Schooner " Huia." —The principal repairs to this vessel were the renewing of the whole of the port bow from stem right down to keel and to about 9 ft. abaft the stem. A new wooden knee was fitted on starboard bow of bulwarks. A new breast-hook and a new bowsprit were fitted. The sheathing was renewed in several places on the bottom. A new kedge anchor and 30 fathoms of | in. chain cable were placed on board. Ketch " Huon Belle." —All deck-planking at the stern for the full width of this vessel and from the end of deck-house to aft was lifted. Several beams under deck in the vicinity of the rudder-trunk were renewed. All new deck-planking was laid on the after deck, caulked and pitched. The rudder-trunk was repaired and caulked. Repairs were also made to bulwarks, centre-board, rudder, and steering-gear. Schooner " Korora." —Several worm-eaten planks were cut out of the bottom of this vessel just abaft the stem. New planks were fitted in and caulked. The bottom seam in centre-board casing was recaulked, and new sheathing was put round the edge of aperature, The top sides of hull were caulked all round. A new mainmast is to be fitted. The donkey-boiler was also overhauled. Schooner " Kahu." —This vessel was formerly an auxiliary ketch. The centre-board was lifted out, three new planks fitted in same, and replaced. The whole of the keel aft and the deadwood, also the stern-post, were renewed. The rudder was repaired, and new wheel-chains were fitted to the steering-gear. Ketch " Lizette." —Some of the more important repairs to this vessel include two new chainplates for after rigging, a hardwood rider keelson the full length of hold, side pieces of timber fitted to the keel for the full length of the hold, new false keel of jarrah timber, 9 in. by 3 in., on whole length of keel. A new piece of timber was scarfed into stern-post, A new port bow anchor and 30 fathoms of § in. chain cable were put on board. Schooner " Toafa Haarnea." — This vessel received a good overhaul. Fifteen new frame timbers were fitted from the bilge up to deck-line, and fastened in on both sides. All the lining amidships was renewed. The whole of the hull from the bilge upwards was caulked. All bolts in chain-plates were renewed. The vessel was fully equipped for foriegn trade. Districts and Inspectors. Mr. Matthew Sharp, Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships, died on the 19th December, 1911, after an illness of some four months. He joined the Department on the Ist February, 1902. He was a very careful and trusted surveyor and inspector, and his decisions, both in shipping and land work, were never questioned either by shipowners or machinery-owners. By his death the Department has lost the services of a very capable officer. Mr. Archibald Walker, one of the Inspectors of Machinery and Surveyors of Ships stationed at Dunedin, left the service on the 12th March, 1912, to take ud the position of Lloyd's Marine Surveyor and representative at Wellington. Mr. Walker joined the service on the 3rd January, 1901, and has been continuously in the Otago District, He proved himself to be a very reliable and trustworthy officer, and carried out his duties at all times to the satisfaction of the Department. Mr. Henry Wetherilt, who was the senior officer as Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships at Auckland, retires from the service on superannuation on the 14th June, 1912. He joined the service on the 27th February, 1896, and was stationed first at Dunedin, but afterwards transferred to Auckland on the 4th April, 1902. He was a trusted servant of the Department, and carried out his duties at all times to the satisfaction of the Department. To fill the vacancies thus caused the following appointments were made : Mr. Thomas Cooper was appointed on the 3rd January, 1912, Mr. Henry Nov on the 13th March, 1912, and Mr, James McAlpine on the 25th March, 1912,




Mr. Douglas, who had been stationed at Hamilton for some years, was transferred to Napier to take up the late Mr. Sharp's duties, and Mr. John Kydd, of the Head- Office staff, was transferred and promoted to take charge at Hamilton. Inspectors Suisted, Crawford, and Kydd each assisted in the Auckland District for some weeks, Inspector Mackenzie assisted in the Southland District for some months, and Inspector Williamson assisted in the Wanganui District for a month. Returns . The following are the returns in detail, numbered 1 to 21 :- — 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable thereon; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' and electric-tram drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. 2. Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal. 6. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7-15. Names of persons to whom land stationary, winding, locomotive and traction engines, and electric-tram drivers' certificates of competency and service have been granted during the year. 16. List of persons who were examined and passed for marine engineers' certificates of competency. 17. Return of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. 18. Return of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 19. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 20. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers, engine-drivers, and electric-tram drivers, and survey of steamers and sailing-vessels. 21. Return showing the names of owners of additional boilers and transfers which require to be in charge of certificated engine-drivers. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, and Engine-drivers. The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department.

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No. 1. (a.) Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates Were issued during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912. Boilers.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 281 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 30 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 287 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 389 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 1,686 Peltons ' ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 155 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,413 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,283 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Total ... ... ... ... ... 6,702 Summary. Boilers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,968 Machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,702 Total .. ... ... ... ... 127670 (b.) Retuen showing the Fees payable fob the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery, and fob the issue of Engine-deivees' and Electbic-tram Deivees' Geetificates dueing the Financial Yeae ended the 31st March, 1912. Fees payable—On boilers, £6,594 10s. ;on machinery, £2,441 10s.; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £431 155.; for electric-tram drivers'certificates issued, £138 : total, £9,605 15s. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery inspected, and paid into the Public Account, amounted to £9,774 7s. 6d. The difference is represented by extra fees for late payment. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' and electric-tram drivers' application fees amounted to £815 ss. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued and fees from candidates who failed to pass the examinations.

(c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive and Traction, and Steam Stationary Engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.

Class. IN i 5 1 ; i n . h. „ Exceeding 5 but m -,. Not exceeding ; . s ,. Exceeding , „ ° not exceeding ,-. TT 5 5 Horse-power. ,„„ s 10 Horse-power. r i 10 Horse-power. * ion exceeuu Horse-pow Total. Stationary ... Portable Totals 1,896 162 2,058 899 1,102 1,582 327 4,377 1,591 2,058 2,001 1,909 5,968

Class of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. Pees received. Total. Number of Certificates issued. j Pees received. Steam winding— Competency Electric winding— Service Locomotive and traction— Competency Steam stationary — Service —First class Competency— Extra first class First class ... Second class... Electric-tram— Service Competency 14 13 196 6 6 50 161 413 138 £ s. d. 14 0 0 3 5 0 196 0 0 1 10 0 GOO 50 0 0 161 0 0 138 "O 0 £ s. d. 27 17 5 0 196 196 0 0 223 218 10 0 i 551 138 0 0 997 £569 15 0


No. 2. —Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.


Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets in shell defective All screwed stays in firebox bad All sling stays defective Angle collars on uptake wasted Back end of furnace wasted Back end-plate pitted Badly pitted Boilers dirty inside Bottom of firebox wasted Bottom of shell thin Brickwork-setting defective Bulged slightly at back end Bulged under bottom of shell Corroded internally .. Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays defective .. Cracked in firebox Cracked slightly at a number of rivet-holes Cross-tubes wasted Crown of boiler wasted Crown of firebox bad Crown of firebox badly bulged Crown of firebox cracked Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox wasted Crown plate of boiler bad Eight screwed stays in firebox bad Eighty-four screwed stays in firebox bad Fifteen tubes bad .. .. .. • * Fifty tubes bad Firebox general waste Firebox sides bulged Firebox sides thin Firedoor-ring cracked at corners Five screwed stays in throat-plate broken Flanging of furnace cracked Forty-two screwed stays in firebox bad Forty-three rivets in shell defective Foundation-rings round bottom of firebox wasted Four stay-tubes bad Fourteen screwed stays in firebox bad Front tube-plates wasted Furnace-crowns down Furnace-crowns wasted (pressure reduced) Furnaces thin at bottom G-alloway tube bulged Galloway tubes thin General deterioration (pressure reduced) Girders on crown of firebox wasted Girder-stays defective Grooved at foundation-ring Grooved on furnace-crowns Grooved on tube-plates Gusset-stays defective Hanger bracket for boiler defective Lamination in bottom shell-plate Lamination in furnace-plate.. Leaking at corners of foundation-ring Longitudinal seams wasted Longitudinal stays wasted Manhole-doors bad Manhole-door riveting defective Manhole-door spigots defective Mudhole-doors bad Mudhole-door dogs bad Mudhole-door studs bad 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 2 1 2 1 1 1 48 2 2 10 3 10 1 2 1 18 2 3 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 50 2 3 10 3 10 1 2 1 18 2 3 3 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 r 2 90 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 6 15 2 7 37 2 6 i 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 90 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 6 15 2 7 32 2 6 5

H.— 15a.

No. 2. —Return of Defects— continued.


Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. ! Total. Nine screwed stays in firebox bad Nine tubes bad .. .. .. .. One hundred tubes bad Patches defective Pitting badly in placesl Pitting on crown of firebox| Pitting slightly internally Rivets in gusset-stays defective Rivets in manhole compensating-ring bad Rivets in tube-plate defective Seams leaking Several rivets defective in furnace Several rivets in shell bad Several rivets in foundation-ring bad Several screwed stays in firebox bad Several stay-nuts on crown of firebox bad Several tubes bad Shell wasted at circumferential seams Shell wasted at manhole-openings Shell wasted at mudhole-openings Shell wasted externally Shell wasted where blow-off cocks jointed to boiler Shell wasted where check-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where safety-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where stop-valve chests jointed to boiler . . Shell wasted where water-gauge mountings jointed to boiler 1 2 1 5 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 15 1 13 2 7 63 3 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 15 1 13 2 7 63 3 7 1 2 1 1 Six nuts on girder-stays bad Sixteen screwed stays in firebox bad Sixteen tubes bad Sixty-eight screwed stays in firebox bad Stay-nuts on back tube-plate defective Steam dome defective Steam-dome flange wasted Ten screwed stays in firebox bad Ten tubes bad Thirteen tubes bad Thirty-five rivets in shell wasted Thirty-nine screwed stays in firebox bad Three rows of tubes bad Throat-plates thin Top of steam-dome wasted Top row of tubes bad Top tube-plates thin (pressure reduced) Tubes bad Tube-ends leaking Tube-plates bad . . . . .. ., Tube-plates bulged.. Tube-plates wasted Twelve screwed stays in firebox bad Twelve tubes bad Twenty defective rivets in shell Twenty-five screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-four screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-four stay-nuts on crown bad.. Twenty screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-seven screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-two screwed stays in firebox bad . . Two coupling-pins in stays bad .. . . Two longitudinal stays had . . .. .. Two lower rows of tubes bad . . .. Uptakes bad .. .. .. .. Uptakes wasted Vertical stays wasted Wasted at crown of boiler . . . . . . Wasted at crown of firebox round fusible plug 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 69 4 9 5 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 3 9 2 2 Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 69 4 16 5 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 9 2 2 '3 CJ


No. 2.—Return of Defects — continued.

Digesters found to be defective on Inspection during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.


Description of Defects. Da e Defective in ° ' Lesser Degree. Dangei Total. Wasted at foundation-ring Wasted at front end of boiler Wasted round bottom of firebox Wasted round bottom of shell Wasted round furnace-door Wasted round galloway tube Wasted under hanger 2 1 7 2 1 I 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 Total | 36 36 648 684

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in. Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets defective All rivets defective All rivets in top end bad Circumferential seams at top end bad Crown plates wasted Defective seams Eighty rivets bad Fifty rivets bad Forty rivets bad Four hundred and nine rivets bad General deterioration (pressure reduced) Laminated plate in bottom Large number of rivets bad Manhole-door bad Rivets in bottom circumferential seams bad .. Riveting in vertical seams and top door bad .. Seams defective, and several studs in door bad Seventy-five rivets bad Several rivets bad Sixteen rivets bad Thirteen rivets bad Thirty rivets bad Thirty rivets bad, and seams defective Thirty-six rivets bad Top hemispherical end bad and fifty rivets Twenty rivets bad Twenty-six rivets bad Two longitudinal seams on cone bad Two seams wasted Wasted at bottom door Wasted on crown badly 3 3 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 14 28 42



Defective Fittings found on Inspection of Boilers for which Notice was given to repair during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912. 1 Bend of feed-pipe defective : has been re- 1 New cylinder fitted to engine. newed. 1 New stop-valve for injector fitted. 1 Bends of main steam-pipes bad : have been 1 New studs fitted in safety-valve chests. renewed. 6 Safety-valves bad : have been renewed. 10 Blow-off cocks bad : have been renewed. 2 Safety-valve chests defective : have been re--5 Blow-off cocks defective : have been repaired. newed. 6 Blow-off pipes bad : have been renewed. 17 Safety-valves defective : were repaired. 5 Crank shafts of engine fractured : were re- 6 Safety-valve levers cut to correct length. newed. 28 Steam-pressure gauges bad : have been re--2 Cylinders rejointed to boiler. newed. 2 Cylinders renewed, and pistons fitted with new 2 Steam-pressure gauge-pipes defective : were rings. renewed. 1 Defective clutch on shaft renewed. 2 Steam stop-valves bad : were renewed. 2 Feed check-valve chest defective : was re- 4 Steam stop-valves refaced. newed. 2 Syphon-pipes for steam-pressure gauges re--4 Feed check-valves defective: were renewed. newed. 2 Feed-pipes bad : were renewed. 4 Tapered mud-plugs defective : have been re--2 Feed-pumps defective : have been repaired. newed. 5 Ferrules fitted under spring-balance safety- 1 Tapered sight-plugs defective : have been valve levers. renewed. 1 Flywheel of engine cracked : was renewed. 14 Test-cocks bad : have been renewed. 18 Fusible plugs defective : were renewed. 3 Test-cocks defective : were repaired. 2 Governors defective : were put in order. 1 Traction-engine brakes repaired. 2 Injectors found defective : were renewed. 1 Traction-engines'steering-gear defective : was 1 Main steam-pipe bad : was renewed. put in order. 1 Main steam-pipe defective : was repaired. 1 Traction-engines' steering-gear worm renewed. 14 Manhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 25 Water-gauge-glass protectors fitted. 3 Manhole-door studs bad: were renewed. 20 Water-gauge, mountings bad: have been re--37 Mudhole-doors bad : have been renewed. . newed. 5 Mudhole-door studs bad : have been renewed. 5 Water-gauge mountings defective : were re--1 New brake fitted to traction-engine. paired. Total .. ..280

No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. Cornish .. Bosom-piece fitted round flanging of furnace-front. Brickwork repaired. Cracked portion of furnace-crown cut out and patch fitted. Furnace-seams caulked. Gusset-stays reriveted. Patch fitted on back end of furnace. Small crack in furnace repaired. Two stays fitted between crown of boiler and furnace where furnacecrown down. Two stays renewed. Four new stay-tubes fitted. Gusset-stays reriveted. Patches renewed. Retubed, and new back tube-plate fitted. Two patches fitted over seams on bottom of boiler, and one tube renewed. Two stays rejointed. New angle-ring fitted at top end of flue. Two new plates and two new angle-rings fitted to top of flue. Retubed. Seams on bottom of shell caulked. Furnace caulked. New bosom-piece fitted to front end of right-hand flue. One galloway tube renewed. Patch fitted over landing where corroded. A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. All sling stays renewed, and four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. ,3 * - " * Cornish tubular .. 33 * * 33 * ' 3 Cornish vertical .. 33 * * Dryback marine .. 33 * ' Lancashire 3, 3, ' • Locomotive 33 ' '


No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.

3—H. 15a.


Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Locomotive 33 33 3, 33 33 33 33 Crown stay-nuts renewed. Fifteen new tubes fitted. New firebox fitted. New tube-plate, new barrel, and retubed. One hunderd new tubes fitted. Patches fitted in firebox under door. Patches renewed. Retubed. Several new nuts fitted to crown-stays. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Thirty-nine new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and patch under door. Twenty-four new nuts fitted to crown-stays. Twenty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty tubes renewed. Two new longitudinal stays fitted, and compensating-ring round mudhole-opening. Two patches fitted on external firebox, and retubed. Two patches renewed in firebox. New bottom fitted to inner shell. New tube fitted. Several rivets renewed. Landings on bottom caulked. Bottom back end-plate cut out of shell, and new plate fitted. Brickwork repaired. Brickwork repaired, and new hanger fitted to boiler. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Circumferential seam reriveted. Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted round mud-hole opening, and new door fitted. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 11 1 Manure-dryer 33 Marine Multitubular 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 4 1 13 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 Compensating-rings round manhole-openings reriveted. Crown plate of steam-dome patched. Dog and stay fitted to bulge in bottom. Doubling plate fitted under hanger at back end of boiler. Eleven rivets in gusset-stays renewed. End seam reriveted. Fifteen new rivets put in circumferential seam. Fifteen new tubes and one new longitudinal stay fitted. Four stays fitted where tube-plate bulged. Gusset-stay angle-irons renewed. Large patch fitted on bottom at back end. Manhole-doors repaired. Manhole-door spigots reriveted. Mudhole-doors repaired. New back tube-plate fitted. New manhole-doors. New manhole-door, and compensating-ring fitted round opening. New manhole-door, and compensating-ring reriveted. New mudhole-doors. New mudhole-doors and compensating-ring fitted. New mudhole-door and new spigot for manhole-door. New studs fitted in mud-doors. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Opening for manhole dressed out, and new door fitted. Part of bottom shell renewed. Patch fitted on boiler-bottom where bulge cut out. Patch fitted on boiler under hanger-bracket, and new bracket fitted. Patch fitted on front tube-plate. Patch fitted over wasted part of longitudinal seam. Patch on bottom of shell reriveted. Patches renewed. Retubed. Retubed and bottom of shell repaired. Retubed, and compensating-ring fitted to mud-door.


No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.


Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 12 2 2 3 2 Multitubular Portable a a a a a a ii a a Retubed, and new longitudinal stays fitted. Retubed, and twenty rivets renewed in shell. Several new tubes fitted. Several rivets in gusset-stays renewed. Small patch fitted under bottom of shell. Steam-dome repaired. Steam-dome, several rivets renewed. Ten new tubes fitted. Thirteen tubes renewed. Top of back tube-plate patched. Top row of tubes renewed. Two new longitudinal stays fitted. Two new stay-tubes, and forty rivets renewed. Two patches fitted on shell. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox. All crown-stays in firebox renewed. Bottom of firebox patched. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and patch in firebox. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and new studs in doors. Crown girder-stays renewed. Crown of firebox cut out where cracked, and patch fitted. Crown of firebox repaired. Defective patches taken off and larger ones fitted. Eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Extra girders fitted on crown of firebox where bulged. Firebox-crowns renewed. Five new screwed stays fitted in each side of firebox. Five new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Five new tubes fitted. Four longitudinal stays renewed. Four mudhole-openings fitted with compensating-rings. Fourteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. New firebox fitted. New fire-door ring fitted, and plate renewed. New girders fitted on crown of firebox. New manhole-doors fitted. New manhole-doors fitted, and compensating-rings reriveted. New mudhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-door fitted, and compensating-ring renewed. New stud and dog fitted to mud-door. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patch at corner of foundation-ring renewed. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted in firebox, and compensating-rings fitted to mudholeopenings. Patches fitted in firebox, and several new screwe'd stays. Patches fitted on tube-plate. Patches fitted on shell of boiler under mountings. Retubed. Retubed, and new firebox fitted. Retubed, and new longitudinal stays fitted. Retubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and compensating-rings to mudhole-openings. Strengthening stays fitted to crown of firebox. Ten new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Thirteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Thirty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three new girders and stays fitted on firebox crown. Three new tubes fitted. Twenty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty-seven new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty-two new screwed stays fitted in firebox. ii a a a Portable a ii a ii 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 5 2 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii


No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.


Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Portable 33 33 • • 33 Semi-portable 33 • • 33 ' ' 33 Semi-tubular ,, • • 3, * * 33 • • Traction Two girders on crown of firebox renewed. Two new longitudinal stays fitted. Two new longitudinal stays, and compensating-rings round mudholeopenings fitted. Two new pins fitted in joints for longitudinal stays. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Cracked portion of plate in firebox cut out and patch fitted. Foundation-ring repaired. Patch in firebox rejointed. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new mudhole-doors fitted. Two new pins fitted in stays. Compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-opening. Four patches renewed on bottom. New mudhole-door fitted. Patch fitted on shell under blow of cock. Retubed. A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. All screwed stays in firebox renewed. Compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. Crown of firebox, where cracked, repaired. Eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Five additional stays and cross-girders fitted on crown of firebox. Forty-two new screwed stays, and patch fitted in firebox. Foundation-ring reriveted. Longitudinal stays renewed. New firebox fitted. New firebox and back plate fitted. New manhole-door fitted. New mud-doors fitted. New pins fitted in longitudinal stays. New stays fitted in crown of firebox. New studs fitted in manhole-doors. Patch fitted in crown at fusible plughole. Patch fitted in firebox. Patch fitted under blow-off cock, nine new tubes, and forty-two new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on front tube-plate. Patches in firebox renewed. Plugholes retapped, and new tapered plugs fitted. Retubed. Retubed, and new firebox fitted. Retubed, and new firebox sides and crown fitted. Retubed, several new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and a patch on back plate. Retubed, sixty-eight new screwed stays, and patch fitted in firebox. Several defective rivets in foundation-ring renewed. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Several rivets in foundation-ring renewed, and compensating-ring to mudhole-opening. Several tubes renewed. Six new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two lower rows of tubes renewed. Two new mud-doors fitted. Two new tapered sighthole-plugs fitted. Bottom shell-plate renewed. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and two new doors. Four new vertical stays fitted, patch under blow-off cock, and patch on shell where laminated. New collar fitted on crown of boiler round uptake. New crown fitted in boiler. New manhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. 2 2 2 10 3 Vertical cross-tube a a 3) 2 2 33 53 11



No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.

No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc., during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.

Number, i Type. Description of Repairs. 1 3 Vertical cross-tube ,, New spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptakes fitted. Patch fitted on shell round fire-door. Patch fitted on uptake, and compensating-ring round manholeopening. Patch fitted under blow-off cock. Several rivets in foundation-ring renewed. Several rivets in manhole compensating-ring renewed. Shell-plate round bottom renewed, and patch fitted under fire-door in firebox. Manhole-door fitted with new spigot. New uptake fitted, new tubes, one half of firebox renewed, new collar on crown, and compensating-ring, 9 in. wide, fitted round bottom of shell. Several new tubes fitted. Three new tubes fitted. Two compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole openings. Manhole-door reriveted. New crown fitted in boiler. New manhole-door fitted. New uptakes fitted. New uptakes and new mud-door. Opening for mudhole dressed out, and new door fitted. Patch at mudhole extended, and patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Patch fitted in firebox. Patch fitted round bottom of firebox, and defective rivets renewed. Patch renewed at fire-door. Several rivets renewed. Compensating-rings fitted to four mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. New manhole-door fitted. New mudhole-door fitted. Opening for mud-door dressed out, and new door fitted. Patch fitted on shell under safety-valve chest. Patch fitted round furnace-door. Retubed. Retubed, and compensating-ring fitted to mudhole-openings. Retubed, and new top tube-plate fitted. Retubed, new top tube-plate, and compensating-rings fitted to mud-hole-openings. Several tubes renewed. Several tubes renewed, and compensating-ring to mudhole-opening. Bottom row of tubes renewed. Brickwork repaired. Fifty new tubes fitted. Fourteen new tubes and eight new studs fitted. Nine new tubes fitted. Retubed. Several tubes renewed. Three rows of tubes renewed. ,3 33 33 33 Vertical field-tube 33 33 Vertical flue 15 1 9 3 Vertical tubular .. 2 2 1 Water-tube 433 Total.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 1 1 Abattoirs .. Air-compressing 3, Bacon-factory Bakery Fly-wheel, pulley, and main belting. Belting and wheel. Pulleys. Machinery. Belting.


No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.


Number. : Machinery. Particulars. 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 Bakery Belting and spur-gearing. Engine. Fly-wheel of engine. Mixing-machine, belt, and pulley. Two belts and fly-wheel of engine. Belting. Belting, pulley, and shafting. Driving-belt. Fly-wheel and driving-belts. Main driving-belt. Shafting of two machines. Side of pump and main belting. Emery wheel. Machinery. Machinery. Belting. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Motor and main driving-belt. Motor and side of crusher-belt. Pulley and brick-machine belting. Side of main belting. Belting. Belting and fly-wheel of engine. End of crank-shaft, fly-wheel, and belting. Engine. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Pulleys. Pulley and belting. Pulley and shafting. Spur-gearing, fly-wheel, and belting. Belting. Churn. End of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheels and circular saw. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Main driving-belt, wheel, and pinion. Water-wheel. Wheel and pinion. Belting. Belting and pulley. Belting, engine, and firewood saw. Belting, pulleys, and wheels. Circular saw, wheels, and belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine and spur-gearing. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Main driving-belt. Shafting and coupling. Shafting, belting, and saw. Spur-gearing. Water-race to cover. Engine. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Countershaft. Fly-wheel, main belting, and pulley. Machinery and belting. Belting. Machinery. Countershaft. End of crank-shaft. ,, ■ • ,, • • 33 Boot-factory 33 33 11 Boring Box-factory Brewery Brickmaking 33 33 33 33 33 Butchery .. 33 • * 33 33 ' • 33 • • 33 33 Butter-factory 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3, Chaff-cutting 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 ,, 11 3, Cheese-factory 3, 11 Cleaning grain ,3 Clothing-factory ii Coach-factory a


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 1 2 2 4 2 15 Coach-factory 33 ,, 3, Coal-mining 33 33 Contractors. . 33 * • Cordial-factory 33 33 ,3 Creamery .. 33 • • Crushing grain 33 33 33 Crushing grain 33 33 Cycle-works 3, 33 Dairy factory Fly-wheels of engine. Key on crank-shaft. Machinery. Side of engine, saw-shafting, and belt. Two pulleys. End of crank-shaft. Belting, and bolts in pulley. Shafting. Fly-wheel of engine. Motor and friction-winch. Belting. Bottling-machine. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Side of engine. Wheels, pulley, and belting. End of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Main driving-belt. All machinery. Belting, engine, and saw. Belting, pulley, and fly-wheel. Belting, wheel, and circular saw. End of countershaft. Engine, saw, and belting. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheels of engine and emery wheel. Main driving-belt. Coupling on shafting. Driving-pulley and belting. Engine and belting. Belting. Churns. Circular saw. Fly-wheel of engine. Main driving-belt. Motor belting. Washing-machine. Crown beam to strengthen. Handrail fitted on top platform. Hatchways. Top landing of well. Door-catches in cage repaired. Door-openings. Door to fit at bottom of well. Girder repaired. Hatchways. New safety-gear fitted. New safety-grips fitted. New steel-wire ropes for balance-weights fitted. New steel-wire ropes for cage fitted. New worm-wheels fitted. Overhead-joist renewed. Safety grips overhauled, and springs adjusted. Safety-grips renewed. Springs adjusted. Belting. Countershaft. Engine and belting. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheels of engine. Main driving-belt. Side of fly-wheel. Two pulleys. Belting. a 33 33 33 33 Dye-works .. Electric hoist ,, 33 Electric lift.. 5) * * 11 • ' 11 ' m 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 * ' 11 ' ' 11 • • 11 ' ' 11 • * Electric lighting 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Engineering


No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 13 2 1 Engineering 3, ,, 33 Firewood-cutting Flax-miU . . Belting, spur-gearing, and fly-wheels. Couplings on shaft. Emery wheels. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Punching-machine. Belting. Belting and pulley. Belting, circular saw, and pulley. Circular saws. Emery wheel. Engine, belting, and saw. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel, belting, and circular saw. Machinery. Shafting. Wheels, belting, pulley, and circular saw All machinery. Belting Belting, wheels, and shafting Bevel-wheels. Countershaft and pulleys. End of shaft and spur-gearing. Engine, . Engine and pulleys. Fly-wheels and machinery. Fly-wheels of engine. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Main and scutcher-belting. Main driving-belt. Scutcher-mouth reduced in width. Shafting. Spur-gearing, shafting, and belting. Water-wheel. Water-wheel and machinery. Wheel-race. Belting. Belting and machinery. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Side of several machines. Two main belts. Water-race. Water-wheels. Water-wheel and race. Motor. New steel-wire rope fitted. Opening in floor. Machinery. Belting. End of crank-shaft. Engines. Engine and shafting. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Fly-wheels of engine. Keylead, end of shaft, and wheel. Keys in fly-wheel. End of crank-shaft. Main belting. New steel-wire rope fitted to cage. Machinery. Belting. Belting and saw. - Engine, belting, and wheels. Fly-wheels of engine. Flour-mill .. 11 * * 11 ' • 11 ' • 11 • • 11 • • 11 * ' Friction hoist )) Fruit-preserving Gas-engines n ii ii ii ii Gas-lift ii • • ii ' * Gas-works .. General work j?


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. — continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 16 11 3 2 2 6 General work Gearing of pump. Gearing of vertical drilling-machine. Machinery. Main belting, pulley, and fly-wheel. Main driving-pulley and belt, and key in fly-wheels. Length of shafting on floor, and two belts. Machinery. Main belting. Bevel-wheels and belting. Machinery. Pulleys. Belting. Engine. Machinery. Wheels and belting. Chains annealed. New sheave fitted. Pins renewed. Hatchways. New steel-wire ropes fitted. Cage repaired. Chains annealed. Cross bars at hatchways renewed. Door at bottom of well, and top of cage protected. Door in cage renewed. Fences repaired. Guides for cage repaired. New cage fitted. New chains fitted. New cylinder fitted. New doors fitted to bottom of well. New gripper-ropes fitted. New leathers fitted to ram. New springs fitted to safety-gear. New steel-wire ropes fitted to balance-weights. New steel-wire ropes fitted to cage. Rails fitted round floor-openings. Rail fitted round platform. Safety-catches overhauled and adjusted. Safety-catches renewed. Safety-catches renewed, and new spring fitted. Side of staircase guarded. Top of cage protected. Valves fitted with new leathers. Valves overhauled. Floor-openings. Belting. Countershaft and belting. Fly-wheel and driving-belt. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Shafting and planer-belt. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Belting. Shafting. End of shafting. Engine. Spur-gearing. Belting. Circular saws. End of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel and dynamo belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of punching-machine. Machinery. Saw-belting and machinery. Shafting. Belting. 33 ,3 33 Glass-works 33 33 Grindery 33 " * 11 ' ' Hoisting ,, • • 33 ' ' 11 * * Hydraulic crane Hydraulic hoist Hydraulic lift Hydraulic press Joinery ,, • * ,, • • ,, • • a • • Laundry Leather-works Log-hauling ,, ,3 Machine-shop Manure-drying


No. 4. Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc.— continued.

4—H. 15a.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 ' Manure-drying 2 I 2 Match-factory 2 1 1 1 Merry-go-round • 7 Milking 1 1 1 „ • • 1 „ •• 5 „ •■ 2 „ 7 „ 3 „ 40 „ 2 „ 9 „ X ii .. X ii 1 Mincing x ,, • • • x ,, 1 Motor-works 2 ',', 1 „ 7 Oil-engines . . 2 „ 2 „ 83 „ 2 „ 1 „ 2 „ 1 Pelton wheel ] Pipe-making 1 Planing-mill 1 1 1 1 Power lift . . 1 1 1 Printing 1 1 I 2 1 2 2 1 t 1 1 2 2 Pumping 1 2 „ 1 „ •■ 1 3 1 „• 1 „ ■ : 1 Quartz-crushing 1 1 Electric switch. Main belting and pulley. Pulleys. Driving-belt and main driving-pully. Ends of machines and motor. Pulleys, belts, and machinery. Side of machine and motor. Belting. Belting. Belting and end of crank-shaft. Belting and pulleys. Circular saw and belting. Crank-shaft. Engines and belting. Engines and pumps. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels and end of shaft. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheels, pulley, ancl belting. Machinery. Shafting. Water-wheel. Belting. Engine. Fly-wheels of engine. Belting. Fly-wheel and toothed wheel of drilling-machine. Fly-wheels of engine. Key in fly-wheel. End of crank-shaft. Engines. Engines and belting. Fly-wheels of engine. Keys in fly-wheel. Side of fly-wheel. Wheels and belting. Pulley and belting. Driving-belt. Circular saw, shafting, and belting. Machinery. Planer and main belting, and friction-clutch. Shafting. Bottom of well. New ropes fitted. Safety-catches overhauled and adjusted. Belting. Countershaft. Driving-wheels. Engine, belting, and wheels. Fly-wheel of engine. Keys in fly-wheel. Machinery. Main driving-belt and motor. Shafting and key in fly-wheel. Side of driving-pulley and belting. Side of wheel. Two wheels. Wheels and belting. Belting. Engine. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheel, shafting, and belts. Keys in fly-wheel. Machinery. Shafting. Wheels and belting. Machinery, belting, and end of shafting. Machinery, belting, and loose collars on shaft. Spur-gearing.


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc. continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 6 4 5 1 1 Refrigerating Sash and door factory Sawmill Belting. Driving-belt. Engine, and refrigerator belt. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Two pulleys. Band saws. Belting. Belting and circular saws. Circular saws. Engine and machinery. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Machinery and saws. Main driving-belt. Pulleys. All machinery. Band saws. Belting and bevel-pinions. Belting and machinery. Bevel-wheels and shafting. Bevel-wheels on dust-creeper. Breast-bench saw, firewood saw, and belting. Circular saws. Circular saws and belting. Circular saws and emery wheels. Circular saws, belting, and shaft. Circular saws, countershaft, and belt. Circular saws, machinery, and belting. Driving-pulley and belting. Emery wheels. End of saw-spindle, band saw, pulley, and belting. Engine and pulleys. Fly-wheels of engine. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. Machinery and circular saws. Main belting and circular saws. Main belting, bevel-wheels, and shafting. Main belting, pulley, set screw on shaft, grindstone pulley and shaft. Main shafting and circular saw. Main shafting, belting, and circular saw. Planer belting and set screws. Planer-shafting. Pulleys and shafting. Pulleys, belting, and shafting. Saw-shafting and belting. Shafting, belting, and breast-bench saw. Side of vertical pulley and circular saw. Stop fitted to swinging saw. Two pulleys. Emery wheels. Key on crank-shaft. Belt, pulley, and fly-wheel. Side of engine. Side of one machine. Three belts. Water-wheel. Driving-belt and pulley. Belting. Belting and pulley. Belting, fly-wheel, and pulley. Emery wheels. End of crank-shaft. Engine and belting. Engine, shafting, and belting. Fly-wheel and belting. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 10 Saw-sharpening Seed-cleaning a ,, • • ,, Sewing-machines Shearing 33 33 • • • •


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, etc.continued.


dumber. ; Maohinery. Particulars. 2 Shearing 1 1 10 12 1 1 2 1 Shop-tools . . 1 2 - : 2 2 1 3 2 1 9 ! Station-work 6 5 2 1 1 . Steam-hoist 1 Steam lift 1 1 Stone-crushing 1 2 Tannery .1 1 Fly-wheel and emery wheels. Fly-wheel and key-lead. Fly-wheel, driving-belt, and pulley. Fly-wheels of engines. Machinery. Side of engine and driving-belt. Side of wheel-gearing. Wheels. Air-compressor and pugmill. Belting. Emery wheels. Emery wheels and pulleys. End of lathe. Engine. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Shafting. Belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel, pulley, and belting. Machinery. Saw and belting. Machinery. New steel-wire rope fitted to cage. Safety-gear adjusted. Driving-belt. Machinery. Countershaft. Ends of two shafts. Main belting, hydro-extractor belting, and set screws on countershaft. Belting. Belting and pulley. Side of wheel. Spur-gearing and belt. All machinery. Band saws. Band-saw belting. Band saw belting and engine. Belting. Belting and circular saw. Belting and pulleys. Belting and side of engine. Belting, sandpaper-machine, and circular saw. Circular saws. Circular saws and end of shaft. Driving-pulley and belting. Driving-shaft and belting. Emery -wheels. End of shaft and belting. End of shaft, circular saw, and fly-wheel. Engine. Engine and band-saw belting. Engine, pulleys, and belting. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel, belting, and countershaft. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheels of engine and machinery. Key on end of crank-shaft. Machinery. Pulley, shafting, and belting. Shafting. Side of belting. Side of planer-pulley. Two .belts. Two planer-pulleys. Fly-wheel of engine. 1 | Threshing 1 Ventilating 1 Water-wheel 1 „ 1 Wood-working 2 1 1 2 2 „ ... 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 1 ■ 1 '■ 1 ' „ 2. „ ... 1. 1 :--,, 1 Wool-dumping 889 I Total 889


No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.


Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. _l Cause of Accident, and Remarks. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Band saw .. ! Cyril Brookes ; 16 years .. j 10th April, 1911; thumb injured W. and G. Donaldson, Golden Point .. Gas-engine .. W. J. Stevenson ; 45 years .. i 20th April, 1911; knee injured .. While cutting hardwood-wedges Brookes's hand came in contact with the band saw, lacerating his right thumb. In attempting to stop the engine in a certain position Stevenson got his knoe crushed through coming into contact with the outer rim of the fly-wheel. When feeding paper through the machine Williamson got the fingers of his left hand crushed with the rollers. While attending to the mill Pemberton's right hand was accident - ally drawn into the machinery and crushed so severely that it had to be amputated. While working the machine Carthy's hand came into contact with the knives, causing injury to his right thumb. Stewart was feeding the durder when he slipped. To save himself he stretched out his right hand, when his thumb was drawn into the, machinery and cut off. McConchie overbalanced himself and fell down the lift-well, and the lift being in motion at the time he was caught by it and severely bruised. Reid allowed his hand to get into contact with the shaping-machine when in motion. Tappin was cleaning the governor of an oil-engine while the engine was in motion, when a projecting pin came into contact with the middle finger of his right hand, fracturing it. Mardell got his leg entangled in a belt, and he was drawn up and around the shafting. One of his legs was so severely injured that it had to be amputated. The tool McNarry was grinding slipped between the grindstone and the board protecting it, causing injury to his thumb. McGirr fell down the lift-well and injured his back. He opened the door at the landing leading to the cage of the lift, and thinking the cage was there he stepped out and fell to the bottom of the well. While planing a piece of timber Clisby's hand slipped and came in contact with the bottom cutters of the machine, when several fingers of his right hand were badly lacerated. Carson was feeding the machine when his hand got in between the impression-plate and the fixed type-frame. His hand was so severely crushed that it had to be amputated. Kellett's hand was injured through coming into contact with the saw. While working at the drag saw Simmons allowed his hand to come into contact with it, when the thumb and part of the index finger of his right hand were cut off. Tunnicliff's hand got in between the saws, causing the loss of three of the fingers of his right hand. While engaged sawing wood Stone's finger came in contact with the saw. | ; N. Z. Paper Mills (Limited), Auckland. . Paper-making .. \ James Williamson : 21 years .. | 29th April, 1911 ; lingers injured I Wilson's Portland Cement Company Tube-mill .. J. E. Pemberton ; 30 years . . i 29th April, 1911 : hand crushed .. (Limited), Warkworth James McAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Chain-mortiser .. Thomas Carthy ; 19 years .. : 1st May, 1911 : thumb injured .. George Kent and Son, Newmarket .. , Dough-durder .. Alfred Stewart : 19 years .. 1st May, 1911 ; thumb cut off Maurice Lyons, Christchurch.. .. Goods-lift .. L. .McConchie ; 24 years .. 3rd May, 1911 ; body bruised A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Shaping .. .. Herbert Reid; 21 years .. 9th May, 1911 ; finger hurt Wilson's Portland Cement Company Governor on engine George Tappin ; 29 years .. 14th May, 1911 ; finger injured .. (Limited), Warkworth C. H. Jones, Wellington .. .. Flour mixing .. Charles Mardell; 21 years .. 16th May, 1911 ; leg amputated .. Mataura Implement Works, Mataura .. Grindstone .. William McNarry ; 22 years .. 29th May, 1911 ; thumb injured .. Phelps, Wilson, and Co., Wellington .. Electric lift .. Douglas McGirr : 16 years .. 6th June, 1911 ; back injured City Sawmills (Limited), Dunedin .. Planing .. .. John Clisby ; 45 years .. 7th June, 1911 ; fingers injured .. Keeling and Mundy, Palmerston North.. Printing .. .. Frank Carson ; 16 years' .. 14th June, 1911 ; hand amputated James McAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Sash-mortiser .. David Kellett; 30 years .. 20th June, 1911 ; hand injured .. Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Kohu- Drag saw .. George Simmons ; 20 years .. 23rd June, 1911 ; thumb and finger kohu cut off Henry Tunnicliff, Dovedale .. .. Sawmill travelling- j F. M. Tunnielifi ; 48 years .. 29th June, 1911 ; fingers severed.. bench S. Kirkpatriek and Co. (Limited), Nelson Circular saw .. i Charles Stone ; 17 years .. 14th July, 1911 ; finger cut



Directors " Woodford House School," Havelock North Hydro-extractor .. David McDonald : 27 years .. 21st July, 1911 : arm amputated McDonald stepped forward to stop the hydro-extractor. He slipped and threw out his arm to save himself, when his hand was caught in the revolving cage of the machine. His aim was wrenched off at the elbow, and later on it had to be amputated a few inches below the shoulder. While engaged oiling the churn Vole got his fingers crushed in the gearing of the machine. Three of them were so severely injured that they had to be amputated. Archibald was turning a trolly-wheel in the turning-lathe, when the wheel fell out of the chuck, crushing his fingers. Armstrong attempted to get into the cage of the lift while it was in motion, but failed to do so, and was caught by it and had his hip severely bruised. Burgess had the middle finger of his left hand crushed between the timber and the saw-belt when working at the saw-bench. Through inattention, Armstrong's left hand got between two pinions of the machine, and had two of the fingers crushed. Young was attending to the lubrication of shaft when his clothing was caught by it. He was wound around the shafting until his clothing gave way. He was bruised all over his body, but had no bones broken. Lineham was oiling the machinery while it was in motion, when his shirt-sleeve was caught by the belting. One of his arms and parts of his body were considerably bruised. When Pearce was planing a piece of timber the second finger oi his left hand was caught by the rollers. A workman started the machine, not knowing that Bain had his right hand on it. Bain's hand was crushed by the compressor, necessitating the amputation of portion of the first three fingers. Leather's hand was caught by the clip of the air-compressor belt, injuring the ringers. The timber Jlburn was planing slipped and brought his left hand into contact with the knives of the machine, causing injury to several of his fingers. Bennett was attempting to shift the saw-guard while the saw was running, when his left hand slipped on to the saw and was severed at the wrist. Whilst grinding a cotter at an emery wheel Smith's finger was caught between the rest and emery wheel, and lacerated. While working at the mangle Gregg's hand was caught in the mangle and crushed so severely that it had to be amputated. Mrs. Pezaro was stepping on to lift from the second floor when the lift-attendant must have inadvertently touched the starting, lever before she got into the cage. She was caught between lift-floor and overhead boarding, and afterwards precipitated on to the outside floor. Rump was working the machme when his left hand was caught between the rollers, three fingers being crushed. Graves was trying to put a belt on a pulley in motion when his right arm got in between the belting- and the pulley, fracturing both bones in the arm. Nolan was repairing a locomotive, and had gone into the pit underneath to look for a leak in the firebox. To get a better look at part of the engine he gave orders for it to be moved a little. It was being moved when he got pinned between the engine and a board that had been placed across the pit. He had an arm fractured and several ribs broken. Mangorei Co-operative Dairy Factory (Limited), New Plymouth Dairy factory James Vole ; 21 years 26th July, 1911; fingers amputated P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Ross and Glendining (Limited), Auckland Turning-lathe Alexander Archibald ; 18 years 9th August, 1911 ; fingers crushed Electric lift Walter Armstrong ; 17 years .. 11th August, 1911 ; body bruised Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Kohukohu Ross and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin Crosscut circular saw Tony Burgess ; 24 years 17th August, 1911 ; finger injured Wringing William Armstrong ; 39 years 19th August, 1911 ; fingers crushed Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Friction- winch countershaft Herbert Young ; 36 years 21st August, 1911 ; body bruised.. Mace and Nicholson, Wellington Stone-crushing Thomas Lineham : 23 years .. 28th August, 1911 ; body and arm bruised Parker and Jones, Christchurch Planing F. C. Pearce ; 22 years 4th September, 1911; finger crushed Anderson's Limited, Lyttelton Hydraulic riveting Thomas Bain ; 23 years 11th .September, 191 1; hand crushed Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Waihi Sam Aburn and Sons, Dunedin Quartz-crushing G. Leather ; 40 years 13th September, 1911 : fingers injured 14th September, 1911 ; fingers injured Woodworking C. R. Aburn ; 37 years Robert Holt and Sons, Napier Circular saw Frank Bennett; 16 years 14th September, 1911 : hand cut off Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Waihi Mrs. E. V, Couehman, Petone Emery grinder W. Smith ; 22 years 15th September, 1911 ; finger injured 18th September, 1911 ; hand amputated 25th September, 1911: body bruised Mangle Ivy Gregg ; 23 years Arthur M. Myers, Auckland Electric elevator .. Mrs. Pezaro ; 33 years Skelton, Prostick, and Co. (Limited), Christchurch Palmerston North Fresh Food and Cooling Stores (Limited), Palmerston North Takapuna Tramways and Perry Company (Limited), Auckland Leather-splitting .. H. Rump ; 35 years. . 27th September, 1911 ; fingers crushed 30th September, 1911; arm broken Refrigerator C. W. Graves ; 24 years Locomotive E. Nolan ; 33 years 25th October, 1911 ; arm fractured



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident, and Nature of injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. i I Stevenson and Cook, Port Chalmers .. Main shafting .. Philip Middleditch; 19 years.. 30th October, 1911 ; legs fractured Middleditch was engaged shifting the position of a set of chain blocks near the main driving-shaft when his clothing was caught by the shafting. He was whirled round several times, and his legs, coming into contact with a beam, were both broken. When going up on the goods-lift Plummer allowed his foot to project over the outside edge of the flooring of the cage on which he was standing. When ascending it was caught on the first floor and bruised. Bryant lost the tips of two of his fingers through contact with the knives of the machine. Smart was cleaning the machine while it was in motion, when his hand was drawn into the gearing. His hand was so badly crushed that it had to be amputated. When working at the saw Gambling's hand slipped and came in contact with the saw, causing a flesh wound. Surrell attempted to adjust the guide while the saw was in motion, when his left hand was caught by the saw, causing injury to three of his fingers. A can-body got jambed in the machine, and Myers tried to take it out without stopping the machine when he got his finger injured. Whilst attending to the oil-engine McNeish's coat was caught in the belting and was drawn round the shaft. His body was bruised, and he also suffered slight concussion of the brain. Woods had three fingers of right hand injured while working at the machine. In attempting to remove a piece of dough that was sticking to the underside of the cutter, whilst the machine was in motion, Hudson's middle finger of right hand was caught between the cutter and bedplate and crushed. Home allowed his coat to get caught by the shafting, when he was wound around it. His arm was fractured and afterwards amputated. When working at the shaper McDavitt's right hand slipped and came into contact with the knife of the machine, causing the loss of the thumb at first joint and three of the fingers. Stone was leaning over the side of the lift-well to adjust a rope which had fouled when the descending cage of the lift caught his head, fracturing his skull and doing injury to his cheek and the back of his head. Greenslade's clothing caught on the shafting, drew him in, and his body was badly bruised. No bones were broken. When working at the machine Norton's left hand was caught in the flax-stripper and crushed. While reaching over to remove a sheet of tin McKenzie accidentally put his foot on the starting-treadle, causing the knife to come down on his finger. White was cleaning the loom while in motion when the crank caught her hair ribbon and hair, causing injury to her scalp. John Court (Limited), Auckland .. Hydraulic goods-lift H. Plummer ; 24 years 4th November, 1911 ; foot injured J Clutha Timber and Hardware Company Buzzer .. A. Bryant (Limited), Balclutha Oamaru Woollen Factory Company Spinning-mule .. R. J. Smart: 15 years (Limited), Oamaru 4th November, 1911; fingers injured 4th November, 1911 ; left hand injured ' Le Manquais, Lamb, and Co., Paeroa.. Band saw .. I A. Gambling ; 19 years Andrew Miller, Nelson .. .. Saw-bench .. William Surrell; 39 years ■ 8th November, 1911; hand injured 9th November, 1911; fingers injured Murrays Limited, Invercargill .. Can-body former .. Charles Myers ; 18 years 9th November, 1911 ; finger injured 11th November, 1911 ; brain injured and body bruised The Western Taieri Land Drainage Oil-engine .. Samuel McNeish; 43 years .. Board, Mosgiel Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. Milk-chocolate re- J. Woods ; 20 years fining Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. Biscuit-cutting .. Edward Hudson ; 26 years 13th November, 1911; fingers injured 13th November, 1911 ; finger injured ._._...._... _. . . loth November, 1911 ; left arm mutilated Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Blenheim .. Petrol-engine .. j H. H. Home ; 34 years Green, McLean, and Beaven (Limited), Shaper .. .. j F. McDavitt; 21 years Wanganui 27th November, 1911 ; hand injured L. D. Nathan and Co., Auckland .. Electric lift . . James Stone ; 42 years 27th November, 1911 ; skull fractured ■ Frank Greenslade and Co., Nelson .. Gas-engine .. | William Greenslade; 27 years.. 4th December, 1911 ; body bruised A. and L. Seifert's Flax-dressing Com- Flax-dressing . . James Norton; 23 years pany (Limited), Shannon Murrays Limited, Invercargill .. Guillotine .. Roy McKenzie; 16 years Oamaru Woollen Factory Company Power-loom .. Mary White; 20 years (Limited), Oamaru 12th December, 1911; hand crushed 16th December, 1,911 ; finger injured 16th December, 1911 ; scalp in- | jured


H.— lsk

Otiigo Harbour Board, Dunedin Circular saw Stanley Gallon ; 17 years 18th December, 1911 ; fingers injured 12th January, 1912 ; toe injured .. Callon was sawing a piece of timber when his left hand slipped and came into contact with the saw, injuring two fingers. While working at the steam hammer an iron beam struck Shackle's right foot, injuring the little toe. When greasing the saw while in motion Robertson's left hand came into contact with it, cutting the index finger. When cleaning the sawdust away from the circular saw Campbell's hand came in contact with the saw. Bourke got her finger crushed when working the machine. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Thomas Latta, Owaka Steam -hammer .. } Circular saw Sydney Shackle ; 28 years Angus Robertson ; 18 years .. 17th January, 1912 ; finger cut .. Circular saw .. j P. R. Campbell; 20 years 18th January, 1912 ; three fingers of right hand cut off 20th January, 1912 ; finger injured Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Kelly and Moore, Auckland Stitching-boxes Eileen Bourke ; 19 years Deason was picking bits of the leather out of the gearing while the machine was in motion, when two of his fingers were crushed. Watts was standing on a pipe feeling the bearing of fan when he slipped. He threw his left arm out to save himself, when it was caught by the fan, crushing it severely and necessitating its amputation. Barnes' finger was injured while working at the heeling-machine. Boot-press Charles Deason ; 30 years 24th January, 1912 ; fingers injured The Waikato Farmers' Co-operative Bacon Company (Limited), Frankton Junction Air-battery fan H. Watts ; 52 years 24th January, 1912 ; arm crushed iSargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin Robert Holt and Sons, Napier Heeling .. Victor Barnes ; 21 years 26th January, 1912 ; finger injured Circular saw F. Ball; 40 years 7th February, 1912 ; leg cut Ball was sawing a piece of timber when it flew back and struck him on the leg, causing a flesh wound. Clarkson's finger came into contact with the circular knife of the . Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Sole-cutting press Milk-kiss rollers William Clarkson ; 20 years .. James Dodson : 19 years 8th February, 1912 ; fingers cut .. 9th February, 1912; fingers crushed press. In attempting to pick something off the rollers while the machine was in motion Dodson's left hand was caught by the rollers and crushed. Dudley's left hand was crashed while engaged at the lathe. Whenworking at the lathe Mooney's right hand was crushed. Stuart's hand got into the bevel-gearing of the governor while the engine was in motion. Ireland's hand came into contact with the saw when it was in motion. Douglas allowed his hand to get into contact with the cutters of the planing-machine. Andrews's hands came into contact with the knives of the machine, causing injury to five of them. In endeavouring to remove a chip from the saw while it was in motion Jusick's hand came in contact with the saw. Harris allowed bis finger to get under the die of the press. William Cable and Co., Kaiwarra A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Christchurch Meat Company (Limited), Burnside Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Smith and Smith Sawmilling Company (Limited), Christchurch Mann and Addison, Newton Lathe Turret lathe Steam-engine Rip saw R. Dudley ; 17 years T. N. Mooney ; 21 years John Stuart ; 61 years W. S. Ireland; 19 years 12th February, 1912 ; fingers cut 12th February, 1912 ; fingers injured 12th February, 1912; finger crushed 13th February, 1912 ; finger cut.. Planing Robert Douglas ; 46 years 14th February, 1912; thumb cut off 19th February, 1912; five fingers cut off 22nd February, 1911 ; thumb and finger injured 27th February, 1912 ; finger cut.. Buzzer Frank Andrews ; 40 years Butler Bros. (Limited), Ruatapu Gang-saw Frederick Jusick ; 26 years .. Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited), Auckland The New Zealand Times Company (Limited), Wellington Stamping-press Rotary-printing press R. Harris : 17 years William Kemp ; 21 years 4th March, 1912 ; arm crushed .. While feeding paper into the machme Kemp's fingers slipped between the rollers. His hand and arm were drawn in .before the machine could be stopped, crushing the arm severely. His arm had to be amputated above the elbow. When working at the machine Harris's hand was caught in the gearing, causing the loss of three fingers of his left hand. While engaged sawing timber Miller's finger came into contact with the saw. _ Griffin and Son (Limited), Nelson Chocolate-refining W. H. R. Harris ; 14 years .. 6th March, 1912; fingers crushed.. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Waikino Sawmill J. Miller ; 55 years 29th March, 1912 ; finger injured



No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. ■ Name and Age of Person injured Date of Accident and Nature of injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. New Zealand Express Company (Limited), Auckland James Stephen, Stavely Smith and Caughey (Limited), Auckland Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Auckland John McLean and Sons (Limited), Bealey Plat Dispatch Foundry Company (Limited), Greymouth H. S. Dadley, Auckland John McLean and Sons (Limited), Otira 1 ! Hydraulic lift .. ' Colin Charles Clark ; 26 years 3rd April, 1911 ; crushed .. It is presumed that Clark missed his footing and fell down the well of the lift. While falling he must have clutched the ropes attached to the cage, causing the cage to come down on top of him, and crushing him. Water-wheel .. j James Stephen : 60 years .. ; 22nd April, 1911 ; head crushed .. While cleaning out the trench under the wheel Stephen's clothes were caught by the flexible coupling which drew him round the shaft, causing the injuries to his head and chest. Electric lift .. j William Henry Brewer; 15 years j 1st May, 1911; neck broken .. Brewer knelt on the floor to look down the lift-well when the cage of lift came down, caught his head, and broke his neck. Shell-washing .. j Frederick Gallagher ; 42 years ' 31st May, 1911 ; legs injured .. While Gallagher was walking alongside the machine in motion he slipped and fell into it. Both legs were caught by the spiral conveyor, and so injured as to cause his death. 3 - throw electric- Steven Wood ; 23 years .. j 22nd June, 1911 ; arm crushed .. Wood was attending to the brushes of the electric motor when driven pump his overcoat got entangled in the gearing of the pump and pulled him over. In falling his left arm got into the gearing, and was crushed from the elbow to the wrist. He died nineteen days after the accident from nervous exhaustion. Overhead crane .. 1 A. Ellison ; 19 years . . 6th July, 1911 ; crushed .. Ellison was drilling holes in the rails which carried the crane, and failed to notice the crane approaching him. The crane pinned him against the drilling-post he was using, and killed him instantly. Hydra idic lift .. j Douglas Manttan ; 26 years .. 9th August, 1911 ; crushed .. When, using the lift on the first floor Manttan neglected to close the sliding door which protects the lift-well. While assistmg to load the goods on a dray, some one had raised the cage of the lift to another floor landing. The deceased, thinking the cage of the lift was still where he had left it, stepped back and fell down the lift-well, causing such injuries that he died a few days later. Electric locomotive Frank Cuthbert; 35 years .. 22nd August, 191 1 ; body crushed Cuthbert was driving the electric locomotive with the trollv-polc turned the wrong way, and when going down the hill the pole came off ; he caught the pole with one hand and put the brake on with the other. He afterwards let go the brake and caught hold of the pole with both hands. The pole, however, slewed round, struck the concrete-mixer, broke, and swinging round caught Cuthbert across the chest and pinned him against the motor, and crushed him. He died from shock. Flax-mill .. Prank Healy ; 31 years . . 2nd September, 1911 ; crushed .. Healy was repairing the belt of the scutcher when bv some means the engine started. His clothing was caught by the belting, and he was dragged around the shafting, striking the platform with great violence. He died half an hour after the accident. Drag saw .. Papa Huru Titore ; 19 ears .. 19th October, 1911 ; abdomen in- While sawing a piece of timber it flew over the saw and struck jured Titore in the abdomen, injuring him severely. His death occurred two days after the accident. Stone-crusher .. William Parsons ; 16 years .. 1st November, 1911; skull frac- Parsons was oiling the crank-shaft bearing when the loose end of tured his coat was caught by the revolving shaft. His skull was fractured, and he received other injuries so serious that death ensued a few hours after the accident. Pulley on main shaft William Lurch ; 22 years .. 13th November, 1911 ;j crushed .. Lurch was putting the belt on the pulley when his shirt-sleeve was caught between the belt and the pulley, drawing him round the shaft several times before the engine could be stopped. He died shortly after the accident. Sawmill .. .. John Minson ; 45 years .. 20th November, 1911; skull frac- Minson was struck on the head 03' the belt-fastener of a revolving tured belt, which fractured his skull. Death ensued four days after the accident. Gold-dredge .. George Roberts ; 53 years .. 18th March, 1912 ; crushed .. Roberts was examining one of the bearings on the elevator-shaft when by some means his clothing was caught by the shaft. He was carried round by the shaft, and received such injuries as to cause his death. Harold Jarvis, Rongotea Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Kohukohu Oates Bros., Green Hills Aulesbrook and Co., Christchurch L. Zala, The Forks Smeaton's Dredging 3Syndicate, Reefton



No. 7.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

No. 8. —Return of Electric-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

No. 9. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

5—H. 15a.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue, i No. Israel Webster Frederick Cullmann Richard Sidney Austin Thomas Helling Robert Meikle Grant Alfred Ernest Robinson .Alfred George Butement Archibald John Mclnnes Winding, competency 1911. May 12 459 12 460 12 461 July 12 462 August 15 463 15 : 464 15 ' 465 December 1 466 1912. February 15 j 467 15 I 468 15 j 469 15 I 470 15 471 15 472 Wilmot Armstrong Harold Leslie Williams James Fowler Alfred Turner Chisholm Grant Hawken Edgar Nelson

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. I Samuel George Veal Thomas Murray, jun. Hugh Edward McQuillan Edward Morrison Mackie Edwin Richard Mitchell Albert Collins Yelland John Patrick McDonald Benjamin Burgess Electric-winding, service .. 1911. December I 33 X 1912. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 William Keyston Clark Thomas Francis O'Sullivan .. John George Snow Charles Black Thomas Matthew Snow February 15 15 15 15 15 9 10 11 12 13

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. _j William Morse Locomotive and traction, competency Ditto . . 1911. 2366 May 12 Arthur Win Charles Penny William Donald Cattanach . . Thomas Courtney Devery . . Frank Hugh Burns Thomas Joseph Henry George Derby Horgan William Leonard Rapley Alexander Macgregor Macph erson Jens Poulsen Pallesen Otto Albert Petrowski 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377


No. 9.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate?. Date of Issue. No. James Gordon McKay Locomotive and traction, competency Ditto .. 1911. 2378 May 12 Charles Dickson Charles Herbert Graham William John Harkness Samuel Jacob KingJames Milne Francis Herbert Edward Ritchie John Benjamin Winter James YoungHenry Knight John McLachlan William Perry Owen Ruddy Henry Walter Vicary George Henry William Daikee Harold Winter William James Appelbe John Lambert Taylor Frederick Ellis, jun. John Gunn Albert Beliski James Don Taylor Arthur Haydon Wood Roy Leo Parkin Alexander Holmes George Augustus Williams .. Clement Lodge Hugh Ballantine George Herbert Duffell William Johnson Robert Morrison William O'Shannessy Walter James Sinclair Carl August Blank Michael "Collett Ernest Victor Garlick James Duncan Hearn Thomas Francis Turner John Brown James Jack James Davies John Alsop Frederick Francis Mills Joseph Alfred Mills Frank Oldham White Albert Edward Church George Newman Hunt James Benjamin Garnham .. Joseph Roger Todd Edmond Barry William Edward Corbett Charles Alfred Pascoe William Henry Rayworth William Patrick Sheehy Kenneth Gilbert Hunt Charles Mackie Smith William Henderson William Kerr William Townley Thomas McAvoy Arthur John Pitcher Francis Harper Blakemore .. Albert Victor Fairey Nathaniel Fidler William John Fisher 12 .12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 July 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 August 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 19 15 15 19 15 15 15 15 15 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442


No. 9.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certifici Class of Certificate. sate. Date of Issue. No Samuel Humm Charles Montgomery Charles Henry Morriss Ernest Roland Morrison Thomas Reid John Henry Thompson Ernest Vincent Stephen McDonald David Beattie James Arthur Meek John Clement Daniel Thomas Madden Edwin Alfred Watkins William James Shaw Robert Allan Herbert Alfred Bridgman Michael Edward Cody Walter Barr Craig James Hamilton John Lamb Angus Patterson .John Taylor Pope William Pope John Laidlaw Woodward William Dale Moses Gollan Thomas Henwood Arthur Charley Gadd James Percival Prouse James Allan William Percy Allen James Francis Lilly John Edwin Mudgway John Sutton Millett Charles Edward Brassington George Robert Pirie Charles George Silvester William Alfred Andrew James Egan Edward filoomfield John Elmslie Coskerie William Leonard Harrison .. William Hayes John Leonard Owen Joseph Francis McKee, jun. Walter Henry Traves Graham Augustus Bruere Samuel David Cupples William Henry Feather Harley Thomas James Gibbs Leslie Hall Frederick Jackson Richard Trehair Matthews . . William O'Neill Arthur Edward Rossiter George Arthur Smith William Smith William James Lobb John Osbaldeston Kitching . . Arthur Hill Edwin Alexander Menzies .. Percy George Rentone Small William Byers Alexander Chalmers James Cusack :: Locomotive and competency Ditto .. traction, 1911. August 15 2443 December 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507


No. 9.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. | No. I Alexander Grant Locomotive and traction, competency Ditto .. 1911. December I 2508 William Hollebon .. Alexander Hunter McKenzie James Francis Norman Charles Jess Reynolds Andrew Chambers Robinson Thomas Weatherburn John Williamson Cyril George Knipe John Jones Sydney Edward Smith Alan Colin Lowe Pierre Louis Guillard, jun. John Llewellyn Williams Thomas Hibbs Henry James Hopgood John Butcher Henry John Ellis Hugh Matthew Blair Horace Campbell Cockburn . . William Francis Mclsaac Leslie William Wright James Aikman Herbert Milner CanJoseph Parkes Arthur Williams Charles Mitchell Thomas Sheehy ii 11 11 ii li • • • • ' • 11 ' • 11 ii 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1912. 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 11 ■ ■ * • li ii • • • • • • ii ii 11 • • • • • • 11 John Steffens James Pennington Bates Michael Joseph Walsh George Herbert Bransby Li 11 Daniel Bishop William Collett Richard Stott George Herbert Hansen Alfred Harris Albert Edney Briggs William Couper Donnelly Henry Austin Kirby Herbert Henry Martyn Percy Edwin Ford John William Soper Francis Sydney Watson William Penfold Biddle Francis Ivan Cross William John Eynon Charles Henry Hargreaves . . Jesse Mace Maisey Thomas Baxter .. John Blair Richard Jamieson James Andrew Stewart William Frederick Charles Hahn 11 11 ii February 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 11 ii


No. 10.—Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

No. 11.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No Extra tirst-class stationary, 1911. July 12 Arthur Frederick Priddey 78 Francis Howard Lorking Harold Humphrey Matthews Nicol James Webster competency Ditto August 15 15 December I 1912. 79 ,80 81 ,, ,, Thomas Richard Overton Thomas Steele Goudie 33 February 15 15 82 83 ,, . . • •

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. : No. tobert Moore ames Sheppard Jharles Adams ohn Sangster Edward Snowball . . 1911. First-class stationary, service May July „ ,, December i 33 3, 33 , 33 ?, ,3 1912. ,, » February 12 1691 12 | 1692 1 \ 1693 1 j 1694 1 I 1695 15 | 1696 ohn Carless

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. John Thomas Clark First-class stationary, com1911. May 12 1509 4irthur James Merrifield Adam Scott Mitchell William Bruce Robson Frederick Harmond Briggs .. Samuel Stringer Edward George Langham John King Colin Campbell Algie Patrick Galway Henry Scott Thomas Helling Daniel Phillips Mclntyre William David Blake Percy Hellyer Davey Hugh Campbell Edward Walter Hodgson Frank Le Roi George Ledingham Charles Ernest Rillstone James Newsham West Alfred George Butement Richard Stevens Wilfred John Allcock William Arthur Tomlinson .. Bower Pearce Thomas Edmund McMillan .. Richard James Arthur petency Ditto 33 33 33 33 33 33 11 3, 33 August 33 3, December 12 12 12 12 12 1.2 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536



No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

No. 13. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Francis George Gibbs First-class stationary, competency Ditto 1911. December 1 1537 Leonard Alexander Jardin .. John Chapman Trebilcock .. Ihomas Richard Overton 3-eorge Wilson Tinning lohn William Ebbitt Kennedy Frederick Charles Purvis John Alexander Falconer Vfayo Carlton Clark Walter Coburne Francis Arthur Llewellyn Murray Harry Williams Henry Lowther Williams John Gillow Elliott 1912. 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 Wilmot Armstrong Vdam Millar Cook William Walker rhomas Henry Dawson Boles Benjamin Lee Henry Robert Linkhorn Charles Percy Baker Henry William Thorpe February ,, 33 33 33 33 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1911. William Thomas Gilbert Second-class stationary, competency Ditto .. May 12 3424 John Broadbent Joseph Muhlegger Edwin Thomas Jeffrey May .. Thomas Duncan Bathgate .'. William James Maslen John Joseph Beagley George Henry Lamb Francis William Smith Horton Henry Hitchon Charles Hector McLean Alexander Harper Charles Edward Crews Duncan Gilbert Howard William Grant Morrison John Edward Mudford Archibald David Brown John Leonard Taylor Robert Scott John Alfred Thompson William Byers Frederick Wright Valentine Armstrong William Thomas Harris Robert Leslie Metcalfe Simpson Mclvor John Frederick Tollan John Martin Donald Calder Bower Andrew Mitchell Stirling Albert Bary July 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454


No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Louis Matthew Brunetti •• #0? Second - class stationary, 1911. 3455 July 12 James Spencer White Charles August Ambrose James Waterstreet William Henry Arnold Otto Alfred Gundersen William Alexander Mason Frederick Joseph Sparrow .. George Robert Ernest Neiiman Leslie Campbell Thomas Hansen Niels Olsen Philip Gerard Milne Ernest Clifford Wadsworth . . James Alfred Freeman Johnston William Archibald Wilson J ohn Barclay Edward Walter Hodgson Percy Charles Viggers John William Garner Alexander Aitken John Thomas Coffey Leslie Martin Tweedie Boyd Bennie Richardson Hugh Bryce John Alexander Kerr Henry Murray James Ritchie Mochan John Williamson Shand James Emanuel Palmer Frederick William Sparke Thomas Alfred Watkins Frank Mark Collins James Milne, jun. Norman Luja Dahl William Holmes William Mugridge John O'Donnell Francis Sydney Watson Joseph Harris Charles Stafford Dickinson . . Dudley Starr Albert George Thompson Lionel George Morris William James Kirker John William Thompson John Alexander Adams William John Baker Alexander Mackenzie Percy Clyde Payne William Henry Shaw William Charles Clarke David Bruce Murdoch John Linaker William Roberts James Morris Stephenson John George Brady Harold William James Beck. . William James Child William Sessions Hanford David Andrew MurrayJoseph Forrester Stirling Albert Raynor Anderson George Best Edwards Edward Carlton Gibbs competency Ditto 12 12 12 12 August 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 15 15 1.5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 December 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3456 3457 3458 34593460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520


No. 13. Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Carl Theodore, Kuhtze Thomas O'Dea Alexander Needs Matthew Aunger Robert Spear Waltei William Wilson Colin Alexander McDonald .. John William Gray William Eric Baxter Robertson George Westwood Kidd Miller Matthew Miller George Henry Williams Gavin Ballantyne Ernest Harold Atkinson Roy Arthur Bird Michael Sherlock William Botham White Francis John William McKeown Hugh Reid Edward Ball George Cammock Martin Coyne Charles Keatley William Keefe Henry Albert Goodhue Henry John Bignall Frederick Daw Levi James Edward Matthews Joseph Taylor McEwan David Joseph Williams Albert Edwin Burrell Albert Siddall Benjamin Fleetwood Cargill Second - class competency Ditto .. 11 11 • • 11 11 • • ii ■ ■ ii * * ;; * • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • ' ii • • ii • • ii * - ii • • ii • • ii • • 1911. stationary i December ii • • j ii ii • • \ ii ii • • ii • • • ' ii • * • • . ii ii • • | ii • • ii ■ • ii ' • • * ; ') ... )5 • • ■ ■ ;) ii 1912. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 Walter Dawson Gordon Howatson Stanley Bennett Hall Frederick Aggett John Dyer Victor Stephen Bravo David Cairns Carl Otto Hans Peter Nielsen Herbert Leslie Sigley Wellwood Stanley Anderson. . Thomas Adams Bartholomew Farrington Edwin George Green John Mitchell John Bird Tan j ore Boyce Francis Henry Donovan Frederick De Bert Wells John Vevers Buse John Melville Ernest William Skeet Donald Cameron Andrew Duckworth Augustaff Albert Johnson .. William Andy Wilson John Solomon Taylor William Fleming John Glen Stephen Herbert Adams Alban Joseph Rosenbaum .. Matthew Bennie William McCaffrey Alexander Dickson • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • ' ii ■ ■ ii • • ii • • ii ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • • ii • ' ii ■ ' ii • • ii • • yi • ' February 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 . . • • 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - • >1 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585


No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.

6—H. 15a.


i Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. j No. William Read Robert Alexander Bremner Alfred Richard Jones Edward Alfred Mills George Bell Anderson John Robert Gillies Harry Corbett Green Frederick George Hilliker John Samuel Johnson Frederick William Macdonald James McKane George Pearce Edward Joseph Quarterman James Albert Richardson James Hugh Cormick John Helmsley Edwin Montague Rix George McDowall John Thomas Sturgeon David Park Heatley Walter Robert Deane Homan James Read Owen James Ward Alexander Berland Robert James Bowles Thomas Hopkins Harry Cross William Murray John McTague James Neame William Pryde Robertson George Thorn Nicholas Mathewson William Blair Archibald Grubb Drummond Charles Pearce Richard Randle William Hope John Broadfoot Francis Gantley Alfred Charles Lenz George Ernest James John Peter Peterson Andrew Lindsay Isaac Stephenson Charles Robert Stewart .. . r Sidney Lionel Leonard John William Hopper Henry Innis, jun. Andrew Couper Timothy Herlihy Louis Robert Hill William Woolley Edward Draper George Edward Tricker Thomas Allan Malcolm Campbell Cormack Thomas Henry Palmer Frederick Randell George Roberts Thomas Walter Gibson John Joseph Golden Albert Edward Bennett William John Hilder John Young Alexander Paterson Clark Electric-tram, service 11 1911. September 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 II 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65


No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Arthur Hilliker Donald Archibald McLeod . . Robert Brown William Thomas Charles Wortley William Russell Dixon Frederick James Cocker Roland John Dredge Alexander Duncan Gordon . . John Kemp John Paton Frederick Leslie Howard George Canterbury Tibbs Ernest Baker John Dwyer Albert Edward Edwards William Foster William Keane James Alexander Ronald . . • George Johnston Clark Walter Briggs Leonard Diamond Alfred John Maiden Gustav Svenson Charles Patrick Howard Joseph Hughes William Henry Knox Robert Faire John Stewart Wellington Bunting Thomas Orchard Robert Ester Anderson Alfred Dowding John Wallace Duncan Duncan Claude James Ingle.. Ernest Lionel Holland Ernest Eli Hill Rowe Samuel Burgess Brettell William Walter Brown Albert Ernest Victor Chaney Harry Thomas Russell Thomas Coffey Emerson Brook Ernest William Huntly Bull. . Harry Dunn William Barker Myles Charles O'Donnell James Robert Smith Benjamin Whitehouse William Henry Wilks John Benson Blackburn Edgar Crespin Albert James Henley George Lomas John Wilson Charles Williams Arthur William Parker Alfred Thomas Beaver George Ernest Bluett William Herbert Colman Albert Charles Cone Herbert Thomas Fullwood . . Thomas Robert Reade Cornelius Sullivan Stephen Fuller George Grayling Miller Horace Rogers Frank Scott Electric-tram, service ,, 33 33 33 33 33 33 53 33 ,, 3 '■ 1911. December 33 33 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 3 3 33 33


No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No ±\ame ot jperson. Louis Frederick Weeber Samuel Williams Thomas Jeffry Bland George Edward Cooke Alexander Errol Miller Fraser William Gilbert Johnson Menotte Giacomo Marcantelli Martin Murphy Frederick Ruck Frederick Short Herbert Hughes William Joseph Lewis Leonard Herbert Philpott Arthur Reade Thomas William Richardson Cornelius Wiking George Absalom Chivers Arthur Edwin Waller Clarke Charles Edward North George Alfred Oakley James Arthur Dotchin William Brownlie Charles Counsel Albert Timmings William Henry Baker Jeremiah Crowley Stanley Thurbin Pepperell James Thomson David Durell Charles Hobbs Harry John Matthews George Murray . . .. John Joseph McCarthy Kenneth Hugh Hunter Raddon William Rodney Smith Hiram Barnes Archibald Butters George William Francis Corley Robert Douglas Michael Joseph Dwyer William Firth William James Hueston George Lewis Adam John Mills James Gerald Peters Arthur James Shearer Walter Whyte Richard Culmer Alsop George Henry Dabourn Stephen Jocelyn Grammer Henry Charles Heyder Partick Joseph Gerald Kennedy William Vincent Morris Walter David Tinker Thomas George Florence James Patrick Cunnolly Gordon Charles Mervyn Dumbleton .. Albert Ernest Moorhouse John McArthur Edmund George Tilleyshort Herbert Albert Thomas Alderson James Henry Dunn John William Marshall Andrew Gregg Francis Augustus Clapshaw Daniel Whitford Electric-tram, service 1911. December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 „ . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197



No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. I Percy Charles Dixon George Henry Lister John Daniel Peoples Clement Weeber William John Duff Thomas Francis Parker George Henry Evans Boyd Thomson Mitchell William Alfred Rockland Thomas Ryley Arthur Dean Percy Taylor Robert Riley Richards Joseph Daniel Carty Thomas Finnerty Walter Albert James Tetheridge Herman Lang George Thomas Barker Sydney Richard Meatchem . . David Lynn Thomson Gilbert George Scott John Andrew Jamieson James Albert Storer William James Pearson Henry James Quarterman .. William Henry Spiller William Grant George Aberdeen Leo Allen Thomas Alfred Auckram Edward Bach Frederick Batson Charles Spencer Bayley James Beachem Francis Henry Bishop Frederick Fitzroy Bolton George Ernest Bourband Arthur Leslie Brairby Walter Leslie Breen John Brodie Christopher Oaksford Brown Spencer Frank Brown John Buchanan Richard William Buckby Sydney Buckingham Patrick Coady Buckley William Buckley Robert John Burbidge Charles Bustoff Edward Callow William Campbell Cuthbert Downey Carson Alfred Chorley George Frederick Christmas .. Henry Clark Frederick William Clarke John Clarken Sydney Colquhoun Thomas Daniels William Dixon Robert Donovan John Joseph Doorty Francis Doyle Gilbert Henry Elliot Sidney William Eustace Electric-tram, service 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3 3 33 33 33 33 ,3 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3, 33 33 ,3 1911. December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225' 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 33 ,, 33 33 3 3 3, 3 3 ,3 11 ,? 33 , , 33 33 33 11 33 ,3 3 3 33 33 ,, 33 33 ,3 33 33 ,, 33


No. 14. —Return of Electric-tram Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Frank Montague Eveleigh .. William George Everitt Ernest Edward Faber Sydney Michael Farrelly Hugh Farrer Thomas Edward Fletcher Erwin Clarence Francks Edward Frith Harry Fulcher Peter Glen George Archibald Green Francis Greene John Griffin Charles Henry Gutry Arthur Hall John Henry Hall Charles Halley Frank William Hankins Hans Peter Hansen Arthur Percy Haslam Walter Henry Haslam James Alexander Heading .. John Houston Jacob Dynes Hurfitt Alfred Percy Ingley Arthur Alfred Irvine Andrew Jack Olaf Jensen Thomas Alger Johnson Leslie Jones William McAnulty Kerr William James Kirkwood Charles Lawson Joseph Robert Loney William Mason Percy John Miller James Sidney Mills David Morrison Patrick Murphy Walter James Murray Frank McDermott Walter McDonald Peter McElwain Peter McGorum Richard McLaren Thomas Neal William Robert Neville George Nichols Thomas Noon Charles Joseph Norris Alfred Henry Olney Harold William Parker Courtney Parks George Thomas Parnell Richard William Partridge .. Alexander Paton Frank Paton Robert Rae Frederick Reuss Paul Richardson William George Righton James Rigney Charles Robinson Walter Rogers James Elijah Rollerson William Thomas Rowe Electric-tram, service 1911. December 33 33 33 33 ,3 ,3 33 33 33 ,3 33 ,3 33 33 3, 33 33 3, ,3 33 33 ,, 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3 3 33 33 ,3 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 33 33 33 33 ,3 33 3, 33 33 3, 33 33 33 33 33 ,, 3, 11 ,, 33 ,, 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4: 4



No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers— continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. John Ryan Ernest Scorringi Abraham Sherson Clarence Walwin Smith Ernest Smith John James Smith Henry Smithies William Spiers Richard Spry William Wallace Stewart Philip Suchting John James Taylor Wallace George Taylor Alfred Horner Thrussell Thomas Troy John Urquhart Robert Wade Herbert Henry Ward John Watson Harry Marshall White William Henry Willcocks John James Williams John Willis John Wilson William Gilpin Charles Ernest Wilkinson Amos Hollingworth Mathew Whalen Robert Adams Benjamin Musgrave Charles Johnstone Alfred Clark Napier Peter Smith John Spence John Reid Frederick Richard Stevenson Daniel Alfred Tucker Robert James James Joseph Small Noel Ivan Wills William Dolbey Aitken Francis Henry Cooper John Percy Coyne John Francis George Fuller Frederick Henry Hull Hector Liardet John Henry Little Gavin Miller Charles Mitchell Duncan McGillivray Charles Patchett Albert Gore Ward Charles Lawrence Herbert Phillips Andrew Fraser Benjamin John Glancifield .. George Edward Handcock .. Electric-tram, service 33 33 3, - • 33 • ' 33 • • 33 ■ • 3 3 3, • • 3, • • 33 ' ■ ,3 ■ • 33 • • 33 * * 33 * ' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 • • ,, • • • ,, • ■ 1911. December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1912. 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 33 • ■ 33 3 3 3, • • 3 3 • • 33 • • 33 33 33 • ■ 33 4. 33 33 3 3 33 * * 33 33 • • , , * • 33 • • 33 • • 33 • • 33 • • 33 - * ,, ,3 James Hill Walter McDonald John Joseph Glynn John Welch William Bateman William Henry Cross David Dalton 33 • ■ 33 33 * ' January 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 33 * * 33 33 3, • *


No. 14.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers— continued.

No. 15. —Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1911, to the 31st March, 1912.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. | No. _L Warwick Edward Daman Sadler William James Bright William Henry Moyle Frank Taylor Maurice Allen Robert Waterland Alfred William Catchpole John Henry Timms Joseph Charles Minifie Frederick William Arnold Francis Charles Jones Richard Rogers Hall William Milroy Beveridge George Thomson Harold Gordon Bowe Richard Wall Harry Raymond Christmas .. . . * John Beresford Clough Sydney Frederick Charlesworth Crane Electric-tram, service 1912. January 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413

.Name of .Person. Name of Person. i. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Henry Alfred Bade Walter Thomas Baker Neil Stuart Boyle Anthony Robinson Broadbent Thomas Albert Christeson .. Bertie Edward Church Alexander Clark John Flint Clark Victor Frederick Cook Ernest Arthur Evans Robert George Forbes Frank Foxwell Albert Edward Hack Bernard Hepburn Thomas Hepburn Edwin Cuthbert Kirk William Alfred Longhurst William Henry Moore John Christopher Macdonald Leonard John O'Flaherty Sydney Potter Percival Victor Rollins Francis Sexton Dominic Smith Frank Twort Walter Cecil Wiggins Sydney Clarence Willis Frederick Christian Zantuch. . Thomas Callaghan McCarthyJohn Warwood, jun. William Wallace Pennycuick Arthur Henry Cameron John James Broom William Healy Charles Robert Watson Albert Flavel Saul Alexander Ferguson Electric tram, competency 1911. December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 II 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37


No. 15. —Return of Electric-tram Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Harry Skeels John Charles Henry Colyer . . Andrew Martin Arthur Edmond Hayward . . Dugald Stuart Mackay James Claude Carnegie Benjamin Henry Reid Duncan MacLaren Alexander Orr Butters John William Payn John Joseph Madigan William Henry Gordon McLennan George Arnott Charles Belton Peter John Berkhout Richard Bolton Leonard Boulton William Charles Caldwell Thomas Cameron James Thomas Chadderton . . Peter Cleary John Arthur Copley George Dickinson Arthur Frankham Will Ingrham Hancock Henry Hewitt James Charles Frederick Hudson Peter Patrick Knowles Edward Sainthill Maples Herbert James May Hugh Munro John Munro Charles McBride John McCormack Owen McGrath John McPherson John Neate Archibald Charles Rowlands.. Robert John West Saunders.. David Taylor George Taylor Robert Arthur Williams Thomas Frater Wilson Thomas Wray Arthur Claud Bartram Frederick Blewitt James William Clive John Davidson John Dunn Thomas Hazelhurst William Horgan Lawrence Henry Lagan John Alfred Lummis Frederick Thomas Minchall . . Walter Henry Moyle John Percy Horace Pine Lancelot Harold Pruden George Herbert Reese William Smiddy Charles Mitchell Stewart Thomas Wareing Andrew Webb Robert Westwood Henry James Wicks Joseph Winthrop Charles Gatehouse Henry William Gomm Electric tram, competency 33 33 3 5 ,, • 1911. December 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104



No. 15.—Return of Electric-tram Drivers — continued.

No. 16.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency during the year ended the 31st March, 1912.

7—H. 15a,

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Iss Date of Issue. me. No. George Edward Baker Charles Francis Edward Milner Charles Williams Wood James William Simpson William Arthur Clarke Walter Golding Hickman Herbert Stokes Andrew Sinclair Bennington. . James Gowanlock Frederick William Minchin . . Harold Abbott Thomas Henry Ashe Evan Bartlett William Dennis Lysaght Evelyn Harry Morris Ralph Turner William Wilkie Bennet William James Douglas John James Galvin John. Herlihy Malcolm Hubart Howard George William Hoy Arthur Hyde George Mathews Lindsay Alexander James McDonald . . Richard John Pentecost John Byron Percy Smethurst Norman George Sturzaker . . Joshua Turnbull John Lee Walker Charles Martin Wallace . . Peter Joseph Yates Clarence Murray Denham 1912. Electric-tram, competency January 33 35 J, 35 ,, ,J ,, February 5 5 35 ,J ,, 33 33 1 3 3 3 3 3 5 „ 3 3 3 5 j . 5 5 35 ! 33 3 5 ,5 I 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 33 3 3 5, 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which „ , »-„ . .. examined. Date of Exam «iation. Stephen Collier Alexander Oliver Inverarity George Maxwell Robert Laurie .. John George Whyte Allan Clyde Dickie George Gordon Smith Percy John Gibson Ward .. Charles Frederick Hales West Montague Charles Alexander Arthur James Mclndoe First-class engineer 55 Foreign trade 11 I : 3, 4, 5, 6 April, 1911 3. 4, 5, 6 April, ,, 1, 2, 3, 4 Aug., „ i 2, 3, 4 October, „ I 2, 3, 4 October, „ ; 3/4, 5, 6 Oct., „ 16, 17 October, „ 7, 8 November, „ 8, 9 November, „ 4, 5, 6 Dec, 3, 4, 5, 8 Jan., 1912



No. 16. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which examined. Date of Examin.-ition. T I David Gilmour Stephens . . .. FirsWilliam James Russell Ross Sydney James Munn John Peter Burns Thomas Hamilton Murray Charles Scott .. .. .. Seco Cecil Roy McLean Baird Gilbert Stuart Mitchell Neil John McMurrich William Patrick Kiely Roger Parr Walter Rogers Harry Rayner Salmon ft41ston Hadfield McLean Stephen Herbert Head John William Dow . . . . Thir Ernest Edgar Flamank Grimmett .. Alfred Seymour Thomas Frank Bernard Williams Richard Bentley Headdey Jay Grover Hooker Gerald Stanley Lewis Leopold Sidney Kendell Arthur George Rogerson Thomas Boyd Scott Watson Whitwell Robert Lewis Barnett Lockett Lionel Wilfred Morgan Ralph Beaufoy Vincent James Burns George Burt Thomas Steel Goudie John Henry Holmes Henry Stuart Pauling Stanley Bassett Alexander Hope Gordon Grant Leslie Jacob Mander • .. John Mitchell Karl Hugo Vogeler Harry Brotherton.. Walter James Chaplin William Donald Whyte Robertson . . Louis Isaac Ziman Roy Lewis Ditcham William Byers Stanley Sealy Ernest Winsloe George Kenneth Alexander Gunn Herbert John Allen Knewstubb George Frederick Maclean . . . . 4<Ufred James Mathewson . . .Alfred Joseph Robertson Thomas Murray Woodrow James Robert Latta Alexander Miller . . .. .. | Alexander Ledingham Smith Cassie .. Sydney George Fuller Roy Jocelyn Grainger .. Harry Granger Charles James Hally Hugh Fairchild Smith .. Charles Edward Storer .. .. j Gordon Keith Wilson .. Thomas Moore Campbell Horace Charles Delaney William Henry Munn ,, ,. First-class engineer jt-class ond-cla rd-clasi 55 Foreign trade 25, 26, 27 Jan., 1912. 5, 6, 7 Feb., 29 Feb., 1,2Mar,,, 4, 5. 6 March, „ 21, 22, 23 Mar., „ 8, 9 June, 191J. 2, 3 October, 10, 11 October, .. 16 October, 6 November, ,, 4, 5 December, ,, 4, 5 December. ,, 3, 4, 6 Jan., 1912. 9, 10 January, ,, 8, 9 March,, ' 3 April, 1911. 3 April, 3 April, 3 April. 2 May, 2 May. 2 May. 2 May, 2 May, 2 May, 1, 2, 3 May, „ 1 June, ,, 1 June. ,, 5 June, „ 5 June, ,, 5 June, ,, 5 June, ,, 5 June, ,, 6 June, ,, 30 June, ,, 3 July, ,, 3 July, 3 July, 3 July, ,. 4 July. 4 July, 11 July, 25 July, I, 2 August, ,, 2 August, „ 3 August, ,, 3 August, ,, 7 August, ,, 7 August, ,, 7 August, ,, 7 August, ,, 7 August, „ 8 August, ,, 8 August, ,, 4 September, „ 4 September, ,, 4 September, „ 4 September, „ 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 21 September, ,, 5, Second-class engineer Third-class engineer 55 3,



No. 16. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued.

Name of Person. ■ Rank. Rank. I .IqqiJ tt\v tirlituVi Class tor which examined. Class for which examined. Date of Examination. | Roy Sortain Smith . . . . Third-class engineer Arthur Reginald Sommerville .. „ Thomas John Gregg Brandford Robb „ Frederick Theodore Okeby ... ,, Frank Vincent Thomas .. .. ,, Henry Joseph Schaw . . ... ,, Sarsfield Daly .. .. .. | ,, William James Bowman .. .. j ,, Charles Cranfield Emmett Butcher .. ,, Harold Robins Barnes . . . . ,, Charles Cameron Begg . . .. ,, John Thomas Kelman . . .. ,, William Anderson Schaumann .. | ,, John Vereker Bindon . . .. j ,, Douglas Buckland .. .. j ,, James Comrie . . . . .. \ ,, David Cuthbert .. .. . . ,, William Cameron Ferguson .. I ,, Reginald George Houghton ..' | ,, George Gilbert Jamieson .. .. „ Wentworth Augustus Johnson .. ,, Charles Fredrick Morgan . . . . ,, William John Ormiston . . . . ,, Stanley Howard Pilkington , . ,, Norman Reginald Rawlings . . ,, Harry Turner .. .. .. j ,, Ronald Gray . . .. . . ,, Henry Lawrance Bettis . . . . j ,, John McConchie Brown . . .. ,, Ronald Gordon Gallien . . .. ,, George Walter Haycock _ . . . . j ,, John Frankland Kirk . . .. ,, William Edward John Marsden | ,, McCormick John Seggie . . .. .. I „ Fredrick Oliver Harding . . .. ,, Thomas Lester Anderson Osborn . . „ John William Crombie . . . . ,, John Pollock Faulds .. . . River engineer James Campbell . . .. . . ,, John Cochrane . . .. .. ,, Charles Henry Cook .. .. ,, Thomas Mahoney .. . . ,, James Douglas Falconer . . . . ,, Charles Herbert Gentil . . . . ,, George Henry Dean .. .. ,, William Sumner . . .. . . ,, Charles James Sandilands William James Fisher .. . . ,, Mayo Carlton Clark .. .. ,, George Patrick Marchant . . .. ,, Robert Gillespie .. . . . . ,, William Durry Charles Richard Hearn . . .. ,, Alfred Keane .. . . .. ,, Noel Peat Percy Thornton . . . . . . ,, George .Andrews . . . . . . j First - class engineei (powered vessels Foreign trade ,, 33 35 35 11 11 11 11 11 " 11 11 River trade . . sr Sea-going is 2 October, 1911. 2 October, „ 3 October, ,, 6 October, „ 1 November, „ 1, 2 November, ,, 2, 3 November, ,, 6 November, ,, 6 November, ,, 13 November, ,, 4 December, „ 4 December, ,, 4 December, „ 5 January, 1.912. 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, „ 5 January, ,, 5 January, „ 5 January, ,, 5 January', ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, „ 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 9 January, ,, 1 February, „ 5 February, ,, 5 February, ,, 5 February, „ 5 February, ,, 5 February, ,, River engineer 11 • • 11 11 • • ii ii • • ii • • 5 February, ,, 15 February, ,, 4 March, ' 28 March, 10 April, 1911. 1 May, 1 May, . 1 May, 1 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 2 May, 31 May, 1 August, ,, 3 August, ,, 1 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 1 November, ,, 4 December, „ 4 January, 1912 4 January, ,, 1 February, ,, 5 February, ,, 2 May, 1911 ii • • ii • • ii • • ii ii ii • • First - class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto .. other than steam) William Latham Cutten .. .. Ditto Stanley Nelson Going .. .. ,, Leigh Easton Baxter George Walter Haycock .. .. ,. Ernest Clyde Fowler . . .. I ,, ,, • 2 May. 2 May, 1, 2 August, „ 1 November, ,, 1, 3 November, ,,



No. 13.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued.

Failures to pass engineers' examinations : First-class engineer, 7 ; second-class engineer, 3 ; third-class engineer, 25 ; river engineer, 7 ; first-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 3 ; second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 2 ; restricted-limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 6. Total number of applicants examined, 245. Amount of fees, £214.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which 7% , , „ ... . , Date of Examination, examined. John Cochrane Second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto Sea-going 2 May, 1911. William James Pollock Charles Seigmond Jacobsen Frederick Thomas Slater Rhodes Dover Goddard Andrews Charles Herbert Gentil William Archibald Smeed Arthur Stephen Lane Thomas Edward Tunnage Thomas Percival Lane David Reid Thomas Samuel Davies Charles Edward Chittenden ,, ,, ,, 5 May, 12 June, „ 3 July, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 7 November, „ 4 January, 1912. 8 January, ,, 1 February, . ,, 1 May, Restricted-limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto 33 • * River trade . . James McLean Clark George William Hutchinson John Jones Archibald Dargue Weir Charles Grey Crone William Ernest Eriksen Archie Fuller Ralph Hardy Harold Hill Jagger Frank Kemp Morris Alan Alexander William Russell Percival Peter Gordon • .. Robert Withers Gunson Arthur Joseph Lennon Sydney Hunter Thomas Hunter Andrew Honyman Bennie Joseph Hannam Bettinson Harry Percy Bevis Alfred Munn Walter Cutten George Sampson John Robert Murrell Arthur Clarence Fitchett William Edmund Hayes Thomas Herbert Kelsey Robert Ross Colley Charles Edward Hansen James Henry McGinn Harold Arthur Norgrove John William Christopher Deeming . . George Pinckney Ford Thomas Stewart Spencer Walter Leslie Bayliss Andrew Campbell Giinther Laage George Bastin Mead James Linster Passmore Michael Tants John Harold Morrison Frederick Richard Wilkin 11 11 11 11 11 11 ,3 ,, 33 • ' ,, • • 33 • 35 ,3 5 5 55 ,3 33 33 3, ,, ,, • * ,, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 16 June, ,, 24 June, 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 4 September, „ 4 September, ,, 4 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 5 September, ,, 7 September, ,, 8 September, „ 1, 2 November, ,, 1, 2 November, ,, 1, 2 November, ,, 3 November, ,, 4 November, „ 5 December, ,, 20 December, „ 4 January, 1912. 4 January, ,, 4 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 5 January, ,, 8 January, ,, 8 January, ,, 8 January, ,, 16 January, ,, 16 January, ,, 16 January, „ 16 January, ,, 1 February, ,, 2 February, „ 5 February, ,, 4 March, ,, 11 3 3 11 33 ■ ' 33 * * 11 ,, - * 11 ,, ,3 35 33 33 • - 33 11 33 ' • ,5 11 3 3 11 53 ... ... 3, ■ ■ 35


No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.

Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. u i .2 O DC U 02 U 11 * «3 2-333 ft? si a MtolS a P-5 ftftft] ft-. JQ W 443 *~ ° i. .Sa^o g*4COB o o a &o _SZ » a § .9 hi a. > r-, d - m ° 2 i •- * 'S » j tJ o g-w-£ Description oi Machinery. Screw. Paddle. f Admiral .. Advance (Auckland) .. < Advance (Hokianga) .. Advance II .. Aeriel A.H.B. Ahuriri Ailoma Airship Akaroa Albatross (Auckland).. 121 18 4-2 5 3-5 10-54 85 8 1-4 76 217-8 82 12 3-17 3-79 2-64 5-45 31 3-6 0-95 29 111 50 8 7 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 17 15 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 28 37 Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Single.. Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 103 Compound S. condensiug Single at each end Single.. Albatross (Auckland).. Albatross (Rawene) .. Alert Alexander Alexandra Alice All Black No. 1 All Black No. 2 Annie Aorangi Aorere Aotea Apanui Aparima Arahura Arapawa (Picton) Arapawa (Wellington) Arawa (Auckland) Arawa(Port Underwood) Ariadne Aroha Arrino Arumai Atlas Atua (Dunedin) (2) .. Atua (Stewart Island) Aupouri Awaroa (Auckland) .. Awaroa (Rangiriri) Awarua Baden Powell (2) Balder Baroona Beatrix Beldame Benares Bittern Blenheim Bletsoe Breeze Breta Tui .. Britannia Brooklyn Canopus Canterbury Cascade Centaur Chelmsford Clansman Claymore Clutha Cobar Comet Condor 50-2 2-49 6-89 377 6-6 2-18 6-6 4-9 3-3 4,268 76-5 263-4 243 5,703 1,596 5-46 291-2 2-45 7-02 1-96 4-76 3-17 7-48 3-1 3,443 2-73 463 344 5-27 2-48 174-2 3-6 136 3-18 42-5 1-87 5-17 184 5 1-64 5 3-7 2-5 2,782 49 157 134 3,683 771-2 4-1 128-3 1-84 5-27 1-47 3-57 2 38 5-61 23 1,894 2-05 220 210 3-9 1-86 72 2-7 • 78-7 2-4 4 2-38 1-25 85 1-59 286-1 35-8 108-4 2-46 834 25 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 72 15 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 18 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 550 16 33 m 284 145 10 B.H.P. 47 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 329 5 B.H.P. 55 62 7 B.H.P. 4J B.H.P. 30 6 B.H.P. 24 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 50 5 B.H.P. 84 40 B.H.P. ... 40 8 B.H.P. 250 24 70 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 24 99 54 48 40 5 B.H.P. 24 335 4,000 71 204 2,710 1,689 241 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 2,617 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single. . 417 Oil-engine 199 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 3-18 1-66 151 2-12 552-5 60 196-5 3-28 1,337 221 468 Compound S. oondensing Oilengine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Odengine Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Paddle. 1,132 Single.. 15-77 7-9 122 634 257-9 172-5 158-8 7-94 272 Twin .. 10-73 6 79 379 i 119 95-5 57-8 5-96 187 68 592 365-5 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Stern wheel. Single.. Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Single at eaoh end Single.. Corinna Coromandel Countess (Hokitika) .. Countess (Napier) Cygnet Dairymaid .. Daphne (Auckland) .. Daphne (Hokianga) .. . Dart .. .. I 1,271 99 3-43 141 124 2 81 192 3-09 1-06 812-3 67 2-5 56-5 66 2-11 112-6 2-22: 0-79i 141 25 6 B.H.P. 28 43 6 B.H.P. 40 6 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 1,047 171 188 Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing 240 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine

H.- J 5a


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Note.—The tiguve (2) after of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.

Name of Vessel. I Tons Mi me: :asurelt. H 03 yt '51; 13 M laic, " i oja g.a § iS ffi S g a ro: H m a-ffl J* ■S £ S afl CS -4 .«- a oS o o a fto I . i i"5 op si 1 ! : »■* p 0 a u fe 0 a oa: 1 •j Description of Machinery, i i Screw. I Paddle. 3/3 o Dawn .. .. I 18-9 Defender (Sydney) .. 185-2 Defender (Thames) .. 4-8 Despatch .. .. 35 Dolly Varden .. I 31-4 Dolphin .. .. j Doris (Napier) .. 4-72 Doris (Picton) .. 2-31 Doris (Russell) .. 4-47 Dorrigo .. 302-4 Doto .. .. 28-5 Dove (Pelorous Sound) i 2-34 Dove (Picton) .. 2-74 Dovey .. .. 2 75 Dreadnought (Akaroa) 4 Dreadnought (Port I 7-97 Underwood) Dredge No. 121 . . 657 Dredge No. 222 -.. | 906-6 Dredge No. 350 .. .| 941 Dredge No. 404 .. 479 Duchess (Hokitika) .. 1-2 Duchess (Wellington) 308 Eagle .. .. 219 Earl .. •• 3-83 Echo (Auckland) .. 125 Echo (Pelorous Sound) : 2-3 Eclipse .. ■. 2-65 Eileen .. .. 2-3 Eliza .. Elsie (Auckland) .. 27 Elsie (Auckland) .. 5 Elsie (Nelson) .. 3-48 Elsie Evans.. .. 7-8 Elswick .. .. 5-34 Energy .. ■■ 63'73 Erin Erskine .. .. 126 Eureka .. .. 4 Eva .. •• 17 Excelsior .. .. 6-5 Express .. ,.. 53 Fairy .. .. 176 Eanny .. .. 90 Perro .. .. 13-9 Fiona .. .. 2-23 Pirefloat (2) .. Firefly .. .. 3-7 Flora (Akaroa) .. 2'7 Flora (Bluff) .. . 4-42 Flora (Dunedin) .. !l,273 Foam .. .. 2-5 Freetrader .. .. 132 Gael .. .. 95 Gannet .. .. 15 Gertie .. .. 269 Gipsy .. .. 3-7 Gladsome .. .. 5-15 Glenelg .. .. 288-3 Glenlea .. .. 7 Goldfinch Gordon .. .. 13-86 Gosford .. .. 89 Goshawk .. .. 238-7 Greyhound (Auckland) j 107 ijreyhound (Port Under- 7-2 wood Greyhound (Te Puru) 3-12 Hananui II .. .. 127 Hapai .. .. 867-2 Hauiti .. .. 147-5 Haupiri .. .. 715 Hawera .. .. 174 Heathcote .. .. 167 Heather .. .. 2-6 Himitangi .. .. 323 Hina (Nelson) .. 55-7 Hina (Pelorous Sound) i 1-67 14 109-3 3-6 24 17-4 5-5 3 54 1-73 3-35 195-4 19-4 1-75! 2 1-74 3 5-98 394 501-7 488 211 0-9 95 138 2-88 98 1-7 1-98 1-76 9 20-5 3-9 2-61 5-8 4 16 98 3 4-74 4-9 36 1-32 55 10-4 1-68 16 B.H.P. 36 18 B.H.P. 20 26 B.H.P. J 15 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 39-5 30 4 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 19 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 100 140 117 78 1J B.H.P. 81 70 8 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 8B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 28 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 15 34 35 10 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 64 25 4 B.H.P. 30 20 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 6 9 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 180 5 B.H.P. 50 20 12 59 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 75 10 B.H.P. 10 8 30 28 60 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 116 •■ ;; 732 707 436 48 82 147 1,132 98 295 263 732 707 436 48 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single-.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 82 147 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 2-8 2-03 3-32 838-4 1-9 94 55 10 118 2-84 2-91 155-6 5-26 High pressure Oil-engine 1,132 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing 98 Single.. Stern wheel 295 tt Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 263 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing " „ ... 1.0-4 23 121-9 83 5-4 Oil-engine 2-34 44-3 363-5 82-45 452 91-8 94 2 149 39 1-26 5 B.H.P. 45 154-8 32 88 31 35 8 B.H.P. 45 20 44 B.H.P. 239 230 454 248 89-3 239 230 454 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 248 89-3 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine "


No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Note. —The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


Tons Measurement. Name of Vessel. u 03 333 130 333 .r4 o tin 34 03 Is gf § ?oK JJ © « ■+= wcc a ° a H si as m ft4t .ga^is 3=44 a o5 o o a P-o fc £§ § 'l ro-aifo i a ° oi £ to Description of Machinery. a m a o 3 » a _ ft-133 .a —' ft- S 03 ■-J O g*443 a as oto M Screw. Paddle. I Single.. Twin Hinemoa (Hokianga).. 1-23 0-98 Hinemoa (Rotorua) .. 5-8 4-38 Hipi .. .. 37-5 I 12-5 Hirere .. .. ! 48 ! 18 Hobsonville .. .. 32-5 22 8 Hokimai .. .. 7-2 5-4 Hola .. .. ! 7-48 5-61 Holliday .. .. 55 4-14 Holmdale .. .. 266 197 Houmoana .. .. 5-35! 4-02 Houto .. .. 141-5 77-5 Huanui .. ..139 59 Huia (Auckland) .. 224 200 Huia (Hamilton) .. 1-9 1-4 Huia (Wellington) .. .. Huia Wellington) .-, 127 69 Ilex .. .. j 4-73 3-55 Independence .. 1-9 1*5 Invercargill .. 223 123 Irene .. .. 4-37 3-27 Iris (Thames) .. 4 3 Iris (Waikato) .. 3-5 2-6 Isa (Picton) .. .. 3-74 281 Isa (Whangarei) .. 5 3-9 Jane .. .. j ' 27 20-3 J.D.O. .. .. I 129 88 • Jersey Lily .. .. .. 3-7 John .. .. 342 111 John Anderson .. 52 86 John Kennedy .. 5-3 4 John Townley (2) .. .. 85 Kaeo .. ... 184 146-3 Kahu .. ..I 181-9 99 Kaiaia .. .. 44-9 24-3 Kaiapoi .. .. j 5-67 4-26 Kaipatiki .. 53 198 Kairaki .. .. 462-4 181-7 Kaitangata .. ..1,981 1,218 Kaitoa .. .. 303-6 117-6 Kaituna .. ..1,976 1,246 Kamona .. ..1,425 903 Kanieri (Auckland) .. 202 115 Kanieri (Lake Kanieri) 2-7 2 Kanna .. .. 1,948 1,049 Kapiti .. .. 242 113 Kapui .. .. 58-2 29-8 Kapuni .. .. 188-4 96-5 Karaka .. .. 42-65 10-35 Karoro .. .. ; 76 51 Kate Kawa .. .. 4-23 3-18 Kawau (Auokland) .. 99 52-7 Kawau (Auckland) 47 37 Kea .. .. j 3-53 2-64 Kennedy .. .. 226 131 Kestrel .. .. 342 203 2 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 11 16 15 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 27 10 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 2 25 10 B.H.P. 2J B.H.P. 41 6 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 7J B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 28 12 B.H.P. 40 20 12 B.H.P. 39 60 B.H.P. 40 24 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 9-5 91-6 200 65 200 117 20 3J B.H.P. 158 35 30 30 21-7 17 5 5 B.H.P. 20 14 4 B.H.P. 38 43 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 120 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure 121 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 203 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. " i, • • j .. I Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 241-5 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Triple-ex. S. condensing 538 948 296 Compound S. condensing 1,009 Triple-ex. S. condensing 748 138 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 1,042 Triple-ex. S. condensing 210 Compound S. condensing 191 "„ Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 187 Compound S. condensing Twin Single at each end Single.. KiaOra .. .. 2 1-5 Kina .. .. 10 7-8 Kingfisher .. .. 6-6 49 KingHami .. 4-6 3-1 Kini .. .. |1,122 702 Kiripaka .. .. 132-7 74-5 Kiritona .. .. 136-4 75-2 Kittawa .. ..1,246 707 Kiwi .. .. 1-59 1-2 Koi.. .. .. 136 53 7 Kokiri (Opua) .. 4-89 3-67 Kokiri (Whangarei) .. 5-2. 3-9 j Komata .. .. 1,993 1,194 Koonya .. ..1,090 662 Kopapu .. .. 18 1-4 Kopu ,. .. .. 18 Koputai .. .. 153 5 Koroi (Auckland) Koroi (Hokianga) .. 4-1 3-13 Koromiko .. ..2,479 1,541 Kotare .. ..141 79 4 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 130 20 75 B.H.P. 120 2 B.H.P. 32 8 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 260 115 44 B.H.P. 13 120 9-2 7 B.H.P. 313 20 Oil-engine 703 Triple-ex. S. condensing 102-4 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 728 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine I Twin Single.. ! Twin .. Single 1,232 '• Triple-ex. S. condensing 724 i Oil-engine i High pressure 472 ' Compound S. condensing I Triple-ex. S. condensing | Oil-engine 1,460 ! Triple-ex. S. condensing 131 | Compound S. condensing Paddle. Single a



No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.,

Name of Vessel. i Tons Measurement. 80 o u 3 CD CD « H CO A, OQ £»£,£ S? — _cq "-ft* OSS" 03 a a $ © -a -Ta 3*-. a os o o a ao .5 « 3 3--4 w Sa'a i ■a«- s.ft-fo i 0 o $ © & l Description of Machinery. on.® a • r-t C? CO ft P.433 O02 I Screw. Paddlts Kotiti Koutu Koutunui Kowhai Kura Kurow Kyra La Mascotte (Picton) La Mascotte (Rotorua) Larola (Picton) Larola (Wanganui) .. Lauderdale Lomen Loyalty Lupe Lyttelton (Auckland).. Lyttelton (Lyttelton).. Magic Matieno Mahinapua Mahurangi Mahuta Maidi Maitai (2) .. Majestic (Hokianga) .. Majestic (Mercer) Mukere Makura Mana (Nelson) Mana (Riverton) Mana (Wellington) .. Mana (Westport) Manaia Manaroa Manchester 61-3 2-89 170-8 791-7 21-2 2,580 2-63 4-72 1-19 4-72 4-13 1,214 100-6 4 207 292 93 35 2-17 203 29 16 3,393 2-5 4-48 3 62 2-83 3-54 3-25 134 196 3-6 122 882 42 2-17 983 403-7 15-9 1,564 1-97 3-54 0-9 3-54 3-13 718-7 24 3 24 0-88 583 24 1-63 94-5 13 12 1,888 1-87 3-36 2-52 2 266 2-44 76-6 50 2-7 77-5 366 14 5 B.H.P. 26 128 35 B.H.P. 333 7 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 135 6 35 10 B.H.P. 80 133 60 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 39 10f 16 B.H.P. 490 5 B.H.P. 7 B H.P. 4 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 6 B.H P. 4 B.H.P. 25 90 7 B.H.P. 24 160 186 597 1,719 734 231 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Paddle. Compound S. oondensing Single.. 3,479 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine 154 Compound S. condensing Single.. Paddle. 146 Oilengine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin at each end Single.. Mangapapa Manukau Manuwai Maori (Dunedin) Maori (Havelock) Maori (Pcton) Maori (Riverton) Mapourika Mapu II. * .. Maranui Mararoa (Dunedin) .. Mararoa (Rotorua) .. Marawa Marikena Maritana Mascotte (Auckland) .. Mascotte (Wanganui) Matakokiri Matareka Matariki (Lyttelton) .. Matariki (Tuakau) Matuku Maude Maui Mavis Mawhera (2) May (Rawene) May (Wanganui) May Howard Melville Mere Ava Merlin (Auckland) Merlin (Picton) Mermaid (Admiralty Bay) Mermaid (Tuakau) .. Merry Duchess Meteor Midlothian Miro Mizpah Moa 164 65 107 3,398 4 7-86 4-47 1,202 3-65 5-66 2,598 2-83 7-4 1-76 6-45 87 45 75 1,432 3 5-9 3 36 718 2-74 4-25 1,380 2-13 5-2 13 4-84 28 30 5i 191 Compound S. condensing 5,859 High pressure Turbine Oil-engine Triple .. Single.. Stern wheel 4-5 4-88 5-42 3-69 3-3 3-66 4-07 2 76 10 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 130 10 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 530 6 B.H.P. 18 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 5 12 7 B.H P. 10 B.H P. 10 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 4 3 B.H P. 80 10 B.H P. 168 6 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 4 5 B.H.P. 7B.H.P. 1,182 3,071 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine 1-4 557-5 4-39 647-9 2-56 1-8 64 5-7 4 93 1 250-8 3-3 291-5 1-92 1-4 55 4-32 3-7 484 High pressure Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 3-62 5-7 2'-72 4-3 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 1-8 5-2 283 4-37 4-4 3-85 188 1-3 3-9 213 3-28 33 3 95 8 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5B H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 33 163 Compound S. condensing ..


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.

B—H. 15a.


Name of Vessel. Tons J> mi [easure>nt. k & » a s oa g- a ate "a cc ±a M «..g £ CD CD*h _ rl^og a = «Sf $*«%$ £ O d ao ~ Mil -IH > r O « -.oSftift a oO) r-l Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. 334 133 O 34 -5 u 03 433 " 'Si 03 M Moana (Greymouth) .. Moana (Picton) Moata Moerangi Mokoia (Dunedin) Mokoia (Rotorua) 7-8 5-66 4-26 24 3,502 2-6 3-21 5-45 5-8 4-24 3-2 15 2,154 1-95 2-41 4-09 7 8 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 27J B.H.P. 255 5f B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 1-25 20 290 25 B.H.P. 10 275 15 14 B.H.P. 18 70 21-7 4 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 19 B.H.P. 30 24 12 5 B.H.P. 71 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 220 15 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 14 118 160 3 B.H.P. 44 B H.P. 6 B.H.P. 55 118 20 B.H.P. 54-6 20 B.H.P. 3J B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 40 20 B.H.P. 11 4 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 30 25 14 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 15-5 35 B.H.P. 18 86 5 60 B.H.P. 17 70 35 B.H.P. 25 12 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 11 8BH.P. 4 90 10 B.H.P. 250 74 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. High pressure Oil-engine Single.. 2,807 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Mona Monarch Mongonui Monica Monowai Moturata Moturoa (2) .. 61-8 3,433 24-4 29-4 2,136 12-5 2,795 Compound non-condensing Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Oilengine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Moura Mullogh Muratai Muriel Murihiku Muritai Myrtle Namu Naomi II. Napier Natone Naumai Nautilus (Bluff) Nautilus (Gisborne) .. Nautilus (Hokianga) .. Nautilus (Onehunga).. Navua Nellie Mason Nelly Never Despair Ngahere Ngapuhi Ngaru (Huntly) Ngaru (Onehunga) Ngaru (Thames) Ngatiawa Ngatoro Nicola Nikau Nimrod (Auckland) .. Nimrod (Rotorua) Nina Nopera Nora Nora Niven (2) Norval Novelty Nydia Nymph Ohinemuri Ohura O.K. Oleo Olive Branch Onewa Ongarue Opawa Opouri Opoutia (2) .. Orete (2) Orewa Osprey Otunui Paeroa Pakeha Palatine Pania Pararoa Parera Paritutu Parua Pateena Pauline Pearl (Auckland) Pearl (Hokianga) 2,026 59 6-5 58-9 558 42-6 1-7 2-15 11 70-8 72 47 5-3 46-6 4-3 8 2,929 20 3-9 1,247 46 4-8 15-5 368 10-35 1-2 1-6 9 48 49 28-6 3-9 28-7 3-24 6 1,812 13-6 3 1,865 521 Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin . Single.. Oil-engine 1,967 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 1,090 691 1-19 2-7 4 451 1,137 5-8 247-6 4-8 2-28 556 299 0-89 2-1 3 220 583 4-4 98-3 36 1-63 719 613 High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Oil-engine 450 735 Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 256 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 3-82 3 116 56-5 199-7 1-5 1-51 114 50 5-7 14-3 4-33 73-5 2-87 2-28 56-6 50 98-5 1-13 1-14 73 34 4-3 4-88 3-25 31-3 10 64 218-2 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 169 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 68 Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. iio 570-5 78 484 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. 8. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 1181 59 219 15-3 91 7-74 4-9 55-9 5-6 91-78 37 138 11-5 45 5-81 3-68 34-9 4-2 72 70 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. Paddle. 564-2 4 1,212 4 232-9 3 550 3 5-6 2-79 652 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 1,964 3-7 Twin .. Single..


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


Tons Measurement. M CO I CC 0.0.0;,. p 0 s-< . h h O-Orf = d 3*-a*s o o a a o SS sa§-3 o o E° ox. . Mffl cd 0) w CD CD to aS»S| -. P.443 OOJ Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Name of Vessel. CO CO p fi u CD CO '5c CD P3 ] Pelican Pelorus Petone Petrel Phantom Phyllis (Hokitika) .. Phyllis (Russell) Pilot (Lyttelton) Pilot (Nelson) Pilot (Wellington) .. Pitoitoi (Auckland) .. Pitoitoi (Waitara) Planet Pluoky Poherua Presto Psyche Pukaki Pupuke Puiau Putiki Queen of the South .. Radium Rakiura Ralaco Rangi Rangiora Rangiriri Rarawa Ratanui Rawene Rawhiti Redwing Regal Regulus .. Reliance (Auckland) .. Reliance (Hokianga) .. Rene Result Rimu Ripple (Lyttelton) Ripple (Onehunga) Roamer Rongotai Rosamond Rose Rotoehu Rotoiti Rotokohu Rotomahana Rotongaro Rotorua No. 1 Ruahine Ruhi Seddon Ruru (Auckland) Ruru (Moana) Ruru (Napier) Samson Saxon Scout (Auckland) Sea Bird Seagull Seamen Sea Queen I .. Seawolf Secret Selwyn Settler (Kaipara) Settler (Thames) Shamrock Sir William Wallace .. Sonoma (Hokianga) .. Sonoma (Rotorua) Southern Cross Southern Isle Sparrow Sparrowhawk . 161 24 708 4-9 44 1-89 5-2 30-9 4-18 39 81-1 72-5 14 81 1,174 1 18 388 3-68 18 1-42 3-89 10-7 3-14 26 27-6 19 4 29 749 57 40 B.H.P. 82 10 B.H.P. 11 3 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 13 5 B.H.P. 15 13-5 15 8-5 40 128 3 6 B.H.P. '110 28 18 60 40 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 4J B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 140 3 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 150 24 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 10 95 80 5 B.H.P. 8J B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 90 10 B.H.P. 1J B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 8 45 8 B.H.P. If B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 108 10 8 B.H.P. 50 10 B.H.P. 50 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 14 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 25J B.H.P. 28 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 7 18 B.H.P. 120 B.H.P. 20 10 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 117 28 B.H.P. 14 32 292 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 'riple-ex. S. condensing Twin lil-engine .. .. Single.. 495 'riple-ex. S. condensing ,4-1 ft-.-.:-,.. lil-engine .. .. „ lompound S. condensing lil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing lompound S. condensing lil-engine .. .. „ .. 'riple-ex. S. condensing lompound S. condensing „ 262 703 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing l».'«lft ft— O ftft^ftlftvift.'nft. 'riple-ex. S. condensing 1-69 1,444 137-9 51 408 197 6-16 17-8 3-2 2-9 3-65 2-9 1,071 2-5 4-35 3-95 6-6 2 584-1 1-26 917 68-2 38 157 121 4-62 13-4 2-4 2 2-74 21 460 2 3-27 297 5 1-5 227-2 646 292 189 Oil-engine lompound S. condensing in 4ft»;— lil-engine .. .. „ luadruple-ex. S. conden. lompound S. condensing Twin Single.. lil-engine .. .. „ 1,082 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engine 'riple-ex. S. oondensing Twin lil-engine .. .. Single.. 3-71 4-8 28 358 412 10-2 5-98 7 721 5-8 1-33 7-9 14-6 183 4-3 1-07 6-24 528 31 4 158 5 67-27 5-3 5-48 4-4 2 24 15-8 7-3 4-7 29-3 16-6 8 109 44 5-35 1-69 682 83-4 2-79 3-6 18 144 187 7-7 4-49 5-23 462 4-4 1 5-8 11 139 3-3 0-81 4-68 348 11 3 57 3-8 34-27 4 4-11 3-3 1-68 9-9 5-5 3-5 15-4 8-3 6 60 30 4-02 1-27 403 58-9 659 Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine lompound S. condensing Twin ligh pressure .. .. .. Stern wheel. lil-engine .. .. Single.. 538 289 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing i,.™-. ~4I o J : lompound S. condensing 'riple-ex. S. oondensing Twin .. „ Single.. Ill on,,;.,.. Oilengine la-engine .. .. „ 445 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine lompound S. condensing „ i;i j — lil-engine .. .. „ Compound S. condensing ft-~ o J : lompound S. condensing i.-i ftft.ft.:— Oil-engine lil-engine .. .. „ 212 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 'riple-ex. S. condensing Twin 'ompound S. condensing Single.. Ill _ on ni vi a Hi-engine .. .. „ ompound S. condensing 1,-1 „4ftft.,-.,ft. lil-engine .. .. „ Ordinary condensing Oil-engine rdinary condensing lil 4,V4«ift,ft4 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 'il-engine .. .. „ .. „ .. .. Twin ompound S. condensing Single.. 'll-engine .. .. „ .. 518 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing riple-ex. S. condensing il-engine .. .. Twin ompound S. oondensing Single.. Single at each end 207 98-9


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

NoTB-T-The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. u CD m O 'Si U cd fft 03 ■ (33 03 Q. 03 _ . £ .a- a .ft s P- 4-4(1 04gK£ 03 g-wrtft 0 a «ftH**-S a.ftB v u .ftLlo^ O O cd P. O fc oi^ft? CO rH S-S 00» 00 . MM CD di 1 0) w CD CD to -.S S S| "SIS'"-] a P.-3 oo. VH Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Spray Squall Standard Stella (Auckland) Stella (Hokianga) Stella (Whangarei) Sterling (Auckland) .. Sterling (Kaipara) St. George Storm Stormbird Stromboli Sucoess (Auckland) .. Success (Moana) Sumner Sunbeam Swan (Auckland) Swan (Napier) Sybil Sylph Sylvia Tainui (Kohanga) Tainui (Waitara) Takapuna (Auckland) Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai (2) Tauranganui Taviuni Tawera Te Akau Te Anau (Bluff) Te Anau (Dunedin) .. Te Aroha Te Aumiti Te Awhina Te Kooti Te Kura Te Pioneer Te Rangi Terawhiti Te Rhino Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu Thelma The Minerva The Peregrine Theresa Ward (2) Thistle (Moana) Thistle (Wanganui) .. Tikitere Tio.. Tiro Tofua (2) Togo Toiler Traveller Tuatea Tui (Nelson) Tui (Picton) Tuirangi Tukua Turanga Tutanekai Uira Undine Uta Utu Vaite Victoria Victory (Meroer) Victory (Rotorua) 2-6 368 12 268 2-49 46 56 96 3-02 405 217 2-94 11-04 2-5 167 3 5 23-7 2-07 1-13 4-8 2-1 128 77 1,036 2,086 4-6 189 263 2 133 9 157 1-8 3-5 4-2 26 2-26 185 129 2-2 8-28 1-9 94 2-25 3-8 16-1 1-5 0-85 3-6 1-6 598 57 472 1,370 3-15 109 191 16 3 B.H.P. 60 10 B.H.P. 90 4 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. '12 B.H.P. 39 jJfl8 B.H.P. 70 40 5 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 35 4J B.H.P. 1* 10 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 24 25 165 255 12 B.H.P. 70 40 16 4 250 11 8 B.H.P. 135 40 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 250 85 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 13 6 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 45 74 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 14 52| 95 4 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 354 14 134 4 28 5 B.H.P. 1J B.H.P. 22J 9 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 31 10 B.H.P. 50 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 258 238 172 271 203 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oilengine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. 147 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 1,414 1,705 Paddle. Single.. Twin .. 2,003 22-8 3-5 1,465 52 3-3 2-28 1,652 106-1 4-25 220 3-04 2-4 36-2 2-73 259-8 5-52 4-58 323-6 3-84 3-5 48-2 244-9 194 1-98 96 3-95 3-4 4-5 4,345 1,269 11-4 2-6 978-6 44 2-4 1-71 1,028 56-9 3-2 1-52 2-28 1-8 24-5 205 46-8 4-14 3-44 140-5 2-88 2-62 21-3 162-1 9 1-49 77 2-98 2-55 3-4 2,634 1,500 Ordinary condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Single.. 811 Oil-engine Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Oil-engine 1,238 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 543 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine 846 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing 464 Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 3,234 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. 49-86 27-79 Single.. 112 1-4 1-03 124-4 13-9 58 1-05 0-7 71-8 10-5 18-3 2-05 228 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 2-73 High pressure Oil-engine 7-09 31 2-49 106-8 5-5 2-6 3-9 5-22 23-2 1-87 92-6 4-2 1-9 2-9


No. 17.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc.—continued.

Note.—The rigute (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.

No. 18. —Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. (33 (333 o 34 _> U <D (33 '5jD 03 1-4 h UI i CO CD Qj ® ii . £ a 03 M Si-Woe o g»4 a °-3 o o a _-o SS « •* a sa "'3 Z a M § qO So co Description of Machinery. 43 > 03&4 H z. >ift a -J O g « a p. -3 o co l-H . Screw. Paddle. Viking Vivid Vixen Waiapu Waihora Waihou Wai-iti (Akaroa) Wai-iti (Wanganui) .. Waikana Waikare Waikato Waikuku Waima Waimarama.. Waimarie (Auckland) (2i Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Wainui (Akaroa) Wainui (Picton) Waiomo Waione Waiora (Rotorua) Waiora (Wanganui) .. Waiotahi Waipori Wairau Waireka (Dunedin) .. Waireka (Russell) Wairoa (Auckland) .. Wairoa (Nelson) Wairoa (Queenstown) Wairua Wairuna Waitana Waitemata Waitohi Waituna Waiwera (Auckland) .. Waiwera (Henley) Waiwiri Wakaiti Wakapai Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Waterlily Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Westland Whaka Whakarire Whangape Whanui Whati Will Watch Winifred Wootton Young Bungaree (2) .. Zealandia Zephyr 5-8 21 25-2 67 4,637 5-27 3-84 6-63 153-8 3-4 2-57 2-5 10 1-81 245 80 454-4 6-33 3-07 4-9 70 3-9 278 1,918 143-2 148-8 3-65 100 69-8 6-51 4-4 6 14-7 57 2,993 3-96 2-88 5 66 2-5 1-83 1-9 5-78 1-36 159 53 206-8 4-75 2-3 3-7 48 2-9 167 1,229 59-2 71-6 2-74 49 47-5 4-88 7 B.H.P. 13 24 B.H.P. 35 B.H.P. 410 12 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 200 5 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 48 20 100 10 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 80 15 B.H.P. 5 56 180 20 49 5 B.H.P. 40 20 10 B.H.P. 5 396 5 B.H.P. 258 10 5 B.H.P. 6 16 B.H.P. 7| 34 B.H.P. 10 140 30 280 10 B.H.P. 25 27 20 86 10 B.H.P. 120 280 5 B.H.P. I 3 45 B.HJP. 8 B.H.P. 33 35 4J B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 2,030 625 313 953 148 117 49-9 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-tx. S. condensing.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 3,947 3 5,431 24 4-27 2,529 2-25 3,459 18 3-21 2,182 2,380 19-66 14-74 Twin .. Single.. 441 157 2,421 25-6 156 127 89 152 2-9 819 2,931 2-19 157 95 1,572 18-1 93 86 52 8-4 2-19 449 1,900 1-65 Paddle. 143-5 1,008 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Single.. 128 Twin .. Single.. 98 525 Paddle. 661 1,186 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. Twin .. Single.. 87-5 4-6 151 80-5 1-8 4-96 46 3-5 89-6 1-6 1-35 3-67 121 160 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine

Tons Measurement. Name of Vessel. Gross. Eegister. Description. Times surveyed. Alert Alma Altai Amelia Sims Annie Hill .. Aratapu Atalanta Awanui Bee Bell Flower .. Bravo Cead Mile Failte Clio 113-63 63 02 63-41 121-33 128-2 121-8 32-11 91-96 32-03 125-7 118-4 88-4 80-5 98-12 55-96 57-24 97-89 121-4 121-8 23-16 85 24-35 98 99-3 62-7 805 Schooner Ketch Schooner Brigantine .. Sohooner 1 .1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Keto'h Schooner


No. 18.—Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.


Tons Measurement. Name of Vessel. Gross. Register. •escription. Times surveyed. Clyde Oombine 3omet Coronation .. Ourlew Dandy Daphne Dartford 94 55-7 22-4 94-2 120-7 105-3 34-5 1,327 25-7 381 22-4 143-4 33-4 32-9 189-9 56-2 97-5 24-9 18-5 127 78-5 153-2 344-6 82-5 65-3 73-6 27-5 42-6 37-2 109-6 670-9 680-4 714 105-4 54-6 41-8 34-2 123-7 16-1 32-8 47-2 21-1 177-8 21-6 34 84-3 39-3 78-3 945 710 27 15 32-2 540-7 21-4 43-5 127 22-7 88-2 92-1 73-1 287 28-5 39-4 32 51 27-7 77-9 65-4 98-5 22-9 54-4 678-1 87 24-3 19-7 85-3 96-4 82-1 19-9 1,217 25-7 24-9 14-8 143-4 19-7 19-4 171-4 48-5 97-5 24-9 13-6 99 693 138-5 298-7 73 56-4 73-6 19-7 42-6 37-2 93-1 646 634 694 87-4 35-8 17-8 19-8 99-7 11-1 19-9 24-6 16-5 160-4 18-9 24 84-3 34-7 77-2 859-8 682 19-9 15 21-9 498 8 16-8 43-5 98-7 22-7 83-4 92-1 65-6 263 17-7 39-4 32 24-7 23 76-6 64-2 85-9 22-9 53-4 617-6 7 19-1 17-9 18-9 83-6 15 59-1 97-3 53 85-5 18-9 23-2 19-9 60-3 85 61-5 19 148-5 Schooner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ketch Sohooner Scow Schooner Ship Cutter Ketch Deveron Dominion Edna Eliza Firth .. Esme Ethel Wells.. Eunice . '. Eva Falcon 3annet 31enae Schooner Ketch Schooner Ketch Schooner Haere Havoc Hawk .. ■ Helen Herald Hero Hikurangi .. Huia Huon Belle .. Irene Isabella De Fraine James Craig.. Jessie Craig .. Joseph Craig Joseph Sims.. Kahu Barque Sohooner Ketch Schooner Ketch Schooner Ketch Barque Schooner Kapua Katie S. Kereru Kiatere Kiatia Kitty Fraser Kiwi Korora Lady of the Lake Lena Gladys Lily Lizette Lizzie Taylor Lobo Louisa Craig Maggie Maid of Italy Scow Ketch Schooner Cutter Schooner Scow Sohooner Ketch Schooner Barque Scow Cutter Mana Marjorie Craig Matakana May Moa Moehau Moonah Morning Light Ngaru Northern Chief Norwest Oban Orakei Pearl Kasper Pukapuka .. Rambler Ranger Rangi Result Rimu Rona Rosalie Sea Gull Scot St. Anne Talisman lay The Portland Three Cheers Toafa Haamea Tramp Transit Vindex Violet Waikonini .. Wanderer Welcome Winnie Ysabel Barque Cutter Schooner Ketch Schooner Barque Ketch Schooner Scow Ketch Scow Schooner Scow Schooner Ketoh Schooner Barque Cutter 19-1 26-3 23-7 92-6 Ketch 73 103-3 53 98 21-4 40-9 24-1 70-3 94 65-7 24-1 148-5 Schooner Cutter Schooner Scow Schooner Ketch Sohooner Ketch Sohooner



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, etc., from the 1st April, 1911, to 31st March, 1912.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c 1911. Lpril 4 S.s. Wairau Nelson On the 4th April, 1911, as this vessel was leaving Motueka for Karamea, a slight defect was noticed at the flange of the main steam-pipe. The vessel put into Nelson, where the pipe was repaired. It was afterwards tested to 280 lb. per square inch by hydraulic pressure. On the 26th March, 1911, on a trip from Nelson to Hokitika, when about one mile north of the Hokitika Bar, the end of the propeller-shaft broke and the propeller was lost. The vessel was put under sail for Greymouth, and when off that port was taken in tow by the s.s. " Himitangi," which towed her into port. A spare propeller and shaft were then fitted. During the voyage of this vessel from New Caledonia to Wellington on the 24th April, 1911, it was noticed that the main steam-pipe was leaking round the brazing of one of the flanges. On arrival at Wellington the pipe was taken on shore for repairs, the defective portion of the pipe being cut off and a new piece 8 in. long brazed on. The pipe was afterwards tested to 360 lb. per square inch by hydraulic pressure. On the 3rd May, 1911, this vessel left Dunedin for Lyttelton. When off Harrington Point, Otago Harbour, she failed to answer her helm and took the ground at 4.20 p.m. She remained aground until 6.20 p.m. when, with the assistance of a tug and her own engines, she came off. After an examination of the vessel at Dunedin she proceeded to Lyttelton, where a further examination of her hull was made by a diver, when the vessel was found to be uninjured. The steering gear was examined and the spring which keeps the clutch in gear was found to be weak. This spring was renewed and the steering-gear was then found to be otherwise in good condition. On the 4th May, 1911, during the voyage from Tokomaru Bay to Auckland and when off Cuvier Island, the starboard steering-rod carried away. The chain being then slack came off the barrel of the drum, got jambed, and broke the flange of the drum. After several hours work temporary repairs were effected, which enabled the vessel to reach Auckland. New steering-rods were fitted, the drum was repaired by the acetylene welding-process, and the fairleads raised. The steering-gear, after completion of these repairs, was found to be in good condition. This vessel was making a trip from Foxton to Wanganui on the 16th May, 1911, when she collided with the s.s. " Wairau " in the Manawatu River. After the collision the " Himitangi" proceeded on her voyage to Wanganui, where an inspection was made. The only damage found was a slight bulge at the 5 ft. water-mark on the starboard bow, which did not affect her seaworthiness. At 11 a.m. on the 21st May, 1911, on a voyage from Niue to Auckland, in latitude 34-32 and longitude 175-56 E., this vessel sprang a leak. Some oakum had worked out of the bottom of the centre-board casing. On arrival in Auckland the base of the centre-board casing was recaulked, and a 6 in. by 6 in. angle iron was fitted and jointed the whole length of the casing. On a trip from the Thames to Auckland, on the 28th May, 1911, this vessel went ashore in a fog off Motuihi Island. The vessel remained fast for two and a half hours and then floated off as the tide rose. On arrival in Auckland, after examination, she was found to have sustained no damage. On the 1st June, 1911, on the trip from Great Barrier Island to Auckland, two small holes were discovered in this vessel's hull below the water-line. On arrival in Auckland, after a survey of the plate, it was found the holes were caused by corrosion. The plate was otherwise in good condition. The holes were plugged up. On the 16th May, 1911, this vessel was on a voyage from Puponga to Foxton, and when proceeding up the Manawatu River she collided with the s.s. " Himitangi." The starboard side of the hull was cut into about 8 ft. forward from the break of the bridge, and the damage extended from the deck to the round of bilge. The vessel settled down by the head and took the ground in the bed of the river. Temporary repairs were made by a diver, and the vessel was pumped out and refloated on the 28th May. Necessary repairs were effected to enable vessel to make the trip to Picton, where permanent repairs were made. On 5th June, 1911, an outbreak of fire occurred in the 'tween decks as she was leaving Auckland for Limestone Island. A survey was made, when the vessel was found to have received no damage. .pril 8 S.s. Jane Douglas Nelson .pril 28 S.s. Strathendrick Wellington .ay 3, 4 S.s. Moana Port Chalmers and Lyttelton iay 5, 6, 9 S.s. Whakatane Auckland .ay 6 S.s. Himitangi .. Wanganui [ay 28 Kereru (ketch) .. Auckland S.s. Rotomahana Auckland lay 29 lune 2 S.s. Waitangi Auckland 'une 2 S.s. Wairau Foxton S.s. Haupiri r une 6 Auckland


No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.


Date of Survey. Name oi Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1911. .. S.s. Poherua Wellington On the 27th May, 1911, this vessel was crossing the Greymouth Bar, on a trip from Wellington, when she touched the ground off the North-Tip Head. Through suddenly taking a sheer the vessel got too close to the Tip Head. She made no water, and it was decided to load her and return to Wellington. She was placed on the slip at Wellington for survey. The hull forward was found to be set up in several places, and a number of rivets loosened. One new plate was fitted in the garboard strake on the starboard side, and about forty defective rivets were renewed. About three hundred rivets were cut out df dented plates on the port side in the fore peak and No. 1 tank and reriveted, and one new butt-strap fitted. Two dented parts of margin plate were cut out in No. 1 tank on port side and two new pieces of plate and angle irons fitted. Three new gusset - plates were fitted between margin plate and frames on port side, and about 6 ft. of one frame was renewed. On the 17th May, 1911, as this vessel was entering Tauranga Harbour, on a voyage from Auckland, she took the ground. The vessel remained fast until the 20th May, when she came off after being lightened. A survey of the vessel was made, but no damage of any sort was found. This vessel was on a voyage from Wellington to London, via the Bluff. At 7 a.m. on the 17th February, 1911, two hours and a half after high water, the Captain was taking the vessel into the Bluff Harbour without a pilot when, owing to the ebb tide, the vessel sheered over on to the midchannel rock and grounded. She remained aground until 12.23 p.m. of the same day, when she came off as the tide rose and with the assistance of her own engines. The vessel proceeded to Port Chalmers for docking and examination, when it was found that the hull had been considerably damaged. The following repairs were found necessary : Nine plates on the port side and one keelplate were renewed. Fifteen plates on the port side, seven on the starboard side, and four keel-plates were taken out, straightened, and replaced in position. Eight plates on the starboard side were straightened in position. Four plates were taken out of the stern of the vessel for the purpose of fitting in a new portion of the stern-frame, and then replaced in position. One plate in the centre girder was renewed, and portions of two margin plates were renewed, one in No. 3 and one in No. 6 tanks. Four floor-plates were renewed, three were removed, straightened, and replaced in position, and five were straightened in position on the starboard side. Two floor-plates and two half plates were renewed, and nine were straightened in position. One intercostal plate was renewed, and a number were straightened in position. One margin bracket was renewed, and a number were straightened in position on the port side. No. 3 tank-top was repaired and reriveted where necessary. The lower portions of the forward and after bulkheads in the forward deep tank were cut out and renewed. The lower section of the stern-frame from scarf on rudder-post to scarf on stern-post was renewed. The following repairs to the rudder were carried out: A new main piece and one new pintle were fitted, and 10 ft. of rudder-head was renewed. The propeller-blades were taken off, straightened, and pieces burnt on where necessary ; the propeller-shaft was drawn, the stern-tube nut was removed and the stern-tube examined. Four cast-iron ballast suction-pipes were also renewed. On the 30th May, 1911, on a voyage from Auckland to Levuka, this vessel struck a reef in Navula Passage and grounded. After lightening the vessel, and with the assistance of her own engines, she was refloated on the 2nd June. On her return to Auckland she was placed in Calliope Dock for examination ; it was then found that the plates in the fore part of the hull were corrugated to some extent. The seams and rivets, however, were very little damaged. Some of the seams were recaulked, and four rivets were renewed. On the 15th June, 1911, this vessel was proceeding from Westport to Foxton, and when crossing the Manawatu Bar during a heavy sea went ashore. The vessel was refloated on the 17th June, when she sailed for Wellington in company with the s.s. " Queen of the South," and on arrival there she was placed on the Slip. The following repairs were effected : A sheathing-plate, 5 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in., was fitted on the port side of the hull-plating under the engine-room, and about twenty rivets were renewed; the rudder was unshipped, the shank straightened, and a new boss welded on the rudder quadrant; both outer bushes for propeller-shafts were relined, and a new set of propellerblades were fitted to starboard propeller. rune 12 . . S.s. Clan Ross . . Auckland ?eb. 21, 22; April 13, 27 ; May 11, 19, 24, 29, and 31 ; June 1, 6, 9, and 13 S.s. Knight of the Garter Port Chalmers .. Auckland June 19 S.s. Tofua rune 20, 24, 26 S.s. Gertie Foxton and Wellington



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, <fcc. 1911. lune 28 S.s. Turakina Wellington On the 25th June, 1911, whilst berthed at the Glasgow Wharf, Wellington, a slight crack was discovered in the main steam-pipe. The pipe was taken ashore, the defective portion was cut out, and a new piece 20 in. long was fitted and brazed in. The pipe after repairs was tested to 400 lb. hydraulic pressure before being placed in position again. This vessel arrived at Auckland on the 1st July, 1911, from Brisbane, and when berthing against the set of the tide she fouled the corner of the wharf. On examination it was found that two of the frames were slightly set in, one plate dented, and a number of rivets loosened. Forty-six rivets were renewed. On the 30th March, 1911, on a voyage from Cardiff to Talcahuana, the stern-gland was broken and the liner on the stern-shaft cracked circumferentially. This was caused through overheating. Temporary repairs were effected, and on arrival at Talcahuana a band was forged and put round the gland to bind it together. On the return voyage to Newoast e, New South Wales, the vessel met bad weather and put into Wellington for coal and repairs. The condenser had commenced to leak on the 30th June, and on arrival it was tested and the tube-plate joints found to be leaking; these were rejointed, and the condenser repacked. The vessel's stern was tipped, the spare propeller and shaft fitted, and a new stern-gland made and fitted. This vessel was on a voyage from London to Wellington on the 19th June, 1911, about 10 p.m., when the crown of the combustion-chamber in the port-wing of the forward port boiler came down between 4 in. and 5 in., and the plate was torn away from the girder-stays. This boiler was disabled, but the vessel continued the voyage with the remaining boilers. On arrival in Wellington an examination was made, and it was found necessary to cut out and renew the defective crown. This was done, and all the girder-stays were renewed. The buckled plates at the back and sides of the combustion-chamber were straightened, the two top rows of tubes and two rows of screwed waterspace stays round the combustion-chamber were renewed. The landings were reriveted and caulked where necessary. On the 28th July, 1911, this vessel was steaming up to the wharf at Napier when she struck the end of it and fractured her stem, doing damage to seven of her frames and to four hull-plates. The broken portion of the stem was straightened and fitted with butt-straps on each side—9 ft. long by 10 in. by g in.—and all the damaged plates were cut out and renewed. The broken portions of the frames were cut and replaced with Z bars. A gusset-plate was fitted on the inside behind the fractured stem to strengthen it. In addition to the above work carried out in Napier the following repairs were made in Port Chalmers. Twenty feet of the stem was renewed 10J in. by 3 in. One frame on the starboard side and six on the port side were renewed 9 ft. long by 5 in. by 3 in. by f in. Several reverse bars and gusset-plates were fitted, and the following hull-plates renewed : On the port side a shear strake-plate 8 ft. bv 4 ft. 6 in. by in.; M strake, a plate 14 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by T 7 ff in.; L strake, a plate 10 ft. by 3 ft. by T 7 S in.: and on the starboard side, M strake, one plate 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by in.; L strake, one plate 6 ft. by 3 ft. by T 7 S in. During the trip from Auckland to Whangarei on 1st August, 1911, and when in Rangitoto Channel, the "Vesper" collided with the s.s. " Oceano." The jib-boom, bobstay, &c, were carried away. The vessel returned to Auckland and had a new jib-boom and all the necessary gear fitted. This vessel was proceeding up Rangitoto Channel on the 1st August, 1911, during the voyage from San Francisco to Auckland, when she collided with the o.e.v. " Vesper." On arrival in Auckland an examination was made, when she was found to have sustained no material damage. On the 9th August, 1911, when three miles north of Kennedy Bay, on a voyage from Gisborne to Auckland, the Orete's propeller struck some unseen object, breaking the tailshaft and losing her propeller. The vessel proceeded under sail, and on arrival in Auckland a new propeller and shaft were fitted. During the voyage of this vessel from Auckland to Wellington on the 19th August, 1911, a crack was detected in the bend of the main steam-pipe. On arrival in Wellington the pipe was taken ashore for repairs. About 5 ft. of the pipe was renewed and one new flange fitted. The pipe was then tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure. luly 5, 7 .. S.s. Kaipara Auckland "uly 5, 6, 11, 12, and 18 S.s. Feliciana Wellington luly 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 26, and 29 S.s. Tongariro . . Wellington, Dunedin, and Lyttelton uly 31; Aug. 2, 3; Nov. 8, 15 ; Dec. 1 S.s. Hauroto Napier and Dunedin dig. 2 O.e.v. Vesper Auckland .ug. 2 S.s. Oceano Auckland .ug. 13 O.e.v. Orete Auckland ,ug. 23 S.s. Hyndford .. Wellington


No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

9—H. 15a.


Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1911. .ug. 28 S.s. Cape Breton Dunedin This vessel was on a voyage from New York to Dunedin, via Durban, when on the 2nd August, 1911, a joint on the steering-gear rod carried away, straining three others and bending the pins. The vessel was encountering heavy weather at the time. On the 6th August 180 ft. of waterservice pipes and connections on deck were carried away, and the deck-house doors were stove in. On arrival in Dunedin new joints were made of heavier material and welded to the steering-gear rods. New water-service pipes and connections were also fitted. This vessel had arrived from London at the mouth of the Tamar River, Tasmania, and on the 24th July, 1911, was proceeding to Beauty Point under charge of a pilot when she went aground. She came off the same day by using her own engine and with the assistance of a tug. After discharging part of her cargo she proceeded to Port Chalmers and was docked there for examination. It was found that the E and L strakes on the port side were dented and a number of rivets started, .19 ft. of the bilge-keel was buckled, and several smaller dents were noticeable on the bottom. Twenty-five rivets were renewed at the junction of the E and L strakes of hull-plating. When moving ship in Gisborne Harbour on the 1st September, 1911, this vessel struck the wharf with her rudder, twisting and bending the rudder-stock. On arrival in Lyttelton the rudder was unshipped, straightened, and examined and found to have no flaws in it. The quadrant was keyed on square with the rudder, and the whole replaced. On the 13th September, 1911, on a voyage from Nelson to Collmgwood, via Bays and ports, this vessel touched a rock in Bark Bay. She was going dead slow at the time and did not lose any way. On her return to Nelson she was placed on the hard for examination. It was found that the rolling-chocks on each side amidships had been chafed slightly, but otherwise the vessel was undamaged. On the 14th September, 1911, whilst crossing the Patea Bar on a voyage from Wellington, this vessel took a sheer and struck the eastern wall of the breakwater. A southerly gale was blowing at the time. The lower part of the stem was twisted, two plates badly dented and cracked, and two plates slightly dented. The vessel returned to Wellington and was placed on the Slip. About 8 ft. of the stem was renewed, and two new hull-plates fitted on both sides of her stem. This vessel was shifting from the Taranaki Street Wharf to the Glasgow Wharf, in Wellington Harbour, on the 20th September, 1911, during a strong gale of wind. On nearing the Glasgow Wharf she dropped her anchor, but the wind caught her broadside on and slewed the vessel round so that her rudder fouled the wharf. The rudder-shank was twisted 40 degrees, and the steering-gear chains strained. A new end was welded on the rudder-shank, the hole in the quadrant trued out, and the shank refitted. All new chains on the port and one length on the starboard side were fitted, and two lengths of chain on the starboard side repaired. This vessel was on a voyage from Dunedin to Sydney. On the 30th September, 191.1, at Port Chalmers, a double intermediate main and auxiliary steam stop-valve chest on the port side burst. A new stop-valve chest was made and fitted. On the 9th October, 1911, as this vessel was entering the Bluff Harbour, on a voyage from Melbourne, the port propellor struck a patch of rock in the fairway, breaking off part of one of the blades. No repairs were necessary as the vessel had received no material damage. During the voyage of this vessel from Bunbury to Bluff, on the 14th September, 1911, it was noticed that the propeller was slack on the shaft, caused probably by the racing of the engines in heavy weather. The vessel was docked at Port Chalmers, when it was found that the propeller-shaft was damaged by the working of the propeller. A new port-propeller shaft was fitted. This vessel was moving away from the wharf at Napier, on the 17th October, 1911, for Westport, when, after swinging, the ebb tide set her stern on to the wharf, which was struck by the propeller, injuring all the blades. The vessel came on to Wellington, and was placed on the Slip and a new propeller fitted, ug. 28, 29 S.s. Waiwera Dunedin Sept. 5, 6 S.s. Petone Lyttelton Sept. 15 S.s. Hina Nelson Sept. 16 S.s. Mana Wellington Sept. 23 S.s. Komata Wellington Oct. 5 S.s. Orari Dunedin Oct. 9 S.s. Ulimaroa Bluff Oct. 11, 12 .. S.s. Whangape .. Port Chalmers .. Oct. 20 S.s. Lauderdale • Wellington


No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.


Date of Survey. ! Name of Vessel. I Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1911. 'nne 28 ; July 18; Oct. 12, 21, 27 S.s. Takapuna .. . I Wellington Port Cha Nelson.. Napier. . Nelson. . . : Auckland . ': Wellington Dunedin Lyttelton Auckland Dunedin Wellington and Port Chalmers i al n i a : EB6I n d On the 2nd June, 1911, this vessel was crossing the Westport >rs Bar, on a voyage from Nelson, when she was disabled b} 7 the rudder-head carrying away just below the trunkway, through a heavy sea striking the rudder, and a defect in the welding. After the rudder was disabled the vessel was kept going ahead, and managed to get inside the retaining-walls. The anchor was dropped, but the strong current in the river carried the stern of the vessel round and it struck the retaining-wall, breaking the stern-post at the bottom of the aperture, and starting the hull plating and rivets under the stern-tube. The vessel was towed to Wellington, and placed on the Slip for examination. It was then decided to send her to Port Chalmers for repairs. On arrival there she was docked and the following repairs made to the vessel. A new rudder-post and rudder were made and fitted. Eight hull-plates were taken off to allow of the new post being fitted, six were replaced, and two defective plates were renewed. Thirty-two rivets in the forepart of the vessel were renewed. A new propellershaft and a new set of propeller-blades were fitted. This vessel took the ground at Tarakohe Wharf, on the 3rd November, 1911, during a gale. On examination of the hull it was found that the butts and seams were strained. The jib-boom was broken and the rudder damaged. The butts and the planking were refastened, and also caulked where necessary. A new rudder and jib-boom were also fitted. . . I On the 8th November, 1911, when entering the Wairoa River, on a voyage from Napier, this vessel struck a beam which was projecting from a pile of the old breastwork, making a 12 in. by 9 in. hole in her port side. The water gained entrance at this hole and the vessel sank. At low water temporary repairs were effected, the water was pumped out, and the vessel was refloated on the 9th. She returned to Napier, where permanent repairs were effected. Three new planks were fitted to hull. . . ! During the voyage of this vessel from Nelson to Waitapu, on the 12th November, 1911, in Blind Bay, a leak was discovered at the back end of the furnace-tube, where it is connected to the combustion-chamber plating, near the edge of an old patch. On arrival in Nelson a small plate was fitted on either side of the thin portion. .. On a trip from Coromandel to Auckland, on the 9th November, 1911, when about five miles off Cow and Calf Rocks, this vessel's crank-shaft broke. The vessel was towed to Auckland, where a new after-web was forged and fitted to the crank-shaft. . . i On the 24th November, 1911, when crossing the Manawatu ■ Bar, on a voyage from Greymouth to Foxton, this vessel struck the bottom and carried her rudder away. She drifted over to the North Spit and grounded, breaking most of her propeller-blades. The cause of the accident was insufficient water on the bar. The vessel remained aground until the 28th November, when she was refloated, after jettisoning about 12 tons of coal, and proceeded to Foxton. The damaged rudder was unshipped and forwarded to Wellington, where a new one was made to replace it. Two new sets of propeller-blades were also fitted. On the 24th November, 1911, this vessel was proceeding from the fishing-ground off Taiaroa Heads to Dunedin, and when inside Otago Heads the L.P. bottom-end connectingrod bolts broke, causing the breaking of the cylinder-cover and piston. This vessel was on a voyage from Kaiapoi to Foxton. On the 28th November, 1911, when crossing the Foxton Bar. she grounded, carrying away the rudder-post and the bottom of propeller-aperture. This vessel was proceeding up the Ohinemuri River on a voyage from Auckland to Paeroa, on the 12th December, 1911, when she struck the river-bank and strained her forefoot. She completed the voyage to Paeroa and then returned to Auckland, where she was docked for examination and repairs. It was found necessary to fit a gravingpiece into the forefoot. On the 29th December, 1911, as this vessel was passing Quarantine Island, Otago Harbour, on a voyage from Bluff to Dunedin, she touched a rock on the port side, denting her bottom in way of Nos. 1 and 2 ballast-tanks and engine-room spaces. There was a strong ebb tide running, and a fresh south-west breeze blowing at the time, which interfered with the vessel's steering and caused her to take a sheer towards the island. On arrival at Dunedin a survey was made, and, as the vessel was not seriously damaged, she was allowed to proceed to Lyttelton for docking and further survey. It was there found necessary to renew fifty-six rivets in the hull and sixty in the bilgekeel on the, port side of the vessel, ov. 3 Gannet (ketch) .. Nov. 11, 12.. S.s. Tangaroa Nov. 13 S.s. Wairoa Nov. 13 S.s. Chelmsford .. Dec. ■> S.s. Gertie Dec I S.s. Napier Dec. 6, 11, 14 S.s. Wootton Dec. 14 ! S.s. Taniwha 1912. Jan. 3 S.s. Waipori


No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.


Date of Survey. Name cf Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1911. Deo. 28, 30.. 1912. Jan. 3, 6. 9 S.s. Kumara .. Wellington Wellington On the 24th December, 1911, when proceeding from Dunedin to Gisborne, it was discovered that the furnace-crowns of the after starboard boiler had come down. It was decided to come to Wellington for repairs. An examination was made of the furnaces, when it was found that the starboard and centre furnaces were down 4| in. and 5 in. respectively. The port furnace was also down a little. A further examination was made of the other boilers, when it was found that the centre furnace of the centre after - boiler was down 1\ in. The examination of the furnaces showed that they had been overheated by an accumulation of scale in the boilers. The furnaces were set back to their original form, and the boilers were afterwards tested to 270 lb. hydraulic pressure. Whilst lying at the Lyttelton Wharf, on the 8th January, 1912, it was noticed that a portion of the main steam-pipe of this vessel had worn thin in two places, through the vibration of the pipe where suspended in the hangers. Two small patches were brazed over the thin places, and the pipe was afterwards tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure. During the voyage of this vessel from Lyttelton to Wellington, on the 8th January, 1912, at 8-45 p.m., it was discovered that the thrust-block was fractured, the vessel being then about thirty miles from Lyttelton. The vessel returned to Lyttelton under easy steam. The thrustbearing was repaired by fitting a flanged plate round the end of bearing and bolting it over the broken part. On the 11th January, 1912, this vessel was lying at the Glasgow Wharf when a defect was noticed in a length of the main steam-pipe, where it had chafed against the hanger. A small patch was brazed over the thin place on the pipe, and the pipe was afterwards tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure. This vessel was proceeding from Lyttelton to Dunedin, on the 13th January, 1912, and when off Akaroa Peninsula the H.P.-cylinder finer became loose. On examination it was found that the studs which held the liner in position were broken. Temporary repairs were effected, and on the vessel's arrival in Dunedin a ring was fitted between the cylinder-cover and liner and secured to the liner by pinning. This kept the liner securely in position. On the 27th January, 1912, on a trip from Greymouth to Gisborne, when off Farewell Spit, the circulating-pump foot-valve carried away. The thread on the valve-seat had become worn and eventually stripped. After the accident the bucket was drawn and the donkey-pump used for circulating the water. The vessel came on to Wellington for repairs, where a new valve-seat was made and fitted. On the 21st January, 1912, this vessel was leaving Westport for Lyttelton, when a strong tide caused her to sheer and touch the end of the east half-tide training-wall at Westport. The hull on the port side was damaged, several plates were dented, a number of rivets were started, and the rolling-chock was bent. The vessel was docked at Port Chalmers, when the following repairs were carried out : On B strake 3 ft. of the seam was caulked, on C strake five rivets were renewed, the butt-strap on the after length of the rolling-chock was reriveted, and the broken cement in fore-bilges was renewed. As this vessel was crossing the Karamea Bar, on a trip to Wellington, on the 10th January, 1912, she was struck by a blind roller and went aground on the Bar, but came off again immediately. The rudder, rudder-post, part of keel and propeller were damaged. Temporary repairs were made, and the vessel came on to Wellington. The following repairs were effected to the vessel : A new rudder and a new rudder-post were fitted, and 7 ft. of the keel was renewed. A new gun-metal propeller and tail-shaft were fitted, and the stern-bush was relined. On the trip from Greymouth to Lyttelton, when off Farewell Spit, on the 14th February, 1912, very heavy weather was encountered. The main topmast was carried away above and close to the rigging-band. Temporary repairs were carried out at Lyttelton to enable the vessel to come to Wellington, where a new mast was fitted. On the 2nd February, 1912, on a trip from Foxton to Wellington, and when off Terawhiti, this vessel struck some submerged object. On arrival in Wellington an examination was made, when it was found that the vessel had sustained no damage. Jan. 9 S.s. Paparoa .. Lyttelton Jan. 9, 10 S.s. Mararoa . . Lyttelton Jan. 12 S.s. Paparoa .. Wellington Jan. 16 S.s. Wimmera. .. \ Dunedin I S.s. Holmdale .. Wellington Jan. 30 Jan. 31 S.s. Kini .. Dunedin Jan. 31, Fob. 3 S.s. Wairau .. Wellington S.». Holmdale .. Lyttelton F«b. 21 Feb. 23 S.s. Queen of the Wellington South I



No. 19.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness-continued.

No. 20.—Return showing the Revenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers, Land-engine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), also the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers, Land-engine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers, and the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. Inspection of boilers and machinery (less i Salaries (less refunds) .. .. .. 8,895 12 5 refunds) .. .. .. .. '9,774 7 6 I Advertising, books, &c. .. .. .. 20 4 3 Certificates of land-engine drivers (less re- Office furniture, &c. .. .. .. 2 14 0 funds) .. .. ~ .. 665 50 j Collection of inspection-fees .. .. 150 0 0 Certificates of electric-tram drivers (less Office equipment and requisites .. .. 74 12 7 refund) .. .. ... .. 150 0 0 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. 268 15 8 Survey of steamers (including auxiliary- Rent, cleaning offices, fuel, and light .. 145 15 8 powered vessels) .. .. .. 2,091 0 0 Telephones ... .. .. .. 70 16 7 Survey of sailing-ships .. .. .. 329 10 0 Travelling-expenses (le6s refund) .. 2,510 15 11 Survey of vessels for seaworthiness .. 169 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 21 14 6 Examination of marine engineers .. 195 0 0 £13,374 2 6 £12,161 1 7

of Survey. Name of Vessel. 1911. [arch 11 .. S.s. Akaroa Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. Auckland .. On the 11th March, 1912, an examination was being made of the crank-shaft of the main engines when the vessel was lying at the Auckland wharf. It was noticed that there was a flaw running circumferentially round the H.P. crank-pin. The crank-shaft was taken out of the vessel and cut through at the after web of H.P. crank, and a new built H.P. crank was made. This was shrunk and keyed on to the old shaft. The shaft was relined up, and the engines tried under steam on completion of repairs.



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge, of Certificated Engine-drivers.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. J Horse- I j Purposes for which used. P"™* Diameter of Cylinders of ; F ! of Engine m Inches. | Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. AUG ,ANT ) DISTRICT. Allen, W. Auckland City Council Dargaville Auckland Hauling Electric lighting .. Road-roller Electric lighting .. Generators 8 115 107 123 Two 6-f- .. .. j Locomotive and traction I Late Kaipara Timber Company, Hoanga. 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 5J and 8J .. Locomotive and traction i Additional. 13 and 22 .. First class .. .. „ 17 and 34, 18f, 27, and 38| Ditto 17 and 34 .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 17 and 34 17 and 34 17 and 34 i 18}, 27, and 38J .. 19 and 28 19 and 28 10 Turbine .. .. „ .. .. Additional. 18-jj! .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 5J .. .. Locomotive and traction ' Late W. H. Haggar, Kaitaia. 16 and 18 . . First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Two 24 .. Two 24 .. .. „ .. .. Additional. Two 24 .. Two 24 .. Two 24 .. .. „ .. .. I Two 24 .. 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ 1\ and 6| .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 8 . . .. Locomotive and traction „ 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. 6«jr .. .. Locomotive and traction Late J. H. Keith, Tuakau. 13f .. .. Second class .. .. I Additional. 18 .. .. First class .. .. „ 18 Two 7J .. .. Locomotive and traction „ 14J .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 14J .. .. „ .. .. Late Gardner Bros, and Parker, New Lynn. 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. 20 .. .. First class and winding .. Late Hauraki Freehold Gold-mining Company. Coromandel. Two 8 and 12 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended Two 8 and 12 Two 26 .. .. „ .. .. I ,, Freeman's Bay Auckland Auckland Electric Tramway Company ,, ,» ,, ,» Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company Auckland Gas Company Cashmore Bros. Chambers and Son, John Colonial Sugar Refining Company .. 5; Southdown Freeman's Bay Cox's Creek Auckland Chelsea Power-station Freezing Gas-works Sawmill .. ■ Traction Steaming.. Sugar-refining 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 84 84 84 95 95 64 190 168 38 38 38 38 38 6 83 43 5 20 70 47 12 56 43 23 35 Comrie and Fausett Cook and Co., H. F Dawson, R. Dominion Laundry Company Frost, E. T. .. .. Gamman and Co. (Limited) Pukekohe district .. Whangamumu Papatoetoe district Auckland Tuakau district Omanawa Tauranga General work Boiling-down General work Laundry General work Sawmill Gardner Bros. New Lynn Hauling Brickworks Great Northern Brewery Company .. Hauraki Reefs Gold-mining Company Auckland Coromandel Brewery Pumping and winding Hellaby (Limited), R. and W. Auckland Refrigerating 79 79 62 Westfield.. .. Boilding-down ,, ,,

11.--15 A.

No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.,— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. riinmoti.v nf Cviinrter. nf Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred I Purposes for which used. po ™ er i E,, ,,i° h re ' Class ot Dri ™r required. Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders B 0 jf er ' s " "" are now amended. Hellaby (Limited), R. and W. Henderson and Pollard .. Kaipara Dairy Company Kapanga Gold-mining Company Karaka Mine3 (Limited) Kauri Timber Company AUCKLAND DISTRICT— continued. AUCKLAND DIS1 Lamb and Co., R. S. Mikkelson and Co. Mitchelson Timber Company Mount Albert Road Board Paeroa Mineral- water Company Piako County Council Raynor, Dr. Rich and Jeffries Smith, T. L. Takapuna Tram and Ferry Company Thames Drainage Board Westfield Mount Eden Helensville Coromandel Karaka Creek Kohukohu Koutu Horehore Manawahe Owhata Mount Albert Paeroa Te Aroha district .. Waikumete Matata Clevedon district .. Takapuna Thames .. Boiling-down .. 45 Two 26 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. ; Joinery .. .. 46 12, 20, 20 .. „ .. .. Additional. I Dairy factory .. 27 9 .. .. Second class .. .. „ j Pumping and winding 25 Two 10, one 20 .. First class and winding Size of cylinders amended. Crushing .. 23 | 12 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Sawmill .. .. 35 Two 16J .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 35 Two 16J ■ .. 35 Two 16J .. „ .. .. 50 ; 14i Log-hauling .. 9 Two 6J .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Sawmill .. .. 20 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Late A. W. Ross and Co., Matatak „ .. .. 16 Two 9 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Pumping .. 20 ll|-andl7J"' .>-.". First class .. .. „ Cordial-factory .. 17 13 .. .. I Second class .. .. Late R. Fewell, Auckland. General work .. 5 5 and 8J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Hauling .. .. 7 4J and 7 .. „ ,, 6 Two 6 . . Pumping.. .. 50 18 and 36 .. First class .. .. „ General work .. 6 8 .. . . | Locomotive and traction „ Hauling .. .. 25 Two 12 . . .. j Tramway . . 24 Two 12 ... . Pumping, winding, 40 30 and 60, 18 and First class and winding „ and air-compres- 29J, two 14 Boiling-down .. 45 Joinery .. .. 46 Dairy factory .. 27 Pumping and winding 25 Crushing .. 23 Sawmill .. .. 35 35 35 50 Log-hauling .. 9 Sawmill .. .. 20 16 Pumping .. 20 Cordial-factory .. 17 General work .. 5 Hauling .. .. 7 6 Pumping.. .. 50 General work .. 6 Hauling .. .. 25 Tramway . . 24 Pumping, winding, 40 and air-compres-sing Sawmill .. .. 25 Flax-mill.. .. 16 Pumping and winding 25 Hoisting .. .. 34 22 Pumping.. .. 33 ..25 .. ! 12 Winding, No. 2 Shaftl 70 No. 6 Shaft 70 „ .. .. 80 Gold-saving .. 83 83 83 83 Sawmill .. .. 68 Hauling . . .. 4J Sawmill .. ... 20 Thomas, G. Thome, A. J. W. Union Hauraki Gold-mining Company Union Steamship Company (limited) Kaiaka Rangataika Coromandel Hulk " Countess of Anglesea " Hulk " Helen " .. Maramarua Waihi' Paeroa Auckland Karekare Whangarei sincr ft. Sm S . i ft._ l -ft 4 . l ft. . ._ Sawmill .. .. 25 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Thomas and Dangen, Kaiaka. Flax-miU.. .. 16 14J .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Pumping and winding 25 One 6 and two 7 .. Second class and winding „ Hoisting .. .. 34 Two 6, two 6, two 6, First class .. .. Additional. two 6, two 6 two 6 ,, .. .. 22 Two 8 and two 4|.. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Pumping. . .. 33 24 .. .. First class .. .. „ „ .. .. i 25 14 ,. .. .. ! 12 24 .. „ .. ..I Winding, No. 2 Shaftl 70 Two 12 .. .. Winding .. j 70 Two 12 .. No. 6 Shaft 70 Two 30 .. .. „ „ .. .. 80 Two 12 and two 7 „ .... Gold-saving .. 83 11 and 22, 21 and 40 First class .. .. Additional ..83 Hand 22, 21 and 40 .83 11 and 22, 21 and 40 83 11 and 22, 21 and 40 .Sawmill .. .. 68 16 Hauling .. .. 4J 6 .. .. Locomotive and traction ,, Sawmill .. .. 20 Nil .. .. Second class .. .. Late A. and T. Burt, Auckland. United Coal Company Waihi Gold-mining Company Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company.. Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company Waitemata Sawmill Company West Coast Sawmill Company Wilkinson, J.



Wilson's Portland Cement Company Warkworth Cement-works 72 Compound 17 and 29J, 21| and 44J 72 17 i and 29J .. | i' 1 First class .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. ,5 • • Ellis and Burnand . . ■ .Mananui AUCKLAN tt> SOUTH DISTRICT. | First class .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. Ellis, J. W. .. '.'. '.'. Fraser, G. M. Hansen and Co. Knight, B. L. Massey Bros. Melville, R. J. O'Reilly, J. Prouse Lumber (Limited) Pukeweka SawmiUing Company Raglan County Council Selwyn Timber Company Smith and Wingers .. j Mangapeehi .1 Mananui Huntly Waitoa Raurimu Matamata district .. Cambridge Taumarunui .. . Owhango Matapuna Raglan Ngatira Taumarunui Sawmill .. .. 1 Log-hauling Veneer-work Contracting Sawmill Threshing 59 18, 14L and two 12 59 18, 14J, and two 12 65 14 50 14 .. 15 Two 8J .. .. t 70 14 26 Two 6 .. 40 | 14-| 47 13 4 6 6 8 23 14 37 13 12 Two 7i . . 6 8 28 Two 8 .. 25 13 Second class .. .. ,. „ .. .. I Late Ongarue Sawmilling Company, Ongarue. „ .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. ! Additional. First class .. .. Late S. Bellamy, Waitoa. Second class .. .. Additional. Locomotive and traction ! Late J. AUwiU, Hautapu. „ Late Bycroft Bros., Hamilton. Second class .. .. Additional. Brickworks Sawmill Hauling General Hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction i „ " Steele Bros. Taringamutu Sawmilling Company .. Taupiri Coal Company Mamaku Taringamutu Taumarunui .. Huntly 17 Two 9 .. 43 ! Ui and 29 39 12 19 Two 11J 72 Two 14L 14, 9, 12, and 7 42 | Ditto 72 I Two 14J and 14 . . Second class .. .. Late Taumarunui Sawmilling Company, Tau> marunui. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended ; late Roper and Winger, Taumarunui. First class . . m .. Additional. Second class .. .. | Size of cyUnders amended. Locomotive and traction ' Additional. First class and winding.. ; Size of cylinders amended. Hauling Winding and air-com-pressing Pumping and winding Winding and air-com-pressing Pumping and winding Log-hauling Sawmill Taupo Totara Timber Company Mokai 20 Two 9 .. 71 | Two 12 .. 60 ! Two 12 .. 58 Two 12 . . 4J Two 5| .. 6 I 8-i Winding .. . . „ First class .. .. „ Te Kuiti Borough Council Watkins Bros. .. Te'Kuiti Mananui Road-rolling HauUng Locomotive and traction Additional. „ I Late W. Watkins, Mananui. Andrews, J. C. .. Barnes, James BlackbaU Coal Company .. Rangiora.. Cheviot Lyttelton CANT 'ERBURY DISTRICT. Booth, D. Bowron Bros. Cheviot Woolston Flax-miU General Hoisting General Tannery 9 ; 8J and 8i 8 9| 20 Two 5, two 5, two 5, two 5 6 I 6 and 9f.. 20 I Nil 17 I „ 17 „ 16 : „ 20 „ 44 ■ 9 and 13.. Second class .. .. I Additional. Locomotive and traction I Late Charles Barnes, Cheviot. Second class .. .. Size of cydinders amended. Locomotive and traction j Additional. Second class .. .. I Engine not now connected. Brown, Mrs. Canterbury Bye-Products Company.. Christchurch Sockburn Laundry Boihng-down First class .. .. Additional.


No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorseP„ri3nftft., fnr whirh used P°wer Diameter of Cylinders of Purposes for which used. Qf Engine in Inches. I Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. CANTERBUI hy d: I DISTRICT— continued. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. .. j Belfast .. Freezing and electricity 70 70 8 and 14, 9, 14|, and First-class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 25 ; 9,14J, and 25 ; 10 and 17 40 Ditto .. .. „ .. ... 40 30 15 8 .. .. Second class .. .. „ 15 8 .. .. ,. .. 15 8 210 12 and 19, 13 and 19, First class 9 and 15, 8 and 12 208 Ditto 103 „ .... 103 35 12, 9, and 7 117 Turbines .. „ .. .. Additional. 8 6| and 11 .. Locomotive and traction „ 8 6£ and 11 30 10 J .. .. Second class .". .. Size of cylinders amended. 30 8 and 8 .. 10 6} and 11J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 8 6-| and 11 „ 4 .j .. .. „ Late H. J. Clark, Flaxton. 50 16 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 30 12 and 23 30 12 and 23 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 10 7 and 11.. .. „ Late Pitcaithly and Co., Christchurch. 8 10J and 10J .. „ Size of cylinders amended. 8 8| .. .. „ Late J. Pawsey, Sefton. 7 8}.. .. „ | Late Watson Bros., Kirwee. 6 8 .. .. „ Additional. 6 8 .. .. I „ Late Russell and Keltie, Hororata. 15 13|- and 13J .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 15 13J and 13J .. 15 13J- and 13J .. 15 8 and 13.. 15 j 8 and 13.. 6 i 5} and 9.. .. Locomotive and traction ; Late Gourtenay Road Board, Kirwee. 8 6J and 10 „ j Late R. Darroch, Cheviot. 50 7 and two 5 .. Second class .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. 8 6J and 10J .. Locomotive and traction j Additional. 8 6 and 10.. .. ,, j Size of cylinders amended 8 9 ...... „ Late H. Montgomery, Southbridge. Ditto ,, • ■ | ,, * • Boiling-down .. „ I Christchurch City CouncU .. .. ; Christchurch Electricity ,, „ - 11 Christchurch Gas Company Christchurch Tramway Board Church Bros. Daikee and Son Dearsley and Taylor Duncan, P. and D. Feather, E. GUes, Robert .. j Ashburton Waddington Christchurch Loburn .. .. j Balcairn .. Gas-works Electricity General Sawmill Engineers' tools General .. ■ ■ ! Glenmore Brick Company Goss and Co., James Woolston Christchurch Brickworks Sawmill Hall and Son, E. HalsweU Quarry Company.. Rangiora.. HalsweU .. General .. Hauling .. Hanna, Thomas Henderson, C. W. Johnston, J. A. Keltie Bros. Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. ; Sefton .. i Kirwee .. .. | Kaikoura Hororata.. Lyttelton Threshing General Pumping.. . I Lyttelton Times Company .. : Christchurch Printing Malvern County CouncU Mann, Frederick Manning and Co. Mehrtens, H. MiUs, John Moorhead, Mrs. Agnes Kirwee .. j RusseU's Flat .. ' Christchurch Rangiora.. Waikuku.. Southbridge Road-work .. j General .. Brewing General Threshing



10— H. 15a.

McConnell, R. J. .. .. .. . . KiUinchy .. General .. .. I 8 6J and 10| .. I „ I Additional. McCrostie and CuUen .. .. .. Greendale .. „ .. .. I 10 7 and 11.7 .. „ ! Late MiUs and CuUen, Greendale. McDonald, T. .. .. .. .. Waikuku. . .. Fellmongerv 20 12 .. .. ! Second class .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. MeEvedy, A. J. .. .. .. .. Southbridge .. Threshing " 8 6 and 10.. .. Locomotive and traction Late Peter McEvedy, Southbridge. McLaren and Co. .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Road-wagon .. 4 4J and 6.. .. „ ! Late W. R. Creed, Waiau. McLean, John .. .. .. .. Chatham Islands .. Freezing .. .. 16 8 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Sunnyside .. Heating, &e. .. 30 5 and 5 .. .. Exempt .. .. „ Department) Osborne, Job .. .. .. .. Doyleston .. General .. .. 8 6| and 11 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Perryman, H. E. .. .. .. .. Norwood.. .. „ .. .. 8 6J and 10} i .. „ Late A. T. Perryman, Tai Tapu. Philpott and Co. .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Pressing straw .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late A. E. Alston, Christchurch. Pierson, F. .. .. .. .. Brookside .. General .. .. 8 6} and 11 .. „ Additional. Quigley, Frank .. .. .. .. Doyleston .. „ .. .. 8 6} and 11 „ „ Rosseter, John .. .. .. .. Loburn .. .. „ . . .. 8 6| and 11.. „ „ Russell, W. J. .. .. .. .. Hororata.. .. „ .. .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late Russell and Keltie, Hororata. Scott Bros. .. .. .. .. Christchurch . . Shop-tools .. 20 14 and 24 . . First class . . . . Size of cylinders amended. Shields, T. A. .. .. .. .. j Woodgrove .. Chaff-cutting .. 8 6 and 10J .. Locomotive and traction Late M. McFarlane, Coldstream. Strachan, J. W. .. .. .. .. Kaiapoi .. .. General .. .. 9 6| and 10J . . „ Late Moore and Strachan, Kaiapoi. „ .. .. .. .. „ .. .. „ .. .. ; 6 6 and 10.. .. „ Late McVeigh and Walker, Leeston. Strange and Co. .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Furniture-making .. I 25 12 . . ... Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Thornley and Ellmers .. -. . .. Hawarden .. General .. .. 8 6| and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Late G. Halborough, Hawarden. Travis, W. .. .. .. . . Christchurch ' .. Idle .. .. 8 9 .. .. „ Additional. Union Steamship Company (Limited) .. Lyttelton .. Hoisting.. .. 21 Two 5, two 6, and 8 Second class .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. Wardell Bros. .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. I Freezing .. .. 50 9 and 14.. .. ! First class .. Wright, G. F. .. .. .. .. I Annat .. .. ' Threshing . . 4 6 ... .. Locomotive and traction „ CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT. Andrews, Matthew .. .. .. I Pleasant Point .. [ General . . .. : 8 6| and 10} .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Ashburton Woollen Mills .. .. .. Ashburton .. Woollen-mills .. j 30 18 . . . . First class .. . . Size of cylinders amended. .. • 30 18 Ashton Bros. .. .. .. .. Seafield . . .. Chaff-cutting .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late D. J. Doak, Wakanui. Bennison Bros. .. .. .. .. Ashburton .. General . . .. 8 7 and 11£ . . „ Size of cyUnders amended. Bennison, G. H. .. .. .. .. Dromore .. Threshing .. 8 9J .. .. „ Late Bennison Bros., Ashburton. Bishop Bros. .. .. .. .. Wheatstone .. „ .. .. 8 6£ and 10 .. „ Late James Bishop, Wheatstone. Burgess, John .. .. .. .. Mayfield .. .. General .. .. 8 6 and 10J .. „ Size of cyUnders amended. CampbeU, Peter D. .. .. .. Hakataramea .. „ .. .. 8 6} and 11} „ „ ChisnaU, W. .. .. .. .. Hinds .. .. „ .. .. 8 6} and 1 Off, .. „ Christchurch Meat Company .. .. Smithfield .. Freezing . . .. 83 16 and 29 .. First class .. .. Additional. Cleeve Bros. .. .. .. .. Highbank .. General .. .. 6 6 and 9} .. Locomotive and traction „ Dann, Edwin .. .. .. .. Woodbury .. „ .. .. 8 , 6 and 10J Davison, W. .. . . .. .. Rakaia ". .. „ .. ... I 10 6} and 11} .. „ Late M. Tully, Rakaia. Douglas, S. ,T. .. .. .. .. Temuka . . .. „ .. .. ; 8 ; 9J .. .. „ Late Sheppard and Douglas, Temuka. J>ost, L. .. .. .. .. Mayfield .. .. „ .. .. j 6 6 and 10 .. „ Additional. Gaiger, W. W. .. .. .. .. Timaru .. .. „ .. .. 10 i 6} and 11} Geddes, Robert .. .. .. .. Redcliff .. .. „ .. .. 8 ! 6} and 10J .. „ Late George Geddes, Waihao Downs. Gudsell, Alexander .. .. .. Winchester .. Chaff-cutting 6 8| .. . . „ Late J. C. South, Geraldine. Gudsell, James .. .. .. .. Tinwald ... .. General . . .. ! 8 9 .. . • „ '■ Late W. Harvey, Ashburton. Harris, W. H. .. .. .. .. Washdyke .. Wool-scouring .. 30 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Hawkins, Thomas .. .. .. Waimate .. j General .. . . 8 6J and 11| .. Locomotive and traction Late Saunders and Heuchan, Fairlie. Holland and Son, S. .. .. .. Tinwald .: .. j Owners' threshing.. 8 9 .. .. „ . Late R. Holland, Winslow. Holland, Hugh .. .. .. .. ,, .. . . General .. .. 10 6} and 11 \ .. „ Size of cylinders amended. Johnston, George ,. ,. .. Waitohi .. .. Threshing .. . 8 9£ ., .. „ Late Hughes and Johnston, Waitohi Flat


No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. | HorsePnrTHWM for wi.i.-i. ii-cd power Diameter of Cylinders of | imposes toi which used. j Qf Engine m Incnes I Boiler. i Class of Driver required. I Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT— continued. Kirk, H. B. . . .. .. .. Timaru .. .. Steam-heater .. ' 30 Nil .. .. Second class .. .. j Engine not now connected. Knox, S. and M. .. .. . . .. Ashburton .. General . . .. j 8 6J and 11 .. Locomotive and traction | Late D. J. Doak, Wakanui. „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. Threshing .. 8 6J and 10J .. „ Size of cylinders amended. Langley, Thomas .. .. . . Acton .. .. ,, .. 8- 1 9 .. .. „ Late Brian O'Connor, Rakaia. LiU, W. .. . . .. .. .. WUlowby .. : General . . .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late Fitzgerald Bros., Ashburton. Lockhead, James C. .. .. .. Rakaia .. .. „ .. .. 8 6} and 11} .. „ Late George HartneU, Rakaia. Moses, William .. .. .. .. WUlowby .. , Threshing .. 8 6 and 10 .. „ Size of cylinders amended. McLeod and Beat-tie .. .. .. Geraldine .. ! General .. .. 9 6} and 11} .. ,, Size of cylinders amended; late Alexander Beattie, Orari. Oliver, J. W. .. .. .. .. Greenstreet .. ' Threshing .. 9 6 and lOi .. ,, Size of cylinders amended. Saunders, G. .. .. . . . . Fairlie .. ... General .. .. 86 and 11 .. ,, Additional. ScanneU, Michael .. .. . . Ma-waro .. Threshing .. 8 9} . . .. „ Size of cylinders amended. Sheppard, L. .. .. .. ..St. Andrew's .. General .. .. 9 : 6} and .. „ : Late Sheppard Bros., St. Andrew's. Simpson, Thomas.. .. .. .. Albury .. .. ,, .. .. 8 6} and 10 ,, Size of cyUnders amended; late Albury Farmers' Threshing Company, Albury. South, J. C. .. .. .. . . Geraldine .. ,, .. .. 8 9 .. .. ,, Late Gudsell and Monaghan, Albury. Timaru Milling Company .. .. .. Timaru . . .. Flour-mill .. 140 14 and 24 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Tiny, Michael .. .. .. .. Arundel .. .. Chaff-cutting . . 6 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction „ Wilson, Thomas .. .. .. .. Tinwald .. .. I „ :. I 61 1 8 . .. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. ftlndersou, W. .. .. .. .. South Makaretu .. Sawmill .. .. 14 I Two 9 .. . . Second class .. .. Late William Andrew, South Makaretu. Bourke, M. F. .. .. .. .. Clive .. .. Tannery .. .. 50 : Nil .. . J „ .. ... Late J. J. Bourke and Co., Wellington. Carr, S. .. .. .. .. ■ • Napier .. .. Hauling .. .. 7 5} and 9 .. I Locomotive and traction | Size of cylinders amended. Colley, John .. .. .. .. Gisborne .. Sash and door factory 23 j 8| .. .. I Second class . . .. ,, Drummond Bros. .. .. .. Matawai .. .. SawmiU .. .. 16 Two 9 . . .. „ ... .. Late Tohara Sawmilling Company, Rawharoa. Gisborne Borough Council .. . . .. Gisborne .. Road-roUer .. 8 6 and 9} .. Locomotive and traction , Additional. „ .. .. .. „ .. HauUng .. .. 6,6 and 9 .. .. „ „ ,, .. .. .. ,, .. ,, .. .. 6 5} and 7} .. „ j Size of cyUnders amended. Green Bros. .. .. . . .. Waipawa .. „ .. .. 6 5 and 9 .. .. „ „ Holt and Sons, R. .. .. .. Hastings .. „ .. .. 7J 6 and 10|- .. „ Additional. McLeod and Feierabend .. .. .. Makaretu .. Flax-miU.. .. 12 7 and 11 .. Second class .. .. Late H. iSeifert, Takapau. Napier Borough Council .. ... .. Napier .. .. , Road-roUer .. 6 5} and 8J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. New Zealand Oilfields Company (Limited) .. Gisborne .. Well-boring .. 26 Two 9 and 5 .. Second class .. .. Late Frimley Canning Company, Hastings. „ „ „ .. Waikarerc .. : Oil-boring .. 25\ 10 .. . . „ .. .. Additional. North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Com- i The Spit, Napier .. j Freezing .. .. 50 12 and 22 ; 19 and 28! First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended, pany ] Orbell, E. .. .. .. .. j Napier .. . . HauUng .. .. 8 6 J and 11'; .. L( icomotive and traction Additional. Parke, T. J. .. .. . . .. Maharahara .. Milking . . .. 6 8 .. .. „ j Late Parke and Co., Maharahara. Petrowski, O. .. .. .. .. Waipawa .. Hauling .. .. 6 8 .. .. „ Late G. McKay, Otane. Smith, George .. .. . . .. Gisborne .. Sash and door factory 20 j 12 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Kaiti Brick Company, Gisborne. Taylor, Mclntyre, and Co. .. .. .. Mangaone VaUey .. ; SawmUl .. .. 10 *10J .. .. j "First class .. .. Additional. .. I 10 l*lli .. .. I „ „ * These boilers are driving one shaft.


11— H. 15a


Tokomaru Sheep-farmers' Freez ng Company.. Tokomaru ,, J, ■ - 4, :: j Freezing .. .. 107J Two 10 and 20 . . .. 107J Two 10 and 20 .. .. I 107| Two 10 and 20 .. Size of cyUnders amended. Alsop, J. .. .. .. . . Blenheim Chaytor and Co. .. .. .. .. Marshlands Christchurch Meat Company .. .. Picton MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Late Glover and Alsop, Spring Creek. Size of cylinders amended. Traction-engine . . 6 5 and 9 .. . . Locomotive and. traction Flax-mUl. . .. 20 8 and 12} .. [ First class Freezing . . .. 106 22, 12, 10!, 6, 6|, two j 6, two 10, two 6, two 4J, two 3 Bye-product want 12 \ 12, 6, two 5, and two j , 12 j Ditto SawmiU .. .. 72 17} Bush-engine . . 29 Two 9 .. .. Second class Traction-engine . . 8 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction Sash and door factory 22 7 and 11 .. Second class Marlborough Timber Company .. .. Nydia Bay ,, .... Opouri VaUey MiUs, F. F. .. .. .. Spring Creek Ward and Sons, J. J. .. .. .. Blenheim Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late John Healy, jun., Blenheim. Additional. Anchor Foundry and Shipping Company .. The Port.. Baigent, WUUam .'. .. .. . . East Takaka Best Bros. .. . . . . ■ • Upper Moutere Collingwood Co-operative Dairy Company . . Rockville Currin, F. S. .. .. ■ . • ■ Spring Grove Golden Bay Cement Company . . . . Tarakohe NELSON NORTH DISTRICT. Size of cylinders amended. Late Thomas Baigent, East Takaka. Additional. Late F. W. Falconer and Co., RockviUi Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Grant, WUUam .. .. .. . . Puramahoi Hewetson, Thomas .. .. . . Upper Moutere Page and Whelham .. .. . . Long Plain Prouse and Saunders .. . . Mangarakau Puponga Coal Company . . .. . . Puponga Engineering-works 23 9 and 7 .. .. I Second class SawmiU .. .. 14 Two 9} .. Flax-miU.. .. 12 7 and 11 Cheese-factory .. 30 7 and 11 SawmiU .. * .. 12 Two 8J .. Cement-works .. 219 37|, 24L 16}, 12, 18, First class and 9J 219 Ditto Sawmill .. .. 18 10 .. . . Second class General work .. 5 5J and 9} .. Locomotive and traction SawmUl .. .. 14 Two 9 r 3 g .. .. Second class Locomotive .. 9 Two 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction Coal-mining .. 40 Three 8, one 18, one 9 First class and winding 40 Three 8, one 18, one 9 Late W. J. "ReiUy, Takaka. Additional. Winding-driver also required this year. _, i NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. Size of cylinders amended. BlackbaU Coal Company .. .. BlackbaU Mining . . .. 20 Two 15, one 14, 9, First class and 12 20 Ditto ,, .. . . 20 14 .. . . Second class HauUng . . . . 12 Two 7} . . . . Locomotive and traction Mining . . . . 60 12! and 20 . . First class 60 12! and 20 Winding and com- 48 One 22, two 18, First class and winding .. pressor two 5 Ditto .. .. 48 Ditto 50 Winding .. .. 85 One 24, two 16, „ one 6! „ .. .. 85 Ditto .. .. „ " Bowater and Bryant . . .. -. Westport ConsoUdated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Crushington „ „ Energetic Mine Additional. Size of cylinders amended. " " "„ ] Globe HU1 •> >- »


H. -1.5 a.

No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. ] Horse- j t. c u- v, „j power Diameter of Cylinders of \ Purposes for which used. * Qf , Engine in f nch?g< j Boiler. I Class of Driver required. -Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT— continued. New Zealand Government (State Coal-mines) I DunoUie .. .. Mining and com- | 64 7 and 11, two 16, Exempt .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. pressor two 18, one 14, . one 4, one 10 ...... Mining . . .. 64 Ditto . . .. „ .. .. „ ,, „ » .. ., .. 64 . . „ j Point EUzabeth .. „ .. 49 Two 7 and 11, two 9, „ one 10, two 6, one 6 ; State Mines .. Compressor .. 60 Two 16, two 18, 7 and 11, one 14, one 10, one 4 ..60 Ditto .. Mining . . 36 13 and 17£ .... 14 7 and 11, .two 10, two 8 ,, „ Runanga .. ,, .. .. 55 . 7 and 11, two 16, ,, .. .. „ two 18, one 14, one 4, one 10 .. „ .. 49 i 7 and 11, 7 and 11, two 9, one 10, two 6, one 6 Point Elizabeth Coal Company . . .. Brunner . . .. j „ .. .. 35 Two 8!, two 5, two First class .. .. ,, 4!, one 11, one 10, one 5, one 4 „ .. .. I .. .. 35 Ditto Westport Coal Company .. .. .. Denniston .. ' Compressors .. 84 Three 14 and one 12 „ .. .. Additional. „ .. . . HauUng .. .. 58 10 and 16 WilUams, D. J. .. .. .. .. Waimangaroa .. Flax-miU.. ..I 30 8 and 12} .. „ .. .. Late Taylor and Mcllroy, Greymouth. OTAGO DISTRICT. Brown Bros. .. .. .. . . Mosgiel district .. Threshing .. 6 8 . . .. Locomotive and traction Late W. Brown, Mosgiei. Brown Bros, and London .. .. .. Abbotsford .. Fellmongery .. 28 11! • • • • Second class .. .'. Late Brown Bros., Abbotsford. Cameron's Freehold Dredging Syndicate .. Glenore . . .. Gold-dredge .. 20 j 8 and 12} .. First class .. .. Additional. Carrodus and Poison .. .. .. Ngapara district . . General .. .. 8 6} and 10! ■ • Locomotive and traction Late W. Kinloch, Ngapara. Casey, P. and W... .. .. .. Dunedin .. .. Motor-wagon .. 4! 3! and 6! .. „' Additional. Craig, P. and A. .. .. .. .. Hampden district .. Chaff-cutting . . 6 7} .. .. „ Late Otago Iron Rolling MiUs Company, Dun'ei Creighton and Reid Bros. .. .. .. Kokonga.. .. „ .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late Creighton and Reid, Kokonga. Crown Roller MiUs Company .. . . Dunedin .. .. Flour-mUls .. 40 .. . . First class . . . . Size of cylinders amended. Donaghy and Co... .. .. .. South Dunedin .. Rope-works .. 40 ! 16 and 26 .. „ .. .. „ Dunedin City Corporation .. .. .. Dunedin .. . . Motor-wagon . . 6 | Two 7} .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Miss McDonald, Weston. Dunedin and Roslyn Tramway Company . . Kaikorai VaUey . . Hauling .. . . 25 j 15 and 26 . . First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Fowler and Beattie .. .. .. Kelso district .. I Threshing . . 8 ; 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Geddes, John .. .. .. .. Palmerston .. „ ..89 .. .. ,, fJ Haddock and Co., H. V. .. .. .. Dunedin .. SawmiU .. .. 20 8 and 12} .. First class .. .. Late Advance Gold-dredging Company, Dune< Hamilton Bros. .. ... .. .. .. ; Milton district . . General .. .. 8 9 .. Locomotive and traction Late H. Hamilton, Milton.


H.— 15a

Hamilton, Joseph Harraway and Sons, H. .. HiU and Frame Hogg and Co. .. Jenkins, George D. Kean, Thomas Kirkland, W. Ledingham, Robert F. Leggatt and Campbell Leonard Bros. Loudon's Coal Company Moss, H. F. Murdoch, John Murray, Roberts, and Co. Newson, Petrie, and Gunn New Zealand Coal and Oil Company Otago Harbour Board Phoenix Company (Limited) Reid and Gray Robinson, Charles Ross and Glendining Ryan, M. Shiirpe Bros. Sime, Alexander Simpson, Herbert.. South Otago Freezing Company Taylor Bros. Tough, W. A. Waikouaiti Dairy Company Yorston, T. Palmerston district Threshing .. i 8 ; 9 .. ... , Additional. Green Island .. Steaming. . .. 40 16 . . .-. First class .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. Herbert district . . Threshing .. 9 j 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction j Additional. Dunedin . . .. Sawmill . . .. 63 j Two 16 .. .. First class .. .. j „ 63 j Two 16 . . . . „ . . Kelso .. . . Chaff-cutting .. 8 18! .. . . Locomotive and traction „ Kakapuaka district Threshing . . 8 I 9 . . . . „ Size of cylinders amended. Middlemarch .. General hauling .. 6 5 and 10.. .. „ „ Georgetown district Threshing .. 8 6! an d 10 ! .. „ Late George Ledingham, Georgetown. Catlin's .. .. Sawmill . . . . 16 Two 10 .. .. Second class . . .. Additional. ... ,, .. .. 14 6-| and 10! .. „ .. .. Late T. Latta, Catlin's. . . I Balclutha district . . General .. .. 8 9| . . . . Locomotive and traction Late J. Leonard, Balclutha. .. | „ ..;„.. ..'89 .. j Abbotsford .. Hauling and pumping 28 8 .. .. Second class .. .. I Late Green Island Mineral Company, Green Island. . . | Catlin's .. .Sawmill . . . . 30 16 .. . . First class .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. Timaru .. .. „ .. .. 25 10 . . .. Second class . . .. j Late Rockyside Brick Company, Dunedin. Abbotsford . . FeUmongery .. 20 8 and 12} .. First class .. .. j Size of cylinders amended. Late Lady Annie Gold-dredging Company, Dunedin. Warepa district . . General .. .. 8 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction ! Late George Brown, Warepa. Kaitangata .. Hauling .. . . 70 Two 30 . . .. First class . . .. | Size of cylinders amended. ,, .. ,, .. . . 40 Two 30 . . .. ,, . . . . i Late Mnlbuni Lime and Cement Company, Dunedin. Port Chalmers .. Pumping .. 20 6!, two 14i, and two „ .. ..I Late Otago Dock Trust, Port Chalmers. „ . . .. ! 18 Ditto „ .. .. ! 18 „ .. .. „ .. .. Dunedin .. . . Confectionery .. j 84 Nil .. . . Second class . . .. . Additional. „ .. .. Machine-shop .. 116 9 and 16.. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Berwick district .. General . . .. 8 9 . . . . Locomotive and traction Late Harris and Watts, Wedderburn. Dunedin .. .. HauUng .. :.' j 5 Two 6} . . .. „ Additional. Waitahuna .. General .. .. 8 9 .. „ Late Ryan Bros., Waitahuna. „ .. ..[„.. ..89 Tawanui .. .. SawmiU .. .. 10 Two 7! .. .. Second class . . .. Late Robertson and Co., Tawanui. 891" j .. .. •„ Mt. CargiU, Dunedin „ . . .. 18 9} .. . . „ .. .. Late Thomas Latta, Owaka. .. HUderthorpe district Threshing . . 8 9 . . . . Locomotive and traction Late WhTiam Simpson, HUderthorpe. Otanomomo . . Electric power and 64 23 and 12! - • First class .. .. Additional, freezins; .. j Ditto .. .. 64 23 and 12! Kokoamo district .. Threshing . . 8 9 ." .. Locomotive and traction ; Late J. A. Taylor, Duntroon. MUton district .. General .. . . 8 9 .. . . „ .. j Late John Tough, Milton. Waikouaiti . . Dairy factory .. 22 6! .. .. Second class .. .. j Additional. Waihola district . . Threshing . . 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction ' ,, SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. AUardyce, E. Bluff Harbour Board Cawthorne, W. Denniston, John .. .. I Waikaka .. Dredging.. .. ! 12 7} and 11! .. Second class .. .. j Late Ibbotson and Party, Waikaka. .. ! Bluff .. .. "Lobnintz'' stone- 16 ' Two 9 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Late Lady Annie breaker Gold-dredging Company, Dunedin. .. ; West Plains .. FeUmongery .. 16 7 and 11.. .. „ .. .. Late E. Girdler and Sons, Waikiwi. .. 1 Riversdale district i Threshing and chaff- 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. cutting



No. 21. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

"' _ I nnwe," i Diameter nf Tvlinrters nf ' I Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of transferred -Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. v °£ f el \ EnSne in Inches ! C ' lass of Dri ™' required. I Boilers; and also showing where size of Cylinders B 0 ij er ' ) aTe now amended. Name of Owner. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT— continued. DonneUy, R. .. .. .. . . Wairio .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 8 .. . . : Locomotion and traction Late John Shaw", Otautau. Ewen and Reynolds .. .. .. Dipton .. .. General work .. 9! 9 .. .. ,, Additional. Glenham Sawmill Company .. .. I Glenham .. Log-hauler .. 17 9 .. .. Second class .. . . Size of cyUnders amended. Hickey, M. J. .. .. .. .. j Wyndham .. General .. .. 8 9J .. .. Locomotive and traction Late J. Caird, Wyndham. Invercargill Borough Council .. .. Invercargill .. FJlectric tramwavs.. 84 Two 13 and 20, 9 and i First class .. .. Additional. 141 .. I ,. 84 Ditto .. . . I • ■ j „ ■ • „ 84 Kennedy Bros.* .. .. .. .. I Scott's Gap district Chaff-cutting .. 6 7} .. ■ .. Locomotive and traction „ Knowles, W. .. .. .. .. Gore .. .. ,, . . 8,9 . . .. „ „ Massey, H. A. .. . . .. .. Makarewa ■ .. SawmiU .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. j Second class .. .. „ Mataura Implement Works .. Mataura .. .. Implement-works . . 16 ; 8 .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late Lone" Star Gold-dredging Company, Dunedin. Melvin, J. . . . . .. . . Tokonui .. .. SawmUl .. .. 20 11 .. . . „ .. ... Size of cylinders amended. Muir, J.* .. . . .. . . Otautau district .. j Chaff-cutting .. 7! 8 .. . . Locomotive and traction ' Additional. Mclntyre, J. and J.* .. .. . . Long Bush district ,, ...67}.. . . „ „ McKerrow, A. . . .. ... Waimahaka district \ HauUng .. .. 9 j 9 .... ,, ,, Nightcaps Coal Company .. .. . . Nightcaps .. Air-compressor .. 60 16 . . .. First class .. . . Size of cyUnders amended. .. ! „ .. „ 60 16 .. .. „ .. .. „ Royds, C. J. .. .. .. .. j Otatara .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 20 8 and 12} „ .. .. Additional. Seaward Downs Dairy- F'aetory Company .. [ Seaward Downs .. Cheese-factory .. 20 5J .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Southland County CouncU .. .. Southland .. Hauling .. . . 6 5| and 9} .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. Southland Frozen Meat Company .. .. ! Makarewa .. Steaming-digestors 50 Two 4, 6 and 6 . . Second class .. .. „ Tobin, Edward .. .. .. .. Brown's district .. Chaff-cutting . . 3! 6! .. . . Locomotive and traction Additional. Trapski, F. .. .. .. Pukerau district .. General work .. 7 5} and 9! . . „ j Late BaUoch Bros., Riversdale. Tressider, H. .. .. .. .. j Waimumu district Threshing ..89 .... ; Late J. Tressider and Sons, Glen Dhu, Mataura. Upper Waikawa Sawmilling Company.. .. I Upper Waikawa . . Sawmill .. . . 16 8 and 13.. . . First class .. .. j Late Niagara Sawmilling Company, InvercargUl. Wallis, R. and F.. . .. .. .. j Gore . . .. FeUmongery .. 20 6, 6, and 6 . . Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late Main Chance Gold-dredging Company, Gore. Watson and Co., J. E. .. .. .. Bluff .. .. Manure-grinding .. 14 Two 10! .. „ • ■ .. Size of cyUnders amended. Late William HalU- „ day, Roslyn Bush. Watson, T. H. .. .. .. .. Riverton .. Flax-miU.. .. 14 7} and 11! •■ » •• •• Late Woods and Co., InvercargUl. Wright, (Stephenson, and Co. .. .. J InvercargUl . . Manure-works .. 14 8} and 14} .. First class .. .. Additional. „ „ .. .. J ,, .. General .. . . 8 j 8! .. .. Locomotive and traction „ > ,, „ .. .. ' Invercargill district „ .. .. 4!' 4} and 6| . . „ ,, TARANAKI DISTRICT. Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company . . Pungarehu .. j Cheese-factory ..' I 17 I 6 .. . . Second class .. . . Size of cylinders amended. Castlecliff RaUway Company .. .. Wanganui . . Hauling . . .. 19 j Two 10 . . .. | Locomotive and traction j Additional. Coastal Transport Company .. .. New Plymouth .. Carrying goods .. 5 4! and 6. . .. „ „ Eltham County CouncU .. .. .. Eltham .. . . Rolling metal .. 5J 5} and 8! ... „ „ „ • • • • ■ ■ „ .. . . „ . • 5J 5} and 8| .. „ ,, „ . . " .'. .. .. I Eltham district .. Road-roUer .. 6 ] 5} and 9J .. „ „



GonvUle and Castlecliff Town Board .. j GonviUe Tramway : Hauling .. .. 15! Two 11 .. Hatrick and Co., A. .. .. .. Wanganui District Carrying goods .. 5 4! and 6.. Hogg and Co., J. .. .. .. Wanganui .. i Steam-wagon .. 6 4 and 7 . . Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company .. Kaponga .. I Dairy .. .. 21} 5! Mangatoki Dairy Company .. .. Mangatoki .. [ Dairy factory .. 30 8 Mells Co-operative Dairy Company .. .. Mokoia .. .. „ . . 20 10 Midhirst Dairy Company .. .. .. Stratford.. .. „ .. 20 9 McKenna and Co., J. A. .. .. .. Patea .. .. I Brickworks .. 22 10! New Plymouth Borough Council .. .. New Plymouth dis- j Road-roUer .. 6 6! trict New Plymouth County Council .. .. Ditto .. .. „ .. 5 4! and 7|.. Parkin, T. R. .. ' .. .. .. Fitzroy district .. Hauling .. .. 8 7 and 11.. Patea Harbour Board .. .. .. Patea Harbour .. j Dredging.. .. 23 8 and 13.. Quin Bras. .. .. .. .. Hawera .. ..' j SawmUl .. .. 20 j 11! an d 20 Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Company .. Inaha .. .. Dairy factory .. 38 ] 8 Symons, T. .. .. .. .. Carrington Road .. ' Sawmill .. .. 8 \ 9f „ - .. .. .. . . „ .. „ .. 14 8t Symons, Thomas O. .. .. . . Tariki .. .. ,, .. .. 35 Two 10! • • Symons, T. V. .. .. .. . . New Plymouth dis- HauUng .. .. 6 14 and 7J.. trict Wanganui Meat Freezing Company .. .. CastlecUff .. Freezing .. .. 80 15 and 27 „ .. .. | „ .. .. 80 j 15 and 27 Whenuakura Co-operative Dairy Company . . Whenuakura .. ' Dairy factory .. 20 ' 10 Second class . . .. ,, „ .. .. | Late McKenna and Mathews, Patea. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. .. i „ j Additional. .. ; • „ Size of cylinders amended. First class .. .. Additional. „ .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Second class .. .. Additional. First class .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Locomotive and traction Late New Plymouth Firewood Company, N.P. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. ' Additional. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Akitio Sawmilling Company .. .. ! Akitio .. .. Sawmill . . .. 25 14 Allen, Isaac, jun. .. .. .. .. Masterton .. HauUng, &c. .. 6 6 and 10.. Anketell, J. .. .. .. .. I „ .. Threshing and chaff- 6 8 cutting Barber and Co., W. .. .. .. Petone .. .. Steaming .. 40 6 and 7 .. Bird Bros. .. .. .. .. Manakau.. .. SawmiU .. .. 16 9 and 9 .. Blackball Coal Company .. .. .. Coal - hulk " Black- Hoisting coal .. j 18 , Four 6 .. waU" .. Coal - hulk " Elinor „ 22 Two 6, two 7 Vernon " Bread and Ingram .. .. .. Rangitane .. Flax-mill.. .. 20 Two 10 .. „ .. .. | 20 Two 10 .. Chaplin, C. H. .. .. .. .. Wellington .. Traction . . . . 6 j 4 and 7 .. Christie, L. E. .. .. .. .. „ .. SawmUl .. .. | 22 10} Craw Bros. .. .. .. .. Tokomaru .. Flax-miU.. .. 12.7 and 11.. Douglas, G. K. .. .. .. .. j Levin .. .. SawmiU .. .. 11 Two 8| .. Gardiner and Sons, George .. . . j Nireaha .. .. „ .. .. 23 ; 12^ Gardner and Yeoman .. .. .. j Makuri .. .. „ .. .. 20 1 1 and 8.. ,, .. .. . - „ .. Log-hauling .. 10 Two 8|- .. „ . . .. .. Waimiro .. SawmUl .. . . 30 Two 8! .. Gear Meat Company .. . . .. Petone .. .. HauUng .. .. 28 9! and 18 Hutson and Co., P. .. .. .. Wellington .. Brickworks .. 38 14 .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ Late Keeling and Wynn-WiUiams, Masterton. .. I Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. . . „ .. .. Additional. ,, .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Late Wakaran Timber Company, Wakarara. Locomotive and traction Additional. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late Humphrie 3ros., WeUington. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction Second class .. .. Additional. * This plant has two years' certificate. t These boilers are driving one shaft.


No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorseI Pid-nnsos fnr which used P°wer j Diameter of Cylinders of , imposes lor which used. Qf , Engine in Inches. Boiler. , Class of Driver required. I Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of transferred Boilers; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. WELLINGTON DISTRICT.— continued. Jones, E. . . .. .. .. Masterton .. | Chaff-cutting .. I 5:5 and 8| .. Liggins, Joseph . . .. .. .. Tokomaru . . Flax-mUl.. .. 32 [ 16! MiU and Co., John .. .. .. Hulk " Ganymede " j Hoisting .. .. 22- Two 8, two 8, two 6 Millar's Hardwood Company .. .. WeUington .. : Sawmill .. .. 18 j 10! Minton, S. B. .. .. .. . . Carterton .. | Threshing, &o. 6 8 Mudgeway, John .. .. .. .. Levin .. .. Hauling .. . . 6 | 8 McHattie and Brogden .. .. .. ! Masterton .. j Threshing and chaff- (j 8 . cuttingNew Zealand Government (State Coal Depart- j Hulk "Coromandel" Hoisting coal .. 24 Two 7 and two 6 .. ment) Nireaha Dairy Company .. .. Nireaha .. .. Cheese-factory .. 20 6 Norling and Reid.. .. .. .. PleckviUe .. Chaff-cutting .. 4 4} and 6} Odlin. C. and A. .. .. .. . . Waikanae .. SawmiU .. .. 25 12} ... 25 12} .. .., .. | Wellington .. „ .. .. 23 12 33 | 12 Porter, E. .. .. .. . . Koputaroa . . Flax-miU.. .. 27 12 Pulley, C. F. . . .. .. . . | Wellington .. Steam-shovel . . 8 Two 6! Rathbone, T. J. .. .. .. .. Carterton .. Woodworking .. 19 10 Seifert, A. and L... .. .. . . Shannon .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 12 11 and 7. . Seifert, George .. .. .. .. Tokomaru .. ,, .. .. 47 j 9! and 16 Shannon Land and (SawiniUing Company .. Shannon .. SawmiU . . .. 30 13} Te Opakete (Limited) .. .. . . Kereru .. Flax-miU.. .. 20 7 and 11.. ..'„.. .. 8:7 and 11. . Thomas, T. .. .. .. .. Brooklyn.. .. Brickworks .. 33 12 Toogood and Co. . . . . .. . . Longbush . . Flax-mUl. . ., 28 ! 10 Trevor Bros. .. .. .. . . Wellington . . Hauling . . . . 6 4 and 7 . . .. ; ,. .. Brickworks . . 18 I 10} Union Steamship Company (Limited) .. i Hulk " Adderley " Hoisting .. . . 34 Two 7, two 7, two 6, two 6, two 6 ,, „ .. j Hulk " Arawatta " „ . . .. 21 Two 8, two 7, two 7, two 6 .. j Hulk " Occident " „ .. .. 46 I Ditto .. Hulk " Tobias " .. „ .. .. 21 ; 6, 7, and 8 „ „ .. Evans Bay .. Laundry . . .. 32 Two 6, two 5}, two 5, two 4!, and 11 ..'„'.. ..32 Ditto Victoria Laundry Company .. .. Wellington ..' ,, .. .. 87 8 WeUington City CouncU .. .. .. „ .. Electric light .. 350 ' Turbines 100 I „ Locomotive and traction Additional. First class .. .. Late Union Timber Company, Palmerston North. Second class . . .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. Late R. Isbister and Co., Wellington. Locomotive and traction Late Fisher and Minton, Carterton. ,, Late Swainson and Bevan, Manakau. . ., Late Keeling and Wynn-Williams, Masterton. Exempt .. ... Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. .. ,, Locomotive and traction ,, Second class .. .. ,, ,, ... .. Size of cyUnders amended. Late Pukuweka SawmUUng Company, Wellington. . . Ditto. „ . . .. Late A. S. Patterson, Wellington. Locomotive and traction i Late Sanders Bros. WeUington. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late Wairarapa Bacon and Freezing Company, Carterton. ,, . . .. Additional. First class .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Second class . . .. Late Schmidt and Saunders, Shannon. ,, .. .. | Size of cylinders amended. .,, .. .. Late A. B. Fitchett, Brooklyn. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late G. Whiteman, Admirals. Locomotive and traction Late B. W. PoweU, Welhngton. Second class .. .. Late Cooper and Sons, Berhampore. First class .. .. Additional. ,, .. .. I Size of cyUnders amended. . iSecond class .. .. „ First class .. .. Additional. Second class .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. Late P. Wills, Wellington. F-irst class . . .. CyUnders not now connected. ,, . . . . i .,



.. I 100 „ .. . . . . „ .. Electric trams .. 65 WeUington Farmers' Meat Company .. Waingawa .. Freezing .. .. 107 WeUington Gas Company .. .. .. Miramar . . . . Gas-works .. 72 15 and 30 17, 24J, 37! 12|-and 20 Three 8, two 4!, and 10 Ditto 19 and 28 19 and 28 8! and 14! Two 8, two 7, and two 5! 12 7 and 11 . . | Size of cylinders amended. . . | Additional. .. I „ .. .. . . „ .. .. Pumping .. [ 72 Wellington Meat Export Company . . .. Ngahauranga .. Freezing .. . . 60 „ .. .. „ .. Meat-preserving . . 124 „ . . .. „ .. Preserving-works . . 38 Westport Coal Company . . .. . . Hulk " Countess of Hoisting . . .. 7 Errol" Whitehead, T. H.. . .. .. .. Makerua .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 32 .. ! „ .. .. „ .. .. I ! 12 „ ■ ■ • ■ I ,, ,, . . . . ! Size of cylinders amended. Second class . . .. j Late Ross and Redshaw, Makerua. ,, .. . . ! Additional. WELLINGTON N ORTH DISTRICT. Locomotive and traction , Additional. ,, I Late John Melton, Apiti. Second class .. . . Late Wright and Carter, Mangaweka. „ . .. . . | Late Coley Bros., Foxton. First class .. .. i Additional. Locomotive and traction ! „ Second class . . .. I ,, Andrew, Robert C. .. .. .. 1 Sanson district .. : General .. .. 6 Bridge, Edward R. .. .. .. FeUding district .. „ .. .. 8 Carter, F. J. .. .. .. .. Ohakune . . Sawmill .. . . 10 Coley, George .. .. .. .. Foxton .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 26 Egmont Box Company .. .. . . Taihape . . . . Box-factory . . 70 „ .. .. .. Utiku . . . . HauUng .. .. 12 Eltham Box Factory .. .. . . Taihape . . .. Box-factory .. 70 FeUding Sash and Door Company .. . . Ohakune .. SawmiU .. .. 20 Gibbs and Nimmo . . .. . . Near Foxton .. Flax-miU.. .. 14 „ .. .. 12 Glen Oroua Co-operative Dairy Company .. \ Glen Oroua .. Butter-factory .. 37 Harris, Thomas A. .. .. .. Raetihi .. . . SawmiU .. * .. 43 Jensen and Co. .. .. .. . . „ .. .. ,, .. .. 40 Manawatu County CouncU. . .. .. Palmerston North.. Hauling .. .. 17 Matthews, Alfred A. .. .. .. FeUding district .. Motor-wagon .. 6 Matthews, John .. .. .. .. j ,, General .. .. 6 Meyer, J. C. .. .. .. . . j Marton district .. „ .. .. 8 Nathan and Co. (Limited), Joseph .. .. Bunnythorpe . . Dried-milk factory 150 „..,.. „ ... „ 30 National Mortgage and Agency Company .. Longburn .. Freezing .. .. 40 New Zealand PoweU Wood Process Company Rangataua .. SawmiU . . .. 56 (Limited) Ditto ... .. .. .. .. ,, ., ,, .. .. 50 „ .. .. .. .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 7| Oroua County CouncU . . . . . . FeUding district .. Road-roUer .. 4! Pedersen and Co. .. .. .. .. Raetihi .. . . Log-hauling .. 15" . . Sawmill . . .. 12 14 Perham, Larsen, and Co. .. .. .. Rangataua . . ,, .. .. 70 Rangataua Timber Company .. .. Horopito.. .. „ .. .. 50 „ .... Rangataua .'. ,, .. .. 35 Rata Co-operative Dairy Company .. .. Rata .. .. Dairy .. .. 25 5 and 9 . . 8! Two 9 .. 10} Two 14} and 28 . . Two 7 .. Two 14} 12 7 and 12 7 and 11 12 16 13 8 and 16 4 and 7 .. 5} and 9} | 9 „ .. .. j Late Hennesey and Gibbs, Foxton. ,. .. .. I Late A. J. Gibbs, Foxton, „ . . .. Additional. First class . . . . I Late B. L. Knight, Utiku. Second class . . .. Late Gower and Grice, Ohingaiti. Locomotive and traction Additional. ,, Late New Zealand Farmers' Motor Company, FeUding. ,, Size of cylinders amended. „ Size of cyUnders amended. Late John Lawson, Halcombe. First class .. . . Late Imperial Dried Milk Company, Bunnythorpe. . . Ditto. „ .. .. Late Longburn Freezing Company, Longburn. „ .. . . Size of cylinders amended. 16 16 10 and 20 16 10, 8 and 12 Two 7 .. 5! and 8! Two 8-! 11* 12* Two 13' .. '" 13 12 9 and 14 „ .. .. I Additional. Locomotive and traction ,, Second class .. . . ,, First class .. . . ■ „ Second class . . .. - Late B. L. Knight, Utiku. „ .. ■ • i ze cylinders amended. First class .. . . I Additional. * These boilers are driving one shaft.



No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers, etc.— continued.

Price Is. 9d.\

Approximate Gost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,950 copies), £72.

By Authority : John Mackav. Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePnrnnmn fm- which used Power Diameter of Cylinders of .Purposes tor which used. Qf Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. ; Additional Boilers ; Nnmes of late Owners of transferred j Boilers ; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT— continued. Seifert and Co., A. .. .. Taihape Dairy Company .. .. Whitanui Limited Piako .. . . Flax-mUl.. ,. | 20 i Taihape . . .. Dairy factory .. ] 20 Shannon . . Flax-miU.. .. 95 8J and 13J .. I First class .. .. Additional. 6 and 12 .. I „ .. .. j 12 fg and 20J .. ! „ .. .. ! Size of cylinders amended. WESTLAND DISTRICT. Christchurch Timber Company Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Jackson's .. j SawmUl .. .. 20 Blackwater .. Winding .. .. 48 12| .. .. i Second class . . .. I Additional. Two 14, two 14, two j First class .. .. I „ 16, two 4, two 4J, ! one 4!, two 7 I Davis, J. ! Hokitika .. j Brewery .. . . 16 i 7 .. ..I Second class .. ..I Size of cylinders amended. Late Norman Mabin, Hokitika. 11} and 20 ... First class .. .. Size of cyUnders amended. 12} - . . . . Second class .. .. ,, Two 9 .. .. „ .. .. Late Greymouth Steam Laundry, Greymouth. Two 12 .. .. First class .. ... Late Greymouth Harbour Board, Greymouth. Two 7 .. .. ; Locomotive and traction I Additional. 8 and 12} . . First class .. .. Late Antonio's Flat Gold-dredging Company, Reefton. 12 .. .'. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late North Brunner Coal Company, Greymouth. Two 7! .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 9 .. .. Second class . . .. „ 7 and 11} . . „ .. .. Late Greenstone Creek Gold-dredging Company, Kumara. Two 8 .. .. i Locomotive and traction Additional. Two 7 .. . . „ Late Ngahere SawmUUng Company, Ngahere. 11 and 14 . . First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 7 and 11} . . i Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late Greenstone Three-mUe Gold-dredging Company, Kumara. 7 and 11, two 10, ' Exempt . . .. I Size of cylinders amended, two 10}, two 8 Dispatch Foundry Company Dobson Stone Syndicate Dominion Iron Works Foster, S. Grey VaUey SawmiUing Company Hessey and Cameron Greymouth .. | Foundry .. .. 37 Dobson .. .. Stone-cutting .. 20 Greymouth .. j Foundry .. 20 Motueka Harbour | Dredging.. .. 25 Ngahere .. . . Locomotive . . 14 Frying-pan Creek . . j Dredging.. . . 25 Ikamatua SawmUling Company Greymouth .. j Sash and door factory. 24 I Jack Bros. Kotuku OU Syndicate Kumara Kapitea SawmiUing Company Kotuku . . Hauling .. .. 11! „ .. . . Boring .. .. 19 Loopline . . .. SawmUl .. . . 20 Mananui SawmUUng Company Midland SawmUUng Company Morris and Co., W. Mcllroy, J. Mananui . . .. | Locomotive .. 10 Ngahere .. .. j „ .. 14 Cameron's . . I SawmiU .. . . 58 Greenstone Creek .. '> Dredging. . .. 20 New Zealand Government (State Coal-mines) Runanga .. Mining .. 20 Ogilvie and Co. .. .. . . Where required .. Keystone-drill . . 4! Gladstone . . SawmiU .. . . 49 „ . . Hauling .. . . 8 Runanga . . Dynamo . . . . 20 8 .. . . „ .. .. ! Additional. 16 .. . . First class .. .. i Size of cylinders amended. Two 7 .. .. I Locomotive and traction Late J. McLean and Sons, Greymouth. Two 6, two 8! .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Late T." E. Coates, Greymouth. 13 .. . . Second class .. .. j Size of cyUnders amended. Late J. McLean and Sons, Greymouth. 16 .. First class .. .. I Additional. 11 .. . . Second class .. . . Size of cylinders amended. 12 .. .. „ .. .. | Late J. Grimmond and Co.. RossTwo 10! • • ,. - - • • Additional. Runanga Picture Company .. .. j Stratford and Blair .. .. Arnold Siding . . SawmiU . . 37 Stuart and Chapman Totara Sawmilling Company Westland Sawmilling Company (Limited) Kaimata .. „ . . .. 48 Mikonui .. „ .. 18 Papakamai " • • "' » • ■ • Greymouth .. I Woodworking .. ' 14

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INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1911-12., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-15a

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INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1911-12. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1911-12. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-15a

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