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H.— 11b

Session 11, 1912. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 18 of the Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910.

In accordance with section 18 of the Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910, I have the honour to present herewith report of the Superintendent, Workers' Dwellings, on the work done under the Act for the year ending 31st March, 1912. W. F. Massey, Minister of Labour.

Sib,— 16th May, 1912. I have the honour to report on the working of the Workers' Dwellings Act during the year ending 31st March, 1912. As anticipated in last year's report, following on the issuing of the necessary regulations, forms, &c, under the Act passed at the end of 1910, the year just ended has been one of great activity in the Workers' Dwellings Branch of the work of the Department of Labour. The earlier portion of the year was taken up in the distribution of information on the subject, in the purchase of land in different centres (viz., inspection by the Board, preparation of surveys, plans, estimates of prices of sections, &c), in hearing applications, preparing specifications and estimates of cost of erection, calling for tenders, and so forth, with the result that fifty-nine houses were all in course of erection during the year, although none of them was quite finished by the 31st March. As the return appended to this report shows, the dwellings being erected comprise twenty-two in Auckland, twenty-three in Wellington, and fourteen in Christchurch ; arrangements are completed, or nearly so, for the erection of about twenty-four more dwellings, of which six will be at Palmerston North, nine at Timaru, and nine at Temuka ; while six or more applications are awaiting hearing at Greymouth, Christchurch, Nelson, Te Puke, Hastings, Wellington, Gisborne, Auckland, and Wanganui, and negotiations for land are pending at Greymouth, Christchurch, Nelson, Te Puke, Wellington, Gisborne, Auckland, and other places. Where there are less than six applications the Board does not consider them, as the cost of supervising so small a number of dwellings would be too great. The land purchased or set apart for workers' dwellings during the year comprised the following : Island Bay, Wellington, 23 sections (all being built upon); Taitville, Wellington, 32 sections (for which applications will shortly be dealt with); Wanganui, 18 sections; Napier, 26 sections; Timaru, 9 sections (all being built upon) ; Temuka, 12 sections (9 being built upon) ; Levin, 8 acres ; Blenheim, 27 acres ; Rangataua, 3| acres ; Dunedin, 27 acres ; Huntly, 20 acres ; Palmerston North, 34 acres (6 sections being built upon). The land now available for new dwellings is located as follows : Auckland (Otahuhu and Ellerslie) ; Wellington (Taitville, Johnsonville, Melling, Petone); Dunedin (Mornington and Ravensbourne) ; Christchurch (Addington); Levin ; Wanganui; Palmerston North ; Rangataua ; Napier ; Huntly ; Blenheim; and Temuka. In the first year's operations there has necessarily been some delay in dealing with the rush of applications received, but now that the Act has been got into working-order and the inspection of the numerous sites offered mostly completed, it is anticipated that a much larger number of dwellings will be erected in the forthcoming year, when the full benefits of the Act will be the better seen. The provisions of the new Act (passed in 1910) are a great improvement on those of the former (passed in 1905), and I have no recommendation to make for amendment,



RETURNS. (a.) The Moneys expended during the Preceding Financial Year in acquiring Land under this Act, and in preparing the same for Workers' Dwellings, and in erecting such Dwellings. £ s. d. Amount expended in acquiring land for workers' dwellings . . 8,035 15 10 Amount expended in preparing land for workers' dwellings .. 108 6 10 Amount expended in erecting dwellings .. . . . . 14,556 15 10 Amount expended in administration and travelling . . . . 252 4 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £22,953 3 5 (b.) The Number op Dwellings erected, and Number disposed of. Nil.* (c.) The Weekly or other Payments contracted for, the Amount of such Payments received, and the Amount of Arrears Outstanding. Nil.*

* Although fifty-nine dwellings were in course of erection under the Act, none of them was completed by the end of the year.

Return showing (1) the Total Number of Dwellings erected under the Original Act of 1905 to 31st March, 1912; (2) the Amount of Rentals and Payments received during the Year ending 31st March, 1912; and (3) the Amount of Arrears outstanding in the several Towns as at that Date.

(D Total Number of Dwellings erected. (2.) (3.) District. Rentals and Pay- t, , . '/ i lients outstandments received . „. during Year ending lm | as , a " ! 31st March, 1912. I iViarcn ' lvlz - I Hahuhu and Ellerslie, Auckland . . 'etone, Wellington Joromandel Street, Wellington .ydenham and Addington, Christchurch Vindle, Dunedin 35 28 12 31 20 £ s. d. 875 1.8 7 592 1.5 7 362 7 10 697 17 8 482 3 5 i I £ s. d. 50 0 7 127 8 0 5 15 10 95 17 9 26 12 5 126 3,011 3 1 305 14 7* * Up to the 20th May, 1912, £40 7s. lOd. of this amount 1 lands of the Public Trust Office, to which the collection of all re j I had been paid. The collection of the balance is in the rents and other payments has been handed over.



Return under Workers' Dwellings Act of Houses being erected for Purchasers at Ellerslie and Otahuhu (Auckland) during the Year ending 31st March, 1912.

Return under Workers' Dwellings Act of Houses being erected for Purchasers at Island Bay, Wellington, during the Year ending 31st March, 1912.

Occupation of Purchaser. Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. Value of Section. a3 8U §£§a <B "H ■" 8 o > cs 53 8l^W aSb-g Cost per Living-room (inclusive of Conveniences, Fencing, &c). Total Cost of Building and Incidentals. Annual Instalments (including Fire Insurance). Signalman, N.Z.R. Tinsmith Cooper Store-assistant Quarryman Bootmaker Railway employee Boilermaker Clerk Linotype operator Monumental stonemason Tailor Labourer Carpenter Saddler E. p. Ft. in. 0 32 62 8£ 0 38 62 8J 0 38 62 8| 0 38 62 8| 1 13-5 135 7 0 37-8 204 0 0 34-5 204 6 0 34-9 189 1 0 35'9 ! 85 10 0 36-5 i 85 2 0 36-2 i 85 2 0 36-2 ! 83 2 0 36-2 ! 61 0 0 36 59 5 0 36 59 5 Ellerslie. £ s. d. 175 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 135 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 180 0 0 170 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 £ s. d. 83 5 7 88 15 9 94 10 6 88 11 2 93 0 6 96 18 6 94 11 4 81 19 7 86 0 0 86 1 0 85 5 7 85 15 8 93 14 2 96 18 6 91 1 11 £ s. d. 333 2 3 355 3 1 378 2 2 354 4 7 372 2 0 387 14 2 378 5 3 409 18 0 430 0 0 430 5 0 426 8 0 428 18 2 374 16 7 387 14 0 273 5 10 £ s. d. 36 4 3 36 15 2 38 7 4 36 13 11 36 3 11 38 8 9 35 11 6 42 3 10 42 18 0 42 4 4 41 4 11 41 8 5 33 18 8 35 12 9 26 8 7 Butcher Slaughterman Carpenter Engineer Clerk Railway ganger Labourer 1 23 74 11 1 23 74 11 2 38 99 0 I 16 66 0 II 66 0 11 66 0 I II 66 0 Otahuhu. 104 0 0 110 0 0 134 0 0 42 0 0 85 0 0 110 0 0 115 0 0 ] 5 ! 6 4 4 5 5 3 65 6 1 78 11 4 86 4 8 91 3 1 85 10 7 86 18 7 84 9 2 326 11 9 471 8 0 344 18 9 364 12 6 427 13 0 434 13 0 253 7 6 30 12 9 41 16 0 34 4 8 29 4 0 36 15 9 39 0 5 26 1 8 j

Area of Land and Frontage. Occupation of Purchaser. Value of Section. §sis 03 t! -9 2 °j= 2 ••£ $ « 3 Is era So sg Cost per Living-room (inclusive of Conveniences, Fencing, &c). Total Cost of Building and Incidentals. Annual Instalments (including Fire Area. Frontage. Insurance). p. Ft. in. Corporation tramways . . 16-4 150 4 Night-watchman . . 16-6 154 10 Clerk .. .. 15-1 34 11 Electrician .. .. 15-7 37 - 6 Gas-fitter .. .. 15-5 35 0 Paper-cutter . . . . 15-7 37 6 Fireman .. 15-8 35 0 Wharf labourer .. 15-7 37 6 Labourer .. .. 13-3 50 6 Tramway motorman . . j 17-6 154 5 Carrier .. .. 13-8 42 7 Tramway motorman . . 15-8 40 7 Clerk .. .. j 13-5 43 5 Hardware assistant . . 16-0 40 0 Letter-carrier .. .. 15-9 40 0 Carpenter .. .. 16-0 40 0 Labourer .. .. 15-9 40 0 Trades-union secretary 16-0 40 0 Gardener .. ..J 15-9 40 0 Labourer .. 16-4 26 0 Tramway motorman . . 16-0 55 10 Tramway motorman .. : 13-7 38 0 Tramway motorman . . [ 13-5 38 5 £ s. d. 70 0 0 85 0 0 70 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 108 0 0 105 0 0 120 0 0 129 0 0 120 0 0 122 0 0 120 0 0 122 0 0 113 0 0 122 0 0 105 0 0 125 0 0 123 0 0 128 0 0 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 £ s. d. 76 10 6 71 11 10 98 8 0 83 16 11 97 3 5 104 11 0 83 15 8 85 10 0 81 17 9 94 6 0 98 10 9 94 7 5 93 14 6 85 13 10 69 4 10 99 14 11 60 1 2 72 1 1 91 4 6 74 2 0 65 4 0 66 12 6 90 17 11 £ s. d. 382 12 7 429 11 0 492 0 0 419 4 6 485 17 0 418 4 0 418 18 6 427 10 0 327 11 0 471 0 0 394 3 0 471 17 2 468 12 7 428 9 0 276 19 6 398 19 6 300 6 0 360 5 4 456 2 6 370 9 11 326 0 0 333 2 6 454 9 8 £ s. d. 38 7 7 44 3 3 41 10 6 36 13 1 41 1 2 36 11 8 41 2 6 37 6 6 38 11 4 42 8 3 36 8 1 43 9 7 43 14 4 40 4 6 38 1 8 37 18 11 39 16 9 43 1 9 42 9 3 42 10 10 42 2 3 42 1 7 42 15 3

H. —11b


Return under Workers' Dwellings Act of Houses being erected for Purchasers at Camelot Settlement, Sydenham, and Walker Settlement, Addington, Christchurch, during the Year ending 31st March, 1912.

: J. Lomas, Superintendent. Approectmata Cot of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,600 copies), £3 15s. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2. Price .id.]

Occu lation of Purchaser. Area of Land and Frontage. Area. Frontage. Value of Section. Is! i ! . $iH T . Cost P er Total Cost Annual of InstaIments "S g 13 < lnclusl . ve of Building : (including tc'Ste a Conveniences, „„. s * ■-. 6 Sz&m Fencm „ i and Flre S 8 b" 0 Slo \ Incidentals. : Insurance). 3 CD CD *'* _ *~~ ! I Tailoress Engine-fitter .. Fireman, N.Z.R. Driver Labourer Brass-worker .. Gasworks hand Storeman Printer's machinist Fireman, N.Z.R. Fireman, N.Z.R. b. p. .. 0 35-8 .. ! 0 35-8 0 30-2 .. 0 38-7 .. 0 39-1 .. 0 31-8 .. 0 35-8 .. 0 35-8 .. 0 35-8 11-6 .. 1 19 Camelot Settlem int. Ft. in. £ s. d. 52 10 75 0 0 52 10 75 0 0 75 5 70 0 0 233 0 90 0 0 62 0 90 0 0 52 10 70 0 0 52 10 75 0 0 52 10 75 0 0 52 10 75 0 0 66 0 95 0 0 93 9 100 0 0 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 88 7 2 353 8 6 88 7 2 353 8 6 76 19 7 384 17 9 76 2 1 380 10 6 76 2 1 380 10 6 98 18 4 395 13 0 87 6 9 436 13 6 83 6 8 416 13 3 85 19 11 429 19 6 82 16 6 414 2 6 83 13 3 418 6 0 £ s. d. 30 6 10 30 6 10 32 3 11 33 1 1 33 4 7 32 19 7 36 9 1 34 16 1 35 15 2 35 16 10 36 9 7 Bootmaker Blacksmith Carpenter .. 1 00-3 .. 1 00-2 .. 1 00-2 Walker Settleme: 4. 45 6 | 95 10 4 45 6 95 6 4 45 6 ; 95 6 4 I 5 5 5 85 10 8 | 427 13 4 84 10 2 I 422 10 10 84 8 4 ! 422 18 I I 37 18 5 37 7 4 37 6 9


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Ellerslie, Auckland. 4, 5, and 6 rooms. Rents range from 10s. 1d. to 16s. 7d. per week.

Ellerslie, Auckland. 5 rooms. Rent, 15s. 10d. per week.

Island Bay, Wellington. 5 rooms. Rent, 15s. 10d. per week.


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Land purchased at Island Bay, Wellington, for Sites of Workers' Dwellings. (23 Sections.)


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Island Bay Settlement, Wellington. 23 dwellings. 4, 5, and 6 rooms. Rents range from 14s. to 17s. per week.


WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACT, 1910. (The rents mentioned include fire insurance but not rates.)

Sydenham, Christchurch. 5 rooms. Rent, 14s. 1d. per week.

Group of Dwellings at Sydenham, Christchurch. 4 and 5 rooms. Rents, from 12s 4d. to 13s. 10d. per week.

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Bibliographic details

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON), BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-11b

Word Count

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON), BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-11b

WORKERS' DWELLINGS (REPORT ON), BY THE HON. THE MINISTER OF LABOUR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, H-11b

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