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RETURNS. (a.) The Moneys expended during the Preceding Financial Year in acquiring Land under this Act, and in preparing the same for Workers' Dwellings, and in erecting such Dwellings. £ s. d. Amount expended in acquiring land for workers' dwellings . . 8,035 15 10 Amount expended in preparing land for workers' dwellings .. 108 6 10 Amount expended in erecting dwellings .. . . . . 14,556 15 10 Amount expended in administration and travelling . . . . 252 4 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £22,953 3 5 (b.) The Number op Dwellings erected, and Number disposed of. Nil.* (c.) The Weekly or other Payments contracted for, the Amount of such Payments received, and the Amount of Arrears Outstanding. Nil.*

* Although fifty-nine dwellings were in course of erection under the Act, none of them was completed by the end of the year.

Return showing (1) the Total Number of Dwellings erected under the Original Act of 1905 to 31st March, 1912; (2) the Amount of Rentals and Payments received during the Year ending 31st March, 1912; and (3) the Amount of Arrears outstanding in the several Towns as at that Date.

(D Total Number of Dwellings erected. (2.) (3.) District. Rentals and Pay- t, , . '/ i lients outstandments received . „. during Year ending lm | as , a " ! 31st March, 1912. I iViarcn ' lvlz - I Hahuhu and Ellerslie, Auckland . . 'etone, Wellington Joromandel Street, Wellington .ydenham and Addington, Christchurch Vindle, Dunedin 35 28 12 31 20 £ s. d. 875 1.8 7 592 1.5 7 362 7 10 697 17 8 482 3 5 i I £ s. d. 50 0 7 127 8 0 5 15 10 95 17 9 26 12 5 126 3,011 3 1 305 14 7* * Up to the 20th May, 1912, £40 7s. lOd. of this amount 1 lands of the Public Trust Office, to which the collection of all re j I had been paid. The collection of the balance is in the rents and other payments has been handed over.