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Me. Speaker,— In presenting the Railways Statement for the year ending 31st March, 1911, I have gratification in announcing that the result of the year's operations has been satisfactory. The earnings, which exceeded last year's revenue by £244,392, are the highest yet obtained in the history of the railways of the Dominion. The result may be summarized thus:— YearJl9lo. £ £ Total earnings ... ... ... ... 3,494,182 3,249,790 Total expenditure ... ... ... ... 2,303,272 2,169,474 Net profit on working ... ... ...£1,190,910 £1,080,316 GENERAL. The mileage of line open for traffic on the 31st March, 1911, was 2,761 miles, as against 2,71.7 miles for the previous year. The average miles operated during the year was 2,742 miles. The following extensions were opened for traffic during the year:— M. eh. Hukerenui - Towai ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 39 Wellsford-Te Hana ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 25 Huiroa- Te Wera ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 00 Domett-Mina ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 64 Ngahere-Blackball ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 31 Lawrence-Big Hill ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 31 Broken River - Cass ... ... ... ... ... ...15 30 44 60 The capital cost of lines open for traffic, including plant and steamers on Lake Wakatipu, has increased from ,£28,513,476 last year to £29,606,546 for the year under review. The net revenue, £1,190,910, exceeded that of the previous year by £110,594, and is equal to a return of 4-06 per cent, on the capital invested in the open lines, and 378 on the total capital of £31,509,960 invested in opened and unopened lines. The cost of working the Kawakawa and Kaihu Sections exceeded the gross earnings by £2,643 and £573 respectively. The number of train-miles run during the year was 8,141,075, being an increase of 251,909 miles over the previous year. The increased train-mileage represents additional train facilities to meet the requirements of the growing business and the public convenience, and has cost over £71,000. Additional services provided on the North Island main lines absorbed 201,000 miles, Westland Section 19,000 miles, and the South Island main lines 26,000 miles. In the Auckland District additional workers' trains have been laid on from Henderson, Onehunga, and Otahuhu. Several of the trains that formerly ran to i—D. 2.


Otahuhu only have been extended to Papatoetoe, and improvements made between Penrose and Otahuhu. A passenger-train has been provided on Saturdays between Eaurimu and Taumarunui, and goods services between Putaruru and Rotorua adjusted to meet the requirements of passengers as far as could be reasonably done. A number of alterations were made in the Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth districts, an extra service was put on between Palmerston North and Woodville, and several additions made to the Wellington suburban services. An extended trial was made of a service between Stratford and Douglas on Saturdays, but owing to paucity of traffic the experimental trains had to be discontinued. The following figures, which give the record of the late arrivals of the principal trains during the year, indicate that, notwithstanding the various alterations made in the train services, the trains as a whole have maintained punctuality. ♦ Average Lath Arrivals. Mm. Mm. For long-distance passenger-trains ... 1-88, against 2-15 last year. For suburban trains ... ... ... 054, „ 048 „ For long-distance mixed trains ... ... 280, „ 2-69 „ These figures include delays arising from all causes, and embrace accidents, slips, floods, &c. Notwithstanding the fact of there being no Easter holiday traffic included in the business for the year under review, the number of ordinary passengers carried aggregated 11,200,613, an increase of 59,471 passengers over the previous year. Season tickets issued numbered 222,104, an increase of 22,733. The number of workers' twelve-trip tickets was 46,378, and of workers' weekly tickets, available on suburban lines, 121,724. The steady increase in workers' tickets goes to show that the people for whose benefit they were established are realizing the advantage derivable from living in the suburban areas. 683,459 passengers travelled on holiday excursion tickets, and 143,875 at school, factory, and friendly-societies rates. The coaching and goods traffic show increases under the various headings under which the traffic is grouped, horses, drays, wool, and grain excepted. In the coaching the increases have been—Parcels, 70,555; carriages, 219; dogs, 1,527: and in the live-stock and goods traffic—Cattle and calves, 34,436 head; sheep, 784,529 head; pigs, 33,449 head; chaff, lime, &c, 18,644 tons; timber, 103,262 tons; firewood, 11,040 tons; merchandise, 68,777 tons; minerals, 169,129 tons. The decrease in the number of horses was 434 head; drays, 49 ; wool, 7,804 tons; grain, 31,170 tons. The decrease in the wool traffic was not unexpected in view of the heavy increase last year, when favourable circumstances induced the sending forward of the product. The decrease this year being principally to ports, it is apparent a considerable portion of the clip has been held in store. The decrease in the agricultural produce may be attributed to the fact of last harvest being so early that a considerable portion of the yield was carried in the financial year ending 31st March, 1910. The drought in North Otago and South Canterbury also affected the crops in those districts. The average number of men employed on the railways during the year was 12,881, against 12,224 for the previous year. During the year 413 members of the permanent staff resigned, 96 retired on superannuation, 38 died, 93 were dismissed, and 730 engaged. Sixteen appeals were heard during the year by the Railway Appeal Boards, of these four were upheld and twelve dismissed. Eight members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division. The sum of ,£9,202 has been paid as compensation during the year to members retired from the service and to relatives of members deceased. This sum includes .£8,684 paid under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act. The additions made to the rolling-stock consisted of 14 heavy locomotives, 26 carriages, 7 bogie brake vans, 824 goods-wagons, and 335 tarpaulins. Of the locomotives 10 were built in the Railway Workshops—viz., 2 Class X fourcylinder balanced compound for use on the heavy gradients of the Wellington - Auckland line, and 8 Class Wg tank engines; the remaining four were Class Ad



72-ton four-cylinder balanced compound, built by Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), Thames, under contract. During the year 983 modern steel axles were placed under cars and wagons, replacing the same number of old iron axles. The quantity of Pintsch's gas manufactured for car-lighting at the various Railway Gasworks was 8,270,930 cubic feet. All cars in which the gas is used have now been fitted with incandescent mantles for the purpose of improving the light. £34,730 was expended on new and improved machinery for the workshops. The whole of the railway appliances and equipment, comprising rollingstock, machinery, track bridges, buildings, and other structures, were maintained in an efficient and satisfactory condition. One hundred miles of main-line track were relaid with 701b. steel rails, and 40 miles of branch line with 53 lb. steel rails taken out of the main line. The total mileage relaid was thus 140, which constitutes a record for relaying in any one year. 376,300 cubic yards of ballast were used in maintaining the track, and 304,755 new sleepers were laid. The principal works carried out in the direction of improvements comprised enlargement of station buildings, erection of verandahs, weighbridges, houses for staff, water-services, fire-appliances, bridge-strengthening, station-lighting, additional signal and safety appliances, telegraph and telephone facilities, goodssheds, siding accommodation, and sanitary arrangements. Many other works that will tend to efficiency in working and promote the public convenience were put in hand; some were completed, and others are well forward towards completion. Tenders were invited during the year for the construction of a new passenger steamer for the Lake Wakatipu service, to run in conjunction with the " Mountaineer." Messrs. J. McGregor and Co., of Dunedin, were the successful tenderers, and have already made good progress with the work of constructing the vessel. Further extension of the signal and interlocking systems has been made during the year, the appliances being brought into operation at Frankton, Aramoho, Blackball; a rearrangement was also made at Westport, Islington, and Tiinaru respectively ; complete schemes for double-line working at Burnside, Kensington, Caversham, Dunedin (south end), and Kaiwarra. A rearrangement for double - line working was made at Wellington (north end). Harrison's Siding, Whangarei; Waingawa Siding; Works Siding, Chain Hills, have been interlocked with the tablet system, and twenty - three stations were equipped with fixed semaphores. Thirty-four Tyer's electric tablet instruments were brought into operation on sections Gore to Invercargill, Ngahere to Blackball, Whangarei to Kamo. Thirty-five stations were equipped with the automatic tablet exchangers. Electric lock-and-block for double-line working was completed and brought into operation between Kaiwarra and Wellington, Dunedin and Burnside, Christchurch and Templeton. The total mileage of railway controlled by electric tablet at the 31st March was 1,306 miles. The train staff and ticket was in operation on 21 miles, and electric lock-and-block on 28 miles. The system of train-signalling railway telegraph and telephone consisted of 1,915 miles of poles and 5,295 miles of wire. The expenditure incurred in equipping the railway with these necessary appliances for safe working since 1901 has been .£254,053. EEVBNUE. The gross revenue for the year amounted to ,£3,494,182. It exceeds the estimate by £244,18*2, and the gross revenue for the preceeding year by £244,392. Passenger revenue shows an increase of £33,503; season tickets, £18,868; coaching traffic, £1,204 ; goods and live-stock, £188,532; miscellaneous and rents, £2,285. The receipts per train-mile amounted to Bs. 6|d., as against Bs. 2|d. for the previous year. The earnings of the Lake Wakatipu steamers amounted to £6,643, as against £6,762 for the previous year. The net earnings, which amounted to £435 per mile for the average number of miles open, exceeded the previous year's net earnings by £35 per mile, and gave a return of 4-06 per cent, on the capital cost, against 3*Bo per cent, for 1910.




EXPENDITURE. The expenditure for the year, including £5,029 incurred in connection with the Lake Wakatipu steamers, amounted to £2,303,272, an increase of £133,798 over the previous year, and absorbed 6592 per cent, of the revenue, as against 66 - 76 per cent, for the previous year. Expenditure. Per Cent, of Revenue. 1910-11. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1909-10.. £ £ Traffic 631,380 615,033 1810 1896 Locomotive 875,282 833,392 2510 25-70 Maintenance ... ... 693,445 620,008 1989 19-12 Management ... ... 98,136 95,902 2-81 2-96 2,298,243 2,164,335 65-90 66-74 Lake Wakatipu steamers ... 5,029 5,139 002 002 2,303,272 2,169,474 6592 66-76 The increased expenditure in the Traffic Branch is due to the additional train-mileage, increases in the salaries and wages of the staff under the Classification Act, extra staff to carry on the business and operate the safety appliances. In the Locomotive Branch the increase is due to extra train-mileage, additional staff, advance in salaries and wages of staff under the Classification Act, and in the price of fuel and materials. The increase in the cost of the Head and Departmental Offices is incidental to the inclusion in the Head Office portion of the vote of items that have previously been charged under the sectional heading, and to the scale increase of salaries under the Classification Act. The cost of maintenance of line, buildings, and structures has increased from £620,008 to £693,445, representing an average expenditure of £253 - 58 against £229*94 per mile of railway for the previous year. The increased expenditure has been incurred on the Whangarei Section, £1,244; Kaihu, £725; Gisborne, £2,413; North Island main line and branches, £50,098; South Island main line and branches, £13,189; Westland, £1,927; Westport, £2,730; Nelson, £1,645. The cost of maintenance has decreased on the Kawakawa Section, £403; Picton, £131. Additions and improvements to lines, structures, &c, costing £27,159, which might fairly have been debited to capital, have been made during the year and charged to working-expenses. The sum of £362,903 was expended under the head " Additions to Open Lines," and charged to Capital Account, and of this amount £250,051 was expended on rolling-stock, pneumatic coaling-cranes, and machinery for workshops. The rolling-stock in respect to which the charges are made consists of 14 locomotives, 26 carriages, 7 brake-vans, 35 bogie and 765 four-wheeled wagons, and 335 tarpaulins, completed on the 31st March, 1911, and 28 locomotives, 53 carriages, 8 brake-vans, 26 bogie and 1,346 four-wheeled wagons, and 810 tarpaulins incomplete, but in hand on that date. £112,852 was spent in tablet, signals, and interlocking telegraph and telephone extensions, purchase of land, bridge-work, water-services, sidings, stockyards, wharves, reclamationwork, dwellings, fencing, weighbridges, gas-lighting, deviation of line, reduction of grades and improvements of curves, additions to station buildings and dwellings, &c. DUPLICATION OF LINES. On duplication-work the following sums were charged to Capital Account under the provisions of the special Acts relating thereto :— £ Wellington-Hutt duplication-works ... ... ... ... 19,511 New Hutt Eoad and purchase of land for same ... ... ... 15,485 £34,996 £ Auckland-Penrose duplication-works ... ... ... ... 75 Addington-Bolleston duplication-works ... ... ... ... 1,801 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation of line ... ... ... 58,469 Charges and expenses of raising loan ... ... ... ... 6 £60,351



EESULTS OF WORKING. The following is a summary of results of working, for year ending the 31st March, 1911, as compared with 1910:—

CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FORECAST. The last section of the Wellington-Hutt duplication-work—namely, that between Kaiwarra and Wellington—has been completed and was opened for traffic on the 4th April, 1911, since which date both lines have been regularly used for traffic. The main road is well advanced and will be finished shortly. Considerable progress has been made with the Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication. The section Dunedin to Burnside has been opened for traffic. Operations are being pushed forward vigorously between Burnside and Mosgiel, where large gangs of men are engaged in the tunnel and formation work. A deviation of the Otago Central line at Poolburn, undertaken to obviate the risk of damage by flood, has been completed. On the Wellington-New Plymouth line a deviation has been made at Manawapou to improve the grade preliminary to the building of a new steel bridge to replace the existing wooden structure. The Manawapou is the last of the high timber viaducts on the Napier-New Plymouth line, and when the new bridge is available it will be practicable to run heavy locomotives over the now restricted line north of Wanganui and so effect a considerable saving in train-mileage.

Particulars. Year ended 31st March. 1910. 1911. Total miles open for traffic 2,717 2,761 Average miles open for year 2,704 2,742 Capital cost of opened and unopened lines Capital cost of open lines £30,321,191 £31,509,960 £28,513,476 £29,606,546 Capital cost per mile of open lines ... £10,494 £10,723 Gross earnings £3,249,790 £3,494,182 Working-expenses £2,169,474 £2,303,272 NET PROFIT ON WORKING £1,080,316 £1,190,910 PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL INVESTED ... 380 406 PERCENTAGE OF WORKING-EXPENSES TO EARNINGS 6676 6592 Earnings per average mile open Working-expenses per average mile open NET EARNINGS PER AVERAGE OPEN... MILE l £1,203 £803 £400 £1,275 £840 £435 Earnings per train-mile ... d. 98-75 d. 102-75 Working-expenses per train-mile NET EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE 65-84 3291 67-75 3500 Passengers, ordinary ... ... .... Season tickets Goods tonnage 11,141,142 199,371 5,223,414 11,200,613 222,104 5,555,292 Live-stock tonnage 266,604 308,382 Train-mileage 7,889,166 8,141,075 Locomotives 465 478 Passenger-cars Wagons and brake-vans ... 1,140 17,220 1,166 18.036



The track-improvements foreshadowed in my last Statement have been commenced at Tuakau, in the Auckland District, where a work of considerable magnitude, involving the complete rearrangement of the station-yard and reduction of the heavy grade in the vicinity, is in progress. With a view to enabling these important operations to be pursued in steady and regular sequence and so obtain the best results, I purpose asking the House to authorize the sum of £100,000 being obtained under special act, and to be spent at the rate of £'25,000 per annum on grade-reduction work. Messrs. A. and Gγ. Price (Limited), of the Thames, have made good progress with the construction of the second lot of ten Ad. compounds for which they obtained the contract; four have been completed and handed over to the Department, and the remaining six will be delivered in schedule time. There are under construction in the Kailway Workshops ten heavy-goods tender engines, Class B type, and twelve tank engines of the Wα type. Orders were also in hand for five Class X heavy balanced compound and ten Wg tank engines. Fifty-five bogie cars, nine bogie brake vans, twenty-six bogie and 1,355 four-wheeled wagons were also under construction in the Kailway Workshops. During the past sixteen years the additions made to the rolling-stock have comprised 209 locomotives, 668 bogie passenger carriages, 169 brake vans, 893 sheep-trucks, 8,606 goods-wagons. By these additions the tractive power has been increased 226 per cent., passenger-seating capacity by 181 per cent., wagon capacity by 181 per cent. Notwithstanding the large increase made in the rolling-stock, the continued development of the railway traffic renders the carrying-out of a progressive policy in regard to rolling-stock equipment a matter of imperative necessity. The following rolling-stock, which comprises the programme for 1911-12, has therefore been placed on order : ten engines, thirty-one bogie carriages, twenty-four bogie and eighty-four four-wheeled wagons. These make the rolling-stock now actually on order fifty-three locomotives, eighty-six bogie cars, nine bogie brake vans, fifty bogie and 1,439 four-wheeled wagons. On the 25th February, 1911, an accident, unfortunately attended with loss of life, happened to the Wellington-Napier express train when running near Paekakariki. A boulder that had become displaced descended from the hillside as the train was passing and crashed into one of the carnages, killing one passenger and injuring three others. The line had been patrolled a few minutes prior to the passing of the train, and there was then nothing to indicate the likelihood of any stone falling. On the 16th August, 1910, a goods-train ran into a slip near Utiku, the. engine and eleven wagons being derailed. A washout on the Otago Central line, on the Bth December, 1910, resulted in derailment of engine and four wagons, and on the 3rd June, 1910, eleven wagons on a goods-train were derailed on the Nightcaps line. Kecognition has been extended to the Locomotive Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association, the right being reserved for the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants to make representations to the Railway Department on behalf of such of the Locomotive men as continue their allegiance to the Amalgamated Society. During last session an increase was made in the rates of pay of ironworking machinists employed in the Railway Workshops. I have recently devoted some attention to the question of the pay of certain other grades of the service, and will, in due course, submit for the consideration of the House my proposals for further improving the pay of the men in the Second Division of the Railway service. With a view to economizing the use of railway rolling-stock, insuring a greater load per wagon and reducing empty truck-haulage as much as practicable, arrangements have been made for the consigning and despatch of goods to various stations on certain days of the week only according to the volume of business done or offering for, each place, and I have no doubt that when the system is once fully established it will prove as satisfactory here as it is in Victoria, where I saw the result of its operation and the economy accruing therefrom. With a view to meeting the public convenience, I propose bringing into operation on our lines the cash-on-delivery system in respect to parcels traffic. Under this system it will be practicable for a tradesmen to consign to a client



a parcel of goods for which it is desired the charges should be paid when delivery is given. The Railway Department will collect the charges on behalf of the consignor, and in due course pay the amount over to him. Where the goods are not delivered within a specified time the consignor will be notified, and his instructions as to disposal obtained. Arrangements have been made for improving the seating-accommodation in the ordinary second-class cars running on long-distance trains, the intention being to substitute chair seats for the longitudinal seats with which many of the second-class cars are at present provided. The motor-car services, to which reference was made in my last statement, will, I anticipate, commence running during the present year. An order has been placed for some time for the generating machinery and other essential parts that must be obtained from abroad, but there has been unavoidable difficulty in fulfilling the order. I am of opinion that the Renard road trains, one of which I saw in operation in Queensland in 1910, can be used with considerable advantage for the purpose of developing business and affording the settlers in sparsely populated districts, where it is impracticable to provide railways in the immediate future, a reliable means of transport to the nearest railway-station. With a view, therefore, to making a practical test in that direction, I purpose placing at as early a date as possible one of these trains on the road in the Central Otago District. If the results come up to my expectations, similar trains will be placed in other suitable portions of the Dominion. On the 31st March the accumulated funds to the credit of the Government Railways Superannuation amounted to ,£•207,242, an increase of £33,366 on the previous year. The total income for the year amounted to £95,687 and the outgoing to £62,321. Of the latter amount £51,577 represented the annual charge involved in payments to 1,122 beneficiaries, comprising 708 contributors voluntarily resigned or been retired on account of being medically unfit, 152 widows, and 262 children under the age of fourteen years. The following statement shows a brief comparison of the traffic and the rolling-stock for dealing therewith when the Government resumed control of the railways in 1895 with that at 31st March, of the present year:— 31st March. 31st March, T Per Cent of 1895. 1911. increase. i nO rease. Passengers (number) ... 3,905,578 11,200,613 7,295,035 187 Season tickets „ ... 2«,623 222,104 193,481 676 Parcels „ ... 444,981 1,118,361 673,380 151 Horses „ ... 11,185 20,137 8,952 80 Carriages „ ... 750 2,751 2,001 267 Dogs „ ... 23,517 52,762 29,245 124 Drays „ ... 705 2,441 1,736 246 Cattle „ ... 40,890 210,848 169,958 416 Sheep „ ... 1,519,921 5,911,291 4,391,370 288 Pigs „ ... 43,292 160,379 117,087 270 Chaff, lime (tons) ... ... 36,972 198,546 161,574 437 Wool ... 103,328 143,247 39,919 39 Firewood „ ... ... 85,102 109,400 24,298 29 Timber ... 198,578 627,107 428,529 216 Grain „ ... ... 388,556 1,013,298 624,742 161 Merchandise ... 377,938 808,444 430,506 114 Minerals „ ... ... 857,917 2,655,250 1,797,333 209 Total tonnage ... ... 2,048,391 5,555,292 3,506,901 171 Total revenue .. ...£1,150,851 £3,494,182 £2,343,331 204 Locomotives (number) ... 269 478 209 78 tractive power (lb.) 1,756,178 5,725,125 3,968,947 226 Passenger-cars (number) ... 498 1,166 668 134 Passenger - cars, seating accommodation ... ... 17,455 49,035 31,580 181 Brake-vans (number) ... 204 373 169 83 Sheep-wagons „ ... 390 1,283 893 229 Total wagons, all classes (number) ... ... 8,264 17,663 9,399 114 Wagon carrying-capacity (tons) 50,861 142,779 91,918 181 Train-mileage run... ' ... 3,221,620 8,141,075 4,919,455 153 In view of the buoyancy of the traffic, the continuous and steady development of our natural resources, the increased settlement now taking place, and the commercial activity prevailing throughout the Dominion, I look forward with confidence, and estimate that the revenue for the year ending 31st March, 1912, will be £3,525,000, and the expenditure £2,375,000.


ANNUAL REPOET OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. New Zealand Government Railways, Head Office, Sir— , Wellington, 27th July, 1911. I have the honour to report upon the working of the open railways for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1911. The capital cost has increased from £28.513,476 to £29,606,546. The revenue was £3,494,182, against £3,249,790 last year. The expenditure for the year under review amounted to £2,303,272, against £2,169,474. The rate of interest on capital was £4 Is. 3d., as compared with £3 16s. last year. The revenue per train-mile was Bs. 6Jd., and the expenditure ss. 7fd., as compared with Bs. 2fd. and ss. 6d. respectively last year. The following extensions were opened during the year : — M. Ch. Hukerenui - Towai .. .. .. .. .. 4 39 Wellsford-TeHana .. .. .. .. .. 3 25 Huiroa-Te Wera .. .. .. .. .. ..7 0 Domett-Mina .. .. .. .. .. 3 64 Ngahere - Blackball .. .. .. .. 3 31 Lawrence-Big Hill .. .. .. .. 7 31 Broken River-Cass .. .. .. .. .. 15 30 44 60 The mileage added to the system was thus 44 miles 60 chains, making the total mileage open for traffic on the 31st March, 1911, of 2,761 jniles 25 chains, as against 2,716 miles 45 chains at the close of the previous year. During the year 11,200,613 passengers were carried, yielding a revenue of £1,104,295, and 222,104 season tickets were issued, the revenue derived therefrom amounting to £119,117. There was thus an increase of 59,471 ordinary passengers and £33,504 revenue, and of 22,733 season tickets and £18,868 revenue, over the traffic carried under these heads during the previous.year. 77,180 children and teachers and 66,695 adults travelled by school and factory excursions during the year, the revenue derived therefrom amounting to £9,489. 683,459 passengers travelled at holiday excursion fares, yielding a revenue of £155,445. The coaching and goods traffic has been well maintained during the year, and shows increases under all heads with the exception of horses, drays, wool, and grain. Increases. Coaching. —Parcels, 70,555 ; carriages, 219 ; dogs, 1,527. Revenue, £1,204. Goods.— Cattle, 34,436 head ; sheep, 784,529 head ; pigs, 33,449 head ; chaff, lime, &c, 18,644 tons ; firewood, 11,040 tons ; timber, 103,262 tons ; merchandise, 68,777 tons ; minerals, 169,129 tons. Total increase in goods and live-stock tonnage, 373,656 tons. Total increase in goods and miscellaneous revenue, £190,816. Decreases. Coaching. —Horses, 434. Goods. —Drays, 49 ; wool, 7,Bo4'tons ; grain, 31,170 tons. Considerable additions were made to the train services during the year with a view to affording greater facilities to the public and meeting the requirements of the traffic. The resultant increase to the train-mileage was 251,909 miles. The train accidents during the year were not of c serious nature, and only in one instance was there any injury to passengers, and in this case a passenger was killed by a stone falling from a hillside and striking a passing train. A goods-train was derailed through running into a slip at Utiku, and an engine and four wagons were derailed on the Otago Central line owing to flood-waters washing gravel over the rails. Eleven wagons on a goods-train on the Nightcaps Branch were derailed, causing some damage to the stock. The installation of electric tablet, telephones, and telegraph facilities, interlocking and signals and electric lighting, has made considerable progress during the year, and the rolling-stock and other working appliances were materially augmented. Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited) have delivered four of the ten Class Ad compound locomotives included in the contract let to them in October, 1909, and are well forward with the balance, which will be delivered within schedule time. This firm were the successful tenderers for the manufacture of a further lot of ten Class Ad locomotives, let under contract during the year. It is gratifying to have to say that the whole of the locomotives manufactured by the firm under its various contracts with the Department have given every satisfaction in actual work, and have in all respects been up to the standard required by the specification.




Locomotive. Mr. A. L. Beattie, Chief Mechanical Engineer, reports as follows :- The engines, rolling-stock, plant, machinery, and appliances have been maintained in thoroughly efficient working-order, the details of work completed and in hand being as follows : Locomotives. —On the Ist April, 1910, there were 166 engines ill service, and on the 31st March, 1911, there were 178 engines. Fourteen new engines were added to .stock and cine small engine was transferred to the Department's Sawmill. Of the new engines added to stock ten were built in the Government Railway Workshops, and comprised two Class X. 94-ton tender engines, four-cylinder "balanced-compound" type, specially designed and built for the North Island Main Trunk line, and eight Class Wg heavy tank engines ; and four Class Ai>, 72-ton tender-engines, four-cylinder " balancedcompound " type, were completed under the contract with Messrs. A. and (■!. Price (Limited), of Thames. In the Government Railway Workshops to date eighty-nine engines have been built and twentyfour old locomotives have been rebuilt to modern designs. Five hundred and ninety-two locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, the details being as follows : —

Included in above are ten engines for the Public Works Department. At the close of the year there were under construction in the Government Railway Workshops ten heavy tender engines and twelve large tank engines ; also orders were in hand to build in the Railway workshops five Class X. 04-ton tender engines, four-cylinder " balanced-compound " type. and ten large tank engines. Under the contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames, there were six large tender engines of the four-cylinder " bolancedrCompound" type to be delivered, so that altogether there were in hand at the close of the year forty-three locomotive-engines. Before the close of the year tenders were invited for the construction in the Dominion of ten large tender engines of the four-cylinder " balanced-corn pound " type. The new locomotives added, together with boiler-renewals, increased the total tractive power by 265,5041b., equal to 4-86 percent.; the new engines being built and boilers under construction will, when completed, still further largely augment the tractive power. Boilers. The work on new boilers, renewals, and boiler-repairs has been kept well up to date. Twenty new locomotive-boilers were completed. The following statement shows the details of boilerwork :—

Twenty-three new boilers were under construction at the close c>l the year, comprising ten Class Bα, two Class P, one Class S. and ten Class Wg. Carriages. — The car stock on the Ist April. L9lO, consisted of 1,140 cars, and the number on the 31st March. 1911, was 1,166 cars. Twenty-six new bogie ears were built and added to stock. Satisfactory progress has been made in equipping ears with lavatory accommodation, cushioned seats in second-class compartments, and platform gates and gangways. ii—D. '2.

Number and Type. Particulars. cyhnder \" Artxeu- Fairlies. Totft| _ "Balanced- Tender "»e<<-coro- Tftnk FeU compound" Engines, i p ° J4n( : Engines. Engines, fit. :^gTn k es. Single. DouUe. . i I I I Number passed through shops 35 212 I % 312 5 19 7 592 Built new ... ... 2 ... ... 8 10 Re-erected ... ... 2 . ... ... 14 16 Thoroughly overhauled ... 2 46 ... 45 ... 8 8 99 Heavy repairs ... ... 15 58 2 95 5 10 3 188 Light'repairs ... ... 14 108 ... 150 ... ti 1 279 Painted and varnished .. 2 39 ... 56 ... 5 1 103 Touched up ... ... 14 55 ... 40 ... 5 ... 114 '_ ' I

Description. •siil a) a « 20 i J , :i Hi I ■ ■ r - 118 195 : 90 21 '2 I ■si II 4 B=o Sao e « c a JE 'o m toilers 388 11 7 1 120



The following table shows details of oar-work for the your :

Fifty-five new bogie carriages are under construction in Railway workshops. Brake-vans. —The number of brake-vans on the Ist April. L9lO, was 367, and the number on the 31st March, 1911, was 373. Seven new bogie brake-vane wen , built, One old four-wheel brake-van was written off and converted to a sleeping-van. The repairs, &c, to brake-vans were as follows :

Nine bogie brake-vans are under construction in the Railway workshops. Wagons. —The wagon stock on the Ist April, 1910, comprised 16,853 vehicles, and on the 31s! March, 1911, the number was 17,663. Twenty-eight four-wheeled wagons were written off; twenty-six of these wagons were converted to bogie wagons ; one old wagon was broken up, and one destroyed through an accident: both were replaced. Eight hundred and twenty-four wagons were built and added to stock, thirteen bogie wagons were converted from four-wheel wagons, anil one brake-van was altered to a sleeping-van. Four wagons were built for Napier Harbour Board. The carrying-capacity of wagon stock was increased by 7.601 tons, equal to 5-69 per cent., or an equivalent of 1,282 ordinary wagons. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to wagon stock for the year : —

One thousand three hundred and eighty-one wagons are tinder construction, comprising twentysix bogie and 1,355 four-wheel wagons. Tarpaulins. — The stock on the Ist April, 1910, was 12.897 tarpaulins, and on the 31st March, 1911, the number was 13,232 tarpaulins. Three hundred and thirty-five new tarpaulins were made and added to stock : 2.322 worn-out tarpaulins were written off and replaced with a similar number of new tarpaulins. The following table gives details of the work on tarpaulins for the year :

There were 810 new tarpaulins in hand at the close of the year.

Number and Type of Carriages. Particulars. Total. Bogie. Six-wheel. Pour-wheel. Number passed through shopa ... Built new Converted Thoroughly overhauled Heavy repairs Light repairs ... Painted and varnished... Touched up and revarnished 1,843 LOO 28 26 N 3 2 788 6 2 1,012 92 21 371 10 2 655 1 I 7 J, 966 26 14 5 796 1,125 383 673 I i

Description. irake-vans ... !{ || I! I' I 554 _L I '3 n t : ) i 1 t 7 1 I I i. f ! i i ■- - a w j mi i i 201 346 135 1 142

Description, 'agons If ' f i t si 1 1 a 1 fi § S 1! i I! I 1 III I i 7; x -_> pj j_ CC ... 17,647 828 18 5L 25 ! 16 4,382 12,332 a s J_ 2,667 s u 3 o H 5,811

Description. I Condemned, Number passed ■ Manufactured ' and replaced j through Shops. ' new. with New Tarpaulins. { i r~ 16,826 335 2,322 lie paired. 14,169 Wpaulins ...



Statin)!in- 'i Engines and Cranes. The repairs and renewals were as follows:—

Axles. —During the year 983 car, van, and wagon axles were replaced with modern steel axles : this number does not include new stock. The replacement of old iron axles with modern steel axles is being pushed on as expeditiously as possible. The steel axles increase the carrying-capacity of fourwheeled wagons by 2 tons. The work of raising sides and ends of high-sided wagons is being pushed on as much a.s practicable. This addition to these wagons enables full loads of coal to be carried, and increases the usefulness of wagon stock. Westinghouse Brake. — All new engines and rolling-stock built for the North and South Island Main Lines and Branches are equipped with the quick-acting Westinghouse brake before being placed in traffic. Efficient arrangements are in force for the examination and upkeep of the Westinghouse brake. Car-lighting. —The oil-gas manufactured at the five separate Pintsch gasworks amounted to 8,270,930 cub. ft., costing 2s. l-29d. per 100 cub. ft. The work of fitting cars with incandescent mantles is now practically completed. Motor-airs. -Cats in service have been kept in good and efficient working-order. Steamers. —The Railway Department's steamers on Lake Wakatipu have been maintained in good order. Re-taring Wagons. —Whenever wagons are in workshops for repairs tare weight is checked and adjusted when necessary ; also, at intervals not exceeding twelve months the tare weight of all goodswagons in service is checked and adjusted. Cattle and Sheep Wα-gons. —The fitting of grated floors to the older wagons has made satisfactory progress : the work will be completed during current year. All new wagons are fitted with grated doors before being placed in traffic. These grated floors are found to lie a great improvement in wagons for carrying live-stock. Renewals uml Replacements.—Typing the year under review thirteen bogie wagons, specially for timber and coal traffic, were converted from twenty-six four-wheelers. Also two coal hopper wagons and 2,322 worn-out tarpaulins were written off and replaced by a similar number of new wagons and new tarpaulins respectively. In accordance with the. practice of the Department the cost of the conversions, new wagons, and new tarpaulins was debited to working-expenses. Train Running and Mileage. —There has again been a marked increase in train-mileage. Compared with 1909-10 the increase for 1910-11 is 251.909 train-miles, or equal to 3-19 per cent., and 264,043 engine-miles, being equal to 247 per cent. The following table shows particulars of the expenditure per train-mile :

Maintenance. Mr. J. Burnett, Chief Engineer reports as follows : — Permanent-way. —The track has been maintained in good condition. Relaying has been carried out as follows :— Miles. Main line, 53 lb. and 56 lb.. relaid with 70 lb. steel material .. .. 100 Branch lines, 30 lb. and 40 lb., relaid with second-hand 53 lb., &c, steel material removed from main line .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Total relaying for the year .. .. .. .. .. 140 This is the greatest length yet relaid in one financial year. In view of the constantly increasing mileage and the age of many of the lines it is advisable to continue relaying at about this rate.

Description. __ II I J !; i J h 1 1 i i II ! I 1 I ! {5 m w j i , h s a I 1 1 i i I s 15 I K J Boiler repairs. 1 I I. -8 > "S So ii a a 'eh I pq land-cranes iteam-cranes Itationary engines 'ile-drivers and hoistiug-engines 'ueumatio cranes hl-enginee ... 17 ... ... I 50 1 ... ! 23 ... ... 9 ... 1 ... 1 ... 5 9 4 12 10 5 I o 8 3 i ... J ... ... 1 ■ 9 U i 3 9 J 3 ... ... ... ] ... I ... • • • I • • • i

I flnaf. in Cost, in Pence, per Train-mile. •onoA nar Tfain-milA Year. (Jost, in Train-mileage. Engine-mileage. Locomotive Branon. i/t 'ence, per Train-mile. I 1 I Car and Wagon Branch. Total. j ; l ! .910-11 .909-10 8,141,075 10,943,830 20fi0 7,889,166 10,679,787 -20-37 5-81 4-98 25-81 25-35 I I ; I |_



Sleepers. 304,755 sleepers were put into the track during the year. A plant is being installed at Kew, near [nvercargill, for the treatment of timber by the Powell preservative process. It is anticipated that our softer timbers, and some of our harder but less durable timbers, can be satisfactorily treated by this process, enabling use to be made of a large quantity ol ■such timbers, which, without treatment, are unsuitable for sleepers. Slips mill Floods. Damage to lines and interruption of traffic from slips and floods have not been cc ions. The deviation at Poolburn, on the Otago Central Branch, has been completed. Ballasting. -During the past year 376.300 cubic yards of ballast have been used on he track. The crushing-pant at Tβ Kuiti has been constantly at work ; others intermittently. Satisfactory results have been obtained with a machine ballast-loader recently purchased, and the use of such machines will probably be extended. Bridges, &c. —Bridge structures have been maintained in safe condition. Mangatewainui (Napier district) steel viaduct has been completed, the Tongahoe (Wanganui district) new steel viaduct is in hand, and the Manawapou (Wanganui district) will be put in hand this year. This is the last of the high timber viaducts. Several timber bridges have been rebuilt in ironbark, and a considerable number in rolled-steel joists. The Jetty Street overbridge at Dunedin has been redecked with reinforced-concretc slabs and wood blocking. Owing to the cost and difficulty in procuring first-class ironbark, the use of plate girder.- and volled-steel joists is being considerably extended. Wharves. The new ferro-concrete wharf at Picton is in hand. At Nelson the dredging of new berths is completed, and extension of the wharf is approaching completion. Buildings. Station buildings have been rebuilt at several places, including those destroyed by fire at Otaki and Levin. Obsolete and worn-out station buildings are being from time to time replaced by more suitable structures. Several platform verandahs have been provided. Grade Improvements. Surveys have been made for a number of grade easements on the North Island Main Trunk line. A start has been made at Tuakau. where the work includes complete re arrangemeni of tin station-yard. The cost of this work will be recouped by the increased capacity of the line, and it would bi' advisable t<l spend £25,000 per annum on it. A deviation improving the grades has beet started in connection with rebuilding the Manawapou Viaduct ! Wanganui district). Miscellaneous Works.- Additions and improvements were carried out during the year amounting ti> £15,174, which was charged to working-expenses. The principal works were: Additions and improvements at Mount Albert. Manurewa, Etuatangata, Mangaonoho, Penrose (part). Wellington, Kurow, Balclutha, ami Edievale (part); additions to water-services at Ohingaiti, Upper Hntt, Milton, and Qore (part): erection of verandahs .it Penrose, Papakura, Khandallah (part). Thornbury Junction, and Otautau ; new houses at Waipahi (parr) and Teremakau (part); additions to houses at Ngahere, VVai-iti, Ashhurst, Iliintly. VVaimate. Morven, Westmere, Tuakau, Newmarket. Masterton (part). Rotorua. and Waipara (part); erection of weighbridges at Bluff. Invercargill, ami Waimangaroa Junction; provision of pay-office in goods-office, Auckland; connecting station buildings with city drainage. Nelson; shed for Railway Fire-brigade, Napier; fencing workshops, Napier : removal of goods-shed. Ruatapu to (iieymouth : wash-out boiler-shed, Thorndon ; office for Locomotive Foreman, Thoiudou ; additions repair-shed, l'almerston North ; rearrangement station building, I'ukekohe : metalling and fencing approach-road to station, Te Karaka (part) : Morse wire, Thorndon- Palmerston North : installation of Synchronome electric clock. Dunedin Station ; additions A shed. Christchurch : connecting yard closets and urinals with sewerage system, Christchurch; additions to library. Cross Greek ; erection warehouse crane, W inton (part); shed for train-examiners. Hawera ; six portable huts, [nvercargill Section; provision of party wall in Wanganui wharf-shed (part): erection of 50 ft. turntable. Wanganui: new station building. Kawakawa ; social hall, Wellington (part); extension of engine-shed, Waipukurau (part); wagon-repair shop, Taihapc ; approach-road, Motunuioho : crane. New Plymouth : goods-office, Hastings; installation of acetylene gas. Upper Hutt (part); shifting from Broken River to Staircase (part). Additions In Open Lines. —The cost of these works, charged to capital, amounted to £112,85:!. The principal items were as follows : — ; Signalling, interlocking, block working. &c. Additions to station buildings, station-yards, and sidings. Auckland, Mount Eden. Mount Albert, Henderson. Penrose, Westfield, Otahuhu, Papakura, Buckland. Tuakau, Mercer, Frankton Junction (completion). Hamilton, Morrinsville, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti. Taihape, Palmerston North. Lintou, Shannon, Levin (completion). Stratford. Thorndon. Christchurch, Papanui, Timaru, Milton, and Stillwater. Miscellaneous. Additions to water-services at Opua (part), Taumarere. Drury, Otorohanga, Tauinarunui, Ohingaiti. Taihape, Itata. Palmerston North. Johnsonville, Waipara. Waitati, Invercargill. and Kumara : new houses at Taupiri. Ngahauranga, llawarden, and Picton : purchase of land at Mount Eden, Ahuriri, Hastings, Upper Hutt. Hayward's, Ngahauranga, Wellington, Woolston, Addington, and Lime Hills : overbridge. Taihape ; wharf-extension, Nelson (part) ; new wharf, Picton (part) : extension of subway. Marton (part) ; fencing line. Manawatu Gorge (part), North Island Main Trunk (part), and near Tinwald ; deviation of line, Ravensbourne (part) ; crane, Hamilton ; refreshment-room, Gore; additions to goods-sheds, Ohakune and Eltham ; goods-shed, Waimiha; acetylene-gas lighting, Taumarunui ; additions to workshops, Petone ; weighbridges, New Plymouth. Bluff, and [nvercargiU : additional bridges, Thames Branch : new stations. Mangere Road and Kurupuni ; pneumatic riveting plant. Wellington : extension of Davis Street culvert and reclamation. Wellington ; additions to engine-shed, Gisborne ; installation of aerogen gas, Taihape ; additions to engine-depot, Dunedin (part); extension of platform, Invercargill.



Doubling and Improvement of Lines. —Hutt Road and Railway Improvement: The double line from Lower Hutt to Lambton Station, Wellington, has been completed. The road is well advanced, and the whole of the works will be finished within a few months. Dunedin-Mosgiel: Double-line working between Dunedin and Bumside was brought into operation in October last. Works between Bumside and Abbotsford are Hearing completion. Chain Hills Tunnel is in hand, and works between that tunnel and Mosgiel are being pushed on. Expenditure. —Maintenance cost £693,445. ecjual to about £253 per mile. Mileage. —The mileage open for traffic on the 31st March, 1911, amounted to 2,7(51 miles 25 chains, being an increase for the year of 44 miles 43 chains. Private Sidings.- —New rights granted during the year totalled nineteen, making in all 334 with an annual rental of £6,057. Leases. —Leases current on the 31st March numbered 3,595, with ;i total annual rental of £24.341. New leases issued during the year, 574. Staff. — Maintenance working-staff, 4,1:37 men ; office st.afY. 121 : total. 4,248. Signal and Electrical. Signals, and Interlocking of Points and Signals. During the past year twenty-three stations have been fitted with fixed semaphore signals, viz,;— Bennett's Junction, Hamilton, Henderson. Olifton. Kamahi. Shortland, Eureka, Stockton, Awarua, Springfield, Thames, Westfield, Centre Bus 11 One-tree Point. Whangarei, Waihi, Weedon's, West Plains, Gulverden, Putaruru. Morningside. Otira, Riversdale. The signalling and interlocking at stations lias worked satisfactorily. The following stations have been fully equipped with signalling and interlocking, and broughi into operation during the year: Frankton, Aramoho, Blackball, Westport (rearrangement), Islington (rearrangement), Timaru (rearrangement), Bumside (complete scheme for double-lino working). Kensington (complete scheme for double-line working), Caversham (complete scheme for double-line working), Dunedin South end (complete scheme for double-line working), Kaiwarra (complete scheme for double-line working), Wellington North end (rearrangement lor double-line working). Harrison's Siding. Whangarei, Waingawa Siding (near Masterton). Works Siding. Chain Hills have been interlocked with the tablet system. Work has been commenced at Eioreroa Lift-bridge. Green Island. Abbotsford. Linwood, Woolston, Taihape. Weedon's, and Thorndon. The expenditure for the year on new works was £12,710 Oβ. 2d.. and for maintenance £5,969 17s. lid. Block Working. The electric train-tablet system of block working has worked satisfactorily. During the year thirty-four instruments and forty-five miles of line have been fitted and brought into operation, embracing the following sections : Gore to Invercargill ; Ngahere to Blackball ; Whangarei to Kamo. The following have also been installed as tablet stations: Manawatu Ballast-pit, Black .lack's Point, Westfield, and Tuakau. The equipment of the section Washdyke to Rolleston is in progress. Automatic tablet-exchanging apparatus has been installed at thirty-five stations. The installation of the electric loek-and-block system for double-line working has been completed and brought into operation between Kaiwarra and Wellington. Cbxistchurch and Templeton, and Dunedin and Bumside ; and the work is in hand on the double lines between Christehureh-Heathcote and Templeton-Rolleston. * Telegraph and Telephone Facilities, and Elfidrie Lighting. During the year 244 miles of wire and 106 miles of poles have been erected and brought into use : also various alterations and additions have been made to improve existing lines. Fifty-seven telephones have been fixed and brought into operation, eight additional and three extension connections have been made with the public telephone exchanges, and three portable telephones and fifteen electric belle brought into use. The work of installing new Morse line, Gore- Lumsden, is in hand. Old-pattern telephones have been replaced by new and modern ones as opportunity offered. Greater facilities are still needed in some of the districts to suit the more pressing requirements. During the year electric light has been installed at Thorndon, Ravensbourne, and Ekctahuna Stations, and at Kensington and Caversham Stations and signals. The electric light at stations where installed is giving satisfaction.



The expenditure on the electric block working, telegraph and telephone facilities, and electric lighting for the year was, — New works — £ „. ,1. Electric tablet working .. .. .. .. .. 7,198 0 9 Electric lock and block .. .. .. 3,867 12 10 Telegraph and telephone lines .. . . . . 2.329 13 9 Electric light .. ..' .. .. .. .. 700 6 8 £14,095 14 0 Maintenance— Electric block working and telegraph anil telephone lines .. 7,266 16 8 Lines maintained by Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 3,143 5 6 Electric light .. .. .. .. .. 1,405 12 0 £11,815 14 2 Public telephone-exchange connections .. .. .. .. £2,321 13 I Traitu . Mr. If. Buxton. Chief Traffic .Manager, reports as follows: Kawakaiva Section. Revenue. £2,834 ; decrease, £98. Passengers, parcels, grain, and merchandise show increases, but there are decreases in chaff, &c, firewood, timber, and minerals. Whangarei Section. Revenue, £29,393 ; increase. £1,007. The bulk of the increase is in passengers. The principal variations in tonnage wen- an increase of 12,300 tons of minerals and a decrease of 6,5(HI tons of timber. Kaihu Section. Revenue, 1M,117 ; decrease, L232. The decrease is in passenger traffic due to a movement of population from the gUDlfields. Goods traffic improved slightly. Oisborne Section. Revenue, £14,191 ; increase, £1,235. Then- was a slight decrease iii the number of passengers and in the number of sheep, but goods I raffle generally increased. North Inland Main Line unit Branches. Revenue, £1,742,243 ; increase, £175,992. The principal items of traffic were : — Number. Number. Passengers .. 5,675,271 ; increase. 90,621 Season tickets . . .. .. .. 135,082 ; „ 18,523 Parcels, &c . . .. .. .. .. 526,479 : ., 11,509 Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. 3,142,180; 537,186 Tons. Tons. Goods .. .. .. .. .. 1,612,054; „ 217,859 The revenue per mile of railway rose, from £1,472 0s. lOd. last year to £1.614 18s. lOd. this year (an increase of £142 18s.), and per train-mile from 7s. 6d. to 7s. UJd. The variations of traffic in the different districts were approximately as follows :—



There was a general increase in other classes of traffic, the principal item doing 20,(>00 tons of timber. Dairy-produce shows a decline of 1,260 tons on account of the dry weather. Wellington District-.—Revenue. £689,985 ; increase, £33,775. The numbers of passengers from Wellington were reduced by the absence of Easter holiday traffic, but some of the Manawatu stations show considerable increases. Tin , revenue from passengers also increased. The number of season tickets increased by 1,400, and tin , number of parcels by 12,6(X). Sheep traffic shows .in increase of 281,000. There were also small increases in cattle and pigs. Other classes of traffic, with the exception of wool and timber, show steady improvement, the principal items being 12,000 tons of grain, 12.imm> tons of merchandise, and 17,000 tons of coal. I'iciiDi Section. Revenue, £27.020 : decrease, £1,534. There was a decrease of 11,600 passengers and to"? passenger revenue. In the. previous year the Marlborough Jubilee and New Zealand Championship Regatta caused unusually large passenger traffic. There was an increase of 20.550 sheep, also small increase in wool and timber, but other classes of traffic show a decline. There has been very little interruption of the river traffic, and this has affected the business ai Picton. SchuH Section. Revenue, £24,842 ; increase, £1,483. Passengers show an increase in number, but a slight decrease in revenue. Sheep traffic has not improved. Wool and merchandise decreased somewhat, bul grain and minerals improved. Westport Section. Revenue, £116,449 ; increase, £421. Passengers show a small increase. There are increases in firewood, timber, grain, and merchandise, but coal decreased by nearly 17,000 tons. During the early part of the previous year there was an unusual demand for coal owing to labour disputes at Newcastle. Westland Section. Revenue, £143,121 ; increase, £13,472. Passengers show a decrease in number owing to the absence oi Easter holiday traffic, but the revenue is £179 better. Parcels show a slight improvement. There, is an increase of 3,000 sheep. Goods traffic shows a substantial increase, the chief items being 23.500 tons of timber, and 34,(KH1 tons of minerals. In August last a branch line serving the Blackball and Paparoa Mines was opened for regular traffic. South Island Main Line timl Branches. Revenue, £1,383,328 ; increase, £52,765. The principal items were : — Number. Number. Passengers .. .. .. .. .. 4,529,362; decrease, 8,578 Season tickets .. .. . . .. 78,514 : increase, 4,273 Parcels .. .. .. .. .. 597,674: ~ 23,845 Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. 2,905,143: .. 303,004 Tons. Tons. Goods .. .. .. .. .. 2,281,088; .. 56,930 The revenue per mile of railway rose from £1,015 Bs. 3d. last year to £1,037 2s. (id. for the year under review, and per train-mile from Bs. 6d. to Bs. 9{d. The variations of traffic in the different districts were approximately as follows :— Chrislchurch District.- -Revenue, £622,055; increase, £38,047. Passengers show a decrease of 8,000 in number, but an increase in revenue. The decrease in numbers is chiefly at Christchurch and Timaru, owing to the absence of Easter holiday bookings, but is counterbalanced to some extent by an increase at the suburban stations. Parcels traffic continues to improve. Live-stock traffic was swelled by large movements of sheep owing to the shortage of feed. There was an increase of 198,000 sheep as compared with the previous year. Cattle and pigs also increased. In other classes of traffic there were large increases of chaff, timber, merchandise, and coal, hut the tonnage of wool and grain was slightly less than for the previous year. Dunedin District. —Revenue, £447,246 ; increase, £4,487. There was a large decrease in the number of passengers, due to the absence of Easter holiday traffic, but the revenue shows a slight increase. Season tickets also increased. There is a steady improvement in parcels traffic. There was an increase of nearly 78,000 sheep. As in the Canterbury district, the movement of docks was affected by the dry weather.



Dairy-produce fell off slightly owing to the shortage of feed. There were good increases in chaff and lime, firewood, timber, merchanise, coal, and other minerals, but the tonnage of grain showed a considerable reduction. Wool was also slightly less. The output of coal from the Green Island mines is still affected by the use of electric power in the city, but the output from Kaitangata shows a substantial improvement. Invercargill District. —Revenue, £314,027 : increase, C 10,231. Notwithstanding the loss of Easter holiday traffic, passengers increased considerably both in num bers and revenue. Favourable weather induced a larger business in school and factory excursions. The net increase was about 20,000 passengers, and £3.600 of passenger revenue. Parcels traffic also improved. About 5,000 more sheep were carried. There were increases in chaff and lime, and other minerals. There was a decrease of over 39,000 tons of grain, and wool also decreased slightly. The decrease in grain was anticipated owing to the very early season last vein, but dry weather has also reduced the average yield for the present season. Luke Wakntifu Steamers. Revenue, £6,643 ; decrease, £120. The reduction is chiefly in passengers, owing to the loss of holiday excursion bookings. Parcels traffic fell off owing to the dry weather affecting the fruit traffic. Sheep and timber show a reduction owing to special conditions Inst year which were not recurrent. Lime also decreased, but there weir increases of wool, grain, merchandise, and minerals.

Average Late Arrival of Trains.

Stores. Mγ. H. Baxter, Stores Manager, reports as follows : — The value of stores (purchased under the Railway vote) on hand at 31st March, 1911, at the various depots amounted to £222.8U Bs. lid., as against £243.439 14s. 7d. on the 31st March. 1910—a decrease of £20,595 10s. Bd. The value of stores on hand on account of additions to open lines amounted to £27,090 os. 4d. on the 31st March, 191 1. as against £29,066 6s. 2d. on the 31st March. 1910—a decrease of £1,976 ss. 10d. The total stock of stores on hand has therefore decreased during the past year by £22.571 16s. 6d. The stock is in good order, has been carefully and systematically inspected, and is value for the amount stated.

The conduct of the staff as it whole has been very satisfactory. I have. Sec., T. RONAYNJi, The Hon. the Minister of Railways. General Manager.

Period ending »• « £ .$ ' g' * ! * a ! a ! * IgJ S I a I * I * | d |j| _ ,iil I Li i i_u i i j i ,j i I j; H * Express and Mail Tin ins. year ending 31st March, , .<)-32 1-35 ! 2-81 , 0-96 ; l'2O 072 0-43 0 fiO 0-66 4-53 2-38 2-8S 2-71 1-88 1911 if ear ending 31st March, 8-62 I-β] L-81 0-77 1-98 0-73 1-77 1-09 1-48 | 5-81 1-68 297 4-51 8-15 1910 Long-distance Mixed Trains, te&t ending 31st March, 4-08 809 i 3-17 j 1-57 1'72 I 1-44 1-67 2-02 2-43 3-74 3-41 i 4-28 3-91 I 2-80 1911 ending 81st March, 8-88 8-06 2-94 1-54 1-S7 1-56 1-81 1-45 2-20 I 8-49 2-49 4-42 6-10 2-69 1910 Suburban Trains. Sfear ending 31st March, 0-98 i 0-59 i 092 0-67 040 0-32 0-36 0-34 0'31 0-65 0-61 Ool 0-47 054 1911 Fear ending 31st March, 0-71 0-41 I 0-44 0-30 0-19 0-18 0-21 0-15 034 0-67 0-61 0-95 1 1-08 0'48 1910



No. 1. General Revenue Account. 2. General Expenditure Account. 8. Details of Classified Expenditure. -I Classified Expenditure and Revenue, and Proportion of each Class to Mileage and Revenue. r>. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic. fi. Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Capital. 7. Expenditure under Vote " Additions to Open Lines " charged to Capital Account. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Government Departments. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued. 10. Classified Maintenance Expenditure. 11. Return of Passenger Bookings at Excursion Pares. 12. Revenue and Expenditure of Stations. 13. Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins. 14. Locomotive Stock. . 15. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, and Expenditure on Colonial Railway*. 16. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic, New Zealand Government Railways. 17. Stores Contracts. 18. Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Travelers and Turntables, Cranes, <feo., and Water-services. 19. Renewals of Rails. 20. Renewals and Removals of Sleepers. 21. Number of Stations and Private Sidings. 22. Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance. 23. Weights of Rails in various Lines. 24. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic. 25. Sleepers Laid and Removed each Year. 26. Number of Employees. 27. Accidents. 28. Locomotive Returns. 29. Traffic from Coal-mines, South Island Main Line and Branches. 30. Vessels Loaded and Discharged at Different Ports, South Island Main Line and Branches. 31. Mileage of Track, Main Line and Sidings, South Island Main Line and Branches. 32. Alterations and Additions in Scale of Charges.

l—D. a.



RETURN No. 1. GENERAL REVENUE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March. 1911. To Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1910 ... ... 57.613 15 IBy Gross payment to Public Account ... ... ... 3.690,421 15 9 Revenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per* Return No. 5 ... 3,494,181 19 2 Less Collections for refund ... ... ... ... 204,553 H 8 — ■ *3,485,868 9 1 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations. 31s1 March, 1911 ... 65.927 5 2 £3,55 1,795 14 3 £3,551,795 14 3 3.428.254 14 0 " Beceipts as per Treasury accounts ... ... £3,483,754 19 5 Balance Refund Account. 31st March, 1910, as below 16,290 12 9 3,500,045 12 2 Balance Refund Aceount,3lst March, 1911, as below 14,177 3 1 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1911, as above ... 65 927 5 2 a; 3,485,868 9 1 £3,494,181 19 2 £3,494,181 19 2 Collections for Ebfund to Harbour Boards, Shipping Companies, Carriers, &c, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911. To Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1910 16 .290 12 9 By Treasury payments . 206 666 16 d 4 Collections for refund 204,553 6 8 Balance, 31st March, 1911, carried forward '". 3 1 £220,843 19 5 £220,843 19 5 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

J).— 2


RETURN No. 2. GENGEAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31sc March, Uk. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ 8. d. To Balance brought forward:— By Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1910, brought forward .. 129,130 18 3 Accounts duo to the Department outstanding at Ist April, 1910,— Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c. 19,195 6 2 Classified expenditure, as per Return No. 4 .. .. .. 2,303,271 13 1 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. .. .. 1,835 10 0 21,030 16 2 Recoveries to credit of Vote 17,*— Stock of stores on hand at Ist April, 1910 .. .. .. 243,439 14 7 Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c. 275,760 10 5 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. .. .. 35,981 12 3 Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. .. 36,781 12 6 Payments per Treasury Vote 17* .. .. .. 2,619,337 5 3 348,523 15 2 „ Consolidated Fund— Unauthorized expenditure 37 0 0 — 2,619,374 5 3 Balance,— Accounts due to the Department outstanding at 31st Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1911, carried forward— • March, 1911— Wages and supplies for March paid'from Treasury in April 143,363 6 11 Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 23,144 16 1 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. .. 292 16 5 23,437 12 6 Payments per Treasury ... £2,619,337 5 :i Recoveries „ 348,523 15 2 Stock of stores in hand at 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. 222,844 3 11 Net charge to Vote ... £2,270,813 10 1 £3,027,208 2 11 £3,027,208 2 11 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

2—P. 9,

Maintenance of Way and Works. Sections. Pen way. eUt Structures. Buildings. : Miscellaneous, j General Charges. Locomotive Power. LoSSe. I™ and Water. «. Uow, *g^ : - ! . I ■ General Charges. Total. Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. U '^;'™ 1 L te»S P " Tota, ' Kawakawa .. .. ; 522 14 0 1,459 6 10 113 4 0 325 13 1 Whangarei .. .. 2,097 2 11 661 6 1 126 19 1 116 15 5 ; Kaihu .. .. 1,091 1 3 530 6 6 35 2 2 Giflborne .. .. 2,818 19 11 917 1 10 245 16 6 153 4 5 Xorth Island Main Line 140,957 17 4 48,457 1 1 18,987 8 5 4,380 0 7 and Branches South Island Main Line 134.509 16 0 38,869 12 9 19.5111 5 5 2.1187 13 7 and Branches Westland .. .. 12,502 12 5 3,807 7 8 1,471 19 11 455 17 2 Westport .. .. 3.542 2 4 1,841 11 2 710 8 3 Or. 55 15 1 Nelson.. .. .. 3,383 7 4 2,153 4 11 233 5 5 190 17 5 Picton .. .. 4,170 14 10 3,137 11 7 137 12 II 105 13 4 Lake Wakatipu Steamers WAGES AND SERVICES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,420 17 11 I 643 10 o 88 6 6 .. 60 15 8 3,002 3 6 2,160 16 0 135 4 3 .. 957 18 5 1,656 9 11 425 0 0 44 10 10 .. 254 18 5 4,135 2 8 1,089 10 4 ' 62 2 5 .. 713 0 3 212,782 7 6 124,870 12 8 11,906 14 0 .. 45,860 1 8 195,718 7 9 103,057 19 0 9,079 16 8 .. 33,257 19 11 18,297 17 2 8,829 4 7 374 2 10 .. 2,795 5 10 6,038 6 8 5,770 6 5 466 9 10 .. 2,224 18 8* 5,960 15 1 1,471 12 40 4 1 .. 696 7 11 7,551 12 8 2,454 3 11 133 2 5 .. 1,062 4 8 £ 8. d. £ S. d. 792 12 7 3.253 18 8 724 9 3 1,864 13 0 182,637 8 4 145,395 15 7 11,998 L3 3 8,461 14 11 2,207 13 2 3,639 11 0 fl s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 14 4 8 112 6 4 041 6 2 25 7 5 238 2 2 1 .. 4,244 17 3 157 15 2 418 1 0 3,392 4 0 272 5 7 692 7 8: .. 11,188 15 7 50 18 10 179 0 6 952 II 7 37 16 10 282 3 2 .. 3,883 10 1 157 4 6 303 2 7 1,543 15 4 129 10 4 393 14 2 .. 8,527 2 7 24,817 lo 9 26,762 13 3 246,817 3 1 10,022 6 4 31,403 13 11 .. 741,243 3 1 IS.42I i 1 21,576 19 11 247,981 15 0 12,748 0 2 25,3<si> 7 1 .. m>7.227 7 10 933 2 S 3,233 6 5 20,874 18 II 1,336 9 0 3.480 10 8 .. 60,153 17 11 328 9 7 3.933 5 7 13,374 10 10 1,093 10 10 2,708 5 7 .. 35,938 4 « 303 15 H 350 8 9 5,913 14 5 22S 7 7 777 18 6 .. 15,7"42 13 ? 201 Hi 7 l>02 18 0 4.439 13 7 241. 7 1 l>39 4 9 .. 17,321 3 8 3,869 1 I 3.869 1 1 Totals .. .. 305,656 8 4 101,894 10 5 41,653 2 1 8,359 19 11 457,564 0 9 250,772 4 6 22,330 13 10 .. 87,873 11 5 360,976 ii ii ' 45,39 360,976 li II 45.39 0 7 57,472 2 4 545,931 12 9 32.139 1 1 I [ 2 65,996 7 11 J 3,869 1 1 1,569,339 16 4 STORES. 225 10 11 4 9 7 28 7 10 . 60 15 2 1.538 li 8 li 14 S 163 12 11 | 2 111 15 8 274 4 9 12 5 61 16 11 ! 72 15 9 1,236 14 ."> li: 15 HI 06 13 2 , 157 8 10 183,086 n 10 15.911 8 0 16,291 5 6 21,756 14 11 116,951 9 HI 8,39< 16 I 13,883 15 7 19.347 HI 7 1.202 0 11 2,608 5 5 741) It 9 2.349 3 8 . 360,218 17 9 243,298 14 .S Kawakawa .. .. 31(1 111 2 258 1(1 III 42 15 7 270 11 10 Whangarei .. .. 276 12 8 187 8 9 102 8 1 41 6 0 Kaihu .. .. .. r>4 5 8 i 270 5 8 3 18 7 Gisbome .. .. 138 2 2 473 lit 3 101 9 2 81 0 10 North Island Main Line S7.ISO 4 i> 19.103 0 5 13,200 12 6 3,389 11 1 and Branches South Island Main Line 52.303 3 S 17,139 1 r> 12.911) 18 11 2,358 lit 7 and Branches Westland .. .. 4, h>1 II ii :j.2S7 8 I 1.081 () 4 260 11 3 Westport .. .. 2,735 18 0 1.971 4 9 i>51 ID I 24ti 1 0 Nelson .. .. 1,450 1 10 832 0 (i 151 15 II 65 6 5 Pioton.. .. .. 2.421 (i 2 1.217 7 4 84 14 9 102 (i 7 Lake Wakatipu Steamers 882 17 :> .. 168 17 4 20 1!) 5 36 14 2 l>07 15 6 ! .. 1,045 11 U 104 11 9 388 3 0 328 9 11 I .. 193 16 3 13 17 9 Bβ Hi 9 794 115 .. 811 14 8 115 1 7 309 18 2 123,173 8 6 .. 142,664 13 I 9,578 1 10 30,843 6 11 84,721 3 7 .. 92.921 4 2 5.140 9 9 18.889 15 11 8,791 0 2 .. 3,368 15 9 465 4 2 1,605 19 2 5,605 2 10 J .. 2,541 2 2 354 10 0 1,267 16 3 2,499 4 6 .. 1,299 17 S 92 7 4 346 19 1 3.825 14 In .. 1,727 17 3 166 9 l> i>21! Ill II 22.", HI 11 4 1.538 li 8 7h 274 4 9 3 1,236 14 .", ii: is:>.(i86 n 10 16,91 116,951 9 Hi s.:S!i) .->.439 19 1 34.' 4,1(53 8 5 14H 1,739 4 1 171 2,520 17 S 94 : " I . 5.439 19 I 34.' Hi 1 1.573 4 3 1.1107 3 (i 4,1(53 8 5 148 17 S 3.172 5 7 1.073 5 2 1,739 4 I 171 10 8 ; 179 19 9 448 14 2 2,520 17 8 94 4 (I 358 3 7 327 10 I I 1,064 17 18,056 17 i I I. ll>2 19 8 5.038 13 2 7,126 11 0 6 1,0(54 17 6 Totals .. .. 1. Totals 151.332 5 4 44,740 7 0 28,341 151,332 r> 4 4 44,74(1 7 0 2: 28,341 1 9 f> 1 9 6,815 14 7 ' 5,815 14 7 t 231.229 8 8 231,229 8 8 I _. —I 246,743 10 3 16,051 13 1 54,380 13 4 317,175 hi 8 25,21 - — | ,— 11 so 35.800 5 1 45.371 14 s 1,064 17 6 655,867 10 7 I MISCELLANEOUS. Kawakawa .. .. Whangarei Kaihu .. .. .. Oisborne N'orth Islam I Haiti Line and Branches South Island .Main Line and Branches Westland Westport Xelsoiu . i'ieton .. .. .. l.akr \Viikati[iii Steamers 4 14 10 0 7 10 1 12 10 357 12 0 28.-, IH 1 12 2 ;S 10 18 8 i 4 (I 4 17 I.") (i 2 13 II 2 14 0 I 14 7 2HI 17 1(1 127 S ii 111 ii s 36 12 10 u 12 0 10 8 3 2 I.", 9 n> in 4 3 III ii 17 8 2 11 9 2 7 4 0 13 5 16 16 1) 1 1 ii 1113 1,806 0 9 1,346 10 4 50 4 9 139 1 9 38 3 2 54 7 2 3 7 2 24 r, 7 1 9 4 14 8 8 2,43(1 18 1 1,778 15 7 S4 L5 7 187 1(1 II 43 4 6 82 10 U 3 114 ii 13 2 .. L00 o 4 17 14 9 1(14 12 5 126 12 :( .. 8,348 2 2 34 11 10 .. 5,309 I") 3 18 2 9 .. 383 8 7 1 8 ."> .. 398 I 8 0 (i 6 .. 54 13 1(1 100 3 li ; '' ' ' i ' ' 0 ii Id 3 14 8 0 10 8 17 19 2 711 I i I S49 7 Ii 27 13 t 282 I t> 3 3 10 10 lit (I 3 lis 2 104 S 2 18 5 5 < 122 I I 7 I 9,186 8 li :f.i>5 ii.1113 I I 7 2.:s.-i 429 4 s r, 4 081 II 7 12 .->7 IS I 2 111 2 IS 2( S .", 2 II It 14 2 ill 4 2 .") .X 10 17 4 lo II 38 0 8 .117 4,819 12 8 , 17 r> :{.(>( i3 3 2 13 ii 489 5 s ! 3 II 1.077 14 1 I '.i 7. :tl 16 li !H 9 4 69 12 II 111 I 3 128 I.", l> 3.-, :; 7 I3(i 17 11 18,397 13 4 14,380 I 9 3,273 11 3 l'.I4(> i> 1 27.-> 17 I 1,2811 4 II :{(i <> II 287 7 3 (ili 1 4 323 14 11 38,493 4 5 28,314 12 ii 4,228 3 8 4.2 IN 5 S 434 /"I II 1,573 0 5 95 4 5 96 4 5 Totals l>95 l> 4 403 8 5 23 11 8 4 19 1 3,464 0 10 i 4,651 6 4 181 8 10 14,820 3 10 1.907 10 10 16,909 :! ii li.lii I 1 7 10.162 18 0 40.0711 12 4 IC, 4 5 7S.oi>4 0 2 lirand totals 457.HS4 (I 0 I47.O9S 5 III 70.017 15 6 15,18(1 13 7 I 3,464 0 10 693,444 15 1) 250.772 4 li 269.255 12 11 16,051 13 I 157.074 8 7 1 1.907 10 Hi 695,061 9 II 7H.77 1 , in 2 103,444 S 5 631,379 lit 9 32,139 • 1 2 05.906 7 11 5,029 3 3 2,303,271 13 1



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant,

Mii.Mfi Revenue. Classified Expenditure. Proportion of each Class of Kxpenditure u> Mileiisje and Keveoue. Sntton. . £ Per Mile S 6 <>f g-E Train- i ,„, , Railway % i mile» K ... ; ao,Hl - per ti*~ Annum J (Average i. I Maintenance : •= Of Repair* Locomotive „ . TratHt- „ , „„. Departmentu] Power. " nd Ke! Expenses. Head Office. ; "ofliees. Wagons.Total. Maintenance. 11 pi 1 1 a, fe a. Maintenance. Locomotive. Carriages and Wagnna . Traffic . j| ill h a Si! h Si m h HeriOffioe. Departmental OfKcee g g = s g £ • «| ?i (u o< o. a - Departmental Offices. total. a I -Sgi p n s. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ d. ! 238 2 2 5,477 4 11 116-68 413-39 109-21 692 7 8 14,084 8 3 12-36 136-15 13-08! 282 3 2 4,690 1 2 48-25 116-85 37-38: 393 14 2 11,200 1 0 34-84 214-96 36-95 31,403 13 11 1,139,955 5 3 19-42 313-66 18-54 25,380 7 4 938,840 15 0 20-40 211-59 21-44 3,480 10 8, 82,438 18 8 18-99 194-07 28-01! 2,708 5 7 54,319 9 4 10-16381-65 25-34! 777 18 6 21,215 11 5 34-23 177-15 30-85 639 4 9 26,020 15 1 42-41 337-06 37-91J . £ £ ! 36-06 127-76 16-66 183-45 24-70 59-82 22-72 140-17 21-52 347-52 d. £ £ d. £ 33-75 5-76 20-43 5-40 25-44 17-62 2-88 31-77 305 12-73 19-13 7-43 18-00 5-76 25-76 24-09 4-77 29-42' 5-06 12-91 20-54, 5-30 85-52 5-06 16-47 20-41 4-93| 5116 5-19 20-37 18-42 4-56 46-60 6-73 18-21 28-50 7-54 283-41 18-82 14-25 14-53 4-28 22-14 3-86 26-72 20-74 4-99 39-62 4-46 22-41 1910-11. Ivmakawa .. Whangarei Kailiu Gisborne North Island Main Line and Brunches South Island Main lino and Branches Westland .. •. Westport .. .. I Nelson .. . . Pioton ka i nil i I, ! li 1910-11. Eiwa .. »rei .. Le slaud Ma ;iii Miles.' Miles. : £ s. d. £ s. d. S 7,268 2,834 7 9 354 t> 0 27 66.691 29,392 IS 0 1,101 3 6 17 12.755 4,117 ."> 9 242 3 10 23 32,116 14,191 I II 617 0 1; one 1,075 4,380,576 1,742,243 7 7 1,614 18 10 Miles.! s 27 17 23 1,075! Is. d. £ s. d.; '. 7 9| 3,307 2 6 8 9J 3,634 4 7| 6 5£ 1,986 9 2! 8 10 4,944 2 9: 7 11£ 338,386 14 0; £ s. d. £ s. <1. £ B. il. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,022 18 163 8 7 721 2 7' 25 7 5 238 2 2 4,896 13 6 848 2 1 3,740 14 10 272 5 7 692 7 8 1,016 19 5 306 1 8 1,060 10 11 37 16 10 282 3 2 3,223 19 0 676 12 8 1,832 2 1 129 10 4 393 14 2 374,909 17 11 92,261 1 9 286,971 11 4 l«,022 6 4 31,403 13 11 1, £ s. 5,477 4 14,084 8 4,690 1 11,200 1 ,139,955 5 ,1. £ £ <L 11 116-68 413-39 109-21 3 12-36 136-15 1308 2 48-25 116-85 37-38 0 34-84 214-96 36-95 3 19-42 313-66 18-54 £ d. £ £ (I. £ £ d. 90-14 23-81 0-90 3-17 0-84 8-40 29-77 7-861 140-15 13-47 0-93 10-20 0-98 2-36 25-94 2-49; 62-39 hill.", o-!>2 2-23 0-72 6-85 16-60 5-31! 79-66 13-69 0-91 6-63 0-97 2-77 17-12 2-94 266-00 16-72 0-92 14-85 0-88 1-80 29-11 1-72 £ £ 193-24 684-66 47-92 527-66 1 113-91 275-891 78-92 486-96' 65-43 1.056-66J d. 180-87 50-69 88-26 83-70 62-46 i Il Is I p Brunches 1 I i l9ll.\jLl.\J*J -'■■■' li-1 Ma Branches iiin I one 1,349 3,158,098 1,383,327 II 10 1,037 2 6 1,349 8 9J 282,218 6 11 268,541 0 0 68,243 13 3 281,709 7 4 12,748 0 2 25,380 7 4 938,840 15 0 20-40; 211-59 21-44 19-41 201-33 211-21 21-41 0-92 9-50 0-97 1-84 19-03 1-93 67-87 703-881 7i:i. r . I 1. ;t!! poi n n i>rancnos ad .. irt 141 232.804 143,120 13 0 1.022 3 0 31 112,052 116,448 I!) 2 3.756 8 4: 48 66,155 24,842 3 9 r>17 10 11 34 72,560 27.02(1 ti 4 794 14 4 141 31 48 34 12 3| 27,173 12 11 20 9J 11,831 0 5! 7 6" 8,503 4 1 7 5\ 11,459 18 5 17,867 17 0 6,525 15 7 26,055 13 6 1,335 9 0 3,480 10 8 13,306 14 11 8,785 15 6 16,594 2 1 1,093 10 10 2,708 5 7 4,004 15 4 1,063 0 3 6.638 5 8, 228 7 7 777 18 6 6,271 11 2 1,347 4 3 6,056 9 5: 246 7 1 639 4 9 ' : : 82,438 18 54,319 9 21,215 11 26,020 15 8 18-99 194-07 28-01 4 10-16381-65 25-34 5; 34-23 177-15 30-85 I 42-41 337-06 37-91J 12-48 127-6H 11-43 429-23] 16-12 83-43; 23-21 184-46 186-09 26-86 0-93 9-54 1-38 2-43 24-86 3-59: 535-30 35-54 0-94 36-28 2-34 2-33 87-37 5-80; 138-30 24-08 0-92 4-76 0-83 3-13 16-21: 2-82 ! 178-13 20-03 C-9] 7-24 0-82 2-37 18-80 211 57-60 588-77i 46-65 1,752-24 85-40' 441-99 96-30 765-31 84-99 110-34 76-97 86-07 Total;- .. .. Lake Wiikiitipu Steamers 2,753 8,141,07.". 3,487,538 15 I 1,276 6 11 8 6}'693,444 15 9 695.(1111 9 11 180.220 15 7 631,379 19 9 32,139 1 2 .1 a i -a i i 6,643 4 1 8,141,07.". 3,487,538 15 8,643 4 I 1.275 6 11 I 65,996 7 11 2,298,242 10 1 19-89 253-58 20-44 5,029 3 0 19-93 254-18 20-60 . 20-60 6-17 65-90 5-31.18-10 230-89 18-61 0-92 11-75 0-95 l-89 ! 24-14 1-94 65-90 840-44 67-75 .. . . 75-70 67-75 3,494,181 19 2 ( 2,303,271 13 1 I £ s. d. £ £ d. 5,890 13 8 126-52 463-76 104-30 11,817 13 1 8-42 103-93 10-09 4,293 15 3 29-01 74-22 22-67 8,234 11 3 19-53 11004 18-84 1,038,070 1 0 18-41 270-95 16-55 65-92 E s. d. £ s. A. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 8,537 2,932 8 7 366 11 1 (5 10i 3,710 2 3 1,068 5 11 149 15 6 694 13 5 28 7 3 ! 56,901 28,386 0 Hi 1,234 3 li i) llj 2,390 7 9 3,820 8 6 1.209 16 10, 3,427 15 3 285 17 8j 13,360 1,348 17 5 255 16 4 6 6 1,261 14 3 1.266 3 7 309 7 4 1 1,093 10 3 43 2 8 1 32,252 12,956 17 3 563 6 0S 0£ 2,531 1 8 3,004 1 3 463 12 4 1,720 15 10 127 12 5! 4.171U76 1,566,251 2 6 1,472 0 LO 7 6 288.28S 9 11 345,098 15 9 80,124 18 lOi 278,779 1 4 15,423 9 0 i I 1909-10. Kawakawa .. Whangaroi .. Kaihu Gieborne North [eland Main Line and Branches South Island Main Line i and Branches Westland Westpori .. ..I Nelson Pioton 8 23 17 23 1.01,4 £ 3. tl.l 239 9 4 683 7 3 319 17 21 387 7 4 30,355 6 2 £ £ d. 36-43 133-54i 30-03 13-46 iee-lli 16-lli 2912 74-48! 22-75 23-19 130-61 22-35 2203 324-34 19-82 d. £ I £ d. £ 30-03 5-11 18-72 4-21 2309 1611 4-26 52-60: 5-10 1208! 22-75 7-11 18-20 5-56 2515 22-35 3-58 20-16 3-45 13-28J 19-82 5-12 75-30 4-60 17-80! E d. E £ d. £ £ d. £ £ <l 86-84 l(>-.->3 0-97 3-66 C-80J 8-16 29-93 6-73 200-88 736-341165-6C 149-03 14-46 100 12-4:) 1-21 2-41 29-71 2-88 41-63 513-8l! 19-85 64-32 19-64 0-99 2-54 0-77 7-35 18-81 5-74 98-73 252-57 77-13 74-82' 12-Kl 0-99 5-55 0-96 2-99 16-841 2-88 63-56 358-02 61-28 262-01 16-01 0-98 14-50 0-89 1-94 28-53 1-74 66-28. 975-63 59-61 210-82|21-17 0-99 10-06 1-01 1-86 18-88 1-89 69-73 708-08 71-09 183-16128-44 1-00 9-40 1-46 2-47 23-25 :S-61 60-06 564-13 87-60 527-04 34-37 100 37-26 2-44; 2-16 81-851 5-371 41-40 1,54966'101-64 123-14 21-46 0-98 4-82 0-84! 3-25 15-79; 2-75 77-69 378-07 65-88 162-8.5 1814 0-99 8-33 0-93 2-17 18-20! 2-02 84-58 710-32 79-11 1,323 3,132,444 1,330,563 5 I 1,015 8 3 8 6 269,029 8 1278,210 15 4 66,425 17 5 276,266 10 1 13,176 II 2 213,275 129,648 11 6 939 i> 812 2 25,246 18 8 15,825 18 7 6,995 12 51 25,275 13 1 1.297 11 3 113,4.-!5 116,027 Iβ 6 3,742 16 8:20 5|j 9,100 11 11 12,535 2 3 6.373 0 0 16,338 3 10 1,154 18- 2 . 66,116 23,359 I 4 486 12 11 7 OJ 6,858 0 4 3,467 6 2 921 17 5 5,910 19 5 231 9 0 7:s.27O 28,653 13 1 839 16 3 7 9J! 11.591 1 3' 5,261 18 11 858 19 7 5,536 16 8 283 5 1 24,741 15 0 927,839 17 1 20-22 205-31 20-61 20-91 212-32 21-32 21-32 4-99 50-69 5-0920-76 138 31 48 34 3,208 2 0J 2,537 10 7 757 18 6 618 18 3 77,849 16 0 19-47 182-95 28-41 48,039 6 9 7-S4 293-57 19-26 18,147 10 10 29-36 142-88 24-89 24,150 19 9 40-59 340-91 37-97 12-21 114-68J17-81 10-80 404-3(1 26-62 14-84 72-23] 12-59 18-43 154-76; 17-24 17-81 5-40 50-69 7-87 19-50 26-52 5-49 205-58: 13-48 1 14-08 12-59 3-96 19-21! 3-35 25-30 17-24 3-01 25-27 2-8119-39 Totals .. Lake Wakatipu .Steamers 2,709 7,889,166 3,243,026 14 4 6,762 17 8 1.202 14 10 8 2J 620,007 Iβ I 669,558 16 8 163,832 17 8j 615,032 19 2 32.052 3 63,849 11 7 2,164,334 4 8 19-12 229-94 18-86 5,139 6 3 20-65 248-32 1 20-37 5-05 60-76! 4-98 18-96 228-1(1 l.s-71 0-99 11-89 0-98 1-97 23-68 1 1-94 66-74 75-99 66-76 802-69 65-84 3,249,789 12 0 2,169,473 10 Hi



3-D. 2.

RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

H. Davidson. Chief Accountant.

1 _ . I Paseen^cTb. Sections. _£ f_ FirMCbut. Second C Pi Total — ~ Season Cla... Total. Tick<:ts - Parcel.. Horses. C Uve-Stock, Gcods. &c. 1910-11. Miles. Single. ! Return, i Single. Kawakawa .. .. 8 634 L64 5,743 Whangarei .. .. 27 13,318: 7,160 37,824 Kaihu .. .. 17 299 654 11,751 Gisbornc .. .. 23 4,618 4,848 :il,218 Xorth Island Main Line 1.07C 240,168 601.712 1,357,779 and Branohee South Island Main Line 1,349 175,166 627,506 812,022 and Branches Westland .. .. 141 13,315 26,202 113,239 Weetpor) .. .. 31 676 2,434 29,173 48 2,486 7,396 .54,159 Picton .. .. j 34 7,500 24,088 26,201 LakeiWakatipu Steamers .. 2,052 9,682 3,006 Total. Return. No. 5,382: 11,923 38,782 97,084 13,056, 25,760 36,348 77,032, 3,475,612 6,676,271 Return. ' No. No. No. i No. | 5,382 ! 11,923 39 410) 55 38,782 97,084 6451 3,252 89 13,056; 25,760 16 4,011! t>4 36,348 77,032, 101 4,186 56 3,475,612 5.675,271:135,082: 486,418 9,633 2,914,668; 4,529,362 78,514! 667,369 9,042 252,428 405,184 5,253 :10.17s 626 79,610 111,893 887 8,603 47 71,174 ; 115,215 1,006 5,712 64 74,082 131,8711 546, 3,165 2!)!) 5,318 20,018 1S| 7,057 162 Live-Mo< Parcels, ice. Total — i I Season Equivalent Tlck«». Parcel _. Horses. ; Carriages. Do,;.. Total. Cttk Calves, j Sheep. Hies. Total. Chaff, Ume. fcc. Wool. i _____ I I ' ! L_ j ! N °39 %«: N °55 *% "% NO 553 N '-: NO -33| NO -6 %. N V "« *%\% *T * * 3 l'?M Sβ 16 536 4793 229 . 53,183 160 53,618 2,233 I 0 642 0 0 1,813 0 0 135,082 486,418 9,633 1,204 29,224 52(i',479 1,118 132,126 14,094 2,890,330 105.631; 3,143,293 166,141 8 0 76,088 0 0 33,648 4 0 78,514; 667,369 9,042 1.363 19,900 597,674 1,106 54,606 6,748 2,789,620 54,169 2,006,24!! 132,843 19 0 98,932 0 0 102,993 12 0 Parcels, Sec. ICK, Lriods, KC. Firewood. Timber. Tons c. <_. Tons (■• q. 18 0 0! 607 4 0 2,044 0 0| 17,091 19 0 384 0 0! 7,266 19 0; tl! 0 0 3,264 ( 0 58,928 0 0 273,476 0 0 30,284 ii 0 200,162 19 0 Grain. Merchandise. I Tons c. 4. Tons c. q.| 1,455 19 0 2,331 15 0 2,535 15 0 4,610 8 0' 922 1 0 1,987 18 0 3,744 7 0 2,926 7 0 271.146 s I) 306,625 6 II Minerals. Tons 0. q. 237 11 0 117,687 3 0 194 1 0 16,293 19 0 593,142 1 0 Grand Total lolal - Tonnage. Tons 0. q. Tons c. q. 4,770 j> 9 0 4,857 19 0 144,462 17 0 144,663 11 0 11,213 19 0 11.270 0 0 29,097 17 0 31.330 18 0 1,612,053 19 0 1,777.195 5 0 2,914,668 4,529,362 252,428 405,184 79,610 111,893 71,174 115,215; 74,082 131,8711 o,318 20,018 5 253 'JO 178 626 19 1.003 31,856 7:! 1,946 131 18,987, 53 21,190 1,453 6 0 1,986 0 0 184 8 0 S87 tt'etn 47 I 183 6 834 -'7 25 19 2,068 33 2,172 106 17 0 624 0 0 !006 "'7 : - M • 390 61209 8 Iff 10 1363*! 36 13 764 604 12 0 2,526 00 669^0 546 3166 2!.!. 15 878 4 357 32 200 120 131,198 91 131,641, 5,340 6 0 16,986 0 3,379 + 15 7<,.-,7 162' 30 187 7i436 9 158 .. 6,396. 29| 6,592, 314 3 0j J72O 0 0 528 16 0 t>248 o o 1 113,982 u i> 7,110 ii 0 3,660 9 0 3,714 ii 0 t.t24 4 0! 2,244 0 0 2.496 9 0 12 0 o 684 16 0 __ J 6!)4..">il!i t 0 447,.".31 16 0 10,176 6 0 23,434 14 0 2,988 3 0 5.819 8 0 8,994 8 0; 5,145 8 0 14,754 U 0 6,267 1 0 2,072 6 0 1,763 13 0 706,684 13 0 : 436,676 10 0 764,843 5 0 9,037 7 0 9,148 4 0 1,305 7 0 2,28).OSS t 0 2,413,932 3 0 590,686 18 0 .".!i2,14O 4 0 785,045 5 0 786,162 2 0 34,510 7 0 35,114 L9 0 55,276 9 0 60,615 14 0 7,086 17 0 7,401 0 0 Totals.. .. 2,753! 460,232| 1,311,7461 2,462,176 I ' 1909-10. Kawakawa . . 8 541 180 4,531 Whanirarei .. .. 23 12,085 6,896 34,325 K-lm .. .. 17 374 854 14,809 Gieborne .. .. 23 3,926 4,208 31,900 North Island Mam Line 1,064 229,327 621,782 1,275,986 and Branches .South Island Main Line 1.323 160,199 828,782 786,2331 and HranchcP Westland .. .. 138 12,125 27,088 113,190 Westpori .. .. 31 785 2,924 28,331 Nelson .. .. 48 2,351 7,018 33,483i Pioton . . 34 7,472 25,070 28,504; Lakp Wakatipu Steamers .. 1,879 !),134 2,927, 6.966,460 11,200,013 222,104 1.118,36l| 20,137 5,5901 10,842 34 354 53 36,596 89,902 562 3,057 26 15,492 31,529 39 2,686, 99 37,906 77,940 381 3,389 39 3,457,5561 5,584,660 116,559 446,125: 9,966 2,962,726 4,537,940 74,241 543,259' 9,181 265 166 417,559 5,291 26,990 702! 79,290 111,330 714 6,356. +2 71,844' 114,696 1,00!) 5,467 78 82,342 143,388; 523 2,911 235 7,426 21,366 18 7,212 160 6,966,460 11,200,613 222,104 1.118,361! 20,137 6,966,460 11.200,613 222,104 2,751 I 52,762 1,194,011 2,441 189,713 ; 21,135 ! 5,911,29lj 160,379 ■ 6,284,959, 308381 14 o j _ 98>54 _ 0 0 ; 143,246 16 oj 109,400 0 0 627,107 3 ojl,O13,298 7 o' 808,443 14 0 : 2,655,250 1 ol 5,555,292 I 0 5,863,673 16 0 5,5901 10,842 34 354 53 36,596 89,902 562 3,057 26 15,402 31,529 39 2,686, 99 37,906 77,940 381 3,389 39 3,457,556 ! 5,584,660 116,559 +46,12.5 9,966 2,962,726 +.537,940 74,241 9,181 265 166 417,559 5,291 26,990 702 79,290 111,330 714 6,356. V2 71,844' 114,696 1,00!) 6,467 78 82,342 143,388; 523 2,911 236 7,426 21,366 18 7,212 160 S 3 12 16 1.173 1,196 62 2 26 12 23 52 MJ7 I II 2 2,099 5 194 :j 280 8 1 28 923 65 171 2,968 8 20 17 208 IS t37 3,881 14 140 2 62,613 HO 27 706 484,970 877 112.046 7,096 2,398,890 86,962 20,193 573,829 1,284 48,432 5,415 2,608,887 39,406 1,037 2S.7!M 96 2.528 96 15,07* 127 198 6,698 18 16 4 3,187, 136 12] .-,,001 16 62 n> 14,984 27 610 :!,76S 68 217 3 110,6471 75 216 1 7,601 i 132; .. 8,346 I * i i , ' 2,118 1,130 271 62,879 2,605,971 aa a ,, ,-„ n ,, 72 11 0 1,009 I!' i) 1,288 5 0 1,860 0 0 2,627 5 0 7,207 B 0 7,296 17 0 !2 I -,. 1,566 0 0 23643 19 0 2508 18 0 1178 0 0 105,848 16 0 137,907 13 0 137,994 13 0 £,2 d "'I 0 i) '37' 404 I 0 SI2 I 0 2,434 10 0| ■ '153 0 0 10,706 18 0 10,727 10 0 " 498 0 1902 4 0 1,296 0 0 2 996 U 0 2,150 I 0 2,053 17 0 11,960.14 0 7 10 0 25,420 3 0 inj3 0 74.920 0 :U32» 12 11 53424 0 0 215999 2 0 228 765 12 0 282414 16 0 604841 19 0 l>394496 I 0 1,531,821 1 0 2.603.423 18,824! 3,365 15,130 111,010 8,483' 118,988 '.1 11 76.6OS 11 0 110.66:, Lβ 0 25,786 74.207 18 0 769,672 15 0 407.771 2 0 659,446 8 i> 2,224,167 17 0 2,343,146 H 0 ,-.„.,.. n .,.,,., 7i, g ., 3,730 0 0 90,453 8 U 9,799 3 0 19,355 14 II 402,597 7 0 528,337 1s 0 529,877 11 0 '■■'r :; S o esoe o o Mβ) e o 2437 b 0 5193 u 0 781,705 e 0 799,159 is 0 799,304 - 0 ito U 2250 687 4 0 2 886 0 0 U'.'l 8 0 7.(07 2 0 .-..517 6 0 7,674 19 0 30,613 17 0 31,144 II 0 t " : s 19614 278 12 0 2880 0 0 1646 12 0 17,670 17 0 7.203 13 0 9,361 5 0 61,156 III 0 65,692 7 0 :iso 7 0 l!002 0 0 493 8 0 42 0 0 931 19 0 1,955 19 C 1,683 18 0 1,104 2 0; 7,213 6 0 7,593 13 0 Totals.. .. 2,709 431,004 1,333,9362,364,218 )24 ! 11,141,142 199,371 1.047,806; 20,571 2,532i 51,235' 1,122,144 2,490 163,731 12,681 5,126,762 126,930; 5,432,594 266,603 16 0 179,902 0 0 151,051 i 0 98,360 0 0 523,845 2 01,044,468 8 0 739,666 10 0 2,486,120 19 0 5,223,414 3 0 5.490,017 19 I

SectioHfc. 1910-11. Kawakawa Whangaroi Kaihu (Jisborne North Island Main Lone and Brandies South Island Main Line and Branches VVestland Westport Nelson Picton Lake Wakatiprj Steamers ( „ ,. Parcels, LuRgage, Ordinary Season Tickets. Mails, and Total Coaching. Passenger*. Miscellaneous. - f s. d< £ s. d. ! £ β-d. £ s. d. i 612 8 9" 38 19 10 125 9 7 774 18 2 4,487 19 7 344 7 11 552 0 5 5,384 7 11 1,225 13 11 j 41 1 9 344 8 3 1,611 3 11 5,066 7 6 165 19 (i 608 4 1 5,840 Id 7 832,738 6 II 72.718 16 9 102,448 17 8 807,906 0 2 410,854 10 11 41,521 13 11 80,859 2 7 533,235 7 5 25,879 7 3 2,023 2 9 5,004 4 4 32,906 14 4 6,122 9 1 585 6 1 834 10 1 7,542 5 3 6,566 6 10 790 9 9 1,191 6 10 «,548 3 5 8,058 19 9 526 18 2 965 16 6 !>,551 14 5 2,682 8 6 362 2 6 854 IS 4 3,899 9 4 Revenue. Goodb. Miscellaneous. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,392 0 I 614 0 3 21,968 9 2 1,774 9 0 2,359 3 10 (ill 6.926 10 10 988 I 3 886,858 !> 0 17.157 I 8 802,098 6 8 23,989 6 7 104,474 7 11 4,006 9 0 102,961 16 6 5,270 17 3 14,392 1 2 995 7 5 14,945 8 7 1,971 18 4 2,701 16 3 2 16 6 Rents and Commission. £ s. d. 53 9 3 265 11 11 140 16 11 136 16 3 :W,321 13 9 24,004 11 4 1,733 1 9 674 0 2 906 11 9 551 6 0 39 2 0 j I Mileage. 1 Shunting Total Good. Grand Total Train and Total. 1 Revenue. Ballasting. £ s d £ ». d. i Number. ' Number. ' Number. 2 059 9 7 2,834 7 9 7,268 15,226 22,494 24'008 10 1 29,392 18 0 66,691 40,022 106,713 2,506 1 10 4,117 5 9 12,755 4,566 17,321 8 350 11 4 14,191 1 U 32,116 28,298 60,414 934,337 7 6 1,742,243 7 7 4,380,576 1,297,526 .1,678,102 850,092 4 5 1,383,327 11 10 , 3,158,098 1,162,279 4,320,377 110,213 18 8 143,120 13 0 232,804 104,374 337,178 108,906 13 11 116,448 19 2 112,052 92,890 204,942 16 294 0 4 24,842 3 9 66,155 10,109 76,264 17,468 11 11 27,020 0 4 72,560 47,465 120,025 2,743 14 9 6,643 4 1 .. ■■ -j Totals 1909-10. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Gisbonie North Island Alain Line and Branches .South Island Main Line and Branches We stlaml Weatpori Xelson Pioton Lake Wakatijiu Steamers 1,104,294 19 0 i 119,116 17 5 I 193,788 18 6 1,417,200 14 11 ' 1,961,078 9 10 56,776 14 4 528 17 9 39 12 6 \ 117 5 5 685 15 8 1,654 6 3 545 10 8 3 846 12 6 355 4 1 i 456 9 1 4,658 5 8 21,855 12 11 1,613 3 3 1 474 12 8 61 0 3 ; 332 13 4 1,868 6 3 2,313 2 1 21 9 5 4*849 17 9 304 15 5 r>41 10 4 5,6'J6 3 6 5,821 13 10 1,054 18 4 808,681 12 •> 59,463 1 2 100,986 7 3 769,131 0 11 750,678 7 3 17,454 13 6 401,704 14 10 35,874 18 2 81,807 12 3 519,387 5 3 764,031 19 (i 24,096 19 0 25 899 11 B 1,945 15 7 4,002 15 10 32,308 2 10 91,916 0 7 3,895 3 10 5 939 9 10 539 0 1 796 1 0 7,275 0 11 103,102 17 B 6,086 I 0 6 638 19 9 815 16 4 1,183 16 3 8,638 12 4 12,897 1 5 935 15 4 8836 6 " 2 2 855 13 6 10,010 I 10 15,536 2 1 2,450 13 4 5 3 331 15 0 ; 844 13 1 3,965 13 4 2,739 10 2 27 4 2 59,126 0 1 2,076,981 4 3 3,494,181 19 2 _____ ■ I ! 46 16 0 2,246 12 11 2,932 8 7 258 19 0 23,727 15 2 28,386 0 10 145 19 8 2,480 11 2 4,348 17 5 383 1 7 7,259 13 !• 12,955 17 3 28,987 0 10 71)7,120 1 7 1,566,251 2 6 23,047 1 7 811,176 0 1 1,330,563 f> 4 1,529 4 :S 97,340 8 8 129,648 11 6 613 16 11 108,752 15 7 116,027 16 6 887 12 3 14,720 9 0 23,359 1 4 556 15 10 18,543 11 3 28,553 13 1 30 10 0 2,797 4 4 6,762 17 8 8,141,075 2,802,755 " "I" I 8,537 18,229 56,901 19,908 13,360 5,089 32,252 22,297 4,179,576 1,263,432 3,132,444 1,194,821 213,275 105.261 113,435 96,447 66,116 11,230 73,270 53,907 _ I 10,943,830 26,766 76,809 18,449 54,540 5,443,008 4,327,265 318,536 209,882 I 77,346 127,177 192,584 17 4 1,368,624 8 0 1,772,546 13 9 57,131 11 10 56,486 17 11 H88B,165 3 6 3,249,78!! 12 0 7,889,166 2,790,621 10,679,787 Totals .. .. 1,070,790 10 5 100,240 0 !)



RETURN No. 6. Estimated Amount of Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, &c., to 31st March, 1911; Not Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.

Note.—The amount stated in this return as the cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial anil General Government expenditure on railways. It also includes the Midland Railway and expenditure by the Greyuiqutb and Westport Harbour Boards on railways and wharves under the provisions of section 7 of the Railways Authorisation Act, 1885, the information regarding the last mentioned being furnished by the respective Boards. The rate of interest earned has been computed on cost proportionately to the time during which lines taken over by the Working Railways Department within the financial year were earning revenue, thus :— Whangarei Section— Hukerenui-Towai ... ... ... ... •■• ••• Opened for tratl'ic -2ikl May, I'JIU. North Island Main Line and Branches — Wellsford-Te Hana... ... ... ... ... ... . Kith „ Huiroa-Te Wera ... ... ... ... ... ... ■• 20th June, South Island Main Line and Branches— ' Domett-Mina ... ... ... . ... ... . Ist August, Lawrence-Big Hill ... ... ... ... ... ... •■ 4th October, Broken Kiver-Cass ... ... ... ... ... ... • 12th December, „ Wcstlaud Section— Ngahere-Blackball ... ... ... ... ... . Ist August, H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

4— J). 2.

Covr ot <<>\STUI < TION, ETC. Section. Opened Ll»«, U »£ ed t £ Kawakawa .. .. .. .. .. 93,290 . 105,3-21 Whangarei .. .. .. .. .. -228,998 141,432 Kaibu 67,918 ■2,327 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. l'J7,322 181,346 North Island Main Line and Branches .. .. 12,908,039 .... .. 31-2,458 South Island Main Line and Branohes .. .. 13,045,004 .... .. -270,835 Westland .. .. .. .. .. 1,094,783 440,024 Westport .. .. .. .. .. 518,014 76,758 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 404,030 87,923 Picton .. .. .. .. .. 390,032 149,819 Lake Wakatipu steamer service .. .. 16,436 In suspense— Surveys, North Island .. .. .. .. 32,424 Miscellaneous, North Island .. .. .. .. 5,169 Surveys, South Island .. .. ... .. 8,472 Miscellaneous, South Island .. .. .. .. 5,168 P.W.D. stock of permanent-way .. .. .. 77,938 W.R.D. stock of A.O.L. stores * .. .. 27,090 W.R.D. Deposit Account for permanent-way 25,000 material Nut Kate ot Hevenue. Interest earned. £ £ a. d. -2,643 15,308 0 18 9 "-573 .. 2,991 1 10 4 002,288 4 13 6 444,487 3 9 2 60,682 3 13 9 62,129 11 19 10 3,627 0 17 11 1,000 0 5 1 1,614 9 16 6 £29,606,546 £1,903,414 £1,190,910 £4 13 £4 1 3 i Total cost of opened and unopened lines at 31et £31,509,960 March, 1911 l_ L _. Bl, 190,910 Si, 190,910 £3 15 7 £3 15 7



RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Way and Works Branch: Particulars of Works, etc.

Amount, Total. Material on hand at 31st March, 1910 .. Sxpenditure charged to Vote 95 by Treasury e s. d. £ s. d. 29,066 6 2 360,026 8 9 Less material on hand at 31st March, 1911 389,992 14 11 27,090 0 4 ixpondituie on Works, &c.— Way and Works Branch Locomotive Branch .. 112,851 13 3 .. 250,051 1 4 862,902 14 7

Section. Work, &c. Amount. Total. North Island Main Line and Branches orth Island Main Line and Branches j Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, crossings, &c. ' Additions to station buildings and extension of station yards, and other facilities Reduction of grades and improvement of ourves.. Additions to dwellings Additional works, water services, &o., for Locomotive Branch Purchase of land Bridge-work Fencing Crane Gas lighting Reclamation, Wellington Culvert-extension Pneumatic riveting plant Weighbridge Additions to Workshops, Petone Signals and interlocking Tablet-installation Telegraphs and telephones Fixed signals £ s. d. S s. d. 8,954 0 3 14,105 6 1 5,679 15 6 962 15 8 3,051 10 3 5,717 19 10 ' 2,278 3 5 1,165 2 10 406 3 11 845 9 0 3,573 6 6 2,973 10 10 242 6 7 190 13 11 6,502 12 5 7,386 18 10 1,067 8 0 1,500 12 11 522 19 6 > Kawakawa Whangarei Additional works, water services, &c, for Locomotive Branch Tablet-installation Fixed signals 67,126 16 8 517 13 1 216 0 10 107 4 1 Gisborne Picton Additional works, water services, &c, for Locomotive Branch Sidings, &c. Additions to dwelling!; New wharf 323 4 11 382 5 8 99 14 9 740 19 0 9,797 13 1 Nelson Westland Wharf-extension Sidings, &o. Additional works for Locomotive Branch 10,638 6 10 6,766 4 7 261 12 2 272 15 7 South Island Main Line and Branches Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, crossings, &c. Additions to station buildings and extension of station yards, and other facilities .. • Additions to dwellings Additional works, water services, &c, for Locomotive Branch Purchase of land Fencing Deviation, Dunedin-Ravensbournc Turntable Weighbridges Water-softening plant Signals and interlocking Tablet-installation Telegraphs and telephones Fixed signals 3,779 16 10 3,152 10 11 535 3 1 2,582 18 11 1,299 0 0 758 7 2 2,579 0 4 152 10 0 434 10 8 242 18 11 2,500 0 0 7,436 1 i 642 5 8 467 10 4 26,562 14 2 £112,851 13 3



RETURN No. 7 -continued. Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock, etc.

Expenditure under the Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903 and 1905, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911. Railway Capital Account: — £ s. d. Straightening and doubling Wellington-Hutt Railway .. .. 19,511 3 7 For Recovery in terms of Act: — New Hutt Road (including land for same) .. .. .. .. 15,484 17 5 £34,996 1 0

Expenditure under the Railways Improvements Authorisation Act, 1904, charged to Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1911. £ s. d. Auokland-Penrose, duplication of line .. .. .. .. .. 75 4 8 Addington-Bolleston, „ .. .. .. .. .. 1,801 1 1 Dunedin-Mosgiel, duplication and deviation of line .. .. .. 58,469 9 9 Charges and expenses of raising loan, as per Treasury-books .. .. 512 4 £60,351 7 10 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

Description of Stock ordered. Order. HE e .asss Ma ™^ al '3l8tMarcl,,1911.;31stMarch,1911. 31st March, 1911. Vagons, four-wheel, 1907-1908 programme .. G—7 132 127 jocomotives, Class X .. .. .. .. K—7 2 2 Jarriages, Class A, 1908-1909 programme .. .. P—7 23 19 5rake vans, Class F, 1908-1909 programme .. Q—7* Vagons, bogie, 1908-1909 programme .. .. R—7 35 35 Vagons, four-wheel, 1908-1909 programme .. S-7 374 193 iarriages, Class A, 1909-1910 programme . . .. X—7 39 7 irake-vans, Class P, 1909-1910 programme .. Y 7 11 5 Vagons, bogie, 1909-1910 programme .. .. Z-7 12 Vagons, four-wheel, 1909-1910 programme .. A—8 739 ; 331 jocomotives, Class Wg .. .. .. .. D—8 10 8 jocomotives, Class Bα .. .. .. .. E—8 10 Tarpaulins, 1909-1910 programme .. .. F-8 325 325 jocomotives, 10 Clues Ad (contract) .. .. G—8 10 4 Sarriages, Class A, 1910-1911 programme .. .. J —8 17 irake-vans, Class P, 1910-1911 programme .. K—8 4 2 Vagons, bogie, 1910-1911 programme .. .. 1j—8 14 ' Vagons, four-wheel, 1910-1911 programme . . M—8 866 114 'neumatio coaling-cranes .. .. .. N —S 10 jocomotives, Class Wα .. .. .. .. O—8 10 'arpaulins, 1910-1911 programme .. .. P—8 820 10 Vorkshop machinery .. .. .. .... 132 2 23 35 374 39 11 12 739 10 10 325 10 17 4 14 866 10 10 820 127 2 19 35 193 7 5 331 8 325 4 2 114 io 5 4 181 32 6 12 408 2 10 6 17 2 14 752 10 10 810 5 4 181 32 6 12 408 2 10 *6 17 2 14 752 10 10 810 £ 8. d. 3,126 14 9 888 15 1 11,489 12 1 312 4 10 5,728 8 6 16,899 1 10 8,138 0 8 1,845 8 5 497 17 7 37,581 10 8 17,516 13 1 12,581 18 2 163 19 10 2'J,263 0 '.) ■2,794 4 10 1,320 18 2 533 15 8 53,844 4 4 1,413 18 2 6,934 17 8 2,446 4 11 34,729 16 4 8, Hi 5, 16, 8, 1, 37, 17, 12, 29, 2, 1, 53, 1, 6, 2 341 ,1 8 ,4 ■A .7 ,8 ,1 ,8 4 ,5 ,6 ,5 1 ,2 .7 ,3 5 ,8 .4 ,8 ,4 ,7 i IS 8Sa :>,1 7: 8S n I 1 .. 5E 51 56 l< 21 7< 8i 5i SJ 41 9£ a 75 £ 26 H8 89 12 28 99 38 45 97 SI hi 81 68 68 94 20 33 11 18 84 4li 29 8. i 14 1 IE ) 12 2 4 i 8 ) 1 i 0 ) 8 r 17 i io ; is 1 18 5 1!) i 0 1 4 ) ISi IS 1 4 ; 1:1 I 17 > 4 »ie . d 4 i 5 1 2 1 4 1C 8 £ 1 1C 0 fc 8 £ 7 7 o e 3 1 8 2 y ic 0 9 4 1C 8 i 5 t 4 4 8 S 7 E 4 11 6 4 , 1 Total .. .. .. .... £2 £250,051 250, 51 1 4 i Total locomotives .. .... 42 ; 14 carriages .. .. .... 79 20 „ brake-vans .. .... 15 7 wagons, bogie .. .... 61 35 wagons, four-wheel .. .. 2,111 765 , tarpaulins .. .. .. 1,145 335 * Order for 18 brake-vans finally reduced to 6. 28 53 8 26 1,346 810



RETURN No. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Departments of the Public Service for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

Department. Passengers. Mails. Goods. Total. Agriculture Vudit .. Customs defence Education government Printer hospital and Charitable Aid nternal Affairs I ustice .. jands, Survey, and Forests legislative ilarine, Machinery, and Fisheries .. tfental Hospitals Wines and State Coal-mines Native Police Post and Telegraph Prisons Public Health Public Trustee Public Works .. stamps and Deeds L'ourist and Health Kesorts £ s. d 2,237 5 10 291 17 9 124 9 8 5,914 2 9 15,697 18 0 9 19 9 140 11 6 1,447 9 6 1,351 13 8 2,039 16 11 1,561 12 3 15 13 0 587 12 7 156 16 6 257 10 7 182 14 7 2,605 5 0 1,751 6 11 633 16 4 310 16 1 27 15 0 1,263 9 7 30 6 5 1,150 5 B £ s. d. 2,237 5 10 291 17 9 124 9 8 5,914 2 9 15,697 18 0 9 19 9 140 11 6 1,447 9 6 1,351 13 8 2,039 16 11 1,561 12 3 15 13 0 587 12 7 156 16 6 257 10 7 182 14 7 2,605 5 0 1,751 6 11 633 16 4 310 16 1 27 15 0 1,263 9 7 30 6 5 1,150 5 5 i. 0 1) 8 1) :> !) 6 6 8 1 3 ) 7 (i 7 7 ) J 1 1 > 7 5 r> £ 8. 59,803 4 d. 0 £ s. d. £ s. d 1,118 13 7 3,355 19 5 291 17 9 3 19 3 128 8 11 1,481 2 7 7,395 5 4 466 17 1 16,164 15 1 209 6 3 219 6 0 7 4 4' 147 15 10 8 8 2 1,455 17 8 39 4 5 1,390 18 1 47 16 0 2,087 12 11 414 4 11 1,975 17 2 15 13 0 125 11 2 713 3 9 1,235 11 4 1,392 7 10 33,144 2 1 33,401 12 8 26 18 2 209 12 9 551 0 10 3,156 5 10 4,736 5 9 (i6,290 16 8 170 3 5 803 19 9 186 5 11 497 2 0 27 15 0 27,075 16 10 28,339 6 5 0 2 0 30 8 5 657 0 5 1,807 5 10 Totals 39,790 5 7 39,790 5 7 59,803 4 0 71,705 14 6 171,299 4 1

Description. Number. Amount. Travellers' tickets, all lines... Travellers' tickets, North Island Travellers' tickets, South Island Reporters' tickets Sectional tickets, North Island Sectional tickets, South Island Tourists' tickets, all lines ... Tourists' tickets, North Island Tourists' tickets, South Island Fifty-trip commutation tickets (ordinary) Fifty-trip commutation tickets (family) School tickets Twentv-trip commutation tickets Twelve-trip workmen's tickets Weekly workmen's tickets ... All other season tickets ... 9 19 40 96 291 298 719 3,853 628 3,401 1,954 23,585 985 46,378 121,724 18,124 £ s. d. 665 0 0 996 10 0 2,070 5 0 961 13 0 8,896 14 0 8,836 2 9 7,287 0 0 28,860 10 0 3,874 0 0 2,467 6 6 3,005 11 6 13,227 3 11 764 2 6 6,972 3 6 12,276 13 6 22,966 1 3 Totals ... 222,104 119,116 17 5



5—D. 2

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Sections. Classification of Work. Kanaka wa. Whangarei. Kaihu. Gisborne. North Island South Island Main Line and Main Line and Branches. Branches. WVstland. Westport. Nelson. Pioton. Total. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Track-surfacing .. .. .. 399 4 4 2,003 12 4 2,003 12 4 866 H 866 18 7 1,504 10 3 101,094 2 7 - 2,764 0 10 2,692 11 4 228,295 7 9 104,043 10 3 10,211 9 11 2,716 7 4 Track-renewals .. .. .. 110 4 4 209 II 9 209 II 9 70 15 70 13 7 Or. 47 19 6 104.117 1 11 66,640 li 0 4,586 2 o 3.292 :> 1 1.861 4 9 3,293 19 0 j 184,442 8 11 Ballasting .. .. .. .. 16 4 S 26 4 9 26 4 9 66 i 66 8 10 384 7 5 13,886 8 1 ! 10,377 17 8 1.008 4 8 253 13 i> 45 2 8 426 13 8 26,491 6 2 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels .. 7 19 10 139 1 7 139 1 7 141 U 141 13 9 1.117 16 9 9,698 1 3 6,087 IS in 870 9 7 27 12 10 167 10 3 196 12 6 18,454 17 2 Bridges, culverts, drains .. .. 1,664 l<> 7 553 7 6 553 7 6 .197 I" .197 17 9 1,182 14 .-) 42,380 7 3 28,207 S 6 1,970 9 6 1,006 14 2 1,958 19 7 2,435 17 0 82,048 7 :i Fences. gates, cattle-stops, hedges .. 3 6 1 142 13 6 142 13 6 li ; 11 5 10 86 2 r> 7,517 2 7 9,676 5 7 915 18 1 65 li 1 319 7 11 118 5 11 18,754 8 0 Roads, approaches, &c. .. .. ,,. 68 16 4 68 16 4 2 h 2 14 2 lfi Hi fi 3,600 10 5 4,548 7 2 90 19 li 87 8 2 43 3 5 18 0 0 8,476 15 8 Water-servicee, signals, cranes, appliance- 32 8 11 65 10 0 65 10 0 31 l< 31 10 0 107 2 4 13,484 13 11 12,640 10 2 856 5 I 1,074 16 3 3,340 10 3 32,528 0 8 2,556 11 2 915 14 11 1,774 11 5 1,363 5 0 124 18 7 115 10 8 28,374 4 7 ■Vharves .. .. .. .. 19 19 10 21 1 6 21 1 6 157 - 157 4 5 839 5 2 539 7 11 1,677 13 7 9,444 10 4 Buildings .. .. .. . . 155 19 7 229 7 2 229 7 2 39 ( 39 0 9 347 5 8 32,190 16 8 386 1 2 222 7 8 70,017 15 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 596 4 11 General charges .. .. .. 0 13 5 158 1 5 16 16 9 158 1 5 1 234 5 3 7,772 3 5 5,049 (I 6 716 8 5 I.:i4ti HI 4 50 4 9 190 5 11 139 1 9 256 3 10 207 19 11 15,180 13 7 16 16 9 1 1 6 11 1 3 ! 1,806 (, 9 38 3 2 54 7 2 3,464 0 111 Totals .. .. . . 3,307 2 6 3,634 4 7 1,986 i 1,986 9 2 — — — 4,944 2 9 33K,38<> 14 (I 282.218 (i 11 27,173 12 11 11,831 li .") 8,503 4 1 11,459 18 .-> 693,444 15 9 Rate per niilr opened .. .. 41H 7 10 136 3 0 116 1' 116 17 0 214 19 3 313 13 10 211 II It 194 1 5 381 12 II 177 3 0 :«7 ' ] 1 I 253 11 8


RETURN No. 11. STATEMENT showing Number of Passenger Tickets issued at Cheap Excursion Rates for Year ending 31st March, 1911.


Schools, Factories, and Friendly Societies. Holiday Excursions. Gross Total —School and Holiday Excursions. Sections. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Soc's. Children not exceeding 15 Years of Age. Schools only. Schools, Factories, and Senior Scholars over Friendly 15 but not exceed- Societies. ing 23 Years of Age, and Teachers. Adults. Total. Revenue. 1st Class. 2nd Class. Total. Revenue. Number of Tickets. Revenue. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Gisborne Wanganui Wellington-Nii pier Picton Nelson Westport Westland Christchurcli ... Dunedin Invercargill No. 93 108 396 4,168 275 6,070 11,308 885 1,491 112 4,631 16,168 11,908 8,768 No. 7 9 4 473 13 1,213 2,378 163 364 16 380 2,630 1,814 1,335 No. 7 9 4 473 13 1,213 2,378 163 364 16 380 2,630 1,814 1,335 No. 222 25 243 3,822 207 5,126 8,018 1,069 357 38 5,830 18,379 15,790 7,569 No. 222 25 243 3,822 207 5,126 8,018 1,069 357 38 5,830 18,379 15,790 7,569 No. 322 142 643 8,463 495 12,409 21,704 2,117 2,212 166 10,841 37,177 29,512 17,672 £ a. d. 10 1 7 4 15 31 11 3 503 6 4 21 15 9 852 18 4 1,364 1 3 121 5 8 89 1 7 3 19 8 773 7 8 2,662 1 10 1,602 19 8 1,448 2 7 No. No. 58 1,284 74 1,456 5 909 6,724 115,652 90 6,947 7,182 61,760 34,616 117,663 1,530 7,691 1,452 5,915 47 I 3,449 2,230 23,280 19,158 100,927 28,368 71,561 5,674 J 57,757 No. 1,342 1,530 914 122,376 7,037 68,942 152,279 9,221 7,367 3,496 25,510 120,085 99,929 63,431 & s. a. 86 15 2 163 7 11 91 10 6 28,732 17 5 530 15 1 16,266 1 8 37,724 16 5 1,024 14 9 719 3 2 335 15 9 ' 3,245 8 5 28,046 3 10 24,520 8 11 13,956 11 11 1,664 ],672 1,557 130,839 7,532 81,351 173,983 11,338 9,579 3,662 36,351 157,262 129,441 81,103 £ s. d. 96 16 9 167 9 4 123 1 9 29,236 3 9 552 10 10 17,119 0 0 39,088 17 8 1,146 0 5 808 4 9 339 15 5 4,018 16 1 30,708 5 8 26,123 8 7 15,404 14 6 Tota MmS ::: 66,381 53,917 ]0,799 7,811 ]0,799 7,811 66,695 53,677 66,695 53,677 143,875 115,405 9,488 14 7-, 964 15 7 7 107,208 ' 576,251 128,277 j 735,561 683,459 863,838 155.444 10 11 211,133 6 10 827,334 979,243 164,933 5 6 219,098 2 5 Increase Decrease 12,464 2,988 2,988 13,018 13,018 28,470 1,523 19 o 21,069 159,310 180,379 55,688 15 11 151,909 54,164 16 11 _ — Total, ycai ending — 31st March, 1896 ... 31st March, 1897 ... 31st March, 1898 ... 31st March, 1899 ... 31st March, 1900 ... 31st March, 1901 ... 31st March, 1902 ... 31st March, 1903 ... 31st March, 1904 ... 31st March, 1905 ... 31st March, 1906 ... 31st March, 1907 ... 31st March, 1908 ... I 31st March, 1909 ... 31st March, 1910 ... 31st March, 1911 ... 63,598 44,610 39,963 45,748 37,839 38,864 42,506 41,540 50,364 52,742 55,478 48,044 51,031 55,199 53,917 66,381 5,949 5,993 5,398 6,192 5,616 5,602 5,736 6,048 6,975 7,359 7,715 7,837 8,163 9,266 7,811 10,790 38,467 33,925 35,064 39,955 31,164 34,550 37,708 41,555 54,344 53,558 57,027 39,783 53,886 52,579 53,677 66,695 108,014 84,528 80,425 91,895 74,619 79,016 85,950 89,143 111,683 113,659 120,220 95,664 113,080 117,044 115,405 143,875 7,246 5 9 50,511 239,164 289,675 5,616 2 8 58,464 313,724 372,188 5,569 18 1 66,012 383,569 449,581 6,215 11 8 70,531 411,747 482,278 4,752 3 10 81,528 I 501,176 582,704 5,234 16 8 87,544 541,624 629,168 5,466 16 9 95,628 j 588,813 684,441 6,050 11 3 84,448 517,566 602,014 7,424 19 7 100,417 594,967 695,384 7,490 16 0 100,968 592,485 693,453 7,882 16 1 110,823 626,852 737,675 6,514 18 4 125,280 731,132 856,412 7,604 10 4 113,617 618,518 732,135 7,641 5 10 122,312 667,867 790,179 7,964 15 7 128,277 735,561 863,838 9,488 14 7 107,208 578,251 683,459 50,232 12 11 63,439 0 0 80,822 8 1 84,794 15 6 96,154 7 5 102,932 10 9 136,813 0 1 103,279 8 6 125,624 4 0 130,068 16 9 140,939 16 3 194,185 2 9 141,519 16 11 166,471 6 3 211,133 6 10 155,444 10 11 397,689 456,716 530,006 574,173 657,323 708,184 770,391 691,157 807,067 807,112 857,895 952,076 845,215 907,223 979,243 827,334 57,478 18 8 69,055 2 8 86,392 6 2 91,010 7 2 100,906 11 3 1108,167 7 5 142,279 16 10 109,329 19 9 133,049 3 7 137,559 12 9 148,822 12 4 200,700 1 1 149,124 7 3 174,112 12 1 219,098 2 5 164,933 5 6

D.—2. -

RETURN No. 12. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.


Stations. No. of Hours Hands Traffic open, em- Expenditure, (ployed. Number of Tickets. First- i First- Second- Second- j class I class class class j Total. Single, i Return, j Single. Return. [ Number of Season I Tickets. Parcels. Trucks Trunks of Bales Tr ? f ck8 Timber, Lime, Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. of F ?* e . Superficial Chaff, Wool. JJJJJ Feet. &c. OUTWAKD. ! Luggage, Mails, and Miscellaneous. I j i rise's. D "ST I ! I Trucks of Lime, : Cattle. I Calves. Chaff, Sheep. Pigs. *"&?' INWARD. Trucks of Tirewood. Timber, Superficial Feet. Me d7ee an " MineraU. Stations. iHorses. Car- D Drays, riages. uogB - &c. Grain. M er- Min«™l» Ordinary chandiee. ; MlDera ' s - Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels. &c. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and I Total Value Commission. forwarded. Parcels. Horses. Grain. " it awakawa Section— Kawakawa .. 9 j 2 Opua .. .. 9 ! 3 Head Office General . , .. .... f s. d. 404 6 10 133 5 1 4 18 8 178 13 0 312 322 63 19 3,093 2.650 1.818 1 813 60 5,286 3,804 i 253 157 28 27 3 9 36 1 4l| .. 14 6 26 7 4 2 1.782 86 25 1 2 115,200 158,100 Tβ. c. Ts. e. 154 4 493 9 1,301 15 1,838 6 Ts. c. ! 45 0 192 11 £ 8. d.l 330 15 5 1 275 0 41 6 13 0 £ a. d. 4 14 0i 14 10 61 17 15 4 £ s. d. 22 7 2 21 14 8 £ s. d. 1 11 3 £ 8. d. 302 6 8 1,089 13 5 £ , dJ 3 1 3! 49 4 0 ! 561 15 0; £ s. d. 1 0 0 8 7 6 44 1 9 £ s. d. 665 15 9 1,458 10 5 710 1 7 157 253 27 28 9 3 £ 1 6 14 7 26 2 4 86 1,782 "25 2 1 158,11 115,21 . Ts. c. 1,301 15 154 4 Ts. c. 1,838 6 493 9 Ts. c. Kawakawa Section. 192 11 Kawakawa. 45 0 Opua. Head Office. General. 79 16 f> 60 '■viiti.ii 12 7i7 20 273,300 1,455 19. 2,331 15 237 11 612 8 9 36 19 10 44 1 10 81 7 9, f 1,392 0 1 614 0 3; 53 9 3 2,834 7 9 4111 12 76 20 33 1,861 25 273,300 1,465 19 2,331 15 237 li; 634 2,691 9,150 3!) HO 31, 1.8118 26 Totals 721 2 7 S2 5,743 i faANGAREi Section— Whangarpi .. I 13 10 Hikurangi .. 9 3 Head Office .. .. Genera] . , .. .. : , Totals .. J .. ' 13 12,729 589 3,208i 372 ; 16,047 4,224 120 63,798 10,195 120 479 163 3 I 2,184 1,068 6l! 28 8 4 212 4 33 3 14 ; 675 79 104 3 4 ! 2,003 1,240; 2 151 18 242 981 161,100 7,540,300 2,038 16 496 19 3,340 1' 1,816 16 1,270 7j 115,870 7 3,767 5 2 701 12 6 19 2 0 209 4 6 76 16 6, 58 6 ll! 145 13 0 60 10 1 62 11 8 1 19 1 281 6 7! 2,655 0 9 19,313 8 5 1,035 11 10 2 15 4 736 1 io: 1 44 18 3 13 10 0: 207 3 8i 7,920 5 2 20,170 11 10 1,302 1 0 1,068 2,184 28 61 4 8 33 212 67j! 14 '104 79 4! 8 1,241 2,00: 151 2 18 98J 242 7,540,300 151,100; 496 19 2,038 16j 1,270 7 3,340 1 Whangaeei Section. 115,870 i Whangarei. • 1,816 16 Hikurangi. Head Office. I General. 3,073 4 6 503 0 11 60 9 4 104 0 1 32,814! ,1.01(1 .. ! •• ■ ■ 3,740 14 10 13,318 37,824 19,391 74,113 li4.-> 3,252 Hi) 12 245 81! I S3 7' 3,243' 153 340f 7,691,400 2,535 15 4,610 81117,687 3 4,487 19 7i 344 7 11 206 3 1 345 17 4 21,968 9 2 1,774 9 0 265 11 11 29,392 18 0 3,252 8!) 12 24.1 811 3,241 1.13 18 340f 7,691,400 2,535 15; 4,610 8 117,687 3] Totals. 3.580! Laihu Section— Dargaville .. 10 ! 4 Kaihu .. .. 8 2 Head Office General .. . . . . 16; 1,988 42 2,023! 22 4 3 75 8 65 1 5 67 23 28 S-IO 18 136 13 51 728,300 2,541,900 737 4 184 17 1,047 4| 940 14 I 118 1 76 0 872 15 5 338 16 6 14 2 0: 8 0 0 88 9 11 68 19 2 16 6 4 1 14 4 168 19 6 937 14 9 1,421 9 1 5 5 11 0 15 2] 1 0 0 78 7 4 61 9 7 1,929 11 4 1,910 1 7 277 12 10 2,023 1,988 22 42 3 4 65 76 1 8 67 5 21 2: 18 846 135 51 13 2,541,900 728,300, 184 17! 737 4j 940 14 1,047 4 i Kaihit Sectiok. 76 0! Dargaville. 118 1 Kaihu. Head Office. General. 668 10 2 327 4 2; 7 11 9 57 4 10 214, 85 293 34: 9,472 2,279 4,853 1,543 132: 14,832 3,941 132 33 1 9 72 .11 864 135 3,270,200 922 1 1,987 18 194 I 1,225 13 11 41 1 9 157 9 l! 186 19 2 2,359 3 10 6 1 1 140 16 11 4,117 5 9 4,011 HO 72 51 Slit LSI 3,270,200 922 l! 1,987 18 194 1 194 1 Totals. Totals .. 6 1,060 10 111 211! 327 11,751 6,521 18,905 4.011 140 Gisborni; Section— i Gisborae Te Karaka Head Office General 12 II 8 2 1,068 12 11: 627 0 9 28 19 10! 107 8 71 4,136 482 1,833' 591 27,501 3,711 14,632 3,458 84 48,109 S.241 84 52 -14 5 2,083 31 2,103 25' 7 H 334 27 202 19 20 87 1621 67 •LL 4,202 48.981 7 1 153 9.064, 12 27 564,400 904,600 3,432 4 312 3 2.630 9: 1,158 13 295 18 15,135 6 4.212 5 4 835 0 2 19 2 0 65 16 II 23 0 I 77 2 : 119 19 10 93 4 9 70 6 11 5 8 : 319 4 3,627 2 1 3,299 8 9 437 19 5; 1 4 7 549 0 3, 161 15 0J 23 14 8; 250 6 7) 8,695 5 4 4,281 1 1 1,214 15 6 2,103 2,083 25 31 8 7 202 334| 19| 27 87 20 67 162 48,981 4,202 153 7 9,064 1 27 42 904,600 564,400 312 3 3,432 4 295 18 2,630 9 15,135 6 1,158 13 Gisborne Suction — ,135 6 Gisbomo. ,158 13 Tβ Karaka. Head Office. General. Totals 111! 4,186; 536 107 160: 9,065: 1,469,000 3,744 7! 2,926 7 16,293 19 5,066 7 6; Kir, mi 11 213 4 7: 394 1!) 6,926 10 10 988 4 3 435 16 3 14,191 1 11 4,186 .10 15 531 46 107 2211 53,183 ion 9,065 (i!) 1,469,1 3,744 7 2,926 7 16,293 1! ,293 19 Totals. 111 1,832 2 1 4,618 2,424| 31,218 18,174; 56,434 15 tli 22!l .-,3.1«:! li'.i Xokth Island Main j Line & Branches — Auckland(Pas'ng'rrf)) (Parcels) ! - (Goods) ) Head Office Newmarket Mount Eden Avondale Henderson Helonftvilli- .. j UVllsford Remuera .. I Ellerelie Penrose Junction .. Onehunga Town ! Wharf , Otahuhu Papakuia Drary Puko'kohe Tuakau Pokeno Mercer Huntly Taupiri .. Xgaruawahia Frankton Junction Hamilton Cambridge Morrinsvillr Putaruru.. Rotorua Te Arohn Paeroa .. Karaugahake Waikino Waihi Shortland Thames Ohaupo Te Awarautu Te Kuiti Taringamutu Taumarunui Waimarino Ohakune Rangataua Waiouru .. 21 211 16,634 9 9 116,346 13 1 1,244 12 1C 24 IS i 2,514 13 4 21 I 615 I I lilj 3 515 19 9: IS| 5 883 10 8: 13} HI 2.282 17 9 Id" I 759 2 6 24 li 1.155 3 6 24 li 1,055 8 6 24 s 1.406 4 HI 171 II 3.107 19 7 24 4 S27 16 2 12 i 567 8 4 24 ! 4 637 1 1 23 (i 916 8 8i! 13S 3 496 8 21] 18" 3 486 12 8 24 II 2,104 6 1 24 !> 1,361 0 9 I1 1 2 298 7 4 22 5 851 5 II 24 D! ii.!J48 19 1 III <l 1,511 5 8 11 7 1,031 15 8 10*1 5 1.015 15 4 13" 7 1,165 18 9 17 11 1,867 13 0 12 li 932 17 2 141 12 [ 1,874 10 2 12 ! 2 j 334 6 2 12 2 • 311 9 1 12J 8 ! 1,182 6 0 10 1 I 200 16 11 10J 5 688 7 10| 19 4 569 8 0 ZOJ li 781 0 2! 24 9 : 1,394 16 7 12 1 239 13 1 24 i 17 3,073 5 4 20 ' 2 404 10 10 24 I 14 2,182 1 1 19 4 705 10 9 18 2 386 13 11 ■ 25,196 2,808 1,097 810 132 2.088 333 1,950 1,679 511 ! ( 956 !| 1,530 731 275 316 587 259 95 394 650 170 1,093 2,723 3,201 1,757 805 222 : 5,058; 1,998 2.098J i 646 315 : 1,995 853 I 1.061 i 205 791 I 1,579! 5! 3,331: 3 MM 265i 610| 4,073 1,280 1.226 458 1,335 261 4,107 3,850 1.185 061 28 1,383 .-.4,-> 41)5 5241 141 971 287' 465 1 145 402 ! 1,423 1,784 839 414! 144! 689| 561 1,374: 588! 140 1,264: 455 452 107 399 985 3 1,220 2l 7071 171 108) 22,033 131,058 18,580 15,963 20.8(12 12,852 ! 16,232! 5,971| 11,401 14,621 6,050 10,882 3,263 10,893 5,182' 5,0811 8.346 1 4.838 1 2.1175 5,876 7,885 3,263 111.577 25,430 19,885 51,501 7.297 2,598 15,766, 15,363 17,698, 7,502! 5,283 13,904; 12,260 13,391 : 2,297 5,561i 13,136; 1,478 ; 36,638 3281 11,786! 3,277 644 171,178! ■• .71,178! .. 37,2(15 32,940 53,669 28,368 13,544 5,-155 26,271 29,442 9.518 11,561 127 39,152 20,847 7,340 10,868 6,702 2,651 4,798 7,121 3,:j:i4 4.633 12,083 10,399 7,677 5,989 2,563 «,858 9,562 16,077 11,243 6,497, 17,957 4,702 8,090 1,882 4,639 10,584 292 22,149 187 9,325 2,152: 456! [ 349,465 62,666 51,286 76.597 H.SId 33,199 12,220 43,729 19.592 17,204 24,361 4,948 52.1.-!'. 26,849 13,232 20,325 11,940 4,918 11,055 10,121 6.962 16,705 41,669 36,269 19,864 14,505 5,.-,27 28,371 27,484 37.247 19,978 12,235 35.120 1 18,270 23,894 4,491 11,390 26,284 1,778: 63,358 520 22,989 5,865! 1,718! 12,112 .. ..' 63,4381 224| 4,057 2,327 22 2,887 1,052' 6 11,514 858 26 6,059 1,981, ll! 247 1,417 84 48 3.468 13 1,372 184; 37 5,359 354 ; 303 983 227' 13: (.577 942 2: 158 14 1,607 11,487 56 221 2,517, 77 135 1,803 12 142 2,401 96 74 3,519 23 28 9241 Hi 20 2.2KJ 33 76 2,453 311 15 1,478 19 52 1,030 69 116 1,808 185, 150 7,980 151: 3 3,949 62 57 11,003 150 56 2,679 2 135 3,675 30 233 2,831 79 790 3,470, 59 120 515 4 372 468 2 356 1,478 34 507 2,612 43, 47 2,400! 14: 9 3,302 ! 69 : 110 11,860 49 137 3,740 103 372 29 33 2,299, 36 14 687! 15 4 33 2 949! 8 35 9181 7 2 1,742 '.'. .. .. 214 24! 693 8 109 1 2 106 .. 2 64 12! 12 191 2! 3 66 3 7 38 6 3 88 .. 3 82 .. 7 172 4 5 72 13 ! 2 309 8: 3 103 8 4, 171 1 10 202 14 10 92 11 39 5 5 133 4 1 6 162 2 1 60 1 2 219 2 16 300 9 19- 405 116: :i 123 15 12 177 20 1 81 2 ! Ifi 172 3 8 178 9 14 160 28 50 .. 1 49 1 1 129! 3 4 104 .. 3 65 2 2 114 1 10 183 12 20 331 26 6 38; 4 9 497 6 3 57 6 5 221 28 3 90 1 1 82 S 652J '256J 7 .. J 147 123! 1 150! 26 362 565 "■ 42f) 1 4,928| 896 11 215 483 3 586 12 150J 2,263 21 1.389 236 205 501 3,783 157 ! 204 71 347J 192 1.123 6 216 52 1,087 38 2,251 39 2.lili2 195 1,436 120 3,292 462 4,633 80 3,179 2 150 65 876 54 !)04 36 16 140 53 347 143 202 mtoI 6 94 180 55 1,277 12 103' 11 129 37 116 2271 142 203! 697 91 i59 59 2 2,054 437 260 52 83| 30 4 I! •• i ■ I 323! 2.225 45 '.12 8 14 li,398 122 229 16,318 600 2,973 5,677 83 181 1.790 11 13,962 828 982 66 mil 22 15,709 154 170 :..',lii| 205 98 5,662 241 306 14,028 247 47 3,659 1.714 536 3,834 951 64! 6,429 373 1,262! 3,184 235 34 7,059 452: 196 24,293 947 488 22,022 1.545 308 18,901 5,073 807 5,111 2,934 215 70,216 3,457 1.845 8,068 150 74 2,492 l!l!l 594 0,661 375 18 2,994 26(1 8 "35 '.'. \ '■'. 42 30 .. i 31 57,829 1,667 167 12,939 2,847 735 30,467 249 2,218^ 1,160 62 70! 2,770 .. 37 4,285 .. 454 1,295 .. 1,058 1,312! .. 104 10,213 1 1,616 — , 21| 1,736,000! 1 115,500! 6 163,000' 17,300; 112 2,005,8001 94! 3.909,600 5 2,800: 1 18,600; 18,100; 5,400' 2 140,000 13 95,800 2 113,800 2 7 103,700 1 1,300 11,800 1 1,600 188,100 19 543,400 4 22,200 2 2.291,500 57 14,100 32 41,100' 6 127,900 3 33,100 10 383,400 937 18,747,300! 16 j 17,600 2 9,100 146 059,100 9 2,779,300; 3,000 1 163,600 8,000 12 128,500 9,100 8 1,327,800 293 4,012,200 363| 6,622,800 559 7,646,600 532 4,405,000 116 12,086,000 2078 9,279,400 45 1,229,500 - 64,990 15 126 11 67 15 758 19 659 15 1,997 5 398 0; 0 2, 25 21 8,774 8 163 131 1,753 4| 10,787 15, 22(i 13 501 3j 5,814 12 435 15! 347 2 1,243 10 190 13 175 16 2,107 7 860 1| 3,561 6 430 2; 1,437 8! 201 19 109 13 338 14 3.311 13 22 Iβ: 18 17 32 9 117 11 142 19 317 6 771 5 254 18 72 11 125 2 18 5 168 12 110 16 78 5! 53,657 14J 34,652 19' 1,549 7 576 6 295 11 ! 8,038 12 650 I 70,755 9 644 14 1,037 7 3,157 7 1.192 11 323 18 51 7 23 1 48 10: 55 19 11 Iβ! 16,094 4 2,611 10 343 9 408 6 2,789 1 11,166 1 339 3 90 lit 453 (5 :« 5 685 17 999 3 810 14 26 8 394 1 90 5 344 7 590 1. 3,917 11 323 8 224,058 0 153 17 1,457 11 453 7 1.263 Hi 63B 12 8 1 2.958 10 621 14 577 2 43 19 686 3 44 (I 438 7 22 8 663 17 1.026 19 1,376 14; 93 6 4,116 9j 3,420 13 237 2! 182 6 65 19! 11 -O! 907 4; 135 9 1,286 14: 12 0 719 7j 1,114 14 138 15 1 34 17 974 8! 10,511 17 750 1 1,699 2 96 19 113 6 868 7: 56 0 251 10 1 10 287 13 47 19 134 7 ! 634 8 112 2 32 0 89,372 6 4 i 4,827 17 4 2,117 11 3 2,154 10 11 1,725 19 0 4,042 7 5 2,427 17 5 1,173 8 6 1,698 2 I 837 11 8, 1,474 12 3 339 14 s 3,281 3 5 L'.5:il I 9 1,366 3 2, 3,166 15 7 1,739 0 0 656 16 2 1,900 0 7 2,672 6 1 S!I4 I 5 2,676 7 3 2.737 11 2 6,750 11 10 t.:illi 18 11 2,523 0 2 1,444 3 3 14,827 9 5 4,450 19 1 1,291 15 4 2,042 11 6 1,055 18 9: 6,709 4 11 2,319 4 11 2,773 18 7 721 3 8 2,608 4 11 7,393 6 9 162 8 61 13,230 12 9l 99 18 6 6,331 8 3 1,178 12 6 732 5 1 12,010 5 3 769 4 11 619 6 8 1,770 18 8 770 7 0 125 19 4 23 19 6 547 10 1 1,182 16 0 318 9 7 ■189 12 7 754 13 5 129 15 6 103 8 5 64 7 4 42 5 8 18 6 9| 20 19 6 51 15 3 34 Hi li 22 r, 0 568 0 4 525 18 6 38 10 0 123 11 n 54 10 0 556 4 (i 112 1 6 249 0 6 60 9 9 96 17 9 87 10 6 259 0 2 240 4 6 6 0 0 84 18 0 120 4 0 51 13 6 7 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0, 17 10 0| 6,76*'15 3 201 13 2 64 17 5i 64 12 7 145 12 0 416 is e: 148 7 1 50 14 8 476 8 0 35 19 11 66 2 II 48 8 2 848 7 7 385 17 3: 167 17 2 212 7 7 303 6 2 99 4 2 258 7 5 206 4 0 \1» 15 11 191 11 5 482 5 III 838 19 2 487 1 3 1.288 2 7 199 5 3 529 I 1 517 8 10 409 11 5 36 16 3 28 17 7 196 0 10 235 9 2 236 19 31 491 13 111 970 7 1 363 12 2 45 4 7l 275 9 10 50 11 5 178 0 4 74 9 1 80 10 5 2,914 16 11 41 15 4 12 15 6 3 15 10 3 l'.i I 13 7 10 4 5 8 0 16 2 5 11 1 2 11 11 7 9 10 4 9 9 15 14 0 8 16 5 6 16 4 17 4 7 4 5 8 3 17 10 8 10 0 19 1 6 4 5 11 20 16 6 101 8 4 188 4 I 29 13 9 13 9 2 15 13 7 39 11 8 40 5 1 26 5 8 8 9 1 6 6 9 35 12 4 16 12 9 36 1 8 1 12 3 13 1 5 42 1 9 0 1 6 58 12 2 0 4 9 52 10 2 13 10 0 2 15 1 296 3 5! 48 0 0l 101,726 15 0 Cr. 68 8 2) 3 15 6 .. 9,614 19 6 110,078 13 4 537 18 7 1,332 8 2 111,949 0 1 2,271 12 Ji 30 5 9 484 fi 6 8,626 15 2 1,338 8 2 25 15 11 254 14 7 4,433 9 6 9,395 SO 27 7 4 41 7 11 13,457 16 3 2,309 1!) 2 1 9 Id 18 2 6 4,975 8 7 9,839 4 0 100 13 f> 113 11 6 14,652 2 1 1,785 11 5 207 8 3 3 15 0 4,601 4 4 349 2 4 12 o II 8 0 0 2,141 16 9 174 3 10, 2 19 "6 39 0 2 3,579 0 8 6,333 12 I Or. .1 8 3 ! 51 0 0 7,573 17 2 799 3 3 4 9 .") HI 111 (I 3,403 0 3 r.,23fi 7 10 293 IBS . . 5,922 17 1 5,854 3 1 18 16 5 8 15 0 10,781 11 11 1,051 94 500 4 00 4,116 0 3 1,494 4 5 14 14 3 6 2 0 3,159 5 9 4,809 13 6 9 3 9 36 10 0: 8,316 2 4 1,258 10 6 5 15 0 6 0 0 3,359 3 5 706 6 4 4 19 5 5 5 0 1,494 15 8 3,335 17 U ' 4 12 5i 403 10 0 5,931 17 10 76,048 13 8 04 14 11 99 10 0 79,192 5 5 2,792 4 8 13 17 5 .. 3,859 1 4 3,490 8 3 42 13 6 44 7 6 6,494 9 5 2,950 15 7i 72 S 3 526 0 I! 17,438 15 0|l 7,395 3 4 62 3 2 727 19 0 16,488 19 7 ! : 2.1)211 10 10 46 18 2 144 10 1 7,687 3 0! 6,861 4 4 12 li 3 67 8 4 10,888 19 10 29,619 is 7 71 6 3 32 0 0 31,436 15 11 1,969 2 5 14 7 6 199 17 li 18,135 14 1 1,746 116 49 12 2 75 3 0 6,992 1 2 4,110 6 1 8 4 6. 71 2 0 9,166 5 6 1,143 8 11 1 16 3 .. 3,293 11 9 52 14 7 0 13 3: 0 10 0 1,241 18 8 924 6 8: 9 16 0 7 10 0; 7,970 1 3 1,988 5 6 1 13 4: 0 10 0 4,820 15 10 955 6 0 4 13 8 13 12 0 4,260 15 8 4,161 9 10 6 19 9 11 10 0 5,400 9 6 6,167 12 3 35 16 0. 38 19 9 9,918 19 5 9,130 13 0 49 13 I 132 2 3 17,231 13 0 13,816 12 6 274 17 4! .. 14,299 4 3 14,131 7 5 26 6 7! 234 7 4 28,008 9 7 11,467 8 4 5 1 i; 87 5 0 11,717 9 1 23,671 14 10 21 19 9 459 13 7: 30,717 6 11 17,086 12 6 177 1 7 51 18 0; 18,583 3 8 3,661 13 10 9 16 8 13 18 ol 4,518 9 1 26,529 3,808 836 653 2,109 10,314 3,513 383 609 206 787 1,927 729, 2,689' 1,225 7,603 2,225 1,148 2,470 4,839 1,279 11,023 4,818 19,255 5,566 2,924 6,637 7,880 4,832 3,862 1,703 1,068 4,292 i 1,697! 1,61*1 1,196 3,654 8,437 3,743 4,531 2,804 3,049 2,195 2,090 197 28 15 36 4 77 49 63 226 20 6 1 44 80 8 76 22 15 17 70 27 53 87 116 172 80 71 92 98 72 SO 10 2 3 2 13 4 2 5 2 10 4 3 3 7 8 4 16 22 16 7 20 11 15 3 U20 ' 2 )l 86 122: 314! 1641 40 111 75 122 67 248 833 171! 409 116 82 180j 158: 81 217 332 235 175 218 249! 200 238: 154| 521 57' IO2! 40 133 ioei 247 578 126 484 131 202 142 171, 21 3 ! 34: 1 1 2^ 8 24 9 12 12 28 13 28 19 29 52 16 51 30 2 l l',414fj is6 275} ; 198 79 104 V 14 1 109 27 76|l 16 I 4 13 8 182 11 j 94} 3 22 10 149 36 140 38 I 230 104 88 69 142 255 27 119 3 35 160} 29 52 67 112 70 28 ! 343 19 3,620 274 80 1,179 420 2,215 19 16.386 5 1 3,436 237 149 2,156 207 169 181 764 572 1,012 1,681 007 1,283 1,393 1,648 1,920 979 834 "16 1,105 61 320 554 22 582 2 202 3 3 48 29 160 183 87 605i t:iii 24 90 59 304 190 78 97 1,206 309 5,731 1,038 7,467 11,884 5,365 172,267 231 67 33,341 1,044 2,650 7,807 4,081 1,361 7,304 1,580 970 14,746 12,756 3,189 7,388 8,733 8,500 10,851 12,701 5,676 162 756 2 177 90 3,639 40 3,711 9 39 108 57 22 34 274 5,975 996 204 161 96 81 695 306 14,227 45 44 iii3 124J 94 33 29} 23 1 14 7 1 31 68 33 5 15 7 8 13 66 7 47 25 168 198 305 37 154 114 20 76 136 95 39 52 54§ 172 116 26 22 4 2 11,264,400: I 3,265,400; 4,108,900: 294,3001 445,000 209,600| 160,000: 889,800; 238,600! 247,200! 1,814,200; 1,379,100; 983,800! 630,200] 162,100 794,200 143,700 67,000 415,900! 592,800 : 75,500 560,800 768,300 5,283,500 1,990,000 2,223,500, 304,900: 871,200! 1,197,100 4,056,200 404,100: 178,500! 788.000 1 417,600! 472,700; 406,300; l,588,900 : 1,692,700; 52,500 219,200! 312,400 167,300 28,600! 115,800 14,576 17 978 18; 188 lSj 1.227 6! 1,384 19| 4,606 11! 2,238 lOJ 16 12! 376 8: 4,776 16; 823 6i 11,517 7! 4,222 13 : 3.228 6 1,233 18 5,380 5 2,023 81 807 2; 922 12! 2,787 5 1,032 14 2,286 10 1.144 1 6,056 0 5,612 15 2,506 8 7,729 10 3,178 18 2.145 17 399 14 315 6 740 16 3,138 5 98 6 391 3 1,709 14 3,182 18 3,759 14, 923 8; 1,221 12 1,007 8 1,107 18 699 19' 450 6j 21,305 9 579 17 5,834 9 239 13 932 11 5.568 14 1,148 4 58 12 60 15 162 2 735 14 17.840 0 3,353 13 1,298 18 378 8 1,945 14 957 19 290 16 737 7 2,246 11 420 13 1,710 19 718 19 5,033 2 2,748 0 1,309 13 2,147 11 3,104 15 1,128 5 756 18 552 11 2,005 4 3,366 1 268 13 483 0 498 1 1,900 7 3,591 1 1,364 11 1,791 10 1,263 8 1,506 10 1,413 13 443 2 77,689 1 14,057 111 30,655 17i 4,599 18 13,517 11 4,636 10 13,756 4 3,686 17 4,165 11 7,674 10 7,019 4 10,660 10 18,374 3 2,278 2 1,130 18 6,048 15 1,108 2; 775 6] 2,548 18: 672 12i 420 11 2,439 10! 4,261 10] 7,625 6 4,575 1 5,992 13 2,232 17 4,211 19 3,842 15 2,055 13 10,467 0 39,118 5 22,445 8 1,045 12; 5,350 121 2,074 0 3,258 18 3,221 16 699 10 1,064 7 705 10 415 15 2,163 10! 183 l! North Island Mads Line & Branches — Auckland (Pas'n're). (Parcels). ,689 1 „ (Goods). „ Head Offio ,057 11 Newmarket. ,655 17| Mount Eden. ,599 18] Avondale. ,517 11 Henderson. ,636 10 Helensville. ,756 4 Wellsford. ,686 17 Remuera. ,165 11 Ellerslie. ,674 10 Penrose Junction. ,019 4 Onehunga Town. ,660 10 „ Wharf. ,374 3 Otahuhu. ,278 2 Papakura. ,130 18 Drary. ,048 15 Pukekohe. ,198 2 Tuakau. 775 6 Pokeno. ,548 18: Mercer. 672 12j Huntly. 420 11 Taupiri. ,439 10 Ngaruawahia. ,261 10 Frankton Junction. ,625 6 Hamilton. ,575 1 Cambridge. ,992 13 Morrinsville. ,232 17 Putaruru. ,211 19 Rotorua. ,842 15 Te Aroha. ,055 13 Paeroa. ,467 0 Karangahake. ,118 5 Waikino. ,445 8 Waihi. ,045 12] Shortland. ,350 121 Thames. ,074 0 Ohaupo. ,258 18 Te Awamutu. ,221 16 Te Kuiti. 699 10 Taringamutu. ,064 7 Taumarunui. 705 10 Waimarino. 415 15 Ohakune. t,163 10 Rangataua. 183 1; Waiouru. 19! 69 185: 1511 62 150 30 79 59 1 2 16 19 :i 12 Iβ 5 8 14 28 4 17 :: 3 58 17 3 17 134 11,900 422 1,522! IB 3,519 651 1 7 : 574 292 1 117 1 33: 5 99, 2 52 38 38 39 115 176 33 125 24 60 19 7 3 3 576 19 1,148 3,263 1,344 7,978 1,635 1,634 111 678 674 Uβ] 234 6,001 124 10,932 38,960 9,882 62,536 4,410 24,665 4,600 6,868 5,231 249 2 34| 43: 14: 69 49! - 103, 29 ! 36 15, 33 8 7 1 1 4 3 2 10 20 6 9 3 5 3 1 8 in 262 5 2 13 27 7 24 6 24 4 1 4 8 40 62 11 29 13 29 Iβ * 76 257 164 2,140 401 231 402 159 11 84 71 48 36 30 72 74 1 i7 - I I I (>—L>.2. I


RETURN No. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.

OUTWARD. OUTWARD. . . . . | I stations Hours Hands Traffic Nombeb of Tickets, Number i Trucks ( Tnick , m , Trucks "•• p."oV E,Pel " First- First- I Second. Second- " Season ! iHorse, Dogs. °™ LdUj. Cat.le. Calves. . Shee,, Pi g , *T Bn u,, „„»»•„. Mi,,e»,, |-J» '•"«* *=• Jj>»£»*. ««"•■ »,£..,, cZESKEi. 'SSJJSS' Tared, Horses. r P« M Do e , D -f. L^ e , Catt le. , class class ! class class Total. Tickets. i. wood. ' ausceuaneous. -e ■ Chaff, Single. Return. ; Siugle. Return. ac ' *o. Sorth Island Main Line & Branches— continued. £ s. d. , Tβ. c. Ts. 0. Tβ. 0. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. f e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d., £ s. d. £ s. d. Mataroa.. .. 15} 3 477 16 9II 349 577 2,253 4,972 8,151 92 398 20 .. 99! 5 1 164 67 10,916 36 5,295 90f 5,005,400 3118 123 11 30 9 802 13 0 46 19 0 60 14 11 3 3 9 12,045 0 0 2 17 4 30 15 0 13,052 3 o' 1251 19 ! 6 110 6 47! 310 Taihape.. .. 1 24 26 4,129 0 2 2,304 1,845 10,0091 8,915 29,073 177 5,119 10l| 12 6001 15 15 1,093 31 34,495 102, 1,721 139J 2.809,000 .".98 10 890 4 79 15 7,534 10 10 14111 0 566 3 fl' 86 10 0 7,933 14 2 106 9 0 117 10 1 10.575 14 7 4 451 71 24 505 26 109 1881 Utiku .. .. I 18 4: 688 9 1 :!04 456 2,642: 3,408 0,810 27 397 19 : 10 167' 4 .. 110 .. 9,843 193 1,488 403 4,110,400 160 6 219 10 15 10 903 3 11 7 6 0 68 oil! 6 16 11 7,185 2 8 2 10 3 22 11 6, 8,194 10 2 1 031 13 16 172 9 26 'l37 Mangaweka .. 17} 4 693 12 11 567 698 3,102 2,851 7,218; 2 1,370 34 ! 9 320 10 2 391j 223 26,069 344 2,683 55 94,800 174 1 184 3 5.910 0 1,900 6 10 114 6 147 7 5 17 5 2i 2,880 16 1 12 14 2 20 16 3 4,980 19 5 2 027 36 19 304 4 17 I 402 Ohingaiti.. .. 17 2 383 0 9 194 172 1,815 2,482 4,663 .. 639 29 3 124 4 1 32fl 26 24,378 179 1,284 31 2,040,500 27 10 211 10 .. 776 17 .3 .. 76 9 6 5 12 4 4,015 13 10 1 13 5 24 1 10, 4,900 8 4 1201 19 1 135 7 7 75 Hunterville .. 16 6 900 16 7 , 1,098 1,021 4,994 3,783 10,896 22 2,875 65 14 427, 8 213 951 55 90,658 771 5,905 190 20.700 367 14 515 0 237 16 2,451 18 1 45 16 6 293 9 4 25 12 5 6,923 3 1 0 16 4 22 -1 •) 9,769 0 li 8,471 86 13 379 10 56 641 Marton .. .. 16} 26 4,091 14 10|j 3,463 2,632 13,006 13,567 32,728 28 3,058 216 7 643 11 1,171 951 32 70,186 U3S 3,508 214 81,900 2,759 16 073 0 352 12 8,428 16 5: 48 5 9 543 4 7 177 8 1 7,688 8 10' 70 0 9 501 0 0 17,457 4 6 4,998 178 7 583 9' 55 687 N. Plymouth (Coach.) 1 I 9,910 7 3;! 9,204 4,512 42,515, 20,699 76,930- 077 9,001 190 31 303 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 14,331 3 9 1,184 6 11 1,144 10 5 217 4 2O. 50 4 6 19 11 1 450 14 6 ! 17,297 6 4 4 858; 320J 37 369 (Goods) 15J 4 3 - .. .. .. .. ! .. .. ., ..- .. .. ..■ 20 48 385 52 699 2.215 423 54§ 521,000 1M84 5 18,526 12 4,411 16 .. .. .. .. 17,537 19 4 406 9 2 170 (I 7 18,204 9 1 19 '146 2211 Breakwater .. ) I .. .. .. .. 1 ...... .. .. .. .. 292,100 .. 19,346 16 5,422 16 .. .. .. .. 3,791 11 .. .. 3,791 1 1 . \ .. 109 Waitara ., ..13} 6 956 13 1 1,298 1,330 10,826 11,358 24,812 301 711 37, 3 128 4 82 I 356 27 1,365 1,026 216 9 749,800 2,303 11 1,346 18 3,415 4 3,098 9 1 233 11 7 106 15 6 16 1 4- 2,777 18 2 22 1 10 100 4 4 0,355 1 10 1392 17 : 4 i43 7 18 4 682 Inglewood .. 12} 5 766 1 3 998 1,053 8,568: 10,232 20,851 520 1,666 89 X 274 7 27 1,551 329 0,872 1,778 942 38 447,000 989 16 751 18 13,772 14 2,927 5 8 395 16 7 190 8 5 36 18 9 3,224 10 0 : 6 0 10 22 12 6 6,809 12 9 3 242 32 4 232 6 57 'o49 Tariki .. ..11} 1 231 12 7 87 96 2,204 3.381 5,7118 117 318 l\ 1 37 1 . . .. 66 24 2,753 804 14.") .36 967,600 301 4 72 13 180 0 . 645 13 7 65 16 6 27 9 2 6 7 0! 786 14 1 1 10 0 17 8 0 1,540 18 11 803J 1 1 43 1 10 113 Midhirst.. .. 12 2 332 9 3 151 151 3,011 3,892 7.805 289 304 11 .. 60: l! 1 43 2 2,020 1,685 85 131 117,900 671 7 124 9 : 7,419 10 779 4 8 149 5 2 1 44 12 8 6 4 4' 1,228 2 1 13 2 11 11 0 2 220 3 1 687 7 77 27 154 Stratford.. ..12 14 2,309 9 11 2,952 2,345 22,219 10,333 13,849 :(K7 3,460 126 14 599 18 12 1,433 150 12,450 5,275 3,134 226 1,046,600 :l.41.3 14 1,994 6 686 10 6,934 1 1 25.3 13 » 423 2 0! 124 7 6 5,366 7 '.) 1,161 2 9 78.3 3 9 15,049 18 1 0,304 124 ! 23 501 8 '34 977 TeWera.. ..15 5 697 12 3 463 461 5,626; 7,294 13,844; 5 82C 11 4 129 4 4 29 .. 2,440 327' 1,721 43 158,800 120 19 183 12 40 8 1,767 16 6 6 0 0 175 8 2 4 14 7 689 9 li 1,449 9 2 .. 4 093 3 5 1258; 22 : 0 239 30 501 Eltham .. 12J 8 1,205 9 4 1,393 1,112 11,947! 12,051 27,103 240 1,404 49 17 248 5 4 -344 268 6,382 8,010 1,202 66 200,5(10 :i,317 :) 2,063 6 2.155 17 5,045 8 1 05 7 0 214 8 3 84 14 9 3,781 1 ,3 20 2 11 I4S 7 4 9 3811 1(1 3 4 030 33 6 196 6 161 ' : 295 Normanby .. 12i 3 430 8 10 232 201 4,388! 5,054 9,876 14 323 44 .. ! 67 9, 16 581 151 2,173 4,15.3 V.I 2N 2,200 2,156 4 221 I 4 0 1,273 14 3 8 5 0 00 8 2 9 11 9 1,235 15 10 8 17 7 lo 0 0 2,606 12 7 791 34 1 64 1 19 388 Hawera .. .. 13} 23 3,068 1 1 3,961, 2.810 29,272' 24,046 60,089: 398 3,912 475 34 662 19 5 7,085 843 56,063 18,661 2,040 16 187,900 6,676 4 1,646 7 68 0 12.147 16 6 807 11 9, 1,050 8 1 150 19 0' 8,143 15 2; 33 10 0 7 0 18 0 22 416 17 6 0 758 830 ■"> .370 17 205 ! 3 295 Pat «» ■ .. llj 7 1,717 19 11 706 804 4,797 ! 5,023 ll,390l 128 1,666 04 2 184 2 24 2,150 48 30,219 2,554 89 9 138,500 1,746 .3 0.004 0 3.227 !l 2.227 10 5 115 1 8J 178 16 0 22 9 1; 8,283 0 2 153 6 1 130 5 8 11110 9 7 2.384 36 6 219 4 11 l'lO2 Waverley ..12 3 470 8 2 683J 757 3,662, 4,059 9,161 61 1,313 153 5 235 1 6 2,558 38 35,030 1,009 1,815 1 16,600 898 15, 183 13 2 7 2,016 8 3 37 17 61 229 4 2 15 9 2 2,405 13 11 ! 117 15 6 33 6 0 4,855 14 11 2,607: 124i 12 182 6 7 '639 Waitotara ..12} 2 368 8 4II 214 323 1,901 3,063 6,601 Iβ 790 :'.!> 1 182 0 19 1,431 53 30,812 198, 2,827 1 4,400 68 8 108 16 15 1 1,020 13 5 23 0 0 152 10 7 5 15 3 2,246 7 8 13 1 0 4 0 0 3,465 7 11 1,495 13 6 222 6 14: 2 62 Kai Iwi .. ... 13J 2 314 2 6II 139 155 1,764 1,780 3,838 49 2,532 80 .3 133 2 25 866 17 21,944 53 1.568 2 8,600 427 12 90 17 li 0 58113 5 25 0 0| 187 3 1 3 7 0 1,606 16 1 1 18 3 10 0 2,400 17 10 908' 41 1 104 1 10 170 Aramoho.. . 19} 10 1.194 3 9 2,402 904 8,023 4,413 15,862 98 3,140 20 0 285 3 2 225 31 3,996 13 448 .. «.2OO 015 1 453 0 .319 .3 4,376 5 3 44 7 0l 243 12 2 96 9 101 1,278 7 10! 15 13 3| 190 5 8 6,244 1 0 7,624' 20 6 190 3 27 307 Wanganui (Pas'ng'rs)') I (11,077! 6,535 38,500: 24,345 80.466 302 .. -. ■■ •■ •■ 21,918 17 6 2,312 0 9 .. 95 0 7 .. 22 12 10! 957 4 10 25,305 16 6, (Parcels) [ 19} '.17 11,080 0 3 i .. .. .. | .. .. .. 18,761 365 70 1 929 .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. .. .. .. ... .. 2.092 (i 8 256 18 4 Cr. 45 8 11 4 9 8 1 .. 2,308 5 9 10 6821 484 35 861 (Goods).. |j ( .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. 16 23 2,439 178| 42,514, 288 172 20 369,200 8,803 9 10,265 13 .3.574 16 .. . .. 24,041 5 4 3,059 12 7 204 0 2 27,305 41 5 313 4196 „ (Head Office) . . ... 1,244 12 9 .... .. i .. . . | .. .. i .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. 216 14 6 . . 216 14 6 ! Fordell •■ ..16 4 623 3 2 I 540 395 2,730 3,111 6,776 36 4,526 68 8 144 3 68 ] 724 62 36,7.31 )21 4,418 40 3,000 528 2 137 8 17 0 990 19 2 21 15 0 295 8 10! 13 15 0 2,410 2 11 12 9 10 1 0 0 3,745 10 9 2 400! 31| 9 154 3 , 245 Turakina.. .. 16J 4 573 7 7 328 283 ! 2,608: 2,476 5,695 56 2,034 43 2, 124 .. 143 736 25 23,893 17 1,760 .. 00 Mi li 85 4 147 12 917 5 1 33 6 8 148 7 3, 12 li 9: 1,682 17 0 3 5 3 3 10 0\ 2,800 18 6 1370' 16 4 90 6 2 245 Greatford .. 14} 4 463 15 8 829 741 2,617 2,199, 6,386 4 1,090 107 4 127 2 276 : 297 .. 12,335 l>0 495 1 8,800 811 19 144 12 583 10 1,303 .3 1 8 14 0 202 12 9 21 17 1 2,322 17 2 4 3 5 15 0 0 3,878 9 6 2 053 ; HO 1 9 100 7 86 Haleombe .. 12J :i 496 13 4 233, 373 2,646 5,705 8,957: 14, 740 14 4 87 2 10.3 14.3 76 26,480 409 714 38 100 485 16 114 8 HO 4 997 3 0 14 16 0 89 15 4 11 18 7 1,545 10 11 18 5! 9 3 0; 2,669 15 3 3,366 8j 1 66 4 24 Foilding (Coaching) 1 ,- ,„ ' 1,967 16 4 4,608 3.083 20,438 17,130i 45.919 16 6.045! 331 26; 507 .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • •• ■• •■ ■• ■• 10,198 8 0 38 12 0 942 7 0 177 1 9Cr. 17 12 3 15 8 6: .. 11,354 5 0 1 8 258: 205 13 542 „ (Goods) .. h I .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 01 3,880 289: 240,920, 5,272| 8,975 22 129.700 2,888 14 1,293 17 L06 9 .. .. . .. 15,804 11 0 16 1 41 217 13 6: 16,038 5 10 "l2 ' 147 2440 Palmerston N. (Pass)!) j (13,942 8.(140 84,354 48,777 150,019 439: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •■ ■■ •• ■■ •• .. 32,915 14 1 1.900 11 10 1 . 65 0 00. 6 0 0 39 0 1 499 15 0 1 35 414 1 0 ' (Parcels) \ 19 88: 13,396 14 S\ .. .. .. j .. .. .. 21,901 604 145 1,619 .. • .. .. .. .. •• •• ■• ■■ .. .. ! 2,574 0 0 083 11 7 Cr. 33 8 3 12 17 II , .. 3,237 1 3 15,946i 576 93 1,360 ,, (Goods) J I .. .. .. ! .. .. .. .... .. i .. i 7.3 08 : 5,653; 353 60,720 1,669 2,613 26 443,000 6,656 17 0,240 11 4,407 0 .. .. ., .. 17,030 1110 234 5 8| .. 17,204 17 0 .. ... 14 497 4 342 Ashhurst.. 18} 3 530 11 8 596| 402 5,321 4,908 11,287! 44 2,046 65 10 146 3 5 202: 53 16,000 098 2,049 66fl 83,600 215 2 83 1 1.02.3 12 1,192 1 3 27 7 10 296 7 7 18 5 9 1,676 15 () 117 10 0115 0 3,274 10 3 1,230 54 2 89 2 29 W Longburn 14} 7 1,055 7 2 1 491 778 4.407 4,274 10,040] 25 2,808 08 2 87 10 1,050 .3.232 38 02,012 3,441 2,009 27 966,300 4,894 16 4,906 5 770 3 743 17 2| 10 18 8 414 16 8 10 4 8! 10,073 0 8 Cr. 103 3 5 82 15 4! 12.08115 9 1090 81! 8ll 8 17 882 Foxton .. ..12 7 2,332 13 10 1 783: 974' 11,984 11,973 2.3,714 100 040 93 2 92 1 1 302 2»! .. 3,089 1,002 : 2,152 30 155,900 1,122 16 9,431 4 6.956 11 2,824 11 8 1 16112 6 148 8 7 24 7 1 11,378 .3 3! 020 7 2 249 7 0 15,406 19 3 4 500 93 12 156 23 1289 186 Shannon . . 13 3 413 10 3 461 297 7,250 7,745, 15,753 ! 37 3,021: 47 6 138 2 31 1,121 251; 36,760 967 977] 1 573,900 0,090 '1 418 16 63 2 2,260 9 4 27 4 0 412 17 3 42 3 0 5,252 3 5 1 18 7 3 0 0| 8,005 15 7 3,729 2,3 10 184 12 ' 65 426' }f v,a ■■ •• i 12} 4. 003 13 0 1,432 1,583: 8,538 7,402 18,966 66 .3,822 108 11 236 9 23 1,689 125 27,712 1.923 970 314j 401,100 1,370 12 048 19 036 4 4,247 17 lj 55 7 10 780 1 10 79 13 6 3,620 11 6 22 2 10 29 16 0 8,84110 6 5 421 230 21 296 8 82; 575: ° takl ■• ■• 12 J 4 723 11 7| 1,178 1,158 0,603; 5,864 14,293 89 0,110 74 13 221 7 S 2,734 172 28,808 178 929 21 315,200 2,023 3 470 9 160 4: 2,801 1 9, 131 2 0 1,338 0 11 40 9 5 3,139 14 8! 5 9 3 148 10 0 7,004 8 0 7 003 122 18 238 13 53 1030 Paekakariki .. 14} 17 2,070 15 5 1,285 2,334 9,469 14,604, 27,092 23 .3,052 116 10 163, 10 10 57!) 104 24,597 71 1.399 37 1.608,500 98114 295 7 187 8: 3,128 10 6 27 0 3 738 14 3 15 15 7 2,969 8 6, 422 8 0 387 10 o! 7,690 5 1 4 689 63 7 766 3 199 'l87 Johnsonville .. ! 16} 4 770 14 0 1,187 4,701 11,47.3 24,014 37,037 4.7:« :i,743 110 9 222 8 4 712, 08 18,6761 34 649' 10 11,200 110 14 256 11 217 0, 2,55117 2 998 2 11 281 9 9 10 11 8 765 15 6 117 10] 6 0 0j 4,605 14 10 2 101 56 6 305 6 82 11190 Thorndon (Coaching) I As re- 1 «0 1 11,654 19 8 24,471 26,492 70.151 104,600 2:tl.723 6,241 47.194 302 04 1.877 .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ' 89,960 11 8 10,115 16 4 6.92110 7 1,031 10 10 Cr. 65 2 6 47 6 6 258 0 10 108,269 14 3 26,982 367! 30 876 ' quired Lambton (Pas'ng'rs) I ,' - fl 1 9,712 Iβ 7 13.512J 58,935; 52,223 163,473) 278,143 8,729 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,410 7 5 8,87110 0 .. 1,635 0 OCr. 22 10 0 177 15 0 1,464 16 0 37,630 18 6 „.» (Parcels), | .. .. .. .. .. 27,910 189 54 752 , .. ■■ .. .. .. ! 2,598 11 3 1,248 0 2 Cr. 1115 10 3 3 0 .. 3,837 18 7! 23,242 224 22 523 . Wellington (Goods) I Mle . , n I 12,776 9 4 .. .. .. .. ■ .. .. .. ! .. .. .. ! 26 1,035 I 417 26 1,796: 104 259; 23 1,362,400 40,156 9 33,101 5 58,096 11' .. .. .. .. 105,046 5 6 1,323 18 4 640 0 10: 107,010 4 8 24 8288 5065 „ (Wharf) 1 quired "" j .. .. j .. , I I I .... . . 17,000 62 10 105 19 324 12' .. .. .. 33 8 3 . . 33 8 35 ' T , eAro •• ■• j 12} 3 778 5 111 311! 10,992 2,423 25,607 39,333 5,670 1,799 .. .. 178 ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ! 2,755 2 11 853 6 6 108 11 0! 45 5 6Cr. 6 4 6 7 4 9' 31 5 0 3,794 11 2 2o'o32 "e7 Ngahauranga .16 6 1,130 6 6 577: 1,460 5,402 19,105 2fl,544 : 1,619 669 .. .. 181! .. 1 133 878 .. ■ ■ ■• 1,615 18 15,887 6' 303 15, 704 7 11 253 Iβ 36 19 9, -6 16 3,662 7 10 210 14 II .. 4,873 12 7 1 '197! ' 37 " "23 2483 ! ketone .. .. 16J 13 2,269 13 5j 1,916 19,070 15,833! 89,130 12.3,9.35 23,357 833 2 4 211 1 1 29 8 025 ... 12 3 16.000J 1,998 6 22,723 3 807 8 5,680 9 7 3,565 3 9 84 15 6; 74 12 8 6,392 8 81 15 13 0 9 15 0 15,822 18 2 1603 11 1 154 128 s'o89: Lower Hutt .. 16J Iβ 2,799 6 5 4,34l| 22,789 17,034 66,138 110,302 15,876 23,492 386 5 418 6 4j 81 723 .. 158 30 66,900; 114 3 236 8 45,888 4 6,202 3 0 3,839 3 5 1,959 16 10 163 17 6 4,745 2 10 10 19 7 19 10 0 16,940 13 2 2 470 128 7 304 " 1 741S ' 46 ! Upper Hutt .. ajj,.. 17 2,641 19 1 758; 2,475 8,388 24,930 36,551 1,815 9,896 99 3 149 3 9 362! 32 6,278 31 13 93} 2,719,500 43 15 155 2 3,056 13 2,800 18 4 402 15 4\ 965 3 9] 30 13 1 2,279 18 0 12 5 2 35 0 0 6,526 13 8 2 515 369 4 368 171 475 quired Kaitoke .. ..Do. 2 '. 362 14 11 I 34 82 429 768 1,313 4 2,135, 2 .. 20 .. ..I 3 .. .. 49 389, 86| 106,400 22 4 32 2 400 Iβ: 122 10 0 2 13 6 95 17 4' 0 10 245 6 0 0 5 3 389 0 0 855 18 1 ' 1 249 3 31 2 2 Summit .. . . „ 2 j 320 15 3 .... .... .. .. .. .. . ! . .. .. I .. ... Cross Creek .. „ 8 1,707 8 4 1 .. .. ! .. ..'•.. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. " " Featberston .. ; 12} 7 ' 1,466 9 5 1,973; 2,180, 5,710' 5,252 1.3.115 01 5,079 179 9 299 3 132 2,469 208 212,674 : 3,286' 7,029 03 78,000 1,787 12 540 4 4 0 3,577 13 0 31 0 6 890 5 10! 66 4 8 7,709 9 11 24 2 ll 95 6 0: 12,394 2 0 6 192' il6 "l2 519 9 7 Greytown ..12} 3 542 18 6 841 1,067 2,650 2,54.5 7,103 41 2,118 12 2 49, 2 134 3 6 22,270 392 : 462 3 254,300 505 19 142 10 8 3 1,470 4 9 29 10 0 130 19 3 16 13 11 1,403 11 3 3 17 9 2 0 0; 3,056 16 11 1704 28 7 32 1 Carterton .. 16J 4 867 16 2 1,371; 1,321 6,712 4,511 13,915 26 2,380 70 6 122 5 367j 590 52 204,703 941 4,254 9,3 100,90(1 1,299 13 2,601 4 375 9 3,057 12 0 16 5 0 283 0 9 60 13 7 10,399 3 3 8 5 5 21 8 0 13 846 8 6 3 744 127 10 104 4 8 '«>2 Mastcrton .. 16} 23 3,566 14 1 5,161: 4,522 18,869 19,747 48,299 ; 313 4,672 232 45 010 20 042 1.874 5 100,940 111 12,470 1.3 400,300 1.014 10 1.392 13 1,030 17 11,571 16 8 924 4 0 82111 1 192 12 0 10,952 19 9[ 58 3 2' 282 0 0 ! 24,803 6 8 8 680 239 19 631 7 64 B Mauriceville .. 15} 3 549 12 4' 143 232 1,562 2,849 4,780' 26] 820 33 3 751 4 186 ! 82 .. 20,579 679: 1,795 31 587,600 706 11 103 7 68 0 718 14 1 33 8 8 97 16 5 9 6 2 2,329 8 11 16 8' 32 7 lo! 3,222 3 9' 664 41 1 65 2 ' Eketahuna .. 13} 4 794 8 6 967] 926 4,702 3,772 10,367 .. 1,673' 49 7 208J 14 I] .310 i>2 68,674 2.24!i 4,910 373 2,027,900 915 10 342 19 57 15 2,481 15 10 .. 190 8 2 35 13 3 6,301 0 2 9 19 1 47 0 o: 9,065 16 6 5 601 42 18 225 "l0 120 I V Pahiatua .15 7 1,113 8 7 1,033 922 0,559 3,542 12,656 0 1,879 94 21 255; 4 8 48.3 119 02,075| 2.II32 1,764 323 1,228,900' 1,100 10 509 0 158 2 3,440 .5 4 5 12 0 371 7 3 60 16 3 7,600 14 5 21 0 9 73 13 5 11,573 18 5 1 4254! 158 38 312 12 263 Mangataiuoka .. 15} 2 472 15 81 253 149 1,468: 1,181 ! 3,051 33 698 22 .. 7s! 1 .. 76 48 12,021 711 1,632 1 23,700 .332 ii 614 15 .. 655 4 4 16 10 0 96 3 11 10 10 6 ! 2,191 10 3 14 9 43 fl 6 3,014 13 3' 975' 10 3 62 3 9 Woodville .. 16} 25 3,799 2 10j 2,207| 1,690 12.249 1 11,679 27,825- 100 2,789 108 9 373 3 86 1,906 SCO 40,113 1,616 2,801 .526 ■ 188,200 558 8 1,122 14 294 2 4,881 9 8 528 15 6 404 5 4 02 9 10 5,950 13 8 47 10 7 385 10 0 12 299 14 7 3 70' 250 19 288 2 44 Dannevirke .. 14J 16 2,813 2 5j 3,931; 2,701 18,142 10,975 35,809: 364 5,622 178 34 658 10 46 1,096 5 114,380 038 0,547 dOOs 1,128,500 1.177 ii 1.339 14 .501 3 8,477 5 1, 302 5 0, 655 19 4 ; 133 5 5 11,980 4 4 57 2 2 64 0 0 21,670 1 10 6 822 : 312 43 715 11 241 Makotuku .. 12 3 436 1 5 \ 295: 219 2,586' 3,282 6,382 : 118 836 8 2 154 3 4 564 161 17.8O2 1 10 1,163 404j 3,700,400 67 S 133 0 141 1 862 8 2 62 5 6 57 6 5 7 0 8 5,226 6 8' 13 4 39 5 0 ! 6,255 15 9' 1 238 : -5 4 131 3 13 428 Ormondvilli' .. 12} 3 , 502 15 8 530 408J 3,930 4,870 9,738 79 795 21 3 163 2 1 5 317| .. . 21,645 691: 1,348, 9 ; 689,000 315 12 254 12 0 1 1,661 9 9 46 4 4 87 1 4 22 7 11 2,788 14 3 3 5 1 19 10 6 4 628 13 2' 1 4 161 4 6 143 2 31 '15 Takapau ..14 3 I 550 16 0| 756: 854 3,407 4,321 9,338 32 2,218 66 .5 321 1 330 450 :i 84,232 18 3,270 .333j 811,600 812 3 183 18 .. 2,029 2 5 16 7 6 166 17 10 25 11 7 6,159 11 11 7 5 ll| 16 19 6 8 421 16 8 3 695 53 14 277 10 6 '76 Waipukurau .. 15 11 1,904 3 7 2,908 2,204] 13,863 13,838 32,813 240 2,283 145 14; 487 3 65 2,949: 32 130,674 .. 5,503 3' 93,400 450 19 303 7 504 0 4,946 19 8 04 11 0 297 8 11 51 0 lj 5,813 6 6 16 19 8 318 18 0 11539 3 10' 4 351 141 29 680 11 29 821 Waipawa .. 12} 5 841 8 10 2,012 1,6611 7,006 6,553: 17,232 4 3,066 76 11 252 5 268 484 37 65,373 4 4,745 13 436,900 897 5 783 16 178 11 3,737 2 11 12 5 6 260 18 0 38 13 6 3,947 13 3 7 11 10 26 15 0 8 031 0 0' 5 397 55 26 267 4 37 99 Otane •■ ■■ 12}; 2 402 15 2 018 703 : 2,803, 4,092 8,216 195 1,143 13 5 150 3 21 870 11 63,967 .. 3,638. 6 64,900 30 0 181 15 5 14 1,268 11 0 81 18 8 75 13 4 13 7 7: 2,130 10 5 9 0 10 8 10 0 3 587 11 10 3'o31 49 9 194 Iβ 169 : TeAute .. .. 12} 1 i 240 7 10 215 149; 1,234 2,144 3,742 3 786 26 1 94 2' 42 2,325: 62 62,216 87 1,497 7 264,700 668 2 107 10 327 11 537 16 9 1 10 0 65 2 9 6 2 0' 3,605 10 0 0 6 0 26 10 0 4 242 17 6 l'ei5 11 6 140 " 1 27 Hastings .. 14} Iβ | 2,612 14 6! 8,167: 7,002: 37,795 37,084 91,308 1,215 7,234 609j 66! 1,027] 12] 308 562 8 7,029 .. 8,008 20 299,700 3,030 3 9,764 17 201 9- 14,608 14 0 1,287 2 3 1,639 16 10 266 9 4: 9,059 12 66 17 6 508 0 11 27 436 2 0 8'701 396 24 926 5 260 1949 Farndon.. .. 14J 2 369 17 4 642 970: 3,349 8,007 12,968 239 1,068 13 .. 62 2 71 310 17 336 .. 3,367 1 4,900 639 15 9,317 13 83 6 1,045 2 ll! 114 10 9 55 0 3 13 3 61 3,758 12 2 Cr. 62 1 11 10 0 4 925 7 8' '727' 4 71 10 W Na P ler ■; ■• 15} 31 4,989 18 0 11,784 10,307 33,181 39,09.5 !>4.KO7 1,494 14,448 154] 44 635 4 125 20, .. 166 111 12 133,100 1,607 4 3,113 16 2,360 16 22,779 15 7 2.581 16 10 1,496 7 2 337 9 9l 5,385 0 10 65 10 o! 159 4 8 32 805 4 10'i 8 117 162 "l7 811 "4 291 40 Port Ahuriri .. Mt<> .\ 7 1,344 7 3 .. .. .. .. .. 1,032 2, 3J 43 2 129 04 1 2,712 .. 1.190J 17 188,600, 10,262 2 7,983 1 25,301 9 .. .. 58 2 7 .. [ 16,085 12 6 409 6 9; 75 10 0 16,628 10 9 '535 9 6 18 2 324 594 ! Head Office (Well'tn) .. .. 1,244 12 01 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ....'.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• • ■■ • I Accountant .. | .. .. .. 1,138 720 272! 7,181 9,311 493 '.. .. .. .. .. 2,492' 7 9 6,497 17 8 '.'. 32,959 9 OCr. 72 8 6, 3,602 16 813,494 1 0 67,874 2 7 Tablet station! .. .. 117 15,469 6 21 .... .. .................. .. .... .. .. .. .. General .. 28,148 3 0 ' . " ...... Calves. 102 156 8 87 4 53 ... '<& "44 254 61 234 162; 21; 98 192 62] 313 275J 180 118 205! 122 30 i 52 "99 2 18; 21 76 140 78, 299j 13 281 177 49 84 11 139 10 54 12 3 31 15 81 109 7 124 1 47 3 386 3 1 29 Trucks Timber Calves. Sheep. Pigs. B^] Of F ?' e . Superficial wood. Keet - INW I Sheep. 1,244 5,425 4,468 6,180 336 4,782 7,638 11,741 72,929 20,549 631 691 18,855 26,430 2,858 1,922 31,326 12,771 11,711 15,780 3,859 6,355 131,186 6,153 1,398 9,381 4,820 35,765 42,615 23,452 34,572 11,034 8,136 15,499 0,263 8,088 : 109,588 3,802 429,702 797,080 316 3,300 67 ' 8,409 2,436 28,401 10,233 203 2,996 4,268 1,236 7,902 6,973 3,9041 1,047 2,297 8,766 3,852 675 1,572 122,410 73,300 264 69,480 INWARD. VARD. Pi6». 6 4 52 31 24 479 402 19 4,780 2,210 ! J Q9R 1 81 425 59 8,729 111 229 97 17 37 375 4 11 171 44 315 1,0701 2li 1,164' 21 127 189 179 271 1,409 66 4li002 1,824 " 2 171 2,287 605 232 194 188 21 15,714: 50 1 7 4 33 109 " 2 "l27 25 333 146 4,978 14 "823 2,994 21,192 "l54 265 "347 "l25 6,743 12 3 73,583 "l21 10 112 32!) 142 91 1 1 1,353 603 158 39,099! 265 "347 "l27 25 333 146 4,978 14 "823 2,994 21,192 "l54 Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. 1 62,900 412 3 301 f 3,332 14 15jj 430,000 2,146 £ 2,472 fi 3,088 1] 2 03,000 401 F 3!)3 3 90 1 100,800 681 17 701 3 139 I£ 1 14,000 303 1] 318 If 109 0 13 360,400 1,433 17 1,424 If 9»7 1 381 1,491,400 2,582 7 2,042 14 3,330 7 219 2,924,700 7,782 4 21,897 13 8,061 7 37,700 .. 9,864 19 63 892,500 4,456 0 1,906 If 1,834 5 6 209,700 2,810 0 1,943 1 1,540 5 1 49,500 498 11 283 C 64 1 1 80,100 894 1 585 7 99 1 695 1,277,200! 5,373 12 4,574 2 6,371 1 45 328,000 1,599 14 1,196 18 2,026 3 7 3,624,800 4,237 12 3,915 5 2,197 1 18 118,100 938 1 737 1!) 1,011 D 280 3,323,000 5,322 8 5,535 14 15,377 10 41 I 561,100 10,407 19 1,381 14 8,582 6 572,400 1,174 12 1,002 14 1,052 17 •■SI 310,400 722 7 638 15 322 19 ■1-2 204,000 456 19 302 18 870 3 86 634,300 182 6 324 11 1,746 2 456 j 8.017,6001 1,599 13 2,587 16 1,892 12 34 163.6O0J 720 0 493 6 589 16 46 170,000! 808 10 418 10 313 18 61 300,800 678 13 507 15 073 5 8 100,500 066 17 419 9 621 3 84 1,629,700 4,838 3 4,402 10 3,492 7 :: :: :: :: :: 704|i 4,694,900! 10,380 16 11,175 11 10,822 13 11 671,1001 615 15 500 7l 1,788 17 14 141,300, 440 8 795 6 ! 3,462 1 223 1,751,600' 3,233 2 4,411 19 0,723 1 46 250,500 1,170 14 1,157 8 1,808 3 31 463,700; 1,787 5 1,004 3; 917 17! 56J 230,800; 1,873 11 1,678 lo: 1,292 3! 51 570,500 1,390 14 917 8 2,912 16 46$ 444,800 944 16 349 7 2,138 61 " 853j 10,986,900 25,845 14 60,529 6] 43,380 10 . . ' 59,000 4,125 12 563 5 88,900 11 14 391 l! 7.036 16! 83 2,167,COOi 1,044 4 407 15 17,657 0, 74 1,180,200 1,594 10 381 8 5,444 2 18 205,700! 1,512 5 838 9 2,992 9; 23,000 88 8 89 7 14 181 1145 538,500 2,198 7 2,509 O 1 1,832 8 3 90,100 041 18 1 993 18 620 10 18 1,390,800 1,796 4J 1,914 3 1,801 10; 02j 2,212,800 6,222 12 5,579 8 6,890 6 1 204 54,800' 365 8 212 18 208 14' 12 73,200: 1,881 7 1,526 3 533 18' 14 522,300 2,012 11 2,501 19 1,308 2 2 182,300 396 8 452 16 242 4 1 39 384,900 1,403 I 1 1,321 0 1,302 13 23 286,400 3,741 12 4,114 3 2,025 5' 9j 53,900 335 6 341 4 71 11 1 67,900! 766 7 750 1 110 12 0 227,300; 1,151 10! 874 9 1,072 3 482 : 1,330,000; 1,310 13 1,058 6 968 5 98 357,600 1,891 2! 1,943 8 1,206 17 62 396,600: 781 10 823 11 148 8 20 ! 131,400 684 5 714 7 3,011 9\ 891J : 5,051,000 7,214 2: 4,783 19 13,872 9 74j 317,600, 289 17 1 282 l! 395 7 333}! 3,215,400, 525 7 1,225 18 12,738 9 448}: 1,899,400: 1,560 8: 18,259 5 826 lOJ Grain. ! Me a 1* an - Minerals. . I XoETn Islajtd Main Line & Branches— covlivved. Mataroa. Taihape. Utiku. Mangaweka. Ohingaiti. Huntcrville. Marton. N. Plymouth(Oach) (Goods) Breakwater. Waitara.. Inglewood. Tariki. Midhirst. Stratford. Tc Wcra. Eltham. Normanby. Hawera. JV.loa. Waverley. Waitotara. Kai Iwi. Aramoho. Wanganui (Passen.). „ (Parcels). (Goods). „ Head Office. Fordell. Turakina. Great ford. Halcombe. Folding (Coaching). „ (Goods). PalmerstonN.(Pass). „ . (Parcels). „ (Goods). Ashhurst. Longbum. Foxton. Shannon. Levin. Otaki. Paekakariki. Johnsonville. Thorndon (Coach'g). Lambton (Pass'grs). (Parcels). Wellington (Goods). Wharf. Te Arc Ngahauranga. Petone. Lower Hutt. Upper Hutt. Kaitoko. Summit. Cross Creek. Featherston. Greytown. Carterton. Mastcrton. Mauriceville. Eketahuna. Pahiatua. Mangatainoka. Woodville. Dannevirke. Makotuku. Ormondville. Takapau. Waipukurau. Waipawa. Otanc. Te Aute. Hastings. Farndon. Napier. Port Ahuriri. Head Office(WeU'tn) Accountant. Tablet Station!. General. Station!. "l25 6,743 12 3 73,583 "l21 10 ■otnl U . . ! . . 1 1,600 1286,971^11 210.168 300,85611357779' 1,737,8061 3,636,609:136,082' 486,418 9,633! 1,204' 29,224' 1,113 12,6I4j' 132,12! 14,094 2,890,330 105,631 108,241: 9,821} I 123,064,30qI 271,146 li 632,738 6 111 72,718 15 4_ 57,212 0 l\ 45,236_10 11 886,858 9 0 17J.57 J 830,321 13 _!H,742,243 7 7!! 480,418 0,033 1,204 29,2241 1.1131 12,514; ( ! 132,125! 14,004 2,80(1,330 105,63ll 168,24l! 9,821; 123,064,300 271,146 8 306,625 el 593,142 1 Totals.


RETURN No. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.


Stations. opr.ii. No. of Hands ployed. Traffic Expeuditure. Number of 'ICKRTS. dumber of Ti(!kLtb. Parcels. Horses Dogs. TrucliS D '? y8 ' Lime, Cattle. *"• OI111II, &c. Calves. Sheep. Pise. Bales or Trucks of Firewood. sSerScfil »v,in. oh Mineral.. f^, j Season Tickets. i I Lugga,R(i, Pavcele, &c. M.i.ils, ami Miscellaneous Goods. MisRents and Total Value forwarded. Parcels. Horses. Carriages. Dogs. Drays, &c. Tmcks c( Lime. Cli'iff, &e. Cattle. Calves Sheep. pto , Enles ol P 'S S - Wool. Trucks of Firewood. Timber, Superficial Feet. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. etttioni. Pirstchiss Return. SeoondBilK;h\ Secondclass Item™. Total. South Island Main Lisb & Branches— Lyttelton (Coaching) (Goods) .. £ s. d.l 3,534 7 11 22,968 6 11 688 19 6 558 15 4 1 146 13 2 (19,770 12 11 27,973 12 2 Ts. c. Tβ. 0. 115,678 12 Ts. c. 190,389 1 £ s. d. 12,094 8 7 £ s. d. 1,914 13 5 £ 8. d. 561 18 8 £ 8. d. 107 14 0 £ s. d. Or. 2 18 6 104,019 2 8 £ e. d. 20 6 3 7,642 14 9 £ S. d. 6 10 0 1,464 5 1 £ 8. d. 14,702 12 5 113,126 2 6 9,166 312 10 1,212 '35 Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. SouTll Island Mais Line & Branoies — Lyttelton (Coaeh'g). „ (Goods). 18 As required 88 28,713 37,142 42,767 85,131 193,753 7,312 3,573| 264 2 625 2 65 69 1,744 1,744 6 ' 3,347 736 105,311 i74 33,465,700 57,565 11 '52 1,716 940 ' 7,654 ilO 96,417 46 2,022,700 113,881 14 09,359 4 10,552 4 „ Wharf .. Heathcote .. I 'Voolston .. I Opawa .. Ch'ch (Pass.) „ (Parcels) .. (Goods) I 18 ! 12J 10} 4 4 1 558 411 324 44,245 2,266 662 623 66,268 3,260 1,780 768 109,900 18,258 8,060 4,242 192,618 24,342 10,913 5,957 413,037 1,769 1,289 1,389 15,031 84: 1,4071 2811 122,773 2 139 9 27 "2 1 1 " 3 1 7,58< 10,651 "l 1,750,700 l,200| 2,472 13 1,825 11 253 9 0 2 13,040 9 26 9 1,601 13 1 1 4 7,199 6 455 2 3,875 8 733 15 7 365 12 8| 352 10 0 71,697 15 2 412 6 { 235 0 8 262 12 8 8,264 4 9 69 16 4 79 19 9 16 14 7 9,717 4 6 3 17 3' 1 3 9] 0 19 6J 292 7 6 3,806 14 9 2,304 12 7 448 19 9 j 1,592 7 4 1 9 7 Or. 109 8 1 46,843 9 5 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 194 6 2 9 18 8 1,284 7 3 68 '5 0 25 0 0 2,304 12 7 1,717 14 5 2,289 15 2 634 8 10 80,744 2 7 13,424 9 10 49,186 7 8 345 124 155 1 1 57 15 34 3 21 94 172 5 " 1 86,612 5,492 "7 2 101,800 21,000 56,100 36,943 15 1,003 0 434 5 2 9 7,202 19 121 7 3,659 19 1 10 156 18 1,889 18 6,023 12 „ Wharf. Heathcote. Woolston. Opawft. Ch'ch (Pass'grs). „ (Parcels). „ (Goods). 1 " " 285 j 110 117 295 9 0 27,737 756 m 1,672 67 101,771 10 As required 1,019 •■I ••I 248; 2,223 '241 321 m 438 "l0 41 i32 34,439 28 3,068,900 13,549 18 41,578 6 4,257 14 1,058 11 0 "70 1,461 '724 " 6 490 37,112 337 22,472,300 22,391 9 123,866 3 „ Head Office.. Addington Papanui .. Styx Belfast .. Kaiapoi .. .. Kangiora.. Cust Bennett's Oxford East „ Weit Sefton Amberley Waipara Domett .. Mina Waikari .. Hawarden Culverden Hornby .. Prebbleton Lincoln .. ., Springston .. ] Ellesmere Doyleston Leeston .. Southbridge Little River Islington Templeton Rolleston .. ; Kirwee .. .. i Darfield .. .. i Sheffield .. .. ! Springfield .. i Broken River .. ' Cass Coalgate .. Bumham Sehvyn ..- .. j Dunsandel Rakaia .. Methveu .. Chertsey .. Ashburton (Coaching) „ (Goods) Tinwald .. .. ■ Mount Somers Winslow .. Hinds .. .I Rangitata Orari Winchester Temuka .. I Waslrdyke .. ] Pleasant Point .. ' Albury .. .. j Fairlio .. .. Timarn (Coaching) 1 (Goods) „ Wharf ) St. Andrew's Makikihi Studholme Junction Waimate.. Morven .. Hlenavy Pukeuri Junction .. Duntroon Kurow Oamaru (Pass.) (Parcels) .. (Goods) .. Breakwater Waiareka Junction Ngapara Maheno Herbert .. Hampden Palmerston Lime Quarry Dunback Waikouaiti Seacliff Waitati .. Port Chalmers Upper Sawyer's Bay P. Chalmers (Coaeh'g) „ (Goods) Burke's .. Ravensbourne Pelichet Bay Dunedin (Pass.) .. (Parcels .. (Goods) .. „ Head Office Caversham Burnside Green Island Abbotsford Wingatui Middiemareh Hyde Ranfurly Oturehua Omakau Alexander Clyde Mosgiel *.. Outram \ . Hi 17 "i I I' \l\ !°4 J !a 12J 12}' 13 9 14J 10 I 19i 10 10J 9J 10 11 11 1 12J! 12J 20 20 ! 19 I i 10J I 12 I ! 11 ! Hi 10 10 ! 12J 10 I 9. 12 ' 141 12 ; 'is \ . 3 6 ! '? i 3 I 3 4 1 4 3 3 1 4 i 1 4 2 4 2 3 2 : 4 1,518 18 0 2,711 1 10 535 14 10, 221 17 6 532 7 5 1,143 16 8 1,604 9 4: 232 19 7! 376 1 2 232 10 11 642 14 9 218 6 4 550 4 3 499 16 1 J 1 407 12 7 758 12 7 61 6 10 639 4 2 790 14 9 255 11 10 443 16 11 220 5 0 223 15 6 214 1 8 534 19 9 682 16 1 775 17 8 1 436 17 10 423 9 6 692 8 8 317 18 2 524 13 3 321 10 0 659 11) 9 573 1,434 220 554 955 2,101 203 175 190 333 134 690 785 180 430 717 47 2,832 219 84 599 108 86 59 363 311 1,836 146 142 237 j 142 434 103 374 561 511 265 1 220 458 259 36 2,673 192 86 14 127 131 644! 188; ] 1,187 68 366 147| 743 ( 6,317| '252 118 48ol 1,278! 80! 75 34 85 404 I 3,234 "579 1,251 31 462! 2,263; 4,798 20» 304 324 431 174 1,015! 702 83 223 1,0291 22 1,188 253 100 550 121 87] 115 626! 427 1,579] 17si 340 093] 222 423 85| 125] 160 276! 380! 39 105 730 252 92 3,283 4,760 6,088 1,700; 6,30l! 8,107] 10,913 1,201 1,777 1,314 2,361 1,459 2,013 2,821 596 1,040 3,014 131 2,587 3,170 1,891 2,955 1,203 390 1,006 2,392 3,277 6,203 2,265 1,596 1,357 1,017! 3,328' 1,1011 2.484 1 1,508' 932! 1,630 401 251 1,764 3,976 3,139! 1,257! 20,574! 3,119; 504 574 1,817 876! 2,920 1,435 7,504 1,582' 2,915 : 1,374 4,108 38,254! 5,026 3,094 325 6,677 21,917 27,293 1,822 3,094 1,699 3,258 1,825 2,874 3,126 306 949 6,115 181 1,513 4,842 2,001 3,152 1,793 670 .1,929] 4,361 0,049 0,617 6,169 4,936! 4,878! 2,835! 4,729j 1,481 4,436 742 l>136 1 2,494] 3,405 711 3,581] 7,007! 3,501 1,928 23,497 "958 795 4721 2.393 1 1,578 ! 6.078J 3,073 13,162! l,090! 6,213| 3,0731 6,81ll 35,641 10,938 11,867 2,282 13.994 1 33,242 45,105i 3,488! 5,350 3,527 6,381 3,592 6,592! 7,434l 1,165! 2,642! 9,875| 381 8,120 8,484 4,076 7,266 3,225| 1,239 3,109] 7,742 10,064; 16,235: 7,758 7,014! 7,165j 4,216j 8,914! 2,770 7,756 2,936 2,739 4,665 4,231 1 1,010 5,730 12,171 . 7,211 3,313 49,927 4,313 1,531 1,082 4,561 2,659 10,323 4,924 23,174 2,878 9,954 4,890 12,465! 86,180! 1,577 638 48 69 368 162 38 18 33 20 46 29 59 37 2 2 36 20 48 34 27 63 62 65 20 33 24 37 41 48 58! 33 134! 19 66 68, 71 13 41 217 10 53 36 6 109 104! 271 6 35 40! 4 ! 943 'l50 56 75 39 44 46 20 166; 15 393| j "71 47 174! 14! 441 122! 2,323 1,329 18! 504 1 3,044 4,79s 814' 221! 1,384; 554 940 2,503 1,22! 311 691 2,106 91 2,088 49) 224 2,061 54! 254! 1,37:! 88* 1,654! 1,998! 70«' 4,76 301 1 39! 90S 1 756 1,244' 204 12S] 864! 159 720: 531! 1.864 1 1,22!. 794 10,151 1,644 1,208 171 1,024 573 1,45S| 765 3,788 1,403 2,33( 1,294 1,748 22,270 2,097 887j 1,071] 5,892! 1,112; 4,995| l,624i 2,551] 1,471 19,534 2,341 880 2,005 1,019 1,210; 3,380, 255 12 2 18 43 147 8 9 23 8 80 88 100 12 25 58 4 92 522 1 30 6 19 27 34 64 86 12 18 21 52 27 30 20 14 27 59 458 110 9 1 67 4 126 18 479 2 54 2 27 li 68 39 11 72 6; 441 19! 169 ;3 36 1« 46 IS' 296 l> 44 13 397 Si 62 .. 11 9; 63 .. 33 . . 15 3 20 1 156 1 58 17| 182 .. 43 58 1 68 1; 50 7' 87 2 103 3 120 5' 101 2! 17 1 115 5 20 49 7 165 7 148 9 120 2 29 31 403 2 "42 2 77 11 1 35 68 2 117 1 44 6 151 211 2 83 7 871 12 184 40 707 35 4 3 17 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 '' I 83 1 55 i 68 109 ! 251 112 48 1; £ 108 72 18 24 105 2 63 31 342 197 98 147 50 69 81 1 8 1 268 78 39. 72 271 109 3 54 60 1 157 167 29 76 160 263 190 14 174 35 17 13 69 136 34 16 5 14 26 29 72 56 82 12 30 26 4,166 88 3 134 618 1,091 59 63 167 8 84 592 395 466 449 500 17 1,384 84 345 87 133 534 238 313 1,124 "ll 59 63 250 88 54 12 H9 34 76 229 192 237 214 '486 296 75 170 137 16 103 377 1,006 284 44 75 232 350 "85 66 544 90 270 97 769 177 143 3,106 18 1 43 123 306 I i 5 "34 "79 3 63 82 59 285 187 ] 1 128 103,268 114 1,465 20,548 31,250 13,499 8,237 26,033 962 4,108 51,436 121,935 31,442 33,466 92,599 14,768 98,200 1,518 82 38,536 4,058 14,134 4,712! 11,489 27,361 78,578 87 3,390 9,457 18,340 30,060 17,540 7,601 " 523 42,714 11,370 4,984 36,484 107,029 03,674 33,515 2,290 65,666 10,738 3,398 41,437 49,545 31,599 9,045 16,342 8,310 25,469 41,582 50,479 ' 1,142 42 6,523 17,063 30,805 65,282 32,473 10,768 47,047 24,823 44,892 16,210 123 783 1,020 2,642 101 22 458! 7 579 84 254 94 220 37 86 188 168 1,643 843! 808] 408 3,686, 2,755 1,373 "91 72 506 605 657 41 8,965 638 13,954 1,682 2,005 228 538 702 901 203 1,026 3,731 35 2,449 5,453 63 7,099 6 " 1,327 159 446 87 335 468 662 6,647 62 310 747 1,304 803 1,196 147 551 3,735 468 179 940 2,707 1,760 5,446 1 6 32 46 1 1 14 2 213 2 5 1 1 2 55 "7 2 16 2 60 299 31 8 3 4 1 5 1 1 io 16 1 678,100 93,400, 600i 6,900l 432,600] 48,600 2,700 - 222,300 44,4001 8,600: 3,800 : 3,700i 400 1,400 400 6,300! 900 1,000 2.400J 5,500 3,900 2,000 100 400 2O0 81,800 25,000 1,900 22,655 4 2,903 15 2,421 15 7,978 8 14,516 2 6,722 io! 2,436 6 1,458 9 385 18 515 19 3,333 0l 1,182 9! 2,232 13i 962 2| 1,197 0 3,823 16 1,058 0 1,701 2 1,635 19l 3,641 141 4,310 15j 2,250 15! 3,750 3 2,067 4 3,719 6 5,623 16 317 10 2,105 18 2,399 5 1,810 16 2,669 8 5,303 2 1 1,726 6! 621 13 4 15 1 16 1,776 10 1 2,446 13 654 15 3,620 5 22,350 2 5,733 4 4,361 18; 14,481 2 8,284 3 361 9, 2,915 8 3,199 10! 2,733 16 4,012 1; 3,643 0 9,520 9 6,502 17 12,806 0' 3,477 2' 2,380 8j 56,829 11 3,230 3' 10,009 7 4,341 18 6,100 14 6,802 9' 5,830 l! 2,758 0 ; 4,409 5! 1,883 7! 638 16] 2,199 3j 43 17 30 3 13,362 16 , 377 17 664 19 67 9 25 4 124 17 62 16 151 18 132 6 185 10 50 10 102 9 237 12 13 5 271 15 843 0 38 4 144 15 34 6 60 4 1 60 6 162 3 194 4 144 4 16,610 0! 34 14! 86 17| 116 10j 97 14 106 2 352 7; 86 15 33 7 160 8] 69 0] 53 12! 255 4, 370 17 ! 167 8 6,873 16: 2,456 6 195 2 83 4 49 18' 91 18i 42 II 205 8 71 18 1 342 8 11,494 8 184 5 1 118 15 168 11 8,426 5 20,247 5 7,657 8 119 0 139 i 583 19 93 12 93 7 2,451 4: 204 18 171 10] 633 7 47 4 2 0 1,997 17 888 15 23 19 4 0 10 1 60 0 255 16 15 16 41 17 4 2 9 3 8 15 9,112 12 3 0 482 0 4 0 5 11 17 3 5 19 22 13 "6 1 5 8 1,125 15 2,883 5 45 0 12,169 2 16 8 1,250 17 11 1,387 14 11 78 1 4 691 9 9 2,671 17 1 4,883 5 9 412 17 5 610 0 5 635 17 11 826 1 3 383 18 4 1,050 5 2 1,668 2 9 476 12 0 1,045 16 6 1,748 0 6 113 16 8 2,914 15 11 485 15 5 258 4 10 826 12 3 348 19 2 144 5 9 424 12 0 1,220 15 4 1,500 16 6 3,057 7 7 351 18 6 411 2 4 687 10 0 595 1 3 1,333 11 4 411 11 0 1,372 14 3 854 16 2 1,092 8 4 830 8 3 376 8 5 138 9 1 1,029 11 6 2,256 1 2 1,813 10 4 432 8 1 11,054 18 10 2lf 12 1 340 10 1 81 3 1 667 18 4 480 10 3 2,109 1 6 724 16 0 4,022 14 8 173 11 10 1,177 6 0 979 15 1 2,609 9 8 18,282 12 1 55 0 0 190 18 0i 88 6 8 21 16 0 33 11 6! 243 14 6, 164 17 0] 24 7 6 11 0 0] 19 0 0! 12 0 0! 29 15 7 20 2 ol 37 0 2! 31 5 0 1 10 0' 2 0 0] 42 11 6 1 .10 0 0 44 7 6 26 2 0; 43 13 0 - 48 4 7 56 7 0 21 3 0 12 17 8 19 19 0! 16 0 0 19 0 0 24 13 10 29 7 8 42 4 8 26 11 8 340 6 2 83 11 6 9 11 2l 42 4 5 278 18 3 451 2 5 61 15 3 22 0 0 204 7 0[ 32 9 4 98 19 10 181 15 4 160 18 5 44 6 6 100 5 11 155 19 6 10 14 8 313 2 3 453 4 10 11 9 2 162 10 6! 114 1 8! 23 16 9! 210 6 5 76 8 2 249 5 5' 335 3 7 28 13 0 24 14 6! 38 9 2: 32 6 7 83 4 0 106 8 5! 79 14 3; 54 9 10; 3« 5 Hi 77 16 0 1 18 12 6 85 16 S! 81 10 7 ! 164 17 5 134 5 0 61 8 0 1,150 15 7 121 15 8 161 17 1 31 16 2 86 4 3 56 13 2 162 4 2 60 0 3 317 12 8 142 2 2 114 2 7 95 15 7 182 5 7 1,706 2 3 66 8 6 39 6 9 2 6 6 10 1 0 76 17 10 107 16 5 14 12 6 4 2 0 11 19 1 9 16 10 11 14 1 26 9 0 12 19 2 8 3 9 12 17 0 18 11 1 1 1 6 32 13 11 10 5 4 6 15 7 23 15 7 10 10 8 3 14 3 10 13 1 27 10 7 24 3 8 19 9 8 5 5 10 8 5 11 15 13 9 10 0 11 22 1 11 8 10 10 7 19 6 10 8 8 18 5 10 22 3 4 5 8 3 1 10 3 23 16 2 46 14 8 18 4 2 5 3 11 269 11 9 11,016 9 6 1,102 3 4 895 8 2 8,625 3 11 4,951 10 4 3,255 16 1 1,053 6 9 629 15 4 823 13 3 827 6 8 1,135 2 3 1,554 14 6 4,609 1 6 1,551 12 0 2,406 0 11 4.839 0 9 ■ 704 2 9 5,754 9 10 1,387 19 5 948 8 7 2,080 16 9 672 17 2 1,436 18 1 921 4 2 1,559 18 2 2,569 0 6 1.970 3 3 6,940 18 7 036 6 10 750 13 7; 1,197 7 8! 1 2,465 6 10 ! 1,795 6 9 1.971 8 5 140 3 1 211 0 11 5,039 3 10 898 13 1 329 8 10 1,927 0 3 10,964 2 5 4,574 19 6 9,810 6 2 Or. 40 13 7 8,876 6 5 5,774 8 7i 2,248 9 l: 1,348 14 s! 2,670 5 7 1,553 19 10 1.840 11 10 1,058 7 3 2,567 1 11 5,281 10 7 2,973 2 3 1,964 2 5 : 2,894 5 6 1 Or. 35 3 1 21,467 6 6] 4,359 14 5 1 4,628 16 1 1.507 19 2 2,622 0 2 4.508 4 9 2,425 4 6 1,215 12 6 3,578 14 li 1,820 2 3 3,200 3 Oj 0 3 9 170 13 7 3 5 9 0 1 7 0 5 9 10 5 11 46 11 2 2 14 11 0 2 10 0 8 0 0 II 4 0 11 3 6 12 10 2 1 41 496 3 0 62 0 2 1 14 6 0 2 6 34 9 8 0 10 8 1 18 6 4 12 6 0 2 7 0 6 7 0 3 4 5 18 3 1 5 1 4 5 4 0 4 6 0 5 2 5 0 2 1 2 8! 2 12 10 0 13 3 0 17 0 269 10 10 57 19 1 8 11 HI 0 3 0 0 8 0. 1 7 a 12 5 5 37 0 6] 0 0 11 10 17 10! 45 13 f 3 3 11 0 6 11 2 4 10 4 0 3 0 11 7 14 0 10 1 0 7 4 7 4 0 10 2 1 8 0! 4 6 6 7 1 4 ■ 22 11 7 2,488 2 11 263 io 0 38 5 0 79 5 0 119 12 9 145 16 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 8 11 16 3 30 2 8 143 1 3 48 13 9 8 4 0 19 18 4 46 2 6 11 0 0 40 0 0 0 10 0 61 10 8 6 10 0 26 0 0 5 0 0 26 5 0 25 0 0 124 3 0 26 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 7 10 0 28 15 3 36 9 2 4 10 0 32 0 0 65 3 9 13,299 3 8 2,742 13 11 1,007 3 9 9,482 1 4 8,352 16 8 9,055 4 10 1,570 14 4 1,278 0 7 1,704 5 11 1,720 1 8 1,690 4 0 2,982 0 0 6,439 6 1 2,585 0 3 3,646 18 10 6,840 13 10 831 8 1 9,062 11 7 2,420 7 2 1,237 6 8 3,204 6 9 1,178 3 3 1,678 14 5 1,620 3 7 2,972 2 6 4,396 14 1 5,523 10 1 7,371 19 4 1,097 14 9 1,519 6 8 1,808 2 11 3,964 19 10 2,401 3 7 3,463 15 1 1,361 8 7 1,417 3 11 6,066 15 10 1,309 15 3 585 12 10 3,192 11 10 13,507 6 3 6,684 5 6 10,406 7 10 12,666 14 7 9,602 17 1 6,252 10 1 2,771 18 5 1,537 19 4 3,474 5 6 2,387 5 8 4,276 0 6 1,943 18 1 7,151 9 4 5,628 17 0 4,343 17 5 3,099 19 5 6,851 3 7 21,347 7 6 25,159 2 5 4,359 14 5 5,883 13 5 2,354 13 8 3,880 3 5 9,204 2 8 3,224 19 7 2,226 3 0 3,960 8 5 2,589 13 7 6,642 7 4 14,537 4 5 1,623 11 10 10,079 4 4 2,293 11 3 6,640 8 1 1,435 4 10 4,703 19 1 1,156 6 10 3,911 2 11 6,178 9 6 942 5 6 861 19 5 2,840 6 0 1,648 10 9 1,270 17 10 1,035 18 10 1,345 10 11 5,569 15 0 7,275 5 6 654 11 7 1,775 3 1 2,289 11 8 77,563 12 9 11,733 16 7 78,400 2 6 9,698 562 101 477 2,541 6,964 1,974 3,293 1,806 1,587 4,649 1,380 1,895 4,060 2,664 247 8,907 397 747 1,753 710 692 1,811 3,387 3,010 5,870 202 369 702 1,732 1,894 2,115 2,391 1,584 987 4,472 816 433 2,083 4,481 4,954 1,570 18,171 402 4,253 343 1,901 1,454 4,938 1,231 0,619 283 2,768 4,139 4,895 31,386 451 17 24 21 161 21 35 21 8 18 112 35 33 119 29 18 147 139 48 47 167 2 13 3S 13 56 J 2 45 35 60 6 2 40 55 60 1 457 "24 1 3 3 2 2 8 12 3 38 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 24 .. 62 333 90 109 155 241 42 699 54 5 33 35 2 21 158 47 231 14 30 63 34 81 100 109 114 79 120 11 10 105 117 160 28 270 659 82 2 59 98 328 50 56 66 5 "I 7 4 2 1 3 22 3 3 18 6 3 24 1 1 5 0 2 5 1 2 4 6 4 5 4 6 1 1 1 12 11 467 46 5 22 58 597 2 2 ■ 2 10 14 6 6 7 4 1 19 3 1 5 1 3 4 2 74 20 3 1 9 2 8,790 99 2 107 - 229 773 40 26 38 11 42 142 170 507 633 90 27 1,880 444 6 6 99 53 46 151 78 812 795 11 82 64 245 101 108 28 125 8 14 1,032 128 339 254 416 711 248 68 113 16 111 64 318 684 53 50 85 6: II 7( 25! iei 2,.13: 1 1 10 1 384 212 1 2 1 6 1 22 671 16 15 IB!.. 198 6 500,647 1,241 329,201 756 18,304 1,453 5,457 2,411 83 473 6,523 1,749; 4,938 5,810 2,642 1,168 13,608 28,583 334| 4,854' ' 1,496; 380 8.865 1 5,263i 6,336] 11,706 273,888 1,347; 2,496 5,085' 2,780 17,489 1,239| 1,210! 1,036] 6,274 1,416 2,895 7,540l 10,964 11,344 82,152 25,029 88 3,527 881 162 33 88 25 "65 6,312 32! 886, ■ 241 707 290 319! 373; 5,120, 39! 207 101 207 87 36 31 29 2 85 26 9 1*1,141 7,174 973 2 1,000 1 >: 140 45 4 2 23 62 2 1 2 19 2 11 20 14 3 32 15 1 18 3 3 1 12 1 2 "l 4,753,300 3,159,300 15,300 815,400 301.800 1 443,000! 114,400 34,000 65,400 9,500 46,000 205,400 31,800 397,200 323,300 102,000 12,000 791,900 127,000 6,500 143,400 25,000 24,200 80,800 203,700 128,600 205,800 722,400 5,200 40,700 67,100 26,700 71,300 76,300 176,900 193,900 310,800 55,900] 10,400 98,700 272,000 333,800 56,300 2,149,200 31,800 213,900 48,900 147,100 26,800 283,700 190,300 917,600 178,100 155,700 266,400 572,600 6,159,700 13,000 169,800 146,000 49,800 878,400 117,800 67,000 16,100 169,700 273,100 31,150 4 7,420 2 88 19 3,758 7 3,754 6 4,084 1 557 9 1,163 11 620 17 127 18J 421 19 847 2 122 15 353 13 1.105 3 481 3 48 7 1,530 9 366 15 247 14 918 6 244 IS 433 3 603 1 629 12 425 9 1.106 17 1,127 19 267 5 404 17 920 5 510 0| 749 12 659 8 544 18 150 1 1,084 1 318 5 292 0 624 2 1,368 10 2,593 9 1,116 11 7,iil 5 232 4 1,844 14 609 4 1,291 4 553 6 1,049 1 865 2 1,566 2 995 12 1,490 13 1,584 15 1,868 15 1,127 11 129 0 19 3 1,427 0 3,822 9 1,829 12 371 18 214 4 664 11 100 14 260 2 427 3 196 16 530 3 975 14 383 6 76 2 2,170 4 754 12 83 18 298 4 157 7 58 14 305 15 561 12 632 12 702 17 3,002 16 73 17 138 0 356 11 335 4 360 1 393 9 628 12 287 13 887 6 177 5 111 8 417 4 1,056 14 1,248 5 302 10 5,955 10 219 8 883 8 169 19 492 4 186 19 845 11 486 7 1,009 19 1,135 1 472 19 737 3 1,345 11 43,609 14 1,517 7 841 4 458 12 240 14 2,515 15 288 18 387 12 66 4 743 12 965 17 12,403 11 11,470 1 385 0 8,4138 0 6,214 18 4,062 11 783 8 1,250 14 779 3 345 9 1,097 0 925 11 175 6 1,403 1 1,932 9 658 11 80 1 1,854 0 2,380 19 461 8 1,817 11 604 14 142 12 707 19 2,085 11 1,004 4 914 13 6,309 13 1,143 0 276 11 786 12 511 13 705 10 306 16 2,083 7 878 3 756 7 446 14 504 10 695 12 1,832 15 3,135 7 658 8 15,443 6 1,490 2 757 1 623 18 1.057 3 299 0 2,133 3 1,244 15 4,560 18 4,002 11 1,656 6 1,026 16 2,169 9 28,229 8 479 12 3,871 7 772 5 767 14 5,319 3 1.058 15 636 19 571 16 988 19 1,357 4 „ Head Office. Addington. Papanui. Styx. Belfast. Kaiapoi. Rangiora. Cust. Bennett's. Oxford East. „ West. Sefton. Amberley. Waipara. Domett. Mina. Waikari. Hawarden. Culverden. Hornby. Prebbleton. Lincoln. Spiingston. Ellesmerei Doyleston. Leeston. Southbridge. Little River. Islington. Templeton. Rolleston. Kirwee. Darfield. Sheffield. Springfield. Broken River. Oass. Coalgate. Bumham. Sehvyn. Dunsandel. Rakaia. Methven. Chertsey. Ashburton (Coaeh'g) „ (Goods). Tinwald. Mount Somers. Winslow. Hinds. Rangitata. Orari. Winchester. Temuka. Washdyke. Pleasant Point. Albury. Fairlie. Timaru (Coaching). (Goods). Wharf. St. Andrew's. Makikihj. Studholme Junction. Wajmate. Morven. Glenavy. Pukeuri Junction. Duntroon. Kurow. Oamaru (Pass'grs). „ (Parcels). (Goods). Breakwater. Waiareka Junction. Ngapara. Maheno. Herbert. Hampden. Palmerston. Limo Quarry. Dunback. Waikouaiti. Seacliff. Waitati. P. Chalmers Upper. Sawyer's Bay. P. Chalmers(Coach.) (Goods). Burke's. Ravonsbourne. Pelichot Bay. Dunedin (Pass.). „ (Parcels). „ (Goods). „ Head Office. Caversham. Burnside. Green Island. Abbotsford. Wingatui. Middlcmarch. Hyde. Ranfurly. > Oturehua. ! Omakau. i Alexandra. : Clyde. I Mosgicl. I Outram. " ' 3 21 44 48 2 "4 5 6 4 7 14 38 18 1} 2 ■ ! 1 1 i ! ; 3 2 I \ 321 0 4 380 1 5 221 0 9 231 9 5 322 8 9 1,208 16 1 503 10 0 307 10 4 I 3,345 4 10 321 2 3 224 2 2 219 8 0 ! ' 315 16 5 305 0 9 469 1 ll 241 19 9 ■ 657 1 11 218 4 6 343 15 8 323 4 0 711 10 8 l< 4! 61 3i li 47^ 1 1 3 5 17 3 5 3 5 5 4 68 42l 331 220 450 259 365 " 300 1,900 5,100 4,200 139 5 24 15 20 19 2 3 10 67 10 0 10 10 0 28 0 0 79 15 6 42 0 2 62 0 0 24 4 0] 221 4 2 80 9 4 5 10 0 26 5 9 21 1 8 3 0 0 50 0 10 52 0 0 48 13 10 2 10 0 21 2 6 21 11 8 3 1 8 610 1 11 21 2 6 2 0 0 49 10 6 82 5 0 54 0 0 66 7 9 II i f 2! 2 64 24 7 23 1 2 8 6 14 "99 4 8 1 3 " 3 2 1 1 23 28 "56 277 169 "61 9 83' 111; 125 204 75 9 6 10 5 13 H a , ! 12i 10* , 3 } ; 10 11 12 21 2 , 1 I 3 4 1 2 2 4 18 123 57 462 935 198 1,166 871 6 20 249 602 27 60 9 2,239 3,120 2,226 617 2,175 1,739 1,304 640 298 6,096 2,160 1,891 7,525 42,793| 1,215 5,810! 624 226 2,251! 607 700 881 971 7,061 8 256,100 1,700 40,700 1,044 19 32 0 3,832 9 6 7 4 2 12 2 10 7 4 12 10 4 11 0 1 13 7 11 5 5 7 18 6 31 10 10 11 4 0 83 1 7 2 4 7 28 10 6 12 10 2 28 16 6 739 2 9 680 17 1 50 7 8 4 14 3 46 1 3 7 10 0 284 3 4 2 10 6 36 10 0 107 17 4 26 7 8 21 18 0 66 3 4 22 0 0 1,203 13 0 68 5 0 59 14 6 66 0 0 158 12 6 7 0 0 10 3 0 16 10 0 4 0 0 7 17 4 7 36 9 11 21 113 10 19 183 171 60 70 241 21 28 127 27 75 80 262 29 113 23 95 105 165 456 23 19,952 21,352 13,305 697 10,300 3,203 15,959 4,069 8,072 118,012 10,045 3,869 2,405 128 1 265 V.021 35 173 35 6 5 16 8 3 2 17 2 10 25 47 44 146 22 224 74 681 228 1,321 138 460 296 803 5,974 27 28 35 30 53; aii 15 70 27! 32 47, 267' 1 3 i82 1 29 43 4 8 4 1 900 2,800 2,500] 6,500! 12,90o! 33,300 1,500 2,300 8,300 15 17 88 16 192 10 292 0 0 1 : l< 4 6 4 II 1 71 8 12 3 8 30 16 2 "77J 121 21 508 336 640 10 51 " 2 1 3 z i 192 1 20 12 16 36 227 W5 a. „,:! quired! 12l! 12 I 11 j 12 Hi 12} 18} 11 I 14 ! ■I 66 ■I 2 1 ! 2 3 2 2 ! 4 13,331 9 0 326 10 5 233 4 0 511 12 5 888 5 0 317 15 6 615 11 1 308 15 10 329 7 9 698 12 0 337 218 698 1,400 77 100 74 82 389 3,582 3,699 1,208 3,001' 6,973' 1,198! 1,637! 658; 1,001 3,726' 30,979! 5,340 2,235 2,460 8,534 2,153 3,114 564: 1,586] 5,064l 26,708 9,628 3,839 6,045 18,185 3,508 4,926 1,330 2,754 10,483 64,503 ■l4 17 14! 1041 19 25 111 35! 14 " 2 "76 1; 28 "76 28 75 217 29 47 38 79 168 23 9 " 1 ■■ (i " 2 2 141 75 61 231 830 480 440 27 1 3 21 1,479,600 5,601,900 2,200 4,600 5,000 38,000 600 21,158 19 20,581 18 497 10 16 Iβ 34 3 39 16 17 12 998 4 8 627 11 10 1,060 6 4 3,944 1 2 670 2 10 755 0 11 113 10 4 509 15 0 2,269 15 7 13,899 3 11 80 14 0 48 17 6 41 17 0 82 7 2 27 17 6 19 2 8 10 0 0 87 0 2 9 19 2 498 11 8 88 10 8 07 6 8 75 12 3 507 7 8 84 18 11 211 18 8 234 13 10 158 15 6 134 18 4 18 10 4 12 6 11 21 3 10 60 0 3 9 13 6 13 16 1 2 17 6 6 12 6 9 9 7 120 0 0 355 4 9 0 12 8 0 18 1 2 4 10 3 9 2! 0 2 4; 0 9 2! 4 2 8! 2 19 3 10 4 4 19 8 10 1 17 4 269 6 6 916 17 1 2 17 10 6 10 6 10 10 2 0 12 8 4 2 6 30 19 10 2,455 1,764 761 8,832 1,317 2,107 516 4,248 4,980 20,887 "292 6,403 2,301 1,4921 2,711 6,326 1,077 2,700 3,092 1,4.61 12(i! 498 3,709 "248 375 210 24 20 19 121 18 6 63 18 42 237 4 5 6 18 4 5 91 47 49 249 25 52 36 73 257 343 ' 2i 475 1 3 3 26 1 3 6 8 36 432 1 117 86 189 64 17 27 285 37 "l7 17 1 1 262,619 86,950 577 10,649 2,184 808 7,120 17,945 70S 4,913! 88 259 62 36,201 39,350 626 4 9 2 3 29 13 5 2 10 24 71,787 13 42,004 14 3,030 18 1,063 5 1,023 6 2,769 17 756 6 826 11 248 8 1,225 19 1,285 0 2 2 6 4 42 1 35 17 4 43 1 6 1 66 18 17 10 18 0 13 10 "40 300 22 8 )l6 45 8,699 14 0 '"" 51 453 "30 12 3 628 10 132 12 3 33 755 28 14 21 12 1 1 100 1,702 435 145 1,253 73 440 490 27 956 372 389 122 39| " 3 I ''79 15,999 '725 8,201 145 2,137 265 811 162 425 955 441,200 1,283,600 10,100 .. 18,734 14 380 14 10,031 17 2,004 16 4,902 19 762 10 1,754 15 1,330 3 19 16j 290 11 739 3| 202 16 219 8! 2 13, 70 19 6,460 Iβ! 3,689 2! 298 121 100 101 218 ll! 9« 13 343 4 347 5 10 16l HI 5 1 373 10! 297 5 213 17 57 2 581 13 28,398 7 2 16 6 10 75 12 851 14 6,027 17 3,463 17 231 9 3,789 13i 5 12 3,851 6 1,811 5 1,303 7 7 Or. 36 17 10 9,332 13 0 1,376 14 2 6,285 8 3 1,020 19 4 3,600 17 6 449 10 9 2,771 0 0 2,072 3 5 942 5 6 629 6 7 1,597 19 1 552 5 8 448 4 0 93 18 0 396 18 11 Or. 0 9 4 6,878 11 6 8 4 2 14 13 4 1,244 18 8 477 4 10 15 1 I 4 2 1 2 8 110 55 10 7 8 2 18 20 1 10 41 44 33 2 43 'il7 8 "SO 17,046 240 7,344 2,705 3,267 224 2,815 4,004 " 389 2,116 763 1,327 293 7,218 8,073 103 "3 28 24 3 3 37 3 16 52 2 2,582,100 18,400 53,800 193,000 215,000 91,100 135,500 365,500 25,800 58,200 191,400 166,300 123,000 146,800 845,900 100 69,000 93,800 20,120 18 21,025 3 210 15 2,824 0 2,149 18 601 8 1,440 12 1,045 19 65 3 710 9 639 3 918 17 791 SI 6 1 357 14 2,714 19 - 12 12 124 8 7,973 14 10,230 12 1,607 4 48 15 962 8 464 4 220 11 455 19 9E8 5 E5 7 362 17 456 0! 521 91 353 17 15 0 - 1,780 14 25,is6 12 10 17 12 12 97 8 24,397 8 i83 13 1,325 3 345 17 165 10 171 19 675 4 264 151 1,258 8 418 14 897 18 971 16 2,193 3 1,035 17 824 2 14,783 16 2,596 0 2,706 8 2,421 5 1,579 2 796 18 945 2 1611 11 2,560 1 966 17 2,373 4 2,296 16 701 18 0 1 2,230 12 10,983 11 9 2 1,545 2 20,736 11 100,755 15 5,695 0 22,439 17 6,502 0 690 3 999 19 2,062 9 698 0 2,180 19 83 8 1,148 12 725 16 1,066 2 233 9 5,926 9 16 iej 11 13 12 121 221 9 21 211 22 13 24 '■ 18 24 JP 24 2 2 3 2 2 14 932 4 8 364 16 6 324 15 3' 450 15 4 1 323 17 4 1 393 14 li 2,121 7 8 iso 104 119 45 207 772 38 81 246 50 219 1,041 38 327 161 478 2,725 1,258 10,147 2,407 5,890 2,272 66,438 1,478 691 2,189 1,209 1,834 11,250 '475, 1,809' 2,171! 1,833 2,839, 5,669 13,681 452 1,308 2,672 2,672 2,268 12,406 465 3,280 3,385 3,950 11,117 10,763 46.708 1 4,452 27,842 12,706 186,496 2,118 2,184 5,226 3,976 4,528 25,469 1,057 5,727 5,879 6,498 17,442 18,215 79,735 .. I 25 20 11 46| 781 61 18 66 46 145 198 " 3 1 45,042 12,087 21,801 6,168 19,890 27,287 302 96 91 26 4 77 135 3 0 319 7 2 690 II 5 505 15 4 835 6 10 3,452 15 0 31 18 6 26 12 0 97 11 2 8 4 0 53 7 6 132 IS 0 177 8 8 56 10 8 279 4 6 126 8 7 187 0 6 397 13 9 3 14 10 2 5 2! 12 11 10' 5 15 6, 12 2 10 43 16 Si 3 17 0 4 0 0 12 12 6 1 10 3 3 4 10 15 105 68 54 146 220 8 340 82 48 17 142 322 30 118 "id 2I 2J 1 ■I 1 2 2 52 '76 22 147 163 1 69 9 ' 4,600j 5,300 100 16,500 100 400 11,400 3,700 1,7001 100 48 3 9 48 2 6 1 17 i ■■ % 87 6 ".6 18 759 1 3 3 3 1 3 18 196 1 0 501 15 9 478 8 4l| 678 0 8] 137 2 10! 633 12 & 4,372 17 0 542 9 2 497 16 9'! 682 14 oj 21,284 8 4 19,476 15 8 1,097 14 0 601 8 S« 1,140 1 li 703 6 5'i 563 4 4 694 16 4 423 19 4 318 16 5 574 8 3 222 4 0 649 7 10 329 11 8 653 12 3 1,850 1 4 552 7 0, .. I 79' 211! 162] 237 761 525 I 3,199 333| 973, 336 120,504 "4 79 114 106 74 1,449 7,109 .. ! 760! 3,950 : 2,419 ! 8.087J " 2,113 987 2,549 2,940 719 73 16 5 16 61 84 42o! 1,3941 l,20l! ■ 976 948! 195! 1,113 40 164 183 122.491J 1,892| 191 194! 614 2,9581 1,120 1,7991 1,106 797 1,943! O ItHl 1 57 6 54' a J 1 3 63 127 72 136 39 40 85 4 8 I 19 3 2 12 4 3,473 24,347 731 470 154 "85 282 40 14 21 1,439 592 271 96 4 8 81 54 37 61 1 5 13 0 6 6 8 4 0 885 6 2,891 18 167 11 2 871 4 2 758 4 2 611 15 9 1,445 7 2 656 14 4 3,961 17 7 3 10 0 123 0 9 164 3 3 51 10 0 21 1 6 275 11 11 1,460 15 8 51 19 2 213 7 9 165 10 7 149 5 8 72 8 10 13 15 7 124 6 10 1 9 9 1 10 17 2 3 2 o! 0 10 9! 2 8 4 1 6 2 18 1 6 018 6 3 3 9 3 18 1 908 4 9 2,083 0 8 1 13 3 3 13 3 1 14 7 2 II 8 0 5 0 1 4 0 2 3 4 319 8 0 0 6 6 0 14 0 7 1 el 69 8 6 285 18 2 737 13 11 6 9 6 19 17 10 3.10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 6 36 3 4 7 3 4 47 189 154 198 22 40 79 4 2 3 268 39 422 10 37 "lO 91 6 7 2 5 115 60 1 1 43 48 " 'i 3 "22 18 38 3 150,800 60 7 3 0 0 77 6 0 16 50 4 "94 18 67 1 441 178 41,883 6 3 3 4 132 882 3,607 2,4971 72,798 8,074 38,312 17,811 346,236 I 12 85 81 "l 39 "7 5 69 12 250 17 5 848 10 1 741 10 1 67,629 14 1 387 15 9 896 13 9 279 9 1 7,218 9 9 6 10 3 11 8 2 12 14 3 4 40 1 27,200 10,432 9 1,737 16 8 "67 *600 '220I 1,457 9,427 16 3 Or. 62 18 6 77,000 18 7 37,877 676 1,164 23 6,220! 24 1,449 775; 6 4 9 11 31 18 21 104 102 27 84 1,988 " 3 2,663 279,296 37,173 225 34 43 10 1 31 14 27 3 16 4 13 5 13 9,392,700 70,200 288,400 183,600 136,200 133,200 215,300 74,900 215,800 38,800 87,100 54,100 251,100 274,400 394,200 45,732 1 614 15 1,501 8 3,472 8 152 17 281 13 759 15 265 17 853 14 290 13 532 16 379 1 1,158 4 2,076 14 1,755 0 20 89 i« 646; 867 'se; " 3 " 444 37,694 2 2,229,100 25,599 5 26 19 9,322 2 1 1,152 19 15 14 537 6 725 11 460 10 151 11 164 14 200 5 285 0 1,181 8 4,788 6 1,100 11 40,986 6 302 9 7,866 1; 212 171 68 14| 198 13 347 19, 254 0 373 8 262 16j 22S 19 242 1 306 8 555 14 125 5 14,217 17 92 I 1 5,985 11 40,086 18 36,217 1' 9,357 131 38 3 152 16 7 8 14 14 661 io 0 211 21} 211 211 21 10 11 121 91 111 9 101 20 12 4 7 4 3 4 3 2 4 1 4 2 4 12 4 ! -505 387 877 477 400 249 42 273 81 129 346 1,016 1,258 364 1,071 1,716 6,792 2,836 1,524 280 25 191 32 59 163 380 4,727 464 4,302 2,730 3,811 3,841 2,353 1,271 096 1,345 488 1,232 1,433 3,689 9,061 4,267 .. 9,758! 7,043] 21,300: 21,059 ! 7,124 992 461 984 342[ 830 1,574 2,431 32,970 4,527 15,636 11,876 31,840 28,213 11,401 2,792 1,224 2,793 943 2,250 3,516 7,516 48,025 9,622 1.892J 191 194' 614 2,958: 1,120; 1,7991 1,106! 797 1,943 2,180 3,484 1,130 - 1 50 47 20 53 25 27 20 28 305 62 " si 4 1 131 52 20 40 125 148 87 75 68 55 69 89 185 02 1 .. I 25 3 125 106 49 44 31 25 1 2,834 40 109 815 321 281 360 178 18 cc 2,83< 109 sir, 321 53] 360 178 IS 88 52 "97 " 2 8 4 1 2 22,325 " 290 5,889 18,524 25,114 16,070 29,915 11,562 49 1,591 6,764 35 85! 55 408 7 296^ 1,789| 23 1,365 1,046 3,215 1,530 2,687 1,406 3 1 I ' 4,600 1,800 6,500 8,400 900 10,800 600 2,600 7,000 3,300 5,200 100 1,577 11 10 343 6 2 957 15 3 1,118 4 10 750 13 6 645 10 6 217 13 2 984 5 7 324 11 2 609 15 6 1,133 14 8 2,817 18 0 3,862 16 3 841 12 5 344 16 0 222 18 7, 015 19 5 627 14 2 : 182 3 6 35 7 6 1 8 0 0 1 5 0' 8 0 0 35 5 8 49 3 6 1 10 0 832 16 1 52 8 0 110 11 4 17 13 10 9 19 0 15 10 10 90 17 3 271 13 5 140 18 2 167 10 6 106 15 11 79 13 3 143 0 6 192 18 10! 658 13 8j 162 3 11 21 10 5' 2 17 6 6 19 5' 6 15 3. 16 18 10 9 6 10 2 11 6 13 3 11 3 16 2 6 15 9 12 14 4 15 3 10 105 19 3 8 2 8 691 11 4 10,508 15 9 4,897 15 2 3,549 7 5 1 1,968 0 3 1,734 15 9 2,554 12 5 " 1,812 10 3 2,675 4 9 1,414 8 3 781 13 2 2,835 0 11 2,770 17 9 501 16 5 2-7 6 25 4 11 21 13 5! 0 13 8! 0 7 0! 7 0 2 1 2 0| 5 9 4! 1 5 2| 5 3 3; 4 17 1! 10 2 9! 37 5 0 15 13 6j 5 0 0 1 0 0 30 0 0 8 13 4 24 2 6 1 0 0 4 0 0 2,753 8 5 11,121 16 9 6,540 2 2 5,218 6 2 3,017 13 7 2,727 Iβ 8 2,925 17 2 2,987 18 7 3,119 13 2 2,153 1 8 2,127 3 3 5,915 0 4 8,271 13 0 1,582 16 11 1,177 344 433 488 1,359 4,640 2,495 5,237 1,968 2,688 2,638 2,678 4,161 2,667 1 1-K 3; i< 5! 1 17 6 20 81 38 16 43 114 158 80 189 41 71 83 67 191 96 8,232 5 100 141 21 152 24 70 60 86 458 176 is7 "15 3 124 1,874 1,991 966 1,649 1,980 2,010 1,346 1,321 3,906 2,135 3,281 55 Iβ 1,168 2 0 0 2 0 0 42 12 0 3 5 0 1 0 0 3 10 1 Iβ 36 1 42 113 3,735 . 85 2,180 3,484 1,130 1 462 81 88 629 52 63 220 34 +.2!): 82! 1,15] 56 2 33 11 10 0 10,107 17 4 19 37 24 28 238 65 1 13 45 56 1 123 1,608 "l5 1 7—D. 2.


RETURN No. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1911—continued.


I I ! " | „, , Hour J Hand'.! .,-„„,„ Nu.ibbi. o» Tick.ts. Tm , !t , class class class class Total. Tickets. &c ' Single. : Return. Sicgle. Return. I , j South Island Main Line & Branches— continued. £ s. d. Allanton .. 184] 3 497 17 9 91 554 1,308 5,712 7,6651 50 917 14 1 ( 45 3 302 764 106 Henley .. ..18 2 359 16 6 176; 165 1,319 2,606 4,266! 30 500 23 .. 56 4 71 1,051 79 Waihola .. .. 19 2 374 3 0 131| 136 ns\ 1,019 2,065 12 394 .. 1 26 I 1,464 66 Milburn .. .. 18' 2 357 18 8 22. 109 1,1421 962, 2,235 15 209 11 .. 42 .. 1,189 II 1 Milton (Coaching) ,„ 1 ,, , ... „ „ ( 592 1,338 0,078 9,646 17,654| 146 3,388 58 7 263! .. „ (Goods) .. ) ,9 " W25 9 ° I ...... .. .. .. .. : ; 6 408 422 21 Waitahuna .. 14JJ 3 517 0 5 66! "3! '■'Sβ) 2,240: 3,el4. 61 642; 21 8 33 91 109 Lawrence (Coaching) I ,.."' ,. ,.,, „ J I 534 950; 4,343 5,246J 11,073! 49 2,667 45 5 120 .. „ (Goods) . I 16 " 953 B 8 I .. .. .. .. ! .. I .. ■■ ... ! 64 237 4 Lovoll's Flat 19 2 367 1 10 32 164; 8591 1,263 2,318 75 321! 14 .. 22 .. 122 56 .. Stirling .. .. 194, 8 1,135 5 3 190 489 3,768' 6,128 10,575 121 1,735 18 .. 51 2, 120 1,809 38 BaMulhu (Coaching) !„, ,, „ „_„ ,, , I 1,176 2,029, 15,552 17,113 35,870 134 6,980 '65 21 366 .... (Goods) I 21 " %m ° 9 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22l 514 1,790 167 Waiwera .. 15J 3 447 I 9 74: 34! 791 1,510 2,409 15 1,328 18 4 59 61 455 400 13 Clinton .. ,.17 11 1,896 17 8! 407 S71 7,515 9,690 18,183 37 1,289 114 13 163 4 370 117 Waipahi.. .. 15 4 632 8 6 : 156' 167| 1,497! 2,349 4,169l 19 448 19i 10 46 .. i 211 79 I Tapanui.. .. 10 1 226 8 4 276 204: 1,502 1,454 3,436| 1 889' 17: 4 30 .. 16 27 Kolso .. .. 0J 2 313 18 S 131 134' 1,345 1,720 3,330 5! 703! 34| 6 47! .. 31 129 1 Heriot .. ..10 4 050 14 10 223 125 2,819 2,842 6,009 7 1,509; 31 4 64 .. 24' 412 Pukerau .. ..14 2 350 7 10 36 104 1,168 2,804 4,112 59 1,423 16 I 55 1 152 90 Gore (Coaching) .. I ,,, ,„ ., „„, . J I 1,945 2,831: 20,505 22,347 47,628 257 12,488 237! 49 ' 564 .. „ (Goods) .. ( 18 ' 1S 2 ' %l ° Vl .. ■ ,. .. .. .. .. ! .. ] .. j .. .. i 17 129 1,126 .. Kiversdale .. 12J 3 002 0 ; 253 307, 2,334 3,854 6,748; 79 3,737; 32 4 82; 5 114 221 Switzers.. .. 11} 2 348 18 0 178 231! 2,097 3,066 5,5721 22 550 13 2 42 . . 0 44 Billour .. ..12 2 320 17 7! 117 137' 1,570 2,213 4,037; 88 '775 I8j 0 88 .. 51 136 MUauia.. .. 14{ 5 785 4 3 332 501 4,544 11,337 16,714' 234 1.486! 20 .. 99 3 82 255 Edondalo .. 15 3 006 8 404 541 4,223 6,315 11,483: 91 1,043] 47 5 IO81 1 23J 1,454 2 Wyndhani .. I1J 4 565 9 8 ! 3751 IKI9 4,042 8,067 13,693 140 1,542 105 I 118, 6 35 709 4 Woodlands ., 17] 3 787 12 l! 250 420 2,907 5,325 8,962 52 l>91 40! I 08 .. : 112 664 57 lavmoargill (Pass.) 1 ( .. I 8,933 16,986 77,211 124,321 227,451 2,468 .. •■ j (Parcels) !■ 16i. 94 i 12,097 10 10i ■• .. .. .. .. ■■ 63,985; 465 113 820 (Goods) ) I 8,402 5 lo! .. . . .. .. ! • • .... .... 144 251J; 1,971 86 „ Head Office .. j .. 1,097 14 0l • ■ .. .. .. • . • ■ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Waimahaka .. 10J 3 521 18 9j 249 630 3,337] 8,760 14,976 13 519 47 .. 35 5 104 1.025 Bluff (Coaching) .. ) I 1,400 4,414 6.685 20,373 32,872: 785 e.142 7 1 86 .. .. , ,. (Goods) .. 16 19 7,048 13 l! i .. .. .. .. •• .... 8 75: 107 „ Wharf .. ) I ( .. .. .. .. .. ; .. Makarewa 12 2 304 12 33 82 729 503 1,407 522 1,490: 51 3; 61 2 244 970 06 'Thombury .. 11J 3 499 8 6 142 223 2,261 4,884 7,510! 23 890 33 Si . 48 .. Ill 170 41 Riverton ..10 3 480 2 ll 590 1,012! 5,390 5,365 12,357 132 3,292 185 5 72 7 32 102 ,. Orepuki .. 131 7 1,001 2 8 : 443: 492 8.742 1 9,583 19,260 : 41 1,757 36 11 55 3 33 615 48[ Tuatapere ..13 4 500 19 155 204 3,254: 5,612 9,225! 2 428 61 1 27 1 9 118 2i Fairfax .. ..9 1 227 16 32 44 1,036! '' 792 2 ' 904 38 i 23G u l ■• "' ' 39 " 7 2 Otaufcau .. ..14 3 578 1 545 668 3,449[ 5,214 9,876 86 1,680 67: 0 143 4 28 : 353 4 Nightcaps .. ! 13 7 1,151 15 5' 315 614 2,778' 5.803 9,510 21 582 I3| 5 87 2 21 20 .. Winton .. .. ! 12J li 937 17 9 1 838 888 8,070 12,726 22,522 115 2,886 131 7 203 5 427} 182 44; Centre-Bush .. ! lli 2 318 3 3' 100 114 1,298 1,867 3,379 84 1,094 20 7 09 3 42 250 4, Dipton .. ..123 2 325 19 1 159 191 1,037 1,672 3,059'; 18 852 11 3 63 .. 18 55 Lumsden .. 15 9' 1,478 1 7 759 ; 854 7,164 8,061 16,838; 230' 4,109 Ml 11 218 9 61 304 11 Kingston .. 9 3 040 13 403i 126 2,221: 1,881 4,631' 53 404 1 1 53 l| 5 12 2 Through trallie (Lake I .. .. .. 980' 1,752 2,099' 2,036 6,873, .. 3,363- 87 10 168 4 120 135 Wakalipu) T h r o u g h traffic ... . . .. 153 152 374 164 843 • ■ ' .. ■ • | • ■ i • ■ ! (Westland) Accountant .. 2.307, 1,035 835 9,087 13,154 524i .. .. i Tablet Stations .. .. 2!) 3.100 13 .. .. .. .. .. ....[.. .. General .. .... .. 22.188 18 9 .. ..'..! ..I .. .. \ .. .. ■■ Totals .. .. 1,296 281,709 7 4 175,100 313,753 812,022; 1,457,334' 2,758.275 78,51j! 507,309 9,042 1,303 19,900 1,106 16,4885' 54,606 0,748 Station.. Hours! Hands 1 Traffic open, en 1 - Expenditure. l>!oyefl. \_ ■. Nuribkb of Tickets. 106 79 1 21 4 38 167 13 1 1 OUTWAKD. i i : , »„..,, pi,.. »r e suSis,, «,-.!., 01 ,Si,,. M1 ««a... ,223a, s = . p.™ e ,,,*c. M Sa s cel ,^ us . ass e Ts. 0. Ts. c. Ts. c. f s. d. i! s. d. t s. d. £ s. cl. £ .8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,009 237 213 3 .. : 2,713 6 94 7 36 0 616 17 3 31 12 0 150 2 9 12 14 5 1,185 8 51 2 7 7 .. 1,999 2 5 5 375 273' 381 8 4,200: 819 18 173 7 7 7 602 19 4 26 15 0 48 4 II 10 18 2 804 2 11- 3 12 4 .. 1,490 ll 10 1,405 .. ! 135; I .. 122 13 40 2 0,427 10 263 13 0 9 10 4 20 9 10J 3 14 0 2,598 18 0 0 '0 0 0 10 0 2,897 10 2 8,000 .. ' 186! 6 , 200! 724 10 70 9 10 II 261 2 I 9 3 0 23 15 4 2 17 7j 1,679 IS 4 0 7 5 0 9 10 1,977 9 1 ...... .. .. ■■ •■ 3.480 18 111 17 0 269 16 2 73 0 V&Cr. 6 4 11 4 4 1 1 10 0 3,934 4 10 20 357 93 949| 12 ! !) ,300 4,903 0 780 5 9,713 15 .. .. .. .. 5,875 4 2 219 5 8 118 7 6 6,212 17 4 8 767 32 563' 1 . 615 I 237 I 335 4 008 0 111; 42 3 4 77 17 3 6 8 11 946 3 3, 13 15 0 9 10 0 1,703 19 1 .. i .. .. .. .. .. 2,993 3 ll! 104 14 61 201 5 3 21 13 1 Or. 18 9! 3 5 11 4 10 0 3,387 3 11 13,598 11 3,2091 ".. I 16,200 1,147 0 1,571 5: 76 12 .. .. .. .. 4,477 14 4 14 9 1 .. ' 4,492 3 5 6,590 3 477 102 .. 1,431 4 59 18 1 16,808 13 306 19 4 43 0 4 26 0 3, 3 6 2 6,310 9 21 143 6 3 . . 6,833 1 6 10,519 441' 389i 93 1,200 2.103 7 269 5123,285 19 1,938 12 7 87 2 8 158 4 8; 14 7 9 38,859 0 0 310 17 21 9 0 0; 41,377 10 10 ...... .. .. .. 7,003 5 6 216 10 0 896 19 4 97 13 5Cr. 11 1 2 4 5 7 .. 8,267 12 8 58 613 191 2,439 873! 3,370,500! 4,493 0 1,002 19: 1,112 4 .. .. .. .. 12,567 8 2 28 11 3 29 5 0 12,625 4 5 31143 11 1,126 187 I 964,700; 1,008 4: 379 2 54 13 402 14 0 8 13 4 70 7 11 3 17 3 3,195 1 11 0 13 0, .. 3,687 7 5 12 720 93, 1341 1000! 845 13 261 4 4 0 2,878 14 8 121 6 7: 222 7 7 25 12 4 2,009 15 7 5 3 265 17 8 5,530 5 6 14,588 .. 1,289 36 ' .. 1,298 19 129 II 1,026 0 683 16 11 8 12 0 54 12 5 8 10 0 2,098 15 8 2 13 4 51 5 11 2,908 6 3 15,120 .. 2881 20 200' 897 15 194 9 1,210 2 813 6 8 10 0 0 103 19 3; 7 9 10 1,325 11 5 3 0 10 1 10 0 2,264 18 0 14 724 22 934' .. I 9,100! 1,793 4 91 4 15 4 575 10 4 . 2 10 0 97 13 0' 0 10 1,837 11 6 2 5 7 71 19 0 2,593 10 5 33,646 17 3,127 .. 4,500! 4,966 2! 374 10 24 1 1,227 15 2 3 10 0 118 15 6i li 7 3 5,531 3 9 25 9 4 6 10 0 6,919 11 0 8,508 21! 1,904' .. 4,100 4,347' 6, 250 3 1,070 13 480 5 5 29 18 4 87 5 0: 4 10 2 2,672 10 8 1 11 2 27 12 6 3,303 13 9 ! ..':.. .. 9,635 0 8 346 8 8 924 0 10 299 I 2 6V. 19 13 10 10 10 '2 1 10 0 11,197 3 8 25,151 650 6,748 35 111,000 13,201 li 2,455 17 4,098 1 .. .. .. .. 11,118 7 4 84 10 11 766 2 6| 11,969 6 9 15,141 79! 1,463! 10 ' 21,000 7,920 15 345 2 117 0 1,126 I 10: 45 13 9 208 15 3 14 15 9 4,509 17 0 5 14 6 42 15 ol 5,953 13 7 7940 12- 1,167 47 3,900 264 9 213 17 23 17 1,193 18 11! 11 16 54 4 9 7 14 5 1,057 4 8 7 4 II .. 2,331 9 2 12 842' ' 1,250' 2 500 4,100 0, 171 4 50 11 803 12 5 4!) 0 10 63 4 li 9 15 8 2,910 19 II 4 16 0 33 12 0: 3,875 1 4 I49l! 38 3 170 3 1S600 3,818 13 7.149 I 13,815 0 2,680 3 II 162 9 8 102 7 2 37 17 11 10,198 2 5 7 17 10! 99 14 0 13,288 12 11 5.127 1 545 : 380 27 579,600 4,270 3 245 6 4 0 1,686 3 4 79 0 I! 137 4 2 32 9 8 2,713 11 4 10 0 4: 43 10 0! 4,708 5 4 4,058 257! 1,030 4 ! 737,600 2,499 1- 670 li 95 10 2,128 17 lj 95 18 6 180 16 6 27 16 II 2,631 13 0 11 4 4, 23 5 0j 5,099 11 4 14 136 I87! 834 4.1 1005 900 2,719 !2 1,295 0 07 II 1,084 16 7 29 0 8 83 4 8 16 5 9 3,603 14 8 17 19 9 20 3 3! 4,805 11 4 .. ! .. .. . . .. .. .. 33,479 12 3 3,667 15 9 .. . . .. 24 16 4 ■ ■ 37,172 4 4 . .. .. .. .. • .. i 4,014 14 6 870 8 4C'r. 36 9 11 176 4 4 .. 5,024 17 3 24,549 308 24,359 628 3,155,700 27,570 14: 26,279 13 6,432 19 .. .. .. .. 37,293 12 10 318 9 0| 1,129 4 2 38,741 6 0 14 312 14 1,1361 100 ! 957,200 708 15; 204 !■ 272 111 1,922 0 9 7 10 0; 06 13 8 10 2 10, 1,800 13 3 273 3 1 18 1 0 4,104 II 1 .. i 3,271 5 3 551 0 6' 388 1 4 20 10 10 6V. 9 2 8 123 10 9 .. 4,351 6 0 284 : 30681 245 I 510200 43,745 18 20,322 15 19.025 0, .. .. .. .. 22,247 17 7 1,669 0 1 701 19 1 24,618 16 9 116| .. I 139,300 7,499 II 2,642 7 2,157 2 .. .. .. .. 813 15 6, .. .. 813 15 6 17,658 116 1,531 17 ! 1,547,300 6,233 II 395 19 15,045 19 104 14 [II Kill 0 II 108 10 8 2 2 5 0,507 7 11 7 14 6 50 16 0 6,881 18 4 7,502 416 312 3 ! 11,300 1,224 19 197 9 22 10 780 9 3 13 10 0 02 7 3 11 10 5 854 18 2 3 12 li 0 10 0 1,733 3 7 109l! 4 152 277 j 9,307,100 937 0 844 Ml 75 0 1,811 10 3 107 18 9 331 0 5 43 13 1 15,836 9 5 2 17 2 40 3 6 18,173 12 7 4 139' 30 144 169 7,691,300 1,541 7 351 7 30 0 2,458 11 0 23 14 2; 139 4 lr 16 11 21 13,139 8 5, 15 17 8 62 7 6 15,865 14 6 3 178 35' 472 75 ! 1,169,600 338 15 238 4, 60 6 1,432 9 7 2 9 2 30 10 1 5 10 I 2,711 3 10 7 8 3 26 10 0 4,216 1 0 UI77 ! 582 1 1,322,400 2,047 12 173 1.1 1,249 lo 370 18 0 24 0 0 24 16 0 6 0 10 2,919 10 7 2 II 8 6 0 0 3,360 2 1 37433 215 2,540 29 2,187,800 5,752 0 302 4 5,764 13 1,734 0 0 54 5 4 107 11 7 24 1 2 7,848 9 10 7 7 11 55 17 6] 9,891 13 10 3,393 .. ! 1,508 .. 1,400 1,554 12 230 10 39,831 13 1.759 12 3 16 2 0 64 8 2 8 7 4 12,529 9 0! 10 14 3 .. 14,387 14 0 24,006 180 1,895 37 1,977,400 0,021 12', 070 13 374 7 3.017 13 2 96 11 2 267 12 0 43 0 0 0,822 2 3 16 12 6 31 16 0 10,295 7 7 46 049 ' 1,882 394 592.800 5.597 141 252 12 00 10 * 539 0 5 40 8 9 81 0 I HI 18 4 3,903 14 1 2 15 8! 22 5 0 4,606 11 4 16,340 120 1,035 3' 900, 2,355 0 201 0 4 0 035 9 3 116 6 47 9 5 6 13 0 1,579 10 1 2 11 0; 8 5 0 2,291 4 9 32 782 34 4,778 37 .. | 2,188 6 552 5 24 5 3.093 9 7 189 15 2 259 10 9 30 14 0 4,058 7 11 12 4 8; 41 11 o! 7,685 19 I 28 ! 10 I 4 200 34 9 49 0 I 12 952 15 0 20 10 0 18 9 11 2 0 8, 55 2 8 2 14 l\ 9 0 0l 1,066 12 10 3,112 28 2,640 1 246.000 2.007 15 1.463 16 1.250 I) 0.1140 9 11 .. 470 9 7' 9 18 6' 6,869 78 .. .. 13,396 5 8 333 3 10 .. . . .. .. .. .. 333 3 10 .. .. .. ..I 3,344 15 9 5,802 0 0 .. 21,015 19 3 .. 4,473 14 5|9,342 14 6 43,979 3 11 2,789,620 64,169 814,968 5,047). 90,068,90o| 694,509 4|447,531 16;700,684 13'410,854 10 11 41,52113 11 47,690 16 l!s3,168 6 6802,098 0 6123,989 6 724,004 11 4Jl,383,327 11 10 I i I Trucks Pared, H«». Lg£. D» D £T' jjgfr i ' 1.076 49I 2 49 • li 16 2,105 lSj 3 88 4 22 1,015 .. : .. 44 .. 4 843 4 3 33 3! 2 5,979 62 14: 160 .. I ..'..!.. 4| 88 1,9661 26, 10: 60 3, 4 4,962 671 8] 117 . . '■ .. ........ 21 19 981 7' 5 19 2 .. 4,734 10, 10: 44 6: 21 i 12,516 154! 50l 351 ..: ! .. .. 421 158J 4,295: 46: 13 143 9' 49 3,788' 63 : 17 168 81 3 1,565 12 3 38 4l 3 3.077 46 15 48 l| 7 1,969 23! 8 48 1 18 2,559 9 10 73 4 39 2,984 10- 4 77 8j 7 i 15,442 304* 45 400 . . I 30! 161 4,036 32 5 109 10! 9 2,987 22 6j 68 ' 6j 10 2,750' 27 16' [03 : 9| 14 6,129 29 3 87 11 73 4,658 68 6 99! 6J 10 6,831 108 5 104 10 33 3,339 21 1 87 10| 123 22,763 424! 65! 728 . ! ■ .VI.. .. 43 736 6,041 47 7 ; io9J 12| 46 I 5,961 27 I 105! . . I : 10| 248 . . ; .. . . . . 57 2,837 19| 1, 48, .. 20J 2,926: 41: 6| 69 9' 14 4,251! 60; 5: 73 4: 14 ! 5,462 30] 9 55 s| 76 2,464 27 8 66 9| 38 989 24 2, 33 9 13 4,759 95 9 91 9 1 20 4,643 53 6 128 24 17 9,704 140' 27 172 24 33 j 2,426 27 19 60 15 4 I 2,967 20 8 91: 9 4 1 4,012 51 14 229 Hi 12 I 3,906 17, 11 200' 6' 37 3,363 87 10 168 4! 120 Cattle. <Mv»s. Shoe]). Pigs. "ool" I I ' 777! 19 2,8251 12 .. 372: 50 4,429 17J 46' 1 1,599, .. ! 16| .. 670 2 246 2! 3,202! .. 1.303 40! ' ll 809, 6i 1981 .. i 3,167 9| .'. 13 .. j 443 937! 2l! 1,156 12! 1,737! 89 16,751: 57 369! 47 8,456 193 2 4,984 ..I 37 .. 186! .. ! 89 2 305! 201 .. 70 : 17 1,199' .. ! 168 36 1,800! .. 1 186J .. 1.279 1 1,0671 4 6,301 166 : 3,378 94 I: 2,870 126! 18 .. 1,230 .. .. I 249 13, 943 30; 669 3 45,057 27 317 712 105 4,443 131' 471 21 1,383 S2 1,113 6 8,840 .. 248j 1,671 109| 72,463 3751 19.394 491! 22, 2,240 9] 563J l' 162.977 51 34,120 .. : .. .. 30,561 1,117 30 34,550 161: 9 377 8 1 2,123 46! 65 1 88 235 335 68 4,418 4 1 397 60 2,464 .. .. 82 2 148' .. 229 1 1,113 9 124 2 157 71 367 40 2,301 74 88 I 772 1 .. 93 2 1,131 .. .. 148 46 1,181: 35: .. 3,989 7 9! 135| .. 3,1121 28 2,640 INWARD. I T ™? k " Timber, 21 92,200 18 145,900 115 60,100 19 23,100 39 573,800 25 ! 113,500 26 j 382,700 11 I 135,200 389 ' 463,900 187 1,111,900 33 137,900 39 ! 308,500 23 I 106,600 10 ! 220,800 6 ! 161,700 58 . 368,100 54 ! 441,500 136 i 1,765,700 64 ! 260,500 8 112,000 52 ! 333,100 64 887,100 52 299,200 48 456,000 42 . 132,800 449 ! 5,580,900 50 401,600 73 1.426,900 .. : 4,900 139 i 589,100 22 134,700 103 373,100 74 60,100 20,600 22 [ 26,000 14 I 40,100; 99 595,400 21 402,700 2 182,200 I8i 190,000 46 285,100 17 233,700! 1 246,000'; T ™, ok " Timber, J.RL Superficial n 1 1 I I ! 1 Ts. c. 532 3 751 19 285 16 417 10 3,507 4 986 15 1,563 5 600 14 1,316 14 4,836 15 1,704 6 850 9 740 4 851 5 1,081 14 1,114 18 2,210 14 10,881 10 2,113 12 979 0 1,376 16 2,908 10 2,010 15 2,024 14 2,068 9 27,081 11 2,215 15 52,661 3j 24,311 3 1,610 3 1,706 6 827 li 876 15] 631 6 650 4 1,661 1 1,551 7 3,484 II 1,510 2 912 2! 1,330 10 556 7 2,007 15; Grain. Merchandise. 182 2 456 6 150 2 246 18 1,724 13 444 4 2,386 17 245 2 1.197 2 3,523 2 542 17 616 14 209 8 561 2 304 8 825 12 713 6 4,182 14 890 3 813 3 578 13 3,246 15 793 17 1,243 16 1,234 3 23,709 0 1,080 ll! 20,401 I! 7,061 7! 1,609 13 502 5| 578 6! 1,147 8 651 15 1 274 4 1,179 12' 952 0 2,175 19 603 8 487 13 859 13 663 16 1,463 16 Ts. c. 1,556 8 2,664 2 664 17 9,419 14 5,151 10 1,445 14 4,345 18 1,079 15 1,827 15 7,4i6 15 2,507 7 2,010 1 827 9 1,326 7 2,307 18 3,589 7 1,450 2 4,733 8 3,066 0 1,428 11 1,691 1 1,128 15 5,259 0 3,894 3 4,560 7 42,700 16 0,442 14 " 9,625 0J 2,062 0 3,973 18 1,202 15 1,763 9 2,287 17 311 10 2,081 12 2,519 12 2,849 12 9,182 15 2,072 6 1,162 7 1,633 181 987 17| 1,256 0| Minerals. South Island Main & Branches — ;. continued. 1 Allanton. 2 Henley. 1 Waihola. 1 Milburn. Milton (Coaching). ) „ (Goods). I Waitahmia. Lawronce( Coaching), i „ (Goods). > Lovell's Flat. > Stirling. Bftielutlia(Coaehmg). > ,, (Goods). r Waiwora. '. Clinton. > Waipahi. ' Tapanui. ! Kelso. ' Horiot. ! Pukerau. Gore (Coaching). i „ (Goods). > Rivorsdale. I Switzere. 1 Balfour. > Mataura. ) Edendale. I Wyndham. J Woodlands. invercargilKPass.). (Parcels) i „ (Goods) „ Head Office. 1 Waimahaka. Blufi (Coaching). ) ., (Goods). ) „ Wharf. i\ Makarewa. ) Thombury. ) Riverton. J Orepuki. ) Tuatapere. > Fairfax. I Otautau. I Nightcaps, i Winton. i Centre Bush. 1 Dipton. i\ Lumsden. T\ Kingston. ) Through traffic (Lake Wokatipu). Through traffic (Westland). Accountant. Tablet stations. General. station?. 1 4 SI :: :: :: j :: ' :: :: .. : 1,106 16,4885' 54,606 6,748 ! 2,789,620 64,169 814,968 5.047J 90,068,90o|694,509 4;447,53I 16:700,684 13'410,854 10 11 41,52113 11 47,690 16 I 1 33,1(58 0 0 802,098 6 e!23,989 0 724,004 11 4:1,383,327 1110 i 567,369 9,042 1,303 19,900 ! 1,108 16,488i 54,600 (i,748 2,789,620 54,169 514,968J 5.047J 90,068,900 694,509 4 : 447,531 16 706,684 13 Totals. 1 I W]S8TLAN i> Section— ! i Ross .. .. ! 121 3 498 7 1 324 339 3,575| 5,187. 9,42e! 31| 206' 15: I 44 .. .. 48 1 Holdtika- .. I 16! 6 1,091 18 5 1,900 1,517 13,252! 11,080 27,749; 203 2,171' 96! 3 140 26 7 53 56 Kuinara .. .. ' 15 , 3 465 2 7! 388 439! 3,293 3,956 8,076 63 683 261 1 28 1 4 S7 II CreynuiuthlCoaeh'g) 1 ... „ ...._ _ J j 6,166 6,666 56,683 51,864 121,379 3,916 19,711 253, 32 407 .. .. .. .. (Goods) !l "* ofl 15M1 ° i 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24! 288 734 9 „ Head Office .. .. 370 8 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i Runanga .. 14J 4 651 1 7 391' 824: 8,437 20,737 30,389 276 177! 1 .. 18 4 2 .... Brminer.. .. ! 16 3 582 0 6 118; 260: 2,310l 6,065 8,753 354 416 1 .. 18 .. .. J .. ■StiUwater .. 16! 3 457 14 0 307! 297 3,856; 2,315 6,775 76 672 10 . . 22 1 .. 8 .. Xgaherc .. .. ! 15 3 501 7 8 406 581 4,783! 7,099 12,869' 98 1,362 ol 2 63 1 1 79 5 Blackball .. 141 4 521 12 4 167 280 2,233 4,467 7,147 20 94 2 - .. 16 2 .. Ahaura .. ..13 1 229 15 5 232 190 1,296 1,720 3,438 82 331 38 1 42 1 7 338 Tolara Flat .. 13 2 371 13 4 96 122 937 885 2,040 42 1,932] 31 5 63 3 15 266 36 Reefton .. .. | 16i 5 912 13 6 1,598 942 7,70s! 7,788 18,033 73 072, 59 2 88 7 4 91 1 Moana .. .. 12" 2 331 15 5 139 109: 2,109 704 3,061 7 1,043 26 .. 12 .. 3 199 3 Otira .. ..15 2 385 7 11] 930 383! 2,396? 1,273 4,982i .. 708 64 2, 42 3 42 9 Accountant .. .. ■ .. ; .. j 910 :)10 l'^ Through traffic .. .. .. 153J 152 374 164 843' (S.I.M.L. & B.) ! General .. •• ' •■ ■■ 3 ,O77 10 III ...... .. .. I .. .. Totals ..I .. ! 100' 20,055 13 0 13,315 13,101'113,23!) 120,214 265,869) 5,253 30,178 02(i! 49 1,003 73' 331 l,946j 131 I J I ; , I 1 j p "26 "7 1 4 24 288 4 2 1 '.'. 1 1 2 1 7 3 15 7 4 3 3 48 1 1,315 53 56 224 87 11 583 '734 " 9 "o,336 li .. I 03 8 .. 79 5 391 '338 '.'. "l,973 266 36 4,975 91 1 1,463 199 3; 2,600 42 9 1 64 1315 118' 7 120 800 17 18! 119 9| 421 3 808 10 9 23 12 0: 11 5 4 11 7 5 115 3 51 0 18 6 12 0 971 19 5 224 1 223 2 I 6,493,900! 823 14! 1,987 2 577 15 2.733 9 I 135 16 6 213 0 111 101 4 9' 5,277 7 2 11 I 1! 51 14 6 8,523 14 0 >83 2 S-> Ii7 12.5311,800 102 II -151 7 2li4 4 694 4 0 28 11 0 40 19 7i 19 19 4 5,215 5 9' 8 3 6! 27 5 0- 6,034 8 2 ... . .. .. .. 11,232 17 0l 1,086 8 0 1,204 0 11 533 9 O'.Cr. "16 17 8' 187 18 0 15 0 0 14,242 15 3 5 336 ..) 1 6 814,900 8,740 8; 14,278 7 8,280 0 .. .. .. .. 25,786 8 4: 3,429 10 2 447 11 4 29,663 9 10 ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 870 7 8 870 7 8 .. 1 700! 22 4 93 18| 200,124 8 1,262 10 0 77 7 li 14 19 1 0 15 5, 19,252 1 0 152 3 5 0 10 0 20,772 6 5 03 I .. I 2 705,000 (ili 18 126 % 40,223 17 573 17 10 75 14 5 16 19 8 6 14 10 4,813 11 10 1 13 II 11 15 0 5,500 7 6 26i 244S 12 792 5110 56 8 182 16 11,245 5 431 2 10 59 0 l.i 29 3 1 12 14 10, 8,402 4 2 15 I 0 20 1 0 9,029 7 5 391 I 20 100' 2 100 40(1 48 18 290 7 01,064 0 1,266 1 11 62 10 2 50 5 3 29 17 t' 9,297 4 0' 15 11 10 17 10 0 10,739 0 6 ..' ..' 300 17 7 01 0 112,793 8 721 17 9 22 10 0 8 10 11 3 13 7 14,481 12 4 301 .. 15,241 4 8 1,973 .. 141 13 543.400 1 23 15' 67 9 21 10 430 9 4j 44 12 0 35 4 6 : 8 0 9! 483 12 6' 4 3 2 5 0 0 1,011 2 3 4,975 49 145 10 3,789,400 89 14' 236 8 290 11 253 0 11! 28 IS 11 81 19 11 10 3 1 2,724 18 0 2 17 5 15 15 0| 3,117 19 9 1463 ., , 52 1 39,700 91 10 564 9 415 8 3,294 0 8; 47 5 6 160 2 9' 51 15 0 730 3 9' 42 8 9 38 2 6 4,363 IS 11 2600 I 107| 246 I 11,288,3001 46 2, 302 10 224 15 251 10 0 7 2 0 82 11 0 7 10 10 7,670 11 3' 4 5 6 89 17 6 8,113 8 1 64 1 2 ; 5,100 27 16 4,580 4 130 6 1,535 19 .. 107 10 S\ 24 4 7 181 1 7 6 17 0 20 17 0 1,875 12 7 1 .. .. .. 114 12 0 323 14 3 .. 2,120 0 0' .. ' I 120 18 5, 94 13 3l 2,773 17 11 , .. .. .. 275 15 5 .. .. .. .. \Or. 0 2 9! .. 275 12 8 _J - —\—\ ; ■ ! 18,987 53 922 708 51,292,100 10,175 0 23,434 14j 436,676 10 25,879 7 3 2,023 2 9; 2,056 13 7 2,947 10 9 104,474 7 11 4,000 9 011,733 1 9 143,120 13 0 } " 49 ■' 1 118 223 ;;1 26 26: 14lj 145 52 107| 1 " i 7 120,800 17 18! 119 9 42] 3 1 2 J 6,493,900 ! 823 14! 1,987 2! r>77 15 07 ! 12,536,800 : 102 14 454 7 204 4 ' 6 814,900 8,740 Sj 14,278 7 8,280 0 "l " 700! 22 4 93 18i 200,124 8 2 705,900 00 18 ]26 2' 40,223 17 i 244J 12,792,500: 56 8 182 16 11,245 5 i 1004 2,160,400| 48 18 200 7 01,664 0 .. ' 300 17 7 01 (i 112,793 8 13 543,400 23 15 67 9 21 10 i Iβ 3,789,400 89 14' 236 8 290 11 ! 1 39,700 91 10 564 9 415 8 1 246 I ll,288,300i 46 2, 302 10 224 15 2 j 5,100 27 16 4,580 4 130 li :: :: :: :: :: 808 10 9 23 12 0' 11 5 4 11 7 5 115 3 5 0 18 6 12 0 971 19 5 2,733 9 1 135 Iβ 6 213 0 111 101 4 9' 5,277 7 2 11 I 1! 51 14 6 8,523 14 0 694 4 01 28 11 0 40 19 7i 19 19 4 5,215 5 9' 8 3 6: 27 5 0| 6,034 8 2 11.232 17 01 1,086 8 0' 1,204 0 111 533 9 O'.Cr. "16 17 8' 187 18 0 15 0 0 14,242 15 3 25,786 8 41 3,429 10 2 447 11 4 29,663 9 10 870 7 8 870 7 8 1,202 10 0 77 7 6 14 10 1 li 15 5. 19,252 1 0: 152 3 5 0 10 0 20,772 6 6 573 17 10 75 14 5 16 19 8! 6 14 10 4,813 11 10 1 13 11 11 15 0 5,500 7 6 431 2 10 59 0 ti 29 3 1 12 14 10, 8,402 4 2 15 I 0 20 1 0 9,029 7 5 1,266 1 11 62 10 2 50 5 3 29 17 4' 9,297 4 0 15 11 10 17 10 0 10,739 0 6 72] 17 9 22 10 0 8 10 11 3 13 7 14,481 12 4 3 0 1 .. 15,241 4 8 430 9 41 44 12 0 35 4 6 : 8 0 9 483 12 6 4 3 2 5 0 0 1,011 2 3 253 0 11! 28 18 11 81 19 11 10 3 1: 2,724 18 6 2 17 5 15 15 o| 3,117 19 9 3,294 0 8' 47 5 6 160 2 9 ; 51 15 0 730 3 9 42 8 9 38 2 6 4,363 18 11 251 10 0 ! 7 2 0 82 11 0 7 10 10 7,670 11 3' 4 5 6 89 17 6 8,113 8 1 1,535 19' .. 107 10 8: 24 4 7 181 1 7 6 17 0 20 17 0 1,875 12 7 114 12 0 323 14 3 .. 2,120 0 0' .. ■ I 120 18 5, 94 13 3l 2,773 17 11 275 15 5 .. .. .. .. \Cr. 0 2 9! .. 275 12 8 1,346| 2,258 1,529 5,992 1,575 665 6561 1,8791 1,074 827! 9831 4,6711 2,646! 4,077! 24 107 3 232 5 2 8 3 2 31 13 145 8 43 i 6 5 2 18' 2! 3 72! io| 118 1' 32 e: 268 . . .. ; I2j 1 ' 'sol " it 40 1 14 1 44 4 19 1 30 4 60 4 '151 20 22 1 93' 7 10 4 6 15 31 3 1 13 12 3 1 181 11 40 1 341 14 5 8081 1 78 293 1 55 43 527 6 81 57 1 1 "48 " 1 6: 9i 81 566' 1 1,8531 694j 6,082 34 143; 2 928j 1,376| 1,369! 3 1,316' .. 2,754 13 64 941: 113' 29 80*1 l35$ :: iiij 107 • ■ i 92i 105i 251,800 146,500 21,100| 48,465,000! 434,900' 47,800! 185,600' 160,400; 43,400! 43,500 45,600 039,300! 53,600; 753.600! 615 8 258 17 1,147 1 351 14 909 8 571 17 1 79 8 631 18 326 18 283 18 245 7 2,381 17 457 9 1.914 6 Westland Section — 857 Iβ; 626 19 Ross. 6,569 15 4,674 15[ Holdtika. 1,073 16' 2,008 7! Kumava. .. ! Qreymouth(Ooach'g) 1,787 2i 411,323 4 „ (Goods). „ Head Office. 1,317 16| 5,043 4 Runanga. 469 15 268 Si Brunnev. 269 14 292 10 Slfflwatev. 909 8] 4,000 11 Ngahcre. 557 13! 176 13 Blackball. 228 14 307 19 Ahauia. 271 8i 342 6 Totara Flat. 2,930 1 4,494 16 Reefton. 4,904 10 1,030 16 Moana. 1.281 0 2.086 6 Otira. Accountant. Through traffic (S.I.M.L. & B.). General. 4| 1 1. 11 3 82 .. 1 .. Totals .. ! .. 100 20,055 13 li 13,3isj l3,10lUl3,239 126,214 73; 331 1 1.946J 131 18,987 ] j 53 922 53 !■ 92: 22 708 I 51,292,100 10,175 0 23,434 14 436,876 10 •i——i— —1 —-— 25,879 7 3 2,023 2 9 2,056 13 7 2,947 10 9 104,474 7 11 4,006 9 oj 1,733 1 9 143,120 13 0 2.578 18 2 350 14 5: 131 11 sj 94 19 1 10,059 8 I 5,230 11 3 298 0 0 18,744 2 8 937 16 2 3S 18 9 77 19 7! 5 2 6 36,139 5 9 39 0 5! 45 15 10 37,283 19 0 2.579 19 9| 117 14 0 43 lli 81 16 0 7 50,763 2 8 1 6 D\ 73 9 1 59,595 8 9 25 15 0! 77 18 11 .. 465 0 0: .. Or. 0 0 51 256 15 3 825 8 9 30,178 626 49| 1,003! 73 331 1,040 1 18,987 53 922 708 51,292,100 10,175 6 23,434 14 436,676 10 23,434 14 436,076 10 Totals. WjssiToKT Section— Westport.. .. 24 33 11,877 9 3 326 078 12,999 Waimangaroa June. 13 0 916 18 8 128 247' 5,799 Granity .. ..14 li 1,076 1 3 222 292 10,375 Head Office 261 13 2 Tablet stations ..!-.. 4 489 16 7 I General .. .. .. .. 1,972 3 2|j .. j .. : Totals .. .. 49 I 16,594 2 l' : 676 1,217' 29,173 Wes'ituht Si:i:tk>n— Westport.. .. 24 33 11,877 il 3! 320 078 12,999 15,973 29,976! 530 3,789 27 .. 93 17 84 13| Waimangaroa June. 13 li 916 18 8 128 247! 5,799 8,218 14,392 136 2,291 ■ ■ 1 41 1 .. 3 .. Granity .. ..14 6 1,076 1 3 222 292 10,375 15,381 20,250 218 523 20 .. 49 9 20 9 19 Head Office 261 13 2 . . .. .. 253 2531 3 .. .. Ta.hletMtn.HonK !■ A ASCI 11; -7 15,973 8,218 15,361 253 17, 84 l! 9 20 ! 131 .. 2,052 3 .. 16 9! 19 2 052 33 .. 656 ' 207,200' 2,486 6 4,755 9 705 7 2,578 18 2 350 14 5: 131 11 8 94 19 1 10,059 8 1 5,230 11 3 298 0 0 18,744 2 8 Iβ! .. .. ! 496 924,600 387 1 571 7 326,234 7 937 16 2 3S 18 9 77 19 7 5 2 6 36,139 5 9 39 0 S| 45 15 10 37,283 19 0 33 515,500 114 16- 492 12 437,903 11 2,579 19 9| 117 14 0 43 lli 81 16 0 7 50,763 2 8 1 6 D\ 73 9 1 59,595 8 9 ... .. .. .. .. 25 15 0! 77 18 11 .. 405 0 0: .. Or. 0 0 51 256 15 3 825 8 9 33 .. j 33 656 : 207,200 2,486 6 4,755 9 705 7 496 924,000 387 1 571 7 326,234 7 33 518,500 114 10 4112 12 437,903 11 1,9531 1,321 3,329 20 24 1 "I 73: 9 54 4 56 14 "77 27 12 1 I: 19 " 705: 1,363 33! 383 396 406 720,400' 493,100! 433,8001 342 16 1,123 7 1,522 0 639 1 763,176 15 2,324 12 866 6 2,865 15 800 4 Westi'ort Section — 639 1 763,176 15 Westport. 2,324 12 866 6 Waimangaroa June. 2,855 15 800 4 Granity. Head Office. Tablet stationg. General. Tablet stations ..:-.., 4 489 16 7 1 .. .. .. ! .. ■ I t ' rt.i ..on 1 I it A .......... ■. , . " General . . .. .. ; .. 1.972 :! .. i .. . .... .. I ..... 39,805 I wenevai .. 1,972 o 2\\ .. '■ ■■ j .. ... .. ! .... .. .. Totals .. .. 49 I lfi,f,94 2 l" 076 ],2]7' 20,173 39,805 70,87l! 887' (i,603 47' 1. I83! 27; 104 25' 19 ! ' 1 — ii ! ~ i ~*~! I I r ii 25' 25; 19 19 2,068 33' .. 1,185 1,647,300 2,988 3 5,819 8; 764,843 5 0,122 9 1 585 6 1 253 7 11 581 2 2 102,901 10 6 5,270 17 3! 674 0 2 116,448 19 2 , 1 i 2,068 2,008 33' .. 1 33 1,185 1,185 1,647,300 2,988 3 5,819 8:764,843 5 1,647,300 2,988 3 5,819 8:764,843 5 0,122 0 1 585 6 1 i 253 7 11 581 2 2 102,961 16 6 5,270 17 3! 674 0 2 116,448 19 2 6,603 47 r 1 183 27 104 26 19 2,1108 33: 1,185 1,647,300 2,988 3 5,819 sl 764,843 5 Totals. 5,819 8 764,843 5 Nelson Section— Port .. .. I 9 20 3,516 7 loi .... Nelson .. .. ■ 9J 10 1,440 5 3 1,528 2,881 18,845 18,056 Richmond 91 11 7 85 100; 1,435 1.784 Wakeficld ..Hi 1 230 17 7 155 160 2,897 3,813 Belgrovc. .. 12 I 4 723 15 9 : 426 519, 9,793 11,056 Koliatu .. ..9 2 348 5 3; 292 38 1,189 688 Head Office .. ..I... 00 31 .. .... 190 General .. ...... 211 19 4' .. .. .. ' Totals .. .. 37 0,638 5 sj 2,486 3,698 34,159 : 35,587 Nelson Section— Port, .. .. j U 20 3,516 7 10 .... .. .. .. . . 179 - - j 1 6 .. 2 31 Nelson .. .. , 10 1,440 5 3-, 1,528 2,881: 18.845 1 18,056 41,310 020 3.955 13 21 101 6: 23 3' 1 Kiclimoud 91 11 7: 85 100; 1,435' 1.784 3,404 134 So 2 1 18 2 140 14 2 Wakeficld ., 1IJ 1 ! 230 17 7 155 lOOl 2,897 3,813 7,025 200 700 11 5 97 ! 0 232 99: 4 Belgrove.. .. 12 I 4 723 15 9i 420 519: 9,793 11,056 21,794 27 180 15 5 52 .. 13 .. ' 1 Kohatu .. ..9 2 348 5 3; 292 38 1,189. 688 2,207 20 013, 23 K) 56 4 11 38 2 Head Office .. ..I... liO 81 .. .. : .. 190 190 5 .. I .. .. .. .... .. I ■» 1 I IO Al 31 3 14 99 38 1 4 1 2 565 25; .. .. 43,400 3,811 12 l>434 18 7,367 9 .. .. 7 4 4 ' 4 14 lo! 2,087 0 10 965 16 9 346 8 4 3,411 5 1 397 i 118 24,700 1,943 9 2,971 15 741 15 3,294 15 10 431 8 9 176 14 9 107 10 10| 8,011 8 3 27 5 9! 239 17 11 12,889 2 1 857 .. S8 17 : 7,200 1,160 12 74 15 587 16 199 0 4 82 10 0 5 0 6 5 7 6| 432 12 0| 0 8 0 .. 725 4 4 3,912 10, 1,192 335 092,400 1,805 18 320 2 340 7 041 15 5 140 1 10 33 7 8 17 3 1 1,430 5 4' 17 2 8 10 0 2,278 10 C 1 114 .. ; 316 122 772,100 108 3 148 8 .. 2,093 11 4 14 0 0 16 17 10 5 11 9 665 15 2 0 1 10 3 2 6 2,799 0 Z li'689 .. ! 1,631 145 451,200 104 14 195 10 .. 297 0 11 10 0 0 49 3 6 10 0 3 1,164 19 7 0 4 8 .. 1,531 14 1] i .. .. .. .. . . 39 17 0 100 3 2; .. 752 10 Oi .. 0 3 3 308 13 0 1,207 6 f 585 397 857 3,9121 1,114 6,689! 25 .. I us .. S8 10 1,192' .. I 316 .. I 1,631 .. I .. .. 1 ■■ 17 335 122 145 43,400 3,811 12 1,4-34 18 7,307 9 24,700 1,943 9 2,971 15 741 15 3,294 15 10 -131 8 9: 7,200' 1,160 12 74 15 587 16 199 0 4 82 10 0 092,400 1,805 18 320 2 340 7 641 15 5 146 1 10 772.100 108 3 148 8 .. 2,093 114 14 0 0 451 200 164 14 195 10 .. 297 6 11 10 0 0 39 17 0 100 3 2 7 4 4' 4 14 10 2,087 0 10! 965 16 9 346 8 4 3,411 5 1 176 14 9 107 10 10! 8,611 8 3 27 5 9! 239 17 11 12,889 2 1 5 0 6 5 7 6j 432 12 01 0 8 ol .. 726 4 4 33 7 8 17 3 1 1,430 5 4' 17 2 8 10 0 2,278 10 6 16 17 10 5 11 9 065 15 2 0 1 10 3 2 6 2,799 0 5 49 3 0 JO 0 3 1,104 19 7 0 4 8 .. 1,531 14 11 752 10 0i .. 0 3 3 308 13 0 1,207 6 5 24. ■ 898, ! 272 2,249: 643! 1,626 23 33 15 8 3 17 19 1 118 3 11 2 96 1 45 1 101 10 62 :iiis 3 3 4 41 29 10 745 7,452 135 823 1 353 4,026 10 25 526 29 2,803| 531 ! 1,578,800 .. 55 275,500! 101 1 36,500l el .. 2,3001 3 I 97,900! 1,162 0 3,280 15 606 1 2,461 17 304 5 1,179 Nelson Section — 1,800 18 708 1 Port. 868 15 6,239 10 Nelson. 155 17 192 1 Richmond. 1,033 16 624 4 Wakefleld. 227 1 18 12 Belgrove. 1,059 1 1,254 19 Kohatu. Head Office. General. 1,800 18 868 15 155 17 1,033 16 227 1 1,059 1 70S 1 6,239 10 192 1 624 4 18 12 1,254 19 113 General .. .. .. .. 211 19 4* .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. .. 75,930 : 1 1,006 5,712 157[ Sβ! 3,345 619 ! 1,991,000 8,094 8 5.145 8 9,037 7 0.560 0 Kll 995 7 0; 906 11 9 24,842 3 9 ",3 35J 3,345| 5.145 8 9,037 7 Totals. 9,037 7 64 43 390 !°! 12! 10 13,534 790 0 9 288 8 7 902 18 3! 14,302 1 2 5,712 64 390 IS 421 157 10 13,534 619 l>991.001 8,994 8 5,145 8 —' — _ 2 11,238| 27 89, 5,658! 347 561,5Oo! 5e2,000| Piotob Sbotion— Picton .. .. 14AJ 14 3,626 0 9' 3,283 Blenheim .. 12S ; 8 1.057 11 5 4,217 HeadOffloe .. .... 55 9 6 ;i .. General .. .. .. j .. 1,317 7 9 5,879 11,840 6,365 14,355 16,966 19,847 228 37,774 U.7S4 228 331 205 10| 858 I 2,307 1 1531 146, 8 287 591 17! 438 15 2,393 78! 122! ■'■ s, 117 11,1621 120,036; 89 0,608 2 11,238 ■ ■ I ■• 347 ! 27 J 662,000 4,918 3 3,904 15: 8,073 0 3,420 S 11 561 500 !) 830 S 2,302 0 475 4 4,610 5 10 28 5 0 201 4 0 186 10 0 13!) 3 8 130 10 0 195 4 10,. l> ! ,| 39 15 9 7,343 6 10 1,352 9 6 90 19 0 12,579 1 6 j ■ 113 18 9 7,602 1 9 96 6 101 351 0 0 13,155 8 8 i 486 0 8 .. 523 2 0 109 5 0 1,285 Iβ 4 .. • ■ 2.307J 858; 146 153 8 59ll 15 7! 287 17 2,3!>3 438 1-22 78 117 120,036 11,162 9,836 4,918 2,302 6J 3,964 15 476 4 8,673 0 PlCTON 8ECTIOK — Picton. Blenheim. Head Office. General. .. 1 ,..,.. Lake W a k a t 1 1> u Steamers : Totals.. : Totals . 22 0,050 9 5 7,500 ! 12,044' 26,201. 37,041 S2.780 546 3,1115 :>!«! is: 878, 32J 2,831 200 200 120[ 158 120 131,198 _ 0,390 131,108 91: 16,896' 374 1,123,500 14,754 11 0,207 1 9,148 4 8,058 1!) 9 52(1 18 3 1 ' 1 I j j 29 2,044 2 i 308,200! 2,072 5 1,763 18 1,305 7 2,082 S (i 302 2 0 [___j i i I L 320 1 41 280 5 7 039 15 2 14,945 8 7 1,971 18 4] 551 5 0 r>08 12 9l 2,701 10 3 2 16 li 3!) 2 0 _j J I 55] 5 0 27,020 0 4 27,020 0 t 0,043 4 I 3,165 7,057 3,165 5 ; 299 162 29 I, 878 2,831 200 120 131,198 I 2!) ! 9l] 16.896J 374 2,044 2 308,200 1,123,500 14,754 11 6,267 1 9,148 4 Lake Wakatipo Steambbs : Totals. Totals. 2,052 4,791! 3,066 2,659 15 7,057 162| 30 187i 9 120 3oj 187 9 120 158 6,39e| 2,072 5 1 1,763 13| 1,305 7, 12,561 I ! I i


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

B— T>. 2.


Description. i I Class. j§ a> 5 £ 4 ! 1 s d 2 * <"= O'Sffl 4 3 ■0 I i I 1 £ o 'J. i d o I s o Cabbiagbs. Sleepers, bogie, 50 ft. First-class day-cars, bogie, 50 ft. Second-class cars, bogie, 50 ft. Refreshment-cars, bogie. 50 ft. Royal saloon, bogie, 50 ft. „ 44 ft, .. Gallery-cars, bogie, 44 ft. Saloon, bogie, 44 ft. „ 41ft. „ 39* ft. „ 37ift. „ 35 ft. Refreshment-cars, bogie. 54i ft. ., «|ft. „ 44 ft. Motor-train cars, bogie, (id ft. First-class, bogie, 52 ft. „ 50 ft. ,. 47ift. „ 45 ft. „ 44ft. „ 42Jft. „ 30 ft. „ 6-wheel .. „ 4-wheel Composite, bogie, 60 ft. „ 50 ft. „ 47* ft. .. „ 46 ft. „ 45 ft. „ 44 ft. „ 42£ ft. „ 39Jft. „ 30 ft. „ 6-wheel .. ,, 4-wheel Second-class, bogie, 52 ft. „ 50 ft. „ 47* ft, .. „ 46 ft. .. „ 45 ft. „ 44 ft. .. „ 42* ft. .. „ 39J ft, .. „ 35 ft. .. „ 30 ft. .. „ 6-wheel „ 4-wheel Postal, bogie, 50 ft. „ 44 ft. „ 39* ft, „ 30 ft. t> ,, composite, 44 ft. .. Aα I .. .. .. Aα i .. .. Aα .. .. .. Aα .. .. Aα . . A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. :: i :: :: A .. .. A .. .. B .. .. C .. .. .. D .. 2 '.'. A '.. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. 4 A .. .. A .. .. B .. .. .. C .. 4 :: 5 . 2 :: A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. ..A .. .. .. A .. .. ..A .. .. ..A .. .. .. B ., .. .. C .. 3 D 1 3 A .. .. A .. .. A .. .. B .. .. A .. .. '2 8 10 22 6 2 5 7 2 1 1 5 3 5 7 36 11 4 1 3 2 99 1 5 1 4 7 6 1 1 24 6 8 6 4 2' 1 78 8 2 "i i 2 i '2 8 10 22 6 2 1 5 1 9 14 2 3 1 6 4 5 7 61 11 10 8 7 4 4 3 3 189 8 8 186 43 11 40 18 2 13 12 106 4 16 189 7 12 3 14 27 12 10 4 2 3 4 4 8 82 13 4 20 85 30 4 20 5 "8 '2 i 2 i '3 i 4 2 8 2 '2 13 11 52 1 51 4 2 i 16 79 1 8 3 3 95 6 8 3 8 '2 1 '2 S 2 f> 10 13 6 2 4 2 2 i '2 "8 # "2 3 "4 Totals 3 16 111 567 502 12 12 l,16(i Wagons, etc. Biakevans, 4-wheel „ bogie Fell Horseboxes Cattle .. Sheep Covered goods Sleeping-vans High sides Wharf Lou sides . . „ steel Work-train Timber Iron hopper Platform coal Movable hopper Frozen-meat Cool, insulated ,, ventilated Work-train hopper . . Hiirli side, bogie .. F 2 4 .. F .. 2 .. F .. .. G .. 2 .. , H 2 2 ..J .. .. .. K 16 K .. .. L 5 24 .. Lα .. .. .. Lβ .. .. .. M 4 18 .. Mα .. ! .. .. Mb .. . . N 10 72 0 .. .. P 9 95 .. Q .. .. .. W .. .. .. X .. 2 Xα .. Y .. .. .. Yβ .. .. K .. .. .. Rβ .. .. .. Rd Rn .. .. :> i 22 2 148 I 7 108 191 2 666 20 213 27 3,623 31 250 54 95 81 171 436 322 43 3,967 1,326 7 2 9 4 1 .. 6 .. 10 2 7 .. 20 3 3 1 168 12 4 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 5 24 6 3 1 .. 83 124 102 263 8 200 385 1,158 574 75 8,041 1,576 45 1,370 100 145 538 157 124 999 180 178 181 99 185 254 81 16 13 4 lL> 372 35 100 70 I .. 175 50 20 820 45 .'. 50 24 ii n 75 165 .. 40 36 32 .. 107 • 8 :: 65 11 63 26 <S8 51 21 483 -Mi. ii 5 :: 100 165 111 69 102 102 60 Mi 13 .. .. 5 .. 15 .. 9 .. :: -7 2 .. .. . . Carried forward .. 33 '226 : I j S74 703 ' i . . 1.. 17,047 33 '226 61 0,870 91 7.K.-)!I I4l> ISS


RETURN No. 13-continued. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, &c.— continued.

RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.


Description. Wagons, etc.— continued. Brought forward . . Sheep, bogie Cattle, Platform, ,, Gas-etoreholders. lxjgic Platform, Class. I 33 S T U 1 Uα .. .. Uβ .. s T U Uα Uβ Ud Uβ V Vβ Z «1 I & . 3|l S fi i III 33 22H 61 6,870 73 .. .. .. 4!l 12.. 206 6 137 48 16 46 20 43 91 I a '5 III 131 7,859 52 21 61 6 40 I 874 28 34 1 703 I re 142 188 j i "3 o E-i 17,047 125 70 310 12 211 48 28 101 20 t>4 4 2 2 4 .. .. .. .. Horseboxes. ,, Frozen-meat, ,, .. Ud .. Uα V T7_ i2 55 ,, ,, ■ • Covered goods, ,, .. Vβ .. Z 21 .. .. Totals .. i 34 34 228 ! 61 7,514 95 8,127 930 TO.", 44 192 18,036 Tarpaulins 13 13 37 24 .1,080 I I 7,376 245 130 220 65 42 13,232 1

Type. Cylinder. Co. Wl ipled ieels. Track Wheels. No - meter. A S 5 I*! ■Oα •s S * » 2 d • I I ig 1 1 ijM fjljl a] is o J£ a e"r. Woke. Diameter. •i I No. in. Tender (4-cyl. bal- 12&19 anced compound) Tender (simple) .. 17 Tender (4-cyl. bal- 12&19 anced compouud) Tender .. . 16 „ (compound) X Tank .. .. 9£ (articulated 9J&16 compound) in. 22 6 Ft. in. 4 6 I in. 6 I 30i .. 7 .. 1 .. 20 27 26 22 6 (i 4 6 4 6 6 30| ti 30J .. 4 1 4 .. 22 I, 18 18 18 8 8 4 4 12 3 6J 3 7 2 6j: 3 OJ 3 0i 4 30J ( 2 j 28 I i 2 30 I • ■ j 2 i IN 1 2 i 18 1 2 26.', 1 1 .. J .. I .. 1 2 7 1 • • i 8 2 is i 2 i i i I ti 28 I 10J ..12 .. 10i (FeU) .. 14 Tender .. .. 14 ..12 Tank .. .. 12 ..12 ..13 Tender .. .. 15 ..15 „ (compound) 10&17 10&17 ..15 „ (compound) 11&18 .. .. 16 „ (compound) 11 & IS .. 15 18 18 18 16 20 20 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 20 20 20 (i 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 3 OJ 3 OJ 3 04; 2 8 3 6J 4 if! 3 ef' 3 9 3 6£ 4 11; 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 0£ 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 5 2 24 " 4 21 2 ' 30 2 242 •• 4 30] .. 1 6 ■ 26J 4 261 8 284 4 28.'. 4 I 30' 4 30 4 30 2 28J • 2 30" 2 30 2 30 2 26.1 j ( 2 30 I I 4 2(i| i ■• 4 36j .. 4 30} 2 241 4 30', 4 ! 30 4 I 2ti] 4 I 30 4 80 4 28 4 I 26i 3 261 4 28.', 4 2f> 8 2r> s 301 8 30j , 8 26j 4 24] 2 30 i i 4 28 j ■ ■ i 2 30.', i i 4 26J )' 2 2 2 .. 21 5 37 5 I 5 1 2 2 i 2 2 4 . 71 20 4 8 . 32 8 l(i 5 4 10 2 2 2 6 1 2 I 10 * * ti 17 2 9 is .. t> i .. • • 5 Iα 4 III 2 2 2 ti 1 2 1 4 (Iα Oβ Oc P i> '.'. Q .. 16 22 6 4 li' li 7 .. 13 I! U Uα Uβ Uβ Uc Ud V W Wα Wβ Wd Wx Ww Wβ U'ii Single Fairlie .. 12 J 13 Tender .. .. 15 ..16 ..16 ..16 16 „ .. .16 16* 15 Tank .. .. 14 ..14 ..14 .14 ..16 ..14 .14 , 12 j 16 Iβ 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 i l8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (i 6 6 8 3 OJ 3 Oi 3 Oi 4 (i 4 U 4 lj -1 li 4 li l in i l.i 3 (».', 3 :s : , ; 3 3j 3 3J :i <i.l 3 9 3 9 3 I III 4 2 2 3 8 .. 4 .. 9 .. 6 .. 2(1 .. 2 .. 10 .. io '.'. 18 4 t> 9 8 20 2 10 2 13 2 11 12 18 2 38 8 3 3 7 3 II 2 22 8 3 I ..2 t n 1 ..3 2 3 I 3 .. .. 1 4 .. 5 ie '.'. r j l7 20 8 :s 7 1 1 1 Tender (4-cyl. bal- 13J & anced compound) ; 22 Totals • 22 > 8 3 8 8 8 ■ 6 2 7 7 478 227 197 is II i


D.— 2

RETURN No. 15.

9—D. 2.

Jo ipabative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, <&c, of Railways in the following Colonies (taken from latest O: ficial Records):a - ■ . 35 . Expens I i t so §. it j I f i ml i• A in a 1 § liH , Total t! HeaTof miles" Gross u Working- 11 Pr ° flt |1 |olsi |§ j Passengere Tonnage §| , If ' |» iglj O a . |« fe I I a "" 1 cost - if*H? ™ 8 Earai - I ~• t^-0^,, J! |i Ifl n carried -' o,Goods - !§ I|:|f Plffll S 2 ? * Jp.j! * \ & < g« * | S §p£ I I I 1 j_ I !__» I I ! 1 1 H 1 ' :pensi o II S ""111 fill' i 1 lig-l « I! osSS a ■ a e-|3 1 g I » la tt Year ® g cndinc I" Victoria 87,884 Ft. in. £ £ £ a. d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ s. d. £ £ £. £ d. 87,8841,308,705 3,441 j 5 3 43,142,32912,358;380 32 19 411,705,612 4,443,863 91-112,711,545 55-59:l,732,318l35-52 402 6102 3 7 1185,280,235 4,468,4401,291 788 503187 25-1415-4C 4 1,308,705 Ft. in. £ £ £ s. d. 5 3,441: 5 3 43,142,32912,358;380 32 19 4 11,705,612 £ ! 4,443,863 d. £ ! 91-112,711,545 i 85-00j3,276,409 ! 68-75Jl,414,271 4-02 £. 503 £ d. 187 25-14 15-40 3-54 523 1,308 1910. 12,026 30 June. 15,952 New South Wales 310,700 310,7001,645,444 3,625 j 4 8J 48,925,348 13,430 454 29 14 8 15,468,026 5,485,715 85-0Oj3,276,409 50-75 2,209,306 34-25 4-58 59-73 8 6 853,644,2718,393,0381,513 904 609193 25-0715-53 0 1,645,444 13,625: 4 8J 48,925,34813,430 454 29 14 8 15,468,026 > 5,485,715 4-58 609 193 25-07 1-25 16-50 15-53 200 872 1,023 Queensland 668,224 668,224 578,548 3,533 3 0 24,336,372 6,648164 42 1 3 8,157,427 2,338,468 68-75Jl,414,271 41-50 924,197 27-25 3-80 60-48 4 0 1013,259,379 2,655,829 662 400 26212516-5016-46 i 578,548 ! 3,533 i 3 G 24,336,372 6,648164 42 1 3 8,157,427 1 2,338,468 3-80 262 16-46 1-15 465 531 9,239 ; South Australia . 903,690 903,690 417,493 2,038 jg 31 15,532,757 7,622205 37 4 1 5,450,6081,852,653 81-58Jl,081,58247-62; 771,07133-96 49658-38 4 8 915,284,779 2,482,669 909 531 37814022-65,13-lC D 417,493 12,038 |g g J 15,532,757 7,622 205 37 4 ] 5,450,608 !1,852,653 1 81-58'l,081,582 4-96 378 140 22-65 166 30-50 18-16 1-44 354 477 6,830 1909. 4,007 31 Dec. 1910. 7,113 30 June. 1,671 1899. 9,792 31 Mar. 1900. 10,295 31 Mar. ' 1901. 10,868 31 Mar. 1902. 12,444 31 Mar. 1903. 12,992 31 Mar. 1904. 13,433 31 Mar. 1905. 13,885 31 Mar. 1900. 14,127 81 Mar. 1907 14,605 31 Mar. 1908. 15.475 31 Mar. 1909. 16.476 31 Mar. 1910. 17,220 31 Mar. 1911. 18,036 31 Mar. Natal 20,461 v- -, I 97,109 5,034,205 i 2,024,657 ' 96-521,187,038 5-92 848 ! 15-40 321 388 20,461 97,109 987 3 6 14,161,32414.334J 99145 16 7 5,034,205 2,024,657 96-521,187,038 56-591 837,61939-93 592586320 17 0 2,644,612 3,004,774 2,0511,203 848166 30-50! 15-40 I 987 3 6 14,161,32414.334J 99145 16 7 3-55 Western Australia . 975,876 375,876 278,215 2,102 3 6 11,377,262 5,413133 40 17 11 4,398,1381,637,334 89-35|l,096,908J59-86J 540,42629-49 4-7566-99 5 17 813,171,267 2,472,997 779 522 257 11529-75 17-21 3 278,215 i 2,102 3 6 11,377,262 5,413133 40 17 11 4,398,138 ! 1,637,334 89-35Jl,096,908| 4-75 257 115 29-75 17-21 1-66 318 367 Tasmania 26,215 26,215 183,387 469 jg gj 4,048,416 8,632:391 22 1 6 1,059,790 284,063 64-32J 211,677|47-93J 72,38616-39 1-78 74-51 1 11 0 1,650,455 422,793 600 447 15313519-3018-27 5 183,387 ' 469 II 6 [ 4 ' 048 - 416 8,632J391 22 1 6 1,059,790 ) 284,063 64-32| 211,677! 1-78 153 135 19-30 173 18-46 188'21-32 196 19-99 18-27 3-58 79 179 New Zealand 104,471 104,471 746,673 2,090 3 6 16,404,076 7.849J357 2119 5 3,968,7081,469,665 89-00: 929,737 56-22 539,928 32-78 3-29 63-26 119 4 4,955,553 2,624,059 712 450 26217318-4616-67 I 746,673 i 2,090 3 6 16,404,076 7,849|357 21 19 5 3,968,708 11,469,665 89-00: 929,737 3-29 262 16-67 300 293 550 104,471 104,471 758,616 2,099 3 6 16,703,887 7,958361 22 0 5 4,187,8931,623,891 93-001,052,358 60-31 571,5388269 3-4264-80 2 2 10 5,468,284 3,127,824 774 501 27318821-321617 I 758,616 ! 2,099 3 6 16,703,887 7,958 361 22 0 5 4,187,893 i 1,623,891 93-001,052,358 89-751,127,848 3-42 273 1617 2-93 304 577 104,471 L04.471 815,349 2,174 3 6 17,207,328 7,915375 21 2 1 4,620,9711,727,236 89-751,127,84858-581 599,3883117 3-4765-30 2 2 4 6,243,593 3,339,687 794 519 27519619-991715 L 815,349 i 2,174 3 6 17,207,328 7,915375 21 2 1 4,620,971 1,727,236 3-47 275 17-15 209 306 603 104,471 LO4,471 833,137 2,227: 3 6 18,170,722 8,159374 21 16 2 5,066,3601,874,586 88-75;i,252,23759-32 622,84929-48 3-4366-80 2 5 0 7,356,136 3,529,177 842 562 28019621-8617-78 L04.471 857,985 2,262! 3 6 19,081,735 8,436379 22 4 10 5,443,3331,974,038 87-001,343,415 59-23 63O,623|27'77 33068-05] 2 6 0j 7,575,390 3,730,394 873 594 279 204 21-3618-24 104,471] 882,097 2,305 3 6 20,692,911! 8,977:383 23 9 2 5,685,399i2.180,641 91-751,438,724 60-48 741,917 31-27:3-58 65-98 2 9 5 8,306,383 4,072,576 943 622 321213 22-2117-22 .04,471 908,114 2,347 3 6 21,701,572' 9.141J387 23 17 11 6,107,079J2,2O9,231 86-501,492,900 58-46J 716,33128-04 3-30 67-58! 2 8 8 8,514,112 4,011,011 938 634 304j217 21-05 18-28 .04,471 933,1112,391 8 6 22,498,972; 9,4101391; 24 2 3 6,413,573 2,349,704 87-75 1,621,239 60-47J 728,46527-28 3-246900 2 10 4 8,826,382 4,241,4-22 980 076 304 229 21-9918-86 .04,471 961,604 2,427 j 3 6 23 504,2729,570 396 24 8 10 6,755,454 2,624,600 93-001,812,482 64-21 812,118 28-79 3-45 69-06 2 14 7 9,600,786 4,592,0991,078 744 334 253 23-3718-90 04,471 985,3182,469 8 6 -'4,365,647 9,861399 24 14 7 7,051,2712,761,938 93751,949,75966-18| 812,17927-57 3-3370-59! 2 16 1 9,756,716 4,834,534 1,114 786 328 258 249619-40 04,4711,016,044 2,556 3 6 27,762,592 10,351398 27 6 6 7,458,236 2,929,526 94-00 2,114,815 67-89 814,71126-113-13 721912 17 810,457,144| 4,871,874 1,148 828 320 25825-56 20-73 04,4711,035,2112,704! 3 6 28,513,47610,494 383 27 10 10 7,889,160 3,249,790 98-75 2,169,474 65-841,080,316 32-91 3-80 6676i 3 2 911,141,142 5,223,4141,203 808 400 230 25-3518-96 04,4711,055,640 3 6 29,606,54610,723 385 28 1 0 8,141,075 3,494,182102-75 2,303,272 67751,190,910 3500 4066592 3 6 211,200,613 5,555,292!l,275 840 435 254 25-811810 I 833,137 2,227 3 6 18,170,722 8,159 374 21 16 2 5,066,360 11,874,586 88-75jl,252,237 3-43 1 ' 280 190 21-35 17-78 3-03 362 701 104,471 I 857,985 2,262 ! 3 6 19,081,735 8,436 379 22 4 10 5,443,333 1,974,038 87-001,343,415 3-30 279 204 21-36 ■213 22-21 18-24 319 372 751 104,4711 .] 882,097 2,305 3 6 20,692,911! 8,977:383 23 9 2 2,347 3 6 21,701,572 9,141387 23 17 11 2,391 3 6 22,498,972; 9,410!391j 24 2 3 2,427 3 6 23 9,570 396 24 8 10 5,685,399i: ■12.180,641 91-751,438,724 3-58 321f 17-22 314 377 809 104,471 908,114 6,107,079J! 2,209,281 86-50:1,492,900. 3-30 304 J217 21-05 18-28 3-10 389 864 104,471 933,111 6,413,573! 2,349,704 87-751,621,2391 3-24 304 229 21-99 18-86 8-01 395 906 104,471 961,604 6,755,454! 2,624,600 93-001,812,482i 3-45 334 253 23-37 18-90 2-80 398 966 * • * 104,471 985,318 2,469 3 6 24,365,647 9,861399 24 14 7 2,556 3 6 27,762,50210,351398 27 6 6 2,704 I 3 6 28,513,47610,494 383 27 10 10 2,742 I 3 6 29,606,54610,723 385 28 1 0 7,061,2741! |2, 761,938 93-751,949,7591 8-88 328 258 -J4 96 25825-56 19-40 2-76 410 1,002 .. I (104,4711 1,016,044 7,458,236! 2,929,526 U4-00 2,114,8151 3-13 320 20-73 3-16 452 1,116 104,4711 1,035,211 7,889,160) 3,249,790 98-75 2,169,4741 3-80 400 230 25-35 254 25-81 18-96 2-96 465 1,140 104,471 1 1,055,640 8,141,075; 3,494,182 102-75 2,303,2721 406 435 1810 2-81 478 1,166 Q T) O • Tlie figures for passenger traffic io New Zealand are exclusive of season tickets. The figures i for passeni lger traffic in New if seas



RETURN No. 16. Return showing the Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure of the New Zealand Government Railways from 1883 to 31st March, 1911. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.


Year. Miles. Miles. Capital Cost. ■ Trainluileage. Passengers. No. Revenue Season Tickets. Coaching. s Cattle. Sheep. Pige. ; Wool • i a No. ; Koveuue. I Parcels. Horses. <a g> Dogs, i Revenue. i i " I °' a 1 I L 1 o I Timber. Grain. Minerals. : Total. BevTnue. ■3 I b jii a| Revenue „.« Total per •e a Revenue. Traing a mile. 1882-B:: .. 1,358 1883-84 .. 1,396 1884-W. .. 1,477 1885-86 .. 1,613 1886-87 .. 1,727 1887-88 .. I 1,758 1888-89 .. 1,777 1889-90 .. i 1,809 1890-91 .. ' 1,842 1891-92 .. 1,869 1892-93 .. i 1,886 1893-94 .. 1,948 1894-95 .. 1.993 1895-96 .. 2.014 1896-97 .. 2,018 1897-98 .. 2,055 1898-99 .. ! 2,090 1899-1900.. I 2,104 1900-1901.. 2,212 1901-1902.. 2,235 1902-1903.. 2.291 1903-1904.. 2,328 1904-1905.. 2,374 1905-1906.. 2,406 1906-1907.. 2,456 1907-1908.. 2,471 1908-1909.. 2,682 1909-1910.. 2,717 1910-1911.. 2,761 I 1,358 10,478,998 1,396 11,078,500 1,477 11,810,194 1,613 12,472,814 1,727 13,017,567 j 1,758 13,352,978 1,777 13,472,837 1,809 13,899,955 j 1,842 14,278,586 1,869 14,656,691 1,886 14,733,120 1,948 15,137,036 ; 1.993 15,352,613 2,014 15,425,532 2,018 15,577,392 j 2,055 15,993,903 j 2,090 16,404,076 j 2,104 16.703,887 j 2,212 17,207,328 2,286 18,170,722 2.291 19,081,735 2,328 20,692,911 \ 2,374 21,701,572 j 2,406 22,498,972 2,466 23,504,272 2,471 24,365,647 2,682 27,762,592 j 2,717 28,513,476 2,761 I 29,600,546 ■ * 10,478,998 2,785,685 11,078,500 t 2,841,745 11,810,194 ! 2,882,422 12,472,814 3,020,550 13,017,567 i 3,008,949 13,352,978 2,944,786 13,472,837 2,796,007 13,899,955 j 2,868,203 14,278,586 2,894,776 14,656,691 3,010,489 14,733,120 3,002,174 15,137,036 j 3,113,231 15,352,613 ! 3,221,020 15,425,532 | 3,307,226 15,577,392 . 3,409,218 15,993,903 3,666,483 16,404,076 J 3,968,708 16.703,887 j 4,187,893 17,207,328 '■■ 4,020,971 18,170,722 i 5,066,360 19,081,735 5,443,333 20,692,911 ; 5,085,399 21,701,572 j 6,107,079 22,498,972 : 6,413,573 23,504,272 6,755,454 24,365,647 7,051,274 27,762,592 i 7,458,236 28,513,476 j 7,889,166 29,006,546 : 8,141,075 2,785,685 3, 2,841,745 3, 2,882,422 3, 3,020,550 3, 3,008,949 3, 2,944,786 I 3, 2,796,007 I 3, 2,868,203 3, 2,894,776 i 3, 3,010,489 : 3, 3,002,174 3, 3,113,231 i 3, 3,221,020 I 3, 3,307,226 J 4, 3,409,218 j 4, 3,666,483 ' 4, 3,968,708 4. 4,187,893 5. 4,020,971 6 5,066,360 7, 5,443,333 7 5,685,399 , 8, 6,107,079 I 8 6,413,678 8 6,755,454 ! 9 7,051,274 i 9 7,458,286 10 ; 7,889,166 11 ■ 8,141,i 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 3,132,803 3,376,459 3,433,629 3,555,764 3,759,044 3,972,701 3,905,578 4,162,426 4,439,387 4,672,264 4,955,553 5,468,284 6,243,593 7,356,136 7,575,390 8,306,383 8,514,112 8,820,382 9,600,786 9,756,716 :10,457,144 11,141,142 11,200,613 £ ,283,378 362,106 ,272,644 321,615 ,232,886 348,628 ,362,266 346,895 ,426,403 339,255 ,451,850 334,926 ,132,803 305,632 ,376,459 347,844 ,433,629 333,122 ,555,764 842,668 ,759,044 367,594 ,972,701 378,480 i ,905,578 360,243 ,162,426 359,822 ,489,887 378, GM ,672,264 899, 21 ,955,553 488,867 i,468,284 474,793 i, 243,593 503,051 ,356,136 575,697 1 ,575,390 576,529 1 1,306,383 652,080 1 1,514,112 680,905 1 !, 826,382 723,867 1 1,600,786 823,067 ] (,756,716 835,473 1 1,457,144 921,411 1 1,141,142 1,070,791 1 1,200,613 1,104.295 i £ 362,106 321,615 348,628 346,895 339,255 334,926 305,632 347,844 333,122 342,563 367,594 378,480 360,243 359,822 378,684 399,262 438,367 474,793 503,051 575,697 576,529 652,080 680,905 723,867 823,067 835,473 921,411 1,070,791 1,104.295 £ £ No. No. No. No. £ No. No. No. No. Tods. Tods. 8,621 .. 308,620 9,850 975 22,716 34,658 928 27,605 . 421,671 27,799 11,810 51,703 9,036 14,763 325,675 9,555 906 ! 24,666 35,143 939 29,675 627,090 > 29,522 16,470 62,067 8,999 16,406 313,047 10,358 793 i 24,020 35,592 756 ' 32,738 , 666,522 30,268 17,030 68,523 10,717 16,482 317,242 9,518 653 j 22,668 33,271 660 : 36,634 781,470 ' 40,558 14,985 74,778 11,821 16,998 341,634 9,165 689 ! 21,598 33,749 597 i 37,435 856,431 : 48,151 22,110 82,963 11,518 17,800 368,680 9,301 619 21,128 34,727 592 32,766 857,397 50,046 22,190 j 84,147 , 11,817 17,816 370,707 8,378 650 19,971 34,101 547 : 29,426 842,840 47,126 24,335 | 78,203 j 12,311 21,504 375,271 9,358 708 ': 21,209 37,097 678 i 31,700 ! 985,336 ' 51,539 37,900 91,214 ] 13,881 20,471 380,319 9,790 757 22,965 38,997 582 j 35,209 1,258,471 , 54,684 29,800 87,701 i 10,341 22,054 393,407 11,370 819 : 25,439 41,795 653 '■ 36,248 1,067,614 ; 49,639 26,605 85,888 16,504 23,025 420,610 12,993 921 ! 26,780 44,801 796 ■ 33,597 | 1,321,046 ! 38,814 34,314 96,841 17,226 ] 23,540 448,770 12,350 793 25,667 : 45,206 831 39,223 ' 1,356,434 38,022 38,610 101,340 28.623 24,906 444,981 11,185 750 i 23,517 ; 43,270 i 705 40,890 1,519,921 43,292 36,972 103.328 36,233 , 29,412 455,511 11,115 716 22,551 54,736 i 693 i 39,651 ; 1,839,712 53,346 53,260 : 99,363 43,069 31,476 489,825 11,347 778 22,891 58,084 841 35,909 i 1,964,110 52,327 60,542 I 98,958 48,660 ! 34,168 530,993 9,936 862 23,069 60,872 : 926 44,935 j 2,356,595 : 42,784 77,226 I 103,055 55,027 ■ 37,186 589,372 10,348 998 I 24,963 66,418 1106 ! 55,878 j 2,518,233 ! 34,512 83,084 ; 97,396 63,335 40,228 624,115 11,474 1159 i 27,066 68,488 1345 ' 65,063 | 2,523,787 ■ 36,049 77,292 104,621 82,921 41,925 633,770 11,421 1336 i 30,658 72,712 '15GG 72,868 | 2,412,191 51,059 78,844 96,519 100,778 1 45,322 677,804 11,926 1506 130,404 79,561 '1564 83,458 , 2,724,860 \ 55,159 86,378 101,878 118,481 49,169 731,762 12,737 1646 '< 34,202 87,273 1921 102,461 3,821,333 ! 61,844 121,092 116,309 129,919 52,580 798,800 14,629 2056 ! 36,816 110,151 2340 1107,435 ! 3,756,378 : 70,268 132,562 101,316 140,453 57,252 825,468 15,651 2228 ! 38,592 115,051 2307 110,924 i<3,412,984 | 7-7,768 131,714 107,625 147,989 63,006 892,037 17,008 2376 \ 40,097 142,642 2350 119,311:3,348,685 92,702 144,884 ,086 165,504 68,986 929,929 17,770 2440 i 42,081 151,913 2496 133,031 4,661,001 115,222 168,316 128,161 185,174 77,505 937,565 18,423 2829 47,766 176,876 2530 150,751 j 4,593,100 125,987 169,767 120,593 192,547 90,248 961,293 19,124 2550 50,798 187,040 2427 159,884 [ 5,211,489 117,026 182,666 j 137,916 199,371 100,249 1,047,806 20,571 2532 51,235 1192,585 2490 '176,412 I 5,126,762 126,930 179,902 i 151,051 222,104 119,117 U18.861 20,137 2751 52,762 Il93,789 12441 210,848 ' 5,911,291 160,379 198,546 I |l43,247 8,621 9,036 14,763 8,999 16,406 10,717 16,482 11,821 16,998 11,518 17,800 11,817 17,816 12,311 21,504 13,881 20,471 10,341 22,054 16,504 23,025 17,226 ] 23,540 28.623 ! 24,906 36,233 , 29,412 43,069 31,476 48,660 ! 34,168 55,027 ' 37,186 63,335 40,228 82,921 41,925 100,778 I 45,322 118,481 49,169 129,919 52,580 140,453 57,252 147,989 63,006 165,504 68,986 185,174 77,505 192,547 90,248 199,371 100,249 222,104 119,117 No. 308,620 325,675 313,047 317,242 341,634 368,680 370,707 375,271 380,319 393,407 420,610 448,770 444,981 455,511 489,825 530,993 589,372 624,115 633,770 677,804 731,762 798,800 825,468 892,037 929,929 937,505 961,293 1,047,806 1,118,361 No. 9,850 9,555 10-, 358 9,518 9,165 9,301 8,378 9,358 9,790 11,370 12,993 12,350 11,185 11,115 11,347 9,936 10,348 11,474 11,421 11,926 12,737 14,629 15,651 17,008 17,770 18,423 19,124 20,571 20,137 No. No. 975 22,716 906 i 24,666 793 24,020 G53 22,668 689 I 21,598 619 21,128 650 19,971 708 i 21,209 7G7 22,965 819 25,439 1)21 26,780 T98 25,667 750 i 23,517 716 22,551 778 22,891 862 23,069 998 24,963 1159 I 27,066 336 30,658 f>06 30,404 1646 34,202 205(1 36,816 2228 ! 38,592 2370 40,097 2440 42,081 2829 47,766 2550 50,798 2532 i 51,235 2751 52,762 £ 34,658 35,143 35,592 33,271 33,749 34,727 34,101 37,097 38,997 41,795 44,801 45,206 43,270 54,736 58,084 60,872 66,418 68,488 72,712 79,561 87,273 110,151 115,051 142,642 151,913 176,876 187,040 1192,585 '193,789 Tons. 75,740 81,255 86,670 80,280 73,040 65,860 67,045 77,454 I 73,650 87,834 88,186 84,658 85,102 78,804 80,014 83,656 87,038 92,126 92,830 100,236 100,498 106,066 109,174 106,510 109,236 110,154 102,620 98,360 109,400 Tons. 197,231 183,449 178,909 202,571 175,581 i 158,024 160,399 172,814 153,078 j 170,520 168,910 183,192 i 198,578 J 213,132 I 257,825 318,078 310,206 334,677 i 380,803 427,153 436,008 509,712 493,327 534,533 567,835 616,892 582,860 523,845 627,107 Tons. Tons. ' Tons Tons. £ 367,428 350,823 510,088 i 1,564,823 518,330 432,223 350,263 574,313 1,700,040 548,918 414,590 i 365,623 618,511 ' 1,749,856 : 611,504 413,847 368,225 , 669,081 1,823,767 I 622,810 345,254 329,227 . 719,579 : 1,747,754 , 581,350 358,022 347,379 700,140 ' 1,735,762 I 579,359 447,027 356,732 ' 786,690 : 1,920,431 610,488 498,198 399,258 | 797,117 2,073,955 655,007 528,683 385,020 828,079 ' 2,086,011 690,779 442,277 379,768 873,899 : 2,066,791 671,469 523,637 397,411 884,031 j 2,193,330 | 707,786 : 411,191 377,116 864,538 j 2,060,645 686,469 i 388,556 : 377,938 857,917 : 2,048,391 683,726 I 374,699 389,881 878,659 j 2,087,798 698,115 ' 423,888 ! 415,448 . 1,032,252 > 2,368,927 774,163 427,448 465,041 1,048,868 : 2,518,367 837,590 420,071 478,851 1,147,353 i 2,624,059 882,077 i 764,033 . 536,428 i 1,218,698 3,127,874 985,723 i 772,571 551,879 i 1,366,241 3,339,687 1,051,695 813,345 ' 556,395 1 1,443,792 , 3,529,177 I,110,575 718,376 633,685 1,004,426 3,730,394 1,189,101 820,453 658,144 < 1,744,323 ! 4,072,576 1,293,169 732,479 630,832 , 1,806,360 ! 4,011,511 1,277,976 772,258 ! 628,603 , 1,938,548 4,241,422 1,346,038 770,706 712,399 > 2,135,446 4,592,099 1,498,686 739,568 , 757,647 2,319,913 4,834,534 .1,582,328 793,793 729,971 ' 2,34-2,048 i 4,871,874 11,630,704 1,044,468 i 739,667 j 2,486,121 : 5,223,414 1,772,546 1,013,298 I 808,444 2,655,260 5,555,292 1,961,078 £ 29,496 31,644 23,160 16,732 14,893 14,611 15,663 18,091 20,718 19,388 18,830 18,563 17,265 18,466 20,225 19,631 20,328 25,135 28,601 30,303 I 29,960 33,074 40,067 ! 38,518 I 44,692 50,143 ! 57,147 57,132 56,777 £ £ d. 8,757 953,347 82-00 9,221 961,304 8100 10,422 1,045,712 ' 87-00 11,229 1,047,419 8300 12,523 998,768 ! 79-50 13,420 994,843 81-00 13,915 I 997,615 85-50 16,027 ; 1,095,570 9150 17,615 1,121,701 93-00 18,163 ; 1,115,432 / 88-75 19,486 1,181,522 9450 20,535 1,172,793 90-25 21,441 1,150,851 85-75 22,490 1,183,041 85-75 23,526 ' 1,286,158 9050 24,485 1,376,008 90-00 25,289 i 1,469,665 : 8900 29,524 1,623,891 ,, 93-00 29,253 ■ 1,727,236 '• 89-75 33,129 : 1,874,586 \' 8875 42,006 1,974,038 87-00 39,587 ' 2,180,641 ! 91-75 37,980 2,209,231 , 86-50 35,633 2,349,704 ! 87-75 37,256 2,624,600 93-00 39,613 : 2,761,938 ': 93'75 42,976 ' 2,929,526 !| 94-00 56,487 ' 3,249,790 |l 98-75 59,126 3,494,182 I' 10275

£ i a> Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Carriages and Wagons. Traffic. Head and Department Year. "§££ > s, "3 a»K Percent. Per Mile Per Per Cent. Per Per Cent. Per Per Cent. Per Per Cent. r* £ So Amount. of of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. ; of Train- Amount. of b w Revenue. Railway. mile; Revenue. mile. Revenue' mile. ! Revenue. mile. I Revenue. J . I ' I I I d. £ £ £ £ d. k £ d. £ £ d.' £ S, d. S. £ 1882-83 .. 51-07 62-18 209,823 2201 15554 18 OS 153,607 1611 13-23 38,887 4-08 3-35 156,334 16-40 13-47 1883-84 .. ! 55-40 68-24 233,936 24-34 169-29 19-76 I 162,558 I 16-91 1373 51,304 534 4-33 166,848 ; 17-36 14-09 1884-85 .. ' 57-45 65-99 ■ 254,329 : 24-32 176-87 21-18 | 166,576 15-93 13-87 56,245 ; 538 468 171,822 1643 14-30 1885-86 .. 54-85 65-91 247,566 j 23-64 160-32 19-67 162,860 1555 12-94 55,303 528 440 180,352 17-22 14-33 1886-87 .. 1 55-76 69-99 252,530 2528 14985 20-14 166,407 16 66 1327 59,107 5-92 4-72 177,825 ; 17-80 14-18 1887-88 .. 56-02 j 69-09 246,340 24-76 14135 2008 159,757 16-06 1302 65,018 6-54 530 173,991 i 1749 J4-18 1888-89 .. 55-54 ! 64-8C !' 232,915 ! 2335 131-31 1999 153,807 15-42 ; 13-20 55,422 555 4-76 176,995 ' 17-74 J.5-19 1889-90 .. 5713 162-32; 242,075 i 2210 134-70 2026 159,180 14-03 18-32 ; 67,211 613 5-62 | 182,427 16-65 L5-27 1890-91 .. 5809 ! 6247 241,330 j 2151 132-27 2001 172,064 15-34 ! 14 26 66,228 591 5-49 ] 193,461 1725 L604 1891-92 .. 56-32 ' 6334 ; 245,163 2198 131-41 19-54 177,156 I 15-88 14-12 57,723 517 4-60 ! 198,654 ! 1781 1584 1892-93 .. 58-53 6197 262,600 I 22-23 140 18 20-99 183,774 15-55 1469 53,962 457 432 202,153 17-11 . 1616 1893-94 .. 56-69 62-70 268,451 j 2289 140-35 20-70 177,833 ' 15-16 13-71 56,470 4-82 435 201,166 17-15 15-51 1894-95 .. 5454 ; 6362 I 272,718 I 2370 13857 20-32 175,758 ; 15 27 1309 50,949 443 I 379 201,641 17-52 1502 1895-96 .. 54-58 6861 282,593 i 2389 141-45 2051 i 185,669 15-69 13-47 : 54,692 4-62 397 207,253 17-52 15-04 37,979 321 1896-97 .. 55-55 61-35 I 301,981 28-48 14977 21-26 190,543 14-82 i 1341 65,825 5-12 464 213,914 16-63 1506 39,072 303 1897-98 .. 5611 6230 327,987 2384 16053 21-47 209,289 15-21 13-70 65,344 i 4-75 4-27 i 232,646 ' 16-91 15 23 ! 41,062 2-98 1898-99 .. : 50-22 6826 357,189 24 30 : 172-92 21-60 231,532 15-75 14-00 73,680 5-01 4-46 : 244,932 1667 14-81 j 44,319 3-02 1899-1900.. 60-31 64-80 394,619 24-30 | 18799 22-61 295,542 18 20 16-93 76,555 4-71 4-39 ; 262,552 . 16-17 15-05 ] 47,717 2-93 1800-1901.. 58-58 65 30 426,405 24-69 19611 22-15 293,383 1698 15-24 91,532 5-30 ! 4-75 296,159 17-15 15 38 51,590 2-99 1901-1902.. 5982 66-80 436,847 2330 \ 196-17 20-69 1 351,172 18-73 1 1664 99,522 5 31 : 4-71 333,211 17-78 15-79 56,756 3-03 1902-1903.. 59 23 68-06 460,398 23-32 i 203-55 20-30 378,575 1918 ! 16-69 105,976 5-37 j 4-67 360,061 1824 1583 62,997 3-19 1903-1904 ; 60-48 65-98 ' 490,819 '■ 2258 212-94 ' 20-72 414,168 1905 I 17-48 111,988 515 4-73 374,347 1722 1580 68,223 j 3-14 1904-1905.. 58-46 67-58 508,735 23-09 21664 19-99 425,717 19 32 16-73 I 109,918 4-99 \ 432 402,715 18-28 15-83 68.353 I 310 1905-1906.. 60-47 69-00 546,805 2383 228-67 20-46 468,315 : 19-98 17-52 1111,437 5-10 4-47 442,064 1886 16 54 | 70,539 ! 301 1906-1907.. G4-21 69-06 613,890 ' 23-45 252-78 21-81 522,100 I 19-94 I 18-55 135,793 5-19 4-82 ' 494,942 1890 17-58 73,370 2-80 1907-1908.. 6618 70-59 638,560 j 23-18 ' l'58-31 ' 21-78 572,586 ! 20-78 | 19-49 i 160,818 5-84 , 547 . 534634 1940 18-20 I 76,082 : 2-76 1908-1909.. : 67-89 ' 72-19 656,154 22-45 ! 257-63 ; 21-11 628,410 ! 21-50 20-22 165,850 5-67 5-34 i 605,940 2073 19-50 92,44s 3-16 1909-1910 . ■ 65-84 6676 620,008 19-12 229-94 18-86 669,559 I 20-65 2037 163,833 5-05 4-98 615,033 18-96 18-71 95,902 2-96 1910-1911.. 67-75 65-92 693,445 19-89 258-58 ; 20-4* 695,062 ' 19-93 20-50 180,221 5 17 5-31 ' 631,380 18-10 ' 18-51 98,135 2-81 ;al Offices. General Charges and Sundries. Less Credit Recoveries.* gi ■ o a Per Per Cent. Per Per Cent.] Per ** a Train- Amount. of Train- Amouut. of Train- * mile Revenue, mile. Revenue, mile. * d. £ £ d. £ & d. £ 34,170 3-58 2-94 .. .. .. 592,821 41,345 ' 430 349 .. .. .. 655,990 . 41,055 393 3 42 .. .. .. 690,026 44,259 ■ 4 22 i 351 .. .. .. 690,340 43 203 ■ 433 3 45 • • • ■• •• 699,072 42 222 ! 4-24 3-44 .. .. .. 687,328 27,906 280 240 .. .. .. 647,045 31,894 2-91 266 .. .. .. 682,787 '■ 27,622 2-46 229 .. .. .. ! 700,703 27,822 250 I 2-22 .. .. .. 706,517 29,653 2-51 ' 237 .. .. .. 732,142 31,440 2-68 242 .. .. .. 735,359 31,095 270 2 32 .. .. .. 732,160 2-76 .. •• 16,818 1-42 ': 1-22 751,368 2-75 ' .. .. .. I 22,280 173 1-57 789,054 2-69 .. .. •• 19,187 1-39 1-25 857,191 2-68 .. •• 21,914 1-49 1-33 929,738 •>74 .. .. 24,627 1-61 : 1-41 1,052,358 2-68 . •• 31,221 1-81 ' 162 1,127,848 2-69 .. .. •• 25,271 1-35 i 1-20 1,252,237 2-77 .. I .. i .. 24,592 1-25 1-08 1,343,415 Lake Wakatipu Steamers. 2-88 6 048 8645 .. 26,869 1-23 1-18 1, 43d, 724 2-68 5,198 88-14 .. 27,736 1-26 1-09 V,i 261 ' 5 227 : 87-33 .. 31,148 I 1-33 1-16 1,63 2-61 5 082 82-52 .. 32,701 1-25 116 1,812,482 259 ■ 5 377 81-02 .. 38,298 1-39 1-30 1,949,759 2-98 5,058 ! 78-56 i .. 39,042 1-88 L-26 2,114,815 2-H2 : 5,139 75-99 i .. .. •■ •• 2,169,474 2-89 ' 5,029 j 7;V7ii _ L! ll _ •• 2,303,272 recoveries have been credited to the branch to which the; relate. « * For the years 190<> 1010 and 19H:-1911


RETURN No. 17. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c., current during the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

10—D. 2.


Service. Period Name of Contractor. Rate. eneral stores— Auckland— General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, an 1 rivets „ Tools, &c. .. „ Plumbers' and gasfitters' Soap and candles .. Drapery Galvanized iron and tinware goods Chemicals, drugs, &o. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &c. Oil, kerosene Ship-chandlery, &c. .. .. j Bricks, red .. .. .. I Drain-pipes Firebricks and fireclay .. Indiarubber goods, &c. Iron and uteel Iron, sheet, galvanized Leather, &c. Colonial cement Colonial lime .. 31/3/1911 A and T. Burt (Limited) .. ..As per tender (ga zetted). Briscoe and Co. „ .. .. Ditto. John Burns and Co. (Limited) .. „ Briscoe and Co. „ John Burns and Co. „ ... John Newton and Sons (Limited) .. I „ Sargood, Son, and Ewen » .. „ A. and T. Burt „ .. „ : Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) John Burns and Co. (Limited) .. „ Vacuum Oil Company „ .. „ John Burns and Co. , .. „ J. J. Craig ■ ... A. and T. Burt „ .. Briscoe and Co. » „ Southern Cross Galvanised Iron Com- „ pany (Limited) John Burns and Co. (Limited) Burnside Hydraulic Lime and Cement Company (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. » Wellington— General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and rivets Tools, &c. .. .. I PlumberR' and gasfitters' Briscoe and Co. (Limited) .. .. „ Explosives Soap and candles Drapery .. .. Galvanized iron and tinware goods Chemicals, drugs, &c. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &c. Oil, kerosene Ship-chandlery, &c. Bricks, red Drain-pipes Firebricks and fireclay Indiarubber goods, <tc. Iron and steel Leather, &c. Colonial cement Colonial lime H W. M. Bannatyne and Co. (Limited) .. John Newton and Sons (Limited) Tβ Aro House „ . . ! „ A. and T. Burt „ .... Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Smith and Smith (Limited) Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Briscoe and Co. „ .. „ P. Hutson and Co. „ Herbert Hill P. Hutson and Co. (Limited).. ... A R. Hislop Briscoe and Co. (Limited) Burnside Hydraulic Lime and Cement Company (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited).. .. .. „ Christchurch— General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and rivets Tools, &c. .. Plumbers' and gasfitters' Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) .. i : : ■ : : :: : Explosives Soap and candles Drapery Galvanized iron and tinware goods Chemicals, drugs, &c. .. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &c. Oil, kerosene Ship-chandlery, Ac. Bricks, red Drain-pipes Firebricks and fireclay Indiarubber goods, &c. Iron and steel Leather, &c. .. .. Colonial cemout Colonial lime McLeod BroR. (Limited) Ross and Glendining (Limited) Ashby, Bergh, and Co. „ .. E. Reece and Sons .. .. .. „ Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) E. Reece and Sons Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) Anderson's (Limited) Ashby, Bergli, and Co. (Limited) Ohristchuroh Brick Company (Limited)



RETURN No. 17— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Bate. I General stores — continued. Dunedin— General ironmongery .. .. 31/8/1911 Briseoe and Go. (Limited) Furnishing ironmongery .. „ John Edmond Ironmongery —Bolts, nute, and rivets Tools, &o. „ Plumbers' and gas- „ Brisooe and Co. (Limited) fitters' Aβ per tender (gazetted). Ditto. Explosives .. .. .. „ Soap and candles .. .. „ ; MoLeod Bros. (Limited) Drapery .. .. .. „ ! Robs and Qlendining (Limited) Galvanized iron and tinware goods „ Brisooe and Co. (Limited) Chemicals, drugs, &c. .. .. „ , Kempthorne, Prosaer, and Co. (Limited) Disinfectants .. .. .. „ „ „ „ Oils*, colours, &o. .. .. „ i Briseoe and Co. (Limited) Oil, kerosene .. .. .. „ Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Ship-chaudlery, &c. .. .. „ Briseoe and Co. (Limited) Bricks, red .. .. .. „ C. and W. Gore Drain-pipes .. .. .. „ P. McSkimming and Son Firebricks and fireclay .. Indiarubber goods, &c. .. .. „ i A. and T. Burt (Limited) Iron and steel .. .. .. „ Briseoe and Co. „ Leather, &c. .. .. .. „ Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Co. Colonial cement .. .. „ Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) Colonial lime .. .. .. „ Ditto i w * m Invercargill— General ironmongery .. .. „ BriBcoe and Co. (Limited) Furnishing ironmongery .. „ John Edmond Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and „ „ rivets Tools, &c. .. „ Plumbers' and gas- I „ Briaooe and Co. (Limited) fitters' * Explosive-) Drapery .. .. . . . „ Ross and Glendining (Limited) Galvanized iron and tinware goods „ Briseoe and Co. Chemicals, (irugR, &c. .. .. „ Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Disinfectants .. .. .. , „ „ „ „ Oils, colours, &e. .. .. „ Briseoe and Co. (Limited) Ship-chandlery, &c. Drain-pipes .. .. .. „ T. Todd and Sons Firebricks and fireclay .. .. „ i P. McSkimming and Son Indiarubber goods. &c. .. .. , A. and T. Burt (Limited) Iron and steel .. .. .. „ Briseoe aud Co. „ Leather, &c. .. .. .. „ Brace, Windle, Blyth, and Co. Colonial cement .. .. „ J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited) Colonial lime ....... 0 II H Greymouth— General ironmongery .. .. „ D. MoLean Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and „ Forsyth and McKay.. rivets Tools, &c. .. Plumbers' and gas- ( „ D. McLean fitters' Soap and candles .. .. „ John Newton and Som (Limited) Drapery .. .. .. „ I Te Aro House (Limited) Galvanized iron and tinware goods „ D. McLean Chemicals, drugs, &c. .. .. „ Kemptliorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Disinfectants .. .. .. | „ „ „ „ Oils, colours, &c. .. .. „ D. McLean Oil, kerosene .. .. .. „ Ship-chandlery, &c. .. ■ .. „ Forsyth and McKay.. Bricks, red Drain-pipes .. .. .. „ Firebricks and fireclay .. .. „ „ Indiarubber goods, &c. Iron and steel Colonial cement .. .. „ D. MoLean Colonial lime .. .. .. Forsyth and McKay.. n H It It II Westport— General ironmongery .. .. I „ G. H. Gothard (Limited) Furnishing ironmongery .. | „ , Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and „ „ „ rivets Tools, &c. ..



RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.—continued.

Uut-irl rtt) Service. Period. Period. Same of Contractor. K » te - Service. _ I L General stores — continued. Westport— continued. Soap aud candles Drapery Chemicals, drugs, &o. .. Disinfectants Iron and steel 31/3/191] John Newton and Sons (Limited) •• A« per tender (g< zet'.ed). ! Ross and Glendining „ _ • • Dltto Kempthome, Prosser, mid Co. (Limited) G. H. Gothard (Limited) Brushwaie — Nonh Island Sections South Island Candles and soap— South Island Sections " G. Trevethiuk As per lender. Bunting and Go. (Limited) McLeod Bros. (Limited) Uniforms — Stationmasters Guards and portere .. " Ross and Glendining (Limited) ! A. Levy Uniform caps — Stationmaeters, summer .. winter Drivers and firomen, summer m winter Guards and porters, summer , winter White linen cap-covers .. Rainproof cap-covers Printing and stationery Cartage at Wellington Auckland \ \ 81/8/1912 Ross and Gleaming (Limited) .. 9/8 eaoh. '.'. 8/6 '„ .. 4/6 „ • • : V> . .. 3/9 „ .. lOJd. „ "., . 2 ' " Government Printer .. •• As per agreement. J. Keir As per tender. J. J. Craig (Limited) Coal-supply— Whangarei Seotion Onehunga Huntly Napier Foxton Wanganui New Plymouth Seotion .. Wellington Section Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru it " Dunedin Stirling Milton Nightcaps Bluff Grey mouth Westport Auckland Gisborne Napier Vanganui it " m " .. 31/3/1911 . . . " " „ . . I a . . n Hikurangi Coal Company (Limited) 8/6 per ton. Westport-Stookton Coal Company (Ltd.) «o Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) .. 10/b Blackball Coal Company (Limited) . j^ Westport-Stocktou Coal Company (Ltd.) ib/0 Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. fbl Westpoit Coal Company (Limited) .. fjb „ ibjo » Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Ltd.) 25/6 Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. -&/ J. A. Redpath and Son .. ■ ■ «/ b Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. Weetport-Stockton Coal Company (Ltd.) aj/ Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. *>l Westport Coal "Company (Limited) .. 22/6 Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Ltd.) 21/b Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Ltd.) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. • • • ' Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. 25/ Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Ltd.) j±l • Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. W Westport Cf al Company (Limited) .. Ml New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. 9/6 Bruoe Railway and Coal Company .. 'M u Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited) .. 8/4 Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. -»/ Paparoa Coal Company (Limited) .. 10/ Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Com- 13/ Gibson and Harris .. • • ■ • \\[ Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. 11/ Thomas Brown (Limited) .. • • £0/ J. A. Redpath and Son .. ■ • *>l J.Seymour.. •• •• •• "' Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) .. f> .„ " J. A. Redpath and Son .. .. ; Thomas Brown (Limited) .. • ■ 21/6 Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Com- 21/9 to 26/ Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) 20/ Thomas Brown (Limited) .. ■ • *«/ 1 3. A. Redpath and Son .. • • *>! Samuel Brown (Limited) .. • • *"/ John Mill and Co. .. • • • • M l

D.— 2


RETURN No. 17 -continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contraotor. Kate. Coal-supply— continued. Wellington Section .. .. 31/3/1911 Greymoulh-Point Elizabeth Coal Company Paparoa Coal Company (Limited) J. A. Rodpath and Son Thomas Brown (Limited) Samuel Brown (Limited) Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) John Mill and Co. .. Gteymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Company Paparoa Coal Company (Limited) H. Leviok Thomas Brown (Limited) •J. A. Redpath and Son Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) George MeClatchie and Co. .. National Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) J. A. Redpath and Son Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) Thomas Brown (Limited) Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Company J. A. Redpath and Sou John Mill and Co. N.Z. State Mines .. 17/6 to 18/ per ton. 18/6 to 21/6 „ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 19/ to 23/ Lyttelton H » • • • • I' I * * • • ■ • II 17/6 to 22/6 „ 13/ 20/6 20/6 to 23/ 20/6 20/6 to 21/9 „ 21/9 ii n • • • • ii Dunedin „ .. • .. 20/ to 22/6 22/6 22/6 24/6 Invercargill „ „ Kaih'u I .. .. "„ Auckland „ Napier Wanganui „ .. .. „ Wellington „ .. .. „ Picton Nelson „ .. .. „ Christchureh „ Dunedin „ Invercargill Greymouth Westport Native-timber Supply— Invercargill 20/ 22/ 24/6 20/ to HI 22/ to 25/ 20/ to 26/ 17/ to 25/ 20/6 to 21/6 „ 19/to 23/ 17/6 to 22/6 „ 19/ to 23/6 20/6 to 23/6 10/2 to 12/3 . 7/6 to 9/10 Dunedin .. .. .. „ Christehurch North Island Massey and Co. Southland Sawmilling Company Massoy and Co. Southland Sawmilling Company Bioearton Timber Company Kakahi State Sawmill Aβ per tender. 8,000 gallons double-boiled linseed-oil 30/6/1910 2,000 „ raw linseed-oil 7,000 „ double-boiled linseed-oil 28/2/1911 5,000 „ raw linseed-oil 60,000 „ castor oil .. .. 31/12/1910 70,000 „ „ 31/12/1911 Mason, Struthers, and Co. (Limited) .. 2/10 per gal. 2/9 4/24 4/1J Calcutta rat(!s. Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Limited) .. Landale and Clark (Limited) H 3,885 „ best varnish .. .. 31/12/1910 Brisooe and Co. (Limited) As per tender. 1,450 metal-filament electric lamps .. „ J. Duthie and Co. (Limited) Ironbark timber at Auckland .. j 31/3/1911 „ „ Wanganui .. „ Wellington .. 31/12/1910 .. ! 81/8/1913 „ „ Lyttelton Dunedin Greymouth „ „ Wellington .. „ Picton Auckland .. 30/6/1911 „ „ Wellington .. „ , „ Picton .. .. „ , „ Nelson Westport .. 31/3/1911 .. 31/12/1911 Greymouth .. 31/3/1911 .. 31/12/1911 .. 31/3/1911 Wanganui .. 30/6/1911 , „ Wellington „ „ .. 31/3/1911 Christchureh .. \ 30/6/1911 .. 31/7/1911 Bluff .. .. 30/6/1911 Greymouih .. 31/3/1911 Dunedin .. 30/6/1911 J. W. Wallace and Co. 24/9 & 30/9 per 100 ft, 27/6 and 32/6 24/ and 27/6 29/8 24/ and 30/ 26/9 and 31/9 31/ 25/6 and 27/6 27/ and 30/6 26/ and 27/ 26/ 26/ 29/ 26/ 27/ and 32/0 31/6 26/ and 31/ 26/ and 31/6 28/ and 36/ 27/8 29/6 and 30/6 30/6 28/6 23/6 27/4 38/10 Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited) .. Fraser and Co. Richardson, Blsir, and McCabe " " »



RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Kate. I Ironbark piles at Auckland .. 31/3/1911 J. W. Wallace and Go. .. ..2/7 per lin. ft. Wangaimi .. „ .... 2/9 Wellington ... „ .... 2/0 and 2/8 Lyttelton .. „ „ .... 2/6 Dunedin .. . „ .... 2/7 „ „ Wellington .. „ Golliii and Co. Proprietary (Limited) .. 2/7 „ Picton .. .. „ „ „ .. > 2/5 Auckland .. 30/6/1911 Fraser and Co. .. .. .. 2/7 to 2/9 Picton .. .. . „ .. .. .. 2/8 and 2/9 Hieymouth .. 31/3/1911 „ .. .. .. 2/11 .. 30/6/1911 „ .. .. ..2/7 Brush-box timber at Auckland .. 31/3/1911 J. W. Wallace and Co. .. .. 24/9 per 100 ft. Picton .. 30/6/1911 Fraser and Co. .. .. ..24/ Nelson .. ' „ „ .. .. .. 28/ Greymmth .. . „ .. .. .. 26/ „ .. 31/3/1911 : „ .. .. .. 24/6 Auckland District— 2,790 puriri sleepers .. .. » Settlers and mills in district .. .. 4/each. 15,520 totara „ .. , „ .. .. 3/ to 3/6 each. 14,880 powellized , .. .. „ N.Z. Powell Wood Process (Limited) .. 3/and 3/3 , 18,670 ft. puriri crossing-sleepers .. „ Settler-i and mills in district .. .. 17/1 to 21/per 100ft. 114,400 ft. jarrah „ .. „ Millar's W. A. Harowood Company (Ltd.) 18/4 per 100 ft. Wellington District — 565 totara sleepers .. .. „ Settlers in distriot .. .. .. 3/3 each. 300 ironbark , .. .. „ Richardson, Blair, and McCabe .. 4/4 „ 19,830ft. birch crossing-sleepers .. , N.Z. Powell Wood Process (Limited) .. 17/6 per 100ft. 119,580 ft. jarrah „ .. „ Millar's W.A. Hardwtiod Company (Ltd.) 18/4 to 23/per 100 ft. Cbristchuroh District — 43,333 ft. jarrah crossing-sleepers .. » „ 18/4 per 100ft. Westport District— 11,180 silver-pine sleepers .. „ Settlers and mills in district .. .. 3/3 and 3/5 each. '20,780 ft. silver-pine crossing-sleepers „ » .... 21/per 100 ft. Weetland District— 16,600 silver-pine sleepers ... . .... 3/3 each. 12,060 ft. silver-pine crossing-sleepers „ » .... 19/per 100 ft. Diinedin. District— 1,400 ironbark sleepers .. .. „ Riohardson, Blair, and MoCabe .. 3/11 each. Auckland District— Red-pine timber.. .. .. „ Merchants and mills in district .. 9/to 22/ per 100 (t. Totara „ .. .. .. . „ .. 11/ to 21/6 Kauri „ .. .. .. . . .. 12/ to 37/6 White-pine ........ . .. 8/to 11/6 Red-birch ......... . .. 11/6 to 12/ Matai „ .. .. .. . . .. 10/ to 22/6 Mangaio „ .. .. „ „ .. j 21/ 40,930 ft. jarrah timber .. .. . Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Ltd.) 19/to 23/6 Wellington District— Red-pine timber.. .. .. „ Merchants'and mills in district .. 9/to 22/ Totara „ .. .. .. . . .. 17/ to 23/ White-pine „ .. .. .. . . .. 7/6 to 11/ Matai ........ . .. 18/6 to 25/6 „ Kauri „ .. .. „ Merchants in district .. .. 18/6 to 42/ 327,400 ft. jarrah timber .. , Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Ltd.) 19/to 28/6 . 9,830ft. tallow wood „ .. „ Riohardson, Blair, and McCabe .. 29/6 3,060 ft. clear-pine „ .. „ Stewart Timber Company .. .. 9d. per ft. Christchurch District— Kauri timber.. .. .. „ Merchants in district .. .. > 26/to 35/ per 100 ft Yellow-pine „ .. .. .. . -, .. .. 33/ to 40/ Blue-gum ... .. .. . . .. .. 15/ to 20/ Red-pine . powellized .. „ N.Z. Powell Wood Process (Limited) .. 15/ 91,850 ft. jarrah timber .. .. „ Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Ltd.) 19/to 30/ Dunedin Distriot — Kaurijtimber .. .. .. » Merchants in district .. .. 21/ to 38/6 3,820 ft. tuart timber .. .. „ Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Ltd.) 30/ 355,550 ft. jarrah ...... „ „ „ 19/ to 23/ 35,000 jarrah droppers ..... . . „ 9/6 and 10/6 per 100. Westland District— Red-pine timber .. .. . Merohants and mills in district .. 7/to 18/ per 100 ft. Silver-pine „ .. .. „ . .. 18/ to 20/6 White-pine . .. .. . . „ .. 7/ to 10/ Birch . ..... . ..9/6



RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Westport District— Red-pine timber .. .. .. 31/3/1911 Yellow-pine „ White-pine „ .. Birch ... .. .. , Totara „ .. Name of Contractor. Merchants and mills in district Kate. 9/ to 18/ p< r 100 ft. 21/ 8/6 to 9/ 13/6 20/ • kelson Distriot— Red-pine timber .. .. .. » Yellow-pine „ .. .. .. „ White-pine „ .. Biroh ... Totara „ .. Matai „ .. .. .. . Merchants in district 10/6 to 14/ 27/ 10/ to 12/ 15/6 to 16/6 „ 21/6 to 28/ 16/3 Pioton District — Red-pine timber White-pine . .. Matai ... Kauri „ 10/'to 23/6 20/' 27/ to 39/ J ronbark or tallow-wood timber— 98,100 ft. at Auckland .. .. 30/11/1911 5,800 „ Wellington .. .. 13,800 „ Lyttelton .. .. ! 1,500 „ Dunedin or Pt. Chalmers Y Samuel Brown (Limited) .. .. i Iron bark, 29/6 pel 100 ft. Tallow-wood, 26/6 pel 100 ft. farrah timber — 97,000 ft. at Auckland .. .. 31/8/1911 126,500 „ Wellington .. 22,500 „ Lyttelton 26,700 „ Dunedin or Pt. Chalmers : Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Limited) 21/ pet 100 ft.


RETURN No. 18. Statement of Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.


Description. 8 I ■2 I ! p i c J 6 i°s« ill « 2 fi|_ I 1 8 1 I I Weighing - machin kk I ewt. i . -. 1 „ 2 „ 24 ". '■'■ 3 „ 3J . .. 4 . 5 „ 5J . .. 6 „ 6* . .. 1 8 „ 9 . 10 . 11 „ 12 . 12* - ■■ 18 , 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 17 „ 20 „ 21 22 . 23 „ 25 „ 27 „ 37 „ t>0 , 4 1b. 100 , 200 „ 224 „ 240 „ 244 . 248 . 250 . 280 „ 600 „ 700 „ 900 . 1 1 1 1 1 2 •• 8 1 1 a 1 1 i "2 12 7 52 24 28 "l5 12 44 11 5 5 1 8 14 1 1 2 12 12 2 8 1 30 30 4 42 1 9 7 3 56 32 9 1 6 3 10 25 1 4 *5 2 "* 4 2 a '7 '3 1 1 1 ■2 1 ■• 2 6 2 2 •• •• 3 a 1 9 30 13 2 21 1 88 64 4 76 1 25 19 4 112 49 17 1 11 4 18 43 1 9 1 11 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 . i "3 11 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 Totals 2 254 349 ■2'.) 12 12 4 670 ■ Weighbridges :— 3 tons (cart) 6 . 7 ,, 8 . 10 . 10 „ (wagon) 11 . 12 . 14 „ 15 „ 20 . 25 . 30 „ 40 „ 1 2 6 1 1 11 3 1 i i i 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 8 2 1 35 12 3 1 J 1 i 1 1 1 18 5 2 1 a 3 2 i Totals 26 30 2 74 Travkkseru ■21 i 25 TCBNTABLES!— 43-feet (engine) 50 , 55 . 12 „ (wagon) 13 „ 14 . 20 9 1 ■27 n 3 82 8 a 1 49 20 3 41 14 "a 4 i 1 1 Totals 128 41 82


RETURN No. 18-continned. Statement of Weighing-machines, &c— continued.

RETURN No. 19. Statements of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1911.


i Description. <s X a £ s J 0 I is Il| III m us a I i is I ! 0 rCranes :— J-ton, stationary, hand I 4 : : :•:::: 8 , „ „ .... 4 „ . „ .... 5 , „ „ .... 7 „ „ „ .... 10 „ . „ .... 15 . „ . .... % „ „ hydraulic .. 1J ,, . .... \ „ travelling, overhead 1 1* I ",. "„ ■■'■'■ 2 „ „ band 3 „ „ . .... 5 „ „ „ .... 6 „ „ „ .... 10 „ „ . .... J „ , steam U „ „ . .... 2 3 "„ '., "„ ' .. 1 5 . . . .... 7 ... J* « - 12 . . „ .. .. • 15 . „ . .... 20,, . , .... Pile driving and iioisting engines, j steam .. '.'. '.'. 16 :: :: :: 1 :: :: :: "7 1 1 5 :: :: :: "2 2 17 2 8 '.'. '.'. '.'. 9 '.'. .. .. 2 !! " .. 1 1 1 .... 2 2 ■2 .. .. 8 1 7 15 1 25 6 3 4 2 1 "7 "2 4 1 2 2 1 5 8 3 5 1 '» '3 '2 i "a 3 I '3 1 1 3 1 1 23 66 21 3 32 10 4 9 2 1 2 2 2 28 2 13 '2 IK 1 4 '2 3 7 14 6 17 1 2 1 3 26 '2 1 1 1 ,, i i 1 1 1 1 1 :: :: :: ■« "5 i i i 8 1 1 i 1 1 a .. .. i5i 127 17 12 Totals .. .. .. 1 s g 328 Water-services :— Steam Hand .. .. .. 1 Windmill Hot-air .. .. .. 1 Hydraulic . . .. ,. I .. Oil j .. Gravitation .. .. .. 1 Gas-engine 1 '3 1 2 2 4 1 i 1 8 47 20 2 30 30 59 1 11 78 56 11 27 15 45 3 4 i! 1 1 14 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 25 140 85 15 5947 134 1 6 3 Totals .. .. .. 3 4 5 7 197 243 36 7 sot;

Weight. 1 i 1 j 5.S-S SB'S § § ■a X ft, H iAILS BELAID :— 53 lb. steel .. 55 56 70 100 Totals .. '.'. '.'. 1,279 336 ■ .. 13,417 10,636 6 501 498 1,279 336 820 .. 25,052 .... 6 15,852 10,642 : 501 498 .. 27,493


RETURN No. 20. Statement of Sleepers relaid and removed during the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

RETURN No. 21. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

11—D. 2.


Description. re I i s a % 3 JB 1 Id £ 3 S 5.2£ g I 5 I*. «3« "3 q si I u d 5 E re Sleepers Relaid : — Totara .. Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Creosoted Ironbark Powellized 165 178 335 '87 596 1,028 6 38,969 46,791 126 4,247 32,366 1,296 11,026 1,395 90,798 27,381 9 6,662 522 4,318 969 4,378 48 7,778 41,557 139,402 50,643 5,184 54,190 2,634 11,145 21,824 882 456 30 89 Total .. 708 683 1,123 134,821 142,280 7,127 4,840 5,347 7,826 304,755 ILEEPEBS REMOVED : Matai Totara Birch Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Creosoted Ironbark Grey-gum Kauri Maire Blue-gum Hinau .. Rimu Kamai 123 401 251 9 314 73 363 1,102 54,637 153 6,533 2,359 41,192 2,516 12,823 15 146 583 47 100 2,183 22,504 34,198 10,605 7,921 37,840 4,215 . 11,061 2,100 45 58 1,590 4,860 861 3,942 2i9 4,7 i9 7,496 i'.Mi 23,606 89,791 20,755 14,463 54,230 45,881 13,577 14,923 (i0 990 583 368 100 2,183 1,172 90 36 660 321 1,172 Total .. 1,073 124,389 132,040 li,4. _ )(l 4,803 4,938 7,692 282,682 614 (>83

Sections. Miles chains. N iniiber of Number of Private Sidings. Stations and Stopping-places on the Time-tables, i At Stations. stations Total. Kawakawa vVhangarei Kaihu jisborne SJorth Island Main Line and Branches South Island Main Line and Branohes Westland Westport Selson Picton 7 39 ■27 8 17 15 23 51 1,083 12 1,350 16 141 13 30 17 47 55 33 44 4 14 10 12 385 504 66 16 20 16 2 2 70 138 25 4 3 4 1 5 2 2 48 26 6 1 1 1 7 2 4 118 164 31 4 4 5 Totals 2,761 25 1,047 248 92 340


RETURN No. 22. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance on 31st March, 1911.


Mileage open c*>t».. f° r Traffic on 5ec,lon, 31st March, 1910. Additional Lengths opened during Year. Ret e< Ma Lentrth w Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for Length whole Period - opened. :duced Mileage [ ;quivalent to aintenance for A-hole Period. Length closed during Year. Line. Length. Length closed I during ; Year. Ni f Net Addition Net Addition to Mileage to Mileage open under for Traffic. Maintenance. let Addition to Mileage open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage nnder , Maintenance. '• '9 1,, list March. Kqnivalent ,9 "' 31st March, 191 1, Line opened. Date of Opening. Date of Opening. Line. Line. Length. M. oh. Kawakawa .. .. 7 39 Whangarei .. .. 22 44 liukironui-Towai .. 2nd May, 1910 .. openea. M. ch. 4 39 1 M. ch. 4 8 M. ch. M. ch. 4 39 M. ch. 4 08 M. ch. M. oh. 7 39 7 39 27 3 26 52 Kaihu .. .. . . 17 I ."> 17 15 17 15 North Island Main Line and 1,072 t>7 Branches Gisborne .. .. 2.'i ."> 1 Wcllsford - Te Hana .. 16th May, 1910 Huiroa - Te Wera . . 20th June, 1910 3 25 7 0 2 72 5 48 1 J 10 25 8 40 1,083 12 1,081 27 23 51 23 51 South Island Main Lino and 1,321 27 Branches Domett-Mina .. 1st August, 1910 Lawrence - Big Hill . . 4th October, 1910 Broken River - Cass .. 12th Deoember, '10 3 64 7 31 15 30 2 42 3 50 4 51 ;; 1 26 45 10 63 1,347 72 1,332 10 Ditto, Private Line — Nightcaps Branch i _'4 2 24 J 2 24 Westland .. .. 137 62 Ngahere-Blackball . . 1st August, 1910 3 31 2 20 '■ 3 31 2 20 141 13 140 2 Westport . . .. 30 17 •• 30 17 30 17 Nelson .. .. .. 47 55 47 55 47 55 Picton .. . . . . 33 44 ! 33 44 33 44 Totals .. . . 2,716 4o ( 44 60 44 60 25 51 25 51 44 60 44 60 25 51 25 51 2,761 2,761 25 2,742 16 25 2,742 16


RETURN No. 23. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1911.


Line. Line. Iron. 301b. Iron. Iron. Steel. Steel. Iron. Steel. Steel. 401b. Iron. 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 651b. Steel. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. lOOlb. ; Steel. Total. Kawakawa Section — Opua-Kawakawa Wbangarei Section — Opau Wharf-Towai .. Kaihu Section — Dargaville-Kaihu North Island Main Line and Branches — Auckland- Wellington.. Newmarket - Te Hana Penroee-Onehunga .. Prankton-Tbames Paeroa-Waihi Cambridge Branch Morrinsville-Rotorua Marton-New Plymouth Waitara Branch Stratford - Te Wera .. Mount Egmont Branch Aramoho-Wanganui Poxton Branch Pafrnerston-Spit Welling ton-Woodville Greytown Branch Te Aro Branch Oisborne Section — Gisborne-Waikobu South Island Main Line and Branches— Lyttelton-Bluff Addington-Culverden.. Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Waipara-Mina Southbridge Branch Little Eiver Branch Springfield Branch .. - White Cliffs Branch Bakaia Porks Branch Mount Somers Branoh Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge Branoh Duntroon Branch Oamaru Breakwater Branch Carried forward M. oh. .'. 0 14 0 14 M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. Men. M. oh. 0 2 .. .. .. .. 6 42 17 78 17 15 62 72 34 12 0 10 .. .. . 2 23 26 0 0 23 .. .. . 6 75 0 21 .. .. .. 68 35 29 6 0 42 2 28 .. .. .. 1 72 7 27 ■ .. .. . 8 23 0 21 9 15 .. 10 18 1 29 .. .. .. 49 38 0 3 .. 28 16 3 7 19 0 20 49 0 .. .. 36 54 0 6 11 52 .. .. .. 18 59 5 35 0 4 .. .. .. 14 52 '.'. .'. 2319 0 27 13 42 6 27 1 59 4 57 11 46 22 20 4 8 23 28 i 24 71 9 38 .. .. .. 1 64 0 7 .. .. .. 2 2 2 37 8 21 14 66 0 12 .. 4 34 .. 18 9 0 23 .. .. .. .. 0 40 50 67 69 74 6 27 27 0 24 22 ' 552 11 M. ch. M. ch 0 37 4 39 .. 8'31 '.'. .. 235 '.'. 6 74 M. oh. 0 38 4 46 57 48 22 75 18 77 ■ 12 24 ; 2 26 42 29 0 25 j 6 2 [ 1 76 36 16 17 11 M. ch. 26 38 ■■ M. ch. M. ch. If. ch. 278 79 7 15 0 26 17 78 :: o"2 :: 0 4.. 65 30 18 26 69 69 13 7 39 27 3 17 15 425 77 72 53 2 59 62 75 12 24 12 1 68 60 136 65 4 62 22 69 6 2 3 20 19 33 113 72 114 43 3 7 1 10 5 49 17 62 28 51 0 11 16 69 0 12 2 74 Ml 46 1 20 30 17 '.'. 324 31 1 5 5 67 25 4 17 66 .. 392 1 67 57 33 45 20 11 35 30 25 39 22 48 57 40 11 46 22 20 27 36 36 13 4 46 8 21 37 41 0 63 .. 3 64 10 0 53 4 60 .. I 37 32 1 21 323 74 26 38 I 26 38 5 67 " 834 20 1 50 1 5 67 '' 834 20 1 50 1,961 37 1,961 3'


RETURN No. 23-continued. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in Various Lines on 31st March, 1911— continued.


Lin*. 301b. Iron. 401b. Iron. 40 n>. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 651b. Steel. 701b. Iron. . 701b. Steel. ffift| ™*>- Brought forward South Island Main Line and Branches— continued Ngapara Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branou Tapanui Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Invercargill-Kingston Makarewa-Tuatapere .. Thorn bury-Nightcaps Forest Hill Branch Mararoa Branch Waimea Plains Railway Riversdale-Switzers .. Westland Seotion — Greymouth-Otira Greymouth-Ross Stillwater-Cronadun Blackball-Ngahere Coal Creek Branch Westport-Mokihinui Nelson-Kiwi Pitton-Seddon M. eh. M. oh. 0 14 50 67 '.'. 1146 .'. 6 7 431 0 4 '.'. 9 29 9 41 '.'. 1266 '.'. 14 0 10 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. cb. 69 74 6 27 27 0 24 S2 0 29 7 5 .. 0 59 i 57 '.'. 1 19 !. .. 0 25 6 68 1662 '.'. .'. 0 20 M. eb. 552 11 11 44 0 1 0 21 1 55 65 73 1 53 1 29 19 2 3 25 9 13 1 66 38 38 17 76 0 19 M. ch. M. ch. 37 32 1 21 .. .. 8*0 '.'. 1270 '.'. 2 30 12 55 M. ch. 323 74 3 45 i' o 0 67 65 58 1 57 15 9 3 37 6 59 6 71 20 8 10 21 , 0 31 j 072 ; M. ch. 26 38 M. ch. M. ch. ] 5 67 834 20 15 '.'. o"2 0 22 10 60 7 73 12 0 1 68 0 49 0 1 M. ch. M. ch. 1 50 1,961 37 15 9 11 75 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 0 29 32 25 14 26 21 12 57 9 35 25 39 87 0 48 23 24 51 12 66 10 41 36 41 13 67 .. 8 6 '.'. 22'l3 '.'. '■'■ '.'■ 1018 '.'. 30 17 0 23 4 63 1 77 11 69 '.'. 30 41 18 26 35 22 0 22 '.'. 11 32 17 43 6 64 2 31 4 62 3 78 16 75 16 29 540 63 26 38 8 55 2 40 1 38 10 0 2 14 52 '.'. o"2 16 47 886 29 50 48 38 29 43 66 3 31 1 79 30 17 47 55 33 44 1 50 2,761 25- .. 0 25 0 1 .. 11 1 16 136 26 6 27 61 3 24 22 0 15 11 22 23 39 15 67 5 15 .. Totals .. 0 14 99 65 866 41 93 59 93 59 1 21



RETURN No. 24. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911.

So Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic . guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during tbe Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WHANGAREI SECTION. I £ a. d. £ a. a. £ s. d. 1016 R. 02/551 .. Jan. 1,1907 Hikurangi Coal Company (Limited) .. Waro .. .. Grantees 5 years'.. t •• 4 19 11 43 4 9 1037 R. 02/550 .. Jan. 1,1907 Hikurangi Coal Company and Mary .. „ .. .. Govt. .. 5 „ *.. .. .. 110 14 1 8,193 7 9 Belton 1040 R. 02/2358 .. Jan. 1,1907 Hall and Black .. .. .. 6 79 Taumarere .. Govt. and 5 „ *.. f .. 1 18 9 3 8 0 grantees 1062 R. 06/3579 .. Oct. 26,1907 A. L. Stokes .. .. ..18 15 Whakapara .. Govt. .. 5 . *.. .. .. 22 13 10 514 1 8 • 1226 R. 04/3988 .. Mar. 1,1910 Northern Coal Company (Limited) .. Waro .. + 5 „ ".. t Repairs 46 15 4 5,756 10 1 £18/0/6 1230 R. 05/3060 .. July 1, 1910 R. P. Gibbons (Limited) .. .. .. Hikurangi .. f 5 „ * .. t Repairs, £2 2 8 6 335 15 1 1234 R. 00/241 .. April 1,1910 Mander and Bradley .. ..18 32 Whakapara .. 1 „ *.. Premium..! 9 7 6 10 3 11 512 18 6 1252 R. 08/3024 .. Sept 1, 1910 Whangarei Coal-mining Company .. Kamo .. .. Grantees 5 . *.. „ .. 180 0 0 2 6 5 175 19 10 (Limited) £ s. d. 48 4 8 8,304 1 10 5 6 9 536 15 6 5,803 5 5 338 3 7 523 2 5 178 6 3 KAIHU SECTION. 1011 R. 06/2737 .. Oct. 906 H. P. Clear .. .. .. 3 2 Flax-mill .. Grantees 5 years* .. Premium.. 85 0 0 46 7 10 15 18 8 1031 R. 02/1438 .. Jan. 1,1907 Mitchelson Timber Company and 16 15 Kaihu Booms .. Govt. .. 5 „ •.. .. .. 159 5 0 606 16 3 James Trounson 62 6 6 766 1 3 GISBORNE SECTION. 956 R. 05/901 .. July 1, 1905 I New Zealand Shipping Company .. Gisborne .. Grantees 10 years* .. Premium.. 250 0 0 205 16 11 6 13 4 (Limited) Rental, £25 1099J R. 07/4316 .. Nov. 1, 1908 | Gisbome Borough Council .. .. „ .. „ 5 , *.. „ .. 150 0 0 581 1 1 3 9 6 Gisborne Borough Council .. .. Kaitaratahi .. .. .. .. .. 3 9 6 922 14 5 1227 R. 09/2717 .. May 1, 1910 Gisborne Borough Council .. .. Gisborne .. Grantees 5 years* .. Premium.. 260 0 0 341 13 4 212 10 3 584 10 7 926 3 11 341 13 i NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. 866! R. 93/3515 .. Oct. 1,1903 Carr, Pountney, and Co... ..I .. Morrinsville .. Grantees 10 years'.. t Rental, £25 70 9 6 66 13 2 885 R 04/956 .. May 11,1904 A. and G. Price .. .. .. Thames .. Govt. .. Indefinite 912 R. 99/1973 .. ! July 1,1904 Firth Pumice Company (Limited) 58 11 Ohinewai .. Govt. and 10 years* .. t Rental, £50 2111111 1,26111 2 grantees 91S R. 04/2222 .. Oct. 1,1904 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Com- 6 64 Westfield .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 358 0 0 6,537 10 11 1,898 5 6 pany (Limited) Rental, £50 977 R. 02/1392 .. Mar. 1,1906 Bartholomew Land and Timber 43 20 Ngatira .. „ 10 „ * .. „ .. 896 0 0 179 7 6 2,803 17 6 Company (Limited) Rental, £50 989 R. 03/4035 .. Nov. 9,1905 Waihi Gold - mining Company .. Waikino .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. t .. 13,362 3 9 109 2 1 (Limited) 990 R. 03/4035 .. Feb. 1,1906 N.Z. Crown Mines Company .. Karangahake 10 „ * .. .. .. 1,178 6 10 6 15 0 (Limited) 995 R. 06/842 .. June 1,1906 Isaac Coates .. .. .. .. Huntly .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Premium.. 171 10 0 1009 R. 04/3856 .. : July 1, 1906 Wm. Lovett .. .. .. Tβ Kuiti .. i „ 5 „ * 290 0 0 .. 54 14 6 1010 R. 06/3300 .. : Nov. 1, 1906 Auckland City Council .. .. .. Westfield .. | Grantees 10 „ * .. „ .. 426 0 0 465 2 5 584 5 0 Rental, £25 137 2 8 1,473 3 1 8,435 16 5 2,983 5 0 13,471 5 10 1,185 1 10 5414 6 1,049 7 5



RETURN No. 24-continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

So ex zD t Amount liquidated Palmrs of Preaent Holder PoB '" Nun rest Sfatm.i By whom Term ofTmffic Damages racers, ol Present Holder. tion Nearest btation. p aid for . of Grant. guaranteed or per Annum. Premium. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Tn.ffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. In. NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES— continued. ioad M. ch. I £ s d. R. 00/2203 .. Nov. 1,1906 Tanpiri South Coal Company .. Huntly .. Grantees 5 years" .. Premium.. 2 0 0 (Limited) R. 06/2165 .. Jan. 1, 1907 Taumarunui Totara Company . . .. Frankton June- „ 10 „ * .. „ .. 93 0 0 tion Rental, £25 R. 07/1584 .. May 1,1907 William McArthur .. .. .. Putaruru .. „ 5 „ '.. ., .. 232 10 0 R. 02/670 .. Oct. 1, 1907 i Union Collieries (Limited) .. 44 33 Mercer .. „ 5 „ * .. , . . 10 0 0 R. 00/613 .. Nov. 1, 1907 Avondale Brick and Pottery Com- 6 29 New Lynn .. „ 5 .. * .. ,. .. 116 9 4 pany (Limited) R. 03/2232 .. May 1, 1908 Taupiri Coal-mines Company .. Huntly .. „ 5 „ ".. ,. .. 15 18 1 (Limited) R. 06/3864 .. Aug. 1, 1908 ' Datgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Auckland .. „ 10 „ * .. ., .. 156 10 0 Rental, £50 R. 08/1608 .. Feb. 1, 1909 Morningside Quarry (Limited) .. .. Morningside . . „ 5 .. ♦ .. .. .. 479 10 0 R. 08/3737 .. Jan. 1,1909 Taringamutu Totara Sawmiiling .. Tanngamutu .. „ 6 . '.. . .. 180 0 0 Company (Limited) R. 03/4153 .. Jan. 1,190'.) Gardner Bros, and Parker .. .. New Lynn .. „ 6 '.. | Repairs £14 13/, R. 03/1660 .. April 1, 1909 ! Taupo Totara Timber Company .. . ■ Putaruru .. t 5 ,. " . . Premium.. 16 0 0 R. 08/2805 .. Nov. 1, 1908 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .. Otahuhu ..Grantees. 10 ,. " .. .. .. 1,202 2 6 Agency Company (Limited) Rental, £25 R. 99/3007 .. June 1, 1901) Taupiri Coal mines (Limited) .. .. Huntly .. t 6 •'.. | Repair*, £S li. 00/1840 .. June 1, 1909 j Department of Justice .. .. .. Mount Eden .. 5 „ *.. R. 03/600 .. July 1, 1909 ; Wenstone (Limited) .. .. .. Auckland .. t 5 „ *.. R. 04/1751 .. Aug. 1,1909 Coulthard Timber Company (Li- . Helensville South + 5 , '.. { mited R. 04/945 .. June 1,1909 New Zealand Brick, Tile, and Pot- .. New Lynn .. t 5 .. ' .. + Repairs. £5/10 tery Company (Limited) R. 04/2378 .. June 1,1909 Auckland Veneer and Timber Com .. Onehunga .. t 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 pany (Limited) Rep'rs, £9/8/1 1 R. 99/1294 .. Dec. 1, 1909 i J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. .. Auckland .. i 1 „ '.. ' Rental, £50 R. 02/2630 .. Oct. 1, 1909 Wilson's Portland Cement Company .. Te Kuiti .. t 5 „ '.. t Rental, £12 (Limited) R. 99/1601 .. Jan. 1, 1910 R. and W. Hellaby (Limited) .. .. Weetfield .. t 10 , * .. Premium.. 60 10 2 Rental, £25 R. 00/107 .. Jan. 1,1910 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'n .. Westfield .. Grantees 10 „ • .. + Rep'rs,£80/18/5 New Zealand Drug Company Rental, £25 (Limited) R. 05/867 .. April 1, 1910 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company .. Auckland .. 1 5 „ * . .. Repairs, £14 9s. (Limited) Rental, £50 R. 04/2105 .. Nov. 1, 1909 ; George Gardner and Sons .. .. Monunui .. Grantees 5 , *.. Premium.. 478 10 0 R. 10/053 .. Mar. 1, 1910 Kauri Timber Company (Limited).. .. Owharoa .. j „ 5 „ *.. „ .. 544 0 0 R. 02/2510 .. May 1, 1910 Pakuweka Sawmills (Limited) .. .. Matapuna .. | 5 „ * .. R. 98/3564 .. Aug. 1,1910 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Com- .. Auckland .. 3 „ '.. + Rental, £50 pany (Limited) R. 04/3883 .. Mar. 1,1910 Drury Fireclay Brick aud Potteries .. Drury .. .. t 5 „ '.. + Repairs, (Limited) | £38 12s. 2d. i s. d. £ s. a. H s. d. 55 8 10 991 11 6 1,047 0 4 7 12 11 2,077 0 7 2,084 13 6 490 17 0 1,617 9 2 2,]08 6 2 341 18 11 27,287 13 7 27,629 12 li 501 6 3 42 12 7 543 18 10 100 16 6 800 14 8 901 11 2 374 19 0 12,338 5 11 : 12,713 4 11 561 3 10 3,051 8 11 3,612 12 9 201 8 8 11,293 14 5 11,495 3 1 6,121 5 1 1,750 6 8 7,871 11 9 218 14 7 41,032 18 1 41,251 12 8 271 19 i 83 3 4 355 2 8 2,986 11 5 152 0 9 3,138 12 2 736 4 1 2,017 14 2 2,753 18 3 2,393 19 0 27 6 0 2,421 5 0 7,666 12 4 213 5 0 7,879 17 4 124 10 2 2.102 6 1 2,226 16 3 2,517 10 2 154 S U 2,671 19 1 3,805 13 3 6,022 10 4 9,828 3 7 882 1 8 .. 882 1 8 160 1C 2 610 6 1 771 2 S 925 13 4 .. 925 13 4 130 4 1 3,557 5 6 3,687 9 7 1,489 18 11 436 2 8 1,926 1 7 97 13 11 593 6 8 69] 0 7 1021 1035 1063 1074 1079 1085 HOC 1111 1113 1125 1139 1161 1102 1163 11G4 1166 1171 1180 1190 1205 1207 12101 1217 1219 1229 12>!3 1242



1243] R. 04/1368 .. Got. 1,1910 Leyland O'Brien Timber Company .. Auckland .. | 5 „ *.. | 1,906 1 'J 8 19 3 1,912 Oil (Limited) Rental, £50 1240 R. 00/990 .. Feb. 1,1910 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Com- .. Westfield .. ' 10 „ * .. I Repairs, £919s. 724 5 7 S82 6 6 1.60G 12 1 pany (Limited) Rental, £25 1249 R. 10/349 .. Oct. 1,1910 J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. .. Mount Eden ..Grantees 10 ,. '.. Premium.. 345 0 0 Rental, £-25 1261 R. 00/668 .. July 1,1910 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .. Hamilton .. + 10 .. • .. ' Rental. £25 116 5 2 38 6 3 204 11 5 Agency Company (Limited) 24 R. 89/2248.. 1675 Napier Gas Company .. .. 2 30 Napier .. Govt. .. Undefined .. .. 943 18 1 205 9 4 1,149 7 5 22] R. 98/365 .. Dec. 13, 1880 Gear Meat Preserving and Freezing 0 37 Petone ..Grantees ,. Premium.. 117 19 11 1,181 8 6 5,671 19 2 6,803 2 8 Company (Limited) Rental, £25 759 R. 99/2633 .. April 1,1901 Henry Brown and Co. .. .. 235 43 Inglewood .. . 10 years' .. Premium.. 200 0 0 164 18 8 417 2 6 582 1 2 760 K. 01299 .. April 1.1901 Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. ..96 17 Woodville .. „ 10 ., ' .. t Repairs, £42 1,216 16 4 1,285 19 0 2,502 15 4 Rental, £25 78SR. 01/886 .. Nov. 1.1901 West Coast Refrigerating Company .. Patea .. „ 10 , * .. Premium.. 200 0 0 12 2 3 2,830 14 0 2,842 16 3 (Limited) Rental, E25 R. 02/884 .. Jan. 1, 1902 Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. .. 68 3 Waipukurau .. Govt. .. 10 , .. t ' Rental, £25 330R.02/2178 .. Sept. 1.1902 Wanganui Dairy Company (Limited) .. Aramoho .. Grantees 10 , *.. Premium.. 192 0 0 172 9 0 318 11 0 491 0 0 Rental, £25 831 R. 02/3099 .. Sept. 1,1902 Williams and Kettle .. .. .. Hastings .. . 10 » * .. i Rental, £25 739 17 9 180 12 8 920 10 5 R. 99/2453 .. Oct. 1,1903 (New Plymouth Sash and Door Fac- .. Eltham .. „ 10 „ ' .. ' Rental. £25 0 S 0 132 12 1 133 0 1 J tory and Timber Company (Ltd.) 858 R. 99/2453 .. Oct. 1,1903 (Eginont Box Company (Limited) .. „ .. „ 10 „ '.. f Rental. £25 580 7 3 3.969 14 10 '< 4,550 2 1 868 R. 96/3827 .. Nov. 1,1903 Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. Tornoana .. „ 10 . • .. Rental, £25 688 14 f> 119 8 2 808 2 8 882 R. 03/4089 .. Mar. 1.1904 /Union Timber, Sasb, and Door 88 30 Palmerston North „ 10 . '.. Premium.. 121 0 0 717 0 0 32 0 0 749 0 0 Company (Limited) Rental, £25 883 R. 04/291 .. Mar. 1,1904 1 William Cook .. .. ..88 36 „ „ 10 . • 121 0 0 1,124 0 0 338 0 0 1,462 0 0 [ Rental, £25 R. 04/955 .. July 1, 1904 The West Coast Steamship and „ „ 10 „ * .. „ 90 0 0 810 0 0 5 0 0 315 0 0 Trading Company Rental, £25 922 R. 04/1516 .. Nov. 1,1904 Thomas Borthwick and Sons .. .. Pakipaki .. „ 10 „ • .. , .. 1,116 0 0 3,401 8 9 3,591 18 5 6,993 7 2 Rental, £25 924 R. 03/4058 .. Nov. 1,1904 Manawatu Racing Club .. .. .. Awapuni .. „ 10 „ * .. .. .. 487 0 0 .. 312 0 0 312 0 0 938 R. 04/2133 .. Nov. 18,1904 The Manawatu Timber Company 37 69 Utiku .. .. „ 10 „ • .. „ 204 4 6 23 9 8 0 19 5 24 9 1 (Limited) 965 R. 05/2546 .. Oct. 1, 1905 De Pelichet McLeod Company .. .. Haetiugs . Grantee In ,. *.. Premium.. 170 0 0 .. 2 8 6 2 8 6 Rental, £25 972 R. 00/1143 ..' Nov. 15,1905 Taranaki Producers' Kreeziny-woiks 9 40 Moturoa .. „ 10 ,. * .. „ .. 12 5 0 1,432 15 7 2,273 3 11 3,705 19 6 Company (Limited) Rental, £25 973 R. 96/114 .. Jan. 1,1906 Robert Holt .. .. ..11179 Napier .. Govt. .. 10 . ".. | ; Rental, £50 4,069 3 9 .. 4,069 3 9 978 R. 00/1403 .. Jan. 1,1906 G. A. Gamman and Co. and Lizzie 40 73 Te Ohu .. Grantees 5 „ *.. .. .. 125 19 1 ' 125 19 1 Rathbone 997 R. 05/3507 .. July 1, 1906 H. D. Bennett .. .. ..46 79 Mataroa .. Grantee 5 „ '.. Premium.. 692 0 0 1,498 14 11 5 16 1 1,504 11 0 1002 R. 03/951 .. June 1,1906 Wellington Meat Expo Company .. Ngahauranga .. Grantees 10 „ • .. | Rental, £25 758 3 4 3,725 19 10 4,484 3 2 (Limited) 1003 R. 01/182 .. June 1,1906 Silverstream Brick and Tile Com- .. j Silverstream .. „ 5 „ •.. Premium.. 7 0 0 336 0 10 1,216 14 4 1,552 15 2 I pany 1006 R. 02/1544 .. Aug. 1,1906 Waikopiro Timber Company (Ltd.) 42 65 Makotuku .. „ 5 . *.. . .. 13 3 5 56 19 11 1,717 15 7 1,774 15 6 1008 11.06/1112 .. June 28, 1906 Wellington Harbour Board" .. .. Te Aro .. .. „ 10 „ V. „ .. 85 0 0 Rental, £25 1012 R. 01/2827 .. Oct. 1, 1906 Napier Gas Company (Limited) .. .. Hastings .. „ 5 „ ".. t Rental, £25 1,015 2 4 11 8 9 1,026 11 1 1014 R. 01/2396 .. Oct. 1,1906 Henry Brown and Co. .. .. .. Morley Street .. „ 10 , • .. Premium.. 156 0 0 308 2 9 470 ? 9 778 10 6 [ Rental, £25 • Three months' notice. 1 Siding originally- laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24-continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

So it Papers. Date of Graut. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. NOETH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES— continued. 1018! ] 1022 1034 : 1041 1042 1046 1048 1054 1061 1069 1075 1077 1078 1081 1082 1087 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1100 1101 1103 110'J 1110 1117 M. ch. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ p. d. £ s. d. R. 06/2769 .. Feb. 1,1907 Department of Mines .. .. .. j Wanganui .. Grantees 10 years , .. Premium.. 135 0 0 26 8 11 178 7 2 204 16 1 Rental, £25 R. 06/3785 .. Jan. 1,1907 R. Wilson and Co. .. .. .. Marton .. „ 10 „ * .. „ .. 185 0 0 453 0 a 207 3 11 660 4 1 Rental, £25 R. 02/3212 .. Mar. 26, 1907 Wellington Meat Export Company .. Waingawa .. , 10 „ •.. „ .. 3 10 0 .. 3,892 18 3 | 3,892 18 3 Rental, £25 R. 07/2501 .. Aug. 1, 1907 i Belmont Quarry Company (Limited) 12 47 Belmont .. . 5 . *.. „ .. 322 0 0 3 8 0 117 14 5 121 2 5 R. 07/895 .. July 1,1907 Gosse. Bolton, and Swan.. ..1128 „ .. ., 5 „ '.. „ .. 540 0 0 10 15 5 512 5 6 523 0 11 R. 07/1141 .. Oct. 1 1907 ' New Zealand Shipping Company .. Foxton .. „ 10 „ •.. . .. 94 0 0 927 7 1 11G 1 8 1,043 8 9 (Limited) Rental, £25 R. 01/1659 .. Aug. 1,1907 Totara Sawmill Company .. .. Tamaki .. . 5 „ *.. „ .. 110 0 0 .. 100 8 2 100 8 2 R. 97/4085 ..Nov. 1,1907 Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. .. Port Ahuriri .. Govt. ..10 „ *.. .. Rental, £'25 269 10 10 266 7 1 535 17 11 R. 07/2868 .. Jan. 1,1908 Rangataua Timber Company .. .. Rangataua .. Grantees 5 „ ".. Premium.. 575 0 0 2,665 19 11 63 17 8 2,729 17 7 R. 97/3534 .. Mar. 1,1908 Levin and Co. .. .. .. .. Masterton .. Govt. and 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 883 14 11 1,227 4 7 2,110 19 6 grantees R. 00/2214 .. April 1,1908 Kendriok Bros. .. .. .. .. Aramoho .. Grantees 5 „ *.. t ■■ 42 16 11 62 10 8 105 7 7 R. 02/2937 .. May 1,1908 Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative .. Masterton .. „ 10 „ *.. Premium.. 152 0 0 27 5 5 143 14 3 170 19 8 Association Rental, £25 R. 02/1854 .. April 1,1908 Tiratu Sawmilling Company .. .. Mangatera .. „ 5 „ *.. t Repairs, £3 3 5 1 1,711 6 5 1,714 11 6 R. 00/2784 .. June 1,1908 Mauriceville Lime Company .. .. Maurioeville .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. 237 5 6 160 4 3 460 5 3 620 9 6 R. 03/2618 .. Sept. 1,1908 A. Quinlan .. .. ..93 36 Hukanui .. „ 5 „ *.. t •• 1 17 5 216 3 1 218 0 6 R. 98/3331 .. Oct. 1,1908 W. G. Bassett .. .. .. 2 11 Wanganui .. . 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 20 2 9 2,652 9 9 2,672 12 6 R. 03/8688 ..I Nov. 1,1908 Pitcaithly and Co. .. .. .. Belmont .. „ 5 . *.. .. Repairs, £7 35 9 0 1,754 7 10 1,789 16 10 R. 98/3766 .. Jan. 1,1909 Dalgety and Co. .. .. .. Port Ahuriri .. „ 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £25 627 3 2 132 18 8 ; 760 110 R. 06/2689 .. Dec. 1, 1908 ; G. Gardner and Sons .. .. 250 48 Hihitahi .. . 5 ., ".. Premium.. 1,040 0 0 2,307 6 5 20 0 1 2,327 6 6 R. 08/3485 .. Jan. 1,1909 W. Booth and Co. .. ..247 10 . .. „ 0 „ ".. „ .. 473 0 0 1,559 8 3. 100 4 2 1,659 12 5 R. 03/3251 .. Jan. 1,1909 G. Bartholomew and Co. .. .. Matamau .. „ 5 , '.. .. .. 8 6 10 36 8 7 ' 44 15 5 R. 08/3724 .. Jan. 1,1909 Geo. Syme .. .. .. .. Tangiwai .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. 306 0 0 2,056 2 0 15 1 1 2,071 3 1 R. 09/262 .. Jan. 1, 1909 Quinn Bros. .. .. .. .. Hihitahi .. „ 5 „ •.. „ .. 440 0 0 2,069 12 8 119 12 -2 2,189 4 10 R. 05/3440 .. Feb. 1,1909 N.King .. .. .. .. New Plymouth .. . 10 . •.. .. Rental, £25 135 9 9 302 12 8 438 2 5 R. 01/1877.. Jan. 1,1908 G. H. Stubbs .. .. .. .. Waitara .. Govt. .. 5 „ '.. .. Rental, £25 147 8 5 57 15 5 205 3 10 R. 08/187 .. Jan. 1,1909 Masterton Borough Council .. .. Masterton .. Grantees 5 „ '.. Premium.. 470 0 0 1,035 6 9 43 14 5 1,129 1 2 R. 99/1984 .. May 1,1909 Wanganui Sash and Door Company .. Wanganui .. t 5 „ *.. Repairs .. 23 18 6 60 14 2 4,106 10 11 4 16? 5 1 (Limited) Rental, £25 R. 09/1892 .. April 1, 1909 National Mortgage and Agency Com- .. Longburn .. t 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 1,145 0 10 3,631 0 9 ! 4,776 1 7 pany of New Zealand (Limited) R. 01/2230 .. May 1,1909 Henry Carlson .. .. .. .. Pukehou .. t 5 „ *.. t R. 98/3250 .. May 1, 1909 Department of Lands .. .. .. Piripiri .. j 5 . * .. Repairs, £10 R. 97/2271 .. Aug. 1,1909 George Bartholomew Company (Li- .. Feilding .. 10 „ ".. t Rental, £25 6 18 4 1,453 3 1 1,460 1 5 mited) R. 01/1707 .. Oct. 1,1909 Manawatu County Council .. .. Himatangi .. f 5 „ '.. t ■• .. 325 5 7 325 5 7 R. 04/79 .. Nov. 1, 1909 j B. L. Knight .. .. ..269 28 Utiku .. .. t 5 „ •.. t •■ 2,439 9 9 77 5 1 2 516 14 10 R. 98/2734 .. E'ob. 1, 1909 i C. N. Clausen .. .. .. .. Palmerston North + 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 2,113 0 0 71 0 0 2,184 0 0 R. 09/3045 .. July 1, 1909 New Zealand Powell Wood Process .. Rangataua ..! Grantees 5 „ '.. Premium.. 61 0 0 549 14 2 1,227 17 7 1,777 11 9 ' Company (Limited) 1142 1151 1160 1165 1174 1175 1177 1188



12—D. 2.

1196, R. 04/3525 .. Jan. 1, 1910 ■ Rangitikei County Council .. .. Ohingaiti .. t 5 „ *.. 1199: R. 99/854 .. Jan. 1, 1910 Thos. Borthwick and Son3 (Austra- .. Waitara .. t 10 „ * .. t lasia, Limited) 1-200 B. 00/1180 .. Jan. 1,1910 Williams and Kettle (Limited) .. .. Port Ahuriri .. t 10 „ * .. t 1202 R. 04/125C .. Oct. 28, 1909 Bosher Bros. .. .. .. .. Winiata .. t 5 „ ' .. t 1220 R. 08/608 .. Oct. 1,1909 Perham, Larsen, and Company .. Rangataua .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. (Limited) 1228 R. 00/1192 .. May 1, 1910 Robert Holt and Sons .. .. .. Hastings .. t 10 „ * .. t 1232J R. 10/195 .. April ,1910 Wellington Farmers Meat Company .. Waingawa .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. (Limited) 12371 R. 00/2261 .. April 1, 1910 I William Booth and Co. (Limited).. .. Carterton .. t 5 „ *.. t 1244 R. 10/1969 .. July 1, 1910 New Zealand Post and Telegraph .. Wellington .. Grantees 10 „ ".. Premium.. Department 1253 R. 06/1474 .. July 1, 1910 West Coast Steam Ship and Trading .. Foxton .. „ 10 „ * .. Company (Limited) 1257 R. 98/3937 .. Oct. 1, 1910 ; James Garnett .. .. .. .. Hastings .. f 10 „ * .. t 1262 R. 09/4760 .. Nov. 1, 1911 Egmont Box Company (Limited) .. .. Winiata .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 0 „ 10 . ' .. 10 „ * .. 5 „ ' .. 10 „ 10 „ * .. 10 „ * .. t t Premium.. t Premium.. t Premium.. Eepairs, £6 Is. Rental, £25 Rental, £25 345 0 0 Repairs, £9 Rental, £25 730 0 0 Rental, £50 240 0 0 102 0 0 Rental, £25 Repairs, £2 Rental, £25 . I 610 0 0 ' Rental, £50 333 11 0 2,974 4 3 3,307 15 3 1,626 5 9 595 2 11 2,221 8 8 1,343 14 8 11 17 7 j 1,355 12 3 4,538 18 0 251 4 0 4.790 2 0 2,023 7 1 85 14 7 i 2,109 1 8 3,001 19 1 2,016 16 9 5,018 15 10 5 „ ' .. 10 „ ' .. 742 15 8 102 7 6 845 3 2 .. 10 „ * .. 10 „ * . . t 914 18 5 14 9 916 3 2 10 . * .. Premium.. I SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. ID BRANCI ES. 1,126 14 1 326 15 9 i 1,453 9 10 125 15 8 67 11 3 193 6 11 2,319 3 9 1,073 1 4 3,392 5 1 343 7 6 .. 343 7 6 J. Mill and Co. .. .. .. .. ' Oamaru .. 1 Govt. .. I Public Works Department .. .. Dunedin .. I „ .. Indefinite 3 R. 96/ J 630 .. Dec. 28, 1870 Richard Allen .. .. .. 117 Riccarton .. Grantee 12 B. 82/2186 .. June 2, 1875 ; Bank of New South Wales. (Used 21 29 Leeston .. Govt. by White and Co.) 13 R. 98/4310 .. Dec. 18, 1874 Oamaru Harbour Board .. .. 157 77 Oamaru Undefined 20 R. 96/1984 .. Dec. 11, 1875 Richard Ewans .. .. .. 1 52 Wilson's Siding .. Grantee Indefinite 32 I R. 99/3100 .. April 7,1876 D. C. Turnbull and Co. .. ..105 54 Timaru .. Govt. .. 33 R. 00/945 .. April 22, 1876 J. Deans .. .. .. 8 75 Glentunnel 37 R. 02/641 .. July 18, 1876 Clark Bros. .. .. .. 166 27 Maheno Undefined 120 R. 00/2193 .. Jan. 23,1878 Oamaru Harbour Board .. | 187 65 ° amarU (2^ sld §-) | , ' .. Indefinite 300 0 0 178 R. 89/2248 .. 1878 Mosgiel Woollen-factory Company 0 73 . Mosgiel Township „ 258 R. 00/473 .. Jan. 10,1882 Wigram Bros. .. .. .. 10 71 South Malvern .'.„.. 586 R. 02/3668 .. Nov. 1, 1905 I. Teschemaker.. .. .. 165 26 Teschemaker's „ t 774 R. 01/1837 .. Sept. 1,1901 National Mortgage and Agency Com- .. At Addington .. Grantees 10 years , .. t pany of N.Z. (Limited) 775 R. 01/1661 .. July 1, 1901 ; Kempthome, Prosser, and Co. 's 239 24 Cattle-yards .. „ 10 ., * .. t N.Z. Drug Company (Limited) 776 R. 01/1660 .. Aug. 1, 1901 ! Moir and Co. .. .. .. 16 69 , Southbrook .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. t 779 R. 03/2223 .. Sept. 14, 1901 Federal Steam Navigation Com- 390 12 Ocean Beach .. Grantees 10 „ * .. t pany (Limited). (Birt and Co. may also use siding) 782 R. 95/1853 .. Oct. 1, 1901 N.Z. Provision and Produce Coy Belfast .. „ 10 „ * .. t 784 R. 01/2438 .. Oct. 1, 1901 ! Wood Bros. (Limited) .. .. .. Addington .. „ 10 „ • .. t 791 , R. 01/2857 .. Dec. 1, 1901 j D. H. Brown and Son .. 7 29 „ .. Govt. and 10 „ • .. t grantees 795 R. 00/1690 .. Jan. 1, 1902 ! Christchurch Meat Company (Ltd.) 239 27 Cattle-yards .. Grantees 10 „ ' .. t 809 R. 99/2224 .. Feb. 1, 1902 Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative .. Timaru .. „ 10 „ " .. t Association (Limited) 816 R. 92/806 .. Mar. 1,1902 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Christchurch .. „ Iβ , *... Company (Limited) Indefinite Undefined Indefinite Undefined Indefinite 10 years* .. 300 0 0 t t ) 50 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 3,411 4 4 1,409 10 11 4,820 15 3 146 17 11 344 7 4 491 5 3 686 2 6 492 7 6 1,178 10 0 48 13 8 2,711 8 4 2,760 2 0 348 11 10 2,793 7 10 3,141 19 8 2,170 14 1 : 1,156 5 1 3,326 19 2 186 18 9 69 16 1 256 14 10 124 2 1 421 2 5 545 4 6 931 4 1 584 10 11 1,515 15 0 10 ., - .. t 1,509 4 11 4,814 0 7 6,323 5 6 10 . * .. 10 „ * .. t t 783 13 1 494 15 8 1,278 8 9 4,472 11 0 1,584 0 0 6.056 11 0 10 „ * .. 10 „ • .. 10 „ t t t 898 10 2 819 3 9 1,717 13 11 2,374 16 3 1,416 3 5 3,790 19 8 1,370 15 5 ; 935 4 3 2,305 19 8 10 „ ' .. 10 „ * .. + t 3,207 11 1 2,108 1 11 5,315 13 0 1,826 10 3 1,726 3 8 3,552 13 11 1,667 4 3 366 10 2 2,033 14 5 10 „ *... * Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24- continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

So Date Tapers. of Present Holder. Giant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Trattic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through tlie Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. SOT JTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BB i A NCHE S— continued. 818 819 B. 01/2148 .. April 1,1902 Wright, Stephenson, and Co. R. 92/1000 .. April 1,1902 Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) R. 02/3673 .. Nov. 1,1902 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) R. 03/477 .. Dec. 1, 1902 Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) .. R. 02/3422 .. Jan. 1,1903 William H. Martyn R. 00/2781 .. Jan. 1,1903 Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) R. 93/1075 .. Feb. 1,1903 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) R. 03/1083 .. May 1,1903 A. P. Tutton M. oh. I __ I Kelso .. .. Grantees Mataura 10 years* .. Premium .. 10 „ • .. t £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. 207 0 0 237 8 5 106 17 10 344 6 3 Rental, £25 Repairs, £48 1,458 11 0 5,379 4 6 6,837 15 6 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 541 8 6 466 17 9 1,008 1 9 834 Timaru 10 „ ' .. t 835 840 843 Dunedin Wetheral Addington 10 „ *.. t 10 „ • .. t 10 „ *.. t • Rental, £50 3,429 12 5 670 9 2 4,100 1 7 Rental, £25 12 18 7 84 3 4 97 1 11 Rental, £25 113 9 4 264 5 8 377 15 0 Repairs, £215s. 271 14 3 272 3 11 543 18 2 Rental, £25 100 0 0 49 2 11 110 13 4 159 10 3 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 5,262 11 5 7,223 1110 12,486 3 3 844 Gore 10 „ * .. t 845 Rangiora 10 „ * .. Premium .. 846 847 R. 03/1839.. Oct. 1,1902 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Company (Limited) R. 02/3211 .. Jan. 1,1903 T. D. Ward Belfast 10 „ * .. t 10 „ ' .. Premium .. .. I Bluff .. 110 0 0 1,384 17 0 202 10 2 1,587 7 2 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 3,444 12 5 | 1,287 0 6 4,781 18 11 Rental, £50 2,102 17 2 1,242 6 1 3,345 3 3 849 853 R. 93/2140 .. May 1, 1903 Nichol Bros. R. 99/1940 .. May 1, 1903 Lyttelton "Borough Council (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, Kaye and Carter, tenants) R. 02/3125 .. June 1, 1903 Vacuum Oil Company R. 03/1919 .. June 1, 1903 j Pyne and Co. .. 1 I Lyttelton .. „ 10 „ ' .. t 10 „ ' .. t 854 856 j Christchurch .. Govt. .. , .. Grantees 10 „ • .. 10 „ * .. Premium .. Rental, £50 2,259 1 9 309 3 7 2,568 5 4 350 0 0 1,851 11 3 992 5 9 2,843 17 0 Rental, £50 615 0 0 4,921 11 0 3,505 5 7 8,426 16 7 Rental, £50 860 R. 03/2316 .. Aug. 1, 1903 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Companv (Ltd.) R. 00/1544 .. Sept. 1,1903 Novell's Flat Coal Company 113 12 Pareora 10 „ * .. 865 881 888 R. 97/2835.. Feb. 1, 1904 i J. G. Ward R. 03/4076 .. June 1, 1904 North Canterbury Co-operative Stores Company (Limited) R. 04/1850 .. July 1, 1904 Christchurch Tramway Board Lovell's Flat .. Grantees .. Bluff Rangiora 8 years and f 247 days* 10 years*.. t 10 . * .. Premium.. Rental, £50 3,994 8 1 917 6 7 4,911 14 8 235 0 0 256 3 1 114 9 11 370 13 0 Rental, £25 500 0 0 1,334 12 4 .. 1,334 12 4 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 1,107 8 6 498 0 3 1,605 8 9 901 Christchurch .. I Dunedin . . Govt. and grantees 3 41 West Plains .. Grantees 10 „* 914 R. 94/3672 .. Oct. 1, 1904 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) R. 04/2853 .. Jan. 1, 1905 | Thomas Todd and Sons .. 10 . *.. t 928 10 „ * .. Premium.. 221 14 0 243 4 1 231 5 3 474 9 4 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 660 0 0 416 14 0 1,076 14 0 933 948 952 964 R. 94/3949 .. Dec. 1, 1904 ; N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) R. 01/2761 .. Jan. 1,1905 J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited) .. R. 95/2127 .. May 1, 1905 G. McOlatchie and Co. .. R. 05/2953.. Sept. 1,1905 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) Invercargill .. Blufl 6 9 Christchurch .. Govt. .. Timaru .. Grantees 10 . *.. t 10 „ * .. t 10 „ * .. t 10 . *.. Premium.. Rental, £50 616 9 0 987 7 0 1,603 16 0 Rental, £50 2,467 1 11 204 9 7 2,671 11 6 75 0 0 641 2 1 517 13 8 1,158 15 9 Rental, £50



Jf± IX. UO/l-lX . . I 979: B. 03/1149 .. 982 R. 05/2912 .. 994 R. 01/776 .. 996 R. 06/946 ., 999 R. 01/1604 .. 1000 R. 96/2443 .. 1001 R. 96/3013 .. 1004 R. 06/1868 .. 1015 R. 02/2502 .. 1017 R. 06/3093 .. 1019 R. 98/410 .. 1024 R. 99/2990 .. 1028 R. 99/671 .. 10291 R. 99/1122 .. 1032 R. 02/1439 .. 1033 R. 03/754 .. 10391 R. 01/1860 .. 1044 R. 07/2596 .. 1047 R. 00/1324 .. Jan. 1,1906 Broad, Small, and Co. .. .. 374 46 Invercargill .. Govt. ..10,*.. , .. 600 340 8 1 41 8 0 381 16 1 Rental, £50 Jan. 1,1906 J. G. Ward and J. T. Carswell .. 374 39 „ .. Grantees 10 „ * .. , .. 12 10 0 860 4 0 630 8 4 1490 12 4 Rental, £50 Jan. 1,1906 New Zealand Farmers'Co-operative .. Lake Road .. „ 10 , * .. „ .. 30 0 0 50 8 2 420 4 11 470 13 1 Association (Limited) Rental, £25 May 1.1906 Fleming and Co. .. .. .. Gore .. .. . 10 . *.. f Rental, £25 597 2 8 584 19 10 1 182 2 6 May 1,1906 N.Z. Govt. Mines Department .. .. Christchurch .. „ 10 „ * .. Premium.. 220 0 0 2,111 12 11 92 10 5 2*204 3 4 Rental, £50 July 1, 1906 William Borlase .. .. .. Sawyer's Bay .. Grantee 5 „ • .. f .. .. 194 14 3 194 14 3 July 1,1906 Nelson Bros. .. .. .. .. Hornby .. Grantees 10 . * .. t Rental, £25 242 2 5 175 17 5 417 19 10 July 1,1906 James Macfie and Co. (Limited) .. .. ' Dunedin .. „ 10 „ *.. j Rental, £50 2,230 3 4 12 3 8 2 242 7 0 Sept. 1,1906 N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) .. Gore .. .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. 100 0 0 597 2 8 584 19 10 l'l82 2 6 Rental, £25 Aug. 1,1906 William Quinn .. .. .. 121 76 Olaio .. .. Govt. and 10 „ * .. f Rental, £25 41 14 0 99 19 6 14113 6 grantees Jan. 1,1907 N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) .. Invercargill .. Grantees 10 „ ♦.. Premium.. 12 0 0 914 16 3 594 3 6 I 1 508 19 9 Rental. £50 Dec. 1,1906 Christchurch Meat Company .. .. Smithfleld .. „ I 10 „ • .. f Rental, £25 5,847 12 0 5,089 18 7 10 937 10 7 Jan. 1,19U7 [nvercargill Corporation .. .. .. Greenhills .. Govt. .. I 5 » *.. Premium.. 17 0 0 140 8 1 797 15 11 938 4 0 Mar. 1, 1907 Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Coy. .. Milton .. .. Grantees 10 „ • .. .. Rental, £25 211 0 5 211 0 5 Mar. 1,1907 Guinness and Le Cren .. .. .. Winchester .. „ 5 „ *.. .. Rental, £25 2 3 6 78 18 11 81 2 5 April 1, 1907 ', Otago Dock Trust .. .. .. Port Chalmers .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. .. .. 909 16 9 134 13 2 1 044 9 11 Mar. 1, 1907 ; Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton 5 „ *.. .. .. 3 503 11 6 2 398 13 1 'i'o.oa 4 7 July 1, 1907 Christeliurch City Council .. .. Sockburn 5 „ '.. .. .. "228 14 11 ' ' 228 14 11 Sept. 1,1907 Watson Bros, and Harrington .. 37 30 Te Tumutu .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 137 0 0 .. 1 430 0 5 1 430 0 5 May 1,1907 Anderson's (Limited) .. .. .. Lyttelton . .. Govt. .. 5 . *.. . .. 50 0 0 47 14 10 345 15 6 ' 393 10 4 Rental, £50 July 1, 1907 G. Bailey .. .. .. .. Templeton .. Grantee 5 „ * .. „ .. 11 1] 0 4 14 10 46 9 8 51 4 6 Oct. 1,1907 Otago Iron Roiling Mills Company 240 10 Burnside .. Govt. .. 5 •.. 747 0 0 25 14 0 ! 772 14 n Oct. 1,1907 P. McGilf (Limited) .. ..27140 Milton 10 . ",.. .. Rental, £25 869 4 1 1 036 16 4 1 906 0 5 Jan. 1,1908 Westport Coal Company.. .. .. Christchurch .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 255 0 0 2,132 18 2 36 13 8 2'l69 11 10 Rental, £50 Jan. 1, 1908 David Dickeson and Jolin Drum- 4 72 Conical Hill .. Grantees 5 „ " .. „ .. 4 2 0 25 19 0 206 5 3 232 4 3 mood Jan. 1,1908 Evans and Co. (Limited) .. .. Timaru .. Govt. ..10 . •'.. .. Rental, £50 2,010 13 1 383 5 4 3 393 6 7 Jan. 1,1908 J. Deans .. .. .. .. Christchuroh .. „ ..10 „ •.. .. Rental, £50 1,235 15 11 11 6 i l'246 12 11 Sept. 1,1907 Timaru A. and P. Association .. 103 63 Smithfield .. Grantees 10 „ • .. .. .. 127 12 11 21 11 10 149 4 9 Juiy 1,1907 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agenoy .. Methven .. , 10 „ • .. Premium.. 220 0 0 159 16 8 559 9 1 719 5 9 Company Rental, £25 Jan. 1,1908 W. D. Meares .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. „ 10 » * .. „ .. 167 0 0^ Rental, £50 Feb. 1,1908 Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. .. Dunedin .. „ 10 . *.. .. Rental, £50 909 6 11 568 10 11 1477 17 10 Nov. 1,1907 Timaru Milling Company .. .. Timaru .. „ 10 „ *.. Premium.. 25 0 0 1,104 12 4 1 259 16 2 2*364 8 6 Rental, £50 July 1,1908 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Invercargill .. „ 10 „ • 219 0 0 502 9 0 318 0 0 820 9 0 Rental, £50 Aug. 1, 1908 R. Green .. .. .. 241 70 Abbotsford .. Govt. .. Month to .. .. 39 14 6 39 14 6 month July 1,1908 Timaru Harbour Board .. .. .. Timaru .. Grantees 10 years*.. .. .. 433 13 7 33 8 4 467 1 11 Sept. 1,1908 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy .. Fairfield .. „ 10 . * .. .. Rental, £50 3,615 16 7 8 746 19 11 12 362 16 6 Produce Export Company (Ltd.) ' Oct. 1, 1908 Oamaru T.T. and O.K. Stone Com- .. ; Whitecraig .. „ 5 „ * .. .. .. 18 12 10 229 8 5 248 1 8 pany (Limited) 1050! R. 07/2200 .. I 1052 R. 99/2623 .. 10531 K. 97/4377 .. 1056J R. 06/3430 .. 1058 R. 00/1107 .. j 1059 R. 01/600 .. 1060 R. 98/1147 .. 1064 R. 02/3375 .. 1066 K, 07/3100 .. 1070 R. 08/472 .. 1071 R. 06/2609 .. 1072J R. 91/4426 .. 1080 R. 07/3358 .. 10831 R. OH/1984 .. 1086 K. 05/3070 .. 1088 R. 04/2833 .. 1090 R. 98/4223 .. * Three months' notice. t Sidiug originall: laid under old [reenient.



RETURN No. 24-continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

t = Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom ■ paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traflic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March. 1911. In. Out. Total. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND I E AND BRANCHES— continued. M. oh. Grantees 10 years* .. , Premium.. £ b. d. 230 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental. £50 £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 1,348 6 9 179 3 8 | l,527;i|0 5 1091 R. 06/2890 .. i Oct. 1, 1908 W. Stephens and Co. (Limited) ..I .. Addington .. Grantees 1092 B. 99/490 .. Jan. 1, 1909 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Lyttelton Company (Limited) Palmer and Son .. .. .. Logan's Point .. Govt. .. N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) .. Ashburton .. Grantees I. W. Raymond and Co. (Limited) .. ToTua.. Taieri County Council .. .. .. Mosgiel Freeman's Coal Company .. .. Pernhill .. , The Canterbury (N.Z.) S°ed Com- .. Addington pany (Limited) Southland Sawmilling Company .. .. Te Tumutu .. t National Mortgage and Agency Com- 374 56 Invercargill pany of New Zealand (Limited) Friedlander Bros. (Limitecl) .. .. Ashburton .. t Priodlander Bros. (Limited) .. 58 7d „ .. t Bedford Mills Company (Limited) .. Timaru .. t H. Matson and Co. (Limited) .. .. Addington .. Grantees 10 , * .. 550 12 9 563 5 7 1,118 18 4 1104 1105! 1108' 1112 1115 1116 R. 98/4319 .. i R. 01/1450 .. R. 08/3510 .. R. 03/3479 .. R. 03/3959 .. R. .. Dec. 1, 1908 Dec. 18, 1908 Dec. 1, 1908 Oct. 1, 1908 April 1, 1909 Feb. 1, 1909 Govt. .. 5 „ *.. Grantees 7 „ * .. 5 „ ' .. Premium.. 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 10 . ' .. t Rental, £25 230 0 0 250 0 0 773 9 5 778 9 5 (Id eluded in Iso. 12 58.) 838 15 6 838 15 Vfi 294 4 0 294 4 J 0 42 12 1 1,637 7 6 1,679 19>7 1,693 11 5 91] 0 2 2,604 11 p 2,271 3 9 2,271 3 9 410 6 0 290 6 6 700 12 Rental, £25 1118 1122 R. 03/3654 .. R. 99/2092 .. Jan. 1, 1909 May 1, 1909 t 5 „ •.. f t 10 ., *.. t Repairs, £1 Rental, £50 1123 1124 L127 R. 99/2422 .. R. 03/2053 .. R. 99/1832 .. May 1. l!)0'J May 1, 1909 May 1, 1909 t 10 „ '.. t t 10 „ V. t t 10 . -.. t Rental, £25 1 Rental, £25 f Repairs, £22 Rental, £50 266 0 0 Rental, £25 44 5 0 Rental, £25 Reprs, £32/13/6 Rental, £50 Repairs, £3 572 0 2 1,756 10 10 2,328 11 0 568 7 3 482 14 11 1,051 2 2 1128 R. 09/1233 .. April 4, 1909 Grantees 1Q „ " .. Premium.. 944 15 2 451 11 3 1,396 6 5 1129 R. 99/1738 .. May 1, 1909 Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company .. Heathcote .. „ (Limited) William Goss .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. t N.Z. Coal and Oil Company .. Orepuki .. f (Limited) Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Christchurch .. t Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. .. Tinwald .. t Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke .. Christchurch .. Grantees Company (Limited) Canterbury Roller Flour-mills Com- .. Gore .. .. f pany Friedlander Bros. (Limitecl) .. .. Lyndhurst .. t 10 „ * .. 260 13 5 324 18 9 585 12 2 1131 R. 05/2759 .. May 1, 1909 t 10 „ ".. t 815 10 S 119 18 5 935 9 1 1132 R. 03/147 .. April 1, 1909 t 5 . -:. t 74 8 11 1,174 6 1 1,248 15J[0 1133 1134 R. 99/1728 .. R. 03/2054 .. May 1, 1909 May 1, 1909 t 10 . •.. t Rental, £50 Rep'rs, £30 30/ Rental, £25 110 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 1,873 11 10 894 11 10 2,768 3 S 35 11 6 2,166 14 5 2,202 5 11 1135 R. 99/2208 .. Jan. 1, 1909 Grantees 10 „ ".. Premium.. 3,130 12 7 166 18 1 3,297 5 8 1136 R. 99/2427 .. May 1, 1909 t i . •:. t 142 8 10 599 9 6 741 18 4 1138 R. 98/3247 .. April 1, 1909 t 10 „ ' .. Premium.. 51 10 0 Rental, £25 Repairs, £2 Rental, £50 Repairs, £56 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 1,459 7 8 1,459 7 8 1140 R. 99/2174 .. May 1, 1909 Fleming and Co. (Limited) .. .. Biles Road ..I t t 10 „ '.. + 960 15 0 718 10 0 1,679 5 0 141 R. 99/263 .. Feb. 1, 1909 John Borgfeldt .. .. .. .. Papamii 5 „ '.. t 190 1 4 0 11 3 190 12 7 1143 1144 R. 99/1935 .. R. 99/2066 .. May 1, 1909 June 1, 1909 Thomas Newton Pratt .. .. .. Christchurch .. t National Mortgage and Agency .. Dunedin .. f Company of New Zealand (Limited) t 10 „ '.. t t 10 „ * .. t 2,000 5 3 106 14 0 2,106 19 3 2,264 17 6 627 19 6 2,892 17 0



1145 R. 99/1120 .. i July 1,1909 1146 R. 09/358 .. July 1, 1909 1147 R. 99/1967 .. ! June 1,1909 1148 R. 99/1968 .. > Aug. 1,1909 1150 R. 97/2821 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1153 R. 99/2313 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1154 R. 07/4774 .. July 1, 1909 Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Limited) Win. Hugh Paterson Crown Milling Company (Limited) Wm. Scott and Co. Dalgety and Co. (Limited) Invercargill Corporation .. Jarrah Timber Co. Invercargill Willowbank Dunedin Southbridge Dunedin Invercargill Addington t .. Grantee t t t t t t ,io Grantee 5 t 10 t 10 t 10 t 5 t 10 * * m 1 Premium.. t t t Repairs .. Rental, £50 1,480 16 0 155 0 0 Rental, £50 1,148 17 8 Rental, £25 379 13 5 Rental, £50 3,370 14 8 6 0 0 410 6 0 Repairs, £81 131 14 9 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 680 6 2 816 9 4 248 0 8 189 12 8 1,297 2 0 21 4 0 1,302 3 9 2, &\J I O * 1,396 18 4 569 6 1 4,667 16 8 431 10 0 131 14 9 1157j R. 99/2537 .. June 1, 1909 1158: R. 99/2017 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1167 R. 08/2000 . . Aug. 1, 1909 Christohurch Meat Company (Limited) Oamaru Borough Council Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) Walton Park Coal Company C. and W. Gore Southland Timber Company William Nicholls T. E. Hodgkinson and Co. Smart and Son New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) Invercargill Corporation Bowron Bros, and Co. (Limited) .. Lyttelton Borough Council Christchurch Meat Company (Limited) James Holland .. N.Z. LoaA and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Duncan McGregor Lyttelton Harbour Board j J. G. Ward and Co. (Limited) I North Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association Priedlander Bros. (Limited) N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Limited) J. Montgomery and Co. James Craig and Co. J. and T. Meek Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) Christchurch City Council William White and Co. (Limited).. Fleming and Co. (Limited) Lyttelton Harbour Board New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) Burnside Hydraulic Lime and Cement Company (Limited) Eveline t t 10 * t 1,982 9 11 Oamaru Milburn t t t 5 t 5 * t t 211 12 7 1,095 19 5 69 9 6 1,139 2 10 281 2 1 2,235 2 3 1109 R. 99/2207 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1170 R. 98/4318 .. Oct. 1, 1909 1173 R. 03/3161 .. Oct. 1,1909 1176 R. 99/2065 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1178 R. 99/2218 .. Aug. 1,1909 1179 ; R. 99/2343 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1181 R. 99/2042 .. . Oct. 1, 1909 Walton Park Wingatui Otautau Belfast Makarewa Hornsby Bluff t t t t t t t t 5 5 t 5 t 10 t 5 5 t 10 * t t t t t t t 213 11 2 Repairs, £110s. Rental, £25 719 13 4 28 14 9 17 2 11 Rental, £50 1,575 1 2 204 16 9 997 1 6 713 6 0 1,863 1 9 131 14 6 714 14 4 174 8 3 204 16 9 1,210 12 8 713 6 0 2,582 15 1 160 9 3 731 17 3 1,749 9 5 1182 R. 02/1255 .. j Nov. 1, 1909 1185 R. 99/1719 .. Aug. 1,1909 1186 R. 99/2096 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1192 R. 99/2406 .. j Aug. 1, 1909 Waikiwi Woolston Islington t t t t 5 t 10 5 t 10 « t t t t Repairs, £210s. 159 17 4 Rental, £25 941 3 11 10 9 11 Rental, £25 10,163 15 5 123 7 6 277 19 2 19 3 7,263 13 5 283 4 10 1,219 3 1 11 19 2 17,427 8 10 1193! R. 09/3046 .. Oct. 1, 1909 1194 R. 99/2416 .. Nov. 1,1909 Kaiapoi Bluff t t t 5 t 10 t t Repairs, £13 1,636 1 6 Rental, £50 Repairs, kti ;~>s. (Inc 1 Repairs, £3 568 7 5 235 0 0 46 18 5 203 1 4 1,012 9 7 207 19 10 luded in No. 10; 75 11 4 42 8 3 203 1 4 2,648 11 1 1197| R. 99/2209 .. Jan. 1,1910 1201 R. 90/2813 .. Nov. 1,1909 12031 R. 00/992 .. Jan. 1, 1910 1206 R. 07/2503 .. Nov. 1,1908 Centre Bush Lyttelton Limehills Oamaru t t t .. Half-cos t I 5 t 5 Half-cost 5 Grantees t 10 t 10 * t t t Premium.. t t 207 19 10 33.) 643 18 9 89 6 8 1209 K. 05/293 .. Jan. 1, 1910 1212 R. 99/367 .. Feb. 1, 1910 1214J R. 00/991 .. April 1, 1910 1215i R. 99/2357 .. May 1,1910 12161 R. 00/1193 .. April 1, 1910 1218! R. 99/3088 .. May 1, 1910 122l! R. 08/3776 .. April 1, 1910 1222 R. 00/568 .. July 1, 1910 1223 R. 99/2653 .. April 1, 1910 1224 R. 99/1934 .. May 1,1910 1225i R. 00/1774 .. May 1, 1910 1231 R. 03/2208 .. Aug. 1,1910 Lyndhurst Ashburton Uranteei t t 32 0 0 j Rental, £25 1,381 2 6 270 2 9 1,136 12 10 302 2 9 2,517 15 4 i Addington I Oamaru t t t 10 t 10 t 10 t io Grantees 10 t 5 t 10 t 1 t 5 t 10 Grantees 10 * * * * t t t t Premium.. t t t t Premium.. Rental, £5 831 7 7 Rental. £50 764 5 3 Rental, £50 745 3 9 Rental, £25 470 3 6 473 0 0 493 17 8 ; Rental, £29 743 10 11 183 15 0 441 9 1 963 19 8 4 11 8 j 1,574 18 6 948 0 3 1,186 12 10 1,434 3 2 498 9 4 Balfour Makarewa t t .. Granteei Chaney's Addington Gore .. Lyttelton Christchurch t t t t t 379 10 1 Rental, £25 1,698 8 3 Rental, £25 447 10 11 (Inc Rental, £50 2,515 7 11 321 1 9 550 18 9 luded in No. 10 1,183 6 3 379 10 1 2,019 10 0 998 9 8 33.) 3,698 14 2 1235J R. 05/2886 .. June 1,1910 Cattle-yards .. Granteei 978 0 0 1,475 1 8 Rental, £50 845 14 0 ! 2,320 15 8 Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24-continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

as"" Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the SidinR daring the Year ending 31st March, 1911. In. Out. Total. in. Out. Total. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BBANCHES— i S AND BBANCHES—( •ontinued. M. ch. f 5 years*.. t 2 . •.. t t £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. t • • .. 949 12 8 949 12 8 t Bental, £25 417 19 3 1,32116 2 1,739 15 5 1236 1238: 1239J 1240 1245 1 R. 05/2585 .. H. 02/1454 .. R. 10/634 .. R. 10/2527 .. R. 05/3076 .. July 1,1910 Charles P. Sleeman .. .. .. Mataura .. t 5 years* .. Feb. 1.1910 Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative .. Studholme .. t 2 . '.. Association (Limited) Oct. 1,1910 Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative .. „ .. Grantees 10 . *.. Association (Limited) July 1,1910 Charles H. Bradley .. .. .. Glenomaru .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Oct. 1,1910 Timaru Harbour Board subtenants: .. Timaru.. .. t 5 . *.. (National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., John Mill and Co., Shaw, Savill, and Co., WestlandTimaru Timber and Coal Company, Ltd., Westport Coal Company, Briscoe and Co., and Mason, Struthers, and Co.) Nov. 1,1910 Miss Sophia McDonald .. .. .. Whitecraig .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Oct. 1, 1910 National Mortgage and Agency Com- .. Ashburton .. t 10 „ * .. pany of New Zealand (Limited) Oct. 1, 1910 Milburn Lime and Cement Com- .. Pelichet Bay .. t 10 „ * .. pany (Limited) I Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) ' n .. + m • Dec. 1, 1910 i \ Otago Farmers' Co.-op. Assn. of j" " - Uuneam "' w . ... I N.Z. (Limited) Jan. 1, 1911 : Henry Harraway .. .. .. Green Island .. t 10 „ •.. Feb. 1, 1911 j R. Meek and Co., McCallum andCo. .. Fairfax .. j 5 „ *.. Jan. 1, 1911 J John London .. .. .. .. Geddes and Wai- Govt. .. 10 , •.. ton Park Mar. 1,1911 Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton .. t 5 „ *.. Grantees 10 . * .. Grantee 5 „ * .. t 5 . ' .. Premium.. t Premium.. 164 0 0 (Included in No. 12 38.) Rental. £25 230 0 0 .. 222 1 7 222 1 7 t .. 2,110 4 3 1,820 18 7 3,931 2 10 _ 1256 1258 1256 B. 10/947 .. 1258 R. 00/2042 .. Premium.. t Premium.. 110 0 0 (Not yet open for tra ffic.) t Repairs,£7/19/8 565 13 10 971 10 3 1 537 4 1 Bental, £25 t Bental, £50 2,197 18 10 : 648 1 2 2,846 0 0 1259 1259 E. 9H/2'J05 .. t 1260 K. 00/1040 .. + Rental £50 I 1,948 16 9 326 9 3 2,275 6 0 Kemal, ioO | 5510 19 5 1>10 7 17 6 6,618 l<! 11 t Rental, £25 1,305 14 1 367 9 4 1.673 3 5 139 15 8 956 0 4 1,095 16 0 t . ■ (Not yet open for tra ffic.) 1263 B. 00/141 .. 1265 R. 00/2041 .. 1266 B. 07/4656 .. 1267 R. 01/1087 .. t .. (In eluded in No. 10 S3.) 344 K. 86/2585 .. WESTLAND SECTION. Aug. 20, 1886 Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Rly. 8 0 Brunner .. Greym'th [ Undefined and Coal Company (Limited) Har. Bd. Oct. 1, 1905 Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. Ngahere .. Taken over 5 years* .. with Midland Rly. April 1, 1900 Terawera Sawmill Company (Ltd.) .. ■ Inclibonnie .. Grantees 5 , * .. Aug. 1, 1906 i Dispatch Foundry Company (Ltd.) .. Greymouth .. „ 10 „ * .. Oct: 1, 1906 J Jack Bros. .. .. .. .. Kotuku .. , 5 , * .. I Nov. 1,1906 Stratford, Blair, and Co. (Limited) .. Hukarere .. „ 5 . *.. Mar. 1, 1908 j Ikamatua Sawmilling Company .. .. Ikamatua .. „ 5 „ * .. j Jan. 1, 1908 Messrs. Manson and Co. .. .. 25 20 Te Kinga .. , 5 „ ".. Sept. 1, 1908 i Stratford, Blair, and Co... .. .. Arnold's .. „ 5 . * .. Oct. 1, 1908 W. T. Ogilvie .. .. .. .. Gladstone .. . 5 „ *.. ! Nov. 3, 1908 Westland Stone Company (Limited) .. Dobson .. „ 5 „ * .. 10 17 6 4,488 16 2 i 4,499 13 8 980 B. 02/552 .. Premium.. 48 0 0 .. 5,861 9 3 5,861 U 3 985 B. 01/356 .. 1007 B. 00/2624 .. 1013 R. 01/456 .. 1025 B. 07/774 .. 1068 R. 06/440 .. 1073 B. 07/3061 .. 1102 B. 99/1729 .. 1107 B. 03/1446 .. 1120 B. 08'3246 .. 1 146 14 5 1,765 14 11 1,912 9 4 f Rental, £25 130 12 8 277 8 0 408 0 8 Premium.. 230 0 0 207 13 5 2,499 2 4 2,706 15 9 235 0 0 58 5 3 1,148 7 7 1,206 12 10 500 0 0 58 19 4 888 9 11 947 9 3 300 0 0 83 18 3 2,779 10 5 2,863 8 8 5 10 0 15 10 2 491 2 8! 506 12 10 t ■• 56 14 4 95 3 10 151 18 2 Premium.. 370 10 0 .. 154 17 4 154 17 4



1152 R. 03/4351 .. July 1,1909 G. T. Moss .. .. .. .. Tβ Kinga .. Grantees 5 . *.. t 1153 R. 03/2385 .. Nov. 1,1908 K.K. Sawmilling Company .. .. Kapitea .. + 5 „ *.. t Repairs, tlO I !1:V, R. 08/2385 ■• Nov. 1,1908 K.K. Sawmilling Company .. .. „ .. f 5 „ •.. t Repairs, £10 1168 R. 03/4189 .. June 1, UtO9 Red Jacks Sawmilling Company .. .. Ngahere .. 5 „ ".. f 1172 R. 03/3096 .. April 1,1909 William Morris .. .. .. .. Kumars .. Grantees 5 . *.. Premium.. 305 0 0 1183 E. 99/2900 .. Nov. 1,1909 J. C. Malfroy and Co. .. .. Ho Ho .. f 5 „ *.. t 1184 R. 99/1730 .. April 1,1909 Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. .. Greymouth .. Grantees 10 , *.. Premium.. 20 0 0 Rental, £25 1187 R. 08/4493 .. April 1,1909 Ikamatua Sawmilling Company .. .. „ .. f 10 „ * .. „ .. 20 0 0 Rental, £25 5 7 5 156 4 10 161 12 3 4 8 5 5 3 4 9 6 9 16 14 6 697 8 0 714 2 6 416 10 3 416 10 3 1,042 3 1 1,042 3 1 933 0 2 124 4 0 1,057 4 2 473 16 11 81 14 3 505 11 2 1208 R. 04/2611 .. Nov. 1,1909 Grey Valley Timber Company (Li- 6 16 Ngahere .. t 5 . ".. t mited) 1211 R. 03/2764 .. Feb. 1,1910 Greymouth Timber and Land Com- 22 8 Moana .. f 5 „ *.. t pany (Limited) 1218 K. 09/2106 .. Dec. 1,1909 Butler Bros. .. .. .. .. Ruatapu .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 180 0 0 1247 R. 02/554 .. Oct. 1, 1910 Moana Sawmilling Company .. .. Moana .. .. t 5 . • .. t Repairs, £6 12/ 1248 R. 02/553 .. Oct. 1, 1910 Kotuku SawmilliDg Company .. .. Aratika .. + 5 , * . - t (Repairs, £6 .. 1250 R. 02/557 .. Oct. 1, 1910 ; Stratford, Blair, and Co. (Limited) .. Kokiri .. .. f 5 , *.. ,Repairs,£lK 14/ 1251 R. 02/556 ..Oct. 1, 1910 j Lake Brunner Sawmilling Company .. Kuru .. .. j 5 . ".. t 1254, R. 02/558 ..Oct. 1, 1910 j Baxter Brothers .. .. .. Kokiri.. .. f 5 . *.. t 'Repairs. £6 12/ 1255 R. 08/3432 ..Feb. 1, 1910 ; North Brunner Coal Company (Ltd.) .. Stiliwater .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 50 0 0 1264J R. 00/197 .. Jan. 1, 1910 K. K. Sawmilling Company .. .. Kumara .. t 5 „ *.. t 12701 R. 05/1908 .. Dec. 1, 1910 Flowery Creek Sawmilling Company .. Stafford .. 5 „ *.. t (Limited) 1271 1 R. 02/552 .. .. Blackball Coal Company .. .... 613 18 9 613 18 9 60 6 10 584 6 9 644 13 7 4 4 5 678 4 11 682 9 4 17 3 10 808 8 0 825 11 10 58 13 1 908 18 5 962 11 6 58 16 11 2,617 15 10 2,676 12 9 46 9 1 833 8 6 879 17 7 '.'. 926 8 6 926 8 6 5 3 4 663 13 2 668 16 6 56 1 2 11,908 8 1 11,964 9 3 WESTPORT SECTION. 1026 R. 07/865 ..Mar. 1, 1907 ; N.Z. Government Mines Department .. Westport .. Grantee 5 years* .. Premium.. 950 0 0 1043 R. 07/591 .. Sept. 1, 1907 Westport-atockton Coal Company 19 2 Ngakawau .. „ 5 . • .. „ .. 952 0 0 1159 R. 00/2091 .. Mar. 1,1909 J. and S. Marrie .. ..26 70 Mokihinui .. t 5 „ *.. 1 1195 R. 00/2091 .. Aug. 1,1909 D. P. Mumm .. .. .. .. „ ..I. f 5 . *.. t 1,046 10 3 208 4 11 1,254 15 2 511 13 3 15,343 10 3 15,855 3 6 109 3 2 68 16 0 177 19 2 0 0 7 0 0 7 NELSON SECTION. 958 R. 05/892 .. July 1,1905 E. Buxton and Co. (Limited) .. .. Nelson .. Grantees , 10 years* .. Premium.. 180 0 0 Rental, £25 R. 00/1834 .. Oct. 1,1899 Nelson Seed and Produce Company .. „ .. (Right held in connection „ .. 67 18 0 with lease) 1204 R. 08/3377 .. Sept. 1,1908 Nelson Freezing Company (Li- .. Stoke .. Grantees 10 years* .. . ..' 320 0 0 mited) Rental, £50 1241 R. 00/2399 .. Jan. 1,1910 Neale and Haddow .. ..| 1 0 Nelson .. f | 10 . * .. f ..I Rental, £25 257 8 0 12G 11 10 383 19 10 187 13 4 .. 187 13 4 148 0 7 116 8 6 264 9 1 304 5 10 16 2 2 320 8 0 PICTON SECTION. 794 R. 99/2880 ..Dec. 1,1901 Christchurch Meat Company (Ltd.) 13 35 Spring Creek .. Grantees 10 years*.. t Repairs, £15; Rental, £25 797 R. 01/2132 .. i Feb. 1,1902 Levin and Co. (Limited) .. .. 17 69 Blenheim .. „ 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £9; Rental, £25 800 R. 91/3490 .. Nov. 1,1901 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Picton .. „ 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £5; Company (Limited) Rental, £25 870 R. 93/3737 ..'Nov. 1,1903 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 Blenheim .. „ 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 Company (Limited) 1098 R. 06/1461 .. Jan. 1,1909 Corry and Co. .. .. .... . .. . 10 . * .. Premium.. 265 0 0 I Rental, £25 794 797 800 21 0 7 27 11 3 48 11 10 576 9 7 523 7 6 1,099 17 1 133 17 8 324 14 2 458 11 10 230 15 0 660 8 5 891 3 5 357 7 5 876 5 3 1,233 12 8 870 098 Three months' notice. t Sidi ig originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No 25. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1911.

RETURN No. 26. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for March, 1910, and March, 1911.

Year. Approximate Length opened each Year. i North Island. Middle Island. Total. i Ijaid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Sleepers. Removed during Maintenance.* 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 i879-8of 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 . .. 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 i894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907- 1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 1910-1911 M. oh. M. ch. M. oh. 45 70 45 7° 18 58 18 58 11 68 11 68 27 62 27 62 10 55 11 21 21 76 61 19 126 78 188 17 69 23 248 4 317 27 64 24 152 39 216 63 103 76 94 58 198 54 27 19 56 46 83 65 26 33 40 73 67 26 65 39 32 71 101 30 22 67 40 16 63 3 2 2 4O 19 42 21 22 19 22 50 44 69 56 O 24 O 80 O 43 26 47 52 90 78 58 72 11 39 7O 31 11 47 17 32 28 79 .. i 18 31 .. 18 31 11 57 20 68 32 45 28 21 5 68 34 9 27 27 27 27 17 26 .. 17 26 28 38 33 58 62 16 16 62 27 24 44 6 14 73 3 4 8 '8 4 1 3 64 1 11 4 75 27 46 10 2 37 48 22 46 11 13 33 59 19 26 19 26 4 30 103 38 107 68 11 20 12 32 23 52 28 40 27 43 56 3 33 12 4 44 37 56 17 61 27 75 45 56 23 5 8 52 31 57 .. • .. 50 7 50 7 10 38 4 61 15 19 186 21 23 21 209 42 3 60 31 43 35 23 14 64 29 76 44 60 M. oh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 3 J 7 2 7 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 6 9 80 o 90 78 7° 31 28 79 18 31 32 45 34 9 27 27 17 26 62 16 44 f> 18 41 4 7 § 37 48 33 59 19 26 107 68 23 52 56 3 37 56 45 56 3i 57 50 7 15 '9 209 42 35 23 44 60 96>33 8 39-323 24,885 58.327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455.254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132,379 88,751 94,211 168,000 191,048 147,814 60,874 42,814 68,381 71,636 57.4O8 36.382 130,620 92,558 38,876 10,370 78,960 70,848 40,582 226,485 49,665 117,679 79,170 95,97O 66,596 105,184 3',999 440,003 74,104 93,975 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 1 48,325 137,993 139,040 122,027 108,690 129,634 133,954 139.912 132,569 155,827 ' ■ 170,681 188,291 210,588 243,479 282,326 302,354 345>433 369,339 330,029 309,296 302,252 309,183 283,293 331,678 279,190 236,390 282,682 Totals .. 5,732,7 12 6,505,058 * Complete information not recorded until 1880-81. it recorded until 1880-81. t Nine months only.

Department. , §M Jlj I I „• I i-3» 111 I I ; .! i j>5 I zg ! I * 1 I g |_ I 3 I9O9-IO. General Traffic Maintenance Locomotive Totals ... 1910-1 1. General Traffic Maintenance Locomotive Totals 648 6 21 7 12 1,801 1,658 127 75 24 27 3,758 ... 19 17 8 15 1,811 1,649 154 59 55 67 3,847 5 20 5 9 '=868 1,804 126 96 17 21 3,971 23 58 20 36 5,48c 5,111 407 j 230 96 115 12,224 - ' .- 671 S 20 6 '4 1.806 1,726 129 75 38 29 3,848 37 24 11 22 1,938 1,818 177 61 45 95 4,228 '3 23 5 11 1978 1,844 128 101 19 22 4,134 45 67 22 47 5,722 5,388 434 237 102 146 12,881

]). -2


RETURN No. 27. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

13—D. 2.

Train Accidents Accidents on Line lorner man Train Accidents. Train-running). Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train-running). Shunting Accidents. Accurate on wrnarres ani in Accidents in Workshop,. Shunting Accidents. Accidents 011 Wharves and in Sheds. : Total. 1 Passengers. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. I Other Persons. 35|l3-SlS|l5l|3||| £jji|s£!sfi<iia^£<g.s£l|s Employees. ' Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. a ; -a § I % 1 * .2 g 2 0 g 2 .2 § a -g I a % § Kawakawa ... Wbangarei ... 1 Eaibu ... Gieborne ... I North Island Main Line 4 112 13 ... 1 and Branches South Island Main Line 3 ... 4 2 ... 2 12 and Branches Westland ... 3 1 Westport ... 1 Nelson ... 1 Picton ... 1 1 I ... Totals ... ... 7 1 20 2 ... 17 15 1 ! , .j... 1 3 3 ■■ 134 1 3 1 ■■ 5° 5 1 ... 89 3 i ... 28 3 « ■■ 4 16 ; j 8 4 1 .'56 6 3 ... 83 1 . 1 2 ... 2 3 - I I I :: ::. ... . ... ... ... 6 7 ::: ::: I".! 4 1 ... 60 10 2 42 105 21 ... 311 • 4 I - '2 5 2 ... 19 7 1 ... 19 ' - '74 35 3 748 . . 8 .'.'. ... 2 - 181 I



RETURN No. 28. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st, March 1911.

Type. o ■z EC - IS Train. Detail. Shunting Work . and train Empty. * raln - Detail. Engine-Mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Running. ■ Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. Total. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. KAWAKAWA SEl ION. I c* .. 1 L6 1,008 6,260 j 397 2,560 6,180 6,089 7,585 14,909 Cwt. 2,014 3,362 Qt. 200 387 lb. 10 19 lb. 79 185 £ 17 52 £ 7 14 t>3 105 155 369 242 540 0-54 0-22 200 0-83 0-23 ( 1-69 4-90 I 5-94 7-66 8-69 (14 238 Totals General charges T--7,268 2,957 12,21!!) 22,494 5,376 587 29 264 69 21 168 524 782 240 0-73 0-22 I 1-79 560 8-34 2-56 332 l_ •• I Totals 1,022 * _!_ 10-90 I WHANGAREI SECTION. c .. Wβ 2 15 2 17 3 ; 17 3,489 23,157 40,045 5.308 19,895 (>,571 255 7,706 287 28,692 29,983 48,038 7.108 12,931 27,012 680 740 1,319 680 39 219 64 22 740 53 328 468 26 1,319 56 459 659 43 ,54 279 583 539 543 836 779 1,316 2,121 0-54 018 3-74 0-21 3-29 0-21 1-29 2-23 2-91 4-51 6-52 4-35 10-53 4-18 10-59 374 332 45J Totals General charges 7 : .. .. .. 66,601 li)..->S5 20,437 106,713 47,051 2,739 148 1,006 1,191 91 1,016 1,918 4,216 681 2-68 0-20 2-29 4-31 9-48 1-53 1.161 . Totals 4,897 1101 _J KA1HU SECTION. P .. .. 2 15 General charges Totals .. .. i .. 12.755 4.400 76 17,321 3,707 393 27 201 319 U 233 ! 423 989 28 4-42 0-19 3-23 5-86 13-70 0-39 31; .. : ...I .. 1,017 1409 •• .. i GISBORNE SECTION. 389 339 201 880 1,098 499 1-60 0-21 2-2!) 5-50 0-44 3-61 1-45 0-42 3-89 j 3-25 4-22 3-89 Wα .. j 2 12 1 15 1 15 6,189 15,425 10,502 1,294 21,237 2,645 1,213 1,881 28 28,720 19,283 12,411 3,876 3,994 2,813 ] 825 35 271 192 ! 25 1,113 45 188 442 35 661 29 121 75 22 274 282 201 7-35 13-67 9-65 32{ 111 Totals .. J General charges 4 .. 32,116 5,820 22,478 60,414 10,683 2,599 , 109 580 709 82 j 757 929 2,477 747 J 2-81 i 0-33 I 3-00 i 3-70 9-84 2-97 61! .. Totals 3,224 12-81 "« ; I '1C transferred to W liani ■nrei.

RETURN No. 28 -continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1911— continued.



Type. s a 2 03 CD < Train. Detail. Empty. traIn - Detail. Engine-Mileage. Total. Quantityef Stores. Kunning. Repairs. Rnnning. Wages Total. and Stores. Fuel. Wages Material. Repairs. Rnnning. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. liunning. I >. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. XORTH ISLAND MAI LINK AND B: iANCHES. A .. Ad Be .. C .. D* .. E (old) E(uew) H .. N .. Nα Nc .. 0 .. Oα .. Oβ.. Ot .. L :: ::! Wα t Wd 20 4 1 2 7 4 1 24 5 17 g l 2 1 4 10 4 , 3 ! 25 25 20 15 15 20 6 20 20 6 20 25 20 20 25 20 20 15 20 20 20 18 25 20 20 18 30 20 20 20 20 15 629,986 28,885 23,915 6 13,985 12,390 1,592 139,186 47,678 22,912 422,129 35,808 142,r>01 38,409 359.053 65,830 r>4.517 117,292 18,152 40,217 20,075 56,398 220,191 106,561 1)0,0(58 34.097 05,649 63,555 124,859 109,843 394,994 13,200 58^191 30,238 1,680 3,113 18,477 68,977 7,646 768 255,965 43,263 15,627 65,115 9,844 40,142 16,919 25,252 3,020 2,666 15,212 2,035 5.424 2,475 8,370 15,662 74,141 39,499 16,967 F2,212 31,407 12,223 50,985 4,590 Cwt. Qt. lb. lb. 239 660,463 303,354 36,291 1,048 10,053 30,565 12,815 1,690 41 421 100 27,128 16,503 1,680 80 396 1,233 19,716 4,885 507 47 309 35,907 118,869 27,900 4,138 277 1,825 43,559 t>3.595 19,418 2,499 140 980 3 2,363 2,006 268 13 ' 76 70,909 466,060 129,667 14,911 654 5 072 17,072 108,013 39,217 3,474 143 1,286 38,539 32,712 4,705 196 1 442 388 487,632 197,016 18,186 733 5 662 2,629 48,281 20,622 1,568 62 608 6,094 ; 188,737 60,354 6,423 276 2 220 12,806 ! 68,134 21,017 2,376 127 955 929 , 385,234 166,387 13,131 580 4 061 68,850 34,531 2.701 178 991 200 57,383 26,527 2,454 10(5 875 1,055 133,669 59,238 5,099 253 1 823 239 20,426 12,082 1,435 (il 343 937 46,578 30,036 3.032 169 876 22,550 13,852 1,362 66 353 35,508 100,276 , 53,882 3,470 123 : 1 205 267 236,120 140,871 11,030 288 2,586 34,627 215,329 73,158 8,058 419 2 901 616 100,783 38,835 4,857 252 1 415 913 41,977 28,938 1,434 53 569 67,861 31,623 2,612 156 ! 800 69,016 33,358 3,310 142 1,066 11,647 167,913 70,083 7,766 267 2 250 7,652 129,718 i>6.462 5.342 199 1,387 5,440 451,419 219,494 18,966 762 4 726 117 i 17,907 ! 10,499 1.482 S:{ 395 3,248 662,422 {,**»] 25.257 967 7,431 357 57.419 34,409 2,605 113 741 1 11,475 57,708 18,287 2,853 162 909 237 33,463 19,157 1,494 7:2 398 4 i 216,096 172,522 26,690 :572 4,203 e 6,219 100 429 302 1,753 1,420 208 5,605 1,346 2,793 5,301 450 2,533 809 5,129 423 908 2,864 869 769 782 1.507 2,420 1.919 1.681 824 404 1,507 3,486 2,319 6.658 651 £ £ 1,206 15,908 59 709 60 875 IS 254 143 1.455 88 1,022 9 105 495 6,789 121 2,064 163 1.751 596 10,343 57 1,083 222 3,176 85 1,107 423 8,755 79 1,815 74 1,410 172 ! 3.167 50 650 93 1,570 46 730 123 2,813 362 7,340 272 3,840 159 2,047 51 1,494 85 1,664 106 1,747 266 3,702 175 3,460 645 11,524 48 556 9,456 32,789 421 1,289 564 1,928 607 1,181 3,096 6,447 1,349 3,879 88 410 11,204 24,093 2,569 6,100 1,913 6,620 9,049 25,289 961 . 2.551 3.702 9,633 1,352 3,353 5,618 19.925 966 3,272 775 3,167 2.703 8,906 432 2,001 942 3.374 462 2,020 1,916 6,369 3,567 13,689 4,827 10,858 2.337 6,224 850 3,219 839 2,992 1,171 4,531 3,435 10,889 2.286 8,240 8,220 27,047 422 1,677 2-26 ! 0-44 5-78 0-78 0-46 5-57 3-80 0-53 7-74 3-68 0-22 309 3-54 0-29 2-94 5-36 0-33 3-86 21-13 0-91 10-66 2-89 i i-2r> 3-60 2-99 0-27 4-59 17-39 102 10-90 2-61 0-29 509 2-24 0-28 5-3S 3-22 0-28 4(14 2-85 , 0-30 ! 3-90 3-20 0-26 5-45 1-47 0-28 6-33 3-80 0-31 j 5-90 5-14 0-31 5-69 10-21 0-59 : 7(54 3-96 0-48 8-09 8-32 0-49 7-77 3-61 0-29 6-73 2-46 0-37 7-4(1 214 0-30 : 4-28 4-00 0-38 4-87 4-71 0-29 8-54 1-43 0-30 5-88 5-24 0-37 j 6-08 4-98 0-38 ; 5-29 4-29 0-32 , t>40 3-54 0-34 (513 8-73 0-64 7-45 3-44 I 11-92 3-31 1012 4-99 [1706 7-39 14-38 6-25 1302 509 14-64 8-94 41-64 5-77 12-41 5-71 13-56 11-91 41-22 4-45 ; 12-44 4-78 12-68 4-71 12-25 4-76 11-81 3-50 12-41 3-33 11-41 3-24 13-25 4-86 : 1600 507 23-51 4-85 17-38 4 92 21-50 4-59 15-22 3-62 13-91 5-38 1210 5-57 14-82 4-86 18-40 2-97 10-58 407 15-76 4 91 15-56 4-23 15-24 437 14-38 5-66 22-48 4,984 227 273 409 1,973 774 48 5,984 1,297 1,083 4,551 572 2,020 785 2,841 419 351 1.394 222 555 240 1.033 1,599 2.512 1,054 482 473 601 1,789 1,100 3.720 311 W« 22 i\-> 61,983 7,207 862 16,843 11,295 36,207 2-66 0-32 I 6-20 4-16 13-32 6,013 w<. Wii 8 j 25 20 20 20 51,814 25,901 27,608 ' 203,529 5,248 20.332 ■5.618 12,563 904 2,059 505 2.271 102 1.877 94 975 53 1,010 900 9,049 985 3,868 1.405 4.533 716 2,284 3,818 16,038 3-78 0-43 7-84 8-66 0-39 406 3-62 0-38 7-24 2-52 1-00 10-06 412 1617 5-84 18-85 5-14 16-38 4-24 17-81 559 725 264 1,949 Totals General charges 231 4,380,576 991,119 306,407 5,678,102 | 2.565,950 255.156 9.719 73,669 j 77,334 I 8,562 134,679 134,679 106,307 326,882 48,028 , I 3-27 0-36 - I .. 5-69 4-50 i 13-82 203 56,126 Totals .. 374.910 Whangarei in March, and 1 to Westland in April. 374,910 15-85 .8 Oil. •• i •: ■ i i i 'ID transferred to Kakahi in March. 1 \V\ transferred to (Jisborne in August. 1 Wβ transferred to Weetport in January, 1 to



RETURN No. 28 -continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1911-continued.

Type. ■ a s ■go Train. Detail. Empty. train - Detail. Engine-Mileage. Total Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Running. i Total. ! Stores. Fuel. Wages. Running. 1 n Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. 1 Wages and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. Total. Wages and Material. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. D .. Q .. R .. T .. Uα Uβ Uc V .. Wo Wγ 8 8 15 37 5 15 6 1 7 S 4 (i 22 10 10 4 16 30 20 IS 20 2U 25 25 IS 30 20 IS 30 30 30 30 26 20 25 ] 231,205 164,942 18,175 173,817 48,700 256,433 69,060 9,332 99,972 199,573 51,820 41,872 225,651 168,016 564,470 250,257 221,041 48,466 316,296 8,107 r>8 19,130 8 182,475 1,410 396,787 100,161 I 20,270 14,404 32,742 12,003 5,128 1,451 2,205 : ... 26,377 976 10,785 8 62.660 34,276 6,068 4,384 10,381 11,338 251 32,960 580 20,418 179 20,487 , 5,474 18.779 i 7,633 (14.014 27,912 239,370 184.080 202.060 670,765 83,374 301.178 7.1.639 11,537 127,325 210,366 148,756 52,324 236,032 179,605 598,010 270,854 247,002 74,878 407,222 Cwt. Qt. lb. 88,794 ' 8,054 : .383 115.831 8,428 276 50,200 4,635 395 194,987 17.135 1,197 24.321 2,426 159 144.124 8.613 610 27.110 1.807 142 3,435 390 41 65,709 I 6,402 186 99,020 7.04.-) 240 39,848 3,212 307 24,940 2,191 65 102,793 7.011 408 85,935 0,218 236 274,496 19.552 i 892 127.026 9,126 530 169,772 6,593 341 28.615 3,605 104 163,632 i 14,354 773 lb. 3,419 2,862 2.937 6,665 993 4,040 1,196 204 1.625 2,145 1,790 734 2,784 2,240 7,623 I 3,979 ' 3,153 1.103 5,959 4,257 2,716 1,074 6.009 k 414 '4,634 1.302 551 2,373 1,811 2,822 650 3,408 2,058 9.101 2,387 2.187 1,586 3,131 E £ 299 4,263 252 5,542 165 2,406 543 9,353 80 1,168 314 6,907 72 1,307 15 165 198 3.155 244 4,732 113 1,905 71 1,194 251 4,923 197 4,112 674 13,177 323 6,109 236 8.138 107 1,370 477 7,847 £P £ 3,101 11,920 4,138 12,648 6,097 0,742 18,155 34,060 1,963 3,625 5,634 17.489 1.29(1 3.980 287 1,018 2,788 8,514 2,815 9,602 3,623 8,463 1,138 3,053 3,723 12,305 3,014 9,381 9,544 32,496 4,959 13,778 4,725 15.286 ! 1,727 4.790 8,866 20,321 4-27 0-3(1 4 27 3-54 0-33 7-23 1-27 0-20 2-86 215 019 3-35 1-19 0-23 3-36 3-69 0-25 .I-:, 1 4-13 0-23 4 15 11-46 0-31 3-44 4-47 '. 0-37 ' r>1):, 2-06 0-28 i 5-4(1 4-55 0-18 j 3-07 2-98 0-32 5-48 3-46 0-26 5-00 2-75 0-26 5-50 3-65 0-27 5-29 2-12 0-29 5-41 213 0-23 7-90 5-08 0-34 4-39 1-85 0-28 4-62 l_ 311 5-39 7-24 6-60 5-1)5 4-49 412 5-97 5-26 3-21 5-85 5-22 3-79 403 3-83 4-39 4-59 5-54 5-23 11-95 1,439 16-49 j 1,990 11 57 I 3,514 12-19 j 9,543 10-43 I 1,098 13-94 3,281 12-63 991 2118 216 10-05 1,341 10-95 1.422 13.66 1,838 1400 631 12-51 1,983 12-54 1,617 1304 4,998 12-21 2,627 14-85 : 2,661 15-35 ; 926 11-98 4,475 Totals General charges 197 .. 3.158,098 951,111 211,168 4,320,377 1,830,588 136,797 '' 7,485 55,451 52.471 4,631 87,773 87,596 232,471 36,070 2-91 0-26 4-88 4-87 12-92 40.59 200 .. Totals .. ! .. 268.541 14-92 I J !_ WESTLAND SECTION. Fα .. Lα I 18 5 20 1 20 5 20 2 15 3 20 1 j 20 6 45,1)24 15.425 27,360 60,096 23,608 11,751 38,573 2,770 12,278 9.432 6,085 2,167 2.980 1,691 16,346 20 164 117 11,757 87,177 19,886 89,310 36,812 I 66,344 25,892 2.805 28,223 7,559 30,354 482f 16,520 26,973 10,150 511 3,868 844 3,299 44 186 43 219 212 1,038 235 1,083 159 1,629 384 773 17 114 28 103 76 747 222 795 J 380 2,091 400 1,839 632 4,581 1,034 3,510 3-25 4-48 4-63 2-08 0-34 0-31 0-34 0-27 J -66 206 2-68 2-14 7-76 5-76 4-83 4-94 12-90 12-61 12-48 9-43 22: 1,06! 221 1,25! W .. 1 1,896 92 561 308 921 135 60 88 44 432 718 267 921 1,203 482 1,721 2,930 928 2-01 3-33 1-25 0-39 0-32 0-41 2-82 600 11-22 50! Wα Wβ 2,768 1,324 128 46 750 315 2-60 2-47 4-35 4-47 10-60 8-60 69' 271 Totals General charges IS .. 232,804 83,056 21,318 337.178 123,066 14.51(1 758 4,194 4,309 454 3,257 7,316 i 15,336 2,532 307 0-32 2-32 5-21 10-92 1-80 4,24' .. Totals 17.868 12-72 iferred t< ricton in May. i Free issue.


I). -1

RETURN No. 28— continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1911— continued.

Type. a 3 ■si m 3 Train. Detail. Emply. »*-»• Detail. Engine-Mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Running. a ■r. a Goal. Oil. T»llow. Waste. Wages and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. Total. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. WESTPORT SECTION. C .. .. 2 12 14 F .. .. 2 15 3,449 Fα .. .. 2 15 27,972 Wβ .. 5 20 80,617 Totals .. 11 .. 112,052 General charges 27,297 25,090 4,726 14,192 i 558 21,024 3 87,603 5,287 27,311 33,265 42,722 101.644 204,942 Cut. 6,184 7,904 14,065 50,745 7!»,558 Qt. 1,001 1,197 1,805 6,299 10,302 59 90 125 243 n>. 380 493 653 1,347 e 200 596 410 2,027 £ 30 38 61 202 £ 173 222 410 1,415 £ 896 1,002 1,014 2,062 e 1,299 1,858 1,895 5,706 1-76 0-26 4-30 0-27 2-30 0-34 4-78 0-48 1-52 1-60 2-31 3-34 7-88 11-42 7-23 13-40 5-70 10-65 4-87 13-47 377 442 555 1,001 517 2,873 3,233 331 2,220 4,974 10,758 2,549 3-79 0-39 2-60 5-82 12-60 2,37! 2-98 Totals • -—- .. .. 13,307 15-58 I * NELSON SECTION. Fα 1 1 2 18 18 18 1,613 18,770 45,772 934 3,026 5,333 471 335 10 3,018 22,131 51,116 949 6,388 16,467 193 721 1,884 6 12 46 51 157 492 10 191 507 6 24 61 46 311 808 77 380 847 139 906 2,223 0-80 0-48 3-65 2-07 0-26 3-38 2-38 0-29 3-79 6-12 ll-0o 4-12 9-83 3-98 10-44 13i 24; 45( Totals General oharges 4 66,155 9,293 816 76,264 23,804 2,798 64 700 708 91 1,165 1,304 3,268 736 4,004 2-23 0-29 3-66 410 10-28 2-32 12-60 837 Totals _ I ~ 4,004 ■ ■ I • • PICTON iECTION. D .. ..1 Fα .. .. 2 G .. ..4 if Total .. 7 General charges is 18 18 1,549 21,849 48,162 1,333 12,007 6,429 2,398 j 20,573 4,725 14,889 30,676 74,460 2,656 10,210 19,997 512 I 1,517 3,103 26 36 91 224 440 912 57 196 1,138 17 45 94 138 531 1,037 303 594 1,401 515 1,366 3,670 0-92 0-27 1-53 0-35 3-67 0-30 2-23 4-15 3-34 4-88 8-30 4-65 10-68 4-52 11-83 221 375 864 72,560 28,335 : 19,130 120,025 32,863 5,13! 153 1,576 1,391 156 1,706 2,298 5,551 720 2-78 0-31 3-41 4-60 11-10 j 1,41 1-44 i .. .. .. Totals .. .. J 6,271 r 12-54

1). -2


RETURN No. 29. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

Mine. St. Helen's, White Cliffs Homebueh, Glentunnel .. Mount Somers Coal Company, Mount Somers Albury Waihao Forks.. (ribson's Kurow Ngapara .. ... Shag Point Melntosh, Bushy Allanclale Coal Company Saddle Hill .. Fernhill Mosgiel Taratn Mine. Lovell's Klat Brook Bros., Shag Point Benhai Kaitangata Bruce Coal Company .. Anderson's, Stirling Conical Hills Sneddon and Hamilton, Pukerau Jones, Maitland W. McSoar, Waikaka .. W. Mason, Kingston ( Irossing McDowall, Wairio New Zealand Express Company, (Jore Sleeman, C. P., Mataura Beat tie, Coster, and Co., Mataura Collieries Company, Mataura Maokie and Wallis, Mataura H. Parker, Mataura Nightcaps Coal Company, Nightoapa McKenzie, D., Nightoaps Grant, J., Nightcaps Spenoe, J., Nightcaps Moss Bros., Nightcaps .. Molndoe and Turner, Nightcaps. . Wairio Coal Company, Nightoaps . . Westport Coal Company, Nightcaps J. Lloyd, Nightcaps Dillon, Wairio Willow, Wftirio Clapp, Wairio Withers, J., Gore ( Ireen and Co., Gore Broom and Co., Gore .. Bowden, Ashers Smith, Fairfax (.'lark, Wvndhain McColl, Willowbank Jones, Willowbank •1. Johnston, Kingston Crossing .. 1909-10. Tons. 520 9,366 4,291 237 188 20 10 97 683 5,056 35,942 21,943 414 14,095 130 121,245 12,667 34 2,667 48 1 ,r>4 1 795 4,594 5,533 32 11 50,352 1,450 749 28 59 1,087 125 900 1,007 315 943 "42 8 24 27 1 r 1910-11. Tons. 508 10,257 3,819 283 16 24 14 99 2,888 4(il 1,04] :S5,463 19,967 195 12,332 1,127 124 130,474 10,841 2,129 101 4 4 47 256 2,908 846 5,718 6,596 43 58,080 2,377 4 119 318 31 812 7 919 Iβ 14 41 475 18 29 Increase. Tons. 892 n; 1 2 2,205'J 461 1,127 9,229 "53 4 4 47 250 1,367 51 1,124 1,003 11 7,734 927 4 290 919 Hi 14 5 Tons, 892 Iβ 4 2 2,205] 461 1,127 9,229 "53 4 4 47 250 1.367 51 1,124 1,063 11 7,734 927 4 290 919 Hi 14 Tons. 12 472 172 2 4,015 179 1,976 219 1,763 "|2 1,820 34 528 "ll 630 "28 275 125 893 Deurcasi 1,607 274 468 "24 0 5 "27 'Totals 299,874 311,851 311,851 27,855 27,855 15,878



RETURN No. 30. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1911.

RETURN No. 31. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1911, on the South Island Main Line and Branches.

Port. 1909-10. 1910-11. Increase. Decrease. Discharged :— ■JLyttelton Timaru Oamaru P.ort Chalmers Dunedin Bluff;.. No. 1,933 280 142 70 86 229 No. 1,936 360 172 65 100 237 No. 3 80 30 "14 8 No. S Totals 2,740 2,740 2,870 2,870 130 130 I Loaded :— Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff 1,756 289 151 65 51 229 1,922 319 160 62 58 236 166 30 9 7 7 3 Totals 2,541 2,757 2,757 21f> 21f> I

Line of Railway. Main Main Single. i I Line. Branches. Total Railway. Double. Main Line. Sidings. Total Equivalent of Single Total. Track. Single. Branches. CiiiiisTciiiiKcii Division :— .Main Line . . Rangiora-Sheftield and Kvreton Junction - Bennett's Waipara-Mina Sonthbridge and Little River Branches Spiingfield and White Cliffs Branches [Branch Hakaia and Ashburton Forks Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. Ch. 211 57 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 17 66 .. 229 43 87 63 53 56 35 30 .. ' 48 7 <i!t (i -304 75 22 20 27 36 36 13 12 <i7 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 17 86 .. 229 43 53 56 35 30 .. ' 48 7 <i!t (i 304 75 22 20 27 36 36 13 12 67 M. ch. / 4"77 3 65 ., \ 7 70 3 14 1 75 2 73 2 52 M. ch. M. ch. 87 63 317 2li 58 53 39 15 54 14 33 33 33 33 I 7<i 7*i 25 34 29 31 39 6 ' 15 39 Totals, Christchurch Division 211 57 211 57 ; 17 66 304 75 17 66 304 75 534 38 534 38 87 63 33 33 121 16 655 54 DuNBDiN Division : — Main Line Duntroon Branch Oaraaru-Breakwater Branch .. Ngapara & Livingstone Branches Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch I'Vmhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch (!atlin's River Branch i L 165 40 165 40 5 66 .. 171 26 37 41 I, 0 63 27 4 8 65 1 2ti 2 49 278 2 1 57 134 51 0 0 29 32 25 44 5 66 37 41 0 63 27 4 8 66 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 0 0 29 32 25 44 171 26 68 37 / 3 12 1 62 2 15 0 63 3 65 { 0 52 0 23 10 31 0 63 2 r,l 2 34 68 37 71 239 63 40 53 2 45 29 19 9 48 5 11 3 21 2 0 145 2 9 63 32 3 27 48 278 ■2 Totals, Dunedin Division .. : _ 165 40 165 40 ! 5 66 278 2 449 28 5 66 278 2 449 28 68 37 28 71 97 28 546 56 I NVKHCAKCILL DIVISION: Main Line Tapanui Branch Waimea Plains Branch Switzer's Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston Branch Makarewa-Orepuki Brancli .. Thornbury—Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branches Forest Hill Railway Ijiimsden-Mararoa Branch .. j r 82 41 82 41 82 41 26 21 \ 36 41 13 67 I 12 57 I 9 35 87 3 O - 307 41 87 0 48 23 24 51 12 66 10 41 82 41 26 21 \ 36 41 13 67 12 57 I 9 36 m 3 o m 41 48 23 24 51 12 66 10 41 31 44 2 56 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 0 2 4 10 63 9 34 3 30 31 44 114 6 28 77 39 45 15 70 14 60 10 35 qo ,v> , 27 43 38 oi \ 97 63 i 57 57 28 1 13 79 11 44 1 13 1 8 Totals, [nvercargiU Division 82 41 82 41 307 41 390 2 3(17 41 390 2 31 44 38 53 70 17 460 19 Grand Totals— Whole Line.. I 459 58 . 23 52 j 890 38 1,373 68 1 187 64 100 77 ! 288 61 ! 1,662 49



RETURN NO. 32. Statement of Alterations in and Additions to Scale of Charges during the Year ended 31st March, 1911. PART III.—GOODS: REGULATIONS. Eegulation (3), Class E : Penalty rate for sacks containing cereals or other agricultural produce amended to conform with by-law. Kegulation (22): Eeturned empty butter, egg, fish, fresh-meat, fruit, and vegetable packages previously carried over the railways full to be carried free up to 100 miles, and for balance of journey at " empty return " rate. Eegulation (23): Free carriage granted up to 100 miles for empty cases for carriage of fruit and shooks for manufacture of fruit-cases, and for balance of journey fruit-cases to be charged at the " empty return " rate and shooks at Class D. i PART IV.—GOODS: LOCAL RATES. Coal to Greymouth from Blackball Coal Company's mine : Bate cancelled. Coal, Blackball to Greymouth : Bate provided. Coal, Eoa (Paparoa Coal Company's line) to Greymouth : Bate provided. Other goods booked between stations on Government line and Boa (Paparoa Coal Company's line): Bates provided. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS, LIVE-STOCK, PARCELS, AND LUGGAGE. Eemoved— Class Cartridges, safety, small-arm, packed. Owner's risk. Dangerous. (If sent through parcels, single rate) ... ... ... ... ... ... A Inserted— Cartridges, safety, small-arm, not otherwise specified, packed. Owner's risk. Dangerous. (If sent through parcels, single rate) ... ... ... A Cartridges, safety, small-arm, New Zealand manufacture, packed. Owner's risk. Dangerous. (If sent through parcels, single rate) ... ... ... D Removed — Empties : Returned butter, egg, fish, fresh-meat, fruit, and vegetable packages ... Free Inserted— Empties: Beturned butter, egg, fish, fresh-meat, fruit, and vegetable packages See Part 11 [ Bemoved— Glue and glue-pieces, packed ... ... ... ... ... D Inserted— Glue and glue-pieces, not otherwise specified, packed ... ... ... D Glue and glue-pieces and fleshings for glue-making consigned direct from tanneries and slaughter-yards to glue-making factories. Owner's risk ... ... ... N Kale-seed ... ... ... ... .... ... ... I) PART VI.—WHARVES. Greymouth Wharf. Berthage-charges amended to meet cases of vessels occupying berths for an umiue length of time. Timber for export to be charged wharfage. Westport Wharf. Berthage-charges amended to meet the case of vessels failing to put to sea when loading completed. Nelson Wharf. Berthage-charges amended to meet conditions of new wharf. Picton Wharf. Provision for free wharfage on goods to and from the Sounds deleted, and berthage-charges on vessels trading between Picton and the Sounds amended. Foxton Wharf. Provision made for wharfage-charges to be leviable on goods and live-stock loaded on the Government lands adjacent to the wharves or on private wharves worked in conjunction with Railway leaseholds.

Hv \uuioritv : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—1911. .

D —2






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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT. BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS. THE HON. J. A. MILLAR, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT. BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS. THE HON. J. A. MILLAR Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT. BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS. THE HON. J. A. MILLAR Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-02

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