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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

'■ ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Totksday, the 7th Day of July, 1910. Ordered, "That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from M to Z that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents and to report the same from time to time to this House; and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum • the Committee to consist of Mr Clark, Mr. Colvin, Mr. Craigie, Mr. J. Duncan, Mr. Forbes, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Myers, Mr. Nosworthv Mr. Pearce, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Buddo.) *'




No. Petitioners. Page, jj No. I || No. T{ Petitioners. Page. 143 Beattie, R. M., and 66 others .. .. I 4 106 Bull's Town Board and 7 other local bodies | 4 [ 143 106 Official Assignee (A. Simpson), complaint against (see schedule, John Morris Schapiro) 197 Coghill, Robert, and 2,632 others .. 4 ,9 Mnal report .. .. • • • • 8 238 !j 30 (Gambling, petitions relating to — 432 See schedules, — i 601—2 R. M. Boattio and 66 others .. 4 Robert Coghill and 2,632 others .. 4 ! 437 A. Karl and 11 others .. .. ! 4 I J. M. Killen and 48 others .. I 5 11 W. E. Vine .. .. .. 6 J 632 Rev. W. N. Willis and 26 others .. 4 197 Palmer, Mrs. Catherine J. Peiree, J. K. Plummer, Albert Purdy, Dr. John S. .. Porter, Colonel T. W. 3 5 3 5 6 Quirke, Michael 5 Reeve, Mrs. .Emma P. .. .. i Richardson, Mrs. Augusta Marie Rivers Board Act: proposed amendment (see schedule, John McMaster and 24 others) Roskruge, Louis Charles .. .. Ross, John 3 7 6 6 5 Harding's Road Bridge (aee schedule, ; 7 Woodville County Council) 4^ Himatangi-Pukenui Tramway (see sche- 4 | 1* dule, Bull's Town Board and 7 other local bodies) _*;? 426 12 49 717 96 612 Kahautara River Board District (see '■ 6 | ' schedule, John McMaster and 24 others) 268 Karl, A., and 11 others . . .. 4 | ! Kawhia Harbour and Main Trunk Rail-way-line connection (see schedule, A. C. Wright and 39 others) _ 184 Killen, J. M., and 48 others .. .. 5 j i Scally, Mrs. Bridget .. .. Schapiro, John Morris Stidolph, S., and 3 others Sutherland, George A., and 85 others 3 8 3 7 268 j; 765 723 Tillman, Mrs. Eugenie Treweek, Mrs. Annie 8 7 447 Vine, W. E. .. 6 596 596 Waipara County Council Waipu-to-Whangarei Railway petitions (see schedule, A. McLennan and 499 others) Whiley, Robert Whangarei-to-Waipu Railway petitions (see schedule, A. McLennan and 499 others) ' : Wilson, James Johnston .. Willis, Rev.W. N., and -26' others Wimsett, A. F. :. Wood, Charles .. .'. '■.'.' Woodville County Council .'. .. Woodville District Jockey Club: nonpayment of totalisator dividend (see schedule, Mrs. Anne Treweek) Wrigg, H. C. W. : bestowal of New Zealand Cross (see schedule, S. Stidolph and 3 others) Wright, A. C, and 39 others .. 6 7 '7 4 3 4 7 '7 3 8 71 j McGuire, Mrs. Mary .. .. .. 3 752 i Mclntosh, Robert .. .. .. 8 142 I McKay, Alex. .. .. ...3 270 McLennan, A., and 499 others . . .. 5 | *^q 586 McMaster, John, and 24 others.. . . : 6 Macrae's, Moonlight, and Middlemarch telephone communication (sec schedule, George A. Sutherland and 85 others) y 8 431 ! Meikle, John James .. . . . . 5 ] 267 ■ Military pensions (see schedule, George 223 Neale and 183 others) . . jjgg 252 Milsom, James Boyton, and another .. 5 I y^ *535 Morgan, George, and another .. . . 4 609 Murphy, William J. .. . . .. 7 *570 5 98 267 223 356 74vi i 7 4 3 4 7 '7 5 4 7 *467 Neale, George, and 183 others .. .. 3 7gg 738 Nicholson, Thomas .. .. .. 7 354 I O'Donoghue, M., and 15 others . . 8 789 3 7 789 3 8 789 * (Sessioi II. 1909,



BEPOBTS, No. ;iO.—Petition of Albert Plummer, of 102 Symonds Street, Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss sustained owing to Native disturbances in 1864. i am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th August, 1910.

No. 71.—Petition of Mast McGuihe, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further compensation on account of the death of her late husband, Sergeant John McGuire, whilst in the execution of his duty. 1 am directed to report that the Government be recommended to grant Mrs. McGuire a further sum of .£250, in addition to the sum of £500 already paid. 17th August, 1910.

No. 11, -Petition of Mrs. Emma Phyllis Reeve, of Hay Street, Brooklyn. Petitioner prays for compassionate allowance on account of the death of her husband, formerly in the employ of the New Zealand Government. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee the matter should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, with a recommendation that the petitioner be granted a sum of £30 as compassionate allowance. 17th August, 1910. . .

No. 223. —Petition of Arthur Fhedkkiok Wimsett, of Nelson. Petitioner prays that he may be granted relief in connection with the payment of certain law-costs. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th August, 1910. • ,

No. 49.—Petition of Mrs. Bhidgbt Scaley, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays for relief on account of the death of her son while working on the Parapara lioad. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee the matter should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, with a recommendation that the petitioner should be granted a sum of £100. 17th August, 1910.

No. 96.—Petition of S. Stidolph and 3 Others. Petitioners pray that the bestowal of the New Zealand Cross on Harry Charles William Wrigg be cancelled. I am directed to report that this Committee, having carefully considered the evidence placed l>efore it, and papers submitted, has no recommendation to make. . 17th August, 1910. Debate on the question that the Re/port do lie upon the table adjourned. 17th August.

No. 9. —Petition of Mrs. Catherine Julia Palmer (formerly Beamish), of Chatham Islands. Petitioner prays for a grant of 400 acres of land or £200. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 30th August, 1910.

No. 467 (Sess. 11, 1909).—Petition of George Neale and 183 Others. Petitioners pray that they may be granted military pensions as Maori War veterans. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration in respect to veterans holding the New Zealand War Medal and who reside in New Zealand. 30th August, 1910.

No. 142.—Petition of Alexander McKay, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for a refund of £22 12s. 6d., deducted for Superannuation Fund from amount due to him by the Railway Department. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Bth September, 1910. .



No. 106. —Petition of Bull's Town Boabd and 7 other Local Bodies. Petitioners pray for permission to connect the Himatangi-Pukenui Tramway with the Government railway at Greatford or Marton. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Bth September, 1910. Debate on the question that the Report do lie upon the table interrupted by the 5.30 p.m. adjournment. Bth September. No. 356.— Petition of Charles Wood, of 9 Tweed Street, Littlebourne, Roslyn, Dunedin. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office in the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make 9th September, 1910.

No. 535 (Hess. 11, 1909). —Petition of George Morgan and Another, of Dunedin Petitioners pray for compensation, or the right to issue an official telephone list. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. J 3th September, 191.0.

Xos. 267 and 268.— Petitions of Rev. W. N. Willis and 26 Others, and A. Karl and 11 Others. Petitioners pray (1) to stop the licensing of bookmakers, (2) to prohibit the use of the totalizator, (3) to reduce the number of the days of racing and totalizator permits by one-half. I am directed to report that, inasmuch as the Government is introducing legislation to deal with the matter, this Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th September, 1910. Xo. 143.—Petition of R. M. Beattie and 66 Others, and 54 similar Petitions as per Schedule attached. Petitioners pray that a section of the Gamin" Act, 1908, so far as it permits the licensing of bookmakers, be repealed. I am directed to report that, inasmuch as the Government is introducing legislation to deal with the matter, this Committee has no recommendation to make 14th September, 1910.

Schedule. '■ No. 144.—Devrabury, H. R., and 91 others. No. 176.—Simpson, J. R., and 44 others. „ 145.—Dingwall, M., and HI othere. „ 177.—Stone, E., and 53 others. ' „ 146.—Hay, 1,., and 90 others. „ 178.-Thomson, A., and 59 others.? •■ ~ 147.—Hodgson, T., and 112 others. „ 179.—Whiter, S. E., and 12 others' „ 148.—Lornie, A., and 58 others. ~ 180.—Wilson, A. M., and 90 others. < „ 149.—Mackenzie, .J. H., and 100 others. „ 187.—Moodie, G., and 205 others „ 150.—Merritt, H. T., and 100 others. „ 198.—Abel, E., and 66 others „ 151.—Millar, A., and 141 others. „ 199.—Cammell, S., and 181 others.! „ 152.—Stanley, W., and 54 others. „ 200.—Campbell, R,, and 38 others. -5 „ 153.— Steele, J. A., and 517 others. ~ 201.—Cocker, .)., and 48 others. „ 154.—Thorpe, W, 8., and 70 others. „ 202.—Gallagher, J., and 68 others „ 155.—CTrquhart, F., and 75 others. „ 203.—Geriaeh, F., and 87 others. „ 161.—Campbell, C. W., and 71 others. „ 204.—Goldie, C, and 25 others „ 162.—Bollard, M., and 44 others. „ 205.—Johnston, H. W., and 51 others. „ 163.—Glasgow, M., and 76 others. „ 206.—Leanning, E. E., and 44 others ■ „ Ib4.—Griffiths, S., and 73 others. „ 207.—Macpherson, X., and 40 others. „ 165.—Ireson, A., and 214 others. „ 208.—McCallum, R., and 45 others. „ 166.—McCallum, P. W., and 89 others. „ 209.—Miller, E. G., and 40 others „ 167.—M00r, T., and 72 others. „ 210.—Orchard, M., and 44 others „ 168.—Murray, G., and 44 others. „ 211.—Palmer, E., and 250 others „ 109.—Oakden, M., and 15 others. „ 212.—Rowles, R., and 17 others " }™.— Payne, L., and 13 others. „ 213.—Shepherd, F., and 17 others. „ 171.—Peak, H. T., and 14 others. „ 214.—Trewin, J., and 132 others. „ 172.— Peterson, F. C, and 44 others. „ 215.—Warren, R., and 43 others „ 173.—Roget, P., and 45 others. „ 216.—Whitmore, C. 8., and 44 others „ 174.—Routley, A. J., and 54 others. „ 220.—Spence, M., and 44 others. „ 1/s.—Rudd, R., and 37 others. (> 412.—Bagley, E., and 137 others

No. 197.—Petition of Robert Coghill and 2,632 Others, and 9 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached. Petitioners.pray that licenses be issued to bookmakers so long as the totalizator is permitted. I am directed to report that, inasmuch as the Government is introducing legislation to deal with the matter, this Committee has no recommendation to make Hth September, 1910.



Schedule. NO ' it~O? rSan ' v' T d 98 f eV !I No - 233—Morbey, G, aud 1,212 other,. » lasson ' T H - A -; and 887 othe w- „ 234.-i>ower, H. J., and 1,249 otto " |?-Zffr%'i' a^\'fn 9 Q O^. erS - » See.-Cooke, A. and 3,499 other, " iaZfc ' '/ i' 4 , 9 0,n th T- " 345 --Harri s> L. and 5,054 other,. „ 232.—Chapman, F., and 1,200 others.

No. 12.—Petition of John Ross, of Tararu, Thames. Petitioner prays for compensation for the construction of the Wharekawa-to-Whangamata Road I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make 14th September, 1910.

No. 184.—Petition of J. M. Killen and 48 Others, and 2 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached. Petitioners pray to make it illegal to permit either totalizators or bookmakers 1 am directed to report that, inasmuch as the Government is introducing legislation to deal with the matter, this Committee has no recommendation to make 14th September, 1910

Schedule. No. 185.—Love, J., and 17 others. » .. 186-—Molnnis, J. R., and 35 others.

Xo. 252.—Petition of James Boyton Milsom and Another, of Waimate, South Canterbury. de™o7™ift PrHy f ° r reHef ° n aCOOUnt ° f hardship resultin g from the operation of the law affecting I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make 14th September, 1910.

Xo. 437.—Petition of Michael Qdieke, of Pahiatua, Settler. Petit™ prays for compassionate allowance for loss of his son, who was shot while assisting the police at Palmerstoii North. ' s I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 21st September, 1910.

No. 432.—Petition of Dr. John Smith Purdy, of Hobart, Tasmania Petitioner prays for a refund of .£62, part of petitioner's expenses incurred in coming from ligypt to New Zealand to take up the position of District Health Officer I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make 21st September, 1910.

No. 270.—Petition of A. McLennan and 499 Others. Petitioners pray for the construction of a light railway from Waipu to Whangarei Harbour 21st September, 1910.

No. 238.—Petition of J. K. Pbirce, of Cambridge. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into certain matters connected with a bankruptcy As JT t A eCt tf t °/ + e P°/ t tha * &* Committee recommends the Government to instruct the Official Assignee at Auckland to furnish the petitioner with the exact position of his affairs 21st September, 1910.

No. 431.—Petition of John James Meikm, of Wellington Petitioner prays that substantial compensation be paid to petitioner for wrongful imprisonment. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th September, 1910.



No. 426.—Petition of Louis Charles Roskruge, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of increase of salary in respect of retirement from the public service. 1 am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th October, 1910.

No. 586.—Petition of John McMaster and 24 Others. Petitioners pray for relief by amending the River Boards Act, 1908. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 12th October, 1910.

No. 601. Petition (No. 1) of Colonel Thomas William Porter, C.8., of Gisborne.. Petitioner prays that he may be granted superannuation allowance under the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, in consideration of the valuable services rendered to the Dominion by Colonel Porter. 26th October, 1910. No. 602. Petition (No. 2) of Colonel Thomas William Porter, C.8., of Gisborne. Petitioner prays for payment of moneys due to his son, the late Lieutenant R. H. Porter, for services in the South African war. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1910.

No. 596. —Petition of Waipara County Council. Petitioners pray for restoration to that Council of land taken by the Government for a post-office 1 am directed to report that, inasmuch as the subject-matter of this petition deals with land, the petition be referred back to the House with a view of obtaining its permission to refer the petition to the Lands Committee. 26th October, 1910. No. 447. Petition of W. E. Vine, and 47 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached. Petitioners pray that the position of trainers of racehorses be taken into consideration when dealing with the Gaming Amendment Bill. I am directed to report that, in view of the fact that the Gaming Amendment Bill is now being considered by a special Committee set up for that purpose, the petitions of licensed trainers, which have direct reference to the gaming laws of the Dominion, be referred back to the House, with a view of obtaining its permission to refer the various petitions of licensed trainers to the Committee referred to above. 26th October, 1910.

ScHEDTTLE. No 448.— J. Jones and 2 others. | No. 472.— J. Summers and another. 449 c C Dowell and 5 others. „ 473. — J. Chalhs and 7 others. " 45o!—b! Keeper and 7 others. „ -474.— W. Davidson and 9 others. 451 —F J. McMenamin and 29 others. „ 475.— G. Colello. ' 452 _G. Murray-Aynsley and 14 others. „ 476.—P. W. McKay and 31 others. ' 453—T Frost and 28 others. „ 477.—C. Rasmussen and 4 others. ' 454 —W L. Mitchell and 13 others. „ 478.—A. McQuilkin and 3 others. ' 455 —W Woods and 11 others. „ S. Watson and 4 others. ' 456'—A. Goodman and 2 others. „ 480.—C. A. Campbell. ' 457 _R G. McDonnell and 19 others. „ 481.—A. Neale and 9 others. " 458—H Catt and 21 others. „ 482.— J. S. Robertson and 11 others. " 459.— W. J. Morland. .. 483.—P. Hogan and 12 others. 40Q g Trilford » 484. —L. B. Hubbard and 28 others. " 461 — D Henderson. ~ 485.— E. Cutts and 28 others. ' " 462 —F J. Beale and 2 others. „ 486.— T. W. Price and 9 others. " 463'— R. McKay and 11 others. „ 487.— F. Tonge. ' 464 —S Messena and 6 others. „ 488.—D. Nyhan and another. " 4 6 5 _T F. Quinlivan and another. „ 489.— W. McConkey and 16 others. v ' " 466^— J. McLaughlan and 16 others. „ 492.— R. Johnson and 7 others. " 4Q7' jjj Prosser. » 493.— J. Nicholson and 34 others. " 468— G Smith and' 11 others. „ 494.—A. E. Ward and 3 others. ' 469 Twohill and anothe-. „ 500.— H. Jackson and 6 others. "„ 470.— -J. Lucas and another. „ 501.—8. Nicholls and 5 others. " f 471. — A. J. Smith and another. i



No. 98. —Petition of James Johnston Wilson. Petitioner prays for relief for accident received whilst in the Imperial service. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make 26th October, 1910.

No. 632.—Petition of Mrs. Augusta Mabib Richardson, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further compensation in respect of the services of her late husband, the late Hon. G. F. Richardson, to the Dominion. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd November, 1910.

No. 609.—Petition of William J. Murphy, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss sustained on purchase of property. 1 am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1910,

No. 012.—Petition of Geoege A. Sutherland and 85 Others. Petitioners pray for telephone communication between Macrae's, Moonlight, and Middlemarch. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th November, 1910.

No. 72;{.—Petition of Mrs. Annie Trbweek, of Palmerston North. Petitioner prays for relief in connection with her treatment by the Woodville District Jockey Club. " y I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee Mrs. Treweek is entitled to be paid the dividend on the three tickets in dispute by the Woodville District Jockey Club, and also that it be a suggestion to the New Zealand Racing Conference that the New Zealand Jockey Club's rules of racing be so amended that "consecutive numbers be provided on all tickets issued in any race, in order to obviate the likelihood of similar mistakes occurring in the future; and that a copy of this resolution be sent by the Clerk of the House to the President of the Racing Conference. 16th November, 1910. _

No. 570 (Sess. 11, 1909).—Petition of Robert Whiley, of Island Bay, Wellington. Petitioner prays for an inquiry regarding his bankruptcy. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th November, 1910. .

No. 738.—Petition of Thomas Nicholson, of 76 Taranaki Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays that he be awarded an old-age pension. I am directed to report that the Government be strongly recommended to grant the petitioner a sum of £52, being equal to two years' old-age pension, and that the Government be asked to place that sum on the supplementary estimates. 24th November, 1910.

No. 746.—Petition of Woodville County Council. Petitioners pray for a subsidy of £1,000 for Harding's Road Bridge. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, with a recommendation that a clause to the following effect should be inserted in the Appropriation Bill: "Whereas the Woodville County obtained from the Minister of Finance during the year nineteen hundred and seven a loan of three thousand pounds under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1901, for the construction of a bridge across the Manawatu River known as Harding's Road Bridge : And whereas, owing to a grant of one thousand pounds as a subsidy towards the cost of the said bridge having bean granted in nineteen hundred the whole of the said sum of three thousand pounds borrowed for the erection of the said bridge was not required : And whereas it is desirable to permit the suiri of one thousand pounds returned by the said county to be applied in part-payment of the said loan : Be it therefore enacted as follows : The said sum of one thousand pounds shall by the Minister of Finance be paid out of the Public Works Fund without further appropriation than this Act, and applied in reduction of the said loan." 24th November, 1910.



No. 354.—Petition of M. O'Donoghue and 15 Others. Petitioners pray for a grant of £300 for the purpose of cleaning, widening, and deepening a drain near Te Aroha (Piako Canal). I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 24th November, 1910.

No. 752.—Petition of Robert Molntosh, of Clyde, Otago. Petitioner prays that an inquiry before a Warden or other competent person may be made into all matters connected with the application by F. W. Furkert, on behalf of His Majesty the King, for a license for a water-race for 100 heads of water from Loganburn. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th November, 1910.

No. 717.—Petition of John Monnis Schapiro, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for an inquiry concerning the alleged maladministration of his estate by the Official Assignee. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion, on the evidence given before it, that the following statements —" That the bankrupt (Schapiro) had given security over his plant to a Miss Sanderson, and had sold it (the plaet) and retained the proceeds " ; and, further, " That the bankrupt had evidently disposed of the plant mortgaged to her (Miss Sanderson), and had apparently kept the .proceeds " —made by Mr. A. Simpson, the Official Assignee, to His Honour the Chief Justice in the Bankruptcy Court on the Bth day of October, 1910, in connection with the bankruptcy proceedings of one John Morris Schapiro, and which appeared in the New Zealand Times of the 10th day of October, 1910, are incorrect, and that in the opinion of this Committee the Government should call upon the Official Assignee to withdraw such statements through the columns of the papers published in Wellington in which the offensive statements appeared. 25th November, 1910.

No. 789.—Petition of A. C. Weight and 39 Others, of Kawhia South, Auckland District. Petitioners pray that a trial survey should be proceeded with between Kawhia Harbour and the Main Trunk Railway line. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th November, 1910.

No. 765.—Petition of Eugenic Tillman, of 34 Parkes Street, Woolston, Christchurch. Petitioner prays for compassionate allowance in respect of her late husband's services in the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration.

30th November, 1910. . Final Report. 1 have the honour to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held twenty-one meetings during the session of 1910. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 165 Number of petitions dealt with ... ... ... ... ... 160 Number of petitions held over ... ... ... ... ... 5 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 42 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... .. 4 Number referred for favourable consideration ... ... ... 15 Number referred for consideration ... ... ... ... ... 7 Number referred to other Committees ... ... ... ... 49 Number no recommendations, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 17 I am also directed to report the following resolution passed by the Committee, viz. : — "That this Committee desires to record its hearty appreciation of the great care and attention devoted by the Chairman (Mr. Craigie) to the business of the Committee, and of the able and courteous manner in which his duties have been carried out during this session of Parliament; and that this resolution be recorded on the minutes of the Committee, and be reported to the House." 30th November, 1910.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,400 copies), £i 5i

Authority : John Macray, Government Printer, Wellington.^9lo,

Price 6d.]

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PUBLTC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. CRAIGIE, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-02

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PUBLTC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. CRAIGIE, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-02

PUBLTC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. CRAIGIE, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-02

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