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No. 98. —Petition of James Johnston Wilson. Petitioner prays for relief for accident received whilst in the Imperial service. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make 26th October, 1910.

No. 632.—Petition of Mrs. Augusta Mabib Richardson, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further compensation in respect of the services of her late husband, the late Hon. G. F. Richardson, to the Dominion. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd November, 1910.

No. 609.—Petition of William J. Murphy, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss sustained on purchase of property. 1 am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd November, 1910,

No. 012.—Petition of Geoege A. Sutherland and 85 Others. Petitioners pray for telephone communication between Macrae's, Moonlight, and Middlemarch. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th November, 1910.

No. 72;{.—Petition of Mrs. Annie Trbweek, of Palmerston North. Petitioner prays for relief in connection with her treatment by the Woodville District Jockey Club. " y I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee Mrs. Treweek is entitled to be paid the dividend on the three tickets in dispute by the Woodville District Jockey Club, and also that it be a suggestion to the New Zealand Racing Conference that the New Zealand Jockey Club's rules of racing be so amended that "consecutive numbers be provided on all tickets issued in any race, in order to obviate the likelihood of similar mistakes occurring in the future; and that a copy of this resolution be sent by the Clerk of the House to the President of the Racing Conference. 16th November, 1910. _

No. 570 (Sess. 11, 1909).—Petition of Robert Whiley, of Island Bay, Wellington. Petitioner prays for an inquiry regarding his bankruptcy. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th November, 1910. .

No. 738.—Petition of Thomas Nicholson, of 76 Taranaki Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays that he be awarded an old-age pension. I am directed to report that the Government be strongly recommended to grant the petitioner a sum of £52, being equal to two years' old-age pension, and that the Government be asked to place that sum on the supplementary estimates. 24th November, 1910.

No. 746.—Petition of Woodville County Council. Petitioners pray for a subsidy of £1,000 for Harding's Road Bridge. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, with a recommendation that a clause to the following effect should be inserted in the Appropriation Bill: "Whereas the Woodville County obtained from the Minister of Finance during the year nineteen hundred and seven a loan of three thousand pounds under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1901, for the construction of a bridge across the Manawatu River known as Harding's Road Bridge : And whereas, owing to a grant of one thousand pounds as a subsidy towards the cost of the said bridge having bean granted in nineteen hundred the whole of the said sum of three thousand pounds borrowed for the erection of the said bridge was not required : And whereas it is desirable to permit the suiri of one thousand pounds returned by the said county to be applied in part-payment of the said loan : Be it therefore enacted as follows : The said sum of one thousand pounds shall by the Minister of Finance be paid out of the Public Works Fund without further appropriation than this Act, and applied in reduction of the said loan." 24th November, 1910.