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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Hit Excellency.

My Lord, — General Post Office, Wellington, 25th June. 1910. I have the honour to submit to your Excellency the report of the Post and Telegraph Department for the year 1909-10, and in doing so to offer the following remarks : I have again pleasure in reporting increased business and increasing revenue. The latter reached £961,500. Quite apart from the normal increase required to cope with the larger business, extended services. more particularly in the direction of inland mails and letter-deliveries, have led to increased expenditure. The cost of the administration of the Old age. Pensions Office has also added to the expenditure without any corresponding addition to the revenue. There was also an amount of £2,890 charged to the Post Office which had formerly I n a charge against the Stamp Office. The fact that the increase ill expenditure was larger than that of revenue by about £3,000 is thus readily accounted for. Had it not been for these items the expenditure would have been £17,500 less. It will thus be seen that the result obtained is far more favourable than i he figures would seem to indicate. A credit balance of £103.4 10. however, bears witness 1o the success both of the administration and of the policy of increasing facilities without extra charge. In the main branches of business —viz., postal and telegraph —there has been a steady advance of over 5 per cent, in each case. Parcels-post and telephone exchanges show to greater advantage, with nearly 21 and 11 per cent, respectively. An outstanding factor of the telegraph business is the growing popularity of bureau (telephone) messages. These have so greatly interfered with the ordinary telegraphic work that telegrams have barely held their own. while the bureau messages have to then- credit a very great percentage of the total increase. The money-order and postal-note business shows a greater annual turnover of £500,000. The revenue therefrom has not quite recovered from the 50-per-cent. reduction in rates of two years ago. but at the present rate of progress the shortage should disappear in another two years. British postal orders are m favour lor small remittances, and have proved a great public convenience. Savings-bank deposits have increased during the year at a greater ratio than the population, the amount at credit of depositors standing at £12.666,898. Many of the suggestions embodied in the report of the Secretary to the Department on his visit to Europe have been brought into lone, with marked success. Altogether, 1 am gratified to be able to presem a report showing such sound and steady progress. I have the honour to be. My Lord, Your most obedient sei van!. .). 0. WARD. His Excellency the Governor, Wellington. Postmaster-General.

i—F. 1.


Revenue and Expenditure.

The r 'total revenue exceeded that"of 1908-9 by £47.505 135.. and the expenditure exceeded the expenditure of 1908 9 by £50.407 ss. 3d. Postal matter delivered in New Zealand, including that received from abroad, during tin- year reached a total of 9."..650.908 letters. 8,049,808 post-cards. 48,195,407 other articles, and [,122,029 parcels. The number of parcels insured'during the year was 2.252. valued at £73,782 12s. Iod., upon which premiums amounting to £110'15s. Id. were received. 538,740 money-orders, for £2,307,592 18s. Id. were issued, and 418,764, for £1,984,978 Os. lid. paid. The increase in the number of orders issued as compared with last year was 50,656. The postal-note business continues to increase. During the year 1,414,752 postal notes, of the value of £454,138 4s. Bd., were sold, being an increase of 15-75 per cent, in number and 16-7 in amount as compared with the preceding year. The number of British postal orders sold increased from 44,877. for £24,178 ss. 6d.. to 54.360, valued at £29,676 lis. 10d., and 18,326 orders, for £12,411 165.. were paid, as against 14.801. for £10,264 19s. 6d., paid during the previous year. The Savings-bank deposits (£9,611,119 lis. 3d.) exceeded the withdrawals (£9,499,319 Mis. Id.) by £111,799 14s. lid. There has been added £395,804 4s. sd. as interest, making a total increase of £507.603 19s. 4d., and bringing the whole amount at credit up to £12.666.897 17s. 5d., a stint which equals £12 ss. lOd. per head of the population. The number of old age pension payments was 177,839, as compared with 164.633 in the previous year, the respective amounts being £362,495 lis. and £336,813 Is. The total number of telegrams forwarded was 7,846,890, an increase of 421.197. or 5-67 peT cent.. over the business of the previous year. The number of bureau communications shows a marked increase, being 1.757.869. as against 1,423,093. The amount expended on telegraph-extension was £123,422, with liabilities amounting to £39,310 on account of works for which the authority of Parliament was granted too late for the necessary expenditure to be brought within the financial year. On the 31st March. 1910. there were 10,901 miles of telegraph-line and 31.788 miles of wire. The length of submarine cables within the Dominion was 368 knots. The number of telephone-exchange connections still continues to increase rapidly. It has now l-eaeheil 29,681,


The revenue and expenditure of the Department for the financial year 1909-10 are shown in the following table : —

Item. Postal. Telegraph. Total. Receipts. Stamps for postage Money-order and postal-uote commission Money-order commission received from foreign offices Private box and bag fees Miscellaneous receipts Paid telegrams Telephone exchanges £ s. d. 520,622 18 11 20,458 16 II 656 6 1 10,977 3 0 14,275 0 5J £ s. d. £ s. d. 520,622 18 11 20,458 16 11 656 6 1 10,977 3 0 ! 19,581 12 5J 244,905 10 1 144,298 2 9 5.30(1 12 0 244,905 10 1 144,298 2 9 Balance of expenditure over revenue .. 566,990 5 4J 394,510 4 10 16,786 12 4 961,500 10 2i Totals 566,990 5 4 J 411,296 17 2 961,500 10 2 J Expenditure, Salaries (classified officers) Salaries (country Postmasters and telephonists, and contributions to Railway Department) Conveyance of mails by sea Conveyance of inland mails Conveyance of mails by railway Money-order commission credited to foreign offices Maintenance of telegraph-lines Miscellaneous £ s. d. 183,873 15 7 1(),684 0 0 50,971 14 10 64,758 4 0 61,912 4 0 2,198 3 9 £ s. d. 292,729 7 7 33,365 0 0 £ s. d. 476,603 3 2 50,049 0 0 59,971 14 10 64,758 4 0 61,912 4 0 2,198 3 9 33,962 3 11 108,605 1 6 57,364 15 9 33,962 3 11 51,240 5 8 Balance of revenue over expenditure (Postal) (whole Department) 446,762 17 11 120,227 7 5J 411,296 17 2 858,059 15 1 103,440 15 1J Totals 556,990 5 4 J 411,296 17 2 961,500 10 2J



Statement showing Revenue and Expenditure of the Post and Telegraph Department for the Ten Years ended 31st March, 1910, and for the Years 1881-82 and 1891-92.

Report. The improvements in the service recommended by the Secretary to the Department on his return from Europe lasi year are being carried into effect as rapidly as possible, and the full effect of the annual saving estimated should Boon be apparent. There have been unavoidable delays in making some of the changes proposed, mainly owing to mechanical difficulties, which arc rapidly being overtime. The state of the principal improvements recommended may be summarised as follows : — Abolition of Back-stamping of Letters. This has been carried into effect ai all the principal offices, and has proved to be i>1 greal value, not only as a saving of labour, but as facilitating the despatch of work. Large mails arriving at the principal centres are sorted much more rapidly than when it was necessary to back-stamp received letters. It often happens that a saving of twelve to twenty-four hours has been possible owing to the letters being sorted in time to catch the letter-carrier's delivery or country mails, which would not have been possible in the time under the old system." The saving of labour was particularly appreciated during the Christmas pressure, and not the least good point is that it has enabled Sunday work to be materially reduced. After an experience of eight months, it has been fully demonstrated that the absence of date-stamping at the office of receipt causes no inconvenience to the public or the P. st Office. Had the back-stamping not been abolished, it would have been necessary to increase the staff at several offices. Closing of Mail-bags. An initial supply of lead seals and sealing apparatus has been ordered from London, and will be brought into vise immediately on receipt. Stamp-vending Machin <. The proprietors of the Dickie machine were only able to deliver one machine up to May, 1910, when an additional seven were delivered. The first machine has been in constant use in Wellington since November last, and has worked satisfactorily. The machines recently delivered are being distributed to Auckland, Napier, Wangamii, Christ-church, Dunedin, and Invercargill. By the installation of the machine at Wellington the Stamp Clerk has been saved attendance upon an average of eighty purchasers of stamps per diem. As the machine becomes better known it will, no doubt, be patronised more freely by the public. Parcel-post. The suggested improvements in practice have been carried out, and the new system is working smoothly. Although it was not proposed to remove any officers from the parcel-post branch, it was found thai under the new arrangement the staff was not fully employed at the principal offices, which enabled several officers to be placed at other duties. Rural Deliveries. It is proposed to ask for a vote of Parliament to enable rural deliveries to be established. Long and troublesome negotiation has been necessary with the company controlling the special boxes referred to in the Secretary's report; but, the difficulty having been practically overcome, it is hoped that a boxes will be in the Dominion by the end of August. Collection of Letters from Posting-boxes. The necessary boxes to provide largely increased facilities to the public are being manufactured, and will be installed as soon as special locks, ordered from London, are to hand.

Year. Revenue. Expenditure. Balance of Revenue over Expenditure. .881-82 & s. d. 234,529 8 0 I S, s. 233,291 10 a. ■i £ r. a. 1,237 17 8 £ r. rt. 1,237 17 8 .891-92 320,058 1 3 268,343 1 1 51,715 0 51,715 0 2 'J .900-1901 .901-190:2 902-1903 .903-1004 .904-1905 905-1906 906-1907 .907-1908 908-1909 .909-1910 503,835 19 o£ 488,573 1 11* 525,098 17 3£ 580,771 4 5£ (333,305 12 1\ 684,878 11 2" 746,249 16 O^ s±2,639 8 9| 913,994 17 2£ 961,500 10 2* 418,271 16 11 465,756 9 5 487,814 10 0 526,746 14. 5 559,921 1 5 578,726 LI 7 619,121 0 9 709,024 L6 2 807,652 9 10 858,059 15 .1 85,564 2 22,816 12 37,284 7 54,024 10 73,384 11 106,151 19 127,128 lo 113,614 12 106,342 7 103,440 15 6* 6A 3i oi 2| 7 3i 7* U H Total for ten years £829,752 13 £829,752 13 7* 7*



Registered Letters. The new registered-letter system commenced in June. There is little doubt that it will prove a success. Dead Letters. The proposed improvement in the dead-letter system was carried into effect, and has resulted in a saving of staffjwithout impairing efficiency. Undeliverable Letters. The new system is working well, and is believed to be appreciated by the public. Organization, of City Deliveries. Letter-earner's deliveries throughout the Dominion are being extended and accelerated according to local requirements. It is hoped that before long it will be possible to introduce hourly deliveries in the principal cities. Sorting-cases. All new sorting-cases are being made on the upright pigeon-hole pattern, and are regarded as a considerable improvement on the old pattern. Less floor-space is required, and quicker sorting results, while the cost of the cases is less than that of the open-table pattern. Fneing-up Tables. Negotiations are now going on with the manufacturers of these tables. Abolishing Use of Envelope for Telegram. This important matter has been pushed forward, but delays have occurred owing to the necessary paper having to be specially manufactured in England. The new forms have been successfully introduced in Dunedin and Auckland, and their use will be commenced throughout the rest of the Dominion very shortly. Since the forms recommended were printed, a local inventor has submitted a form which is considered to be a still further improvement. Machinery is now being made which will enable the latter to be printed, perforated, and gummed automatically. One advantage of the local form is that it is capable of being folded by machinery. Machines are being built which will fold and close tinform. From experience in Dunedin. it would appear that the self-addressed form is appreciated by ihe public, who are fully alive to the fact that its use insures greater secrecy and quicker despatch. It is estimated that from three to five minutes is saved in the despatch of every telegram owing to the simplicity of handling. The saving in staff when the new form is used throughout the Dominion will be fully up to expectations. Office Copies of Telegrams. The abolition of office copies of telegrams intended to be concurrent with the use of the self-addressed form, but at the request of the Controller and Auditor-General the matter has been delayed until he has had an opportunity of going personally into the details of the present and of the proposed method of telegraphic accounting. Delivery of Telegrams. It has not yet been possible to devise a suitable basis on which to pay telegraph message-boys by results, owing to the great diversity of the conditions in the principal centres. The intention is to give t he scheme a trial in Auckland concurrently with the issue of the self-addressed telegram-form at that office. Other matters referred to in the Secretary's report are already receiving or are noted for attention. Staff. Comparativi Return of Officers of the Post and Telegraph Department for the Years ended 31si March. 1909, and Mst March, 1910. ' The total number of officers on the staff on the 31st March, 1909 and 1910, was as under :— 31st March, 31st March, 1909. 1910. Postmaster-General ... ... ... 1 1 Classified staff, — First Division ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 Clerical Division ... ... ... ... ...2,441 2,427 Non-clerical Division ... ... ... ... 9521 . „►, Telegraph message-boys ... ... ... ... 7021 Total, classified staff ... ... ...4,099 4,185 Permanent Non-classified staff, — Clerical ... ... ... ... ... 26 Non-clerical ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Employees not on permanent staff, — Country Postmasters and Postmistresses ... ... 2,064 2,157 Nightwatchmen ... ... ... ... ... 3 2 Mail-cart drivers ... .. ... ... ... 2 2 Postmasters and telegraphists or telephonists who are Eailway officers ... ... ... ... 190 166 Total ... ... ... ... ... 6,358 6,594



Health of Staff. The following table gives the average absence of officers on sick-leave : — Numbers Average Absence comprised. per Sick Officer. em lo ed Days. Days. Men ... ... ... 4,001 9-48 192 Women ... ... ... 562 13 71 6-15 Nine officers died during the year. Classification. By Orders in Council of the 20th September, 1909, and the 24th March, 1910, applicable to the whole of the Civil Service, the annual leave granted to officers of this Department was reduced to three weeks for officers with more than fifteen years' service, and two weeks for all others. Previously permanent officers with above fifteen years' service received four weeks' leave ; those with above ten years, three weeks ; and all others, two weeks, except telegraph message-boys, who received one week. Examinations under Classification Regulations 50 and 51 have been instituted for senior and junior counter-clerks, junior exchange clerks, despatch clerks, and telephone-exchange clerks. Departmental Classes. During the year the departmental classes to enable officers of the Department to qualify for test and promotion examinations have been materially enlarged. Last year the. classes were conducted in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, This year a scheme of teaching by correspondence has been instituted, enabling every officer of the Department to enjoy the advantages of the instruction ; and the classes will be both technical and general in character. They will include instruc tion in the subjects of the Civil Service Senior and Junior Examinations, and of the Sixth Standard Examination, and in the subjects of the Cadets' Technical and of the Telegraph Second Examinations. Board op Appeal. The departmental Board of Appeal sat from the 21st to the 29th April. 1909. The main feature of the appeals was the protest by several appellants against the numerical position of an officer in the Sixth Class. Twenty-six appeals were considered, eight pj which were appeals against a decision of the previous Board. In fifteen cases the appeals were sustained, in eight instances no recommendation was made, and in the remaining three the appeals were dismissed. In thirteen cases the recommendations of the Hoard were carried oul : in the remaining two the recommendations will be given effect to as soon as the opportunity occurs. The Minister's right of veto was not exercised in any case. Parcel-post System. A new system of dealing with parcels commenced on the Ist March, 1910. The sender, on presenting a parcel, receives a card, on half of which must be written the name and address of the addressee. The other half of the card bears the sender's name and address, also written by the sender. The parcel is numbered with an adhesive stamp, and a similar number affixed to the counterfoil of the card, which is then posted to the Postmaster of the delivery-office, thus notifying him that a parcel bearing the corresponding number is being forwarded to his office for delivery. By this system all book and list entries are dispensed with. A special device invented by an employee of the Department for fastening parcel-post hampers has been brought into use. By this device labour and material are both saved. Post Office. On the Ist September last a system was inaugurated whereby the inspection of a number of the small non-permanent post-offices was undertaken by the permanent Postmasters, who were instructed to inspect selected non-permanent offices in their vicinity. This was found necessary owing to the increase which has taken place in the number of small post-offices during recent years, the work of inspection having outgrown the existing staff of inspectors. The system has been found to work both satisfactorily and economically, the average cost of the inspection of these small offices by Postmasters being very moderate. During the year the Assistant Inspectors of Post-offices inspected 2,142 offices, and relieved Chief Postmasters in several districts. Eighty-one post-offices were established (of these, 2 were reopened offices) and 20 closed. The number of post-offices open at the end of the year was 2,194. The names of 27 offices were changed to meet altered circumstances, or to agree more nearly with local designations. The number of articles delivered in the Dominion, including those received from places outside, during the year 1909, as compared with the number in 1908, was as under : — 1909. 1908. Increase. Letters and letter-cards .. .. 93,650,908 89,089,871 1.561.037 Post-cards .. .. .. 8,049,808 7,643,831 405,977 Other articles .. .. .. 48,195,407 47,420,009 775,398 Totals .. .. 149,896,123 144,153,711 5,742,412 Parcels.. .. .. 1,122,029 930,267 191,762



The letters and letter-cards increased 5-12, post-cards 5-31, other articles 1-64, arid parcels 20-61 per cent. In 1908 letters and letter-cards increased 11-06, post-cards 18-37, other articles 11-82, and parcels 19-80 percent. The average number of letters and letter-cards posted per head of population was estimated to be 95-98. The average in 1908 was 91-37. The correspondence of 96 persons or firms has been prohibited transmission under section 28 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1908. Money-orders may not be issued in favour of such persons or firms. Twenty-three newspapers were registered for transmission by post, and 27 were removed from the register. The declared value of parcels received from places outside the Dominion in 1909 was £279,684, as against £323.481 in 1008. The Customs duty collected amounted to £52,540 13s. Bd. The declared value of parcels despatched to places beyond 'he Dominion was £33,071, as against £37,109 in 1908. Pour new letter-carriers' deliveries were established. Deliveries were extended in 13 and increased in frequency in 7 places. Eighty-eight receiving-boxes were established, and 3 closed. On Saturdays, from the beginning of October to the end of March yearly, the hours of duty at the Head Office. General Post Office, Wellington, were made from 8 a.m. noon, instead of 9 a.m. 1 p.m. The new arrangement commenced on the 30th October. 1909. Holler obliterating-stamps, without date, have been adopted for cancelling the postage on newspapers. Postage stamps. The three-halfpenny stamp was withdrawn from circulation from the 31st October, 1909, those remaining unsold being destroyed. A new issue of stamps was brought into use on the 8t li November, 1909. the denominations being \d.. Id.. 2d., 3d.. Id., 5d.. 6d., Bd., and Is. Each value excepting Id. bears an impression of the late King's head, and the penny stamp is of the same general design as heretofore, except that "001111111011 of New Zealand " is substituted for " New Zealand." and the value appears in arabic numerals in addition to the value in words. The halfpenny and penny stamps are printed by the surface process. The stamps at 2d., 3d., 4d.. 5d., 6d., Bd., and Is., which are engraved for the rece s process of printing, exhibit very fine workmanship. All the plates were prepared in London, the printing being done in New Zealand. New stamp booklets containing eighteen stamps al Id. and eleven at Jd. have been printed, and will be on sale at 2s. each as soon as the old issue is exhausted. Ocean Mail-services. Suez Service. The greater portion of the mails to and from the United Kingdom and Europe has been despatched and received by way of Suez. The special connecting service, Wellington to Sydney, has been running with great regularity throughout the year, otic connection only being missed, the vessel from Wellington on the 11th June. 1909. being delayed by bad weather. The inward connection is. however, not satisfactory. Until the 11th March, 1910, the inward mails from London conveyed by the P. and 0. steamers were timed to reach Sydney on alternate Mondays, while the mails conveyed by the Oricni steamers were not due until the Wednesday. From the date named, the Orient as well as the P. and 0. mails are timed to reach Sydney on Monday. The steamer for New Zealand continues to leave Sydney on Wednesday. Repeated efforts have been made, to induce the Union Steam Ship Company to alter the day of departure to Monday; but, although the company has expressed its willingness to make the alteration if practicable, ail ion has been delayed as the company has not been able to see its way to make the extensive changes ill the intercolonial running which the proposal would involve. Unfortunately, the wreck of the " Waikare " has. it is understood, intensified the difficulties, which were in a fair.way of being removed. Negotiations are still proceeding. Payments on Account oi the Peninsula) and Oriental, and Orient. Mail-service during the Year 1909 10. t £ Payment to Peninsular and Oriental and Orient lines .. .. .. 10,784 Transit charges across Australia and Europe .. .. .. .. 6,419 Mail-service to Australia .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 Proportion chargeable to mails for Commonwealth .. .. 1.000 11,000 28.20:1 The maximum, minimum, and average number of days within which the mails were delivered at and from London, and Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, by the Peninsular and Oriental and Orient lines was :— P. and 11. Line. I iriinl Line. Max. .\lin. Average. Max. Mm. Average. London to Auckland .. .. 38 36 37-23 42 37 38-56 Auckland to London .. .. 38 36 36-62 40 38 38-80 London to Wellington .. .. 39 35 38-19 40 38 38-78 Wellington to London .. .. 37 35 35-50 38 37 37-68 London to Christchurch .. .. 40 39 3904 41 38 3915 Christchurch to London .. .. 38 36 36-50 39 38 38-68 London to Dunedin .. .. 39 38 3812 41 38 38-44 Dunedin to London .. .. 38 36 36-50 39 38 38-71



Mails for South Africa despatched from New Zealand on the 11th, 14th, and 18th March. 1910. were lost in the wreck of the s.s. "Pericles" off Cape. Leeuwin on the 31si March, 1910. No mails from New Zealand for the United Kingdom were on board. Vancouver Service. The present position of this Dominion in regard to the Vancouver service is most unsatisfactory. Before the contract expired last year strong efforts were made to induce the Canadian and Common wealth Governments to allow the steamers to call at Auckland, a subsidy of £20,000 a year being offered. The Government of Canada and the contractors for the service were quite willing to fall in with the wishes of New Zealand, and this Government had every reason to suppose that its proposal would be accepted. The Commonwealth Government, however, decided merely to renew the contract for a year on the existing basis. The year's extension expires in July. 1910 : and negotiations have been going on for some months with a view of securing the desired altera! ton of route of the mail-steamers to include Auckland, the same subsidy being offered by New Zealand as 'ast year. Canada and the contractors have again expressed their willingness to make the call at Auckland : but the Commonwealth Government has declined to alter the running of the mail-steamers. Tenders have just been called for by Canada for a new service commencing in August. 1911, Auckland being included in two of the alternative routes advertised. San Francisco Service. The Wellington Papeete contract, which expired in January, 1910, was extended to Maw 1910. A larger steamer, the " Mokoia." was employed in the service from the 16th March of this year. In April arrangements were made to further extend the service until the meeting of Parliament : and in May the July sailing was provided for. Unfortunately it has not jbeen possible to arrange a'more frequent service than one of ten voyages a year. To be of the best value the service should be at least four-weekly. The Union Company, which performs the Wellington Papeete section of the through service, would, it is understood, be willing to arrange a four-weekly running, but the'coiitractors with the United States for the San Francisco Papeete section have not; been able to make the desired acceleration, which would involve the provision of a second steamer. Notwithstanding this disadvantage, the service has been a very useful one, as it has enabled a connection to be maintained between New Zealand and the United States. The through time, Wellington to London, has been satisfactory, averaging 35-20 days. The time London to Wellington is longer, owing to the mails having to wait at Papeete until the Wellington steamer arrives. The timetable of the latter is fixed so that the connection from New Zealand will be a close one. Inland Mails. The number of inland mail-services in operation on the 31st December. 1909, was 1,364. In order to expedite the delivery of mails, and to bridge the gap in the travelling-post-office system, which extends from Auckland to [nvercargill, with the exception of the Wellington Christchurch section. arrangements were made in September. 1909. for the interchange of mail officers between these two latter offices. Mails arriving from North at Wellington are sorted there by the Christchurch officers ready for delivery in Christchurch soon after they arrive, Wellington mails from the South being similarly sorted at Christchurch. By this means addressees receive their letters appreciably earlier than formerly. A motor lorry was brought into use at Wellington on the 11th September. 1909, for carrying mails between the office, steamers, and trains. It has worked very satisfactorily, and has caused a considerable saving in the time occupied in travelling between the General Post Office, wharves, and railwaystations. The sum paid to the Raihvav Department for the conveyance of mails Miv ordinary trains was £60,728. Eighty parcels, 17 registered letters, and a quantity of other mail-matter was lost in s.s. " Duco," supposed to have foundered in September, 1909. on the way from Wellington to Chatham Islands. The travelling post-offices on the Christchurch-Culverden and on the Wellington Woodville sections were discontinued from the Ist October and the 6th December, 1909, respectively. As the result of an amendment of the Workers' Compensation Act. 1908, the liability of the Depart ment in respect of mail contractors was (practically removed, and consequently t be " globo " insurance of contractors' employees was discontinued from the Ist January, 1910. Floods and stormy weather in March and April. 1910. interfered with the mail and telegraph services throughout the Dominion. Dead and Missing Letters. The undermentioned articles of value were found in letters opened in the Dead Letter Office, and returned to senders where practicable : 652 post-office orders, £1.497 12s. sd. : 51 bank drafts. L3.(>78 os. 7d. ; 495 cheques, £3,374 6s. 6d. ; 18 dividend-warrants. £141 9s. 2d. : 6 promissory notes, £169 6s. 3d. ; postal notes, £524 7s. ; British postal orders, £71 10s. (id. : stamps. £42 2s. Id. : bank-notes. £384 ; gold, £54 12s. 6d. ; silver and copper, £12 12s. 6d. : representing a total of £9,949 19s. 9d. Amongst other things, there were dealt with 8 gold. 19 silver, and 21 metal watches. 43 gold rings, 41 gold and other brooches. 21 greenstone and other pendants, 3 gold lockets. 2 silver lockets. 3 gold and 8 greenstone hearts, 10 gold tie-pins, 5 gold and 9 silver watch-chains, (i silver sovereign-cases, 1 gold bangle, 1 gold medal, 3 gold-mounted tusks, 1 gold neck-chain, 1 silver tankard. 1 silver cigarettecase, 1 silver tobacco-pouch, 3 gold-mounted silk watch-guards. 2 silver butter-knives, 1 electro-plated

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butter-knife, 2 silver salt-spoons. 1 pair of binoculars, 2 pairs of gold-rimmed spectacles. 1 greenstone penholder, 2 pairs of gold and 1 pair of greenstone sleeve-links. 1 miner's right. 1 fire-brigade longservice medal, 25 lottery-tickets, 10 pawn-tickets, 2 share-certificates, 4 books, 100 packets and 7 sheets of used postage-stamps, and I third-class-passage order. Loudon to Wellington. The proportion of dead or unclaimed letters, letter-cards, and post-cards to the total number delivered within the Dominion was 012 per cent. 171,730 letters were opened and returned to the writers through the I lead Letter Office ; 47,665 were returned unopened to other countries ; 737 were reissued; 19,238 were destroyed; 186,396 were returned by Chief Post ma tera : a total of 428,766 letters, as compared with 410,471 in 1908. 40.621 other articles were returned to foreign countries ; 14,897 were returned to senders through the Dead Letter Office ; 180,170 were returned by Chief Postmasters : a total of 235,688 other articles, as compared with 269,621 in 1908. 2,462 letters were wrongly addressed ; 13 letters were discovered to have been posted with previously used stamps : 5,742 unclaimed registered letters were dealt with. 5.195 newspapers and 3.363 books and other articles without addresses were received, many of which were subsequently applied for and delivered. 21,585 newspapers were returned to the publishers. 1.790 letters and letter-cards were posted without addresses. 63 letters with libellous addresses were intercepted. 3.160 inquiries for postal packets alleged to have been posted and not delivered were made during 1909. In 1.863 of the, inquiries—over one-half the total number—the investigations by the Depart iiient resulted in the missing articles being traced or accounted for. These may be summarised as follows :— Number of »—_u „, , „ Kesult. 1 raced Cues. 382 .. .. .. .. .. Sender responsible for delay. 382 .. .. .. .. .. Addressee responsibility for delay. 275 .. .. .. .. .. Post Office responsible for delay. 824 .. .. .. .. .. No delay, or responsibility not fixed. 1,863 Amongst these inquiries the. two following may be deemed worthy of brief notice : — A letter, posted in Wellington, containing a cheque for a large sum failed to reach the addressee. who also lived in Wellington, until some months alter the date of posting, the cause of the delay being due to the fact that the letter had been misaddressed to London. A registered letter, posted at Chadron, Nebraska, containing one, 10-dollar gold piece and one 5-dollar gold piece, addressed to Masterton, was received at its destination without the coins which were subsequently found loose in the mail-bag, having escaped from the envelope. Undeliverable Letters. From the Ist January, 1910, all undeliverable inland letteis addressed to the four principal centres, except those for delivery at the post-office itself, are immediately returned to the senders. The system has worked well, and appears to give public satisfaction. Obviously it is better for the sender of a faultily addressed letter to have it returned at once rather than to have it held in the post-office whilst attempts are being made, often without result, to effect delivery. A special stamp, " Return to sender." was brought into use in January, 1910. for stamping unclaimed special-request correspondence having the names and addresses of the senders thereon, thus obviating the necessity of enclosing such letters in a fresh envelope. This plan has proved in every way successful, and has resulted in a substantial saving of labour and expense. Offences, On a charge of forging the signature to a. money-order for £5 on the 19th July, 1909. a man was sentenced in Christchurch to six months' imprisonment. On a charge of stealing a letter, containing a cheque. ,n Hamilton, on the 2nd September, 1909. a man was sentenced to imprisonment. A letter containing a pictorial post-card with a match attached ignited in the post on the 20th September, 1909, The sender was severely cautioned. It is a punishable offence to send inflammable articles through the post. On a charge of forging a telegram a man was. on the 28th September. 1909, sentenced at Hamilton to six months' imprisonment. On the 11th October. 1909. a youth was fined at Napier for sending an indecent post-card through the post. On a charge of attempted forgery of a. savings-bank withdrawal notice, a man was sentenced in November. 1909. at Hamilton, to three years imprisonment. Two persons who posted packages, in November, 1909, and December. 1909, respectively, containing in one case matches, and in the other i arfridges. were severely cautioned. The post-office. Douglas, was broken into on the 2nd December, 1909. and several letters stolen. For sending through the post letters bearing words of an improper character a man was fined at Wellington, on the 7th December. 1909. £5 and costs on each, of three charges, in default one month's imprisonment.



A letter containing a cheque was misappropriated by a railway employee at Paekakariki on the 14th December. 1909, The offender was dismissed. ►•S| The Papatoetoe Post-office was broken into on the 28th December, 1909, and 2s. stolen. A deposit of £100 by forged cheque was made at Oamaru in January. 1910. and £90 withdrawn before the forgery was discovered. The deficiency was made good to the Department, and the offender sentenced to three months' imprisonment. On a charge of obtaining payment of a savings-bank withdrawal by false pretences on the 15th February, 1910. a Native at Tuparoa was fined. On a charge of fraud by ante-timing telegrams for betting purposes, a despatch clerk at Napier was admitted to three years' probation on the 26th February, 1910. Buildings. The following new post-offices were formally opened bvthe Postmaster-General: Foxton (7/8/09), Ohakune (9/8/09), To Am (11/8/09), Richmond (16/8/09), Huntly (17 9 09), Pukekohe (18/9/09), Wyndham (6/5/10). The following offices were transferred to departmental new buildings : Maungaturoto (5/8/09), Otorohanga (6/10/09), Mount Eden (21/10/09). Rangataua (11/11/09), St. Bathan's (24/11/09). Epsom (24/11/09), Ngaruawahia (4/12/09), Nuhaka (12/12/09), Wyndham (7/4/10). A contract has been let for the restoration of the building at Bull's damaged by fire. Sites have been purchased at Balclutha, Castlecliff (cable hut), Ellerslie. Hikurangi, Karori, Lincoln, Owaka, Takapau, and Upper Riccarton. During the year buildings were erected at Epsom, Hastings, Maungaturoto, Mount Eden. Ngaruawahia, Nuhaka, Ongaonga, Otira Tunnel, Rangataua, St. Bathan's. Waipiro Bay (quarters). Wakefield. Weraroa. Whangarei. Whitianga (quarters), and Wyndham. Genera] repairs, additions. &c, were carried out during the year at the following offices : Alfredton, Ashhurst, Bluff, Carterton, Christchurch, Dunedin, Feilding, Grey Lynn, Hanmer Springs, Hikurangi. Hokitika. Kilbirnie. Mangaweka, Marton, Paeroa, Palmerston North, Pembroke, Petone, Pictou. Pirongia, Queenstown. Stratford, Te Puke, The Port, Timaru, Taratahi, Wakapuaka, Wanganui, Waverloy, Wellington (old drillshed), and Whakapara. Plans have been prepared for buildings at Green Island, Kaitangata. Rakaia, St. Kilda, and West port. Properties were purchased at Kawhia and Okato. A public clock was erected in the post-office building at Geraldine, and a contract has been entered into for a clock with chimes for the Hastings Post-office. The post-office at Strand Arcade (Auckland) was destroyed by lire on the 16th August, 1909. Temporary premises were secured in Wellesley Street, Auckland. A contract was let to Messrs. J. and A. Wilson (Limited), Wellington, for the General Posl Office building at Wellington, the price being £96,i'23. The erection of the building is proceeding satisfactorily. The foundations were laid by the Public Works Department. The contractors for the new Chief Post-office at Auckland have completed the foundations, and steady progress is being made with the work. The following post-offices, not in departmental buildings, were destroyed by fire: Ashley Bank, Hamilton East, Te Houhi. Money-orders. During the year there were 34 money-order offices opened and 7 closed, the number remaining open at the end of the year being 637. 538,740 money-orders were issued, for £2.307.592 18s. Id., as compared with 488,084, for £2.050.681 6s. Iod., for the previous year —an increase of 50,656 in number and £256.908 1 Is. 3d. in amount. 418,764 money-orders, amounting to £1,984,978 Os. lid., were paid, as against 371.121. for £1,747,670 19s. Id., during 1908—an increase of 47,340 orders and £237,307 Is. lOd. in amount, 155,457 orders, for £466,562 10s. 6d., were drawn for payment in places beyond New Zealand. 35,375 orders, for £143,699 10s. 4d., were issued at offices abroad for payment in New Zealand. The commission received for money-orders amounted to £13.782 145.. as against £12,555 10s. 3d. for 1908, an increase of £1,227 3s. 9d. An arrangement has been made with the Postal authorities in the United Kingdom and the Australian Commonwealth whereby the advices of money-orders for payment in those countries, after being listed in this Dominion, are posted direct to the paving offices, thereby enabling payment to be, effected promptly on arrival of the mail by which the orders may be transmitted. Postal Notes. Forty-eight offices were opened and ten closed, leaving 792 postal-note offices at the end of the year. 1,414,752 notes, representing a value of £454,138 4s. Bd., were sold, as against 1,222,280 notes, for £389,143, sold during the previous year an increase of 15"75 per cent, in number and 16-7 per cent, in value. The postal notes paid numbered 1,404,946, of the value of £445.376 19s. 6d. as compared with 1.214,548, of the value of £386,944 Bs. 6d.. paid during 1908-9. The postal-note commission amounted to £6.519 10s. Bd.. as against £5.670 18s. 2d. —an increase of £848 12s. 6d., or 14-96 per cent.

ii—F. 1.



Postal notes are now on sale and may be cashed between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Auckland. Christchurch. Dunedin, and Wellington offices. The colour of the ten-shilling postal note was changed to a maroon shade from the Ist August, 1909. British Postal Orders. 54,360 orders, representing a value of £29,676 lis. 10d., have been sold, and 18,326, for £12,411 16s. paid. An extended table of the transactions is printed in Table No. 5. There was an increase of 21-13 per cent, in the number of postal orders sold during the year, and 23-82 per cent, in the number paid. The increasing use made of this method of remitting small sums to the various parts of the British Empire has more than justified its introduction. Savinos-Bank. During the year 36 offices were opened and 10 closed, leaving 619 offices open at the end of 1909. 77,400 accounts were opened and 59,763 closed, the net gain on the year's working being 17.637 accounts. The number of accounts on the 31st December, 1909, was 359,714, and the proportion per head of population was 1 in 2-87, as compared with 1 in 2-95 at the end of the previous year. The deposits numbered 724,501, representing £9,611,119 lis. 3d., an average of £13 ss. 4d. per transaction. The withdrawals numbered 520,971 for £9,499,319 16s. 4d., an average of £18 4s. Bd. for each withdrawal. The net amount added by depositors to their savings during the year was therefore £111,799 14s. lid. excess of deposits, plus £395.804 4s. sd. interest earned and credited, making a total of £507,603 19s. 4d. The total amount at credit of depositors increased from £12,159,293 18s. id. at the close of the previous year to £12,666,897 17s. sd. on the 31st December last, representing a sum equal to £12 ss. 10d. per head of the entire population, and £35 4s. 3d. to each depositor. The interest credited to depositors since the Post-Office Savings-banks were established in 1867 now amounts to £4,576,457 17s. 9d. The cost of working the savings-banks amounted to 5-20 d. per transaction, or £27,000 for the year. The cost of management per cent, on the total amount at credit of depositors was 0-21 per cent.. or 4s. 3d. per £100. The card-ledger system is now in operation at every chief office with the exception of Auckland and Thames, where it will be installed in the near future. The home savings-bank safes referred to in the previous report have been readily taken up at the Wellington and Suburban offices, and Dunedin and some of the local sub-offices. The issue of them will be extended to other chef centres shortly. From the Ist October, 1909, Chief Postmasters were authorised to supply direct to District Managers and Agents of the Public Trust Office information respecting accounts of Savings-Bank depositors whose estates are being administered by the Public Trustee. Work performed for other Departments. Among the many branches of Government work performed by the Department may be mentioned the following : — Customs duties were collected on parcels and other articles coming through the post from places beyond the Dominion amounting to £56,091 15s. 2d., and on account of ordinary Customs work £908 18s. 6d. Advances to Settlers receipts amounted to £1,139,660 65., and payments to £1,144,438 16s. sd. Fishing licenses were issued by Postmasters to the value of £1,251 6s. 6d., and game licenses to the value of £3,189 2s. For the Government Insurance Department premiums were collected from the public amounting to £28,352 3s. 6d. The sum of £28,617 10s. lid. was paid to Imperial pensioners by Postmasters. Income-tax amounting to £201,861 3s. Bd., and land-tax, £463,195 Is. 6d.. were collected by Postmasters. The sum of £8,872 155., fees due to the Machinery Department, was received. Under the Mining Act the receipts were £325 ss. New Zealand Consols for £80 were sold on behalf of the Treasury. On behalf of the Public Trustee £698,075 16s. lid. was received and £699,300 ire. paid. Railway revenue amounting to £2,885 19s. Bd. was collected by Postmasters. Fees received for the registration of births, deaths, and marriages amounted to £2,359 Bs. Receipts from the Hanmer Springs Sanatorium amounted to £1,573 17s. 9d. Valuation fees paid to Postmasters reached £4,346 12s. 6d. Claims on the General Government for £1,050,631 os. lod. were paid on behalf of the Treasury. Discount-stamps numbering 2.087,760, for £2,187 55.. were sold, and 2,057,712, for £2,143 95., redeemed, during the year. The amount invested by the general public in Government 4-per-ccnt. debentures through tinmedium of the Post Office was £15.700.

F. 1

Gross Receipts and Payments. The gross amount received by the Department during 1909 was £27,739,021 3s. 3d., of which £24,753,861 16s. sd. was departmental and £2,985,159 6s. lOd. on account of other Departments. The gross amount paid out was £27,735,413 18s. BAd., made up of £24,711,063 2s. B£d. departmental, and, on behalf of other Departments, to individuals £2,230,153 7s. 2d., and to accounts £794,197 Bs. lOd. The total gross receipts and payments were therefore £55,474,435 Is. ll|d. • Telegraphs. The total value of the telegraph and telephone business for the year ended the 31st March, 1910, including miscellaneous telegraph receipts and Government telegrams, was £399,361 25., as compared with £374,174 7s. lOd. for the previous year—an increase of £25,186 lis. 2d., or 6-73 per cent. The following is a comparison of the traffic in paid telegrams during the last five years : — Number. Revenue. £ 1905-6 ... 5,351,084 Increase, 919 percent. ... 180,474 Increase, 769 per cent. 1906-7 ... 6,160,080 „ 1512 „ ... 202,301 „ 1209 1907-8 ... 6,958,279 „ 12-96 „ ... 222,926 „ 10-2 1908-9 ... 7,338,017 „ 546 „ ... 233,517 „ 4-75 1909-10 ... 7,757,128 , 571 „ ... 244,906 „ 4-88 The number of telegrams forwarded and the revenue derived therefrom during the four quarters of the financial years 1908-9 and 1909-10 respectively are as follows :—

The telegraph receipts for the financial year, including telephone-exchange subscriptions, privatewire rents, &c, amounted to £394,510 4s. 10d., compared with £369,352 17s. in f9OB-9—an increase of £25,157 7s. 10d., or 6-81 per cent. The expenditure was £411,296 17s. 2d., as against £394,649 19s. 6d. for the previous year —an increase of £16,646 17s. Bd., or 4-22 per cent. There were 10,901 miles of line and 34,788 miles of wire at the close of the year- an increase of 497 and 2,134 miles respectively. The net expenditure out of Public Works Fund for telegraph-extension was £123,421 17s. Id., as compared with £163,032 14s. 2d. in 1908-9. The number of private wires and subsidised lines was 516, compared with 430 in 1908-9. The amount received for rent and maintenance, &c, of such lines was £2,602 4s. Id., as against £2,110 in 1908-9. The total number of telegraph and telephone offices open at the close of the year was 1,871. Of these, 291 were telegraph-offices and 1,580 were telephone-offices. The number of telegrams of all codes forwarded during the last financial year was 7,846,890 — an increase of 421,197, or 5-67 per cent, over 1908-9. 4 The proportion of paid telegrams per head of population was 7-53, and 7-36 the previous year. The number of ordinary telegrams forwarded was 5,303,000, of the value of £165,438 12s. 4£d., compared with 5,237,207 of the value of £165,596 3s. B|d. in 1908-9, an increase of 65,793 in number, and a decrease of £157 11s. 4d. in amount. The urgent telegrams numbered 277,317, to the value of £16,979 2s. 3d.—an increase of 34,329 in number, and £2,273 Us. in amount. The average value of each ordinary telegram was 7-49 d.. ami of each urgent telegram Is. 269d- - -418,912 Press telegrams, of the value of £19.734 Bs. <>.',d.. were forwarded in 1909-10, as compared witli 434,729, valued at £21,102 9s. 7|d., forwarded in li)<)8 <i n decrease in number of 15,787, or 3-63 per cent., and a decrease of £1,368 Is. Id., or 6-48 per cent., in value. The value of each Press telegram averaged 1T30d., as againsi 11-65(1. in 1908 '.1 The bureau messages numbered 1,757,869, of the value of £42,753 6s. lid., as compared with 1,423,093, of the value, of £32,112 ss. 9d., in 1908 '•> an increase of 334,776 in number and £10,641 Is. 2d. in amount.


Number of Telegrams forwarded. Revenue. Quarter. Year ended Year enced T , r , , „, , , 31st March SistMarrli increa8e Year ended Year emled 1909 1910. ■ P etCent - 8l8t March, 1909. 31st March, 1910. •SS. I June quarter September quarter December quarter March quarter ... 1,736,159 1,849,664 1,702,311 1,783,950 1,940,911 2,028,706 1,958,636 '2,094,808 £ a. d; £ s. 6-54 55,211 2 lid 58,185 17 4-80 54,129 13 5 56,747 19 4-52 61,533 3 7+ ; 63,903 3 6-96 62,642 10 i\ 66,068 9 d. 6 9 5-39 4-84 385 5-47 7,338,017 7,757,128 5-71 233,516 10 4 244,905 10 1 4-88



The average value of each bureau message was 5-84 d., as against 5-42 d. in 1908-9. The following figures show the growth of the traffic in bureau messages as compared with ordinary telegrams:— Average Value. Year Year 1909-10. 1908-9. The total number of ordinary ' 65,793, or I and receipts de- I £157 lis. 4d., i _. 01 - 7 k Q i telegrams increased by C "1-26% I creased by 1 or 0-10% I. 7 . d ' The total number of bureau com- i 334,776, or | and receipts in- j £10,641 Is. 2d., t _ , ejoi munieations increased by | 23-52% I creased by I or 33-14% I °' 84d ' . s ' 42d> The number of Government telegrams forwarded was 89.762, valued at £4,850 17s. 2d., as compared with 87,676, valued at £4,821 10s. lOd.—an increase of 2,086 in number and £29 6s. Id. in amount. The number of paid forwarded telegrams to every hundred letters posted in New Zealand was 8-32. Nkw Zealand Cable Services. At Orewa River three pieces of three-core cable, aggregating I 10 yards, wen- laid to replace two short pieces which had to be abandoned owing to alterations to the bridge. At Ohiwa a length of 10 chains had to be spliced in the cable owing to sea-encroachment. On two occasions the D'Urville Island -Stephen Island cable has broken on the shore at the Stephen Island end. Repairs were promptly effected by the Nelson staff. Two of the Cook Strait cables, Nos. 1 and 3. Oteraugi Bay, developed faults in August, 1909. Repairs were effected after some delay caused by heavy sea. Ocean Cable Services. The ordinary international telegrams for the year increased 9-4 per cent., and the intercolonial decreased by 8-19 per cent. New Zealand's proportion of the deficit of £60,887 9s. lOd. on the seventh year's working of the Pacific cable, 1908 9. amounted to £6,765 ss. 6d. The receipts and working-expenses of the Pacific cable for the year ended the -> Ist .March. 1910, are estimated as follows :— £ £ Traffic revenue ... ... 113,000 Annuity and renewals ... 109,315 Estimated deficit ... ... 59,683 Working-expenses ... 63,368 £172,683 £172,683 New Zealand's proportion of the loss is stated at £6.631. Of the ordinary paid business, the Pacific obtained in 1907. 88 per cent. ;in 1908. 85 per cent. : and in 1909, 83 per cent.; the Eastern Company's share being 12, 15, and 17 per cent, during the same years. The following figures show the total number of forwarded ordinary telegrams for each of the past three years :— Pacific. E.E.A. & C. Y<ar. Messages. Year. Messages. 1907 ... 102,490 1907 ... 13,610 1908 ... 101,724 1908 ... 18,873 1909 ... 96,048 1909 ... 19,812 The average best times in which messages are handled on the Pacific route are : — H. m. From London ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 26 „ America ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 16 „ Sydney ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 5 Melbourne ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 18 During the year New Zealand has given the Pacific route 83-77 per cent, of the ordinary business to Australia. 1,050 Press telegrams were sent via Pacific and 1,220 via Eastern, compared with 1,142 and 1.262 respectively last year. Regulations were issued on the 16th September dealing with the procedure to be followed by persons wishing to submit telegraph codes for examination. Persons can thus obtain an assurance by means of a certificate that their codes meet the requirements of the International Telegraph Regulations. The Press cable rate to and from the United Kingdom was reduced from Is. to 9d. a word from the Ist August, 1909. At the same time the New Zealand terminal and transit rate for all international Press matter was reduced from Id. to £d. per word. From Ist Align i. 1909, the Department's business at Wakapuaka was transferred to the charge of the Bastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited), which now works on beha'f of the Department t he land lines communicating wit h Wellington and Nelson. A break in the Doubtless Hay Norfolk Island cable occurred on the sth March, 1910. Communication was restored on 10th idem.



Wireless Telegraphy.

A Wireless Telegraphy Conference of delegates representing Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, and the Admiralty, met ill Melbourne on the 15th December, 1909, to discuss a scheme for connecting New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific islands by wireless. Mr. J. K. Logan, 1.5.0., Superintendent of Electric Lines, represented New Zealand. The recommendations of the Conference were as follows :— (1.) Establishment of high-power stations at Sydney, Doubtless Bay, and Suva ; the Sydneystation to be capable of communicating with Doubtless Bay, and Doubtless Bay with Suva. (2.) Establishment of medium-power stations at # Tulagi (Solomon Islands), Ocean Island (Gilbert Archipelago), and Vila (New Hebrides). (3.) Rejection of proposals of Pacific Radio-telegraph Company. (4.) State control of system. (5.) Cost of Vila and Tulagi stations to be borne by Imperial and Commonwealth Governments in proportion of two-thirds and one-third respectively ; any loss on working to be borne by same Governments in same proportions ; the question of the co-operation of French Government in establishment of Vila station to be left to Imperial Government. (6.) Cost of Fiji station to be borne by Imperial Government, one-third ; Commonwealth, one-fourth ; New Zealand, one-sixth ; and Fiji, one-fourth ; any loss on annual working to be borne in same proportions ; Fiji to pay additional contribution if station used in connection with a local Fijian system. (7.) Cost of Ocean Island station, capable of communication with Fiji, to be borne by" Imperial Government, two-thirds ; Commonwealth, one-third ; the Pacific- Phosphates Company to guarantee against loss on working-expenses and sinking fund. (8.) Embodiment of wireless system for Western Pacific in an agreement between Governments interested, and for executive control and management by r High Commissioner for Western Pacific. New Zealand's liability for other than for the Doubtless Bay station would be £2,000 for the Suva station. The resolutions have been agreed to by the New Zealand Government. Tenders have been invited for the erection of five wireless-telegraph stations to meet the requirements of defence, the navy, and the mercantile marine service in the Dominion. Provision is made for high-power stations at or near Doubtless Bay and Bluff, with a range of 1,250 nautical miles, and three medium-power stations, one at or near Gisborne, one at or near Cape Farewell, and one at Sumner. These medium-power stations will command ships at sea for a distance of 500 nautical miles, and the Sumner one will reach the Chatham Islands. Doubtless Bay will command Sydney and Fiji, and communicate, with vessels of the navy and the mercantile marine. The stations above mentioned will also be able to intercommunicate with each other, either direct or by transmission. Ships approaching New Zealand from any direction equipped with wireless apparatus will therefore be able to communicate with one or other of these stations. Telephone Exchanges. Seventeen new exchanges were opened during the year, the number of subscribers increased by 2,104 and the total number of connections by 2,848. The total number of exchanges now is 153, made up of 30 central and 123 subexehaiiges. The total number of connections is 29,681, compared with 26,833 in 1909. They may be classified as follows : Paying, 22,242 ; free, 2 ; bureaux, 2,656 ; service, 312 ; extensions, 4,469. New connections numbered 3,711, and those given up 1,314. The increase in connections is equal to 10-61 per cent. On the 31st March, 1910, there were 1,270 miles of telephone-line'and*3s,233 miles of wire. Owing to increasing number of subscribers, new switchboards were installed at Te Aroha, Paeroa, l"c Kuiti, Greytown, Kimbolton, Manaia, Opunake, Pahiatua, Waipawa, Waitara, Woodville, Pictoii, and Kumara. Two sections were added to the Auckland Exchange switchboard, increasing the capacity to 3,599. The central-battery equipment which was brought into operation at Invercargill and Timaru-in June, 1909. has given entire satisfaction to subscribers, besides greatly facilitating switching operations. At Hastings, the conversion to metallic circuit and the installation of the central-battery system are well forward. The conversion of exchange subscriber's circuits from earthworking to metallic was completed at Auckland, Wellington. Wanganui, and Christchurch. Preliminary steps have been taken to establish the metallic-circuit system at the following exchanges : New Plymouth, Feilding, lluwera. l'altnerston North, Napier, Gisborne, and Masterton. In August. 1909. the work of laving conduits to provide for placing the telephone cables in Auckland ,'itv underground was commenced. 628 chains of ducts are now ready for receiving cables. (ivei- five miles of lead cable, representing 1,615 miles 74 chains of twin wire, have been drawn into the underground ducts in Wellington City. 769 miles 18 chains of this are in use,'and on completion of the splices many overhead circuits will be diverted underground and a quantity of overhead cable dismantled.



Arrangements are being made to immediately erect two copper wires between Wellington and Auckland for telegraph purposes by a new route on the Main Trunk Railway line which is much shorter than the existing routes. These wires will also be used during certain hours for telephonic purposes between the two cities. Between Auckland and Whangarei (126 miles) a telephone circuit was superimposed on two telegraph wires, with most satisfactory results. The two wires (Morse and telephone) between Nelson and Motueka have been utilised to form a trunk metallic circuit with the Morse superimposed over it. A similar circuit has been arranged between Nelson and Wakefield. Additional telephone circuits have been superimposed over existing metallic circuits between Ashhurst and Palmerston North, Masterton and Greytown, and Masterton and Eketahuna ; and Morse circuits have been superimposed over metallic circuits between New Plymouth and Waitara, Manaia and Opunake, and Wellington and Levin. Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Trunk Lines. The following are principal lines overhauled and strengthened during the year : — „ . Morrinsville-Putaruru .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 36 Henderson Helensville .. .. .. .. .. .. ..22 Waipu - Parua Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Waipu - Pollok Settlement .. .. . . .. .. 13 Paekakariki - Palmerston North . . .. .. .. .. 61 Gisborne-Opoutama .. .. .. .. .. .. ..50 Tikokino - Makaretu - Ashley Clinton .. .. .. .. ..31 llawera-Opunake .. .. .. .. .. .. ..29 Woodville-Dannevirke .. .. .. .. .. .. ..17 Omoana-Eltham .. .. .. .. .. . 26 Greymouth-Ahaura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Hokitika-Ross .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Blenheim-Kekerangu .. .. .. .. . . .. 55 Blenheim-Tophouse .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 60 Christchurch-Timaru. main Hne (Hinds-Timaru section) .. .. ..36 I'a Imerston- Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. .. ..41 Dunedin-Clinton .. .. .. .. .. .. ..73 Mataura-Clinton .. .. .. .. .. .. ..34 Gore-Edendale .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 Invorcai-gill-Bluff . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dunedin-Akatore .. . . .. .. . . .. .. 42 A section, one mile in length, of Ohiwa line had to be removed back and reconstructed on account of sea-encroachment. Arrangements have been made to overhaul the Fraiikton-Otorohanga and Frankton-Kawhia lines. Owing to frequent washing-out of poles at the Wairau Ford river-crossing, eight sets of iron pipes (four in each set) have been driven 20 ft. into the Wairau River bed as supports, and wooden poles braced thereto. The supervision of the Ross Goldfields electrical installation was undertaken by this Department under the powers conferred by the Board of Control. The work of rebuilding the line between Christchurch and Timaru was completed simultaneously with the running of the new 300 lb. copper Morse wire for Dunedin, and the two wires for the Timaru trunk circuit.

The following is a comparative statement showing the length of new lines and wires erected in Telegraph Engineers' districts during the last five years : —

li 15. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909-10. is. Wire. Poles. Wire. Poles. Wire. Poles. Wire. Poles. Wire. Poles. lUckland 'hristohurch )unedin felson Wellington M. ch. 63 30 57 20 136 50 25 15 128 71 M. ch.l 101 50J 165 40l 400 20; 152 l| 592 78: M. ch. 186 60 111 30 48 40 !l46 67 il56 35 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 494 40 139 60 ! 350 GO 170 8 90 47 266 20 392 20 !121 0 518 20 217 49 ! 245 16 : 484 77 641 40 J104 43 ! 690 74 M. ch. 228 60 62 30J 248 60 52 22 157 2J M. cli 795 0 641 50 644 60 254 58 974 52 M. cli. M. ch. 191 36 952 78 17 78 268 40 64 0 : 286 40 38 16 ! 189 72 192 55 j 490 53 Totals 411 26 !l,412 29 598 72 1,915 77 J701 6 2,311 11 749 15 3,310 60 504 25 2,188 43






Postal District. Changed from Changed to Auckland „ ... „ ... a ... Blenheim Christehurch ... Dunedin Greymouth Invercargill Napier New Plymouth... Wanganui Cambridge West Kirikiriroa ... Oira Opau RuncimanJ ... Waitakerei ... Wellesley Street (Auckland) Richmond Brook Te Awaite ... Meade Hyde Millburn Otira Otira Tunnel Malaghan's ... Bangitann ... Maryville Ngaire Sedgebrook ... Turangarere Koputarua ... Mungaroa ... Otaki Gorge Te Nui Te Rawhiti ... Little Wanganui Ferry Nine-mile ... Leamington. Hamilton East. Runciman. (19/9/09.) Kioreroa. Oira. (5/2/09.) Waitakere. Auckland S.C. Marama. Te Awaiti. Te Pirita. Hyde Railway. Milburn. Otira Railway. Otira. Wharehuanui. Te Rehunga. Pariwaro. Ngaere. Wanganui East. Turangaarere. Kyputaroa. Mangaroa. Waihoanga. Tinui. Terawhiti. Te Namu. Te Kuha. Wellington ■ it a Westport

District. Name of Service. Frequency. "I Kelllllrks. .uckland Auokland Chief Post-offioe, Railway- Aβ required .. Established. station, and wharves (renewal) Auckland (delivery of letter-carriers' ,. .. ,, extra bags and parcels delivery renewal) Hoteo Post-offioe —Railway-station.. „ .. „ Tangowahine Poet-offioe - steamer .. ,. .. „ Taumarunui Post - offloe - Railway- .. .. „ station Te Kuiti Post-office - Railway-station „ .. „ Wayby Poet-offioe- Railway-station Wellsford Post-office Railway-station .. .. „ Whangarei Town Wharf - Railwav „ Wharf Auckland Suburban Post -offices- Nine t mee daily ,, Chief Post-office Morrinsville Poet-offioe- Railway-sta- Four times daily „ tion Kakahi Post-offioe — Railway-station Twice daily .. „ Easi Tninnki Papatoetoe .. Daily .. .. ,, Ngaroto Post-office - Railway-station ,. .. .. „ Taumarunui—Matapuna .. .. ,, .. „ Waiici.i Ngariia .. .. .. Daily in summer, ,, thrice weekly in winter TeHana I'ost-olliee - Railway-station Four times weekly ,, Kanio Post-offioe— Railway-station.. Thrice weekly and „ (for carriage of hampers) as required Taitimu Post-office - wharf .. Thrice weekly .. „ Te Hirua - Onewhero .. .. ,. .. ,, (See Abolished.)



Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

District. \;niif of Service. Frequency. .iiolilancl — ctd. .. Houto-Titoki .. .. .. Twice weekly Matakohe- Waihungarua .. Maungaturoio Pukerata .. .. j Okauia-Matamata Taurikura - Aubrey Point Wade - Upper Orowa Wharehine-Hoteo .. .. ,, Aranga—Rotorima .. .. Weekly Kerikeri-Waipapa Kinohaku, &e. - Awamarino Matakohe-Oparaku Maungaturoto Wairere Northcote Poet-office- wharf Ohura-Tokirima .. Pnhipuhi Whakapara Russell- l'ailiia . . . . Taiiua Post-offioe - wharf .. Tairua-Opoutere Tanekaha-Hikurangi Te Kuiti - Aria . . .. . . „ Port Fitzroy - Motairehe .. .. Fortnightly Te Whaiti- Ruatahuna .. .. ,, Kotorua-Taupo .. Tuakau—Onewhero Hobsonville Poet-office — steamer Taupo-Tokaanu Kawhia Hauturu Port Albert Wellsford Tangowahlne—Onetea Waikumcte Kiuekare Rotorua- laupo .. Taupo-Tokaanu .. Glenmurray Woodleigh Ohura-Tatu Waikumete Karekare Aukopae Landing — Post-offioe Cambridge — Cambridge West Cambridge - Cambridge West - Kaipaki Frankton .Junction - Kirikiriroa Mangaohae Marokopa Ngaruawahia, fto. Harapepe Rawene, &o, Broad wood.. Tγ Awainutii Pirongia Wellsford Matakohe Wellsford - Te Arai Kaihu-Tahckc . . Birkenhead Post-ofBoe — wharf Birkenhead - Birkdalc (wayside delivery) Kaeaea-Aria Kaihu-Taheke Kaipara Flats - Port Albert Kawakawa-Karetu Makatote Port-office—Railway-station ()hautira-Waingaro Otahuhu - Bast Tamaki Paraiiiii- Oruru Elaurimu Post-office Railway-station Kuawai-Matakolir Takahue Victoria Valley and Peria Te Hana Wellsford Te Whaiti Ruatahuna .. Waiau Pa Post-orhe<> - steamer \\ ayby- WeDstord wellsford Post-offioe- Railway-station Whangarata Post-offioe - Railwaystation lteinarks. .. Established. Frequenoy increased : thrice weekly to daily (for summer service). Frequency increased : thrice weekly to daily. Frequency increased : twice to four times weekly. Frequency increased: twice in thrice weekh . Frequency increased : weekly to twice weekly. Ditto. ■ Frequenoj decreased : daily to thrice weekly (for winter service). - Frequenoy decreased: thrice to twice weekly (for winter .service). Frequenoy decreased : twice to once weeklv. Ditto. Frequenoj decreased : twice to once weekly (for winter service). Altered : by transfer from Wanganui to Auckland District. Altered : by change of name of Cambridge West to Leamington. Ditto. Altered : by change of name of Kirikiriroa to Hamilton East. Altered : by inclusion of Moeatoa after Mangohac. Altered : by inclusion of Te Pahu after Karainii. Mined : by inclusion of Paponga aft<-r Motukaraka. Altered: by inclusion of Mangapiko before Pirongia. Altered : by change of terminal office from Wellsford to Te Hana. Ditto. Temporarily discontinued for winter. Abolished. (See Established.)



Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

iii—F. 1.

District. pirn Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. Blenheim Christchuroh Dunedin Gisbome Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Rapaura - Spring Creek .. .. Daily .. .. Established. Timatangi - Flat Creek .. .. „ .. „ Picton, &c. - Havelock .. .. .. Altered: by inclusion of Otanerau after Picton. Scddon, &c. - Kaikoura .. .. .. Altered : by inclusion of .Mangamaunu after Hapuku. Doyleston Post-office-Kailwav-statioii Twice daily .. Established. ! Christchurch-Burwood (carriage of Daily .. .. „ letter-oarriers' bags) ('hi istchurcli-Harewood .. . . „ .. „ Met liven—Highbank .. .. Four times weekly i „ Kaiapoi-Ohapuku .. .. Thrice weekly .. ,, Waiau - Mcndip Hills (renewal) .. Weekly .. „ Spreydon-Halswell .. .. .. I'.xti-ndcd : to Tai Tapu. Broken River- Otira- Kumara .. .. Altered: by change of terminal office from Kumara to Otira. Rakaia-Meade .. .. .. .. .Vltured : by change of name of Mead© to Te Pirita, and opening of new intermediate office at Meade. Rangiora, &e - Orahaki .. .. .. Altered : by change of terminal office from Orahaki to Birch Hill. Hawarden Post-office - Railway-sta- | .. Abolished. tion .. i Houipapa Post-office - Railway-siding Thrice weekly .. Established. Wharetoa-Clydevale .. .. „ .. „ Papatowai-Wharuarimu .. .. Weekly .. „ Pembroke-Cardrona .. .. „ .. „ (Summer service resumed.) Bannockburn-Nevis .. .. .. Frequency increased: weekly to twice weekly (for summer service). Houipapa-Tawanui .. .. .. Frequency increased: weekly to twice weekly. Clinton-Popotunoa .. .. .. Altered: now rural^delivery. Ratanui-Tahakopa .. .. .. Altered: by change of terminal office from Tahakopa to Papatowai. Ratanui—Houipapa .. .. .. Abolished. Tahakopa-Wharuarimu .. .. .. „ .. I Waikohu Post-office - Railway-station Daily .. Established. Mataura Post - office - Johnstone's Twice weekly .. I „ (rural delivery) Waikohu-Otoko .. .. .. „ .. „ Tuparoa-Pakihiroa .. .. Weekly .. „ Gisborne-Puha .. .. .. .. Extended : to Waikohu. Te Karaka - Kanakanae .. .. .. Frequency increased: weekly to twice weekly (for summer service). Te Karaka - Kanakanae .. .. .. | Frequency decreased : twice to once weekly (for winter service). Gisbome, &c. - Tolaga Bay .. .. Altered : by inclusion of Taraarau after Gisborne. Ahaura - Upper Moonlight .. .. Altered : by change of starting-point from Ahaura to Blackball. Blackball - Upper Moonlight .. .. Abolished. Totara Flat — Granville and Noble's .. „ Ross Post-office - Railway-station .. As required .. Established. Hokitika-Ruatapu-Ross (Railway Kight timesjweeklyj „ (Sec Abolished.) service) Rimu, p &c. - Hokitika .. .. Daily .. .. „ Kumara-Wainihinihi .. .. Weekly .. „ Ross, &c. - Hokitika .. .. .. Abolished. (See Established.) Waikaia Post-office - Railway-station Twice daily .. Established. Waikaka Post-office - Railway-station Daily .. .. „ Waikaka Valley Post-office-Railway- „ .. .. „ station Otautau-Gladheld (rural delivery) .. Twice weekly .. „ Te Anau - Glade House .. .. „ .. „ (Summer service resumed.) Garston-Nevis .. .. .. j Weekly .. „ „ Glade House - Milford Sound .. j Fortnightly .. „ „ Nightcaps-Annandale .. .. .. Extended : to Beaumont. Arrowtown-Queenstown .. .. .. Frequency increased: four times weekly to daily. Glenorchy Post-office - wharf .. .. Frequency increased : twice to thrice weekly (for summer service). Glenorchy-Paradise .. .. .. Ditto. Kinloch Post-office — wharf .. .. „ Queenstown, &c. — Creighton .. .. „ Lumsden, &c. - Te Anau .. .. .. Frequency increased : once to twice weekly (for summer service). Manapouri — Hillside Creek .. .. Ditto. Mossburn-Matuku .. .. .. „ Glenorchy Post-offico - wharf .. .. Frequency decreased : thrice to twice weekly (for winter service). Glenorchy-Paradise .. .. .. Ditto. Kinloch Post-office - wharf .. .. „ Queenstown, &c. - Creighton .. .. „ Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill



Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc. — continued.

Dietrict. Name of Service. Frequency. J.einarkn. Frequency. J.emarkB. New Plymouth Invercargill— ctd. Lumsden, &o. - Te Anau .. .. .. Frequency decreased: twice to once • weekly (for winter service). Manapouri - Hillside Creek .. .. Ditto. Mosebum Matuku .. .. .. „ Garston Nevis .. .. .. .. Temporarily winter). Glade House- Milford Sound .. .. „ „ Te Anau —Glade House .... .. „ „ Bluff - Ruapuke Island .. .. .. Abolish ,1. Glenorchy Post-office - wharf .. .. „ Gore-Waikaka .. .. .. .. ,, Orepuki Tuatapere .. .. .. ,, Riversdale—Waikaia .. .. .. „ Wairio Aparima .. .. .. .. ., Napier .. Dannevirke—Ruaroa .. .. Daily .. .. Established. Horoeka-Waimiro-Waipatiki .. Thnoe weekly .. ,, (Sec Abolished.) Bastings Whana.. .. .. Twice weekly .. „ Mohaka-coach on main road .. „ .. ,, <)ni)(in(l\ ille Te I ri .. .. „ .. „ Pukehou-Railway-station.. .. .. Frequency increased : daily to twice daily. Waipukurau 1'orangahau .. .. .. Frequency increased: thrice weekly to daily. Waipatiki-Horoeka .. .. .. Frequenoy increased: twice to Ihrice weekly. Waipawj, &c. - Blackhead .. .. Altered: by inclusion of Omakere after Tamumu. Horoeka Waimiro .. .. .. Abolished. (See Established.) Kea Kiwi .. .. .. Twice weekly .. Established. Nelson .. Kiwi-Tui .. .. .. „ . . „ Rookville Aoiere Bainham .. ,, .. .. (See Abolished.) Tadmor Kiwi (train service) .. „ .. ,, ,, Belgrove- Golden Downs - Tophouse Weekly .. „ Collingwood, i\e. Bainhan .. .. Abolished. (See Established.) Collingwood Mangarakau and Golden .. „ Ridge Riwaka—Collingwood .. .. .. ,, Tadmor—Kiwi [trap servioe) .. .. ,, (See Established.) Douglas Post-office- Railway-station As required .. Established. New Pl.\ mouth New Plymouth and Suburbs (deliver} Daily .. .. ,, nl parcels within Letter-oarrier's deliveries) Lowgarth - Junction of Hastings and Tin ice weekly .. „ i Ipunake Roads Ratapiko Tariki .. .. .. ,, .. ,, Okohe I'renui .. .. .. Twice weekly .. „ Okau Kotare .. .. .. Weekly .. „ Tongaporutu- Rerekapa .. .. „ .. » Purangi Matau .. .. .. .. Frequenoy increased: twice to thrice weekly. Stratford, &c. - Whangamomona .. .. Altered: bj inclusion of Reporua after Huiakama. Kaimata Ratapiko .. .. .. Abolished. Whitstone — Kia Ora .. .. Daily .. .. Established. (See Abolished.) Oamara .. Omarama — Lake Pukaki .. .. Weeklj .. „ (Summer service resinned.) Oamaru-Kurow .. .. .. .. Frequency increased: daily to seven times weekly (for summer service). Oamaru KurOW .. .. .. .. Frequency decreased i seven times weekly to daily (for winter service). Omarama — Lake Pukaki .. .. .. Temporarily discontinued fof winter. Manuka Creek Post-office - Railway- .. Abolished. Sil 1 itlLT Totara Railway-station — Kia Ora .. .. ,, (See Established.) Mangaiti Post-office — Railway-station Twice daily .. Established. Thames .. Omaramutu Motu Road .. Weekly .. „ Thames Waitakaruru .. .. „ .. ,, Waiiiiana Kutaierc .. .. .. Temporarily discontinued (.'1(1 12/08— 17/2/09). Taneatua Waimana .. .. .. Abolished. Tapu-Waipatukahu .. .. .. „ Olaio-Kohika (rural delivery) .. Thrice weekly .. Established. (See ABOLISHED.) Timaru .. Waiariari-Waimate .. .. „ .. ,, Morven - Waikakahi Settlement (rural Twice weekly .. „ delivery) Fairlie, &c. - Hermitage .. .. .. Frequenoy increased: thrice-weekly summer service resinned in terms of contract. (See Fuf.cjikm v deck kaskd.) Fairlie, &c. - Hermitage .. .. .. Frequenoy decreased : discontinued to Hermitage and reduced thrice to twice weekly to Lake Tekapo, and once weekly to Lake Pukaki for winter service. (See FREQUENCY I.NCHEASED.) [elson lamara Thames Timaru

V.— l

Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc.—continued.


District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. Timaru — .. r anganui Waitohi Koad Railway - station - Kerrvtown Esk Valley - Kohika Settlement .. Ohakunc - Railway-station Ohakune Railway -station — Township Ohakini" liaclihi (renewal) N11V11iTiA.n1 i'ost-om'ee - Railway-sta-tion Raetihi, &<•. Pipiriki (renewal) Altered: by change of name of Waitohi Road to Waitawa. Abolished. (See Established.) As required .. Established. Twice daily .. „ Daily .. Tokaanu-Wniouni (renewal) To Tuhi - Burnett's Homestead (rural delivery) Omoana— Moeroa .. Waitotara-Rangitatau (rural delivery) Waiouru - Ohakune Siding Wanganui-Caxtleclilf Thrice weekly in ,, summer, twice weekiy in winter Ditto .. .. ,, Twice weekly .. „ Weekly Whrnuakura - Bfaben'a Road Ngawaka Post-offioe Opaea Junction Karioi Post-offioe -Ninia Railwaystation Marlon-Croft on . . Extended: to Horopito. Frequency increased: daily to twice daily. Frequency decreased : daily (during period creamery is open) to weekly (throughout the whole year). Frequency decreased: thrice to twice weekly. Altered: by change of Ninia Railwaystation to Karioi Railway-station. Altered: by change of starting-point from Marion to Marion Junction. Altered: by ohange of Ngutuwera Railway-station to Moumabaki Rail-way-station. Altered: by inclusion of Patunga after PipirikL Altered: by exclusion of Oraitoha after Kaetilii. Altered : l>v change of name of Pukekata to I'ukekalia. Altered: by exclusion of Matahiwi. Abolished. Ngutuwera Post-office- Railway-sta-tion Pipiriki, &o. - Taumarunui Kaetilii. St. Pukekata Kaetilii. &c. - Pukekata 'ellington Wanganui, &o. - Pipiriki .. Mataroa (rural delivery along Suia and Whata Roads) »f. \ i t*i *l» N»' Featherston Post - office — Railwaystation Tauherinikau No. 1 Line, Featherston South- Murphy's Line (rural deli\ cry) Government Buildings — Chief Postoffice Oroua Downs - Himitangi Foxton. tVc. Sanson Sautere Cross Otaki Gorge Wellington - Seatoun As required and Established. daily Ditto' . . .. „ As required .. ,, Sanson— Makowhai Daily . . Five times weekly I „ Thrice weekly .. ., Frequency increased: daily to twice daily. Frequency increased-: thrice to five times weekly. Altered: bj inclusion of Kaheke after Apiti. Altered : by ohange of terminal ofl ce from Horoeka I i Korora. Abolished. (See Established.) Apiti, &<■. - I'tuwai Pongaroa-Korora-Hoioeka 'ostpoit Featherston Tauherinikau Molesworth Street Post-offioe Chief Post office Sanson Makowhai Fern Flat Mail - coach, SullivanBridge Millerton Mine Creek (temporary foot servioe owing to suspension of tram service) Fern I'lat Paenga Karamea- Arapito Murchison Tutaki Te Namu —Little Wanganui Westport Karamea - Little Wanganui (renewal) • • « „ Twice weekly .. Established. Weekly *> • - »» Westport Fairdown »» Thrice monthly to ,, Karamea a n d monthly to Little Wanganui Frequenoy increased ; thrioe weekly to daily. Altered: by change of name of Brighton to Tironraana. Altered : by ohange of terminal office from Heelton to Cronadun. Temporarily discontinued. Brighton < Iharleston (!apleeton I teefi on Breakhoad ■ Millerton Post-office Granity- Millerton Granit} - Mine < 'reek Millerton-Mine Creek Abolished.



The several subsidised sea mail-services, the subsidy-payments for the year 1909, the dates when established, and the date on which each terminates are shown below :—

Duration of Servioe. Number ot Mileage Voyages for WhentemOnatod An^m . «£ e terminable. Service. Subsidy or Payment. NvluI , establish*'!. Annual Subsidy or Payment. NvluI , established. Cost per Mile. estalilishiH. a b. d. Auckland and Fiji .. .. 1,690 0 0 June, 1880 Auckland and South Pacific Islands 11,200 0 0 June, 1885 Auckland and Great Barrier ..j 250 0 0 Oct., 1891 Auckland, Whangaroa, and Mango- 126 0 0 Nov., 1907 nui Diugavillo and Tangiteroria .. 90 0 0 Nov., 1893 Heleneville and Matakohe .. 150 0 0 Jan., 1881 a s. d. 1,690 0 0 June, 1830 1,200 0 0 June, 1885 I 250 0 0 Oct., 1891 126 0 0 Nov., 1907 13 2,334 VI 6,992 Dec, 1909 52 120 Dec, 1909 52 368 8. d. 1 1-87 0 343 0 9 62 0 1-68 90 0 0 Nov., 1893 150 0 0 Jan., 1881 Dec, 1909 104 46 Dec, 1909 i 52 118 Dec, 1909 N 2ok« \ 1™ I Dec, 1909 L56 48 0 451 0 5-87 Hclensville and Dargaville .. 500 0 0 Jan., 1881 500 0 0 Jan., 1881 0 4-52 Horeke, Kolmkohu, Rawene, 195 0 0 Jan., 1889 I Koutu, Rangi Point, Opononi, and Omapere Russell and Opua .. .. 70 0 0 Jan., 1889 Wellington, RarotocgH, and Pa- 7,000 0 0 Jan., 1909 peete (Tahiti) Wellington, Ketu Bay, Homewo. ■ ( Dec, 1891 Maori Bay (and other offices), and , rJv . n n Havelock Wellington and Motueka .. j I Nov., 1902 / 1 AT 1A A \ 195 0 0 Jan., 1889 0 626 70 0 0 Jan., 1889 7,000 0 0 Jan., 1909 Dec, 1909 (asrequired) Jan., 1910 : Id 4,722 2 11-58 \ ( Dec, 1891 [eoo o o ) I Nov., 1902 f 107 10 0 ) ■j 120 0 Of I Jan., 1907 I 122 io o; ) . 109 0 0 Dec, 1909 26 183 ) \ Dec, 1909 : 43 210 ) Dec, 1909 ! 26 164 Dec, 1909 104 130 Dec, 1909 i 29 44 1 Dec 1912 I 4 8 102 1 : I Veo -' lyU ( 12 82 I j Dec, 1909 6 384 0 10-44 0 6-84 Pioton. offices in Sounds, atd f^ 10 , ° K 1<J07 Havelock 122 1Q ' [ Nelson, Tonga Bay, Totaramii, ' 109 0 0 Takaka, and Collingwood Nelson and Croixelles .. .. 100 0 0 Jan., 1904 Westport and Karamea .. .. I fi -« A ft I June, 1886 Westport and Little Wanganui .. [ \ Jan., 1895 Hokitika, Okarito, Bruce Bay, Pa- J 000 0 0 Jan., 1886 j ringa, Haast, Okura, and Jack son's Bay Lyttelton and Chatham Islands ■ 350 0 0 (including Pitt Island) Bluff and Half-moon Bay .. 300 0 0 July, 1886 Bluff and Ruapukfi Island .. 45 0 0 Sept., 1903 Bluff, Te Oneroa, and Cromany .. 275 0 0 April, 1893 New Zealand and Australia (Wei- 15,000 0 0 Dec, 1906 linston-Sydneyl 100 0 0 Jan., 1904 I «Kft n n ! J June . 1886 | 650 ° ° 1 Jan., 1895 j r>00 0 0 Jan., 1886 0 1-93 1 5-03 2 2-53 5 2-50 1 133 j 350 0 0 Dec, 1918 6 1,050 300 0 0 July, 188G 45 0 0 Sept., 1903 275 0 0 April, 1893 15,000 0 0 Dec, 1906 Dec, 1909 52 48 Sept., 1909 19 26 Dec, 1912 12 208 July, 1910 j 52 1,200 \ 0 4-85 1 4-39 2 2'44 4 !i 69 •Frequency increased, 4th May, 1908 (Is. 4d, per bag paid for i increased, -25th January, 1909. Wharehunga included and subeii ixtra mail). tOtanerau included ai Jy increased, 22nd March l90ii. id subsid




The number and value of cable messages forwarded from New Zealand during 1909 are shown in the following statement: —

Via Pacific.

Via Extension.

The Dominion's outward international and Australian cable business, not including Press, for the years 1909 and 1908 was as follows : — International. Number of Value. Messages. £ a. d. 1909... ... ... 35,717 ... ... 49,495 10 1 190K ... ... 32,649 ... ... 46,350 10 8 Increase 3,068 =94 per cent. £3,144 19 5 = 6-79 per cent. Australia. Number of Value. Messages. £ a. d. 1<)09... ... ... 80,743 ... ... 15,119 17 5£ L 908... ... ... 87,948 ... ... 17,171 13 o*, Decrease 7,205 = B'l9 per cent. £2,051 15 7 = 11-95 per cent. There was a total decrease of 4,137 messages, but an increase of £1,093 3s. lOd. in value. The number of cable messages.received in New Zealand during 1909, exclusive of Press, was as follows :— Via Pacific. International. Australia. 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 20,237 45,796 1908 ... ... ... ... ... 17,888 51,071 Increase ... ... . . ... 2,349 Decrease 5,275 Via Extension. International Australia. 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 12,524 26,448 1908 ... ... ... ... ... 11,518 27,400 Increase ... ... ... ... 1,006 Decrease 952

iv—F. 1.

Ordinary. Press. Destination. Number of i Messages, j N alue - Number of Messages. Value. • [_ international Australia ... £ s. d. 29,009 40,472 16 7* ... 67,639 12,580 8 7 329 721 M s. 1,034 16 256 1 d. 6 5* Total for 1909 ... 96,648 53,053 5 2£ 1,050 1,290 17 Hi Total for 1908 ... 101,724 54,302 10 7£ 1,142 1,675 0 Hi

•rdinary. Press. Designation. Number of Message?. Value. Number of Messages. Value. international Australia ... 6, TON 13,104 •J s. d. 9,022 13 5i 2,539 8 10| 52 1,168 £ b. 248 4 691 15 a. 9 64 Total for 1909 19,812 11,562 2 4 1,220 940 0 3* Total for 1908 18,873 9,219 L8 1 1,262 968 5 7



The forwarded and received cable Press business for the ten years ended the 31st December, 1909, was : —

Forwarded. Received. Year. Number of Number of Value. Value. Messages. ! Words. Messages. Words. 19U0 1901 1902 1908 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 t B. d. £ s. d. 1,034 139,295 1,457 4 5 4,014 333,800 1,878 9 1 1,420 148,400 2,718 12 0 3,989 351,291 1,967 19 3 1,830 202,968 1,772 8 4 4,443 396,438 2,200 10 6 1,595 159,732 1,235 11 1 5,636 , 425,824 2,333 10 2 ... 1,551 161,094 1,147 8 8 4,488: 392,888 2,169 1 3 ... 2,226 181,196 1,290 9 3 4,548 398,878 18 5 1,815 186,128 1,290 7 9 4,061 394,337 2,163 17 0 1,874 135,325 1,003 5 5 4,204 405,498 2,423 4 11 ... 2,404 236,759 2,643 6 0$ 4,264 380,117 2,092 9 5$ ... 2,270 199,291 2,230 18 3 4,515 422,949 2,333 14 1


h\ I

Table No. 1. Table showing the Number and Amount of Money-orders issued and of Money-orders payable in New Zealand since the Year 1863.

Drawn on the Dominion.

I—F. 1.

Issued in the Dominion. I Commission Year. ! received. Where payable. Tntal. In In the Dominion. 1 the! Dominion. United Kingdom and | Australia and other Hritish Foreign Offices. Possessions. ! No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 863 £ s. d. 1,057 9 ° 2,201 £ »■ d. 9,613 11 11 £ »■ < . 9,613 11 " d. 11 t £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,740 21,944 2 I J 4,6 4 5| 24,145 7 5 11,586 53,70$ I 5 2,201 4-74° 873 3,562 3 2 34,288 »>288 3 I. 142,642 4 10 [42,642 4 i 10 ii 11,913 1,913 - 48,547 I' 4 j 6,150 28,068 5 5 52,351 : 219,258 I 7 1883 9,022 10 6 132,232 2,232 402,558 12 11 402,558 12 1 II 2( 26,211 :6,2ii 91,634 4 7 14,113 46,939 17 11 172,556 54I.I32 15 5 1893 10,248 14 5 146,133 5,133 3 5! 576,358 17 2 576,358 17 2 2C 29,616 19,616 86,544 19 n 35,208 88,025 8 9 210,957 \ 75°,9 2 9 5 10 :8 94 895 896 897 898 899 :9oo 901 902 10,600 19 7 ii,433 13 8 12,671 6 7 13,835 15 4 14,747 9 6 15,533 4 6 16,512 12 9 117,518 11 o ,14,915 18 2 1155.534 162,600 181,505 193,867 206,265 221,354 239,565 255,344 258,110 5.534 2,6OO '.SOS 3,867 5,265 [,354 J,565 5,344 j,IIO 4 61 a 6 5 7 7 7 1 5 7' , 81 5 9. 1 IiC D I,C 608,042 2 11 635,062 17 11 717,217 19 1 762,592 10 3 798,725 15 8 864,513 4 9 951,860 7 4 1,002,056 12 I 1,014,723 16 o 508,042 2 I 535,062 17 1 717,217 19 762,592 10 '98,725 15 '64.513 4 )5 1,860 7 002,056 12 014,723 l6 II 2i II 2i I 2C 3 31 S3! 93« 44c 14; °5; 28,513 28,882 29,238 3I,77O 35,377 38.528 40,925 45,7°i 53,9io : 8,5 T 3 ! 79.348 10 2 ■ 38,631! 89,392 11 10 222,678 776,783 4 1 8,882 j 78,465 o 4 1 52,015: 99,076 16 8 243,497 , 812,604 14 " 19,238 82,498 15 6 i 58,823:102,443 1 o 269,566 , 902,159 15 7 11,770 93,649 1 3 68,002 114,589 3 5 293,659 970,830 14 11 15,377 107,140 7 5 ! 76,728,123,375 4 6 318,370 1,029,241 7 7 18,528 122,064 3 J 84,7821132,230 17 9 344,664 1,118,808 5 7 .0,925 122,934 10 4 89,344140,057 iS 9 369,834 1,214,852 16 5 5,701 125,549 5 11 104,922158,902 3 10 405,967 1,286,508 1 10 i3,9io 138,755 2 8 55,187123,580 3 7 367,207 1,277,059 2 3 903 |i5,88i 18 5 273,535 3,535 5 I.J 1,108.067 5 8 108.067 5 8 6; 63,309 13,309 157,789 l6 O 59,468 150,367 IO 8 396,312 1,416,224 12 4 904 905 906 907 :go8 909 [16,385 9 o 117,073 9 6 118,278 10 3 118,846 12 6 12,555 10 3 13,782 14 o 281,655 287,394 301,650 305,424 338,752 383,283 [,655 7,394 i>650 5,424 *,752 3,283 5 Li t 1.1 -> 1,-. 1,3 2 i,e 3 1,8 1,148,226 3 o 1,189,385 13 4 1,312,270 13 4 1,389,800 4 4 1,611.968 4 11 1,841,030 7 7 148,226 3 189.385 13 312,270 13 389,800 4 611.968 4 ] 841,030 7 o6< 4 5: 4 6c 4 5* 11 6; 7 7' 60,490 57,414 60,120 58,565 67,384 74,893 10,490 1165,245 o 8 65,638163,416 4 9 407,783 1,476,887 8 5 i7>4l4 '77,609 18 8 72,633174,716 7 10 417,441 1,541,711 19 10 10,120 186,902 16 6 77,250187,057 12 1 439,020 1,686,231 1 11 i8,5 6 5 ii93,35 ( 5 5 S 77.49 8 7 6 441,487 1,773,590 17 1 17,384 10 1 ! 81,948212,307 11 10 488,084 2,050.684 6 10 ■4,893 12 2 ■ 80,564209,758 18 4 538,740 2,307,592 18 1

Where issued. United Kincdom and Foreign Offices. 1 and other Mriti-.h 'osscssions. Total. Year. In the Dominion. Australi: I No. Amount. No. Amount. N<1. No. Amount. n<,. Amount. £ s. d. 9,169 4 6 / s. d. 415 1,824 ° 8 558 3.O77 13 7 3,040 £ s. d. 14,070 18 9 [863 2,067 415 [873 34,288 142,642 4 10 1,482 1,482 6,625 14 5 j 1,668 ! 7,689 6 8 37,438 156,957 5 " 1883 132,232 402,558 12 11 3.725 3.725 15.553 3 11 ' 5,697 23,299 12 11 ! 141,654 441,411 9 9 [893 146,133 576,358 17 2 8 )74 6 8,746 32,616 17 2 10,679 40,929 2 5 165,558 38.571 3 ' 175,517 39,862 18 10 ' 184,058 40,836 4 7 203,266 40,105 1 11 215,359 44,558 10 10 I 229,689 48,533 15 11 ! 245,377 59,304 g 6 265,178 63,800 4 10 283,114 62,159 10 8 286,369 649,904 16 9 [894 [895 [896 [897 [8g8 1899 igoo [901 [902 155,534 162,600 181,505 193,867 206,265 221,354 239.565 255.344 258,110 608,042 2 11 1 635,062 17 11 717,217 19 1 762,592 10 3 798,725 15 8 864,513 4 9 951,860 7 4 1,002,056 12 1 1,014,723 16 o 9,293 9,938 10,254 10,085 1o,671 10,624 10,342 11,082 II.732 9,293 33,786 17 6 9,938 : 35,155 7 9 10,254 35,553 7 1 10,085 35,238 10 3 10,671 36,106 9 10 10,624 ' 37,290 8 7 [0,34a 36,014 6 3 11,082 40,021 14 4 ii,732 4i,37O 13 3 10.690 11,520 11,507 11,407 12.753 13.399 15,271 16,688 16,527 680,400 3 r> 710,081 4 6 793,607 10 9 837,936 1 5 879,390 16 4 950.337 9 3 1,047,179 3 1 1,105,878 11 3 1,118,253 '9 H 1903 273-535 1,108,067 5 8 I3. O 35 [3.O35 49,i8i 1 3 17,777 68,340 8 8 304,347 1,225,588 15 7 1904 1905 :go6 907 908 9°9 281,655 287,394 301,650 305,424 33 8 .752 383,283 1,148,226 3 o 1,189,385 13 4 1,312,270 13 4 1,389,800 4 4 1,611,968 4 11 1,841,030 7 7 11,567 10,338 10,314 10,315 10,970 11,783 [1,567 i 45.793 1 1 [0,338 ! 47.649 9 o [0,314 j 50,559 18 10 [0,315 55,032 3 3 [0,970 58,499 19 11 [1,783 61,289 17 2 19,277 19,669 20,462 21,697 21,886 71,824 7 5 312,499 7-.437 T 3 3 317,401 75.091 14 2 ! 332,426 77,118 8 9 ; 337,436 80,500 4 3 371,6o8 82,409 13 2 418,658 1,265,843 II Ci 1,309,472 15 7 t..(37.922 f> .4 1,521,950 16 4 1,750,968 9 1 1,984,729 17 ti 23,592



Table No. 2. Table showing the Money-orders issued in New Zealand on Offices beyond the Dominion, and Money-orders issued at Offices beyond the Dominion on New Zealand, during the Years 1908 and 1909.

Drawn on New Zealand.

TSS0ED IN K New Zealand. Wheve payable. 1908. 1909. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. I'nited Kingdom and Foreign Offices through 55,4:!i; United Kingdom United States of America .. .. 8,908 Austria .. .. .. . . 2,070 Canada .. .. .. .. 628 Cape Colony .. .. .. .. 401 Ceylon .. .. .. .. 210 Fiji .. .. .. .. .. 154 Germany .. .. .. .. 892 Hong Kong .. .. .. .. 365 Intiia .. .. .. .. 833 Natal .. .. .. . . 170 New South Walee .. .. .. 88,166 Orange River Colony .. .. .. 27 Queensland .. .. .. .. 2,859 Samoa .. .. .. . . 18 South Australia .. .. .. 2,316 Straits Settlements .. .. .. 24 Tasmania .. .. .. .. 5,836 Tonga .. .. .. .. 64 Transvaal .. .. .. .. 216 Victoria .. .. .. . . 27,728 Western Australia} .. .. .. 1,955 £ s. d. 181,017 13 8 18,187 3 7 24,011 7 10 2,668 10 1 1,461 1 8 794 0 11 870 7 9 2,533 6 I) 1,401 5 2 3,296 3 8 542 3 (i 93,942 12 ] 89 8 0 8,538 16 9 58 19 3 6,266 10 8 53 9 10 14,563 2 0 342 6 11 944 10 3 71,683 3 7 4,849 19 5 61,888 10,057 2,550 736 356 201 211 875 336 845 132 36,989 22 2,716 26 1,942 19 0,319 60 223 27,480 2,022 £ b. d. 200,457 I 1 21,016 3 -I 32,788 7 o 2,979 :s o 1,200 3 6 935 0 4 1,314 ii 1 2,378 14 2 1,421 19 4 3,172 9 10 563 19 1 92,869 f> 1 119 3 8 9,418 16 1 199 (i 7 5,381 1 1 59 11 5 14,410 10 3 418 0 7 1,055 13 11 69,312 10 4 5,126 13 2 Totals .. .. . . 149,332 438,716 1 11 155,457 155,457 466,062 Id ii 106,662 10 fi

I HUH. 1909. Where issued. Number. Amount. Amount. Number Number Amount. Amount. Number. i> ii in," .. aiuuuui. Ll IllllUf I aiuuuui. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices through United Kingdom United States of America Austria Canada Cape Colony Ceylon Fiji .. Germany Hong Kong India Natal New South Wales Orange River Colony Queensland Samoa South Australia Straits Settlements Tasmania Tonga Transvaal Victoria Western Australia 8,351 1,975 17 530 240 51 724 144 115 224 104 8,138 23 1,589 483 957 40 1.704 378 440 5,424 1,177 £ s. d. 43,524 15 11 9.134 18 11 50 16 10 2,993 19 5 1,519 10 4 109 0 7 2,970 16 4 739 6 8 307 15 0 1,138 8 2 578 8 8 25,645 19 8 136 15 0 5,349 9 10 5,044 1 7 3,307 5 4 171 19 2 0,017 1!) 7 3.052 5 11 2,901 12 1 17,082 16 9 5,949 10 5 11,100 2,040 31 008 173 35 709 100 50 240 70 9,080 24 1,748 386 982 50 1,895 479 377 5,882 1,178 £ s. d. 47,829 13 li 8,802 7 7 281 15 0 2,897 8 11 939 14 9 107 1 7 3.101 2 0 078 0 1 339 III 2 945 10 4 312 I 5 27,339 4 2 252 2 7 6,027 2 4 3,037 14 0 3,401 5 8 255 5 10 0,742 5 4 3,813 10 1 2,289 0 0 18,119 7 7 5,467 13 11 Totals 32,850 139,000 4 2 35,375 36,378 143,699 10 4 143,699 10 4



Table No. 3. Table showing the Number and Value of Postal Notes sold from the 1st January, 1886— the date upon which they were first issued— to the 31st March, 1910.

Number of l'ostal Notes sold. Number of Postal Notes sold. Total. Year. i At Is. At Is. 6d. At 2s. At2s..6<). At 3s. At 5s. At 7s. M. At 10s. At 12s. 6d. At 15s. At 17s. (id. At f 1. _ f At 7s. 6d. At 10s. At £5. Number. Value. Quarter ended Mar. 31,1886 3,019 2,04(i .. 1,012 .. 2,039 969 2,379 695 992 425 2,866 1886-87.. .. .. 16,605 12,283 .. t>.047 .. 11,566 5,729 13.103 4.090 5.187 2.375 14,961 1887-88.. .. .. 22,467 17,167 .. 9.1(12 .. 15,553 7.671 17,487 5,27s 6,940 2.952 17,57* 1888-89 .. 27.428 21,900 .. 11.912 .. 19,741 9,477 21,149 6,618 S.243 3.633 19.778 1889-90 .. 32,754 25,387 .. 14.478 .. 23,550 10,894 24,011 7,809 9,386 4,158 22,596 1890-91.. .. .. 35,915 28,559 .. 16.092 .. 25,204 12.229 25.906 7,969 10,172 4,366 23.503 1891-92.. .. .. 42,41(1 33.722 .. 19.383 .. 29.550 14.019 30.132 9,058 11,611 4,953 25,839 1892-93.. .. 48,612 38,849 .. 22,038 .. 33,012 16.072 32,747 9,904 12.330 5,369 28,969 1893-94.. .. .. 56,761 44.706 .. 25,461 .. 37,771 18,096 37,687 11,016 13.800 6,156 33,935 1894-95.. .. .. 62,30(1 49,846 .. 28,975 .. 43,829 20.423 43,167 11.8(14 15.567 (1.790 3(1.(101 1895-96.. .. .. 68,454 56.185 .. 32.801 .. 49,204 22,802 47,787 13.601 17.191 7,020 33,390 1896-97 . . 74,534 62,056 .. 35,322 .. 54,219 24,871 51.963 14,365 18.102 7,406 32,868 1897-98 . 81,958 ■ 69,981 .. 38,(117 .. 110.843 26,968 55,748 15,463 19,477 7.904 32,179 1898-99:. .. .. 86,529 72,710 ! .. 41,991 .. 64,386 28,448 59,631 , 16,202 19,990 8,193 32,696 1899-190D .. .. 93.762 77,431 .. 44,384 .. 70,416 30.680 63,787 ' 16,957 21.393 8,539 33,491 1900-1901 . . 85,478 68,068 13,834 52,691 14,702 80,630 24.497 71,001 13,304 28,875 6,799 35,067 1U01-1902 49,529 30,255 (12,285 70,683 65,467 109,663 .. 92,708 .. 32,128 .. 43,042 1902-1903 54,268 33,409 70,122 76,613 75,700 119,593 .. 102,641 .. 34,508 .. 48,852 1903-1904 .. 01,379 37,514 85,909 86,626 89,270 134,270 .. 114,755 .. 38,030 .. 58,629 1904-1905 . 65,484 40,263 86,711 96,228 : 99,739 154,281 .. 130,430 .. 42,317 .. 69,206 1905-1906 74,389 , 45,358 98,503 108.493 114,411 167,430 .. 143,216 .. 46,228 .. 76,508 1906-1907 82.417 54,375 106,311 120.321 128.384 187.083 .. 159,045 .. 51.559 .. 91,193 1907-1908 .. .. 89.906 58,202 124.052 136.392 143,854 205,500 .. 171.951 .. 57.637 .. 104,714 1908-1909 . 97,285 59,484 153,925 162,588 146,148 227,471 .. 188.677 .. 62,916 .. 123,786 1909-1910 .. .. 113,825 67.406 181,791 195,168 166,486 261,045 .. 214,453 .. 70,967 .. 143,611 L6.442 92,546 132,255 149. S79 175.023 189,915 220.683 247.902 285. 389 319,368 1,192 349.627 1,090 376,796 728 409,866 673 431,449 607 461,447 560 490,506 556 556,316 558 616,264 656 707,044 688 785,347 788 875,324 954 981,642 428 1,092,631 1,222.280 1,414,752 e e. d. 6,909 IS 6 37.659 7 a 56,84] 18 0 65. 4S4 2 0 00, 721 18 6 79,325 1C 6 87., Soli IK 0 101,002 7 6 112,307 10 C 123.3(58 6 6 129,011 18 0 134,378 9 6 139,957 4 0 147,686 8 C 154,435 16 (j 173,317 5 0 191,904 13 (] •220. (l(ii) 11 0 7 6 276, 279 7 6 314,058 (i (! 347,30(1 0 0 389,143 0 0 454,138 4 8 I [eened only from 17th Juno. 189'>. to 31st October. 1907.

F. 1


Table No. 4. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. OHice. Issued. Paid. < ° No. I)c, Deposits. •posits. Amount. 8 . Will 3 V a m a _o Z» No. Withdrawals. thdrawals. Amount. No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. ,1'CKLAND . . 32,068 Ahuroa .. 70 Aitutaki .. 79 Aoroa .. 182 Aiatapu . . 586 Af in .. Auckland South 862 Centra] Avondale .. 267 Awhitu .. 79 Batley .. 171 Birkenhead .. 226 Bombay .. 24(i Buckland .. 1-2 Cabbage Bay .. 340 Cambridge .. 1,891 Clcvedon .. 405! Coromandcl .. 1,161 Dargaville .. 2,393 Devonport .. s 17 Drury . . 310 East Lynn .. I 11!) EastTamaki .. '. 10 Elkrslie . . 243 Epsom .. ."> Fairburn's .. 26 Fanning Island I 17 Grey Lynn - Arch 330 Hill Gumtown .. 334 Hamilton .. 4,031 Helensville .. 771 Henderson .. 133 Herekino .. 389 Hikurangi .. 783| Hinuera .. 58 lloanga .. 136 Hobsonville .. I 86 Howiok .. 149 Hukerenui .. 626 Huntly .. 2,176 Hunua .. 98 Kaeo .. .. 337 Kaihu.. .. 809 Kaikohe .. 456 1 Kaipara Flats .. 161 Kaitaia .. 820 Kaiwaka .. His Kakahi .. 369 Kamo .. 323 Karekare .. 25 Kaukapakajm .. 2:i9 Kawakawa .. 717 Kawhia .. i>17 Kihikihi ..I 351 Kinohaku . . 199 Kiripaka .. 299 Kohukohu .. 029 Kuaotunu .. 049 Leigh .. 125' Limestone .. 257' Mamaku .. 1,080' Ma.nga.JA . . 201 Mangapai .. 190j Mangawai .. 277 Mangawhare .. 71 Mangonui .. 9SI .Maiiiiniii .. 70li Mareretu .. 48 Matakana .. 387 Matakohi .. 278 Matamata .. 841 .Matiere .. 304 £ s. d. 1,193 2 9 1 o 3 2 14 0 3 7 9 13 I S L'.Vll l> li 5 t>; 1 :! 9 :{ I 3 7 8 8 4 4 9 0 4 0 r> 6 9 38 !) ii 7 4 3 I!) lii 3 164 Lβ 6 28 4 3 5 11 II 2 1 :: 0 3 6 3 17 (i 0 7 II 0 7 li 11 14 9 7 in 3 23 (i ii 87 12 9 16 1 3 2 13 3 lo r> :s 14 ii 9 1 19 0 2 5 6 1 12 3 2 I , .) ii 9 5 9 47 13 3 1 Hi 3 6 19 ii 14 2 6 33 in 9 3 ii 3 27 1 3 r> 1!) 3 8 0 3 5 19 6 0 10 0 4 6 (i 18 3 3 10 7 3 0 9 0 3 8 3 5 13 0 11 9 9 11 (i 3 2 1 9 6 5 6 17 2 0 0 14 0 2 19 3 8 14 3 1 2 3 26 3 <> 11 4 !J 0 12 li 7 14 9 4 J I 0 14 Iβ 3 r> 12 9 1 £ s. d. 167,300 5 4 233 11 4 898 lo o 559 9 7 2,060 lo o 3,386 2 5 7Hi is r> 219 17 7 740 1 9 75S 3 5 915 5 lo 38 1-1 ii I.OSI 19 1 S. 174 1 5 1,386 4 3 4,294 18 7 10,245 15 5 2,853 7 5 893 is 5 267 3 2 44 1 0 712 4 5 28 18 0 63 0 7 6 I 802 9 9 2.HI5 2 9 15,75!! 12 S 3,021 19 7 386 17 4 1,450 0 7 2,801 12 8 301 19 11 366 2 0 204 10 1 431 10 11 2,033 13 0 7.HI2 13 10 284 5 8 1.150 1 4 3,591 19 11 3,448 10 7 574 19 1 3,799 5 0 669 19 9 1,488 2 5 1,048 0 2 143 0 0 702 Hi (i 4,087 5 9 1,974 10 li 1,372 18 2 788 11 2 1,178 0 2 2.295 18 4 2,837 8 5 340 14 2 1,134 13 1 3,254 0 7 1,413 2 0 028 4 9 1,234 11 11 229 7 3 I ii.,1 I ii 2,407 11 7 91 1 9 1,282 3 4 933 11 5 1,885 3 1 1,500 11 8 70,921 f> 166 68 182 18 379 27 42 108 93 51 1,288 120 626 938 1,406 159 10 1 372 3 r> 514 83 3,231 12!) 88 29 200 19 15 9 112 70 166 20 73 126 143 • 43 145 25 59 173 £ s. d. 315,967 4 1 14 19 8 2,346 4 7 318 16 0 923 11 10 no' o o I 699 0 3 151 1 11 132 2 8 565 16 I >' 452 16 0 302 9 1 5,907 14 4 621 13 6 2,713 5 4 4,142 0 5 5,849 14 4 809 2 3 39 0 4 4 0 0 1,710 11 9 10 18 2 0 4 0 1,893 14 9 1,077 14 8 16,500 3 9 1,800 19 5 327 7 1 109 17 9 1,094 19 0 143 4 3 56 19 7 18 9 6 528 11 4 435 1 4 2,188 14 5 84 10 0 300 15 3 979 4 4 692 2 3 310 0 8 1,029 0 11 140 0 8 350 3 11 lilili 16 10 6,406 6 io 26 30 32 1 26 94 l>0 4 10 202 :« 47 214| 152 19 4 4 13 2 i 33 25 566 58 15 18 50 7 15 20 17 24J 209 : 13 32 22 34 7 48 14 15 32 6 11 7r, 38 42 7 22 47 12 44J 34 £ [■. 11. 51,511 1,080,245 6 6 26 282 15 0 7!) 581 14 0 405 4,708 3 3 293 2,771 2 2 454 1,868 3 0 12 *: 220 0 9 ID.'! 246 18 0 047 2.459 9 10 184 2,442 4 7 8 143 2 3 74 Dili 17 0 1,828 23,883 2 0 193 1,028 13 7 482 6,579 11 3 1,089 30,010 6 2 1,398 10,570 2 1 188, 3,228 4 4 31 52 5 0 5 46 4 0 157 1,047 11 2 7 23 12 0 14 202 7 0 32 080 14 0 434 1,640 15 0 119 2,487 1 0 3,832 53,900 17 0 580 5,950 7 2 72 1,088 15 6 97 1 1,157 4 5 497 4,396 17 8 28 518 14 10 148 590 2 0 82 462 8 4 163 745 4 8 244 1,958 12 9 1,604, 18,562 0 10 20 210 11 8 152- 1,550 5 0 229 2,539 15 4 306. 4,757 10 0 90 1,091 11 0 341 5,074 15 3 105 1,911 14 0 145 1,547 5 ll| 297 2,930 15 4! 17 443 14 0i 246 1,930 15 1 481! 5,200 7 11 102 3,613 0 8! 267: 5,277 4 2 42 819 2 1 135 1,051 2 0 338 3,693 5 11 78! 958 2 0 ..I 020 13 0 274 1,396 i> (t 219 2,345 ii ii 7,247 2 (i 28 9 2 7 6 1 3 73 7 32 111 31 5 <-» 4 ■* 4 13 3 244 26 4 6 28 05,770 12 43 187 15 66 K r> 22 78 83 1 47 802 66 340 819 302 89 6 28 13 7 44 49 2,101 263 31 37 243 17 19 6 78 81 595 9 61 128 123 39 122 11 76 158 12 £ e. d. 1,271,350 0 10 01 0 4 417 2 8 4.983 10 7 549 6 6 362 0 9 100 0 0 53 14 9 534 17 4 2,356 14 2 1 11 1 622 17 11 17,980 19 2 11,019 12 11 5,270 17 7 20,016 17 1 3,668 4 8 1,920 18 3 2i9 1 0 167 14 7 260 0 0 577 11 4 430 13 3 548 7 3 44,255 1 6 3,573 10 0 558 11 10 849 3 2 3,587 4 6 738 8 0 232 6 0 55 0 1 428 12 7 1,046 7 7 9,076 10 7 186 15 6 867 14 7 1,795 16 2 2,250 5 10 405 14 8 1,551 14 8 462 8 9 1,437 10 3 3,295 11 0 69 17 0 1,286 3 3 4,015 15 3 1,004 19 9 4,151 6 0 610 6 4 658 18 1 1,831 11 2 310 15 5 289 0 1 673 11 8 1,226 17 8 1 9 8 71 3 11 25 1 10 A 6 9 .. 192 10 3 1,058 6 4 962 10 8 423 0 6 215 2 0 175 11 5 940 7 3 303 13 2 148 li 5 386 17 5 654 13 10 1,183 4 1 138 1 9 476 13 7 306 2 5 1,207 9 2 280 17 4 28 13 6 689 1 9 10(5 11 3 996 2 0 515 5 6 1 40J 252' 146 99 19 29 152 53 36 24 133 296 22 67 82 311 67 5 72 57 152 49 5 18 8 15 5 5 16 1 1 2 12 186 144 173 26 43 109 30 17 46 95 'ie 14 51 63 05 1,248 4 0 2031 2,611 11 2 86 812 9 6 309: 4) 7i6 14 8 392 3,422 18 5 3 3 7 15 22 49 51 25 173 162 1 45 04 83 29 1,223 4 0 875 7 10 365 5 5 3,056 7 9 2,687 5 4 10 0 0 964 19 5 1,806 8 4 2,312 19 3 081 2 10 6 23 si 17' 71 1,015 18 9 178' 2,028 8 (i 224, 2,074 10 11 51 i 950 6 3 1 2 14 3



Table No. 4 - continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. No. Commission. issued. No. ■ £§i Amount. 8 No. i Paid. I)e epochs. Amount. teponts. I . Withdrawals. ■ §1 —j < ° I No. Amount. Amount. Amount. lIRkl*nd — conid. I Maungakaramea 132 Maungaturoto .. 332 Mercer .. 531 Mititai .. 180! Mokai .. ] 551 Morrinsville .. 683 Mount Eden .. 312 Mount Roskill .. 186 Naumai .. 335 Newmarket .. 1,434 Newton .. 2,325 Ngaruawahia .. 925 Niue .. .. 45 Northcote .. 275 Ohaeawai . . 329 Ohaupo .. 324 Ohura .. 519 ((kaihau .. 132 Okoroiie .. 121 Onehunga .. 1,152 Onetea .. 54 Onewhero .. 275 Ongarui .. 249 Opononi .. 211 Opua .. 135 Otahuhu .. l>63 Otorohanj_<a .. 716 1'ahi .. .. 129 Papakura .. 438 Paparoa .. 396j Papatoetoe .. 141 ParneU .. 6O7< Parua Bay .. 397 Paturaahoc .. 9 Penrhyn Inland.. 2 Piopio .. 251 Pirongia .. 461 Pokeno .. 165 Ponsonby .. 1,268 Poroti.. .. 167 Port Albert .. 252 Port Fitzroy .. 76 Puhoi .. 76 Pukekolic . . 1,009 Putaiuru .. ">74 Raglan .. 496 Rangiriri .. 124 Rarotonga .. *>34 Raupo .. 160 Rauriinii .. 579 Rawenc .. 473 Hehia .. 169 Rotorua .. 3,201 Ruawai .. 150 Russell .. j 495 Naiee .. .. 99 Strand Arcade .. J ,67!) Taheke .. 115 Tairua .. 889 Takapuna .. 109 Tangiteioria .. 155 Tangowahine .. 364 Taumarunui .. i 2,521 Taupii i .. 390i Taupo .. 594; Te Awamutu .. !)05 Tβ Hana .. , 264i Te Kopuru .. 098 Te Kuiti .. 1,921' Te Mata .. 149 Te Rauamoa .. 08 Te Uku .. 29 Tirau .. 190 Tokatoka .. 200 Towai .. 588 £ 8. d. 132 2 14 6 332 5 17 6 531 0 13 186 2 10 3 551 12 0 9i 683 12 15 0 312 6 16 6 186 3 17 9 335 5 19 9 1,434 34 11 0 2,325 61 ."> 0 925 18 18 6 48 1 12 6 27.-. ii 14 3 329 5 18 6 324 0 :{ 3 .-,10 10 4 3 1.(2 2 11 6 121 2 0 0 1,152 32 0 3 54 0 14 9 27:. 5 3 :i 24* 4 6 0 211 3 17 0 136 2 9 0 l>63 13 7 0 716 12 7 3 120 2 10 0 438 1 11 7 6 396 6 Hi ii 141 3 0 0 607 14 9 0 397 7 3 3 9 0 a 0 2 0 1 0 251 4 7 0 Mil 7 5 3 165 2 12 6 1,268 32 13 0 167 7 3 0 252 5 18 0 76 16 0 76 12 0] 1,009 18 12 6 r>74 9 15 9i 496 9 2 6 124 2 9 6! t>34 32 9 3 160 3 B 6 570 II 16 3 473 8 16 6 169 2 17 31 3,201 60 5 3 150 2 5 :) 495 8 13 0 99 2 II 11 1,670 48 2 0 115 2 I 0 SSO 21 17 0 11)0 2 18 0 155 2 8 3, 364 5 11 0 2,521 50 8 6 390' 7 8 t> 594 10 9 6 006 10 5 3 264; 8 11 3 008 24 4 3 1,921 37 14 6 149 2 6 0 93 1 12 9 29 11 11 :: 190 3 7 3 200 4 10 588 13 10 3 £ 8. d. 441 2 3 1,398 5 0 1,612 9 2 504 14 9 2,054 6 4 2,716 12 6 861 11 9 405 17 0 1,092 0 2 4,136 3 6 6,868 19 2, 3,684 13 0 368 11 8 948 4 10 1,025 12 6 1,136 3 6 3,415 8 0 477 12 6 423 2 10 4,108 6 0 99 19 0 950 13 1 896 11 11 801 0 10 356 4 5 2,320 11 llj 3,106 8 3 466 5 7 1,552 2 2 1,121 14 2 420 2 11 1,803 0 6 1,202 9 8j 78 13 0 0 13 0 1,186 15 3 1,422 15 5 549 5 2 8,638 16 7 837 9 11 847 10 !) 290 17 0 194 6 7 3,499 0 2 2,049 1 9 2,020 9 4 409 8 0 7,537 10 I 541 4 6 2,577 19 6 1,858 1 3 522 1 id 11.713 14 6 530 16 10 1,738 9 1 235 2 4 6,426 14 7 389 13 4 3,751 11 1 415 9 4 506 4 8 004 9 2 12,787 2 7 1,579 4 8 2,429 14 8 4 053 3 6 1,325 0 8 3,398 14 6 8,381 13 9 373 16 8 482 5 6 131 11 5 744 8 9 668 10 II 2,367 13 6 lj i i I ■I i I I i I I i i i I 11 91 139 27 37 302 477 262 41 001; : 2,117 r>40 ■i 25 j 167 85 ! 133 05 32 77 1,937 30 SO 62 20 632; 173 41 258 157 79 1,090 ,| 64 1 1 27 205 43 2,141 15 ' 82 ' 15 2(> : 384 i 174 156 ' 43 716 17 101 231 i 10 i 2,290; i 17 147 30 38 28 95 61 19 Sβ 591 135 132 481 9 238 654 ■ j 18 20 96 33 liii £ s. d. ! 64 11 9 2 17 318 18 8 14 149 663 2 11 36 219 112 8 3 4 18 151 13 2 49 4S0 1,456 15 4; 53 309 2,060 18 10 73 088 963 14 8. 15 142 346 19 7 25 162 3,719 18 7 175 1,948 7,632 15 7 358 4,218 2,730 11 9 71 622 408 13 6 .. 710 2 7 37 516 M>7 7 8 31 201 548 18 1 38 239 902 14 5 38 124 233 2 5 lf> 115 497 10 3 10 Sβ 7,924 2 10 123 '.I'll 1 132 16 3 23 17.! 621 8 7 8 70 406 16 8 9 K7 123 IS I 1 40 2,607 15 7 93 1,031 1,129 12 2: 49 288 124 0 4 6 ; 66J 1,138 7 3 37 231 494 2 3 20 2IS 412 18 3 18 200 4,233 4 10, 123 1,244' 540 3 4 8 106: 12 10 0 2 8! 0 2 0.. 170 13 0 17, 76 842 10 8 30 241! 280 8 3 14 107 7,443 9 3 174 2,161 120 15 2 10 [26 451 18 3 19 230 50 1 9 5 20 163 15 8 it 75 1,874 15 0 127 932 636 16 9 29 215 782 15 & 44 243 200 13 3 1 10 67 7,340 17 6 .. 65 !t !) 1 29 711 14 7 29 101 1,024 16 8 35 232 47 14 :l 8 40 11.518 3 r> 262 2,308 73 13 7 11 46 r>87 17 1 24 201 121 7 oi 11 00 113 19 2 40 622 176 14 9 12 78 668 16 0 47 313 303 0 7 Hi 132 84 17 <i li 46 182 5 6 14 203 3,860 r> 2 192 960 673 1 3 39 200 988 2 10 14 152 2,174 16 10! 123 800 20 9 8 51 i 299 2,179 8 3 51 570 5,156 3 4 184 Mβ 230 111 8 8 21 327 S 6 5 17 184 5 2 4 38 603 0 0 16 136 222 I 0 8 00 273 16 2 46 20i; £ s. d. 422 10 0 1,401 2 9 2,048 10 I 433 19 0 3,708 0 5 3,763 18 3 3,681 10 7 396 I 0 1,035 4 0 13,125 12 7 28,751 10 0 8,392 12 11 1,204 17 8 1 1,695 13 4 1,920 3 8 :u:io 2 0 1,803 13 0 442 14 4 9,257 4 1 2 0 0 2,546 11 0 062 3 0 004 5 0 .ill 12 0 6,917 11 3 3,674 16 •-> 628 10 0 4,436 6 11 3,866 2 0 1,181 8 2 6,377 13 10 1,546 3 0 110 (I 0 871 14 4 2,664 0 6i 1,209 1 1 9,994 8 3 1,289 4 0' 3,958 16 3 290 12 0 1,870 16 0 12,563 17 5 1,832 7 2 4,472 7 10 *.-,.-> 9 0 4i;i 17 3 3,427 3 6 2,557 15 3i 108 IS 0 21,751 16 r> l>87 10 9 3,938 11 9 .->:!0 16 0 5,582 17 0 468 I 0 3,740 6 1 004 2 2 416 9 6 812 5 5 17,453 1 4i 2,387 3 10 1,342 7 3 13,711 8 5! 3,760 9 7 5,651 15 0i 18,352 1 0 601 II 0 129 7 8 674 13 9 1,115 12 1 r>15 15 0 1,269 13 0 ! I I I lj l| I I I j i 6 r> 2 9 25 12 4 41 28' r,I 22 Q 9 14 11 0 2 31 3 3 3 15 22 1 ID 2 32 2 5 13 3 30 r> 8 9 52 84 26 108 195 70 24 +1 284 450 399 114 in 68 115 46 34 309 1 82 20 53 22 291 206 31 L38 87 46 160 67 1 28 111 43 194 47 K.-> £ s. d. 225 3 0 1.020 4 11 1,345 6 7 487 5 0 893 7 1 2,689 16 2 576 15 3 84 7 3 373 Hi 7 3,571 15 (i 3,683 8 8 6,40!) 18 8 769 11 0 473 15 9 885 0 6 2,83« 0 0 996 14 4 201 2 0 4,154 8 5 14 0 0 1,592 8 1 236 12 I 553 5 8 486 18 5 3,098 9 6 3,758 8 6 762 7 11 1,795 14 10 ' 2,446 3 0 534 6 6 1,574 2 0 0H 11 10 8 0 0 191 18 6 2,882 9 9 686 15 0 1,296 4 1 553 18 7 1.064 3 7 I I I I \ I 2 28 5 IT, 1 23 335 83 156 40 807 4 6 7,250 0 S 873 7 4 3,044 1 6 435 18 10 I i 4 13 24 1 132 1 r> :i " 9 19 4 I :i 40 10 11 31 15 65 3 4 •; 17 100 IIS IT) 1,111 S 111 30 :s 10 103 29 14 48 768 96 104 350 16 211 539 22 17 29 54 43 71 827 5 9 2,209 0 0 2,208 1 4 181 0 0 19,309 18 0 00 9 0 1,370 2 5 1,108 0 I 22 0 0 334 7 0 1,712 1 10 162 13 7 235 8 1 300 1 3 11.103 8 0 1,165 0 11 1,653 14 1 10,059 15 6 415 0 0 4,116 10 0 12,372 3 6 372 8 10 483 0 3 737 11 11 786 11 1 826 4 10 573 4 1



Table No. 4—continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909—continued.

Money-orders Savings-banks Office. Issued. Paid. fell .Deposit*. 8 . Witl < ° No. I Withdrawals, ttadr&waU, Amount. No. I Commission. Amount. ! Nμ Amount. o No. j Amount. .< ° No. I i Amount. ■ ■ Auckland — eonld. t ». d. Tuakau •• 403, 7 n 6 L'p. Svmomls.Sl. 1,702 tl I 9 Wade •■ 223 6 2 3 Waerenga .. 100 2 ."> d Waharoa .. 129 I 18 9 Waiharara .. 375 9 5 9 Waihopo •• 1,010! 32 o 8 Wail.ou •• 212 3 1 6 Waikumete .. 44 110 Waimamaku .. 272 3 4 0 Waipu .. 1,043 Iβ 8 6 Walton •• 22 (I 9 li Waiuku •• 800 li) 17 3 Waiwera .. 101 2 13 Waotii .. 76 18 6 Warkwortli .. *i>0 19 Id d Wellrford .. 61fl 14 7 3 West Lynn .. L26 2 18 9 Whakapara .. 394 l> it li Whakapiraii .. 173 3 8 8 Whakarewarewa 144 2 14 9 Whanjsaiei .. 3,491 89 Lβ li Whangaroa .. 187 2 12 8 Wharekawa .. 129 9 16 3 Whatawhata .. Idl 2 (I It Whitfonl .. 66 I 2 li Whitianga .. 1,299 21 17 9 Hi.knheim ■• 8,762 84 18 8 Havelwk .. 895 17 6 9 Kckeiangu .. 136 "2 (i 9 Mahakipawa .. 225 :i 11 9 Xvdia Bay .. 238 5 4 ti Pioton .. 1,510 28 17 ii Renwicktown .. 166 3 17 6 Seddon •• 666 13 17 (I Spring Creek .. 261 6 8 9 Timatanga .. 48 10 0 Wairau Valley .. 105; 1 19 8 t s. d. £ s. d. 1,449 Id 2 188 1)18 If!) 4,315 4 9 740 2,654 13 7 779 13 7 135 535 Iti 10 413 15 5 66 273 12 fi 374 13 6 41 309 14 7 1,334 9 71 79 1,676 16 11 5.451 ti 3 1 20!) 3,907 2 3 878 19 II 5!) 208 ."> 0 L48 19 3 7<i 167 6 8 028 0 0 25 135 17 0 3,665 19 0 145: 756 9 9 132 1 10 12 44 1!) 2 3.757 13 9 ! 227 1,470 3 4 320 19 2 32 219 I 0 281 d 6 38 243 4 li 3,003 4 4 3d4 1,334 Iβ I 2,881 11 10 89 588 4 3 284 13 0 r>4 230 7 3 1,458 17 4 37 214 13 4 867 10 r> 32 204 II 7 406 18 8 61 193 14 0; IS.776 I 2 l.i"37 9.439 19 2 156 10 I I 77 356 ill 879 17 Id 1 10 89 r> 8 492 0 4 37 245 12 I 247 19 3 -">2 257 5 I 1.719 12 Id 242 1,320 19 S 16,757 3 Id 2,340 16,036 2 3 3,831 7 7 261 1,364 9 II 384 16 10 9 48 3 9 790 7 1 22 08 11 6 1,356 Id 2 11 90 Id 7 5,586 10 0 790 3,783 14 5 552 2 4 58 268 8 2.; 2,386 - 6 6 104 510 18 2'. 942 18 11 86 208 0 8 169 4 6 2 25 18 6J| 355 13 4 86 291 4 6 |JC s. d. 33 226 2,384 ill 0 86 220 2,185 12,017 0 4 111 154 18 119 1,272 7 i) 2 45 7 44 474 7 0 J 13 26 116 908 0 8 8 36 21 163 2,780 15 0 5 42 31 170 3,407 15 0 11 07 16 87 1,852 12 9 11 05 7 22 97 17 0 .. 3 18 175 1,024 4 7 .. 53 25 243 4,083 7 0 10 195 2 3 385 1 11 .. 3 72 886 8,666 10 10 19 284 18 150 1,229 7 0 3 24 2 23 d 0 1 72 734 6,113 2 5 10 218 38 297 3,696 9 3 7 05 15 92 982 I'.i II 2 20 10 I7U 1,316 lid 4 59 8 42 478 14 0 0 37 20 III 454 12 1 14. 92 :>4:i 3,314 44,420 17 0 136 1,735 IIS 2,555 14 5 2 38 7 58 1.128 11 0 .. I o 33 163 4 0 4 36 3 38 359 12 3 3 24 Sβ 430 4,509 17 8 19 180 £ b. d. 1,170 0 0 1.449 10 7 311 18 2 100 12 9 330 9 8 735 0 6 1,158 18 9 3,318 5 6 30 5 0 608 17 0 3.450 12 0 378 0 0 8,317 15 0 030 '.i 6 7 1 4 3,457 o 3 2,084 8 8 462 9 8 973 16 1 033 2 I I 172 7 I 38,53 1 7 r> 527 8 Id 219 0 2 «53 7 6 292 6 0 2.410 7 I 69] 5,908 92,190 :S 8 039 4,986 7d .">24 7,090 0 0 22 254 2 10 186 7 0 1 :> 4 43 192 4 0 1 16 23 69 1,041 18 2 I 9 144 1,174 13,015 8 11 80 037 22 193 1,504 4 10 2' 28 79 639 0,338 9 7 6 102 22 190 1,905 2 8 5 29 20 73 223 5 0 2 10 17 69 588 10 5 2 12 103,597 2 Id 1,893 18 4 29 0 lo 222 10 4 209 14 6 10,857 14 0 166 8 5 1,017 4 1 515 0 U 112 7 7 02 10 9 Chmstchurch .. 23,044 741 14 :i Aldington .. 41li 7 8 :! \karoa .. 778 Iβ 15 9 A.nlierley .. 310 li r> li Ashburton .. 3,572 SI I I 0 Bealev •• 261! 8 0 d Belfast .. 227 5 19 0 Broken River .. 1,592 31 1 9 Cherteej •• 107 2 14 il Cheviot .. 969 17 17 3 Coalgatc .. 147 2 l<) r, Oulverden .. 261 7 3 0 Oust .. 148 2 14 6 DarfieW ■■ 144| 2 16 li Dunsandel .. 104 1 2 5 9 JJuvauchellc .. 194 3 14 9 East Oxford .. 284 4 19 3 Ellesmere .. 11 0 17 d Clentunnel .. 198 4 0 9 Cm-mlale .. 67 1 19 9 HaWeU .. 28 0 14 9 Hanmer Springs 722 13 8 0 Hi.,I, Slnci .. 2,795 76 18 !• Hind, .. 132 2 14 9 Hornby .. 77 1 li 8 Hororata .. 136 3 7 3 Islington .. 192 5 12 31 Kaiapoi .. 868 Iβ 15 0 1 Kaikoura .. 1,337 23 10 3 Kirwr, .. 151 2 17 9 •• 689 II 2 0 Lincoln .. 147 :i 7 (i Linwoocl .. 772 10 II 9 Little Akaloa .. ] lil I 16 0 108,709 7 5 86,386 208,046 7 2 812 7 3 337 1,180 18 10 2,869 0 11 298 1,387 19 1 943 18 6 107 869 11 3 14,499 8 Id 1,966 8,334 14 4 1,107 18 4; 23 99 13 1 833 4 10 93 168 2 6 8,493 1 10 83 290 3 0 028 10 5 73 163 0 i\ 4,397 16 10 151 960 8 8 553 d 0 21, 74 0 0 1,784 12 9 159 723 15 3 378 3 4 38 387 6 9 455 0 1 02 397 13 1 350 9 1 08 223 0 1 708 15 0 49 217 13 1 1,011 3 10 89 344 s 11 130 12 3 lo 45 4 0 802 5 7 34 185 10 3 309 10 9 9 97 4 3i 80 0 3 23 54 7 8 2,696 S s 124 847 7 7 9,920 1 0 56 260 16 2 476 7 3. 31 119 4 9 202 7 1 32 184 8 8 447 6 7 50 230 1 4 521 2 11 21 122 12 8 2,913 1 8 460 1,985 I 4 8,759 19 8 370 1,732 I 3 490 13 5 50 260 10 3 1,986 0 6 179 871 8 7 664 8 0 131 653 12 11 1,619 6 Id 04S 321 17 0 258 110 31 160 IS ii 7,;iS7 86,1271,285,104 10 0 7,425 80,160:] 48 098 3,160 15 1 8 129 96 829 14,308 0 10 24 388 25 388 9,056 8 3 8' 138 509 4,374 47,160 0 2 247 2,105 83 135 1,640 0 1.. 19 43 270 1,304 4 6 2 45 86 151 0,647 14 9 6 74 10 95 1,632 11 0 5 01 61i 482 0,246 16 7 0 168 15 82 583 9 10 1 2.", 29 201 3,286 5 9 7 70 1 20 210 1,737 2 8 3 66 12 99 1,779 4 0 1 23 17 194 3,215 I!) 9 3 44 13 ss 907 1 4 10 01 23 196 2,940 19 0 5 77 9 54 850 13 4 1 16 12 140 1,269 0 0 1 29 4 30 312 Hi 7 3 14 !) r>5 209 '-i 0 1 22 66 518 1.737 Id 2 7 119 190 3,819 23,788 18 31 • 8 lit 20 75 1,170 9 10 3 40 14 99 653 6 0 . . 27 19 122 1,277 15 6 .. , 32 16 117 941 17 2 3 1 44 lt>7 1,796 2d,920 0 5 58 075, 88 576 7,723 5 8 34 259. 12 132 2,052 4 3 10 53 81 055 12,005 15 0 20 199' 19 172, 1,702 4 0 4 68 122 1,341 5,303 15 3 Hi 190 :i 28 1,294 0 0 2 hi 1,447,961 10 11 860 12 5 8,238 13 II 2,898 8 6 38,214 17 11 JOS 1 II 259 1 3 775 5 10 1,072 10 6 2,140 17 8 419 0 2 2,089 7 2 764 0 Id 744 3 3 1,117 10 9 1,595 1 7 1,352 14 (i 338 4 1 545 18 9 183 13 4 126 1 3 1,745 10 3 804 17 3 602 0 8 237 13 0 401 10 0 004 2 7 13,550 9 8 5,374 8 1 733 1 9 0,905 18 8 2,284 6 8 990 8 3 81 3 10



Table No. 4— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. OHicc. Issued. Paid. No. Dei Deposits. JpOSitS. Amount. (ft <° Withdrawals. No. I Commission. i z s g, j = Amount. No. Amount. \ < 0 No. Amount. < ° No. Amount. I No. Amount. Hhristchurch — con. £ 8. d. Little River .. 636' 10 19 6 Lyttelton .. 2,038 77 1(1 0 Mayfield .. L09 2 1 3 Methven .. 600 17 r> 0 Mount Somers .. 229 4 12 3 New Brighton .. I (is 3 13 I) Ohoka .. Bβ 1 10 3 Oxford .. 171 7 lit 3 Papanui .. Sβ] 9 9 9 Pigeon Bay .. B] 2 14 li Prebbleton .. 77 1 15 0 Rakaia .. 1,200! 22 3 0 Rangiora .. 1,327 2!) 5 0 Rolleston .. 46 0 If) 3 St. Albans . . 454 10 17 3 Scargill . . Ill 2 Iβ . 0 Sefton .. 131 2 12 0 Sheffield .. 267 5 0 6 Southbridge .. 303 6j 5 3 Springfield .. 319 8 6 0 Springston Rail- [18 220 way Sumner .. 207 4 S 6 Sydenham .. 1,136 SO 1 9 Templeton .. Bβ 2 1 0 Tinwald .. 97 I 12 B Upper Riecarton 1711 3 13 0 Waiau . . 028 i> lit 3 Waikari .. 232 5 15 3 Waipara . . 129 2 17 6 Whiteoliffs .. 185 2 13 0 Woodend .. 80 1 12 6 Woolston . . 265 5 18 6 Dunedtn .. 18,204 661 18 li Alexandra South 1,033 27 15 0 Allanton .. 128 1 18 3 Balclutha .. 2,131 37 Iβ 9 Baniiockburn .. 1 86 3 2 9 Cavereham .. 686 15 5 6 Clinton .. 859 13 11 9 Clyde . . 605 0 2 3 Cromwell .. 898 18 5 0 Dun back . . 200 2 14 3 Dunedin North.. 1,662 44 0 0 (iimmerbmn . . 137 1 18 !t Green Island .. 160 3 11 3 HaweaFlat .. 142 2 6 0 Heriot .. 378 6 18 6 Hyde Railway .. 433 6 0 6 Kaitaiifiata . . 1.758 36 5 3 Kelso . . .. 386 5 4 (i Kokonga .. 232 4 6 0 Lawrence . . 1,289 20 6 9 Lovell's Flat .. 143; 2 9 9 Macrae's Mat . . 273 4 4 3 Matakanui .. 186 2 7 3 Middleman* . . 736 13 7 8 Miller's Flat . . 316 5 2 9 Milton . . 1,316 20 4 0 Moray Place .. 1.327 32 3 6 Mornington .. 207 6 12 0 Moegiel .. 701 14 17 3 Naseby .. 962 14 7 9 NorthEast Valley ; 270. 6 2 3 Ophir . , 477 6 14 6 Oturehua .. 326 4 8 3 Outram .. 311 5 13 6 Owaka .. 2,932 45 0 3 Palmerston .. BOO 17 13 9 Patearoa .. 886 4 18 9 Pembroke .. 198 3 5 9 Port Chalmers .. 1,757 41 0 3 Portobello . . 86 2 4 6! Puerua .. 197 3 1 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 2 370 17 7 142 1,141 18 7 32 284 6,033 14 3 7 152 3,866 (i 4 9,966 10 2 1,347 .",363 3 4 336 3,094 28,177 16 2 111 1,117 15,081 3 1 306 12 4 24 175 5 5 15 125 1,215 9 0.. 33 669 4 9 ■2 S47 9 2 111 489 12 4 66 314 4,254 16 8 20 104 3,462 1 6 873 15 10 34 189 2 8 12 99 1,755 5 11 2 41 791 3 9 106 4 I 160 574 13 6 43 580 2.277 9 8 6 112 741 10 10 262 i> 11 34 79 17 11 6 [41 388 3 0 .. 17 168 15 3 Mill 13 7 146 698 18 7 36 308 2,848 11 1 13 122 1,978 16 8 I 309 (I II 308 1,482 Iβ 0 54 613 4,741 8 1 '8 113 894 6 5 447 8 4 17 92 17 11 9 43 669 17 11 .. 14 1,214 0 0 313 12 1 38 234 8 4 5 22 224 0 0 1 12 151 13 10 4 :{83 19 4 346 1,654 8 4 70 462 6,062 16 10 21 248 3,390 13 6 4',730 14 8 «18 3,665 11 4 220 2,356 42,317 10 0 110 1,173 29,600 5 1 146 13 1 20 71 19 0 4 46 191 3 0 1 7 28 15 0 1 153 7 11 352 1,520 !l 4 87 909 8,862 8 8 6 141 912 IS 0 404 17 10 22 277 18 6 18 110 955 J!t 6 1 22 827 7 9 386 Iβ i> 143 806 9 10 16 152 1,290 2 0 2 64 1,721 8 4 945 0 1 121 551 14 3 11 171 2,166 8 11 7 64 842 14 1 1135 1 1 77 374 13 9 49 384 4,835 18 2 11 119 2,427 7 10 1 409 15 8 302 1,647 9 11 17 203 2,858 7 7 3 42 1,265 7 4 382 2 11 36 157J12 9 7 139 1,153 12 0 3 36 765 14 11 644 0 10 171 666 15 2 29 463 2,623 19 8 4 149 1,028 3 1 3 448 6 *3 1,273 4,918 11 9 317 4,720 21,631 10 7 34 469 3,321 7 0 301 4 0 39 129 18 4 14 110 656 12 4 1 34 210 9 4 196 1 7 02 217 16 7 5 72 397 8 0 3 32 587 8 3 627 1 9 132 807 16 7 19 227 1.890 7 01 4j 34 784 11 9 3,186 5 6 86 417 16 8 36 292 3,494 9 5 9 119 1,495 7 0 1 093 3 0 121 575 15 6. 32 264 4,242 3 1 5 69 2,171 10 11 476 6 2 25 110 6 1 8 82 682 10 6 1 15 210 6 5 430 0 3 17 72 11 0 5 82 705 10 0' 3 25 5841 7 fl 312 3 2 30 149 3 5 11 116 1,193 7 0 6| 39 793 15 1 724 0 7 254 927. 2 8 77 778 3,563 12 10 10 154 2,362 12*" 4 81,780 12 1138,474 175,455 8 6 5,057 59,1871 882,313 13 3 985,453 10 8 6,022 11 1 408 1,898 17 9 76 685 9,402 0 11 43 349 7,858 6 10 419 11 9 33 146 12 2 7 120 969 16 0 6 56 928 16 7 7,072 16 3 770 3,070 15 3 149 1,121 16,964 2 3 (il 434 n> 560 18 6 694 IS (I 33 123 6 6 16 93 641 3 0 3 11 231 0 6 1,906 19 9 835 2,686 1 I) 137 2,098 10,159 2 2 32 337 3 680 8 8 2,762 19 5 129 665 5 4 50 371 6,051 0 5 17 113 3 2 2,003 5 4 276 1,147 0 7 19 214 2,271 19 2 7 74 ] 605 14 2 3,812 10 8 319 1,769 0 2 58 536 6,751 0 11 20 155 3 469 11 7 866 17 1 44 230 13 8 !t 75 636 7 0 10 37 567 2 6 .-,(192 2 3 507; 2,040 0 5 380 .6,166 36,240 16 11 117 905 10 706 19 7 477 3 10 11 67 10 7 1 24 188 7 0 1 11 'lO4 9 0 (147 4 1 164 634 17 7 38 321 2,120 0 10 15 87 ] 759 10 8 518 lit 0 12 44 12 2 13 08 374 10 0 3 4 21 17 3 1,117 10 4 110 426 8 5 40 194 1,879 10 8 14 75 2 047 4 7 1 199 4 7 42 200 6 0 0 55 012 3 5 2 14 '454 13 9 6,136 10 10 364 1,518 12 0 84 879 9,501 1 6 52 295 7 83 9 ]] g 1,008 1 r> 59 280 9 7 18 114 1,371 0 9 7 41 1 231 16 7 1,070 7 5 30 113 19 9 10 l>4 624 12 3 2 25 438 15 9 5,447 14 5 739 2,828 14 1 98 796 14,331 18 2 40 366 12 524 15 4 460 19 10 33 153 8 5 11 90 737 2 0 2 14 344 10 3 718 13 5 Hi 108 15 4 :) 40 524 16 I) 1 13 r>43 18 4 624 19 8 29 126 14 "41; ., 3,033 14 5 ! 206: 1,050 1 1 28 294 3,765 3 11, 17 113 2 965 7 1 ] 170 6 l> 51 218 18 1 28 235 2,432 18 11 11 64 966 5' 8 4 070 4 I 899 3,195 15 2 128 1,259 16,068 12 11 54 467 12 006 2' 3 3,897 12 10 26 53 13 3 223 2,656 13,145 10; 2 35 '199 17 10 507 (i l> 345 1,498 19 8 91 1,287 3,332 (i I 14 132 8R0 5 9 2,125 19 5 658 2,695 15 0 108 1,112 12,611 13 0 58 386 8 60 ] 14 10 4 990 Hi !) :i,s3 1,409 15 0 35 306 4,780 15 10 14 117 4 014 10 9 652 4 10 324 1.109 0 5 54 010 2,408 3 2 18 !l<) '432 18 T8 1,089 18 li 84 673 12 0 29 182 2,966 16 0; 0 :S<i 46 i ] 6 4 1,103 Hi 0 151 342 8 2 7 37 558 17 0 2 16 241 7 1 994 0 10 108 491 13 2 31 242 2,952 4 5 0 76i ] 0 64 0 9 10,52(i l> •- 209 1,584 14 11 88 641; 10,041 7 11 25 319) 7750 10 8 4,348 6 4 487 2,340 10 9 71 701 10,695 12 10 28 .351 8 113 17 11 919 6 5 14 47 6 7- 13 20 252 12 4 ] 4 27 0 11 492 12 11 34 92 0 3 14 77 1,232 17 0 7 13 449 12 2 6,00-> 17 ii 980 3,852 2 7 171 2,533 24,398 13 8 75 839 i 3>0 53 16 0 309 9 9! 46 1 295 14 1 16 184! 1,535 11 6 2 28 216 11 0 680 7 1 ! 127 ! 017 5 8 12 105 1,146 10 4 2 28 4 g0 14 5



Table No. 4— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. Issued. Paid. •Ill • o F. Deposits. . h ! Withdrawals. No. Commission. e e. d. o 11 0 0 4 0 11 II) 3 16 2 9 ."> 13 3 ."> 9 0 14 12 0 (i 13 0 12 19 6 3 7 0 9 11 0 1 5 3 12 Hi 0 1 14 3 4 10 9 3 14 0 .") 17 9 4 6 0 1 10 3 2 0 9 Amount. i No. £ B. ,1. 1,502 8 7 107 14 9 0 11 1,258 17 3 465 2,920 1 8 282 1,380 0 0 1 121 1,235 1 0 295 1,08.") 14 0 1.1131 1,253 1 0 20.-, 2,724 0 6 195 070 19 4 51 2,188 12 0 37 217 7 9j 8 2,892 7 4 1 329 388 17 4 381 1,071 15 1 33 567 12 5 30 1,225 17 9 108 705 0 8 83 339 8 4 17 698 6 4 20 Amount. Ji*l No. i Amount. Z % i No. J Amount. I £ s. d. 315 15 6i 32 3 6 1,003 14 10 905 2 4. 048 lit li 1,426 9 7 3,807 14 10 B57 13 7i| 713 7 7 291 4 5 243 4 1 26 17 1 1,275 17 1 112 15 3 129 8 5 140 12 2 014 li 0 340 15 11 64 1 4 133 14 4 £ s. d. 17 111 850 19 8 1 36 4 20 131 6 0 .. 1 188 1,909 8,074 12 4 36 306 30 381 6,426 2 2 19 171 Iβ 135 1,120 7 0 4 44 29 298 2,97(i 12 8 58| 166 2.427 12,634 14 8 41 430 (l<1 117 1,568 9 6 7 51 [45 453 6,979 11 9 16 125 j 24 166 1,336 2 0 3 59 £ s. d. 420 19 9 1 10 0 3,176 0 3 4,787 5 5 960 » 10 1,454 18 9 5,553 18 0 1,028 4 0 3,213 18 2 931 2 11 DUNKDIN — COIltd. Ranfurly .. 470 Kavensbournc .. II Roslyn .. 514 Roxburgh .. H;V> St. Bathan's .. 374 Seacliff .. 277, South Dunedin 078 Stirling • • 377 Tapamii .. 751 Waihola .. 196 Waikaia .. 542 Waikoikoi . . 67 Waikouaiti .. 711 Waipahi .. 115 Waipiata .. 33(i! Waipori .. 164| W'aitahuna .. 362 Waitati .. 202; Waiwera South 97 Wedderburn .. 182 111 432 5,151 8 3 13 117 8 58 604 2 9 :i 33 10 69 743 S 11 4 27 1,012 4 11 316 1 9 382 18 10 l<1 170 2,508 10 11 !l 65 11 130 1,042 6 1 3 40 20 04 083 9 5 :i 23 2 27 173 15 0 2 17 1,724 3 7 348 16 4 236 14 8 195 3 9 OlSBORNB . . 7,186 Matawai .. 29 Motu .. .. 135 Ormond .. 57 Otoko .. 350| Patutahi .. SS Port Awanui .. . 259 Te Araroa .. 88 Tβ Karaka .. 775 Tokomaru Bay.. 554 Tolago Bay .. 658 Tuparoa ... 651 Waimata Valley 78 Waipiro Bay ".. 832 Whatatutu .. 200 UreyMoi'TM .. 5,476 Ahuura .. 274 Blackball .. 1,407 Brunnerton .. 390 Hcathdalr .. 57 Moana .. 199 Nelson Creek .. 134 Ngahere .. 225 Otira.. .. 1,113 Reefton .. i 3,307 Runangn .. ' 1,530 Stillwater .. 72 Totara Flat .. 187 209 2 6 1 3 0 2 19 3 1 (i 6 7 116 2 7 6 5 5 9 1 15 6 17 3 0 12 9 0 13 1 0 14 0 0 3 7 0 17 0 0 ."> 6 6 137 10 0 4 6 3 37 18 6 7 17 9 0 19 9 4 10 6 3 0 6 5 r> o 27 15 0 101 7 0 35 17 3 1 19 6 .1 4 3 34,405 10 5 3,644 160 6 8 5 460 14 7 28' 198 2 8 7 1,547 17 4 9 432 16 8 30 1,109 3 6 71 401 10 9, 24 3,362 0 1 142 2,539 12 10 102 2,555 10 2 142 2,662 12 10 58 388 2 11 0 3,666 3 7 96i 906 0 3 45 25,568 16 5 4.070 880 16 2 801 5,381 4 7 107 1,037 4 6 150 182 5 2 2 637 14 5 49; 697 7 6 14i 873 K 3 50 5,538 8 8 119 13,203 7 0 1.270 4,352 10 1 123 347 17 7 59! 606 0 0 37; 18,213 14 11 11 17 0 221 16 0 43 17 0 Bβ 3 0 189 15 0 308 7 1 98 9 4 1,046 13 3 590 13 2 838 19 2 179 0 5 45 11 6 470 0 2 252 17 0 1,720 14,253 183,326 17 11; 1,357 11,017 g 4 143 17 6 .. 4 8 46 513 10 0 6 32 II 42 357 19 0 2 8 33 166 2,186 7 4 1 5 23 93 909 18 0 3 31 30 133 975 4 6 8 69 24 75 867 0 It 6 35 01 416 6,136 16 5 21 127 65J 3021 4,505 11 8 22 198 Sβ 259 3,004 12 3 22 179 73 303 4,903 9 11 34 217 8 ")li 239 9 8 .. 11 59 332 4,783 1 11 17 177 28 123 1,466 9 9 14 67 969 8,172 129,055 9 4 1,069 6,820 21 129 1,175 19 5 48 219 1,214 14,005 10 9 39 284 30 2.57 3,310 17 8 12 71 .-, 20 204 0 0.. 5 24 142 1,628 3 4 3 21 i; 71 903 18 I 2 19 22 192 1,873 10 8 10 M 211 1,014 9,915 0 1 •">:! 208 347 2.200 29,855 15 10 107 1,018 112 754 8,404 19 0 18 170 41 18 126 11 0 1 2 13 81 1,045 0 3 3 :i4 104,023 2 0 38 15 0 344 19 8 99 3 1 134 5 8 424 6 2 425 17 4 258 17 6 974 14 1 2,488 19 7 1,356 6 7 2,358 1 3 107 5 0 2,041 8 1 516 8 4 152,418 6 0 575 17 10 4,256 13 0 008 13 11 46 10 0 279 12 1 170 10 10 342 7 5 2,720 3 0 19,510 4 2 2,994 !l l> 11 11 1 291 11 0 18,357 0 10 397 10 8 877 8 10 400 10 9 2 11 9 317 9 0 03 19 8 292 10 0 502 18 9 4,959 11 1 581 7 11: 1,111 10 11 183 4 3 Hukitika .. 2,014 Goldsboroiigh .. 58 Kumara .. 601 Okarito .. 61 Rimu .. .. HI lioss .. .. 627 Stafford .. 202 41 7 0 1 0 3 12 7 3 1 3 3 2 14 0 11 11 0 4 0 0 7,407 8 11 [,896 102 14 4 9! 2.243 14 3 330 230 7 2 10 541 10 2 30 2,170 10 10 148 S07 2 10 43; 5,992 16 ."> 50 10 2: 1,342 5 4| 55 18 7 157 2 10 739 :, .-. 162 IT. HI 224 1,490 25,566 0 0 235 I.I'D- , .-{ 24 139 10 (I 2 :i 4.'i 407 4,798 18 5 27 200 :t 14 89 2 0 I 3 IS 172 1,484 11 0 0 69 II 287 5,113 0 5 21 168 10 46 419 10 r> •"> :tl 33,151 11 4 13 5 1 4,288 8 4 74 17 3 1,208 14 1 2,706 3 1 424 14 3 iNVRRCAKUll.I, .. 6,816 Arrowtown .. 554 Awarua Plains .. 9 Balfour .. 272 Bluff .. .. 1,172 Clifden . .. 27 Colac Bay .. 135 Dipton ' . . 247 Kdondale ... 552 Fairfax .. 123 Fortrose . . 279 Gore .. . . 2,845 Half-moon Bay Mβ Kingston .. 180 Lumaden .. 449 Mataura .. ! 1,639 101 4 0 S !l (I 0 3 3 .-> ii 6 27 17 3 0 10 0 2 13 0 4 14 3 8 14 it 2 13 3 5 18 3 68 2 0 6 10 0 3 2 9 o r< o 26 14 9 30,809 S 0 8,290i 1,694 17 2 127; 40 10 3 17 024 I 0 48 3.887 II 6 1,100 71 1 4 .. 482 2 0 81 748 0 10 00 2,918 8 11 83 44.-. 13 8 28 1,031 10 3 30 10,162 3 0 1,750 1,419 3 1 95 487 9 5 14 1,707 11 5 211| 4,324 0 8 304; 34,000 9 8il 040 17 2 ! 148 0 8JI 200 10 0* ! 2,993 18 41 1,663! 13,540 219,234 0 4 I.r>0:! 11,198 BO 8B0 4,470 10 8 33 108 244,919 17 6 4,295 8 7 2S i72 1,866 15 2 1"> S4 HIT 1,216 ! 9,098 10 10 27 165 1,609 9 2 0,133 8 5 208 10 0 553 17 5 616 10 5| 91 14 Oi , 225 9 7 7,151 5 8 688 15 9 45 9 01 030 13 10 1,466 17 9 IS 108 594 0 10 0 51 14 81: 876 3 11 7 23 .is 205 4,003 8 3 HI 88 III H2 408 12 I :: 17 27 114 910 17 .! <i 41j 316 2,946 44,706 17 f> 147 1.230 18| 104 1,041 7 0! 4 61 7 08 865 7 11 4 29 lili 295 2,976 0 11 22 120 91 768 10,498 7 3 33 319 441 8 10 266 14 5 2,980 14 6 432 13 7 078 12 11 :i0.204 8 7 582 6 9 270 12 9 2,616 2 1 0,263 0 2



Table No. 4—continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

2-F. 1.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. Issued. Paid. Z 8| No. Dei Deposits. :posits. Amount. 2 . Witl = -o 3 u So <~° No. Withdrawals. thdrawals. Amount. No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. IN VERCARGIIX — COn. Nightcaps Orawia Orepuki Otautau Pukerau Queenstown Riversdale Riverton Thornbury Waikaia Waikaka Waipahi Wairio Winton Woodlands .. Wyndham 752 64 1,025 844 144 883 570 1,106 122 821 379 100 57 1,022 176 1,534 £ s. d. 15 2 9 0 17 0 17 6 6 19 17 9 2 6 6 16 18 9 10 13 3 20 2 0 2 11 3 14 2 9 7 17 3 1 11 9 1 7 6 21 9 0 3 17 9 25 12 3 £ a. d. 2,659 3 9 197 10 3 3,767 14 6 3,924 17 8 397 0 10 3,166 17 9 2,088 18 1 3,589 15 5 502 16 10 2,864 3 11 1,230 18 5 324 2 2 240 19 0 3,437 10 0 760 13 2 4,696 9 10 139 2 178 361 53 519 153 388 18 63 61 29 11 332 608 212 £ s. d. 1,031 16 11 5 17 3 1,352 18 6 1,336 11 5 202 12 0 2,647 14 9 482 8 6 2,155 12 4 131 11 2 268 5 2 1 297 18 2 50 16 6j 39 8 5j 1,700 9 3! 577 11 1 1,005 19 11 34 3 82 61 10 70 30 66 10 04 16 239 14 519 494 80 446 191 840 85 493 166 £ s. d. 2,338 8 6 124 11 0 6,559 0 4 4,933 2 6 1,046 18 11 6,245 8 2 3,072 10 0 12,989 Hi 8 1,503 19 0 4,990 4 6 2,099 4 7 11 23 29 PI 29 12 31 t\ 27 9 82 2 185 208 44 207 69 275 22 158 75 £ a. d. 1,655 17 3 15 10 0 3,328 9 4 3,312 5 2 1,063 13 7 5,322 3 5 1,414 6 9 7,393 3 6 259 15 11 3,685 2 7 1,449 15 2 3 123 1(> Iμ 37 680 102 525 327 7 0 8,705 11 7 1,043 13 5 6,605 5 7 1 28 2 21 5 262 43 163 (tli 18 4 3,528 1 0 755 2 7 3,876 4 1 Napier Blackburn Clive .. Dannevirke Frasertown Greenmeadows Hastings Hatuma Havelock North Herbertville Kaikora North .. Kumeroa Makaretu Makotuku Matamau Mohaka Norsewood Nuhaka Ongaonga Opoutama Ormondville Petane Porangahau Port Ahuriri Puketapu Takapau Taradale Te Aute Tikokino Waimiro Waione Waipawa Waipukurau Wairoa Weber Whetukura Wimbledon 7,610 63 135 3,771 177 196| 4,839 133 364 93 445 125 78 383 145 208 835 13 246 208 489 57 491 1,022 71 551 282 168 437 61 82 1,629 1,217 1,324 222J 66 79, 211 17 9 0 18 0 3 0 9 74 2 6 4 5 6 3 16 6 118 14 9 2 4 0 8 6 9 2 5 3 7 19 0 2 11 0 19 6 6 19 6 3 6 9 3 5 0 14 17 3 0 3 6 4 18 9 3 13 9 9 12 3 1 2 o| 9 16 6| 23 13 6 1 14 6 12 19 6j 5 19 0 3 12 3 8 5 0 0 16 3 1 3 6 32 12 6 27 2 3 29 6 0 5 8 9 13 6 1 7 3 36,744 10 3 183 18 10 550 10 1 20,194 0 1 688 2 8 587 6 6; 21,813 13 6J 425 3 -t 1,146 10 5, 431 5 9 1,476 19 11 435 0 6 250 13 111 1,278 6 4! 684 9 1 663 8 5 3,039 9 2 22 3 6j 1,061 7 5^ 737 3 5 2,063 12 6! 166 0 8 1,628 17 3; 4,311 4 11 287 15 8; 2,249 2 1 894 12 5 729 12 7 1,898 17 3 192 16 6 285 19 8 9,333 6 1 6,987 10 7 5,132 9 6 791 13 6 211 13 5 437 1 7 7,700 1 55 2,298 64 87 2,995 31 192 17 99 21 19 117 56 54 126 1 79 31 183 62 l 48 999 32 137j 130, 176 76 4 8 816 524 449| 55| 9 28 50,205 14 0 1 10 0 202 2 5 9,859 8 6! 397 11 10i 382 11 7i 15,480 5 21 180 1 10 785 18 5 60 17 2 516 0 4i 103 17 6 80 0 7 632 5 3 346 18 11 351 2 0 639 13 10 1 15 9, 350 0 4 106 19 11 859 7 2 236 12 1, 207 11 3 3,914 11 3 79 3 8, 626 15 2l 480 12 6 544 1 3 401 5 1. 9 3 71 30 2 3 3,219 16 8 2,093 3 II 1,912 19 lit 324 2 61 30 5 21 243 6 3 1,662 16,220 229,504 19 8 2,148 14,539 295,123 8 10 12 385 27 30 830 1 11 53 9 23 3 6 27 21 12 52 219 3,229 156 173 6,856 58 405 ! 92 266 56 57 244 103 80 363 1,177 0 8 41,786 13 6 1,039 17 6 1,323 11 6 79,197 12 9 315 16 5 3,909 1 1 1,058 7 0 2.635 7 5 746 19 0 963 18 8 2,200 1 1 981 1 0 498 0 6 3.636 2 1 7 23.'} 7 0 361 3 11 i 5 12 43 98 1,920 62 85 3,798! 19 190 22 122 30 40 123 77 71 217 719 0 9 3(5,582 7 1 661 11 10 799 3 3 60,525 14 7 93 8 0 2,523 3 11 702 19 10 892 2 6 492 14 1 680 19 3 1,533 1 2 1,239 12 4 337 13 2 3,701 2 5 20 234 1,675 17 8 10 il3 1,218 1 0 23 5 24 94 164 27 162i 1,207 2,690 15 10 552 12 0 2,306 18 6 8,199 0 5 G io 13 102 4 73 204 2,130 4 9 54 16 0 1,312 2 0 1,827 13 10 70 35 11 I- 24 12 329 ; 401 93 201 33 3,978 4 2 2,798 15 3 755 18 7 2,209 12 1 65 16 7 6 6 127 83 61 76 4 3,204 5 10 1,063 10 11 854 3 8 1,008 16 9 38 7 6 157 123 143 22 3 1,088 1,034 847; 135 18 15,433 16 7 11,780 18 4 15,533 7 4 1,513 14 3 130 12 0 60 49 72 12 1 534 446 633 54 8 10,807 7 2 9,978 4 7 13,182 3 11 691 3 8 51 10 0 Nelson Belgrove Brightwater Colfingwood Kiwi .. Kohatu Motueka Ngatimote Puponga Richmond Riwaka Rockville Stoke Tadmor Takaka Tapawera The Port Thorpe Tui .. Upper Moutere.. Wakefield 5,938 175 263 779 86 123 1,577 217 428 460 592 303 140 464 1,335 162 425 162 276' 213 473 i 172 11 0 2 16 9 6 14 9 15 9 9 1 11 6 2 10 31 0 0 4 1 0 12 14 9 9 0 3 9 8 3 5 4 0 3 0 3 7 4 9 25 17 0 2 16 0 10 6 3 2 12 3 5 18 9 3 13 6 9 11 6 35,419 12 1 534 0 5 1,048 11 4 3,234 11 11! 264 4 2 502 0 7 6,224 15 4 763 17 1 1,511 16 0 1,337 17 0 1,557 3 4i 1,106 19 4 463 1 7 1,428 5 11 5,430 16 0 393 9 7 1,468 16 l! 388 16 4 887 15 9 569 18 8 1,779 19 2 7,933 37 132 148 2i llB 373 45 281 318 951 32 100 45 297 25| 187 41 16 24 333 34,155 6 7 177 7 0 537 8 0 568 18 9 15 11 11 253 7 4 1,463 4 2j 214 17 1 9,899 10 6 1,327 9 8 338 9 11 153 12 4 725 1 5 162 7 9 1,491 4 2 89 0 4 836 12 4 164 5 0 112 17 4 108 8 2 1,535 7 8 984 5 26 36 19 12 9 t 31 39 24 22 6 18 75 7 49 6 36 11 25 8,901 96 208 307 64 67! 669 71 297! 392 274 158 83 138 627 45 393 103 201 92 397 149,524 14 7 1,103 2 10 2,060 18 6 6,522 15 5 389 4 0 505 12 9 10,973 3 0 743 17 0 2,186 18 11 5,542 1 5 3,661 9 7 1,629 13 5 372 8 0 1,647 18 4 8,014 1 2 516 15 0 3,211 13 10 1,261 17 0 2,371 7 6 592 18 9 4,195 14 0 1,095 4 8 15 1 1 34 7,975 35 60 168 14 11 359 42 34 173 167 58 38 46 343 26 64 26 17 48 147 172,067 16 5 444 1 11 1,224 19 10 2,381 2 4 83 8 0 166 10 0 7,886 15 2 558 0 0 380 8 2 2,732 18 9 2,789 18 9 1,239 S 3 358 9 4 709 13 10 (1,871 14 5 471 1 6 529 8 10 772 0 0 148 16 6 524 11 9 2,646 1? 11 3 15 (i 1 8 2 21 2 10 3 4 6



Table No. 4—continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. ' No. Commission. Issued Paid. ill- < ° Dei No. I Deposits. :posits. Amount. Si < w Withdrawals. Amount. I No. Amount. No. Amount. New Plymouth .. | Fitzroy Inglewood Midhirst Opunake Pungarehu Kahotu Stratford Tariki Toko Urenui Waitara 5,690 73 1,468 409 1,023 285 444 4,382 191 336 281 1,223 £ e. d. 133 6 6 1 9 3 29 14 6 6 15 9 20 2 9 5 5 9 8 1 3 94 2 9; 3 16 3 6 15 3 4 9 31 25 5 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 24,682 8 1 6,089 35,642 10 7 229 16 5 47 186 2 1 5,906 17 5 525 2,366 2 4 1,243 2 3 100 494 16 10 3,949 3 6 218 969 19 3 993 6 9 40 251 17 7 1,474 14 9 58 267 1 6 19,261 4 11 1,305 6,182 14 9 609 10 6 44 164 7 11 1,307 1 6 77 233 1 8 620 19 11 64 433 19 10 4,051 1 2 424 2,211 16 5 1023 7,972 7 82 190 1,776 23 2011 88 564 2G 275 20 163 047 3,748 20 172 M 193 40 205 178 1,248 7,972 82 1,776 2011 564 275 163 3,748 172 199 205 1,248 £ s. d. 130,224 18 1 1,161 315 2 0 .. 24,345 8 0 56 2,377 6 9 10 10,128 19 1 40 4,695 li 0 S 2,410 r. S 111 55,584 16 4 284 1,527 2 11 11 1,956 9 6 9 1,117 9 6 11 15,649 9 0 87 7,432 37j 732 131 245 100 67 1,696 73 94 72 576 £ S. (1. 108,865 3 8 303 is (i ir>,725 14 10 1,817 !• Id 8,814 19 II 1,394 I 4 1,110 4 2 37,254 I 10 1,199 S 9 1,446 (i 5 848 5 Id 11,732 15 I Oamaru. . Duntroon Hampden Herbert Kakanui Kurow Maheno Ngapara Pukeuri Junction Shag Point 5,634 401 575 304 82 272 320 59 106 115 12 3 4 16 9 9 4 0 5 7 0 1 8 0 8 11 0 4 3 9 5 11 6 10 3 1 S 9 48,475 17 8 3,049 21,171 9 9 3,509 19 5 74 428 17 1 1,870 15 4, 294 1,084 4 0 1,218 12 5 86, 436 4 4 291 4 7 37! 162 18 3 5,027 4 0 155 743 16 8 729 16 6 60 292 7 3 1,343 10 4 41 187 13 9 182 10 6 25 87 8 5j 233 8 0 54 270 16 11 846 6,0ee 24 121 25 229 16 153 5 23 32 192 13 97 21 166 3 3!) 5 52 6,968 121 229 153 23 192 97 166 3!) 52 137,197 6 1 720 1,804 3 6 1 3,239 11 8 6 2,001 7 0 3 316 13 0 .. 1,972 13 6 13 858 19 1 7 822 2 6 6 297 3 10 .. 224 14 6 11 5,402 34 71 r>4 3 7(1 M 13 6 34 140,819 9 11 404 Iβ 9 1,700 I I 1,110 !l 10 14 8 0 1,282 10 5 982 2 11 344 5 8 43 12 4 378 2 11 Thames Karangahake .. Katikati Komata Kutarere .. i Maketu Manawaru Mangaiti Matata Omahu Opotiki .. ; Paeroa .. j Taneatua Tauranga Te Aroha Tβ Puke Turua .. Waihi .. : Waikino .. I Waitekauri Whakatane 3,765 2,202 392 328 54 67 46 51 103 134 1,637 1,520 512 1,392 1,525 930 127 5,780 1,826 221 622 89 2 6 50 12 6j 7 I ti 6 a fi 0 lti 0 1 1 6 0 14 Ol 0 14 0 1 19 3 4 15 3' 33 4 3i 28 10 6 9 13 6 27 13 3 29 1 9 18 19 9 2 8 6! 141 3 6 36 17 3 5 14 6 11 9 9 17,793 12 10 3,168 12,697 8 0 8,730 7 7 313 1,383 8 7 1,219 6 8 110 502 19 9 1,297 4 8 38 148 6 5 139 3 4 7 12 7 4 220 0 6 37 ! 135 18 4 117 3 10 ii 22 7 11 117 15 10 3 12 0 2 469 11 6 13 59 4 2! 712 6 0 25 213 5 5i 9,133 7 ll 484| 2,830 3 8 5,714 5 3 1 947 3,695 18 5 1,735 12 8 66 522 13 1 5,354 7 2 1,066 6,509 4 0 5,917 19 9 1,062 4,963 7 7 4,202 0 1 231 1,452 0 11 416 13 5 38 140 4 0 20,027 7 3 1,690 8,032 19 10 6,088 17 8 251 1,093 2 8 684 3 21 46 556 13 9 ; 2,806 6 2l 235 2,052 0 3 45,384 11 (i 4,266 20,783 5 5 3,290 16 2! 73 391 9 5 3,449 19 2. 191 1,018 3 2 4,812 3 7 340 1,518 16 11 1,388 6 el 515 678 12 6 552 16 11 4!) 258 0 4 1,262 9 11 73 574 17 9 585 15 5 28 129 17 4 776 14 7 11 43 18 3 1,856 15 10 104 618 10 9 200 9 0 16 65 7 -8 1,251 5 6) 117 675 14 10 405 18 5 52 319 2 4 5,641 2 2 583 2,501 1 8 22,109 6 10 956: 4,816 4 6 375 17 6 54| 230 17 4 605 4,901 134 1,160 20 143 22 MB 8 Iβ 5 11 6 22 8 89 II) 20 10 60 184 898 125 1,218 40 219 182 1,252 175 1,203 72 433 11 57 562 5,705 108 1,205. 8 82 54 228 4,901 1,160 143 MS Iβ 11 22 39 20 86,856 14 7 1,049 12,224 7 11 75 1,094 16 8 15 2,212 19 10 18 40 0 (» 1 360 0 6 3 263 4 6 .. 28 19 0 197 3 0 2 902 11 1 2 15,314 15 0 85 12,217 15 1(1 79 2,098 18 18 25,408 0 8 78 13,881 14 10 76 6,859 2 7 30 343 14 9 5 54,902 4 6 360 9,553 15 6 73 852 5 3 .! 3,608 10 11 36 5,066 568 87 121 3 38 ■! 15 27 588 542 ill 916 721 228 24 2,654 402 29, 181 1 118,319 16 5 8,270 7 7 1,105 18 4 1,642 lti 4 18 19 0 195 3 0 153 0 0 7 10 0 386 3 0 735 16 10 I4.2(i(> 10 8 9,813 2 3 865 13 2 21,529 8 9 12,221 9 0 6,090 2 5 838 13 3 45,477 18 3 5,606 13 8 861 5 7 2,873 3 7 Timasv Albury Fairlie Geraldine Glenavy Makikihi Morven Orari Pareora East Pleasant Point .. Rangitata St. Andrew's Studholme Junot'n Temuka Waimate Winchester 6,344 299 786 1,091 308 1291 255 176 256 498 62 20!) 96 1,707 2,854 110 152 8 3 4 11 9 15 5 3 23 1 6 4 19 8 3 4 0} 3 15 3 2 17 3 7 8 6 9 4 0; 1 2 0 , 4 l<! 8 2 1 9| 29 5 6j 51 6 9 2 16 3 1,352 13,626 21 141 70 606 125 1,102 12 58 Lβ 133 30 155! 15 67! 77 366 31 246 4 80 23 155 4 21 167 1,185 288 2,132 18 157 211,722 16 10 1,328 1,458 7 8 5 6,677 9 6 15 14,008 18 8 64! 819 4 0 4 1,167 6 7, 2 1,463 11 l! 7 914 15 2| 3 2,021 2 1 13 3,804 18 3 10; 243 2 2 2 1,706 8 7 41 225 16 0 (i 16,222 3 11 49 32,302 2 4 128; 1,149 9 7 I 10,633 28 198 423 29 42 72 38 49 73 9 50 38 549 1,119 63 238,860 18 11 561 14 0 3,219 5 11 12,208 14 10 341 10 0 869 10 9 1,659 5 3 520 15 2 905 14 3 1,120 15 7 58 0 7 1,223 16 2 435 8 7 10,475 10 0 26,321 17 6 668 10 1 Wanganui Alton Aramoho Awatuna East .. Bull's (Jastleoliff Kltham Fordell Hawera Horopito Hunterville rTurlpvvillr 8,987! 108 540 81 596i 200 2,115! 211 3,786 160 1,133 110 232 4 9i 2 13 9 1) :i 1 13 0 14 4 0 4 19 9 48 13 6 4 2 9 86 4 6 3 8 3 23 7 9 ' 2 r> 9! 45,033 8 10 8,810 39,704 18 2 286 6 3 13 37 6 2 1,565 11 0 237 882 19 1 303 10 0 1!) 72 3 0 2,800 10 5 183 742 14 8 613 4 9 50! 163 14 7 10,345 13 5 841 4,487 2 11 683 0 6 72 323 2 4 16,840 3 5 2,066' 9,070 15 0 715 12 6 37 249 8 4 5,633 3 0 490 2,043 14 9 420 8 4 20 125 3 0 1,815 16,955 10 76 64 448 57 429 18 123 285 1,975 10 140 482 4,015 12 4!) 135 901 11 7fi 232,951 12 9 2,714 977 7 7 i> 2,881 fl 3 14 4,782 15 9 32 784 18 1 5| 28,545 14 1 165 1,374 15 11 2 54,471 14 1 260 903 12 10! 5j 9,510 19 5 69; 552 11 0| 7! 16,648 30 81 183 22 1,046 28 1,950 36 473 21 306,183 7 7 816 0 !) 867 12 3 5,531 5 10 167 ti I 26,138 15 3 321 14 9 48,524 r> 2 902 1 4 8,659 5 5 238 17 3



Table No. 4—continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Panganui — conld. Kakaramea .. 24 Kaponga .. 709 Koeke .. 138 Makirikiri .. 95 Manaia .. i>88 Mangamaliu .. 188 Mangaonoho .. 78 Mangaweka .. 1,161 Manutahi . . 102! Marton .. 1,666 Marton •! miction 451 Mataroa .. 311 1 Moawhango .. 252i Norinanby .. | 304 Ohakune .. 1,954 (>hingaiti .. 337 (Ikaiawa .. 253 Otakeho .. 106 Patea .. 1,233 Pihama .. 194 Pipiriki .. 103 Kaetihi .. 1,115 Rangataua .. 833 Rate .. .. 94 Riverlea .. 31 St. Johns .. 273 Taihapo .. 2,835 Taoroa .. 92 Tekiri .. 97 Turakina I .. 214 Turangaarere .. 223 I'tiku .. 6911 Waiouru .. 64 VVaitotara .. 323 Waverlcy .. 911 Office. No. Commission. £ s. d. 0 10 3 16 15 9 2 4 3 2 14 6 19 1 9 2 15 0 1 6 6 17 0 (I 1 14 3 30 16 9 !) 1 6 r> 14 9 5 19 0 (i 3 9 40 6 6 5 1 0 4 13 0 5 6 9 26 19 9 4 6 0 1 17 9 18 :{ <.) 14 e 0 1 17 ti 0 14 0 5 3 0 54 6 0 2 2 0 1 14 8 4 7 3 3 11 0 12 19 6 1 1 9 6 16 16 12 3 isMl. id 1 1 £J 8. (1. 53 10 4 1 2,855 11 3 152 093 it 10 el 010 2 4 31 3,058 0 11 224 HOT 1 10 29 286 12 9 20 4,614 2 11 377 304 13 4 10 0,760 14 9 1,309 1,712 19 4 114 1,162 8 4 78 1,248 0 3 52 8!)0 16 10 110 9,562 8 9 524 919 9 10 84 1 705 12 i> .V.I 700 10 8 32 4,510 18 11 442 845 18 5 17 350 16 11 17 5,157 12 11 264 3,010 3 3 115 371 18 3 21 97 18 1 5 907 5 0 34 12,407 5 4 1,104 437 19 5 23 336 11 1 15 695 19 2| 97 611 3 6j 29 2,799 17 1 158 242 16 3 1 7 1,090 14 2 108, 3,097 9 4 302 Amount. No. £ h. d. 3 0 6 638 15 8 86 10 3 191 10 0 1,105 8 6 78 13 11 119 1 2 1,614 7 0 19 10 9 5,516 8 5 193 0 9 427 14 9 282 5 1 47. r > 0 5 2,891 12 11 434 f> 4 258 Hi 0 141 17 0 1,893 5 1 136 I) it 60 10 7! 1,899 4 7 461 12 3 165 16 2 11 11 6 162 4 G 5,438 9 10 102 10 0 86 1 3 308 17 10 171 18 11 694 8 4 26 2 9 428 6 3 1,520 2 4 Paid. Amount. 6 107 6 146 6 4 39 249i 34 19 8 30 162 12 32 35 144 17 27 73 04 17 ■ I 6 107 6 146 6 4 39 249i 34 19 8 30 162 12 32 35 144 17 27 73 04 17 49 717 9 28 1,020 24 31 363 96 1,085 276 114 58; 257 759 100 226 152 1,17!) !>7 117 316 295 107 No. 4S 717 9 28 1,020 24 31 363 95 1,085 276 114 58 257 759 100 226 152 1,179 !I7 117 316 295 107 Dei 9 7 9 8 0 4 1 3 5 5 : 6 4 8i 7 9 : i) 6 2 !t 7 7 0 5 7 £ β-d. 210 18 3 2 7,749 4 0 39 48 9 0 .. 212 11 0 2 13,125 18 2 64 113 18 3 2 213 10 11 2 4,440 11 0 37 904 10 4 7 20,348 10 2 132 2,816 14 8j 10 1,643 5 7 11 921 19 7 7 2,847 8 10 25 10,362 5 1: 66 1,279 16 6 4 2,649 4 6 17 2,148 12 10 15 11,164 0 2 70 928 6 5 6 793 1 0 4, 4,473 0 7 26 3,527 3 5 31 680 11 0 4 Deposits. ■posit-.. Amount. £ s. c 210 18 7,749 4 48 9 212 11 13,125 18 113 18 213 10 1 4,440 11 904 10 20,348 10 2,816 14 1,643 5 921 19 2,847 8 1 10,362 5 1,279 16 2,649 4 2,148 12 1 11,11)4 0 928 6 793 1 4,473 0 3,527 3 680 11 5 . Withdrawals. = | ~~ 8 8 £ w No. Amount. d. £ s. d. 3 2 15 210 7 3 0 39 241 5,176 13 4 0 .. 1 5 0 0 0 2 11 90 2 0 2 64 418 10,766 14 1 3 2 (i 88 0 9 11 2 8 81 13 3 0 37 259 4,004 8 6 4 7 45 2,237 12 1 2 132 955 20,077 2 8 8j 10 117 1,709 13 3 7 11 113 1,240 10 5 7 7 36 336 16 9 10 25 169 4,079 2 4 1 05 492 6,619 0 4 6 4 r,i\ 601 17 8 6 17 114 3,063 14 6 10 15 89, 1,075 11 2 2 70 511 9,538 4 8 5 6 47 1,535 17 1 0 4 41] 290 0 11 7 26 304 4,474 3 10 5 31 160 2,416 0 3 0 4 41 377 16 1 6 322 2 10 21' 10 52 40 91 6 322 2 10 21' 10 52 40 91 83 1,908 49 37 175| 66 376 28 249 794 83 1,908 49 37 176 66 376 28 249 794 3 8 : !) 7 5{ 6 6 8 9 i : 697 15 0 1 21,604 16 0 164. 316 13 6 2 508 5 10 :i 979 0 11 6 517 17 0 1 3,216 9 5 36 195 8 0 2,164 12 2 12 11,640 10 5 33 697 15 21,604 16 316 13 508 5 1 B7.9 0 1 517 17 3,216 9 195 8 2,164 12 11,640 10 0 1 6 19 7 2 0 164- 978 16,093 11 3 6 2 12 410 0 7 10 :i 18' 271 12 4 11 6 55 340 19 9 0 1 23 247 0 2 6 36 251 3,940 16 0 0 .. 12 151 18 0 2 12 159 1,18!) 5 11 5 33 357 9,756 8 8 ,'i:i.lim:t<>.\ .. 32,200 Adelaide Road .. 238 Alfmlton .. 282 Apiti .. .. 510 Ashhurst .. 481 Awahuri .. 177 Ballancc .. 40 Brooklyn .. 310 Buniiythorpe .. 145 Carterton .. 1,576 Oastlepoint .. 26 Chatham Islands 293 Cheltenham .. 116; Clarevillr .. 43; Colyton .. 92 Courtenay Place 2,992 Cross Creek Eastbourne .. 68 Eketahuna .. 1,688 Featherston .. 981 Feikling .. 3,388 Foxton .. 1,443 Gladstone .. 43 Government Build- 1,430 ings Greytown .. 988 Halcombe .. ] 394 Hastwell's .. 07 Hinakura .. - 07 Hukauui .. 157 Hutt .. .. 1,389, .lohnsonville .. 370 Kaitoke .. 131 Kaiwarawuru .. 228' Karori .. 98 Kilbirnie .. 143 Kimbolton • • 466 Kiwitea .. 61 Koputarua .. 102 1,641 11 2 5 14 6 6 11 3 8 19 3 8 11 !) 4 4 9 0 12 3 5 14 0 2 17 0 ;V1 17 i) 0 8 0 5 14 9 2 1 3 0 17 3 3 4 0 70 16 0 149,958 4 2 64,258 586 13 5 :i4 1,139 2 10 42 1,936 9 2 74 1,445 14 8 175 577 14 4 (i0 155 16 7 13 678 0 10 230 853 19 0 00 7,543 5 3 878 103 17 2 4 975 12 7 Cβ 268 0 5 :SI 172 8 3| 20 562 15 8 28 10,070 18 0 380 297,802 10 5 120 5 9 206 11 2 385 11 8 846 3 0 188 0 0 78 19 9 954 0 9 338 4 4 4,465 10 6 32 14 0 475 0 7 131 12 8 68 3 0 131 (i 0 1,089 8 3 8,164 41 21 34 :si; 15 4 95 12 172 3 10 17 6 11 440 3 »* 112 391 130 5 15 8,164 I 41 21 34 :si; 15 4 95 12 172 3 10 17 6 11 440 79,274: 810 198 174 295 110 14 1,309 141 1,711 IS liO 111 48 107 0,074 50 70 1,218 1,005 3,490 1,378 43 713 79,274 810 198 174 295 110 14 1,309 141 1,711 18 60 111 48 107 0,074 ttft 41,1; II 8 5 0 1 9 1 1 : 8 0 1 8 7 4 : n 1,151,967 1 0 11,119 4,497 8 10 0 2,694 1 11 !) 2,320 5 2 17 3,975 0 9 17 1,172 2 0 12 60 5 0 2 3,722 3 2 22 1,053 12 4 5 23,296 7 5 74 171 6 0 .. 287 13 6 2 544 3 0 5 437 6 5 2 521 lit 0 4 34,983 9 10 44 477 2 9 .. 160 8 1 1 17,473 0 6 41 9,832 14 11 36 52,000 9 1 200 12,009 11 11 72 328 17 0 4 10,478 6 8 3 151,967 1 4,497 8 1 2,694 1 1 2,320 5 3,975 0 1,172 2 60 5 3,722 3 1,053 12 23,296 7 171 6 287 13 544 3 437 6 521 19 34,983 9 1 0 11,119 96,8331,437,693 1 5 10! 6 49 312 8 1 11 1) 71 1,539 5 5 2 17 107 2,436 1 0 9 17 148 3,946 5 1 0 12 70 1,064 15 5 0 2 6 61 3 2 2 22 L67 i>81 18 2 4 5 54 729 9 4 5 74 723 14,080 11 2 0 .. 3 21 0 0 6 2 11 750 9 6 0 5 36 .!00 18 11 5 2 18 344 13 2 0 4 41 685 17 0 10 44 414 3,685 3 10 A 2 7!) 31 12 3 20 11 !) 72 12 3 Sβ 5 9 1 2 9 40 19 0 222 "7 2 39 ii,<>77 11 11 495 3,334 8 4 361 lli,000 12 3 2,415 4,891 17 5 488 141 10 8 20 7,370 1 4 37 126 18 11 2,700 li (I 2,138 (i 9 10,239 5 5 2,210 it 4 148 8 10 251 6 1 3 112 391 130 5 15 50 70 1,218 1,005 3,490 1,378 43 713 11 B 8. : 5 9 1 8 : 3 3 : 477 2 160 8 17,473 0 9,832 14 1 52,000 9 12,009 11 1 328 17 J 0,478 6 9 .. 1 1 23 132 9 5 6 41 547 14,102 1 4 11 36 382 7,549 1 5 1 200 1,896 42,471 0 6 11 72 033 9,103 13 6 0 4 20 162 5 7 8 3 112 310 5 1 18 3 0 7 18 9 0 16 6 1 4 li 2 12 8 34 5 II 0 17 !l 2 0 0 5 14 0 2 0 9 2 18 3 9 17 9 1 0 6 2 0 0 3,686 2 5 541 1,660 6 3 132 209 8 4 11 203 8 9 14 684 15 11 62 5,146 1 5 1,204 1,002 10 9 224 298 1 7 26 451 6 101 57 244 19 1 161 403 13 8 422 2,081 13 0 163 107 12 2 9 436 16 2 39 2,226 16 6 705 3 6 58 19 11 53 10 2 341 6 8 5,595 13 11 856 1 3 ! 276 13 0 266 19 6 534 15 1 1,580 7 0 770 5 3 28 17 3 146 16 3 95 16 6 4 '.) 258 43 4 23 20 35 ! 29 6 24 95 16 6 4 :> 258 43 4 23 20 35 ! 29 6 24 899 203 :a 37 96 2,321 471 50 250' 179' 283 225 17 153 899 203 33 37 96 2,321 471 50 250 179 283 225 17 153 it :i 3 7 li 1 : 1 it » D 3 5 7 i 8,653 19 11 36 1,667 13 4 16 328 8 2 1 487 14 1 2 805 4 0 2 21,632 7 2 85 3,178 9 0 24 696 13 0 1 2,115 19 2 7 754 3 6 3 1,644 18 4 2,649 18 1 13 63 11 1 1 921 13 0 10 8,663 1!) 1 1,667 13 328 8 487 14 805 4 21,632 7 3,178 9 596 13 1 2,115 19 754 3 1,544 1 2,649 18 63 11 921 13 1 II 36 401 7,019 10 0 4 16 131 1,994 16 5 2 1 22 278 14 7 1 2 (i 40 5 11 0 2 70 862 19 8 2 85 937 10,463 11 6 0| 24 149 1,683 5 8 0 1 20 392 13 3 2 7 70 476 12 5 0 3 40 162 11 10 8 4 53 394 14 0 1 13 108 2,619 4 10 1 1 9 137 0 7 0 10 67 1,381 13 8

• F.—l.


Table No. 4 —continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. No. WELLINGTON COnld. Levin .. 1,501 Longburn .. 217 Makuri .. 185 Manakau .. 336 Mangamairr .. 4 Mangatainoka .. 348 Martinborough .. 940 Mastcrton . . 4,835 Mauricevillc .. ; 194 Mauriceville West : 221 Moleswovth Street 1,980 Ngahauranga .. 205 Nireaha .. 145 Otaki .. .. 1,089 Paekakariki .. 163 Pahautanui .. 38 Pahiatu* .. 2,429 Palmerston North 7,155 Palmerston North (Chief) Paraparaumu .. 177 Petone .. 2,949 Pirinoa .. 143 Plimmerton .. j 92 Pohangina .. 133 Pongaroa .. 471 Porirua .. ! 2861 Rakaunui .. 207 j Rangiwahia .. 420| Rewa .. .. 2 Rongotea .. 551 Sanson .. I 165 Shannon .. 842 Taueru .. 88 Te Aro .. 5,553 Te Horo .. 139 Terrace End .. ; 157 Terrace End (Sub) 1 .. Tinakori Road .. 139 Tinui .. .. 250J Tokomaru .. 283! Upper Hutt .. 780! Waikanae .. 460! Waituna West .. 131 Wellington South , 2,167j Weraroa .. j 568! Whakataki .. 146i Whareama .. 42 Woodville .. 1,681 £ s. d. 28 2 3 4 14 0 2 10 3 5 16 9 0 2 0 4 13 6 Iβ 12 3 109 15 9 3 12 9 3 12 3 50 13 3 4 6 0 2 14 3 20 14 9 3 18 0 0 14 6 44 18 9 172 0 9 3 0 6 68 16 0 2 8 3 1 13 3 2 12 9 10 0 6 o id g 3 4 3 6 6 6 0 0 6 13 2 0 2 13 9 16 12 0 1 7 6 150 16 3 2 13 6 2 17 6 Issued. I Commission. I £ S. (1. 28 2 3 4 14 0 2 10 3 8 16 9 0 2 0 4 13 6 16 12 3 109 15 9 3 12 9 3 12 3 50 13 3 4 6 0 2 14 3 20 14 9 3 18 0 0 14 6 44 18 9 172 0 9 3 0 6 68 16 0 2 8 3 1 13 3 2 12 9 10 0 6 6 10 g 343 6 6 6 0 0 6 13 2 0 2 13 9 16 12 0 1 7 6 150 16 3 2 13 6 2 17 6 214 0 5 12 6 6 16 9 16 10 3 7 13 3 2 3 0! 60 12 3j 9 15 0 ' 3 0 0j 0 10 0 31 6 0 Issued. Paid. Amount. No. Amount. I £ B. d. £ S. (I.!' 4,990 7 4 823 3,839 18 2 646 14 1 66 318 11 1 504 9 4 42 153 15 5II 1,081 17 8 104 434 15 9 21 11 8 1 2 0 0 1,020 19 3 119 335 5 10 5,503 17 1 323 1,358 11 2 20,407 17 4 3,233 13,405 8 6 670 3 2 103 300 11 3 707 18 0 27 197 7 1 6,324 7 1 187 756 0 0 537 17 10 43 135 7 3 537 18 0 44 290 7 1 4,196 17 0 416 1,722 4 2! 560 4 3 51 164 1 3 157 14 3 17 55 12 10 10,070 1 11 1,132 4,574 16 0 31,019 11 1 7,248 29,885 5 11 526 10 1 63 329 4 7 8,930 14 2 1,346 4,929 10 7 435 18 4| 34 147 5 2 270 15 5 1 20 91 15 10 459 5 41 40 232 2 6] 2,087 2 81 81 357 16 9 1,080 6 3 192 929 2 4 497 13 3 10 31 7 3 1,740 13 2 51 250 10 7 7 5 6 1 2 2 6 2,048 10 0 151 612 10 3 390 14 3 72 259 18 9 2,838 6 0 210 960 9 11 247 6 1 14 51 13 4 15,969 3 4 845. 3,345 19 6 542 4 0 36 178 0 11 472 15 8 167 234 1 5 285 3 1 23 145* 4 1 1,108 19 1 48 337 14 10 959 2 10 103' 294 4 7 2,482 6 9 276 ! 1,306 5 4 1,528 17 11 78 395 8 3 377 12 7J 36 234 10 10 7,795 6 7 2,118 8,345 4 11 1,789 1 1 219 826 19 4 841 0 9 12| 59 1 4! 134 18 9 2 26 10 0 6,949 0 6 668 2,802 6 8; Paid. < ° j. 1" 140 28 15 34 3 19 81 (i01 13 22 242 16 13 122 25 6 242 4 1,830 12 ISli 14, 5 34"! 2 10 26 2 79 17 90 5 896 9 "l3 29 23 83 84 29 26 683 69 5 4 131 No. 1,338 249 94 210 10 193; 652 1 5,893 133 186! 3,927| 179j !»7 1,040, 222 26 ! 1,912 921 12,429 111 6,573 66| 28 70 167 101 46 131 4 475 210 797 J 39 15,144 90 28 98 483 13i 474 7691 292 127 9,048 907 34 12 1,483 Deposits. f " _ o m Amount. < ° No. £ a. d.i 15,784 13 4 84 802 1,268 2 4 1 13 148 636 13 8 3 37 1,567 19 5 12 98 61 5 0 1 3 1,251 13 7 11 113 6,575 13 0| 46 310 66,418 17 0 243 3,033 1,111 13 1 7 79 1,950 8 0 2 59 19,164 9 3 36 406 1,251 1 3 3 46 1,062 13 10 5 53 9,722 17 4 52 539 1,915 13 2 6 48 247 18 0 2] 13 23,913 14 6 96i 947 12,969 7 0 147 830 166,024 1 2 892 9,714 1,201 16 2 55 42,982 13 2 226' 2,433 562 14 0| 6 18 111 8 0 1 13 322 12 3 5 34 1,689 8 8 8 77 834 1 0 3' 22 328 13 6 4 15 1,231 6 7 4 51 19 0.. 6,205 17 10 22 177 1,253 12 7 17 75 5,982 17 10 35 324 189 7 6| 3 21 72,150 2 2 72 703 597 15 4 3 56 74 6 0 2 22 284 17 0 .. 1,550 6 0 4 43 1,389 5 0 4 36 3,111 6 8 17 102 6,496 5 0 27 254 2,504 7 1 10 108 991 3 0 6 37 47,321 2 8 174 1,558 3,623 16 4 25 304 304 11 0! 2| 24 50 11 0 1 2 20,912 18 4; 47 628 Deposits. Withdrawals. Amount. £ 8. d. 15,965 2 6 1,210 13 8 318 15 8 1,461 9 6 18 16 2 1,632 17 11 5,468 1 11 52,094 0 4 666 15 1 1,302 13 0 2,827 14 4 426 0 4 590 11 1 8,468 5 9 828 3 7 122 4 8 20,932 8 5 12,565 3 0 136,482 0 1 705 6 7 24,219 1 10 265 4 3 59 4 4 790 1 7 1,151 3 11 171 17 1 85 19 7 907 0 9 2,644 7 1 1,270 11 3 3,686 1 7 132 1 9 6,858 6 3 809 2 2 112 10 9 2 14 0 5 12 6 0 16 9 16 10 3 7 13 3 2 3 0; 60 12 3| 9 15 0 3 0 0; 0 10 0 31 6 0 258 10 2 1,095 2 7 911 4 10 3,082 3 4 1,613 18 7 1,465 12 3 13,663 8 10 2,921 16 11 170 4 5 26 2 4 15,829 2 0 Vestport .. 4,730 Addison's .. 21 Birohtield .. 96 Burnett's Face .. 1,569 Capleston .. 86 Charleston .. 239 Denniston .. 1,463 Fern Plat .. 68 Granity .. 691 Inangahua Junct'n! 112 Karamea . . 627 Longford .. 118 Lyell .. .. 743 MiUerton .. ! 1,340 Mine Creek .. 23 Murchison .. 783 Seddonville .. 548 Upper Matakitaki 73 Waimangaroa .. 259 114 10 3 0 8 0 2 8 3 51 11 6 2 0 3 5 5 9 44 17 9 1 15 0 15 0 3 1 18 6 12 0 9 1 17 3 12 12 3 36 11 3 0 11 0 14 2 9 12 10 3 1 6 0 4 11 3 114 10 3 0 8 0 2 8 3 51 11 6 2 0 3 5 5 9 44 17 9 1 15 0 15 0 3 1 18 6 12 0 9 1 17 3 12 12 3 36 11 3 0 11 0 14 2 9 12 10 3 1 6 0 4 11 3 22,728 11 9 2,977 13,915 1 2 78 5 10 5 6 17 6 271 12 3 28 110 19 2 5,272 13 10 46 225 2 2 332 13 8 311 * 152 19 1 783 16 55 298 1 4 7,990 19 3 133 526 7 10 518 4 1 21, 207 6 2 2,741 7 3 111 461 12 0 404 17 4 21 125 11 6 ! 2,483 6 0 106: 968 19 91 433 15 (i 67 14 5 2,498 15 6 37 157 5 9 4,928 0 2 139 1,027 11 3 49 2 6 .. 2,967 18 0 131 840 18 9 2,207 13 11 58 174 9 4 225 13 6 7 30 14 0 1,103 12 9 78 272 13 9 509 "ll 155 1 10 104 70 10I 28 2 39 ! 214 3K 30 13 9 4,183 2 64 1,612 38 115 1,012 14 442 77 135 13 195 1,332 28 200 352 53 115 78,597 16 10 806 4,145 12 0 0 .. 282 1 llj 2 14 10,311 2 10! 60 224 259 8 0 3 9 1,293 13 9 6 41 7,169 11 11 36 213 101 11 6 1 7 3,965 10 5 18 127 370 6 10 3 19 2,055 12 0 6 81 74 11 0 .. 11 2,187 7 0 13 46 13,211 17 6 49, 288 159 5 0 .. 4 2,007 16 4 17 142' 2,810 6 10 16 65 526 2 5 11 26 1,160 13 0 4 43 107,648 6 3 118 4 4 4,066 8 11 278 11 7 1,062 16 1 4,212 16 3 348 7 9 1,923 8 8 254 10 0 1,478 2 5 182 0 0 1,198 13 3 4,643 9 5 35 5 0 2,713 4 1 1,616 11 8 335 3 6 633 6 10


¥.— l.

Table No. 4 —continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money-order and Savings-bank Offices in New Zealand during the Year 1909 — continued. SUMMARY.

Table No. 5. Statement showing the Number of British Postal Orders of each Denomination sold and paid in New Zealand during the Financial Years 1908-9 and 1909-10.

Money-orders. Savings-banks. Office. Issued. Paid. 2 • I jjgg Commission. ; Amount. No. Amount. o No. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Issued. Paid. Deposits. 2 . Witl r il - Amount. < " No. Withdrawals. thdrawals. Amount. No. ostal District £ s. d. £ e. d. Auckland .. 11830 Blenheim .. 8,00 Christchuroh .. I 53,74 Dunedin .. '53,40 Gisborne .. 11,94 Greymouth .. 14,43 Hokitika .. 3,67 Invercargill .. 25,34 Napier .. 28,31 Nelson .. : 14,59 NewJPlymouth !|15,8O Oamaru .. j 8,32 Thames .. i 23,23 Timaru .. j 15,27 Wanganui .. | 36,52 Wellington .. j 94,22 Westport .. 13,58 118307 8,006 i 53,748 ! 53,405 11,946 14,431 3,674 25,343 28,315 14,591 ,115,805 ! 8,322 I 23,234 115,270 I 36,529 j 94,225 13,589 3,192 9 6 509,843 8 9110145 511,841 3 10 J13621 111,567 169 3 3 33,061 6 6 3,709 22,761 2 5 1,094 8,882 1,429 0 9 225,804 9 7 49,109 259,327 9 11 L0928 121,918 1,219 0 0 204,606 19 0 52,229 231,277 17 111 8,050 92,930 314 4 6 54,876 2 0 4,412 22,573 14 6 2,217 16,603 371 19 0 59,209 1 7 6,196 28,174 15 Hi 1,989 14,369 75 1 3 13,752 14 6 2,172 8,500 14 7 342 2,440 543 17 9 95,063 4 10 15,386 63,953 0 7 3,089 24,749 654 10 3 130,016 9 3 17,779 95,897 14 2 3,929 34,550i 343 13 3 66,316 7 8 10,580 54,330 7 5! 1,533 13,583 339 5 0 64,329 7 2 8,991 49,404 10 9J 2,298 16,599 157 3 3 62,882 18 9 3,881 24,865 16 5: 990 8,039 505 18 6 92,957 12 5 9,836 47,035 14 3 2,349 19,201 318 3 6 93,244 9 0, 7,428 34,624 0 1 2,253 20,170 792 7 6 159,825 19 0! 18,764 85,955 0 4 4,703 37,026 3020 18 10 383,782 17 7 94,157 424,884 12 11 16767 171,893 335 18 3 58,019 10 6 3,990 19,570 4 11| 1,248 9,982 1723,521 5 7 9,391 87,255 1657,721 IK 8 125,002 0 9 764 6,084 : ll22,182 13 ] 1639,354 4 5 8,350 90,459 ] 630,519 13 0 1174,830 18 4 6,06160,494 1145,707 5 11 214,320 12 7 1,513 13,077 206,192 9 4 201,594 4 6 1,382 8,738 184,586 8 10 37,611 1 3 300 1,051 41,867 13 S 361,285 13 6 2,095 15,632 349,982 18 5 440,600 15 5, 3,150,23,935 454,031 3 7 207,028 5 0| 1,2391 9,851 204,987 11 8 250,338 9 7 1,635 11,244 240,512 9 8 148,734 14 8 767 5,811 147,146 0 1 249,227 4 7 2,008 12,278 250,766 8 1 295,907 12 5 1,644 13,413 299,451 7 7 479,182 6 3 4,122 26,628 511,053 7 8 1936,023 7 4 14,292(128916 1919,860 16 4 126,556 15 1! 1,050 5,505 132,749 5 0 Grand totals .. '53874 538740 13,782 14 4 2307,592 18 14187641984978 0 11 77400 1 724,501 9611.119 11 S 59,763 520971 9499,319 16 4

Sold. Paid. Denouiiuatiou. 1909-9. 1909-10. 1908-9. 1909-10. 8. d. 0 6 1 0 1 6 2 0 2 6 3 0 3 6 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 6 6 0 0 6 7 0 7 6 8 0 8 6 9 0 9 6 10 0 10 6 11 0 11 6 12 0 12 6 13 0 13 6 14 0 14 6 15 0 15 6 16 0 16 6 17 0 17 6 18 0 18 6 19 0 19 6 20 0 21 0 812 2,306 1,034 1,679 2,232 1,246 729 967 424 4,661 397 807 376 556 663 493 367 295 195 6,283 395 227 115 419 276 244 81 216 66 1,171 93 176 67 122 128 192 126 336 3 13,346 56 970 2,797 1,212 1,947 2,996 1,509 806 1,065 472 5,508 420 928 523 627 848 642 383 393 201 7,494 395 320 122 435 336 283 116 253 61 1,417 88 256 57 143 142 215 159 380 56 17,172 213 105 454 187 414 647 262 129 193 55 1,210 33 99 41 60 144 74 38 41 19 1,716 79 31 15 91 55 39 25 41 11 409 12 22 19 20 19 42 7 32 19 7,530 374 118 567 218 555 924 326 136 210 62 1,648 47 174 56 84 147 73 25 51 29 2,255 89 40 30 108 70 55 21 64 17 583 10 35 18 22 37 30 10 29 16 8,863 474 Number 44,877 54,360 14,801 18,326 Value .. £24,178 5s. 6a. £29,676 11s. 10d. £10,264 19s. 6d. £12,411 16s.



Table No. 6.—POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS. -GENERAL STATEMENT. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1909.

Number of Post- Average Office Numberof -r ♦ i a Amount of Number Savings- Deposits lotal Amount each ofWith- Total Amount of Postal Di.trlcts. : banks received „,. ?' I rf,,ri"» , h . Deposit drawals Withdrawals Open at duringthe ««.<ed durme the durini , during the Year. the Close Year. Year - during the the Year, of the Year. Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. 165 111,507 1,723,521 5 7 15 9 0 87,255 1,657,721 16 8 Average Amount of Excess of Excess of . each Deposits over Withdrawals Withdrawal Withdrawals over Deposits during during the Year. during the Year, the Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. .1. Average Number t_,_, A mn ,, , Average Cmtnl Co5, ol Number Number of Total Amount Amoa * t ManLe each of of Accounts' sta ." d '"S '° , he standing to ment Tn »«K- Interest lor Accounts Accounts, remain- , the Credit of dSrine tion - I)c - the Year. opened closed ing Open each Open theVelr *>**"' dnrin P a,,rin e at Close . '" C ;"J s '\'"! Account at the Year. Wjth _ ,hc Year, ihe Year. ofth« (lose of the Vrl, Close of drawal. ! Year. Close of the Year. the Year £ <1. £ ». d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 19 0 0 65,799 8 11 ■ 63,921 is 0 13,621 !<.:S!U 55,169 2,100,186 13 10 38 1 4 Blenheim . . 11 8,882 125,002 0 9 14 16 6,084 122,182 13 1 Christohurch .. 66 121,918 1,639,354 4 5 13 8 11 90,469 1,630,519 13 0 20 1 8 2,819 7 8 18 0 6 8,834 11 6 6,963 Id if 1,094 704 5,935 189,777 18 0 31 19 6 66,792 Lβ 11 10,1128 8,350 61,551 2,139,851 0 7 34 15 4 Dunedin . . 57 92,930 1,174,830 18 4 12 12 10, 60,494 1,145,707 5 11 Gi.sborne .. 14 16,603 214,320 12 7 12 18 2 13,077 206,192 9 4 18 18 9 29,123 12 5 57,28i) 8 10 8,05(1 6,061 45,337 1,813,411 7 5 40 0 0 15 15 4 8,128 3 3 7,047 1 4 2,217 1,518 7,973 230,129 3 1 28 17 3 Greymouth .. 12 14,369 201,594 4 6 14 0 7 8,738 184,586 8 10 Hokitika .. 7 2,440 37,611 1 3 ' 15 8 3 1,651 41,867 13 5 21 2 6 17,007 15 8 25 7 2 .. 4,256 12 2 9,363 4 .") 1,989 1,382 7,009 302,357 15 0 43 2 9 2,914 111 10 .U-2 300 1,854 88,461 0 2 47 14 3 Invercargill .. 29 24,749 361,285 13 6 14 12 0 15,632 349,982 18 5 22 7 9 11,302 15 1 18.584 7 9 3,(180 2,095 15,067 693,176 6 4 39 7 5 Napier .. .. 32 34,550 440,600 15 5 12 15 1 23,935 ; 454,031 3 7 Nelson .. .. 20 13,583 j 207,028 5 0 16 4 10 9,851 204,987 19 8 New Plymouth . . 13 16,599 250,338 9 7 15 1 8 11,244 240,512 9 8 Oamaru .. 10 8,039 148,734 14 8 18 10 0 5,811 147,146 0 1 Thames .. .. 21 19,201 249,227 4 7 12 19 7 12,278 250,766 8 1 Timaru .. .. 16 20,170 295,907 12 5 14 13 5 13,413 299,451 7 7 Wanganui .. 44 37,020 479,182 6 3 12 18 10' 26,628 511,053 7 8 Wellington ... 84 171,893 1,936,023 7 4 11 5 3 128,916 1,919,860 16 4 Westport .. 18 9,982 126,556 15 1 12 13 7 5,505 132,749 5 0 18 19 5 .. 13,430 8 2 20 16 2 2,040 5 4 21 7 10 9,825 19 11 25 6 5 : 1,588 14 7 20 8 0 .. 1,539 3 6 22 6 6 .. 3,543 15 2 18,583 is s 3,989 3,150 17,589 586,007 0 3 33 6 4 10.280 (i 2 1,533 1,239 9,244 327,890 2 10 35 9 5 !I.72(P 1 4 2,2!t8 1,(S35 9,087 310,838 18 10 34 4 2 7,065 4 .") 990 707 4,785 222,694 12 0 46 10 10 10,700 13 10 2,349 2,008 10,982 335,098 8 7 30 10 3 13,029 4 3 2,26a 1.(144 10,732 409,347 7 8 38 2 10 19 3 10 .. 31,871 1 5 18,458 7 9 4.7(t:S 4,122 18,938 575,963 10 8 30 8 3 14 17 10 16,162 11 0 70,680 it 3 16,707 14,292 73,938 2,273,330 7 9 30 14 11 24 2 3 .. 6,192 9 11 .").421 11 8 1,248 1,060 4,524 168,428 4 5 37 4 7 Totals for Dominion 619 724,501 9,611,119 11 3 13 5 i: 520,971 9,499,319 16 4 in 1909 724,501 9,611,119 11 3 13 5 4:520,971 9,499,319 16 4 18 4 8 111,799 14 11 27,000 5:20 390.804 4 .-. 77,400 .59,763 359,714 12,866,897 17 5 35 4 3



Table No. 6.— POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS.— GENERAL STATEMENT— continued. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1909 — continued.

Number of PostOffice Savingsbanks Open at the Cloev of the Year. Number of Deposits received Juriniit he Year. Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of Number each of WithDeposit drawals received during dining the the Year. Year. Total Amount of Withdrawals during the Year. Average Amount of each Withdrawal during the Year. Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. Cost of I Manage- ■ ment during the Year. Average (lost of each Transaction, Deposit or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Number of Accounts opened during the Year. Number of Acconntsl closed duriny the Year. Number TqM Amount rema.n- Open Accou s, ' n *$S™ incisive of' Year Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit o< each Open Account at Close of the Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. / s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ \ s. d. £ s. d. ot.ilsfor Dominion, 1909 .. 619 724,501! 9,611,119 11 3; 13 5 4 520,971 9,499,319 16 4 18 4 8 111,799 14 11 .. 27,000 o 520 395,804 4 5 1908.. 593 706,101 9,674,075 4 o 13 14 o 484,672 9,417,820 10 3 19 8 8 256,254 13 9 .. 27,000 o 544 379,808 6 7 1907 . 563 650,990 9,351,663 19 7 14 7 4 433,7961 8,125,123 o o 18 14 71,226,540 19 7 .. 19,000 o 4-20 343,424 7 2 1906 .. -41 593,764 7,907,154 12 5 13 6 4 386,536! 6,907,103 17 7 17 17 51,000,050 14 10 .. 17,000 o 4-16 291,191 19 1 1905 .. ; 520 509,112 6,625,744 o 10 13 o 3 346,022 5,984,184 12 2 17 5 11 641,559 8 8 .. 16,500 o 4-63 259,081 7 6 1904 .. ; 510 469,799 5,836,540 o o 12 S 6: 323,609 5,664,770 3 9 17 10 1 171,769 16 3 .. 16,0001 o 484 200,930 6 1 1903 .. 493 : 444,510 5,661,592 15 2 12 14 9 : 301,076 5,343,828 5 o 17 15 o 317,764 10 2 .. 15,000 o 483 187,130 2 8 . 1902 .. 481 411,215 5,069,619 6 2 12 6 7 273,454 4>7 o8 >77 1 I' 2 '7 4 5 360,847 15 o .. 14.000 o 490 172,926 1 7 1901 .. 466 380,808 4,611,456 6 1 12 2 2 247,854 4,230,193 6 2 17 1 4 381,262 19 11 .. n.SOO o 439 159,198 4 o . 1900 .. 445 347,056 4,170,428 15 3 12 o 4 227,079 3,827,416 7 3 16 17 1 343,012 8 o .. 10,500 o 439 146,169 2 5 1899 .. 427 313,783 3,644,980 9 10 11 12 4 206,940 3,417,298 19 8 16 10 3 227,681 10 2 .. 9,500 o 438 134,917 19 3 1898 .. 409 281,749' 3,279,611 7 5; 11 12 10 196,764 3,194,893 16 71 16 4 9 84,717 10 10! .. 8,500 o 426 128,128 16 6 » 1897 •• 3 88 267,615 3,187,219 2 4 11 18 2 179,555 2,891,169 5 8 16 2 o 296,049 16 8 .. 8,000 o 429 137,240 8 o . 1896 .. 371 242,283 2,881,152 16 3 11 17 10 167,248 2,591,558 19 4 15 9 10 289,593 16 11 .. 7,000 0 410 126,497 16 3! 1895 •• 357 217,393 2,794,506 16 o 12 17 1 159,904 2 ,369,333 6 7 M l6 4 425,173 9 5 •• 7,000 o 445 129,489 19 6 1894 .. 348 204,545 2,252,862 6 11 11 o 3 152,136 2,268,624 8 4 14 18 3 .. i5.7 fi 2 I 5 6,500 o 437 114,643 4 it 1803 .. 327 202,276 2,386,089 10 7 11 15 11 136,739 2,122,521 16 8| 15 10 5 263,567 13 11 .. 6,500 o 460 114,760 1 1 1892 .. I 318 186,945 1,878,270 6 4 10 o'11 120,628 1,821,348 18 1 15 2 o 56,921 83 .. 5,500! o 429 111,301 13 1 1891 .. ! 311 176,971 1,842,987 15 2! 10 8 3 111,603 9 3 r 5 3 5 M9,472 5 " -•• 5,oool o 416 104,098 17 o 1890 .. j 296 162,938 1,658,543 3 5 10 3 6 106,868 1,500,437 9 5 14 o 9 158,105 14 o, .. 5,000 o 445 92,319 o 6 1889.. i 294 153,920 1,515,281 11 3 9 16 10 99,185' 1,457, 081 5 o 14 '3 9 58,200 63 .. 4,000 o 379, 84,809 17 1 1888 .. ' 290 145,355 1,544, 747 7 II ,0 I2 6 96,204 1,387,471 1 10 14 8 5 157,276 6 1 .. 4,000 o 397 78,080 6 o 1887 .. 283 136,197 1,312,151 1 5 9 12 8 89,962 1,182,409 7 6 13 2 10 129,741 13 11 .. 4,000 o 424 67,363 15 3 1886 .. 271 137,989 1,248,405 6 11 90 11 89,182 1,336,287 6 4 14 19 8 .. 87,881 19 5 4,000 o 423 65,825 9 6 1885.. ; 256 i 131,373 1,341,001 3 2 10 4 1 84,832 1,264,305 8 3 14 18 o 76,695 14 11 .. 4,000 o 444 62,228 3 11 1884 .. 243 129,279 1,227,909 11 4 9 9 11 80,800 1,195,931 o 11 14 16 o 31,978 10 5 .. 4,000 o 457 57,3 Sl : 3 7 1883 •• 222 127,609 1,178,474 41 948 78,405 1,295,719 18 3 16 10 6 .. "7,245 i< 2 4,°°° ° 466 56,046 17 3 1882 .. 207 129,952 1,325,852 2 11 10 4 o 69,3081 1,142,599 o 1 16 9 8 183,253 2 10 .. 4,000 o 482 54,909 13 11 1881 .. 190 125,855 1,189,012 27 9 8 11 60,137. 902,195 1 8, 15 o 1 286,817 ° IJ ■• 3,5°° ° 4'5 2 42,204 19 o 1880 .. 178 81,660 864,441 18 10 10 11 9 57,44& 780,504 13 4 13 II 8 83,937 5 6 •• 3,5°° ° 604 32,822 12 4 1879 .. 165 71,865 812,399 11 11 11 6 1 54,698 876,180 19 3 16 o 4 .. 63,781 7 4 3,000 o 569 31,715 18 2 1878 .. 147 69,908 762,084 12 o 10 18 o 42,746, 742,053 14 3 17 7 2 20,030 17 9 .. 2,500 o 533 31,664 12 9 1877 .. 138 60,953; 681,294 13 2 11 36 39,363! 667,023 7 5 16 18 10 14,271 5 9 .. 2,500 o 598 29,193 14 6 1876 .. 124 57,295] 664,134 12 6 11 11 9 39,486 696,281 7 4 17 12 8 .. 32,146 14 10, 2,500 o 620 28,762 4 7 1875 .. 119 56,1291 657,653 4 o 11 14 4 36,977 729,759 17 9 19 '4 8 .. 72,106 13 9 2,500 o 644 28,565 3 5 1874 .. 103 52,627! 699,249 14 3 13 5 8 29,778 620,155 8 9 20 16 5 79,094 56 .. 2,250 o 655 26,935 6 8 » 1873 .. 97 39,223 580,542 5 5 14 16 2 21,268 425,908 3 5 20 o 5 154,634 20 .. 1,800 o 714 20,106 16 10 1872 .. 92 31,681! 430,877 o o 13 12 o 17,254 313,176 7 11 18 3 o 117,700 12 1 .. i,556 o 763 14,711 o 5 1871 .. 81 24,642; 312,338 18 4 12 13 6 14,773 261,347 l6 3 17 13 9 5°,99i 21 .. 1,351 o 823 11,291 10 10 . 1870.. 70 20,489 264,328 5 7 12 18 o 11,934 209,509 13 2 17 11 1 54,818 12 5 .. 1,264 ° 9'3 6 9,242 3 11 1869 .. 59 17,133 240,898 5 9 14 1 2 9,292 180,518 4 1 19 8 7 60,380 18 .. 1,186 o 1077 7,412 8 o 1868 .. 55 13,014 194,535 11 6 14 18 11 6,365 107,094 17 3 16 16 6 87,440 14 3 .. 789 o 977 4,880 7 3 'otalsforDominionfromist 46 , 6,977 96,372 7 10 13 16 3 1,919 26,415 18 9 13 15 3 69,956 9 1 .. 822 1 1018 1,241 5 o Feb. to 31st Dec, 1867 , j I 77,400 80,133 74,671 70,206 60,015; 57,769; 57,°47| 53,587' 50,046; 46,086 4 1 ,362 37,265! 36,394 32,982; 30,261 28,669 29,755 26,232 25,131 23,7'9 21,778 21,307 20,368 21,671 20,661 20,228 20,386 21,014 25,059 !6,i37 15,401 13,005 ",235 ",273 10,346 7,382 6,205 4,615 4,304 3,839 3,282 2,520 59,763 359.7M 57,829 342,077 53,644 3I9,773| 47,526 298,746 43,113 276,066 42,280! 259,164' 40,837 243,675 38,558 227,465 35,018 212,436! 31,724' 197,4081 28,284 183,046 26,628 169,968; 24,821 159,331' 22,907 147,758 22,001 137,683! 21,930 129,423; *9,599 122,684 18,171 112,528 17,872 104,467 17,256! 97,208 15,521 9O,745 16,543 84,4881 15,515 79,724 16,757 74,871 16,421 69,957 16,447 65,717 15,967 61,936 14,505 57,517 12,718 51,008 12,217 38,667 12,786 34,747 9,634 32,132 8,591 28,761 9,47 2 j 26,117 8,68r 24,334 5,736: 21,742 3,816 17,132 3,188 13,566 2,383 10,549 2,277 8,317 1,801 6,290 1,186 4,252 364 2,156 £ s. d. 12,666.897 17 5 12,159,293 18 1 11,523,230 17 9 9,953,265 11 o 8,662,022 17 I 7,761,382 o 11 7,388,681 18 7 6,883,787 5 9 6,350,013 9 2 5,809,552 5 3 5,320,370 14 10 4,957,77! 5 5 4,744,924 18 1 4,311,634 13 5 3,895.543 o 3 3,340,879 11 4 3,241,998 7 10 2,863,670 12 10 2,695,447 11 6 2,441,876 8 7 2,191,451 14 1 2,048,441 10 9 1,813,084 18 8 I,6i5,979 9 6 1,638,035 19 5 1,499,112 o 7 i,4O9,75i 16 7 i,47o,95o 13 6 1,232,787 16 9 903,765 16 10 787,005 19 o 819,071 8 2 767,375 17 8 723,910 17 5 727,295 7 8 770,836 18 o 664,807 5 10 490,066 7 o 357,654 14 6 295,372 1 7 231,3" 5 3 163,518 15 7 71,197 14 1 £ s. d. 35 4 3 35 10 11 36 o 9 33 6 4 31 7 6 29 18 11 30 6 5 3° 5 3 29 17 10 29 8 7 29 1 4 29 3 5 29 '5 7 29 3 7 28 510 25 16 3 26 8 6 25 9 o 25 16 o 25 2 4 24 2 11 24 4 10 22 14 10 21 11 8 23 8 4 22 l6 3 22 15 2 25 I' 5 24 3 4 23 7 6 22 12 11 25 9 9 26 13 7 27 H 4 29 17 9 35 9 o 38 16 1 36 2 5 33 18 1 35 IO 3 36 1 5 5 38 9 1 33 ° 5



Table No. 7. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1909.

Balances on let January, 1909. Transactions. Balances on :sist 'ecember, 1909. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Money-order Accounts :— Money-orders (general) United Kingdom, &c. United States of America Australia Austria Canada Cape of Good Hope Ceylon Fiji Germany Hong Kong India Natal Orange River Colony Samoa Straits Settlements Tonga Transvaal Commission .. Savings-Bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers Postal Accounts :— Stamps Postal Guides Postal notes Private box and bag rents Money-order commission British postal orders —H.O. a/c „ C.P.M.'s a/o „ London a/c B.P.O. commission Postal revenue Teleoraph Accounts :— New South Wales Telegraphs .. New Zealand and Australian Cable Pacific Cable Board Telephone-exchange receipts Special messenger receipts Maintenance of private wires .. Registration of code addresses .. Cable deposits Telegraph revenue General Accounts :— Post Office Account Postmasters and Telegraphists .. Investments fad. 38,858 1 4 18,994 16 4 '.. 3,493 3 5 1,521 12 10 .. 13 0 9 .'. 1,932 0 0 183 18 0 1,009 5 4 77 1 8 12,159,293 18 1 6,225 7 6 185,747 9 11 12 18 0 108,786 16 8J .. 51,487 5 10 53,661 1 4 .'. 5,352 7 11$ 225 17 1 144 16 4 2,048 13 8 '.'. 180 11 10£ 4,923 17 3 £ s. d. 764 11 4 345 11 7 *3 12 8 728 19 9 11 4 1 3,930 0 0 59 1 2 1,545 19 11 161 6 1 2,667 6 4 £ s. d. 2,453,506 15 11 235,072 3 11 21,174 15 8 198,210 7 4 32,836 1 4 3,370 1 6 1,221 8 3 939 19 10 3,811 1 11 2,390 17 2 1,430 13 7 3,190 10 4 575 3 0 176 7 7 6,333 17 7 234 12 3 4,194 15 2 2,111 15 8 4,437 15 3 10,006,923 15 8 989,858 13 11 771,893 0 1 653 0 0 438,604 15 10 10,534 9 6 13,820 4 4 28,146 18 1 32,698 15 0 28,776 12 10 315 0 0 530,524 7 10| £ s. d. 2,452,521 13 1 236,638 3 11J 20,588 1 11 198,945 18 2J 32,053 18 7 3,611 3 9 1,161 15 11 809 12 4 3,111 17 1 2,250 14 5 1,500 13 1 3,563 17 6 685 13 2 252 15 2 3,656 18 4 261 11 5 3,823 0 9 2,295 16 0 2,185 6 7 9,499,319 16 4 989,475 8 9 771,781 15 7 653 17 0 440,477 14 10J 10,534 9 6 13,820 4 4 32,698 15 0 29,135 9 8 28,776 12 10 315 0 0 536,912 10 6 £ s. d. 39,843 4 2 17,428 Iβ 3J 2,757 12 6J 2,303 15 7 72 13 1 126 14 10 2,072 2 9 113 18 6 635 18 2 12,666,897 17 5 6,608 12 8 185,858 14 5 12 1 0 106,913 17 8 £ s. d. V77 17 7 586 13 10] 29 14 11 33 8 6 87 11 8 1,253 0 9 86 0 4 1,174 5 6 345 6 5 414 17 8 46,935 8 11 57,224 6 8 1,035 14 8 8,931 5 4 4,186 0 9 51,005 1 8 143,142 18 7 455 2 2 2,602 4 1 1,073 11 4 4,780 9 5 455,691 1 llj 8,793 1 2 4,152 0 2 50,958 12 5 143,142 18 7 455 2 2 2,602 4 1 1,073 11 4 4,662 18 6J 455,824 18 2J 364 1 3 178 16 11 2,095 2 11 298 2 9 4,790 1 0 204,182 14 3 503,122 9 6 12,182,157 9 5 6,851,781 16 7 17,171,914 7 2 2,lfi4,635 17 1 7,192,720 6 9 17,181,597 14 10 2,284,250 19 11 545,121 4 5 512,805 17 2 12,301,772 12 3



Table No. 7—continued. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1909— continued.

General Post Office, Wellington, 30th March, 1910.

B—F. 1.

I I ! ' I Balances on 1st January, 1909. Transactions. Balances on 1st January, 1909. Transactions. Balances on Slst D Balances on Slst December, 1909. )ecember, 1909. : : Cγ. Dr. „_ Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr - Dr. Gbmbhal Accounts — continued. .. Accrued interest on investments Miscellaneous receipts (general).. .. Foreign postage Miscellaneous expenses I >iseount-stamps Fob other Dkpabtmbnts: — Advances to Settlers Anns Aot licenses Audit tees Clerks of Court ('ounty ('lerks Customs dues (H.M.C. Customs duty (parcels) Education Department Klectoral receipts Factories Act Fishing licenses Game licenses Gold6elds revenue Government debentures Government Insurance Government Printer .. Homing-pigeons Protection Act Imperial pensions Income-tax Land-tax Licensing Act Machinery Marine light dues Mining Act Miners' Guides New Zealand ('onsols . . < Ith'cial Assignee Old-age pensions Public Trust Railways Registration of births, ftc. Rents .Sanatorium, Hanmer Springs Sheep rates Stock Department Valuation revenue Miscellaneous revenue Savings- Bank Funds in hands of Treasury Account Suspense Account Profit and loss £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 139,852 8 3 139,852 8 3 160,096 9 8 2,649 14 0 . . 12,506 8 Hi 11,853 2 6 7,845 5 8J .. 978 14 8 8,514 9 6 20,608 15 6 .. 1,095,925 11 6 1,050,631 0 10 1,999 14 0 2,120 15 0 2,182 4 0 17,480 7 2 .. 1,139,660 6 0 1,144,438 16 5 2 0 0 .. 195 15 0 191 15 0 13 0 0 13 0 0 15 14 0 .. 72 5 9 87 19 9 87 14 11 81 14 11 156 17 0 .. 908 18 6 1,024 12 3 5,035 5 2 .. 56,091 15 2 55,108 13 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 050 .. 060 0 110 0 2 0 .. 3b 11 0 36 13 0 135 16 6 .. 1,251 6 6 1,321 19 0 3,189 2 0 3,189 2 0 4 14 0 .. 97 18 8 99 0 7 15,700 0 0 15,700 0 0 2,603 6 4 .. 28,352 3 6 28,676 9 9 1 18 6 .. 23 19 9 25 18 3 0 3 0 0 2 0 1,191 17 7 .. 27,000 0 0 28,617 10 11 230 18 2 . 201,861 3 8 201,450 0 0 5,084 16 5 .. 463,195 1 6 466,080 0 0 lii 15 6 <i7 15 6 751 0 0 . . 8,872 15 0 9,060 0 0 0 13 4 0 11 8 418 0 0 325 5 0 321 5 0 15 6 80 0 0 8(1 I) 0 0 12 6 28,378 15 4 . . 328,500 0 0 357,796 0 10 27,473 11 0 .. 698,075 16 11 (199,300 19 0 262 15 7 .. 2,885 19 8 2,921 0 5 192 9 0 .. 2,369 8 0 2,321 8 0 27 14 4 .. 263 16 10 281 17 4 148 15 3 .. 1,573 17 9 1,587 4 0 120 .. 070 190 2 9 6 .. 35 4 9 37 14 3 Sβ 10 2 .. 4,346 12 6 4,388 2 2 15 13 8 .. 34 1 8 41 8 7 44,354 0 10 45,269 16 8 1 11 6 1 11 6 272,570 12 3 .. 575,949 1 10 588,062 7 5 £ b. d. 3,303 0 5£ 309 10 10| 65,903 6 2 1,938 5 0 12,701 16 9 6 0 0 6 0 0 41 3 3 6,018 6 11 65 4 0 3 12 1 2,279 0 1 0 10 642 1 10 2,199 17 11 563 15 0 0 18 422 0 0 1 r> 6 6 12 6 26,248 8 11 227 14 10 230 9 0 9 13 10 135 9 0 26 0 6 s (i g 260,457 6 8 £ s. d. 160,096 9 8 425 13 4 !»17 .-> 6 '.115 15 10 ; Totals 13,039,532 14 4 13,039,532 14 4 ' 47,545,016 11 101 47,546,016 11 10} 13,527,279 10 0 13,527,279 10 0



Table No. 8. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund on 31st December, 1909.

Accrued Interest Description of Securities. Nominal Value. Cost Price. on 31et Decemher, 1909. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1899 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 731 3 3 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot 1900 2,200 0 0 2,200 0 (I 12 13 1 Debentures, 3} per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1900 54,300 0 0 54,:(00 0 0! 312 8 3 Debentures, 3$ per cent. Tho Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901 32,C00 0 0 32,000 0 0 570 10 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. Tlie Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901 2,500 0 0 :i.r><X> 0 0 8 4 4 Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1902 2,700 0 0 2,700 0 0 8 17 H Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act 1902 125,000 0 (I 125,000 0 (I 359 11 'J Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1903, 107,900 0 0 167,900 0 0 2,790 15 10 Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1903 01,525 0 0 01,525 0 0 1,076 13 9 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot 1900 51,550 0 0 51,550 0 o 1,031 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1906 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 8,750 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1907 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 (I 3,500 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cont. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1908 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 ! 436 6 0 Debentures, 3J per cent, Canadian Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 1,050 0 0 37 13 2 Canadian Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. .. .. 3,142 10 8 3,205 7 8 75 18 10 Canadian Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0i 4,800 0 0 86 17 6 Canadian Stock, 2J per cent. .. .. .. .. 12,666 15 11 10,133 8 9 113 16 4 The Cape of Good Hope Consolidated Stock, 3J per cent. .. 200 0 0 186 1 a 4 11 The Consolidated Loan Act 1867 Debentures, 4 per oent. .. 13,000 0 0 12,480 0 0 109 13 11 The Consolidated Stock Aot 1884 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 194,200 0 0 194,200 0 0 2,830 10 7 The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 283,500 0 0 283,500 0 0 3,289 7 4 The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 Debenture?, 3J per cent. .. 165,000 0 0 105,000 0 0 1,914 8 11 The Dairy Industry Act 1898 Debentures, 3J per oent. .. 1,781 0 0 1,781 0 0 25 19 2 The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act 1870 Debentures, 75,000 0 0 72,000 0 0 032 17 f> 4 per cent. The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act 1870 Debentures, 8,100 0 0 8,100 0 0 4J per cent. Dunedin Garrison Hall Debentures, 4J per cent. .. .. 5,000 0 0j 5,000 0 0 97 7 11 The General Purposes Loan Act 1873 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 5,200 f) 11 4,342 0 0 43 17 7 The Government Advances to Settlers Act 1894 Debentures, : 300.000 0 0 300,000 0 0 803 0 5 3 J per cent. The Government Advances to Settlers Aot 1906 Debentures, 555,000 0 0 j 555,000 0 0 1,590 11 7 3j per cent. The Government Advances to Settlers Act 1908 Debentures, 12,900 0 0 12,964 10 0 258 0 0 4 per cent. The Government Advances to Settlers Extension Aot 1901 80,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 230 2 8 Debentures, 3 j per cent. The Government Advances to Workers Act 1906 Debentures, 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 71 18 4 3J per cent. The Government Advances to Workers Aot 1906 Debentures, 205,000 0 0 j 205,000 0 0 3,587 10 0 3J ptr cent. The Government Loans to Looal Bodies Aot 1886 Debentures, i 231,500 0 0 231,500 0 0 2,686 0 7 3} per cent. The Government Railways Act 1908 and Finance Act 1909 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 Debentures, 3J per oent. Greymouth Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 12,241 12 0 Hamilton Borough Debentures, 4$ per cent. .. .. 3,000 0 0 ' 3,000 0 0 56 4 4 Hokitika Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 2,980 0 (I 2,980 0 0 76 8 4 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1903 Deben- 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 575 6 9 tures, 3J per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1905 Deben- 50,000 0 0 1 50,000 0 0 287 13 5 tures, 3J per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1907 Deben- ; 67,000 0 0 67.000 0 0 385 9 6 tures, 3$ per cent. The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act 1870 Deben- j 20,900 0 0 ■ 20,527 10 0 198 8 2 tures, 4J per cent. The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act 1870 Deben- 175,300 0 0 168,372 0 0 1,479 4 10 tures, 4 per cent. India Stock, 3J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 216 14 5 213 18 9 2 9 10 India Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 52 13 9 45 15 0 0 9 2 Inscribed Slock, 3J [.ur cent. .. .. .. .. 618,000 0 0| 618,000 0 0 11,364 0 4 Insoribed Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. ..2,260,495 11 1 2,244,582 18 0 18,885 0 9 Irish land Stock, 2| per cent. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 89 15 0 1 10 5 The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 34 per cent. .. 76,150 0 0 70,150 0 0 1,332 12 6 The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Deben- 741,066 0 0 741,066 0 0 17,303 7 7 tures, 3} per cent. The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 3$ per cent. .. 02,000 0 0 62,000 0 0 541 0 8



Table No. 8— continued. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund on 31st December, 1909— continued.

Description of Securities Nominal Value. Cost Price. i Accrued Interest ou Mist December 1909. a s. d. k. s. a. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 11,050 0 0 11,050 0 0 4 per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 1,100 0 0 1,100 0 0 3J per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 10,660 0 0 10,650 0 0 3J per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 18,000 0 0 18,000 0 0 3.1 per cent. The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 3£ per cent. .. 27,000 0 0 '27,000 0 0 The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act 339,000 0 0 339,000 0 0 1894 Debentures, 3$ per cent. I The Looal Bodies'Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 785.000 0 0 785.000 0 0 The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1901 Debentures, 3£ per cent. .. 516,000 0 0 516,000 0 0 The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3* per cent. .. 150.000 0 0 150,000 0 0 The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3i p( r cent. .. 225,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 The Maori Land Settlement Act 1905 Debentures", 4 per cent. .. 750 0 0 : 750 0 0 The Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment Act 1907 Deben- 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 tnres, :!i per cent. New South Wales Stock, 3J per cent. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 20,865 0 0 New South Wales Stock, 3J per cent. .. .. .. 18,000 0 0 17,910 0 0 The New Zealand Consols Act 1894 Debentures. per cent. .. 27,590 0 0; 27,496 5 0 OamaruBorough Consolidated Loan Debentures, 5"per cent. .. 13,800 0 0 ; 13,800 0 0 Oamaru Harbour Board Debentures, 5J per cent. .. .. 28,000 0 0J 28,000 0 0 Patea Harbour Board Debentures, per cent. .. .. 26,870 0 0 26,870 0 0 The Post and Telegraph Act 1908 Debentures, 3i per cent. .. 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 The Railways Improvement Authorisation Act 1907 Debentures, 110,000 0 0 110.(10(1 0 0 3£ per oent. The Reserve Fund Securities Aot 1907 Debentures, 3£ per cent. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 The Scenery Preservation Act 1903 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 South Australian Stock, 4 per cent. .. .. .. 1,772 10 2 1,861 9 0 South Australian Stock, 3i per cent. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 26,460 0 0 The State Coal-mines Act"1908 Debentures, 3$ per cent. .. 130,000 0 0 130,000 0 0 The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 500 0 0 500 0 0 The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 Debentures, 3£ per cent. .. 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 Thames Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 The Public Revenues Act 1908 Debentures (Treasury bills), 99,200 0 0 99,200 0 0 3J per cent. Victorian Stook, 3 per oent. .. .. .. .. 12,379 19 10 10,708 13 10 Wellington City Council Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 100,000 0 0 99,000 0 0 Wellington City Council Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 25,000 0 0 24,500 0 0 Wellington Harbour Board Debentures, 4 J per cent. .. .. 28,900 0 0 i 28,900 0 0 Westport Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 489,500 0 0 489,500 0 0 Accrued interest on Post Office Account £ 8. d. 221 0 0 18 6 5 155 4 6 315 0 0 155 6 9 2,990 12 3 9,108 2 6 5,986 19 11 1,740 8 1 2,219 17 0 15 0 0 875 U 0 457 18 9 366 0 11 402 2 7 315 0 0 645 10 8 480 6 11 i,500 0 0 11,660 3 9 230 2 8 25 1 6 606 10 5 1,134 7 7 3 5 9 8 12 7 99 14 0 224 7 6 2,000 0 0 500 0 0 420 12 8 9,790 0 0 514 18 2 Totals .. .. .. .. 12,335,889 110 12,301,772 12 3 12,335,889 1 10 12,301,772 12 3 160,096 9 8



Table No. 9. Post-Office Sayings-Bank. Balance-sheet for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance to credit of depositors on Ist Withdrawals during 1909 .. .. 9,499,319 16 4 January, 1909 .. .. .. 12,159,293 18 1 Balance to credit of depositors on 31st Deposits during 1909 .. 9,611,119 11 3 December, 1909 .. .. .. 12,666,897 17 5 Interest credited to depositors, 1909 .. 395,804 4 5 £22,166,217 13 9 £22,166,217 13 9 Liabilities and Assets. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. Balanoe to credit of depositors on 31st Securities .. .. .. 12,301,772 12 3 December, 1909 .. .. .. 12,666,897 17 5 Balance uninvested .. .. .. 625,582 1110 Balance of assets over liabilities .. 260,457 6 8 £12,927,355 4 1 £12,927,355 4 1 Profit and Loss Account. Dr. £ s. d. , Cr. £ s. d. Interest credited to depositors during 1909 395,804 4 5 Balance forward, Ist January, 1909 .. 272,570 12 3 Interest paid on debentures purchased by Interest received during £ s. d. Department .. .. .. 151 5 2 the year .. .. 412,347 4 11 Paid Publio Account, for cost of Savings Accrued interest on 31st bank management .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 December, 1909 .. 160,096 9 8 Loss on debentures at maturity .. 254 9 7 Savings-bank profits for 1908 paid to 572,443 14 7 revenue .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Less acorued interest on Balance to next account .. .. 260,457 6 8 31st Deoember, 1908 .. 139,852 8 3 432,591 6 4 Profit on debentures at maturity .. 3,295 16 7 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 209 10 8 £708,667 5 10 £708,667 5 10

Table No. 10. Return showing the Total Number of Post-Office Savings-Bank Accounts open on the 31st December, 1909, classified according to the Balances at Credit.

Not Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding "S§ Total Postal District. exceeding £20 and £50 and £ 100 and £200 and £300 and £400 and £500 and Number of £20. up to £50. Uμ to £100.: np to £200. up to £300. up to £400. up to £500. up to £600. S oo Accounts I H.S open. Auckland .. 39,181 6,609 ' 8,894 8,468 1,492 788 340 226 174 55,169 Blenheim .. 4,459 531 386 ! 295 129 75 27 24 9 5,935 Christohuroli -44,204 j 0,652 4,818 i 8,467 1,460 (174 368 235 173 61,551 Dunedin .. 31,135 5,193 8,520 2,920 1,306 687 328 183 • 115 45,337 Cxisborne .. 5,950 j 854 528 : 356 , 137 71 29 26 22 7,973 Greymouth .. 1,692 824 553 j 477 | 223 124 60 37 19 7,009 Hokitika .. 1,164 230 170 : 152 74 33 17 7 7 1,854 Invercargill .. 10,174 1,856 1,220 1,004 448 187 108 47 23 15 067 Napier .. 12,825 1,851 , 1,235 , 890 401 201 79 62 i 45 17 589 Nelson .. ' 6,517 1,087 j 657 : 521 244 100 59 33 26 9,244 New Plymouth 6,488 ' 1,012 i 648 ! 528 211 89 56 36 19 9 087 Oamaru .. 3,030 608 i 150 i 383 161 67 45 28 13 : 4,785 Thames .. 8,192 ' 1,024 ! 689 610 238 117 44 40 28 10,982 Timaru .. 7,331 1,329 i 820 638 276 130 63 54 31 10 732 Wanganui .. 14,080 2,027 1,177 919 374 188 85 57 31 18 938 Wellington .. 54,531 7,804 4,767 3,673 : 1,632 730 356 | 230 215 73,938 Westport ... 3,161 507 377 279 96 48 24 . fcl8 14 4 524 Totals, 1909 257,174 38,998 25,409 20,577 8,902 4,259 2,088 1,343 964 359,714 Totals, 1908 | 244,459 37,069 24,021 19,790 8,591 3,872 1,988 1,361 I 926 . 342,077 I



Table No. 11. Return showing the Number and Amount of Old-age Pension Payments made each Month for the Two Years ended 31st March, 1910.

Return for same Period of Number of Payments and Amounts in each Postal District.

njo—y. -iu. Month. Number of Payments. A" of^nts. Amount. April May June July August September October ... November December January ... February... March 13,360 13,367 13,534 13,512 13,552 13,538 13,719 18,799 13,972 13,896 14,117 14,267 £ s. d. 27,341 11 6 27,363 17 2 27,694 17 9 27,670 11 8 27,703 19 7 27,685 9 11 28,045 12 '.) 28,209 9 6 28,593 19 8 28,456 5 10 28,871 1 6 29,176 4 2 14,261 14,438 14,574 14,709 14,770 14,786 14,899 11,979 15,617 14,493 15,112 15,201 £ s. d. 29,159 2 4 29,502 18 5 29,689 14 6 29,988 5 3 30,109 15 5 30,134 13 3 30,382 9 2 30,506 7 1 31,819 3 11 29,464 7 8 30,784 7 8 30,954 6 1 Totals 164,633 I 336,813 1 0 177,839 362,495 11 0

1908-9. 191 1909-10. (09-10. Postal District. Jgsz. Number of Payments. Amount. Auckland... Blenheim... Ghristchurcli Dunedin ... Gisborne ... Greymouth Hokitika ... Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymoutli Oamani ... Thames ... Timaru ... Wanganui Wellington Westport... £ s. d. 34,071 69,644 9 7 1,837 3,779 7 9 27,218 55,903 6 0 26,022 .52,231 16 5 1,212 2,281 10 9 6,108 12,926 2 'J 6.294 13,271 17 9 10,138 21,012 2 5 5,912 11,951 13 5 3,436 6,956 16 1 2,975 5,993 8 0 3,524 7,282 16 7 6,079 12,731 11 4 5,961 11,982 14 11 4,697 I 9,786 0 5 15,656 31,701 1 4 3,493 7,376 5 6 36,982 2,007 29,468 27,304 1,369 6,290 6,432 11,162 6,471 3,636 3,091 3,747 6,503 6,783 5,324 17,831 3,439 £ s. d. 75,116 2 2 4,126 1 0 60,183 13 7 54,653 8 7 2,587 2 I 13,295 10 0 13,591 '.I 10 23,038 5 9 13,038 1 6 7,359 7 1 6,260 11 7 7,640 18 8 13,565 10 10 13,574 0 11 11,091 1 2 36,107 8 4 7,267 2 8 Totals ... 164,633 336,813 1 0 177,839 362,495 11 0



Table No. 12. Table showing the estimated Number of Letters and Letter-cards, Post-cards, Book-packets, Newspapers, and Parcels posted and delivered in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1909.

Posted in the Dominion. Delivered in the Dominion. Total posted and delivered. Total posted and delivered. Postal Districts. — LetVer-cards Post - Calds - Books, Ac. Newspapers. Auckland .. 16,846,893 1,130,870 3,925,638 3,545,153 Blenheim .. 1,163,804 68,627 279,842 283,179 Christcnurch .. 12,618,523 873,457 3,221,307 ' 2,656,542 Dunedin .. 11,198,115 945,750 4,113,955 2,207,252 Gisborne .. 1,271,497 71,721 309,887 486,268 Greymouth .. 1,138,628 73,385 202,743 367,393 Hokitika .. | 468,971 31,590 74,458 130,234 InvercargUl .. 4,530,549 377,624 1,064,477 749,963 Napier .. I 4,742,198 298,662 1,414,897 806,740 Nelson .. | 2,015,513 128,050 395,196 295,828 New Plymouth.. 2,392,793 145,717 641,312 569,699 Oamaru .. 1,271,258 78,611 210,584 157,014 Thames .. 1,811,491 107,185 316,385 324,470 Timaru .. 2,453,037 164,073 504,398 322,855 Wauganui .. 5,823,861 397,059 1,864,676 1,363,678 Wellington .. 22,754,798 1,198,834 5,850,552 5,463,759 Westport .. 773,500 47,619 122,722 171,106 Parcels. Letter-Card's l ' oe ' ca ''l6 Hooks. ,v<- Newspapers. 252,781 15,211,716 1,114.659 3,695,042 2,937.935 7,513 1,238,380 82,407 279,656 433.212 141,641 14,819,974 1,177,111 3,314,129 2,628,669 133,786 10,667,774 1,397,266 3,538,808 2,574,663 16,112 1,345,084 84,422 308,698 661,687 10,029 1,311,154 94,276 244,920 661,986 5,676 627,978 56,316 200,908 221,062 26,902 5,218,343 r>59.156 1,687,907 1,188,135 41,324 4,950,569 290,927 1,384,981 1,376,608 20,403 1,916,200 141,713 474,780 609..V.7 17,088 2,643,524 197,197 581,412 917,852 5,980 1,469,624 108,459 235,391 252,837 11,749 1,974,206 128,648 390.707 476,073 13,192 2,645,955 109,390 486,720 636,21] 45,558 6,277,947 545,740 2,021.006 2.284.477 282,466 , 20,469,852 1,842,685 6,513,988 4,730.03.", 7,405 862,628 59,436 169;780 269,919 •*"*■ tTer-cZi Books, *e. ..a,ce, s . 272,822 32,058,609 2,245,529 7,620,080 6,483,088 525,603 8,109 2,402,184 151,034 559,498 716,391 15,622 152,871 27,438,407 2,050,568 6,535,436 5,185,211 294 512 144,393 21,805,889 2,343,016 7,652,763 4,781,915 278,178 17,389 2,610,581 156,143 618,585 1,147,955 33,501 10,824 2,449,782 167,661 447,003 1,029,379 20 853 6,126 1,090.949 87,906 281,306 351,286 11802 29,035 9.748,892 936,780 2,752,384 1,938,098 55,937 44.000 9.092,767 589,589 2,799,878 2,182,348 85 924 22,021 3,931,713 209,763 869,982 905,385 42 424 18,443 5,036,317 342,914 1,222,724 1,487,551 35,531 6,454 2.740,882 187,070 445,975 409,851 12,434 12,681 3,786,697 235,833 707,152 800,543 24.43C 14.23S 5,098,992 333,463 991,118 859,066 27.43C 411.170 12.101.808 942,799 3,885,6H2 3,648,155 94.72S 304,861 43,224,660 3,041,519 12,364,540 10,194,394 587,327 7 992 1,636,128 107,055 292,502 441,025 j ; ' ■_ , ; _, I i : j Totals .. 93,275,429 6,138,834 24,513,029 19,901,133 93,275,429 6,138,834 24,513,029 19,901,133 1,039,605 1,039,605 ; 93,650,908 8,049,808 25,534,899 22,060,508 93,650,908 8,049,808 25,534,899 22,660,508 1,122,029 1,122,029 186,920.337 14,188,042 50,047,928 42,501,641 2,161,034 186,92(5,337 14,188,042 50,047,928 42,501,641 2,101,0: Previous year .. 86,350,240 ■ 6,222,684 24,144,963 19,036,782 860,380 89,089,871 7,643,831 25,097,878 22,322,131 89,089,871 7,643,831 25,097,878 22,322,131 930,267 175.440.111 13,866,515 49,242,841 41,358,913 1,790,647 930,267 175.440.111 13,866,515 49,242,841 41,358,913 1,790,64'



Table No. 13. Registered Articles. The number of registered articles dealt with in 1909, compared with the numbers in 1890, 1900, and 1908, is as follows :— 1890. 1900. 1908. 1909. From places beyond the Dominion ..-. 26,374 52,343 110,648 127,197 Registered in the Dominion ... ... 169,321 464,036 860,656 971,987 Totals ... .. 195,695 516,379 971,304 1,099,184 Dead Letters. 1908. 1909. Opened and returned to writers ... ... 177,535 174,730 Returned unopened to other countries ... ... 41,187 47,665 Reissued ... ... ... ... ... 455 737 Destroyed ... ... ... ... ... 28,136 19,238 Returned unopened by Chief Postmasters ... 163,161 186,396 Totals ... ... ... 410,474 428,766

Table No. 14. Parcel-vost. The following shows the number and weight of parcels posted during the years 1890, 1900, 1908, and 1909: — 1890. 1900. 1908. 1909. Number ... 121,292 199,413 860,380 1,039,605 Weight ... 336,6431b. 12oz. 682,140 lb. 7 oz. 2,824,567 lb. 10oz. 3,369,9161b. 3 oz.

The following table shows the number and weight of parcels exchanged with the United Kingdom and the undermentioned places during the years 1908 and 1909: —

Beo ived. ved. Despatched. Country. 1908. 1909. 1008. 1909. Number. Weight. Number. Weight. Number. Weight. ' Number. Weight. United Kingdom and foreign 78,301 countries (via London) United States of America .. 5,602 Canada .. .. .. j 518 Victoria 8,774 New South Wales .. .. 12,419 South Australia .. .. 504 Queensland .. .. 677 Tasmania.. .. .. 527 Western Australia .. .. 399 Samoa .. .. ■. 14 Fiji .. .. .. 123 Ceylon .. .. .. 390 Uruguay Cape Colony .. .. 431 Natal 100 India .. .. .. 994 Tonga .. .. .. 12 lb. oz. lb. oz. 445,542 0 *77,481 436,390 0 17,049 3 5,681 17,618 1 882 0 I 595 1,291 0 29,855 2 i 8,298 28,670 4 36,344 8 j 12,499 35,765 0 1,290 8 525 1,429 4 1,627 3 720 1,647 13 1,255 0 551 1,394 0 924 lj 378 ! 847 15 48 12 10 27 8 291 3 146 342 12 1,643 14 432 1,914 5} lb. oz. 11,353 34,090 5 12,293 1,165 : 2,902 04 1,154 336 685 6 i 335 3,569 6,858 10 »,375 5,103 11,687 11 5,006 514 1,208 7 491 669 1,426 12 i 785 721 1,434 0 782 521 1,084 9 507 110 376 15 165 468 1,388 15 519 84 216 13$ 89 89 174 6 96 144 266 1 167 230 442 14J 245 252 1,009 i\ 280 111 268 10 151 lb. oz. 86,670 11 2,994 15 758 4 7,544 3 11,433 2 1,201 13 1,729 12 1,756 11 1,259 2 C98 7 1,461 1 316 8 258 6 307 0 468 7 1,040 9 415 11 761 9 425 698 10 162 14 94 149 5 4,870 2j 1,021 5,108 12} 19 6 10 16 4 Totals .. 109,785 542,567 6J 542,567 6|L08,866 533,310 14 \ 25,439 65,521 14$ 26,442 70,314 10 26,442 70,314 10 * The small decrease in the numbe increased rate charged in London on lig r of parcels received from the United Kingdom is no doubt still due to the ;ht but bulky parcels.



Table No. 15.-SAN FRANCISCO AND SUEZ SERVICES. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the San Francisco Mail Service.

Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Peninsular and Oriental Service.

Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Orient Line.

J'BUM ljUJNJJUiN VIA SAIN t> 'JKAJNUISUU. Maximum (in days) Minimum Average Auckland. Wellington. Chriatchurch Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. 47 45 46 46 :: * 39 38 39 39 41-73 41 4209 42 09 TO LONDON VIA SAN FRANCISCO. Maximum (in days) Minimum Average Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurcb Dunedin. I ! 39 37 38 38 ... 35 83 34 34 ... 36-87 35-20 36-22 36-22

FKOM LONDON VIA BBINDISI (P. AND 0. PACKETS). [ I Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch Dunedin. |_ Maximum (in days) ... 32 33 38 39 40 39 Minimum „ ... 30 31 36 35 39 38 Average „ ... 3015 31-23 37-23 3819 3904 3812 TO LONDON VIA BRINDISI (P. AND 0. PACKETS). I Auckland. Wellington. Christchuroh Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. Maximum (in days) ... 38 37 38 38 83 32 Minimum „ ... 36 35 36 36 31 30 Average „ ... 3662 3550 36-50 3650 3146 3046

('BUI JjUINUUlN VIA JNArljliS (UrtlJiJM I rAliABlB). Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. j Chrietchurch Dunedin. laximum (in days) linimum „ .verage 34 m 42 40 41 41 31 33 37 38 38 38 32 26 3341 3856 38-78 3915 38-44 TO LONDON VIA NAPLES (ORIENT PACKETS). _. . . ... .. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. laximum (in days) linimum .verage 40 38 39 39 34 33 38 87 38 38 38 32 38-80 37-68 38-68 38-71 33-68 3268 • No mails received. 1 No mails despatched.



Table No. 16. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June. 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893.

4—F. 1.

j> Number of Telegrams forwarded Cost oi N.»b«r I Nimbe, g . ™*~ Y ~; Valu<;ol TW.JVa.ue Cost of Maintenance Cgrf Y«rendcd Mile, of ! I RevenuTJn, all Bnsmessdon, Ma.ntenance y BxpSSkor,. '"Tines "' Tariff in Operatic,,. Line. Wire. f Priva.c Cover,, To(a| ™' ■"«.««, £*. Sfations . Ao ££»*"& ble per MUe. 5 and Press. ment. Subsidy. / s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. i s. d. . £ s. d. / s. d. 30th June. 1866 699 1,390 13 24,761 2,746 27,407 5,561 19 2 483 3 2 6,045 2 4 3,934 3 4 2.443 2 » 6.377 6 3 3 9 1° \ 1867 757 1,498 21 55,621 15,331 7°,952 9,070 10 I 3,770 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 '4 7' 2 >54 : 4 ll I °>558 19 6 371 L Mileage tariff. 1868 j 1,110 2,223 31 72,241 26,244 98,485 ' 11,652 3 7 6,672 o 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 10: 5,406 7 3 14,396 5 r 4 17 4 1/ 1869 1.329 2,495 45 106,070 50,097 156,167 18,520 10 4 13,430 11 9 31,951 2 1 14,266 12 7 8,547 4 9-22 813 17 4 6 8 6 , 1870 1,661 2,897 56 122,545 62,878 185,423 17,218 I 4 12,252 6 o 29,470 7 4 16,417 7 4,14,120 4 10 30,537 re 2 8 9 II Mileage taritt in operation up to ntSept., 1869; uni1871 : 1,976 3,247 ; 72 253,582 59,292 312,874 22,419 8 8 9,876 17 6 32,296 6 2 21 254 4 3 |n, 344 3 8 32,598 7 11 5 10 6 . Se^.'le&M^f.'M'a'rch , 1870; and Is. tariff from 1872 2,185 3,823 81 344,524 67,243 411,767 28,121 to 0.11,043 i 9 39;i&4 13 9 23,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 32,452 94 423 ist April, 18J0. '873 2,356 4,574 93 485,50/ 83,453 568,960 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 ° 50,786 o 9 27,040 18 10 9,479 5 4 36,520 42 4 1 ii 1874 2,530 5,782 105 645,067 107,832 752,899 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 I5,°2i 17 11 53,823 17 3 63 11 1875 i 2.986 6,626 127 786,237 130,891 917,128 55,301 12 3 13,679 10 9 68,981 3 o 45,814 11 4 14,240 19 7 60,055 10 11 4 16 4 1876 3. ! 54 7,247 142 890,382 160,704 1,051.086 62,715 10 4 16,154 6 o 78,869 16 4 61,696 14 521,074 8 8 82,771 31 5 18 10 I 1877 3.259 7.423 155 952,283 172,159 1,124,442 , 65,644 15 3 ,17,024 8 9 82,669 4 o 63,353 10 1017,931 S o i 81,284 18 10 5 is 11 rrom 1st November, 1878 3,434 8,035 182 1,065,481 194,843 1,260,324 , 73,284 1 10 19,148 12 4 92,432 14 2 69,340 1 8 18,259 4 9 87,599 65 5 10 o I J. l8 73. address and signature given in 1879 3,512 8,117 195 1,201,982 246,961 1,448,943 85,402 o 2 26,949 2 2 112,351 2 4 79,502 o 5 17,299 7 10 96,801 83509 free 31st March. 1880 3,638 9,333 214 824,734 183,675 1,008,409 58,120 3 3 19,707 6 3 77,827 9 6 68,651 101014,758 4 5 83,40915 3 4 3 4 1881 3,758 9,587 227 1,058,342 246,370 1,304,712 73,002 2 o 27,021 3 8 100,023 5 8 78,224 1 823,154 8 3 101,378 9 11 ' 6 6 7 1882 3,824 9,653 234 1,215,849 222,923 1,438,772 78,828 19 8 ,22,737 l6 4 101,566 16 o 69,165 5 018,292 13 4 87,457 18 4 4 17 4 I I I 1 I I



Table No. 16— continued. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June, 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893— continued.

For the Financial Years ended 31st March, 1895, to 31st March, 1910.

Year ended Number Number O of of "S S Miles of Miles ol - & Line. Wire. £° Z Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. Private Govern- .... and Press. ment. lu,al - Telegraph Revenue from alt Sources. Value of Government Messages. Total Value Co8t „, Business done Maintenance Cost of Maintenance of Lines, excluding Australian Cable Subsidy. Total expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tarilt in Operation. 31st Dec, 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 3 1974 9.848 264 4,074 10,037 3°2 4,264 10,474 33° 4,463 10.931 375 4,546 11,178 412 4,646 11,375 437 4,790 11,617 473 4,874 11,827 4 8 9 5,148 12,812 520 5>349 13,235 573 5,479 13,459 615 5.513 13.515 640 1,361,817 208,372 1,570,189 90,633 11 2 1,379,483 219,917 1,599,400 93,822 3 3 1.433.458 220,847 1.654.305 95.634 5 5 i,533,4o6 , 240,867 1,774,273 101,652 8 o 1,583, 717 252,549 1,836,266 .106,638 12 2 I.589.77 1 245,623 1,835,394 106,548 4 o 1,548,233 217,630 1,765,863 106,311 11 6 1,589,157 213,830 1,802,987 106,462 18 4 •.734.381 226,780 1,961,161 110,696 17 8 1,746,115 222,149 1,968,264 117,633 15 9 1,686,064 218,079 1,904,143 103,813 8 £>\ 1,825,646 244,045 2,069,691 112,465 15 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. 20,608 11 11 111,242 3 1 73,554 9 122,451 6 3 **>555 r 9 2 115,378 2 5 73,054 4 619,210 6 6 20,855 : 9 7 116,490 5 o 70,036 6 220,041 15 10 24,860 9 o 126,512 17 o 77,082 4 420,900 6 2 27,281 4 9 133,919 16 n 77,473 10 721,402 18 2 30,205 11 10 136,753 15 10 76,580 10 021,321 2 9 23,164 13 11 129,476 5 5 72,201 13 523,262 1 o 24,218 9 3 130,681 7 7 75,426 9 726,007 1 5 26,070 12 7 1136,767 IO 3 76,845 I 1027,546 2 O 24,840 5 7 142,474 1 4 85,658 4 1128,986 10 10 24,342 7 o 128,155 15 6J 87,472 13 3:29,580 10 11 28,317 7 10 140,783 3 7 92,109 17 029,141 6 o £ s. d, £ s. d. 96,005 15 4 5 17 5 92,264 11 o 4 16 8 90,078 2 o ! 4 18 4 97,982 10 6 4 15 9 98,875 8 9 ■ 4 15 11 97,901 12 9 4 13 9 95,463 14 5 5 o 1 101,433 " ° 587 104,391 3 10 5 13 o 114,644 15 9 5 12 7 117,053 42 5 8 o 1 121,251 30559 From 1st November. 1873, address and signature given iD free. From 1st Jan., 1886, delayed telegrams posted to addressees immediately after their receipt at offices of destination.

Year ended list March, 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 N am her of Miles ol Line. 5,9614 .. 6,2 4 5i 6,284! •• 6,484 ... 6,736 6,910 7,2498 7,469 ■• 7,748* ■• 7,779* 7,943 & ■■ 8,355 8,953 9,656 10,404 10.901 Number of Miles of Wire. 14,881$. 16,470}! 18,024 18,746 I 19,228 20,6821: 21,705 { 22,920^ 25,116 27,031 29.343 : 34.788 Number ol Telegrams forwarded £ during the Year. £° Private Govern- ,. . and Press. merit. ' otal - . 705 1,802,182 1 231,618 2,033,800 J 743 1,899,632 224,579 2,124,211 I 780 2,285,001 235,168 2,520,169 824 2,469,415 226,818 2,696,233 I 878 2,717,548 243,190 2,960,738 1 915 3.I59.O93 310,538 3,469,631 J 991 3.534.444 363,684 3,898,128 1,038 3,850,391 317,590 4,167,981 1,103 4,271,218 288,086 4,559,304 1,153 4,67I,9O4 4,965.197 1,200 4,900,495 259,250 5,159,745 l>312 5,351,084 ' 289,135 5,640,219 1,446 6,160,080 236,252 6,396,332 1,611 6,958,279 84,644 7,042,923 J ,764 7,338. ei7 87,676 7,425,693 1,871 7,757,128 89,762 7,846,890 Rev, (including Misceli Telegraph. £ s. d. 88,459 10 11 97,17s 14 oj 100,385 16 i 99,798 8 ioj, 105,576 r> o 119,641 11 6J I37,S6l I 2J I5',933 *9 11 I6O.343 7 7 166,535 i171,001 13 n.j 1184,369 6 2 206,706 15 8) 1227,398 6 8 1238,103 16 5 250,212 2 1 . , __, „_ laneous Receipts). To(a , Vaju ,, Value of of Total expenditure Government Business done (excluding Remarks. Messages. during Cable Subsidy . Telephone. the Year. £ S. d. £ s. d7] £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 21,552 12 10 26,050 7 5 136,062 1 [ 2 135,791 o 7 Cable subsidy, 6,492 11 8 25.933 12 9 25,843 it 11 148,955 18 8j; 143,665 14 o „ 4,774 5 5 29,248 19 5 23,118 2 6 152,752 18 o 153,484 6 8 „ 3,972 8 1 36.422 6 8 24,504 9 S 160,725 5 2j 165,198 13 5 , 1,849 2 9 39,718 7 7 25,500 5 10 170,794 19 5 173,152 16 6 , 1,427 i 9 11 43,303 2 10 29,431 19 o 192,376 13 4$ 181,634 « 3 1,608 7 t 49,117 o 8 35,327 6 2 222,305 S oh 194,014 12 ii 8 6 55,542 4 <j 27,507 17 6 234,984 2 2 212,180 16 o ,. 234 15 o 62,151 8 11 26,440 2 10 248,934 19 4 i 228,185 Io 7 » 181 10 o ! 71,028 6 3 24,377 1 7 261,941 6 6J 245,805 9 7 .. 10,057 IJ 7 79,061 7 4 20,597 n IO 270,660 13 ij 258,977 10 g 89,542 1 5 24,168 10 4 298,079 17 11 276,580 12 5 100,814 o 3 17,486 19 8 325,007 15 7J 291,359 12 6 116,852 13 10 4,498 16 74 348,749 17 ii 357,58i 1 3 131,249 o 7 4,821 10 10 374,174 7 10 394,649 19 6 144,298 2 9 4,850 17 2 399,361 2 0 411,296 17 2 Note. —Tariff, 1890 : is. for ten words, and free address and signature up to ten words ; delayed telegrams, 6d. 1892 : For twelve words, and free address and signature, ordinary telegrams, is. delayed, 6d. Later in 1892 the number of words in text and signature made eighteen 1896: First twelve words, 6d. ; each additional word, id.; address and signature paid for. 1906: For each additional word after first twelve. £d.


v.— l

Table No. 17. Table showing the Cash Revenue derived from Paid Telegrams of all Codes, the Value of Franked Government Telegrams, and the Number of Telegrams transmitted in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1910.

Table No. 18. Table showing the Paid Telegrams of all Codes forwarded during the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1910, and the Revenue received therefrom.

Postal Districts. Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Jisborne Sreymouth rlokitika 'nvercargill Napier .. kelson .. *Jew Plymouth .. ... Damaru rhames.. ["irnaru .. Wanganui Wellington Westport Totals, 1909-10 .. Totals, 1908-9 iSSSSm ™ n L°d vLue'o, Numbcor ""of" relegra™ 8 , Telegrams. Codes. Ieleijrams. Government £ 01 all Codes. Telegrams. a| , Codes / s. d. / s. d. £ s. d. • • 47.554 '5 34 632 19 1 . 48,187 14 4 J 1,517,695 ; 12,152 1,529,847 .. I 4,650 10 11 258 10 74 4,909 1 64 M4.374 5,272 149.°4 6 .. 25,941 2 nj 472 1 6 26,413 4 5J 7 8 2,5°9 ! 8,351 790,860 .. 21,767 3 nj. 317 11 4$ 22,084 15 4 665,661 5,118 670,779 6,934 IO 2 59 2 1 6,993 I2 3 ' 210,324 : 1,176 211,500 6,081 14 3i 181 7 8 6,263 1 II* 172,317 , 3.562 175.879 2,109 7 6j 14 2 10 2,123 10 4J: 64,102 213 I 64,315 .. 13,011 7 1 171 11 5* 13,182 18 6j, 406,348 ; 3,338 409,686 •• j '5,163 19 74 177 8 04 15,341 7 8 534.382 ; 3.421 ) 537.803 •• ! 5.579 5 8J 674 14 5 6,254 o 1* 262,119 13.006 275,125 7.329 3 5j '62 15 34 7,491 18 9 230,651 3,236 233,887 .(.563 17 r i 34 7 o 3,598 4 ij 99.849 662 100,511 7,507 o 7 33 4 5 7,540 5 o 231,604 ! 688 , 232,292 6,765 11 oJ 80 3 2 6,845 14 241 209,695 ; 1,532 . 211,227 16,304 18 54 88 17 64 16,393 16 o 526,086 ' 1,721 527,807 •• 5o,594 13 3 ■ r i T2 o 19 24 51,715 12 541,584,725 19,568 1,604,293 4,046 8 74 371 1 54 4,417 10 1 114,687 6,746 121,433 j 1 • • 244,905 10 1 4,850 17 2 249,756 7 3 7,757,128 89,762 : 7,846,890 .. 233,516 IO 4 4,821 IO IO 238,338 1 2 7,338,017 87,676 7,425,693 I

Class of Telegrams. [une Quarter, 1909. | September Quarter, 1909. December Quarter, 1909. March Quarter, 1910. Number. 1 Revenue. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Totals. " Number. Revenue. Ordinary .. Urgent Press £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,283,64455,16117 911,198,74153,00010 o 1,394, 12359,157 410^1,426,49260,2021511 65,62914,064 6 3 70,932 4,393 8 o 68,239 4,07610 3 72,517 4.444 17 9 104,872 5,16911 7J 103,372 5,447 15 94 107,894 5,731 14 5 102,804; 5,62918 8J 395.519; 9,30216 6 410,90510,215 4 6 458,45011,216 16 -6 492,995112,018 9 5 £ *■ d. 5,303,0001227,522 8 6J 277.317 16,979 2 i 418,942; 21,979 o 6J 1,757,869 42,753 6 11 Bureau Gross totals Less other \ lines and [• credits I 1,849,66473,69812 r8 342,028,706 15,512 15 1 .. 16,308 18 6 6 0412,094,80882,296 1 9j! H>, 2-1) 2. .. If). 227 12 Oi 7.757.128309,33318 3 04,328 8 2 Net totals, 1909-10 Net totals, 10.08-9 I,849,664j58,i85 17 9^2,028,706 1,736.15955.2" 2 13 5 'l,94O,9II 63.9°.5 3 6 2,og4,8o8j66,o()X 9 9 7,757,128!244,9O5IO I 7,338,017233,516 10 1 61.533 3 7i 1.958,636162,642 10 4



Table No. 19. Table showing the Class and Number of Instruments and Batteries in use at Telegraph Offices for the Year ended 31st March, 1910.

Table No. 20. Table showing the Cost of Maintenance of Telegraph Lines for the Year ended 31st March, 1910.

District. Number of Morse Instruments in Use (Full Sets). Number of Duplexes Nil , nhpv (Differential). NumDer Number : hl St*tf lex SiBgle Double gets. »e ts - Current. Curreut. Number of Automatic Beta. Intermittent Constant Current. Current. luokhind Velliugton kelson .. Jhristchurcb iunedin ! 50 54 M 143 34 10 19 103 83 103 18 2 I .. 18 2<2 11 2 25 10 8 .. 4 3 4 .. 9 11 .. 8 1 2 '2 1 Totals 253 413 54 i 26 2 64 6 District. els , Exchange. Number of Cells. luokland Vellington lelson Jhristohurch )unedin 5 316 10 162 3 60 2 61 1 103 Lcclanche. Gordon. Daniell. Bichromate. Storage 6,905 210 510 218 (i 10,259 857 1,639 ■■ 84 48 3,819 322 ! 133 .. 2 1,810 228 ; 957 '■ 630 2 5.25JO .. 450 j 70 4 28,019 1,617 3,689 ! 1,002 62 Totals 21 702 21 702

District. Miles Mile* of of Wire. Li up k. Travellingexpenses of Inspectors and Linemen. Kxtru Labour. Cost of Material purchased. Value Salaries of of Material Inspectors issued from and Stores. Linemen. Total Cost of Maintenance. avenge Cost per Mile nl Line, £ s. d. £ a. d. Luct'and 8,249 2,815 1,248 0 2 1.245 19 T Vellington:10,722 2,827 1,692 10 7' 2,174 18 6 lelaon .. ; 4,088 1,502 929 11 8 1,101 16 5 lanterbuiy I 5,065 1,261 699 8 7 1,550 11 7 >tago .. I 6,664 2,496 1,238 4 0 1,033 1 3 £ a. d.i 662 5 5! 174 9 4 364 1 11 384 15 9 695 17 5 I a. d. 1,221 17 0; 3,652 10 7 1,047 2 10 930 11 6 1 707 19 7 £ s. d. 4,567 0 0 4,650 0 0 j 2,162 0 0 3,316 0 0 3,080 0 0 £ a. d. 8,945 11 2 12,344 18 2 5,694 12 10 6,881 7 5 6,755 2 8 £ a. d. 3 3 7 4 7 4 3 15 9 5 9 2 2 14 2 tables i tores 34,78810,901 5,808 4 0 1 7,196 7 4 2,281 9 10| Knots. 368 .. 167 15 9j 2,073 4 3 553 17 31 105 5 5 754 19 4' 2,048 11 9 7.560 10 6 17,775 0 0 40,621 11 8 3 14 6 Per Knot 16 18 11 8,899 0 71 50 0 0 946 0 0 6,236 17 9 3,854 18 6 Totals ,. 6,081 7 2 10,024 10 10 1 4,883 18 10 10,952 11 1 118,771 0 0 50,713 7 11



Table No. 21. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1910.

5—F. 1.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Total Cost diinng Stores. the Year. I Telephone exchanges.— Aehbutton Auckland Blenheim Christ clmivli . . . . . . I >annevirke .. ■ Ihinwlin Feilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera .. .. .. .... Hokitika luveivar^ill Lawrence Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth • ).i ni.i in Pahiatua .. .. .. .,. Palmerston North Kotorua 81 ratford Thames .. .. .. ., Timaru .. .. .. .. Wangamii Wellington Westport WTiangarei £ b. d. 40 Iβ 5 10.166 19 9 27 o i) 4.925 9 2 31 13 3 2,684 8 3 248 18 1 335 12 9 53 2 I I'.i (i 0 114 16 2 I 18 9 it 3,743 9 4 2 11 6J 303 8 11 220 9 i) 3,092 2 0 173 8 9 ! 69 2 7 150 1 7 115 5 3 192 6 L0 42 6 9 11 L7 7 147 10 3 1,170 0 10 2,063 2 0 6,970 13 4 ! 12 8 1 216 2 6 E s. d. £ s. (I. 370 19 7 111 Hi (i 5,423 8 i> 15,590 7 9 l>12 L3 10 239 l:'» 10 5,834 8 8 l().75(i 17 10 118 6 '.i I5(i u 0 2.181 I 3 4.865 12 6 370 i) 10 618 18 11 751 lii 5 1,087 12 2 268 18 3 322 0 I 151 17 7 201 3 7 210 2 8 324 18 10 86 2 6 104 12 3 7,722 5 I 11,465 II 5 2 11 6 515 5 8 848 II 7 1,000 7 4 1,220 17 I 9.822 5 8 I2.1H I 7 8 626 8 :5 799 17 0 618 3 0 687 5 7 226 1 9 :!7<i 3 I 288 9 3 103 II 6 190 6 0 682 12 Hi 111 Ki 9 15:5 17 6 L66 13 9 178 II 4 377 14 6 525 I ii 5,081 3 5 6,251 I 3 2,970 117 5,033 13 7 8,168 5 7 15,138 18 II 152 6 5 Hil II (i 285 10 8 501 13 2 Total exchanges .. .. | I— Auckland Mangonui Doubtless Bay (morse wire) Kiimiti .. Takahue Pamapuria (Victoria Valley line) .. Russell Manawaora Cape Brett .. Russell \\' luuisiiiinumu Motukaraka Broadwood .. (Jtakura (Jtawene EJoreke) Taheke Kaikohe llukeroniii Tapuhi P&iaka (Hukerenui Towai) Opuawhanga (Whangarei Hukerenui) Hikuranjji Mania A\" liitnaiiiiki Whangarei Onerahi I'akotai Nukutawhiti Kiiilm Mangatu-Tutamoe Waimatenui Oranort (Kaihu AVaimatcmii) Onetea (Dargaville Taugiteroria) .. Mapau .. Bal ley Marohemo Whangateau (Warkworth-fakiri) .. Warkworth Streamlande Tauhoa .. I [eleaevflle Makarau I'j»ix'rr Waiwera Parakakau Whangaparaoa (Waiwera-Tkitiri) .. Taiaotea (Auckland-Albany) Taupaki (Auckland-Waiiuauku) Auckland Whangarei (superimposed circuit) Auckland Pukekohe Auckland Morrinsville Putaruru 37,392 19 6 880 10 2 113 16 10 192 3 10 30 19 2 7 15 6 95 10 I 155 13 7 95 13 1 14 6 9 74 8 5 170 3 3 1 12 0 16 4 0 263 10 1 25 7 I 95 14 11 5 17 0 (t 15 0 111 5 10 0 12 6 88.16 2 13 16 11 3 '.) 3 83 19 8 l>5 13 5 526 11> 'J 54,633 11 0 92,026 10 6 569 9 II 1.400 0 I 6 15 6 6 15 6 25 9 ■". L39 6 1 192 3 10 11 12 1 12 II 3 112 0 51 17 6 95 10 I 155 13 7 38 15 0 134 8 1 14 (i it 71 S 5 179 3 3 21 19 2 26 II 2 10 2 6 26 ii 6 L56 'J 0 419 I'.i I 26 I'.i 0 52 6 1 Hi II 1 112 Ii O 2 8 It 8 5 9 7 9 11 7 'J II 0 15 o 11 14 5 153 0 3 33 16 7 34 9 1 IS 12 8 1()7 8 lo II 5 8 25 2 7 o l<) 8 0 19 8 3 9 3 161 15 2 245 14 lo 25 13 5 57 !i 5 581 2 2



Table No. 21 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1910 — continued.

Line. Kxpenditure. Material from Total Cost during Stores. the Year. Auckland-Taumarunui Hamilton Ngaruawahia (metallic circuit) Papakura (extension Auckland-Papatoetoe) .. Awhitu (Manukau Heads- Awhitu Central) .. Orua Bay (Manukau Heads Awhitu) Runciman (Drury-Hunua) Waiuku - Pollok Settlement Maratnarua (Mercer-Miranda) 'I'e Kau.wb.ata (Mercer-Matahuru) Kareta (branch Thames -Tapu) Waiomio Port Charles Great Barrier Gordonton-Whitikahu- -Orin i Waharoa-Wardville Katikati -- Athenree Waihi (metallic , circuit) Omokoroa (Tauranga-Katikati) Tuhikaramea (Hamilton-Okete) Hamilton-Paeroa (metallic circuit).. (Jambridge-Rotoorangi Rotorua-Taupo .. Kinohaku-Marokopa Otorohanga -Raurimu Mangaotaki (Te Kuiti Paemako) Aria-Kaeaea Tatu (Ongarue -Ohura) Owhango (Taumarunui -Rauriinu) .. Kakahi .. .. .. .. Matahanea (extension Whakatane-Waioweka) Ruatoki (Whakatane-Opouriao) Opotiki-Toatoa Kahukura - Te Araroa Gisborne - Te Karaka (metallic circuit) Otoko . . Puha-Waikohu .. Napier-Gisborne Tangoio Napier Dan nevirke metallic circuit) Napier Greenmeadow.s Gfeenmeadows-Puketapu Puketapu Puketitiri Waipawa Argyll East Tamumu Omakeie Dannevirke - Tβ Rehunga Dannevirke-Raumati Wairoa-Nuhaka (metallic circuit) Maryville Mokau Coal-mine .. .. * Okau-Rerekapa New Plymouth-Opunake (metallic circuit) .. Hawera-Manaia Opunake Kaimiro - North Egmont Mount House (Tahurangi) Pohokura-Reporua Mahoe - Dawson's Falls Mahoe Tahutimai Lowgarth-CardifE-Mahoe .. Omoana— Moeawatea-Taurakawa Normanby Te Roti I'atea-Hurleyville-Manutahi (metallic circuit) Taumatatahi-Kapara Waitotara Upper VVaitotara Kai Iwi - Ahu Aim Brunswick- Raorikia West mere-Rapanui £ s. d. 333 9 7 3 5 7 1 3 0 62 6 6 27 10 2 2 8 11 33 15 9 i 6 6 4 6 6 8 225 1 6 172 3 0 ■16 15 •) 82 2 5 it 5 9 66 15 3 46 1 6 76 2 9 63 3 <> 1,950 5 0 95 3 2 166 15 3 143 16 3 6 0 0 139 14 4 34 7 7 63 3 6 192 3 5 114 7 3 0 3 0 572 in t; 70 4 7 0 6 0 1 14 0 131 4 8 50 17 (i 33 16 1 26 3 3 16 1 3 !) LO 0 5 10 0 19 2 9 424 19 10 88 9 7 3 6 0 131 7 3 45 4 2 180 4 1 37 13 11 34 4 1 101 10 1 0 4 0 468 15 4 0 12 6 1 2 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 12 4 337 1 11 234 9 2 237 14 9 13 0 16 2 4 78 8 10 27 10 2 5 13 1 8 2 0 35 9 11 69 5 8 1 17 3 8 3 7 3 1 10 3 1 L0 1 10 6 7 17 2 3 17 11 3 17 II 225 1 6 4 16 5 176 19 5 19 18 10 66 13 10 136 5 9 : 218 8 2 22 12 II 31 18 8 66 15 3 16 1 6 17 3 5 l>3 6 2 21 15 2 21 15 2 r>: , , 3 6 603 7 II 2,553 12 11 95 3 2 20 (» 0 L87 1 3 143 16 3 4 14 11 10 14 11 4 9 2; 492 139 14 4 14 17 7 49 5 2 166 3 10 229 7 4 1 3 6 193 6 11 261 11 9 375 19 0 4 12 4 4 12 I 5 4 9 5 7 9 3.248 L4 11 '■ 3,821 10 5 7 9 9 i 7 '.I 9 29 10 9 99 15 4 6 13 6 6 19 6 10 15 1 12 9 1 17 9 4 148 14 0 143 12 5 194 9 11 97 16 8 131 12 9 80 16 11 107 0 2 16 16 10 32 18 1 361 2 3 361 2 3 9 10 0 20 15 10 26 5 10 19 2 9 424 14 3 849 14 1 115 18 7 204 8 2 6 8 6 9 14 6 17 2 2 148 9 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 45 4 2 132 3 3 312 7 4 16 13 6 54 7 5 2 3 6 36 7 7 73 19 0 175 9 1 0 4 0 84 6 5 553 1 9 0 12 6 12 6



Table No. 21 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909-continued.

Line. Expenditure. [aterial from 1 Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Makirikiri-Upokonuil .. .. .. Atmiti TelTulii.. Aramoho Papaiti . { .. .. .. ; Miikirikiri Kakatihi] .. .. .. Turangarere Railway .. .. .. ,1 Raetihi Ohakune. Taihape (metallic cirouit) . . Marton Tuihape (metallic oirouit) .. Mangoihe .. .. .. .. ()hakune E&ast (thakune Horopito Qtiku Taihape (metallic circuit) Mangaweka-Ruahine Apiti Kimbolton Kaheke (ofE Umutoi line) .. Koinako Utuwai Stanway .. .. ... Rewa-Livingstone I'almeTston North- Aslilmist Karewa Road Foxton - Te Wharangi Oioua Downs (Foxton Bull's) Otaki - Hautere Gross Waihoanga.. Levin Shannon (metallic circuit) I'aliiatua-Wellington (metallic circuit) Pongaroa-Makuri Rakaunui-Waikereru Waikereru-Mara .. .. .. Waiketeru W'aiowaka Te Pare - Cape I'alliser Upper II utt I lutt (metallic circuit) 11 ill t - Rona Bay Wellington Levin .. .. .. I'etone Korokoro .. .. .. ' Wellington - Day's Bay .. .. Wellington—Makara .. .. Makara-Terawhiti (Macmenamin's) Wellington-Dunedin Blenheim-Seddon (metallic circuit) Blenheim Cape Campbell - Flaxbourne Rapaura - Spring Creek .. .. French I 'ass Bulwer .. .. .. I Waitata Bay (branch oft' French Pass - Bulwei) Nelson-Richmond Nelson Wakefield (metallic circuit) .. , Upper Moutere -Appleby Redwood's Valley (cut in Motueka-Richmond) Urnukuri Terakohe (Takaka-Totaranui) Tui (Kohatu-Kiwi-Manu) Karamea - Arapito Summerlea-Wairere Waimarie Hinehaka Millerton - Mine Creek Blackball-Roa .. (4rey mouth-Otira Otira - Otira Tunnel Hokitika -Tainui -Ruatttpu Waiau-Conway Kaiapoi-Clarkville (tlarkville Coutts Island . . ('hristchurch -Aniberley • £ s. d. 11 14 6 5 9 0 0 8 o 82 1 6 J 6 7 0 6 16 3 100 U 4 0 12 6 5 5 0 1 1 0 68 :! 3 31 5 4 3 18 I ) 5 6 71 8 2 53 14 L 246 11 9 63 14 4 57 16 3 I 17 17 0 323 3 11 101 19 4 j 29 2 5 j 108 10 3 88 9 0 0 11 0 65 0 10 41 6 0 50 7 0 I82 3 11 23 lo 9 240 I'J I 4 10 6 27 2 2 31 17 10 0 10 10 1 7 0 12 10 6 6 3 0 4 8 6 22 11 0 4 12 0 18 6 70 it 6 121 1 I 19 6 2 12 1!) '.I 148 12 II 4 5 10 I 6 16 0 103 4 7 i £ s. (I. 25 15 8 66 I I 5 19 5 7 9 0 6 3 S 703 5 II 7 13 2 5 6 0 r. 6 :: 32 16 2 5 12 7 22 3 0 39 18 9 II 7 2 5 0 2 8 Hi 3 0 6 3 -II 0 8 169 17 lo 18 L7 5 1 I 8 15 17 6 II 17 6 320 15 (i 0 6 (i 129 3 It) 570 Hi 8 23 13 3 71 18 651 li) I 0 10 4 j 20 15 3 65 6 10 65 5 I 15 10 2 86 10 0 •22 2 0 1 13 i 21 15 5 4 15 I 2 16 3 11 7 4 0 11 4 (ill 8 II 17 8 19 ti 6 31 3 6 17 1!) 4 8 5 10 177 15 0 E 8. (I. lo 10 2 71 13 1 (i 7 5 89 lo 6 6 3 3 709 12 11 7 13 2 5 6 I' 5 (i 3 6 16 3 133 10 6 0 12 6 5 5 (i 1 I i> 73 15 10 22 3 0 71 I 1 117 2 5 0 2 12 17 7 111 9 112 8 lo f<; , .) 17 io 72 II 6 247 16 5 79 II 9 57 16 3 32 M 6 643 19 5 102 5 10 158 (i 3 ii7!) 6 II 23 l:i 3 88 9 0 0 11 0 139 2 6 693 5 I 50 17 i 202 19 2 88 17 7 306 I 8 20 0 8 113 12 2 53 19 LO 0 10 10 (5 0 1 34 5 11 6 3 0 9 3 10 22 11 0 2 16 3 15 19 I 0 II 1 1 8 6 77 I 2 132 18 D 38 12 8 44 3 3 166 12 3 12 11 8 6 Mi 0 280 19 7



Table No. 21—continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1910 — continued.

Line. expenditure. Material from Stores. di -Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Total Cost urine the Year. unng uiu xear. £ s. d. Christ church (metallic circuit) .. 271) 8 7 Christclmrch Little River .. .. 1 L'J 15 6 Rolleston Springfield .. .. .. 84 5 6 Killiiicliv Leeston .. .. .. j 16 17 5 Rakaia-Mead .. • • • • ■ • 181 7 7 Timaru Mawaio .. .. .. .. 8 7 8 Fairlie Albury (metallic circuit) .. .. 125 7 7 Fairlic Ashwick Flat .. .. .. 2 0. 0 I'ukaki Hermitage .. .. .. 10 6 Waimate Hook '.. .. .. .. 190 15 2 Oamaru Elderslie .. .. .. 0 17 4 Duntroon Otekaieke .. .. .. 21 0 0 Reidston Maheno .. .. .. 1 12 0 Dunedin Outram .. .. .. 8 13 6 Hyde .. Naseby Ranfurly .. .. .. 25 4 0 Milt on Uoanariri .. .. .. 212 3 1 Waitahuna Manuka Creek .. .. 73 8 4 Nuggets Tirohanga .. .. .. .19 6 Tautuku Chasland'a .. .. .. lit 17 1 Ashley Downs Taumata .. .. .. 38 15 6 Clydevale Wliaretoa .. .. .. 35 8 10 Waikaia 1'aru .. .. .. Clinton Gore .. .. .. .. 128 0 2 Etfataura Waimumu Queenstown-Malaghan's .. .. .. 12 10 4 Arthurs I , on it Arrowtown .. .. 47 2 II Glenorchv Paradise .. .. . . 133 2 5 Wait in CromweD .. .. .. 96 9 4 Invercargill Wyndham .. 370 3 8 [nvercargill Winton .. .. .. 0 16 4 Winton-Pukeoti (Upper South Hillend) .. 41 18 8 Winion Pukemutu .. .. .. 16 1 5 Otantan Waikouro . . . . . . ' 8 2 11 Marackoa (Uladfield) .. .. .. 13 2 I Green Hills - Dog Island Tuatapere- Clifden .. .. .. ! 77 4 7 (iifden Hlackmount .. .. .. 386 13 10 Riverton Opuaka .. .. .. 0 4 6 Tuatapere Puysegur Point .. . . 18 5 9 Puysegur Point - Tβ Oneroa .. ..' 268 11 6 £ 8. d. 280 13 1 148 10 3 40 15 7 0 0 2 56 3 10 27 18 3 4 12 7 111 18 4 I 18 7 33 I 0 28 17 10 15 9 7 38 8 11 21 0 11 128 8 11 22 3 5 6 1 (i 35 (i 7 57 1 !» 58 11 2 19 18 2 1 7 !t 18 13 1 6 0 0 3 8 6 24 11 5 92 16 9 6 3 3 £ s. d. 560 1 8 122 15 6 232 15 9 16 17 5 222 3 2 8 7 10 181 11 5 2 0 0 1 0 (i 218 13 5 0 17 4 21 0 0 6 I 7 120 11 10 4 18 7 25 4 0 212 3 1 106 12 4 19 6 203 1111 l<> r> i 73 17 9 21 0 11 25(1 9 1 22 :; 5 18 14 10 82 8 7 133 2 5 153 11 1 428 14 10 20 14 6 41 18 8 17 9 2 26 16 0 19 2 'J 3 8 6 101 16 0 478 10 7 6 7 9 18 5 II 268 11 6 r>3.287 19 9 Purchase of material .. .. .. ' 70,133 17 4 - 67,615 15 10 1 67,615 15 10 120,903 15 120,903 15 7 7 Total expenditure, 1909 I n .. .. 123,42117 1 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1909 .. [ 1,642,768 14 2 Total expenditure out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1910 .. .. .. £1,766,190 11 3 Total cost of lines during 1909-10 £1 £120,903 15 120,903 15 7 7



TABLE No. 22. Table showing the Capital Cost, Working-expenses, and Revenue of the Telephone Exchanges, Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment.

Year. Year. Capital Cost for ~£ lDStr L U a m bo^'F^Ii i r Ole6 ' Working-expenses. M <3 Superintendence, &c. •2 g Revenue. 1 1 COX 6 ? Total for all "*£?"■ 'Wear-and- uStES*. J each Con- Connections. rwk" i< I inemer, tear. *c. Printing, nection. Linemen. Binding, .fee. if Total balance of Revenue over Workingexpenses. Annual Kate per Cent. yielded on Capital Cost Total for the year ended 31st March,1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 116 21 16 6 2,531 14 0 613 5 2 285 0 0 275 0 0 253 0 0 150 0 0 379 21 16 6 8,271 13 6 5,014 9 2 595 0 0 595 0 0 827 0 0 300 0 0 715 21 16 (i 15,604 17 6 7,746 16 7 695 0 0 770 0 0 1,560 0 0 350 0 0 : .. 1,075 21 18 6 23,461 17 6 10,008 3 6 1,770 0 0 1,590 0 0 2,346 0 0 475 0 0 i .. 1,710 20 S (i 87,319 12 1 12,294 1 2 2,849 1 3 1,704 0 0 3,731 19 2 700 0 0 i .. 2,038 19 19 5 40,686 3 1 15,477 16 2 2,873 0 0 1,580 10 0 4,068 12 2 320 0 0 I .. 2,153 22 19 0 49,407 5 0 16,881 8 6 3,119 10 0 2,252 0 0 4,940 14 6 330 0 0 H .. 2,249 23 18 10 58,849 11 6 17,613 4 0 3,315 10 0 2,249 7 0 5,344 'J 2 335 0 0 1 .. 2,402 24 4 1 58,229 3 0 18,581 11 7 ' 3,790 0 0 2,206 10 0 5,823 0 1 375 0 0 1 .. 2,587 24 17 1 64,294 4 4 19,961 4 2 4,192 0 0 2,249 18 5 6,429 8 5 394 3 9 1 .. 3,080 24 16 11 i 76,579 1 8 18,071 7 8 4,630 0 0 2,345 2 9 7,658 7 II 393 1 6" 1 .. 3,690 24 16 11 91,687 11 1 19,155 11 5 7,405 0 0 2,695 19 10 9,168 15 1 464 6 2 1 .. 4,244 24 12 1 104,425 3 0 21,771 4 4 7,720 0 0 3,313 1 1 10,442 10 4 741 18 9 2 .. 4,616 25 6 8 116,845 10 4 21,552 12 10 9,285 0 0 4,253 11 4 ill, 684 11 0 817 19 5 2 .. 5,143 24 6 6 ,125,108 4 1 25,933 12 9 9,686 0 10 5,303 11 9 112,510 16 5 1,952 8 3 2 .. 5,747 23 7 4 134.299 11 4 29,248 19 5 12,306 9 7 7,398 0 10 13,429 19 1 1,856 13 2 3 .. 5,787 24 11 6 142,218 11 8 36,422 6 8 14,181 18 0 11,834 2 11 j 7,110 18 7 1,381 11 11 3 .. 6,203 24 5 3 150,490 18 9 39,718 7 7 15,030 7 1 16,190 4 0 7,524 10 U I,s61 2 3 4 .. 7,150 22 14 1 162,333 1 2 43,303 2 10 15,710 13 2 20,847 18 6 8,116 13 0 1,892 10 8 4 .. 8,210 21 9 7 176,349 1 8 49,117 0 8 16,304 6 3 18,225 18 9 8,817 9 0 2,000 15 10 4 .. 9,260 20 18 0 193,511 6 2 55,542 4 9 18,448 3 5 20,570 0 9 9,675 11 9 2,078 12 10 5 .. 10,633 20 2 6 J213.966 10 8 62,151 8 11 20.885 13 3 22,078 4 11 10,698 6 6 2,614 15 0 5 .. 12,105 19 19 8 241,903 2 6 71,028 6 3 23,359 8 3 22,507 9 10 12,095 3 1 2,986 3 8 6 .. 14,423 21 19 7 295,029 7 2 79,061 7 4 25,121 16 1 26,781 19 6 14,751 9 4 4,447 18 4 7 .. 15,333 23 13 9 363.192 6 9 89,542 1 5 26,500 16 5 22,576 6 8 18,159 12 4 5,270 0 9 7 .. 17,403 24 2 2 420,088 12 1 100,814 1 3 32,913 16 8 26,145 3 4 21,004 8 7 6,162 18 1 8 .. 23,881 21 5 9 (508,408 7 8 116,852 13 10 38,107 12 8 36,813 9 6 25,420 8 5 6,902 8 610 .. 26,833 22 1 1 591,760 0 7 131,249 0 7 47,224 7 0 32,995 2 4 29,588 0 0 7,264 18 511 .. 29,681 , 23 0 10 683,986 11 1 144,298 2 9 52,315 1 8 28,755 11 11 34,199 6 7 7,740 18 112 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 253 0 0 150 0 0 963 0 0 827 0 0 300 0 0 2,317 0 0 1,560 0 0 350 0 0 3,375 0 0 2,346 0 0 475 0 0 6,181 0 0 3,731 19 2 700 0 0 8,985 0 5 4,068 12 2 320 0 0 8,842 2 2 4,940 14 6 330 0 0 10,642 4 6 5,344 9 2 335 0 0 11,244 6 2 5,823 0 1 375 0 0 12,194 10 1 6,429 8 5 394 3 9 13,265 10 7 7,658 7 11 393 1 6" 15,026 12 2 9,168 15 1 464 6 2 19,734 1 1 10,442 10 4 741 18 9 22,217 10 2 ill, 684 11 0 817 19 5 26,041 1 9 112,510 16 5 1.952 8 3 29.452 17 3 ! 13,429 19 1 1,856 13 2 34,991 2 8 I 7,110 18 7 1,381 11 11 35,008 11 5 7,524 10 U 1,S61 2 3 40,606 4 3 8,116 13 0 1,892 10 8 46,567 10 4 8,817 9 0 2,000 15 10 45,348 9 10 i 9,675 11 9 2,078 12 10 50,772 8 9 '10,698 6 6 2,614 15 0 56,276 19 8 12.095 3 1 2,986 3 8 60,948 4 10 14,751 9 4 4,447 18 4 71,103 3 3 18,159 12 4 5,270 0 9 72,512 16 2 21,004 8 7 6,162 18 1 86,226 6 8 25,420 8 5 6,902 8 6107,243 19 1 29,588 0 0 7,264 18 5117,072 7 9 34,199 6 7 7,740 18 1123,010 18 3 £ a. 963 0 2,317 0 3,375 0 6,181 0 8,985 0 8,842 2 10,642 4 LI,244 6 12,194 10 13,265 10 15,026 12 19,734 1 22,217 10 26,041 1 29.452 17 34,991 2 35,008 11 40,606 4 46,567 10 45,348 9 I 50,772 8 56,276 19 SO,948 4 ] 71,103 3 72,512 16 36,226 6 07,243 19 17,072 7 23,010 18 a. £ s. a 0 207 16 ( 0 4,492 8 £ 0 3,653 7 4 0 8,827 8 ( 5,011 19 \ 1 6,635 14 ( 6 6,239 4 ] 2 I 6,368 17 1( 1 6,387 1 ( 7 6,695 13 ', ■2 3,544 15 t 1 -578 9 f ■2 -446 5 l< 3,420 1 < 3 -3,519 4 f 8 -5,742 3 i 5 1,413 15 ; 3 -887 16 f 4 -3,264 7 < 10 3,768 10 l< 9 4,769 16 < 8 5,874 9 i 10 10.0SO 1 ! 3 7,958 4 : 2 17,029 5 ! 8 14,587 14 1 1 9,608 14 5 9 14,176 12 l< 3 21,287 4 f £ s. d. 207 16 0 4,492 8 8 3,653 7 4 3,827 8 6 5,011 19 7 6,635 14 0 6,239 4 1 6,368 17 10 6,387 1 6 6,695 18 7 3,544 15 6 - 578 9 8 -446 5 10 -3,420 1 9 -3,519 4 6 -5,742 3 3 1,413 15 3 -887 16 8 -8,264 7 6 3.768 10 10 4.769 16 0 5,874 9 3 10.0SO 1 5 7,958 4 1 17,029 5 3 14,587 14 7 9,608 14 9 14,176 12 10 21,287 4 6 8-17 54-31 2341 1631 13-42 1630 12-63 11-32 11-00 10-43 4 63 Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. 0-99 Loss. Loss. 2-14 2-46 2-75 4-17 2-69 4-69 3 47 1-89 2-40 311 * Tin? column include? 5 per cent, for wear-aui-tear. and 5 >er c-ent. for ctelienture ca] »ital. exce] it in 1H97-98 and followini years, in which only 5 >er cent, for debenture capital is included.



Table No. 23. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange.

Exchange. Ashburton Auckland Cambridge... Devonport Ilelensville Morrinsville Ngaruawahia Onehunga ... Pukekohe ... Takapuna ... Te Awamutu Tc Kuiti ... Blenheim Kaikoura ... Picton Christchuroh Akaroa Amberley ... Cust ' ... Doyleston ... Duvauchelle Kaiapoi Leeston Lincoln Little River Lyttelton ... Methven ... New Brighton Rakaia Rangiora ... Southbridgo ttumner Number of Connections on 31st Maroh, _ . Exchange. 1910. 1909. ~~ " 236 218 Hawera Elthani ... 1,016 3,556 Kaponga ... 72 67 Manaia ... 59 53 Otakeho ... 17 15 Patea 58 37 29 ... Hokitika 46 31 Kumara ... 12 ... Ross 24 19 11 40 ... rjQ 28 Invercargill ... AiTowtown Balfour 819 298 Bluff 31 i 26 Edendale ... 88 80 Gore Lumsden ... 3,472 3,260 Mataura ... 37 36 Orepuki ... g g Otautau H 2Q Queenstown 12 H Riversdale... •21 19 Riverton ... 43 42 Tuatapero ... lg If Waikaka ... 12 12 Waimahaka 15 i4 Winton lg i9 Woodlands 2g 27 Wyndham... J o "3 35 32 Lawrence 39 30 9 9 16 20 Levin Otaki Ni ... ... Number of G 31st IV fu amber of 31s! 1910. 228 71 17 26 6 50 158 29 21 755 31 9 70 14 201 24 17 7 54 45 30 32 16 9 23 47 9 30 53 73 52 f (J it I ;oni \far annections on farch. nections rch, 1909. 215 63 16 24 6 49 150 '28 22 695 8 65 14 182 24 16 >s 47 30 30 9 "47 6 30 51 68 Dannevirke ... 221 209 Dunedin Balolutba ... Clinton Heriot Kaitangata Milton Mosgiel Outram Palmerston Port Chalmers Tapanui Waikouaiti Waipahi ... Feilding Apiti Cheltenham Kimbolton... Kiwitea Rongotea ... Sanson Masterton 3,219 2,966 Alfredton ... (i(i |i; Carterton ... i ; j 10 Eketahuna 9 '•' Featherston I' 22 Grey town North 44 39 Martinborough 30 34 Pongaroa ... 22 ... 30 30 Napier 42 34 Hastings ... 20 19 Mohaka ... 9 10 Nuhaka ... 7 ... Ormondville oaK o«;u Otane 2 ?5 ?? Waipawa ... 16 Waipukurau l b . - Wairoa ... 21 25 W^her 12 12 WGbel •• 22 22 5 5 Nelson Motueka ... 490 19 100 77 76 70 74 23 903 568 18 22 26 26 98 69 147 19 460 38 447 19 94 78 67 58 73 19 804 516 18 79 50 141 20 127 Gisborne 785 722 Greymouth ... Reefton Hamilton 386 346 New Plymouth 70 69 Iuglewood... Opunake ... 293 247 Waitara ... 453 54 33 44 422 43 34 40


F.— l

Table No. 23—continued. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange — continued.

Approximate Coat of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (9,160 copies), £66 i"s.

Authority : John Maikay, Government Printer, Wellington 1910

Price Is. .'(./.

Exohange. Oamaru Kurow Ngapara ... Pahiatua Woodville ... Palmerston Nortli Ashhurst ... Fox ton Longbum ... Tokomara ... Eotorua Stratford Thames Opotiki Paeroa Tauranga ... Te Aroha ... Waihi Timaru Fairlie Geraldine ... Number of Conn 31et Man J 1910. j 323 24 11 132 54 658 25 81 12 18 172 189 157 54 59 49 68 103 540 52 88 Number of Connections on :SlBt March, •c It!. ;ctions o b, 1909. 296 19 8 127 49 619 2'2 73 12 160 161 132 43 59 44 59 92 469 32 85 hi Number of Connections on 31st March, Bxohange. 1910. 1909. Timaru — continued. St. Andrew's ... 13 15 Studholme Junction 7 8 Temuka ... ... 33 32 Waimate ... ... 113 91 Wanganui ... ... 820 743 I Bull's ... ... 29 26 Hunterville ... 39 30 Mangaweka ... 30 24 Marton ... ... 146 131 Okaiawa . ... 7 7 Taihape ... ... 99 82 Dtiku 25 Waverley ... ... 33 28 Wellington ... ... 4,258 4,115 Hutt ... ... 43 36 Johnsonville ... 6 6 Petone ... ... 21 Shannon ... ... 25 27 Westport ... ... 205 188 Whangarei ... ... 169 141 ■ Totals ... 29,681 26, N:i:i Exohani ',<*■ 26,888

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POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1909-10., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, F-01

Word Count

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1909-10. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, F-01

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1909-10. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, F-01

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