V.— l
Inland Mail-services established, extended, etc.—continued.
District. Name of Service. Frequency. Remarks. Timaru — .. r anganui Waitohi Koad Railway - station - Kerrvtown Esk Valley - Kohika Settlement .. Ohakunc - Railway-station Ohakune Railway -station — Township Ohakini" liaclihi (renewal) N11V11iTiA.n1 i'ost-om'ee - Railway-sta-tion Raetihi, &<•. Pipiriki (renewal) Altered: by change of name of Waitohi Road to Waitawa. Abolished. (See Established.) As required .. Established. Twice daily .. „ Daily .. Tokaanu-Wniouni (renewal) To Tuhi - Burnett's Homestead (rural delivery) Omoana— Moeroa .. Waitotara-Rangitatau (rural delivery) Waiouru - Ohakune Siding Wanganui-Caxtleclilf Thrice weekly in ,, summer, twice weekiy in winter Ditto .. .. ,, Twice weekly .. „ Weekly Whrnuakura - Bfaben'a Road Ngawaka Post-offioe Opaea Junction Karioi Post-offioe -Ninia Railwaystation Marlon-Croft on . . Extended: to Horopito. Frequency increased: daily to twice daily. Frequency decreased : daily (during period creamery is open) to weekly (throughout the whole year). Frequency decreased: thrice to twice weekly. Altered: by change of Ninia Railwaystation to Karioi Railway-station. Altered: by change of starting-point from Marion to Marion Junction. Altered: by ohange of Ngutuwera Railway-station to Moumabaki Rail-way-station. Altered: by inclusion of Patunga after PipirikL Altered: by exclusion of Oraitoha after Kaetilii. Altered : l>v change of name of Pukekata to I'ukekalia. Altered: by exclusion of Matahiwi. Abolished. Ngutuwera Post-office- Railway-sta-tion Pipiriki, &o. - Taumarunui Kaetilii. St. Pukekata Kaetilii. &c. - Pukekata 'ellington Wanganui, &o. - Pipiriki .. Mataroa (rural delivery along Suia and Whata Roads) »f. \ i t*i *l» N»' Featherston Post - office — Railwaystation Tauherinikau No. 1 Line, Featherston South- Murphy's Line (rural deli\ cry) Government Buildings — Chief Postoffice Oroua Downs - Himitangi Foxton. tVc. Sanson Sautere Cross Otaki Gorge Wellington - Seatoun As required and Established. daily Ditto' . . .. „ As required .. ,, Sanson— Makowhai Daily . . Five times weekly I „ Thrice weekly .. ., Frequency increased: daily to twice daily. Frequency increased-: thrice to five times weekly. Altered: bj inclusion of Kaheke after Apiti. Altered : by ohange of terminal ofl ce from Horoeka I i Korora. Abolished. (See Established.) Apiti, &<■. - I'tuwai Pongaroa-Korora-Hoioeka 'ostpoit Featherston Tauherinikau Molesworth Street Post-offioe Chief Post office Sanson Makowhai Fern Flat Mail - coach, SullivanBridge Millerton Mine Creek (temporary foot servioe owing to suspension of tram service) Fern I'lat Paenga Karamea- Arapito Murchison Tutaki Te Namu —Little Wanganui Westport Karamea - Little Wanganui (renewal) • • « „ Twice weekly .. Established. Weekly *> • - »» Westport Fairdown »» Thrice monthly to ,, Karamea a n d monthly to Little Wanganui Frequenoy increased ; thrioe weekly to daily. Altered: by change of name of Brighton to Tironraana. Altered : by ohange of terminal office from Heelton to Cronadun. Temporarily discontinued. Brighton < Iharleston (!apleeton I teefi on Breakhoad ■ Millerton Post-office Granity- Millerton Granit} - Mine < 'reek Millerton-Mine Creek Abolished.