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Presented to the /louse of Representatives, and, ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the. Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the Bth Day of October, 1909. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from A to L that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House ; and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three; to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Davey, Mr. Dillon, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Hine, Mr. Maodonald, Mr. Newman, Mr. Smith, Mr. E. H. Taylor, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. R. McKeszik.)


No. Petitioners. Page. 36, S. I I Ager, E. V., and 1,929 others 385, S. II ! Alcock, H., and 32 others .. 6, S. I Amyes, A. T., and 8 others .. 439, S. II Anderson, Duncan .. 7, S. I Ansell, A., and 1,551 others .. 30, S. I Argolen, G., and 31 others .. 357, S. II i Ashley, B., and 32 others .. 16, S. II Austin, J. D., and 17 others 498, S. II ' Bagnall, L. J., and 142 others 455, S. II Ballard, W., and 32 others .. 193, S. 11 Barker, H. M.., and 29 others 323, S. II Barnes, E., and 32 others .. ' 48, S. II BarribaU, G. 464, S, II Barry, H. P., and (57 others .. 582, S. II I Barton, Frank (Appendix I.-Ia) 507, S. II i Bawden, T. J., and 31 others 487, S. II Beale, E. R., and 17 others .. 21, S. II Beuke, J. D., and 57 others .. 8 9 s 8 8 s 8 8 !( It 8 S 3 9 9 9 s 4

No. Petitioners. Page. 358, S, II Blackwood, W., and 14 others 212, S. II Blucher, Dorothy H. T. 608, S. II : Boyd, L., and Iβ others 246, S. II Bremner, C, and 265 others.. 213, S. II j Brewis, M., and 59 others .. 572, S. II Brown, J., and 32 others 289, S. II ! Bullot, William !» r> !» s 8 4 539, 8. II Oallan, A. ¥., and 132 others 429, S. II i Campbell, A., and 29 others.. 23, S. II (li.rn.ihan, Marion 279, S. II Carpenter, W. W., and 8 others 516, 8. II Casey, Michael 24, S. II ! Causley, William .. 2, S. II Oaverhill, Francis King 50, S. II Cleaver, W. F., and 7 others.. 609, S. II Cobb, H., and 29 others 5, S. I Coles, M., and 81 others 51, S. II : Collier, George 9 !) 3 ti s r> 7 3 !) H 5


Index — continued.


No. Page. Petitioners. 368, S. II 520, S. II 359, S. II 8, S. I 35, S. I 122, S. II 499, S. II 17, S. II 4, S. II 31, S. I 179, S. II 149, S. 11 552, S. II Collier, Robert Collins, John Colvin, P., and 32 others Cook, A. H., and 30 others Cooke, E. A., and 42 others Cookson, Edmund Corkram, R. T., and 32 others Cormack, I., and 31 others Oouper, John, and 400 others Courage, \V. I ,, ., and 37 others Cox, E., and 10 others Ooyle, E. P Crozier, Alexander 6 7 9 8 8 4 9 8 0 8 4 6 7 214, S. II 430, S. II 9, S. I 26, S. I 2, S. I 5, S. I 305, S. II 500, S. II 306, S. II 202 (1908) 25, S. II Dolanoy, Walter Dempsey, W. H., and US others Denham, E., imd 9 others Dillon, C. 0., and 42 others .. Dixon, C. E., and another Domestic servants, free immigration of Donovan, Edward Downey, J., and 75 others Driscoll, John Dryden, William Smith Dunedin City Corporation 3 9 8 8 3,5 8 5 9 6 7 3 325, S. II 369, S. II 501, S. II 290, S, II East, E. A., and 31 others .. Edgecomb, William Ellis, W. E., and 31 others Eltham Borough Counoil 9 5 9 6 I I i 360, S. II 370, S. II 573, S. II 543, 8. II 52, S. II 24,8. I 488. S. II 37, S. I 459, S. II 326, S. II 386, S. II 058 (1908) Fagan, C, and 32 others Fan , , Samuel C. Fayen, E., and 32 others Feltus, Richard James Ferguson, W. J., and f>8 other; Final report Finch, M., and 34 others Fitzgerald, M., and 45 others Fitzrow, 8., and 239 others Flamank, James Fraser, J., and 32 others Frater, W., and 31 others F illbrook, R. 0. .. 9 5 9 8 (i 10 8 8 8 7 0 9 6 25, S. I 53, S. II 387, S. II 324, S. II 356, S. II 449, S. II 196, S. II Gebbie, A. N., and 30 others (Jill, 0., and 13 others Gillain, Rev. W. L., and 133 others .. Gray, G. R., and 9 others Graves, A., and 30 others Gudgeon, Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Guild, J. N., and 23 others 8 3 9 9 9 5 8 364, S. II 150, S. II 361, S. II 54, S. II ': 540, S. II 194, S. II 456, S. II 492, S. II 10, S. I 431, S. II 55, S. II 508, S. II 509, S. II 534, S. II 532, S. II 27, S. II Handley, W., and 28 others Hansen, CM. Hansen, P., and 31 others Harrison, W., and 33 others.. Harvey, E. J., and 228 others Hayes, C. G., and 4 others Henderson, H., and 32 others Henderson, Jessie Anne Hennah, E. 0., and 111 others Hibden, W. A., and 18 others Hilford, G. R., and 43 others Hood, A., and 5 others Howell, H., and others Hudson, Mary Jane Hughes, Oliphant Hunter, Andrew R. 9 4 9 4 9 8 9 8 8 9 4 9 9 7 7 3 151, S. II 250, S. II Irving, H. L., and 101 others Isherwood, J. C. R. 4 4 152, S. II 308. S. II 510, S. II 473, S. II 11, S. I 153, S. II 538(1908) 474, S. II 590, S. [I James, Lillias M. .. Jeffries, John Johns, W. E., and 31 others Johnston, M and 41 others .. Johnstone, E. A., and "25 others Jones, George Jones,, Joshua Jones, J., and 27 others Jordan, A. B., and 132 others 7 5 9 8 8 3 7 8 8 548, S. II 591, 8. II Kelly, Lawronce Kenderdine, A. G., and 131 others 9 8

No. Petitioners. Page. 56. S. II 460, 8. II 39, S. I 362. S. II 434, S. II 592, S. II 57, S. II King, G. A., and 58 others King, William John Kingston, A. B., and 249 others Kingston, G. T., and 32 others Kinsey, F. G., and 26 others' Kirk, C. J., and 14 others Knewstubb Bros., and New Zealand Express Company Knyvett, F., and 32 others Kyle, T. L. 4 7 8 9 9 8 6 432. S. II 20, S. I 9 3 371, S. II 574, S. II 425, S. II 551, S. II 12, 8. I Langman, Richard , Levy, J., and 32 others Lieeke, B. Lysnar, I. E., and 600 others Lysnar, W. D., and 929 others 4 9 6 9 8 461, 8. II 457. S. II 526. S. II 195, 8. II 485, 8. II 511. S. II Mansell, W. A., and 98 others Ma thews, F., and 32 others Maxwell, .1., and 101 others Meredith, M., and 77 others Military training, petitions relative to Murray, P., and 29 others 9 9 9 8 9 9 32, S. I 28. S. II 502. S. II 503. S. II 40, S. I 13, S. I 298, 8. II 130, S. II 327, S. II Maodonald, B. D., and 358 others Maokay, M. H., and 256 others,. MoConnell, R. J., and 131 others McCullough, W., and 32 others McDonald, M.., and 105 others McKenzie, —, and 62 others McKenzie, D., and 33 others McKibben, M., and 32 others Mclaughlin, J., and 14 others 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 8 9 589, S. II 14. S. I Nicholls, S. W., and 35 others Nolan, E. J., 156 others 8 8 299, S. II 197, S. II 328, S. II 277, S. II 489. S. 11 504, S. I [ 15, 8. 1 363, S. II 458. 8. II Parr, C. J., and 302 others Pemberton, S. H., and 10 others Pepper, J. S., and 99 others.. Pierce, W., and 615 others Platt, B. L., and 45 others Plummer, G. W., and 31 others Pratt, A. 0., and 57 others .. Pugh, F., and 32 others Pulleh, ,7. F.. and 181 others 9 8 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 475 S. II 38, S. I 505, S. II Rawnsley, A., and 79 others Roberts, E. F., and 91 others Rollinson, G., and 31 others.. 8 8 0 388, 8. II 490, 8. II 512, 8. II 329, 8. II 527, S. II 18, S. II 485, S. II 506, S. It 320, S. II 491, S. II 27, S. I 536. S. II 599, 8. II 154, S. II Scott, M. C, and 127 others.. Scott, V. E., and 55 others Scrivener, P. T., and 31 others Shaw, S. A., and 31 others Short, A. W., and 384 others Simcox, F. M., and 11 others Skjoth, C. N., and 38 others Smidt, 0., and 30 others Smith, E. J., and 93 others Smith, L., and 4 others Smith, L. 8., and 12 others .. Spalding, M., and 32 others'.. Sperling, O. A. E., and 128 others Stronaeh, B., and 18 others 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 433, S. II 16, S. I 389, S. II 604, S. II 476, 8. II Tennont, G. E., and 32 others Thorpe, F. W., and 31 others Tonivr, J. B., and 32 others Troup, J. , and 57 others Tullook, B. E., and 78 others 9 8 9 ! 593. 8. II Vioary, W., and 59 others 8 613, s. n 198, S. II 595, S. II 17, S. I 68,8. II 518, S. II 514, S. II 18, S. I Walker, T., and 19 others Wall, Miss, and 33 others .. Watson, A., and 19 others Watson, E. M., ?,nd 32 others Watson, L. F., and 116 others , Williams, W. E., and 98 others Wilson, W. J., and 21 others Wright, M. R., and 32 others 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 199, S. II Young, F. M., and 9 others 8



BE POET 8. No. 48, Session 11. —Petition of C. Barriball, of Egmoiit lload, New Plymouth. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received whilst complying with a summons to attend the District Court, New Plymouth. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 28th October, 1909. No. 20, Session I.—Petition of Thomas Latimer Kyle, of New Plymouth. PETITIONER prays for a grant of land, or equivalent, for military services rendered. 1 am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1909. No. 23, Session 11.—Petition of Marion Carnahan, of Melbourne Street, Dunedin. PISTITIONEH prays for further consideration in respect of the death of her husband while in the employ of the Public Works Department. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 4th November, 1909. No. 2, Session I.—Petition of Charles E. Dixon and Another, of Nelson. Petitioners pray for consideration in respect of the Alexander-Bluff Bridge contract. 1 am directed to report that the following resolution was passed by the Committee: "That, as Mr. Blow, Under-Secretary, Public Works, declined to place the departmental file regarding the petition upon the table, the Chairman do report the same to the House."' 10th November, 1909. No. 153, Session ll.—Petition of George Jones, of Petone. Petitioner prays for a refund of duty on binding-machine. 1 am directed to report that in ths opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 10th November, 1909. No. 27, Session ll.—Petition of Andrew Ra'tcliffe Hunter, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for injury received while on parade with the Auckland Garrison Band. 1 am directed to report that in tha opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 10th November, 1909. No. 53.—Petition of C. Gill and 13 Others, of Carrington Road, Taranaki. Petitioners pray for a pound-for-pound subsidy towards forming the Saunders and Carrington Roads. 1 am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 50.—Petition of W. F. Cleaver and 7 Others, of Mold. Petitioners pray for the formation of the Moki Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 214, Session ll.—Petition of Walter Delaney, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for military services rendered. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration 12th November, 1909. No. 25, Session ll.—Petition of Dunedin City Corporation. Petitioners pray for the repeal of section 25 of " The Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908," or the exemption of the Corporation from the operation of the said section. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition 12th November, 1909.



No. 21, Session II. —Petition of J. D. Bkuke and 57 Others, of Neudorf, New Zealand. Petitioners pray for a grani of £200 for the purpose of erecting a cart-bridge over Ducker's Creek, on the Neudorf-Dovedale Road. ] am directed to report that this petition be referred to tha Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 179.—Petition of E. Cox and 10 Others, of Cambridge, Waikato. Petitioners pray for the repeal of the Vaccination Act. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 151. —Petition of H. L. Irving and 101 Others, of Ruapekapeka. Petitioners pray for a grant of £500 for forming and grading the Nganiawahine-Ruapckapeka Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 54. —Petition of W. Harbison and 33 Others, of Mangapai, Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant of ,£5OO for the Mangapai-Waikiekie Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 129, Session II. —Petition of Edmund Cookson, of Waitekauri. Petitioner prays for consideration on account of services rendered during the Maori War. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 250, Session II. —Petition of James Clarendon Ramsbottom-Isherwood, of Lyttelton. Petitioner prays for a grant of laud as military settler. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 55.—Petition of G. R. Hilford and 43 Others, of Waikiekie, Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant of £500 for the Mangapai—Waikiekie Road. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 56.—Petition of G. A. King and 58 Others, of Tangiteroria, Dargaville. Petitioners pray for a giant of £300 for erection of a bridge over Tangihua Creek. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th November, 1909. No. 371. —Petition of Richard Langman, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays that ho be granted a pension for military services rendered. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and that the Government be recommended to institute inquiries into all the old soldiers' claims. 18th November, 1909. No. 150.—Petition of C. M. Hansen, of 54 Boulcott Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation or restoration of section of land at Whakatane. 1 aru directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 18th November, 1909. No. 289.—Petition of William Bullot, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays that he be granted a pension for military services rendered. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and that the Government be recommended to institute inquiries into all old soldiers' claims. 18th November, 1909.



No. 2, Session I. —Petition of Charles E. Dixon and Another, of Nelson. Petitioners pray for compensation to cover the loss sustained by them in connection with the Alexander-Blufi Bridge contract. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 19th November, 1909. No. 369. —Petition of William Edgeoombe, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays for compensation for military services rendered. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and the Government be recommended to institute inquiries into all old soldiers' claims. 19th November, 1909. No. 305.—Petition of Edwakd Donovan, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for injury sustained by him while employed as assistant gardener at Government Buildings, Wellington. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 19th November, 1909. No. 439.—Petition of Duncan Anderson, of 156 Sydney Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for military services rendered. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and the Government be asked to make inquiries into all old soldiers' claims. 26th November, 1909. No. 51.—Petition of George Colließj of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for financial relief in connection with Deep Stream contract. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th November, 1909. No. 370.—Petition of Samuel C. Farr, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received whilst rendering public services. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be strongly recommended to the Government for favourable consideration. 26th November, 1909. No. 212. —Petition of Dorothy H. T. Blucher, of Waikino, Ohinemuri. Petitioner prays for relief on account of her late husband's services rendered as a surveyor. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 26th November, 1909. No. 24, Session ll.—Petition of William Causley, of Parawai, Thames. Petitioners prays for redress for damage to his property by being used as a rifle range. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist December, 1909. No. 308.—Petition of John Jeffries, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further pension, and amendment of the Police Force Act. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the Government be recommended to pass legislation providing that all those members of the Police Force who paid into the Superannuation Fund when between the ages of sixty and sixty-five, and who have received no benefit for such payment, should receive payment commensurate with the services rendered by such men. 1909. No. 449.—Petition of Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Gudgeon, C.M.G., of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office in the Government service. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist December, 1909. Inset—l. 1.



Xo. 290.—Petition of Ei.tham Bohouijh Council, of Eltham. Petitioners pray for the sum of £1,176 6s. 7cL, being the amount expended by them in compensation and expenses in connection with the case Hawera County Electric Company v. The Mayor, &c, of Eltham. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 1st December, 1909. No. 149.—Petition of E. P. Cotlb, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of cutter " Eleanor." I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th December, 1909. No. 279.—Petition of W. W. Carpenter and 8 Others, of Papakura. Petitioners pray for relief on account of obstruction of Hay's Stream by willows. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th December, 1909. No. 425.—Petition of B. Lieske, .of Papakura. Petitioner prays for redress in connection with a Court case. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 7th December, 1909. No. 52, Session II.—Petition of W. J. Ferguson and 68 Others, of Mangakahia District, Auckland. Petitioners pray for a grant of £300 for clearing the Mangakahia River. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th December, 1909. No. 57, Session II. —Petition of Knewstubb Bros and New Zealand Express Company, of Port Chalmers. Petitioners pray for refund of duty on oil-engine. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th December, 1909. No. 658, of 1908.—Petition of R. O. Fullbrook, of 21 Majoribanks Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays that the Court case Fullbrook v. Meikle, partly heard at Waitanga, Chatham Islands, be reviewed by Parliament. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 7th December, 1909. No. 368.—Petition of Robert Collier, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays for compensation for the use of his shop by the Postal Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 7th December, 1909. No. 4, Session II. —Petition of John Couper and 400 Others, of Puketitiri. Petitioners pray that the thermal springs near the Mokaha River may be opened up. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th December, 1909. No. 306.—Petition of John Driscoll, of 23 Hankey Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office in Government service. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th December, 1909.



No. 459. —Petition of Jambs Flamank, of Waerengahou, via Kawhia. Petitioner prays for compensation for the loss of the appointment as Postmaster at Waerengahou. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 9th December, 1909. No. 520. —Petition of John Collins, of Napier. Petitioner, prays for scrip, or grant of land, for military services rendered. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th December, 1909. No. 152, Session ll.—Petition of Lillias Millicbnt Jamus, of Masterton. Petitioned prays for further compensation on the death of her husband, late Stipendiary Magistrate at Masterton. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 14th December, 1909. No. 2, Session ll.—Petition of Francis Kino Cavebhill, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for a full inquiry into the action of the Public Trustee in the disposal of the petitioner's interest in certain land in the Glenoamaru Hiding, and for compensation. 1 am directed to report that, as petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedy, this Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th December, 1909. No. 460. —Petition of William John King, of Port Chalmers. Petitioner prays for compensation for services rendered while employed in the Customs Department. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th December, 1909. No. 534.—Petition of Mary Jane Hudson, of Makikihi, Canterbury. Petitioner prays for a remission of stamp duty. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th December, 1909. No. 202, of 1908.—Petition of William Smith Drtden, of Waiouru. Petitionhk prays for compensation for injuries alleged to have been caused while in the employ (if the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 16th December, 1909. No. 552.—Petition of Alexander Crozier, of Marton. PETITIONER pra3 - s that a lodging-allowance of Is. per day may be granted him while employed m the Police Force from 1903 to 1908. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th December, 1909. No. 537, of 1908.—Joshua Jones, of Mokau. Petitioner prays that the position of his title to the Mokau property be the same as in January, 1893, and that he be allowed to take action in the Dominion Courts for accounts and restitution. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government. 16th December, 1909. No. 532. —Petition of Oliphant Hughes, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays that he may be allowed to appear at the bar of the House to ask for a retrial of a case in which he was convicted of perjury. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th December, 1909.


No. 543. —Petition of Richard Jambs Felttjs, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of his father's military services. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and the Government be asked to make inquiries into all old soldiers' claims. 16th December, 1909. No. 492. —Jessie Anne Hendhrson, of New Brighton, (Jhristchurch. Petitioner prays for further compensation on account of her late husband's services as Chief Detective. I am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 20th December, 1909. No. 516. —Petition of Michael Casey, of Awakino. Petitioner prays for additional compensation for injuries sustained while employed as a surfaceman on the Te Kuiti - Awakino lload. 1 am directed to report that this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 20th December, 1909. Nos. 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, and 595.—Petitions of S. W. Nicholas and 35 Others, A. B. Jordan and 132 Others, A. G. Kenderdine and 31 Others, C. J. Kirk and 14 Others, W. Vicary and 59 Others, and A. Watson and 19 Others. Petitioners pray that the privileges of local option be granted to the Rohe Potae District. 1 am directed to report that these several petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th December, 1909. No. 5, Session I.—Petition of M. Coles and 81 Others, and 52 similar Petitions as per Schedule attached. Petitioners pray for free immigration of domestic servants. I am directed to report that, as the petitions refer to a matter of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd December, 1909. Schedule. Sess. I, No. 6.—Amyes, A. T., and 8 others. Suss. 11, No. 16.'—Austin, J. D., and 17 others. ~ ~ 7. —Ansell, A., and 1,501 others. ~ ~ 17. —Cormack, 1., and 31 others. ~ „ B.—Cook, A. H., and 30 others. ~ „ 18.—Simcox, F. M., and 11 others. ~ „ 9.—Denham, E., and l J others. ~ ~ 28.—Mackay, M. H., and 256 others. ~ ~ 10.—Hennah, E. C, and 111 others. „ „ 68.—Watson, L. F., and 116 others. ~ „ 11.—Johnstone, E. A., and 35 others. ~ „ 130. —McKibben, M., and 32 others. ~ ~ 12. —Lysnar, I. E., and 600 others. ~ „ 154.—Stronach, 8., and 18 others. ~ ~ 13.—McKenzie and 62 others. „ ~ 193.—Barker, H. M., and 29 others. ~ ~ 14.—Nolan, E. J., and 156 others. „ „ 194.—Hayes, C. G., and 4 others. ~ „ 15. —Pratt, A. C, and 57 others. ~ ~ 195.—Meredith, M., and 77 others. ~ ~ 16.—Thorpe, F. W., and 31 others. ~ „ 196.—Guild, J. N., and 23 others. ~ ~ 17.—Watson, E. M., and 32 others. ~ ~ 197.— Pemberton, S. H., and 10 others. ~ ~ 18.—Wright, M. R., and 32 others. ~ „ 198.—Wall, Miss, and 33 others. ~ ~ 24.—Finch, M., and 34 others. ~ „ 199. —Young, F. M., and 9 others. ~ ~ 25.—Gebbie, A. N., and 30 others. ~ „ 213.—Brewis, M., and 59 others. „ ~ 26.—Dillon, C. C, and 42 others. ~ ~ 246.—Bremner, C, and 265 others. „ „ 27.—Smith, L. S., and 12 others. ~ „ 277.—Pierce, W., and 615 others. ~ ~ 30. —Argelin, G., and 31 others. ~ ~ 473.—Johnston, M., and 41 others. ~ ~ 31. —Courage, W. F., and 37 others. ~ ~ 474.—Jones, J., and 27 others. ~ ~ 32.—Macdonald, B. D., and 358 others. ~ „ 475.—Rawnsley, A., and 79 others. „ ~ 35.—Cooke, E. A., and 42 others. „ ~ 476.— Tullock, B. E., and 78 others. ~ „ 36.— Ager, E. V., and 1,929 others. „ „ 487.—Beale, E. R., and 17 others. ~ ~ 37.—Fitzrow, S., and 239 others. ~ ~ 488.—Fitzgerald, M., and 45 others. „ ~ 38.—Roberts, F. E., and 91 others. „ „ 489.—Platt, B. L., and 45 others. „ ~ 39.—Kingston, A. 8., and 249 others. „ „ 490.—Scott, V. E., and 55 others. ~ ~ 40.—McDonald, M., and 105 others. ~ „ 491.—Smith, L., and 4 others.




No. 548. —Petition of Lawrence Kelly, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he be placed on the Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 22nd December, 1909. No. 298. —Petition of D. MoKenzie and 33 Others, and f>2 similar Petitions as per Schedule attached. Petitioners pray for universal and compulsory military training. No. 485. —Petition of C. N. Skjoth and 38 Others. Petitioners pray for exemption from compulsory military training. I am directed to report that, as these petitions refer to a matter of policy, the Committee hns no recommendation to make. 22nd December, 1909. SOHEDUTE. No. 299.—Parr, C. J., and 302 others. No. 457.—Mathews, F., and 32 others. ~ 323.—Barnes, E., and 32 others. „ 458.—Pullen, J. F., and 131 others. „ 324.— Gray, G. 8., and 99 others. „ 461.—Mansell, W. A., and 98 others. „ 325.—East, E. A., and 31 others. „ 464.—Barry, H. P., and 67 others. ~ 326.— Fraser, J., and 32 others. ~ 498.—Bagnall, L. J., and 142 others. ~ 327. —McLaughlin, J., and 14 others. ~, 499.—Corkram, R. T., and 32 others. „ 328.—Pepper, J. S., and 99 others. ~ 500.—Downey, J., and 75 others. „ 329.—Shaw, S. A., and 31 others. „ 501.—Ellis, W. E., and 31 others. „ 330.—Smith, E. J., and 93 others. ~ 502.—McConnell, R. J., and 131 others. „ 356.—Graves, A., and 30 others. „ 503.—McCullough, W., and 32 others. ~ 357.—Ashley, 8., and 32 others. „ 504.—Plummer, G. W., and 31 others. ~ 358.—Blackwood, W., and 14 others. „ 505.—Rollinson, G., and 31 others. ~ 359. —Colvin, P., and 42 others. ~ 506.—Smidt, C, and 30 others. ~ 360.—Fagan, C, and 32 others. ~ 507.—Bawden, T. J., and 31 others. ■ ~ 361. — Hansen, P., and 31 others. ~ 508.—Hood, A., and 5 others. ~ 362.—Kingston, G. T., and 32 others. ~ 509.—Howell, H., and others. „ 363.—Pugh, F., and 32 others. „ 510.—Johns, W. E., and 31 others. ~ 364.—Handley, W., and 28 others. ~ 511.—Murray, P., and 29 others. „ 385.—Alcoek, H., and 32 others. ~ 512.—Scrivener, P. T., and 31 others. „ 386.—Frater, W., and 31 others. „ 513.—Walker, T., and 19 others. „ 387.— Gillain, Rev. W. E., and 133 others. „ 514.—Wilson, W. J., and 21 others. „ 388.—Scott, M. C, and 127 others. ~ 518.—Williams, W. E., and 98 others. „ 389.—Tonar, J. 8., and 32 others. „ 526.—Maxwell, J., and 101 others. „ 429.—Campbell, A., and 29 others. „ 527.—Short, A. W., and 384 others. „ 430.—Dempsey, W. H., and 16 others. ~ 536.—Spalding, M., and 32 others. ~ 431.—Hibden, W. A., and 18 others. ~ 539.—Callan, A. F., and 132 others. ~ 432.—Knyvett, F., and 32 others. ~ 540.—Harvey, E. J., and 228 others. ~ 433.—Tennent, C. 8., and 32 others. ~ 551.— Lysnar, W. D., and 929 others. ~ 434.—Kinsey, F. G., and 26 others. ~ 572.—8r0wn, J., and 32 others. ~ 455.—Ballard, W., and 32 others. ~ 573. —Fayen, E., and 32 others. „ 456. —Henderson, H., and 32 others. „ 574. —Levy, J., and 32 others. Nos. 599, 604, 608, and 609.—Petitions of 0. A. E. Sperling and 128 Others, J. Tuour and 57 Others, L. Boyd and 16 Others, and H. Cobb and 29 Others. Petitioners pray that the privileges of local option be granted to the Rohe Potae District. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd December, 1909. No. 582.—Petition of Frank Barton, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compassionate allowance on account of injuries received through alleged negligence of a State Coal-mine wagorj-driver. I am directed to report that this Committee recommends that a compassionate allowance of £350 should be paid by the Government to the Public Trustee, in trust to invest the same for the benefit of the petitioner, and, in the event of the agreement between the petitioner and the South British Insurance Company being handed to the Minister of Finance, that the said sum of £350, or the investments representing the same, be paid over to the petitioner. 28th December, 1909. (Vide Appendix I. —lα.)


Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions A to L Committee has held sixteen meetings during the second session of 1909. The number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 184 The number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... 62 The number of petitions referred for consideration ... ... ... 28 The number referred for favourable consideration ... ... ... 17 The number referred for special favourable consideration ... ... 3 The number with no recommendation, &c. ... ... ... ... 130 The number referred to the Government The number referred to other Committees ... ... ... ••• 1 The number held over ... ... ... ■•• ••■ ••■ 4 I am also directed to report the following resolutions passed by the Committee, viz., "That this Committee desires to record its high appreciation of the attention, zeal, and ability displayed by the Chairman, T. H. Davey, Esq." ; also, " That the best thanks of the Committee be tendered the Clerk, Mr. E. D. Dunne,"for the able assistance he lias rendered the Committee " ; and that these resolutions be recorded in the minutes of the Committee, and be reported to the House. 28th December, 1909. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing 1,400 copies), £8 ss.

Authority : Jofu Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o9

Price 6d ]


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PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. DAVEY, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, I-01

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PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. DAVEY, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, I-01

PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. DAVEY, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, I-01

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