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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Wellington, 19th August, 1907. My Lord, — 1 have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Heport on the Hospitals and the Charitable Institutions of the Colony for the year 1906-7, by the Inspector-General of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. I have the honour to be, Your Lordship's most obedient servant, GrEO. FOWLDS, Minister in Charge of the Hospitals and Charitable Aid Department. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. The Inspector-General of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions to the Hon. the Minister in Charge op Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. 27th July, 1907. I have the honour to lay before you the following report on the hospitals and charitableaid institutions of the colony. The total expenditure for the year was:— ..o-A,,, /„ ,« Katie aid "i 1M.866 2 10 Total 288,808 2 8 The expenditure last year was :— .„..,, , Q Hospitals ... 167,437 3 9 Charitable aid ... . ... ••• ••• 103,272 14 0 Total 270,709 17 9 At the time of my appointment I found Miss Hester Maclean installed as Assistant Inspector and Miss Webb as clerk. The former was appointed in November last as successor to Mrs. Grace Neill On account of ill health Miss Webb resigned last March, and Miss Bicknell was appointed

I—H. 22.




in her place. On the formation of the new Department Mr. 0. Mewhinney was appointed Chief Clerk. A great part of my time has been taken up in gathering knowledge of the work of the Department, consequently I have been unable to visit as many institutions as I would have liked. I hope, however, during the ensuing year to get an insight into the working and general management of every institution in the colony receiving Government subsidy, and also to make the personal acquaintance of the various Boards and trustees controlling them. At this stage it would be somewhat premature on my part to comment on the working of the Acts under which our hospital and charitable-aid system is governed. Reform in the above i& undoubtedly needed, but I would ask you, Sir, to withhold the new Hospital Bill until I have gained a better knowledge of the working of the present system, and have had opportunities for discussing the reforms necessary with those who have had special experience as to its working in different parts of the colony. No one could visit our hospitals without being struck by the large number of beds occupied by chronic or incurable patients, not ill enough to justify their taking up beds in a public hospital, but too ill to warrant their being treated in the ordinary wards of an Old Men's Home, where they would have to rely on the unskilled help of their fellow-inmates. For such, special wards or institutions are necessary. This is already recognised by some. Many of our hospitals are little more than Old Men's Homes. This is especially the case on the West Coast, where one " Home " for the whole district is badly needed. In some districts outside relief is well, in others it is very loosely, if not lavishly, administered, as the following examples may show: — (1.) G has been in receipt of charitable aid for some years. By his first marriage there were five children. Recently he married again, and in due course his wife presented him with twins. When I visited this family last February I found G was receiving 16s. 6d. a week from the Board. Two boys had been earning 2s. 6d. a week, but had returned home for a change. It was reported that G received £1 a week from relatives, and he admitted to considerable monetary gifts. He was paying 9s. a week for a house and 5 acres. On the Monday after my visit he wrote to the Board saying he would not require further assistance. (2.) A widow, aged forty, three children, receives 14s. 6d. a week from the Board. Her washing brings her in about 3s. a day. (3.) A deserted wife with five children received 15s. a week from the Board (6s. rent, 6s. groceries, 3s. meat). Until recently she had been earning 10s. a week from the local School Committee, but gave that up as "too hard work." (4.) Mrs. F was receiving 7s. 6d. a week from the Board on account of her husband's '" health, but the latter had been earning Bs. a day since December last. She lives in her own house, which was bought on the death of her first husband, when she was left at least £150 in insurance. Present income of family (per week): From Board, 7s. 6d.; rent, four-roomed house (say), 55.; husband's earnings at B*s. a day, £2 Bs. : from daughter in service (who gets 10s. a week), ss. : total, £3 ss. 6d.' I found the above instances in one district. Further comment is needless. Appendices are attached as to indoor relief, the working of the Nurses and Midwives Registration Acts, the Private Hospitals Act; and Miss Maclean has also supplied some interesting details as to the work done at the St. Helens Hospitals. I cannot conclude these remarks without tendering my thanks to Dr. Hay, Mr. Soutar, and Miss Maclean for much kindly help ; nor must I forget the valuable information I have gained by reading the able reports and letters of my distinguished predecessor, the late Dr. MacGregor, ir. whose footsteps I hope to be able to follow. The splendid services rendered to the colony by Mrs. Grace Neill are well known. Owing to Mrs. Neill's vigour and ability the St. Helens Hospitals me well found and in splendid working-order, and the capable manner in which she administered the Nurses and Midwives Registration Acts has been favourably commented on by nursing authorities in other lands. Charitable Institutons for Indoor Relief. The Costley Home is a well-ordered institution, which accommodates some two hundred inmates. Of this number at the time of my visit only thirty-two were women. The Charitable Aid Board is now erecting a ward for incurable or chronic cases, which is much needed in the Auckland District. At present the washing of the Auckland Hospital is done here, but the Board are about to provide the Hospital with a modern laundry on the grounds. Quite a feature of the Home is the piggery, where all the food refuse of both institutions is got rid of. The Whangarei Home at the time of my visit accommodated ten men and three women, all of whom expressed themselves as well content. New Plymouth Home : This place has always been well, reported on by my predecessors. Early in the year," however, complaints of ill treatment were made by some of the inmates against the Master. The Board courted a full inquiry thereon. A searching inquiry failed to show any grounds for the charges. The Gisborne Home is somewhat primitive, but it is well kept, and the inmates are well looked after. The Benevolent Home at Caversham: Some correspondence has taken place with the Trustees concerning the nursing of the helpless male patients. Finally, I interviewed the Trustees on the subject, and they unanimously agreed to my recommendations to keep the special and very suitable wards in the rear of the main building for the helpless patients of both sexes, and place these wards under the charge of two trained female nurses. The institution is well kept. The Lome Farm. Invercargill, is an excellent institution. A trained nurse is to be put in charge of the helpless patients. In connection with the Old People's Home is a Home for children, some being infants in arms. One could not look at the contented looking children without feeling



that they were much better looked after than would in all probability have been the case had they been boarded out in the usual manner. At the tame time it is to be doubted if it is, generally speaking, a wise thing to house young and old in the same building, though great care is taken to keep them apart. Under the present management there is little fear of anything untoward. The Old Men's Home at Timaru is a makeshift until the Board erect a better Home outside the town. This is shortly to be undertaken. The Jubilee Home at Wanganui is well managed, but the section on which it stands is too small to afford enough exercise or work for the inmates. The Jubilee Home, Christchurch, the Ashburton, Ohiro, and Oamaru Homes are well-appointed and well-managed institutions. The latter also has not enough land, but this may soon be rectified. The new Refuge at Parke Island, Napier, is now open. The buildings are well situated and designed. In addition to the above, the following have been visited : The Samaritan Home, Christchurch ; St. Mary's Homes, Otahuliu and Karori; the Refuge, Linwood, &c. I have seen enough of these Homes to say that, where possible, they should be well out of the towns, and on fairly large plots of land. The inmates have to be given leave at times, and the temptations of the town are often too strong for them. Consequently, the name and discipline of the institution suffers. Many inmates can also do a certain amount of work, which helps to keep them well content, and with less time to criticize those in authority over them. REPORT ON PRIVATE HOSPITALS. The private hospitals came under the supervision of the Hospitals Department on the Ist January, 1907. As under "The Private Hospitals Act, 1906," most of those already licensed by the Public Health Department would have been obliged to close, the licensees being unable to comply with the provisions of the Act, a special regulation was made, by which these hospitals could be carried on for a year. During this time they could be inspected, and given time to arrange affairs in accordance with the new regulations. Regulations under the Act have been framed and confirmed, and have now been issued to all holding licenses under the old and the new Acts. At the beginning of the year there were 293 private hospitals for which licenses had been issued by the Public Health Department; of these 193 have been inspected. The first visits paid were in Auckland, where there were nineteen houses licensed in and around the city. These vary very much in every way. Some are well-equipped, up-to-date, and comfortable houses, managed by registered nurses and midwives. Auckland is very well provided with accommodation for private patients. For surgical patients may be mentioned Miss Green, Miss Foote, Miss Morrison, the Mater Misericordiee (managed by Roman Catholic Sisters trained as nurses), and several others of a fair type. The Misses Margetts's maternity hospital is comfortable and homelike, also Mrs. Goddison's and several other small places suitable for the poorer class of patients. There are, however, one or two places which have been taking cases without license, and which will need careful watching. The hospitals in and around Wellington were next inspected, and there, also, among the twenty-one licensed nursing homes in the city and suburbs, there are several which should meet the requirements of private individuals whose circumstances prohibit them from making use of public institutions. For surgical and medical cases Miss Palmer has a very nice house, built for the purpose, and furnished with every convenience. The Misses Broadbent and Lucas also have a nice place, and Mrs. Dixon in Ellice Avenue. For maternity and minor gynaecological cases Mrs. Holgate has a nice house, and there are several other places fairly comfortable. Some of the licensees are not registered; others have passed the examination for midwives, held recently, and will be able to continue their work. In Christchurch and its suburbs there are a large number of licensed private hospitals, many of which can scarcely be dignified with the name of "hospital," as they are simply houses with one or two rooms used for patients. Altogether in Christchurch nineteen of these homes were inspected. Miss Turner has a very nice house, comfortable, and well equipped for surgical and medical cases. She has a good staff of registered nurses. Miss Collins's hospital also is quite satisfactory. Strathmore Private Hospital is a large place, with many appliances for treatment of different kinds. The Misses Beck and Wellsman have recently opened a good private hospital for surgical and medical cases. There are several very fair homes for maternity cases, as well as a good many of the small places in which one patient at a time is taken, and where the licensees are not registered midwives, and therefore cannot receive licenses for next year. At Dunedin twelve private hospitals were inspected. There are several very well-equipped places here, and the needs of the district should be well met, as far as medical and surgical cases are concerned. There is, however, no very good place for maternity private patients. A hospital recently opened is Stafford House, belonging to Miss Thomson, and carried on chiefly by Dr. Barnet. This is most up-to-date and complete, the theatre being equipped with many of the latest improvements for aseptic surgery. Miss Tombs also has a comfortable and well-equipped house, and Miss Sutherland of the Chalet, whose house was built for the purpose. There are, besides the Dunedin hospitals, about sixty licensed in Otago, which have not yet been inspected. Many of these are small places, managed by people who will not be eligible for license next year



Most of the larger country towns are supplied with private nursing homes, mostly for maternity cases. At Timaru Miss Morris, a registered nurse, has recently opened a nice house for medical and surgical cases. At Oamaru Miss Stronach, a registered nurse, has a very good house, and at Ashburton Nurses Henderson and Rule have a good place for general cases, and there are several maternity homes, one new one, nearly completed, of a superior type. The private hospitals in the country towns between Wellington and New Plymouth have also been inspected. Palmerston North is very well supplied with accommodation: for general cases Mrs. Freeman has a very good place, and Nurse Vyse and Nurse Dender have each a nice cottage hospital for maternity cases. At Feilding there are a number of women holding licenses for maternity homes who are not registered midwives, but several have recently passed an examination and been placed on the Register. At Wanganui there are a number of houses licensed: Miss Pitt, a registered nurse, takes general cases in a fairly satisfactory house; the others are all for maternity cases, and are just small cottages with a couple of rooms. At Stratford there is a nice house for maternity and general cases. At New Plymouth there are a good many licensed houses, but none very good. Masterton is very well provided with private hospitals: there are two owned by doctors, and several by registered nurses and midwives. At Carterton there are several licensed nursing homes, but the managers are not registered nurses or midwives. Pahiatua has two suitable maternity hospitals. At Dannevirke and Woodville there are none with registered women in charge. At Taihape a good private hospital for maternity cases has been established for the benefit of the women of the district by the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Studholme, who have built and furnished a suitable cottage, and placed a certificated nurse in charge, who was trained in midwifery work at the first State. Maternity Hospital. Under " The Midwives Act, 1901," since September, 1906, there have been three examinations held for the midwives who neglected to. register during the time of grace allowed after the Act came into force. The examinations were simple, and any woman at all competent to do her work with safety to the community had the further opportunity of becoming a registered midwife. One hundred and thirty-seven women availed themselves of this opportunity, out of whom 110 were registered. The expenses of these examinations were considerable, but were more than covered bj' the receipts from fees. The receipts were £148, the expenses £95 9s. 6d. At the State Maternity Hospitals, twenty-five pupils have been trained, and passed successfully examinations held at each institution, and are now on the register as trained and certificated midwives. Now that St. Helens, Christchurch, is working, an average number of about thirty pupils should be training each year, and this should gradually meet the lack of trained midwives through the colon)-, and the trained pupils should take the place of the women who, in the past, gained their experience with difficulty and danger to mothers and children, but who acted to the best of their ability,and were badly needed at the time. St. Helens Hospital, Wellington, has now been in existence for two years. During the last financial year 127 patients have been admitted, and fifty-six attended outside. Receipts from fees have amounted to £614 16s. Total expenditure, £995 9s. 3d. The house is most unsuitable for Ihe purpose. St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin, has been in existence for one year and ten months. During the last financial year 191 patients have been admitted, and twenty-nine attended outside. Receipts from fees have amounted to £791 19s. Total expenditure, £1,138. The house, now that so many patients are admitted, is not suitable. It has not yet been purchased, and will need in the near future some expenditure to render it sufficiently commodious and at all up-to-date. For district work it is too far away from the class of patients likely to benefit by the attendance of the nurses. St. Helens Hospital, Auckland, has been working now for one year. For the ten months of the last financial year there were 102 patients admitted into the Hospital, and twenty-nine attended outside. The receipts from fees have amounted to £518 Is. Bd., the total expenditure to £852 3s. 7d. An isolation ward was erected during the year. St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch, was opened on the 16th April by the Hon. G. Fowlds, and has been much appreciated since by the wives of the working-classes in Christchurch. The building in Durham Street was considerably altered and added to, and is far more up-to-date and convenient than the other three .maternity hospitals. There are now 114 trained and certificated midwives on the Register, and 850 of the untrained women who were working as midwives for three years before the Act came into force, and have been recommended by medical practitioners as competent to perform their duties, have also been registered. Since the last report on the working of " The Nurses Registration Act, 1901," three examinations have been held in various centres for State registration. Eighty-three hospital-trained nurses have passed the final State examination, and their names have been added to the Register. The fees amounted to £117 10s., and the expenses (examiners' and supervisors' fees) to £159 18s. 10d. Notwithstanding the number of nurses leaving the hospitals each year, there is still a shortage of trained and registered nurses available for positions as charge-nurses in the country hospitals, though the city hospitals have no difficulty in keeping up the number of their staff. The reason probably is that private nurses in New Zealand are kept so constantly employed, and are so well paid, that, unless larger salaries are offered by the hospitals, it is impossible to retain a sufficient number on the staff after they have comnleted their training. There are now on the State Register 591 nurses, sixty of whom were trained outside New Zealand. In consideration of the greater length of time necessary to enable probationer nurses in small hospitals of under forty beds to obtain sufficient experience and nurse a sufficient variety of cases, I might suggest that it be optional for a nurse, after three years in a hospital of under twenty



beds, to enter certain private hospitals, authorised by the Registrar, or, if possible, larger public hospitals, and there spend a further period of two years, before entering for the final State examination. Nurses training in hospitals under forty beds but over twenty should spend a period of one year in gaining such further experience before entering for examination, this course being advised but not obligatory, as such nurses still would be permitted to sit for State examination after , spending the requisite time in their first training-schools. ST. HELENS HOSPITALS. Sir,— Inspector-General's Office, Wellington, N.Z., 22nd May, 1907. 1 have the honour to submit a report of the work done by the St. Helens Hospitals during the last twelve months. Wellington. There have during the last year been 127 patients admitted into the Hospital; 120 infants have been born ; 56 patients have been attended outside and 52 infants born outside; 2 patients have died after confinement, 4 infants were stillborn, 3 infants have died in Hospital. Patients have evidently appreciated the comforts and attention received in the Hospital, as eleven women have returned for* their second confinement, and all express gratitude for their treatment. Six pupil-nurses have been trained, and successfully passed their examination in midwifery Two other nurses who have been receiving their practical instruction at the Alexandra Home have attended the lectures given by Dr. Perkins and Miss Wyatt, and have also passed the examination. The accommodation of this Hospital has been at times strained to the utmost, and the Matron and nurses have worked under serious disadvantages. The house is by no means suited to the purpose for which it is used. The rooms are small, the passages narrow and inconvenient, the nurses' accommodation miserable, and the laundry arrangements most inadequate. A slight improvement is being made by the enclosing of a balcony which, being a constant passage from one part of the house to another, was most dangerous in wet weather. I much regret that it has been necessary to renew the lease of this house for a year, but hope that at the end of that period a really up-to-date maternity hospital, worthy of the capital of New Zealand, may be provided for this important work. There have been two changes on the staff during the year, Miss Peiper having been promoted to the Matronship of St. Helens, Auckland, and Miss Inglis, who took her place, to the Matronship of St. Helens, Christchurch. Miss Edwards was then appointed Sub-matron. Dr. Perkins has served a second term as Medical Attendant and Lecturer to the pupil-nurses, in whose training he has taken the greatest interest. Dunbdin. There have during the last year been 191 patients admitted into the Hospital; 184 infants have been born; 29 patients have been attended in district and 29 infants born outside; no patients have died after confinement, 13 infants have been stillborn, 1 infant has died in Hospital. In this Hospital, also, women have sought for admission a second time. They have also after discharge from the Hospital frequently brought their babies for advice about diet or any ailment. Here again the accommodation has at times been overtaxed, and a room usually occupied bv two nurses has had to be taken for patients, and the nurses have been crowded into one room. An extension to this Hospital, so that proper rooms could be provided for the nursing staff, is very badly needed. A very necessary addition also is an isolation ward: there is absolutely no means of isolating any infectious case Four pupil-nurses have been trained in midwifery, and registered after passing a satisfactory examination. One pupil-nurse from outside was also registered after attending lectures and passing examination. There have been no changes on the staff. Miss Holford has done excellent work, and keeps her Hospital in most excellent order. Miss Gow has been a valuable assistant as Sub-matron. Dr. Siedeberg has been Medical Attendant and Lecturer to the nurses, and has shown great interest in the work of the Hospital. Auckland. This Hospital was opened in June, and has therefore only been in working-order for ten months. During that time a great deal of good work has been done in the institution. In the early part of the year there was some trouble with a pupil-nurse who had mistaken her vocation, but since her departure the Matron and staff have worked in perfect harmony. During the ten months there have been 102 patients admitted into the Hospital; 102 infants born in Hospital; 29 patients attended in the district; 29 infants born outside; there has been one death of a mother after confinement, 7 infants stillborn, and 1 infant has died in the Hospital. One pupil-nurse has been trained in the Hospital, and has successfully passed her examination in midwifery and been registered. Two others have almost completed their term. Three nurses, who have received outside training and attended the lectures at St. Helens given by Dr. Inglis and the Matron, have also passed the examination and been registered. There has been no change in the staff. Miss Paul was appointed to assist Miss Peiper as Submatron, and they have done excellent work. Dr. Inglis has been Medical Attendant, and been



Lecturer to the pupil-nurses, who are grateful to him for the pains he has taken in their instruction. A case of scarlet fever which developed in the Hospital after confinement, and caused great difficulty, was the means of bringing forward the necessity of an isolation ward. This was erected, and is now ready for any emergency of the kind, but, owing to the inadequate provision of nurses accommodation, is at present in use for the night nurse. The accommodation for patients has at times been severely taxed. Christ chub oh. After great trouble, and visiting a great many places about Christchurch, a house was finally selected by Mrs. Neill and recommended for purchase. It was purchased and a plan made for additions and alterations, and finally these additions were commenced and are being carried out by the Public Works Department. The site is an excellent one, being among the people who are likely to avail themselves of the opportunity of attendance and nursing they could not otherwise afford. The Hospital will probably be ready for occupation in April. It will, I think, be more satisfactory as regards the accommodation for both patients and the nursing staff than the other three hospitals. The Matron, Miss Inglis, and the Sub-matron, Miss MacKenzie, took up their residence in January in a cottage in the grounds, which was renovated and furnished for their accommodation, and is afterwards to serve as servants' quarters. They undertook from then to attend cases in the district, and also to give information to intending patients and book those wishing to enter in April, when the Hospital should be ready. The Matron also assisted in selecting the furniture for the Hospital, and got all the linen ready for use. Sister MacKenzie was sent to Auckland to take duty there while the Matron and sister" had their annual holiday. Dr. Alice Moorhouse was appointed Medical Attendant at the Hospital. There were four patients attended in the district before the opening of the Hospital. I have, &c, H. Maclean, Dr. Valintine. Officer in Charge of St. Helens Hospitals.



AKAEOA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... .. ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 38 Total under treatment ... .... ... 40 Discharged ... ... ... . ... ... 36 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 2 Sex. —l9 males, 21 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Akaroa County, 38 ; Christchurch, 2. Country. —New Zealand, 27; England, 4; Ireland, 3; Scotland, 2 ; Denmark, 3; Spain, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 24 ; Presbyterian, 8 ; Roman Catholic, 5; Methodist, 2 ; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 708 ; individual average days' stay, 17'7. Daily average cost per head, 13s. 7d. ; less patients' payments, 13s. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 230 5 8 Rations ... ... ... 105 3 4 Derived from North Canterbury ! Wines, &c. ... ... ... 7 3 0 Hospital Board, of which it is a Surgery and dispensary ... ... 27 10 2 branch hospital ... ... 230 5 9 Fuel and light ... ... ... 221511 Patients'payments ... ... 19 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 ! Additions to buildings ... ... 110 910 I Other expenses ... ... 5732 Total ... ... £480 5 5 Total ... ... £480 5 5 ARROWTO.WN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 74 Total under treatment ... ... ... 77 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 3 Sex. —55 males, 22 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Queenstown, Arrowtown, Cromwell, Pembroke, Hawea, Macetown, Cardrona, Gibbston, Skipper's, Frankton, Invercargill, Tarras, Bannockburn, Waitiri, Shotover, Gore, Westland, Omahau, Glenorchy. Country. —New Zealand, 45; England, 8; Scotland, 3; Ireland, 12; Australia, 4; Italy, 1; China, 1; Denmark, 1; Germany, 1; Norway, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 26 Presbyterian, 38 ; Roman Catholic, 10 ; Independent, 2 ; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,258; individual average days' stay, 17. Daily average cost per head, ss. lid.; less patients' payments, 3s ljd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 48 ; attendances, 57. Receipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government .... ... 458 17 5 ] Rations ... ... ... 184 5 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 300 10 0 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 33 711 Subscriptions and donations ... 7515 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 9167 Patients'payments ... ... 176 15 7 Furniture and repairs, earthenware 8 19 1 Other sources ... ... ... 586 Salaries and wages ... ... 462 18 i Balance from last year ... ... 75 12 4 | Funerals ... ... ... 615 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 2 6 j Additions to buildings ... ... 60 15 7 Other expenses ... ... 70 4 5 Total ... £1,092 18 10 Total ... ... £847 4 8



ASHBUETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ••• ••• 1 89 Total under treatment ... ... ... 208 Discharged ... ... ••• ••• •■• ••• 186 Died ... ... ... ... ■•• ••• •■■ n Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 11 Sex.— l7o males, 38 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Ashburton, 182 ; Christchurch, 4 ; Rakaia, 18; Dunedin, 1; Oamaru, 1; Invercargill, 2. Nationality.— Colonials, 59 ; English, 49 ; Scotch, 23 ; Irish, 57 ; Switzerland, 1 ; born at sea, 3 ; Germany, 1; America, 4; Australian, 11. Religion.— Church of England, 79 ; Presbyterian, 64 ; Roman Catholic, 44 ; Wesleyan, 10 ; Salvation Army, 2; Baptist, 3 ; Primitive Methodist, 4 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Church of Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,794; individual average days' stay, 32'66. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3d. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 3d. Outdoor Patients. —None. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government 750 18 0 Rations 326 17 9 Local bodies ... ... ••• 700 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 13 10 6 B eques t ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 102 16 1 Patients'payments 327 16 5 Fuel and light ?05 7 5 Other sources 10 18 8 ] Bedding and clothing 137 12 2 Balance from last year ... ... 109 14 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 36 19 d Salaries and wages ... • • • 643 10 2 Funerals 30 2 11 Repairs ... ... ••• 35 5 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ■•■ 16 5 0 Interest ... ... ... 2 15 6 Insurance ... ... • •• 996 Commission ... ... ... 2562 Other expenses ... • • ■ 191 18 10 Total ... £1,999 7 1 Total ... £1,777 16 4 Visited sth February, 1907.—At the time of my visit considerable alterations were being made in the fever ward, consequently the Hospital was in some confusion. I have suggested to the Trustees that the room now used for convalescents should be used as a medical ward in place of the present one, which is rather dark and gloomy, and is badly ventilated. Miss Griffiths, late of the Hokitika Hospital, is Matron here. AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 178 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ■■• 2,017 Total under treatment ... ... ... 2,195 Discharged ... ... ■■■ ••■ ••• ••• i> Bl6 Died... ••• ••■ 189 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 190 5ea:.—1,473 males, 722 females. , ... Localities from which Patients came.— Auckland City and suburbs, 1,520; District of Auckland 446 ; North Auckland, 64 ; south of Auckland, 77 ; shipping, 88. Nationality.— England, 450 ; Scotland, 100; Ireland, 190; New Zealand, 1,205 ; Australia, 109; America 15; 'France, 4; Germany, 19; Austria, 11; Denmark, 10; China, 5; Greece, 3; South Sea Islands, 15 ; Russia, 13 ; Canada, 5 ; Norway, 27 ; Italy, 3 ; Switzerland, 4 ; India, 7. Religion.— Church of England, 1,182; Roman Catholic, 495; Wesleyan, 186 ; Methodist, 17 ; Presbyterian, 215; Church of Christ, 7 ; Hebrew, 7 ; Greek, 1; Salvation Army, 14 ; Baptist, 25; Congregational, 15; Lutheran, 10; Missions, 5; Unitarian, 4; Confucian, 3; Mormon, 1; Adventist, 6 ; no religion, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 67,128; individual average days stay, 30-58. Daily average cost per head, 4s. IOJd.; less patients' payments, 3s. IOJd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 464 ; attendances, 4,355.



Eeceipts and Expenditueb. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 6,867 19 1 Eations ... ... ... 4,727 710 Local bodies... ... ... 6,009 5 8 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 68 9 4 Infectious diseases ... ... 858 13 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,850 16 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 33 12 11 Fuel and light ... ... 1,223 6 9 Rents ... ... ... 246 4 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 78112 4 Patients'payments ... ... 3,275 19 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 220 10 9 Refund of advance re infectious Washing and laundry ... ... 493 4 5 wards, &c.... ... ... 1,025 10 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 5,167 14 11 Water-supply ... ... 425 0 9 Funerals ... ... ... 34 9 0 Repairs and material ... ... 517 11 9 Additions to buildings... ... 1,087 8 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 143 16 4 Legal expenses ... ... 9 2 8 Insurance ... ... ... 27 18 3 Proportion of office expenses ... 486 12 2 Advances for infectious wards, Point Chevalier ... ... 874 10 0 Commission ... ... ... 60 0 7 Other expenses ... ... 117 13 0 Total ... ...£18,317 5 6 Total ... ...£18,317 5 6 Visited 14th March, 1907.—There were 190 patients in the Hospital, one of whom had been an inmate for two years. Extensive alterations are in contemplation, particularly with regard Lo the enlargement of the Costley wards, plans of which have been submitted and approved. A new laundry is about to be built. The medical staff appear to be working harmoniously and well. Dr. Eoberton, as Chairman of the staff, spends a great deal of time in the interests of the institution. Mr. Bagnall has succeeded Mr. McLeod as Chairman of the Board. BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 244 Total under treatment ... ... ... 262 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 231 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 21 Sex. —161 males, 83 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Marlborough, 229 ; Wellington, 8 ; Dunedin, 3 ; Auckland, 3; Timaru, 1. Country. — England, 44; Scotland, 11; New Zealand, 149; Ireland, 25; Australia, 10; Germany, 2 ; Denmark, 1; Italy, 1; Solomon Islands, 1. . Religion. —Church of England, 132 ; Roman Catholic, 53 ; Presbyterian, 34 ; Salvationist, 7 ; Methodist, 12 ; Mormon, 2 ; no religion, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,212; individual average days' stay, 31. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 4d.; less patients' payments, ss. 3Jd. Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,097 2 5 Eations ... ... ... 619 4 0 Local bodies... ... ... 1,288 6 3 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 47 6 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 33 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 238 0 9 Eents ... ... ... 51 001 Fuel and light ... ... 109 310 Patients'payments ... ... 436 15 0 : Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Other sources ... ... 144 3 11 earthenware ... ... 239 2 10 Balance from last year ... 1,801 6 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 911 18 11 Funerals ... ... ... 3 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 46 18 11 New buildings ... ... 15 15 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 66 5 1 Interest and insurance ... 19 13 10 Eefund of special levy on local bodies, 1904-5. ... ... 400 0 1 Law expenses ... ... 264 15 10 Other expenses ... ... 31 6 7 Total ... ... £4,851 13 11 Total ... ... £3,012 12 2

2—H, 22,



CHABLESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... •■• ■•• H Admitted during the year... ... ... ••• ■•• 20 Total under treatment ... ... • •• 31 Discharged ... ... ... ••■ ••■ ••• 20 Died 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 9 Sea;. —31 males. Localities from which Patients came.— Charleston, Addison's, Brighton, Westport, Nine-mile Beach, Karamea. Country.— England, 9 ; Ireland, 11; Scotland, 5 ; New Zealand, 4 ; Sweden, 2. Religion.— Eomau Catholic, 14; Church of England, 10 ; Presbyterian, 6 ; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,129; individual average days' stay, 68.67. Daily average cost per head, ss. o£d; less patients' payments, 3s. Bd. Receipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 188 13 10 Rations .. 201 1 9 Local bodies... ... ••■ 68 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 6 11 b Subscriptions and donations ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 38 12 9 Bents 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... .. 15 9 6 Patients'payments ... ... 145 5 4 , Bedding and clothing ... ... 311 Balance from last year ... 76 14 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 240 18 0 Funerals ... ... ... 6 0 0 Repairs ... 12 10 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 6 5 11 Insurance ... ... ... 227 Other expenses ... ... 4 13 Total £588 13 10 Total £536 15 0 Visited 26th April, 1907.—There were seven male patients in this Hospital, the youngest being seventy years of age. Dr. Simpson, who has been Hospital Surgeon for many years, is leaving to practise in Westport. It is difficult to see that there is any need for this Hospital. CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 107 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ■■• 1,528 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,635 Discharged ... 1.342 Died _176 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... 117 Sea;.—l,oos males, 630 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. — Christchurch, 471; Suburbs, 509; North Canterbury, 452 ; Lyttelton, 34 ; Taranaki, 1; Dunedin, 1; Fiji, 1; no fixed residence, 166. Country.— New Zealand, 791; England, 355 ; Ireland, 173 ; Scotland, 103 ; Australia, 80 ; Wales, 4 ; Tasmania, 13 ; Germany, 9; Sweden, 9; America, 5 ; Norway, 1; Denmark, 5 ; Spain,' 1; France, 5; Finland, 2; Malta, 1; Roumania, 1; China, 1; Holland, 1; Fiji, 1 ; Religion'.— Church of England, 708; Roman Catholic, 291 ; Presbyterian, 243; Methodist, 125 ; Lutheran, 15; Congregational, 14 ; Baptist, 21 ; Jewish, 1; Church of Christ, 9 ; Salvation Army 9 ; Brethren, 7 ; Primitive Methodist, 9 ; unknown, 183. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 39,577 ; individual average days' stay, 24-20. Daily average cost per head, ss. lid. ; less patients' payments, ss. 3d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,863 ; attendances, 9,936.



Eeceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 5,727 10 9 Rations ... ... ... 2,552 9 5 Local bodies... ... ... 5,718 310 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 145 14 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 17 12 6 | Surgery and dispensary ... 1,004 17 1 Bequest ... ... ... 200 00! Fuel and light ... ... 1,160 8 6 Patients'payments ... ... 1,240 16 51 Bedding and clothing ... ... 370 1 6 Other sources ... ... 47 16 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 202 5 6 Balance from last year ... 788 9 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 4,754 8 2 Funerals ... ... ... 31 4 0 Repairs ... ... ... 521 16 6 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 63 7 6 Insurance ... ... ... 99 411 i Commission ... ... ... 39 7 10 Other expenses ... ... 1,661 2 5 i Total ... £13,740 9 3| Total ... £12,606 8 2 Visited 15th April, 1907.—There were 110 patients, twenty of whom were chronic cases. An institution for incurable caseg is badly needed in the Christchurch district. The chief feature of this institution is the laundry, which appears to be admirably managed. COROMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 63 Total under treatment ... ... ... 69 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 Sex. —44 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Coromandel County, 69. Country. — England, 18 ; Scotland, 1 ; Ireland, 4 ; New Zealand, 35 ; Aboriginal, 10 ; India, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,298 ; individual average days' stay, 33 - 30. Daily average cost per head, 11s. lid. ; less patients' payments, 10s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 397; attendances, 3,974. Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 528 3 9 Rations ... ... ... 217 10 8 Local bodies... ... ... 200 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 220 Subscriptions and donations ... 341 12 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 216 14 5 Patients'payments ... ... 153 3 3 Fuel, light, and hardware ... 66 4 10 Other sources ... ... 2 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 63 17 5 Balance from last year ... 148 3 10 Washing and laundry ... ... 15 17 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 693 7 9 Funerals ... ... ... 4 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 34 1 11 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 10 8 6 Insurance ... ... ... 970 Other expenses ... ... 35 13 0 Total ... ... £1,373 3 1 Total ... ... £1,369 15 0 CROMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 58 Total under treatment ... ... ... 59 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 2



Sea;.—49 males, 10 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Cromwell, 15; Bannockburn, 15; Dunstan, d; Dunedin, 1; Upper Glutha Valley, 24. , . Country.— England, 13; Scotland, 5; Ireland, 8; New Zealand, 25; Australia, 2; America, 2 ; Religion. — Eoman Catholic, 13; Church of England, 15; Presbyterian, 18; Methodist, 9; Confucian, 3. .. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,302; individual average days stay, 22. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 6d.; less patients' payments, ss. OJd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 40; attendances, 58. EeCEIPTS AND ExrENDITUKB. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 406 15 4 Eations ... ... ••• 87 1 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 238 11 4 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 62 411 Subscriptions and donations ... 157 1 2 Fuel and light ... ... ■•■ 19 14 2 Eent ... ... ■•■ 19 13 4 Bedding and clothing ... j 34 12 1 Patients'payments ... ... 161 9 8 Furniture and earthenware J Other sources ... ... "• 129 Salaries and wages ... ... 558 d b Balance from last year ... ... 58 510 Water-supply ... ... ... 20 0 0 Eepairs 26 9 4 Additions to buildings ... ... 24 18 0 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 15 12 3 Interest ... ... -•• 0 2 6 Insurance ... ... ••■ 17 14 0 Commission ... ... ■•• 010 0 Other expenses... ... ••• 50 18 9 Total ... £1,042 19 5 Total ... £918 0 9 DANNEVIEKE HOSPITAL. Number of Patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... Nil. Admitted during the year ... ... ... •■• 121 Total under treatment ... ... ... 121 Discharged ... ... ... ■•• ••• •■■ 104 Died 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 9 Sex.— 9o males, 31 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Dannevirke, Weber, Piripin, Matamau, Waione, Woodville, Ormondville, Porangahau, Takapau, and Pahiatua. Nationality.— English, Scotch, Irish, New Zealanders, Scandinavians, and Danes. Beligion.— Church of England, Presbyterian, Eoman Catholic, Wesleyan, and Lutheran. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,369 ; individual average days' stay, 18 days. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 9d. ; less patients' payments, 6s. 4d. Eecbipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,466 18 9 Eations and provisions ... 395 11 10 Local bodies... ... •■• 49910 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 613 G Subscriptions and donations ... 711 3 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 279 811 Patients'payments ... ... 71 1 0 Fuel and light ... ... 95 5 4 Other sources ... •■• 60 15 9 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Balance from last year ... 1,210 16 2 earthenware ... ... 605 4 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 573 12 8 New buildings ... ... 1,781 2 7 Printing, advertising, and postage 36 12 9 Interest ... ... ' ... 4 19 0 Insurance ... ... ... 25 18 3 Other expenses ... • ... 99 18 3 Total ... ... £4,020 5 1 Total ... £3,905 11 3



DUNBDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 114 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 1,491 Total under treatment :.. ... ... 1,605 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,367 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 132 Kemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 106 Sea;.—927 males, 564 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Alexandra, 6; Ardgowan, 1; Allanton, 6; Ashburton,!; Abbotsford, 5; Allandale, 1; Arthurton, 1; Akatore, 1; Balclutha, 13; Burnside, 8 ; Brighton, 3; Bannockburn, 1; Berwick, 4; Balfour, 2; Benhur, 1; Blue Spur, 2; Clinton, 7; Catlin's, 9 ; Clyde, 1; Cottersbrook, 1; Cromwell, 1 ; Christchurch, 1 ; Clydevale, 1 ; Dunback, 4 ; Deep Stream, 1 ; Dunedin and suburbs, 1,075; Edendale, 1 ; Fortification, 1; Flag Swamp, 3 ; Green Island, 8 ; Glenoamaru, 1; Gore, 8 ; Greymouth, 2 ; Gisborne, 1; Henley, 3 ; Hyde, 2 ; Hokitika, 1; Hawke's Bay, 1; Hawea Flat, 2 ; Hindon, 2 ; Invercargill, 5 ; Kelso, 3 ; Kaitangata, 11; Kurow, 3 ; Lawrence, 4 ; Lyttleton, 1; Lovell's Flat, 3 ; Lauder, 1 ; Mosgiel, 24; Milton, 11; Miller's Flat, 2 ; Martin Junction, 1; Merton, 2 ; Manuka Creek, 1; Middlemarch, 6 ; Morton Mains, 1; Mossburn, 1; MacEae's Flat, 2; Mangatua, 2; Mataura, 3 ; Millburn, 3; Makanui, 1; Naseby, 1; Napier, 1; Nightcaps, 1; Orepuki, 1; Oamaru, 11; Owaka, 9; Otautau, 2 ; Outram, 5; Ophir, 1; Otakaia, 2; Pukikiki, 1; Port Chalmers, 16; Palmerston, 16; Pukerau, 2; Puketeraki, 5 ; Pomahaka, 1; Puerua, 1; Queenstown, 1; Roxburgh, 3 ; Eoss, 1; Eiversdale, 1; Riverton, 1; Eock and Pillar, 1; Rangatore, 1; Shipping, 25; Sawyer's Bay, 5; Shag Point, 5; Springfield, 3 ; Sutton, 1; Seacliff, 3 ; St. Leonards, 1; Taieri, 7 ; Timaru, 5 ; Temuka, 7 ; Tapanui, 3 ; Takitika, 2; Table Hill, 1; Tuapeka, 2; Waipiata, 1; Wingatui, 2; Waitati, 6 ; Waipahi, 1; Waikouaiti, 12; Waiwera, 5; Warepa, 3; Waitahuna, 4 ; Waikaka, 3; Waipori, 2 ; Waihemo, 1; Waihola, 4; Waikaia, 2; Wanganui, 1; Wairio, 1; Wellington, 1; Westport, 1; Warrington, 2. Country.—New Zealand, 787; Scotland, 231; England, 181; Ireland, 135; China, 23; Germany, 10; Tasmania, 14 ; Sweden, 6 ; Australia, 75; United States, 5; West Indies, 3 ; Austria, 1; born at sea, 2; Finland, 1 ; Russia, 1; Jersey, 2; Canada, 1; Italy, 1; Palestine, 1. Religion. —Presbyterian, 588 ; Church of England, 408; Eoman Catholic, 239; Wesleyan and Methodist, 97; Confucian, 28; Baptist, 53; Congregationalist, 19; Church of Christ, 28; Brethren, 11; Lutheran, 2; Salvationist, 15; Greek Church, 1; Jewish, 5; Christadelphian, 2; Catholic Apostolic, 2 ; Latter-day Saint, 1; Theosophist, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 40,479; individual average days' stay, 27'14. Daily average cost per head, ss. 4Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 5Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,967 ; attendances, 5,561. Ebceipts and Expbnditube. Receipts. £ s. d. \ Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 5,176 12 4 Eations ... ... ... 2,901 9 3 Local bodies... ... ... 4,500 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 87 0 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 794 14 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,178 14 6 Patients'payments ... ... 2,128 0 3 Fuel and light ... ... 1,024 11 0 Other sources ... ... 323 12 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 116 18 6 Furniture, earthenware, &c. ... 451 12 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,457 2 5 Water-supply ... ... 167 17 6 Funerals ... ... ... 24 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 663 12 7 Additions to buildings... ... 400 0 0 New buildings ... ... 1,000 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 120 15 3 Interest ... ... ... 2 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 40 10 7 Other expenses ... ... 884 7 1 Total ... £12,922 19 4 Total ... £12,520 14 1 Visited 7th and 11th June, 1907. —The new wards should soon be ready. They appear excellent in structure and design. A more convenient sterilising-room and an operating-room for septic cases are necessary, and the Board is fully alive to these requirements. Other improvements of an extensive nature are also in contemplation. Dr. Falconer looks after this Hospital well.



DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 52 Total under treatment ... ... ... 54 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 4 Sex. —49 males, 5 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Alexandra, 13; Clyde, 13; Bald Hill Flat, 4; Matakanui, 3 ; Ophir, 7 ; Lauder, 1; Galloway, 2 ; Ida Valley, 5 ; Earnscleugh 4 ; Chatto, 2. Nationality. —English, 4 ; Scotch, 8 ; Irish, 11; New Zealand, 17 ; Australian, 3 ; China, 9 ; West Indies, 1; Prance, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 7; Roman Catholic, 11; Presbyterian, 26 ; Confucian, 9 ; Freethinker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,389; individual average days' stay, 22. Daily average cost per head, 10s. llfd.; less patients' payments, 9s. 6d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 32 ; attendances, 54. Receipts and Expbndituee. Receipts. . £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 371 7 7 Rations ... ... ... 136 6 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 219 6 3 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 8 16 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 108 11 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 32 17 10 Patients'payments ... ... 107 12 10 Fuel and light ... ... 25 2 8 Balance from last year ... 3 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 6 18 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 13 18 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 472 18 3 Water-supply ... ... 15 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 4 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery...- ... ... 11 11 0 Interest, &c. ... ... ... 2 11 0 Insurance ... ... ... 10 7 3 Commission ... ... ... 3 4 11 Other expenses ... ... 19 9 6 Total ... ... £810 7 9 Total ... ... £763 110 GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 336 Total under treatment ... ... ... 362 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ••• 308 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 29 Sex. —261 males, 101 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Cook County. Nationality. —British, 356 ; foreign, 6. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,560; individual average days' stay, 26'41. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3£d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 6fd. Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,103 2 1 Rations ... ... ... 426 19 10 Local bodies... ... ... 750 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 13 18 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 290 6 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 287 3 1 Rents ... ... ... 25 14 0 Fuel and light ... ... 182 8 1 Patients'payments ... ... 455 10 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 109 8 8 Other sources ... ... 41 2 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 177 6 4 Balance from last year ... 988 18 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,048 11 1 Repairs ... ... ... 181 3 5 New buildings ... ... 683 18 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 23 9 0 Interest ... ... ... 7 13 0 Insurance ... ... ... 35 17 1 Commission ... ... ... 369 Sanitation ... ... ... 25 5 0 Other expenses ... ... 2110 Total .. ... £3,654 13 5 Total ... ... £3,227 9 4



Visited 18th March, 1907. —There has been a good deal of trouble at this Hospital during the year. Dr. Morrison, who has been Medical Superintendent for some years, has resigned, and the Trustees have decided to appoint an honorary staff with a resident House Surgeon. Miss Stewart, who has done splendid work in the past as Matron, has been appointed Lady Superintendent, with a senior sister to assist her in instructing the nurses. GEEY RIVEE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 55 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 236 Total under treatment ... ... ... 291 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 205 Died ... 29 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 57 Sea;.—24s males, 46 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Greymouth, 75; Grey County, 174; Brunnerton, 26; other districts and shipping, 16. Country. —Great Britain and Ireland, 125; New Zealand, 64 : Australia, 21; Europe, 67 ; America, 5 ; China, 9. Religion. —Church of England, 114 ; Roman Catholic, 106; Presbyterian, 39 ; Methodist, 19 ; Salvation Army, 4 ; Confucian, 9. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 20,112 ; individual average days' stay, 69-1. Daily average cost per head, 3s. Ofd.; less patients' payments, 2s. 3^-d. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 170; attendances, 896. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,343 5 4 Dr. balance, 31st March, 1906 ... 780 1 4 Local bodies ... ... 829 3 4 Rations ... ... ... 968 14 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 298 0 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. .. 47 5 9 Bequest ... ... ... 300 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 134 4 4 Patients'payments ... ... 797 5 10 Fuel and light ... ... 194 11 9 Other sources ... ... 10 13 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 245 3 1 Bank overdraft ... ... 287 15 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 3 13 0 Salaries and wages ... . . 1,184 011 Water-supply ... ... 20 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 12 16 0 Repairs ... ... ... 69 9 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 103 17 0 Interest ... ... ... 44 0 3 Insurance ... ... ... 16 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 41 12 6 Total £3,866 4 1 Total £3,866 4 1 Visited 19th April, 1907.—The tender for the new ward has been let, and when this is finished it should be considered the chief hospital of the district, and equipped accordingly. At the time of my visit there were fifty-eight patients, of whom twenty-three were old men. Dr. Morice spends a great deal of his time at the Hospital,, and is most painstaking in his duties. Miss Thurston is a first-class Matron. Visits to the West Coast hospitals show the urgent need of establishing an Old Men's Home in the district. HAVELOCK HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 17 Total under treatment ... ... ... 20 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... i Sex. —16 males, 4 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Picton Hospital District. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,376 ; individual average days' stay, 68-8. Daily average cost per head, 3s. lid.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2£d.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 105 18 7 Eations ... ... ... 125 13 0 Local bodies ... ... 105 18 8 Fuel and light ... ... 12 10 2 From patients ... ... 30 3 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 20 3 6 Old-age pension payments ... 10 16 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 50 15 0 Funerals ... ... ... 6 10 0 Insurance ... ... ... 214 Bedding and clothing ... ... 7 10 Other expenses ... ... 28 2 7 Total ... ... £252 16 7 Total ... ... £252 16 7 HAWEEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 21 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 179 Total under treatment ... ... ... 200 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 183 Died... ... ' ... ... ... ... ... 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 7 Sex. —115 males, 85 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawera, Eltham, Manaia, Opunake, and Kaponga. Nationality. —English, 172 ; Irish, 13 ; Scotch, 11; Danes, 2 ; Americans, 2. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,973 ; individual average days' stay, 24-86. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 3|-d.; less patients' payments, 6s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,08113 9 Rations ... ... ... 439 4 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 768 10 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 4 10 Subscriptions and donations ... Ib3 13 9 I Surgery and dispensary ... 176 15 7 Patients'payments ... ... 496 20 | Fuel and light ... ... 180 12 8 Other sources ... 28 16 1] Bedding and clothing ... ... 58 13 2 j Furniture and earthenware .. 51 7 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 880 11 10 Repairs ... ... ... 16 15 0 New buildings ... ... 266 3 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 38 12 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 45 2 8 Interest ... ... ... 0 8 9 Insurance ... ... ... 21 18 2 Other expenses ... ... 345 4 5 Total ... ... £2,558 17 4 Total ... ... £2,525 11 0 —————— i ——-■—- = ——- Visited 16th May, 1907.—A well appointed and managed country hospital, with an average of about twenty patients. The women's ward was rather spoilt by each bed being curtained off by white Hangings. The laundry shows very well what may be well done without special machinery. Dr. Westenra, who has been Surgeon for some years, has left to practise in Christchurch. His departure is much regretted in the district. Dr. McGibbon has been appointed in his place. As Chairman of the Board Mr. Sutton takes great interest in the institution, and spends a good deal of time there. HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 33 Admitted during the year ... • ... ... ... 133 Total under treatment ... ... ... 166 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Died 24 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 30 Sea;.—l22 males, 44 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland. Country. —New Zealand, 47 ; England, 28; Scotland, 18 ; Ireland, 29; Australia, 8 ; Germany, 4 ; China, 2; Holland, 2 ; Austria, 1; France, 2 ; Switzerland, 6 ; Wales, 6 ; Shetland, 6 ; West Indies, 1 ; Norway, 3 ; America, 2; Fiji, 1.



Religion. —Church of England, 69 ; Presbyterian, 36 ; Soman Catholic, 44; Methodist, 2 ; Jew, 1; Confucian, 1; Wesleyan, 8; Truth, 2 ; Baptist, 2 ; Saltation Army, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,720 ; individual average days' stay, 76-6. Daily average cost per head, 4s. l-552d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2-93d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 223 ; attendances, 694. Beceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,369 18 10 Eations ... ... ... 805 14 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 682 17 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 42 15 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 404 6 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 197 16 10 Patients'payments ... ... 607 18 6 Fuel and light ... ... 197 15 2 Bequest ... ... ... 250 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 122 0 3 Eents ... ... ... 700 Furniture and earthenware ... 44 2 6 Other sources ... ... 47 711 Salaries and wages ... ... 805 5 9 Balance from last year ... 151 11 0 Funerals ... ... ... 45 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 180 19 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 63 5 7 Interest ... ... ... 0 10 Insurance ... ... ... 29 8 3 [Commission ... ... ... 17 0 0 I Other expenses ... ... 220 0 0 Total ... ... £3,521 0 4 Total ... ... £2,771 4 8 Visited 20th April, 1907.—The new ward is being erected at a cost of .£2,319 ss. There were thirty patients in the Hospital, of whom nineteen were old men Dr. Teichelmann is doing splendid work in spite of somewhat adverse conditions. INVEECAEGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ~. 48 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 464 Total under treatment ... ... ... 512 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 441 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 42 Sex. —34l males, 171 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Southland County, Wallace County, Lake County, Fiord County, Stewart Island. Country.— England, 72; Scotland, 86; Ireland, 50; New Zealand, 238; Victoria, 26; New South Wales, 4 ; Queensland, 1; Tasmania, 10; America, 4; China, 4; Wales, 2; Shetland, 2; Sweden, 3 ; Germany, 5; Denmark, 1; Jersey, 1 ; Palestine, 2 ; At Sea, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 148 ; Presbyterian, 210 ; Eoman Catholic, 9Q ; Protestant, 9 ; Baptist, 5 ; Confucian, 4 ; Salvation Army, 5 ; Primitive Methodist, 9 ; Lutheran, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 1; no religion, 1; Methodist, 25 ; Mormon, 1; Seventh Day Adventist, 1 : Christadelphian 1; Greek, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 15,753 ; individual average days' stay, 30-7. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s. ljd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,214 ; attendances, 1,436. Beceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government ... ... 1,637 1 2 Rations ... ... .. 1,026 14 1 Local bodies ... ... 1,500 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 10 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 87 10 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 266 2 7 Bequests ... ... ... 10114 6 Fuel and light ... ... 339 19 2 Rents ... ... .. 29 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 150 0 0 Patients'payments ... ... 652 12 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 50 1 2 Other sources ... ... 259 8 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,612 7 3 Balance from last year ... 239 13 1 Water-supply ... ... 37 15 0 Funerals ... ... ... 400 Eepairs ... ... ... 134 10 3 New buildings ... ... 912 3 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 24 15 6 Insurance ... ... ... 23 16 8 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Other expenses ... ... 64 19 11 Total ... ... £4,506 19 4 Total ... ... £4,658 1 7

3—H. 22.



Visited 13th June, 1907.—The Trustees are fully alive to the need for a new operatingroom and a proper steriliser. I have also written to the Board concerning some minor improvements. There are not so many chronic cases in this Hospital owing to a ward for such cases being established in connection with the Old Men's Home. This Hospital is well looked after. Miss Ewart is an excellent Matron. KUMABA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 77 Total under treatment ... ... ... 95 Discharged ... ... ... ... ••• ... 62 Died 8 Kemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 25 Sex. —73 males, 22 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kumara, 23 ; Dillman's, 10; Westbrook, 1; Hokitika, 1; Grey, 3 ; Christchurch Eoad, 3 ; Cape Terrace, 5 ; Kumara Junction, 1; Goldsborough, 11; Callaghan's, 4 ; Otira Gorge, 3 ; Inchbonnie, 1 ; Kanieri, 1; Cameron's, 1; Arahura, 1 ; Stafford, 2 : Boss, 2 ; Dunollie, 2 ; Lamplough, 1 ; Lake Brunner, 1. Country.—New Zealand, 24; Ireland, 26; England, 6; Australia, 4; Austria, 4; Sweden, 1;' Switzerland, 1 ; Scotland, 6 ; Canada, 1 ; Denmark, 1; Tasmania, 1 ; France, 1 ; Italy, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 19 ; Boman Catholic, 41; Presbyterian, 12 ; Wesleyan, 4; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,981 ; individual average days' stay, 90-66. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3|d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. llfd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 18. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 795 6 9 Bations . ... ... 502 11 10 Local bodies... ... ... 378 0 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 32 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 316 2 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 285 010 Patients'payments ... ... 412 16 1 Fuel and light ... ... 116 18 8 Other sources .. ... 8 10 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 22 3 4 Balance from last year ... 52 17 3 Bedding, clothing ... ... 83 13 0 Furniture, &c. ... ... 37 17 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 518 0 6 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Bepairs 63 10 4 New buildings ... ... 100 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 36 5 7 Insurance ... ... ... 260 Other expenses ... ... 38 19 0 Total ... ... £1,963 12 11 Total ... .. £1,859 16 1 Visited 22nd April, 1907. —There were twenty-three patients in this Hospital, eight of whom were "old men." The new ward is an excellent one, but the female-ward is not fit for surgical cases. As this Hospital is within twelve miles of Greymouth, sixteen miles of Hokitika, and within five miles of the railway by a good road, I cannot see the need for its existence. LAWEENCE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... .. ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 109 Total under treatment ... ... ... 118 Discharged ... ... ... ■•• ••■ ••• 109 Died ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 4 Sex. —69 males, 40 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Country. —New Zealand, 46; England, 11; Scotland, 22; Ireland, 21; Victoria, 5; China, 2; Tasmania, 1; America 1. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,096; individual average days' stay, 28-44. Daily average cost per head, ss. 7d.; less patients' payments, 4s



Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. From Government ... ... 260 2 6 Eations ... ... .. 288 17 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 260 2 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 26 15 6 Patients'payments . ... 195 18 11 Fuel and light ... 69 4 1 Eents... ... ... ... 2 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 9 18 7 Other sources ... ... ... 918 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 404 10 0 Balance from last year ... ... 308 1 7 Water-supply ... ... 10 0 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 3 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 16 13 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 760 Insurance ... ... ... 692 Other expenses ... ... 25 15 11 Total ... £1,039 3 9 Total ... ... £865 9 8 MASTBRTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... [9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 182 Total under treatment ... ... ... 191 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 Died 14 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 13 Sex. —131 males, 60 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Masterton, 99 ; Masterton Suburbs, 15 ; Eketahuna, 6 ; Alfredton, 9; Carterton, 5; Mauriceville, 7 ; Pahiatua, 3; Te Nui and East Coast, 16; Brancepeth, Te Parae, and Taueru, 12; Wairarapa South, 6 ; Wellington, 2 ; Auckland, 1; Feilding, 1; Featherston, 1 ; Queensland ,2 ; Picton, 1; Christchurch, 1; Sydney, 1; Dannevirke, 3. Nationality. —New Zealand, 86; English, 45; Irish, 19; Scotch, 14; Australian, 15; American, 1; Welsh, 3 ; Tasmanian, 1; German, 5; Danish, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 81; Eoman Catholic, 42; Presbyterian, 36; Wesleyan, 20; Salvationist, 5; Baptist, 1; Methodist, 3; Lutheran, 4; Plymouth Brethren, 1; 7th Eule of Jehovah, 1; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,053; individual average days' stay, 26 4 87. Daily average cost per head, ss. ll^d. ; less patients' payments, ss. 3d. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,036 5 3 Eations ... ... ... 339 8 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 979 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 813 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 440 9 2 ! Surgery and dispensary ... 138 0 2 Interest ... ... ... 187 9 2 Fuel and light ... ... 130 5 7 Patients'payments ... ... 174 4 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 103 11 10 Balance, sale of site ...• ... 680 0 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 58 16 7 Balance from last year ... ... 5,147 18 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 10 1 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 548 11 7 Funerals ... ... ... 12 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 31 15 0 New buildings ... ...4,170 16 6 Printing, advertising, telephone, postage, and stationery ... 40 10 6 Insurance ... ... ... 8166 Commission ... ... ... 30 2 7 Travelling-expenses, Trustees ... 517 0 Eent ... .. ... 25 0 0 Fencing and planting ... ... 73 1 6 Other expenses ... ... 11 0 4 Total ... ...£8,645 6 6 Total .... ...£5,746 9 4 Visited Bth April, 1907.—1t is to be hoped that the new Hospital will be opened shortly. The staff and Matron are making the best of the present conditions.



MERCUEY BAY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ■ ■ ■ • • ■ 66 Total under treatment ... ... . . 68 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ■•• •■■ 60 Died ... ... ... ... •■• ■■• 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 4 Sex. —so males, 18 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay, Tairua, and Gumtown. Nationality.—British, 59 ; Maori, 3 ; Swedish, 1; Austrian, 1; Norwegian, 1; Italian, 1; Jamaica, 2. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,543; individual average days' stay, 23-5. Daily average cost per head, 15s. 10d.; less patients' payments, 12s. 7Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 430; attendances, 1,135. - Receipts and Expbnditube. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 407 9 7 Rations ... ... ... 126191 Subscriptions and donations ... 529 8 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 3116 Rents " ... ... ... 22 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 139 6 10 Patients'payments ... ... 75 14 11 Fuel and light ... ... 23 11 6 Other sources ... ... 8 1 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 13 4 Balance from last year ... 164 16 7 ■ Furniture and earthenware ... 27 18 7 Washing and laundry ... ... 792 Salaries and wages ... ... 627 5 7 Additions to buildings... .. 118 3 11 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 10 7 11 Insurance ... ... ... 481 Other expenses ... ... 59 10 1 Total £1,207 17 7 Total £1,168 5 7 NAPIER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ...* ... 43 Admitted during the year ... ... ... • • • 553 Total under treatment ... ... ... 596 Discharged ... ... ••• ••• ••• ■•■ 515 Died 40 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 41 Sex. —410 males, 186 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts. Country. "— New Zealand, 350 ; England, 112; Ireland, 49; Scotland, 48 ; Australia, 20; Norway, 4 ; Sweden, 2 ; America, 4 ; Germany, 2 ; Denmark, 2 ; Jersey, 1; China, 1; France, 1. Beligion. Church of England, 344 ; Roman Catholic, 146; Presbyterian, 70 ; Wesleyan, 15 ; Salvation Army, 3 ; Congregational, 8 ; Lutheran, 6 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Seventh Day Adventists, 3. • Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 15,132; individual average days stay, 25. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 3d.; less patients' payments, 6s. Id. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 440.



Receipts and Expendituke. Receipts, £ s. d. | Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,777 13 0 Eations ... ... ... 1,364 8 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 950 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 34 9 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 1,867 6 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 623 14 7 Eents ... ... ... 57 7 6 Fuel and light ... ... 448 6 3 Patients' payments ... ... 501 5 7 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Other sources ... ... ... 440 910 and earthenware ... ... 354 7 2 Balance from last year ... ... 7,312 19 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,679 1 11 Water-supply... ... ... 102 12 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 343 13 5 Steam-laundry ... ... 97 3 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 56 9 8 Insurance ... ... ... 56 9 6 Commission ... ... ... 22 14 0 Other expenses ... ... 70 16 2 Total ... £12,907 1 10 Total £5,254 6 4 Visited 12th and 13th April, 1907.—Through the generosity of Mr. J. N. Williams, who recently contributed £1,000 towards the institution, the Board has decided to erect a ward on the hospital grounds for chronic invalids. Further alterations of an extensive nature are also in contemplation, and the Trustees have decided to erect new buildings on a well-considered plan as opportunity offers. Miss Connor, who has been for nine years Matron, has resigned, and been succeeded by Miss Edwards, late Assistant Matron at St. Helens, Wellington. The Hospital is very well supported by the district. NASEBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 11l Total under treatment ... ... ... 123 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 5 Sex. —94 males, 29 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Maniototo County. Country.- —New Zealand, 46 ; British, 60; China, 4; Australia, 10; Malta, 2 ; America, 1. Religion. —Presbyterian, 64 ; Church of England, 22; Eoman Catholic, 30 ; Wesleyan, 2 ; Salvationist, 1 ; Buddhist, 2 ; Freethinker, 2. . Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,796; individual average days' stay, 39. Daily average cost per head, ss. s|d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 52 ; attendances, 320. Eeceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 417 8 0 Eations ... ... ... 259 8 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 288 4 9 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 6 6 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 139 7 2 \ Surgery and dispensary ... 128 810 Patients'payments ... ... 417 19 8 Fuel and light ... ... 84 11 8 Other sources... ... .... 0 5 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 45 14 9 Balance from last year ... ... 180 1 3 : Furniture and earthenware ... 25 10 7 ! Washing and laundry ... ... 905 Salaries and wages ... ... 590 7 9 Water-supply... ... ... 800 Eepairs ... ... ... 21 8 9 Additions to buildings ... ... 51 4 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 15 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 746 Other expenses ... ... 60 6 6 Total ... ...£1,443 5 10 Total £1,312 15 3



NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 38 Admitted during the year ... ... .■. - ■■■ 313 Total under treatment ... ... ... 351 Discharged ... ... ■•• ■•• ■•• ■•• 279 Died ... 27 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 45 Sea;. —140 males, 211 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Waimea and County, 318 ; Auckland, 4 ; Hastings, 1; Havelock, 1; Wellington, 9 ; Awaroa, 1; Ghristchureh, 1; Timaru, 2 ; Blenheim, 3; Rata, 1; Waimate, 1; Hawera, 1; Westport, 8. Country.— New Zealand, 207 ; England, 76 ; Scotland, 12 ; Ireland, 16 ; Australia, 24 ; Portugal, 2; Denmark, 1; France, 1; Sweden, 3; Norway, 1; Germany, 2; Austria, 1; America, 2; Syria, 1; Holland, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 178 ; Presbyterian, 25 ; Church of Eome, 66 ; Wesleyan, 26 ; Baptist, 23; Brethren, 9; Church of Christ, 7; Congregationalist, 4; Salvation Army, 5; Lutheran, 3 ; Agnostic, 1; Hebrew, 1; Mormon, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 13,910; individual average days' stay, 39-5. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3Jd.; less patients' payments. 4s. 5Jd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 152; attendances, 992. Receipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. ! Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,138 611 \ Rations ... ... ••• 786 5 8 Local bodies ... .. ... 1,244 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 14. 4 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 112 5 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 323 13 7 Rents ... ... 194 2 6 Fuel and light ... ... 235 13 9 Patients'payments ... ... 569 11 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 110 8 3 Other sources... ... ... 208 13 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 64 5 1 Balance from last year... ... 40917 5 Salaries and wages ... ...1,337 4 6 Water-supply... ... ... 17 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 6 7 0 Repairs ... ■•■ ••• 86 1 9 Additions to buildings ... ... 351 13 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 24 5 6 Insurance ... ... ... 17 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 294 15 11 Total ... ~.£3,877 6 8 Total ... ...£3,669 13 6 NEWf PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 40 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 311 Total under treatment ... ... ... 351 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 273 Died 35 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 43 Sex. —233 males, 118 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Taranaki County, 98 ; Hawera County, 6; Egmont County, 5; Clifton County, 38; Stratford County, 43; New Plymouth, 99 ; Auckland, 1; Patea, 1; Wellington, 6 ; Wanganui, 1 ; Inglewood, 32 ; Waitara, 15; Wairarapa, 2 ; Christchurch, 2. Country.—New Zealand, 220; England, 69; Ireland, 20; Scotland, 12; Australia, 14; Germany, 1; Denmark, 3 ; Sweden, 6; America, 2; Italy, 1; Jersey, 2; Austria, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 189 ; Roman Catholic, 39 ; Presbyterian, 37 ; Wesleyan, 38 ; Baptist, 6; Salvation Army, 7; 'Primitive Methodist, 24; Seventh Day Adventists, 1 ; Unitarian, 2 ; Lutherans, 6; Congregational, 1; Church of Christ, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,195; individual average days' stay, 34-74. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2f d.; less patients' payments, 2s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —Nil.



Eeceipts and Expendituke. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,013 12 2 Eations ... ... ... 828 5 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 89113 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 32 5 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 232 810 Surgery and dispensary ... 592 15 10 Bequest ... ... ... 300 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 372 6 0 Eents ... ... ... 31 12 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 94 12 0 Patients' payments ... ... 1,982 1 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 108 6 3 Other sources ... ... 45 8 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 105 6 0 Balance from last year ... ... 295 11 10 | Salaries and wages ... ... 1,177 19 6 Water-supply ... ... 10 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ' ... 132 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 141 10 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 34 12 7 Insurance ... ~. ... 25 4 0 Commission ... ... ... 11 14 0 Other expenses ... ... 141 310 . Total ... ...£4,792 8 0 Total ... ...£3,808 1 1 Visited 23rd February, l9O7.—This institution is admirably administered by Drs. Leatham, Walker, and Wvlie, and the Matron, Miss Brown. The work is excellent. It is much to be regretted that Mr. Tisch, who has been Chairman for some years and taken so rmich interest ii. the Hospital, has resigned. His resignation is a great loss to the Hospital and district. The energy displayed by the Secretary with regard to patients' payments might well be copied in other districts. NOETHEEN WAIEOA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 .. ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 109 Total under treatment ... ... ... 118 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 6 Sex. —93 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hobson and Otamatea Counties. Nationality. —Colonial, 54 ; English, 17; Irish, 10; Scotch, 4; Austrian, 13 ; American, 4; French, 2 ; Swedish, 2 ; Norwegian, 4; German, 4; Maori, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 46 ; Eoman Catholic, 29 ; Wesleyan, 11 ; Presbyterian, 11; Plymouth Brethren, 2 ; Lutheran, 8 ; Baptist, 1 ; no religion, 10. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,142; individual average days' stay, 26-75. Daily average cost per head, 12s. 7d. ; less patients' payments, 9s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 300; attendances, 1,400. Eeceipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 749 4 3 Eations ... ... ... 260 16 11 Local Bodies ... ... ... 432 10 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 615 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 427 9 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 344 3 7 Patients'payments ... ... 539 10 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 8 0 0 Other sources ... ... 49 8 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 100 711 Balance from last year ... ... 80 4 8 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. ... 16 18 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,003 19 0 Water-supply ... ... 3 14 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 186 2 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 30 4 0 Insurance ... ... ... 15 5 1 Other expenses ... ... 190 15 10 Total ... ...£2,278 7 0 Total ... ...£2,167 2 7 Visited 7th March, 1907. —There were three patients in the Hospital. Dr, Marchesini is the Hospital Surgeon. The administration of this Hospital came in for a deal of criticism at the hands of my predecessor. On the 9th March 1 interviewed the Trustees on the subject, who unanimously passed a resolution to the effect that they would support my views with regard to the future administration of the Hospital at the forthcoming meeting of contributors. It remains to be seen what will be the outcome.



OAMABU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ••• 216 Total under treatment .. ... •. 235 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ••■ 188 Died 17 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 .... ... 30 Sex.— l62 males, 73 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Oamaru town, 83 ; Waitaki County, 128 ; outside disJ English, 37; Scotch, 37; Irish, 30; New Zealand, 107; Australian, 17; Swedish, 3 ; German, 3 ; American, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 61; Roman Catholic, 47 ; Presbyterian, 108 ; Wesleyan, 5 ; Baptist, 4 ; Salvation Army, 6 ; Church of Christ, 3 ; no religion, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,776; individual average days' stay, 37-34. Daily average cost per head, 3s. Bd.; less patients' payments, 2s. 7d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 64; attendances, 707. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government .. ... 371 02 j Rations ... ... ... 474 7 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 406 13 1 \ Wines, spirits, ale, kc. ... ... 13 10 3 Bents ... ... ... 745 15 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 122 18 8 Patients'payments ... ... 477 6 0 Fuel and light .. ... 133 8 8 Other sources ... ... 145 19 7 j Bedding and clothing ... ... 62 13 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 86 13 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 584 410 Repairs and additions ... ... 902 12 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 17 18 3 Interest 0 12 6 Insurance ... ... ... 4 14 2 Other expenses ... ... 109 5 4 Total £2,146 14 4 Total £2,512 18 11 Visited 19th June, 1907. —Twenty patients in Hospital. The wards and annexes were not very tidy. In the medical ward the windows should be extended towards the ceiling:. Tht Hospital is well situated and drained. OTAKI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ••• 115 Total under treatment ... ... ... 131 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• HO Died ... ... ... .. ••■ •■• ••• 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 12 Sex. —71 males, 44 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Otaki, 35 ; Waikanae, 12; Manakau, 11; Levin, 23; Te Horo, 8; Paraparaumu, 4; Shannon, 8; Ohau, 3; Wellington, 8; Hawera, 1; Taihape, 1 ; Nationality.— Colonial, 78; English, 4; Irish, 9; Maori, 13; Swede, 1; Australian, 6 ; Religion.— Church of England, 67; Roman Catholic, 24; Presbyterian, 9; Wesleyan, 9; Plymouth Brethren, 2; Salvation Army, 1 ; Lutheran, 1; Congregational, 1 ; Baptist, 1. " Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,200 ; individual average days' stay, 40. Daily average cost per head, 4s. s£d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. osd.



Eeceipts and Expenditure. Receipts £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. A. From Government ... ... 605 2 7 Eations ... ... ... 237 4 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 595 18 5 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 384 Subscriptions and donations ... 713 6 | Surgery and dispensary ... 61 14 11 Patients'payments ... ... 360 15 9 j Fuel and light ... ... 64 12 3 Other sources ... ... 0 17 10 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. 25 18 3 ! Salaries and wages ... ... 630 10 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 4 19 3 Additions to buildings... ... 409 17 8 Insurance ... ... ... 26 9 4 Printing, advertising, postage, &c. 5 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 100 13 5 Total .... ...£1,570 8 1 Total £1,570 8 1 PAHIATDA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 107 Total under treatment ... ... ... 116 Discharged ... ... ... ... ••• ... 102 Died ... ... ... ... ... •■• ••• 6 Bemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 8 Sex. —80 males, 36 females. Localities from which Patients Game.. —Pahiatua, Kumeroa, Mangatainoka, Woodville, Makuri, Kaitawa, Eketahuna, Konini, Hukanui, Mangahao, Nikau, Ballance, Eakanui, Maharahara, Coonoor, Dannevirke, Makairo, Mangatiti. Country.— England, 19; Scotland, 7; Ireland, 12; New Zealand, 60; Australia, 8; Norway, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 37 ; Eoman Catholic, 30 ; Presbyterian, 27; Methodist, 6 ; Church of Christ, 1 ; Baptist, 1; Wesleyan, 3 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Mormon, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,504; individual average days' stay, 21-6. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 9^d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3|d. Beceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 776 13 2 i Bations ... ... ... 228 3 4 Local bodies 421 2 7 | Wines, &e. ... ... ... 1 17 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 74 13 4 Surgery, &c. ... ... ••• 61 12 7 Bequests ... ... ■•• 340 00' Fuel and light ... ... 51 14 3 Rents ... ••• ••• 8 0 0 , Furniture, bedding, &c. ... 36 13 6 Patients'payments ... ... 315 39! Salaries and wages ... ... 453 610 Other sources ... ... 0 19 Water-supply and drainage ... 10 0 0 Balance from last year... ... 9 0 3 Funerals ... ... .. 6 0 0 i Repairs ... 77 10 10 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 18 8 9 j Interest, &c. ... ... ... 2 17 0 Insurance ... ... ... 13 13 2 I Grounds ... ... ... 11 5 9 I New buildings ... ... 419 7 6 j Other expenses ... ... 552 310 Total £1,944 14 10; Total £1,944 14 10 Visited 9th April, 1907.—Dr. Dawson looks after this small Hospital well. * PALMEBSTON NOBTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ••• 36 Admitted during year ... ... ... ••• •■• 450 Total under treatment ... ... ... 486 Discharged .... ... ... ••• ••■ •■■ 434 Died • 19 Bemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 33 Sex.—3l6 males, 170 females. Localities from which Patients came— Palmerston North - ,'445; Wanganui, 13; Patea, 1; Wellington, 12; Auckland, 1; Napier, 4; New Plymouth, 2; Dannevirke, 5; Masterton, 1; Blenheim, 1; Pahiatua, 1.

4—H. 22.



Nationality. —English, 98; Scotch, 26; Irish, 31; New Zealand, 272 ; Australian, 30; Tasmanian, 4; Danish, 4; Italian, 1 ; Chinese, 8; German, 4; Swiss, 2; American, 2; Norwegian, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 227; Presbyterian, 79; Wesleyan, 40; Primitive Methodist, 9; Lutheran, 19 ; Plymouth Brethren, 8; Baptist, 5 ; Salvation Army, 7 ; Eoman Catholic, 76; Society of Friends, 1 ; Congregational, 3; Confucian, 6 ; Agnostic, 4; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,368; individual average days' stay, 25'44. Daily average cost per head, 65.; less patients' payments, 4s. 9fd. Outdoor Patients. —No record. Eecbipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,932 6 9 Eations ... ... ... 731 9 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,524 19 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 29 1 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 626 611 Surgery and dispensary .. 448 3 8 Patients'payments ... ... 737 3 5 Fuel and light ... ... 340 17 7 Bequest ... ... ... 284 11 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 108 14 9 Other sources... .. ... 454 16 0 Furniture and earthenware . 182 0 4 Balance from last year... ... 3,571 4 3 Washing and laundry ... ... 74 10 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,420 8 8 Funerals ... ... .. 9 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 91 19 1 Additions to buildings ... ... 28 6 0 New buildings ... ...2,133 6 6 Purchase of land ... ... 375 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 74 3 6 Interest ... ... ... 066 Insurance ... ... ... 44 0 2 Other expenses ... ... 313 8 3 Total ... ...£9,131 8 2 Total ... £6,404 15 5 PATEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 74 Total under treatment ... ... ... 77 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 4 Sex. —ss males, 22 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waitotara to Waverley. Nationality. —English, 12; Scotch, 1; Irish, 15; New Zealand, 37; Australian, 2; Norwegian, 1; Swedish, 1; Danish, 2 ; American, 2 ; at sea, 1. ■ Religion. —Church of England, 39 ; Eoman Catholic, 23 ; Presbyterian, 4; Wesleyan, 6; Baptist. 1; no religion, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,011; individual average days' stay, 29. Daily average cost per head, Bs. l£d.; less patients' payments, 6s. lid. Beceipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 450 4 2 Eations ... ... ... 190 14 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 335 0 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 4 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 30 4 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 88 1 9 Bequests ... ... ... 155 10 4 Water-supply ... ... 4 0 0 Bents... ... ... ... 9 3 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 41 14 6 Patients'payments ... ... 116 13 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 13 15 5 Other sources... ... ... 16 0 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 50 13 3 Balance from last year ... ... 411 511 I Washing and laundry ... ... 24 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 340 16 4 Eepairs ... ... ... 35 6 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 13 11 9 Insurance ... ... ... 319 Other expenses... ... ... 7 10 Total ... ... £1,524 1 1 Total ... ... £816 17 9



PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... . 147 Total under treatment ... ... 158 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... .. 150 Died... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 5 Sex. —99 males, 48 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Picton, 104; Wellington, 4 ; Christchurch, 1 ; shipping, 2 ; Duneiin, 1; Blenheim, 32 ; Nelson, 2 ; Palmerston North, 1. Country. —England, 22 ; Scotland, 10 ; Ireland, 4 ; New Zealand, 101 ; Australia, 8 ; France, 1 ; Italy, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 93; Eoman Catholic, 29; Presbyterian, 21; Methodist, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,785 ; individual average days' stay, 24. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9-Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 570 8 6 Rations ... .. ~. 260 4 2 Local bodies ... ... -... 511 14 1 j Surgery and dispensary ... 120 19 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 64 16 7 Fuel and light ... ... 62 19 4 Bequest ... ... 10 0 0 Bedding and clothing, &c. ... 45 1 8 Patients' payments ... ... 296 12 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 444 17 4 Other sources... .. ... 170 0 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and Balance from last year ... ... 99 10 8 stationery ... ... ... 10 10 3 Interest ... ... ... 0 15 0 Insurance ... ... ... 9 10 0 Havelock Hospital ... ... 252 16 7 Additions to buildings ... ... 102 17 7 Septic tank ... .. ... 41 2 6 Wairau Board ... ... 29 2 0 Other expenses ... ... 206 8 5 Total £1,723 2 9 Total £1,587 4 5 QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 74 Total under treatment ... ... ... 80 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 4 Sex. —55 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake County, Southland, Vincent, Wanganui. Country. —New Zealand, 36 ; England, 7; Ireland, 13; Scotland, 13; Australia, 3; Sweden, 2; Denmark, 1; China, 1; Holland, 3; Italy 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 27; Roman Catholic, 20; Presbyterian, 30; Salvation Army, 2; Buddist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,951; individual average days' stay, 24'88. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 6Jd. ; less patients' payments, 7s. sd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 52 ; attendances, 240. Receipts and Expendituke. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 317.18 0 Rations ... ... ... 161 3 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 242 4 0 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 28 4 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 67 4 2 Fuel and light ... ... ... 4296 Patients'payments ... ... 216 1 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 486 15 0 Balance from last year ... ... 190 4 9 Repairs, Stores, and Furniture ... 166 8 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 11 0 Insurance ... ... ... 13 16 3 Commission ... ... ... 495 Other expenses ... ... 16 8 0 Total ... £1,033 12 1 Total ... ... £930 5 4



EAWENE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on March 31st, 1906 ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 56 Total under treatment ... ... ... 60 Discharged ... ... ... ... .. ... 50 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 7 Sea;.—4l males, 19 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Hokianga, 59 ; Mangonui, 1. Nationality. —English, 12; Irish, 1; Scotch, 1; New Zealanders, 26; Swedish, 3; Maoris, 26; German, 1. Religion. —Protestant, 4 ; Roman Catholic, 17 ; Anglican, 24 ; Wesleyan, 4 ; Presbyterian, 6 ; Lutheran, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,295; individual average days' stay, 21-34. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2fd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. Eeceipts and Expenditukb. Receipts. & s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 155 13 7 Rations ... ... ... 105 15 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 4112 2 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 2 16 Subscriptions and donations ... 95 1 3 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 39 18 8 Patients'paymeuts ... ... 153 11 3 Fuel and light ... ... .. 17 9 0 Bedding, clothing, and furniture ... 30 8 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 213 3 10 Water-supply ...' ... ... 8 2 0 Repairs ... 13 5 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 450 Other expenses ... .. 11 9 6 Total £445 18 3 Total £445 18 3 REEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... .. 21 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 100 Total under treatment ... ... ... 121 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ~. ... 24 Sex. — 90 males, 10 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Reefton, 50; Caplescon, 1; Waitaha, 1 ; Big River, 1; Maruia, 2; Victoria Range, 1; Totara Flat, 1; Progress Junction, 4; Ajax Hill, 3; Ahaura, 4; Cronadon, 1 ; Greymouth, 2; Murchison, 10; Lyell, 4; Globe Hill, 8; Blackwater, 6; Nelson Creek, 1. Country. —England, 13 ; Scotland, 16 ; Ireland, 23; New Zealand, 21; Sweden, 1; Australia, 18 ; Newfoundland, 1; Italy, 1; America, 2 ; Prussia, 1; Austria, 1; France, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 41; Roman Catholic, 32 ; Presbyterian, 17; Methodist, 5; Lutheran, 2; Christian, 1; Hebrew, 1 ; Nil, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,341; individual average days' stay, 69. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 5Jd.; less patients' payments, 3s. sfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 176 ; attendances, 477. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 892 7 2 Rations ... ... ... 531 3 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 250 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 26 10 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 550 18 6 j Surgery and dispensary ... 69 8 1 Bequest ... ... ... 33 0 : Fuel and light ... . ... 113 5 9 Old-age Pensioners ... ... 327 7 3 i Bedding and clothing ... ... 53 0 4 Patients'payments ... ... 151 3 2 Furniture and earthenware ... 38 6 3 Other sources... ... ... 38 2 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 479 Balance from last year ... ... 56 13 4 | Salaries and wages ... ... 822 19 10 Funerals ... ... ... 19 16 0 Repairs and additions ... ... 257 17 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 65 2 1 ! Insurance ... ... ... 11 3 11 1 Refunds—Old-age Pensions ... 76 6 8 ! Other expenses ... ... 10119 10 Total ... ...£2,269 15 1 Total ... ...£2,191 711 Visited 24th April, 1907.—Twenty-five patients in Hospital, four being chronic cases and twelve old men. The kitchen is most unsuitable for the purpose, and the Trustees have wisely decided upon considerable improvements, and plans are being prepared. The Ziman Ward is a good one, and it seems a pity that it has to be used for chronic cases or old men. The Hospital is well kept. The Matron, Miss Gosling, is very well spoken of.



RIVEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 171 Total under treatment ... ... ... 190 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 Died 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 19 Sea;.—ll7 males, 73 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Waiau, Orepuki, Riverton, Otautau, Nightcaps, Round Hill, Wamatuku, Drummond, Lumsden, Gore, Bluff. Nationality. —English, Scotch, Irish, Chinese, Maori. Religion. —-Church of England, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Roman Catholic, Confucian. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5 : 324; individual average days' stay, 28. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 4-|d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 6d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 70 ; attendances, 169. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 597 9 3 Rations ... ... ... 399 30 11 Local bodies ... ... -... 489 19 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 17 0 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 68 11 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 156 2 4 Patients'payments ... ... 501 15 8 Fuel and light ... ... 93 12 6 Other sources ... ... 18 12 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 28 13 8 Balance from last year ... ... 221 10 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 2503 Washing and laundry ... ... 14 19 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 716 11 1 Water-supply ... ... 2 17 3 Funerals ... ... ... 2 10 0 Repairs ... .. ... 68 7 11 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 28 1 7 Insurance ... ... ... 9 11 8 Other expenses ... .. 137 9 5 Total ... ...£1,897 17 6 Total ... ...£1,700 8 1 Visited 14th June, 1907.—Twenty cases in Hospital, four of whom were chronic. A well-kept Hospital. ROSS HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 29 Total under treatment ... ... ... 38 Discharged ... ... ... ■•■ ... ... 22 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 8 Sea;. —35 males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Ross, 16; South Westland, 17 ; Totara, 3 ; Hokitika, 1; Grey, 1. Country. —England, 9; Scotland, 8; Ireland, 11; New Zealand, 9; Australia, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 16; Roman Catholic, 14 ; Presbyterian, 8. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,537 ; individual average days' stay, 93-07. Daily average cost per head, 3s. llfd. ; less patients' payments, 2s. lO^d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 269 16 7 Rations, wine, spirits, ale, &c. ... 243 510 Local bodies ... ... ... 220 2 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 84 17 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 124 6 6 ! Fuel and light ... ... ... 40 10 0 Patients'payments ... ... 195 17 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 10 12 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 331 13 4 Funerals ... ... ... 4 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 45 12 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 22 3 6 Insurance ... ... ... 6 15 10 Water-supply ... ... ... 400 Other expenses... ... ... 16 1 0 Total ... ... £810 2 3 Total ... ... £810 2 3



Visited 21st April, 1907.—There were eight patients, all chronic or old men. Except as a centre for a medical man, the existence of this Hospital is hardly necessary. Dr. Telford, however, is an active and capable man, who looks after the district well. It would be a pity, perhaps, to do away with the Hospital, and thus remove an inducement for a doctor to remain in the district. SOUTH WAIEAEAPA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 86 Total under treatment ... ... ... 91 Discharged ... ... ... .. ... ... 75 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 9 Sex. —73 males, 18 females. Locality from which Patients came. —South Wairarapa. Country. — England, 20 ; Scotland, 7 ; Ireland, 9; New Zealand, 42 ; Wales, 1; Australia, 6; America, 1; France, 1 ; Sweden, 1; Norway, 2 ; Belgium, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 41; Roman Catholic, 10; Presbyterian, 30; Methodist, 10. Total collective days' stay in. Hospital, 3,265; individual average days' stay, 36. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 9£d.; less patients' payments, ss. 7fd. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,110 15 3 Rations ... ... ... 263 9 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 490 5 5 Wines, spirits, &e. ... ... 413 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 185 10 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 97 9 3 Rents ... ... ... 018 9 j Fuel and light... ... ... 94 18 8 Patients' payments ... ... 193 4 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 34152 Other sources... ... ... 16 16 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 68 0 4 Balance from last year ... ... 195 110 Washing and laundry ... ... 13 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 583 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 20 2 2 New buildings ... ... 604 14 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... .. 10 14 10 Interest ... ... ... 0 5 4 Insurance ... ... ... 15 12 7 Other expenses ... ... 59157 Total £2,192 12 1 Total £1,873 11 4 STRATFORD HOSPITAL. This Hospital was opened on the 21st February. When I visited it on the 15th May there were no patients. It is likely to be a costly luxury to the district. THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 33 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 446 Total under treatment ... ... ... 479 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 415 Died 25 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 39 Sex. —330 males, 149 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames Hospital, 44; Waikato, 13; Waihi, 19; Auckland, 3. Country. —New Zealand, 289 ; England, 82 ; Scotland, 22 ; Ireland, 51; Australia, 12; Cape Colony, 1 ; America, 2 ; Sweden, 5; Austria, 1; Germany, 3 ; Canada, 1; Poland, 4; Italy, 8 ; Holland, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 255 ; Roman Catholic, 115; Methodist, 38 ; Presbyterian, 53 ; Baptist, 10 ; Salvation Army, 6; Jewish, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 16,080; individual average days' stay, 33-59. Daily average cost per head, 3s. Id. ; less patients' payments, 2s. Id. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 370 ; attendances, 2,050.



Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Prom Government ... ... 955 62 j Bations ... ... ... 529 0 5 Local bodies... ... ... 700 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 230 Subscriptions and donations ... 120 17 10 Surgery and dispensary ... 200 5 8 Rents ... ... ... 18 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 135 5 0 Patients'payments ... ... 774 16 6 j Bedding and clothing, furniture, Other sources ... ... 30 17 0 and earthenware ..„ ... 96 2 7 Balance from last year ... 1,339 5 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,023 10 1 Consultations ... ... 186 18 0 Funerals ... ... ... 11 14 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 18 18 9 Additions to buildings... ... 62 0 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 46 19 9 Insurance ... ... ... 30 7 3 Other expenses ... ... 155 7 3 Total ... . .£3,939 3 1 Total ... ... £2,498 12 7 TIMARU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 .. ... ... 40 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 518 Total under treatment ... ... ... 558 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 52 Sex. —32s males, 193 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —-Belfast, 1 ; Timaru, 209 ; Levels County, 96 ; Mackenzie County, 50; Temuka, 38; Waimate County, 59; Geraldine County, 33 ; Oamaru, 7 ; Ashburton, 1; Christchurch, 4; Clinton, 1; Morven, 1; Seacliff, 1; Arundel, 1; shipping, 3; casual, 13. Country. —England, 89; Scotland, 59; Ireland, 77; New Zealand, 245; Australia, 22; Denmark, 1; Finland, 1; Anglo-Indian, 1 ; Italian, 1; Canadian, 1; Assyrian, 1 ; German, 2 ; Shetland Islands, 1; Dutch, 1 ; French, 3; Swede, 1 ; Tasmanian, 3 ; Swiss, 9. Religion. —Roman Catholic, 114 ; Episcopalian, 192; Presbyterian, 140 ; Salvation Army, 2 ; Primitive Methodist, y ; Wesleyan 36 ; Baptist, 2 ; Congregationalist, 6 ; Plymouth Brethren, 8; Quaker, 1; Lutheran, 2; Infidel, 1; Wesleyan Methodist, 36; Dutch Church, 1; Church of Christ, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 18,848 ; individual average days' stay, 33-77. Daily average cost per head, ss. s£d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 608 ; attendances, 1,679. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,189 19 7 Rations ... ... ... 1,736 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 2,377 4 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 12 5 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 121 16 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 397 12 7 Patients'payments ... ... 463 2 8 Fuel and light " ... ... 439 710 Other sources... ... ... 12 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 76 6 2 Furniture and earthenware ... 124 12 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,480 19 2 Water-supply... ... ... 65 2 0 Funerals .. ... ... 5 17 6 Repairs ... ... ... 130 15 1 Additions to buildings ... ... 391 8 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 69 15 5 Insurance ... ... ... 19 11 5 Other expenses ... ... 213 13 2 Total ... ...£5,164 3 1 Total ... ...£5,164 3 1 Visited 16th June, 1907.—Dr. Unwin, who so successfully managed this Hospital in the past, has joined the honorary staff, and Dr. Bett has succeeded him as Resident Surgeon. The institution was clean and in good order. The cross-ventilation of some of the wards is not good. A new operating-theatre is in course of erection, also a new laundry with modern machinery. Some old buildings and a fowl-run in the rear of the main building might well be removed.



WAIAPU HOSPITAL. (Not yet open.) Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ e. d. From Government 752 6 8 Salaries and wages SO U U Local bodies 800 0 0 New buildings _ ... ...1,719 1 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 138 0 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and Balance from last year 36 3 9 stationery J Interest ... •■• ■•■ o 4. u Insurance ... ... ■■• 16 9 2 Other expenses ... • • ■ 0 10 0 Total £V726 11 0 Total £1,794 9 4 WAIHI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ""oik Admitted during the year ... ... ••• ••• 215 Total under treatment ... ... ••• 235 Discharged ... ... ••• ••• ■•• — 20^; Died _™ Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ••• 15 Sex. —116 males, 99 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Waihi, Thames, Ohmemun, Bay of Plenty. Country.— England, 29; Scotland, 7 ; Ireland, 17; New Zealand, 153; Australia, 23; Tasmania, 2- Nova Scotia, 1; Gibraltar, 1; America, 1; Norfolk Islands, 1. ' Beliqion.- Church of England, 90 ; Roman Catholic, 48 ; Presbyterian, 56; Salvation Army, 1 ■ Church of Christ, 1; Methodist, 29; Baptist, 7 ; Congregational, 1; Primitive Methodist, 2. ' Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,794; individual average days stay, 2465. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 7%&. ; less patients' payments, Bs. 5Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 28 ; attendances, 149. Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s d^ From Government 2,757 7 11 Rations ... 507 4 b Local bodies 625 0 0 Wines, spirits ale, &c 29 16 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 188 3 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 375 910 Patients'payments 338 2 1 Fuel and light 298 14 10 Other sources 63 7 1 Bedding and clothing 3 A I Balance from last vear 250 10 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 235 18 2 Salaries and wages ... ••• l.uio u o Water-supply ... ... 11 10 0 Grounds improvement • • ■ 42 16 6 Additions to buildings ... ... 34 6 0 New buildings ... •■■ 1,501 1 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ••• 36 2 8 Interest ... ••• ••• 6 18 1 Insurance ... ... ■•• 38 19 10 Other expenses ... ■•■ 64 8 6 Total ... ...£4,222 11 8! Total £4,285 911 WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... "" r 3 q Admitted during the year ... ... ■•• ...579 Total under treatment ... ... ••• 615 Discharged ... ... ••• •■• ••• ••■ 52^ Died... ... • _^ Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 44 Sex. —443 males, 172 females. . . Localities from which Patients came. - King-country and Kawhia, 110; Waipa County 124; Hamilton, 81; Piako County, 74 ; Waikato County, 96 ; Te Aroha, 19 ; Raglan County, 24; Rotorua, 11 ; Cambridge, 11; other districts, 23.



Country. — New Zealand, 344 ; England, 112 ; Ireland, 42 ; Scotland, 14 ; New South Wales, 16; Victoria, 15; South Australia, 3; Germany, 7; India, 1; Wales, 4; Sweden, 2; Queensland, 1; Nova Scotia, 1; Denmark, 4 ; Hungary, 3 ; Norway, 2 ; Tasmania, 2 ; Ceylon, 1; East Indies, 1 ; British Columbia, 1; Isle of Man, 1 ; Portugal, 1; ac sea, 1. Religion. —Anglican, 316; Eoman Catholic, 114; Presbyterian, 65 ; Wesleyan, 44 ; Baptist, 2; Mormon, 3 ; Churchof Christ, 2; Lutheran, 3; Salvationist, 2 ; Congregationalist, 1; Seventhday Adventist, 1; Primitive Methodist, 1 ; Hebrew, 1 ; Quaker, 1 ; Methodist, 5; Plymouth Brethren, 3; no religion, 5. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 15,776; individual average days' stay, 25'6. Daily average cost per head, 6s. Ofd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 7-A-d. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,850 910 j Eations ... ... ... 1,183 13 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 2,922 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 40 15 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 178 16 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 705 8 6 Eents ... ... ... 129 13 6 Fuel and light ... ... 262 14 5 Patients'payments ... .. 1,144 5 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 143 15 5 Other sources ... ... 10 18 0 | Furniture and earthenware ... 382 12 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,621 17 11 Water-supply ... ... 129 4 3 Funerals ... ... ... 12 17 6 Eepairs, new buildings, and additions ... ... ... 2,644 3 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 35 17 1 Interest ... ... ... 70 18 0 Insurance ... ... ... 21 11 1 Other expenses ... .. 254 7 10 Total ... ... £7,236 13 1 Total ... ... £7,519 16 3 WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 167 Total under treatment ... ... ... 179 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 151 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 .. ... 20 Sex. —114 males, 65 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Country. —England, 17; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 122; Australia, 7; Germany, 1; Shetland, 1; Norway, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,846; individual average days' stay, 21-4. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 3d.; less patients' payments, 6s. 7fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 54 ; attendances, 186. Receipts and Expendituke. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 701 4 6 Eations ... ... ... 236 14 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 616 10 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 11 13 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 4 15 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 120 4 0 Patients'payments ... ... 121 15 1 Fuel and light ... ... ... 52 17 5 Other sources ... ... ... 16 1 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 52 6 1 Balance from last year ... ... 2 0 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 35 511 Salaries and wages ... ... 540 17 0 Funerals ... ... ... 12 7 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 12 8 2 Gardening, &c. ... ... ... 180 1811 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 23 5 0 Interest ... ... ... 166 Insurance ... .. ... 9 9 4 Commission ... ... ... 010 0 Other expenses... ... ... 105 8 6 Total .. £1,462 7 4 Total ... £1,395 12 2

5—H 22.



WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 34 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 323 Total under treatment ... ... ... 357 Discharged ... ... ••• •■• •■• ■•• 324 Died..." ... ... ... ■■ ... ■•• 15 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 18 Sex. —26l males, 96 females. Localities from which Patients came.—Bush, 94 ; Hastings, 11; Dannevirke, 40; Makaretu, 10; Waipukurau, 44; Coast, 23 ; Weber, 7; Masterton, 1; Waipawa, 33; Norsewood and Ormondville, 27 ; Napier, 5 ; Petane, 1 ; Kaikora, 7 ; Te Aute, 17 ; Porangahau, 19 ; Auckland, 1 ; Foxton, 1 ; Wairarapa, 1 ; South Sea Islands, 1; Matua, 2 ; Woodville, 7; Palmerston, 1; Wellington, 1 ; Pahiatua, 3. Country.— New Zealand, 151; Ireland, 42 ; Australia, 19 ; Norway and Sweden, 19; England, 71; Denmark, 13 ; Scotland, 31 ; Tasmania, 1; Eussia, 1; Switzerland, 1; America, 1; India, 3 ; British Isles, 2; born at sea, 2. Religion.— Church of England, 163; Eoman Catholic, 71; Presbyterian, 62 ; Salvationist, 6 ; Lutheran, 29 ; Wesleyan, 7 ; Methodist, 8 ; Plymouth Brethren, 5 ; Baptist, 1; Adventist, 3 ; Congregational, 2, Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,405 ; individual average days' stay, 26. Daily average cost per head, 6s. Ofd.; less patients' payments, ss. o£d. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d . From Government ... ... 1,156 15 3 Eations ... .. ... 705 911 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,660 0 0 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 22 0 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 156 9 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 251 110 Patients'payments ... ... 480 11 8 Fuel and light ... ... 181 4 8 Other sources... ... ... 3 410 Furniture and repairs ... ... 117 6 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 30 3 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,078 5 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 91 0 0 Funerals 14 19 0 Eepairs and additions . ... 250 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 25 11 7 Insurance ... ... ... 24 6 1 Other expenses ... ... 61 10 1 Total ... ...£3,457 1 2 Total ... ...£2,852 19 3 An old building which has been added to from time to time. The female-ward is poorly ventilated. The drainage arrangements are curious. The institution is well managed by Dr. Godfray. WAIEOA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 58 Total under treatment ... ... ... 62 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 5 Sea;.—sl males, 11 females. Localities from tvhich Patients came. —Wairoa County, Napier, Gisborne, Taupo. Country. —New Zealand, 34; England, 6; Ireland, 5; Aboriginal, 8; Scotland, 2; Wales, 1; New South Wales, 3 ; Queensland, 2 ; South Australia, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 35 ; Eoman Catholic, 14 ; Presbyterian, 8; Mormon, 4; Congregational, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,702 ; individual average days' stay, 27-45. Daily average cost per head, Bs. ; less patients' payments, 7s. 3fd.



Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ B. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 386 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 147 0 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 116 19 7 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 18 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 225 5 9 j Surgery and dispensary ... 51 13 0 Patients'payments ... ... 156 4 5 ' Fuel and light ... ... 60 10 1 Bedding and clothing ... ... 6 0 4 Furniture, &c. ... ... 7 2 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 7 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 385 010 Sanitation ... ... ... 38 9 8 Additions to buildings ... ... 7 3 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 7 5 Interest ... ... ... 0 5 0 Insurance ... ... ... 7 15 0 Fire extinction ... ... 56 10 6 Other expenses ... ... 87 8 6 Total ... ... £884 9 9 Total ... ... £877 8 7 WANGANUI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 54 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 577 Total under treatment ... ... ... 631 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 525 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Remaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 59 Sex. —424 males, 207 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wanganui Borough, 271; Wanganui County, 80; Taranaki, 1; Hawera, 1; Pahiatua, 1; Waimarinio County, 24; Waitotara County, 61 ; Rangitikei County, 156 ; Marton Borough, 31; Patea, 2 ; Palmerston North, 2 ; Stratford, 1. Country. —England, 113 ; Scotland, 31; Ireland, 61; New Zealand, 336; Australia, 47 ; Sweden, 4 ; United States of America, 9; Germany, 3; Channel Islands, 4; China, 1; Tasmania, 7 ; Finland, 1; Italy, 1 ; Denmark, 3 ; Switzerland, 1; India, 2; Norway, is; France, 1; Austria, 1; Canada, 1 ; Hong Kong, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 247 ; Roman Catholic, 151; Presbyterian, 142 ; Wesleyan,29; Plymouth Brethren, 5; Baptist, 5 ; Salvation Army, 7 ; Lutheran, 5; Methodist, 11; Church of Christ, 4; Protestant, 14; Christadelphian, 1; Confucian, 1; Spiritualist, 1; Jewish, 1; no religion, 7. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 22,474; individual average days' stay, 35-61. Daily average cost per head, 4s. sd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. lljd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 97 ; attendances, 504. Receipts and Expenditube. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,009 1111 Rations ... ... ...1,448 2 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,618 15 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 52 15 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 134 9 7 i Surgery and dispensary ... 557 19 9 Rents ... ... ... 1,032 5 3 j Fuel and light... ... ... 560 11 6 Patients'payments ... ... 515 2 6 i Bedding and clothing ... ... 108 13 5 Other sources... ... ... 186 16 9 | Furniture and earthenware ... 94 510 Bequest ... ... ... 84 11 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,618 9 0 Balance from last year ... ... 1,372 17 4 Water-supply... ... ... 155 8 6 Funerals ... ... ... 44 10 9 Repairs ... ... ... 31 11 3 Additions to buildings ... ... 89 7 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 54 14 1 Interest ... ... ... 75 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 21 10 0 Other expenses ... ... 138 3 7 Total ... £5,954 10 1 Total ... £5,051 3 4 Visited 17th May, 1907.-—A well-appointed and well-managed institution of modern type. Some minor alterations are about to be made in the theatre. A high-pressure steriliser is talked of. Considering the excellence of the Hospital and size of the district, it is a wonder that more surgery is not done there. Like many other hospitals it is somewhat handicapped by chronic cases. Dr. Fergus has succeeded Dr. Crawford as Resident Surgeon. The former and Miss McKenny, the Matron, who seems a particularly capable woman, are very keen to improve matters, and I have no doubt that this Hospital will soon take its proper place.



WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 201 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 2,192 Total under treatment ... ... 2,393 Discharged ... ... ... ... ••■ 1,999 ■ Died ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 156 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... 238 Sex. —1,466 males, 927 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington Hospital District : Wellington City, 1,643; Wellington Suburbs, 239; Petone, 130; Lower Hutt, 50; Upper Hutt, 30; Levin, 15; sundry small places in district, 216. Wairarapa Hospital District, 38 ; Inangahua Hospital District, 27 ; Palmerston North Hospital District, 31; Auckland Hospital District, 16 ; Wanganui Hospital District, 14 ; Taranaki Hospital District, 6 ; Hawke's Bay Hospital District, 6 ; North Canterbury Hospital District, 5 ; Waipawa Hospital District, 2; Grey Hospital District, 5; Nelson Hospital District, 7; South Canterbury Hospital District, 3; Wairoa Hospital District, 5; Dunedin Hospital District, 2 ; ships in port, 76 ; Sydney, 2 ; Melbourne 1 ; locality not stated, 6. Nationality of Patients.— Colonials (New Zealand), 1,244; Colonials (Australian), 128; English, 493; Irish, 269; Scotch, 160; Welsh, 8; Norwegians, 14; Swedes, 9; Italians, 5; Americans, 6 ; Germans, 27 ; Jews, 4 ; Syrians, 8 ; Danes, 3 ; Dutch, 3 ; Finlanders, 2 ; South Africans, 4 ; Canadians, 2 ; Chinese, 9; French, 2; .Russian, 1; Swiss, 4 ; Maltese, 1 ; Austrian, 2 ; Greek, 1 ; Jersey, 1; Cingalese, 1; Japanese, 1 ; Manxman, 1. Religion of Patients.— Church of England, 1,093 ; Roman Catholic, 524; Presbyterian, 388 ; Primitive Methodist, 14 ; Baptist, 57 ; Salvation Army, 18 ; Plymouth Brethren, 3; Lutheran, 13; Hebrew, 21 ; Church of Christ, 5 ; Congregationalism 21; Spiritualist, 4; Greek Church, 1; Christadelphian, 1; Confucian, 4; Unitarian, 4; Methodist, 167; Brethren, 4; Freethinkers, 3 ; Latter-day Saint, 1; Buddhist, 1 ; Druse, 1 ; religion not given, 45. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 79,600; individual average days' stay, 33-21. Daily average cost per head, Is. 9-Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 2,568 ; attendances, 11,531. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 9,50116 9 ] Rations ... ... ... 4,745 0 4 Local bodies ■ ... ... 8,340 0 0 j Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 166 18 6 Loan ... ... ... 1,000 0 0 i Surgery and dispensary ... 1,763 3 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 1,020 11 5 Fuel and light ... ... 1,668 5 4 Bequest ... ... ... 200 0 0 Bedding and clothing . 652 8 4 Rents ... ... ••• 2,643 6 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 210 0 7 Patients'payments ... ... 2,681 0 9 Washing and laundry ... 736 17 11 Other sources ... ... 133 7 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 7,024 0 6 Balance from last year ... 3,488 611 Water-supply ... ... 280 7 0 Funerals ... ... ... 30 7 6 Repairs ... ... ... 1,003 811 Additions to buildings, grounds, &c 3,779 5 10 New Buildings ... ... 3,965 12 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 180 2 6 Interest ... ... ... 832 13 3 Insurance ... ... ... 99 10 11 Repayment of loan (part) ... 500 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 413 6 9 Total £29,008 Total £28,051jL0 4 Visited several times. —The chief wants are a children's ward and proper isolation ward for infectious cases. The present scarlet-fever ward is too near the main building, and also too near the children's ward. At any moment infection might spread to either. The children's ward is entirely unsuitable for its purpose. At the present moment the Trustees are being subjected to considerable criticism on account of the Hospital expenditure, but critics must remember that the Wellington Hospital has undertaken greater responsibilities with regard to the sick of the district than any other hospital in the colony. In addition to the ordinary beds, special accommodation is available for forty chronic invalids and seventeen consumptives. Added to the above, a sanatorium for the open-air treatment of consumption has just been opened at Otaki. I cannot but think that much of the criticism is directed at the "system" and not at the Trustees. The Chairman and Trustees take a deal of interest, and spend a considerable amount of time in hospital affairs. Dr. Ewart has the economics of the institution much on his mind, and I have no doubt that under his able management the expenditure will be considerably reduced, especially as I understand he has been given a free hand. The institution maintains its reputation for efficiency and discipline. Miss Payne has gone Home on leave for a few months, Miss Berry taking her place.



WESTPOET HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1906 ... ... ... 25 Admitted during the year ... ... ... • • • 166 Total under treatment ... ... ... 191 Discharged ... ... ... ... ••• ■•• 148 Died ... 16 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 27 Sex. —153 males, 38 females. Locality from which Patients came.— Buller district and Wellington. Country.— England, 40; Ireland, 31 ; Scotland, 20; New Zealand, 64; Australia, 20; Germany, 4; Sweden, 6; Shetland, 2; France, 2; India, 2 Religion.— Church of England, 57 ; Eoman Catholic, 65 ; Presbyterian, 32; Methodist, 21; Freethinker, 10 ; Salvation Army, 6. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 10,310; individual average days' stay, 53. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 3Jd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. lOfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 141; attendances, 535. Ebcbipts and Expenditure. lieceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 643 11 5 j Eations ... ... ... 748 610 Local bodies... ... ... 726 33 [ Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 64 8 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 80 15 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 334 510 Eents ... ... ... 4117 4 Fuel and light... ... ... 145 810 Patients'payments ... ... 200 12 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 9 4 Other sources ... ' ... 8 12 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 48 18 0 Balance from last year ... 504 13 9 ! Salaries and wages ... ... 708 0 2 Water-supply... ... ... 10 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 28 4 4 Repairs ... ... ... 27 2 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery, &c. ... ... 43 1 3 Insurance ... ... ... 10 8 4 Other expenses ... ... 18 12 9 Total ... ... £2,206 6 4 Total ... ...£2,206 6 4 The new Hospital is nearly finished. A portion of the old building will do very well for the chronic and aged cases, until such time as the West Coast authorities face the situation with regard to the aged poor and establish a central Old Men's Home. I quite agree with my predecessor that the above and the Grey River Hospital should be regarded as the chief hospitals of the West Coast, and be fully furnished and equipped accordingly. Of 27 patients when I visited this Hospital 13 were old men. WHANGAEEI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1907 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 115 Total under treatment ... ... ... 120 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 Died ... 3 Eemaining on 31st March, 1907 ... ... 7 Sex. —86 males, 29 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Whangarei, 88 ; Bay of Islands, 19; Whangaroa, 2; Otamatea, 1; Pahiatua, 1; Mangonui, 2 ; Wairoa, 1; unknown, 1. Country. — England, 17; Scotland, 4; Ireland, 11; New Zealand, 58; Australia, 7 ; Germany, 2 ; Austria, 3 ; Norway, 2 ; France, 1; Sandwich Islands, 1; India, 1 ; Tasmania, 1; not known, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 56; Eoman Catholic, 18 ; Presbyterian, 14 ; Wesleyan, 11; Lutheran, 2 ; Salvationist, 3 ; Mormon, 5 ; unknown, 6. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,194 ; individual average days' stay, 19'9. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 11-Jd. ; less patients' payments, 6s. s^d.



Eeceipts and Expendituke. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 304 8 1 Eations ... ... ... 279 15 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 42718 1 I Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 120 Subscriptions and donations ... 260 8 1 Surgery and dispensary (medical Eents ... ... ... 440 attendance and drugs) ... 294 011 Patients'payments ... ... 171 13 10 Fuel and light ... ... 47 7 5 Furniture, &c. ... ... 22 0 3 Bedding, &c. ... ... ... 24 7 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 332 7 0 Funerals ... .. ... 11 5 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 13 0 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 31 14 5 Insurance ... ... ... 13 10 2 Other expenses ... ... 98 2 2 Total £1,168 12 1 Total ... ... £1,168 12 1 Visited 11th March, 1907.—A pleasantly situated and well-managed little Hospital. An isolation-room is needed. Mr. J. D. Mackenzie, Chairman of the North of Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, takes a deal of interest in this institution. I have, &c, T. H. A. Valintine, Inspector-General.



Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals for the Year ended the 31st March, 1907.

Hospitals. Number of Patients on March 31, 1906. Number of Patients admitted during Year. Total under Number nifld Treatment. discharged. Number remaining on March 31,1907. Sc !X. I rrTwlvc ! Individual Average Sifstev Average Daily Cost per Days' Stay. Patient. Percentage of Cost of Administration on Total Expenditure. INumber of Om idoor Patients. M. F. Individual Cases. Attendances. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auokland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dannevirke Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Havelook Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson.. New Plymouth .. Northern Wairoa Oamaru Otaki .. Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Rawene Reefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waihi Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 2 3 19 178 18 11 107 6 1 114 2 26 55 3 21 33 48 18 9 9 2 43 12 38 40 19 16 9 36 3 11 6 4 21 19 9 5 33 40 20 36 12 34 4 54 201 25 5 38 74 189 2,017 244 20 1,528 63 58 121 1,491 52 336 236 17 179 133 464 77 109 182 66 553 111 313 311 109 216 115 107 450 74 147 74 56 100 171 29 86 446 518 215 579 167 323 58 577 2,192 166 115 40 77 208 2,195 262 31 1,635 69 59 121 1,605 54 362 291 20 200 166 512 95 118 191 68 596 123 351 351 118 235 131 116 486 77 158 80 60 121 190 38 91 479 558 235 615 179 357 62 631 2,393 191 120 36 68 186 1,816 231 - 20 1,342 '60 55 104 1,367 44 308 205 13 183 112 441 62 109 164 60 515 112 279 273 100 188 110 102 434 68 150 75 50 79 159 22 75 415 457 201 527 151 324 52 525 1,999 148 110 2 6 11 189 10 176 4 2 8 132 6 25 29 3 10 24 29 8 5 14 4 40 6 27 35 12 17 9 6 19 5 3 1 3 18 12 8 7 25 49 19 44 8 15 5 47 156 16 3 2 3 11 190 21 117 5 2 9 106 4 29 57 4 7 30 42 25 4 13 41 5 45 43 6 30 12 8 33 4 5 4 7 24 19 8 ' 9 39 52 15 44 20 18 5 59 238 27 7 19 55 170 , 1,473 161 31 1,005 44 49 90 927 49 261 245 16 115 122 341 73 69 131 50 410 94 211 233 93 162 71 80 316 55 99 55 41 90 117 35 73 330 325 116 443 114 261 51 424 1,466 153 86 21 22 38 722 83 630 25 10 31 564 5 101 46 4 85 44 171 22 40 60 18 186 29 140 118 25 73 44 36 170 22 48 25 19 10 73 3 13 149 193 99 172 65 96 11 207 927 38 29 708 1,258 6,794 67,128 8,212 2,129 39,577 2,298 1,302 3,369 40,479 1,389 9,560 20,112 1,376 4,973 12,720 15,753 6,981 3,096 5,053 1,543 15,132 4,796 13,910 12,195 3,142 8,776 5,200 2,504 12,368 2,011 3,785 1,951 1,295 8,341 5,324 3,537 3,265 16,080 18,848 5,794 15,776 3,846 9,405 1,702 22,474 79,600 10,310 2,194 17-7 17 32-66 30-58 31 68 24-20 3330 22 18 27-14 22-64 26-41 691 68-SO 24-86 76-6 30-7 90-66 28-44 26-87 22-5 25 39 39-50 34-74 2675 37-34 40 21-6 25-44 29 24 24-88 21-38 69 28 93-07 36 33-59 33-77 24-65 25-6 21-4 26 27-45 35-61 33-21 53 19-9 £ s. d. 0 13 7 0 5 11 0 5 3 0 4 10J 0 6 4 0 5 0J 0 5 11 0 11 11 0 7 6 0 6 9 0 5 4J 0 10 11| 0 5 3J 0 3 Oj 0 3 8 0 8 3J 0 4 1 0 4 9 0 5 8j 0 5 7 0 5 11J 0 15 10 0 6 3 0 5 5} 0 5 3J 0 6 2} 0 12 7 0 3 8 0 4 5J 0 6 9§ 0 6 0 0 8 1J 0 5 9J 0 9 6 0 6 2} 0 4 51 0 6 4J 0 3 11 0 6 94 0 3 1 0 5 5J 0 9 7J 0 6 0} 0 7 3 0 6 0} 0 8 0 0 4 5 0 4 94 0 4 31 0 7 HJ 0 5 74 •• 36 30-8 30-79 52-87 66 28-57 83-21 - 35-32 851 46-75 10-87 54-62 33 46-25 37 31-82 '48 464 1,863 397 40 1,967 32 170 223 1,214 18 5 430 440 52 152 300 64 '57 4,355 9,936 3,974 58 5,561 54 896 694 1,436 63 1,135 320 992 1,400 707 23-91 - 23-43 28--50 62 240 - 39-1 176 70 477 169 - 46-83 370 608 28 2,050 1,679 149 21-82 40-4 54 186 45-4 36-40 97 2,568 141 504 11,531 535 38 Totals 1.449 16,072 17,521 14,686 549,371 34-71 36-45 12,053 49,158 |l,314 1 521 11,500 5,767


H.— 22.

Table showing the Receipts on Account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Hospitals. From Government. From Hospital Boards and Local Authorities. Voluntary Contributions. Bequests. Rents, &c. Payments by Patients. Other Sources. Balance from Last Year. Total Keceipts. £ s. d. 230 5 8 458 17 5 750 18 0 6,867 19 1 1,097 2 5 188 13 10 5,727 10 9 528 3 9 406 15 4 1,466 18 9 5,176 12 4 371 7 7 1,103 2 1 1,343 5 4 105 18 7 1,081 13 9 1,369 18 10 1,637 1 2 795 6 9 260 2 6 1,036 5 3 407 9 7 1,777 13 0 417 8 0 1,138 6 11 1,013 12 2 749 4 3 371 0 2 605 2 7 776 13 2 1,932 6 9 450 4 2 570 8 6 317 18 0 155 13 7 892 7 2 597 9 3 269 16 7 1,110 15 3 752 6 8 955 6 2 2,189 19 7 2,757" 7 11 2,850 9 10 701 4 6 1,156 15 3 386 0 0 1,009 11 11 9,501 16 9 643 11 5 304 8 1 £ s. d. 230 5 9 300 10 0 700 0 0 6,867 19 1 1,288 6 3 68 0 0 5,718 3 10 200 0 0 238 11 4 499 10 0 4,500 0 0 219 6 3 750 0 0 829 3 4 105 18 8 768 10 11 682 17 6 1,500 0 0 378 0 1 260 2 6 979 0 0 £ s. d. 1 £ s. d. £ S. d. ; £ s. d. 19 14 0 176 15 7 327 16 5 3,275 19 7 436 15 0 145 5 4 1,240 16 5 153 3 3 161 9 8 71 1 0 2,128 0 3 107 12 10 455 10 6 797 5 10 30 3 4 496 2 0 607 18 6 652 12 1 412 16 1 195 18 11 174 4 9 75 14 11 501 5 7 417 19 8 569 11 5 1,982 1 0 539 10 4 477 6 0 360 15 9 315 3 9 737 3 5 116 13 6 296 12 10 216 1 2 153 11 3 151 3 2 501 15 8 195 17 0 193 4 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 480 5 5 1,092 18 10 1,999 7 1 18,317 5 6 4,851 13 11 588 13 10 13,740 9 3 1,373 3 1 1,042 19 5 4,020 5 1 12,922 19 4 810 7 9 3,654 13 5 3,866 4 1 252 16 7 2,558 17 4 3,521 0 4 4,506 19 4 1,963 12 11 1,039 3 9 8,645 6 6 1,207 17 7 12,907 1 10 1,443 5 10 3,877 6 8 4,792 8 0 2,278 7 0 2,146 14 4 1,570 8 1 1,944 14 10 9,131 8 2 1,524 1 1 1,723 2 9 1,033 12 1 445 18 3 2,269 15 1 1,897 17 6 810 2 3 2,192 12 1 1,726 11 0 3,939 3 1 5,164 3 1 4,222 11 8 7,236 13 1 1,462 7 4 3,457 1 2 884 9 9 5,954 10 1 29,008 9 4 2,206 5 4 1,168 12 1 Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dannevirke Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Havelook Hawera Hokitika Invercargill . Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Northern Wairoa Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Rawene Reefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Te Puia, Waipiro Bay Thames Timaru Waihi .: Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa . Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 75 15 0 33 12 11 33 0 0 100 0 0 17 12 6 341 12 3 157 1 2 711 3 5 794 14 7 108 11 1 290 6 1 298 0 6 100 0 0 •• " 246 4 0 51 0 0 10 0 0 5 8 6 10 18 8 1,025 10 10 144 3 11 75 12 4 109 14 0 •• •• 200 0 0 47 16 7 2 0 0 12 9 60 15 9 323 12 2 1,801 6 4 76 14 8 788 9 2 148 3 10 58 5 10 1,210 16 2 19 13 4 2o' 14 0 41 2 6 298 y 1 10 16 0 28 16 11 47 7 11 259 8 1 8 10 0 9 18 3 867 9 2 8 16 440 9 10 0 5 0 208 13 1 45 8 6 49 8 0 145 19 7 0 17 10 0 19 454 16 0 16 0 0 170 0 1 3 10 0 988 18 3 300 0 0 j •• .. 950 0 0 288 4 9 1,244 10 0 891 13 8 432 10 0 595 18 5 421 2 7 1,524 19 5 335 0 0 511 14 1 242 4 0 41 12 2 250 0 0 489 19 2 220 2 2 490 5 5 800 0 0 700 0 0 2,377 4 4 625 0 0 2,922 10 0 616 10 10 1,660 0 0 116 19 7 1,618 15 4 8,340 0 0 726 3 3 427 18 1 183 13 9 404 6 7 87 10 5 316 2 0 3 0 0 440 9 2 529 3 0 1,867 6 7 139 7 2 112 5 4 232 8 10 427 9 9 406 13 1 7 13 6 74 13 4 626 6 11 30 4 2 64 16 7 67 4 2 95 1 3 550 18 6 68 11 0 124 6 6 185 10 9 138 0 7 120 17 10 121 16 6 188 3 8 178 16 1 4 15 0 156 9 5 225 5 9 134 9 7 2,020 11 5 80 15 6 260 8 1 250' 0 0 101 14 6 -• - 300 0 0 •• 340 0 0 284 11 5 155 10 4 10 0 0 7 0 0 29 0 0 2 0 0 23* 12 0 57 7 6 194' 2 6 31 12 0 745 15 6 8 0 0 9 3 0 151 11 0 239 13 1 52 17 3 308 1 7 5,147 18 2 164 16 7 7,312 19 4 180 1 3 409 17 5 295 11 10 80 4 8 9 0 3 3,571 4 3 411 5 11 99 10 8 190 4 9 33 0 365 9 11 18 12 0 56 13 4 221 10 5 195 1 10 36 3 9 1,339 5 7 0 18 9 16 16 1 18 0 0 774 16 6 463 2 8 30 17 0 12 0 0 63 7 1 10 18 0 16 1 6 3 4 10 33b 2 1 129 13 6 1,144 5 8 121 15 1 480 11 8 156 4 5 515 2 6 2,681 0 9 200 12 9 171 13 10 250 10 11 2 0 5 84 11 5 200 0 0 1,032 5 3 2,643 6 6 41 17 4 4 4 0 186 16 9 133 7 0 8 12 4 1,372 17 4 3,488 6 11 504 12 9 5,599 10 9 Totals 68,726 6 4 56,985 3 6 13,637 1 3 2,329 10 8 5,667 11 3 26,577 17 7 31,353 11 10 210,876 13



Table showing the Expenditure on Hospitals during the Year ended the 31st March, 1907.


Hospitals. Rations w| A , and &c Provisions. Surgery and Dispensary. Fuel and Light. Bedding and Clothing. Furniture, Crockery, &c. W and ng Salaries Laundry. and Wa S es - Watersupply. Funerals. Repairs. Additions to Buildings, &c., and NewBuildings. Printing, Advertising, Postage, and Stationery. For Interest. For Insurance. For Commission. Other Expenses. Total. Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston .. Christchurch Coromandel .. Cromwell Dannevirke .. Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Havelock Hawera Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton .. Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth North'nWairoa Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston N. Patea Picton Queenstown .. Rawene Reefton Riverton Ross S. Wairarapa Te Puia Thames Timaru Waihi Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington .. Westport Whangarei .. £ s. d. 105 3 4 184 5 3 326 17 9 4,727 7 10 619 4 o 201 1 9 2,552 9 5 217 10 8 87 1 3 395 11 10 2,901 9 3 136 6 1 426 19 10 968 14 2 125 13 o 439 4 2 805 14 3 1,026 14 1 502 11 10 288 17 5 339 8 8 126 ig 1 1,364 8 1 259 8 3 786 5 8 828 5 4 1 260 16 11 474 7 4 237 4 7 228 3 4 73i 9 3 igo 14 g 260 4 2 161 3 3 105 15 3 531 3 4 399 10 n 243 5 10 263 9 8 7 3° 16 7 11 13 10 3 68 9 4 47 6 6 6 11 6 145 14 10 220 6 13 o 87 o 5 8 16 o 13 18 6 47 5 9 •• 410 i 42 15 6 10 7 o 1 32 10 o £ s. d. 27 10 2 17 o o 102 16 I 1,850 16 8 238 o 9 38 12 9 ' 1,004 17 1 ' 216 14 5 62 4 n 1 279 8 11 1 1,178 14 6 1 32 17 10 ' 287 3 1 I 134 4 4 1 176 15 7 i 197 16 10 > 266 2 7 ) 285 O IO 26 15 6 1 138 O 2 1 139 6 10 i 623 14 7 i 128 8 10 1 323 13 7 ) 592 15 10 ' 344 3 7 ; 122 18 8 61 14 11 > 61 12 7 1 448 3 8 1 88 1 9 120 19 7 28 4 7 1 39 18 8 69 8 1 1 156 2 4 84 17 8 97 9 3 22 15 11 916 7 205 7 5 1,223 6 9 109 3 10 15 9 6 1,160 8 6 66 4 10 19 14 2 95 5 4 ' 1,024 XI ° 1 25 2 8 182 8 1 194 11 9 12 10 2 ■ 180 12 8 1 197 15 2 ■ 339 19 2 1 116 18 8 1 69 4 1 : 130 5 7 1 23 II 6 1 448 6 3 1 84 11 8 ' 235 13 9 1 372 6 o 100 7 11 ! 133 8 8 64 12 3 51 14 3 I 340 17 7 1 41 14 6 62 19 4 42 9 6 17 9 o 113 5 9 93 12 6 40 10 o 94 18 8 £ s. d. - •• 137 12 2 781 12 4 •• 3 1 1 1 370 1 6 ' 63 17 5 1 116 18 6 1 6 18 5 109 8 8 I 245 3 1 : 710 i 58 13 2 1 122 o 3 : 150 o o i 83 13 o 9 18 7 103 11 10 1 19 13 4 £ s. d. 8 19 1 36 19 3 220 10 9 239 2 10 •■ J j 202 5 6 34 12 1 605 4 8 1 451 12 6 13 18 11 1 177 6 4 3 13 ° 1 20 3 6 i 51 7 7 I 44 2 6 I 50 I 2 1 3717 O £ s. d. •• 493 4 5 15 17 6 140 1 22 3 4 £ s. d. 150 o o 462 18 4 643 10 2 5,167 14 11 gn 18 11 240 18 o 4.754 8 2 693 7 9 558 3 6 573 12 8 3.457 2 5 472 18 3 1,048 11 1 1,184 on 50 15 o 880 11 10 805 5 9 1,612 7 3 518 o 6 404 10 o 1 548 11 7 ; 627 5 7 1,679 1 11 i 590 7 9 1,337 4 6 1 1,177 19 6 1 1,003 J 9 o 584 4 10 630 10 6 453 6 10 1,420 8 8 ' 34° 16 4 444 17 4 486 15 o 213 3 10 1 822 19 10 1 716 11 1 33i 13 4 583 o o 50 o o 1,210 8 1 1,480 19 2 1,018 17 8 1,621 17 11 540 17 o 1,078 5 5 385 o 10 1,618 9 o 7,024 o 6: 708 o 2 332 7 o £ s. d.i - 425 o 9 •• I .. 20 o o 167 17 6 15 o ol 25 5 o 20 o o I 37 15 0| \£ s - d - 6 15 o 30 2 11 34 9 o 300 600 31 4 o 4 10 o I ■ - i ! 24 o o i| 4 o o I: 1! 12 16 O 6 10 o 45 o o 1400 I 20 o o £ s. d. - 35 5 4 517 11 9 46 18 11 12 10 8 521 16 6 34 1 11 26 9 4 663 12 7 181 3 5 1 69 9 o 16 15 o 1 180 19 7 1 134 10 3 16 13 o 1 31 15 o £ s. d. no g 10 60 15 7 1,087 8 o! 15 15 ol 24 18 o 1,781 2 7 1,400 o o 683 18* 6 •• 304 10 o •■ ' 912 3 o 163 10 4 £ *■ d. •• I 10 2 6 16 5 o 143 16 4 66 5 1 6 5 11 63 7 6 10 8 6 15 12 3 36 12 9 1 120 15 3 11 11 o 23 9 o 103 17 o •■ . 45 2 8 63 5 7 1 24 15 6 36 5 7 760 1 40 10 6 10 7 11 56 g 8 i 15 2 6 24 5 6 34 12 7 1 30 4 o 17 18 3 : 500 i 18 8 g ' 74 3 6 13 n 9 10 10 3 10 11 o £ s - d. - 2 15 6 026 4 19 o 226 J 2 11 o 7 13 o 44 o 3 089 010 o 19 o £ s. d. - 996 27 18 3 19 13 i° 227 99 4 11 970 17 14 ° 25 18 3 40 10 7 10 7 3 35 17 1 16 15 o 2 1 4 21 18 2 29 8 3 23 16 8 260 692 8 16 6 4 8 1 56 9 6 7. 4 6 17 15 o 25 4 o 15 5 1 4 14 2 26 9 4 13 13 2 44 o 2 3 1 9 g 10 o 13 16 3 £ *• d. 25 6 2 60 o 7 39 7 i° o 10 o o 10 o 369 17 o o o 10 o £ s- d. 57 3 2 7° 4 5 191 18 10 1,487 17 10 696 2 6 4 1 3 1,661 2 5 35 13 ° 50 18 9 99 18 3 884 7 1 22 4 5 21 1 o 821 13 10 28 2 7 345 4 5 220 o o 64 on 38 19 o 25 15 11 41 17 4 59 10 1 70 16 2 60 6 6 294 15 11 141 3 10 190 15 10 109 5 4 100 13 5 563 9 7 3i3 8 3 710 529 9 6 16 8 o n 9 6 256 13 8 137 9 5 16 1 o 59 15 7 o 10 o 155 7 3 213 13 2 64 8 6 254 7 10 105 8 6 61 10 1 125 18 2 138 3 7 913 6 9 18 12 9 98 2 2 11,956 8 3 £ s. d. 480 5 5 847 4 8 1.777 16 4 18,317 5 6 3,012 12 2 53° 15 0 12,606 8 2 1,369 15 o 918 o 9 3.905 11 3 12,520 14 1 763 1 10 3.227 9 4 3.866 4 1 252 16 7 2,525 n o 2,771 4 8 4,658 1 7 1,859 16 1 865 g 8 5.746 9 4 1,168 5 7 5.254 6 4 1.312 15 3 3,669 13 6 3,808 1 1 2.167 2 7 2,512 18 11 1,570 8 1 1,944 14 10 6,404 15 5 816 17 9 1.587 4 5 930 5 4 445 18 3 2,26g 15 1 1,700 8 1 810 2 3 1,873 11 4 1.794 9 4 2,4g8 12 7 5,164 3 1 4.285 g 11 7,519 16 3 i,395 12 2 2,852 19 3 877 8 7 5,051 3 4 28,051 10 4 2,206 6 4 1.168 12 1 i s'i 3 3 3 11 6 34 9 6 ; 6 6 6 i 14 4 o 32 5 o 6 15 6 13 10 3 3 8 4 1 17 6 29 1 o 410 1 1 45 14 9 1 no 8 3 , g4 12 o 1 58 16 7 27 18 7 354 7 2 1 25 10 7 ; 64 5 1 1 108 6 3 16 18 o ' 86 13 3 10 1 9 7 9 2 905 105 6 o 800 I 10 o o 102 12 6 1800 1 17 o o 1 10 o o 12 O O >| 6 7 o 1141 10 9 •• 343 13 5 21 8 9 , 86 1 9 1 132 o o 14,243 18 o 118 3 11 97 3 7 1 5i 4 3 1 35i 13 ° 186 2 9 902 12 2 1 4°9 17 3 ' 419 7 6 2,536 12 6 •• 30 2 7 22 14 O II 14 O ! 62 13 6 i 25 18 3 1 18 6 g 108 14 9 13 15 5 45 1 8 1 3 14 o 1 •• 1 '! 4 19 3 1 77 10 10 1 91 19 1 35 6 3 i o 12 6 I 18 6 9 1 182 o 4 i 5° 13 3 I 10 O Oj 1600 900 I 2 17 O 1066 1 74 10 2 24 o o 400 166 8 4 13 5 1 102 17 7 - : o 15 o 4 9 5 216 26 10 6 17 o 6 30 8 5 1 53 o 4 28 13 8 1 10 12 3 34 15 2: 38 6 3 ; 25 o 3 ■■ 4 7 9 14 19 o . •■ .820 2 17 3 400 19 16 o i 2 10 o 1 4 10 o 300 1 68 7 11 1 45 12 10 1 20 2 2 •• 257 17 7 4 5 0 65 2 1 28 1 7 22 3 6 i 10 14 10 3 4 6 46 ig 9 69 15 5 36 2 8 35 17 1 23 5 o 25 11 7 13 7 5 54 14 1 180 2 6 43 1 3 3i 14 5 1,861 2 3: n 3 11 9 11 8 6 15 10 15 12 7 16 9 2 30 7 3 19 11 5 38 19 10 31 H ! 9 9 4 24 6 1 7 15 ° 21 10 o 99 10 11 10 8 4 13 10 2 4 13 o 68 o 4 •• 13 o ol 604 14 9 1,719 1 8 62 o 10 39i 8 o !.535 7 6 2,644 3 2 180 18 11 250 o o 63 I 4 2 89 7 6 7.744 18 8 - 0 5 4 540 •• •• •• I •• 96 2 7 124 12 9 235 18 2 382 12 5 35 5 " 117 6 9 720 94 5 10 210 o 7 48 18 o 24 7 1 i • • •• 18 18 9 130 15 1 42 16 6 529 o 5 1,736 16 9 507 4 6 1,183 13 8 236 14 7 705 9 11 147 o 1 1,448 2 10 4.745 o 4 748 6 10 279 15 5 37,098 6 2 1 230 12 5 3 29 16 8 40 15 o 11 '3 3 22 o 6 1 8 6 52 15 4 166 18 6: 64 8 o 120 200 5 8 397 12 7 375 9 10 705 8 6 120 4 o 251 1 10 51 13 o 557 19 9 1.763 3 4: 334 5 10 2g4 on 5 o 439 7 10 298 14 10 262 14 5 52 17 5 181 4 8 60 10 1 560 11 6 1,668 5 4 145 8 10 47 7 5 11,616 8 3, 76 6 2 83 5 2 143 15 5 52 6 1 30 3 5 604 108 13 5 652 8 4 19 9 4 22 o 3 • ■ •• •• 91 o o 7 14 o . •• 65 2 O II 10 O 129 4 3 11 14 o 5 17 6 12 17 6 12 7 6 14 19 o 12 8 2 6 18 1 70 18 o 166 o 10 o 736 17 11 155 *8 6 280 7 o 10 o o •■ 44 10 9 3° 7 6 28 4 4 n 5 o 31 11 3 1,003 8 11 27 2 8 13 ° 3 050 75 o o 832 13 3 I " Totals .. ; I i 1 1.638 15 5: I " 31.508 2 7: 1,062 13 8 *»i74 7 4M 15.144 13 3^ [4.266 7 5I. 14.699 11 sl [55,652 15 7I: I1.542 15 9|i '609 3 9V 14,876 9 6; j 1,017 T 7 n ! : I2I6 I 4I '185,941 19 11



Table showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the undermentioned Charitable-aid Districts during the Year ended the 31st March, 1907.

Receipts. Expenditure. District. Balance from Last Year. From Government. From Rates. Voluntary Contributions. Payments Bequests. Rents, &c. j j,Jg ntB relieved. Other Sources. Total. Indoor Relief. Outdoor Relief. Total. Children's Portion of Expenses. •D H3 X Total Cost of Children boarded out. Average WeeklyCost of Children boarded out. North of Auckland.. Auckland Thames and Coromandel Waihi Waikato Bay of Plenty Waiapu Cook Hawke's Bay b Taranaki Stratford Hawera Wanganui and Patea Palmerston North .. Wellington • Wairau Picton Nelson Buller Inangahua Grey Westland North Canterbury and Ashburton 11 South Canterbury .. North Otago Otago United Southland Wallace £ s. d. 166 8 9 589 19 4 432 17 5 £ s. d. 1,915 19 8 5,370 10 10 388 1 0 £ s. d. 1,575 5 11 5,515 6 11 874 7 6 £ s. d. 1,277 16 9 77 17 4 £ s. d. 219 4 1, £ s. d. [ •V . 31 4 0 5 0 0 £ s. d. 180 2 6 2,963 10 6 347 14 11 £ s. d. 5 9 11 2,416 2 4 66 10 8 £ s. d. 3,843 6 9 18,383 15 3 2,192 8 10 £ s. d. 1,074 4 2 9,488 11 8 1,137 6 6 £ s. d. 1,413 0 10 4,774 6 7 1,055 2 4 £ s. d. 2,487 5 0 14,262 18 3 2,192 8 10 £ s. d. Ill 16 0 963 15 10 17 £ s. d.j 262' 3 Oi s. d. 6 2 .. I I " 364 13 9 100 0 0 289 13 6 189 18 9 13 11 0 1,152 0 0 3,410 17 0 620 2 4 257 0 4 275 1 8 509 11 1 474 8 8 5,604 13 1 340 19 6 105 8 5 1,004 9 1 255 8 8 461 13 11 789 7 7 522 5 3 4,782 19 6 100 0 0 ■ 289 13 6 I 130 2 6 j " .. 10 0 252 7 6 32 17 11 19 16 10 201 0 0 851 11 4 759 10 1 13 11 0 2,352 14 10 9,736 2 6 2,393 13 2 1,495 8 0 550 3 3 3,337 14 11 1,213 13 10 18,443 19 8 681 18 11 210 16 10 4,443 15 9 540 17 3 1,466 17 3 1,549 4 9 1,122 18 5 14,522 1 3 528 15 0 180 0 0 322 16 4 261 18 6 13 11 0 434 13 4 1,294 13 2 1,050 10 5 453 9 8 304 16 9 685 3 9 975 9 4 4,664 11 9 330 5 2 164 0 10 1,313 15 11 356 16 10 1,009 19 9 774 8 11 913 5 0 5,559 7 11 180 0 0 851 11 4 261 18 6 13 11 0 1,444 2 5 9,741 5 9 2,393 13 2 453 9 8 550 3 3 2,218 17 3 1,055 1 0 12,233 3 10 681 18 11 210 16 10 3,761 13 2 540 17 3 1,112 14 9 1,431 3 2 1,101 4 4 13,071 0 0 48 0 0 88 0 0 37 10 0 2 6 48 0 0 50 0 0 37 10 0 7 6 6 6 6 0 I - ■ 41 17 2 47 8 6 1,079 18 4 1,041 0 0 3,708 17 9 620 2 4 387 11 5 275 1 7 830 11 4 474 8 8 5,002 12 2 340 19 5 105 8 5 1,057 0 0 285 8 7 490 0 0 675 8 10 366 18 3 5,089 12 3 15 'o 0 I •• 8 0 0 112 6 4 459 10 10 1,153 8 6 24 15 7 1,053 18 7 1,009 9 1 "8,446 12 7 1,343 2 9 73 2 0 132 19 2 281 13 6 20 16 0 6 5 14 1 2 7 3 73 2 0 99 19 2 281 13 6 20 16 0 6 8 5 5 7 9 8 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 •• I 786 8 6 39 12 2 1,554 0 7 196 11 0 5,616 16 5 503 11 0 •• 252 11 10 96 0 3 105 "l 6| 5 0 0 31 io ol 392 1 4 68 5 6 1,308 14 8 1,762' 6 8 51 10 7 522 0 0 15 8 9 245 6 6 1,533 13 6 79 11 8 7,568 12 1 351 13 9 46 16 0 2,447 17 3 184 0 5 102 15 0 656 14 3 187 19 4 7,511 12 1 262 10 7 124 8 8 2,962 3 2 106 2 8 46 16 0 1,722 12 6 184 0 5 112 5 0 618 2 6 168 13 0 2,396 11 7 i 33 101 8 0 54 14 6 15 12 0 510 2 0! 6* 0 ij' 11 373 11 1 84 8 4 5 6 3 I 1,684 19 4 101 16 9 194 '7 6 23 12 10 20' 7 0 148 8 4 39 15 6 6 "8 8 1,480 16 7 .. 7 5 6 54 11 2 i 56 9 10 0 129 2 9 928 15 0 16' 0 7' 1 7 6 1,257 1 3| 2,356 6 2 1,299 3 6 1,856 19 8 603 7 6 484 2 2 1,608 13 9 6,540 2 1 1,542 11 11 484 2 2 790 7 3 1,548 3 7 6,106 11 4 1,610 8 6 71 3 0 602 16 2 1,164 12 0 .. 3o"o 0 17 14 0 539 12 2; 47 10 0 295 0 0 314 18 6 ;3,065 17 4 J 850 10 0 11 1 11 42 9 4 592 19 1 627 13 4 3,452 15 4 4,902 5 8 19,304 17 10 6,476 13 3 968 4 4 937 9 2 e 3,653 1 8 '12,122 1 0 63,844 1 1 59 7 0 1,990 13 0 666 18 4 5,336 13 11 1,745 14 9 259 5 3 2,928 2 2 4,320 0 0 17,458 14 11 5,589 15 10 318 12 3 552 3 6 336 19 10 4,700 18 6 81 4 0 43 i 521 3 6 26 "o 0 5 0 • • 16' 0 - 891 2 8 •• "' Totals 20,086 17 7 j 39,009 10 9 . 39,291 8 0 3,917 6 7 ! I 1,616 7 4 ; 15,112 9 4 ; 205 . I 3,169 11 5] ;5,486 18 0 125,412 0 3 64,560 18 6 38,305 9 4 102,866 2 10 16,133 4 5 a Including £7,370 4s. 4d. land and expanses re new Home. b The Hawke's Bay Children's Home has not sent in a return. c The Wellington Ladies' Christian Association has failed to furnish a return, and the return of the Society for the Relief of thi Aged Needy is incomplete. <i The Samaritan Home has failed to furnish a return. e Including £2,713 12s. lOd. expended on new Home. 1 Including £1,030 2s. lOd. Maternity Hospital, Dunedin. g Including £1,510 new buildings, Lome Farm.


Table showing Number of Children for whom Maintenance is paid by Charitable Aid Boards, &c., at 31st March, 1906, and 31st March, 1907.

STATISTICS AS TO OUTDOOR RELIEF. Table I.—Causes of Poverty (Chief Causes, not Contributory Causes). (This table refers to outdoor relief and to heads of families only.)


Boarded out. Paii Insti i for itutioi Totals, i: IS. jd xs o o S __• 3 • o CO t" CO CO a, BO JO e3 PO) oj 00 CO " rH rH O CO CO i-h 6 a 9 o CD Q o u . c3 t_ « 03 hj rH CO CO p e3 CD *=i cn H.ri n rH CO 6 3 CD h o fl CD a s u o <D Q .a □ c3 t~ y O H.H 00 rH CO .a o n . cS CO S§ H=H CO r-H CO » i 2 S 1 8 5 Q North of Auckland Auckland Coromandel and Thames... Waikato Bay of Plenty ... Cook ... Hawke's Bay ... Taranaki Stratford ... ... , Hawera Patea and Wanganui Palmerston North Wellington Charitable Aid Board ... Wellington Benevolent Trustees ... North Wairarapa Benevolent Society Wairau Picton Nelson Buller... Inangahua Grey ... Westland Ashburton and North Canterbury... South Canterbury North Otago Otago United ... Otago Benevolent Institution Southland 17 17 1 "i 6 40 11 6 2 2 2 7 47 11 7 2 2 2 1 7 6 57 11 12 2 8 7 14 1 2 15 10 7 64 12 7 2 6 7 17 1 7 1 5 ... 6 6 i 6 5 14 1 2 7 3 4 5 17 a a ... 1 6 4 1 1 i 3 i ... i ... i 8 7 180 9 6 154 i 26 l 1 15 10 5 12 "7 ■ 185 166 19 ... 1 1 5 3 16 8 6 38 2 99 9 17 11 5 3 16 8 7 33 4 83 6 3 33 8 7 38 9 155 51 17 6 3 32 8 7 33 12 137 36 18 17 16 i "l 1 ... 1 i l 7 56 42 8 54 36 5 "5 a 6 i 16 9 2 5 ... 18 ... 18 15 162 163 18 180 i 169 15 ... 1 | 173 180 7 i 1 1 1 2 2 Totals 353 I 1183 183 18 !479 605 57 183 832 788 67 23

o® 'S'o' >z a S * o oj ca as O-S rH O ■'S cd« » o a °^ %S WhS SaPh -a s 0 °'° Ox x a<j 00 1* O -2 o 0 KS cd cdS - u £ s cdQ K rrj 3 cd 3 o . .2 3 CO =SPh 03 ■si 20 a-rj-o o a a *) j cj »"o a.13 "cd ft-cj Ph fl <D O > a 9 ffl S rA So S>$ Q 5 3 B ©£ r^ 83 a CD M 03 . &>> h CD S'o .a o <3 CO .TJ CD "So O > A fl U r-H 0 p * c go a © > CD a 9 PQ ce ■* s S s « cd S?'3 ■M hU hS a • a o'g =ds a ogo .as 5-a-o --I 3 "2 A AS IH tf ■So o > e fl 6 CQ o >. QQ f5 Lack of employment— (1.) Able-bodied (2.) Inefficient Sickne98 Accident Insanity of bread-winner Imprisonment of bread-winner Desertion of bread-winner No male support— (1.) Widows (2.) Mothers of illegitimate children Intemperance Shiftlessness Physical defects Old nge Causes undetermined I 1 6 2 1 2 1 3 3 14 'i6 1 41 13 7 2 37 64 1 27 26 10 6 5 2 9 4 1 8 7 106 6 17 9 25 4 13 2 6 "l 4 5 1 1 7 "2 23 "2 1 1 "l 7 1 6 15 4 3 1 24 7 1 24 7 3 2 4 10 70 16 33 2 23 3 • 1 2 7 12 33 10 1 1 1 6 9 5 14 57 14 2 8 6 2 "l 40 5 1 2 3 5 20 1 5 9 9 5 6 10 "2 7 5 5 Total number of cases 67 23 6 90 142 183 98 19 363 76 53 35



Table II.—Decisions in Cases of Applicants for Relief.

Table III.—Number of Rations issued.

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given; printing (1,750 copies), £35 9s. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7.

Price Is.]

a3 cd«j a 2s O.Q Od TjS d .a . go-g 3rnS •S-OrH i eS O ■a 3 co cd td a cd go o ■d n >rj cd a o =SPh J 2 K cd g-a I -a cdO w ■8 < 03 3 cd a rH rH 'sfi A AS OhO si ofl a-o-g SS3 co cd o 03 T3 a*3 ■3'ScO CH +-> fl 9 O > CD fl CD m fl CO O CD M.i£ fl «; A rH CD eS "o P.O H 0 rgg |g r, 0 .a a rH «'2 S3 CC o ■3« CO*. O CD K3 •O Cd as -3 cd co X oo 43 fl CD O > CD fl CD W . e8 >» W rO CD * cd a oTJ cd£ cd O g O xx-a +=» CO..H A S OrO Bj Jh cd •So . g g a cd cd 0 0„M ■Sh^oh QQ a CD 3 > CD a 03 M o be 5k o-S ja-g "So continuous outdoor relief intermittent outdoor relief Cemporary outdoor relief indoor relief.. transportation Work rather than relief 18 4 32 4 4 5 7 23 4 35 22 2 25 7 106 30 63 50 67 .. 164 39 27 42 5 21 87 8 12 9 8 2 15 195 48 12 69 26 8 85 3 363 13 14 2 2 27 22 4

cor-j a cd '■3 ao Cd CDg Msh . cd.O <M CD CD IS* a co co g CO rH rn"" toro a cd *%x HH CD'S °rl2 X 3 hh a ™s 3-hCO A Amount given in Carih, Year ended 31st March, 1907. Amount given in Casb, Year ended 81st March, 1906. x h - atH Sr A-S, ■»a rH > HJ o'rm tH Ss . a o>s •° a - ass OrH h Zi -«> •oh M > HJ 33 03 -H Description and Value of Ration. £ a. d. 24 0 0 £ s. a. Thames and Coromandel Charitable Aid Board Cook Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Hawera Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Napier Charitable Aid Board Palmerston North Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Wellington Benevolent Trustees North Wairarapa Benevolent Trustees Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Hokitika Benevolent Trustees North Canterbury and Ashburton Charitable Aid Board South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board North Otago Benevolent Society 2,640 20,145 13 76 152 Orders given for provisions to amount of £724 7s. 5d. Groceries, &c. 5 66 37 31 9 0 7 19 9 12 25 41,507 838 41,463 1,252 15 0 0 15 0 0 221 273 214 324 Groceries. Groceries, meat, bread, &c. 39,588 41,257 592 11 7 732 1 6 387 387 Groceries, &c. 23 14 0 165 894 916 117 19 6 129 5 0 41 45 94 4 6 99 5 0 144,461 164,187 1,587 16 0 35 10 0 1,833 0 5 933 302 1,103 267 Bread, meat, and groceries. Goods supplied from Board's own store. Goods supplied from Sooiety's store. 8 5 0 2 13 0 153 163

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