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Mb. Speaker,— The somewhat serious indisposition of my esteemed colleague, the Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones, has, for a second time, imposed upon me the duty of administering the Public Works Department in his absence. After an especially strenuous year Mr. Hall-Jones was suddenly seized with serious illness in May last, and on the 12th July left New Zealand by the s.s. " Kaipara," on a health-seeking voyage round the world. Mr. Hall-Jones reached London on the 26th August, and the cable has advised us that his health has already improved. I am sure I am voicing the feelings of every member of the House in expressing the hope that the leave of absence which has been granted to him, and the temporary cessation from assiduous devotion to duty thereby insured, together with the entire change of scene and environment which his long journey will secure, may be the means of completely restoring him to his former health and vigour, and so enable him on his return to resume the duties of his high position, and to render the country many further years of faithful service. The year that I have to review has been one of marked progress. The total expenditure on all works and services borne upon the public-works estimates amounted to no less than £2,205,605, or, if we exclude special accounts having their own ways and means, and take into consideration only actual charges against the Public Works Fund, the total amounted to £2,040,319, which is the largest expenditure on such works for many years past. A very large amount of work has been accomplished, and my task this evening is to give an account of the same in as brief a manner as possible. i-D. 1.


TOTAL EXPENDITURE. The following table shows, as regards each class of work, (a) the total expenditure from the inauguration of the public-works policy to the 31st December, 1890; (b) the similar expenditure between the Ist January, 1891, and the 31st March, 1907 ; (c) the gross total expenditure to the 31st March, 1907 ; and (d) the expenditure for the late financial year : —

The last total in the above statement is less by £5,174 than the total expenditure for the year previously mentioned. This is accounted for by a recovery of that amount having been brought to book, as shown in the table, under the heading of " Cost and discount, raising loans." WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1906, the available balance of ways and means for publicworks purposes was £492,298, and further funds were received as under : — £ Balance of £1,000,000 raised under the Loan Act of 1905 ... 182,086 Amount raised under the similar Ace of 1906 ... ... ... 943,600 Premiums received on sales and renewals of debentures ... ... 15,834 Transferred from revenue ... ... ... ... ... 775,000 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... ... ... 1,560 Making a gross total of ... ... ...£2,410,378 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,040,319, and charges and expenses in connection with financing amounted to £10.659, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £2,050,978, leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £359,400. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under:— £ Balance of 1906 loan ... ... ... ... ... 56,400 New loan of 1907 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000,000 Transfer from Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... 800,000 This will give a total available ways and means of £2,215,800. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,106,951, thus leaving a balance of £108,849 to be carried forward to next year.


Expe: iditure. Class of Work. A Total to 31st December, 1890. B 1st January, 1891, to 31st March, 1907. C Total to 31st March, 1907. D Year ended 31st March, 1907. Railways— New construction ... Additions to open lines 1 tilisation of water-power ioads 3 ublic buildings immigration Purchase of Native lands .lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences Dourist and health resorts Megraph-extension ... development of goldfields defence-works (general) departmental Payment to Midland Eailway bondholders tlinor works and services jost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 11,975,098 2,092,002 3,575,804 1,776,003 2,144,386 1,191,137 880,095 £ 7,615,905 1,436,453 8,033 3,961,922 1,802,559 33,195 842,421 137,562 £ 19,591,003 3,528,455 8,033 7,537,726 3,578,562 2,177,581 2,033,558 1,017,657 £ 919,730 308,150 4,664 347,470 227,025 14,353 9,135 4,504 600,849 561,101 429,720 349,789 113,520 723,395 216,924 439,874 200,378 150,000 26,068 222,656 113,520 1,324,244 778,025 869,594 550,167 150,000 326,757 1,244,128 42,272 114,068 11,064 14,874 16,710 300,689 1,021,472 6,300 Or. 5,174 Totals ... 26,898,145 17,930,865 44,829,010 2,035,145


EAILWAY-CONSTRUCTION. The late financial year was the most active, as regards railway - works, of any year during the last quarter of a century. On new construction alone £919,730 was expended, and in addition to this the Kailway Department's outlay on improvement-works amounted to £426,065, thus : — £ Additions to open lines ... ... ... ... ... 308,150 Hutt Eailway and Eoad Improvement Account ... ... ... 35,958 Railways Improvements Authorisation Act Account ... ... 81,957 Thus bringing up the gross total expenditure on railway-works for the year to the very large sum of £1,345,795. Numerous requests have been made during the present session for new works to be started, or for works already in hand to be proceeded with at an accelerated speed, but in view of our present large disbursements the Government has been compelled to adopt a cautious policy. The expenditure on the North Island Main Trunk Eailway alone during last year (including the value of the permanent-way materials issued to the line) amounted to over £400,000, and for the current year a vote of £330,000 is proposed. Next year will see the completion of this great work, and this very large expenditure will then cease, and the money be available for other purposes. Since the last Public Works Statement was brought down fifty miles of railway have been completed and opened for traffic, and the rails are laid and ballast-trains running on an additional eighty miles. I will now refer more in detail to the several lines that have been in hand, and the proposals of the Government with regard to each for the current year. Kawakawa-Geahamtown. Work on this railway has been in progress at three places—viz., extensions from Kawakawa southwards and from Hukerenui northwards, and also from Whangarei to Grahamtown. The early closing-up of the gap between Kawakawa and Hukerenui is very desirable not only in the interests of the settlers and to secure the thorough opening-up of the district, but also from a railwayworking point of view, as it will be more satisfactory and also more economical to work the line as one undivided section than it is at present with different sections several miles apart. The number of .men employed on the section northwards of Hukerenui has accordingly lately been increased. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £10,624, and the vote proposed for the current year is £15,000. Helensville Nobthwards. The work done on this line last year constituted quite a record, the expenditure (including permanent-way materials) having amounted to £46,004. The section between Kaipara Flats and Tauhoa was completed and handed over to the Eailway Department for regular working on the 11th June last; the next section to Waby is already in use for both passenger and goods traffic, in connection with the ballasting; the formation-work on the further section to Wellsford is well in hand and progressing satisfactorily, and a new section, extending to Te Hana, is just being started. Beyond Te Hana a survey party is at work locating the railway towards Maungaturoto, and already has the line pegged for over ten miles. The location of this section has given rise to a good deal of local controversy, a considerable section of the settlers desiring a westerly diversion of the route, so as to carry it across the Otamatea Eiver, near Young's Point, and through the Bickerstaffe Estate. The officers of the Department in the Auckland District advised a more central route, but in deference to the strongly expressed wishes of the settlers the then Engineer-in-Chief—Mr. W. H. Hales —made a special visit to the locality in December, 1905, and went personally over both routes, and reported, after due inquiry and full consideration, that the central route via Te Hana, Topuni Bridge, Kaiwaka, and Mount Pukekaroro was the best. Such a route




would leave North Albertland, Te Arai, Hakarau, and Mangawai on the east, and Port Albert, Wharehine, and Otamatea on the west, and would almost equally divide the country, and bring the various settlements on both sides of the line within practicable distances of the railway. This report did not, however, seem to settle the matter in the minds of many of the settlers, as the agitation for a change of route still continued, and in May last the newly appointed Engineer-in-Chief—Mr. E. W. Holmes— was sent to the locality to personally look into the matter. Mr. Holmes went carefully over the whole route in company with Mr. Yickerman, the then District Engineer, and he entirely supports the view taken by Mr. Hales. Mr. Holmes points out that immediately to the northwards of Maungaturoto there is a ridge several hundred feet in height which the line must cross, and to do this with the greatest ease it is necessary to keep at a good elevation, and this object is secured by locating it as proposed—viz., through Kaiwaka and close to Mount Pukekaroro. To deviate via Bickerstaffe would entail the line crossing navigable water close to Maungaturoto, and would locate it in a basin from which the only outlet would be by a long tunnel. As all the engineering authorities agree that the central route is the most direct, and the best, it has been finally decided to adopt that route. It will be quite possible to connect by this route with the navigable waters of the Kaipara Harbour —namely, at Te Hana, Topuni Bridge, and Kaiwaka. The vote proposed for the Helensville Northward Eailway for the current year is ,£40,000. Mamaku-Taueanga. The promised trial survey for this railway has been in hand during the year, and the field-work between Mamaku and Te Puke has been completed, but the report and plans are not yet to hand. As soon as these have been prepared the survey will be extended to Tauranga as promised. Waihi-T aueanga . Strong representations have been made to the Government regarding an alternative line to Tauranga from Waihi, and as there is a good deal to be said in favour of this route I have decided to have a trial survey made, so that a comparison can be made with the route via Mamaku and Te Puke. GISBORNE-EoTOEUA. The section between Te Karaka and Puha, about two miles in length, was opened for traffic in May last, the further section to Waikohu is well in hand, and a tender for the Waikohu bridges has been accepted. The permanent survey of the line is finished for another three miles and a half, or as far as the twenty-seventh-mile peg. From that point to the summit at Eakauroa, a distance of fourteen miles, the location is not free from difficulty. Two trial lines have been run over this distance. The first, with gradients not steeper than lin 50, has had to be abandoned on the ground of expense; and the second, with grades up to lin3s in places, is now under consideration. It is probable that a practicable line at a moderate cost will be obtained on the steeper gradient. From Eakauroa to Motu Township, a further distance of fourteen miles, the country is of a much easier character. The expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £18,428, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. New Plymouth - Sentey Hill Deviation. The deviation of the New Plymouth-Sentry Hill line commences near the Waiwakaiho Bridge, and extends to the New Plymouth Station, covering a distance of about one mile and three-quarters. The work was undertaken with a view to reducing the grades on the existing route, some of which are as steep as 1 in 40, and also for the purpose of avoiding the numerous level crossings at



present existing—more particularly that of Devon Street, which is the main thoroughfare of the town. The new line is approaching completion, and will be ready for traffic at an early date. The expenditure last year amounted to .£24,243, and the proposed vote for the present year is £15,000. Stkatfoed-Ongabtte . The section as far as Huiroa, nearly sixteen miles from Stratford, is nearing completion, and will shortly be available for traffic, and a commencement has been made with the Te Wera Section. The new section is an important one, as it will bring the line into touch with the main road from Whangamomona, and will thus be the means of drawing a largely increased traffic to the railway. Petitions have been presented, to Parliament praying for a commencement to be made with the works at the Ongarue end of this line, and on the completion of the North Island Main Trunk Eailway (from which this would really be a branch line) it would probably be convenient to transfer to this work a portion of the departmental staff and plant and a number of the workmen at present employed on the larger undertaking. Before this can be done, however, it will be necessary to have surveys made to definitely determine the point on the main line that will best serve for a junction station, and to exactly define the route of the first few miles of the branch line, which has not been definitely fixed at present. It is possible that Puketutu, in the Mokau Valley, may prove to be the better point of junction, and I propose to put the necessary surveys in hand to determine this question as soon as a suitable officer is at liberty. The expenditure on the Stratford-Ongarue Kailway during the late financial year amounted to £12,881, and a vote of £20,000 is proposed for this year. Mount Egmont Branch. The works on this railway, up to and including the crushing-station, are nearing completion, and it is expected that this portion of the line will be handed over to the Eailway Department and the regular crushing of stone commenced by Christmas next. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £17,258, and for the current year a vote of £15,000 is proposed. Noeth Island Main Tbunk. A very large amount of work has been carried out on this railway during the year, the expenditure having greatly exceeded that of any previous year since the works were commenced. At the north end the rail-head has advanced to the top of the spiral—two miles and a half beyond Eaurimu, or 201 miles from Auckland —and rail-laying is now in hand southwards of that point. The formation-works beyond the spiral are well advanced, so that rail-laying as far as Waimarino and Makatote will probably proceed without interruption. A great deal of work has been done at the Makatote Viaduct, but the structure is still far from completion. The contract time expired on the 15th June last, but it is unlikely that the viaduct will be ready for the rails to be laid over it until March next. The contract for this work is held by Messrs. J. and A. Anderson, of Christchurch, who are also the contractors for the superstructures of the Manganui-o-te-ao and Mangaturuturu viaducts further along the line. The concrete piers and abutments of the latter viaducts have already been constructed by the Department, and are awaiting the erection of the superstructures by Messrs. Anderson. Their contract time for these works expires in February next, but it seems unlikely at present that they will be completed by that date. The rails will easily reach Makatote by March, so that if the viaduct is completed by then rail-laying can be carried on to Manganui-o-te-ao, and, as soon as the latter viaduct is ready, can be continued to Mangaturuturu, and so on.



At the south end of the line the section between Taihape and Mataroa—> six miles in length—was handed over to the Eailway Department for regular working in June last. The section between Mataroa and Waiouru —18J miles— is nearing completion. The ballast-train has been running on it for some time, and it will be ready to hand over to the Eailway Department by Christmas. The section from Waiouru to Eangataua—l4 miles—has been used for goods traffic since May last, and the rails now extend to Ohakune, 3 miles further, and (by a temporary line) as far as the Hapuawhenua Viaduct—another 2 miles —making altogether an advance in the position of the rail-head at the south end of the line during the year of 26 miles. The first three miles beyond Waiouru, however, is on a temporary line. The permanent line along this section embraces some very heavy earthworks. It is well in hand, and is expected to be ready for platelaying in the course of a few months. When the rails are laid on this section, and the ballasting completed, the whole line to Ohakune will be handed over for regular traffic. The ballast-trains between Taumarunui and Eaurimu and between Mataroa and Eangataua have been carrying passengers for some time, and the running at the southern end has now been extended to Ohakune. It is also proposed to shortly commence the issue of through tickets between Auckland and Wellington. The gap between the rail-heads is now only twenty-four miles, and over this length a coach service has been established on a good metalled road constructed by the Department in conjunction with the railway-works. By Christmas I expect to be able to arrange to carry passengers at the north end as far as Waimarino, which will reduce the coach service to eighteen miles, and by March, 1908, to Makatote, which will further reduce the gap to eleven miles. The last link in the chain will still take some little time to complete, as the eleven-mile section embraces three viaducts, four large bridges, and one tunnel, besides other heavy works. Two of these viaducts are being carried out by the Department's own workmen. That over the Toanui is nearing completion; and the Hapuawhenua (which is the longest viaduct on the line) is well in hand, but at present is only in the foundation stage, though much of the steelwork is already manufactured at the Department's workshops at Mangaonoho, and a start with its erection will probably be made during the present month. All the work is progressing satisfactorily, and, with favourable weatherconditions, I confidently expect that the rails will be connected between Auckland and Wellington not later than Christmas, 1908, as previously predicted. The expenditure on the railway last year, exclusive of permanent-way materials, was £362,101, and for the current year an appropriation of £330,000 is proposed. Blenheim- Waipaba. The work at the northern end of this line has been proceeded with throughout the year, and fair progress made. At the southern end the section between Bthelton and Tormore was opened for traffic in November, 1906, and the further section to Domett in March .last. As considerable difference of opinion exists as to the location of the line beyond Domett, it is inadvisable to proceed with further construction-work at present. A survey party is now employed in closely investigating the different routes that have been suggested, but the results will not be available for some little time. With the cessation of construction-work at the southern end an increase has been made in the number of men employed at the northern end, and I hope to shortly have a further section at that end ready for rail-laying. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £46,076, and for the current year an appropriation of £40,000 is proposed. Midland. The formation-works on the portion of the Manu Section as far as Kiwi Station are approaching completion, and rail-laying will shortly be started.



The new station-yard at Reefton has been completed, and is now in regular use, and platelaying between Reefton and Cronadun is in hand, and will shortly be finished. The Cronadun Station buildings are in course of erection, and the line to this point will soon be available for traffic. On the Otira Section, the Goat Creek and Eolleston bridges have been completed, some protective groins constructed, and a good deal of earthwork done. Operations were discontinued for a time pending the receipt of tenders for the Arthur's Pass tunnel, but now that a contract for that work has been entered into operations on the Otira Section will at once be resumed, so as to complete the line to the tunnel-mouth. The tender of Messrs. John McLean and Sons for the Arthur's Pass tunnel, 5 miles 25 chains in length, was accepted in August last, and the work is to be completed by August, 1912. The amount of the accepted tender, which was the lowest of three received, is £599,794. The contract includes not only the tunnel, but the completion of the formation of the railway thence as far as the Arthur's Pass Station, 59J miles from Greymouth. The section between Staircase Gully and Broken River was duly completed in time for the New Zealand Exhibition season as promised in last year's Statement. The formation-work beyond Broken River, which for two or three miles is of a very heavy character, is well in hand. On this length there are six tunnels, and the " headings " are driven through all of them; two are in process of enlargement, and one is completed. The contract for a steel bridge over Sloven's Creek was let to Mr. G. M. Fraser in July last for the sum of £21,451. The date fixed for completion of the work is the 11th March, 1909. The expenditure on the Midland Railway during the late financial year amounted to £129,649. This amount was especially large in consequence of the effort made to complete the line to Broken River. For the current year a vote of £60,000 will be needed. Westport-Inangahua. The formation on the first section of this railway between Westport and Kahu, 5 miles 60 chains in length, is approaching completion. Some delay has occurred in obtaining delivery of timber required for the bridges on this section, but the bulk of it is now to hand and the balance is expected shortly. A contract for the erection of the bridges is now being prepared. Last year's expenditure amounted to £8,575, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is asked for. Ngaheee-Blackball . When this railway was authorised in 1901 it was to have extended to the right bank of the Blackball Creek near the Blackball Township, the length being about two miles and a half, but it has now been decided to carry it on to the left bank of Ford's Creek, increasing the length by 70 chains. At this point the line will junction with the railway now in course of construction by the Paparoa Coal Company, so that it will serve both the Paparoa and Blackball Mines. It is not intended to introduce a Bill this session to authorise the construction of any new railways, but a Railways Authorisation Bill will be brought down to authorise this short extension and one or two other small extensions of existing works which have been found to be necessary. The earthworks on the first two miles and a half are nearly finished, and the remainder about half done. The large bridge over the Grey River has been finished for some time, and the bridges over Blackball and Ford's Creek have recently been completed. The other bridges required are in hand. The rails have been laid on a portion of the line, and further rail-laying will be started shortly. The whole railway will be available for traffic well before the Paparoa Coal Company's line is completed. The expenditure last year amounted to £11,596, and a vote of £15,000 is provided on the estimates this year,


Gbeymouth - Point Elizabeth. It was stated in last year's Public Works Statement that the above railway had been completed and opened for traffic. An extension of about four miles is now proposed, however, to open up some very fine coal-seams that have been fully proved in that locality. The survey of the line is in hand, and as soon as a definite estimate of the cost is obtained I propose to ask the House to make provision for the extension proposed out of the State Coal-mines Account. Hokitika-Boss. The first seven miles of this line —viz., to Ruatapu, near Lake Mahinapua— was opened for regular passenger traffic on the 9th November, 1906. The formation of the remainder of the line to Eoss is nearly completed, and the whole line would have been finished and open for traffic ere this had it not been for the very great delay which has taken place in the completion of the Totara Bridges contract. The timber first delivered by the contractor for these bridges was condemned, and great delay has taken place in supplying other satisfactory timber in its place. Some deliveries have recently come to hand, and the work of erecting the bridges is in progress, but it will still take several months to complete the contract, lay the rails, and finish the railway. A contract has been entered into for the station buildings at Boss. Last year's expenditure on the line amounted to £21,628, and for the current year we propose a vote of £20,000. Culveeden-Hanmee. It was mentioned in last year's Statement that a good motor-car service was proposed to be established between Culverden and Hanmer. The cars have now arrived, and are running between Culverden and the Waiau River. Practically no expenditure came to charge against last year's vote, but for the current year an appropriation of £4,000 will be needed. Otago Centeal. The section between Chatto Creek and Alexandra was opened for public traffic in December, and the further section to Clyde in April last. On the completion of the line to Clyde construction-works were discontinued, and it is not proposed to take any further section of this line in hand at present. To remove any doubt as to the best route for the extension of the line when the time arrives to continue construction operations, an examination of the country on the right bank of the Clutha Biver and a further examination of that on the left bank has been made. The country on the left bank for some considerable distance out of Clyde is of a heavy and forbidding character, and it was suggested that a cheaper line could probably be obtained by crossing the river opposite Clyde Township, running for some miles up the opposite bank, and recrossing well before reaching Cromwell. The report of the Engineer does not, however, confirm this view. The expenditure on the Otago Central Railway last year amounted to £38,274, which, with the value of the permanent-way materials issued, brings the gross total expenditure on the line up to £1,270,918. For the current year a vote of £10,000 is required to meet expenditure since the Ist April last and a few small liabilities at present existing. Laweence-Roxbubgh. Considerable progress has been made with the works on this line, and the formation of the first section to Evans Flat, four miles in length, is nearly finished, and the further section from Evans Flat to Big Hill is well in hand. It is considered probable that a relocation of the line beyond this point would shorten the proposed tunnel through Big Hill and lighten the earthworks on the




down grade towards Beaumont. Formation-works on this part of the line are therefore not being proceeded with at present, pending a careful personal examination of the country by the Engineer-in-Cbief, which will take place shortly after the close of the session of Parliament. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £15,959, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Gore-Waikaka. The construction of this railway was authorised by " The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905," the Gore-Waikaka Railway Finance Company having offered to take up debentures to the amount of £50,000 for the purpose of defraying the cost. The company did not, however, actually provide the money until April last, and the survey of the line was at once put in hand, and constructionworks speedily followed. The formation is of so easy a character that it will probably all be finished in a few months, and rail-laying is about to be begun. No vote for this line appears on the estimates, however, as the authorising Act established a special account against which all expenditure is charged. C ATLIN' S- WAIMAH AKA. The bridge over the Catlin's River is completed, the formation is finished to Houipapa Station, and the rails are laid to the same point. A quarry has been opened up, a stone-crushing plant installed for the purpose of providing good rock ballast, and a commencement made with the ballasting of the line. Formation-work is also in hand beyond Houipapa for a distance of nearly two miles. At the Waimahaka end of the line the heavier portion of the work is well in hand and proceeding steadily. Last year's expenditure on the railway amounted to £18,145, but it is proposed to shortly increase the number of men employed and to accelerate the rate of progress. A vote of £40,000 is therefore proposed for the current year. Riversdale-Switzers. The bridge-work which was in hand when last year's Statement was brought down has since been completed, and work on the formation has been resumed. It is proposed to complete the formation this year to the Wendonside Road, about nine miles and a half from Riversdale. As the earthworks are not of a heavy character, and were partly formed several years ago, they should be completed during the coming summer, and a start made with rail-laying. When the section referred to is nearing completion the further section to Waikaia will be taken in hand. Out of last year's vote the sum of £3,551 was expended, and for the present year a vote of £8,000 is asked for. Orepuki-Waiau. The formation between Waihoaka and Te Tua, three miles and a half, has been completed and the rails laid, but no ballasting has yet been done. A suitable ballast-pit has been proved on the further section between Te Tua and Waiau, and the earthworks as far as this pit are actively in hand so as to enable the ballast-supply to be reached at an early date. Ballasting between Waihoaka and Te Tua will be taken in hand as soon as possible, and the balance of the formation to Waiau will be undertaken simultaneously. A contract has been let for the station buildings at Te Tua. As this line opens up a large area of valuable forest it is desirable to expedite its completion as much as possible. The expenditure last year amounted to £9,955, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. ii—D. 1,

D.- 1


Total Appeopeiations foe Bailway-oonstkuction. In addition to the amounts already mentioned, a vote of £70,000 is proposed for permanent-way materials, £2,000 for surveys of new lines, and £1,000 for land claims and other old liabilities on construction account. These items bring the total proposed appropriation for rail way-construction purposes (exclusive of the Waikaka Branch Railway Account) up to £775,000. This is less than last year's vote, but is still a very substantial sum, and its expenditure will add materially to our existing railway facilities. Other Eailway-woeks. The amount expended on additions to open lines during the year was £308,150. The bulk of this expenditure was on rolling-stock, and the remainder on essential works to enable the Railway Department to deal efficiently with its business. For the current year a vote of £350,000 is required under this head. Considerable progress has been made in connection with the Hutt Railway and Road improvement, notwithstanding the fact that unforeseen difficulties occurred in connection with obtaining suitable rock for the sea-wall. The quarries at Pencarrow, from which the bulk of the stone is obtained, are capable of supplying ample quantities of suitable material, but the transport of the same by water to the works is affected by weather-conditions. The line has already been duplicated for about four miles, extending from Lower Hutt to Paparangi Point. A further extension of the duplication to Ngahauranga will probably be opened during the present financial year, and when this is done the formation of the main road, will be completed and the metalling of same put in hand. The vote proposed for the current year is £70,000. Under " The Railways Improvements Authorisation Act, 1904," work has been carried out between Auckland and Penrose, Addington and Rolleston, and Dunedin and Mosgiel. In connection with the first-mentioned work provision has been made for tbe substitution of bridges in place of level crossings over all public roads, and also for the reconstruction of the Parnell Bridge, which has been designed to cross the road in one span instead of three as formerly. The duplication is making good progress, and, with the exception, perhaps, of the Parnell Bridge, will be nearly completed by the end of the financial year. Very good progress has been made on the Addington-Rolleston duplication, the formation being already complete, so that platelaymg can be put in hand shortly. An important part of the work is the remodelling of the Addington Junction station-yard. This is an intricate undertaking, and a little time will be occupied in carrying it out; but tbe work will probably be completed by about the end of the financial year. The Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication is also progressing favourably. The foundations and abutments of the bridges between Dunedin and Caversham are completed, and contracts have been let for the superstructures. A large amount of earthwork has also been done, and a commencement with the new Caversham Tunnel is about to be made. A start will also shortly be made with the formationworks between Caversham and Mosgiel. The line will cross practically the whole of the main roads between Dunedin and Mosgiel by means of bridges, thus obviating the existing level crossings. The work is one of considerable magnitude, and cannot be completed within the current year. The total expenditure out of the Railways Improvements Authorisation Act Account last year amounted to £81,957. For the current year provision has been made on the estimates to the extent ot £200,000—namely, Auckland-Penrose, £60,000 ; Addington-Rolles-ton, £40,000 ; and Dunedin-Mosgiel, £100,000. WBLLINGTON-MANAWATU EAILWAY. As the North Island Main Trunk line is expected to be completed by the end of next year, it is desirable that the question of the purchase of the Wellington-Manawatu Railway should again receive attention, as, if it is decided



to purchase in terms of "The Eailways Construction and Land Act, 1881," it will be necessary to give twelve months' notice to the company. Such notice should therefore be given at an early date if it is to mature before the Main Trunk line is finished. Having given the matter very careful consideration, the Government has decided to at once give notice to the company of its intention to take over the railway in twelve months' time. UTILISATION OF WATEE-POWBE. In the last two or three Public Works Statements considerable attention has been devoted to this matter, and some valuable reports by the late Engineer-in-Chief and others have been presented to Parliament. The importance of the proposals outlined in these reports is undoubted, as is also the practicability of the majority of the schemes outlined. Whether they would all be remunerative is, however, more open to question, though I think there is nofc much doubt that some of them would be payable from the start. All of the schemes., unfortunately, involve very considerable expenditure, the total of the proposals running into several millions. The Government considers that the time for embarking on these undertakings, which would amount almost to a fresh publicworks policy, has perhaps hardly yet arrived. As soon, however, as the expenditure on the North Island Main Trunk Railway ceases, and the demands on the Public Works Fund generally are less pressing, it would doubtless be advantageous to take action in the matter of developing one or more of the most promising of the schemes outlined. In the meantime it is proposed to lease some of the for actual use by private enterprise. An amount of ,£4,664 was expended out of last year's vote, and for the current year an appropriation of ,£2,000 is proposed. IKEIGATION. On the estimates provision is made for a vote of £3,000 (on account of £100,000 proposed to be provided for the purpose) for irrigation and water-supply in agricultural and mining districts. The vote is primarily for the purpose of assisting in opening up and developing fresh lands for settlement in arid territory. The appropriation is included in the " Lands Improvement " class, and the work will be under the control of the Minister of Lands. Some preliminary work, in the shape of explorations and surveys, has already been done, but during the approaching summer season it is hoped to proceed with actual construction operations. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings out of votes controlled by the Minister for Public Works amounted during last financial year to £259,631 — namely, £32,713 under the Consolidated Fund and £226,918 under the Public Works Fund. This is in excess by over £70,000 of the previous year's figures, and by over £100,000 of the figures for 1904-5. For the current year votes totalling £39,007 under the Consolidated Fund and £251,800 under the Public Works Fund are proposed. This is in addition to the substantial provision for school buildings under the Consolidated Fund in the votes under the control of the Minister of Education. Genebal. The buildings under this head are increasing. During 1905-6 the expenditure amounted to £2,303 only, whereas last year £15,263 was expended, and for the current year a vote of £30,000 is proposed. The principal items provided tor in the proposed vote are the additions to the Parliament Buildings and to the Departmental Buildings in Auckland and Wellington; offices for the Geological and Health Departments in Wellington, and for other Departments at Westport, Greymouth, &c.



Judicial. Courthouses. —The expenditure under this head was not exceptionally heavy, the chief items being the new Courthouses at Hamilton, Tauranga, Dannevirke, and Taihape, the acquisition of sites at Te Kuiti and Lower Hutt, and substantial additions at Dargaville, Waihi, and Alexandra. The present year's vote provides for a new building and site at Auckland, new buildings at Cambridge, Raglan, Kawhia, Te Kuiti, Tolaga Bay, Waitara, Eltham, Feilding, Masterton, Lower Hutt, Ross, Hawkesbury, Kaitangata, and Otautau, and additions at Whangarei, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch, and Black's. Gaols. —The principal expenditure under this head again took place in connection with the new prison at Auckland, smaller sums being expended at Invercargill, Lyttelton, &c. For the current year votes are provided for further work at Auckland and Invercargill, for a new building at Gisborne, for additions at Wellington, and for warders' cottages at sundry places. Police-stations. —The chief expenditure last year took place in connection with the new barracks at Christchurch ; new stations at Helensville, Birkenhead, Avondale, Newton, Karangahake, Taumarunui, Tolaga Bay, Bingsland, Addington, and Gore; the purchase of properties at Wanganui, Masterton, Newtown, Collingwood, and Methven; and additions at Rotorua, Tauranga, Waipiro, and Wellington. The current year's vote provides for new stations at Kaitaia, Whangarei, Eden Terrace (Auckland), Newmarket, Ellerslie, Raglan, Kihikihi, Taupo, New Plymouth, Masterton, Carterton, Petone, Newtown, Richmond, Collingwood, Blackball, Dunollie, Kumara, Cheviot, Kaiapoi, Methven, St. Andrew's, Waimate, Hampden, Ranfurly, Owaka, and Clinton; for additions at Auckland, Thames, Hastings, Waitotara, Kimbolton, Sheffield, Timaru, Dunedin, Roslyn, and Invercargill; and for quarters at Hamilton and Nelson. Post and Telegraph. A very considerable amount of work was carried out for the Post and Telegraph Department during the year, the expenditure having amounted to j£43,860. The chief items were new offices at Parnell, Tauranga, Tuparoa, Tokomaru Bay, New Plymouth, Bull's, Rongotea, Palmerston North, Lower Hutt, Johnsonville, Nelson, Collingwood, Millerton, Winton, and Otautau; additions at Auckland, Whakatane, Napier, Waipukurau, Wakapuaka, Rangiora, Christchurch, Gore, and Invercargill; and purchase of properties at Manakau and Roslyn. The vote proposed for the current year provides for new offices at Kaitaia, Whangarei, Waipu, Matakohe, Kaipara Flats, Helensville, Birkenhead, Devonport, Mount Eden, Newmarket, Howick, Pukekohe, Huntly, Cambridge, Te Kuiti, Waihi, Port Awanui, Nuhaka, Wairoa, Aramoho, Ohakune, Taihape, Utiku, Kimbolton, Apiti, Terrace End, Foxton, Waikanae, Makuri, Featherston, Te Aro, Karamea, Greymouth, Woolston, Rakaia, Geraldine, Fairlie, Waikouaiti, Roslyn, Green Island, Balclutha, and Wyndham; additions at Auckland, Rotorua, Manakau, Weraroa, Blenheim, North Dunedin, Dunedin, and Bluff; new quarters at Te Awamutu, Whitianga, Waipiro Bay, Martinborough, Havelock, Arrowtown, and Clinton ; a new site at Karori; and for completing the wharf for the cable-repairing steamer at Auckland; and also for making a beginning with the new Post-office at Auckland and with the additions to the General Post Office, Wellington. Mental Hospitals. The principal outlay during the year was not so much upon additions to accommodation as towards bringing the various requirements up to date. At Christchurch and Wellington the laundries have been extended and new plant installed. A dispensary and laboratory have been erected at Waitati, a store and bakehouse at Auckland, and additions made to the farm buildings at Seacliff and



Porirua. At Ohrist'churoh and Porirua the water-supply has been improved, and at the latter place sewage filter-beds have been constructed. At Seacliff, Waitati, Christchurch, and Nelson further means have been provided to cope with an outbreak of fire, the ventilation at Christchurch has been improved, and the sanitary arrangements are receiving attention. At the Camp (Dunedin) sufficient has been done to make the building habitable as a mental hospital. The proposed vote for the current year provides for improvements in the laundry and for a Medical Superintendent's house at Auckland; for an addition to the annexe at Porirua; for a new engine-room, boiler, and workshop, also new bathrooms and other improvements, at Christchurch; for a dormitory annexe and other additions at Seacliff; for an extension of the farm buildings at Waitati ; and for necessary additions at the Camp building. It also provides for going on with the Wolffe Bequest Home at Auckland, and for additions to the Home for Defectives at Eichmond. Schools. The total expenditure on school buildings during last year was ,£195,835, of which £86,376 was debited to revenue, and £109,459 to the Public Works Fund. The principal works carried out directly under the control of the Government were the erection of additional buildings at the Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa, and the completion of the main building and south wing of the new School for Deaf-mutes, Sumner, also the erection of Native-school buildings at Tokikuku (Eawhitiroa) near Raglan, additions to the existing schools at Waima, Hauaroa (Taumarunui), Oruanui, and Waitahanui, and a residence at Matata. There are now in course of erection new schools at Mataora Bay (Ohinemuri County) and Wharekawa (Thames County), a new residence at Whangaruru, and additions at Te Matai and Poroporo. For the current year, in addition to the vote under the Consolidated Fund, an appropriation of £100,000 is asked for out of the Public Works Fund to provide for school buildings generally, also buildings for Native and industrial schools, reformatories, home for defectives, the Jubilee Institute for the Blind, Auckland, and the School for Deaf-mutes, also grants for providing technical schools and training colleges, and for buildings for the Victoria College, and for ten secondary schools. Othee Buildings. Hospitals. —Under the head of General Hospitals there was an expenditure of £10,259 for new buildings and improvements. During the year the Mangonui and Stratford Hospitals were finished, and are now open. The new Hospital at Masterton is nearly finished, as are also the new wards at Palmerston and Greymouth. The new Westport Hospital will be opened shortly. The vote for the current year is to a large extent a revote of the unexpended balances on last year's appropriations, but provides also for further additions at Rawene, Coromandel, and Hokitika, also for the St. Helens Hospital at Wellington, and the purchase of a property for a similar hospital at Dunedin, and for a small new hospital for emergency cases at Te Aroha; also for wards for special cases at each of the four centres. Agriculture. —The work done under this head last year was small. The expenditure was principally in connection with the buildings at the Pathological Laboratory at Wallaceville, and a residence at Hamilton for the Inspector of Stock. A fruit-fumigating shed at Wellington, an office at Balclutha, and a dairy-produce-grading store at the Bluff were also erected. For the current year a vote of £3,000 is proposed to provide additional buildings at the experimental farms at Ruakura, Arataki, and Weraroa ; accommodation for cadets at Ruakura; also some further buildings at Wallaceville. Provision is also made for residences for the Inspectors of Stock at Te Kuiti, Te Puia, Gisborne, Waipukurau, and Seddon, and for offices at Gisborne, Wairoa, New Plymouth, and Palmerston North, and additions to the office in Auckland.



Public Health. —The principal work carried out during the year was the commencement of the new wharf at the Quarantine Station at Wellington. Payments were also made to the local authorities at Auckland and Christchurch for provision of an Infectious Diseases Hospital and a Sanatorium for Consumptives respectively. The vote for the current year provides for a new wharf at the Quarantine Station at Auckland and for completing the wharf at the similar station at Wellington, and for some other necessary work at the Quarantine Stations at Lyttelton and the Bluff. A considerable vote is also proposed under the head of Subsidies to Local Authorities on the cost of erecting infectious-diseases hospitals and sanatoria and annexes for consumptives. EOADS, BRIDGES, ETC. Now to refer to the important question of roads, including bridges and other works essential to their proper construction and maintenance. I may perhaps be pardoned for occupying a little of your time with a few general remarks, for unquestionably roads are one of the most important factors concerned in the settlement of new lands, and their maintenance and improvement in districts where settlement has already taken place is also of great moment to the persons concerned. It is true that the construction of railways has rendered immense areas of land available for settlement, in comparatively small holdings, which otherwise could only have been profitably occupied in large areas as stock or sheep runs; but for closer settlement, which is what should be aimed at, roads must be supplied, and, as closer settlement involves a denser population and a greater output per acre, it means not only more miles of road, but also, to carry the greater traffic, a better class of road than was necessary when the land was held in larger areas. Most of the land now available for settlement is of a more or less broken or hilly nature, which entails more circuitous roads, owing to gullies and ridges which have to be crossed, or along the sides of which the roads must be taken to obtain reasonable grades. In hilly country there is also, usually, more hard material to excavate, and more culverts are required than on comparatively flat land. All the foregoing circumstances tend to increase the cost per acre of roading the land. In view of the great necessity for roads, and their maintenance, both in new and recently settled lands, it is proposed to provide as large a sum as possible this year for their construction and maintenance. The total net expenditure for the late year by the Roads Department upon road-works, &c, was ,£415,037. The work was somewhat restricted, owing to labour being scarce, and to most of it being in places remote from supplies and civilisation, which renders the life of the labourers more arduous than on similar work more conveniently situated; therefore, as other work was plentiful, it was very difficult to obtain labour for the backblocks. The work done during the year was as under:— Dray-roads made ... ... ... ... ... ... 637 miles. Dray-roads maintained ... ... ... ... ... 2,722 Bridle-roads made ... ... ... ... ... 512 „ Bridle-roads maintained ... ... ... ... ... 1,891 „ Engineering surveys made ... ... ... ... ... 612£ „ Dray-bridges built, over 30ft. span. ... ... ... ... 17,800 lineal feet. The average number of men employed during the year on road-works wa» 2,392. The appropriations proposed for the current year are as follows : — Roads, departmental ... ... ... ... ... £20,850 Roads generally ... ... ... ... ... ... 390,238 Tourist roads ... ... ... ... ... ... 27,463 Loans to Local Bodies Account ... .. ... ... 50,000 Total £488,551 This amount is, of course, in addition to the £25,000 voted for the maintenance of roads on the Consolidated Fund estimates.



Roads on Goldfields (Mines Department). The precious metals and other minerals are very widely distributed in New Zealand, and, owing to the ruggedness of much of the back-country, large areas still remain comparatively unexplored. The development of our mineral resources must always be regarded as a paramount consideration by the State ; and the Government recognises that the best way of aiding the prospector, the miner, and the man who provides the capital is by cutting tracks and making roads into the inaccessible tracts of country where mineral discoveries have been or are likely to be made. Included in this year's votes will be considerable amounts for roads and tracks to places such as Mount Radiant, in the Karamea Mining District, where what appears to be a valuable, but as yet undeveloped, discovery of copper has been made; to the Wilberforce, near Browning's Pass, where several quartz claims have been taken up; to the Upper Blackwater, where a State-aided party discovered auriferous quartz reefs about two years ago, and where important development-work is now being carried on; to the Parapara, where large deposits of haematite iron exist, and for the working of which a company is now in process of formation. Votes will also be taken for roads and tracks for opening up the back country of Cape Colville Peninsula, where mining has been carried on for many years past under exceptional difficulties owing to the lack of transport facilities. The expenditure last year under this head amounted to 5038,970. The sum proposed to be authorised for the current year is £77,621, on account of which a vote of £41,000 is proposed. Total Appropriations for Roads. It would perhaps be as well to summarise the total proposed appropriations for road-works. The figures are as under :— £ Roads Department, under the Public Works estimates .... .... .... .... .... 488,551 Roads Department, under the Consolidated Fund.... 25,000 Mines Department .... .... .... .... 41,000 Gross total appropriation proposed .... £554,551 DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS AND MINING. The importance of the mining industry to the Dominion may be gauged from the fact that the value of the precious metals and minerals produced during the past year amounted to £3,871,811, being an increase of £249,025 compared with the year 1905. The export of gold was the highest for a period of thirty-five years, and that of silver showed a corresponding increase. During the past year 563,843 oz. of gold, valued at £2,270,904, was exported, and 1,390,536 oz. of silver, valued at £143,572, these two items showing an increase of £199,998 compared with the preceding year. The output of coal also shows a substantial increase—143,780 tons —over that of the year 1905. Additional collieries will shortly be opened up near Greymouth and Westport, on the West Coast, and at Hikurangi, in the Auckland District; while considerable developments are contemplated in connection with the State Coal-mines. The three diamond drills recently imported, with a boring-capacity of 1,000 ft., 1,500 ft., and 2,000 ft. respectively, are now available for hire. The terms originally proposed for the hire of these drills were, perhaps, unnecessarily stringent, and with a view to bringing the appliances into more general use it has been decided to reduce the rates for hire very considerably. In order to aid the development of our mineral resources, power was given under " The Mining Act Amendment Act, 1905," to advance moneys to companies pr persons for procuring machinery, working plant or appliances, or carrying-on



of works necessary for pioneer mining. After applications have been reported on by the Government Geologist, or other professional officer, and the Minister of Mines considers the evidence satisfactory, the Colonial Treasurer may, on his recommendation, advance by way of loan to a company any sum or sums not exceeding £10,000, the amount so advanced to be repaid, together with interest at the rate of 4 J per cent, per annum, in instalments. The Colonial Treasurer may also from time to time, on the recommendation of the Minister of Mines, pay to any person engaged in prospecting or pioneer mining a subsidy not exceeding ss. for every £1 expended during the preceding twelve months; but not more than £500 shall be paid to any one person, nor more than £10,000 in the whole, in any one year. The provisions of the Act in respect to advances have not yet been availed of to the extent anticipated by the Government; but it is doubtless only necessary for them to become generally known when many persons engaged in pioneer mining will seek to take advantage of the benefits of the Act. The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of the goldfields was £11,065. It is proposed to take a vote of £33,000 for the current year. Under this heading will be included subsidies towards assisting the deep-level developments at Eoss and Thames. These works, which are of great importance, will shortly be put in hand. Boring for petroleum still continues near New Plymouth, and also near Lake Brunner, on the West Coast. The development of the oil industry is a matter of much consequence to the community, as if oil can be produced in sufficient quantity and of suitable quality to make the enterprise a commercial success the effect on the industrial life of the Dominion would be very marked. TOUEIST AND HEALTH EESOETS. The expenditure last year amounted to £42,271. The new bath buildings, Botorua, absorbed £10,568, and the water-supply works at the same place, £14,776. During the year the installation of the electric light in the Department's premises, baths, and Domain at Te Aroha was completed, and a start was made with bringing in the new water-supply at Hanmer. The accommodation-house, land, &c, at the foot of Lake Te Anau were purchased during the year. An additional sleeping-room at the Hermitage, Mount Cook, was finished in time for last season's traffic, and in consequence the receipts increased by fifty per cent, over the previous year. The main building is rapidly falling to pieces, and it is proposed to re-erect it in stone, the latter material being very plentiful in the locality, at a cost of between £8,000 and £9,000, and you are being asked for a vote on account. The electric-light plant at Botorua has been overtaxed for some time, and tenders are now being called for necessary additions. The estimates for the current year include £20,000 for the new bath buildings at Botorua, £4,000 for the Botorua drainage, and £9,000 for the Botorua water-works, which sums should complete these undertakings. Provision is also made for needed improvements at Te Aroha, Whakarewarewa, Hanmer, and Mount Cook, and for the cost of the Te Puia Hot Springs accom-modation-house, which was recently acquired. The gross authorisation asked for is £61,238, on account of which a vote of £32,000 is proposed. TELEGEAPH-EXTENSION. During the financial year £J 14,068 was expended on telegraph and telephone extensions. The new lines erected and under erection totalled no less than 251 miles. Telegraph-offices were opened at 146 townships, while 2,070 new subscribers were added to the system. It will thus be seen that town and country alike received considerable benefit from the expenditure. Among the principal telegraph-lines erected were French Pass, Bruce Bay, Otorohanga-Baurimu, Oparau-Te Maika-Te Bauamoa, New Plymouth-



Mahoenui,.Nydia Bay, Waitotara-Taumatatahi, Ashburton-Dorie, StillwaterJackson's, Mossburn-Te Anau, Seddon-Molesworth, Manawaru-Gordon, and Pakawau-Maungarakau. The sum asked for this year is £105,000. This includes £75,110 of liabilities, principally for material under order. LIGHTHOUSES, HAEBOUB-WORKS, AND HARBOUR-DEFENCWS. Considerable repairs to Ponui Passage lighthouse-tower have been carried out; and a new flagstaff has been erected at Cape Campbell. The cost of these works has been defrayed out of the Consolidated Fund. For the current year a vote of £2,100 is proposed under the Public Works Fund. This includes provision for a lighthouse on Tuahine Point, near Gisborne, for fog-signals which have been ordered for Godley Head and Cuvier Island, for connection of some of the lighthouses with the telegraph system, and for a new dwellinghouse at Nugget Point. The expenditure last year on harbour-works amounted to £2,963, the following being the principal works undertaken : Wharves—Deep Creek, Orua Bay, Graham's Beach, and Okuru; storage-shed, Waikokopu; protective works, Western Spit, Napier. These works were carried out by the local authorities, to whom grants were made for the purpose. Improvement-works were also carried out at Karamea and Okarito; and an extensive survey made at Point Elizabeth to determine the question of the practicability of constructing a harbour there. A somewhat similar survey was also made at Okarito. For the current year it is proposed to renew several of last year's votes which were unexpended, and to provide for the following in addition : Removal of rocks, Kaipara Harbour and Holyford River (Martin's Bay); wharves at Tangiteroria (Kaipara), Whangamata, Uretara (Bay of Plenty), Matata, Omokoroa, and Okarito; landing-slip, &c, Nugget Bay; deepening channels at Ngunguru and Awhitu ; Okuru and Freshwater River improvements and Waipu River protection. Provision is also made for the acquisition of the Tata Islands as a harbour of refuge, for completing the survey at Point Elizabeth, and for obtaining a suitable sand-pump dredge for use in the smaller harbours. Under the head of Harbour Defences the expenditure was small, having amounted to £1,541 only. A vote of £5,000 is proposed for the current year. GROSS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS. In addition to the votes already mentioned, the estimates include the following charges : — £ Public Works, departmental ... ... ... ... ... 21,000 Immigration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Purchase of Native lands ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,000 Rates on Native lands ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 Contingent defence ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Lands-improvement ... ... ... ... ... ... 17,500 Thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations up to £2,106,951, against £2,352,789 last year. I should perhaps mention, as regards the vote for contingent defence, that certain items which were previously charged against Capital Account have been removed from the Public Works Fund, with a view to their being provided for on the supplementary estimates of the Consolidated Fund. DEPARTMENTAL. It was mentioned in last year's Statement that Mr. W. H. Hales had retired from the positions of Engineer-in-Chief and Marine Engineer, and that Mr. Peter Seton Hay, M.A., M.lnst.C.E., had been appointed to succeed him in both positions. It is now my painful duty to record the fact that Mr. Hay passed away on the 19th March last. The late Mr. Hay was a man of very iii—D. 1.



high attainments and eminence in his profession, and as he was only in middle life at the time of his appointment it was anticipated that he would have held his positions for many years with great advantage to the public service, and his comparatively early demise was a considerable shock to the Government and an undoubted loss to the Department. His place as Engineer-in-Chief and Marine Engineer has been taken by Mr. Eobert West Holmes, M.lnst.C.E., who has been in the service of the Government for over thirty-five years, and who for several years past has very worthily filled the positions, first of Inspecting Engineer, and latterly of Superintending Engineer of the Department. Mr. C. R. Vickerman, for many years District Engineer at Auckland, has been appointed Superintending Engineer in succession to Mr. Holmes. I have also to record the death of Mr. W. A. Sham, one of the oldest officers of the Department, who, at the time of his decease, held the position of Eesident Engineer at Nelson. PUBLIC WORKS ACT. Experience has disclosed quite a number of points on which the Public Works Act requires amendment, and the necessary Bill has accordingly been prepared, but its consideration will be held over til) next session. CONCLUSION. The present rate of our public-works expenditure is undoubtedly high, but the continued and well-established prosperity of the Dominion fully justifies it. There are indeed many persons, and some members of Parliament amongst them, who would approve even a higher rate, but if our borrowing for public-works purposes is to be limited to one million per annum it is impossible to do more than we are doing. I claim that the proposals submitted to the House are of a thoroughly progressive nature, and at the same time are fair and equitable as regards their distribution. The needs of each and every part of the country have been carefully considered; and it will, I think, be conceded that an honest effort has been made to apportion the funds available with even-handed justice and in the best interest of the people as a whole.



INDEX. TABLES. Page No. 1. —Total Expenditure : —Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907 No. 2.—Yearly Expenditure out op the Public Works Fund up to 1906-1907 .. .. .. 8 No. 3. —Railways : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation o Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. i. —Roads:—Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development op Goldfields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 No. 6.—Telegraphs : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1907 37 No. 7. —Public Buildings : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 No. 8. —Lighthouses and Harbour-works : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. 41 APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure for the Year:—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1906-1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 „ B.—Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1907 .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 45 C.— Railways and Public Buildings Contracts:—Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1906, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 D. —Sleeper Contracts:—Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1906, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 E. —Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 59

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1906. durinT,2 d Mo£hs Tota, Expenditure 31.t March, 1907. «st March, l«07. Tota, Expenditure Works. 3 5 and •,* 6 ' Railways ... Roads " Derelopimtit of goldfields Telegraph;Public buildings Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences Departmental Utilisation of water-power Coal-exploration and mine-development Aiding work? on Thames goldfields Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund Kates on Native lands Thermal springs Tourist and health resorts Lauds improvement Payment to Midland Railway bondholders £ »• d. 21,891,578 11 4 17,190,256 1 9 7 16,960 7 8 1,210,176 11 9 3*35'.536 8 3 : 1,013,152 13 3 £ s. d. 1,227,879 17 7 347,469 16 4 1 1.064 9 5 1 14,068 3 3 §227,025 6 9 4.503 17 8 £ s. d. •23,119,458 8 11 728,024 17 1 1,324,244 15 o 3.57 8 >5 61 '5 ° 1,017,656 10 11 210,242 19 1 109,681 12 2 2,6 16 18 3 75>"° 5 1 34.813 6 4 637 o o 23,329,701 8 o 7,647,407 10 3 730,641 15 4 ',399.355 ° ' 3.6i3,375 ' 4 1,018,293 10 11 Railways. Roads. Development of goldh'elde. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Utilisation of water-power. Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goidfielde. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. Tourist and health reeorts. Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. 8 533.456 7 4 3,369 10 4 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,163,228 10 7 J|2,O24,422 9 10 854,720 3 8 1,249,302 12 10 218,500 o o 67,11217 2 '4.599 '3 2 7'.H7 '5 8 9,409 2 6 150,000 o o 42,793.865 5 1 16,710 5 7 4.663 15 1 550,166 12 11 8,033 5 5 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,177,580 19 7 2.033.557 '6 7 869,593 19 6 1,244,128 2 5 218,500 o o 67,807 18 4 14.599 '3 2 113,519 11 8 15,014 7 o 150,000 o o 550,166 12 11 8,033 5 5 10835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,178,248 3 8 2.O33-557 16 7 869,659 12 6 1,244,128 2 5 218,500 o o 68,477 r 3 4 '4.599 13 2 '35,325 " 4 i 15,842 18 8 150,000 o o i8of 1878 11 of 1877 9>'3S 6 9 14,873 15 10 Cγ. 5,174 10 5 667 4 1 65 '3 ° 695 1 2 669 15 o "42,271 16 o 5.605 4 6 21,805 19 8 828 11 8 ... Totals 2,035,144 14 6 44,829,009 19 7 45,286,149 3 ii Totals. 457.139 4 4 * Includes £45 15s. 6d. charged to "Unauthorised." t Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. X Include! expenditure under Lands Improvement Account, £300,929 12s. ,d. and £30,000 transferred from Consolidated Fund, previously applied in reduction of " Roads " expenditure. § Includei £107 8s. charged to "Unauthorised." || Includes expenditure under Native Lands Purchase Account, £491,980 is. id. 11 Includes £\ 3s. charged to " Unauthorised"



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1885-86 tc 1906-7.

Total Net „ - „ __, Expenditure Description ot Services. r t0 31st March, 1885. 1885-86. £ £ Immigration 2,093,943 11,675 Public Works Departmental .. •• •• 227,596 I 29,632 1 1886-87. £ 12,454 25,835 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. £ 101 Expenditure. 1895-96. £ Cr. 10 1896-97. £ 301 ( 1897-98. £ 70 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1900-1. 1901-2. I 1902-3. 1903-1. 904-5. I 1905-6. 1906-7. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1907. £ 15,598 £ 8,791 £ 867 ! £ 1,823 £ 817 £ 242 £ 343 £ 105 £ £ I £ £ £ Cr. 7 £ 6,482 ! £ 8,753 £ 14,353 £ 2,177,581 550,167 385 214 139 142 227,596 29,632 25,835 25,090 21,458 12,294 10,264 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 J 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,933 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 ! 13,517 16,711 I Utilisation of Water-power Railways ■•• 11,616,753 725,496 616,447 468 2,901 4,664 8,033 23,119,459 725,496 616,447 403,727 272,077 289,601 Cr. 29 I 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,753 828,704 779,891 1,021,265 •1,227,880 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Roads:—• 77 ! — Roads North of Auckland .. •• •• 162,104 33,163 Main Roads .. > i,i 67 ,186 I ' Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. •• ) 1 d(,bio Roads to open up Lands 347,922 61,794 Grants-in-Aid . 481,381 !38,045 Village Settlements Local Bodies .. .. •• •• •• •■■ ,,"„„,, Roads on Goldflelds 51,672 31,622; Miscellaneous .. .. ■• •• •• 319,245 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery i Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway j .. 6,832 Lands Improvement Account 30,738 22,294 39,748 57,157 81,264 1,891 32,625 12,900 " 150,000 150,000 1 3,138 13,756 25,989 61,488 57,632 12,053 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 26,913 10,770 267 12,799 j 9,905 11,739 19,998 . 12,489 6,843 28,160 24,285 1 27,993 2,172 1,586 10,757 7,345 4,884 ! 3,829 315 470 13,290 ' 12,687 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 22,235 22,731 9,972 17,075 i'.289U " 11,195 f 1 . 2ua 248,934 1 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 316,248 202,850 300,065 ) I 1 58,042 308,500 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 :: I 17,577 "227 21,513 207 " 32,578 ' 49,569 25,053 7ioio 19,490 46,550 48,039 48,417 47,573 51,690 45,594 26,112 45,139 3El7j70 "" Cr. 91 Cr. 1,270 \cr. 26,519 \Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 Cr. 1,030 Cr. 7,050 17,841 89,207 Cr'573 108,168 i Cr. 365 ! Cr. 365 16,023 . 103,555 " Cr. 365 Cr. 347 20,410 iJ898 248 | 5,532 30,289 29^440 34 ] 765 Total, Roads 2,529,510 335,904 Development of Goldflelds 542,228 9.032 ' Purchase of Native Lands •• 992,264 34,545 Native Lands Purchase Account 542,228 335,904 9,032 ! 278,617 7,665 88,836 278,617 7,665 219,519 1,016 106,439 55 83,009 284 45,164 821 36,761 2,257 103,893 3,811 146,638 5,272 150,278 5,865 174,369 9,345 167,482 j 10,508 290,413 33,117 295,119 17,355 285,043 21,815 I 315,791 15,907 402,260 15,326 282,039 24,213 301,842 16,278 228,962 6,258 351,204 18,533 347,470 11,064 7,537,726 778,025 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 163,411 Cr. 37 j 129,000 ! 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 I 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 •• Total, Land Purchases .. .. 992,264 ! 34,545 992,264 34,545 88,836 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 ,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,033,558 Telegraph Extension .. .. •• •• 484,017 36,010 Public Buildings :— I General (including Miscellaneous) .. .. 154, (61 Parliamentary .. .. •• •• •■ 13,930 1 Judicial 201,782 11,106 Post and Telegraph 131,542 4,880 Customs 4. 6 ?! 9? Survey .. •• •• •• •• 5i ™1 Quarantine Stations .. .. . • • • 3,128 123 Hospitals for Mental Diseases .. .. •■ 226,042 4,007 Public Health , •• •• General Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. 20,7l5 3,299 School-buildings 664,244 62,884 Agricultural .. .. • • • • 484,017 36,010 11,106 4,880 99 461 123 4,007 18,952 947 8 15,875 2,772 "274 13,694 4,421 51,607 947 8 15,875 2,772 "274 13,694 18,952 22,984 12,742 24 8,273 2,227 23] 107 i, 156 40,000 12,047 14,588 8,228 82 10^242 673 779 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 16,346 16,292 2,880 9,892 | 709 409 j 454 8,901 1,009 13 27,773 29,245 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 16,127 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 19,229 2,523 6,822 11,487 3,542 12 28 306 13,633 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 10,935 35,538 8,178 ! 9 14,806 7,504 16 16^404 36,791 29,384 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 14',130 28,551 8,764 20,636' 11,109 5,16* 26,771 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 50,101 31,729 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,361 2,066 68,578 9,031 i 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10,904 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 47,227 ; 79,298 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 77,180 2,232 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 114,068 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,917 414 1,324,244 15,717 6\930 16,914 li^887 3 18,957 17J667 17,712 2,607 18,872 424 16,743 1,200 38,606 535 10j 167 37540 57,790 883 15,812 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 8,049 1,765 10,259 109,459 2,707 3',299 62,884 4,421 51,607 Cr. 140 •• 7]50O 7^999 15,000 160 15,000 837 6,561 20,000 1,127 700 22,143 819 28 [ 864 1,328 43,403 520 899 49,256 .447 5,141 33,681 971 Totah. Public Buildings .. .. 1,420,915 86,859 1,420,915 86,859 89,598 89,598 90,529 34,592 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 216,192 117,328 165,312 1227,025 3,578,561 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences :— Lighthouses 109,073 300; HarbourWorks .. ■• •• •• 301,311 6,o08 : Harbour Defences 52,232 127,167 ! 109,073 301,317 52,232 300 | 6,008 j 127,167 ! 3,272 6,004 139,429 3,272 6,004 139,429 2,866 | 2,504 500 Cr. 5,000 73,459 50,089 1,551 589 7,293 "l89 2,477 6,042 2,612 ."650 I 2,495 234 6,067 3,861 866 3,314 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,338 i 365 ; 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 i 3,421 6,678 . 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 7,347 4,563 3^976 2,963 1,541 Total, Lighthouses, &c 462,622 133,975, 462,622 133,975 148,705 148,705 76,825 47,593 9,433 2,666 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6,517 12,159 13,581 10,864 5,990 4,946 1,017,657 4,504 Rates on Native Lands i25,139 25,139 8,446 I 10,304 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 I 340 332 150 347 744 678 571 | 471 666 681 548 695 67,808 I Contingent Defence 392,219 25,000 392,219 25,000 12,500 12,500 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 37,005 38,728 46,588 35,569 14,874 I 869,591 Tourist and Health Resorts.. 11,260 10,949 15,643 ! 17,508 15,888 J42.272 : 113,520 Lands Improvements .. •• •• •• . •• -4 808,933 1,741 ' 2,349 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 15,014 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. .. 808,933 47,258 47,258 922 922 59,448 ! 104,911 3,084 Cr. 3,084 943 ' Cr.6 | 5 Cr.5 Cr. 5,175 [ 1,244,128 5,356 224 28,322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 ! 88,180 ! 87,249 10,764 f 235 Interest and Sinking Funds .. .. .. 218,500 218,500 10,835 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development .. .. 10,835 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 7,814 7,814 2,999 030 2,587 14,600 Advance to Westport Harbour, repayable .. 14,336 fir. 14,336 Total Ways and Means Credits .. Grand Total—Net Expenditure .. 21,800,335 1,475,386 . 21,800,335 1,475,386 1,333,484 1,333,484 966,160 19,427 613,939 4,383 481,346 26,519 308,633 65,635 325,977 12,059 480,468 3,458 485,002 7,062 I 590,940 573 683,386 705 659,836 370 865,172 590 915,736 347 992,876 1,309,021 I 516 j 2,142,736 J 1,514,445 1,796,840 1,321,511 1,730,686 2,035,145 44,829,010 jj B,—The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are either recoveries o: The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include expenditi 2—D. 1. i account of services of ire under Native Lands trevious years or receipts-in-aid applied in reduction of expend; Purchase Account, and from 1894-95 to 1896-97, inclusive, exp iture. lenditure under Lands Ij * Includes " Unauthorised," £46. expenditure see Roads Class. t Includi is " Unauthorised," £107. I Includes " Unauthorised," £1. Ji For previous iprovement Account.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1907, and Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure during Year 1906-7. Total Expenditure by General Government, and Liabilities, 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure by Lines op Railway. General New Works. ,„„,,,. Government to Works on Open !'"?'°;?:' ms „ 31stMarch,1900. por _ t . Tofa , New Lines. Surveys. Construction. way _ Worts £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kaihu Valley .. .. .. .. .. 55,044 17 1 Kawakawa .. .. .. .. .. 125,979 3 .1 4,108 6 8 2,183 0 0 6,291 0 8.. , Whangarei to Kamo Extension .. .. .. 170,414 2 8 6,515 6 3 227 18 4 6,743 4 7 234 18 9 ! Helensville Northwards .. .. '.. 191,968 0 10 38,320 10 0 7,682 15 8 46,003 5 8 Kaipara to Waikato .. .. .. .. 1,238,879 3 11 .. .. .. 3,630 15 2! .. Cambridge Branch .. .. .. .. 51,110 9 9.. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha .. ..' .. 139,835 0 '5 .. .. .. Te Aroha to Thames .. .. .. .. 187,097 15 10 .. .. .. 1,519 16 8 ... Paeroa to Waihi .. .. .. .. 141,762 12 0 1,675 15 10 .. 1,675 15 10: Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield .. ".. 161,693 0 10 .. .. .. Putaruru to Rotorua.. .. .. .. 193,265 19 Marton to Te Awamutu — NorthEnd .. .. .. .. .. " 845,924 16 1 c 133,064 10 1 11,102 4 6 j 144,167 0 7.. Central '.'. .. .. .. .. " 18,084 12 8 107,771 4 11 .. '107,771 4 11 SouthEnd '.". .. .. .. .. 858,469 11 6 121,289 18 5 43,643 11 8 164,933 10 1 Gisborne to Ormond Tramway .. .. .. 4,975 17.. Gisborne to Rotorua .. .. .. .. 128,319 7 3 18,428 1 7 2,600 4 4 21,028 0 11, Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North .. 850,139 14 5 .. .. .. ] 7,240 10 1 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Ex- 1,273,871 3 2 .. .. .. d6,lUil4 6 tension Wellington to Foxton .. .. .. .. 42,116 8 4.. Foxton to Waitara .. .. .. .. 1,429,327 11 4, .. .. .. 1,601 5 3! Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Deviation .. .. ,■ 24,245 19 2 .. 24,245 19 2 Mount Egmont Branch .. .. .. 20,430 14 3 17,257 10 0 J.,449 11 6 18,707 10 Stratford to Ongarue .. .. .. .. 03,859 15 0 12,881 3 3 2,703 18 4 , 15,585 17.. Nelson to Roundell .. .. .. .. 105,757 0 4j 780 .. 780 28 85 Midland Railway— Nelson End.." .. .. .. .. 75,412 0 2 1 17,483 14 8 117 5 2 17,600 19 10 .. 4 3 0 Stillwater to Inangahua .. .. .. 50,27114 7 18,794 8 9 1,487 3 4 ' 20,281 12 f 265 19 3 Brunnerton to Otira .. .. '.. .. / 149,764 6 3 £(22,465 6 8 .. ! 22,465 6 8 265 19 3 38 8 0 Springfield End .. .. .. .. 314,705 13 10 70,905 9 7 4,724 3 6 175,629 13 1 Westport to Ngakawau.. .. .. .. 188,008 17 3 Westport to Inangahua .. .. .. 7,279 4 8 8,575 2 7 .. 8,575 2 7 Ngahere to Blackball .. .. .. .. 37,136 0 8 11,596 6 8 723 6 10 12,319 13 6, .. Greymouth to Point Elizabeth .. .. .. 65,178 10 7 .. .. .. 314 0 6 55 1 4 Greymouth to Brunnerton .. .. .. /150,512 11 11 Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross .. .. 271,209 18 10 21,628 6 6 4,366 5 10 | 25,994 12 4 204 9 10 Picton to Waipara— a * ■ Picton to Cheviot .. .. .. .. 336,326 0 11 15,938 12 6 .. 15,938 12 6 680 8 10 Cr. 3 0 0 Waipara to Cheviot .. .. .. .. . 185,02112 10 30,136 13 7 14,i45 2 8 44,28116 3 Hurunui to Waitaki— . 1 . MainLine .. .. .. .. .. 1,588,413 15 7 14 6 0 .. 14 6 0 21,482 14.. Oxford Branch .. .. .. .'. 51,467 7 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. Eyreton Branch .. .. .. .. 44,276 12 10 Lyttelton Branch .. .. .. .. 78,268 8 4 .. .. .. 870 5 5 Southbridge Branch .. .. .. .. 88,689 18 5 Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches .. .. 94,796 13 8 .. .. .. 106 14 6 Fairlie Creek Branch .. .. .. 66,872 12 5 Waimate Branch .. .. .. .. 47,953 11 8 Ashburton Forks Branch .. .. .. ..74,469 9 3.. Upper Ashburton Branch .. .. .. 61,582 16 9 Little River Branch .. .. .. .. 107,033 18 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern .. .. .. .. 53,649 0 4.. Whitecliffs to Rakaia .. .. .. 542 6 2 Temuka to Rangitata .. .. .. 5,152 2 8 .. .. Waitaki to Bluff—. Main Line, including Pott Chalmers Branch .. 2,646,077 9 8 .. .. .. 164,28* 11 6 Surveys. Total Expenditure by General Rolling-stock. 3 SXXl907. Total Expenditure by General Liabilities. Rolling-stock. 3 SrSXl907. . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 132,270 9 9 192 11 4 177,392 6 0 192 11 3 237,971 6 6 2,927 10 11 1,242,509 19 1 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5, 188,617 12 1 1 143,438 7 10 [ 161,693 0 10 I 193,265 19 1 990,091 16 8 38,336 12 2 ' .. 1,149,258 19 2 ,' 8,561 13 11 4,975 17! 149,347 13 2 ! 821 17 5 857,380 4 0 oil,279,982 17 8 42,116 3 4 . 1,430,928 16 7 24,245 19 2 I 141 14 0 39,137 15 9 j 639 16 7 79,444 16 7 ; 122 11 3 165,792 16 9 I 93,017 3 0 I 730 3 0 70,819 5 11 3,172 1 9 f 172,534 0 2 . 1,828 12 9 390,335 6 11 5,081 4 4 188,008 17 3 15,854 7 3 1 3,547 12 1 49,455 14 2 I 397 6 7 65,547 12 5 /150,512 11 11 j 297,409 1 0 J 7,165 16 10 352,942 2 3 967 1 0 229,303 9 1 | 4,104 17 7 1,609,910 2 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 ! .. 79,138 13 9 I 88,689 18 5 94,903 8 2 06,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 h 74,469 9 3 61,582 16 9 107,633 18 7 j 53,649 0 4! 542 6 2 5,152 2 8; t2,710,369 12 ' .. Liabilities. Valuation cf Works _, constructed by , „ 1 ..- ai Provinces ! Expenditure and an( j Liabilities, Midland Railway! 31st March > 190T - Company.a. Lznbs OP Uailway. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 132,463 1 1 177,584 17 3 240,898 17 5 1,242,509 19 1 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 132,463 1 1 177,584 17 3 240,898 17 5 1,242,509 19 1 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5 188,617 12 1 143,438 7 10 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo Extension. ' Helensville Northwards. Kaipara to Waikato.' Cambridge Branch. Waikato to ThamesHamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Paeroa to Waihi. Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu— North End. South End. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Gisborne to Rotorua. Wellington to NapierNapier to Woodville and Palmers. ton North. Wellington to Woodville, including ' Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Foxton. Foxton to Waitara. Sentry Hill-N. Plym'th Deviation. Mount Egmont Branch. Stratford to Ongarue. Nelson to Roundell. .. Midland RailwayNelson End. J Stillwater to Inangahua. I Brunnerton to Otira. Springfield End. Westport to Ngakawau. Westport to Inangahua. Ngahere to Blackball. Greymouth to Point Elizabeth. Greymouth to Brunnerton. Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross. Picton to Waipara— Picton to Cheviot. Waipara to Cheviot. Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield* Whitecliffs Branches. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branoh. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main LineOxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chal.' mers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Fernhill Railway Purchase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence' Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. . . Riversdale to Switzers. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central. Invercargill to KingstonMain Line. Mararoa Branch. (Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau (Thornbury to Wairio, Forest Hill. . Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New LinesNorth Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Department. Rolling-stock. 139,835 0 5 188,617 12 1 143,438 7 10 161,693 0 10 193,265 1 9 161,693 0 10 193,265 1 9 1,028,428 8 10 1,028,428 8 10 1,157,820 13 1 1,157,820 13 1 4,975 1 7 150,169 10 7 4,975 1 7 150,169 10 7 857,380 4 6 857,380 4 0 dl,279,982 17 8 dl,279,982 17 8 42,116 3 4 1,430,928 16 7 24,387 13 2 39,777 12 4 79,567 7 10 165,792 16 9 42,116 3 4 1,430,928 16 7 24,387 13 2 39,777 12 4 79,567 7 10 165,792 16 9 93,747 6 0 73,991 7 8 /174,362 12 11 395,416 11 3 188,008 17 3 19,401 19 4 49,853 0 9 05,547 12 5 /150,512 11 11 304,574 17 10 78,306 19 9 172,054 5 9 1 543,573 17 9 ) / 791,927 18 4 61,579 5 7 456,995 16 10 188,008 17 8 19,401 19 4 49,853 0 9 65,547 12 5 /150,512 11 11 304,574 17 10 353,909 3 9 233,408 6 8 353,909 3 9 233,408 6 8 1,609,910 2 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 79,138 13 9 88,689 18 5 94,903 8 2 06,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 h 74,469 9 3 61,582 16 9 107,633 18 7 310,135 0 0 1,926,045 2 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 419,638 13 9 88,089 18 5 94,903 8 2 141,996 12 5 47,953 11 8 h 74,469 9 3 01,582 16 9 107,633 18 7 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 0 2 5,152 2 8 12,710,369 1 2 82,258 17 3 12,792,627 18 5 Duntroon Branch .. .. .. .. 96,03116 11 Ngapara Branch .. .. .. ..! 25,89111 9 , .. .. .. .. ... .. Fcrnhill Railway Purchase .. .. .. j 1,415 8 10 .. .. .. Brighton Road Branch .. .. .. 0,473 14 9, .. .. .. .. .. ... ... Outram Branch .. .. .. ...A 11,951 7 6 Lawrence Branch .. .. .. .. 162,884 17 0j 15,959 6 7 .. 15,959 6 7i Livingstone Branch .. .. .. .'.' 82,784 18 10 .. - . __.. Waihemo Branch .. .. .. ... 33,190 18 8 I .. .. .. .. .. ... Catlin's River Branch .. .. ..! 160,747 17 4 10,312 11 9 393 17 2 j 10,706 8 11 Heriotburn Branch .. .. .. 122,772 2 0, .. .. .. .. 74 5 10 Waimea Plains Branch .. .. .. 110,820 4 5 I .. .. ... 199 7 10 .. ... Toitois Branch .. .. "... .. 52,307 4 8 .. ... .. .. 172 19 7 Riversdale to Switzers .. .. .. 12,690 14 X 3,551 6 0, .. 3,551 0 0 Kelso to Gore .. .. .. ... 602 2 5 j Seaward Bush to Catlin's .. .. .. 115,043 0 5; 7,832 15 .. I 7,832 15 Otago Central .. .. .. .. ..j 1,213,971 5 8 J38.284 8 418,662 10 8 56,946 19 0 Invercargill to KingstonMain Line'.. .. .. .. .. 306,633 10 5 j .. Mararoa Branch .. .. .. .. 27,216 18. 7 | .. Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. 1 „„., „.„ . „ „ „_« .„ „| _ Thornbury to Wairio f J<W ' 86d i 6 V-Km 10 0, .. 9,955 10 0 ForestHill .. .. .. .. •• 22,983 14 5 .. Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Ex- t 10,336 19 11 ... .. .. .. .. ... penditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines— Northlsland .. .. .. .. ! 24,659 18 2 .. .. .. .. .. 597 6 10 Middle Island .. .. .. .. 5,554 1 0 .. .. .. .. .. 1,401 7 5 Permanent-way for Railway Department ... 25,000 0 0 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 i 178,844 3 7 255 1 2 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 171,454 6 3: 1,427 7 5 122,846 7 10 111,019 12 3 52,480 4 3 ,.. 16,242 0 1 120 5 3 602 2 5 122,875 1 10 137 19 2 1,270,918 4 8 2,881 17 0 306,633 10 5 27,216 18 7 I 273,818 14 3 03 18 5 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 25,257 5 0! 5 6 10 6,955 8 5 5 6 10 25,000 0 0 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,415 8 10 0,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 179,099 4 9 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 172,881 13 8 122,846 7 10 111,019 12 3 52,480 4 3 16,362 5 4 602 2 5 123,013 1 0 1,273,800 1 8 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 134,031 16 11 83,900 11 9 1,415 8 10 19,302 14 9 41,042 7 6 179,099 4 9 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 172,881 13 8 122,846 7 10 111,019 12 3 52,480 4 3 16,362 5 4 602 2 5 123,013 1 0 1,273,800 1 8 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 306,633 10 5 27,216 18 7 91,937 5 2 398,570 15 7 27,216 18 7 273,882 12 8 00,297 0 0 384,179 12 8 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 25,262 11 10 6,960 15 3 25,000 0 0 25,262 11 10 0,960 15 3 25,000 0 0 Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. ..j 3,722,916 8 1.. Stook of Permanent-way materials, 31st Maroh, 1906 .. .. £73,336 15 5 73,336 15 5 21,891,578 11 4 Stook of Permanent-way increased by £12,176 15 4 12,176 15 4 Stock of Permanent - way, 31st March, 1907 .. .. ..£85,513 10 9 199,101 12 4 3,922,018 0 5 j 119,054 0 0 85,513 10 9 0,760 1 9 4,041,672 0 5 4,041,672 0 5 ] 92,273 12 6 Stock of Pornianent-way. 92,273 12 6 Total.. . .. .. 1.21,903,755 6 8 788,999 11 9:116,212 19 6 905,212 11 3 il09,048 6 8 34117 9 1.998 14 3 Total.. .__ .. .. A'jl,903,755 6 8 788,999 11 9:116,212 19 6 905,212 11 3 |109,048 6 8 1 341 17 9 1,998 14 3 a Also includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders under " The Midland Railway Petitions Settlem d Does not include £3,010 10s. expended out of Consolidated Fund. e Includes £3 8s. 9d. charged to unauthorised. /£15,959 expended betwi h Does not include amount expended out of Consolidated Fund, £35 15s. 7d. i Does not include £500 k Includes amount expended on purchase of district railways, £477,487 7s. lid. Does not include expenditure undei 341 17 9 1,998 14 8 199.101 12 4 23.119.458 8 11 I Qin 94') 10. 1 !199,101 12 4 23,119,458 8 11 mt Act Amendment Act, 1903." c Includes len Brunnerton and Nelson Creek, transferred to Bri expended out of Consolidated Fund. j Incluc Hutt Road and Railway Improvement, and Railwai 210,242 19 1 1*28,829,701 8 0 £24 lis. 3d. charge! :nnerton-Otira iterr les £10 16s. charged ■ Improvements Aui 1,787,741 5 6 1 to unauthorised 1, 1904. g . to unauthorised, ihorisation Act A< iA25.117.442 18 6 .. Total. Includes £6 19s. Od. charged to unauthorised. •counts.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for ihe Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. eoads, etc. Auckland Eoad Distbict— Ahipara to Herekino Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia Awanui Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Awanui to Waipapakauri Broadwood to Herekino Duncan Road Great North Road to Otukai Herd's Point to Takahue Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands £ s. A. 110 16 6 117 17 0 Or. 2 8 11 217 16 5 75 0 0 330 7 11 147 7 6 126 1 0 205 9 1 Hokianga Mangonui 10 11 12 18 n Herekino to Eaitaia Herekino to Whangape Herekino Wharf Road Hohoura Horeke to Section 1, Block XII, Mangamuka Survey District Horeke to Taheke Huehue Huehue Block to Punakitere Settlement Road Iwitaua to Mangamuka (£200, £1 for £1) Mangonui and Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga 86 10 2 216 12 8 93 15 0 150 0 0 16 19 10 Mangonui Hokianga 16 17 19 58 9 6 55 4 3 91 17 8 95 12 0 Mangonui, Whangaroa, and Hokianga Whangaroa 20 21 ■2'A Kaeo to Matauri Kaeo to Whangaroa Kaikohe to Huehue Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands Bay of Islands, Hobson, and Hokianga Hokianga and Bay of Islands Whangarei 80 0 0 160 0 0 44 17 6 23 24 Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church 344 3 11 229 17 2 25 Kaikohe to Rawene 153 14 0 26 27 28 29 30 81 82 S3 34 Kaimamaku to Helena Bay.. Kaimamaku to Marua Boundary Kaitaia to Ahipara Kaitaia to Awanui Kaitaia to Dairy Faotory Kaitaia to Mangonui Karaka to Whangape, via Whakarapa Kawakawa to Derrick Ketetangariki Block to Marjgakahia-Dargaville Road Kohukohu Foreshore Kohukohu to Mangamuka Ferry Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Runa Valley Koporu Railway-station to Kawakawa-Ohaeawai Road Mangamuka Block XI (aocess to FlavellV) Mangamuka Ferry Mangamuka to Oruru Mangonui 100 0 0 65 9 0 118 5 0 90 13 i 137 0 8 68 0 0 297 0 11 100 0 0 306 8 4 Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga ii n 35 36 87 38 63 0 0 71 18 11 48 6 7 100 0 0 Bay of Islands 39 40 41 Hokianga Hokianga and Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui 7 16 8 38 12 3 GO 8 0 4-2 43 44 45 47 48 49 Mangataraire Mangonui Beach Road to Junction Mangonui to Cable-station Matawherohia to Kaeo Ohaeawai to Kaikohe Ohaeawai to Waimate Okaihau to Horeke Whangaroa Bay of Islands 50 0 0 100 0 0 483 6 3 97 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 125 17 6 51 52 58 r>4 55 56 57 58 69 61 62 68 64 65 66 07 68 70 Okaihau No. 2 Road Omanaia to Hokianga Heads Omapere Survey District, Blocks IX and X Omapere to Waimamaku Settlement Opanaki to Hokianga Opouteke to Mangakahia Opua to Kawakawa Opua to Waimate Opuawhanga to Helena Bay Oruru to Hikurangi Oruru to Kohumaru Otaua (Huehue Block) Oue to Landing .. .. • Paiaka to Hukerenui (£1 for £1) Paiaka to Towai Pakaraka to Waitangi via Oromahoe Pakaraka to Whangae Parahaki to Russell Hokianga and Bay of Islauds Bay of Islands Hokianga 100 0 0 70 9 8 66 18 8 7 12 0 144 16 6 69 12 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 74 2 1 272 6 0 10 5 8 53 14 8 50 0 0 50 0 0 67 11 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 Bay of Islands n • • Whangarei Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Item No. No. Nam? of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 71 72 73 74 T5 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 131 132 134 135 136 138 Roai/8, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Parengarenga Peria to Mangonui Peria to Maungataniwha Peria to Victoria Valley Post-office Puata Bridge .. .. .. Pupuke to Kaeo Pupuke (landing to mines) Ramarama to Purua Ramarama Valley Rangiahua Stream Bridge .. Rangiahua to Umawhero Rawene Beach Road Ruapekapeka (Hayter's Road) Ruapekapeka to Kawakawa.. Russell to Long Beach Russell to Tapu Point Taita Stream Bridge (Waimamaku) Takahue to Herekino Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road Thomas's Bridge (Mangwnuka to Oruru) (£1 for £1) Toby's Creek Bridge Totara Foreshore Towai to Ramarama Towai to Ruapekapeka Umawhero to Mangamuka Umawhero to Victoria Valley Utakura to Okaka Victoria Valley Post-office to Fairburn Road (west end) Waiarohia Point.. Waikare to Kawakawa Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hokianga Road Waimamaku to Pakanae Waimamaku to Pakia Waimamaku Settlement Waimamaku Settlement to Kawerua Waimatanui Waiotu to Hukerenui (Galbraith's) Waipapa to Purerua Wairupa Stream Bridge Waitangi to Paihia Waoku Blocks II and III (access) Waoku Extension Block (access) West Coast to Waiharara Whakapaku (main road) Whakapara Whangae Settlement Whangape to Manganuiowae via Rotokakahi Block Whangaroa Coast Road Cemetery Hill Deviation (Matakana) Civil Road Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo Creamery Finlayson's Brook Road Hoteo Parish, bridge at Section 95, Block I Hoteo Valley Kaiwaka to Mangawai Kaiwaka Settlement Kaiwaka Settlement, Road to Creamery Mangakahia Bridge to Dargaville Mangonui ft * • Hokianga Whangaroa Whangarei Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands * •' u ' ' Hokianga Mangonui Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands £ s. d. 100 0 0 83 6 5 48 2 2 149 10 0 100 0 0 839 8 10 91 19 0 182 0 0 90 15 3 128 4 9 38 9 10 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 149 8 1 101 17 7 271 17 10 Cr. 100 0 0 50 0 0 94 1 3 131 18 11 50 0 0 47 10 3 141 10 0 100 0 0 248 1 8 43 1 0 45 7 0 291 12 6 81 1 9 78 15 0 266 12 3 50 0 0 238 1 0 234 19 3 150 0 0 299 19 11 50 0 0 100 0 0 103 3 3 225 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 75 0 0 39 16 0 50 0 0 166 15 11 50 0 0 100 0 0 144 17 9 59 18 8 150 0 0 50 0 0 49 18 0 4 5 4 83 13 1 -* m * * n • ■ Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Whangarei Bay of Islands Hokianga Whangaroa Rodney Marsden a ■ ■ Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Whangarei and Hob139 140 141 143 144 147 149 150 Mangakahia Bridge to Mangakahia Church Mangapai to Maungakaramea Mangawai Bridge and approaches Mareretu Central Marua to McPhee's Bay (£1 for £1) .. Matakana to Whangaripo Range Maungatapere to Tangiteroria Maungaturoto to Cove via Rowsell's son Ditto Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Whangarei Rodney Whangarei Whangarei and Otamatea Otamatea Marsden and Kaipara Marsden i 2 18 4 50 0 0 313 10 8 49 19 11 196 17 6 88 10 3 178 19 6 66 2 10 151 152 153 154 155 156 ; 158 159 161 162 163 Maungaturoto to Waikiekie.. Maungaturoto Wharf Road Mullet Point to Mahurangi Heads North Albertland to Hakaru Creamery (£1 for £1) North River Road (£42, £1 for £1) Omaha to Pakiri.. Pakiri Parish (Sections 119 and 115) Pakiri to Whangaripo Paparoa to Waikiekie Parua to Taheke.. Porotl to Mangakahia Bridge .. ,. Rodney Whangarei Rodney Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Whangarei 31 15 3 92 8 3 4 15 0 95 7 6 88 5 6 5 3 4 86 9 6 53 11 0 i 147 9 11 50 0 0 68 13 9 Marsden and Kaipara Marsden



TABLE No. 4 -continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for i he ended 31st March, 1907. Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Puhoi to Warkworth £ S. d. 200 1 1 Of, 164 Rodney Marsden and Waitemata Marsden 165 166 168 169 Purua to Kauaeranga Block Ruatangata Lower Road (£1 for £1) Taipuha Bridge to Burt's Corner Tangihua Forest Reserve to Tokatoka-Mangapai Road Te Arai to Mangawai Waikiekie Post-office to Tokatoka-Mangapai Road Waipu to Mareretu Whangarei 149 17 4 42 2 1 2 0 0 62 0 0 Otamatea Whangarei 170 172 174 Bodney Whnngarei Otamatea, Rodney, and Whangarei Rodney 80 0 0 50 0 0 254 0 2 176 177 178 179 180 Waitlti Bridge Waiwhiu Valley Waiwhiu to Whangaripo Range Road Walker Road Warkworth to Ahuroa Railway-station Whangarei Rodney 116 2 8 65 16 9 59 12 2 49 18 0 50 0 0 181 183 186 187 188 190 192 195 196 197 198 200 201 202 204 205 208 209 210 211 212 213 216 217 218 219 220 222 224 225 226 227 228 229 231 232 233 234 238 239 240 241 242 244 246 247 248 249 250 252 253 355 Warkworth to Kaipara Plats Railway-station Whananaki to Hikurangi Railway-station, via Mama Whangaripo to Te Arai .. .. .. I Wbangaripo Valley Ahuroa to Komokoriki Araparera River Bridge Ararua (£1 for £1) Avooa Settlement (North Road) Avooa Settlement roads .. .. Avooa Settlement (West Road) Awakinn to Kaikohe Awaroa River Canal to Matakohe-Tokatoka Roal.. Awatuna to Waiote Kumarau Batley Wharf to Bickerstaffe Bickerstaffe (Otamatea Road) Bickfrstaffe to Maungaturoto Helensville to Port Albert Helensville to South Head Hukatere Access Road Hukatere District Roads Jolly's Range Road Kaihu to Waima Kaitui to Waipoua Kaukapakapa Stream Bridge Kirikopini to Mangakahia Kirk's Road (Katui to Orangi) Kopuru to Red Hill Lindquist Road Makarau to Komokoriki Makarau Railway-station to Kaukapakapa Makarau Railway-station to West Coast Road Mangatu to Katui Marlborough Association Maropiu to Kairara Matakohe to Tokatoka Matakohe to Wharf Maungaru Settlement Mititai to Creamery Junotion (£1 for £1) Naumai to Tokatoka Post-office Opanaki to Mangonui Bluff Pahi to Paparoa Paparoa to Matakohe Paparoa to Maungaturoto Port Albert to Wellsford Junction Port Albert to Wellsford Valley Porter's Hill to Paparoa Prie Road Puhoi to Makarau Raupo to Creamery Sanderson's Bridge Shag Creek Road (£2 for £1) Taita Railway-station to Block III, Kaihu Survey District Tangiteroria to Omano Tangowahine to Avooa Tangowahine River Bridge (Maungaru Settlement) Tauhoa Block to Ahuroa Railway-otation Te Kopuru to Wairoa North Hospital Te Pahi to Tauhoa Railway-station Tokatoka to Mangapai Marsden, Waitemata, and Kaipara Marsden and Kaipara Marsden 100 0 0 200 0 0 107 8 4 108 18 6 149 17 0 134 0 6 34 4 7 50 0 0 142 3 1 50 0 0 100 0 0 187 3 1 120 5 11 97 0 11 9 10 204 16 3 174 14 0 150 0 0 17 13 0 83 3 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 86 2 0 244 19 2 177 13 9 90 16 0 50 0 0 76 10 0 100 0 0 130 15 9 144 10 0 42 8 0 146 14 6 101 9 10 79 9 6 88 13 7 149 19 10 45 14 6 149 13 4 150 0 0 63 15 11 49 15 1 101 8 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 54 5 0 144 10 9 94 3 7 190 10 1 205 3 2 Cr. 40 7 9 75 0 0 Whangarei Rodney Kaipara Otamatea Hobson v Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Rodney & Waiternata Waitemata Otamatea Hobson „ Hokianga Waitemata Hobson Hokianga Hobson Otamatea Waitemata & Rodney Waitemata Rodney & Waitemata Hokianga Hobson Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Hobson & Hokianga Otamatea Rodney Otamatea Rodney & Waitemata Otamatea Rodney Otamatea Hobson 256 257 258 259 261 263 264 Rodney Hobson Otamatea & Rodney Whangarei, Hobson, and Otamatea Hobson & Otamatea Otamatea 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 76 4 8 100 0 0 150 0 0 49 19 11 Kaipara A Marsden Kaipara 265 266 267 •Tokatoka to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Tokatoka Swamp Tokatoka Swamp (main access road) 70 4 11 170 14 5 71 11 3



TABLE No. 4—cont inued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure I'or i he Yeax ended 31st March, 1907. 105 271 273 274 275 276 277 279 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Wairere to Paparoa Woodhill to Helensville Woodhill through Museum Endowment Albany to Guthill Dairy Flat to Auokland Birkenhead to Albany Dairy Plat to Albany Great Barrier Island (Cape Barrier to Trypliena Harbour) Great Barrier Island (Harataunga to Port Pitzroy) Great Barrier Island (Whangaparapara to Awana via Hot Springs) Henderson to Swanson Henderson to Brigham's Creek Lucas Creek School Bridge Okura to Takapuna Puhoi District to Tahekeroa Railway-station Otamatea Waitemata No county Kaip;ua Waitemata £ s. d. 88 4 8 150 0 0 65 0 0 94 16 10 300 0 0 300 0 0 26 4 8 150 0 0 87 5 1 280 281 282 283 285 286 289 Waitematn, 200 0 0 100 0 0 57 17 7 300 0 0 133 6 0 Rodney and Waitamata Rodney 290 291 293 295 296 Puhoi to Tahekeroa Tunnel Pukapuka to Moir's Hill Wade to Dairy Plat Wade to Wainui via Purden's Hill Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station Wa temata 300 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 180 10 7 Waitemata Kaipara Waitemata Thames and 105 4 0 93 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 187 11 8 154 6 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 304 12 3 200 0 0 10 0 6 51 15 11 85 15 0 50 12 9 151 9 2 148 8 0 100 0 0 140 13 4 299 301 302 303 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 Waiwera to Wainui Coromandel to Thames Kaimarama Settlement to Waikawau Kuaotuna to Warekaho via Opito Newmarket Bridge (contribution) Orakei Wharf Cattle-road St. Hellier's Bay Road (protection) New Lynn to Huia Waikumete to West Coast Whau Bridge to Henderson (Main North Road) .. Ararimu Ardmore Range Road Botany Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Brookby Creamery Road (£1 for £1) Clevedon to Orere Great South Road (Drury Road District) Great South Road (Otahuhu Road District) Great South Read to Otau, via Ararimu (£57, £2 for £1) Hay's Creek Bridge Howiok Main Road (£1 for £1) Hunua to Railway-station .. Maungamaungaroa to Maraetai Otau Road Otau to Hunua Wairoa Butter-factory to Brookby Creamery Wairoa River to Otau Akaaka Swamp Road to Pukekohe Railway-station Awhitu Main Road Awhitu Wharf Road to Morrison's, via Orua Bay .. Bombay to Maketu Bregmen's Landing to Mercer Clinch Road to Huntly Drury to Waiuku, via Karaka Golding's Hill (Pukekohe District) Graham's Beach Wharf Great South Road (Papatoetoe to Meroer) Hetherington Road Huntly to Pukemiro Kauri Kimihea Lake Drainage Klondyke Lawson Road Matahuru Valley to Proctor's Mauku Stream Bridge Maungatawhiri Stream Bridge Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru Moewaka Morrinsville to Maukoro McPherson Road, Block X, Piako Survey Distriot Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block Coromandel Eden Waitematn, Ptiruell Eden Manukau Manukau 320 321 323 324 325 326 328 329 332 335 337 338 340 342 343 344 345 346 347 349 351 352 353 354 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 Raglan Waikato Manukau Franklin Cr. 24 19 10 14 9 0 143 8 8 92 8 5 12 12 8 83 4 8 199 12 3 111 10 4 296 17 2 129 11 2 45 12 6 55 0 0 99 19 7 71 17 5 40 6 10 30 0 0 140 0 0 129 6 3 14 13 9 174 13 5 84 0 0 8 5 3 149 18 3 100 0 0 119 13 6 50 0 0 177 14 11 60 3 1 94 11 0 190 1 2 87 16 9 81 19 6 Raglan Waikato Raglan Waikato Manukau Waikato Raglan Piako Waikato Waikato and Ohinemuri Manukau 364 367 368 369 370 371 Orua Bay Wharf Approaches Pollok Main Road Ponganui Road Pukekohe East School to Drury Puriri to Huntly Rangiiiri to Rangiriri Rail way ■ station .. Raglan Manukau Raglan Waikato 32 15 5 13 9 10 143 1 11 60 0 0 67 4 5 9 6 0



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. LOS 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 Roads, etc.— continued. Auckland Road District! — continued. Taniwha Creek Bridle-traok Te Kirikiri Tuakau Bridge (eastern approach) Tuakau Bridge to Pukekawa Tuakau Bridge to Railway Tuakau Bridge to Waingaro Turner's Junction to West Coast (through Block VI, Awaroa) Waerenga Railway-station to Waerenga Valley .. Wairangi Railway-station, towards Rangiriri Waiuku to Pukekohe (Mauku Road District, £25) Whangape Parish (Sections 126,127, and 128) Kauaeranga Valley Matatoke Miranda to Waitakaruru Netherton to Turua Waikato Raglan Manukau Raglan Manukau Raglan Franklin Franklin & Waikato Franklin £ S. d. 53 15 0 131 15 5 181 4 8 43 18 2 160 2 i 35 0 0 133 8 10 382 383 384 385 388 390 391 392 Waikato Manukau Raglan Thames n ■ • Ohinemuri 26 16 8 66 7 2 170 13 3 11 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 2 0 0 50 0 0 397 398 401 402 403 404 Tahuna to Ohinewai (Hoe-o-Tainui North) Townsend Road .. .. .. Waingaro River Bridge Waingaro to Waingaro Landing Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering and supervision Ohinemuri and Thames Ohinemnri Thames Raglan 28 7 4 50 0 0 4 7 6 100 0 0 1,070 13 11 92 19 8 Waikato Waikato & Franklin Total—Auckland £35,003 6 3 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 414 418 419 421 422 423 424 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 Tβ Kuiti Road District — Te Puroa Aotea to Raglan .. .. .. ... Awaroa to Mahoe Awaroa to Waiharakeke Awaroa River Bridge Billington'sHill .. Caves Road French Pass to Taotaoroa Hauturu .. .. .. ... Hauturu to Otorohanga .. Hutewai Jervois Street Kaimango Kairimu Kakepuku Kauri.. Kauri to Harepepe Kauroa to Pakoka Kawa Kawhia to Aotea Kihi .. Kihikihi to Otorohanga .. Raglan Raglfin and Kawhia Kawhia Raglan Waitomo Piako Kawhia & Waitomo Waitomo Kawhia Franklin Waikato 0 5 1 168 10 0 251 6 5 216 6 11 1 19 5 187 3 4 200 0 0 24 11 0 174 11 3 150 1 3 28 13 0 74 19 2 93 6 2 43 2 10 144 7 11 47 5 2 49 6 6 162 0 8 11 6 0 164 17 8 203 11 1 130 1 8 435 437 438 Kinohaku to Harbour Kiritehere Kokakaroa Awakino Waitomo Kawhia Raglan Raglan and Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo and West Taupo Kawhia Awakino Kawhia, Awakino, and Waitomo Kawhia Awakino & Kawhia Waitomo Raglan and Kawhia Waitomo Awakino Raglan Waitomo 121 1 6 196 16 8 15 1 11 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 451 453 454 455 456 458 459 460 464 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 Mahoe Mahoenui to Kawhia South).. .. Mairoa to Te Kumi (Arapae) Mangakino Mangamahoe Mangakokopu .. .. .. Mangaokahu .. ... Mangaorino Mangaorongo Stream Bridge Mangapohue Marokopa Branch Road Marokopa River snagging Marokopa Valley.. Matakotea Maungatawhiri to Raglan Oamaru Okete River Bridge Okupata Opotoru River Bridge Orongo Otorohanga to Hangatiki-Waitomo Road Otorohanga to Ouruwhero Otorohanga to Pirongia Ouruwhero to Kawa Owaikura Pakihi to Okete .. Pehehau Waitomo & Awakino Awakino Kawhia & Awakino Ditto Raglan Egmont & Waikato Waikato H • « It • • II • • 36 6 4 1,388 6 6 371 15 10 128 7 6 99 12 6 86 13 6 247 3 11 178 13 2 1 14 5 143 9 3 68 15 0 55 11 6 4.20 4 0 94 19 10 31 5 0 128 0 6 66 10 0 220 0 0 1,243 5 9 20 15 0 88 16 0 45 13 3 271 13 10 89 6 0 50 0 0 70 19 10 94 17 6 Waitomo Raglan Kawhia Raglan Waitomo Kawhia and Raglan Raglan II • •


TABLE No. 4-cont inu ed. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. I 05 474 475 476 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 488 489 491 494 495 498 499 500 501 505 508 50y 510 511 512 514 516 517 519 520 521 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 552 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 Roads, etc.— continued. Te Kuiti Road District— continued. Pirongia to Kawhia Pirongia West Pomorangi Raglan to Ngaruawahia Raglan to Waipa Randall Road (Ngutunui) Ruapuke to Aotea Ruapuke Mountain Road Ruapuke Mountain Road to Tβ Mata Shea Road Tapuae Taumatatotara (West) Tawarau Tβ Kuiti to Otorohanga Tβ Mata to Ruapuke Te Puhi Road Tokanui to Wharepapa Tumutumu to Waitomo Turitea (Lyford's) Waerenga Falls Road Waimaori Hill and Bridge Waipa Bridge (Otorohanga) Waipaua Waite Road Waitetuna to Aotea Waitetuna to Kauri Waitetuna Valley Waitomo Valley (Ruakuri Caves) Waitomo Stream Bridge at' Caves Waotu to Putaruru Whaanga Whakahau Wharauroa Whatawhata Swamp Road Awakino Bridge .. .. .. Awakino to Kawbia (coast traok) Awakino Valley (lower) Awakino Valley (upper) Gleadow Road Haparua Hunt Road Kakahi Kohua Kopuba Mahorahora Mairoa Mangakara Manganui Mangaorongo Bridge Mangaotaki Bridge (Lindsay's) Mangaotaki to Kiritebere Mangaotaki to Mairoa Mangaotaki Valley Mangapapa .. Mangaparare Mangaroa Mangatoa Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki Mokau to Awakino Heads Mokauiti Ngapaenga Ohura (north of Paorae Stream) Ohura River Bridge (Nihoniho) Paemako Improved-farm Settlement Paemako to Ohura Pokoihu Poro-o-tarao to Taumarunui Potaka Prentice Pungarehu Rangaroa Village Road Rimu.. Rohe Potae tracki Waitomoand Kawiiia Kawhia Awakino Raglan Kawhia Raglan Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Raglan Waitomo West Taupo Waitomo Kawhia and Raglan Raglan Waitomo Awakino Kawhia .. < Kawhia and Raglan Raglan Kawhia Waitomo Piako & West Taupo Raglan Awakino Kawhia Waipa Awakino Kawhia and Awakino Awakino Waikato ff • • ,r • • Egmont Egmont & Waikato Egmont £ s. d. 381 3 5 166 5 2 26 5 0 370 6 8 29 0 0 141 7 0 3 3 2 186 10 3 96 16 0 25 13 0 39 6 0 230 2 1 67 10 0 195 12 2 151 15 5 28 2 0 150 0 0 71 12 0 170 9 6 31 0 9 50 0 0 1,061 16 9 89 2 10 27 3 11 218 14 2 39 11 6 25 5 0 54 13 6 2 8 8 94 8 11 193 6 2 32 0 0 6 11 3 100 0 0 590 6 4 73 16 1 3 0 0 251 4 4 94 3 5 250 0 0 26 19 0 51 3 8 88 4 10 219 5 1 36 6 0 83 2 6 284 1 2 345 0 3 219 1 2 228 18 3 62 17 8 56 7 4 301 6 4 139 13 0 111 10 9 62 8 2 196 9 3 181 16 9 279 8 2 191 15 9 182 4 10 1,172 9 4 284 7 11 83 11 8 261 4 8 74 14 9 85 18 5 115 9 1 110 3 0 340 0 0 164 19 6 96 11 5 91 19 i Waitomo Clifton Awakino Clifton ■ I Waitomo Clifton Awakino Awakino & Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Awakino & Waitomo Clifton Awakino Waitomo Awakino Clifton Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Waitomo and Clifton Clifton 567 568 569 570 571 572 Waitomo Weet Taupo Clifton Awakino, Kawhia, Clifton, Waitomo, and West Taupo West Taupo Clifton Awakino <fe Waitomo Waitomo and Clifton Clifton Egmont and Waikato Egmont 85 9 4 2 7 0 1,608 9 6 77 16 2 81 15 0 78 1 3 Taumarunui to Matapuna Taumarunui to Moetahanga Te Kuiti to Mokau Te Kuiti to Poro-o-tarao Tolme .. .. .. .. Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (east of Waiaraia Range)


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. ! Net Expenditure for 'ho Yeav ended 31st March, 1907. 08 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 5S1 582 583 584 585 586 Roads, etc. — continued. Te Kuiti Road District— continued. Totoro Turipoto Turoto Waikaka .. Waikaka Bridge Waikawau Valley Waiora Wairere Wairere to Mokauiti Waitangata Waitawhena Whenuakura Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Clifton Awakino Clifton • • » • • Awakino Clifton Clifton and Waitomo Clifton Egmont £ s. d. 108 8 7 48 5 0 87 10 8 146 13 11 57 9 7 250 0 0 101 15 0 230 3 0 263 9 11 72 6 10 58 18 3 37 17 4 ■* 86 3 11 232 8 9 Total—Te Kuiti £24,367 18 11 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 606 607 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 Rotobua Road Distbict — Ake Ake Road Appleton Road Arahiwi to Mamaku Railway-station Aturoa No. 1 Bridge Bishop Road Butcher Road Clayton Road Dansey Road Dodd Road Faulkner Road Galatea-Rotowhero Road to Rotorua-Taupo, via Waiotapu Road Galatea to Te Teko Galatea to Waimana Valley, via Waiohau Hairini Bridge and approaches Hamurana Bridge Harper Road Harray Road Hereperu South Hewitt Road Kaharoa Kaikokupu to Taheke Kaimai Kaituna Kaituna Bridge Kapukapu Karano Komete Lake Rotoma to Te Teko Lichfield to Atiamuri Tauranga Opotiki Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Whakatane Tauranga Rotorua Rotorua and Piako Tauranga Whakatane Bay of Plenty • H 97 14 0 136 1 4 75 4 5 152 15 8 119 7 1 111 0 9 162 15 1 225 1 8 99 1 10 5 11 1 59 12 0 147 4 8 88 6 0 136 0 0 0 18 0 132 8 0 307 19 4 6 16 1 143 16 11 82 10 0 107 1 11 338 13 11 6 11 0 340 0 0 90 6 9 9 18 6 118 18 9 99 16 0 115 16 6 Rotorua n . . Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Whakatane West Taupo and East Taupo Tauranga Rotorua 619 620 622 623 624 625 626 629 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 Ludwig Road Maketu to Te Ngae Mamaku to Maraeroa—Oturoa Block Mamaku Village Mangatoi Mangorewa Gorge to Mamaku Maniatutu Matata to Tamurenui Junotion Ngawaro to Te Puke Ohiwa to Waimana Omanawa Omanawa Bridge Omarumutu to Te Whaite Opotiki County roads Opotiki to Gisborne (Rotorua District section) •.. Oropi Settlement Oruanui to Mokai (£1 for £1) Pakihi (Rotorua District seotion) Papamoa No. 2 .. .. Papamoa to Beaoh .. .. Pikowai North Pikowai South Whakatane Rotorua & Tauranga Opotiki & Whakatane Tauranga H V • •% 66 8 11 254 13 2 120 18 3 41 1 2 213 2 2 47 13 2 259 18 6 73 11 8 132 17 11 25 0 6 10 0 465 0 11 28 17 6 99 19 11 475 13 4 60 19 10 Cr. 15 12 10 410 11 7 61 19 7 176 12 6 177 19 4 0 10 0 Opotiki n m Tauranga East Taupo Opotiki Tauranga n Whakatane Rotorua and Whakatane Rotorua & Tauranga Rotorua m 646 647 648 649 651 652 Pongakawa to Lake Rotoehu Pungarehu .. .. Puwhenua Pye's Pa .. Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge Rangiuru Settlement to Rangiuru-Mangorewa Gorge Road Ross Road Rotongata to Hamurana .. ,. Tauranga Rotorua & Tauranga Tauranga tr n 0 16 0 94 12 9 88 1 1 65 17 6 249 12 1 1 19 0 653 654 Whakatane Rotorua D 194 9 3 92 a a


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.-continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Eleotorate. I Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. I Roads, etc. — continued. Rotokua Road District— continued. Rotorua to Lake Rotoma Rotorua to Taupo, via Atiamuvi Rotorua Kotorua and Bast Taupo Rotorua and Whakatane Whakatane Rotorua Whakatane Tauranga Bay of Plenty £ s. d. 419 7 2 268 13 9 05 656 657 658 Rotowhero to Galatea 46 14 6 • 660 661 662 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 681 682 Sladden Road South Road .. .. Stanley Track .. Te Puna (road to Sections 156 and 158) Te Tumu Tβ Waiti Road .. .. .. - .. Thompson Track (Te Aroha to Tauranga) Tindall Road Tirau to Ngongotaha Waiawa Waimana Gorge (deviation) Wainui Bridge Waioeka River to Waiotahi Block Waioeka Valley Waiorohi Bridge.. Waiotahi Valley Walker Road Whakatane to Nukuhou Opotiki Tauranga and Piako Rotorua Opotiki Whakatane Tauranga Opotiki ■ ■ I " *' I 146 18 6 34 10 0 255 0 9 125 12 7 86 19 0 23 12 3 183 19 0 41 12 7 205 1 10 112 17 10 330 9 2 100 0 0 205 18 6 181 4 0 140 1 11 199 19 5 0 11 0 197 2 4 Tauranga Opotiki Rotorua and Piako Whakatane and Opotiki Rotorua 686 688 689 Whataroa Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision 215 4 4 72 6 5 320 0 7 Total—Rotorua £11,330 11 7 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 Hawke's Bay Road District— Kowhai .. • .. Pakihi (Hawke's Bay District Section) Philp Road Waiaua River to Waihau Bay Whinray Road Arakihi to Wigan Cook County, Flood-damage East Coast Road (North of Gisborne) Praser Road (near Motu) Gisborne to Opotiki (Hawke's Bay District Section) Opotiki Cook Bay of Plenty "I Waiapu 225 17 0 266 3 4 211 0 6 100 0 0 172 11 7 50 0 0 500 0 0 800 0 0 156 14 2 526 17 10 a • • Cook and Opotiki .. Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu 700 Gisborne to Rotorua (stock) (£101, £1 for £1) (Hawke's Bay District Section) Gisborne to Waikaremoana Cook 114 4 6 701 Cook and Wairo.i .. Waiapu and Hawke's Bay Waiapu 310 16 0 702 703 704 706 707 708 Gisborne to Wairoa (deviation), via Te Arai Valley Hangaroa River Bridge (stock) Hangaroa River Bridge No. 2 Hangaroa to Tahora (Steele's) Hangaroa Valley Hangaroa to Waikaremoana Cook 16 7 0 403 4 10 Cr. 30 0 0 636 18 2 50 0 0 155 4 8 Cook and Wairca .. Waiapu and Hawke's Bay Waiapu 710 715 716 717 718 719 721 722 Hikuwai to Te Puia Hot Springs Makarika to Paekawa (£1 for £1) Mangaharei to Waiomatatini (Waiapu Inland) Mangapoike (to Porter's) Mangapoike Valley (East End) Mangatokerau Valley Matawhero Motu River Bridge Waiapu 300 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 351 12 11 121 0 0 100 0 0 218 15 0 86 2 4 Cook Cook and Opotiki .. Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu 723 724 725 726 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 Motu to Motu Bridge Motu Valley Neill Road Ngatapa to Motu Oliver Road Panikau to Arakihi Poroporo Valley Road Pouparae Puatai to Tuawhatu Ruakituri Valley Run No. 54 to Cook County Boundary (Waiapu Inland) Tapuwaeroa Tauwhareparae .. .. ■ Tokomaru to Tuakau Tokonui (£100, £1 for £1) Tologa to Wigan (£1 for £1) Tuparoa to Whangaparaoa (inland track) Cook a » • H • • Waiapu Cook " 59 10 2 399 8 11 935 15 3 48 9 8 243 7 9 6 0 0 223 8 10 14 8 i 250 0 0 199 8 3 300 0 0 Waiapu 735 736 737 738 739 740 Cook Waiapu Cook 200 0 0 6 0 0 200 0 0 369 2 8 200 0 0 250 0 0 Waiapu »/


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.-continued.

4-D. 1.


Tote No. Item No. jName of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. i Roads, etc. — continued. Hawkb's Bay Road District — continued. Waihau Bay to East Cape £ s. d. 49 8 9 .05 743 Waiapu and Opotiki Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Wainpu 744 745 748 749 ! 750 752 i 753 755 756 757 i 758 ; 760 761 762 Waihuka Valley Waikohu Valley Waimata to Arakihi Waimata to Waiapu Inland Boad (Todd's) Wainui to Tologa Waipaoa River Bridge (£1 for £2) Waipiro to Mata Wharekopae to Tahora No. 2 (£60, £1 for £1) Whatatutu to Waipaoa Arapawanui Stream Bridge Cook County Boundary to Mahia Frasertown to Mangapoike River Goodwin Road (extension) Hawea Cook Waiapu Cook 400 0 0 494 1 11 142 12 8 71 7 4 100 0 0 1,564 6 6 298 15 1 384 12 2 74 15 0 493 15 2 59 8 0 Or. 475 4 8 190 12 0 108 0 11 Wairoa Hawke's Bay 763 764 766 767 768 770 771 ! 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 Kakariki (aooeas to run No. 9, Mohaka) Knight Road (Argyll) Mahia to Waikokopu (deviation) Mangaohane Mangaone Mangapahi Maraenui Maraetaha (Coop's) Mason Road Matahoura Stream Bridge Mohaka River Bridge (access to Run 37) Mohaka River Bridge No. 2 (access to Run 38) Moteo Bridge Napier to Wairoa Hawke's Bay and Patangata Wairoa Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Wairoa 27 6 0 21 17 0 75 0 0 3 8 0 190 5 7 121 8 6 239 18 0 100 0 0 13 10 4 31 0 8 249 10 2 Gr. 83 15 2 849 18 9 972 10 5 Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Wairoa 779 781 782 785 787 788 789 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 802 803 804" i 805 806 808 811 813 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 827 828 829 832 834 J 835 I 837 838 839 842 843 Napier to Wairoa (Tongoio wash-out) Omahanui to Whataroa Orewha (Small Grazing-run 83, Tuahu Survey District) Potter Road to Puketitiri Richmond Road (Block XVI, Pohue Survey District) Springs to Waikokopu Tahaenui Wairoa to Putere (Cricklewood deviation) Meanee River Protection-works Ahiweka Argyll Brow Road (Extension) Hatuma Settlement (Ngahape) Lindsay Settlement (Kahakakuri) Lindsay Settlement Protective Works Lindsay Settlement (Stop-bank) Lindsay Settlement (Waipawamati) Makotuku to Matamau Mangamaire Mangamaire Approach Mangapuaka Mangatoro Survey District, Block I (aooees) Milburn Norsewood South to Makaretu Otamaraho (Tamaki) Pokokomoku Ruahine Ruaroa (Tamaki Block) Tamaki Settlement (Kumeti) Tamaki Settlement to Kiritaki Block .. Te Uri (Ngapaeruru) (bridges) Tukituki River Bridge (£1 for £1) Waipawa to Hampden Angora Birch Road Esdaile Road Palls Road Leisure Hour Deviation Ongaha Oporae Tahukaretu Bridge and Road Te Awaputahi Weber to Waione .. • Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa Napier Waipawa 15 11 6 31 5 0 250 15 0 174 7 11 27 8 0 133 9 0 20 9 0 175 0 0 250 0 0 207 15 0 4G 16 10 213 16 5 62 8 0 5 19 0 300 0 0 53 12 1 199 7 7 633 2 8 392 14 4 200 0 0 465 12 4 82 10 0 57 9 5 130 6 0 199 14 5 325 17 6 144 15 6 249 18 3 164 8 8 142 6 2 553 8 1 55 3 8 158 8 0 160 0 0 251 16 11 150 0 0 40 7 0 351 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 71 0 0 450 6 2 200 0 0 69 11 8 244 16 9 Web'er ! '. Pahiatua Waipawa Weber Weber and Akitio .. Total—Hawke's Bay £25,629 8 1


TABLE No. 4-cont inued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. County. ElectorateNet Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st MaicTi, 1907. 05 844 845 846 847 K4H 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 863 864 865 866 867 869 870 871 872 873 874 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 892 893 894 895 897 899 900 901 •902 903 905 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 1)27 Roads, etc.— continued. Taranaki Road District — Bristol Cross Road from Kelly Road (Waitara West) Davis Road, Tnglc'ood .. ■ • Hutiwai .. .. . • Junction Road (Inglewood to Tarata) Kelly Road Manganui River Bridge .. .. Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakau Road) .. I Mangapapa Mangatoro Mangatuna Mataro (£1 for £1) Matau Township to Mangaoapa Road Matau Township to Tarawai May Mimi to Mokau (£192, £1 for £1) Mokau Perry Service Moki .. Ngatoto Ohura River Bridge Okau (Upper) Okoke (£158, £1 for £1) Opetea Pan .. Piakau Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Piko .. Pita Pake .. Pukemahoe Rerekapa Salisbury Surrey (£1 for £1) .. .. Surrey Road (Tariki) (Taylor's) Tangitu Toe Toe Tokirima Road to Harvey Road (Ohura Deviation) Tokirlma Road to Wanganui River Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (west of Waiaraia Range) Tooi Uruti Waitaanga North Waitara (£1 for £1) Waitara River Bridge (Makarakia Road) Waro Carrington Kiri Stream Bridge .. Korito Maude and Hill Roads Okahu (Ngariki Road to Newall Road) ■ Oxford and Saunders Roads (£1 for £1) Pitone (£178, £1 for £1) Stony River Encroachment Kaponga Cemetery Road .. .. Kapuni River Bridge (£1 for £1) Ouri River Bridge Tangahoe Stream Bridge Wiremu Road (Ngariki Road to Ihaia Road) Ahoroa Arnold Bridge Arnold Road Autawa Ball Road Epero Favier Heao Kohi .. Kohuratabi Maben Maben (Patupucemu Road to Mataimaroke Road) Manga Mangaehu (Brewer Road to Taihore Road) Mangaehn (Mangaehu Village to Punewhakiui Village) (£359, £1 for £1) Mangare (extension to Greenwood's) Mangare to Waitara River .. ■ Mangaowata Marco Mataimoana Mi ro Stream Bridge Moeawatea Moeawatea Valley Taranaki .. ! Clifton Taranaki Clifton and Stratford ! Clifton .. : Clifton and Stratford Clifton Stratford Clifton Stratford Taranaki Clifton Taranaki Clifton Egmont Egmont and Patea Egmont Egmont and Patea Egmont Egmont and Patea Egmont £ s. d. 100 0 0 60 9 0 20 5 0 208 10 3 200 0 0 79 10 0 100 0 0 503 1 4 318 0 0 83 7 4 225 19 9 75 0 0 259 9 0 198 12 3 200 0 3 385 2 9 35 15 5 595 14 10 85 10 0 58 1 8 160 8 0 524 11 11 58 4 11 169 18 3 256 0 0 450 0 0 117 6 8 8 0 0 50 6 10 81 10 11 139 7 5 100 0 0 50 0 0 49 15 5 20 0 0 101 19 2 459 5 11 1,191 9 2 94 14 3 198 16 0 264 19 10 200 0 0 213 3 5 125 0 0 449 0 5 58 2 2 79 0 0 72 0 0 67 0 3 100 0 0 199 14 10 48 12 9 52 12 0 350 0 0 278 5 8 250 0 0 33 1 6 310 6 5 452 3 3 66 5 10 358 16 8 273 16 9 9 2 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 17 8 352 10 8 371 11 10 90 19 2 40 19 6 74 12 3 216 0 0 Taranaki Clifton Taranaki Taranaki Taranaki Hawera Hawera Egmont Patea Stratford Patea Patea Hawera Stratford " Patea Hawera Stratford 929 930 932 933 934 935 936 937 Stratford and Clifton Ditto Stratford Palea 51 10 2 225 16 6 299 19 9 314 9 1 628 0 4 73 2 6 99 5 0 171 6 3 Hawera Patea



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Const j. ElectorateNet Expenditure for ihe Year ended 31st March, 1907. ():> 938 939 940 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 965 966 967 969 970 Roads, etc.— continued. Taeanaki Road District— continued. Mohakau Mount Humphries Road Moturoa Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Okotuku Omahine Patea River Bridge (Ball Road) Patea River Bridge (Rehu Village) Patupuremu Pohokura Punewhakau (£1 for £1) Rawhitiroa Rimuputa Tahora Taihore Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village).. Tututawa Tututawa (Mangaehu Village) Vera .. Waingarara Stream Bridge Waitotara Valley Weraweraonga Whaka Whangamomona to Wanganui River Whenuakura Valley Whitianga Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Stratford mv „ Patea Stratford and Clifton Patea Hawera Stratford Hawera and Patea Stratford and Clifton Stratford Patea Patea and Egmont . Patea 405 0 6 173 18 2 270 0 0 3,547 9 8 372 15 5 120 0 0 642 9 1 175 0 0 73 2 3 110 0 0 182 1G 8 723 13 6 239 8 2 103 10 2 S, 8. d. 405 0 6 173 18 2 270 0 0 3,547 9 8 372 15 5 120 0 0 642 9 1 175 0 0 73 2 3 110 0 0 182 16 8 723 13 6 239 8 2 103 10 2 67 11 0 664 17 5 233 11 10 400 0 0 10!) 11 0 189 14 2 200 0 0 416 8 8 115 9 8 690 0 0 154 7 2 109 2 0 473 19 10 521 19 0 Hawera Stratford Patea and Hawera.. Patea 07 11 0 664 17 5 233 11 10 400 0 0 109 11 0 Patea 189 14 2 200 0 0 a i a o o Stratford 416 8 8 115 9 8 Patea Stratford 6!)0 0 0 154 7 2 109 2 0 473 19 10 521 19 0 Total—Taranaki ~ &. £27,132 3 5 i27,132 3 5 971 972 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 Wanganui Road District— Manunui Village Settlement Ameku Ridge Hair Road (Ngamatea) Harakeketangi Hautapu River Bridge (Pongaroa Road) Hautapu River Bridge (Jacobsen's) Hiwera Hoihenga Horopito Horouta to Pukeokahu Huia Huikumu Hukaroa Kaimatangi Kaimatawi Kaitieke Road Kaitieke roads Kakariki Karetu Karioi to Rangiwaea Kauaekeke Kauarapaoa Block Road (£1 for £1) .. Kaweka Kokakoriki to Retaruke Kopurutuku Koukoupo Makohine Stream Bridge Makohine Valley Makotuku Valley Mangaetoroa Mangahoata Mangahoe Mangahouhou Mangahowhi Mangamahoe to Mataroa Mangamahu Bridge (near Government school) Manganui-o-te-ao Manganui-o-te-ao (to open Section 16, Block XIV) Manganui-o-te-ao Stock-bridge and Road Mangaone Mangaone to Mataroa Mangarewa Mangatete Mangatete River Bridge Mangaturuturu Mangaweka to Te Kapua Mangaweka Village Settlement Mangawhero River Bridge (Smith's) West Tauro Waimarino Wanganni Rangitikei Wainiarino Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waitotara Rangitikei Waimarino Egmont Rangitikei I • •I 100 0 0 109 19 6 24 7 0 60 0 0 180 0 0 85 10 6 105 0 0 200 0 0 157 6 0 155 11 3 335 14 9 413 18 9 240 14 8 200 0 0 249 10 2 291 3 1 223 12 0 59 0 6 371 14 5 300 0 0 139 14 10 200 0 0 349 9 11 564 10 5 200 0 0 70 7 6 253 18 10 305 7 7 2,076 6 6 290 16 0 159 5 11 95 8 0 HI 19 4 332 17 6 582 2 2 50 0 0 211 6 6 85 7 8 51 6 0 150 0 0 946 18 0 250 0 0 132 16 5 130 2 10 119 16 3 769 18 9 149 5 7 555 12 7 Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Ocnnty. Electorate. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1021 1022 L023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road Distbict— continued, Matahiwi to Ohotu Mataiaponga Matapuna to Ohakune Mataroa to Mangaweka Middle Road (£300, £1 for £1) Moawhango Valley Motete Namunui Ngauinga Ngaurukehu Ohotu to Karioi Oio .. Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino and West Taupo Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Rangitikei Rangitikei and Egmont Rangitikei £ S. d. 129 1 0 271 15 2 4,822 19 4 470 16 5 254 16 0 507 18 0 199 19 7 197 10 4 72 15 6 79 3 9 199 10 3 164 19 11 Wanganui Waimarino Waimarino and West Taupo Rangitikei Waimarino 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 Okdka (£118, £1 for £1) Oruakukuru to Karioi Otaranoho ... Owhakura Papaki Parapara to Karioi Pipiriki Township (Akapuka) Pitangi Polsen Road .. Puhirua North Puhirua South Pukekaha Pukenaua Quarry Road Raetihi to Ohura Raetihi to Parapara to Mason's Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui « • ■ a •« 137 5 4 197 13 0 52 11 8 329 1 3 268 12 0 198 15 0 121 2 2 500 6 0 132 0 0 48 18 1 75 0 0 387 7 10 254 10 7 184 12 1 169 12 3 3,217 6 2 Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Waimarino and Wanganui Waimarino 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 Rangiwaea Stream Bridge Ratamaire Raupiu Retaruke Valley Retaruke Valley (Upper) Rurutahi Taheke Taihape to Mataroa Taihape to Otuarei (£400, £1 for £1) .. Taihape Valley Taihape to Waiouru Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei 200 0 0 199 19 9 235 19 1 273 11 9 300 0 0 .100 0 0 295 18 10 493 14 4 772 12 4 100 0 0 5,400 3 1 Rangitikei and Waimarino Wanganui 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 Te Hue Te Komai Tokiahuru Bridge (Pipiriki-Waiouru) Turakina River Bridge (Turakina Valley extension).. Turakina Valley Turakina Valley (extension) Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino and Wanganui Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui 199 11 8 499 10 9 167 T 5 195 0 0 500 0 0 378 10 6 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1085 1086 Turakina Valley to Mataroa Tutupapa Upokonui Utiku Township Waiaruhe Waimarino to Retaruke Waipapa Waiparuparu Waipuna Ridge Wangaehu River Bridge (Heao) (contribution) Wangaehu River Road Wanganui River Road Makakaho (Upper Waitotara) Puao Ridge and Omata Roads Waitotara River Suspension Bridge (£100, £1 for £1) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Waimarino Wanganui Patea 448 8 0 93 5 0 12 17 6 117 8 4 200 0 0 155 16 6 149 17 5 82 3 6 261 4 0 8 13 8 407 4 2 348 4 11 416 6 1 298 0 0 310 13 2 98 1 2 957 12 10 571 2 4 Pate'a n • • Total—Wanganui £42,152 14 5 1088 1089 1090 1091 1C92 1093 1094 1096 1097 Wellington Road District — Puke Road and Bridge Rangitane (£149, £1 for £1) .. Rangitikei Bridge (Omatane) Tunatau Bridge .. .. • Auputa Coal Creek and Horopito Stream Bridges Conspicuous Road (£42, £1 for £1) Kawera Kawhatau (Upper) Rangitikei Kiwitea Pohangina Kiwitea Rangitikei Oroua ■ * 145 5 9 95 18 8 291 19 1 126 9 6 153 0 9 357 7 11 208 6 4 63 10 6 152 0 11



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1105 1106 1108 1110 1111 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 Roads, etc.—continued. Wellington Road District — continued. Kawhatau Valley Kew .. Manaia Mangahuia East Mangahuia West Mangatohu Mangoira MoBeth Road (£1 for £1) .. .. ' Pakihikura Hill Deviation (£1 for £1) .. Pohangina Traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Pourangaki Rankin Road Tableflat Te Parapara Titirangi Tunipo Umutoi Kiwitea Oroua £ s. d. 97 2 9 36 2 0 145 4 0 138 14 0 49 11 7 98 3 9 93 8 7 113 17 6 150 0 0 2,000 0 0 152 6 6 100 0 0 50 8 5 75 18 9 92 7 10 102 13 3 206 17 1 Pohangina Kiwitea Pohangina Kiwitea Pohangina Kiwitea and Pohangina Kairanga Manawatu 1119 1123 1124 1126 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 Gorge Road Palmerston North to Poxton Pyke Road Archer Road Central Road (Hall Block) Cross Road (Hall Survey Distriot) Dew Road Huia Road (Pongaroa) Hukanui to Mangamaire Hutewai (Waterfalls) Kaitawa Ridge Kaituna Kawakawa Korora Makairo to Coonoor Makoura Palmerston .. Manawatu 100 0 0 150 0 0 161 16 0 38 3 4 106 0 0 226 18 3 150 1 0 63 19 4 247 17 11 55 8 0 99 6 9 530 15 0 78 1 11 196 17 4 130 16 6 21 2 3 # • • Akitio Pahiatua Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Masterton Pahiatua Akitio 1141 L142 1143 1144 1145 1147 1149 Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) Mangahao Bridge Marainanga Marima Ridge Moore Road North Range Road, Pongaroa Pahiatua to Palmerston Pahiatua Akitio, Pahiatua, and Masterton Akitio and Pahiatua Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua n • • 145 1 8 488 1 1 188 14 1 99 5 8 120 0 9 34 6 0 231 7 4 Akitio Pahiatua & Kairanga Pahiatua & Palmerston Pahiatua 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1176 1177 Pakowai to Tinui Piper Road Pongaroa Cemetery Road Pongaroa to Aohanga Pongaroa Stream Bridge (Cross Road) .. Pukewhai Bridge Rakaunui to Makuri Rakaunui to Waione Range Road Spur Road .. .. • •. Sugar-loaf Road .. Tawa Tiraumea Valley.. Towai Umungoero Bridge Waewaepa Waihi Bridge, Towai Road Waihi Falls Road Waihi Road Bridge (Waipatukaka) Waihi Valley Waihoki Valley Waikereru Road and Bridge Waiowaka Waituna (Makairo) Alfredton to Rakaunui (£75, £1 for £1) Alfredton to Weber (Waterfalls) Barton Road Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio and Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Akitio and Weber .. Akitio .. .. I 5 0 0 387 2 10 95 13 7 10 16 1 4 17 5 150 0 0 438 15 11 69 3 6 267 13 2 172 17 10 250 0 0 71 15 0 367 13 11 165 17 3 10 0 51 19 i 350 12 6 26 19 4 246 9 4 434 17 6 264 1 1 339 3 3 208 17 1 195 15 3 246 0 0 200 0 0 206 13 7 w • - Pahiatua Masterton & Akitio Masterton Masterton and Mauriceville Eketahuna Masterton Masterton 1179 1180 1181 1182 Central Mangaone Flat Bush Glendonald (Wairere) Hastwell to Pleokville 162 3 10 49 0 0 50 0 0 15 9 0 1183 Hinemoa to Alfredton ... Maurieeville and Eketahuna Masterton and Pa- j hiatua Eketahuna Castlepoint and Masterton Masterton and Pahiatua Masterton Masterton and Wairarapa 189 8 0 1186 1187 Kopikopiko Langdale 182 17 0 1 16 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1188 1190 1191 1192 1193 1195 1196 1197 1199 1200 1202 1204 1205 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District— continued. Makakahi Bridge (Hamua) Mangahao South Macgamahoe Mangaoronga Mangarai (£1 for £1) Mangatainoka River Bridge (Newman to Stirling) Mangatainoka Valley Mangatakato Matapihi Miki Miki MoGrath Road Parkville to Mangatainoka Pa Valley Eketahuna Mauriceville Eketahuna Masterton Eketahuna Mauriceville Masterton Masterton t s. d. 52 10 0 64 16 7 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 C 0 17 8 5 60 2 6 300 0 0 59 9 1 74 12 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 230 2 6 1207 1208 1209 1210 Puketoi Puketoi (Waterfalls end) Quarry Road Ruamahanga Bridge (Mount Bruce) Eketahuna Eketahuna and Pahiatua Masterton and Pahiatua Masterton Eketahuna Mauriceville and Masterton Masterton Eketahuna Masterton Masterton and Pahiatua Masterton 232 1 4 9 17 0 157 6 8 3 8 6 1211 1214 1215 1222 1224 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1233 1234 1237 1239 Saunders Road Tawataia Road to Mangaone Valley Road Te Mara .. .. Waingawa Road (Upper) Waterfalls Creek Bridge (Waihoki Road) Admiral Road Bank View to Taipos Beef Creek Road Boar Bush Gully Craigie-lea Fernyhurst to Pernglen Gladstone to East Coast Maugapokia Bridge (Langdale) Maungahuia (Kokotau), Longbush Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa 180 10 1 70 19 9 94 7 8 150 0 0 7 0 0 100 0 0 296 9 0 95 9 1 70 19 10 100 0 0 126 10 7 173 5 6 369 1 9 139 12 7 1240 1241 1242 1243 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1265 1266 1267 1270 1274 1275 1276 1277 1281 1283 1284 1285 McRae Road Ngakonui Norfolk (£1 for £1) Pahaoa to Glendhu Rooky Hill to Harrison Road Ruakokopatuna Stronvar Road Tablelands to Longbush Taumata Bridge (£1 for £1) Waiobine Foot-bridge Waiohine Valley White Rook Road Woodside to Waiohine Florida Harris Road Kawhiu Kimberley (£1 for £1) Levin (£1 for £1) Levin to Foxton Levin to Shannon Mangakotukutuku Moonshine to Wainui Moonshine, Whakatatu .. Phillip Road Rangiwhati Waikanae River protection Waikanae to Upper Hutt Waiohanga Bridge (on aocount of £500) Moonshine to Upper Hutt Chatham Islands roads Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Featherston Wairarapa South .. Masterton Wairarapa South .. Masterton Wairarapa South and Featherston Masterton Featherston Wairarapa South .. Feathereton Wairarapa South .. Featherston Masterton Featherston Wairarapa South .. 86 12 8 5 19 3 200 0 0 56 2 4 68 10 6 0 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 197 0 6 189 11 6 63 12 10 168 15 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 65 12 7 250 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 62 19 6 50 0 0 30 0 0 500 0 0 30 0 0 15 18 6 410 9 10 Cr. 259 15 9 Featherston Wairarapa South .. Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua Otaki" Otaki and Manawatu Otaki Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Hutt and Otaki Total—Wellington £22,064 4 4 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1294 129D 1296 Nelson Road District— Aniseed Valley .. Appleby Bridge Best Road Blackbird Valley Collins River bridges French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Croixelles tracks Nelson to Rai Saddle Neudorf to Dovedale Northam's Bridge (£1 for £1) Waimea City of Nelson 100 0 0 300 0 0 22 0 0 50 0 0 350 0 0 48 4 3 150 0 0 12 15 0 113 6 1 Sounds Waimea



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1297 1298 1299 Roads, eto.— continued. Nelson Road District — continued. Oyster Bay to Elaine Saddle Red Clay Point to Oyster Bay Richmond to Collingwood Sounds City of Nelson £ S. d. 48 15 0 50 0 0 343 18 0 Waimea, Takaka, and Oollingwood I Waimea City of Nelson and Motueka City of Nelson 1300 1805 1308 1311 1312 1313 1314 1815 1320 13-21 1322 1323 1324 1325 1329 1330 1332 1333 1336 1337 1338 1340 1341 1344 1345 1347 1350 1351 1352 1355 1350 1357 1358 1361 13G2 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1372 1374 1375 1376 1377 Rising Sun Valley Waimea River protective works Alexander Bluff Bridge Awaroa to Totaranui Bainham Bank Road (Tophouse) Beatson's Creek Bridge (Ngatimote) Belgrove to Tarndale, via Tophouee Buller Bridge (Pern Flat) to Maruia North Block.. Buller Bridge Road (Pern Plat) Buller River Bridge (Mount Murchison Road) Buller River. Bridge, near Pern Plat Clark River Bridge Collingwood (Main Road), (£1 for £1) .. East Road (extension) East Road (long cutting to Pohara) Perntown River proteotive works .. Glencoe to Rameka Creek Hope "Valley Bridge (repairs) . Horse Terrace to Hunter's Jeffries Road Karamea to Mud-flat Karamea North Beach Lines Bridge Long Plains Bridge Mangles River Bridge (Murchison to Hunter's) Matakitaki to Maruia Saddle Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Mokihinui to Ngakawau Motueka Valley (£1 for £1).. Motupiko to Rainy River Motupiko (Upper) extension Mount Campbell Track Oparara Bridge Oparara Settlement to Beach Road Pigeon Valley Bridge (£1 for £1) Pohara to Awaroa Pohara to Wainui Pretty Bridge Valley Quail Valley Sherry Valley Sherry Valley (Upper) Silverstream Bridge Slips Road Stanley Brook to Woodstook Tadmor to Hope Junction via Manu Tadmor to Sherry Takaka to Collingwood (inland road) Takaka Collingwood Waimea Waimea and Ashley Inangahua ..| Waimea Collingwood Takaka Collingwood Takaka Waimea Inangahua Collingwood Buller Waimea Takaka Inangahua Motueka Motueka & Hurunui Motueka 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,538 18 2 155 13 11 60 0 0 41 0 0 400 0 0 137 16 0 23 6 0 400 0 0 4 14 0 62 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 33 19 3 100 0 0 50 0 0 106 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 174 12 1 250 0 0 692 1 3 200 0 0 51 12 4 87 15 1 91 14 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 144 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 182 15 9 47 6 0 93 10 0 220 10 0 46 17 0 68 19 0 302 18 8 93 12 4 230 3 1 Buller Waimea Buller Waimea Takaka Waimea li • • Collingwood Inangahua Waimea 1379 1381 1383 1384 1385 1389 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 Tutaki Wakefield to Dovedale West Road to Long Ford Addison's Road bridges Birchfleld Settlers' Road Burnett's Pace to Cedar Creek Coalbrookdale Pour-mile Bridge (Charleston) .. Gilmer Road Glenroy to Maruia Harben Road Hawk's Crag Bridge (Belgrove-Westport-Reefton Road) Inangahua River Bridge (right-hand branch on Reefton to Maruia Road) Little Totara River Bridge Lyell to Denniston Lyell to Mokihinui Mackley'a River Road Maruia, via Caslani's Maruia to Lewis Saddle Millerton New Creek extension ... Nile River Wharf Reefton to Maruia Sergeant's Hill Utopia Weitzels to Pindts Takaka and Collingwood Inangahua Waimea Takaka Buller 136 6 1 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 108 10 0 200 0 0 85 10 0 74 17 0 391 15 6 200 0 0 174 1 0 Buller Inangahua Buller and Motueka Buller Buller '.'. 1402 Inangahua ■.. 305 2 2 1404 1405 1406 1407 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1415 1417 1419 1421 Buller 72 10 0 85 0 0 230 0 0 100 0 0 205 10 0 4 10 250 0 0 106 0 0 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 48 1 6 163 10 0 Inangahua Buller Inangahua Buller



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. _j County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 ,1423 11424 1425 (1426 1427 Roads, etc. — continued. Nelson Road Distbict continued. Little Grey Bridge (Reefton to Maruia) , Rough River Road (Otututu) Upper Grey Road Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Inangahua Grey £ a. d. 131 8 11 149 0 0 217 18 6 142 10 2 238 14 9 Total—Nelson .. £16,530 18 10 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1438 1439 1440 1441 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 Marlborough Road District— Elaine Bay to Harvey's Bay Fairy Bay to Nydia Bay Fairy Bay to Tawero Point Harvey's Bay to Nydia Bay Harvey's Bay to Tawero Point Kaiuma Saddle Maori Bay to Black Point Pelorus Bridge (Oanvastown) Rai Palls Rai River Foot-biidge (near Forest's) Rai Saddle to Havelock Ronga Valley Anakiwi to Grove Anakoa to Manaroa Arapawa Island Awatere River to Clarence River Birch Hill Road (Wairau River to Station Stream) to Leatham Runs Blind River to Flaxbourne Blind River to Ure Crail Bay to Manaroa Crail Bay to South-east Bay Dumgree Railway-station to Upper Awatere Fabian's Valley (access to S.G.K. No. 154) Godsiff Road Grove Wharf Road Hakahaka to Opihi Kaiaho Canal and Track Kenepuru to Anakoa Kenepuru to Endeavour Inlet Mahakipawa to Double Bay ... Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough City of Nelson Wairau Wairau and Hurunui Wairau 40 10 6 45 16 0 103 3 11 80 17 2 145 16 3 142 5 7 41 13 9 80 0 0 8 9 0 49 9 0 100 0 0 51 16 0 100 0 0 64 1 6 65 9 11 257 11 3 150 0 0 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1454 1456 1457 1458 1460 1461 11462 1463 Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds ii • • 192 17 8 500 0 0 11 8 0 14 11 0 250 0 0 11 2 2 7' 5 8 75 9 3 0 3 9 5 4 6 68 17 0 100 0 0 149 13 3 1464 1465 1467 ,1468 1470 1471 1472 1475 1478 1479 1480 1482 1483 1484 1485 Mahakipawa to Havelock Mahau Sound Ngakuta Bay to Opua Ohinetaha to Te Mataia Omaka River Foot-bridge (Renwick to Hawkesbury) Onahau to Anakiwi Onahau Bay to Kenepuru Sound Picton to Grove Portage Bay to Waitaria Portage Bay and Waitaria Bay Wharves Port Underwood to Fighting Bay Queen Charlotte Sound Resolution Bay to Endeavour Inlet Richmond Bay (Kenny's Isle) Richmond Brook (Richmond Brook to Upton Downs) Robin Hood Bay to Ocean Bay Rock Ferry to Bartlett's Creek Run 74 (Onamalutu) Skiddaw Run to Te Matau-a-Maui Starborough (Seddon to Flaxbourne) Te Mahia to Portage Bay Tophouse Top Valley to Bartlett's Creek Torea Bay Road Tory Heads to Waikawa Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough Sounds 250 0 0 63 7 G 32 7 0 83 11 0 100 0 0 166 19 6 89 4 6 313 2 9 56 11 0 269 1 0 55 15 2 137 18 5 60 16 8 79 16 7 134 3 8 Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 1486 1487 1490 1492 1493 1494 1496 1497 1498 1499 Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 6 12 0 20 10 6 23 6 6 58 11 4 450 0 0 79 17 0 225 0 0 63 10 8 80 11 2 121 16 0 Sounds Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough 1500 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 Tuamarina to Spring Creek (£1 for £1).. Wairau Ferry to Spring Creek Wairau Horse Su3pension-bridge Wairau Native Reserve (protection) Wairau Valley to Pine Valley Waitaria to Manaroa Waitaria to Te Matau-a-Maui Waitaria Wharf approaches.. Ward: Track (Forsyth Island) Whatamongo to Difienbach Whatamongo to Port Underwood White's Bay to Port Underwood White's Bay to Robin Hood Bay Sounds 50 0 0 154 16 0 2 0 8 8 13 2 43 12 8 71 6 4 72 6 9 17 4 0 44 9 7 128 1 11 35 16 9 36 0 0 11 12 0 u



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

5—D. 1,

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1514 1515 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1525 1526 Roads, etc. — continued. Mablbobough Road Distbict — continued. Clarence to Hapuku Clarenoe River to Conway River Kaikoura to Gonway, via Greenhills Puhipuhi Seaward Valley .. Spey roads Ure to Clarence Waipapa Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Kaikoura Hurunui £ s. d. 75 0 0 92 12 3 100 0 0 102 16 9 300 0 0 100 0 0 94 18 5 200 0 0 81 12 6 113 1 11 Marlborough Kaikoura H • • Total—Marlborough £7,822 3 3 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1538 1539 1541 1543 1545 1550 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1560 1561 1562 1563 1565 1567 1569 1570 1572 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1597 1598 1599 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1607 1608 1610 1612 1613 1614 1615 We STL and Road Distbict— Ahaura to Haupiri Arnold Bridge (Upper) Big Grey Bridge Big River Big River to Rough River Boyd Creek Bridge Brunnerton to Stillwater Cobden to Barrytown Cobden to Brighton Grey Valley to Teremakau Hatters to Haupiri Kokiri to Moana.. Punakaiki Seven-rnile Road Bridges Arahura River protective works Arthur's Pass Moraine Deviation Big Bay Track Big Wanganui Plat Big Wanganui River Bridge Blue Spur Road and bridges Bowen Road (Kokatahi) Brandt Road .. .. .. ' • • Chesterfield to Kapitea Christchuroh Road (old) Cook River to Karangarua Crooked River Bridge Cropp Road Dawson Road (Kokatahi) Doughboy Ferguson Road Gordon's Creek Bridge Haast to Blue River Haddock Road Happy Valley Track Harris Road Hokitika Plat Road bridges Hokitika Railway Bridge (south approach) Hunt's Beach Jacob's to Karangarua (Hunt Creek) Jacob's River to Bruce Bay.. Koiterangi Koiterangi to Whitcombe Track Kokatahi River (protection) Little Wanganui (protective works) Mahitahi to Blue River Mahitahi to Bruce Bay (Paringa Landing) Mahitahi to Manakaia Milltown Murray Road MoCulloch Road Nolan Road Ogilvie Road Okuru Track Omoeroa to Waiho .. Otira Avalanche (protective works) Paringa Track Peterson Road Robertson Road Ross to Kokatahi Rotokino Teremakau Traffic-briJge and Settlement Road Teremakau Trafflo-bridge and approaches (subsidy) Waiho Bridge Waitaha Beach Waitaha Settlement Waitaki Bluff Wall Road Grey Brunner Borough .. Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey H ■ • * • • Grey and Westland Grey u • • Westland */ • • » • • 15 0 131 9 0 130 15 9 65 0 0 75 0 0 113 13 0 75 0 0 195 0 0 114 0 0 224 8 7 300 0 0 300 0 0 288 14 0 42 0 0 80 0 0 204 5 10 299 17 6 107 0 5 29 6 3 78 11 0 25 0 0 14 6 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 54 3 2 77 11 11 95 6 0 111 10 0 83 14 6 457 14 5 82 10 0 144 11 0 13 4 0 116 16 0 200 0 0 0 4 6 192 14 9 100 0 0 226 14 6 500 0 0 40 13 0 196 7 8 191 2 9 44 16 9 200 0 0 479 3 7 249 13 0 150 0 0 11 11 6 152 3 3 99 14 3 69 5 7 167 12 10 697 18 8 199 18 5 3 13 2 14 6 0 174 16 0 162 15 i 7 3 0 100 0 0 8,355 11 9 17 19 4 183 0 0 29 8 8 93 5 1 85 5 8 Grey' '.'. Westland Grey Westland a,nd Grey Westland ft • •



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Tote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. 05 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 Roads, etc. — continued. Westland Road District— continued. Wataroa Blufi Road Wataroa Bridge (on aooount) Wataroa Plat Wataroa Lower Gorge Westland Ferry Service White Road Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Westland Westland £ s. a. 200 0 0 725 4 7 48 14 0 188 14 4 200 0 0 197 19 8 73 19 7 Cr. 4 5 3 // Total—Westland £14,333 19 3 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1637 1640 1641 1642 1645 1646 1651 1653 1656 1658 1659 1665 1666 1673 1680 1681 Canterbury Road District— Annan (Waiau to Bourne Plat, through Sections 24 to 28) Bluff Road (Cheviot) Cannibal Gorge Stook-track (Lewis Saddle) Conway Gorge to Waiau via Hawkswood Conway Gorge to Waiau, via Whalesback Lyndon No. 1 and Annan Settlements (Waiau to Kaikoura) Swampy Creek, Lyndon No. 2 Waiau Perry Service Waiau to Kaikoura (Conway Cutting) Waitohi River protective works at Medbury Oxford Road Bridge Bridle Road Heathcote River Bridge Roimata and Tamai Settlements Bowyer's Stream Bridge (Todd's Crossing) (£1 for £1) Hinds River Bridge (Maronan Crossing) Pleasant Valley Bridge Totara Main Road Clifia Road Mount Horrible (Upper) Munro Road Maytown Settlement Roads (£1 for £1) Mills (Makikihi Swamp Road) (£1 for £1) Tavistook Top Road (£1 for £1) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Amuri Cheviot Amuri Cheviot Amuri Cheviot Amuri Ashley Hurunui Kaiapoi Lyttelton Cr. 41 13 2 150 0 0 0 19 0 216 2 3 150 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 86 4 10 129 17 6 81 5 0 277 2 6 x 50 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 411 12 6 500 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 66 15 0 97 10 0 75 16 8 78 18 2 Selwyn Ashburton Ashburton Geraldine Levels Geraldine Timaru II ti Waimate Waitaki Total —Canterbury £4,041 0 3 1682 1683 1686 1687 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1697 1700 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1726 1727 1728 1731 1733 Otagc Road District — Enfield Bridge Herbert Main Road Waiareka Bridge Duntroon to Naseby Highfield and Gimmerburn Runs to Ranfurly Keenan's Run Komako Bridge Lindis Pass to Omarama Matakanui Patearoa Run Rock Cutting to Hutton Bridge St. Bathan's to Rough Ridge Tarras to Lindis Pass Upper Waitaki (Ahuriri Pass) Wharekuri Cutting Arrow to Arthur's Point via Miller's Plat Arrow to Crown Range Saddle Arrow to Macetown Arthur's Point Sohool to Queenstown Bob's Cave to Glenorohy Cardrona Coal-pit Cardrona Crown Terrace to Limestone Cardrona to Pembroke Cardrona Saddle to Cardrona Township Greenstone to Martin's Bay.. Kingston to Garston Mount Nioholas to Greenstone Nokomai Pembroke to Glendhu Pembroke to Head of Lake Wanaka Pembroke Township roads Pembroke to Vincent County boundary Skipper's Main Road Staircase Road Twenty-five Mile Boundary Creek Double Hill Goodwood Village Settlement to Railway Waitaki Maniototo Waitaki Maniototo Waitaki Maniototo Vincent Waitaki Lake Oamaru Mount Ida Wakatipu 200 0 0 50 0 0 103 2 2 300 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 124 19 7 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 43 12 0 300 0 0 85 0 0 105 0 0 10 6 0 60 0 0 112 0 0 82 10 0 171 10 0 75 0 0 52 10 0 92 13 0 150 0 0 79 0 0 126 8 0 50 0 0 87 15 0 79 10 0 71 0 0 50 0 0 130 0 0 42 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti it



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

(Tote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st Maich, 1907. .06 1734 1735 1738 1740 1742 1745 1746 1747 1749 1750 1751 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1764 1765 1767 1770 1771 1772 1775 1777 1781 1783 1784 1786 1788 1789 1793 1795 1796 Roads, etc. — continued. Otago Road District— continued. Hawksbury Bush Hayward's Point Kilmog Hill Lower Harbour Boad Macrae's to Dunbaok Mount Fortune Run Mount Misery Mountain Track Omuraatu Native Reserve Port Moeraki to Hampden Puketiraki to Merton Seaclifi Asylum Road Shag River Road (Bushy Park) Sheep yards to Round Hill Telegraph Road (Waitati) Waikouaiti Beaoh approach.. Waitati to Waikari Hindon Slip Taieri Bridge to Pukekura West Taieri Bridge Clyde and Alexandra to Ophir Clyde Bridge Clyde to Lake County boundary . Diamond Deviation (£1 for £1) Dunrobin to Railway-siding (£1 for £1) Greenfield Settlement to Waitahuna Lawrence to Reedy Creek Lawrence to Roxburgh Lawrenoe to Waipori Park Hill to Heriot Rae's Junction to Heriot Waipori to Outram Waitahuna River Road Grater Road Waikouaiti Waihemo Waitaki Waikouaiti Waitaki Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti Boro' of Hawksbury Waikouaifci Taieri Waikouaiti Taieri £ s. d. 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 199 19 10 50 0 0 50 0 0 74 19 10 50 0 0 81 2 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 99 9 6 500 0 0 111 17 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 108 1-2 98 12 0 545 9 11 144 4 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 95 14 6 100 0 0 90 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 li Vincent Tuapeka Tuapeka 1799 1802 Baytown Boundary to Camp Dunedin to Port Chalmers Borough of Maori Hill Peninsula Borough of West Harbour Peninsula Dunedin North Chalmers 100 0 0 100 0 0 1804 1805 1807 Hooper's Inlet (Beach Road) Hooper's Inlet to Wieper's Main North Road (Borough of North-east Valley).. Borough of Northeast Valley Peninsula 54 5 4 100 0 0 50 0 0 1809 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1818 1820 1821 1822 1823 1826 1827 1828 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1838 1840 1841 1846 1847 1848 11850 1851 1852 Papanui Inlet roads Portobello Portobello to Camp Sandy Mount Road Seal Point Signal Hill to Scenic Reserves Wickliff Bay to Cape Saunders Lighthouse Akatore, Block VIII Balclutha to Greenfield Barnego (Clark Road) Barnego Settlement (Sunflower Road) Barnego to Pukepito (Riverside Road) Clarendon to Berwiok Clarendon Block I Greenfield Settlement Louden's Gully Lovell's Flat to Hillend Manuka Creek Road Matau Protective Works (Stirling) Milton to Coast (main road) Short Road Taieri Village Settlement (Beach Road) Waipori River Bridge (Berwick) (£1 for £1) Waipori River protection (Berwick) Ahuriri to Cannibal Bay Ralclutha Bridge Barr Road ■ Caberfeidh Catherwood Catlin's River-bank Road (Seotion 5, Block I, Woodland) Catlin's River Railway-station towards Tahakopa Catlin's Valley Clinton to Pomahaka Dusky to Kelso (Scrubby Plat) Faddis Road Glenkenich, Blook XI Greenfield Hay Road Peninsula Bruce * • • Bruce 299 18 9 89 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 148 14 0 100 0 0 88 3 5 84 17 6 157 8 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 105 2 0 50 0 0 48 10 0 126 0 0 37 10 0 100 0 0 60 7 6 50 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 274 8 10 Cr. 47 12 5 187 9 5 149 19 11 193 11 11 2 18 6 Bruce and Taieri .. Bruoe Clutha Clutha 1853 1854 1856 1858 1859 1861 1864 1866 Tuapeka Clutha Tuapeka Clutha 100 0 0 162 9 0 200 0 ,0 64 16 8 147 19 8 200 0 0 113 14 11 95 19 6



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.-continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for iIip Year ended 31st March, 1907. .05 1867 1868 1870 1871 1874 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1891 1894 1895 1896 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1905 1906 1908 1910 1911 Koads, etc.— continued. Otaoo Road Disteict— continued. Heathfield Hill Road Hunt Road Kaler Road Long Point Meek Road Milk and Honey Road Mokoreta to Rimu Morris Saddle (Road and Bridge) over Catling River Mouat's Saddle Newhaven Newton Owaka Bridge Owaka to Katea Owaka to Papatowai Owaka to Purekireki Papatowai to Long Beach Creek via Heathfield .. Puerua Valley Main Road Rankin Ratanui to Whitehead Rewcastle Rimu Blocks III and XIII Stewart Road Sweetwater Creek Road Table Hill Tahakopa Valley Tautuku Block IV (between Sections 14 and 19) .. Waipati Waiwera Bridge (£1 for £1).. Wight Track Work3 not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision Clu Clutha utha Clutha £ s. d. 99 1 3 189 1 6 74 1 6 145 10 11 39 11 2 193 15 4 35 1 9 146 9 3 35 8 0 124 19 11 81 8 9 141 19 8 295 17 7 302 0 0 66 18 11 198 13 4 99 19 8 50 0 0 84 5 4 135 5 5 99 16 8 56 2 4 93 1 7 195 19 10 27 0 9 225 0 5 117 15 4 1 14 11 175 4 0 84 12 11 206 0 11 Cr. 33 12 2 Total—Otago £17,197 5 2 1918 1914 1917 1918 1921 1922 1926 1927 1928 1930 1931 1932 1933 1935 1937 1938 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Southland Road Distbict— Ardlussa to Riversdale Glenquoich Creek Bridge St. Patrick's Crossing Road Brown's to McTaggart's Clifden to Otautau Cupple's Road .. Fitzgerald's Road (Longwood) Fraser and Gray Road (Waimatuku) .. Groper's Bush to Thornbury Harvey Road Hazlett and McCarthy (South Hillend) Heddon Bush (School Road) Hill Road Hokonui, Sections 824 to 829 (Macrae Road) Hundreds (line of) (east of railway-line) Koromiko (Merrivale) Lillburn Main Road Limestone Gorge to Merton Creek Line of Hundreds (east of Heddon Bush School Road) Longwood (Blocks I to XVI) Longwood, Block XVI, Seotions 3, 4, and 10 to 12 Longwood, Block XVIII, Sections 9 to 14 and 6 to 17 Longwood, Block XIX, Sections 1 to 8 Lower Opio to Line of Hundreds (£2 for £1) Macaulay and Henderson Road Merrivale to Waicolo Morley Gorge to Beaumont O'Brien's Gorge Road Orawia to Clifden (Bush Road) Orepuki to Drummond's Ferry (main road) Otapiri Gorge Otapiri Stream Bridge (Duncan Road).. Pankhuret Road (£1 for £1) Papatotara Punt (Drummond's Ferry).. Paulin's Bush to Ringway Flat Plunket and O'Brien Road ... Road access, Otapiri Sandford Road School Road (South Hillend) Scott's Gap (Lower) Souih Hillend (Heddon Bush) .. Southland Wallace '.'. Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Wakatipu Wallace 200 0 0 120 0 0 4 0 0 2 6 4 350 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 146 16 3 50 0 0 75 0 0 196 0 0 75 0 0 27 0 0 4 18 7 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 116 8 7 232 13 6 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1953 1954 1955 1957 1958 1960 1961 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967 OfiR 196'J Southland Wallace Southland • 186 9 10 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 91 6 0 100 0 0 169 1 11 90 3 2 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 147 0 0 7 5 9 50 0 0 96 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Wallaoe and Southland


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Fote No. Item No. N»me of Work. County. Eleotorate. Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. .05 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1977 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19S4 1985 1988 1989 1990 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 Eoads, etc. — continued. Southland Road Distbict — continued. Waiau, Block XI Waiau, Block X, from Sections 130 to 138 Waiau, Block XI, Sections 7, 82, and 105 Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV (main roads) Woodlands to Sunnyside (bush track) Crosbie Road Edendale to Seaward Downs Glenham Settlement (McGregor Road) Hand Road Hanning Road Hedgehope to Mataura Hedgehope Railway-station to Pebbly Hills Kapuka Mabel Block Mabel Blocks IV and V .. Mabel Survey District, south side, Sections 14 and 15, Block II Markham Road Mataura Island to Titiroa (£1 for £1) .. Mokoreta Block IV, from Section 23 to Section 34.. Oteramika Oteramika (Block XII, Sections 14, 15, and 16; and Blook XIII, Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7) Pascoe Road Peterson Road Quarry Hills to Waikawa Tall Road Temploton Road Tillard Road Toe-toes, Block X, at Sections 5 and 15 Waikawa .. .. Waikawa to Wyndham Valley Waimahaka (Block VII, Mokoreta) Waimahaka to Fortifications White Road Yorke Road, Hedgehope Bluff Road (Olifton Hill northwards) Clinton Road Elles Road Wallace Southland Wallace Mataura £ s. d. ;>.8.3 132 0 11 99 6 7 98 13 9 99 17 0 4 12 5 104 5 11 3 17 2 6 15 9 20 2 0 72 0 0 200 0 0 97 10 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 31 4 9 144 17 6 4 5 7 100 0 0 2 5 1 72 3 6 150 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 1 12 0 0 9 11 200 0 0 3 6 0 2 15 0 35 7 0 27 18 1 29 6 11 90 0 0 100 0 0 94 17 8 40 4 0 100 0 0 69 6 8 99 5 10 213 13 4 Inveroargill Borough of N. Invercargill Southland 2018 Kingswell Creek to Seaward Bush Invercargill and Awarua Invercargill 72 13 5 2019 2020 McChesney Street Seaward Bush, Block II (Sections 92 to 87) Borough of 8. Invercargill Ditto 145 6 8 199 4 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2053 2054 2055 2056 Seaward Bush, Blook III (Sections 24 to 69) Seaward Bush drains Seaward Bush to Boxall to McMillan (from Tramway Road) Sterrat Street Anderson Road, Hokonui .. B&ird Road Brown's to Yorke's (£1 for £1) Butler Road Calvert Road Campbell's Road (Makarewa Bridge) Caulfield Road (Rakahouka) Channel Road (Fleming's) Colyer Road Connif Road Connor Road Culhane Road (West Plains) Devereaux (Bast Winton) Duffy Road East Winton (outfall drain) Evans Road Forest Hill (Seotions 207 and 291), (west of) Forest Hill (Sections 352 to 374) Fowler Road GirdlerRoad Given Road (New River Hundred, Block X) Hamilton Ridge Invercargill, Blocks IX and X (road drains) Invercargill, Block XV, Section 136 .. Invercargill, Block XXIII, Sections 1 to 35 Invercargill, Blooks XXIII, and XXIV (Duck Creek Road) Invercargill, Blooks XXIII and XXIV (Finnerty Eoad) Irwin Road James Road Southland Awarua 220 19 10 49 14 0 211 18 10 58 6 4 181 7 6 15 0 0 100 0 0 2 16 10 174 17 6 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 68 5 0 150 0 0 148 0 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 96 0 8 1 13 6 4 6 4 296 5 3 96 4 0 73 11 0 50 0 0 120 0 0 49 9 0 112 4 6 105 16 0 190 15 2 2057 99 19 2 2058 2059 100 0 0 99 18 5



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Eleotorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 105 2060 2061 2062 2063 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2086 2087 2088 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road District— continued. Kerr Road King and William Road Larner Road Limehills Deviation Makarewa Bridge (Scott's) .. Makarewa Bridge (Section 58, Forest Hill) Makarewa to Gill's (Grove Bush) Makarewa to Hedgehope Flood-channel Martin Road Tramway Road Minerva Road Mitchell Road Mokotua Creek Road and Bridge MoRae and Anderson Road (Hokonui) .. New River (Hall to Spar Bush) New River Hundred, Block X, Sections 5,6,13, and 14 Norman Road One-tree Point to Waimatua Orion Otakau Bridge Otakau School to McDowell's Otatara, Bush Road Percy Road (Woodlands) Simon Road Sinclair Road South Inveroargill (east from), between Sections 11 to 34 and 15 to 20 Spar Bush Bay Road (Cole's to Waianiwa) Sweet Road Taylor Gorge Thomson Road, from O'Shannessy's (Forest Hill) .. Thomson Road (Myross Bush) Tisbury Main Road Tisbury Road Southland Awarua £ s. d. 74 15 9 100 0 0 44 11 5 13 0 5 160 18 11 200 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 199 18 3 6 10 0 100 0 0 149 14 1 150 0 0 66 9 3 100 0 0 76 6 0 50 0 0 99 10 2 100 0 0 50 0 0 144 1 0 99 14 8 150 0 0 84 13 0 236 7 5 153 2 8 2089 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 148 16 0 33 0 0 9 13 4 174 2 11 147 0 0 98 15 5 384 8 9 Borough of South Inveroargill Southland 2098 2099 2100 2101 2103 2104 2106 2107 2108 2109 Trotter's to Bridge Inn Waianiwa to Oporo West Plains Wilson's Crossing, South Forest Hill Road Winton, Block IV, Section 51 Winton, Blook VIII Woodejd Woodend Main Road Works not specifically provided for Contingencies, engineering, and supervision 200 0 0 132 15 6 99 19 6 249 11 8 60 0 0 231 12 7 66 13 6 94 0 6 467 10 2 219 19 10 Total—Southland £16,682 6 2 2110 2111 General — Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, and contingent expenses in connection with same Compensation and contingent expenses in oonneotion with the acquisition of land for roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Plant not chargeable to any particular work Road-deviation and other surveys 678 18 1 1,237 1 3 2112 2113 638 9 10 336 17 11 Total—General £2,891 7 1 Vote No. 105—Total for 1906-7 £267,179 7 0 00 Tourist Roads, etc. Auckland Road District — Wairua Bridge to junction of rivers Waimauku to West Coast Pukekohe District (Ostrich Farm Road) Whangarei Waitemata Manukau Marsden Waitemata Franklin 10 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 1 2 3 Total—Auckland 301 0 0 Te Koiti Road District — Hangatiki to Waitomo Waitomo Waikato 531 10 9 S G 7 9 10 11 Rotorua Road District — Atiamuri to Junction Rotorua-Taupo Awahou to Hamurana Eoho Lake Geyser Kakaramea Horse-track Murupara to Rangitaiki Murupara to Ruatahuna East Taupo Rotorua Bay of Plenty 212 16 1 165 14 9 168 19 0 90 12 6 99 19 9 226 0 6 Blast Taupo East Taupo and Whakatane



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Pote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1907. .06 12 13 14 15 16 17 J 8 Tourist Roads, etc. — continued. Rotorua Road District — continued. Okareka Lake to Tikitapu Lake Okere Palls , 4 Onepu Hot Springs Oruanui to Wairakei Rotoiti to Tarawera, via Okataina Rotorua to Ngongotaha Mount Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu Rotorua Whakatane East Taupo Rotorua Bay of Plenty £ s. d. 261 18 11 42 18 0 28 18 4 116 14 0 516 3 4 164 4 8 906 12 2 Rotorua and East Taupo Rotorua 19 20 21 Rotorua to Wairoa Rotorua Wharf .. ... Rotowhero to Murupara Rotorua and East Taupo Whakatane East Taupo 181 3 10 81 1 10 170 6 3 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana Tauhara Mountain Track Taupo to Te Aratiatia Rapids, East and West Tikitere to Green Lake Tokaanu Road and Wharf Tokaanu to Taupo Tokaanu to Waihi Rotorua East Taupo 672 15 7 99 9 3 127 9 3 16 16 8 96 2 9 221 10 6 56 8 0 29 30 81 Waikato Bridge, Tokaanu Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana East Taupo and West Taupo East Taupo Rotorua 17 19 6 45 13 6 13 9 8 Total —Rotorua £4,801 18 7 Hawke's Bay Road District— Napier to Wairoa Hawke's Bay and Wdiroa Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay 298 10 10 32 33 35 Stony Greek Bridge (Tarawera) Waikaremoana Accommodation-house Road 249 13 7 177 12 2 Total—Hawke's Bay £725 16 7 36 87 88 39 40 41 42 43 Taranaki Road District— Stratford House to Egmont House Upper Egmont Upper Pembroke.. Dawson's Palls .. Dawson's Palls House to Stratford House Manaia (upper) Egmont House to Bell's Falls Rahotu House to Bell's Palls Stratford Taranaki Stratford Egmont Patea 259 8 0 75 9 6 111 4 4 224 15 3 149 19 10 133 10 0 160 18 9 158 15 6 Taranaki Tarauaki Total—Taranaki £1,274 1 2 44 Wanganui Road District — Rotoaira to Waimarino Waimarino, East Taupo, and West Taupo East Taupo & West Taupo Waimarino and East Taupo Waimarino Bay of Plenty, Egmont, and Rangitikei Bay of Plenty and Egmont Bay of Plenty and Rangitikei Rangitikei 277 4 8 45 Tongariro National Park 106 18 0 46 Waiouru to Tokaanu 564 11 3 47 48 11) Pipiriki to Purarato Pipiriki to Raetihi Wanganui River Trust 49 19 2 503 18 0 500 0 0 Wanganui, Waimarino, Stratford, and Waitotara Total—Wanganui £2,002 11 1 50 51 52 51 Nelson Road District— Cable Bay Road Hope Junotion to Lake Rotorua Maruia Hot Springs Reefton to Maruia Waimea Inangahua City of Nelson Motueka Buller 50 0 0 9 11 6 250 0 0 153 0 2 Total—Nelson £462 11 8 55 5G 5T 58 GO Gl G3 64 G5 GO Westland Road District — Haupiri Hot Springs Haupiri River Foot-bridge Kokiri to Moana.. Parorari Track Track to Kokutu oil-springs Barrack Creek Copland Track Dorothy Palls Track Haast Pass Hokitika Gorge .. Grey Grey 200 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 99 19 9 1 19 1 50 0 0 444 9 1 212 9 8 88 5 6 248 16 3 Westland Westland



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Kxponditure for the Year endej 31st March, 1907. .00 67 69 70 72 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 Tourist Roads, etc. — continued. Westl&nd Road District— continued. Kanieri Lake Road Kaniori Lake South Road Kokatahi to Hokitika Gorge Mahinapua and South Greeks (Lake Mahinapua) .. Waiho to Cooks (Inland Road) Waiho Glacier Tracks Waiho River Foot- bridge Wataroa Foot-bridge Wataroa Valley Whitcombe Valley Will's Bridge .. Westland Westland £ s. d. 70 1 0 510 8 7 199 12 2 61 6 8 99 10 4 29 3 1 358 13 5 100 11 1 98 7 6 146 9 0 170 13 6 Total—Westland £3,310 15 8 85 86 87 89 90 91 Cantebbuey Road District— Culverden to Hanmer Hanmer Curling Pond Road and Bush Gully Track Hanmer Village Fairlie to Mount Cook (bridges) Mount Cook and Glaciers Pukaki to Mount Cook Amuri Mackenzie Hurunui Waitaki '.'. 675 10 1 50 0 0 200 0 0 2,677 7 6 95 15 6 428 11 3 Total—Canterbury £4,127 4 4 93 94 95 96 97 98 102 104 105 110 111 Otago Road District— Albert Burn to Wilkin River Arthur's Point to Skipper's Ben Lomond Dart River to Bridge, Routeburn Valley Glendhu Peninsula to Mount Aspiring Glenorchy to Routeburn Queenstown to Glenorchy Routeburn Hut to Lake Harris Saddle Routeburn Hut to right-hand branch Snowflelds .. Opito Blowhole (Woodland District) South Molyneux Pilot-station to Kaka Point Lake Wakatipu 80 16 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 40 0 0 86 10 0 141 9 i 100 0 0 49 18 4 64 15 1 8 14 0 Clutha Clutha .. '.'. Total—Otago £1,472 2 9 112 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 130 Southland Road Disteict — Te Anau to Sutherland Falls Manapouri to Flaxy Creek Mararoa Bridge .. MoS8burn to Te Anau, via Manapouri Dundee Street Half-moon Bay Wharf and approach Half-moon Bay Wharf Shelter-shed Harold's Bay to Peterson's Corner Horse-shoe Bay, Back Road Lonneker's Beach to Baok Beaoh Neck Road Ryan's Creek Junction Singer Road (Half-moon Bay) Stewart Island roads and tracks Wallace and Lake.. Wallace Stewart Island Wakatipu Wallaoe Awarua 245 1 1 149 5 0 299 17 9 122 2 3 100 0 0 50 4 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 Total—Southland .. £2,316 10 4 General— Works not specifically provided for 132 177 8 4 Vote No. 106—Total for 1906-7 £21,503 11 3 21 CONSOLIDATED FUND. Maintenance op Roads, etc. Auckland Road District— Great North Road (Awanui to Warkworth, via Hukerenui, Waipu, and Wellsford) Mangonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Otamatea, and Rodney Bay of Islands, Marsden, and Kaipara 2,197 17 6 Te Kuiti Road Disteict — Te Kuiti to Mokau Waitomo and Awakino Egmont 997 0 8 Rotoeua Road District — Tauranga to Runanga Tauranga, Rotorua, and East Taupo Bay of Plenty 653 3 2 Hawke's Bay Road District— Runanga to Pohue Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Hawke's Bay 795 17 11 Taeanaki Road District — Mokau to Uruti Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Clifton Stratford and Clifton Egmont Patea and Egmont 377 4 5 1,651 9 8 Total—Taranaki .. ., ,, • « 2,028 U I



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

6—D. 1,

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for i he Year ended 31st March, 1907. 21 Maintenance op Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road Distbiot — Pipinki to Waiouru Nelson Road District— Belgrove to Westport to Reefton Waimarino Rangitikei £ b. d. 6,673 6 4 Waimea, Inangahua, and Buller i Motueka and Buller 6,134 8 10 Canterbury and Westland Road Districts— Kumara to Springfield Westland and Selwyn Westland and Selwyn 6,035 18 1 Westland Road District — Roes to Okarito fend Pox River Westland Westland 344 2 1 Vote No. 21—Total for 1906-7 £25,860 8 8 LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACCOUNT. .24 1 2 3 4 6 10 11 Iβ 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Roads to open up Cbown Lands. Auckland Road District — Kauaeranga Block Kawaka Block Kenana Block .. .. Ketetangariki Block Maire Block Otukai Block Pakanae Block Rotokakahi Block Waimatanui Block Mangakahia Block Maropiu Block Tokatoka Block Tokatoka No. 3 Block Mangawhara Block Ngarua Block Opuatia No. 2 Block Puriri Block Roto Ngaro Block Taupiri Blook Whangarei Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga .. j Bay of Islands 90 6 8 205 4 0 7 5 7 129 7 i 76 12 0 70 9 11 5 7 6 405 11 9 226 6 5 561 2 6 1 16 6 724 11 6 10 17 1 1,435 16 O 141 18 10 200 11 7 5 15 0 2 0 0 297 1 9 Mangonui .. j Hokianga .. , " * "I Whangarei Hobson .. I Otamatea Marsden ,. Kaipara Ohinemuri Raglan Ohinemuri Franklin ■ Waikato Total—Auckland £4,598 1 11 SO 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 5G 57 Te Kuiti Road District — Hauturu Block (additional) Kawhia Block Kinohaku West Block Kinohaku West No. 2 Block Kopua Block Moeatoa Block Ngutunui Block Ouruwhero Block Pirongia West Block Tβ Kauri Block Te Pahu Blook Te Puhi Block Turoto Block Waiharakeke Block Aorangi Block Kururau Blook Mangaroa Block.. Mokau-Ohura Blook Otanake Special Settlement Block Pukenui Block Taurangi Blook Waikaka Blook Wairere Block Waitangata Blook Whareorino Block Waitomo Awakino Kawhia Kawhia and Waitomo Awakino Waitomo * • ■ Kawhia H • • Raglan Waitomo Waikato 432 5 7 101 19 4 2,030 19 8 402 15 10 309 4 2 121 7 6 8 16 0 28 9 9 7 11 0 668 13 2 443 1 10 1,033 1 10 22 0 0 180 4 11 431 5 2 1,482 16 1 3 10 6 6,815 10 4 93 14 1 46 7 5 1,128 1 0 Cr. 325 1 5 269 1 8 38 8 6 383 16 7 Kawhia Clifton Egmont Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Clifton Awakino Total—Te#uiti .. • • £16,158 0 6 58 59 00 CI 62 68 04 Rotorua Road District— Kowaunui Blook Manawahe Block .. I Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block Oamaru No. 1 Block Oumauku Block.. Papamoa No. 2 Block Te Rerenga Block Opotiki Whakatane Rotorua Opotiki Bay of Plenty 135 8 4 1,496 13 6 409 16 6 1,060 18 5 353 7 2 177 5 1 757 11 9 Tauranga Rotorua Total —Rotorua.. £4,391 0 9



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

(Tote No. I Item No. Name of Work. i County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for ihe Year elided 31st March, l<107 . LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACCOUNT— contd. .24 07 68 09 70 71 7 a 73 71 Roads to open up Cbown Lands— continued. Hawke's Bay Road District — Huiarua Block Moanui Block Tuahu Block Waitahaia Block.. Mangapoike Block Waiau Block Tamaki Blook Mangatoro No. Iα, No. 1 Block Cook Waiapu Wairoa Waiapn Hawke's Bay Waipawai Pahiatua £ s. d. 97 4 3 844 7 9 1,107 11 5 922 4 7 6 0 0 45 10 0 1,738 10 4 616 12 2 Waipawa Total—Hawke's Bay £5,378 0 6 75 77 78 79 W) 81 8'2 83 81 85 80 Taranaki Road Distbict— Bao Blook Mangaowata Block Rerekapa-Moanataire Block Tirangi Block Waiaraia Block Waro Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 2 Block Kaitangiwhenua Special Settlement Block Kuri Block Patupuremu Block .. •. Taumata. Block .. Total—Taranaki ,. Clifton m • * it • • Patea and Hawera Hawera ,. Stratford Patea Stratford Egmont Egmont and Patea Egmont Patea 1,565 16 8 821 4 7 1,017 18 7 102 7 0 2,345 19 5 109 0 2 81 8 1 4 10 8 1,003 15 9 132 4 1 60 7 11 £7,244 12 11 ■ 88 89 90 91 92 Wanganui Road District— Kaitieke Block .. Maungakaretu Block Ohinewairua-Pukeokahu Bloofc Raupiu Block Upper Makohine Block Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Kangitikei 3,010 13 10 192 7 8 583 15 6 124 15 2 15 0 0 Total—Wanganui £3,926 12 2 Wellington Road District — Awarua Iβ Block Rangitikei Rangitikei £767 19 4 91 101 105 106 107 108 111 113 115 95 'J7 98 99 Nelson Road District — Brewerton Block Hope Block Matiri Block Matiri East Block Mount Arthur Blook Owen Block Owen East Block Rainy River Block Tadmor Block Inangahua Blook Maruia Block Westport Block Waimea Inangahua Takaka Inangahua Motueka 157 15 7 121 11 6 506 3 10 259 4 3 109 0 5 416 17 7 221 13 3 12 2 0 108 9 7 472 1 11 892 2 2 228 12 0 Waimea Inangahua Buller .. Buller /, . • • • Total —Nelson £3,505 14 1 Marlbobouqh Road District — Bartlett's Creek Block Marlborough Wairau £69 9 1 116 123 125 126 128 129 130 132 134 135 Southland Road District — Hokonui No. 2 Block Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV, Waiau Survey District Mabel Block Oteramika Block Waikawa, Block II Waikawa No. 1 Block Invercargill Hundred Block ,. Otapiri Block Winton Block Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Mataura 151 17 2 727 13 5 58 0 0 21 5 6 57 4 8 107 0 4 17 12 0 69 6 10 53 1 6 Awarua Total—Southland £1,263 1 5 General — Works not specifically provided for £68 1 7 136 Vote No. 124—Total for 1906-7 £47,370 14 3 Votes 105, 106,21, and 124—Grand total for 1906-7 Add expenditure for previous years £361,914 1 2 •£6,772,119 7 6 Total expenditure to 31st Maroh, 1907 £7,134,033 8 8 icni jture for certaiu years out of Native Land Purchase Account and Lands Improvement Account. Vide Table No ex]


TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1907. Roads on Goldmelds. £ 8. d. 4,699 13 2 107 Assistance towards the construction and repair of roads, tramways, and tracks in mining and mineral districts, prospecting and minor works for the development of mineral resouroes, ; and for the extraction of metals from the ores Roads to open up mineral lands Compenfiation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in connection with same 19 2 6 •J 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 29 30 34 36 37 39 40 42 43 44 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 71 73 75 76 77 80 81 84 Auckland. Road to mines, Great Barrier Island Tairua to Whenuakite .. .. .. .. Coromandel County Coromandel to Kuaotunu, via Matarangi .. . . , Tiki to Kaimarama Tiki to Manaia Manaia—Waikawau .. .. .. .. " m Kuaotunu—Mercury Bay .. .. .. .. '„ Whitianga-Gumtown .. .. .. .. I Bridge, Mercury Bay Road .. .. .. .. Kikowhakarere-Cabbage Bay.. Wharf Road extension .. .. .. Whitianga-Kaimarama .. .. .. . . " Opitonui Road Gumtown Road .. .. .. .. .. \ Waitaia Mine to battery .. .. .. .. " Kennedy Bay-Matamataharakeke .. .. .. , Ward's Road-Cape Colville .. .. .. .. I Kauris to Mahakirau .. .. .. .. ! , Mercury Bay-Tairua .. .. .. . . " Bridge at break in Big Bay Road .. .. ,. j Tokatea-Kennedy Bay .. .. .. .. , Success Mine Road (repairs) .. .. .. Thames-Waikawau .. .. .. . . Thames County Thames-Hikutaia.. Hikutaia-Whangamata-Wires Track .. ., .. " Omahu-Whangamata .. .. .. „ Puriri-Neavesville Neavesviile-Upper Landing Upper Landing-Tairua .. .. .. .. " Kaueranga Valley Road (protection) .. .. .. • „ flape Creek Road Gumtown-Big Beetle .. .. .. .. „ Tapu-Gumtown Moanataiari Road Maratoto Road Tararu Creek Road .. .. .. .. " n Champion Mine Road Moanataiari Aqueduct (repairs) .. .. . Thames Borough .. Karaka Creek (clearing) Hikutaia-Waihi .. .. .. .. .. Ohinemuri County.. Paeroa-Te Aroha .. Paeroa-Waitoa Seddon-Waikino .. .. .. .. . " Netherton roads .. .. .. .. . , Waitawheta Road deviation .. Hikutaia-Maratoto .. .. .. .. , .. Waitekauri-Jubilee Waitawheta-Waihi • .. • • .. , Paeroa-Te Aroha Bridge Rahu Road Cadman Road .. .. .. .. .. , Jubilee Low-level Road .. .. .. , .. 100 0 0 100 0 0 244 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 164 0 0 100 0 0 58 5 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 165 0 0 75 0 0 139 0 0 140 0 0 75 2 9 35 0 0 50 0 0 350 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 77 10 0 14 14 8 87 1 0 29 5 0 199 15 0 107 0 - 0 72 10 0 74 14 0 20 0 0 250 0 0 125 10 0 46 9 4 45 13 2 50 0 0 220 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 131 5 6 132 10 0 50 0 0 87 6 0 100 0 0 106 0 0 50 10 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 £5,924 1 5 Nelson. 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 Kaituna Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Collingwood County Perntown-Pakawau .. .. .. Takaka - Collingwood Inland Road .. .. .. ! Pakawau-Puponga .. .. .. Collingwood Bridge Repairs, Mangarakau Bridge and approaches Pakawau-Mangarakau .. .. .. Takaka Hill Road .. .. .. .. Takaka Coanty Anatoki Track .. .. .. .. .. , Vant's-Bubu Long Plain Road Bubu Bridge .. \. .. .. .. „ Takaka-Collingwood Inland Road .. .. .. „ Long Plain Bridge and approaches .. .. .. „ Paok-track, Upper Anatoki Carried forward .. .. .. 588 1 0 51 6 6 12 2 10 300 0 0 310 1 2 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 51 15 6 100 0 0 266 3 0 48 7 9 200 0 0 450 0 0 2,927 17 9



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st Marcb, 1907. Brqught forward £ s. d. 2,927 17 9 Roads on Goldfields— continue/I. Nelson —continued. Motueka River (protective works) Thorpe-Baton Motueka River Bridge Graham River Bridge Aniseed Valley Road (repairs) Millerton Road (widening) Wilson's Lead Road Granity Creek Southwards Westport-Mokihinui Karamea Mud-flat Mokihinui -Little Wanganui Brighton - Grey County Boundary Channel Flat-Mackley's Loop-line Road Lyell-Cedar Creek Pox's Bridge (repairs) Millerton Township Fairdown-Waimangaroa Britannia Mine Road Denniston Hill Road Granity Creek-Ngakawau .. Seddonville - Mokihinui Mine Lyell-Bight-mile Burnett's Face - Coalbrookdale Mokihinui end of Westport Road Welshman's Flat Bridge Waimangaroa-Granity Charleston-Four-mile Seddonville roads .. Seddonville Colliery - Township Millerton Township streets Mears's Road Denniston - Burnett's Face Mokihinui - Inangahua Junction Big Ohika Bridge Bullock Creek Mine Creek Township Victory Mine Track, Lyell New Creek Track Prospecting Track, St. John's Terraoe .. Road to dredges, Buller ! Road to dredge, Berlin's Reefton-Maruia Boatman's Short Track Matakitaki-Glenroy-Maruia Maruia-Glenroy Murray Creek Road Inangahua Bridge Progress Junction - Globe Hill Loughnan's Coal-mine Road Road to Matakitaki River Bridge Maruia Road, via Caelani's .. Murray Creek - Kirwan's Battery Kirwan's Reward - Battery-site Boatman's Road McLiver and Kearn's Coal-pit Road Crushington Road (widening) O'Rorke's-Horse Terrace Specimen Hill Road (widening) Blackwater-Big River Blackwater Creek Track Mangles Valley Road Waimea County .. 80 5 8 44 13 8 780 18 11 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 1,917 7 8 250 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 196 4 3 200 0 0 819 7 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 800 0 0 425 0 0 400 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 58 17 2 218 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 32 6 1 302 3 0 162 11 7 548 15 9 39 10 0 91 9 4 250 0 0 195 0 0 223 15 8 485 4 11 52 0 0 19 13 11 97 12 0 46 19 0 55 10 0 124 5 0 300 0 0 125 8 4 20 4 2 107 112 114 117 118 119 123 124 125 126 127 128 131 132 133 134 135 Buller County 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 164 165 166 167 169 170 171 172 173 174 177 178 179 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 193 11 • • Inangahua County • Westland. £15,516 1 5 Grey County 194 195 196 198 199 200 202 203 204 205 208 Seven-mile-Nine-mile Moonlight-Blackball Taylorville Bridge Ahaura-Moonlight-Shellbaok Seven-mile - McLean's Creek Waipuna Road Payne's Gully Track . , Prospecting Track up to Deadman's : Road, Grey-Barrytown to State Coal-mine ; Blackball-Healey's Gully .. Cobden-Brighton 150 0 0 220 0 0 81 6 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 Carried forward .. 1,451 6 9



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

/ote Item No. No. Name of Work. Local Body. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1907. Brought forward .. ... £ s. d. 1,451 6 9 Roads on Goldpields— continued. 107 210 211 212 213 214 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 230 231 232 233 Westland — continued. Brunner-Blaekball Reefton-Hokitika-Ross Mount Hercules deviation Browning's Pass Traok Callery Traok Waiho Prospecting Track Larrikin's-Loop-line Fox's Road Taipo Prospeoting Track Kanieri Lake Road Westland Reefs Prospecting Track Gillam's Gully Track Milltown improvements Wilberforce - Westland Reefs Deviation, Reefton-Hokitika-Ross Back Creek Road (extension) Spencer's Road (widening) Big Dam Traok (repairs) .. .. Callaghan's Road (repairs) Fourth Terrace Track (repairs) Donnelly's Greek Bridge Brunner Borough .. r/ • • Westland County .. 95 3 0 2,631 14 7 142 13 o 150 0 0 79 14 0 40 6 0 200 1 6 53 10 0 179 2 6 95 11 0 117 10 0 52 10 0 52 10 0 1,753 13 4 1,524 U 5 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 145 7 5 £9,345 7 6 Otago. Tuapeka County .. 235 236 250 237 240 241 243 247 248 249 Waipori-Waitahuna Doherty and Hopkin's Bridges Lawrenoe-Clyde Fraser River Bridge Ryan's Coal-pit Road Wanaka Lake Track Devil's Creek Bridge (repairs) Garston-Nevis Queenstown- Gentle Annie .. Shotover Valley Road Vincent County 66 1 0 231 0 0 48 10 0 273 9 0 150 0 0 69 12 11 451 16 9 75 0 0 188 0 0 100 0 0 Lake County Southland. £1,653 9 8 Colac - Round Hill Garston-Nevis Riversdale-Waikaia Waikaka Valley Main Road (repairs) Waikaia Bridge .. .. ..... Waikaka Valley Road to dredging claims Waimumu Road to dredging claims Nokomai Road Waikaia to dredges Muddy Creek Road to dredge Orepuki-Preservation Inlet Stewart Island Road to mines Wallace County .. Southland County .. 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 81 18 7 180 0 0 251 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 264 Stewart Island County £1,811 18 7 Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1907 Expenditure for previous years £38,969 U 3 38,969 14 703,985 12 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1907, on Roads on Goldfields £742,955 6 9

Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.



Expenditure. LlABI] [TIES. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1906. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-1906. Survey and Construction 1906-1907. Grants, Subsidies, 1906-1907. Totals. Authorities on 'Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Contracts. Totals. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water- race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Te Aroha West £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 £ s. d. 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4| 1,250 0 0 40 0 0, 200 0 0 61 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District? — 80,708 19 3 Thames. 34 5 4 Tairua Water-race. 1,250 0 0 Compensation, Thames Water-race 40 0 0 R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. 200 0 0 Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. 61 0 0 Drain, Te Aroha West. 82 9Q.4 X m •■ .. 80,708 19 3 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blaokball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdooh's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-channel Back Creek Water-race Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water-race Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 01 15 6 191 19 6 __ 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,182 2 5 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 2,041 16 8 100 0 0 I 2,147 0 6 70 0 0 1,585 5 4 •• .. .. .. •■ •■ •• •• •• 17 5 1 •■ 40 0 0! 35 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 2,081 16 8 100 0 0 2,182 0 6 70 0 0 82,294 4 7 •• ■• 50' 0 0 ; 172 10 0! 320 12 6j " ,. •■ 50 0 0 172 10 0 320 12 6 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6i 1,151 10 8' 5,666 14 11 2,254 6 8 100 0 0 2,502 13 0, 70 0 0j 82,294 4 7; 82,291 i 1 MIDDLE ISLAND. j Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — 1,958 19 1 Hohonu. 2,005 0 4 Hibernian. 3,517 5 3 New River. 10,312 3 10 Kanieri. 191 19 6 Rimu Drainage-tunnel. 1,554 10 6 Ross Sludge-channel. 2,762 17 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. 1,199 7 6 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. 1,15110 8 1 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. 5,666 14 111 Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. 2,254 6 8 Trustees Main Tail-race,Waimea. 100 0 0 Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. 2,502 13 0, Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. 70 0 0 Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). 1,125 16 6 Raising dam Loop-line. 200 0 0 Ngahere-Blackball. 444 4 5 Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. 35 0 0 Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. 275 0 0 Jones Creek Storm-channel. 330 1 0 Back Creek Water-race. Government Works— 94,912 16 1 Waimea-Kumara. 14,152 17 7 Wainihinihi Water-race. 25,927 4 6 Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — 90,722 10 8 Nelson Creek. 257 16 7 Napoleon Hill. 15,651 15 3 Argyle (Charleston). 244 9 0 Black's Point. 1,125 16 6l 200 0 0! 444 4 5 35 0 0j 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 ■" 100 0 0 330 1 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 175 0 0 330 1 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 275 0 0 330 1 0 194,283 7 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 605 2 7 194,888 10 1 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 24 6 0 24 6 o| 194,912 16 1 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 __ 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 150' 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,651 15 3 244 9 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,651 15 3 244 9 0 .. • • • • • • Carried forward 342,876 1 3 667 8 6l I 379,527 0 0 135,086 2 71 605 2 71 292 5 1 [378,859 11 6l 24 6 0l 643 2 6l



Development of Goldfields.-Table No. 5-continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date-continued.

EXPENDITURE. Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1906. Grants Subsidies, 1870-1906. Survey and Construction 1906-1907. Grants, Subsidies, 1906-1907. Authorities j Authorities on i on Grants, jConstruction. Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Totals. Contracts. Totals. Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co. 's Race .. Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Provincial District Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra (purchase) ■Canterbury Provincial District— Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, <fec. £ s. d. 342,876 1 3 £ s. d. 35,086 2 7 £ s. d. 605 2 7 £ s. d. 292 5 1 L £ s. d. 1378,859 11 6 £ s. a. £ s. d. 3 24 6 0; 643 2 6 . £ s. d. £ s. d. 667 8 6 . £ s. d. 5379,527 0 0 3 I MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial Distbict — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Co. 'a Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 800 0 0 800 0 0 800 0 0 322 18 2 500 0 0 .. 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 218 0 0 I •• ) ... - 4 6 2 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,000 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 I I I I I 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 ■ •• I i. .. - .. 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 •■ I •• ■ •• 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 13,084 10 2 2,67215 5 .. 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 15,757 5 7 I " 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 15,757 5 7 65 6 7 65 6 7 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 630 4 0 630 4 0 6,720 6 8 6,720 6 8 6,720 6 81 Totals 514,467 10 9 24 6 0 643 2 6 :56,264 3 8 54,633 4 0 3,277 18 0 292 5 1 667 8 6 £ 515,134 19 3 Totals. .. SUMMARY. North Island Middle Island — I 80,708 19 3 456,264 3 8 1,585 5 4 ■4,633 4 0 82,294 4 7 514,467 10 9 24 6 0 596,761 15 4 24 6 0 643' 2 6 '.'. 643 2 6 SUMMARY. North Island. Middle Island. 3,27718 0 292' 5 1 667 8 6 82,294 4 7 515,134 19 8 Totals .. .. | 667 8 6 597,429 3 10 536,973 2 11 56,218 9 4 3,277 18 0 292 5 1 Totals.



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31et March, 1906. Net Expenditure Total Net n>, da " n S . , Expenditure 12 Months ended t 3 J st March , 31st March, jg^ Liabilities on 31st March, 1907. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. ._ Assistance towards prospecting* .. Purchase of diamond-drills Prospecting deep levels, Thames, — Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. Inspector's fee Cost and expenses, purchase, plant, &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty shaft Purchase of CassrelPs and Bennett's leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation Proclamation of Rivers Water Conservation — Reports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge-ohannel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Reports on Ross Flat Eweburn Reservoir Home Gully Dam Compensation, Owen Roberts Telephone-line, Bannockburn to Nevis Resumption of land Water-supplies for Mining Townships— Waitekauri Karangahake .. Mackeytown Clyde Alexandra Thames Drainage Board contribution Waimumu Main Tail-race Charlton Creek Main Tail-raoe £ s. a. 20,927 16 0 722 1 5 £ s. d. 2,958 1 9 4,600 15 10 £ s. d. 23,885 17 9 5,322 17 3 £ s. d. 1,949 9 9 £ s. d. 25,835 7 6 5,322 17 3 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,555 1 8 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,721 7 5 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,721 7 5 166 5 9 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 39,481 7 7 741 33 0 40,223 0 7 40,223 0 7 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 408 7 1 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 408 7 1 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,339 13 0 408 7 1 Credit — Cost and expenses, purohase, plant, &c. 972 10 0 972 10 0 972 10 0 Totals 123,768 15 5 7,491 6 4 131,263 1 9 1,949 9 9 133,212 11 6 ixpenditure prior ;o 31st March, 1894, !2,630 16s. 2d.



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.

7—l>. 1.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Telephone Exchanges,— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Ohristchureh Dannevirke Dunedin Peilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Lawrence Levin Masterton Napier Nelson .. New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Botorua .. .. - .. Stratford .. Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington .. Westport Whangarei £ s. d. £ a. <1. 30 8-11 .">,808 14 9 65 11 &7 5,619 5"~7 119 14 9 5,643 1 2 132 4 f> 252 13 6 33 9 11 98 6 2 f>9 11 9 24 10 9 451 7 0 82 5 9 1 0 0 284 18 10 (>57 2 4 26 15 5 17 15 3 121 14 8 43 7 5 211 9 4 31 7 3 2 15 8 142 3 2 266 18 2 228 17 5 5,628 8 11 9 0 9 104 0 9 New Wires, — Kaimaumau (Cape Maria van Dieineni Waiharara (Cape Maria van Diemen) .. Kohukobu-Motukaraka Mangatete (Mangonui-Whangape) Hoanga (Dargaville-Tangiterorla) Owhata (Herekino-Whangape) Pakaraka-Hupara Ruakaka (Waipu - Parua Bay).. Kiripaka-Ngmguru Hukerenui-Riponui Leigh-Pakiri Tangaihi (Pouto line) .. Paparoa-Mareretu Mangawai-Kuaha Waimauku (Auckland-Hobsonville) Riverliead (Auckland-Hobsonville) New Lynn (Auckland-Avondale) Pukekawa- Glen Murray Puni (Pukekohe-Manku) Auckland-Hamilton Metallic Circuit) .. Waerenga-Taniwha .. Rangiriri-Churchill .. Maungatawhiri Ngaruawahia - Te Kowhai Eureka Ponga-Hunua MataDgi-Tauwhare .. Waihou-Waitoa Tirau-Tapapa Waingaro-Waimai Manawaru-Aratiatia-Gordon .. Thames-Paeroa-Waihi Metallic Cirouit Miranda-Kaiaua Puriri-Hikuwai-Puketui Te Aroha-Mangaiti .. Pongakawa (Te Puke - Maketu) Opuriao (Whakatane-Taneatua) Oparau - Te Maika - Te Rauamoa Hangatiki-Waitomo Ohura Mairoa Aria (Te Kuiti - Paemako) Oparure-Paemako ■29 10 0 24 0 1 16 17 10 15 6 9 30 8 10 0 2 0 23 19 6 5 2 8 156 16 2 52 12 4 65 2 1 33 8 1 0 2 6 3 5 0 16 5 11 43 1-4 3 12 3 139 9 5 12 2 9 360 8 10 28 13 10 24 13 7 19 3 8 12 9 2 15 8 90 10 2 50 10 11 • 17 11 2 90 18 9 10 8 7 305 15 8 52 8 3 42 12 0 12 9 12 5 8 11 2 11 30 10 3 732 4 1 19 2 2 10 7 20 6 11 100 19 7 32 15 1 : ! Carried forward 1. 28,932 18 4


TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.


Line. Expenditure ' during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward [ew Wires— continued. Otorohanga - Te Kuiti Mangapehi-Te Kuiti Waiotapu-Galatea Otorohanga-Raurimu.. Matapuna-Mananui .. Taumarunui-Matapuna Taumarunui-Raurimu Taupo-Onekeneke Muripara Te Teko Ohui-Waioweka (Opotiki-Ohiwa) Kutarere-Waiotahi Gisborne-Te Karaka Metallic Circuit .. Patutah i-Gisborn e Tokomaru Bay - Port Awanui Tokomaru Bay - Hikuwai Gisborne - Tolago Bay Napier Metallic Circuit Napier-Hastings Metallio Circuit Napier-Pohui Napier-Wairoa Metallio Circuit Hastings-Pakipaki Metallic Circuit Ha8tings-Maraekakaho Fernhill-Pakowbai Wairoa-Mohaka Metallic Circuit Opunake - Te Kiri Douglas Road - Huiroa New Plymouth - Mahoenui Puniwhakau-Makahu Taihape-Raetihi Mokoia-Wbakamara-Meremere Kaponga-Kapuni Kaponga-Mahoe Eltham-Stratford Metallic Circuit Eltham-Omoana Kohuratahi-Tahora Ohutu - Lower Moawhango Mataroa-Tiriraukawa.. Lower Moawhango - Pukeokahu Brunswiok .. Omoana-Matemateonga Waitotara-Taumatatahi Marton-Wanganui Metallic Circuit Manaia-Kapuni Normanby-Matapu -Okaiawa .. Rangiwahia-Ruahine .. Kimbolton-Awawaro Apiti-Umutoi-Utuwai Wangaehu-Turakina Waituna West - Rewa Rongotea-Kaimatarau Palmerston North-Bunnythorpe Rongotea-Carnarvon Bunnythorpe-Marton Palmerston North -Nβ wbury .. Longburn - Palmerston North Metallio Circuit .. Palmerston North - Aok-iutere Palmerston North No. 6 wire Glen Oroua-Taikorea Masterton - Palmerston North.. Mangatoro - Pokokomuka ... Mangamahoe-Hastwell's Ihauraua Valley Makomako-Mangahao Mangatainoka-Makairo Mangatainoka-Kohinui CarswelPs-Whareama Masterton-Eketahuna Eketah un a-Alf redton Masterton-Pahiatua Masterton - Greytown Trunk .. Wellington-Masterton Waione-Horoeka Mangatoro-Waitahora Makuri-Coonoor Pongaroa-Korora-Waione M a. d. 28,932 18 4 £ s. d. 14 1 10 44 5 9 . 40 7 11 8 15 0 12 4 6 16 3 2 111 1 11 5 10 11 69 18 2 82 11 0 58 2 5 113 17 8 4 3 5 2 7 10 2 18 6 0 19 0 149 6 6 9 2 7 22 19 9 3 12 0 19 15 2 8 4 9 20 4 0 16 11 9 78 16 0 54 0 1 i 35 0 3 59 12 11 45 4 8 17 18 1 5 7 0 36 8 0 76 1 1 8 13 10 369 9 3 94 3 10 80 15 11 147 7 6 104 10 11 42 6 4 I 10 3 608 12 3 62 18 11 76 15 9 1 18 4 0 6 2 69 14 8 0 6 3 2 14 1 a l 6 2 0 0| 8 9 6. 4 6 0! 0 4 0 2 16 110 12 15 6 0 15 6 6 8 6 106 13 10 55 3 7 27 0 2 0 11 5 24 12 5 125 11 8 29 13 9 3 13 6 ] 85 16 8 47 18 0 101 16 3 335 6 0 496 19 1 ; 44 13 1 82 9 10 2 7 6 52 14 0 Carried forward .. 33,508 9 6



TABLE No. 6— continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward ew Wires— continued. Tiraumea-Hounui Waterfalls -Waihaki Valley .. Hutt-Trentham Metallic Circuit Grey town North -Morrison's Bush Upper Hutt - Akatarawa Pakawau-Mangarakau Motupipi-Totaranui French Pass Coll ingwood Extension Sherry River Extension Tapuwera - Stanley Brook Tadmor Main Line Takaka - Upper Takaka Korere Upper Motupiko Waimea West Picton - Tβ Awaite .. Nydia Bay Blind River Spring Grove Extension Tory Channel Wandle Downs (Blenheim-Christchurch) Seddon - Richmond Brook - Molesworth Murohison-Glenroy - Horse Terrace Parnassus-Parnassus Perry .. Hawarden-Woodgrove Kanieri Lake Stillwater-Jackson's .. Reefton-Blackwater .. Wainihinibi .. Greymouth-Barrytown Humphrey's Gully - Ho Ho Bruce Bay Mahitahi Extension Hinds-Lismore Ash burton-Greenstreet Ashburfcon-Elgin Ashburton-Dorie Burwood Extension Ashley Bank - Loburn Redcliffs Davis Road (Linooln-Springston) Oust - West Eyreton .. .. .. Springston-Wakaipa .. Rakaia-Dorie Rakaia-Highbank Springburn-Staveley Wakanui Alford Forest Albert Town-Makarora Tβ Kapo - Pukaki Kelcher's (Waimate-Waihaorangi) Glenavy-Ikawai Levels Gleniti-Claremont Makikihi-Hunter Makikihi-Otaio Makikihi Trunk Riverside-Hakatere Riverside-Fishing Station Ealing-Carew-Ruapuna Timaru-Hazelburn Timaru-Fairlie Metallic Circuit Timaru-Temuka (second trunk) Timaru-Waimate - St. Andrew's Metallic Cirouit Kononi Lawrence-Clyde-Cromwell Blue Spur Extension .. Maheno-Hampden Mosgiel - Wylie's Crossing Middlemaroh-Sutton Port Chalmers-Hayward's Point Dunedin-Inveroargill Metallio Circuit ,. Glade House - Milford Sound Mossburn - Te Anau Centre Bueh-Dipton.. Riversdale-Wendon South Hillend Extension £ s. d. 33,508 9 6 6 s. d. 1 18 6 . 2 14 6 32 1(5 3 12 5 8 126 2 3 283 8 10 • 122 3 0 7 12 0 116 2 4 15 3 2 46 17 1 20 1 3 1 8 0 J 50 14 10 6 9 0 4 8 3 2 0 0 16 1 4 7 5 5 55 16 3 7 5 8 1*8 01 56 6 7 12 13 11 9 0 0 40 13 1 29 7 6 133 2 2 139 12 9 3 5 1 322 16 10 135 18 6 1,201 6 8 12 1 3 105 1 10 69 19 5 76 10 11 260 3 0 8 12 10 175 2 9 9 13 8 26 9 9 60 16 5 13 3 122 5 0 3 7 7 11 6 5 8 6 0 99 16 5 48 4 0 18 6 4 9 12 3 118 11 1 5 18 5 56 9 8 89 14 1 53 7 6 22 7 7 30 7 4 15 7 6 201 19 11 2 17 10 73 15 i 137 19 6 112 2 7 4 3 4 157 3 0 136 8 5 90 8 4 10 4 6 46 5 5 31 1 7 823 3 2 351 6 3 370 4 5 16 2 0 89 3 7 22 17 2 Carried forward 40,728 12 9


TABLE NO. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued,


Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st Maroh, 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward New Wires— continued. Centre Bush - Otapiri.. Gore-Mataura Loop Mataura Island Additions Fortrose-Otara Kauana (Barkley Village Limehille) Winton Brown's-Hokonui .. Otautau-Aparima Greenbills-Mokomoko Houipapa O-vaka-Tautuku Pukerau-Waikoikoi Waimahaka-Waikawa Waikawa-Waikawa Valley £ s. d. 40,728 12. 9 32 2 10 45 9 6 8 9 'J 38 14 5 2 12 0 1 19 1 22 15 3 111 7 4 39 3 0 11 6 9 70 7 0 52 3 10 218 19 9 68 15 2 £ s. d Purchase of material 41,452 18 5 72,615 4 10 114,068 3 3 : 1,210,176 11 9 Expenditure to 31st March, 1906 1,324,244 15 0 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1907 Liabilities, 31st March, 1907 1,324,244 15 0 75,110 5 1 Total expenditure and liabilities.. £1,399,355 0 1



TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1907, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure Total Liabilities on Expenditure for Expenditure Authorities, ; Total to Year ended to Contracts, &c, Expenditure 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, : and Liabilities. 1906. 1907. 1907. 1907. I - ~ ' ""' ' " i "~ £ s. d. £ s. d. < £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Judicial .. .. .. 527,039 13 10 i'85,191 14 8 " 562,231 8 6 7,196 2 11 \ 569,427 11 5 Postal and Telegraph .. 440,715 14 7 !f43,917 3 3 ; 484,632 17 10 15,492 9 4! 500,125 7 2 Customs .. .. .. 46,239 11 414 0 8 46,653 19 .. 46,653 I 9 Offices for Public Departments < 247,792 18 10 5,90117 2:253,694 16 0 1,881 1 0 255,575 17 0 Hospitals for Mental Diseases.. 533,756 6 3 8,048 19 7 1541,805 5 10 1,005 13 7: 542,810 19 5 Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. 7,767 10 6 250 15 8, 8,018 6 2 .. 8,018 6 2 School Buildings .. ..! 1,344,790 18 6 |109,459 1 011,454,24919 6 1,06214 0 11,455,312 13 6 Hospitals .. .. .. ! 69,504 5 7 10,259 3 0 ! 79,763 8 7 8,158 16 6 ' 87,922 5 1 Quarantine Stations .. .. I 6,863 19 5 .. 6,863 19 5 .. 6,863 19 5 Survey .. .. .. 543 4 5 .. 543 4 5 .. 543 4 5 Parliament Buildings .. 62,324 12 8 I 1,047 0 4: 63,371 13 0 .. , 63,371 13 0 Government House, Auckland 4,940 0 4 .. 4,940 0 4: .. j 4,940 0 4 Wellington 8,331 0 2, .. 8,331 0 2 .. 8,331 0 2 Agricultural .. .. 14,111 15 4 i 2,707 7 8 16,819 3 0: 16 9 0 16,835 12 0 PublicHealth .. ..I 18,506 5 1 1,765 3 OS 20,271 8 1 .. 20,271 8 1 Miscellaneous .. .. 18,309 1 8 8,063 0 9 1 26,372 2 5 .. 26,372 2 5 Totals .. .. 3,331,536 8 3 227,025 6 9 ! 8,578,S61 15 0 ! 34,813 6 4 3,613,375 1 4 * Includes £50 charged to "Unauthorised." t Includes £57 8s. charged to " Unauthorised."

Net Total ; Expenditure Expenditure j during 12 to 31st March, I Months ended 1906. ! 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1907. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. " ! «_ Lighthouses. ikaroa Brothers .. jape Campbell 3ape Egmont Uape Poulwind jape Kidnappers .. 3ape Maria van Diemen jape Palliser jape Saunders jentre Island 3uvier Island 3ast Cape French Pass Beacon French Pass Eokitika.. Fackson's Reef Beacon tack's Point iahurangi Point .. iaipara .. tfanukau Heads Marine Store ffioeraki .. Hoko Hinou Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen Island Pimaru Piritiri Cable Cory Channel ffaipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on B.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4,218 8 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. i £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 i 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 Total Lighthouses 162,855 7 7 162,855 7 7 I 162,855" 7 7



TABLE No. 8—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Net Total Expenditure Expenditure j during 12 to 31st March,) Months ended 1906. '• 31st March. Net Total Expenditure Expenditure j during 12 to 31st March,) Months ended 1906. i 31st March. 1907. TWoi Liabilities on Expenditure Authorities, i 9iit tut v. [Contracts, &c, to olst March. . „, . -.1 ,' larw l to 31st March, 19U '- 1907. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. 1907. Harbour Works. £ s. d. £ a. d. Kaipara, removal of rocks .. .. 8 11 6 Raupo, Otamatea, wharf repaire .. .. Cr. 45 10 0 Maungaturoto Wharf .. .. 250 0 0 Wharf at Howick .. 1,087 18 2 Manukau Whaif at Sandepit .. 150 0 0 Pollok Wharf, Manukau .. .. 150 0 0 Whangarei Heads Wharf .. .. 600 0 0 Waipu, improvement of river .. 483 13 1 16 6 11 Matakana Wharf .. .. .. 556 10 3 Onehunga, examining-room and office 194 3 2 Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf 758 8 3 Orua Bay Wharf .. .. .. 94 10 4 50 0 0 Graham Beach Wharf .. .. .. 50 0 0 Waiwera Wharf .. .. .. 350 (I 0 Wade Eiver, clearing .. .. .. 37 4 2 Puhoi Eiver, clearing .. .. .. 1 12 0 Waitemata : Deep Creek Wharf .. .. 50 0 0 Mercury Bay Wharf .. .. 253 14 6 Opotiki Wharf .. .. .. 500 0 0 Waiuku Channel .. .. .. 357 11 6 Coromandel Wharf .. .. Cr. 0 10 0 Waitara Harbour.. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Bemoving eel-weirs, Patea River .. 50 0 0 Waikokopu Harbour .. .. 337 12 2 250 0 0 Wairoa Harbour .. .. .. 1,500 0 0: Mokau Wharf .. .. .. 312 13 9 I Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. 141 12 6 I Napier Harbour .. .. .. 3,097 14 9 1 500 0 0 Manawatu River, snagging .. 214 13 3 Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of 50 0 0 Castlepoint Jetty.. .. .. 51 14 1 Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty .. j 6 5 0 i Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour .. 2,985 17 3 15 0 0 Picton, removal of old wharf .. 94 0 0 Havelock Harbour .. .. .. 159 0 11 Nelson, dredging harbour .. .. 2,806 15 8 Motueka Wharf, protection .. 300 0 0 Takaka Harbour .. .. .. .. 4 16 Collingwood Harbour .. .. 1,170 18 8 Pakawau Wharf .. .. .. 2 0 0 Karamea Wharf .. .. .. 559 19 11 Karamea River improvements .. 365 8 3 I 257 2 3 Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf ap- 336 0 10 I proach, and snagging river Westport Harbour .. .. 14,110 18 7 Point Elizabeth Harbour .. .. .. (573 1 7 Greymouth Harbour .. .. 127,233 19 6 Hokitika Harbour .. .. 58,780 5 10 Okarito Harbour .. .. .. 524 0 1 714 3 10 Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs 55 0 0 Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Stick- 1,910 18 10 ing Point Okuru Wharf .. .. .. 350 0 0 100 0 0 Timaru Harbour .. .. ..100,000 0 0\ Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging 88 7 1 and repairing dwelling Dunedin, St. Ciair, protection of 410 3 10 122 8 10 Ocean Beach Martin's Bay, removal of rook .. 5 0 0 Port Levy Jetty .. .. .. ' 250 0 0 Toitois Jetty .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Balclutha Jetty .. .. .. 250 0 0 Catlin's River, removal of rocks .. 277 19 0 Catlin's River Jetty .. .. 1,015 7 7 Queenstown Beacon .. .. 35 0 0 Queenstown Jetty .. .. 297 8 0 Jackson's Bay Jetty .. .. 32 6 4 Raising dredge " Hapuka" .. 777 7 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 400 0 0 Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay 230 0 0 Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal 90 0 0 and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island 1 10 0 £ a. d. 8 11 6 Cr. 45 10 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 50 0 0 350 0 0 37 4 2 1 12 0 50 0 0 253 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 587 12 2 1,500 0 0 312 13 9 141 12 6 3,597 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 3,000 17 3 94 0 0 159 0 11 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 4 16 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 622 10 6 336 0 10 £ s. d. £ i>. d. 8 11 6 Cr. 45 10 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 556 10 8 194 3 2 758 8 8 144 10 4 50 0 0 350 0 0 37 4 2 1 12 0 50 0 0 253 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 587 12 2 1,500 0 0 312 13 9 141 12 6 3,597 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 U 1 6 5 0 3,000 17 3 94 0 0 159 0 11 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 4 16 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 622 10 6 336 0 10 14,110 18 7 673 1 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,238 3 11 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 14,110 18 7 673 1 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,238 3 11 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 450 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 450 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 532 12 8 532 12 8 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 90 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 280 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 Total Harbour Works ..330,290 3 9 2,963 3 6 2,963 3 6 333,253 7 3 333,253 7 3 Harbour Defences. Guns .. .. .. ■■ 147,768 18 10 Ammunition .. .. .. 24,531 6 7 War Office stores.. .. .. 9,933 10 9 Torpedo-boats and torpedoes .. 20,203 13 7 .. Submarine-mining stores .. .. 17,665 2 2 , Miscellaneous .. .. .. 18,009 5 10 Works in colony .. .. .. ; 243,567 9 8 1,540 14 2 Land for depots and batteries ..! 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 245,108 3 10 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 245,745 3 10 38,327 14 6 1,540 14 2 537 0 0 Total Harbour Defences 1520,007 111 1,540 14 2 1,540 14 2 521,547 16 1 637 0 0 522,184 16 1 Grand total .. .. |l013152 13 3 4,503 17 8 4,503 17 8 1,017,656 10 11 637 0 0 1,018,298 10 11





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1894." Bm,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 30th May, 1907. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Bm,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 30th May, 1907. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. _♦_

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1906-7.

Gγ. J. CIAPHAM, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. Note.—Charges and expenses of raising loans not included in above figures. (Details on next page.)

Class. Votee. Summary. AP ?ioT ia ' Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII 86 87, 88 89 90-98 99-101 102 103 104-107 Public Works Fund. & Public Works, Departmental .. 16,521 Railways .. .. .. t 1,199,025 Utilisation of Water-power .. 53,000 Public Buildings .. .. 269,760: Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and 12,100; Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts .. 40,000 Immigration .. .. .. 10,000i Roads, Bridges, and other Publio 523,833; Works Development of Goldfields .. 40,300! Purchase of Native Lands .. 10,044, Telegraph Extension .. ..I 120,0001 Rates on Native Lands .. .. 1.000J Contingent Defence .. .. 35,850 Lands Improvement .. ..'■ 21,350 Unauthorised .. .. .. £ s. a. 17,520 11 7 1,261,505 0 2 4,663 16 1 I 234,081 5 5 4,555 18 11 42,351 13 9 18,319 7 7 353,251 5 1 £ a. d.j 810 6 o! 33.670 18 1 0 10 7,163 6 8i 52 1 3 81 0 9; 3,966 16 7 5,781 8 9 £ s. d. 16,710 5 7 1,227,834 2 1 4,663 15 1 226,917 18 9 4,503 17 8 42,270 13 0 14,352 9 0 347,469 16 4 XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX 108 109 110 111 112 113-115 12,080 8 5 ! 9,202 6 9 i 125,929 3 8 1,145 1 2' 17,523 9 0 6,089 16 3 8,681 4 2 1,015 19 01 67 0 0 11,861 0 5i 450 0 0i 2,649 13 2 484 11 9 8,526 17 8 11,064 9 5 9,135 6 9 i 114,068 3 3 695 1 2 14,873 15 10 5,605 4 6 154 6 6 Total Public Works Fund.. 2,352,789 2,116,900 8 76,581 3 1 2,040,319 4 11



Note. No. Name of Vote. pnSn. Expenditure. CreditB. Net Expenditure. Public Works Fund. Public Works, Departmental— 86 Publio Works, Departmental £ £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ a. a. 8(. 16,521 17,520 11 7 ! ' 810 6 0 16,710 5 7 87 Railways— Railway-construotion— Kawakawa-Grabamtown Helensville Northwards Paeroa-Waihi Gisborne-Rotorua Stratford-Ongarue Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Deviation Mount Egmont Branch Marton - Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara .. Culverden-Rotherham-Hanmer, Motor-cars Midland Railway Midland abandoned Line, Belgrove-Tophouse, ' Clearing Noxious Weeds Westport-Inangabua Ngahere-Blackball .. Greymouth-Hokitika (Extension to Ross) Otago Central Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka Riversdale-Switzers Orepuki-Waiau Land Claims and other Old Liabilities on Construction Account Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials 88 i Additions to Open Lines 20,000 50,000 2,000; 20,000; 20,000: 30,000 15,000' 300,000 45,000 3,000 100,000 25 10,636 2 11 38,336 13 9 1,722 5 10 18,541 16 7 .12,896 13 3 24,322 10 5, 17,320 9 11 387,135 17 6 46,166 7 7 14 6 Oj 130,081 9 9! 7 8 0 12 10 0 ' 16 3 9 i 46 10 0 113 15 0 I 15 10 0 80 0 0 62 19 11 25.034 9 4 91 1 6 1 j 439 9 7 i' 10,623 12 11 38,320 10 0 1,675 15 10 18,428 1 7 12,881 3 3 24,242 10 5 17,257 10 0 362,301 8 2 46,075 6 1 14 6 0 129,642 0 2 7 8 0 10,000! i 10,000 20,000! ; 50,000! 20,000' 20,000 8,000 10,000 1,000 8,582 5 5 11,597 16 Si 21,748 3 6 38,502 9 9; 15,975 15 1. 18,145 11 6i 3,597 11 2 9,956 3 6 344 17 9 7 2 10 1 10 0 119 16 11 228 17 5 16 8 6 0 18 4 46 5 2 0 13 6 3 0 0 8,575 2 7 11,596 6 8 21,628 6 6 38,273 12 4 15,959 6 7 18,144 13 2 3,551 6 0 9,955 10 0 341 17 9 3,000 130,000 312,000 2,010 14 3 129,424 11 3 314,436 18 11 12 0 0 1,034 16 5 6,286 19 11 1,998 14 8 128,389 14 10 308,149 19 0 Utilisation of Water-power— 89 Utilisation of Water-power .. .. 53,000 4,663 16 l| 0 10 4,663 15 1 Public Buildings— 90 General 91 Judicial .. .. .. .. 92 Postal and Telegraph 93 [ Customs .. .. .. 94 Hospitals for Mental Diseases .. 95 School Buildings 96 Agricultural 97 General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions 98 j Publio Health 18,100 •39,300 45,500 1,000 20,000 i 113,645 4,721 20,500 ♦7,000 19,502 6 8 35,833 1 5 45,621 3 3 414 0 8 8,273 19 7 109,620 0 6 2,759 10 7 10,259 3 0 1,797 19 9 4,239 12 9 691 6 9 1,761 8 0 225 0 0 160 19 6 52 2 11 15,262 13 11 35,141 14 8 43,859 15 8 414 0 8 8,048 19 7 109,459 1 0 2,707 7 8 10,259 3 0 1,765 3 0 3216 9 99 100 101 . Lighthouses, Harbour - works, and Harbour Defences — 99 ! Lighthouses .. 100 Harbour-works '01 , Harbour Defences 2,100 5,000 5,000 3,013 4 9 1,542 14 2 50 1 3 2 0 0 2,963 3 6 1,540 14 2 102 Tourist and Health Resorts— 02 Tourist and Health Resorts 40,000 42,351 18 9 81 0 9 42,270 13 0 103 i Immigration— .08 I Immigration .. .. .. .. 10,000 18,319 7 7 3,966 18 7 14,852 9 0 104 105 106 107 Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Publio Works— .04 Roads, Departmental .05 i Roads, &c. .. .06 I Tourist Roads, &c. .07 I Roads on Goldfields, &o. f20,050 1420,067 32,716 51,000 20,025 5 10 272,752 13 9 21,503 11 3 38,969 14 3 208 2 0 5,578 6 9 19,817 3 10 267,179 7 0 21,503 11 3 38,969 14 3 108 j Development of Goldfields — .08 Development of Goldfields 40,300 12,080 8 5 1,015 19 0 11,064 9 5 109 Purchase of Native Lands— .09 Purchase of Native Lands 10,044 9,202 6 9 67 0 0 9,185 6 9 Telegraph Extension — 110 Telegraph Extension 120,000 125,929 3 8 11,861 0 5 114,068 3 3 110 111 Rates on Native Lands— 11 Rates on Native Lands 1,000 1,145 1 2 450 0 0 695 1 2 Contingent Defence— L12 Contingent Defence 35,850 17,523 9 0 2,649 13 2 14,873 15 10 112 113 114 115 Lands Improvement— L18 Improved-farm Settlements L14 Lands, Miscellaneous 115 Irrigation and Water-supply 4,200 7,150 10,000 8,415 13 10 1,912 1 1 762 14 472 7 1 2,943 6 9 1,912 1 1 749 16 8 12' 4 8, Unauthorised — Services not provided for 8,681 4 2 8,526 17 8J 154 6 6 Total Public Works Fund .. |2,352,789| |2,116,900 8 0 76,581 3 1 |2,040,319 4 11 1 1 * ot Ai £8,000 transferred to Vote 91 from Vote 98, 16th February, 1 mendment Aot, 1900." t £1,000 transferred to Vote 104 froi .907, in terms oi m Vote 105, 12tl Section 4, " Public Revenues March, 1907, similarly.



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1907, prepared in Terms of Section 38, Part IV, of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 9th May, 1907. Under-Secretary.

B—D. 1,

Claee. Votes. Summary. Total. Public Wobks Fund. XXVII XXIX XXX 87 90-97 101 Railways Public Buildings.. Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences £ s. d. 90,588 19 1 34,763 9 2 637 0 0 125,989 8 3 Consolidated Fund. VII 19-20 Public Buildings and Government Domains .. " 850 4 3 r ote No. Name of Vote. Total. Public Wobks Fund. £ s. d. 385 2 7 2,927 10 11 821 17 5 141 14 0 122 11 8 639 16 7 46,898 6 1 5,071 19 1 10,812 1 10 255 1 2 3,547 12 1 397 6 7 7,165 16 10 2,881 17 0 120 5 3 63 18 5 1,565 6 7 10 13 8 6,760 1 9 87 Eailway-oonstruotion— Kawakawa-Grataamtown Helensville Northwards Gisborne-Rotorua Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Deviation Stratford-Ongarue Mount Egmont Branch Marton - Tβ Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara Midland Railway Lawrence-Roxburgh Ngapare-Blackball Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) Otago Central .. Riversdale-Switzers Orepuki-Waiau Catlin's-Waimahaka Surveys, New Lines of Railway.. Permanent-way Materials 90,588 19 1 90 91 9'2 94 95 96 97 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Hospitals for Mental Diseases School Buildings (part of vote only) Agricultural General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions 1,881 1 0 7,196 2 11 15,492 9 4 1,005 13 7 1,012 16 10 16 9 0 8,158 16 6 34,763 9 2 101 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— Harbour Defences 637 0 0 Total, Publio. Works Fund.. 125,989 8 3 Consolidated Fund. 19 20 Publio Buildings .. .. Government Domains 848 11 3 2 3 0 Total, Consolidated Fund .. .. , • 850 14 3



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILW^ .YS. £ s. d. 536 7 7 239 18 8 295 8 4 1,130 0 0 468 14 3 3,280 0 0 3,228 18 4 337 13 3 739 12 11 6,717 10 0 Feb. Deo. Feb. • June Feb. Jan. Sept. Deo. Feb. 16, 1906 21, 1907 17, 1906 26, , 18, 1S07 11, 1906 26, 1905 7, 1906 22, „ Blenheim-Waipara, N.E. Blenheim-Waipara, S.E. Ironbark Timber for Hog Swamp Bridge Ironbark Timber Erection of Hog Swamp Bridge Westlands Station-buildings Supply of Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Domett Catlin's River Bridge Ironbark Timber Ironbark Timber Totara Bridges Allan Taylor and Co. Dick Michael Barton Bros. R. A. Forbes J. W. Wallace and Co. J. P. Peterson J. and A. Anderson .. Scott, Sibbald, and Co. Dick Michael T. F. Slowey May 18, 1906 Jan. 29, 1907 May 2, „ 17, 1906 Aug. 25, „ June 18, 1907 Jan. 21, „ Dec. 28, 1905 3, 1906 7, „ June 26, 1906 June 29, 1906 Jan. 19, 1907 Labour only. Catlin's-Waimahaka Gisborne-Rotorua Greymouth-Hokifika (extension to Ross) Helensville-Northwards Sept. April Sept. Dec. Mar. April June Jan. June July 26, 1905 21, 1906 26, 1905 14, 1906 21, „ 10, . 21, „ 15, „ 8, 1907 27, 1905 6, 1906 11, 1905 Kawakawa-Grahamtown Mount Egmont Branch .. • » Ironbark Timber and Piles Ho teo Bridges Ironbark Timber Steel Water-pipes for Crushing Plant Platelayer's Cottages (5), Waipuku Engine-shed, Tanks, &c. Ironbark Timber Scott, Sibbald, Jand Co. G. M. Fraser Soott, Sibbald, and Co. Richardson and Blair Seagar Bros. N. J. King .. A. Cliff j Allan Taylor and Co. Richardson and Blair J. and A. Anderson J. and A. Anderson .. E. W. Fitzgerald 17, 1905 April , 5, 1907 Dec. 17, 1905 Feb. 19, 1907 May 1, 1906 Aug. 6, „ July 5, „ Aug. 1, „ May 8, 1907 June 15, „ Feb. 7, 1908 Aug. 30, 1905 Oct. 11, 1906 Oct. 11, 1906 Sept. 5, 1906 Nov. 30, „ ., 30, „ 636 12 9 5,459 8 8 315 14 9 294 19 9 930 0 0 1,499 0 0 369 7 0 764 0 0 326 14 7 53,369 0 0 8,840 12 6 711 17 3 Marton-Te Awamutu, N.E. Makatote Viaduct Manganui-o-te-ao Bridges Ironbark Timber Marton-Te Awamutu, S.E. Determined, July 11,1906 Sept. 28, » „ 28, . Aug. Oot. Deo. Mar. Nov. Mar. Sept. Deo. June Deo. Oot. 22, „ 20, „ 11, 1906 7, 21, 1907 7, 1905 14, 1907 29, 1906 29, „ 16, 1905 2, 1906 12, 1903 • ■ • Midland (Tadmor end) .. (Reefton-Inangahua) Locomotive Station-buildings, Mataroa Ironbark Timber .. .. .. Station-buildings, Waiouru Land Plan Survey, Manu Section Supply of Ironbark Timber Removal, &c, Station-buildings, Reefton Larry's Creek Bridge Ironbark Timber Goat Creok and Rolleston River Bridges Engineer's Office and Residence, Otira Staircase Viaduct and Broken River Bridge .. Price Bros. Waters Bros. Dick Michael Dick Michael A. S. Jonson John Spence Fraser and Co. E. and W. Sweetman J. Sigley Dick Michael M. O'Connor Drake and Muir Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company (Limited) Allan Taylor and Co. John Forbes J. W. Wallace and Co. E. W. Fitzgerald G. M. Fraser Scott, Sibbald, and Co. J. Drummy.. Kobson and Crawford Robert McLean F. W. Lyders Dick Miohael Fraser and Co. Dispatch Foundry Company (Limited) Mar. 17, 1906 April 17, „ Jan. 29, 1907 29, , Sept. 21, „ Mar. 26, 1906 June 7, 1907 Mar. 18, „ July 18, . Jan. 29, „ July 12, 1906 Jan. 23, 1907 Oot. 12, 1905 3,100 0 0 1,600 0 0 201 18 1 253 13 11 3,999 0 1 148 0 0 574 i 7 2,333 11 0 2,915 13 5 363 19 9 13,562 14 6 365 0 0 26,269 7 0 I (Otira end) (Springfield end) Oct. 4, 1906 June Sept. Deo. July Aug. Sept. Mar. Aug. Jan. May Not. May 6, 1906 11, 1905 16, „ 26, „ 1, 1906 17, „ 17, „ 25, 1907 9, 1906 27, „ 20, 1905 Ngahere-Blackball Otago Central .. Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Broken River Ironbark Timber Manuherikia Bridge, Third Crossing Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Chatto Creek Clyde .. , Alexandra and Galloway .. Water-tank, Chatto Creek and Clyde Ironbark Timber Aug. 1, 1906 Oot. 30, . Feb. 19, 1907 Aug. 30, 1905 Oct. 30, 1906 Jan. 25, „ May 20, „ Feb. 9, 1907 9, „ 25, „ July 27, 1906 Aug. 27, 1907 Dec. 15, 1905 Nov. 30, „ Jan. 26, 1907 Mar. 31, 1906 Oct. 31, . Aug. 1, 1906 358 13 3 1,431 16 2 542 0 9 588 9 6 4,145 0 0 559 10 6 559 13 0 6,287 0 0 2,075 17 6 298 0 0 1,666 1 7 3,460 0 6 1,160 0 0 Feb. 9, 1907 Mar. 11, „ Riversdale-Switzers Westport-Inangahua Permanent-way, Materials 100 Sets Points and Crossings July 29, 1906


APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.


Date of Contract. riame ot uontract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. June 5, 1905 July 14, „ Aug.- 4, . Oct. 17, „ Dec. 21, . Jan. 18, 1906 12, „ Feb. 15, „ 19, . 23, „ 24, „ May 4, „ June 6, 12, „ 20, „ 15, . 28, . May 22, „ July 9, . 16, „ 26, . Sept. 17, . Nov. 21, „ Jan. 28, 1907 18, „ 28, „ Mar. 11, „ 11. . 27, Auckland. PUB LI' BUILDINGS. Public Buildings, Tauranga .. .. .. ..'.. Post-office, Parnell Police Barracks, Grey Lynn .. .. .. " j" .' Bath Buildings, Rotorua .. .. .. " ,[ Native School and Residence, Tauioro Native School and Residence, Rangawhia.. .. .. .'. .. Native School, Waipapakauri .. .. .. .. '' '' Courthouse, Dargaville, Additions .. .. .. .. .[ Courthouse, Waihi, Additions .. .. .. .. .. Police-station, Kotorua, Additions .. .. .. .'. .. Police-station, Tauranga, Additions .. .. .. .. \\ Post-office, Tuparoa .. .. .. .. .' \\ \\ Police Residence, Helensville Native School and Residence, Tokikuku .. .. .. .. ,\ Stock Inspector's Residence, Hamilton .. .. .. .. " Post-office, Tokomaru Bay .. .. .. _\ \\ \ Police-station, Tolago Bay .. .. .. \\ \\ Native School, Kaikohe, Additions, Repairs, and Painting Native School, Matata, Teacher's Residence Post-office, Whakatane .. .. .. .. .. \\ \\ Polioestation, Avondale, Police Residence .. .. " Police-station, Taumarunui, Police Residence Police-station, Karangahake, Police Residence and Lock-up '.'. Native School, Taumarunui, Additions .. Post-office, Te Awamutu, Residence Post-office, Cambridge Post-office and Postmaster's Residence, Rotorua, Additions and Alterations Police-station, Kihikibi, Residence and Stable Rotorua Bath Building, Electric Wiring W. B. Hutchison, Auckland J. G. Mathieson, Ponsonby Ferguson and Malcolm, Auckland W. E. Hutchison, Auckland C. H. Frankham, Auckland H. Nelson, Auckland .. H. Nelson, Auckland .. G. A. Gould, Dargaville Palmer and Judge, Waihi D. Lundon, Rotorua .. J. C. Adams, Tauranga Beech and Edwards, Tuparoa .. C. H. Frankham, Auckland James Morris, Auckland George Jack, Hamilton East .. F. G. Whiting & Co., Ponsonby Queenin and Boland, Gisbome .. W. Cook & Son, Waimate North D. Lundon, Rotorua .. C. McAdam, Auckland.. Robert Kay, Auckland W. G. Care, Cambridge H. W. Gutnrie, Karangahake .. W. H. Fletcher, Taumarunui .. O. H. Frankham, Ponsonby W. G. Care, Cambridge J. R. McFarlane, Rotorua McKinnon and Miller, Hamilton Stewart and Finn, Auckland Feb. Mar. June Mar. April Mar. May April Aug. Oct. Sept. Aug. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. April May Oct. July Sept. 26, 1906 10, „ 27, 1907 15, 1906 12, „ 22, „ 9, . 14, „ 23, „ 24, „ 11, „ 1, 9, „ 13, „ 13, . 13, „ 15, „ 5, „ 12, „ 23, . 4, 1907. 13, „ 1, 14, „ 24, „ 11, „ 11, . 24, „ April 18, 1906 9, , June 30, „ June 10, 1906 July 16, , May 29, „ June 9, : i9, . ; 4, . May 4, „ Nov. 3, „ Oct. 16, „ Oct. 26, 1906 Nov. 12, „ .. 10, „ Sept. 23, „ Oct. 3, „ 30, „ Dec. 1, , Jau. 23, 1907 £ s. d. 4,540 0 0 1,846 10 2 3,927 17 10 25,720 0 0 625 0 0 485 0 0 425 0 0 363 14 6 244 0 0 216 1 0 243 0 0 549 0 0 668 0 0 765 9 2 478 0 6 753 19 0 729 0 0 349 10 0 346 0 0 566 0 0 740 0 0 624 0 0 627 0 0 287 10 0 537 0 0 2,694 0 0 658 0 0 710 10 7 734 7 0 June 16, 1905 Feb. 22, 1906 May 9, „ Aug. 15, . Nov. 20, . Dec. 17, „ Mar. 13, . Hawke's Bay. Courthouse, Dannevirke Departmental Buildings, Napier, Additions (second contract) '.'. '.. Native School, Nuhaka, Additions to Class-room and Residence Post-office, Napier, Telephone Exchange Post-office, Waipukurau, Alterations, Additions, and Painting '.'. Old Courthouse and Post-office, Dannevirke, Alterations and Additions Government Buildings, Napier, Fittings J. L. Scott, Dannevirke Bull Bros., Port Ahuriri A. R. Gardiner, Wairoa, H.B. .. Wm. Ward, Awatoto .. W. A. Chambers, Waipukurau .. J. L. Scott, Dannevirke McLean and Gray, Wellington .. Jan. Dec. June Feb. Jan. Dec. April 31, 1906 14, . 2, 1907 7, 29, 1906 13, 1907 Aug. 15, 1906 Mar. 15, 1907 Sept. 20, 1906 April 2, 1907 Feb. 7, „ „ 28, » 1,789 0 0 4,615 0 0 410 0 0 1,656 10 0 293 11 9 127 5 0 320 0 0



APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be oompleted. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Sept. Nov. Mar. 20, 1905 23, 1906 21, . 19, . 12, 1907 Taranaki. PUK Post-office, New Plymouth, Additions, &c. Courthouse, Eltham Post-office, Wanganui, Alterations and Painting Post-office, New Plymouth, New Battery Room Post-office, New Plymouth, Fittings (portion only) JO BUILDINGS— continued. Pikett and Wilkie, New Plymouth | Sept. F. N. Blackhall, Eltham .. I June N. Meuli, Wanganui .. .. Jan. Pikett and Wilkie, New Plymouth Dec. Arthur and Pyke, Hawera .. May 1C £ Pik( F. 1 N. 1 Pik( Artl BUILDINGS— continued. :ett and Wilkie, New Plymoui N. Blackhall, Eltham Meuli, Wanganui .. ;ett and Wilkie, New Plymou ihur and Pyke, Hawera ith 1 Sc .. I Jv .. Ja ith D .. M ept. 1, 1900 une 10, 1907 an. 12, „ )ec. 27, 1906 lay 12, 1907 1, 1906 10, 1907 12, „ 27, 1906 12, 1907 3 Feb. 28, 1907 3 Feb. 28, 1907 £ s. d. 6,990 0 0 [ 1,500 0 0 275 0 0 387 0 0 219 4 11 Jan. Aug. Sept. Oot. Deo. Jan. 21, 1903 22, „ 16, . 16, „ 23, „ 15, 1906 Wellington. J. Trevor and Sons, Wellington.. Sept. Russell and Bignell, Wanganui.. April William Pringle, Weraroa .. I Nov. J. P. Luke, Wellington .. „ A. Williams, Taihape .. .. May R. A. Wakelin, Wellington .. Aug. Wm. Boyd, Petone .. .. April 21, 1905 1, 1906 24, 1905 26, . 26, 1906 18, . 13, „ May 31. 1906 Aug. 7, . May 16, , April 30, „ Post-office, Palmerston North Post-office, Bull's Industrial School, Levin, Farm Manager's House.. Industrial School, Levin, Boiler and Cooking-apparatus Post-office, Taihape .. .. .. Post-office, Lower Hutt i Native School and Residence, Kaiwhata J. T Rus Wil J. F a. R. i Wm Prevor and Sons, Wellington ssell and Bignell, Wanganui Uiam Pringle, Weraroa P. Luke, Wellington Williams, Taihape .. A. Wakelin, Wellington a. Boyd, Petone i.. Se .'.' M .. Ai .. At ept. 21, 1905 pril 1, 1906 lov. 24, 1905 26, . lay 26, 1906 ug. 18, „ pril 13, „ 5 May 31, 1906 5 Aug. 7, . 5 May 16, , April 30, „ Sept. 25, 1906 May 2, „ 5,254 0 0 2,224 0 0 469 0 0 420 0 0 i 1,789 10 0 2,449 9 6 j 422 0 0 Ti imber supplied Sept. 25, 1906 May 2, . Timber supplied b; Government. Feb. Mar. April May July Oct. 8, „ 6, „ 31, „ 25, „ 2, „ 10, „ 10, „ 12, . 24, . 17, „ 5, . 4, . Police-station, Lambton Quay, Wellington, Additions Parliament Buildings, Custodian's Residence Ministerial Residence, Molesworth Street, Wellington, Additions Fittings for Registrar-General's Offioe, Wellington Fruit-fumigating Shed, Wellington Courthouse, Taihape Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa, 3 Cottage Homes Post-office, Jobnsonville Post-office, Rongotea Mental Hospital, Porirua, Water-heater .. Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa, Day-school Police-station, Masterton, Constable's Residence, Alterations, and Additions to Old County Office Courthouse, Feilding, Additions and Alterations Observatory, Wellington McLean and Gray, Wellington .. July A. C. S. French, Wellington .. „ W. H. Bennett, Wellington .. June W. H. Bennett, Wellington .. May Benge and Colley, Wellington .. June Waters Bros., Marton .. .. Aug. Hopwoodand Son, Palmerston N. '■ Dec. W. H. Bennett, Wellington .. ! Jan. Jas. Arnott & Sons, Palmerston N. i Oct. W. A. J. Dutch, Wellington .. i Aug. Humphries Bros., Wellington .. i Oct. F. King and Son, Masterton .. ! Dec. Mel A. C w.: w. ] Beni Wat Hop W. J Jas. W. i Hud F. E Lean and Gray, Wellington . 3. S. French, Wellington H. Bennett, Wellington H. Bennett, Wellington ige and Colley, Wellington . ters Bros., Marton .. pwood and Son, Palmerston I , H. Bennett, Wellington . Arnott & Sons, Palmerston 1 A. J. Dutch, Wellington mphries Bros., Wellington . King and Son, Masterton .. Ju '.'. Ju .. Mi .. Ju .. I Al3 N. J D< .. Ja N.! Oc .. At .. jOc uly 3, . 3, „ line 22, „ [ay 15, „ me 18, ug. 19, „ 'ec. 4, in. 9, 1907 ot. 4, 1906 ug. 28, 1907 ct. 10, 1906 'ec. 26, „ 3, „ 3, „ 22, „ 15, „ 18, „ 19, „ 4, 9,' 1907 4, 1906 28, 1907 10, 1906 26, „ July 1, . Aug. 1, , Oct. 26, , June 19, „ . 13, . Feb. 28, 1907 Mar. 1 „ i Feb. 28, 1907 ■ Dec. 10, 1906 i Oct. 25, . Dec. 17, „ July 1, . Aug. 1, , Oct. 26, , June 19, „ . 13, . Feb. 28, 1907 Mar. 1 „ Feb. 28, 1907 Dec. 10, 1906 Oct. 25, . Dec. 17, „ 1,585 6 0 680 0 0 ( 1,627 0 0 I 323 0 0 235 1 4 748 18 9 4,349 0 0 1,356 0 0 601 13 0 116 15 0 827 0 0 260 0 0 Government. Nov. 3, . 20, . Theo. West, Feilding .. D. Crowley, Wellington .. April The< D. C jo. West, Feilding .. 3rowley, Wellington '.'. Ap 18, , pril 12, 1907 18, . 12, 1907 .. 377 0 0 Co 1,096 0 0 As Contract cancelled. Assigned to McMillan and Brodie, ontract canoelle ssigned to MoM Inn and Rrndio Dec. Nov. Dec. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. - 10, . 29. „ 8, . 29, „ 4, 1907 21, „ 23, . 27, . Public Trust Office, Wellington .. Telephone Exchange, Wellington, Additions Post-office, Pahiatua, Additions Post-office, Feilding, Drainage, &c. Post-office, Masterton, Alterations Police-station, Kimbolton, Additions, &o. Post-office, Martinborough, Additions, &c. .. Police-station, Feilding, Drainage Drill Hall, Wellington Parliament Buildings, Wellington, Painting .. J. and A. Wilson, Wellington .. Aug. McLean and Gray, Wellington .. Dec. T. F. Hewat, Pahiatua .. Jan. H. Stunnell, Feilding .. F. King and Son, Masterton W. Banks, Kimbolton .. .. Mar. W. Benton and Sod, Featherston May George Turner, Feilding .. Feb. Howie and Matthews, Wellington Standidge and Co., Wellington .. | May J. ai McL T. F H. S F. K W. ] W. I Geot How Stan ,nd A. Wilson, Wellington . Lean and Gray, Wellington . !". Hewat, Pahiatua Stuntjell, Feildirg Sing and Son, Masterton Banks, Kimbolton .. Benton and Sod, Feathersto rge Turner, Feilding vie and Matthews, Wellingto adidge and Co., Wellington . .. Au .. De .. Ja: '.'. m"( 3n Mi .. Fβ jn .. Ms ug. 3, 1908 ec. 31, 1906 in. 19, 1907 3, „ 31, . ar. 4, „ :ay 23, , eb. 5, , 7, . :ay 8, . 3, 1908 31, 1906 19, 1907 3, „ 31, . 4, 23, , 5, . 7, . 8, . i Jan. 7, 1907 ' Feb. 14, „ Mar. 10, 1907 Jan. 7, 1907 Feb. 14, „ Mar. 10, 1907 40,780 10 0 88 0 0 167 2 0 103 0 0 158 0 0 212 0 0 505 0 0 57 0 0 6,900 0 0 483 6 8


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contract. . Contraot to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Nelson. PUBLIC BI riLDINGS - continued. May Nov. 11, 1905 15 t , 25, „ Post-office, Nelson Post office, Millerton .. .. .. .. ..' " Post-office, Collingwood A. Cooper and Son, Wellington.. P. F. Hennessey, Granity McNabb and Johnson, Collingwood G. Robertson, Brightwater H. J. Campbell, Nelson John Moffat, Wellington S. M. Galbraith, Nelson Mar. If 5, 1906 7, , 23, . Nov 17, 1906 April 30, „ June 30, . £ a. d 6,840 0 0 509 0 0 1,106 5 0 Jan. Aug. Jan. 9, 1906 26, .„ 20, „ 28, 1907 Courthouse, Brightwater Government Buildings, Nelson, Additions, Repairs, and Painting Post-office, Nelson, Fittings Police Residence, Nelson .. .. .. .. .. . j April Oct. April 3, . 24, . 13, . 16, 1907 April 27, . May 20, „ Dec. 3, , 345 10 6 480 13 11 280 2 6 543 17 9 May June Sept. Jan. 25, 1905 20, 1906 12, . 28, 1907 Wbstland. Post-office, Greymouth Kumara Hospital, Additions .. .. .. .. .. " Explosives Magazines, Greymouth Westland Hospital, Hokitika, New Ward.. .. .. .. .' Drake and Muir, Greymouth Kelsall and Co., Greymouth W. G. Mouat, Greymouth Keleall and Son, Greymouth May Sept. Dec. Sept. 16, 1906 14, . 4, . 24, 1907 Jan. 23, 1907 . 15, „ 5,670 0 0 449 5 0 589 12 0 2,319 5 0 April Aug. Nov. Feb. 29, 1905 22, „ 28, . 6, 1906 9, . Canterbury. Additions, &c, Christchurch Post-office .. Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner, Electric Lighting, Bells, and Telephones '.'. Post-office, Christohurch, Private Letter-boxes Te Oranga Home, Christchurch, School-room Police Barracks, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. \\ T. Henshall and Son, Christohuroh A. E. Brown, Christchurch A. J. White, Christchurch A. F. Talbot, Christchurch Hughes and Hansford, Christchurch John Cowan, Christchurch G. A. Gulliver, Rangiora Taylor Bros., Christchurch Peter Hyndman, Christohurch .. H. Marker and Son, Spreydon .. A. Swanston, jun., Christchurch Brodrick and Co., Wellington .. Miller Bros., Timaru Alfred Gee, Christchurch Dec. Nov. Feb. May Nov. 16, 1905 28, 1906 l> 1, I Feb. 22, 1907 June 30, 1906 July 24, . June 22, , Nov. 30, . 6,310 0 0 350 0 0 417 8 0 419 0 0 4,586 17 8 Mar. June July Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 15, . 28, , 27, „ 6, „ 5, . 10, 1907 7, 27, , 7, . Police-station, Bingsland Post-office, Rangiora, Alterations and Additions PoHoe-Btation, Addington, Constable's Residence .. ... St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch, Additions .. .. Mental Hospital, Sunnyeide, Gardener's Cottage .. Constable's Residence, Christchurch Post-office, Christchurch, Installation of Pneumatio Despatch-tube Courthouse, Timaru, Additions .. Deaf-mute Institute, Sumner, Dairy, Cow-bails, and Forage Store June Oct. Nov. Mar. Feb. May Mar. April May 9, . 25, . 18, . 4, 1907 28, „ 10, „ 22, . 27, „ 7, . Aug. 31, . Feb. 28, 1907 Dec. 22, 1906 Feb. 23, 1907 611 11 8 690 0 0 690 0 0 1,675 0 0 386 12 0 516 0 0 345 0 0 184 17 0 259 0 0 Mar. 14, 1907 Feb. Aug. Dec. Feb. 15, 1905 8, „ 22 13,' 1906 Otago and Southland. Post-office, Winton Post-office, Otautau .. .. .. .. .. .. " Police-station, Gore Courthouse, Alexandra, Additions, &c. .. .. .. .'.-'.'. Post-office, Gore, Additions, &c. .. Smith Bros., Winton .. Smith Bros., Winton .. A. Speden, Gore Davis and Campbell, Alexandra South T. Latham, Gore Sept. April May 30, 1906 2, . 15, . 8, . April 28, 1906 July 28, . June 20, , July 21, „ 2,190 2 5 1,691 1 3 850 0 0 412 1 0 Mar. 16, . 267 10 0 22, .



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

i Contract Date to be Contract was completed. completed. Amount of Contract. Date of Contract. Name of Contract. I Name of Contractor. Remarks * ,. , PUBLIC BUI] Otago and Southland — continued. Deeds and Survey Office, Invercargill, Additions to Strongroom Post-office, Invercargill, Workshop and Bicycle-shed Magazine for Small-arms Ammunition, St. Clair jDINGS — continued. J. Crowther and Sons, Invercargill Smith Bros., Winton McKmnon and Hamilton, Dunedin P. A. Lyders, Dunedin .. I J. Agnew, Balolutba Jeremiah Drummey, Alexandra South P. A. Lyders, Mornington Southland Implement and Engi neering Company, Invercargill N. McLeod, Inveroargill G. Lawrie, Dunedm McKnight Bros., Ophir Robson and Crawford, Waikouaiti National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z. (Ltd.), Dunedin Aug. 6, 1906 Sept. 22, 1906 July 5, . ; July 20, . 9, . ; „ 27, . £ s. d. 320 0 0 327 14 6 225 0 0 June May ■2, 1906 10, „ 11, . June Aug. Nov. 15, . 28, . 17, . Strongroom, Survey Office, Dunedin Office and Stabling for Agricultural Department, Balolutba Postmaster's Residence, Arrowtown, and Additions to Post-office 23, „ : Sept. 2, . Nov. 22, „ Dec. 31, „ Mar. 12, 1907 May 18, 1907 196 5 0 272 7 10 562 0 0 Feb. 19, „ 8, 1907 Mobilisation Store, Dunedin Gaol, Invercargill, Cell Doors and Windows and Ironwork May 15, „ • 8, . 1,979 13 0 487 2 10 .. Mar. ii, „ 14, „ 12, „ 19, „ Police Sergeant's Quarters, Invercargill, Additions Courthouse, Waikouaiti Courthouse, Ophir, Additions Post-office, Waikouaiti .. Mental Hospital (The Camp), Dunedin, Supply of Ironbark and Blue-gum Timber for Fencing April 4, „ • May 11, . 14, „ Sept. 12, „ June 19, ,. 196 0 0 499 0 0 392 10 0 1,332 3 6 723 4 6 Jan. Nov. May 29, 1906 23, „ 17, . 23, . MIS( Auckland. JELLANEOUS. April 16, 1906 April 27,1906 June 20, 1907 Dec. 25, 1906 Feb. 7, 1907 Mar. 31, 1909 243 12 6 1,457 0 0 284 14 7 Schedule rates 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ Harbour Beacon, Kaipara Jetty for H.M.C.S. " Iris," Auckland Cast-iron Fittings, Rotorua Water-supply Stores-supply, Auckland, Classes I, VI, XI, Items 2, 8, 24, and 25 .. Class I, Items 263 to 276.. Class II Classes III and IV R. McLeod, Aratapu .. R. B. Martin and Co., Auckland Charles Judd, Thames Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Auckland Vacuum Oil Company, Auckland J. Burns and Co., Auckland A. and T. Burt (Limited), Auckland Jagger and Harvey, Auckland .. N.Z. Portland Cement Company J. J. Craig (Limited), Auckland.. J. and W. Okleston and Co., Auckland I E. Porter and Co., Auckland . 31, . 31, „ 31, „ j // 23, „ 23, ., 23, „ 23, , Classes V, VII, and XII .. Class VIII Class IX Class X 31, „ 31, 1907 Mar. 81, 1907 31, 1909 31, „ H 23, ., Class XI, Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 28, and 30 „ 31, ,



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

Date of Contract. Contract Date to be Contract was completed. completed. Amount of Contract. j Remarks. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Name of Contract. . \__ i i May m 23, 1906 23, . 23, . 23, . 23, .. 23, . 23, . 23, , Wellington. MISCELLANEOUS - continued. Stores-supply, Wellington, Classes I and VI .. Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Weiling ton Class I Items 263 to 276 Vacuum 0.1 Company, Wellington 0 ass II G. Winder, Wellington Classes III and IV A. and T. Burt, Wellington .. n a9S Zn E - W - Mills and Co., Wellington ~ a8sV JI Smith and Smith, Wellington .. C ass VIII N.Z. Portland Cement Company 0 asses IX and X P. Hutson and Co., Wellington.. Class XI W.M. Bannatyne and Co., WelClassXII Sargood, Son, and Ewen, WelWharf Extension, Mahanga Bay, Wellington Mc'Snie and Co., Wellington I Mar. 31, 1909 | 31, „ 31, „ ; . 3i, : 31, » 81, . 31, 1907 Mar. 31, 1907 31, 1909 81, . 81, . £ e. d. Schedule rates ' 23, . Aug. 8, . Dec. 2, 1906 Jan. 15, 1907 637 0 0 Oot. May m 9, 1905 23, 1906 23, . 23, . Nelson. Bridge over Motueka River at Alexander's Bluff .. .. .. Lanelands and Divnn N B l»n»> Stores-supply, NeUon, Classes I, IV, VI, X " ££& ti P'cc"'^tSUdj, - Class I Items 263 to 276 VaouuToil Company (Limited) " C1^ o ses ". m - v > VII, XI, Items 1, 6, 10 to 16, 18, 19, Wilkins and Held Company 22, and 26 to 32 Nelson * C} asse s VIII and IX p. Hutson and Co., Wellington . Class XI, Items 2 to 5, 7 to 9, 17, 20, and 23 to 25 .. W. M. Bannatyne and Co UassXI1 Sargood, Son, and Ewen " Aug. 6, 1906 Mar. 81, 1909 31, „ 31, . I 3,191 3 6 Schedule rates 23, . 23, , 23, . a> 31, , 81, . 31, . „ July May * 24, 1905 23, 1906 23, . 23, . 23, . 23, . Westland. Taramakau Road Bridge .... T Di i lon G revmQ , th Stores-supply, Greymouth, Classes I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, and X '.'. D. McLean, Greymouth I I c!r X I V, I I tL S lto 28 and30to35 " V. Hokitika, a£p? !i, iii. iv, vi, vn/Vin, ix, x, xi, - Items 5 to 16, 19 to 23, 27, 29, and 30 to 35: and Class XII Class V .. .. .. .. .. James Renton, Hokitika R n! ,fl ■*** vS i ° S SS XI, Items 1 t0 *■ 17> 18 ' 2i ' 25 ' 26 > and 28 • • w - M - Bannatyne and Co. BoadBndgeoverWataroaR.ver Fitzgerald and Bignell, Greymouih June 4, 1906 Nov. 30, 1906 Mar. 81, 1909 31, „ 31, „ , 81, . J 81, . 6,154 10 0 Schedule rates Aug. 23, . 23, „ 10, . 31, . 31, . July 31, 1907 10,992* 5 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be oompleted. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks, May 23, 1906 I 23, . 23, . 23, . Stores-supply, Christchurch, Classes I, II, V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, Items 1 to 3, 10 to 16, 21 to 25, 27, 29, and 30 to 30; and Class XII Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class VII Class XI, Items 4 to'9, 17 to 20, 26, and 28 EOUS— continued. Ashby, Bergh, and Co., Christchurch Vacuum Oil Company Smith and Smith, Christchurch Dalgety and Co., Christchurch .. Mar. u 81, 1909 31, . 31, .. 31, . Schedule rates Otago and Southland. Stores-supply, Dunedin, Class I .. New Zealand Hardware Company, Dunedin Vacuum Oil Company, Dunedin Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Dunedin Briscoe and Co., Dunedin John Edmond, Dunedin 31, . 23, „ 23, . 23, . Class I, Items 267 to 276 .. Class II 31, . 81, . 23, . 23, . Classes III, IV, VII, X, XI, Items 8,10 to 16,24, and 25 Classes V, VI, XI, Items 21, 22, 27, and 29 to 32; and Class XII Classes VIII and IX 31, . 81, . 0 23, . 23, , 23, . Class XI, Items 1 to 7, 9, 17 to 20, 23, 26, and 28 .. , Inveroargill, Class I Milburn Lime and Cement Company Dalgety and Co., Dunedin New Zealand Hardware Company, Dunedin Vacuum Oil Company Thomson, Bridger, and Co. Briscoe and Co. ■ 31, . 31, . 31, . m 23, „ 23, . 23, . Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class II Classes III, IV, VII, X, XI, Items 8, 10 to 16, 24 to 25 Classes V, VI, and XI, Items 13, 21, 22, 27, 29 to 32 t „ „ Classes VIII and IX .. m m 31, . 31, . 31, . . * 23, . 23, . John Edmond, Dunedin Milburn Lime and Cement Company Dalgety and Co., Dunedin A. Thompson, Dunedin m m 31, . 31, . 23, . 23, . Class XI, Items 1 to 7, 9, 17 to 20, 23, 26, and 28 Class XI m 31, . 31, . i



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1907, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

9—D. 1.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers] contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total . ■, , • t -Date to* Dale of Completion. N OETE I ISLAIi D. AUCKLA .ND DISTRICT 27 Feb., 1905 13 Jane, „ 10 Mar., 1906 21 April, , 2 May, . 6 Dec, „ 20 June, „ 25 , 8 Aug., „ 31 July, . 13 Ang., „ 24 Sept., „ 12 Dec, . Chas. Straka .. .. j Chas. Becker Chas. Straka W. and A. Bayer E. Brenstrum.. .. E. MoMillan .. Chas. Becker .. Chaa. Straka Martin Tolhoph John 6. Foote James Moir John Bayer Richardson and Blair .. Puhoi ■> Dargaville .. Tahekeroa .. Puhoi Ahuroa Helena Bay Puhoi Tahekeroa .. Wellington .. 4,000 totara 1,500 , 2,000 „ 1,000 , 1,200 puriri 500 totara 500 „ 1,500 „ 1,000 . 900 puriri 3,000 totara 1,000 . 15,000 blackbut or grey box 1,000 totara 3,652 „ 3,802 „ ( 800 puriri ) \ 2,104 totara) s. d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 3 9J 3 3 2 9 2 9 Ahuroa Tahekeroa Ahuroa Tahekeroa Helensville Tahekeroa Ahuroa 31 Mar., 1906.. 30 June, „ .. 31 Mar., 1907.. 31 „ „ .. 6 Dec, 1906.. 31 Oct 31 Mar., 1907.. 1 „ 1906.. 31 Deo 31 May, 1907.. 21 Mar 20 Feb., „ .. 20 » . .. 13 Sept 14 Mar., , .. 14 » „ .. 4,000 1,500 1,000 604 500 806 1,000 1,094 9 April, 1906. 23 June, „ Cancelled. 9 Mar., 1906. 24 Oct.', 1906. 14 Mar.', 1907. 24 Jan., . Waimahanga Aburoa Tahekeroa Gisborne liooo 2,562 22 Feb., 1907. 15 Mar., 1907 14 Feb., . 21 Mar., Fred G. Worker .. I B. MoMahon .. .. | Thos. Jones .. Wellsford .. Kakahi Wellsford"' Kakahi 3,652 3,802 14 Mar. ,1907. 14 . Various .. Sundry small contractors Various Various .. 1,527 « rangit: IKEI DISTRK )T. 19 June, 1905 29 . 1 July, „ 4 . 5 . 5 . 5 . 21 Sept., . 3 July, . 12 Sept., „ 1 Aug., 1906 1 . N. B. Jacobson Gerald Griffin H. D. Bennett J. Donovan Gray and Hunter W. Webb .. R. W. Smith Goldfinch and Anderson H. Gillett J. S. Mathews D. Gardner H. Gillett A. F. 'Gibbs Taihape 2,487 1,798 458 288 None 1,527 1,151 1,000 776 390 5,000 267 1,261 4,000 totara 4,000 , 2,000 „ 2,000 „ 1,200 . 3,000 „ 1,500 „ 1,000 . 800 „ 400 . 5,000 „ 250 . 5,000 . 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 6 3 6 3 6 P.W. Siding, Taihape 47/15 As direoted P. w" Siding, Taihape 31 Mar., 1906.. 31 . . .. 31 „ „ .. 31 Jan., , .. 31 Mar., . .. 31 „ . .. No date given.. 31 Mar., 1906.. 31 Jan., , .. 6 April, 1907 .. 6 „ . .. 6 „ . .. Cancelled. m 2 Dec, 1906. As complete. " State Farm Bank.. Utiku Taihape Utiku Utiku Railway-station State Farm Bank .. Utiku Railway-station 28 Jan., 1907. 4 Mar., , 1



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, ' and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total D t toffi of Completion. NOETH ISLAN D— continued. RANGITIKEI DISTRICT— continued. 1 Aug., 1906 1 1 I 1 .. 1 1 » 9 Oct., „ s. .'. .. Rangitikei Sawmill Assn. Taihape .. .. 500 totara 3 6 Taihape Railway-station .. 6 April, 1907 .. .. 5,000 „ 3 3 Utiku Railway-station .. 6 . ... .. Jas. Prime .. .. Utiku .. 500 „ 3 6 . .. 6 „ „ .. .. J. Torrey .. .. Ohutu .. 500 „ 3 6 „ .. 6 „ „ .. .. R. Campbell .. .. „ .. 500 . 3 6 . .. 6 . „ .. .. R. W. Smith .. .. Taihape .. 500 3 6 Bennett's Siding .. 6 „ .. .. R. A. Heise .. .. Ohingaiti .. .. 5,000 , 3 3 Mangaweka Railway-station 31 Dec, 1906 .. 500 500 500 500 500 615 9 Aug., 1906. 14 Sept., 1906. 21 Dec, 21 „ 12 Nov., . WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 22 Dec, 1906 8 Jan., 1907 15 „ .. W. B. Sharp .. .. Newcastle, N.S.W. .. 2,000 ironbark 6 0 C.I.F. Wellington .. .. 22 June, 1907 .. .. Richardson ana Blair .. Wellington.. .. 2,200 „ 21/9 per 100 ft. . .. .. 30 April, „ .. C.B.M. .. 10,000 blackbut 3 5 . .. .. 15 June, „ .. "87 5,299 SOUTH ISLAND. WESTPORT DISTRICT. 17 July, 1905 11 April, 1906 11 „ 20 „ 28 May, 28 „ 28 „ 28 28 . 28 „ 5 June, » 5 „ 5 „ 5 . 3 Dec, 18 Aug., 18 „ 18 . .. J. Hobbs .. ..IWestport .. ..I 500 yellow- 8 3 On railway truoks .. 14 Aug., 1905.. pine .. William Gibson .. Addison's .. .. 500 ditto .. 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 16 June, 1906 .. .. J. Hobbs .. .. Westport .. .. 500 „.. 33 On railway truoks .. 16 „ . ■ • | .. W. and J. Marris .. „ .. .. 500 ... 33 „ .. 31 May, . .. I .. William Pensom .. j Karamea .. .. 1,000 ... 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 1 Aug .. C.Lowe .. .. J . .. .. 1,000 „.. 35 . ...I*,,.. .. William Stuart .. . .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 5 . „ ... 1 . . .. .. J. Hobbs .. .. Westport .. .. 1,000 ... 3 3 On railway trucks .. 31 „ „ .. ' .. William Kirby .. Karamea .. .. 500 „ .. | 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ ... .. William Gibson .. | Addison's .. .. 500 „ .. 3 5 . . .. 31 „ ... .. Tiller and Munro .. Cape Foul win a .. 600 ... 3 3 On railway trucks ..31 „ . ... .. William Gibson ... Addison's .. .. 500 „.. 35 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ „ .. .. W. ana J. Marris .. j Westport .. .. 800 ... 3 3 On railway trucks ..31 „ . .. .. P. Hawes .. .. | Karamea .. .. 600 ... 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ ... .. D. M. Aaam .. .. Westport .. .. 500 „ .. 3 3 On railway truoks .. J. Hobbs .. .. „ .. .. 1,000 ,,..3 3 „ .. 31 Dec, 1906 .. ! .. Four-mile Sawmilling Co. Charleston .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 5 On Crane Wharf, Westport.. 31 „ , .. .. William Gibson .. Addison's .. .. | 1,000 „ .. 3 5 „ ... 31 „ ... 500 498 497 483 697 383 1,000 1,000 500 500 483 136 475 651 97 1,000 1,000 286 10 Aug., 1906. 25 April, . 6 June, „ 2 Nov., 10 „ 20 Sept., 1906. 21 July, 14 Nov., . 19 Dec, Cancelled. 5 Jan., 1907. 21 Dec, 1906. 6 „ 6 Nov., . Cancelled.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.—continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. OUTH IS BLAND— c< yntinued. WESTPORT I DISTRICT— cv, ntinued. 18 Aug., 1906 18 . 18 . 18' . Sundry .. W. T. Slee William Stuart J. Hobbs Pour-mile Sawmilling Co. Sundry small contractors Westport Karamea Westport Charleston 500 yellowpine 700 ditto .. 500 . .. 500 . 7,650 . .. s. d. 3 3 . 3 5 3 3 3 5 Various On railway trucks On Crane Wharf, Westport.. On railway trucks On Crane Wharf, Westport.. Various .. 31 Dec, 1906 .. 31 . ... 31 , „ .. 31 . „ .. Various 544 704 734 499 6,420 20 Nov., 1906. 20 Dec, 6 . 22 Jan., 1907. 2T June, 1905 S. Rowe Callaghan's.. WESTL jAND DISTRK 3T. 1,000 4 April, 1906. 9 Oct., 30 „ J. Curtain .. • S. Perkins .. Stafford Goldsborough 1,000 silverpine 500 ditto .. 500 „ .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf Stafford Siding 30 Aug., 1905 .. 30 Nov., , .. 31 Jan., 1906 .. 500 250 27 June, Balance of order cancelled. 30 May, 1906. 12 June, „ 25 April, „ 30 , 30 „ 1 Dec, 19 Jan., 1906 19 . C. O'Regan .. D. Pyne Lincoln, Toomey, and Peebles J. Hands Lincoln, Toomey, and Peebles W. Lines Inangahua Landing .. Kumara Hokitika Mawheraiti Hokitika 500 . .. 500 „ .. 500 „ 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 New station site, Reefton .. Kumara Siding Hokitika Wharf Mawheraiti Siding Hokitika Wharf 31 . ... 31 . . ... 31 „ . .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 „ „ .. 500 500 500 500 500 31 July, 25 April, „ 19 . Mawheraiti 500 „ .. ! 3 3 Waimaunga Siding 28 . „ .. 425 Balance of order cancelled. 12 July, 1906. 31 May, „ 3 Aug., „ 3 April, „ Balance of order cancelled. 18 April, 1906. Order cancelled. Balance of order cancelled. 28 July, 1906. Balance of order cancelled. 21 July, 1906. 10 May, . 28 June, „ 23 Feb., 23 „ 23 „ 23 . 6 Mar., . P. Jones J. D. Lynch Stuart and Chapman .. J. Rea C. O'Rourke Greymouth Ross Reefton Kumara 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station Ikamatua Siding Hokitika Wharf .. s New station site, Reefton .. Kumara 31 May, „ .. 81 . . .. 31 „ ... 30 „ „ .. 31 . „ .. 500 500 500 500 419 6 . 6 . 9 May, Saddler and Molloy A. Spence Thomas Jones Nelson Creek Ross Greymouth 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Hokitika Wharf Red Jack's Siding.. 31 „ ... 31 . „ .. 9 Aug., . .. 500 500 433 9 . 9 . Zala and Smith J. D. Lynch .. Okarito Forks Greymouth 500 „ 500 . .. 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf Ikamatua Siding 9 . . .. Q 500 245 9 . 9 „ 9 . Wm. Fieher H. Bignell Baxter Bros. .. Nelson Creek Greymouth Kokiri 500 „ 500 „ 500 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station Ikamatua Siding Baxter's Siding i 9 „ ... 9 , „ .. 9 . . .. 500 500 500



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.—continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of [ Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date Total for Completion. delivered r to Date. Date of Completion. SOUTH ISLAND--continued. WESTLAND DISTRICTcontimied. 17 May, 1906 17 . 6 July, . 24 „ 27 „ 28 . 1 Aug., „ 1 » 8 „ 20 . 21 „ 25 „ J. Stalker Stratford and Blair Geo. Lawson H. Bignell Baxter Bros. Cowan and Greig Chinn and Trembath .. Stuart and Chapman .. Baxter Bros. .. Wm. Rea Thos. Dudley J. Reiha Hokitika .. Greymouth .. Kuinara Greymouth.. Kokiri Reefton Ross Greymouth .. Reefton Totara Flat.. Kumara s. d. 500 silver- 3 3 pine 500 ditto .. 3 3 850 „.. 33 1,000 „ .. 3 3 800 „.. 3 3 2,000 „ .. 3 3 1,500 .... 3 3 1,500 „ .. 3 3 500 „ .. I 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 700 „ .. 3 3 300 „.. 33 500 „.. 3 3 1,500 „ .. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 Hokitika Wharf Arnold's Siding Ho Ho Siding Ikamatua Siding Kokiri Siding New station site, Reefton .. Brown's Road, Hokitika Baxter's Siding Reefton Station Totara Flat Station Kumara Railway-station .. 30 June, 1906.. 500 30 „ ... 500 31 July, „ .. 850 31 Aug., „ .. 1,000 31 „ „ .. 800 ' 31 „ ... 2,000 31 „ „ .. 1,454 31 „ ... 1,500 31 „ ... 500 31 . ... 500 31 , „ .. 500 Immediate de- 500 30 June, 1906.. 30 „ . .. 31 July, „ .. 31 Aug., . .. 31 „ „ .. 31 . . .. 31 „ „ .. 31 . . .. 31 31 . . .. 81 . „ .. Immediate delivery Ditto 500 500 850 1,000 800 ' 2,000 1,454 1,500 500 500 500 500 10 Sept., 1906. 10 Aug., „ 19 July, 20 Sept., „ 27 July, 28 Sept., „ Balance of orde canoelled. 17 Aug., 1906. 8 „ ! 31 „ 23 , ; 26 : : 10 Sept., 1906. 10 Aug., 19 July, 20 Sept., „ 27 July, . 28 Sept., „ Balance of ordei canoelled. 17 Aug., 1906. 8 „ 31 „ 23 . 26 „ 28 . 30 . 10 Sept., . 17 „ 19 . • D. Robinson Hugo Lundquist Wm. Fisher Baxter Bros. .. G. H. Lawson Greymouth .. Moana Nelson Creek Kokiri Kumara Ngahere Station Moana Siding Ngahere Station Baxter's Siding Kumara Station livery Ditto .. 700 300 500 31 Oct., 1906 .. 1,500 Immediate de- 500 700 300 500 1,500 500 29 „ 31 » I 10 Sept., . J 8 Oct., I 20 Sept., „ 29 „ 31 „ 10 Sept., . 8 Oct., 20 Sept., , 31 Oct., 1906 .. Immediate delivery Ditto 23 . 26 . 26 . 28 . 4 Oct., 15 „ 16 . 17 „ R. J. O'Brien .. F. Chinn Stuart and Chapman .. J. Cowan Baxter Broa. .. S. R. Honey Jack Bros. F. Denia Rimu Ross Reefton Kokiri Kumara Kotuku Ross 500 „ .. ! 3 3 700 „.. 3 3 700 „.. 3 3 1,500 „ .. i .33 600 „.. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 1,500 .... 3 3 Hokitika Wharf Brown's Road Siding New station site, Reefton .. Baxter's Siding Kumara Station Kotuku Siding Brown's Road Siding livery Ditto .. 500 700 700 1,500 600 500 500 1,440 500 700 700 1,500 600 500 500 1,440 23 „ 26 . an 26 . 28 . 5 Oct., 15 . 16 . Balance of orde 23 26 . 26 . 28 . 5 Oct., 15 „ 16 . Balance of ordei cancelled. 6 Dec, 1906. 23 Oct., . 18 . 22 . J. Cowan R. Morris Reefton Kanieri 2,000 „ .. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 Rsefton Station, new site .. Hokitika Wharf 30 Nov., 1906 .. 2,000 Immediate de- 500 30 Nov., 1906 .. Immediate delivery Ditto 2,000 500 cancelled. 6 Dec, 1906. 23 Oct., 25 „ 28 „ W. Fisher J. Anderson .. Nelson Creek Chesterfield 500 „ .. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 Ngahere Station Awatuna Siding livery Ditto .. 500 .. ! 490 500 490 26 „ Balance of orde 26 „ Balance of ordei cancelled. 2 Nov., 1906. 2 . 96 . 1 Nov., „ 1 1 „ W. Fisher Baxter Bros. .. W. Fisher Nelson Creek Kokiri Nelson Creek 500 „.. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 500 „.. 3 3 Ngahere Station Baxter's Siding Ngabere Station .. 500 500 30 Nov., 1906.. 500 500 500 500 cancelled. 2 Nov., 1906. 2 . 96 , 30 Nov., 1906..



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.-continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. l_ Contractor's Name. I Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. (jobation. d f e^« ed r to Date. i l_ Date of Completion. SOUTH IS OUTH ISLAND3L AND )— continued. WESTLAND D: WESTLAND DISTRICT-α (ISTRICT—, -continued. 5 Nov., 1906 11 . 19 . 5 Nov., 1906 .. L I . . ..J. » . . ..J. Lavvsoo Bros. .. J. Stewart J. Reiha jawsoD Bros. .. '. Stewart '. Reiha . Kue . Gre; . Kun Kumara Greymouth.. Kumara mara symouth.. mara 500 silverpine 700 ditto .. .. 1,500 . .. s. d. 500 silver- 3 3 pine 700 ditto .. 3 3 1,500 ... 3 3 s. d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Kumara Station .. .. Immediate de- 443 B livery Paroa Siding .. .. Ditto .. 700 1! Kumara Station .. .. . _ _ i 432 B 443 Balance of order cancelled. 12 Nov., 1906. Balance of order cancelled. Ditto. 3alance of ori cancelled. .2 Nov., 1906. balance of ord 700 1,462 21 . 22 , 25 . 28 „ 1 Dec, I . „ .. Jf ! „ ., .. S. i . „ .. Jc i . . ... W Jack Bros. S. Dixon Joseph Tibbies Wm. Fisher R. J. O'Brien.. Wm. Mason .. ack Bros. >. Dixon osepb Tibbies Ym. Fisher .. . Koti . Kan . Nels Kotuku Kanieri Nelson Creek cuku lieri son Creek 500 ... .. 1,000 . .. 500 ... 500 ... 500 , .. 3 3 1,000 . ... 3 3 500 ... 3 3 500 ... 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 500 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Kotuku Siding .. .. „ 270 D Hokitika Wharf .. .. I '' 975 Ngahere Station .. .. „ 500 2f 270 976 500 500 500 485 26 Nov., 1906. 30 „ Balance of order cancelled. Ditto. ■ 6 Dec, 1906. 10 „ 14 ,. 14 „ 15 „ 17 „ 18 „ cancelled. Ditto. !6 "Nov., 1906. I. J. O'Brien .. ! Rim Rimu Ross nn . . OKJKJ „ * - I 500 2f !6 „ Dec, " .. W Vm. Mason .. . Kim . Ros< 0.U is 500 . .. 500 „ .. 3 3 3 3 •• .. 500 3( Brown s Road Siding .. „ 435 g i0 „ balance of ord 5 „ „ 5 „ 13 , 13 , 14 . 16 „ 1" „ • . . .. T. > . . .. St I „ „ .. Gi I , . .. W .. G > „ . ..A. .. T. J. Cowan T. Murphy Stuart and Chapman .. George Lawson Wm. Fisher .. G. Tavlor A. Nyberg T. Chinn '. Cowan \ Murphy Ituart and Chapman .. reorge Lawson Vm. Fisher .. i. Tavlor l. Nyberg '. Chinn . Reel . Ross . Kun . Nels . Stafl . Swe< , Ross Reefton Ross Kumara Nelson Creek Stafford Swedes Siding Ross ifton is mara son Creek ff ord >des Siding s .. 2,500 . .. 700 .. ! 1,000 „ .. 500 , .. .. 1,000 . .. 600 „.. 800 „ .. .. 1,500 , .. • 2,500 ... 3 3 700 ... 3 3 1,000 „ .. 3 3 500 ... 3 3 1,000 ... 3 3 600 , .. 3 3 800 ... 3 3 1,500 , .. • 3 3 3 3 a a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 New Railway-station, Reef ton , ., 2,182 D Ruatapu Siding .. .. I „ 1 000 1C Kumara Station .. .. p 'goo 14 Ngahere Station .... 1 000 14 IT XT m • T " '* ' V "" -" rlo Ho biding .. .. m g00 If Swedes Siding .. , .. „ gOO y t Ruatapu Siding .. .. , \\ li500 if 2,182 700 1,000 500 1,000 600 800 1,500 cancelled. )itto. 6 Dec, 1906. 0 „ 4 4 5 „ '„ 7 „ 8 „ 17 ,. 29 Jau., 190V 21 Feb., ' . . .. St Uaa., 1907 .. Ja Feb., , .. H. Steele and MoGonnor .. James Jones H. Bignell .. teele and MoGonnor .. ames Jones .. I. Bignell .. .. . Nels . Ross Grey Nelson Creek Ross Greymonth.. son Creek s ymonth.. 500 „ .. 650 „ .. 750 „ .. •500 . .. 3 3 650 ... 3 3 750 „ .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station .. .. 42g 27 Ruatapu Siding .. .. "„ \\ 650 2£ . Ikamatua Siding .. .. ,_ _ 734 p>, 426 650 734 27 . 29 Jan., 1907. Balance of order cancelled. 21 Feb., 1907. !7 . 9 Jan., 1907. Jalance of ord 21 , 1 Mar., . 1 .. B( Mar., „ .. D. .. J. .. B. Baxter Bros. .. D. Coll J. Cowan laxter Bros. .. >• Coll . Cowan !. Lockington Koki . Hatt Reef Kokiri Hatter's Terraoe Reefton :iri iter's Terraoe fton .. 1 800 „ .. 500 totara 850 silverpine 750 ditto.. 1 800 „ .. 3 3 500 totara 3 3 850 silver- 3 3 pine 750 ditto.. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Baxter's Siding .. .. „ .. 1 800 21 Ngahere Station .. .. 31 Mar., 1907'.! New Railway-station, Reefton Immediate de- 850 2 livery Ditto .. 750 2 1,800 cancelled. 1 Feb., 1907. 2 Mar., 1907. 2 . 850 2 Mar., 1907. 1 . B. Lookington 750 2 , 11 . 13 „ •. T. .. J.' T. Jones J. O'Flaherty . Jones . O'Flaherty Ross Ahai Ross Ahaura s ura 500 ... .. 1,000 . .. 500 ... 3 3 1,000 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ruatapu Station .. .. „ .. 500 12 Ahaura Station .. ... .. 952 Bi 500 952 12 . Balance of order cancelled. 18 Mar., 1907. 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 22 „ 2 . ialance of ord 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 18 i 22 „ Various .. B. ■ ... M. ,. .. J. B. J. Low M. McLaughlin J. Weir Wm. Fisher .. J Nyberg Sundry small contractors !. J. Low [. McLaughlin . Weir Nels. Baxter's Siding Nelson Creek ter's Siding son Creek • . 500 . .. 500 „ .. fion 500 ... 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 600 „ .. 3 3 500 ... 3 3 800 „ .. 3 3 28,151 „ .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 Roberts's Siding .. .. „ .. 500 18 Ngahere Station .. .. m .. 500 18 500 500 600 500 800 cancelled. 8 Mar., 1907. 8 ,. .; :: w /m. Fisher . Run • - I » .... 600 18 8 „ •• " .. J ] trious .. i Su 1 111. risner .. Nyberg undry small contractors I Lake 1 Vari( Lake Brunner Various e Brunner ious 800 ... .. 28,151 „ .. 3 a 3 3 3 3 snr\ -I n _ • •• ... .. 500 18 Lake Brunner Siding .. „ .. 800 22 Various .. ... .. .. 24,548 Vi 8 „ 2 „ 'arious. tt :



APPENDIX D—continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1906, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.—continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Addrese. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date T . oUl for Completion. ™g>* Date of Completion. OOTH I S L A N D— < •ontiinied. OTAGO DISTRICT. 400 totara 400 blackpine 5,000 totara 200 250 1,000 blackpine 1,000 ditto .. 1,500 „ .. 500 totara 2,000 blackpine 500 totara 1,600 „ 300 blackpine s. d. 3 6 2 3 Catlin's River 11 Nov., 1905 .. 11 Nov., „ .. Cooper and Lumeden .. Ratanui 28 Feb., 1906.. 28 Feb., „ .. 399 399 17 July, 1906. 17 July, „ 27 Jan., 1906 .. 27 Jan 27 Jan., „ 27 Jan., „ James King A. Perkins John Hannan Clifden Orepuki 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 Waihoaka 30 June „ .. 5,000 204 82 400 15 Nov., „ 27 June, „ 25 May, 25 May, „ .. 25 May, „ .. 13 June, „ James Kirk Latta Bros. Houipapa .. Owaka 2 9 2 6 3 6 2 6 Catlin's River 25 Nov., 1906.. 25 Nov., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 275 n A. R.'Wallis '.'. .'. Invercargill Hedgehope 1,276 Balance writtet off. 31 Dec, 1906. 19 July, „ .. 11 Aug., „ .. 11 Aug., „ .. Pearce Bros. .. Thos. Shave .. W. Williamson Clifden . .. Houipapa . . Ratanui 3 3 3 3 2 6 Otautaii Mokotua Catlin's River 31 Dec 16 Jan., 1907 .. 31 Oct., 1906 .. 500 771 301 31 Oct., 1906.





The Bnginbeb-in-Chibp to the Hon. the Minister for Public Wobkb. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1907. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the colony during the past year. EAILWAYS. Abstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1907 :—

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1907. Liabilities on 31st March, 190T. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa- Graham town — Opua Wharf-Hukerenui Hukerenui -Grahamtown Helensville Northwards to Maungatapere Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley-Rotorua Gisborne-Motu Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Grey town Branch) Wellington-Foxton Foxton-New Plymouth, with Branches Stratford-Ongarue North Island Main Trunk Picton-Waipara— Picton-Cheviot Waipara-Cheviot Nelson-Roundell Midland Railway* Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokihinui Colliery Line J Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blaokball Greymouth - Coal Creek Greymouth-Brunner Greymouth-Ross Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line —Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope§ Western Railways Preliminary surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way on hand Value of permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock M. ch. 19 40 17 21 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 £ s. <j. 32 55 25 20 75 29 151 1 75 18 69 33 50 25 7 41 22 52 24 7 151 1 75 18 89 33 18 15 132,270 9 9 177,392 6 0 237,971 C 6 1,293,620 8 10 471,891 0 4 354,958 2 7 149,347 13 2 192 11 4 192 11 3 2,927 10 11 821 17 5 233 12 233 12 196 22 11 18 119 21 2,137,363 2 2 42,116 3 4 1,494,312 11 6 79,444 16 7 2,139,350 15 10 205 42 101 0 209 69 781 10 7 122 11 3 46,898 6 1 138 15 35 35 22 73 241 23 19 56 7 12 3 69 26 0 3 30 5 1 7 51 40 21 483 72 83 0 603 73 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 33 45 31 68 22 73 113 11 19 56 7 12 3 69 5 1 7 51 31 47 443 8 11 44 478 12 134 78 I 97 44 12 40 62 24 352,942 2 3 229,303 9 1 165,792 16 9 726,705 16 0 188,008 17 3 15,854 7 3 49,455 14 2 65,547 12 5 150,512 11 11 297,409 1 0 2,326,898 12 8 59,343 9 2 3,744,972 16 11 1,270,918 4 8 333,850 9 0 22,983 14 5 273,818 14 3 32,212 13 5 10,336 19 11 85,513 10 9 967 1 6 4,104 17 7 10,812 1 10 3,547 12 1 397 6 7 7,165 16 10 1,940 13 0 2,881 17 0 63 18 5 10 13 8 6,760 1 9 25,000 0 0 3,922,018 0 5 119,654 0 0 Total ,. 3,353 21 2,461 64 1123,114,483 7 4 210,242 19 1 Provincial Government Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, Valuation of Works constructed by Company 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,353 21 2,461 64 24,907,199 14 5 210,242 19 1 ♦ The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amoi i The funds for this extension —namely, £35,501 2s. lid. —weri j The funds for purchase of this line, £15,745, were provided t i The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by th Does not include expenditure under " Hutt Boad and Ka'ilwa unt charged 8 e provided by }y the Westp< ie Lands Depi iy Improvemi igainst the colony, the Westport Harbour Board. >rt Harbour Hoard, irtment. ant" and " llailway Improvement Authorisation Act "



During the financial year a total length of 58 miles 34 chains of railway was opened for traffic. The following contains the particulars of the sections : —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the lengths of railways opened each year since the commencement of the public-works policy. The whole of the lines handed over to the Railway Department during the financial year happen to be situated in the South Island ; but lines in the North Island, aggregating about 67 miles in length, were nearly completed, so that on about 65 miles goods traffic has been carried on, and over some 62 miles of the North Island Main Trunk Railway passengers have been carried. Kawakawa-Grahamtown. Section 7m. 16 eh. to 19 m. southwards from Opua Wharf ; about 11 miles 64 chains long. —The per-manent-way is laid and is in fair order for the first 1\ miles. On the next half-mile it is also laid and partly ballasted, but persistent slips have stopped its satisfactory completion. On the last 4 miles formation is in hand. About 2\ miles with the bridges are now nearly ready for platelaying ; and on the other \\ miles the bush-clearing is done, and a start made at the earthworks in one or two places only, also the timber is being obtained for the bridges. From 19 m. to 27 m, 64 eh., or about 8 miles 64 chains in length, nothing is done. A considerable part of it is in heavy kahikatea-swamp country, entailing fairly heavy work. This joins the southern end of this line here, and on the Hukerenui-Towai Section (5 m. IS2 eh. in Ungfh from Hukerenui), which is the present end of the open line from Whangarei, the formation is in hand, and the first three miles are partly done ; a little fencing, but no bridges, has been started. Grahamtown Extension (2 miles 30 chains in length, exclusive of wharf). —The formation of the line from the Opau Railway Wharf to Grahamtown is in hand. The country is of a very rotten nature, and continuous slips in all the cuttings have greatly delayed the work, so that very little progress has been made lately. Helensvillb Northwards. Kaipara Flats - Tauhoa Section (59 m. 75 eh. to 62 m. 40 eh.; 2 miles 45 chains in length). —After having a lot of trouble with slips, this line was finally opened for traffic on the 11th June, 1907. Hoteo Section (62 m. 40 eh. to 66 to. ; length, 3 miles 40 claims).—The earthworks are just finished ; the tunnel was completed during May ; the contract for the three bridges over the Hoteo is just on completion ; the platelaying has just been started, and is now about half done. As the ballast has to be railed from Auckland it will take till Christmas to complete the length. Wells ford Section (66 m. to 69 m. 20 eh ; length, 3 miles 20 chains). —The earthwork on the first 2 miles is nearly finished, and on the rest it is about half-done. Heavy slips are, however, starting in nearly all the cuttings, so that it will take some time to complete it. The timber is being obtained for the bridges. From 69 m. 20 eh. the line has been located for another six miles, and working-plans have been prepared. GISBORNE-ROTORUA RAILWAY. Waikohu Section (17 m. 70 eh. to 23 m. 50 eh.; length, 5 miles 60 chains).- —The Karaka tunnel has been finished, and, to avoid the bad roads west of Karaka, the rails have been laid and ballasted and everything completed to the small station at Puha, 19 m. 65 eh., and opened for traffic on the 20th May, 1907. The completion of the small bridges and earthwork on the rest of the section is in hand, and tenders are being obtained for the large bridge over the Waikohu at 23 m. 17 eh., and the two bridges just beyond. North Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. The line to Taumarunui Station, some 174 miles south from Auckland, was handed over to the Traffic Department on the Ist December, 1903. South of this, as all the principal business and settlement has been connected with the construction of the line, all conveyance of stores and goods has been done by the ballast-train, which now runs to Riuimu, which it reached last November, 198| miles south of Auckland. On this length, which comprises the Taumarunui Section, 6 miles 45 chains ; the Whakapapa Section, 10 miles ; and the Owhango Section, 8 miles, the earthworks have now been finished, except (he removal of some slips, the bridges built, about half of the fencing done, the platelaying finished, line ballasted> and the necessary station buildings erected.

Midland Railway (Nelson) ... | Motupiko-Tadmor „ (Christchurch): Otarama-Broken River ... Waipara-Cheviot ... ... i Elthelton-Tormore .... „ ... ... ' Tormore-Domett ... Ctago Central Railway ... : Omakau-Chatto „ ... I Chatto-Alexandra ... „ ... I Alexandra-Clyde ... Reefton-Inangahua ... ! Old Reefton Station-New Reefton Station Hokitika-Ross ... ... Hokitika-Ruatapu ... M. ch. 10 29 7 40 3 10 5 28 7 36 10 39 5 45 1 44 7 10 Date. Aug. 7, 1906. Oct. 29, „ Nov. 14, „ March 21, 1907. July 14, 1906. Dec. 15, „ March 27, 1907. March 31, Nov. 9, 1906. — 58 41



Makaretu Section (111 m. (Raurimu Station) to 104 m. (Waimarino Station) (Chainage from Marton): length, 7 m.). —This is a very heavy section, and includes the Spiral, with its two tunnels and very high cuttings and hanks. Good progress has been made, and in about three months most of the earthwork should be completed. Platelaying will be started during September, and it is expected to reach Waimarino this summer. Waimarino Section (104 m. to 91 m. 50 eh. ; length, 12 miles 30 chains). —The bush-work has been completed on this section. The service road was completed right through by December, 1906. The earthworks have been started at most of the larger cuttings, and are now progressing very well. Culverts, viaduct, and bridges are also being constructed. Makatote Viaduct. —The contractors have now got the foundations all excavated, except some blocks of one pier in the centre. Greater depths than expected have been required on the south side. The concrete bases of steel piers, concrete piers, and abutments are all complete except on this centre pier. At the workshops nearly all the steelwork is now manufactured. The short girders on the concrete piers at each end have been erected. A start has been made erecting three of the high piers. It is expected that the viaduct will be finished by March, 1908. The manufacture of the steelwork for the Manganui-o-te-ao and Maungaturuturu bridges was let by contract, and is in hand. The concrete piers and abutments, being onstructed by the Government, are almost finished. The Public Works sawmill at Kakahi supplied sleepers and all necessary timber for buildings and bridges. The ordinary building-timber produced in cutting the sleepers, &c, has been sold. South End. Raetihi Section (82. m. 70 eh. to 91 m. 50 eh. ; 8 miles, 60 chains in length). —Bushfelling has been completed on this section. The service road from Ohakune to Horopito has been made and metalled, and connected with the road from the north end. Work has been started on all the important cuttings. The culverts are being constructed. The heading of the last tunnel has been pierced, and it is now being enlarged. A tramway has been laid from Ohakune to the site of the Hapuawhenua Viaduct, and the material for the concrete piers and base-blocks is being conveyed along it, which are now well started. Also at the Toanui Viaduct good progress is being made ; the concrete-work is nearly all complete, and the erection of the steel superstructure is half done. The concrete piers for the other two bridges north of this are also in hand. Platelaying on the main line, excepting the length from 70 m. to 73 m. 30 eh., which is worked by a temporary line, has nearly reached Ohakune at 85 m. 51 eh., where it will connect with the temporary line which goes on to the Hapuawhenua Viaduct at 87 m. 19 eh., already referred to. Murimutu Section (69 m. to 82 m. 70 eh. ; 13 miles 70 chains in length). —To avoid the delay of waiting for the completion of the heavy formation-work, which is being pushed on as fast as possible from 70 m. to 73 m. 30 eh., a temporary line has been laid by a cross-route connecting these points. This has enabled the main line to be laid on to Ohakune, and so expedited the progress of the work greatly. The sidings of the station-yards at Waitangi, Karioi, and Rangataua have been partly laid in. The ballasting is being pushed on. Buildings are being arranged for and erected, and, with the exception of the 3 miles, this length is nearing completion. Turangarere and Waiouru Sections (50 m. 70 eh. to 69 m. ; or 18 miles 10 chains in length). —From Mataroa on to Waiouru the line is now almost finished, and will be fit to open for traffic at an early date. Paengaroa Section. —The remainder of this section, extending from 44 m. 70 eh., Taihape, to 50 m. 70 eh., Mataroa,was completed and handed over to the Railway Department, and opened for traffic on the Ist June, 1907. The steelwork for all the viaducts at the south end is being manufactured at the Government workshops at Makohine, and it is now almost all ready for erection. The rail-heads are now about twenty-six miles apart in one place, and three miles apart in another. Should favourable weather prevail, and no unforseen difficulties arise, it is anticipated that the rails will be laid right through by the end of 1908. Stratford-Whangamomona Railway. Huiroa Section (11 m. 18 eh. to 15 m. 68 eh. ; length, 4 miles 50 chains). —The formation-work has been completed ; the fencing done ; bridges erected; and the rails are now laid with the sidings at Huiroa Station. Ballasting will take about three months to complete. Contracts are being let for the necessary station buildings. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. This line has been formed up to 6 m.; rails laid, and one-third ballasted; line fenced, and most of the gates erected. Four bridges are being erected in the crushing-yard, and the sidings are being laid in for working it. The concrete walls and foundations for the water-power crushing machinery have been completed, machinery partly erected, and 16 in. pipes and nozzles fixed. Sheds are being constructed. The dam in the Manganui River and other headworks are completed, and the pipe-trench is ready to lay the 22 in. main in. At Waipuku an engine-shed, tanks, and five cottages have been erected. Also a tender has been received to erect a barrack and two cottages at the crushing-station. The line will have to be extended another 2 miles 70 chains to the quarry, to get a full supply of stone for crushing. A contract has been let to provide screens and chutes for the stone-crushers.

10—D. 1.



Midland Railway. Tadmor Section (31 m. to 41 m. 29 eh. from Nelson; length, 10 miles 29 chains). —This section was completed and inspected for traffic to Tadmor on the 4th August, 1906, and handed over to and opened by the Railway Department on the 7th August. Manu Section (41 m. 29 eh. to 51 m. 48 eh. ; length, 10 miles 19 chains). —The whole of the bush work has been completed. The formation, with the exception of about half a mile of heavy work, is now nearly completed up to Kiwi Station at 46 m. 30 eh. Various road-diversions have been made ; fencing and gates erected; and the culverts and pipes put in. Platelaying can soon be started on this length. Beyond Kiwi Station some culverts and a little fencing have been constructed. Reefton-Inangahua (45 m. 76 eh. to 66 m. 10 eh. from Greymouth). —Duiing the year the Reefton Station yard has been removed to the new site 1 mile 44 chains further on ; additional buildings erected ; sidings completed and ballasted. It was inspected on the 31st March, and on the 13th May last the Railways Department started using it. From here on for 5J miles the bush has been felled, line fenced, and the earthwork finished, except for the Cronadon Station sidings. The Inangahua Bridge, at Reefton, has been screwed up ; Bourke's Creek Bridge built; the Waitahu Bridge completed ; and Larry's Creek Bridge let by contract; and now all the piles are driven and the iron and steel work are on the ground awaiting delivery of remainder of timber. Platelaying is in hand from Reefton to Cronadon, and about 3 miles have been laid and partly ballasted. The telephone-line is nearly completed to Cronadon. Tenders have been received for the Cronadon Station buildings. RollestonJSection (50 m. 39 eh. to 52 m. 66 eh.) —The contract for the Goat Creek and Rolleston River Bridges has been completed. A considerable amount of work has been done in the big cutting at 52 m. 40 eh. Groins have been built to protect the Rolleston Bridge. Work was considerably reduced on this section last January. Arthur's Pass-Summit Tunnel .{length, 5 miles 25 chains). —Tenders were received for this work to-day. Springfield End. Otarama - Broken River Section (7 miles 40 chains in length). —This very heavy section—including the steel viaducts over Staircase and Broken River (which were done by contract), the nine tunnels, as well as the heavy earthworks, and the station buildings (which latter were also done by contract) — was completed this year as far as the north end of the Broken River Station, or 12 miles 18 chains from Springfield. It was passed, handed over for traffic to the Railways Department, and opened for traffic on the 29th October, 1906. Cass Section (12 m. 18 eh. to 27 m. 40 eh.). —From Broken River to Sloven's Creek, about \\ miles, bottom headings have been driven through the six tunnels, and a start has been made to open out the first three and line them. -All the cuttings have been gulleted, so that there is now access right along by tramway. A contract is being let for Sloven's Creek Viaduct. Beyond Sloven's Creek the forma-tion-work is in hand up to 18 m. 40 eh., and some culverts have been put in beyond ; but none of the earthwork can be called more than about half done. The coach-road from Broken River to the Cass River has been completed. The Government-sawmill at 6m. 20 eh. has supplied the necessary tunnel and other timber. The West Coast coach now runs between Broken River and Otira, the part of the road over Porter's Pass being avoided. Westpoet - Inangahua Railway. Oμ. (o 6 m. ; length, 6 miles. —Felling and clearing are nearly finished and the earthworks well advanced on the first 5 miles ; some culverts have been constructed, and the fencing is nearly completed. The ironbark timber for the bridges is arriving. Picton-Waipaba Railway. North End. Seddon - Blind River Section (33 m. 45 eh. to 37 m. from Picton ; or 3 miles 35 chains in length). — The earthwork on this length is about three-fourths done. The culverts are built. The Hog Swamp Bridge is built. The ironbark timber is being landed and carted to the site for the Blind River Bridge, and the contract is let for its erection. The Blind River Station is being formed. Ward Section (37 m. to 48 m. ; length, 11 miles). —The earthworks have been started, and some of the heavier cuttings are getting on fairly well. The necessary culverts are being constructed. South End. 23 m. 30 eh. to 31 m. 65 eh. from Waifara ; or 8 miles 35 chains in length. —The Westland Section, or up to Tormore Station, at 26 m. 40 eh., was completed and handed over for traffic on the 14th November, 1906. The rest of the length to the Domett Stalion, including the bridge over the Benmore Creek, has been completed (except the station-buildings contract at Domett, which is still in hand), and handed over to the Railway Department on the 21st March, 1907. Ngahere-Blackball Branch Railway. 3 mi'es 30 chains in length. —The alterations for the Junction Station on main line are in hand. The earthwork on the first 2J miles is nearly finished, and the heavy work at the top end half



done. The rails are laid for the first mile, to the north side of the Grey River. The Blackball and No. 1 Ford's Creek Bridges are in hand, and Soldiers' Creek will be put in hand immediately. The station-yard at Blackball is being arranged. Greymouth-Hokitika-Ross Railway. 24 m. to 38 m. 35 eh. —The first portion of the line to Ruatapu Station, near Lake Mahinapua, at 31 m. 10 eh., was finished early in the year, inspected and opened for goods traffic in July, and for passengers on the 9th November, 1906. The formation of the rest of this line is nearly completed. Some six small bridges and a larger bridge over the Totara River were let by contract early in the year, but owing to great delay in procuring the timber they are still unfinished. The rails are now 'aid to 34 m. 60 eh., and the ballast is on for nearly all this length. The buildings have been erected at the wayside stations, and a contract is being let for those at Ross Station. Otago Central Railway. Omakau to Chatto (7 miles 36 chains in length). —The construction of this section was in an advanced state at the end of last year. It was completed, inspected on the 14th July, 1906, and handed over to the Railways Department, who opened it for traffic about a fortnight later. Ghatto-Alexandra (10 miles 39 chains in length). —The bridge over the Manorburn Creek, and the steel-girder bridge over No. 3 crossing of the Manuherikia River, have been finished, the station buildings erected, and the line laid and ballasted. It was i xamined on the 15th December, 1906, and handed over to the Railways Department, and opened for traffic a few days after. Alexandra-Clyde (5 miles 45 chains in length). —This length has also been formed, the bridge'over the Waikerikeri built, the rails laid and ballasted, and station buildings erected. It was examined on the 27th March, 1907, handed over to the Railways Department, and opened for traffic a few days after. Clyde is 134 miles 77|- chains from Wingatui Junction. Milton-Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. 22 m. to 35 m. 15 eh. —From Lawrence to Evans Flat, 4 miles in length, the line, which is chiefly embankment, is nearly all formed, including the Evans Flat Station-yard. From Evans Flat to Big Hill, 3 miles 25 chains in length, the first 2 miles are about three parts and the rest about half done. From Big Hill to Beaumont Station is 5 miles 70 chains. The earthworks are very heavy on the first 3 miles of this section. So far nothing has been done but to commence some approach cuttings to the tunnel. Beaumont Station will be situated on the east, or left, bank of the Clutha River, where first reaches it. Catlin's River Railway Extension. 21 m. 60 eh. to 25 m. 60 eh. from Balclutha.- —A section of about 4 miles in length is in hand from the Catlin's Railway-station. Bushfelling and clearing are completed. Formation is completed to Houipapa Station, thence to the end of the section it is about two-thirds done. The bridge over the Catlin's River is completed. Platelaying is finished to Houipapa Station. A quarry is being opened for the purpose of obtaining stone to crush to make ballast. Seaward Bush Railway Extension. Waimahaka-Tokanui Section (24 m. 50 eh. to 32 m. 40 eh.). —The bushfelling has been done on the whole section. From 26 m. to 28 m. 70 eh., the heavy work of the section occurs. It has been put in hand first, and it is about half-completed. The lighter work at the Waimahaka and Tokanui ends can be completed afterwards and by the time the heavier parts are finished. GtOre-Waikaka Railway. About 12 miles 50 chains in length. —This line begins at the Waikaka Siding, about 43 miles from Invercargill, on the main line to Dunedin. It runs through flat and easy country all the way till just as it reaches Waikaka, where it rises considerably on the last 2 miles. Some fencing, culverts, and about half of the formation on the first 9 miles have been done. The bridges have not yet been started. Platelaying will soon be commenced. RIVERSDALE-SwiTZERS RAILWAY. The line from Riversdale to the Mataura River, about 2 miles in length, has been relaid on the old formation made some years ago. During the year the extra flood-openings, two on the Riversdale side, and four on the north side of the Mataura Bridge, which was previously built, have been constructed ; and the banks connecting them are now nearly complete. Just beyond the Mataura River the small station-yard at 3m. 20 eh., Waipounamu, is being formed. No fresh work has been done beyond this yet; but the old formation done some years ago extends for another 3 miles or more. Orepuki-Waiau Railway. Waihoaka Section (40 m. 16 oh. to 48 m. 19 eh.) (Waiau River Station). —The line is cleared all the way. The formation, fencing, and culverts are just on completion to Te Tua Station, a distance of 3J miles ; beyond that very little has been done. The rails have been laid, but not ballasted, for about 3 miles. The formation, which is lighter than that done, will be pushed on, and rails laid to enable ballast to be obtained near 46 m. Timber is being obtained for the bridges over Saddle Creek, Holly Burn, and Camp Creek. /



Surveys of New Lines, Land-plan Surveys, etc. The permanent survey of the Helensville Northwards Railway has been extended from 69 m. 20 oh. (Wellsford Station) to 76 m., near the Topuni Bridge on the West Coast Road, and a survey party is now at work extending it to Kaiwaka, and past the quarry at the Bald Hill, near Pukekaroro Mountain. A preliminary survey will then be run on through Maungaturoto to McCarroll's Gap and northwards. During the latter part of the year a trial line has been run from Mamaku, on the Rotorua line, towards Te Puke, and about 26 miles have been su>veyed. The further exploration of various routes and some trial lines have been undertaken between the end of the located line, 26 miles from Gisborne, to the Motu, and on to Opotiki. The flying survey of the route via Neil's Valley Road, or the Waihuka Stream, to Motu, and then down the Pakihi to the Waioeka, and on to Opotiki—in hand last year —has been completed. It is very rough country from Motu down the Pakihi, but short and fairly direct, and an expensive line could be made that way. The longer and more southerly route via the Wharekopae, Koranga, and Waioeka Streams was then examined. It has, and in fact all routes have, to rise quite 2,000 ft. to get over the Motu Tableland. This route proved much longer, and quite as rough as the Pakihi route. Another route from the saddle on the Waihuka, or first route, was tried across into the Koranga, and then to the Waioeka ; but it was impracticable. Another route, coming down the Motu from the first or Waihuka, and getting into the Whitikau, was tried, and seems feasible. As it seemed clear that the best way up to the Motu from the south was by the Waihuka Valley the survey party has since been employed running a trial line there, with steeper grades to reduce the cost. This is turning out satisfactorily, and, I anticipate, can be adopted. On the North Island Main Trunk Railway a land-plan survey from 107 m. to 116 m., including the Spiral, is in hand by contract; the next section to 91 m. will be let immediately. Three routes have been tried for a branch railway-line to connect Opunake with the New Plymouth - Wellington line, and full reports and estimates made of them. A trial survey of a deviation of the railway-line to go from Domett Station through the Mackenzie Township, and to join into the old line, is now in hand. The land-plan survey of the Westport-Inangahua Railway line is in hand. The survey of the route for the long tunnel through the main range at Arthur's Pass on the Midland Railway has been continued, and nearly completed. Also considerable surveying has been done to ascertain what water is available or power-generation for working this tunnel. A survey was made of the Taramakau overflow near Inchbonnie Station to determine the encroachment. The location of the Catlin's River Railway Extension has been carried to Table Hill, about 32 miles. The Gore-Waikaka Railway, about 12| miles long, was located, and working-plans nearly completed. The permanent survey of the Lawrence-Roxburgh line was extended from 27 m. to 31 m. A flying survey was made of a projected railway from Balclutha to Tuapeka Mouth, and reports sent in of three alternative routes. Surveys have been started in connection with the irrigation of the Maniototo Plains from the Upper Taieri; also for the irrigation of the Manuherikia and Ida Valleys. However, the winter came on, and, owing to the heavy falls of snow, work in the field had to be discontinued til; milder weather set in. A considerable amount of information has been obtained ; but the country is rougher than anticipated.

Sleepers. Sleepers purchased and delivered during Year ended 31st March, 1907.

Road-bridges, etc. The contract let for the road-bridge over the Motueka River at Alexandra's Bluff is getting on slowly ; all the piers|are!jcompleted, but none of a considerable quantity of the timber for which was condemned, and has not been replaced. Nothing has been done for the la t six months. Big Wanganui Bridge at Hendy's Ferry. —Plans and specifications have been prepared for this bridge, ready to call for lenders. Taramakau Road Bridge. —The contract for this bridge has been completed ; but the approaches which were being done afterwards have not been completed yet.

Di-trict. c "3 3 erf s Is §1 |.si Total. Auckland Greymouth Westport Hunterville Dunedin Wellington 35,770 15*,873 6,956 1,703 6,216 424 36 18j 544 83,902 2,367 44,113 86,305 18,544 15,873 9,598 3,079 2,524 2,642 555 58,599 1,703 6,216 2,984 18,544 83,902 2,642 555 2,367 177,512



Taylorville Suspension Bridge. —The foundation of the concrete pier on the right bank of the river has been repaired. Wataroa Road Bridge. —This bridge has been let by contract, and a start is being made to erect it. Waiho Bridge Site. —The site for this bridge has been surveyed, and plans are being prepared. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland District. Departmental Buildings. Auckland. —Alterations have been made in the offices of the Official Assignee, Tourist and Customs Departments. The whole inside of the buildings have been renovated and redecorated. Tenders are about to be called for extensive additions. Tauranga. —These buildings have been completed and occupied, and a town clock placed in the tower. Thames. —Alterations to drains have been made to suit the altered grades of the adjacent streets. Coromandel. —Painting and repairs have been carried out. Gisborne. —Some alterations and additions have been made in the rooms and fittings of the Postoffice, Telegraph-office, and the Native Land Court Office. Courthouses. Auckland, Supreme. —General repairs to roofs, drains, &c, have been attended to. Extra fittings have been provided in the Arbitration Court, and the Public Works offices, which are in this building, have been renovated. Auckland, District. —Drains have been relaid. Court rooms and passages inside cleaned and kalsomined. Inquiries have been made for a site for a new Courthouse. Hamilton, District. —The contract for the new buildings has been completed and the Court used. Dargaville, Magistrate's. —New Court-room erected, offices enlarged and furnished, and fenced in. Whangarei, Papakura, Paeroa, and Waihi. —Small repairs done ; also alterations and painting. Raglan. —Contract let to build a new Courthouse. Tolaga Bay. —Tenders were called for new building. Gaols. Auckland. —The completion of the central block and the building, and the doing-up of the chapel and offices inside, have been in hand, most of the work being done by the prisoners. Gisborne. —The drainage has been attended to. Hospitals. Avondale Mental. —Bakehouse completed ; patent oven fitted up in it. Male airing-court completed, and sheds built. Female refractory-court extended. Stonebreaker repaired. A site for the Wolfe's Bequest Hospital has been taken by Proclamation. St. Helens Maternity, Auckland. —Various renovations, repairs, and fittings have been attended to, and an isolation cottage built. Police-stations. Auckland, Birkenhead, Rotorua, Tauranga, Pahi, Waihi, Ngaruawahia, Coromandel, Newton, Mercer, Gisborne, Whakatane, and Opotiki stations have been repaired, altered, and renovated as needed. New buildings have been erected at Grey Lynn, Helensville, Ohaeawai, Tolaga Bay, Waipiro, Taupo (in progress), Waihi (cells), Avondale, Kihikihi, Taumarunui, and Karangahake. A site for Newmarket Police-station has been taken ; also a site is being selected at Epsom. Piriaka lockup was removed to Raurimu. A contract is let for buildings at Raglan. Post-offices. Auckland Chief Office. —Additions made to telegraph branch. Ventilation improved. A building in Fort Street hired for the parcels branch. Rotorua, Opotiki, Maketu, Hamilton, Dargaville, Onehunga, Grey Lynn, Newton, Ponsonby, Coromandel, Taupo, Gisborne, and Otahuhu offices have had minor works, repairs, painting, as needed, carried out at them. At Waipu, Te Awamutu (residence), Cambridge, Tokomaru, Tuparoa, and Whakatane new buildings have been erected. At Newmarket a site has been selected. At Devonport tenders have been invited for a new brick post-office. Native Schools. At Tokikuku, Waipapakauri, and Rangiawhia new schools and residences have been built. At Matata a teacher's residence, at Kaikohe an additional class-room and another room to the house, at Nuhaka additions and repairs, at Taumarunui altering and enlarging the school, at Te Matai an additional class-room, at Ohaeawai painting and shelter-shed, at Poroporo an additional class-room, have been severally carried out.



Tenders were .also called for works at Tautoro, Twparoa, Motiti Island, Mataora Bay, Wharehawd, and Whangaruru, and submitted for decision. Public Schools. A public school was built at Mangapapa in the Ohura Valley ; the Piriaka school is being moved to Manunui. Industrial Schools. Mount Albert. —The back fire-escape was rebuilt, fencing erected, and some painting and repairs done. Lake Takapuna. —Some alterations to the fire-escape were done. Miscellaneous. Government House, Auckland, and grounds have been kept in fair order. Some interior renovations have been carried out. New Stock Inspector's Residence, Hamilton, has been built. Quarantine Station, Motuihi. —A new wharf is being built by contract. Buildings were repaired. Bath Buildings, Rotorua. —The contract for these buildings is still in hand and three-fourths completed. Government Life Insurance Office, Auckland. —Renovated inside and out. Ponsonby Hall. —Repaired and kept in order for letting, &c. Old Admiralty House, Auckland. —Drainage and repairs done for Stock Department, who use it for their offices. Hawke's Bay District. Departmental Buildings. Napier. —The remaining part of the new buildings has now been finished. Post-offices. Napier. —Telephone Exchange building was erected complete. At Dannevirke, Hastings, and Waipukurau alterations and repairs were effected. Gaol. At Napier a warder's cottage was built. Taeanaki District. Departmental Buildings. New Plymouth. —Alterations and additions were made. Courthouses. New Plymouth. —Repairs effected. Waitara. —Plan of site made. Eltham. —New Courthouae being erected. Wanganui. —Alterations and repairs reported on. Gaols. New Plymouth. —A warder's cottage built. G-aoler's residence renovated. Drainage of whole of premises is in hand. Wanganui. —An estimate for a warder's cottage submitted. Police-stations. Inglewood and Waverley. —Repairs and minor works done. Waitotara, Wanganui, and Normanby. —Minor works are being started. Post-offices. New Plymouth. —The new building has been completed. Wanganui, Pungarehu, and Stratford. —Have been repaired, and minor works done. Hawera. —Is just being repaired. Wellington District. Departmental Buildings. Wellington. —Additions to back, north-east wing, are being erected. Various alterations to fittings, electric light, telephones, and other minor works have been done. Courthouses. Wellington, Supreme.— Electric light has been installed throughout, and various other matters attended to. Marton. —Has been repaired. Taihape. —A new Courthouse has been erected. BuWs and Foxton. —Have been reported on.



Gaols. Terrace Gaol, Wellington. — A warder's cottage is being erected; electric lighting generally improved; new cookhouse and shoemaker's shop erected; alterations to bathrooms and lavatories undertaken; and other minor work. Also the gaol road was metalled, Gaoler's residence renovated and drainage repaired. ' Mount Cook Prison JForfo.—Repairs were done o gas and latrines. Some planting done at the slip at Ranfurly Terrace. The six warders' cottages were entirely renovated and repaired Point Halswell Prison.— The cooking arrangements were improved. Police-stations. Kimbolton and Feilding Stations.— Minor works and repairs have been attended to. Mount Cook— The two cottages were put in order, and the police-station itself repaired. Post-offices. Martinborough, Makuri, Hutt, Masterton, Pahiatua, Bull's, Palmerston North, Ronqotea and JohnsonmUe.—Additions and new buildings have been erected at these places. Mangaweka, Feilding, Levin, Taihape, Wellington City, and Te Aro.— Alterations and repairs have been made. Weraroa, Ashhurst, Aramoho, Palmerston North, and Manakau offices have been reported on. Miscellaneous. Observatory, Wellington.— A new building has been erected in the Botanical Gardens. Electric light is being installed. New Building for Public Trust Department.—A steel-frame building of fine appearance is being erected by contract. B Parliament Buildings.—A new wing, including Bellamy's and Committee-rooms, is being erected Cabinet-room has been ventilated. Boys' Training-farm, Weraroa.— Three cottage homes have been erected, also cottage for manager • steam-cooking apparatus installed, and electric light; new water-supply constructed _ Government Printing Office.— Electric motors have been fixed here, and the lighting improved ■ various other alterations done. r ' Customhouse, Wellington.— Alterations have been made in the electric lighting. Ministerial Residences.— Various additions to the electric lights have been made • repairs alterations done, and other additions ; also furniture attended to. ' Receiving Home, Tinakori Road. — Additions are being made to this home for the Education Department. Quarantine Station, Somes Island.— Repairs and renovations done ; windmill installed for pumping to store-tanks ; a new wharf has been built. . Government House, Wellington.—The various necessary repairs, alterations, and minor works have been attended to. Christchurch Exhibition. -The exhibits for this Department were satisfactorily prepared and displayed. The examining into and overlooking of the design and erection of these buildings was also undertaken as regards their safety. 8 Mental Hospitals. Porirua— The hot-water pipes have been renewed all through, and a new hot-water system installed A new oil-engme has been obtained, and the dynamo rearranged and reset. The electric light has been improved generally. Other minor works have been done. Mount Fiew-Renovations have been carried out in the dining-room, dormitories, nurses' cottage, and Medical Superintendent's house. Additional baths have been fixed in the bathroom ■ alterations made to the electric light; general repairs and maintenance and other minor works done. ' Marlboeough District. Departmental Buildings. Blenheim. —General repairs and maintenance were carried out. Havdock. —Similar repairs, &c, were attended to. Post-office. Renwicktown. —The drainage of this building was put in order. Nelson District. Departmental Buildings, Nelson.— General repairs and maintenance were carried out here. Post-offices. Nelson.— The erection of a new brick Post-office was completed. Collingwood. —The new building was completed. Miscellaneous. Police-station, Nelson. —A new residence was erected. Home for Incurables, Richmond.— Tanks were completed.



Wakapuaka Cable-station. —General repaiw were effected, a hot-water service completed, and some fencing done. Mental Hospital, Nelson. —General maintenance and repairs were done, reservoir fenced in, and painting done. Canterbury District. Departmental Buildings. All the outside of these buildings has been overhauled and painted ; footpaths and courtyards done up. Inside, all the passages, stairs, landings, &c, used by the public have been renovated. Various removals and alterations have been made in the offices of some Departments, and others have had to be moved out to make room. Courthouses. Christchurch, Supreme. —The internal renovations have been finished. Christchurch, Magistrate's. —Some extra fittings have been provided. Little River, Magistrate's. —Exterior renovated and paths asphalted. Leeston, Magistrate's. —Exterior painted, and paths asphalted. Rakaia. —Exterior painted ; new chimney erected. Temuka. —Gas installed. Timaru. —Additional jury-room built; drainage improved. Waimate. —Gas installed ; drainage improved. Gaols. Lyttelton. —A new warders' cottage has been built; gaol slate roof, skylights, and iron fence repaired. Police-stations. Amberley. —Renovated inside, repainted outside, and other minor work done. Rangiora, St. Albans, Phillipstown, Woolston, Sydenham, Riccarton, Litt'e River, Coalgate, Ashburton, Temuka, Fairlie, Waimate, and Glenavy. —Minor works ; alterations, additions, renovating, and repairs carried out. Addington. —New residence built. Geraldine. —New cells. Timaru. —Sub-Inspector's residence renovated, office repaired, new cells and stables being built. Christchurch. —Two-story building for barrack accommodation has been erected, a residence put up for the Station Sergeant, and Sub-Inspector's residence renovated. Post-offices. Christchurch. —The mail-room, letter-carriers' sorting-room, public room, private-letter-box room, money-order and Savings-bank room are now all complete and in use. The telegraph exchange and instrument-room greatly improved. Hot-water service, electric light, pneumatic tubes are now working well. The outside paths, <fee, have been done up. New Brighton, Sydenham, Linwood, Woolston, Sumner, Lyttelton, Temuka, Timaru, and Waimate. — Minor works, alterations, renovations, and repairs have been effected. Hospitals. Sunnyside, Mental Hospital. —The ventilation of the female-division corridors, replacing with new some old latrines, providing new fire-pump, water-supply for female-wards, bath water-heater, extra light for female-staircase, and the erection of a new cottage for the gardener have been carried out. Sydenham, St. Helen's Maternity Home. —A two-story house at the corner of Durham and Battersea Streets has been altered, renovated, and fitted up for this purpose. Industrial Schools. Burwood : Te Oranga Home. —The schoolroom finished, bathroom provided, hot water laid on, dairy built, and other minor works carried out. Sumner Deaf-mutes' Institute. —A dairy, forage-store, and cowshed built, drainage improved, kitchen ventilated, and enlarged. Miscellaneous. Quail Island Quarantine Station. —Concrete tanks repaired. Mount Cook Hermitage. —Additional accommodation provided. Repairs done to the Malte Brun hut. International Exhibition. —Marine aquarium building erected, and well 370 ft. deep sunk. Sealpool fenced in, and shed built. The Health Department's Court, model shelter for consumptives, Labour Department and Sweated Industries Court, Government Printing Department's Court, Tourist Department's Court, Post and Telegraph Office, Police-offices, Public Works Department's Court, Cook Islands Natives' six huts, and well 185 ft. deep were constructed. After the Exhibition closed, some of the dismantling was also done. West Coast Districts. Courthouses. Westport, Greymouth, Reefton, Kumara, Stafford, and Waimea had minor works, alterations, repairs, and renovations carried out.

i>. h

Gaols. Hokitika.—A fire-engine was placed in position. Westport. —Some repairs were done to the gaol. Police-stations. Seddonville, Denniston, Lyell, Westport, Greyrnouth, Hokitika, Brunner, and Ahaura. —Minor works, alterations, renovations, and repairs were carried out. Kumara. —New police quarters are being erected. Post-offices. Westport. —Considerable alterations, repairs, and painting were carried out. Greymouth. —A new building with tower in brick is now nearly completed. Lyell, Hokitika, Bealey, and Kumara. —Various minor works, alterations, repairs, and renovations have been done. Hospitals. Hokitika. —A new ward is being built to the Westland Hospital; it is now covered in. Hokitika Mental Hospital. —Various materials were supplied for the local staff to use. Kumara. —A new ward has been built to this hospital. Miscellaneous. Westport. —Some papering was done to the Public Works Office. Greymouth. —Outbuildings were built for the Customs Department. The Public Works Office was'painted and renovated. Haupiri Hot Springs. —A tourist cottage and bath were erected. Otago District. Departmental Buildings, Dunedin, were kept in repair. Courthouses. Lawrence. —Repairs and renovations carried out. Ophir. —Some additions erected. Waikouaiti. —A new building erected. Kaitangata. —A new building is in course of erection. Hampden. —Eepairs and painting are in hand. Gaols. Dunedin. —New cook-ing-range with high-pressure hot-water service installed. Invercargili. —A new gaol has been started ;it is being erected by prison labour. Some ironwork for it is being prepared by contract. Police-stations. ' Clyde, Mataura, Orepufo, Gore, Riverton, Roslyn, and North Dunedin. —Additions, repairs, renovations, and minor works have been done at them. Alexandra. —Office erected in stone with wood outbuildings. Invercargili. —Additions in brick were made to the Sergeant's residence. Milton. —A lock-up and forage-store were built. Central Station, Dunedin. —Additions in brick are in hand. South Dunedin. —Additions in brick with new fittings have been completed. Post-offices. Dunedin, Chief Post-office. —A new flagpole was erected. Decayed plaster on all ceilings removed, and wood ceilings fixed ; painting and renovating was done in the telegraph-office. Invercargili. —Additions have been erected. Gore, Winton, Mataura, Palmerston South, Owaka, Wyndham, Caversham, and Waikaia. —Minor works, renovations, and repairs carried out. Arrowtown. —Additions to office and a new residence were erected. Waikouaiti. —A new brick Post-office is being built. Roslyn. —A new brick Post-office is just being started. Miscellaneous. Glade House, Te Anau. —Additions built 'for Tourist Department. Survey Office, Invercargili. —A strong-room erected. Stock Inspector's Office, Balclutha. —A brick office has been built. Survey Office, Dunedin. —A strong-room was built and fitted up. Industrial School, Caversham. —The old buildings were demolished, some trees cut down, and some fencing done. Registrars Office, Births, Deaths, &c, Dunedin. —The strong-room has been renovated and fitted up.

11—D. 1.




Camp Mental Hospital. —Superintendent's quarters were renovated ; hot-water service and ranges in main kitchen overhauled and renewed. A high fence is being erected round it by the patients. Old-age Pensions Office, Dunedin. —Alterations have been made to the counter, and gas laid to strong-room. Public Works Store, Dunedin. —Additions have been made. MARINE. Waipu Channel, Auckland, was examined and reported on; tenders called for the removal of a reef of rocks in the Helensville Channel; survey made for a wharf at Huia, Manukau Harbour. A jetty is in course of erection for H.M.S. " Iris," cable-steamer, in Auckland Harbour. A report has been made on the silting-up of the Ohinemuri River, near Paeroa. The whavf at Mahanga Bay, Wellington, has been extended. A new wharf has been built at Somes Island, Wellington. A new wharf is being built at Motuihi Island, Auckland. At Okarito a goods-shed was erected ; and a survey was also made of the lagoon, &c, here by Messrs. Gillies and Spence. A survey has been made of the Okuru Harbour. A survey has been made of Karamea Harbour. A very considerable survey has been made of Point Elizabeth Harbour, including a lot of sounding: it is possible to make a harbour with some considerable outlay. A survey was made and plans got out for a wharf at Kaikoura. ROTORUA AND HANMER. Rotorua. —The drainage of Rotorua is still in hand. It has been waiting for the completion of the new water-supply for flushing-water. As the latter is now nearly completed, it can shortly be finished. There are still the filter-beds to complete and house connections to make. During the year good progress has been made with the Rotorua water-supply : a dam and reservoir have been constructed at the source —at the Moeraki Springs ; some six miles of 16-in.-diameter Canadian wood stave pipe main have been graded for and laid, bringing the water into the town; and about six miles of reticulation pipes of various sizes—6 in., 8 in., and 10 in.—have been laid through the streets. Considerable difficulty has been met with, as in various streets they pass through hot ground, and have to be specially treated and laid in pumice and tar coating to preserve them from the effects of the hot sulphur and acid fumes. The whole is now Hearing completion, and house connections are being made. Hanmer. —A water-supply is being provided by means of some three miles of 10 in. main of similar stave pipes to those being used in Auckland. The headworks are complete and the pipe main about half laid. ELECTRIC AND CABLE TRAMWAYS. A large amount of work has been done by the Head Office staff in approving plans and inspecting works and vehicles for the tramways in the four chief towns. UTILISATION OF WATER-POWER. The land adjacent to the Wairua Falls, Whangarei district, has been purchased by the Government. The -Rotoiti-Kaituna power scheme has now been inquired into thoroughly, and pretty well every possible route surveyed. The final selection of the route is now in hand; probably it will be what is known as the Pokopoko -Te Akau route. With nearly six miles in length of conduit a fall of 590 ft. can be obtained. Records are being obtained of the rise and fall in the lake, the rainfall, and other details. Similar records are also being obtained at Taupo of the Taupo Lake in connection with the Huka Fall scheme, in the Waikato River. Further information regarding the quantity of water available for the Hutt scheme has been obtained. The Lake Coleridge water-power scheme survey was finished in July, 1906. The flows of the following rivers—Clarence, Waimakariri, Rakaia, Rangitata, and Selwyn—have been gauged during the recent droughts. DEFENCES. Auckland. The storage-room for equipment, &c, at the electric-light emplacement, South Battery, North Head, has been enlarged. The barracks and officers' rooms, North Head, have been renovated. The extra magazine, North Head, is being constructed : the excavation is finished and the concrete-work is well in hand. The cot age for the Defence storekeeper, Mount Eden magazine, has been enlarged and put in order. Land for rifle ranges at the Thames and Te Aroha is being arranged for. Wellington. Roads in Scorching Bay, and Shelly Bay to Point Halswell, have been improved and repaired. Electric light was installed at the observatory station, Fort Gordon. Mahanga Bay wharf was extended.



Fort Kelburne barrack roof was asphalted and made watertight. At Trentham, the Collins and Seddon ranges were extended ; a new canteen erected ; a new targetshed provided; various repairs done; additional targets made and erected; and thereby the time required for shooting at the annual meeting was greatly reduced. Greymouth. Land was taken in Greymouth for a rifle range. Also a land-plan was made for a range at Hokitika. At Greymouth two magazines have been built to hold explosives. Canterbury In Christchurch some miscellaneous work has been attended to. A portion of King Edward's Barracks was formed into a residence for the caretaker. Lyttelton : The boundary-wall of the Sumner Eoad parade-ground has been completed. Otago. At Taiaroa Head, the stone wall at the T'ilot Beach has been repaired. The alterations to B.C. station of 6 in. gun have been completed ; the telegraph-wires have been laid underground. The 6-pr. Q.F. gun has been dismantled. At Harrington Point, the engine and dynamo are complete and running ; a 6-pr. Q.F. gun has been emplaced; repairs have been done to the jetty and the Defence road, and o'her necessary work has been done. At Central Battery, Ocean Beach, Dunedin, huts have been erected for the use of the Garrison Artillery Volunteers. I have, &c, E. W. Holmes. Engineer-in-Chief.



Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1907. NORTH ISLAND.

12—D. 1.

State of Line. APP tion ria ' M»M«m. I Section. Main Line. in Total. T3 t> fa Opened. Under Formation. Under Platelaying. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 Total. Date. 1 2 3 4 M. chs. Kawakawa- Kawakawa .. 7 41 Opua Wharf - KawaGraham- kawa town Kawakawa southwards 20 12 Kawakawa-Kopuru.. Kopuru-Harakeke .. Harakeke-Towai Whangarei-Kamo Ex- 21 2 Towai-Hukerenui .. tension Hukerenui-Kamo .. 5 6 M.chs., M. chs. 7 41 0 57 7 39 0 28 3 62 8 71 5 2 16 0 3 29 7 M. chs. 8 18 7 67 3 62 8 71 5 2 19 29 8 M. chs. 9 M. chs 3 62 10 M. chs. 7 39 11 12 M. ch 13 M. ch 14 15 M chs. M. ch 14 15 M chs. M. chs > 16 liR M. chs. 7 41 8*71 5 2 • . ■ • •. ■ • Kamo-Whangarei and 9 20 Kamo-Opau Wharf.. Grahamtown - Opau Wharf-Grahain-town Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley .. 19 40 Dargaville-Booms .. Booms-Waima Helensville Helensville North- 110 0 Extension., N o r t h - wards Maungatapere - Mauwards ngaturoto Maungaturo to-Wells-ford Wellsford-Wayby .. Wayby-Tauhoa Tauhoa-Kaipara Flats Kaipara Plats-Wood-cock's Woodoock's-Ahuroa Ahuroa-Helensville.. Kaipara- Kaipara-Newmarket 35 73 Halensville-Newm'rk't Waikato Onehunga Branch .. 2 73 Penrose - Onehunga Wharf Auckland-Waikato .. 100 18 Auekland-TeAwamutu Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach 6 50 Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch 2 60 Auckland City Branch' —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Surveys, new Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 12 5 Paerata-Waiuku lines Waikato- Waikato-Thames .. 62 58 Frankton JunctionThameR Thames Pae roaWaihi Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 Paeroa-Waihi Hamilton- Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 Ruakura JunctionCambridge Cambridge Thames Val- Thames Valley-Roto- 69 38 Morrinsville-Rotorua ley - Roto- rua rua Gisborne- GisborneOpotiki .. 72 25 Gisborne Wharf-Kai-Rotorua teratabi Kaiteratahi-Karaka Karaka-Waikohu .. 6 52 2 27 . 2 43 8 79 2 48 248 [ 22 52 .. .. .. .. Kaihu Valley Helensville No r t fawards 17 21 0 75 2 19 34 51 20 0 18 16 2 19 34 51 20 0 34 51 20 0 219 estim. 17 21 KaiparaWaikato 22 0 3 17 3 40 s 2 45 0 13 3 5 j 0 16 2 41 : 0 16 18 41 1 75 i 35 73 6 66 2 73 1 70 i100 13 j 16 66 I *W -M.XJ AU W 6 50 J 2 60 22 0 3 17 3 40 2 58 3 21 2 57 20 36 42 59 4 63 116 79 6 50 2 60 22 0 6 50 2 60 3 17 3 40 Prelim 2 45 17Nov!,1905 18 May, 1905 i rH d o> i i I o 3 .S J 00 I — m <o 1 o a .. 3 5 '.'. 2 41 .. 8 6 .. 2 41 3~ 5 2 41 18 41 35 73 2 73 100 ia 12 5 J .. 12 5 12 5 10 17 72 75 e 62 58 10 17 W m (a 62 58 12 40 1 30 12 2 3 14 1 30 13 70 3 14 15 16 9 Nov., 1905 12 40 12 40 12 2 O 69 33 5 27 5 27 74 60 S3 a 69 38 13 10 2 45 2 45 15 55 rH r. a r. a 8 3 8 S IXJ aj 3 $ .2 ■3 c I 3b § CD J o CD a I o W "o CO O "o 1 3 J "5 o a 1 a> u 18 10 5 5 0 71 5 60 0 71 5 76 5 60 s- .. 5 60 - **>{ 24 30 Preiim. " 22 0 22 0 Prelim. 58 0 58 0 Prelim. 62 0 62 0 Prelim. 15 5 HI 70 13 April, 1905 S 3 5 5 5 5 1 Waikoliu-Motu 26 30 .. ! 6 9 22 0 58 0 62 0 96 65 15 5 1 s ■ Motu-Opotiki New survey Napier-Gisborne .. 90 0 Napier- Wairoa River Wairoa River-Gisborne N a p i e r - Napier-Woodville .. 96 66 ' Napier Spit-Woodville Woodville and Palmerston Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston North North North Wellington- Woodville-Wellington 18 79 Woodville-Wellington 1 Woodville [Tβ Arc Greytown Branch .. 3 7 Woodside-Greytown Rimutaka Coach road Route .. 9 0 , Kaitoke-Featherston Incline Tauherenikau Route 21 30 Upper Hunt-Woodside Deviatioti Wai n u i - o - m a ta 31 40 Petone-Pigeon Bush Surveys Route Coast Route '.. 52 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush Coast Route .. 70 0 Petone-Carterton, via Marti i> borough Foxton-New Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 Foxtou-Patea .. 1 Plymouth Route Improvement 26 7 Turakina Matarawa Surveys Ai'amoho-Goat Valley Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu Nukumaru-Waitotara Patea - Waitara and 72 29 Patea-New Plymouth New Plymonth Breakwater Hull's Branch ..i 3 79 Bull's Branch Wanganul Branch .. :t i'.) Stratford- Stratford-Ongarue ..101 0 Stratford-Toko Ongarue Toko-Oruru Oruru-Huiroa Surveyed Newsurveys Opunake - Mountain 23 10 Opunake-Eltham .. Road 22 0 Opunake-Te Roti .. 25 58 Opunake-Stratford .. | Mount Egmont 9 20 Mauganui Section .. Branch Te-popo Section North Island Marton-Te Awamutu 209 69 Marton Junction - Main Trunk Mangaweka Railway Mangaweka-Taihape Paengaroa Section (pt) Turangarere Section Waiouru Section Murimutu Section .. I Raetihi Section .. | Waimarino Section.. j Makaretu Section .. Owhango Section .. Whakapapa Section Taumarunui Section Taumaruuui-Te Awamutu Central Route—Devia- 30 0 ! Ohakune to Mokaution Surveys Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma-rae Kowhai 20 0 Marae-Kowliai-Ohura Valley Ngaire-Ongarue .. 103 58 Ngaire Section Tangarakau Section Heao Section Ohura Section Waitara-Tangarakau 46 75 Waitara Section Urenui Route .. 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu River Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 i Hastings-Te Awamutu 1 <o 3 2 s 96 66 .2 3 17 21 0 51 0 51 17 72 s 17 21 115 79 21 73 1 21 73 137 72 > "Si 115 79 3 7 0 64 9 0 21 30 31 40 0 64 3 71 9 0 9 0 Prelim. 21 30 21 30 31 40 31 40 dB § 8 7 2 2 GO 9 52 0 70 0 52 0 52 0 70 0 70 0 .s . . o 120 44 14 75 1 11 67 7 40 14 75 135 39 11 67 11 67 .. 7 40 7 40 CO a .2 120 44 I H o a. 3 60 3 0 72 29 11 52 3 60 3 60 3 0 3 0 Prelim. 11 52 84 1 S £ "o as 72 29 3 79 3 79 3 79 Prelim. 2 2:s 0 40 6 66 0 36 5 28 4 50 .. 2 10 2 40 85 12 85 12 23 10 23 10 Prelim. 22 0 22 0 Prelim. 25 58 25 58 Prelim. 0 60 6 60 .. .. 6 0 3 20 3 20 4 61 36 48 1 61 14 62 0 61 6 51 .. .. 5 70 0 40 .11 10 .. .. 10 50 0 61 8 21 .. .. 7 40 13 70 .. 5 10 8 60 8 60 .. 8 60 12 30 .. 12 30 7 0 .. 7 0 1 22 9 22 .. .. 8 0 0 46 10 46 .. .. 10 0 0 52 7 20 .. .. 6 48 6 20 80 53 329 itratfordOngarue 6 26 4 72 4 50 85 12 23 10 22 0 I 25 58 6 0 3 20 31 67 1 Mar'., 1905 ° 4 - 72 o I 11 18 o few surveys £ 4 3 4S ■3 forth Island Main Trunk Railway 3 ° 13 1 5 70 10 50 7 40 13 70 8 60 12 30 7 0 8 0 10 0 6 48 74 33 10 Sep., 1904 Is I 13 1 144 68 !s •• .3 •3 43 T3 .. I .. t-i * * £ r—i I 74 33 £ Central Route —Deviation Surveys 30 0 30 0 30 0 Prelim. 34 0 34 0 Prelim. Si 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 Explor. Ngaire-Ongarue Waitara-Tangarakau Urenui Route Hastinge-Te Awamutu Total .. 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 38 73 38 73 26 0 26 0 10 70 10 70 27 75 27 75 .. .. ' 46 75 46 75 12 0 12 0 Prelim. I 170 0 .. 170 0 170 0 Prelim. 904 17 17 73 23 11 945 21 Total .. .. 2147 67 ... 2 2147 67 145 45 2293 321065 16 61 38 75 72 61 38 75 72 9 1 Note.—Taonui and Lichfield Brar #. inches n iot mentioned above, as the rails nave bei in taken up.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1907— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

SI Sidings. Total. State of Line. Appropri- DiviBion M ., M([e H( , ction Main ToU] roved For " PUt * - ' ■ mation. laying. Date a Under Under revea For " PUte - 7 ' mation. laying. Opened. Date. 1904-5. 1906-6. 1906-7. Total. 1 2 3 4 56789 10 11 M. ch. U ch. M. oh. M ch. M. eh. M. eh. M. oh. Nelson- Nelson-Belgrove.. 22 73 Nelson-Belgrove .. 2273 2 52 25 45 Roundell Midland Stillwater - Bel- 148 21 Stillwater-Reefton S. 37 9 4 79 42 8 Railway grove (uiaTadmor) Reefton S.-Reefton N. 144 1 0 2 44 .. .. .. 31 Mar., Reefton N.-Inangahua 18 36 .. 18 36 8 50 4 40 5 26 Inangahua-Manu .. 61 0 .. 61 0 61 0 Manu-Tadmor .. 10 19 0 25 10 44 .. 10 19 Tadmor-Kohatu .. 10 29 0 69 11 18 .. .. .. 7Aug.,l Kohatu-Belgrove .. 9 44 0 62 10 26 Brunner - Spring- 93 2 Brunner-Otira .. 42 27 2 68 45 15 field Otira - Tunnel Con- 12 .. 12 .. .. 12 tract Tunnel Contract .. 80 .. 80 80 Tunnel Contract - 14 13 .. 14 13 14 18 Cass Cass-Broken River.. 15 22 .. 15 22 10 59 4 43 Broken River - Ota- 7 40 0 30 7 70 29 Oct., rama Otarama-Bpringfield 4 58 0 16 4 74 Blackball Ngabere-Blackball 3 30 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 30 1 Gi 4 30 .. 1 30 2 0 Greymouth- Greymouth - Nel- 7 51 Greymouth-Brunner- 7 51 6 18 13 69 Nelson son Creek ton-Stillwater Creek Westport- i Westport - Ngaka- 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 Ngakawau wau Westport- Ngakawau-Moki- 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- 7 12 1 18 8 30 Ngakawau i hinui nui Extension Mokihinui Colliery 3 69 Mokihinui-Seddonville 3 69 0 25 4 14 Westport- Westport Inanga- 26 0 Westport. Inangabua 26 0 .. 26 0 20 10 5 70 Inangahuai hua Junction Junction ,««»«, , r> State Col-j Greymouth - Coal 5 1 Greymouth - Coal 5 1 1 50 6 51 1 Uec, liery Creek Creek Greymouth- Greymouth-Hoki- 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika 24 37 2 10 26 47 Hokitika , tika K u m a r a i Kumara Branch 4 10 Kumara Branch .. 4 10 .. 4 10 4 10 HokYtika- Hokitika-Ross .. 15 64 Hokitika-Ruatapu .. 710 0 61| 771 .. .. .. 9 Nov., Ross Ruatapu-Ross .. 71 ! 7 1 .. •• 71 Surveyed .. .. 1 53 .. 1 53 1 53 New survey Ross-Waitaha .. 10 0 Ross-Waitaha .. 10 0 .. 10 0 10 0 Prelim. .. P i o t o n -: Picton-Kahautara 103 30 Picton-Seddon .. 33 45 3 26 36 71 .. .. .. Waipara Seddon-Paru .. 6 30 0 42 6 72 .. .. 6 30 Paru-Ward .. 8 14 .. 8 14 8 14 Ward-Kahautara .. 55 21 .. 55 21 55 21 Kahautara - Mac- 34 65 Kahautara-Mackenzie 34 65 .. i 34 65 34 65 Prelim. Mackenzie-Wai- 35 35 Mackenzie-Domett.. 3 47 ..347 347 .. .. •• para Domett-Tormore .. 3 10 I n 66 9 24 J '' " " ? il- 0V '' P Tormore-Ethelton .. 5 28 \ ° fab 9 2 * 1 • ■ •• .. 21 Mar., Ethelton-Scargill .. 8 51 0 51 9 22 3 Nov., Scargill-Waipara .. 14 59 1 2 15 61 Hurunui- Main Line .. 206 7 Culverden-Soutb Wai- 206 7 64 68 270 75 W aitaki, taki 3 30 7 51 19 56 7 12 93 2 6 7 M. oh. M. ch. 2 52 25 45 4 79 42 8 1 0 2 44 18 36 61 0 0 25 10 44 0 69 11 18 0 62 10 26 2 68 45 15 12 8 0 14 13 15 22 0 30 7 70 0 16 4 74 1 0 4 30 6 18 13 69 8 12 27 68 1 18 8 30 0 25 4 14 8 9 10 M. ch. M. oh. M. oh. 8 50 4 40 5 26 61 0 10 19 I '.'. !! 1 2 8 0.. 14 13 10 59 4 43 i !! 1 30 2 0 11 12 M. ch. tV 31 Mar!, 1907 .. 7 Aug! ,1906 29 Oct!, 1906 .. 12 M. ch. 13 14 M. ch. M. ch. 15 M. oh. i 44 1029 740 16 M. eh. 22 73 37 9 1 44 10 29 9 44 42 27 12 18 7 51 IS 56 7 12 3 69 3 69 •• 26 0 26 0 20 10 5 70 5 1 1 50 6 51 1 Dec, 1904 .. 5 1.. 5 1 24 37 2 10 26 47 24 37 4 10 4 10 4 10 15 64 0 61 7 71 7 1 .. j 1 53 10 0 3 26 36 71 0 42 6 72 8 14 55 21 .. I 34 65 ..7 1 1 53 10 0 Prelim. 9 Nov., 1906 7 10 7 10 with RraiuheH, — J Branches Rangiora-Oxford 21 76 Rangiora-Oxford West 21 76 2 36 24 32 Eyreton (from 20 7 Main Line - West 20 7 1 61 21 Main Line) Eyreton-Bennett's Lyttelton .. 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26 .. 6 26 church Southbridge .. 25 31 Hornby-Southbridge 25 31 3 17 28 48 Little River- 42 10 Lincoln-Little River 22 46 2 5 24 51 Akuroft Reconnaissance .. 19 44 .. 19 44 19 44 Prelim. Springfield .. 30 60 Rolleston-Springfield 29 63 1 3 7 33 67 v Springfield-Coalmine 0 77 ] Whitecliffs .. 11 38 Darfield-Whitecliffs 11 33 ) . M ,„ n Whitecliffs to Bridge 0 5 f Rakaia-Ash- 22 20 Rakaia-Methven .. 22 20 2 65 25 5 burton Forks Ashburton .. 29 46 Tinwald-Springburn 27 29 1 52 29 1 Extension .. 2 17 .. 2 17 2 17 Opawa and Al- 55 8 Washdyke-Eversley 36 5 2 45 38 50 bury to Fairlie Creekand _ „„,. Burke's Pass Preliminary survey.. 19 3 .. 19 3 19 3 Prelim. Waimate .. 4 42 Studholme-Waimate 4 42 1 3 5 45 Waimate Gorge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao 8 21 0 54 8 75 Downs Canterbury Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. 1144 0 27 11 71 .. Interior Surveyed .. 21 7 .. 21 7 21 7 Main Line Reconnaissance .. 50 29 .. 50 29 50 29 Prelim. .. Wai taki- Main Line .. 246 69 South Waitaki-Bluff 246 69 59 13 306 2 Bluff and Rrauchet, — __ „. .. „ Branches Duntroon .. 21 75 Pukeuri-Duntroon .. 21 75 1 35 23 30 Duntroon-Haka 16 98 TVintromi - Hakatoia- 1. r > ;<K 1 ft ll> 43 teramea n,oa Ngapara .. 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara.. 14 76 1 31 16 27 .. .. Livingstone .. 16 40 Windsor-Tokorahi .. 12 0 0 50 12 50 .. 0 5 8 Survey (trial) .. 4 40 .. 4 40 4 40 Pre im Palmerston-Wai- 9 40 Palmerston-Dunback 8 55 0 54 9 29 nemo Surveyed .. 0 65 .. 0 65 0 65 Inch Valley Rail- 2 29 Inch Valley-Lime Kiln 2 29 0 23 2 52 HurunuiW aitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line Waitak iBluff and Branches 10 0 103 30 34 65 35 35 206 7 1 21 76 20 7 : 6 26 25 31 42 10 30 60 11 38 22 20 29 46 55 8 4 42 8 21 83 0 3 47 ) 1 I 0 66 9 24 I ) I 0 51 9 22 1 2 15 61 64 68 270 75 5 7 i 2 36, 24 32 1 61 21 68^ I .. 6 26 3 17 28 48 I 2 5 24 51 I .. 19 44 || 3 7 33 67 || 1 53 13 11 ) 2 65 25 5 ) 1 52 29 1 J .. 2 17 5 2 45 38 50 8 2 il 1 .. 19 3 2 1 3 5 45 1 0 54 8 75 4 0 27 11 71 7 .. 21 7 9 .. 50 29 9 59 13 806 2 6 30 8 14 55 21 34 65 Prelim. 3 47 I :: :: :: 19 44 Prelim. 217 19 3 Prelim. 21 7 50 29 Prelim. 10 1 1-1 • " 43 CD a 0 1 *-> CZ3 00 ■a 14 Nov., 1906 8 21 Mar., 1907 £ 3 Nov., 1905 .2 3 3 a 0Q .5 %M o 43 00 s CD 3 CQ 3 a 43 IM o o 43 1-1 1-1 CO a a s *o 0 <o ■ to ■ 1 9 to c a • • i -s, 43 a 1 :. a 09 a o a .2 1 43 M B< M a s 3 a 1 s CD o< o 3 00 CD * • eS 1 Aug!, 1904 o 00 1 S '■§ a M o a 15 Feb., 1905 '3 CD •a n o h !! 851 3 10 5 28 33 45 I 31 68 206 7 21 76 . 20 7 6 26 25 31 22 46 30 60 11 38 22 20 27 29 36 5 4 42 8 21 11 44 246 69 246 69 21 75 16 98 5 1 35 23 30 ft I 5 16 43 21 75 15 38 14 76 16 40 6 1 31 16 27 0 0 50 12 50 0 .. 4 40 5 0 54 9 29 5 .. 0 65 9 0 28 2 52 '.'. 0 5 !! 4 40 Pre im. 14 76 11 75 9 40 "& 55 065 *2 29 2 29 Port Chalmers.. 1 9 Glendermid - Port 1 9 3 40 4 49 Chalmers Green Island .. 2 44[ Burnside-Saddle Hill 2 44 0 52 3 16 Green Island to 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 .. 4 65 4 65 Brighton Fernbill Colliery 1 60 Abbotsford to Fern- 160 0 24 24 hill Colliery Kaikorai Valley 2 60 Surveyed .. .. 2 60 .. 2 60 2 60 .. Outram ay .. 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram .. 8 78 0 68 9 66 Lawrence .. 21 76 Clarksville-Lawrence 21 76 2 2: 23 78 Lawrence-Rox- 38 25 Lawrence-Evan's Flat 4 0 0 27 4 27 .. 4 0 burBh Evan's Flat-Big Hill 3 20 .. 3 20 .. 3 20 Big Hill-Roxburgh.. 31 5 .. 31 5 31 5 Balclutha-Apple- 105 52 BsUclutha-Owaka .. 19 20 1 63 21 3 .. bv Junction Owaka-Catlin's .. 3 38 0 30 3 68 1 Aug. Catlin's Houipapa .. 2 20 0 9 2 29 .. 2 20 Houipapa-Dewar's .. 3 44 .. 3 44 2 10 1 34 Dewar's-TableHill.. 3 62 .. 3 62 3 62 Table Hill-Tokanui.. 40 69 .. 40 69 40 69 Prelim. Tokanui-Waimahaka 7 67 .. 7 67 5 17 2 50 Waimahaka-Appleby 24 52 1 50 26 22 Waipahi - Heriot 20 3 Waipahi-Heriot .. 20 3 2 3 22 6 HerioTExtension 6 20 Heriot-Eadievale .. 6 20 0 45 6 65 15 Feb. Extension to Rox- 28 10 Surveyed .. 28 10 .. 28 10 28 10 Pream. .. burgh, via Rae's Junction and Via Spylaw .. 25 70 Surveyed .. 25 70 .. 25 70 25 70 Prelim. Waimea Plains 36 39 Gore-Lumsden .. 36 89 1 34 37 73 District Ry. „ „ „ „ Kelso-Gore .. 24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 .. 9 58 9 58 Preliminary survey .. 14 22 .. 14 22 14 22 Prelim. Riversdale- Swit- 13 70 Riversdale Section .. 7 55 .. 7 55 4 35 1 20 2 0 zers Surveyed .. 6 15 .. 6 15 6 15 Edendale-Toitois 19 30 Edendale-Glenham 9 36 0 72 10 28 Surveyed .. 9 74 .. 9 74 9 74 Otaeo Cen- Wai taki Bluff 182 56 Wingatui-Ida Valley 98 18 5 62104 0 • tral Main Line to Ida Valley-Omakau 13 20 116 14 36 1 Sept Lake Hawea , . T . 1 9 9 3 40 4 49 1 9 2 44| 4 65 4 0 52 3 16 5 .. 4 65 465 2 44 1 60 0 0 24 2 4 1 60 2 60 O .. 2 60 2 60 8 78 21 76 38 25 8 0 68 9 66 6 2 2: 23 78 0 0 271 4 27 !0 .. 3 20 5 .. 31 5 O 1 68 21 3 18 0 30 3 68 10 0 9 2 29 4 .. 3 44 2 .. 3 62 9 .. 40 69 17 .. 7 67 ,2 1 50 26 22 3 2 3 22 6 8 78 21 76 4 0 3 20 31 5 105 52 3 38 .. 19 20 3 38 2 20 2 10 1 34 3 62 40 69 Prelim. 5 17 2 50 24 52 20 3 20 3 6 20 28 10 10 0 45 6 65 0 .. 28 10 28 10 Prelim. 6 20 .. 6 2025 70 36 39 25 70 37 73 25 70 Prelim. 36 89 134 9 58 14 22 Prelim. 4 35 1 20 2 0 6 15 24 0 13 70 19 30 6 72 9 58 14 22 7 55 6 15 10 28 9 74 104 0 14 36 2 0 ) 9 36 974 !! '.. Otago Central 182 56 562: 1 16 1 Sept., 1904 ! 13 % Omakau-Chatto Creek 7 36 0 34 7 70 14 July Ohatto Ck.-Alexandra 10 39 1 6 11 45 15 Dec Alexandra-Clvde .. 5 45 0 77 6 42 27 Mar Surveyed .. 47 58 .. 47 58 47 58 Invercar- Invercargill-King- 87 4 Invercargill-Kingston 87 4 5 15 92 19 gill-King- ston Wharf ston and Lumsden-Mararoe 30 0 Lumsden- Mossburn 10 40 1 0 11 40 T» 1. 0 34 1 6 0 77 7 70 11 45 6 42 47 58 92 19 14 July, 1906 .. 15 Dec, 1906 .. 27 Mar., 1907 .. 7 36 10 39 5 45 ■I 19 \ 134 78 IS J Surveyed.. .. 8 20 .. 8 20 8 20 Reconnaissance .. 1120 .. 1120 11 20 Prelim. .. Forest Hill Winton to Hedge- 12 40 Winton - Hedgehope 12 40 0 65 13 25 Railway hope Western Orepuki Branch 35 41 Makarewa-Orepuki .. 35 41) •• iL;i.„o,,„ 6 37 64 13 \ gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Forest Hill Railway Western Railways 87 4 30 0 5 15 1 0 11 40 8 20 11 20 13 25 47 58 .'. .. 8 20 11 20 Prelim. 87 4 10 40 12 40 065 12 40 35 41 6 37 64 13 (;; ;; ;; 5 52 1 3 10 17 617 27 47 03 23 5S 35 41 iv&ilw&vs •»» ■*■*' 1 I Otautau Branch 22 15 Thornbury-Wairio 22 15 \ ■ ■ Orepuki- Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 Orepuki-Waihoaka .. 4 48 0 58 5 26 Waiau Waihoaka - Camp 5 52 .. 5 52 .. 5 52 River Creek Camp Creek-Waiau.. 3 10 3 10 3 10 22 15 13 30 22 15 4 48 OrepukiWai au River 0 58 I 5 26 5 52 3 10 Totals .. 2,204 52 .. 2,204 52 234 55l2,439 27 617 27 47 03 23 59 il2,439 27 23 59 9 •• 1,421 32 27 79 8 51 58 41 1,516 43 2,204 52 234 55l 1 By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington—1907.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines.

Number of Miles open. of Government Lines.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines.




North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Horse-shoe Curve near Turangarere.

The line passes over the bridge (photo, taken before completion) on right of picture, then describes three-quarters of a circle (not in view in print), passes over the light embankment on left of plate, and finally down the gorge shown.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Toanui Viaduct.

North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Toanui Viaduct. Built on 10-chain curve; grade 1 in 66; one 36ft. span, four 64ft. spans, and three pier-head spans of 36ft. on steel piers; 112ft. from rail-level to bed of stream.


Otago Central Railway.—Combined Road and Railway Bridge over the Manuherikia River, at Alexandra. One span of 22ft., one of 44ft., and one of 100 ft.; 60ft. from rail-level to bed of river.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. JAMES McGOWAN, ACTING MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th NOVEMBER, 1907., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. JAMES McGOWAN, ACTING MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th NOVEMBER, 1907. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. JAMES McGOWAN, ACTING MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 8th NOVEMBER, 1907. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, D-01

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