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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister of Marine to His Excellency the Governor. Inspection of Machinery Department, My Lord, — Wellington, I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, His Excellency the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, X.C.V.0., Minister of Marine. Governor of New Zealand.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. '■ Inspection of Machinery Department, Sir, — Customhouse Buildings, 2nd, June, 1905. I have the honour to submit herewith the Annual Report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department for the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1905. The work of the Department has been fully maintained during the year, and shows a marked increase in several branches, notably in the engine-drivers' examinations, the machinery inspections, and the steamer-surveys. The prime movers available for the, economical and successful driving of machinery are now very varied and numerous. The recent advent of the oil-engine, the perfecting of the gas-engine, and the introduction of the electric motor, have greatly aided to build up small manufacturing-works during the recent few years; and where steam is not absolutely required for such works, and where the work to be done is of an intermittent nature, then either of the above-mentioned engines or motor is very suitable for the said works. I am glad to be again able to report that no boiler-explosion causing bodily injury to any one has taken place during the last financial year. Boilers are now being worked in New Zealand at as high a pressure as 400 lb. to the square inch. A large number are carrying 150 lb., and very few boilers are carrying less than 100 lb. pressure. When I joined the Department fifteen years ago a pressure of 100 lb. per square inch on a land boiler was a very rare thing. Greater care has now to be exercised in making our annual inspections and surveys than was required in former years, owing to these higher pressures now carried on boilers. In connection with new boiler-construction all the material used must be of an approved and reliable brand, and better workmanship is now asked for, thus adding to the public safety and insuring to the owner a much more durable and reliable boiler. The engineering firms throughout the colony have met the demand for the better-class boiler with the higher pressures by equipping their workshops with the most approved and up-to-date machine tools to insure greater accuracy and speed. All the holes are now drilled, and, consequently, are fair before the rivets are put in, and the workmanship done in this particular branch of the engineering trade is of the highest class, and equals and compares favourably in every respect with those boilers which are made outside the colony. New Return. Return No. 21 is made for the first time, and contains full information regarding the power and class of certificates required by all steam plants in use at the present time in the colony that are of the power and class necessary to be in charge of certificated men. Boilers Inspected. The total number of boilers inspected during the past year is 5,119, and certificates for this number have been issued. Very little friction has occurred at the annual inspections between the owners and the Inspectors, and the wishes of the owners as to time and date most suitable to them for the inspections have, in most cases, been met. It is, however, difficult to meet all cases, as the officer, when in a district, must complete all the inspections in such district within a reasonable time. All the districts throughout the colony have been visited by the Inspectors, and the work of this branch of the Department is. well up to date.

I—H. 15a,



The machinery attached to these boilers was all inspected at the same time that the boiler-inspeo-tions were made. Government Boilers. The boilers and machinery at the Government institutions throughout the colony have been inspected. Defects op Boilers and Fittings. The number of defects found during the year in connection with boilers and their fittings total 848. Table No. 2 sets out the nature of these defects, and these clearly show the necessity for boilerinspection. Numbers of these defects, if not attended to and remedied, would soon lead to results disastrous both to life and property. New Boilers. The total number of new boilers added to our books during the year is 486, with a total horsepower of 7,588|. Of this number 186 were made in the colony and 300 imported. The following table shows the numbers, the horse-powers, and the districts to which they have

Gas- and Water-driven Machinery and Lifts and Machinery-inspections. During the year 786 gas-engines and 344 oil-engines were inspected. The number of lifts examined was 350. The number of hoists and motors examined was 208. The number of water-motors examined was 273. Special inspections were made of machinery, and 809 certificates issued for the same. This makes a grand total of 2,770 inspections of machinery. Fencing of Machinery. This work has been well attended to, and the details in full of the work specified by the Inspectors to be done are attached in Table No. 4. Examination of Engine-drivers. These examinations have been held all over the colony. As far as possible every application for special place and time of examination has been met, sometimes at great inconvenience to the Examiner. The total number of candidates this year was 1,060. A detailed list of candidates who passed their examination appears in Returns No. 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15. The examinations have been held at the following places during the year : Alexandra South, Auckland*, Blenheim, Christchurch,* Cromwell, Dannevirke, Denniston, Dunedin,* Foxton, Gisborne,* Gore, Greymouth,* Greytown North, Hokitika, Invercargill,* Manakau, Masterton,* Napier,* Nelson,* Otakeho, Palmerston North, Rahotu, Reefton,* Riversdale, Roxburgh, Takaka, Timaru,* Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport.* Accidents. I regret to have to report several accidents to persons working in connection with running machinery. Returns Nos. 5 and 6 give the particulars. Districts and Inspectors. Mr. Hood was promoted from the Auckland District to take charge of the Nelson office. Mr. Grant, who had been in the Wellington District, was transferred to the Auckland District. A new office has been opened at Napier, the shipping work at this port having increased very much of late years. The Gisborne District has been attached to the Napier District. Mr. Sharp was transferred from Otago to take charge of the Napier District in April last year. Mr. Ramsay was appointed an Inspector last year, and filled the vacancy in the Otago District caused by the transfer of Mr. Sharp to Napier. Mr. Cullen was appointed an Inspector last year to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. H. A. McGregor in Wellington.

* Places at whioh more than one examination was held during the year.

Coloi ial. Imported. Total. District. Horse-N-fce, . SS; Number. Number. power. power. Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Timarull Otago ff{ Southland 49 13 7 58 3 3 3 11 18 918| 181 89 9331 56 30 21 98 347 70 12 10 94 4 2 4 8 23 20 18 [v35 1,222J 194 391 1,548 125 131 180 94 520 263 121J 344 119 25 17 152^1 t\ 7 19 41 20_ 36.^: 38 2,141 375 128i ■ 181 43J 201 192 867 263 319J 396 18 3 198 52 I ■! 186 2,924 300 4,664| 486 7,588f



Postal and Police Departments. The officers of both these Departments have assisted this Department greatly in the collection of boiler fees, and in bringing defaulters into line, and assisting in prosecutions that have taken place during the year for breaches of the Inspection of Machinery Act. Marine Engineers' Examinations. These examinations have taken place at the places and times set out in the Department's book of regulations, and at other places to meet the cases of those in the outlying districts. Advantage is always taken, when the Inspector is going his annual rounds of inspection in the various districts, to examine any applicant who has applied to sit for any of these marine examinations. These examinations have been held at the Ports of Auckland,* Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Foxton, Gisborne, Greymouth,* Hokitika, Invercargill,* Maketu, ManapOuri, Napier,* Nelson,* Reefton, Timaru, Waitara, Wanganui,* Wellington.* Return No. 16 gives the names of the successful candidates and the various grades for which they passed, the total number of applicants, the total fees payable, and the number who failed. Surveys of Ships and Steamers. This responsible section of the Department's work has been well attended to during the year, and at the end of the year very few steam-vessels are overdue for survey. In nearly all cases one annual survey has been made, which is a very thorough one, all parts of the ship being opened up for survey. Particular attention this year has been paid to deck-equipments, the life-belts and life-buoys being tested for buoyancy in all steam-vessels. For the life-belts the test applied was 15 lb. weight in fresh water, and for the life-buoys 32 lb. weight also in fresh water. On the whole these appliances stood the test well. The provisioning of boats, begun last year, has been completed, so also has the provisioning of rafts. To prevent the removing of provisions between surveys from the tanks in which these provisions are kept in the boats and rafts the lids of all the tanks were sealed up with a light strip of sheet brass soldered at ends to tank, and stamped by a surveyor. A large number of repairs to steamers were effected at these various surveys. Explosives. During the year 318 written permits were issued by the Department in Wellington for the carriage of explosives on steamships. Survey of Ships for Seaworthiness. Forty-seven of these special surveys were made of steam-vessels during the year throughout New Zealand. The principal causes for these surveys were the following : —Defective condition of the main steam-pipe, caused usually by local cracks near the flanges by the expansion and contraction of the pipe ; damage to hull by fire through spontaneous combustion of the cargo in holds ; defects in steamboilers through the presence of oil in boiler carried over in the feed-water, with consequent overheating of the furnace-crown plating, causing slight collapses ; leakage in hulls of vessels through loose rivets, mostly caused by driving vessel when light against a heavy head sea ; vessels grounding at entrance to Nelson Harbour, Dunedin Harbour, Auckland Harbour, Foxton River, Bluff Harbour ; defective rudders ; damage through collision ; broken and defective main shafts ; defects in machinery. Table No. 19 sets out clearly the dates of survey, names of vessels, where surveyed, and nature of casualty. Fees earned by these surveys amount to £139 13s. Government Steamers. The Government steamers surveyed during the year were the o.e.v. " Countess of Ranfurly," s.s. " Ellen Ballance," s.s. " Hinemoa," s.s. " Janie Seddon," s.s. " Nile," and s.s. " Tutanekai." New Steamers. Forty-four new steamers and vessels fitted with oil-engines have been surveyed for the first time during the year. The names of these vessels are : —" Advance,"! " Albatross," " Baden Powell," " Canopus," "Defender," "Erin," " Eva,"f " Eveline," " Gael," " Hannah,"t "Irini,"t " Kamona," "Kekeno,"t "Kestrel," " Matarere," "Mavis," " Moana," " Moana" (launch), " Mullough," "Naomi II,"f " Natone," " Navua," " Niobe," " Norval,"f " Pateena," " Patiti,"f " Pitoitoi," " Putiki," " Riwaka," " Rothesay," " Rotorua,"f " Shamrock,"f " Speedwell," " Storm," " Success,"t "Sunbeam,"t " Tilikum,"f " Torgauten," " Uiera," " Vesper,"t " Violet,"f " Waiora," " Waipapakauri,"f " Wairua." Survey of Steamers Return. The return numbered 17 gives the number of steamers surveyed by the, Department for the period ended the 31st March, 1905. The return also gives the names of the steamers, their tons register, their nominal horse-power, also the indicated horse-power of steamers and brake horse power of oil-engine vessels, the nature of machinery and propeller. The total number of surveys made of steamers and oil-engine vessels was 335. The number of different vessels surveyed was 316. The fees received for these surveys amount to £1,764. Sailing-ships. Ten sailing-ships were surveyed during the year, and a large number of repairs were carried out to them. Both wood and iron vessels were dealt with. Particulars regarding these vessels appear in Return No. 18. The fees received for th ,se surveys amount to £66 10s.

* Places at which more than one examination was held during the year, f Oil-engine vessels.



Before closing this, my tenth annual report, it might be of interest to compare|the increase of the work in this Department during the last ten years by quoting for your consideration the following figures: —

The number of service certificates that have been issued do not appear in this list. The numbers against each class represent only the candidates actually examined and who obtained certificates. The classes marked with an asterisk represent new classes of examination which have come into force by Act during the last ten years. In the last ten years the boiler-inspections have doubled hi number, the machinery-inspections have increased 8,400 per cent., and the examination-work has increased 1,200 per cent., besides the creation of a great number of classes of examinations which the above table shows. AH correspondence in connection with these examinations, the issue of all boiler certificates, and the work connected with the Postal, Police, and Audit Departments, in relation to these certificates, is performed at the Head Office. This work at one time was done by each Inspector issuing the certificates within his own district, but is now done by the clerical staff, as efficiently, and at less cost. The issue of all certificates and the centralising of the greater part of the clerical work at the Head Office has given each Inspector quite two additional clear months in each year to engage in the practical part of his duties. During the last ten years 38,976 boiler-inspections, and 2,517 steamer-surveys have been made, and only one boiler-explosion has occurred during the whole of that time, causing the death of the attendant. It was proved that the attendant had mistaken the water-level in the gauge-glass, and had allowed the water-level in the boiler to get too low, thereby causing overheating of the furnace, which resulted in the explosion. This explosion occurred on 4th March, 1897, at Waikanae. The above figures show what good practical work is being done by this Department. Returns. Appended are the returns in detail, numbered 1 to 21 : — 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable on these ; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable thereon ; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. 2. Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. i ; t ; 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal. 6. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Names of all persons to whom land stationary, winding, locomotive, and traction certificates of competency and service have been granted during the year. 16. List of persons who were examined for marine engineers' certificates of service and competency. 17. Return as to steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. 18. Return as to sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 19. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 20. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers and sailingvessels. 21. Return showing the names of owners of boilers which require to be in charge of certificated drivers. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Principal Engineer Surveyor of Steamers, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. The Hon. the Minister of Marine.

Boilers inspected Machinery inspected Steamers surveyed Sailing-ships surveyed 1890. .. 2,944 33 207 1905. 5,119 2,770 316 1C Examinations and Certificates issued — First-class marine engineers Second-class „ *.. *Third-class ,, River engineers Marine-engine drivers *First-class oil-powered vessel engineers *Second-class ,, *Restricted limits engineers *Extra first-class shore engineers *First-class engine-drivers *Second-class ,, Winding-engine drivers Traction and locomotive engine drivers ... 2 .. ; 7 .. 32 6 55 12 12 74 31 19 2 13 6 7 234 518 28 273 Total examinations .. 102 1,229




No. 1. (a.) Eeturn showing the Numbek of Land Boilehs and Machinery for which Certificates are issued, for the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. Boilers— Stationary—Five-horse power and under, 1,293 ; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 756 ; over 10-horse power, 1,403 : total, 3,452. Portable —Five-horse power and under, 166; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 1,155; over 10-horse power, 346: total, 1,667. Total boilers, 5,119. Machinery— Hydraulic lifts, 247 ; gas lifts, 45 ; gas and water lifts, 5 ; oil lifts, 3 ; electric lifts, 40; steam and water lifts, 10; gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 208; water-engines, water-motors, and water-wheels, 108; Peltons, 97 ; turbines, 68; gas-engines, 786; oil-engines, 344; steam machinery, 809 : total machinery, 2,770. Grand total, 7,889. (b.) Eetukn showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery, and for the Issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. Fees payable—On boilers £5,920 10s., on machinery £286 ; total £6,206 10s. : for enginedrivers' certificates issued, £540 10s.: total, £6,747. Government boilers and lifts inspected, but not charged, represent the further sum of £81 2s. 6d. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery and paid into the Public Account amounted to £6,685 4s. The difference is caused by boiler-owners paying late fees. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £667 10s. for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1905. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued. (c.) Eeturn showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding and Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers, and to Steam-stationary-engine Drivers, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. Steam winding: Service 9, fees £2 ss. ; competency 25, fees £12 10s. ; hydraulic 1, fees 10s. : total fees, £15 ss. Traction and locomotive: Service 1, fees 55.; competency 230, fees £115: total fees, £115 ss. Steam stationary : Service—First class 16, fees £4. Competency—Extra first class 5, fees £5 ; first class 179, fees £179 ; second class 444, fees £222 : total"fees, £410. Summary of certificates issued : Service—Winding, 9 ; traction and locomotive, 1 ; stationary, 16; total, 26; fees, service, £6 10s. Competency—Winding, 26; traction and locomotive, 230 ; stationary, 628 : fees, £534. Total: Winding certificates, 35 ; fees, £15 ss. Traction and locomotive certificates, 231 ; fees, £115 ss. Stationary certificates, 644; fees, £410. Total certificates, 910 : total fees, £540 10s.

No. 2. Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of screwed stays in firebox wasted Back tube-plates bulged ... Back tube-plate cracked ... Boiler-bottoms bulged Boiler-bottom very thin ... ... Boilers dirty Brickwork setting defective Circumferential seams grooved Compensating-ring round manhole wasted ... Combustion-chamber thin ... Considerable general external waste in shell ... Crack in firebox ... Cross-tube thin ... 1 1 4 1 26 o I 20 52 11 I 2 27 5 1 21 i 56 12 2 1 2 2 i 1 I


Return of Defects— continued.


Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Crown buckled and side-sheets thin Crown of firebox slightly down Crown of firebox badly bulged Crown of firebox corroded Crown of steam-dome wasted Crown-stays wasted and tubes bad ... Crown-stays wasted Defective dogs on sludge-doors Defective furnace Defective stays in combustion- chamber Firebox bulged slightly Firebox bulged badly Firebox wasted ... Firebox badly corroded Foundation-ring defective ... Furnace-crown down General deterioration (pressure reduced) Laminated plate in furnace Laminated plate in firebox Laminated plate in flue ... ... ... ... Leaky stay-nuts at back end of boiler Longitudinal stays wasted Lower hall' of shell, top of shell round uptake, and crown of furnace wasted, also stays Manhole-doors bad Manhole-door studs bad ... Much wasted round shell ... Patches defective ... ... ■ Part of bottom of shell bad Plate in furnace defective ... Eivets in front tube-plate bad Seven screwed stays defective Several rivets bad Several screwed stays in firebox wasted Shell wasted at bottom Shell wasted at crown of boiler Shell wasted at seat of blow-off cock Shell wasted at main stop-valve seat Shell wasted at sludge-door openings Shell wasted round safety-valve seat Shell badly pitted Shell wasted round mountings Shell-plate cracked at several rivet-holes Slight crack in front end of furnace Slight leak in crown of firebox Slight leak in corner of firebox Sludge-hole doors defective Sludge-hole doors bad Two stays wasted... ... Top of combustion-chamber pitted ... Three stay-tubes bad Throat-plates thin Top of firebox wasted at fusible plug Tubes bad Cube-plates bad ... Tube-plates wasted Two lengths of flue bad ... Uptakes thin Washers on longitudinal stays bad ... Wasted at circumferential seams at bottom ... Wasted at cross-tubes Wasted at line of firebars ... Wasted on shell in line with brickwork Wasting round neck of Galloway tubes Weak tube-plates 4 i 2 9 2 4 2 18 1 3 1 4 4 1 1 VI 15 1 1 98 2 2 2 1 11 4 2 22 1 8 1 4 4 2 1 12 2 24 2 1 1 98 2 2 2 1 11 8 1 10 1 14 2 6 3 1 ' 2 1 14 9 1 2 7 1 34 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 7 23 1 2 1 1 4 60 17 6 1 4 2 5 1 1 4 1 22 2 1 6 3 1 2 1 14 9 1 2 7 1 44 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 7 31 1 2 1 1 4 60 3 17 1 6 1 4 2 5 1 1 4 "e 3 1 Totals 60 564 624



Digesters found to be defective on Inspection during Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Defective Fittings found on Inspection of Boilers for which Notice was given to renew or repair during Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. 1 Injector repaired. 3 New feed-check valves and chests. 2 Main stop-valves and safety-valves repaired. 6 New safety-valves. 1 New injector. 1 New safety-valve and seat. 21 New water-gauge mountings. 1 New steam-dome. 2 New water-gauge pipes. 7 New spring balances. 7 New handles for water-gauge mountings. 2 New gland-studs in blow-off cock. 1 New drain-cock to water-gauge mountings. 1 New feed-pump. 11 New fusible plugs. 1 New feed-pump valve. 1 New bend fitted to feed-pipe. 9 New manhole-doors. 26 New steam-pressure gauges. 29 New sludge-hole doors. 3 New steam-pipes. 3 Spring balances repaired. 17 New blow-off cocks. 1 Safety-valve repaired. 4 New blow-off pipes. 1 Safety-valve lever repaired. 1 New branch for main steam-pipe. 20 Water-gauge cocks repaired. 1 New bend in main steam-pipe. 8 New test-cocks. 193 . 1 New stud for blow-off cock.

No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. V number of rivets bad Badly grooved round bottom of shell bottom door defective >own of digester bad ; also a number of rivets for mounting and door bad stays wasted Pwo screws in bottom door bad /ery much corroded inside 21 21 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 2 i i i Totals 27 81

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 3 4 1 Cornish „ .. • it a Dryback Marine ... Lancashire Locomotive it • ■ • Brickwork repaired. A number of rivets renewed in shell. Laminated plate cut out of flue, and new one fitted. A portion of furnace renewed. A patch put under blow-off cock on shell. Two angle-iron rings fitted to strengthen crown of flue. A portion of bottom of shell renewed. Furnace-crown set back. Laminated plate cut out, and new one fitted. Compensating-rings fitted round sludge-openings. New longitudinal stays fitted. Front tube-plate reriveted to shell. New stud fitted to sludge-door. Three new stay-tubes, and eight new crown-stays. New front tube-plate fitted. Two new patches fitted in fire-box, and thirty new screwed stays. A number of new screwed stays fitted. A new set of tubes and new firebox fitted. Seven new stay-tubes. New firebox, and new skirting. New firebox. Retubed. Ten new crown-stays fitted. Five new rivets in firebox. Eetubed, and new manhole-door fitted. Three new stays put in combustion-chamber. Defective furnace patched. Blow-off cock taken off pipe and placed direct on boiler. Compensating-ring fitted round main stop-valve opening in shell. New longitudinal stays fitted. Bulge in bottom of shell cut out, and patch riveted on. Brickwork rebuilt. a n • •' it . a •'' it Marine ... „ ... ... Multitubular



Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

umber. Type. Description of Repairs. 9 2 5 3 5 11 1 1 1 5 3 1 12 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 38 1 2 2 15 1 2 2 2 1 1 7 1 Multitubular Brickwork repaired. A number of rivets renewed in shell. Patch riveted on crown of steam-dome. New studs in sludge-door. Compensating-rings fitted to sludge-door openings. Eetubed. New patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Patch on shell at blow-off cock rejointed. One new stay and one new tube fitted. Manhole-doors repaired. Manhole-doors reriveted. Three new stay-tubes fitted. New sludge-doors. Washers on longitudinal stays renewed. New tube-plate in front end, and retubed. Three new plates fitted in shell. New manhole-doors. A number of new rivets put in circumferential seams. New steam-dome. Sixteen new stay-tubes. Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. Patch fitted on bottom of shell. A number of new tubes put in. A number of tubes drawn to clean boiler. Top rows of tubes renewed. Patch riveted on boiler under steam-dome. Compensating-rings fitted round sludge-door openings. Several new stay-tubes fitted. Patch fitted under fire-door in furnace. Patches in firebox renewed. Retubed. Three patches fitted on corners of firebox. New girder-stays fitted to firebox-crown. Patches fitted to bottom of firebox. Three new longitudinal stays fitted. New firebox, new set of tubes, and new set of screwed stays fitted. Throat-plate patched. New studs fitted to sludge-doors. Front tube-plate patched, four new tubes and fifteen new screwed stays. Patched on crown of firebox round fusible plug. Front tube-plate reriveted. New firebox fitted, also new stay-tubes. New dog for sludge-door. Longitudinal stays renewed and front tube-plate reriveted. Patches fitted in firebox. New sludge-doors. Manhole-door repaired. A number of new tubes fitted. New girders on firebox crown and compensating ring round sludgedoor openings. Two new plates put in bottom of barrel and retubed. Twelve new tubes. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Nine new tubes put in. New firebox and girder-stays. Patch fitted on barrel under feed-pump. Patch fitted at corner of foundation-ring. Four new stays and new studs in sludge-doors. New longitudinal stays fitted. New crown in fire-box and patch at back end of firebox. New firebox. Twenty new screwed stays put in firebox. Fifteen new screwed stays put in firebox. Thirty new screwed stays put in firebox. A number of new screwed stays put in firebox. Compensation-ring fitted round sludge-door opening. Retubed. Patch fitted on crown of firebox. Two new longitudinal stays. Longitudinal stays cut and jointed. New furnace and tubes fitted. Compensating-ring fitted round sludge-door openings. a if if it a Portable n a it 2 2 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 a it a it it it 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a a a Rectangular Semi-portable Semi-tubular it


Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

2—H, 15a,


Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 1 1 2 1 Semi-tubular New sludge-door. Several stays renewed. Furnace-crown strengthened. New tubes and firebox fitted. Patches in firebox and on outside shell renewed, also tube-ends cut off and beaded over. Two patches in firebox and four new stays. A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. A number of new tubes put in. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Fireboxes patched. Retubed. New firebox and new screwed stays fitted. Seven new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Seven new tubes put in. New pins put in end of palm-stays. Compensating-rings fitted round sludge-door openings. Patch put on back head. Twenty new screwed stays put in firebox. New studs and nuts for manhole-door. Compensating-ring fitted round manhole-opening and four new stay-tubes. Old patch taken off firebox and a larger one fitted. Eight new screwed stays in firebox. Eleven new screwed stays in firebox. Tubes expanded and ferrules fitted. A number of tubes drawn for cleaning and replaced. Lower half of shell renewed. Patch put on shell under feed-pump. New uptake fitted. Patch fitted under blow-off cock. Foundation renewed. Compensating-ring round sludge-door opening, and two patches at bottom of shell. Manhole-door repaired. New sludge-door fitted. One new stay fitted. Compensating-ring fitted round sludge-door opening and checkvalve opening. Patch round skirting of firebox. New firebox-crown and new uptake. New uptakes fitted. Compensating-ring round sludge-door opening, also round watergauge openings. New sludge-doors fitted. Nine extra stays put in furnace. Oompensating-ring round sludge-door opening and uptake reriveted. Uptake patched. Lower half of shell renewed, new neck-piece round uptake, new furnace-crown, six new stays, and patch at bottom of firebox. Retubed. New sludge-door. Compensating-ring round sludge-door openings. New sludge-door. Compensating-rings round sludge-door openings. a Traction it 1 2 6 1 3 13 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 a " • a a a a 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a Vertical cross tube a a 1 1 1 1 a Vertical flue „ ... 1 1 2 1 a it a 4 1 1 2 1 a a 1 1 1 1 1 12 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 4 1 1 1 Vertical field tube Vertical portable ... Vertical tubular ... a a ••• n Retubed. Four new stays fitted. New firebox-crown. Two new stays fitted. New crown-plate fitted. Firebox patched. Patched round line of firebars. New stays fitted. New crown and new tubes fitted. New set of tubes and four new stays. New sludge-hole doors. Three new stays put in. New top tube-plate. A number of new tubes. n a ••• a ... a a a a a • • ■ 405


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c., during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 12 4 2 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 2 7 1 1 2 Bakery ... Bone-mill Boot-factory Brewery Brickmaking Cement-works Chaff-cutting Cheese-factory Coach-factory Cordial-factory Creamery tt Dairy-factory it it Dredging Electric motors ... Electric lift Emery wheel Engineers' shops ... Fellmongery Fish-preserving ... Flax-mill Shaft of dough-mixing machine. Belting. Main shafting. Grinding - mill, also elevator and bottlingmaehiue belting. Shafting and belt. Pug-mill. Machinery and belts. Machinery. Eefrigerator and engine fly-wheel. Belting. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Fly-wheel. Belting and machinery. Engine fly-wheel. Pulley and belting. Churn. All machinery and belting. Windlass. Engine fly-wheel. New crown-wheel to fit. Framework carrying top tumbler to strengthen. Belting. End of motor-shaft. Wire ropes renewed. Belting. Fly-wheel of Engine and emery wheel. Belting. Planing-machine belt. All belting. Main driving-belt. Main driving-belts. Shafting. Machinery. End of roller-spindle. End of Pelton wheel and scutcher-shaft. Belting to fence and mouth of scutcher to reduce. Fly-wheel of engine and belting. Size of scutcher-mouth to reduce. Scutcher-belt. Fly-wheel of engine to fence and mouth of scutcher to reduce. Boiler-belts. Mouth of scutcher to be strengthened. Belting. Intermediate shafting and oatmeal - stones shafting. Intermediate shafting and rollers, also upright shaft for turbine. Intermediate and main shafting. Countershaft. Bands shrunk on to strengthen them. Belting and end of compressor-shaft. Belting. To be securely fenced. Fly-wheel and shafting. Fly-wheels. Projecting keys in fly-wheel. End of crank-shaft. New wire ropes fitted. Safety grips overhauled. New chain fitted. New safety grips fitted. Doors to be fitted to cage. Chains annealed. New wire ropes fitted. Chains renewed. Counterpoise-weight renewed and safety grips overhauled. 2 5 4 1 ir 1 4 1 1 It ■ * ' lf ... Flour-mill a 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 7 9 10 8 12 1 1 3 5 18 1 L Fly-wheels Freezing-works ... Furniture-factory ... Gas-engines Gas lifts a it Hydraulic lifts

H.—lsv .

Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 2 1 Hydraulic lifts It • • • Jam-factory Joiner's shop n • • • • •' a • • • • • • it • • • Leather-dressing ... Log-hauling Manure-works Oil-engines ti ''' it ''' Oleo-works Pelton wheels it • ■ * * • • „ ... ... Power lift Portable engine ... Printing machinery a *'' a Quartz-crushing machinery Riding-gallery Sash and door factory it Sawmills it a • ■ • * ■ * it ' • • a • • • it ''' a ■ • * ■ ■ Spring-mattress making Steam-engines Steam-lift Tannery... Tobacco-cutting ... Traction-engine ... it ■ • • Turbine ... Twine-mill Venetian-blind factory Water-wheel Winding-engine ... tf ... Woodworking tt ■ * * a ''' a • ■ ■ Wool-dumping Wool-works ... New safety grips to fit. New springs for safety catches. ... Three new wire ropes, new guides for counterpoise - weight, waste water and air pipes renewed. ... Belting. ... Emery wheel. ... Planing-machine belts. ... Main shafting. ... Circular-saw. ... Countershaft. ... Machinery. ... it ... Projecting key in shaft to cut off. ... All belting. ... Fly-wheel and belting. ... End of crank-shaft and driving-belt. ... End of crank-shaft. ... Fly-wheels. ... Belting wheels and pulleys. ... All belting. ... Belts and gearing. ... Main driving-pulley, belting, and crown wheel. ... Machinery. ... Safety-catches to fit. ... Fly-wheel. ... Wheels and rollers. Countershafting. ... Vertical shafting. ... Fly-wheels. ... Belting. ... Projecting key in shafting. . . Main shafting. ... Machinery and belting. ... Wire-rope and machinery. ... Four belts to fence. ... Fly-wheel of engine and belting. ... Two emery wheels. ... Belting. ... Belting, pulley, and machinery. ... Fly-wheel of engine. ... Two emery wheels and engine-belt. ... Emery wheel and end of pulley-shaft. ... Planing-machine belt. ... Pump-shaft. ... Main driving-belts. ... Main shafting and belts. ... Fly-wheel and shafting. ... Safety grips overhauled. ... Machinery. ... Projecting key in shafc to cut. ... i Spur-wheel and steering-gear to repair. ... Spur-gearing to renew. ... Driving-wheel to refasten and feather in wormwheel gear to renew. ... Eace to cover and bevel-wheels to guard. ... I Machinery. ... ! Belting and shafting. ... i Water-race. ... Wheel to guard and race to fence. ... Pulleys and belts. ... I Clutch-keys to renew. ... I Boss of drum-wheel to refasten. ... ! New wire rope. ... Belting. ... Fly-wheel of engine and belts. ... Band saw. ... End of shaft and planing-machine belt. ... Pulleys, shaft, and belting. ... Engine and pulleys. ... Main driving-shaft. 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 17 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 61 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 10 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 5 1 1 397



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ending the 31st March, 1905.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. I John Kings!and and Co., Bootmakers, Inveroargill Rollers William Fearn; aged 40 y8th May, 1904 : slight bruise on arm Own fault. The attendant went under guard, although warned not to do so, just before the accident occurred. Mishap. Cutting firewood. Saw refused a round hard piece of wood, causing it to act as a screw, drawing fingers into saw. Mishap. Cage dropped. Cage was supposed to have been jambed on the guides, or by counterpoise-weight rope, on a level with the third floor. The cage-rope by some means having slacked and come off the pulley, the man injured jumped on the cage, when it immediately dropped to the ground floor. Own fault. He attempted to remove with hia fingers a chip from edge of saw while in motion. Carelessness. Reaching up without looking, he put his fingers between bevel-wheels of the drilling machine he was attending to at the time of accident. Mishap. The injured man states that his foot slipped, and, extending his hand to save himself, he placed it in the way of the revolving knives of the machine he was working at the time. Carelessness. The injured man went inside rail to put on the belt on water-scutoher while the maohinery was in motion. His coat caught on oollar of shaft. Mishap. His foot slipped, and his arm was drawn into the water-scutcher and was badly crushed. Carelessness. Attempting to clean connecting - rod of engine while in motion. Carelessness. Using his hand instead of the tongs. The plate sprang up and jambed his thumb against the machine. Mishap. His hand beoame entangled in hank of fibre and was drawn into scutoher. The soutcher was fitted with safety mouth-piece. Mishap. While shifting belt of lathe, a rudder-arm, which he was boring out, struck him on the shoulder. Mishap. His hand was caught in leather-rollers. He reversed machine himself and freed his hand, which was badly torn. Carelessness. Stewart was putting a belt on a clutoh-pulley while machinery was in motion. Carelessness. He allowod his hand to get into stripper while he was feeding flax. Ignorance. He was using kerosene to loosen scale in a hot boiler immediately after the boiler had been blown down. A gas was formed, in the presence of which he lit a match, when an explosion occurred. Clark Bros., Merchants, Maheno Circular saw Frederick Townsley ; aged 25 23rd June, 1904: lost three fingers of left hand Hadley and Co., Albert Street, Auckland thdraulio goodslift J. Lane; aged 31 3rd July, 1904: sprained arms Young and Co., Wakapatu 8th July, 1904: cut finger Circular saw George Sims; aged 22 W. Cable and Co., Lion Foundry, Wellington Drilling-machine John McKay; aged 20 25th July, 1904 : top of two fingers on left hand taken off Robertson Bros., Sash and Door Factory, Hardy Street, Nelson Machine, " General Joiner " William F. Pellew; aged 38 26th July, 1904: fingers of left hand taken off in a line from the base of little finger to the second joint of first finger Searle and Co., Ocean Beach, Invercargill Flax-mill August Haas ; aged 22 9th August, 1904 : col-lar-bone broken William Laws, Waimahaka, Southland Flax mill Albert Smith ; aged 20 28th September, 1904: broken arm, and badly bruised Bycroft (Limited), Flourmillers, Auckland Steam-engine .. Biohard Moody; aged 24 14th October, 1904: finger badly crushed John McGregor and Co., Otago Foundry, Dunedin Punching and shearing machine Archibald Miller ; aged 20 15th October, 1904: crushed thumb J. Kerr, Flax-mill, Brown's, Invercargill Flax-mill Alexander Paterson ; aged 19 17th October, 1904: lost left hand W. Cable and Co., Lion Foundry, Wellington Lathe.. A.Williamson; aged 50 19th Ootober, 1904: injured shoulder and ribs Michaelis, Hallenstein and Farquhar, Tanntrs, &c, Dunedin Leather-roller .. James Kay; aged 27 2nd November, 1904 : hand lacerated John Wilson and Co., Warkworth Cement and lime maohinery Edward Stewart ; aged 30 2nd November, 1904 : injury to muscles of thigh and calf of leg M. Raymond, Flaxmiller, Nokomai Flax-mill R. Gardiner ; aged 50 7th November, 1904: lost forefinger Moir and Co., Cashel Street, Christchurch Boiler.. Norman Archer ; aged 20 18th November, 1904 : burns on neck and arms



No. 5.—Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Murgatroyd Bros., Manchester Street, Christohurch Wool-soouring machine Alfred Ransley; aged 31 23rd November, 1904 : crushed fingers Carelessness. This employee attempted to lubricate the cog-wheels of this machine while in motion. Mishap While driving a wedge on the breaking-down bench he missed the wedge and his right arm went back into the saw. Smith, MeKean and Co., Ohutu Saw-mill John MoKean; aged 22 25th November, 1904 : arm cut with circular saw and afterwards amputated in the hospital above elbow 1st December, 1904: left hand cut off Campbell and Burke, 2, Belfast Street, Wellington Planing machine Ernest Meriok; aged 18 Carelessness. While pushing a piece of timber over the planing - knives his fingers were caught by the blades, the hand drawn in, and severed below the wrist. Mishap. Clothing got caught in machine he was attending to. Carelessness. Finger oaught while feeding machine. Riohard Kent, Victoria I Strt et, Ghristchuroh Polishing maohine S. J. Sapsford ; aged 19 1st December, 1904: out over eye R. Hannah and Co., Lambton Quay, Wellington A. H. Webb, 146, Montreal Street, Sydenham, Christchurch Leather-rollers.. William Sadd ; aged 17 1st December, 1904 : finger crushed Wood-planing maohine W. Webb; aged 21 9th December, 1904: lost little finger Carelessness. While pushing a piece of timber over the knives his hand slipped and got caught. Mishap. Inadvertently put his hand on top of revolving wheel, while engaged at work at the wringer. Foolhardiness. Attempted to clean dough off stamps with his fingers while maohine was in motion. Foolhardiness. Griffiths attempted to remove the dough from machine while in motion. Mishap. Inadvertently put his hand in mitre machine. Philip Wills, Hanson Street, Wellington Power clotheswringer Arthur Miller; aged 39 19th December, 1904: finger slightly crushed Bycroft (Limited), Shortland Street, Auokland. B iscuit-cutting machine Wilfred Jonson; aged 19 30th Deoember, 1904: fingers out Bycroft (Limited), Shortland Street, Auokland Biscuit-cutting machine Hugh Griffiths; aged 18 6th January, 1905: finger cut H. Brown and Co., New Plymouth Mitre machine.. Lathe Edward Shaw; aged 30 4th January, 1905 : top of middle finger of left hand cut off 10th January, 1905 : injury to hand Carelessness. Through ignoring instructions and handling drill wrongly he got his hand jambed in the lathe-rest. Mishap. Finger caught between tool and the piece of brass he was working. With care it might have been avoided. Foolhardiness. Attempted to lubricate machine while in motion. Carelessness. While feeding he allowed his hand to get into the knives of the woodplaning machine. Mishap. In reversing machine by hand he got bis hand caught in cog-wheels. Mishap. Slipped while working at the machine and inadvertently put his hand between cog-wheels in trying to recover himself. Foolhardiness. Attempting to olear the cutters with his hand while the machine was in motion. Mishap. While in the act of lubricating the engine, which at the time was not in motion, with his foot in the path of the crank, the winchman suddenly lifted the ladder, freeing the buckets and causing the engine to turn half a revolution and jamb Tizard's foot. Carelessness. While working at the maohine his right hand was caught. Foolhardiness. Through placing his right hand on the back of the saw while in motion to remove sawdust. G. Methven and Co., Crawford Street, Dunedin G. Cunningham ; aged 20 W. Cable and Co., Lion Foundry, Wellington Lathe H. Johnson; aged 19 11th January, 1905 : second finger of right hand lacerated W. Cable and Co., Lion Foundry, Wellington Travelling crane S. Williamson; aged 16 13th January, 1905: arm lacerated C. and W. Hayward, 103, George Street, Dunedin Wood-planing machine A. L. Hay ward; aged 39 17th January, 1905: lost first three fingers of right hand Wairarapa Farmers' Cooperative Association, Masterton James Maddren, Madras Street, Christohurch Goods - lift machine Edwin Daniel; aged 26 27th January, 1905 : thumb crushed Flax-stripper W. Ohenery; aged 38 13th February, 1905 : finger taken off at second joint Aulsebrook and Co., Confectioners, Christchurch B i scuit-cutting maohine George Evens; aged 16 20ch February, 1905 : fingers of left hand crushed Junotion Electric Goldmining Company (Limited), Dunedin Steam-engine .. Charles Tizard; aged 18 22nd February, 1905: two toes broken Edmonds and Page, Tuam Street, Christchurch Griffin and Sons (Limited), Nelson Wo odworking machine William Evans; aged 30 24th February, 1905 : fingers of right hand badly cut 16th March, 1905 : thumb and two fingers of right hand injured Circular saw .. Thomas Linning; aged 30



No. 5.—Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

No. 7.-Return of Steam- winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. /illiam Ross and Sons, twine manufacturers, Napier Carding-macnine Timothy McCarthy ; aged 18 27th March, 1905 : arm drawn into cord - rolls and crushed Mishap. McCarthy was attending to carding-machine when his foot slipped. While stretching out his arm to save himself from falling he inadvertently thrust his hand between the rolls of machine. His hand and lower part of arm were crushed before machine could be stopped. Carelessness. In reaching over the machine while it was in motion her arm came in contact with two small cog-wheels, with the result that the flesh was pinched and slightly bruised. The girl was entirely to blame for the accident in not stopping the machine which she oontrols by pressure of the foot. i. Hannah and Co. (Limited), Lambton Quay, Wellington Seam-finisher .. L. Williams ; aged 15 30th March, 1905 : pinched and bruised arm o. 6. —Return of .CCIDENTS whia Financial "! i proved Fatal in connection w: ear ended the 31st March, 1905 ith Machinery during the Name and Address of Owner. Description ot Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. I Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Andersons (Limited), Lyttelton Rivet-111 Hiki ug machine Noimau Hen- , 17th May, 1905 : | Carelessness. VVnile putting derson ; aged crushed belt on pulley to drive rivetabout 45 making machine he was oaught in belting, carried round shafting, and killed. Henry Davis; 21st July, 1904: blow Mishap. There was an unaged 32 ' under the ear noticed split in one end of log. When cut by saw a piece beoame detached, and flew off and struck Davis. James Friar ; 21st July, 1904: die- Mishap. Priar was oaught aged 55 membered in belt and whirled round shaft. No one saw the accident. W. E. Warren; 1st December, 1904: Carelessness. Warren oame aged 34 electrocuted in accidental contaot with a highly charged electrical oircuit while handling a switch. He failed to take the precaution to put on the rubber gloves provided for the purpose by the firm when dealing with any switch alteration. Charles Peter I 24th March, 1905 : Mishap. He was cutting the Nielsen; aged i crushed spare end of the shaft, and, 53 years while attending to the cutter, his coat must have caught in the set screw in the collar on shaft. The wheel was revolving at the time. New Zealand Pine Company, Inveroargill Twin ciroularsaws National Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) of New Zealand, Dunedin City of Wellington Electric Light and Power Company, Harris Street, Wellington Shafting for driving grindstone B lee trie gene-rator-switch King Solomon Syndicate, Cullensville Overshot waterwheel

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. Alfred Edward Stephens ... William Turner ... John Brooking ... Cornelius John Dixsan Albert Edward .Penning ... George Henry Garrett Winding, service it it it it it it July 8 ... 8 ... September 19 ... November 11 ... 11 ... December 30 ... 1905. 48 49 50 51 52 53 it it It It James Henry Heath James Dunstan ... Henry Beckett ... It it January 25 ... 25 ... February 8 ... 54 55 56 it it It It



No. 8.—Return of Hydraulic-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

No. 9.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905

No. 10.—Return of Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. illiam Brown ... ... Winding, competency 1905. ... January 25 ... 306

Name of Person. Glass of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Benjamin Alexander Johnston Gilbert Alexander Gillies ... Adam Clarke Girven John Vincent Eiesterer Peter James McMahon Francis Clerkin ... Eichard William Hocking... Robert Alexander Stewart Donald John McDonald Frank Ball Harold Gustaff Anderson . . William Barlow Houghton William McLean John Cook Petrie Albert John Stewart John Thomas Ward William Frederick Dengate James Turnock Bennett ... Samuel George Veale Eichard Perry Arthur John Clarke Henry Joseph Boardman ... Winding, competency it it II II II II II II 1904. May 13 ... 13... 13 ... 13 ... July 8 ... 8 ... 8 .. 8 ... 8 ... 8 ... August 16 ... 16 ... 16... 16 .. 16 ... September 19 ... November 11 ... 11 ... 11 ... 11 ... 11 - December 30 ... 1905. March 13 ... 13 ... 13 ... 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 II II II II II II It It August Crowder ... Edward Patton ... Daniel Joseph Scally It It 307 308 309 II II II II

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. [ iharles Mancy ... Traction, service 1904. ... September 19 ... 547


No. 11. —Return of Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. James William Wilson Locomotive and competency Ditto ... traction, May 13 1081 Percy Edwin Smart Robert Patchett ... John Jacob Davis Freeman Stanley Richardson Jackson Roderick Gordon Litchfield David Smart Joseph Henry Stade William Henry Hadler George Hardie ... Henry Thompson James Pedersen ... John Keay, jun. ... Andrew McLauchlan Andrew Gardiner Copland Kenneth Russell Gwatkin ... William John Lambie Alfred Thomas Sambrook ... Arthur Samuel Carr Edward John Sanger William Duncan Orossan ... James Holmes Straw Colin Armstrong Sutherland William John Brown Jared Henry Graham Charles Henry Williams ... Robert Dawson ... Thomas Aitken ... Thomas Joseph Boyle Alexander Caithness William Moore Carson James Joseph Crawford George Cushnie ... Thomas Guise ... Adam Hamilton ... James Macartney James George McCartney ... William Tweedie Richmond David Sheddan ... Joseph Sutton Charles Sydney Woodward David Baldwin ... John Henry Campbell Charles Henry Eves John Cupit Phelan William Anderson Lamb ... Philip Charles Lewis John Alexander ... John Creighton, jun. John Dick Walter William Gaiger Donald Morrison Benjamin Shears Jesse Colin South Thomas Williams James Knox Cullen Thomas Parry James William James Knapman ... John Edward Leydon John Pearson Hugh William Theodore Andrews ... George William Anderson ... George Joseph Wallace Anderson ... David John Doak Thomas Moore Dynes Martin Fisher // tt • • • • • • ff ... ... f f ... ... lr ... ... If • ■ • f f ... ... it ■ • ' it • • • ■ • ■ „ ... ... it • • • it ■ * - • • • tt • ' ' */ it It II II It II It It It n It it II II if II It n n It July August n tt if ft 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 it • ' • ff ... ... f f ... ... n • • • • • • tt • • • f f ... ... tt • • • • • • it ■ • • it • ' • f f ... ... // • ■ • rti


No. 11.—Return of Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers — continued.

3—H. 15a.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Percy William Fryer Locomotive and competency Ditto ... traction, 1904. August 16 1148 Thomas James McEvedy ... Henry Gibson McKay George Alfred Oakley Thomas Patterson William James Middleton... John Moffatt William Clements McCausland Victor Nicholas Maffey Samuel John Martyn James Reid Joseph Stalker William James Taylor Isaac White Leonard Walter Bushby ... Alfred James Hall Carl Edward Gray Thomas Henry Jones William Melville... Albert William Mullenger... Alexander Lind ... John James Bardsley George Butler Andrew Chapman George Cherry ... John Currie Bobert Kerr Crombie James Doherty ... Andrew Eunson ... James Geddes, jun. Walter Wight Henderson ... Eobert Mitchell ... Andrew James Myhill William Carson Patterson... John Stewart Arthur Ernest Styles Alexander Ferrier William Millar Nicolson ... Edward Ernest Woodley ... Joseph Bates William Fowler Christie ... George Gilder John Duncan Morrison William Charles McGarrigle William McPhee... James Service Herbert Simpson Eobert Southgate Edward James Wright Carl Anderson William Carl Anderson John Gale Herbert Henry Schwass ... William Moses ... William Barker ... Hugh McKay Henry William Gibson Charles Edge William George Fraser James Thomas Gallagher ... Alfred George Holland Hugh Holland ... Thomas Hooper ... James McCormiek Percy O'Donnell... John Poison Arthur Albert Shaw i • • it • • • it • • • it • • • It • • • it * ' * tt ' ' ' it ' " ' It " * ' * ' * 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 September 19 19 19 19 19 November 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 tt ' ' ' It * * * ' * * ft ' ' ' ' ' * It * • * * * * tt ' ' ' * ' ' ft ' • ' ' ' * It • • • ' * * It ' ' ' * ■ * n • • • it tt • * * • • • „ ... ... tt • • • ' ' ' it • • * a * • • T * T


No. 11.—Return of Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Locomotive and competency Ditto ... traction, 1904. November 11 1215 John Henry Sutton Peter Vickery William Me Arthur Welsh... George William Brogden ... James Connor Albert William Guilford ... David Kellahan ... Bernard Langer ... Charles Elliott Lavers John Alfred Marshall Donald McLean ... Samuel Creed Prue Henry Snushall ... James Thomas Stewart Scobie McKay Frederick Howard Douglas Glen Stuart Charles Glasgow Robert Ross Balloch William Bird Albert Edward Clement ... John McDonald ... Patrick Toal Mallon Donald Malcolm McLeod William Eeid, jun. Edward Vitty Barreyatt ... Charles O'Neill Armitage Cowan William John Kirker William George Pearee John Patrick Leonard George Bartlett, jun. George Currie William Smith James Thomas Kean Jeremiah Mannix John McBeath ... Robert McLeod ... Alexander Richardson William Stewart... William John Taylor James Wilson, jun. Jesse Charles Nicholls William Brown ... Eshton Nutter ... James William Sunderland John Forrester ... Alexander Smith Herbert Buckrell 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 December 30 30 30 30 30 1905. 1216 1217 1218 1219 1320 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1266 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 ft ■ ■ • Frederick John Thurston ... Charles Herbert Clayden ... Rudolph Lysaght Wigley ... Daniel Cosgrove ... Thomas Edward Simms ... James Albyn Newrick John McNab Lewis Gelardie ... William Philp ... Walter James Shepherd ... William Spencer Nairn Walter Hugh Rudkin Robert John Anderson Christopher Bailey Donald Campbell Charles Henry Crawford ... Frank Greaves ... Robert Hampton Frederick William Hilgendorf January 25 25 25 February 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 I! ■ • • If ... ... If • ■ •



No. 11.—Return of Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers— continued.

No. 12. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

ame o: 'erson. lass ol ierl icai ;e. late o: .ssue. 0. 1905. Robert Neale Locomotive and competency Ditto ... traction, February 8 1283 Henry William Peryman ... Andrew Carr Shore Albert Henry Tyler Charles Albert Tyler William Bradshaw Alexander Reid Jack Alexander Ledingham John McLeish Maxwell John Henry Steadman James Walker George Edwin Brown David Ross Balloch Thomas Burke ... David Craig William Gutschlag William Barr Reid William John Taylor George Tasman Dawson ... 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1904. December 30 1905. March 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 It • • * ' ■ ■ Lambert Emanuel Berggren It • • • • * • 1302 Benjamin Alfred Brothers Edward Francis McCaffery Frederick James Paltridge Charles O'Connor Haddo Gordon Samuel Campbell John Owen Harold Broom Claude Harry Richardson ... William John McGonigal ... James Mathieson Sidney Frank Waite 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 it • • ■ • • • it It • • • • • •

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. Thomas Burk William Turner ... John William Dower Edward Toy William Stewart Hennah ... Peter Davison Charles Mancy ... Cornelius John Dixsan George Henry Garrett James Henry Heath Adam Nixon ... First-class stationary, service ... Ditto ... ... I .,, I (/ ... ... ... May 13 July 8 8 8 August 16 16 September 19 November 11 December 30 30 30 1905. 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 James Pnrdie James Dunstan ... Thomas McAuley Henry Beckett William Henry Spence ... „ ... ... ... ... t f ... ... ... ... a ... ... ... January 25 25 25 February 8 March 13 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636



No. 13.—Return of Extra First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

No. 14. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

'ame ol 'erson. iass oi !en ioal \e. ;e o: issue. o. xeorge Robertson Croll dfred Horace Hodge jlewellyn George James ... ohn Miller xeorge Bodley ... Extra first-class, stationary if it 1904. May 13 August 16 16 16 September 19 26 27 28 29 30 a n a a

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. William Tweeddale First - class, stationary competency Ditto ... May 13 491 Herbert George Grant Robert Gray James Thomas Lewis Ernest Edward Low Albert Ernest Windle Alexander Brown Couper ... William Sydney Hall Eobert Kelly Hugh Christmas... John Hunter Charles Bruce Mercer William Shaw McCallum ... David Miller Pettigrew William Daniel Eandle James Arthur Shirley William Joseph Brain William Gibson Young John Grant George Munroe ... Arthur Percival Sims Spencer James Wright Murray James McErlean... James Mackay ... Andrew Sandilands Benjamin Alexander Johnson John Thomas Copperwaite Eobert Robertson Edward Eobinson Smith ... Peter James McMahon Edward Crow John Patrick Burley George William Ericson James Gilbert Nicholl Thomas Francis Turner ... Edwin Browne ... Archibald Arrol Stewart ... Frederick Clarke McCabe ... Thomas Dee John Adamson Falconer ... Frank Ball John Joyce Theophilus Percival Hewitt William Holborn Watts ... James Campbell... Arthur Mellor William John Vernon John Francis Eyan Walter Lees Brown Alexander Bowie Farmer ... Charles Mackintosh Hill ... II • • • • • • • • • '/ // ft ft It July It It it If It ft It II tl it August 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 tl • • • • • • • • •


No. 14. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Septimus Munro Collett ... First-class stationary, competency Ditto ... 1904 August 16 542 John Nix Henry Carpenter Percival Arthur Le Marquand Eobert Earl Lindsay Henry Ernest Maindonald James Pearce David West James Fitzgerald Robert Massey ... John Murray William Murray ... William Goldsmith Tyson... William Butler Ball John Irvine Walter Hughes Judd Harry Levick Frederick Albert Oddie Thomas Eussell ... John Thomas Adams James Brunton ... Frederick Alphonsus Cannon David Alexander Craig Samuel de Beer ... Charles Dickson ... David Findlay John Hulme Hart Frederick Palmer ... Ernest Eeginald Sprague ... John Bone Michael James Collins John Harvey Arthur Woodward Charles John Hall John Thomas Ward Frank Septimus Marchant Jack Askew Hughes William McDowell James Charles Williams ... Charles Bailey David Baird James Turnock Bennett ... John Ingram William Harrison Bell Henry Alexander Luke Harold Vernon Wylie Cecil Nicholson Willis Caleb James Morris Adam Blair Sydney Hewetson Charles James McPheraon Adam Blair, jun. Donald John McDonald ... Charles Otway Langham ... William Bishell ... John Edward Leydon William Bond Walter Excell ... William George McDonald Thomas Thompson Nathanael Todd ... Robert Wright ... Ernest John Bridgman George Livingstone Home Bendix Hallenstein Kerr ... Charles Ernest Richardson John Pearce Luke, jun. „ ... ... ... u • • • • • • tt • • • • • • tr • • " " • • ■ ' " '/ ' • ' • * • • * • 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 22 September 19 19 19 19 November 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 „ ... . . ... „ ... ... ... tr ••* * * •



No. 14.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. lass o: !cr ica: ;e. ;e o: issue. o. John Owen Harold Broom First-class stationary competency Ditto ... 1904. November 11 609 John Hollow Coad Michael William Coventry Charles Joseph Morgan Herbert Eeynolds John Taylor Charles Nicholas Eobert Couch Herbert Andrew Lewis Edward de Jersey William Bruce ... Frederick Ernest Stewart William Henry Hook Matthew Joseph McGrath William John Atherton Alfred Nathaniel Coleman William Edward Nickols Gorrie Henry David Butler Herbert Gibbie ... Murdock McDonald Lewis Howard Currin 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 December 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 1905. 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 „ . . ... ... , r ... ... ... James Berry Stevenson James Murray Arthur Eichard Gillespie ... Arthur McEwan Sherriff ... Thomas Eichard Jones William Louis Schroeder ... John Crawford ... Alexander McMaster Charles Broadley William Bain Edward George Dale David Calder Groves Andrew John Mouat William Henry Stewart ... William Edward Gunn Thomas Joseph Boyle John Currie William Nicholson Robert Mahony ... Lewis Emanuel Cassrels ... William Templeton Gilmour Sidney Haig David Hay Kirkwood Jones Norman George Shailer ... Edward Sherrock John Mollison Stewart, jun. William Webb ... Alexander Fraser Foster ... Horatio Nelson Scroggs ... Ernest St. George Tucker... James Scott William Muir Thomas Henry Hammond William James Barclay ... James McFarland Alexander William Lawrence Macpherson George Ernest Holroyde ... Harold George Cayley Eobinson Samuel Hedley ... William Prescott Sly Bruce Douglas Cameron ... '/ • • ■ • • • • • • it • • • • • • • • • it • • • * • • ■ ■ • n * • * ''' if * • * ■ • • • • • January 25 25 February 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 March 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 31 31 31 31 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 ir • • • • • • * • • it • • • • • • rt • * • • * • • • • „ ... ... ... it • ■ • • • • ■ • * n • • • • • • * • •


No 15. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. William Denham Second - class stationary, May 13 1355 Alfred Climo Edward Griffiths Henry Edward Whitfield ... George William Anderson... John Eobb John O'Neill Alexander Cullen Benjamin Heap ... Alfred Halliday Swend August Nelson John Thomas Mann William Henry Munn George Newton Wilson Alexander Boss ... James Boebuck ... John William Breadbury ... Andrew Walker ... Charles Edward Goodyer ... James Dann Bellamy Arthur Thompson Alfred Edward Bunn Abraham Hadley William Heaver ... Angus John Stewart Matheson William Owen Strangward Niccolls Beuben Harris ... Frank Ernest Parker Frank Joseph McDonald ... Thomas Cuddie Brash Guybon John Chambers ... Gideon Anderson Ernest Edwin Ayson George William Crawford ... John Currie Cleaton Griffith Davies William Donaldson Jeremiah Joseph Flynn Charles Holden, jun. John Horsburgh ... Alfred Beginald Lambert ... John Mackay Frederick Myers ... William Irvine McDonald. William James Orr Maxwell McNaught Shore John Slater William Warren ... William James Weir David Yeoman ... Albert Vivian Ensor Sydney Godfrey ... Harry Hillier Edward Brown ... Thomas Gordon Tizard John Bellaney William Bird Samuel Bishop ... Charles James Brown Bobert Currie William Alexander Dawson David Elder Patrick Fleming ... Samuel Henry Hardman ... David Frederick Hill William Kidd ... competency Ditto ... 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 // • • ■ n it ...


No. 15. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. James Kirkland ... Second - class stationary, May 13 1421 William Henry Lamb Ernest Lister Edward Marshall George Burnett Matheson Eobert McDonald William McDonald Thomas O'Brien John O'Shaughnessy George Stewart Templeton Charles Vial George Eobert Walton John Henry Williams Charles Armitage O'Neill Cowan Duncan MacGregor William Clarke Haynes William Leslie Rutherford Benjamin Sutherland James Alexander Campbell Henry Timothy Heath Thomas Edward McMahon George Benzie Matheson ... Thomas Kiely Frederick James Wyeth ... Ernest William Gardiner ... Prank McLaughlin Albert Simpson ... Christopher Souness Aksel Martin Andersen Jeremiah Anderson . . Carl August Blank John Thomas Clark George Hill Richard James Hoffmann ... Alexander James King Charles Mountford Lindop Herbert Bowen Millington Daniel Patrick McDonnell Roderick William McKenzie John McLean Edward Olsen Thomas Albert Bundle David Lyall Shand . . Harry Yeadon Louis Barrowman George Quigley ... Daniel Tyson Satterthwaite Emil Johnsen Cornelius Joseph Daly Thomas Bertie Baty Matthew Michael Twoomey Robert Seawright Frank Chardon ... John Oliver George Thomas Estall Arthur Gordon Grant William Solly ... Francis George Painter William John Stacey Layton Richard Pollard ... George Norman Mackie ... Garnet Bruce Mackie James Aim George Henry Atwood Horace Walsh Bell Hugh Christopher Eli Billington James Bonner ! • ' competency Ditto ... July it it tt it it tt tt tt n it it August 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 tt • ■ • fl ... tf • • f


No. 15. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

4—H. 15a.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Thomas Bowling... Andrew Mitchell Campbell Frederick Gray ... William King John Henry Liggins Charles Archibald Murray Thomas Graham Scott George Matthias Sharp Walter Treagus ... Eobert Bunn Gilbert Carr James William Glass Walter Howie Thomson ... William Lestlie Adams Ernest Beatson ... Julius Christopher Boldt ... James Crawford ... Louis Davenport... Eobert Gordon Diack Stuart Melville Bnglefield... John Chalmers Innes William Eichard Menhennet Eobert Brown Pierce Daniel Mackie ... William Harold Cochrane Arthur Henry Goodin Frank Parsons ... Allen Weir John Buchanan ... Alfred William Elliott William John Pierce John Williams ... Samuel Christmas Isaac Howarth Kirk Edward George Langham... Adam Scott Mitchell Joseph Taylor Henry Higgs Alfred Stephen Amy James Morley Bell James Boyer Brown, jun. ... Arthur Edwin Fallwell Joseph Ford Francis John Johnston John Henry Jones John Walter Mason John Callum Hugh McDonald Paerikiriki Otene William Parkes ... Charles William Partington Daniel Joseph Scally George Teesdale, jun. Harry William Thomas ... George West Herbert William Pearce ... James Malcolm Barclay ... James Brash Bain Challis William Crighton Alexander Dickson David Henry Gillanders ... John Edmund Kelly Duncan McEae Malmora O'Eeilly Arthur Douglas Percy Pearce Alexander Eamsay Eobert Ehind ... I Second - class competency ... Ditto ... ... i • • * I // ■ • ■ ... „ • • J « ... I „ ... j ■■■ ! j rt ... 1 „ ... , r ... ... lr ... I stationary, ... j ... i 1904. August »/ n n it 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556


No. 15. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1904. John Tremlett Simpson ... Second - class competency Ditto ... stationary, August 16 1557 Edward James Tanner Samuel Welham Eobert Winning George Wishart Walter Bigwood Arthur Gordon Thomson ... William Henry Bricknell ... James Aitken John Cheyne John Hand Carl Alfred Lind Charles Thomas Munro ... Alexander Murray William Mather Ovens Alfred Eoy Alexander Williams William Thomas Clout Thomas Downs ... Eustace O'Carroll George Britt Henry John Anthony Arthur Wyndham Beere ... John McLennan Charles Henry Robertson Eobert George Buchanan ... Robert Hay Nimrno Thomas Henry Webb William Lang John Nesbit David Henry Renton Edward Patrick O'Reilly ... Albert Edward Blandford ... Thomas Benjamin Revell ... Walter Carl Franz Martin Booth William George Anderson John Philip Fix ... Arthur Richard Gillespie ... James Thomas Harris Robert Henry Jones Robert McFetridge Sydney Trim Harry French Ashcroft Dominick John Lee Joseph Ryan Richard Stott ... William Whitely Joseph Coombes ... Clarke Campbell John Thomas Curtin William Knox Glen William Simonsen Alfred May Bannan Robert Storm Patrick Skinnon ... Peter Hansen Robert Watson ... George Lionel Feary John Gabriel Lawson William Oswald Price David Holland Thomas Charles Henry King James Wilson Burns William Colston Dixon Michael Sullivan... William Trott ... Arthur Wagstaff... ti ■ • ■ n • • • ti ... it n 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 22 22 22 September 19 19 19 19 19 24 November 11 . „ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1,570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 a • • • a • • • a n it a a


No. 15.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Henry George Bailey Second - class competency Ditto ... stationary, 1904. November 11 1624 George Alfred John Clifford Charles Cooper ... Charles Edward Collins Morgan Frederick Workman Walter Clement Guy Green Robert Thomas Souness ... William Sutherland MacLeod Henry James Berry Phillip Carvel Brew Owen Evans Handy Sutton Henry William Thompson Alexander Waugh John Davey Eichard Henry Alford William Blackmun George Gilbert Body Charles Sturt Gilbert Boult Hubert Ferns William James Fraser John Herrick Edward James Humphries Charles Wootcon Lindley ... George Urban Lindley John Logan John Muirhead ... Henry Cook McKay James McPherson Edgar Stuart William Stuart ... Thomas Terry Todd Daniel Watson ... James Kennedy Wood John Mulligan Henry Nuttall ... Allan Pugh John Joseph Malone Joseph Austen ... Alexander Walter Bird Joseph Cobine Ernest George Beesley William Davidson John Foster Walter Henry Jury Frederick Ernest Margetts James Martin Matthew Patterson Peter Pearson Alfred Benjamin Perrin ... Duncan Ross Walter Score Sanders James Walker James Waugh Edward Charles Wilson ... Albert Eady Francis Stephen Gordon ... William Fleming Kennedy William James Lawson John Mulvenna ... William McBryde John McKenzie ... Thomas MeNab ... Charles Ovens John Furneaux Smith James David Steele William Henry Stewart ... , t ... n • • • n • * • n • • • it ir • • ■ a • • • a • • • a • • • n a • • • a •' • a • • ■ a • • • it it ■ ■ • a ' • • a * • • 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 a a it * * • a a a ' * ■ a • • • a • • • a •' • a it a * • * a • • • if ... a a *" a •' • a • •' it "' a • • ■ it • • • a • • • a • • • a

H.— 15a.

No. 15.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Feodor Werner ... William Henry Murdock ... John Marcus Southgate ... John McNeil Eobert White ... George Henry Watson Wilfred Ramsden Donald Malcolm Mclntosh John Eobert Kirby John Wright 1904. Second-class stationary, com- November 11 petency Ditto ... ... ... „ 11 11 „ ... ... ... December 30 „ 30 „ 30 30 ... 30 30 30 1905. 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 Charles Frederick Green ... William Curtis Martin Thomas Ashcroft Henry Godfrey ... William Owen Maloney ... John Harold Warren Arthur de Somrie Pownall Gilbert Matthew Gardner ... Francis Herbert Hooper ... James Charles Parke Kirkwood Frank McCurdy ... David McWilliams John Eochelle Horatio Nelson Scroggs ... William Prolongeau William John Bullick Alexander Donald McKenzie George Alexander Middleton Eichard Briggs ... Walter Richard Climo William John Foster George Augustus Maunsell William Poole Thomas Evan Looney Wilfrid Lawson Gray Hugh Me Allen ... Anthony Pearson Albert Edward Turner Charles Woodward Charles Reid Crawford John Driver Edwin Gordon Malcolm Foord James Holden Harry Thomas Jacobs Edward Joyce John McKechnie James McKessar... Edmund Leo Purton Charles Hugh Roxburgh ... Claude Weddell ... Samuel Wilson ... Ralph Robert Wrightson ... Thomas Francis Garrigan ... Sydney John Clive John Christie John Cooper Herbert Montague Haywood Robert McCord ... Robert Parfitt Neale George Frederick Perkins ... Roland Henry Wood Frederick James Hutton ... John Carless Joseph Gallaugher Charles Henry Hargreaves Thomas Hellier ... „ ... ... ... January 25 25 25 25 ... 25 25 „ 25 ... ... February 8 , 8 ... ... , „ 8 „ 8 „ 8 „ 8 I „ 8 „ 8 ... „ 8 . ! . 8 I „ 8 8 . , 8 ... ... „ 8 „ 8 ! „ 8 i . 8 ' „ 8 . 8 „ 8 „ 8 . . 8 ... ... „ 8 8 ... ... „ 8 8 ... ... „ 8 ... .. „ 8 8 8 ... ... „ 8 ... ... „ 8 • ... ... „ 8 ... ... ' „ 8 ... ... „ 8 , 8 8 ... ... „ 8 ... ... „ 8 8 ... I „ 8 ... ... i „ 8 ... . „ 8 ... ... March 13 13 ... i „ 13 13 1702 1703 1704 1705 17u6 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 17 48 1749 175Q 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757



No. 15.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

No. 16.—Return of Engineers who were examined for Certificates of Competency during the Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Name of Person. Glass of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Eobert Nimmo ... Seoond - class competency Ditto stationary, 1905. March 13 1758 David Mackenzie Judah Eangitanriro Osborne Walter Shead John Charles Shirley James Beatcie Whisker Charles White ... Benjamin Lee Thomas Watson ... Adrian Henry Hawkes William Whittle Tizard ... Frederick Scott ... George Charles Wrightson James Richards ... James Alexander Hanning William Eeid John Albert Symons James Alexander Thomson James McVey Joseph Augustine McGinnis Arthur Larson ... ... • William Treleaven John King Patrick Francis Nieper George Waugh Telford Campbell Johan Wilhellem Bodenhausen Hans Olsen Ernest Wright ... Otto Wiechern ... Albert Orr Donald Dick Elder William Vincent Beaufort Philip William Orr John Patrick O'Brien Matthew Harliwich Malcolm John Clarke James Miller William McAuslin Daniel William Joseph O'Connell ... William James Hudson Forrester Thomson James Anderson ... Edward Irvine McHattie . Michael McCarthy ... ... „ ... tr a a it a ■ ■ ■ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 31 31 31 31 31 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 rt ii • • • it it n • * • it it it • • • it it it it it • • • it • ■ •

Name of Person. Rank. 011 Date of lamination. lobert Beveridge Kenneth Murdo Finlayson Charles Naismith ?rank Leonard Peterson ... Cenneth Sinclair ohn "William Townsend ... ?homas James Atchison ... larry Francis Blackie Arthur Charles Carman iobert Andrew Gibson lenry Joseph Kelly lobert Yorke Neville lerman Nielson ... Valter Stanley Eentoul ... First-class Engineer Foreign trade 3, 4, 5 October, 1904 1,2, 3 Feb., 1905 3,4, 5, 6 Oct., 1904 7, 8, 9 June, „ 1, 5, 6 Dec, „ 18, 20, 23 May, „ 1,2 June, „ 1, 2 March, 1905 6, 7 April, 1904 6, 7 June, „ 5, 6,15 Dec, 27, 28 January, 1905 2, 3 October, 1904 21,22 Dec, it a it a n a a a Second-class Engineer ir it tr a it tt tt a



No. 16. —Return of Engineers who were examined for Certificates of Competency— contd.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which examined. Date of Examination. Martin Atridge Scott Montague Charles Alexander Albert Edward Allen James Anderson... William Harrison Bell George Bodley ... John Frederick Bowler Charles Gustave Bowley ... Charles Broadley Norvle Butler Brown Walter Lees Brown Henry David Butler Frederick Alphonsus Cannon Harold Robert Carey Charles Frederick Chandler Francis Percival Clark Ernest Alfred Coombs Charles Dickson... Michael Francis Enright ... George Bobert Falla Ernest Alfred Fildes James Henry Fuller William Gillanders Arthur Richard Gillespie ... Josephus Francis Hargreaves William Thomas Henry Henry Paxton Hewson Charles Mackintosh Hill ... Edward Hitchcock Jack Askew Hughes John Hunter John Joyce Roland Kershaw... Joseph King Maurice Albert Ladley Alexander Mollison Lindsay Rupert Linneman John Patrick Logan Albert Frederick Loveday... Ernest Edward Low William Robert Marshall ... John Singleton Melville ... William Walter Macfarlane Angus Charles Mclnnes ... Thomas McKenna James McLean ... Norman William Naylor ... John Arthur Owen Frederick Palmer James Alexander Paterson Cameron Abercrombie Pearson John Chalmers Reid Herbert Reynolds William Davies Richards ... James Alexander Robertson John Rutherford... John Ryan Norman George Shailer ... Leslie Allan Sharpe James Henry Simpson George William Skitch Percy Leonard Smith Thomas Benjamin Blenkinsop Swinburne Robert Joseph Todd Francis Wyron Vickerman Henry Lawson Walker Percy John Gibson Ward ... William Patrick Whyte ... James Charles Williams ... Frederick Wolff Second-class engineer Third-class engineer '/ n it i> if it it a n tt it a a a it a tt it a Foreign trade '/ it a a n a it a a a a n n a it it a a a it it 6, 7 June, 1904 6 March, 1905 9 August, 1904 5 December, „ 11 May, 8 October, 13 April 1 June, „ 1 February, 1905 23 August, 1904 3 October, „ 2 August, „ 9 . 1 September, „ 2 March, 1905 22 July, 1904 5 September, „ 22 April, 11 November, 20 December, „ 27 February, 1905 1 September, 1904 6 August, „ 1 February, ] 905 27 September, 1904 31 October, „ 3 „ 3 2 June, „ 4 October, „ 2 August, „ 4 July, 4 „ 5 October, „ 2 June, „ 28 July, 25 June, „ 1 September, „ 1 February, 1905 26 October, 1904 5 December, „ 7 April, „ 3 February, 1905 3 October, 1904 2 August, „ 4 July, 2 August, „ 8 November, „ 21 September, „ 23 January, 1905 10 June, 1904 1, 2 November, „ 16 May, 27 September, „ 2 August, „ 10 February, 1905 6 January, „ 6 March, „ 27 „ 2 August, 1904 a it a a it it a a it it a it a a a tt a it a it it a it a it a i it a ; a a a a it a ir it it a •i a a it a it a tt a it it I it a i> it 23 November, „ I it it I a it it a a a 2 August, „ 3 October, „ 5 January, 1905 3 October, 1904 6 January, 1905 3 October, 1904 1 June, „ tt a It it It a tt it



No. 16.—Return of Engineers who were examined for Certificates of Competency— contd.

Total number of applicants, 169. Amount of fees, £165. Failures to pass examination: 6 first-class engineers, 3 second-class engineers, 5 third-class engineers, 6 river engineers, 3 marine-engine drivers, 3 second-class engineers powered vessels other than steam, sea-going : total, 26.

Name of Person. Rank. ° la examL:d. iCh Date of Examination. Eobert James Breingan Claude Ernest Burgess Edward Eoss Campbell William Charles ... John Joseph Dromgool Frederick Francis Eastgate Henry James Fletcher Ernest Hewstone James Boyd Innes Alfred Jones Harry King Lionel Thomas Kitching ... John Walter Mason Donald Frazer Mackenzie Arthur James Pearce Alfred Andrew Perano Joseph Eeardon ... Harold Eobins ... William Schultz ... George Timms Scotcher ... Eobert Sloane Edwin Mugford Stentiford John Taw Waller Thomas Samuel White George Allan Williams William John Allen Sidney Herbert Anderson ... John Owen Cantwell Peter Dromgool ... Frederick Eiffelbein Albert "Vivian Ensor Arthur Eaymond Frost Samuel Keeble ... William Edward McBride... Harold Arthur Norgrove ... Thomas Frederick Pond ... John Charles Shirley Frederick John Stratford ... Arthur Turner Arthur Underwood Eichard Charles Webb Charles Barwell ... River Engineer „ ... a •' ■ a it i, ' • • River trade ... „ ... it • • • tt it a it • • • 2 August, 1904 7 December, „ 3 May, 2 August, „ 3 May, 5 December „ 3 May, 4 July, 13 April, 5 September, „ 25 February, 1905 1, 2 November, 1904 1 September, „ 17 June, 2 May, 23 June, „ 6 April, 1 November „ 1 September, „ 5 January, 1905 5,6 December, 1904 3 May, 2 2 August, „ 3 May, 5 January, 1905 5 . 1 September, 1904 8 August, „ 3 May, 1 September, „ 21 July, 28 October, 8 September, „ 1 February, 1905 5 September, 1904 1 November, „ 30 September, „ 1 September, „ 4 July, 4 January, 1905 it a * • • It Marine-engine driver a n II a It n It • •' n a It I! II If • • • First-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto Second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto // • * • Sea-going William Templeton Gilmour Thomas Ashcroft a • • • 5 „ „ 4 „ , f ... Leslie Claude Davies William Hurst ... Andrew Ernest Kusabs Bert Arthur Meyenberg ... George Sinclair ... William Somerville Mathew Strang Thomson William John Webb Harold Bulmer Priestly Wicks Charles Eobert Hyde it . . . • • • a •** it a - • • a • • • 4 „ 2 November, 1904 r i- II II 2 May, 7 June, „ 22 July, 20 December, 27 January, 1905 2 November, 1904 4 October, „ Engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto River trade ... William Henderson Murdoch Eichard Norman... William Eobert Patterson Thomas Eae Gordon Charlie Webb rr ... 27 „ 5 January, 1905 3 November, 1904 5 September, „ 27 January, 1905


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1905, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.


Name ©f Vessel. Tons Measurement. '* co i\ cc £ § <** t~ M -t^ •S3 <" t, 9 a 0. £® a-a°3 o o ca fto £ so 5 a m °ta £ * .~ See "o n £ rt a &+5 o o Description of Macbinery. Screw. Paddle. o u aj DO '& CO K Admiral Advance Advanoe Ahuriri Akaroa Akitio Albany Albatross Alert (Thames) Alert (Auokland) Alexander Alexandra .. Anna Antrim 121 82 28 8 30 B.H.P. 17 28 4 8 37 6 14 72 30 10 B.H.P. 17 164 15 B.H.P. 33 35 284 14 3 32 10 15 9 250 24 24 90 54 40 24 Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Single.. 43 85 76 4 40 31 43 3 144 High pressure 217 ill Compound S. oondensing Condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 377 104 28 60 72 111 263 203 5,704 5 184 73 21 35 49 89 157 89 3,684 3-7 297 Twin .. Paddle. Single.. Aorere Aotea (Auckland) Aotea (Kaipara) Aotea (Wellington) Aparima Atapo Awaroa Awarua (2) .. Beatrice Ben Lomond Blanche Canopus Canterbury .. Chelmsford .. Clansman Claymore Clyde Condor 70 184 2,362 Trip!e-ex. S. o mdensing High pressure Twin .. Single.. i59 100 8 33 17 834 207 Condensing Compound S. condensing Stern wheel. Paddle. 46 26 1,063 Single.. 1,080 High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 103 591 210 130 174 70 336 91 61 566 Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Stern wheel 122 Single at each end Single.. Corinna Coromandel .. Countess Cygnet Daphne Defender Despatch (Bluff) Dingadee Dolly Varden Doto (2) Dredge No. 121 Dredge No. 222 Duchess Duoo Duke Durham Eagle Edina Eliza Elsie Evans.. Endon Erin Erskine (2) .. Ethel, J. 1,279 99 189 124 189 35 640 31 28 657 1,225 308 130 820 67 84 66 117 24 393 19 19 394 500 62 26 141 25 28 43 I 36 20 80 30 B.H.P. 13 100 120 81 60 6 24 70 6 3 20 B.H.P. 5 4 35 16 20 B.H.P. 8 25 10$ 6 30 6 8 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 50 20 59 75 12 30 50 B.H.P. 10 8 B.H.P. 88 253 104 970 189 144 365 557 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twiu .. Single.. High pressure Compound S. condensing Stern wheel. 99 219 53 138 4 Single.. Paddle. High pressure Single.. 'V-8 "s-6 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. concinsing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. oondensing 126 29 98 19 7 Eva Eveline Express Fairy Falcon Fanny Firefloat Firefly Flirt Freetrader .. Gael Gertie Glenelg Gordon Gosford Greyhound .. Hamurana .. Hannah Haupiri Hauroto Hawea 53 45 90 9 17 132 262 288 36 32 55 7 13 94 55 100 156 94 159 329 323 High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Compound Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single. Twin .. Single.. Stern wheel. 83 107 56 83 Twin .. 8 700 1,988 1,757 6 475 1,276 1,114 516 1,242 915 Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Note,—The figi ire (2) after the name of vessel sho 1 'S vessel to have been twice sui •veyed,


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.

5—H. 15a


Name of Vessel. Tons Me me] lasureut. I a* a - e ,\H co.;? o a™ 2 a.- a oS o o d fto • 4'SB »a§s u o a °ta S * a <i 1 _ 3ce ,o{p Description of Machinery. a co'3 O CD CD o ■-js'gCu.i? a a£ o o hH Screw. Paddle. CO ■Jl O s u CD u '£c 3 K Heathoote (2) Herald (2) Himitangi Hinemoa (Rotorua) .. Hirere Huia (Auokland) Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) Huria Ida Inveroargill (2) Irini Ithaca J.D.O. John Anderson John Townley Kahu Kamona (2) .. Kanieri Kapanui Kapiti (2) .. Kapui Karoro Kate Katikati Kawatiri (2).. Kawau (Coastal S. Co.) Kawau (McGregor S. Co.) Kekono Kestrel Kia Ora Kilmorey Kini Kiripaka Kittawa Kiwi Koonya (2) .. Kopu Kopuru Koputai Kotahi Kotiti Kuaka Lady Barkly Lena Lily (Kaipara) Lily (Nelson) Loyalty Lyttelton (tug) Lyttelton Mahinapua Mahuta Makarora Mana (Wellington) .. Mana (Westport) (2) .. Manapouri Manaroa Manchester Mangaiti Mangapapa Mapourika Mararoa Mascotte Matarere Matuku Mavis May May Howard Meremere (Auokland) Meremere (Kaipara) .. Minnie Casey Moa (2) Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Greymouth) .. Moeraki Moerangi Monowai Motara 167 573 323 '48 224 94 370 149 32 200 35 85 45 64 16 8 60 B.H.P. 2 23 10 B.H.P. 10 50 487 242 Compound S. oondensing 0 Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. 133 69 120 'l8 223 12 123 242 Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. oondensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 129 52 175 1,425 202 110 208 58 76 7 88 36 85 99 903 115 75 80 30 51 9 28 20 40 40 117 20 32 35 30 17 5 9 24 20 14 210 749 163 238 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure '36 26 0 •. . • 99 47 53 37 Compound S. condensing 37 299 1,122 105 1,246 1,090 40 153 12 58 45 55 19 156 702 75 707 662 18 27 5 9 42 33 39 6 B.H.P. 14 65 14 130 24 120 3 115 13 20 120 18B.H.P 14 90 B.H.P. 20 5 11 12 35 80 14 6 10$ 13 25 90 220 24 160 6 28 130 530 365 630 107 695 683 350 '72 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Twin .. Single.. Single.. Single.. 0 • • Paddle'. Paddle. 34 95 190 23 68 39 Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. . Paddle. io 29 7 13 45 77 50 1,288 77 366 High pressure Twin .. Stern wheel. 99 196 2,060 122 156 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. w 1,613 141 0 . 146 1,208 2,598 78 718 1,380 193 1,204 3,310 0 High pressure Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing "l-7 4 *J 3 94 B.H.P. ' 4 3 20 33 372 7 357 27 B.H.P. 290 4 High pressure Compound High pressure 64 55 Oil-engine High pressure 74 188 3,914 7-8 4,392 24 3,433 48 95 2,414 5.8 2,714 15 2,137 60 180 4,161 Compound S. oondensing 3,972 « Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Twin .. Single.. 2,802 Note. —The figure (2) after the name of a vessel showB vessel to have been twice surveyed.


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel Tons IV m< [easure;nt. k CD +3 BO '3d CD « fe .tr re ft - Sags a ft M £ffi °3 < afficc cd cd += co ca in fi CD CD K CO S °S f-> Si ■3s n xf a £.a a*- a oc O O cd fto CD eg K ss ,0, S<D CD ° CD 3) t CCCD CO U '- O CD CD O v -fSrli? rOO!„fl a ft" o o l-C Description ofMaehinery. Screw. Paddle. B O c Moturoa Mountaineer Moura Mullough Muritai (Auck'and) .. Muritai (Horeke) Nambueca Naomi II. Napier Narcissus Naumai Nautilus Ngapuhi Ngunguru Nina Niobe Noko Norval .. .. j Ohinemuri Ohuru Ongarue Onslow Opawa Opoutia Oreti Orewa Osprey Paeroa Paiaka Pania Pareora Parera Pearl Penguin Petone Phantom Piako Pilot (Auckland) Pilot (Wellington) .. Piraki Pitoitoi Planet Plucky Poherua Presto Pukaki .. .. | Puiau Putiki Queen of Beauty Queen of the South .. Rakanoa Rarawa Result (Napier) Rita Rimu Riwaka Rob Roy .. Rosamond Rose Casey Rothesay (2) Rotoiti (Auckland) (2) Rotokino (2) Rotomahana(Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rotorua Rubi Seddon Ruru Savaii Shamrock Sonoma Southern Cross (London) Speedwell Stella Stirling Storm Stormbird Success 109 2,026 69 224 66 1,247 46 133 10 50 275 15 45 8 24 19 B.H.P. 30 2 12 18 160 17 24 34 9 20 B.H.P. 26 14 16 B.H.P. 14 18 5 50 17 70 15 9 11 71 4 12 180 82 11 4 13 15 4 134 8 40 128 3 110 18 60 37 B.H.P. 40 200 140 10 11 95 104 16 90 35 4-5 24 135 50 450 25 B.H.P. 60 10 16 120 B.H.P. 13 117 2,081 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. 238 130 11 70 74 9 48 137 89 47 41 691 80 28 29 299 54 701 65 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Compound High pressure Twin .. Single.. 19 56 114 15 50 73 20 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing 120 23 110 ie 64 Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 79 219 59 219 91 14 40 650 117 37 138 46 10 27 355 192 High pressure Compound S. condensing 53 Single.. Paddle. 45 417 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure 25 836 708 44 18 517 388 18 881 528 90 Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Compound Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. Compound S. condensing 30 39 10 26 10 23 13 29 749 72 23 81 1,174 274 660 1,444 51 250 917 38 177 702 Twin .. Single.. 377 197 2,246 1,071 28 40 358 121 1,393 450 18 22 144 195 951 1,392 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condonsing Twin .. Single.. 489 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Twin . Single.. 95 721 132 18 34 462 99 8 402 115 a 2,004 183 1,763 76 528 31 55 109 1,263 139 915 5-7 348 11 31 60 910 Compound Triple-ex. S. oondensing Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. Compound S. condensing 2,493 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. Oil-engine High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. 682 403 590 42 268 97 405 217 30 157 26 185 137 34 90 39 70 40 8 B.H.P. 249 216 301 209 High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Stern wheel. Oil-engine 0 • • Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. CO CO O E o CD at '3) CD M S.CO J, to 5Ss°ca K u ...a — — CO. cS3 w CD a cs [* S l-aoS o o cd ao X AcfOg 2|3§ K K sf O CD ® 0 . a a-p o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Sumner (2) .. Sunbeam Sylph Taieri Tainui Tainui Takapuna (Auokland).. Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai Tasman Taviuni Tawera (Auokland) .. Tawera (Gisborne) Tawera (Lake Te Anau) Te Anau Te Kapu Terranora (2) Theresa Ward Thistle "'' T .. Thomas King Tilikum Timaru Titiroa Tongariro (Lake Taupo) Toroa Tuariki Tui Tuiwiki Tuna (Auokland) Tuna (Gisborne) Uiera Uta Vesper Victoria Victory Violet Vivid Waiapu .. . • Waihi Waikare Waikato Waimana Waimarie (Auokland) Waimarie (Wanganui) Wainui Waione Waiora Waiotahi Waipa Waipapakauri Waipori (2) .. Wairere Wairoa Wairua Waitangi Waiwera (Auckland) .. Waiwera (Dunedin) .. Waiwiri Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Warrimoo Waverley Weka (Auokland) Weka (Napier) Wellington Westland Whakapara Whakariri Whangape Whati Winona Yankee Doodle Yho Young Bungaree (2) .. Zephyr 167 9 94 7 5 1,071 46 86 57 472 1,370 109 20 191 16 35 5 B.H.P. 8 155 20 24 25 265 255 70 15 40 16 4 250 6 38 135 8 40 B.H.P. 14 250 25 94 95 90 B.H.P. 16 13 B.H.P. 78 3 8-2 91 8 B.H.P. 64 6 34 14 34 50 B.H.P. 16 40 4 8 13 15 B.H.P. 20 229 4 18 48 26 95 40 5 56 14 4 B.H.P. 180 80 20 5 62 6 16 B.H.P. 7| 140 23 280 490 25 27 20 80 60 21 120 280 If 8 12 24 B.H.P. 35 14 Compound S. oondensing Oil-engine High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing Single.. 1,668 80 128 77 930 2,000 189 31 263 745 122 1,232 1,992 Single.. Single.. Paddle. Paddle. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. High pressure 2,003 10 178 1,465 1,268 7 87 510 1,554 220 966 Compound S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 52 '■44 1,652 92 349 194 96 98 94 479 1,028 50 199 9 77 70 7 211 1,245 99 266 480 0 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil engine High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Oil-engine High pressure Single.. Paddle. 237 Twin .. Single.. 388 9-6 174 72 455 Twin .. Single.. "3-2 "2-4 Compound Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. '36 92 Twin .. Paddle. 147 Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Single.. 7 21 67 92 3,071 5-2 6 57 63 1,901 m 2,452 151 245 76 661 574 107 159 57 411 43 Twin .. Paddle. 626 Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 278 167 237 High pressure Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing "69 1,919 5-2 1,229 27 47 1,019 Paddle. '69 *52 Single.. 171 34 403 Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. 441 157 2,421 3,529 156 127 89 382 133 157 95 1,572 2,076 93 86 52 279 35 Paddle. 149 1,219 3,731 96 Triple-ex. S. oondensing Single.. Compound S. oondensing Twin .. 90 447 424 Single.. Paddle. 819 2,931 449 1,900 614 1,123 Compound Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing High pressure Single.. Twin .. Single.. 19 6 12 47 8 Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. '69 132 Note, .—The figure (2) al ier the name oi a vessel she iws vessel to have been twice si irveyed.



No. 18.—Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.

No. 19. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, &c., from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

Tons Measurement. Name of Vessel. Gross. Kegister. Description. Times surveyed. Defiance Elverland .. Ganymede .. Kathleen Hilda La Bella Northern Chief Onyx Pendle Hill .. St. Kilda .. Zelateur 208 398 572 199 361 568 520 376 263 396 222 189 524 Brigantine .. Barquentine Barque 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 382 287 427 234 200 557 Barquentine Schooner Barque

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1904. April 14 S.s. Bimutaka Wellington Defective portion of main steam-pipe for main engines repaired and tested. Part of cargo consisted of unslaked lime, which caught fire spontaneously, scorching paint work, but doing no other damage. A crack developed in main boiler round flanging of front end-plate over furnaces. This was repaired by riveting angle-pieces over cracks. Plating in bottom of vessel damaged and a large number of rivets loosened by grounding while entering Patea Harbour. Sheathing plates fitted and new rivets put in where necessary. Vessel grounded at entrance to Nelson Harbour. Vessel was plaoed on Patent Slip, Wellington, where damage was found to consist of several slight dents in bottom only which did not affect her seaworthiness. Furnace-crowns of boiler collapsed slightly. This was caused by the presence of oil in the boiler. The pressure was reduced until strengthening rings could be fitted around defeotive part of furnace. A large number of rivets were loosened and bottom slightly dented by going ashore while entering Patea Harbour. The vessel was placed on Patent Slip, Wellington, for examination. All the loose rivets were renewed. Survey of the whole of the deck equipments and appliances. The tank showed signs of weakness on voyage from West Coast to Wellington. The tank was strengthened by fitting an extra intercoastal plate the full length of tank on each side of the vessel, and the fitting of extra angles on the margin plates. After the completion of the work the tank was tested by hydraulic pressure, and everything found in good order. Rudder carried away by coming in contact with some objeot in Wairau River. Temporary repairs were made to bring vessel on to Wellington, where a new rudder was fitted. Vessel's side was slightly dented whilst lying at anchor in Wellington Harbour, during a fog, tiirough the s.s. "Admiral" having collided with her when crossing the harbour from Seatoun to Wellington. On examination the damage was found to be of a slight nature, and did not affect vessel's seaworthiness. Stem of vessel was damaged in line with maindeck, as well as decks and covering boards started, forward bulwarks stove in, through vessel colliding with the wharf in Wellington Harbour, during a fog, on a trip from Seatoun to Wellington. The damage was made good by renewal of the broken part of stem and the replaoing of the damaged deck-planking and the repairing of bulwarks. April 18 Faeroa Auckland April 26 Dingadee Wellington April 28 Aotea Wellington May 2 Penguin .. Wellington May 4 Orewa Auckland May 16 Kapiti .. Wellington May 25 Southern Cross Auckland May 26 Kotuku .. Wellington Nambucca Wellington rune 18 ruly 6 Talune .. Wellington Loyalty .. Wellington uly 6



Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date ol Survey. Name cf Vessel. Where surveyed. jure o: 'asual 17. x. 1904. July 14 S.s. Haupiri .. Wellington Plate on port bow of vessel was'craoked through vessel coming into oontaot with Nelson wharf whilst berthing, the anchor having carried away. The damaged plate was sheathed and a new anchor supplied. % - m The furnace-orowns were damaged during a voyage from Wellington to Waitara, through the water in the boiler getting too low. The old furnaces were cut out and were replaced with new onea. Furnace-crowns slightly out [of shape, and slight flaws in front end-plate of boiler where flanged to meet furnaces. Angle-pieoes were fitted over flaws in front-plate and furnaoeorowns put baok by pressure. A small hole made in bottom of this vessel through coming in contact with some hard substance in bed of a shallow river. The vessel was docked in Auckland and a patch put over hole. ! Several plates were damaged in top, sides, and deck of this vessel, and also frames bent on starboard quarter, by the s.s. "Athenic" colliding with her when she was berthing at the Queen's Wharf. The frames were straightened and new places fitted to replace the damaged ones. A number of rivets had worked loose in fore peak of this vessel, causing a leak. The rivets had started by veseel driving into a head sea whilst in ballast. New rivets were put in while vessel was on Patent Slip. A portion of main steam-pipe of the main engines was defective. Defects made good and tested, after repairs, by hydraulic presJuly 22 Kiripaka .. New Plymouth Aug. 2 Gertie Nelson Aug. 15 Akaroa .. Auokland Aug. 17 Whakatane Wellington I Aug. 19 Kamona .. Wellington Aug. 23 Mararoa .. Auckland Sept. 5 Warrimoo Dunedin sure. Vessel took the ground between the islands, whilst proceeding from Port Chalmers to Dunedin. No damage was discovered at the survey. One of the hawse pipes was broken and bow of vessel dented whilst lying at the Railway Wharf, Wellington, by ooal-hulk colliding with her. New hawse pipe fitted and plate straightened and reriveted. On entering Pallu passage on the 27th April, when about one mile and a half inside, the vessel struck a reef with 1J fathoms on it at low-water. Vessel was going dead-slow at the time. Also on 12th May, off Ysabel Island, under reduced speed, vessel struck an uncharted reef. At half-tide at midnight vessel slipped off. When docked in Auckland she was found to have suffered no damage. One length of tunnel-shaft broke whilst on a voyage from Calcutta to New Zealand, between Thursday Island and Suva, and was temporarily repaired in Auckland to take the vessel to Dunedin, where new shaft was fitted. Bottom of vessel damaged while proceeding up a shallow river, by ooming in contact with some hard substance. Vessel was docked at Auckland, and a riveted patoh put over hole. Bow of rudder broken near top and also at oentre, caused by striking some unknown substance at sea. Vessel was put on Slip at Wellington, when strengthening plates and bars were fitted to rudder. A portion of main steam-pipe was found defective. The pipe was repaired and tested by hydraulio pressure. Vessel grounded on Rangitoto Reef whilst on a voyage from Auckland to Wellington. A diver was employed to make an external survey, and the tanks were examined by surveyor. No damage was discovered. New flange brazed on bend of main steam-pipe for main engines, and tested by hydraulic pressure. Vessel stranded on oyster-bank for one hour outside Port Nelson, on the 3rd October. No apparent damage was discovered. Thrust-shaft surveyed and found defective. New shaft was fitted. Sept. 6 Pukaki .. Wellington Sept. 7 Southern Crose Auckland ept. 7 Aparima .. Auckland Sept. 9 Stella Auckland Sept. 12 Takapuna Wellington Sept. 12 Papanui .. Wellington .. Sept. 16 Surrey .. Wellington Sept. 24 Whangape Wellington Oct. 5 Penguin .. Wellington Oct. 17 Taviuni .. Auckland



Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature ol Casualty, &c. 1904. lot. 18 S.s. Waiwera .. Wellington A portion of main steam-pipe of main engines was found defective. It was repaired and tested by hydraulic pressure. One length of main steam-pipe of main engines was defective. It was repaired and tested by hydraulic pressure. Vessel grounded whilst entering Poxton Eiver. No damage was discovered. A new bend made for main steam-pipe of main engines and tested by hydraulic pressure. During a voyage from Wellington to Kaipara, when about ten miles south of Cape Egmont, the propeller-shaft broke, carrying away part of stern-tube and propeller-blades. Vessel sailed baok as far as Kapiti Island, and from thence was towed to Wellington, where new propeller-shaft, stern-tube, and propeller were fitted. Vessel grounded outside Nelson Harbour, denting the hull slightly in No. 1 ballast-tank on port side and also slightly in No. 2 tank, and breaking the cement. There were no signs of vessel leaking. The tanks were reoemented. Surveyed rudder and stock. The stock was slightly twisted, but no sign of flaw was discovered. Survey of alterations to vessel. The hatches were enlarged to facilitate the oarrying of coal-cargoes. Three deck beams broken on starboard side of vessel abaft the main hatch, and three beams broken on port side — two abaft the main hatch and one forward of same; also rivets loose in several beams, caused by working of veseel. The mizzen-top-gallant-yard was also unsafe, and several holes round the oounter required plugging. All these defects were made good. Vessel struok on reef off D'Urville Island during a fog on voyage from Picton to Nelson, damaging the fore part of hull forward of collision bulkhead, and also on port side in fore ballast-tank. Three new plates were fitted and one straightened, and two new gusset-plates were put in between marginplate of tank and side of vessel. Rudder-stock was twisted by grounding in the Foxton River. Quadrant of rudder keyed on to head temporarily to bring vessel on to Wellington, when a new stock was welded on to rudder. A portion of the main steam-pipe of main engines was defective. This was repaired and tested by hydraulio pressure. Rudder-stock carried away about 12 in. below upper gudgeon. The rudder was unshipped and a piece welded in at point of fracture. Cargo of flax in vessel caught fire, burning through the deck. The damaged portion of deck was cut out and renewed. Vessel grounded when entering the Foxton River, breaking shoe under aperture, also starting a number of butts and fastenings. New shoe fitted, and other defects made good. Core-plug came out of port L.P. piston between Jackson's Head and the Brothers during voyage from Motueka to Wellington, breaking piston, crank-pin brasses and bolts, and bending connecting-rod. New piston, brasses, and bolts were fitted and connecting - rod straightened. This vessel grounded on the rooks whilst entering the Bluff Harbour at night, owing to the Captain being unaware of the sinking of lightship at entrance to this harbour. The looal surveyor, with a diver, examined the hull while afloat at the Bluff and found a craok in bottom plating, which was temporarily repaired to allow vessel to prooeed to Port Chalmers. She was docked there, and the damage was found to consist of one keelplate and two adjoining plates on starboard side under boiler partly cracked. These were let. 28 Pakeha .. Wellington let. 28 Himitangi Wellington fov. 16 Whangape Wellington Fov. 22 Petone Wellington Mapourika Wellington lec. 6 •ec. 22 Whangape Auckland lec. 29 Glenelg .. Auckland lec. 29 Astracana Auckland 1905. an. 16 Wainui .. Wellington Himitangi Wellington Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Karamea.. Auckland Jan. 28 P.s. Whakatere Auckland Feb. 15 S.s. Muritai .. Auckland Feb. 27 Kirir ika .. Wellington Mar. 7 Tasman .. Wellington Mar. 27 Inveroargill Dunedin



No. 20. —Return showing the Revenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers, and the A.mount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships) during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. Nature of Receipts. Amount. £ s. d. Received for inspection of boilers and machinery ... ... 6,685 4 0 Received for certificates of land-engine drivers ... ... 667 10 0 Fees for the survey of steamers (including auxiliary powered) vessels for the year ... ... ... ... ... 1,764 0 0 Fees for survey of sailing-vessels for the year... ... ... 66 10 0 Fees for survey of vessels for seaworthiness ... ... ... 139 13 0 Received for examinations of marine engineers ... ... 165 0 0 £9,487 17 0 Retuhn showing the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers and Survey of Steamers) during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905. Nature of Expenditure. Amount. £ s. d. Salaries ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,548 1 4 Advertising ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 7 6 Furniture for offices ... ... ... ... ... 33 3 8 Gas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 8 3 Rent, cleaning offices, and fuel ... ... ... ... 418 9 8 Telephone-rents ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 0 0 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... ... ... 2,206 17 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 4 9 £8,325 12 2


No. 21.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in charge of duly certificated Engine-drivers. [This return embraces all those owners whose plants had unexpired certificates from inspections after March, 1904, all plants inspected during the financial year ending 31st March, 1905, and the plants that had two years' certificates still in force during last financial year.]


£ . Diameter gS of Name of Owner. Where Boiler Purposes for which a-1 Cylinders used. usecl of Engines, in jg - luches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. First class. [.dams & Co., J. .. .. .. Auckland .. Bacon-factory . 30 8 J & 14 illen, W. .. .. .. Grahamsfern .. Sawmill 25 15 .. 30 15 Lllwill, J. .. .. .. Hautapu .. Chaff-cutting 4 6 imbury & English .. .. Grey Lynn .. Freezing .. 18 10 .rkoll, D. .. .. .. Auckland .. Brewery .. 16 Nil irundel Gold-mining Syndioate .. Thames .. Gold-mining .. 23 12 Lssets Realisation Board .. .. Morrinsville .. Seed-cleaning .. 12 7f & 11| istley & Son, S. .. .. .. Avondale .. Tannery ..29 10 LUckland City Council .. .. Auckland .. Road-roller .. 8 9J .. 8 6 & 9J „ .. .. Avondale .. Pumping .. 12 Two 8J , .. .. Mount Eden .. Stone-breaking .. 61 14J .. Newton .. Pumping .. 35 10 & 17J .. 40 10 & 17| .. Western Springs „ ..40 26 & 42 .. 40 26 & 42 .. 40 26 & 42 .. 40 26 & 42 lUokland Electric Tramway Co. .. Auckland .. Driving generators 123 17 & 34 .. „ .. „ 123 17 & 34 .. „ .. „ 123 17 & 34 123 17 & 34 .. „ .. Road-roller .. 5 6J lUckland Farmers' Freezing Co. .. Penrose .. Freezing .. 84 19 & 28 .. 84 19 & 28 .. „ .. „ .. 84 19 & 28 lUokland Freezing Co. .. .. Auckland .. Refrigerating .. 50 11 & 20 .. 45 11 & 20 „ .. .. Westerfield .. Boiling down .. 26 13 LUckland Gasworks .. .. Auckland .. Gasworks .. 100 9J .. 100 9J LUckland Harbour Board .. .. „ .. Pumping .. 22 12 & 12 .. 22 12 & 12 .. Dredging .. 10 Two 9 .. 10 Two 9 „ .. Pile-driving .. 10 Two 9 .. Calliope Dock.. Pumping .. 56 Two 33 , .. .. „ .. „ .. 56 Two 33 .. „ .. 56 Two 35 „ .. .. „ .. Machine-tools : 25 12 .. 25 12 LUckland Hospital .. .. Auckland .. Laundry & cooking 45 Nil Lvondale Brick & Pottery Co. .. Avondale .. Brick-making .. 40 20 .. 40 20 .. Heating .. 30 Nil Sagnall Bros. .. .. .. Auckland .. Wood-working 64 12 .. Turua .. Sawmill .. 84 16 ialdwin, S. .. .. .. Cambridge .. Threshing .. 4 6J iarrier Reef Gold-mining Co. .. Wangaparapara Quartz-orushing .. 80 16 iayley & McNally .. .. Pukekohe .. Threshing & chaff- 6 8 cutting ieaney Bros. .. .. .. Arch Hill .. Foundry .. 16 8 Sell, Alexander .. .. .. Ngatera .. Sawmill ..20 13 iollard & Bailey .. .. Taupiri .. „ .. 31 14 iond & Judd .. .. .. Katikati .. „ .. 40 20 irett Publishing Co. .. .. Auckland .. Printing .. 61 13 & 14J iroken Hills Gold-mining Co. .. Tairua .. Quartz-crushing 40 12 Srown, W. .. .. .. Te Kopuru .. Boat-building .. 20 13 iunker Hill Gold-mining Co. .. j Coromandel .. Winding .. 20 Two 9 Jurke, M. F. .. .. .. Thames .. Flax & saw mill .. 25 12J Sycroft & Co. .. .. .. Auckland .. Flour-mill&bisouit- 65 18 factory Jycroft Bros. .. .. .. Ngaruawahia .. Threshing .. 6 8 Jashmore Bros. .. .. .. Opitonui .. Sawmill .. 30 12J ihadwick, Wm. .. .. .. Pahi.. .. „ .. 40 Two 14 .. , .. 23 Two 14 Jlark, R. O. .. .. .. Hobsonville .. Pottery .. .. 32 10 'olonial Ammunition Co. .. .. Mount Eden .. Ammunition - fac- 20 8$ tory Jolonial Sugar Co. .. .. Chelsea .. Refining .. 3516, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. 35 16, 14, 14 .. .. .. 3516,14,14 30 25 30 4 18 16 23 12 29 8 8 12 61 35 40 40 40 40 40 123 123 123 123 5 84 84 84 50 45 26 100 100 22 22 10 10 10 56 56 56 25 25 45 40 40 30 64 84 4 80 6 Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Second class. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. First olass. Locomotive & traction. First class. Second olass. First claas. Second class. m First class. Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive & traction. First class. Locomotive & traction 16 20 31 40 (il 40 20 •20 25 66 Second class. First olass. ft Second class. Winding. Second class. First class. 6 30 40 23 32 20 Locomotive & traotion Second class. First class. Second class. 88 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 First olass.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

6—H. 15a.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used ® - Diameter ►8 of a-g Cylinders C i M , 0I Dri y. r required. Engines, in j2 ° Inches. AUCKLAND 1 USTRICT— continue, i. Colonial Sugar Co. Comrie, Jas. Chelsea Pukekohe Refining Sugar-works Threshing & traction Threshing & chaffcutting Heating Sawmill 84 168 5 Two 16 Two 14 7 8 First olass. Looomotive & traotion. 5 Costley Home Coulthard, F. .. Coulthard Bros. Cousins & Aitkens Craig, J. H. Craig, W. Devonport Corporation Direct Supply Co. Donaghy & Co. Dreaver, A. C. .. Dunn, Smith, & Co. Eclipse Gold-mining Co. Ellis & Burnand Fairlie & Stevenson Fleet, Jno. Foote Bros. Auokland Mercer Helensville Auckland Tuakau Lake Takapuna Auokland Waipu Auckland Tararu Creek .. Hamilton Mangapehi Otorohanga Taumarunui .. Tiroa Waimarino Matawheri Aramahoe Opuawhanga .. Whakapara Paeroa Auckland Waihou River.. Muddy Creek . . Tuakau New Lynn Hikurangi Coach-factory Traction & flax-mill Stone-orushing .. Pumping Cabinetmaking Furniture-factory Rope & twine works Traction Machine-shop Winding Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Hauling Sawmill 50 20 60 20 6 OS 10 10 30 05 35 8 20 14 44 50 17 25 14 8 10 16 8 20 8 20 17 25 43 10 24 56 18 52 50 52 25 25 16 23 14 22 45 45 35 50 79 79 30 Nil 154 30 & 16 10* 8| n 13, 9, 16 13, 9, 16 10 12&18 Two 104 64 & 10 9| Two 8| 15 Two 144 Two 94 14 Two 8f 7 & 11 Two 9 Two8f 9 10 64 &10 Two 104 13 9 141 8 10 141 Two 6 16 161 13 20 20 10 10 Two 8| 10 12 & 20 Two 10 16 131 12 & 28 12 & 28 12 Seoond olass. First class. Seoond olass. Locomotive & traction. First class. Seoond olass. First class. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Winding. First class. Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. Looomotive & traction. First class. Seoond olass. Forest & Clark Fraser & Sons, G Freshburg & Sons Friend, J. E. Frost, E. 0. Gardiner Bros. & Parker Gibbons, R. P. .. Ironworks Flax-mill Sawmill Flax-mill Brick-works Hauling Sawmill First olass. Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Kopu Tangowahiru .. Auokland Second olass. First class. ... Gould & Co., H. H. Gray, W. F. Hadley & Co. Hall & Co. Hancock & Co. Ohinewai Tooma Mount Eden .. Kawakawa Auckland Flax-mill Second olass. Stone-breaking .. Flax-mill Brewery First classSecond class. Winding. Second class. First class. Hauraki Freehold Estate Mining Co. Hellaby Bros. Hellaby, R. & W. Coromandel .. Auckland Winding.. Boiling down Freezing Henderson Brick & Tile Co. Henderson' s Creek Hikurangi Brick-making Seoond olass. Hikurangi Coal Co. Winding.. 25 25 7 6 5 5 23 16 8 12 35 35 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 35 35 35 65 65 14 Two 10 84 74 74 10 8 Two 7 Two 8 19 & 36 19 & 36 19 & 204 19 & 204 19 & 20| 16 Two 20 Two 20 Two 20 Two 20 124 & 22 25 35 26 26 Hills, J. E. .. ..' " Hutchinson, J. •Jarrett Bros. * Patutahi Kihikihi Cambridge Flour-mill Chaff-cutting Threshing Looomotive & tractioD. Johnson, J. B. .. Jury, W. H. Kauri Freehold Gold Estate Co. Te Aroha Rangiriri Opitonui Flax-mill Seoond olass. Traotion Locomotive & traction. Kauri Timber Co. Aratapu Sawmill First class. 0 Auokland Fire-engine pump Sawmill * This plant has two years' certificate,


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. S> ■ Diameter Purposes for which ft-g Cylinders used. op} of E_, Engines, in l≤ ° Inches. Glass of Uitver required. AUCKLAND E USTRICT— continuec Kauri Timber Co. Kohukohu Sawmill 35 35 35 40 22 40 40 50 65 40 22, 10 12 28 10 10 5 18 25 45 14 45 25 20 14 20 36 36 74 40 16 20 25 9 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 18i 15 19J & 36 19| & 36 20 20 14 14 Two 6 Two 8} 12 & 12 Two 7 Two 8 5 & 9 si 14 14 14 First class. Onehunga Tairua Bay Te Kopuru Seooud class. Planing-maohine.. Traction Sawmill Locomotive & traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive & traotion. Waimamaku .. Hauling Keith, J.'h. .. '.. Whangapoa .. Pukekohe Threshing Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. Auckland Westfield Tangowahine .. Kiripaka Katikati Komata Thames Totara Boiling down Grinding bones .. Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Quartz-crushing .. Winding Sawmill Seoond class. King, G. E. Kiripaka Coal Co. Knight, B. L. Komata Reefs Gold-mining Co. Kurunui-Caledonian Gold-mining Co. Lane & Sons, F. M. Two 8} 14J 13 lit Two 8| Two 11 Two 10 12 16J 18 9 7 8 9 First class. Second class. Winding. Second class. First class. Second class. Leyland-O'Brien Timber Co. Auckland First class. Maclow Bros. Manawaru Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Masefield & Co. .. Massey Bros. Massey, W. H. .. Mechanic's Bay Aratiatia Auckland Dairy Ironworks Machine-shop Threshing & chaffcutting Sawmill Winding & aircompressing Winding Foundry Sawmill Ironworks Biscuit-factory Flax-mill Fire-engine pump Sawmill Second class. Mangere Locomotive traction. Maunder & Bradley May Queen-Hauraki Gold-mining Co. Puhipuhi Thames 77 32 Two 12 12 & 15 First class. Winding. May Queen Gold-mining Co. McCoskrie & Sons, S. YIcGrath, J. Mclntyre, Jas. Minnie & Dey Mitchell & Walsh Mitchelson Timber Cc. » .. Mountain Rimu Timber Co. Mount Albert Road Board Auckland Ongarue Onehunga Auckland Te Rapa Aoroa Herekino Mamaku Mount Roskill Pumping 20 16 25 25 30 28 30 50 50 16 51 20 20 30 30 20 35 56 56 45 34 35 36 28 12 9& 16 8 12 10 Nil 12 14 & 14 Two 20 Two 20 Two 10 16 18 & 11J 18 &ll| 30 30 9 & 16 Two 12 17 & 25 17 & 25 14,10,10 16 8 10 5 Two 8£ Second olass. First class. Second olass. First class. National Loan Co. Tatararika Sawmill New May Queen Gold-mining Co. .. New Monataiari Gold-mining Co. .. N.Z. Crown Mines Thames Winding Winding. First class & winding. First class. Karangabake .. Quartz-crushing .. N.Z. Dairy Association (Ltd.) Ngaruawhia .. Pukekohe Mechanic's Bay Onehunga Avondale Pumping & winding Dairy factory First class & winding. First class. Second class. H * * Glassworks Glue-works Stone-crushing .. N.Z. Glass Co. .. N.Z. Glue Co. .. N.Z. Govt. Avondale Asylum Exempt under section 63 " The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1902." Ditto. N.Z. Govt. Mines Department Thames Pumping & winding 40 30 & 60, 18,29$,& two 14 Ditto tr ' • 40 40 40 40 16 16 L6 28 N.Z. Govt. Public Works Dept. Miirain at ah a .. Stone-crushing Two 9J Two 9| Two 9 Two 9 Paeroa (near).. Porootarao to Ongarue Porootarao Auckland Limestone Island Ballasting 25 26 96 96 Two 9 10 16 & 24 16 & 24 Second class. First class. N.Z. Laundry Co. N.Z. Portland Cement Co. Laundry Cement-works if • • u



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. 5 . fe u Diameter of Cylinders of Kngines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND ] iISTRICT— continue N.Z. Timber Co. .. Koutu Sawmill 56 66 20 10 60 80 88 48 4 8 16 25 10 25 25 25 20 26 25 r>o 50 20 35 60 42 6 5 r>0 32 42 42 16 20 50 15 25 16 55 20 25 25 8 8 25 30 25 14 8 24 17 37 22 45 26 25 16 16 Two 6 Two 4| 12J & 23 16&30 Two 11J 30 30 12 14 7 & 11 1*4 Two 9 & 20 20 Two 18$ 10 & 16 10&16 9 & 16 9&16 16 16,10,20 18 8 8 74 13* 12 & 24 12 & 23 12 & 23 10 & 10 10 16 13 14 10 13 94 94 Nil 6,J & 10 6J & 10 18 Two 8 Two 10 Two 9 Two 6 13 &18 Two 8 8& 15 10 12 14 10, 16,18 First class. Northern Coal Co. Hikurangi Hauling Locomotive & traction. Northern Roller-mills Auckland Flour-mill First class. Northern Steamship Co. Northern Wairoa Timber Co. Tatarariki If • • Idle (for sale) Sawmill Ookleeton Bros. O'Donahue & Price Ohinemuri County Council Old Hauraki Gold-mining Co. Hobsonville Taumarunui .. Paeroa Coromandel Pottery Sawmill Stone-breaking Quartz-crushing .. Winding Pumping Second class. Locomotive & traotion. First class. First class & winding. First class. Onehunga Borough Council Onehunga Onehunga Woollen Co. Te Papapa Woollen-factory .. Parker and Lamb Auckland Sawmill Premier Joinery Co. (Ltd.) Prioe, A. & G. Primrose, -J. & J. Thames Hamilton Kirikiriroa Rangiora Paeroa Riverhead Ironworks Threshing Second class. Locomotive & traction. Rangiora Sawmill Co. Rasmussen, R. .. Riverhead Paper-mills Sawmill Flax-mill Paper-mill Second class. First class. Roberts & Co., J. D. Ross, A. Y. Rotorua Timber Co. Rowe & Co. Royal Oak Gold-mining Co. Salmon (Ltd.), R. Salmon & Co. Sanford, A. Seccomb & Co., R. Sharland & Co. .. Slater & Co. Auokland Matata Rotorua Mamaku Tokatia Auokland Confectionery Sawmill Second class. First'class. Second class. Battery Manure-works Freezing Ice-making Brewery Steaming Hauling Opuawhanga .. Whakapara Matakohe Locomotive & traction. Smith Bros. Sawmill First class. Second class. Smith & Malcolm Smyth Bros. Steele Bros. Stevens & Stokes Sutherland & Co. Suttie Bros. Suttie & Co. Symons, A.M... Talisman Consolidated Gold-mining Co. Ditto .. Whangape Kaikokopu Kennedy Bay .. Oxford Bush .. Kaitui Onehunga Flax-mill Traction Sawmill Locomotive & traotion. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Tannery Waharoa Auckland Karangahake .. Flax-mill Sawmill Quartz-crushing .. First class. 57 57 35 10,16, 18 10,16, 18 14g & 16 I* Tararu Creek Gold-mining Co. (Ltd.) Tararu Quartz-crushing & air-compressing Quartz-orushing .. Sawmill Pumping & winding Taringamutu Sawmill Co. Taupiri Coal-mines (Ltd.).. Taringamatu .. Huntly 30 45 42 16 12 &20 Two 9, Two 8, &12 Two 18 Two 18 Two 9, Two 8 Two 9, Two 8 Two 5 Two 8 8& Two 12 8& Two 12 Two 11 J Two 9 11J 11* Two 74 Two 10 First class & winding. 30 30 42 n 77 Kinihia Winding Traotion.. Pumping & winding 14 12 24 Winding. Locomotive & traction. First class & winding 24 it ' ' Taupo-Totara Timber Co. Taupiri Kopokorahi .. Mokiotuiti Mokai Putaruru Taupo Hauling Sawmill 20 If 28 58 12 18 First class. Second class. Hauling Sawmill Locomotive & traction. Second class.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Koiler used. Purposes for which used. IS Diameter o( Cylinders of Engines, in Inches, j Class of Driver roquirei AUCKLAND I USTKICT— continua .. 'aupo-Totara Timber Co. Taupo Bush .. Hauling 12 18 50 20 5 8 &8 10 & 10 10 & 10 Two 12 Locomotive & traction. Second class. t> • • * ' • 'aylor & Sons ( W. Taupiri Ohaff-cutting& threshing Dairy Winding Locomotive & traction. 'e Aroha Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Thames Drainage-works .. Waihau Thames 25 22 2-2 35 85 35 88 13 20 28 25 15 8 25 10 10 & 20 10 & 20 82 82 82 82 12| 10 Nil 16 16 5J&11 10 & Two 7 16i 16| Two9£ Two 8 10 Two 9 Two 9 Two 9 12,20,15, &30 12,20,15, &30 12,20,15, & 30 12,20,15, I &30 11 &20 11 &20 35 & 70, Two 12, & 14 35 & 70, Two 12, & 14 12,12,35, & 70 12,12,35, &70 110,60,70, &35 110,60,& Two 8 Two 12 110,60,35, & 70 Two 18 Second class. Winding. Drainage-works .. First class. 'homas Bros, 'hompson & Gardiner 'homes & Niccolls 'rounson, J. New Lynn ArchHill . '. Kaihu Brick-works Brick & pipe works Abattoir Sawmill Second class. First class. Jnion Collieries Co. » ■ • Maramarua Hauling Pumping Locomotive & traction. Second class. Jnion Soap & Candle Co. Westfleld Soap-works 40 25 16 14 8 18 18 18 50 First class. Victoria Gold-mining Co. .. Vaihi Extended Gold-mining Co. .. Vaihi Gold-mining Co. Thames Waihi Winding Pumping & winding Hauling Second class. Winding. Locomotive & traction Waihi &Waikino • Waihi Quartz-crushing .. First class. If ' • < ■ 50 52 70 50 45 64 Pumping, winding, & air-compressing First class & winding. Ditto 64 56 56 Pumping & winding 88 88 88 88 Winding & aircompressing Ditto Pumping, winding, & air-compressing 42 Winding. 52 70 Two 18 Two 11J, 45,90,14, & 10 Two Hi, 45,90,14, & 10 Two 11J, 45,90,14, &10 Two 11J, 45,90,14, & 10 Two 10 12,21,15 12,21,15 19 & 36 19 & 36 19 &36 19 & 36 19 & 36 Two 7, Two 14, 18, & 32 First class & winding Ditto 70 70 70 Waihi &Waikino Sawing timber Quartz-crushing .. Second class. First class. n • • • • 16 40 ■10 50 50 50 50 50 63 Vaihi Grand Junotion Gold - mining Go. Waihi Pumping, winding, & air - compressing First class & winding



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner, Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used V . oS p-'S Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver requirei AUCKLAND DISTRICT— continued. Waihi Grand Junction Gold - mining Co. Waihi .. Pumping, winding, 80 & air - compressing .. Ditto .. ' 80 )0 Two 7,18, & 42 First olass & winding. Ditto .. 10Two 7,18, & 42 L7 9 Waikato Bacon Co. Frankton June- j Baoon-factory .. 17 tion Thames .. Crushing & wind- 35 ing Kuaotuna .. Battery .. 35 Waitekauri .. Pumping & wind- 50 ing Seoond class. Waiotahi Gold-mining Co. 15 14 &14 Winding. Waitaia Gold-mines Waitekauri Gold-mining Co. )5 15 SO 18, 12, & Two 10, & 4 15 16 .4 Two 84 7 9 First olass. First class & winding. Waitemata Sawmill Co. Whitchurch Bros. White & Co., J. G. White Pine Co. .. Auokland .. Sawmill . . 35 Manurewa .. j Flax-mill . , 14 Mount Eden .. | Stone-breaking .. 17 Naumai .. Hauling logs . . 10 Toka Toka .. „ .. 14 .. Sawmill .. 40 .. „ ..40 .. ..65 Whakatane .. Flax-mill ... 16 Auckland .. Printing .. 53 First class. Second class. .0 Two 8 .4 8 & 13 10 Two 15 10 Two 15 >5 Two 15 .6 64 & 11J 1315,9, 13, 12, &5 10 9 & 13 >7 14 & 28 17 14 & 28 18 14 & 28 Looomotive & traotion. First class. Williams, 0. . .'.'. .. .. Wilson & Horton Seoond class. First class. Wilson & Co., J. .. .. ' „ .. 100 Mahaurangi .. Lime-works .. ' 67 Warkworth . .■ Cement-works .. 67 ..68 Akaroa County Counoil Allen, R. Allinson, R. Anderson, John .. NORTH CANTERBURY. 8j 6& 104 2! 64 & ill 7 8 0 9& 15 0 9&15 5 94 & 174 0 " 12 4 5 &9 6 8& 12f 8 12 8 8| 8 9 8 94 6 7 0 10 8 6&10 3 9 7 8 9 6 & 104 9 94 3 6 & 104 3 9 3 9 3 Nil 7 11 1 12 & 214 3 11 I Nil i Nil ) 7 ) 8 & 12| ) Two 9 I I 12 I 8 I 1 6| & 114 ! 8| 84 1 64 & 10 10 : 6 & 104 44 & 7 Two 9 9,14, & 28 1 9,14, & 28 9,14, & 28 Two 8f i 94 & 16 1 9| & 16 94&I6 94 & 16 I Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Locomotive & traotion. First class. Akaroa .. Stone-orushing .. 81 Ricoarton .. Flour-mill .. 121 Christohurch .. Sawing and hauling 7 .. Foundry .. 20 on 8| 12j 7 20 20 45 20 4 16 18 8 8 8 6 10 8 8 7 9 9 8 8 8 16 17 17 16 17 25 20 30 9 30 6 9 i 8 7 8 9 8 5 20 40 9 409 30 9 14 36 15 15 15 Anderson & Co., J. Andrews, J. C. .. Andrews, S. Aulsebrook & Co. Bailev, R. •Bailey, Wm. Barnes, Chas. Batchelor Bros. •Beal, M. •Bennett, H. * ..20 Lyttelton .. Engineers' tools .. 45 Waikuku .. Flax-mill , 20 Heathoote . . Road-wagon .. 4 „ .. ' Stone-crushing .. 16 Christohurch .. Biscuit-factory .. 18 Ashley .. Threshing .. 8 Templeton .. I „ .. 8 Cheviot .. „ ..8 Culverden .. , Chaff-cutting .. 6 Kaiapoi Island Threshing .. 10 Lincoln .. „ .. 8 Q Second olass. Looomotive & traction. First olass. Seoond class. Locomotive & traotion. Boag & Cook .. » ..8 Doyleston .. „ .. 7 Q .. ..9 Body,"A. E. •Bowman, Jno. •Bowman, R. .. Bowron Bros. .. „ ..9 Sydenham .. Hauling .. 8 Ricoarton .. Threshing .. 8 West Oxford .. „ .. 8 Woolston .. Tannery .. 16 -1C7 Second class. . • -.17 117 .. „ .. 17 1 a First olass. Second class. ... . ..16 Heating water .. 17 OK Brown, Mrs. Brown, D. H. .. Brightling, J. -.25 Christohurch .. ! Laundry .. 20 Addington .. ; Flour-mill .. 30 Christohurch . . River-cleaning .. 9 „ .. j Brick-making .. j 30 Kaiapoi .. Chaff-cutting .. i 6 Dunsandel .. Threshing, &o. .. 9 i .. Threshing .. 8 Swannanoa .. ! „ .. 7 Prebbleton .. „ ..81 Halkett .. „ ..9 Leeston .. „ .. 8 Belfast .. Road-wagon .. 5 .. Shunting .. 20 .. Freezing .. 40 9, Af\Q First olass. Seoond class. Brundell, H. A. .. Burgess, J. •Burgess, Wm. Burgin, T. A. •Burns, W. "Calder Bros. •Campbell, E. .. Canterbury Frozen-meat Co. Looomotive & traction. First olass. ■ ■ 409, on o. .. 309, .. Oleo-works .. 14 ' .. I Cooperage .. 36 ! .. Boiling down .. 15 ! .. Manure-works .. 15 ! Seoond olass. First olass. .. 15 1 ♦This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. £ • Diameter |8 of Purposes for which pvg Cylinders used ipq of S« Engines, in - 2 ° Inches. . Class of Driver required. NORTH CANT: ERBURY— continued i. Canterbury Seed Co. Cheviot County Counoil .. Heathcote Port Robinson Seed-cleaning Landing-service .. Hauling surf-boats Brick-making 20 25 20 56 27 103 121 Two 101 Two 10| 121 11 Three 7 &'■ three 12 Three 7 & ! three 12 5|&9 51 & 91 9 15&26 15&26 10 7&7 Nil 12 & 23 Nil 12 Nil 15 & 27 15 & 27 15&27 Nil 11 Two6| Two 7 Two 74 Two 74 Two 7 Two 74 Two 7 84 74 8| 12 94 9 9 Second'class. First olass. Christohurch Brick Co. St. Martin's .. Seoond class. Christohuroh City Counoil Christohuroh .. Destructor First class. 103 Road-roller 6 0 7 25 25 18 10 16 15 25 30 20 40 40 40 27 20 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 4 8 20 8 8 8 14 20 8 4 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 9 45 15 30 12 8 30 7 10 8 8 8 8 10 30 8 8 20l 8 8 50 16 30 30 8 8 9 8 i 8 81 8 Looomotive & traotion Christohuroh Drainage Board Linwood Pumping First olass. Christohuroh Gas Co. Christohuroh Meat Co. Christohuroh .. Islington Looomotive Wool-scouring Second class. Looomotive & traction. Seoond olass. First class. Second class. Manure-works Fellmongery Freezing First olass. Christohurch Steam-laundry Christohurch Tramway Co. Christohuroh .. Oleo-working Laundry Tram-engine No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 Hauling Chaff-outting Threshing Fellmongery Threshing Chaff-outting Threshing, &o. Sawmill Engineer's tools .. Threshing Chaff-outting Flour-mill Threshing Second class. Looomotive & traotion. Clark, J. G. •Clark, H. J. * Kirwee Flaxton Clark" W. H. !! '.'. •Clinton, Peter Clough, Robt. Conway, W. F. .. Coop, James Cooper & Duncan Costello, H. Cox Bros, and Power Curragh, A. Woolston Greendale Little River .. Cust Little River .. Christohurch .. Cheviot Templeton Second olass. Locomotive & traotion. Two 84 84 & 12| 9 6 64 & 104 9 9 9 64 & 10 64&IO 9 10 141 141 101 7 & 111 9 8 8 7&7 64 & 10 64 & 10 84 8$ 94 12 9 9 7& 12 9 94 16 Two 124 12&23 12&23 64 & 10 64 & 10 64 & 104 ' 64 & 104 64 & 104 9 9 Seoond olass, First class. Locomotive & traotion. Addington Templeton Second class. Looomotive & traotion. •Curragh Bros. Dalziel & Purvis •Darrook, R. •Davis, H. E. Fernside Waikari Irwell Doyleston Glentunnel Threshing Looomotive & traotion. Deans, J. Brick and tile works First olass. Dearsley & Taylor Dickson, M. J. .. Duckworth & Greer Duncan, P. & D. East, F. W Eleotrio Construction Co. Christohurch .. West Eyreton.. Papanui Christohuroh .. Prebbleton Christohuroh .. Sawmill Threshing, &o. Seoond olass. Locomotive & traotion. Foundry Threshing Looomotive Hauling Second class. Locomotive & traotion. Evans, Riohard .. Kaiapoi Threshing •Findlayi D. & R. •Gardener, H. .. Gardener, R. •Gibbs, Henry •Gillander, Bros. Glenmore Brick & Tile Co. Goss, James Courtenay Irwell Cust Spreydon Darfield Woolston Christohuroh .. Flour-mill Threshing Threshing Flour-mill Threshing Second olass. Locomotive & traotion Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Briok-works Sawmill Sash & door faotory First class. •Gough, J. •Greenslade, J. .. * Greendale Prebbleton Threshing Locomotive & traotion. * •Greer Bros. Hadler, J. H. M. Papanui Amberley Chaff-cutting 0 * This plant hai two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Where Boiler Purposes for which h E H cS »'3 5° Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in m.. n r .t i~i....,„- _ AnlI ; vn^i NORTH CANT ERBURY— continued I Hall, Hy. INUrlTJ-i (JAJNT Christchurch .. ana u n x — continued I Threshing and hauling Threshing Threshing Woodworks Threshing Road-wagon Tannery Chaff-cutting Threshing Chaff-outting o 64*10 Looomotive & traotion. •Hampton, C. .. •Hanna, T. Henshall, . •Herman, E. Heywood, J. M. .. Hill, Walter Holland & Giles •Holland & Watson Humm, W. •Humm Bros. Johnson, William Southbridge .. Sefton Papanui West Oxford .. Christohurch .. Woolston Kaiapoi Greendale Waddineton .. 8 8 20 8 4 30 9 8 5 6 8 8 8 8 8 65 30 30| 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 9 9 10 6.4 & 10 44 & 7 12 & 19 8| 9 7 8 64 & 104 9 94 91 9 20&36 20&36 20&36 6 & 10 61 & 104 9 9 9 74 & 15 74 &15 Two 15 &114 Two 15 & 114 Two 12 Two 12 134 134 13J Two 84 9& 12 Second class. Looomotive & traotion. Ajuuuiiiuijive oc tiacLiuii. First olass. Locomotive & traotion. rjucumuijive 06 uiaouioil. vv ojixixuiguuxi .. Yaldhurst VJClCvll-HUtlUlllg . . tlUUUSUIl, ...ixicxii Jones & Patterson •Judson, J. xaiunursb Horarata Woodend Threshing J-iiCOOUlllg . . Kaiapoi Woollen-mills vv ouuenu Kaiapoi Woollen-mills First olass. LXiUflJJUl 1. yunvu-uuiin ■vaiajJUi . . vvooiieii-mius r iitui uittss. Kimber, Albert H. Springston Threshing, &o. Locomotive & traotion. xYimuei, ciiuoiu xx. Lemon & Anderson Lill. F kJXillllgOUUXl . . Killinchy Dunsandel XlllUOIIlllg, IVO. ■ . Threshing uucjujiiuLive ex bxauuiun. lULCSUUlg . ■ XJ111, X 1 . . . Lvttelton Borough Counoil i^uiisanuei Lyttelton Pumping water First olass. XjyuuBluUXl uyLUUgu vjuuuuji . . I , > t, I.U1 L> l[| , , x " ,N l nll t> nran.1 . . j: ilsij class. it • • 20 it - - Lyttelton Harbour Board .. Eleotrio light 16 16 15 15 15 38 15 uj (jooj u,-nr uuiuvu. • • Pumping Second olass. X . . oeouuu class. Lyttelton Times Co. Christohuroh . . Hauling Printing and electric light Ditto Twine-making Threshing 15 32 8 8 8 50 9 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 4 9 8 8 8 6 8 9 30 8 O 9& 12 104 64 & 104 84 9i Two 7 9| 64 & 114 9 64&IO 9 9 6& 10 9 9 64 & 10 9 44 & 6 74&H 91 91 64&IO 8 64 & 10 6J & 10 12 &20 84 61 &10 First class. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traction. Maddren & Sons Maindonald, M. H. West Eyreton .. maiiiuuii.ciu, ivx. xx. tr unu i.jj j.uiji'ii . . XXllCQUlllg . . XJOUUXIlUulYO Vit IjiaULlUll, Manning & Co. Martin, Geo. H. .. •Matthews Bros. .. McCartney, R. .. ■MV.n.r,nn«ll A- Wn.lkpr Christohuroh .. East Eyreton.. Saltwater Creek Tai Tapu Cust Killinchy Greendale Southbridge .. Southbrook Doyleston Waikari Brewing Threshing Second class. Looomotive & traotion. luiramuj xjcjuuixiuuive 06 vraciiion. MoConnell & WalKer * MoCrostie,"j. W... MoEvedy, Peter .. •Mcintosh, Kenneth •MoLachlan, A. .. McLauchlin, J. .. Not stated Threshing XlllCOillUg . . * McLaren & Co., W. A. VV.Ulv.clLl Christohuroh .. Road-wagon Road-work lYxUxjaiuu IX- Cu*U., ¥».«.. oxiiibiuiiuiuii . . x\oau-worK. Hauling.. IXtbUUUg . . . . Mills, John Moffatt, R. Moir & Co. •Moody, W. N.Z. Govt. Agricultural College Waikuku Christchurch . . Southbrook Woodend Lincoln Chaff-cutting Traction Flour-mill Threshing First class. Locomotive & traotion. Exempt under section 63 "Inspection of Ma ohinery Act, 1902." Ditto. XillCSUlCJg . . N.Z. Govt. Defence Dept. N.Z. Govt. Lunatio Asylum Lyttelton Sunnyside Eleotrio lights Pumping water .. 20 30 30 20 12 Two 9 Two 9 10 & 10 L/lllllU, N.Z. Govt. Public Works Dept. . . Cheviot Extension Belfast X IXLUlllllg V,OVDl . . Locomotive N.Z. Provision & Produce Co. Chemical-works .. Soap-works Fellmongery .. j Electric lights 20 20 17 50 16 17 8 O 6& 10 9 11 "4 114 Nil 9 n Second olass. iN.Zj. JTluvlbluxl uc iiuuucc. wu. . . Nioholls, Wm. North Canterbury Hospital Board .. OUilclbli • • oeuouu cjiauH. Christchurch .. Oleo & General Produce & Export Co. •Osborne, Job vjurisiciiurcn . . Belfast Doyleston Heating Threshing Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. VJSUUIIIO, UKJU ±svy los null . . XXlLOOlUXlg . . i-juuuLiiuuive uc ijiautiun.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used £ . Diameter Is ° ( ft-g Cylinders ciijq of £„ Engines, in 2 ° Inches. CFacis of Driver required NORTH CANT 3RBURY— continue, •Osborne, Job •Page, H. •Pawsey, J. R. .. Pearson, W. Pepper & Co., A. Leeston Springston Sefton Southbrook Sydenham Threshing Flax-mill Sash & door factory Threshing Wood & chaff cutting Stone-crushing .. 8 8 8 8 80 9 9 84 94 11 Locomotive & traction. Seoond olass. •Perryman, H. E. Philpott & Sons Tai Tapu St. Albans 8 7 94 7* Locomotive & traotion. Pitoaithly & Co., R. Halswell 40 10 10 9 8 20 Two 10 Two 9 1 & 11 6|& 12 6| & 114 8 & 124 Seoond class. Hauling Looomotive & traction. Press Co. Reid Bros. Christchurch .. Bennett's Roadwork Printing & electric light Ditto Chaff-outting Threshing Chaff-cutting Engineer's shop .. Dairy factory Threshing 15 7 8 9 •20 30 8 8 8 14 18 8 8 6 6 8 56 25 8 & 124 9 9 6 & 104 11 8 6J & 10 9 9 7 & 12 Two 10J 6 & 104 6 & 10 8 8 9 12 & 21 12 &21 First class. Locomotive & traction. Rice, A. Scott Bros. Sefton Dairy Faotory Co. Sharp, John •Shipley, Barton •Simpson, G. F. .. Sims, John Smart, S. Smith, H. •Smith, W. Smith, W. C. Kaiapoi Christchurch . . Sefton Lincoln Greendale Southbridge .. Kaiapoi Sydenham Kaiapoi Island Ohoka Southbridge .. Sawmill Stone-breaking .. Threshing Seoond class. Locomotive & traction. Second class. First olass. Locomotive & traotion. Chaff cutting •Smith, W. R. .. Smith & Smith .. Strange"& Co., W. •Streeter, J. Swanston, A. Christchurch .. Threshing Electric light Sawmill & electric light Ditto Gabinetmaking . Threshing Hauling 25 25 8 8 7 8 8 8 6 5 21 8 8 35 50 8 25 8 9 12 8 7 35 35 12 &21 12 8} QJZ_ 8ft 9 94 9 8 5 & 9 5, 6, & 8 9 81 9 & 14 14 9 101 8§ 64 & 10 6& 104 64 & 104 8 First- olass. Seoond class. Locomotion & traction. Tai Tapu Christchurch .. •Thompson, G. .. Thorn, A. J. •Thyre. B. Trounoe, C. Tyler, C. A. Union S.S. Co. .. •Vallanoe, John •Walker & Washbourne Wardell Bros. Prebbleton Hororata Brookside Waikari Rangiora Lyttelton Sefton Selwyn Christohurch .. Threshing Chaff-outting Road-wagon Hoisting Threshing Second class. Locomotive & traction. Eleotrio light Flax-mill Sawmill Threshing, &c. First olass. Washbourne, E. .. Watson, Gavin • Watson Bros. White Bros. White & Co., A. J. •Whyte, Geo. Selwyn Christchurch .. Halkett Loburn Christohuroh .. West Oxford .. East Oxford .. Christohuroh .. Furniture-making Threshing Locomotive & traction. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Second olass. Locomotive & traction. Williams & Stevens • Withell Bros. Wood & Co., W. .. Wright, G. F. . • * Brookside Addington Annat Sawmill Sash and door factory Threshing Flour-mill Threshing Chaff-cutting Oil-clothing manufacture Soap & candle works 8 45 8 4 20 Two 11 12&20 61 & 104 13 & 23 9 6 7 First olass. Locomotive & traotion. First class. Looomotive & traction. * Yarmouth Oil clothing Co. Christohurch . Second class. Zealandia Soap and Candle Co. Woolston 25 8 ; Adams, John SOUTH ( IANTERBURY. 64 & 104 6& 10 8 9 61 & 104 64 & 104 84 64 & 104 18 18 18 Looomotive & traotion. Rakaia Hauling Chaff-outting 8 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 20 30 80 Adams, John, jun. Aker, William * Albury Farmers' Threshing Co. .. * Anderson, Hy. Anderson, Wm. Andrews, M. Ashburton Woollen-mills Washdyke Albury Greenstreet Flemington .. Pleasant Point Ashburton Threshing Hauling Woollen-mills First class. •This ilant has two years' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

7—H. 15a.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. 9 . o " Purposes for which p,*3 used. & a3 ra" £° Diameter of Cylinders c]ass o( Driver requ i re d. EngineB, in Inches. SOUTH CANTI 3RBURY— continued Barrie, Jas. Batohelor, H. * Bateman, Caleb Bean, Thos. Waihao Downs Albury Temuka Hook Threshing and hauling Hauling, &c. Threshing Hauling and threshing Threshing Chaff-outting Threshing 7 8 8 I 9 84 I 91 I 9 Looomotive & traction. * Beattie, Jas. Bennet, Charles .. * • Bennison Bros. Betts, F. * Bishop, Jas. * * * Brogden, Wm. * Buckingham, Bros. Burgess, J. Orari Tinwald Newlands Ashburton Wheatstone .. Temuka Waimate Mayfield Chaff-outting Threshing 8 5 8 8 6 9 9 8 8 7 8 9 Tf 9 91 81 64 & 10 64 & 111 9 9* 6& 10 64 & 104 6| & lOJ 9 0 0 tt Hauling 0 Button, R. T. Peel Forest .. Chaff-outting & threshing Threshing Cameron, D. Methven 8 8 8 10| 9 •Campbell D. Chertsey Chaff-cutting & threshing Threshing For sale • Campbell, W. G. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association Ditto Canterbury Frozen Meat Co. Timaru Timaru 9 8 94 64 & 104 Pareora Hauling Freezing 8 15 150 150 70 70 70 16 16 15 20 20 8 8 6 6 40 40 50 83 6 20 8 8 8 16 8 8 8 6 8 7 8 8 30 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 16 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 8 8 9 Two 81 14,22 & 36 14,22 & 36 9,14, & 25 9,14, & 25 9,14,& 25 8& 12 8& 12 Two 81 14&21 14&21 9 9 8 Two 5| 12&22 12&22 16 & 29 16&29 6&9J 94 91 9 84 64 & 111 84 6& 10 94 7| 9 9 6& 10 Si 14 & 24 6& 10 9 9 9 7&11 61 & 104 18 & 13 9 81 9 9 9 9 64 & 10 64 & 10 64 & 10 64 & 10 9J 94 Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Fairfield 0 ■ • . . Oleo-works 0 . • Canterbury Roller Flour-mills Co. .. Ashburton Hauling Flour-mills Locomotive & traotion. First olass. Capon Bros. Cartwright & Douglas Cavill, Thos. Christohurch Meat Co. Wincbmore .. Milford, Temuka Ashburton Smithfield General Threshing & hauling Chaff-outting Shunting Freezing Locomotive & traotion. 0 First olass. 0 • • • • 0 • • . • • • ■ •Cleve Bros. Collins, W. H. .. Connor Bros. Copeland, J. Crowley, M. Crum, A. •Cummings Bros. Dawson, A. Methven Ashburton Kakahu Chertsey Kerry town Ashburton Waituna Waterton Threshing Sawing & planing.. Hauling & threshing Threshing Looomotive & traction. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Brick making Threshing General Chaff-outting Threshing & hauling Threshing Second class. Locomotive & traction. • Dermondy, Miohael •Doake, D. J. Douglas, J. Drummond, P. .. Tomuka Wakanui Rakaia Lyndhurst Evans & Co. Fitzgerald, N. .. •Fitzgerald Bros. Timaru Tinwald Flour-mills Threshing, &o. Threshing First class, Looomotive & traotion. . .. •Fleming, J. C. .. Friedlander Bros. Gallagher, Jas. Geddes Bros. George, H. •Gourley, Mrs. J. Graham, H. •Gray, Carl Gregan, M. Greig, Wm. * . . . . • t Grigg" E. F Grigg, John Ashburton Geraldine Ashburton Mayfield Redcliffs Makikihi Winslow Winchester Greenstreet Orati Bridge .. Timaru Gleniti Akanui Longbeach For sale Hauling Threshing Flax-mill Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing First class. Locomotive & traotion Traction Threshing General Winslow Waimate Hauling Chaff-cutting Threshing .. 0 Hardwicke, W. .. * • • •. . • 0 * This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. <j> . Diameter gS of Purposes for which a-g Cylinders C i as8 0 f Driver required. used o)fq of Engines, in 2 ° Inches. n SOUTH CANTE RBURY— continued. ;. Harkness, W. S. Harrison, H.J. Harrison, Wm. .. Hartnell Bros. •Hawkins Bros. .. * Hayman, H. * Hayman, W. * Hayman Bros. Hearn & Watts .. •Henderson, J. .. Heron, Jas. •Holland, R. Hopkinson, Wm. Hopkinson Bros. .. •Hughes & Johnston Hunt & Sons •Hunter, D. Jackson, A. G. Timaru Rakaia Summerlia Lavington Waimate Studholme Willowby Rangitata Island Ashburton Temuka'***?* .. Flemington Temuka Threshing Station-work Hauling, &o. Threshing Hauling & threshing Threshing Hauling & threshing Threshing Hauling Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 0 8 8 64 & 10 9 9 84 91 8| 8f 6&10 94 9 94 64 & 104 9 91 9 84 9 91 8 9 9 Locomotive & traction. Waitohi Flat .. Waimate Waimataitai .. Hunter tt Jaokson, J. Timaru Threshing & chaffoutting Sawmill Flour-mill 16 30 25 4 14 14&24 14 6 0 Second olass. First olass. Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. Joyce, V. Kean, J. D. •Kelcher Bros. .. •Kellahan Bros. .. Kilworth, J. T. •Kilworth, J. T. King, Thos. Ashburton Timaru Makikihi Timaru Methven Washdyke 0 .. Chaff & firewood cutting Hauling, &o. Threshing Chaff-outting Threshing Chaff-cutting Threshing & ohaffoutting Not stated Brick-making Hauling, &o. Threshing Threshing & chaffcutting Chaff-cutting Threshing 8 8 7 0 7 7 64 & 11 9 54 &94 6& 10 81 74 Kingsbury, R. H. Kirk, H. B. Knox, S. & M. Lamb, W. •Lawrie, Mrs. Geo. Timaru Ashburton 8 16 8 8 8 64 & 11 "4 64 & 10 6& 10 84 First olass. Looomotive & traotion. St. Andrew's .. 0 Love, J. H. •Manchester, J. & T. •Martin, Andrew Martin & Wooffington •McCormack, L. .. Molntyre, J. Molntyre Bros. .. McLeod, Alex. .. •Meaolem, Robt... •Meaclem, Wm. .. Mitchell, J. H. Geraldine Waimate Otaio Temuka Waitohi Flat .. Tinwald Ashburton Geraldine Ashburton Threshing & hauling Threshing Threshing, &o. Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing 6 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 n 9 61 & 104 84 91 64 & 10 64 & 104 9 9 10 9nV 0 Morgan & Lynch.. Morris, John •Moses, W. •Neilson, J. P. .. Nicol& Scott •Norris, R. O'Donoghue, J. .. Studholme Junction Chertsey Elgin Ashburton Pleasant Point Waimate Otaio Studholme Hauling Threshing 8 8 8 8 10 8 6 61 & 104 9 61 & 104 64 & lOf 94 & 14 5&8 7fi •Oliver, J. W. .. Orr, Thos Palmer Bros. •Pearoe, John Pelvin Bros. * Greenstreet Waitohi Flat .. Belfast-Orari .. Rakaia Glenavy Flour-mill Threshing Threshing & chaffcutting Threshing Hauling, &c. Threshing & hauling Threshing 6& 104 74 & 10 9 9 6g & 10| 6} & 114 6| & 114 9 9 91 9 9 9 9 6} & 114 9 9A 64 & llf 61 & 104 9 9 First olass. Locomotive & traotion. •Perks" Thos. •Preddy, Geo. .. Preddy, Mark •Prue, Thos. Quinn, Wm. Waimate Ashburton Temuka Waimate Makikihi Threshing & hauling Threshing Hauling & threshing 9 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 • • Threshing 0 • ■ Rae, James •Rainey, Thos. .. Reid & Gray Reilly Bros. Robertson, Jno. .. St. Andrew's .. Allanton Timaru Chertsey Temuka Briok-making Hauling & threshing Threshing For sale Chaff-cutting Threshing & hauling Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. •This ilant has two 'ears' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. a> . Diameter \% u . PUrP °used° r WblCh if C^" tS Class of Driver required u ». Engines, in 2 ° Inches. X SOUTH CANT] ERBURY— continued Looomotive & traotion. .. 'Ross, Wm. Ross & MoClintook ' Saunders, Geo. Saunders & Heaohan 'Soannel, Michael Scott, J. Sherratt & Gaiger 'Slee, F.J 'Slee & Raddenklau 'Snell, John 'South, J. C. South Canterbury Woollen-mills .. Stalker, J. Stewart, Jas. Stewart & Son, J. 'Stevens, W. H. .. Stooker, F. Sutherland, Thos. ralbot & Lyons Taylor, Thos. 'Thompson, Geo. rhornley & Hearn Cimaru Borough Counoil .. fimaru Harbour Board .. Lyndhurst Waimate Pleasant Point Temuka Woodbury Geraldine Waimate Rangitata Island Geraldine Timaru Tinwald Hakataramea .. Temuka Chertsey Lowoliffe-Hinds Washdyke Tinwald Temuka Flemington .. Lyndhurst Timaru Threshing Traction Threshing Hauling Threshing Woollen-mills Threshing Hauling Threshing & hauling Hauling, &o. Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing Hauling Threshing Hauling, &e. Road-rolling Hauling 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 6 8 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 33 33 15 140 30 30 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 30 8 10 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 84 61 & 10J 9A 9 9 9 9 8 91 91 91 5J&94 9f 9 84 9 14 91 64 & 114 91 8| 9 9 9 64 & 104 9f 91 9 8 Two 121 Two 12| Two 81 16&26 16 & 26 16&26 5&9 9 9 9 9 9 61 & 104 6| & 10| 12 9 6&10J ? 4 7&11 61 & 104 9 9 64 & 10 9 61 & 104 6f & 114 8| a Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. 0 0 Pimaru Milling Co. Flour-mill 0 First olass. m riny, Michael Dozer & McMaster Tally, M. iValker, Chas. iValker, Jas. 'Ward, Thos. 'Washington, T. .. 'Watkins Bros. .. iVestland & Timaru Saw-milling Co. 'White, L. rVhitell, John 'Wigley, R. rVigley & Thornley 'Willetts, J. M. .. Peel Forest .. Temuka Rakaia Geraldine Temuka Timaru Temuka Tinwald Timaru Rakaia Ealing Pleasant Point Timaru Albury Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing m Locomotive & traotion. m Sawmill Threshing Station-work Chaff-cutting General Threshing Hauling Threshing Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. 'Wilson, Jas. vVilson, Thomas JVilson & Morris 'Winter Bros. iVooding Bros. Allandale Tinwald Hinds Timaru Woodbury Barry, D. Bartholomew Bros. Beattie, Lang, & Co. Bourke, M. F. .. Bourke, M. F. .. Bridge, H. A. Burges, Fred. Butcher, H. F. .. Jarlson, H. HAW KE'S BAY. Two 8 12 84 Two 94 Nil 12A Two 9 4& 7 Two 84 64 & 111 n 8 Two 9| 10 Two 84 Two 9| Two 9 8&10 17 12 7&11 20 1*4 Second olass. Gisborne .. I Matamau Dannevirke .. Tukara Riverside Ongaonga Waipawa Napier .. i Onepu J Brewery Sawmill Creamery Flax-mill Soap-works Flour-mill Sawmill i Steam-wagon Sawmill Hauling Threshing 18 20 20 10 50 14 14 7 14 8 4 6 16 16 12 35 33 6 50 27 10 55 20 Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. Locomotive & traction. 3arr, S. Dodd, Chas. 3ohr & Co. 3ollett & Edkins.. Urallan, Jno. Dannevirke S.M. Co. Onga Puketapu Makaretu Dannevirke Matahiwi Tamaki Sawmill Foundry .. I Sawmill Seoond class. Douglas, W. J. .. 3tamman & Co., G. A. Mahanga Smith's Siding Matamau Otangi Piripiri Tahoraite Threshing Sawmill .. j Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Seoond olass. First olass. 0 • • ',• • This ilant has two wears' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner; Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. fe U 8 I" Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. HAWKE'S BAY— continued. Gisborne Harbour Bd. Gisborne Sheep Farmers .. Gisborne Pile-driving Freezing 26 88 Two 8 9 & 16, 12 & 22 9& 16, 12 &22 9 & 16, 12 & 22 5,8,6&6 5,8,6&6 12 13 Three 7 7| Two9£ Two 9J 15J Iβ* Nil 9 22 22 22 16 12&22 16 Two 8J 14 Two 9 13§ 6J & 11J 12 Two 8 J Two 8J 6 & 11 Two8J 21 & 42 21,40,10, &17J Two 6 8 8 5| & 9 12,13, & 25 12, 13, & 25 12, 13, & 25 12, 13, & 25 12, 13, & 25 19, 28,18, &30J 19, 28, 18, &30£ 19, 28, 18, &30J 19, 28, 18, &30£ 19, 28,18, &30J 19, 28,18, &30J 21 21 6 6J& 11 10 iO 19 & 28 Second olass. First class. H • t 35 ¥ • • • • 40 35 35 23 35 8 25 14 12 50 50 20 20 40 20 25 40 25 50 12 38 16 18 8 35 12 12 6 12 40 100 Second class. Gordon, A. L. Dannevirke .. Sash & door factory Hastings Fire Brigade Hawke's Bay Laundry Co. Hawke's Bay Timber Co. Hastings Napier Puketitiri Fire-engine Laundry Sawmill ti Hawke's Bay Woollen-factory Heretaunga D. Co. Holt, B. Smith's Siding Tahoraite Napier Mahora Napier Woollen-mills Butter-factory Sawmill First class. Second class. First class. Kennedy & Co., C. Knight, A. C. Larsen, A. B. Lloyd, J. G. Piripiri . .. Napier Oringi Dannevirke Mangatera Sand-pumping .. Sawmill .. j Second class. Mackrell & Colley' Manson & Co. Gisborne Eva Tree Tikokino Manson & Tuck McAUey McDonald Bros. Morrison Bros. Napier City Council Ngapairuru .. Pukahu Makotuku Napier Flax-mill Threshing Sawmill Pumping Locomotive & traction. Second class. First class. Napier Harbour Board Hauling 8 6 6 6 50 Locomotive & traction. Neilson, C. C. ! '. Dannevirke .. Hauling & threshing Threshing Freezing Nelson Bros. Gisborne First class. it • • 50 50 43 43 Tomoana 90 90 90 90 90 a> • • . . . . • • • 90 Woodville Baoon-factory 25 25 20 8 20 20 50 Newbiggen, E. .. Newrick, M. Niven & Co., J. J. Hastings Brewery Threshing Foundry Second class. Locomotive & traction. Second class. Spit North British & Hawke's Bay Freezing Co. Ditto .. Western Spit .. Freezing First class. • • • 50 19, 28,12, & 22 19, 28,12, &22 Nil 8 16 16 14 9 Two 6 50 Nuhaka Co-op. Dairy Co. Palmerston North Sash & Door Co. Nuhakft Karatahi Boiling down Dairy factory Sawmill 30 17 45 45 50 20 16 Second class. Second class. First class. Patterson & Mossman Peddle, J. W Matamau Petane Pohui Manure-works Sawmill Second olass.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner. Whew Boiler used. » • Diameter |b of Purposes for which ftg Cylinders used i of £.*, Engines, in 2 ° Inches. X Class of Driver required. HAWKE'S BAY — continued. Pepper, Thos. Twyford Threshing .. 6 .. 8 ..16 .. | 6 Hauling .. j 6 • • : 6 .. 7 Sawmill .. 36 Threshing .. j 6 Brewery .. 30 Sawmill .. l 33 Threshing .. 8 Soap-works .. 50 Flax-mill .. 12 Sawmill .. 14 Planing-mill .. 17 Sawmill .. 40 ..50 .. ! 30 Flax mill .. 16! Sawmill .. 13 .. 50 .. I 20 .. I 14 Threshing .. 6 Fruit-preserving .. ' 26 Flour-mill ... 16 Hauling & th reshing 8 8 Locomotive & traction. 6& 94 51 & 84 8 6 & 104 6 & 104 3| & 64 16 First class. 8 Locomotive & traotion. 8 Seoond olass. 14 9 Looomotive & traotion. 74 Second class. 7& 11 Two 84 11 15 First class. 16 13 Second class. Two 81 : Two 84 161 pirst elass - 104 Seoond class. Two 84 51 & 84 Looomotive & traction. 7 1 Seoond olass. 8 & 14 j First olass. 6} & 11} Locomotive & traotion. Pilcher, Alf. Piloher, F. Powdrell Bros. Hastings Clive Hastings Prebble, J. &W. !! '.. .. Price, C. T. Ramsay, Wm. Robjohn & Sons Ruahine Sawmill Co. Sands, Geo. Saunders, Gilbert, & Co. Seifert, A. Sykes, Geo. Tiratu Planing-mill Tiratu Timber Co. Spit Piripiri Twyford Napier Piripiri Hastings Awatoto Takapau Horoeka Mangatera Tiratu Toogood, W. Umutaora Sawmill Co. Union Timber Co. Walker, George Weber Totara Sawmill Co. •Willan, J. Williams, J. N. .. Williams & Kettle Winiata, T. K. .. Wanstead Umutaora Okarae Nuhaka Weber Taradale Frimley Hastings Maraikakaka .. Alpine Gold-dredging Co. MARL BOROUGH. 8 & 12} First class & two seoond class when working three shifts Two 9 Second olass. 8 Looomotive & traction. Three 84 First olass. 11 & 11 Locomotive & traction. Two 9 Second class. Two 16 First class. Two 16 44 & 64 Looomotive & traction. Two 8} Second class. 8 & 12} First class. 12 & 20 12 & 20 12 & 20 9 Locomotive & traotion. 9 llf Seoond olass. 9 Looomotive & traction. 7 & 114 Three second olass when working three shifts. 9 Locomotive & traction. 8 9 9 8 10} Seoond olass. 12 64 Locomotive & traotion. 6 & 10 61 & 104 5& 9 10 6} & 114 7} 9 74 6 & 104 9 141 First class. 9} Locomotive & traotion. 6 & 10 64&104J 6 & 11 Looomotive & traction. 7 & 12 Seoond olass. 14 & 21 First class. Top Valley Gold-dredging ..201 Attwood, G. H. .. Barnes, P. Blenheim Fire Brigade Brownlee & Co. Wairau Valley Seddon Blenheim Havelook Sawmill .. 12 Threshing .. 6i Fire-engine .. 10 Looomotive .. 20 Log-hauling .. . 12 Sawmill .. 40 .. 40 Road-wagon .. 5 Pumping .. ; 14 Flax-mill .. j 20 Freezing .. 12 .. 12 .. 106 Threshing .. 8 ..8 Sawmill .. , 16 : Threshing .. 8 Gold dredging .. 15 Cates.W. .. !.' Chaytor, J. C. .. Chaytor, John Christohurch Meat Co. Blenheim Marshlands .. Spring Creek .. Picton Dodson, L. Fairhall, E. Fawcett & Climo.. Freeth, A. Golden Point Gold-dredging Co. Spring Creek .. Blenheim Akaloa Bay .. Seddon Wakamarina .. Healey, Jno., jun. Healey Bros. •Jackson, A. W. .. •Jones, Wm. Jones and Holdaway Kenepuru Sawmill Co. Langesen, W. L. Litohfield, A. J. .. Blenheim Threshing & hauling 8 6 Threshing .. 8 .. i 8 .. 6 Sawmill ..33 .. , 20 Threshing .. 4 .. 6 Hauling ..I 8 Threshing, &c, .. | 6 Chaff-outting .. 8 Threshing ..8 Chaff-outting .. 6 Threshing .. 8 n .. i 5 .. 6 General work, &c. 14 Sawmill .. 34 Threshing .. 8 Traotion .. 7 .. , 8 Threshing .. 6 Flour-mill .. 17 Cement-works .. 64 .. 61 Sawmill .. 20 Kenepuru Puhipuhi Livermere Muggeridge Bros. Patchet, John Blenheim Patchet & Sons, John Pike, W. D. & T. Redwood Bros. Robertson Bros. .. Roskrudge, F. .. Smart Bros. Spring Creek .. Rai Valley Spring Creek .. Blenheim Sutton, C. Wairau Flour-mills Wellington & Marlborough Lime & Cement Co. Ditto .. White, C. Picton Onamalutu 14 & 21 Two lOJ * This plant hi is two years' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner, Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. fe 0C o£ 1*3 cdw i- >- HI Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. NORTH NEI ,SON DISTRICT. inohor Foundry & Shipping Co. .. 3aigent, Hy. 3aige'nt, H. St T. 'Challies Bros. The Port Nelson Pigeon Valley Upper Takaka Appleby Foundry Sash & door faotory Sawmill 23 23 25 14 8 9& 6 10 13 Two 91 5&84 Seoond olass. Coleman Bros. .. Croucher, J. M. .. Currinet Currin, Francis .. Dodson & Sons, J. R. 311is, Robt. Bves Bros. lolden Bay Dairy Co. 3rant, Wm. Upper Motupiko Richmond Wai-iti Riwaka Nelson Motupiko Trass Valley .. Takaka Bonnie Doon .. Threshing & chaffoutting Threshing Flour-mill Sawmill 8 25 28 20 20 ■4 14 17 20 12 40 6 10 20 6 5 20 16 30 9 Two 8 104 104 6 4& 7 Two 84 84 Two 84 Two 84 91 8 Nil 6& 14 Two 5 51&71 10 10 7 & 11 Looomotive & traotion. Second class. Brewery.. Road-wagon Sawmill Dairy Sawmill Locomotive & traction. Second olass. Jriffen & Sons Hall, George Sewetson, Thos. Hewetson & Senior Syland & Kirk .. kaituna Gold-dredging Co. Collingwood .. Rookville Nelson Takaka Upper Moutere Motueka Takaka Kaitana Hauling Idle Biscuit-factory Hauling Threshing, &c. ; Sawmill Locomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. First class. Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. Gold-dredging Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Second olass. Kirkpa'rick & Co., S. Nelson Jam-factory, &o. .. 50 Two6& one 9 84 10 8 20&36 20&36 Two 7 Two 7 & 9 Two 9^ 10 12 8 Miller, A. kelson City Counoil w . • • • Melson Harbour Board Puponga Coal Co. Motueka Nelson Puponga Sawmill Gas-making Road-rolling Dredging Hauling 16 16 0 55 58 8 40 14 17 30 6 Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Locomotive Si traction. Second class. Beilly, W. J. rtichards, J. H. .. Robertson Bros. .. jatherley, S. & M. Long Plain Collingwood .. Nelson Appleby Sawmill Flax-mill Sash & door factory Threshing chaff, & firewood Threshing, &o. Gold-dredging Looomotive & traction. Sohwass, H. H. .. Slate River Gold-dredging Co. Hope Rockville 6 18 8 1 8 & 12} First class & two second olass when working three shifts. Locomotive Si traction. Snowden, J. T. .. Brightwater .. Threshing, &o. Threshing Sawmill 8 J 8 Two 9 rhomas & Holland Pretty Bridge Valley Nelson Wai-iti 8 ! 12 Second class. rrustees Soott Estate rannioliff, Hy Sash & door faotory Threshing & sawmilling Coaoh-factory Sawmill Gold-dredging 16 6 84 8 Locomotive Si traotion. Walker, J. H. Walker Bros. & Co. Wangapeka Gold-dredging Co. Takaka Bainham Nelson 16 20 27 84 124 7& 11 Second class. Three second olass when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. Webby, G. E. Richmond Hauling 61 ! 8 \1 Gold-dredging Co. NELSON St DUTH DISTRICT. 20 7 & 11-1 Three second olass when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Winding. First olass. Redman's Creek Gold-dredging 3ellevue Gold-dredging Co. Matakitaki 43 9& 15 3ig River Gold-mining Co. 31ackball Coal Co. 0 * ■ • • Big River Blackball Winding Coal-mining Hauling Dynamo Sawmill 14 20 20 20 25 30 20 Two 84 Two 15, 8, 6, &6 Two 15 12 17A 13 8&12} Winding. Second olass. First class. Second olass. First olass Si two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Bowater & Bryan Buller Junction Gold-dredging Co. Cape Foulwind Westport Inangahua Gold-dredging Callaghan's Creek Gold-dredging Co. Callaghan's Creek Black's Point .. 20 7& 14 Consolidated Goldfields Mining Co. Crushing 50 60 22 & three 14 22 & three 14 First class. 0 • This plant has two years' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Ownbrs of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used CO ► I c- , : © - rti r O X Diameter of Cylinders CIas3 of Driver re q u i r ed. Engines, in Inches. ELSON SOUTH DISTRICT- contin med i. Consolidated Goldfields Mining Co. Black's Point .. Energetio Mine Specimen Hill Three-channel Flat Crushing .. I Winding and air compressing Crushing Gold-dredging I 60 50 30 20 22 & three 14 13 & two 18 Two 7J-I 8& 12} First-olass. Winding & second olass. Second class. First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Dellavedova & Hansen Donovan & Party Gold-dredging Co. Exploration Timber Co. Fern Flat Gold-dredging Co. Boatman's Creek Mokibinui Fern Flat Winch Gold-dredging 20 20 80 | 8 & 12} i Two 6 i 7& 11 Ditto. Seoond olass. Three seoond class when working three shifts First class & two seoond olass when jworking three shifts. Looomotive & traction. Second class. First class. Garibaldi Gold-dredging Co. Moonlight 25 9& 13 Greymouth Harbour Board Gilbert Machinery Co. Grey mouth-Point Elizabeth Coal Co. Cobden Ngakawa Brunnerton Locomotive Idle Coal-mining 15 20 60 i Two 10 i 7 & 11 i Two 12 & 20 I Two 12 & 20 i Two 12 & 20 i Two 12 & 20 I 8£ & 154 60 0 0 • • 35 35 Hansen & Party Gold dredging Co. Berlin's Gold-dredging 30 First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Jamieson's Reward Gold-dredging Co. Keep-it-Dark Gold mining Co. Kingswell, P. N. .. Kohi Kohi Gold-dredging Co. Nelson Creek .. Crushington .. Inglewood Matakitaki River Winding Crushing Gold dredging 25 25 15 30 i 8 & 12} i Two 11 , 14J I 8 & 12} Winding. Second class. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Lookington, E. .. Marris, J. & S. .. Marris, W. & J. .. Waitahu St. Helen's Westport Hauling Sawmill 8 28 30 30 20 ! 10 ! 14 I 10 & 9 I 10 & 84 i 10 & two 61 i 8 & 12} McGregor, E. .. Birch field Gold-dredging Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. Mokoia Gold-dredging Co. Three - channel Flat 30 Moonlight Gold dredging Co. New Fedderson's Gold-dredging Co. New Inkerman Mines Co. Moonlight Lyell Merrijigs Rainy Creek .. Air-oompressing .. Crushing 20 16 10 20 20 i 8& 13 . 8 & 12} 1124 & two 11 1 12 & two 15 1 12 & two 15 1 Two 11 1 Two 7 1 7 & 111 New Sootia Gold-mining Co. Merrijigs Winding Sawmill 30 20 20 Winding. Exempt under section 63 " Inspection of Machinery Act, 1902." Ditto. New Zealand Government State Coal-mines Coal Creek Ditto .. Winding 49 1 Two 9 & 10 ' Two 10 1 15 8 & 12} North Beach Gold-dredging Co. Seddonville North Beach .. Driving fan Hauling Gold-dredging 49 60 20 First class & two second class when working three shifts. No Town No. 1 Gold-dredging Co. .. Porter & Walker Progress Gold-mining Co. .. No Town Karamea Globe Hill .. Saw-mill Winding Winding & air-oom-pressing Ditto 20 28 20 85 8& 12} HA Two 11 Two 16 Si two 14 Two 16 & two 14 7 & 111 Winding. First class & winding. . .. •. 85 Reeves Proprietary Gold-dredging Co. Capleston Gold-dredging 16 Three seoond olass when working three shifts. First olass & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. Winding & second class. 0 •. 20 8 & 12} Rocklands Beach Gold-dredging Co. Tyneside Proprietary Rocklands Brunnerton Winding & pumping 28 32 8 & 12} Two 84 & two 9 1 Two 84 & two 9 20 0 • This ilant has two rears' certificate.

H.— 15a,


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. h CD 11 *- c c X Diameter of Cylinders clBgs o( Driver required. Kngines, in i Inches. > 1 Tyneside Proprietary 1ELSON SOUT1 I DISTRICT— contin 'ed. Brunnerton .. Pumping 25' Two 84 & two 9 7& 11 Second class. Waimangaroa Gold-dredging Co. .. Welcome Syndicate Gold dredging Co. Waimangaroa.. Inangahua Gold dredging 10 20 8& 12} Three seoond class when working three shifts. First class St two seoond olass when working three shifts. First olass. Westport Coal Co. Brakehead Hauling 84 12, 12, 16, 20 12, 12,16, 20 Two 8, two 12 Two 8, two 12 Two 8, two 12 Two 8, two 12 12 & two 144 12 & two i*J 12, 12,16, 20 12, 12, 16, 20 Two 124 20 20 10 & 16 12 & three H4 12 & three H4 ,12 Si three H4 8&144 8& 14| 8&144 8& 144 20, 64, & four 144 20, 64, & four 144 20, 64, & four 144 20, 64, & four 144 Two 9 Two 9 Two 10& Two91J Two 914 Two 10-$, 84 Cascade 10 0 ■ • 10 0 . • 10 Cascade No. 1.. 10 Coalbrookdale.. Air-oompressing .. 80 0 *. . • 80 Denniston Hauling & pumping 80 80 Eleotrio light Hauling 30 30 30 86 50 Iron Bridge .. Kiwi Air-oompressing .. 50 25 Millerton 10 10 10 10 80 0 .. . • Mine Creek .. 0 »• 55 55 0 • • • • 0 • • 55 Westport Harbour Board Westport Steam-crane 25-ton crane Hauling 10 9 80 20 20 86 Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Foulwind to Westport Alexandra Coal Co. Alexandra Eureka Gold-dredging Co. ITAGO. Two 7 8& 12} Winding. First olass & two second class, when working three shifts. Three seoond olass, when working three shifts. First olass & two seoond class, when working three shifts. Second class. Looomotive & traotion. Winding. Alexandra Winding Gold-dredging 20 20 18 71 & Hi Alexandra Lead Gold-dredging Co. .. 25 10 & 16 Allandale Coal Co. Allandale Hauling Two 94 Two 10 Two 10 Two 10 9 8 & 12} Winding 10 16 28 20 8 20 "Allison & Hassett Alpine Gold-dredging Co. (No. 2) .. Anderson, A. Ardmore Gold dredging Co. Southbridge .. Cromwell Balclutha Scrubby Flat .. Threshing Gold-dredging For sale Gold-dredging 8 20 9 9&13 Locomotion & traotion. First olass & two second olass, when working three shifts. Looomotive & traction. First class & two seoond olass, when working three shifts. Second class. First class. Ashburn Hall Co. Bailey, John Waikare Burnside Heating For sale 17 20 Nil H4 * This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

B—H. 15a.


Name oi Owner. Where Boiler used. cd . Diameter lis of Purposes for which a-g Cylinders used. cD(yj of £*. Engines, in ° ° Inches. » Class of Driver required. OTAG< 3— continued. Barewood Phoenix Mining Syndicate Bauchop & Co. Bayley, Jno. Begg & Co., Thos. •Brown, G. C. .. Brown, Jno. •Brown, M. •Bruce, Jno. Bruce Woollen-mills Buchanan, W. Burt, A. &T. Barewood Port Chalmers Burnside Anderson's Bay Warepa Mosgiel Winding Sawmill Tannery Brick-making Threshing 10 28 25 25 8 6 8 6 159 8 30 30 12 Two 8 134 H4 10 & 16 9 8 8| 8 12&21 9 18} 18} 7 & 13 Winding. Second olass. First class. Locomotive & traotion. 0 Allanton Milton Evan's Flat .. Dunedin Woollen-mills Hauling Machine tools First class. Locomotion & traction. First class. Camperdown Gold dredging Co. Greenvale Gold-dredging First class & two seoond olass, when working three shifts. Second class. Locomotion Si traction. Three second class, when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class, when working three shifts. Ditto. Locomotive & traotion. Central Foundry Chalmers, Robert Chatto Creek Gold-dredging Co. Alexandra Oamaru Alexandra Machine tools Threshing Gold dredging 10 8 16 8 9 74 & 111 Chicago Gold-dredging Co. Alexandra Gold-dredging 18 81 & 16 (No. 2) .. •Christie, Thos. Allanton Threshing 20 6 6 8 8 6 9 16 20 8&12} 8 8 9 9 8 54 & 8 8 9& 14 Clark Bros. Maheno Clark's Laundry Clyde Gold-dredging Co. (No. 2) .. N. e" Valley .' '. Alexandra Hauling Laundry Gold-dredging Seoond class. First class & two second class, when working three shifts. Ditto. Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. Locomotive & traotion. Clutha River Gold-dredging Co. •Collis, E. H. Cossens & Black •Cowie Bros. •Crane, Thos. Craig & Co., Jas. Crown Roller Milling Co. .. •Crossan, H. R. .. •Crossan, H. * Crossan Bros. Davis Bend Gold-dredging Co. Clyde Oamaru Dunedin Milton Waihola Oamaru Dunedin Kelso Threshing Machine-shop Threshing 20 8 25 8 8 20 40 8 8 7 20 8& 12} 9 11 9 6& 10 14 14&24 8} 9 84 8 & 12} Sawmill Flour-mill Threshing Second olass. First class. Locomotive & traotion. Kelso Alexandra Threshing Gold-dredging Locomotive & traction. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Three seoond class when working three shifts. Second class. No. 2 Cromwell 20 7&111 Dawson & MoKechnie Denton Hat-mills * Dewar, William Donaghy's Rope-works Donaldson, W. & G. Dunedin Abattoirs Co Dunedin Corporation Ratanai Dunedin Totara Dunedin Macrae's Burnside Dunedin Sawmill Hat-factory Threshing Rope-works Quartz-crushing .. Boiling blood Road-roller Eleotrio trams 20 50 8 40 14 25 6 95 95 95 40 40 15 10 6 9 16&28 64&11 Nil 6 & 10 13 &22 13 &22 13&22 Two 54 Two 54 Two 8 Locomotive & traction. First olass. Second class. Locomotive & traction. First class. Gas-works Second olass. H auling at gasworks Hauling Looomotive & traction. Kensington Gasworks Woodhaugh .. Dunedin 10 Two 7 Dunedin Engineering Foundry Co. Dunedin Hospital Dunedin & Kaikorai Tram Co. Stone-crushing .. Foundry Heating & laundry Hauling 10 72 56 48 25 25 25 25 40 Two 10 10 7 H4 141 11 &22 11&22 154 9& 14 Second class. First class. Dunedin & Roslyn Tramway Co. .. Kaikorai Roslyn Dunedin Timber & Hardware Co. .. Dunstan Lead Gold-dredging Co. .. Dunedin Clyde Sawmill Gold-dredging First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Second olass. Ellis & Co., E. .. Ellis, J. Empire Gold-dredging Co. No 1 Kaikorai Valley Kensington Waipori Flock-mill For sale Gold-dredging 28 16 10 104 Nil 7 cfe 111 Three second clais when working three shifts. Ditto. Three second class when working three shifts. No. 2 Enfield Gold-dredging Co. 16 10 74 & HI 64 & 12 • This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


Name o* Owner. Where Boiler used. cd . Diameter Purposes for which |J Cylinders class of Driver required. Engines, in o o Inches. X i(l /lit*) -fnivt-ll /i/7 Gold-dredging Co. N fo.l 1A OTAG OTAG Alexandra 10 — continued. \ Gold-dredging .. | 141 8* & 16 I First olass & two second )— continued. Enterprise Gold-dredging Co. No. 1 Alexandra Gold-dredging 84 & 16 First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. Three seoond class when working three shifts. First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. No. 2 Earnsoleugh Gold-dredging Co. No. 1 10 16 9& 13 7 & 11 No. 2 16 9&14 No. 3 Ettriok Gold-dredging Co. • Falconer, James Fergusson & Mitchell Roxburgh Mahino Woodbaugh .. Threshing Paper-mills 16 20 25 30 20 9&14 9& 14 9 14 &25 14&25 14 &25 8& 12} Locomotive & traotion. First class. First Chance Gold-dredging Co. Fortification Coal Co. Gabriel's Gold-dredging Co. Alexandra Milton Tuapeka Creek Gold-dredging Hauling Gold dredging 20 16! Two 94 7&111 First class & two second class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. Three second olass when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. • Geddis, J. Gibson, J. Gold King Gold-dredging Co. No. 1 Palmerston .. Ashley Downs.. Roxburgh Threshing Hauling Gold-dredging 94 9 9& 14 First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. 88 No. 2 No. 3 Golden Bank Gold-dredging Co. Glenore Gold-dredging 30 30 18 9&14 9& 14 8& 13 First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. Golden Beaoh Gold-dredging Co. .. Golden Bed Gold-dredging Co. Golden Gate Gold-dredging Co. Golden Gravel Gold-dredging Co. .. Alexandra Roxburgh Miller's Flat .. Beaumont 10 30 10 20 9& 13 9& 14 71 & 121 7}& 11 Golden River Gold-dredging Co. .. Alexandra 25 8& 12} Three seoond olass when working three shifts. First olass & two second olass when working three shifts. Ditto. Golden Run Gold-dredging Co. Golden Shore Gold-dredging Co. .. Golden Treasure Gold-dredging Co. Gordon Gold-dredging Co. Gore, C. & W. .. Gow, J. C. •Graham, Wm. •Grant, Chas. Gregg* Co., Wm. Grogan & Party Miller's Flat .. Waipori Roxburgh Waitahuna Wingatui Palmerston Kakanui Otiake Peliohet Bay .. Miller's Flat .. Brick-making Flour-mill Threshing 40 16 30 20 25 16 0 8 18 14 10 & 16 8& 16 8& 12} 8& 13 144 11 8 9 94 8& 13 First olass. Seoond class. Locomotive & traction. Starch-factory Gold-dredging Second class. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. •Hall, A. •Hamilton, H. .. •Hamilton, J. Happy Valley Gold-dredging Co. .. Ngapara Milton Palmerston Tuapeka Creek Threshing 8 8 6 14 9 9 74 7& 11 Gold-dredging Three second class when working three shifts. First olass. Locomotive & traotion. First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Looomotive & traotion. Harraway & Co., H. •Harris, S. Hartley & Riley Gold-dredging Co. Burnside Kyeburn Cromwell Flour-mill Threshing Gold-dredging 40 8 20 16 9 8& 12} Havelook Gold-dredging Co. Waitahuna 16 74&11 Heenan, Mrs. •Hill & Frame .. * Maungatua Herbert Otepopo Dunedin General Threshing 7 8 8 25 18 14 84 9 9 10 & 17 11 71 & 111 0 Hudson & Co. Imperial Gold-dredging Co. Waitahuna Biscuit-factory Flour-mill Gold-dredging First olass. Second class. Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Inch Dale Gold-dredging Co. Inch Valley Gold-dredging Co. Inch Valley Railway Irvine & Stevenson Inch Valley .. Palmerston Dunedin Henley Wingatui Island Block .. Hauling Meat-preserving .. Steaming Meat-preserving .. Gold-drtdging 10 10 30 20 30 18 20 7 & 11 7& 11 8 9 Nil Two 7 8 & 12} Second olass. Island Blook Gold-dredging Co. First class Si two seoond olass when working three shifts. Locomotion & traotion. •Jenkins, Thos. •Jenkins, Son, & Co. Joel.M... Jones, Geo. Kelso Threshing 8 6 20 18 9 84 8 14 Dunedin Milton Brewing.. Brick-making Second class. * This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. « . Diameter |S of Purposes for which p,-~ Cylinders used. ipq of £.m Engines, in ° o Inches. X Class of Driver required. OTAG' OTAG 30— continued. Jones, Thos. Jubilee Gold-dredging Co... 3. d-dredging Co... .. E .. P Papakaio Roxburgh Papakaio Roxburgh . Threshing .. 8 9 . 3 . Gold-dredging .. 38 9 & 14 ] 8 38 9 . 9&14 Looomation & traction. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Seoond olass (three) when working three shifts. First olass. Second class. First class. Junction Electric Gold-dredging Co. No. 2 Kaitangata Coal & Oil Co. Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. leotric Gold-dredging gCo. C Cromwell Dromwell .. 20 7 & 111 I 20 7&111 Coal & Oil Co. ie, Prosser, & Co. .. t Kaitangata Dunedin Burnside Kaitangata Dunedin . Hauling.. .. 16 Two 30 ] . Chemical-works .. 20 84 i 16 20 16 80 12 Two 30 84 12&20 12&20 Two 8} 61 & 104 6& 10 54&IO 6 & 104 9 8&12} Keppel Bros. •Kinlooh, Wm. •Kirkland, Wm... is. tVm. .. .. E .. A .. V TV Akatore Windsor Mosgiel Taieri Burnside Akatore Windsor .. 16 12 & 20 ] . Manure grinding .. 80 12 & 20 . Flax-mill .. 12 Two 8} i . Threshing .. 8 61 & 104 1 Second olass. Looomotive Si traotion. Wm... ET .. T t: Herbert Alexandra Mosgiel r n : A « I'aieri E-T rt ■*» K rt n cW .. 6 6 & 10 a ci s>~ -in 6 54 & 10 C C P, 1/M .. 6 6 & 104 o n 0 0 6 8 20 •Koppert, H. Lady Annie Gold-dredging Co. H. 3 Gold-dredging Co. .. E .. A Eerbert Alexandra ..8 9 . Gold-dredging .. 20 8 & 12} 1 First olass & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. First olass. Second class. Looomotive & traction. Three second class when working three shifts. Locomotive Si traction. Lady Roxburgh Gold-dredging Co. Lambert, J. H. .. Latta Bros. •Law, J., jun. Lawrence Gold-dredging Co. urgh Gold-dredging C . H. .. un. lold-dredging Co. Co. B .. K .. C .. B .. I T Roxburgh Kensington Owaka Ran f urly Tuapeka Creek Roxburgh Kensington 3waka Ran f urly ruapeka Creek . Gold-dredging .. 20 9 & 14 ] . Pottery .. .. 16 8 & 12} ] . Sawmill .. .. 16 Two 10 i . Threshing ..8 9 ] Gold-dredging .. 12 7 & 114 ! 20 16 16 8 12 9&14 8&12} Two 10 9 7&114 •Leask, W. Ledingham, G. .. •Ledingham, G., jun. Ledingham, H. .. 'Leslie, Alex. Lett, S. T. Lovell's Flat Coal Co. I, G. '.'. '.'. n, G., jun. t, H .. 0 .. K .. G A .. A n Ophir North Otago .. Georgetown .. Awamoko Glenledi Alexandra Lovell's Plat .. Dphir North Otago .. 3-eorgetown .. iwamoko . Threshing ..6 8 ] . Hauling .. 8 64 & 104 . Threshing ..8 9 Q n ..8 9 o rt 6 8 8 8 8 16 16 20 12 20 8 64 & 104 9 9 9 Two 6 16 16 Two 8 8& 12} sx. at Coal Co. .. G .. A .. I alenledi Alexandra Lovell's Plat .. ..8 9 . Coal-mine .. 16 Two 6 S . Winding ..16 16 1 00 1 a Second class. Winding. Majestic Gold-dredging Co. old-dredging Co. '.'. E Roxburgh Roxburgh ..20 16 . Hauling.. .. 12 Two 8 1 . Gold-dredging .. 20 8 & 12} ] Looomotive & traction. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Manuherikai Gold-dredging Co. Matau Gold-dredging Co. .. Maungatua Drainage Board McOallum and Co. .. •MoCulloch, Thos. •McDonald, G. .. •McDonald, John McDonald, J., jun. McGavin Si Co. .. MoGeorge Bros. ai Gold-dredging Co. j a —;i~:„„ n~ d-dredging Co. .. i Drainage Board and Co. 1, Thos. i a. .. c .. IV: .. C .. In Alexandra Clyde Maungatua Oamaru Ngapara Maungatua Balclutha Middlemarch .. North Dunedin Chatto Creek .. Alexandra -ii.,jClyde Maungatua Damaru STg'ipara \iT ft nnrfn fnn .. 39 9 & 14 ] .. 20 8 & 12} Pumping .. 16 Two 11 ] . Sawmill ..27 15 . Threshing 8 9 1 o n 39 20 10 27 8 8 8 8 20 20 9&14 8& 12} Two 11 15 9 9 9 9 8 8&12} First olass. Locomotive & traotion. I, G. .. .. IV Maungatua D~l -.1..4-1 ..8 9 I, John t ,•„« .. E TV Balclutha ..8 9 MoGill, Peter McGregor, J. •McKay, Wm. •McKenzie & Leonard * J., jun. ; Co. .. Bros. ter J. 7m. .. i?r T.Qnviovii .. Iv .. K ..- C .. Iv .. r .. v TJ Milton Dunedin Waikoikoi Balclutha Middlemarch .. North Dunedin Chatto Creek .. Milton Dunedin Waikoikoi Ro 1 i-»l n +tVi i-i ..8 9 Brewing.. ..20 8 i . Gold-dredging .. 20 8 & 12} ] . Flour-mill .. 25 12 & 22 ] . Foundry .. 45 8 ! . Threshing .. 8 9 ] Q n 12&22 8 9 9 9 5 12 12 64 & 104 Seoond olass. First olass Si two seoond olass when working three shifts. First class. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traction. McLeod Bros. & Leonard ros. .. £ .. I Dunedin Balclutha Dunedin ..8 9 ..8 9 . Candle-making .. 25 5 S OK 1Q 25 45 8 8 8 25 25 20 14 Second olass. MoNiel & Party Gold-dredging Co. Party Gold-dredging ( Co.'' V Waipori Waipori ..25 12 . Soap-making .. 20 12 . Gold-dredgmg .. 14 64 & 104 '. Three second olass when working three shifts. Locomotive & traction. •McPherson, J. A. n, J. A. .. 1 Ngapara Ngapara . Threshing ..8 9 ] Q n 8 8 20 43 30 10 40 16 8 18 9 9 Two 8| 9 & 20 12 8 14&25 12 9 8&12} MoSkimming, P., Si Co. .. Meek, J. & T. Michaelis, Hallenstein, and Farquhar Milburn Lime & Cement Co. ng, P., & Co. .. T. .. Sallenstein, and Farq me & Cement Co. .'.' E .. C puhar S .. I Benhar Oamaru Sawyer's Bay .. Dunedin Benhar Camaru Sawyer's Bay .. Dunedin ..8 9 . Pipe-making .. 20 Two 8| i . Flour-mill .. 43 9 & 20 ] . Tannery.. ..30 12 i . Cement-works .. 16 8 Second olass. First olass. Second olass. Milligan & Bond •Milmine, Jas. Molyneux Hydraulic Gold-dredging Co. Bond Jas. Hydraulic Golddred .. IS .. V Aging A Ngapara Weston Alexandra Ngapara Weston Alexandra .. 40 14 & 25 ] . Flour-mill ..16 12 i . Threshing .. 8 9 ] . Gold-dredging .. 18 8 & 12} J First class. Second class. Locomotive & traction. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Molyneux-Kohinoor Gold-dredging Co. Monte Christo Gold-dredging Co. .. Morning Star Gold-dredging Co. .. Mornington Borough Council Mornington Borough Counoil Tramway Co. Ditto .. Mosgiel Woollen Faotory Co. Kohinoor Gold-dred dging E Roxburgh Roxburgh .. 39 9 & 14 J 39 9& 14 isto Gold-dredging Cc ;ar Gold-dredging Co. i Borough Council -» RnvAiirVn C\r\ uti ni 1 TT o. .. C A i. .. A .. I Cromwell Alexandra Dunedin Cromwell Alexandra Dunedin .. 20 8 & 12} .. 17 10 & 19 . Hauling .. 50 Two 13 ] 20 17 50 16 8& 12} 10&19 Two 13 Two 13 First class. , i Borough Council Ti .ram- „ .. .. 16 Two 13 >ollen Factory Co. '.'. Iv Mosgiel Mosgiel .. 16 Two 13 . Woollen-mills .. 82 I64 & 30 16 82 18 Two 13 I64 & 80 164 & 30 .. 18 16* & 30 •This ilant has two 'ears' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. M CD . oS "To %x o o X Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. OTAGl ■— continued. Mosgiel Woollen Faotory Co.. Mosgiel Woollen-mills 18 18 80 8 25 25 25 25 8 8 2(1 164 & 30 16| & 30 164 & 30 9 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 9 9 8&12} First class. •Muller, D. Murdoch, Jno., & Co. Allanton Dunedin Threshing Sawmill Locomotive & traction. First class. •Murray, Roberts, & Co. •Nankivell.E. H. Naumai Gold-dredging Co. Middlemarch .. Waikouaiti Kyeburn Threshing Gold-dredging Locomotive & traction. First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. New Alpine Consols Gold-dredging Co. New Bendigo Gold-dredging Co. •Newbigging, Jas. New Half-way House Gold-dredging Co. Cromwell Alexandra Milton Cromwell Threshing Gold-dredging 20 20 8 20 8& 12} 8&12} 9 8& 124 Locomotive & traotion. First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. New Fourteen-mile Beach Golddredging Co. N.Z. Coal & Oil Co. Fourteen - mile Beaoh Castle Hill .. Kaitangata 38 8& 12} Hauling ' .. 50 18 20 20 88 25 25 50 10 43 Two 20 Two 94 Two 104 Two 30 Two 30 Two 30 Two 30 Two 20 10 9& 13 First class. Locomotive & traction. 0 .. • • First class. N.Z. Government Seacliff Asylum .. CastleHill ! '. Kaitangata Seacliff Air-fan Electric light Second class. Exempt under section 63, " Inspection of Machinery Act, 1902." Ditto. First class. N.Z. Refrigerating Co. Burnside Oamaru Freezing 43 80 80 45 45 10 20 9& 13 12&22 12 & 22 11 & 20 11 &20 7&134 8& 12} N.Z. Trust & Loan Co. .. Ngapara Extended Gold-dredging Co. Henley Alexandra Pumping Gold-dredging First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. First class. Ngapara Gold-dredging Co. Oamaru Woollen Co. Oamaru Woollen-mills 22 00 00 16 84 & 12} 15&27 15 & 27 111 Oceanic Gold dredging Co. Waipori Guld-dredging Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two second class when working three shifts. First class. Olrig Gold-dredging Co. Alexandra 20 8&12} Otago Dock Trust Port Chalmers Freezing 80 80 18 18 18 36 9&15 9&15 12 12 4 9& 14 Pumping Second olass. Otago Fat and Tallow Co. Otago Gold-dredging Co. No. 2 Burnside Island Block .. Steaming Gold-dredging First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. First class. Otago Harbour Board Dunedin Suction dredging.. 21 & 40 21 & 40 20 20 20 20 74 & 13 Otago Iron Roller Mills Burnside Iron-rolling 25 25 20 20 20 15 20 0 .. . • Otago No. 1 Melha Gold-dredging Co. Miller's Flat .. Gold-dredging First class & two second olass when working three shifts. First class. Second class. Otago Sawmilling Co. Otago Steam Laundry Dunedin N. E. Valley .. Sawmill Laundry 20 14 20 7 14 144 64 & 104 84 64 & 12 8&13 •Paul, Wm. .. V. '.'. Paul's Beach Gold-dredging Co. Duntroon Beaumont Threshing Gold-dredging Locomotive Si traotion. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traotion. •Pennycuick, Jas. Perry, B. Perseverance Gold-dredging Co. Palmerston Oamaru Alexandra Threshing Hauling Tool-shop Gold-dredging 8 10 18 MO 61 & 10 8& 11 Two 0 9& 14 Second olass. First olass & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. No. 2 9& 14 30 ' This riant has two rears' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


I Name of Owner. 0 ""* ! Pur P° 8 « 9 Ee f ° r which h CD . \z 'a oS fS g« 'n <w O O M Diameter of Cylinders claBS Driver reqn i r erl. Engines, in Inches. OTAGO— continued. Petrie, G. .. .. .. Puerua .. Threshing •Porter, G. .. .. .. Milton •Porter, G. Pringle & Party Gold-dredging Co. Miller's Plat .. Gold-dredging No. 1 8 8 6 16 8 9 8 7&14 Looomotive & traotion. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Looomotive & traotion. Ditto .. •Rapson Bros. .. .. .. Kakanui .. Threshing Reid, J. B. .. .. .. Otakai .. Threshing & pumping Reid & Gray .. .. .. Dunedin .. Machine-tools Reliance Gold-dredging Co. .. Tuapeka Creek Gold-dredging 20 8 8 9&14 9 166 14 9&164 7&ll| First olass. Three second olass when working three shifts. Locomotive & traction. First class & two second olass when working three shifts. Looomotive & traotion. •Riohardson & Henderson .. Island Cliff .. Threshing Riley's Beach Gold-dredging Co. .. Cromwell .. Gold-dredging 8 20 9 8&12} "Robertson Bros. .. .. Maheno .. Threshing •Robinson, Chas. .. .. Berwick .. „ •Robinson & Newbegging .. Southbridge .. „ Rockyside Brick Co. .. .. Caversham .. Brick-making Ross & Glendining .. .. Dunedin .. Hat-factory .. Roslyn .. Woollen-mills 8 6 6 25 49 80 50 30 30 8 6 20 61 & 104 8 8 10 12 11 & 19 18&32 nil Seoond class. First class. Seoond olass. •Ryan Bros. .. .. .. Waitahuna .. Threshing Sailors' Bend Gold-dredging Co. .. Alexandra .. Gold-dredging 9 9 8& 12} Looomotive & traotion. First olass & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Seoond class. Sandy Point Gold-dredging Co. .. „ .. „ Sargood, Son, & Ewen .. .. Dunedin .. Hat-factory Schlaadt Bros. .. .. .. „ .. Machine tools Sooullar & Ohisholm .. .. „ .. Cabinetmaking .. Shand, R. .. .. .. Waikouaiti .. Flour-mill Shaw, Savill, & Albion Co. .. Dunedin .. Wool dumping Shiel, Thos. .. .. .. St. Kilda .. Brick-making •Simpson, Wm. .. .. .. Hilderthorpe .. Threshing •Smellie Bros. .. .. .. North Taieri .. •Smith, R. .. .. .. Crookston .. Threshing Sparrow, J. .. .. .. Dunedin .. Machine-shop Speight & Co., J. .. .. „ .. Brewing 25 27 30 32 10 18 58 8 7 0 8 25 26 25 8 8 30 50 50 30 16 29 9& 14 nil. 9 12 18 10 16 9 84 & 12 74 9 12 10 10 9 9 14&20 8&14 8& 14 8& 14 8&14 8&12} First class. Seoond class. First class. Locomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. Spiers, D. .. .. .. Tapanui .. Threshing & hauling Steadman, Jas. .. .. .. Maungatua .. General Stevens, A., & Co. .. .. N.E.Valley .. Flour-mill Stevenson & Cook .. .. Port Chalmers Machine-tools Locomotive & traction. First class. Sterling Gold-dredging Co. .. Glenore .. Gold-dredging First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Three second olass when working three shifts. Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Success Gold-dredging Co. .. Waipori 20 7J & 114 •Sullivan, F. J. .. .. .. Kyeburn .. Threshing Taieri & Peninsula Milk-supply Cj. Dunedin .. Dairy faotory Taipo Explosive Syndicate .. Deborah Bay .. Grinding Taniwha Gold-dredging Co. .. Tuapeka Creek Gold-dredging 8 45 20 27 14 8} 8&14 8& 14 8& 12} 64 & 104 Three second class when working three shifts. Looomotive & traotion. Taratu Coal Co. .. .. .. Kaitangata .. Hauling Taratu & Kaitangata Railway & Lovell's Flat .. „ Coal Co. •Taylor, Jas. A. .. .. .. Kokoanio .. Threshing Teviot Fruit- oanning Co. .. Roxburgh .. Fruit-oanning Thomson, Bridger & Co. .. .. Dunedin .. Wood-factory Tough, Jno. .. .. .. Milton .. Threshing Unity Gold-dredging Co. .. .. Clyde .. Gold-dredging 10 10 Two 8 Two 8 8 25 40 8 20 9 1 & 14 18 9 8&12} First class. Locomotive & traotion. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Looomotive & traction. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Second class. Upper Waipori Gold-dredging Co. .. Waipori .. » 18 7&111 Wallis & Party .. .. .. Ida Valley •Watts, Jno. .. .. .. Ngapara .. hreshing Wilkie & Soott .. .. .. Burnside .. Flour mill •Wright, Jos. .. .. .. Horse Range .. Threshing Wright, W., & Sons .. .. Dunedin .. Butchery 14 8 30 8 30 7 & 11 9 12 84 10 * This ilant has two 'ears' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


Name oi Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. cd . Diameter gS of a-g Cylinders ipq of Sh-, Engines, in 2 ° Inches. H Class of Driver required. SOU 1 rHLAND. Aitken, Geo. Albertown Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Pembroke Threshing Gold-dredging 7 16 8 64 & 114 Looomotive & traotion. Three second class when working three shifts. Seoond class. First class and two second class. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Alford & Co. Argyle Gold-dredging Co. Caroline Creek Waikaka Flax-mill Gold-dredging 16 20 7| & 111 8& 13 Austin Bros. Baldwin & Thurston Baldy, F. W. •Ballooh Bros. Baxter" H. S. Black & Co. Blair Bros. Biohan, G. Bird Bros. Broad, Small, & Co. Butel, G. Cameron, D. Waihoaka Gore .. I Ryal Bush .. I Riversdale Waimea Plains ] Woodslea Downs Cattle Flat .. Glenham Rams Creek .. Woodend Longbush Waimea Plains Maori Hill .. Merivale Makarewa Charlton Valley Sawmill Threshing Flax-mill 14 8 6 8 8 14 16 14 10 14 20 8 16 14 8 16 Two 84 9 8 9 9 Two 84 7&111 Two 84 64 & 104 Two 84 12| 9 7&111 Two 8| 61 & 101 64 & ll| Seoond class. Sawmill Threshing Flax-mill Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Ditto. Locomotive & traction. Three second olass when working three watches. First class & two seoond class when working three watches. Three second olass when working three watches. Ditto. Looomotive & traotion. Carson Bros. Central Charlton Gold-dredging Co. Threshing Gold-dredging Central Mataura Gold-dredging Co. Mataura Gold-dredging 17 10 & 19 Charlton Creek Gold-dredging Co. .. Charlton Valley Gold-dredging .. 16 7&111 Charlton Valley Gold-dredging Co. Chilton Bros. Clark, J. & D. Clutha River Gold-dredging Co. Inveroargill .. Ryal Bush Cromwell Traotion Threshing Gold-dredging 16 8 8 20 7 & 111 9 9 8& 12} First class & two seoond class when working three watches. Locomotive & traotion. Collett, C. Coombs, C. Craig, Neil Crawford, R. Crewe Gold-dredging Co., No. 1 Mokotua Drummond Waimea Plains Mataura Nevis Hauling Threshing 8 6 6 0 16 9 84 8 8 7&111 Chaff-cutting Gold-dredging Three second class when working three watches. Ditto. Seoond class. No. 1 Cromwell & Bannookburn Collieries Co. Ditto .. Cromwell Gold-dredging Co., No. 1 Bannookburn .. Not working when inspected Hauling Gold-dredging 16 20 7 & 111 Nil No. 2 Cruiokshank, Wm. Kawarua Inveroargill .. Winton Waihopa Garston Wyndham Waimea Plains Kapuka Waikaia Twine-works Flax-mill 16 20 Two 10 74&13 74&13 13 & 24 Two 9 Two 9J 9 9 8 9 9& 13 Second olass. First olass & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. First class. Second class. Cunningham, R... Cusbnie, Geo. Denniston, Jno. .. Drake, Wm. Duke of Gordon Gold-dredging Co. Threshing 20 27 14 12 8 8 6 8 20 Locomotive & traction. Chaff-outting Threshing Gold-dredging First class & two second class when working three shifts. Three second class when working three shifts. Second class. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. First class. Locomotive & traotion. Edendale Gold dredging Co. Two Creeks 16 7&111 Edendale Dairy Factory Electric Gold dredging Co., No. 1 .. Edendale Kawarau Dairy Gold-dredging 16 20 8 8& 12} No. 2 .. Fairweather, D. .. * Farrier Bros. .. 0 Fisher & Co. •Fleck, J. F. .. Fleming Si Co. .. Fleming & Gilkinson Fleming & Henderson Tisbury Myross Bush .. Waituna Colac Thornbury Winton Inveroargill .. Gore Sawmill Threshing Sawmill Threshing Flour-mill 20 28 8 8 14 8 40 25 25 18 14 30 8 6 8& 12} 15 9 9 Two 9 9 10 Si 16 10 & 15 84 & 14 Nil Two 84 12 9 8 Second class. Locomotive & traction. First class. Fortune & Cross Fraill Bros. & Smithies Frew, A. Frew, David Waikoaka Riverton Drying oats Sawmill Second olass. Otaitai Bush .. Threshing Threshing & ploughing Gold-dredging Looomotive & traction. Garden Gully Gold-dredging Co. .. Waimumu 16 8& 13 First olass & two second class when working three shifts. •This ilant has two rears' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. cd . Diameter p,-g Cylinders clasg f Driver re q U ired. <opQ or d £,,_, Engines, in ° ° Inches. Garry Owen Gold-dredging Co. SOUTHL.A AND— continued. ,ND— continued. Waikaia Gold-dredging Gold-dredging 20 8&12} First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. Gibbston Coal Co. Glen Dhu Sawmill Co. Gore Borough Counoil Gibbston Glen Dhu Gore Hauling Sawmill Eleotrio lights Hauling Sawmill Eleotrio lights 30 12 22 20 20 Two 10 7& 114 84 84 8& 13 Graham, T. A., & Party Waikaka Gold-dredging Gold-dredging First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. Looomotive & traotion. Grand Junction, Gold-dredging Co. • Halliday, W. .. Hamilton, A. Hamilton & Gait Kawarau Roslyn Bush .. Winton Orepuki Waiau Waioola Hillend Edendale Waikaia Threshing Ploughing Hauling Sawmill Threshing Gold dredging Threshing Ploughing Hauling Sawmill 20 8 8 5 12 20 8 8 14 8&12} 9 9 6xeTwo 84 Two 10 9 9 7&111 Harrington Bros. • Hazlett, J. and W. • Henderson Bros. Hessey's Gold-dredging Co. Seoond olass. Threshing Looomotive & traotion. Gold dredging Three second olass when working three shifts. Seoond olass. Hodgkinson, T. .. .. Holland, Jno. • Howson, Jno. 0. Ibbotson & Co. .. Makarewa Gore Otamita Chatton Brick-making Electric light Threshing Gold-dredging Brick-making Electric light Threshing Gold-dredging 25 12 8 16 Two 71 7} Si 114 8 7 Si 111 Locomotive & traction. Three second olass when working three watches. Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. First class. Ibbotson & Party Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Valley 12 7} & 114 No. 2 Inveroargill Borough Counoil Inveroargill .. 0 »• Pumping 0 »• Pumping 12 18 18 20 8 28 25 7} &11 4 Two 12 Two 12 6 9 7 & 11 8 & 12} Inveroargill Dairy Supply Co. • Johnston, W. .. Johnston & Sons Junction Electric Gold-dredging Co. No. 1. Inveroargill .. Merino Downs Inveroargill .. Kawarau Dairy Threshing Foundry Gold-dredging Dairy Threshing Foundry Gold-dredging Second olass. Locomotive & traction. Second olass. First class & two second olass when working three watches. First class & two second olass when working three watches. Looomotive & traotion. Junction Waikaka Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Valley 20 8 & 12} • Kay, D. Mataura Threshing Threshing 8 8 8 9 9 9 Keith, A. W. '.'. .. Winton Threshing and nlnnobinor Threshing and ploughing Threshing Confectionery Gold-dredging Keown, Jas. Kingsland & Sons Lady Ann Gold-dredging Co. Balfour Inveroargill .. Charlton Valley ploughing Threshing Confectionery Gold-dredging 8 22 10 9 10 7& 111 Second olass. Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. Looomotive & traotion. First class. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Looomotive & traction. Lady Gordon Gold-dredging Co. Lawrence, A. T. .. Lawrence, W. P. Lee & Party Gold-dredging Co. Upper Waikaia Maple Grove .. Tisbury Waikaka Valley Ploughing Sawmill Gold dredging Ploughing Sawmill Gold dredging 16 6 12 17 7 Si 114 84 84 & 17 10 & 19 Lillies Leaf Syndicate Gold-dredging Co. * Lindsay, A. W. * Lindsay, C. Looh Lomond Gold-dredging Co. 16 7 & 111 Drummond Waianiwa Shepperds Creek Threshing Gold-dredging Threshing 8 8 16 9 9 7 & 11 Lone Star Gold-dredging Co. Manhire, W. Maori Point Gold-dredging Co. Cardrona New River Maori Point .. Flax-mill Gold-dredging Gold-dredging Flax-mill Gold-dredging 10 18 10 8 &13 12 & 24 8& 13 Three seoond olass when working three shifts. First olass & two second olass when working three shifts. First class. First olass & two second olass when working three shifts. Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Second class. Looomotive & traotion. First class. Second olass. First olass. Marshall's Freehold Gold-dredging Co. Mason's Bay Flax-milling Co. Massey, H. A. .. Waimumu Stewart Island Colao Flax-mill Hauling Flax-mill Hauling Sawmill 14 19 12 30 52 20 20 28 28 6 8 28 7 & 111 124 Two 8 16§ 14 151 154 Two 15 Two 15 Two 64 Two 7 8&12} Inveroargill .. Mabel Bush .. Waianiwa Woodend Sawmill Hauling Hauling Locomotive & traction. Masterton Gold-dredging Co. Waikaia Gold-dredging Gold-dredging First class & two second olass when working three watches. Second olass. First olass. Mataura Paper-mill MoCallum & Co. .. Mataura Brown's Colao Paper-mills Sawmill Paper-mills Sawmill 35 18 20 13 "4 151 * This ilant has two 'ears' certificate,



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Namo of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. « . II Vo cdcQ SmSH o o X Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. SOUTHL IND— continued. McCallum & Co. .. Colac Sawmill Hauling 16 6 8 25 25 20 0 25 18 20 Two 9} Two 6 71 14 14 Two 6 154 10 & 10 8& 13 Seoond olass. {Locomotive & traotion. Fairfax Forest Hill Glenburn Kapuka Sawmill | First olass. Seoond class. First olass. "Locomotive & traction. t First olass. Second olass. First class Si two seoond class when working three watches. Locomotive and traotion. Hauling Sawmill McCharlton Gold-dredging Co. Southport Charlton Valley Gold-dredging McDonald, Geo. .. McDonald, John Waimea Plains Waikaia Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing 8 8 0 8 20 9 61 & 104 8 9 8& 13 •McDonald, R. .. McGeorge's Freehold Go'd-dredging Co. Riversdale Waikaka Gold-dredging First class & two second class when working three watohes. Ditto. Second class. Ditto McGregor, D. .. McGregor, E. Molntyre, Jno McKenzie, D. McKenzie & Sons •McKerron, A. .. McKinnon Bros. •McLauchlan, Alexr. •McLeod, Alexr. MoLeod, R. MoRae Bros. Melvin, A. Melvin, John Mill & Co., Jno. Mill Creek Freehi Id Gold-dredging Co. Centre Bush .. Gore Orepuki Barkly Hokonui Waimahaka .. Gore Otamita Grove Bush .. Otamita Mokoreta Tokonui Sawmill Scoop-dredge Sawmill 39 10 29 80 16 20 8& 12} Two 10 8 124 Two 10 Two 10 8 64 & 104 9 9 9 Threshing Threshing & hauling Threshing 8 8 8 8 14 8 20 16 20 Locomotive & traction. Bluff !! Mill Creek Flax-mill Hauling Sawmill Dumping Gold-di edging Two 84 61 & 104 Two 11 104 84&13 Seoond olass. Looomotive & traction. First class. Second class. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Second class. Looomotive & traotion. Three second olass when working three shifts. Second olass. More, Jas., & Sons Riverton Waikaia Sawmill Hauling Gold-dredging 10 8 10 121 Two 6 7& 11 Muddy Creek Gold-dredging Co. .. Murray, W. L., & Co. Underwood Milk-preserving .. 40 30 20 10 10 8& 13 Mystery Flat Gold-dredging Co. Waikaia Gold-dredging First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. Three seoond olass when working three shifts. Ditto. NeviB Crossing Gold-dredging Co. .. Nevis Crossing 10 7& 11 New Era Gold-dredging Co. New Fairdowu Gold-dredging Co. .. New Prince Arthur Gold-dredging Co. New Royal Maori Gold-dredging Co. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. Ngapara Gold-dredging Co., No. 2.. Nevis Cardrona Waikaka Moke Creek .. 10 20 16 27 64 & 104 64 & 10f 7& 11 7& 11 Gold-dredging Three second olass whc>n working three shifts. Ditto. First olass. Cromwell Bluff Wool-dumping 20 14 7 & 111 Two 104 Nevis Gold-dredging 15 8 &12} First class & two second olass when working three shifts. Three second olass when working three shifts. Winding. Second olass. No. 3.. 16 7 &111 Nightcaps Coal Co. Nightcaps Winding Pumping and driving fan Gold dredging 20 68 Two 10 8j Nugent Wood Gold-dredging Co. .. Muddy Creek .. 20 7 & 111 Three Becond olass when working three watches. First olass. Ocean Beach Freezing Co. Ocean Beach .. Freezing 40 14 & 224, 16 & 28 14 Si 224, 16 &28 14 & 224, 16 &28 14 & 224, 16 & 28 14 8 Two 7 7& 111 a • • 40 70 70 Oldham, 0. W. .. Parrott & Dougherty Patterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Co. Ditto No. 2 Woodlands Wyndham Waikaka Valley Boiling-down Meat-preserving .. Flax-mill Gold dredging 14 18 10 10 Second olass. . 20 8&13 Three second olass when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. * This ilant has two 'ears' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

9—H. 15a.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. CD . I| ft'g in &- <w ■ C O X . Diameter I ° l > Cylinders class of Driver required. , Engines, in j > Inches. Patterson, James Perry, W. J. Petrie, A. Phcenix Gold-dredging Co. SOUTHL AND— continued. 30 20 8 16 ' 8| Seoond class. 14 9 Locomotive & traction. 7 & 111 Three second olass when working three shifts. 8 & 13 First olass & two seoond olass when working three shifts. 7 & 111 Three second class when working three shifts. 9 Looomotive & traction. 8 Two 8| Seoond olass. 7 & I14 Three second class when working three shifts. 9 Looomotive Si traotion. Waimumu Wakapatu Gore I Waikaka Flax-mill Sawmill Threshing Gold-dredging Pioneer Gold-dredging Co. 16 No. 2 .. 20 * Printz Bros. • Proudfoot & Steele Raymond, J. W. Record Reign Gold-dredging Co. .. Orepuki Pukerau Easterfield Waikaka Valley Threshing Flax-mill Gald-dredging 8 6 12 10 Reid, Wm. Nightcaps Threshing Si haulii g Gold-dredging 8 Revival Gold-dredging Co. Cromwell 16 7 & 111 Three second class when working three shifts. Two 8J Second class. 8 Si 12} First class & two seoond olass when working three shifts. 84 & 17 Ditto. 10 & 16 8 & 13 9 Locomotive & traction. 9 81 8 Riddle Bros. Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Co. .. Waimahaka .. Clutha Flax-mill Gold-dredging 14 38 No. 2 Rising Sun Gold-dredging Co. Royal Waimumu Gold-dredging Co • Soannell Si Butler Seifert, H. • Shanks, R. H. .. Shaw, Jno. Cromwell Waimumu Daore Otapiri Inveroargill Otautau Threshing Flax-mill Threshing Hauling & threshing Threshing Gold-dredging 39 40 20 8 8 6 6 • Sheddon, Bros... Sheddon's Freehold Gold-dredging Co. Scott's Gap Waikaka Valley 8 40 9 8 & 12} First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. 8 & 13 Ditto. 8 Locomotive Si traction. Second clsss. 6 & 9A Looomotive & traotion. 5| & 9*1 6} & 114 84 Second class. 13,22,18, First class. &24 13,22,18, &24 nil Second class. Two 10 Two 10 151 First class. 13 Second olass. Two 10} First class. Two 9 Seoond class. 71 & 11 Three seoond claw when working three shifts. 9 Locomotive & traction. Sheddon & King Gold-dredging Co... * Simpson, A., Mrs. Smith & Co. • Soper, G. A. .. Southland County Counoil Wyndham Inveroargill .. Garston Inveroargill .. Threshing Wood-oarving Threshing Hauling 20 6 27 8 6 8 23 50 Southland Engineering Co. Southland Frozen Meat Co. Bluff " ! '. Foundry Freezing 50 Southlands Sawmilliug Co. Wallaoetown .. Lake Waituna Manure-works Sawmill 35 20 20 54 16 28 16 20 Southland Timber Co. Star Gold-dredging Co. Orepuki Southland Waimimi Otautau Waikaka Valley Gold-dredging Stewart, Jno. Gore Threshing & Hauling Flax-mill Sawmill Ploughing Flax-mill Sawmill 8 Sutherland, A. .. Sutherland Si Lopdale Taylor, Wm. Templeton Bros. Timpany Bros. River ton Edendale Aparima Mokoreta Inveroargill Kapuka Pahia Waimatua Waikiwi Riverton Inveroargill .. Waikaia 12 14 6 14 20 25 10 2,5 10 15 14 20 Two 8} Second class. Two 84 7 Locomotive Si traction. 7} & 114 Second class. Two 10 Two 124 First class. Two 10 Seoond olass. 14 18ft 124 124 9 & 13 First class & two second class when working three shifts. 7 & 111 Three second class when working three shifts. 64 & 104 Ditto. 7} & 11 7 & 11 7 & 111 7 & 111 7 & 111 Todd, T.,& Sons.. Tweedie, M. Vallance, Wm. Waikaia Gold-dredging Co. Briok-making Flour-mill Wood-working Gold-dredging Waikaia Kia Ora Gold-dredging Co. 10 Waikaka Forks Gold-dredging Go. .. No. 2 Waikaka Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Queen Gold-dredging Co... Waikaka Syndicate Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka United No. 1 Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Valley 14 20 16 16 16 20 * This tlant has two years' certificate.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler Purposes for which used. used. M CD . II Q. ,pH . O CD aa C O X . Diameter ! of j Cylinders 1 t- -° f • . Engines, in 1 Inches. Class of Driver required. n Waikaka United No. 2 Gold-dredging Co. SOUTHLAND-conrimtci. 30 84&17 : Waimumu Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka Valley Gold-dredging Waimumu .. „ .. j 78 & HI ' First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. 21 Waimumu Extended Gold-dredging Co. Waitiri Gold-dredging Co. II II 7 & Hi : 7&111 Kawarau .. „ 8 & 12} : First olass & two second class when working three shifts. Looomotive & traction. Second class. •Walker, L. Wallis, A. R. Ward & Sons Watson Bros. & Harrington Williams, J. R. .. Lumsden .. Threshing Hedgehope .. Sawmill Ruahine .. „ Pahia Waikaka Valley Hauling & Threshing Inveroargill .. Manure-mixing .. Orepuki .. ; Sawmill a 1. 1 9 13 Two9f Two 84 9 Locomotive & traotion. Wright, Stephenson, & Co. Young, Geo. 2i 5; Two 10 Two 9 Second olass. TARANAKI. Two 8} I 11 & 20 : 11 &20 14 & 15 : 14 & 15 Two 64 : 12 I 10 & 19 : 9 I 13 12 134 134 8 1 12 I 10 5&9 ] 104 f 13 5&9 ] 0} f 8} ] 54 & 9 9 £ 84 4&61 1 9 t 10 8 20 1 51 & 91 1 10 I 11 11 & 20 1 7} 1 5}&9 Two 8 Seoond olass. First class. Baigent, S. E. .. Bortheviok, T. & Sons Tarata .. Sawmill Waitara .. Freezing 1-1 60 70 26 30 (i 26 28 17 16 23 20 20 6 25 16 6 22 20 8 30 7 8 16 20 5 20 10 25 45 6 16 25 85 6 6 10 Brown, H. & Co. Inglewood .. Sawmill First olass. New Plymouth „ Toko Road Cardiff .. ! Dairy factory New Plymouth j Driving Maohinery Kaponga .. i Sawmill Pembroke Road Toko Hawera .. Chaff-outting Eltham .. Box-factory „ .. Dairy-factory Patea .. Threshing „ .. Brick-making Mokau .. Sawmill Hawera .. Road-rolling Waitara .. Milk-factory „ .. Ti reshing Locomotive & traotion. Second olass. First class. Second olass. Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Co. Chambers, J. & Son Clement, W. C. .. Derby Bros. Edgar & Pease Egmont Butter Box Faotory Eltham Co-operative Dairy Co. Fowler, James Graves, Herbert Greenaway, F. W. Hawera County Counoil Irvine & Stevenson Johnston, C. H. .. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Looomotive & traction. Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Joll, Thos. L. .. Joll, W. F Joll & Blaok Kakaramea Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Co. Kelly, Andrew Little & Co. Mills Dairy Co. Mills, H. & Co Mt. Egmont Freezing Co. Muggeridge Bros. New Plymouth Borough Counoil .. New Plymouth Harbour Board Okaiawa .. Creamery Tikorangi .. Brick-making Waitara .. Hauling Kakaramea .. Dairy Kaponga Kaupokonui .. [ „ Mokau .. I Sawmill Sentry Hill .. Threshing Patea .. Dairy faotory Rahotu .. Sawmill Waitara .. Freezing Hawera .. Chaff-outting New Plymouth Traotion New Plymouth „ Breakwater Ditto New Plymouth Sawmill Second olass. Locomotive & traotion. Seoond class. First olass. Looomotive & traotion. Second olass. First olass. Looomotive & traotion. 0 New Plymouth Sash & Door Factory Ditto .. 14 40 Two 10 13 S Second class. Ngaire .. Hauling .. 1 „ .. Sawmill Tariki Road .. „ .. .. Traotion .. j Tariki Awatuna .. Sawmill .. ' Eltham .. , Inaha .. Dairy Rahotu .. Sawmill Tariki Road .. „ Stratford .. Dairy „ Stone-crushing .. Hawera .. Sawmill Midhurst .. „ Ngaire .. Hauling.. „ ,. Sawmill Toko Fitzroy .. Freezing New Plymouth Stone-orushing .. j 16 50 50 6 8 30 12 20l 25 35 16! 8 23 17 81 30! 29! 20 : 8, Two 8 I 164 I Two 144 51 I Two 7 12 £ Two 84 8 i 11 Two 104 I 10 £ 94 I 12 £ 14 Two 64 I 16 I 13 £ Two 8 6 & 94 I Locomotive & traction. First olass. 0 • • • • • • «• Locomotive & traotion. Parkes & Brookes Ramsay, H. Riversdale Dairy Co. Rothery, J. Simons & Jones Stratford Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Stratford County Council.. Symes, G. Second class. Second class. First olass. Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Seoond olass. Taranaki Bacon Factory Taranaki County Council .. Looomotive Si traotion. This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. cd ■ Diameter I o of Purposes for which || Cylinders aa6s of Driver req nired. 2+* Engines, in 3 ° Inches. T pntniiiintiiorl Taranaki Freezing Co. TARAN AKI— continued. 1— continued. 'reezing .. 30 10 & 214 I Pi'st class. .. 30 14 & 26 ; baff-outting .. 8 84 Locomotive & traotion. ash Si door faotory 20 12 & 24 First olass. awmill .. 22 Two 10 Seoond olass. I Moturoa Freezing Tarry, James Twigg & Co. Union Timber Co. Inglewood Hawera Beacon sfield Road Waitara New Plymouth Patea Chaff-outting Sash Si door faotory Sawmill Waitara Harbour Board .. Wells, Phillip West Coast Refrigerating Co. Dredge Flour-mill Freezing Iredge .. ..11 Two 9 Second class-'lour-mill ..20 19 First class, reezing .. 40 9 & 16 .. 25 9 & 16 [eat Preserving .. 23 9 j Seoond olass. awmill .. 16 Two 9 I Koru Road Meat Preserving .. Sawmill Wylie & Co. WEI LINGTON. Akitio Totara Sawmill Co. Albertson, C. Allen, J. Allen & Son, J. .. Allender, J., and Co. Anderson, C. Akitio Nireaha Masterton Sawmill Threshing Hauling Soap-works Hauling NGTON. 3,wmill .. 25 14 Seoond class. 20 124 hreshing .. 6 6 & 10 Locomotive & traotion [auling .. ..68 " oap-works .. 18 Nil Seoond olass. [auling .. 6 5 & 9 Looomotive & traotion. 25 20 6 0 18 6 Petone Palmerston North Rongotea •Anderson, C. .. Anketell Bros. Masterton Upper Plain .. Threshing and Chaff-cutting Threshing Threshing and Chaff-cutting Freezing hreshing and 6 7J „ Chaff-cuttine vjnaii-cutuing hreshing ..68 , hreshing and 68 „ Chaff-cuttine 0 6 Aramoho Meat Preserving Co. Aramoho onan-cuijuing reezing .. 40 12 Seoond olass. ..24 12 lax-mill .. 50 15 First olass. ..32 15 • • 24 Sg & 12f reamery ..16 10 Seoond class, utter-factory 18 10 „ lyeworks .. 40 8 „ ash & door factory 37 12 awmill .. 30 14 ..40 H .. 45 16 First olass. food-working .. 36 12 : Seoond class, hreshing .. 6 5 & 9 Looomotive & traotion. Ruling 8 5 & 9 lax-mill .. 12 7} & 11} Second olass. nwmill .. 16 Two 9 ; loisting .. 30 6 & 7 10 24 50 32 24 10 18 40 M7 M0 40 45 86 6 8 12 10 SO Austin Bros. Foxton Flax-mill Austin, 0. E. Ballance Co-operative Dairy Co. Ballance Co-operative Dairy Co. Barber, W. H. P. Bartholomew Bros. Bartholomew, J., & Co. .. Bartholomew, P. Scarborough .. Konini Wellington Feilding Taihape Levin Weraroa Wanganui Awahuri Feilding Turakina Manakau Hulk "Jean Perouse " Carterton Creamery Butter-factory Dyeworks Sash & door factory Sawmill Bassett" W. G. Beazer, M. Bell.R. '.'. '■'. Bird Bros. Blackball Coal Co. Wood-working Threshing Hauling Flax-mill Sawmill : Hoisting Booth, Wm., & Co. Sawmill awmill .. 20 Two 11 First class. .. 50 16» .. 50 16$ .. 40 Two 114 og-hauling .. 19 Two 8 Second class, lougbing .. 6 5&9 Locomotive & traotion. hreshing 81 9 „ lax-mill .. 14j Two 8} Seoond olass. aeon-factory ..17 8 „ awmill .. 42i 16 First olass. .. 16 Two 9 Second olass. 20 50 50 40 19 6 81 14 17 421 16, 0 • • 0 • • 0 • • Bowater, H. J. Brookie, A. Brewer, J. Buchanan & Co., J. Burgess, A. Burt, William Sanson Marton Foxton Okoia Palmerston N. Whiteman's Valley Wellington Otaki Gorge .. Reikorangi Te Horo Waikanae Wanganui Log-hauling Ploughing Threshing Flax-mill Bacon-factory Sawmill Cable & Co., W. .. Campbell Land & Timber Co. Foundry Sawmill oundry .. 70} 7 & 18 First olass. awmill .. 25: 12 Seoond class. .. 14 16} First class. .. 37 141 .. 30 14* [auling .. 12: Two 10 Looomotive & tracti n. .. 18j Two 10 lour-mill .. 22j 11 Second olass. .. 20| 9 & 14 First olass. hreshing .. 6; 8 Looomotive & traotion. ooperage .. 28 12 Second class, hreshing .. 8 64 & 104 Locomotive Si traction. .. 6 51 & 84 lax-mill .. 12 7 & 104 Second class, hreshing .. 6 8 Locomotive & traotion. lax-mill .. 12 Two 84 Seoond olass. •• 26 10} .. 36 16| First "'ass. ash Si door faotory 20 10 Second class, ooperage .. 26 91 ..24 13 rick-works .. 18 10} „ awmill .. 20 124 70j 25 14 M7 80 ,2 18 22 20 6 28 8 6 12 6 12 26 86 20 26 24 18 20 Castleoliff Railway Co. Hauling Chamberlain Bros. Feilding Masterton Flour-mill Chalmers, W. Chapman Bros. Chapman & Saunders Cheeseman & Co. •Cookburn, H. .. Coley, Geo. Wellington Where required Martinborough Oroua Bridge .. Marton Foxton i Threshing Cooperage Threshing Flax-mill Threshing Flax-mill Coley and Easton Compton, A. Cook, Thomas Cook, Wm. Cooper & Sons Corradine & Whittaker Wellington Petone Palmerston N. Berhampore .. Mount Bruce .. Sash & door factory Cooperage 0 ! Brick-works ' Sawmill * This plant has two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. cd ,. Diameter Purposes for which || Cylinders cla8B 0 , Driver , equire a. £■„ Engines, in 3 ° Inches. WELLING rTON— continued. Crabtree & Sons Crease & Son, E. H. Crown Dairy Co. Daniell, C. E., & Co. Wellington Mangatainoka Masterton Foundry Jam-making Dairy faotory Sawmill Sash & door faotory Sawmill Dairy faotory Milk faotory 16 19 21 44 27 50 24 30 150 30 17 23 25 30 I 6 11 Nil 10 12| 12 16 9 16 16 141 10 10 10 & 16 124 84 Seoond class. 0 Dalefield Dairy Co. Defiance Butter Co. Weraiti Dalefield Bunnythorpe .. First olass. Seoond class. First olass. Dickie, W. & R. Dimock & Co. Drummond Bros. Drysdale, J. •Eggleton & Larsen Makino Wanganui Wellington Newman Nireaha Bunnythorpe .. Dairy Flour-mill Freezing Sawmill Seoond olass. Threshing & chaffoutting Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Steel-pipe making Flour-mill First olass. Seoond olass. Looomotive Si traotion. Evans Bay Timber Co. Ewington, J. C. .. FalKiier, A. Ferguson, M. Fitzherbert, A. R. Flowers, Thos. .. Fraser, Angus Gaby, H. Galpen, C. M. .. Gammon & Co. Gardner Bros. Gardner, Geo., & Son Gardner, Robert.. Gardner & Yeoman Gear Meat Preserving Co. i Kilbirnie Masterton Kaipararo Wanganui Upper Tutaenui (Merton) Where required Bull's Kerepuni Newtown Marton Palmerston N. Makomako Moawhangu .. Taihape .. i Kereru .. Pongaroa Petone 38 6 40 73 18 13 51&84 Two 104 12 9 Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. First olass. Seoond olass. Threshing Flour-mill Hauling Foundry Threshing Sawmill 6 17 8 17 6 17 14 23 36 2 20 30 65 65 65 65 73 73 12 28 50 50 50 38 8 6 20 40 7 84 9 9 4,44, & 64 8 Two 8 Two 9 12 12 44 12 81 & 14 17&34 17&34 17&34 17&34 17&34 17 & 34 Two 8 Two 10 84&14 84 & 14 84 & 14 16 84 7} 54 12 6& 10 Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. Locomotive & traction. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. Hauling flax Sawmill Boiling-down Freezing Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. First olass. 0 it * * it • ' Hauling Looomotive & traotion. Manure works First olass. Gibbs, A. S. Gibbs, J. H. Gifford & Henson Gilberd, J. B., & Son Gower & Grioe Green Bros. i i Utiku Sanson Rongotea Castleoliffe Omui Kairanga Sawmill Threshing Looomotive & traotion. Soap-works Sawmill Threshing & chaffcutting Threshing Hauling Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Green, G. Greenaway, Thos. Greenwood & Whiteman .. Greig and Green Guy, F. S. Halley & Ewing Hamer, W., & Co. •Harvey, G. M. .. Henderson Bros. i Martinborough Akatarawa Palmerston N. Table Flat Wellington Makerua Swamp Rata Marton Sawmill Flax-mill Sawmill Sash & door faotory Flax-mill Threshing Flour-mill 6 6 6 22 12 25 18 M2 7 20 25 25 46 14 23 6 6 5&9 51&84 8 12 7& 11 13 124 12 84 12 84 & 14 10 9 Two 8} 13 8 8 Seoond olass. Looomotive & traotion. Seoond olass. First class. Second class. Hill, H." Hirst & Co. Hopkins, E. •Howard, J. Hutt County Council Wellington Kaiwarra Waitohu Valley Otaki Marton Wellington Brick and pipe works Tannery Sawmill Isbister Si Co. Jaokson, H. H. • ■ Jaoobsen, N., & Co. James, T. P. Johnson Bros. Jones, C. E. Jones, E. Jupp, W. Kelburne-Karori Tramway Co. Grevtown Taihape Stanway Parkvale Matarawa Masterton Foxton Makerua Swamp Wellington Threshing Hauling and stoneorushing Sawmill Ploughing Sawmill Threshing Hauling 18 10 14 6 6 6 8 14 30 26 26 12 7&114 Two 9| 6& 10 6& 10 8 64 & 10 Two 84 12 9 Si 16 9& 16 Looomotive and traotion. Seoond olass. Locomotive and traotion. Seoond olass. Locomotive and traotion. Flax-mill Seoond olass. Hauling First olass. 4 This ilant ha: two years' certificate.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.


Name of Owner. A Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. u <D . S» o o M Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Knap, I. H. Knight, B. L. .. Larsen, A. R. Ledward, D. Levett, C. A. J. .. Levien & Bell Levin Dairy Co. Liggins, J. H. Lind & O'Connor Lloyd, F. Luke, S., & Sons.. Manawatu County Counoil WELLINC Taihape Mangaweka Utiku Mataroa Wanganui Oroua Bridge .. Levin Tokomaru Shannon Wellington ■TON— continued. Sawmill Flax-mill Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Creamery Flax-mill 36 50 16 16 6 12 17 12 25 22 457 10 12J 13 Two 9 10 7& 11 8 7& 10J 10 10J Two 7J Second class. Looomotive and traction. Second class. Carnarvon Tramway Brick-making Engineers' shop .. Hauling if Second class. Locomotive and traction. Manawatu Roller Flour-mills Manawatu Timber Co. Mardon Bros. Masterton Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Matthew Bros. .. .. .. j Mauriceville Dairy Faotory Co. MoCarthy, T. G. McGregor, Ewen MoGregor, John McGregor, J. A. .. McHattie, G. & J. .. .. I McLaohlan Bros. .. McLeod, Alexander .. McPhee, Hugh Palmerston N. Kawatau Himatangi Mastorton I Sanson Mauriceville .. Wellington Orangipongo .. Tararu Ranges Levin Taueru Masterton Opaki Where required Carterton Hulk "Coromandel " Hulk "Elinor Vernon" Palmereton N. Flour-mill Sawmill Flax-mill Dairy factory Threshing Dairy factory Brewery Sawmill 16 27 18 50 50 16 : 19 6 30 30 20 42 17 23 6 16 6 6 24 Two 9 12&18 Two 10 14 12 8| & 14| 11 5J&9J 8 7 15 16J Two 8 14 8 First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. First class. Hauling Sawmill Chaff cutting Saw-milling Hauling Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive & traction. Two 9^ 8 8 Two 8 Mill & Co., John!! !! !. Hoisting Secbnd class. „ .. .. . • 22 6 &8 Milverton, Jos. Milverton & Sons Mindo & Stuart Munt, T. Murphy, W. Murray, D. Mutrie, Alexander Hauling 6 6 7 10 24 20 6 5 &9 5 &9 8 6J & 11| 12 10 8 Locomotive & traotion. Awahuri Wellington I Wanganui Kuripuni Threshing Hauling Brick & pipe works Engineer's shop .. Threshing & chaffcutting Laundry Refrigerating Second class. Locomotive & traotion. Naismith, Alexander National Mortgage & Agency Co. .. Wellington Longburn 22 40 40 35 22 18 18 22 50 50 50 50 100 100 130 100 350 8 10 & 20 10 & 20 16| 6 ? 84 18 & 26 18 &26 15 & 30 15 &30 15 & 30 15 & 30 15 &30 15 &30 134, 19J> & 28 10 Nil Second olass. First olass. Nees, W. Newton, Jno. N.Z. Candle Co. .. Reikorangi Kaiwarra Sawmill Soap-works Candle-works Boiling-down Candle-works Electric-lighting .. Second class. // N.Z. Electrio Syndicate Wellington First olass. New Zealand Dairy Union N.Z. Govt. Asylum Eketahuna Mount View .. Dairy factory i Laundry 36 30 Second class. Exempt under seotion 63 of "The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1902." Ditto. N.Z. Govt. Lunatic Asylum Porirua Electric light, laundry, &o. Ditto 30 20 Nil 9J & 15 N.Z. Govt. Defence Department .. N.Z. Govt. Printing Offioe N.Z. Govt. Prison Department N.Z. Public Works Department .. Shelley Bay .. Wellington Mount Cook .. Mangaonoho .. Taihape Electric light Printing Brick-making Machine-shop Ballasting 20 13 27 35 35 38 16 1(1 16 2S 2f ( 17 9J & 15 94 & 15 10 & 16 9&15 9& 15 14 Two 9 Two 9 Two 11 14 9 6 & 104 84 N.Z. Patent Brick Co. Norris, H. Orbell, 3. Otaki-Manukau Dairy Co. Kilbirnie Newtown Mar tinborough Otaki Brick-making Brick-works . .. Hauling Dairy factory Second class. Locomotive & traction. Second class.

H. - 15a.

Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Name ol Owner. Where Boiler used. o . Diameter g g of Purposes for which s= Cylinders class of Driver required, used. ij of 2», Engines, in o o Inches. H WELLING ■TON— continued. Palmerston North Sash & Door Co. Pasoal Bros. Pasoal, L. Perham & Laraen Pitcaithley & Co. Pleasants, O. C. Price, Thomas Prouse Bros. Pryde & Son, A... Eansfield, R. Raynor, B. R. .. Read, D. Better & Gilmer Rewa Dairy Faotory Co. Rhodes Broa. Eobertaon & Co., D. Rongotea Dairy Faotory Co. Bouse & Hurrell Roy, John Saundera Bros. Schmidt & Saunders Soorer, J. Seager E. Seifert, A. Seifert, G. Palmerston N. Oroua Bridge .. Kereru Utiku Wellington .. Haloombe Newman Shannon Wellington Weraroa Nireaba Manakau Kakara Akatarawa Tararu Range Bewa Waitotata Wellington Eongotea Wellington Hukanui Moutou Shannon Masterton Wellington Paiaka Tokomaru Sash & door faotory Flax-mill Sawmill Hauling Threshing Sawmill Sash & door faotory Sawmill Flax-mill Ploughing Sawmill 20 14 10 14 32 26 6 45 18 20 25 17 30 5 27 12 12 12 12 12 35 25 6 26 50 25 35 26 23 23 14 26 6 6 19 12 40 27 12 8 24 40 12 20 25 35 20 50 12 20 42 10 (J 60 87 40 17 7 & 11 10 16 6| & 11| 5 &9 16 14 10J 15 13 Two8£ 7&11J Two8| 14 9 7$ 12 12 8 10 12 13J 7 Nil. 7 & 11 7& 11J 7&11 Two8J 7&11 13 12 5&8 12 10 Two 9 10 13 20 20 20 Two8J 8 5&9 12 Two8| 14 12 7 &11 5&8J 10 12 12§ 14 8, 8, & 8 First olass. Second class. First class. Locomotive & traction. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Dairy faotory Threshing Foundry Dairy faotory Goaoh-faotory Sawmill Flax-mill Sawmill Hauling Foundry Flax-mill Locomotive & traction. Second olass. Locomotive & traotion. Second class. Seifert, L. Silverstream Brick & Tile Co. Simpson, G. Simpson, R. K. .. Smith & Donald Smith, M'Kean & Co. Stansell & Son, J. R. Staples & Co. Stevens, James Stewart & Co. Oroua Bridge .. Bangatane Silverstream .. Bull's Marton Taihape Moawhango .. Waikanae Wellington Hastwells Wellington Briok-making Flax-mill Threshing Sawmill Locomotive & traction. Second class. Flax-mill Brewery Sawmill Sash & door faotory First class. u * ■ * " " ' Styles & Coley Swainson & Bevan Opik'i ! '. Manakau Flax-mill Hauling Second class. Locomotive & traction. # • • Flax-mill Second class. Syme, G. Symons and Barnard Tennant, James Thomas, E. Tonsk, E. Tonks, Wm. Trevor, J. Tyer, A. Udy, Hart Utiku '.'. Foxton Oroua Bridge .. Mount Halcombe Wellington Sawmill Flax-mill Threshing Briok-making Flour-mill Brick-making. Steaming Sawmill Locomotive & traotion Second olass. Palmerston N. Ngahauranga.. Hukanui Petone Hulk "Ottolina " Wellington Hoisting First class. Second olass. Union S.S. Co. .. 21 Two 7 & Two 8 14 17 17 7 84 & 14 Two 9 8 & 12| 10 7& 5J&8J Two 8| 12 &20 12 & 20 12 &20 12 &20 12 & 20 13 8 Viokers & Williams Waddell, MoLean, & Weir Shannon Wellington .. Flax-mill Sash & door factory 37 17 17 19 18 12 10 19 12 6 12 118 80 80 80 80 50 6 Second olass. First class. Wairarapa Bacon Co. Wairarapa Brick & Tile Works Wakeley, W. Carterton Bacon-factory Brick-making Flax-mill Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Second olass. Kahautara Wakelin Bros. Wall Bros. Wanganui Corporation Wanganui Fire Brigade Wanganui M. F. Co. Carterton Martinborough Wanganui Flour-mill Flax-mill Roadrolling Fire engine Freezing Locomotive & traction, Castleolifi Firet class. n * • Wanganui Sash & Door Factory .. Warring, J. Wanganui Marton Sash & door faotory Chaff-cutting & threshing Threshing Sawmill Seoond class. Looomotive & traction. Warring, Jos. Waterson & Co. .. Mount Curl .. Nireaha 8 16 6&10 11 Second class.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c. — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. 53 . ; o o H . Diameter i of ! Cylinders class of Driver required, , Engines, in ' Inches. Waverley Co-operative Dairy Co. .. Weir, G. Wellington Biscuit-factory Wellington Brick & Tile Co. Wellington City Council WELLIN( Aramoho Hukanui Wellington .. Okiro Wellington rTON— continued. Dairy faotory Sawmill Biscuit-factory Brick-yard Pumpi ng air & drainage-works Ditto. 30 14 T 30 33 88 9| 8 Second olass. Two 9J 12 12 9£, 15, & First class. 23 9J, 15,& 23 91, 15, & 23 9 Locomotive & traction. Two 8| Second olass. 8£ Locomotive & traction, 12, 17, & First class. 26 12, 17,& 26 12,17, & 26 12 Second class. 12 8,10, & 7 8,10, & 7 15 & 30 I First class. 15 & 30 9 & 9 Second class. Two 9* Nil Two 15 Locomotive & traotion Two 16 Two 10 & Two 17 Two 16 Two 16 10J & 19 11 & 18 Two 10 & Two 17 Two 12 Two 12 Two 15 Two 16J Two 16J Two 16i Two 17 Two 10 & Two 17 Two 11J & Two 19 Two 13 Two 11 & Two 18 Two 15 Two 15 12 Second olass. Two 12 First class. 19 & 28 19 & 28 19 & 28 12 Second olass. 12 88 9^ • «• • • 88 9^ Road-roller Stone-crushing .. Road-roller Electric trams 6 141 1 8 65 IS Wellington City Counoil Tramways » * • 65 IS 65 li Wellington Fresh Food &, Ice Co. .. Butter-factory 27 27 36 8, 36 8, 106 1 106 1 9 16 1 24 40 1 40 T 45 Tv 'I Wellington Gas Co. Pumping, &c. Wellington Harbour Board Wellington Pumping Wellington Hospital Welliagton-Manawatu Railway Co. Dredging Fire-engine Disinfecting Hauling n • • a ■ - 'J 40 1 40 1 100 l< 17 1 175 Ts •[ *> u . • 1 28 1 33 1 30 1 40 T 80 T 80 T 175 T 160 Tv q 88 Tv It J 33 T 31 T T Wellington Meat Export Co. Alice Town .. Ngahauranga .. Engineer's shop .. Pumping Freezing ■1 33 1 33 1 25 40 1 35 1 60 1 100 1 84 124 n ' * V Fellmongery Boiling down and preserving Preserving Boiling down ¥ • • * • • # • • * • ■ * • • m • • Wellington Patent Slip Co. Wellington Woollen Co. .. Wellington Wellington Petone Freezing Hauling Woollen-mills 124 38 20 8J 20 40 I 40 1! 23 li 23 l< 20 li 20 li 20 li 60 li 35 1 35 I 1 19 19 6 6 12 8J & 14$ First class. 8J & 14$ 8J & 14J 19 & 28 19 & 28 16 & 16 First olass. 16 & 16 16 & 30 First class. 16 & 30 16 & 30 16 & 30 17 & 34 17 & 34 8 Second class. 8 8 Locomotive & traction. 8* m • ■ • • * • • Wills, P. Newtown Laundry Woodley, John .. Oarierton Hauling, &o. » ■ •

H.- 15a


Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. « . Diameter gS of p.-" Cylinders ijg Of 2v, Engines, in ° ° Inches. Class of Driver required. D WBBTLj .ND DISTRICT. First class &,two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Ahaura Waterson's Gold-dredging Co. Ahaura Gold-dredging 20 7J & 11J 1 Aldinga Gold-dredging Co. Amalgamated Totara Shellback Golddredging Co. Baxter Bros. Nelson Creek .. Near Rosa w * • 20 8 & 12| ] 25 9 & 14 20 25 '/ Bigneli's No Town Gold-dredging Co. Arahura Kokiri No Town Creek Sawmill Gold-dredging 32 14 I 16 Two 9| 20 8| & 12f ] 32 16 20 Second class. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. Second class. Blackwater River Gold-dredging Co. Bowater & Bryan Butler, Osmond Black water Snowy River .. Greymouth .. Paroa Sawmill Locomotive Flax-mill Sawmill Foundry Traction Sawmill 25 8 & 12| ] 16 Two 9 J i 14 Two 8| 20 11 10 Two 6 ] 16 8 S 12 Two 8^ 20 Two 10 20 11 8 9 ] 25 17| 1 25 i<; l<1 20 10 Iβ 12 20 20 8 25 Cambridge, Buteman, & Grant Chinn, W. Craig & Sheedy Despatch Foundry Erickson, Geo. Cameron's Waitaha Beach Te Kinga Greymouth Ahaura Near Orwell Creek Orwell Creek .. Locomotive & traction. Second class. « w Locomotive & traotion. First class. Erickson's Reward Gold-dredging Co. Golden Five-mile Gold-dredging Co. Near Paroa Gold-dredging 41 7 & 11J 1 25 8 & 12f ] 41 25 Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Ditto. Golden United Gold-dredging Co. .. Great Woodstock Gold-dredging Co, Greenstone Creek Gold-dredging Co. Duffer's Creek Kanieri Greenstone Gold-dredging 52 9 & 14 1 33 8 & 12J 20 7 & 11J 1 52 33 20 Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two seoond class when working three shifts. Three second olass when working three shifts. Second class. Greenstone Junotion Gold-dredging Co. 20 8 & 12J I 20 Greenstone Three-mile Gold-dredg-ing Co. Greymouth Borough Council Greymouth Harbour Board 20 7£ & 11J 1 20 Greymouth Cobden Fire-engine Derrick 15-ton crane Hauling 7 Three 7 5 8 Two 9 9 Two 9 10 Two 8 1 7 8 9 10 Cobden to Greymouth Ditto Grey River Ross Rimu Blackwater Locomotive & traction. tr • * Grimmond & Co., Jos. Hansen & Knowles Ikamatua Gold-dredging Co. Dredging Sawmill Gold-dredging 15 Two 10 25 Two 12 1 32 12 £ 20 7J & 11J 30 8 & 12f 1 15 25 82 20 30 First class. Second class. Jack Bros. Jaokson's Bay Flax milling Co. Kohinoor Gold-dredging Co. Kotuku Sawmill Co. Kumara Dredging Syndicate Kotuku Jackson's Bay.. Mikonui Craig's Siding Greenstone Sawmill Flax-mill Gold-dredging Sawmill Gold-dredging 35 11 & 17* 3 20 7 & 11J £ 40 9 & 14 1 60 18 ] 23 8 & 13 ] 35 20 40 60 23 First class & two second class when working three shifts. First class. Second class. First clasa & two second olass when working three shifts. First olass. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Second class. Locomotive & traction. First class. Second class. First class. Lake Brunner Sawmilling Co. Near Moana .. Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Gold-dredging 20 Two 10 £ 8 Two 6 I 20 18 I 16 Two 9J £ 16 13J & 7 I 40 16 20 7 & 11J 1 20 8 20 Iβ Iβ 40 20 Lincoln Bros., Toomey, & Peebles .. Stafford Mahinapua Sawmilling Co. Malfroy &Co.,J. C. Maori King Gold-dredging Co. Hokitika Three-mile Maori Creek .. Three second class when working three shifts. Second clash. First class. Mardon, Maria Jane Mardon Bros. Marris, Wm. South Spit .. Kumara Rail-way-station Ho Ho .. Flax-mill Sawmill 20 7 & 11 £ 15 8J & 14| I 25 12 & 22 20 15 25 Marshall, Maunders, and Black Gold-dredging 16 7 & 11J 1 16 Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Second class. Mawhera Gold-dredging Co. Grey River 20 8 & 12} I 20 McGregor, E. .. Lake Ma h i n apua Ho Ho.. Lifting sand 16 8 & 12| £ Iβ Montezuma Gold-dredging Co. Gold-dredging 40 10 & 16 I 40 First olass & two second class when working _i_:*i_



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.

Approximate Cost of Papar. —preparation, not given; printing (2,025 copies), £8 Os. 6d,

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9os.

Price 6d.]

10— H. 15a.

Name of Owner. WhewBotlM Purposes for which 11 c o . Diameter ; of i Cylinders i of i Engines, in 1 inches. Class of Driver required. D WESTLA.ND — contintied. 20 7 & 11 ' Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Three second class when working three shifts. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Mosquito Gold-dredging Co. .. Mosquito Creek Gold-dredging Mosquito (No. 1) Gold-dredging Co. Mosquito Mosquito (No. 2) Gold-dredging Co. „ Iβ 20 7 & li : 8 & 13 ] Nelson Creek Gold-dredging Co. .. Nelson Creek .. 20 7 & 11| '. „ . • „ .. „ 80 8 & 12} J New Trafalgar Gold-dredging Co. .. j Not stated New Woodrtook Gold-dredging Go. .. Woodstock New Zealand Government Public i Greymouth .. Hauling Works Department 20 1)5 21 8 &12J 1 9| & 14* Two 10 1 Exempt under section 68 " Inspection of Mαohinery Act, 1902." First class. First class & two second class when working three shifts. First clrtss. First class & two second class when working thr.-e shifts. Three second class when working three shifts. Second class. Ngahere Milling Co. .. .. Ngahere .. ] Sawmill No Town (No. 2) Gold-dredging Co. j No Town Creek I Gold-dredging 50 20 9 & 14 ] 8 & 12} ] Olderog & Co. .. .. .. I Arahura .. i Sawmill Pactolus Gold-dredging Co. .. Nelson Creek .. ■ Gold-dredging 17 82 8 & 12} 1 9 & 14 1 20 7 & Hi i Perotti, George .. .. .. Nelson Creek Sawmill Perry, Hegan & Co. .. .. South Spit Prince of Waies Gold-dredging Co... Ross .. .. Gold-dredging 12 20 30 Tto 8J I Two 10 : 9 & 14 I Fir-t class & two second class when working three shifts. Second class. Three second class when working three shifts. Ditto. Red Jack's Sawmilling Co. .. Ngahere .. I Sawmill Ross Day-dawn Gold-dredging Co. .. ! Ross .. .. I Gold-dredging 20 2(1 14 i 7 & 11 1 Shellback Gold-dredging Co. .. Moonlight Slab Hut Gold-dredging Co. .. j Slab Hut Creek Southorn & Co. .. .. ..INgaheie .. Sawmill Stony & Mosquito Leads Gold-! Paroa .. .. Gold-dredging dredging Co. Stratford & Blair .. .. Butler's Siding Hauling 20 20 16 20 7 & 11+ 1 1 & llj L'-vo 10 i 7 & 11 1 Second class (only). Three second class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traction. Fiist class. .. Greymouth .. Sawmill „ .. .. I Kotuku Stratford & Son .. .. .. Moana Stuart & Chapmnn .. .. I Rimu Sullivan's Lead Gold-dredging Co. .. Sullivan Creek Gold-dredging 7 4 7 88 16 sn ■2r, 20 Two 7$ I l«i I 16 8 & 12} 14J Two 6J S 8 & 12J I Second class. First class & two second class when working three shifts. Locomotive & traction. Second class. Sutherland & Co. .. .. Hokitikat .. Road-wagon Taylor, Joseph .. .. .. Lake Ma h i n a- Idle pua Totara Flat Gold-dredging Co. .. Totara Fiat .. Gold-dredging 1 25 i 4 6} I Nil £ Victory Gold-dredging Co. .. Nelson Creek Wallace & Laurie .. .. Inch-bonnio .. Sawmill 20 8 & 12} I 8 & 12} I 13 18 18 9 & 14J 9 & 14| I First class & two second class when working tnree shiLs. Ditto. First class. Waller* England .. .. I Craig's Siding.. '20 22 25 18 14 20 30 Wanganui-Wataroa Gold-dredging Co., Saltwater Beach Wataroa .. Gold-dredging First class & two second class when working three shifts. Second class. Wataroa Flax-milling Oo. .. „ Plax-mill Watson, Robt. .. .. .. Dillmanstown.. Sawmill Westland Sawmilling Co. .. .. Kapitea 18 14 20 20 20 7 & Hi S Two 9 16 f 16 7 & Hi 1 First class. Wilson, E. A., & Party' .. .. Marsden .. Gold-dredging Three second class when working three shifts. Second class. Wihon, G. D., & Co. .. .. Kumara R a i 1 - Sawmill way-station I (i Two 9£ £

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Bibliographic details

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1904-5., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1904-5. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1904-5. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15a

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