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I—D. 5.




Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section .25 of " The Government Rathe vys Superannuation Fund Act, 1902."

In accordance with section 25 of ,; The Government Bail ways Superannuation Fund Act, 1902," the Board has the honour to transmit for the information of Parliament its report and balancesheet for the year ending the 31st March, 1905. The balance-sheet shows that members contributed £43,381 19s. 6d. to the Fund during the year ; fines amounted to £277 165., and interest to £2,180 3s. lid. These amounts, together with a donation of £5. and the sum of £40,357 17s. 3d. brought forward from last year, bring out the aggregate sum of £86,202 16s. Bd. shown on the Dr. side of the balance-sheet. ° The superannuation allowances paid during the year amounted to £14,933' 10s., representing grants to 293 members of the railway service who have either voluntarily resigned or been retired as medically unfit. Allowances amounting to £1,484 os. 10d. were paid in respect to forty-six widows and sixty-seven children, dependants of deceased members of the service who had not retired on superannuation at the time of their death. A sum of £806 17s. 7d., representing contributions of members of the service who voluntarily retired or whose services were otherwise dispensed with during the year, was refunded to members concerned, in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The sum of £29 11s. 6d., representing allowance granted to the widow and child of a member, was recredited to the Fund pending settlement of the question of rights of widow to claim a lump sum in lieu of an annual allowance. Fines remitted and refunded to members amounted to £4 55., travelling-expenses of members of the Board to £76 Is. 2d., and commission paid to Public Trust Office to £257 ss. lid., making the total disbursements for the year £17,532 95., and leaving a balance of £68,670 7s. Bd. to the credit of the Fund on the 31st March, 1905. The contributions of the members of the head and departmental offices are, as usual, shown for the period Ist April, 1904, to 31st March, 1905, whilst the contributions of all other members are for the period 28th February, 1904, to 4th March, 1905. The reason for this was fully explained in last year's report. The contributions from the latter source for the period from the sth to the 31st March, 1905, amounted to £2,918 6s. 10d. ; and including this amount and the sum of £24 7s. 6d., being the amount of fines for the same period, the gross receipts of the Fund from all sources since its inception—lst January, 1903, to 31st March, 1905—are as under :— £ s. d. Transferred from Eailway Servants' Fund ... ... ... 3,606 7 9 Contributions by staff ... ■ . ■••' •■• '•-,-, 89,413 7 1 Interest ' 2,990 1 3 Fines i ■ ■• 665 v 4 Donation ... ... ■•• ■•• ••■ ••• 5 0 0 £96,680 10 5 amounts shown in the list attached to the balance-sheet are those actually disbursed during the year, and do not represent the total annual allowances granted by the Board to the 31st March, 1905, which were : — £ s. d. Life allowances on account of voluntary retirements (260 persons) 15,731 19 2 Life allowances on account of retirements as " medically unfit " (49 persons) ... ■•■ ••• ••■ •■■ 2,741 3 2 Allowances to 50 widows and 89 children ... ... ... 2,057 0 0 Total annual allowances granted ... ... ... £20,530 2 4



Eighteen beneficiaries have, however, died since the inauguration of the Fund, including thirteen during the year under review. The Fund was relieved of an annual liability of £1,229 19s. 2d. in respect to these eighteen members. Thirteen children reached the age of fourteen years—seven during the past year—and one widow remarried, lessening the liability of the Fund by an additional £187 per annum. 416 persons were actually on the Fund at the 31st March, 1905, involving an annual liability of £19,113 3s. 2d. The election of the second Board took place in March last, and resulted in the return of the whole of the elective members of the first Board with the exception of Mr. M. Thomas, one of the representatives of the Second Division, whose place was taken by Mr. P. Nolan. During the year various representations haVe been made to the Board by members of the railway service in regard to increasing the benefits provided for under the Act, members being apparently under the impression that the Board controlling the Fund can vary the benefits prescribed by the Act as they think fit. Such an impression is entirely erroneous. The Board of Administration is provided merely for the proper administration of the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and it cannot extend the benefits derivable thereunder in any way whatever. In connection with the requests for increasing benefits already provided under the Act, it may be well to point out to contributors that the benefits are based entirely on the amount of contributions paid to the Fund, and no increase in the benefits could possibly be provided without a corresponding increase in the amount of contributions from the individual members of the Fund. The stability of the Fund being of paramount importance to members of the railway service, all attempts to overload it in any way should be strenuously resisted. The Fund is now in a good financial position, and it is very desirable that this should be maintained under all circumstances. J. G. Ward, Minister for Railways, Chairman of the Board of Administration.

Balance-sheet of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund, under Section 24 of " The Government Railways Superannuation Fund Act, 1902," for the Tear ended 31st March, 1905. Dr. S, s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward on Ist April, j By Life allowances paid Ist April, 1904, 1904 .. .. .. .. 40,357 17 3 to 31st March, 1905 .. .. 14,933 10 0 Contributions from members as per Allowances paid to widows and orphans statement subjoined .. .. 43,38119 6 27th March, 1904,t025th March,l9os 1,454 9 4 Pines .. .. .. .. 277 16 0 Contributions refunded to members Donation .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 who have left the Service .. .. 806 17 7 Interest added by Public Trust Office Fines remitted and refunded .. 4 5 0 for year ended 31st March, 1905 .. 2,180 311 Travelling - expenses of members of Board attending quarterly meetings 76 1 2 Public Trust Office commission on contributions received and on income from investments .. .. 257 5 11 Balance at 31st March, 1905, as per statement from Public Trust Office, carried forward .. .. .. 68,670 7 8 £86,202 16 8 £86,202 16 8 J. G. Ward, Chairman of the Board of Administration. H. Davidson, Accountant, New Zealand Railways. Examined and found correct. — J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.



Statement of Receipts and Disbuesemunts of the Goveknment Railways Superannuation Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1905, under Section 24 of " The Government Railways Superannuation Fund Act, 1902." Receipts. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Dr. Balance brought forward from 31st March. ; 40,357 17 3! 40,357 17 3 1904 Contributions by star! — Ist April, 1904, to 31st March, 1905 .. Head and Departmental Offices ..! 3,569 19 ll 28th February, 1904, to 4th Maroh, 1905 Kawakawa Section .. .. .. 71 17 0 : Whangarei Section .. .. .. 244 9 4 [ Kaihu Section .. .. 114 14 7 ! Auckland Section .. .. .. 4,737 6 4 I Gisborne Section .. .. .. 62 7 4 Wellington-Napior-New Plymouth Sec- 10,403 15 8 tion Hurunui-Bluff Section .. .. 21,628 19 10 Westland Section .. .. .. 1,106 15 4 i Westport Section .. .. .. 790 6 6 Nelson Section .. .. .. 351 18 4 Pioton Section .. .. .. 299 10 2 I ! 43,381 19 6 Donation .. .. .. . I 500 500 28th February, 1904, to 4th March, 1905 Fines .. .. .. .. ! 277 16 0 277 16 0 I Interest added by Public Trust Office for 2,180 311 i '2,180. 311 year ended 31st March, 1905 '■ 86,202 16 8 86,202 16 8

Or. Disbubsements.

Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. I £ s. d. Chisholm, D. E. .. .. .. 120 1 9 Brought forward .. .. 3,809 10 8 Campbell, G. .. ••■• 42 0 0 Life allowances paid to— Wright, C. .. .. •• •■ 60 0 0 Moßwen, D. .. .. .. 39 3 0 McDonald, 3. .. .. .•78 16 3 Hay, T. .. .. .. .. 29 7 0 Walters, -J. .. .. .•.•82 15 4 Keely, T. .. .. .. 74 11 1 Fearn, G. •• •• ■• •■ 79 3 0 Manhire, R... .. .. .. 58 8 8 Gibb, 3. .. ••• • • ■ 109 13 1 Towler, F. .. .. .. .. 47 17 0 Hoben, J. .. •■• • .. 150 6 6 Berry, F. .. .. ... 59 12 9 Lucas, J. .••••• 45 13 0 j Cameron, A. .. .. .. 36 9 3 Faulkner, J... •■ •■ .•43 16 0 Heaton, C. .. .. .. .. 65 7 7 Croft, R. .. •■ •• •• 51 010 Capper, E. H. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Lane, 0. ■•■•• • 47 9 0 Smith, 3. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Chapman, J. .. .. •• 59 17 0 Sweeney, D. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Green, T. .. .. •• ■■ 52 3 0 MeCulley, E. .. .. .. 61 15 6 Sharp, R. .. ••••45 13 0 Rogers, G. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Mueaen, G. .. .. •. ■•45 13 0 Coggins, G. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 McDowell, W. .. .. .. 100 8 3 O'Brien, M. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Taylor, J. .. ••• • • • 120 17 0 Davis, J. .. .. .. 37 11 0 Kennelly, T... .. ■• ■• 52 3 0 Bandeen, J. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Divehal l , R. •• •• •• 47 9 0 Cunningham, H. .. .. .. 34 14 0 Cooper, T. .. .. .. ■■ 82 15 5 Gruit, W. H. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Condon, R. .. •• ■• •• 54 5 0 Parris, H. .. .. .. .. 53 17 4 Forsyth, J. C. .. ■• •• 61 17 1 Sadler, R. .. .. .. .. 89 0 1 Grant, J 119 00| Page, G .. 47 9 0 I'Anson, J. M. .. .. .. 181 9 1 Burke, T. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Austen, T. .. .. .■.• 49 6 0 Wilcock, G. .. .. .. .. 83 10 0 Hodges, E. .. .. •• •• 52 3 0 ! Rugsted, C. .. .. .. .. 58 0 3 Irving, J. .. ■••■ ••71 4 0 Meager, T. B. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Knight, J. .. •• •• ■■ 45 13 0 Grace, G. .. ... .. .. 54 16 0 Heavey, J. .. ■•••• ■ 47 9 0 Greer, R. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Wesley, W. .. .. •■ •■ 102 18 0 Atkinson, W. .. .. .. 65 14 9 Morse, G. ••••• • 60 5 1 Garrigan, P. F. .. .. .. 84 811 Copley, A. .. •• •• •• 66 0 0 Mac Donald, J. .. .. .. 68 9 0 Woods, T. .. .. .•••43 1 0 I Lloyd, C. .. .. .. .. 119 3 0 Dunbar, J. .. ■■ ■• •• 103 19 8 Ballinger, T... .. .. .. 67 11 2 Neville, P. .. •• •■ •• 87 13 0 Hanham, J... .. .. .. 60 5 0 Firth, N. .'. ••■••• 65 15 0 Railton, G. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Bruce, J. .••••■ 52 19 0 Thorne, H. .. .. .. .. 57 7 8 Clarke, M. .. .. •••■ 49 6 0 Payne, F. .. .. .. .. 50 10 4 Kirkwood, 3. ■■ ■■ ■■ 43 16 0 McEwen, W. .. .. .. 41 2 0 Stark, T. .. .. .. •■43 16 0 Roberts, W. .. .. .. .. 99 13 0 McHugb, G. .. .-•■ 68 9 0 Adkins, T. .. .. .. .. 60 17 H Fisher, C. .. .. ■•••50 14 4 Egan, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Meyenburg, W. .. .. •■ 49 11 0 Rodgers, W... .. .. .. 56 0 0 McDaggan, J. .. .. •■ 50 14 10 Rhodes, J. .. .. .. .. 25 1 0 O'Connor, J. .. .- •• 85 4 0 Horsnell, S. .. .. .. .. 80 4 3 McLeod, W... .. .. ■• 71 40 I Fraser, E. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Haines, C. W. .. .. .. 109 18 0 Gilroy, 3. .. .. .. .. 03 8 0 Peterson, 3. .. ■■ ■■■•51 14 7 Chambers, T. J. .. .. .. 33 18 4 Smith, J. .. .. .. ••50 15 0 Gorringe, 1t... .. .. .. 48 18 0 Mayer, H. .. .. •■•■63 18 0 Hayden, A. .. .. .. .. 48 11 0 Lowney, M... .. .. •• 50 16 4 Mcllwraitb, W. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Johnston, R. .. .. ■• 51 3 0 Millar, C. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Hancock, R. T. .. .. .. 86 4 6 Hislop, A. .. .. .. .. 44 14 0 Hawkins, T. .. .. .■54 2 9 Fisher, T. .. .. .. .. 58 18 1 Cousins, J. .. •■••■■ 45 13 0 Diffey, W. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Carried forward .. .. 3,809 10 8 Catried forward .. .. 6,797 3 4

£ s. d. Brought forward ' .. .. 3,809 10 8 Life allowances paid to— McEwen, D. .. .. .. 39 3 0 Hay, T. .. .. .. .. 29 7 0 Keely, T. .. .. .. 74 11 1 Manhire, R. .. .. .. .. 58 8 8 Towler, F. .. .. .. .. 47 17 0 Berry, F. .. .. ... 59 12 9 Cameron, A. .. .. .. 36 9 3 Heaton, C. .. .. .. .. 65 7 7 Capper, E. H. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Smith, J. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Sweeney, D. .. .. .. 43 16 0 MeCulley, E. .. .. .. 61 15 6 Rogers, G. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Coggins, Ci. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 O'Brien, M. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Davis, J. .. .. .. 37 11 0 Bandeen, J. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Cunningham, H. .. .. .. 34 14 0 Gruit, W. H. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Parris, H. .. .. .. .. 53 17 4 I Sadler, R. .. .. .. .. 89 0 1 Page, G. .. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Burke, T. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Wilcock, G. .. .. .. .. 83 10 0 Rugsted, C. .. .. .. .. 58 0 3 Meager, T. B. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Grace, G. .. ... .. .. 54 16 0 Greer, R. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Atkinson, W. .. .. .. 65 14 9 j Garrigan, P. F. .. .. .. 84 8 11 Mac Donald, J. .. .. .. 68 9 0 Lioyd, C. .. .. .. .. 119 3 0 Ballinger, T... .. .. .. 67 11 2 Hanham, J. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Railton, G. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Thorne, H. .. .. .. .. 57 7 8 Payne, F. .. .. .. .. 50 10 4 McEwen, W. .. .. .. 41 2 0 Roberts, W. .. .. .. .. 99 13 0 Adkins, T. .. .. .. .. 60 17 H Egan, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Rodgers, \\. .. .. .. .. 56 0 0 Rhodes, J. .. .. .. .. 25 1 0 Horsnell, S. .. .. .. .. 80 4 3 Eraser, E. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Gikoy, J. .. .. .. .. 63 8 0 Chambers, T. J. .. .. .. 33 18 4 Gorringe, 1t... .. .. .. 48 18 0 Hayden, A. .. .. .. .. 48 11 0 Mcllwraith, W. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Millar, C. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Hislop, A. .. .. .. .. 44 14 0 Fisher, T. .. .. .. .. 58 18 1 Diffey, W. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Cairied forward .. .. 6,797 3 4



Or. GOVEKNMENT BAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND —DISBURSEMENTS. — COntd. £' 8. d. I & 8. d. Brought forward .. .. Brought forward .. .. 12,106 3 5 Life allowances paid to- 6,797 3 4 \ Life allowances paid toCarter L .. • ■ 59 12 10 I Burns, C. .. .. .. .. 37 10 0 Bennett; E.:: " V. ■• 60 9 6 Matheson J 50 16 11 Ford p.. .. 59 12 10 Waeford, A. .. .. .. 30 19 0 Rouse, P 79 8 7 O'Callaghan, 0 16 15 0 McKenna.E 192 10 0 Voyce, H 42 0 8 Wakeling,J 57 6 7 Bolton, W 49 10 4 Graham? J 73 14 11 Rouse, J. 5 8 9 Walsh M . 38 7 0 Potter, T. .. .. .. .. 44 210 Hook J •• 27 8 0 McKenzie, S. 37 13 7 Horsnell, H. 3*l* ° Ingles, A 38 2 7 Anderson, O. 43 16 0 Winton, J 40 6 8 Ctoskery, J 49 6 0 Jack, J 56 9 2 King F W .. •■ 47 9 0 Sharp, J. •• .. .. ■• 49 6 3 Brvfntw'" •■ 38 7 0 Main waring, E. G. H. . .. 85 0 3 Hardy J " ' 60 5 0 Kirk, A. B 46 6 1 Neil "j ■• 44 5 0 Ronan, W. .. .. •• ■■ 29 410 Ellis' J A 77 0 0 Charles, W 24 4 0 Richards, D. 96 410 Marshall, C 42 7 9 Devlin, H 36 10 0 Taylor, A 91 1 8 Webster, C. A 58 12 0 Moore, D •• .. 58 6 1 Wplk FT 48 0 0 Hoskin,J. .. .. •• ■■ 33 16 30 Ear) J'• " '.'. '.'. .. 42 00 J Bishop, C 33 13 0 Conl'ev J ■• ■■ 33 8 0 Oavanagh, B. .. •• ■■ 36 8 9 Zm J I: 38 7 0; Gardner, W 18 15 8 Hope W . ■■ 59 4 2 Lawrell, H. W 64 10 6 Sinclair J 3 .. ■■ ■■ 43 16 0 Robinson, J. .. .. .. 34 0 1 Blwooa J iiV2 ° oollick > M •• •• 28 0 0 Tindale'E . 83 8 4 Shirley, J. W 15 8 0 Reynold's,,!... 51 3 0 Symons, C 22 17 3 Crawley W • 87 15 0 Collier, C. .. .. •• ■ ■ 38 8 5 Hill T .. 38 7 0 i Belworthy, A. J. .. .. .. 47 14 0 B ' d I) .. .. 57 00 i Dowrick, W. 33 12 7 Perm H .. ■■ 88 3 0 Russell, J. .. ~ .. ■• 22 7 5 Pritobard.J. 40 3 0 Mann, T 10 10 Scott,?. 5 4 0 Tuffley,D 22 17 8 p aiee ' G .. .. 61 7 4 I Martin, T 30 8 9 Christie/T 43 2 0 Rule, W 4117 8 Austin, J 67 16 0 I Pethenck, G. 34 6 1 Petrie J 95 8 0 Stewart, J. .. .., .. •■ 66 13 1 Saundercock.'J 45 13 0 Joyce, T 35 14 7 Lo»an W .. ■• •■ 78 0 1 Blackmore, J. .. .. .. 19 12 11 Rodgerson.J 46 11 0 Sweeney, B. 18 19 11 Brophv M •• ■• 66 3 9 Hood, C 17 14 8 hS'j I! ' 38 7 0: Booker, H 23 10 3 Roskruge, T. F 80 0 0 Burgess, T 18 9 2 F ife AC • ■ •• 400 7 2 Marcus, C. A. .. .. .. 78 7 4 Kennedy, R." 85 19 10! Gallagher F 20 18 5 Elder W J ■ ■ ■ • 43 1 0 Gallaway, T. .. .. .. 35 7 7 Brooke, J. "I: I. .: ■■ 63 001 O'M a l]ey,J 20 12 2 Keeliher C . - ■ • • 49 17 5 Matthewson, J. .. .. .. 64 11 8 O'Malley, M. 34 14 0 Redpath, J 28 5 0 Revell.J.C 81 0 0 Mclntyre, A. 26 19 2 Reid b R ■ • • • ■ 37 11 0 ! Nirnmo, T. .. .. .. ■ • 30 8 9 am'j ■ '' .. .. 50 16 0 Phillips, J 13 16 9 Gates, S. '.'. 38 7 0 Bryant, T 10 3 0 Nichols.l 58 14 0j Wishan.A 32 0 9 Ouilici P . ■• •• 42 0 0 ! Olsou, C. M. .. .. •• 2o 2 4 Stephenson, H 106 19 0 j Smith, T 26 18 1 Leathwick, B. T 109 18 4 Barr, A. ■• « Love j .. .. 40 14 0 McCormack, Mrs. A. .. .. .. 15 12 9 Martin/ J. R 90 0 0 Bishop, T 28 14 0 Isherwooa, C. F. .. ■• •• 85 4 3 Graham, H. .. .. .. .. 8 8 3 Cooper R ■ • .. 61 9 4 Lunham, H. .. .. • • 13 7 6 J 46 0 6 Barr, W. L 22 16 10 Heard G 59 9 3 Mitchell, C. F. .. .. .. 10 0 2 GiesegH " '.'. .. ■■ 39 0 9 Silva, J .. 10 8 2 Jordan J. W. 46 4 5 ! NightingaL , T 12 7 10 Y oung T • • • ■ 85 4 4 Moir, R. .. .. .. • ■ 64 0 Mayeri J. P. 56 12 0 Mason, J 12 15 9 Clarke, W 81 8 0 Tonkin, J 15 2 6 Oldham.J. W 108 1 0 Mcllroy, X 20 4 8 Pord W • ■ 44 16 2 Burnby, C. .. .. .. . ■ 13 4 9 O'Connor, B. 42 9 7 Dowden, A 12 110 Ruddle W .. ■• ■ ■ 112 611 Sweet, G. .. .. .. • • 11 710 Ashbv T " • ■ • ■ 56 13 4 Mulligan, T. .. .. • • 5 7 3 Boyle' J • ■ •• 32 13 8 Olsen, T. .. .. .. •■ 10 9 3 Tempieton.S 32 911 Home, A 3 5 2 Flinders, H. .. .. • • ■•14 5 4 j Barter, T. .. .. .. . ■ 13 1 7 Blsom, J 47 411 Smart, T 11 5 6 Heinemain.F 47 16 7 Russell, P 914 9 Mitchell, A 37 14 2 Barnes, J 317 9 Thomas, J. P. 39 15 2 Lawler, T 6 8 0 Lafierty, J. .. .. ■: ■■ 23 13 0 Adams, H. .. .. .. .. 5 5 8 Alexander, W. .. -• ■■ 113 11 0 Stevenson, W. .. .. ... 518 2 Winter, W. .. • • ■•44 0 0 Moore, R. .. .. .. .. 616 8 Carried forward .. ..12,106 3 5 Carried forward .. .. 14,498 810


Cr. GOVEKNMRNT BAiriW'AYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. DISBURSEMENTS— CO'IItd. . £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. 14,498 8 10 Brought forward .. .. 701 5 3 Life allowances Daid to— Allowances paid to widows and orphans — Shaw, W. C. .. .. ~. .. 4 7 7 Orr, Jessie, and one child .. .. 28 16 10 Foote, F. ... ... .. .. 5 2 2 Murchie, S. M., and one child .. 33 I 6 Nicholson, B. G. ... .. .. 3 010 Bracefield, J., and two children .. 44 10 6 Porter, W. .. .... -. .. 11 9 6 Wbeeler, C, and two children .. 55 17 3 Collie, P. .. .. 45 3 10 Gilmer, E. M., and three children .. 58. 8 9 Reddington, P. .. .. .. 40 3 4 Pioken, Margaret .. .. .. 19 9 i Abbiss, W. E. .. .. .. 6 17 6 Bain, C. Jane .. .. .. '2110 9 Hooper, T -. .. 787 Elliott, Jane, and three children .. 59 0 2 Menzies, T. .. ... .. .. 48 10 11 Dowland, Amy, and one child .. 25 1 5 Penfold, J. .. .. .. .. 3 18 0 Pedlow, Rose, and two children .. 33 11 0 Cronk, C. .. .. ... .. 21 12 0 Currie, Jane .. .. .. 10 13 4 Gaw, W. H .. .. 205 4 5 Dunu, Annie, and three children .. 42 7 9 Empson, J. 111. .. .. .. 37 0 10 Close, Mary.. .. .. .. 9 9 8 Haining, Alice A., and two ohildren .. 25 13 9 14,938 8 4 Ruane, J., and seven children .. 74 4 7 Less fund — £ s. d. Venn, Martha J. .. .. .. 11 7 S M. Mahon . ..■ - ~422 Keyte, Elizabeth, and one child .. 15 7 7 K. Sinolair - ... ... 016 2 Smith, Minnie J., and two child-en .. 22 13 10 418 4 Walton, Elizabeth .. .. .. 918 1 Thomas, M. E. J., and four childrtn .. 48 19 9 14,933 10 0 Wilson, P. H. .. .. .. 20 9 1 Allowances paid to widows and orphans — McPherson, M., and two children .. 12 19 4 Sheiburd, Sarah, and. two children .. 43 18 7 Smith, Bertha A. L., and two children 20 8 0 Saddler, Mary ... .. .. 17 18 7 Gifford, M. M., and one child .. .. 8 11 9 Lewis, Annie E.,> and four children .. 69 18 7 Lewis, J. .. .. .. .. 10 17 11 Levett, Kate ... .. .. 17 18 7 . Jonnsen, I. M., and one child .. .. 35 18 7 1,484 0 10 Long, Mary, and one child .. .. 30 18 7 Less repayments to fund, Fustier, Ann 29 11 (i Murie, Jane .. < .. .. .. 17 18 7 McDowell, Rose A., and five children .. 82 18 7 1,454 9 4 Evans, E. Jean .. .. .. 17 18 7 Contributions refunded to members who Buchanan, M. G., and two children .. 43 18 7 have left the service .. .. .. 806 17 7 Murphy, M. A., and one child . . 30 18 7 Fines remitted and refunded .. .. 4 5 0 Lawson, Mary, and three children- .. 69 16 5 Travelling-expenses of members of Board Smith, Mary A. . ,-.... .. .. 17 18 7 atterding quarterly meetings .. .. 76 1 ii Meager, Kitty A. .. i. .. .. 17 18 7 Public Trust Office commission on conMartin, Ada, and one child ... .. 30 13 7 I tributions received and on income from Johnston, Martha. .... .. .. 17 18 7 | investments .. .. .. .. 257 511 Nelson, Mary, and one child .. .. 31 0 9 Balance at 31sc March, 1905, as per stateMeredith, Annie ... ... .. 17 18 7 ment from Public Trust Office, carried Haynes, Sarah, and one child .. .. 30 18 7 forward .. .. 68,670 7 8 Fleming, W. Agnes, and three children 59 13 7 Kelly, C. May, and three children .. 56 18 7 £86,202 16 8 Carried forward . .. .. 761 5 3 J. G. Ward, Chairman of the Board of Administration. H. Davidson, Accountant*. New Zealand Eailways. Examined and found correct. — J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General Approximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given (9,425 copies), .£ll 12s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackav, Government Printer, Wellington. —l9os. Price 6(1.1 ■ . .

2—D. 5,


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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, D-05

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, D-05

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, D-05

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