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Mr. Speaker,— It is my pleasing duty to place before honourable members my ninth consecutive Public Works Statement, and to report that satisfactory progress has been made with the various works in hand. The progress may not have been so rapid as some would wish, but it must be gauged by the. sums available for the several works. Honourable members must bear in mind that every mile of railway constructed and every chain of road completed is so-much done towards establishing the means of communication necessary for the development of the country in which we live. Each year marks so-much of this work accomplished. Our pioneer settlers who go to the back blocks and by their energy and perseverance bring hitherto waste lands into cultivation must, so far as means permit, be assisted in their efforts by the formation of roads and the extension of railways, so that the products of the soil may be conveyed to the colonial markets or the nearest ports of shipment for export. Our colony has so many natural advantages that to neglect so important a public policy would be to place a great restriction upon the expansion of trade. The marked increase in the exports during recent years could not have been reached but for the improved means of internal communication. As the years go by this great work is being gradually accomplished, and I look forward to the time when, by the completion of the main lines of railway and of our road systems, together with the increased population induced by the settlement of the people upon the land, we shall reap to the full extent the benefits derived from the work which has been and is being carried out. In my last Statement honourable members were informed of the completion of 64 miles 60 chains of railway. Since that date the following sections have been finished: — M. oh. Poro-o-tarao-Taumarunui (Ist December, 1903) ... ... ... 27 36 Owaka-Catlin's (Ist August, 1904) ... ... ... ... 3 38 Ida Valley-Ophir (Ist September, 1904) ... ... ... ... 13 30 Mangaweka-Taihape (12th September, 1904) ... ... ... 13 18 Kawakawa-Kopuru (ready) ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 Paeroa-Karangahake (ready) ... ... ... ... ... 4 30 Taumarunui-Piriaka (ready) ... ... ... ... ... 6 48 Otarama-Staircase (ready) ... ... ... ... ... 5 3 Total ... ... ... ... ... 81 43

i—D. 1.


And the following sections will probably be ready before the next Public Works Statement is delivered :— M. oh. Ahuroa-Mahurangi ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 40 Karangahake-Waikino... ... ... ... ... ... 3 40 Kaiteratahi-Karaka ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 4 Toko-Oruru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 72 Motupiko-Tadmor ... ... ... ... ~ 10 29 Reefton-Boatman's ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 66 Greymouth-Coal Creek (now running coal traffic) ... ... ... 5 1 Scargill-Hurunui ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 0 Heriot-Bdie ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 20 Total ... ... ... ... ... 48 32 TOTAL EXPENDITURE. The expenditure during last financial year was in excess of the previous year, but was not equal to that during 1901- - 2. The following table shows, as regards each class of work, (a) the total expenditure from the inauguration of the public-works policy to the 31st December, 1890 ; (5) the similar expenditure between the Ist January, 1891, and the 31st March, 1904; (c) the gross total expenditure to the 31st March, 1904 ; and (d) the expenditure for the late financial year: —

WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1903, the available balance of ways and means for public-works purposes was ,£338,565; and further funds were received as under:— Balance of £1,000,000 loan raised under the Act of 1902 ... 740,000 Amount raised under the Act of 1903 ... ... ... 583,950 Debentures issued under Midland Railway Petitions Settlements Acts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150,000 Transferred from revenue ... ... ... ... ... 350,000 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... ... ... 1,665 Making a gross total of ... ... ...£2,164,180 The expenditure of the year (including the £150,000 paid to the Midland Eailway debenture-holders) amounted to £1,770,378, leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £393,802,


Expei iditure. Glass of Work. A B Total to 1st January, 31st December, 1891, to 31st 1890. March, 1904. C Total to 31st March, 1904. D Year ended 31st March, 1904. Railways— New construction ... Additions to open lines Eoads ... — Public buildings Immigration Purchase of Native lands Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences Tourist and health resorts Telegraph-extension ... Development of goldfields Defence-works (general) Departmental Payment to Midland Railway bondholders Minor works and services. Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 11,975,098 2,092,002 3,575,804' 1,776,003 2,144,386 1,191,137 880,095 600,849 561,101 429,720 349,789 £ *3,429,864 2,593,459 3,034,286 1,292,893 3,608 813,228 122,121 37,852 452,843 181,069 342,843 157,337 150,000 15,289 216,832 £ *15,404,962 4,685,461 6,610,090 3,068,896 2,147,994 2,004,365 1,002,216 37,852 1,053,692 742,170 772,563 507,126 150,000 315,978 1,238,304 £ *494,742 333,961 361,842 216,192 Gr. 7 5,352 10,863 15,643 47,227 16,278 38,724 16,089 150,000 2,685 87,249 300,689 1,021,472 Totals ... 26,898,145 12,843,524 39,741,669 1,796,840 •Includes Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account, £26,462.


For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under : — £ Balance of 1903 loan ... ... ... ... ... ... 416,050 New loan of 1904 ... ... ... ... ... ... 750,000 The Consolidated Fund should be able to assist with ... ... 650,000 This will give a total available ways and means of £2,209,852. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £1,403,100, thus leaving a balance of £806,752 to be carried forward to next year. RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. No new railway-works were started last year, but those already in hand were further proceeded with. The following is a brief statement of what has been done on each of the lines since the 31st March, 1903, and of what is proposed for the current year: — Kawakawa-Grahamtown. The section at the northern end of this line, which was approaching completion when my last statement was delivered, has since been finished, and is now available for the carriage of goods. It is not proposed to open it for regular passenger traffic at present. At the southern end the bridge over the Whangarei River has just been completed, and the earthwork approaches are now being filled in. The formation-works between the bridge and Grahamtown are proceeding satisfactorily, and the construction of some small timber bridges is about to be commenced. Extensive soundings and borings at the wharf-site have been made, and the plans of the proposed structure are now being prepared. The survey of the connecting-link between the present terminus of the northern section and Hukerenui has been completed. The total expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £10,914, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Helensville Northwards. The work on this line has again been considerably retarded by slips. The formation is complete, the rails laid, and the line ballasted up to the Ahuroa Tunnel at 55 miles 30 chains. This tunnel has been pierced, and is now being lined, and will be finished by about Christmas. Beyond the tunnel the earthworks are in hand as far as Mahurangi, and will be ready to receive the rails as soon as they can be transported through the tunnel. Tenders for the Mahurangi Station buildings are also about to be invited. When the line is completed to this point it will be of considerable use to the northern settlements. I hope that it will be available for traffic by about the end of the current financial year. The authorisation of a further section of this line, twenty miles in length —viz., to the southern boundary of the Maungatapere Parish—is provided for in the Railways Authorisation Bill now before Parliament. The expenditure last year amounted to £11,788. For the current year a vote of £10,000 is asked for. Paeroa-Waihi. The section to Karangahake has been open for goods traffic since the beginning of the year, and considerable freight has been carried over it. Progress with rail-laying is blocked immediately beyond Karangahake by the longtunnel which occurs directly after crossing the Ohinemuri River just outside the Karangahake Station yard. Work in this tunnel is being carried on day and night, and 'satisfactory progress is being made with it. The heading is now right through, and the tunnel will probably be completely finished, including lining throughout, before the end of the year. Contracts have been let to Messrs. J. and A. Anderson, of Christchurch, for the steel superstructure of the bridges over the second and third crossings of the Ohinemuri River, the concrete piers and abutments having been constructed by the Department's own workmen. The latter are finished, and the former work is making good progress, some of the steelwork having been delivered, and being now in course of erection.



Tenders for the Waikino Station buildings are about to be invited, and the line to that point, three miles and a half from Karangahake, will probably be available for traffic by about May next. The amount spent on this line last year was £26,463. During the current year about £40,000 will be required. The expenditure on this line is now charged to a separate account established under the special legislation of last session. GISBORNE-RoTORUA. The bridge over the Waipaoa River was finished last month, and the rails laid over it, and it is now in daily use for ballast traffic. Tbe short tunnel between Kaiteratahi and Karaka is excavated, and is now being lined, and will shortly be finished. The rest of the formation-works to Karaka are practically completed, and tenders for the Waipaoa and Karaka Station buildings will shortly be invited. Rail-laying has been resumed, and it is hoped to have the section ready for traffic by about the end of the financial year. The survey of the projected extension to Motu has been put in hand, and the party kept in the field as long as the weather would admit of satisfactory work being done. Field-work has now been resumed, and should make good progress during the coming summer. The formal authorisation of this section of the line is provided for in the Railways Authorisation Bill of the present year. The expenditure last year amounted to £14,330, and for the current year an appropriation of £10,000 is proposed. Stratford-Ongarue. The formation-works on the Oruru Section bave been completed, rail-laying and ballasting are now in hand, and tenders for the erection of the station buildings are about to be invited. I hope the line will be available for goods traffic soon after the end of this month, and for passenger traffic by about the end of November. Beyond Oruru the somewhat extensive survey to determine the best route for the line to follow has been completed, and there is now, I think, sufficient information in the possession of the Department to enable a decision to be arrived at when the time comes for taking in hand another section of the line. The expenditure last year was £8,713, and a vote for £7,000 —sufficient to complete the line to Oruru—is proposed on the estimates now submitted. Mount Egmont Branch. Owing to the large amount of work which Parliament had in hand last session there was not time to pass the Railways Authorisation Bill which was submitted, and consequently the construction of this railway could not be proceeded with. It is again proposed in the similar Bill this year. If authorised by Parliament, construction can be taken in hand as soon as the necessary surveys of the portion now proposed to be constructed have been completed. Rock deposits exist at about 3 miles 50 chains from Waipuku, but exhaustive prospecting has shown that they are not of an extensive character. The survey of the line was accordingly continued to a rock face on the Manganui River, about 3,400 ft. above sea-level, which had already been proved by tunnelling by the Railway Department. To reach this point, however, nearly two miles of wire-rope tram on a gradient of 1 in 10 would be required, beyond the possible limits of an ordinary railway. Careful search was then made with a view to discovering an extensive rock deposit at a lower level, with the result that such has been found in the Waingongoro River 550 ft. below the Manganui face. It is possible to carry an ordinary railway all the way to this point, but a gradient of lin 22 will be necessary at the upper end of the line. The distance is also somewhat less than to the Manganui face. The permanent survey has therefore been made to the Waingongoro deposit, a distance of 9 miles 24 chains from Waipuku. For the first six miles the line will be of very easy construction indeed, but the upper portion will cost more, though still not of an unusually expensive character. It will not be necessary to make the whole railway at once, as a section of about five miles will open up sufficient rock to last for some time.



Only £850 was actually charged against last year's vote, but the full £5,000 will be required during the current year, and a vote for that sum is included in the estimates accordingly. North Island Main Trunk. Satisfactory progress is being made at both the Auckland and Wellington ends of this railway. At the Auckland end regular daily passenger traffic is now carried on as far as Taumarunui—a distance of 175 miles from Auckland — and the line is available for goods and material traffic to the Kakahi Bridge, nearly ten miles further. The Waitea Bridge is finished, and material trains are being run over it. The Kakahi Bridge is also approaching completion, and as soon as it is available the rails will be laid, across it and on to about 188 miles, where they will be stopped for a time by the heavy work in hand there. The formation-works extend to and beyond Ovvhango, and the construction of the service road, which is being formed to facilitate the works on the railway, is in hand to Oio. It is proposed during the current year to continue the construction of this service road. The works at the Auckland and Wellington ends of the line are making such progress that the time is not far distant when they will be in touch with each other. The service road will have to be carried through sooner or later, and as soon as it is completed a light coach can be run from the rail-head at the Auckland end to Raetihi, in the Wellington Province, connecting there with the existing coach service between Pipiriki, Waiouru, and Taihape. At present passengers from the neighbourhood of Taumarunui, Piriaka, and Kakahi (which is well on towards half-way between Auckland and Wellington) desiring to travel to Wellington have either to proceed from Taumarunui by canoe down the Wanganui River, or else travel by rail to Auckland, in a direction opposite to that in which they desire to go, for a distance of 185 miles, before really proceeding in a southerly direction at all. The completion of the service road, while also greatly facilitating the construction of the railway, would at once open a new and highly interesting tourist route, and would greatly facilitate travelling between the extreme southern portion of the Auckland Province and Wellington. At the Wellington end of the railway the section between Mangaweka and Taihape has now been completed and handed over to the Railway Department for passenger traffic. For the convenience of settlers goods had been carried over the line by the Public Works Department for some short time previously. Beyond Taihape the formation is complete as far as the tunnel at 46 miles 20 chains. A heading has been driven through this tunnel, and the rails will now be laid up to it for the transport of the materials for lining. By the time this tunnel has been lined it is expected that the formation to the Mataroa Tunnel, at 49 miles 40 chains, will be ready for the laying of the permanent-way, which would then be extended to that point in order to provide for the carriage of the lining materials for the tunnel. From Mataroa to Turangarere the formation-work is in hand, and a start has'been made on the Waiouru Section. Instructions have also recently been issued to make a commencement with some rather heavy cuttings a short distance beyond Waiouru. The works at the southern end of the line will be gradually getting into easier country shortly, and more rapid progress can then be made. The expenditure on the line last year amounted to £174,480, being £62,318 in excess of that for the previous year. For the current year a vote of £150,000 is asked for. Blenheim- Waipara . The formation-works on the section between Scargill and near the Hurunui River have practically been completed, and rail-laying has been begun. The large bridge over the Hurunui has also been finished. Some little work has been done in the Hurunui Gorge, but some treacherous ground having been met with, a slight deviation of the line will be necessary. Surveys of this have lately been made, and the new location determined upon, so that as the men finish their work on the section south of the bridge they can be moved forward to the work in the gorge and on to the Cheviot. The line as far as



Hurunui Station will probably be available for goods traffic by about the end of the financial year. The expenditure on the railway last year totalled to £27,815. For the current year a vote of £25,000 is proposed. Midland. At the Nelson end the formation of the line to the Motueka River has been finished, and the rails laid; the combined road and railway bridge over that river has been built, and is now in use ; the formation-works in the direction of Tadmor are nearing completion ; and rail-laying on the Tadmor Section has been begun. Goods traffic is also being carried, over the section between Motupiko and Maniaroa. Tenders for the erection of the station buildings at Tadmor are about to be invited. Provision is made for a further section of this line, ten and a half miles in length, in the Railways Authorisation Bill which is now before the Legislature. At the Reefton end considerable bush-clearing has been done, and some progress made with the earthworks. The bridge over the Inangahua at Reefton has been finished, and the combined road and railway bridge over the same river at the Landing is well in hand. The cylinders are in position, and nearly all the material required for the rest of the bridge is on the site. A contract has also been let for the bridge over the Waitahu River, and the materials for its construction are now being delivered, and pile-driving has been begun. Raillaying will shortly be started, and arrangements made for the removal of the station buildings at Reefton to the new station-site, which will be much nearer the centre of the town than the present station, and will be on the same side of the river as the town. Mr. V. G. Bogue's final report on the location of the Arthur's Pass Section of the railway has come to hand, and honourable members will be gratified to know that the opinions of the Government's engineering staff have been fully confirmed. The surveys hitherto made have only been of a preliminary character, so as to enable the engineers to definitely determine which line it would be best to adopt. A decision having been arrived at on this point, the work of making a detailed final survey of the adopted line has now been taken in hand. The works involved are of a nature to require very careful and exact surveys to be made, and these have been intrusted to Mr. J. H Dobson, who has already done so much survey-work on the line both for the Midland Railway Company and the Government, and is consequently more familiar with the ground than any other officer on the Government staff. For a tunnel of such length as the one proposed at Arthur's Pass it will be necessary to obtain up-to-date boring machinery; and inquiries as to the best class of appliances to be adopted, and also as to the best means of ventilating the tunnel when constructed, are now being made. At the Canterbury end of the line satisfactory progress has been made with the very heavy construction-works in hand there. The foundations for the Staircase Viaduct are now in hand by the Department's own workmen, and the contractors for the steel pier and superstructure have the manufacture of the material well in hand, a portion of it being nearly ready for shipment. A plan of this viaduct appears as an appendix to this Statement. The section now being carried out is the heaviest on the line between Canterbury and Westland, except the long tunnel at Arthur's Pass. Between the present workings and the Summit tunnel there is about twenty-five miles of quite easy country. The expenditure on the Midland Railway during the year amounted to £53,547. For the current year a vote of £60,000 is proposed. Ngahere-Blackball. The large road and railway bridge over the Grey River has been finished, as well as the road approaches thereto, but formation-work on the railway itself has only just been started. The survey which was in progress when my last Statement was made, to ascertain the practicability and probable cost of carrying



the line up to the adit of the Blackball Mine, has been finished. It is found that, with a maximum gradient of 1 in 40, the line can be carried up to a point on the left bank of Ford's Creek, and close to the mine-adit, at an estimated cost of about £30,000, in addition to the sum already expended on the bridge and approaches, and if the vote appearing on the estimates now submitted is duly passed by Parliament the work will be gone on with. The expenditure last year amounted to £19,538, and the vote proposed for the current year is £10,000. Coal Creek. This railway, extending from the Government railway-station at Greymouth to the newly opened State Coal-mine, a distance of about five miles, has been completed with the exception of a few small works at the terminus, and a considerable coal traffic is now being carried over it. Last year's expenditure amounted to £23,112. The amount does not appear as a disbursement out of the Public Works Fund, as it is made a charge against the State Coalmines Account, which is a separate account. To cover the works carried out since the 31st March last, and to complete the line, a vote of £10,000 is provided on the Consolidated Fund estimates. GRE YMOUTH-HOKITIKA-ROSS. The combined road and railway bridge over the Hokitika River is practically finished, and will shortly be available for traffic. The formation on the first five miles of the line is nearly ready, and platelaying will soon be begun. Owing to the payments which had to be made on the Hokitika Bridge contract, the expenditure last year amounted to £25,063, but a smaller sum will suffice for the current year, and a vote of £15,000 is accordingly asked for. Otago Central. The section between Ida Valley and Ophir has been completed and opened for traffic. Goods traffic as far as Lauder has been run since quite early in the year, and similar traffic has been carried to Ophir since July last. The line was opened for passenger traffic to Ophir on the Ist September. The earthworks on the Chatto Creek Section are well in hand, and a contract has been entered into for the bridge over the second crossing of the Manuherikia River. The next section of this line to be opened will be the section to Chatto Creek, a distance of eight miles and a half. This will bring the railway within ten miles and a half of Alexandra. Last year's expenditure amounted to £47,997. For the current year a vote of £50,000 is provided. Heriot Extension. The formation-works on this extension have now been completed, and the bridges nearly so. A contract has been let for the station buildings at Edie, and considerable progress made with the work. A part of the rail-laying has been done, and the rest is now in hand, and every effort will be made to have the line available for traffic as early as possible. Disbursements last year were £6,057, being a few pounds in excess of the vote provided. For the current year an appropriation of £8,000 is asked for. Catlin's-Seaward Bush. The work at the Catlin's end, which was in progress last year, has now been finished, and regular goods and passenger traffic has been run since the Ist August. A survey party has also been at work on the next section for several months, and the position of the line determined for some eleven miles. It is proposed to carry the survey right through to a junction with the Seaward Bush line at Waimahaka. The Railways Authorisation Bill now before ment provides for the formal authorisation of a further section of four miles at the Catlin's end of the line.



The expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £6,811, and for the present year a vote of £8,000 is asked for. Riversdale-Switzers. The combined road and railway bridge over the Mataura River has been finished, and was opened for road traffic in April last. Formation-works on this railway, with the exception of the embankments leading on to the bridge at each end, were completed several years ago for a distance of seven miles. An extension of about 55 chains would bring the line to a point where a station could be conveniently located alongside the main road to Switzers. To complete the line to this point, including rails, sleepers, station buildings, &c, would cost about £17,000. When opportunity offers this work should be taken in hand. The expenditure on the work during last financial year amounted to £2,639, and a vote of £2,000 is asked for this ye*ar to meet expenditure already incurred. Orepuki-Waiau . As mentioned in my last year's Statement, the section to Waihoaka was handed over to the Railway Department for regular traffic in October, 1903. The expenditure out of last year's vote amounted to £3,956. Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. Including the amounts for the Paeroa-Waihi and the Coal Creek lines, which are both chargeable to special separate accounts, and the votes for old land-claims (£1,000), surveys of new lines (£3,000), and permanent-way materials (£60,000), the total proposed appropriations for railway-construction purposes amount to £484,000. ROADS AND BRIDGES. The ordinary work of the Department of Roads for the year was comprised under four votes (three under the Public Works Fund and one under the Government Loans to Local Bodies Account) containing together 2,051 items, each of which represented a separate work. The total amount voted for expenditure under these four votes was £400,704, out of which the actual net expenditure (inclusive of a sum of £398 charged to Unauthorised) was £322,694. In addition to this, the sum of £19,099 was expended by the Department on road-works, &c, out of the Land for Settlements Account. The actual net expenditure, therefore, out of all votes and accounts for road-works under the control of the Roads Department was £341,793. The total authorisations outstanding at the 31st March, 1903, out of all votes and accounts was £337,689. During the year 1903-4 there was authorised the sum of £261,163, making a total issue of £598,852, of which a gross sum of £345,777 was expended and £94,493 cancelled, leaving £158,582 of authorities outstanding at the Ist April, 1904, which is £179,107 less than at the beginning of the year. The total length of roads dealt with by the Department of Roads during the past year amounted, in all, to 5,458 miles—viz., 426 miles dray-roads and 201 miles bricde-roads constructed; 577 miles dray-roads and 239 miles bridle-roads improved; 2,696 miles dray-roads and 1,319 miles bridle-roads maintained. There were also, including those subsidised by Government, 118 bridges of over 30 ft. span built, totalling 10,428 ft., and 490 miles of engineering survey completed. These figures include 82 miles of roads constructed, improved, or maintained, and twelve bridges, totalling 495 ft., and 81 miles of engineering survey, on estates purchased under the Land for Settlements Act, the cost of which is charged to the Land for Settlements Account. They also include 78 miles of roads improved or maintained out of moneys under the control of the Minister of Mines. In addition to the above, the Department manages the work of legalising, closing, and deviating roads for Government and local bodies, and taking land therefor under the Public Works and other Acts, and settling disputes between



local bodies as to the apportionment of the cost of constructing or maintaining bridges or roads. Under this division 242 Proclamations, Orders in Council, and other documents were issued during the year in connection with roads, bridges, and some other minor public works which also fall within the province of the Department. This class of work is largely on the increase. Most of the new roads and bridle-roads have been made to give access to lands recently taken up, although a considerable amount has been spent in the older districts on bridges and other improvements to roads. As long as it is the policy of the Government to settle people on land to which no roads have been made it should be a cardinal point of such policy to construct at least unmetalled dray-roads to the lands so disposed of, and the expenditure required for that purpose should take precedence of road expenditure in localities which already are road eel up to that degree. In connection with this I may mention that during the year under review 1,959 holdings, mostly in unroaded districts, have been disposed of, exclusive of those on estates acquired for closer settlement under the Land for Settlements Act. I find that some local bodies have probably misunderstood the policy in handing over constructed roads to them for maintenance ; and I wish to take this opportunity of emphasizing the advisability of such a policy, both in the interests of the settlers and the local bodies themselves. Under the system in vogue until recently there were many miles of road which had been formed by the Government and were still maintained by them. The result was that a considerable portion of the moneys appropriated by Parliament was expended in repairs to existing roads, and consequently the Government have been hampered in their efforts to develop new country. I think it will appeal to honourable members as a more business-like policy that when a road is formed it should be handed over for maintenance to the local body in whose district it is situated, thus leaving the Government free to utilise to the fullest advantage the sums available for opening up new roads, converting bridle-tracks into dray-roads, and otherwise improving the means of communication. I feel convinced that by so doing we shall obtain the best results possible with the means at our disposal, thus minimising the difficulties with which our back-block settlers have to contend, and giving the fullest scope to the development of the natural advantages and the productiveness which our colony undoubtedly possesses. The appropriations proposed for the current year are as under:— £ Roads, Departmental ... ... ... ... ... ... 18,605 Roads generally ... ... ... ... ... 246,439 Maintenance of main roads ... ... ... ... ... 28,458 Tourist roads ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,498 Government Loans to Local Bodies Account ... ... ... 35,000 Land for Settlements Account ... ... ... ... ... 6,910 Total ... ... ... ... ... £351,910 Roads on Goldpields (Mines Department). The vote last year under this head amounted to £31,200. The expenditure, however, considerably exceeded this sum, having amounted to £45,594, with contingent liabilities at the end of the year of £23,375. The sum proposed to be authorised for the current year is £68,621, on account of which a vote of £35,000 is asked for. DEVELOPMENT OP GOLDPIELDS AND MINING. As already announced in the Financial Statement, the returns from goldmining continue to increase, and the anticipated amount of over £2,000,000 as the value of gold which would be exported during the late year was realised, the amount having been £2,037,831, being an increase on the previous year of £86,398.

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The quantity of gold entered for export during 1903 was 533,314 oz., valued at £2,037,831, and of silver 911,9140z., valued at £91,497; as compared with 508,045 oz. of gold, valued at £1,951,433, and of silver 674,196 oz., valued at £71,975, for 1902 ; being an increase of 25,269 oz. of gold, valued at £86,398, and 237,718 oz. of silver, valued at £19,522. The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of the goldfields was £16,278, while the liabilities at the close of the year amounted to £2,039. It is proposed to take a vote of £14,000 for the current year. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The expenditure under this heading during the year amounted to £15,643, a large portion of which was spent in and around Rotorua. Other items included the purchase of Glade House (Lake Te Anau), and improvements at Hanmer and Queenstown. This year important improvements at Hanmer, Te Aroha, Waikaremoana, and Rotorua have to be provided for, as well as for the enlargement of Pukaki House, and Glade House, Te Anau. Provision is also made for the oil-launches purchased to meet the increased traffic on Lakes Tarawera and Rotomahana. The gross authorisation asked for amounts to £26,648, on account of which a vote of £25,000 is proposed. TELEGRAPH-EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph-extension during the year amounted to £47,227. The more important telegraph and telephone lines constructed were Ngaruawahia-Waingaro, Gladstone-Te Wharau, Martinborough-Pahaoa, Tai-hape-Ruanui, Pelorus, Kurow-Omarama, Clinton-Balclutha, Mokihinui-Kara-mea, and Wellington-New Plymouth. There were 1,472 new subscribers to the telephone exchanges, the expenditure on which absorbed the greater proportion of the vote. The amount allocated for this year is £60,000, including £43,877 liabilities. This leaves only £16,123 for new work not already authorised. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings last year amounted to £268,533 — namely, £29,526 on school buildings and £22,815 on other buildings, both out of the Consolidated Fund, and £216,192 out of the Public Works Fund. For the current year votes totalling £25,075 under the Consolidated Fund (in addition to the vote for school buildings, which has now been placed under Class XIII., Minister of Education) and £177,000 under the Public Works Fund are proposed; and in all probability a further sum will be asked for on the supplementary estimates. General. Under this head the expenditure amounted to £11,566, the principal items being the new Departmental Buildings at Napier and the offices and laboratory for the Mines Department at Wellington. For the current year a vote of £9,000 is asked for, which provides for the completion of the offices and laboratory for the Mines Department, Wellington, offices for the Defence Department at the Alexandra Depot, Wellington, the completion of the first portion of the new Departmental Buildings, Napier, and for making a commencement with the proposed similar buildings at Auckland, &c. Judicial. Courthouses. —A new Courthouse was erected at Levin and a new Magistrate's Court at Wellington. Besides these, additions or somewhat extensive renovations were made at Rawene, Ormondville, Manaia, Wellington (Supreme Court), and Westport.


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For the current year votes are proposed for the following: New Courthouses at Hamilton, Tauranga, and Campbelltown ; the completion of the new buildings at Wellington and Dunedin; and additions or improvements at Shortland, Hastings, Woodville, Stratford, Westport, Hokitika, and Timaru. Gaols. —The expenditure under this head was in excess of that for the previous year, but was still not large. The principal work in hand was the additions to the Wellington Gaol, which are now complete and occupied. Other works of less magnitude were undertaken at Auckland, Gisborne, Dunedin. and elsewhere. In the current year's vote provision is made for continuing the work at Auckland, further additions at Wellington, and for minor works at Napier, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Hokitika, Timaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill. Police-stations. —A large number of buildings were dealt with under this head, but no individual work involved any large expenditure. This year votes are proposed for new stations at Newton, Waiuku, Raglan, and Gore; and increased accommodation or improvements at Auckland, Cambridge, Taumarunui, Hastings, Palmerston North, Greymouth, Amberley, Rangiora, Sumner, New Brighton, Belfast, Temuka, Timaru, Pleasant Point, Dunedin, and Invercargill, besides minor works at numerous other places. Post and Telegraph. The expenditure on post and telegraph buildings and sites was considerably less than during the previous year. The principal item was the purchase of a valuable property in Christchurch to provide for a much needed enlargement of the Chief Post-office in that city. The appropriation proposed for the current year provides for new offices at Parnell, Grey Lynn, Whakarewarewa, Whakatane, Tauranga, Waipiro Bay, Tokomaru Bay, New Plymouth, Pungarehu, Taihape, Bull's, Palmerston North, Otaki, Hutt, Nelson, Millerton, Brunnerton, Greymouth, St. Albans, Mornington, Waikaka, Winton, Otautau, and Stewart Island ; also additional accommodation or improvements at Mangonui, Auckland, Te Awamutu, Napier, Dannevirke, Waitotara, Shannon, Pahiatua, Wellington, Picton, Westport, Reefton, Christchurch, Akaroa, Timaru, Pembroke, Queenstown, Gore, Invercargill, and Bluff. Customhouses. The expenditure under this head was almost wholly in connection with the new Customhouse at Wellington. This building is now getting on towards completion, but the contractor is much behindhand with Lis work, which ought to have been completed in April last. The vote proposed for the current year provides for the completion of this building and the necessary fittings and furniture. Lunatic Asylums. The expenditure on buildings of the above class totalled to £15,812, being principally in connection with the institutions at Porirua and Sunnyside. For the current year a larger expenditure is anticipated, provision being made in the estimates for the completion of the auxiliary buildings at Porirua and Sunnyside, and for additions at Auckland and Seacliff, &c. Schools. The amount voted for school buildings last year totalled to £124,025— namely, £29,725 under the Consolidated Fund, and £94,300 under the Public Works Fund. The expenditure amounted to £116,615 —namely, £29,526 under the Consolidated Fund, and £87,089 under the Public Works Fund. The great bulk of the money was expended through the agency of the Education Boards, practically the only school-building works controlled by the Government being the buildings for Native and industrial schools, and the School for Deaf-mutes. Native schools were erected or are now in course of erection at Puniho, Te Kaha, Waitahanui, Oruanui, Te Rawhiti, Mangarongo, and Wairnarama ; also



new residences at Te Teko, Kenana, and Kaiapoi, and additions made to the residences at Pamoana and Whakarewarewa, and to the schools at Hauaroa, Oromahoe, Ruatoke, and Waioweka; and the school buildings at Tapuaeharuru have been moved to a more suitable and central site. For the current year a total appropriation of £103,615 is asked for—-namely, £33,615 under the Consolidated Fund, and £70,000 under the Public Works Fund. Other Buildings. An expenditure of £4,291 took place in connection with our general hospitals, the largest items being grants towards the erection of new buildings at Northern Wairoa and Waihi. Over £6,000 was also expended in connection with the Sanatorium for Consumptives at Cambridge, and about £2,500 on buildings for the Agricultural Department, the principal one being the new Veterinary Laboratory and offices at Wallaceville. For the current year provision is made as under : — Agricultural. —Bone-sterilising works at Auckland and the Bluff; completion of new laboratory, Wallaceville; land for viticultural nursery, Te Mata, &c. General Hosjntals. —Grants for new buildings or additions at Whangarei, Coromandel, Masterton, Picton, Blenheim, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, &c. Public Health. —Infectious Diseases Hospital, Auckland; further improvements Cambridge Sanatorium ; and some minor works. LIGHTHOUSES, HARBOUR-WORKS, AND HARBOUR DEFENCES. The Kahurangi Lighthouse was completed, considerable work done at Cape Campbell, and minor works at Cape Maria and Jack's Point, the total expenditure having amounted to £6,206. For the current year votes are provided for carrying on the work at Cape Campbell, and for finishing works at Kahurangi and Jack's Point. The expenditure on harbour-works was very small, having amounted to £1,772 only. For the current year provision is made for improving the channels, Waipu, Onehunga, and Karamea ; new wharves at Mercury Bay, Mokau, and Bruce Bay ; some harbour improvements at Collingwood ; and further protective works at St. Clair. The expenditure under the head of harbour defences has now been brought within very narrow limits—last year's disbursements totalling to only £2,885. For the current year a vote of £4,000 is proposed. UTILISATION OF WATER-POWER. In my last Statement I alluded to the arrival in the colony of Mr. L. M. Hancock, M.A.1.E.E., and stated that he was then engaged in examining some of the most likely sources of power with the view of preparing a report thereon. Mr. Hancock spent eighty-two days in the colony, and was fully occupied in acquiring information during the whole of that time, and consequently had to defer the writing of his report until after his return to America. The report was received in due course, but as it seemed to require amendment in some respects Mr. Hancock was communicated with on the subject before submitting it to Parliament, so that any alterations found necessary therein might be duly made before publication. I expected to receive a reply by the mail which reached here on the 27th September ;" but, as no communication came to hand, it is probable Mr. Hancock was away from San Francisco when my letter arrived there, and we shall therefore have to await the arrival of his explanations. If Mr. Hancock's reply to my letter is not received before the close of the session a copy of his report will be submitted to Parliament without awaiting his revisions. Mr. Hancock's report does not perhaps go into details to the extent that some honourable members might desire, but it clearly shows that there are


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vast possibilities ahead of us in the matter of the utilisation of our enormous water-powers, which are evidently amongst the colony's greatest natural resources. As a more detailed report seemed to be desirable, so that the country might be apprised of the enormous energy only awaiting the application of intelligence and capital to turn it into a great source of national wealth, much further information has been collected since Mr. Hancock's departure, and a further and more detailed report on the subject has been prepared by Mr. P. S. Hay, M.A., M.lnst.C.E., the Superintending Engineer of the Public Works Department. Mr. Hay accompanied Mr. Hancock during the whole of his tour through the colony, and constantly conferred with him on the subject of our water-powers, and has, in addition, given the subject much personal study. His report, which has now been placed in the hands of honourable members, contains a mass of information of great value, and will convince the most sceptical of the great future that is before this colony as the manufacturing centre of the Pacific. The power shown to be available is so enormous, and can be developed at such a low cost per horse-power, that manufactures and industries at present unthoughtof in New Zealand must before long be established, and their products shipped hence to all parts of Australia and the Pacific Coasts, as well as to more distant lands. So many great and potential schemes lie ready to our hand that we are embarrassed by their number and variety. It therefore becomes a matter of difficulty to determine where to begin in the matter of their utilisation. Mr. Hay shows that the schemes on which he has reported (and many others may, of course, be possible) would develop energy equal to 3,700,000--horse power, about thirty times the amount of power now used in the colony for both tractive and industrial purposes, and considerably in excess of the total fixed steam-power used in the United Kingdom up to 1888, the date of the latest industrial statistics available at the moment. The great bulk of this power is in the South Island, but there is sufficient available in the North Island to meet all present requirements and to provide for considerable future development. The expenditure involved in converting all this waste energy into useful industrial power would, as might be expected, run into millions. It is estimated that the cost of schemes sufficient to displace all the steam, gas, and other plants at present in use in the colony, as well as to provide for the running of all the railways electrically, would amount to about £12,000,000. The information so far obtained, however, though extensive and valuable, is by no means complete, and the reports presented, though able and interesting, are not by any means exhaustive. Much further inquiry yet remains to be made, and further attention will be devoted to the matter with the view of definite proposals being submitted to Parliament. CONCLUSION. Honourable members may rest assured that in allocating the moneys available every consideration has been given to what are considered the most urgent and necessary works. The funds at our disposal should be sufficient to enable the several works to be proceeded with at- a fair rate, and I am satisfied that the result of the current year's work will tend materially to the further development and the continued prosperity of our colony.

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TABLES. • Page No. I.—Total Expenditure:—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. 2 No. 2.—Yeably Expenditure out op the Public Works Fund up to 1903-1904 .. .. .. 3 No. 3.—Railways :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4.—Roads :—Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development of Goldfields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1904 .. .. " .. .. .. .. 30 No. 6. —Telegraphs : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1904 33 No. 7. —Public Buildings : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 No. B.—Lighthouses and Habboub-wobks : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. 35

APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditube fob the Yeab : —Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1903-1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 B. —Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 C —Railways and Public Buildings Contracts : —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1903, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 D. —Sleepeb Contbacts :—Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1903, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Ohief .. .. .. .. 52 F.— Supplementary Report, Midland Railway—V. G. Bogue .. .. .. .. 61

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TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1903. Expenditure during 12 Months ended Slst March, 1901, Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1904. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c.. 31st March, 1904. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. 5 and 5A 6 Railways ... Roads Development of gold6elde Telegraphs Public buildings ... Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences Departmental Coal-exploration and mine-development Aiding works on Thames goldfields Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund Rates on Native lands Thermal springs Tourist and health resorts Lands improvement Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. £ s. d. 19,261,719 4 1 16,248,248 1 o 675,891 9 11 1,006,465 9 11 2,852,704 11 9 99'.353 2 3 £ s. d. 1[828,7O3 7 2 17 o 16,278 5 4 47,226 19 7 2 16, 19 1 13 3 10,863 2 2 £ s. d. 20,090,422 l l 3 6,610,089 18 o 692,169 15 3 '.053.692 9 6 3,068,896 5 o 1,002,216 4 5 £ s. d. 1 '7.354 "2 5 80,787 4 7 2,038 14 7 43.877 ° ° 36,338 8 3 5° 6 6 5 £ s. d. 20,207,777 3 8 6,690,877 2 7 694,208 9 10 1,097.569 9 6 3,105,234 13 3 1,002,722 10 10 Railways. Roads. Development of goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. 7 8 18 of 1878 11 of 1877 49 1,036 i 2 7 10,835 8 ° 50,000 o o 2,148,000 5 11 §'>999>°'3 '2 3 733,839 8 4 218,500 o o 65,268 2 3 14,599 '3 2 22,208 15 3 4.089 17 5 16,088 19 o Or. 6 11 8 5.35' '4 8 38,723 16 3 87,248 17 o 10,835 8 ° 50,000 o o 2.'47.993 M 3 2,004,365 6 11 772,563 4 7 1,238,304 4 3 218,500 o o 6 5>934 2 6 '4.599 13 2 37,851 19 6 6,109 ' 4 150,000 o o .. ■ 7,298 o o 4,240 o o 507,125 11 7 10,835 8 ° 50,000 o o 2,147.993 14 3 2,011,663 6 1 1 776,803 4 7 1,238,304 4 3 218,500 o o 66,289 '8 2 '4.599 13 2 42,763 13 " 6,120 8 10 150,000 o o 666 o 3 355 '5 8 '5.643 4 3 2,019 3 ' ' 150,000 o o 4,9" : 4 5 11 76 ... Totals ... ... 37,944,829 1 4 39,741,669 9 6 297.719 3 1° 40,039,388 13 4 Totals. 1,796,840 8 2 * Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. t Includes expenditure under Lands Improvement Account, £300,929 12S. 5d. and £30,000 transferred from Consolidated Fund, previously applied in reduction of "Roads" Expenditure. J Includes £796 18s. 1 id. charged to "Unauthorised." § Includes expenditure under Native Lands Purchase Account, £491,980 is. id. II Includes expenditure under Faeroa-Waini Railway Account, £26,462 15s. 2d.



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1882-83 to 1903-04.

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To:al Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expendii ;ure. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March 1904. Description of Services. 1882-83. 1883-84. 1884-85. 1885-86. 1886-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1902-3. 1203-4. £ 1,925,755 £ 3,999 £ 107,041 £ 57,148 £ 11,675 £ 12,454 £ 15,598 £ 8,791 £ £ 1,823 £ 817 £ £ £ £ Cr. 10 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Cr. 7 £ 2,147,994 Immigration 867 242 343 101 301 70 105 385 214 139 143 Public Works Departmental 171,103 12,871 13,465 30,157 29,632 25,835 25,090 21,458 12,294 10,264 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,933 17,771 13,949 16,089 507,126 Railways 9,930,863 354,781 062,046 663,063 725,496 616,447 403,727 272,077 289,601 Cr. 29 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,000 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,941 759,753 *828,703 20,090,423 Payment to Midland Railway Bondhol lers .. Roads: — Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands Grants-in-Aid Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields .. ... Miscellaneous .. 150,000 150,000 I 102,036 894,596 132,343 225,000 7,929 111,603 81,634 f 17,506 31,809 61,635 84,631 106,399 34,574 30,380 37,165 49,314 149,982 33,163 26,833 37,615 61,794 138,045 30,738 22,294 39,748 57,157 81,264 1,891 3,138 13,756 25,989 61,488 57,632 12,053 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 26,913 10,770 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 7,345 9,905 12,489 24,285 1,586 4,884 315 12,687 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 3,829 470 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 1 ) 22,235 58,042 22,731 9,972 27,959 17,075 11,195 I 241,209 248,934 237,351 I i 267,374 354,687 230,349 f316,248 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 "227 21,513 "207 32,578 9,439 471 26,602 15,631 31,622 32,625 25!053 7^015 13!290 19^490 l^577 491569 46,550 48,039 48,417 47,573 51,690 45,594 318,774 Cr. 91 Cr. 1,270 Cr. 26,519 Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 Cr. 1,030 Cr. 7,050 Cr. 573 Cr. 365 16,023 Cr. 365 Cr. 365 Cr. 347 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account 6," 832 12,900 20,410 1,898 248 5^532 30,289 29,440 34,765 17,841 89,207 108,168 103,555 Total, Roads 1,672,749 211,076 328,642 317,043 335,904 278,617 219,519 106,439 83,009 45,164 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 361,842 6,610,090 295,119 Development of Goldfields 510,779 0,824 16,596 8,029 9,032 7,665 1,016 55 284 821 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 16,278 742,170 Purchase of Native Lands 867,368 29,844 24,480 70,572 34,545 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 Cr. 37 01,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 ]5,782 5,352 Native Lands Purchase Account 163,411 129,000 Total, Land Purchases 867,368 29,844 24,480 70,572 34,545 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 60,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 01,503 52,957 32,025 28,088 18,261 15,782 5,352 2,004,305 Telegraph Extension 420,032 18,054 19,532 25,799 30,010 18,952 22,984 12,047 10,346 16,292 27,773 29,245 10,127 19,229 35,538 30,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 08,578 47,227 1,053,692 Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs •Survey Quarantine Stations Hospitals for Mental Diseases Public Health General Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural .. ■ ■ • ■ 154,733 150,160 90,032 1,969 5,331 16,743 9,939 193 20 996 31,652 34 8,416 22,652 22,616 1,659 34 848 58,047 183 12,227 8,955 830 313 24,992 11,106 4,880 99 401 123 4,007 947 8 15,875 2,772 274 13,694 12,742 24 8,273 2,227 14,588 8,228 82 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 2,880 9,892 709 409 454 8,901 1,009 13 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 021 209 5,262 3,154 666 2,523 6,822 11,487 3,542 12 28 306 13,633 3,724 27,841 6,194 647 8,173 9 14,806 7,504 16 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 8,704 20,636 11,109 5,168 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 '2,607 18,872 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,361 2,066 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10,964 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 971 111,351 23,107 10,242 15,717 930 16,914 11,887 3 18,957 10,935 16,404 14 \ 130 17,667 17,712 424 16,743 10,167 15,812 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 16,663 460,227 64 88,134 256 49,814 3,792 66,069 3^299 62,884 4,421 51,607 4,156 40,000 "673 779 Cr. 140 7,500 7,999 160 15,000 837 6,561 20,000 1,127 700 22,143 819 23,864 1,328 43,403 520 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 1,200 38,606 535 3,540 57,790 883 Total, Public Buildings 986,106 153,072 164,376 117,361 86,859 89,598 90,529 34,592 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 216,192 3,068,896 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences:— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 90,236 154,000 35,418 4,724 100,676 6,730 29,591 7,213 7,383 17,050 9,601 300 6,508 127,167 3,272 6,004 139,429 2,806 500 73,459 2,504 Cr. 5,000 50,089 1,551 589 7,293 189 2,477 6,642 2,612 "650 2,495 234 3,861 3,314 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,772 2,885 7,347 4,563 3^976 Total, Lighthouses, &c. 279,654 105,400 43,534 34,034 133,975 148,705 76,825 47,593 9,433 2,666 8,250 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,602' 9,020 6,517 12,159 13,581 10,863 1,002,216 Rates on Native Lands !" i 25,139 i . 8,446 10,304 5,874 2,038 ., 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 156 347 744 673 571 471 666 65,934 Contingent Defence 25,000 12,500 I 392,219 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 37,004 38,724 772,563 Tourist and Health Resorts.. 11,260 10,949 15,643 37,852 Lands Improvement J 1,741 2,349 2,019 6,109 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 765,018 517 29,877 13,521 47,258 922 59,448 104,911 3,084 Cr. 3,084 5,356 943 Cr. 6 5 Cr. 5 224 28,322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 88,180 87,249 1,238,304 Interest and Sinking Funds I 1 218,500 •■ •• 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development i 10,835 ■ • • • 10,835 Thermal Springs 7,814 2,999 936 2,587 264 14,600 Advance to Westport Harbour, repayable 14,336 Cr. 14,336 Total Ways and Means Credits 19,427 4,383 26,519 65,635 IS,059 3,45ti 7,063 573 705 370 690 347 516 Grand Total—Net Expenditure 18,156,981 897,038 1,409,589 1,336,727 1,475,386 1,333,484 966,160 613,939 481,346 308,633 325,977 480,468 485,002 590,940 683,336 659,836 865,172 915,730 992,876 1,309,021 2,142,737 1,514,445 1,796,840 39,741,669 N.B.—The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are eii The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include ;her recoveries oj l account of services of previous year: or receipts-in-aid applie 94-95 to 1891 sd in reduction of expend: iture. * ncludes expenditure out includes " Unauthorised, of Paeroa-W( lihi Railway I Lccount, £26 i,463. expenditure unc ler Native Li a,nds Purchase Account, ,nd from 18i 3-97, inclusive, expenditi ire under La ids Improve: lent Accoui it. t " £797, and e: cpenditure on tourist roadi s. + ''or previous expenditure see Roads Glc iSS



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1904, and Liabilities on that Date.

TiTNEs of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1903. Expenditure during Year 1903-4 (1: New Works. :oludinq £2,816 lls. 5d. dist: Permanent- way) . Land-claims and other Old Liabilities. [BUTED PROM STOCK OP Total Expenditure Total by General Expenditure by ®°™ x Dm ° a * t ° General ] 31st March, 1904, Government to a£ , ter Distribution 31st March, 1904. of ° Mta ™ Sur J e y Expenditure to Individual Lines. Liabilities. Total Expenditure by General Government, and Liabilities, 31st March, 1904. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and Midland Railway Company.§ Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1904. Lines op Railway. Works on Open Lines. Surveys. Rolling-stock. Construction. I Peralanent - way. Total New Works. £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 112,109 10 7 151,983 12 4 142,971 12 4 1,201,302 15 10 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. 5,598 18 0 5,315 0 3 11,787 12 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 119,751 8 7 157,377 10 7 157,097 5 1 1,213,126 10 1 .51,110 9 9 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 119,751 8 7 157,424 6 7 157,097 5 1 1,213.126 10 1 51,110 9 9 '£ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 119,751 8 7 159,996 13 10 157,175 0 10 1,213,126 10 1 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 119,751 8 7 159,996 13 10 157,175 0 10 1,213,126 10 1 51,110 9 9 Kaihu Valley Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Extension Helensville Northwards Kaipara to Waikato Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Paeroa to Waihi Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamufcu— North End South End Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Gisborne to Karaka Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North 55,044 17 1 112,109 10 7 151,983 12 4 142,971 12 4 1,201,302 15 10 51,110 9 9 139,835 0 5 184,779 11 5 51,536 19 0 161,552 5 2 192,813 4 4 552,600 1 6 575,344 8 10 4,975 1 7 73,431 19 4 825,376 0 4 139,835 0 5 184,779 11 5 51,536 19 0 26,46215 2 2,043 0 0 2,338' 0 0 7,641 18 0 5,315 0 3 14,125 12 9 26,462'l5 2 7818 0 11,823'14 3 194' 2 6 139,835 0 5 184,973 13 11 77,999 14 2 139,835 0 5 184.973 13 11 78,811 1 3 2,572 7 3 77 15 9 4,296 15 11 139,835 0 5 184,973 13 11 83,107 17 2 139,835 0 5 184,973 13 11 83,107 17 2 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo Extension. Helensville Northwards. Kaipara to Waikato. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Paeroa to Waihi. Thames Valley to Eotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamufcu— North End. South End. Gisbome to Ormoncl Tramway. Gisborne to Karaka. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Foxton, Poxton to Waitara. Mount Egraont Branch. Stratford-Kawakawn. Nelson to Roundell. Midland Hallway— Nelson Knd. J Stillwater-lnangahua. I Brunnerton-Ofcira. Springfield End. Greymouth to Brr.nnertoij. Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross. Westport to Ngakawau. Ngahert-Black ball. Picton to Wai para— Picton to Oneviot. Waipara to Cheviot. Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. Eairlie Creek Branch. Waimato Branch. Ashburton Porks Branch. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Pernhill Railway Purchase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzer's. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush to Catlin's. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. Mararoa Branch. j Makarewa to Orepuki and VVaiau. JThornbury to Wairio, Forest Hill. Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— North Island. 161,552 5 2 192,813 4 4 449 17 5 20 0 161,552 5 2 193,265 1 9 161,552 5 2 193,205 1 9 161,552 5 2 193,265 1 9 161,552 5 2 193,265 1 9 552,600 1 6 575,344 8 10 4,975 1 7 73,431 19 4 84,993 9 2 89,561 11 3 14,329 19 4 10,905 0 0 10,911 0 0 95,898 9 2 100,472 11 3 34 6 8 648,532 17 4 675,817 0 1 4,975 1 7 88,764 18 8 648,532 17 4 675,817 0 1 4,975 1 7 88,764 18 8 5,142 0 2 4,520 4 3 653,674 17 6 680,337 4 4 4,975 1 7 92,312 8 7 653,G74 17 6 680,337 4 4 4,975 1 7 92,312 8 7 1,003 0 0 15,33219 4 3,547 9 11 825,376 0 4 12,057 1 7 837,433 1 11 837,433 1 11 837,433 1 11 837,433 1 11 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension Wellington to Foxton Poxton to Waitara Mount Egmont Branch Stratford-Kawakawa Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Nelson End .. .. Still Brunnerton-Otira Springfield End Greymouth to Brunnerton Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross Westport to Ngakawau .. Ngahere-Bl aekball Picton to Waipara— Picton to Cli eviot .. .. .. Waipara to Cheviot Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line .. . ■ Oxford Branch Byrefcon Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line - Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch 1,233,615 19 7 42,116 3 4 1,404,439 4 8 32,889 1 6 165.522 10 0 27,786 9 7 3,706 1 6 100,668 0 8 155,273 17 0 166,471 11 11 200,013 18 5 187,512 15 7 1,089 15 8 327,399 14 1 93,958 11 0 1,540,523 19 9 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 76,223 19 4 87,848 8 3 93,836 11 7 60,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 *74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107.523 16 0 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 2,543,653 16 0 1,233,615 19 7 19,600 18 4 63 12 11 1,253,280 10 10 1,253,280 10 10 1,253,280 10 10 1,253,280 10 10 42,116 3 4 1,404,439 4 8 32,889 1 6 165,522 10 0 850* 4 5 8,712 12 1 24 0 0 850 4 5 8,736 12 1 7,444 6 7 42,116 3 4 1,411,883 11 3 850 4 5 41,625 13 7 165,670 11 0 42,110 3 4 1,411,883 11 3 850 4 5 41,625 13 7 165,070 11 0 118 42,116 3 4 1,411,883 11 3 850 4 5 41,626 15 3 165,670 11 0 42,116 3 4 1,411,883 11 3 850 4 5 41,626 15 3 165,670 11 0 15116 0 Or. 3 15 0 27,786 9 7 3,706 1 6 100,668 0 8 155,273 17 0 166,471 11 11 200,013 18 5 187,512 15 7 1,089 15 8 11,956 7 11 10,964 16 1 351 0 0 30,275 5 9 25,06215 1 19,53716 2 6,770 0 0 155 0 0 18,726 7 11 11,119 16 1 351 0 0 35,979 5 9 26 3 0 28 13 5 36 5 7 46,539 0 6 14,854 11 0 101,055 6 3 191,253 2 9 166,471 11 11 226,843 8 9 187,512 15 7 20,027 11 10 46,539 0 6 14,854 11 0 +133,149 13 2 207,388 9 8 J15O.532 11 11 226,843 8 9 188,008 17 3 20,630 11 4 1,137 5 2 8,795 10 10 47,076 5 8 23,650 1 10 133,149 18 2 235,324 1 1 150,512 11 11 234,603 18 10 188,008 17 3 24,035 15 3 78,306 19 9 125,083 5 5 I 543,573 17 9 700,373 12 9 5,704' 0 0 27,935 11 5 61,579 5 7 296,903 6 8 150,512 11 11 234,603 18 10 188,008 17 3 24,035 15 3 25,062 15 1 1,766 15 3 7,760 10 1 19,537 16 2 3,405 3 11 327,399 14 1 93,958 11 0 344 7 1 27,470 17 8 37' 0 0 344 7 1 27,507 17 8 185 16 3 327,929 17 5 121,466 8 8 327,929 17 5 121,466 8 8 327,929 17 5 126,092 9 5 327,929 17 5 120,092 9 5 4,026 0 9 1,540,523 19 9 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 76,223 19 4 87,848 8 3 93,836 11 7 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 *74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107,523 16 0 20,940 10 8 1,501,404 10 5 51,407 7 11 44,276 12 10 70,808 8 4 87,989 18 5 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107,523 16 0 1,561,464 10 5 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 76,S08 8 4 87,989 18 5 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 74,214 6 2 CI, 582 16 9 107,523 16 0 1,561,464 10 5 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 76,868 8 4 87,989 18 5 94,796 13 8 66,872 12 5 47,953 11 8 74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107,523 16 -0 316,135 0 0 1,877,599 10 5 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 417,368 8 4 87,989 18 5 94,796 13 8 141,996 12 5 47,953 11 8 74,214 6 2 61,582 16 9 107,523 16 0 .. 644 9 0 141 10 2 960 2 1 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,049 0 4 542 0 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 2,543,653 16 0 40,722 1 6 25 0 0 2,584,400 17 6 2,584,400 17 6 2,584,400 17 6 82,258 17 3 2,666,659 14 9 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Pernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch Waimea Plains Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzer's Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line Mararoa Branch Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. 1 Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. j Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines 96,332 0 7 25,717 10 3 1,397 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 161,885 7 2 82,623 6 8 33,190 18 8 136,726 18 3 98,673 7 11 110,095 9 2 52,307 4 8 8,719 8 11 602 2 5 112,230 15 9 1,034,064 7 2 288,616 12 10 27,216 18 7 254,091 11 2 22,528 19 0 10,336 19 11 96,332 0 7 25,717 10 3 1,397 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 101,885 7 2 82,623 6 8 33,190 18 8 136,726 18 3 98,673 7 11 110,095 9 2 52,307 4 8 8,719 8 11 602 2 5 112,230 15 9 1,034,064 7 2 6,69014 3 6,056 18 9 2,63819 6 120 0 0 47,996 19 11 4,906' 0 0 961 0 0 11,596 14 3 7,017 18 9 199 16 4 174 1 6 161 12 2 30 0 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,400 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 0 161,885 7 2 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 148,323 12 6 105,691 6 8 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 11,358 8 5 602 2 5 112,365 0 5 1,090,564 0 8 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,400 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 161,885 7 2 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 148,484 1 9 106,615 13 7 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 11,358 8 5 602 2 5 112,365 0 5 1,090,504 0 8 558 14 7 119 12 2 96,531 16 11 25,891 11 9 1,400 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 161,885 7 2 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 149,042 16 4 106,735 5 9 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 12,639 6 11 602 2 5 112,365 0 5 1,093,077 3 0 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 134,031 16 11 83,900 11 9 1,400 8 10 19,302 14 9 41,642 7 6 161,885 7 2 82,784 18 10 33,1.90 18 8 149,042 16 4 106,735 5 9 110,820 4 5 52,307 4 8 12,639 6 11 602 2 5 112,305 0 5 1,093,077 3 0 724 15 3 2,63819 6 1,280 18 6 7,518' 0 0 126' 0 0 55,514 19 11 14 4 8 984 13 7 2,518 2 4 288,616 12 10 27,216 18 7 15,488 7 6 304,105 0 4 27,216 18 7 304,105 0 4 27,210 18 7 304,105 0 4 27,216 18 7 91,937 5 2 396,042 5 6 27,216 18 7 254,091 11 2 3,956 4 9 1,665 0 0 5,621 4 9 2,903 5 5 262,016 1 4 282,660 19 4 262,660 19 4 60,297 0 0 322,957 19 4 22,528 19 0 10,336 19 11 205 0 3 22,733 19 3 10,330 19 11 22,733 19 3 10,336 19 11 22,733 19 3 10,336 19 11 22,733 19 3 10,336 19 11 Surveys of New Lines— CiA ryaC\ C\ n —„— 12 11 2 1,355 18 8 24,772 11 11 40,581 5 2 25,000 0 0 Middle Island Permanent-way for Railway Department Bulling stock .. Scook, Mar. 31,1902, Permanent-way, £45,192 16 3 39,225 6 6 25,000 0 0 3,077,205 18 3 45,192 16 3 195,943 0 7 3,273,148 18 10 6,681 16 0 25,000 0 0 3,273,148 18 10 36,906 14 3 6,681 16 0 25,000 0 0 3,310,055 13 1 6,631 16 0 25,000 0 0 3,310,055 18 1 Middle Island. . Permanent-way for Railway Department. Rolling-stock. Stock of Permanent-way decreased by 2,816 11 5 fl9,261,719 4 1 2,816 11 5 42,370 4 10 42,376 4 10 2,157 13 6 44,533 18 4 44,533 18 4 Stock of Permanent-way. £42,376 4 10 Total.-. tl9,258,902 12 8 .. Total. 441,035 5 4 54,940 0 0 495,975 5 4 138,017 16 3 215 6 7 1,368 9 10 195,943 0 7 f20,090,422 11 3 20,090,422 11 3 117,354 12 5 20,207,777 3 8 1,787,741 5 6 21,995,518 9 2 * Does not include amount expended out of Consolidated Pi md, viz., £35 15 § Also in is. 7d. f Includes amoun eludes value for £150,000 paid t< it expended on 0 debenture-ho mrchase of dist: lers under " Th rict railways, £< ie Midland Rail :77,487 7s. lid. J £15,959 expi .vay Petitions Settlement Act Amend] ;nded between Brunnerton-Nelson Creek, now transferred to Brunnerton-Otira item, nent Act, 1903."



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, and Government Loans to Local Bodies, Lands Improvement, and Native Land Purchase Accounts to 31st March, 1904.

3-D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. Roads, etc. 104 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Auckland— Ahipara-Herekino Awanui-Hohoura ... Awanui, via Taipa-Manganui Awanui, via Waiparera-Kaikino Awanui-West Coast Broadwood-Herekino Helena Bay (main road) Herd's Point-Takahue Herekino Settlement Herekino-Whangape Hohoura-Parengarenga Horeke-Taheke Hukerenui Survey District .. Kaeo-Matauri Kaeo-Waiari Kaikohe-Dargaville, via Maungakahia.. Mongonui Hokianga Whangarei Hokianga Bay of Islands £ s. a. 113 7 9 100 0 0 468 17 3 100 0 0 400 0 0 142 19 3 100 0 0 96 1 6 72 11 0 89 16 6 100 0 0 149 10 3 103 19 0 70 0 0 86 4 0 239 19 6 Mangonui Hokianga . . Bay of Islands Whangaroa 20 21 Kaikohe-Kawakawa, via Ngapipito Kaikohe-Rawene Bay of Islands, Hobson, and Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga and Bay of Islands Whangarei Mangonui Bay of Islands 184 14 7 448 10 4 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 37 Kaimamaku Kaitaia-Ahipara Kaipiro Bridge Kawakawa-Opua Kawakawa-Taumarere Kohukohu-Motukaraka, via Rimu Valley Kohukohu-Otane Kohukohu-Rakautapu Mangamuka-Oruru Hokianga 12 0 0 200 0 0 66 5 11 100 0 0 100 0 0 221 3 4 66 7 6 149 19 6 79 19 0 Hokianga and Mongonui Mangonui a 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 Mangatoetoe Mangonui Beach Road to Junction Matawherohia-Kaeo Ohaeawai-Kaikohe Ohaeawai-Okaihau Ohaeawai-Waitangi Okaihau-Horeke.. Whangaroa Bay of Islands 100 0 0 200 0 0 66 6 11 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 921 12 2 Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Okaihau-Kaikohe Okaihau-Kerikeri Okaihau Settlement Roads .. Okaihau-Waihou Omanaia-Hokianga Heads Omapere Survey District, Blocks IX. and X. Omapere-Waimamaku Opanaki-Hokianga Hokianga 95 9 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 93 18 0 20 17 0 73 8 0 147 6 9 Hokianga and Hob55 56 58 59 60 01 62 (i'l 65 67 68 (>'.) 71 72 74 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 85 Opuawhanga No. 1 Opuawhanga-Whananaki Oruru-Hikurangi Oruru-Taipa O tonga- Whanan aki Pakaru Settlement Pakia-Kawerua, via Waimamaku Peria-Block V., Maungataniwha Peria-Victoria Valley Punakitere Settlement Pungaere Settlement-Kerikeri Pupuke-Kaeo Ramarama Valley Rangatira Improved-farm Settlement .. Ruapekapeka Bast Schoolhouse Ruapekapeka-Kawakawa .. Ruapekapeka-Waiotu Valley Russell-Whangaruru Takahue-Herekino Takahue Village-Victoria Valley Totara Foreshore roads Umawhero-Mangamuka Waihou-Victoria Valley .♦ son Whangarei 125 10 4 150 0 0 74 15 6 250 0 0 50 0 0 30 8 0 13 0 0 49 8 6 204 0 3 138 14 6 50 0 0 204 8 1 19 0 0 21- 0 0 60 2 3 100 0 0 62 10 0 77 18 0 253 7 0 70 12 10 250 0 0 103 12 10 222 19 3 Mangonui Whangarei Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands Mangonui Whangaroa Hokiauga Hokianga, Mongonui, and Bay of Islands Hokianga KG 87 88 90 91 Waimamaku-Pakanae Waimamaku-Punakitere Waimamaku Settlement Waiotu-Hukerenui (Galbraith's) Wairere Bridge, and road towards Horeke 448 10 3 344 6 3 290 0 0 100 0 0 316 10 10 Bay of Islands Hokianga


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended ! 31st March, 1904. .04 92 93 95 96 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 109 111 113 114 115 Roam, etc. — continued. Auckland — continued. Wairere-Paparoa Waitangi Bridge Wekaweka Settlement (Waimamaku) West Coast-Waiharara Wliangape, Section 55, Block VII. Whangaroa County roads Whangaroa Harbour-Kaeo Bald Hill Deviation Bull's Eoad-Waikiekie Caves-McLaughlin's Cove Deviation Great North Road-Ngunguru Great North Road-Otonga Station Horahora-Whareora Hoteo Parish, Sections 90 and 74a (road between).. Hoteo Valley-Whangaripo Hunter's Road .. Kaiwaka-Mangawai Kaukapakapa-Warkworth .. .. Otamatea Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Whangaroa Whatigarei Kaipara Bay of Islands Marsden £ s. d. 25 14 8 Cr. 128 13 0 2 12 6 50 0 0 36 5 0 200 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 85 9 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 44 15 8 330 10 8 100 0 0 159 1 0 73 11 1 Rodney 116 117 Mahurangi Bridge (Warkworth) Mangakahia Bridge-Dargaville Whangarei Otamatea Rodney and Waitemata Rodney Whangarei and Hobson Whangarei Kaipara Marsden 28 10 5 300 0 0 118 119 120 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 160 161 163 166 168 170 172 173 174 176 178 179 180 181 185 186 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 Mangakahia Bridge-Mangakahia Church Mangakahia River (snagging) Mangapai-Waikiekie Mangawai Gorge Mareretu Central Matakana Ranges-Te Arai .. Matakana-Tauwharanui Matakana-Whangaripo Matapouri-Ngunguru Maungakaramea Maungakaramea-Tangihua .. Maungatapere-Tangiteroria Maungaturoto Maungaturoto-Mareretu Maungaturoto Wharf and Road Maungaturoto-Waikiekie McPhee's Bay-Otonga Bast Paparoa-Waikiekie Parua Bay Wharf and Road Purua-Mangakahia, via Ruatangata Ruatangata-Kamo Tanaihua Taranui Te Arai-Mangawai Wai pu-Mareretu Waipu Riding Waipu River improvements.. Waipu Upper Wharf Extension Waiwhiu Valley Warkworth-Ahuroa Railway-station Warkworth-Matakana Whangaripo-Pakiri Valley Whangaripo Range Road Whangaripo Valley Road-Wayby Whareora-Mount Tiger Arapohue Arapohue-Kohekohe Aratapu-Dargaville (£1 for £1) Avoca Special Settlement .. Burch's land (road through) Dargaville-Kaihu (£200, £1 for £1) .. Dargaville-Tangeteroria Green's Road (Tauhoa) Hardie's Road-Paparoa Helensville-Port Albert Jolly's Range Road Katui-Kai-iwi Katui-Orangi Kirikopini-Mangakahia Kohekohe-Maungakaramea (£1 for £1) Makarau Railway- station-Kaukapakapa Makarau Railway-station-West Coast Road Mangatu-Katui .. Maropui-Kairara Matakohe Matakohe-Hukatere Matakohe-Mangonui Matakohe Post-office Road Bridge Matakohe-Tokatoka Otamatea Rodney Whangarei Otamatea Whangarei Otamatea Whangarei Hobson & Whangarei Whangarei Rodney Otamatea Whangarei Rodney 149 9 4 23 4 0 131 7 6 100 0 0 53 0 1 160 13 4 235 7 0 118 12 9 133 3 0 135 0 0 50 0 0 55 8 0 99 7 8 100 0 0 37 9 0 101 15 7 19 10 6 80 17 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 51 0 0 25 13 5 100 0 0 91 1 6 101 11 9 200 0 0 130 9 10 50 0 0 56 18 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 74 11 0 64 15 0 20 10 10 91 10 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 179 19 6 28 0 0 100 0 0 220 0 0 50 0 0 175 17 4 222 5 8 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 27 5 10 200 0 0 38 2 6 62 14 10 63 13 5 105 4 6 70 0 0 2 16 0 140 1 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 Whangarei Hobson Kaipara Otamatea Hobson Rodney Otamatea Rodney & Waitemata Hobson Hobson & Hokianga Hokianga Hobson Waitemata Rodney & Waitemata Hokianga Hobson Otamatea


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Yoar ended 31st Match, 1904. 104 196 197 198 199 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 217 218 221 Eoads, etc.— continued. Auckland — continued. Matakohe Wharf Matakohe Wharf-Post-office Maungaru Settlement .. .. ■ Mitaitai-Tokatoka Opanaki-Mangonui Bluff Pahi-Paparoa Paparoa-Matakohe Paparoa-Maimgafcuroto Port Albert-Welsford -Junction Port Albert Wharf (£1 for £1) Puhoi-Makarau .. Raupo Settlement-Tokatoka Post-office Road Raupo Wharf Sill's Boad (Okahu) Tangihua (Block III.) Tauhoa, Blocks X. and XI. .. Te Kopuru-Tikinui Tokatoka-Mangapai Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Rodney Kaipara Or. £ s. d. 197 0 0 147 12 6 46 1 7 100 0 0 150 0 0 204 7 6 99 17 11 98 17 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 54 0 6 203 9 4 30 6 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 84 16 0 200 0 0 20 11 7 Otamatea Hobson Rodney Hobson Whangarei, Hobson, and Ocamatea Otamatea Waitemata 222 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 235 238 239 240 241 Tokatoka Swamp Woodhill Creamery and Station Road Woodhill Creamery, through back blocks Denby'a Gully (Northcote) (£1 for £1) .. Harataunga-Blind Bay (Great Barrier Island) Hendersin-West Coast Puhoi District-Tahekeroa Railway-station Puhoi Distriet-Tahekeroa Tjnnel Puhoi-Komokoriki (£1 t or £1) Puhoi-Wainui Waiwera-Wainui Warkworth-North Shore Cabbage Bay-Port Jackson Road Coromandel-Thames No county Waitemata Rodney & Waitemata Rodney Waitemata 93 16 3 50 0 0 40 0 0 150 0 0 48 4 0 100 0 0 134 11 7 75 0 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 216 17 11 241 14 7 100 0 0 784 18 7 Waitemata & Rodney Ditto Coromandel C o r o m a n del and Thames Coromandel Thames 242 244 245 248 250 252 256 258 259 260 261 262 264 265 266 26t 269 270 272 273 274 275 276 277 279 280 2S3 284 286 Harataunga Survey District Road to Sections 12 and 13, Block VIII. Kairamarama Settlement roads Waiau-Section 7, Coromandel Panraure Wharf (repairs) Orakei Block-Sfc. Heliers .. Orakei Road-Bastion Battery (£1 for £1) New Lynn-Huia.. Whau Bridge-Asylum Ararimu Brookby Creamery Road Clevedon-Orere .. Ellerslie-Ocabuhu Great South Road-Whitford (£1 for £1) Howick Beach-Cockle Bay (£1 for £1) .. Howick Culvert (near wharf) Hunua-Rail way-station Mataitai-Clevedon Miranda Bridge .. Otahuhu-Mercer (Great South Road) .. Otahuhu-Papatoetoe (Great South Road) Otahuhu-Railway-stalion Otau Otau Block-Ness Valley Otau-Hunua Tamaki Bridge (Panmure) .. Turanga and Mungamungaroa Creek bridges Wairoa Bridge (Glevedon) .. Wairoa River Road Akaaka Swamp Road-Pukekohe Railway-station (£4 for £1) Awhitu Road Wharf Bombay East-Pukekohe (£1 for £1) .. Bregmen's Landing-Mercer.. Drury-Waiuku, via. Karaka.. Kelsey's-Port Waikato Maioro Swamp Road Mauku Mauku-Pukekohe Railway-station (£1 for £2) Mercer-Miranda (from Station to Section 124 Mercer-Rangiriri Eden Waitemata Eden Manukau Eden Manukau Parnell Eden Manukau a Or. 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 18 6 11 31 1 11 50 0 0 52 0 0 69 9 0 90 19 7 81 4 0 4 9 5 100 0 0 50 0 0 24 2 2 51 19 10 102 1 10 60 16 10 241 2 3 64 16 6 100 0 0 197 13 0 112 19 9 70 13 6 61 18 8 37 13 10 98 17 10 50 0 0 63 7 11 73 1 6 Eden Manukau Franklin 287 289 290 291 294 298 300 301 302 303 n • • Raglan Manukau Raglan Manukau 41 13 4 150 0 0 108 10 0 123 3 3 100 0 5 50 0 0 150 0 0 239 1 2 47 15 0 5 17 8 Waikato and Manukau Raglan 305 306 308 309 312 313 Opuatia No. 1 Block (acoess roads) Ofcorohaea Trig. Riad Pokeno-Paparata (Prendergast's) Pukekohe-Puni .. .. Rangiriri-Cambridge Tuakau Bridge .. .. .. ., Manukau 133 7 3 85 11 1 75 0 0 100 0 0 27 17 11 82 14 1Q Waikato Raglan & Manukau v


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Fote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st Maich, 1904. 104 314 315 316 318 319 322 323 325 326 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland — continued. Tuakau Bridge (approaches) Tuakau-Turner's Junction (£100, £1 for £1) Turner's Junction-West Coast (through Block VI.) Waimai-Ngaruawahia via Waingaro (£2,350, £1 for £1) Waipa (Sections 33 to 131) Waiuku-Awhitu .. Waiuku-Mauku Cadman's Eoad (Blook XVI.) Kaimanawa (Block VIII.), Waihou (Paeroa-Thames Road to river) Kauaeranga Valley Komata Swamp drains (£1 for £1) Matatoki Mill Road Block XVI., Waihou .. ' .. Netherton-Turua Paeroa-Waitoa .. Puke-Netherton Rangioria Road-Block XII., Waihou .. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Raglan & Manukau Raglan Manukau Ohinemuri Franklin Ohinomuri £ s. d 442 10 1C 154 11 £ 247 16 4 2,376 0 C 38 18 C 107 1 3 39 12 1 50 0 C 200 0 C 327 328 329 330 332 333 335 336 340 341 Thames Ohinemuri Thames Ohinemuri Ohinemuri & Thames Ohinemuri 225 0 C 46 10 0 150 6 6 100 0 0 173 18 9 150 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 85 10 1 373 2 2 Total—Auckland £31,610 8 343 344 345 347 351 352 353 355 356 358 359 361 362 363 364 366 367 370 373 374 377 378 379 381 383 384 385 386 387 389 390 391 392 393 395 396 397 400 402 405 406 407 408 409 410 412 413 415 416 417 Te Kuiti— Alexandra, Blocks X. and XI. (kauri to creamery).. Aotea-Raglan Awaroa-Mahoe Oaves Road Hamilton-Tuhikaramea Hauturu Higginson's Road Hutewai Branch Road Kaimango Karioi, Blocks VII. and IX. Karioi Parish Block Kauroa-Pakoka Kawhia-Aotea Kihi .. Kihikihi-Otorohanga Mahoe Mahoenui-Kawhia South Mangapohue Maungatautari Branch Road (through Sections 4 to 14, Blocks XIV. and II.) Okupata Pirongia-Kawhia Pirongia West Raglan- Ruapuke Ruapuke-Aotea Shea's Road Tapuae Taumatatotara Tawarau Te Kuiti-Otorohanga Tumutumu-Wai tomo Waimaori Hill (and Bridge) Waingaro-Te Uku Waipa Bridge (Pirongia) (£1 for £1) .. Waitetuna -Aotea Waitetuna-Kauri Waitetuna Valley Road Waitetuna-Whatawhata (£255, £1 for £1) Wharauroa Whatawhata Swamp Road Awakino-Torea Mairoa Manganui Mangaotaki Bridge .. ■.. Mangaotaki-Mairoa .. ... Mangaotaki Valley Ngapaenga Ohura (north of Paorae Stream) Paemako-Ohura.. Pungarehu Rohe-Potae tracks Raglan Kawhia Waipa Kawhia Waipa Kawhia Raglan and Kawhia Raglan Kawhia and Raglan Kawhia West Taupo Kawhia H * * Raglan Kawhia Waikato Waikato and Bgmont Waikato 121 18 7 76 11 0 225 5 0 79 0 8 100 0 0 193 13 9 25 0 0 35 0 11 39 13 3 249 17 0 80 16 6 33 3 0 101 17 0 419 0 1 99 15 7 147 1 9 3,071 5 3 228 5 11 150 0 0 249 19 1 1,543 1 0 459 6 4 174 16 11 85 18 2 71 0 8 147 3 6 130 3 3 297 0 11 247 10 9 127 5 8 4 15 0 79 6 9 50 0 0 174 9 10 20 0 0 103 9 1 4 16 0 149 17 11 40 0 0 2 0 0 193 3 4 6 4 0 40 16 6 132 7 8 395 3 10 185 9 2 583 14 5 121 3 3 160 17 5 79 7 5 Waikato and Egmont Waikato Raglan Waipa Kawhia and Raglan Raglan Kawhia Raglan Kawhia Waipa Kawhia Egmont Clifton Kawhia and Clifton Kawhia Kawhia, Clifton, and West Taupo Kawhia and Clifton Clifton Kawhia Egmont, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty Egmont 418 419 420 421 423 Te Kuiti-Poro-o-tarao Tunnel-Taumarunui Turipoto Upper Awakino Valley Contingencies and engineering 16 9 0 207 1 0 13 9 0 72 15 4 104 9 7 Total—Te Kuiti £11,951 17 0


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


fote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904, Roads, etc. — continued. 104 424 425 Rotobua— Arahiwi-Mamuku Railway-station Bay of Plenty roads Botorua and Piako Whakatane, Tauranga, and Opotiki Whakatane Bay of Plenty £ S. d. 100 3 6 71 2 0 427 428 429 430 431 432 G-alatea-Te Teko Galatea-Waimana Valley, via Waiohau Hairini Bridge and approaches, Te Puke Kaikokupu-Taheke Kaimai Lichneld-Atiamuri Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga and Piako Piako, West Taupo, and Bast Taupo Tauranga Botorua Rotorua and Piako Ditto Rototua Whakatane 88 6 0 198 5 0 400 0' 0 280 8 4 308 6 3 62 5 0 433 434 436 437 438 439 440 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 453 455 Maketu Survey District, Blocks II. and IV. (drains) Maketu-Te Ngae Mamaku Block .. Mamaku-Maraeroa-Oturoa Block Mamaku Village .. Matata-Otamarakau Matata-Tamurenui Junction Omarumutu-Te Whaite Opotiki-Ormond Opotiki-Wairu Bay Oropi Settlement Otara River-Papamoa Otara and Waioeka Nos. 1 and 2 Bridges Otawa Nos. Iα and Iβ Papamoa Settlements, Nos. 1 and 2 Pongakawa-Lake Rotoehu .. Rangiuru-Mangorewa Gorge Rotorua-Taupo, via Atiamuri Opotiki 24 2 8 238 10 7 23 2 8 194 7 6 54 2 0 124 9 2 100 0 0 43 12 0 485 6 1 75 0 0 115 9 4 197 12 2 125 0 0 33 8 0 100 3 6 105 11 6 30 0 0 573 19 1 Tauranga Opotiki ' Tauranga Rotorua Rotorua & Tauranga Rotorua and East Taupo Rotorua and Whakatane 456 Rotorua-Whakatane 579 7 10 457 460 461 462 465 466 467 468 469 .470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 Buahihi Bridge (Tauranga-Cambridge) Tarawera Bridge protection Taumata Block Bast Taumata Block West Terereatukahia Bridge Thompson's Tiack (Te Aroha-Tauranga Road) Tirau-Ngongataha Tirohanga Bridge (£1 for £1) Umurua Block Waiawa Block Waimana Block Waimana Gorge .. Wainui Bridge (Tauranga-Waini Road) Waioeka River-Waiotahi Block Waioeka Valley Waiotahi Block Waiotahi Valley Waipapa Bridge (Tauranga-Waihi) Whakatane-Nukuhou Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua Tauranga Tauranga and Piako Rotorua Opotiki Rotorua and Piako Opotiki Whakatane 277 2 0 30 5 0 72 12 6 10 17 4 85 0 0 200 0 0 153 19 6 42 13 10 31 10 0 98 15 0 155 7 6 239 16 4 100 0 0 249 4 3 304 14 6 274 16 3 23 8 0 112 11 10 305 15 i Tauranga Opotiki Tauranga Opotiki and Whakatane Whakatane 481 484 Whakatane River protective-works Contingencies and engineering 76 2 6 73 2 4 Total—Rotorua £7,649 14 2 486 487 488 489 490 491 Hawke's BaY— Motu Village Road (Hallam's) Arakihi Awanui-Tikitiki-Kawakawa Berry's Road (Hangaroa Survey District) Gieborne-Hick's Bay, via Tologa Bay .. Gisborne-Opotiki Opotiki.. Cook Waiapu Cook Cook and Waiapu .. Cook and Opotoki .. Bay of Plenty Waiapu 65 8 6 119 14 6 175 0 0 75 5 6 256 0 0 167 5 8 492 493 494 495 Gisborne-Motu .. Gisborne-Rotorua (stock) Cook Cook and Whakatane Waiapu Cook and Wairoa .. Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Wuiapu Waiapu and Hawke's Bay Ditto Waiapu 190 6 1 76 3 6 400 0 0 495 16 3 Gisborne-Waiapu (Waimamatine to Tuparoa) Gieborne-Waikaremoana 497 499 500 504 506 507 508 509 Gisborne-Wairoa, via Tiniroto Hangaroa-Tiniroto Karaka-Motu .. Mangatu Maraetaha Mata Valley Motu District Muriwai-Mahia Ditto Cook 235 0 0 200 0 0 69 18 11 250 0 0 406 10 10 200 0 0 139 8 8 200 0 0 Waiapu Cook Cook and Wairoa .. Waiapu and Hawke's Bay Waiapu Hawke's Bay 510 512 Neill Road Nuhaka Springs-Wairoa-Mahia Koad ., ,. Cook Wairoa ,. 501 19 7 138 17 4



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. 01 513 514 515 517 518 519 520 522 523 525 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 Roads, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay— continued. Oliver Road Paraheka-Cook County Bounary Ruakituri Valley.. Tapuwaeroa Valley Tauwhareparae .. .. .. Tauwhareparae-Arakihi Tauwhareparae-Crown lands Te Arai Tβ Arai Bridge Tologo-Arakihi Waiapu Valley Road (Poroporo Stream) Waihuka Waimata-Tauwh areparae Wainui Waipiro Hot Springs, Tokomaru Waipiro Hot Springs, Tologa Bay Waipiro via Te Puia-Hekewai Waipiro-Mata Wairu Bay-East Cape Cook Waiapu Cook Waiapu Cook Waiapu Cook Waiapu £ s. d. 239 17 6 19 4 11 160 1 1 300 0 0 20 4 11 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 37 18 6 26 15 6 14 12 0 236 13 3 200 0 0 91 1 0 141 13 0 500 0 0 149 14 5 88 16 2 Waiapu Cook '.'. Waiapu Waiapu and Opitiki Waiapu and Bay of Plenty Waiapu 537 538 539 541 542 543 Whareponga-Reporua Wha'atutu-Mangatu No. 1 (£1 for £1) .. Mangaone Mobaka Bridge .. Napier-Murimotu (royalty on timber) .. Napier-Wairoa Waiapu, Cook Wairoa Hawke's Bay 41 19 0 300 0 0 211 11 0 218 3 8 36 19 9 1,393 2 11 544 546 547 Napier-Wairoa (Tongoio wash-out) Potter's Road-Puketitiri Richmond Road-Block XVI., Pohue .. Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Wairoa Hawke's Bay Wairoa and Hawke's Bay Wairoa Wairoa and Cook .. 19 2 6 18 17 6 375 0 0 548 549 Rotokakarangu Ruakituri Waiapu andHawke's Bay Hawke's Bay 28 15 8 393 15 0 550 552 553 554 555 556 559 561 564 Springs-Waikokopu Waikokopu Wairoa Bridge' (Prasertown) (on account of £7,000) Wairoa-Mahia Ahiweka (on account of £967) Dannevirke-Tamaki Mangahe Mangapoaka Bridge Mangatora Township-North-west Boundary, Weber County Maunga Road, Waikopiro (£1 for £1) Ngapaeruru Ormondville-Waikopiro Paeroa Porangahau-Wimbledon Wairoa 162 15 2 99 14 1 58 9 4 200 0 0 250 0 0 125 0 0 297 12 0 384 5 1 350 0 0 Waipawa Waipawa Waipawa and Pahiatua Waipawa 565 566 568 569 570 300 0 0 1,998 17 10 153 7 6 173 10 9 227 10 0 Patangata Waipawa and Ptthiafcna Waipawa 573 574 575 579 580 581 582 584 585 586 587 589 590 591 Ruahine Ruanui (Waikopiro) Ruh'a Waikopiro Waikopiro Improved-farm Settlement Whakarara Road and Bridge Angora Mill Stream Road Oporae Otawhao (Upper) Rhone Creek Deviation (£1 for £1) Te Awapu ahi Weber-Waione Wimbledon-North-west boundary, Weber County, vid Waipatiki (£1,000, £1 for £1) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Waipawa 112 15 8 264 14 8 33 19 0 352 16 3 83 5 5 200 0 0 12 12 0 86 12 0 8 9 0 51 13 4 431 9 1 301 5 9 246 3 8 1,091 7 5 Weber Pahiatua Woodville Weber Weber and Akitio .. Weber 592 593 31 6 8 126 16 11 Total—Hawke's Bay £18,893 2 9 594 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 604 605 Tabanaki— Auta«a Derwent Improved-farm Settlement Everett Junction Road (£1 for £1) .. Kaipikari Kaka Kelly.. M*ikai Makino .. .. . • Mangaopa-Puraugi Clifton Taranaki Clifton and Taranaki Clifton Egmont 150 0 0 18 17 6 65 0 0 901 10 10 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 120 6 6 184 16 0 391 10 6 « • ■ Taranaki Clifton 1/ • •



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. JStftnie of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 19'.):. .04 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 618 619 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 648 649 650 '651 653 Roads, etc. — continued. Tabanaki — continued, Mataro Matau Mimi-Mokau (£445, £1 for £1) Mokau Perry Service Moki Monmouth Ngatoto .. .. .. Okau Okoke (£320, £1 for £1) Otaraoa .. .. ... Piko .. Pukemahoe Stanley Road (£1 for £1) .. Tβ Arei Tooi Uruti .. .. .. ... Barrett Road Carrington Egmont, Lower (£1 for £1) Kent (£100, £1 for £1) Korito Manutahi Maude Okahu .. .. .. .. Pitone Upper Frankley (£1 for £1).. Mangawhero-iti Bridge (£1 for £1) Akama (flood damages) Arnold Brewer (£1 for £1) Brewer Road-Taihore Road Ball Road Clark's Track Douglas Road Noith (flood damages) Junction Road (Tawhiwhi Ridge) Kaitieke Karewa Road Kohuratahi Ro&d-Tangarakau River Maben Makahu Manga and Upper Punewhakau Mangaehu Bridge, Sections 18 and 19, Block II., ■ Omona (£1 for £3) Mangaehu Road North (£1 for £1) Mangaehu Road South (£1 for £1) Mangaotuku (£1 for £1) Mangaowata Mangere Improved-farm Settlement Marco Mataimoana Matirangi Moeawatea Moturoa Murcott Nukuhau O'Connor's Track Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Okotuku Patea River Bridge (Ball Road) Patea River (snagging) Pohokura Punewhakau (£1 for £1) Punewhakau Creek Bridge Putikituna Raekohua Rawhitiroa Rotorangi Tangahoe Taumatatahi Improved-farm Settlement Tawhiwhi Topuni (£1 for £1) Tututawa (£270, £1 for £1) .. Upper Waitotara Valley Vera .. Weraweraonga Whangamomona Valley Whenuakura Valley Whitianga Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering ;. j Clifton .. j Egmont Stratford Clifton 1 Stratford .. „] Taranaki .. I Clifton Taranaki .. I Taranaki Egmont .. „ Taranaki Stratford .. Hawera .. Patea Patea .. „ Stratford Hawera .. „ Stratford .. Patea .. i „ Stratford .-. — „ £ s. d. 549 14 0 300 15 4 195 12 2 50 8 3 1,099 16 5 50 0 0 99 3 4 ■ 120 13 4 547 5 8 175 18 5 274 12 10 78 3 7 216 1 8 70 0 0 13 16 0 1 7 9 150 0 0 324 0 9 454 0 9 209 8 10 100 0 0 76 8 5 28 1 5 217 5 7 30 19 6 220 0 0 128 9 9 20 0 0 85 11 0 110 10 0 990 8 8 54 3 10 10 0 0 69 0 0 1,046 15 4 37 8 5 47 16 0 291 1 2 116 2 10 7 7 8 80 9 6 88 6 2 „ .. I » 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 Patea .."„ Stratford Hawera „ Patea Stratford .. „ Pate a Stratford „ Stratford and Clifton Patea and Egmont Patea .. Patea Stratford „ 179 10 0 300 0 0 533 0 0 177 15 0 365 9 8 50 5 10 420 0 0 . 99 3 2 33 17 6 5 0 0 127 16 0 42 8 6 50 0 0 4,493 13. 1 20 0 0 57 5 0 200 0 0 79 17 5 82 16 8 7 14 0 90 2 4 15 12 0 1,187 5 5 99 19 1 752 5 11 13 14 8 9 10 0 273 6 9 318 19 10 160 0 0 78 14 1 189 19 8 21 19 1 73 7 1 250 0 0 317 12 9 349 1 1 Hawera and Patea „ Patea .. „ Hawera .. „ Patea Stratford Patea .. „ Stratford Patea „ Stra'ford .. Patea Stratford „ Total—Taranaki £22,696 7 3



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

iTote No Item No. Name of Work. County. : Electorate. !Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. Roads, etc. — continued. .04 697 Wanganui— Gorge-Ohutu Improved-farm Settlement (£458, £1 for £1) Hautapu Improved-farm Settlement Hautapu River Bridge, near Taihape (£1 for £1) .. Hiwera Horouta-Pukeokahu (£500, £1 for £1) .. Rangitikei Rangitikei £ a. d. 479 8 4 699 700 701 702 Wanganui Rangitikei 125 0 0 135 10 0 169 1 9 620 2 8 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 736 Huia (£150, £1 for £1) Huikumu .. -. •• . •• Hukaroa Kaka Karetu Karioi-Rangiwaea Kauakeke Kaweka (£150, £1 for SI) .. Kopurutuku Makohine Valley Makotuku Valley Mangahouhou Mangamahoe Bridge Mangamahoe-Mataroa Manganui-o-te-ao Mangaone-Mataroa Mangapapa (£100, £1 for £1) Marjgarewa Mangatete Mangatoroa extension Mangaweka-Te Kapua Manga wharariki Mangawhero Bridge (Aberfeldie) Mangawhero-Murimotu Masterton-Tenui Improved-farm Settlement Matah iwi-Man gaetoroa Mataiaponga (£70, £1 for £1) Mataroa-Mangaweka Middle Road Moawhango Bridge, Horouta Moawhango-Te Horo Rangitikei and Hawke's Bay Rangitikei Waimarino 102 8 0 89 14 3 20 12 6 12 0 0 208 13 10 287 16 2 164 4 8 180 0 0 54 6 4 195 15 11 297 3 9 85 19 9 11 15 9 550 4 3 111 5 1 615 5 11 100 0 0 75 3 7 134 4 6 44 0 6 808 3 1 140 17 8 1,257 5 7 87 4 2 207 14 10 57 15 0 53 11 3 172 3 5 184 6 1 24 12 6 94 17 9 Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikti Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino " Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei 737 738 739 741 Moawhango Valley Road (£111, £1 for £1) Motete extension Ohakura Ohingaiti-Waiouru Waimarino Rangitikei Hawke's Bay and Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei, Wanganui, and Waimarino Rangitikei 148 9 2 31 7 0 124 16 6 2,509 15 8 742 743 745 746 747 748 749* 750 751 752 753 Ohutu (access to W. A. Spring and others) Ohutu Improved farm Settlement Oraukura Improved-farm Settlement Otaranoho Otuarei Improved-farm Settlement Paengaroa-Turangarere Pohonuiatane Block (£250, £1 for £1) .. Pohonuiatane District Raetihi flood damages Raetihi-Ohura .. Raetihi-Parapara-Mason's Waimarino Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei 13 10 0 267 2 7 191 13 5 92 7 5 21 9 8 269 6 9 295 9 2 186 17 6 97 7 7 125 10 1 124 17 0 Waimarino 754 Rangitikei Bridge, Mangaweka Waimarino and Wanganui Rangitikei and Kiwitea Ditto 3,246 15 4 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 Rangitikei Bridge, Otara Rangitikei Bridge, Vinegar Hill (£1 for £1) Rata-Maire Raupiu Retaruke Valley Rongoiti Improved-farm Settlement Rotoaira-Waimarino Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino, East Taupo, and West Taupo Wanganui Rangitikei 255 11 2 54 3 0 99 17 0 65 10 10 97 2 0 109 14 6 82 3 0 Rangitikei, Egmont, and Bay of Plenty 762 763 765 766 Ruanui-Turangarere Taheke Taihape and Mangaweka flood damages Taihape-Mataroa Rangitikei 38 17 0 137 9 3 75 0 0 1,518 1 0 767 768 770 Taihape-Otuarei Taihape Township roads (£350, £1 for £1) Taumaranui-Ohakune Rangitikei and Wanganui Rangitikei and Hawke's Bay Rangitikei Waimarino and West Taupo Wanganui Rangitikei Rangitikei and Eg mont Rangitikei 104 13 10 124 2 3 251 6 6 771 772 773 774 Te Komai Te Kumu-Mangaone (£1 for £1) Torere-Horouta Turakina Bridge, Lilbum's Ford (£1 for £1) 99 19 2 100 0 0 255 9 6 110 0 0



TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

4—D. 1.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. .04 775 776 Roads, etc. — continued. Wanoanui— continued. Turakina Valley (£305, £1 Turakina Valley (extension) Kangitikei Waimarino and Wanganui Waimarino Waimarino, Wanganui, and Rangitikei Rangitikei Patea Rangitikei £ s. d. 759 17 2 428 17 8 778 782 Waipuna Ridge Wanganui District Flood-damages 215 19 2 131 6 4 784 785 786 787 788 Weston .. .. .. .. Makakaho (Upper Waitotara) Puao (£1 for £1) Tangarakau River .. .. .. Rangitikei Bridge, Bull's Stratford Rangitikei and Manawatu Patea 46 2 5 285 10 7 101 5 3 200 0 0 739 6 11 Manawatu 789 790 791 Village settlements Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering 405 6 3 264 19 11 172 1 8 Total—Wanganui £23,034 17 0 792 793 794 795 796 797 Wellington— Hautapu No. 2 .. Kawatau North (£73, £1 for £1) Makopua Omatane Potaka .. • • • • • • Apiti Main South (£1 for £1) Rangitikei Oroua Rangitikei 188 12 0 26 11 6 78 7 2 150 14 9 213 5 0 65 1 6 798 799 800 801 Apiti-Rangiwahia (Main South Road) Ashhurst Domain (groins) Anputa (£217, £1 for £1) .. Coal Creek and Horopito Stream Bridges (ApitiNorsewood Road) Conspicuous Road Hautapu-Ruahine Kiwitea and Pohangina Ditto Kairatiga Kiwitea Pohangina Oroua 414 4 4 30 0 0 79 14 9 16 3 8 802 804 Kiwitea Kiwitea and Rangitikei Kiwitea 93 18 3 202 19 10 805 806 807 809 810 8U 812 813 815 816 Kawatau Improved-farm Settlement Kawatau Valley (£300, £1 for £1) Kawera Kimbolton Kiwitea Middle Road (Tapuae Block) Lagoon Road (£1 for £1) Mangamoko (Middle) Mangamoko (Sandon Block) Mangarere Road (Hautapu Block) Mangawharariki (£1 for £1) (see also Wanganui District) McBe th's-Birmingham Ohingaiti-Pemberton (£350, £1 for £1) Onslow Pemberton Improved-farm Settlement.. Pohangina Pohangina Valley Forest Reserve Potaka Low-level Bridge a • • H » • 131 19 10 474 1 10 142 18 1 109 0 0 190 10 8 65 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 166 19 10 139 19 5 u • • 817 818 819 820 821 823 824 */ • • u • • ii • • u * • Pohangina // • • 200 0 0 322 18 0 199 14 8 92 0 7 112 9 4 166 0 6 86 15 2 Kiwitea and Rangitikei Kiwitea Oroua and Rangitikei 825 827 828 830 831 834 Pourangaki (£1 for £1) Tap Road Titirangi Tunipo Umutoi Road Palmerston-Foxton (Ngawakarau) .. • Oroua 100 0 0 49 17 1 118 10 9 21 18 i 130 8 1 288 10 0 Pohangina Kiwitea Kairanga Palmerston & Manawatu Pahiatua 835 837 838 839 840 841 Akaroa Road Akitio River Suspension Bridge Ballanoe-Manawatu Gorge Central Road (Hall Farm-homestead Settlement) Christchurcb. Association Coonoor-Kumeroa Akitio it • • Pahiatua 14 13 0 43 19 1 661 15 0 195 11 8 26 4 4 100 0 0 Masterton Pahiatua and Woodville Pahiatua 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 Cross Road (Hall Survey District) Dew's Road Bglinton Girdswood Hill Road Huia and Waikereru Hukanui-Mangamaire Kaitawa Ridge Kaituna Kawakawa Kopikopiko Road Korora Kuware Lang's Bridge .. * * * w • • II • ' Akitio '.'. Pahiatua 154 1 11 114 11 7 188 9 9 100 0 0 78 16 6 637 15 9 98 16 4 164 6 6 183 19 5 121 8 10 544 2 5 68 4 5 6 0 0 50 0 0 Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Masterton Mauriceville Masterton Pahiatua Masterton

D 1.


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Ntit Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904,. 104 856 857 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington— continued. Makairo-Ooonoor Makairo-Kumeroa Pahiatua Pahiatua and Woodville Akitio Pahiatua £ s. d. 331 11 4 117 14 4 859 860 861 862 Makoura Road .. Makuri-Pongaroa Makuri Township Manawatu Bridge (Upper Gorge) .. * ■.. Pahiatua Pahiatua and Woodville Pahiatua 55 8 6 1,133 2 11 30 10 3 3,502 14 2 864 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 877 879 880 881 882 Mangahao (Tutaekara) Mangatainoka River proteotive works Mangatiti Mangatoro Stream Bridge Manuhara (£100, £1 for £1) Marainanga Road Marima Ridge Koad MoLeod's Moore's Road Bridge .. .. [.. Mount Arthur Rorcd Ngaturi-Aohanga Nikau-Omata Ohinereiata Pahiatua Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 Pahiatua-Palmerston Akitio Pahitaua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua 104 8 2 90 0 0 522 17 2 72 11 8 145 17 1 70 0 5 98 3 3 47 9 11 131 17 7 163 19 5 16 2 0 44 13 0 80 11 2 355 5 1 982 18 8 Akitio Pahiatua & Kairanga Pahiatua & Palmerston Pahiatua 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 903 Pakowai Road Pakowai-Tenui Paraengahuata Piper's Road Pongaroa-Aohanga Pongaroa Township Pukewai Rakaunui Bridle track Rakaunui Village Settlement Bridle-track (Sec"tions 20-22) Rakaunui Road Range Road Rook Road Spur Road .. .. ... Sugar-loaf Road Tiraumea Road Towai Turitea-Makuri .. T utaekara-Nikau Utewai Road (Waterfalls) .. Waterfalls-Waione Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pohiatua Akitio 25 19 8 144 0 6 123 11 2 393 16 6 255 19 4 18 19 2 178 4 6 195 8 2 14 0 442 6 1 390 8 8 81 14 3 184 7 6 239 18 5 52 9 10 376 14 7 42 7 1 90 8 3 349 3 2 1,529 7 4 Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Masterton Akitio & Masterton Pahiatua and Masterton Pahiatua 905 906 907 908 910 911 912 915 916 Waihi-Akitio Waihi Valley Waihoki Valley Waione roads Waiowaka Road Waipatukaka Waituna Road (Makairo) Alfredton-Waterfalls Barton's Road Akitio 244 16 8 474 1 0 471 14 3 199 15 2 201 17 3 214 11 3 44 19 9 287 6 5 144 15 8 917 918 921 923 924 925 926 Bell's Road Bideford (Mangapakeha) (£1 for £1) .. Dagg's Road Falkner's Road Flat Bush (£1 for £1) Glendonald (Wairere) Hinemoa-Alfredton Road .. Pahiatua Masterton Masterton and Mau riceville Eketahuna Masterton Maurieeville Eketahuna Masterton Masterton 49 5 6 136 5 0 150 0 0 223 2 4 196 10 0 150 0 0 14 2 6 Maaterton and Pahiatua Kketahuna Maaterton and Pahiatua Masterton 927 928 929 930 Hukanui-Kakariki Hukanui-Pahiatua Hukanui Railway-station-Hamua Bridge Kaipororo 20 0 0 196 3 10 143 7 6 25 16 0 932 933 935 936 937 938 940 941 942 945 946 947 Larsen's Road Mairi-iri (Kapua Block) (£1 for £1) .. Mangamahoe Mangaone (Section 120, Block I.) Mangaoronga Mangaparapara (£1 for £1) .. Mangaraupi Mangaroa Mangatainoka Rirer Bridge (Hamua) Mangatainoka Valley Mari's Road Masterton-Gladstone (£1 for £1) Eketahuna and Maurioeville Eketahuna Masterton Maurioeville Eketahuna 46 16 3 150 0 0 161 18 7 29 2 9 61 1 0 300 0 0 41 4 9 14 8 6 25 0 5 199 12 6 73 11 7 298 2 6 Masterton Eketahuna Pahiatua Eketahuna 948 Masterton-Tenui (£1 for £1) Masterton and Wairarapa South Masterton and Castlepoint 100 0 0



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. .04 950 951 952 954 Roads, etc.— continued. Wellington— continued. Maungatakato Miki Miki Mount Baker (Tawataia Tollgate), Mangamahoe .. Mount Bruce Masterton Masterton £ s. d. 71 7 1 15 9 n 40 18 4 633 11 1 Maurioeville and Masterton Eketahuna 956 958 959 960 961 962 Parkville-Mangatainoka Parkville (South Road) Pori .. Pukehoi Puketoi Ruamahanga Bridge (Upper Opaki) Masterton Eketahuna Masterton Masterton and Maurieeville Masterton Eketahuna Masterton 31 7 1 0 4 0 0 15 0 39 4 7 78 2 1 2,171 6 1 963 964 968 969 972 Saunder's Eoad Stirling Block Upper Opaki (£1 for £1) .. Waingawa .. Waiwera Block 143 2 7 52 6 0 136 9 9 299 4 0 161 0 8 973 975 976 Wangaehu (£1 for £1) Beef Creek Road Bismarck Road Eketahuna and Pahiatua Masterton and Mauriceville Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa' South and Masterton Masterton Featherston Masterton Wairarapa South .. Featherston Wairarapa South .. Masterton and Pahiatua Masterton Wairarapa 249 11 9 125 0 0 229 19 0 977 979 980 981 983 984 985 986 988 989 990 Blairlogie-Homewood (£117, £1 for £1) Gross Greek Fernyhurst Road (£150, £1 for £1) Gladstone-Bast Coast Hautotara Traffiobridge (£1 for £1) .. Hinau Gully Kaitangata Kaiwhata Valley Mangaru Maugatarere Valley Martinborough-Gladstone (£1 for £1) .. 583 14 9 20 11 5 415 7 7 239 12 3 15 10 9 23 3 9 229 10 0 386 12 10 45 0 0 86 17 0 11 15 0 Masterton Wairarapa South .. Featherston and Wairarapa South Featherston Wairarapa South .. Masterton Featherston 100 0 0 148 19 5 106 0 6 300 6 7 470 3 1 25 2 9 7 3 0 52 10 0 220 2 5 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 Martinborough-Pahaoa Moffat and Jarvis Boad McNaughton's Road Ngakonui Pahaoa (£1 for £1) Pahaoa Bridge .. Pahaoa-Glendhu .. • • , . Para (£1 for £1) .. Ponatahi Range Road (£1 for £1) Rocky Hill Ruakokopatuna .. Ruamahanga Bridge, Waihenga (£1 for £1) Te Awaite (Pine Bush Corner) Turner's Road Waihora Bridge Waiohine Valley Woodside-Waiohine Belraont-Pahautanui Hokio (£1 for £1) Levin-Shannon (£1 for £1) .. Kimberley Road Manakau North Manakau South Mangakotukutuku Mangaone Ohau Bridge (£300, £1 for £1) Porotawhao (Levin-Foxton) Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa South and Featherston Featherston Wairarapa South .. Featherston 139 5 2 53 19 6 20 18 6 300 0 0 140 6 2 4 3 0 298 11 6 233 13 7 85 4 4 25 10 5 100 0 0 650 0 0 31 7 0 84 15 0 72 0 0 200 0 0 194 8 4 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 1000 1001 1002 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1022 1027 Wairarapa South .. Masterton Wairarapa South .. Featherston Hutt Horowhenua Hutt and Otaki Otaki O taki and Manawatu Otaki Hutt Horowhenua Horowhenua and Manawatu Horowhenua Hutt Otaki and Manawatu Otaki 161 1 11 848 11 1 146 14 1 114 16 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 2,252 16 11 1029 1030 1032 1033 1036 1037 1038 Waikanae Beach Road Waikanae-Paikakariki Wainui Stream Road Waitohu Valley Ebden's Road Happy Creek Bridge (Akatarewa) Hutt Bridge (rebuilding) Horowhenua Hutt Hutt Borough of Lower Hutt Hutt 1039 1041 1042 1044 1045 1047 1048 Lee's Creek Bridge (Akatarewa) Pakuratahi Bridge Waikanae-Upper Hutt Wainuiomata Valley Village settlement roads Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Otaki and Hutt .. Hutt 50 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 25 0 0 57 12 2 132 16 10 O. 108 8 6 Total—Wellington £42,957 18 9


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Yote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. IS et Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. .04 1050 1051 1052 1055 1058 1059 1060 Roads, etc. — continued. Nelson— Eves Valley (Waimea West) (£1 for £1) French Pass, Admiralty Bay, Croixelles tracks Nelson-Bai Saddle Bonga Saddle-Whangarae and Onetea .. Aorere Valley Bridge Bainham Belgrove-Tarndale Waimea Sounds Waimea City of Nelson £ s. d. 60 0 0 81 1 6 250 0 0 85 2 6 99 18 3 100 0 0 110 1 4 Collingwood Mofcueka Waimea and Ashley Motueka and Hurunui Motueka 1061 1062 1063 1064 1066 1067 1068 1070 1072 1073 1074 1076 1077 1079 1081 1082 1083 1088 1090 1092 1094 1099 1101 1107 1108 1109 Belgrove-Upper Wai-iti Bonny Doon-Bainham Brooklyn Valley Brooklyn Valley Bridle-traok Collingwood-Burton Ale Creek Collingwood (Main Road) (£1 for £1) .. Cook's Road-Bonny Doon East Road (long outting)-Pohara Foxhill Bridge .. Glenrae Glenroy Bridge (approaches) Graham River Bridge Hewitson's Hill Horse Terrace-Hunter's Kaitun a-Fernto wn Kaituna (Lower) Karamea-Mud Flat Mangles-Braeburn Mangles Valley Matakitaki Bridge and approaches, Murchison Mokihinui-Little Wanganui * Motupiko Bridge (repairs) Motupiko (Upper) Murohison Murchison-Fern Flat Neudorf-Dovedale Waimea Collingwood Waimea 104 9 8 199 18 9 94 10 6 31 9 8 100 0 0 89 13 9 49 13 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 172 4 3 42 7 0 75 0 0 97 11 3 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 5,467 15 6 715 11 9 2 16 7 241 14 0 187 16 2 65 15 6 41 18 10 Collingwood Collingwood Motueka Waimea Inangahua Waimea Inangahua Collingwood Buller Inangahua a • •* tt • • Buller Waimea Inangahua Waimea Motueka and City of Nelson Motueka 1110 1113 1114 1116 1117 1120 1121 1126 1128 1133 1134 1136 Nguroa-Puponga Oparara Bridge Oparara River (Limestone Bluff) Pakawau Bush Road Pakawau-Tamatea Pretty Bridge Valley (bridge) Promised Land (extension) Riwaka Valley Slips Road Tadmor-Sherry .. TJadmor (Upper) Takaka-Riwaka (£1 for £1) Collingwood Buller 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 92 10 9 56 14 6 150 0 o 102 17 6 75 0 0 Collingwood Waimea. Buller Waimea Inangahua Waimea Collingwood and Waimea Inangahua 1138 1139 1141 1142 1150 1151 1157 1160 1162 1165 1166 1172 1173 1174 Tiraumea-Tutaki Plain Tutaki Wairoa (Upper) Waitapu (Willcock's Road) Boatman's Valley Brazil Burke's Creek-Reefton Crushington Inangahua Bridge, Reefton Larry's Creek (protective works) Maruia, via Caslani's Little Grey River Bridge (near Ikamatoa) Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Waimea Collingwood Inangahua Buller 100 0 0 35 0 0 10 10 0 537 8 5 158 0 0 123 17 0 22 3 11 106 9 6 56 11 0 248 17 2 42 10 0 313 0 4 9 15 0 Or. 35 11 2 Grey '.'. Total—Nelson .. £13,022 4 2 1175 1176 1177 1180 1182 Maryborough— Canvastown-Deep Creek Elaine Bay-Harvey's Bay Fairy Bay, North-west Bay Harvey's Bay-Tawero Point Nydia Bay-Havelock Marlborough Sounds City of Nelson 31 3 0 209 2 0 39 19 6 277 9 3 146 1 0 1183 1185 1187 1190 1192 1193 1194 1196 1197 Nydia Bay-Havelock (Maori Bay-Black Point) Peloras River-Black Point .. Ronga Valley White's Bridge Tophouse Anakiwi-Grove Anakoa-Manaroa Arapawa Island .. Arrowsmith's Saddle-Arrowsmith's Bay Sounds and Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 4 0 6 150 0 0 185 13 8 226 0 0 25 0 0 13 3 4 124 0 8 20 10 6 52 1 0 Motueka Wairau Sounds a • *


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. .04 1198 1201 1204 1205 1206 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 Roads, me.— continued. Mabdbobough— continued. Bartlett's Greek-Langley Dale Blenheim-Awatere River Crail Bay-Manaroa Orail Bay-South-east Bay .. Double Bay-Mahau Pulton's-Grove Grove Wharf and Shed Hakahaka-Opihi Havelook-Grove .. Haveleck-Kaituna Kaituna-Waikakaho Kenepuru-Anakoa Kenepuru-Endeavour Inlet.. Kiaho Canal and Traok Maddook's-Hodder Mahakipawa-Double Bay .. Marlborough Sounds Marlborough it • • ■Sounds Marlborough Wairau £ s. d. 152 5 8 100 0 0 391 14 9 391 16 1 4 0 6 41 0 0 4 14 8 20 2 6 100 0 0 108 10 0 100 0 0 135 16 0 304 12 6 16 14 6 20 0 0 59 6 0 Sounds 1221 1222 1225 1228 1229 1233 1234 1238 1239 1240 1241 Mahau Sound Mill Creek Bridge Ohinetaha-Te Mahia Onahau-Anakiwi Onahau Bay-Kenepuru Sound Pioton-Blenheim (Mudford Plat) Pioton Grove Port Underwood-Fighting Bay Port Underwood-Opua Queen Charlotte Sound Rai Saddle-Blenheim Marlborough Sounds and Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 37 19 2 100 0 0 239 15 0 102 15 6 47 5 4 50 0 0 2 17 6 55 7 9 49 3 9 10 0 200 0 0 Sounds Marlborough Wairau and City of Nelson Wairau 1242 1243 1244 1246 1247 1248 1249 1251 1252 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1261 Resolution Bay-Endeavour Inlet Richmond Bay-Kenny's Isle Robin Hood Bay-Ocean Bay Saltwater Creek-Fulton's Gate Seddon roads Skiddaw Run-Te Matau-a-Maui Spring Greek Te Awaite Wharf Te Mahia-Portage Bay Top Valley-Bartlett's Creek Torea Bay Road Torea Bay Wharf and Shed.. Tory Heads-Waikawa Tuamarina Creek Bridge Tuamarina-Waikakaho Waikawa-Picton Sounds 120 11 2 87 12 3 98 12 6 100 0 0 199 19 10 61 8 9 100 0 0 26 9 10 106 18 5 91 13 10 52 4 9 50 19 10 211 12 2 200 0 0 99 19 11 76 0 0 it • • Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough 1263 1264 1265 1266 1268 1269 1270 1272 1273 1274 1275 Wairau Native Reserve protection Wairau River Bridge (£1 for £1) Waitaria-Manaroa Waitaria-Te Matau-a-Maui.. Whatamonga-Diffenbaoh Whatamonga-Port Underwood White's Bay-Port Underwood Woodmen's Bend (Awatere River) Yellaton Track Awatere River-Clarenoe River Clarence Bridge (protective works) Sounds Marlborough Sounds 20 18 3 95 19 6 267 1 5 21 1 2 30 18 0 98 14 6 115 9 0 43 17 6 47 0 0 108 1 4 196 3 1 Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Marlborough and Kaikoura Eaikoura Wairau and Hurunui Hurunui 1276 1279 1282 1283 Clarence River-Conway River Puhipuhi (£78, £1 for £1) .. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering » • • 268 10 0 172 4 0 54 5 0 50 0 5 Total—Marlborough £7,615 8 1284 1286 1288 1289 1294 1297 1300 1302 1304 1305 1306 1307 1309 1310 1311 Westlanji— Ahaura-Haupiri Barrytown Road Big River-Rough River Greymouth-Marsden (old road) Poerua-Bell Hill Arahura Bridge (Lower) Arawata Traok Big Bay Traok Bladier's Road Blue River Shelter Hut Bluff Traok Bruce Bay Landing Christchuroh Road (old) Cook River Cook Valley-Karangarua .. Grey it • • Westland Grey Grey and Westland Westland 261 3 9 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 92 10 0 51 4 6 115 8 9 250 0 0 540 2 1 7 13 0 48 2 7 299 9 6 25 16 5 21 17 6 131 8 9


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. 104 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1342 1343 1345 1347 1348 1349 1351 1354 1356 1357 1358 1361 1362 1363 1364 1368 1369 1370 1372 1375 1376 1379 1380 Roads, etc. — continued. Westland — continued. Cropp Road Doughboy Goldsborough (protective works) (£1 for £1) Great South Road (Ross to Fox River) (£1 for £1) Great South Road (shelter huts) GreenstOBe Bridge Greenstone-Teremakau (widening road) ,. Harris Road Hohonu River Bridge Hokitika River Bridge (on account of £2,000) (contribution) Hokitika River Bridge (Mout's Rivulet) Hokitika River (protection) Hunt's Beach Hunt's Beach-Makawhio Isaac Bluff Track Jackson's Valley.. Jacob's-Karangarua Kanieri-Kokatahi Bridge Karangarua-Main South Road Kelly's Drainage Tunnel (repairs) Koiterangi Koiterangi Municipal Reserve Koiteraogi (river enoroachment) Koiterangi-Whitcombe Track Kokatahi (£1 for £1) Kokatahi (Lower) Kokatahi River Bridge and approaches Kokatahi River (protection-works) Little Wanganui (protective works) Loop-line Mahitahi Mahitahi-Paringa Landing .. Mitchell's-Inchbonnie Murray Road Okuru Track Paringa Track Rangiriri Deviation Teremakau overflow-Sandy Greek Teremakau Settlement (proteotion-works) Teremakau Settlement Road Teremakau Traffio- bridge (repairs) Waitaha Bridge arjd Road Waitaha-Kakapotahi Waitaha Settlement Wanganui Flat Westland Ferry Service Westland (flood damages) . ■. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Westland Grey Westland Westland £ s. d. 7 8 6 130 10 0 7 13 3 381 0 0 113 14 9 526 14 7 188 13 6 17 12 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 42 14 0 113 13 9 414 16 6 201 19 0 76 14 8 201 18 0 214 8 9 171 12 7 33 13 0 49 8 9 40 19 6 57 5 0 99 19 4 191 18 11 100 0 0 238 4 4 5,323 3 8 350 0 0 200 6 5 133 9 3 220 3 0 200 0 0 499 19 11 6 15 0 15 4 2 99 19 1 5,612 13 6 24 9 3 52 10 9 26 5 3 534 15 9 223 18 6 2,702 2 11 333 10 1 71 2 7 200 0 0 50 0 0 38 14 4 23 4 9 Grey" '.'. Westland Grey Westland and Grey Westland Total—Westland £25,009 12 8 Canterbury— Ashley Gorge Bridge (£1 for £1) Birch Hill Cheviot County roads Conway Accommodation-house Reserve (old P.W. cutting) Conway-Waiau (Whalesback) Port Robinson Reilley's Cookhouse Tarndale-Tophouse Waiau Ferry Service Waiau River (Glenwye) (£1 for £1) Waipara-Cheviot (£1 for £1) Eyre Traffic-bridge Hawkins River Bridge (near Sheffield) Oxford Main Road (east and west) Whiteclifis- St. Helen's Oust River (Lower) (main drain embankment) (£1 for £1) Byreton Road Distriot (protection-works) (£1 for £1) Waimakariri Bridge (White's) (£1 for £1) Ashley Hurunui and Selwyn Hurunui 792 17 3 100 0 0 453 7 5 92 4 11 1381 1382 1383 1384 Cheviot Amuri 1386 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1397 1398 1399 1401 1404 1405 Cheviot Amuri Cheviot Amuri Ashley 200 0 0 66 0 0 8 13 0 100 0 0 223 18 9 167 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 Selwyn Selwyn Ashley Kaiapoi 1406 1407 Kaiapoi and Riccarton Lyttelton Ellesmere and Courtenay Ellesmere 830 0 10 1,107 7 4 Selwyn 1408 1410 Roimata Village-Ferry Road (£1 for £1) Burke's Main Drain Canal (£1 for £1) 100 0 0 87 19 10 '/ • • 1411 1412 Ellesmere Lake Outlet (on aocount of £709) Hamilton's and Maddook's roads (Lake Ellesmere Flat) 208 12 6 150 0 0



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. ISiet Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. 01 1413 1414 1415 1416 1424 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1436 1437 Roads, etc.— continued. Gantbbbdey— continued. Lake EUesmere Reserve 959 Taylor Stream Bridge Winterslow (track, near Cameron's woolshed, through Run 102) Opihi Bridge (near Pleasant Point) (£1 for £1 up to £2,200) Main South Road Fairlie-Pukaki Middle Cross-road (£1 for £1) Otaio Bridge (£1 for £1) Pareora Bridge (Cannington) (£1 for £1) Skevington Waihao Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Waihao Bridge-Morven Railway-station White Rock Creek bridges (£1 for £1) .. Woolshed Gully roads Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Selwyn Ashburton Geraldine and Levels Levels Mackenzie Waimate EUesmere Ashburton Geraldine Timaru Waitaki Cr. £ s. d. 219 0 0 100 0 0 19 8 2 2,120 9 6 250 0 0 200 0 0 80 0 0 206 3 4 300 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 131 19 6 200 0 0 250 0 0 120 14 6 . 36 0 6 I .. Total—Canterbury £10,649 16 4 Otago— Awamoko Bridge (£1 for £1) Bendigo-Matakanui Hawea Lake tracks Hawea Lindis Pass Kyeburn-Naseby Naseby-Waipiata .. .. " Ophir-Maniototo County Boundary (via Ida Valley) Patearoa-Ranfurly Patearoa-Waipiata Banfurly Railway-station Road Rugged Ridges Road (Upper Waitaki) Runs 225e and 225t to 225z St. Bathan's-Rough Ridge and Ida Valley Railwaystations Taieri Bridge (Law's Ford) Upper Taieri (Bock and Pillar), Runs 204, 204a .. Arrow Falls Arthur's Point-Arrowtown Arthur's Point-Thirlby Domain Ben Lomond Cromwell (sand removal) (£1 for £1) Garston-Black Bridge Kingston-Athol Rees River Groins Corner Bush .. .. .. ; . Goodwood Village Settlement roads Hawksbury Bush Road Hummockside, Block IV. Hyde-Macrae's Flat Waitaki Vincent Mount Ida 143S 1439 1440 1441 1442 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 Vincent and Waitaki Maniototo Vincent Maniototo 300 0 0 772 16 7 100 0 0 129 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 198 6 1 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 167 5 6 200 0 0 Waitaki Maniototo .. i 1452 1453 1455 1456 1457 1459 1462 1463 1465 1470 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 Lake Borough of Cromwell Lake Wakatipu • • i 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 110 0 0 32 4 0 48 0 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 35 12 3 150 0 0 90 0 0 82 3 4 200 0 0 Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti Waikouaiti '1477 1478 1479 1480 il481 1482 1483 1485 1486 1487 1488 1490 1491 1492 1495 1496 1497 1498 1500 1503 1504 Karitane-Railway-station Kartigi Beach (near Shag Point) (£1 for £1) Kilmog Hill Macrae's Flat-Dunback Murdering Beach Puketapu roads Puketiraki Native Reserve .. Seacliff-Puketiraki Shag River Bridge (Bushy) .. Sheep-yards-Round Hill Stoneburn Waitati-Waikari Fulton's Bridge (West Taieri) Taieri Bridge-Pukekura Clyde-Lake County Boundary Clyde and Alexandra-Ophir Clyde-Tuapeka County Boundary Rae's Junction-Heriot Tuapeka West, Block VIII... Waipori-Waitahuna (Boggy Flat) Anderson's Road (£2 10s. for £1) rr • • Waihemo and Manitoto Waikouaiti Waitaki Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti i 94 0 2 60 0 0 25 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 74 7 9 448 15 6 . 75 0 0 150 0 0 31 6 8 198 0 0 31 14 1 373 16 0 153 0 0 211 10 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 i Waihemo Waikouaiti Waihemo Waikouaiti Taieri Taieri Vincent It Tuapeka Tuapeka Boroughs of Roslyn and Mornington Boroughs of Roslyn and Maori Hill Borough of Maori Hill Borough of Roslyn Borough of Maori Hill Ditto Dunedin 1505 Dunedin and Bast Taieri Blocks 100 0 0 1506 Leith Valley (£1 for £1) .. ..... 100 0 0 1507 1508 Main South Road (Kaikorai) North Harbour and Blueskin 150 0 0 100 0 0 1509 Water of Leith (protective works) 200 0 0



TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

fote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Tset Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. Boads, etc. — continued. Otago—continued. Watt's Bridge (Pine Hill) £ S. d. 100 0 0 .04 1510 Borough of Northeast Valley Borough of West Harbour Ditto Borough of Port Chalmers Peninsula Dunedin 1511 Blanket Bay-Bavensboume Chalmers 50 0 0 1512 1515 Dunedin-Port Chalmers (£40, £1 for £2) Port Chalmers (£10, £1 for £1) 200 0 0 205 7 6 1516 1517 1518 1519 1521 Portobello Portobello-Tai aroa Tomahawk (£1 for £1) Wioklifl Bay Anderson's Bay Boad Peninsula Boroughs of South Dunedin.St.Kilda, and Caversham Borough of Caversham Bruce Port Chalmers Caversham 293 12 6 328 6 1 200 0 0 200 0 0 71 10 0 1522 Dunedin-Look-out Point 150 0 0 1523 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1531 1532 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1584 1585 Akatore Balolutha-Pukepito (£1 for £1) Centre Boad, Inch-Clutha (£1 for £1) .. Clarendon, Block VI. Henley-Berwick Bridge Inch-Clutha Eiver District (£1 for £1) .. Kaitangata Biding (£1 for £1) Lovell's Plat, Hillend (£1 for £1) Millburn-Oircle Hill £1 for £l) Stirling-Benhar (£1 for £1) .. Table Hill, Blooks I., V., and VI. (£1 for £1) Taieri Mouth Village Settlement Tokomairiro Blooks (£1 for £1) Tokomairiro Riding (£1 for £1) Wangaloa-Coombe Hay (£1 for £1) Ahuriri Plat Balolutha Bridge (£1 for £1) Barr's Road Carrick's Road (Seotion 57, Block III., Glenomaru) Catlin's Blocks Catlin's (Upper Road) Catlin's Eiver Valley Road Glenkenioh Blooks Glenomaru, Blook V. (Goldsbury's and Porsyth's Road) Glenomaru Blooks Hay's Road Heathfield Hewson Road (Blook IV., Catlin's) Hukihuki Hunt's Boad Ealer's Boad Morton's Boad Mouat's Saddle Owaka Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Owaka-Long Beach Creek Owaka-Purekireki (£100, £1 for £1) .. Bankleburn Blocks Rankleburn Bush (£91, £1 for £1) Batanui-Whitehead Rimu, Blocks XII. and XIII. Bimu, Blook XIV. Rimu Improved-farm Settlement Tautuku, Blook VIII. Waipahi-Pukerau Waiwera Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Warepa, Blooks I. to XI. Woodland Blocks Woodland, Block X. Woodland, Block IX., Improved-farm Settlement.. Work3 not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Taieri ■ Bruce Cl'utha * .. Tuapeka Clutha Bruce n Clutha 150 0 0 200 0 0 255 0 0 189 7 6 200 0 0 176 5 0 182 13 11 200 0 0 150 0 0 51 0 0 108 15 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 35 10 0 50 10 0 123 15 0 *l,075 6 2 15 2 11 0 8 0 22 18 6 10 0 0 12 12 11 430 0 0 7 5 9 65 2 0 177 12 11 15 19 2 59 6 4 73 4 0 100 0 0 166 19 4 0 7 6 28 5 9 50 0 0 486 0 8 197 7 8 25 0 0 141 8 0 105 15 4 15 19 10 24 3 0 17 17 9 225 4 3 30 0 0 57 15 0 50 0 0 94 8 1 2 5 0 95 14 10 35 13 3 175 13 9 Tuapeka Clutha Total—Otago *16,849 8 1 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1593 Southland— Balfour-Cattle Plat Balfour-North Longridge School Balfour-Pahiwi (£150, £1 for £1) Balfour-Riversdale Black Swamp Road Butel's Cutting (Balfour) Otama Valley .. Southland // • • Wakatipu 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 94 19 0 » Includes £ma Os. 3d. expended out of " Unauthorised Ai icount."


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

5—D. 1.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. 04 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1600 1601 1602 1604 1605 1610 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1621 1622 1624 1626 1627 1628 1629 1634 1635 1636 1638 1640 1641 1645 1648 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1658 1659 1660 1661 1664 1665 1667 1668 1669 1671 1673 1674 1675 1677 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland— continued. Waimea Bridge (Mandeville) Waimea Valley-Riversdale Wendon District roads Wendonside Aparima School Road-Boundaty-line of Hundreds (£1 for £1) Baird's Hill Balfour-Dipton Boundary-line of Hundreds through Heddon Bush Centre Bush-Otapiri, via Lora Olifden Bridge-Waiau Mouth Dodd's Hill (Otapiri Gorge) Pernhills Bridge Flint's Bush (Waterford and Elein Street?) Gladfield-Winton (£1 for £1) Harvey's Road-Nightcaps Haslett's Road Heddon Bush-Otautau, via. Bayswater (£1 for £1) Heddon Bush (school road) Longwood Blocks Longwood, Block XVIII. Lumsden-Balfour Nutall's Road (Longwood-Railway-station) Orawia-Clifden (Buah Road) Orepuki Railway-station (£1 for £1) Orepuki-Drummond's Ferry (Longwood, Block XVI.) Pabai Village Papatotara Improved-farm Settlement.. Papatotara Punt (Drummond's Ferry) Riverton-Howell's Point South Hillend School Road.. Te Tua Road Waimea bridges (Balfour) Wakapatu Railway-station-Beach Baird's Road (Block IX., Waikawa) .. Dacre-Bdendale.. Dacre-Irvine's .. .. Gore-Mataura Bridge Gore-Pukerau .. Gore-Reaby Gore-Seaward Downs Haldane Improved-farm Settlement Hand's Road Hedgehope-Mafcaura Hedgehope Railway-station-Pebbly Hills Kidd's Road Mabel District Millar's Road Mokoreta, Block XIV. Mokoreta-Redan Morton Mains Railway-station-Gorga Niagara Bridge Road (Block VII., Waikawa) Otamita River Foot-bridge (£1 for £1) Otara-Haldane Post-office Oteramika, (Anderson, Holz and Niederer, and Templeton's Roads) Oteramika, Seotion 26, Block V., to Section 6, Block XIII. Paton's Road Titiroa-Mataura Island (£1 for £2) Toe-toes, Block X. Tokonui-Waikawa Waikaka Valley Waikawa Waikawa Improved-farm Settlement Waikawa-Long Beach Creek Waikawa-Otara Waikawa, Seotion 4, Block IV. (Crosbie's) Waikawa-Wyndham Valley Greenvale Road Clifton Bast Road (main road) • .. Elles Road Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace '.'. Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wakatipu Wallace Wakatipu Wallace Wakatipu Wallace Mataura £ S. d. 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 61 16 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 121 7 4 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 39 19 6 79 14 8 159 4 6 100 0 0 28 0 0 113 13 6 101 2 1 494 2 0 50 0 0 81 9 8 314 2 1 109 8 1 200 0 0 14 14 7 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 72 3 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 117 15 5 82 15 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 324 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 41 7 5 350 0 0 100 0 0 96 15 10 50 0 0 59 14 2 124 10 6 1680 125 13 6 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1696 1697 1698 1699 150 0 0 100 0 0 68 .0 5 100 0 0 150 0 0 332 13 8 140 4 8 213 17 10 198 3 10 43 18 2 21 14 6 200 0 0 219 3 2 900 0 0 150 0 0 Wakatipu Invercargili 1700 1702 Kelvin Road Layard Street North Invercargili Borough Avenal Borough North Invercargili Borough Southland 150 0 0 150 0 0 1703 Oteramika Old Road (Blocks I., II., Invercargili Hundred) Seaward Bush (Molson Street) Awarua 100 0 0 1706 Invercargili 157 7 8


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. 04 1709 1710 1711 1713 1715 1716 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1724 1726 1728 1729 1730 1731 1733 1735 1738 1739 1740 1743 1744 1745 1747 1750 1751 Roads, etc.— continued. Southland — continued. Tisbury Road Tisbury Road-Clifton Street (on account of £480) .. Bainfield Blufl Road-Greenhills Blyth Road, towards Motu-Rimu Farm Settlement Campbelltown roads Oolyer's Road Devereaux (Bast Winton) Forest Hill (Cassell's and Duffy's Road) Forest Hill Hundred (through Sections 83, 121, and 103) Fosbinder's Road Henderson-Rouse's Road Hokonui School .. Invercargill-Block XXII. Invercargill Hundred Blooks Invercargill Hundred, Block IX., Finlayson and Taylor Road Invercargill Hundred Outfall Drain, Block XX. .. Longbush-Rimu (£1 for £1) McFettridge Road-Oreti Makarewa Bridge at Section 161, Forest Hill Hundred Makarewa Bridge-Wallacetown Makarewa Bridge (West Plains) Makarewa-Hedgehope Flood-channel Massey's Tramway Road Mokotua Creek Road and Bridge Murchison's Road, Forest Hill Norman's Road Oreti-Goster's (through Sections 35, 58, 40, 30, and 28, Oreti Hundred) Otapiri Railway-station Otatara Otatara, Block XVII., Section 36 Otatara Outfall Drain Oteramika, Block VII. (Invercargill Hundred) Sandhills-Campbelltown Seaward Bush (Murphy's Road-Knipe's Land) Seaward Moss Spar Bush, Bay Road Spar Bush Block Stewart Island (training-wall and approach to wharf) Stewart's Road, Otakau Thompson's Bay Grossing Thompson's Road, West Plains Waihopi Bridge, Gladstone .. Waihopi-Otatara School and Ferry Waimatua, Seaward Bush Waimatuku Bush West Plains West Plains bridges West Plains (Mullins's) West Plains (Todd's) Wilson's Crossing Winton, Block III. Winton, Block VIII. Winton Hundred, Blocks. II., III., VI., and VII. Works not specifically provided for Contingencies and engineering Southland Invercargill Awarua £ s. d. 150 0 0 180 4 11 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 844 16 1 38 7 1 130 18 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 98 2 10 150 0 0 55 16 0 111 19 4 150 0 0 85 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 152 18 0 Gr. 4 6 0 36 8 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 141 10 4 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1765 200 0 0 280 10 4 16 3 2 37 15 4 142 12 2 82 10 0 3 17 6 13 16 1 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 Stewart Island 1766 1767 1768 1772 1773 1774 1775 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1786 1789 1790 Southland 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 3,000 0 0 100 0 0 100 7 8 100 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 7 14 0 295 6 0 200 0 0 31 12 5 96 7 11 Total—Southland £22,004 0 2 1791 1792 General — Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in connection with same Compensation and contingent expenses in connection with the acquisition of land for roads, drains, gravel-pits, &c. Plant not chargeable to any particular work Road deviation and other surveys Flood-damage 399 12 7 1,744 4 0 1793 1794 1795 427 12 5 140 17 6 173 0 9 Total—General £2,885 7 3 Vote No. 104— Total for 1903-4 •£256,830 1 11 * Includes £398 0s. 3d. expended out of " Unauthorised " Account,


D — 1

TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

7ote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. 105 Maintenance op Main Roads. Great North Road (Awanui to Warkworth, via, Mangonui, Hukerenui, Waipu, and Wellsford) Mangonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei.Otamatea, and Rodney Kawhia and Clifton Tauranga, Rotorua, Bast Taupo, Wairoa, and Hawke's Bay Stratford and Clifton Waimarino lnangahua and Buller! Westland and SelBay of Islands, Marsden, and Kaipara £ s. d. 3,639 14 8 4 5 Tβ Kuiti-Uruti .. Tauranga-Napier (via Rotorua, Waiotapu, and Taupo) Egmont Bay of Plenty and Hawke's Bay 3,054 19 2 1,327 17 10 6 7 8 9 Ohura (south of Paorae Stream) Pipiriki-Waiouru Belgrove-Westport-Reefton Kumara-Springfield .. ■ • . • • Patea and Egmont Rangitikei Motueka and Buller Westland and Selwyn Westland 2,875 5 3 2,965 6 1 6,858 18 1 6,371 8 6 10 Ross-Okarito and Fox River wyn Westland 195 11 0 Vote No. 105—Total for 1903-4 £27,289 0 7 Tourist Roads, etc. Waikato Te Kuiti— Hangatiki-Waitomo Kawhia 28 7 8 106 Total—Tβ Kuiti £28 7 3 ROTOBUA — Atiamuri-Orakei Korako Awahou-Hamurana Springs Eoho Lake Geyser Galatea-Waikaremoana East Taupo Rotorua Bay of Plenty 1,213 1 7 91 13 9 175 19 6 .57 3 0 3 i 5 6 Wbakatane, Bast! Taupo, and Wairoa Rotorua 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 Okere Falls Rotoiti-Tarawera, vid Okataina Rotoiti Township (Mariko Street) Rotorua-Ngongataha Mount Rotorua-Taupo, vid Waiotapu Rotorua-Wairoa .. Rotowhero-Galatea „ • • » • • I Rotorua & E. Taupo Rotorua Rotorua, Bast Taupo, and Whakatane East Taupo Whakatane East Taupo East Taupo and West Taupo East Taupo 51 0 6 95 8 4 25 0 0 47 8 0 1,099 11 8 176 7 0 178 19 8 16 17 ■18 19 Taupo-Te Aratiatia Rapids .. Te Whaite-Ruatahuna Tokaanu Road and Wharf Tokaanu-Waihi 11 2 0 60 3 0 120 16 6 18 8 0 20 21 22 Tokaanu-Taupo Waikato Bridge, Tokaanu Waimangu Geyser-Kakaramea 146 16 4 31 4 6 44 7 2 Rotorua Total—Rotorua £3,644 10 6 Hawke's Bay— Napier-Wairoa .. ; Hawke's Bay and Wftiroa Wairoa Hawke's Bay 160 4 0 23 24 Waikaremoana Aooommodation-house Road 343 11 1 Total—Hawke's Bay £503 15 1 26 28 Taranaki— Upper Egmont Dawson's Falls Taranaki Stratford Egmont Patea 192 19 0 200 0 0 Total—Taranaki £392 19 0 Wanganui— Pipiriki-Purarato Pipiriki-Raetihi Pipiriki Township Wanganui River Trust Waimarino Rangitikei 15 4 0 156 13 7 43 0 3 2,200 0 0 29 30 31 33 Wanganui, Waimarino, Waitotara, and Stratford Waimarino and East Taupo Ratigitikei and Patea 34 Waiouru-Tokaanu Bay of Plenty 399 13 6 Total—Wangarmi £2,814 11 4 Nelson — Maruia Hot Springs lnangahua Buller 135 5 1 35 Total—Nelson £135 5 1


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


fote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 190 1. 06 3Y 40 41 43 40 Toubist Roads, etc. — continued. Westland— Haupiri Hot Springs Haast Pass Lake Brunner Road Mount Greenland Track Waiho Springs-Glacier Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland £ a. d. 56 11 0 200 12 4 186 9 7 149 14 4 13 8 4 Total—Westland £606 15 7 Oantebbuby— Pukaki-Mount Cook Mackenzie Waitaki 1,225 15 5 49 Total—Canterbury •»• £1,225 15 5 Otaqo— Queenstown-Glenorohy Lake Wakatipu 308 10 8 50 Total—Otago £308 10 8 52 54 55 56 59 fiO 61 66 71 Southland — Flagstaff Road, Campbelltown Kapipi Bridge Mason Bay Paterson's Inlet-Mason Bay Port William-Horse-shoe Bay Port William-Lee Bay Stewart Island roads and tracks Manapouri-Dusky Sound .. Te Anau-Sutherland Falls Southland Stewart Island Awarua 100 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 6 4 92 10 0 644 8 0 1,648 14 0 5 5 0 Fiords Wallace and Lake.. Wallaoe Wakatipu Total—Southland £3,001 3 4 General — Works not specifically provided for 159 19 3 72 Vote No. 106-Total for 1903-4 £12,821 12 6 119 2 4 11 12 13 15 20 22 28 29 31 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 Loans to Local Bodies Account — Roads to open tip Ceown Lands. Auckland— Kaueranga Block Kohumaru Block Otukai Block Owai Block Pakanae Block .. Pareokawa Block Te Huehue Block Waimatanui Biock Mangakahia Block Mangakahia No. 2 Block Tangihua Block Marlborough Block Maropiu Block Maungaru Block Tokatoka No. 2 Block Tauhoa Block Awaroa No. 2 Biock Opuatia No. 2 Block Opuatia No. 3 Block Puriri Block Whangarei Mangonui Whangarei Hokianga Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Bay o£ Islands Marsden 54 18 6 30 6 6 20 4 3 179 0 10 18 12 0 252 9 6 185 12 6 295 2 9 41 14 9 63 19 0 69 7 4 447 9 3 56 2 9 7 17 0 888 4 9 54 19 0 171 13 4 8 0 2 33 6 0 157 3 6 Hokianga Hobson Kaipara Otamatea Rodney Raglan Franklin Total—Auckland £3,036 9 8 48 52 53 60 62 04 Te Kuiti— Te Puroa Block .. .. .. Kawhia Block Kinohaku West No. 2 Block Ouruwhero Block Pirongia West Block Puketarata No. 2 Block Raglan Kawhia Franklin Waikato 343 4 0 8 4 5 132 9 4 217 15 4 6 10 57 13 5 Kawhia and West Taupo Kawhia 65 70 73 74. 76 78 79 SO 82 83 Puketarata No. 3 Block Whangaingatakapu Block Mahoenui Block Mangaroa Block Pakeho Block Taurangi Block Te Kuiti Block Waikaka Block .. Waitangata Block Whareorino Block Clifton Kawhia Clifton Kawhia Clifton Eginont 295 19 4 53 0 0 66 17 8 860 8 2 41 10 4 70 7 0 63 12 0 845 1 5 713 17 1 688 17 0 Egmont & Waikato Egmont Kawhia Total—Tβ Kuiti .. £4,464 17 6


D.- 1

TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. 19 84 87 89 90 96 97 98 Loans to Local Bodies Account— Roads to open up Cbown Lands— continued. Rotobua — Kaikokupu Block Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block.. Okohiriki Block Okohiriki No. 1 E Block .. Tumu-Kaituna Block Waiawa Block Taumata Whakauma Block Botorua & Tauranga Rotorua Kotorua & Piako .. Rotorua Tauranga Opotiki Botorua & Tauranga Bay of Plenty £ s. d. 116 15 5 388 17 1 640 19 2 28 12, 6 584 18 10 207 9 0 44 0 0 " Total —Rotorua £2,011 12 0 Hawke's Bay— Huiarua Block .. Wharekopae-Tahora No. 2 Block Whakapaupakihi Blook .. Mangapoike Blook Nuhaka No. 3 Block Waiau Block Mangatoro No. 1 Block Ngapaeruru Block Umutaoroa Block Whakarara Block Cook Waiapu 99 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Opotiki Wairoa Bay of Plenty Hawko'g Bay .. I I 234 17 0 406 12 2 270 9 11 253 17 6 26 3 2 221 14 8 13 11 5 45 10 6 71 12 11 24 10 0 Waipawa Waipawa Total—Hawke's Bay £1,568 19 3 Taeanaki — Autawa Block Heao Block Mangaowata Blook Mangatawa Block Mataro Block Moki Block Rerekapa-Moanataire Blook Tangitu Block Tirangi Block . • • • • v Waikekeho Blook Waro Block Kuraiti Block Llewellyn Block Makahu Block Patupuremu Block Poarangi Block Tahora Block Vera Block Waingarara Block Whenuakura Block Clifton Egmont 112 113 115 116 117 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 100 16 0 40 3 0 456 2 6 858 18 9 38 17 5 103 3 7 1,501 3 7 1,165 4 4 647 19 1 185 16 0 88 6 6 367 13 7 331 8 7 227 8 6 435 8 6 65 11 3 123 12 5 240 4 0 104 10 6 282 6 1 I Hawera and Patea.. Stratford Patea Patea, Stratford " Hawera, Patea, and Stratford Total—Taranaki £7,364 U 2 Wanganui— Gladstone Blook Kaitieke Blook .. Mowhanau Village-settlement Block .. Ngamatea-Maungakaretu Block Ohinewairua-Pukeokahu Block Waimarino Rangitikei 136 137 138 139 140 Waitotara Wanganui Rangitikei and Hawke's Bay Rangitikei 31 11 10 61 14 6 216 16 3 184 10 8 188 13 10 141 142 143 146 147 Oraukura Block .. Pohonuiatane Block Pukeokahu Block I - Tauakira Block .. Tiriraukawa-Hautapu Block 141 17 2 267 16 10 525 12 6 657 0 6 524 16 3 Wanganui Rangitikei Total—Wanganui £2,800 10 4 149 151 152 Wellington— Hautapu-Ruahine No. 2 Block Kaiwaka (IV., VIII., XI.) Block Dannevirke Centennial Block Rangitikei Featherston Akitio Rangitikei and Oroua Wairarapa Pahiatua 449 8 4 369 14 10 232 14 0 Total —Wellington £1,051 17 2


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


fote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. ft et Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1901. 19 154 156 158 Loans to Local Bodies Account — Roads to open up Crown Lands — continued. Marlboeough— Pine Valley Block Tinline Block Waipapa Block Marlborough Wairau Nelson Hurunui F£ s. d. 166 0 1 143 7 9 1,484 13 11 Kaikoura Total—Marlborough £1,794 1 9 161 162 163 164 Otago— Naseby, Maniototo, and Gimmerburn Block Naseby No. 2 Block Swinburn Farm-homestead Block Catlin's (IV., V., VII., VIII.) Blocks .. Maniototo Mount Ida 206 13 4 21 10 2 35 0 6 58 15 11 Clutha Clutha Total—Otago £321 19 11 General — Works not specifically provided for 174 £1,337 17 1 Vote No. 119-Total for 1903-4 £25,752 18 10 •Votes 104, 105,106, and 119-Grand total for 1903-4 Add expenditure of previous years I '£322,693 13 10 |£5,911,403 12 11 Total expenditure to 31st Maroh, 1904 £6,234,097 6 9 * Includes £398 0s. 8d. ex] >ended out of " Unauthorised " A< ioount.


D.- -1.

TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Net Expenditure lor Year ended 31st March, 1904. KOADS ON GoLDFIELDS. Subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks in mining districts, and minor works for the development of mineral resources £ s. d. 3,092 0 7 107 Coromandel £3,092 0 7 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 \2 13 14 L5 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 29 29 81 32 33 34 35 36 37 88 48 44 45 4G 49 50 51 53 55 5G 57 58 59 60 61 65 67 68 69 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 98 Auckland. Cabbage Bay-Port Charles and Cape Colville Tairua-Whenuakite Tokatea-Kennedy Bay Coromandel-Kuaotunu via Matarangi .. Tiki-Kaimarama Tiki-Manaia Manaia-Waikawau Mercury Bay-Whenuakite and Boat Harbour Kuaotunu-Mercury Bay Whitianga-Gumtown .. ; . Coromandel-Whangapoua Kikowhakarere-Cabbage Bay Wharf Road, Coromandel Wiiitianga-Kaimarama .. .. • ■ . Mahakirau Goldfield road Tiki-Te Koumu Ohuka Creek Bridge Four-in-Hand Road Waiwawa River Bridge Driving Creek School Bridge, Tokatea Road Waitaia Mine-Battery McColl's Creek Bridge Karaka Creek encroachment.. Ward's Road-Cape Colville Driving Creek-Tokatea Dredging Waiwawa River East side of Range Opitonui-Mereury Bay Bridge and approaches, Waitaia Mine roai Thames- Waikawau Thames-Hikutaia Upper Tararu Road Tapu Creek and extension Turua-Netherton .. Hikutaia-Whangamata " Wires " Track Omahu-Whangamata Neavesville-Upper Landing Swamp Creek Bridge Thames-Whangamata Whangamata-Wentworth Karaka Creek Road Hape Creek Road Waiotabi Road Waiomo Creek Road Moanataiari Road Upper Tairua Bridge Kauaeranga Suspension Bridge Maratoto Road Hikutaia-Waihi .. Waitekauri-Golden Cross Waihi-Whangamata Paeroa-Te Aroha Paeroa-Waitoa Komata Reefs-Waitekauri .. Hikutaia-Waitekauri .. Graoe Darling Road Netherton roads Tui Mine Track Waihi-County Boundary Komata Creek Road Karangahake Mountain Track Dividing-range Traok-Mangakino Karangahake Hill Track Waitawheta Road, deviation Hikutaia-Maratoto Waitekauri Hill Track Maokaytown-Rahu Waitekauri-Jubilee Te Aroha-Karangahake-Waitawheta Thames 227 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 328 0 0 170 0 0 25 0 0 535 8 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 216 0 0 400 0 0 248 7 9 80 0 0 150 0 0 180 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 136 18 6 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 55 0 0 263 0 0 135 16 0 103 0 0 103 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 74 6 0 100 0 0 185 5 2 103 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 93 0 0 100 0 0 156 5 0 250 13 4 100 0 0 147 3 6 62 0 0 54 0 0 106 8 0 300 0 0 65 0 0 78 0 0 47 8 9 223 0 6 168 0 0 390 7 9 165 13 0 31 0 0 105 0 0 51 5 0 81 0 0 98 0 0 100 0 0 162 12 1 92 10 0 199 14 0 Ohinemuri £10,137 2 4



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March 1904. Roads on Goldfields — continued. Marlborough. £ 8. d. 150 0 0 29 3 6 511 6 7 50 0 0 107 95 97 98 99 Havelook-Tuarnarina Top Valley Road .. Picton-Grove Cullensville Road Track Pelorus Road Board £740 10 Nelson. Collingwood 101 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 119 120 121 122 126 127 130 131 132 133 134 135 137 138 139 140 143 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 161 162 163 164 167 168 169 170 176 177 178 179 180 186 187 189 190 192 Bonny Doon -Kaituna-Ferntown Takaka-Collingwood " Inland " Road Bainham-Upper Aorere Taitapu Boundary Track Collingwood Bridge Pakawau-Tamatea Bainham Bridge Slate River Roads Aorere Bridge, repairs West Wanganui Inlet Bridge W an gapeka-Baton Thorpe-Churchill Shaggery Road Riwaka-Kaiteriteri Beach Motueka Valley-Baton Stanley Brook Bridge Millerton Road Lyell Bridge-Ryan's Wilson Lead Road Granity Creek South North Beach-Karamea Westport-Mokihinui Costello's Hill Road Addison's Road-Buller Road Promised Land-Ohinemuri Creek Land of Promise Road Mokihinui end of Westport Road Pairdown-Beach Charleston-Brighton Brighton-Grey County Boundary Glass-eye Creek Track Lyell-Cedar Creek Millerton-Mine Creek Mokihinui-Ngakawau Waimangaroa-Birchfield Waimangaroa-Fairdown Lyell-Denniston Hill Mountain Creek-Addison's Britannia Mine Road Granity Creek-Ngakawau Cascade Creek Road Eight Mile-Mokihinui Burnett's Face-Coalbrookdale Cedar Creek-Denniston Waimangaroa-Granity Fairdown-Sergeant's Hill, via Railway .. Seatonville-Mokihinui Nile Creek Bridge.. Reef ton-Maruia .. Matakitaki-Glenroy-Maruia Mangle's Valley Road Blackwater-Big JRiver Inangahua Bridge Maruia Road, vid Caslanis Snowy Creek to Reefs Inglewood-Painkiller Reefton-Progress Blackwater Road (widening) .. Waimea Bullet '.'. 200 0 0 132 0 0 625 0 0 49 19 10 12 6 6 3,244 3 11 174 0 0 578 10 0 200 0 0 72 5 3 116 14 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 53 19 6 200 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 200 0 0 139 7 3 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 140 0 0 198 9 10 150 0 0 62 12 10 125 0 0 200 0 0 177 4 9 280 0 0 75 0 0 Iuangahua Westland. Grey £14,206 13 8 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 Blaokball-Healy's Gully Seven-mile Creek-Nine-mile Bluff Main Grey Bridge (repairs) Moonlight Creek Bridge Taylorville Bridge Moonlight-Blackball Kotuku-Bell Hill Teremakau Bridge, to Payne's Waipuna-Mosquito 50 0 0 400 0 0 285 1 2 771 1 4 727 1 7 25 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 Carried forward 2,808 4 1


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

6—D. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. • County. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1904. Brought forward £ s. d. 2,808 4 1 Roads on Goldfields — continued. 107 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 225 226 228 229 230 231 232 233 235 Westland —continued. Maori Creek-Maori Gully (widening) Grey-Dunganville Road Bridges Nelson Greek-Bell Hill Upper Moonlight Road Paroa-Teremakau Brown's Creek Bridge, Old Marsden Road Hohonu River Bridge-Gape Terrace Saltwater Creek Bridge Roads, State Coal-mine Township Reefton-Hokitika-Ross Great South Road Hokitika-Jackson's Adair's Track (widening) Seven-mile Creek-Taipo Okarito Forks-Waiho Browning's Pass Track Seddori's Terrace Track extension Ogilvie's Beach Track Kanieri Porks Road .. .. • • ' ■ • Teremakau-Paroa Duffer's Road (widening) Kanieri Lake Road Solberg's Hill .. .. Upjonn's Hill Kanieri Bridge Larrikin's Road Saltwater Track Whitcomb Valley Road Big Dam Track repairs Grey Westland 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 130 0 0 316 0 0 250 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 63 1 6 3,857 17 7 244 6 9 199 19 3 34 10 11 130 0 0 246 3 3 94 ] 0 6 7 6 622 9 8 96 10 5 3 13 0 78 14 6 201 15 8 49 18 4 174 9 a 215 15 1 296 1 7 72 8 2 152 18 0 34 6 0 £11,154 11 6 Otago. Tuapeka 242 243 244 271 245 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 271 254 255 257 258 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Lawrence-Waipori Liwrence-Roxburgh Waitahuna-Lawrence Lawrence-Clyde Waipori-Waitahuna Waipori-Bush Road Lawrence County boundary .. Waipori-Outram .. Beaumont-Rankleburn Beaumont-Miller's Flat Waitahuna-Round Hill ', Gentle Annie-Clyde Lawrence-Clyde Nevis Valley Road i Cromwell Borough-Lowburn.. Clyde-Cromwell (repairs) : Cromwell-Nevis .. Arrowtown-Macetown Shotover River Track Garston-Nevis Crown Terrace-Cardrona Queenstown-Gentle Annie Arthur's Point-Moke Creek Cardrona Coal-pit Road Arrow Falls Road Arthur's Point-Arrowtown .. .. .. i Sawyer's Gully Road Vincent 375 0 0 50 0 0 125 0 0 500 0 0 128 19 0 46 19 8 125 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 319 12 6 220 17 6 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 146 15 6 181 8 0 228 7 6 149 17 0 300 0 0 110 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Lake £5,207 16 & 274 276 277 278 279 280 272 I Southland. Road to dredging claims, Waimumu Garston-Nevis Mokomai Saddle Road ■ Waikaka-Coal-pit.. .. .. .. Waikaka Valley Main Road (repairs) Central Charlton Road Orepuki Shale-works i Southland 200 0 O 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 55 8 3 Wallace '.'. 1,055 8 3 i Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1904 Expenditure for previous years 45,594 3 1 587,140 14 5 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1904, on Roads on Goldfields £632,734 17 6



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. I Survey and ) Grants, Authorities ; Authorities Construction' Subsidies, Totals. on : on Grants, Contracts. ; 1903-1904. \ 1903-1904. Construction. Subsidies. i i £ s. d.i £ s. d.i £ s. a. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d.| 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 .. .. .. Total Expenditure Totals - LiabUHies. £ s. d.: £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 I ! — Locality and Name of Race. I Survey and Grants, i Construction, Subsidies, 1870-1903. 1870-1903. Locality and Namk of Rack. NORTH ISLAND. £ s. d. 1 £ s. d.| £ s. d. Auckland Provincial District — Thames .. .. .. 80,708 19 3 Tairua Water-race .. .. .. 34 5 4 Compensation, Thames Water-race .. 1,250 0 0 R. Kelly's water-race, Mata .. .. 40 0 0| Kuaotunu Sludge-channel .. .. 200 0 0! Drain, Te Aroha West .. .. .. 61 0 0 : ! £ s. a. £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 .. - 40 0 0 ! ■ 200 0 0: 61 0 0 & s. d.i £ s. a. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 R9. 9.QA. i. 7 £ s. d.i £ s. d. S. s. d.| £ s. d.: £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 61 0 0 R9. QQd A 7 NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. Drain, Te Aroha West. 80,708 19 3 1,585 5 4 82,294 4 7 82,294 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage-tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea. Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Wainihinihi Water-race. Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). Raising dam Loop-line. Ngahere-Blackball. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water rights. Jones Creek Storm-cbannel. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara. Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District— Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. 80,YUB iy s i,a«3 o i MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu .. .. .. 3 7 0 1,955 12 1 Hibernian .. .. .. 12 5 8 1,992 14 8 New River .. .. .. 21 5 03,496 0 3 Kanieri .. .. .. 15 6jl0,310 18 4j Rimu Drainage-tunnel .. 191 19 6| Ross Sludge-channel.. .. | • • ' 1,554 10 6 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 ' .. 2,762 17 2 Kuinara Siudge-channel No. 3 : .. 58 0 0 Kuraara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. , .. 1,151 10 8 Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .-. ! .. j 5,365 4 9 Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea .. 1,723 16 8 Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Chan- .. 100 0 0 nel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel .. .. 2,047 0 6 Wainihinihi Water- race ..[13,937 S 10 .. 215 8 9 Quinn's Creek Water-race (pur- : .. 70 0 0 chase) Raising dam, Loop-line .. 1,125 16 6 Ngahere-Blackball .. .. .. 200 0 0 Donnelly's Creek Tail-race .-. .. 444 4 5 Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, ! .. 35 0 0 and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek St >rm-ohannel ... 50 0 0 Government Works — Waimea-Kumara .. .. 193,892 14 2 .. 390 13 4 Mikonui .. .. .. 25,927 4 6 Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek .. .. 90,722 10 8 Napoleon Hill .. .. 257 16 1\ Argyle (Charleston) .. ..15,50115 3 Black's Point .. .. 244 9 0 Carried forward ..J341,889 18 233,267 10 0 606 2 1 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 34 0 0 92 0 0 1,151 10 8 251 10 2j 5,616 14 11 70 0 0, 1,793 16 8 100 0 0 2.047 0 6 14,152 17 7 70 0 0, I 1,125 16 6 200 0 0! 444 4 5 35 0 0 50 0 0 194.283 7 6 25,927 4 6 I 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 ! 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 355 10 2|376,119 0. 5J I t HO 15 0; 100 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 i 270 15 0 ti'Z,zyi 4 I 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 92 0 0 1,151 10 8 5,616 14 11 110 15 0 1,904 11 8 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,147 0 6 14,152 17 7 70 0 0 I,125 16 6 ■ 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0194,293 7 6 25,927 4 6 : 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 ' 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 270 15 0 376,389 15 5 355 10 2 [376,119 0 5| 270 15 0


Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.


Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Grants ! Survey and Grants, Construction, Subsidies, Construction Subsidies, 1870-1903. 1870-1903. \ 1903-1904. 1903-1904. j EXPENDITURE. Totals. Authorities Authorities on on Grants, Contracts. Construction. Subsidies, Liabilities. Totals. Total ~~, Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Pbovincial Distbict— ctd. ! Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co.'s Race Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Peovincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Cantebbuby Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidy — Round Hill .. Genebal — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. £ s. d.j H s. d. 341,889 18 2 33,267 10 0 £ s. d. 606 2 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 355 10 2i376,119 0 5 £ s. a. & s. d. 270 15 0 187 10 0 200 0 Oj S, s. d. £ s. d.i & s. a. 270 15 0:376,389 15 5; MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Pbovincial Distbict — ctd. Subsidies — 800 0 0 Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. 500 0 0 Bell Hill Co.'s Race. 322 18 2: Randall Creek Water-race. 218 0 0 Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidies — 612 10 0: Arrow. 644 6 21 Beaumont and Tuapeka. 9,249 13 1 Carrick Range. 200 0 Oi Mount Pisgah. ! 3,092 19 0i Lawrence Drainage-channel. 1,150 0 0| Ophir Tail-race. 850 0 0 Muddy Creek Channel. 187 10 0 2,000 0 0 St. Bathan's. 1,065 0 0 Maerewhenua. 20 0 0 Artesian wells, Maniototo. 1,150 7 2 Improvingwater-supply,Oamaru, 4,879 12 0 Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — 200 0 0 73,853 3 0 Mount Ida. 11,263 1 0 Waipori. Cantebbuby Pbovincial Distbict — Subsidy — 65 6 7 Ninety-mile Beach Water-raee. Southland Pbovincial District — Subsidy — 133 19 4 Round Hill. Genebal — 030 4 0 Increased water-supply. Departmental — 6,720 6 8 Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 800 0 0 800 0 0 i I i 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2! 218 0 0, ■ 612 10 0l 4 6 2! 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 ' 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,687 10 0 1,065 0 Oi 20 0 0! 1,150 7 2J 4,831 12 0 73,623 12 10 11,263 10 48 0 0 29 10 3 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 i 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 125 0 0 1,812 10 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 4,879 12 Oj ! 73,653 3 0 11,263 1 0 65 6 7 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4 630 4 0 580 4 0 100 0 0 6,720 6 8' 6,720 6 81 Totals 441,486 12 9 52,502 1 5 683 12 3. 480 10 2 495,152 16 7 1 j "I 658 5 Oj 658 5 01 658 5 0 495,811 1 7 Totals. 658 5 0 495,811 1 7 SUMMARY. North Island .. .. ... 80,708 19 3 1,585 5 4 1 ! 82,294 4 7 I 1 SUMMARY. 82,294 4 7 North Island. ■• Middle Island 441,486 12 9 52,502 1 5 683 12 3 480 10 2 495,152 16 7 577,447 12: 658 5 0 .. 658 5 0 658 5 0 .. 658 5 0 658 5 0 658 5 oi 658 ."> 0495,811 1 7 Middle Island. 658 5 0 578,105 6 2 Totals. Totals .. .. 522,195 12 054,087 6 9683 12 3 880 10 2


Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1903. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1904. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1904. Liabilities on 31st March, 1904. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Assistance towards prospecting* .. Purchase of diamond-drill Prospecting deep levels, Thames, — Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. Inspector's fee Cost and expenses, purohase, plant, &c. Purchase of CassrelFs and Bennett's leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation Proclamation of Bivers Water Conservation— Reports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Reports on Ross Plat Bweburn Reservoir .. ... Home Gully Dam Compensation, Owen Roberts Telephone-line, Bannockburn to Nevis Resumption of land Water-supplies for Mining Townships— Waitekauri Karangahake .. Mackeytown Clyde Alexandra Thames Drainage Board contribution Waimumu Main Tail-race Charlton Creek Main Tail-race £ s. d. 15,447 4 10 722 1 5 £ s. d. 1,088 17 3 £ s. d. 16,536 2 1 722 1 5 £ s. d. 1,380 9 7 £ s. d. 17,916 11 8 722 1 5. 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,099 18 1 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,099 18 1 6,099 18 1 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 i 2,250 0 0 31,001 6 8 5,176 17 7 36,178 4 3 36,178 4 3 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 2,423 3 5 284 10 8 16,446 17 11 1,025 12 6 182 5 4 12 17 11 2 8 0 75 0 0 2,605 8 9 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 2,605 8 9 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 8,6-2 7 0 862 7 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 375 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,502 13 5 362 17 7 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,502 13 5 362 17 7 746 13 2 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 236 5 5 1,002 13 5 126 12 2 Totals 99,608 11 2 15,114 2 11 114,722 14 1 1,380 9 7 116,103 3 8



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.

7—D. 1.

Line. ! Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1904. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. S, a. d. Telephone Exchanges,— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch.. Dannevirke Dunedin P.eilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames .. Timaru Wanganui Wellington .. .... Westport Whangarei 22 2 5 2,684 15 7 . 14 17 0 899 13 6 95 8 1 1,953 9 1 22 5 6 113 12 5 141 5 0 69 10 8 16 19 1 92 8 3 70 7 11 83 14 5 245 1 9 22 10 9 28 18 0 62 4 7 4 5 10 324 17 2 47 18 4 1 12 11 6 14 9 357 0 1 126 4 6 774 9 7 12 9 8 120 16 1 New wires, — Doubtless Bay-Auckland Fairburns-Vietoria Valley Waiotemarama .. Paradise Warkworth-Whangarei Tβ Kopuru-Dargaville Ruapekapeka .. Naumai-Raupo Koutu Wayby Albany Hobsonville East Tamaki Whitford Ngaruawahia-Waingaro Waerenga Piriaka Taumarunui Paengaroa .. • • • • Kauaeranga Valley Waimangu .. Taupo-The Spa Waipawa-Blackburn-Wakarara Weber-Wainne Dannevirke-Waipukurau Mangatera-Umutaoroa Gladstone-Te Wharau Martinborough-Pahaoa Opunake-Pungarehu .. Awatuna-Te Keri Okaiawa-Matapu Normanby-Eltham .. Hawera-Mimaia 170 6 8 11 14 6 116 12 2 51 13 6 130 14 0 15 11 6 5 6 10 15 0 13' 14 7 0 4 0 114 13 3 62 5 11 14 4 2 128 12 7 366 11 10 0 2 5 2 2 2 14 6 4 10 3 17 6 165 16 3 6 13 6 193 17 1 22 14 4 _.-. 159 15 5 8 9 10 5 19 6 13 9 9 3 2 10 14 8 0 12 12 8 1 0 0 2 10 Carried forward 10,466 9 4


TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.


Line. Expenditure I during Twelve ! Months ended 31st March, 1903. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward 'ew Wires — continued. Fordell-Wangaehu Turangarere .. Taihape-Mataroa-Ngaurukehu-Ruanui Mangaweka-Taihape .. Wellington-Palmerston North-Feilding Tokomaru-Shannon Wellington-New Plymouth Wellington City Tramways Kaituna-Okaramio Graesmere .. .... Wharanui Pelorus Extension .. Puponga Golden Downs Mokihinui-Karamea Globe Hill-Crushington Dommett Soargill Tuahiwi Harewood Eoad Lincoln Trunk Ashburton-Christchurch Timaru-St. Andrews-Waimate St. Andrews-Otaio Timaru-Ashburton (metallic oirouit) .. Kurow Omarama Oatram-Woodside Mosgiel-Woodside Woodside-Mangatua Waitati-Waikouaiti .. Waikaia-Wendonside Ophir-Poolburn .. Frankton-Lower Shotover Clinton-Balolutha Long Gully Gore-Chatton Te Taa-Tuatapere Purchase of material Jβ s. d. 10,466 9 4 6 2 4 7 13 3 459 19 10 57 12 5 44 11 8 25 14 0 98 6 3 252 11 4 10 15 0 18 0 0 15 0 308 8 8 3 16 6 2 12 0 1,714 8 1 36 17 8 7 0 5 3 10 6 24 4 9 28 17 8 24 11 4 6 19 1 89 8 10 17 10 2 31 19 9 372 2 7 28 12 6 164 18 i 106 10 5 17 8 1 7 16 0 110 18 1 62 0 0 158 1 2 6 11 6 5 12 6 119 9 4 32,56!) 14 8 £ 8. d. Expenditure to 31st March, 1903 47,226 19 7 1,006,465 9 11 1,053,692 9 6 1,053,692 9 6 43,877 0 0 Total expenditure Liabilities, 31st March, 1904 Total exoenditure and liabilities.. £1,097,569 9 6



TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1904, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1903. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March. 1904. Total Kxpenditui'u to 31st March, 1904. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1904. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. ... | £ s. d. Judicial .. .. .. 472,080 0 6 Postal and Telegraph .. 332,371 18 9 Customs .. .. .. 16,598 15 10 Offices for Public Departments 231,740 10 8 Hospitals for Mental Diseases.. ' 485,759 11 8 Defence Depot, Wellington .. 3,473 6 2 School-buildings .. .. jl,145,757 17 8 Hospitals .. .. ■.. 59,828 8 8 Quarantine Stations .. .. j 6,863 19 5 Survey .. .. .. 543 4 5 Parliament Buildings .. 60,954 3 7 Government House, Auckland 4,940 0 4 Wellington 8,331 0 2 Agricultural .. .. 7,628 5 8 Public Health .. Preparation of Plans, etc. Miscellaneous .. ..j 16,438 8 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 25,978 3 3 498,058 3 9 53,917 8 2 386,289 6 11 8,719 4 3 25,318 0 1 8,568 2 4 240,308 13 0 15,812 0 2 501,571 11 10 2,071 16 10 5,545 3 0 87,088 16 4 1,232,846 14 0 4,290 19 6 63,514 7 9 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 601 17 10 61,556 1 5 4,940 0 4 8,331 0 2 2,504 4 0 10,132 9 8 6,314 16 9 6,314 16 9 324 3 10 324 3 10 16,438 8 8 £ s. d. 3,751 13 6 5,364 9 0 16,888 18 6 3,610 14 10 2,371 6 1 249 15 10 2,804 8 9 750 0 0 £ s. d. 501,809 17 3 391,653 15 11 42,206 18 7 243,919 7 10 503,942 17 11 5,794 18 10 1,235,651 2 9 64,264 7 9 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 61,556 1 5 4,940 0 4 8,331 0 2 10,214 10 2 6,418 13 0 327 6 9 ; 16,796 10 9 82 0 6 103 16 3 3 2 11 358 2 1 Totals 2,852,704 11 9 216,191 13 3 3,068,896 5 0 36,338 8 3 3,105,234 13 3

Net Total Expenditure Expenditure i during 12 to 31st March, Months ended 1903. 31st March, 1904. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1904. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1904. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 74 0 6 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,028 14 8 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,230 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 2,289 0 10 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 457 6 5 9,074 18 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 2,289 0 10 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 469 5 4 9,147 0 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 ikaroa Jrothers .. 3apa Campbell 3ape Egmont 3ape Foulwind 3ape Kidnappers .. 3ape Maria, van Diemen jape Palliser 3ape Saunders Centre Island Juvier Island Last Cape French Pass Beacon ?rench Pass Hokitika.. fackson's Beef Beacon rack's Point iahurangi Point .. Caipara .. A anukau Heads .. VTarine Store iloeraki .. Moko Hinou Portland Island .. Puysegur Point Stephen Island Cimaru Diritiri Cable Cory Channel iVaipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" 6,166 18 0 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 11 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 2,215 0 4 585 19 3 46' 0 0 457 6 5 2,908 0 1 11 18 11 72 2 0 20,866 18 1 20,866 18 1 20,866 18 1 Total Lighthous s 153,519 11 3 6,206 6 1 159,725 17 4 84 0 11 159,809 18 3


TABLE No. 8— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1903. Expenditure , Total L |Sfl° n during 12 Expenditure p^}*^'"? . Months ended! to 31st March, P 0^ *?- 31st March, 1904. to S1 ?*f arch ' 1904. 1904 - Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Harboub Wobks. Maungaturoto Wharf Wharf at Howiok .. Manukau Whaif at Sandepit Pollok Wharf, Manukau .. Whangarei Heads Wharf .. Matakana Wharf .. Onehunga, examining-room and office Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf .. Waiwera Wharf Mercury Bay Wharf Opotiki Wharf Waiuku Channel .. Coromandel Wharf Waitara Harbour Removing eel-weirs, Patea River Wairoa Harbour Mokau Wharf Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour Manawatu River, Enagging Fox on Marine Reserve, Protection of Castlepoint Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf Nelson, dredging harbour Motneka Wharf, protection Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Whirf .. Karamea Wharf .. Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approach, and snagging river Westport Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarito Whaif, repairs and extension Okarito Harbour, faecine work Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point .. .. i .. Okuru Wharf Timaru Harbour Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling .. Dunedin, St. Ciair, Protection of Ocean Beach Martin's Bay, removal of rock Port Levy Jetty Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Jackson's Bay Jetty Raising dredge " Hapuka " Miscellaneous Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store .. Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island £ s. d. 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 12 13 9 £ s. d. 150 0 0 2 10 0 83 3 10 350 0 0 3 14 6 190 5 0 £ s. a. 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 2 10 0 83 3 10 350 0 0 3 14 6 190 5 0 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 12 13 9 141 12 6 2,847 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 258 11 11 745 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 336 0 10 1616 2 309 15 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 250 0- 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 . 3 : 194 3 2 2 10 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 3 14 6 500 0 0 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 12 13 9 141 12 6 2,847 14 9 214 13 8 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 745 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 336 0 10 2,672 14 9 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 6 5 0 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 100 0 0 745 18 8 2 0 0 559 19 11 336 0 10 141 12 6 175 0 0 158 11 11 ii' 8 l 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 287 10 10 104 8 9 127 0 6 55 0 0 83 7 3 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 391 19 7 127 0 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 391 19 7 127 0 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 1,827 11 7 300 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 300 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 1 300 0 0 100,000 0 0 83 7 lv 146 14 0 146 14 0 146 14 0. 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 5 0 0 250 .0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 20 0 0 1 10 0 20 0 0 1 10 0 20 0 0 1 10 0 Total Harbour Works .. 324,526 17 11 1,771 8 3 326,298 6 2 367 19 3 I 326,666 5 5 Habboub Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores.. Torgedo-boa,ts and torpedoes Submarine mining stores Miscellaneous Works in colony Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 236,867 0 10 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 239,752 8 8 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 54 6 3 j 239,806 14 11 38,327 14 6 2,885 7 10 Total Harbour Defences 513,306 13 1 2,885 7 10 516,192 0 11 54 6 3 ! 516,246 7 2 Grand total 991,353 2 3 10,863 2 2 1,002,216 4 5 506 6 5 1,002,722 10 10





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1894."

Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 11th June, 1904. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Jas. McGowan, Acting Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. ♦

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1903-4.

Public Works Department. G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. , Note.—Charges and expenses of raising £87,248 175., and expenditure charged tospeoial aocount, PaeroaWaihi Railway, £26,462 15s. 2d., not included in above figures. (Details on next page.)

Glass. Votes. Summary. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. 85 86-87 88-97 98-100 Public Wobks Fond. Public Works, Departmental Railways Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works Development of Goldfields Purchase of Native Lands Telegraph Extension Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Lands Improvement Unauthorised £ 15,776 905,687| 254,478 18,500 £ s. d. £ s. d.j 16.991 13 3 902 14 3 828,947 14 8! 26,707 2 8! 229,521 0 4 13,329 7 1 11,161 0 11 297 18 9 £ s. a. 16,088 19 0 802,240 12 0 216,191 13 3 10,863 2 2 XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. 101 102 103-107 20,000 4,300 420,274 15,775 6 4! 132 2 1 793 8 4i 800 0 0 392,986 15 l| 31,941 17 0 15,643 4 3 Gr. 6 11 8 361,044 18 1 XXXI. XXXII. ■XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. 108 109 110 111 112 113, 114 20,000 10,000 50,000 950 50,000 7,500 17,873 14 2 1,595 8 10! 6,181 3 8 829 9 0 60,869 2 4: 13,642 2 9 666 0 3 ! 42,739 10 4! 4,015 14 1 2,019 3 11 40,365 16 0 39,568 17 1 16,278 5 4 5,351 14 8 47,226 19 7 666 0 3 38,723 16 3 2,019 3 11 796 18 11 Total Public Works Fund .. 1,777,465 1,666,891 9 7 133,762 13 7 1,533,128 16



Vote. No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Public Works Fund. Publio Works, Departmental — Public Works, Departmental £ £ s. d. £ s. d.j £ s. d. 86 15,776 16,991 13 3 902 14 3 16,088 19 0 86 Railways— Railway Construction — Kawakawa-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards Paeroa-Waihi Gisborne-Karaka Stratford-Kawakawa Mount Egmont Branch Marton-Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara Midland Railway -j Ngahere-Blackball .. Greymouth-Hokitika (Extension to Ross) Otago Central Heriot Extension Catlin's-Seaward Bush Riversdale-Switzers Orepuki-Waiau Land-claims and other Old Liabilities on Construction Account Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way and other Materials Additions to Open Lines 15,000 15,000! 10,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 200,000 35,000 70,000 10,000 10,0001 70,000! 6,000 10,000! 4,0O0| 8,000> 1,100 10,939 2 8 11,789 0 9 14,307 5 2 14,726 2 6 8,720 15 11 850 4 5 175,336 12 9 27,844 4 2 54,062 13 5 19,537 16 2 27,071 19 1 18,115 9 2 6,057 6 4 6,924 4 3 2,639 1 0 3,970 7 11 299 11 9 25 4 5 1 8 0: 14,311 18 6 396 3 2 8 8 10 856 12 4! 28 19 5! 515 3 8 1 2,009 4 0 118 9 3 0 7 7 113 10 0 0 16, 14 3 2' 4 11 10 10,913 18 3 11,787 12 9 Cr. 4 13 4 14,329 19 4 8,712 12 1 850 4 5 174,480 0 5 27,815 4 9 53,547 9 9 19,537 16 2 25,062 15 1 47,996 19 J 1 6,056 18 9 6,810 14 3 2,638 19 6 3,956 4 9 294 19 11 1,000 : 60,000 350,587 1,868 9 10 57,225 13 9 337,161 13 8 5,102 5 3 3,200 16 10 1,368 9 10 52,123 8 7 333,960 16 10 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Public Buildings— General Judicial .. ... Postal and Telegraph .. .. Customs Hospitals for Mental Diseases School Buildings School Buildings (Special) Agricultural .. .. .. • • General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions Public Health 16,668 30,750 59,940 12,270 21,000: 61,0001 33,300 5,000| 8,550 6,000! 13,530 2 6 26,090 1 9 60,845 14 10 8,719 4 3 16,267 12 2 57,789 11 0 29,347 2 10 2,518 15 8 8,097 18 7 6,314 16 9 1,964 1 8 111 18 6 6,928 6 8 455'12 0 11,566 0 10 25,978 3 3 53,917 8 2 8,719 4 3 15,812 0 2 57,789 11 0 29,299 5 4 2,504 4 0 4,290 19 6 6,314 16 9 47 17 6 14 11 8: 3,806 19 l! 98 99 100 Lighthouses, Harbour - works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour Defences 5,000 3,500 10,000 6,206 6 1 2,058 18 8 2,895 16 2 287 10 5 10 8 4 6,206 6 1 1,771 8 8 2,885 7 10 Tourist and Health Resorts — Tourist and Health Resorts 20,000 15,775 6 4 132 2 1 15,643 4 8 101 Immigration— Immigration 4,300 793 8 4 800 0 0 Cr. 6 11 8 102 103 104 105 106 107 Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works— Roads, Departmental .. Roads, &c. Maintenance of Main Roads, &c. Tourist Roads, &c. Roads on Goldfields, &c. * 19,870' ;t309,872i 31,459: 20,373 }38,700 21,348 3 10 285,363 9 9 27,859 1 11 12,821 12 6 45,594 7 1 2,440 5 7 28,931 8 1 570 1 4 18,907 18 3 256,432 1 8 27,289 0 7 12,821 12 6 45,594 5 1 0 2 0 108 Development of Goldfields — Development of Goldfields 20,000 17,873 14 3 1,595 8 10 16,278 5 4 Purchase of Native Lands— Purchase of Native Lands 10,000 6,181 3 8 829 9 0 5,351 14 8 109 Telegraph Extension— Telegraph Extension 50,000 60,869 2 4 13,642 2 9 47,226 19 7 110 Rates on Native Lands— Rates on Native Lands 950 666 0 3! •• 666 0 3 111 Contingent Defence — Contingent Defence 50,000 42,739 10 4 4,015 14 1 38,723 16 3 112 113 114 Lands Improvement— Improved-farm Settlements Lands, Miscellaneous 6,000 1,500 804 10 0 1,214 13 11 804 10 0 1,214 13. 11 Unauthorised — Services not provided for 40,365 16 oi 39,568 17 1 796 18 11 Total Public Works Fund '.. 11,777,465 1,666,891 9 7 1133,762 13 7 jl, 533,128 16 * Inclusive of £1,500 transferred from Vote 104 under 0: t Exclusive of £9,000—£1,500 transferred to Vote 10: Governor, 2nd March, 1904. { Inclusive of £7,500 transferred from Vote 104, under 1 Note. —Charges and expenses of raising loans, £87,i Paerca-Waihi Railway, £26,462 15s. 2d., not included in ab rder of G 8 and £' rovernor, 2nd March, 1904. r,500 transferred to Vote 107—under order of order of i 248 17s., iove figun governor, 2nd March, 1904. and expenditure charged to special aocount, JS.


APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1904, prepared in Terms of Section 38, Part IV., of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1904. Under-Secretary.


! Olas8. Votes. Summary. Total. Public Works Fund. XXV. 86 Railways XXVI. 88-96 : Public Buildings.. XXVII. 98-100 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences Paeroa-Waihi Railway Account £ s. d. 76,151 2 3 36,338 8 3 506 6 5 4,296 15 11 117,292 12 10 Consolidated Fuwd. XIX. 72 j Publio Buildings 1,294 0 5 Vote No. Vote No. Name of Vote. Name of Vote. Total. •lime oi vote. Public Wobks Fund. £ s. d. 2,572 7 8 77 15 9 3,547 9 11 1 1 8 9,662 4 5 4,626 0 9 37,868 7 5 3,405 3 11 7,760 10 1 2,513 2 4 119 12 2 558 14 7 1,280 18 6 86 Railway-construction— Kawakawa-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards Gisborne-Karaka Stratford-Kawakawa Marton-Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara Midland Railway Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Rose) Otago Central Heriot Extension Catlin's-Seaward Bush.. Riversdale-Switzer's Orepuki-Waiau Land-claims, &o. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials 2,157 13 6 76,151 2 3 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph .. Customs Hospitals for Mental Diseases School Buildings (part of vote only) Agricultural General Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions Public Health 4,221 15 8 3,751 13 6 5,364 9 0 16,888 18 6 2,371 6 1 2,804 8 9 82 0 6 750 0 0 103 16 3 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 36,338 8 3 98 99 100 84 0 11 367 19 3 54 6 3 Paeroa-Waihi Railway Aooount 506 6 5 4,296 15 11 Total, Public Works Fund.. 117,292 12 10 Consolidated Fund. 72 Public Buildings 1,294 0 5


APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904.


Date of Contract. Lines of Bailway and Branches. Same of Contract. Contract Name of Contractor. to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILWA" srs. 1. May 6, 1902 July 4, 1901 Feb. 9, 1904 Oct. 22, 1902 March 25, 1903 May 8, 1901 June 8, 1903 May 8, 1901 Kawakawa-Grahamtown Paeroa-Waih .. Gisborne-Karaka Stratford-Kawakawa Marton-Te Awamutu, N.E. Whangarei Bridge Ohinemuri Bridge.. Ohinemuri Bridges, 2 and 3 Superstructure .. Waipaoa Bridge .. Surfacemen's Cottages Taumarunui Bridge Whakapapa Bridges One 22 ft. 6 in. Steel-girder Span for Hautapu River Bridge Taihape Station-buildings 9 Cottages, Taihape .. 6 Platelayers' Cottages Hurunui Bridge Cylinders, Hurunui Bridge Motueka Bridge Land-plan Survey.. Inangahua Bridge (near Reefton) „ (at Landing) Patterson's Creek Viaduct Staircase Viaduct and Broken River Bridge .. G. M. Praser and Co. .. April 17, 1903 | J. and A. Anderson .. .. Feb. 13, „ J. and A. Anderson .. .. May 2, 1905 John McLean and Sons .. March 15, 1904 F. W. Crawford .. .. July 23, 1903 Soott Bros. (Limited) .. Feb. 3, G. Fraser and Sons (Limited) Aug. 2, 1904 Scott Bros. (Limited) .. Sept. 3, 1902 Oct. 29, 1903 Aug. 5, 1903 Dec. 23, » 1 Oot. 30, 1902 Oct. 29, 1903 Aug. 5, 1903 Dec. 23, . a> s. a 6,788 3 3 8,771 15 11 3,540 0 0 6,885 0 0 649 18 0 11,500 9 0 6,184 4 3 1,180 0 0 £ s. d. 6,788 3 3 8,771 15 11 3,540 0 0 6,885 0 0 649 18 0 11,500 9 0 6,184 4 3 1,180 0 0 L ) i Marton-Te Awamutu, S.E. Oot. 30, 1902 Oot. 19, 1903 Feb. 8, 1904 March 20, 1903 Sept. 11, 1902 June 4, 1903 Nov. 18, , Jan. 12, » Sept. 17, 1902 Deo. 4, „ Feb. 12, 1901 Oot. 12, 1903 Blenheim-Waipara, S.E. Midland (Motupiko-Tadmor) Russell and Bignell .. .. July 16, 1904 Russell aud Bignell .. .. July 16, „ J.P.Petersen .. .. July 31,1903 Scott Bros. (Limited) .. May 30, 1904 Scott Bros. (Limited) .. July 11, 1903 Langlands and Dixon .. Nov. 23, , F. J. Ledger .. .. March 31, J. Fitzgerald .. .. Feb. 1, 1904 M. O'Connor .. .. July 26, „ Scott Bros. (Limited) .. • Oct. 15, 1902 Cleveland Bridge and Engineer- Oct. 12, 1905 ing Company H. Bignell .. .. .. April 9, 1904 Thomas Dillon .. .. April 12, , July 31, 1903 July 11, 1903 Mar. 22, 1904 June 30, 1903 April 9, 1903 1 2 July 31, 1903 July 11, 1903 Mar. 22, 1904 June 30, 1903 1,245 6 0 3,483 0 0 1,495 0 0 3,598 17 0 310 17 1 8,681 18 0 165 0 0 6,394 10 0 6,852 0 10 11,082 8 6 26,269 7 0 23,331 3 11 26,541 10 1 1,245 6 0 3,483 0 0 1,495 0 0 3,598 17 0 310 17 1 8,681 18 0 165 0 0 6,394 10 0 6,852 0 10 11,082 8 6 26,269 7 0 (Reefton-Inangahua) „ (Springfield end) April 9, 1903 o u • . Sept. 1, 19Q2 Aug. 21, „• Feb. 18, 1903 Ngakere-Blackball Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) Otago Central Ngahere Bridge Hokitika Bridge 23,331 3 11 26,541 10 1 April 27, . Timber for Staging Poolburn Viaduot Ironbark Timber .. .. .. " .. Thomson, Bridger, and Co. .. April 8, 1903 Fitzroy Timber-getters' Asso- July 7, „ ciation J. Murdoch and Co. .. .. June 25, O. Campbell .. .. May 23, 1904 McLean and Cox .. .. Aug. 3, „ McKechnie and Flemming .. May 25, 1903 R. Wilson .. .. .. April 11, 1904 E. W. Bone .. .. May 10, 1903 Cooper and Duncan .. .. Jan. 1, 1904 Fitzroy Timber getters' Asso- July 7, 1903 ciation April 8, 1903 Aug. 14, July 3, „ Feb. 22, 1904 July 7, 1903 Aug. 14,1903 April 8, 1903 Aug. 14, „ 411 6 3 453 2 6 237 10 0 2,477 0 0 1,435 0 0 4,799 18 6 527 10 11 903 8 0 1,010 0 0 453 2 6 411 6 3 453 2 6 June 11, , Deo. 23, „ March 10, 1904 June 18, 1902 Feb. 1, 1904 Dec. 23. 1902 June 19, 1903 April 27, . Heriot Extension Riversdale-Switzers Catlin's-Seaward Bush .. Orepiiki-Waiau .. .. ; Permanent-way, Rails Sleepers Timber for Staging, Manuherekia Bridge Station-buildiugs, Ophir and Lauder . .. Edies .. .. .'..' Mataura Bridge .. .. Station-buildings, Catlin's River .. .. Waiboaka Statten-buildings 85 Sets Points and Crossings .. . .'. 3,000 Ironbark Sleepers .. , .,.. ' ,,. July 3, j. Feb. 22, 1904 237 10 0 2,477 0 0 1,435 0 0 4,799 18 6 527 10 11 903 8 0 1,010 0 0 453 2 6 July "l, 1903 Aug. 14,1903 I

APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904— continued.


B—D. 1.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. June 25,1902 Dee. 3, „ Dec. 2, „ Dec. 19, „ Jan. 10, „ Feb. 9, „ Feb. 26, „ April 8, 1903 April 23, „ Jane 1, June 12, „ Sept. 4, . Aug. 6, „ Aug. 26, „ Auckland. Steel cell-doors, Mount Eden Gaol, Auckland Native School, Residence, Te Teko Native School, Residence, Paeroa Native School, Te Kalia Additions, &o., to Sanatorium, Cambridge Additions, &o., Mount Albert Industrial School Additions, &c, Police-station, Ponsonby .. .. .. Teacher's Cottage, Kenana Native School Repairs, &c, Departmental Buildings, Gisborne Removal of Post-office, Pahi Iron Staircase and Railings, Mount Eden Gaol, Auckland .. Additions to Native School, Taumarunui Cottage, Cable Station, Doubtless Bay Native School, Oruanui. . Native School, Waitahunia Police-quarters, Te Awamutu Police-quarters, Waihi Fumigating- shed, Auckland Native School, Kaingahoa Native School, Tupuaparuru Native School, Oramahoe ] PUBLIC BUILDINGS. .. ; Beaney and Sons, Auokland .. ; F. Moody, Whakatane .. Palmer and Judge, Waihi .. '• J. H. Moir, Opotiki .. 0. H. Frankham, Auckland . .. .. J 0. H. Frankham, Auckland .. ■ Matnieson and Baldeck, Auckland .. T. M. Lane and Sons, Totara North .. Morrison Bros., Gisborne E. Morris, Auckland . . James Mclntyre, Onehunga .. j Potts and Hardy, Cambridge .. ] T. M. Lane and Sons, Totara North .. Salmon and Powick, Hamilton .. .. j Salmon and Powick, Hamilton.. ..IT. Rickett, Te Awamutu .. T. E. Palmer, Waihi .. .. H. M. Sjlloway, Devonport .. j W. Cook and Son, Waimate North .. j J. E. Guthrie, Auckland .. I W. Cook and Son, Waimate North Dec. Feb. Feb. April April April May July June July Dec. Oct Dec. May 7, 1902 4, 1903 27, „ 9, „ 6, „ 30, „ 20, „ 18, I 29, ,. 8, „ 23, „ 4, 1904 £ s. d. Aug. 6, 1903 1 162 0 0 April 15, „ 199 15 0 Mar. 4, „ 387 17 0 June 20, „ 950 0 0 Aug. 7, „ 3,080 0 0 July 7, „ 885 0 0 June 6, „ 349 16 8 July 4, „ 262 0 0 Aug. 21, „ 542 0 0 Sept. 19, „ 212 0 0 203 5 4 Nov. 5, 1903 I 279 0 0 Dec. 22, „ 500 0 0 696 10 0 I May Dec. Dec. Jan. April May June 4, „ 25, 1903 25, „ 26, 1904 19, , 5, „ 3, „ Assigned Co Kusabs and Hardley, Rotorua. Ditto. Aug. 26, „ Sept. 1, . Sept. 1, „ Dec. 5, „ Jan. 9, 1904 Feb. 5, „ March 17, „ 773 18 0 April 9, 1904 542 7 5 Jan. 30, „ 688 15 0 Mar. 4, „ 266 0 0 Apl. 28, „ 618 0 0 Apl. 9, „ 320 0 0 199 0 0 I Sept. 12, 1902 Dec. 2, . Jan. 30, 1903 May 21, „ Hawke's Bay. April Aug. April July 1, 1903 26, „ 30, „ 30, „ Post-office, Napier (Spit) .. .. .. .. Government Buildings, Napier Alterations, &c, Police-sergeant's Residenoe, Napier Alterations, &c, Police-station, Woodville • • .. Cooper and Son, Napier .. Bull Bros., Napier .. Yuill and Frame, Napier .. T. Cole, Woodville July 11, 1903 2,170 16 7 4,743 15 9 May 18, 1903 225 15 0 Aug. 20, „ 215 8 8 Jan. 23, 1903 May 29, „ Aug. 29, „ Feb. 9, 1904 Taeanaki. April Aug. Feb. May 23, 1903 11, „ 24, 1904 9, „ Post-office, Kaponga Post-office, Urenui Post office, EHham Native Hostelry, New Plymouth .. .. A. R. Burrell, Hawera Boon Bros., New Plymouth .. E. Hooker, New Plymouth .. Cliff Bros., New Plymouth May 22, 1903 : 436 7 8 Jan. 18, 1904 457 0 0 1,950 0 0 750 0 0


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904— continued.


Date oi Contract. Name of Contraot. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. May 22, 1902 Aug. 6, „ Aug. 12, „ Sept. 5, „ Sept. 5, „ Jan. 19, 1903 Nov. 18, 1902 Nov. 6, „ Deo. 15, „ j Deo. 17, „ Feb. 26, 1903 Feb. 16, „ i March 26, „ March 28, „ April 6, „ Apri 14, June 8, „ May 15, ,. June 18, Aug. 24, „ Aug. 22, , Aug. 26, „ Oct. 12, „ March 22, 1904 Wellington. Magistrate's Courthouse, Wellington New Wing, Terrace Gaol, Wellington Customhouse, Wellington Post-office Clock, Wanganui Post-office Clock, Feilding Post-office, Woodville Post-office, Hunterville Post-office, Levin Post-office, Carterton Post-office, Raetihi Head Attendant's Residence, Porirua Asylum Additions to Photo. Gallery, Government Printing Offioe .. Courthouse, Levin Auxiliary Asylum, Porirua Industrial School, Levin Customhouse Additions, Wanganui Veterinary Laboratory, Wallaceville Removal, &c, Police Buildings, Lower Hutt Police-station, Mangaweka Offices and Laboratory for Mines Department Constable's Residence, Featherston Steel Cell Doors, Terrace Gaol, Wellington Removal of Buildings, Foxton Pilot-station Alterations, &c, Police-atation, Hunterville PUBLIC Bl ILDINGS— continued. James Trevor and Sons, Wellington James Russell, Wellington W. H. Bennett, Wellington W. Littlejohn and Son, Wellington W. Littlejohn and Son,Wellington E. T. Rendle ; Woodville Zajonskowski Bros., Marton Adams and Cooper, Levin R. Sanders, Wellington A. H. Christie, Wanganui J. Brooks, Wellington McGill and French, Wellington H. B. France, Levin Barker and Crump, PalmerstonN. Lawrence Williamson, Levin Russell and Bignell, Wanganui.. R. A. Wakelin, Wellington J. McWilliams, Lower Hutt Jensen and Morris, Taihape A. Cooper and Son, Napier A. Bicknell, Greytown North S. Luke and Co., Wellington .. Wildbore Bros., Palmerston North T. Bllwood, Mangaweka May 9, 1903 Jan. 29, 1903 April 12, 1904 Aug. 26, 1903 Aug. 26, , Aug. 19, „ May 14, „ April 28, „ June 26, „ March 12, „ May 23, „ June 16, , July 13, „ June 23, „ Aug. 28, 1903 July 14, „ Nov. 12, „ July 15, , Oct. 10, „ May 14, 1904 Dec. 10, 1903 Oct. 24, „ Jan. 12, 1904 May 18, „ Sept. 1, 1903 Mar. 30, 1904 April 13, 1904 April 13, „ Feb. 9, „ Oct. 17, 1903 July 18, „ July 29, , May 12, „ June 26, „ May 28, „ Sept. 13, „ Oct. 20, „ £ s. d. 8,025 0 0 2,963 0 0 26,998 0 0 715 0 0 475 0 0 2,005 0 0 1,995 15 10 1,694 17 0 2,982 0 0 465 17 3 338 16 0 449 12 6 590 0 0 2,630 17 0 5,016 14 1 238 15 5 1,623 0 6 July 16, 1903 Jan. 12, „ Nov. 26, 1903 627 10 0 Dec. 10, 1903 Mar. 22, 1904 5L7 0 0 285 0 0 250 0 0 280 0 0 March 2, 1903 April 27, „ July 24, „ Nelson. Auxiliary Reservoir, Nelson Asylum Additions, &c, Constable's Quarters, Seddcmville Additions, &c, Courthouse, Westport W. Miller and Sons, Nelson Hill and Martin, Westport John Marshall, Westport June 21, 1903 June 17, Oct. 22, 1903 July 29, 1903 June 16, „ Dec. 5, . 396 18 0 220 5 0 923 0 0 Jan. 23, 1903 Feb. 7, . Feb. 20, „ Marlbobough. Painting, &c, Government Buildings, Blenheim Police Quarters, Havelock Cast-iron Tower, Cape Campbell Lighthouse J. D. Iremonger, Blenheim May and McKinley, Blenheim .. Charles Judd, Thames April 23, 1903 May 7, „ Aug. 11, , April 3, 1903 July 11, , Sept. 1, 1903 155 0 0 433 11 7 1,499 6 0 May 8, 1903 July 18, , Westland. New Board-room, Hokitika Survey Office Police-station, Okarito Drake and Muir, Greymouth T. H. Orr, Hokitika July 29, 1903 Jan. 10, 1904 Aug. 15, 1903 Nov. 14, . 249 10 0 485 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904— continued.

.. ! ■ ■ ~, , Date of Contract. Contract Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. to be 1 completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of : Contract. Remarks. _ J July 24, 1901 July 14, 1902 Sept. 5, „ Dec. 9, „ Jan. 22, 1903 Feb. 5, „ April 29, „ May 21, „ April 15, , June 24, „ July 31, „ Sept. 29, „ Nov. 4, , Dec. 2, „ March 21, 1904 March 21, „ Dee. 31, 1903 Cantebbuky. PUBLIC BUILDINGS-coraii««ed. New Wing, Tβ Oranga Home, Christchurch .. .. .. .. a. Clephane, Christehurch i Jan 10 1902 Institute Sumner W. W. Smith, Christchurch .. April 23,'1903 Post-office Clook, Ashburton W. Littlejohn & Son, Wellington April 26, Native-school Eesidence, Kaiapoi .. .. .. .. .. J. Forbes, Kaiapoi .. Mar 2 Repairs, &c, to Police Inspector's Quarters, Chriatchurch .. .. .. B. Bull, St. Albans .. .. April 22' Police-constable's Residence (additions), Leeston .. .. .. .. P. M. Stewart, PapanuY ' May 5 Stock Inspector's House, Rotherham .. .. .. .. .J Forbes Oust ' July 7' Police-quarters, Akaroa J.' J. Walker, Akaroa '.'. '.' Nov. 2l' " Auxiliary Asylum, Sunnyside .. .. .. .. .. .. Graham and Greig, Christchurch June 24 " Covered Way, Lavatory, &c., Te Oranga Home .. .. .. .. B. Bull, St. Albans Aue 13 Pohee-gaol, Lock-up, Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. .. Henry Green, Christchurch '' Oct 1 " Tea-house, Stable, and Cowshed, Hanmer .. .. .. . . Gulliver and Rogers, Rangiora .. Jan. 19* 1904 Post-office, Kaiapoi . Gulliver and Rogers, Rangiora .. June 29! „ Alterations, &c., Timaru Post-office George O. Clayton, Timaru . April 1 Additions, &c, Police-station, Temuka .. .. .. .. .. J ame s MoKinnon, Temuka . June 16' " Additions, Auxiliary Asylum, Sunnyside .. .. .. .. .. J. Smith, Christchuroh July Iβ' " Native School, Te One, Chatham Islands.. .. .. .. .. J. P. Peterson, Christchurch ] Mar 23* " June 10, 1903 Mar. 11, 1904 April 13, „ April 30, 1903 May 30, „ May 11, „ Aug. 8, „ Aug. 8, 1903 Aug. 24, , Oct. 31, , £ s. d. 2,315 0 0 i 11,200 0 0 715 0 0 434 5 10 220 0 0 265 7 6 280 12 10 ' 866 19 10 2,730 0 0 " 287 4 9 443 0 2 1,092 13 2 2,700 0 0 336 0 0 416 9 3 1,692 0 0 388 0 0 1 April 15, 1900 Aug. 29, „ Oct. 14, „ Dec. 20, „ Jan. 12, 1903 Jan. 23, , March 13, „ Aug. 17, „ Otago and Southland. Post-office Clock, Oamaru Littlejohn and Son, Wellington.. i July 11,1902 Clock Tower, Post-office, Oamaru .. .. .. .. .. Thomas Watson, Oamaru -Nov 26 Alterations, &c, Post-office, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. J. Lunn, Dunedin .. May 9'1903 Excavating Sand, &c, Police-station, Cromwell .. .. .. .. Thomas McNulty, Cromwell " Mar 8 Native Hostelry Bluff J. Walker and Son, Invercargilf May io', "„ Engineer's Residence, Seachfi Asylum T. W. Bailey, Seaclifi .. June 23 Repairs, &c, Police-station, Lumsden .. .. .. .. .. J. P. Petersen, Invercargill April 24' " Postmaster's House, Clyde .. ... .. .. .. .. Leslie Arthur, Alexandra Dec 9' " April 18, 1903 April 8, 1903 April 30, . Aug. 13, . April 24, „ Feb. 23, „ 683 0 0 4,776 5 2 274 12 0 385 0 0 445 6 3 235 0 0 585 7 0 i May 12, 1903 May 20, „ May 20, „ May 20, „ May 21, „ May 26, „ May 20, „ May 22, „ Auckland. MISCELLANEOUS. I Coal and Wood Supply for Government Buildings, &c J. J. Craig (Limited), Auckland. I Mar 31 1904 [ Stores Supply, Auckland, Classes I., II., III., VI., VII., XII., and XI., Items Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Auck- ! Mar! 8l| 1906 ' land ; Stores Supply, Auckland, Class IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37, V John Burns and Co., Auckland Mar 31 CjassVIII. .. .. .. .. .. John Wilson and Co., Auckland Mar. 31, "„ ni 1 4 •' • • • • • • .. J. J. Craig (Limited), Auckland Mar. 31, „ p lass X - • • • • • • • ■ .. R. O. Clark, Auckland .. .. Mar. 31 Class XI., Items 1 to 9, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28, 30 .. E. Porter and Co., Auckland Mar 31 " - ■ - Class XI., Items 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 32 .. W. Guthridge (Limited) Auckland Mar 3l' " [ Mar. 31, 1904 J Schedule rates!

D.- 1.

APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Dace Contraot was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. MTO t: 3 miscella: tfEOTJS— continued. NEO Hai J. I Gav Brii ! li )US— continued. trry Smith, Wellington Keir, Wellington wler and Curlew, Wellington iscoe and Co. (Limited), We ineton .. M .. M a M el- M far. 31, 1904 Iar. 31, „ iar. 31, „ tar. 31, 1905 4 Mar. 31, 1904 Mar. 31, „ ' Mar. 31, „ 5 .. I i £ s. d. 185 0 0 106 15 0 288 0 0 Schedule rates May 23, 1903 Aug. 31, „ April 20. „ May 27, „ June 4, May 21, „ May 20, „ May 21, „ May 22, „ Wellington. Chimney-sweeping, Public Buildings, Wellington Removal of Rubbish, Window-cleaning, „ „ Stores Supply, Wellington, Classes I., II., V., VI., XL, Items 7, 8, 9, 17, and XII. Stores Supply, Wellington Classes III., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37 .. Class VII. Classes VIII., IX., and X. Clas* XT., Items 1 to 6, 14 to 16, 18 to 20, 23 to 26, 28, 30 Class XI., Items 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 32 .. Harry Smith, Wellington J. Keir, Wellington Gawler and Curlew, Wellington Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Wellington A. and T. Burt (Limited) Smith and Smith, Wellington .. P. Hutson and Co., Wellington W. M. Bannatyne and Co., Wellington N. Guthridge (Limited), Wellington j A. S and T. Burt (Limited) .. M Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Iar. 31, 1906 31, 1904 31, . 31, „ 31, 1905 31, 1906 31, „ 31, . 31, „ 3 Mar. 31, 1904 Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31, „ Smi i -o l lith and Smith, Wellington TV,T Iar. 31, „ Hutson and Co., Wellington iar. 31, ! W. M. Bannatyne and Co., W( ineton el- I M Iar. 31, „ N. li Guthridge (Limited), W< ington el- M Mar. Iar. 31, „ 31, „ Nelson. G. ] "W. C. I M. Fraser a,nd Co., Dunedin Woolf, Greymouth .. Dixon, Nelson i.. M .. M .. S( May May Sept. lay 8, 1903 lay 1, 1904 lept. 18, „ 8, 1903 1, 1904 18, „ 3 July 7, 1903 i Mar. 8, 1904 July 7, 1903 Mar. 8, 1904 5,148 13 6 593 5 5 724 17 0 May 31, 1902 Deo. 1, 1903 Mar. 28, 1904 Collingwood Bridge at Ferntown Taylorville Suspension Bridge Approaches Aorere Bridge G. M. Fraser and Co., Dunedin.. "W. Woolf, Greymouth C. Dixon, Nelson Westland. H. J. Reynolds, Hokitika John Fitzgerald, Greymouth Forsyth and McKay, Greymouth H. ; Joh: Fon J. Reynolds, Hokitika m Fitzgerald, Greymouth rsyth and McKay, Greymoul .. Se ith M July Sept. Mar. uly 20. 1903 ept. 10, „ Iar. 31, 1906 20. 1903 10, „ 31, 1906 3 July 13, 1903 Oct. 31, „ 5 .. i July 13, 1903 Oct. 31, „ 696 13 0 5,364 3 7 Schedule rates Jan. 20, 1903 Sept. 17, 1902 May 20, 1903 Mav 21, „ May 23, „ May 22, „ Moonlight Creek Foot-bridge .. .. .. .. • .. Kokotahi Bridge Stores Supply, Greymouth, Classes I., II., III., V., VI., VIII., X., and XI., Items 1 to 9, 14 to 20, 23 to 26, and 28 Stores Supply, Greymouth, Class IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37, and IX. Class VII. .. Class XI., Items 3, 4, 10 to 13, 21, 22, 26 to 32 .. Mar. Mar. Mar. 31, „ I 31, „ 31, „ D.I E. J "NT N. m D. McLean, Greymouth E. M. Holmes, Greymouth N. Guthridge (Limited) Greymouth C. Hansen, Greymouth Johnson and Co., Hokitika McLean, Greymouth M. Holmes, Greymouth Guthridge (Limited) Gre; nouth .. I M i T\/r .. M >y- M Iar. 31, „ Iar. 31, „ Iar. 31, „ .. .. May 22, „ May 26, „ May 26, „ May 21, „ Class XII. .. Hokitika, Classes I., II., III., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37, V., VI., IX., and XI., Items 3, 4, 6,7, 9, 10, 11, 14 to 17,19, 21, to 25, 30 to 32 Stores Supply, Hokitika, Classes VII., VIII., X., Items 4, 5, 9 to 19, 21 to 23, XI., Items 12, 13, 27, 29, and XII Stores Supply, Hokitika, Class XI., Items 1, 2, 5, 8, 18, 20, 26, and 28 C. I Joh: James Ren ton, Hokitika Jam Hansen, Greymouth mson and Co., Hokitika nes Ren ton, Hokitika .. M .. j M .. M; Mar. Mar. Mar. Iar. 31, ., !"«■» Q 1 lar. 31, „ Iar. 31, „ 31, „ 31, . 31, „ j W. : ti W. M. Bannatyne and Co., Hokitika M. Bannatyne and Co., Hok ika fei- M Mar. July July Mar. Iar. 31, „ .. 31, „ 7, 1904 31, „ 31, 1906 March 16, 1904 April 8, „ June 4, 1903 June 4, „ Canterbury. Supply of 300 Asylum Bedsteads Cold Swimming Bath, Hanmer Stores Supply, Christchureh, Classes I., II., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37, V., VI., VIII., IX., X., XI., Items 8, 24, 25, 33, 34, 35 Stores Supply, Christchureh, Class III. Hoi: W. ' Ash cl Holmes and Sons, Christchureh W. Wadey, Rangiora Ashby, Bergh, and Co., Chrtstchurch A. and T. Burt (Limited), Christchurch lmes and Sons, Christchurc Wadey, Rangiora iby, Bergh, and Co., Chris hurch eh Jt .. Ji] st- M uly 7, 1904 uly 31, „ Iar. 31, 1906 5 .. ! 468 15 0 954 0 0 Schedule rates A. a and T. Burt (Limited), Chris st- M Mar. Iar. 31, „ 31, „ I


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract Date to be Contract was completed. completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. fEOUS— eontimtedMar. 81, 1906 Mar. 31, „ Schedule rate.s May May 26, 1903 21, „ GAnwRBVRY-continued. MISCELLA] Stores Supply, Christchurch, Class VII. Class XI., Items, 1, 2, 4 to 7,9, 14 to- 20, 23, 26, 28 Smith and Smith, Christchurch Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Christchurch N. Guthridge (Limited), Christchurch Alex. Thompson, Christchurch .. May 22, „ Class XL, Items 3,10 to 13, 21,22, 27,29, 30 to 32 Mar. 81, „ „ June 1, . Class XII. Mar. 31, „ June June June 2, 1903 10, „ 2, „ Otago and Southland. Stores Supply Dunedin, Classes I., II., V. VI., and XI., Items 10, 11, 21, 22, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 Stores Supply, Dunedin, Classes III., VII., X., XL, Items 8, 9, 12, 13, 24, 25 Classes IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37 h. John Bdmond, Dunedin Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Dunedin Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Dunedin Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Dunedin 'Alex. Thompson, Dunedin John Edmond, Invercargill Mar. 31, 1906 Schedule rates Mar. 31, , Mar. 31, , " June 5, „ ! Classes VIII. and IX. .. Mar. 31, „ June 10, „ Class XL, Items 1 to 8, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28.. Mar. 31, „ June June June 1, 2, „ 1.2, „ Class XII. Invercargill, Classes I., II., III., IV., Items 1 to 5, 18 to 37; V., VI., XII., and XL, Items 3, 10 to 13, 21, 22, 27, 29 to 32 Invercargill, Classes VII., X., XL, Items 2, 8, 9, 25 .. Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31. „ Mar. 31, „ June June 9, . „ - Class VIII. Glasses IX. and XL, Item 24 Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Invercargill Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Invereargill New Zealand Hardware Company, Invercargill Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Invercargill Mar. 31, „ Mar. 31,1905 Mar. 31, 1906 June 10, . i Class XL, Items 1, 4 to 7, 14 to 20, 23, 26, 28 I

t>.— i


APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1904, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. NOETH ISL A1S D. AUCKLAND DISTRICT I 5,000 323 2,000 1,000 60 137 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 620 866 877 207 373 528 393 1,800 841 363 510 690 366 516 239 214 237 255 310 3 May, 1902 17 Sept., .. 13 Oct., „ 28 Nov., „ 29 Nov., ., 3 Dec, „ 18 May, 1903 18 June, „ 13 Aug., „ 9 Sept., „ 22 April, 1903 24 April, „ 24 April, „ 25 April. „ 29 April, „ 1 May, „ 5 May, „ 13 May, „ 1 June, „ 6 Aug., „ 6 Aug., „ 5 Nov., , 12 Nov., „ 21 Nov., , 22 Jan., 1904 8 Feb., „ 8 Feb., „ 11 Feb., „ 17 Feb., „ 19 Feb., „ 19 Feb., „ 2 Mar., „ 15 Mar., „ Various .. ■| G. F. Dickeson C. H. Clinkard R. McMillan John Paul Alf. Kelly Hinaki Ropihi C. Straka Edwin McMillan Ellis and Burnand C. Straka H. Melvor C. Richards .. G. J. Ryan A. Bell C. G. Dallas Alf. Edwards A. M. Riddell .. R. McMillan .. G. F. Dickeson Ngatai te Marnaku Toa 0. J. Ryan A. M. Riddel! Thomas Hutchinson .. H. Melvor .. E. W. Simmons W. H. Howe .. J. Gordon J. McCarthy .. Wm. Morgan .. Humatamahana H. M. Porter .. C. G. Dallas Sundry small contractors Kawakawa .. Makarau Kaukapakapa Puhoi Ongarue Taumarunui Tahekeroa .. Kaukapakapa Otorohanga.. Tahekeroa .. Piriaka Taumarunui Ongarue Taumarunui Ongarue Kaikohe Ongarue Kaukapakapa Kawakawa Taumarunui Ongarue Waitekauri .. Piriaka Taumarunui Ongarue Taumarunui Waitekauri Paeroa Taumarunui Ongarue Various s. d. .. j 5,000 totara 3 3 .. ! 1,000 „ 3 3 .. ! 2,000 „ 3 3 .. I 1,000 ,. 3 3 ..! 500 „ 3 0 400 . 3 0 .. 1,000 „ 3 3 .. 1,000 „ 3 3 .. 3,000 „ 3 3 .. 1,000 „ 3 3 620 totara 3 0 866 „ 3 0 .. i 877 „ 3 0 .. j 207 „ 3 0 373 „ 3 0 528 „ 3 3 393 „ 3 0 .. 1,800 „ 3 3 841 puriri 4 0 363 lotara 3 3 510 „ 3 0 690 „ 3 3 .. j 366 „ 3 3 .. I 516 „ 3 6 239 „ 3 3 .. 214 „ 3 3 237 „ 3 3 255 „ 3 3 310 „ 3 3 500 „ 3 3 .. 1,000 puriri 4 3 314 , 3 3 205 „ 3 3 .. 1,696 various Various Kawakawa Tahekeroa Tahekeroa Ahuroa Ongarue Taumarunui Tahekeroa Kaukapakapa Ongarue Tahekeroa Matapuna Taumarunui Ongarue Taumarunui Ongarue Kawakawa Ongarue Tahekeroa Kawakawa Taumarunui 30 Nov., 1903.. 31 Dec, „ .. 13 Mar., . .. 1 June, „ .. 29 Jan., „ .. 3 Feb., „ .. ! 31 Dec, „ .. 13 Sept., „ .. 13 Dec, „ .. 25 Dec, „ .. 22 April, „ .. 1 July, „ .. 15 Aug., „ .. 25 April, „ .. 15 Mar., 1904 .. 1 May, 1903 .. 5 May, „ .. 19 Feb., 1904 .. 1 June, 1903 .. 17 Nov., „ .. 30 Nov., 1903.. 31 Dec, „ .. 13 Mar., . .. 1 June, „ 29 Jan., „ .. 3 Feb., „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 13 Sept., „ .. 13 Dec, „ .. 25 Dec, „ .. 22 April, „ .. 1 July, „ .. 15 Aug., 25 April, „ .. 15 Mar., 1904 .. 1 May, 1903 .. 5 May, „ .. 19 Feb., 1904 .. 1 June, 1903 .. 17 Nov., „ .. 6 Aug., „ .. 1 Dec, , .. 12 Nov., , .. 18 Dec, „ .. 22 Jan., 1904 .. 8 Mar., „ .. 8 Feb., „ .. 11 Feb., , .. 17 Feb., „ .. 27 June, „ .. 20 Dec, „ .. 23 Mar., „ .. 15 Mar., „ .. Various 5,000 323 2,000 1,000 60 137 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 620 866 877 207 373 528 393 1,800 841 363 1 June, 1903. 19 Feb., 1904. 30 Nov., 1903. 16 Dec, 7 Jan., 1904. In hand. 23 Dec, 1903. 31 Aug., 19 Feb., 1904. 31 Dec, 1903 22 April. „ 1 July, 15 Aug. 25 April, . 15 Mar., 1904. 1 May, 1903. 5 May, 19 Feb., 1904. 1 June, 1903. 17 Nov., 6 Aug., . 1 Dec, 12 Nov., 18 Dec, . 22 Jan., 1904. 8 Mar., 8 Feb., „ 11 Feb., . 17 Feb., „ In hand. In hand. 23 Mar., „ 15 Mar., . 2 Mar., Ongarue 6 Aug., „ .. I 1 Dec, , .. 510 690 Waikino Matapuna Taumarunui 12 Nov., , .. 18 Dec, , .. 22 Jan., 1904 .. 8 Mar., „ .. 366 516 239 214 Ongarue Taumarunui : Waikino 8 Feb., „ .. 11 Feb., , .. 17 Feb., „ .. 27 June, „ .. 237 255 310 Taumarunui Ongarue Various 20 Dec, „ .. 23 Mar., „ .. 15 Mar., „ .. . Various 314 205 1,696 314 205 1,696


APPENDIX D—continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c. — continued.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date . 1 ,otal Date for Completion. "o o£ Gom P letion - NOETH I S L A N D — continued. TARANAKI DISTRICT. 21 Aug., 1903 21 Aug., „ 21 Aug., „ 2 Nov., „ .. J. Poster .. H. Crosby .. P. Kelly .. P. Kelly Midhurst Toko It s. d. I .. ! 500 rimu .. 13 ! Midhirst .. .. 500 „ .. 13 .. 1,300 „ .. 16 Toko .. 1,050 rimu & 2 2 matai .. i 21 Nov., 1903 .. .. 21 Nov., . .. .. 21 Nov., „ .. .. 29 Feb., 1904 .. 483 483 1,300 1,050 21 Nov., 1903. 21 Nov., , 2 Nov., „ 16 Feb., 1904. 12 Dec, 1900 12 May, 1903 13 May, „ 13 May, , 13 May, „ 13 May, „ 13 May, „ 13 May, „ 15 May, „ 15 May, „ 15 May, „ 19 May, „ 19 May, „ 19 May, „ 19 May, „ 26 May, „ 26 May, . 26 May, , 26 May, „ 26 May, „ 26 May, „ 26 May, „ 26 May, , 26 May, „ 26 May, , 26 May, „ 26 May, „ 1 June, „ 1 June, „ 3 June, „ 13 June, .. Manawatu Timber Company .. A. R. Small .. .. F. Morris .. G. Mist .. L. B. Dean .. .. Alexander Dean .. Joseph Torrey .. P. Helem .. W. Foley .. H. Ross .. N. Ross .. i T. E. Leach .. .. ! George Prime.. .. James Prime .. W. Prime .. R. Campbell .. .. F. Olsen .. I John Bennett.. .. J 0. H. Baufield .. Hans Prebensen .. Charles Ford .. .. M. Farrell .. .. H. F. W. Jurgens .. H. Jurgens .. M. J. Reardon .. M. O'Connor .. .. Joseph McCracken .. R. Print .. J. McCarthy .. .. John McCracken ... |H. P. Jorgensen Feilding Utiku Taihape Utiku RANGITIKEI DISTRICT. .. j 5,000 totara 3 6 Mangaweka • ■ j 250 „ 3 6 ' Utiku 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 • • I 250 „ 3 6 • ■ 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 • • 250 „ 3 6 •■ I 250 „ 3 6 „ ■ • • 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 3 6 200 . 3 6 .. 31 Mar., 1901.. .. i 12 Aug., 1903 .. .. 13 Aug., „ .. .. 13 Aug., „ .. .. 13 Aug., , .. ; .. 13 Aug., „ .. .. 13 Aug .. 13 Aug., „ .. .. 15 Aug., „ .. 15 Aug., „ .. • • 15 Aug., „ .. .. 19 Aug., „ .. .. 19 Aug., „ .. .. 19 Aug., „ .. .. 19 Aug., „ .. i .. 26 Aug., „ .. .. 26 Aug., „ .. 26 Aug., „ .. .. 26 Aug .. 26 Aug., „ .. . .. 26 Aug .. 26 Aug., „ .. , .. Aug., „ .. .. 26 Aug., „ .. .. 26 Aug., „ .. .. 28 Aug., „ .. .. 26 Aug., „ .. .. 1 Sept., „ .. 1 Sept., „ .. 3 Sept., . .. .. 1 3 Sept., „ .. 2,633 250 250 250 250 250 261 250 250 250 250 262 250 260 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 242 257 250 190 Balance cancelled. 5 June, 1903. 3 June, „ 24 July, „ 5 June, 5 June, 7 Aug., „ 3 July, „ 7 Aug., „ 7 Aug., „ 3 July, „ 7 Aug., „ 7 Aug., „ 7 Aug., „ 5 June, 5 June, 5 June, 5 June, 5 June, 5 June, 3 July, , 21 Aug., „ 5 June, „ 7 Aug., 7 Aug., „ 5 June, „ As completed. 10 Sept., 1903. 5 June, „ As completed.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers i t> , contracted for, i „, . „ . and Class of P er Place of D a Timber. Slee P er ' No. of Sleepers; contracted for, and Class of ! Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. jlivery. Date I for Completion. I Date Total Date { for Completion. t ® I of Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date i of Completion. NOETH ISLAN D— continued. RANGITIKBI DISTEICT— continued. 10 July, 1903 .. A. Dixon .. .. Utiku 10 July, „ .. H. Dixon 16 Aug., „ .. John A. Smith .. , 16 Aug., „ .. W. Cameron 16 Aug., „ .. T. Smithfield .. .. j , ■ 18 Sept., „ .. John H. Lyon .. 16 Nov., „ .. i G. E. Little .. Various .. .. Sundry small contractors Various s. d. I .. j 250 totara 3 6 j Utiku .. ! 250 , 3 6 .. ! 250 „ 3 6 .. 250 „ 3 6 .. 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 250 „ 3 6 .. I 3,759 i 3 6 .. 10 Oct., 1903 .. ..10 Oct., „ .. .. 16 Nov., „ .. ,. 16 Nov., „ .. .. ! 16 Nov., „ .. .. ; 18 Dec, „ .. .. ! 6 Feb., 1904 .. Various 250 250 250 225 263 '250 3,580 10 Sept., 1903. 10 Sept., „ 10 Sept., „ As completed. 10 Sept., 1903. 14 Jan., 1904. WELLINGTON. — Sept.. 1903 .. W. B. Sharp.. ..I Sydney — June, „ .. J. W. Wallace and Co. j Wellington .. .. 1,000 ironbarkl 4 6 Wellington .. 3,768 „ from 3/10 to 4/5 .. ! 1,000 3,768 1 Nov., 1903. i 18 Feb., 1994. * SOUTH ISLAND. NELSON DISTRICT. 24 Mar., 1903 .. | R. Drew ... .. i Wangapeka.. .. I 500 matai .. j 3 0 | Motupiko .. Not fixed .. I 500 2 Mar., 1904. WESTPORT DISTRICT. 10 June, 1903 .. P. Ahem .. .. [ Cape Foulwind 7 Oct., , .. Wm. Tiller .. 7 Oct., „ .. A. Kearns .. .. Westport 15 Feb., 1904 .. J. McGrath .. .. Cape Foulwind 13 Feb., „ .. G. G. McKay.. 13 Feb., „ .. J. Hobbs .. .. Mokihinui .. 13 Feb., „ .. A. Tiller .. .. Cape Foulwind 13 Feb., „ .. F. Fox .. 13 Feb., „ .. Dennehy Bros. .. | Bradshaws .. 13 Feb., „ .. W.Gibson .. .. i Addisons 13 Feb., „ .. J. Hobbs .. .. j Mokihinui .. 13 Feb J. Smith .. .. | Cape Foulwind 13 Feb., „ .. A. J. Davis .. ... Karamea Various.. .. Sundry small contractors ; Various .. 500 yellow or 3 5 Westport.. silverpine .. -500 ditto .. 3 5 .. 500 „ .. ! 3 5 .. 300 „ .. J 3 5 „ Wharf .. 254 „ .. I 3 5 .. 760 „ .. 3 5 .. 254 „ .. 3 5 .. 508 „ .. I 3 5 .. 254 „ .. j 3 5 • • 760 „ .. 3 5 ! .. 1,389 ,,..35 .. 381 „ .. 3 5 ..381 3 5 .. 559 „ .. I 3 5 .. 31 Dec, 1903.. .. 31 Dec, „ .. .. 31 Dec, „ .. .. 16 Mar., 1904 .. .. 29 Feb., „ .. .. 31 Mar., „ .. .. 29 Feb., „ .. .. 31 Mar., „ .. .. 29 Feb., „ .. .. 29 Feb., „ .. I .. I 29 Feb., „ .. j .. i 31 Mar., „ .. .. ! 31 Mar., „ .. .. ! Various 500 500 500 255 254 760 254 125 305 ■21 Dec, 1903. 21 Dec. 24 Feb., 1904. Balance of ordei cancelled. 3 Mar., 1904. 14 Mar., „ 1C Feb.,


APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

9—D. 1.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of j Timber. Kate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. OUTH I S.LAND— < continued. WBSTL iAND DISTRIC IT. — April, 1903 J. Murdoch .. Kumara 250 silverpine 300 ditto .. 475 „ .. 500 . .. 200 . 250 „ .. 500 , .. 500 „ .. 500 , 500 , .. 350 , 300 „ .. 500 , 500 „ .. 500 . 313 . .. 500 , 388 „ .. 282 , 300 „ .. 500 „ 500 J 500 „ .. 500 „ 250 „ .. 500 ... 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 439 „ 500 . 500 „ 500 , 500 „ .. s. d. 3 3 Kumara Railway-station 25 May, 25 May, 29 May, 29 May, 13 June, 18 June, 22 June, 24 June, „ 25 June, 27 June, 29 June, 20 July, 20 July, 29 July, „ 29 July, . 30 July, 30 July, 5 Aug., . 12 Aug., „ 14 Aug., , 25 Aug., . 2 Sept., » 2 Sept., „ 2 Sept., „ 3 Sept., „ 8 Sept., . 10 Sept., , 12 Sept., , 17 Sept., „ 19 Sept., „ 24 Sept., „ 17 Oct., Emily Lawson G. Hunt G. Gibson C. W. Murtha W. Stephens .. Stratford and Blair C. P. Lausten J. Baxter J. Craig W. A. Lawson S. Dixon J. Ijinklater .. J. Dixon H. Linklater .. G. Balimi W. Mason Stratford and Blair F. Fletoher .. W. Hegan G. Stewart .. D. O'Brien .. J. Wisbey W. G. Stuart.. F. W. Beirne .. W. Learmont .. G. Searle Thomas Rogers F. C. Gosling .. P. Johnson W. H. Batson M. McLoughlin G. H. Lawson 250 May, 1903. m • ■ it « « Rimu Greymouth.. Red Jack's .. Kokiri Kumara Stafford Kokiri Ross Greymouth .. Nelson Creek Arahura Cobden Ngahere 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Greymouth Ngahere Station .. Baxter's Siding Kumara Station .. Stafford Siding Awacuna Siding .. Stafford Siding Baxter's Siding Hokitika Wharf .. Greymouth Ngahere Station .. Kaihinu Siding Greymouth Ngahere Station .. 30 June, 1903 .. 31 July, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 30 June, » .. 30 June, „ .. 30 June, „ .. 31 July, , .. 30 June, , .. 30 June, , .. 31 July, „ .. 30 July, , .. 31 Oct., , .. 31 Oct., , .. 31 Oct 31 July, , .. 30 Sept 31 July, , .. 5 Aug., . .. 30 Sept 30 Sept., , .. 30 Sept., „ .. 30 Sept., , .. 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., . .. 30 Sept., „ .. 31 Oct., , .. 31 Oct., . .. 31 Oct 31 Oct., „ .. 31 Oct., „ .. 30 Nov., , .. 300 475 i.05 156 500 500 500 500 350 500 500 500 313 500 388 282 8 July, . 4 July, . ] Order cancelled. [Balance cancelled 18 June, 1903. 16 Jan., 1904. 24 June, 1903. 25 June, „ 16 Oct., „ ! Order cancelled. 3 Oct., 1903. 17 Nov., „ 3 Oct., , 29 July, , 17 Dec, , I 30 July, , 5 Aug., , Order cancelled. Ditto. *• Kumara Ngahere Kanieri Okarito Ngahere Ngahere Ahaura Waiho Gorge No Town Kumara Kumara Station .. Ngahere Station .. Hokitika Wharf .. Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station .. Ngahete Station .. Ahaura Station Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station .. Kumara Station .. 500 250 439 500 23 Dec, 1903. 28 Oct., „ Order cancelled. Order cancelled. 28 Oct., 1903. 23 Jan., 1904. 500 500 23 Dec, 1903. 14 Mar., 1904.



APPENDIX D— continued. STATEMENT of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.—continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. • D TH I SLAND■continued. WESTLAND DISTRIGT— cc ntinued. 17 Nov., 1903. 500 silverpine 500 ditto .. 590 „ .. 577 . .. 270 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 , .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 250 „ .. 250 , .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 591 , .. 500 „ .. 600 . .. 1,000 „ .. 598 „ .. 500 „ .. 500 „ .. 250 „ .. 200 „ .. 250 „ 500 „ .. 350 " .. 200 „ .. 1,000 „ .. 1,000 „ .. 250 „ .. 1,000 . .. 1,000 „ .. s. d. 3 3 Stafford Siding 500 24 Oct., 1903 S. Dixon Stafford 30 Nov., 1903 .. 12 Nov., 12 Nov., 14 Nov., 14 Nov., „ 14 Nov., 19 Nov., 19 Nov., 25 Nov., . 28 Nov., I Dec, , 18 Dec, 18 Dec, 18 Dec, 22 Dec, . 22 Dec, 24 Deo., 24 Dec, 29 Dae, 11 Dec, . 11 Dec, 20 Jan., 1904 20 Jan., 30 Jan., 3 Feb., 4 Feb., 4 Feb., „ 5 Feb., „ 9 Feb., II Feb., 16 Feb., 16 Feb., 18 Feb., 18 Feb., . J. M. Hannah W. Fisher J. Mcllahon .. E. Lockington W. H. Hui.t .. J. Linklater .. H. Linklater .. James Murdooh M. K°enan T. Dudley W. Powell P. Pletolier .. G. P. Lauscen.. VV. Peacock .. H. L. Ttiomas.. W. Weir \V. G. Stuart .. Hooliban and party F. 0. Gosling .. H. L. Michel .. J. Dwyer M.Kelly W. G. Stuart .. Emily Lawson 0. M. Murtha.. D. Weir 0. A. Merveldt T. Stephens .. Henry Linklater P. W. Archer.. W. A. Lawson Huwli Linklater P. G. Gosling .. Kamatna .. Hattec's Terrace ReeftoQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 y 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ikamatua Siding .. Ngahere Station .. Reef ton Station 31 Deo., „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 14 Nov., „ .. 14 Nov., „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Die , „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Jμ., 1904 .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 31 Jan., „ .. 24 Dec, 1903 .. 29 Feb., 1904 .. 31 Mar., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 11 Jan., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 29Feb 29 Feb., „ .. 29 Feb., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mir., „ .. 31 Mar 500 590 577 270 411 500 500 17 Dec, „ 7 Dec, „ 14 Nov., „ 14 Nov., „ Nelson Creek Stafford Ngahere Station .. Star Track 9 Dec, 1903. 3 Dec, Order cancelled Knmara Himu Totara Plat.. Humphrey's Ngahere lied Ja'jks .. Goldsoorough Arahura Twelve-Mile Kuraara Okarito NeUon Creek H ikicika Humphrey's Awatuna Kumara Kumara Station .. H)kitika Wharf .. Totara Plat Station Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station Stafford Siding Hokitika Wharf .. Nsjahere Station .. Kumaia Station .. Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station .. ' Hokitika Wharf .. Hokitika Wharf .. Ajvatuna S ding Kumara Station .. 351 500 500 204 250 500 591 500 7 Mar., 1931 25 Jan., „ 16 Jan., 1904. 2 Mar., 1904. 24 Dβ-.., 1903. 29 Mar., 1904. Order cancelled 18 Feb., 1904. 11 Jan., „ 28 Mar., „ 1,000 598 500 467 250 200 250 500 344 110 29 Mar., 1904. 15 Feb., . 29 Mar., „ 15 Mar., . Ngahere Stafford Rimu Stafford Reef Don Kumara S afford Nelson Creek Ngahere Station .. Stafford S .at on .. Hokitika Wharf .. j Stafford SUing Reefton Station Kumara Station .. Stafford Siding Ngahere Siding '2IO ■748


APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1903, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Glass of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. D t T . ofcaI for Completion. \f™£ Date of Completion. SOUTH ISLAND— continued. WB3TLAND DISTRICT— continued. 7 Mar., 1904 11 Mar., „ 11 Mar., , 14 Mar., . 15 Mar., „ 15 Mar., „ 19 Mac, „ 28 Mar., . 15 Mar., . Various* W. Muir W. Fisher D. Baybutt .. D. Weir Jack Brothers.. Lawson Brothers R. J. O'Brien.. J. Newt m T. McMahon Sundry small contractors Ross Nelson Creek Totara Flat.. Ngahere Kotuku Kumara Rimu Fox's Reefton Various s. d. 304 silver- 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. pine .. 1,143 ditto.. 3 3 Ngahere Station .. 500 ... 33 Totara Flat Station 500 , .. 3 3 Ngahere Station .. .. 2,000 „ .. 3 3 Kotuku Siding 300 „ .. 3 3 Kumara Station .. 250 ... 33 Hokitika Wharf .. 450 . .. 3 3 333 ... 33 Reefton Station .. .. 2,496 „ .. 3 3 Various .. 7 Mar., 1904 .. 30 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Mar., . .. 30 April , .. 30 April . .. 30 April . .. 28 Mar., „ .. 15 Mar Various 304 1,143 269 683 I 7 Mar., 1904. 15 Mar., „ 68 450 333 2,481 28 Mar.',' 1904. 15 Mar., „ Balance cancellei 19 Nov., 1903 19 Nov., , 17 Dec, . Samuel Tomlinson Wm. N. McLean John Hannan Or AGO DISTRICT. 19 Feb., 1904 .. 19 Feb., „ .. 17 Mar 345 400 Makarewa .. Romahapa .. Orepuki 500 totara 3 3 Wright's Bush 500 , 3 0 Romahapa ..1,000 . 3 6 Waimahaka * Contracts entered into for supply of sleepers in lots of less than 200.





The Engineeb-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Woeks. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1904. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the colony during the past year. EAILWAYS. Absteact. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1904:—

Name of Bailway. Total Length of Bailway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1904. Liabilities on 31st March, 1904. M. oh. 19 40 M. eh. 17 21 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 £ s. d. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa- Graham town— Opua Wharf-Hukerenui Hukerenui-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards to Maungaturoto Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley-Botorua Gisborne-Karaka Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) Wellington-Foxton Foxton-New Plymouth, with Branches Stratford-Kawakawa North Island Main Trunk Nelson-Roundell Midland Railway* Greymouth-Nelson Creek Greymouth-Hokitika and Boss Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokihinui Colliery Line} Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth-Coal Creek§ Picton-Waipara— Picton-McKenzie Waipara-McKenzie Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line —Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope|| Western Railways Preliminary surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way on hand Value of permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock 33 8 25 20 53 15 151 1 75 18 69 33 18 25 233 12 195 49 101 0 210 6 22 73 243 55 7 51 40 37 ' 19 56 7 12 3 69 2 40 5 1 j 7 41 22 52 18 41 151 1 62 58 69 33 13 10 233 12 195 49 6 26 106 20 22 78 93 58 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 119,751 8 7 157,424 6 7 157,097 5 1 1,264,236 19 10 403,619 15 7 354,817 6 11 88,764 18 8 2,090,713 12 9 42,116 3 4 1,412,733 15 8 41,625 13 7 1,324,349 17 5 165,670 11 0 385,972 14 4 166,471 11 11 226,843 8 9 188,008 17 3 2,572 7 3 77 15 9 4,296 15 11 3,547 9 11 118 9,662 4 5 37,868 7 5 7,760 10 1 20,630 11 4 3,405 3 11 138 15 35 0 483 72 83 0 561 48 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 33 45 14 59 443 8 11 44 468 34 98 18 97 44 12 40 62 24 327,929 17 5 121,466 8 8 2,275,010 14 7 59,343 9 2 3,547,063 17 7 1,090,564 0 8 331,321 18 11 22,733 19 3 262,660 19 4 30,596 4 10 10,336 19 11 42,376 4 10 4,626 0 9 1,959 5 3 2,513 2 4 2,157 13 6 25,000 0 0 3,273,148 18 10 36,906 14 3 Total 3,222 62 2,324 76 20,085,447 9 8 117,354 12 Provincial Government Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, Valuation of Works constructed by Company 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,222 62 2,324 76 21,878,163 16 9 117,354 12 * The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amoi t The funds for this extension—namely, £35,501 2s. lid.—wen t The funds for purchase of this line, .£15,745, were provided t § The funds for purchase and completion of this line were pi j The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by tfc ant charged t a provided b> ty the Westpi rovided for o le Lands Dep igainst the ci r the Westpo ort Harbour! nt of State O lartment. ilony. •t Harbour Board. Board. >al Mines Account.


During the year a total length of 32 miles 11 chains of railway was opened for traffic. The following table contains particulars of the sections : —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the lengths of railway opened each year since the commencement of the public-works policy. Kawakawa-Geahamtown. Section (7 m. 16 eh. to 15 m.; length, about 8 miles). —The earthworks have been finished up to the 15 m. point, but some slips have since occurred on the last half mile. These have now been practically overcome. The platelaying and ballasting have been completed up to the cuttings where the slips have occurred. The construction of the earthworks for the extension to Grahamtown is in progress. The bridge over the Whangarei has been finished. Training-piles to guide vessels through the openingspace have been provided; also extensive soundings and borings for the wharf at Grahamtown have been made and plans are being prepared. Helensville Noethwaeds. Komokoriki Section (49 m. 54 eh. to 56 m. 30 eh.; length, 6 miles 56 chains). —On the 2nd September last part of this section was handed over to the Eailway Department and opened for traffic. Work is now in progress on the remaining portion of the section, from 54 m. 29 eh. to 56 m., but slips have hindered progress very much. The rails are laid up to 55 m. 30 eh. at the mouth of the tunnel, and the line ballasted. The tunnel is now pierced and being lined. Kaipara Flats Section. — (56 m. 30 eh. onwards). —A start has been made on the earthworks, but only a little work has been done. Paeeoa-Waihi. Length, 12 miles 40 chains. —The line is finished up to the Karangahake Station, and goods traffic has been undertaken as required since the beginning of the year. The road and railway bridge over the first crossing of the Ohinemuri Eiver was finished at the end of October last. The tunnel has been excavated for a length of 46 chains, leaving 8 chains to be done. The lining of the length excavated is nearly completed. A contract has been let for the erection of the steel superstructures of the bridges over the second and third Ohinemuri Eiver crossings. The concretework for these bridges is in progress. Some minor timber bridges have yet to be built. The earthworks between the tunnel and the termination of the line are well advanced. A contract has been let to build a stationmaster's house at Waihi. It is expected that the tunnel will be finished by the end of the year. Gisboene-Kaeaka. Karaka Section (12 m. 65 eh. to 18 m.; length, 5 miles 15 chains). —The Waipaoa Bridge is now nearly completed. Work has been proceeding slowly, being mostly concentrated in piercing the tunnel from 15 m. 31-J eh. to 15 m. 41 eh. The headings met in August last. The tunnel is now well advanced towards completion, the lining being about half-done, and it is expected that it will be nearly finished in about three months. The earthworks, &c, are almost completed up to the tunnel. Noeth Island Main Teunk Eailway. North End. The section from Poro-o-tarao Tunnel to Taumarunui Station, a length of about 27-§ miles, was finished and handed over to the Eailway Department in December of last year and opened for traffic. Taumarunui Sectio?i (76 m. 55 eh. to 83 m. 23 eh.; length, 6 miles 48 chains). —The Taumarunui Bridge was completed by the contractors, Messrs. Scott Bros., in January last. The earthworks on the section were nearly finished about the beginning of the year, but some heavy slips occurred. The rails have been laid to the end of the section, but two large slips, at 80 m. 50 eh. and at 81 m. 71 eh., are still giving trouble. Whakapapa (129 m. to 119 m. (Marton chainage) ; length, 10 miles). —All the bush has been felled for the railway, and also for the service road; very good progress has been made with the culverts and earthworks. The concrete piers for the Waitea Bridge have been finished, and the girders are in position. The concrete piers for the Kakahi Bridge are nearly finished. The rails have been laid to the Waitea Bridge, at 127 m. 45 eh. Some heavy slips have occurred on the section. Owhango Section (119 miles to 111 miles ; length, Smiles). —Bushfalling and the construction of the service road are now well forward. A contract has been let to Messrs G. Fraser and Sons for the manufacture and supply of all the steelwork for bridges between 128 m. and 97 m. 30 eh. Some of the girders have been delivered and are in position, and the work is now well advanced. The telephone line has been carried to Owhango. Goods and passengers were carried by the ballasttrain over the unopened section to Taumarunui Station up to the time of the formal opening of the line. A sawmill is being arranged for at Kakahi to cut sleepers and other necessary timber.


Kailway. Section. : Length. Date of Opening. Helensville Northwards ... North Islaud Main Trunk Orepuki-Waiau ... ... Tahekeroa-Ahuroa ... Poro-o-tarao-Taumarunui ... Orepuki-Waihoaka M. oh. 4 55 27 36 4 40 2nd September, 1903. 1st December, 1903. 1st October, 1903.


South End. Makohine Section (22 m. 40ch. to 33 m. 40 eh. from Marton Junction). —The unopened length of this section, from the Mangaweka Station to 33 m. 40 eh.—a length of one mile and three-quarters— has been maintained during the year. Mangaweka Section (33 m. 40 eh. to 40 m. 40 eh.; length, 7 miles). —The Mangaweka Viaduct was finished in November last: the work of erection occupied about a year, but most of the work was done in under ten months. The Toitoi Bridge piers and superstructure have been completed during the year. The formation of the Utiku Station yard has been completed, and the metalling of the yard and approach roads is nearly finished. The fencing on the section is nearly completed. A ballast-pit has been opened at 33 m., and has been partly cleared and stripped. Paengaroa Section (40m. 40 eh. to 50 m. 70 eh.; length, 10 miles 30 chains). —The formation has been completed up to Taihape Station yard, also the extensive works involved in the formation of that yard are completed; the rails have been laid up to the end of the Taihape Station, and the laying of the sidings in the station-yard has been started. Five sets of points and crossings have been put in at Utiku Station, and a backshunt siding laid and ballasted. A ballast-pit siding has been laid at 33 m., also a private siding at 40 m. 27 eh. The formation has been nearly finished up to the south end of the Mataroa Tunnel. There are still some banks to be finished between the Mataroa Tunnel and the end of the section; also some road-formation. The work of completing the short tunnel at 46 m. 20 eh. will be put in hand as soon as the materials for lining can be carried by rail. About 10-J chains of the bottom heading of the Mataroa Tunnel (49 m. 41 eh. to 49 m. 71 eh. have been driven ; it should be ready for lining as soon as the short tunnel is finished, when materials will be brought by rail. Turangarere Section (50 m. 70 eh. to 61m. 40 eh.; length, 10 miles 50 chains). —Most of the culverts have been finished, and good progress has been made with the earthworks. There is, however, a considerable amount of heavy earthwork still remaining to be done. A large quantity of limestone has been broken for concrete for bridges, and it is proposed to begin the erection of the bridge-piers next summer. Waiouru Section (61 m. 40 eh. to 69 m.; length, 7 miles 40 chains).- —A start has been made with the earthworks on the first mile of this section. Further works will be put in hand as soon as the roads will admit of further plant and material being put on the ground. Good progress has been made at the Makohine workshops with the manufacture of the steel girders for the bridges up to 85 m. 49 eh. The quantity of steel in these bridges is about 436 tons. Steatpoed-Whangamomona. Oruru Section (6 m. 26 eh. to 11m. 16 eh.; length, 4 miles 70 chains).- —The form ation-works are nearly finished on the line, but a considerable amount of work remains to be done to finish the station-yards. All the timber bridges of short spans have been built, and a road-bridge giving access to Gordon Eoad Station is nearly finished. A ballast-siding about one mile long has been constructed. Midland Eailway. Tadmor Section (31m. to 41m. 29ch; length, 10 miles 29 chains). —The formation-works have been finished up to 40J miles, also the road approaches to the bridge over the Motueka Eiver. The road and railway bridge over the Motueka Eiver has been completed. Protective works of concrete blocks and netted-boulder works are now being constructed along the up-stream faces and ends of the approach-banks. The rails have been laid up to Maniaroa Station, a length of four miles and three-quarters, and part of the ballasting has been done. A platelayer's cottage has been erected at Maniaroa Station, and it is proposed to remove the shelter-shed at Spooner's Eange Tunnel and re-erect it at this station. Reefton-Inangahua Section. —The bush on this section has been cleared for about three miles and a quarter, and the fencing finished for the first two miles and a quarter, and some progress has been made with the earthworks. The bridge over the Inangahua at Eeefton has been finished. The erection of the combined road and railway bridge over the Inangahua at the landing is in progress. The piers are nearly finished. The contractor has been delayed by the loss of his staging by a high flood. A contract has been let for the erection of a combined road and railway bridge over the Waitahu. Otira Gorge.—No construction-work has been done on this section of the railway during the year. Mount Torlesse section (6 m. to 18 m.; length 12 miles). —The earthworks are in progress as far as Broken Eiver. The first tunnel, No. 7, beyond Staircase, is finished. The heading has been driven through No. 8 tunnel, and the work of enlarging and lining is in progress. A heading has been driven for a length of 15 chains at one end of No. 9 tunnel, and the lining is completed for about 2 chains at the other end. Work is in progress on four faces in this tunnel. Blocks for tunnel-lining are now being made. The rails have been laid up to Staircase Viaduct, and the line ballasted. The concrete foundations for Staircase Viaduct are in progress, also for a small bridge over Blakiston's Creek. A contract has been let to the Cleveland Bridge Company for the erection of the steel superstructure of the Staircase and Broken Eiver Viaducts. Also, a contract has been let for the manufacture of the steel girders required for three small bridges over creeks between Staircase and Broken Eiver. The works on the four miles of this section from Staircase to Sloven Creek are very heavy. Picton- Waipaea . Omihi Section. —Six platelayers' cottages have been erected ; also an oil-engine to pump water for the Waipara station-supply. Waikari Section (15m. to 23 m. 54-42 eh.; length, 8 miles 54-42 chains). —The formation is finished to 19 m. 20 eh., and all the cuttings up to 20 m. 62 eh. are in an advanced state. All



culverts have been finished up to the Hurunui, also a small bridge over the Scargill. About six miles of fencing have been done and the remainder is in progress. All the coucrete-work is nearly finished for the Hurunui Bridge, and the contractors for the erection of the steel superstructure, Messrs. Scott Bros., have made good nrogress with their work. One of the 100 ft. spans is in place and partly riveted up; the other 100 ft. span ispartlv in place, and four of the smaller spans are also in position, leaving only one 22 ft. span to nut in place. It is expected that the bridge will be finished in August. About a quarter of a mile of permanent-way has been laid beyond Scargill Station. Cheviot Section. —About one mile of service road has been formed north of the Hurunui, and a start has been made with some of the cuttings. Work, however, was temporarily stopped to strengthen the parties south of the river. Ngaheee-Blackball Eailway. The contract for the erection of the combined road and railway bridge over the Grey Eiver has been completed, and the approaches are being made to enable the bridge to be used for road traffic. Coal Cbeee: Eailway. The works on this line have been so far finished as to enable the carriage of coal from the mines to be undertaken. The works required to form the station at the mines were very heavy, and in addition to these many minor works had to be carried out to complete the line. Works to complete the station are now in hand including buildings, water-supply, and finishing the cuttings and platelaying beyond the station required to give ample shunting accommodation. Hokitika-Eoss Eailway. A considerable amount of bushfelling has been done and the earthworks on nearly four miles of the line are practically finished, but there are yet unfinished garjs in the earthworks. Good progress has been made with the erection of the combined road and railway bridge over the Hokitika Eiver. The river-bed has proved to be somewhat soft, necessitating the driving of additional piles in the piers to get sufficient bearing-power. Otago Centeal. All construction-works have been finished up to the end of Ophir Station yard at llli m., also the rails are laid to this point, but the ballasting is not quite finished. The station buildings at Lauder and Ophir are finished. Spottis Section, (part 111 m. 40 eh. to 114 m. IS eh.; length, 2 miles 58 chains). —The earthworks are finished on this part of the Spottis section, and the bridge over Spottis Creek is being built. Chatto Section (114 m. 18 eh. to 121 m. 38 eh.; length, 7 miles 20 chains). —All the culverts are finished on the first four miles of this section, and good progress has been made with those on the last three miles. A considerable amount of the earthworks has been done. Tenders have been invited for the erection of the bridge over the second crossing of the Manuherikia Eiver at 121 m. Catlin's Eivee Eailway Extension. The works on this length of three miles and a half are practically finished, but the formal opening of the line has been delayed by the flooding of the ballast-pit, some additional ballast being yet required. Waipahi-Heeiot Eailway Extension. The formation-works on this line are just about completed. Two of the four bridges are completed, and the other two are well advanced. A contract for station buildings at E He's has been let, and good progress has been made with the erection of the buildings. The permanent-way has been laid for the first 70 chains. EIVEESDALE-SwiTZEES EAILWAY. The combined road and railway bridge over the Mataura Eiver has been finished, and was opened for public traffic in April last. Sueveys op New Lines, Land-plan Sueveys, Etc. The location survey of the Kawakawa-Grahamtown line has been finished to Hukerenui, including some deviations of the original line. This connects with the survey from Whangarei. The land-plan survey of this section of the line is now in progress. A trial survey has been run beyond 66 m. on the Helensville Northwards Eailway vid Wellsford, Te Haua. and Mainene Creeks to Kaiwaka and the Mountain Creek Gorge, passing three miles east of Maungaturoto. Another trial-line survey has been partly done, starting south of Kaiwaka, passing through the Colbeck property, and between Maungaturoto and Paparoa. Another route remains to be tried, starting from 66 m. vid Port Albert, Topuni, and crossing the flats west of Kaiwaka. On the extension of the Gisborne-Karaka line towards Motu a trial line has been run from Karaka for a length of nine miles and a half on the Wheao route, also about eight miles by the Waihuka route; wet weather interfered with the progress of the work. A land-plan survey of five miles and a quarter of the Gisborne-Karaka line has been done by contract. A trial survey of a deviation of the Stratford-Whangamomona line, starting from 10 m. 55 eh. vid the Makuri Valley to 17 m. 15 eh. on the Huiroa route, has been completed. A survey has been made for a branch-line for ballast towards Mount Egmont, startina: from Waipuku Station on the main line. After a very considerable amount of prospecting had been done rock in quantity in a convenient locality was found. The length of the line is about nine miles and a quarter, and about five miles and a half of the permanent survey have been done.



Land-plan surveys have been made of land required for rifle ranges at Brightwater and Matai, Nelson; also, land-plan survey for land required for the approaches to Aorere Bridge, Collingwood. A survey for an alternative ballast-pit for the Tadmor section of the Midland Eailway has been made. A resurvey of part of the Midland Eailway, between Broken Eiver and Sloven Creek, has been made, and a considerable saving in cost will be effected. The survey for a line of railway from Westport to Inangahua Junction has been in progress during the year; trial-line work has been finished, and the permanent survey has been completed for nearly six miles. The trial surveys suggested to be made by Mr. Bogue to determine the best route over Arthur's Pass were finished last year. Plans, estimates, and other information relative to the various routes were finished and sent to Mr. Bogue in September last. A survey for the extension of Mount Somers Tramway, also for land-plans, has been made. A survey for a railway-line from Culverden to Hanmer Plains is now in progress. A short deviation survey is being made on the Picton-Waipara line in the Hurunui Gorge to avoid a slip. A trial-line survey to carry the Ngahere-Blackball line to a point nearer the Blackball mine has been located, and a permanent survey has since been made. A land-plan survey for six miles of the Otago Central Eailway, from 105 m. 40 eh. to 111 m. 40 eh., has been satisfactorily completed by contract. A land-plan survey for six miles and a quarter of the Waipahi-Heriot extension has been satisfactorily finished by contract. A trial survey for the extension of the Catlin's line towards Seaward Bush has been in progress since the middle of January last. Good progress has been made, though the work has been much hindered by wet weather. Nine miles and a half have been surveyed, and a number of trial lines run to determine the best location. Sleepees. Under contracts and agreements for the supply of sleepers, the deliveries during the year ending the 31st March last were as follows: Auckland District—2s,o9s totara, 841 puriri; Taranaki District — 2,800 rimu, 516 matai; Eangitikei District — 12,290. totara ; Wellington, 4,768 ironbark; Nelson District—-500 matai; Westport District—-3,453 yellow or silver pine; Westland District—27,46o silver-pine; Otago District—74s totara, 311 ironbark ; Lyttelton— 254 ironbark. EOADS, BEIDGES, ETC. The road-bridge over the Aorere Eiver at Collingwood has been finished. A contract has been let for the construction of a bridge over Burton Ale Creek on the approach to this bridge, and the construction of approach roads on both sides of the river is in hand. Several small construction contracts on the Westport-Waimangaroa Eoad have been completed, also some other minor works on roads near Westport. A number of reports have been furnished to the Mines Department on roads and tracks. The contract for the erection of a road-bridge over the Kokotahi Eiver just above its junction with the Hokitika Eiver has been finished. The formation of the approaches to the bridge was done by co-operative contracts. A wire footbridge has been built over Moonlight Creek. The pier on the left bank of the Grey Eiver-Taylorville suspension was renewed in ironbark. Some widening was done on the Haupiri Hot Springs track, and similar work on the Ahaura, Haupiri, and Hatters' Terrace tracks. Some renewal works on the Great South Eoad between Waihoa and the Forks were finished, and a considerable amount of work in making good flood-damages. A report was made on damage done to the road between Stillwater and Brunner by a gold-dredger. A number of roads and tracks were inspected and reported on for the Mines Department in the Westland district. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland District. The Government House and grounds have been kept in a state of repair, and all necessary work in the maintenance of the Departmental buildings in Auckland, Thames, Tauranga, and Gisborne, has been done. Courthouses. —ln the Supreme Court, Auckland City, and in the various courthouses in the district, all maintenance-work has been done, and a number of minor improvements and additions made in fittings ; also improvements in internal arrangements, and in the grounds, &c. Gaols. —Considerable progress has been made with the erection of the central wing, Mount Eden Gaol, and the building is now well advanced towards completion A start is being made with the portion of the building intended to provide offices for the staff, &c. A Gaoler's residence has been completed during the year at Mount Eden. Some improvements in the kitchen arrangements have been made at the Whakarewarewa prison, and additions made to the Gaoler's residence at Gisborne. A new concrete wash-house and drying-closet has been built at Auckland Asylum. The old laundry is being converted into a dormitory. The internal painting of the auxiliary asylum has been finished during the year. Mangakawa Sanatorium, Cambridge. —A contract to make alterations in the old building, erect extra rooms for nurses, kitchen-rooms, male and female shelters, and construct a reservoir has been let, and good progress has been made with the works. A glass drying-shed has been .



built; electric lighting has been supplied to all the buildings ; two cottages have been built, also a dining-shelter for male patients ; a dining-room and some sleeping-rooms for workmen ; a shelter and a doctor's office. Additional shelters and other works are in course of construction. Police-stations. —Additional rooms have been built by contract at Ponsonby Police-station. A stable at Waiuku. A constable's residence has been built at Te Awamutu ; a sergeant's residence at Waihi; a station at Piriaka; and sundry minor works, additions, alterations, and repairs at other police-stations. Post and Telegraph Offices. —A cottage has been built at Doubtless Bay Cable-station. Tenders have been called for the erection of a new post-office at Mangonui; a contract for repairs to the residense at Dargaville Post-office has been completed ; a small building for a post-office has been erected at Pahi. Various small alterations have been made ; extra fittings, &c, provided in the Auckland Post-office. A fumigating-shed has been built on the Auckland Eailway Wharf. Tenders are being invited for the erection of a new post-office at Tauranga. A clock and chimes have been fitted up in the Gisborne Post-office. Other minor additions, alterations, repairs, and maintenance-works have been done at various places. Native Schools. —A teacher's residence has been built by contract at Kenana ; additions have been made to the Oromahoe School. Anew school has been built at Kaingahoa, and a contract for the removal of the Tapuaeharuru School has been completed. A school has been built at Te Kaha and a new residence at Te Teko. The residence at Paeroa has been completed. The contracts for the erection of schools at Oruanui and Waitahanui are in progress, also a contract for additions at Euatoki School. Tenders have been invited for the erection of schools at Waioeka and Mangaoronga. Additions to the Taumarunui School have been completed under contract. All maintenance-work, many minor alterations, and other works have been carried out during the year. The contract for additions to the Industrial School, Mount Albert, was completed during the year. May-Oatway fire-alarms have been fixed in the building and sundry repairs and improvements carried out. New Plymouth, Wanganui, and Hawke's Bay Districts. Police-stations. —A contract for alterations, additions, &c, to the station at Waitotara has been finished by day labour, owing to death of contractor. Some small additions and alterations were made at the Stratford Station ; also similar work at Hawera. Some work was done at the New Plymouth Station in renewals and repairs, and some small additions and alterations are in progress at the Normanby Station. A new police-station has been built at Mangaweka, and a new stable at Moawhango. A new lock-up is being built at Hunterville, and the old Public Works office is being converted into a police-station. Post-offices. —A new telephone exchange and some other additions have been made to the Stratford Post-office. A new post-office is being built at Eltham. New offices have been finished at Urenui, Eaetihi, Hunterville, and Woodville. Some fittings have been provided at Wanganui Post-office, and a clock erected. A clock is also being erected at Feilding Post-office. Additions to Customhouse, Wanganui, were completed during the year. A Native hostelry has been built at New Plymouth ; it was largely added to during construction, and the extra work is not yet complete. Wellington. The contract for the erection of a Customhouse in Wellington is in progress ; the work has been delayed by scarcity of bricks. The Magistrate's Court at Wellington was completed during the year ; also a Courthouse at Levin. A police-station has been built at Featherston. A building was purchased and re-erected as a police-station at the Lower Hutt. Additions and alterations in progress last year at Mount Cook Police-station have been finished. A contract has been let for the erection of a post-office at Levin. A contract has been let for additions to the Carterton Post-office. A contract for additions to the Shannon Post-office is in progress. Clocks have been made by contract for the post-offices at Oamaru, Ashburton, Feilding, and Wellington South. A contract for the erection of a laboratory for the Mines Department at Wellington is approaching completion. A building is being erected as a laboratory for the Health Department. A brick building has been erected at Wallaceville for a laboratory for the Agricultural Department. The contract for the erection of buildings for an industrial home for boys at Levin is now nearly completed. A contract for the erection of public buildings at Napier in brick is still in progress. A part has been finished, and is now occupied. A large amount of work has been done during the year at Mount View Asylum in interior improvements and renovations, &c. The No. 2 auxiliary building at Porirua Asylum was completed in October last, and additions to it are now in progress, consisting of a day-room, kitchen, and some attendants' rooms. A fire-alarm system has been fitted in No. 1 auxiliary building, and many minor works have been carried out during the year. As usual a large amount of work was done in maintaining the various public buildings in Wellington, and in various minor improvements and alterations from time to time required. A considerable advance has been made in fitting electric light in offices, &c.

10—D. 1.



Maelboeough. A new nolice-station has been erected at Havelock, and some improvements made in the police-station at Blenheim. Some minor works were carried out at the Departmental Buildings, Blenheim, and some small renewals at the post-offices at Picton and Eenwick, in addition to ordinary maintenance-work as required. Nelson. An auxiliary reservoir to hold 60,000 gallons of water has been completed at the Nelson Asylum. The water is got from springs. Electric fire-alarms have been fitted at the same institution, a workshop and other buildings built. Some repairs, &c, have been carried out at Wakapuaka Cable-station, and the possibility of storing water for fire-prevention purposes investigated. Some small additions have been made to the post-office at Port Nelson, and to the police-station. Tenders have been received for the erection of a new drill-shed in Nelson. All necessary maintenance-work in connection with public buildings has been done. West Coast Districts. Westport. —A contract for the erection of Courthouse and offices at Westport has been completed. A constable's residence has been built at Seddonville. Small contracts for alterations to police-station, Denniston ; police-station, Lyell ; and post-office, Lyell, have been completed. Various small works have been done in connection with other buildings in the district. . Beef ton. — Some small works in repairs, &c, have been done or are in progress. Brunner. —Considerable repairs to the police-station have been carried out. Greymouth. —Additional offices are being erected at the police-station; also, some minor improvements have been made. Some repairs, painting, &c, have been done on the Postmaster's residence and Courthouse. Tenders for the erection of a new post-office were received, but none accepted. Kumara. —Some small works were carried out at the police-station and Courthouse. Hokitika. —A building has been erected by contract to serve as a Land Board office. A contract for repairs and renewals to drill-shed has been completed. Various works, consisting of repairs, maintenance, &c, have been carried out at the police-station, post and telegraph office, Supreme Court, &c. Plans were provided for erection of a concrete tank for water-supply at the Gaol, and also for an addition to the Asylum buildings. Boss. —Small additions have been made at the post-office, and repairs, &c, at the Court-house. Okarito —New police quarters have been built. Canteebuey. Christchurch. — Departmental Buildings : Considerable alterations have been made for the Lands and Deeds Eegistry Office, and various improvements effected in the buildings and grounds. Small improvements and repairs have been made in the Supreme Court, and Stipendiary Magistrates Court, Christchurch. Also various works involving alterations, renovations, repairs, &c, have been carried out at the Courthouses Kaiapoi, Eakaia, Geraldine, Temuka, and Timaru, and the gaol, Timaru. Police-stations. —Tenders are being invited for repairs, &c, to police-stations at Kaikoura and Amberley. Additions and alterations are being made to the residence at Culverden. Some additions and improvements have been made to the police-station at St. Alban's. The stable injured by fire at Christchurch Police-station has been rebuilt, and a number of improvements in the buildings, &c, made. The constable's house at Bingsland has been renovated and improvements made. Some additions and improvements to the Sumner Station have been made. A brick lock-up has been built at the Lyttelton Station, and several minor additions to the buildings and other improvements made. A new station is being built at Akaroa. Various minor works have been carried out at Coalgate, Sheffield, Ashburton, and Geraldine Stations in repairs and renovations. Extensive alterations, additions, renovations, &c, have been carried out at the police-station, Temuka, and some small works at Timaru and Waimate. Post and Telegraph Offices. —Tenders have been received for additions to residence at Waiau. A new post-office in brick is being erected at Kaiapoi. Some small improvements have been made at Sumner, Geraldine, Temuka, and Lyttelton Post-offices, and similar work and renovations at the post-office, Eolleston. A four-face striking-clock has been fixed in the tower of the Ashburton Post-office. Some extensive improvements, renovations, and alterations have been made in the Timaru Post-office. Some alterations and additions have been made to the Waimate Post-office, and a telephone bureau and bicycle shed provided. A new Auxiliary Asylum, containing seventy beds, has been completed at Sunnyside ; also a boiler-house and an additional building containing dining-room, kitchen, &c, are being built. A farm-manager's house has been built. Extensive alterations and renovations are being made at the North House. New ovens have been built and various other works carried out. Extensive alterations and renovations to building for Eeceiving-home for Girls, Christchurch, have been carried out, also various improvements in outbuildings, &c. Many improvements have been made in the Te Oranga Home, Burwood, and additional furniture and fittings provided. An addition has been built to the cottage hospital. The girls' wing of the Deaf-mutes' Institute at Sumner has been finished, fittings, &c, provided, and the grounds put in order. The water-supply and drainage system at Burnham Industrial School have been completed. Water-tanks are being supplied for the Native settlement at Little Eiver. A Native school has been built at Chatham Islands.




Otago Disteict. Post-offices. —A contract for extensive alterations to the Dunedin Post-office has been completed, also various other works have been done by petty contract or day labour in the same building. Petty contracts for alterations, additions, improvements, and renovations, have been carried out at Fortrose, Waikaka, Palmerston South, Balclutha, Queenstown, Alexandra, and Invercargill. A contract has been let for the erection in stone of a Postmaster's residence at Clyde. Police-stations. —Petty contracts have been finished for renovating Oamaru Police-station, additions to South Dunedin Station, alterations to North Dunedin Station, and for painting and renovating Queenstown Station. A new stable is being built at Invercargill Police-station. Courthouses. —Eepairs have been done at the Oamaru Courthouse, renovations at Milton, and repairs and renovations at Lawrence Courthouses. A room has been fitted up in the Dunedin Law Courts for the use of the Arbitration Court. All the woodwork in these buildings is being oiled by petty contract. Gaols. —Eenovations to the Oamaru Gaol have been done by petty contract. Eepairs to the Invercargill Gaol have been done by local tradesmen and partly by prison-labour. Some minor works were carried out at the Customhouse, Dunedin ; Industrial School, Caversham ; and the Government Life Insurance Buildings, Dunedin. A residence has been built for an electrician at Seacliff. Some works have been done with the intention of strengthening the foundations of the north wing. A number of water-tanks have been supplied to Natives on Stewart Island. In addition to the works enumerated for the various provincial districts of the colony, many minor works of improvement or maintenance have been carried out in each district. UTILISATION OF WATEE-POWEE. A considerable amount of preliminary survey work in connection with the utilisation of waterpower has been done during the year, and some information has been collected otherwise. Surveys have been made at Wairua Falls, Okere Eapids, and further down the Kaituna Eiver ; also at Huka Falls and Aratiatia Eapids on the Waikato. Accurate levels have been obtained from the outlet of Lake Taupo to the bottom of the Aratiatia Eapids. Surveys have been made and data obtained relative to the utilisation of Lake Waikaremoana and the Te Eeinga Falls; also preliminary observations have been made to get data regarding the Eangitikei, Waiohine, Tauherenikau, Otaki, Hutt, and some smaller streams. Surveys for water-race lines, water-conduit tunnels, dam-sites, &c, have been made for a proposal to utilise Lake Coleridge. A number of trial lines for water-races from Lake Tekapo have been run, and preliminary observations and examinations made as to Lake Heron, Waimakariri, Eangitata, Opihi Eivers, Lakes Pukaki and Ohau, and Waitaki Eiver. Surveys have been made relative to the Hawea-Wanaka scheme to determine length of conduit, magnitude of dam, &c. Surveys were made to determine height of fall obtainable at the Kawarau Eapids at the outlet of Lake Wakatipu. Data have been got relative to Lakes Te Anau, Manapouri, and Monowai; Waiau Eiver, the Hauroko-Poteriteri scheme, the Taieri and Manuherikia Eivers, and the Teviot and other streams. Some very valuable and interesting results have been got regarding the quantity of water flowing from the largest of the lakes —Taupo, Waikaremoana, Brunner, Coleridge, Tekapo, Pukaki, Ohau, Hawea, Wanaka, Wakatipu, Te Anau, Manapouri, Monowai, and Hauroto. The flow from the lakes in the North Island is large, but is much exceeded by that of the lakes in the South Island. A special departmental report will be submitted, embodying all the reliable information collected to date. Mr. L. M. Hancock, of San Francisco, California, visited a number of the proposed locations for water-power schemes during October, November, and the early part of December of last year. His report has been received. He was accompanied by officers of the Department during his tour. MAEINE. A contract for the manufacture of a cast-iron tower for Cape Campbell Lighthouse has been finished. Part of the ironwork has been landed at the site. Plans for a wharf at Whitianga, Mercury Bay, have been supplied to the local authorities. Tenders were called for the removal of rocks in the channel, Onehunga Harbour. Only one was received, but it was too high and nothing further was done. An examination and report was made on the proposal to put a ferry over the Thames at Turua. A survey of a site for a wharf for the cable-steamer " Iris " has been made in Auckland harbour, between the Victoria Wharf and Calliope Dock. Some repairs were done to the Motuihi Wharf. An examination of and report on the Waikato Heads wharf have been made. New beacons have been erected at Kaipara Heads, also at Havelock. A contract has been let for removal and re-erection of pilot-station at Manawatu Heads. A survey has been made and plans prepared for a new wharf at Somes Island. The lighthouse on Kahurangi Point has been finished, also all necessary buildings and other works. The light was exhibited for the first time on the 30th November, 1903. The tower is of cast iron founded on a concrete cylinder. A lighthouse has been completed at Jack's Point, near Timaru, with all necessary buildings. This, also, is a cast-iron tower founded on concrete. The light was exhibited for the first time on Ist July last year. A considerable amount of work was done in connection with plans submitted for approval by local bodies, and much other work.



EOTOEUA DEAINAGE-WOEKS. The reconstruction of the drains in the Eotorua Township is in progress, also the construction of a considerable length of new drains. ELECTEIC TEAMWAYS. A considerable amount of work has been done during the year in tramway-inspection, and in other work connected with the electric tramways being constructed in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. DEFENCES. Auckland. At one fort a directing-station has been built, water-tanks fixed, concrete trenches for electric-light cables made, a concrete floor in the engine-room laid. Some repairs to the wharf have been carried out. At another fort sewerage-connections have been made to the suburban sewers, the campingground improved, and some fencing done ; also a new gun-pit has been partly finished. At a third fort some sewerage-connections were put in, the boundary-fence repaired, and some minor repairs to the works carried out. Some repairs to a rifle range have been carried out, and a contract let for the erection of a magazine store. Wellington. An old emplacement has been converted to be used for a breech-loading gun, and a magazine reconstructed. A submarine-mining station has been finished. Some work has been done in fixing datum points. A water-supply has been provided to two forts, and an electric-light line has been partly erected at one fort. A marine survey of Mahanga Bay has been made. Eepairs to the old part of Shelly Bay wharf are in progress. The road from Miramar to Shelly Bay has been put in a good state of repair. A piece of ground has been levelled at Mahanga Bay for camping purposes. A torpedo-boat shed damaged by a storm has been repaired and other minor repairs done. Additional water-storage has been provided at Trentham rifle range, and the parapet of the butts repaired. The butts and firing-mounds of the upper range at Polhill Gully have been repaired and new butts and target-hut built at the lower range, and other works done. The Commandant's offices at Alexandra Military Depot are nearly ready for occupation; the building for artificer's workshop is complete. In the barracks electric lights have been fixed in the billiard-room. The stove-pipes have been renewed, and some other alterations and repairs done. The removal of clay by brickmakers has now advanced so far as to enable the finishing of the parade-ground on the west side of the building to be put in hand. Ground on the north and east of the building has also been partially formed by the removal of clay for brickmaking. Some stormwater-drains and an asphalt tennis-court have been constructed ; gas lighting has been installed in the Buckle Street general instruction-hall, and some repairs to the Buckle Street buildings done, and also to the Kaiwarra magazine. Dunedin. At one fort an artillery store has been built, also a loading-gallery ; a new parapet has been built for a gun-pit. A magazine-roof has been reasphalted, an old wooden platform has been replaced by a con-crete-and-iron one, and alterations made in a B.C. Station. At the third battery a concrete gallery is in course of construction, also the excavation for an engine-room ; also, search-light plant has been temporarily erected. A building is being erected for an artillery workshop. A contract for additions to barracks is in progress. I have, &c, W. H. Hales, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.

TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March. 1904— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.


ApproprUDivision. Milc»B.. Section. Main Siding-. Total. SurUnder mati on. PUteState of Line. Upened. l_yi ng . Date. j 1872. 1872 -?3-1S73-.4.I il87*-75. 1875-78. 1878-77.1877-7S. 187B-7B. 1879-80. 18-0-81. 1881-82.11882-83.1883-8*. 1884-86. | 1885-86.11888-87.11887-88.1888-89.11889-90. !l 890-9 l.j 1891-93. |l89__-9S.18-.a-»4.18M-9B.llSe5-96.|l896-B7. 1897-98.' 1888-99. 18991900. 11900-1.1 11901-a. I 1905-4.' T ..t.l. 1902-3. 1 N el sonRound ell Midland Railwa Ngahere-, Blackball Grey mouthNelson Creek 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. oh, M. o_ Nelson-Belgrove.. 22 73 Port Extension ... 10) Nelson-Foxhill .. 18 73 \ 2 52 25 45 Foxhill-Belgrove .. SO) Stillwater - Bel- 148 21 Stillwater - Reefton 37 9 4 79 42 8 o.nvn ..rj«Tadmnr. . Nelson-Belgrove.. 1 Stillwater - Belgrove {via Tadmor) grove (i.'-<i Tadmor) Reefton-Inangahua 20 0 .. 20 0 16 C Inangahua-Tadmor 71 19 .. 71 19 71 19 Tadmor-Motupiko .. 10 29 0 69 11 18 Motupiko-Belgrove.. 9 44 0 62 10 26 Brunner Spring- 95 49 Brunner-Jackson's .. 32 15 1 „ 6g , g .g field Jackson's-Otira .. 10 12) O-ira-Avoca .. 37 22 .. 37 22 37 22 Avoca-Otarama .. 11 22 .. 11 22 2 60 Ocarama-Springfield 4 58 0 16 4 74 Ngahere-Blackball 3 30 Ngahere-Blackball I 3 30 .. 3 30 8 5 ! Greymouth - Nel- 7 51 Grey mouth-Brim ner- 7 '82 \ son Creek ton Extension .. 0 5 [ 6 18 13 69 Stillwater (portion).. 0 4 „ .. 0 10.' Westport - Ngaka- 19 19 Station .. ' 0 29 j wau .Vcstport-Waimanga- 10 0 [ 7 33 2 6 52 i-oa Waimangaroa-Ngaka- 8 70 / 0 37 Extension to Coal 0 37 .. 0 37 Company's Line Ngakawau-Moki- 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- 7 12 1 21 8 33 hinui nui Brunner Springfield Ngahere-Blackball : Greymouth - Nelson Creek 3 I M. ch. 22 73 148 21 95 49 6 M. ch. [ 2 52 ''____ 4 79 6*69 0 62 I 2 68 6'11 7 H. oh. 25 45 42 8 20 0 71 19 11 18 10 26 45 15 37 22 11 22 4 74 8 30 8 9 10 11 , 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 35 36 3' , M. oh. M. oh. M. oh. J M. oh. M. oh. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. eh. M. ch. M. ob. M. ch. M. oh. M. oh. M. oh, M. ch, M. oh. M. oh. M. eh. M. oh. M. ch. M. oh. M. oh. M. oh. M. ch. M. I 17 May, 1880 ........ i o .. \ 31 Jan., 1876 ig'73 ( 25 July, 1881 s' 0 "" 21 July, 1900 ft.. .. , .. " .. '.'.'.. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. .'. '.'. .'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. 16 0 3 40 0 40 71 19 ...... .. 5 9 5 20 .. .... ■ ■ ■ • • 21 July, 1900 ft I 21 July, 1900'tt 1 is Nov., 1900 .; .; .,' .; " \\ / " ;; .; .; ; ■ ;; ...... " .. ','. ! 1 ;; 2 60 3 38 5 04 '.'. '.XV. ' " ■■••-■-■ 21 July, 1900tt-- ... 3 5 0 25 (bridge) "" " " "' " " i 7Apnl,1876 .. 7 32 '.'. .. .. .. .. 1 Feb., 1881 .... "0 5' 14 Mar., 1881 " " 0 4 " { 1 Sept., 1885 .. .... " ..■■■•• ■ ■ f 17 Dec, 1878 ...... " 0 29' ••,■-■ • . ...... A 5Aug.,1876 .. .. .. .. .. w 0 '.'. '.'. .'. A .." .. ' .. '.'. .. .. '.'. .. " (26Sept., 1877 .. .. ' s 70 .. .. .'.' .." .." ." ,. 31Mar.,1890 ;_ ;; .. .. ' 0 37 8Aug.,1893 ., ■ pi pi ., 7 12 8 M. ch. 16 0 71 19 37 22 2 60 3**5 9 M. oh. 3 40 5"g 3* 88 0*25 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 M. ch.' M. ch. M. ch. U. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 10 18 73 17 M. oh. 18 M. oh. 19 M. ch. 22 M. oh. S' 23 24 M. oh. M. ob. 25 26 M. ch, M. oh. 27 28 29 M. ch. H. oh. 80 M. oh. 31 . M. ch. 32 M. o 33 34 35 M, ch. M. i')i. 36 87 38 39 M. oh. 40 m. oh. 41 M. ch. 37* 9 9 44 : _ 15 10 12 4 58 42 M. ch. 42 43 M. ch. M. ch, 44 45 M. ch- M. ch. -::-!-_ ra " :>s 58 3 30 7 51 7 32 WestportNgakawau Westport - Ngaka13 69 .. 0 5 ....... 0 4 '.'. .." 6 29' .. '.'. 10 0 8 70 6 29 6 10 7 51 19 19 19 19 10 Weatport- ■ Ngakawau Extension Ngakawau-Moki-hinui 0 37 7 12 8 70 .. 0 37 7 12 .. 0 37 7 13 Newsurvey State Colliery GreymouthHokitika Kumara Branch HokitikaNew survey PictonWaipara Mokihinui Colliery 3 69 Mokihinui to coal- 3 69 0 25 4 14 Line mine Westport-Inanga- 26 0 Westport-Inangahua 20 0 .. 26 0 26 0 hua Junction Junction Greymouth - Coal 5 1 Greymouth - Coal 5 1 0 40 5 41 Creek Creek Greymouth-Hoki- 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika 24 37 2 10 26 47 Mokihinui Colliery Line Westport-Inanga-hua Junction Greymouth - Coal Creek ■ Groymouth-Hoki-Kumara Branch Hokitika-Ross .. Ro-s-Waitaha .. I Picton-Kahautera 8 69 25Feb.,1895 * 3 69 .. 26 0 Prelim. .. .. I 26 0 Prelim. 3 69 26 0 5 1 ..1140 .. ,. .." 1 1 24 :i7 .'. 20Dec.,1893 .. _ 2 4 87 24 37 .. 24 37 Kumara Branch 4 10 Kumara Branch .. 4 10 .. 4 10 4 10 Hokitika-Ross .. 16 0 Hokitika-Ross .. 16 0 .. 16 0 2 0 Ro-s-Waitaha .. 10 0 Ross-Wai tali a .. 10 0 .. 10 0 10 0 i Picton-Kahautera 103 30 Picton-Blenheim .. 16 57) Blenheim .. 1 22 \ 8 26 23 68 Oinaka Contract .. 2 43 J Vernon Contract .. 1 75 .. 1 75 Dashwood Contract 8 38 .. 3 38 Utawai Contract .. 2 39 .. 2 39 Awatere Section .. 5 11 0 43 5 54 Surveyed (location).. 4 71 .. 4 71 4 71 (trial) .. 64 74 .. 64 74 64 74 Kahautera - Mac- 34 65 Kahauter.-Mackenzie 34 65 .. 84 65 84 65 Mackenzie-Wai- 35 0 Cheviot Section .. 11 26 .. 11 26 10 12 para Waikari Section .. 8 54 .. 8 54 Omihi Section .. 15 0 1 2 16 2 Main Line .. 206 7 Culverden-Hurunui 9 50" Hurunui-Medbury .. 1 14 Med bury-Waikari .. 8 40 Waikari-Waipara .. 9 10 Wai para-Amberley .. 6 77 Amberley-Ashiev(part) :■( O.S 7 04 Ashley-Sangiora .. 1 71 Rangiora-South brook 1 03 Southbrook-Kaiapoi 5 1 Kaiapoi-Addington .. 11 68 Christchurch-Selwyn 22 43 Selwyn-Dunsandel .. 1 77 l a , fio r.™ 7 _. Dunsandel-Kakaia .. 10 06 r 64 68 27 ° 75 ■ ■ Rakaia-Ash burton .. 17 7 Ashburton-Ealing .. 19 29 Ealing-Woodbridge.. 2 59 Woodbridge-Temuka 13 65 Temuka.-'rimaru .. 11 15 Timaru-St. Andrews 10 28 St. Andi. ws-Otaio .. 8 66 Otaio-Makikihi .. 3 61 Makikihi-IIook .. 8 36 Hook-North Waitaki 16 14 North Waitaki-South 1 40 . tt.-aiK.A-.,— Waitaki Rangiora-Oxford 21 76 Rangiora-Cust .. 1177) Cust-Carlton .. 5 53 [ 2 36 24 82 Carlton-Oxford West 4 26 J Eyreton (from 20 7 Main Line - West 14 25) Main Line) Eyreton [ 1 61 21 68 Kvr.-ton-J.eniictt's .. 5 62 ) Lyttelton .. 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26 .. 6 26 church Southbridge .. 25 31 Hornby-Ellesmere .. 14 62) „■ 17 „ B , R Ellesmere - South- 10 49} a *' M w bridge Little River- 42 10 Lincoln-Birdling's 17 8] Akaroa Flat 2 5 24 51 Birdling's Flat-Little 5 38 J " Reconnaissance .. 19 44 ,. 19 44 19 44 Springfield .. 30*60 Kolleston-Sheffield .. 24 4 Sheffield-Springfield 5 59 3 7 33 67 Springfield-Coalmine 0 77 Whitecliffs .. 11 88 Darfield-Whiteoliff- 11 33 , ><> ,„ ,, Whitecliffs to Bridge 0 5 l 0a la ■* Rakaia-Ash- 22 20 Rakaia-Mcthven .. 22 20 2 65 25 5 burton Forks 4 10 4 10 .. .. __ .. _ _ ;_ „ .. ,. I 4 10 i 16 0 2 0 14 0 2 0 14 0 10 0 103 30 10 0 Prelim. 10 0 Prelim. 2'43 '.'. 10 0 Prelim. ...... (isNov., 1875 .. ;; ;; ;; iq 51 ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;■ ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; *;; ;; ;; ;; ;; " J 24 May, 1880 -j 22 I 18Aprii,1893 .... 2 43 "" )l (•• - ■'■ - ** - '■'■ '■'■ '■'■ '■'■ '■'■ ■■ ■' '■'■ '■■ '■'■ 1 •- • .-'■ ..' '■'■ - '■'. .. :: •• 1:10 Oct., 1902 J 4 .1 " '.'. .. .'. 64 74 .......... 34 65 Prelim. .. .. .. .. ,| " " " " " " " " " " \\ " ** " j" " " " " " Prelim. 1667 '.'. ... :: ' :: 1 75 3 38 2 39 5 11 .. J- 33 45 Kahautera - Mackenzie Mackenzie-Wai-para 84 4 71 64 74 84 65 " J "" 85 10 12 1 14 854 .. ; „ " " .... .... .. 0 21 16 Dec, 1902 .... .... - .- - f 1 9 Feb., 1886 9 50 " 9 Feb., 1886 ..... " " ' 1 14 " " :28 Oct., 1884 ...... 8 40 " " " " 17 April, 1882 .. .. " " " 9' 10 60ct., 1880 .. .. " " 6*77 9 Feb., 1876 .... 3 68 " 3 Nov., 1875 ... 7 64 " 17 April, 1875 .... i 71 5 Nov., 1872 1 68 2 Sept., 1872 ..51 " .... .. .. -. 1 April, 1872 1168".. ' 2 Oct., 18G7 22 4. - 15 Feb., 1873 ..177 '." " " " 29 May, 1873 .. 10 66 .. .. " 4 Aug., 1874 .. 17 7l ..... 31 May, 1875 1929 " 'X '.'. '.'. .. .. '.'. '.'. .. V. ' '.'. "'.'. I'. '.'. " '.'. 24Aii fi .,187fi 259 " ' . .. " .. ' 4Feb.,1876 13 65 " .. „ .. .. ' ■ * .. .. .. *; 22 Oct., 1875 .... 11 15 1 July, 1876 .. iA'or 1 Sept., 1876 .... ' . 66 " 300ot., 1876 ...."" ■( G i " 1 Feb., 1877 .... 3 36 " 1 Feb., 1877 .. .. ' ,,: ,4 ■. 17 April, 1876 {' iQ m \ \\ „ \\ [\ \\ " \\ ,. .. .. " .. „ " I 1 Dec, 1874 .. .. n 77 6 April, 1875 5 53 " " " " ". I -21 June, 1875 .. 4 26 ( 27Dec.,1875 .. .. .. „ " " " " " " ;; " \\ '' " " '[ " " " " \\ " \ ( lFeb.,1878 562 ! 9 Dec.,1867 6 26 \ " 10 12 1 14 8 54 6 77 3 68 7 64 1 71 17* 7 " '.'. '.A .... '.'. 19 29 2 59 .. 13 65 .. : .. .... 11 15 .. .. 10 28 .. .... 3 66 3 61 3 36 .. .. .. 16 14 1 40 11 77 .. 5 58 4 26 14 25 ' .. 9 10 '.'. 9 50 1 14 8 40 14 59 " 14 HurunuiWaitaki, with Branches 206 .'< -64 68 270 75 1 63 5 1 i 77 10 66 :: :: ■ -206 7 . • ' 7 " ll -206 7 tt.-dlK.A-.,— Rangiora-Oxford 2 86 24 82 21 76 Eyreton (from Main Line) 1 61 21 68 ■ ■ 20 7 Lyttelton 6 26 5 62 14 62 10 49 " - " 1 6 26 Southbridge .. 3 17 28 48 [ 26 April, 1875 .. 14 g 2 1 30 July, 1875 " " " " " " " " " \\ ,\ " " \\ " \\ \\ " " \\ mm 25 31 Little RiverAkaroa 24 51 (1 June, 1882 17 8 .. 17 8 .. 22 46 "\ 16 Mar., 1886 .. .. ' ■ mm 5 38 5 ; Springfield 19 44 19 44 Prelim. I 1 Dec, 1874 .... 24 4 ' " .. \ 8 Jan., 1880 5 59 " ( 10 Feb., 1880 . 0 77 " I 3Nov.,1875 .. .. " n'33 " " " '■ 1 27 June, 1886 '/ _ _. \\ \\ \[ \\ .. " 0 5 " |" _ '/ \\ 1 April, 1885« .. .. )" ,. \\ " " " " '[ \ '\ \\ 2220 .. .. .. .. .. .. '.'. i8 April, 1880 . 10 47 7 Oct., 1882 .. . '' '' " " '' 8 - 39 " " 1 Mar., 1884 A'47 " " " 4 Oct., 1886 " " i'48 " 9Sept.,1889 .. " *' " 4' q " 2 17 .......... . i 24 Dec, 1875 8*67 19 44 Prelim. 24 4 5 59 .. 0 77 .. 11 83 11 83 6 :', 7 33 67 55. 0 71 80 60 Whitecliffs 1 53 2 65 13 11 25 5 Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 : 11 88 22 20 WaitakiBluff and Bcancbes Opawa and Albury to Fairlie C reek and Burke's Pass Waimate Waimate Gorge Main Line burton J_ orks Ashburton .. 29 46 TiuwiLld-W<_ teriivld 10 .7 Westerfield-Anama.. 8 89 Anama-Cavendish .. 2 47 ■ 1 52 29 1 Cavendish-Mt. Somers 1 48 Mt. Somers-Springburn 4 8. Extension .. 2 17 .. 2 17 2 17 Opawa and Al- 55 8 Washdyke - Pleasant 8 67' bury to Fairlie Point Creekand Pleasant Point-Albury 16 61 2 45 38 50 Burke's Pass Albury-Winscombe-.. 7 7 Winscombe-Eversley 3 30 Preliminary survey.. 19 3 -- 19 8 19 3 Waimate .. 4 42 Studholrne-Waimate 4 42 1 3 5 45 Waimate Gorge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao 8 21 0 54 8 75 Downs \ Main Line .. 246 69 South Waitaki - 18 8 ' Oamaru Oaniaru-Hillgrove .. 24 52 HillgL-ove-1'almerston 12 OS Pafiherston - Walk cm - 9 3 Waikouaiti-Waitati 14 33 Waitati-Glendcrmid 9 77 Glehdeiniid-Duiudin 7 6 Dune din-Abbotsford 5 7 Abbotsford - Clutha 46 36 _ 5 g 2 Clutha River - Bal- 0 60 clutha Balclutha-Clinton .. 20 76 Clinton-Waipahi .. 9 62 Waipalii-Gore .. 16 11 Goi'e-Mataura .. 7 40 Mataura-Woodlands 20 68 Woodlands - Invercar- 11 21 gill In verc arg ill-Bluff .: 17 1 Duntroon .. 21 75 Pukemi-Marawlienua 21 29 I. , 05 9 « qn Marawhenua - Dun- 0 46 J W troon Duntroon-Haka- 15 38 Duntroon-Hakatera- 15 38 15 16 43 teramea mea Ngapara .. 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara - - 14 76 1 31 16 27 Livingstone .. 16 40 Windsor-Livingstone 12 0 0 50 12 50 Survey (trial) .. 4 40l .. 4 40 4 40 Palmerston-Wai- 9 40 J _li.i_-ston-llnnl.ack 1 58 1 . hemo (pa«) - M- 0 54 9 29 Palmerston-Hunbaek 6 77 I (part) Surveyed .. 0 65! .. 0 65 0 65 Inch Valley Rail- 2 29 Inch Valley - Lime 2 29 0 23 2 52 wav Quarry Port'Chalmors.. 1 9 Glendermid - Port 19; 3 40 4 49 Chalmers Green Island .. 244 l_.rn.'<l.- -Wulum Park 1 74: t n «, „ 1ft Walton Park - Saddle 0 50 f 3 lb Hill Green Island to 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 •■ 4 65 4 65 Brighton Fernhill Colliery 160 Abbotsford to Fern- 160 0 24 2 4 Line bi" Colliery Kaikorai Valley 2 60 Surveyed .. .. 260 .. 260 260 Railway Outram .. 8 7S Moagiel-Outeani .. 8 78 0 68 9 66 1 awr. nee .. 21 76 Clark. villo-Waitaliuna 15 4 I n 9 0 _ 7ft \\ aitahuna-Lawrence 6 72 J ° Lawrence-Rox- 38 25 Preliminary survey.. 88 25 .. 38 25 38 25 burgh Catlin's River .. 19 20 Balfclutha-Roraabapa 7 G2\ ■■ I .. Romabapa-Glenomaru 6 18 1 -■ Catlin's Tunnel Sec. 0 46 \ 1 63 21 3 J .. Hunt'sRoadSec.(part) 3 48i Hunt'sRoadSec.(part) 1 06l. " { .. Waipahi - Heriot 20 3 Waipalii-Kelso .. 15 271) 2 o fi Burn KelSo-Heriot .. 4 36i f *" " Heriot Railway 6 20 Henot-Eadie's .. 6 20J .. 6 20 Extension Extension to Rox- 28 10 Surveyed .. 28 10 .. 28 10 28 10 burgh, via Rao's Junction and Ettrick r.rt Spylaw .. 25 70 Surveyed .. 25 70 .. 25 70 25 70 Waimea Plains 36 39 (.ore-Lumsden .. 36 39 1 34 37 73 District Ry. Kelso-Gore .. 24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 .. 9 58 9 58 Preliminary survey.. 14 22 .. 14 22 14 22 Riversdale-Swit- 13 70 Riversdale Section .. 7 0 .. 7 0 4 50 aers Survi-vcd .. 6 70 .. 6 70 6 70 Edendale-Toitois 19 30 Edendale-Wyndham 4 0 1 n 70 m o« Wyndham-Glenbam 5 36 [ ° ,,! 1U JB Surveyed .. 9 74 .. 9 74 9 74 Seaward Bush.. 24 52 Appleby-Waimatua 5 40 \ / W1u11iLiUiii.-M-.k01m- .. oS I Wai.unaSec.(portion) 6 62 . „ 2G „ | Waituna Sec. (portion) 1 40 [' A w ° .. Titiroa and Waima- 5 12 .. haka Sections* / I. Catlin's-Seaward 57 60 (Wka Catlin's River 4 0 .. 4 0 0 42 Bush Bridge Reconnaissance .. 40 32 .. 40 32 40 32 Tokanui-Waimahaka 13 28 .. 13 28 13 28 Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. 11 44 0 27 11 71 Surveyed .. 21 7 .. 21 7 21 7 Reconnaissance .. 50 29 .. 50 29 50 29 Waitaki Bluff 182 56 Wingatui Jct.Hindon 16 67 , .. Main Line to Hindon Section (part) 2 48] Lake Hawea I _cp Stream Section 4 22 I Nenthorn Section .. 9 0[ Middlemarch Section 7 31 » 4 60 90 54 • 16 12 [ Hyde-Kokonga 10 0 I .. Kokonga-Ranfurly 11 25 .. lUnfurlv-Wedderbuni 8 29' .. Weddeibum-IdaValley 12 24 1 02 13 26 Ida Vall.y-Poolbi.rn 4 30 0 12 4 42 Pool burn - Manuhe- 3 0 .. 3 0 cikia Munuherikia-Ophir.. 5 70 1 04 6 74 .. 2 60 .. 2 60 Suottis-Cbatto Cretk 7 b .. 7 0 Surveyed .. 61 38 .. 61 38 61 88 Inverearfiill-King- 87 4 Invercargill-Win ton J8 58 . aton Win ton-Caroline .. 22 10 J Caroline-Elbow .. 8 27 ' Elbow-Lowther .. 5 76 I - ,- Q0 1Q Lowther-Atbol .. 13 18 f ° y y Athol-Fairlight .. 10 10 Fairlight- Kingston .. 8 35 Kingston Wharf .. 0 10 ' Lumsden-Mararos 30 0 l.unisdi-nCastle Rock 2 21*) Castle Rock - Murray 4 9 ! . n .. , n Creek [* X U 1X 4U 1.1 urray Creek-Moss- 4 10 ) Surveyed .. .. 8 20 .. 8 20 8 20 Reconnaissance .. 11 20 .. 11 20 11 20 Winton to Hedge- 12 40 Winton - Hcdgebope "12 40 0 65 13 25 hope Station Wallacetown 17 53 Makarewa Junction- 17 53, Branch Riverton Otautau Branch 11 40 Thornbury (Aparima 11 40 June.) to Otautau I fi o 7 M ,,, Otautau-Nightcaps 10 55 Otautau-Wairio .. 10 55 Orepuki Branch 17 OS Riverton-Oraki .. 6 3 Oraki-Colac .. 1 30 Colac-Orepuki .. 10 35 ' Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 O .put.i-Waihoaka .. 4 48 0 58 5 26 Waihoaka - Camp j 5 52 .. 5 52 Creek CampCreek-Waiau.. ! 3 10 ; .. 3 10 3 10 Totals .. 2203 0j .. 220:! 0 224 9 J2427 9 688 37 4 42 8 21 246 69 55 -59 13 306 2 1 55 2 45 l' 3 0 54 29 1 2 17 2 17 38 50 19 8 19 8 5 45 8 75 j Uan.,1877 16 6 1 * 22 Aug., 1883 . 77 \ 30 Jan., 1884 ..... 3 30 '" 19 3 Prelim. .... 19 Mar., 1877 . j '._ " 1 April, 1885* ;; " " ;; " " ;; ;; ;. 8 "2i '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. ■•" '.'. '.'. " '.'. ' 25 Sept., 1875! 13 s 4Nov.,1876 24 52 ±2 Mav, 1S7S 12 g8 ■■ .. 6Sept., 1878 ,. .. " .. " " .. 9' 3 \\ " \\ \\ " " " " " " \\ " \\ 7 May, 1878 1433 20 Dec,1877 9 77 9 April, 1873 ..76. 1 July, 1874 "57" 1 Sept., 1875 46*36 " '.': '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. .'. 22 Jan., 1878 . 0 60 22 Jan., 1879 .. 20 76 .. .. 1 Nov., 1877 .... i} (]•> 21June,1877 ., ,. ., " 30 Aug., 1875 7 - 40 " " .. ['. "'* \\ " ." 7 June, 1875 20 68 ... ..... 11 Feb., 1874 ., .. n 21 .. .. .. .. " \\ \\ " " \\ 5 Feb., 1867 17 1 f lDec, 1875 21 29 1 11 July, 1881 " 0 "46 .. ,, ,. .. .. " _ #p " " " " " lAprii, 1885- 15 38 .. 2Apnl,1877 .. 14 76 0 5 .. 12 Aug., 1887 ' .. ., " " ii'75 4 40 Prelim. .... C so July, ;•■ ;; i' 58 ;; " ;; " ■■;; " y ;; ;; " " ij 1 Oct.,'1885 .. .. e 77 0 65 0 65 lu une, 1900 .. .. „•■ ;; ;; ;; .. .; .. ;; ;; ;; ■;; ;; ■; ;; ;; ;; 9 April 1878 .. 19 I 1 July, 1874! 174 II 4Sept.,1879j .*. .. \\ " .. 0 50 '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. \\ '.'. .', \\ '.'. \\ \[ 4 65 .. .. , .. 19 Dec, 1895* .. '■ .. 1 60 2 60 .. .. .. .. '.. .. .. ■• 10o_, 1877 " .. 8 78 .. .. .. .. * " i 22 Jan., 1877 15 i ' ,. - .. ""I 2April,187T 6 72 " .. ' ' .. 38 25 Prelim. .. .. .. .. .. ■■" [' " " " 15 Dec, 1885 .... 7 62 9July. 1891 6 ' 18 •• ;; ■■ j ;; 4M 4 r.,1895 . 0 J 16 Dec, 1895 . " i'ao -- 22Jui.e,1896 . " 8 " J" f 1 Dec, 1880 ." 15 27 ' " . " "■ { 1 April,1884 ' ..■ . .. 4 56 5 so 0 70 .. .. .. "" "; ;; ;; ;; ;; " 28 10 Prelitn, .. .. 4 40 0 65 4 65 2 60 38 25 i_ Prelim. 5 30 Prelim. 0 "5 Prelim. :: 1 0 70 7" 6 1 ii 21 I 74 10 47 .. 867 '.'. V. '.'. '.'. '.'. 16 61 .. 442 13 8 24 52 12 68 9 3 .. 14 33 9 77 5' 7 '.'. " '.'. V. '.'. '.'. 46 36 .. .; 20 1 ft'67 13 . 46 - 36 21 : 7*4< 16 61 4'42 24 52 12*i 14 : 9 ' 9 6 50 .! !! 15'27 04. 2 47 i 2 47 ?' 7 3 .0 821 15 38 6 77 i'4l ii 75 .. i' 8 611 • ■.. J- 60 ... 0 46 .. .'. 3 48 6 41 2 29 '.'. '.'. { 21 75 15 38 14 76 11 75 I 8 55 !. '2 29 1 9 '.'. \ 2 4i 1 60 8 78 '.'. '.'. } 2I 7619 20- ... .. 20 3 :: :: , -246 69 27 29 36 5 4 42 8 21 28 10 25 70 Prelim. .. .. ........... 1 April, 1886 * .. .. .. 36 39 \\ ','. '.'. '.', ,', " 9 58 1 .. 14 22 Prelim. .... " 4 50 .. 2 80 .. .... 6 70 .. ........ " .... .... .-..•■.. j 9 Oct., 1882 4 0.. I 1 May, 1890 .. .. 5 36 9 74 .. .. 1 ( 9 July, 1886 5 40 ,.,... _. ... J 16 Jan., 1888 .. .... 5 58 ( 6 Mar., 1895 ," \\ " " g' 62 _\ ) ■ ■ - ' ■ ■ j 8 June, 1899 j • ■ ■ ■■ 0 42 .. 3 38 j .. „ *—'..' .. .. .. ..- 40 32 Prelim. .. ' .. 13 28 .. .. .. .. ." .. 7 Aug., 1884 ..1144 " ' ' '■'■ 21 7 .... 50 29 Prelim. .. .. ' , I .. .. .. 24 Oct., 1889 16 67 '.'. '.'. '.'. 9April. 1891 ;; ;; ;; ■■ ■■ •• ■■ ■• ■• ■• •• -■ ■■ ■■ I 28 21 J ) 12juiy, 1894 ;; ;; " j ;; :: :: :: ;; ;; ;: ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; .. ';; ;; ;; 1 Oct., 1897 14 Dec, 1898 .. ... \ 1 June, 1900 2 Dec, 1901 .... 4 30 .. .... 3 0, .. ;; ;; ;. .. ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 2 60 .. ..._.]"" 70 .. .. .. " " :: 61 88 ...... f 22 Feb., 1871 18 58 20 Oct., 18751 22 10 ' 7 Feb., 1876 8 27 15 Jan., 1877 0 lti\ "" 28 Jan., 1878 ! 13 18 ' " ! 29 April, 1878 10 IC 10 July, 1878 8 35 | 14 Dec, 1878 r 0 10 . .. 1 April, 1881 .. ' 2 21 " 13 Mar., 1886 49 I .. .. \\ " '' " \\ 22Jan.,_887 .. 410 .. .. I 8 20 .. .. .. II 20 Prelim, .... 17 Juiy, 1899 ., " \\ " \\ \ \\ " 1 9 June, 1879 17 53 15 Dec, 1879 .-. .. 11 40 .. ..I " "[ 3 Mar., 1882 10 55 25 July. 1881 6 3 24 Sept., 1883 | 1 30 \ r, May, 1885 10 35 1 Out., 1903 5 52 .. .. •• « i '■'. '■'■ '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. 3 10 j .. .. .. "| ■ 688 37 I 58 8 86 8 j .. 76 36; 27 62 11 21126 78 247 72152 .9 94 58 56 46 18 66 35 2 22 45 40 35 14 34 24 60 till 51 S47 62 17 53 ., 21 ._! 5 30 2'.) 3. .. 34 12||27 29 t5 28 1 Prelim. 36 3* I'l-.livo. i 6*62 '.'. '.'. .. 1 ' Z' 1 40 '.'. .. 5 12 .. '.'. '.'. } 9 86 5 i ■• I 24 52 1 40 5 12 Catlin'sS e award Bush Canterbury Interior Main Line Otago Central Prelim. Prelim. ii 16 12 '.'. 10 0 .. 11 25 8 29 .. .. 12 24 12 24 11 44. '.'. '.'. l. 98 18 :: :: J 61 88 2 60 7 0 i .. '.'. r 87 * " I 10 gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Inverearfiill-King-Lumsden-Mararos :: :. :. I Forest Hill Railway Western Railways Winton to HedgeWall ace town Branch Otautau Branch 8 20 11 20 Prelim. 12 40 '.'. '.'. 12 40 '.'. '.'. '.'. :: :: 17 53 - 6 37 64 13 0 58 5 26 5 52 11 40 Orep ukiWaiau River O t au tau Nightcaps Orepuki Branch 10 55 I 17 68 4 48 4 48 Orepuki-Waiau .. 5 - 52 3 10 224a 9 2427 9 3 10 j 688 37 58 8 !|]27 29! f6 28' 1 6 10 0 10 0 11 25 19 12*10436 12 24 12 24 I 27 62 4 48 1421 32 " In these cases tl t This comprises i I This coni[i)-is_s ■ !• This comprises ' || This comprises : "* 9 miles 70 i-iiiii tt In tliese cases : * This compri ._ i_i In- daius given are the date, on wliicli tin. railways became the property of wie Government. :!m. 4_ch, of railways constnieted by tli. Governi_ii.nt, and lit*. 60ch. of lines constructed by private company and afterwards purchased by the Government. ' 45m. 55ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and 45m. 79ch. of lines constructed by private companies under the District Railways Act and afterwards purchased by the Government. 11m. 23cb. of railways constructed by the Government, and 36m. 39ch. of lines constructed by private companies under the District Railways Act and afterwards purchased by the Government. 23m 40ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and 3m. 09ch. of lines constructed by private company and afterwards purchased by the Government. ins formerly returned as opened tramway. the dates given are the dales on which the title to the railway was actually vested in the Government Possession was taken of the railway by Government on 25th May, 1895. Om. 70ch. constructed by Government, and 74m. 2eh, constructed by New Zealand Midland Railway Company and 9m. 44ch. partly constructed by New Zealand Midland Railway Company and finished -by Government


Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1904. NORTH ISLAND.

Appiopriation. Division. I j i I Section. Line. M Total. .d „ , TI , « Under , Under £■* Forma- 1 Plateg tion. laying. Opened. 1887-8 1888-9 1889-90 1890-1 1891-2 1892-3 1893-4 1894-5 1895-6 1896-7 1897-8 1898-9 1899-00 1900-1 1901-2 1902-3 1903-4 Total. Date. 1873-4 j 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 '1879-80 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-6 1886-7 I 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 € 7 8 M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.ehs. _ 3 M. chs. 7 41 5 6* 7 8 9 M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. 5 11 1 _ go 0 57 8 18 .. 8 0 0 28 8 28 17 47 .. 17 47 17 47 126 040166 3 29 A 3 25 it 2 69 17 43 8 0 |) \ 5 l ]-2 27 8 79 .. 2 48 .. : 2 48 .. 2 48 "» J 0 75 I 18 16 .. 2 19 .. | 2 19 .. 2 19 56 65 .. 56 65 56 65 estim. 23 0 .. 23 0 23 0 9 14 .. I 9 14 9 14 2 40 .. 2 40 .. 1 40 4 55 0 15 ! 4 70 3 18 0 10 3 28 3 J ) 150 12 18 .. 0 43 |\ \l 7 q > l 6 66 42 59 1 50 9 61 / 2 53 I 1 70 A 63 I o 20 i \ x ' U ; 4 bS ! ■■ ... 0 55 ; 0 55 i .. 0 15 \ 42 72 ?J 3 3 1611 11624 - 9 27 6 24 j 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ifi 16 17 M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. I 7 April, It!84 ■■ j 22Feb.,1877 2 30 ..8 0 .. '.'. '.'. lMar.,1901 ( 21 Dec, 1898 .. J 2Nov.,1896 | 2 July, 1894 I 28 Oct., 1880 "l 30 Nov., 1882 12 M.chs. 13 M. chs. 14 15 M. chs. M. ohs. 16 M. chs. 16 M. che. 17 M. chs. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J 28 29 30 M chs M chs M chs M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. I .. 5 11 I 18 19 . M. chs. M. chs. 20 21 22 M. ehs. M. chs. M. chs. 5 11 24 M. chs. 27 M. chs. j 28 29 M. chs. M. ohs. 30 31 M. chs.M. chs. 31 32 33 34 35 chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 32 M. ehs. 33 M. chs. 36 37 88 M. chB. M. chs. 39 M. __!. . 39 40 41 42 43 H. chs. M. chs. M. ehs. M. chs. M. chs. I 7 41 40 M. chs. 41 M. chs. 42 M. chs. Kawakawa- Kawakawa Graham- , Kawakawa southwards Kopuru-Hukerenui.. Whangarei-Kamo Extension Kamo - Wh angare i Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley Helensville Helensville NorthNo r t h - wards wards M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. M.chs. I Kawakawa- Kawakawa .. 7 41 Opna Wharf -Tau- 5 11 j Graham- | marere I 0 57 8 18 town Taumarere - Kawa- 2 30 | kawa . I Kawakawa southwards 8 0 Kawakawa-Kopuru.. 8 0 0 28 8 28 Kopuru-Hukerenui.. 17 47 Kopuru-Hukerenui.. 17 47: .. 17 47 17 47 Whangarei-KamoEx- 16 0 Hukerenni-Waiotu .. 1 26 j 0 40 1 66 tension Waiotu-Whakapara 3 29 i) Wbakapara-Hikurangi 3 25 .[ 2 69 17 43 Hikurangi-Kamo .. 8 0 | Kamo-Whangarei 9 20 Kamo-Whangarei .. 4 50 | „ „ 7 a ra Whangarei - Opau 2 2 ) z ■*' Wharf Opau Wharf-Graham- 2 48 .. : 2 48 Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley .. 19 40 Dargaville - Opanake 16 46 ' 0 75 ' 18 , 6 Opanake-Booms .. 0 55 j i Booms-Waima .. 2 19 .. i 2 19 Helensville Helensville North- 110 0 Extension.. .. 56 65 .. 56 65 56 65 e North- wards Mauogaturotc-Hoteo 23 0 „ .23 O 28 0 wards Hoteo to Mahurangi 9 14 ..914 914 Mahurangi-Ahuroa.. 2 40 .. 2 40 Ahuroa-Tahekeroa .. 4 55 0 15 4 70 Tahekeroa-Makarau 3 18 0 10 3 28 Makarau-Kanohi .. 3 6 1 . „ .„ 1Q Kanohi - Helensville 7 42 j x ou u 18 Terminus Kaipara- Kaipara-Auckland .. 35 78 Hslensville Terminus, 0 43 |\ Waikato —Helensville Helensville-Kumeu 12 79 ■ „ „„ .„ KO Kumeu-Henderson.. HO 61 * " &u Henderson-Waikomiti 1 50 Waikomiti-Newmarket 9 61 / Onehunga Branch .. 2 73 Penrose-Onehunga .. 2 53 1 . -.„ . .„ < Onehunga Wharf .. 0 20 j . a O0 | " Auekland-Waikato .. 100 13 Auckland Wharf .. 0 55 0 55 ; Auckland Station .. 0 15 "\ Auckland-Mercer .. 42 72 Mercer-Newcastle .. 31 2 l 1fi11 11fto ,_ Newcastle-Hamilton 10 33 Ibil llb Ai Hamilton-Ohaupo .. 9 27 Ohaupo-Te Awamutu 6 24 / Auckland- Penrose— 8 0 17 47 16 0 9 20 2 30 2 80 " " 450 '.'. 2 2 16 46 .. '.'. '.'. .. .. .. ■■ ■■ '.'. '.'. .. 7 42 .. .'. 0 43 '.'. .'. .'. 11 "0 1 50 9 61 020 '.'. '.'. '.'. .. '.'. '.. .. '.. .. -' - 015 " '.'. .. .. .. .. '.'. " 6*24 '.'. .. .. 4 - 50 '.'. 2 "2 '.'. '.'. .. .. 3 25 ..8 0 '.'. '.'. .. .. 0 55 '.'. s"o 1 26 1 26 \ L 22 52 2 48 .. ■- 16 46 I 27 July, 1891 * •• 1 21 Oct., 1896 2 19 .. •• estim. .. 1*40 10 2 Sept., 1903 19 Dec,1900 I 16June,1897 • ■ | 8 May, 1889 7 42 8*18 ] 17 21 4*55 19 40 110 0 3 *6 \'. '.'. '.'. 4*55 \ 3 18 L 18 41 Kaipara- Kaipara-Auckland .. Waikato 35 78 / 18Sept.,1880 0 43 -35 73 2 78 Onehunga Branch .. Auekland-Waikato .. 2 73 100 13 29 Oct., 1875 .. .. 12 79 • • i 18 July, 1881 21 Dec, 1880 29 Mar., 1880 24 Dec, 1873 2 53 .. .." • - \ 28 Nov., 1878 0 20 / 30 Nov., 1885 " !! '.'. '.'. " 20 May, 1875 .. 42 72 13 Aug., 1877 31 2 •• i 19 Dec, 1877 .. .. ,. ' .. 10 33 4 Jime,1878 .. .. .. .. 9 27 1 July, 1880 1 ) ) i 2 53 i .. 12 79 0*20 .. 1 50 9 61 .. 6*24 u" o 11* 0 '.'. > 42*72 31 2 10 33 9 27 :: :: 1 " Auckl and-Penrose — Deviation vid Beach Auckland City Branch —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station vid Western Park and Freeman's Bay Surveys, new Pukekohe-Waiuku .. -10018 Auckland- Penrose— Deviation vid Beach 6 50 Deviation via Beach 6 50 .. 6 50 6 50 Auckland City Branch 2 60 Auckland City Branch 2 60 .. 2 60 2 60 P —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station 6 50 2 60 6 50 .. 6 50 6 50 2 60 .. 2 60 2 60 Prelim. 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 Prelim. Prelim. vid Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 12 5 Paerata-Waiuku .. 12 5 .. 12 5 12 5 Waikato- Waikato-Thames .. Thames Waikato- Waikato-Thames .. 62 58 Frankton Junction, 1 1 "i Thames —Hamilton Hamilton-Morrinsville 16 79 l ini7 no ,, Morrinsville-Te Aroha 12 55 i' lul( i£ i0 Te Aroha-Paeroa .. 12 63 Paeroa- Paeroa-Thames .. 19 20 j Waihi Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 1 30 13 10 Hamilton- Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 Ruakura Junction, 12 2 3 14 15 16 Cambridge —Cambridge ThamesVal- Thames Valley-Koto- ..<) :-.:■. Mon-i. sville-Oxford.. .0 CO . ley - Roto- rua Oxford-Putaruru .. 6 77 rua Ngatira Contract .. 8 0 Kaponga Contract .. 10 23 V 5 27 74 60 Tarukenga Contract 4 62 0 8 Rotorua Contract .. 8 48 . Gisborne- Gisbome-Karaka .. 18 25 Wharf Extension .. 0 25 .. 0 25 Karaka Gisborne-Ormond .. 10 60 2 45 13 25 Ormond-Kaiteratahi 2 5 .. 2 5 Kaiteratahi-Karaka 5 15 0 71 6 6 New survey Napier-Gisborne ..120 0 Napier-Wairoa River 58 0 .. 58 0 58 0 ] Wairoa River-Gisborne 62 0 .. 62 0 62 0 ] N a p i e r - Napier-Woodville .. 96 65 Spit-Napier .. 2 16 ' Woodville Napier-Hastings .. 11 64 and Pal- Hastings-Pakipaki .. 4 27 merston Pakipaki-Te Aute .. 10 17 North Te Aute-Waipawa .. 12 53 Waipawa-Waipukuran 4 49 i --,,, - . Waipukurau-Takapau 12 79 f ltlU0 m ' u Takapau-Kopua .. 5 63 Kepi. -Mai. .ul._ . . ■"> _._. Makotuku Matamau 4 22 Mat. nau-Talloraite 7 43 Tahorai to-Woodville _5 10 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 0 51 17 72 North North Wellington- Woodville-Wellington 115 79 Woodville-Mangatai- 5 76 Woodville noka Mangatainoka-Pahi- 3 30 ' Pahiatua-Newman.. 15 24 I Newman-Eketahuna 2 4 Eketahuna - Manga- 6 15 maboe JMangamahoe- 4 7 Mauriceville i Mauriceville-Master- 12 8 ton [-21 73 137 72 Masterton-Woodside 16 22 Woodside-Featherston 4 19 Featherston-Kaitoke 17 48 Kaitoke-Upper Hutt 7 47 Upper Hutt - Silver- 3 85 stream Silverstream - Lower 8 0 Hutt Lower Hutt-Pipitea 8 2 Pipitea-Wellington.. 0 47 Te Aro Extension .. 1 15 Greytown Branch .. 3 7 Wood side-Grey town 3 7 0 64 3 71 Rimutaka Coach road Route .. 9 0 Kaitoke-Featherston 9 0 .. 9 0 9 0] Incline Tauherenikau Route 2130 Upper Hint, Wo. dside 2130 .. 2130 2130 Deviation Wai n u i - o - m a ta 31 40 Pen me-Pigeon Bush 31 40 .. 31 40 31 40 Surveys Route Coast Route .. 52 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush 52 0 ., 52 0 52 0 Coast Route .. 70 0 Peton.-Carterton, via 70 0 .. 70 0 70 0 Marti ii bi> rough Foxton-New Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 Foxton-Palmerston.. 23 39 Plymouth Palmer. ton-Feilding 11 28 Feilding-Halcombe.. 7 76 | Halcombe-Marton .. 10 49 Marton-Turakina .. 9 10 I , . Turakina-Aramoho.. 20 25 >14.0JS5 3y -. Aramoho-Kai Iwi .. 9 31 Kai Iwi-Waitotara .. 13 2 Waitotara-Waverley 6 73 Waverley-Patea .. 8 31 J Route Improvement 2G 07 Tui_kii_a-Matai.i.wa 1107 1167 1167 Surveys Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 .. 7 40 7 40 Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu .. 3 60 .. 3 60 3 60 Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0 3 0 3 0] Patea-Waitara .. 71 56 Pate a-Manutahi .. 8 57 i Manutahi-Hawera .. 9 24 Hawera-Normanby.. 3 35 I Normanby-Eltham.. 8 32 EltbanvNgaire .. 2 60 I n 52 83 28 ._ Ngai re-Stratford .. 3 20 ' Stratford-Ing .wood 13 40 I lnglewood-Sentry Hill 8 60 I Waitara-N. Plymouth; 11 13 j N. Plymouth-Moturoa 2 35 / Motui-oa-Bi-cakwatcr .. 0 53 0 53 Bull's Branch .. 3 79 Bull's Branch ... 3 79 .. 3 79 3 79 I Wanganui Branch .. 3 29 Aramoho Loop .. 0 10 \ 0 ln - .„ j Aramoho-Wanganui , 3 19 f A 13 & " Stratford-Kawakawa 101 0 Toko Section .. ' 6 26 0 40 6 66 I Ocuru Section .. 4 72 .. 4 72 Surveyed .. .. 89 62 .. 89 62 89 62 Opunake - Mountain ; 23 10 Opunake-Eltham .. 23 10 .. 23 10 23 10 I Road Mount Egmont 9 20 Manganui Section ..6 0 6 0 6 0 1 Branch Te-popo Section .. 3 520 .. 3 20 3 21) I North Island Marton-Te Awamutu 210 06 Marton Junction,— 18 53 | Main Trunk Rangatira [ 3 41 26 04 .ail.vav ' Mangaonoho Contract 3 70 J Makohine Section .. 11 2 1 14 12 16 Mangaweka Section 7 0 .. 7 0 Paengaroa Section .. 10 30 .. 10 30 Turangarere Section 10 50 .. 10 50 Waiouru Section .. 7 40 .. 7 40 7 40 Murimutu Section .. 13 70 .. 13 70 13 70 Raetihi Section .. 8 60 .. 8 60 ' 8 60 Waimarino Section.. 12 30 .. 12 30 12 30 Makaretu Section .. 7 0 .. 7 0 i 7 0 Owhango Section .. 8 0 .. 8 0 5 0 Whakapapa Section 10 0 .. 10 0 Taumaranui Section 6 48 0 52 7 20 Ongarue Section .. 14 7 1 44 15 51 Ohinemoa Section 13 29 1 06 14 35 Poro-o-tarao Tunnel 1 34 i Contract Mokau Section .. 11 9 ! „ .„ .„ .„ Waiteti Contract .. 8 53 j f 3 50 w 47 " Te Kuiti Contract .. 11 41 | Waipa Contract .. M 20 !/ Central Route—Devia-i 30 0 Ohakune to Mokau- 30 0 .. 30 0 | 30 0 tion Surveys Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma- 34 0 .. 94 0 31 0 I rae Kowbai 20 0 Marae-Kowhai-Ohura 20 0 I .. 20 0 i 20' 0 1 Val lev Ngaire-Ongaruhe .. 103 58 Ngaire Section .. 38 73 I .. 88 73 38 73 Tangarakau Section 26 0 .. 26 0 . 26 0 Heao Section .. 10 70 .. 10 70 10 70 Ohura Section .. 27 75; .. 27 75 27 75 Waitara-Tangarakau 46 75 Waitara Section .. 46 75 ,. 46 75 46 75 Urenui Route .. 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu 12 0 .. 12 0 12 0 Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 .. 170 0 170 0 I Tota ] (i 2046 6 .. 2046 6 138 50 2184 561055 22 WaikatoThames 12 5 62 58 Ll017 1 30 3 14 12 5 12 5 ,20 Oct., 1879 1 1 -. ' ° PaeroaWaihi Paeroa-Waihi H am i 1 ton- Hamilton-Cambridge Cambridce PaeroaWaihi HamiltonCambridge Thames Valley - Roto72 75 1 Oct., 1884 • - i 1 Mar., 1886 20 Dec, 1895 I 19 Dec, 1898 8 10 4 30 ■ ■ 8 Oct., 1884 4 30 16 79 12 55 I :: :: :: :: :: :: -."* '.'. v. '.: '.: '.'. \ '.'. ■ " 16 79 12"2 :: :: :: '.'. '.'. ■■ 1263 19*20 '.'. '.'. '.'. •■ f62 58 !! •" '.'. '.'. 12 2 12 40 12 2 13 10 15 16 8 10 Cambridge Thames Val- Thames Valley-Roto-ley - Roto- rua Gisborne- Gisbome-Karaka .. Karaka GisborneKaraka 69 33 18 25 Lfi 27 2 45 74 60 0 25 13 25 2 5 6 6 58 0 62 0 5 15 58 0 Prelim. 62 0 Prelim. 8 Mar., 1886 21 June,1886 . J 24 Nov., 1893 8 Dec, 1894 "■ 26 June, 1902 ','. ['. .'. .', ','. '[ " 10 Nov., 1902 5 15 .. Prelim. .. ■■ ■• •■ •• •■ ••. 16 ,m ' " , 25Nov.,1874 \\ 2'l6 !. .. .. 12 Oct., 1874 .. ll 64 1 Jan., 1875 .. 4 27 17 Feb., 1876 .. .. 10 17 28 Aug., 1876 12 53 1 Sept.,1876 4 49 •■" 12 Mar., 1877 .. .. ..« 12 79 25 Jan., 1878 .. .. .. .. 5 63 9 Aug., 1880 23 June, 1884 1 Dec, 1884 22 Mar., 1887 9 Mar., 1891 2 16 11 64 4 27 10 17 12 53 4 49 .. • 12 79 .. 30 60 j .. ;; ; 6 77 1 .. '.'. 5*22 '.'. ■• 4 22 .. 7 48 I 15 10 I .. I 17 21 .. | 1781 '•{ (80 .. \ 10 23 { 4 62 JO 8 •■ (8 43 . 0 ) 23 !! .. '.'. . - J- 69 33 '.'. .. 0 25 -. ) 10 60 -- [ 13 10 ■-2 5 •• J '.'. " '.'. ' 96 ° 5 17 21 0 25 10 60 2 5 New survey Napier-Gisborne New survey 0 71 120 0 N a p i e r - Napier-Woodville .. N a p i e r - Woodville and Palmerston North 96 65 5*63 ■ 15 05 Ill 70 Woodville-Palmerston North Wellington- Woodville-Wellington Woodville 17 21 115 79 0 51 17 72 <J ox if i__ 11 Dec, 1897 5 76 2 Aug., 1897 '.. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. .. .. ■■ .'. '.'. '.'. 6 15 3 30 -21 73 137 72 SMav, 1897 16 Mar., 1896 8 April, 1889 10 Jan., 1887 14 June,1886 4 7 j .. 12 8 j .. 16 22 j 4 19 ■• 17 48 I .. 0 47 '.'. '.'. '.'. 2**4 15 24 ■ 115 79 0 64 3 71 9 0 9 0 Prelim. 21 30 21 30 31 40 31 40 52 0 52 0 70 0 70 0 " 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 12 Oct., 1878 17 48 1 Jan., 1878 7 47 1 Feb., 1876 .. .. 3 35 15 Dec, 1875 .. .. 8 0 U April, 1874 8 2.. 1 Nov.,1880 29 Mar., 1893 .,14 May, 1880 ■ Prelim. 7*47 8 2 115 .'ic v. '.'. ■• '■'. -- 3 7 0 64 114 75 14 75135 39 ,27 April,1876 .. 23 39 [20 Oct., 1876 .. „ 11 28 22April,1878 .. .. .. 7 76 20 May, 1878 ,. .. .. 10 49 I 4 Feb., 1878 9 10 .. V17 May, 1877 .. .. 20 25 28 June,1879 9 31 20Sept.,1880 23 Mar., 1881 28 Aug., 1883 9 31 • 13 2 6 73 8 31 '.'. !! !! '.'. '.'. 8 57 '.'. ■'■ '.. .. ■■ ■'■ .. ■'. 9 24 3 35 8 32 2 60 8 20 .. .. 13 40 '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. V. j '.'. '.'. 2*35 '.'. '.'. .. '.'. '■'. .. ;; '.'. v. '.'. ( '.'. .. '.'. '.'. '.'. less v. v. v. '.. " '.'. >120W ) I 111 5! I 'itliin, .28 Aug., 1883 23 Mar., 1885 .. .. i .. 20 Oct., 1881 .. .. 1 18 June, 1881 .. .. .. I 7 Feb., 1881 .. .. j .. • •■< 27 Sept., 1880 .. .. I 17 Dec, 1879 .. .... 30 Nov., 1877 .. ..I .. 8 60 14 Oct., 1875 .. 11 11! ■ 28 April, 1886 .. ... .. ' Prelim. 1 21 Jan., 1878 0 10 •• \ 21 Jan., 1878 3 19 .,9 Aug., 1902 4 72 .. ■• Prelim. .. ■ ■ • Prelim. .. ■• -. ■■ •■ ■• .. •■ / 2 June,1888 \\ ',', " " .'. I "j IMay, 1898 158 1 Nov., 1902 ... 7 0.. ■• 10 30 .. - • 10 50 .. 3**0 '.'. -• 10 0 .. -. I ■• " lDec, 1903; 1 21 Dec, 1896 j • • ' I 8 May, 1889 - ; 2 Dec, 1887 9 Mar., 1887 Prelim. .. Prelim. ;; ;; ;; [-71 56 .. '.'. '.'. } 3 29 '.'. - ■ 6 26 .. 6 26 North Island Main Trunk Railway " \\ ■ " '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. 853: '.'. '.'. .. ; 11 41 .. .. I 14 20 ; _X 1 '1 " '1 '1 " 1 '1 .. "' L 27 19 24 22 68 89 22 67 2 2 17 8 55 21 $43 50 §54 77 11 41 J 18 53 | 22 30 17 21 16 46 3 70 1 34 11 9 11 9 1 34 U 9 i 31 67 '.'. .. 924 Z. I 27 36 . I 74 33 4 44 .. 28 60 32 11 903 44 Prelim. .. ■• ■• ■■ ■■ ■■ .. | .. Explor. .. .. Prelim. ■■ •• ■■ •■ •■ ..... Prelim. .. •■ ■- ■• •• •• 1 2 65 44 21 56 " 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 1 15 26 75 1 16 51 14 67 16 48 26 75 16 43 27 56 22 49 1 15 Total .. * In this case the date given is the date on which the railway was taken over by the Government. I This comprises 12m. 70ch. of railway constructed by Government, and 80m. 60ch. of line constructed by priv | This comprises 48m. of railway constructed by Government, and 6m. 77ch. of line constructed by private coi Note. —Taonui and Lichfield Branches not mt ite company under the District Railways Act and afterwards purchased by the Government, lpany under the District Railways Act and afterwards purchased by the Government, ntioned above, as the rails have been taken up.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines.






FINAL EEPOET OF ME. VIEGIL G. BOGUE, C.E., ON THE AETHCE'S PASS PEOBLEM. Sib,— New York, 14th July, 1904. In the first report on the Arthur's Pass problem which I had the honour to make to you, under date of the 17th February, 1902, it was recommended that certain surveys be made, and it was remarked that, " In making the surveys the situation should be studied with care, so as to get the best out of it, and in this connection I take the liberty of suggesting that the map of the survey, at least of the part from the summit tunnel to Otira, should be a contour map, on a scale of 100 ft. to an inch. On such map the effect of slight changes of gradient can be tried, and the best possible location determined." The surveys thus referred to were made by your engineer, Mr. Dobson, also the maps, profiles, and estimates, which, under cover of a short report to you by Mr. P. S. Hay, Superintending Engineer, and a letter of transmittal from the Under-Secretary, Mr. H. J. H. Blow, were sent to me on the 29th September, 1903. They were promptly received, as per my letter of the 31st October following. These were followed by a subsequent letter from the UnderSecretary, enclosing, as per request of my said letter of 31st October, some details of the estimates. In order that the record may be quite complete, Mr. Hay's report and the several letters and estimates, &c, referred to appear herewith as an appendix, also the maps and profiles have been reduced to smaller scales, and prints thereof are also appended, all being submitted as part of this report. In supplementary reports which I made to you, the first dated the 16th May, 1902, and the second 27th June, 1903, some data and information were presented which had especial bearing on working-costs of suggested routes, also on tunnel-ventilation and electric traction as applied in long tunnels. These supplementary reports as to working-costs confirmed my original report in its conclusions that, on the whole, and so far as could then be known, line B 1 would be the best. The surveys, however, have demonstrated the fact that the cost of line B 1 would exceed the amount assumed by me in the sum of £30,000. They have also disclosed the situation respecting line A 4, referred to by Mr. Hay, which was discussed in a tentative way by Messrs. Hay, Dobson, and myself, but without any conclusion at the time, that enough information relative thereto could be presented to make it worthy of mention, in a formal report. The outcome has fully justified the expenditure of time and money required by the surveys, &c, since we now have in line A 4 a route upon which I am satisfied all can unite as the best that can be had, as will be outlined in the following pages. Teaffic and Assistant Locomotives. For the same volume of traffic and train-lengths assumed and used in my former reports, I have estimated the variable elements of the working-costs of these lines, making use of more recent data relating to fuel-consumption per locomotive-mile and the effect of rise and fall and curvature on maintenance-costs. In doing this, I have simplified my former methods where possible. For the gradients of the several lines discussed in this report, full-rated trains arriving at Otira from the west with a single locomotive will reach the summit with the help of one assistant locomotive of the same class. The assistant locomotive is assumed to be detached at the summit and returned light to Otira, one locomotive being sufficient to haul the west-bound trains up the grade from Bealey to the summit. With the lines of lesser gradients there will be some surplus of motive power by this arrangement ; but, with the method of computing motive-power costs used, this will not materially affect the comparisons. Geade and" Teain-eesistance. The resistance due to gradient —20 lb. per ton of 2,000 lb. per each per-cent. of grade—is added to the train-resistance, which for the speed assumed of ten miles per hour on maximum grades, or twelve miles per hour on lesser grades, is taken at 658 lb. per long ton, as in previous reports, this figure not varying materially between speeds of seven and a half and fifteen miles per hour. For slower speeds the train-resistance increases slightly, and also increases constantly at higher speeds, its minimum occurring at a speed of about twelve miles per hour. Eesistance due to Cuevatuee. Most of the curvature of the several lines occurs between Otira and the summit, but its distribution as between one side of the summit and the other is not given in the data. In order to get a uniform comparison fair to all lines, it is assumed that all of the curve-resistance would take place between Otira and the summit. The curvature given in Mr. Hay's report is therefore reduced to an equivalent grade on straight track, extending over a distance equal to the percentage of line curved, at the rate of four-one-hundredths of a foot per degree of curve. For each line and weight of train, Tables II to IX, inclusive, give the length in miles of each rate of grade, the speed used for each grade, the total resistance due to grade, friction, &c, and the total resistance due to curvature, also the total resistance of the west-bound train from Bealey to the summit.

11—D. 1.



The length in miles for each rate of grade multiplied by the total resistance for that grade and speed, gives the mile-pounds, which is a term that can readily be reduced to foot-pounds or horsepower. Tractive Powee. The tractive power of the Class B locomotive assumed has been computed by the method of my second supplementary report, further investigation having confirmed me in the view, that for the assumed speeds, there is no more satisfactory or accurate way of determining this important factor. Cost of Operation and Maintenance. The elements of cost of operation and maintenance are as follows : Maintenance of way; ventilation of summit tunnel; fuel-consumption ; wages of locomotive-men ; locomotive repairs, renewals, and supplies; car repairs and renewals ; wages of trainmen ; general expense. We will take these up in their order. Maintenance of Way. In Table XIII. will be found the working-expenses of the New Zealand Eailways, classified and distributed in items corresponding to those of the American Interstate Commerce Commission. This table is an aid in computing the effect of rise and fall and of curvature upon various items of maintenance of way, some of which are much more affected thereby than others, while some are not affected at all. The same table shows the per cent, of increase of each item of maintenancecost affected, and the per cent, of increase due to 528 degrees of curvature and a rise and fall of 264 ft. The per cent, affected is taken from " Eailroad Construction, Theory and Practice "by Professor Walter Loring Webb, of the University of Pennsylvania, a revision of Wellington's work on this subject in the light of the large amount of valuable data collected and published by the American Interstate Commerce Commission. The approximate rise and fall and curvature per mile of the New Zealand Eailways, for the year 1901, are known, or have been computed, also the average cost of maintenance of way per train-mile. With these data and the values deduced in Table XIII., the cost of maintenance of way per train-mile for each of the alternate Arthur's Pass lines has been computed by proportion, the results being shown in Table XIV. In Table XIV. has also been introduced the effect of the assistant locomotives on the cost of maintenance of way. The assistant locomotive, according to Webb (page 488), affects repairs to roadway 12-| per cent., and renewals of rails and ties each 50 per cent, per locomotive-mile. This affects the total maintenance of way (656 per cent, of the total operating-cost per mile), 1815 per cent, per locomotive-mile. The helper locomotive runs from Otira to the summit only and return. Therefore, the increased cost of maintenance of way per train-mile over the entire distance between Otira and Bealey will be twice the distance from Otira to summit, multiplied by 18' 15, divided by the distance from Otira to Bealey. The resulting percentage for each line is given in column headed, " Percentage Increase due to Assistant Locomotives " (Table XIV). With the costs of maintenance of way per train-mile from the last column of Table XIV., and the number of train-miles per annum outside of tunnel, the total annual costs in pounds sterling corresponding thereto are found for each of the routes as given in Table XV. The total annual costs in pounds sterling of maintenance of way in tunnel is found as shown by Table XVI. Adding the costs outside to those inside of summit tunnel, we have the total annual cost of maintenance of way in pounds sterling, given in Table XVII., for each line. Ventilation of Summit Tunnel. It is assumed that the summit tunnel of either of the routes would require artificial ventilation on account of its length. With the length of summit tunnel from Table I. and the area of cross-section designed for the Arthur's Pass tunnel of 200 square feet, the formulae for the Saccardo system of ventilation given in my second supplementary report, which system is in successful use in Saint Gothard tunnel and in several others, including the precedents noted in said report, will give the essential elements as shown in Table XXIV. From the last column of Table XXIV. it appears that the tunnel of each route would require practically the same mechanical plant and power to give the required velocity and air-current, provided the ratio of the area of nozzle to the area of tunnel cross-section is properly proportioned. The size of blowers and the horse-power of engine and boiler would be the same as used in my second supplementary report—namely, 200-horse power. The cost of operating such a plant can be safely taken at one-half that for a Class B locomotive for the train-mileage made in the tunnel, except that the wages and general expense would be wholly the same as for a Class B locomotive. The cost of installing the ventilation plant in the case of either of the projected summit tunnels would be fully covered by the provision made in each case by your engineers, as given m the details which have been sent to me. Fue l-consump tion. Authorities do not agree closely on fuel-consumption. Ideas vary according to experience and research. The quality of coal has important bearing, a larger consumption of some coals being required than of others. In the computations of my former reports, 5 lb. of coal was assumed per effective horse-power-hour. This is a figure which is as near correct as can be ascertained for average American practice, but on heavy grades, where a locomotive is working most of the time, with nearly full stroke cut off, it is too low. This is a matter which I have investigated at much length, and am now satisfied that, for conditions such as will be found between Otira and the summit, 6 lb. of coal per effective horse-power-hour should be assumed for these computations. This figure I have recently



used in connection with an important line in Colorado, and am now using in a report on the merits of certain routes across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in California and Nevada, for a transcontinental line. We can now compute the fuel-consumption required by each route, directly from the total resistance pertaining thereto, thus eliminating many details which entered into the computations of my previous reports, as follows : — Multiplying the total resistance in pounds by the distance in feet through which it operates, will give the foot-pounds of effective work done in moving the train. For each hour, this would be the resistance in pounds multiplied by 5,280 and by the speed in miles per hour. Dividing the latter product by 33,000 (foot-pounds) and by 60 (minutes) gives the effective horse-power expended. This quotient multiplied by the running-time in hours and by 6 lb. of coal per effective horse-power hour gives the total coal consumed in pounds. Expressing this in an equation, we have— —^—I^7^—tL—-— = coa l consumed in pounds, where E is the total resistance in pounds. ooLHXJ X oO The speed S is equal to the distance in miles M divided by the running-time H in hours : S = =sr. Substituting this value of Sin the above equation the term H cancels out and we have— B x 5280 x M x 6 3300Q xgo = c °al consumed m pounds. Dividing by 2,240 to reduce the results to tons and multiplying by the cost of coal (in this case £065) will give the cost of coal in pounds sterling : — BX M X 6380 x 6;>.'65 BM = cogt f f j . & t j. 33000 x 60 x 2240 2153846 F s Then, dividing the total resistance in mile-pounds of Tables 11. to IX. inclusive by 215,384-6 gives the cost of fuel for a round-trip train in pounds sterling. Table X. gives the number of train and locomotive miles in summit tunnel and outside of summit tunnel and the total between Otira and Bealey for one round-trip train, and Table XI. shows the average daily mileage of assistant locomotives for each line with 500, 700, 1,000, 340, 477, and 681 trains per annum in each direction, the train-mileage being assumed as equally distributed over 312 working-days. The costs of fuel per round-trip trains, as given in Tables 11. to IX. inclusive, are then multiplied by the total number of round-trip trains per annum, giving the total annual cost of fuel for locomotives of each route and number of trains per annum. These results are shown in Table XII. Wages of Locomotive-men. These are based upon the rates established in New Zealand as measured by the locomotivemile (see New Zealand Eailways Eeport for 1901), the cost per locomotive-mile being 4'18d., assumed to be the same for any locomotive on either route. Locomotive Repairs, Renewals, and Supplies. Taking the costs per locomotive-mile of locomotive repairs, renewals, and supplies for Class B locomotives from the New Zealand Eailways Eeport of 1901, page 62, which are the average of 125,524 engine-miles, we have the distribution shown in the first column of Table XX. The rates per locomotive-mile for an 85-ton locomotive would be greater. According to Wellington and Webb, the items should increase about one-half as fast as the increase in weight, that is, if the total weight of the locomotive is doubled, the cost of renewals and repairs and supplies would increase about 50 per cent. Therefore, if E is the cost of one of these items for class B locomotive, the cost for an 85-ton locomotive will be— R1 = R ( 1 + = R xl= Lls4R - Table XVIII. shows the effect of rise and fall and curvature on the cost of repairs and renewals and supplies per locomotive-mile, obtained in the same manner and with the same reasoning as was used in finding the effect of these physical characteristics on costs of maintenance of way and equipment. These rates per locomotive-mile from Table XVIII. are shown in Table XX. for Class B locomotive, and for the 85-ton locomotive the rates for the Class B locomotive are multiplied by 1.154 (see above equation), giving the results shown in Table XX. With the number of locomotive-miles per round-trip train from Table X., and the rates from Table XX., we obtain the costs for one round-trip train as shown in Table XXI. Multiplying the costs per round-trip train by the number of trains per annum gives the total annual charge for locomotive repairs, renewals, and supplies, see Table XXI. Following the same method as used in my first and second supplementary reports, a day's work for an assistant locomotive is assumed to be eighty miles, and the difference between eighty miles and the actual average daily mileage is called the potential mileage, and is an item of the total cost of motive power. The cost for this potential mileage will be taken as before at the total cost of wages per locomotive-mile plus 10 per cent, of the cost of all the other items. For the Class B locomotive this amounts to 5'15d., and for the 85-tou locomotive s'3od. Multiplying these rates by 80 miles, less the actual mileage of assistant locomotives per day for each line and number of



trains per annum, from Table XL, and by 312 full working days in a year, gives the annual cost of assistant locomotives standing still in pounds sterling. These results are shown in Table XXII. Adding together the annual cost of fuel from Table XII., of wages, renewals, and repairs, and supplies from Table XXI., and the cost of assistant locomotives standing still from Table XXII., gives the total annual cost of motive power in pounds sterling of Table XXIII. Wages of Trainmen; General Expense. Each of these items would be nearly the same for either of the alternative routes, and can be safely omitted from the comparison, although the item of train-wages, on the basis of a train-mile distribution, would affect the B lines somewhat adversely, because of their greater length, as compared with the A lines. Car Repairs and Renewals. This has been obtained from the returns of the New Zealand railways, with a percentage of increase due to rise and fall and curvature, in the same manner as in my first supplementary report, correction being made to agree with recent data, now at hand. With the rate per trainmile from the last column of Table XVIII., and the total number of train-miles per annum, for each case, the total yearly cost of renewals and repairs of cars is found as given in Table XIX. If the trains brought up to Bealey are rated for and hauled by an 85-ton locomotive, 340, 477, and 681 trains per annum would handle the same business as 500, 700, and 1,000 trains per annum with Class B locomotive. The total number of car-miles and of ton-miles would therefore remain the same, while the train and locomotive miles per annum would be less, and the weight of the trains and locomotives would be proportionally greater. It is therefore assumed that the main-tenance-costs would be essentially the same for the same volume of traffic with either locomotive. There are no data at hand from which the exact effect on maintenance-charges of handling the same tonnage in heavier and fewer trains can be determined, but it is evident that there are factors which would balance each other —that is, some items would be larger for the heavier trains and others would be larger for the lighter trains. The net result cannot vary enough to materially affect this comparison. Comparison of Working-costs. Adding together the annual cost of motive power from Table XXIII., the cost of maintenance of way from Table XVII., the cost of renewals and repairs of cars from Table XIX., and the cost of tunnel-ventilation from Table XXV., we have the total of all the variable elements in the cost of working these alternate lines as shown in Table XXVI. It will be seen from this table that the cost of working the several lines considered does not differ greatly. The extreme difference between Line 83, the highest, and Line A 4, the lowest, is only £14865 sterling per annum for 500 trains each way per year. For 1,000 trains each way per year the difference is £2986 sterling. Adding interest at 3J per cent, per annum on the cost of construction given in Table 1., we have the sum of all the variable elements in the total annual charges in pounds sterling. These results are shown in Table XXVII. They distinctly indicate that Line A 4 is the best. Line B 1, which is the one mentioned in my first report as likely to be the best of those considered therein, follows line A 4, ranking as a close second in the order of merit. If the railway was to be built purely as a commercial enterprise it would doubtless pay to give more favourable consideration to line B 1, because, on account of its shorter summit tunnel, the railway could be completed and begin to earn money at an earlier date than in the case of either of the other routes. But it would not be good policy, nor pay the Government in the long-run, to build any but the best line, especially as such line is estimated to cost the least. Line A4is an ideal route, considering all the points of the physical situation. It keeps clear of the hill-sides and of all possibility of interruption by slides, or danger from falling rocks, is short, and is almost, although not wholly, free from curvature. In fact, a better route is not feasible, and I am glad to recommend it to you. No attempt is made herein to estimate the extra cost of maintenance of way of either route, due to slides or wash from slopes, &c, this item being a matter of pure conjecture. It is not at all improbable, however, that this would, during some years, so increase the aggregate working-cost of line B 1 that it would exceed that of line A 4 in the sum of £1,000 to £1,200 sterling, as estimated by the superintending engineer. I take pleasure in saying that the Government engineers have shown ability in their work in these premises, and in developing the data sent me. Temporary Line. In my reports I have mentioned the Shay locomotive as a practicable machine for the operation of steep gradients. It is slow in speed, but very positive and safe in its action. It can, however, easily make eight miles per hour, and does do so every day in the year on the Mount Tamalpais Scenic Eailway in California. The following data relating to this railway will be of interest to you. The Railway. The railway is of standard gauge, and was built in 1896 under the engineering direction of Mr, George M. Dodge, of San Eafael, California. The line is a trifle less than eight miles and a quarter in length, with a total curvature of about 15,000 degrees, and a total ascent of about 2,500 ft.



The track is laid with 56 lb, steel rails for seven miles of the distance, on the remainder 35 lb. rails being in use, the intention of the company being to replace these soon with the heavier variety. A level form of ballast is in use, exposing the entire upper surface of the ties, but extending beyond the ends. Water lubrication is practised on the sharpest curves, oil having proved dangerous, causing derailment. Creeping of the rails has been successfully arrested by spiking 10 ft. sections of 2 in. iron pipe on four ties, with one end of the pipe braced against an angle bar: four thousand of these pipes are in use. The maximum speed of trains is eight miles per hour. Safety of operation is helped by the numerous curves, which serve as a check to trains in making the descent. Equipment. The principal equipment of the road consists of four Shay locomotives and eight cars. The locomotives were built by the Shay Locomotive-works of Lima, Ohio. They are 30 tons net weight, and easily haul three loaded cars, the cars having a capacity of eighty passengers each. The steam is applied through three vertical cylinders to a shaft having universal joints which has bevel-gearing connections with the wheels, allowing the locomotive to make the sharpest curves of 70 ft. radius. Crude oil is used for fuel. It is obtained from Bakersfield, Cal., the cost being 80 cents per barrel in the locomotive, this against coal at $9 per ton, four barrels of oil being about equal to a ton of coal. The chief profit of the road lies in this fuel-saving. A round trip requires about 120 gallons of oil with one car, and 150 gallons with three cars. The cars were built by W. L. Holman and Co., 210-212 Fremont Street, San Francisco. They are of seven short tons weight, with seats extending the entire width, and have canopy tops, with curtains for bad weather. From five to ten round-trip trains are run over the Mount Tamalpais Scenic Eailroad every day. They carry a large number of passengers with safety and success. There is no difficulty in keeping the train under full control, accidents being unheard-of. Application to Arthur's Pass. It is my opinion that a survey at Arthur's Pass would prove that a temporary line like that at Mount Tamalpais would be feasible at reasonable cost. A free use of curvature should be made in order to avoid tunnels or other expensive features of construction and to avoid moving ground so far as practicable. It would also, perhaps, be advisable to use one or two short switchbacks to keep the line as near the stream as may be considered desirable, in order to take advantage of easier slopes than those presented at greater heights, and to cheapen the cost. Such a line would be very useful during construction of the summit tunnel. It could be connected with the permanent line at either end and cars could be run through, establishing a regular traffic. If built, it might be found desirable to retain it as a permanent feature of the railway to enable passengers and tourists to view the beautiful scenery of Otira Gorge and Arthur's Pass. I strongly recommend that the survey mentioned be made. I have, &c, The Hon. William Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works, V. G. Bogue Wellington, New Zealand.


Ft. Grade level at Otira common point .. .. .. .. 1,255 Grade level at Bealey common point .. .. .. .. 2,352 •This does not agree with profile, which gives 1 in 44.


Name of Line. Length of M G a r x^ u o m Length of East Sat West Approach. Ap p r a O a Ch . Approach. Maximum Grade of West Approach. ■hysical 0! laracteristi ics of alternative Rise and Level of Pall. Summit. jines. Length of Summit Tunnel. 6 § hi S ° h a to Total Length of Line. Percentage curved. Total Curvature. Grade of Summit Tunnel. A Al A 2 A3 A4 B 1 B2 B3 M. ch. 0 45 1 7-5 1 4 1 1-5 1 6-5 2 2-5 2 2-5 2 2'5 lin40 •1 in 40 ♦1 in 40 *1 in 40 *1 in 40 1 in 40 1 in 40 1 in 40 M. oh. 8 8 7 54 7 55-5 7 56 7 55 8 6-5 7 63-5 8 21 Iin37 lin30 1 in 30 1 in 30 1 in 30 1 in 30 lin30 lin30 M. eh. 8 53 8 61-5 8 59-5 8 57-5 8 61-5 10 9 9 66 10 23-5 iDegrees. 13 357 19-5 809 16-5 593 13 419 "T 177 26-5 i 1,160 34 1,407 29 1,315 Ft. 1,189 1,285 1,273 1,273 1,277 1,463 1,463 1,463 Ft. 2,398 2,446 2,440 2,440 2,442 2,535 2,535 2,535 M. ch. 6 0 4 73 4 79 . 5 45 5 24 3 32 3 32 3 32 1 in 37 1 in 36 1 in 33 1 in 33 1 in 33 1 in 33 1 in 33 Iin33 £ 567,000 517,000 525,000 537,000 510,000 512,000 539,000 543,000


Table II.—Fuel-consumption, Line B 3.


000-, 700-, 1,000-train Tr: tffio. 340-, 477-, 681-train Traffic. Miles. Grade, „ , Per Cent. S P eed - Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 0-025 0-200 0-210 0-187 0106 0194 0003 0-518 1-107 0-200 0062 0-689 0-249 0-542 3-740 0-239 (2-985) 2-27 333 3-03 0-50 1-91 1-91 3-33 333 3 03 1-64 3-33 303 2-88 3-33 3-03 2-88 0-33 12 21,350 10 30,150 12 27,650 12 6,620 12 18,350 12 18,350 10 30,150 10 30,150 12 27,650 12 16,100 10 30,150 12 27,650 12 26,450 10 30,150 12 27,650 12 26,450 8-5-12 -5,200 534 6,030 5,810 1,275 1,945 3,560 90-5 15,625 30,600 3,220 1,870 19,050 6,590 16,350 103,500 6,320 15,530 30,150 42,700 39,100 9,350 25,600 25,600 42,700 42,700 39,100 22,750 42,700 39,100 37,350 42,700 39,100 37,350 *7,350 754 8,510 8,210 1,750 2,715 4,970 128 22,130 43,300 4,550 2,570 26,950 9,300 23,150 146,200 8,930 21,930 Total R.] M., Otira to summit 237,899-5 336,077 0-187 Summit level Summit level R.M. boti 12 2,450 3,460 458 647 (0.187) 12 1,365 255-5 1,935 362 h ways on summit level 713-5 1,009 0-200 0-700 0-274 0-025 0-612 0025 Level 2-50 2-27 1-97 1-67 1-14 12 1,365 12 12,965 12 11,865 12 10,515 12 9,115 12 6,645 273 9,070 3,250 263 5,575 166 1,935 18,400 16,880 14,900 12,920 9,450 387 12,880 4,620 373 7,910 236 R.M., Bei aley to summit 18,597 26,406 10-294 (Total len igth of line.) Total R.M. uphi 11 ... (256,496) (362,483) Equiv ■alent R.M . downhill (10 per cent.) 25,650 36,248 Total equivalent t R.M., one round trip ... 282,859 399,740 Cost of fuel = R.M. -r- 215,384-6 = £1-312 per round trip. I JCost of fuel = R. £1-855 per r< tf. 4-215,384-6 = >und trip. * Resistance due to curvature. Note.—The steepest equivalent grade is 3-49 per cent., which at eight miles and a half per hour gives resistance 31,480. The tractive power is 31,550 for the light trains, and correspondingly greater for the heavier trains and locomotives.



Table III.—Fuel-consumption, Line B 1.

Table IV.—Fuel-consumption, Line A.

500-, 700-, 1,000-train Tri c 340-, 477-, 681-train Traffic. Miles. Grade, Per Gent. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 0-728 0-830 1010 5-521 (2-68) Same as B 3 3-33 10 30,150 3.03 12 27,650 Same as B 3 0-33 I 8-5-12 I *5,200 15,594 25,050 27,920 153,680 13,920 Same as B 3 42,700 39,100 Same as B 3 *7,350 21,969 35,450 39,500 217,100 19,700 Total E,M., Otira to summit 236,164 333,719 0-187 B.M., same as B 3 on summit level R.M., Bealey to summit, same as B3 713-5 Same as B 3 1,009 1-836 18,597 Same as B 3 26,406 10-112 (Total length of line.) (254,761) (360,125) Total R.M . uphill Equivalem t R.M. downhill (10 per cent.) 25,47636,012 Total equi , valent R.M., one round trip 280,950 397,146 Cost of fuel = R.M. + 215,384-6 = £1-308 >er round trip. Cost of fuel = 1 = £1.842 per ,.M. H- 215,384-6 round trip. ♦ Resistance due to curvature.

500-, 700-, 1,000-train Traffic. 340-, 477-, 681-traln Traffic Miles. Grade, Per Cent. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = B.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 6-640 0-262 0-162 0-752 0-275 (1-126) 2-70 12 24,950 2-57 12 23,850 2-51 12 23,350 2-47 12 23,000 2-46 12 22,950 0 24 8-5-12 *4,450 12 12 12 12 12 8-5-12 24,950 23,850 23,350 23,000 22,950 *4,450 165,700 6,250 3,780 17,300 6,310 5,010 35,200 33,700 33,000 32,500 32,400 *6,280 233,400 8,830 5,350 24,450 8,920 7,070 Total E.M., Otira to Summit ... 204,350 288,020 0-194 Summit 12 | 2,450 level. Summit j 12 1,365 level. 475 3,460 671 0-194 265 1,935 376 E.M., both ways on Summit level 740 1,047 0-312 0-363 2-42 12 12,565 1-67 12 9,115 3,920 574 17,850 12,920 5,565 814 'otal R.M E.M., Bealey to Summit 4,494 6,379 1. uphill (208,844) (294,399) Iquivalen it R.M. downhill (10 per cent.) ... 20,884 29,440 'otal equ; ivalent R.M., one round trip 230,468 324,886 Cost of fuel = R.M. + 215,384-6 = £1-07 per round trip. Cost of fuel = R.M. -=- 215,384-6 = £1-508 per round trip. * Resistance due to curvature.


Table V.—Fuel-consumption, Line B 2.

Table VI.—Fuel-consumption, Line A 1.


500-, 700- 1,000-train Traffic. 340-, 477-, 68: -train Traffic les. Grade, Per Cent. Speed. Besistanoe, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 2-250 Same as A 1 66,530 0235 3-33 10 30,150 7,080 0-203 3-18 11 28,950 5,875 0-549 2-88 12 j 26,450 14,520 0-043 3-03 12 27,650 1,190 4-521 Same as B 3 126,170 (3-34) 0-32 I 8-5-12W *5,110 17,050 *' 66,530 7,080 5,875 14,520 1,190 126,170 17,050 Same as A 1 42,700 40,900 37,350 39,100 Same as B 3 *7,230 94,010 10,050 8,300 20,500 1,681 178,280 24,150 Total B.M., Otira to summit ... 238,415 238,415 336,971 0187 R.M., same as B 3 on summit 713-5 level 1-836 R.M., Bealey to summit, same as 18,597 B3 713-5 Same as B 3 1,009 18,597 Same as B 3 26,406 9-824 (Total length of line.) (363,377) Total, R.M. uphill ... ... ... (257,012) (257,012) Equivalent R.M. downhill (10 per cent.) ... 25,701 25,701 36,338 lotal equivalent R. M., one round trip ... 283,426 283,426 400,724 Cost of fuel = R.M. -r- 215,381-6 =s £1-315 per round trip. Cost of fuel = I = £1-856 p, i.M. -=- 215,384-6 ;r round trip. * Resistance due to curvature.

500-, 700-, 1,000-train Tr; iffic. 340-, 477-, 68: -train Traffic. Miles. Speed. Resistanoe, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 1-296 0-864 0090 0-108 0-306 0063 4-963 (1-610) 3-33 3-18 2-88 333 3-18 2.88 2-77 0-38 10 30,150 11 28,950 12 26,450 10 30,150 11 28,950 12 26,450 12 25,550 8-5-12 *5,610 39,100 25,050 2,380 3,260 8,850 1,667 127,000 9,020 42,700 40,900 37,350 42,700 40,900 37,350 36,050 *7,930 "55,300 35,350 3,360 4,610 12,510 2,350 178,900 12,770 Total E.B [., Otira to summit 216,327 305,150 0-163 Summit level Summit level E.M., bo 12 2,450 3,460 399 564 (0-163) 12 1,365 222 1,935 315 ;h ways on summit level 621 879 • Resii Iβ to o irvat' ire


Table VI. —Fuel-consumption Line A 1— continued.

Table VII. —Fuel-consumption, Line A 2.

:- VI— D, 1.


500-, 700-, 1,000-train Traffic. 340-, 477-, 681-train Traffic. Miles. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = B.M. Resistance, One Train. Grade, Per Cent. Mile-pounds = E.M. 0-047 0-372 0-496 2-27 12 11,865 2-27 12 11,865 1-67 12 9,115 557 4,400 4,519 16,880 16,880 12,920 794 6,280 6,410 E.M., Bealey to Summit 9,476 13,484 8-768 (Total length of line.) 'otal E.M uphill (318,634) (225,803) jquivaleni ; E.M. downhill (10 per cent.) 22,580 31,863 !otal equi . talent R.M., one round trip 249,004 351,376 Cost of fuel = E.M. -=- 215,384-6 = £1-155 ier round trip. Cost of fuel = = £1-63 pern R.M. 4- 215,384-6 >und trip.

500 , 700-, 1,000-train Traffic. 340-, 477-, 68: -train Traffic. Miles. Grade, Per Cent. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 0-975 0460 5964 0-205 0-090 (1-443) Same as B 3 3-33 10 30,150 3-03 12 27,650 2-88 12 26,450 0-43 12 6,030 0-31 8-5-12 i *5,030 20,755 13,880 165,000 5,420 543 7,170 Same as B 3 42,700 39,100 37,350 8,540 *7,120 29,202 19,650 233,500 7,650 768 10,280 Total E.M., Otira to Summit 212,768 301,050 0-182 Summit 12 2,450 level Summit 12 1,365 level E.M., both ways on summit level 3,460 446 630 (0-182) 249 1,935 352 695 982 0-868 B.M., Bealey to summit, same as A1 Same as A 1 8,919 12,690 8-744 (Total length of line.) Total E.M [.uphill (221,687) (313,740) Equivalen it E.M. downhill (lOper cent.) 22,169 31,374 Total equi ivalent E.M., one round trip 244,551 346,096 Cost o: fuel = E.M. -4- 215,384-6 = £1-135 per round trip. Cost of fuel =' = £1-605 per R.M. H- 215,384-6 round trip. * Resistance due to cu,rva'ure,


Table VII I.—Fuel-consumption, Line A 3.

Table IX. —Fuel-consumption, Line A 4.


500-, 700-, 1,000-train Traffic. 340-, 477-, 68 -train Traffic. Miles. Grade, Per Cent. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 1-85 Same as A 2 5-78 3-03 12 27,650 0-07 2-88 12 26.450 (1-133) 0-28 8-5-12 *4,780 Total E.M., Otira to summit 46,585 168,000 1,853 5,420 Same as A 2 ?9,100 37,350 *6,750 63,078 226,000 2,615 7,650 213,858 299,343 0.150 I Summit- 12 | 2,450 level 0-150 I Summit- 12 1,365 level E.M. both ways on summit level 368 3,460 519 205 1,935 291 " 573 810 0-868 E.M., Bealey to summit, same as A I 8-718 (Total length of line.) 8,919 Same as A 1 12,690 Cotal E.M. uphill Equivalent E.M. downhill (10 per cent.) (222,777) 22,778 (312,033) 31,203 Cotal equivalent E.M. one round trip 246,128 344,046 Cost of fuel = R.M. + 215,384-6 = £1-42 per round trip. Cost of fuel = = £1-596 per 3.M. -=-215,384-6 •ound trip. * Resistance due to curvature.

500-, 700-, 1,000-train Ti affic. 340-, 477-, 68 -train Traffic. Miles. Grade, Per Cent. Speed. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R,M. Resistance, One Train. Mile-pounds = R.M. 0-925 Same as B3 0-663 3-33 ! 10 30,150 5-651 3-03 12 27,650 0-456 2-50 12 23,250 (0-701) 0-19 I 8-5-12 *4,030 0-925 0663 5-651 0-456 (0-701) 192,445 20,000 156,500 10,600 2,825 Same as 13 3 42,700 39,100 32,850 *5,690 27,067 28,300 221,000 14,980 3,990 Total R.M., Otira to summit ... 209,169-5 295,337 0-194 Summit 12 2,450 level (0-194) Summit 12 1,365 level 0194 470 3,460 671 (0-194) 262 1,935 375 B.M., both ways on summit level 732 1,046 0-011 2-27 I 12 I 11,865 0-868 Same as Al 0011 0-868 130 8,919 16,880 Same as A 1 186 12,690 0-879 E.M., Bealey to summit 0-879 9,049 12,876 8-768 (Total length of line.) 8-768 L'otal B.M. uphill (218,218) (308,213) Equivalent E.M. downhill (10 per cent.) 21,822 30,821 Dotal equivalent E.M., one round trip 240,772 340,080 Cost of fuel = E.M. ~- 215,384-6 = £1-119 ier round trip. Cost of fuel = E.l £1-579 per r< 1. -r- 215,384-6 = iund trip. dstanoe 'V:



Table X.—Train and Locomotive Miles between common Points at Otira and Bealey, One Train each Way.

Table XI.—Average Daily Mileage of Assistant Locomotives. 312 Working-days (per Annum).

Line. Length of Run. Direction bound. T Tunnel. Out - Total - Number of Locomotives. Looomotive-Train-miles. miles. In Tunnel. Out. Total. Bast Easi West ... 60 60 6-0 2-091 2-66 2-66 8.091 8-66 8-66 1* 1) 1) 16-182 17-32 Total... 33-502 13 5-32 17-32 A 1 Bast Bast ... West ... 4-913 4-913 4-913 2-777 3-855 3-855 7-69 8.768 8-768 1* it 15-380 17-536 Total ... 32-916 9-826 7-710 17536 A2 Bast East West ... 4 988 4-988 4-988 2-706 3-756 3-756 7-694 8-744 8-744 1 J ' C SI 15-388 17-488 Total... 32-876 9-976 7-512 17-488 A3 East East West ... 5-563 5-563 5-563 2-137 3-156 3156 7-70 8-719 8-719 11 15400 17-438 Total... 11-126 32-838 6-312 17-438 A 4 Bast ... Bast ... West .., 5-30 5-30 5-30 2-395 3-468 3-468 7-695 8-768 8-768 1* 1) 1] 15-390 17-536 Total ... 32-926 10-600 6-936 17-536 B 1 East ... East West ... 3-40 3-40 3-40 4-689 6-712 6-712 8-089 10-112 10-112 1* 1} 16-178 20-224 Total ... 36-402 6-800 13-424 20-224 B 2 Bast East West ... 3-40 3-40 3-40 4-401 6-424 6-424 7-801 9-824 9-824 1* l) lj 15-602 19-648 Total ... 35-250 12-848 6-800 19 648 B 3 East Bast West ... 3-40 3-40 3-40 4-871 6-894 6-894 8-271 10-294 10-294 1* 1! 16-542 20-588 Total... 6-800 37-130 13-788 20-588 'Helper from Otira to summit and return.

Annual 'rains eachl Way. Line A. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A A. Line B 1. ! Line B 2. Line B 3. 500 700 1,000 340 477 681 25-95 36-33 51-89 17-65 24-75 35-34 24-65 34-50 49-28 16-76 23-51 33-56 24-66 34-52 49-32 16-77 23-53 33-58 24-68 34-55 49-35 16-78 23-54 33-61 24-66 34-52 49-32 16-77 23-53 33-58 25-92 36-29 51-85 17-63 24-73 35-30 2500 35-00 50-00 17-00 23-85 34-05 26-51 37-11 5301 18-03 25-29 36-10

D.— -1.

Table XII. —Cost of Fuel per Annum, in Pounds Sterling.

Table XIII.—Approximate Distribution of Maintenance of New Zealand Railways, 1901.


Trains each Way per Annum. Line A. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B 3. 1 500 700 1,000 1 340 477 681 1-07 535 749 1,070 1-508 512-5 719 1,026 1155 577-5 808-5 1,155 1-63 554 777 1,110 1-135 567-5 794-5 1,135 1-605 546 766 1,092 1-142 571 799-4 1,142 1-596 542 761 1,086 1-119 559-5 783-3 1,119 1-579 536-5 753 1,075 1-308 654 915-6 1,308 1-842 626 879 1,254 1-315 657-5 920-5 1,315 1-856 631 885 1,262 1-312 656 918-4 1,312 1-855 630-5 884-5 1,261

Item. Total Amount. A ™ Coat per Train-mile. Increase due to 528 Degrees Curvature and 26-4 It. Rise and Fall. Per Cent, of Item. Oost p | r e^ lle per Cur- Rise and Cur- Rise and vattire. Fall, vature.* Fall.* Mainti 1NANCE OF WAY AND We 3BKS. Repairs of roadway Renewals of rails Renewals of ties Bridges, drains, and culverts Fences, road-crossings, signs, and cattle-guards Buildings and fixtures Docks and wharves Miscellaneous General £ Per Cent. 209,073 18 040 (35,100) 3-025 (64,610) 5-575 43,400-1 3-745 13,337-4 1-150 33,772-7 2-910 8,446-3 0-725 7,833-8 0-675 3,326-7 0-285 a. 10-85 1-82 3-35 225 0-65 1-75 0-43 040 0-17 25 300 50 5 10 5 4-510 9-075 2-788 0-902 0-303 0-279 Total 418,900-0 36-13 21-67 16-373 1-484 Mα: [NTENANCE OF EqUIPMEI NT. 100 100 50 4 4 Renewals and repairs to locomotives Renewals and repairs to cars Shop machinery and tools General Miscellaneous 82,702-2 7-135 82,093-5 7-085 7,505-2 0-650 1,432 0-125 9,438 0-815 4-30 4-20 0-40 0-10 0-50 7135 7-085 0-325 0-285 0-283 Total 183,170-9 15-81 9-50 14-545 0-568 Cot roncTiire Tbanspobtatic 109,659-1 9-459 (90,415) 7-810 (2,921-9) 0-252 6,252-3 0-540 258,266-3 22-280 22,517-9 1-943 15,374-8 1-326 505,407-3 ! 43-61 )N. Engine and roundhouse men Fuel for locomotives Water for locomotives Oil, tallow, &c. .. Wages Stores Miscellaneous 5-70 4-70 0-15 0-33 13-44 1-77 0-81 55 55 55 65 65 65 Total 26-30 Wages, head offices Wages, departmental Genebal Expenses. 17,200-2 1-485 34,389-7 2-905 0-87 1-80 Total 51,589-9 4-45 2-67 Recw lPITULATION 01 T EXPENS] ES. Maintenance of way and supplies Maintenance of equipment Conducting transportation General expense .. g 418,900 K 505,407-3 51,589-9 36-13 15-81 43-61 4-45 21-67 9-50 26-30 2-67 Grand total Less credit recoveries 1,159,068-1 31,220-6 100-00 60-14 58-58 1,127,847-5 * Per cent, of total ti .-ain-nrile c< )SI .


Table XIV.-Rates for Maintenance of Way.

Notk.—ln tunnels, the effect of rise and fall, and assistant engine as well as the cost of maintenance on straight, level track is taken as double the cost outside. Rise and fall is taken to be a rise with its corresponding fall: thus 264 ft. up and 26-4 ft. down equals 26-4 ft. rise and fall. (See Wellington and Webb.)

Table XV. —Annual Cost, in Pounds Sterling, of Maintenance of Way (outside Tunnel).

Table XVI.—Annual Cost, in Pounds Sterling, of Maintenance of Way (in Tunnel.)

340, same as for 500. 477. „ 700. 681, „ 1,000.


Rise and Pall and Curvature per Mile. Per Cent, of Increase due to Line. 1 Per Cent, of Increase. Rate per Train-mile. Rise and „ Fall, Agrees in Feet. Culture. Rise and Pall. Curvature. Assistant Locomotive. I Ou, iside Tun? nel. a. New Zealand Bail ways A ... Al... A2... A3 A4 Bl B2 B3 12 62-4 75 63-3 60-7 61-8 68-5 71-5 66-7 36 138-2 210 158 132-7 51 173 219 191 1-87-9-54 11-67 9-85 9-45 9.63 10-66 11-13 10-38 309 11-89 18-03 13-56 11-40 4-38 14-85 18-80 16-40 28-50 25-25 26-13 24-60 25-10 25-35 24-89 25-65 1-0496 1-4993 1-5495 1-4954 1-4545 1-3911 1-5086 1-5482 1-5243 21-67 30-95 31-98 30-87 30-02 28-72 31-15 31-96 31-46 71-4 73-4 80 80 80 80 80 80 r n Tunnel. 1 72-60 72-60 72-60 72-60 72-60 72-60 72-60 72-60 2-9483 2-9546 2-9751 2-9751 2.9751 29751 2-9751 2-9751 60-86 60-99 61-42 61-42 61-42 61-42 61-42 61-42 A ... j I 22-23 22-86 24-91 24-91 24-91 24-91 24-91 24-91 Al A2... A3 A4... Bl B2 B3

Trains each Way per Annum. Line A. Line A 3. Line A. 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line B 3. 1 500 700 1,000 0.686 343 480-2 686 1-028 514 719-6 1,028 0-968 484 677-6 968 0-789 I 394-5 552-3 789 0-828 414 579-6 828 1-742 1-712 871 856 1,219-4 1,198-4 1,742 1,712 1-807 903-5 1,264-9 1,807 340, same as for 500. 477, „ 700. 681, „ 1,000.

Trains each Way per Annum. Line A. Line A 1. '. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B 3. 1 500 700 1,000 3-045 1,522-5 2,131-5 3,045 2-496 2-55 1,248 1,275 1,747.2 1,785 2,496 2,550 2-85 2-715 J 1-741 1,425 1,357-5 870-5 1,995 1,900-5 J 1,218-7 2,850 2,715 1,741 1-741 870-5 1,218-7 1,741 1-741 870-5 1,218-7 1,741


Table XVII.—Total Annual Cost of Maintenance of Way, in Pounds Sterling.

Table XVIII. —Rates for Maintenance and Supplies of Equipment.

Table XIX.—Cost of Car Renewals and Repairs, in Pounds Sterling, per Annum.

Table XX. —Cost of Wages, Renewals, Repairs, and Supplies, per Locomotive-mile, in Pence.


Trains each Way ier Annum. Line A. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B 3. 1 500 700 1,000 340 477 681 3-731 1,865-5 2,611-7 3,731 1,865-5 2,611-7 3,731 3-524 1,762 2,466-8 3,524 1,762 2,466-8 3,524 3-518 1,759 2,462-6 3,518 1,759 2,462-6 3,518 3-639 1,819-5 2,547-3 3,639 ■ 1,819-5 2,547-3 3,639 3.543 3-483 1,771-5 ; 1,741-5 2,480-1 : 2,438-1 3,543 ; 3,483 1,771-5 : 1,741-5 2,480-1 ' 2,438-1 3,543 3,483 3-453 1,726-5 2,417-1 3,453 1,726-5 2,417-1 3,453 3-548 1,774 2,483-6 3,548 1,774 2,483-6 3,548

Per Cent, of InRise and Fall crease Cost per and Curvature Mile for Supplies per Mile. due to Locomot plli Per Cent. Increase j Cost per Mile for r Repairs to Locomotives and Cars. ;ive Supes. Renew; Is and ;epairs. Line. 1 Per I . Cent. Rate per motivemile Class "B" 1 Per Cent. Increase. Locomotiv's: Rate per motivemile, Class "B" Cars: Rate per Trainmile. Feet. _ Rise and I Curva Degrees. Fall _ ture _ Increase. Rise and CurvaFall. ture. N.Z. Rail12 36 29.55 41-2 169 91-9 ' 181-60 67-8 179-40 48-1 179-90 20-2 179-40 ;114-7 177-30 143-2 183-50 127-7 175 3-75 1-82 6-83 1-333 d. 0.25 1-087 d. 2-16 d. 4-20 ways 68-6 73-3 72-8 73 72-8. 72 74-5 71-1 4-29 9-57 7-06 5-01 2-05 11-93 14-92 13-30 10-40 11-10 11-04 11-06 11-04 1091 11-29 10-77 7-81 17-41 12-85 9-11 3-83 21-74 27-15 24-20 2-733 2-912 2-865 2-849 2-815 2-893 2-984 2-883 0-512 0-546 0-537 0-534 0-528 0-543 0-560 0-541 1-182 1-285 1-239 1-202 1.149 1-327 1-384 1-350 4-58 4-99 4-82 4-67 4-46 5-16 5-38 5-25 • A Al A 2 A 3 A 4 Bl B2 B3 2-35 2-56 2-46 2-39 2-28 2-63 2-75 2-68

Trains each Way per Annum. I Line A 2. ! Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line A. Line A 1. Line B 3. 1 500 700 1000 0-332 166-0 232-4 332 0-365 182-5 255-5 365 0-351 i 0-340 175-5 170 245-7 ! 238 351 I 340 0-326 '■ 0-435 0441 163 ! 217-5 220-5 228-2 i 304-5 308-7 326 435 441 0-450 225 315 450 340, sail 477, 681, tie as for 500 ) 700 As 1,000 j ihe car-miles would be equal.

Item. New Zealand Line A. Railways. I Line A 1. Line A 2. Line Line ' Line Line A3. A 4 B 1. B2. Line B8. Class " B " supplies Eepairs Wages 85-ton supplies Eepairs 0.25 2-16 4-18 0-288 2-49 0-512 2-35 4-18 0-591 2-71 0-546 2-56 4-18 0-630 2-95 0-537 2-46 4-18 0-620 2-84 0-534 2-39 4-18 0-616 2-76 0-528 0-543 2-28 2-63 4-18 4-18 0-609 0-626 2-63 303 0-560 2-75 4-18 0-646 3-17 0-541 2-68 4-18 0-624 309


Table XXI. —Running-cost of Locomotives per Annum, in Pounds Sterling.

Table XXII.—Cost of Assistant Locomotive Standing, in Pounds Sterling, per Annum.

Table XXIII.—Total Cost of Motive-power, in Pounds Sterling, per Annum.


Number of Trains each Way. Line A. 1 Line A 1. j Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B S. I I ' Class B Locomotive. 1 500 700 1,000 0-584 292 408-8 584 Wages of Locomotive-men. 0-574 I 0-573 0-572 0-574 0-634 0-614 0-647 287 I 286-5 286 287 < 317 307 323-5 401-8 I 401-1 400-40 401-8 : 443-8 429-8 452-9 574 ! 573 I 572 574 : 634 614 647 Beneivals and Repairs. 1 500 700 1,000 0-328 164 229-6 328 0-351 0337 0-327 0-312 0-399 0-404 0-415 175-5 168-5 j 163-5 156 199-50 202 1207-5 245-7 235-9 | 228-9 218-4 279-30 j 282-8 290-5 251 337 ! 327 312 399 j 404 415 1 500 700 1,000 0-0715 35-75 5005 71-50 Supplies. 0-0749 0-0736 0-731 0-0724 | 00823 00822 0-083 , ; 37-45 36-80- 36-55 36-20 41-15 41-10 41-85 52-43 51-52 51-17 5068 57-61 5754 58-59 74-90 73-60 73-10 72-40 ' 82-30 82-20 83-70 85-Ton Locomotive'. 1 340 477 681 0-584 198-5 278-5 397-5 Wages of Locomotive-men. 0-574 0-573 0-572 0-574 j 0-634 0-614 0 647 195-2 194-8 194-5 \ 195-2 j 215-5 209 220 273-9 273-5 : 273 j 273-9 302-5 293 308-5 390-5 390 ! 389-5 | 390-5 | 431-8 418 4405 Renewals and Repairs. 1 340 477 681 I 0379 1288 180-9 258 0-405 I 0-389 t 0-378 0-361 0-460 0-466 0478 137-7 132-2 128-5 122-8 156-4 158-4 1625 193 185-5 180-2 172-2 219-3 222-2 228 275-5 264-8 257-2 245-5 313 317-5 3254 1 340 477 681 00825 I 28-05 39-32 56-17 Supplies. 0-0864 0-0849 0-0843 0-0836 | 0-0950 0-0949 ! 0096(-29-39 28-90 28-65 28-45 32-30 32-25 i 32-88 41-20 40-50 40-20 39-85 45-30 45-25 ! 46-10 58-80 57-75 57-40 56-90 64-70 6460 ; 65-80

Trains each Way per Annum. Line A. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B 8. 500 700 1,000 340 477 681 361 292 188 429 380-5 307-5 370 304-5 205-5 436 389 319-5 370 304-3 205-2 435-5 388-5 319 370 304 205 435 388-5 318-5 370 304-3 205-2 435-5 388-5 319 361 292-5 188-3 430 380-5 308 367 301 200-8 431 387 316-5 357 287 181 427 377 302-5

Trains each Way Ljne A per Annum. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line Bl. Line B2. Line B 3. 500 700 1,000 340 477 681 1,387-8 1,729-5 2,241-5 1,296-9 1,598-2 2,045-2 1,447-5 1,812-9 2,360-4 1,352-3 1,674-1 2,154-3 1,429-3 1,787-3 2,323-8 1,337-4 1,654 2,123-6 1,427-1 1,783-9 2,319-1 1,328-7 1,642-9 2,108-6 1,408-7 1,758-5 2,282-6 1,3185 1,627-5 2,086-9 1,573 1,988-8 2,611-6 1,460-2 1,826-6 2,371-5 1,574-6 1,991-6 2,616 1,464-7 1,832-5 2,378-6 1,585-9 2,007-8 2,638-7 1,472-9 1,844-1 2,395-2


Table XXIV.—Elements for Saccardo Tunnel Ventilating Apparatus.

Table XXV. —Cost of Working Ventilating Apparatus for Summit Tunnels.

Table XXVI .—Comparative Annual Cost of Working, in Pounds Sterling.


Line. Length of Tunnel. Area of Tunnel, Crosssection. V.,* in Feet per Minute. R. S., f in Feet per Minute. Area of Outlet. Discharge per Minute. A 1 ... A 2 ... A 3 ... A 4 ... B 1 ... B2 ... B3 ... Ft. 31,680 25,941 26,337 29,373 27,777 17,952 17,952 27,952 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 9-7511 8-834 8-9003 9-3932 91710 7-3699 7-3699 7-3699 14,627 13,251 13,351 14,090 13,756 11,055 11,055 11,055 17-09 18-86 18-73 17-743 18-195 22-61 22-61 22-61 Cubic Feet. 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 * V = Velooi tS= Veloc Lty of air-eurj :ity at outlet rent in tunnel, of nozzle.

Trains per Annum in each Direction. Line. Tunnellength. 340. 477. 500. 681. 70( 340. 477. 500. I. 1,000. Coet - milis." Cost - Train-,„ t Train- r t Train- „ . Train- „ ,. Trainmiles. t,ost - miles. cost - miles. Cost - miles. Oost - miles. Miles. 6-0 Time running Time standing Cost of working Time running Time standing 4,080 20,920 3,341 21,659! £ 287-4; 5,724 444-5J19.276, 731-9 .. '235-2; 4,687 '460 20,313 ,695-2 .. 238-5 ! 4,759 459 20,241 £ 403-1 410-0 818-1 330-1 431-9 6,000 19,000 4,913 20,087 £ 422-5 404-0 826-5 345-5 427 8,172 16,828 6,692 18,308 £ 1575-4 1357-6 933-0 1471 1389 8,400 16,600 6,878 18,122 £ 591-6 353 944-6 484 384-5 12,000 13,000 9,826 15,174 £ 845'1 276-2 1,131-8 692 323 A 1 4-913 Cost of working Time running Time standing 3,392 21,608 762 335 430 4,988 20,012 772-5 351 425 6,794 18,206 860 : 478-5 1387 6,983 18,017 868-5 492 383 875 9,976 15,024 1,015 702 319 A 2 4-988 Cost of working 697-5 .. 765 776 865-5 1,021 A 3 5-563 Time running Time standing 3,783 21,217 266-4 5,307 451 19,693 373-5 418-5 5,563 19,437 392 413 7,577 17,423 533 370 7,788 17,212 548 365-5 11,126 13,874 785 295 Cost of working 714-4 .. 792-0 805 903 913-5 1,080 A4 5-30 Time running Time standing : 3,604 ! 121,396, ! 253-5 5,056 ,454-519,944 355 324 5,300 19,700 373 418-5 7,218 17,782 507 378 7,420 17,580 522 374 10,600 14,400 746 306 Cost of working Time running Time standing 2,310 ;22,690 708-0 .. 162-7 3,240 482-0 21,760 779 228-2 462 3,400 21,600 791-5 239-5 459 4,640 20,360 885 326-5 433-0 4,760 20,240 896 335 430 6,800 18,200 1,052 479 386-5 Bl, B2, 3-40 B3 Cost of working 644-7 .. 690-2 698-5 759-5 765 865-5

Item. Line A. Line A 1. j Line A 2. Line A 3. ; Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. j Line B 3. 500 Trains each Way. lotive power Renewals and repairs to oars laintenanoe of way r entilation of summit tunnel Total .. 1387-75 1447-45 1429-3 i 1427-05 166 182-5 J 175-5 170 .. 1865-5 1762 1759 1819-5 826-5 772-5 776 805 .. 4245-75 4164-45 4139-8 ! 4221-55 1408-7 163 i 1771-5 791-5 1573 217-5 1741-5 698-5 1574-6 220-5 1726-5 698-5 1585-85 I 225 1774 698-5 ! 4134-7 4230-5 4220-1 4283-35 700 Trains bach Way. 1758-48 228-2 2480-1 896 1988-81 304-5 2438-1 765 1991-64 308-7 2417-1 i 765 2007-79 315 i 2483-6 ' 765 lotive power lenewals and repairs to oars laintenanoe of way 'entilation of summit tunnel Total .. 1729-45 1812-93 ! 1787-32 I 1783-87 232-4 255-5 I 245-7 I 238 .. 2611-7 2466-8 j 2462-6 2547-3 944-6 868-5 I 875 913-5 .. 5518-15 5403-73 I 5370-62 5482-67 5362-78 5496-41 5482-44 ! I 5571-39


Table XXVI.—Comparative Annual Cost of Working, in Pounds Sterling— continued.

Table XXVII.—Total Annual Charges, in Pounds Sterling.

APPENDIX B.—LETTEE OF THE UNDEE-SECEETAEY, H. J. H. BLOW, OF THE 29th SEPTEMBEB, 1903; AND ACCOMPANYING LETTEBS AND PAPEES. Public Works Department, Wellington, N.Z., 29th September, 1903. Midland Railway : Arthur's Pass Section. SirTo enable you to complete your final report on the Arthur's Pass problem, I have now the honour, by direction of the Minister for Public Works, to hand you herewith— 1. Copy of minute by the Superintending Engineer of this Department on the various routes proposed. 2. Short descriptions of the alternative lines. 3. Schedule of plans (forwarded under separate cover). 4. Detailed description and characteristics of alternative lines. 5. Table summarising characteristics of alternative lines. The figures given have been carefully worked out by Mr. Dobson, and will, the Minister thinks, be sufficient to enable you to arrive at a definite conclusion as to the best route to recommend for adoption. The Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones will be glad to have your final report at your earliest possible convenience. I have, &c, H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary. V. G. Bogue, Esq., C.E., 15, William Street, New York City, U.S.A.

13—D. 1.


Item. Line A. Line A 1. Line A 2. Line A 3. Line A 4. Line B 1. Line B 2. Line B 3. 1,1 000 Traib is bach Way. lotive power ienewals and repairs to ears laintenanoe of way 'entilation of summit tunnel 2241-5 332 3731 1121-3 2360-4 365 3524 1015 I 2323-8 2319-1 351 340 3518 3639 1021 1080 I 7213-8 7378-1 2282-6 2611-6 326 435 3543 3483 1052 865-5 2616 I 441 3453 865-5 2638-7 450 3548 865-5 Total 7425-8 7264-4 I 7203-6 7395-1 7375-5 I I 7502-2 lotive power Renewals and repairs to oars [aintenance of way 'entilation of summit tunnel 3 1296-85 166 1865-5 731-9 !40 Tbaini s bach Way. 1318-45 I 1460-2 163 217-5 1771-5 I 1741-5 708 644-7 1464-65 220-5 1726-5 644-7 1472-88 225 1774 644-7 1352-29 182-5 1762 695-2 1337-4 1328-65 175-5 170 1759 1819-5 ' 697-5 717-4 Total 4060-25 I A I 3991-99 3969-4 4035-55 3960-95 4063-9 i i 4056-35 4116-58 [otive power Renewals and repairs to oars laintenance of way 'entilation of summit tunnel 4 1598-22 232-4 2611-7 813-1 177 Tbaini s each Way. 1627-45 1826-6 228-2 304-5 2480-1 2438-1 779 690-2 1832-45 308-7 2417-1 690-2 1844-1 315 2483-6 690-2 1674-1 255-5 2466-8 762 1654 1642-9 245-7 238 2462-6 2547-3 765 792 Total .. ' .. 5255-42 5158-4 5127-3 5220-2 5114-75 I 5259-4 5248-45 5332-9 lotive power Renewals and repairs to oars laintenance of way 'entilation of summit tunnel 6 2045-17 332 3731 933 >81 Trains 3 each Way. 2086-9 S 2371-5 I 326 J 435 3483 ! 3483 885 j 759-5 2378-6 441 3453 759-5 2395-2 450 3548 759-5 2154-3 365 3524 860 2123-55 2108-6 351 : 340 3518 : 3639 865-5 : 903 Total 7041-17 6903-3 6858-05 J 6990-6 6840-9 7049-0 7032-1 7152-7

Line. Interest at Estimated Cost 8J Per Cent. Trai 5 n ° g ° each Trai 7 n ° s ° each n , <-■ ""Cost w Way per Constructs, of Con- Annum. struotion. 1,000 Trains each Way per Annum. 340 477 681 Trains each Trains each Trains each Way per Way per Way per Annum. Annum. Annum. A A 1 A2 A3 A4 Bl B2 B3 567,000 517,000 525,000 537,000 510,000 512,000 539,000 543,000 19,845 18,095 18,375 18,795 17,850 17,920 18,865 19,005 24,091 22,259 22,515 23,017 21,985 22,151 23,085 23,288 25,363 23,499 23,746 24,278 23,213 23,416 24,347 24,576 27,271 25,359 25,589 26,173 25,054 25,315 26,241 26,507 23,905 22,087 22,344 22,831 21,811 21,984 22,921 23,122 25,100 23,253 23,502 24,015 22,965 23,179 24,113 24,338 26,886 24,998 25,233 25,786 24,691 24,969 .25,897 26,158


Wellington, 28th September, 1903. Memorandum for the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Herewith are Mr. Dobson's plans, descriptions of lines, and estimates of the various routes, so far as they have been compiled or surveyed, for the proposed railway-line over Arthur's Pass, for transmission tq Mr. V. G. Bogue. Line A is the six-mile tunnel line. Line A 1 is a modification of the A line on a steeper grade. It runs up the gorge for about three quarters of a mile above the road. I think the estimate for this line is too low ; also it runs for too great a distance on steep hillsides to be worth considering. Line A 2 runs up the gorge below the road. This line, I think, could be improved, and the cost, perhaps, slightly lowered. The fan of Westley's Creek prevents the best line being got. There are several possible variations of this route, but as even then it would not be so good as the A 4 line, these have not been worked out. This line crosses the Otira above Barrack Creek, to give a road and railway bridge. Line A 3 is a part of the A 2 line, with a tunnel on l-in-33 grade starting at the same point at the Otira end as the six-mile tunnel. Line A 4 is likely to be the cheapest of any of the lines so far proposed (except the Abt. line). It is quite clear of the hillsides, which is a great consideration in a country where rocks are constantly rolling down the hillsides in frosty weather. There is one cutting below the Eolleston, through an old moraine, flat on top. This can be made quite safe. The large banks on the left bank of the Eolleston and Otira would be made from tunnel-spoil. The grade is 1 in 30, and there is one 7J-chain curve shown on the plans, but this would be altered to 15 chains if the line were adopted. This line is shorter than B 1 line by 1 mile 27-J- chains. The summitheight is 93 ft. lower, the curves are of less radius, and the total curvature is much less ; and Ido not think it would cost so much. The working-expenses would be much less; when extra patrolling and extra maintenance are allowed for, I should say £1,200 to £1,500 a year less than on the B 1 line. Mr. Bogue's B line had to be abandoned, as there was not cover enough for the tunnel in the Otira Eiver bed just above the Otira entrance. Three variations of the B line have been worked out. Of these B1 is the cheapest. According to the quantities and prices taken, its estimated cost stands at £512,000, but in view of the cost of the line at the Springfield end as compared with the Middle Island estimates, on which these are based, I put it at £528,000 at least. Line B 2 was taken across the Eolleston three times to ascertain the cost of avoiding in this way the running ground opposite Dyer's. Its probable cost puts it out of consideration as compared with the Aor A 4 line, and the same may be said of the B 3 line. i The steeper lines suggested by Mr. Bogue were not surveyed, as time was limited, and it is not likely that the Government would adopt the Shay locomotive to work any of these lines, in view of the discontent continually expressed by the public about the Fell line over the Eimutaka. With any of the B lines there is also the contingency that if any accident happened, or the public become alarmed by rocks rolling on the line, as they certainly would, a demand would be made for tunnels at the dangerous places. If what happened at Purakanui Cliffs and in the Manawatu Gorge recurred at Otira, supposing B 1 line were made, probably £70,000 or £80,000 would be required for short tunnels. On the steep grades these would be objectionable. The choice will, I think, finally be between the A and A 4 line. P. S. Hay, Superintending Engineer.

Midland Eailway : Arthur's Pass.—Alternative Lines. —Short Description. 1. Line A (red): Original six-mile tunnel. 2. Line A 1: Crossing Otira at Goat Creek, and going above road to tunnel at lower road-bridge. 3. Line A 2 : Crossing Otira at Dyer's, and going below road to tunnel at lower road-bridge. 4. Line A 3 : Common to A 2 to summit-tunnel mouth of Line A, with tunnel 1 in 33. 5. Line A 4 : Moye's Creek route. 6. Line B 1 : Mr. Bogue's original B 1. 7. Line B 3 : Three crossings of Eolleston Eiver, 8. Line B 2 : Common most of the way to A 1 and B 3, with spiral on Eolleston Spur.

Midland Eailway : Arthur's Pass. —List of Drawings of Alternative Lines. Contour-plan showing country between Otira Eailway-station and roadman's hut, in Otira Gorge. Scale 1-J- chains to an inch. Two sheets. Plan showing country from Park's Creek on Otira side to common point (41 m. 70 eh. from Springfield) in Bealey Valley. One sheet. Longitudinal Sections (scales, 3 chains horizontal, and 30ft. vertical, to an inch) as follows: Line A, 4 sheets; line Al, 4 sheets; line A 2, 3 sheets; line, A3, 1 sheet; line A 4, 2 sheets; line 81, 2 sheets; line 82, 1 sheet; line 83, 7 sheets: total, 24 sheets. Total: 3 sheets of plans, and 24 sheets of longitudinal sections—27 sheets.

Midland Eailway: Arthur's Pass Section.—Description of Alternative Lines. Line A. This line crosses the Otira Eiver not far above the railway-station, and follows up the right bank, and goes into tunnel about 20 chains above the mouth of the gorge, and comes out on the left bank of the Bealey Eiver, and follows that side down to a peg marked 41 m. 70 eh, from Springfield, which is the common termination of the several alternative lines.



The following are the characteristics of Line A : — Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 8 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... 45 eh. Total length of line ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 53 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 37. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 37. Minimum radius of curves ... ... .. ... ... 12 eh. Total degrees of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 357 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 13. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 6m. Total length of tunnels outside summit tunnels ... ... ... 160 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 820 ft. Grade-height at summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,398. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £567,000. Line A 1. This line crosses Otira Eiver just below Goat Creek, and follows the right bank up to a point in the gorge about opposite the lower road-bridge, where it goes into tunnel, and comes out on the left bank of the Bealey Eiver at a point about 30 chains below the Punchbowl Creek, and thence follows the left bank of the Bealey, partly in embankment in the river-bed, and partly cutting through rock-points, until it reaches the common point. Characteristics of line A 1: — Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... 7m. 54 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... lm. 7 - sch. Total length of line... ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 61-5 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade,'east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 36. Total length of tunnels outside summit tunnel ... ... ... 439 yards. Minimum radius of curves ... ... ... ... ... 7-| eh. Total degrees of curvature .. ... ... ... ... 809 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 19-J. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 8,646 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 1,120 ft. Grade-height at summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,446. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £517,000. Line B 3. This line follows the left bank of the Otira Eiver until it passes the junction with the Eolleston, and crossing the latter not far above the wire footbridge runs up the centre of the river-bed to the rocky point at the end of the spur between the Otira and the Eolleston. Prom this point it follows the right-hand bank of the Eolleston to a point above Eose Creek, where it crosses the river, coming out on the left bank just above the junction of Holt's Creek. It recrosses the Eolleston about 10 chains further up, and then continues along the hillside on the right bank of the river and through the dividing spur in a tunnel, and then follows up the steep hillside on the left bank of the Otira until it reaches a point just below Cape Horn, where it crosses with a high bridge and keeps the right bank up to Starvation Point, where it again, crosses just above Park's Creek and enters summit tunnel, and comes out on the left side of the Bealey Eiver about 14 chains below the road-bridge. It crosses the Bealey there and follows right side down to a crossing just above Eough Creek, and from there follows the left bank to the common point, the last half-mile being common in grade and alignment with line A 1. Characteristics of line B 3 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 21 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... 2m. 2-5 eh. Total length of line ... ... .. ... ... 10 m. 23-5 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7-|eh. Total degree of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 1,315 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 29. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 5,990 yards. Total length of tunnels outside summit tunnel ... ... ... 638 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 2,791 ft. Grade-level of summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,535. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £543,000.



Line B 2. This is common to line A 1 from Otira Station to Hot Spring Point, where it crosses the Otira with a high bridge, and turning to the left goes through the dividing spur and joins line B 3 about three miles and three-quarters from Otira Station, and forms a loop. This line is about half a mile shorter than line B 3. Characteristics of line B 2 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... 7m. 63-5 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... 2 m. 2-5 eh. Total length of line ... ... ... ... ... 9m. 66 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... .. ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7-J-ch. Total degrees of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 1,407 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 34. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 5,990 yards. Total length of tunnels outside summit ... ... ... 1,296 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 2,376 ft. Grade-level at summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,535. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £539,000. Line B 1. This line is common to line B 3 for about 60 eh. from Otira Station, and thence turns to the right and goes along the right bank of the Eolleston with a grade of 1 in 30 up to Holt's Creek, and, crossing this, rejoins 83, making a saving in distance of about 15 eh. This line runs for about 60 eh. along the slope of the loose shingle mountain-side opposite Dyer's, but can be located so as to be almost entirely in embankment, to avoid cutting into the loose shingle slides. Characteristics of line B 1 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 6-5 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... 2m. 2-sch. Total length of line ... ... ... ... ... 10 m. 9 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7fch. Total degrees of curvature ... .... ... ... ... 1,160 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... '26^. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 5,990 yards. Total length of tunnels outside summit ... ... ... 638 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 2,240 ft. Grade-level at summit ... ... ... .... ... 2,535. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £512,000. Line A 2. This line is common to B 3 for about one mile from Otira Station, and then turns to the left and crosses the Otira Eiver near the present footbridge, and continues across Dyer's Plat to the hillside, and follows the right bank of the Otira Eiver up to a point between Westley's Creek and the lower road-bridge, where summit tunnel begins. This line is on about the road-level for a mile, and as there is but little room for both road and railway, it might be found advisable to take the road on the opposite bank and remove the bridge down to a point a quarter of a mile above the mouth of the gorge. The end of the summit tunnel on the Bealey side is about the same place as the end of the tunnel on line A 1, and the two lines are practically common on the Bealey side of the range. Characteristics of line A 2 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... 7m. 55-5 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... Im. 4 eh. Total length of line ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 59-sch. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7Jch. Total degrees of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 593 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 16J. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... B,7Boyards. Total length of tunnels outside summit ... ... ... 200 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 990 ft. Grade-level at summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,440. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £525,000.



Line A 3. This line is common to line A 2 from Otira Station to the mouth of the gorge, and the summit tunnel commences at the same place as on line A, and the Bealey end of the tunnel is three or four chains further down the Bealey than the tunnel-end on line A 1, with which line it is common on the Bealey side of the range. Characteristics of line A 3 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... 7m. 56 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... Im. 1-5 eh. Total length of line ... ... ... ... .. Bm. 57-sch. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin3o. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7£ch. Total degrees of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 419 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 13. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 9,790 yards. Total length of tunnels outside summit tunnel ... ... ... 143 yards. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 884 ft. Grade-level at summit ... ... ... ... 2,440. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £537,000. Line A 4. This line is common to A 2 from Otira Station to about 74 eh., and from there it continues up the bed of the Eolleston Eiver, keeping a sufficient distance from the foot of the shingle slides to be out of reach of slips and bounding rocks. It crosses the Eolleston on the right bank just below junction with Eose Creek, and enters summit tunnel there. The tunnel-mouth on the Bealey side is in about the same locality as that of line A 1, and the two lines are practically common on the Bealey side of range. Characteristics of line A 4 :— Length of west approach ... ... ... ... ... 7m. 55 eh. Length of east approach ... ... ... ... ... Im. 6-sch. Total length of line ... ... ... ... ... Bm. 61-5 eh. Maximum grade, west approach ... ... ... ... lin 30. Maximum grade, east approach ... ... ... ... lin 40. Grade in summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... lin 33. Minimum radius of curve ... ... ... ... ... 7£ eh. Total degrees of curvature ... ... ... ... ... 177 degrees. Percentage of line curved ... ... ... ... ... 8. Length of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 9,320 yards. Total length of tunnels outside summit tunnel ... ... Nil. Total length of bridging ... ... ... ... ... 880 ft. Grade-level at summit ... ... ... ... ... 2,442. Estimated cost of construction ... ... ... ... £510,000. Line A is shown on plan in red; line A 1, red dotted; line A 2, neutral tint ; line A 3, blue , line A 4, yellow; line 81, burnt sienna ; line 82, burnt sienna dotted; line 83, green. Grade-level at common point, Otira switch = 1,255 ; grade-level at common point, peg 41 m. 70 eh. = 2,352. Public Works Department, Wellington, N.Z., 13th January, 1904. Sir, — Midland Railway : Arthur's Pass Section. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st October last, asking to be supplied with the details used in making up the estimates of cost of the various suggested routes for the above section of railway, and in reply have pleasure in enclosing you the information asked for. The estimates for tunnelling are founded on rates at Springfield end, plus extras for length of tunnel. The costs for grading are somewhat lower than in the Middle Island estimates for Midland Eailway, which in their turn appear to be too low for the actual cost of works as now finished. This adversely affects the comparison between the B lines and the A and A 4 lines, as the B lines would have a greater first cost than shown on these sheets. I have, &c, H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary, Virgil G. Bogue, Esq., C.E., No. 15, William Street, New York, U.S.A.



Line A. Summit tunnel, length 6 miles— £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 179,000 Lining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 168,600 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... ... ... 30,000 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13,000 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,000 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 14,000 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,000 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,000 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 56,470 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 516,070 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 460 Eock, 22,500 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,187 Shingle, 36,000 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 Side cutting, 86,000 cubic yards at Is. 3d. ... ... .. ... ... 5,375 Tunnel-spoil to bank, 176,000 cubic yards at 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 4,400 Short tunnel... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,300 Bridge at Otira ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Bridge, Barrack Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,500 Bridge, Graham's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . 1,900 Eiver-profcection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,200 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,100 Eoad-diversion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 Total, line A... ... ... ... ... ... ...£566,142 Line A 1. Summit tunnel, length 4 miles 73 chains— £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 146,550 Lining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 137,970 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... .... ... 24,550 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,610 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,550 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 11,460 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,380 Permanent-way ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 9,730 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 48,000 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,200 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 425,000 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 780 Eock cutting, 70,170 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 19,297 Shingle cutting, 36,000 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 Eock, &c, to spoil, 46,710 cubic yards at 4s. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 10,507 Cuttings to spoil, 26,100 cubic yards at Is. ... ... ... ... ... 1,305 Bank from side cutting and tunnel-spoil to bank, 255,300 cubic yards ... ... 12,687 Eetaining-walls, 600 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Eiver-protection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,200 Otira Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Barrack Creek Bridge... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 Hot Spring Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Westley's Creek Bridge ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 1,000 Graham's Creek Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,050 Tunnels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14,500 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,315 Total, line A 1 ... ... ... ... ... ...£517,141 Line A 2. Summit tunnel, length 4 miles 79 chains — £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 149,200 Lining ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 140,150 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... ... ... 24,940 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,800 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... , ; . ... 6,650 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ••• ... 11,640 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,630 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,980 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 48,000 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,300 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 431,290



Line A 2 —continued. £ Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Eock, 79,700 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... ... 21,917 Shingle, 18,180 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,515 Eock to spoil, 24,300 cubic yards at ss. ... ... ... ... ... .... 6,075 Tunnel-spoil to bank, 160,440 cubic yards ... ... ... ... ... 5,600 Bock-protection .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,580 Bridge at Goat Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Bridge at Otira ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Bridge at Hot Spring Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Bridge at Westley's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Bridge at Graham's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,600 Short tunnels ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 6,600 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,200 Eetaining-walls, 10,500 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 26,250 Total, line A 2 ... ... ... ... ... ...£530,027 Line A 3. Summit tunnel, length 5 miles 45 chains— £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... ... 166,000 Lining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156,300 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... ... ... 27,810 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ...- ... ... ... 12,050 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,420 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 12,990 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18,550 • Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,130 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 52,000 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,200 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... :.. ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 478,450 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 360 Eock, 20,110 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,530 Shingle, 18,180 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,515 Cutting to spoil, 2,400 cubic yards at 4s. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 540 Side cutting and tunnel-spoil to bank, 158,000 cubic yards ... ... ... ... 9,100 Cutting to spoil, 19,000 cubic yards at Is. ... ... ... ... ... 950 Eetaining-walls, 2,080 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 5,200 Eiver-protection ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 6,680 Bridge at Goat Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Bridge at Otira ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Bridge at Graham's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,500 Short tunnel... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,700 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,000 Total, line A 3 ... ... ... ... ... ...£537,025 Line A 4. Summit tunnel, length 5 miles 24 chains — £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 158,100 Lining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148,930 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... ... ... 26,500 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,480 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,070 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 12,370 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17,680 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,610 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 52,800 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 9,000 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 459,540 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Eock, 14,400 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,960 Shingle, &c, 75,000 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... 6,250 Shingle and boulders, 61,000 cubic yards ... ... ... ... ... 7,627 Tunnel-spoil to bank, 73,000 cubic yards at 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 1,825 Goat Creek Bridge ... ... ' ... ... ~. ~. ... ... 5,000



Line A 4 —continued. £ Eolleston Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Graham's Creek Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... „. 1,500 Eiver-protection ... ~, ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,000 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,600 Total, line A 4 ... ... ... .. ... ...£510,002 Line B 1. Summit tunnel, length 3 miles 32 chains — £ Excavation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 101,430 Lining ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95,540 Fuel and wages, power-station ... ... ... ... ... ... 17,000 Service roads to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,370 Ventilation constructed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,530 Haulage of material in and to tunnel ... ... ... ... ... 9,930 Drainpipes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,330 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,800 Power-station, plant, and buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 40,000 Permanent ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,000 Oilplant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Total, summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 304,930 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,050 Eock, 180,260 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... ... 49,571 Shingle, &c, 358,000 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... 29,833 Boulders and loose rocks, 82,000 cubic yards at 3s. ... ... ... ... 12,300 Short tunnels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22,000 Eetaining-walls, 4,500 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 11,250 Bridge, Goat Creek ... ' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Bridge, shingle slides ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,500 Bridge, Holt's Creek. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,500 Bridge, Eolleston Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,000 Bridge, Murray's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,500 Bridge, Otira (Cape Horn) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14,000 Bridge, Otira (Starvation Point) ... ... ... ••• ... ... 4,400 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Bridge, McGrath's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,200 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,900 Bridge, Graham's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts, inlets, and outfalls ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,500 Eiver-protection, 80 chains ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,000 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13,442 Total, line BI ... ... ... ... ... ...£511,876 Line B 2 £ Approximate cost of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 304,930 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 800 Eock cutting, 67,880 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 18,667 Shingle, &c, cutting, 46,000 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... 3,833 Eock cutting to spoil, 209,890 cubic yards at 4s. 6d. ... ... ... ... 47,225 Bank borrowed, 303,750 cubic yards at Is. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 22,781 Eetaining-walls, 3,400 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 8,500 Eiver-protection ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 2,100 Bridge, Otira, at Goat Creek ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 10,000 Bridge, Barrack Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 Bridge, Hot Spring Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14,000 Bridge, Murray's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 j 500 Bridge, Otira, at Cape Horn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14,000 Bridge, Otira, at Starvation Point ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 } 400 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Bridge, McGrath's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,200 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 900 Bridge, Graham's Creek ... ... .., ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 ; 000 Short tunnels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42,400 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 200 Total, line B 2 ... ~, ~, ~. ... ...£527,436



Line B 3. £ Approximate cost of summit tunnel ... ... ... ... ... ... 304,930 Bush ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 800 Eock cutting, 120,600 cubic yards at ss. 6d. ... ... ... ... ... 33,165 Shingle cutting, 56,500 cubic yards at Is. Bd. ... ... ... ... ... 4,708 Boulders cutting, 17,110 cubic yards at 3s. ... ... ... ... ... 2,567 Eock cutting to spoil, 186,330 cubic yards at 4s. 9d. ... ... ... ... 44,254 Cutting, boulders, &c, 18,670 cubic yards at 3s. ... ... ... ... ... 2,800 Cutting, 160,430 cubic yards at Is. Bd. .. ... ... ... 13,370 Eetaining-walls, 4,000 cubic yards at £2 10s. ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Eiver-protection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,600 Bridge, Goat Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Bridge, Eolleston Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 13,000 9,000 Bridge, Murray's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,500 Bridge, Otira, at Cape Horn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14,000 Bridge, Otira, at Starvation Point ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,400 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Bridge, McGrath's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,200 Bridge, Bealey Eiver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,900 Bridge, Graham's Creek ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Culverts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 Tunnels ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,660 Permanent-way ... ... ... ... -... .. ... ... 13,110 Total, line B 3 ... ... ... ... ... ...£530,964

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o4.

14—D. 1.


D. 1




Midland Railway Arthur's Pass Reduced Grade Profiles

New Zealand Midland Railway Staircase Viaduct

D. —1.


KAWAKAWA-GRAHAMTOWN RAILWAY, GRAHAMTOWN EXTENSION: BRIDGE OVER WHANGAREI RIVER. Thirty-five spans of 20ft., four of 39ft. 6 in., two of 40ft., and one lifting span of 30ft., all on timber pile piers; total length, 983 ft.


PAEROA-WAIHI RAILWAY: COMBINED ROAD AND RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER OHINEMURI RIVER, AT KARANGAHAKE. Two 20 ft. timber spans, two 60 ft. and two 90ft. steel spans, on timber and concrete piers; total length, 349 ft.


NORTH ISLAND MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY: COMBINED ROAD AND RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER WANGANUI RIVER NEAR TAUMARUNUI. Five 20ft. timber, and three 122 ft. 6in. steel spans, on timber and braced cylinder piers; total length, 472 ft.


N.Z. MIDLAND RAILWAY, TADMOR SECTION: COMBINED ROAD AND RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER MOTUEKA RIVER (LOOKING UP STREAM). Two 13ft. and thirteen 60ft. spans on timber-pile piers; total length, 810 ft.


WAIPARA-CHEVIOT RAILWAY: BRIDGE OVER HURUNUI RIVER. Two 22ft., three 44ft., and two 100ft. steel spans, on timber and concrete piers. Length, 380ft.; height, riverbed to rail level, 65ft

ROAD-BRIDGE OVER WAITAHA RIVER. One 11ft., one 60ft., and five 80ft. spans on timber pile piers; total length, 475ft.


WAIPARA-CHEVIOT RAILWAY: BRIDGE OVER HURUNUI RIVER. Two 22ft., three 44ft., and two 100ft. steel spans, on timber and concrete piers. Length, 380ft.; height, riverbed to rail level, 65ft.

WAIPARA-CHEVIOT RAILWAY: WAIKARE SECTION. Bank at 20 miles 55 chains—32ft. in height.

D. -1.

N.Z. MIDLAND RAILWAY, SPRINGFIELD SECTION: BRIDGE OVER KOWAI RIVER. One timber span of 11ft., four steel girder spans of 34ft., and four of 80ft. on braced steel piers; height from river-bed to rail-level, 68ft.


WAIPARA-CHEVIOT RAILWAY: WAIKARE SECTION. Cutting, 47ft. deep at 20 miles 75 chains (South end).

WAIPARA-CHEVIOT RAILWAY: WAIKARE SECTION. Cutting, 47ft. deep at 20 miles 75 chains (North end).


OTAGO CENTRAL RAILWAY: BRIDGE OVER MANUHERIKIA RIVER. Four 66ft. and one 100ft. steel girder spans on cylinder and concrete piers; length over all 368ft. Height, river-bed to rail-level, 50 ft.


OTAGO CENTRAL RAILWAY: POOLBURN GORGE BRIDGE. Three 66ft. and one 156ft. steel girder spans on masonry piers and abutments; length over all, 400 ft. Height, creek-bed to rail-level, 121 ft.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 28th OCTOBER, 1904., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 28th OCTOBER, 1904. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, 28th OCTOBER, 1904. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1904 Session I, D-01

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