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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 3rd Day op July, 1903. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 211 be suspended, and that a Goldfields and Mines Committee, consisting of sixteen members, be appointed, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to mining and all Bills relating to mines ; with power to call for persons and papers ; five to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. J. Allen, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Colvin, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. Hcrdman, Mr. Herries, Mr. Kidd, Mr. R. McKenzie, Mr. Millar, Hon. Mr. Mills, Mr. Moss, Mr. Reid, Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Witheford, and the mover."— (Hon. Mr. McGowan.) >


No. Petitioner. Page. No. i I Petitioner. Page. 887 Adamson, P. J., and others .. .. 5 76 813 95 Bailey, J., and others .. .. .. 2 692 151 Bain, Edward.. .. .. .. , 3 828 ; Bayfeild, Arthur d'Oyly (vide Appendix ' 5 379 I.-4E) 36 Beattie, James .. .. .. 4 | 701 696 Benner, Henry, and others .. .. 4 815 Bromwich, E., and others .. .. 5 850 459 ! Brown, James .. .. .. .. j 4 842 ! Bowler, A. A., and others .. .. 5 239 694 816 Cassrels, A., and others .. .. 5 382 G93 Carter, M., and others .. .. .. 4 846 564 Caudwell, William .. .. .. 4 384 265 j Clifton, A., and others (vide Appendix I.—4b) 3 .' Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2 (vide Appendix I. —4a) 835 Comer and another .. .. .. 5 847 Corbett, J., and others .. .. .. 5 814 841 , Cribb, G., and others .. .. .. 5 861 840 Cummings, T., and others .. .. 5 j Hunt, Jessie Hunt, J. E., and others Hunter, A. R., and others 2 5 4 Jenkins, James, and others 2 Kerr, David, and others 5 Lamb, J., and others .. .. 5 Mackay, Alexander Markwick, H. T., and others Martin, Edward, and others Martin, D. J., and others McMillan, R. M., and others Mining Act Amendment Bill (vide Appendix I.—4a) Mining Act Amendment Bill, evidence (vide Appendix X.—4a) Moore, W., and others Moriarty, Timothy 2 4 2 5 2 3 * 835 847 841 840 5 5 381 153 Dickson, J. J. .. .. .. .. 3 269 Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways 3 838 and Water-power Bill (vide Appendix I.—4c) 160 407 Dunlop, T. A., and Councillors of Thames 2 652 460 Dougherty, 0., and others .. .. 4 438 153 Newton, G., and others Nicholl, W. S. C, and another Nicholls, John, and others 2 3 5 407 460 Pattinson, Timothy Phillips, W. H., and others Powell, J. H., and others 3 4 4 848 848 Elliot, John, and others .. .. 5 849 Read, J., and others 5 18 385 18 Eraser, Simon .. .. .. 2 845 383 385 Graham, E. A., and others .. .. 2 695 Gold Duties Bill (vide Appendix I.—4d) .. 4 Sargent, George, and others f Steele, A., and others Sutton, Alfred, and others 5 2 4 839 Tetley, J., and others 5 836 429 340 836 Hall, W. J., and others .. .. 5 429 Healy, Dennis .. .. -. 4 380 340 Hosie, James .. .. .. .. 2 Young, Thomas, and others 2



X E P O B T 8.

No. 76.—Petition of Jessie Hunt, of St. Walfrans, Dulwich Hill, Sydney, N.S.W. Petitioner represents that she is the widow of the late William Alexander Hunt, who, she alleges, discovered gold in payable quantities at Hunt's claim, Thames Goldfield, in October, 1867; that at that time the Government of New Zealand had offered a reward of £5,000 to be paid to the first discoverer of payable gold in the neighbourhood of the Eiver Thames. She seeks the reward to which her late husband is entitled. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that the late William Alexander Hunt petitioned Parliament on the subject of his claim in 1882, and again in 1884, in which year evidence was taken and a thorough investigation made, with the result that it was ascertained that the goldfield had been proclaimed before Hunt's so-called discovery was made. Therefore the Committee reported unfavourably. There is no reason why the judgment then arrived at should be disturbed. Your Committee have no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1903.

No. 18.—Petition of Simon Eraser, Miner, of Maungatapere, Whangarei, Auckland. Petitioner represents that he discovered gold at the Taieri in 1863, and to the satisfaction of the Provincial Council of Otago established his claim to be regarded as the discoverer. Petitioner asserts that his claim to be the discoverer and to be entitled to the reward has never been denied or disputed. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that petitioner first claimed a reward from Parliament for the discovery of gold in 1879, and every year since 1883 his petition has come before the House of Eepresentatives. In 1879 the report was that the claim of Simon Fraser had been settled by the local Legislature of Otago long before the abolition of provincial government. In 1883 the report was that a small grant of land be given to petitioner, but nothing was done. Since 1883 the report has invariably been "No recommendation." Your Committee now repeat former reports. They have no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1903.

No. 239. —Petition of Alexander Mackay, Miner, of Paeroa, Ohinemuri County. . . Petitioner seeks to obtain a reward for the discovery of gold, alleged to have been made by him, at Waihi, in the year 1866, at Karangahake in 1867, at Waitekauri in 1868, and for floating the original company on the Thames leading to the opening-up of the Ohinemuri district. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Alexander Mackay that they have no recommendation to make. 14th August, 1903.

No. 340. —Petition of James Hosie, Miner, Kuaotuna. Petitioner seeks to obtain a reward for the discovery of gold, alleged to have been made by him at Waihi, at Karangahake, and Puru. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of James Hosie that they have no recommendation to make. 14th August, 1903.

No. 407. — Petition of T. A. Dunlop and 8 Others constituting the Mayor and Councillors of the County of Thames. Petitioners pray that growing timber outside the areas as defined under section 13 of "The Mining Act, 1899," should be reserved for mining purposes and be controlled by the Warden for the time being. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given careful attention to the matter involved in the petition of the Mayor and Councillors of Thames County, have the honour to report that they recommend the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th August, 1903.

Nos. 95, 385, 383, 380, 381, 384, 382, and 379.—Petitions of J. Bailey and 367 Others, B. A. Graham and 103 Others, A. Steele and 5 Others (on behalf of the Amalgamated Miners' Union, numbering 730 members), Thomas Young and 246 Others, G. Newton and 208 Others, E. McMillan and 434 Others, E. Martin and 387 Others, and J. Jenkins and 367 Others. Petitioners represent that the hours of labour for men employed underground in mines are too long, and they seek to have legislation passed whereby their hours of work may be reduced. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the above petitions that they recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be given effect to. 21st August, 1903.

Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (No. 2). The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having taken evidence and carefully considered the provisions of the same, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 a.) 21st August, 1903.



Mining Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having taken evidence and given careful consideration to the provisions of the Mining Act Amendment Bill, have now the honour to report that, as in thenjudgment the rate of wages and the hours of labour in mines are questions that can better be dealt with in the Arbitration Court than by direct legislation, they recommend that the Bill be not allowed to proceed. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 a.) 21st August, 1903.

Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Bill, having taken evidence and carefully considered the provisions of the said Bill, have now the honour to report that they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the same attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.-40.) 28th August, 1903.

No. 269. —Petition of W. S. C. Nicholl and Another, Miners. Petitioners seek to obtain a reward for the discovery of gold alleged to have been made by them at Martha reef, Waihi District. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report, on the petition of W. S. C. Nicholl and another, that they have no recommendation to make. 28th August, 1903.

No. 151.—Petition of Edward Bain. Petitioner seeks to be allowed to acquire the freehold of certain sections of land in the Ohinemur Survey District, which sections he claims to hold under lease. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Edward Bain that they have no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1903.

No. 153. —Petition of John Joseph Dickson, Miner, of Karangahake, in Ohinemuri. Petitioner represents that in the month of December, 1901, whilst working with a party of miners in the Talisman Mine at Karangahake, he was struck in the eye with a portion of stone and thereby lost the use of it; that he was put to great expense through bringing an action against the company, which action he lost on the ground that he had been a contractor at the mine at the time when the accident occurred, and in consequence of his losses in person and pocket he is now without means. He seeks to be afforded the opportunity of earning his livelihood by obtaining a suitable employment in the Government service. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of J. J. Dickson, that they recommend that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. . 4th September, 1903.

No. 160. —Petition of Timothy Pattinson. Petitionee affirms that after the first notice of intention to proclaim the Grey River as a sludgechannel he agreed with the Government to accept £138 10s. as compensation for prospective damage to his land ; that upon the first notice of intention to proclaim being abandoned, he thought no more of the matter, and a second notice of intention to proclaim was issued, of which no intimation ever reached him. The Grey Eiver has been proclaimed, and he claims thai, in equity he is fairly entitled to compensation. He prays that such compensation may be given to him accordingly. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given careful attention to the various matters set forth in the petition of Timothy Pattinson, have now the honour to report that, under the special circumstances, they recommend that the petitioner be not barred from compensation on account of not making a second claim under the second notice of proclamation, and that the Government should consider his claim on the basis of the altered conditions of the second proclamation under "The Mining Act, 1898." The Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th September, 1903.

No. 265. —Petition of A. Clifton and Others, Miners, of the County of Westland. Petitioners pray that, in order to the working of a large area of auriferous ground which has, they allege, been proved payable at Eimu and its vicinity, the Humphrey's Hydraulic Sluicing Company's water-race be acquired by the Government. As an alternative, petitioners pray that the Government subsidise and otherwise assist private enterprise in the work of bringing water for mining purposes on to the alluvial ground at Eimu. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having taken evidence and given due consideration to the prayer expressed in the petition of A. Clifton and others, have now the honour to report that they recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. (Vide Appendix 1.-4b.) 4th September, 1903.



Mining Act Amendment Bill and Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the evidence taken by them in connection with the Mining Act Amendment Bill, and the Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill, be printed. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 a.) 4th September, 1903.

No. 564. —Petition of William Caudwell and 195 Others. Petitioners desire that Block 8, Tuapeka East, comprising about 5,000 acres, which they assert to be well known to be payably auriferous, may be resumed for mining purposes. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of William Caudwell and others that they recommend that it be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th September, 1903.

No. 36. —Petition of James Beattie, Farmer, Gore. Petitioner prays that your honourable House will reimburse him in the sum of £100, actual costs out of pocket, expended in contesting a decision given by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Otago, which decision was awarded under a section of "The Mining Act, 1898," inserted by an oversight, or, if not inserted by an oversight, no power of appeal was provided under which redress for injustice could be obtained. Petitioner, in order to maintain his rights, was constrained to contest three actions at law. He now seeks to recover the law charges to which he has been inadvertently subjected. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given the most careful consideration to the matters involved in the petition of James Beattie, have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1903.

No. 438. —Petition of J. H. Powell and Others, of Charleston. Petitioners represent that the earnings of the Argyle Water-race now amount to only £24 per annum ; that the receipts from the special rate of 3-J-d. in the pound over the entire Riding of Charleston amount to but £154 9s. 10d., the interest on sinking fund on loan being £227 2s. 6d. per year ; that the ground now left for mining is very poor; and that the population is leaving the district, the burden of the taxation falling in consequence very heavily upon those who are left. They pray for relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition of J. H. Powell and others be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1903. '_

Nos. 459 and 460.—Petitions of James Brown and of Charles Dougherty and Others. Petitioner James Brown requests that the Government purchase at a fair price the water-rights, water-races, dams, and mining privileges held by him, for which he paid the sum of £1,050, in order that they may be used for irrigation and domestic purposes. Petitioners Dougherty and others support the prayer of petitioner James Brown. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the petitions of James Brown and Charles Dougherty and others be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1903.

Nos. 692, 693, 694, 695, and 696.—Petitions of A. E. Hunter and 23 Others, M. Carter and 25 Others, H. T. Markwick and 29 Others, Alpked Sutton and 46 Others, and Henry Benner and 124 Others. No. 652. —Petition of Walter H. Phillips, Mayor of the Borough of Waihi, and J. A. Brown, Councillor of the Borough of Waihi. The first five petitioners pray that in the Gold Duties Bill, now before your honourable House, provision be made such as will enable part of the Waihi gold duty to be allocated to the Township of Waikino. The petition of the Mayor of Waihi, and of a Councillor of that borough, sets forth reasons why the revenue of the Borough of Waihi should not be interfered with in the manner proposed in the Gold Duties Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the above petitions that they recommend that they be referred to the Government for consideration. " 29th September, 1903.

Gold Duties Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having carefully considered the provisions of the same, they now recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 d.) 29th September, 1903.

No. 429. —Petition of Dennis Healy, formerly of Granity Creek, Buller County, but now of Wellington. Petitioner represents that under section 230 of " The Mining Act, 1891," he held 12 acres of land in the Ngakawau Survey District under an occupation license; that he cleared, fenced, cultivated, and grassed the same, and that whilst the said license was still valid and in force—notwithstanding his objections —the Warden granted the said land as a mining claim, no compensation for his improvements being allowed. Petitioner prays for inquiry and redress.



The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having carefully considered the matters set forth in the petition of Dennis Healy, have the honour to report that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1903.

No. 701.—Petition of David Kerr and 12" Others, Farmers and Settlers in Gimmerburn District, Maniototo, Otago. Petitioners complain of a water-channel having been cut, whereby silt, tailings, and debris from some old mining workings are brought down upon their farms to their material injury. They represent that the proper course was for the said tailings to have been carried down the natural channel, which was the Gimmerburn Greek. They pray for relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of David Kerr and others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth October, 1903.

No. 861.—Petition of Timothy Moeiakty. Petitionee prays that he may be granted the renewal of a lease which expired by effluxion of time, the land, it is alleged, being part of the Grey Coal Eeserve, and the refusal of the lease being based upon sundry, as the petitioner believes, insufficient reasons. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Timothy Moriarty that they have no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1903.

Nos. 813, 814, 815, 816, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, and 850.—Petitions of J. E. Hunt and 65 Others, W. Mooee and 62 Others, B. Beomwich and 61 Others, A. Cassrels and 55 Others, W. Comeb and Another, W. J. Hall and 41 Others, F. J. Adamson and 24 Others, John Nicholls and 7 Others, J. Tbtley and 5 Others, T. Cummings and 33 Others, G. Ceibb and 36 Others, A. A. Bowlee and 49 Others, George Sargent and 63 Others, D. J. Martin and 10 Others, J. Corbett and 20 Others, John Elliot and 3 Others, J. Read and 52 Others, and J. Lamb and 53 Others. Petitionees pray that steps be taken to put a stop to the silting-up of the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers now taking place through the inflow of debris from mining claims at Ohinemuri, and from the tunnel and cuttings of the Paeroa and Waihi Railway. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the above petitions that they recommend that they be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd November, 1903.

No. 828. —Petition of Aethue dOyly Baypeild, Agent. Petitioner, on behalf of himself and other shareholders of the Westport Cardiff Coal-mining Company (liquidated), represents that in May, 1900, in order to satisfy a debt of £4,470, of which £2,363 was for royalty on coal and £2,107 for deficiency on the working-expenses of the WestportNgakawau Railway to Mokihinui, the Government seized the plant, material, and works of the company, valued at £24,309 ; that the £2,107 ought not to have been charged against the company ; that, for the reason that the debt was created through the default of another company, it ought properly to have been extinguished at the time of the passing of " The Westport-Ngakawau Railway Act, 1897." Petitioner further represents that the plants, material, and property seized were valued by the Mining Inspectors of the Government at £7,516, and that the whole of the property is now being worked by the "Government in connection with the operations in progr.ess at the State Coal-mine at Seddonville, and that through the company the colony has been saved the cost thereof. No consideration has been allowed to the shareholders of the liquidated company for the value of the plant and material in excess of the alleged debt. Petitioner therefore prays for inquiry, consideration, and relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Arthur dOyly Bayfeild that they recommend that it be referred to the Government for consideration. (Viae Appendix 1.-4e.) 6th November, 1903. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,2:30 copies, £'A 4s.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3, Price 6d.] 2—l. 4.

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. JAMES COLVIN, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-04

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. JAMES COLVIN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-04

GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF). (Mr. JAMES COLVIN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-04

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