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Mining Act Amendment Bill and Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the evidence taken by them in connection with the Mining Act Amendment Bill, and the Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill, be printed. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 a.) 4th September, 1903.

No. 564. —Petition of William Caudwell and 195 Others. Petitioners desire that Block 8, Tuapeka East, comprising about 5,000 acres, which they assert to be well known to be payably auriferous, may be resumed for mining purposes. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of William Caudwell and others that they recommend that it be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th September, 1903.

No. 36. —Petition of James Beattie, Farmer, Gore. Petitioner prays that your honourable House will reimburse him in the sum of £100, actual costs out of pocket, expended in contesting a decision given by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Otago, which decision was awarded under a section of "The Mining Act, 1898," inserted by an oversight, or, if not inserted by an oversight, no power of appeal was provided under which redress for injustice could be obtained. Petitioner, in order to maintain his rights, was constrained to contest three actions at law. He now seeks to recover the law charges to which he has been inadvertently subjected. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given the most careful consideration to the matters involved in the petition of James Beattie, have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1903.

No. 438. —Petition of J. H. Powell and Others, of Charleston. Petitioners represent that the earnings of the Argyle Water-race now amount to only £24 per annum ; that the receipts from the special rate of 3-J-d. in the pound over the entire Riding of Charleston amount to but £154 9s. 10d., the interest on sinking fund on loan being £227 2s. 6d. per year ; that the ground now left for mining is very poor; and that the population is leaving the district, the burden of the taxation falling in consequence very heavily upon those who are left. They pray for relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition of J. H. Powell and others be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th September, 1903. '_

Nos. 459 and 460.—Petitions of James Brown and of Charles Dougherty and Others. Petitioner James Brown requests that the Government purchase at a fair price the water-rights, water-races, dams, and mining privileges held by him, for which he paid the sum of £1,050, in order that they may be used for irrigation and domestic purposes. Petitioners Dougherty and others support the prayer of petitioner James Brown. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they recommend that the petitions of James Brown and Charles Dougherty and others be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1903.

Nos. 692, 693, 694, 695, and 696.—Petitions of A. E. Hunter and 23 Others, M. Carter and 25 Others, H. T. Markwick and 29 Others, Alpked Sutton and 46 Others, and Henry Benner and 124 Others. No. 652. —Petition of Walter H. Phillips, Mayor of the Borough of Waihi, and J. A. Brown, Councillor of the Borough of Waihi. The first five petitioners pray that in the Gold Duties Bill, now before your honourable House, provision be made such as will enable part of the Waihi gold duty to be allocated to the Township of Waikino. The petition of the Mayor of Waihi, and of a Councillor of that borough, sets forth reasons why the revenue of the Borough of Waihi should not be interfered with in the manner proposed in the Gold Duties Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the above petitions that they recommend that they be referred to the Government for consideration. " 29th September, 1903.

Gold Duties Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the above-mentioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having carefully considered the provisions of the same, they now recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.-4 d.) 29th September, 1903.

No. 429. —Petition of Dennis Healy, formerly of Granity Creek, Buller County, but now of Wellington. Petitioner represents that under section 230 of " The Mining Act, 1891," he held 12 acres of land in the Ngakawau Survey District under an occupation license; that he cleared, fenced, cultivated, and grassed the same, and that whilst the said license was still valid and in force—notwithstanding his objections —the Warden granted the said land as a mining claim, no compensation for his improvements being allowed. Petitioner prays for inquiry and redress.