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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Assistant Inspectoe of Hospitals and Chaeitable Institutions to the Hon. the Ministee of Education. sth July, 1902. The total cost of administration of charitable aid in 1901 was £79,873 ; this year, 1902, it is £88,848, an increase of £8,975. It is satisfactory to note that outdoor relief has decreased by £3,247, and that, out of the total increase of £12,222 for indoor relief, £9,100 has been spent for building purposes. The North Canterbury Charitable Aid Board has provided a new and much-needed Home at Ashburton ; the Taranaki Charitable Aid Board has also built a new Home, and burnt the insanitary building that did duty as an Old Men's Home for many years. The Southland Charitable Aid Board has made considerable outlay on the buildings at Lome Farm. The amount distributed in outdoor relief in 1899 (the year the Old-age Pension Act came into force) was £50,850; in 1901, £42,181 ; and in the year ending 31st March, 1902, it shows a decrease to £37,453. In Auckland and Christchurch the Charitable Aid Board of the district is entirely responsible for the administration of charitable aid. In Wellington and Dunedin the Charitable Aid Board of the district merely acts as the vehicle to collect and convey the funds required by two separate institutions, the Wellington Benevolent Trustees, and the Otago Benevolent Institution. Neither the District Board nor the Government have any control over the expenditure of these subsidiary bodies, nor over their methods of administration. During the last few years a change has taken place in the administration of the Wellington Benevolent Trustees, and their expenditure on outdoor relief has been reduced from £5,664 in 1899 to £3,380 in 1902. The Otago Benevolent Institution in Dunedin shows no sign of progress. Eations are still dealt with by the old contract system. The Visiting Belief Officer in Dunedin is also the Master of the Caversham Home, and in the Caversham Home are some two hundred old men to be looked after. The expenditure of the Otago Benevolent Institution on outdoor relief in 1900 was £5,715; in 1901, £5,831; and in 1902, £5,625. Christchurch and Wanganui have women members on the District Charitable Aid Board, and in Wellington Mrs. Allen was elected a Benevolent Trustee at the last election. In the Costley Home (Auckland) on the 7th February there were 137 men and 45 women. There has been a change of administration here. Mr. and Mrs. Moss, after some years of faithful and good service as Master and Matron, left last July, and one cannot but observe a distinct falling-off in the general management of the Home. The women's side is clean, but absolutely comfortless, notwithstanding that I have mentioned this more than once to Chairman and Secretary. The cleanliness on the men's side is not satisfactory, especially in regard to the lavatories. The laundry and appliances are quite inadequate to undertake satisfactorily the Hospital washing, and friction between the officials of the Hospital and of the Home is the result. The Costley Home is managed with economy, yet, at the same time, it is but a comfortless refuge for old age. The cost per head for maintenance is 7s. 4-Jd. per week. The Caversham Home (Dunedin) on the 2nd May had 203 men and 61 women. Here also the desire for economy prevails over good management. Mr. and Mrs. Mcc do their best, but it is not possib'.e that the Master of the Home can properly supervise the wellbeing of 203 old men, sixty or seventy of them in bed, and do Visiting Officer's work at same time. Mrs. Mcc has a nurse (no salary) to help her with confinements and the sick women ; Mr. Mcc has no assistant. The infirm, paralytic, and bedridden old men are looked after (one cannot call it "nursed ") by other inmates. It is the state of things that existed in the English workhouses some thirty or forty years ago. The cost per head for maintenance is 6s. a week. The Ashburton old men have been transferred to new quarters, a carefully arranged and commodious building, and the old men should be very comfortable there under the kindly care of Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey. Perhaps the Board may see its way to providing a ward for vagrant and destitute women. The Jubilee Home, Christchurch, is the most really homelike institution for the aged in New Zealand : single rooms, married couples' quarters, and the management are all

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that could be desired ; but the North Canterbury Board makes no direct provision for the class of women that cannot be admitted to the Jubilee Home. The cost per head for maintenance at the Ashburton Home is Bs. 7|d. a week ; at the Jubilee Home 9s. 3d. a week. The Ohiro Eoad Home, Wellington, was visited on 12th December, 1901, and 31st January and 30th June, 1902. It contains 47 men and 23 women. The management of the Home is thoroughly satisfactory. The food is abundant and of good quality, and the same may be said of the clothing. By reference to the books kept by Mr. Purvis it is seen that each inmate has what is necessary for health and comfort. My last visit was during the tea-hour, and the general atmosphere of comfort and content was pleasant to the sight. No one was in bed. The Home is clean and well kept throughout, and Mr. and Mrs. Purvis manage it admirably. Cost of maintenance per head, 6s. 6d. a week. The Southland Charitable Aid Board has two institutions under its control, one in Invercargill and one five or six miles out of the town. The former has greatly improved under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Cole. On 29th April there were 43 old men, 10 old women, 6 boys, and 9 girls as inmates. The Department has always strongly objected to the inclusion of children in any institution of this character. I understand, however, that as soon as the building at Lome Farm is completed all children will be transferred there, and have regular training, schooling, and careful supervision. At Lome Farm, on 29th April, Mr. and Mrs Cusworth had'l9 old men, 8 boys, and 3 girls under their charge. This promises to be one of the best charitable-aid institutions in the country. The farm is some 57 acres in extent, and last year the sale of garden and farm produce amounted to £117. Only old men who are willing to do a little work reside at the farm ; the infirm remain at the institution in town. The outdoor relief under the Southland Charitable Aid Board has been reduced since the appointment of Mr. Eeginald Day as Secretary. In 1901 it was £2,201 ; in 1902, £1,985. The Taranaki Charitable Aid Board has built a Home for Old Men in a fine situation above the Hospital. On 22nd June there were 23 men and 2 women in this institution. The dinner was satisfactory, and the place in good order. The closets on the male side were insanitary, and something should be done to remedy the state of things as soon as possible. The Jubilee Home, Wanganui, was visited on 3rd August and 20th June. On the latter date there were 27 men and 2 women inmates. Some of the members of the Board give careful supervision to this institution. A wardsman has been engaged to help the Matron. The food and clothing were satisfactory, and the dormitories and rooms in good order. As to the Napier Old Men's Home (visited 28th October), I can only repeat what was said in last year's report :"It is a painful experience to visit it." The woodwork is'infested with bugs, and the place should be burned down. The Old Men's Homes at Timaru (18 men, 2 women) and Nelson (33 men, 5 women) are working satisfactorily. In the Old Men's Home, Tararu, on 16th February, were 31 men and 8 women. Improvements have been made since last visit. There is a new dairy, isolation ward, and laundry. The whole place was clean and in good order, and the grounds round the building well tended. - A difficulty occurs in all these refuges for the old and destitute in dealing with disorderly and drunken characters. Their behaviour disturbs the peace of the other inmates, and frequently they will not conform to the rules of the institution. They cannot be punished except by being turned out of the Home for bad behaviour. If as a last extremity this is done, the man comes under the notice of the police as vagrant and destitute, and sooner or later he has to be readmitted, to the annoyance of all in the Home. As was mentioned in last year's report, there is urgent need for the establishment of a central receiving hospital or infirmary (one in each Island), " where the incurable, helpless, and bed-ridden men and women could be drafted, and placed under the care of nurses, and not left to the ignorant and oftentime cruel tendance of a fellow-inmate." The patients' maintenance in this central hospital could be a charge on their respective Charitable Aid or Hospital Boards. Such an institution would also relieve the hospitals from chronic cases and our asylums from the old persons admitted who are merely suffering from senile decay. The following charitable institutions have also been visited during the year : Women's Eefuge (Dunedin) for maternity cases is a financially successful laundry requiring little or no assistance from the Charitable Aid Board. In the Samaritan Home (Christchurch) on 6th January there were 21 men, 15 women, 7 girls and 6 babies : this home is useful for the vagrant class of old women when they can be persuaded to stay : Miss Early is a kind and energetic matron, and encourages the inmates to employ themselves in various kinds of work. The Linwood Eefuge, for unmarried mothers with their first child, continues to be well managed. St. Mary's Home at Eichmond, Christchurch, is doing good work under Sister Eose. St. Andrew's Orphanage at Motueka (29 boys, 5 girls) was visited 12th June : the building is being enlarged, and when this is completed more children can be admitted ; at present the boys' dormitories are overcrowded: Mr. and Mrs. Haycock and the resident teacher, Miss Allport, evidently have their hearts in the work, and their charges look healthy, sturdy, happy, well fed and well clad : the boys learn all the rudiments of farm-work under Mr. Haycock before being placed out, and two at a time of the elder girls are thoroughly taught household and kitchen work by Mrs. Haycock : this is a very satisfactory institution. The Women's Home, Auckland, still occupies unsuitable quarters in May Cottage, Parnell: the girls are sent to the Costley Home for confinement, and the infants boarded out : a considerable legacy was left to this charity, the girls earn more than their maintenance in laundry work, and Government gives a direct grant; if some change for the better is not speedilymade, I should recommend that the Government discontinue their annual grant. The Convalescent Home, Wellington, continues to be admirably and economically managed by its capable Matron, Mrs. Eitter. The Home for the Aged Needy (37 inmates) is a comfortable refuge for old folk, under the kindly care of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie. The Alexandra Home contained 13 unmarried girls and 9 babies on the day of visit: improvements have been made during the last two



years, notably a sheltered and sunny verandah leading out of the nursery : the girls are tidier in person, look brighter, and their surroundings are cleaner and in better order than was the case at date of last report: the attention of the Committee should now be turned to the improvement of the laundry and drying-room. The Levin Memorial Home for Girls is working very satisfactorily : there are 25 little girls : they look bright and happy, clean, wholesome and healthy : they attend school regularly, and get an admirable report from the headmaster, whilst the elder girls are carefully taught household work : the Matron, Miss Ockenden, has the art of "mothering" her big family, and this is really a " home " for the children, and not merely a charitable institution : it would be well if we had more such Cottage Homes in New Zealand. St. Mary's Home, Karori, is doing good work in taking girls from evil surroundings, and training them to be useful members of society. Two new hospitals have been opened during the year, one at Whangarei and one at Pahiatua. The Waihi Hospital Contributors have been incorporated as a separate institution, and the foundation-stone of the new Waihi Hospital was laid in June. An Act to provide for the registration of trained nurses in New Zealand came into force on the Ist January, 1902, and a large number of trained nurses have availed themselves of its provisions. The Act in no way interferes with the right of every person to employ whatever nursing he may desire, nor does it interfere with the employment of any untrained woman by a medical man or the public. The State merely gives a reliable list of nurses who have undergone three years' training in a general hospital, and whose training has been tested by State examinations. An organized movement is on foot in England to attain the same result, and. the following quotation from the Philadelphia Medical Journal of the 15th March shows that America is following on similar lines : " The question now arises whether, in view of the methods by which many so-called trained nurses are educated and let loose upon an unguarded public, the State should not intervene and at least limit an abuse which is dangerous to the sick and an injustice to women who have conscientiously prepared themselves for their chosen calling. We believe that at the present day the most satisfactory solution of the question is to be found in some State regulation of trained nurses. This regulation should involve three things—first, a minimum period of service as student nurses ; second, a minimum degree of qualification on the part of a hospital that attempts to organize a training-school; third, a general examination of all candidates before a State Board. The question is one which needs deep consideration. We hope it will be agitated before the next session of the Legislature." The Council of the Scottish Women's Liberal Association, at their annual meeting in April, passed a unanimous resolution advocating the State registration of nurses. Geace Neill, Assistant Inspector of Hospitals, &c.

AEEOWTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 81 Total under treatment ... ... ... 90 Discharged ... ... ... . ... ... 77 Died 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 6 Sex. —64 males, 26 females. Locality from ivhich Patients came. —Lake Vincent and Southland Counties. Nationality. —British, 73; Foreign, 8. Beligion. —Church of England, 30 ; Presbyterian, 28 ; Wesleyan, 4 ; Soman Catholic, 17 Lutheran, 2; Confucian, 1 ; unknown, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,376 ; individual average days' stay, 15-29. Daily average cost per head, 10s. lOd. ; less patients' payments, 7s. 9£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 91 ; attendances, 150. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 395 8 5 I Eations, fuel, and light ... ... 151 13 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 302 0 0: Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 213 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 117 0 8. Surgery and dispeusarv ... ... 59 3 3 Patients'payments ... ... 209 16 10 j Fuel and light ... ... ... 30 9 0 Balance from last year ... ... 87 18 0 j Furniture, Ac. ... ... ... 515 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 400 10 10 Funerals ... ... ... 9 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 617 6 Commission ... ... ... 949 Insurance ... ... ... 9 19 9 Other expenses ... ... 61 3 6 Total ... £1,112 3 11 Total ... £746 10 7 Visited 26th April. —Five men and two women patients. Everything satisfactory. A substantial isolation ward has been added, but without a bath-room or small kitchen




ASHBUETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 207 Total under treatment ... ... ... 217 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 16 Sex. —l7o males, 47 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Ashburton, 180; North Canterbury, 8 ; South Canterbury, 5 ; Otago, 7 ; North Island, 2 ; Australia, 5. Nationality. —English, 65 ; Scotch, 21; Irish, 38 ; Colonial, 82 ; German, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 92; Presbyterian, 48; Soman Catholic, 48; Wesleyan, 22; Salvation Army, 5 ; Baptist, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,973; individual average days' stay, 18-31. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 6£d.; less patients' payments, ss. lljd. Outdoor Patients. —None. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 562 10 4 Bations and light ... ... 349 13 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 630 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 42 5 0 Subscriptions and donations .. 7 2 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 66 9 8 Patients'payments ... . 12117 5 Fuel ... ... ... ... 83 11 9 Other sources ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 13 15 6 Balance from last year ... ... 158 11 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 20 5 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 562 16 4 Funerals ... ... ... 12 10 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 27 16 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 52 2 2 Insurance ... ... ... 18 17 9 Other expenses... ... ... 49 17 11 Total ... £1,490 11 4 Total .. £1,300 2 6 Visited 10th May.— Seven men patients. There is nothing special to record. Some alterations and additions to the building are projected.

AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 158 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,824 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,982 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,598 Died... ... ... ... . . ... ... 181 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 203 5ex. —1,328 males, 654 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland City and suburbs, 1,285; Auckland District, 472 ; Auckland North, 85 ; Auckland South, 88; shipping, 52. Nationality. —English, 416; Scotch, 120; Irish, 231; New Zealand, 990; Australian, 88; Americans, 12; French, 1 ; German, 16; Austrian, 15 ; Danish, 3; Indian, 12; Chinese, 2; Greek, 1; Norwegian and Swedish, 28; Maltese, 2; Eussian, 9; Channel Islanders, 11; Spanish, 3; Canadian, 4; African, 6; Italian, 1 ; South Sea Islanders, 11. Beligion. —Church of England, 997 ; Eoman Catholic, 446 ; Presbyterian, 268 ; Wesleyan, 125 ; Methodist, 17; Church of Christ, 15; Hebrew, 6; Salvation Army, 17; Baptist, 37; Congregational, 6; Lutheran, 16 ; other denominations, 32. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 60,908; individual average days' stay, 30-73. Daily average cost per head, 4s. Id."; less patients' payments, 3s. OJd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 384 ; attendances, 3,450.


Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 4,497 5 1 Eations ... ... ... 2,802 2 3 Local bodies... ... ... 4,497 5 1 Nurses' Home, maintenance ... 1,221 14 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 52 3 8 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 178 4 1 Bequests ... ... ... 60 3 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,642 19 2 Bents of endowments ... ... 112 13 11 Fuel and light ... ... 922 1 1 Patients'payments ... ... 3,19119 11 Bedding and clothing ... ... 469 10 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 316 3 10 Washing and laundry ... ... 441 12 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,131 6 2 Water-supply ... ... 177 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 36 4 0 Maintenance of grounds ... 140 9 4 Eepairs ... ... ... 366 11 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 127 18 10 Legal expenses ... ... 36 14 9 Insurance ... ... ... 35 16 3 Proportion of office expenses ... 324 13 8 Other expenses ... ... 40 9 3 Total ... ...£12,411 11 3 Total ... ...£12,411 11 3 Visited 14th November and 7th February.—Dr. Collins has been appointed Medical Superintendent. The basement of this hospital has had a much needed clearing-out. Lavatories and bath-rooms are clean and tidy, and the wards fresh and airy. On the day of visit the male ward was overcrowded, and it is evident the work is increasing. The nursing-staff, forty-five in number, have better accomodation than at any other hospital.

BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 13 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 155 Total under treatment ... ... ... 168 Discharged ... ... ... ... •■• ••• 144 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 13 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 11 Sex. —125 males, 43 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Marlborough. Country.— England, 26; Scotland, 17; New Zealand, 95; Ireland, 13; Australia, 2; Portugal, 1 ; France, 1. Beligion— Church of England, 64; Eoman Catholic, 45 ; Presbyterian, 35; Wesleyan, 5 ; Salvationist, 2; Congregational, 1; Christadelphian, 2; Baptist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,611; individual average days' stay, 33-40. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 7fd.; less patients' payments, 8s 3fd. Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,200 810 Eations . . ... ... 547 19 11 Local bodies... ... ... 1,117 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 55 9 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 43 6 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 160 8 3 Eents ... ... ... 33 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 124 17 6 Patients' payments ... ... 376 2 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Other sources ... ... 28 1 6 earthenware ... ... 230 17 7 Balance from last year ... 8 3 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 766 14 2 Water-supply ... ... 100 11 11 Funerals ... ... ... 7 8 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 52 3 0 Additions to buildings and new buildings ... ... ... 605 10 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 40 17 9 Interest and insurance ... 50 0 6 Commission ... ... ... 53 17 7 Other expenses ... ... 580 2 3 Total ... . . £2,806 1 6 Total ... ... £3,376 18 9 I "" ~ " ' ' \mmMmmmi\




Visited 9th June.—Six men and five women patients. There are many obvious defects in this building, and many inconveniences. The lighting by oil lamps gives extra work and is dangerous. The hospital was in good order, and the nursing-staff work well under Dr. Anderson and the Matron, Miss Eoss.

CHARLESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 40 Total under treatment ... ... ... 46 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 7 Sex. —46 males. Localities from which Patients came. —Westport and Charleston. Nationality. —British, 45; Norwegian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,246; individual average days' stay, 27-08. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 6s. l^d. Receipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 184 8 2 Rations ... ... ... 153 1 4 Local bodies... ... ... 108 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 6 8 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 44 6 3 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... .. 13 3 0 Patients' payments ... ... 100 19 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 10 3 Other sources ... ... 7 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 193 8 0 Balance from last year ... 165 19 6 Funerals ... ... ... 12 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 8 17 6 New buildings ... ... 150 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 973 Insurance ... ... ... 273 Other expenses ... ... 25 1 9 Total ... ... £676 8 6 Total ... ... £633 10 10

CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 99 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,511 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,610 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,397 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 123 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... 90 Sex. —1,007 males, 603 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Christchurch, 485 ; Suburbs, 547 ; North Canterbury, 323; Lyttelton, 68; Akaroa, 40; Kaikoura, 13; Ashburton, 8; Waikari, 8; Greymouth, 3; Wellington, 2; Hawera, 2; Napier, 2; Reefton, 1; Hokitika, 1; Nelson, 1; Blenheim, 1; Dunedin, 1; Hastings, 1 ; unknown, 103. Country.—Ne-w Zealand, 723 ; England, 393 ; Ireland, 168 ; Scotland, 82 ; Australia, 41 ; America, 8 ; Tasmania, 6; Denmark, 6; Germany, 4; Norway, 3; Sweden, 4; Italy, 4 ; Austria, 3 ; Spain, 2 ; Blenheim, 2 ; Russia, 2 ; Mauritius, 1 ; Canada, 1; West Indies, 1 ; South Sea Islands, 1 ; India, 1; China, 1 ; Assyria, 1 ; France, 1; Channel Islands, 1; Finland, 2 ; unknown, 148. Beligion. —Church of England, 660; Soman Catholic, 223 ; Presbyterian, 233; Methodist, 152; Baptist, 36; Salvation Army, 17; Brethren, 9; Lutheran, 8; Congregational, 6; Church of Christ, 6; Jewish, 1 ; Seventh Day Adventists, 1; Bible Christian, 1 ; unknown, 257. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 36,424 ; individual average days' stay, 22-62. Daily average cost per head, ss. s£d. ; less patients' payments, 4s. ll^d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,386 ; attendances, 9,011.


Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 6,584 12 10 Eations ... ... ... 2,366 2 4 Local bodies... ... ... 5,624 3 5 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 103 7 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 15 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 919 011 Patients'payments ... ... 929 16 3 Fuel and light ... ... 1,311 14 10 Other sources ... ... 79106 Bedding and clothing ... ... 236 3 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 278 10 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,986 8 8 Funerals ... ... ... 26 19 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 171 14 3 New buildings ... .. 1,207 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 98 5 9 Interest ... ... ... 10 0 6 Insurance ... ... ... 76 14 5 Other expenses ... ... 1,699 19 11 Total ... £13,233 15 0 Total ... £12,492 2 3 Visited 10th September, 28th November, 10th January, and 9th May.—A standing difficulty that meets Dr. Crooke in this hospital is the disposal of chronic and incurable cases; these require attendance, but are not suitable for treatment in the wards. Such cases fill beds to the exclusion of those who urgently require hospital treatment. The new laundry and its machinery have greatly saved labour in this department, and it would be well if the authorities could now put the nursingstaff in a uniform of washing material. The kitchen, staffed entirely by women, is an example in economy, cleanliness, and good management.

Akaeoa Hospital. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 23 Total under treatment ... ... ... 25 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 1 Sex. —19 males, 6 females. . Locality from which Patients came.— Akaroa County. Country. —New Zealand, 12; England, 6; Scotland, 3; Ireland, 2; France, 1; Denmark, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 15 ; Presbyterian, 4 ; Soman Catholic, 4 ; Lutheran, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, '650; individual average days' stay, 2600. Daily average cost per head, 9s. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 146 8 5 Eations ... ... ... 90 2 2 Derived from North Canterbury Wines, &c. ... ... ... 1 12 0 Hospital Board, of which it is a Surgery and dispensary ... ... 15 3 3 branch hospital ... ... 146 8 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 23 12 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 12 7 6 Total ... ...£292 16 11 Total ... ...£292 16 11 Visited 12th May.—No patients on day of visit. All clean and tidy.

COEOMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 102 Total under treatment ... ... ... 109 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Died ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 8




Sex. —84 males, 25 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Coromandel, 97 ; Auckland, 2; Thames, 2; Wanganui, 1. Nationality. — England, 16; Ireland, 12; Scotland, 5; New Zealand, 48; Australia, 3; America, 4; Hanover, 5; France, 1; Austria, 1; Sweden, 1; Canary Islands, 3; Norway 1; Germany, 1 ; South Sea Islands, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,542 ; individual average days' stay, 23-32. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 9Jd. ; less patients' payments, 6s. 10-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 332 ; attendances, 448. Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 398 19 5 Eations ... ... ... 136 4 9 Local bodies... ... ... 200 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 3 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 258 18 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 44 15 0 Patients'payments ... ... 113 15 2 Fuel and light ... ... 54 5 6 Balance from last year ... 119 1 1 \ Bedding and clothing ... ... 12 7 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 10 1 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 653 18 0 Funerals ... ... ... 11 13 0 Insurance ... ... ... 16 3 9 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 9 14 9 Other expenses ... ... 3648 Total ... ... £1,090 14 2 Total ... ... ' £988 9 5 Visited 11th February.—Four men and two women patients. The sister in charge is a welltrained nurse, and the working of this hospital is completely satisfactory.

CEOMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 75 Total under treatment ... ... ... 76 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 67 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... . . 2 Sex. —s7 males, 19 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bannockburn, 19; Cromwell, 22 ; Nevis, 9; Lowburn, &c, 2; Wanaka Eoad, 6; Tarras and Bendigo, 7 ; Hawea, 5; Bullendale, 1 ; Tapanui, 1 ; Pembroke, 4. Country. —England, 19; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 7; New Zealand, 35; Australia, 2; China, 2; India, 1 ; Denmark, 1, Religion. —Soman Catholic, 13; Church of England, 23; Presbyterian, 27; Wesleyan, 11; Confucian, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,723; individual average days' stay, 22-67. Dailyaverage cost per head, 9s. 3d.; less patients' payments, 7s. 9d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 20; attendances, 34. Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 590 16 2 Eations ... ... ... 115 6 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 295 3 3 Surgery and dispensary, &c. ... 56 4 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 110 16 11 Fuel and light ... ... ... 27 16 1 Patients'payments ... ... 130 511 ; Bedding and clothing, &c. ... 30 17 4 Other sources... •... ... 3 15 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 407 16 6 Balance from last year ... ... 658 17 7 Water-supply ... ... ... 20 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 6 13 9 New buildings ... ... ... 336 9 0 Printing, advertising, &c. ... 9 16 0 Insurance ... ... ... 12 1 6 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Other expenses... ... ... 106 17 9 Total ... £1,789 14 10 Total ... £1,134 3 10 Visited 25th April.—Five men and two women patients. The appearance of this little hospital would be greatly improved if more attention were paid to the garden and grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews carry out their duties well. The new isolation ward is not satisfactory.


DUNEDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 86 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,224 Total under treatment ... ... .... 1,310 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,107 Died : ... 101 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 102 Sex. —B32 males, 478 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Dunedin and suburbs, 797; Allanton, 5; Abbotsford, 3; Alexandra, 3 ; Balclutha, 12 ; Burks, 5 ; Burnside, 6; Berwick, 3 ; Cromwell, 3 ; Canterbury, 6 ; Clinton, 11; Catlin's, 14; Dunback, 4; Gore, 9; Green Island, 25; Hampden, 4; Henley, 4; Invercargill, 12; Kaitangata, 10; Lawrence, 5; Mosgiel, 27; Milton, 12; Middlemarch, 9; Outram, 9; Port Chalmers, 29 ; Palmerston, 15; Ravensbourne, 10; Shag Point, 16; Seacliff, 9; Taieri, 22; Tapanui, 6; Waihola, 7 ; Waitati, 10; shipping, 31 ; others, 157. Country. —New Zealand, 640 ; England, 197 ; Scotland, 207 ; Ireland, 140; South Australia, 3 ; New South Wales, 7 ; Victoria, 42 ; West Australia, 1; Tasmania, 6 ; Norway, 11 ; Denmark, 4; China, 11; Barbadoes, 2; America, 6; Guernsey, 2; Italy, 3 ; born at sea, 3; Germany, 12; Russia, 1; St. Vincent, 1 ; Jersey, 2; Belgium, 1; Sweden, 2; India, 2; Canada, 1; Mauritius, 1; Holland, 1; Greece, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 397; Presbyterian, 489 ; Roman Catholic, 205 ; Methodist, 24; Wesleyan, 73; Brethren, 10; Salvationist, 17; Baptist, 25; Lutheran, 12; Confucian, 11; Tabernacle, 2 ; Church of Christ, 11; no religion, 10 ; Freethinker, 2 ; Universalist, 1; Greek Church, 2; Mission, 2; Christadelphian, 4; Italian Church, 1; Jewish, 2; Theosophist, 2; Moslem, 1; Congregational, 7. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 34,969; individual average days' stay, 26 - 69. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lid.; less patients' payments, 4s. 2f d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 1,568 ; attendances, 5,062. Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. ! Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 3,393 17 7 j Rations ... ... ... 2,450 13 9 Local bodies... ... ... 2,950 0 0; Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 182 5 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 269 16 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 633 12 4 Bequests ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 1,027 810 Sales ... ... ... 54 1 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 47 18 9 Patients' payments ... ... 1,222 12 11 Furniture, earthenware, &c. ... 454 11 1 Other sources ... ... 262 11 0 Washing and laundry... ... 15 0 0 Salaries and wages — ..... 2,552.18 8 Water-supply ... ... 146 3 0 Funerals ... 22 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 469 14 9 New buildings ... ... 106 18 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 75 8 3 Interest :.. ... ... 19 9 9 Insurance ... ... - ... 49 9 9 Commission ... ... ... 9 16 6 Other expenses ... ... 318 10 6 Total ... ...£8,162 19 1 Total ... ...£8,582 9 8 Visited 27th August and 3rd May.—All departments in excellent working-order. This is the only large hospital that has no isolation ward in connection with it for infectious cases.

DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 63 Total under treatment ... ... ... 65 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 3 Sex. —s males, 14 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Ophir, 12 ; Alexandra, 15 ; Clyde, 18; Cromwell, 2; Earnscleugh, 5 ; Matakanui, 4 ; Bald Hill Flat, 3 ; Tarras, 1; Moutere, 4 ; Waikeri, 1. Country. — England, 14 ; Ireland, 4 ; Scotland, 8 ; New Zealand, 28 ; Australia, 2 ; Wales, 2; China, 7. Beligion. —Church of England, 19; Roman Catholic, 12; Presbyterian, 26 ; Church of Christ, 1 ; Wesleyan, 2 ; Confucian, 5.

2-H. 22.



Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,856; individual average days' stay, 28-55. Daily average cost per head, lis. 3d.; less patients' payments, 9s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 53. Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. & s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 904 6 8 Rations ... ... ... 162 14 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 398 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 11 11 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 202 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 3593 Patients'payments ... ... 124 6 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 32 19 9 Other sources ... ... ... 67 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 18 14 10 Balance from last year ... ... 19 6 1 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 155 17 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 480 14 6 Water-supply ... ... ... 24 11 1 Funerals ... ... ... 22 0 0 New buildings ... ... ... 658 8 4 Additions and repairs ... ... 17 19 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 18 16 3 Interest and bank charges ... 140 Insurance and rent of office ... 15 15 0 Grounds and fencing ... ... 35 5 9 Other expenses... ... ... 12 3 4 Total ... ...£1,715 19 3 Total ... ...£1,704 4 7 Visited 24th April.—Four men patients. This is now a neat-looking, substantial hospital, containing ten beds. Everything very clean and tidy.

GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 27 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 223 Total under treatment ... ... ... 250 Discharged ... ... ... ... .7. ~ 205 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 25 Sex. —194 males, 56 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Cook and Waiapu Counties, and Borough of Gisborne. Nationality. —British, 241; foreign, 9. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,061; individual average days' stay, 28-24. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s. Bd. Receipts and Expendituee, Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,430 3 1 Rations ... ... ... 285 010 Local bodies... ... ... 577 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 16 2 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 625 10 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 86 3 3 Rents ... ... ... 22 15 0 Fuel and light ... ... 155 13 o Patients'payments ... ... 390 18 7 Bedding and clothing ... ..-. 89 2 5 Interest ... ... ... 2200 Furniture and earthenware ... 135 1 1 Other expenses ... ... 215 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 836 15 6 Repairs ... 291 0 1 Additions to buildings ... ... 1,234 6 11 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 18 2 5 Interest ... ... ... 7 18 0 Insurance ... ... ... 66 5 4 Sanitation ... ... ... 23 0 0 Commission ... ... ... 2 16 3 Other expenses ... ... 23 7 6 Total ... ... £3,090 2 3 Total ... ... £3,270 15 1 Visited 30th October.—Thirteen men and eight women patients. With all its recent improvements, this makes a first-rate country hospital, well up to date in every respect. Miss Stewart and her nursing-staff work well, and Gisborne should be proud of such an institution.



GREY RIVER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 50 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 198 Total under treatment ... ... ... 248 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 51 Sex. —214 males, 34 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Greymouth, 89; Grey County, 110; Brunnerton, 31; other places, 6 ; shipping, 12. Country. —England, 47 ; Ireland, 70; Scotland, 41; New Zealand, 35 ; America, 4; China, 9 ; Australia, 10 ; Wales, 6 ; Europe, 26. Beligion. —Church of England, 77 ; Roman Catholic, 93 ; Presbyterian, 42; Lutheran, 9 ; Salvation Army, 4; Baptist, 4; Confucian, 9; Wesleyan, 10. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 18,976 ; individual average days' stay, 76-51. Daily average cost per head, 2s. B£d; less patients' payments, 2s. Of d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 204; attendances, 546. Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... .. 1,217 11 0 Rations ... ... ... 864 13 8 Local bodies ... ... 725 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 87 12 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 439 8 2 Surgery and dispensary ... 71 1 7 Patients'payments ... ... 607 13 5 Fuel and light ... ... 175 19 4 Other sources ... ... 35 4 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 61 16 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 56 17 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 888 15 4 Funerals ... ... ... 27 12 9 Repairs ... ... ... 184 1 11 New buildings ... ... 290 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 66 9 8 Interest ... ... ... 28 2 9 Insurance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Commission, &c. .'.. ... 0 18 6 Other expenses ... ... 20 5 9 Total £3,024 16 7 Total £2,854 7 10 Visited 24th December.—The new wards have not been yet used for surgical cases, as the walls are by no means free from damp. The number of old men resident in this Hospital seem to be on the increase.

HAWERA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 127 Total under treatment ... ... ... 137 Discharged ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• HI Died ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 11 Sea;.—lo6 males, 31 females. Localities from which Patients came.— Hawera, 114; Taranaki, 6; New Plymouth, 1; Stratford 6 ; other districts, 10. Nationality.— English, 46; Irish, 15 ; Scotch, 7 ; Colonial, 63; Welsh, 2 ; German, 2 ; American, 1; Swiss, 1. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,973; individual average days' stay, 21-70. Daily average cost per head, 7s. lOfd.; less patients' payments, 6s. ll^d. Outdoor Patients. —No record.




Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 517 19 8 Eations ~. ... ... 210 12 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 517 19 9 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. - ... 13 18 6 Patients'payments ... ... 140 16 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 124 8 10 Fuel and light ... ... 119 18 11 Bedding and clothing ... ... 38 8 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 33 18 3 Washing and laundry ... ... 16 8 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 445 -18 7 Water-supply ... ... 17 2 9 Additions ... ... ... 11 4 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 18 8 10 Interest ... ... ... 35 0 1 Insurance ... ... ... 14 5 0 Other expenses ... ... 77 2 9 Total ... ...£1,176 16 2 Total ... ...£1,176 16 2 Visited 6th August and 21st June. —Eight men and four women patients. A good sum of money has been recently raised in Hawera for the improvement of the Hospital grounds. More accommodation should be provided for the nursing-staff and the gardener.

HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 22 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 138 Total under treatment ... ... ... 160 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 34 Sex. —ll9 males, 41 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland. Country. —England, 36; Scotland, 20; Ireland, 23; Germany, 11; Italy, 5; Colonies, 56; Austria, 1; Canada, 4 ; Finland, 1; Norway, 3. Beligion. —Church of England, 54 ; Presbyterian, 36; Soman Catholic, 55; Lutheran, 7; Wesleyan, 7 ; Jewish, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,850; individual average days' stay, 74-06 Daily average cost per head, 3s. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 3s. sd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 231; attendances, 616. Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d From Government ... ... 1,321 4 8 Eations ... ... ... 763 1 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 627 9 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 65 8 5 Subscriptions and donations ... 423 10 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 164 11 11 Eents ... ... ... 2 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 121 6 10 Patients' payments ... ... 216 1 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 46 19 7 Other sources ... ... 23 18 8 Furniture and earthenware ... 18 16 6 Balance from last year ... 16 7 5 Salaries and wages ... ... 719 11 8 Funerals ... ... ... 30 15 0 Eepairs and additions ... ... 137 0 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 41 4 8 Insurance ... ... ... 26 18 3 Commission ... ... ... 18 4 6 Other expenses ... ... 86 18 3 Total ... ' ... £2,630 11 3 Total ... ... £2,240 17 1 Visited 26th December. —Forty-six men and four women patients. A corridor is to be built connecting the Hospital with an Old Men's Home that was erected some years ago by the Benevolent Society, but has never been used. Dr. Teichelmann has now got the drainage improved, and the whole Hospital is in good working-order.


INVEECAEGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 32 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 449 Total under treatment ... ... ... 481 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 401 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 37 Sex. —340 males, 141 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Southland County, Wallace County, Lake County, Fiord County, Stewart Island County. Country. —England, 97; Scotland, 75; Ireland, 48; New Zealand, 219; Tasmania, 7; Germany, 4 ; Victoria, 12 ; China, 4; Denmark, 3 ; New South Wales, 4 ; America, 2 ; Italy, 1; Norway, 1; Finland, 1; Austria, 1; Jersey, 1; Portugal, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 155; Soman Catholic, 106; Presbyterian, 171; Wesleyan, 14; Salvationist, 7; Lutheran, 1; Confucian, 2 ; Methodist, 7 ; no religion, 2 ; Protestant, 6 ; Baptist, 3 ; Church of Christ, 3 ; Christadelphian, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 2 ; Mormon, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 14,356; individual average days' stay, 29-84. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lid.; less patients' payments, 4s. 4Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,030; attendances, 2,164. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. ] . Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,327 8 2 Eations .. 744 16 2 Local bodies ... ... 1,103 13 7 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 18 7 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 138 4 2 Surgery and dispensary ... 195 19 8 Bequests ... ... ... 25 15 0 Fuel and light ... ... 303 3 8 Bents ... ... .. 14 6 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 120 8 5 Patients' payments ... ... 362 18 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 131 8 0 Other sources ... ... 11l 7 0 Washing and laundry ... 47 2 0 Balance from last year .. 606 12 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,203 5 3 Water-supply ... ... 17 17 0 Funerals ... ... ... 36 15 0 Eepairs ... ■ ... ... 580 8 7 Additions to buildings... ... 557 12 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .... 3321 Interest ... ... ... 10 18 0 • Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Insurance ... ... ... 30 17 6 Other expenses .... ... 58 2 2 Total ... ... £3,690 4 9 Total ... ... £4,090 13 7 I — Visited 29th August and 28th April.—Twenty-nine men and twelve women patients. This Hospital is in an eminently satisfactory condition under Dr. Hendry, with Miss Ewart as Matron. The nursing-staff is working excellently. Serviceable out-patients' rooms have been added this year, and also more accommodation for the nursing-staff.

KUMAEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 76 Total under treatment ... ... ... 92 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 72 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 13 Sex. —70 males, 22 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kumara, 34; Dillman's, 17 ; Westbrook, 7 ; Christchurch Eoad, 4; Boss, 1; Callaghan's, 8; Auckland Beach, 6; Stafford, 6; Hokitika, 3; Greenstone, 4; Eeefton, 2. Nationality. —English, 16; Irish, 38 ; Scotch, 5 ; New Zealand, 14; Danish, 2 ; Portuguese, 1; Swedish, 1; Austrian, 3 ; German, 5 ; Australian, 5 ; French, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 25; Soman Catholic, 48; Presbyterian, 15 ; Wesleyan, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,590 ; individual average days' stay, 60-76. Daily average cost per head, 3s. lid.; less patients' payments, 3s. 4Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 148 ; attendances, 222,



Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 445 1 4 Eations ... ... ... 348 15 11 Local bodies... 270 7 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 22 12 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 145 16 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 11l 10 6 Eents ... ... ... 5 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 56 14 9 Patients' payments ... ... 151 8 6 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. 120 10 5 Balance from last year ... 137 3 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 356 12 6 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Additions to buildings ... 33 15 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 1390 Interest ... ... ... 210 Insurance ... ... ... 690 Other expenses ... ... 1 11 0 Total .". ... £1,1-54 17 3 Total ... .. £1,094 11 4 Visited 29th December.—Seventeen men and one woman patient. A good cleaning, repainting, and general overhauling is required here, not forgetting the cottages used by the old men.

LAWEENCE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... .<. ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 112 Total under treatment ... ... ... 117 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 Died 12 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 7 Sex. —80 males, 37 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Country. —New Zealand, 54; England, 16 ; Scotland, 14; Ireland, 24 ; Germany, 1; Vie-, toria, 1; China, 3 ; Sweden, 1; Holland, 3. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,706; individual average days' stay, 23-12. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s, 9d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 56. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 273 6 6 Eations ... ... ... 234 7 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 260 2 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 39 12 1 Subscriptions and donations ... 11 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 20 4 2 Patients' payments ... ... 136 2 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 339 Balance from last year ... ... 311 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 368 6 8 Funerals ... .... ... 400 Eepairs ... ... ... 32 16 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 14 6 Commission ... ... ... 226 Insurance ... ... ... 740 Other expenses... ... ... 57 13 7 Total ... £992 1 0 Total ... ~. £780 5 4 Visited 28th August.—Seven men and two women patients. Dr. Newell had everything in excellent order, and the Hospital looked clean, bright, and comfortable.

MASTEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 81 Total under treatment ... ... ... 93 Discharged ... ... ... . . ... ... 73 Died ... 9 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 11 Sex. —70 males, 23 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Masterton, 37 ; Suburbs, 6; East Coast, 10; Eketahuna, 9 ; Mauriceville, 7 ; Pahiatua, 7 ; Alfredton, 4 ; Blairlogie, 4; Lower Valley, 3 ; Wellington, 2; Brancepeth, 1; Hunterville, 1; Waipawa, 1; Wanganui, 1.



Country. —England, 30 ; Ireland, 13 ; New Zealand, 37 ; Scotland, 4 ; Germany, 2 ; Norway, 1; Australia, 2 ; Tasmania, 2 ; America, 1; Sweden, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 54 ; Soman Catholic, 20; Presbyterian, 11 ; Wesleyan, 6; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,352; individual average days' stay, 36 - 04. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 5-J-d.; less patients' payments, ss. Bfd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 870 13 9 Eations ... ... ... 226 11 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 668 15 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 918 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 167 19 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 97 7 3 Patients'payments ... ... 123 11 7 Fuel and light ... ... 103 14 2 Balance from last year... ... 28 9 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 60 8 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 24 16 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 33 4 11 Salaries and wages ... .... 414 15 2 Funerals ... ... ... 15 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 9 7 3 Land... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Telephones ... ... ... 11 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 29 0 11 Interest ... ... ... 2 9 0 Insurance ... ... ... 18 1 6 Commission ... ... ... 23 0 4 Other expenses ... ... 12 0 3 Total £1,859 9 2 Total £1,115 15 1 Visited 3rd July.—Seven men and one woman patient. The evils of this Hospital become accentuated year by year. The wards are small and sunless, the drainage defective, the site damp.

MEECUEY bay hospital. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 45 Total under treatment ... ... ... 47 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 Died ... ... ... . ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 2 Sex. —40 males, 7 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Mercury Bay District. Nationality. —-British, 46; Maori, 1. Beligion. —Protestant, 39 ; Eoman Catholic, 8. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 736; individual average days' stay, 15-66. Daily average cost per head, 18s. Id.; less patients' payments, 16s. 9fd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d From Government ... ... 719 5 1 Eations ... ... ... 105 13 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 600 16 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 6 4 6 Bents ... ... ... 20 7 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 50 6 9 Patients'payments ... ... 46 17 8 Fuel and light ... ... 21 14 5 Other sources ... ... 4 2 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 3 8 10 Balance from last year ... 176 19 10 Furniture and earthenware ... 27 16 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 18 17 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 711 5 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 10 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 33 15 4 New buildings and additions ... 196 11 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 19 6 3 Insurance ... ... ... 11 11 9 Other expenses ... ... 62 6 2 Total ... ...£1,568 9 1 £1,272 611



NAPIEE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 36 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 409 Total under treatment ... ... ... 445 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 369 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 53 Sex. —287 males, 158 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts. Country.—New Zealand, 221; England, 87 ; Scotland, 22 ; Ireland, 52 ; Wales, 1; Victoria, 8 ; Tasmania, 1 ; New South Wales, 2; Sweden, 2; Norway, 3; America, 1; Austria, 2; Germany, 2 ; Russia, 1; India, 1 ; Prussia, 1; Denmark, 1; Queensland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 192 ; Roman Catholic, 104; Presbyterian, 77 ; Wesleyan, 15; Seventh Day Adventists, 2 ; Plymouth Brethren, 3 ; Salvation Army, 4 ; Lutheran, 3 ; Congregational, 2 ; Methodist, 3 ; Gospel Hall, 1 ; Christian Brethren, 1 ; no religion, '2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,377; individual average days' stay, 25-56. Dailyaverage cost per head, ss. 10fd.; less patients' payments, ss. 3fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 644. Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,319 4 8 Rations ... ... ... 928 19 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 750 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 11 5 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 486 16 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 247 8 6 Bequest ... ... ... 286 16 1 Fuel and light ... ... 354 4 7 Rents ... ... ... 70 6 6 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Patients'payments ... ... 341 10 5 and earthenware ... ... 173 410 Other sources... ... ... 61 19 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,309 11 3 Balance from last year... ... 494 7 6 Water-supply ... ... ... 78 0 0 Additions to buildings, and repairs 88 18 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 43 2 7 Interest ... ... ... 0 4 2 Insurance ... ... ... 66 14 6 Commission ... ... ... 36 3 0 Other expenses ... ... 2695 Total ... ...£3,811 0 11 Total / ... ...£3,364 5 5 Visited 26th October.—Seventeen men and fourteen women patients. Dr. Leahy and Miss Connor had everything in excellent order. The broad, sheltered verandahs are appreciated by the patients.

NASEBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 13 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 155 Total under treatment ... ... ... 168 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 149 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 5 Sex. —l2l males, 47 females. Localities from which Patients came.- —Waihemo, Naseby, Kyeburn, Serpentine, Ida Valley, Gimmerburn, Rough Ridge, Hamilton's, Hyde, Oamaru, St. Bathan's, Wedderburn, Patearoa, Eweburn, Waipiata, Christchurch, Cambrian, Dunedin, Blackstone Hill, Poolburn, Eanfurly, Alexandra, Middlemarch, Ophir, Kokonga. Country. —England, 23 ; Scotland, 23 ; Ireland, 25; New Zealand, 72; China, 13 ; Victoria, 4; Canada, 1; New South Wales, 2; Germany, 3; Sweden, 1; Austria, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 44; Eoman Catholic, 35; Presbyterian, 66 ; Confucian, 13 ; Salvationist, 2; Unsectarian, 3; no religion, 2; Wesleyan, 1; Baptist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,731; individual average days' stay, 28-16. Daily average cost per head, ss. lOfd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 0-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 51; attendances, 69.




Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 550 1 1 Eations ... ... ... 331 7 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 285 11 9 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 917 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 138 1 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 164 8 3 Bequests ... ... ... 30 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 73 1 5 Patients'payments ... ... 438 19 7 Bedding and clothing ... ... 33 19 6 Other sources... ... ... 43 18 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 11l 0 6 Balance from last year... ... 259 7 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 614 Salaries and wages ... ... 552 16 11 Water-supply... ... ... 8 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 15 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 31 15 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 17 6 2 Insurance ... ... ... 4 11 0 Other expenses ... ... 37 3 2 Total ... . £1,745 18 7 Total ... ...£1,396 8 5 Visited 23rd April. —Five men and two women patients. This Hospital is doing good work. Dr. Church has a capable coadjutor in the Matron, Mrs. Harris. Much has been done to improve Naseby Hospital of late years, and the chief thing now needed is a better laundry.

NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 204 Total under treatment ... ... ... 228 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 189 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 23 Sex. —l3s males, 93 females. Localities from which Patients came. —County of Waimea and City of Nelson, 212; Wellington, 2 ; Buller, 5 ; Greymouth, 2 ; Westport, 5 ; South Africa, 2. Country. —England, 61; Scotland, 15; Germany, 3; New Zealand, 115; Ireland, 16; France, 1; Queensland, 1 ; Tasmania, 1 ; Sweden, 2; Gippsland, 1 ; China, 1 ; Syria, 1; Cape of Good Hope, 1 ; Australia, 3; Ceylon, 1 ; Greece, 1 ; Wales, 1; America, 2 ; Switzerland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 118 ; Soman Catholic, 28 ; Presbyterian, 25 ; Lutheran, 4 ; Wesleyan, 18; Baptist, 9; Plymouth Brethren, 7; Salvationist, 6; Church of Christ, 4; Methodist, 2 ; Congregatioualist, 2 ; Hebrew, 1; Greek Church, 1; Freethinkers, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,349; individual average days' stay, 41-0. Daily average cost per head, ss. 4-fd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 4|-d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 625; attendances, 2,190. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 883 7 6 Eations ... ... ... 464 11 2 Local bodies ... • .. ... 900 5 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 15 14 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 87 1 2 Surgery and dispensary ... 323 18 9 Eents ... ... ... 175 16 6 Fuel and light ... ... 164 0 3 Patients'payments ... ... 478 12 1 Bedding and clothing ... ... 61 9 8 Other sources ... ... ... 18 2 0 Furniture, earthenware, &c. ... 130 7 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,047 14 2 Water-supply... ... ... 17 0 0 Funerals ... ... .;. 15 13 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 104 2 4 Additions to buildings ... ... 895 13 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 18 2 7 Insurance ... ... ... 28 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 132 7 5 Total ... ...£2,543 4 3 Total .. ...£3,418 14 7 Visited 16th December and 11th June.—Twenty men and twelve women patients. A cheerful and bright Hospital, and Miss Watkins, the Matron, has it well kept and clean throughout. Dr. Mackie has had a small destructor built, at a cost of less than £20, that apparently answers admirably for sanitary purposes. The nurses' quarters are now upstairs in the main building, and their sitting-room furniture was generously presented by Mr. Kirkpatrick.

3—H. 22.


NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 25 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 292 Total under treatment ... ... ... 317 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 283 Died ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 15 Sex. —222 males, 95 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Taranaki, 153 ; Hawera, 24 ; Stratford, 40 ; New Plymouth, 75; Clifton, 12 ; other districts, 13. Nationality. —English, 81; Scotch, 15; Irish, 20; Colonial, 186; German, 4; Danish, 2; American, 3 ; French, 2 ; Swiss, 2 ; Chinese, 2. Religion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,843 ; individual average days' stay, 21-58. Daily average cost per head, 7s. Id.; less patients' payments, 4s. 7£d. Outdoor Patients. —No record kept. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 409 8 5 Eations ... ... ... 489 8 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 641 7 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 30 15 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 75 511 Surgery and dispensary ... 238 13 1 Bequests ... ... ... 20 610 Fuel and light ... ... 213 17 8 Rents ... ... ... 20 19 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 68 15 8 Patients' payments ... ... 844 13 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 7717 7 Other sources ... ... 549 12 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 169 15 6 Balance from last year... ... 1958 Salaries and wages ... ... 800 14 4 Water-supply... ... ... 10 0 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 157 8 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 33 0 11 Interest ... ... ... 52 10 3 Insurance ... ... ... 37 5 0 Other expenses ... ... 200 17 11 Total ... ...£2,580 19 11 Total ... ...£2,580 19 11 Visited 7th August and 22nd June.—Seventeen men and three women patients. Further accommodation for the nursing-staff is being built, also a laundry. The operating-room has been greatly improved, and the Hospital altogether is in capital working-order.

OAMASU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 .. ... ... 13 Admitted during the year ... .. ... 219 Total under treatment ... ... ... 232 Discharged ... ... ... . . ... .. 197 Died ... 14 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 .. ... 21 Sex. —167 males, 65 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Oamaru town and district and Otago. Country. —England, 54; Scotland, 34; Ireland, 46; New Zealand, 70; Australia, 14 > America and Continent of Europe, 14. Religion. —Church of England, 83; Eoman Catholic, 48; Presbyterian, 80 ; Wesleyan and others, 21. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,131; individual average days' stay, 30-73. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 9|-d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 1-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 110 ; attendances, 1,156.



Eeceipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government .. ... 119 7 8 Eations ... ... ... 395 16 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 101 11 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 15 9 8 Eents ... ... ... 828 4 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 158 11 6 Patients'payments ... ... 232 18 7 Fuel and light .. ... 88 16 8 Other sources ... ... 279 4 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 77 8 4 Balance from last year ... ... 358 15 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 29 19 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 533 4 0 Eepairs, &c. ... ... ... 19 0 0 j Additions and new buildings ... 430 11 11 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 18 17 6 Insurance ... ... ... 720 Other expenses ... ... 2 15 7 Total ... ...£1,920 1 0 Total ... ...£1,777 13 1 Visited 6th May.—Fourteen men and five women patients. Substantial new wards are being added, also further accommodation for nurses. The operating-room is well finished.

OTAKI HOSPITAL. ' Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 65 Total under treatment ... ... ... 70 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ttt 57 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 5 Sex. —so males, 20 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Otaki, 18; Waikanae, 12; Manakau, 7; Levin, 10; Shannon, 1; Te Horo, 5; Ohau, 3; Paraparaumu, 2 ; Paikakariki, 2 ; Eeikorangi, 3 ; Tokomaru, 1; Carterton, 1; Kapiti, 1; Wellington, 1; Waikawa, 1; Eongotea, 1 ; Hautere, 1. Nationality. —Colonial, 35 ; English, 15 ; Irish, 8 ; Scotch, 2 ; Maori, 4 ; German, 2 ; Norwegian, 2 ; Danish, 1; Welsh, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 36; Soman Catholic, 18; Presbyterian, 2; Wesleyan, 7; Plymouth Brethren, 3 ; Salvation Army, 3 ; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,447 ; individual average days' stay, 20-67. Daily average cost per head, 155.; less patients' payments, 13s. lOd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 486 9 10 Eations ... ... ... 208 14 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 469 18 4 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 6 3 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 41 8 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 104 2 5 Bequest ... ... ... 110 Fuel and light ... ... 70 2 1 Patients'payments ... ... 82 19 0 Bedding and clothing, &c. ... 37 1 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 480 4 9 Additions to buildings ... ... 606 Other expenses ... ... 172 19 4 Total ... £1,081 16 5 . Total ... ... £1,085 8 7 Visited 19th June.—Three men, two boys, and one girl patient. The cost of maintenance of a small hospital like this is out of proportion to its utility. The same nursing-staff would be sufficient for several more beds ; and, having so little room at disposal, accident and urgent cases from the district have had to be refused or sent on to Wellington. Miss Sealey is an excellent nurse and capable Matron.



PAHIATUA HOSPITAL. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 375 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 59 4 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 375 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 10 13 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 37 18 8 New buildings ... ... 1,026 7 5 Other sources ... ... 11 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and Balance from last year ... ... 693 19 3 stationery ... ... ... 13 13 9 Interest ... ... ... 0 7 8 Commission ... ... ... 51 1 0 Other expenses ... ... 4 6 3 Total ... £1,493 711 Total ... ... £1,165 13 2 Visited 4th July.—Six men and one woman patient. This Hospital is not wholly completed. The ward in present use is bright and sunny, with a good verandah. Much remains to be done. Miss Carston has been appointed Matron.

PALMEESTON NOBTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during year ... ... .. ... ... 246 Total under treatment ... _ ... ... 265 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 223 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 23 Sex. —l9l males, 74 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Palmerston North, 221; Masterton, 7 ; Wanganui, 8; Christchurch, 3 ; Napier, 3 ; Wellington, 23. Nationality. —English, 54; Scotch, 24; Irish, 36; New Zealand, 124; Australian, 5; Tasinaman, 1; German, 2 ; Canadian, 2; Danish, 2; Swedish, 5; Norwegian, 2; American, 1 ; Prussian, 2 ; Chinese, 1; Belgian, 1 ; Finn, 1; Italian, 1; Swiss, 1. Beligion. —Church of England,' 104 ; Eoman Catholic, 63 ; Presbyterian, 35 ; Wesleyan, 32 ; Primitive Methodist, 3; Lutheran, 9; Salvation Army, 2; Baptist, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 10; Mormon, 1 ; Confucian, 1; Christadelphian, 1; Jewish, 1; no religion, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,656; individual average days' stay, 28-51. Daily average cost per head, ss. 10} d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 9+/ d. Outdoor Patients. —No record. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,003 16 2 Eations ... ... ... 343 11 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 721 9 3 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... . . 17 11 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 163 19 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 137 17 2 Bequests ... ... ... 20 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 209 9 9 Patients' payments ... ... 413 6 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 61 1 3 Other sources... .. ... 302 16 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 28 1 0 Balance from last year ... ... 199 2 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 42 11 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 861 19 10 Funerals ... ... .. 4 15 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 218 1 6 Additions ... ... ... 109 15 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 36 17 0 Insurance ... ... ... 35 10 6 Other expenses ... ... 247 3 8 Total ... ... £2,824 10 10 Total ... £2,354 6 5 _ — i - Visited 11th August and 24th June. —Eighteen men and five women patients. Alterations comprising an operating-room have been successfully carried out. Miss Dougherty and her staff do all in their power on behalf of their patients. Cleanliness and order prevail, and the kitchen department is excellent.

PATEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 59 Total under treatment ... ... ... 60 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... Nil.



Sex. —47 males, 13 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waitotara to Manutahi. Nationality. —English, 12 ; Irish, 8; Scotch, 4 ; New Zealand, 28 ; Australian, 3 ; Swedish, 3 ; Canadian, 1, Beligion. —Church of England, 22 ; Presbyterian, 11; Wesleyan, 6; Lutheran, 1; Salvation Army, 2 ; Eoman Catholic, 15 ; unknown. 2, Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 728; individual average days' stay, 12-13. Daily average cost per head, 12s. o|-d.; less patients' payments, 10s. 2d. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 171 6 0 Eations ... ... ... 96 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 165 0 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 112 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 5 5 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 33 15 9 Bents... ... ... ... 014 7 Fuel and light ... ... ... 30 15 5 Patients'payments ... ... 68 18 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 513 9 Other sources ... ... .. 2 11 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 7 11 5 Balance from last year ... ... 134 13 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 213 2 0 Eepairs ... 17 19 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 8 7 3 Insurance ... ... ... 4 12 4 Other expenses... ... ... 18 10 7 Total ... ... £548 8 3 . Total ... ... £438 16 9 Visited"23rd June,—Three men patients. This small Hospital has now the advantage of electric light. Dr. Gillon has left, and Dr. Percival is Medical Officer.

PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... .... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... . 53 Total under treatment ... ——— 64 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... .. 48 Died... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 12 Sex. —61 males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Picton Hospital District, 61 ; Wellington, 3. Country. —England, 23 ; Scotland, 3 ; Ireland, 9 ; New Zealand, 28 ; Sweden, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 45; Eoman Catholic, 10; Presbyterian, 6; Wesleyan, 2; Freethinker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,994; individual average days' stay, 62-40. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 7d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 11-|d. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s . d. From Government ... ... 575 18 5 : Eations ... ... ... 116 5 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 450 4 7 | Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 216 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 35 7 6 i Surgery and dispensary - ... 92 18 8 Patients'payments ... ... 125 3 0 j Fuel and light ... ... 28 810 Other sources ... .. ... 9 11 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 44 9 6 Balance from last year ... 890 211 Salaries and wages ... ... 327 1 2 New buildings... ... ... 1,178 5 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 150 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 15 5 0 Interest ... ... ... 12 6 Insurance ... ... ... 700 Other expenses ... ... 280 15 2 Total ... £2,086 7 7 Total .£2,095 3~3 Visited Bth June.—One male patient. The new Hospital consists of a pavilion on either side of the central administrative block, with a double corridor running the full width of the building. Miss Eobinsou is the Matron. Temporarily eight old men are accommodated in one of these pavilions, and a room upstairs in central block will be used for women patients.



QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 82 Total under treatment ... ... ... 92 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 77 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 5 Sex. —74 males, 18 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake and Vincent Counties. Country. —New Zealand, 32 ; England, 15 ; Ireland, 10; Scotland, 24 ; Australia, 2 ; Germany, 6; China, 2; Holland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 27 ; Eoman Catholic, 15; Presbyterian, 41; Wesleyan, 1 ; Lutheran, 5 ; Buddhist, 2 ; Salvation Army, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,583; individual average days' stay, 28-07. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 8-J-d. ; less patients' payments, 4s. lljd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 64 ; attendances, 188. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 311 12 7 Eations ... ... ... 193 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 267 10 0 Wines, &c ... ... ... 10 1 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 83 11 8 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 32 16 11 Patients'payments ... ... 228 17 8 Fuel and light ... ... ...» 70 17 10 Balance from last year ... ... 43 7 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 48 15 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 438 2 4 Funerals ... ... ... 550 Eepairs ... ... ... 14 710 New buildings ... ... ... 44 15 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 3 0 Insurance ... ... ... 15 5 3 Other expenses ... ... 27 1 7 Total ..,. ... £934 19 3 Total ... ... £911 8 2 Visited 27th April. —Five men and four women patients. There is nothing fresh to report.

EEEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 17 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 79 Total under treatment ... ... ... 96 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 ' Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 24 Sex. —92 males, 4 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Inangahua County. Country. —England and Wales, 29 ; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 25; New Zealand, 15 ; China, 5 ; Norway, 3; Australia, 8 ; Switzerland, 1; Newfoundland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 35; Eoman Catholic, 30; Presbyterian, 16; Wesleyan, 6; Confucian, 5 ; Lutheran, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,978; individual average days' stay, 5T85. Daily average cost per head, 6s. sd. ; less patients' payments, ss. 4fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 231; attendances, 860.



Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 647 3 8 Eations ... ... ... 371 0 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 275 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 62 6 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 306 4 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 86 5 6 Patients'payments ... ... 260 18 4 Fuel and light ... ... 98 18 2 Other sources ... .. ... 95 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 21 11 0 Balance from last year ... ... 59 5 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 93 10 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 17 19 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 713 10 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 18 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 20 15 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 15 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 56 11 1 Interest, ... ... ... 060 Insurance ... ... ... 3 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 34 7 2 Total ... ...£1,643 12 0 Total ... ...£1,599 13 10 Visited 21st December. —Fifteen men and one woman. Mr. and Mrs. Preshaw have resigned after twenty-nine and twenty-six years' faithful and good service in charge of this Hospital. On the day of visit, the Hospital was in a transition state. Miss Gosling (Wellington certificate) has been appointed Matron.

EIVEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 150 Total under treatment ... ... ... 166 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 146 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 15 Sea;. —127 males, 39 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waiau, Orepuki, Colac, Eiverton, Otautau, Thornbury, Tapanui, Invercargill. Nationality. —English, Scotch, Irish, Chinese, New Zealand. Beligion. —Church of England, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Eoman Catholic, Confucian. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,767; individual average days' stay, 28-71. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 6Jd.; less patients' payments, ss. 5-|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 60; attendances, 101. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 898 0 0 Eations ... ... ... 362 16 6 Local bodies ... 885 18 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 15 6 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 600 Surgery and dispensary ... 146 9 7 Patients' payments ... ... 250 4 0 Fuel and light ... ... 91 10 0 Other sources ... ... 14 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 17911 Furniture and earthenware ... 39 0 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 13 7 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 725 11 4 Water-supply ... ... 1 12 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 13 13 6 New buildings ... ... 240 9 0 Additions ... ... ... 261 18 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 7 17 9 Interest ... ... ... 0 19 8 Insurance ... ... ... 13 14 9 Other expenses ... ... 104 14 1 Total £2,054 12 11 Total £2,056 10 9 Visited 30th April.—Ten men and three women patients. This Hospital has been on the up grade for the last two years, and Dr. Trotter and Miss Willis deserve much credit for its increasing efficiency.



. EOSS HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... . ... 11 Admitted during the year... ... ... .. ... 23 Total under treatment ... ... ... 34 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Died ... ... ... , ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... . . 8 Sex. —3l males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Eoss, 27 ; South Westland, 7. Country.— England, 8; Scotland, 5; Ireland, 5; New Zealand, 12; Denmark, 2; Wales, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 18 ; Eoman Catholic, 9 ; Presbyterian, 5 ; Lutheran, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,272 ; individual average days' stay, 125-64. Daily average cost per head, 3s. sd. ; less patients' payments, 2s. 10-Jd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 275 16 9 i Eations, wine, spirits, ale, &c. ... 195 0 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 231 4 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 34 13 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 11l 12 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 28 13 0 Patients'payments ... ... 112 15 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 36 16 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 3 11 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 324 2 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 300 Funerals' ... ... ... 11 14 0 Eepairs ... .. ... 72 19 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 2 6 ' Insurance ... ... ... 536 Other expenses ... ... 3 12 6 Total ... ...£731 711 j Total ..... ... £731 711 Visited 28th December. —Ten old men patients, nine being old-age pensioners. The Master and Matron consider the well-being and comfort of the inmates in every way.

SOUTH WAIEAEAPA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... _... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 40 Total under treatment ... ... ... 42 Discharged ... ... ... .. ... ... 32 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 8 Sex. —37 males, 5 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Carterton, 7; Greytown, 10; Featherston, 7; Martinborough, 6; Masterton, 1; Morrison's Bush, 2; Gladstone, 5; Matarawa, 1; Cross' Creek, 2 ; Eketahuna, 1. Country. —England, 7 ; Scotland, 3 ; Ireland, 5 ; New Zealand, 24 ; France, 1; Sweden, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 30 ; Eoman Catholic,.4 ; Presbyterian, 5 ; Wesleyan, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,071; individual average days' stay, 25-50. Daily average cost per head, 14s. 5Jd.; less patients' payments, 13s. Bd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 609 15 3 Eations ... ... ... 173 711 Local bodies ... ... ... 280 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 313 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 402 411 Surgery and dispensary ... 35 3 8 Interest ... ... ■•• 3 15 4 Fuel and light... ... ... 16 12 10 Insurance ... ... ••• 54 14 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 13 12 9 Patients' payments ... ... 42 3 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 315 1 2 Other sources... ... ... 100 0 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 114 16 4 Balance from last year ... 109 9 9 Eepairs, additions, and new buildings ... ... ... 1,073 19 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 4 11 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... .. 21 11 11 Interest ... ... ... 1 15 0 Insurance ... ... ... 15 16 6 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Other expenses ... ... 56 16 2 Total ... ...£1,602 2 6 Total ... ...£1,847 8 4



Visited 3rd July.—Five men and two women patients. The new addition is completed, so far as funds will allow, and is occupied by patients. The walls are well finished, and lined with Keen's cement in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. Eesidents of the district show their interest in this hospital by substantial gifts.

THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 32 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 424 Total under treatment ... ... ... 456 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 384 Died . ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 38 Sex. —319 males, 137 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames, 405; Auckland, 6; Waikato, 5; East Coast, 8. Country. —New Zealand, 240; England, 65; Ireland, 51; Scotland, 12 ; Australia, 27 ; America, 2 ; Canada, 3; Cape Colony, 1 ; Newfoundland, 1; Tasmania, 6; Switzerland, 1; Denmark, 1; France, 2; New Caledonia, 3; Spain, 1 ; Austria, 4; Sweden, 1; Germany, 3. Beligion. —Church of England, 212 ; Roman Catholic, 101 ; Presbyterian," 55 ; Wesleyan, 30 ; Congregationalist, 2 ; Salvation Army, 2 ; Primitive Methodist, 10; Church of Christ, 1; Lutheran, 1; Baptist, 9 ; non-sectarian, 1. ~ Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 13,054; individual average days' stay, 28-62 Daily average cost per head, 3s. 4fd.; less patients' payments, 2s. 2-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 342 ; attendances, 1,051. Receipts and Expenditure. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 772 18 5 Rations, fuel, and light... ... 568 3 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 642 5 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 413 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 99 8 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 157 10 1 Rents... ... ■ ... ... 18 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 133 11 1 Patients'payments ... ... 770 9 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 885 15 0 Other sources ... ... ... 058 Water-supply and rates ... 51 0 10 Balance from last year ... ... 91 6 1 Funerals .... ... ... 616 Additions to buildings ... ... 90 0 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 41 4 6 Consultations... ... ... 130 4 0 Insurance ... ... ... 38 18 9 Other expenses ... ... 110 12 11 Total £2,394 13 7 Total £2,217 15 6 Visited 17th February.—Twenty-nine men and eight women patients. A thoroughly satisfactory Hospital in every respect, excepting its site. Dr. Aubin and Miss Stewart keep the Thames Hospital up to a high state of efficiency, and it is also one of the most economically managed.

TIMAEU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 32 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 362 Total under treatment ... ... ... 394 Discharged ... ... ... ... ••• ... 329 Died 30 Remaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 35 Sex. —246 males, 148 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hospital district, 350; outside hospital district, 44. Country. —England, 86; Scotland, 23 ; Ireland, 76; New Zealand, 188 ; Australia, 10 ; Germany, 5 ; Denmark, 1; Norway, 1; Sweden, 1; Wales, 2 ; France, 1. Beligion. —Eoman Catholic, 97 ; Episcopalian, 168; Presbyterian, 74; Salvation Army, 6; Brethren, 6 ; Wesleyan, 24; Methodist, 10; Lutheran, 2 ; Church of Christ, 1; Congregationalist, 2 ; Independent, 1; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 10,310; individual average days' stay, 26-16. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9|d.; less patients' payments, ss. 2|d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 264 ; attendances, 690.

4—H. 22.



Receipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government 1,331 9 3 Rations ... ' ... ... 690 9 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,331 9 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 79 4 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 2 2 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 310 16 11 Bequests ... ... ... 2112 0 Fuel and light ... ... 342 16 4 Bents ... ... ... 4 5 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 92 7 1 Patients'payments ... ... 274 14 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 85 0 9 Other sources... ... ... 2 4 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,039 19 7 Water-supply... ... ... 24 16 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 146 9 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... .... 37 15 7 Insurance ... ... ... 15 13 6 Plague tents ... ... ... 18 0 0 Members' travelling-expenses ... 12 9 0 Other expenses ... ... 71 17 0 Total ... ...£2,967 15 10 Total ... ...£2,967 15 10 Visited Bth May. —Twenty-two men and fourteen women patients. Great structural alterations are pending, including a new operating-room and a cottage for the nurses. Colonel Jowsey has returned to his former position of Steward.

WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 29 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 382 Total under treatment ... ... ... 411 Discharged ... ... ... ... — m — _ 353 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 34 Sex. —307 males, 104 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waikato, King-country, Eotorua, and Kawhia. Country. —England, 104; Scotland, 78; Ireland, 43; New Zealand, 157; Australia, 9; Germany, 5; Sweden, 2 ; United States of America, 3. Beligion. —Church of England, 170 ; Eoman Catholic, 53; Presbyterian, 77; Wesleyan, 85; Congregationalist, 8 ; Lutheran, 3; Salvationist, 4 ; Mormon, 2 ; no religion, 9. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,709; individual average days' stay, 18-76. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 2fd.; less patients' payments, 6s. 4d. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,612 1 0 Eations . ... ... 736 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,312 16 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 25 3 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 23 15 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 290 2 3 Rents ... ... ... 51 8 6 Fuel and light ... ... 139 17 9 Patients'payments ... ... 349 7 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 59 6 6 Other sources... ... ... 1260 Furniture and earthenware ... 60 13 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 90 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,040 0 0 Water-supply... .',. ... ' 45 3 2 Additions to buildings ... ... 470 16 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 30 1 5 Insurance ... ... ... 26 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 247 13 1 Total £3,361 14 6 Total ... ...£3,261 14 6 Visited 14th February.—Twenty-four men and eleven women patients. All in excellent order under Miss Rothwell. New rooms have been added to the isolation ward. A bedroom for the laundress and a sitting-room for the Matron are required. Dr. Douglas takes great interest in his work.



WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... . ... ... 130 Total under treatment ... ... ... 136 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 11l Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 .. ... 15 Sex. —92 males, 44 females. Locality from ivhich Patients came. —Waimate County. Country. —England, 21; Scotland, 7 ; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 72; Wales, 2; Australia, 4 ; South Africa, 1; Germany, 2 ; Norway, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,285 ; individual average days' stay, 24-15. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 3d.; less patients' payments, 6s. 4-|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 49 ; attendances, 257. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 450 8 3 Eations ... ... ... 191 1 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 422 17 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 14 16 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 419 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 8213 4 Patients'payments ... ... 158 17 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 78 15 6 Other sources ... ... ... 28 16 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 37 17 3 Balance from last year ... ... 63 011 Furniture and earthenware ... 4 7 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 512 5 3 Eepairs ... ... ... 560 Additions ... ... ... 20 9 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 811 Interest ... ... ... 206 Insurance ... .. ... 13 9 0 Commission ... ... ... 0 10 0 Other expenses... ... ... 214 3 6 Total ... £1,128 18 10 Total ... £1,191 4 1 Visited 7th May.—Nine men and six women patients. All satisfactory. The nurses should have a lavatory and bath-room for their own use.

WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 363 Total under treatment ... ... ... 389 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 343 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 28 Sex. —3ol males, 88 females. . Localities from which Patients came. —Norsewood, 33 ; Makotoku, 12 ; Takapau, 27 ; Ormondville, 38 ; Matamau, 5 ; Waikapiro, 10; Tikokino, 6 ; Tahoraite, 4 ; Kumeroa, 3 ; Kaikora, 12 ; Wairoa, 3; Te Aute, 7; Waipawa, 40; Porangahau and Coast, 39; Foxton, 1; Feilding, 1; Alfredton, 1; Gisborne, 3 ; Napier, 7; Dannevirke, 43; Woodville, 16; Waipukurau, 37; Wellington, 2 ; Makaretu, 24; Palmerston, 3; Hastings, 10; Wanganui, 1; Levin, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 157; England, 96 ; Ireland, 55 ; Scotland, 26 ; Australia, 11; Denmark, 11; Norway, 9; Sweden, 3; Tasmania, 3; Finland, 2; Bohemia, 2; America, 2; India, 2 ; Germany, 2 ; Saxony, 1; Isle of Man, 1 ; France, 1; Jersey, 1; Newfoundland, 1; Austria, 1; Italy, 1; Queensland, 1. Beligion. —-Church of England, 196 ; Eoman Catholic, 72 ; Presbyterian, 52 ; no religion, 10; Lutheran, 21; Baptist, 4 ; Salvationist, 7 ; Plymouth Brethren, 4 ; Wesleyan, 16; Mormon, 1 ; Seventh-day Adventist, 1; Methodist, 4; Spiritualist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 12,492 ; individual average days' stay, 32-11. Daily average cost per head, 3s. lid. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 4Jd.


S.— 22.

Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beeeipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,068 6 5 Eations ... .. ... 728 19 9 Local bodies ... ... ..". 882 10 0 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 610 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 271 17 2 Surgery and dispensary ... 225 18 5 Patients'payments ... ... 322 6 0 Fuel and light ... ... 163 14 3 Balance from last year... ... 168 2 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 7740 Washing and laundry ... ... 65 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 911 17 2 Funerals ... ... ... 6 15 0 Eepairs and furniture ... ... 132 17 11 Additions to buildings ... ... 161 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 918 Insurance ... ... ... 46 10 6 Other expenses ... ... 7240 Total ... ...£2,713 2 0 Total ... ...£2,607 12 8 Visited 25th October.—Thirty men and twelve women patients. Dr. Godfray and Miss Godfray are practical believers in the healthfulness of an abundance of fresh air, and the wide sash-windows at the end of the wards give free access to outdoor air when open, and no draughts when closed. Greater tidiness, both in the Hospital and in the nurses' cottage, is desirable.

WAIEOA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 36 Total under treatment ... ... ... 39 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 Died Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 2 Sex. —3o males, 9 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Wairoa, Feilding, Waikaremoana, Frasertown. Nationality. —English, 6; Irish, 3 ; Scotch, 4 ; New Zealand, 5 ; aboriginal, 16 ; America, 2 ; unknown, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 22; Eoman Catholic, 5; Presbyterian, 4; Methodist, 4; Salvation Army, 1; unknown, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 774 ; individual average days' stay, 19-84. Daily average cost per head, 13s. lOfd. ; less patients' payments, lis. IOJd. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 227 14 0 Eations ... .. ... 104 15 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 163 16 11 Wines, &c. ... ... ... 2 6 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 53 4 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 38 1 6 Patients'payments ... ... 77 13 6 Fuel and light ... ... 30 15 6 Balance from last year... ... 4139 Bedding and clothing ... ... 10 5 0 Furniture, &c. ... ... 9 13 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 160 Salaries and wages ... ... 237 19 9 Eepairs ... ... ... 4 0 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 4 18 8 Interest ... ... ... 0 11 0 Insurance ... ... ... 2 12 0 Other expenses ... ... 91 0 8 Total ... ... £527 2 5 Total ... ... £538 4 6

WANGANUI HOSPITAL Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 37 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 508 Total under treatment ... ... ... 545 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 466 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 43



Sea;.—3sB males, 187 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wanganui Borough, 281; Wanganui County, 70; Waitotara County, 55 ; Bangitikei County, 109 ; Marton Borough, 22; Patea County, 4 ; Palmerston North, 1; Taranaki, 3. Country. — England and Wales, 127; Scotland, 39; Ireland, 51; New Zealand, 281; Australia, 25 ; Norway, 3 ; Sweden, 1; America, 1; Canada, 3 ; Germany, 4; China, 2; Gibraltar, 1; Austria, 1; Finland, 1; France, 1; East India, 1; Italy, 1; Denmark, 2. Beligion. —Church of England, 232 ; Boman Catholic, 129; Presbyterian, 106 ; Wesleyan, 34 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Jewish, 2 ; Church of Christ, 2; Baptist, 5 ; Salvation Army, 7 ; Lutheran, 5; Methodist, 7; Congregational, 1; unknown, 14. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 14,258 ; individual average days' stay, 26-16. Daily average cost per head, 4s. sfd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 10-J-d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 244 ; attendances, 1,576. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,420 15 4 Eations ... ... ... 868 13 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,114 8 4 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 48 6 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 1,088 12 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 365 14 4 Eents ... ... ... 986 0 9 Fuel and light... ... ... 325 9 9 Patients'payments ... ... 432 7 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 105 3 1 Other sources... ... ... 151 19 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 66 18 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,125 5 11 Water-supply... ... ... 80 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 8 15 0 Bepairs ' ... ... ... 38 12 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 6238 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 28 11 9 Interest ... ... ... 253 2 6 Other expenses ... ... 78 6 7 Total ... ...£6,194 4 2 Total £3,455 3 1 Visited 3rd August and 20th June.—Twenty-nine men and ten women patients. The Queen Victoria Ward for women and children, now in course of erection, will make a handsome addition to this Hospital. A larger number of patients means a larger staff of nurses, and, the accommodation for the staff being already cramped, it would be as well if the Board were to build a separate cottage for the nurses. This is a well-managed Hospital, and Dr. Anderson and Miss Allen are attentive to their duties, and excellent officers.

WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... 145 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,854 Total under treatment ... ... 1,999 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... 1,716 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 122 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... 161 5ex. —1,236 males, 763 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington Hospital District: Wellington, 1,390; Wellington suburbs, 183; Petone, 55; Lower Hutt, 40; Levin, 30; Upper Hutt, 20; Pahautauni, 6; Otaki, 4; Mungaroa, 4 ; sundry small places in the district, 9. Wairarapa Hospital District: Masterton, 22 ; Eketahuna, 8 ; Pahiatua, 6 ; Carterton, 4 ; sundry small places in the district, 37. Palmerston North Hospital District: Feilding,- 21; Palmerston North, 18 ; Marton, 5 ; Foxton, 3; sundry small places in the district, 4. Wanganui Hospital District: Hunterville, 3; Mangaweka, 2; Ohingaiti, 1. Taranaki Hospital District, 9; Napier and surrounding district, 14; Westport, Hokitika, and Greymouth, 15 ; Nelson and surrounding district, 8 ; Auckland, 3 ; Christchurch, 1; Lyttelton, 1; Ashburton, 1; Dunedin, 1; Chatham Islands, 1; Gisborne, 1; Tasmania, 1 ; South Africa, 1 ; from ships in port, 50; no definite address, 17. Nationality of Patients. —English, 1,084 ; Colonials (New Zealand), 485; Irish, 161; Scotch, 111; Colonials (Australia), 33 ; Swedes, 22; Americans, 20; Germans, 15; Welsh, 11; Danes, 9; Chinese, 6; Norwegians, 6; Maoris (New Zealand), 5; French, 5; Italians, 5; Swiss, 4 ; Indians, 3; Assyrians, 3; Greeks, 2; Jersey Islanders, 2; Dutch (Belgium), 1; no denomination given, 6. Beligion of Patients. —Church of England, 1,026; Boman Catholic, 413; Presbyterian, 262; Wesleyan Methodist, 135; Baptist, 33; Salvation Army, 20; Plymouth Brethren, 22; Lutheran, 14 ; Congregationalist, 14; Methodist (Primitive), 13; Hebrew, 7; Church of Christ, 6; Spiritualist, 5; Confucian, 4; Freethinkers, 2; Christadelphian, 1; Greek Church, 1; Catholic Apostolic, 1 ; no religion, 20. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 58,367 ; individual average days' stay, 29-20. Daily average cost per head, 4s. s|d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 6Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 2,650 ; attendances, 13,443.



Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. D.i Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 9,484 1 6 1 Eations ... ... ... 3,546 19 2 Local bodies ... ... 5,950 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 134 11 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 3,151 0 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,214 2 6 Eents ... ... ... 2,444 11 6 Fuel and light ... ... 1,152 14 11 Patients'payments ... ... 2,632 19 0 Bedding and clothing ... 284 5 2 Other sources ... ... 250 1 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 214 17 1 Balance from last year ' ... 2,455 13 6 Washing and laundry ... 462 5 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 4,455 16 5 Water-supply ... ... 90 18 0 Funerals ... ... ... 30 17 6 Bepairs ... ... ... 667 0 2 New buildings ... ... 2,535 5 4 Additions to buildings ... 50 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 79 9 10 Interest ... ... ... 67 5 4 Insurance ... ... ... 61 19 3 Other expenses ... ... 586 11 7 Total... ...£26,368 6 10 Total... ...£15,634 19 6 Visited several times during the course of the year. —A very large number of patients pass through this Hospital, and its wards are terribly overcrowded. Stretchers down the centre of a ward at night should not be permitted. The elaborate operating-room has been completed, and is now in use. Eemoval of the children from the main building to the hill wards is a right step. Excavation for the proposed nurses' home is progressing, and its completion will mean greater space for patients. Dr. Ewart and Miss Payne are successful in their endeavours to make this Hospital and its staff thoroughly efficient.

WESTPOET HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 28 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 150 Total under treatment ... ... ... 178 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 133 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 26 Sex. —129 males, 49 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Buller district and Westport. Country. —England, 45 ; Ireland, 35 ; Scotland, 13 ; New Zealand, 60 ; America, 2 ; Germany, 5 ! Denmark, 4 ; Sweden, 2 ; Tasmania, 1 ; Australia, 6 ; Canada, 2 ; Prussia, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 77 ; Eoman Catholic, 47 ; Presbyterian, 17; Baptist, 2 ; Wesleyan, 8; Salvation Army, 4; Lutheran, 6; Freethinker, 3; Methodist, 7; Quaker, 1; Greek Church, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,675; individual average days' stay, 48-73. Daily average cost per head, 3s. Bd. ; less patients' payments, 2s. 11-§d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 114 ; attendances, 287. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 735 6 11 Eations ... ... ... 498 7 3 Local bodies... ... ... 467 15 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 50 4 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 86 8 0! Surgery and dispensary ... 119 19 4 Eents ... ... ... 30 12 0 j Fuel and light... ... ... 106 13 6 Patients'payments ... ... 314 13 5 ; Bedding and clothing .... ... 15 8 2 Other sources ... ... 12 11 01 Furniture and earthenware ... 60 9 11 | Salaries and wages ... ... 572 7 4 Funerals ... • ... ... 12 1 6 Eepairs ... ... ... 118 6 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery, &c. ... ... 10 1 11 Insurance ... ... ... 13 19 0 Other expenses ... ... 16 15 2 Total ... ... £1,647 6 9 Total ... ...£1,594 13 10 Visited 2nd January.—Twenty-three patients. Miss Hayward has greatly improved this Hospital. It is clean and well managed. There is now a good water-supply, but the earthclosets have not been replaced by any system of drainage.



WHANGAEEI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... .... Nil Admitted during the year ... ... ... ..: 84 Total under treatment ... ... ... 84 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 7 Sex. —71 males, 13 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Whangarei County and Bay of Islands County. Nationality. —British, Norwegian, Asiatics, New Zealand. Beligion. —Church of England, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Boman Catholic. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,774; individual average days' stay, 21-12. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 2d. ; less patients' payments, 2s. 8-|d. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 666 2 11 Eations ... ... ... 137 13 5 Local bodies ... ... 63117 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 2 12 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 85 12 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 42 12 2 Patients'payments ... ... 129 14 9 Fuel and light ... ... 31 5 6 Furnishing ... ... ... 464 14 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 130 11 3 Funerals ' ... ... ... 11 10 0 New buildings ... ... 678 8 11 Insurance ... ... ... 14 0 0 Total ... ... £1,513 7 9 Total ... ... £1,513 7 9 Visited 13th February.—Four men and one woman patient. A very well arranged and pretty Hospital for eighteen to twenty beds. All it needs is a good water-supply, and I understand that is coming. Miss Stuart (Auckland certificate) has been appointed Matron. A home for old men (eleven inmates) has been built not far from the Hospital, and is under the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Harwood.



Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals for Year ended 31st March, 1902.


Number of Patients on March 31, 1901. Number of Patients admitted during Year. Number Sex. Total Collective Days' Stay in Hospital. Percentage of Cost of Number of Oui ;door Patients. Hospitals. Total under Treatment. Number discharged. Died. M. P. Individual Average Days' Stay. Average on March 31,1902. Patient. Administration on Total Expenditure. Individual Cases. Attendances. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth .. Oamaru Otaki .. Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Reefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 2 9 10 158 13 6 99 7 1 86 2 27 50 10 22 32 16 5 12 2 36 13 24 25 13 5 23 81 207 1,824 155 40 1,511 102 75 1,224 63 223 198 127 138 449 76 112 81 45 409 155 204 292 219 65 25 90 217 1,982 168 46 1,610 109 76 1,310 65 250 248 137 160 481 92 117 93 47 445 168 228 317 232 70 24 77 193 1,598 144 33 1,397 97 67 1,107 55 205 159 111 110 401 72 98 73 41 369 149 189 283 197 57 7 8 181 13 6 123 4 7 101 7 20 38 15 16 43 7 12 9 4 23 14 16 19 14 8 1 6 16 203 11 7 90 8 2 102 3 25 51 11 34 37 13 7 11 2 53 5 23 15 21 5 19 64 170 1,328 125 46 1,007 84 57 832 51 194 214 106 119 340 70 80 70 40 287 121 135 222 167 50 6 26 47 654 43 603 25 19 478 14 56 34 31 41 141 22 37 23 7 158 47 93 95 65 20 650 1,376 3,973 60,908 5,611 1,246 36,424 2,542 1,723 34,969 1,856 7,061 18,976 2,973 11,850 14,356 5,590 2,706 3,352 736 11,377 4,731 9,349 6,843 7,131 1,447 26-00 15-29 18-31 30-72 33-40 27-08 22-62 23-32 22-67 26-69 28-55 28-24 76-51 21-70 74-00 29-84 60-76 23-12 36-04 15-66 25-56 28-16 41-00 21-58 30-73 ' 20-67 £ s. d. 0 9 0 0 10 10 0 6 6J 0 4 1 0 9 7| 0 7 9 0 5 5J 0 7 9£ 0 9 3 0 4 11 0 11 3 0 5 9 0 2 8J 0 7 lOf 0 3 9J 0 4 11 0 3 11 0 5 9 0 18 1 0 5 lOf 0 5 10| 0 5 4| 0 7 1 0 3 9| 0 15 0 51-33 54-48 47-23 27-80 29-84 42-03 41-08 67-20 52-38 30-62 47-80 42-00 37-24 39-42 33-95 34-98 33-88 48-59 40-76 67-87 40-22 40-80 42-23 34-40 40-75 44-24 91 1,386 332 20 1,568 53 204 150 9,011 448 34 5,062 546 231 1,030 148 56 616 2,164 222 149 644 51 625 288 69 2,190 110 1,156 19 11 10 17 16 11 2 32 32 29 6 26 3 37 145 28 246 59 53 82 79 150 23 40 424 362 382 130 363 36 508 1,854 150 84 265 60 64 92 96 166 34 42 456 394 411 136 389 39 545 1,999 178 84 223 58 48 77 54 146 19 32 384 329 353 111 343 37 466 1,716 133 69 19 4 10 18 5 7 2 34 30 24 10 18 23 2 12 5 24 15 8 8 38 35 34 15 28 2 43 161 26 7 191 47 48 74 92 127 31 37 319 246 307 92 301 30 358 1,236 129 71 74 13 16 18 4 39 3 5 137 148 104 44 88 9 187 763 49 13 7,656 728 3,994 2,583 4,978 4,767 4,272 1,071 13,054 10,310 7,709 3,285 12,492 774 14,258 58,367 8,675 1,774 28-51 12-13 62-40 28-07 51-85 28-71 125-64 25-50 28-62 26-16 18-76 24-15 32-11 19-84 26-16 29-20 48-73 21-12 0 5 10J 0 12 0J 0 4 7 0 6 8J 0 6 5 0 6 6J 0 3 5 0 14 5J 0 3 4j 0 5 9| 0 7 2f 0 7 3 0 3 11 0 13 10J 0 4 5f 0 4 5J 0 3 8 0 4 2 40-40 50-34 35-10 51-67 48-75 47-30 45-96 43-59 41-08 36-28 38-33 44-16 37-63 4516 37-65 34-75 36-49 35-40 22 64 231 60 342 264 53 188 860 101 1,051 690 49 257 36 122 19 8 244 2,650 114 1,576 13,443 287 Totals 1,110 13,123 420,503 31-18 0 5 2 38-16 11,122 43,912 14,233 11,904 1,081 1,248 9,734 4,499


Table showing Receipts on Account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

5— H. 22


Hospitals. From Government. From Hospital Boards and Local Authorities. Voluntary ontributions. Bequests. Rents, &c. Payments by Patients. Other Sources. Balance from Last Year. Total Receipts. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Hawera Hokitika Invercargill . Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Reefton Riverton Ross South Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei £ s. d. 146 8 5 395 8 5 562 10 4 4,497 5 1 1,200 8 10 184 8 2 6,584 12 10 398 19 5 590 16 2 3,393 17 7 904 6 8 1,430 3 1 1,217 11 0 517 19 8 1,321 4 8 1,327 8 2 445 1 4 273 6 6 870 13 9 719 5 1 1,319 4 8 550 1 1 883 7 6 409 8 5 119 7 8 486 9 10 375 0 0 1,003 16 2 171 6 0 575 18 5 311 12 7 647 3 8 898 0 0 275 16 9 609 15 3 772 18 5 1,331 9 3 1,612 1 0 450 8 3 1,068 6 5 227 14 0 2,420 15 4 9,484 1 6 735 6 11 666 2 11 £ s. d. 146 8 6 302 0 0 630 0 0 4,497 5 1 1,117 0 0 108 0 0 5,624 3 5 200 0 0 295 3 3 2,950 0 0 398 10 0 577 10 0 725 0 0 517 19 9 627 9 2 1,103 13 7 270 7 11 260 2 6 668 15 0 750 0 0 285 11 9 900 5 0 641 7 5 £ s. d. 117 0 8 7 2 0 52 3 8 43 6 0 100 0 0 15 12 0 258 18 6 110 16 11 69 16 7 202 0 0 625 10 1 439 8 2 423 10 '0 138 4 2 145 16 0 11 0 0 167 19 6 600 16 6 486 16 1 138 1 1 87 1 2 75 5 11 101 11 0 41 8 3 37 18 8 163 19 9 5 5 0 35 7 6 83 11 8 306 4 5 6 0 0 111 12 0 402 4 11 99 8 8 2 2 0 23 15 6 4 19 0 271 17 2 53 4 3 1,088 12 7 3,151 0 3 86 8 0 85 12 3 £ . d. 6o" 3 7 10 0 0 25 15 0 • • 286 16 1 30 0 0 20 6 10 £ s. d. 112 13 11 33 0 0 10 0 0 44' 15 0 2 0 0 14 6 0 5 0 0 20 7 3 70 6 6 175 16 6 20 19 6 828 4 6 £ s. d. 209 16 10 121 17 5 3,191 19 11 376 2 0 100 19 10 929 16 3 113 15 2 130 5 11 1,222 12 11 124 6 6 390 18 7 607 13 5 140 16 9 216 1 4 362 18 0 151 8 6 136 2 0 123 11 7 46 17 8 341 10 5 438 19 7 478 12 1 844 13 6 232 18 7 82 19 0 £ s. d. 10 10 0 28 1 6 7 10 79 10 6 3 15 0 316 12 0 67 10 0 21 5 6 35 4 0 2318 8 111 7 0 42 9 61 19 8 43 18 0 18 2 0 549 12 8 279 4 2 £ s. d. 87 18 0 158 11 7 8 3 2 165 19 6 119 1 1 658 17 7 19 6 1 16 7 5 606 12 10 137 3 6 311 10 0 28 9 4 176 19 10 494 7 6 259 7 1 19 5 8 358 15 1 £ s. d 292 16 11 1,112 3 11 1,490 11 4 12,411 11 £ 2,806 1 e 676 . 8 f 13,233 15 C 1,090 14 2 1,7S9 14 1C 8,162 19 1 1,715 19 $ 3,090 2 £ 3,024 16 1 1,176 16 £ 2,630 11 £ 3,690 4 £ 1,154 17 £ 992 1 C 1,859 9 S 1,568 9 1 3,811 0 11 1,745 18 5 2,543 4 £ 2,580 19 11 1,920 1 C 1,081 16 £ 1,493 7 11 2,824 10 1C 548 8 £ 2,086 7 7 934 19 P 1,643 12 C 2,054 12 11 731 7 11 1,602 2 e 2,394 13 7 2,967 15 1C 3,361 14 6 1,128 18 1C 2,713 2 C 527 2 £ 6,194 4 2 26,368 6 1C 1,647 6 S 1,513 7 9 469 18 4 375 0 0 721 9 3 165 0 0 450 4 7 267 10 0 275 0 0 885 18 11 231 4 2 280 0 0 642 5 2 1,331 9 4 1,312 16 0 422 17 8 882 10 0 163 16 11 1,114 8 4 5,950 0 0 467 15 5 631 17 10 110 20 0 0 •• 014 7 413 6 9 68 18 0 125 3 0 228 17 8 260 18 4 250 4 0 112 15 0 42 3 0 770 9 7 274 14 3 349 7 6 158 17 0 322 6 0 77 13 6 432 7 5 2,632 19 0 314 13 5 129 14 9 11 10 0 302 16 11 2 11 6 9 11 2 95 0 0 14 10 0 693 19 3 199 2 0 134 13 2 890 2 11 43 7 4 59 5 7 2112 0 3 15 4 18 0 0 4 5 0 51 8 6 154 14 3 0 5 8 2 4 0 12 6 0 28 16 0 151 19 9 250 1 1 12 11 0 I 109 9 9 91 6 1 63 0 11 168 2 5 4 13 9 2,455 13 6 986 0 9 2,444 11 6 30 12 0 •• Totals 54,387 7 2 10,678 7 10 475 14 6 4,876 16 10 40,637 14 3 18,083 1 11 2,710 11 9 8,539 11 11 140,389 6

Table showing the Expenditure on Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.



Hospitals. Rations and Provisions. Wine, Ale, &e. Surgery and Dispensary. Fuel and Light. Bedding and Furniture, Washing Clothing. Crockery, &c. fy Salaries Waterand Wages. supply. Funerals. Repairs. Additions to Printing, Buildings, &c, Advertising, and Postage, and NewBuildings. Stationerv. For Interest. For Insurance. For Commission. Other Expenses. Total. Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton .. Auckland Blenheim Charleston .. Christchurch Coromandel .. Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Hawera Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston N. Patea Picton Queenstown .. Reefton Riverton Ross S. Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui .. Wellington .. Westport Whangarei .. £ s. d. 90 2 2 151 1 3 6 349 13 9 2,802 2 3 547 19 11 153 1 4 2,366 2 4 136 4 9 115 6 7 2,450 13 9 162 14 6 285 o 10 864 13 8 210 12 10 763 1 2 744 16 2 348 15 11 234 7 7 226 11 o 105 13 o 928 19 5 33i 7 3 464 11 2 489 8 2 395 16 8 208 14 9 £ s. d. I 12 o 1 2 13 O 42 5 O I78 4 I 55 9 2 683 103 7 7 3 1 o . -• 182 5 3 11 11 6 16 2 6 87 12 7 13 18 6 65 8 5 18 7 6 22 12 o £ s. d. 15 3 3 59 3 3 66 9 8 1,642 19 2 160 8 3 44 6 3 919 o 11 44 15 o 56 4 4 633 12 4 35 9 3 86 3 3 71 1 7 124 8 10 164 11 11 195 19 8 in 10 6 23 12 O 30 9 O 83 II 9 922 I I 124 17 6 13 3 o 1,311 14 10 54 5 6 27 16 1 1,027 8 10 32 19 9 155 13 o 175 19 4 119 18 11 121 6 10 3°3 3 8 56 14 9 20 4 2 103 14 2 21 14 5 354 4 7 73 x 5 164 o 3 213 17 8 88 16 8 £ s. d. - 13 15 6 469 10 6 230 17 7 15 10 3 236 3 4 12 7 3 3° 1 7 4 47 18 9 18 14 10 89 2 5 61 16 9 1 38 8 3 46 19 7 120 8 5 120 10 5 3 3 9 60 8 9 3 8 10 173 4 10 33 19 6 61 9 8 68 15 8 77 8 4 37 1 6 £ si d. •• I 5 15 6 20 5 6 316 3 10 278 10 9 10 1 9 " 454 11 ij 155 17 o 135 1 1 56 17 3 33 18 3 18 16 6| 131 8 o £■•.&. £ s. d. 150 o o, 400 10 10 562 16 4 441 12 6 3,131 6 2 766 14 2 193 8 o 3,986 8 8 653 18 o 407 16 6 15 o o 2,552 18 8 480 14 6 836 15 6 888 15 4 16 8 o 445 18 7 719 11 8 47 2 o 1,203 5 3 356 12 6 368 6 8 33 4 11 414 15 2 18 17 6 711 5 o 1,309 n 3 614 552 16 11 1,047 14 2 169 15 6 800 14 4 533 4 o 480, 4 9 10 13 o 42 11 11 861 19 10 213 2 0 327 1 2 438 2 4 17 19 6 713 10 o 13 7 6 725 11 4 324 2 o 4 11 6 315 1 2 885 15 o 1,039 19 7 90 o 01, 040 o o 512 5 3 65 O O gil 17 2 I60 237 19 9 1,125 5 11 462 5 6 4,455 16 5 572 7 4 130 11 3 i,445 3 8J38.797 3 5' \£ r d. 1 I177 o o 100 II II •• ••■ 20 o o 146 3 o 24 11 1 ■' £ s. d.i 900 12 10 6 36 4 o 786 12 o o 26 19 0 11 13 0 3 15 o 22 IO o 22 O O j 27 12 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 27 16 8 366 hi 52 3 o 605 10 8 8 17 6 150 o o 171 14 31,207 o o 6 13 9 336 9 o 469 14 9 106 18 6 676 7 10 291 o 1 1,234 611 184 1 11 290 o o 11 4 7 44 7 6 92 12 10 580 8 7 557 12 7 33 15 3 £ * d. 6 17 6 52 2 2 127 18 10 40 17 9 9 7 3 98 5 9 9 14 9 9 16 o 75 8 3 18 16 3 18 2 5 66 9 8 18 8 10 41 4 8 33 2 1 13 19 o 10 14 6 29 on 19 6 3 43 2 7 17 6 2 18 2 7 33 0" 18 17 6 £ *■ d. " 10 o 6 ■ 19 9 9 140 7 18 o 28 2 9 35 o 1 £ s. d. 9 19 9; 18 17 9 35 16 3 50 o 6 2 7 3 76 14 5 ! 16 3 9 12 1 6; 49 9 9: 15 15 O; 66 5 4 30 o o 14 5 o 26 18 3 30 17 6 690 7 4° 18 1 6 £ ■■ d.| •• ! 949: • 53 17 7 i .. o 10 o; I 9 16 6 2 16 3 o 18 6 12 7 6 61 3 6 1,764 1 6 580 2 3 25 1 9 1,699 19 1 1 36 4 8 106 17 9 318 10 6 47 9 1 46 7 6 20 5 9 77 2 9 86 18 3 58 2 2 1 11 o 57 13 7 48 o 3 62 6 2 26 9 5 37 3 2 132 7 5 200 17 11 2 15 7 172 19 4 463 247 3 8 18 10 7 280 15 2 27 1 7 34 7 2 104 14 1 3 12 6 56 16 2 240 16 11 102 6 9 247 13 1 214 3 6 72 4 o 91 o 8 78 6 7 586 11 7 15 18 8 £ 8. d. 292 16 II 746 10 7 1,300 2 6 12,411 11 3 3.37° 18 9 633 IO 10 12,492 2 3 988 9 5 1,134 3 10 8,582 9 8 1,704 4 7 3,270 15 1 2,854 7 IO 1,176 16 2 2,240 17 1 4,090 13 7 1.094 11 4 780 5 4 1,115 15 1 1,272 6 11 3.304 5 5 1,396 8 5 3.4 l8 14 7 2,580 19 11 i,777 13 1 1,085 8 7 1,165 I 3 2 2,354 6 5 438 16 9 2.095 3 3 911 8 2 i,599 13 IO 2,056 10 9 73i 7 « 1,847 8 4 2,217 T 5 6 2,967 15 10 3,261 14 6 1,191 4 1 2,607 I2 8 538 4 6 3,455 3 1 15,634 19 6 1,594 1 3 10 i,5i3 7 9 I I " 17 17 ol 30 15 o : 36 I 5 O ■ 20 O O 10 18 o 210 18 4 6 o 10 o 9 18 6 646 n 5 o 9 17 6 15 14 2 30 15 7 15 9 8 6 3 3 39 12 1 97 7 3 50 6 9 247 8 6 164 8 3 323 18 9 238 13 1 158 11 6 104 2 5 59 4 1 137 17 2 33 15 9 92 18 8 32 16 11 86 5 6 146 9 7 34 13 2 35 3 8 157 10. 1 310 16 11 290 2 3 82 13 4 225 18 5 38 1 6 365 14 4 1,214 2 6 119 19 4 42 12 2 9,362 n 4I 24 16 1 27 16 o •• I 4OO 15 o o 3 10 o 32 16 6 9 7 3 33 15 4 196 11 5 88 18 2 31 15 5 104 2 4 895 13 3 157 8 3 19 o o 430 11 11 606 .. " 1,026 7 5 218 1 6 109 15 6 17 19 o 1 5 01,178 5 6 14 7 10 44 15 o 20 15 o 15 o o 13 13 6 502 7 3 72 19 5 .. j 290 226 I 23 o 4 | " •• in o 6 130 7 41 77 17 7 29 19 3 78 o o 800 17 o o IOOO ; 15 o o j 15 13 6 042 11 11 9 66 14 6 4 11 o 28 o o 37 5 o 720 36 3 o .. i 52 10 3 I 1 70 2 1 - 078 " 17 11 3 1 12 6 2 16 3 10 1 6 62 6 8 15 6 6 •• 28 1 o • • 4 15 o 13 13 9 36 17 o 8 7 3 15 5 o 10 3 o 56 n 1 7 17 9 12 2 6 21 11 11 41 4 6 37 15 7 30 1 5 13 8 11 9 1 8 4 18 8 28 11 9 79 9 10 10 1 11 35 10 6 4 12 4 700 15 5 3 3 15 o; 13 14 9 5 3 6 15 16 6 38 18 9 15 13 6 26 o o 51 I o 343 11 1 96 16 9 116 5 8 193 16 9 371 o 3 362 16 6 195 o 4 173 7 11 568 3 4 690 9 7 736 16 1 igi 1 10 728 19 9 104 15 1 868 13 10 3,546 19 2 498 7 3 137 13 5 25,852 19 o 209 9 9 30 15 5 28 8 10 70 17 10 98 18 2 91 10 o 28 13 o 16 12 IO 61 1 3 5 13 9 44 9 6 21 11 o 17 9 11 36 16 o 13 12 9 133 II I 92 7 1 59 6 6 37 17 3 77 4 o 10 5 o 105 3 1 . 284 5 2 15 8 2 7 11 5| 48 15 2: 93 10 6 39 o 5 3 11 6j 114 16 41 5 5 0 3 18 o o 12 6 060 o ig 8 I ■ I I 12 O; '• I i i -• j 3 o o 11 14 O 1 15 o I o 10 o 3 13 6 4 13 o 79 4 o 25 3 11 14 16 o 6 10 o 260 48 6 6 134 11 9 50 4 9 2 12 o 342 16 4 139 17 9 78 15 6 163 14 3 3° x 5 6 325 9 9 1,152 14 11 106 13 6 31 5 6 8,642 o 1 85 o 9 60 13 6 4 7 6 .. •■ 51 O IO 24 16 o 45 3 2! .. ■ • 6 1 6 6 15 o 1,073 19 1 90 o 6 146 9 9 470 16 10 560 20 9 6 132 17 11 161 o o 403 38 12 o 62 3 8 667 o 22,585 5 4 118 60 678 8 11 3,905 19 315,095 16 2 - -- 206 13 9 o 46 10 6 2120 •• •■ I " o 10 o 9 13 1 66 18 2 214 17 1 60 9 11 464 14 6 80 O O 90 18 o 8 15 o 30 17 6 12 1 6 11 10 o O II o 253 2 6 07 5 4 o 16 6 61 19 3 13 19 o 14 o o " "' " Totals .. 1,398 2 71 3,088 3 6 ! 433 18 9 3,32i 4 1 912 15 9 1,267 6 1 |497 *4 2 976 10 7 209 4 11 8,159 5 6 123,365 18 it



Table showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the under-mentioned Charitable Institutions during the Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Receipts. Expenditure. District. Balance from Last Year. From Government. From Rates. Payments Voluntary ; by or on Con- ; Bequests. Rents, &c. behalf of tributions. ! Persons relieved. I I Other Sources. Total. Indoor Relief. Outdoor Relief. Total. Children's Portion of Expenses. O _jS h g o ® f-irri ■S3? SI Total Cost of Children boarded out. Average Weekly Cost of Children boarded out. £ s. d. 675 10 7 404 11 7 67 2 7 £ s. d. 880 11 9 8,528 16 6 810 6 8 £ s. d. 411 6 8 2,191 12 6 756 4 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18 4 0 54 12 0 : £ s. d. 157 15 6 1,936 18 9 133 0 0 £ s. d. ! 2 2 1 1,538 5 5 109 4 3 £ s. d. 2,145 10 7 11,602 16 8 1,880 17 11 £ s. d. 255 19 0 8,151 19 9 878 0 1 £ s. d. 993 19 2 3,710 11 7 970 10 7 £ s. d. *1,249 18 2 11,862 11 4 1,848 10 8 £ s. d.i 50 0 0 798 6 8 287 2 0 £ s. d. s. d. North of Auckland.. Auckland Thames and Coromandel Waikato Bay of Plenty Cook Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wanganui and Patea Palmerston North .. Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Buller Inangahua Grey Westland North Canterbury and Ashburton South Canterbury .. North Otago Otago United Southland 1,894 10 9 5 0 0 53 9 2 15 23 194 18 7 287 2 0 6' 0 5 6 259 15 4 1,051 11 2 265 14 6 83 15 2 6,295 3 10 37 4 0 159 4 1 362 5 0 1,122 11 11 1,281 0 1 829 14 6 495 0 0 5,849 19 3 264 1 1 80 3 10 995 5 8 359 4 7 444 8 7 877 6 11 821 14 2 5,692 0 6 37 4 0 121 15 7 279 5 0 869 11 9 1,281 0 2 793 14 6 495 0 0 5,133 10 10 264 1 2 80 3 11 900 5 0 359 4 7 225 0 0 778 15 9 596 6 8 5,269 12 11 60 13 0 30 0 0 499 9 8 -• I 25 0 0 2 19 25 0 0 46 14 0 186 3 4 25 14 1 371 19 9 198 1 7 43 3 6 1,469 18 4 12 17 9 88 0 0 10 14 11 j 840 12 0 260 11 4 581 8 7 729 10 0 3,501 7 7 2,562 0 3 2,128 0 0 1,116 18 8 20,160 7 11 528 2 3 160 7 9 4,912 16 0 718 9 2 1,235 10 0 1,751 8 6 1,799 3 0 19,661 1 1 378 0 0 505 8 4 1,561 19 1 3,278 11 11 1,129 9 5 131 17 3 5,144 5 11 281 0 0 299 15 8 309 13 5 1,335 15 3 1,143 17 4 678 9 8 871 3 1 5,875 16 3 528 2 3 113 11 9 1,075 2 3 611 17 2 795 19 3 798 16 1 1,449 14 9 6,736 18 0 659 0 0 299 15 8 815 1 9 2,897 14 4 4,422 9 3 1,807 19 1 1,003 0 4 11,020 2 2 528 2 3 160 7 9 2,989 17 11 718 9 2 876 1 0 1,465 0 2 1,637 12 6 17,266 9 8 •• 75 14 0 162 10 5 124 17 0 117 17 4 164 17 3 1,984 3 8 18 15 4 46 16 0 883 o 0 106 12 0 80 1 9 840 8 11 377 9 7 1,784 1 10 1 j 2 | 8 I 10 9 3 5 36 1 75 14 0 144 15 4 124 17 0 46 1 0 33 0 0 544 6 0 15 2 0 7 0 6 0 6 6 4 9 5 4 6 2 6 3 5 10 6 0 1,665 8 3 425 9 7 92 13 3 9 19 11 713 16 7 103 il 6 102 14 0 5 0 0 •• .. 1,238 8 7 15 0 0 0 10 6 417 0 22 17 IG 2 2 1 92 9 9 5,951 18 8 46 16 0 1,914 15 8 106 12 0 80 1 9 666 4 1 187 17 9 10,529 11 8 5 19 16 65 i 54 12 0 236 14 0 260 19 0 794 18 7 4 8 4 9, 6 3' 275 8 6 114 6 3 679 19 0 3 4 0 98 16 1 1,140 11 1 1,283 11 7 297 1 3 636 17 7 1,705 18 5 1,209 18 11 505 17 9 6,057 5 6 1,897 19 7 34,562 0 10 1,247 3 1 638 7 9 5,335 13 1 1,923 12 5 29,988 11 9 22 2 0 25 8 9 144 12 6 235 18 0 1,367 15 0 14 16 0 689 13 11 7 3 0 1 1 2 2,363 13 2 609 18 0 128 1 0 240 15 9 214 9 5 397 12 2 - 5,258 11 7 1,723 8 5 15,442 5 2 6,778 1 7 627 13 11 633 6 5 8,492 19 0 5,212 11 3 1,710 2 5 996 15 2 5,662 4 9 1,985 0 0 2,337 16 4 1,630 1 7 14,155 3 9 7,197 11 3 465 10 4 227 18 2 3,324 7 8 188 9 6 30 2 10 392 7 8 21 9 0; 141 10 01 5 0 5* 6 6 9 " Totals 15,934 1 2 3,513 14 11 2,131 3 2 960 4 9 260 3,368 6 2 ,891 17 4 9,657 0 1 .106,638 14 0 ;f49,914 0 3 38,934 15 10 88,848 16 1 12,108 19 5 * Also £400 laid to Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. t Including £9,099 expended on buildings.



Table showing Number of Children for whom Maintenance is paid by Charitable Aid Boards, &c., at 31st March, 1902, and 31st March, 1901.

STATISTICS AS TO OUTDOOR RELIEF. Table I.—Causes of Poverty (Chief Causes, not Tributary Causes). (This table refers to outdoor relief and to heads of families only.)

'.oardi id oul Pai, Inst' 3 for itutioi Totals. ii :S. o u . e6 CM rH CO J3 O s-i <A _ CB rH CO 09 a h a 0 J-i O ffl p & ci OS CO Ao t-> CS rH S 2 -*= r ~ l rH CO CO at c3 v rH o a 1—1 6 09 c3 o a c H o3 cm 03 -H CO o s-l c2s re CW rH CO 1 i 1 s North of Auckland Auckland Coromandel and Thames... Waikato Bay of Plenty ... Cook ... ' ... Hawke's Bay ... Taranaki Patea and Wanganui Palmerston North Wellington Charitable Aid Board ... Wellington Benevolent Trustees ... North Wairarapa Benevolent Society Wairau ... . ; . Picton Nelson Buller... Inangahua Grey ... Westland Ashburton and North Canterbury... South Canterbury North Otago Otago United ... Otago Benevolent Institution Southland 10 1 1 2 8 9 9 2 5 33 3 1 14 1 1 3 11 15 3 1 20 7 1 "2 5 4 13 4 2 6 1 11 42 22 5; "i | 4 7 ! 92 8 7 40 31 ; 5 1 4 10 jlOO 13 1 3 ■ 22 9 8 I 37 8 39 9 14 214 4 2 9 3 8 5 1 11 52 2.3 6 2 8 10 9 6 12 136 1 3 22 9 5 55 23 112 37 14 7 54 32 6 3 12 15 7 11 140 2 3 30 9 8 47 23 94 47 14 4 2 5 1 2 9 2 6 1 3 17 9 5 ! 36 ! 7 55 7 14 158 S 1 5 "a "5 "s 19 16 57 30 10 15 55 38 9 1 2 3 1 1 3 *8 "2 18 i'6 i 2 56 } 160 217 2 6 3 8 57 "3 "i 1 12 3 9 Totals 219 214 36 31 506 95 579 22 725 793 38 106

3 cS ce „ c3 S3 §^ «rj Sr c3H3 o § rSffl s-s *c <* -3 o o > a a a ho is c > CD A OJ Cr* rS ° OJ O c o SCO o a rS CD l "el 3 I . CO UrrJ fA & r* ce o o rg u j^m •- 8 ■-. 'c -* m a '5 CO &. o c3 co 2 a l?o S r» 0) s: a re CD <DrrH §3 O o cfl p g .a o Lack of employment— (1.) Able-bodied ... (2.) Inefficient Sickness ... Accident ... Insanity of bread-winner Imprisonment of breadwinner Desertion of bread-winner No male support— (1.) Widows (2.) Mothers of illegitimate children... Intemperance Shiftlessness Physical defects Old age Causes undetermined 38 81 1 2 9 43 13 12 113 3 9 9 47 3 24 42 2 8 4 13 d 'a c3 a r* O o a 00 o> r> 3 16 4 1 6 3 22 1 ■3 7 40 58 12 1 1 3 1 4 6 "5 88 9 4 2 7 84 14 125 37 9 4 24 81 36 32 5 2 11 42 1 32 2 6 30 "2 8 4 6 15 3 2 7 2 5 8 Total number of cases 382 522 173 42 113 126 61


Table II.—Decisions in Cases of Applicants for Relief.

Table III.—Number of Rations issued.

Description of Daily Ration. Auckland. —Bread, lib. ; tea, Joz.; sugar, 3 oz.; rice, 2 oz. ; oatmeal, 2 oz. —ordinary ration ; to the sick and to those over sixty years of age, Jib. meat. Value, from 2d. to 3d., and for meat, l- 5 -d Christchurch. —Meat; also bread and groceries out of Board's store to value of 3-16 d. per daily ration. Wellington. —Bread, lib. ; potatoes, lib. ; meat, Boz. ; sugar, \\. oz. ; tea, Joz. Value, 3sd. Napier. —Groceries, &c, to the value of 4d.


CD 3 J 8 o"B m cS 3 ° ai'S ■.£-« ii r«m 2-C3 rO^ O CD OD 3 H ja O o > a CD «ri C S J B a a a CD 3 > CD a M • a-S" rQ .rH CD O a O 3 CO Pi CD Q > CD a CD W . cS fe> M v '5 w 0 3 cS '£ rrj ccl u SI cS o ° .213 fc r*l ft 0 eg CO ■ S* CD s ■+= CD T3 ri Cd 0 o CO rrj O c6 O Continuous outdoor relief intermittent outdoor relief Cemporary outdoor relief indoor relief transportation 186 65 131 336 18 313 114 64 271 31 69 69 35 105 L o *rr a .2 > s b 25 12 5 54 36 23 55 17 13 18 98 4 7 39 10 2 20

Sl3- • h CCH .2 15 2 hh aO) d fflri 03 *■§" 115 a h oq a .S co fc CO g oj cm OTJo « CO) CS CD rH «H - d Si <w ffl'p 3»S fc Amount given in Gash, Year ended 31st March, 1901. Amount given in Cash, Year ended 31st'Maroh, 1902. -Is a os H CD rH a S.* a cd o JlHg Krr3% _, a) u 'rS M SOW £ CD CM 13 O a On rP r-t _" 9 CD O CD ,-, 3~« H Remarks. Auckland Charitable Aid Board and Benevolent Society Christchurch Charitable Aid Board Wellington Benevolent Trustees Dunedin Benevolent Institution Hokitika Benevolent • Trustees 139,308 138,487 £ s. 1,821 16 d. 4 £ s. d. 2,049 11 10 872 733 214,308 215,473 2,312 12 1 2,139 9 4 1,367 1,462 77,(69 51,951 1,833 1 5 1,271 16 9 612 432 No information 112 0 0 149 5 6 360 given. Belief given by orders on storekeepers. Napier Charitable Aid Board North Wairarapa Benevolent Trustees 53,339 58,0.39 46 14 6 25 1 4 294 292 Belief given by orders on storekeepers. Orders given on Board's own South Canterbury Charitable Aid Board store.

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901.

[These Tables are compiled in the Registkak-General's Office.]



Orders, Diseases, &c. CJ ■5 -a nj 3§ r o ih -^ ci « 0 Q m rt O I D rt ci ct rt ,5 o 'ei in rS rt 6 II rt Si rt bo.r rt o O oi S3 03 rt rt « 5 rt cj o o 2 c a. ci o to rt 0 1/1 rt U P U Q M03 ¥ rt U Q oi tf) rC3 m rt rt c. I OJ I U Q h-H 01 i J2 u ! a oi J3 c$ v 03 d cj S3 a rt CD u P ta a o rt a tu Is 03 -^ rt u oi -S w rt rt J-> 3 a rt rt rt Q Order i.— Miasmatic. CO CO 5 i. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases •• 3 5 is - 24 A A •■ - ■■ - - - •• 2 •1 " 1 •■ 6 • - - •■■ •• •■ - •• 1 ■•I •• 1 ■• M • • •• ■■ 1 - 7 9 - - - ■■ •• •• ■■ •■ •• •• ■■■ " 25 • " ' •• 7 •' 1 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■■ • •• 3 1 8 - •• ■■ 4 •■ 20, ..! - 2 " ■ • " - - •• •• 9 •• •• :■• - ■■ - •• A •• -I •• 1 - - - ■• • ■ • • •■ 1 57 .. •• 19 ■1 ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ 1 ■ - 3 ■ ■ ■• " • • " • ■■ 15 'I 2 " 15 " " 11 ■■ •• 1 •• - •• - •■ •• - •• •• ■■ 1 •• • • •• 2 •• 2 3 •1 •• 3 •■ •• I- - - - ■■I ■• - • •• 1 - ■• A •• •• •• 7 ■■ 2 ■• - •• - •■ •• " • - •I - ■A - ■ .- - - - • - - ■ - - • • - ■■ ■■ • 1 •■ ••I " 1 " ■A • 22 2 • 2 ■■ • 1 - • ■■ 7 A - ■■ " " - • ' 1 "I !•• - A • 3 •• ■ 1 - • '•• - - •• •■ • \ ■ - ■A • 2 30 • ■■ 2 ' •• • •• • ■1 13 98 5 - " ■• '48 3 2 26 •• 47 6 " .. 9 1 2 - 7 • 1 16 •• •• • 8 •• • ■■ 2 ■• O N - - 3 A 4 1 25 34 A 3 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 ■ 1 - " ■■ •• " 1 - •• •• ■■ •• ■A •• .. • • - ' ' " .. ■• .. .. " .. .. •• ■ Total Order 1 .. — \— 1 ' -H H 46 — — - H - - 8 - -4 - — 1, — — H — 173 *7 2 9 A 63 3 5 72 6 39 5 21 1 4 59 1 12 A 1311 4 24 4 e 2 2 3 X6 •• 8 10 ■ • — — — — ~ — - — r— — -- - — — ~ — — O Order 2.— Diarrhceal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhcea 3. Dysentery "• •• •• ■• ■■ •• •I - • ■• •• ■■ 1 ■• 1 •■ ■• •• •• ■■ •■ •■ •• •■ ■■ " •• •• "I 3 A ■■ ■■ 1 ■■ •■ 2 1 •• 3 - - •• •■ •■ ■ 1 ■■• •:• •• - ■■ " •• 1 I Uh •• •• •• - •■ " •• " .. - - •• 1 •• •■ - - - 1 - - " 1 • Total Order 2 .. — — H H — H — H — — H H H H H - - H H - - H H - H 3 A •• .. - • 3 ■• 3 - 2 .. 1 ■ 2 ■• •• .. 1 .. " 1 ■A - - 1 1 •• ■• ■• — — — — — — — — r_ — — - — — — — Ah Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague .... 3. Beriberi •• •• ■■ •■ • •• •• ■ ■■ 2 •• •• • •• " •■ ■■ ■• " •■ •• ■I "' •• 1 •1 •• ■• - ■■■■ ■• •■ - •■ •■ • • • • •• " •• H 1 - ■ • ::- . •■• •■ •■ ■■ " ■• •• ■■ ■• .. - - • •• - " - • ■ ' •• • • ■ • 1 Total Order 3 .. h- — — H H H H — H H - H H H - H H ~ H H H H " - •• •• •• " •• • .. . 2 ..l .. - I" •• " • 1 .. • • 1 .. • " ■■ " •• • — — —J — — — — — — — — \- u — — — — — — p— Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever .. 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination •• ■• •• - ■■ •■ •• •• •■ •• ■• 'I - •1 - •• ■■ •■• • •• • ■ • 'I •• • •■ - - • "I •• - ■• - ■:•• • • ■■■■ • •• • • - hi i • - .. ■•! •■ " • .. " '• - •• • ■■ ■ • •- " ■A " • ■j Total Order 4 .. — M ~ — H _ H H H - u H - H ■■ - •■ • • .. " ■ ■ •! .- ■ ■A •• •• " ■• •■ " ■■ • ■■ - —\ — — — - — — 1 — — — 1- — — —\ — — - Order 5.— Venereal. i. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin r6 2 3i " I 6 43 1 8 " •• • •• 2 •I ■ ■ _3 1 ■• " ■■ 1 • •• •• " ■■ ■■ •• •• ■• Total Order 5 .. h— — H — H — H H H H H - — - IH - - - ~ h H 2 .. .. .. ■ ■ .. 3 •• .. 4 - .. 74 1 1 11 2 .. 1 .. .. .. .. • • • • • •


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


rt Orders, Diseases, &c 6 o tU in Lg 03 i fl! rt IS u ' 3 O B rt oi rC rt JO Q (A o tn SI in rt rt X o 0! il rt o < 5 01 « rt rt i 1 U G rt E B in A oj "ci rt Si '-5 a in s: oi a rt Si rt O s Z OJ *H d CJ 13 3 o o a c C ci 03 -G co a rt Si U Q § "Si 3 a o 03 in -C rt js; Totals. 03 01 rC co lii rt Si (A V O D CD m rC rt 2 O Q at rt rt u 03 S3 m rt rt Si O Q Vi ! rt d i cj U i C rt st d a rt Q co rt CO rt <u rt S3 rt G Order i.— Miasmatic. 1 o cn co i. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles .. .. 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases •■• - H H • - 3 ■- • • • • • I • • • ■• - ■■ ■■ - •• - - - - - ■• .. .. 1 i •• - .■■- - !•• - " •• 1! 73! 35 •• - - •• 1 - !•• .. . .. .. .. • " 9 •" •* 10 I •• -1 " H - H H •• 5 -'3 - 10 ■• ■••; - 1 •• •■ •• 1 ■■ 7 •• - - - - - !- i- ■■ •• 1 26 ■■ - ■A A A A A A •• •• 3 - 7 •• '" 9 •■ •• •• 3 •' " - - - - - "1 " 2 •• - - - - ■- ■•I ■• 4 'I • " - • " - " •• ■•:• •• : i ■• 1 'el ■• I- •• •• - - - ■■'■ - •• 1 ■• "•■ - •■ - -■ - •• •• •• 5 ■■■• - •• •• 4 "I ■■ 1! 5 ■■ •■■ 4 19 8 230: ■■ ! A 3" - ■ ■■ - - -■-•■ .. •i ■A " - " " - •• •■ ■ - - • - ■• - 24 •• H 7 • - ■A • - •■■ " - - - - 19 2 103 • ■■ - 1 12 ■A A •■ - ■A 1 1 1 - - 1 " " - - ••■ - - - !•• " ■A 2 7 ■A ••! - ■A " ■■■ - - - •• - - ■• i 26 417 7 1,126 •• - 1 •• 1 ■ ■• - 1 •• A 1 17 •• 2 1 A 2 •• 4 !- 4 • A 2 ■• - 2 i - - - 1 •• •• 1 ■■ •• 4 • 1 51 I ■ ■■ ■■■ !•• • - - • • " " ■• •■ .. 1 - ■■ •• •• ■A • ■ •■ - " !•• • • ..I I .. " - - •• ■• - ■■ Total Order 1 .. H H - — H — i — H H\ - H - H H H H M H H - — 1 4 ■■ 1 .. A 151 I 4 32 44 A i 2 ) I2 i .. 31 A 13 10 4 •• J •• •• .. 2 ■A 32 5 • " !- — — — — — — — ~ — — — — — — — -i h-i o o Order 2.— Diarrhceal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery •• •• " 8 i 5 3 2 •• •• I 6 ■■■ ■• 2 2! 1 I •■ •• •■ 1 ■• •1 •• •• •* 2 •1 •• •1 2 37 18 I I 1 - - i - •■ ■■ -': - ■■ I- •• - ■■■■ - - •■ - - " •• •• • ■• •• ■• ■ 2 - •• •■ " • ,- •■ •1 • •■ -I — — I— I - H — - h— - - H :— H - H 1 H — H H Total Order 2 .. 1 " " 13 •■ •• ■A 7 • 2 3 •■ 2| - 1 1 .. .. -• - 2 • ■ 57 •• • ■• •• - — — — — — — — — — — 1— — I— — i— r-j w w Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague 3. Beriberi Total Order 3 .. •I •• • ■• •• - 3 •• - •• •• - •■■ - ■• - 2 •• - •• " 1 •• •■ - ■• " ■■ •• •• " ■• • - .. - I:" •1 - 6 1 •• - " - - •• .. " - • •• - • • ■•• " • ■ • 1 ■ • H - H ~ Hi H H H — - H H - - H H H H H — H r— • 1 .. ■• ■• - I •• 1 •• ■■ • 2 •• • • 1 .. .. •• - ■ .-. •■■ " • 11 • •• •• •■ ■" • ■ ; - - — : , — — 1 H — — — — — — — — — — — ■-4 — —- -^ —1 Pm CO Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination ' - •• ■• ••• •• •■! •• - • H - - •■ r ■■ • - - - - "I •• •• ■• - - •• ■• - •• •• ■■ • • •• - - •• •■ • - •I •• • • •• •■ - •• - - " -• ■1 •• • -I •■ ■• A ■ •■ -I - • • ■• - •• .. I ■• •• •• •■ .. •• ■• •• •• - •• .-• • • • 1 - ■ Total Order 4 .. — H H H H — H Hi H H - - H H H H H — - - H ■.. .. ..1 I- - - 1.. -• •• •■ •■ .. ■• ■•■ ■ -I •• •• • 1 " ■• •• •• • • • ■■ — i— — — H — i — — — — — — — — — — — — -- —4 Ordkr 5.— Venereal. 1. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhcea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin Total Order 5 .. 1 8 I I3^ 14 29 - ■• 4 4 8 95 1 135 2 •• 1 " •• •• •■ ■■ •• •• ■ •• •• ■■ ■■ ■• •• ■• •• ■■ • " H H I 1— H — - - H 1 - - H h— H H H ~ 2 .. .. 2 ■• 2X 1 - 2 .. • - .. 43 .. .. •■• 1 • ■ .. .. •• 2 -• i - .. • • 2301


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


-a rt in S3 03 rt rt X rt . '■£ rt ri C o-a CO E rt o rt X rt cj u rC z| tn rt rt CJ U Q d is d CJ r. o Q rt rt "3. rt z JL, rt rt \Z 03 rt rt I M O I G rt a 'rt <n SI a, ci •S3 C rt 5 « rt rt cj s o rt rt q rt 3 o o cB oi in S3 cn 1 rt rt ! X O j Q 1 S 5 CJ 13 o a, cj a rt cj U rt a Orders, Diseases, &c. 03* "^ Is « G rt J O G & i S rt I JJ rt 1 i; o j Q V> S. U Q •ji rt rt Si o Q to rt rt Ji O Q rt O oi rt Q ui rt O oi S3 rt 03 03 rt O S3 rt Q cn c m I d d i JJ U I Q aj rt v 03* S3 rt i cj u « t3 Q iS 3 T Order 6.— Septic. 1. Phagedena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyasmia, Septicemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Septicaemia •' 3 6 6 •• • .. •• - " » 2 • i i A ■• 1 4 7 • • • ■•■ H • •• - ■• - - 'I H H •• - - •• ■• 1 •• •• 2 I I ■■ •■ •■ 1 1 .. - ■• .- ■■• •• ■6 " ■■ - ■■ 1 1 " 1 • •• " '■■ " 3 " •■ I 1 •• •■ A •• •■ 1 •• 1 1 1 ■■■ 1 ■• •• •• •• I " - - .... hi- - •• •• - " ■■ " - - ' I- •■ A •• •■■ ■ " A i- - I 1 !•• ■ .. •• ■• •■ - " 1 .. •' " •• — - — — H\ — H - !- - ~ H - - - H H H\ - h~ ~ — H H — — -- H — H H Total Order 6 .. 9 " ■ • .3 1 12 - ' • .. ' •• 1 A 2 ■■ ■ 17 1 J 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 • " I ■•! • " — - 62 — H a HH !— — - 18 M — — — - M H\ — — — - H H - M ,- o I hH <co PrCO I.Q I r— I rH Total Class I. .. 202 26 •• 10 1 72 5 75 46 5 21 A 6 ' 74 A 1 8 1 224 8 6 A 2(5 " 6 M 6 3 6 2 20 3 3 10 " » ■ 4 •■ — - h— !— H — 1 i -H H H HI H - H\ H H H - -4 H - 1 H — H - H - H H - - -j 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites " 2 •• I •• ■■ •• ■■ - - ■■■ - - ••! - 1 ■■ • •:• ■ - • - - 1 ■■■ - - - - I- - •• - ■A ■A ■A •■ •■ 3 1 • - - ■ ■■ ■ "I " 10 1 H H - ■■ 1 2 ! ■■ 1 • 1 - - • • •• •• ■• 1 ■ • • •! • - ■ • ■ - • - • 1 .. .. • ■••■ - 2 .. • " I- •• •■ ■ • ■A •• .. 4 - " I .. - - • - • -I - • • •• — — — H H H - - H - - H H H - - H - — H - H — - H - H - Total Class II. .. 3 .. ■• " .. •■ •• • ' 1 ! .. • •• .. •• •• 4 ■• .. " 14 " • " 4 1 1 - ■• • 1 ■■ •• — — — i— — — — — — I— I- — LI — ~ — — — \— — — — u — - o (- hco WW hco Oco 1. Starvation Want of Breast-milk .. 2. Scurvy I fa.) Chronic Alcoholism .. 3. Intemperance - Delirium Tremens .. 4. Other Dietetic Diseases " 2 •' •' ■• •• " , " - " • - •I ' I A A ' •• - - •• •• - " H " ■• - ■• - 7 ■■ " ' ■•! 3 -3 1 '■ • • •• ■•■ •• ■•• - 'I I ■• - - • " • • • •• 14 •• 1 •I H " •• - - ■■■ 6 " 'I 23 10 1 •• 2 •• I 4 ■■ ■ - ••I A - •• ;• • •■ I "I 3 - 1 4 1 H ■■ 2 ! ■• •■ • ■ - - 1 2 •• • 4 •• • •• - I- - I .. " .. " ■A •• :■■ •• •• ■• .. •■ • ■■• " - - - ••I - "I • ■ — — 1 — — H H H - - H H M !- H - H H - - - — H\ H K - H Total Class III. 35 " 2! 4 • I .. • • • • •• 1 3 :■• 7 ■■ 27 •• •■ ■• - 4 6 > 2 .. • • 14 1 3i I6 A -J 2 " i •■ H I M -H H H - H - H M H H - - 6 H !H H - — - h- - H r4 O hco fH CO com CJ > 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout .. 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus .. .. .'. 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Cachexia .. .. 10. Purpura, Hemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases 10 45 2 " 44 3 60 2 i H "s 1 " I " " 2 .. I .. 1 2 •• 3 ■ • •• •■ - • 2 A 3 • • 10 2 ■■ !• i" " I" - 4 2 2 16 - " 7 1 I ■■ • • ■• ■■ ... " 8 • 7 • ■ 2 •• ■ ■ 2 .. 1 7 1 9 " - - • • 4 ■. 6 ■•■ 3 ■• • • • ! • ... 1 .. - 2 3 7 6 " 9 .. 1 12 1 ■■ - •• 2 .. 2 10 h •• " • ■■ 1 •• 2 .. • - - •■ .. 8 56 31 53 1 1 • • 9 . 8 1 2 " 7 ■■ i 2 " •• 1 .. 2 13 10 1 16 - •• 1 .. 3 .. •■■ 3 •■ 'I • 2 • • 2 - • 1 .. • • • .. 2 2 .. 6 " .. 1 5 1 - - - •• 2 • ■ A 9 1 10 ... ■• 2 4 T 5| 1 4 •• .. ■ 4 ... " 74 2 •i" ii 1 'J •• 'J "! 2 4 co 3 4 IT; 3| 5 1 7 2 1 4 13 1 1 3] I il 1 4 1 I 24 3 24 2 11 5 '■ 3 " - "I ■ ■ ■• " •• " ■• •■ 3 " " • •• •• 7 " " ' "! 1 •■ 2 -! ••! •■ - ■• •■ - 1 I ■•: 6 1 3 1 1 - 3 5 •1 i •• 1 ■• • • 8 A 19 8 1 •• 1 5 •• 2 " •• " 6 3 2 1 " T ■1 I ■■ - ■ " •■■ •• 3 " - - •• 2 " 4 1 ■■ ■ 4 2 I •• " - ■■ " ■■ ■• ' • • -■■ •• 1 T - ■ • I - h • ■■ :■• •■ " •• A "I ■■ ••:. " 5 " .. " .. - •• • " ■• " ■• ... • - • • " " " - - - 3 " " 12: 3 ■• ■• " 228 — 6 - 6 — 28 SI — —! IH — H 46 8 H M H - .\ H H H 8 ~ H H H H H H Total Class IV. .. 31 3 2 3 24 26 7 - 6 I 371 3 4 -■ P45! 37 27 3 69 5 4 1 Uil I .. 7 2 32 2 3I 5 45

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


6—H. 22.


rt Orders, Diseases, &c. --.45 <U 3 h-iH d d E 03 03 S3 03 rt rt a> O Q rt cn cn £ 0 I wJ3 rt c rt O S3 ci B oi 03 S3 m rt rt Si O Q cU rt B * "rt oi S3 io rt rt S O Q 3 3 rt o tu -3 in s: £ rt rt Si O G E o CJ tr tn rt O Q S3 C 3 O 03 S3 to rt rt Si O Q £ i u rt ii o Q 3 rt ■J ui S3 rt Si O Q is 03 S3 03 rt rt v O Q c « d d u o a Totals. 03 £ 03 rt rt 9J O Q rt 03 S3 03 S3 03 rt rt st O D 03 as rt O to rt a rt o BO rt a in i SI rt : « 03 oi s: rt « O G rt CO rt Q rt rt Q tn rt rt a Q ■I s - 1 Order 6.— Septic. i. Phagedaena .. .. .. .. . 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyasmia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Septicaemia .. . '8 1 1 •• •• •' •■ • .. .. 2 ■■: '■ 4 1 1 ■■ 1 3 • - !• ■■ •• •■ I--"I " ■ • •• - •• - •• 1 1 1 •1 ■• •• ■• 36 28 26 1 .!■■ •■ •• - 1 1 - • - -■• 1 •• 14 5 •• I1! A .,!.. 4 ■ - - - • - • - " •• - • H- - - — -I— — I— — H - H _ — H H — H H H IH H — H H — - H — — Total Order 6 .. 9 - :. 1 ■J • • 6 - - • , 5 1 - 4 - •• .. •• 1 1 .. •• .. .. 1 ■A 90 20 •• " • ■• ■• •• Total Class I. .. — H H -H HA —I— — — r— . - H- — — H — h-4 H — M H H H H\ H H — 1 Kw I IS "i A 2 2 i • 3 1 i 4l 4 1 194 2 •■ 4° •• 5i 5 12 ., 87 A 15 •• N .. 7 - 2 8 - 41 45 5 5 ■A 1.515 96 •■ 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites t— H\ H -MM 1 H - H H — H - H - H h— ■■ •• • - .. .. "■I H I- - - ■• - • •• • • - - ■ ■A 1 ■•• • • •• ■• •• •• •• • " " •• -•• • - 1 I- - iii i 2 i - ■ •• 1 1 • • - • - - •• ■■ - • A •• • 1 ..1 1 1 • • . .. 3 ■" 1 - ■• • - 2 1 • ..1 1 • - 1 .. 1 • - - ■■■ 3 - -■ ■A 42 11 5 1 •• •■ • .. •■ .. .. " -I I- ■• V •■■ .. •• .. •• •• •• .. •■ • •• .. • •• " - - - - •■ " I •• - H H "1 — — H - — . H — - — H — — — H H — H - — H h— H H - — Total Class II. .. ", ■■ ■■ -•! •■ V .. .. 3 * •• ■• •• 1 •• •• •• » 2 2 1 •• •■ •• • • " - 3 - .. •• 54 5 -I -— — - — — — — — -4 — i— i — — — — — — — — — 1. Starvation .. .. .. .. I Want of Breast-milk 2. Scurvy T . I (a.) Chronic Alcoholism .. 3. Intemperance De i irium Tremens .. 4. Other Dietetic Diseases • T-i fr> co WW Hco WW. Hco 'I • •• •• - .. ... p.. 4 " • • •• " ■ •■ 'I " •• •• •■ ••1 " •• ■■ •• - •■ - •• •■ •■ - •■ •• 1 •■ • •• - 4 3 1 10 2 •■ 3 2 ■• t •■ - •• •• " 35 11 • : 1 •• •• " • I 4 1 18 16 •• 4 1 •• 2 - - 1 i • - " 2 1 •• 1 3 1 - •• 1 - •• " 1 • • 1 ... 10 2 ■■ 1 2 1 175 87 1 .. 1 - ■• 3 " 7 •• •■ 1 - - - .. 5 8 "I " •• H ••• ■• - •• •• ■• " • " " • • ■• " •• — •• - " •■ - - ■■ • • - •• Total Class III. 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Cachexia 10. Purpura. Hsemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases h IO - - 2 H - H H 5 H • H — 7 — 1 .. 4 .. — 50 20 — 3 — — 1 — 1 H IH - - H H H - 7 7 9 - 4 H •■ H — 35 17 I9J 3 H - H — 1 5 .. H - H 1 - - .. H 3 M — A H - - - - 1 H : J — 1 •• i~ A 1 — i 1 IH - 3 H — 271 — 1 — 13 4 3 13 3 ■ •• ■• A •-■ - •• - • - H •• 1 1 6 •• 2 2 2 140 363 24 1 3 W o hco pW feci I t-H • 1 •• ■• ■ •• 3 ! - i • 24 4 - ■■: - 17 - 5 ■■ - 9 3 - 1 ■ 3 •• 2 - - 12 I - ••! .... •• - - •• - • • " ' - - - 2 ■ - •• ■ - •• - -I 15 5 ••I - ■■ ••! I-- i •• 2| I " " :•• - •• ■• 8 2 •■I I " 5 1 " ■■I " -•! I--••I 4 2 •• ••I I--••1 I •• -I ■■■ ■•I 80 4! •• ' 1 3 I 3° 1 5 — •• M i 3 2 1 47 8 3 2 1 1 1 ii !"! ••I I 3 3 ■ I J ■•1 I 2 ° 357 22 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • .. .. ■■ .. .. • ■ •. • • •• .. •• ■ • • • ■ ■ .. -. .. • ■ .. 5 •• » •* 5 1 I •• .. 1 3 •' 4 39 •• 1 5 / 10I " 4 5 T 4 26 4 7 •■ 5 •i 8 1 2 1 3 2 •■• 4 1 " 5 10 3 •■ 5 21 362 15 92 2 ■• ■■ 2 • " 1 ■• - 2 - • ■ •■ - 2 1 6 ■• -" - jI • • 25 4 J 7 3 5 176 " II A A ■■ - - •• ■ 2 • ■ - H 5 " 10 3 •1 - •• ■•- 2I 8 ■• • • • 56 3 47 3 4 - 1 - - - 1 1 . 1 '• "I - " ••■ •• 4 •• 1 : ! "I - " - H - ' 2 H •• 2I •■ 1 7 •• 4 1 - ■•■ 3 I 1 ■• 2 158 18 200 36 33 11 1 10 •• •• • •• " • I IO Total Class IV... ■• H - H ••I ! ■■ H 28 - — 8 1 \—\ •• i--I - ' I— - i ••! - ■ - H — •• - 1 18 A H -1 — " H - -H •• — 1 •• •• — - — - H •■ H 2 t h! 41 7 IO; .. 4 4 11 .. 42 6 52! h5 2 22 2 3 Uo 2 6 ■• 4 '•TO 4 *5 57 4 hs F.735 229 24: 10

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.



3 Orders, Diseases, &c. rt rt . "S rt cjrt I) E CD S3 c X lA sr rt X O C o s: Zf 0u_ rt rt rt rt "a. ct 03 S3 % rt rt Ji O O rt S rt o "re rS «i to rt Ji u a cn £1 o a rt O rt o rt I 1 tn C c It/ £ O z I to oja 03 rt rt Si O G « S to A CJ rt X co rt rt u (J I D oi -5 to rt 6 a tn SI " X u a 03 I S3 rt i « O I G w S3 co rt rt Si O G cj * 3 c a 03 S3 rt O G 1 « 03 S3 m I rt rt si o ( c 03 S3 03 rt rt Si 0 Q in x: cn ; rt rt '■ « O 1 G «i rrt tf> rt rt ; * u 1 a rt i; u a to J= to d d an u a CO S3 rt « O Q d G to to d ; v u a CO , W W[0 W W W2 W 1 W I 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age 1 1 .. ■■ - -■ - - •• - - H - • •• • • • ■• ■A ■A ■A ■A ■•• 1 .. 1 1 .. • ' *i •• ■• • ■ 1 2 - •• - - I - l •• " " • 6 19 2 • ' •■; ■ • - ••I •■ •• ' • ' • ' •• •■■ H ■•• •• " il "I ■■■ ' •• •• " 7' ■■ 3 1 " I :•;- ' ■A •• 2 • 1 ■ 2I 1 • ■A H .. ' - H - •• • 2 - - A 2 H ..! ■A h • 1 .... " .. 1 1 " ■A ■A •• •• " - " " ■■ - 4 2 2 " ■■> •• - ' "i 1 1 ■A "I I1 I "1 1 " ■A - 9 1 I Total Class V. .. —— — H H\ r— i H F-H - H - H H H h~ H - — M - H H I- - H 12 1 " - " 4 2 4 " •• - 2 .. -.. • • • 2 - ... 27 A 1 • 5 1 • • .. • ■ 1 1 — hi — — ~ -rL_J — — — — u - Order i .— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis (undescribed) 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy .. .. 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. 12. Idiopathic Tetanus .. 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Locomotor Ataxia 15. Other Diseases of Nervous System 3 2 3 3 5 4 J •J6 - 3 3 5 •• 1 12 •• 6 - - - - •■• ,. 1 •• H •'• - - •• V ■■ •• ••• 1 ■■ ■• •■ •■ ■• •■ •• 1 " t •• I 2 A • H H .. ■A 1 :■■} A A 3 3 •■ 3J •1 " 1 2 - " - •• ;■• 2 4 •■ ■'•!• • •■•- 1 1 • • 2 •• *■' 2 l •■ I-I 1 •• •• •-• A ■A ■A A •• • •■I 1 3 1 " 2 ;•• ■••■ •• - 2 " 4 ■■ 4 • - •• .'. •• • ■ 2 6 5 5 10 " 9 4 18 " " 5 " ' ' " ..!.. ..!. "I" ... HH • 2 2 " " ' ' I 1 ■■ 2 1 2 1 J ' • 1 'I • h • • 2 | "I 2 •• A ■■■ •■ I 2 I - 3 1 ,1 • ■• 2 2 1 •1 II • 2 1 i •• 1 18 - - •■ -•1 ! ■■ A -• A A •• • 1 H " - •• ..I I •• " 1 - > 8 3 1 I 1 II I 1 3 1 5 1 I 4 I 2 — ■• • - •• - " - " .... " " ■■ - 2 •' '•• •• ■■ H - ■ • •- ■ • :•■ ' - h •1 •!• H • - •• ■■ ■■• CO W CO w CO 2 rj o > H " ■■ ■:•: •• •■• - - " • • • • •■ ' " ' 1 1 - " • •! ' " •■ -■• • - " - - ■■ ■• •■ 1 - !•• - • - • • • "I - 5 2 15 81 I " 2 " - •• •■• •- •■• • 1 1 21 7 2 54 ■■■■ - •• ■■ - 1 .. 1 - "■■ - • - • • "I " " 2 H H - " " - .:■■ •• •■ 10 •• •• • ioj I" 3 i~ ■: 1 • • 6 - ■• " 3 •'• 3 - 8 ' ■■ •• " ■■ • - 6 5 ■ • " • •• I4 - • - ' • :•-• " 3 " " " 3 " •• 4 •• - " • H — — - - — - M H ■H H H\ - H ' — - H — - i--H - H - Total Order 1 .. 114 I H •• 2 •• z6 U 18 3 9 2 12 ••! 9 , 2 • 34 3 17 " 3 7 3 •■ 9 1 23 2 5 " x 12 2 5 - . " — — ~ i __ — I— — — —4 — — — — Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhoea 2. Epistaxis and Disease of Nose 3. Ophthalmia and Disease of Eye 13 7 100 •■ •• 2 •• 4 3 7 - 1 •■ 13 I "I •■• •• •' 2 •• "I •■ 9 !3 6 52 ' ' .... •■ •• "! •• ■• •• 1 1 ■■ A H - A - I- •■• 1" - 12 • • •• - .... 3 3 .. 3 7 " 3 - - H • ••• ' il IO - " 1 •• 2 ,.. 1 .. - - ' - " 2. " " •■ 1 - 1 :" " Total Order 2 .. — -- — H H - -A \ H — H H lH — H — H H - -J H 120 2 - 13 IH " 3 ■ x 5 "I 1 .. 18 ■A • • 197 " 2. 6 ■•■ 10 .. - •• 1 " ■• — — ': — — r — — i~- -- — — — — -4 — -1 Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis .. 46 18 1 • 1 ■ ■ I " - J ! •! • ■■! 6) 1 I ■ 8 2 i •4 2 2 2 i "I ' ' 1 1 •1 ■■ 6 " 1 x i •1 ■ 1 13 1 r l •■•1 1 " 44' 4 •• 2 ' • • 2 15 - 3 4 - " 2 '7' ■■ 1 1 1 3 2 | "I - •• II •• - I " 6 A 3 T ' H 2 z ,-'\ ; 1 1 1 1 I ■•■ . 1 •• "l H " ''I !•■ ■! "I ■■■ • • •• • •• 5 2 1 " 1 • !•■ ••! • • 5 1 1 1 •••■I 2| 3 • :! - ... . ■ • •• " ' •• •■i 2 I •• i| .. • " ' • • H - -I ■ • ... ..• .. .. ■■ ■• . • ■ .. •• ..; .. •■ •• • ■! .. .. • • .. .. • • ■■ .. .. .. .. •• I • • I I

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.

H.— 22.


o tC I . oi ' rt rt I Si O G 'S3* ° rt rt o O PS S3 I rt o rt < 3 o S3 3" rt .03 S3 03 rt rt v O Q a* rt B 'rt (A oi S3 03 rt a! w O Q c '-5 tU 3 Q 3 rt rt O rt 2 -a G E CO Ci d X or m d d cj * 4 t c co A & rt d c, u a cj CJ rt co ~% d v o a g '5b — rt Toti Is. rt O Orders, Diseases, &c to 03 S3 03 rt rt Si O Q oi 03 S3 rt * O Q oi ' £ rt Ji. O Q 03 rt rt 9 O Q to" A co d w u a CJ rt U a: a rt O S3 ~rt a co rt CO St a rt O A d a cn A cn rt d CJ cn A in d d v u a i oi in S3 U i rt rt l JH O I G to d a d u A rt cu to , W w w w£ w 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus .. .. 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age '" ■• - H " "■ •• 5 •• H A ■ --2 ■■■ - ■:■ 4 H • • H H " 9 • " .. H 3 •• •• 3 ■■' •H •• A Hi •• ■• 1 8 ■■ A A A A " 3 " I" • - H H ■A ■A A 'I h - H :•■ H H ■A A ■■ 1 ■• ■1 1 1 4 10 2 — • ■ ■ H • 1 ■ ■ ■• ■-■ -I - — •I ■' - " - - - ■• 2 - •1 - - ■A ■A ■A •• 1 H •• ■■ - •■ ■■ •• - - H ••1 • ■• • • • ■■ A H -• • • • • ■ •• 1 •I H :■■■ •• • • •• •• H •■I •• __l 'I - - ■" •■■ - .... " H •• - 2 ■• ■•! ••! ■■ ■A A ••• 2 •• ■4 ■■ •1 1 •• • - ■ • • ■:■ - ■■ I--I •• 1 1 ■• I 1 •' 2 " 24 4 1 76 22 Total Class V. .. I" M -:• 9 1 .. .. 18 1 2 1 - 1 •■ .. H 145 " 2 - ..1 24 - '.- — - l—\ -— — — !— — — cri W CO W CO Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis (undescribed) 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. 12. Idiopathic Tetanus 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Locomotor Ataxia 15. Other Diseases of Nervous System 4 ■■ I 2 3 6 4 " 4 H • • 3 • • '■ V 3 1 •• 1 •■ •• 2 •• •■ 1 • •• ••: 2 .7 2 - 2 .. •• ••: 1 1 ■■■' 2 3 4 8 4 1 7 2 3 3 3 ' - • H • H •• 11 1 2 • • • • ■■ 1 • • " 3 1 - 1 3 •• 1 1 A ■A ■A ■A "I 1 1 ■:• •• 1 2 " 1 ' • ■ ' 3 ■• 4 •• 4 7 2 2 6 3 ■ 4 H ' • ' ' - - - 2 - - "I •• 2 1 1 •• • 1 ■ • ■ ■ •• 1 1 ■I - ... A ■A ■A ■A I- ■■ 1 " - - H ■••• - ■■ - ■•■ 2 ■• " • ■ • • • ■ ■ •• 2 •• 3 •• ■A ■A ■A A ■A ■A ■A 1 ■■; 3 4 3 1 -■ 3 1 3 •■ 2 - - ■•• 1 •■ • • 1 3 •• 1 ■• H H ., - - - 28 6 49 28 53 77 4 53 21 81 •• H ..! ■ • A • ■ •■ • •• ■• •■ I ■ - ■A - • • 2 -. H H •• - ■A •• • ■ " • 1 ,. 2 - ' ■A .. - - • ."• H H 1 ■A - • • - • - ■■• ' ■A - • - 3 1 • •• " • H ■A • ' - • • •• - ' ■A A ■ - •■ •■ ..•• IH - H " ■A :•> ■ • - 2 1 ... ■ ■A 1 ■A • - 4 40 18 313 5 1 A 1 1 1 2 ■■ - 4 2 A - 1 " ■A 9 1 1 ■ - A • ' ■A •• ■A - - 6 '••; " H ■A A ■• 4 ' 2 2 10 • - ■A 5 6 " ■A F 6 ... 2 .. .. •• 32 ■• ■A 3 .. 19 A • • 45 ■ ■ ■ - 4 ■A H 1 10 .. ■A ■A •• Total Order 1 .. — — A M H — — - -\ -\ Hi H — H " — - H W o o rJ > 15 2 2 5 17 2 .. 65 13 .. 18 1 3o| j 3 9 S3 8 * 14 1 3: 1 10 A 8 •• 6 M ■A 31 3 h 779 " — I- — -4 — 1 — — - —\ — -4 — — — Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhoea 2. Epistaxis and Disease of Nose 3. Ophthalmia and Disease of Eye 1 •• •■ ■• • 9 32 38 •• "I 3 2 2 1 •1 4 oj ioj - 1 " •1 ■■ •1 -•• •• 2 •• — •■ •■ 99 208 396 - 12 - 1 - A •• " 1 6 1 ■• ■A " 3 .- 4 " - 4 ... 94' • • 3 3 4 A 1 •• 3 3 ■A — — — M H H — Total Order 2 .. — - H — H 4 4 12 •• 79 .. 7 144! 3 4 1 I 7 .. 5 3 ■A 703 -- •■ 1 •• " -4 - — - — — — — Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1.-Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis .. "' 2 3 3 1 ■ 1 1 6 1 1 ■I 6 " 1 - 2 ! 1 1 27 2 •• I0 | '■ I H H 4 I4| "I 9| "I 3 2 1 4| 1 5 1 1 • -i 3 28 3 1 IO ' • I 6 ■"• " 1 1 "I H - ' " - •■I 4 2 4 1 "I ' ' 1 4 •• •■1 1 1 1 1 •1 .. . 8 5 2 2 — 4 1 1 — 1 Hi A - ■ ■ 338| 2I ! 12 27 4 1 IO- - H .. • - • - •■ • 1 1 • " 2 - ■• •• ■■' • ■ •- ' - • - 1 ' " - 4 .. i ■• I - - 2 3 1 ■ 1 i ." .. ..; •• •• • • 1 " " 1 - - ' "I •• 1 1 25! 10 ■ 2 5 2 .. •• __ •• -, ■• .. 2 2 ■ ■ • • •• .. •• ■• .. -. .. • ■

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.



-5 ct . ■Z d A g> rt a o o A 5 Z E rt rt X rt v ■- rt -; oi oJ tn S3 03 S3 k rt U rt rt Si rt Si O Q O G d o rt ba •-3 3" 6 rt 3 rt E rt I E 3 O Js n" CQ _____ » I S3 03 S3 x ri o3 rt rt Ji rt Ji O j C j O G c i rt o O rt O Orders, Diseases, Sec. I r-r-oi S3 03 rt rt Si co i rt" rt JJ O I G rt X o a 03 rt o rt Q rt O S3 G oi rt O a 03 rt Si O Q d d D CO to A co d d aj u a S3 rt a 'n A co <Z X u a oi . x: m rt re ' v O j G 03 rt rt i> o Q rt rt cc Q rt O a rt CJ rt a. rt O u a 2 u a rt O if. S3 u y U C rt O Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 10. Phlebitis 11. Varicose Veins, Piles .. 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System 5 22 2 A •• " 1 4 5 •• H •• 13 " - ■• • •• - " ' 3 •■ • 3 ■• •• 5 1 ! - " "4 ■ •■ • 3 43 3 H 2 ■• 2 • 1 I5 I " I1 A • ■■ - ■■ ... !- 1 " • 4 i A - :•• " - " • " - " A 1 • •• "I - ■ • I" •;• " "! ! • I 'I " 80 — — H — H 8 H - - — - H — - H — M - H H IM l-r— _ _J h h Total Order 3 .. 22 I " •• 27 3 20 8 2 2 5 2 2 I3| 2 - 1 J l 104 H 2 21 6 34 7 5 2 7 4 3 16 t 7 2 •■ — \—4 — -j — — I uj — — -4 — -J — -4 — — ...J Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Asthma, Emphysema .. 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System 2 •• 13 28 63 31 11 ■ - A - •■ -•■ ■" - •• 15 •• A A A •• - •■ 3 18 ■ • H ■ I •• I •• A A H " ■■ 2 2 6 7 2 •• •■ - •■ - •• - - - 2 - 2 •• H • A 1 - 2 14 9 3 6 ■ ■• • •• - •■ 5 7 9 4 7 1 • • H 1 •■ 3 ■• ■A ■A ■A 5 7 38 28 1 - " " 1 •• •• 4 2 2 8 ■■• ' ' H 1 2 •• - - H 1 8 '• • • • ■1 - - - 1 - 1 8 •• • • - 3l 2I •• 1 3 ■■• 1 3 6 5 2 • • •• I ■ 3 •• 4 6 1 ■■ ■ i 12 •■ ; A A 22 6 6 2 3 13 II 7 1 H 2 2 1 7 13 1 '" 4 3 ■ 1 ' 3 2 •• 2 1 ■A 3 10 3l 1 3 " 2 II 8 •• 4 1 1 • - 2 I A 1 4 t 4 1 .. ■' ■■ 1 7 ■A • - •• •• H 1 5 A 2 - •• 1 ■ • ■A H H 7 18 3 - I - 4 • .'. • • x '■ A -. •• A •H A .. - H .. • • ■A " • • .. - ■■' " " - ... .. -. " T (O W to W 3 — — H r— — H\ H — - A H - H\ A - — H H H Total Order 4 .. 148 4 . 2 • 20 A 55 34 2 19 3 21 2 11 2 3! 34 33 2 7 .- 129 13 8 ' 17 2 47 5 *3 ■ 1 " 15 2 1 1 20 3 18 1 - ; — — — —j - .- — — - — — U-J - - — w o w > Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Haematemesis 6. Melasna 7. Disease of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis .. .. .. 9. Ulceration, Perforation, of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula .. .. .. 15. Peritonitis .. 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System 2 ■•: 23 2 8 16 28 •• 4 • H A ■■ A A ■ 3 •• 2 •• 1 ••■ 1 •-• 1 •1 3 4 2 1 .. ■■ A A A A A A A A A •• •• 5 3 • 10 3 •• 1 1 • • - H H • ■A ■A A ■A •■ IO IO I I 2 •• • A A A A A \A A A •■ 6 1 7 4 •1 •• • • • • • 1 •I 3 2 - 3 2 6 1 •■ • • • • • • • • • 1 *8 •• - ■■ H H H H 2 ■■ I- - " ■ 1 •1 j " " 4 6 2 1 17 2 6 4 - - - - ■■ ■■ •• A 4 12 2 •• 2 3 3 •• ... ■ 1 !•• 3 1 5 17 5 ■■ 33 2 5 2 • • • • • • • A 2 2 3 •• 1 ■• 4 4 4 - 2 " .. 2 •:• 3 11 2 1 6 5 1 • •• •• 1 2 2 ■■ "I ..I 4 1 •1 • • • ■■■ ■ ' 1 • •I 1 2 1 •1 ' ' ■ ' • ' • • 1 •• 1 • •• 1 • • -I 1 '" -• 5 •- 1 •1 .. •• 1 3 • • " 2 1 •• • • • • •• 1 9 •• " •• •• " 1 • • •• I - A ■A A • ■■■ H I 2 ■A 2 " • • •■• •■ •• I • .. A •• ■A 3 6 6 ■■ - • 2 • H ■A 8 2 40 11 8 1 2 2 1 6 1 •• • 1 ■-• ■■ •• " ..I I 29 7 3 1 2 1 A 7 ■A A I • • 1 - I .. ■ 1 2 1 ■■• - •• ..! •• ■• 1 4 •■ 1 •• •• 2 A - •• ' A ■A ■A A 2 • 1 • - 1 A 1 1 10 I 1 1 • ■ - 3 ■• I • » ■■ • .. H I- •• •• A A • A •■■ • A - ••• • • ■• .. 1 I •• 1 2 1 5 7 ■■ A 2 1 6 7 - 1 - • • ■A I - ■■ H 4 • •• - - " ••: U ■■ 1 1 A :•• * I • ■ - ■• I A 1 1 H •• ■■■ •;• 3 •• •■■ - 1 2 ■ ■ • - A ■■■ 3 - • 2 1 5 1 2 ■A - 3 31 " •• 1 A •• ..! H •• 1 1 I 3 •• •• • • .. " A • •• ■••- - • • • H 3 ■A I-- .. ■ • •• 1 1 • • ■A 1 .. • • - - " " ' • — ~ H A — H — M — - - H\ H H H - H Total Order 5 .. 138 8 14 A 49 ■A 2 1 .3 2 2 3 9 3 13 3 15 ■1 431 22! 22 1 15! 2 51 37! '7i 7 " 20 " 53| " 11 • • -j — — — U-J — — 4 ~ —\ — — — Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele .. .. 4. Addison's Disease • •• ■• " •■ 4 •• "I I ■■ 2 •• •• •I •I " ■• •• 8 •• ■•1 I 'I 3 1 3 •1 I " "I " •• •■■ • ••■ I- • - - •• • •• 1 •• I •■" - ■ ■- ■" •■ 12 ■A 1 • 1 3 1 • ■ ■■ • ■ •• •• h •• •• •■ - - ••• ■A 1 •• - ■■ •■: • " •■ Total Order 6 .. — — A — M A H H A - H A - — - 1 -4 - 1 - .. .. • • .. ..1 .. ... .. 20: -- 2 •• 7 -I 1 - •• •■ I . I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.

rt O e ■ x: H> 3 rt rt B 3 03 S3 rt J_ O Q rt o o is3 o*g d O ■ < 3 O 3 oi u y - a rt E cn A rt X rt E .» I i OJ ! % rt ! X u I Q rS OJ a co A co rt rt X d E d O I to A rt a rt in S3 v ri rt 2 O Q O E C c E cB * a 0 S >- o ai d cn d U 1 j3 re o 2 co -cc co rt rt rV t3 : a Totals. 03 oi . S3 rt ; Si Orders, Diseases, &c. cn rt in » St co rt rt X u a CO cd A co rt rt X oi A CJ -JH CO d d ' " tj j Q CO A rt X u a 03 S3 01 rt t rt Ji O Q rt th \ A\ u ( P j u rt A a rt O rt rt Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 10. Phlebitis .. .. .. • • • 11. Varicose Veins, Piles .. .. . ■ • 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System .. . - •• •• •• • •• 1 1 ■ 1 1 .. 2 8 •• I- •• • •• 1 • 4 • I ■■ 1 30 3 • • •■ 12 ' - 1 • • •• •■ 1 • H •• • "I • •• H •• - •1 •1 • 4 •I 16 2 186 .. 19 .. 668 145 - *' ■• ■A •• 4 6 ..I '• •• • • • - H •H H ■• - - A H - Lid 1 •• I- •- ■ • - 1 1 1 1 i 1 — A H H ._i H I -r I 1 Hi ■ A — 6 Hi H\ H — I H — — :8| ~~\ A 14 20 A 2 « A 1 A 21 5 Total Order 3 .. 2 27 iH 7 1 L? _ ____! I I3 _J • - 1 _j o | 69 — 1 i !— - — — -4 — — 5 — •• -j — — — 1 1 - I ! — • - Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. .Laryngitis 2. Croup .. . • • • ... • 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. . 4. Asthma, Emphysema .. .. .. . 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System 6 1 • 5 42'i 2 1} .. 4 1 A •• • ■• ' • •• •• • •• • ■• •' •• • ■ • •• A "i • • • • .... A - • 1 5 •• 106! 5 383 1 27 34i j 89 209 1 7 84 7 1,171 137 :: 14! 4,4 49 15 9 •• • 2 ' 1 7 22 - - • 1 '5 3 2 • 6 • •• ■ - .... 5 8 8 4 4 2 5 1 ■■• 1 •• 1 3 12 9 1 2 7 5 o 6 I16 9 2 • 1 " 2 7 1 2 .. .. .. 3 5 15 1 " 4 4 3 2 il "8 6 3 2 • 1 1 6 ■' 10 3 4 io| • 4 1 1 29 1 1 1 2 A 24 13 8 12 I • A • •• 4 2 • 7 - 2 ■5 1 2 2 •■ •• 2 •• ••! 2 I- ■ • ■1 ■A " - • 2 2 " A H • ■•■ • •■ i2 - ■A • • - - - A A I A H • I' " •• - I.J I- - ■A ■. •• T CO W CO W CO c w Total Order 4 .. ••: - 20 •• — I 22 1 • — 2 — I I. I ! 9 Hi 2 - — » P_ i •• 1 1 3 •• I ' 136! 1 1 1 24 1 i 1 1 1 A ■A — — u — ! 2 L-J — 4 _i L_J 2 4 Hi 1 — I I 8 I 14 I i 1 17 i 1 1 1 3 - [7 Hi 1 U-J — 2 — A • • - 8 IH 2 —J — II — — 1 — H 1 —j J 9 - A — r— 33 H 7 :8 - — 2 U— h - Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition .. 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Haematemesis .. 6. Melaena 7. Disease of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis g. Ulceration, Perforation, of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver .. 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System •• • i. i" 3 1 1 9 T II ■ A ■ • • • H } ■A " 3 . " • ■ H • • • • •• 4 • 1 • • • • • • • • ■ • .. .. ..... • ■'!•• ...... \ A 3 1 IO 16 13 I ■14 12 3 3 3 • • - 1 • .. 1 2 2 1 •• 1 •■ I 2 - ■ ■ H - • - •• 3 1 1 •• " •1 ' H - ' • • • .2 1 1 I O' 2| I I ■ • • - • • •• A 4 5 1 • 3 1 •1 ■ • • • 2 1 12 6 33 18 - 2 2 1 ■ 3 •■ .. 1 4 3| - I •• ! 3 1 " ■■ " • • • " • - • 3 • 2 1 •• .. ••I A ■ • •1 ■• •• 2 1 1 A • 2 3 g! • • ■ • ■ • • • •1 - 2 I *1 5 5 1 2 - 1 - - - 1 1 '"8 1 __ 1 •■ I 9 4 3 '8 - 1 2 7 1 • I ■ • • • 1 • 2 • 2 1 9 4 • A 25 162. 133 . 38 241 96 35 24 23 91 193 49 63 8 21 24 58 9i 2 2 5 IO 7 9 3 3 5 2 • • 2 1 " • H • • • 7 • • ■• •• •■- • 4 1 ■ • 26 • •;■ " ■ ■A 1 • 1 •• • •- • - •• I • i 4 1 2 - • 4 • • 33 5 7 1 4 5 3 22 ■• ■ •• 3 •• • • I 1 • •• i - • •• • 7 4 1 4 2 6 - ■i 1 • 1 • •• 2 - • 'i\ • ..I .. ■• ■■ 2 4 4 • 1 •i • • 1 4 - i J 3 • 1 .. • H 1 - • • 7 • ... • • 1 1 •• -I • •• • ■•I • - - ..1 • 1 5 6 ■A - •• 1 • I I 2 I - 1 • - " - 1! ••! 1 1 1 •• - A • H A • H •• 1 - ■•: - 3 ■A 2 •1 2 1 -1 - H - A .. • • 1 H •■ •• .2 1 • 1 1 2 .. .-•■ • ■ •• A 1 II- '! • 1 • •■■■ •• 1 2 • •• H • 3| •■ ■■ 1 H " A 1 ••• •■ •■ -■ - 4 ■A •• .. - •■■ — •• ■• 1 1 1 1 — H - 8 - — - H H 1 t 1 1 Hi — — — — A H A H\ - 2 A - 8 1 1,301 73 Total Order 5 .. 5 4 7 .. 2.. 159 S_ 3 ■A 24 • 4 7 128 (IO 22 1 2 7 2 3 - 11 40 27 2 A •• I ! — — — —1 J —i -j M — —J — I - - i— I i— -— — -4 Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen. 3. Bronchocele .. .. 4. Addison's Disease •I • • •1 1 ■■ •• A 2 1 13 •• 1 •1 ■A •' • • • - - 12 1 2 H •• - • • ■• • •1 • •■ 1 • - 1 •■ • 1 •■ 4 ■ ■■ 42 37 2 2 1 • " • - - •• I " h H 1 A A ■A • ■■ - • - .. - - •• .. • - • • - I- • • H \A \A •• .-• ■A •• • •■ A — • __ 1 A — A - A H — Hi — A - H H A — H - H I 1 ! id *i 2 ■ ■< .. • ■ ■ • 84^ 3 Total Order 6 .. .. • - 1 • • •• ... • ■ .. .. .. •• • • •


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


1 r3 rt rt ■ B rt s: « 0-0 E d A 3 O ri C S3ri ri X I rt rt 3 .- rt rt S rt o 'rt 13 3 rt o u 2 E B rtS d CJ)._rt c CJ . rt S c 5 E 3 03 S3 03 rt rt Ji O G 3 03 M m rt rt Ji O Q o *0J to J= CJ rt X 0 a o U o 03 S3 03 rt rt JJ O G z 11 <■* I to Orders, Diseases, .Sec. ' -Toi S3 03 rt rt Ji O Q 03 rt rt Si th A co rt rt X co A rt cj u a oi S3 oj ri rt Ji O G 01 CO rt A d tu a -o v 1 d d I w Cy S3 "rt G rt O 03 ~rt •a rt O S3 rt a rt U rt P 03 S3 S ri ri Si O Q CO* J3 CJ H^ rt X u a CO A CO rt X co" A co rt rt u o a 03 S3 v rt rt J( O G rt O A d v a to A co rt X d d I a Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease 3. Uraemia 4. Suppression of Urine 5. Calculus 6. Haematuria 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System 4 ii - - •• ■■ ■■ •1 •• •• •• •■ - ■H H 1 3 T 1 - 1 1 ■■ •• I ■• •1 1 1 '• •• • • ■ ■■ •• - H H •• 1 1 ■• 5 1 3 3 4 ' 4 - • '• 2 •• • • ■ •• ■• ■■ - 10 4 2 1 i ■ • •• 4 1 1 " 2 1 ' •• 3 1 •• I • • 1 2 •' - - - ■■ - I' - •• •• ■■ .. •• 2 5 •• 1 2 •• 3 1 1 1 A A 1 - A •• 4 - • - ' - 3 2 16 6 • ' ■ - " .. 2 19 6 IA ■• ■- A •• •• 3 5 I 6 •• 3 1 I 4| 1 •• 1! - - ' 1 8 3 1 " • ■ • 2 6 1 "I • 7 10 I I ■A I 3 1 •• 9 A 5 1 1 A .. ! ■• •• A .. ,. .. ■•I .. • • ■ I" •• •• ■A - ■■ •• r— — — — H A H A H A H H - Total Order 7 .. 43 6 .. ■ 12! 11 J 7 ■A 16 I3 ; I 1 " .. 43 2 13 3 21: 3 .. 1 •■ 5 20 3 H — — — I— 1- — — - 1 'rS co Q Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System, (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess .. 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Praevia (Flooding) 11. Phlegmasia Dolens .. 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) 6 52 " 3 60 '■ 1 A A - 1 t •• •• 1 1 4 " 10 5 2 - 2 ■■ 1 11 1 1 9 2 - 1 ■• •1 •• I 9J 3 •• 4 •■ .. 1 3 " 2 IT I 3 I 2 1 10 2 7 1 .. 1 10 68 12 2 49 2 • "I •■ 1 2 9 1 ■■ 3 10 18 6 2 1 •• " 2 1 ■■ •1 .. 2 •• .. 7 " 4 - .. x ! ■ ■ 7 •■ 1 •• •• 4 1 3 1 10 1 2 1 1 1 4 I 2 4 1 1 1 1 " •• • •1 •• - •• -■• • H H " • •• • ■• - •• • •• •• •• •• •■ ■ •• - •r •• ' ; 1 .. • • - • H ' - • ■A - :■■ i • ■• H • •■ H • • • A - ■ ..1 1 •• •■ - - H - - 1 " - •• " ■ •• - 1 •• •• 2 2 2 - H • - - - ■■■■ 17 ■"•• ' •• 2 - • • r4 O o r-I > ..1 .. • - - - •• - ' ■A •• •• ■• ■ " - .. • •! .. • ■ • • •! - •• ■ ■ - H H - A H H H A Hi H ~ I—H - H Total Order 8 .. 134 ■ • 5 23 23 3 •• 19 4 - 1 ■A 22 • ho A 2 .. 163 2 ij 17 4 2 •• 4 2 •- M • • 5 8 ; • —. — —- — — —\ H L_ —j -J - — — — - Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. 45 8 18 '• 1 T 1 I 'I 1 •1 2 3 1 2 14 9 I 9 10 5 •• 5 1 2 ••: 8 2 "I 2 2 2 ■■ ■■ •1 8 9 1 7 4 3 :1 • •• 67 39 10 1 2 9 3 4 1 •• 1 1 •• 1 •• 6 2 :■ •1 •1 4 3 4 3 6 ••| A H 1 H ... A •H ■■ A - •• •• ... ... .. " .. - 12 ... ■ • .. ... .. •• .. ■■ ■•• H — H M H H 6 A H H n6 ; - H H H - Total Order 9 .. 71 A 1 .. 6 I 2 5 H 1 24 H 8 10 - 18 H ' ■■ H •■ 8 • •1 .. 11 1 "i N •• •• ... — — —• — — L! - — — - Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle .. .. 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore 5. Eczema 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 22 •• 49 13 18 7 •H A 3 •• 1 " 4 •• 4 ■• A A 5 10 - 4 6 2 • •' 8 ■• 4 •1 1 *8 1 1 5 5 'I - - 1 ..1 II 9 12I " ••1 1 11 " ' "1 " •• 2 " 1 5 3 43 11 •• 12 •• • ■■ I 2 5 16 •■ - 3 •1 • .. 1 •• 3 5 ••• 1 ■ 3 3 1 3 1 A H " "'1 •• .. ■••■ ■■■ •• 1 A •• - A •• - .. 10 7 3 •• 12 1 1 2 A 1 " H - " •• - - 2 "6 ■A 3 2 •• .. ■ ■ • • H 13 38 ■■ 5 - 1 •• 2 H .. ■ ■ 4 • • ■A .. •• ■ •I ..! 1 ■■ ■■ •■ M A - - H A H Total Order 10 .. 109 8 ■■ 24 " 13 ■ ■ 36| 23 a 69 J 5 .. 39; 10 7 !.. •' •■ " •• • •• •• 72 A — 8 136 67 H H 16 M - Total Class VI... 958 17 .. 57 258 '5 215 84 *5 -• 224 !6 197 7 '9 1093I 49 5 M 12 293 46; 81 28: 122 16 92! • •


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


o 10 rt U G 5 j re o II o a s < a "5 c O Z 0 B o co 1 J= to ' rt CJ i G (0 i o he - C 3 § v 2 Totals. m a Orders, Diseases, &c. go O OS to Si O C a I to tj G to -c u Q oi -S en rt O G ID a X o c s a u I o a 'O a a a a U : Q a a O G s a ■2 a to J= O G to rt U Q v> ■ a in n CO U Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis .. .. .. ■ 2. Bright's Disease .. .. ■ • ■ 3. Uraemia .. .. .. .. . 4. Suppression of Urine .. .. ■. ■ 5. Calculus 6 Haematuria 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System I 1 •• • - I 2 1 •• 1 1 4 10 1 6 2 5 1 •• I- •' ' • • •• •• •• 5 2 2 1 3 1 • ■ 4 7 7 •• 1 1 7 1 1 1 • • I - 2 •1 • 1 1 •■ • 2 1 - •• •• • ■ 9 3 • • ••• 1 •• 2 • ■■ • 1 '■ 48 71 12 8 27 18 13 28 9 1 - • 3 3 14 4 ■ - • •• •■ • ■• 4 2 ..1 1 3 - - 2 I .. • 4 26 8 1 ~ - 3 !•• i3 2 • •• 2 • •• i 1 - A - - I "'! .. 2 - *l • •• * - - •• 2 1 2 ■• •■ 1 16 5 1 1 6 1 2 193 80 14 5 - !•• •• .. "■I ..! - ii • 2 "•I 4 - 3 ••I 3 ■ ■ •• ■■■■' •■ •■ ■• •• - H - — H — —I I— — H . - — 6 H - - - — — - - — Total Order 7 .. 5 3 3 - 1 1 59 4 - 3 l •■ 15 4 3 - 42 10 1 3. 2 2 - 7 - 5 1 II 3 2 5 7 2 457 70 ■•• •• - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —J — — ■a < CO o I. Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System, (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Praevia (Flooding) 1 1. Phlegmasia Dolens 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) •• 2 i, •I I •• • • •i I I I •1 ■ 41 2 b ; 1 12 72 6 4 31 1 2 ■• I •• •• 5 4 6 1 2 - 5! •1 1 2 11 38 3 1 4 10 •• 3 2 3 .. 1 1 • •! 4 1 2 •1 •• 4 1' 3 1 2 • • ! •• - • •• 4 1 2 "I .. 6 6 69 383 3i 36 11 213 3 7 2 1 '• ■■ • "I • • •• •• •• 13 •■ I l \ 5 1 ■ 4 •1 •• • •■ •• •• • • • • •• - •• ■ • 54 2 3 1 1 ■■•I - •• - • • 1 .. - • •• ■■ - ... • ■• ■■ .. I - - - - - • - • ■• • - • - - - •■ •• .. I I- - •• h •• - ■■■ •• - - • - • ■• - • • •• " • •■ •• 5 i 1 - 1 • 4 5 28 •• - 5 1 3 - - - - • - 7 - •• • 50 16 2 ;■• H v ■ - •• • • •• - • ••• •• •• •• 9 •• • •■: •• - •• •• - - •• - - H - H — — — H 6 H M 78 - - H H - H - H r— H - H 16 Total Order 8 .. 4 3 ■ • 3 •• - 5 .. - 1 2 22 10 • - - 5 2 • •• 14 .. 12 - 869 •1 1 143 - 4 u — — U-J U- — — — — — — — — — — ■ Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. ■• 2 H - 3 1 •• 7 1 2 22 2 2 1 ■• 4 1 •• 13 7 2 ■• • 2 6 •• 9 iS 1 ■• 1 14 2 1 2 •■ A 1 1 ■■ •• • - 1 • •■ - I •• - 11 5 1 1 ■• 2 •• - 255 243 97 5 4 :- - • •• - •• •• • - • ■ • - - •• 4 - 1 - •■ - ■• " •• •• - - • • - - •• 1 - 1 •• ■■• .. 2 •• - •• — H H h— — !— H - - H - H h— - H - H H H — H — Total Order 9 .. N ■■ 5 • 3 I 89 3 -I 4 •■ .. 28; • 17 .. •• • .. 2 •• .. 17 4 595 • 9 7 •■ 22 1 •• — — — — M — — — — — — — — H — — Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle .. .. • 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore .. .. ' 5. Eczema 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 5 - ■■ ■• • 1 1 1 •1 •• •• 1 •• •■ •■ •• •• 1 ■■ ■■ - 4 1 27 6 •• - - 3 - •■ • • 1 - 2 I ■■ 3 1 10 10 ■• • • ■ 1 •1 4 4 3 14 11 •• - "e •• 3 ' 4 4 2 3 1 •• ■• 1 - 1 - ..1 I 1 I .. I 2 •• - - •• ..1 1 1 •■ •• 3 4 65 •• •• •• ■■ 1 - 13 8 •• • ..1 1 •• • •• I A - •I - 3° 100 15 281 1 1 • - ■■ ■■ '■• - - • 4 3 • •■! - 2 1 • - 4 ■• 1 •• IV - - 1 • - 1 •• •• 3 2 2 - 149 21 84 680 • - - •• •• •• - • - • • •• 8 - - - - - - - •• - •■ 1 1 " » ■•• 1 •• 3 2 4 •• 2 •• - 3 .. - "I •• •■ - -• •• • • - •• - • ■ •• - H — M r-d —I — — H h" hH - H - — - - - H 8 H —1 Total Order 10 .. 7 .. 3 .. 3 16 - 62 - 4 .. 4 24 .. 8| - 44 •• 13 10 6 •• 7 - - 25 ■■ '• Total Class VI. .. H — — — M — — 128 89 ~ —- — — — — 12 138 44 2 853 77 *3 107 4 219 7 60 7 53 4 , 5° 3 48 7 [ 212 2 5" 100 5 7.307 55< 24, 77 to J 5 710


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.


Orders, Diseases, &c. -a < d . C u 41 E = O CO X! to I d d u U I Q XI i ~ "1 is I re 02 3 co d O Q o to w 1 X! U ' Q CO en co cti o a O u Q k 0) - s o to Xi to rt O Q X! to co d U G a o o o co a u a c3 s CO CO to X. to 8 ' n Q 5 a Hi '■ v. d ! q to J= to d d « O Q to to x: to ri U G to X! to rc U Q CO CO A u a a o a U — to J3 rt U Q W X! O G to" to x: to rt U G to X! Si 3 u a to to XI to a U Q h-T-to CO X! co d d w U Q I . to X! to d O Q a G Order i.— Accident or Negligence. i. Fractures, Contusions .. 2. Gunshot Wounds 3. Cut, Stab 4. Burn, Scald 5. Sunstroke .. .. ... 6. Poison 7. Drowning 8. Suffocation 9. Exposure 10. Otherwise 159 8 82 19 ■• 5 A 4 8! 9 ■• 12 6 1 46 16 3 2 ■ ■■ - 49 3 4 6 1 ■•' "J -1 • 29 17 1 1 35 19 1 4 - - - - 17 6 1 • - - - 6 *8 • • •• 29 1 8 6 3 • ■• - 43 1 43, •• 15 3 •• 6 •1 185 3 28 16 6 4 8 5 • ■ 37 2 10 7 •■ •• 2 i 1 47 5 17 5 1 - H - 21 3 2 '•• ■• ■■ !■■ ;•• 16: 1 • • 22 • - - - 9 i • 2 •• • ■ 1 23 .. 3 15 5 2 7 • • 4 1 •■ • - •• - •■ •■ - 2 •• I 1 ■■ .. • •■ •• • - • - -" • • - - :•■ 15 - 1 •1 1 ■• 1 - ■1 •• •• • - • 1 - • - - 1 1 1 •• - • i- • - - - • 1 • • I- • ■•- ■•■ •• •• - ... ■• i •■ •• ! •• •• • 1 1 1 - ■• iH 1 • •I ••: •1 - • •l ■■■ • •I 1 1.. 1 I .. -I I6 I1 - 6 10 • • H ••I i--1 " -I 7 63 ••I 13 • •• ■• - ■■ •• •.• • ■ - - 2 i7 .. •• •■ • •• 1 " 1 3 1 2 I-l-l - !•• oh I— I • 286 — — — ■ .. - - ■• .. — - -i — 26 H H — 68 H — h - Total Order 1 .. - 17 18 i 73 2 63 53 65 2 N 46| 3 10 ij I 4 :— 78 H 2 H H H —1 - 4 247 3° •• 17 1 23 • • hi 1 27 23 — ! — Order 2.— Homicide. 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. 2. Wounds in Battle — — — — !— — - - — — — — — — •• •• •• •■ " •■ ■• ■• ■• •• ■• •' I ■• ■■ •• ■•• •• ■• •• •• •1 •• ■• ■• V .. - ■•:• - -' • • - - - •• . j.i •■ ■• •■ ■• •• •• ••! — — — •■ • .. - •• •• - •• •• Total Order 2 .. M — - — — H H H - - H 1 1 - - H H - H •■ .. •• .-• • • H H - H w - .. - i - -. • - • - .. • • - • — — — — •■ '• • •• • .. • • • Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds 2. Cut, Stab 3. Poison 4. Drowning 5. Hanging 6. Otherwise 2 1 4 "I ..I ■■ •• I.. ■■ •• - " 1 V i ••! - i •• ■■ - — •• •■ I— ■■ - -j •• - — — •• II — 1 •• - — ■• - ~ ■• •• — •• kI •• 1 - - — •• 2 " • — ■■ 1— — — •■ - • — •• • — •• — •• - •■ - - •• ■■ - 1 - ■•■ - - • 1 •• -■• ■■ - - • ■■ - - • • •• - ■■ •• -■■ • • ■■ go r-i H l - ■■• •■ - • ■■ - - ■■■ .. .. - - - • • 3 •• :•■ •• • • • I- - •■ - • •• - • ■ •;•■ - •• • • • Total Order 3 .. — — M H H 1 H H H H - ■• — " - - — H ■ • 10 ■■■. H H H •• •■•■ - - • ■ •• •■ 2 - • - • 1 2 •• •• • — hH 18 •• •■ •1 ■■ .. J ! Total Class VII. — 63 - — 26 — H — H — - H — h -4 65 ~ •■ •• ■• 296 10 17 1 73 3 53 1 65 2 ■- 48 3 68 • 6 .. " 15 4 — 78 ~ 2 - — H 28 M H H 14 249 1 30 ■ 17 23 : .. " 1 23 7 ] 1. Dropsy 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition J 3. Mortification, Gangrene 4. Tumour .,. 5. Abscess .. .. .. '"■'';• 6. Haemorrhage .. 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes Total Class VIII. General Totals .. — 7 3 17 5° 3 •• I A 5 ■• ■■ A - - •• 31 3 • 1 •■ •• ■• •■ ■■• •■ — • • • I I •• ' •■ 4 10 •■ ""] ■■-. •• 2 7 15 •• - •• 2] VI - - 1 2 •• 9 H ■ • ..1 • - - H 12 1 A 11 18 • ■• 1 • • H A 2 1 2 H - - ..1 1 •• 1 - - 1.. I 1 2 - ■■ - - • •• - 6 • 7 13 H 2 I H - 9 •• M 10 - - 1 ..1 1 •• • - - 1 "I 4 10 1 52 20 6 H 3 M - 2 " .. 1 18 — •■ - - I- - 6 5 8 •1 1 H • • 1 - :■■ H • ■•■ 1.. 1 - ■■ •• 6 ..I - 3 •• I .. 1 •• - - • !• • - J ! 4 . .1 1 5 •• 3 •• -I 2 - • - •■■ •• - ■■ •• •■• •: ••1 2 - ■• •• •■ ■• - • • ■•■ •• ■■• • • - h 42 3 •• I- • • •• - 9 !- - - .. • • -. •■ - ■• •• .. •■ -. .. ■• - - • • - 12 ! - •• • • ■■■ •• •• I — — 6 — — ■■ • •• — H - 6 - — — H H H — H H H •1 122 10 3 21 24, 2 12 - J 26 3° 363 4 • 2 1 18 19 H H " 1856 — H 96 —\ - 42 318 — 1 H 3 — - . 3 - 1 •38 - 105 — 5 H - H •• - M •• H ■• -: .. • - • • • • i -. hi 5 •: ! 152 48. 458 3 1 420! 22I : 49 iq 24 130 \4 45 1 424 32 - 1 1984 112 68 8 271 M 533 33 43 H 169 13 72 5 211 171 51 '


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1901—continued.

7—H. 22.


•sqiE^a •S3SB3 M M CO CO CO t CN in hi . • • tN CN CO CO o ■n rt-co i>. in<o h cn J>- n o inco m co ■ cn h CO CO H • O m* I CN I M l-H CN CO cN cO|iOO L ncOCTiCO -i vOIO> HM • CO tlHNHOHH -Ol COlO O w m CO • c-*. CO CO I CN I I I ■sqiBaa 'U0443Aiy . in CO ■ CO M I CN • CN I ■ M • • • • I M COI • U-J (-t l-t H CN • • • • I 00 I <3\ • • • in •sqiBSCI '\\\3A-eo -J3AUI •S3S-6Q H O row O tN co TT M N CO i—1 CO W • • M xt- in CO <J0 •sq^Baa "3DU34 -* B 1 -S3SBT N I M in in hi M * ...... CN CN 00 I CO I •umo 4 " Sl < re3 « v 'S3SB3 :::::::::: I : M « CO CO H . . . \D ■<*■ • • • o M o -SU33ll5 •S3SB^> ... H ... • " i : : : : : : : : o O h tN M . H • • • • CO • .... h '• I CO I CN * • tN 10 • ■ - 1 a> CO . M • • • • - C\ •sqveaQ ■l[3A\UlOJ3 I - vQ kO • M H CO 00 • • • • •*■ • • * ■<*■ CN CO -sq4B3Q •S3S-BQ cn O m • co "^1" "t"|" '. . . . . - . co O •sqiB3(J (N . M CO • CO •S38BQ M M CO VO H CN CO ...... . m O^CC ■ co • * m CO ■sqiEoid •tu-euiBO I • rn M CO l-l CN M M CO M M .... CN H M CN H H M CN . . . o . . . cn o •sqiBSd ■uipaunQ " ■S3ST23 J>. . . . . M . . > . So G\ • M -h cn o in h co O H CN • ' • CN 1-1 o m -tf- O Cn. H CO CN . m tN • • O • • CO ————- cn com 1 cn I cr, • n n 1 in w CO •sqrE3G ■niBuiix —-— •S9S123 . M . H H S <N • • • - ten" co m .... in o «5 • co cn 0\ • • • CO 0-1 o •Sqi^SQ ■ : '1 6' UOJilH H .... N ... . CO" CN • • • • .... cN U Li • M H j ■*■ CM . . . .10 • ■ ■ I in co 1 CN ■S3SBQ •sqiBSQ : : : : : : : i : •BOJBJ1V CN tJ- h ]>. 1>- H H VO ■ ■ CN •S3SBQ •sqiH^Q I>. M CO m tN CO M CO CN •qo-inqo -isuqa •sas^^ h trON h in CN in O •>*■ H - - 'CO cn co co co in t-~ -■*■ . - . j>. • . . co • • CO O •ssq^aa u-i •sso>i 'S3SBT; in « i>I>* 00 - • CO •sqiESO M CN CI ■Bunion •SSSBJ in e* cn cn H M G\ T) >-<" tJ- O co h m ■ • • • • « iO •sqiBSci (N ■ • I : • I CN ~ 1 [v.n "S9SB3 co • M M 2 I • o ■ M • • • tN tN • ■ !>* m co . . . . . M Q> ■S IITE3(T jinoui M • • M • • • • CN - Tj- ■*■ I CO • • CO ;3j£> •sas-eo, (O • O h ■ H ■ • tN ■ t>CN • H - • • • CO : : I : I • ■ rn • • • ■ cn • • • tN in m CN •uojps>i ——- ■ M : " I 0 ■ CO M . . . . h ■ ml : : I : I ::::::!: I : 2 :::::: I 2 I ft i i , i i ■-. cS CO rt a CO 6 8 a> S* '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. I "S to 5 a 13 O '§!« 're rj Td fag | o 3 " ° I a «£3i2c/)o '5 g S-ac/i -iggSSc 2 3 3 3 3 o>- 3 * ~ (n O O pq co Ph Q co W O M l-C 1) u O "3 o ;s 1 ' : I S W cTj crj g §« oS.S - w fe-S 3 >- 5 3 ° S-i tU U 0 73 o H CO I ro cfl & T3 M 3 Q 3 K O Ofe ?« ■ ?i S *f.S o 3 2 OOQhPKO CD "1 O o 13 "3 o o [fl CD CO rf U t3 CD M=j 'o _. cu I Is ••43 ....So '3« ' «£ s§ §■§ •■gp • • • = 12 o - t> ° 3 ° SF3,3 <J ■<-< CD TO TJ Q Q g H <l£! c/) C > w CO o o H o H "c3 t-i CD a cu O h w tni incd i>.cd di 6 H CN h (N co 4- uSvd H m ro4 inco t^.00 •SSBIO v ] > "> .—' •HDNCH^OIA—*IIA "sasavo aaidi33ds-iojs qnv aHNiaaa-Tt:i —'HJA tproximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,675 copies), £44 13s. 6d. :«.] By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—1902.

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