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QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 82 Total under treatment ... ... ... 92 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 77 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 5 Sex. —74 males, 18 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake and Vincent Counties. Country. —New Zealand, 32 ; England, 15 ; Ireland, 10; Scotland, 24 ; Australia, 2 ; Germany, 6; China, 2; Holland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 27 ; Eoman Catholic, 15; Presbyterian, 41; Wesleyan, 1 ; Lutheran, 5 ; Buddhist, 2 ; Salvation Army, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,583; individual average days' stay, 28-07. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 8-J-d. ; less patients' payments, 4s. lljd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 64 ; attendances, 188. Eeceipts and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 311 12 7 Eations ... ... ... 193 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 267 10 0 Wines, &c ... ... ... 10 1 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 83 11 8 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 32 16 11 Patients'payments ... ... 228 17 8 Fuel and light ... ... ...» 70 17 10 Balance from last year ... ... 43 7 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 48 15 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 438 2 4 Funerals ... ... ... 550 Eepairs ... ... ... 14 710 New buildings ... ... ... 44 15 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 3 0 Insurance ... ... ... 15 5 3 Other expenses ... ... 27 1 7 Total ..,. ... £934 19 3 Total ... ... £911 8 2 Visited 27th April. —Five men and four women patients. There is nothing fresh to report.

EEEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1901 ... ... ... 17 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 79 Total under treatment ... ... ... 96 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 ' Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Eemaining on 31st March, 1902 ... ... 24 Sex. —92 males, 4 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Inangahua County. Country. —England and Wales, 29 ; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 25; New Zealand, 15 ; China, 5 ; Norway, 3; Australia, 8 ; Switzerland, 1; Newfoundland, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 35; Eoman Catholic, 30; Presbyterian, 16; Wesleyan, 6; Confucian, 5 ; Lutheran, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,978; individual average days' stay, 5T85. Daily average cost per head, 6s. sd. ; less patients' payments, ss. 4fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 231; attendances, 860.