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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. Sir, — Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington, 20th May, 1902. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department for the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1902. I have, &c, Eobert Duncan, The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Minister of Marine. Chief Inspector of Machinery.

EEPOET. Land Machinery. This includes the examination of all land steam-boilers and the machinery driven by steam by these boilers; also the machinery driven by all power other than steam, excepting the machinery driven by hand-power. All parts of the colony have been visited by the Inspectors of the Department, and a thorough inspection made of all machinery there. Boilers. During the year 4,379 steam-boilers were examined, the boilers beiug empty and all parts made accessible for the inspection ; and in numerous cases a second visit was made when under steam, to examine all parts under steam conditions. The work connected with this branch of the Department is unpleasant, but one of the most important. Numbers of the boilers in the colony are getting old, and have to be reduced in pressure and very carefully examined. No accident to life or limb has been reported in connection with boilers during this year. It should be apparent to the general public the desirableness and usefulness of having practical examinations—for the safety of themselves, of employers and employees, and of property—by experienced men from time to time. The tendency of late years has been to increase the pressure in all new boilers where old ones have been discarded, and the danger that may be incurred through explosion has therefore increased owing to the higher pressure. This applies more especially to water-tube and locomotive type of boilers, where the water in the boilers and over the heating-surfaces is limited, and where, if anything was going wrong with feeding arrangements, overheating would of necessity follow, with plate-bulging and explosion. Pressures in these boilers have increased quite 25 per cent, of late years. The introduction of qualified engine-drivers to take charge of steam plants has given satisfaction all round, and should tend to minimise the risk of explosion, and also help to reduce the expenditure in upkeep and attention. It is as much to the advantage of the employer in a small way of business as it is to the company or firm owning large plants to have his enginedrivers thoroughly competent and able to cope with the efficient maintenance of his boilers and machinery, the value of which can only be kept up by such efficient maintenance. Yet, it seems, the view is entertained in some quarters that it is better to have those in charge of machinery who cannot but be (to those qualified to judge) less than efficient, in preference to those who, other things being equal, have at least higher claims to efficiency. The apparent cause of this seems to lie in a false economy, founded on the assumption that the less training a man undergoes the cheaper he will be, a fallacy that obviously need not be discussed.

I—H. 15a.


The boiler certificates issued during the year show an increase of 744 over the number issued last year. Government Boilers and Machinery. Beyond the annual inspection of Government boilers, for which no fee is charged by the Department, a number of plans and specifications for new boilers, pumping appliances, and machinery appliances for asylums have been attended to, and the machinery connected with the Defence Department has received attention. Defects in Boilers and Fittings. A great number of defects were discovered during the year, the total being 475. In some cases boilers have been seriously impaired through using feed-water, in time of drought, from a supply that had become impure. Steam-users should in these cases be most particular, more especially if there happens to be any saline matter in solution. Boilers fed with this water quickly scale, and overheating of the plates, leaky tubes and joints follow as a natural consequence. New Boilers. A large number of new boilers has been added to our books, principally used for golddredging and dairying purposes. The total number added amounts to 427, representing a total horse-power of 6,291. Of this number, 255 were imported, and 172 made in the colony. It is gratifying to be able to compliment the builders of boilers in New Zealand on the very excellent workmanship they now turn out. Before manufacture a plan of each boiler is submitted to the local Inspector of Machinery for his remarks and information, and the construction is carefully watched by him during manufacture, and.then tested by hydraulic pressure on completion, in his presence', by standard gauge. The days of punched holes and rough riveting is a thing of the past for this class of work, and there is no need for any one wanting a boiler to go outside the colony for its manufacture. Numbers of the engineering establishments have hydraulic appliances for riveting, and the very heaviest work can now be undertaken. Lifts and Water-driven Machinery. One hundred and twenty-seven hydraulic lifts, thirty-nine lifts driven by gas, steam, and electricity, sixty-seven gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 227 water-driven machinery, 461 gas-engines", seventy-two oil-engines, and thirty-one steam machinery were inspected during the year, making a total of i,024, or 422 in excess of the number inspected last year. The repairs were fairly evenly distributed over the colony for this class of motive power, and amongst general repairs the renewing of ropes in hydraulic lifts, the annealing of chains, and general overhaul of safety-catch gears in cages formed the most important. Fencing of Machinery. In the appended table No. 4 is set out some examples of the notices which have been given to fence all classes of machinery throughout the colony. I find that owners of machinery are exceedingly pleased to have the advice of practical Inspectors in this matter, so that the dangers arising to employees may be lessened. It is difficult to protect all parts of machinery in factories without impairing the efficiency of the machine, but where moving machinery appears to be a menace to an employee's safety in any part of a factory used as a thoroughfare all parts are ordered to be specially well guarded. The majority of accidents, where, say, a hand or a finger is crushed, mostly arise from the employee becoming careless through constant practice and use of the machine rather than from the want of protection. All employers, however, should instruct employees not to wear loose clothing or aprons, and, in the case of girls, the hair should be worn in a net and not loosely. Several accidents have occurred in New Zealand clearly demonstrating the above, and employees cannot be too careful, especially where speeds are high. Uncertificated Steam-users. It has been necessary to maintain prosecutions against several owners of boilers and machinery for working same without th« necessary certificates; but it has now become so generally known that these certificates must be taken up that the prosecutions are decreasing in number, though the steam-users do not take the full advantage they should do of lifting their certificates within the month given them, by which they obtain a very considerable concession. The failure to do this gives a great deal of extra trouble to the Department. Examination of Engine-drivers and Extra First-class Engineers. The work connected with this branch of the Department is constantly increasing, and, as examinations have to be held all over the colony, much loss of time that used to be employed at practical inspection-work occurs. There have been four fixed examinations held at each of the centres —viz., Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill— each of which has extended over several days. There have also been examinations held at Alexandra South (2), Blenheim (1), Cromwell (2), Clyde (3), Dannevirke (3), Feilding (1), Gore (2), Greymouth (2), Gisborne (2), Hastings (1), Hawera (1), Hokitika (2), Lawrence (2), Marton (1), Masterton (2). Napier (4), Nelson (2), New Plymouth (2), Oamaru (1), Palmerston North (2), Queenstown (1), Eeefton (2), Eoxburgh (2), Stratford (1), Timaru (1), Thames (2), Wanganui (2), Westport (2). In each case the examination has occupied some days, and there has been the time spent in going to and from many of the places specially.



Where a number of applications have been received from any district, examinations have been held at a central place to suit the candidates. In the centres, where a sufficient number of applications have been received, intermediate examinations have been held. A great number of candidates have passed a capital examination, and it is gratifying to find an improvement in the theoretical as well as the practical part of their calling. There is no situation in life in which knowledge derived from books and similar sources may not be made subservient to our interests or conducive to our enjoyments, and if only a beginning is made by a candidate for these examinations he may acquire a taste for self-improvement that will be of value both to himself and to the community in which he lives. The extra first-class engineer's certificate has not as yet tempted many, but this can be accounted for partly by the stiffness of the examination ; but it had to be made a difficult examination to give the certificate a standing. Six passed for extra first-class engineer, 119 passed for first-class engine-driver, and 386 passed for second-class engine-driver. In service certificates, 685 first-class engine-drivers and 386 second-class engine-drivers were granted. The time within which application may be made for the granting of service certificates has been extended, by the Inspection of Machinery Act of last session, to the Ist day of January, 1903. The clerical work attached to the granting of these, and the passing of applicants' papers, both for service and competency, and the issue of certificates afterwards, still makes a large increase to our office-work. Accidents. I regret to have to report several accidents with machinery, some of which proved fatal, a description of which will be found in Tables Nos. 5 and 6. It is difficult to prevent all accidents ; but, taking the amount of machinery in use, the high speeds very often used, and the number of those employed, the number of these accidents is very small. Districts and Inspectors. Mr. Blackwood resigned from the Service in the Auckland District. Mr. George McGregor, appointed on 28th June, 1901, filled the vacancy. Mr. Matthew Sharp was appointed on Ist February, 1902, and will bo stationed in Otago. I have pleasure in testifying to the good and faithful work done all round by the Inspectors, often under arduous conditions in the country, with bad roads and journeys to places almost inaccessible. The expense sometimes incurred does not warrant the inspection ; but very often, in these remote places, there is more need for the inspection, as the machinery is often found in bad condition through want of the needful repair, which has not been made owing to the plant being so far away from any engineer's shop. At the present time the Auckland, Marlborough, and Nelson North and South Districts are the furthest in arrear, and our present staff is quite inadequate to deal with the ever-increasing work. It is against the law to work any steam-boiler without a certificate, and I consider it imperative that other two Inspectors should be appointed if the work is to •be satisfactorily done. The permanent stationing of an Inspector at Invercargill has been found a great convenience to the public and a saving to the Department, and, it being the centre of a rising agricultural district, machinery is very much used in connection with harvesting and dairying operations, and steam appliances are also being extensively used. Offices should, in my opinion, be opened, say, at Timaru and Nelson in the near future, to save the long journeys which now have to be made from the present district centres; and it would also be a great convenience to the shipping community and to applicants for examinations to have an officer on the spot. Postal and Police Authoeities. The postal and police authorities have again rendered very valuable assistance, the former promptly returning schedules of fees showing whether owners had paid or.not, thus enabling us to deal at once with defaulters; and the latter for their work connected with the non-lifting of boiler certificates, and prosecutions arising therefrom and of persons driving engines or in charge of boilers without holding the proper certificates. Marine Engineers' Examinations. . During the year examinations for certificates of competency for chief marine engineers, secondand third-class marine engineers, river engineers, and marine-engine drivers, also for first- and second-class sea-going and for extended-river-limits engineers of powered vessels other than steam, have been held at Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, New Plymouth, Nelson, Westport, Grey mouth, Blenheim, Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill. In each of the centres three examinations were held during the year. Table No. 16 gives a list of 188 applicants for examination during the year ending the 31st March, 1902, with the different classes of certificates for which they applied to be examined—-viz., seven first-class engineers, nineteen second-class engineers, ninety-six third-class engineers, thirtyfive river engineers, twenty-one marine-engine drivers, four first-class engineers for powered vessels other than steam, three second-class engineers for powered vessels other than steam ; three engineers for powered vessels other than steam within restricted limits. The fees received in respect of such applications amounted to £188. The regulations for marine engineers' examination, to be issued shortly, have been revised, and now embrace all the new points of the new edition of the Board of Trade rules. The most notable departure is that the time served on watch as third engineer with a second-class certificate



is qualifying-time for chief. The Board of Trade have raised shop service one year, which follows our lead in New Zealand, but does not go quite far enough. A number of new elementary questions are introduced, dealing with hydraulic, freezing, and electrical machinery, which is very necessary for present-day requirements, seeing that so many modern steamers are fitted with all these latest appliances. Survey op Steamers. All the work in connection with this branch of the Department has been kept up to date, and the supervision of repairs after survey has been subjected to the closest attention at the various ports. The Surveyors have also inspected vessels on several occasions between annual survey dates, at docking-times, to have a look at the hulls, and to see that the boats and equipments have been kept up to standard. Government Steamees. Plans and specifications for structural additions and renewals have been made for the C.G. steamers " Hinemoa," " Ellen Ballance," and " Tutanekai," and for minor repairs to several other Government vessels. The alterations to the "Hinemoa" comprise a complete new deck, new steel bulkhead at fore end of the saloon, new chart-house and bridge, new steering-gear steel house aft, electric-light installation, and general overhaul of machinery and rudder. The annual surveys of the steamers " Tutanekai," " Hinemoa," " Ellen Ballance," " Gordon," and the torpedo-boats have also been made. Auxiliary Machinery. Steamer surveys now take much longer, owing to the increase in the auxiliary machinery, and the appliances for saving fuel and economizing perishable stores. The responsibilities of the chief engineer of a steamer have also increased, both in the cargo and in the passenger lines, through the introduction of these scientific appliances, and it rests largely with him whether or not the ship will turn out a commercial success. Mishaps. The usual mishaps have occurred to steamers, such as broken shafts, defective steam-pipes, &c. The set periodical times for shaft-sighting and steam-pipe-testing are rigidly enforced, and owners now see the necessity for it. Although the loss of time in docking for shaft-inspection may seem a monetary loss, it is better to have the flaw discovered in dock than to have the steamer disabled by it at sea. The s.s. " Monowai," of the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, was drifting about for several days between Tasmania and New Zealand, the propeller-boss having given way. It is thought that the propeller had struck some floating wreckage, as the vessel was docked at Melbourne a short time before the mishap occurred, and at that time the propeller was carefully examined. Increase and Improvements in Steamers. The steam shipping has increased during the year, every new steamer having an additional improvement for the comfort of the traveller, some of the late additions to the fleet of the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand being very complete in this respect. Survey of Steamers Eeturn. Table No. 17 gives returns of steamers surveyed in New Zealand during the year ended 31st March, 1902, including the names of steamers, tons register, horse-power, nature of machinery and propeller. The number of steamers surveyed was 279, and the number of surveys made was 288. The fees payable in respect of such surveys amounted to £1,494. Eeturns. Appended are the returns in detail, numbered from 1 to 18. (1.) Number and class of boilers inspected and fees payable on these, the machinery inspected and the fees payable thereon, and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued and the fees payable therefor. (2.) Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. (3.) Return of notices given to repair boilers. (4.) Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. (5.) Return of accidents which were not fatal. (6.) Return of accidents which proved fatal. (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15). Names of all persons to whom land stationary certificates of service and competency have been granted during the year. (16.) List of applicants for marine engineers' certificates, with fees paid, during the year. (17.) Return as to vessels surveyed during the year. (18.) Return showing sums earned or received and amount expended during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers. Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Principal Engineer-Surveyor, and Chief Examiner of Engineers and Engine-drivers.




No. 1.

(a.) Retukn showing Numhek of Land Boilers and Machinery inspected for which Certificates are issued, for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. Boilers — Stationary—Five-horse power and under, 981; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 595 ; over 10-horse power, 1,194 ; digesters, 223 : total, 2,993. Portable—Five-horse power and under, 143 ; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 1,049 ; over 10-horse power, 194 : total, 1,386. Machinery— Hydraulic lifts, 127 ; gas lifts, 17 ; gas and water lifts, 8 ; oil lifts, 4; electric lifts, 7 ; steam and water lifts, 3 ; gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 67 ; water engines, water motors, and water wheels, 118; Peltons, 56; turbines, 53; gas engines, 461; oil engines, 72 ; steam machinery, 31 : total, 1,024. Grand total, 5,403. (b.) Ketubn showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery and for the issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. Fees payable. —On boilers, £4,906 10s.; on machinery, £141 17s. 6d. ; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £543 55.: total, £5,591 12s. 6d. Government boilers and lifts inspected, but not charged for, represent the further sum of £20. (c.) Betukn showing Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding-, Traction-, and Locomotive-engine Drivers, and to Steam-stationary-engine Drivers, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. Steam winding: Service 1, fees 2s. 6d. ; competency 27, fees £13 10s. : total fees, £13 12s. 6d. Traction and locomotive : Service 14, fees £1 15s. ; competency 152, fees £76 : total fees £77 15s. Steam stationary: Service—First class 685, fees £85 12s. 6d.; second class 386, fees £48'5s. : total service, 1,071; total fees, £133 17s. 6d. Competency—Extra first class, fees £6; first class, fees £119 ; second class 386, fees £193 : total competency, 511; total fees, £318. Summary of certificates issued: Service—Steam winding, 1 ; traction and locomotive, 14; stationary, 1,071 : total service, 1,086 ; total fees, £135 15s. Competency —Steam winding, 27; traction and locomotive, 152 ; stationary, 511: total competency, 690 ; total fees, £407 10s. Totals : Steam winding certificates, 28 ; fees, £13 12s. 6d. Traction and locomotive certificates, 166 ; fees, £77 15s. Stationary certificates, 1,582 ; fees, £451 17s. 6d. Total certificates, 1,776 ; total fees, £543 ss. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for drivers' fees amounts to £599 13s. 6d. for the financial year ended 31st March, 1902. This includes fees for certificates not yet issued.

No. 2.—Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during ihe Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. Four hundred and seven defects were found out, forty-eight of which were dangerous. Sixty-eight defective fittings were found on inspection, of which two were dangerous.

No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. Three hundred and ninety-three notices were given to repair boilers, and include boilers of the following types: Cornish, Lancashire, marine, portable, multitubular, semiportable, semitubular, traction, vertical flue, and water-tube.

No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. One hundred and forty-six notices were given to fence dangerous parts of machinery, and included fly-wheels, gearing, spindles, emery-wheels, driving-belts, ends of shafts, scutchers, and pulleys. Examples of Notices given. To protect main driving-belt, three lengths of shaft, and fly-wheel, and vacuum pump. (At Pelton water-wheel of crushing plant at gold-mine.) To fence belting. (Seed-cleaning gas-engine.) To fence winding-engine and main driving-belt, first counter-shaft and pulleys, also platform from which shafting is reached, shafting in battery-room and opening in floor of same, also shafting and fans in fan-room. (At machinery of freezing-works.) To fence fly-wheel of the engine, the pulleys and gearing of the washing-machine, the gearing that projects into passage, also the pulleys and gearing of the mangle. (Machinery in a hospital.)




No. 5.—Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902.

Name and Address of Owner. leacriptlQD o] Machinery. S'ami 1 and Age o: Person injured. ;ure of Accidem and Date. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Union Timber Company, Midhirst John Calder, Halkett Saw-bench T.Foster; aged 29 Four fingers severely cut; 3rd April, 1901 Right forearm crushed and hand severed ; 5th April, 1901 Arm crushed; 10th April, 1901 Cut on upper lip and bruised at back of head ; 11th April, 1901 Bruised finger ; 18th April, 1901 Bruised hand; 15 th May, 1901 Fingers severely cut& bruised; 16th May, 1901 Fingers crushed; 29th May, 1901 Cut across forehead; 11th June, 1901 Crushed foot; 17th June, 1901 Leg broken and bruised ; 24th June, 1901 Pat his hand back on the saw. Had four fingers amputated. Traction-engine and threshing-machine John Calder; aged 26 Loose sleeve of jumper caught in driving-gear. W. Cable and Co., Wellington A. Clark and Sons, Wellington Electric engine Hydraulic lift 0. Wilson; aged 37 P. Murdoch ; aged 14 Put hand on crank-pin while engine wag working, instead of stopping engine. Put his head inside cage after signalling all clear, thus getting jummed against guard-rail. Webster and Co., Christchurch Stacking-machine in tannery J. Hay ward; aged 18 Hold on to barrel after it had caught. Carelessness. Waiter Hill.Cbristchuroh Wool-scouring maohine J. Charlesworth; aged 18 J. Sheehan; aged 19 Lifting up spring roller, his hand oaught. John Anderson, Canterbury Foundry, Christchurch P. and D. Duncan, Christchurch T. N. Horsley and Co., Christchurch Iron- sawing machine Right hand caught in bevel wheel while steadying a piece of iron. Repairing machinery Pottery-factory W. Manchlin ; aged 63 W. Hosking; aged 15 Caught between two cog-wheels. Very slight. Wiiile he was feeding a pug-mill an elevator-belt jerked a shovel out of his liand and dashed it in hie faoe. While removirg an iron bracket from the forge it dropped on his foot. Robertson and Co., Wellington Boilermaker's forge J. Patterson ; aged 28 H. C. Gibbous, Wellington Gas-lift .. G. Matterson ; aged 56 He was altering the gripping-gear, and the cage dropped. He was in the employ of Mr. Seagar, and was repairing the lift. A casting slipped while being lifted on to the machine. A. and T. Buit, Dunedin Lifting-tackle H. Capon; aged 35 Two fingers crushed ; 3rd August, 1901 Struck on face by lever of machinery Fracture of right forearm ; 2nd September, 1901 Flesh-wound over eyelid ; 13th September, 1901 Top taken off finger; 20th September, 1901 Cut hand; 23rd September, 1901 Forefinger cut off; 28th September, 1901 Bruised leg; 8th October, 1901 A. and T. Burt, Dunedin Riveting-machine .. C. Forno; aged 16 Forno was walking under the lever of the machine. L u o a s Bros., ' Christchurch Foundry shafting, pulley, and belt M. M o r1o y ; aged 19 Adjusting belt on pulley while in motion. J. McGregor and Co., Dunedin Steam-hammer W. Courric; aged 24 Cutting off a piece of steel. Otago Central Foundry (Limited), Alexandra Drilling-machine .. A.Larson; aged 16 Cleaning cog-wheole while machine was in motion. Massey Bros., Auckland Boilermakers' shop W. McKay; aged 23 Fall of pieoe of boiler-plate. Skelton, Frostick, and Co., Christchurch Tiratu Sawmilling Company, Dannevirke C. Methven and Co., Dunedin Leather-press Frederick Hobbs ; aged 28 A. I. Tocker; aged 40 Carelessness. Sawmill .. Carelessness. Engineers' shop A.Connor; agedj 20 Abras ions of arm; 16th October, 1901 Top of finger taken o ff; ' 28th October, 1901 Arm taken off; 5th November, 1901 Hand cut; 8th November, 1901 Fingers of right hand split; 16th November, 1901 Thumb taken off and two fingers cut; 26th Novem ber, 1901 Top of finger taken off; 26th N ovember, Came into contact with an emerywheel while carrying a ladder. W. Cable and Co., Wellington Circular-saw A. Beecroft; aged 19 Carelessness in use of saw. Isaao Ooates, Hamilton Flax-machine (scutoh, &c.) Thomas Kelly; aged 18 Arm became entangled in hank, and was drawn into mouth of machine. J. MoGregor and Co., Dunedin Shearing-machine.. A. Henderson ; aged 19 Drew his hand along the edge of plate he was cutting. W. Cable and Co., Wellington Emery-wheel J. McKay ; aged 18 His hand slipped while grinding eleva-tor-shoes. Only a slight injury. James Macalister, Tnvercargill Circular-saw James Aitken ; aged 16 The block of wood that he was sawing slipped. Punohirig-machine J. Burns; aged 20 Careleesness of Burne. W. Cable and Co., Wellington


No. 5.—Return of Accidents not Fatal— continued.

No. 6.—Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902.


Name and Address of Owner. Descriyttiou of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. [Nature of Accident, and Date. Cause of Accident and Remarks. Southland Implement and Engineering Company A. and T. Burt, Dunedin Drilling-machine .. J. Gould; aged 18 Wound inhand; 7th December, 1901 Right hand and left arm bruised ; 3rd January, 1902 Crushed finger badly; 11th January, 1902 Finger twisted; 28th January, 1902 Finger cut off; 4th February, 1902 Thumb partly cut off; 20th February, 1902 Right hand cut and crushed ; 24th February, 1902 Crushed .foot; 25th February, 1902 Finger slightly cru-hed ; 1st March, 1902 Top taken off finger ; 23rd March, 1902 Arm injured; 26th March, 1902 Fing-rs bruised; October, 1901 Drilling holes in plate without holding down, Coppersmith's curv-ing-rollers J. Ovens; aged 15 Accidental. Returned to work 21st April, 1902. P. and D. Duncan, Ashburton Traotion-engine Riohard Williams; aged 27 Robert Essex; aged 16 While assisting in repair of engine king-bolt fell on his finger. A. and T. Burt, Dunedin Lathe Caught in lathe. New Zealand Government Railways, Petone E. A. Moore, Waikiwi Radial drilling-ma-chine G. Brundell; aged 17 Fingers caught in cog-wheels while cleaning maohine when in motion. Saw-bench F. Best; aged 27 Crosscutting rabbit-boxes. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Biscuit-outting machine Biscuit cutting machine T. French ; aged 19 James Coombs; aged 19 5 In stopping the machine to clear cutters of dough he did not put off belt properly ; the machine started, and cutters came down on his hand. Flesh-wound. Accidentally put foot between working arm of skip-motion and frame of biscuit-cutting machine. Fingers caught in cogs of back gear through hand slipping. W. J. A. Dutch, Wellington Lathe, with back gear George Cowan; aged 16 Beaney and Sons, Auckland Lathe D. Stricket, aged 25 Want of oare. J. McGregor and Co., Dunedin Drilling-machine . . W. Strang; aged 35 Sleeve of shirt got caught with drill. The Crown Iron Works Company, Chri-tchurch H. E. Shacklock (Limited), Dun edin Masefield and Co., Auckland Hydraulic press .. Frank Large; aged 20 A die dropped when being placed in the machine. Lift William Hambleton ; aged 62 E. P e ngelly ; aged 17 Broken ankle; 6th March, 1902 Arm cut; 31st July, 1901 Was employed overhauling the lift, and allowed it to run down. Emery-wheel Carelessness. Away from work two weeks and a half.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name of Person : Nature of Accident, injureJ. and Date. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Cluett and Potts, Toko, Taranaki Sawmill .. •• John Ball; aged 21 Instantaneous d ea i h ; 1st April, 1901 Arm broken and internal injuries; 19 th August, 1901 Fracture of arm and dislocation of spine; 5th September, 1901 Arm fractured and chest badly crushed; 22ud September, 1901 In s t antaneous death; 23rd Sept ember, 1901 2nd November, 1901 Caught in belt of vertical saw. No one saw the accident. Kauri Timber Company, Te Knpuru, Northern Wairoa Circular-saw bench A. H. West; aged 24 Dredging machinery j M. M. Elliott ; aged 32 Piece of timber coming over the dragsaw struck deceased. His duties did not require him to be behind the saw. Clothing of deceased caught round shaft while he was going to oil the friction-straps. Wakamarina Golden Point Dredgng Company, Blenheim Teviot Gold-dredg ing Company, Otago Driving-shaft of ele A.C. Cormack; vator on dredge aged 22 Slipped on gangway, and, catching hold of shaft to save himself, was drawn round it. Robert Gibbons, Kopu, Thames Sawmill at Topuni.. Robert Walker; aged 48 Deceased was standing between the driving-shaft and pulley, pulling belt round the bottom of the pulley, when his hand got taken round the pulley. Deceased was oiling the cog-wheels of a pug-mill with a spoon. The spoon dropped, and as he reached over to piok it up his necktie caught and he was drawn into the winding-drum. Through the elevator becoming choked, the belt was thrown off. Deceased attempted to replace the belt, and in doing so mounted a ladder which leaned against the beam from which the shaft was suspended. Either his arm caught in the shaft or the ladder broke, for he was drawn round the shaft, the legs being dashed against the beam overhead. C. Myers and Sons, Waikiwi Brickmaking- John Sheddon; machine aged 38 Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Dunedin Manure-mixing ma- John Wright, chinery aged 34 Caught in shafting ; 18th November, 1901


No. 7. — Betckn of Steam-winding-engine Dkiver to whom Ceetipicate of Service has been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902. No. : 44. Name of Person : James Martin. Date of Issue : 17th February, 1902.

No. B.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Deiveks to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 208. William Henry Spenoe .. .. May 27 209. Frederick James Leggo .. .. ~27 210. Clarenoe Skellern .. .. .. ~27 211. William Craighead .. .. .. July 3 212. James Loudon Wilson .. .. Aug. 29 213. Angus Theodore Young .. .. ~29 214. Bobert William Dundas .. .. ~29 215. Thomas Murdoch .. .. .. ~29 216. Harry Hubert Foster .. .. ~29 217. Harry Finlayson .. .. .. Oct. 19 218. Patrick Cotter .. .. .. Nov. 13 219. James Fitness .. .. .. ~13 220. Patrick Nolan .. .. .. ~13 221. Robert Pearce Carter .. .. ~13

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 222. John Donnelly .. .. .. Nov. 13 223. Alfred Hibbes Long .. .. .. ~13 224. Norman MoGruer .. .. .. ~13 1902. 225. Elisha Lingard .. .. .. Feb. 17 226. Henry Duncan Goldsworthy .. .. ~17 227. James Kinloch .. .. .. ~17 228. Bobert Gerald Ralph .. .. ~17 229. George Shearer Harvey .. .. ~17 230. Thomas Johnson .. .. .. ~17 231. Edwin Richard Mitchell .. .. ~17 232. Henry Bichard Cowan .. .. ~17 233. William Muir .. .. .. Mar. 27 234. William Henry Warburton .. .. ~27

No. 9.—Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 524. Valentine Joyce .. .. .. May 27 525. Daniel Braniff .. .. .. Aug. 29 526. Frederick Giblin .. .. .. ~29 527. Robert Garden .. .. .. Oct. 19 528. Archibald Black Sinclair .. .. ~19 529. Frank Wilson Pope .. .. .. Nov. 13 530. Ralph Elder .. .. .. ~13 531. John McPherson .. .. .. Dec. 19

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 532. Eustace Cleary .. .. .. Dec. 19 1902. 533. Weir MoMorran .. .. .. Feb. 17 534. Isaac Uden .. .. .. .. ~17 535. Richard James Murphy .. .. ]7 536. William Bailey .. .. .. ~17 537. Walter Lewis .. .. .. Mar. 27

No. 10. —Return of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 588. Robinson Clough .. .. .. April 22 589. Robert Ferguson Campbell .. .. ~22 590. William Bishell .. .. .. May 27 591. Walter James Faire .. .. ~27 592. Major Flavell .. .. .. ~27 593. Denis O'Louglilin .. .. .. ~27 594. Frank Stephen Stocker .. .. ~27 595. John Sm>th .. .. .. ~27 596. Thoma* Gilder .. .. .. 27 597. Robtrt, Thomas Theodore Davis .. ~27 598. Henry Brennan Kerr .. .. ~27 599. William Herbert Sterling .. .. ~27 600. John Thomas Clifford Booth .. ~27 001. John Henry Carrodus .. .. ~27 602. Arthur Dandy .. .. .. 27 603. John McMaster .. .. .. ~27 604. William S iuter .. .. .. ~27 605. James Andrew Berryman .. .. ~27 606. Edgar Harding .. .. .. July 3 607. Alexander Beattie .. .. .. Aug. 29 608. Einar Erickson .. .. .. ~29 609. Frank Ernest Powdrell .. .. ~29 610. James Dyson .. .. .. ~29 611. John Johnson .. .. .. ~29 612. Robert Bonnie Paul .. .. ~29 613. James William McCrostie .. .. ~29 614. Patrick McNeill .. .. .. ~29 615. Charles Trounce .. .. .. ~29 616. John Watson .. .. .. 29 617. Richard Ward .. .. .. ~29 618. Thomas Bainey .. .. .. ~29 619. John Mehriens .. .. .. ~29 620. Thomas Christopher Christeneen .. „ 29 621. William Atkinson .. .. .. ~29 622. James Nelson Laurie .. .. „ 29 623. George Smith Sutton .. .. ~29 624. Adam Fleck .. .. .. ~29 625. James Waters .. .. .. ,29 626. William Henry Melvin .. .. ~29 627. John Marshall .. .. .. ~29 628. John Robertson Jack .. .. ,29 629. Joseph Dunn .. .. .. ~29 630. Arthur Cumming .. .. .. ~29 631. John Morris Willetts ~ .. 29

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 632. Joseph Diokinson Wilson .. .. Aug. 29 633. James Stewart Lawrie .. .. „ 29 634. John McDowell .. .. .. ~29 635. Thomas Taylor .. .. .. ~29 636. William James Dellow .. .. ~29 637. John Laurence Gormack .. .. ~29 638. James Scott .. .. .. ~29 639. Edward Ryan .. .. .. ~29 640. John Henry Walker .. .. Oct. 19 641. Duncan McDonald .. .. ~19 642. William Walker Foster .. .. ~19 643. Hugh McDowell .. .. .. ~19 644. David Thomson .. .. .. ~19 645. James Purdie .. .. .. 19 646. William Gillbanka .. .. ~19 647. William Downes .. .. .. ~19 648. John Riohard Martin .. .. 19 649. John McDonnell, jun. .. .. ~19 650. Alexander McDonald .. .. Nov. 13 651. Isaac Allen, jun. .. .. .. ~13 652. Nathaniel Dixon .. .. .. ~13 653. Albert Edwin Coleman .. .. ,13 654. David Martin Martin .. .. ~13 655. Thomas James Ward .. .. ~13 656. David Clark, jun. .. .. .. ~13 657. Alexander Spence .. .. .. ~13 658. William Hazlett .. .. .. ~13 659. William John Oliver Anderson Irwin „ 13 660. James Clark .. .. .. ~13 661. Isaac Smith .. .. .. ,13 662. William Hamilton .. .. ~13 663. Walter Cobourne .. .. .. ~13 664. John Fallowfield Appleyard .. .. ~13 665. George Ernest Barnes .. .. ~13 666. Arthur Ernest Clark .. .. ~13 667. James Henderson .. .. .. ~13 668. John McVeigh .. .. .. ~13 669. Brian O'Connor .. .. .. ~13 670. James Quigley .. .. .. ~13 671. Harry Aldridge Robinson .. .. „ 13 672. Ernest Streeter .. .. .. ~13 673. William Tutty .. .. .. ~13 674. Guy George .. .. .. ~13 675. Hugh Robert Crossan .. .. ~13


11. !sa.

No. 10.—Ebturn of Traction- and Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902— contimied.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 676. Alexander Marshall • .. .. Nov. 18 677. Thomas Jenkins .. .. .. ~13 678. Patrick Joseph Hanley .. .. ~1.3 679. Thomas Ford .. .. .. ~13 680. William Currie .. .. .. „ 13 681. James Brown .. .. .. „ 1?, 682. Frank Bycroft Keall .. .. ~13 683. Robert Robinson .. .. .. ~13 684. James Saunders .. .. .. ~13 685. James Steel .. .. .. ~13 686. James Robert Tait .. .. .. ~13 687. Robert Wliytock .. .. .. ~13 688. James Craig .. .. .. ~13 689. William James Ayton .. .. '„ 13 690. Robert Reynolds .. .. .. ~13 691. John Albert George Starnes .. ~13 692. Henry Bainbridge .. .. .. ~13 693. Robert Dickson .. .. .. ~13 694. Robert Hardie Henry .. .. Dec. 19 695. James Skinner .. .. .. ~19 696. George Hector Matthews .. .. ~19 697. William Eggleton .. .. .. ~19 698. Norman Edward Gifford .. .. ~19 699. Joseph Henry James Bowater .. „ 19 700. George Frederick Wright .. .. ~19 701. Alfred Allen Matthews .. .. ~19 702. Robert Frost .. .. .. ~19 703. Albert Lawson .. .. .. ~19 704. George Kingdon Martin .. .. ~19 1902. 705. Robert Kerr .. .. .. Feb. 17 706. Richard Thomas Webb .. .. ~17 707. George Thomas Barker .. .. ■ „ 17

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 708. Arthur William Bennison .. .. Feb. 17 709. John Hamilton .. .. .. ~17 710. David John Smith-Leathern .. ~17 711. William McClure .. .. .. ~17 712. William Quigley .. .. .. ~17 713. George Shipley .. .. .. 17 714. Thomas John Stewart .. .. ~17 715. William Thomas .. .. .. ~17 716. George Willis .. .. .. ~17 717. David Milne .. .. .. ~17 718. Alfred Hide .. .. .. ~17 719. James Hamilton Taylor .. .. ~17 720. William Skene Jenkins .. .. ~17 721. John William Gunn .. .. ~17 722. David Gillespie .. .. .. ~17 723. Charles Moncrief Canning .. .. ~17 724. Frederick' George Mullenger .. „ 17 725. John Brown .. .. .. ~17 726. William Graham .. .. .. ~17 727. Alexander Robert Leonard .. .. ~17 728. Elias Henry Nankivell .. .. ~17 729. George Sidney Norman .. .. ~17 730. John King .. .. 17 731. Jamea Kelly .. .. .. Mar. 27 732. James William Fairlio .. .. ~27 733. Joseph O'Connell .. .. .. ~27 734. Franz Ertl .. .. .. ~27 735. Frank William James Chapman .. ~27 736. Richard Osnwell Speed .. .. ~27 737. Joseph George Garrett .. .. ~27 738. William Hugh Chambers .. .. ~27 739. Ambrose George Jackson .. .. ~27

No. 11.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. ] 1901. 795. Herbert Thomas Balfour .. .. April 22 796. William Goodwin .. .. .. 22 797. Hans Christian Hansen .. .. ,22 798. William Peter Kirkwood .. .. 22 j 799. Robert Lindsay .. .. .. 22 i 800. Lawrenoe Lord .. .. .. ~22 801. Joseph George Morris .. .. ~22 802. Thomas McMurtie .. .. .. ~22 803. Henry McCarthy .. .. .. ~22 804. Richard Crawford McQuade .. ~22 805. Robert Nicol .. .. .. ~22 806. William Joseph Roebuck .. .. ~22 807. Isaac James Wilson .. .. ~22 808. Conrad Henry Haub .. .. ~22 809. Timothy McMahon .. .. ~22 810. Charles Herbert Smith .. .. 22 811. James Straehan .. .. .. ~22 812. Edric Thompson .. .. .. ~22 813. Robert Troy .. .. .. ~22 814. John Warner .. .. .. ~22 815. John Wright .. .. .. 22 : 816. George Kidd Aekin .. .. .. ~22 817. Joseph Wontner Brown .. .. ~22 818. Thomas Samuel Presswell .. .. 22 \ 819. Richard Evernden .. .. .. 22 | 820. Alexander Sinclair Gillanders .. „ 22 i 821. John William Gordon .. .. ~22 822. Robert Helson .. .. .. ~22 823. William Hughes .. .. .. ~22 824. Ben Johnson .. .. .. ~22 825. William Carl Nicholson .. .. ~22 826. William Paul .. .. .. ~22 827. Alexander Perry .. .. .. ~22 828. Charles Weaver .. .. .. ~22 829. Patrick McDuff .. .. .. ~22 830. George James Fergusson Clark .. „ 22 831. Thomas Blong .. .. .. ~22 832. Joseph Donaldson .. .. .. ~22 833. Andrew Less Hayward .. .. ~22 834. William Parsons .. .. .. ~22 835. John Stewart .. .. .. ~22 836. William Lockwood Mitchell .. „ 22 837. Abel Dickinson .. .. .. ~22 838. Arthur Rufi .. .. .. 22 j 839. Herbert Scott Molineaux .. .. ~22 840. James Henry Havelook Speedy .. „ 22 841. John Stewart .. .. .. ~22

2—H. 15a.

I No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue 1901. 842. Frederick Audley .. .. .. April 22 843. Hugh Sargeant Barrett .. .. ~22 844. James Boswell .. .. .. ~22 I 845. Robert William Dundas .. .. ~22 846. Alfred John Durham .. .. ~22 847. Robert Hetherington .. .. ~22 848. Gilbert Paterson Blue .. .. ~22 849. John Downey .. .. .. ~22 850. Charles Hannigan .. .. .. ~22 851. James Howlison .. .. .. ~22 852. Francis Kitto .. .. .. ~22 853. Alexander Hunter MoKenzie .. „ 22 854. John Osborne .. .. .. ~22 855. George Sinclair .. .. .. ~22 856. John Tough .. .. .. ~22 857. George Henry Brocklehurst .. May 27 858. James Charleston .. .. .. ~27 859. James Coleman .. .. .. ~27 860. Joseph Henry Coupe .. .. ~27 861. Ernest Edward Gamman .. .. ~27 : 862. Charles Hollings .. .. .. ~27 863. David Hunter .. .. .. ~27 864. Peter Jenkins .. .. .. 27 \ 865. Charles Milne .. .. .. ~27 ; 866. William MoKirdy .. .. .. ~27 867. Thomas Briggs Ramsden .. .. May 27 868. James Roy, jun. .. .. .. ~27 869. James Patrick Ryan .. .. ~27 870. John Fife Semple .. .. .. ~27 871. Alfred George Skilton .. .. ~27 872. Mark Turnbull Thompson .. .. ~27 873. Daniel Wilson .. .. .. ~27 874. Thomas Grundy .. .. .. ~27 875. William Copeland MoCallum .. „ 27 876. Richard Newell .. .. .. ~27 877. Thomas Urry .. .. .. ~27 878. Francis Edward Vibert, sen. .. „ 27 879. Edwin James Bradnam .. .. ~27 880. James Davies .. .. .. ~27 881. Frederick John Foote .. .. ~27 882. Charles Ramsay .. .. .. ~27 883. Alexander White .. .. .. ~27 884. Andrew Young .. .. .. ~27 I 885. Francis Henderson .. .. ~27 886. Charles Johnson .. .. .. ~27 887. Francis James Roche .. .. ~27 888. William Duncan Campbell .. .. ~27



No. 11.— Beturn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers—Service— continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 889. James Craig .. .. .. May 27 890. Stephen Kelly .. .. .. ~27 891. John Francis Kitto .. .. ~27 892. John Moyle .. .. .. ~27 893. William Renshaw .. .. .. ~27 894. Walter Wright .. .. .. ~27 895. Halooinbe Munse Young .. .. ~27 896. George Beattie .. .. .. ~27 897. George Lindsay .. .. .. ~27 898. Murdoch Mackintosh .. .. ~27 899. Edward Williams .. .. .. ~27 900. William Highet .. .. .. ~27 901. George Henry Burrows .. .. ~27 902. Gilbert Cunningham .. .. ~27 903. William Henry Sinclair .. .. ~27 904. John Mair Walker .. .. .. ~27 905. William Whiterod .. .. .. ~27 906. Walter Randolph Meyer .. .. ~27 907. William Roy .. .. .. ~27 908. David Chalmers .. .. .. July 3 909. George Christie .. .. .. „ 3 910. James Poster .. .. «. „ 3 911. Adam Hambleton .. .. .. „ 3 912. Thomas Harris Harrison .. .. ~ 3 913. William Holmes .. .. .. „ 3 914. Alfred Edward Hughes .. .. „ 3 915. Andrew Marshall .. .. . . „ 3 916. Thomas Maxwell Milligan .. .. „ 3 917. John Moffat .. .. .. „ 3 918. Henry John Moffitt .. .. „ 3 919. Robert Watson Mcln tosh .. .. „ 3 920. William Frederick McLeod .. .. „ 3 921. Walter Joseph Newton .. .. „ 3 922. William Henry Smart .. .. „ 3 923. Archibald Speir .. .. .. „ 3 924. Henry Richard Stewart .. .. „ 3 925. Robert Thompson .. .. .. „ 3 926. John Thornley .. .. .. „ 3 927. Thomas Henry Ufton .. .. „ 3 928. Robert Vause .. .. .. „ 3 929. Benjamin Williams .. .. „ 3 930. William Henry Butler .. .. „ 3 931. Joseph Noble .. .. .. „ 3 932. Joseph Proud .. .. .. „ 3 933. Robert Campbell .. .. .. „ 3 934. Michael McGinnis .. .. .. „ 3 ■ 935. Matthew Godfrey Baker .. .. ~ 3 936. Joe Beverley .. .. .. „ 3 937. Peter Busbridge .. .. .. „ 3 938. Thomas Daly .. .. .. „ 3 939. William James Duthie .. .. „ 3 940. James Fryer .. .. .. „ 3 941. Edward Thomas Kennedy .. .. „ 3 942. Robert Mann .. .. .. „ 3 943. George Arthur Meier .. .. „ 3 944. Luke Martin Moore .. .. „ 3 945. John McGregor .. .. .. „ 3 946. Arthur Charles McLean .. .. „ 3 947. James Nichol .. .. .. „ 3 948. George Darroch Pulham .. .. „ 3 949. Frederick William Soppet .. .. „ 3 950. Robert Chapman .. .. .. „ 3 952. William Henry Elmore .. .. „ 3 954. Ernest William Lawrie .. .. „ 3 955. James Rowe .. .. .. „ 3 956. John Hislop .. .. .. „ 3 957. John Paterson .. .. .. „ 3 958. Andrew Watson .. .. .. „ 3 959. George Bennet .. .. .. Aug. 29 960. Arthur Irvine .. .. .. ~29 961. Pr ter Findlay McKay .. .. ~29 962. Hugh Nixon .. .. .. ~29 963. John Henry Nodwell .. .. ~29 964. Anthony Parker .. .. .. ~29 965. Samuel'Plimley .. .. .. ~29 966. John James Poroh .. .. .. ~29 967. Matthew Poultney .. .. .. .29 968. John Sampson .. .. .. ~29 969. Richard Skellern .. .. .. . „ 29 970. William Henry Smith .. .. 29 971. James Hull .. .. .. ~29 972. John Walter Duggan .. .. ~29 973. David Rankin Sheriff Galbraith .. „ 29 974. James Spriggens .. .. .. ~29 975. Robert Black .. .. .. ~29 976. John Bradshaw .. .. .. ~29 977. Robert Macdonald .. .. .. ~29 978. Alfred James Craddook .. .. ~29 979.' George Eriokson .. .. .. ,29

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 980. John McClure .. .. •• Aug. 29 981. William Henry Gore .. • • „ 29 982. James Lincoln .. . • • • ~29 983. James Robson .. .. • • ~29 984. George Ernest Inger .. • • ~29 985. William Freeman .. .. • • ~29 986. Arthur James Eliiston .. .. ~29 987. Alexander Davidson .. • • ~29 988. William Thomas Moyle .. • • ~29 989. Robert John McFarlane .. ■ ■ ~29 990. Frederick William Pope .. .. ~29 991. Wallace John Massey .. • • ~29 992. Alexander Cowan .. .. • ■ ~29 993. Lewie Griffin .. .. • • ~29 994. Frederick Heslin .. .. • • ~29 995. Peter George Kelly .. .. • • ~29 996. Thomas Edwin Kilworth .. .. ~29 997. William Park Maxwell .. . - ~29 998. John Read.. .. .. •• ~29 999. Arthur Bernard Beale .. .. ~29 1000. Edward Chapman .. .. ■ • ~29 1001. Thomas Michael O'Rourku .. .. ~29 1002. Horace George Minett Priestly .. ~29 1003. John Leak .. ■ • • • ~29 1004. Albert George Eagle .. .. ~29 1005. Edwin Stanford Hibbard .. .. ~29 1006. William Joseph Ross .. • ■ ~29 1007. George Scobbie .. .. • • ~29 1008. Thomas Herbert Bezar .. .. ~29 1009. Henry Smith McNicoll .. .. ~29 1010. John Wiseman .. .. • • ~29 1011. Thomas James Barnes .. .. ~29 1012. James Healey .. .. • ■ ~29 1013. Willie Hodge .. .. • • ~29 1014. George Pannell .. .. . • ~29 1015. Thomas Smith .. .. .. ~29 1016. William Peter Daly .. • ■ ~29 1017. Franz Ertl .. .. ■ • ,-29 1018. Robert Forsyth .. .. • • ~29 1019. William Garbutt .. .. •• ~29 1020. Thomas Joseph Hallinan .. .. ~29 1021. George Albert Lishman .. .. ~29 1022. Joseph Marriott .. .. .. ~29 1023. Frank Percy Moren .. .. ~29 1024. George McCluskey .. .. • • ~29 1025. Charles McQueen, jun. .. .. ~29 1026. John Marius Neilson .. .. ~29 1027. James O'Neill .. .. - • ~29 1028. John Vincent Riesterer „ 29 1029. David Kinnear Smith .. .. ~29 1030. Robert Smith .. .. .. ~29 1031. James Newton .. .. .. ~29 1032. William Todd .. .. • • ~29 1033. John Henry L'etcher .. .. ~29 1034. Henry James Hansen .. .. ~29 1035. Michael Stephen O'Malley .. .. ~29 1036. Thomas Henry Bushell .. .. ~29 1037. William Williams .. .. . • ~29 1038. Matthew Guy .. .. • • ~29 1039. William Morgan .. .. .. ~29 1040. Robert Ross .. .. • • ~29 1041. Robert Ross .. .. • • ~29 1042. Simon William Wilson .. . • „ 29 1043. Arthur Cometti .. .. .. Oot. 19 1044. James Durward .. .. .. ~19 1045. William King .. .. • • ~19 1046. William Slater .. .. .. ~19 1047. James Steer .. .. • ■ ~19 1048. John Walker Vaughan .. .. ~19 1049. Charles Edward Vercoe .. .. ~19 1050. William Clark .. .. • ■ ~19 1051. James Black .. .. .. ~19 1052. John Thomas Casey .. .. ~19 1053. William Gribben Baird .. .. ~19 1054. George Leonard Gregg .. .. ~19 1055. Samuel Dawson Hanna .. .. 19 1056. Thomas Keen .. .. . • ~19 1057. Robert Taylor Millar .. .. ~19 1058. George Washington Moore .. .. ~19 1059. William Murray .. .. .. ~19 1060. Allan Smith Molntosh .. .. ~19 1061. William Noble .. .. .. ~19 1062. Sydney Martin Pocook .. .. ~19 1063. William Smart .. .. .. ~19 1064. Arthur George Tatton .. .. ~19 1065. Horace Tomkies .. .. .. ~19 1066. Charles White .. .. • • ~19 1067. Charles Bennet .. .. .. ~19 1068. Joseph Hawkey Bunt ~ .. ~19



ISFo. 11.—Retuen of First-class Stationaky-engine Drivers—Service— continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1 1901. 1069. Eobert Fimister .. .. .. Oct. 19 1070. William Hurrell .. .. .. * 19 1071. John Methers .. .. .. ~19 1072. Archibald McNeil .. .. .. ,19 1073. Robert Sanders .. .. .. 19 1074. John Walsh .. .. .. ,19 1075. William James Watson .. .. ,19 1076. Patrick Alfred Westcott .. .. ~19 1077. Michael Moore .. .. .. ~19 1078. James Sinclair .. .. .. ~19 1079. John Edward Manson .. .. ~19 1080. John James Watterson .. .. ~19 1081. James Bennet .. .. .. ~19 1082. Angus Kennedy .. .. .. ~19 1083. Charles Milne .. .. .. ~19 1084. Prank Wilson Pope .. .. ~19 1085. Henry Sohaumann .. .. .. ~ 19 1086. William Henry Soott .. .. ~19 1087. Robert Smith .. .. .. ~19 1088. James Joseph Walsh .. .. ~19 1089. George Thomas Smith .. .. ~19 1090. Edward Lamb .. .. .. ,19 1091. Robert Caehman .. .. .. 19 1092. Thomas Barton .. .. .. ,19 1093. George Leopold Hyde .. .. ~19 1094. Clement Peech .. .. .. ,19 1095. Albert John Riches.. .. .. ~19 1096. Thomas Wall .. .. .. ~19 1097. Archibald Murray .. .. .. ~19 1098. John Jackson Muesicks .. .. „ 19 ! 1099. Henry William Barnes, jun. .. „ 19 1100. William Griffiths, sen. .. .. ~19 1101. Thomas Maxwell .. .. .. ~19 1102. William Carr .. .. .. 19 1103. Thomas Doney .. .. .. ~19 1104. William Parr .. .. .. ~19 1105. John William Fowler .. .. ~19 1106. Alfred Dowden Hamilton .. .. ~19 1107. William Jones .. .. .. ~19 1108. James Ledingham .. .. .. ~19 1109. Eobert Rae .. .. .. ~19 1110. Claranco Skellern .. .. .. ~19 1111. William Coulson .. .. .. ~19 1112. John Best .. .. .. .. ~19 1113. Levi Collier .. .. .. ,19 1114. James Gifien .. .. .. ~19 1115. John Henderson .. .. .. ~19 .1116. James Lisle .. .. .. ~19 1117. John Black .. .. .. Nov. 13 1118. John Watson Coulson .. .. ~13 1119. William Cummock.. .. .. ~13 1120. Alfred Harraway .. .. .. ~13 1121. Hamilton Hay .. .. .. ~13 1122. George Jones .. .. .. ~13 1123. Samuel Milbank .. .. .. ~13 1124. George Orlando Oldham .. .. ~13 1125. Charles Philip .. .. .. ~13 1126. William Poppelwell .. .. ~13 1127. George Robb .. .. .. ~13 1128. William Benjamin Walters .. .. ~13 1129. George Williams .. .. .. ~13 1130. Charles Edgar Neville Woodmin .. „' 13 1131. James Affleck .. .. .. ~13 1132. William Richard Border .. .. ~13 1133. John Elliott Christmas .. .. ~13 1134. Samuel Coard .. .. .. ~13 1135. Henry Coutts .. .. .. ~13 1136. Alexander McQueen .. .. ~13 1137. Henry Rollinson .. .. .. ~13 1138. James Henry Collett .. .. ~13 1139. Robert Davidson .. .. .. ~13 1140. William Griffiths .. .. .. ,18 1141. William Llewellyn .. .. .. ~13 1142. Edward Mervyn Vickerman.. .. ~13 1143. William John Maddren .. .. ~13 1144. Francis Williams .. .. .. ~13 1145. Duncan Bringans .. .. .. ~13 1146. Joseph Benoit Bourgois .. .. ~13 1147. Albert Cederman .. .. .. ~13 1148. Thomas Henry Gourley .. .. ,18 1149. William Gilbert Mouat .. .. 13 1150. Thomas Plummer Clarke .. .. 13 1151. Henry Gray .. .. .. ~13 1152. Thomas McVicker .. .. .. 13 1153. Thomas Bringans .. .. .. 13 1154. Gavin Dickson .. .. • • ~13 1355. George Fisher .. .. .. „ 13 1156. Dugald McGregor .. .. .. .13 1157. Frederick J. Stratford .. .. 13

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 1158. James Alexander Waruock .. .. Nov. 13 1159. Frederick William Ziplinsky .. „ 13 1160. Ernest Biggin .. '.. .. ,13 1161. James Bristow Howard .. .. ~13 1162. Peter Smellie .. .. .. ~13 1163. Edward Bell .. .. .. ~13 ; 1164. James Bain Auld .. .. .. ~13 1165. Archibald Cox .. .. .. ~13 1166. Maurice Henry McCraw .. .. ~13 1167. Walter Wilby .. .. .. ~13 1168. David Biackadder .. .. .. Dec. 19 1169. Francis Henry Brown .. .. ~19 1170. James Davidson .. .. .. ~19 1171. James Purse Gamble .. .. ~19 1172. Claude Campbell Hall Gibbons .. „ 19 1173. James Edmond Goodall .. .. ~19 1174. Norman Henderson .. .. ~19 1175. John James Jackson .. .. ~19 1176. Miohael Johnston .. .. .. ~19 1177. John McKenzie .. .. .. ~19 1178. James Nisbet .. .. .. ~39 1179. Daniel Parker .. .. .. ~19 1180. Frederick Fitzgerald Resta .. .. ~19 1181. William Soott Riddell .. .. ~19 1182. Walter Percy Stevens .. .. ~19 1183. Arthur Gretton Tomkies .. .. ~19 1184. Manson Theodore West .. .. ~19 1185. James Hewitt .. .. .. ~19 1186. Arthur Walker Stuckey .. .. ~19 1187. Ernest Tirarau Walker .. .. ~19 ! 1188. Henry George Bruce .. .. ~19 1 1189. Robert Young Clow .. .. ~19 I 1190. Austin Felix Dugdale .. .. ,19 1191. Robert Gilchrist Forrester .. .. ~19 1192. Henry Smith Hall .. .. .. ~19 1193. Charles Frederick Johnston .. .. ~19 1194. Hilary Quertier .. .. .. ~19 1195. David Caithness .. ... •• ~19 1196. Henry Brown .. .. .. ~19 1197. Harry Crowther .. .. .. ~19 1198. Hugh Pughe Jones .. .. .. ~19 1199. Alexander McGruer .. .. ~19 1200. Richard Mackay .. .. .. ~19 1201. George Walker M.c Lay .. .. ~19 1202. John Watts Wallace .. .. ~19 1203. William Thomas Stevens .. .. ~19 1204. James Brown .. .. .. ~19 1205. William Francis Humphreys .. „ 19 1206. William Weir .. .. • • ~19 1207. Amos Clegg .. .. .. ~19 1208. John Haig .. .. .. ~19 1209. John William Perriam .. .. ~19 1210. Charles Henry Carter .. .. ~19 1211. William James Crozier .. .. ~19 1212. Edward Durston .. .. • ■ ~19 1213. Charles Hornby .. .. .. ~19 1214. Julius Porritt .. .. • • ~19 1215. Henry Williamson .. .. •• ~19 1216. John Andrew Johnson .. . • ~19 1217. Alexander Allan .. .. • ■ ~19 1218. George Robert Holmes .. .. ~19 1219. Patrick Meehan .. .. ■ ■ ~19 1220. Benjamin MoPherson .. •. ~19 1221. James Wilkes .. .. .. ~19 1222. John Morrison .. .. ■ • ~19 1223. Noah Morgan Harry .. .. ~19 1224. William Herous .. .. • ■ 19 1225. Francis Soott .. .. ■ • ~19 1226. James Smith .. .. • • ~19 1227. Matthew James Woodward .. .. ~19 1228. James Baird .. .. • • ~19 1229. George Clarkson .. • • • • 19 1230. Martin Edward George Richard Lock „ 19 1231. John Benjamin Morris .. .. ~19 1232. Henry Simmonds .. .. •■ ~19 1233. Charles Spain .. .. • • ~19 1234. Johnson Thomas .. .. • ■ 19 1235. Trevor Samuel Atkinson .. .. ~19 1236. Michael Donoghue .. .. .. ~19 1237. Benjamin Burgess .. .. • • ~19 1238. David Mochan .. .. • • ~19 1239. John William Rewcastle .. .. 19 1240. David Davies .. .. • • ~19 1241. John Bulliff Bennett .. .. ~19 1242. Thomas Stuart Gurr .. .. ~19 1243. Frederick Ernest Allen .. .. ~19 1244. Alexander Allen .. .. • • ~19 1902. 1245. Alfred Alsop .. • • • • Feb. 17


n. -15a


No. 11. —Beturn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers —Service — continued.

No. ana Name of Person. Date of Issue. I 1902. 1246. William Brunsden .. .. .. Fob. 17 1247. Alfred Clode, jun. .. .. .. ~17 1248. Thomas Lee .. .. 17 1249. James Martin .. .. .. ~17 1250. Angus MoGarvick .. .. .. ~17 1251. Eobert Eiordan .. .. .. ~17 1252. John Ahem .. .. .. ~17 1253. William John Barlow .. .. ~17 1254. John Dempster, jun. .. .. ~17 1255. Charles Frederick Partington .. „ 17 1256. Edgar Sainsbury .. .. .. ~17 1257. John Henry Adams .. .. .. ~17 1258. Philip Michael French .. .. ~17 1259. Charles Head .. .. .. ~17 1260. Charles Kemp .. .. .. ~17 1261. Patrick Regan .. .. .. ~17 1262. John Robert Lawrence .. .. ~17 1263. Charles Henry Eustace .. .. ~17 1264. John Christopher Chapman .. .. „ 17 1265. Thomas Saundry Leggs .. .. ~17 1266. John McKenzie .. .. .. ~17 1267. James McNeil .. .. .. ~17 1268. Cuthbert Priest .. .. .. ~17 1269. Isaac Smale .. .. .. ~.17 1270. Albert John Warring .. .. „ 17 ! 1271. Arthur George Rich Williams; .. ~17 1272. James Joseph Coulter .. .. ~17 1273. James Leslie Chalmers .. .. ~17 1274. Charles Edward Knight .. .. ~17 1275. Edward Benson .. .. .. ~17 1276. Thomas Arthur Graham .. .. ~17 1277. William Robertson .. .. .. 17 1278. William David Lindsay McLean .. „ 17 1279. Richard Ivey .. .. .. ~17 1280. George Alfred Friers .. .. ~17 1281. Edwin Lovell Grigg .. .. ~17 1282. Patrick Keegan .. .. .. ~17 1283. Hugh Barton Murray .. .. ~17 1284. James McClymont .. .. .. ~17 1285. Thomas Francis O'Sullivan .. .. ~17 1286. John Whitehouse .. .. .. ~17 1287. Henry Thomas Claro .. .. ,17 1288. Edward George McDougall .. .. ,17 1289. William Monro Watt .. .. ~17 1290. George AnDand .. .. .. ~17 1291. William Ashley .. .. .. ~17 1292. George Forbes, jun. .. .. ~17 1293. Harry Adams .. .. .. ~17 1-294. Robert Campbell .. .. .. ~17 1295. Alfred Carter, jun. .. .. '.. „ 17 1296. Warrand Wilson Carter .. .. ~17 1297. Joseph Simpson Clout .. .. ~17 1298. James Collins .. .. .. ~17 1299. Louis Morel .. .. .. ~17 1300. John MacLaren .. .. .. ~17 1301. Frederick Arthur Palmer .. .. ~17 1302. Charles Edward Passmore .. .. ~17 1303. James Richmond .. .. .. ~17 1304. George Scoles .. .. .. ~17 1305. Robert Scott .. .. .. ~17 1306. John Francis Smither .. .. ~17 1307. Thomas Sneyd .. .. .. ~17 1308. Malcolm Turner .. .. .. ~17 1309. Andrew Anderson Wallace .. .. ~17 1310. George Patterson .. .. .. ~17 1311. Joseph Harden .. .. .. ~17 1312. Edward George Child .. .. ~17 1313. Charles Harrod .. .. .. ~17

No. and Name of Person. Date ot Issue. 1902. 1314. Henry Richard Cowan .. .. Feb. 17 1315. Samuel Cooper .. .. .. 17 1316. John William Trevithick .. .. ,17 1317. Louis Lawrence Anderson .. .. „ 17 1318. William Bainbridge .. .. ,17 1319. Edward Hayes .. .. .. ~17 1320. David McLeod Nicolson .. .. ,17 1821. James Bryce .. .. .. ~17 1322. William Joseph Legg .. .. 17 1323. Thomas Steele .. .. .. 17 1324. Frederick John George Brown .. „ 17 1325. Bernard Cull .. .. .. ,17 1326. Henry Wallace Gifford .. .. 17 1327. Chris. Jenkins .. .. .. 17 1328. William Jonathan Lightfoot .. „ 17 1329. William Walter Macfarlane .. .. ,17 1330. Arohibald Walter Titley .. .. ,17 1331. Samuel Carey Brown .. .. 17 1332. Heury Ruscoe .. .. .. 17 1333. Rees Williams .. .. .. ,17 1334. Thomas Duncan Campbell .. .. ,17 1335. Major Hooper Clark, jun. .. .. 17 1336. George Oates .. .. .. .17 1337. John Soobie Ritchie .. .. ,17 1338. David Shand .. .. .. 17 1339. William Annan .. .. .. 17 1340. William Jackson Edmond .. .. 17 1341. William Whitelaw .. .. .. ,17 1342. George James Lamont Gurr .. .. Mar. 27 1343. John Mcllroy .. .. .. 27 1344. Henry Campbell Greene .. .. 27 1345. Thomas Basil Stewart .. ~ 27 1346. James Morrison .. .. .. 27 1347. John Campbell .. .. .. „ 27 1348. Peter John Sloane .. .. .. 27 1349. Edward Biddle .. .. .. 27 1350. Thomas Glenn .. .. .. 27 1351. Oliver Johnson .. .. .. 27 1352. William Milne .. .. .. 27 1353. Henry Monoriefi .. .. .. 27 1354. William Nisbet .. .. .. 27 1355. Joseph William Crofts .. .. 27 1356. Iver Austad .. .. .. 27 1357. Alexander Beam .. .. .. 27 1358. Alexander Feathers .. .. 27 1359. Robert Alexander McLeod .. .. 27 1360. Carl Hansen .. .. .. 27 1361. Charles Stubbs .. .. .. 27 1362. George Campbell .. .. .. 27 1363. James Slator .. .. .. 27 1364. Alexander Jordan .. .. .. 27 1365. James Archibald Macdonald .. 27 1366. William Richard Gibson .. .. 27 1367. Allan McDonald .. .. .. 27 1368. John William Jenkins .. .. 27 1369. Philip Brennan .. .. .. 27 1370. John Carroll .. .. .. 27 1371. Thomas Chapman .. .. .. 27 1372. Jonathan Griffin .. .. .. 27 1373. George Frederick Jones .. .. 27 1374. Duncan McCallum .. .. .. 27 1375.. Duncan McLean .. .. .. 27 1376.' William Sandilands .. .. 27 1377. John Richardson Crallan .. .. 27 1378. Donald Sutherland .. .. .. 27 1379. Richard Vicars .. .. .. 27 1380. Walter Burnside .. .. .. 27 1381. William Holt .. .. .. 27

No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationaky-bngine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. aDd Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 395. Charles Hollings .. .. .. April 22 396. Frank Hunter .. .. .. ~22 397. Thomas More .. .. .. ~22 398. Keith Stewart McKinna .. .. ~22 399. Edward Wenmouth .. .. .. ~22 400. George Mills .. .. .. ~22 401. Thomas Clark .. .. .. ~22 402. William John Inglis .. .. ~22 403. Robert Watson Mclntosh .. .. ~22 404. Henry George Woods .. .. ~22 405. Alexander Melville Wilson .. .. ~22 406. George Frederick Armstrong .. .. ~22 407. Alexander Johnston .. .. ~22

No. and Name of Person. Date ot Issue. 1901. 408. Richard Green .. .. .. April 22 409. William Holmes .. .. .. ~22 410. Hector Bruce MoAra .. .. ~22 411. Robert Wright .. .. .. ~22 412. Patrick Weaver- .. .. .. ~22 413. Hugh Robertson .. .. .. ~22 414. George Henry Gibson .. .. ~22 415. Patrick McSkimming, jun. .. .. ~22 416. Hugh Heeney .. .. .. ~22 417. Rutland William Hunt .. .. ~22 418. Thomas Michael Killery .. .. ~22 419. William Ross .. .. .. ~22 420. Neils Christian Kourad Shon.. .. ~22


No. 12.—Beturn of Second-class Stationary-engine Dbivhb^—Sbeviob— continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. ) 421. Thomas Hayes .. .. •• April 22 422. Charles Henry Broome .. .. May 27 423. Harvey Burr .. ... • ■ 27 424. Peter Creagh .. .. ■ • ~27 425. Andrew Ronaldaon OuDningham .. „ 27 426. David Dunwoodie .. .. • • ~27 427. Thomas M. Ellis .. .. •• ,27 428. William Thomas Tonkin Fleming .. ~27 429. Christopher Inkster .. .. .. ~27 430. Joseph James .. . • • • » 27 431. William Henry Kent .. • • „ 27 432. Joseph Moyna .. .. • • ~27 433. George Rodda .. .. ■ • ~27 434. William Rodgers .. .. •. 27 435. Thomas Seoular .. .. .. •. 27 436. Job Stanley .. .. • ■ ~27 437. Arthur W. Sutcliffe .. .. .. ~27 438. William Thomas .. .. .. ~27 439. Andrew Robert Chisholm .. .. ~27 440. William Griffiths .. .. .. ~27 441. Theophilus George Love .. .. ~27 442. George Jones .. • • • • ~27 443. Joseph William Percy Newsome .. ~ 27 444. James Albert Wakelin .. .. ~27 445. John Rodgers .. .. .. ~27 446. Charles Harrod .. .. •. ~27 447. John H. Hunter .. .. .. ~27 448. Hugh Henry Watson .. .. ~27 449. Gavin Weir .. .. • • ~27 450. Alexander McDonald .. .. ~27 451. James Bissell .. .. .. ~27 452. George Boswell .. .. • ■ ~27 453. Robert Callaway .. .. .. ~27 454. Edward Hughes .. .. . ■ ~27 455. Robert Johnsou .. .. .. ~27 456. Alexander Pryde, jun. .. .. ~27 457. Alfred Robert Richardson .. .. ~27 458. Charles .. • • • • ~27 459. William Charles Brown .. .. July 3 460. Harry Butcher .. .. .. ~ 3 461. Rice Owen Clark .. .. .. ~ 3 462. Alexander Govan .. .. .. ~ 3 463. James Kinahan .. .. .. „ 3 464. Donald McDonald .. .. .. „ 3 465. William Linney .. .. .. ~ 8 466. Simon Neileon .. .. .. „ 3 467. Daniel Braniff .. .. .. ~ 3 , 468. Thomas Summerton .. .. ~ 3 ' 469. William Joseph Berrill .. .. ~ 8 470. James William Hamilton .. .. ~ 3 471. Alexander McLellan .. .. ~ 3 472. William Thomas Tomlinson .. .. „ 3 473. Charles Hornby .. .. .. „ 3 474. Patrick Madigan .. .. .. „ 3 475. Joseph Burnett Collie .. .. ~ 3 476. William Stevens .. .. .. Aug. 29 477. John Aitken Allender .. .. 29 478. William Fraser Bell .. .. ~29 479. Walter Wai eh .. .. .. ~29 480. Frederick James Sanger Henderson .. „ 29 481. Hugh Nelson .. .. .. ~29 482. Thomas Milner Gunnel 1 Treugrove .. „ 29 483. William Henry Wensor .. .. ~29 484. William Mummery .. .. .. ~29 485. Adam Clarke Girven, jun. .. .. ~29 486. James Fairley .. .. • • ~29 487. Charles Boyd .. .. • • ~29 488. William Alexander Doran .. .. ~29 489. John Ambrose Ralph .. .. ~29 490. William Owen .. .. • • ~29 491. Walter George .. .. .. ~29 492. James Hamilton .. .. .. ~29 493. James Alexander Maffeu .. .. « 29 494. Walter Rennie .. .. .. ~29 495. Hugh Ferry-wheir Meikle .. .. ~29 496. Edwin Mitohell .. .. .. ~29 497. Alexander McLeod .. .. .. ~29 498. George Edward Terry Tuck .. .. .29 499. William John Wick .. .. .. ~29 500. Stephen Maher .. .. .. ~29 501. John Powell Payton .. .. ~29 502. John Crichton .. .. .. 29 503. Thomas Bell .. .. ~29 504. William Simpson .. .. .. ~29 505. William George Frenoh .. .. ~29 506. John Chapman .. .. .. 29 507. Michael Matthews .. .. .. ~29 508. Donald Noble Biseett .. .. ~29 509. Peter Curtin .. .. ■ • .29

I No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 510. George Burton .. .. • • Oct. 19 511. Thomas Ganley .. .. •• ~19 512. George Moon, jun. .. .. ■• ~19 513. Frederick Moore .. .. •• ~ l'J 514. James McCorkindale .. .. ,19 515. George Robert Beecroft • • • • ~19 516. William Beecroft .. .. • • .19 517. Alfred Kebey Codlin .. .. ~19 518. John Thomas Dowd .. .. .. ,19 519. James Drysdale .. • • ■ • ~19 520. Charles Sydney Alfred Maddook .. „ 19 521. Francis John Le Marquand .. .. ~19 522. William Marstin .. .. • • ~19 523. John Murray .. •■ • ■ .19 524. Charles Henry Sampson .. .. ~19 525. Alexander Young .. .. • • ~19 526. Percival Calvort Knight Young .. „ 19 527. Alfred Bacon .. • • • • ~19 528. Peter Brewin .. ■. • ■ ~19 529. Charles Bryan .. .. ■ • ~19 530. James Frederick Cornish .. • • ~19 531. Tom Fessey .. •. • • ~19 532. Frederick Johnson .. .. ■. ~19 533. John Kelman .. .. • ■ ~19 534. John William Lemme .. .. ~19 535. George Stewart .. .. • • ~19 536. David Patrick Stuart .. .. ~19 537. John Russell Young .. .. ~19 538. Charies Otway Langham .. .. ~19 539. Charles William Baker .. .. ~19 540. Thomas Lane .. . ■ • • ~19 541. Henry Mitchell .. . • • • » 19 542. John McQuilkin .. .. . ■ ~19 543. Arthur Watson .. .. • • ~19 544. Henry August Wick, jun. . .■ .. ~19 545. Harry Shelmordine Leicester .. „ 19 546. William Stewart Hennah .. .. ~19 547. Osmond Butler .. •. ■ • ~19 548. Adam William Maclarn .. .. ~19 549. Thomas Marr .. • • • ■ ~19 550. Thomas Rolton .. .. • • ~19 551. William Weir .. .. •• ~19 552. John Foster Batey .. .. • • ~19 553. William James Telfer Ayson .. .. ~19 554. Thomas Homowood .. .. . • ~19 555. John Andrew Johnson .. .. ~19 556. Nathan Greaves .. .. • • ~19 557. Kenneth Hutchisou Trail .. .. ~19 558. Lewis Herbert Trcvena .. .. ~19 559. Charles Curno .. .. • • ~19 560. Francis Glancy .. .. .. ~19 561. Oscar Olsen .. .. ■■ ~19 562. Victor Louis Longuet .. .. ~19 563. Robert Alexander Dickie .. -. ~19 564. Robert Aldworth .. .. .. Nov. 13 565. Daniel Davey .. .. •• ~13 566. Harry Jewiss .. .. • ■ ~13 567. William James Boyce .. • • ~13 568. Joseph Simpson Clout .. .. ~13 569. Francis William Falconer .. .. ~13 570. David Hamilton .. .. ■. ~13 571. Thomas Moyle .. . • • • ~13 572. Sydney Parsons .. .. • • ~13 573. Dugald Campbell Smith .. .. ~13 574. Ricbard Henry Naylor .. .. ~13 575. Alfred Woldon Stringer .. .. ~13 576. John Young Hannay .. .. ~13 577. Charles Henry Fleming .. .. ~13 578. John Grant Dreaver.. .. •• ~13 579. Robert Frederick Hinton Aldworth .. „ 13 580. Alexander Macandrew Howison .. „ 13 581. Nicolai Jacob Nilsen .. • • ~13 582. George Austin Barker .. ■ • ~13 583. Walter Lewis Child .. •. ■ • 19 584. Albert Hassall .. • • • • ~19 585. John Butler .. • • • • ~19 586. Frederick Histed .. .. • ■ ~19 587. George Kitt .. • • ■ ■ ~19 588. William Frederick Rankin .. .. ~19 589. William James Robertson .. .. ~19 590. Edwin Thomas Roe .. .. • • ~19 591. Nicholas Rowe .. .. ■• ~19 592. Thomas Rowe .. .. • • ~19 593. William Rowe .. ■ ■ • ■ ~19 594. Alfred Rutland Seccoinbe . • ■ • ~19 595. Arthur Smith .. .. • • ~19 596. George Smith .. .. • • ~19 597. William Walker Walls .. .. ~19 598. Christopher Walsh .. .. .. ~19



No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers—Service — continued.

No. ana Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 599. Arthur Eldridge PhilpoU .. .. Deo. 19 600. Alfred Ansell .. .. .. ~19 601. Charles Ward Slymon ... .. „ 19 602. Archibald Newitt .. .. .. ~19 603. Peter James Hughes .. .. ~19 604. Frederick Kiernan .. .. .. „ 19 605. Charles Francis John Biggs .. .. ~19 606. Charles Foster .. .. .. ~19 607. Robert Taylor .. .. .. 19 , 608. Allan Preshan Bremner .. .. ~19 609. Archibald Ellis .. .. .. .19 610. Robert Reginald Owen Masefield .. „ 19 611. Nicholas Gillson March .. .. ,19 612. Robert Ross McDonald .. .. ,19 613. John Patrick Fuller , . .. .. ~19 614. John Mains .. .. .. ~19 615. Thomas Bustin .. .. .. ~19 616. James Miller .. .. .. ~19 617. James Brewin .. .. .. ~19 618. Alexander Robbie .. .. .. ~19 619. John Alexander Wilson .. .. ~19 620. Frederick Cooper Leary .. .. ~19 621. Edward Benjamin Youngman .. „ 19 622. Joseph Burns .. .. .. ~19 623. Harry Paterson .. .. .. 19 ; 624. John Dawson .. .. .. ,19 1902. 625. Ralph Andrews .. .. .. Feb. 17 626. William Brown .. .. .. ~17 627. Charles Benjamin Gaby .. .. ~17 628. Walter Henry Leslie .. .. ~17 629. Albert Richard James Melvin .. „ 17 630. George William Mirk .. .. ~17 631. Douglas Campbell Waldie .. .. ~17 632. Thomas Wearne .. .. .. ~17 633. Patrick O'Connor .. .. .. ~17 634. John Hulse.. .. .. .. ~17 635. Joseph Riggers .. .. .. ~17 636. Ethelbert Croucher .. -, .. ~17 637. Hayes Croucher .. .. .. ~17 638. John Martin Croucher .. .. ~17 639. Ernest John William Hauley.. .. „ 17 640. William Henry Collis .. .. ~17 641. William Charles Mayne .. .. ~17 642. James MoAnulty .. .. .. ~17

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 643. Robert McDonald .. .. .. Feb. 17 644. Thomas Henry Wilson .. .. ~17 645. Cornelius James Billington .. .. „ 17 646. Charles Suttie .. .. .. ~17 647. Albert Edward Braund .. .. ~17 648. Thomas Chapman .. .. .. ,17 649. William David Crysell .. .. ~17 650. John Nicholson Taylor .. .. ~17 651. Cecil Strange Haggitt .. .. ~17 652. James Bishop Orr .. .. .. ~17 653. Laurenoe Henry Gordon .. .. ~17 654. Alexander Burns .. . .. ~17 655. Lewis Frederick Coleman .. .. ~17 ' 656. William McCorkindale .. .. ~17 657. John Percy .. .. .. ~17 658. Alexander Eagleton .. .. .. ~17 659. Walter Saunders .. .. .. ~17 660. Rice Owen Clark, jun. .. .. ~17 661. John Edward Taylor .. ..• „ 17 662. Gilbert Fraser Hurrey .. .. ~17 663. John Webster .. .. .. ~17 664. Carl Minge .. .. .. .. ~17 665. William Edwards .. .. .. ~17 666. John McKinnon .. .. .. ~17 : 667. George Clough .. .. .. ~17 668. John Maddon .. .. .. ~17 669. Percival Robert Parker .. .. ~17 670. Colin Brown .. .. .. ~17 671. Joseph'McDonald .. .. .. ~17 672. Herbert Stubbington .. .. ~17 673. David Thomas Hope .. .. Mar. 27 674. Robert George Carter .. .. 27 i 675. Albert Edward Friend .. .. ~27 i 676. James Geraghty .. .. .. ~27 677. Edward Jensen .. .. .. ,27 678. Daniel Martin Coughlan .. .. ~27 679. George Larking .. .. .. ~27 680. Edwin Albert Frederick Bovan .. ~27 681. Sidney Jeffery .. .. .. ~27 682. John McCroskie .. .. .. ~27 683. John Henry William Wolteradorf .. ~27 684. Thomas Norrie Horsley .. .. ~27 686. James Hobbs .. .. .. ~27 687. James Cockburn .. .. .. ~27

No. 13.—Eeturn of Extra First-class Stationaky-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. ami Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 6. Ernest Herbert Hobday .. .. May 27 7. Henry Wilson Roy .. .. .. Aug. 29 8. Frank Slade .. .. .. .. Oct. 19 9. George Thomas Slade .. .. Deo. 19

I No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 10. John Clarkson Phillips Maynard .. Feb. 17 11. James Wilson Bower .. .. .. ~17

No. 14.—Eetukn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 43. Albert Edward Brown .. .. April 22 44. Charles Flavell .. .. .. May 27 45. Oscar Edward Owles .. .. „ 27 46. James Alexander Henderson .. .. ~27 47. Robert Archibald Denniston .. .. ~27 48. John Benson Oartsburn Watt .. ~27 49. James Young Kelly .. .. .. ~27 50. Harold Rochfort .. .. .. ~27 51. Francis Smith .. .. .. July 3 52. Henry Edmund Judd .. .. „ 3 53. Arthur Willie Walter Hodge .. .. 3 54. Herbert Samuel Derbridge .. .. Aug. 29 55. Frederiok Dalgety Sutherland .. ~29 56. William Lowrie Gray .. .. ~29 57. Matthew Osborne .. .. .. ~29 58. Joseph Preddy .. .. .. ~29 59. Joseph Hopkirk .. .. ' .. ~29 60. George Matthew Humphreys .. .. ~29 61. Henry Mclntyre .. .. .. ~29 62. Ralph Sneyd Smith .. .. .. ~29 63. Herbert Alfred Blatch .. .. ~29 64. John Peddie .. .. .. ~29 65. George Robert Pirie .. .. .. ~29 66. Andrew Farquharson Ridland .. ~29 67. Thomas Stuart Storrar .. .. ~29

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 68. Arthur Renuie Watson .. .. Aug. 29 69. Charles John Styche.. .. .. ~29 70. Charles James Ash .. .. .. ~29 71. Lionel Otho Nugent Abbott .. .. ~29 72. Thomas Nelson Henry .. .. ~29 73. Robert Murray .. .. .. ~29 74. Henry Mills Stowe Scon .. .. ~29 75. Edwin Harvey Tremain .. .. ~29 76. James Atkinson Floyd .. .. ~29 77. Franz Roering .. .. .. ~29 78. Norman Mahon Jervis .. .. ~29 79. Arthur Burton .. .. .. ~29 80. Robert Henderson .. .. .. ~29 81. John Nicol .. .. .. .. ~29 82. Albert Edward Shirley .. .. ~29 83. James MoDougall .. .. .. ~29 84. John Haxton Thomson Stark.. .. „ 29 85. Herbert Christian .. .. .. ~29 86. Thomas Gilooly .. .. .. ~29 87. Harry Finlayson .. .. .. Oct. 19 88. Harry Freethy .. .. .. ~19 89. William Earnshaw .. .. .. ~19 90. George Richard Hale .. .. ~19 91. Edwin Barlow .. .. .. ~19 92. Ernest Augustus McConnel-.. .. ~19



No. 14.—Eeturn of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers—Competency— -continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 93. Edwin Exell .. .. .. Nov. 13 94. Alexander John Black .. .. „ 13 ; 95. Maxwell Devenish Meares .. .. ~13 96. William Morris .. .. .. 13 j 97. Peroival Harry Adams .. .. 13 j 98. John Barrow .. .. .. „ 13 ; 99. Henry John Beck .. .. .. 13 j 100. Nathan Farmer .. .. .. „ . 18 101. Joseph Powell .. .. .. .18 102. E'nenezer William Hamilton .. .. „ 13 i 103. Robert Hardie Henry .. .. „ 13 j 104. William Jaoobsen .. .. .. ~13 105. John Goodall Jarrett .. .. ~13 106. Frank Byoroft Keal .. .. .. 13 j 107. John Thomas Lowden .. .. ~13 108. Edgar Finest O'Daniels .. .. ~13 109. James Sawle .. .. .. ~13 110. John Scott .. .. .. .. ~13 111. Edward Tully .. .. . • ~13 112. Archie Edward Bruce Ward .. .. „ 13 ! 113. William Henry Woodward .. .. .18 114. James Somerville Don .. .. ~13 115. John Miller .. .. .. ~13 116. George Edgar .. .. .. ~13 117. Herbert Henry Evans .. .. ~13 118. Archibald Benjamin Badmin Percy .. ~13 119. Bruce Charles Goudie .. .. Dec. 19 120. James Richardson .. .. .. ~19 121. William Bray O'Brien .. .. ~19 122. Llewellyn George Denton James .. ~19 1902. 123. Frederick Openshaw Baker .. .. Feb. 17 124. John Ernest Denton .. .. ~17 125. William Collett .. .. .. ~17 126. John Clarkson Phillips Maynard .. ~17

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. I 127. Robert John Murray .. .. Feb. 17 ; 128. Charles Clarke .. .. .. ~17 129. Duncan McGregor .. .. .. ~17 130. John Heath Johnston .. .. ~17 J 131. Alexander Riddell .. .. .. ~17 132. Thomas Smith .. .. .. ~17 133. John Dawson .. .. .. ~17 i 134. Thomas William Felton .. .. ~17 ; 135. Robert Parr .. .. .. ~17 I 136. Edwin Metherell .. .. .. ~17 ! 137. Allan Gait .. .. .. .. ~17 j 138. Allan Mair Jackson .. .. .. ~17 139. Frank Carey Bates .. .. .. ~17 ! 140. Norman James Ronaldson .. .. ~17 141. Frank John Edward Smallbone .. ~17 142. Edward Sutherland Robson .. .. ~17 143. John Denniston Smith .. .. ~17 I 144. Thomas Hanry Davidson, jun. .. ~17 145. William Hutchinson Dennison .. ~17 j 146. Henry William Bobin .. .. ~17 147. George Hunter .. .. .. ~17 I 148. John MoLean .. .. .. ~17 149. Percy Wilfred Moss .. .. .. Mar. 27 150. Francis Albert Smith .. .. ~27 151. Daniel Forno .. .. .. ~27 152. Robert Henry Kelly .. .. .. ~27 153. Arthur Seldon Pike .. .. .. ~27 154. Andrew Campbell .. .. .. ~27 155. David Henderson .. .. .. ~27 156. Samuel Robinson .. .. .. ~27 157. Charles Henry Kellett .. .. ~27 158. Arthur Edwin Coleman .. .. ~27 159. Frank Mellish .. .. .. ~27 160. George Rodgers .. .. .. ~27 161. George William Searles .. .. ~27

No, 15. —Eetubn of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from Ist April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 202. John Doras.. .. .. .. April 22 203. John William Thompson .. .. ~22 204. Wilson Hagen .. .. .. ~22 205. Joseph Barker Snasdell .. .. ~22 ' 206. James Aikman .. .. .. May 27 207. James Wilson Bruoe .. .. ~27 208. Arthur Samuel Carr.. .. .. ~27 209. Robert Zechariah Davis .. .. ~27 210. Alexander Morrie .. .. .. ~27 211. Charles Joseph Morgan .. .. ~27 212. Levi James.. .. .. .. ~27 213. Robert Leeming .. .. .. ~27 214. James Henry Garlick .. .. ,27 215. William Aitchison .. .. .. ~27 216. William Cromar .. .. .. ~27 217. Alfred Richard Jones .. .. „ 27 218. George Riordan .. .. .. ~27 219. James Robb .. .. .. ~27 220. Ralph Sneyd Smith .. .. .. ~27 221. Ernest Reginald Sprague .. .. ~27 222. George Murray .. .. .. ~27 223. Alexander Fraser .. .. .. ~27 224. Alfred Davies Wragge .. .. ~27 225. Stanley Foster .. .. .. ~27 226. George Shearer Harvey .. .. ~27 227. Charles Henry Smythe .. .. ~27 228. Thomas Sneyd .. .. .. ~27 229. John Gay Butterworth .. .. ~27 230. John Louis Ching .. .. .. ~27 231. William Frederick Pellew .. .. ~27 232. Preston Henry Hulton Harold Webber „ 27 233. Norman Henderson .. .. .. ~27 234. Harry Edgerton .. .. .. ~27 235. Cnarles William Feilen .. .. ~27 236. Jamea Nickoles Mutch .. .. ~27 237. Frank Bnsworth Taylor .. .. ~27 238. John McVean Walker .. .. ~27 239. William Young .. .. .. ~27 240. William Birkmyre Young .. .. ~27 241. Alexander Milne Dawson .. .. ~27 242. Thomas Henry Burrell .. .. July 3 243. William Thomas Chappell .. .. „ 3 244. Philip George Bowater .. .. „ 3 245. Albert Samuel Brugh .. .. „ 3 246. John Joseph Corr .. .. .. „ 3 247. William James Garrett .. .. „ 3

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 248. James Joseph Mohan .. .. July 3 249. John Graham Quinn .. .. „ 3 250. Herbert George Hool .. .. „ 3 251. John Cameron .. .. .. „ 3 252. William Downie .. .. .. „ 3 253. Frank Clerkin .. .. .. „ 3 254. William Herbert Thompson .. .. „ 3 255. Michael Moye .. .. .. „ 3 256. Donald John McDonald .. .. „ 3 257. John Joseph Turnbull .. .. „ 3 258. James Stevenson .. .. .. Aug. 29 259. John Booth.. .. .. .. ~29 260. William Walters McCabe .. .. ~29 261. Alexander Robert McNeil .. .. ~29 262. Colin Campbell Algie .. .. ~29 263. Robertson Brown .. .. .. ~29 264. Walter Humphrey Ray .. .. ~29 265. Thomas Lloyd .. .. .. ~29 266. John James Thompson .. .. ~29 267. Victor John Joseph Bice .. .. ~29 268. Thomas Palmer .. .. .. ,29 269. James Kinnaird .. .. .. 29 270. Edward Andersen Laurvig .. .. ~29 271. Charles Henry Wellman .. .. 29 272. George Plank .. .. .. ~29 273. Henry Dearing .. .. .. 29 274. Samuel Price Evans.. .. .. ~29 275. Edward Morgan .. .. .. ~29 276. Robert Fairo .. .. .. ~29 277. Gerald Irvine Lowe .. .. .. ~29 278. William Charles Stokes .. .. ~29 279. Francis Richard Metherell .. .. ~29 280. Thomas Nelson Rawlinson .. .. ~29 281. Joseph William Jemison .. .. 29 282. John Therkleson .. .. .. 29 283. Esau Lee .. .. .. .. ~29 284. William Harris .. .. .. ~29 285. Rufus Lee .. .. .. .. ~29 286. James McDonald .. .. .. ~29 287. Harry Shaw .. .. .. 29 288. Paul Benjamin Wilton .. .. 29 289. Donald Fraser .. .. .. ~29 290. Emil Johannes Johanson .. .. ~29 291. Robert Young Glow .. .. .. ~29 292. William James Larcombe .. .. ~29 293. Henry Richard Davis .. .. ~29



No. 15.—Eetuen of Second-class Stationary-engine Deivebs—Competency— continued.

No. a,nd Name of Person. Date of Issue. . 1901. 294. George Lindsay .. .. .. Aug. 29 295. Rodger Meldrum .. .. .. ~29 296. Nathaniel Todd .. .. .. ~29 297. George Woods .. .. .. ~29 298. Thomas Joseph Boyle .. .. ~29 299. William Johnston .. .. .. ~29 300. John Duncan .. .. .. ~29 301. Thomas McNeill .. .. .. ~29 302. Samuel McTaggart .. .. .. ~29 303. Henry William Lambton Pascoe .. „ 29 304. James John Rapsey .. .. .. ~29 305. Edward George Silk .. .. .. ~29 306. George Kay.. .. .. .. ~29 307. William John Stevenson .. .. ~29 308. Robert Howorth .. .. .. ~29 309. Richard Osnwell Speed .. .. ~29 310. Robert Bregmen .. .. .. ~29 311. William Brentnall, jun. .. .. 29 312. Frank Brewin .. .. .. ~29 213. Hugh Brown .. .. .. ~29 314. Stanley Howard Empson .. .. ~29 315. George Beath Fisher .. .. ~29 316. John Gaddis .. .. .. ~29 317. Frank Holmes .. .. .. ~29 318. William Innes .. .. .. ~29 319. St. Clair Nathaniel Henry Macdonald.. „ 29 320. Arthur Morgan .. .. .. ~29 321. Robert Tudor Pownall .. .. ~29 322. John Sutherland Sinclair .. .. ~29 323. William Thomas Bloy .. .. ~29 324. Alexander George Morris .. .. ~29 325. John Gray .. .. .. ~29 326. Richard Jones .. .. .. ~29 327. Thomas Stout Macgregor .. .. ~29 328. Robert Aitken McLay .. .. ~29 329. Horace Pope .. .. .. ~29 330. John Lumsden Robb .. .. „ 29 331. William Thomas Mitchell .. .. „ 29 332. John Joseph Green .. .. .. „ 29 333. Walter Mnrdook Matheson .. .. „ 29 334. Angus Neil Matheson .. .. „ 29 335. Denis Pont.. .. .. 29 336. David Tucker .. .. .. „ 29 337. John William Gibbons .. .. „ 29 338. Frederick Mathias Jaeobsen .. .. ~29 339. William Sasse .. .. .. ~29 340. William Howie Kilgour .. .. „ 29 341. Allan McEachen .. .. „ 29 342. William Harrison .. .. 29 343. George Henry Paul .. .. 29 344. Edward Callaghan .. .. .. „ 29 345. Valentine Morris .. .. 29 346. James Pollock .. .. .. ~29 347. Charles Daniel Brent .. .. „ 29 348. John Jelly Halliday.. .. .. „ 29 349. Charles Cyril Sanders .. .. „ 29 350. Hume Raitt .. .. .. „ 29 351. John Moffat Cameron .. .. „ 29 352. Robert Marshall Ray .. .. „ 29 353. Francis Raper .. .. .. „ 29 354. John James Vincent .. .. Oct. 19 355. Martin Elliott .. .. .. „ 19 356. Jacob Alfred Jaeobsen .. .. „ 19 357. Otto Sasse .. .. .. 19 358. Alfred James Pritchard .. .. „ 19 359. Alfred Edwin Hunt .. .. .. „ 19 360. James Henry Naylor .. .. „ 19 361. George Henry Perry.. .. .. „ 19 362. Frank White .. .. .. „ 19 363. Allan Henry Thompson .. .. „ 19 364. Ernest Schafer .. .. .. „ 19 365. Henry James Bright .. .. „ 19 366. William James Lodge .. .. „ 19 367. George William Coates .. .. Nov. 13 368. Charles Ernest Henry Boys .. .. „ 13 369. George Hollier .. .. .. „ 13 370. Henry David Moss .. .. .. „ 13 371. James Mathieson .. .. .. „ 13 372. John Roddan .. .. .. „ 13 373. George Hedges .. .. .. „ 13 374. William James Dickens .. .. „ 13 375. Richard Lyons Roe .. .. .. „ 13 376. William Bird .. .. 13 377. Thomas Morgan .. .. .. „ 13 378. Frederick Sunkel .. .. .. „ 13 379. John Sidney Shrimpton .. .. . „ 13 380. John Alexander Stewart Aitken .. „ 13 381. James Goode Mcllwrick .. .. „ 13 382. James Smellie .. .. .. . 13

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1901. 383. Thomas Frederiok Bryan .. .. Nov. 13 384. Robert Boyd Wilson.. .. .. „ 13 385. William Barr Reid .. .. 13 386. Ernest Vallance .. .. .. „ 13 387. John Gotfried Dudeok .. .. , 13 388. Arthur John Richard Worm .. .. „ 13 389. John Thornton Godfrey Collas .. „ 13 390. Thomas Maxwell Ford .. .. „ 13 391. Arthur Jones .. .. .. „ 13 392. Joseph Hill.. ..' .. .. „ 13 393. William Maxwell Lawson .. .. „ 13 394. Edwin Charles Paull .. .. ~ 13 395. John McDonald .. .. .. „ 13 396. Arthur McCrystall .. .. .. „ 13 397. Nathaniel Stafford .. .. .. „ 13 398. James MoErlean .. .. .. „ 13 399. Archibald Craig .. .. .. „ 13 400. William McDonald .. .. 13 401. Samuel Learmont .. .. .. ~ 13 402. Charles Sedley Benn .. .. „ 13 403. John Cheyne McLellan .. .. „ 13 404. Frederiok John Hamer .. .. „ 13 405. Robert Robertson .. .. .. „ 13 406. Alexander Ritch .. .. 13 407. Robert George Foster .. .. „ 13 408. James Hogarth Smaill .. .. „ 13 409. Herbert D ividson Taylor .. .. „ 13 410. William Dickson .. .. 13 411. Peter McOnie McLay .. .. „ 13 412. Peter Walker .. .. .. „ 13 413. John Patterson .. .. •. ~ 13 414. James Currie .. .. .. ~ 13 415. John Bain .. .. .. 13 416. Archibald Grubb Drummond.. .. „ 13 417. Robert Findlay .. .. 13 418. James Barolay Kirklaud .. .. „ 13 419. William Donald McKay .. .. „ 13 420. Andrew McNeil .. .. 13 421. Robert William Moffitt .. .. ~ 13 422. Louis Eugene Nees .. .. .. „ 13 423. Fred Albert Oddie .. .. .. „ 13 424. George Sohluter .. .. .. „ 13 425. Thomas Stewart Spencer .. .. „ 13 426. William Wurr .. .. 13 427. William McAra .. .. 13 428. Edward Grange .. .. .. .13 429. Jonathan Griffin .. .. .. „ 13 430. Neil McDonald .. .. 13 431. Frank Joseph Rambaud .. .. „ 13 432. David Smith .. .. .. „ 13 433. Norman Morris Russell .. .. „ 13 434. Edwin Smallman .. .. .. „ 13 435. William Thompson .. .. .. „ 13 436. William Wallace .. .. .. „ 13 437. Frederiok Walter Robinson .. .. „ 13 438. John Henry MoKenzie .. .. Dec. 19 439. John Tobeek .. .. .. „ 19 440. John Jolly .. .. .. 19 441. Robert Scott .. .. .. „ 19 442. Percival Joseph Burt .. .. „ 19 443. Harold John Fowler .. .. „ 19 444. Frederick Charles Edwards .. .. „ 19 445. Charley Cresswell Beattie .. .. „ 19 446. Augustus George Hicks .. .. „ 19 447. Alexander Allison .. .. .. „ 19 448. Gavin Wallace .. .. .. » 19 449. Charles Ernest Stock .. .. „ 19 450. Miohael Walshe .. .. .. „ 19 451. William Frederiok Henry Sturm .. „ 19 1902. 452. William McDowell .. .. .. Feb. 17 453. Albert William Upjohn .. .. „ 17 454. Charles Robert Burridge Upjohn .. „ 17 455. Thomas Minehan .. .. .. „ 17 456. Thomas Joseph Barrett .. .. „ 17 457. Albert Bissell .. .. .. „ 17 458. Herbert John Buckland .. .. „ 17 459. Stuart Henry Graham Ferris .. „ 17 460. John Mcßean .. .. .. „ 17 461. Frederick William Orams .. .. „ 17 462. Peter Dafforn .. .. .. „ 17 463. Henry Charles Richards .. .. „ 17 464. Thomas Patrick Walshe .. .. „ 17 465. Edwin Browne .. .. .. „ 17 466. William Finlayson .. .. .. „ 17 467. Thomas Patrick Keating .. .. „ 17 468. Bendix Hallenstein Kerr .. .. „ 17 469. Francis Reuben Fenton .. .. „ 17 470. Robert Lalor .. .. .. „ 17



No. 15. —Beturn of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers—Competency.— continued.

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 471. William Herbert Robinson .. .. Feb. 17 472. John Martin Francis Rogers .. .. „ 17 473. William Cormaok .. .. .. „ 17 474. Ernest Wilson .. .. .. „ 17 475. Frank Wylde .. .. .. „ 17 476. Frederick Cullmann.. .. .. „ 17 477. Patrick Freeburn Keenan .. .. „ 17 478. George Grant McAlpine .. .. „ 17 479. George Gofton .. .. .. „ 17 480. Patrick O'Donnell .. .. .. . 17 481. Alfred Oscar Cook .. .. .. „ 17 482. William John Atherton .. .. „ 17 483. Fergus Ferguson Macleod .. .. „ 17 484. John McAulay .. .. 17 485. Herbert Gibb'ie .. .. 17 486. John Charlee Ray .. .. .. „ 17 487. Arthur John Hewetson .. .. „ 17 488. Marriet Harry Jamieson .. .. „ 17 489. George Owler .. .. .. „ 17 490. William James Petheriok .. .. „ 17 491. George Edgar Tomlinson .. .. „ 17 492. John Thomas Nicol Work .. .. „ 17 493. Archibald Ellis .. .. .. „ 17 494. Thomas Mackie Robertson .. .. „ 17 495. Charles Palmer Home .. .. „ 17 496. Frederick Joseph Sydney Ellis .. „ 17 497. William Barnett .. .. .. „ 17 498. Ernest George Alford .. .. „ 17 499. Alfred Anderson .. .. .. „ 17 500. Henry John Fozakerlay Burrowes .. „ 17 501. John Currie .. .. .. „ 17 502. John Griffin, jun. .. .. .. „ 17 503. George Kay .. .. .. „ 17 504. Alexander Murdoch .. .. .. „ 17 505. William Smith .. .. 17 506. William Robert Young .. .. „ 17 507. John Laidlaw Woodward .. .. „ 17 508. Herbert Marshall .. .. .. „ 17 509. James McKay .. .. .. „ 17 510. George Christmas .. .. .. „ 17 511. William Christmas .. .. 17 512. James Martin .. .. .. „ 17 513. Henry Hayes .. .. .. „ 17 514. Michael James Collins .. .. „ 17 515. Frederick Mendoza .. .. .. „ 17 516. Hugh Mackie .. .. .. „ 17 517. Charles Eugene McGill .. .. „ 17 518. George Watt, jun. .. .. .. „ 17 519. James Watt .. .. 17 520. William Gibson Young .. .. „ 17 521. William Bain .. .. .. „ 17 522. 'Hugh Cameron .. .. .. „ 17 523. John Archibald Campbell .. .. „ 17 524. John Mearns Davidson .. .. „ 17 525. Frank Marshall .. .. .. „ 17 526. Edward Nicholas Mills .. .. .. 17 527. Henry Neil Mills, jun. .. .. „ 17 528. William Samson Mills .. .. „ 17 529. Alexander Davidson Macgregoi , .. „ 17

No. and Name of Person. Date of Issue. 1902. 530. George Lucas Nelson .. .. Feb. 17 531. Robert Williams .. .. .. „ 17 532. James Wilson Robertson .. .. „ IT 533. William Richards .. .. .. „ IT 534. Thomas Lloyd .. .. .. „ 17 535. Matthew MoLeod .. .. .. „ 17 536. George Brand .. .. 17 537. James Hogan .. .. .. „ 17 538. Henry Goddard .. .. 17 539. Henry Steele .. .. .. Mar. 27 540. Frederick Elmers .. .. .. ~ 27 541. Sydney Hewetson .. .. .. ~27 542. Ralph Clark Moyle .. .. .. ~27 543. John Kay .. .. .. 27 544. Joseph Hunter .. .. .. „ 27 545. John Richard Dalton .. .. „ 27 546. John Stuart MacKae .. .. „ 27 547. Matthew Hendy .. .. .. ~27 548. Patrick O'Connor .. .. .. ~27 549. Thomas Reese Sneddon .. .. ~27 550. William O'Brien .. .. 27 551. John James Bardsley .. .. ~27 552. John Joseph Enright .. .. „ 27 553. Frank William Jeffreys .. .. „ 27 554. James Kirker .. .. .. „ 27 555. John Robertson Melvin .. .. „ 27 556. Frederick Clarke McCabe .. .. „ 27 557. John, Edmund McCabe .. .. „ 27 558. Edward Robert Simpson .. .. „ 27 559. Francis Woodhouse .. .. .. ~27 560. Francis Falconer .. .. .. „ 27 561. James Cormack .. .. .. ~27 562. Robert James Kirkwood .. .. „ 27 563. Wallace Carr .. .. 27 564. George Craib Lawrence .. .. ~27 565. James Halbert Matthews .. .. ~27 566. Thomas McMullan .. .. .. „ 27 567. Lewis Deans Ritchie .. .. „ 27 568. Arthur Robbins .. .. .. ~27 569. James Leopold yon Haast .. .. ~27 570. Simon Weatherall .. .. .. ~27 571. Francis Alfred Wells .. .. „ 2T 572. George Scott Slater .. .. .. „ 27 573. Thomas James Doolan .. .. „ 27 574. William Henry Spain .. .. 27 575. James Nicholson .. .. .. ~27 576. Raymond Fitzmaurice .. .. , 27 577. Henry Spencer .. .. .. „ 27 578. James Moye .. . .• .. „ 27 579. Percy Nicolson .. .. .. „ 27 580. John Findlay .. .. .. „ 27 581. William John Ure .. .. .. „ 27 582. Thomas Bell .. .. .. „ 27 583. William Graham Royne .. .. „ 27 584. John Knight .. .. .. „ 27 585. George Sykes .. .. .. „ 27 586. John George Williams .. .. ~27 587. Henry Whyte .. .. .. „ 2T

No. 16.—List of Applicants for Examination for Marine Certificates for the Year ending 31st March, 1902.

First-class Engineer. —H. Baymond, H. Baymond, F. C. Jacobs, J. A. Glasgow, T. Bogerson, E. W. Wallace, A. Coad. Second-class Engineer. —W. J. White, W. J. White, F. S. Pyke, W. J. Sutton, J. Glover, S. H. Luke, F. L. Peterson, J. Glover, F. L. Peterson, H. L. Ziman, J. J. H. Wishart, F. Henry, D. Chalmers, J. Lisle, W. W. Luke, J. W. Townsend, J. Glover, D. Bobertson, W. W. Luke. Third-class Engineer. —T. Drummond, J. Bichardson, K. M. Finiayson, M. Scott, W. H. Judd, J Ballantvne, J. G. Lockie, A. C. Baird, B. E. Lindsay, A. Burton, S. Beale, A. Suter, D. Duncan, B. S. Fleming. P. A. Coote, H. S. Derbidge, W. M. Aimers, E. Turley, G. E. Hale, C. H. M. Deschler, A. C. Harrap, G. J. Stitt, H. J. Bogers, T. M. Finiayson, T. S. Harper, A. E. B. Ward, A. M. Swhan, A. McCallum, J. Bobinson, J. Buglass, H. Cocks, P. H. Macdonald, A. H. Hunter, M. Scott, C. J. Styche, D. Turner, H. Neilsen, J. J. Jack, H. V. Johansen, W. Fairweather, A. McKenzie, A. Smaill, H. V. Johansen, W. D. Morrison, F. B. Keall, W. Earnshaw, A. D. Ensor, W. Fairweather, W. L. Mitchell, M. D. Meares, T. D. Barker, A. J. Killip, G. M. Humphreys, L. J. Stinson, J. Miller, G. Edgar, H. J. Beck, J. B. McNaught, E. 11. Noy, W. G. Sand'es, A. Smaill, A. McCallum, C. Turner, E. Bobson, H. Kirkland, J. Johnson, J. G. Jarrett, F. C. Davys, J. S. Don, D. Turner, J. F. Doull, J. Y. Alexander, T. J. Atchison, B. L. Maclean, J. H. Johnston, W. Waters, H. Kemp, J. Thompson, F. S. Marchant, J. McLean, J. A. Macdonald, A. E. Coleman,

3—H. 15a.


H.— !6a.

J. H. H. Speedy, J. E. Denton, A. McCallum, G. Eodgers, E. C. Aitken, V. Barrett, F. Mellish, E. G. McDougall, C. T. Swanell, W. McParlane, G. Forbes, W. E. Waters, W. G. Sandes, A. E. Watson. liiver Engineer. —G. Plank, J. McPherson, W. Lines, W. E. Paltridge, H. G. Hool, G. Poppelwell, B. Whiteford, A. B. B. Percy, P. W. Moss, H. A. Norgrove, C. H. Kellett, J. A. Johnsen, W. S. Hennah, J. Atkins, E. Perry, T. H. Bezar, G. H. Eeston, G. Sinclair, H. Brown, G. E. Hill, F. H. Bulford, A. Nixon, A. Nixon, J. Cox, C. O. Marklund, P. E. Firth, G. Thomas, E. Murray, E. A. McConnell, E. J. Eyan, M. F. Hardinge, E. A. Meyenberg, T. H. Bezar, W. J. Evans, W. T. Gilmour. Marine-engine Driver.— G. H. Smythe, G. H. Eeston, H. A. Butter, C. W. White, A. Marychurch, W. B. Lindsay, H. S. Hall, A. Keane, W. Peacock, E. Hodgson, F. Audley, A. E. Meikle, W. Eagg, F. Hocking, St. C. N. H. Macdonald, H. E. Sutton, W. McParlane, W. Stevenson, E. McSweeney, A. E. Meikle, W. C. Williams. First-class Engineer, Powered Vessels other than Steam. — J. S. Kelly, G. Tee, T. H. Barwell, D. E. E. Giles. Second-class Engineer, Powered Vessels other than Steam. —A. E. S. Foster, T. H. Barwell, W. B. Jones. Restricted-limits Engineer, Powered Vessels other than Steam. —G. S. Eobb, J. Eeid, K. O. Niuman. The total fees received amounted to £188.

No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. o o 'B ij HP o o a ao y, <° S 3 ° •a o 5 ■„ a a p.£ o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Admiral Advance (Hokitika) .. Advance (Auckland) .. Ahuriri Akaroa .. Alert (Thames) Alert (Auckland) Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland) Aptea (Kaipara) Aotea (Wanganui) _.. Awaroa Awarua (Blenheim) .. Awarua (Auoklandj .. Beatrice Bella Ben Lomond Birkenhead Blanche Britannia Canterbury Chelmsfoid Clansman Clara Clematis Clyde Comet Corinna Ooromandel Countess ■Countess of Ranf urly.. Cygnet Despatch (Bluff) Despatch (Mokau) Dingadee Dolly Varden Doto Duchess Duco Durham Eagle Kdina Effort Eliza Elsie Elsie TCvuns.. Endon Energy Erin Ethel J. Express 121 '85 76 60 72 111 263 159 19 46 87 26 196 103 591 130 1,279 99 198 124 us C40 31 28 308 180 99 219 21 20 8 59 '29 58 82 81 43 35 49 89 157 57 100 8 12 38 55 18 108 70 336 5 820 67 84 153 66 24 393 24 19 62 26 53 138 4 18 15 6 13 20 36 28 1 8 17 28 6 1* 17 16J 15 B.H.P. 33 16 3 8 32 10 12 15 20 9 40 24 24 90 ? 40 24 141 25 28 90 B.H.P. 43 20 6 80 30 B.H.P. 13 81 60 24 70 6 12 3 10 20 B.H.P. 5 16 4 16 25 Compound S. condensing High pressure Single.. 144 Compound S. condensing 66-8 Condensing High pressure Condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Paddle. Stern wheel. 207 Single.. Paddle. Condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Single.. Paddle. Single.. Paddle. 61 527 High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Stern wheel. 898 170 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 439 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Twin .. Single.. Compound S. condensing Paddle. High pressure Single.. Paddle. Single.. Oil-engine Colnpound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing 100 Note.—The figure (2) afti ir the name of a vessel she 'S vessel to have beea twice su: rveyed.


No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. i .1 g 8f 3 S i g. o .a it ,a a ft»,2cc =« iS K £ S° <8 CC r< oi 0J.M _ - I 5 „_ a oi o o d ao "Sal e i s § B 2-8 o * a 4» H.« r, C/J 01 * r, U o8»oc •- I'ShA' •o o r =r. a a p.w o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. in o I Fanny .. .. 90 55 Fingal .. .. 34 22 Florence Freetrader .. .. .. 94 Gairlooh .. .. 373 211 Gannett .. .. 10 ■Gertie (2) .. .. 262 100 Glenelg .. .. 288 156 Goldfinoh Gretchen Greyhound .. .. 107 83 Hamurana Haupiri .. .. 700 475 Hauroto .. .. L.988 1,276 Hawea .. .. 1,757 1,114 Heathcote .. .. 167 94 Herald .. .. 573 370 Hercules (Auckland) .. ! 58 51 Himitangi .. .. 323 149 Hinemoa (C.G.S.) .. | 542 282 Hinemoa (Auckland) Hirere .. .. .. 32 Huia (Auckland) .. 204 196 Huia (Wellington) .. 133 69 Huria Ida .. .. 18 12 Invercargill .. .. 223 123 Irene Itbaca .. .. .. 7 Jane Douglas .. 95 74 Janet Nicoll.. .. 780 496 J.D.O. .. .. 129 88 John Anderson .. 52 36 John Townley .. .. 85 Kahu .. .. 175 99 Kaipara Kanieri .. .. 202 115 Kapanui .. .. 110 75 ■Katikati .. .. 37 26 Kawatiri (2).. Kawau .. .. 99 53 Kia Ora Kilmorey Kini .. .. 1,122 702 Kiripaka .. .. 105 75 Koonya .. .. 1,090 I 663 Kopu .. .. .. 18 Kopuru .. .. 40 28 Koputai .. .. 153. 5 Kotiti .. .. 58 42 Kotuku .. ..1,064 662 Kuaka .. .. 45 33 Lena Lily (2) .. .. 34 20 Little George .. .. 4 Louie .. .. 19 9 Loyalty .. .. 101 ' 08 Lyttelton (tug) .. i 190 39 Lyttelton (launch) Mahuta .. .. 29 13 Maharora .. .. .. 45 Mana (Westport) (2) .. 196 50 Mana (Wellington) .. 99 77 Mauapouri (2) .. 2,060 11,288 Manaroa .. .. 122 77 Manchester .. .. .. 366 Manukau .. .. 65 45 Manuwai .. .. 107 75 Maori (Auckland) .. 25 17 Mapourika .. .. 1,203 718 Mararoa .. .. 2,598 ! 1,380 Matuku May Mere Mere (2) Minnie Casey .. 74 48 Miranda Moa .. .. 188 95 Moerangi .. .. 15 14 Mikoia .. .. 3,502 2,154 30 160 9J 48 3J 30 85 561 12 59 413 75 331 10 1* 50B.H.P. 10 88 527 253 ; 1,181 104 857 35 85 459 30 B.H.P. 45 248 150 620 16 6 B.H.P. • 23 160 10 B.H.P. 10 50 376 2* 9 22 70 90 471 28 20 40 180 40 212 4 20 160 32 9 2J 20 24 1* 130 680 24 100 115 730 13 20 120 441 14 112 613 90 B.H.P. 5 12 4 9 32 80 14 10} 13 90 460 25 141 220 1,600 24 178 160 20 25 8 130 1,247 530 3,537 4 3 3 20 4 33 153 27* B.H.P. 255 3,501 Compound S. condensing Single.. High pressure Stern wheel, Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. u . • Twin .. Single.. High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Stern wheel. Single.. Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing Paddle. Single.. Paddle. Triple expansion Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Single.. Twin .. Single.. Compound S. condensing Paddle. High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Single.. High pressure Stern wheel. Single.. Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple expansion Note.—The figure (2) aft* si' the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 17.—Return of Vessels subveyed, &c. — continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons IV. mi [easurc>nt. • cite a> 00 * „ cc WCC c& ° (8 o o oa a o :|M op* m <g B 2° o % g. Description of'Machinery. * ii o ai ® o ,- - S«h i •0 o g«r a a as o o Screw. Paddle. 'i. o Ci a. w "ft QJ Moss Rose Motara Moturoa Mountaineer Moura Muritai Muritai (Horeke) Napier Nautilus (2) .. Ngaru Ngapuhi Ngunguru Nina Noko No. 222 Ohinemuri Ohuru Omapere Onslow 109 2,026 224 70 41 13 691 80 10 66 1,247 133 48 29 10 299 54 6 4 10 50 275 45 8 30 18 16 B.H.P. 160 17 2* 9 120 26 14 80 14 18 5 50 17 70 103 15 9 11 71 6 12 82 5 13 4 8 40 128 3 50 110 40 200 10 4 95 300 11 16 90 35 135 8 B.H.P. 50 450 104 176 16 6 10 13 20 90 39 40 35 8 8 155 20 25 265 255 70 40 16 250 1,925 210 ' 62 65 1,340 69 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High-pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High-pressure Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 19 1,225 114 15 500 73 20 352 16 64 483 130 Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 601 23 110 505 Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing Opawa Opuatia Oreti (2) Orewa Osprey Ovalau Paeroa Paiaka Pania Pareora Pearl Pelorus Petone Phoenix Pilot Piraki Planet Plucky Poherua Presto Progress Pukaki Queen of South Rakanoa Result (Napier) Result (Tauranga) Rimu Ringarooma Rita Rob Roy Rosamond Rose Casey (2) Rotokino Rotokuhu Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rotoiti Rotorua Savaii Seagull Snark 73 219 59 219 1,229 91 14 40 650 117 37 138 766 46 10 27 355 9 18 388 6 11 10 13 29 749 162 High pressure Compound S. condensing Paddle. 673 67 Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Single.. 45 428 25 708 8 31 544 Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure 65 23 81 1,174 262 686 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing Quadruple expansion Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion Compound S. condensing 1,444 197 2,246 28 200 917 121 1,393 18 144 622 220 843 358 1,096 40 95 721 132 2,004 15 183 1,763 1,159 926 55 144 622 22 34 462 99 1,263 11 139 915 630 576 31 398 1,200 55 411 929 Quadruple expansion Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 265 2,445 1,127 957 Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. High pressure 12 Sonoma Southern Cross (Lond'n) Stelia Sterling Stormbird Sumner S wan Sylph Taieri Tainui Takapuna (Auckland).. Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tangaroa Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Tiinaru) Tarawera 291 268 97 217 167 24 205 157 26 137 94 16 5 1,071 46 57 472 1,370 109 191 16 1,268 116 183 238 226 Compound S. condensing 1,668 80 77 930 2,000 189 263 742 High pressure Triple expansion High pressure Paddle. 1,221 1,842 Compound S. condensing Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. 254 Single.. 2,003 1,543 High pressure Compound S. condensing Noie.—The fi| ;ure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


H.— 15a.

No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

4 -H. 15a.

Name of Vessel. Tons Mi mei -asureit. U in >tn «a co rH_ CQ C7+J «5™ "1 u o o co P.O fc » S 2 oi >- s* a K « $ o 015 o • «ogSa rj &4J O O M Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. W ? u <u -t-J 09 I PS Tarewai Taviuni Tawera (Gisborne) Tawera(Lake Te Anau) Te Anau Te Kapu Terranora Theodore Theresa Ward Thistle Thomas King Timaru Titiroa Tokatea Tongariro (Auckland).. Tongariro (Lake Taupo) Toroa Tuakau Tuariki Tui Tuna (Gisborne) Tuna (Kaipara) Tutanekai (C.G.S.) .. Upolu Vaite Victory Vivid Waahi Waiapu Waihi Waihora Waikare Waikato Waimana Waimarie Wainui Waione Waiotahi Waipa Waipori Wairere (Wanganui) .. Waitangi (Auckland) .. Waitangi (Kaipara) .. Waitara Waitoa Waiwera (Dunedin) .. Waiwera (Lyttelton) .. Waiwera (Kaipara) .. Waiwiri (Auckland) .. Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Warkworth Warrimoo Waverley Weka (Napier) Weka (Auckland) Wellington (Auckland) Westland Whakapara Whangape Winona Zephyr 10 1,465 52 7 910 44 6 135 40 B.H.P. 14 250 25 94 25 95 90 B.H.P. 16 78 3 16 B.H.P 25 & 91 2 8 B.H.P. 6J 14 34 205 120 30 B.H.P. 4 13 5 15 B.H.P. 20 250 229 4 18 48 95 40 56 li 180 80 62 15 12 16 7 8 6 7f 140 23 280 10 B.H.P. 490 25 20 27 80 60 2i 280 8 14 1,025 High pressure Quadruple expansion Oil-engine j Compound S. condensing Single.. 1,652 92 349 195 96 98 479 1,028 50 199 35 9 77 70 211 1,249 113 232 399 Triple expansion Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-ongine High pressure Single.. Paddle. 324 Twin .. Single.. 92 "5 62 Paddle. 388 482 Single.. 174 Triple expansion High pressure .. Oil-ejigine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Smgle.. Twin .. Single.. 811 1,140 106 412 692 98 1,145 733 „ i Triple expansion Quadruple expansion Oil-engine High pressure 21 "6 66 92 2,003 3,071 61 63 1,269 1,901 172 1,509 2,352 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 151 245 661 57£ 278 107 159 411 43 167 100 206 626 Triple expansion High pressure Quadruple expansion .. Compound S. condensing Twin .. Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple expansion High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. 399 Single.. 1,919 171 45 1,229 27 34 31 862 368 Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 38 27 High pressure Compound S. condensing 441 157 2,421 25 3,529 156 89 127 382 133 157 95 1,572 23 2,076 93 52 86 279 35 698 156 1,241 Paddle. Single.. 3,701 108 75 Triple expansion Oilengine Triple expansion Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 514 297 Paddle. 2,931 1,900 19 8 1,052 Triple expansion Compound S. condensing High pressure .. Single.. iws vessel to have been twice si irveyed. Note. .—The figi ire (2) after the name oi a vessel shi


No. 18. — Eetuen showing the Ebvenub received from the Inspection of Machinbey Department (including the Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers) during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. £ s. d. Eeceived under Inspection of Machinery Act ... ■ • • 5,373 1 2 Fees for survey of steamers for the year earned ... ... 1, 494 0 0 Eeceived for examinations of marine engineers ... ■ • • 188 0 0 Eeceived for certificates for land drivers ... ... • • ■ 599 13 6 £7,654 14 8 Beturn showing the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including Examination of Engineers and Engine-drivers and Survey of Steamers) during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1902. £ 3. d. Salaries 4,218 6 3 Travelling-expenses ... ... • • • ■ • • ... 2, 083 0 1 Eent, cleaning offices, and fuel ... ... ■■• ••■ 247 910 Contingencies ... ... ... •■■ ••• •■• 5 92 110 £7,140 18 0

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,475 copies), _ 18 3s. 6d

Price 9d.\

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2.


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Bibliographic details

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1901-2., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1901-2. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1901-2. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, H-15a

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