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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 10th July, 1901. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving,—(l) The names of all officers in the Prisons Department at date, length of service in each prison, and where transferred, and the reason for such transfer; (2) a list of all persons employed in the Prisons Department from January, 1881, to date, giving in each case the promotions (if any), length of servioe. in each position, on whose recommendation promotion was granted, and, in oases of persons who have left the service, whether they resigned or not."—(Mr. Abnold.)

Names of all Officers in the Prisons Department at Date, Length of Service in each Prison and where transferred, and the Reason for such Transfer.

I—H. 20a.

Name. Length of Service in each Prison. Where transferred. Reason for Transfer. F. E. Severne R. Rutherford T. Chilton A. W. Ironside .. J. Coffey W. Denison A. Gideon R. MoSporan S. Gillespie T. Harron P. Molloy H. Foreman Years days. 11 159 7 212 8 277 1 159 0 71 16 191 11 206 14 191 0 310 4 122 11 31 1 160 25 203 19 283 0 83 18 177 7 31 10 101 16 283 7 262 8 313 6 334 3 153 3 151 0 132 1 359 11 269 2 103 11 57 11 31 1 160 1 4 9 283 0 155 10 132 0 276 0 153 9 191 4 181 6 10 2 25 1 181 0 214 3 123 0 120 0 40 1 282 2 92 2 313 Auckland .. Nelson Napier Auckland Lyttelton .. Auckland .. Wellington .. Auokland .. Lyttelton .. Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Auckland Lyttelton .. Auckland Wellington .. Auckland Lyttelton .. Auckland .. Napier Nelson Lyttelton .. Auckland .. Wellington .. Auokland Wanganui .. Auokland .. New Plymouth Auckland .. Wellington .. Auokland .. Wellington .. Auckland .. Wellington ., Wanganui .. Auckland .. Wellington.. Auckland .. Invercargill Wanganui .. Nelson New Plymouth Waiotapu .. Auokland Dunedin New Plymouth Auckland .. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. For building purposes. Appointment. Requirements of the service and promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. For clerioal duties. Promotion. Appointment. For building purposes. Appointment. Reduction. Appointment. Reduotion. Appointment. Requirements of the servioe. H. MoMurray T. J. Wolner R. L. Johnston .. W. H. Ainslie Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. For olerioal duties. Appointment. Requirements of the servioe. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the servioe. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the servioe. Appointment. Requirements of the service. J. W. Brien P. Levin J. A. Smyth J. O'Reilly Appointment. Requirements of the service.


Names of all Officers in the Prisons Department— continued.


Name. Length of Service in each Prison. Where transferred. Keason for Transfer. B. Sweet H. R. Oook H. J. Hamilton .. S. 0. Phillips .. A. Armstrong J. W. Reardon .. C. Parker W. J. Fuller G. H. T. Crook .. J. Connor J. Treacy E. T. Glover 0. Kearney J. J. O'Grady .. D. Dalton W. Prendergast .. T. R. Pointon • Years days. 4 118 1 184 0 255 0 43 6 310 18 222 1 40 1 205 17 261 5 255 7 124 11 57 3 351 3 145 3 232 6 275 6 132 2 338 6 255 3 47 2 62 4 0 1 313 3 273 4 289 1 86 16 72 0 160 1 0 0 153 17 6 0 255 12 191 1 290 0 184 1 334 2 212 3 362 0 135 3 22 1 130 1 69 0 360 2 120 2 153 8 271 5 245 0 178 1 159 1 160 1 138 8 359 1 15 0 61 2 151 3 101 13 57 0 316 2 35 13 71 2 59 3 92 0 214 10 191 2 125 19 119 0 124 5 180 12 252 12 276 16 274 19 0 4 342 2 179 2 47 9 222 2 43 5 103 1 291 7 71 6 157 9 344 2 146 0 351 10 71 Auckland .. Dunedin Auckland Lyttelton Dunedin New Plymouth Lyttelton Dunedin Napier Lyttelton .. Dunedin Wanganui .. Lyttelton Dunedin Lawrence .. Dunedin Lyttelton Nelson New Plymouth Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Dunedin Lyttelton Auckland Dunedin Lyttelton .. Dunedin Wellington .. Auckland .. Dunedin Hokitika Milford Sound Dunedin Nelson Wanganui .. Dunedin Lyttelton Dunedin Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. Reduction. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Clerioal duties. Misoonduot. Appointment. At own request. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. W. G. Brown C. M. Bartleman.. Ripa Island Wanganui .. Dunedin Nelson Lyttelton .. Auckland Hokitika Lyttelton .. Hokitika Wellington .. Inveroargill Nelson Hokitika Auckland Wellington ,. Dunedin Invercargill.. Dunedin Timaru Lyttelton Inveroargill.. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the servioe. J. H. Bratby Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. M. Hawkins Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. J. Dickison M. M. Cleary Hokitika .. Auckland Hokitika Lyttelton .. Auckland Lyttelton Promotion. Own request. Promotion. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. T. Bell .. A. Manning T. Blatchford Wellington .. New Plymouth Dunedin Lyttelton Dunedin Hokitika Nelson Lyttelton .. New Plymouth Lyttelton Hokitika Nelson Lyttelton .. Building purposes. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the servioe. E. J. Brownie T. Rafter Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. P. Murray



Names of all Officers in the Prisons Department— continued.

Name. Length of Service in each Prison. Where transferred. Reason for Transfer. A. P. Crook T. Vincent J. Joyce W. W. Murray .. C. Brien A. G. Quartermain ,T. Lodge J. Davies E. Ghing P. McMillan M. Flannery J. C. Nicholson .. P. MoNamara W. B. Cook W. Koberts B. L. O'Brien H. Hawkins Years days. 2 342 2 2 1 0 200 1 31 2 212 3 243 3 101 12 236 0 135 1 161 0 243 8 313 0 153 1 30 2 274 1 313 4 134 0 88 0 139 0 182 3 101 3 31 1 30 4 44 1 114 0 30 1 71 21 158 13 120 2 337 1 160 3 332 17 220 20 191 2 140 4 61 0 10 1 305 16 82 5 335 8 92 4 160 2 14 4 78 6 344 4 62 4 189 1 124 1 179 2 313 0 146 0 120 0 40 4 334 0 233 4 28 12 114 5 43 11 273 0 123 7 160 0 176 0 132 6 318 19 100 3 238 19 45 15 122 3 92 14 191 5 150 5 184 14 191 8 86 14 132 16 36 17 308 14 289 12 274 3 103 3 30 5 283 0 71 11 269 6 26 5 313 Addington .. Lyttelton Dunedin Milford Sound Lyttelton .. Nelson Lyttelton Dunedin Lyttelton Milford Sound Lyttelton New Plymouth Invercargill.. Dunedin Lyttelton Wellington .. New Plymouth Nelson Lyttelton .. Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Dunedin Lyttelton .. Dunedin Auckland .. Hokitika Napier Dunedin Napier New Plymouth Auckland Napier Auckland Lyttelton .. Hokitika .. New Plymouth Dunedin Lyttelton New Plymouth Wellington .. Dunedin New Plymouth Wellington .. New Plymouth Wellington .. Waiotapu .. New Plymouth Dunedin New Plymouth Addington .. Wanganui .. Lyttelton .. Hokitika Dunedin Wanganui .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Lyttelton .. Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Wellington .. Auckland Dunedin Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Addington .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Wellington .. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the Bervice. Appointmenc. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. At own request. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Roduotion. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. J. S. Lacy J. Down Appointment. For building purposes. Appointment. Requirements of the service. C. A. Dollimore .. , E. T. N. Beasley.. Appointmenc. Requirements of the service. R. Steele Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. J. Partington Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. Promotion. Misconduot. Appointment. Requirements of the ser*ioe. Promotion. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. P. S. Garvey S. Millington E. Carte H. E. Richards .. M. Meehan J. Coyle.. W. Riddick N. J. Nilsen E. Murphy W. B. Bethune .. S. H. Spiers Auckland .. Lyttelton .. Wellington .. Auckland Wellington .. Auckland .. Wellington .. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. M. Keany



Names of all Officers in the Prisons Department— continued.

List of all Persons employed in the Prisons Department from January, 1881, to Date, giving in each case the Promotions (if any), Length of Service in each Position, on whose Recommendation Promotion was granted, and, in cases of Persons who have left the Service, whether they resigned or not.

Name. Length of Service in each Prison. Where transferred. I Reason for Transfer. 0. J. Knight C. Weybume D. T. Joseph J. H. Rosengrave W. H. Martin .. J. E. O'Shea P. E. Bing J. W. Coyle A. Juries F. Creedon J. C. Soanlon W. B. Peebles .. H. H. Speight .. E. Byrne F. Maher A. Wignall Years days. 2 100 3 184 5 313 1 181 2 61 3 243 3 101 2 292 1 101 0 359 5 10 2 89 1 298 0 132 0 132 0 115 0 115 12 278 0 160 0 139 3 62 5 153 0 160 3 31 1 273 0 40 0 267 1 188 8 27 3 123 4 313 4 278 1 30 2 235 2 214 3 157 3 104 1 296 1 30 0 13 2 10 0 313 18 128 9 101 2 205 2 320 12 71 1 343 11 165 3 347 0 333 1 160 0 350 9 101 2 53 7 6 6 65 3 157 3 104 1 295 1 30 Inveroargill Dunedin Wellington .. Milford Sound Wellington .. Nelson Wellington .. Inveroargill.. Dunedin Wellington .. Waiotapu .. Wellington .. Nelson Wellington .. Waiotapu .. Napier Auckland Waiotapu .. Wellington .. Addington .. Wellington .. Dunedin Auckland .. Wellington .. Auckland .. Addington .. Lyttelton Wellington .. Dunedin Auckland .. Dunedin New Plymouth Lyttelton .. Dunedin Hokitika .. Inveroargill Addington .. Dunedin Lyttelton .. Addington .. Auckland Dunedin Lyttelton .. Napier New Plymouth Wanganui .. Addington .. Auckland .. Wellington .. Lyttelton Auckland New Plymouth Wellington .. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. At own request. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. At own request. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Appointment. Requirements of the service. E. Martin M. Bouloott Promotion. Appointment. Requirements of the service. M. Ryan E. Bratby M. J. Black Appointment. M. J. MoLevie Requirements of the service. Promotion. Appointment. Promotion. Requirements of the service. Reduction. Appointment. M. Nicholson F. Hawkins K. Beasley E. Irvine Requirements of the service. M. E. Dennehy .. Appointment. Requirements of the service. Reduction. Promotion.

Name. « I Bank on Appointment. Promotions or Seductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recommendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned o: not. G. S. Keston .. Warder Years days. 7 247 24 285 1 0 8 305 6 55 0 102 3 286 6 69 1 149 6 47 Gaoler .. Prov. Government Dispensed with. To polioe. J. B. Dales .. E. Flahavan .. ' Assistant warder Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Dismissed. W. Hope 0. W. Brearley M. Mulholland G. Shaw • • u Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Resigned.



List of all Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

Name. Rank on Appointment. Promotions or Seductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Eeoominendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned or not. M. Dennehy.. J. Pearson .. G. Hogg E. P. Shellington T. Dudley .. E. Walsh .. J. Young H. Morrow .. J. T. H. Beasley D. Paterson .. J. O'Beilly .. A. J. McOluskey H. MoAnally P. Boe E. Riokerby .. G. J. Martin J. Beatty .. J. Church E. E. White.. J. Lane J. Seabrooke T. Walshe .. P. Phelen .. P. B. Bust .. J. MoDell .. J. Garven W. W. Walker R. Noble P. Madigan .. Assistant warder Gatekeeper Assistant warder Overseer Assistant warder Overseer Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Gaoler Warder Principal warder Warder Prinoipal warder Chief warder Gaoler Principal warder Warder Gaoler Warder Warder Warder Warder Years days. 7 151 5 46 5 130 0 150 0 107 4 31 1 180 16 86 3 31 3 120 0 182 14 240 6 180 2 173 2 103 13 23 4 182 1 191 1 174 6 240 8 330 11 329 16 341 2 9 11 53 1 244 7 300 1 151 1 90 9 122 2 335 9 167 2 151 9 244 3 244 0 125 5 321 9 112 0 313 6 187 1 119 5 75 7 140 2 356 1 304 1 81 1 274 1 304 i 129 15 244 19 8 0 61 10 31 18 30 1 31 0 189 17 70 5 11 16 32 0 349 12 293 10 28 3 310 17 7 7 241 14 301 7 156 7 144 5 169 5 75 2 271 0 21 1 301 0 165 2 0 0 303 2 0 2 23 1 50 1 48 1 66 1 104 2 151 2 22 0 13 Insp. of Prisons.. Insp, of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons Prov. Government Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Besigned. To police. Dispensed with. Dispensed with. To polioe. Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Dismissed. J. J. Nibloek F. B. Hughes Aoting warder .. Assistant warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Resigned. H. Craster .. J. Caldwell .. Assistant warder Chief warder Gaoler Prov. Government Dispensed with. H. Ferguson Warder 'Principal warder Chief warder Insp. of Prisons T. MoNamara Principal warder Warder Insp. of Prisons S. Duncan .. Dispensed with. Principal warder Died. S. Strong .. Prinoipal warder W. G. Priotor Prinoipal warder Dispensed with. To polioe. Dismissed. Dispensed with. H. J. Bennett S. Morrison .. J. Hunter A. Soott T. Cashman.. B. MoNesh .. Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Warder Dismissed. P. Frederic .. Assistant warder Gaoler Insp. of Prisons.. Absconded. S. Egen C. H. Brown Warder Dispensed with. Resigned. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dismissed. Resigned. Dismissed. J. Watson .. H. Ouster .. T. Noonan .. A. H. Bennie Warder Insp. of Prisons.. BeBigned. To police. H. E. Felton J. Lawler T. Kearney .. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dismissed. G. Crawford .. Warder it • • Besigned.



List of all Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

Name, Bank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recoralendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned or not. B. M. des Landes J. N. Clark .. W. J. Raftery R. Ferguson.. M. Madden .. D. McGowan M. Ryan R. Mulrooney W. J. Fraser H. W. Williams N. Scott D. Sutherland J. MoKillop .. W. A. G. Skinner B. W. Carter B. W. Carter J. Arnold J. Morgan .. J. Bradley .. J. A. Allman J. Woolley .. T. Pritohard.. J. Mahoney .. T. Wilmot .. D. J. Kenny.. Assistant warder Warder overseer Assistant warder Gaoler Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Warder Prinoipal warder Chief warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Chief warder Warder Principal warder Warder Principal warder Warder Principal warder Warder Warder Years days. 0 182 8 23 3 135 3 335 15 98 1 152 3 20 1 186 11 115 2 47 4 274 11 202 0 224 25 6 0 250 0 117 17 189 7 15 24 183 4 128 7 119 1 301 0 316 3 254 15 160 0 92 8 23 5 111 1 192 3 122 3 85 14 142 1 57 16 335 8 30 2 31 2 30 4 240 0 275 2 346 3 76 n in 1 311 1 83 3 30 6 215 3 89 2 112 7 31 2 3 5 262 1 115 0 298 0 197 3 214 6 90 18 341 3 18 1 111 4 157 15 180 8 102 23 78 3 0 5 66 7 123 3 59 3 184 6 0 5 100 1 65 1 71 6 162 9 274 10 46 3 321 25 0 11 334 2 147 20 182 2 173 1 310 11 315 2 338 Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons.. Prov. Government Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. To police. Dispensed with. Dismissed. Resigned. Dispensed with. Dismissed. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Dismissed. Dispensed with. Resigned. To polioe. Resigned. Dispensed with. 'A. W. Roberts Resigned. Warder M. O'Connell G. Hillesden Warder Principal warder Dispensed with. Warder W. Riley .. Warder Resigned. S. Adama Murdered. Resigned. Warder A. 0. Hardy.. 3. Kirkby .. Foreman of works Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. W. P. Jones.. Principal warder F. Elliott .. E. Prendergast J. Ryan Assistant warder Died. Dispensed with. Died. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. W. Miller .. E. Houlahan W. Robinson Gaoler Assistant warder Resigned. Warder Principal warder Insp. of Prisons Dispensed with. Resigned. J. C. Mahon.. T. Tyne Assistant warder F. J. Watty .. T. Savage .. T. F. Donovan J. Stevens R. Shallcross T>. O'Sullivan H. White .. W. Bourke .. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. To police. Dispensed with. To police. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Gaoler Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder W. H. Bosworth R. B. May .. C. Price N. GoldiDg .. Gaoler Assistant warder Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Died. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with.



List of all Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

Name. Rank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Beconimendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned o: not. P. Walsh .. D. Lynch M. Furlong .. E. Cotter .. J. A. Oliver .. S. J. Renton A. Duggan M. Beilly .. W. Kelly .. J. McCormack M. Read P. Garvey J. Donaldson 3. B. Jaquiery D. Beardon .. J. Gallagher.. J. Delahey .. J. P. Swan .. R. George .. W. Bastiok .. J. Carter C. Weller .. J. Kelly A. B, Curdliffe A. B. Curdlifie F. S.Igoe .. G. J. N. Beamish M. Redmond H. Ferguson Assistant warder i> Gaoler Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Warder Warder Gaoler Warder Principal warder Warder Warder Chief warder Gaoler Principal warder Chief warder Warder Principal warder Warder Gaoler Warder Warder Years days. 2 37 7 214 0 335 5 79 9 359 1 342 12 111 5 347 8 351 7 92 8 304 3 176 6 193 2 243 2 264 3 359 25 20 3 100 3 183 10 0 8 293 6 210 6 61 2 0 5 44 2 49 16 265 13 260 15 158 20 77 4 122 4 122 4 7 8 297 8 29 7 176 2 225 2 0 4 254 0 176 0 74 4 141 0 140 0 137 7 214 9 21 3 0 7 47 5 266 2 31 0 152 0 275 2 10 2 324 0 68 1 335 8 233 6 347 1 168 0 133 0 122 5 204 2 177 7 68 5 108 7 180 0 183 2 44 0 313 4 283 0 244 8 80 3 331 7 172 0 324 8 263 2 227 4 222 4 106 3 337 4 70 15 117 1 90 13 117 Insp, of Prisons.. Prov. Government Insp. of Prisons Prov. Government Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons Dispensed with. Dispensed with. « Resigned. Dispensed with. Died. Resigned. Dispensed with. Besigned. Dispensed with. Besigned. Dispensed with. Besigned. Dispensed with. Died. Dispensed with. Dismissed. Dispensed with. Dismissed. Besigned. Dispensed with. Warder Inep. of Prisons.. Dismissed. W. Johnston C. Bussell .. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. G. Harper .. T. Lawless A. Burns W. H. Gilchrist J. McCarthy R. Brebner .. E. Walsh .. Besigned. Dismissed. Dispensed with. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Besigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dismissed. Dispensed with. E. E. Diohl.. W. H. Ward.. J. A. Carson .. T. Little T. Little J. W. de Blois J. Baxter J. R. Henderson J. McGarry .. J. O'Brien P. O'Connell J. Walsh S. Pointon .. D. Fitzgerald P. J. Murphy J. Braoe J. Theobald .. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Resigned. Dispensed with. Besigned. To police. Died. Dispensed with. Died. Besigned. Dispensed with. W. R. McKinstrey j .. Warder Insp. of Prisons.. D. Daly D. Maloney C. L. O'Brien Warder Resigned. S. Mo Williams Warder Insp. of Prisons.. Dismissed. Dispensed with.


List of Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.


Name. Rank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recommendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned o: not. i. McDonald r. MoNulty .. W. P. Stuart r. Durkin M. P. Hughes P. Beaven .. h O'Donaghue r. Corrigan .. r. Kirby W. J. Spencer B. Coneys W. Porsythe P. Reston M. Simmons b. H. Langford E. Bratby .. B. Treacey .. H. Cofley .. S. Heard E. M. Shillington 3. Douglas .. E. Praser .. VI. J. Phillips 3. A. Smith .. E. E. Sisson.. M. Miller .. i. W. Shallcross E. Bosworth ML Colter M. 3. Swan .. L. Reid 4. Resieton .. M. Staunton \. Hill B. Shirley .. Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Warder Gaoler Prinoipal warder Warder Matron Matron Matron Years days. 4 238 1 74 1 167 3 117 1 248 0 290 6 218 9 73 3 227 3 141 1 102 17 71 1 274 8 168 7 189 15 106 6 194 1 156 2 230 2 304 1 149 4 183 8 232 2 224 4 304 16 357 7 209 1 354 24 330 6 166 0 242 3 40 11 89 7 30 15 30 13 339 4 17 20 0 1 274 16 60 0 83 2 180 10 246 0 363 0 249 0 221 6 118 11 159 17 283 16 262 21 326 4 71 7 36 9 62 1 160 6 285 2 51 17 232 4 0 4 177 15 106 6 100 12 160 7 223 10 191 14 306 2 191 14 92 2 191 14 19 2 191 11 72 2 191 10 334 2 191 10 0 2 191 8 96 2 191 8 96 2 191 8 64 2 191 Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons Insp. of Prisons.. Prov. Government Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dismissed. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned, Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Transferred. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. E. A. MoCabe 3-. Stevenson r. Rowan M. A. Donaldson P. B. Severne Matron Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Matron Warder B. Rutherford C. Chilton .. Principal warder Warder Gaoler Insp. of Prisons. Prinoipal warder k. W. Ironside Assistant warder r. Coffey Warder Warder Prinoipal warder Assistant warder Warder W. Denison .. Assistant warder Warder i. Gideon .. Assistant warder J. Treacy Warder B. McSporran Warder 3. Gillespie .. Warder D. Harron .. Warder E. Foreman.. Warder H. McMurray Warder f. J. Wolner Warder B. L. Johnston Warder W. H. Ainslie Warder r. W. Brien .. Warder Warder


List of Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

2—H. 20a,


Name. Rank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recommendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned or not. P. Levin J. O'Reilly .. W. R. Cook .. H. H. Speight R. Sweet S. 0. Phillips A. Armstrong J. W. Reardon 0. Parker .. W. J. Puller.. G. H. T. Crook E. T. Glover T. Vincent .. D.T.Joseph.. J. J. O'Grady Assistant warder Gaoler Assistant warder Gaoler Assistant warderWarder Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Prinoipal warder Warder Assistant warder Warder Police gaoler Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Years days. 8 0 2 191 4 131 2 191 4 20 2 191 2 153 2 191 1 292 2 191 25 167 2 345 10 251 7 10 5 255 18 181 3 351 3 145 3 232 6 275 6 132 2 338 17 312 7 92 2 191 10 0 2 191 10 180 2 191 2 292 2 191 1 326 2 191 0 212 0 222 2 120 2 153 8 271 5 245 1 337 1 160 7 306 2 191 9 197 4 176 2 35 13 71 6 0 10 191 0 207 1 283 4 137 2 191 . 3 239 34 71 12 276 4 22 3 165 9 87 8 233 4 363 5 34 Insp. of Prisons. " „ Probatny. warder Warder D. Dalton .. Warder J. R. Pointon Sergeant Gaoler Prinoipal warder Gaoler Prinoipal warder Gaoler W. G. Brown Assistant warder Warder Warder J. H. Bratby Prinoipal warder Chief warder Gaoler M. Hawkins.. Assistant warder Probatny. warder Warder J. Dickison .. Assistant warder C. M. Bartleman Assistant warder Warder Warder M. M. Cleary Prov. Government. Gaoler T. Bell Prinoipal warder Warder Prinoipal warder Inpp. of Prisons. A, Manning .. Assistant warder Warder Acting principal warder T. Blatohford 4 342 14 83 6 175 11 57 13 317 2 191 13 310 2 191 13 210 2 191 11 12 2 191 11 214 2 191 8 161 2 191 4 92 1 313 1 308 2 191 Warder J. Connor Warder B. J. Brownie Warder T. Rafter Warder A. P. Crook .. Warder P. Murray .. Warder P. Molloy w J. Joyce Warder Warder W. W. Murray Warder C. Brien Warder



List of Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

Name. Bank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recoin[endation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned or not. k. Quartermain J. Lodge J. Davies B. Ohing .. P. McMillan P. Plannery.. J. C. Nicholson P. MoNamara W. Roberts .. B. L. O'Brien H. Hawkins J. S. Laoy .. J. A. Smyth.. J. Down R. N. T. Beasley R. Steele D. Kearney .. P. S. Garvey Assistant warder Probatny. warder Warder Acting warder .. Assistant warder Probatny. warder Chief ward<r Assistant warder n Temporary warder Assistant warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Warder Chief warder Principal warder Gaoler Assistant warder Warder Warder Warder Gaoler Warder Warder Warder Wai dor Assistant warder Warder Principal warder Gaoler Chief warder Warder Warder Chief warder Gaoler Years flays. 1 3i9 2 191 1 236 2 191 1 218 2 191 0 196 0 283 0 183 0 283 19 127 10 92 5 59 4 132 1 269 7 123 12 160 12 181 8 10 0 204 1 101 9 199 25 91 6 92 6 344 7 184 2 191 5 147 2 191 1 301 2 191 2 61 0 201 2 72 4 261 11 13 1 101 3 259 20 340 7 231 2 191 6 318 2 126 16 339 3 0 0 238 19 45 0 92 13 30 2 0 3 31 14 252 25 160 11 161 11 57 13 210 2 191 15 117 2 191 12 98 2 191 10 148 2 130 0 160 10 83 2 191 9 225 2 191 9 149 2 191 9 148 2 191 0 184 1 255 9 41 2 191 8 30 2 191 6 323 2 191 2 184 2 191 0 202 1 252 Insp. of Prisons. Prov. Government. Insp. of Prisons. S. Millington Assistant warder Warder Warder Principal warder E. Carte Storekeeper Warder Principal warder Warder Prov. Government. Iasp. of Prisons. H. E. Riohards M. Meehan .. Assistant warder J. Coyle Warder W. Riddick .. Warder n N. J. Nilsen.. Warder ■> J. 0. Scanlan Warder Warder Acting gaoler B. Murphy .. a Warder W. R. Bethune 8. H. Spiers .. Warder Warder M. Keany Probatny. warder Warder H. R. Cook .. D.J. Knight.. Assistant warder Warder Warder 0. Weyburne Warder W. B. Peebles J. H. Rosengrave Warder a W, H. Martin Probatny. warder Warder Warder ,, if


List of Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.

A. Hume, Inspector of Prisons.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £14 6s. 6d.

By Authority: John Maokav, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Price 6d.]


Name. Bank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Reconi- ; If left the Service, mendation Promotion whether resigned or was granted. not. J. E. O'Shea W. Prendergast J. Partington G. A. Dollimore P. E. Ring .. J. W. Coyle .. A. Juries P. Creedon .. A. Wignall .. E. Martin .. Probatny. warder Assistant matron Warder Warder Warder Warder Matron Years days. 0 197 1 101 0 200 0 160 0 268 0 40 0 204 0 102 0 132 0 132 0 115 0 115 5 308 13 276 1 30 18 128 9 101 5 160 12 71 2 335 1 160 9 101 9 206 5 283 9 221 1 343 15 147 0 333 0 43 Insp. of Prisons. M. Ryan E. Bratby .. M. J. Black .. Matron Assistant matron M. Bouloott.. M. Nicholson K. Beasley .. E. Irvine Matron Matron Assistant matron M. E. Dennehy M. J. McLevie Matron Matron.. Assistant matron ft H. J. Hamilton Probatny. warder a i>

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PRISONS DEPARTMENT (PARTICULARS RELATING TO OFFICERS OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-20a

Word Count

PRISONS DEPARTMENT (PARTICULARS RELATING TO OFFICERS OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-20a

PRISONS DEPARTMENT (PARTICULARS RELATING TO OFFICERS OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, H-20a

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