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List of Persons employed in the Prisons Department from 1881 to Date — continued.


Name. Rank on Appointment. Promotions or Reductions. Length of Time in each Position. On whose Recommendation Promotion was granted. If left the Service, whether resigned o: not. i. McDonald r. MoNulty .. W. P. Stuart r. Durkin M. P. Hughes P. Beaven .. h O'Donaghue r. Corrigan .. r. Kirby W. J. Spencer B. Coneys W. Porsythe P. Reston M. Simmons b. H. Langford E. Bratby .. B. Treacey .. H. Cofley .. S. Heard E. M. Shillington 3. Douglas .. E. Praser .. VI. J. Phillips 3. A. Smith .. E. E. Sisson.. M. Miller .. i. W. Shallcross E. Bosworth ML Colter M. 3. Swan .. L. Reid 4. Resieton .. M. Staunton \. Hill B. Shirley .. Assistant warder Warder Assistant warder Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Matron Assistant matron Warder Gaoler Prinoipal warder Warder Matron Matron Matron Years days. 4 238 1 74 1 167 3 117 1 248 0 290 6 218 9 73 3 227 3 141 1 102 17 71 1 274 8 168 7 189 15 106 6 194 1 156 2 230 2 304 1 149 4 183 8 232 2 224 4 304 16 357 7 209 1 354 24 330 6 166 0 242 3 40 11 89 7 30 15 30 13 339 4 17 20 0 1 274 16 60 0 83 2 180 10 246 0 363 0 249 0 221 6 118 11 159 17 283 16 262 21 326 4 71 7 36 9 62 1 160 6 285 2 51 17 232 4 0 4 177 15 106 6 100 12 160 7 223 10 191 14 306 2 191 14 92 2 191 14 19 2 191 11 72 2 191 10 334 2 191 10 0 2 191 8 96 2 191 8 96 2 191 8 64 2 191 Insp. of Prisons.. Insp. of Prisons Insp. of Prisons.. Prov. Government Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dismissed. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned, Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Transferred. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Died. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Resigned. E. A. MoCabe 3-. Stevenson r. Rowan M. A. Donaldson P. B. Severne Matron Insp. of Prisons.. Dispensed with. Resigned. Dispensed with. Matron Warder B. Rutherford C. Chilton .. Principal warder Warder Gaoler Insp. of Prisons. Prinoipal warder k. W. Ironside Assistant warder r. Coffey Warder Warder Prinoipal warder Assistant warder Warder W. Denison .. Assistant warder Warder i. Gideon .. Assistant warder J. Treacy Warder B. McSporran Warder 3. Gillespie .. Warder D. Harron .. Warder E. Foreman.. Warder H. McMurray Warder f. J. Wolner Warder B. L. Johnston Warder W. H. Ainslie Warder r. W. Brien .. Warder Warder